- over F - Series was discontinued , having been replaced by the tilt - cab C - Series . </P> <P> In 1959 , Ford began in - house production of four - wheel - drive pickups . </P> <H2> Fourth generation ( 1961 -- 1966 ) ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Ford F - Series ( fourth generation ) 1965 F - 100 <P> Ford introduced a dramatically new style of pickup in 1961 with the fourth generation F - Series . Longer and lower than its predecessors , these trucks had increased dimensions and new engine and gearbox choices . Additionally , the 1961 -- 1963 models were constructed as a unibody design with the cab and bed integrated . This proved unpopular and Ford reverted to the traditional separate cab / bed design in 1964 . </P> <P> In 1965 , the F - Series was given a significant mid-cycle redesign . A completely new platform , including the `` Twin I - Beam '' front suspension , was introduced that would be used until 1996 on the F - 150 and until 2016 on the F - 250 / 350 4x2 . Additionally that year , the Ranger name made its first appearance on a Ford pickup ; previously a base model of the Edsel , it was now used to denote a high - level styling package for F - Series pickups . </P> <H2> Fifth generation ( 1967 -- 1972 ) ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Ford F - Series ( fifth generation ) 1972 F - 250 Camper Special <P> Introduced in 1967 , the fifth generation F - series pickup was built on the same platform as the 1965 revision of the fourth generation . Dimensions and greenhouse glass were increased , engine options expanded , and plusher trim levels became available during the fifth generation 's production run . </P> <P> Suspension components from all 1969 F - Series models are completely interchangeable . </P> <P> A variant of the fifth generation F - series was produced until 1992 in Brazil for the South American market . </P> <H2> Sixth generation ( 1973 -- 1979 ) ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Ford F - Series ( sixth generation ) 1979 F - 250 Ranger <P> The sixth generation F - series was introduced in 1973 . This version of the F - series continued to be built on the 1965 fourth generation 's revised platform , but with significant modernizations and refinements . Front disc brakes , increased cabin dimensions , gas tank relocated outside the cab and under the bed , significantly improved heating and air conditioning , full double wall bed construction , increased use of galvanized steel , SuperCab was introduced in the sixth generation pickup . </P> <P> The FE engine series was discontinued in 1976 after a nearly 20 - year run , replaced by the more modern 351 series ( Modified ) and 400 series engines . </P> <P> In 1975 , the F - 150 was introduced in between the F - 100 and the F - 250 in order to avoid certain emission control restrictions . For 1978 , square headlights replaced the previous models ' round ones on higher trim package models , such as Lariat and Ranger , and in 1979 became standard equipment . Also for 1978 , the Ford Bronco was redesigned into a variant of the F - series pickup . 1979 was the last year that the 460 big block engine was available in a half ton truck . </P> <H2> Seventh generation ( 1980 -- 1986 ) ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Ford F - Series ( seventh generation ) F - 150 XL <P> The 1980 F - Series was redesigned with an all - new chassis and larger body ; this was the first ground - up redesign since 1965 . The exterior styling of the truck was redone to improve aerodynamics and fuel economy . Medium - duty F - Series ( F600 - F900 ) were also redesigned ; although they shared the cabin of the smaller pickup trucks , the largest version of F - Series now wore a bonnet with separate front wings ( like the L - Series ) . Medium duty Ford F - Series would carry the 1980 -- 1986 interior design until 2000 ( though pickups were restyled again in 1987 and 1992 ) , with very subtle changes such as window glass and electronics . </P> <P> In a move towards fuel efficiency , Ford dropped the M - Series engines ( the 5.8 Liter 351M and 6.6 Liter 400 cu in V8s ) in 1981 , replacing them with the 4.2 Liter 255 C.I. and 5.8 Liter 351 C.I. Windsor V8 engines from the Panther platform . The 255 V8 was simply a 5.0 L , 302 V8 with a smaller bore , built specifically for better fuel economy , but was dropped for the 1982 model year due to being underpowered and having limited demand . For 1982 and 1983 , the 3.8 L , 232 C.I. Essex V6 was the base engine but was quickly dropped for the 1984 model year . In 1983 , Ford added Diesel power to the F - Series through a partnership with International Harvester ( later Navistar ) . The 6.9 L , 420 C.I. IDI V8 produced similar power output as the gasoline 351 Windsor V8 , with the fuel economy of the 4.9 L , 300 I6 . From this point on ( 1983 - present ) , the heavier duty f - series trucks ( F - 350 and above ) were usually equipped with the Diesel engines as standard horsepower. 1985 was the first year of electronic fuel injection on the 5.0 L V8 , all other engines following suit in 1988 . There was a new `` high output '' version of the 5.8 L Windsor beginning in 1984 . </P> <P> A noticeable change was
The first Ford F-150 was made in
[ "1975" ]
When was the first ford f 150 made?
argued , as will be explained below , that this type of theory represented an oversimplifying diversion from the debates within Classical philosophy , possibly even that Aristotle saw it as a simplification or summary of the debates himself . But in any case the theory of the four causes became a standard part of any advanced education in the Middle Ages . </P> <H2> Modern science and laws of nature : trying to avoid metaphysics ( edit ) </H2> A Renaissance representation of Democritus the laughing philosopher , by Agostino Carracci Francis Bacon <P> In contrast , Modern Science took its distinctive turn with Francis Bacon , who rejected the four distinct causes , and saw Aristotle as someone who `` did proceed in such a spirit of difference and contradiction towards all antiquity : undertaking not only to frame new words of science at pleasure , but to confound and extinguish all ancient wisdom '' . He felt that lesser known Greek philosophers such as Democritus `` who did not suppose a mind or reason in the frame of things '' , have been arrogantly dismissed because of Aristotelianism leading to a situation in his time wherein `` the search of the physical causes hath been neglected , and passed in silence '' . </P> <P> And so Bacon advised ... </P> <P> Physic doth make inquiry , and take consideration of the same natures : but how ? Only as to the material and efficient causes of them , and not as to the forms . For example ; if the cause of whiteness in snow or froth be inquired , and it be rendered thus , that the subtile intermixture of air and water is the cause , it is well rendered ; but , nevertheless , is this the form of whiteness ? No ; but it is the efficient , which is ever but vehiculum formæ . This part of metaphysique I do not find laboured and performed ... </P> -- Francis Bacon , Advancement of Learning II. VII. 6 <P> In his Novum Organum Bacon argued that the only forms or natures we should hypothesize are the `` simple '' ( as opposed to compound ) ones such as the ways in which heat , movement , etc. work . For example , in aphorism 51 he writes : </P> <P> 51 . The human understanding is , by its own nature , prone to abstraction , and supposes that which is fluctuating to be fixed . But it is better to dissect than abstract nature ; such was the method employed by the school of Democritus , which made greater progress in penetrating nature than the rest . It is best to consider matter , its conformation , and the changes of that conformation , its own action , and the law of this action or motion , for forms are a mere fiction of the human mind , unless you will call the laws of action by that name . </P> <P> Following Bacon 's advice , the scientific search for the formal cause of things is now replaced by the search for `` laws of nature '' or `` laws of physics '' in all scientific thinking . To use Aristotle 's well - known terminology these are descriptions of efficient cause , and not formal cause or final cause . It means modern science limits its hypothesizing about non-physical things to the assumption that there are regularities to the ways of all things which do not change . </P> <P> These general laws , in other words , replace thinking about specific `` laws '' , for example `` human nature '' . In modern science , human nature is part of the same general scheme of cause and effect , obeying the same general laws , as all other things . The above - mentioned difference between accidental and substantial properties , and indeed knowledge and opinion , also disappear within this new approach that aimed to avoid metaphysics . </P> <P> As Bacon knew , the term `` laws of nature '' was one taken from medieval Aristotelianism . St Thomas of Aquinas for example , defined law so that nature really was legislated to consciously achieve aims , like human law : `` an ordinance of reason for the common good , made by him who has care of the community and promulgated '' . In contrast , roughly contemporary with Bacon , Hugo Grotius described the law of nature as `` a rule that ( can ) be deduced from fixed principles by a sure process of reasoning '' . And later still , Montesquieu was even further from the original legal metaphor , describing laws vaguely as `` the necessary relations deriving from the nature of things '' . </P> Thomas Hobbes <P> One of the most important implementors of Bacon 's proposal was Thomas Hobbes , whose remarks concerning nature are particularly well - known . His most famous work , Leviathan , opens with the word `` Nature '' and then parenthetically defines it as `` the art whereby God hath made and governes the world '' . Despite this pious description , he follows a Baconian approach . Following his contemporary , Descartes , Hobbes describes life itself as mechanical , caused in the same way as clockwork : </P> <P> For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs , the beginning whereof is in some principall part within ; why may we not say , that all Automata ( Engines that move themselves by springs and wheeles as doth a watch ) have an artificiall life ? </P> <P> On this basis , already being established in natural science in his lifetime , Hobbes sought to discuss politics and human life in terms of `` laws of nature '' . But in the new modern approach of Bacon and Hobbes , and before them Machiavelli ( who however never clothed his criticism of the Aristotelian approach in medieval terms like `` laws of
The philosopher who advocated the idea of a return to nature was Francis
[ "Bacon" ]
Which philosopher advocated the idea of return to nature?
the British North America Acts . In effect , an Act of the British Parliament was required to make certain changes to the Canadian constitution . Delay in the patriation of the Canadian constitution was due in large part to the lack of agreement concerning a method for amending the constitution that would be acceptable to all of the provinces , particularly Quebec . </P> <H2> Enactment of the Act ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Canada Act 1982 was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in response to the request from the Parliament of Canada to take over authority for amending its own constitution . After unpromising negotiations with the provincial governments , Pierre Trudeau proclaimed that the federal Parliament would unilaterally patriate the constitution . After numerous references by the provinces , the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the Patriation Reference that provincial consent was not legally necessary , but to do so without substantial consent would be contrary to a longstanding constitutional convention . Trudeau succeeded in convincing nine provinces out of ten by agreeing to the addition of a Notwithstanding Clause to limit the application of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a result of discussions during a First Ministers ' conference and other minor changes in November 1981 . </P> <P> In the UK , 44 Members of Parliament voted against the Act , including 24 Conservative and 16 Labour MP 's , citing concerns over Canada 's past mistreatment of Quebec and Aboriginal peoples ( as recalled with frustration by Jean Chrétien in his memoirs Straight from the Heart ) ; overall there was little opposition from the British government to passing the Act . However , new research into documents of the Thatcher government indicate that Britain had serious concerns about the inclusion of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms within the Canada Act . Part of this concern stemmed from letters of protest the British received about it from provincial actors , but also because the Charter undermined the principle of parliamentary supremacy , which until that time had always been a core feature of every government practising the Westminster system . </P> <P> Through section 2 of the Canada Act 1982 , the United Kingdom ended its involvement with further amendments to the Canadian constitution . The procedure for amending the Constitution Act , 1982 must comply with its Part V , instead of the usual parliamentary procedure requiring the monarch 's Royal Assent for enacting legislation . </P> <H2> Proclamation by the Queen of Canada ( edit ) </H2> <P> While the Canada Act 1982 received royal assent on March 29 , 1982 in London , it was not until the Queen visited Canada the following month that the Constitution Act , 1982 , its Canadian equivalent , was proclaimed by letters patent as a statutory instrument by the Queen during her presence in Canada . </P> <P> Canada 's Constitution Act , 1982 was signed into law by Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada on April 17 , 1982 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa . Queen Elizabeth 's constitutional powers over Canada were not affected by the Act , and she remains Queen and Head of State of Canada . Canada has complete sovereignty as an independent country , however , and the Queen 's role as monarch of Canada is separate from her role as the British monarch or the monarch of any of the other Commonwealth realms . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> History of Canada portal </Li> <Li> Canadian politics portal </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Australia Act 1986 </Li> <Li> New Zealand Constitution Act 1986 </Li> <Li> Patriation </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Canada Act 1982 , s . 3 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Canada in the Making -- Constitutional History '' ... . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` The Statute of Westminster , 1931 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` British North America ( No. 2 ) Act , 1949 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Proclamation of the Constitution Act , 1982 '' . . Government of Canada . May 5 , 2014 . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` A statute worth 75 cheers '' . Globe and Mail . Toronto . March 17 , 2009 . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Couture , Christa ( January 1 , 2017 ) . `` Canada is celebrating 150 years of ... what , exactly ? '' . CBC . CBC . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 ... the Constitution Act itself cleaned up a bit of unfinished business from the Statute of Westminster in 1931 , in which Britain granted each of the Dominions full legal autonomy if they chose to accept it . All but one Dominion -- that would be us , Canada -- chose to accept every resolution . Our leaders could n't decide on how to amend the Constitution , so that power stayed with Britain until 1982 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gérin - Lajoie , Paul ( 1951 ) . `` Constitutional Amendment in Canada '' . The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science . Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Canadian Economics Association . 17 : 6 . JSTOR 137699 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Intellectuals for the Sovereignty of Quebec '' . 1995 - 10 - 30 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 18 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Proclamation of the Constitution Act , 1982 '' . Library and Archives , Government of Canada . Government of Canada . 2015 . Retrieved 13 February 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` The Constitution -- The Monarchist League of Canada '' . . Retrieved
Canada gained independence from Great Britain on
[ "April 17, 1982" ]
When did canada gain independence from great britain?
Five - spice powder - wikipedia <H1> Five - spice powder </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> This article is about Chinese five - spice mixture . For Bengali five - spice mixture , see Panch phoron . <Table> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Five - spice powder </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chinese </Th> <Td> 五香 粉 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Literal meaning </Th> <Td> `` five - spice powder '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( show ) Transcriptions </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Standard Mandarin </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hanyu Pinyin </Th> <Td> wǔ xiāng fěn </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> IPA </Th> <Td> ( ù ɕjáŋ fə̀n ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Yue : Cantonese </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Yale Romanization </Th> <Td> ńgh hēung fán </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Jyutping </Th> <Td> ng5 hoeng1 fan2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Southern Min </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hokkien POJ </Th> <Td> ngó͘ - hiong - hún </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Five - spice powder <P> Five - spice powder is a spice mixture of five or more spices used primarily in Chinese cuisine but also used in other Asian and Arabic cookery . </P> <P> Five - spice powder is used for cocktails as well . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Recipe </Li> <Li> 2 Use </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Recipe ( edit ) </H2> <P> While there are many variants , a common mix is : </P> <Ul> <Li> Star anise ( bajiao 八角 ) </Li> <Li> Cloves ( dingxiang 丁香 ) </Li> <Li> Chinese cinnamon ( rougui 肉桂 ) </Li> <Li> Sichuan pepper ( huajiao 花椒 ) </Li> <Li> Fennel seeds ( xiao huixiang 小 茴香 ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Other recipes may contain anise seed , ginger root , nutmeg , turmeric , Amomum villosum pods ( 砂 仁 ) , Amomum cardamomum pods ( 白 豆蔻 ) , licorice , Mandarin orange peel or galangal . In Southern China , Cinnamomum loureiroi and Mandarin orange peel are commonly used as substitutes for Cinnamomum cassia and cloves respectively , producing a slightly different flavour profile for southern five - spice powders . </P> <H2> Use ( edit ) </H2> <P> Five spice may be used with fatty meats such as pork , duck or goose . It is used as a spice rub for chicken , duck , pork and seafood , in red cooking recipes , or added to the breading for fried foods . Five spice is used in recipes for Cantonese roasted duck , as well as beef stew . It is used as a marinade for Vietnamese broiled chicken . The five - spice powder mixture has followed the Chinese diaspora and has been incorporated into other national cuisines throughout Asia . </P> <P> Although this mixture is used in restaurant cooking , few Chinese households use it in day - to - day cooking . In Hawaii , some restaurants place a shaker of the spice on each patron 's table . A seasoned salt can be easily made by dry - roasting common salt with five - spice powder under low heat in a dry pan until the spice and salt are well mixed . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Food portal </Li> <Li> China portal </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> List of culinary herbs and spices </Li> <Li> Ngo gai </Li> <Li> Ngo hiang </Li> <Li> Panch phoron </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikibooks Cookbook has a recipe / module on <Ul> <Li> Five Spice Powder </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` High Five : Chinese Five Spice Powder '' . 2009 - 01 - 21 . Retrieved 2012 - 02 - 09 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Chinese Five Spice at The Epicentre </Li> </Ol> <P> </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Culinary herbs and spices </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Herbs </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Angelica </Li> <Li> Basil <Ul> <Li> holy </Li> <Li> Thai </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Bay leaf </Li> <Li> Indian bay leaf ( tejpat ) </Li> <Li> Boldo </Li> <Li> Borage </Li> <Li> Chervil </Li> <Li> Chives <Ul> <Li> garlic / Chinese </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Cicely </Li> <Li> Coriander leaf / Cilantro <Ul> <Li> Bolivian </Li> <Li> Vietnamese ( rau răm ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Culantro </Li> <Li> Cress </Li> <Li> Curry leaf </Li> <Li> Dill </Li> <Li> Epazote </Li> <Li> Hemp </Li> <Li> Hoja santa </Li> <Li> Houttuynia cordata ( giấp cá ) </Li> <Li> Hyssop </Li> <Li> Jimbu </Li> <Li> Kinh gioi ( Vietnamese balm ) </Li> <Li> Kkaennip </Li> <Li> Lavender </Li> <Li> Lemon balm </Li> <Li> Lemon grass </Li> <Li> Lemon myrtle </Li> <Li> Lemon verbena </Li> <Li> Limnophila aromatica ( rice - paddy herb ) </Li> <Li> Lovage </Li> <Li> Marjoram </Li> <Li> Mint </Li> <Li> Mugwort </Li> <Li> Mitsuba </Li> <Li> Oregano </Li> <Li> Parsley </Li> <Li> Perilla </Li> <Li> Rosemary </Li> <Li> Rue </Li> <Li> Sage </Li> <Li> Savory </Li> <Li> Sanshō leaf </Li> <Li> Shiso </Li> <Li> Sorrel </Li> <Li> Tarragon </Li> <Li> Thyme </Li> <Li> Woodruff </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Spices </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Aonori ( ground seaweed ) </Li> <Li> Ajwain </Li> <Li> Allspice </Li> <Li> Amchoor ( mango powder ) </Li> <Li> Anise <Ul> <Li> star </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Asafoetida </Li> <Li> Camphor </Li> <Li> Caraway </Li> <Li> Cardamom <Ul> <Li> black </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Cassia </Li> <Li> Celery powder </Li> <Li> Celery
The spices in Chinese 5 spice powder include
[ "Star anise" ]
What are the spices in chinese 5 spice powder?
edit ) </H3> <P> A birth certificate can be filled with a handwritten way and with the use of technical equipment ( typewriters , computers ) . When filling in the form is carried handwritten way , all records are made legibly in ink or paste blue or black . If you are using a computer or typewriter dye must be black . The quality of paste , ink , dye , used in completing the documents should ensure the preservation of text documents for a set retention period . When filling out the birth certificate is not allowed to have it in patches , blots and erasures , cuts . </P> <P> Birth certificate is signed by the head of the registrar or other public authority issuing the certificate ( e.g. , the consulate ) . Signature of the registrar should have a transcript ( initials and surname ) and sealed with the official seal . </P> <P> Currently , information about the nationality of the parents is mentioned in the certificate on request . By default , this column is empty </P> <P> When making a citizenship , a special insert is issued to the birth certificate . In testimony Stamp . </P> <P> February 6 , 2007 ear of citizenship were canceled , on the reverse side of the Certificate began to put a stamp on the child 's citizenship . This rule applies to newborns or those who change or restores documents . </P> <P> Old shells are valid for achieving a child 14 years old and to change them is not necessary . </P> <H3> The procedure for obtaining ( edit ) </H3> <P> The birth certificate of the child 's parents can get ( not deprived of parental rights ) , itself a child of full age , guardian or caregiver . Issuance of the document is made in the offices of the registrar , ZAGS ( Russian : ЗАГС ) . </P> <P> With the loss of the certificate , a new document is issued by the registry office ( ZAGS ) in the place of the original receipt on the basis of a written application . </P> <H2> United states ( edit ) </H2> See also : United States nationality law , Citizenship in the United States , and Birthright citizenship in the United States <P> In the U.S. , the issuance of birth certificates is a function of the Vital Records Office of the states , capital district , territories and former territories . Birth in the U.S. establishes automatic eligibility for American citizenship , so a birth certificate from a local authority is commonly provided to the federal government to obtain a U.S. passport . However , the U.S. State Department does issue a Consular Report of Birth Abroad for children born to U.S. citizens ( who are also eligible for citizenship ) , including births on military bases in foreign territory . </P> <P> The federal and state governments have traditionally cooperated to some extent to improve vital statistics . From 1900 to 1946 the U.S. Census Bureau designed standard birth certificates , collected vital statistics on a national basis , and generally sought to improve the accuracy of vital statistics . In 1946 that responsibility was passed to the U.S. Public Health Service . Unlike the British system of recording all births in `` registers '' , the states file an individual document for each and every birth . </P> <P> The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics creates standard forms that are recommended for use by the individual states to document births . However , states are free to create their own forms . As a result , neither the appearance nor the information content of birth certificate forms is uniform across states . These forms are completed by the attendant at birth or a hospital administrator , which are then forwarded to a local or state registrar , who stores the record and issues certified copies upon request . </P> <P> In 2017 , the state of Illinois began an effort to digitize birth certificates using blockchain technology . </P> <H3> Types of certified copies issued ( edit ) </H3> <P> According to the Department of Health and Human Services , Office of Inspector General , as of 2000 there were more than 6,000 entities issuing birth certificates . The Inspector General report states that according to staff at the Immigration and Naturalization Service 's Forensics Document Laboratory the number of legitimate birth certificate versions in use exceeded 14,000 . </P> Acceptance of short forms ( edit ) <P> In the case of applying for a U.S. passport , not all legitimate government - issued birth certificates are acceptable : </P> <P> A certified birth certificate has a registrar 's raised , embossed , impressed or multicolored seal , registrar 's signature , and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar 's office , which must be within 1 year of your birth . Please note , some short ( abstract ) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes . </P> <P> Beginning April 1 , 2011 , all birth certificates must also include the full names of the applicant 's parent ( s ) . </P> <P> The U.S. State Department has paid close attention to abstract certificates from both Texas and California . There have been reports of a high incidence of midwife registration fraud along the border region between Texas and Mexico , and the Texas abstract certificate form does not list the name or occupation of the attendant . The California Abstract of Birth did not include an embossed seal , was no longer considered a secure document , and have not been issued in California since 2001 . </P> Other forms ( edit ) <P> Most hospitals in the U.S. issue a souvenir birth certificate which may include the footprints of the newborn . However , these birth certificates are not legally accepted as proof of age or citizenship , and are frequently rejected by the Bureau of Consular
Birth certificates were first issued in the United States in
[ "1900" ]
When were birth certificates first issued in the united states?
Jacob Marley - wikipedia <H1> Jacob Marley </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Marley 's Ghost '' redirects here . For other uses , see Marley 's Ghost ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Jacob Marley </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> A Christmas Carol character </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Jacob Marley 's ghost visits Scrooge in Charles Dickens 's A Christmas Carol </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First appearance </Th> <Td> A Christmas Carol ( 1843 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> Charles Dickens </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nickname ( s ) </Th> <Td> J.M. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Species </Th> <Td> Ghost ( Formerly Human ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Gender </Th> <Td> Male </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Occupation </Th> <Td> Business Partner / Accountant </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Family </Th> <Td> unspecified ( no stated family ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Relatives </Th> <Td> The Ghost of Christmas Past The Ghost of Christmas Present The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nationality </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Jacob Marley is a fictional character who appears in Charles Dickens 's 1843 novella A Christmas Carol . He is Ebenezer Scrooge 's deceased business partner , now a chained and tormented ghost , doomed to wander the earth forever as punishment for his greed and selfishness when he was alive . Marley roams restlessly , witnessing the hardships others suffer and lamenting that he has forever lost his chance to help them . Marley arranges for the three spirits to visit Scrooge and gives his friend an opportunity for redemption , which Marley tells him was `` ... a chance and hope of my procuring . '' </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Role in the story </Li> <Li> 2 Appearances in various film adaptations </Li> <Li> 3 References </Li> <Li> 4 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Role in the story ( edit ) </H2> <P> In A Christmas Carol , Marley is the first character mentioned in the first line of the story . Jacob Marley is said to have died seven years earlier on Christmas Eve ( as the setting is Christmas Eve 1843 , this would have made the date of his passing December 24 , 1836 ) . </P> <P> In life , Jacob Marley was the business partner of Ebenezer Scrooge . They co-owned the firm of Scrooge and Marley , and he refers to their offices as ' our money - changing hole ' . They became successful yet hard - hearted bankers , with seats on the London Stock Exchange . Scrooge is described as Marley 's `` sole friend '' and `` sole mourner '' , and praises Marley as having been a good friend to him . </P> <P> Seven years after his death , on Christmas Eve , Marley 's ghost visits Scrooge . Marley preys upon Scrooge 's mind in many different ways , notably his face manifesting on the knocker on Scrooge 's front door and causing the bells in his house to ring . The ghost maintains the same voice , hairstyle and sense of dress that he had in life , but is translucent . He wears a handkerchief tied about his jaws , and `` captive , bound and double - ironed '' with chains which are described as `` long , and wound about him like a tail ; it was made ... of cash - boxes , keys , padlocks , ledgers , deeds , and heavy purses wrought in steel . '' He often , in moments of great despair or impatience at Scrooge 's scepticism , flings these upon the ground before him and almost induces his former partner `` into a swoon '' . He explains that it is the chain he unknowingly forged himself in life , as a result of his greed and selfishness . As he spent his life on this earth obsessing over money and mistreating the poor and wretched to fill his pocket , Marley is condemned to walk the earth for eternity , never to find rest or peace , experiencing an `` incessant torture of remorse '' . He laments that Christmas is the time he suffers most of all . </P> <P> When the spectre asks , `` Why do you doubt your senses ? '' Scrooge scoffs that `` ... a little thing affects them . A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheat . You may be an undigested bit of beef , a blot of mustard , a crumb of cheese , a fragment of an underdone potato . There 's more gravy than grave about you , whatever you are ! '' Marley 's only reply is a spine - chilling howl that brings Scrooge to his knees , begging for mercy . </P> <P> Marley tells Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits . and admonishes his former partner to listen to what they have to say , or Scrooge will suffer Marley 's fate ; he says that Scrooge 's chain was as heavy as his seven years earlier , and remarks that `` you have laboured on it since -- it is a ponderous chain ! '' . </P> <P> Marley then departs into the night sky , surrounded by a countless horde of other tormented spirits , some of whom were known to Scrooge when they were alive , all of them chained in a similar manner to Marley and suffering the same unbearable torment , as they struggle in vain to make up for their wasted lives by attempting to help a homeless mother and baby . </P> <H2> Appearances in various film adaptations ( edit ) </H2> Frank Finlay as Marley <Ul> <Li> In the 1935 film Scrooge he is played by an uncredited Claude Rains . In this adaptation , he is invisible , and the viewers only hear his voice . </Li> <Li> In the 1938 film A
Jacob Marley died on
[ "December 24, 1836" ]
When did marley die in a christmas carol?
