Congrats! Advertlets #1 on Technorati!
See what I mean? Yesterday I wrote something about Advertlets onhow they can get tons of backlinks just in one day. And today, Advertlets is #1 on Technorati popular searches.Congrats to Advertlets! You guys are very smart!Because of the domain problem, many Malaysian bloggers have make post and talk about it. I heard many of them has lose trust on Advertlets. For sure it will be difficult for Advertlets to get back their publishers and advertisers trust. Thanks toMenjfor the news.
Are You a Hacker?
I do not know what makes me to search for “Are you a hacker?” on Google andfound this websitewhich give good quote or poem or text about Are You a Hacker? Read it and you will know how deep does it mean.Are You a Hacker?by ReDragonTake a little quiz for me today. Tell me if you fit this description. You got your net account several months ago. You have been surfing the net, and you laugh at those media reports of the information superhighway. You have a red box, you don’t have to pay for phone calls. You have crackerjack, and you have run it on the password file at a unix you got an account on. Everyone at your school is impressed by your computer knowledge, you are the one the teachers ask for help.Does this sound like you? You are not a hacker. There are thousands of you out there. You buy 2600 and you ask questions. You read phrack and you ask questions. You join #hack and you ask questions. You ask all of these questions, and you ask what is wrong with that? After all, to be a hacker is to question things, is it not? But, you do not want knowledge. You want answers. You do not want to learn how things work. You want answers. You do not want to explore. All you want to know is the answer to your damn questions.You are not a hacker. Hacking is not about answers. Hacking is about the path you take to find the answers. If you want help, don’t ask for answers, ask for a pointer to the path you need to take to find out those answers for yourself. Because it is not the people with the answers that are the hackers, it is the people that are travelling along the path.If you are in part of the hacker community, you will know what the last sentence means. It is really nice text btw. I really enjoy reading this.
Advertlets should read my post
I think you guys will agree with me.Advertletsshould readmy post regarding how important to renew the domainbefore it expired. Here is the story.While I was having dinner with my girlfriend at Singgah Selalu Restaurant, Danga Bay, I got a SMS from my coursemate, Dekan. He said thatAdvertlets website was hacked. I was shocked reading his SMS. How could a website like that can be hacked. After read it, then I continue my dinner. 😀Image fromSilentblogAfter having the dinner and back to my room, I checked Advertlets website and there is no problem at all. I can access the website as usual. Then I checked my email and I gota tracback from Silentblogabout Advertlets. Now I know what exactly happened.Advertlets forgot to renew their domain and they got a temporary notice page to renew the domain. The issue has been settled right now. You can read Advertlets blog to read about it. Advertlets has renewed their domain and the website has back to its normal life.But I am still thinking, is Advertlets did it on purpose? If you think properly, you will see how tons of traffics and linkbacks they will get by doing this. I have wrote this article with a link to Advertlets. And then, someone will make another post (or has make a post) which also contains Advertlets link. If in one day, about hundreds of Malaysian bloggers write the same issue, wow…for sure they will get so many backlinks in just one day. Maybe their PR will increase in the next update. Nice trick isn’t it? 😉
Welcome Ubuntu Newbie Malaysia!
Lets celebrate!!! 😀 I just want to announce that I have finished setupUbuntu Newbie Malaysiayesterday. Ubuntu Newbie Malaysia is a website or I can say like a blog which focus on Ubuntu (remember, the pronunciation is ooo-boo-too). Everything is written in Malay because I target Malaysian audience.If you are new in Ubuntu, or want to learn how to use Ubuntu, you can come to my website. Don’t be shy because I am also new in Ubuntu. Everything that I learn or what I do with my Ubuntu will be shared on the website. If you want to subscribe the site feed, you cancopy and paste this RSS linkor you cansubscribe via email.I had to usewww.iamnewbie.netas the domain name because Ubuntu does not allow any website even personal website to have ubuntu or buntu on the domain. If not, I have choose a very catchy domain name that I am sure will attract more visitors. 😀 Anyway, if you decided to open new website that focus on Ubuntu, I suggest you to contact trademarks@ubuntu.com first. Ask them if any of your site materials will violate their trademark or not. I am sure you will not be happy if you get sued by them, right?
How to manage many blogs?
One of my friend asked me how do I manage all blogs I have. The answer is simple. Just update when you have time. Lol…Right now I have 6 blogs and 1 directory. Sometimes I update all the blogs in a day but sometimes I only update the blog when I have ideas on what to write.As a blogger, you need to have your own ideas. With the ideas, you can craft your words to make it interesting. There are many ways that you can get the ideas. For an example by visiting other peoples blog.Let say when you found my website and browse through my posts. Then, a post had catched your eyes and it is very interesting. So what you need to do next? Write the same article topic but with your own opinion. Take yout time to write the article. Don’t rush. There is nothing chasing you behind. So sit down, open up your favourite blog editor (I useBlogdeskbtw) and write your ideas.When you done, just click Publish when you are ready. Simple isn’t? That is how I manage all my blogs. Update them when I have time or you can make it like this. Update each blog for each day. It is more easier.
Happy New Year 2008
I hope I am not so late to wish you all Happy New Year. So, what are your resolutions for 2008? I hope you have achived all your resolutions that you made last year. 😀Well, this year will be my last semester at UTM Skudai. I hope I will graduate as second class upper at least. Could not get the first class because my CGPA is not that good. Hahaha. So lazy to study but very serious in doing websites and blogs.Anyway, I hope you all will be success in your career, websites, life and everything for this year. For those who will get married this year, I wish you “Selamat Pengantin Baru”. 😉 Don’t forget to invite me ha. :pHappy New Year, guys…
How do you pronounce Ubuntu?
Another article about Ubuntu. 😀 I am planning to make another website that will discuss about Ubuntu. Currently I am running a poll at my personal blog for the language that will be used for the website. Whether to use English or Malay. Hope you candrop by to this entryand cast your vote, either Bahasa Inggeris (English) or Bahasa Melayu (Malay). Thanks for your vote.Back to the topic? How do you pronounce Ubuntu?When I first read word Ubuntu, I pronounced it as “you-boon-too”. But it is not correct. The correct pronunciation is, “ooo-boon-too”. Here is a youtube video that shows you how to pronounce Ubuntu correctly.Extra, how about Linux? Watch this video. An interview with the Linux creator, Linus Torvalds.
7 reasons why you should use Ubuntu?
I have been using Ubuntu for 4 days now. It makes me addicted to it. Almost of the time I am running Ubuntu on my PC. It likes Ubuntu is my default OS now. Hahaha. But, have you ever try Ubuntu yet? Ubuntu is free though. You can download the latest version or you can get a free copy of the installation disc. The installation disc is also can be used for live CD which mean you can use Ubuntu without need to install it.But I really do not recommend you to try Ubuntu from the live CD. I am more prefer for you to install it right away. If you using the live CD, everything is slow. That is why I don’t like Ubuntu when my first time using it — from the live CD.But afterI installed it into my machine, wow! I really enjoy it. I have learn many things. Do the typing, download the updates, find the tweaks, solve problems, and many things. I am sure you will feel more enjoy to use Ubuntu like this way rather than using the live CD version.So why you should use Ubuntu? I know you might not use Ubuntu for a long time period but at least you try and feel how power this Ubuntu is. Don’t use Ubuntu from the live CD. Install it right away into your partition.1. Ubuntu is free.Everyone love free things right? So do I. Ubuntu is release for free. Anybody candownload itfreely from their server. If you don’t have high speed connection, you canrequest to get free Ubuntu CDfrom them. You will receive the CD about two weeks from the request date depending on where you live.2. Use less resources.Yup, even your low-end PC can use Ubuntu. Ubuntu does not need high RAM, high CPU speed, bigger hard disk space. Everything is neat and small. Even Ubuntu has releasedXubuntu. A lite Ubuntu edition that works perfectly on a low-end PC.3. Has nice GUI and effect.I was having problem with my graphic card. Ubuntu was not recognize it. But after I did some research at the Ubuntu community and I found the solution. Then, do you know what happen after I get my graphic card recognized? Watch the video below.But the video is not done by me. Just want to show you the effect that I can do with my Ubuntu. Cool isn’t it?4. Not difficult and not for geek only.Ubuntu is not difficult to use. Some peoples think that you need to know programming to use Ubuntu. It is really unacceptable reason. Ubuntu is not for geek. Ubuntu is for human being. If you have problem, just search for the solution. Need a software, there are many softwares available in the Add/Remove. Just choose which application that you want, tick it and download. Ah, I forgot to mention that using an open source operating system, you need to have good speed internet connection (broadband is recommended) because you will need to download this and that to make your Ubuntu works perfectly. But still, it is not difficult.5. Tweak and get faster internet connection.In Windows, we can tweak our system to get faster connection. It can be done using a third party software, which mean, you need to buy it. In Ubuntu, you also can tweak your system with free of charge. And your internet will go more faster than in Windows. This is my experience. So I know. I did some tweaking based from the guide at the community and I can surf the internet faster than before. Plus with the tweaking that I made in Firefox, my web browsing connection speed becomes greater. I do not know how to say what I feel about the speed. Really impressive. But take note, you can actually do a lot more than this. Not just tweaking your connection only.6. No viruses.I was looking to get an antivirus for my Ubuntu but hey, you do not need antivirus for Ubuntu. Why? Because Ubuntu is safe from viruses, trojans and so on. But I hope it will be safe for ever. In fact, win32 viruses can’t infect your Ubuntu system because first, the virus is code to attack Windows. Second, in Ubuntu, you need to enter your password if you want to do super user task like modifying system files, eg: copy, delete, edit. Viruses need to have super user privileges so they can modify the system settings. But if you want to install antivirus, you can useAvast. And maybe you would like to read this article aboutantivirus in Linux.7. The community is big and helpful.Everyone will has a problem when they first time using Ubuntu. But don’t afraid. Ubuntu has big community that will help you. But make sure you do your search first. Here is a Google tip that I use to get good result.In the Google search box, type “ubuntu your problem text here” (without the quotes). Then choose links that will direct to ubuntuforums.org. By using this tip, it will reduce your time to search in the forum. For an example, enter “ubuntu huawei e220” (without the quotes). But you must choose good keyword for better result.I know there are many reasons why you should use Ubuntu. If you want to share your experience using Ubuntu, you can share it using the comment form below. Share your reason why you should use Ubuntu.
Gmail Hacked! Check your Gmail filters now!
David Aireyhas lost his domain after his Gmail account was hacked by a hacker. But how did the criminal can take down David’s domain? You can read thefull story herebut if you want to know how the attacker did it, please read on.Click image to enlargeFirst, the victim login to his Gmail account as normal. Then he visit to a website which contains a script that exploiting the vulnerability in Gmail. This script will create a new filter in the victim’s email. Like in the example above, the script creates a filter that will forward any email that has attachment tocollect@evil.com.But how about if the filter is set to forward all incoming emails to the attacker email? Do you will happy losing all your secret and passwords to the attacker? Of course you are not.I have checked my filter settings in Gmail. Know what? There is a filter that forward incoming emails to*@colmac.com. I was shocked and removed it immediately. I do not know since when the filter was added and how many emails the guy at colmac.com had read. I hope they are happy what they are doing.If you using Gmail, check your Gmail filters now. Who knows, maybe you are lucky and get strange filters in your Gmail settings. However, Google has fixed this problem but you are still be advised to check your filter settings.Google GMail E-mail Hijack Technique [viaGNUCITIZEN]
Link Muncher Directory – Another free web directory
Have you submitted your links to myweb directoryyet? I really recommend you to submit them now because the offer will expire very soon.But if you want to get more backlinks, I have found another new web directory that gives free submission. You can submit as many links you want as long as you follow the guidelines.Link Muncher Directoryis a human-edited, free internet directory that contains carefully chosen websites, along with a wide range of categories to select from. What I like to write about this directory because you do not need to put a linkback on your website. Just enter the details and click on the submit button.But guys, do you know when will the next PR update? I hope my web directory will get high PR. 😀
Kaspersky Antivirus Settings Tips
Every computer needs an antivirus. Antivirus will protect your PC from viruses, trojans, worms and any harmful scripts that can destroy your computer. To protect my computer from this disaster, I’m usingKaspersky Internet Security.So far, my Kaspersky doing its jobs very well. It protects my PC since the computer boots up until I shut it down. I am very happy with Kaspersky performance. When a virus is found, my Kaspersky will do its job without I need to choose which action to take. Here, I will share with you what settings that I use for my Kaspersky.Note:Although this guide using Kaspersky Internet Security but it is also can be use for Kaspersky Antivirus.To start with, clickSettingsand you will be prompt with this interface.There is nothing to change here. I just using the default settings for this one. Now, click onFile Anti-Virus.File Anti-Virus1. Make sureFile Anti-Virusis enable.2. Click onCustomize, go toHeuristic analyzertab. CheckUse heuristic analyzerand move the slider toDetail. ClickOk.3. UnderAction, chooseBlock accessand checkDisinfectandDelete if disinfection fails.Mail Anti-Virus1. Make sureMail Anti-Virusis enable.2. UnderAction, chooseBlock accessand checkDisinfectandDelete if disinfection fails.Web Anti-Virus1. Make sureWeb Anti-Virusis enable.2. UnderAction, chooseBlock.3. UnderConnectivity, check all the options.Proactive Defense1. Make sureEnable Proactive Defenseis enable.2. CheckApplication Activity AnalyzerandRegistry Guard. LeaveApllication Integrity Controluncheck.Scan1. Click onCustomize, go toHeuristic analyzertab. CheckUse heuristic analyzerand move the slider toDetail. ClickOk.2. UnderAction, chooseDo not prompt for actionand checkDisinfectandDelete if disinfection fails.3. Click theApplybutton to apply the settings to all virus scan tasks.Extra TipDo not run theStartup objectsscan on Windows startup. You can disable it by uncheckingAt application startupunderRun Mode.After you have done all the above steps, clickOkto accept all the changes. Now, just sit back, relax and do your daily jobs as usual.When Kaspersky caught a virus, it will automatically block it, try to clean it and will delete it if the disinfection fails. So you will no need to choose any action anymore. All will be done by Kaspersky itself.
