Stop using Firefox 1.5. Get Firefox 2.0
Why you still using Firefox 1.5 even new versionFirefox about Firefox) is available?I agree with the step taken by Mozilla. They said that the recent update to Firefox 1.5 is the last updates. No more updates for Firefox 1.5 after this. Instead, they also include a prompt to download Firefox which allow user to upgrade to Firefox 2.0.For me, if there is new update available, I will go for it. Usually, latest update has new security fixes and new features. But I agree, sometimes, there are still exist minor and major problems. But at least, it give me more protections. Am I right? 😉For those who are still using Firefox 1.5 and decided to download Firefox 2.0, you can download it directly from the link below. Or you can download it from theirofficial FTP site.Download Firefox says Firefox 1.5 is dead[via The Inquirer]
Big Websites with Big Robots
Because I’mhaving a problemwith my robots.txt where Googlebot can’t reach and crawl my site, so I decided to walk around and check big company’s robots.txt file.Do you want to know how many disallowed folders they have set in their robots.txt file? Let’s find it out.Google –robots.txtGoogle Adsense –robots.txtGmail –robots.txtMicrosoft –robots.txtFriendster –robots.txtPaypal –robots.txtCNet –robots.txtDigg –robots.txtBlogger –robots.txtWordpress –robots.txtTechnorati –robots.txtHP –robots.txtSony –robots.txtApple –robots.txtCanon –robots.txtCypher:Actually, I’m bored and don’t know how to fix the Google robots.txt problem.
How to Subscribe RSS Feed using Google Reader?
This how-to only covers about how to subscribe rss feed by usingGoogle Reader. If you want to learn how to subscribe rss feed by using desktop aggregator,this postis what you are looking for.So back to the topic. Because there are many peoples using an online aggregator, so I have decided to make another short how-to article on how you can subscribe rss feed by using an online aggregator. I use Google Reader for this example. Let’s get started. :d1. You need to have aGoogle accountbefore you can use this service. Gmail account is also a Google account, so you can use it to login into your Google Reader. Here is the interface.2. To start subscribe your first RSS feed, click on theAdd subscriptionat the left pane. You can use my site feed for this example. Copymy rss urland paste it in the box. ClickAdd.3. Once Google Reader successfully finished downloads all feeds from my site, you will get a notification saying this “You have subscribed to CypherHackz.Net.”. Congratulations! 😉The difference between online and desktop aggregator is, with online aggregator, you can read your subscribed feeds from anywhere. But for desktop, it is limited. You can read feeds only from your computer.If you have any comments or suggestions of any other online aggregators, you can leave your comment in the form below. 🙂
Free White Papers from Microsoft Corporation
If you like to read white papers, I think you also interested to get these free white papers published by Microsoft Corporation.SAS, a global technology leader, wanted to extend its internal collaboration environment, based on Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies, to include an extranet. It also wanted to minimize the potential of a virus attack vector being exposed within the extranet. To accomplish this, the company is extending the effectiveness of defense-in-depth to its extranet, thanks to Microsoft Forefront Security for SharePoint.Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Serverincludes multiple scan engines from industry-leading security firms integrated in a single solution to help businesses protect their Exchange messaging environments from viruses, worms, and spam. It ships with and integrates multiple industry-leading antivirus engines to provide comprehensive, layered protection against the latest threats. Through deep integration with Exchange Server, scanning innovations, and performance controls, Forefront Security for Exchange Server helps protect messaging environments while maintaining uptime and optimizing server performance.You can subscribe more free white papers and case studies from myfree magazines page.
Help!!! My sitemaps have error
Actually it happens since 29th May 2007. All of my sitemaps have errors.I don’t know how this thing can happen. Here is the error which I got from Google Webmaster Tools.Anyone knows how to fix this problem? I’m not sure why my robots.txt is unreachable. I didn’t block the file in .htaccess.Btw here ismy sitemapfor this site. I use a WordPress plugin to generate it for me. Maybe the way the plugin coded the sitemap make the error. Not sure though. 🙁Edit #1:I think I know why I got the error text. In my robots.txt file, I accidently blocks any files with extension .txt from being access by Google Bot. That is why Google says my robots.txt is unreachable.I have removed the disallow .txt from my robots.txt. Hopefully, the red error text will be gone forever. 😉Edit #2:Still the same. Google bot can’t reach my robots.txt file and give the same error. Now I’m trying using the second method. Ask my hosting provider.
Firefox Portable Edition
If you have upgraded your Firefox toFirefox, you maybe want to upgrade yourFirefox Portable Editionto version too.WithMozilla Firefox Portable Edition, you can bring along your bookmarks, favourite extensions and also saved passwords in a USB flash drive. It is really portable and has all the functions like the real Firefox.You can run it from any computers if the Firefox portable edition is with you. And you also can use this Firefox Portable Edition from ZIP drives, external hard drives, some MP3 players, flash RAM cards and more.Go herefor more information about this smart application. And drop me some comments and share your opinions with us. 🙂
Who wants a melted keyboard?
Hands up for those who wants a melted keyboard? 1, 2, 3, … 6, 7, … 1003, 1004, … Wow, there are so many my readers want this melted keyboard. Lol… I’m just kidding. ;))But this thing is true (from what I read). This keyboard is a victim of suspected arson in a lumber mill a couple years ago. Read the quote below.This keyboard is a victim of suspected arson in a lumber mill a couple years ago. The keyboard itself was not on fire, and the underside of it is still in perfect shape…basically the heat of the fire above it melted all the plastic in interesting ways.Cool!!! :dGo hereif you want to see all the 32 pics. 🙂Melted keyboard[via Gaya, Ruang dan Kepelbagaian]
Hacking Windows Vista
Don’t tell me you are interested to hacking Windows Vista just by reading the title. :pActually what I want to share here is a book written by Steve Sinchack.Hacking Windows Vistacovers everything you need to know and learn how to hack or secure your Vista.Front cover.Back cover.This book is not downloadable, you need to buy at the bookstore. Btw if you have read this book, do you mind to lend it to me? He3. :d
New Advertiser Campaigns by Nuffnang
LikeHong Kiat, I also very excited to see this new advertiser campaigns byNuffnang(more about Nuffnang). Starting from this Sunday, Nuffnang will launching Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Action (CPA) campaigns.The payout range for a click is between RM0.50 – RM5.00. And I think, bloggers will love to hear this great news because at least they will get a RM0.50 from Nuffnang. 🙂Starting from this Sunday just about every blog in the Nuffnang Community will be served a paid ad. We will also be rolling out our first Cost Per Click campaigns where bloggers will be paid anywhere from RM0.50-RM5 per click, depending on the advertiser. Also expect to see a number of Cost Per Action schemes on our network in time to come. As with the rest of the campaigns we run, our advertisers pay only for unique visitors originating from Malaysian IP addresses and clicks but the Cost Per Action scheme will be independent of the country’s unique visitors.Read more atNuffnang blog. Erm…btw Nuffnang don’t want to change their blog permalinks structure eh? Why they use the default one? Lol… :d
Get the old Yahoo! Messenger sounds back
Yahoo! Messengeris my primary instant messenger client that I use whether I at home or at the office. But in this new version, Yahoo! Messenger is using new alert sounds and personally, I don’t like them. I’m more preferred using the old sounds. But how we can get them? 😕 Here I will share with you on how you can get the old Yahoo! Messenger sounds back.First, you need to downloadthis file(415.79 KB).Then, double click the file and clickUnzipClickOkwhen you get this notification, “21 file(s) unzipped successfully”.ClickCloseto close WinZip Self-ExtractorAll the old alert sounds are now successfully saved in your Yahoo! Messenger media folder. You can change and use the old alert sounds from Messenger > Preferences > Alerts & Sounds. 🙂Not enough? Want to read more tips? You can read more Yahoo! Messenger tips and tricks fromhereor from myTips & Tricks archive.
Monthly Highlights – May 2007
The following is the list of the best posts inMay 2007. Enjoy! 🙂Change your XP icons to VistaDon’t want to use Vista but still want to use the icons? Maybe this is what you are looking for.No more Snap.com previews in FirefoxThis tip will shows you how you can stop Snap.com previews in your Firefox.Trick to hide files in JPG imageIf you want to send a secret message to your friends, do this trick and show them how elite your are.Install Windows Vista from USB Flash DriveYou need a 4Gb of USB flash drive if you want to do this trick. But the installation process is much more faster than using DVD.How to repair scratched discs?Don’t throw away the scratched discs because you can fix it and get the shiny back.Reopen last closed tab in Firefox“Opppss! I was accidently closed the tab! How to retrieve it back?” Here is the answer.How to Subscribe RSS Feed?Don’t know how to subscribe RSS feed? Read this simple tutorial on how you can subscribe RSS feed by using these two softwares.Favicon – Show of your identityDid you know what is Favicon? You know how to create one for your website?Find out more quality and best posts inmy Archives. 😉
Firefox released
It is time to upgrade your Firefox browser (more about Firefox) because new versionFirefox been released to the public since 30th May 2007. In this latest version more security issues have been fixed.MFSA 2007-17– XUL Popup SpoofingMFSA 2007-16– XSS using addEventListenerMFSA 2007-14– Path Abuse in CookiesMFSA 2007-13– Persistent Autocomplete Denial of ServiceMFSA 2007-12– Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv: that, Firefox also includes more enhancements and fixes for Windows Vista (more about Vista). Two new languages, Afrikaans (af) and Belarusian (be) are also available in this new version.You can download Firefox directly from thedownload pageor you can download it from theirofficial FTP site(mirror).