Philadelphia Eagles - Wikipedia <H1> Philadelphia Eagles </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Philadelphia Eagles </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Current season </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Established July 8 , 1933 ; 84 years ago ( July 8 , 1933 ) First season : 1933 Play in Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia , Pennsylvania Headquartered in the NovaCare Complex Philadelphia , Pennsylvania </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Logo </Td> <Td> Wordmark </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> League / conference affiliations </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> National Football League ( 1933 -- present ) </P> <Ul> <Li> Eastern Division ( 1933 -- 1949 ) </Li> <Li> American Conference ( 1950 -- 1952 ) </Li> <Li> Eastern Conference ( 1953 -- 1969 ) <Ul> <Li> Capitol Division ( 1967 -- 1969 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> National Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) <Ul> <Li> NFC East ( 1970 -- present ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Current uniform </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Team colors </Th> <Td> <P> Midnight green , Silver , Black , White </P> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Fight song </Th> <Td> Fly , Eagles Fly </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mascot </Th> <Td> Swoop </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Personnel </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owner ( s ) </Th> <Td> Jeffrey Lurie Christina Weiss Lurie </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chairman </Th> <Td> Jeffrey Lurie </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> CEO </Th> <Td> Jeffrey Lurie </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> President </Th> <Td> Don Smolenski </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> General manager </Th> <Td> Howie Roseman </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Head coach </Th> <Td> Doug Pederson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Team history </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Philadelphia Eagles ( 1933 -- 1942 ; 1944 -- present ) </Li> <Li> Phil - Pitt `` Steagles '' ( 1943 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Team nicknames </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> The Birds </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Championships </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> League championships ( 4 ) </P> <Ul> <Li> NFL championships ( pre-1970 AFL -- NFL merger ) ( 3 ) 1948 , 1949 , 1960 </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Super Bowl championships ( 1 ) 2017 ( LII ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> Conference championships ( 4 ) </P> <Ul> <Li> NFL Eastern : 1960 </Li> <Li> NFC : 1980 , 2004 , 2017 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> Division championships ( 13 ) </P> <Ul> <Li> NFL East : 1947 , 1948 , 1949 </Li> <Li> NFC East : 1980 , 1988 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2006 , 2010 , 2013 , 2017 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Playoff appearances ( 25 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> NFL : 1947 , 1948 , 1949 , 1960 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 , 1981 , 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1992 , 1995 , 1996 , 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2006 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2013 , 2017 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Home fields </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Baker Bowl ( 1933 -- 1935 ) </Li> <Li> Philadelphia Municipal Stadium ( 1936 -- 1939 , 1941 ) </Li> <Li> Connie Mack Stadium ( 1940 , 1942 -- 1957 ) </Li> <Li> Franklin Field ( 1958 -- 1970 ) </Li> <Li> Veterans Stadium ( 1971 -- 2002 ) </Li> <Li> Lincoln Financial Field ( 2003 -- present ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . The Eagles compete in the National Football League ( NFL ) as a member club of the league 's National Football Conference ( NFC ) East division . They are Super Bowl champions , having won Super Bowl LII , their fourth NFL title , after winning in 1948 , 1949 , and 1960 . </P> <P> The franchise was established in 1933 as a replacement for the bankrupt Frankford Yellow Jackets , when a group led by Bert Bell secured the rights to an NFL franchise in Philadelphia . Bell , Chuck Bednarik , Bob Brown , Brian Dawkins , Reggie White , Steve Van Buren , Tommy McDonald , Greasy Neale , Pete Pihos , Sonny Jurgensen , and Norm Van Brocklin have been inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame . </P> <P> The team has an intense rivalry with the New York Giants . This rivalry is the oldest in the NFC East and is among the oldest in the NFL . It was ranked by NFL Network as the number one rivalry of all - time and Sports Illustrated ranks it amongst the Top 10 NFL rivalries of all - time at number four , and according to ESPN , it is one of the fiercest and most well - known rivalries in the American football community . They also have a bitter rivalry with the Dallas Cowboys , which has become more high - profile since the 1960s , as well as a historic rivalry with the Washington Redskins . Their rivalry with the Pittsburgh Steelers is another bitter rivalry , roughly dating back to 1933 , that mostly arises from the two teams ' statuses as being from opposite ends of the same state . </P> <P> The team consistently ranks in the top three in attendance and has sold out every game since the 1999 season . In a Sports Illustrated poll of 321 NFL players , Eagles fans were selected the most intimidating fans in the NFL . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Franchise history <Ul> <Li> 1.1 1931 -- 1960 </Li> <Li> 1.2 1961 -- 1975 </Li> <Li> 1.3 1976 -- 1984 </Li> <Li> 1.4 1985 -- 1993 </Li> <Li> 1.5 Lurie era ( 1994 -- present ) <Ul> <Li> 1.5. 1 Andy Reid era ( 1999 -- 2012 ) <Ul> <Li>
The Eagles won the Super Bowl in
[ "2017" ]
When was the time the eagles won the superbowl?
the Union , and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient . '' During most of the country 's first century , the President primarily only submitted a written report to Congress . After 1913 , Woodrow Wilson , the 28th U.S. President , began the regular practice of delivering the address to Congress in person as a way to rally support for his agenda . With the advent of radio and television , the address is now broadcast live across the country on many networks . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Ceremony </Li> <Li> 2 History </Li> <Li> 3 Delivery of the speech <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Invitations </Li> <Li> 3.2 Protocol of entry into House chamber </Li> <Li> 3.3 Designated survivor and other logistics </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Opposition response </Li> <Li> 5 Significance </Li> <Li> 6 Local versions </Li> <Li> 7 Historic speeches </Li> <Li> 8 TV ratings </Li> <Li> 9 See also </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Ceremony ( edit ) </H2> <P> The practice arises from a duty given to the president in the Constitution of the United States : </P> <P> He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient . </P> -- Article II , Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution <P> Although the language of this State of the Union Clause of the Constitution is not specific , since the 1930s , the President makes this report annually in late January or early February . Between 1934 and 2013 the date has been as early as January 3 , and as late as February 12 . </P> <P> While not required to deliver a speech , every president since Woodrow Wilson , with the notable exception of Herbert Hoover , has made at least one State of the Union report as a speech delivered before a joint session of Congress . Before that time , most presidents delivered the State of the Union as a written report . </P> <P> Since Franklin Roosevelt , the State of the Union is given typically each January before a joint session of the United States Congress and is held in the House of Representatives chamber of the United States Capitol . Newly inaugurated presidents generally deliver an address to Congress in February of the first year of their term , but this speech is not officially considered to be a `` State of the Union '' . </P> <P> What began as a communication between president and Congress has become a communication between the president and the people of the United States . Since the advent of radio , and then television , the speech has been broadcast live on most networks , preempting scheduled programming . To reach the largest audience , the speech , once given during the day , is now typically given in the evening , after 9pm ET ( UTC - 5 ) . </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> George Washington 's handwritten notes for the first State of the Union Address , January 8 , 1790 . Full 7 pages . <P> George Washington delivered the first regular annual message before a joint session of Congress on January 8 , 1790 , in New York City , then the provisional U.S. capital . In 1801 , Thomas Jefferson discontinued the practice of delivering the address in person , regarding it as too monarchical ( similar to the Speech from the Throne ) . Instead , the address was written and then sent to Congress to be read by a clerk until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson re-established the practice despite some initial controversy . However , there have been exceptions to this rule . Presidents during the latter half of the 20th century have sent written State of the Union addresses . The last President to do this was Jimmy Carter in 1981 , after his defeat by Ronald Reagan and days before his term ended . </P> <P> For many years , the speech was referred to as `` the President 's Annual Message to Congress '' . The actual term `` State of the Union '' first emerged in 1934 when Franklin D. Roosevelt used the phrase , becoming its generally accepted name since 1947 . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Franklin Delano Roosevelt </Td> <Td> State of the Union ( Four Freedoms ) ( January 6 , 1941 ) Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's January 6 , 1941 State of the Union Address introducing the theme of the Four Freedoms ( starting at 32 : 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Prior to 1934 , the annual message was delivered at the end of the calendar year , in December . The ratification of the 20th Amendment on January 23 , 1933 , changed the opening of Congress from early March to early January , affecting the delivery of the annual message . Since 1934 , the message or address has been delivered to Congress in January or February . </P> <P> The Twentieth Amendment also established January 20 as the beginning of the presidential term . In years when a new president is inaugurated , the outgoing president may deliver a final State of the Union message , but none has done so since Jimmy Carter sent a written message in 1981 . In 1953 and 1961 , Congress received both a written State of the Union message from the outgoing president and a separate State of the Union speech by the incoming president . Since 1989 , in recognition that the responsibility of reporting the State of the Union formally belongs to the president who held office during the past year , newly inaugurated Presidents have not officially called their first speech before Congress a `` State of the Union '' message .
The State of the Nation Address is
[ "typically given in the evening, after 9pm ET (UTC-5)" ]
Time of the state of the nation address?
List of United States Navy enlisted rates - wikipedia <H1> List of United States Navy enlisted rates </H1> Jump to : navigation , search See also : List of United States Navy ratings The rating badge of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the U.S. Navy , worn on a service dress blue uniform 's sleeve . <P> A United States Navy enlisted rate indicates where an enlisted sailor stands within the chain of command , and also defines one 's pay grade . An enlisted sailor 's rate is similar conceptually to a naval officer 's rank . Only naval officers carry the term `` rank '' . The word rate refers to an enlisted sailor 's pay grade , while the word rating refers to one 's area of occupational specialization within the enlisted Navy . Associated with the enlisted pay grades is a numbering system from the most junior enlisted sailor ( `` E-1 '' ) to the most senior enlisted sailor ( `` E-9 '' ) . This enlisted numbering system is the same across all five branches of the U.S. military . All E-1 through E-3 are known as Seamen . E-4 through E-6 are called petty officers . All E-7s are called chief petty officer , E-8s senior chief petty officer , and E-9s master chief petty officer . Rates are displayed on a rating badge , which is a combination of rate and rating . E-2s and E-3s have color - coded group rate marks based on their career field . Personnel in pay grade E-1 , since 1996 , do not have an insignia to wear . </P> <P> Ratings are earned through `` A '' schools , which are attended before deployment and after undergoing initial basic training at Recruit Training Command , Great Lakes , Illinois , or ( less commonly ) by `` striking '' for a rating through on - the - job training ( OJT ) in the Fleet . Some sailors may undergo additional training in a `` C '' school either before or after a tour of duty . Upon completion , they are assigned a four - digit Navy Enlisted Classification ( NEC ) code , which identifies a specific skill within their standard rating . This defines what jobs they are qualified to do . For example , some billets might not only require a hospital corpsman first class , but might specify that he / she has NEC 8402 ( Submarine Force Independent Duty ) , NEC 8403 ( Fleet Marine Forces Reconnaissance Independent Duty Corpsman ) , or any other of several NECs depending upon the billet 's requirements . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 E-1 to E-3 </Li> <Li> 3 E-4 to E-6 </Li> <Li> 4 E-7 to E-9 <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Command master chief and command senior chief </Li> <Li> 4.2 Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 Further reading </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> On September 29 , 2016 , the United States Navy discontinued enlisted ratings after 241 years of use in an effort to modernize the classification system . Naval sailors were thereafter to be referred to solely by their rate and would hold a Navy Operations Specialty ( NOS ) instead of a rating . The rating symbols depicted for each rating badge listed below ( except for the rating badge of a command master chief ) is boatswain 's mate . However , the rating system was restored in December 2016 . </P> <H2> E-1 to E-3 ( edit ) </H2> <P> Sailors in pay grades E-1 through E-3 are considered to be in apprenticeships . They are divided into five definable groups , with colored group rate marks designating the group to which they belong : Seaman , Fireman , Airman , Constructionman , and Hospitalman . One of three apprentice devices may be worn above the rank insignia , which denotes the sailor is an apprentice in a particular field and is in search of a rating to join . Sailors who have gone directly to a base , station , or ship without any specialized training are eligible to select a career field , and through correspondence courses and extensive on - the - job training , may qualify for a rating . This process is called `` striking for a rating '' . If a sailor has qualified for a rate , but has not yet become a petty officer , he is called a designated striker , and is identified by a striker 's badge that displays the sailor 's rating , along with his group rate marks . The serviceperson is addressed by one 's group designation , if known ( e.g. , Fireman Jones , Constructionman Apprentice Smith ) ; by the generic appellation `` seaman '' ; or by one 's striker designation ( Boatswain 's Mate Seaman Watson , Culinary Specialist Seaman Recruit Johnson ). Those that have completed the `` A '' school for hospital corpsman wear their caduceus above their stripes and substitute the word `` Hospitalman '' for `` Seaman '' in their rating titles . </P> <P> In the September 2016 rating change , it was announced that only the `` seaman '' group would remain as the rate title for E1 -- E3 , with the others being retired . However , the Navy reversed this new policy three months later and reinstated the traditional rating system . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Sleeve insignia </Th> <Th> Collar device </Th> <Th> Rate title </Th> <Th> U.S. DoD Pay grade </Th> <Th> Abbreviation </Th> <Th> NATO code </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> No Insignia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Seaman recruit </Td> <Td> E-1 </Td> <Td> SR / HR </Td> <Td> OR - 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> No Insignia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Fireman recruit </Td> <Td> E-1 </Td> <Td> FR </Td> <Td> OR - 1
In the US Navy, the ranks from
[ "E-1 through E-3 are known as Seamen" ]
What are the ranks in the us navy?
have been a tragic accident waiting to happen -- a result of the mining - company site manager 's irresponsible management and lack of due care in his management of the mine . The newly widowed women find their faith tested when they must go to work in the mine to keep a roof over their heads , food on the table , and compile a wage for the town 's teacher . </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of When Calls the Heart episodes <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Episodes </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Originally aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First aired </Th> <Th> Last aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 12 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> January 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 11 ) </Td> <Td> March 29 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 29 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 7 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> April 25 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> June 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 06 - 13 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> New Year 's Wish </Td> <Td colspan="2"> December 26 , 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 26 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 8 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> February 21 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 21 ) </Td> <Td> April 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 10 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Christmas </Td> <Td colspan="2"> December 25 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 25 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 10 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> February 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 19 ) </Td> <Td> April 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 23 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> The Christmas Wishing Tree </Td> <Td colspan="2"> December 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 25 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 5 </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 10 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> February 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> April 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Main ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Erin Krakow as Elizabeth Thatcher Thornton </Li> <Li> Daniel Lissing as Jack Thornton ( Seasons 1 - 5 ) </Li> <Li> Lori Loughlin as Abigail Stanton </Li> <Li> Jack Wagner as Bill Avery </Li> <Li> Martin Cummins as Henry Gowen </Li> <Li> Pascale Hutton as Rosemary LeVeaux Coulter </Li> <Li> Kavan Smith as Leland Coulter </Li> </Ul> <H3> Recurring ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Paul Greene as Carson Shepherd </Li> <Li> Gracyn Shinyei as Emily Montgomery </Li> <Li> Loretta Walsh as Florence Blakeley </Li> <Li> Erica Carroll as Dottie Ramsey </Li> <Li> Mark Humphrey as Frank Hogan </Li> <Li> Johannah Newmarch as Molly Sullivan </Li> <Li> Mitchell Kummen as Gabe Montgomery </Li> <Li> Logan Williams as Miles Montgomery </Li> <Li> Ben Rosenbaum as Hickam </Li> <Li> Carter Ryan Evancic as Cody Hastings </Li> <Li> Chelah Horsdal as Cat Montgomery </Li> <Li> Steve Bacic as Charles Spurlock </Li> <Li> Kristina Wagner as Nora Avery </Li> <Li> Aren Buchholz as Jesse Flynn </Li> <Li> Charlotte Hegele as Julie Thatcher </Li> <Li> Andrea Brooks as Faith Carter </Li> <Li> Eva Bourne as Clara Stanton </Li> <Li> Ava Grace Cooper as Opal </Li> <Li> Max Lloyd - Jones as Tom Thornton </Li> <Li> Brooke Shields as Charlotte Thornton </Li> <Li> Devon Weigel as Viola Thatcher </Li> <Li> Marcus Rosner as Charles Kensington </Li> <Li> Mamie Laverock as Rosaleen Sullivan </Li> <Li> Adrian Hough as Reverend Anderson </Li> <Li> Lynda Boyd as Grace Thatcher </Li> <Li> Will Verchere - Gopaulsingh as Caleb Dunbar </Li> <Li> Ali Skovbye as Becky Hastings </Li> <Li> Garwin Sanford as William Thatcher </Li> <Li> Laura Bertram as Mary Dunbar </Li> <Li> Derek Hamilton as Dewitt Graves </Li> <Li> Niall Matter as Shane Cantrell ( season 4 ) </Li> <Li> Spencer Drever as Cyrus Rivera ( season 4 ) </Li> <Li> Josie Bissett as AJ Foster </Li> </Ul> <H2> Characters ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may only interest a specific audience . Please help by spinning off or relocating any relevant information , and removing excessive detail that may be against Wikipedia 's inclusion policy . ( April 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Elizabeth Thatcher Thornton is an independent , strong - minded , passionate and dedicated young teacher from the city . The middle daughter of William and Grace Thatcher , Elizabeth has two sisters , older sister Viola and younger sister Julie . Elizabeth finds herself in Coal Valley , a small community on the Canadian frontier in need of a teacher , and quickly discovers it is not an easy place to live , lacking the creature comforts and luxuries of her privileged life with her family . She soon meets the newly appointed and charismatic Mountie Jack Thornton and develops an immediate dislike for him . However , over time they become good friends , and develop an obvious attraction to one another . In the final episode of season 1 , `` Prelude to a Kiss , '' ( also titled as `` Final Adieu '' ) , after overcoming many obstacles throughout the season , Jack tells Elizabeth , `` You 're the one , you 're the only one '' and they share a kiss . Throughout season 2 , Elizabeth 's feelings for Jack are high at times as well as low . Finally , in the season 2 finale , she admits that his job as a Mountie scares her . After being comforted both admitting that they love each other , Jack and Elizabeth kiss . </Li> <Li> Jack Thornton is a laid back country boy . Jack is the son of Mountie Thomas Thornton and his wife Charlotte Thornton . Jack has a younger brother , Tom ( named after his father ) . As
The role of Charles on When Calls the Heart was played by
[ "Steve Bacic" ]
Who played charles on when calls the heart?
the United States is the amount owed by the federal government of the United States . The measure of the public debt is the value of the outstanding Treasury securities at a point of time that have been issued by the Treasury and other federal government agencies . The terms national deficit and national surplus usually refer to the federal government budget balance from year to year , not the cumulative total . A deficit year increases the debt because more money is spent than is received ; a surplus year decreases the debt because more money is received than spent . </P> <P> There are two components of gross national debt : </P> <Ul> <Li> Debt held by the public , such as Treasury securities held by investors outside the federal government , including those held by individuals , corporations , the Federal Reserve System and foreign , state and local governments . </Li> <Li> Debt held by government accounts or intragovernmental debt , such as non-marketable Treasury securities held in accounts administered by the federal government that are owed to program beneficiaries , such as the Social Security Trust Fund . Debt held by government accounts represents the cumulative surpluses , including interest earnings , of various government programs that have been invested in Treasury securities . </Li> </Ul> <P> In general , government debt increases as a result of government spending , and decreases from tax or other receipts , both of which fluctuate during the course of a fiscal year . In practice , Treasury securities are not issued or redeemed on a day - by - day basis , and may also be issued or redeemed as part of the federal government 's macroeconomic monetary management operations . The aggregate , gross amount that Treasury can borrow is limited by the United States debt ceiling . </P> <P> Historically , the US public debt as a share of gross domestic product ( GDP ) has increased during wars and recessions , and subsequently declined . The ratio of debt to GDP may decrease as a result of a government surplus or due to growth of GDP and inflation . For example , debt held by the public as a share of GDP peaked just after World War II ( 113 % of GDP in 1945 ) , but then fell over the following 35 years . In recent decades , however , aging demographics and rising healthcare costs have led to concern about the long - term sustainability of the federal government 's fiscal policies . </P> <P> On November 7 , 2016 , debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76 % of the previous 12 months of GDP . Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion , giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106 % of the previous 12 months of GDP ; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45 % of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors , the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Valuation and measurement <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Public and government accounts </Li> <Li> 2.2 Accounting treatment </Li> <Li> 2.3 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac obligations excluded </Li> <Li> 2.4 Guaranteed obligations excluded </Li> <Li> 2.5 Unfunded obligations excluded </Li> <Li> 2.6 Measuring debt burden </Li> <Li> 2.7 Calculating the annual change in debt </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Reduction <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Negative real interest rates </Li> <Li> 3.2 Raising reserve requirements and full reserve banking </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Debt ceiling </Li> <Li> 5 Debt holdings <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Foreign holdings </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Forecasting <Ul> <Li> 6.1 CBO short - term outlook </Li> <Li> 6.2 CBO long - term outlook </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Risks and debates <Ul> <Li> 7.1 CBO risk factors </Li> <Li> 7.2 Concerns over Chinese holdings of U.S. debt </Li> <Li> 7.3 Sustainability </Li> <Li> 7.4 Risks to economic growth </Li> <Li> 7.5 Interest and debt service costs </Li> <Li> 7.6 Definition of public debt </Li> <Li> 7.7 Intergenerational equity </Li> <Li> 7.8 Credit default </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Appendix <Ul> <Li> 8.1 National debt for selected years </Li> <Li> 8.2 Interest paid </Li> <Li> 8.3 Foreign holders of US Treasury securities </Li> <Li> 8.4 Statistics </Li> <Li> 8.5 International debt comparisons </Li> <Li> 8.6 Recent additions to the public debt of the United States </Li> <Li> 8.7 Historical debt ceiling levels </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 See also </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 Further reading </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> Main article : History of the United States public debt Federal Debt Held by the Public as a percentage of gross domestic product ( GDP ) , from 1940 to 2016 with future projections U.S. federal debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP , from 1790 to 2013 , projected to 2038 U.S. Federal Debt as Percent of GDP since World War II , with presidential terms marked . <P> The United States government has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since its formation in 1789 , except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836 . To allow comparisons over the years , public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product ( GDP ) . </P> <P> The United States public debt as a percentage of GDP reached its highest level during Harry Truman 's first presidential term , during and after World War II . Public debt as a percentage of GDP fell rapidly in the post-World War II period , and reached a low in 1974 under Richard Nixon . Debt as a share of GDP has consistently increased since then , except during the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton . Public debt rose during the 1980s , as Ronald Reagan cut
The majority of the US debt is owned by
[ "Japan and China" ]
Who owns the majority of the us debt?
Six Degrees of Separation ( film ) - wikipedia <H1> Six Degrees of Separation ( film ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Six degrees ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Six Degrees of Separation </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Fred Schepisi </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> Arnon Milchan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Screenplay by </Th> <Td> John Guare </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Stockard Channing </Li> <Li> Will Smith </Li> <Li> Donald Sutherland </Li> <Li> Mary Beth Hurt </Li> <Li> Bruce Davison </Li> <Li> Ian McKellen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> Jerry Goldsmith </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Ian Baker </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> Peter Honess </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> Regency Enterprises </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> December 8 , 1993 ( 1993 - 12 - 08 ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 112 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> $15 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> $6.4 million </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Six Degrees of Separation is a 1993 American comedy - drama film directed by Fred Schepisi , adapted from the Pulitzer Prize - nominated John Guare play of the same name . </P> <P> The plot of the film was inspired by the real - life story of David Hampton , a con man and robber who managed to convince a number of people in the 1980s that he was the son of actor Sidney Poitier . The writer John Guare was a friend of Inger McCabe Elliott and her husband Osborn Elliott . In October 1983 , Hampton came to the Elliott 's New York apartment and they allowed him to spend the night . The next morning , Inger found Hampton in bed with another man and later called the police . The Elliotts told Guare about the story and it inspired him to write the play years later . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Reception </Li> <Li> 4 Awards </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> Fifth Avenue socialite Ouisa Kittredge ( Stockard Channing ) and her art dealer husband Flan ( Donald Sutherland ) are parents of `` two at Harvard and a girl at Groton '' . But the narrow world inhabited by the Kittredges and their public status as people interested in the arts make them easy prey for Paul ( Will Smith ) . Paul , a skillful con - artist , mysteriously appears at their door one night , injured and bleeding , claiming to be a close college friend of their Ivy League kids , as well as the son of Sidney Poitier . Ouisa and Flan are much impressed by Paul 's fine taste , keen wit , articulate literary expositions and surprising culinary skill . His appealing facade soon has the Kittredges putting him up , lending him money and taking satisfaction in his praise for their posh lifestyle . Paul 's scheme continues until , after he brings home a hustler , his actual indigence is revealed . The shocked Kittredges kick him out when it is revealed that they are but the most recent victims of the duplicity with which Paul has charmed his way into many upper - crust homes along the Upper East Side . Paul 's schemes become highbrow - legend , anecdotal accounts which are bantered about at their cocktail parties . In the end , Paul has a profound effect on the many individuals who encounter him , linking them in their shared experience . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Stockard Channing as Louisa `` Ouisa '' Kittredge </Li> <Li> Will Smith as Paul </Li> <Li> Donald Sutherland as Flan Kittredge </Li> <Li> Ian McKellen as Geoffrey Miller </Li> <Li> Mary Beth Hurt as Kitty </Li> <Li> Heather Graham as Elizabeth </Li> <Li> Bruce Davison as Larkin </Li> <Li> Richard Masur as Dr. Fine </Li> <Li> Anthony Michael Hall as Trent Conway </Li> <Li> Eric Thal as Rick </Li> <Li> Anthony Rapp as Ben </Li> <Li> Oz Perkins as Woodrow ( `` Woody '' ) Kittredge ( as Osgood Perkins II ) </Li> <Li> Catherine Kellner as Talbot ( `` Tess '' ) Kittredge </Li> <Li> J.J. Abrams as Doug ( as Jeffrey Abrams ) </Li> <Li> Kitty Carlisle as Mrs. Bannister </Li> </Ul> <H2> Reception ( edit ) </H2> <P> The film has an approval rating of 88 % at Rotten Tomatoes based on 32 reviews . The site 's consensus reads : `` Though it betrays its theatrical roots , Six Degrees of Separation largely succeeds thanks to astute direction and fine performances -- particularly from an against - type Will Smith . '' </P> <P> It was also actress Stockard Channing 's most successful film since 1978 's Grease . </P> <H2> Awards ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> 1994 Academy Award for Best Actress Nomination -- Stockard Channing </Li> <Li> 1994 Golden Globe Award for Best Actress -- Motion Picture Musical or Comedy Nomination -- Stockard Channing </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Plunka , Gene A. ( 2002 ) . The Black Comedy of John Guare . University of Delaware Press . p. 188 . ISBN 9780874137637 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Six Degrees of Separation '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved 2016
The movie about the concept that any two people on the planet are connected to each other through a chain of no more than six intermediate acquaintances is called
[ "Six Degrees of Separation" ]
What is the movie about six degrees of separation?
<Li> 1.1 Official regions of the United States <Ul> <Li> 1.1. 1 Census Bureau - designated regions and divisions </Li> <Li> 1.1. 2 Standard federal regions </Li> <Li> 1.1. 3 Federal Reserve banks </Li> <Li> 1.1. 4 Time zones </Li> <Li> 1.1. 5 Courts of Appeals circuits </Li> <Li> 1.1. 6 Bureau of Economic Analysis regions </Li> <Li> 1.1. 7 Energy Information Administration </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 1.2 Unofficial U.S. multi-state and multi-territory regions <Ul> <Li> 1.2. 1 The Belts </Li> <Li> 1.2. 2 Interstate metropolitan areas </Li> <Li> 1.2. 3 Interstate megalopolises </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Intrastate and intraterritory regions <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Alabama </Li> <Li> 2.2 Alaska </Li> <Li> 2.3 American Samoa </Li> <Li> 2.4 Arizona </Li> <Li> 2.5 Arkansas </Li> <Li> 2.6 California </Li> <Li> 2.7 Colorado </Li> <Li> 2.8 Connecticut </Li> <Li> 2.9 Delaware </Li> <Li> 2.10 District of Columbia </Li> <Li> 2.11 Florida </Li> <Li> 2.12 Georgia <Ul> <Li> 2.12. 1 Physiographic regions </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2.13 Guam </Li> <Li> 2.14 Hawaii </Li> <Li> 2.15 Idaho </Li> <Li> 2.16 Illinois </Li> <Li> 2.17 Indiana </Li> <Li> 2.18 Iowa </Li> <Li> 2.19 Kansas </Li> <Li> 2.20 Kentucky </Li> <Li> 2.21 Louisiana </Li> <Li> 2.22 Maine </Li> <Li> 2.23 Maryland </Li> <Li> 2.24 Massachusetts </Li> <Li> 2.25 Michigan </Li> <Li> 2.26 Minnesota </Li> <Li> 2.27 Mississippi </Li> <Li> 2.28 Missouri </Li> <Li> 2.29 Montana </Li> <Li> 2.30 Nebraska </Li> <Li> 2.31 Nevada </Li> <Li> 2.32 New Hampshire </Li> <Li> 2.33 New Jersey </Li> <Li> 2.34 New Mexico </Li> <Li> 2.35 New York </Li> <Li> 2.36 North Carolina </Li> <Li> 2.37 North Dakota </Li> <Li> 2.38 Northern Mariana Islands </Li> <Li> 2.39 Ohio </Li> <Li> 2.40 Oklahoma </Li> <Li> 2.41 Oregon </Li> <Li> 2.42 Pennsylvania </Li> <Li> 2.43 Puerto Rico </Li> <Li> 2.44 Rhode Island </Li> <Li> 2.45 South Carolina </Li> <Li> 2.46 South Dakota </Li> <Li> 2.47 Tennessee </Li> <Li> 2.48 Texas </Li> <Li> 2.49 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands </Li> <Li> 2.50 Utah </Li> <Li> 2.51 Vermont </Li> <Li> 2.52 Virgin Islands </Li> <Li> 2.53 Virginia </Li> <Li> 2.54 Washington </Li> <Li> 2.55 West Virginia </Li> <Li> 2.56 Wisconsin </Li> <Li> 2.57 Wyoming </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Other regional listings </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> <Li> 5 Notes </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Interstate regions ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Official regions of the United States ( edit ) </H3> <P> Many regions in the United States are defined in law or regulations by the federal government . </P> Census Bureau - designated regions and Divisions ( edit ) U.S. Census Bureau Regions and Divisions . <P> The United States Census Bureau defines four statistical regions , with nine divisions . The Census Bureau region definition is `` widely used ... for data collection and analysis , '' and is the most commonly used classification system . </P> <P> Regional divisions used by the United States Census Bureau : </P> <Ul> <Li> Region 1 : Northeast <Ul> <Li> Division 1 : New England ( Connecticut , Maine , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Rhode Island , and Vermont ) </Li> <Li> Division 2 : Mid-Atlantic ( New Jersey , New York , and Pennsylvania ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Region 2 : Midwest ( Prior to June 1984 , the Midwest Region was designated as the North Central Region . ) <Ul> <Li> Division 3 : East North Central ( Illinois , Indiana , Michigan , Ohio , and Wisconsin ) </Li> <Li> Division 4 : West North Central ( Iowa , Kansas , Minnesota , Missouri , Nebraska , North Dakota , and South Dakota ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Region 3 : South <Ul> <Li> Division 5 : South Atlantic ( Delaware , Florida , Georgia , Maryland , North Carolina , South Carolina , Virginia , District of Columbia , and West Virginia ) </Li> <Li> Division 6 : East South Central ( Alabama , Kentucky , Mississippi , and Tennessee ) </Li> <Li> Division 7 : West South Central ( Arkansas , Louisiana , Oklahoma , and Texas ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Region 4 : West <Ul> <Li> Division 8 : Mountain ( Arizona , Colorado , Idaho , Montana , Nevada , New Mexico , Utah , and Wyoming ) </Li> <Li> Division 9 : Pacific ( Alaska , California , Hawaii , Oregon , and Washington ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> Puerto Rico and other US territories are not part of any census region or census division . </P> Standard Federal regions ( edit ) Standard federal regions . <P> The ten standard federal regions were established by OMB ( Office of Management and Budget ) Circular A-105 , `` Standard Federal Regions , '' in April , 1974 , and required for all executive agencies . In recent years , some agencies have tailored their field structures to meet program needs and facilitate interaction with local , state and regional counterparts . However , the OMB must still approve any departures . </P> <Ul> <Li> Region I : Connecticut , Maine , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Rhode Island , Vermont </Li> <Li> Region II : New Jersey , New York , Puerto Rico , US Virgin Islands </Li> <Li> Region III : Delaware , District of Columbia , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Virginia , West Virginia </Li> <Li> Region IV : Alabama , Florida , Georgia , Kentucky , Mississippi , North Carolina , South Carolina , Tennessee </Li> <Li> Region V : Illinois , Indiana , Michigan , Minnesota , Ohio , Wisconsin </Li> <Li> Region VI : Arkansas , Louisiana , New Mexico , Oklahoma , Texas </Li> <Li> Region VII : Iowa , Kansas , Missouri , Nebraska </Li> <Li> Region VIII : Colorado , Montana , North Dakota , South Dakota , Utah , Wyoming </Li> <Li> Region IX : Arizona , California , Hawaii , Nevada , American Samoa , Guam , Northern Mariana Islands , Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands </Li> <Li> Region X : Alaska , Idaho ,
The states in the Northeast region include
[ "Connecticut" ]
All of the states in the northeast region?