How to dual boot Ubuntu and WinXP using two hard drives?
I really want to useUbuntu. When new version is out, I will request free CDs fromUbuntu Shipitand will receive the CDs after two weeks from the request date. But yesterday, after struggling to install new hard drive into my PC, then I was successfully install Ubuntu and make it dual boot with my Windows XP.My Ubuntu specsIt is really difficult for me to set them to dual boot from two different hard drive. My old hard drive has Windows XP installed and the new hard drive which 320Gb size, installed with Ubuntu. I only allocate 20Gb for Ubuntu. The rest of the empty space is for files storage.How to make them dual boot?To make dual boot using two hard drives, you must plug out your Windows hard drive first and make Ubuntu hard drive as Master. Slip in the Ubuntu CD and run the installation from it.Once the Ubuntu has succesfully installed on to your Ubuntu drive, boot into your Ubuntu. Login with your username and password, and open up Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal). Enter this line by line into the Terminal.Note:We use “sudo” because we want to do our job as administrator.cd /boot/grubsudo cp menu.lst menu.lst_backupsudo gedit menu.lstThe first line changes our directory to /boot/grub/. The second line is to make a backup copy of menu.lst file. The last line is use to edit menu.lst file.Next, copy the below codetitle Microsoft Windows XProot (hd1,0)savedefaultmakeactivemap (hd0) (hd1)map (hd1) (hd0)chainloader +1and paste it above###BEGIN AUTOMATIC KERNEL LIST###But if you want to make Ubuntu as your default OS, you can paste the code at the end of the file. We need to copy the above code into our menu.lst file because Windows does not like to be Slave. So we use this trick to fool it.Then, what we need to do is, we want to display the Grub Menu when we boot up our PC. To do this, findhiddenmenuand replace with#hiddenmenuThis step is optional. The default Timeout is 3 but I changed it to 10. You can set any numbers you want.Then, save menu.lst file. Now, shut down your PC and plug back your Windows hard drive. Make sure that you set Windows hard drive as Slave because we want Grub to take care of the boot process.Boot your PC and you will see, Microsoft Windows XP at the top line in the list. Below the line you will Ubuntu kernel. Choose your selection to proceed the boot process.Why using this method?There are many ways to make dual boot using two hard drives. But for me, I choose this way because if I want to format Ubuntu or if Ubuntu corrupted, I still have Windows boot manager to take care the process. And if I want to format Windows, I still have Grub to take care the boot process. Other than that, by doing this way, we does not touch any of our Windows settings. So our Windows is safe.If you need support, you can go tothis Ubuntu threadto discuss with other Ubuntu users. I learn a lot from them.
How to secure your WordPress blog?
My website was oncehacked by a hacker from Saudi Arabia. He managed to get into the server and replaced the index.php file with his own index file. I don’t know how he can get into my server but I have learnt many things from that bad experience.Always upgrade your WordPress to the latest version– It is really recommended to upgrade your WordPress to the latest version. It is because each new version contains bug fixes and patches to vulnerabilities that exist in the older version. So make sure that you upgrade your WordPress when the latest version is out.Files and folders permission– In WordPress, we need to set permission to certain files or folders to make it works properly. Especially when using plugins that need special CHMOD 777 permission. When you doing this, make sure that you give permission to the correct files and folders only. We don’t want other peoples can upload and run script through our server, right?Use strong password– Bloggers who setup their own Worpdress site will use “admin” as their username and their own password to login into their admin dashboard. This “admin” username is default by WordPress script, so there is no way for us to change our username unless you create new user account and set it as Administrator privilege. To protect your admin account, you need to create a strong password. I know you already have your own way to choose your password but I would like to sharethis toolthat will help you to create even stronger password.Avoid using public PC or unsecured network– I know some of you login to your WordPress blog from Cyber Cafe (CC) or using free public Internet access like at Pizza Hut, restaurant, etc. I want to tell you that some CCs are not secure. They might install keylogger into their PC so you will not know that whatever you do with the PC is being recorded by their hidden keylogger. The keylogger will record each keystroke that you press (eg: password) and some advanced keylogger can printscreen the desktop while you surfing the Internet. With these informations, they can take over your blog and they can do whatever they like.Always backup your database– Always backup your WordPress database at least once per week. But it is depend on how many posts you make in a week though. For an example, I always do backup once in two days. So I will have latest database stored in my computer. To make it more secure, I lock all my databases using Folder Lock. So no one can get the databases even they has physical access to my PC.There are many ways that attacker can gain access to your WordPress blog. Only times will know when your blog will get hacked. But with this short article on how to secure your WordPress blog, I hope it can help you to make your WordPress blog more secure than before.
.com or .net?
Ok, here is the deal. Which one you will choose for your domain name if you want to buy one? .com or .net?Personally, I will choose .com if the domain will be used for a commercial or official-like website. For an example, like my relationship website, it focuses on compiling articles about love, love tips, love poems, love songs, love stories and so on. It is not a personal website. It is more for sharing resources with others.For .net domain, likeBlog Aku(or My Blog in English translation) is more about my personal life. It is not a formal website. So I can say and write whatever I want. For me, .net should be use for blogs or personal website.Maybe some of you wondering why I am using .net for this website.CypherHackz.Comwas available but I boughtCypherHackz.Netbecause I want to use it for my personal website. A website that I want to write about my self. A writing about my journey in real life. I never thought that CypherHackz.Net which was started as a personal website becomes a technology website like what you see today.Well, it is up to you to choose whether a .com or .net. Some people prefer to use .com because many websites using .com domain. But some people want to be different and choose a .net or maybe they had to choose .net because the .com domain is not available. 😀Or maybe you can share with us, why did you bought your .com or .net domain? Ofcourse you have a specific reason why you bought that domain right?
What’s Common to Ubuntu and CircuitCity’s Firedog?
Can you answer that question? What’s Common toUbuntuandCircuitCity’s Firedog?The answer is…Their customer support is the same person. Lol…Well, it is actually that guy does not do customer support for both websites but both websites are actually using the same stock photo. Ha…that guy is really popular. Isn’t it?I think I should also put his pic on this site too. 😀viaUbuntu Blog
Happy 2nd Birthday CypherHackz.Net
Happy Birthday, CypherHackz.Net!Yeah, today is the 2nd year we celebratingCypherHackz.Net’s birthday. I don’t know why but I feel like CypherHackz.Net is like a person. Like a real person. I need to take care him, feed him and make sure that he is healthy and strong. But it does not mean that I am gay because use the “he” word. 🙂Everyday I will make sure that he is clean by cleaning spams caught by Akismet. Thanks to Akismet for helping me for the daily routine. I also make sure that everyone can visits CypherHackz.Net without having any problems. Thanks to ServerFreak for sponsoring us. Without their sponsor, I will loose RM80 to pay for the hosting fee. Lol… And I can hear that CypherHackz.Net is really enjoy inhis new home. Can you hear it? 😀I also would like to say thanks to all my site readers and visitors especially you who reading this post. Without your supports, CypherHackz.Net and I will not go to this far. Although there were many difficulties in our last journey but we managed to face it. We hope that we can be stronger and can continue our journey for the next one year and can handle all the problems that we will face.CypherHackz.Net was PR5 but the recent pagerank update has make it down to N/A. Not Available and PR0 is two different things. Maybe Google took the PR from us because I did paid links on my website. Sorry CypherHackz.Net. I didn’t mean to make you loose your PR. 🙁 I have sent for reconsideration twice but still don’t get any good news from Google. I don’t know what else to do.CypherHackz.Net was oncehacked by an Arabian hacker. The hacker had replaced the homepage with his own index file. I don’t know how he managed to get in. Perhaps from the WordPress flaws or I accidently leave a hole in my website. I have learnt a lot from that experience.I have seen many improvements happened to CypherHackz.Net. One year before, CypherHackz.Net only received about 500+ visits per day. But now he is very happy because there are many visitors keep coming to visit him. He said there are about 1500+ visits daily and around 500+ feed subcribers. I hope CypherHackz.Net will get more achievements for the next one year journey.Guys, please wish your Happy Birthday to CypherHackz.Net so he will be stronger and can be the number one Malaysia Tech Blog. Thank you for your supports. 😀
Get Rapidshare Premium Download Link
Just want to share with you guys on how I can download files from Rapidshare by using the premium download links. As you already know, if we have a premium account, we can download files without need to wait for a certain time period before we can continue our next download. And we can stop and resume our download anytime as long as we download the files using the premium link.If you don’t have aRapidshare premium accountand want to download files from Rapidshare, you can go to these websites. They will give you the premium download link so you can download the files like you have a premium account.http://www.rapidnolimit.com/http://www.rapiddownloader.org/If you are lucky, you will be prompted to download the file you have requested but if you are unlucky, you will get a bandwitdh exceeding message. So better to pray that you are a lucky person. 😉I will update this post if I found new websites that providerapidshare premium download link. If you have a website that you want to share, you can leave it in the comment below. I will add it up when I get online. Thanks for contributing with us.
Submit your links to Need Backlinks Web Directory
I was busy past few days because doing a project about web directory. From choosing which script to use, design the theme, code it and make it live. Yeah, there were lots of works. The trickiest part was when I want to code the theme. I need to learn how to codePHP Link Directory(phpLD) theme by my own and after few hours, I managed to code my own and my first theme for phpLD.Need Backlinks Web Directoryis a human edited web directory that will give you the backlinks you want. All listings reviewed by me and listed on search engine friendly web pages. If you want to increase your pagerank and want to get more backlinks, submit your links to my directory. Currently I offer free links submission without reciprocal link. You can submit your links to the directory and give me 48 hours (usually less than that) to approve your links. This offer is valid until31st December 2007. After the promotion ends, you will need to pay if you want to submit your links. But don’t worry. The price is affordable. I guaranteed it.Announce it on your blog, tell your friends, neighbours, colleagues, or anyone you meet about Need Backlinks Web Directory. Make it popular. Make everyone write about it on their blog or website. It is not easy to get this chance because it is free and without need to link back to the directory.Take your time to look up the directory. Find which category that suitable to your links and click on theSubmit Linktab. Enter the details and submit. I will approve your links. Don’t worry about it. So what are you waiting for, go to the directory and submit as many links as you want —Need Backlinks Web Directory.
Direct Downloads from Googlepages
I know many of you have Gmail account and make it as your primary email or at least just use it as for testing purposes (some peoples love to have many emails just for nothing). But did you know by having a Gmail account you can useGooglepagesand make it as files storage?What I like the most about Googlepages is I can upload files to Google server and I can direct download the files without any problem. Although the space is limited, only 100Mb is allowed but it does not bother me.I have some mp3 files that I want to stream on my other website. I don’t want to upload it on my server because if peoples found out the links, they will download the mp3 files and suck up my bandwidth. I don’t like that. But thanks to Googlepages because it allows me to upload the mp3 files and I can stream directly from their server.If you have files that you want to share and don’t want to upload it to your server, you can use Googlepages. Use your Gmail account to login and upload as many files as you want. Share the download links and no need to worry about getting suspended by your hosting provider.But remember, Google only provides 100Mb of space. You cannot use more than that. But you still have 50 more Gmail invitation accounts right? So use them and get another 5Gb (50 x 100Mb) spaces. Lol… Don’t be so greedy!
Will you use Firefox 3?
Of course I am but not right now because the stable version is not release yet. The current version is Beta 1 which wasreleased last month. I do hope that Firefox 3 will release on 1st January 2008 so we can celebrate New Year with Firefox 3. Who wants to join me? You can submit your application below. Hahaha. I am just kidding. 😀Firefox 3is still new (that is why they called it beta) and I am sure that there are many flaws, bugs, etc on it. Although there are many Firefox supporters and beta testers who are testing the beta version and keeps upgrading it to the perfect version but it is for sure still many bugs that need to be fixed.The most crucial part is security. All of us don’t want our valuable data can be compromised by crackers and can be clearly viewed by others when we surf websites. I don’t mention hackers here because for me hackers are the good one. Crackers are the bad one. Both of them are in the same field but in wearing different hat. Ever heard about White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers? Both are belong to them.So far, I am happy with my Firefox It is stable, supports almost extensions available, and 98% flawless. I do not know where the other 2% go but there is no perfect applications in this world right? So we cannot say that this app is 100% in good condition and flawless. We can’t guarantee it.So what is the point I made this article? Just want to say that I hope they will fasten up the release and make sure to fix the memory leak issue in Firefox 2 so it will not happen in Firefox 3. Argh! What am I talking about…
Win $1000 cash with 5 years free hosting
Yes, if you are looking to get free $1000 (around RM3400), this is the only chance you are waiting for. But first, you must be an expert (not really) in designing and coding WordPress themes because to get the $1000 cash you must design your own coolest, prettiest WordPress theme ever.This contest is hold byLunarpages. Anybody can participate but with afew exceptions. You can submit your themehereand let see if you can win either one of the 3 prizes from Lunarpages.First Prizeis $1,000 cash and 5 years free hosting on our Basic PlanSecond Prizeis 3 years free hosting + $300 cashThird Prizeis 1 year free hosting + $100 cashSo, what you are waiting for? Grab your photoshop, slice your design and make it into a real WordPress theme. Hope will see your theme on the winner list. Good luck! 😉For more info you can get atLunarpages WordPress Theme Design Contestpage.