Favicon – Show of your identity
Did you know what is favicon?Faviconor ‘Favourites Icon‘ is a small image which displayed beside the URL in the address bar. And if you use a tabbed browser like Opera, Firefox, IE7, the favicon also being displayed on the tab. This icon is use as a trademark or a brand of your website.To create a favicon, you need to create an image and save it in .ico format. If you have Photoshop, you can use thisPhotoshop plugin(instruction is in the zip file). This plugin is use to save any image smaller than 120 x 120 to .ico. But make sure your favicon is 16 x 16 in size because the default favicon size is 16 x 16.But if you don’t have Photoshop, you can use anonline favicon converter. Upload the image that you want to create as favicon, then click onGenerate Favicon.ico.Ok, now I assume you have uploaded the favicon to your server. To start using the icon on your website, you need to put this HTML code between <head> and </head> tag in your theme file.<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”http://www.yourdomain.com/favicon.ico”/>If everything is going fine, you will have your favicon beside your URL in the address bar. But wait, your favicon will also helps you to show of yourself in Bookmarks.Looks great, right? I hope this entry is useful. Show your support by subscribingmy site feedor bookmark my website by pressingCtrl + D. Check outmy archivesfor more reading aboutblogging tips. 😉
Comment Quicktags Reloaded is an alternative
Comment Quicktags plugincausing problemin WordPress 2.2 where it breaks your website layout. But thanks toIbrahim Ali Faourfor his effort to fix the errors in the plugin.Comment Quicktags Reloadedis an alternative for the original Comment Quicktags plugin. This plugin will display quicktags above the comment textarea. These tags are really useful for me and my site readers to give their comments.Instead of writing HTML code to make the text bold, italic, blockquote, etc, by using this plugin, it can be done for you instantly. Click the link below to download the plugin. For a live demo, just scroll down to my comment form below and you will see the quicktags I’m saying about.Download Comment Quicktag Reloaded
How to Subscribe RSS Feed?
Some of you may already know what is RSS feed and know how to subscribe them. But I’m sure some of you don’t know what exactly RSS feed and how you can use them as a loyal reader or visitor. But I will not discuss what is RSS here because you can learn it by askingMr Googleor you can read directlyfrom here.So, in this post I will teach you or I will guide you on how to subscribe RSS feed. But first, you need to get aRSS linkand afeed aggregatoror some peoples call them as a feed reader.To get RSS link, usually it marks with these images or just a text like this.RSS FeedJust copy the URL and paste it in your feed reader. In this how-to, I will use two softwares as for the example.FeedReader(freeware) andFeedDemon(shareware). So, we will have two sections here.How to subscribe RSS Feed using FeedReader?How to subscribe RSS Feed using FeedDemon?Let’s start our how-to with FeedReader. 🙂How to subscribe RSS Feed using FeedReader?1. First and foremost, you need todownload FeedReaderand install it. Once installed, run the software and you will get this screenshot.2. Then, click onNewand chooseNew Feed.3. Now we are going to subscribe a RSS feed. I’m using my RSS feed here. Copythis URLand paste in theAdd Feedform.4. PressEnterand wait for FeedReader to finish gather all informations from the site you are subscribing. In this case, my site feed. Once finished, you will get this small alert at the bottom right of your screen.5. Now, you have susccessfully subscribe a site feed and be one of the loyal reader. :dHow to subscribe RSS Feed using FeedDemon?1.Get a copyof FeedDemon. Install and run the application.2. Click onSubscribeand chooseNew Subscription. You will get this pop up and clickNext.3. Enter the feed url you want to subscribe. For this example, I will use my site feed. Copythis URLand paste it in the form. ClickNext.4. Once FeedDemon finished download all the feeds, you will have an option whether you want to put the new subscribed feed in an existing folder or you can create aNew Folderfor it.5. Same as FeedReader, you will get an alert each time there is new update available from the feeds you are subscribing. Here is the screenshot when you had successfully subscribe the RSS feed.I hope with this simple tutorial, you already can start subscribing site feeds and be a loyal reader. And don’t forget to subscribe my site feed and get free updates from my website. Thank you! 😉
Reopen last closed tab in Firefox
Sometimes we accidentally close a tab in Firefox we didn’t mean to close. Instead of looking the website we want in the History, you can do this trick to reopen the last closed tab.If you accidentally close a tab, you just need to press “Ctrl + Shift + T“. And the last closed tab will be reopened in your Firefox.Try it. Open a new tab, close the tab and press “Ctrl + Shift + T”. Very helpful huh? :dEdit:You also can open last closed tab fromHistory>Recently Closed Tabs. Thanks toIzzatfor this tip. 😉
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a Trojan!
It is not actually that the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a trojan but the spammed email sent to your email contains a trojan.The spammed email promising a trailer of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At the World’s End” and the chance of free tickets. But the truth is there is no preview or free tickets but a copy ofTroj/Yar-A Trojanhorse attached in the email.If the users run the attached file, the rojan will display fake error message and downloads malicious code from the internet and disabling anti-virus software. Once the computer is compromised, hackers will able to sneak into the computer and steal any informations and data from it.Sophos antivirus has released new detection for this trojan. More info at theirofficial blog.Shiver me timbers! It’s a pirate Trojan[via Sophos][tags]trojan, pirates of the caribbean[/tags]
CypherFS Exclusive for EAVista.Com
I would like to announce that I just finished make a new WordPress theme for my other website (new) atEAVista – Everything About Vista.Actually EAVista was up and running about 6 days ago but I didn’t announce it because I want to finish up the custom design first. The theme name isCypherFS Exclusive. Why Exclusive? Ha3. Because I thought the design is exclusive. Lol…EAVista – Everything About VistaEAVista is another website that I own and manage by myself. This website is more focus on Vista, the latest Microsoft operating system. Everything that relates to Microsoft Vista, Vista Tips & Tweaks, Vista News, Vista Security, Vista Apps, etc will be posted there. You can subscribe thesite feedand enjoy the free reading from your feed reader.Although the site is still new but I hope, one day, it will be one of the most visited website by visitors especially from Vista users. And if you have any comments or suggestions about the theme and the site, feel free to give your comment below. I really appreciate it.Other thanEAVista, I also run these three websites,CypherHackz.Net(technology and computer), andmyCypherHackz.Net* (my personal life). Please drop by to these websites too. :d*These websites are posted in Malay. [tags]vista, wordpress theme, eavista[/tags]
How to repair scratched discs?
You no need to buy expensive liquid or foam to repair scratched discs. All you need is just toothpaste. Yes, I said toothpaste. With the toothpaste, you can fix the scratches on the discs and get the shiny back.Here how you can do it by yourself to repair the scratched discs.Put toothpaste on the disc surface.Apply the toothpaste all over the scratches.Rinse with water.Dry it with clean cloth.Done!As demo, watch the video below.Download this video(make sure to save as .flv)How to repair scratched discs[via Tech-Scope] [tags]how-to, repair, diy[/tags]
Nuffnang &#038; Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Today, I’m sure every persons who had attend last night Pirates of the Caribbean 3 screeningwill blog about it. So do I.Thanks toNuffnang(read more about Nuffnang) for the 250 free tickets give away to Nuffnangers. Last night, Nuffnang had sponsored us to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3 at Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara. The movie was started at 9.30 pm but many of us came earlier to collect our tickets at Nuffnang booth. And thanks also toExabytesfor the free Popcorn and soft drinks.But before the movie start,Timothy Tiah, Nuffnang Executive Director gave a short speech to all of us. Although it was not so clear but thanks for giving us the chance to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3 last night.Overall, I can give 4 out of 5 for Pirates of the Caribbean 3. If you not yet watch the movie, I suggest you to book your ticket and watch it this weekend. Enjoy![tags]nuffnang, pirates of the caribbean[/tags]
Technorati Monster found but with new face?
Yesterday, Technorati Monster wasescaped from the cageand took Technorati website down for awhile. Today, it seems like they have found back the monster who is also the backbone for Technorati website and put it back to the cage.I think, the monster get out from the cage because he want to wash and do make-up to his face. And the result?Technoratiis now has new interface which I think is much more “live” than before. 😉
Full Circle Magazine for Ubuntu Geeks
Not enough with thecommunity forum, now you can learn more aboutUbuntufrom this freeFull Circle Magazine, a Ubuntu magazine released by the Ubuntu community itself.The current issue is #0 and it is ready fordownload. It covers about Ubuntu history and new features in Ubuntu 7.04.This magazine was released in 6 languages, English, Russian, Spanish, Galician, Dutch and Indonesian. If you are interested to be the translator, you can join thetranslation teamand release this magazine in your national language and you can distribute this magazine for your country.Cypher:I have downloaded the English version and will read it when I at home.:dFull Circle Magazine for Ubuntu Users[via CyberNet News]
Install Windows Vista from USB Flash Drive
Instead from installingWindows Vistafrom the DVD, you also can install it from USB 2.0 flash drive. It is the easiest and the fastest way to install your Windows Vista. But the problem is, you need a 4Gb of USB flash drive because you need to copy all the content from the installation DVD into the flash drive.First thing first, format the USB flash drive to FAT32 file systemCopy the DVD content to formatted USB flash driveSet your BIOS settings to boot up from USBInstall Windows VistaHOWTO: Install Windows Vista from a high speed USB 2.0 Flash Drive[via Kurt Shintaku’s Blog]
Top 5 Windows Vista Wallpapers
Before you proceed to view the top 5Windows Vistawallpapers, I must say this first. All the wallpapers were selected by me and from my point of view. Maybe you will disagree with me but for me, these wallpapers are the top 5 most beautiful Windows Vista wallpapers. Enjoy! 🙂 picThis is not a Windows Vista wallpaper. It is just an interesting praying mantis pic that I foundhere. Very nice right? :dMore Vista Wallpapers[Brajeshwar’s flickr][tags]windows vista, vista, wallpapers[/tags]
Help! Find the Technorati Monster!