in the world SIM cards that grant free lifetime cellular and Internet connectivity . Hart , impersonating a billionaire philanthropist , meets Valentine face - to - face . Hart learns of Valentine 's connection to an obscure hate group 's church in Kentucky , and travels there , wearing glasses containing a video transceiver . Eggsy watches as Valentine activates the SIM cards in the church , triggering a signal that causes the parishioners to become murderously violent . Hart 's spy training leaves him as the only survivor . Outside the church Valentine explains what happened , then shoots Hart in the face . </P> <P> Eggsy returns to Kingsman headquarters and finds that Chester `` Arthur '' King , Kingsman 's leader , has a scar on his neck just like Professor Arnold 's . King reveals that Valentine plans to transmit his `` neurological wave '' worldwide via satellite network , believing the resulting `` culling '' of the human race will avert its extinction . Only those Valentine has chosen , willing and unwilling , will be unaffected . King tries to poison Eggsy , but Eggsy switches glasses and King poisons himself . </P> <P> Eggsy , Merlin and Roxy set out to stop Valentine . Roxy uses high - altitude balloons to destroy one of Valentine 's satellites and break up the network , but Valentine quickly secures a replacement from a business associate . Merlin flies Eggsy to Valentine 's base , where he masquerades as King . Eggsy is discovered by a failed Kingsman recruit , Charlie Hesketh , leading to both Eggsy and Merlin being cornered . On Eggsy 's suggestion , Merlin activates the implanted chips ' failsafe , killing almost everyone with a chip . An angry Valentine activates the signal and triggers worldwide pandemonium . Eggsy kills Gazelle and uses one of her sharpened prosthetic legs to impale Valentine and kill him , stopping the signal and ending the threat . </P> <P> In a mid-credits scene , Eggsy , now a full Kingsman agent , offers his mother and half - sister a new home away from his abusive stepfather Dean , who flatly objects to Eggsy 's suggestion . Eggsy then dispatches him in exactly the same manner that Hart dealt with one of Dean 's henchmen earlier . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of Kingsman characters <Ul> <Li> Colin Firth as Harry Hart / Galahad </Li> <Li> Samuel L. Jackson as Richmond Valentine </Li> <Li> Mark Strong as Merlin </Li> <Li> Taron Egerton as Gary `` Eggsy '' Unwin </Li> <Li> Michael Caine as Chester King / Arthur </Li> <Li> Sophie Cookson as Roxanne `` Roxy '' Morton / Lancelot </Li> <Li> Sofia Boutella as Gazelle </Li> <Li> Samantha Womack as Michelle Unwin </Li> <Li> Geoff Bell as Dean Baker </Li> <Li> Edward Holcroft as Charles `` Charlie '' Hesketh </Li> <Li> Mark Hamill as Professor James Arnold </Li> <Li> Jack Davenport as James Spencer / Lancelot </Li> </Ul> <P> Hanna Alström and Bjørn Floberg appear as Crown Princess Tilde of Sweden , and Swedish Prime Minister Morten Lindström , respectively . Jack Cutmore - Scott portrays Rufus Saville , and Lily Travers portrays Lady Sophie . Jonno Davies played Lee Unwin , Eggsy 's father and a former Kingsman candidate who sacrificed himself to save Hart . Nicholas Banks , Nicholas Agnew , Rowan Polonski and Tom Prior portrayed , respectively , Digby Barker , Nathaniel , Piers and Hugo Higins , the other four Kingsman candidates . Fiona Hampton played Amelia , a Kingsman employee who masquerades as a candidate in order to `` die '' during the first test . Richard Brake played the interrogator during the penultimate test , Ralph Ineson the police interviewer after Eggsy 's arrest , whereas Corey Johnson starred as a fanatic church leader , and Velibor Topić portrayed the biggest goon in the bar fight scene . Tobias Bakare and Theo Barklem - Biggs play Eggsy 's friends Jamal and Ryan . </P> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> The project originated when Mark Millar and Vaughn were at a bar discussing spy movies , lamenting that the genre had become too serious over the years and deciding to do `` a fun one . '' To have the time to make the film , Vaughn had to opt out of directing X-Men : Days of Future Past , which he called `` a really tough decision '' . He reasoned that if he did not do it , `` somebody else ... ( would ) wake up and do a fun spy movie . Then I would have written a bloody screenplay that no one would want to make . '' Colin Firth joined the cast to lead the film on 29 April 2013 . It was initially reported in 2013 that Leonardo DiCaprio was in talks to play a villain , although Vaughn himself later denied that he was ever considered stating that he came as close to playing the role `` as I am to becoming the Pope . '' Instead the role of the villain went to Samuel L. Jackson , Jackson took the role , in part because of a career long dream to be in a James Bond movie . As he felt that this was unlikely to come true he took on the role stating `` I felt like this was an opportunity to play a really great Bond villain . '' Jackson 's character has a notable lisp , a choice he decided to make based partially on the stutter he had as a kid . In September 2013 , Vaughn cast Sophie Cookson for the female lead , preferring a newcomer over more obvious candidates like Emma Watson and Bella Heathcote . Mark Hamill was cast as Professor James Arnold , a reference to his character in the source comic book being named `` Mark Hamill '' . </P> <H3> Filming ( edit ) </H3> <P> Principal photography began 6 October 2013 in
The role of the princess in Kingsman: Secret Service was played by
[ "Hanna Alström" ]
Who played the princess in kingsman secret service?
The three Little pigs - wikipedia <H1> The three Little pigs </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Three Little Pigs ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Three Little Pigs </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> The wolf blows down the straw house in a 1904 adaptation of the story . Illustration by Leonard Leslie Brooke . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Folk tale </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Name </Th> <Td> The Three Little Pigs </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Data </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Aarne - Thompson grouping </Th> <Td> 124 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> England </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Related </Th> <Td> ' </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Three Little Pigs is a fable about three pigs who build three houses of different materials . A big bad wolf blows down the first two pigs ' houses , made of straw and sticks respectively , but is unable to destroy the third pig 's house , made of bricks . Printed versions date back to the 1840s , but the story itself is thought to be much older . The phrases used in the story , and the various morals drawn from it , have become embedded in Western culture . Many versions of The Three Little Pigs have been recreated or have been modified over the years , sometimes making the wolf a kind character . It is a type 124 folktale in the Aarne -- Thompson classification system . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Traditional versions </Li> <Li> 2 Later adaptations <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Disney cartoon </Li> <Li> 2.2 Warner Brothers and MGM versions </Li> <Li> 2.3 Subsequent retellings </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 References </Li> <Li> 4 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Traditional versions ( edit ) </H2> Illustration from J. Jacobs , English Fairy Tales ( New York , 1895 ) <P> The Three Little Pigs was included in The Nursery Rhymes of England ( London and New York , c. 1886 ) , by James Halliwell - Phillipps . The story in its arguably best - known form appeared in English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs , first published in 1890 and crediting Halliwell as his source . The story begins with the title characters being sent out into the world by their mother , to `` seek out their fortune '' . The first little pig builds a house of straw , but a wolf blows it down and devours him . The second little pig builds a house of sticks , which the wolf also blows down , and the second little pig is also devoured . Each exchange between wolf and pig features ringing proverbial phrases , namely : </P> <P> `` Little pig , little pig , let me come in . '' `` not by the hair on my chinny chin chin . '' `` Then I 'll huff , and I 'll puff , and I 'll blow your house down . '' </P> <P> The third little pig builds a house of bricks . The wolf fails to blow down the house . He then attempts to trick the pig out of the house by asking to meet him at various places , but he is outwitted each time . Finally , the wolf resolves to come down the chimney , whereupon the pig catches the wolf in a cauldron of boiling water , slams the lid on , then cooks and eats him . In some versions , the first and second little pigs are not eaten by the wolf after he demolishes their homes , but instead run to their brother 's house , and after the wolf goes down the chimney he either dies like in the original , or runs away and never returns to eat the three little pigs , who all survive in either case . </P> <P> The story uses the literary rule of three , expressed in this case as a `` contrasting three '' , as the third pig 's brick house turns out to be the only one which is adequate to withstand the wolf . Variations of the tale appeared in Uncle Remus : His Songs and Sayings in 1881 . The story also made an appearance in Nights with Uncle Remus in 1883 , both by Joel Chandler Harris , in which the pigs were replaced by Brer Rabbit . Andrew Lang included it in The Green Fairy Book , published in 1892 , but did not cite his source . In contrast to Jacobs 's version , which left the pigs nameless , Lang 's retelling cast the pigs as Browny , Whitey , and Blacky . It also set itself apart by exploring each pig 's character and detailing interaction between them . The antagonist of this version is a fox , not a wolf . The pigs ' houses are made either of mud , cabbage , or brick . Blacky , the third pig , rescues his brother and sister from the fox 's den after the fox has been defeated . </P> <H2> Later adaptations ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Disney cartoon ( edit ) </H3> Main article : The Three Little Pigs ( film ) <P> The most well - known version of the story is an award - winning 1933 Silly Symphony cartoon , which was produced by Walt Disney . The production cast the title characters as Fifer Pig , Fiddler Pig , and Practical Pig . The first two are depicted as both frivolous and arrogant . The story has been somewhat softened . The first two pigs still get their houses blown down , but escape from the wolf . Also , the wolf is not boiled to death but simply burns his behind and runs away . Three sequels soon followed in 1934 , 1936 and 1939 respectively . </P> <P> Fifer Pig , Fiddler Pig , Practical Pig and the Big Bad Wolf appeared in the 2001 series Disney 's House
The story of the Three Little Pigs was
[ "first published in 1890" ]
When did the three little pigs come out?
Modern </Li> <Li> Contemporary </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Dl> <Dd> By century </Dd> </Dl> <Ul> <Li> 16th </Li> <Li> 17th </Li> <Li> 18th </Li> <Li> 19th </Li> <Li> 20th </Li> <Li> 21st </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> See also </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Dl> <Dd> Religious philosophy </Dd> </Dl> <Ul> <Li> Buddhist </Li> <Li> Christian </Li> <Li> Hindu </Li> <Li> Islamic </Li> <Li> Jewish </Li> <Li> Sikh </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Dl> <Dd> Eastern philosophy </Dd> </Dl> <Ul> <Li> Chinese </Li> <Li> Indian </Li> <Li> Iranian </Li> <Li> Japanese </Li> <Li> Korean </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Western culture </Li> <Li> Western world </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The term `` Western culture '' is used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms , ethical values , traditional customs , religious beliefs , political systems , and specific artifacts and technologies . </P> <P> Specifically , Western culture may imply : </P> <Ul> <Li> a Biblical Christian cultural influence in spiritual thinking , customs and either ethic or moral traditions , around the Post-Classical Era and after . </Li> <Li> European cultural influences concerning artistic , musical , folkloric , ethic and oral traditions , whose themes have been further developed by Romanticism . </Li> <Li> a Graeco - Roman Classical and Renaissance cultural influence , concerning artistic , philosophic , literary , and legal themes and traditions , the cultural social effects of migration period and the heritages of Celtic , Germanic , Slavic and other ethnic groups , as well as a tradition of rationalism in various spheres of life , developed by Hellenistic philosophy , Scholasticism , Humanisms , the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment . </Li> </Ul> <P> The concept of Western culture is generally linked to the classical definition of the Western world . In this definition , Western culture is the set of literary , scientific , political , artistic and philosophical principles that set it apart from other civilizations . Much of this set of traditions and knowledge is collected in the Western canon . </P> <P> The term has come to apply to countries whose history is strongly marked by European immigration or settlement , such as the Americas , and Oceania , and is not restricted to Europe . </P> <P> Some tendencies that define modern Western societies are the existence of political pluralism , laicism , generalization of middle class , prominent subcultures or countercultures ( such as New Age movements ) , increasing cultural syncretism resulting from globalization and human migration . The modern shape of these societies is strongly based upon the Industrial Revolution and the societies ' associated social and environmental problems , such as class and pollution , as well as reactions to them , such as syndicalism and environmentalism . </P> <H2> Historical divisions ( edit ) </H2> <P> The geopolitical divisions in Europe that created a concept of East and West originated in the Roman Empire . The Eastern Mediterranean was home to the highly urbanized cultures that had Greek as their common language ( owing to the older empire of Alexander the Great and of the Hellenistic successors ) , whereas the West was much more rural in its character and more readily adopted Latin as its common language . After the fall of the Western Roman Empire , Western and Central Europe were substantially cut off from the East where Byzantine Greek culture and Eastern Christianity became founding influences in the Arab / Muslim world and among the Eastern and Southern Slavic peoples . Roman Catholic Western and Central Europe , as such , maintained a distinct identity particularly as it began to redevelop during the Renaissance . Even following the Protestant Reformation , Protestant Europe continued to see itself as more tied to Roman Catholic Europe than other parts of the perceived civilized world . </P> <P> Use of the term West as a specific cultural and geopolitical term developed over the course of the Age of Exploration as Europe spread its culture to other parts of the world . In the past two centuries the term Western world has sometimes been used synonymously with Christian world because of the numerical dominance of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism compared to other Christian traditions , ancient Roman ideas , and heresies . As secularism rose in Europe and elsewhere during the 19th and 20th centuries , the term West came to take on less religious connotations and more political connotations , especially during the Cold War . Additionally , closer contacts between the West and Asia and other parts of the world in recent times have continued to cloud the use and meaning of the term . </P> <H3> Hellenic ( edit ) </H3> The Ancient Greek world , c. 550 BC <P> The Hellenic division between the barbarians and the Greeks contrasted in many societies the Greek - speaking culture of the Greek settlements around the Mediterranean to the surrounding non-Greek cultures . Herodotus considered the Persian Wars of the early 5th century BC a conflict of Europa versus Asia ( which he considered all land north and east of the Sea of Marmara , respectively ) . The terms `` West '' and `` East '' were not used by any Greek author to describe that conflict . The anachronistic application of those terms to that division entails a stark logical contradiction , given that , when the term `` West '' appeared , it was used in opposition to the Greeks and Greek - speaking culture . </P> <P> Western society traces its cultural origins , at least partially , to Greek thought and Christian religion , thus following an evolution that began in ancient Greece and the Levant , continued through the Roman Empire , and spread throughout Europe . The inherently `` Greek '' classical ideas of history ( which one might easily say they invented ) and art may , however , be considered almost inviolate in the
The term "the West" originates from
[ "the Roman Empire" ]
Where does the term the west come from?
St. Pauli Girl - wikipedia <H1> St. Pauli Girl </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( December 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> St Pauli Girl <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> Bremen , Germany </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owned by </Th> <Td> Constellation Brands </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Active beers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Name </Th> <Td> Type </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> St Pauli Girl Lager </Td> <Td> Pilsner </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> St Pauli Girl Special Dark </Td> <Td> Dark lager </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> St Pauli Girl NA </Td> <Td> Non-Alcoholic </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> St. Pauli Girl beers are brewed and bottled by the St. Pauli Brauerei , which is located within the Beck 's brewery in Bremen , Germany . </P> <P> The brand derives its name from the fact that the original brewery , which was established in 1857 by Lüder Rutenberg , was located next to the former St. Paul 's Friary ( de ) in Bremen . There are currently three brands of beer brewed : St. Pauli Girl Lager , St. Pauli Girl Special Dark and St. Pauli Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage . The beer is only produced for export and is not sold in Germany . </P> <P> St Pauli Girl , like many German breweries , advertises that they brew all of their beers according to the Reinheitsgebot ( German purity law ) of 1516 , even though they use culture yeast as an ingredient , which is not allowed by the 1516 law . The distinctive label depicting a woman wearing traditional outfits was introduced in the 19th century with the advent of the bottled beer . The local artist commissioned for the label drew his inspiration from the waitresses at the time . </P> <P> St Pauli Girl 's Beers were first introduced into select US markets in 1965 . National Distribution began in 1975 . St. Pauli Non-Alcoholic was first sold in the United States in 1991 . The St Pauli Girl website claims that their beer is the number two selling German beer in the United States . </P> <H2> St. Pauli Girl spokesmodels ( edit ) </H2> St. Pauli Girl beer bottle <P> Since 1982 , St. Pauli Girl Beer has chosen a model to represent the beer brand nationally each year and appear on the popular St. Pauli Girl poster . </P> <Ul> <Li> 1977 The first year of St Pauli Girls Spokesmodel campaign </Li> <Li> 1984 Gail Star Smith </Li> <Li> 1988 Jennifer Fabello </Li> <Li> 1989 Jennifer Fabello </Li> <Li> 1990 Felice Schachter </Li> <Li> 1991 Katie Vogt </Li> <Li> 1998 Teresa Politi </Li> <Li> 1999 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month January 1999 Jaime Bergman </Li> <Li> 2000 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month August 1998 Angela Little </Li> <Li> 2001 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month March 1994 Neriah Davis </Li> <Li> 2002 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month January 1998 Heather Kozar </Li> <Li> 2003 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month July 1998 Lisa Dergan </Li> <Li> 2004 Icelandic model and actress Berglind Icey </Li> <Li> 2005 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month February 1999 Stacy Fuson </Li> <Li> 2006 model Brittany Evans </Li> <Li> 2007 model and actress Bobbi Sue Luther </Li> <Li> 2008 Playboy magazine 's Playmate of the month January 2001 Irina Voronina </Li> <Li> 2009 Slovak model Katarina Van Derham </Li> <Li> 2010 Katarina Van Derham </Li> <Li> 2011 American Model / Actress Jen England </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` St. Pauli Girl : Breaking News '' . St. Pauli Girl Official Website . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : ABC News . `` Mascots Vie to Be No. 1 Ad Icon '' . Retrieved 12 August 2015 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Model Katarina Van Derham Takes Oath as 2009 St. Pauli Girl '' . Crown Imports . PR Newswire. 13 January 2009 . Retrieved 15 January 2009 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Hein , Kenneth ( 14 January 2009 ) . `` Important breaking news : A new St. Pauli Girl has been chosen ! '' . . Retrieved 15 January 2009 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <P> </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Anheuser - Busch InBev </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Corporate directors </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Carlos Brito , CEO </Li> <Li> August Busch IV </Li> <Li> Arnoud de Pret Roose de Calesberg </Li> <Li> Philippe de Spoelberch </Li> <Li> Jorge Paulo Lemann </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Subsidiaries </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Anheuser - Busch , Inc ( Manufacturers Railway ) </Li> <Li> AmBev </Li> <Li> InBev </Li> <Li> Grupo Modelo </Li> <Li> SABMiller </Li> <Li> St. Louis Refrigerated Car Co . </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Equity investments </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Craft Brew Alliance ( 32.2 % ) <Ul> <Li> Redhook </Li> <Li> Widmer Bros . </Li> <Li> Kona Brewing </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Global and multi-country brands </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Beck 's </Li> <Li> Budweiser </Li> <Li> Castle Lager </Li> <Li> Cerveza Corona </Li> <Li> Hoegaarden </Li> <Li> Leffe </Li> <Li> Stella Artois </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Local brands </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> 10 Barrel Brewing </Li> <Li> Antarctica </Li> <Li> Bass </Li> <Li> Belle - Vue </Li> <Li> Blue Point </Li> <Li> Boddingtons Brewery </Li> <Li> Brahma beer </Li> <Li> Breckenridge Brewery </Li> <Li> Busch Beer </Li> <Li> Camden Town </Li> <Li> Diebels </Li> <Li> Diekirch </Li> <Li> Dommelsch </Li> <Li> Dutch Gold </Li> <Li> Elysian </Li> <Li> Franziskaner </Li> <Li> Four Peaks </Li> <Li> Guaraná Antarctica </Li> <Li> Harbin Brewery </Li> <Li> Hasseröder </Li> <Li>
St. Pauli Girl is a type of
[ "Lager" ]
What kind of beer is st pauli girl?
Papaya ringspot virus - wikipedia <H1> Papaya ringspot virus </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Papaya ringspot virus ( PRSV ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Symptoms of PRSV on Papaya tree ( a ) and fruit ( b ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Virus classification </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Group : </Td> <Td> Group IV ( ( + ) ssRNA ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Order : </Td> <Td> Unassigned </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Family : </Td> <Td> Potyviridae </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Genus : </Td> <Td> Potyvirus </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Species : </Td> <Td> Papaya ringspot virus </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Synonyms </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Papaya ringspot potyvirus </Li> <Li> Papaya distortion mosaic virus </Li> <Li> Papaya leaf distortion virus </Li> <Li> Papaw distortion ringspot virus </Li> <Li> Papaw mosaic virus </Li> <Li> Watermelon mosaic virus 1 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Papaya ringspot virus ( PRSV ) is a pathogenic plant virus in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae which primarily infects the papaya tree . </P> <P> The virus is a non-enveloped , flexous rod - shaped particle that is between 760 -- 800 nm long and 12 nm in diameter . It is transmitted between plants by mechanical activities like pruning and by numerous aphid species such as Myzus persicae . No seed transmission has been detected . </P> <P> There are two major types of this virus that are serologically indistinguishable and are so closely genetically related that they are now considered the same virus species . The type that gave the virus its name are the Type P isolates ( PRSV - P ) . This type infects papaya and several members of the melon family ( Cucurbitaceae ) . The other type , Type W isolates ( PRSV - W ) , does not infect papaya . Isolates of PRSV - W do infect cucurbits such as watermelon , cucumber , and squash and were originally known as Watermelon mosaic virus 1 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Distribution and origin </Li> <Li> 3 PRSV - P </Li> <Li> 4 PRSV - W </Li> <Li> 5 Vectors </Li> <Li> 6 Control <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Cross protection </Li> <Li> 6.2 Transgenics </Li> <Li> 6.3 Deregulation </Li> <Li> 6.4 Durability of resistance </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Economic impact </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> Hawaiian papaya production has been severely affected twice by PRSV . The virus was introduced to Oahu as early as 1937 . The disease was mild for a number of years until it either mutated or a more aggressive strain was introduced around 1950 . Within 12 years , the amount of land under papaya production dropped 94 % . Production was then moved from Oahu to the Puna region of Hawaii island ( the `` Big Island '' ) under strict quarantine . In 1971 PRSV was found in home gardens but efforts were taken to prevent its spread . The virus emerged in commercial farms in 1992 and by 1995 production in Puna was impossible . Commercial growers again relocated to the Hamakua coast but with only limited success . Hawaiian papaya production was halved by the end of the decade . Transgenic papaya varieties that are resistant to PRSV entered production in 1998 and resuscitated the industry . </P> <H2> Distribution and origin ( edit ) </H2> <P> Both pathotypes are distributed worldwide . PRSV - P , for example , is known to be present in the Middle East , Africa , South and Central American . It has also been found in China , France , Germany , India , Italy , Mexico , Taiwan , and the United States . PRSV - W isolates have been found in the United States , the Caribbean , Mexico , Italy , Germany , Australia , France , India , the Middle East , and South America . </P> <P> Using genetic phylogeny studies , researchers suspect the virus originated in Asia , likely India , about 2,250 years ago . From there it slowly spread through the continent reaching China about 600 years ago . It was also introduced directly from India to Australia and the Americas within the last 300 years . Papayas were introduced to India only 500 years ago , at which point the virus made the jump from cucurbits . However , the virus has switched back and forth between pathotypes many times in its evolution . </P> <H2> PRSV - P ( edit ) </H2> <P> Symptoms are typical of viral diseases . Papaya exhibits yellowing , leaf distortion , and severe mosaic . Oily or water - soaked spots and streaks appear on the trunk and petioles . The fruit will exhibit bumps and the classic `` ringspot '' . A severe isolate of PRSV has also been shown to cause tissue necrosis . Cucurbit symptoms tend to be similar to papaya symptoms including blisters , mosaic , yellowing , and leaf distortions . </P> <P> This virus produces two types of inclusion bodies visible under a light microscope with proper staining of epidemal strips . One inclusion is the typical cylidrical inclusion ( CI ) which is considered diagnostic for the potyvirus group , and the other is called the amorphous inclusion ( AI ) . The presence of both inclusions can be diagnostic for this virus . </P> <H2> PRSV - W ( edit ) </H2> <P> In squash , watermelon and other cucurbits , PRSV - W causes mottling and distortion of leaves and fruit . PRSV - W is considered to be one of the limiting factors in the growing of cucurbits in Florida . </P> <P> PRSV - W should not be confused with Watermelon mosaic virus 2 , another potyvirus that infects cucurbits around the world , including Florida , and which is
On the Big Island of Hawaii, papayas were suffering from
[ "Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)" ]
Papayas were suffering from what pathogen on the big island of hawaii?
Luke Cage ( season 2 ) - wikipedia <H1> Luke Cage ( season 2 ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Luke Cage ( season 2 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Mike Colter </Li> <Li> Simone Missick </Li> <Li> Rosario Dawson </Li> <Li> Alfre Woodard </Li> <Li> Theo Rossi </Li> <Li> Mustafa Shakir </Li> <Li> Gabrielle Dennis </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> Netflix </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> ← Previous Season 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> List of Luke Cage episodes </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The second season of the American web television series Luke Cage , which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name , sees Cage become a hero and celebrity in Harlem after clearing his name , only to face a new threat . It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) , sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise . The season was produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios , with Cheo Hodari Coker serving as showrunner . </P> <P> Mike Colter stars as Cage , alongside returning principal cast members Simone Missick , Rosario Dawson , Alfre Woodard , and Theo Rossi . They are joined by Mustafa Shakir and Gabrielle Dennis . The second season was ordered in December 2016 , and filmed in New York City from June to November , 2017 . </P> <P> The season is set to premiere June 22 , 2018 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Episodes </Li> <Li> 2 Cast and characters <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Main </Li> <Li> 2.2 Notable guests </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Production <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Development </Li> <Li> 3.2 Writing </Li> <Li> 3.3 Casting </Li> <Li> 3.4 Filming </Li> <Li> 3.5 Music </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Release </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original release date </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 14 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Soul Brother # 1 '' </Td> <Td> Lucy Liu </Td> <Td> Cheo Hodari Coker </Td> <Td> June 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 15 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Straighten It Out '' </Td> <Td> Steph Green </Td> <Td> Akela Cooper </Td> <Td> June 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 16 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Wig Out '' </Td> <Td> Marc Jobst </Td> <Td> Matt Owens </Td> <Td> June 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 17 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` I Get Physical '' </Td> <Td> Salli Richardson - Whitfield </Td> <Td> Matthew Lopes </Td> <Td> June 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 18 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` All Souled Out '' </Td> <Td> Kasi Lemmons </Td> <Td> Ian Stokes </Td> <Td> June 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 19 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` The Basement '' </Td> <Td> Millicent Shelton </Td> <Td> Aïda Mashaka Croal </Td> <Td> June 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Each episode is named after a Pete Rock & CL Smooth song </Li> </Ol> <P> Neema Barnette directed an episode in the season . </P> <H2> Cast and characters ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of Luke Cage characters <H3> Main ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Mike Colter as Luke Cage </Li> <Li> Simone Missick as Mercedes `` Misty '' Knight </Li> <Li> Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple </Li> <Li> Alfre Woodard as Mariah Dillard </Li> <Li> Theo Rossi as Hernan `` Shades '' Alvarez </Li> <Li> Mustafa Shakir as John McIver </Li> <Li> Gabrielle Dennis as Tilda Johnson </Li> </Ul> <H3> Notable guests ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Thomas Q. Jones as Comanche </Li> <Li> Finn Jones as Danny Rand / Iron Fist </Li> <Li> Reg E. Cathey as James Lucas </Li> <Li> Danny Johnson as Benjamin Donovan </Li> </Ul> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Development ( edit ) </H3> <P> In January 2015 , Netflix CCO Ted Sarandos stated the series was `` eligible to go into multiple seasons for sure '' and Netflix would look at `` how well ( they ) are addressing both the Marvel fanbase but also the broader fanbase '' in terms of determining if additional seasons would be appropriate . In July 2015 , Sarandos said some of the Defenders series would `` selectively have multiple seasons as they come out of the gate . '' Regarding a second season , showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker stated he had `` a few ideas '' , including possibly exploring the `` Hero for Hire '' aspect of Luke Cage , though noted he was not taking `` any of this for granted '' in terms of feeling a second season renewal from Netflix was guaranteed . Actor Mike Colter also felt `` Heroes for Hire '' could be explored in future seasons , as well as further exploring Cage 's lifestyle change regarding his relationship with Jessica Jones and introducing the couple 's daughter . In December 2016 , Netflix renewed the series for a second season , of 13 episodes . </P> <P> Coker compared the season to A Tribe Called Quest 's second album The Low End Theory saying , their first album People 's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm `` was great , but then Low End Theory was the record that everyone says ... when they think of A Tribe Called Quest taking it
Like Cage Season 2 is scheduled to be released on
[ "June 22, 2018" ]
When does like cage season 2 come out?