Not enough ads? Google gives more ads
Today I found something that is weird on my Google Adsense.Can you see what the white arrow pointing to? Yes, that is the weird images or characters or arrows or anything that you want to call it. I was too curious and I hover my cursor on one of the arrows and the colour changed. I assumed it might be another new feature that Google put onto my adsense. Then I clicked it.Dang! The ad sliding up and display another ads. Owh…it actually will give more ads to your visitors. It gives more choices to them which mean it will give more clicks for you. Remember, more clicks will give you more money. Thanks to Google for adding this feature to our Adsense.Have you found this thing on your Adsense? Is it new feature from Google or you already know about it before I found this thing?
CCleaner – Make your Windows fresh!
When every time you surf websites, many data and information will be stored in your computer such as images, text, history, passwords, etc. All of these data are kept temporarily in your hard drive. When there are more files stored in your PC, your Windows will has more fragmented files and becomes slower. It is really recommended to clean up your Windows once in a week (at least) to make your Windows fresh. To do that, I use CCleaner.CCleanerhas made my weekend duty becomes easier. Just with once click, it will scan my PC and will remove all unwanted files and data from it.As you can see at the above screenshot, I have free up 1.1Gb space from my hard drive. This CCleaner is really powerful. I no need to delete files from Recycle Bin by myself, clear temporary internet files from Internet Explorer, delete files in Recent Documents, etc. Everything is done by using CCleaner.You can choose whether you want to analyze your PC or run the cleaner upon you start the application. If you choose Analyze, it will analyze your PC and will display a record before you decided to remove them. But if you want to straight away remove all those files, just click on Run Cleaner. It will scan your PC and will remove unwanted files directly.Some peoples would prefer to use shareware tools to do this job like using TuneUp Utilities. However if you love free things, CCleaner is the software that you are looking for.Try itand make your Windows feels fresh!
Do not download Windows Genuine Advantage Notification update
My friend was having trouble with his PC and he had to format it. He decided to install not genuine Windows XP SP2 from the CD that he bought sometime ago. After everything has finished, he ran the security updates to patch his PC and there are various updates available. One of it isWindows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Notificationupdate.He wants to download all the updates but I stopped him from doing so. He asked me why and I told him to remove the Windows Genuine Advantage Notification from the selection.Why he should download the Windows Genuine Advantage Notification if he is using not genuine copy? If he downloads that update, of course his computer will not pass the validation test and he will get this annoying notification when each time he boots up the Windows.But how about if you accidentally downloaded the WGA update?There are various methods that you can use. One of the super easy ways is by usingRemoveWGA. It is a small application that will tell you if WGA notification is active on your PC and allows you to remove the WGA notification from your system. This application will not harm your PC so it is safe to keep it.However, if you have a legit copy of Windows, for sure you will not need to face all this stuff right? So, get the genuine copy then.
GrabMyAds – Helping bloggers earn better and easier
Today I got an invitation email from GrabMyAds. But hey, what is GrabMyAds? Then I clicked on the link and it sent me to GrabMyAds website.GrabMyAds– Helping bloggers earn better and easier is another advertising company based in Malaysia. They just launched their service on 21st November 2007. It is still new but not sure how new it really is (read my post below). So we have three advertising companies in Malaysia — GrabMyAds, Nuffnang and Advertlets. So what makes GrabMyAds is different than the others?Hurm…I don’t see any clear differences between three of them but what I can say is, GrabMyAds target blogs as their main customer. There is no traffic qualification needed. Even you have zero visit per day you still can participate in this advertising programme. They also will give you real time statistics and detailed reports about your blogs after you put their script into your blog.They said that you can earn more income if you join them and there is no fixed amount for every ads. Maybe that is why they use “Helping bloggers earn better and easier” tagline. The advertisers will choose you if they like to have their products on your blog. It is the same ways like Nuffnang and Advertlets. Every advertising company do the same way, maybe.All payment requests will be collected before the 7th of every month. And they need 30 days for processing the payment. You will get cheque once you have earned RM50.00 or more. And yes, the currency they use is in Ringgit Malaysia. So you don’t have to worry with that.Btw I am still wondering. The domain has been registered since 14th November 2006 but they just launched their service on 21st November 2007. That’s mean GrabMyAds is older than Advertlets but it is not well known. And another thing is, GrabMyAds is not hosted on dedicated server. I am afraid that their server will getting slow when there are many bloggers join their service. Better they upgrade it now.Well…if you want to earn more money from your blog, you canjoin GrabMyAds. Who said bloggers can’t earn money right? So take this opportunity and start earning. Good luck!
Redirect domain to www prefix and vice versa
When building a website or blog, you need to decide how people will link to you. Either with www prefix or without www. Some peoples love to have www in front of their domain name but some are don’t.Both of the them does not have pro or con. But it is better for you to choose one and stick to it. This is because we don’t want to get penalised by Google for content duplicates.no-WWW to WWWAs for myself, I am using with www prefix for my domain. I feel it is more professional to have www in front of my domain butsome don’t think like that. To redirect your website from non www to www prefix, you need to put these lines in your .htaccess file.RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^cypherhackz.net$RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.cypherhackz.net/$1 [R=301,L]As you can see here, the RewriteCond is to check the url. If the url ishttp://cypherhackz.net/any/posturls/which is the condition is true, it will redirect you to www prefix like thishttp://www.cypherhackz.net/any/posturls/.WWW to no-WWWBut if you prefer without www prefix, just twist the above code like this.RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.cypherhackz.net$RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://cypherhackz.net/$1 [R=301,L]BTW make sure to replace my domain with yours or it will not work. Hope this helps!Extra Tip:Using WordPress? There is aWodpress pluginthat will automatically do this job. You just need to install the plugin and activate. It is very easy!
Don’t forget to renew your domain name
This domain will expire on 19th December 2007. So I decided to renew this domain for longer periods. Instead of renewing it to one year, I have extended it to 2 years (want to extend it to 5 years but don’t have enough money :p ).Why you should renew your domain? Of course the main reason is you don’t want to lose your domain. If you lose the domain, you need to pay thousands or even millions just to get back the domain. So you choose, which one is better? Pay $35 renewal fee (nowadays the price is cheaper) or $372 millionto get back the mp3.com domain.And if you want to renew your domain, I suggest you to renew it for more than one year. Like what I did, I extended this domain for two years. It is true that you need to pay more but it is worth. Because your website will be ranked greater in search engines because search engine like Google will check when your domain will expire.But why it is so important to them? This is because search engines think that you are serious for your website because you renew your domain for longer time periods. Usually only spammers will register their domain for a year because they only use it to spam others. So if you are really serious with your website, I think to pay more is just a small matter.But it is still up to you. If you don’t have much fund, it is ok to renew your domain for one year time. But if you have more funds, why not pay it for longer time —like 5 years?
Coloured Labels and AIM in Gmail
Gmail team is working hard currently. There are more new features have been added in our Gmail. Days ago, they have put group chat and new emoticons. And here are another two new features that will give more kicks to our Gmail.Coloured LabelsIf you are using labels in your Gmail, you might want to use this feature. Coloured labels will make you easier to manage and notice which emails belong to which labels.How to set the colour? At your Labels panel, click on the square to the right of a label and choose your favourite colour from the colour palette. The page will automatically refresh and the label will be changed according to the colour you choose.Read more about Gmail Labels…AIMAnother new feature is AIM. AIM is mostly use in US. Maybe that is why Gmail team decided to allow users login AIM from Gmail.To use this AIM in Gmail, you first need to sign in your AIM account from Gmail. From there, you will able to start chatting with your AIM buddies directly from Gmail. Chatting with your AIM friends is like chatting with your other Gmail friends. Click on the name and start “punching” your keyboard.Read more about AIM in Gmail…
Startup Delayer – Make your PC boots faster
When each time you boot up your PC, Windows will also load the applications which has been set to start at startup. When there are more applications in the Startup list, your PC will become slower and slower to boot. Although you can remove the unwanted applications from the Startup list, your PC is still become slower and that is why we need this useful application.Startup Delayeris a free application that will speed up your Windows boot time. The way it works is really simple. It will stop applications from start when your Windows is starting up and will only release them after a time of period specified by you.Here is for an example. If you have your mail program and a special clock starting up, then you can make your mail start say 10 seconds after Windows has loaded, and then the special clock start 20 seconds after Windows Starts.DownloadStartup Delayer(Windows 98/ME/2000/XP)Easy Way To Speed Up Windows’ Boot Time [viaBrown Thoughts]
Wubi – The fastest and easiest way to install Ubuntu
I really want to useUbuntu. Even though I already got the free CDs (read this poston how you can get free Ubuntu CDs) since version 5.10 but I still not yet install Ubuntu on my computer. Psst…btw I have the latest Ubuntu version 7.10. There are 15 CDs left. Who want one? Lol…While I was looking for something that is interesting about Ubuntu, I found this cool application that will install Ubuntu directly from your Windows. No need to do partitioning, no need to smash your head to do the Ubuntu setup, the only thing that you need is, Wubi.Wubiis a Ubuntu installer that will install Ubuntu from your Windows. Which means, you can install Ubuntu exactly like you install games or other applications in Windows. And if you don’t like it, you can uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs.The above Youtube video is about how you can do dual boot Ubuntu with your Windows XP by using Wubi. The great explanation and step by step taken was shown clearly in this video.If you encountered problem while using Wubi, there is asupport forumavailable for you. There, you can discuss, share your problems or even you can give your opinion about Wubi and Ubuntu it self. Not to forget, this great Wubi is released for free.DownloadWubi Installer
Multiple IE – Install multiple versions of IE on a PC
Working as a freelancer in WordPress theme coding needs more browsers to check the theme alignment and the structure. Because each browser will display the website differently especially in IE6 and lower version.The navigation bars are half hidden in IE6 but not in IE7My computer has IE7 and I can’t get to have IE6 installed because only one version is allowed in a PC. But there is a solution if you want to have multiple IEs on your computer. We called it asMultiple IE.Multiple IEis the software that I was looking for because I really need to have two IEs in my PC. One is IE7 and the other one is IE6. Although IE7 is the latest version but there are still many peoples who are using IE6. This is based from my Google Analytics statistics.Multiple IEis not just installing IE6 to your PC, but it allows you to install IE3, IE4.01, IE5, and even IE5.5. You can choose which IE version that you want to install. If you want to have multiple IE version in your PC, this software is for you.Download Multiple IE(10.3Mb)
Makcik PC – The World Slimmest PC
Makcik PC, I was laughed when I heard that word came out from Malaysia Prime Minister mouth when he launched this Makcik PC at Putra World Trade Center in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. I don’t know why the developer,MIMOS, named the world slimmest PC as Makcik PC. Why not name it with other coolest name such asmyPCormyCompor anything that relates to Malaysia.Anyway, here are some ofMakcik PCspecs:Price RM500 – RM1000Weight about 800gramBuilt in Flash memoryTouch screen (no keyboard)16in wide screenEasy accessiableEquipped with WiFi, Bluetooth, WiMaxThe purpose Malaysia release this Makcik PC is because we want to reduce the technology gaps between town and outside-town areas. We want all Malaysians will able to have a PC in home. Maybe that is why MIMOS want to use Makcik PC for the branding because their targeted customers are peoples who live outside town.But I am still thinking that the price is not cheap. As we know, not many peoples who live in village and outside town have high incomes. Maybe they need to reduce the price a little bit if they really want all Malaysians can afford a PC. Anyway, I still support Malaysia even we called this slimmest PC in the world asMakcik PC. I know it is not easy to develop a PC by our own. But at least we have something that we can start with. Maybe after this we can do more researches and develop an advance PC based from Makcik PC.How about you? What is your opinion? Will you buy this PC for your family?