The Technorati Monster escaped again. Can you help us find him?This is anotherfunny error page. But this time is from Technorati. While I was searching for something in Technorati, I got this error page. The monster escaped from the server. Lol… [tags]error page, 404, technorati[/tags]
CypherHackz.Net was Temporarily Suspended
I was shocked after reading an email by one of my advertiser this morning saying that my website got suspended by my hosting provider. I don’t think I did something that violate the TOS. [tags]suspended, web hosting[/tags]Here is the suspended page that I saw this morning.Then I quickly email my hosting provider asking why my site got suspended? Here is the answer.Hi,Thanks for writing in.Refer to your issue.Your account has been suspended by our USA Server Admin due to the server was crash down because of :70% CPU – 100’s hits/sec: GET /wp-content/themes/CypherFS-Kay2/images/sidebar_title.gif HThus, they have suspended your accoun to avoid further damage to the server. We have released your account and changed your password to *** .Hope you can rectify this issue to avoid the same issue occured.Appreciates your understanding in this matter.Thank you.Best regards,Senior Sales & SupportIt was caused by the small sidebar background image that I use on my site. I’m not sure how come that small image can do harm to the server. And here is another email I got after I asked another question regarding the image file.Hi,Thanks for the reply.The small image is just an indication given by APACHE to shows that your websites has oveloaded the apache.The highest rate will be recorded which turn to be the image file.This does not means is it the one who cause the overloaded, this was due to all your websites that have the image displayed on it.In short, you have received high traffic that have overloaded the Apache.Thank you.Best regards,Senior Sales & SupportI hope it will not happen again. Because, once your website got suspended, you will loss the money and visitors. Ouch! 🙁
Rapidshare Tool: The Grabber 1.4.8 released
Earlier version, The Grabber was not working because Rapidshare has modified their code. But thanks to CodeMaster for this new release,The Grabber 1.4.8is now working and you can download files instantly from Rapidshare.What’s new?fixed rapidshare.com grabberfixed rapidshare.com link checkeradded huawei tool for renewing IP address for ADSL users(Supported hardware: SmartAX MT882 ADSL Router/Modem) – currently we support only USB mode, next version will alow to specify router address (it is now set to — you can configure your router to that address anyway so it will work in “Network Mode” — i.e. when connected to the LAN NIC))Download The Grabber 1.4.8Finally, Team CodeMasters Has Updated The Grabber[via Raymond.CC Blog]
WordPress 2.2 bug fixed in new Blogdesk
Johannes, the developer ofBlogdesk(read my review), has released new Blogdesk version, 2.6 Build 600. In this new release, the problems with Worpress 2.2 had been solved.WordPress 2.2 has changed the way they conduct the Comments and Pings status. If you use earlier Blogdesk version and your website runs using WordPress 2.2, this upgrade is a must. Or else, you will have problems with the Comments and Pings status where the status will be set to close.Read moreabout Blogdesk or click the link below to download.[tags]blogdesk, desktop blogging client, wordpress[/tags]Download BlogDesk 2.6 Build 600
New and Smart Interface in cPanel v11
I like the new style and interface incPanel v11. Every hosting provider should install this new and outstanding hosting control panel for their customers.cPanel v11 was launched on 2nd May 2007. But the stable version will be released hopefully on this 13th June 2007.Here are some new features you will get in cPanel v11.Enhanced SecurityTons of New FeaturesImproved designEnhanced usabilitySupport Apache 2.0.x and 2.2.xLess page loading timeWeb DiskEasy installation for Perl, PHP and RubyDrag and DropTest drivecPanel v11 now and share with us your thoughts.Read herefor more info. [tags]cpanel, cpanel v11[/tags]
Advertlets another alternative of online money making
I have putAdvertletscode on the sidebar about 2 weeks ago. But till now there is no ads serve by Adverlets. Ho3. Only the site poll is use to get my site statistics as I don’t have any advertisers yet. Currently 77 peoples had answered the poll. I must say thank you to them. :dBut my other friends who are also bloggers had earn some money from Advertlets. Some of them had earn RM180 which I think it is much enough to cover their hosting and domain cost.Advertlets is another Malaysian company and was developed by Josh Lim & Associates. Josh Lim & Associates have work for 30 days in digital marketing and give most relavent ads for Malaysian bloggers.You can register yourself at Advertlets register page. After register, put the code in your website and wait to get your money. ;))Ah…if you want to earn RM50, you canwrite a reviewabout Advertlets. 😉 After you write the review, email them and they will cash you with RM50 into your account. But remember, the minimum to cashout is RM100. So, good luck! 🙂 [tags]advertlets, online money making[/tags]Edit:I just earned RM50 for this review. If you want to earn this free RM50, write a review about Advertlets now.
USD3 per link on CypherHackz.Net
New link ads package advertisement on my site. You can put your link on my sitewide website with onlyUSD3. All payments are totally via Paypal.The link will be placed on the sidebar once tI received the payment. And the link will be there for3 days long. It is the cheapest package so far. :dHere is my website details.Pagerank:5Unique visitors (daily):900+Pageviews (daily):1500+Technorati rank:15000+Alexa rank:84000+If you like to advertise with this package, justcontact me.Btw if you decide to advertise for a month, I will give you discount. USD25 only per link per month. 😉 [tags]advertisement, text link ads[/tags]
Congratulations to Firefox Users!
I must wish my congratulations to all Firefox users because you guys are better patchers than other internet browser users.Based onanalysis by Secunia, 5.19 percent of all Firefox 2 users had missed security updates. 5.40 pecent for IE7. 9.61 percent for IE 6 users. And Opera was the most abandoned in security updates which is 11.96.“People have to choose to use Firefox,” said Mike Cherry, an analyst with the Directions on Microsoft research firm.Opera was the least to be patched because the updates is not done automatically instead you need to check the update by yourself by clicking on Help and Check for update. But for Firefox users, the updates are delivered via the browser itself. So, Firefox users are more secure and up to date.More read atTechworld Computer & Internet Security News.Firefox users are better patchers[via Techworld] [tags]firefox, opera, internet explorer[/tags]
Put more security in Ubuntu
I just got myUbuntu CDscouple of days ago and currently I’m looking what things should I need to protect my Ubuntu that I will install once I buy a new hard disk for my PC. I want to make it dual boot. ;))Luckily,IT Security(more aboutIT Security) had make a post about how you can protect your Ubuntu by installing must have softwares and modifying some Ubuntu configuration settings.Here are short tips you need to do to modify the default settings.1. Reconfiguring shared memoryOpen your text editor, open the file “/etc/fstab” and add the following line of code:tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,ro 0 02. Disabling SSH root loginOpen your text editor, open the file “/etc/ssh/sshd_config” and add change the following line of code:PermitRootLogin yestoPermitRootLogin no3. Limiting access to the “su” programOpen the terminal by clicking “Applications” selecting “Accessories” and choosing “Terminal.” From there enter the commands:sudo chown root:admin /bin/su sudochmod 04750 /bin/suRead moretips and security softwares for your Ubuntu at IT Security. [tags]it security, ubuntu[/tags]
Dell shows off new cooling system technology
Dell CTO Kevin Kettler and Jay Parker, head of the company’s server business, at a press event in Sans Francisco had show off their recent and upcoming new technology in computer cooling system and a new technology product called Project Hybrid.They hope with these new developed technology, they can beat their competitors in the business computing market. Watch the videohere.Video: Dell shows off new technology[via CNET] [tags]dell, cooling system, project hybrid[/tags]
300 Crystal Clear icons just for you
Looking for free crystal icons?Wikimedia Commonsis giving you300 Crystal Clear iconsfor you to use them anywhere you want. You can use these icons on your website, as icons in your computer, or just to keep them as a personal collection.But these icons are not come in one package or in zipped file. So, you need to right click and save them one by one. 🙁300 Ikon Percuma untuk Weblog Anda[via Mohd Ismail][tags]free, icons, crystal clear icons[/tags]
Comment Quicktags is not compatible with WP 2.2
Comment Quicktagsversion 1.9 is not compatible with WordPress 2.2. My site was having problem when the sidebar moved down under the comment form and break the website layout when the plugin is activated.Hey! That is not your place!After I deactivate the plugin, my website has back to normal and the sidebar move to the place where it should be.Ha3. There is no sidebar after I deactivate the plugin.Currently I’m looking for other plugins that work the same like comment quicktags. Do you have any ideas what plugin should I use?[tags]plugin, comment quicktags[/tags]
My First Nuffnang Cheque
I just received my firstNuffnang(read more) cheque today. For three weeks campaign, I have earned RM147.60 (approximately $USD43.42).This weekend I will deposit two cheques. This one and the other is a cheque from Text Link Ads.Btw I also wontwo free ticketsfrom Nuffnang to watch Pirates of the Carribean movie on this 24 May 2007. I will go with my brother. Btw there are some other bloggers who had won the free tickets too.Azurtis one of them. Anyone else got the free tickets? Maybe we can meet at the booth before the movie start. :)[tags]pirate of the carribean, nuffnang, cheque[/tags]
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn arrived
I make the order on 18 April 2007. After waiting about 4 weeks, I received an oversea mail fromUbuntutoday. This Ubuntu CDs comes in white small mail package which contains three CDs and stickers.Ubuntu CDs comes in this package.In the package, 3 Ubuntu CDs and stickers.Have you got your free Ubuntu CDs yet? Btw if you not yet order your free Ubuntu CDs, you can make your order atUbuntu ShipIt.[tags]ubuntu, sticker, free[/tags]
WordPress 2.2 is out
It is time to upgrade your WordPress. New version, 2.2 has out and is ready fordownload.What’s new?WordPress Widgetsallow you to easily rearrange and customize areas of your weblog (usually sidebars) with drag-and-drop simplicity. This functionality was originally available as a plugin Widgets are now included by default in the core code, significantly cleaned up, and enabled for the default themes.Full Atom support, including updating our Atom feeds to use the 1.0 standard spec and including an implementation of the Atom Publishing API to complement our XML-RPC interface.Anew Blogger importerthat is able to handle the latest version of Google’s Blogger product and seamlessly import posts and comments without any user interaction beyond entering your login.Infinite comment stream, meaning that on your Edit Comments page when you delete or spam a comment using the AJAX links under each comment it will bring in another comment in the background so you always have 20 items on the page. (I know it sounds geeky, but try it!)We now protect you from activating a plugin or editing a file that will break your blog.Core plugin and filterspeed optimizationsshould make everything feel a bit more snappy and lighter on your server.We’ve added a hook forWYSIWYG support in a future version of Safari.WordPress is the best blogging system I ever use. Besides you have many choices ofthemes, you also can enhance its performance by usingplugins. If you can’t afford hosting by your own, you can have your own WordPress blog for free atWordPress.com.