<Li> 1 Qualification </Li> <Li> 2 Competition schedule <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Course information </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Medal summary <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Medal table </Li> <Li> 3.2 Men 's events </Li> <Li> 3.3 Women 's events </Li> <Li> 3.4 Team event </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Participating nations </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Qualification ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Alpine skiing at the 2018 Winter Olympics -- Qualification <P> A maximum of 320 quota spots were available to athletes to compete at the games . A maximum of twenty - two athletes could be entered by a National Olympic Committee , with a maximum of fourteen men or fourteen women . A total of sixteen countries also qualified for the inaugural team event . There were two qualification standards for the games : an A standard and a B standard . </P> <H2> Competition schedule ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Date </Th> <Th> Time </Th> <Th> Event </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 February </Td> <Td> 11 : 30 15 : 00 </Td> <Td> Men 's combined </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 February </Td> <Td> 10 : 00 13 : 45 </Td> <Td> Women 's giant slalom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 : 30 </Td> <Td> Men 's downhill </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 February </Td> <Td> 10 : 00 13 : 15 </Td> <Td> Women 's slalom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 : 00 </Td> <Td> Men 's super-G </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 17 February </Td> <Td> 12 : 00 </Td> <Td> Women 's super-G </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 18 February </Td> <Td> 10 : 15 13 : 45 </Td> <Td> Men 's giant slalom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 21 February </Td> <Td> 11 : 00 </Td> <Td> Women 's downhill </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 February </Td> <Td> 10 : 00 13 : 30 </Td> <Td> Men 's slalom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 : 30 15 : 00 </Td> <Td> Women 's combined </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 24 February </Td> <Td> 11 : 00 </Td> <Td> Team event </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="3"> Source : All times are ( UTC + 9 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Dl> <Dt> Notes </Dt> </Dl> <Ul> <Li> Men 's downhill was postponed ( high winds ) from 11 to 15 February . </Li> <Li> Women 's giant slalom was postponed ( high winds ) from 12 to 15 February . </Li> <Li> Women 's slalom was postponed ( high winds ) from 14 to 16 February . </Li> <Li> Men 's super-G was postponed ( scheduling conflict ) from 15 to 16 February . </Li> <Li> Women 's combined was moved forward 24 hours ( due to scheduled high winds ) from 23 to 22 February . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Course information ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Date </Th> <Th> Race </Th> <Th> Start elevation </Th> <Th> Finish elevation </Th> <Th> Vertical drop </Th> <Th> Course length </Th> <Th> Average gradient </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 February </Td> <Td> Downhill -- men </Td> <Td> 1,370 m ( 4,495 ft ) </Td> <Td> 545 m ( 1,788 ft ) </Td> <Td> 825 m ( 2,707 ft ) </Td> <Td> 2.965 km ( 1.842 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001278000000000000 ♠ 27.8 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 21 February </Td> <Td> Downhill -- women </Td> <Td> 1,275 m ( 4,183 ft ) </Td> <Td> 545 m ( 1,788 ft ) </Td> <Td> 730 m ( 2,395 ft ) </Td> <Td> 2.775 km ( 1.724 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001263000000000000 ♠ 26.3 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 February </Td> <Td> Downhill -- ( SC ) -- men </Td> <Td> 1,195 m ( 3,921 ft ) </Td> <Td> 545 m ( 1,788 ft ) </Td> <Td> 650 m ( 2,133 ft ) </Td> <Td> 2.050 km ( 1.274 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001317000000000000 ♠ 31.7 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 February </Td> <Td> Downhill -- ( SC ) -- women </Td> <Td> 1,275 m ( 4,183 ft ) </Td> <Td> 545 m ( 1,788 ft ) </Td> <Td> 730 m ( 2,400 ft ) </Td> <Td> 2.775 km ( 1.724 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001263000000000000 ♠ 26.3 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 February </Td> <Td> Super-G -- men </Td> <Td> 1,195 m ( 3,921 ft ) </Td> <Td> 545 m ( 1,788 ft ) </Td> <Td> 650 m ( 2,133 ft ) </Td> <Td> 2.322 km ( 1.443 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 17 February </Td> <Td> Super-G -- women </Td> <Td> 1,130 m ( 3,707 ft ) </Td> <Td> 545 m ( 1,788 ft ) </Td> <Td> 585 m ( 1,919 ft ) </Td> <Td> 2.010 km ( 1.249 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001291000000000000 ♠ 29.1 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 18 February </Td> <Td> Giant slalom -- men </Td> <Td> 1,405 m ( 4,610 ft ) </Td> <Td> 965 m ( 3,166 ft ) </Td> <Td> 440 m ( 1,444 ft ) </Td> <Td> 1.326 km ( 0.824 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001332000000000000 ♠ 33.2 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 February </Td> <Td> Giant slalom -- women </Td> <Td> 1,365 m ( 4,478 ft ) </Td> <Td> 965 m ( 3,166 ft ) </Td> <Td> 400 m ( 1,312 ft ) </Td> <Td> 1.250 km ( 0.777 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001320000000000000 ♠ 32.0 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 February </Td> <Td> Slalom -- men </Td> <Td> 1,176 m ( 3,858 ft ) </Td> <Td> 965 m ( 3,166 ft ) </Td> <Td> 211 m ( 692 ft ) </Td> <Td> 0.575 km ( 0.357 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001367000000000000 ♠ 36.7 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 February </Td> <Td> Slalom -- women </Td> <Td> 1,169 m ( 3,835 ft ) </Td> <Td> 965 m ( 3,166 ft ) </Td> <Td> 204 m ( 669 ft ) </Td> <Td> 0.556 km ( 0.345 mi ) </Td> <Td> 7001367000000000000 ♠ 36.7 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 February </Td> <Td> Slalom -- ( SC ) -- men </Td> <Td> 745 m (
The types of skiing featured in the Winter Olympics 2018 included
[ "Downhill" ]
Types of skiing in the winter olympics 2018?
the magazine reported that Channel Seven had passed on the option to renew the series and had recently told the cast and crew they would not be required for a third season . </P> <P> On 15 October 2014 , it was announced that Foxtel had finalised a deal with Channel Seven that would see third and fourth seasons written , using the outlines created by Bevan Lee , produced by Seven Productions , but aired on Foxtel . </P> <P> On 25 October 2014 , Amy Harris of The Daily Telegraph announced that A Place to Call Home had been officially renewed for another two seasons and would return in late 2015 , airing on Foxtel channel SoHo . It was also announced that all the original cast and crew members would return . Production was scheduled to resume in March 2015 in Camden , the show 's original filming location . </P> <P> On 19 November 2014 , it was announced that Bevan Lee had stepped down as the script producer and had hand - picked Susan Bower to take over . As well as a new script producer , a new writing team , consisting of David Hannam , Sarah Lambert , Giula Sandler and Katherine Thomson , was also hired . </P> <P> The season has been written by Susan Bower , Katherine Thomson , Sarah Lambert , David Hannam , Giula Sandler , Deborah Parsons , Kim Wilson and John Ridley , and directed by Ian Watson , Shirley Barrett , Lynn - Maree Danzey and Chris Martin - Jones . </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> In season three of A Place to Call Home : as Australia faces internal and external threats to its way of life so too do the people of Inverness , and previous alliances and relationships are tested . Sarah 's dilemma , between her feelings for George and her duty to her husband Rene , is exacerbated by a heartbreaking secret . James and Olivia 's relationship is under pressure when the true parentage of baby George is threatened with exposure . Elizabeth Bligh 's decision to leave Ash Park to explore a life of her own proves more difficult than she thought . Anna and Gino face the difference between the fairytale romance and the reality of married life . Independent lovers Carolyn and Jack try to move closer to a commitment . Through it all , Regina 's manipulative behaviour weaves an impenetrable web around George . In the sleepy village of Inverness , sex , death and secrets are never far below the surface . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> <H3> Main ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Marta Dusseldorp as Sarah Nordmann </Li> <Li> Noni Hazelhurst as Elizabeth Bligh </Li> <Li> Brett Climo as George Bligh </Li> <Li> Craig Hall as Dr. Jack Duncan </Li> <Li> David Berry as James Bligh </Li> <Li> Abby Earl as Anna Poletti </Li> <Li> Arianwen Parkes - Lockwood as Olivia Bligh </Li> <Li> Aldo Mignone as Gino Poletti </Li> <Li> Sara Wiseman as Carolyn Bligh </Li> <Li> Jenni Baird as Regina Bligh </Li> <Li> Frankie J. Holden as Roy Briggs </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <H3> Recurring & guest ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Deborah Kennedy as Doris Collins </Li> <Li> Brenna Harding as Rose O'Connell </Li> <Li> Mark Lee as Sir Richard Bennett </Li> <Li> Ben Winspear as René Nordmann </Li> <Li> Tim Draxl as Dr. Henry Fox </Li> <Li> Scott Grimley as Norman Parker </Li> <Li> Robert Coleby as Douglas Goddard </Li> <Li> Heather Mitchell as Prudence Swanson </Li> <Li> Rick Donald as Lloyd Ellis Parker </Li> <Li> Warwick Young as Sgt . Eddie Franklin </Li> <Li> Judi Farr as Peg Maloney </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Casting ( edit ) <P> Puberty Blues actress , Brenna Harding will join the series as maid Rose O'Connell . </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> See also : List of A Place to Call Home episodes <Table> <Tr> <Th> No. in series </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Australian viewers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 24 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Things We Do for Love '' </Td> <Td> Ian Barry </Td> <Td> David Hannam </Td> <Td> 27 September 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 27 ) </Td> <Td> 0.154 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="7"> After George is shot , Sarah is forced to remove the bullet from his chest en route to the hospital . He is later operated on and awakens in his hospital room and whispers Sarah 's name , around Regina . Anna is shocked to learn that the baby that is being masqueraded as James and Olivia 's , is actually the baby of an unwed mother , and is later disappointed to learn that Gino is disgusted by James ' homosexuality . René is arrested for attempted murder , however , after Regina delivers Sarah an ultimatum that if George dies , she 'll make sure René hangs , he is released when Regina changes her story and says George stopped René committing suicide . Olivia hires a new maid Rose , who acts oddly suspicious around baby George . James quietly flirts with George 's doctor , Henry Fox , over a cigarette . After dealing with the shocking events of the past day , Sarah is shocked when she learns that she is pregnant with George 's baby . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 25 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` L'Chaim , to Life '' </Td> <Td> Ian Barry </Td> <Td> Giula Sandler </Td> <Td> 4 October 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> 0.154 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="7"> George 's return from hospital opens a whole new world for the Bligh family , as his new lease on life , pushes him to pursue a career in politics , announcing that he 'll run for the Country Party in the next election . While he
The role of Gino in "A Place to Call Home" was played by
[ "Aldo Mignone" ]
Who played gino in a place to call home?
</Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Logo </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Member states Observer states </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Headquarters </Th> <Td> Kathmandu </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Official languages </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Demonym </Th> <Td> South Asian </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Member states </Th> <Td> 8 members ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Afghanistan </Li> <Li> Bangladesh </Li> <Li> Bhutan </Li> <Li> India </Li> <Li> Maldives </Li> <Li> Nepal </Li> <Li> Pakistan </Li> <Li> Sri Lanka </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> 9 observers ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Australia </Li> <Li> China </Li> <Li> EU </Li> <Li> Iran </Li> <Li> Japan </Li> <Li> Mauritius </Li> <Li> Myanmar </Li> <Li> South Korea </Li> <Li> United States </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Leaders </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Secretary - General </Th> <Td> Amjad B. Hussain </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Establishment </Th> <Td> 8 December 1985 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Area </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Total </Th> <Td> 5,099,611 km ( 1,968,971 sq mi ) ( 7th ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Water ( % ) </Th> <Td> 6.8 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Population </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2015 estimate </Th> <Td> 1,713,870,000 ( 1st ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Density </Th> <Td> 336.1 / km ( 870.5 / sq mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> GDP ( PPP ) </Th> <Td> 2015 estimate </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Total </Th> <Td> US $9.9 trillion ( 3rd ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> GDP ( nominal ) </Th> <Td> 2015 estimate </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Total </Th> <Td> US $ 2.9 trillion ( 5th ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Currency </Th> <Td> 8 currencies ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Afghani ( AFN ) </Li> <Li> Taka ( ৳ ) ( BDT ) </Li> <Li> Ngultrum ( BTN ) </Li> <Li> Rupee ( ₹ ) ( INR ) </Li> <Li> Rufiyaa ( MVR ) </Li> <Li> Rupee ( रु . ) ( NPR ) </Li> <Li> Rupee ( PKR ) </Li> <Li> Rupee ( LKR ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Time zone </Th> <Td> ( UTC + 4 : 30 to + 6 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Calling code </Th> <Td> 8 codes ( show ) <Ul> <Li> + 880 </Li> <Li> + 91 </Li> <Li> + 92 </Li> <Li> + 93 </Li> <Li> + 94 </Li> <Li> + 960 </Li> <Li> + 975 </Li> <Li> + 977 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Internet TLD </Th> <Td> . asia </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Website </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ( SAARC ) is the regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia . Its member states include Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Nepal , the Maldives , Pakistan and Sri Lanka . SAARC comprises 3 % of the world 's area , 21 % of the world 's population and 3.8 % ( US $2.9 trillion ) of the global economy , as of 2015 . </P> <P> SAARC was founded in Dhaka on 8 December 1985 . Its secretariat is based in Kathmandu , Nepal . The organization promotes development of economic and regional integration . It launched the South Asian Free Trade Area in 2006 . SAARC maintains permanent diplomatic relations at the United Nations as an observer and has developed links with multilateral entities , including the European Union . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Historical background </Li> <Li> 2 Members and observers <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Members </Li> <Li> 2.2 Observers </Li> <Li> 2.3 Potential future members </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Secretariat <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Regional Centres </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Apex and Recognised Bodies </Li> <Li> 5 Political issues </Li> <Li> 6 South Asian Free Trade Area </Li> <Li> 7 SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme </Li> <Li> 8 Awards <Ul> <Li> 8.1 SAARC Award </Li> <Li> 8.2 SAARC Literary Award </Li> <Li> 8.3 SAARC Youth Award </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Anthem </Li> <Li> 10 Secretaries - General of SAARC </Li> <Li> 11 SAARC summits </Li> <Li> 12 Current leaders of SAARC </Li> <Li> 13 See also </Li> <Li> 14 Notes </Li> <Li> 15 References </Li> <Li> 16 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Historical background ( edit ) </H2> A clickable Euler diagram showing the relationships between various Asian regional organisations v d e <P> The idea of co-operation in South Asia was discussed in at least three conferences : the Asian Relations Conference held in New Delhi on April 1947 ; the Baguio Conference in the Philippines on May 1950 ; and the Colombo Powers Conference held in Sri Lanka in April 1954 . </P> <P> In the ending years of the 1970s , the seven inner South Asian nations that included Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Maldives , Nepal , Pakistan , and Sri Lanka agreed upon the creation of a trade bloc and to provide a platform for the people of South Asia to work together in a spirit of friendship , trust , and understanding . President Ziaur Rahman later addressed official letters to the leaders of the countries of the South Asia , presenting his vision for the future of the region and the compelling arguments for region . During his visit to India in December 1977 , Rahman discussed the issue of regional cooperation with the Indian Prime Minister , Morarji Desai . In the inaugural speech to the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee which met in Kathmandu also in 1977 , King Birendra of Nepal gave a call for close regional cooperation among South Asian countries in sharing river waters . After the USSR 's intervention in Afghanistan , the efforts to establish the union was accelerated in 1979 and the resulting rapid deterioration of South Asian security situation . Responding to Rahman and Birendra 's convention , the officials of the foreign ministries of the seven countries met for the first time in Colombo in April 1981 . The Bangladeshi proposal was promptly endorsed by Nepal , Sri Lanka , Bhutan , and the Maldives
The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) was formed in
[ "December 1985" ]
When was the south asian association for regional co-operation (saarc) formed?
New York Heart Association functional classification - wikipedia <H1> New York Heart Association functional classification </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> The New York Heart Association ( NYHA ) Functional Classification provides a simple way of classifying the extent of heart failure . It places patients in one of four categories based on how much they are limited during physical activity ; the limitations / symptoms are in regard to normal breathing and varying degrees in shortness of breath and / or angina . </P> <P> It originated in 1902 , when no measurements of cardiac function were possible , to provide a common language for physicians to communicate . Despite difficulties in applying it , such as the challenge of consistently classifying patients in class II or III , because functional capacity is such a powerful determinant of outcome it remains arguably the most important prognostic marker in routine clinical use in heart failure today . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> NYHA Class </Th> <Th> Symptoms </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Cardiac disease , but no symptoms and no limitation in ordinary physical activity , e.g. no shortness of breath when walking , climbing stairs etc . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> II </Td> <Td> Mild symptoms ( mild shortness of breath and / or angina ) and slight limitation during ordinary activity . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> III </Td> <Td> Marked limitation in activity due to symptoms , even during less - than - ordinary activity , e.g. walking short distances ( 20 -- 100 m ) . Comfortable only at rest . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> IV </Td> <Td> Severe limitations . Experiences symptoms even while at rest . Mostly bedbound patients . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Another frequently used functional classification of cardiovascular disease is the Canadian Cardiovascular Society grading of angina pectoris . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ The Criteria Committee of the New York Heart Association . ( 1994 ) . Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels ( 9th ed . ) . Boston : Little , Brown & Co. pp. 253 -- 256 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Classification of Functional Capacity and Objective Assessment '' . Retrieved 27 October 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Raphael C , Briscoe C , Davies J , Ian Whinnett Z , Manisty C , Sutton R , Mayet J , Francis DP ( April 2007 ) . `` Limitations of the New York Heart Association functional classification system and self - reported walking distances in chronic heart failure '' . Heart ( British Cardiac Society ) . 93 ( 4 ) : 476 -- 82 . doi : 10.1136 / hrt. 2006.089656 . PMC 1861501 . PMID 17005715 . </Li> </Ol> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Cardiology </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Azərbaycanca </Li> <Li> Deutsch </Li> <Li> Eesti </Li> <Li> Español </Li> <Li> فارسی </Li> <Li> Italiano </Li> <Li> Norsk </Li> <Li> Polski </Li> <Li> Português </Li> <Li> Svenska </Li> <Li> Українська </Li> 5 more </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 24 December 2016 , at 11 : 55 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul>
The New York Heart Association functional classification of angina is
[ "II" ]
New york heart association functional classification of angina?
Would I Lie to You ? ( Charles & Eddie song ) - wikipedia <H1> Would I Lie to You ? ( Charles & Eddie song ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Charles & Eddie </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Duophonic </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Remix '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> August 4 , 1992 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> CD single , CD maxi , 7 '' single </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> R&B , soul </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 4 : 38 ( Album Version ) 3 : 41 ( Radio Version ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Capitol </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Mike Leeson Peter Vale </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Josh Deutsch </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Charles & Eddie singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( 1992 ) </Td> <Td> `` ' NYC ( Can You Believe This City ? ) ' '' ( 1993 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Would I Lie to You ? ( 1992 ) </Td> <Td> NYC ( Can You Believe This City ? ) ( 1993 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Music video </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' on YouTube </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' is an R&B song by American duo Charles & Eddie . Written by Mike Leeson and Peter Vale and produced by Josh Deutsch , `` Would I Lie to You ? '' was the debut single by the pop - soul duo , and it proved to be their biggest hit . A major international success , it reached number one on the UK Singles Chart for two weeks in November 1992 , and was also number one in New Zealand , Germany and Austria . It was a top five hit in several other European countries while in Australia and Canada it went to number 3 . The single became a Top 20 hit in the US , peaking at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 and it enjoyed award - winning sales , earning a platinum record in the UK , a gold record in both Germany and Austria and silver record award in France . </P> <P> The songwriters , Leeson and Vale , received the 1992 Ivor Novello award for Best Song Musically and Lyrically . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Critical reception </Li> <Li> 2 Track listings </Li> <Li> 3 Charts and sales <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 3.2 Year - end charts </Li> <Li> 3.3 Certifications </Li> <Li> 3.4 Chart successions </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 John Gibbons version <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 David Guetta , Cedric Gervais and Chris Willis version <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 5.2 Year - end charts </Li> <Li> 5.3 Certifications </Li> <Li> 5.4 Release history </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Critical reception ( edit ) </H2> <P> Billboard wrote about the song : `` Male duo is quickly picking up pop radio adds with this delightful twirl into retro - R&B territory . Rich lead vocals are supported by Motown - styled harmonies , rumbling Hammond organ fills , and an insinuating , live drum beat . '' </P> <H2> Track listings ( edit ) </H2> <Dl> <Dt> CD single </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( radio edit ) -- 3 : 41 </Li> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( club mix house ) -- 5 : 04 </Li> </Ol> <Dl> <Dt> CD maxi </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( radio edit ) -- 3 : 41 </Li> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( club mix house ) -- 5 : 04 </Li> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( truth and soul mix ) -- 3 : 57 </Li> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( explicit lyrics version ) -- 5 : 01 </Li> </Ol> <Dl> <Dt> 7 '' single </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( radio edit ) -- 3 : 41 </Li> <Li> `` Would I Lie to You ? '' ( club mix house ) -- 5 : 04 </Li> </Ol> <H2> Charts and sales ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> <H3> Weekly charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1992 -- 93 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Australia ( ARIA ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> France ( SNEP ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Germany ( Official German Charts ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ireland ( IRMA ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Italy ( FIMI ) </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Norway ( VG - lista ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Billboard Hot 100 </Td> <Td> 13
The song "Would I Lie to You" was written by
[ "Mike Leeson" ]
Who wrote the song would i lie to you?
Cup ( unit ) - wikipedia <H1> Cup ( unit ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Measuring cups . Not to be confused with drinking cups , `` cup '' serving sizes , or measuring cups , which do not necessarily correspond with this unit . <P> The cup is an English unit of volume , most commonly associated with cooking and serving sizes . It is traditionally equal to half a liquid pint in either US customary units or the British imperial system but is now separately defined in terms of the metric system at values between ⁄ and ⁄ of a liter . Because actual drinking cups may differ greatly from the size of this unit , standard measuring cups are usually used instead . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 United States <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Legal cup </Li> <Li> 1.2 Customary cup </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Commonwealth of Nations <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Metric cup </Li> <Li> 2.2 Imperial cup </Li> <Li> 2.3 Canadian cup </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 International <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Latin American cup </Li> <Li> 3.2 Japanese cup </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Dry measure </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 Notes </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> United States ( edit ) </H2> <P> </P> <H3> Legal cup ( edit ) </H3> <P> The cup currently used in the United States for nutrition labelling is defined in United States law as 240 ml . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> 1 U.S. `` legal '' cup </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 240 </Td> <Td> millilitres </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> international tablespoons </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> Australian tablespoons </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 8.12 </Td> <Td> U.S. customary fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 8.45 </Td> <Td> imperial fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> </P> <H3> Customary cup ( edit ) </H3> Coffee carafe showing gradiations for measuring water ( right ) and brewed coffee ( left ) in multiples of non-standard U.S. customary cups . <P> In the United States , the customary cup is half of a liquid pint . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> 1 U.S. customary cup </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> ⁄ </Td> <Td> U.S. customary gallon </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> ⁄ </Td> <Td> U.S. customary quart </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> ⁄ </Td> <Td> U.S. customary pint </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> U.S. customary fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> U.S. customary tablespoons </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 48 </Td> <Td> U.S. customary teaspoons </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≡ </Td> <Td> 236.5882365 </Td> <Td> millilitres exactly </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 15 ⁄ </Td> <Td> international tablespoons </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 11.75 </Td> <Td> Australian tablespoons </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 0.833 </Td> <Td> imperial cups </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 8.33 </Td> <Td> imperial fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> A customary `` cup '' of coffee in the U.S. is usually defined as 4 fluid ounces , brewed using 5 fluid ounces of water . Coffee carafes used with drip coffee makers , such as Black and Decker models , have markings for both water and brewed coffee , since the carafe is also used for measuring water prior to brewing . A 12 - cup carafe , for example , has markings for 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , and 12 cups of water or coffee , which correspond to 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , and 60 fluid ounces of water or 16 , 24 , 32 , 40 , and 48 fluid ounces of brewed coffee , respectively , the difference being the volume lost to evaporation during brewing . </P> <H2> Commonwealth of Nations ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Metric cup ( edit ) </H3> <P> Australia , Canada , New Zealand , and some other members of the Commonwealth of Nations -- being former British colonies that have since metricated -- employ a `` metric cup '' of 250 millilitres . Although derived from the metric system , it is not an official metric unit . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> 1 cup </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 250 </Td> <Td> millilitres </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 16 ⁄ </Td> <Td> international tablespoons ( 15 ml each ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 12.5 </Td> <Td> Australian tablespoons ( 20 ml each ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 8.80 </Td> <Td> imperial fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> ≈ </Td> <Td> 8.45 </Td> <Td> U.S. customary fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> A `` coffee cup '' is 1.5 dl or 150 millilitres or 5.07 US customary fluid ounces , and is occasionally used in recipes . It is also used in the US to specify coffeemaker sizes ( what can be referred to as a Tasse à café ) . A `` 12 - cup '' US coffeemaker makes 57.6 US customary fluid ounces of coffee , or 6.8 metric cups of coffee . In older recipes cup may mean `` coffee cup '' . </P> <H3> Imperial cup ( edit ) </H3> <P> The official imperial cup was half an imperial pint or 10 imperial fluid ounces . It is no longer in common use , but appears in older recipe books . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> 1 imperial cup </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 0.5 </Td> <Td> imperial pints </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> imperial gills </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> = </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> imperial fluid ounces </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td>
In American recipes, a cup measurement is
[ "equal to half a liquid pint" ]
What is a cup measurement in american recipes?
Jaffa cakes - wikipedia <H1> Jaffa cakes </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> Jaffa Cakes <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> A Jaffa Cake cut in half </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Alternative names </Th> <Td> Jaffa </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Type </Th> <Td> Cake </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Place of origin </Th> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Region or state </Th> <Td> All Regions </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> McVitie and Price </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Main ingredients </Th> <Td> Sponge cake , orange - flavoured jam , chocolate </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Variations </Th> <Td> Various limited edition flavours ( Lemon and lime , strawberry , black currant ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Cookbook : Jaffa Cakes Media : Jaffa Cakes </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Jaffa Cakes are biscuit - sized cakes introduced by McVitie and Price in the UK in 1927 and named after Jaffa oranges . The most common form of Jaffa cakes are circular , 2 ⁄ inches ( 54 mm ) in diameter and have three layers : a Genoise sponge base , a layer of orange flavoured jam and a coating of chocolate . Jaffa cakes are also available as bars or in small packs , and in larger and smaller sizes . The original Jaffa Cakes come in packs of 12 , 24 or 36 . </P> <P> Because McVitie 's did not trademark the name `` Jaffa Cakes '' , other biscuit manufacturers and supermarkets have made similar products under the same name . The product 's classification as a cake or biscuit was part of a VAT tribunal in 1991 , with the court finding in McVitie 's favour that the Jaffa cake should be considered a cake for tax purposes . In 2012 they were ranked the best selling cake or biscuit in the United Kingdom . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Manufacture </Li> <Li> 2 Flavour variants </Li> <Li> 3 Categorisation as cake or biscuit for VAT </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Manufacture </H2> <P> McVitie 's entire line of Jaffa cakes are produced in the United Kingdom at the McVitie 's factory in Stockport . The Jaffa cake production area covers an acre ( 4,000 m ) and includes a production line over a mile ( 1.6 km ) long which sits on the Stockport side of the site 's boundary with Manchester . Because of the nature of the product -- having multiple components of cake , chocolate covering and jam -- special hardware accelerators were devised to allow rapid computer inspection of 20 products per second , taking place under four symmetrically placed lights . </P> <H2> Flavour variants </H2> <P> Although Jaffa cakes are usually orange flavour , limited edition flavours have been available , such as lemon - and - lime , strawberry and blackcurrant . </P> <H2> Categorisation as cake or biscuit for VAT </H2> <P> In the United Kingdom , value added tax is payable on chocolate - covered biscuits , but not on chocolate - covered cakes . McVities defended its classification of Jaffa Cakes as cakes at a VAT tribunal in 1991 , against the ruling that Jaffa cakes were biscuits due to their size and shape , and the fact that they were often eaten in place of biscuits . McVities insisted that the product was a cake , and allegedly produced a giant Jaffa cake in court to illustrate its point . The product was assessed on the following criteria : </P> <Ul> <Li> The product 's name was regarded as a minor consideration . </Li> <Li> The ingredients were regarded as similar to those of a cake , producing a thin cake - like batter rather than the thick dough of a biscuit . </Li> <Li> The product 's texture was regarded as being that of a sponge cake . </Li> <Li> The product hardens when stale , in the manner of a cake . </Li> <Li> A substantial part of the Jaffa cake , in terms of bulk and texture , is sponge . </Li> <Li> In size , the Jaffa cake is more like a biscuit than a cake . </Li> <Li> The product was generally displayed for sale alongside other biscuits , rather than with cakes . </Li> <Li> The product is presented as a snack and eaten with the fingers , like a biscuit , rather than with a fork as a cake might be . The tribunal also considered that children would eat them in `` a few mouthfuls '' , in the manner of a sweet . </Li> </Ul> <P> The court found in favour of McVitie 's and ruled that the product should be considered a cake , meaning that VAT is not paid on Jaffa cakes in the United Kingdom . </P> <P> In Ireland , Jaffa cakes are regarded as cakes by Revenue as their moisture content is greater than 12 % . As a result , they are charged the reduced rate of VAT ( 13.5 % as of 2016 ) . </P> <H2> References </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Labelling rules '' . Food Standards Agency . 9 April 2008 . Archived from the original on 20 July 2008 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Jaffa Cake 's lemon squeezy bar '' . . Retrieved 25 August 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Jaffa Cakes , A Cake Or Buscuit ? '' . ColdRicePudding. 1 January 2009 . Retrieved 22 June 2010 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Harry Wallop ( 6 May 2012 ) . `` Jaffa Cakes - definitely not biscuits - prepare to take on imitators '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 3 January 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ VAT Tribunal case LON / 91 / 0160 ( United Biscuits ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Jaffa Cakes - definitely not biscuits - prepare to take on imitators '' . The Telegraph . Retrieved 28 December 2014 </Li> <Li> Jump up
[ "cakes" ]
Is jaffa cakes a biscuit or a cake?