Group Chat in Gmail
If you love to chat in group like inYahoo! Messenger Conference, maybe you also like to useGroup Chatin Gmail. Group Chat is new feature enabled in Gmail which you can chat with your buddies online. You can invite all your friends in Group Chat because the numbers of person can join the Group Chat are Unlimited.To start a Group Chat, first chat with one of your friend, then click onOptionsand chooseGroup Chat. From there, you can invite other buddies to join in the group. The discussion will continue even you are logout from the group discussion. If you have logout and want to rejoin the group, you need to get invited by somebody who is currently in the Group Chat.And there is another new feature in Gmail Chat. Google has releasednew emoticons pack(this page only shows normal emoticon images) in Gmail Chat. While you are in chat window, click on the Smiley-Face at the right corner of the window and choose your favourite emoticon. 🙂
Vista Transformation Pack 8 released
Get the latest Vista Transformation pack now. Version 8.0 is released and ready for download.What is Vista Transformation Pack?Do you know what is Windows Vista? Yes, the operating system that released by Microsoft which has nice GUI and also needs super duper computer resources to operate. This Vista Transformation Pack will transform your Windows XP to this nice Windows Vista GUI. No need to buy Vista installation disc unless if you are really want to use Windows Vista. Just download this transformation pack and install.The download link is at the end of this post. For more info about this Vista Transformation Pack, you can check atJCXP.net Forum.Changes in Version 8.0-Added CPU Speed information in Welcome Center-Added saving setup information file to save setup configuration for later uses with unattended transformation support-Added installation background-Added “System optimized” in Setup Configuration to configure the user account corresponding to machine’s spec-Added TrueTransparency 0.8.5 (Glass border with ported AeroStyle skin)-Added WinFlip 0.42 (Vista 3DFlip)-Fixed KB925902 hotfix issues with file processing animation-Fixed Media Center program execution error-Fixed rebuilding icon cache bug on non-current users during the processes-Fixed Styler’s installation checking bug (always set toolbar to styler mode when possible)-Fixed failing to apply Vista screensaver-Fixed program name in Add/Remove Programs-Fixed subscribing Windows X’s shrine to be default homepage bug in Welcome Center-Fixed visualtooltip’s advanced configuration bug-Fixed WindowBlinds 6 skin installation compatibility-Moved hotfix warning to user guide file to prevent confusion-Re-arranged welcome dialog for richer information-Replaced Extras in Welcome Center with Community link to forum-Removed configuring user account’s status report-Removed obsolete dialogs (WindowBlinds warning, Before transformation, Donation, FAQ and Q&A)-Removed Vista Live Messenger 8.1 skin-Updated Setup Configuration in Welcome Center to cover on everything-Updated setup transformation to pre-configure current user account before finishing the transformation-Updated theming engine configuration-Updated Vista Sidebar to version 2.3 Lite-Updated Vista Sidebar user account configuration in Welcome Center-Updated ViStart to build 2661-Updated ViOrb to version 2.0-Updated VisualTooltip to version 2.2-Updated Welcome Center to pre-configure user account with system optimized option on the first run in that user accounthttp://rapidshare.com/files/72954876/vtp8.rarMD5 Hash (of RAR):BAE9BE5A5A6ABC5DBE477530F9734E7EMD5 Hash (of EXE):3FBD59F37BDFEC3CBC0C4776EE9B520FPlease check the file withMD5 Checker(thanks toGeorge Jopling) to make sure that the file is clean from malware and you get the correct file.viaJCXP.net Forum
How to clean your CRT/LCD monitor?
To clean your CRT monitor or LCD screen is not like cleaning your face mirror. Monitor and LCD is an electronic product so you must clean the screen with care, or you will scratch it and harm it. Before you can start doing your job, you need to get the correct tools first. Here is what we need:1. Dry soft cloths (no tissue paper please)2. Water (I prefer using water than using other chemical to clean my monitor)3. Compressed airClean your CRT monitorClean CRT monitor is easier than cleaning LCD screen. CRT monitor has glass screen so you just need to wipe the screen out. After you switch off the monitor, spray the screen with compressed air to remove the dust from the screen. This dust will leave tiny scratch if you not remove it from the screen. Next, spray the water on to a dry cloth and wipe the monitor screen with it. Don’t ever spray the water directly to the screen. We don’t want to make any trouble, do you? After you wipe the screen with the cloth, then wipe the screen dry with another dry cloth.Video on how to clean LCD monitorClean your LCD monitorTo clean your LCD monitor, you need a special care. Because LCD screen is soft and pressing to hard will damage the screen, so make sure your hand and fingers does not have sharp materials. But it is really recommended to use special LCD clean cloth when you want to do this job. Usually this special cloth comes with the LCD monitor when you buy it. Turn the monitor off, and spray the compressed air to the LCD screen. Like I said before, this to make sure your screen is free from dust because this small dust can make tiny scratch. Then, spray water on to the dry cloth and not directly to the LCD screen. After that, wipe the screen with the cloth and make sure do not press too hard. After that, dry the screen with another dry soft cloth.That is how to clean your CRT or LCD monitor.
Test your Firefox 3 from Malware
They said Firefox 3 can prevents you from malware but there is no proof. That is why Mozilla gives you a test page to proof their words.Caution! The page you will see is containing malware. Your browser will open it if it does not has malware protection enabled. Only Firefox 3 will prevent you from opening that page.If you are you ready to take the test, please click the image below to go to the malware page. But remember, there is no turning back. >:)Note:I don’t have Firefox 3 and have visited the page with my Firefox 2. So if you are using Firefox 3 and have done the test, can you please give your thoughts here. Thank you.Edit:Here is the screenshot takenby sundayzwith his Firefox 3. Now I know what happen if we browse that page using Firefox 3. Can’t wait for Firefox 3 to release to the public.
Celcom Website Down
Today when I went to Celcom website, I was surprised when I got an error message from them. It says,Status : 504 Gateway Time-OutDescription : Lost connection to origin server.And here is another message when I refresh the website.Status : 504 Gateway Time-OutDescription : Unable to connect to origin web server. The web site you are attempting to access is currently unreachable. This may be due to a network outage, or the web site might be experiencing technical difficulties.How come a big company like that in Malaysia can facing down time in the early morning on Monday. They should have something that will make sure their website is always up.Btw it is really critical if your website is down. I am not talking about Celcom, but I say it in general. Because when your website is down, you will loss. The theory is simple:Website down == No visitors == No Adsense clicks/No product purchasing == No money.
CypherHackz.Net has new home
Do you feel any difference on my site? Can you feel how fast it loads up? It is not because the WP-Cache plugin that I mentioned inthis post. It is all because CypherHackz.Net is now hosted in new server, in new datacenter.Before this, CypherHackz.Net and my other websites were hosted byInternet-Webhosting(read this post). But recently the server is having problem and always down. So I decided to find other hosting provider which gives me better services and the server must always up.Fortunately, Sam Lee the owner ofServerFreak, a Malaysia Web Hosting provider found out about my problem in a post that I made inWebmaster Malaysiaforum. He is very kind and offered me to sponsor my websites. Who don’t want to get sponsored right? But before I took his offer, I did some information gathering and I satisfied with the results. Then I accepted the offer and now CypherHackz.Net is hosted in a server atGlobal Net Access(GNAX) datacenter. If youdo whois, you will see the DNS has changed to ns3.serverfreak.biz and the datacenter is at Global Net Access (GNAX).So far, I am very happy with ServerFreak. Sam always be there to help me. He always online in YM so it makes me easier to contact him if I have problems or difficulties with the hosting. The connection is much much faster than before. I can upload and download my files from the server without any problem. Everything run smooth. The server status does not show red or yellow light. All are greens.So, if you are looking for new hosting, I recommend you to choose thisMalaysia Web Hostingprovider. 🙂
How to rotate ads or affiliate banners?
If you have many ads or affiliate banners and you want to rotate them on your website, here is the way on how to do it. But make sure your server supports PHP because we are using PHP script here.First, you need to create a blank PHP file and name it as rotateads.php. Then copy this code and paste it in.<?php$bannerCounter = 1;$bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = ‘replace with your ad code‘;$bannerCounter++;$bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = ‘replace with your ad code‘;$bannerCounter++;$bannerAdTotals = $bannerCounter – 1;if($bannerAdTotals>1){mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1234567);$bannerPicked = mt_rand(1, $bannerAdTotals);}else{$bannerPicked = 1;}$bannerAd = $bannerCode[$bannerPicked];echo $bannerAd;?>As you can see at the above code, you need to replace “replace with your ad code” with your own ad or banner code. If you want to put more ad in the rotation, just add these two more lines$bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = ‘replace with your ad code‘;$bannerCounter++;below the previous one.To include the rotateads.php in your theme file, you need to call this function. I assume you have uploaded the file in your root folder.<?php include(“/home/yourname/public_html/rotateads.php”); ?>Make sure to put real path to your website or it might not work. I was trying using the link (www.cypherhackz.net/rotateads.php) but it does not work on my new server. But when I use the real path, it is working without any problem.
Need Web 2.0 Logo fonts?
So you want to create your own Web 2.0 logo but don’t have the fonts? Worry no more. You can download the fontsfrom herebut not all fonts are included. But atleast you have something to start with.Web 2.0 Logo Fonts[via BlogIsEverything]
Watch Penang Bridge in Live Camera
If you want to go to Penang and not so sure whether the traffic flow is smooth or jam, maybe you might need to check the status atPenang Bridge Camera.The 24-hour CCTV cameras are installed at 8 different locations along the laybys and main span. All these CCTV cameras are connected to the Penang Bridge Communication Centre to enhance their traffic monitoring surveillance service.But if your internet connection is slow and not able to watch the live camera, Penang Bridge Sdn Bhd also provides still captured images and you can watch the bridge from the images taken. All snapshot were taken when each time you refresh your browser.Watch the live camera|See all 8 images at once[viaMalaysian Computer Technical Blog]
Speedtest &#8211; Test your broadband speed
Even though you subscribe the 384kbps or 3.6MbpsCelcom 3G broadband package, it does not guarantee that you will get the maximum speed.Speedtestis a website that allows you to check your broadband speed. When you visit Speedtest website, it will locate your location based on your IP address. Then it will display servers that near to you. The recommended server is mark with yellow. You can choose the recommended server or you can choose other server to start the test.The result after I got the HSDPA signalIt will start with the download test first and then it runs the upload test. After both tests are completed, Speedtest will display the result in .gif image which you can use to share on your website or in forum.After I subscribing the Celcom 3G broadband, I always check the connection speed when each time I login. I just want to know how much speed that I get for that session. But 3, 4 days before, the Celcom 3G broadband got problem in UTM Skudai. They said that there is a problem with the Celcom transmitter in UTM but it will be fixed this 11th November.Now UTM students can happy with Celcom HSDPA signalBut yesterday, I got a phone call from Celcom customerline. They asked me to test the speed connection and wow! The speed has improved and I got HSDPA signal. Maybe they have upgraded the network in UTM. See the image above.Although I subscribe the 384kbps package, but I can surf faster than 384kbps because my friend said that Celcom gives extra speed access until February 2008. So for those who connect using HSDPA modem, you can surf faster even though you subscribe with 384kbps package.
Who is Hosting This?
Who is Hosting Thisis a website that enables you to get information about who is hosting any website. You just enter the domain name in the form and click on ‘tell me’ button. In a snap,Who is Hosting Thiswill tell you who is the hosting provider.My hosting provider isInternet-Webhostingbut they put my website at US datacenter. That is why it showsLayered Technologies Incin the result. 🙂Find Out Who Is Hosting A Website[via Techie Buzz]
Download Statusbar &#8211; A must have Firefox add-on
Each time when you click on a link to download a file, Firefox download window will pop up. This is really annoying because it blocks our view to the website and we need to minimize it every time it appears. But there is a Firefox extension that will replace it from a disturbing download window into a small nice download statusbar.Download Statusbaris a Firefox extension that will replace your current Firefox download window into download statusbar. This extension will appear above the status bar in your Firefox and will not disturb you while you browse a website. It will sit there until you asked it to do something for you.Download Statusbar – Firefox ExtensionDuring the download, it will show you the progress bar, the download speed, the file size and estimated time. When you mouse over the download bar, you will get extra information about the file you are downloading.When a download is finishedWhen the download is finished, you can right-click on the file and choose whether you want to ‘Open’ the file, ‘Open the containing folder’ or you can delete that file from your hard drive (just incase you don’t want it from your system, of course). It is really convenient and easy to use. If you don’t like the Full Mode, its ok, you can switch it to Mini Mode.Mini Mode in actionYou also can change the behaviour of this extension. Go to Tools > Add-on and click on Download Statusbar options to change the settings. There are a lot of options available. You can change the Appearance, General Settings and you even can set it to do virus scan when a download is completed.Download Statusbar features:Auto-hides when not in useSingle-click pause and resumePause all, Resume all, Cancel all, and Remove all finished – available from the context menu of the bar itselfRun a completed file with a double click on its finished box. Open containing folder, remove, and rename from the context menuIn-line view of percent done, speed in KB/sec, KB downloaded so far, and remaining time, can be customized in the options.Updating tool tip provides a more detailed view of the current download, including source, destination, size of the download and the remaining timeOption to automatically clear files after a specified number of secondsCopy source URL from the context menuStop downloads and save them for the next browser session.Delete a file from your system from the context menuLocalized strings for translationDownload history can be viewed and configured to only keep the last download itemsOption to start virus scanner when a download completesOn browser close, option to continue downloads in download managerIf you don’t like this extension, you can remove it from Tools > Add-ons and click on Download Statusbar uninstall button and restart your Firefox to complete the process. But for me, I will not uninstall this extension because it is a must have add-on for Firefox. 😉Download:Download Statusbar
Google Toolbar vs Live PageRank
Nowadays, many peoples useGoogle Toolbarin their Firefox browser. I don’t know what makes Google Toolbar so popular. Maybe because of the pagerank checker that enables you to check a website pagerank or other functionalities that can helps you in browsing web pages. But if the pagerank checker is the reason you install the Google Toolbar, I want to recommend you a Firefox extension that do the same job as the Google Toolbar pagerank checker.Live PageRank(LivePR) is a Firefox extension that will display a small pagerank bar at the lower left conner of your Firefox browser. It will check the website pagerank from Gooogle datacenters and display the result instantly. I more prefer using this extension than using Google Toolbar because Google Toolbar will fetch our browsing history and data and keep them for their own purposes that we don’t know. I know about it after I read an article a long time ago and can’t remember the link to the article. But I really don’t like how tricky the Google Toolbar works and that’s why I don’t like it very much.So, if you install Google Toolbar just because of the pagerank checker, think again. I left you with two choices, whether you want to use Google Toolbar and let them know what you did while you browsing webpages or you can use LivePR to replace the Google Toolbar and get the same result as the Google Toolbar pagerank checker.Download Live PageRank(Firefox Extension)
Can&#8217;t wait for Firefox 3?