Funny Tech Support with Customer Problems
1) Tech Support: “I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop.”Customer:“Ok.”Tech Support: “Did you get a pop-up menu?”Customer:“No.”Tech Support: “Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?”Customer:“No.”Tech Support:: “Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?”Customer:“Sure, you told me to write ‘click’ and I wrote ‘click’.”————————————————2) Customer:“I received the software update you sent, but I am still getting the same error message.”Tech Support: “Did you install the update?”Customer:“No. Oh, am I supposed to install it to get it to work?”————————————————3).Customer:“I’m having trouble installing Microsoft Word.”Tech Support: “Tell me what you’ve done.”Customer:“I typed ‘A:SETUP’.”Tech Support: “Ma’am, remove the disk and tell me what it says.”Customer:“It says ‘[PC manufacturer] Restore and Recovery disk’.”Tech Support: “Insert the MS Word setup disk.”Customer:“What?”Tech Support: “Did you buy MS word?”Customer:“No…”————————————————4).Customer:“Do I need a computer to use your software?”Tech Support: ?!%#$————————————————5).Tech Support: “Ok, in the bottom left hand side of the screen, can you see the ‘OK’ button displayed?”Customer:“Wow. How can you see my screen from there?”————————————————6) Tech Support: “What type of computer do you have?”Customer:“A white one.”————————————————7). Tech Support: “Type ‘A:’ at the prompt.”Customer:“How do you spell that?”————————————————8). Tech Support: “What’s on your screen right now?”Customer:“A stuffed animal that my boyfriend got me at the grocery store.”————————————————9). Tech Support: “What operating system are you running?”Customer:“Pentium.”————————————————10). Customer:“My computer’s telling me I performed an illegal abortion.”Helpdesk[via Isu Hangat]
Trick to hide files in JPG image
This trick is simple but it is really geeky. Did you know that you can hiding your files in JPG image? Here I will show you how. But before we can proceed, prepare our tools first.ToolsWinRARCommand PromptHidden files (Eg: password.txt)A JPG image file (Eg: nerd.jpg)Ok, now we move on how to do this trick. Btw here is my nerd.jpg.1. Put your hidden file and your image file in the same folder. Here I havepassword.txtandnerd.jpg. Both I put in a folder I named itSecretin drive D.2. Put all these files into a RAR archive. I named this archive asHidden.rar3. OpenCommand Promptand go to the folder where you place the files. Type the following command,copy /b nerd.jpg + hidden.rar cool.jpgwherenerd.jpgis our original image file,hidden.raris our RAR archive andcool.jpgis the JPG image file that we want to create.4. Now you will have4 filesin the folder. nerd.jpg, password.txt, hidden.rar and cool.jpg5. If you opencool.jpgfile, you will see the same image like nerd.jpg.6. If you open cool.jpg file with WinRAR, here is what you will get.Secret files in JPG image file.7. Below is my cool.jpg image file. Try open the file with WinRAR and read what I wrote in the password.txt file. :pBtw if you want to make it more secure, use encryption when you create the archive file. [tags]winrar, encryption, hidden file[/tags]Edit:You also can use WinZip to do this trick. Thanks toiCalvyn.
Win Free Domain and WordPress Hosting
Guys… Do you want to getfreedomain and wordpress hosting? Well, here is your chance.Sabahan.comis having areview conteston his website. The winner will win a free domain and WordPress hosting free for life.All you have to do is just write a review about Sabahan.com in less than 200 words and link to the contest page and one of Sabahan.com other post.But Sabahan.com will not pay the domain for life but he will give you $10USD (via paypal) for you to buy your own domain for the first time. For the free WordPress hosting, Sabahan.com will host your website as long as he remain with his dedicated server. You will getLinux Operating System500 MB disk space10 Gig monthly data transfer5 MYSQL Databases5 FTP5 Sub domains20 POP3 AccountsSome other featuresFor more info and rules, you can read at thecontest page. So, hurry and get your free domain and hosting now.Note:Gaman, can I get free hosting because I review your contest. Lol…[tags]free, hosting, domain, wordpress[/tags]
Amazing Bowling Trick
I like playing bowling. Although I’m not yet reach 200 points and above but watching this short video makes me want to go to bowl this weekend. Does anyone interested to join me? Lol…Watch this video.As you can see, the guy threw the ball and the ball pushed the pin to the next pin on the other side lane. Really amazing…Or you can do more better than this guy? Show me your video. :p
Optimize your website with free SEO training
It is cool when your website showed up in the first page in SERP when peoples search for some keywords that related to your site. But to get that, you need to optimize your website to make your site is search engine friendly which means you need to SEOing your site.Some peoples will choose to get SEO expert to optimize their site but for smart people, they will learn how to optimize their website by their own. Of course it will cost you money to learn, to buy books, attend seminars, etc but atGeomodules, you can learn SEO for free.This SEO training consist of 10 steps. Each step will teach you how to optimize your website from put your keywords in the title, the right way using H1 tag and some videos that worth to watch.You can start your SEO traininghere. And don’t forget me if your site get listed in the first search engine result page. Good luck! 🙂 [tags]seo, seo training, geomodules[/tags]
The Best Antivirus, Kaspersky Still on Top
Antivirus is the most important security feature that every computers should have. With antivirus, your computers are protected from being attack and destroy by viruses, worms, trojans, spams, etc. But what is the best antivirus solution for your computers?Based on the ranking released byvirus.gr,Kaspersky version betais on the first rank with 99.23% score. The second place won byKaspersky version the third place isActive Virus Shield by AOL version is the full ranking list.Kaspersky version beta – 99.23%Kaspersky version – 99.13%Active Virus Shield by AOL version – 99.13%ZoneAlarm with KAV Antivirus version 7.0.337.000 – 99.13%F-Secure 2007 version 7.01.128 – 98.56%BitDefender Professional version 10 – 97.70%BullGuard version – 96.59%Ashampoo version 1.30 – 95.80%eScan version 8.0.671.1 – 94.43%Nod32 version 2.70.32 – 94.00%CyberScrub version 1.0 – 93.27%Avast Professional version 4.7.986 – 92.82%AVG Anti-Malware version 7.5.465 – 92.14%F-Prot version – 91.35%McAfee Enterprise version 8.5.0i+AntiSpyware module – 90.65%Panda 2007 version 2.01.00 – 90.06%Norman version 5.90.37 – 88.47%ArcaVir 2007 – 88.24%McAfee version 11.0.213 – 86.13%Norton Professional 2007 – 86.08%Rising AV version 19.19.42 – 85.46%Dr. Web version 4.33.2 – 85.09%PC-Cillin 2007 version 15.00.1450 – 84.96%Iolo version 1.1.8 – 83.35%Virus Chaser version 5.0a – 79.51%VBA32 version 3.11.4 – 77.66%Sophos Sweep version 6.5.1 – 69.79%ViRobot Expert version 5.0 – 69.53%Antiy Ghostbusters version 5.2.1 – 65.95%Zondex Guard version 5.4.2 – 63.79%Vexira 2006 version 5.002.62 – 60.07%V3 Internet Security version 2007.04.21.00 – 55.09%Comodo version beta – 53.94%Comodo version – 53.39%A-Squared Anti-Malware version 2.1 – 52.69%Ikarus version 5.19 – 50.56%Digital Patrol version 5.00.37 – 49.80%ClamWin version 0.90.1 – 47.95%Quick Heal version 9.00 – 38.64%Solo version 5.1 build 5.7.3 – 34.52%Protector Plus version 8.0.A02 – 33.13%PcClear version – 27.14%AntiTrojan Shield version – 20.25%PC Door Guard version 19.95%Trojan Hunter version 4.6.930 – 19.20%VirIT version 6.1.75 – 18.78%E-Trust PestPatrol version – 11.80%Trojan Remover version 6.6.0 – 10.44%The Cleaner version 4.2.4319 – 7.26%True Sword version 4.2 – 2.20%Hacker Eliminator version 1.2 – 1.43%Abacre version 1.4 – 0.00%More info can be found at Virus.gr antivirusranking page.So, what do you think? Want to switch your antivirus to Kaspersky? I myself using Nod32 and I think I will stick to it.[tags]antivirus, kaspersky, active virus shield[/tags]New Antivirus Rankings…Kaspersky Still on Top[via CyberNet News]
No more Snap.com previews in Firefox
Do you use Snap previews on your website? I hope you remove it because it is irritating me and maybe for some other peoples too. Lol…But thanks toAdBlock Plusbecause of it, you no need to remove your Snap from your website just because I ask you to do so (Eh?). ThisFirefoxextension will blocks all Snap previews from being pop up when visitors mouse over on the links.DownloadAdBlock Plusandinstallit.Next, restart your Firefox and then clickTools > AdBlock Plus.Addspa.snap.com/*to set new rule in AdBlock Plus.Restart Firefoxand no more Snap.com previews when you browsing websites.Disable Snap.com Previews Permanently[via Of Zen and Computing][tags]snap, tips, tricks, firefox[/tags]
Windows XP in Ubuntu version
This is not really Ubuntu version for Windows XP but it is actually a visual style Ubuntu alike for Windows XP.Download theZip file.Extract the archive file and runuxtheme patcher.After restart you PC, inVisualStyles, click onClearlooksto change your Windows XP theme.InIconsfolder, click onSuper_Turbo_Tango_Patcher_August_2006to change Windows XP icons.Done!Here are some printscreen images on Windows XP.Btw have you ordered your freeUbuntu Feisty Fawn CDsyet? You can order up to 5 pieces. Go get them now! :dWindows Xp bertemakan Ubuntu[via Versi Melayu] [tags]ubuntu, windows xp, visual style[/tags]
Why is the rum gone?
This post is not because I want to get the free tickets (although I already got them. he3.) for Pirate of Caribbean 3 (PoC3) screening but I make this post just to say how I appreciate and say my thankful toNuffnang.Thanks to Samantha Wong (a Nuffnang staff) for calling me on that day asking me if I want to go to watch PoC3 movie for FREE!!! I was shocked on that time because Nuffnang suddenly called me and asked me in English. Lol… But although my English is not fluence but of course I said yes and I will go with my brother on 24th May 2007 at 9.30pm to watch PoC3 at Cineleisure.Cineleisure is not far from my house. I live in Kota Damansara. So it will takes about 5 to 6 minutes to go there. So anyone got free tickets to watch the movie? Maybe we can meet there and talk about ourbusinesswebsite? [tags]pirate of caribbean, nuffnang[/tags]
I just sold one Post Level Text Link Ads
I got an email fromText Link Adsregarding theirPost Level Text Link Adscampaign. And know what? I just sold one link ad in one of my posts.You can see thelink here. It is located below the content. Directly below the content marked withRelated Link.BesidesAdSense, Text Link Ads is another site monetizing programme that I run on my website. I have earned a lot of money from Text Link Ads. You can see I have sold four link ads on my sidebar. I put the links under Sponsored Links category.If you want to earn money from Text Link Ads, you can register for free by using myaffiliate link. If you an advertiser and want to start buying link ads at my site by using Text Link Ads, you also can register yourself with thisadvertiser affiliate link. [tags]text link ads, revenue, make money online[/tags]Edit:I just sold another two Post Level links. See the link here,Anime: The Law of Uekiand here,Make your Own WordPress Theme.