List of Family Guy cast members - wikipedia <H1> List of Family Guy cast members </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane also provides the voices of Peter Griffin , Stewie Griffin , Brian Griffin , and Glenn Quagmire . <P> Family Guy is an American animated sitcom that features five main voice actors , and numerous regular cast and recurring guest stars . The principal voice cast consists of show creator Seth MacFarlane , Alex Borstein , Mila Kunis ( who replaced Lacey Chabert after the first season ( her last episode is `` Holy Crap , '' now marketed as the second episode of season two ) ) , Seth Green , and Mike Henry . Recurring voice actors include Patrick Warburton , Adam West , John G. Brennan , Nicole Sullivan and Jennifer Tilly , and repeat guest stars include Phyllis Diller , Charles Durning , Rush Limbaugh , and Phil LaMarr . </P> <P> Many cast members provide voices for multiple characters . The voice actors , in portraying the various character personalities on the show , draw inspiration from celebrities and pop culture . Family Guy characters have been played by more than one actor , after members of the show left the series or had conflicting obligations . </P> <P> Kunis was nominated for an Annie Award for voicing Meg Griffin in the season 5 episode `` Barely Legal '' and MacFarlane has also won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice - Over Performance and an Annie Award for Best Voice Acting in an Animated Television Production , though no other cast member has won an award for their work on the series . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Current cast <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Seth MacFarlane </Li> <Li> 1.2 Alex Borstein </Li> <Li> 1.3 Mila Kunis </Li> <Li> 1.4 Seth Green </Li> <Li> 1.5 Mike Henry </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Recurring cast </Li> <Li> 3 Recurring guest voices </Li> <Li> 4 Casting changes </Li> <Li> 5 Awards and nominations </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Current cast ( edit ) </H2> Seth Green provides the voice of Chris Griffin . Mike Henry voices various characters in the series . Mila Kunis provides the voice of Meg Griffin . Alex Borstein provides the voice of Lois Griffin . Patrick Warburton provides the voice of Joe Swanson . The real Adam West provided the voice of Mayor Adam West . <P> From seasons 1 to 4 , Family Guy had four main cast members . Since season 5 , there have been five main cast members . The casting of Meg Griffin changed after season 1 . </P> <H3> Seth MacFarlane ( edit ) </H3> <P> Seth MacFarlane voices three of the show 's main characters : Peter Griffin , Brian Griffin , and Stewie Griffin . MacFarlane chose to voice these characters himself , believing it would be easier to portray the voices he had already envisioned than for someone else to attempt it . MacFarlane drew inspiration for the voice of Peter from a security guard he overheard talking while attending the Rhode Island School of Design . Stewie 's voice was based on the voice of English actor Rex Harrison , especially his performance in the 1964 musical drama film My Fair Lady . MacFarlane uses his own voice while portraying Brian . </P> <P> MacFarlane also provides the voices for various other recurring and one - time only characters , most prominently those of news anchor Tom Tucker , Lois ' father Carter Pewterschmidt and Dr. Hartman . He is the only voice to be in every episode . </P> <H3> Alex Borstein ( edit ) </H3> <P> Alex Borstein voices Lois Griffin , Asian correspondent Tricia Takanawa , Loretta Brown and Lois ' mother Barbara Pewterschmidt . Borstein was asked to provide a voice for the pilot while she was working on MADtv . She had not met MacFarlane or seen any of his artwork and said it was `` really sight unseen '' . At the time , Borstein performed in a stage show in Los Angeles , in which she played a redhead mother whose voice she had based on one of her cousins . The voice was originally slower ( and deeper for the original series ) , but when MacFarlane heard it , he replied `` Make it a little less fucking annoying ... and speed it up , or every episode will last four hours . '' </P> <H3> Mila Kunis ( edit ) </H3> <P> Mila Kunis voices Meg Griffin . Kunis won the role after auditions and a slight rewrite of the character , in part due to her performance on That ' 70s Show . MacFarlane called Kunis back after her first audition , instructing her to speak slower , and then told her to come back another time and enunciate more . Once she claimed that she had it under control , MacFarlane hired her . Kunis described her character as `` the scapegoat '' . She further explained , `` Meg gets picked on a lot . But it 's funny . It 's like the middle child . She is constantly in the state of being an awkward 14 - year - old , when you 're kind of going through puberty and what - not . She 's just in a perpetual mode of humiliation . And it 's fun . '' </P> <H3> Seth Green ( edit ) </H3> <P> Seth Green primarily plays Chris Griffin and Neil Goldman . Green stated that he did an impression of the `` Buffalo Bill '' character from the thriller film The Silence of the Lambs during his audition . His main inspiration for Chris ' voice came from envisioning how `` Buffalo Bill '' would sound if he were speaking through a public address system at a McDonald 's . </P> <H3> Mike Henry ( edit ) </H3> <P> Mike Henry is the voice of Cleveland Brown ,
The voice of Stewie in Family Guy is provided by
[ "Seth MacFarlane" ]
Who does the voice of stewie family guy?
Anno Domini - wikipedia <H1> Anno Domini </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` AD '' and `` Before Christ '' redirect here . For other uses , see Anno Domini ( disambiguation ) and AD ( disambiguation ) . Anno Domini inscription at a cathedral in Carinthia , Austria . <P> The terms anno Domini ( AD ) and before Christ ( BC ) are used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars . The term anno Domini is Medieval Latin and means `` in the year of the Lord '' , but is often presented using `` our Lord '' instead of `` the Lord '' , taken from the full original phrase `` anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi '' , which translates to `` in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ '' . </P> <P> This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth , with AD counting years from the start of this epoch , and BC denoting years before the start of the era . There is no year zero in this scheme , so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC . This dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus of Scythia Minor , but was not widely used until after 800 . </P> <P> The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world today . For decades , it has been the unofficial global standard , adopted in the pragmatic interests of international communication , transportation , and commercial integration , and recognized by international institutions such as the United Nations . </P> <P> Traditionally , English followed Latin usage by placing the `` AD '' abbreviation before the year number . However , BC is placed after the year number ( for example : AD 2018 , but 68 BC ) , which also preserves syntactic order . The abbreviation is also widely used after the number of a century or millennium , as in `` fourth century AD '' or `` second millennium AD '' ( although conservative usage formerly rejected such expressions ) . Because BC is the English abbreviation for Before Christ , it is sometimes incorrectly concluded that AD means After Death , i.e. , after the death of Jesus . However , this would mean that the approximate 33 years commonly associated with the life of Jesus would neither be included in the BC nor the AD time scales . </P> <P> Terminology that is viewed by some as being more neutral and inclusive of non-Christian people is to call this the Current or Common Era ( abbreviated as CE ) , with the preceding years referred to as Before the Common or Current Era ( BCE ) . Astronomical year numbering and ISO 8601 avoid words or abbreviations related to Christianity , but use the same numbers for AD years . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Popularization </Li> <Li> 1.2 Change of year </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Historical birth date of Jesus </Li> <Li> 3 Other eras </Li> <Li> 4 CE and BCE </Li> <Li> 5 No year zero / Start and end of a century </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 Notes </Li> <Li> 8 References <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Citations </Li> <Li> 8.2 Sources </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History </H2> <P> The Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus to enumerate the years in his Easter table . His system was to replace the Diocletian era that had been used in an old Easter table because he did not wish to continue the memory of a tyrant who persecuted Christians . The last year of the old table , Diocletian 247 , was immediately followed by the first year of his table , AD 532 . When he devised his table , Julian calendar years were identified by naming the consuls who held office that year -- he himself stated that the `` present year '' was `` the consulship of Probus Junior '' , which was 525 years `` since the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ '' . Thus Dionysius implied that Jesus ' Incarnation occurred 525 years earlier , without stating the specific year during which his birth or conception occurred . `` However , nowhere in his exposition of his table does Dionysius relate his epoch to any other dating system , whether consulate , Olympiad , year of the world , or regnal year of Augustus ; much less does he explain or justify the underlying date . '' </P> <P> Bonnie J. Blackburn and Leofranc Holford - Strevens briefly present arguments for 2 BC , 1 BC , or AD 1 as the year Dionysius intended for the Nativity or Incarnation . Among the sources of confusion are : </P> <Ul> <Li> In modern times , Incarnation is synonymous with the conception , but some ancient writers , such as Bede , considered Incarnation to be synonymous with the Nativity . </Li> <Li> The civil or consular year began on 1 January but the Diocletian year began on 29 August ( 30 August in the year before a Julian leap year ) . </Li> <Li> There were inaccuracies in the lists of consuls . </Li> <Li> There were confused summations of emperors ' regnal years . </Li> </Ul> <P> It is not known how Dionysius established the year of Jesus 's birth . Two major theories are that Dionysius based his calculation on the Gospel of Luke , which states that Jesus was `` about thirty years old '' shortly after `` the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar '' , and hence subtracted thirty years from that date , or that Dionysius counted back 532 years from the first year of his new table . It is convenient to initiate a calendar not from the very day of an event
The change from BC to AD occurred in the
[ "year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth" ]
When did it change from bc to ad?
</Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 101 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> $4.5 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> $7.4 million </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Requiem for a Dream is a 2000 American psychological drama film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Ellen Burstyn , Jared Leto , Jennifer Connelly , and Marlon Wayans . The film is based on the novel of the same name by Hubert Selby , Jr. , with whom Aronofsky wrote the screenplay . </P> <P> The film depicts four different forms of drug addiction , which lead to the characters ' imprisonment in a world of delusion and reckless desperation that is subsequently overtaken by reality , thus leaving them as hollow shells of their former selves . </P> <P> Requiem for a Dream was screened out of competition at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival and received positive reviews from critics upon its U.S. release . Burstyn was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Production </Li> <Li> 4 Themes </Li> <Li> 5 Style </Li> <Li> 6 Release <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Rating </Li> <Li> 6.2 Critical reception </Li> <Li> 6.3 Accolades </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Soundtrack </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> During the summer in Brighton Beach , Brooklyn , widow Sara Goldfarb spends her time watching infomercials . Meanwhile , her son Harry occasionally pawns her television set to fund his , his girlfriend Marion 's , and his best friend Tyrone 's drug use . </P> <P> After Sara receives a call that she has won a spot on a television game show , she becomes excited about attending it . To fit back into her red dress , the favorite of her deceased husband Seymour 's , she attempts to lose weight through unsuccessful diets . At the recommendation of a friend , she visits an unscrupulous physician who prescribes her a regimen of weight - loss amphetamines . She begins losing weight , and is excited by how much energy she has . </P> <P> Harry and Tyrone plan to sell heroin to make enough to live off ; that summer , their small - time dealing business thrives . Harry and Marion plan to open up a dress shop for Marion 's designs , and Tyrone dreams of escaping the ghetto to make his mother proud . Sara and her friends wait expectantly every day for the game show invitation to arrive . With the extra money , Harry stops by to tell his mother he ordered her a new television set , but when he implores her to get off the amphetamines , she confesses that the only thing she has to live for anymore is the dream of looking glamorous on a television stage , and the extra attention she receives now from her friends . </P> <P> As Sara 's tolerance for the amphetamines increases , she craves the high she once had , while becoming frantic about the invitation . When she increases her dosage she develops amphetamine psychosis . During a drug deal , Tyrone is caught in a shootout between the two rival gangs . He flees the scene and is arrested . Harry has to use most of their earned money to post bail . The local supply of heroin becomes restricted , and they are unable to find any for either use or sale . Eventually , Tyrone hears of a large shipment coming , but the price is doubled and the minimum high . Harry , desperate , suggests Marion ask her psychiatrist , Arnold , for money in exchange for sex , straining their relationship . When the drug buy goes bad , Harry returns empty - handed to Marion . He departs after giving her the number of a pimp , Big Tim , who trades heroin for sex . Harry and Tyrone decide that to put their business back on track , they will drive to Florida to buy directly from the wholesaler there . </P> <P> After a series of horrifying hallucinations , Sara flees her apartment for the office of the casting agency in Manhattan , to confirm when she will be on TV . She is taken away by ambulance and committed to a psychiatric ward where she is subjected to degrading treatments . When none work , the physician induces a barely lucid Sara to approve electroconvulsive therapy . </P> <P> On the drive to Miami , Harry and Tyrone visit a hospital because of Harry 's increasingly infected needle injection sites . The doctor notices the symptoms of drug abuse , and Harry and Tyrone are arrested . Back in New York , a desperate Marion has sex with the pimp to get heroin . Recognizing her addiction , he entices her with a bigger score of heroin if she returns that weekend for a party . Tyrone is taunted by racist prison guards whilst enduring manual labor . Harry 's infected arm is amputated . Sara undergoes violent electroshock therapy . Marion is humiliated as the subject of a graphic sex show . </P> <P> When Sara 's friends come to the hospital to visit , they are distraught by her almost vegetative state . Harry wakes emotionally distraught after the amputation , knowing that Marion will not be visiting him . Tyrone thinks of his mother in prison and suffers from drug withdrawal . Marion comes home from the show and lies on her sofa , clutching her score of heroin . Sara dreams that she is on television , and has won the grand prize , with Harry as the guest of honor .
In the movie Requiem for a Dream, the mom uses
[ "amphetamines" ]
What drug does the mom use in requiem for a dream?
, see Dark side of the Moon . For the far or hidden side of the Moon , see Far side of the Moon . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Dark Side of the Moon </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Album cover by Hipgnosis and George Hardie </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Studio album by Pink Floyd </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> 1 March 1973 ( 1973 - 03 - 01 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> 1 June 1972 -- January 1973 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Studio </Th> <Td> Abbey Road Studios , London </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Progressive rock </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 42 : 49 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Harvest </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer </Th> <Td> Pink Floyd </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Pink Floyd chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Obscured by Clouds ( 1972 ) Obscured by Clouds 1972 </Td> <Td> The Dark Side of the Moon ( 1973 ) </Td> <Td> Wish You Were Here ( 1975 ) Wish You Were Here 1975 </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 30th anniversary SACD Re-issue </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Singles from The Dark Side of the Moon </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ol> <Li> `` Money '' Released : 7 May 1973 </Li> <Li> `` Us and Them '' Released : 4 February 1974 </Li> </Ol> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Dark Side of the Moon is the eighth studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd , released on 1 March 1973 by Harvest Records . The album built on ideas explored in earlier recordings and live shows , but lacks the extended instrumental excursions that characterised their earlier work . Its themes explore conflict , greed , the passage of time , and mental illness , the latter partly inspired by the deteriorating mental state of founding member and principal contributor , Syd Barrett . </P> <P> Developed during live performances , an early version was premiered several months before recording began ; new material was recorded in two sessions in 1972 and 1973 at Abbey Road in London . The group used some advanced recording techniques at the time , including multitrack recording and tape loops . Analogue synthesizers were prominent in several tracks , and snippets from recorded interviews with Pink Floyd 's road crew and others provided philosophical quotations throughout . Engineer Alan Parsons was responsible for many distinctive sonic aspects and the recruitment of singer Clare Torry . The album 's iconic sleeve was designed by Storm Thorgerson ; following keyboardist Richard Wright 's request for a `` simple and bold '' design , it depicts a prism spectrum , representing the band 's lighting and the record 's themes . </P> <P> The Dark Side of the Moon was a commercial and critical success . It topped the Billboard Top LPs & Tapes chart for a week and remained in the chart for 741 weeks from 1973 to 1988 . After the rules were changed in 2009 , the album re-entered the chart and eventually topped out at 937 total weeks . With an estimated 45 million copies sold , it is Pink Floyd 's most successful album and one of the best - selling worldwide . It has been remastered and re-released several times , and covered in its entirety by several acts . It produced two singles , `` Money '' and `` Us and Them '' . It is often ranked as one of the greatest albums of all time . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background </Li> <Li> 2 Concept </Li> <Li> 3 Recording <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Instrumentation </Li> <Li> 3.2 Voices </Li> <Li> 3.3 Completion </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Packaging </Li> <Li> 5 Release <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Label </Li> <Li> 5.2 Sales </Li> <Li> 5.3 Re-issues and remastering </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Legacy <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Rankings </Li> <Li> 6.2 Covers , tributes and samples </Li> <Li> 6.3 Dark Side of the Rainbow </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Track listing </Li> <Li> 8 Personnel <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Pink Floyd </Li> <Li> 8.2 Additional musicians </Li> <Li> 8.3 Production </Li> <Li> 8.4 Design </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Charts and certifications <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Charts </Li> <Li> 9.2 Certifications </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 Release history </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> <P> Following Meddle in 1971 , Pink Floyd assembled for a tour of Britain , Japan and the United States in December of that year . In a band meeting at drummer Nick Mason 's home in Camden , bassist Roger Waters proposed that a new album could form part of the tour . Waters ' idea was for an album that dealt with things that `` make people mad '' , focusing on the pressures faced by the band during their arduous lifestyle , and dealing with the apparent mental problems suffered by former band member Syd Barrett . The band had explored a similar idea with 1969 's The Man and The Journey . In an interview for Rolling Stone , guitarist David Gilmour said : `` I think we all thought -- and Roger definitely thought -- that a lot of the lyrics that we had been using were a little too indirect . There was definitely a feeling that the words were going to be very clear and specific . '' </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Money '' ( demo ) Waters ' early demo recording of `` Money '' , made in his garden shed . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Generally , all four members agreed that Waters ' album concept unified by a single theme was a good idea . Waters , Gilmour , Mason and keyboardist Richard
The album "Dark Side of the Moon" held the number 1 spot for
[ "a week" ]
How long was dark side of the moon number 1?
and Mark Bennett ) ; with Bennett and Henderson respectively winning the first two quarter final matches , a surprise finalist was guaranteed before the quarter finals had been completed . </P> <P> The event moved to Scotland at the A.E.C.C. in Aberdeen for 2006 , and introduced a brand new format . Players were split into groups ( 8 groups of 8 in qualifying , 8 groups of 6 in the final stages ) and played every other player in their group once . The top 2 players progressed ; the last 16 and onwards were played as a straight knock - out . </P> <P> This resulted in several surprise results . Little - known players such as Ben Woollaston , Jamie Jones and Issara Kachaiwong made it through qualifying , while stars such as Graeme Dott , Stephen Hendry and Shaun Murphy failed to clear their groups . </P> <P> The format was slightly tweaked for 2007 , after complaints ( notably from Dennis Taylor ) that the system was too random . Matches increased in length from best - of - 5 to best - of - 7 , to give the better player more chance to win . The main tie - breaker for players level on wins was changed , with frame difference now taking precedence over results between the players who are level on points . Notably , under the 2007 format , 2006 runner - up Jamie Cope would have been eliminated in the groups , as he defeated third - placed Michael Holt but had an inferior frame - difference . </P> <P> The 2007 event saw fewer surprises , although 2006 World Champion Graeme Dott , 1997 World Champion Ken Doherty , defending champion Neil Robertson , seven - time World Champion Stephen Hendry , six - time World Champion Steve Davis , twice World Champion Mark Williams and 2007 World Championship finalist Mark Selby were all eliminated in the groups . The format was not continued for 2008 , due to dwindling ticket sales in the early rounds . </P> <P> For 2008 , the event moved to the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre ( SECC ) in Glasgow . It went back to a knock - out format with no round - robin . The last 16 and beyond however was played using a FA Cup - style draw , rather than automatically pitching higher ranked players ( or their conquerors ) against lower - ranked players . In 2009 , the event was held in Glasgow , but at another venue , the Kelvin Hall . </P> <P> Following Barry Hearn 's takeover of the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association , the Grand Prix was reformatted and renamed to World Open . The event gave a chance for amateurs to play alongside professionals . The amateurs had to win 3 matches to qualify for the main draw . On 9 January 2012 it was announced , that the World Open would be held in the next five years in Haikou on the Hainan Island . In November 2014 , it was announced that the tournament would not be held in the 2014 / 2015 season after the contract with the promoter was not renewed and a new venue was not found in time . The event returned in the 2016 / 2017 season . </P> <H2> Winners ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> Winner </Th> <Th> Runner - up </Th> <Th> Final score </Th> <Th> Venue </Th> <Th> Season </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Professional Players Tournament </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1982 </Td> <Td> Ray Reardon </Td> <Td> Jimmy White </Td> <Td> 10 -- 5 </Td> <Td> Birmingham </Td> <Td> 1982 / 1983 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Tony Knowles </Td> <Td> Joe Johnson </Td> <Td> 9 -- 8 </Td> <Td> Bristol </Td> <Td> 1983 / 1984 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Grand Prix </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1984 </Td> <Td> Dennis Taylor </Td> <Td> Cliff Thorburn </Td> <Td> 10 -- 2 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1984 / 1985 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1985 </Td> <Td> Steve Davis </Td> <Td> Dennis Taylor </Td> <Td> 10 -- 9 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1985 / 1986 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1986 </Td> <Td> Jimmy White </Td> <Td> Rex Williams </Td> <Td> 10 -- 6 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1986 / 1987 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Stephen Hendry </Td> <Td> Dennis Taylor </Td> <Td> 10 -- 7 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1987 / 1988 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1988 </Td> <Td> Steve Davis </Td> <Td> Alex Higgins </Td> <Td> 10 -- 6 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1988 / 1989 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1989 </Td> <Td> Steve Davis </Td> <Td> Dean Reynolds </Td> <Td> 10 -- 0 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1989 / 1990 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1990 </Td> <Td> Stephen Hendry </Td> <Td> Nigel Bond </Td> <Td> 10 -- 5 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1990 / 1991 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1991 </Td> <Td> Stephen Hendry </Td> <Td> Steve Davis </Td> <Td> 10 -- 6 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1991 / 1992 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1992 </Td> <Td> Jimmy White </Td> <Td> Ken Doherty </Td> <Td> 10 -- 9 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1992 / 1993 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1993 </Td> <Td> Peter Ebdon </Td> <Td> Ken Doherty </Td> <Td> 9 -- 6 </Td> <Td> Reading </Td> <Td> 1993 / 1994 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1994 </Td> <Td> John Higgins </Td> <Td> Dave Harold </Td> <Td> 9 -- 6 </Td> <Td> Derby </Td> <Td> 1994 / 1995 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1995 </Td> <Td> Stephen Hendry </Td> <Td> John Higgins </Td> <Td> 9 -- 5 </Td> <Td> Sunderland </Td> <Td> 1995 / 1996 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Mark Williams </Td> <Td> Euan Henderson </Td> <Td> 9 -- 5 </Td> <Td> Bournemouth </Td> <Td> 1996 / 1997 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1997 </Td> <Td> Dominic Dale </Td> <Td> John Higgins </Td> <Td> 9 -- 6 </Td> <Td> Bournemouth </Td> <Td> 1997 / 1998 </Td>
The Snooker World Open is currently held
[ "in Haikou on the Hainan Island" ]
Where is the snooker world open currently held?
Thad Luckinbill - wikipedia <H1> Thad Luckinbill </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Thad Luckinbill </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Thad Luckinbill ( right ) and Trent Luckinbill in 2015 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> Thaddeus Rowe Luckinbill ( 1975 - 04 - 24 ) April 24 , 1975 ( age 43 ) Enid , Oklahoma , U.S. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Occupation </Th> <Td> Actor , producer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Years active </Th> <Td> 1999 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Spouse ( s ) </Th> <Td> Amelia Heinle ( m . 2007 ; div. 2017 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Children </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Thaddeus Rowe Luckinbill ( born April 24 , 1975 ) is an American actor and producer best known for playing J.T. Hellstrom on the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless , from August 1999 to November 2010 . He revived the role of J.T. in December 2017 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Personal life </Li> <Li> 2 Acting career <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Television </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Producer </Li> <Li> 4 Filmography </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Personal Life ( edit ) </H2> <P> Thad Luckinbill has an identical twin brother , Trent , who is twelve minutes younger . Trent Luckinbill is a lawyer who lives in Los Angeles . In the final episode of the television series Law & Order : Criminal Intent , `` To the Boy in the Blue Knit Cap '' , Trent briefly appeared as the identical twin murder victim / corpse lying beside the murder victim / corpse of the character played by Thad . </P> <P> Luckinbill married Young and the Restless co-star Amelia Heinle in March 2007 while their characters were also married on the show . He is stepfather to Amelia 's son from a previous marriage . They have two children , a son and a daughter . On March 1 , 2017 , Luckinbill filed for divorce from Heinle , citing `` irreconcilable differences '' . </P> <P> Luckinbill enjoys playing volleyball , surfing , boxing and going to the gym . He occasionally plays for the Hollywood Knights basketball team . He majored in business finance at the University of Oklahoma . </P> <H2> Acting career ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Television ( edit ) </H3> <P> In addition to his role as J.T. Hellstrom on The Young and the Restless , Thad Luckinbill has guest - starred on several primetime television shows , including Undressed , Buffy the Vampire Slayer , Providence , Sabrina , the Teenage Witch , Nash Bridges , 8 Simple Rules , Without a Trace , CSI : NY , Nip / Tuck , Ghost Whisperer , CSI : Miami , and CSI : Crime Scene Investigation . He was a recurring character on The CW show Nikita completing six episodes as Nathan , the neighbor and love interest of Alexandra Udinov Lyndsy Fonseca , before the show was cancelled after its fourth season . Fonseca was also Luckinbill 's former Young and the Restless co-star . </P> <P> In 2001 , Luckinbill was also featured in an episode of the MTV documentary series True Life and appeared in Madonna 's `` Do n't Tell Me '' video as the cowboy who was thrown from his horse at the end of the song . On November 3 , 2017 , it was announced that Luckinbill would reprise his portrayal of J.T. on The Young and the Restless , beginning December 12 , 2017 . Thad 's run on `` The Young and the Restless '' ended on April 13 , 2018 when Nikki Newman hit him on the back of his head with a fireplace poker . </P> <H2> Producer ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 2013 , Thad , with his twin brother Trent , and well - known producer Molly Smith ( producer of P.S. I Love You and The Blind Side ) started a production company called Black Label Media . The production company has worked with A-listers such as Reese Witherspoon , Emily Blunt , and Jake Gyllenhaal , producing films including Sicario starring Blunt , Josh Brolin , and Benicio Del Toro , The Good Lie starring Witherspoon , and Demolition starring Gyllenhaal , Naomi Watts , and Chris Cooper . </P> <H2> Filmography ( edit ) </H2> <Table> Film <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Role </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2000 </Td> <Td> Task Force 2001 </Td> <Td> Gary </Td> <Td> Direct - to - video </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2001 </Td> <Td> Boyz II Men </Td> <Td> Faux boy band model </Td> <Td> Segment `` Crush '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2003 </Td> <Td> Just Married </Td> <Td> Willie McNerney </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Sleepover </Td> <Td> Todd </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2005 </Td> <Td> 5 Stages of Grief </Td> <Td> Manuel </Td> <Td> Short film </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2006 </Td> <Td> Shadow Effect , The The Shadow Effect </Td> <Td> Steve Sexly </Td> <Td> Short film </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2006 </Td> <Td> Home of the Brave </Td> <Td> Soldier # 1 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2007 </Td> <Td> Grampa 's Cabin </Td> <Td> Older Jake ( voice ) </Td> <Td> Short film </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2008 </Td> <Td> Essence of Depp , The The Essence of Depp </Td> <Td> JB </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2014 </Td> <Td> The Good Lie </Td> <Td> Matt </Td> <Td> Producer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Breaking a Monster </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Documentary ; producer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Sicario </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Producer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Demolition </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Producer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> La La Land </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Executive Producer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2017 </Td> <Td> Rebel in the Rye
The actor who plays JT on The Young and the Restless is
[ "Thaddeus Rowe Luckinbill" ]
Who is the actor that plays jt on the young and the restless?
) on Interorgtechnika - 66 international exhibition . One base station , connected to one telephone wire line , could serve up to six customers ( `` Radio '' magazine , 2 , 1967 ; `` Novosti dnya '' newsreel , 37 , 1966 ) . </P> <P> One of the first successful public commercial mobile phone networks was the ARP network in Finland , launched in 1971 . Posthumously , ARP is sometimes viewed as a zero generation ( 0G ) cellular network , being slightly above previous proprietary and limited coverage networks . </P> <H2> Handheld mobile phone ( edit ) </H2> Martin Cooper photographed in 2007 with his 1973 handheld mobile phone prototype <P> Prior to 1973 , mobile telephony was limited to phones installed in cars and other vehicles . Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone . On April 3 , 1973 , Martin Cooper , a Motorola researcher and executive , made the first mobile telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment , placing a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs , his rival . The prototype handheld phone used by Dr. Cooper weighed 1.1 kg ( 2.42 lb ) and measured 23 cm long , 13 cm deep and 4.45 cm wide . The prototype offered a talk time of just 30 minutes and took 10 hours to re-charge . </P> <P> John F. Mitchell , Motorola 's chief of portable communication products and Cooper 's boss in 1973 , played a key role in advancing the development of handheld mobile telephone equipment . Mitchell successfully pushed Motorola to develop wireless communication products that would be small enough to use anywhere and participated in the design of the cellular phone . </P> <H2> The early generations ( edit ) </H2> <P> Newer technology has been developed and rolled out in a series of waves or generations . The `` generation '' terminology only became widely used when 3G was launched , but is now used retroactively when referring to the earlier systems . </P> <H3> 1G -- analogue cellular ( edit ) </H3> Main article : 1G <P> First automatic analogue cellular systems deployed were NTT 's system first used in Tokyo in 1979 , later spreading to the whole of Japan , and NMT in the Nordic countries in 1981 . </P> <P> The first analogue cellular system widely deployed in North America was the Advanced Mobile Phone System ( AMPS ) . It was commercially introduced in the Americas in 13 October 1983 , Israel in 1986 , and Australia in 1987 . AMPS was a pioneering technology that helped drive mass market usage of cellular technology , but it had several serious issues by modern standards . It was unencrypted and easily vulnerable to eavesdropping via a scanner ; it was susceptible to cell phone `` cloning '' and it used a Frequency - division multiple access ( FDMA ) scheme and required significant amounts of wireless spectrum to support . </P> <P> On 6 March 1983 , the DynaTAC 8000X mobile phone launched on the first US 1G network by Ameritech . It cost $100 m to develop , and took over a decade to reach the market . The phone had a talk time of just thirty - five minutes and took ten hours to charge . Consumer demand was strong despite the battery life , weight , and low talk time , and waiting lists were in the thousands . </P> <P> Many of the iconic early commercial cell phones such as the Motorola DynaTAC Analog AMPS were eventually superseded by Digital AMPS ( D - AMPS ) in 1990 , and AMPS service was shut down by most North American carriers by 2008 . </P> <P> In February 1986 Australia launched its Cellular Telephone System by Telecom Australia . Peter Reedman was the first Telecom Customer to be connected on 6 January 1986 along with five other subscribers as test customers prior to the official launch date of 28 February . </P> <H3> 2G -- digital cellular ( edit ) </H3> Main articles : 2G , 2.5 G , and 2.75 G Two 1991 GSM mobile phones with several AC adapters <P> In the 1990s , the ' second generation ' mobile phone systems emerged . Two systems competed for supremacy in the global market : the European developed GSM standard and the U.S. developed CDMA standard . These differed from the previous generation by using digital instead of analog transmission , and also fast out - of - band phone - to - network signaling . The rise in mobile phone usage as a result of 2G was explosive and this era also saw the advent of prepaid mobile phones . </P> <P> In 1991 the first GSM network ( Radiolinja ) launched in Finland . In general the frequencies used by 2G systems in Europe were higher than those in America , though with some overlap . For example , the 900 MHz frequency range was used for both 1G and 2G systems in Europe , so the 1G systems were rapidly closed down to make space for the 2G systems . In America the IS - 54 standard was deployed in the same band as AMPS and displaced some of the existing analog channels . </P> <P> In 1993 , IBM Simon was introduced . This was possibly the world 's first smartphone . It was a mobile phone , pager , fax machine , and PDA all rolled into one . It included a calendar , address book , clock , calculator , notepad , email , and a touchscreen with a QWERTY keyboard . The IBM Simon had a stylus you used to tap the touch screen with . It featured predictive typing that would guess the next characters as you tapped . It had applications , or at least a way to deliver more features by plugging a PCMCIA 1.8 MB memory card into the phone . Coinciding with the introduction of 2G systems was a trend away
The first commercial cell phone was released in
[ "1983" ]
When was the first commercial cell phone released?