Firefox 3 will be released to the public very soon. Not sure when though but is really soon. But just in case you can’t wait for the release date, you can test the beta version by downloading the installation file from the Mozilla server. The download link is included at the end of this post.Here are the features you will found in Firefox 3.Comprehensive popup controls to keep unwanted advertising off your desktop.A tab browsing mode that lets you open several pages in a single window, allowing you to load links in the background without leaving the page you’re on.Integrated search (powered by Google).Industry leading accessibility with Find As You Type – find links and page text by simply typing.Simplified privacy controls that let you cover your tracks more effectively.A streamlined browser window that lets you see more of the page than any other browser while at the same time being more configurable.A large variety of free downloadable extensions and themes that add specific functionality and visual changes to the browser.I would like to remind you that this version is not stable and currently in Beta stage. It is for sure there are many bugs and security issues will be found in this version. I also heard that, there are many peoples facing some serious problems So use it at your own risk.Download:Mozilla Firefox v3.0 Beta 1
Show your name in the System Clock
This trick will put your name or any text up to 12 characters long in the system clock. There is nothing special in this trick. It is just to show off to your friends that you are elite. Duh…Here is how to do it.1. Go toControl Paneland double click onRegional and Language Options.2. Click onCustomizeand go toTimetab.3. To put your name, just click on the scroll down text and rename it with anything you want. Like you see in the above image, I put “Cypher” beside the AM and PM.4. Finally, click Ok and Ok to accept the changes.Just incase you want to get back to the original setting, just pick the AM and PM from the drop down list. Using Windows Vista? Don’t worry, this trick is also works in Windows Vista.Warning:This does not only effect the clock at the taskbar but it is also changes the whole clock system. Press F5 in notepad to confirm. 😉Supid Geek Tricks: Show Your Name In the System Clock[via The Geek]
WP Plugin: Site Statistics v1.6
Just to let you know that I have upgraded mySite Statisticsplugin to version 1.6. This new version contains the fix for the WordPress 2.3 categories issue.WordPress has changed the way it handles the database. The categories table has been changed to terms table. That is why plugins that point to categories table will get an error saying that the categories table is not exist.Just in case for those who don’t want to download Site Statistics v1.6, you can fix it by yourself by open the plugin file with your favourite text editor. Then, find and replace “categories” to “terms” and upload the edited plugin file to your plugins folder.Btw, I will not support WordPress version 2.2 and below from now on. In fact, there is no problem if you are using Site Statistics v1.5 on your WordPress 2.2 and WordPress 2.1. Site Statistics v1.6 is only for WordPress 2.3 onwards. If you have any problems regarding this plugin, feel free tosend me emailor leave them in the comment form below.Download:cypher_site-statistics.zip(version 1.6)
My Nseries Blog is in Google
It is really amazing when only in two days, my new website has been listed in Google search result. I was doing some research about Nseries blog and suddenly I saw my new website,My Nseries Blog, which I registered the domain on 5th November has been listed in Google.I use the keyword “nseries blog” and found my website at the 8th rank in the first result page. It is really fast for Google to detect new website and I hope this website will get good PR so the rank will be higher in the future.What is My Nseries Blog?My Nseries Blogis my new and my 5th website which will focus on Nokia Nseries phones. This website is currently in development and there are many things need to be improved. The current theme is K2 but it is just for temporary only. I will using my own custom made theme next month because I don’t have time to create one now. The categories are not yet decided. If you have any idea, pleaseemail meor leave them in the comment below. Right now, I am thinking to categorize them by models and each model will have their own sub-category such as tips & tricks, applications, themes, etc.I decided to open new website after I bought my own new phone Nokia N73 Music Edition. I thought I want to blog about N73 but the topic will get smaller and smaller when Nokia released new models in the future. And I might end up of nothing to blog about. Then I changed my mind to blog about Nseries models. There are not many peoples who blog about Nseries. Most of them blog about specific model likewww.n95blog.com. It is good blog to read though.Although the website is still new, but I have setup the RSS feed just incase you, the Nseries geeks, want to subscribe it. Here is the URL forRSS feedandemail link subscriptionif you want to subscribe via email.Wish me luck for this new website and keep coming and announce it on your website. Lol… 😀
I&#8217;m using New Version of Gmail
I just noticed today that I am using the new version of Gmail. I noticed it when I saw my email address is being displayed at the title bar. You will not see this if you are using the older version.Then, to make it confirm, I saw beside the Settings, there is a link to Older Version. I clicked it and it sent me to the older version and there is no email address being displayed at the title bar.Then what next? I went check out the new features like the Contacts manager, the More Actions drop-down menu, Chat.Contacts ManagerMore Actions menuChat popupI don’t think these new improvements will help me using Gmail because almost of the time I use Gmail is just to read and write email. I thought this new version includes with new interface but it isn’t. If Google rebuild the interface, I will really happy because the current design is kind of boring because I have using Gmail for more than 2 years now.Maybe there is a reason why they did not change the interface. Speed, maybe. But both version seems equal. I don’t see any difference in term of speed between them.But anyway, for more info about Gmail new version, you can go check Google blog,Gmail’s New Version Is Now Available. And there is one more thing, I’m wondering when will Google remove the Beta thingy from their Gmail logo?Tip:If you are using older version, try using this link,http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2#inboxwhen you have login to your Gmail account. It will brings you to the New Version. It works for me but maybe it works because I already can use the New Version. But you can try it though and please tell me the result. Thank you.
Baby says Not Funny!
Before you click the Play button, promise me that you will not laugh because the baby says it is not funny. So give him some respect. Don’t laugh ok? Blooded…I really can’t take this. I laughing so loud at the last part, when he shouts saying that it is not funny. =)).Oh.. this is funny[via The Living Earendur]
Cache your WordPress with WP-Cache
I am runningWP-Cacheplugin on this website. Since I use it on my website, I can feel the difference. The time taken for my website to load up is much faster when I using it.WP-Cache is a plugin that will cache your WordPress and stores them to static files. When a page is requested, WordPress will load the static file instead of compiling the PHP code and building the page from the database. This will really reduce the time from several tenths of seconds to less than a milisecond as said by the plugin author,Ricardo Galli Granada.The installation is not really difficult but you might having a problem to create the symbolic link because you need to have a shell access to do it. But thanks toTorkil Johnsenfor sharing this method to us.To create the symbolic link,1. Copy the PHP script below into a blank PHP file and name it as createsymlink.php. Make sure to replace “/path/to/website/” with your real website path.<?php$success = symlink('/path/to/website/wp-content/plugins/wp-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php', '/path/to/website/wp-content/advanced-cache.php');if ($success)echo "Symlink was created";elseecho "Symlink creation failed!";?>2. Upload it to your root and make your wp-content folder is writeable.3. Then run the script from your browser. Eg: www.yourdomain.com/createsymlink.php4. Finally, delete the file from the server.Let’s see how much times taken for your website to load up when using this plugin. 😉Download WP-Cache(version 2.1.2)
How to setup Huawei for Celcom 3G broadband?
To setup the Huawei device (USB modem/datacard) for broadband connetion is not that hard. Here are the steps to set your Huawei device configuration for Celcom 3G broadband.Refer to the manual on how to install the software and the driver.On your desktop, there will be a Mobile Connect icon. Double click it to open Mobile Connect application.If it requires PIN, enter 1234 (this is the default PIN unless you have changed the PIN). If not, just go to step no 4.Go toSettings, and selectManualand selectCelcom.Then go toSettingsagain, selectChoose Connection Typeand choose3G only. This is to ensure that the device will only connect to 3G network.Go toSettingsone more time and chooseNetwork Connection Settings.i. Click New and enter the profile name. Eg: Celcom 3G.ii. Authetication – number: *99#; Username: <leave blank>; Password: <leave blank>iii. DNS Settings choose Dynamic.iv. APN and Additional Settings: Static; APN: celcom3gv. IP Settings: Dynamicvi. Authetication Protocol: CHAPvii. WINS Settings: DynamicClick on Save button and Ok to accept the configuration.Finally, click Connect and start surfing with your Celcom 3G broadband.If you don’t mind, can you dospeed testand give me your highest connection speed? I just want to know how fast this Celcom broadband can go. But make sure to include in your comment whether you are using 384kbps or 3.6Mbps. Thanks. 🙂
Yahoo Messenger 9 Beta
Have you triedYahoo Messenger 9yet? It was released last Tuesday but still in Beta.For me, there are not many new features found in the new Yahoo Messenger 9 except the interface. You can choose your favourite skin from 7 skins available. The skins are nice but some people said that this new Yahoo Messenger uses more memory compares to the previous version. This new version also included with 6 new emoticons.Because of this version is in Beta stage, I found a bug when I received a file from my friend. Maybe it just happens to me, I don’t know but I hope their programmers can check this problem for further investigation.The bug was found when my friend (using version 8) sends a .rtf file to my Yahoo Messenger 9. The file was successfully downloaded but when I opened it in MS Word, the file look like this:Server: YHttpServerConnection: closeContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 1506{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par1. Deadlock\par– RAG\par– Safety Algorithm\par– Deadlock Avoidance\par– Deadlock Detection\par\parAs you can see, there are extra lines in the file. The original content is the line start with the “1. Deadlock…” withouth the \par. Not sure whether Yahoo Messenger 9 decode the file wrongly while downloading or something else.If you decide to use Yahoo Messenger 9, I suggest you to wait until Yahoo release the stable version. But if you are really enjoying testing new applications or softwares, you can donwload Yahoo Messenger 9 from the direct download link below.Download Yahoo Messenger 9 (beta)12.7 Mb
CypherHackz.Com &#8211; The best technology resources?
Funny! That is the first word coming out from my mouth when I read the title. How come that website can be the best technology resources and information? Are you kidding me?CypherHackz.Com is not my website and the person who bought the domain might think that he can use the domain to get my visitors to his website. Visitors might wrongly entered my website URLwww.cypherhackz.cominstead ofwww.cypherhackz.net. This will bring them to the website which has nothing except links to other technology site.But why “The Best technology Resources and Information”? I don’t think that the word “CypherHackz” can lead that person to use it for a technology website. Why not CypherHackz.Com is use for a personal blog? Or website design? I am the first one who choose CypherHackz as my domain name and as my nickname for online uses. Maybe he thinks that CypherHackz.Net is a technology website so he chooses CypherHackz.Com as technology website too. Owh, man…Anyway, it is really interesting to see someone else want to use “CypherHackz” for their domain name.Edit:Another website that use CypherHackz for their domain name iswww.cypherhackz.info. It seems like an Iranian registered the domain because the title says “CypherHackz.Info – The Best Iran Resources and Information”. Duh…
CypherHackz.Net new packages
Because Google penalised website that do link selling, I decided to remove all paid links from my website. So for the alternative if you wish to advertise on my site, there are two types of package available, 125×125 banner and 468×60 banner.125×125 bannerI will only accept 5 banners per month. This is to reduce the bandwidth usage and the spaces used on the sidebar. And I know advertisers won’t like if their banner is placed with many other banners in one place.For each banner, it will cost you 20USD per month. Each banner will be placed under the Sponsors spot at the sidebar. I can’t guarantee that it will increase your PR but you will get traffics from my site. My site traffics is almost 1000 per day and sometimes it can reaches up to 1400+ visits.468×60 bannerThe banner will be placed at the header. I will replace the adsense code with the banner if there is an advertiser. The price is USD30 per month. The spot is really will attract my readers to visit your website if you choose this package.All payments are made inPaypal. If you are Malaysian and don’t have Paypal account, you can do online bankin or cash deposit. For more info, you cancontact me via emailor through the comment form below.
Celcom Broadband for only RM68
Edit:Celcom Broadband 3.6Mbps package is now RM98 monthly. Really cheap, isn’t it?I just subscribedCelcom broadbandlast week and that is why you can see that my site has regain it’s health. Because my hostel does not get wireless coverage so I decided to subscribeCelcom broadbandso I can get connected to the Internet anywhere I want as long as the area got the network coverage.Celcom broadband uses 3G network to connect to the Internet. If the area does not have 3G network, don’t worry, you are still be able to connect to the Internet but the speed is slower than you are in the 3G area.If you subscribe theRM68 package, you will get limited speed which is 384kbps only. But if you have more money to spend for each month, you can subscribe theRM120 packageand you will get up to 3.6Mbps speed. But take note, you only will get the speed if you are in the HSDPA area. I’m not sure which area got the HSDPA network because Celcom does not put the covered map on their website. So I don’t have any clue whether my place is in the HSDPA area.HSDPA is stands forHigh-Speed Downlink Packet Accesswhich is it is a new protocol in mobile telecommunication. In simple word, we can call it as 3.5G. I don’t subscribe the RM120 package because it is expensive and I don’t think that I can afford it because I am still a student though. To pay RM120 just to use Internet is not reasonable. It is better if I use thr RM120 to eat KFC or go watching movies. :pBut there is another reason why I didn’t subscribe the RM120 package. If I subscribe the RM120 package and I live outside from the HSDPA area, it will be useless because I will only get around 700kbps. Correct me if I’m wrong.Just want to let you know,Celcom broadbandpackages does not come with device/modem. If you subscribe Maxis broadband, you will get free modem even though you subscribe their RM68 package. But I heardmany complaintsfrom their customers saying that their service is not good and so do their customer support.You can buy the device from Celcom but is expensive. I thought the modem is around RM200-RM400 but I was wrong. You can get a datacard with only RM399 but the datacard is only can be used on laptop. Unfortunately, I’m using desktop so I need to buy the USB modem which I need to pay about RM1100. RM1100 is not easy to get for a student. But thanks to my ex-boss, En Mizan the manager ofMercumaya, a web hosting provider company because he agreed to sell me the USB modem to me with installment and with cheaper price. :dThe USB modem can support up to 3.6Mbps but because I subscribe the RM68 package, so I only can get 384kbps, maximum speed. But sometimes the speed is even slower compare with dial-up. Sometimes I get around 50kbps to 80kbps which is a little bit faster than dial-up but I paid RM68 monthly so I must get the top speed as possible. I hope Celcom can improve their services so all Malaysian will use their services.If you don’t know which package that you want to subscribe, it is better to consult with their customer service. But if you want to go for Maxis, think twice. 😉 Because I still recommended you to chooseCelcom broadband.ps:If you have 3G handphone, you can use it as modem and connect it to your PC. From that, you can surf the Internet but the speed is slower, around 170kbps.