TLA encounter Database Error
Woops… Today I found out thatTLAhad encounter Database Error. Even I click refresh button, the error page still there. Wondering whats going on on their server. Hopefully there are no data loss. 🙁See the printscreen image below.[tags]text link ads, database error[/tags]Edit:The site has back to normal. 🙂
Don&#8217;t ever and never trust PayPalr
Today when I check my spam box in Gmail, I got an email fromPaypal. But, why it got trapped in my spam box? Hurm…it makes me curious to check what goes wrong.When I opened the email, I smiled. He3. It was a fake email. It is not from Paypal but from a stupid person who want our Paypal account. See the image below.It is true that the email logo is Paypal. But when I read the email carefully, it is pronouncedPayPalrnot Paypal. And when I mouse-over the login url, Opera displayed a hidden link which is it is not a Paypal login url.Then I clicked the link and here is what I got.First, the url in the address bar is really differ from the exact Paypal login url (see image below). Second, after you enter your email and password and if you click the login button, your Paypal account will gone with your money. Ho3. You like it? Of course you don’t.The real Paypal login page is this.So guys, better watch out on every email you got. Although there are not many peoples will open spammed emails but there still exist peoples who will open the email and give his login information. Duh… [tags]paypal, scam, fake email[/tags]
Change your XP icons to Vista
If you want to useVistaicons without installingVista Customization Pack, maybe you want to try this method. [tags]vista, vista icons, icontweaker[/tags]Downloadand installIconTweaker. (Don’t worry. It is free. :d )Then, downloadVista icon pack.Extractanddouble clickthe icon theme to install it.Once installed, click on Vista icon in IconTweaker and chooseLoad Theme.Finally, clickOk. Done!There are two more icon packages available for download.UbuntuandOSX. Try them too. ;))Ahh…want to change your Windows XP cursors? Go here please,Vista Cursors for Windows XP. :dCypher:Actually, I don’t want to install Vista but I like its icons. :d
Get FREE Box.net account with Goowy
Hey guys, do you want to getfreeaccount atBox.net? Well…you know, Box.net is one of the best online file storage available on the net. But you need to pay them if you want to use their service. And because you are my site readers, I will share you this. How you can get Box.net account for free… Yes, I said free… But how? Please continue your reading…Go toGoowyand create your Goowy account.Once registered, login to Goowy and click onView your filesunderFile Storage.Fill in the password form and click onCreate Accountbutton.Congratulations! You have successfully created your free Box.net account and can use up to1049 Mbof space.Now, you can login to Box.net with your Goowy account which isyourname@goowy.comIf you think this tips is useful, why not digg it to make it to the front page and share it with other people. Just click the button above. Go on, click on it. :d [tags]box.net, free, storage, goowy[/tags]
SoloSEO &#8211; Do It Yourself SEO
If you are a webmaster or blogger, I’m sure Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the important thing that you should take note. With SEO, your site will rank higher in search engine result. Thats mean, you will get more traffics and more visitors. But how to do SEO by yourself?SoloSEOis a combination of all SEO tools into one package. It is really easy to use even for a newbie because this tool was make for you to do SEO by your own.Whatbenefitsyou will get with SoloSEO? SoloSEO not only just guide you on SEO, but it also display reports and checklists. Reports are use to keep track of your progress in SEO. It will display your site’s indexed pages, backlinks, pagerank and Alexa ranking every week. This is really useful to show you where you have been in SEO. And the checklists are to ensure you are on the right track and complete all the SEO steps.In my opinion, the best thing in SoloSEO is, you can watch your competitors. Do you think what I’m thinking right now? Lol… With this feature, you will know what your competitors indexed pages, backlinks, pagerank and Alexa ranking in one place. So, you don’t need to check each competitors by hand because everything done by SoloSEO. Cool isn’t it? Saving you a lot of time!Here are somefeaturesyou will get with SoloSEO.Keyword ManagementContent TrackingLink BuildingCompetitorsSEO ChecklistsDisplay reports and your progressInterested?Registerand have a free trial of this tool. Wait no more, do it now. 🙂This is a Sponsored Post.[tags]soloseo, seo, search engine optimization[/tags]
How to create your Paypal Donation button
Because myPaypalaccount has been verified, so I’m looking on how to create a Paypal donation button. Ha3. After created my own Donation button, here, I want to share with you how you can make one to put on your website. But first, I assume you already have your own Paypal account. Otherwise, you can register for free at theirregister page. Ok, lets move on.Login to your Paypal accountGo toMerchant Toolsand click onWebsite Payments StandardNext step, click onFeature Listunder Website Payments Standard categoryUnderPayment Processing Options, click onSet it Upto setup yourDonationsbuttonYou can leave everything (Optional) to blankChoose your Donation button.Click onCreate Button Nowand paste the code given into your site template.Done!So…you have learnt something from here right? Why don’t you donate $1USD for me. Lol… I’m just kidding. But I still want to put the $1USD donate button below this post. Click on it if you want to donate to me. :d [tags]paypal, donation button, donation[/tags]
Help me answer the Site Poll
I just setupAdverletspoll on my site (ahh…more site load time). So I hope you can help me answer all the questions given. The poll is located on my sidebar.There will be 4 questions. So just rilex, calm yourself and answer the poll politely. Ok? Good… 🙂Adverlets is an Asian weblog advertising network. With Adverlets, bloggers will get better advertising that is relevent to their readers. This is because when the first time you setup your Adverlets code on your site, the code will display a poll asking your readers to get some informations to deliver the best advertisement on your site.Here are the benefits for Advertisers and Bloggers with Adverlets.Advertisersget to target the right demographic for their advertisingmake their message countassociate themselves with Malaysia’s new wave of dynamic personal content publishersdemonstrate their relevance by utilizing new tools for communicationBloggersmake more money through targeted advertising, relevant to their blog readersget to find out more about their own blog readersget access to free website tools to upgrade their blog furthermonetize what they love doingHave you joined Adverlets? Have earned some money from them? [tags]adverlets, make money online, site poll[/tags]
Monthly Highlights &#8211; April 2007
The following is the list of the best posts inApril 2007. Enjoy! 🙂CypherHackz.Net won Gold AwardWhen someone hotlinking your stuffsHow to stop them from hotlinking your filesCustomize your WordPress login pageNuffnang – Easy way to earn moneyTop 10 Most Famous Hackers
RM1.60 more for Nuffnang first cheque
Argh…RM1.60 more to get my first cheque!Last week, Ipostedabout how easily you can earn money fromNuffnang. Although it is difficult but I thought I can reach RM100 to get my first Nuffnang cheque. Lol… But today when I check my earnings for last week performance, I only got RM49.20. Not bad huh?Btw I have couple suggestions to Nuffnang. I think it is better if they can make an affiliate programme. So bloggers can earn more money if they deliver more new quality bloggers to Nuffnang. And the second one is, I hope their script is small so it will reduce my site (and others bloggers) load time. Anyway, good luck to Nuffnang and me. :p[tags]make money online, nuffnang[/tags]
Top 10 Most Famous Hackers
I got an email fromIT Securitylast week but forgot to write a review here. If you are wondering who are the top and the most elite hacker on the Earth, I suggest you read out article from IT Security,Top 10 Most Famous Hackers of All Time.Some of you may not know that there are two types of hacker. The good ones or we call them asWhite Hat Hackersare the person who works in IT fields. They are the peoples who incharge and maintain our systems, internet and everything that relates to computers.On the other side, the bad one, we call them as Crackers orBlack Hat Hackers. They are not only do bad things but they also make peoples live in troubles. In the list, #1 Black Hat Hacker is Jonathan James. You can read the details from the article.But, no matter what hat colour they wear, they are still people like us. Besides, in real life, I don’t think they will wear hat when they hacking, right? Lol… [tags]it security, hackers[/tags]
Received PB debit card, Paypal verified!
After waiting so long, at last, I got my ownPublic Bank Visa Electrondebit card. Ha3. I took it from Public Bank Skudai branch last Friday.Sorry… The pic is not so clear.And I also had verified my paypal account. So if you want to donate some money to me, wait no more, just send it to my paypal email account. Lol…I’m not sure what other things can I do with this card. I applied it just to verify my paypal account only. After my account got verified, what’s next? Owh…maybe I can start buying stuffs online. Have any ideas? Ha3. :dBut wait, I have something that I want to share to my fellow Malaysian readers and those who know how to read in Malay. There is an ebook fromWizuraion how you canverify your Paypalaccount by using Public Bank debit card and NexG MasterCard Ambank. This ebook is written in Malay and I’m sure it will make you more easier to understand it. I also learn to verify my paypal account from it.Btw because my paypal has been verified, those who want buy link ads on my site, you can contact me and pay them by using Paypal. See myAdvertise pagefor more info.[tags]public bank, visa electron, debit card, advertise[/tags]
Nuffnang &#8211; Easy way to earn money
If you noticed, there is an ad displaying under Marketplace on my sidebar. This ad is served byNuffnang – Asia’s First Blog Advertising Community.I’m so excited to write a review after I checked my earnings today. For the last week, I have make almost RM50. Ha3. This means, it is RM50 more to go to get my first check from Nuffnang. What? You don’t believe what I said? Click the thumbnail below.Why I said “easy way to earn money”? Because all you have to do is just register, place the code and start earning money when advertisers put their ads on your site. There is nothing much to do, right? Besides, Nuffnang will find the advertisers to you. So, you just sit back and drink coffee and see the money ‘marching’ into your pocket.The earnings that you will get is depends on the number of your average unique visitors you received in the week before your ad campaign is served. The more visitors you have, the more money you can make. For more information, check out theBlogger FAQ.So, what are you waiting for?Register nowand start monetize your websites today![tags]nuffnang, make money online[/tags]
Customize your WordPress login page
This is really simple and interesting. But you need to know how to use Photoshop or any image editing tools before you can start customize it.What we will doing here is we want to customize our WordPress login page images. By default, your WordPress login page looks like this.To change it into something else, you must edit or replace this two image files,login-bkg-tile.gifandlogin-bkg-bottom.gifwith your own unique custom design. This two files can be found from yourwp-admin/imagesfolder.login-bkg-tile.giflogin-bkg-bottom.gifBut if you want to design your own custom images, you must make sure that your image background colour must not in white or you will not see text on your login page.Once you have finished editing or design your login page image, transfer them to yourwp-admin/imagesfolder. Now you can view your new customized login page athttp://<your domain>/wp-login.php.Here is mine.Want to see a live preview? Just go tomy login page. Cool huh? :dCustomize the WordPress login page[via rishiraj.info]
Send free SMS with Mobik
Are you the person who loves to save your phone credits? Don’t want to waste your credits to peoples you hate? So lazy to go to 7 Eleven to topup? Here comes a new and free way to send Short Message Service (SMS) to your friends and anyone.Mobikis an application to send free SMS from your internet browsers or from your handphone to most world destinations. All you have to do is just create your free account and you can start sending free SMS to your friends.But before you can start sending your SMS, you must make sure that the region you sending is supported byMobik’s advertising sponsors. This is because Mobik will not deliver your SMS if the region is not supported by their sponsors.If you are not sure on how to get started, you can readMobik Quick Start Guide. They have everything well explained in the flash guide.