List of Degrassi soundtracks - wikipedia <H1> List of Degrassi soundtracks </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> This is a list of Degrassi soundtracks . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season </Th> <Th> Album </Th> <Th> Release date </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Season 4 </Td> <Td> Songs from Degrassi : The Next Generation </Td> <Td> 1 November 2005 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Season 5 </Td> <Td> The N Soundtrack </Td> <Td> 1 August 2006 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Season 7 </Td> <Td> Music from Degrassi : The Next Generation </Td> <Td> 2 December 2008 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Season 8 </Td> <Td> Degrassi Goes Hollywood : Music from the Original Movie </Td> <Td> 4 August 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Season 9 </Td> <Td> Degrassi Takes Manhattan : The Heat Is On </Td> <Td> 13 July 2010 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Season 10 </Td> <Td> Degrassi : The Boiling Point </Td> <Td> 1 February 2011 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Songs from Degrassi : the Next Generation ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Songs from Degrassi : The Next Generation </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Soundtrack album by various artists </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> 1 November 2005 ( 2005 - 11 - 01 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Pop / Punk / Alternative Rock </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 51 : 38 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Orange Record Label </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Degrassi chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Songs from Degrassi : The Next Generation </Td> <Td> The N Soundtrack String Module Error : Match not foundString Module Error : Match not found </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Songs from Degrassi : The Next Generation is a soundtrack album from the television series Degrassi : The Next Generation . It was released as a digital download on 1 November 2005 , following the fourth season , and as a CD on 8 January 2007 . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Artist </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` Degrassi : The Next Generation Theme '' </Td> <Td> Jakalope </Td> <Td> 0 : 55 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Heartbreaker '' </Td> <Td> Tuuli </Td> <Td> 3 : 20 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 3 . </Td> <Td> `` Beautifully Undone '' </Td> <Td> Lindy </Td> <Td> 3 : 24 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 4 . </Td> <Td> `` Midnite Rider '' </Td> <Td> Supergarage </Td> <Td> 3 : 31 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 5 . </Td> <Td> `` Secret Splendor '' </Td> <Td> Buck 65 </Td> <Td> 5 : 02 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 6 . </Td> <Td> `` Hard Road '' </Td> <Td> Sam Roberts </Td> <Td> 4 : 07 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 7 . </Td> <Td> `` Rooftop '' </Td> <Td> Melissa McClelland </Td> <Td> 5 : 13 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 8 . </Td> <Td> `` Suburbs '' </Td> <Td> Junior Achiever </Td> <Td> 3 : 30 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 9 . </Td> <Td> `` Feel It '' </Td> <Td> Jakalope </Td> <Td> 3 : 56 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 10 . </Td> <Td> `` I Do n't Want to Be Me '' </Td> <Td> Amanda Clemens </Td> <Td> 3 : 52 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 . </Td> <Td> `` White Lightning '' </Td> <Td> The Premiums </Td> <Td> 3 : 22 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 12 . </Td> <Td> `` Down and Out '' </Td> <Td> Evren </Td> <Td> 3 : 44 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 . </Td> <Td> `` Just Jane '' </Td> <Td> Christopher Rouse </Td> <Td> 4 : 30 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 14 . </Td> <Td> `` Degrassi : The Next Generation Theme ( extended version ) '' </Td> <Td> The Degrassi Junior Strings </Td> <Td> 3 : 12 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="3"> Total length : </Td> <Td> 51 : 38 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> The N soundtrack ( edit ) </H2> Main article : The N Soundtrack <P> Released following the fifth season , in 2006 , The N Soundtrack contains songs from Degrassi : The Next Generation , including the first recording by Degrassi actor turned rapper Drake , and other shows airing on The N and CTV . </P> <H2> Music from Degrassi : the Next Generation ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Music from Degrassi : The Next Generation </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Soundtrack album by various artists </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> 2 December 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Pop / Punk / Alternative Rock </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 41 : 33 ( Canada ) 47 : 24 ( US iTunes ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Sall Entertainment Group / Fontana North </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Degrassi chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> The N Soundtrack String Module Error : Match not foundString Module Error : Match not found </Td> <Td> Music from Degrassi : The Next Generation </Td> <Td> Degrassi Goes Hollywood : Music from the Original Movie String Module Error : Match not foundString Module Error : Match not found </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Music from Degrassi : The Next Generation is a soundtrack album from the television series Degrassi : The Next Generation . It was released as a digital download on 2 December 2008 , following the seventh season , and as a CD on 9 December 2008 . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Artist </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` Misery Business '' </Td> <Td> Paramore </Td> <Td> 3 : 30 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Face Down '' </Td> <Td> The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus </Td> <Td> 3 : 09 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 3 . </Td> <Td> ``
The theme song for Degrassi: The Next Generation is sung by
[ "Jakalope" ]
Who sings the theme song for degrassi the next generation?
navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Ice Age </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> Michael J. Wilson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owner </Th> <Td> Blue Sky Studios </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Films and television </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Film ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ice Age </Li> <Li> Ice Age : The Meltdown </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Continental Drift </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Collision Course </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Short film ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Gone Nutty </Li> <Li> No Time for Nuts </Li> <Li> Surviving Sid </Li> <Li> Cosmic Scrat - tastrophe </Li> <Li> Scrat : Spaced Out </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Television special ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ice Age : A Mammoth Christmas </Li> <Li> Ice Age : The Great Egg - Scapade </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Theatrical presentations </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Play ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ice Age Live ! A Mammoth Adventure </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Games </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Video game ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ice Age ( 2002 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age 2 : The Meltdown ( 2006 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age 3 : Dawn of the Dinosaurs ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age 3 - Boulder Drop ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age 3 - Dino Dinner ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age 3 - Slippery Slope ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age Village ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Continental Drift -- Arctic Games ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age Online ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age - Clueless Ice Sloth ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age Adventures ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age Avalanche ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age Hailstorm ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age Mission Control ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Arctic Blast ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age - Manic Meteor Run ! ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age - Geode Jam ! ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age - Coloring Book ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Ice Age - Matching Cards ( 2016 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Audio </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Soundtrack ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ice Age </Li> <Li> Ice Age : The Meltdown </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Continental Drift </Li> <Li> Ice Age : Collision Course </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Ice Age is an American media franchise centering on a group of mammals surviving the Paleolithic ice age . It is produced by Blue Sky Studios , a division of 20th Century Fox , and featuring the voices of Ray Romano , John Leguizamo , Denis Leary , and Chris Wedge . Five films have been released in the series thus far with Ice Age in 2002 , Ice Age : The Meltdown in 2006 , Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs in 2009 , Ice Age : Continental Drift in 2012 , and Ice Age : Collision Course in 2016 . It has received some criticism for making no attempt to be scientifically accurate . As of April 2016 , the franchise had generated $6 billion in revenue , making it one of the highest - grossing media franchises of all time . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Films <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Ice Age ( 2002 ) </Li> <Li> 1.2 Ice Age : The Meltdown ( 2006 ) </Li> <Li> 1.3 Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> 1.4 Ice Age : Continental Drift ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> 1.5 Ice Age : Collision Course ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> 1.6 Future </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Short films <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Gone Nutty </Li> <Li> 2.2 No Time for Nuts </Li> <Li> 2.3 Surviving Sid </Li> <Li> 2.4 Cosmic Scrat - tastrophe </Li> <Li> 2.5 Scrat : Spaced Out </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Television specials <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Ice Age : A Mammoth Christmas </Li> <Li> 3.2 Ice Age : The Great Egg - Scapade </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Cast <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Feature films </Li> <Li> 4.2 Short films </Li> <Li> 4.3 Television specials </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Crew </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Box office performance </Li> <Li> 6.2 Critical and public response </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Video games </Li> <Li> 8 Live show </Li> <Li> 9 Themed land </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Films </H2> <H3> Ice Age ( 2002 ) </H3> Main article : Ice Age ( 2002 film ) <P> Sid , a talkative sloth , is left behind by his family and the herds of mammals journeying to the south . He meets Manny , a mammoth who travels to the north , and decides to follow him . When a humans ' camp is attacked by tigers , a woman takes her baby and jumps into a river and falls over a waterfall . Before she disappears , the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid . The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him . Diego , one of the tigers that attacked the humans , comes also claiming the baby , and the trio form an uneasy alliance during their journey to the humans . </P> <H3> Ice Age : the Meltdown ( 2006 ) </H3> Main article : Ice Age : The Meltdown <P> Manny , Sid , and Diego are currently living in a large valley surrounded by an enormously high ice wall on all sides . However , the trio discovers that the ice wall is actually a wall that is barely holding a massive body of water that could flood the valley to nearly a mile underwater .
The first Ice Age movie was released in
[ "2002" ]
When did the first ice age come out?
. A Marine Gunner replaces the Chief Warrant Officer insignia on the left collar with a bursting bomb insignia . Other warrant officers are sometimes informally referred to as `` Gunner . '' </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Warrant Officers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Infantry Weapons Officer `` Marine Gunner '' </Th> <Th> Warrant Officer ( WO ) </Th> <Th> Chief Warrant Officer - 2 ( CWO2 ) </Th> <Th> Chief Warrant Officer - 3 ( CWO3 ) </Th> <Th> Chief Warrant Officer - 4 ( CWO4 ) </Th> <Th> Chief Warrant Officer - 5 ( CWO5 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> US DoD Pay Grade </Th> <Th> W - 1 </Th> <Th> W - 2 </Th> <Th> W - 3 </Th> <Th> W - 4 </Th> <Th> W - 5 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NATO Code </Th> <Th> WO - 1 </Th> <Th> WO - 2 </Th> <Th> WO - 3 </Th> <Th> WO - 4 </Th> <Th> WO - 5 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Enlisted ( edit ) </H2> <P> Enlisted Marines with paygrades of E-4 and E-5 are non-commissioned officers ( NCOs ) while those at E-6 and higher are Staff Noncommissioned Officers ( SNCOs ) . The E-8 and E-9 levels each have two ranks per pay grade , each with different responsibilities . Gunnery Sergeants ( E-7 ) indicate on their annual evaluations ( called `` fitness reports '' ) their preferred promotional track : Master Sergeant or First Sergeant . The First Sergeant and Sergeant Major ranks are command - oriented Senior Enlisted Advisors , with Marines of these ranks serving as the senior enlisted Marines in a unit , charged to assist the commanding officer in matters of discipline , administration , and the morale and welfare of the unit . Master Sergeants and Master Gunnery Sergeants provide technical leadership as occupational specialists in their specific MOS . First Sergeants typically serve as the senior enlisted Marine in a company , battery , or other unit at similar echelon , while Sergeants Major serve the same role in battalions , squadrons , or larger units . </P> <P> The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps is a billet and with it carries a special rank insignia , conferred on the senior enlisted Marine of the entire Marine Corps , personally selected by the Commandant of the Marine Corps . It and the Marine Gunner are the only billets which rate modified rank insignia in place of the traditional rank insignia . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Enlisted </Th> <Th colspan="3"> Junior enlisted </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Non-commissioned officers ( NCOs ) </Th> <Th colspan="7"> Staff non-commissioned officers ( SNCOs ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Title ( Abbreviation ) </Th> <Th> Private ( Pvt ) </Th> <Th> Private first class ( PFC ) </Th> <Th> Lance corporal ( LCpl ) </Th> <Th> Corporal ( Cpl ) </Th> <Th> Sergeant ( Sgt ) </Th> <Th> Staff sergeant ( SSgt ) </Th> <Th> Gunnery sergeant ( GySgt ) </Th> <Th> Master sergeant ( MSgt ) </Th> <Th> First sergeant ( 1stSgt ) </Th> <Th> Master gunnery sergeant ( MGySgt ) </Th> <Th> Sergeant major ( SgtMaj ) </Th> <Th> Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps ( SMMC ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> US DoD Pay Grade </Th> <Th> E-1 </Th> <Th> E-2 </Th> <Th> E-3 </Th> <Th> E-4 </Th> <Th> E-5 </Th> <Th> E-6 </Th> <Th> E-7 </Th> <Th colspan="2"> E-8 </Th> <Th colspan="3"> E-9 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NATO Code </Th> <Th> OR - 1 </Th> <Th> OR - 2 </Th> <Th> OR - 3 </Th> <Th> OR - 4 </Th> <Th> OR - 5 </Th> <Th> OR - 6 </Th> <Th> OR - 7 </Th> <Th colspan="2"> OR - 8 </Th> <Th colspan="3"> OR - 9 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Insignia </Th> <Td> no insignia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Different styles of rank insignia are worn on different Marine uniforms : </P> L to R : Evening Dress coat , Dress Blue coat , Service Dress coat , Service Dress `` B '' and `` C '' shirt , and combat utility pin - on insignia for a Staff Sergeant <P> The gold stripes on red flash are worn on the Dress Blue uniform coat , green stripes on red flash are worn on the Service uniform coat ; the rank insignia are worn on the upper sleeve of both blouses . The khaki uniforms use green stripes on khaki flash , and again are worn on the upper sleeves of both long and short - sleeved service blouses . Utility uniform rank insignia are black metal pins and are worn on the collars , or black embroidered insignia sewn into patches of material when wearing a flak . Musicians in the United States Marine Band wear insignia with lyre in the center as opposed to the crossed rifles , to denote their lack of a combat mission ; full - service Marines who are attached to the 10 field bands of the Operating Forces and Supporting Establishment continue to wear their normal rank insignia . </P> <H2> Forms of address ( edit ) </H2> See also : List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions <P> Marines address all enlisted personnel by rank , and all commissioned officers with `` sir '' or `` ma'am '' . Warrant officers , regardless of rank , are addressed just as commissioned officers are , but may also be addressed as `` Warrant Officer '' or `` Gunner '' , although the latter is sometimes considered improper unless the officer is an Infantry Weapons Officer ( MOS 0306 ) . During recruit training , recruits are indoctrinated to address all superiors as `` sir '' or `` ma'am '' . Addressing a commissioned officer ( or any rank ) as `` Mister '' has long been considered a grievous insult towards the individual . The most junior ranks between pay grades E-1 and
In the Marine Corps, an E8 is a
[ "Master sergeant" ]
What is a e8 in the marine corps?
GNU / Linux naming controversy - wikipedia <H1> GNU / Linux naming controversy </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> The GNU / Linux naming controversy is a dispute between members of the free software community and open - source software community over whether to refer to computer operating systems that use a combination of GNU software and the Linux kernel as `` GNU / Linux '' or `` Linux '' . </P> <P> Proponents of the term Linux argue that it is far more commonly used by the public and media , and that it serves as a generic term for systems that combine that kernel with software from multiple other sources . </P> <P> Proponents of the term GNU / Linux note that GNU alone would be just as good a name for GNU variants which combine the GNU operating system software with software from other sources . GNU / Linux is a term promoted by the Free Software Foundation ( FSF ) and its founder Richard Stallman . Proponents call for the correction of the more extended term , on the grounds that it does n't give credit to the major contributor and the associated free software philosophy . GNU is a longstanding project begun in 1984 to develop a free operating system . It is argued that when the Linux kernel was independently created in 1991 , it merely provided a substantial missing piece . Several distributions employ the FSF - endorsed name , such as Debian , Trisquel and Parabola GNU / Linux - libre . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Composition of operating systems </Li> <Li> 3 Opinions supporting `` GNU / Linux '' </Li> <Li> 4 Opinions supporting `` Linux '' </Li> <Li> 5 Pronunciation </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 1983 , Richard Stallman , founder of the Free Software Foundation , set forth plans of a complete Unix - like operating system , called GNU , composed entirely of free software . In September of that year , Stallman published a manifesto in Dr. Dobb 's Journal detailing his new project publicly , outlining his vision of free software . Software development work began in January 1984 . By 1991 , the GNU mid-level portions of the operating system were almost complete , and the upper level could be supplied by the X Window System , but the lower level ( kernel , device drivers , system - level utilities and daemons ) was still mostly lacking . The GNU kernel was called GNU Hurd . The Hurd followed an ambitious design which proved unexpectedly difficult to implement and has only been marginally usable . </P> <P> Independently , in 1991 , Linus Torvalds released the first version of the Linux kernel . Early Linux developers ported GNU code , including the GNU C Compiler , to the kernel . The free software community adopted the use of the Linux kernel as the missing kernel for the GNU operating system . This work filled the remaining gaps in providing a completely free operating system . </P> <P> Over the next few years , several suggestions arose for naming operating systems using the Linux kernel and GNU components . In 1992 , the Yggdrasil Linux distribution adopted the name `` Linux / GNU / X '' . In Usenet and mailing - list discussions , one can find usages of `` GNU / Linux '' as early as 1992 and of `` GNU + Linux '' as early as 1993 . The Debian project , which was at one time sponsored by the Free Software Foundation , switched to calling its product `` Debian GNU / Linux '' in early 1994 ; This change followed a request by Richard Stallman ( who initially proposed `` LiGNUx , '' but suggested `` GNU / Linux '' instead after hearing complaints about the awkwardness of the former term ) . GNU 's June 1994 Bulletin describes `` Linux '' as a `` free Unix system for 386 machines '' ( with `` many of the utilities and libraries '' from GNU ) , but the January 1995 Bulletin switched to the term `` GNU / Linux '' instead . </P> <P> Stallman 's and the FSF 's efforts to include `` GNU '' in the name started around 1994 , but were reportedly mostly via private communications ( such as the above - mentioned request to Debian ) until 1996 . In May 1996 , Stallman released Emacs 19.31 with the Autoconf system target `` linux '' changed to `` lignux '' ( shortly thereafter changed to `` linux - gnu '' in emacs 19.32 ) , and included an essay `` Linux and the GNU system '' suggesting that people use the terms `` Linux - based GNU system '' ( or `` GNU / Linux system '' or `` Lignux '' for short ) . He later used `` GNU / Linux '' exclusively , and the essay was superseded by Stallman 's 1997 essay , `` Linux and the GNU project '' . </P> <H2> Composition of operating systems ( edit ) </H2> <P> Modern free software and Open - source software systems are composed of software by many different authors , including the Linux kernel developers , the GNU project , and other vendors such as those behind the X Window System . Desktop - and server - based distributions use GNU components such as the GNU C Library ( glibc ) , GNU Core Utilities ( Coreutils ) , and bash . </P> <P> In a 2002 analysis of the source code for Red Hat Linux 7.1 , a typical Linux distribution , the total size of the packages from the GNU project was found to be much larger than the Linux kernel . Later , a 2011 analysis of Ubuntu 's `` Natty '' release ( a popular Linux distribution
Credit for the GNU initiative is given to
[ "Richard Stallman" ]
Who is given credit for the gnu initiative?
Collective Soul - Wikipedia <H1> Collective Soul </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Collective Soul ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Collective Soul </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Collective Soul performing at MMRBQ 2016 , Camden NJ May 21 , 2016 . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Background information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Origin </Th> <Td> Stockbridge , Georgia , U.S. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genres </Th> <Td> Alternative rock , hard rock , post-grunge </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Years active </Th> <Td> 1992 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Labels </Th> <Td> Rising Storm , Atlantic , El Music Group , Loud & Proud , Roadrunner , Vanguard </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Associated acts </Th> <Td> Marching Two - Step , Starfish and Coffee , Magnets and Ghosts , The Sweet Tea Project , Will Turpin + The Way , Kings of Chaos , Cheap Thrill </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Members </Th> <Td> Ed Roland Dean Roland Will Turpin Johnny Rabb Jesse Triplett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Past members </Th> <Td> Ross Childress Shane Evans Joel Kosche Ryan Hoyle Cheney Brannon </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Collective Soul is an American rock band originally from Stockbridge , Georgia . Now based in Atlanta , the group consists of lead vocalist Ed Roland , rhythm guitarist Dean Roland , bassist Will Turpin , drummer Johnny Rabb and lead guitarist Jesse Triplett . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Early years </Li> <Li> 1.2 1993 -- 94 : Hints , Allegations and Things Left Unsaid and signing to Atlantic Records </Li> <Li> 1.3 1995 -- 99 : Collective Soul , Disciplined Breakdown and Dosage </Li> <Li> 1.4 2000 -- 03 : Blender , 7even Year Itch and departure from Atlantic Records </Li> <Li> 1.5 2004 -- 09 : Formation of El Music Group , Youth , Afterwords and Collective Soul </Li> <Li> 1.6 2010 -- 13 : Focus on side projects and touring </Li> <Li> 1.7 2014 -- present : See What You Started by Continuing and tenth studio album </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Origin of band name </Li> <Li> 3 Band members </Li> <Li> 4 Discography </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Early years ( edit ) </H3> <P> Before forming Collective Soul , singer Ed Roland studied music composition and guitar at the Berklee College of Music in Boston , Massachusetts . Since the mid-1980s Roland was involved in Atlanta 's underground music scene making demos and performing . He also worked at Real 2 Reel Studios in Stockbridge , which was owned by bassist Will Turpin 's father , Bill Turpin . Roland 's duties were producing , mixing and engineering for local Atlanta artists . He recorded his demos and released an independent solo album Ed - E Roland in 1991 . </P> <P> Roland recruited keyboard player and backing vocalist Christopher Dykes , drummer Tony Caporale , and bassist Skip Godwin to play live in clubs and showcase for A / R personnel from various record companies . At this time the group was simply known as `` Ed - E '' . They played several local shows , played a part in a CBS `` Movie Of The Week '' , and were guests on the local Atlanta television program `` Music Peachtree Style '' where local Atlanta - based artists were interviewed and profiled . That initial version of the `` Ed - E '' band dissolved in the mid to late 1980s due to incompatible musical tastes among other differences . Roland subsequently formed Marching Two - Step which included original Collective Soul drummer Shane Evans , Michele Rhea Caplinger , and Matt Serletic . </P> <P> Marching Two - Step were a local gigging band for a few years , but never managed to grow beyond the club scene . Roland 's early attempts to be signed to a recording contract by a label faced rejections . Caplinger would become a music industry publicist and was later appointed executive director of the Atlanta Chapter of the Recording Academy in 2000 . Serletic would go on to become a Grammy winning producer for Collective Soul , Matchbox Twenty , Blessid Union of Souls and Edwin McCain , and landed executive positions with record companies . </P> <H3> 1993 -- 94 : Hints , Allegations and Things Left Unsaid and signing to Atlantic Records ( edit ) </H3> <P> After the demise of Roland 's previous music collaborations , he enlisted musicians to record a demo in a basement . Roland initially intended to sell the songs to a publishing company and had no immediate plans of forming a band out of it . The demo was submitted to WRAS ( FM ) , 88.5 's Amy Staehling , host of the long running and popular GEORGIA MUSIC SHOW at Georgia State University 's 100,000 watt student radio station in Atlanta , the largest student run radio station in the county , where she added the song `` Shine '' to the local rotation . It was an instant listener favorite . The demo was also passed along to WJRR in Orlando , Florida which began playing `` Shine , '' soon to be its most requested song . Amidst the surprise popularity , Roland agreed to perform live shows , enlisting his brother Dean on rhythm guitar , drummer Shane Evans , bassist Will Turpin , and lead guitarist Ross Childress , in what would be the first official lineup of Collective Soul . Atlantic Records
The lead singer of Collective Soul is
[ "Ed Roland" ]
Who is the lead singer of collective soul?
guard </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> League </Th> <Td> NBA </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> ( 1982 - 01 - 17 ) January 17 , 1982 ( age 36 ) Chicago , Illinois </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nationality </Th> <Td> American </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Listed height </Th> <Td> 6 ft 4 in ( 1.93 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Listed weight </Th> <Td> 220 lb ( 100 kg ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> High school </Th> <Td> Harold L. Richards ( Oak Lawn , Illinois ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> College </Th> <Td> Marquette ( 2001 -- 2003 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NBA draft </Th> <Td> 2003 / Round : 1 / Pick : 5th overall </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Selected by the Miami Heat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Playing career </Th> <Td> 2003 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career history </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2003 -- 2016 </Th> <Td> Miami Heat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2016 -- 2017 </Th> <Td> Chicago Bulls </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2017 -- 2018 </Th> <Td> Cleveland Cavaliers </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2018 -- present </Th> <Td> Miami Heat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career highlights and awards </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> 3 × NBA champion ( 2006 , 2012 , 2013 ) </Li> <Li> NBA Finals MVP ( 2006 ) </Li> <Li> 12 × NBA All - Star ( 2005 -- 2016 ) </Li> <Li> NBA All - Star Game MVP ( 2010 ) </Li> <Li> 2 × All - NBA First Team ( 2009 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> 3 × All - NBA Second Team ( 2005 , 2006 , 2011 ) </Li> <Li> 3 × All - NBA Third Team ( 2007 , 2012 , 2013 ) </Li> <Li> 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team ( 2005 , 2009 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> NBA All - Rookie First Team ( 2004 ) </Li> <Li> NBA scoring champion ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Consensus first - team All - American ( 2003 ) </Li> <Li> Third - team All - American -- SN ( 2002 ) </Li> <Li> Conference USA Player of the Year ( 2003 ) </Li> <Li> No. 3 retired by Marquette </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Stats at </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Stats at </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Medals ( hide ) <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Men 's basketball </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Representing United States </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Olympic Games </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 2008 Beijing </Td> <Td> Team competition </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 2004 Athens </Td> <Td> Team competition </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> World Cup </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 2006 Japan </Td> <Td> Team competition </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. ( / dweɪn / dwayn ; born January 17 , 1982 ) is an American professional basketball player for the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) . After a successful college career at Marquette , Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by Miami . In his third season , Wade led the Heat to their first NBA Championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP . At the 2008 Summer Olympics , Wade led the United States men 's basketball team , commonly known as the `` Redeem Team '' , in scoring , and helped them capture the gold medal . In the 2008 -- 09 season , Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title . With LeBron James and Chris Bosh , Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014 , winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013 . After 11⁄2 seasons away from the Heat with the Chicago Bulls and Cleveland Cavaliers , Wade was traded back to Miami in February 2018 . A 12 - time NBA All - Star , Wade is Miami 's all - time leader in points , games , assists and steals , shots made and shots taken . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early life </Li> <Li> 2 College career <Ul> <Li> 2.1 2001 -- 02 season </Li> <Li> 2.2 2002 -- 03 season </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 NBA career <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Miami Heat ( 2003 -- 2016 ) <Ul> <Li> 3.1. 1 Rookie year ( 2003 -- 04 ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 2 Breakthrough year ( 2004 -- 05 ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 3 NBA champion and Finals MVP ( 2005 -- 06 ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 4 Injuries and missing playoffs ( 2006 -- 08 ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 5 Scoring champion and playoff defeats ( 2008 -- 10 ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 6 The Big 3 era and back - to - back championships ( 2010 -- 14 ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 7 Post Big 3 era ( 2014 -- 16 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.2 Chicago Bulls and Cleveland Cavaliers ( 2016 -- 2018 ) </Li> <Li> 3.3 Return to Miami ( 2018 -- present ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 National team career </Li> <Li> 5 Player profile </Li> <Li> 6 NBA career statistics <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Regular season </Li> <Li> 6.2 Playoffs </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Awards and honors </Li> <Li> 8 Personal life <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Philanthropy </Li> <Li> 8.2 Religion </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 See also </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Early life </H2> <P> Dwyane Wade was born on the South Side of Chicago , Illinois , to JoLinda and Dwyane Wade Sr , whose name 's unusual spelling was decided by his own mother . In 1977 , JoLinda , at the age of 18 , already had two children . Wade has described his upbringing in Chicago as being very difficult .
Dwyane Wade currently plays for
[ "the Miami Heat" ]
Who does dwyane wade play for right now?