Malaysian WordPress community
If you are Malaysian and use WordPress as your blog engine, I want to invite you to join our community atwww.wpmalaysia.com/forum/. There you can ask for supports, give opinions and help other members to solve their WordPress problems.I know many of Malaysian WordPress users are afraid to ask at WordPress support forum because they need to use English to communicate. But here at WP Malaysia, you no need to afraid because we use Malay language to communicate to each others.But, if you prefer to speak in English, you are still being invited. We, the community members still will give you supports and entertain you with our helps as long as we could.What are you waiting for? Let’sregisterand keep posting! 🙂
Is PR and Alexa rank important?
After my site wasremoved from Google SERP(only index page effected), everything has changed. The recent Google PR update gives me PR0. I heard that many of other bloggers facing the same problem because they sell link ads on their website. Google has changed their PR algorithm and the changes have effect many blog sand websites who do the link selling. It is kind of a penalty for those who use the advantages of their high PR.PR drop will affect my website revenue. Link selling is my second incomes after Adsense. But because Google has dropped my PR, so my earning will decrease too. That’s mean, I need to find other way to increase back my earnings. But the question is how?Not only PR, my Alexa ranking also dropped. Before this, my site was around 50K but now it is 90K. Maybe because I removed the Alexa ranking code frommy new themebut does Alexa rank is important for your site? If your main money income is fromText Link Ads, for sure it is important. Because Text Link Ads use many criteria to set the prices for each links sold on your website. Some of it is, Alexa rank.After thinking awhile, relax and sit back, drinking some water and eat “kuih raya”, I do think that PR and Alexa is not important anymore. They are important if you want to do the link selling but because Google has using their new algorithm for PR, we as publishers cannot use our high PR to get profit from it.So, what should you do? Just focus on your blog content and get many traffics and popularity as you can. Good luck!
Servers in Malaysia and Sweden hosted virus
There is a report saying that recent virus attacks regarding the email containing malicious PDF files are coming from servers in Malaysia and Sweden.“The emails, sent in bulk, looked like credit-card statements, and contained an attachment called ‘report.pdf’,” chief research officer Mikko Hypponen said in a statement.When such PDF files are viewed on vulnerable machines, they start downloading software from servers in Malaysia or Sweden, which are now being cleaned, he said. “There will be more such attacks.”-Mikko Hypponen (F-Secure Chief Research Officer)To prevent your PC from being infected, anew security updatefor Adobe Acrobat Reader has been released a few days ago. But there is a question that I want to ask, what should we do to the company who hosted the server in Malaysia? Maybe we might need to ban the provider. Because of them, Malaysia get bad reputation in security and IT field.PDF files used to attack computers[viaColbert Low]
WordPress 2.3.1 Released
It is time for you to upgrade your WordPress to the latest version,WordPress 2.3.1. This new version hasover twenty bugfixes. Some of the fixes are:Tagging support for Windows Live WriterFixes for a login bug that affected those with a Blog Address different than their WordPress AddressFaster taxonomy database queries, especially tag intersection queriesLink importer fixesYou can see all the changed files at theWordPress Trac. Get the latest version from WordPressdownload pageor you can use my compiled version which only has the changed files.Download WordPress 2.3.1 (changed files only) – open until 27th November 2007.
5 tips to increase Adsense earnings
I’m not the expert in Adsense but I would like to share my experience and knowledge about how you can increase your Adsense earnings. I’m sure many of you already know what is Adsense. Adsense is a way for you as the publishers to earn money from your site. As for the advertisers, you can get more traffics to your website by using the advertising programme from Adsense. It is a win-win situation. Ok, let’s go to the main point of this article,5 tips to increase Adsense earnings.The first time I got accepted into Google Adsense programme, I was so excited because I know that I can start making big money from it. But I was wrong. By get accepted into Adsense does not mean you can earn the money easily. The money that I got for the first five months were very low. It was about $2 or $3 per month. But after I read articles, do some experiments, asked opinions from Adsense experts other Adsense users, I end with these tips. And these tips have increase my Adsense earnings.1. Use large ad size– First what I did to my site was, I use large ad size. The theory is simple. The bigger the size, the higher chances the visitors will click the ads. Large ad size serves more ads (3 or 4 ads per ad unit) and it gives more choices for visitors to click.2. Place above the article– Next, put the ad unit above the article. As you can see on my website, the ad is placed above the article, below the title. So far, this is the best place if you want to place your Adsense ad. My CTR has increased since I put the large rectangle ad on that place.3. Choose same colour– Third, make sure that your ad scheme colour is same with your website scheme. The ad background colour should be the same with your website background colour. This implies to the link and the text. Some readers might thought that they are links from your site and not ads. So your chance to earn more money will increase.4. Use two or three ads– Don’t place many Adsense ad on a page. This will reduce the high paying ads to be clicked. Only use two or three ads on a page. This can ensure only high paying ads will be displayed on your site. And put them above of your site. Some readers will not scroll down to read your article. So better you put the ads at the top. In WordPress, you can do a trick where you can display Adsense only in the first article.5. Advertise!– If you want the money, you must pay for it. Instead of waiting readers to come to your site from the search engine or from other sources, you also need to advertise your website to other websites. From the advertising you make, you will get more readers to come visiting your website. When there are many more visitors, more clicks you will get. That is why advertisers don’t mind to pay for an advertisement. I advertised my site on some high traffics websites likeLiewCF,Tech Buzz,JohnTPand some other websites which I think can drive me more traffics. The result, my site traffics boost and so do the earnings.I hope with these 5 tips, it can help you to increase your Adsense earnings. If your earnings still at the same level, then it might be that these tips only work on my site. But if your Adsense earnings increase, email me or leave me a comment so I know that my tips work, not only for my site but also to my reader’s website. If you are happy, I am also happy — Adsense for advertisers, Adsense for publishers. 🙂
Water can burn! Is it true?
I’m not sure whether this video is true or not because it was done without showing who is the demonstrator. Meaning, it might be a fake demonstration. Peoples can create any video as they like as long as it looks real to people who watch it.The video that you will see here is about a demonstration to make a water burn. The trick is done by using two batteries and sink them in a cup of water for 30 minutes. Then take out the batteries and light the water with fire. And the water is really burn!After I watched the video, my assumption is, the batteries react with the water and release chemical reaction and produce ions. These ions is flamable and thats why the water is burning when lit up with fire. But, can we drink the water? I guess not.
CypherFS-DarkSide for CypherHackz.Net
I actually want to use this theme on 19th December 2007 because on that day, it will be the 2nd year CypherHackz.Net and I exist in the world of blogging. But because I am so excited, after I finished code this new theme, I then uploaded it and use it for my CypherHackz.Net.This theme is calledCypherFS-DarkSide. Why DarkSide? Because the main colour is dark but I still maintain using the orange colour because it is the trademark for my logo. Other than that, I have removed all unnecessary things such plugins, ads, external scripts and so on to reduce the page load time.What are the differences between this theme and the previous one? Firstly, this theme has two sidebars on the right. I decided to use two sidebars because I want to put everything on the top. This can ensure that my visitors (you!) no needs to scroll way down if they want to see what the things I put on the sidebar are.Second, I removed Google search engine on my site because, although I got money from the searching made by my visitors, but not many people tend to use this feature. In fact, I also will not use the search engine on a site if they use Google search engine. That’s why I use WordPress built-in search feature on my site.Third, on my lastCypherHackz.Net Review Mecontest,neutronicssaid in his review that I need to move my site to Web 2.0 theme. He said that because he knows that I can design and code Web 2.0 website and for this new theme, I have put some Web 2.0 style. Like the one you see at the navigation link (home, about, etc…) at the header. Next is, I use my own custom made date display image (beside the article’s title) as a background to display the month and day for articles.Although there are not many changes made from the previous theme but I still keep SEO in mind when code this theme. The content loads first before the sidebar. The title is optimized for better SEO. But there is still a problem to make this theme valid XHTML because some scripts that I use on this theme contains invalid characters. For an example, the Feedburner reader count image. The code that it uses is not XHTML standard. I hope that Feedburner team will change new .gif code to make it valid XHTML.If you have comments, critics, suggestions or recommendations for this new theme, you can leave them by using the comment form below. I love comments from my visitors. 🙂
Restore Folder Options, Task Manager and Regedit
Before this, I use Nod32 antivirus (now I’m using Kaspersky 7) to protect my PC from viruses. Although Nod32 is good but my PC was once got infected by a virus and it had remove my Folder Options from the menu. Other than that, it also had disabled my Task Manager.I thought I can get the Folder Options and the Task Manager back by using Regedit, but this virus is way too smart and it also disabled the Regedit. There is nothing I can do and lastly I format my PC.But now, there is a way for you to get back the disabled Folder Options, Task Manager, Regedit and some other applications/services. The tool is calledRemove Restrictions Tool(RRT). RRT can re-enable all what the virus had previously disabled and I really recommended you to download and keep it in your PC. Next time, if you or your friend’s PC got infected, you can use this tool to remove the restrictions.Once you have downloaded the tool, boot up the PC in Safe Mode (press F8 when the boot up and choose Safe Mode) and then login into the infected user account. Launch RRT and check the disabled options and click Remove. Finally, restart the PC and the account has back to normal.[Download Remove Restrictions Tool (RRT)]Restore Task Manager, Regedit and Folder Options Disabled by Virus[via Raymond.CC]
Text Link Ads coupon for October 2007
Get your chance to save 15% for all orders that you made in October. Just enter “holidays” into the coupon code at the checkout and you will save 15% of the price.What isText Link Ads? Text Link Ads or TLA in short is a service that gives good benefits to publishers and advertisers. For the publishers, they can earn money from their website by selling text link ads. The price is depends on the PR, Alexa rank, the link placement and some other criteria. Beside than that, you also can earn more money by asking other peoples or your friends to join TLA.For advertisers, they can buy links directly from TLA. TLA listed down websites that sell links and advertisers can choose which websites that they want to advertise. By buying links, the advertisers can increase their PR and even can increase the visitors. That is why they don’t mind to cash out some money to buy links. But don’t forget if you want to buy links in this month, enter “holidays” into the coupon code to get 15% discount.
Block websites using HOSTS file in Windows
Here is a nice trick that you can use if you want to do some funs with your friends. This trick will block them from access any websites that you specify in the HOSTS file in Windows. But you only can do this trick if you can get access to his/her PC without he/she know. Let say when he/she leave the PC for awhile.First thing that you need to do is to open HOSTS file which is located atC:/windows/system32/drivers/etcFrom there, open up the HOSTS file with notepad and put the sites URL that you wish to block. For an example, I want to block www.yahoo.com. What I do is to put this line127.0.0.1 www.yahoo.comunder the localhost like this: localhost127.0.0.1 www.yahoo.comNow what? Ok now go to the internet browser and try go to www.yahoo.com by typing the URL at the address bar. What you will get is the browser is unable to connect to www.yahoo.com. This is because the DNS for www.yahoo.com has been changed to instead of the original www.yahoo.com DNS which is note:Based from my experience, a virus can edit your HOSTS file and make you unable to connect to the antivirus websites such as www.kaspersky.com, www.symantec.com, etc. This purpose of it is to prevent you from do the definition update. In case this thing happens, what you should do is just remove all those lines and you are able to connect to the websites as usual.
CypherHackz.Net was hacked!
CypherHackz.Net was got hacked by a hacker from Arab Saudi. The hacker name himself as Body (search “Hacked by Body” in Google) and claimed that my site is vulnerable. He also leaved me a message to patch the site.At the time the incident happens, I was in a seminar and suddenly I got a SMS from my someone. She said that one of my websites has been hacked. Then I asked her whether other websites got hacked and she replied, Yes. At that time, I really hope that the seminar ends as soon as possible.The hacker probably gained the access from the security hole leaved by the unpatched WordPress scripts. Because I am busy and don’t have much time to online, I don’t aware that WordPress has released new updates to patch the security issues few days ago.Although the problem has been fixed by my hosting provider, I still need to maintain and keep my websites are up to date with the latest WordPress version. If you don’t want your website be like mine, you better upgrade your WordPress now.