How to stop them from hotlinking your files
First and foremost, I would like to say thank you very much for those who gave me comments and suggestions to mylast post. Here, I found two ways how you can prevent someone from hotlinking your files and eating up your bandwitdh.1st Method – CPanel HotLink ProtectionIf you use CPanel, you can set and block peoples from hotlinking your files withHotLink Protectionoption. Just login into your CPanel and click on the HotLink Protection icon. In the HotLink Protection page, you can set which urls you allow for access, file types that you want to protect, url to redirect the hotlinked files and option to allow direct request.For more clear view about this, I have prepare you with aflash videoon how to use the HotLink Protection option. I found this video from my hosting provider FAQ page.2nd Method – .htaccessYou also can do this with .htaccess file on Apache web server if you don’t have CPanel. Here is how to do it:Create file name htaccess.txtPlace this code in your htaccess.txt fileRewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?mysite\.com/ [NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$RewriteRule .*\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ /images/stophotlink.jpe [L]What this code does is it will only allow hotlink files from your domain (mysite.com) and direct request. And if it comes from other domain or request, files with extension .jpeg, .gif, .bmp and .png will be replaced withstophotlink.jpefile.Note:.jpe is a .jpg image file. We use .jpe because we want to prevent from infinite redirect loop.Upload htaccess.txt file into your root serverRename the file to .htaccessDone!More info for this second method, you can read this tutorial,How Do I Stop Hotlinking and Bandwidth Theft?
ZWOK &#8211; Throw the snowballs!
Hey! Do you love playing snowballs? In Malaysia, there is no winter season, so I don’t have my chance to play them. Lol…. But here comes an online game where you can play the snowballs and throw them to get points. The more you play, the more points you will get and the higher your rank will be.ZWOKis a flash online game where you choose your character and start playing and throwing the snowballs. This game is divided into two teams and you must decide which team you want to join. But before you can play this game, you need to create your account first or, you can start playing the quick game option.Note:You can be addicted to this game once you start playing. So, better put your watch or clock near to your monitor so you will know how long you have play this game. Lol…Main Game | ZWOK[via Skolblog]
When someone hotlinking your stuffs
What will you do when someone hotlinking your stuffs such as images or files? More interesting when he or she hotlinking them without asking your permission. So, what will you do?Gotcha!I founda postfrom Incoming Links in my Dashboard. When I follow the link, I found out that the post that guy made is exactly the samewith mine. Not only just that, he also hotlinking my image and also the smilies. I think he copy it from my page source.Slow talk firstAfter I knew what had happened, I tried to slow talk with him first by sending him a comment. Politely I asking him to put a linkback to my entry. If he don’t want to edit the entry, maybe I need to edit the image. Owh…no…What’s next?This is not the first time I found peoples hotlinking my images. Usually, peoples who are new to blogging dosen’t know the meaning of hotlinking and copyright stuffs. And I don’t mind if they hotlinking them as long as the leave a linkback to my post. Hurm…right now, I think I will gonna put my signature or my icon on every image in my entries. With that, peoples can’t use the images freely and hogging my bandwidth. Lol…Btw I want to share with you an article that I found from Mr Google. Maybe you might want to read it,So You Have Decided to Hotlink and Steal Bandwidth. Enjoy… :d
Keeping your kids safe online with CNET&#8217;s guide
There are many things peoples can do with the Internet. As an adult, we can think which one is right and which one is wrong. But for the kids, they think everything is right and they can learn a lot from the Internet. Without supervised by their parents it might cause them into trouble.But thanks to CNET for guiding the parents on how they can keep their kids safe online. “Keep your kids safe online” is a new feature by CNET’s Living with Technology. This guide giving you a number of articles, video, DIY tips and forum where you can communicate with others to share your questions or opinnions.Here are some articles and highlights from the main page:Top five Internet dangers for kidsParental controls that keep tabs on young Web surfersThink before you click: A kids’ checklist for surfing the NetKeeping your kids safe online with CNET’s guide[via CNET]
Yahoo Messenger proxy problem fixed
The ProblemI had problem with my Yahoo Messenger after I startedusing proxyto get to the Internet. Although I have set the proxy settings in Yahoo Messenger, it still can’t get connected and login to my account. I’m pretty sure that all settings are correct and I even had tried many options in the connection setting but it still failed to connect.The SolutionAfter trying for about 2 months (lol…), now I can use my Yahoo Messenger as before. The solution is, besides you set the connection in Yahoo Messenger to“Firewall with no proxies”, you mustset your Internet Explorerto connect via proxy too. I’m not sure why it must be like that but maybe Yahoo Messenger using IE connection settings to get into the Internet before it use its own proxy settings to send and receive messages.How did I know that?Actually this problem happened to me once when I tried to install Yahoo Messenger. I got an error when it tries to connect to the Internet. As you may know, Yahoo Messenger installer will copy all needed files from the Yahoo server. And because I’m using proxy, it failed to connect to the server and makes me thinking how to solve that. And the solution is set the proxy setting in Internet Explorer. I did that by using my instinct.Note: Because I’m not using Internet Explorer to surf the web, so I didn’t set the proxy before.YM meBecause now I can use my Yahoo Messenger and if you want to chat with me, you can do so by adding me to your buddy list. Here is my screen name:cypherhackz. Btw sometimes my internet connection is unstable and disconnect automatically. If you send me a message and did not get any replies from me within 5 minutes, thats mean I have difficulties with my connection.Reminder!!!This is just a reminder for those who downloaded Yahoo Messenger before March 13, 2007. There is a security issue commonly referred to as a buffer overflow in an ActiveX control. To be safe, you are required to download the latest version of your Yahoo Messenger client immediately at Yahoo Messengerdownload page. More info about this issue can be found here,Yahoo! ActiveX Audio Conferencing Update.
No more Windows XP on 2008
Microsoft will stop selling Windows XP to PC developers and PC sellers next year — 2008. So, if you buy new PC, you will not get Windows XP installed but instead you will get Windows Vista ready in the PC.Microsoft will stop selling Windows XP to PC makers such as Dell, Lenovo and Hewlett-Packard by January 31, a company representative confirmed Thursday. The software maker will stop selling XP to system builders, the smaller custom PC makers, a year later, the representative said.No more Windows XP as of 2008[via CNET News]This means, Microsoft want to wash away all Windows XP and users will have Windows Vista in their home. But for current Windows XP users, to move from Windows XP to Windows Vista will cost them more money. This is because, Vista use high performance and system resources and peoples need to upgrade their system.But, before you decided to upgrade your system, maybe you might want to check your system here,Is your system ready for Windows Vista upgrade?. If your system is ready to use Widnows Vista, don’t wasting your money on the upgrade.And those who live in Malaysia,PIKOM PC-Fairhas arrived. It is the best time for you to buy things and upgrade your system.
Get free Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ubuntufans should know this. Feisty Fawn, Ubuntu v7.04 has been released and it was ready to be shipped direct to your house. You can request your free CD atShipItand it may takes 10 weeks for the delivery.If you have high-speed internet connection, why notdownloadit direct from the server? It is better wait for 10 hours of downloading than 10 weeks for the CDs to arrive to your house. Or unless you want to keep those free CDs as your collections. :pUbuntu is a free operating software. No license fee needed and you can distribute it to your friends, family, or to anyone. Based on security in mind, this community developed operating system, is the best system for your PCs and laptops.Try it now and feel the power! :)>-Cypher:Am I promoting Ubuntu? Lol… :))
Earn more money with Post Level Text Link Ads
I got an email this morning from Patrick. Now,Text Link Adspublishers can make more money by using their latest WordPress plugin.This new plugin included with the new type of feature,Post Level Text Link Ads, where publishers can selling ads on individual posts. Here are some Post Level Text Link Ads FAQ from the email I received.You will still have editorial control for each link purchased if you have opted for editorial control for your regular Text Link Ads.Pricing is set automatically and is lower on a per link basis then typical homepage placed Text Link Ads.No extra coding work for you, we sync all of your posts automatically with our new WP plugin.If you regular Text Link Ads are sold out you will now have new inventory to sell.I have earned some money with TLA. It is a simple way to earn money from your website. And with this new feature, I can earn more with it. So, why don’t you be like me,join TLAand earn a lot of money just from one website. [tags]text link ads, tla, money[/tags]
CypherHackz.Net won Gold Award
First of all, I’m so sorry because not update my site more than a week. The internet services at my college was down and I can’t connect to the wireless access point. And I also had to postponemy projectto another day that I will announce it later.But this is just a short note that, CypherHackz.Net has wonGold AwardinWebmaster Malaysia Website Award Round One Results. Click the badge above to see other winners for Gold Award. Thanks to the panel judges and thanks to all of you who read and visit and be loyal readers to my site. 🙂 [tags]malaysia, webmaster, gold award[/tags]
Tidy-up your CSS file with Clean CSS
I coded all my themes and CSS manually by usingEditPlus 2, by hand. But when coded in text editor, your code might unstructureable and will slow down your site. That is why you need something that can optimize and tidy up your files.Here has come a website calledClean CSS. Clean CSS is a nice utility that will tidy up your CSS file and will optimize it to make your site load faster. For an example, instead ofpadding-top: 10px;padding-right: 5px;padding-bottom: 10px;padding-left: 5px;Clean CSS will tidy it into like thispadding: 10px 5px 10px 5px;Beside that, Clean CSS will remove all unnecessary things and will pack your CSS file into smaller package.Speed Up Your Site: Optimize your CSS[via Daily Blog Tips][tags]clean css, css, cascading stylesheet[/tags]
Thinkglish.com is now known as English180.com
Do you still remembermy postabout Thinkglish.com? Well, I got an email this morning from Adriana Koeneke. She is one of the staff who works inEnglish180.commarketing department.In her email, she told me that Thinkglish.com is now known as English180.com. Everything are still the same but just the domain name has changed. She said, this new domain name is more easier for peoples to find them.The strategy method used by English180.com can also be implemented for those who are want to buy a domain name. Choose domain name that has good keywords, easy to remember and something that related to you or your website — like my site. :p [tags]english, online, english10, thinkglish[/tags]
WordPress Tips &#038; Tricks Collection &#8211; Phase 1
I have a project that I want you, your friends, your friend’s friends, your friend’s friend’s friends, or anybody to participate in. The project that I talking about is,WordPress Tips & Tricks Collection.Let me briefing it first. What exactly that I want to do is I want to combine all WordPress tips and tricks around the blogosphere into one big collection (collection of links). So, WordPress newbie or beginner or maybe advanced users can learn all those tips and tricks by using the collection that I will produce.Phase 1 – The GatheringFor this project, there will be three phases. The first phase isThe Gathering. In this phase, I will collect all WordPress tips and tricks around the blogosphere as many as I could. But to do that by my own is really tough. There are plenty tips and tricks out there. That’s why I’m asking you to join me in this project. But how?You can help me by pingback (trackback) your WordPress tips and tricks to this post. I’m sure you know how to pingback your post, don’t you? Lol… This phase will starttoday (27th March 2007)and will end on nextTuesday (3rd April 2007).Phase 2 – The SortingThe next phase will be,The Sorting. I think I can do this part alone where I need to sort all of the tips and tricks into their categories (if any). And if the tips or tricks similiar/same with the another, maybe I will only choose one. But one thing that I want you to keep in mind is, make sure that the tips or tricks that you submit is made by your own. It will save me a lot of time. :dPhase 3 – The ReleaseAnd the last phase isThe Release. Once I finished sort all the links, I will publish them up here. Hopefully I can release the collection on9th April 2007.The BenefitsOk, as a reader, you will learn new things. I’m not sure how many links will be in the collection but I’m sure it will takes you times to finish reading all of them.And as the contributor, there are no rewards that I can give you but you will get some traffics and backlinks. Thats all I can think right now. 🙂Well, if you have any ideas or suggestions, you can drop them in the comment form below. But don’t forget to tell this to your friends. We want to make a big collection ofWordPress Tips & Tricks, so we need as many as possible contributors that we can get. Better start pingging now.[tags]project, wordpress project, tips & tricks[/tags]