<H1> Paraguayan guaraní </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the Paraguayan currency . For the language , see Guarani language . `` PYG '' redirects here . For the 70s Japanese rock super-group , see Pyg . <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( January 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Paraguayan guaraní </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Guaraní paraguayo ( Spanish ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> 100 Guaraní banknote of 1952 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ISO 4217 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Code </Th> <Td> PYG </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Denominations </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Subunit </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1 / 100 </Th> <Td> céntimo because of inflation , céntimos are no longer in use . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Plural </Th> <Td> guaraníes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Symbol </Th> <Td> ( ₲ in unicode ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Banknotes </Th> <Td> 2,000 , 5,000 , 10,000 , 20,000 , 50,000 & 100,000 PGY </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Coins </Th> <Td> 50 , 100 , 500 & 1,000 guaraníes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Demographics </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> User ( s ) </Th> <Td> Paraguay </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Issuance </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Central bank </Th> <Td> Banco Central del Paraguay </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Printer </Th> <Td> De La Rue Giesecke & Devrient </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> De La Rue Giesecke & Devrient </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mint </Th> <Td> Banco Central del Paraguay </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Valuation </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Inflation </Th> <Td> 2 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Source </Th> <Td> ( 4 ) , November 2009 est . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The guaraní ( Spanish pronunciation : ( ɡwaɾaˈni ) , plural : guaraníes ; sign : ₲ ; code : PYG ) is the national currency unit of Paraguay . The guaraní was divided into 100 céntimos but , because of inflation , céntimos are no longer in use . </P> <P> The currency sign is U + 20B2 ₲ GUARANI SIGN ( HTML & # 8370 ; ) . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Coins </Li> <Li> 3 Banknotes </Li> <Li> 4 Revaluation </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> The law creating the guaraní was passed on 5 October 1943 , and replaced the peso at a rate of 1 guaraní = 100 pesos . Guaraníes were first issued in 1944 . Between 1960 and 1985 , the guaraní was pegged to the United States dollar at 126 PYG to 1 USD . </P> <H2> Coins ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 1944 , aluminum - bronze coins were introduced in denominations of 1 , 5 , 10 , 25 and 50 centimos . All were round shaped . The obverses featured a flower with `` Republica del Paraguay '' and the date surrounding it , except for the 50 centimos , which featured the lion and Liberty cap insignia . The denomination was shown on the reverses . </P> <P> The second issue , introduced in 1953 , consisted of 10 , 15 , 25 and 50 centimos coins . All were again minted in aluminium - bronze but were scallop shaped and featured the lion and Liberty cap on the obverse . None of the céntimo coins circulate today . </P> <P> In 1975 , coins were introduced in denominations of 1 , 5 , 10 and 50 guaranies , all of which were round and made of stainless steel . Since 1990 , stainless steel has been replaced by brass - plated steel nickel - brass . 100 guaranies coins were introduced in 1990 , followed by 500 guaranies in 1997 . 1000 guaranies coins were minted in 2006 and released in 2007 . </P> <P> Coins in denominations of 1 , 5 and 10 guaranies and coins of 50 , 100 and 500 guaranies minted until 2005 where demonetized . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Value </Th> <Th> Obverse </Th> <Th> Reverse </Th> <Th> Diameter ( mm ) </Th> <Th> Weight ( g ) </Th> <Th> First issued </Th> <Th> Obverse Image </Th> <Th> Reverse Image </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 50 ₲ </Td> <Td> Marshal José Félix Estigarribia </Td> <Td> Acaray Dam </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 100 ₲ </Td> <Td> General José Eduvigis Díaz </Td> <Td> Ruins of Humaitá </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> 3 , 73 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 500 ₲ </Td> <Td> General Bernardino Caballero </Td> <Td> Central Bank of Paraguay </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> <Td> 4 , 75 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1,000 ₲ </Td> <Td> Marshal Francisco Solano López </Td> <Td> National Pantheon of the Heroes </Td> <Td> 25 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 2006 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Banknotes ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first guaraní notes were of 50 céntimos , 1 , 5 , and 10 guaraní overstamped on 50 , 100 , 500 , and 1000 pesos in 1943 . Regular guaraní notes for 1 , 5 , 10 , 50 , 100 , 500 and 1,000 guaraní , soon followed . They were printed by De La Rue . </P> <P> The 1963 series ( under the law of 1952 ) was a complete redesign . The lineup also expanded upward with the addition of 5000 and 10,000 guaraníes . This designed lasted for decades until inflation removed notes up to and including 500 guaraníes from circulation .
The value of the currency in Paraguay is
[ "126 PYG to 1 USD" ]
What is the value of the currency in paraguay?
</Td> <Td> Japan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Commanders and leaders </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> William S. Parsons Paul W. Tibbets , Jr . Charles Sweeney Frederick Ashworth </Td> <Td> Shunroku Hata </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Units involved </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Manhattan District : 50 U.S. , 2 British 509th Composite Group : 1,770 U.S. </Td> <Td> Second General Army : Hiroshima : 40,000 ( 5 Anti-aircraft batteries ) Nagasaki : 9,000 ( 4 Anti-aircraft batteries ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Casualties and losses </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 20 British , Dutch , and American prisoners of war killed </Td> <Td> <P> Hiroshima : </P> <Ul> <Li> 20,000 soldiers killed </Li> <Li> 70,000 -- 126,000 civilians killed </Li> </Ul> <P> Nagasaki : </P> <Ul> <Li> 39,000 -- 80,000 killed </Li> </Ul> Total : 129,000 -- 226,000 + killed </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Pacific War </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Central Pacific <Ul> <Li> Hawaii </Li> <Li> Marshalls - Gilberts raids </Li> <Li> Doolittle Raid </Li> <Li> Coral Sea </Li> <Li> Midway </Li> <Li> RY </Li> <Li> Solomons </Li> <Li> Gilberts & Marshalls </Li> <Li> Marianas & Palau </Li> <Li> Volcano & Ryukyu </Li> <Li> Truk </Li> </Ul> <P> Southeast Asia </P> <Ul> <Li> Indochina ( 1940 ) </Li> <Li> Indian Ocean ( 1940 -- 45 ) </Li> <Li> Philippines 1941 -- 42 </Li> <Li> Franco - Thai War </Li> <Li> Thailand </Li> <Li> Dutch East Indies </Li> <Li> Malaya </Li> <Li> Hong Kong </Li> <Li> Singapore </Li> <Li> Indochina ( 1945 ) </Li> <Li> Malacca Strait </Li> <Li> Jurist </Li> <Li> Tiderace </Li> <Li> Zipper </Li> <Li> Strategic bombing ( 1944 -- 45 ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Burma </P> <Ul> <Li> Burma ( 1941 -- 42 ) </Li> <Li> Burma ( 1942 -- 43 ) </Li> <Li> Burma ( 1944 ) </Li> <Li> Burma ( 1944 -- 45 ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Southwest Pacific </P> <Ul> <Li> Dutch East Indies 1941 -- 42 </Li> <Li> Portuguese Timor </Li> <Li> Australia </Li> <Li> New Guinea </Li> <Li> Philippines 1944 -- 45 </Li> <Li> Borneo 1945 </Li> </Ul> <P> North America </P> <Ul> <Li> Attack on Pearl Harbor </Li> <Li> Ellwood </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> Aleutian Islands </Li> <Li> Estevan Point Lighthouse </Li> <Li> Fort Stevens </Li> <Li> Lookout Air Raids </Li> <Li> Fire balloon </Li> <Li> Project Hula </Li> <Li> PX </Li> </Ul> <P> Japan </P> <Ul> <Li> Air raids </Li> <Li> Mariana Islands </Li> <Li> Volcano & Ryukyu Is </Li> <Li> Tokyo </Li> <Li> Starvation </Li> <Li> Naval bombardments </Li> <Li> Yokosuka </Li> <Li> Sagami Bay </Li> <Li> Kure </Li> <Li> Downfall </Li> <Li> Hiroshima & Nagasaki </Li> <Li> Kurils </Li> <Li> Karafuto </Li> <Li> Japanese surrender </Li> </Ul> <P> Manchuria </P> <Ul> <Li> Kantokuen </Li> <Li> Manchuria ( 1945 ) </Li> <Li> Mutanchiang </Li> <Li> Sakhalin Island </Li> <Li> Kuril Islands </Li> <Li> Shumshu </Li> </Ul> Second Sino - Japanese War </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> During the final stage of World War II , the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9 , 1945 , respectively . The United States dropped the bombs after obtaining the consent of the United Kingdom , as required by the Quebec Agreement . The two bombings killed at least 129,000 people , most of whom were civilians . They remain the only use of nuclear weapons in the history of warfare . </P> <P> In the final year of the war , the Allies prepared for what was anticipated to be a bloody invasion of the Japanese mainland . This undertaking was preceded by a conventional and firebombing campaign that destroyed 67 Japanese cities . The war in Europe had concluded when Germany signed its instrument of surrender on May 8 , 1945 . As the Allies turned their full attention to the war in the Pacific War , the Japanese faced the same fate . The Allies called for the unconditional surrender of the Imperial Japanese armed forces in the Potsdam Declaration on July 26 , 1945 -- the alternative being `` prompt and utter destruction '' . The Japanese ignored the ultimatum and the war continued . </P> <P> By August 1945 , the Allies ' Manhattan Project had produced two types of atomic bomb , and the 509th Composite Group of the United States Army Air Forces ( USAAF ) was equipped with the specialized Silverplate version of the Boeing B - 29 Superfortress that could deliver them from Tinian in the Mariana Islands . Orders for atomic bombs to be used on four Japanese cities were issued on July 25 . On August 6 , one of its B - 29s dropped a Little Boy uranium gun - type bomb on Hiroshima . Three days later , on August 9 , a Fat Man plutonium implosion - type bomb was dropped by another B - 29 on Nagasaki . The bombs immediately devastated their targets . Over the next two to four months , the acute effects of the atomic bombings killed 90,000 -- 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000 -- 80,000 people in Nagasaki ; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day . Large numbers of people continued to die from the effects of burns , radiation sickness , and other injuries , compounded by illness and malnutrition , for many months afterward . In both cities , most of the dead were civilians , although Hiroshima had a sizable military garrison . </P> <P> Japan announced its surrender to the Allies on August 15 , six days after the bombing of Nagasaki and the Soviet Union 's declaration of war . On September 2 , the Japanese government signed the instrument of surrender , effectively ending World War II . The ethical and legal justification for the bombings is still debated to this day . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Pacific War </Li> <Li> 1.2 Preparations to invade Japan </Li> <Li> 1.3 Air
The atom bombs were dropped on
[ "the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively" ]
When were the atom bombs dropped on japan?
treating many forms of epilepsy . Clobazam also has a useful role for very short - term seizure prophylaxis and in catamenial epilepsy . Discontinuation after long - term use in epilepsy requires additional caution because of the risks of rebound seizures . Therefore , the dose is slowly tapered over a period of up to six months or longer . </P> <H3> Alcohol withdrawal ( edit ) </H3> <P> Chlordiazepoxide is the most commonly used benzodiazepine for alcohol detoxification , but diazepam may be used as an alternative . Both are used in the detoxification of individuals who are motivated to stop drinking , and are prescribed for a short period of time to reduce the risks of developing tolerance and dependence to the benzodiazepine medication itself . The benzodiazepines with a longer half - life make detoxification more tolerable , and dangerous ( and potentially lethal ) alcohol withdrawal effects are less likely to occur . On the other hand , short - acting benzodiazepines may lead to breakthrough seizures , and are , therefore , not recommended for detoxification in an outpatient setting . Oxazepam and lorazepam are often used in patients at risk of drug accumulation , in particular , the elderly and those with cirrhosis , because they are metabolized differently from other benzodiazepines , through conjugation . </P> <P> Benzodiazepines are the preferred choice in the management of alcohol withdrawal syndrome , in particular , for the prevention and treatment of the dangerous complication of seizures and in subduing severe delirium . Lorazepam is the only benzodiazepine with predictable intramuscular absorption and it is the most effective in preventing and controlling acute seizures . </P> <H3> Anxiety ( edit ) </H3> <P> Benzodiazepines are sometimes used in the treatment of acute anxiety , as they bring about rapid and marked or moderate relief of symptoms in most individuals ; however , they are not recommended beyond 2 -- 4 weeks of use due to risks of tolerance and dependence and a lack of long - term effectiveness . As for insomnia , they may also be used on an irregular / `` as - needed '' basis , such as in cases where said anxiety is at its worst . Compared to other pharmacological treatments , benzodiazepines are twice as likely to lead to a relapse of the underlying condition upon discontinuation . Psychological therapies and other pharmacological therapies are recommended for the long - term treatment of generalized anxiety disorder . Antidepressants have higher remission rates and are , in general , safe and effective in the short and long term . </P> <H3> Other indications ( edit ) </H3> <P> Benzodiazepines are often prescribed for a wide range of conditions : </P> <Ul> <Li> They can be very useful in intensive care to sedate patients receiving mechanical ventilation or those in extreme distress . Caution is exercised in this situation due to the occasional occurrence of respiratory depression , and it is recommended that benzodiazepine overdose treatment facilities should be available . </Li> <Li> Benzodiazepines are effective as medication given a couple of hours before surgery to relieve anxiety . They also produce amnesia , which can be useful , as patients may not remember unpleasantness from the procedure . They are also used in patients with dental phobia as well as some ophthalmic procedures like refractive surgery ; although such use is controversial and only recommended for those who are very anxious . Midazolam is the most commonly prescribed for this use because of its strong sedative actions and fast recovery time , as well as its water solubility , which reduces pain upon injection . Diazepam and lorazepam are sometimes used . Lorazepam has particularly marked amnesic properties that may make it more effective when amnesia is the desired effect . </Li> <Li> Benzodiazepines are well known for their strong muscle - relaxing properties and can be useful in the treatment of muscle spasms , although tolerance often develops to their muscle relaxant effects . Baclofen or tizanidine are sometimes used as an alternative to benzodiazepines . Tizanidine has been found to have superior tolerability compared to diazepam and baclofen . </Li> <Li> Benzodiazepines are also used to treat the acute panic caused by hallucinogen intoxication . Benzodiazepines are also used to calm the acutely agitated individual and can , if required , be given via an intramuscular injection . They can sometimes be effective in the short - term treatment of psychiatric emergencies such as acute psychosis as in schizophrenia or mania , bringing about rapid tranquillization and sedation until the effects of lithium or neuroleptics ( antipsychotics ) take effect . Lorazepam is most commonly used but clonazepam is sometimes prescribed for acute psychosis or mania ; their long - term use is not recommended due to risks of dependence . Further research investigating the use of benzodiazepines alone and in combination with antipsychotic medications for treating acute psychosis is warranted . </Li> <Li> Clonazepam , a benzodiazepine is used to treat many forms of parasomnia . Rapid eye movement behavior disorder responds well to low doses of clonazepam . Restless legs syndrome can be treated using clonazepam as a third line treatment option as the use of clonazepam is still investigational . </Li> <Li> Benzodiazepines are sometimes used for obsessive -- compulsive disorder ( OCD ) , although they are generally believed ineffective for this indication . Effectiveness was , however , found in one small study . Benzodiazepines can be considered as a treatment option in treatment resistant cases . </Li> <Li> Antipsychotics are generally a first - line treatment for delirium ; however , when delirium is caused by alcohol or sedative hypnotic withdrawal , benzodiazepines are a first - line treatment . </Li> <Li> There is some evidence that low doses of benzodiazepines reduce adverse effects of electroconvulsive therapy . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Contraindications ( edit ) </H2> <P> Because of their muscle relaxant action , benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression in susceptible individuals . For that reason , they are contraindicated in people with myasthenia gravis ,
A drug that might be used in surgery for its amnesic properties is
[ "Benzodiazepines" ]
A drug that might be used in surgery for its amnesic properties is?
Say Something - wikipedia <H1> Say Something </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Say Something ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` Say Something '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Is There Anybody Out There ? </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> September 3 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 03 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> CD </Li> <Li> digital download </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> 2013 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Indie pop </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 3 : 49 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Epic </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ian Axel </Li> <Li> Chad King </Li> <Li> Mike Campbell </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Dan Romer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> A Great Big World singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` This Is the New Year '' ( 2013 ) </Td> <Td> `` Say Something '' ( 2013 ) </Td> <Td> `` Already Home '' ( 2014 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` This Is the New Year '' ( 2013 ) </Td> <Td> `` Say Something '' ( 2013 ) </Td> <Td> `` Already Home '' ( 2014 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Christina Aguilera singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Hoy Tengo Ganas Ti '' ( 2013 ) Hoy Tengo Ganas Ti 2013 </Td> <Td> `` Say Something '' ( 2013 ) Say Something2013 </Td> <Td> `` We Remain '' ( 2013 ) We Remain 2013 </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Say Something '' is a song by American indie pop duo A Great Big World from their debut album , Is There Anybody Out There ? ( 2013 ) . Written by the duo members -- Ian Axel and Chad King -- alongside Mike Campbell , the song was originally recorded by Axel for his solo album This Is the New Year ( 2011 ) . It was later released as a single by the duo on September 3 , 2013 , by Epic Records . Following its usage on American reality TV show So You Think You Can Dance , the track gained attention from singer Christina Aguilera , who wanted to collaborate with A Great Big World on the song . Quickly afterwards , a re-recorded version of `` Say Something '' with Aguilera was released on November 4 , 2013 . </P> <P> `` Say Something '' is a slow - tempo indie pop piano ballad which talks about a breakup , where the lover is implored to make a statement that could potentially cause the singer to change their mind , with the singers expressing humility , sadness and regret . In the single version with Aguilera , she plays a ghost of the lover to whom the song is addressed as she traces the steps of the lead vocal . The song was praised by music critics for its powerful lyrics , the emotional composition and Aguilera 's vocal delivery . At the 57th Annual Grammy Awards , the song earned A Great Big World and Aguilera a Grammy Award for Best Pop Duo / Group Performance . </P> <P> `` Say Something '' did not sell significantly well until the version with Aguilera was available . It debuted at number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart after A Great Big World and Aguilera performed the song on The Voice . It eventually peaked at number four and has since sold over four million copies in the United States . It also topped the singles charts in Australia , Belgium , and Canada . A music video was released on November 19 , 2013 , featuring the trio singing as people `` act out the heartbreaking lyrics . '' To further promote `` Say Something '' , A Great Big World and Aguilera performed the track at the American Music Awards of 2013 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background and release </Li> <Li> 2 Composition and lyrics </Li> <Li> 3 Critical response </Li> <Li> 4 Chart performance <Ul> <Li> 4.1 United States </Li> <Li> 4.2 Australia and Europe </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Music video <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Reception </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Live performances </Li> <Li> 7 Cover versions </Li> <Li> 8 In other media </Li> <Li> 9 Track listing and formats </Li> <Li> 10 Charts <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 10.2 Year - end charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 Certifications </Li> <Li> 12 Release history </Li> <Li> 13 See also </Li> <Li> 14 References </Li> <Li> 15 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background and release ( edit ) </H2> <P> `` Say Something '' was originally released on February 8 , 2011 on band member Ian Axel 's solo album This Is the New Year with the song featuring harmonies by guest vocalist Jenny Owen Youngs , but the track went largely unnoticed until it received attention after being used on the TV series So You Think You Can Dance on season 10 's semi final episode contemporary dance routine by the eventual champion Amy Yakima . This sparked a chain reaction that eventually made its way to Christina Aguilera . `` ' Say Something ' was danced to on So You Think You Can Dance almost two months ago , and so many people responded to it , '' Axel tells Billboard . `` In that whole process , someone on our team played it for someone on Christina 's team , and we got a call that Christina wanted to record it , and then , literally a week later , we were in L.A. recording it with her
The song "Say Something" (not "I'm Giving Up on You") is performed by
[ "A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera" ]
Who sang i'm giving up on you?
Axial precession - wikipedia <H1> Axial precession </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the astronomical concept . For precession of the axes outside of astronomy , see Precession . For other types of astronomical precession , see Precession § Astronomy . Precessional movement of Earth . Earth rotates ( white arrows ) once a day around its rotational axis ( red ) ; this axis itself rotates slowly ( white circle ) , completing a rotation in approximately 26,000 years <P> In astronomy , axial precession is a gravity - induced , slow , and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body 's rotational axis . In particular , it can refer to the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth 's axis of rotation , which , similar to a wobbling top , traces out a pair of cones joined at their apices in a cycle of approximately 26,000 years . The term `` precession '' typically refers only to this largest part of the motion ; other changes in the alignment of Earth 's axis -- nutation and polar motion -- are much smaller in magnitude . </P> <P> Earth 's precession was historically called the precession of the equinoxes , because the equinoxes moved westward along the ecliptic relative to the fixed stars , opposite to the yearly motion of the Sun along the ecliptic . This term is still used in non-technical discussions , that is , when detailed mathematics are absent . Historically , the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes is usually attributed in the west to the Hellenistic - era ( second - century BCE ) astronomer , Hipparchus , although there are claims of its earlier discovery , such as in the Indian text , Vedanga Jyotisha , dating from 700 BC . With improvements in the ability to calculate the gravitational force between and among planets during the first half of the nineteenth century , it was recognized that the ecliptic itself moved slightly , which was named planetary precession , as early as 1863 , while the dominant component was named lunisolar precession . Their combination was named general precession , instead of precession of the equinoxes . </P> <P> Lunisolar precession is caused by the gravitational forces of the Moon and Sun on Earth 's equatorial bulge , causing Earth 's axis to move with respect to inertial space . Planetary precession ( an advance ) is due to the small angle between the gravitational force of the other planets on Earth and its orbital plane ( the ecliptic ) , causing the plane of the ecliptic to shift slightly relative to inertial space . Lunisolar precession is about 500 times greater than planetary precession . In addition to the Moon and Sun , the other planets also cause a small movement of Earth 's axis in inertial space , making the contrast in the terms lunisolar versus planetary misleading , so in 2006 the International Astronomical Union recommended that the dominant component be renamed the precession of the equator , and the minor component be renamed precession of the ecliptic , but their combination is still named general precession . Many references to the old terms exist in publications predating the change . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Precession nomenclature </Li> <Li> 2 Effects </Li> <Li> 3 History <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Hellenistic world <Ul> <Li> 3.1. 1 Hipparchus </Li> <Li> 3.1. 2 Ptolemy </Li> <Li> 3.1. 3 Other authors </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.2 Alternative discovery theories <Ul> <Li> 3.2. 1 Babylonians </Li> <Li> 3.2. 2 Maya </Li> <Li> 3.2. 3 Ancient Egyptians </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.3 Indian views </Li> <Li> 3.4 Chinese astronomy </Li> <Li> 3.5 Middle Ages and Renaissance </Li> <Li> 3.6 Modern period </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Hipparchus 's discovery </Li> <Li> 5 Mithraic question </Li> <Li> 6 Changing pole stars </Li> <Li> 7 Polar shift and equinoxes shift </Li> <Li> 8 Cause </Li> <Li> 9 Equations </Li> <Li> 10 Values </Li> <Li> 11 See also </Li> <Li> 12 Notes </Li> <Li> 13 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 14 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Precession nomenclature ( edit ) </H2> <P> Etymologically , `` precession '' and `` procession '' are both terms that relate to motion . `` Precession '' is derived from the Latin praecedere , `` to precede , to come before or earlier '' ) , while `` procession '' is derived from the Latin procedere , `` to march forward , to advance '' ) . Generally the term `` procession '' is used to describe a group of objects moving forward . The stars viewed from Earth are seen to proceed in a procession from east to west daily , due to the Earth 's diurnal motion , and yearly , due to the Earth 's revolution around the Sun . At the same time the stars can be observed to anticipate slightly such motion , at the rate of approximately 50 arc seconds per year , a phenomenon known as the `` precession of the equinoxes '' . </P> <P> In describing this motion astronomers generally have shortened the term to simply `` precession '' . In describing the cause of the motion physicists have also used the term `` precession '' , which has led to some confusion between the observable phenomenon and its cause , which matters because in astronomy , some precessions are real and others are apparent . This issue is further obfuscated by the fact that many astronomers are physicists or astrophysicists . </P> <P> It should be noted that the term `` precession '' used in astronomy generally describes the observable precession of the equinox ( the stars moving retrograde across the sky ) , whereas the term `` precession '' as used in physics , generally describes a mechanical process . </P> <H2> Effects ( edit ) </H2> The coincidence of the annual cycles of the apses ( closest and further approach to the sun ) and calendar
A single period of precession of Earth's axis is completed in about
[ "26,000 years" ]
A single period of precession of earth's axis is completed in about?
Johnny Manziel - wikipedia <H1> Johnny Manziel </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> Johnny Manziel <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Manziel with the Cleveland Browns in 2015 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Free agent </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Position : </Th> <Td> Quarterback </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Born : </Th> <Td> ( 1992 - 12 - 06 ) December 6 , 1992 ( age 25 ) Tyler , Texas </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Height : </Th> <Td> 6 ft 0 in ( 1.83 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Weight : </Th> <Td> 210 lb ( 95 kg ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> High school : </Th> <Td> Kerrville ( TX ) Tivy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> College : </Th> <Td> Texas A&M </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NFL Draft : </Th> <Td> 2014 / Round : 1 / Pick : 22 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career history </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Cleveland Browns ( 2014 -- 2015 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career highlights and awards </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Heisman Trophy ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Davey O'Brien Award ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Manning Award ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Associated Press Player of the Year ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Sporting News Player of the Year ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> SEC Offensive Player of the Year ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Consensus All - American ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> 2 × First - team All - SEC ( 2012 , 2013 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career NFL statistics </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> TD -- INT : </Th> <Td> 7 -- 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Passing yards : </Th> <Td> 1,675 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Passer rating : </Th> <Td> 74.4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Rushing yards : </Th> <Td> 259 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Rushing touchdowns : </Th> <Td> 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Player stats at </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Player stats at PFR </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Johnathan Paul Manziel ( / mænˈzɛl / man - ZEL ; born December 6 , 1992 ) is an American football quarterback who is a free agent as of January 2018 . He played two seasons with the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League ( NFL ) . </P> <P> Manziel was nationally recruited out of high school as a dual - threat quarterback , and he debuted for the Texas A&M Aggies as a redshirt freshman in Kevin Sumlin 's Air Raid offense during A&M 's first season in the Southeastern Conference ( SEC ) in 2012 . He broke numerous NCAA Division I FBS and SEC records , which included becoming the first freshman and fifth player in NCAA history to pass for 3,000 yards and rush for 1,000 yards in a season . At the end of the regular season , he became the first freshman to win the Heisman Trophy , Manning Award , and the Davey O'Brien National Quarterback Award . Manziel capitalized on his redshirt freshman season by leading Texas A&M to a 41 -- 13 victory over Oklahoma in the Cotton Bowl . </P> <P> Manziel was drafted by the Browns as the 22nd overall pick of the 2014 NFL Draft . Despite some success , he struggled with consistency and his tenure was overshadowed by off - field controversies . He was released by the Browns after the end of the 2015 season . Following further controversies during the 2016 offseason , Manziel was unable to be signed by another team before the start of the season and returned to Texas A&M as a student . </P> <P> TexAgs users tagged Manziel with the nickname `` Johnny Football '' during Manziel 's sophomore high school football season in Texas . The nickname followed him to Texas A&M University . He has applied to register the nickname as a trademark . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early life </Li> <Li> 2 High school career </Li> <Li> 3 College career <Ul> <Li> 3.1 2012 season </Li> <Li> 3.2 2013 season </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Baseball </Li> <Li> 5 Professional football career <Ul> <Li> 5.1 2014 season </Li> <Li> 5.2 2015 season </Li> <Li> 5.3 Canadian Football League </Li> <Li> 5.4 Statistics </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Honors and accomplishments <Ul> <Li> 6.1 College honors <Ul> <Li> 6.1. 1 Full - season awards </Li> <Li> 6.1. 2 Weekly awards </Li> <Li> 6.1. 3 NCAA records and notes </Li> <Li> 6.1. 4 SEC records and notes </Li> <Li> 6.1. 5 Texas A&M records and notes </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6.2 Cleveland Browns records </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Personal life and controversies <Ul> <Li> 7.1 June 2012 arrest </Li> <Li> 7.2 2013 offseason </Li> <Li> 7.3 2015 offseason </Li> <Li> 7.4 2015 season </Li> <Li> 7.5 2016 </Li> <Li> 7.6 2017 offseason </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> Early life </H2> <P> Manziel was born in Tyler , Texas , on December 6 , 1992 , to Michelle ( née Liberato ) and Paul Manziel . He has a younger sister named Meri . Manziel 's great - great - grandfather Joseph immigrated to the United States in 1883 from the Mount Lebanon region of Syria in what is now Lebanon . He is of Italian descent on his maternal side . His family became wealthy through the Texas petroleum industry . </P> <P> Manziel grew up playing a variety of sports , including football , basketball , baseball , and golf . At Tivy High School in Kerrville , Texas , he focused on baseball and football . However , in football , sportswriters , coaches , and parents said he `` achieved folk hero status '' and was compared to quarterbacks like Brett Favre , Michael Vick , and Drew Brees . </P>
Johnny Manziel played college football for the
[ "Texas A&M Aggies" ]
Who did johnny manziel play college football for?
timber for humans , food , water and shelter for the flora and fauna tribes and animals . The nutrient cycle between organisms form food chains and biodiversity of species . The Carson Fall in Mount Kinabalu , Malaysia is an example of undisturbed natural resource . Waterfalls provide spring water for humans , animals and plants for survival and also habitat for marine organisms . The water current can be used to turn turbines for hydroelectric generation . The ocean is an example of a natural resource . Ocean waves can be used to generate wave power which is a renewable energy . Ocean water is important for salt production , desalination , and providing habitat for deep water fishes . There are biodiversity of marine species in the sea where nutrient cycles are common . A picture of the Udachnaya pipe , an open - pit diamond mine in Siberia . An example of a non-renewable natural resource . <P> Natural resources are resources that exist without actions of humankind . This includes all valued characteristics such as magnetic , gravitational , electrical properties and forces etc . On earth it includes : sunlight , atmosphere , water , land ( includes all minerals ) along with all vegetation , crops and animal life that naturally subsists upon or within the heretofore identified characteristics and substances . </P> <P> Particular areas such as the rainforest in Fatu - Hiva are often characterized by the biodiversity and geodiversity existent in their ecosystems . Natural resources may be further classified in different ways . Natural resources are materials and components ( something that can be used ) that can be found within the environment . Every man - made product is composed of natural resources ( at its fundamental level ) . A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water , air , and as well as a living organism such as a fish , or it may exist in an alternate form that must be processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores , rare earth metals , petroleum , and most forms of energy . </P> <P> There is much debate worldwide over natural resource allocations , this is particularly true during periods of increasing scarcity and shortages ( depletion and overconsumption of resources ) but also because the exportation of natural resources is the basis . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Classification </Li> <Li> 2 Extraction </Li> <Li> 3 Depletion of resources </Li> <Li> 4 Protection </Li> <Li> 5 Management </Li> <Li> 6 Natural Resources by country </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Classification ( edit ) </H2> <P> There are various methods of categorizing natural resources , these include source of origin , stage of development , and by their renewability . </P> <P> On the basis of origin , natural resources may be divided into two types : </P> <Ul> <Li> Biotic -- Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere ( living and organic material ) , such as forests and animals , and the materials that can be obtained from them . Fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum are also included in this category because they are formed from decayed organic matter . </Li> <Li> Abiotic -- Abiotic resources are those that come from non-living , non-organic material . Examples of abiotic resources include land , fresh water , air , rare earth metals and heavy metals including ores such as gold , iron , copper , silver , etc . </Li> </Ul> <P> Considering their stage of development , natural resources may be referred to in the following ways : </P> <Ul> <Li> Potential resources -- Potential resources are those that exist in a region and may be used in the future . For example , petroleum occurs with sedimentary rocks in various regions , but until the time it is actually drilled out and put into use , it remains a potential resource . </Li> <Li> Actual resources -- Actual resources are those that have been surveyed , their quantity and quality determined and are being used in present times . The development of an actual resource , such as wood processing depends upon the technology available and the cost involved . </Li> <Li> Reserve resources -- The part of an actual resource which can be developed profitably in the future is called a reserve resource . </Li> <Li> Stock resources -- Stock resources are those that have been surveyed but can not be used by organisms due to lack of technology . For example : hydrogen . </Li> </Ul> <P> Many natural resources can be categorized as either renewable or non-renewable : </P> <Ul> <Li> Renewable resources -- Renewable resources can be replenished naturally . Some of these resources , like sunlight , air , wind , water , etc. , are continuously available and their quantity is not noticeably affected by human consumption . Though many renewable resources do not have such a rapid recovery rate , these resources are susceptible to depletion by over-use . Resources from a human use perspective are classified as renewable so long as the rate of replenishment / recovery exceeds that of the rate of consumption . They replenish easily compared to Non-renewable resources . </Li> <Li> Non-renewable resources -- Non-renewable resources either form slowly or do not naturally form in the environment . Minerals are the most common resource included in this category . By the human perspective , resources are non-renewable when their rate of consumption exceeds the rate of replenishment / recovery ; a good example of this are fossil fuels , which are in this category because their rate of formation is extremely slow ( potentially millions of years ) , meaning they are considered non-renewable . Some resources actually naturally deplete in amount without human interference , the most notable of these being radio - active elements such as uranium , which naturally decay into heavy
Natural resources can be divided into two categories,
[ "Biotic" ]
Natural resources can be divided into what two categories?