Text Link Ads uses TinyURL
I got an email today fromText Link Adsregarding their new affiliate URLs. In that email they stated that TLA has begun usingTinyURLservice to shorten and secure their affiliate links.I’m not sure what kind of mechanism TinyURL uses to secure the affiliate links. As far as I know, TinyURL is use to hide and shorten the URLs only but not to secure them. But I need to replace all of my TLA affiliate links that I use on my website to the new URL. I have to do this because after one week from now, the old TLA affiliate link will not work anymore.Extra reading:Hide your Affiliate Links using PHP file
CypherHackz.Net is gone from Google
Hi guys… Sorry because there is no update for more than a month. It is not because I want to stop blogging but it is because I don’t have internet connection at my hostel. Besides, I have many other things that I need to do especially for my Final Year Project. So I only can online from my university IT center like once per week just to check my email.Because I can’t get online frequently, I didn’t notice that CypherHackz.Net has beenremoved from Google. Thanks tobalootfor his comment on14th August 2007. After read his comment, I do PR testing and I was shocked because my PR is not 5 or 0, but it isNot Available. And of course, I will losing money because of this thing.I don’t know why it happens. I don’t know why Google remove my site from their databases. At least they give me a notice so I know what I did wrong. Is it because I’m not updating my site for a long time and see that my site is not active and remove it? I don’t know.To those guys who are expert in this situation, can you please help me? What should I do to get back into Google? Or to whom I should contact? Thank you very much. 🙁
Create your own Windows XP Control Panel
If you like to have a simple and quick access to Control Panel tools, you can create them by your own. This trick is only to create a special folder that we cakk “My Control Panel” for the favourite items.Right click onStartbutton and chooseExplore.Then, create a new folder and named it as “My Control Panel” without the quotes.Open the originalControl Paneland switch toClassic View.Drag and drop your mostly used tools into My Control Panel folder.Close both folders after you have finished drag your favourite tools.Now when you want to use the favourite tools, you just go to Start > All Programs > My Control Panel. There will be a pop-up beside the My Control Panel folder name. Try it.Create a custom Control Panel in Windows XP [viaTech Republic]
15 Great, Free Security Programs
Turn your PC on, and you’re immediately vulnerable to malicious attacks. But you can use these free applications to minimize the dangers and protect yourself.Preventing and Eliminating MalwareZoneAlarmComodo Firewall ProAvastAVG Anti-RootkitSpyware BlasterAssessing Risks to Your SystemAOL Active Security MonitorMcAfee SiteAdvisorLinkScanner LiteInternet Threat MeterTrend Micro HijackThisCovering Your Tracks and Cleaning UpKruptos 2Transaction GuardCCleanerNoScriptFile Shredder 215 Great, Free Security Programs[via PC World]
Talking Trojan says &#8216;Bye Bye&#8217;
BotVoice.Awas first found byPanda Labis the first trojan that can talk. It talk by using the built-in speech function in Windows. The trojan will repeatedly saying this message:You have been infected I repeat You have been infected and your system files has been deleted. Sorry. Have a Nice Day and bye bye…Downloadto hear the voice.This trojan cannot spread from computer to computer by itself but it spreads via email with attached files, usb drive, P2P sharing networks, etc. Once your computer get infected, it will not allow you to use files with these extension, BAT, COM, EXE and MP3 files. And it also disables Task Manager and the Windows Registry Editor.Currently the threat level is medium. So better you update your antivirus definition now.
10 Reasons to Uninstall Safari from your Windows
Over a million Windows users have downloadedSafari(more about Safari), but here are ten reasons why you should remove or do not install it to your lovely Windows system.SecurityAlthough flaws has been found in Safari browser, Apple only fix major security issues. Besides, there is no built-in anti-spywares and anti-phishing.CompatibilitySome websites do not support Safari Windows browser. In Mac, the Safari works good. No problem found at all. But in Windows, you will get this message from Yahoo, “Hmm…your browser is not officially supported.”. Interesting huh?Memory eaterI thought only Firefox likes to eat our computer resources. But there is another browser who has big appetite of memory eating.Mac program behaviourSafari for Windows is not for Windows but more for Mac. The way it resizes is not like normal Windows program do.No SidebarTry to be different but it is totally different. Safari has no sidebar like other web browsers. Like in Opera, the sidebar is use to get quick access to our Bookmarks, Notes, Transfers, History, etc.No PluginsYou will only get Safari. Nothing you can do to enhance the usability. Although they claimed that they offer plugins, but only basic plugins like Flash, Java, Media Player. Heh!Dull interfaceNo extra skins supported. You only get the dull grey interface. Owh…poor you…Tabs poorly doneNo extra features for tabs. No options to reopen the same tabs you had open last time you ran the browser.Big sizeAlthough there are not many features in Safari, but the installation file size is 7.97Mb (without QuickTime). More bigger than Firefox, Opera and IE7.No tool tipsEven you hover the cursor to an icon for a long time period, no tool tips will pop-up to give the explanation. You must find out by your own what each icon does. Cool eh?And here is the best thing that I want to show you. Here is how the content looks like in my Safari.Alien writing eh?Owh…so sweet… Like an alien hand writing.Note:This post was published fromPost2Blog. Comment?BlogDeskis much much more better. Go download it now. :d10 Reasons Not to Use Safari on Windows[via Extreme Tech][tags]safari, internet browser[/tags]
Post2Blog 3 &#8211; Free Desktop Blogging Client
BlogDesk(read my review) is my primary desktop blogging client that I use to write articles for my websites. Besides it has simple interface, has many features, it is also free. But there is another desktop blogging client which is free and I think I must try it out.Post2Blogis previously a shareware (that is why not many people use it 😀 ) but for the latest version — Post2Blog 3, the developer has make it as a freeware. There are 12 reasons as stated on the website why you should use Post2Blog.Freeware WYSIWYG(what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor with complete hot-keys supportBuilt-in“Live” spellchecking“Portable Mode” supportImages are uploaded automatically (supported uploading types: Flickr, file area of your blog, imageshack.us, picturelli.com, custom FTP server)Post text and/or images from Firefox or Internet Explorer to your blog with 2 clicks only using plugins for Firefox and Internet ExplorerCompose new posts inMS Wordand post them to your blog using Post2Blog toolbar for MS WordIntegration withRSS Bandit and Sharp Reader– you can post selected items from these RSS readers using Post2Blog pluginPost files, images, documents from Explorer or any other program using “Send To -> Post2Blog” commandAdd Technorati, Del.icio.us, Buzzwords, 43 Things tags to your postsAutomatically send trackbacks, ping web-services to notify about updates in your blogsEarn money using“Insert Amazon Link”featureUsebuilt-in smilesfor use in your blogInterested? Getthe softwarenow. 🙂
Let&#8217;s Flip the Text
By usingFlip Text Generator(a javascript tool), you can invert your text from thisCan you read this text?into this¿ʇxǝʇ sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ uɐɔThere is nothing special but I like the way howDavid Fadencan create this small tool which you can use to flip the text you typed. You can type anything you want and this tool will invert them.If you are a programmer (C/C++, VB, etc), can you do the same thing like this? :pFlip Text Generator[viaSiteguide]
Protect PHP files with Free PHP Encoder
Free PHP Encodershould become useful. Because for me as aWordPress theme coderdon’t like users to remove my link from the footer. I really hate them (not really but don’t like) when they remove my link and make like the theme was made by them. So, to protect the PHP file from being edited by the users, I have encrypted the file so they can’t edit the footer file. But, how do I do that?I use an encoder to encrypt and lock the file.Free PHP Encoderwill encrypt the source code and can only be decoded when the users request the file from their internet browsers. Although they can request the file, but they can’t modify it. Even I can’t retrieve back the source code if I lost the original file. So with this encryption, your link on the footer will be safe.To use Free PHP Encoder, you need to enter your email address so they can send the Login ID that you can use to login to their system. Once you login to the website, you can upload your files and let them encrypt your PHP files. The best thing is, the encrypted file works in all web servers like Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX and others.So, if you are a WordPress theme coder and want to protect your link, you can use this Free PHP Encoder and encode your footer.php file. Good luck! 🙂
How to make Invisible Ink Printer?
If you want to make your document more safe, you can use this trick to print out your documents using invisible ink from your inkjet printer. But first, things that you need are:Empty inkjet printer catridge4 invisible ink pensUV lightOk, I already have the things needed. So what’s next? Watch this video.
Let&#8217;s celebrate Malaysia&#8217;s 50th Independence Day
Malaysia will celebrate it’s 50th Independence Day on this upcoming 31st August 2007. To show some respects and proud to be a Malaysian, I have make a custom logo for CypherHackz.Net.I came out with this idea after I saw some interesting logos atGoogle doodlespage. They have make many custom logo’s for important days like World Cup, Google’s Birthday, Mother’s Day, etc. Or maybe I will end up by making my own museum for CypherHackz.Net doodles too. :p
My first earning from FeedBurner Network
After joiningFeedBurner Networkmonths ago, I have make some money from the Ad Revenue Share. At first, my website was only has low feed subscribers. But after I did some advertising at some popular websites (some of you may noticed it :p ) the feed subscriber number has increased.And today, I got a notification email from Paypal says that I have earned some USD from FeedBurner Ad Revenue Share Payment for Apr-07.The money was earned from theMalaysian Technology Blog Networkwhich is moderate by me. If you want to join our FeedBurner technology network and want to make some money from our network, you cancontact meand give your website details. But make sure that your website is focus about technology related stuffs and the most important is, you are Malaysian. [tags]feedburner, feedburner ad network[/tags]
CypherHackz Review Me Contest Winners
As I promised, I will announce the 5 winners forCypherHackz Review Me contesttoday. And I already run the script and have selected the winners randomly. So here is the 5 winners.Dott-ComFahmishahNeutronicsChemstudioWebIzwanThe winners will get free advertising at CypherHackz.Net sitewide header for two months. With almost a thousand unique visits per day and with a stable PR5, it sure will improve their websites traffics and pagerank.I will contact the winners via email and I already placed the links at the header starts from now until 31st August 2007. Congratulations! 😀
Monthly Highlights &#8211; June 2007
The following is the list of the best posts inJune 2007. Enjoy! 🙂Get the old Yahoo! Messenger sounds backMiss the your old Yahoo Messenger sounds? Maybe you want to read this trick on how to get them back.How to Subscribe RSS Feed using Google Reader?Learn how you can use Google Reader as your online feed reader.Website Grader – Show off your Website SEO ScoreFind out what is your website SEO score. Can you beat me? :pRedirect from non to www prefixSimple SEO method that you can use to improve your SERP ranks.StumbleUpon for OperaOpera lovers, now you can integrate StumbleUpon into your world fastest web browser.Hide your Affiliate Links using PHP fileMake more money by hiding the affiliate links using PHP script.Create a folder without name in Windows XPShow this trick to your friends. They will amaze with your geeky technique.Find out more quality and best posts in myArchives. 😉
Cool Dancing Robot Videos
Do you know how to dance? Want to learn the robo-dance? :p Let’s dance with this cool dancing robots.See how the robots do stun. They can flip and roll too. :dI like the way Sony QRIOs look each other while they are dancing. Although everything has been set but it is really cool to watch them like that.Here is another cool video danced by Sony QRIO robots. They dance according to Beck’s Hell Yes Music. ;))Top 5 Dancing Robot Videos[via jamesyu]
Retrieve Windows Product Key with Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder
Do you know how to retrieve back Windows product key (also known as CD key)? I know you can find it from Windows registry but will you do it? Will you dig your Windows registry just to find the product key?Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinderis a nice and small freeware application that will make your life easier. With Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder, you can use it to find the Windows product key just by clicking “Microsoft Windows XP” name from the Application List and the product key will be displayed at the Key Display column.Besides you can use it to retrieve Windows key, you also can use it to retrieve Microsoft Office and some other applications product key like Cyberlink PowerDVD, Winamp, etc.No installation is required. You just need to extract two files from the ZIP archive and you can start retrieve the product key in a snap. It works in all Windows platforms including Windows Vista. You can copy the retrieved product key to clipboard, save it to a text file or print it for safekeeping.The latest version is 2.0 Beta 2 Half. I don’t know what jokes the developer make by put the 2 Half in the version numbering. Maybe he/she is kinda a funny person. But well, Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is really helps to retrieve lost product keys.Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder – Windows license finder[via coolware]
Hurry up! Review me now!
Yeah, hurry up and make the review now. You will get the chance to put your link on my sitewide header for two months for free. I know you guys love free things. So do I. :dIf you want to participate myCypherHackz Review Me contest, you must write a review about my site honestly. You can critic, you can praise, and you can write whatever you want as long as you honest with the writing.But, make sure to read the rules carefully. In the review, you must putmy homepage url,the contest page linkand any one of my posts. Next, what you need to do is to email me about the review article. So I can read the review you wrote.I know I also will get noticed from the trackback you sent but just want to let you know that Akismet plugin is really so powerful. It sometime traps good trackbacks or comments too. So it is much safer if you email me directly.The contest will end this 30th June 2007 and I will announce the five winners on 1st July. If you want to get free linkback from PR5 website with almost a thousand unique visitors per day, write the review now. 🙂
Upgrade your WordPress to 2.2.1 now!
WordPress developer team always try to catch up and fix bugs and security issues as soon as users report it. Although the updates release frequently, whether you want it or not, you must always do the upgrade to all of your WordPress powered sites.Usually each upgrade has new bug fixes and security patches. So you mustdownload the latest WordPress versionand upgrade your WordPress after the download finished. Don’t delay the upgrade or you might will end up bygetting a messageby someone on your website.But don’t think your WordPress site is safe just because you have upgraded it to the latest version. There are many ways the attackers can do to hack or to deface your website. So you must do the database backup daily (recommended) or at least weekly.I have make a short article about how you can do theWordPress backup automaticallyby using a WordPress plugin. It is really simple to do and you will receive the backup file directly to your inbox.My last note, if you not yet upgrade your WordPress to WordPress 2.2.1, I really suggest you to do the upgrade now.
Hong Kiat owned!