Beautify your URLs with Permalinks
Some may have noticed but they do not know how to do it. Or maybe they don’t bother enough with it.By default, in WordPress, your post urls will be displayed by using it’s post id. But with permalinks, you can beautify your urls with something more meaningable. Instead by using post id number like this,http://www.cypherhackz.net/?p=592you can change it to something like thishttp://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2007/03/25/beautify-your-urls-with-permalinks/But how do I do that? Here I will show you how.First, go to yourOptionsand click onPermalinkstabThere, you will see, 4 common options that you can choose from. And of course, by default, theDefaultoption is selectedIf you want to change your post urls to like mine, you can use this structure underCustomoption./archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/Then, clickUpdate Permalink StructureActually, what that structure do is, the url will be transformed into according the structure tags we use./archives– this will be your archives folder (virtually)%year%– the year of the post been published. Eg:2007%month%– the month of the post been published. Eg:03%day%– the day of the post been published. Eg:25%postname%– the post title. Eg:beautify-your-urls-with-permalinksThere are more structure tags that you can choose from. All of the structure tags can be found atWordPress Codex – Using Permalinks.Btw, do you mind to share your permalink structure with us? You can do that by post it by using the comment form below.[tags]permalinks, tutorial, tips[/tags]
Apple Hacking Contest
Well, its kinda weird when I first read the article about the contest. And the prize will be a fully loaded MacBook Pro.The organizer, CanSecWest, will host two MacBook Pro computers with default Apple installation. And the first person who can break into the system with their unique exploits will bring the computer home.The contest will take place at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver starting April 18. And I’m wondering if any Malaysians want to participate in the contest. 😕Hacking contest takes aim at Apple[via SecurityFocus] [tags]apple, hacking, exploit[/tags]
Beware with the ATM slot
It is not cool when your Auto-Teller Machine (ATM) card got confiscated by the machine. More worst when you found out your account balance is $9.54 because someone had stolen your money by using your confiscated card.But how do they do it? You will know the answer when you watch this image slide (view atScribd).So, if your ATM card got stuck, make sure you check whether it is really got swollen by the machine or someone else want to do this trick on you. Better watch out. :-sHow thieves hack into an ATM[via HongKiat] [tags]atm, auto teller machine, thief[/tags]
The Shutdown Day &#8211; I cannot!
Today is 24th March 2007 and for those whoalready know, today is the Shutdown Day.I voted for “I can” but when the day comes, I can’t turn off my PC and I still online till now. And I want to tell you that, this computer has not been shutdown since 2 days ago. Ho3.So, how about you? Shut it off or keep it on? Hmm…let me guess. I think you are one of those who vote for “I cannot” cause you are still online, right? ;)) [tags]shutdown, pc, shutdown day[/tags]
CypherFS Orange for myCypherHackz.Net
I just finished make anew themefor mypersonal blog. I named itCypherFS Orange. Why orange? Because I use orange as its main colour. Lol…Actually I can finish up this theme earlier but because of I was busy with my stuffs, my studies, so I had to put a side the development and focus on my works. But know what, I’m almost forgot about the theme until I visited my friend’swebsite. He is also just created his new theme and his theme is kinda clean and smart.Btw guys, I need your opinion about this new theme. I’m glad to hear your opinions, suggestions or crticics, so I can improve it for my next theme (hopefully). [tags]wordpress, themes, cypherfs orange[/tags]
Rename your WindowsXP Start button text
Did you know, you can rename yourWindowsXP Startbutton text to something else? Some of you may already know that you can do that byedit your Explorer.exefile and change some value in your registry setting. But here comes an easy way to do that.StartBtn Renameris a simple utility that you can use to change your WindowsXP Start button text. With this Delphi coded tool, all you have to do is just type in the word that you want to use and click onRename It!button. It is much much easier than edit it by usingResource Hackerright? [tags]windows, windows xp, xp, tips, how to[/tags][viaTechBuzz]
Dive and Swim into Intrusion Detection
Ready with your oxygen tank? Because we are going to Intrusion Detection pool, to dive, to swim, to know what is Intrusion Detection really is.Based fromWikipedia, Intrusion Detection system is a system that will detects threats to computer system mainly come through the Internet. In early when the Internet is not well-known by peoples, this Intrusion Detection is not take serious by security expert. But when the Internet became popular, the implementation of this system is really important.To know more about Intrusion Detection, there are many sources available on the Net but many of them are old and not cover nowadays threats. But one ofIT Securitystaff had email me that they had published an article,Dive Into Intrusion Detectionthat cover every things about Intrusin Detection. Their article is easy to understand. [tags]intrusion detection, id, system[/tags]
How to fix PNG transparent display in IE
In Internet Explorer (IE), transparent background image in PNG format will appear to be gray and not transparent as it should be. That’s why you need this fix to repair the image when it comes in IE.To fix it, you can useAlphaImageLoaderfilter. See below for an example.<html> <head></head> <body bgColor="blue"> <!-- This DIV is the target container for the image. --> <DIV ID="oDiv" STYLE="position:absolute; left:140px; height:400; width:400; filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='image.png', sizingMethod='scale');" > </DIV> </body> </html>[viaMicrosoft Support]
6 weird things about me
I have been tagged byVincent Chow. It is about six weird things about myself. But first, here is the rules of this tagging game.Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!So, here is my list:1. I eat a lot but I’m thinYeah, although I eat a lot, eat chocolates, eat anything that can be eaten, my body still maintain like I’m currently now. No fat, no sickness, nothing. I’m healthy.2. Love chocolatesI love chocolates. Last time on my birthday, my girlfriend gave me chocolates and a watch as gifts. I really like it. Lol…Want some chocs?3. Put pillow on my face when sleepBefore I’m fall asleep, I will put pillow on my face (of course not covers my nose) and then I can continue my sleep.4. Do small businessLol… Although I’m currently study at UTM, I still do some small business by selling junk foods at blocks. Does anybody want some? :pSmall business but high profit.5. I don’t like football/soccerI’m not really good in this sport. Thats why I don’t like it, even the pc games. So don’t ask me when will be the next match of this team against this team. Or you will hear,“I don’t know”.6. NoneI don’t know what else could be in #6.The Wanted 6EchesThilakTechnoviceCarolMadhurFriedBeef
Be cool with Winamp and Yahoo! Messenger
If you listen to musics while chatting with your friends, I guess you need this thing to show them how cool you are. b-)Larkington’s Yahoo Messenger Winamp Pluginis a additional feature that will set your Yahoo! Messenger status message to the title of the song currently playing on your Winamp. There are also some other Winamp plugins which are working with the same concept but this plugin is better than the others. And I’m currently using it on my PC and this plugin works perfectly. <:-p But if you have created custom Yahoo! Messenger status message, you need to delete all the messages because, this plugin will rotate the messages instead of displaying the song currently playing on your Winamp. :-w To delete the custom messages, you needYahoo! Messenger Status Edit.Don’t wait any longer, download the plugin and be cool instantly! >:/ [tags]winamp, plugin, yahoo messenger[/tags]
Hi-Tech Baby with Her Cellphone
Got this from email and found out it is funny, interesting and cute… Lol…Babbling Baby Chatting On Her Cellphone–www.metacafe.comBtw does your baby answers the phone when the phone ringing? 😕 [tags]funny, metacafe, video[/tags]
Vista Cursors for Windows XP
If your computercannot support Vista, how about if you have the Vista cursors package on your Windows XP?To use it, just follow this simple steps.Downloadthe packageExtract it and right-click on file install.ini and choose InstallGo to Control Panel and select MouseClick on Pointers and under scheme chooseAero Cursors (Alphablended).Click Ok and feel the Vista cursors in your Windows XP 😉[tags]windows, windows xp, vista, cursor[/tags]
Command &#038; Conquer 3 &#8211; Tiberium Wars Demo Screenshots
Here are some screenshots taken from thedemo versionas requested byMadhur Kapoor. Sorry for taking so long to update because the wireless access point that I’m always use to connect was close. And I had to connect to other access point which is much much slower.C&C3 – Main MenuIn demo version, you can only play the GDI Campaign Demo and one skirmish map. But maybe there will be more maps available in the final release though.Briefing for the missionFor each mission, there will be a briefing to make sure what you need to do to success the mission.Loading time…While waiting for the mission finish loading, you can read the information given in the display.The gameplayYour battlefield will look like this. As I said before, the units and structures design are fantastic. The designers who create this game really put their heart in it. I really like the look of each items in this game. Five stars to them. *Clap, clap, clap.Overall, I can say that, the long wait for this game had been paid up. And I wish that Command & Conquer will continue their success in making real-time startegy games like this. Congrats and good luck! [tags]ea, command & conquer, tiberium wars, pc game[/tags]
Command &#038; Conquer 3 &#8211; Tiberium Wars Demo
Have you try it yet,Command & Conquer 3 – Tiberium Warsthe demo version? I did. Although it is only a demo but the graphics and gameplay are really great. I love the new design of each units and structures in this game.The landscape, dusts flying, everything are fantastic and smooth. It’s look like a real. Because of I not playing C&C for a long time, it takes time for me to familiar with the concept use to buy and control the units. To move units from a place to a place is differ from before. You need to right-click to move them and left-click on the ground to deselect them.The demo file size is 1.14Gb. Yea, it is really big but it is worth. I downloaded it at night so I can sleep and leave the download till it finish. You can start your download fromhere.I can’t wait the final release. If my dad know about I have the demo version, I’m sure he also want to play it too. He3. :d [tags]command & conquer, pc game, tiberium wars, ea[/tags]
CypherHackz.Net Banned in China
Yup, it is true that my site has been banned in China. I’m not sure why it get banned. I don’t see any threat cause from my site. So, guys at China, sorry because your country’s firewall is blocking my site url from getting through to your desktop.Btw for those who are not sure whether your site get banned in China or not, you can test it atGreat Firewall of China. And let see, how many websites in the banned list.[tags]china, firewall[/tags]
4 Reasons Why Use Gmail
Have you watched Gmail Theater yet? This theater (video) is about the features and reasons why you should use Gmail. Here are the 4 reasons:Gmail blocks spams before it even gets to your inboxGmail organizes and automatically groups emails into conversationsGmail helps you easily find any emailBuilt-in chat means quick, real-time communicationIf you want to use Gmail, you can join bysign-upfor free. No more invitation needed.[tags]gmail, features, google, email, video[/tags]
Shutdown Day &#8211; A day without PC
Here is the deal. Do you dare to shutdown your PC and will not touch it within 24 hours?Some of you may say, “Of course I can. I still can breath even I throw away the PC”. But maybe some of you will immediately say, “No! I can’t live without my PC. Please let us live together…”Well, there is a challenge for those who are computer geeky, computer lover or anyone who using computers everyday in their life. I challenge you to shutdown your PC and don’t ever touch or use any computers within 24 hours start onShutdown Day(24 March 2007). If you can cut your hand away from keyboard and mouse, I admit you are cool. :pCypher:I don’t think I can keep my PC off more than 8 hours.[tags]shutdown, pc[/tags][viaQuick Online Tips]
I am selling and buying drugs. Interested?
Yes. I am bored with blogging. There is no point if I continue blogging if the profit I got not much as I be a drug dealer or in a best word,Drug Lord.If you are a Drug Lord, you can earn more and more and more money than blogging. You can buy anything you want with the money you get. Thousands, millions or even billions money you can make per week. So lets playDrug Lordpc game and be a successful drug dealer. :pLol… I’m just kidding. I will not leave all my blogs dead. Actually I started playing this game when my pc can’t connect to the Internet. Because of bored with the day with no Internet, I play the game. I have installed it a quite long time though but just start playing it in 2, 3 days ago.Drug Lord is about you as a wannabe drug dealer want to earn and get more profit by selling drugs. The more you buy, the more you sell and the more you can earn. But it is not as easy as that. You need to know where is the cheapest place to buy drugs, where is the highest place to sell them and how to analyze statistics.There are many drugs available in this game. Cocaine, Crack, Morphine, Ecstasy, Hashish, etc. You can buy drugs anytime you want but for me, I buy the drugs when the prices gone down and sell them all when the prices are outrageous high. It is really fun when you earn millions at once. :dFeaturesSix available ranks. You start off as a wannabe and with luck and skill can work your way up to Drug Lord.Many cities, each with their own market.Loan sharks to lend you money.A wide array of weaponry to fight off those who come after you.Graphical history of drug prices for each city.Drug vaults for when you don’t want to take them with you.Drug price viewer that shows the price of a drug in every city.Easy-to-use user interface.Fun cheesy sounds!But as the author of this game said, “Don’t sell drugs! Don’t buy drugs! And never ever use drugs!“. So don’t ever sell, buy or use drugs in real life. This game is just for fun only. I will not take any responsibilities if anything happens to you. Play safe and nice, ok? [tags]drug lord, drug, game, pc game[/tags]Download Drug Lord 2.2
Badge for Malaysian Technology Blogs Network
I’m glad to announce, our FeedburnerMalaysian Technology Blogs(feed) network now has it own’s badge.This badge was designed byIzzatz. So for those who are in the network, why not put it at your sidebar as to increase our network subscribers. And make sure to linkback the badge to the network or there is no point you add it to your site. :pMalaysian Technology Blogs is a small technology blogs network that I create to combine all good stuffs from fellow Malaysian tech bloggers. Want to join? Checkthis postout. 🙂 [tags]feedbuner, network, malaysian technology blogs, feed[/tags]
Get Free legal 3 months Kaspersky License Key
For those who are using “illegal”Kasperskylicense, now you can get free 3 months legal Kaspersky license key. 🙂Go here(don’t bother with the langguage – german) and enter your email in the box and click the button below it. After awhile, check your inbox and you will get 3 months legal Kaspersky license key for free.Btw do you even heard aboutNod32? I moved from Kaspersky and currently using it right now. I think it is greater and lighter than Kaspersky. Check thecomparison charts. Nod32 only use 4% of resources. Other than that, based on someone’s experience, Nod32 detection for zero-day attack is far better than other antivirus products. ;)[tags]antivirus, kaspersky, license, key, software, nod32[/tags]
CMS The Grabber &#8211; The Ultimate Rapidshare Downloader
Note:New CMS The Grabberhas released. New version is 1.4.8. [Last update: 29 May 2007]It is a pain when we need to wait about an hour after we finished download file fromRapidshare. But for those who havePremium account, they can continue their downloads. Because of that, some helpful programmers create programs that can “cheat” Rapidshare so we (not Premium users) can use it to continue or download multiple files from Rapidshare. But the question is, which one is the best? There are many out there. 🙁Lol… Don’t be sad. Cheer up! :p Here is my choice,CMS The Grabber – The Ultimate Rapidshare Downloader!Because it allows you using multiple proxies, you can download multiple files at once with CMS The Grabber. Some Rapidshare downloaders only grab links from Rapidshare.DE but CMS The Grabber can grab links from both domain, .DE and .COM. And you can forward the links to your download manager (see the image above – “Send to Download Manager”). But the best thing is, it is FREE… :d But still, you can donate to the developer if you want to.Btw what rapidshare downloader you are currently using?TryUse CMS The Grabber. I recommended it! :d Click on the download link below if you want to use it now. 😉 [tags]rapidshare, cms grabber, the grabber, download, software[/tags]Download:CMS The Grabberv1.4.7CPassword:www.cmszone.orgMD5-Hash (of the RAR file, not .EXE):cbe24f2dbc75917fef750bce8bb75b42ImportantAfter you download the program check MD5 hash of the RAR file to be sure it is clean (download the MD5 utility fromhereand run MD5GrabberArchive.rarin the console window – cmd).Run the program immediately (necessary to activate it)KeepGrabber.EXEandGrabber.INIfiles in a safe place. WithoutGrabber.INI, the program may be deactivated at any time; with it, it will work forever (or until rapidshare changes its site(s)).Note:Grabber.INIis valid only for your computer. It will not work on another computer.For more info, you can visit the forumhere.
Fix StumbleUpon bug issue in Sociable plugin
I’m usingSociablewordpress plugin and found out there is a bug with the submit entry link toStumbleUpon.In sociable.php file, find line 305 to 308 and replace the line with this:'StumbleUpon' => Array('favicon' => 'stumbleupon.png','url' => 'http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=PERMALINK&amp;title=TITLE',),I have contact the author. Hopefully he will fix this issue in the next version. [tags]stumbleupon, stumble, plugin, wordpress plugin[/tags]
Calling all Malaysian technology bloggers
I’m calling all Malaysian bloggers who blog about technology to join my FeedBurnerMalaysian Technology Blogsnetwork. I got this idea after I readTech Buzzpost aboutIndia Technology Blogsnetwork which coordinate byQuick Online Tips. So I decided to create one for Malaysian bloggers.Why you should join? Well, besides you can increase your feed readers, you also can earn money if advertisers advertise in our network. More feed subscribers, more chances earn money. But it is not my main objective. I just want to gather all Malaysian technology bloggers in one network only. 🙂For those who want to join, you cancontact meand I will consider to send you the invitation. But first, make sure you areMalaysianand your blog is aboutTechnologyandupdate regularly. :d After you join the network, put the badges, or chicklets, or anything to promote our network on your site. The best place is to put link at the sidebar. So we can get more feed subscribers.Here is thenetwork feed. And if you want to advertise in the network, you can do so by clickinghere.More info:FeedBurner Networks[tags]feed, feedburner, network, feedburner ad network, malaysia[/tags]
How to delete Yahoo! Messenger status messages
Yahoo! Messengeris a well known instant messenger client where people use to chat with their family, friends or with other peoples. It also includes an option which we can set our own custom status message to be displayed beside our name in our friend’s messenger buddy list.Old custom status messages will be replaced by the new one. That’s why Yahoo! does not include options to delete the status message history. But some people want to delete the status messages but they don’t know how.Clear/Edit YahooMessenger Status Historyis a small utility coded with VisualBasic that will clear out your custom status messages. You can select which Yahoo! user ID in your computer that you want to edit and start change or delete the status messages for the ID. And you also can changing available custom status messages from the drop down list in your messenger. [tags]yahoo, yahoo messenger, messenger, tool, software[/tags]Download Clear/Edit YahooMessenger Status History
Kawaii Hello Kitty wants to clean your keyboard
This is not a joke. Hello Kitty really wants to clean your keyboard. But before she can do her works, she want you to plug her to an empty USB slot. :pHello Kitty USB-powered keyboard cleaner is a product that will clean dusts and germs from your keyboard. With two seperate cleaning heads, this kawaii (Japanesse translation for ‘cute’) Hello Kitty can finish her jobs perfectly. And while you cleaning your keyboard with Hello Kitty keyboard cleaner, how about if you listen your favorite songs withHello Kitty MP3 player. Sounds cute huh? :dHello Kitty Hell[viaEngadget] [tags]hello kitty, usb, keyboard, cleaner[/tags]