Just found out that one of my internet friend’s website who is a problogger got hacked today.Hong Kiat’s websitewas hacked by someone (no names were found on that website though). Here is the text left by the hacker.You think ur problogger ? Think again …You think ur too good for blog ad networks ? Think again …You think ur blog readers love your content ? Think again …You’re n00b! W3R3 1337s!H4X0R3d! 0WN3D! PWND!Here is the screenshot of the hacked pageTill now, I did not get any news from him. I have tried contact him via email and yahoo messenger but got no reply. I am not sure how that hacker can defaced his website. Maybe because of WordPress scripts or plugins that are vulnerable. I hope he will fix the problem as soon as possible because I want to read his post about VMI card.
Create a folder without name in Windows XP
This is not a super high-tech geeky trick but it just a short and simple trick on how you can create a folder without name in Windows XP.When each time you create a new folder in Windows XP, Microsoft has made “New Folder” as the default name. Even you enter the spacebar so many times to create blank spaces, it still will generate the “New Folder” text like this.So, how you can create a folder like this?No, it is not a Photoshop trick. I did not edit the first image. Lol… Here is how.To do this trick, you need a keyboard with numpad. To rename the folder with blank spaces, just pressAlt + 255and hitEnter. Then you are successfully creating a folder without name in Windows XP.But, make sure to press the numbers from the numpad and not from the numbers below the F1 – F12 keys. And take note that you only can create one folder without name in a directory.Why should I use this trick? Nothing! Just for fun or maybe you can use it to amaze your friends. 😀Note:I think this trick also will work in Windows Vista.
XPUbuntu &#8211; WindowsXP in Ubuntu Style
I really want to use Ubuntu (more about Ubuntu). Although I already have theUbuntu installation discwhich I got it for free, but I can’t install it yet because my computer does not has enough spaces and I need to repartition my hard disc. Which means, I need to format my hard disc and create a new partition to install Ubuntu.But, I don’t want to format my PC. So I have decided to buy a new hard disc in next semester and maybe I will add more RAM to this PC. While waiting for the upcoming new semester start, I have changed my PC visual style to Ubuntu alike.I only changed the visual style and the cursor and named this style as XPUbuntu (the original name is Human). You can download the visual style pack here,Human for Windows.There are five colour schemes you can choose and each theme has two styles, normal and compact. I choose Orange because the default Ubuntu colour scheme is orange right? I’m not sure though. :dFor your information, the icon set that I use for this PC is Vista icon. You can read more about the Vista icon here,Change your XP icons to Vista.Ubuntu XP[via Xeroxaven][tags]ubuntu, visual style, vista[/tags]
CypherFS Greeny WordPress Theme Released
New WordPress theme for your WordPress blog!Click the image for demo (with Adsense)CypherFS Greenyis a two columns theme with widget ready and is released underCreative Commons Licenses Attribution-ShareAlike. The best part about this theme is, there is a 200×200 Adsense Spot ready for you to place your Adsense code. Because of the Adsense Spot is placed at the top of the sidebar, it will surely increase your Adsense CTR.If you don’t have Adsense account or you don’t want to use that Adsense Spot, you can remove it from the sidebar by removing this line.<div class=”ads”><!–put your adsense ads here–></div> <!–ads–>CypherFS Greeny is free todownloadand you can run thelive demo here. But if you decided to use this theme on your site, make sure to read the readme.txt file included in the ZIP file.
Enable cURL in XAMPP
I was trying to setupWHMCS, a complete client management solution at localhost at the office. This thing needscURLenabled before I can proceed to install the script. Because WHMCS is new to me and because my boss wants me to integrate WHMCS in their new website, so I need to use it and study how it works. But first, I must handle the cURL problem.XAMPPas some of you may already know, it is an application that you can use to make your computer acts like a server. It is really useful if you want to play with PHP files, test scripts, do mySQL queries, etc. You also can run WordPress in XAMPP. Almost of the time I use XAMPP to develop and test my WordPress themes locally.Ok, back to our discussion. To enable cURL in XAMPP is not that hard because everything was already been set in the configuration settings. You just need to un-comment cURL dll line in these three files.\xampp\php\php.ini\xampp\php\php4\php.ini\xampp\apache\bin\php.iniNext what you need to do is search “curl” in these three files and remove semi-colon ( ; ) character from the line and save the files. But don’t forget to restart your Apache or it will not work. Good luck! 🙂
Mystery image on Windows Vista DVD
If you bought Windows Vista Business Edition, try checking the hologram image on the face of the DVD. There is a mystery image that you must see.It was first found by aSpanish bloggerwho are curious with the hologram. The hidden image in the Windows Vista hologram is a pic of members who design the hologram for Windows Vista DVD. This is use as a watermark to make it difficult for “pirates” to copy the DVD design. It is really small and you need a magnifying glass to see it.Here is the three men who are so “naughty” to put their pic in their masterpiece.You can read more about the hologram atWindows Vista Team Blog.
Need a WordPress theme coder?
Many peoples want to make their own WordPress theme but they don’t know how to make one. I have make a nice and simple tutorial onhow to make your own WordPress themebut if you are lazy to read, maybe you need my service. :dI can help you code your WordPress theme design with low prices. Many of my clients are happy with my service. Usually I can code a theme in one day but usually less than 12 hours (my record is 4 hours). But currently, I only can code at night because at daylight, I have industrial training at a hosting company.Here are some of my themes that I designed and coded by myself.CypherFS Kay2CypherFS BlissCypherFS RoyaleCypherFS OrangeCypherFS PinkLoveCypherFS ExclusiveCypherFS Sweetheart– This theme is for sale. (15USD only)The price is depends on your design. If the design is too complex and has many images, so the price will be higher. But I promise, it will not that expensive.Each theme will:Valid XHTML and CSSWidget readyOptimized for SEOClean and fast loadingMake you happy with my work 😉All payments must viaPaypal(balance only). Unless if you are Malaysian, you can pay me directly via online banking to my bank account.If you have a design and want me to code it, just send me a preview of your design tomy emailand I will say the price. If you agree with the price, then we can continue our discuss and I can start coding your WordPress theme. 🙂
Can Safari beats Opera?
I was happy when I heard there is a web browser that can beat Opera browsing speed.Safariwas built for Mac OS X but now, the Apple tech guys have make it to available for Windows platforms.Based fromthe graphs, Safari takes less time to load websites, javascripts and launch the application. The graphs really show that Safari is the best and the faster ever web browser in the World.After Idownloadedand ran it on my Windows XP SP2, and I think it still can’t beat Opera. For me, Opera is still the best browser and faster than Safari, Firefox and even IE.When I was watchingthe demo video, I really impressed with the loading time and how fast it render all the files and images. Not sure what connection speed they were using for the demo, maybe 1Tbps. But from my opinion and experience using Safari on a 100Mbps connection, it still can’t beat Opera.And because Safari is still in Beta stage, many Windows users facing many problems with Safari. Hopefully they will release the final version as soon as possible. Anyway, good luck Safari. 😉
CypherHackz.Net Review Me Contest
CypherHackz.Net is holding a contest. All of you can participate as long as you have a blog or website. The winners will have a spot to place their link on my site header for two months.The RulesThe review must beat least 150 wordslong with a link tomy site,this contest pageand any one of my posts. You can usethis postif you want to.Make sure to use the title post as the anchor text link.Review can be positive, negative or natural as long as it is original. Not copy from other person’s review.Contact meto participate and give me the link to the review page.5 winners will be selected randomly (using a script) among the praticipants after I close this contest.The winners will have their spot to put their link with their own anchor text on my site header for two months!This contest will end at11.59pm (GMT+8) 30th June 2007.I will announce the winners and place their links on1st July 2007.Why should I participate?Well as I said above, you will have your chance to put your link on my sitewide header for two months for FREE. My site has PR5 with almost a thousand unique visitors per day. With your link placed on the header, it sure will generate more traffics to your site and can increase your site PR.So, what are you waiting for? Write the review now. :dEdit:Because of many requests I received, so the prize will be two months free advertising on sitewide header at CypherHackz.Net. :d
CypherFS Royale WordPress Theme Released
Ladies and gentleman… I’m proudly to announce,CypherFS Royale, my secondWordPress themehas been released to the public!!!Lol… Actually, thattheme was usedat CypherHackz.Net but after few weeks later, I changed it to another theme,CypherFS Kay2(theme that I’m currently using).CypherFS Royalesupports widget and has a spot to place your Adsense code for better CTR at the header. The main colour is blue and the design is based on Windows XP visual style,Royale.If you like this theme, you candownloadand use it on your website (live demo). But make sure to read the included readme file. There are some notes I left for those who want to use CypherFS Royale theme. 😉If you have any comments or opinions or suggestions, you can do so by leaving them in the comment form below. I will take all your criticisms and suggestions for my upcoming public themes.And if you would to make your own WordPress theme, you can read my step by step tutorial onMake your Own WordPress Theme. If you have a design and want me to convert it into a WordPress theme, I can do it for you with a low charge. Justcontact mefor the details. Thank you! 🙂 [tags]cypherfs royale, wordpress theme[/tags]
Hide your Affiliate Links using PHP file
If you want to make more money and profit from your affiliate links, you need to display them in different way. Don’t use the default link generated by your affiliate program script. Instead, hide it by using PHP file. [tags]php, html, affiliate tips[/tags]I hid all my affiliate links in PHP file. You can see those links on my sidebar, under Featured Sites (Get Free $25USD,RM100 Advertlets Contest,Earn More Money). Since the affiliate links are hidden, my earning from affiliate programs increase.To create the PHP file is simple. I useText Link Adsaffiliate link for this example. Open your Notepad and paste this code.<?php header(“location: http://www.text-link-ads.com/?ref=20378”); ?>Next what you need to do is save it with .php extension and upload it to your server. I saved that file as tla.php and uploaded it to my /register/ folder on my site.When each time I make a post about Text Link Ads or when I mention Text Link Ads in my post, I will include this hidden affiliate link by usingthis link. With the word ‘register’ in the URL, it will convince the readers to click and register to Text Link Ads. If they get approved by Text Link Ads, you will get $25USD credited into your account.I personally do not recommend people to use tinyurl or any shorten url services to hide their affiliate links because it use their domain and not convincing people. If I found a hidden link or the author use hidden link in his or her posts, I will not click it. I just skip the link and continue reading.Other AlternativeIf your hosting does not support PHP, you can use HTML file to hide the affiliate links. Here is the HTML code that you need to copy and save it with .html extension.<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”><html><head><title>Your Page Title</title><meta http-equiv=”REFRESH” content= “0;url=http://www.text-link-ads.com/?ref=20378”></HEAD><BODY>Please wait…</BODY></HTML>The process is same like you hide the affiliate link in PHP but this time you use a HTML file. Upload the file and type in the HTML address when you want to use it. It is really simple.Owh…if you have any other methods, you can share with us in the comment form below. I hope this article is useful. 🙂
StumbleUpon for Opera
StumbleUpon(more about StumbleUpon) toolbar only available in Firefox and Internet Explorer. But as for me who is an Opera user, also want this useful toolbar be available inthe world fastest browser. With the toolbar, it will make me more easier to submit and surf stumbled websites.Luckily, there is a way to get StumbleUpon into your Opera browser. Here is how you can use it.Download this.ini file(mirror) and save it in your Opera profile menu folder. Eg: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\menuThen, go toTools>Preferences(CTRL + F12).Click on theAdvancedtab and then,Toolbars.SelectStumbleUpon for Operaand clickOk.Done!You will see a StumbleUpon menu at the menu bar (see the screenshot above). Just click on it and start stumbling and surf stumbled websites. 🙂Edit:To clear any confusions,StumbleUpon for Opera(official website) was created byMelo Bichuettiand not by Spot Geek. ReadDrLunch’s commentfor the details. Thank you.How to use StumbleUpon in Opera[via TechBuzz]
Redirect from non to www prefix
I love this plugin,Enforce www. Preference. I actually have looking for this plugin since I know about SEO and concern about being penalized by search engines. By redirecting your website from non www to www prefix, it will increases your chance to get higher place in SERP.The idea is simple. For an example, click on this link.http://cypherhackz.net/archives/2007/06/06/website-grader-show-off-your-website-seo-score/Even the url above not has www prefix, the plugin will redirect it to the same article but with www prefix as the link below.http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2007/06/06/website-grader-show-off-your-website-seo-score/If you still confuse, search engines will penalized website which have same content even the articles hosted on the same domain. But, search engines treat those two urls as different domains. That is why you need to use this plugin to redirect your articles url to only one address.
Website Grader &#8211; Show off your Website SEO Score
Just found this interesting and thought you might also want to check your website SEO score.Website Graderis an online tool which you can use to check your website SEO score. This website will analyze your website based on these criteria.Google pagerankWeb page structureDomain infoHeading summaryImage summaryGoogle indexed pagesGoogle crawl dateConversion methodsInbound linksTechnorati rankingdel.icio.us bookmarksAlexa traffic rankingReadability levelWhat I like aboutWebsite Graderis, beside it shows you what mistakes your website has, it also give you explanations about the mistakes and suggestions to improve and to fix them.For an example, my website domain will expire in less than a year. It suggests me to renew my domain at registrar because Google and some other search engines will penalize websites with domains that are set to expire soon. Usually, only spam websites are often registered the domains for short periods of time.But overall, my website SEO score is94 over 100. If according to examination grade, I got an A for this SEO exam paper. :pWell, what is your website SEO score? Can you beat mine? Lol… I’m just kidding. :d Just click on the link above, enter your website url and click on theGenerate Reportbutton. Then, share your website SEO score by leave it in the comment form below. 🙂