, The Farmer and the Stork , and The Frogs Who Desired a King . Storks were also thought to care for their aged parents , feeding them and even transporting them , and children 's books depicted them as a model of filial values . A Greek law called Pelargonia , from the Ancient Greek word pelargos for stork , required citizens to take care of their aged parents . The Greeks also held that killing a stork could be punished with death . It was allegedly protected in Ancient Thessaly as it hunted snakes , and widely held to be Virgil 's `` white bird '' . Roman writers noted the white stork 's arrival in spring , which alerted farmers to plant their vines . </P> <P> Followers of Islam revered storks because they made an annual pilgrimage to Mecca on their migration . Some of the earliest understanding on bird migration were initiated by an interest in white storks ; Pfeilstörche ( `` arrow storks '' ) were found in Europe with African arrows embedded in their bodies . A well - known example of such a stork found in the summer of 1822 in the German town of Klütz in Mecklenburg was made into a mounted taxidermy specimen , complete with the ornate African arrow , that is now in the University of Rostock . </P> Supposed filial virtues of the stork <P> Storks have little fear of humans if not disturbed , and often nest on buildings in Europe . In Germany , the presence of a nest on a house was believed to protect against fires . They were also protected because of the belief that their souls were human . German and Dutch households would encourage storks to nest on houses , sometimes by constructing purpose - built high platforms , to bring good luck . Poles , Lithuanians and Ukrainians believe that storks bring harmony to a family on whose property they nest . </P> <P> The white stork is a popular motif on postage stamps , and it is featured on more than 120 stamps issued by more than 60 stamp - issuing entities . It is the national bird of Lithuania and Belarus , and it was a Polish mascot at the Expo 2000 Fair in Hanover . In the 19th century , storks were also thought to only live in countries having a republican form of government . Polish poet Cyprian Kamil Norwid mentioned storks in his poem Moja piosnka ( II ) ( `` My Song ( II ) '' ) : </P> <P> For the land where it 's a great travesty To harm a stork 's nest in a pear tree , For storks serve us all ... I am homesick , Lord ! ... </P> -- translated by Walter Whipple <H3> Storks and childbirth ( edit ) </H3> Der Klapperstorch ( The Stork ) , a painting by Carl Spitzweg ( 1808 -- 1885 ) <P> According to European folklore , the stork is responsible for bringing babies to new parents . The legend is very ancient , but was popularised by a 19th - century Hans Christian Andersen story called The Storks . German folklore held that storks found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket on their backs or held in their beaks . These caves contained adebarsteine or `` stork stones '' . The babies would then be given to the mother or dropped down the chimney . Households would notify when they wanted children by placing sweets for the stork on the window sill . From there the folklore has spread around the world to the Philippines and countries in South America . Birthmarks on the back of the head of newborn baby , nevus flammeus nuchae , are sometimes referred to as stork - bite . </P> Stork bringing baby - Colmar , Alsace <P> In Slavic mythology and religion , storks were thought to carry unborn souls from Vyraj to Earth in spring and summer . This belief still persists in the modern folk culture of many Slavic countries , in the simplified child story that `` storks bring children into the world '' . Storks were seen by the Slavs as bringing luck , and killing one would bring misfortune . A long - term study that showed a spurious correlation between the numbers of stork nests and human births is widely used in the teaching of basic statistics as an example to highlight that correlation does not necessarily indicate causation . The child - bringing myth has appeared in different forms in history . Children of African American slaves were sometimes told that white babies were brought by storks , while black babies were born from buzzard eggs . </P> <P> Psychoanalyst Marvin Margolis suggests the enduring nature of the stork fable of the newborn is linked to its addressing a psychological need , in that it allays the discomfort of discussing sex and procreation with children . Birds have long been associated with the maternal symbols from pagan goddesses such as Juno to the Holy Ghost , and the stork may have been chosen for its white plumage ( depicting purity ) , size ( in that it is big enough to carry an infant ) , and flight at high altitude ( likened to flying between Earth and Heaven ) . The fable and its relation to the internal world of the child have been discussed by Sigmund Freud , and Carl Jung . In fact , Jung recalled being told the story himself upon the birth of his own sister . The traditional link with the newborn continues with their use in advertising for such products as nappies and birth announcements . </P> <P> There were negative aspects to stork folklore as well ; a Polish folk tale relates how God made the stork 's plumage white , while the Devil gave it black wings , imbuing it with both good and evil impulses . They were also associated with handicapped
In Western culture, the white stork is a symbol of
[ "bringing babies to new parents" ]
What is the white stork a symbol for in western culture?
Indian cricket team in South Africa in 2017 -- 18 - Wikipedia <H1> Indian cricket team in South Africa in 2017 -- 18 </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> Indian cricket team in South Africa in 2017 -- 18 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> South Africa </Td> <Td> India </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dates </Th> <Td colspan="3"> 5 January 2018 -- 24 February 2018 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Captains </Th> <Td> Faf du Plessis ( Tests and ODIs ) JP Duminy ( T20Is ) </Td> <Td> Virat Kohli </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> Test series </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Result </Th> <Td colspan="3"> South Africa won the 3 - match series 2 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most runs </Th> <Td> AB de Villiers ( 211 ) </Td> <Td> Virat Kohli ( 286 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most wickets </Th> <Td> Vernon Philander ( 15 ) Kagiso Rabada ( 15 ) </Td> <Td> Mohammed Shami ( 15 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Player of the series </Th> <Td colspan="3"> Vernon Philander ( SA ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> One Day International series </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Results </Th> <Td colspan="3"> India won the 6 - match series 5 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most runs </Th> <Td> Hashim Amla ( 154 ) </Td> <Td> Virat Kohli ( 558 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most wickets </Th> <Td> Lungi Ngidi ( 8 ) </Td> <Td> Kuldeep Yadav ( 17 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Player of the series </Th> <Td colspan="3"> Virat Kohli ( Ind ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> Twenty20 International series </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Results </Th> <Td colspan="3"> India won the 3 - match series 2 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most runs </Th> <Td> JP Duminy ( 122 ) </Td> <Td> Shikhar Dhawan ( 143 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most wickets </Th> <Td> Junior Dala ( 7 ) </Td> <Td> Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( 7 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Player of the series </Th> <Td colspan="3"> Bhuvneshwar Kumar ( Ind ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The India cricket team toured South Africa in January and February 2018 to play three Tests , six One Day Internationals ( ODIs ) and three Twenty20 International ( T20I ) matches . In January 2017 , Cricket South Africa ( CSA ) revealed that this tour would replace the scheduled visit by Sri Lanka due to costs and scheduling congestion . The Test series was played for the Freedom Trophy , with South Africa winning the trophy following victories in the first two Tests . South Africa went on to win the Test series 2 -- 1 . It was the first Test series of three matches or more in which all 40 wickets fell in each match of the series . With India 's win the third Test , they retained the number one place in the ICC Test Championship , taking an unassailable lead before the April 2018 cut - off date for next season 's rankings . </P> <P> In August 2017 , it was announced that the traditional Boxing Day Test at Kingsmead will not take place , as India 's home series against Sri Lanka will not conclude until 24 December 2017 . The following month it was announced that tour would likely to start on 5 January 2018 . CSA confirmed the fixtures in September 2017 . Before the Test matches , India were scheduled to play in a two - day warm - up match at Boland Park , Paarl . However , this was cancelled , as India opted to do training sessions instead of the match . </P> <P> The Test series marked Dale Steyn 's return to international cricket . He last played in a Test match for South Africa in November 2016 against Australia in Perth , where he suffered a shoulder injury . However , on day two of the first Test , Steyn damaged his left heel . This ruled him out of the rest of the Test , with a recovery time of 4 to 6 weeks . Two days later , he was ruled out of the rest of the series . </P> <P> During the first ODI , South Africa 's captain , Faf du Plessis , suffered a finger injury and was ruled out of the remaining ODI matches . Aiden Markram was named as South Africa 's captain for the remaining ODI fixtures , becoming the second - youngest South African to lead South Africa in ODIs . </P> <P> India ensured an ODI series victory after beating South Africa by 73 runs in the fifth match , after they had already won the first three fixtures . This resulted in India 's first ODI series win in South Africa , with India maintaining their number one ranking in the ICC ODI Championship . India went on to win the ODI series 5 -- 1 . Virat Kohli scored the most runs in a bilateral ODI series by a player , with 558 . India were also victorious in the T20I matches , winning the series 2 -- 1 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Squads </Li> <Li> 2 Test series <Ul> <Li> 2.1 1st Test </Li> <Li> 2.2 2nd Test </Li> <Li> 2.3 3rd Test </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 ODI series <Ul> <Li> 3.1 1st ODI </Li> <Li> 3.2 2nd ODI </Li> <Li> 3.3 3rd ODI </Li> <Li> 3.4 4th ODI </Li> <Li> 3.5 5th ODI </Li> <Li> 3.6 6th ODI </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 T20I series <Ul> <Li> 4.1 1st T20I </Li> <Li> 4.2 2nd T20I </Li> <Li> 4.3 3rd T20I </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Notes </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Squads ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Tests </Th> <Th colspan="2"> ODIs </Th> <Th colspan="2"> T20Is </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> South Africa </Th> <Th> India </Th> <Th> South Africa </Th> <Th> India </Th> <Th> South Africa </Th> <Th> India </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Faf
The highest runs scored in the India-South Africa Test series in 2018 was
[ "286" ]
India south africa test series 2018 highest runs?
Oligodynamic effect - wikipedia <H1> Oligodynamic effect </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Silver spoons self - sanitize due to the oligodynamic effect <P> The oligodynamic effect ( from Greek oligos `` few '' , and dynamis `` force '' ) is a biocidal effect of metals , especially heavy metals , that occurs even in low concentrations . The effect was discovered by Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli , although he did not identify the cause . Brass doorknobs and silverware both exhibit this effect to an extent . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Mechanism </Li> <Li> 2 Use <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Aluminium </Li> <Li> 2.2 Antimony </Li> <Li> 2.3 Arsenic </Li> <Li> 2.4 Barium </Li> <Li> 2.5 Bismuth </Li> <Li> 2.6 Boron </Li> <Li> 2.7 Copper </Li> <Li> 2.8 Gold </Li> <Li> 2.9 Lead </Li> <Li> 2.10 Mercury </Li> <Li> 2.11 Nickel </Li> <Li> 2.12 Silver </Li> <Li> 2.13 Thallium </Li> <Li> 2.14 Tin </Li> <Li> 2.15 Zinc </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Safety </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Mechanism ( edit ) </H2> <P> The metals react with thiol ( - SH ) or amine ( - NH ) groups of proteins , a mode of action to which microorganisms may develop resistance . Such resistance may be transmitted by plasmids . </P> <H2> Use ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Aluminium ( edit ) </H3> <P> Aluminium acetate ( Burow 's solution ) is used as an astringent mild antiseptic . Aluminium - based antiperspirant ingredients ( `` aluminium salts '' ) such as aluminium chlorohydrate , activated aluminium chlorohydrates , and aluminium - zirconium - glycine ( AZG ) complexes work by forming superficial plugs in the sweat ducts , reducing the flow of perspiration . </P> <H3> Antimony ( edit ) </H3> <P> Orthoesters of diarylstibinic acids are fungicides and bactericides , used in paints , plastics , and fibers . Trivalent organic antimony was used in therapy for schistosomiasis . </P> <H3> Arsenic ( edit ) </H3> <P> For many decades , arsenic was used medicinally to treat syphilis . It is still used in sheep dips , rat poisons , wood preservatives , weed killers , and other pesticides . Arsenic is also still used for murder by poisoning , for which use it has a long and continuing history in both literature and fact . </P> <H3> Barium ( edit ) </H3> <P> Barium polysulfide is a fungicide and acaricide used in fruit and grape growing . </P> <H3> Bismuth ( edit ) </H3> <P> Bismuth compounds have been used because of their astringent , antiphlogistic , bacteriostatic , and disinfecting actions . In dermatology bismuth subgallate is still used in vulnerary salves and powders as well as in antimycotics . In the past , bismuth has also been used to treat syphilis and malaria . </P> <H3> Boron ( edit ) </H3> <P> Boric acid esters derived from glycols ( example , organo - borate formulation , Biobor JF ) are being used for the control of microorganisms in fuel systems containing water . </P> <H3> Copper ( edit ) </H3> <P> Brass vessels release a small amount of copper ions into stored water , thus killing fecal bacterial counts as high as 1 million bacteria per milliliter . </P> <P> Copper sulfate mixed with lime is used as a fungicide and antihelminthic . Copper sulfate is used chiefly to destroy green algae ( algicide ) that grow in reservoirs , stock ponds , swimming pools , and fish tanks . Copper 8 - hydroxyquinoline is sometimes included in paint to prevent mildew . </P> <P> Paint containing copper is used on boat bottoms to prevent barnacle growth </P> <H3> Gold ( edit ) </H3> <P> Gold is used in dental inlays and inhibits the growth of bacteria . </P> <H3> Lead ( edit ) </H3> <P> Physicians prescribed various forms of lead to heal ailments ranging from constipation to infectious diseases such as the plague . Lead was also used to preserve or sweeten wine . Lead arsenate is used in insecticides and herbicides . Some organic lead compounds are used as industrial biocides : thiomethyl triphenyllead is used as an antifungal agent , cotton preservative , and lubricant additive ; thiopropyl triphenyllead as a rodent repellant ; tributyllead acetate as a wood and cotton preservative ; tributyllead imidazole as a lubricant additive and cotton preservative . </P> <H3> Mercury ( edit ) </H3> <P> Phenylmercuric borate and acetate were used for disinfecting mucous membranes at an effective concentration of 0.07 % in aqueous solutions . Due to toxicological and ecotoxicological reasons phenylmercury salts are no longer in use . However , some surgeons use mercurochrome despite toxicological objections . Dental amalgam used in fillings inhibits bacterial reproduction . </P> <P> Organic mercury compounds have been used as topical disinfectants ( thimerosal , nitromersol and merbromin ) and preservatives in medical preparations ( thimerosal ) and grain products ( both methyl and ethyl mercurials ) . Mercury was used in the treatment of syphilis . Calomel was commonly used in infant teething powders in the 1930s and 1940s . Mercurials are also used agriculturally as insecticides and fungicides . </P> <H3> Nickel ( edit ) </H3> <P> The toxicity of nickel to bacteria , yeasts , and fungi differs considerably . </P> <H3> Silver ( edit ) </H3> <P> The metabolism of bacteria is adversely affected by silver ions at concentrations of 0.01 -- 0.1 mg / L. Therefore , even less soluble silver compounds , such as silver chloride , also act as bactericides or germicides , but not the much less soluble silver sulfide . In the presence of atmospheric oxygen , metallic silver also has a bactericidal effect due to the formation of silver oxide , which is soluble enough to cause it . Bactericidal concentrations are reduced rapidly by adding colloidal silver , which has a high surface area . Even objects with a solid silver surface ( e.g. , table silver , silver
The oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes
[ "a biocidal effect of metals, especially heavy metals, that occurs even in low concentrations" ]
The oligodynamic effect is a phenomenon that describes?
</Td> <Td> Black </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 07 - 06 - 0000 July 6 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Morva , William Charles William Charles Morva </Td> <Td> 000000001982 - 02 - 09 - 0000 February 9 , 1982 </Td> <Td> 35 </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> White </Td> <Td> Virginia </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 07 - 26 - 0000 July 26 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Phillips , Ronald Ray Ronald Ray Phillips </Td> <Td> 000000001973 - 10 - 10 - 0000 October 10 , 1973 </Td> <Td> 43 </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> Ohio </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Preyor , Taichin Taichin Preyor </Td> <Td> 000000001970 - 09 - 02 - 0000 September 2 , 1970 </Td> <Td> 46 </Td> <Td> 33 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> Black </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 17 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 08 - 24 - 0000 August 24 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Asay , Mark James Mark James Asay </Td> <Td> 000000001964 - 03 - 12 - 0000 March 12 , 1964 </Td> <Td> 53 </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> <Td> 30 </Td> <Td> White </Td> <Td> Florida </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 09 - 13 - 0000 September 13 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Otte , Gary Wayne Gary Wayne Otte </Td> <Td> 000000001971 - 12 - 21 - 0000 December 21 , 1971 </Td> <Td> 45 </Td> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> 25 </Td> <Td> Ohio </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 10 - 05 - 0000 October 5 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Lambrix , Michael Ray Michael Ray Lambrix </Td> <Td> 000000001960 - 03 - 29 - 0000 March 29 , 1960 </Td> <Td> 57 </Td> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> 35 </Td> <Td> Florida </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 10 - 12 - 0000 October 12 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Pruett , Robert Lynn Robert Lynn Pruett </Td> <Td> 000000001979 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 1979 </Td> <Td> 38 </Td> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 10 - 19 - 0000 October 19 , 2017 </Td> <Td> McNabb , Torrey Twane Torrey Twane McNabb </Td> <Td> 000000001977 - 06 - 09 - 0000 June 9 , 1977 </Td> <Td> 40 </Td> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> Black </Td> <Td> Alabama </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> 000000002017 - 11 - 08 - 0000 November 8 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Hannon , Patrick Charles Patrick Charles Hannon </Td> <Td> 000000001964 - 10 - 24 - 0000 October 24 , 1964 </Td> <Td> 53 </Td> <Td> 26 </Td> <Td> 27 </Td> <Td> White </Td> <Td> Florida </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 23 </Td> <Td> Cardenas Ramirez , Ruben Ruben Cardenas Ramirez </Td> <Td> 000000001970 - 04 - 07 - 0000 April 7 , 1970 </Td> <Td> 47 </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> Hispanic </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> </Th> <Th> Average : </Th> <Th> 47 years </Th> <Th> 25 years </Th> <Th> 22 years </Th> <Th colspan="5"> </Th> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Demographics ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Gender </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Male </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> <Td> 100 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Female </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Ethnicity </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> White </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 56 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Black </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 35 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Hispanic </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> State </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 30 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Arkansas </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 17 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Alabama </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Florida </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ohio </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Virginia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Georgia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Missouri </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Month </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> January </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 17 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> February </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> March </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> April </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 17 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> May </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> June </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> July </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> August </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> September </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> October </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> November </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> December </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Age </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 30 - 39 </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 22 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 40 - 49 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 48 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 50 - 59 </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 22 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 60 - 69 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 70 - 79 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Day </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Monday </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 9 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tuesday </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Wednesday </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 30 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Thursday </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 43 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Friday </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Saturday </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr>
The last person to be executed in the US was
[ "Ruben Cardenas Ramirez" ]
Who was last person to be executed in us?
<Td> $21.6 bn </Td> <Td> $70.7 bn </Td> <Td> $2,488 </Td> <Td> 5.5 % </Td> <Td> $1.0 bn </Td> <Td> $10 mln </Td> <Td> $5,439 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> 66 % ( age 15 ) </Td> <Td> 68 </Td> <Td> 25.2 % </Td> <Td> 98 % </Td> <Td> 67 % </Td> <Td> 7.8 % </Td> <Td> 0.548 <P> ( 145 ) </P> </Td> <Td> 4.77 <P> ( 105 ) </P> </Td> <Td> 4.791 <P> ( 32 ) </P> </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Pakistan </Td> <Td> 193,203,476 </Td> <Td> $250 bn </Td> <Td> $928.0 bn </Td> <Td> $4,886 </Td> <Td> 4.2 % </Td> <Td> $25.1 bn </Td> <Td> $0.709 bn ( 2014 ) </Td> <Td> $16,305 </Td> <Td> $7.4 bn ( 3.5 % ) </Td> <Td> 55 % ( age 15 ) </Td> <Td> 66 </Td> <Td> 22.6 % </Td> <Td> 72 % </Td> <Td> 34 % </Td> <Td> 22 % </Td> <Td> 0.538 <P> ( 147 ) </P> </Td> <Td> 4.40 <P> ( 112 ) </P> </Td> <Td> 10 <P> ( 1 ) </P> </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Sri Lanka </Td> <Td> 20,798,492 </Td> <Td> $80.4 bn </Td> <Td> $233.7 bn </Td> <Td> $11,068 </Td> <Td> 7 % </Td> <Td> $11.8 bn </Td> <Td> $0.9 bn </Td> <Td> $8,314 </Td> <Td> $1.4 bn ( 2.3 % ) </Td> <Td> 98.1 % ( age 15 ) </Td> <Td> 75 </Td> <Td> 8.9 % </Td> <Td> 94 % </Td> <Td> 99 % </Td> <Td> 22 % </Td> <Td> 0.756 <P> ( 73 ) </P> </Td> <Td> 6.42 <P> ( 69 ) </P> </Td> <Td> 4.077 <P> ( 42 ) </P> </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✔ </Td> <Td> ✖ </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The member states are Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Maldives , Nepal , Pakistan , and Sri Lanka . </P> <P> SAARC was founded by seven states in 1985 . In 2005 , Afghanistan began negotiating their accession to SAARC and formally applied for membership on the same year . The issue of Afghanistan joining SAARC generated a great deal of debate in each member state , including concerns about the definition of South Asian identity because Afghanistan is a Central Asian country . </P> <P> The SAARC member states imposed a stipulation for Afghanistan to hold a general election ; the non-partisan elections were held in late 2005 . Despite initial reluctance and internal debates , Afghanistan joined SAARC as its eighth member state in April 2007 . </P> <H3> Observers ( edit ) </H3> <P> States with observer status include Australia , China , the European Union , Iran , Japan , Mauritius , Myanmar , South Korea and the United States . </P> <P> On 2 August 2006 , the foreign ministers of the SAARC countries agreed in principle to grant observer status to three applicants ; the US and South Korea ( both made requests in April 2006 ) , as well as the European Union ( requested in July 2006 ) . On 4 March 2007 , Iran requested observer status , followed shortly by Mauritius . </P> <H3> Potential future members ( edit ) </H3> <P> Myanmar has expressed interest in upgrading its status from an observer to a full member of SAARC . Russia has applied for observer status membership of SAARC . Turkey applied for observer status membership of SAARC in 2012 . South Africa has participated in meetings . </P> <H2> Secretariat ( edit ) </H2> Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation in Kathmandu , Nepal <P> The SAARC Secretariat was established in Kathmandu on 16 January 1987 and was inaugurated by Late King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah of Nepal . </P> <H3> Regional Centres ( edit ) </H3> <P> The SAARC Secretariat is supported by following Regional Centres established in the Member States to promote regional co-operation . These Centres are managed by Governing Boards comprising representatives from all the Member States , SAARC Secretary - General and the Ministry of Foreign / External Affairs of the Host Government . The Director of the Centre acts as Member Secretary to the Governing Board which reports to the Programming Committee . After 31 December 2015 , there 6 regional centers were stopped by unanimous decision . These are SMRC , SFC , SDC , SCZMC , SIC , SHRDC . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Regional Centre </Th> <Th> Location </Th> <Th> Country </Th> <Th> Website </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Agricultural Centre ( SAC ) </Td> <Td> Dhaka </Td> <Td> Bangladesh </Td> <Td> Official website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Meteorological Research Centre ( SMRC ) </Td> <Td> Dhaka </Td> <Td> Bangladesh </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Forestry Centre ( SFC ) </Td> <Td> Thimphu </Td> <Td> Bhutan </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Development Fund ( SDF ) </Td> <Td> Thimphu </Td> <Td> Bhutan </Td> <Td> Official website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Documentation Centre ( SDC ) </Td> <Td> New Delhi </Td> <Td> India </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Disaster Management Centre ( SDMC ) </Td> <Td> Gandhinagar </Td> <Td> India </Td> <Td> Official website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Coastal Zone Management Centre ( SCZMC ) </Td> <Td> Malé </Td> <Td> Maldives </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Information Centre ( SIC ) </Td> <Td> Kathmandu </Td> <Td> Nepal </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS Centre ( STAC ) </Td> <Td> Kathmandu
The last member to join the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is
[ "Afghanistan" ]
Which country is the last member of saarc?
. It stars Neil Patrick Harris , Patrick Warburton , Malina Weissman , Louis Hynes , K. Todd Freeman , and Presley Smith with Lucy Punch , Avi Lake , and Dylan Kingwell joining the cast in the second season . </P> <P> The first season , which premiered on January 13 , 2017 , consists of eight episodes and adapts the first four books of the series . The second season was ordered in March 2017 and released on March 30 , 2018 . A Series of Unfortunate Events was renewed for a third season in April 2017 , which will consist of seven episodes and adapt the remaining four books . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Premise </Li> <Li> 2 Cast and characters <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Main </Li> <Li> 2.2 Recurring </Li> <Li> 2.3 Guest <Ul> <Li> 2.3. 1 Introduced in season 1 </Li> <Li> 2.3. 2 Introduced in season 2 </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Episodes <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Season 1 ( 2017 ) </Li> <Li> 3.2 Season 2 ( 2018 ) </Li> <Li> 3.3 Season 3 </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Production <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Development </Li> <Li> 4.2 Casting </Li> <Li> 4.3 Filming </Li> <Li> 4.4 Music </Li> <Li> 4.5 Visual effects </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Release <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Marketing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Audience viewership </Li> <Li> 6.2 Critical response <Ul> <Li> 6.2. 1 Season 1 </Li> <Li> 6.2. 2 Season 2 </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Awards and nominations </Li> <Li> 8 Notes </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> Premise </H2> <P> When a mysterious fire kills their parents , the Baudelaire children are placed into the care of their distant relative Count Olaf , an actor who is determined to claim the family fortune for himself . Following Olaf 's failed attempt and his plot being exposed , the Baudelaires set out to elude Olaf and uncover the mystery behind a secret society from their parents ' past . </P> <H2> Cast and characters </H2> See also : List of A Series of Unfortunate Events characters <H3> Main </H3> <Ul> <Li> Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf , an actor determined to claim the Baudelaire fortune for himself . He has one eyebrow and a tattoo resembling an eye on his left ankle , which is frequently used to identify him when he is disguised . </Li> <Li> Patrick Warburton as Lemony Snicket , the narrator tasked with explaining the events during the lives of the Baudelaires . </Li> <Li> Malina Weissman as Violet Baudelaire , the eldest Baudelaire sibling and an inventor talented in mechanics . </Li> <Li> Louis Hynes as Klaus Baudelaire , the middle Baudelaire child , interested in literature and books . </Li> <Li> K. Todd Freeman as Arthur Poe , the family banker and executor of the Baudelaire parents who is in charge of placing the Baudelaires in the care of a suitable guardian . </Li> <Li> Presley Smith as Sunny Baudelaire , the infant child of the Baudelaires with unnaturally strong teeth . Tara Strong voices Sunny 's babbling , the meaning of which is often translated in subtitles . </Li> <Li> Lucy Punch as Esmé Squalor , a wealthy financial advisor , who becomes an ally and love interest for Count Olaf . </Li> <Li> Avi Lake as Isadora Quagmire , Duncan and Quigley 's sister who loves writing poetry . </Li> <Li> Dylan Kingwell as Duncan Quagmire , Isadora 's brother . Duncan is a keen journalist . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Recurring </H3> <Ul> <Li> Will Arnett as Father , a man who is trying to return home to his three children . </Li> <Li> Cobie Smulders as Mother , a woman who is trying to return home to her three children . </Li> <Li> Usman Ally as the Hook - Handed Man , a member of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe with hooks instead of hands . </Li> <Li> Matty Cardarople as the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender , another member of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe . </Li> <Li> Cleo King as Eleanora Poe , Arthur Poe 's wife and the editor - in - chief of The Daily Punctilio , who loves pursuing sensationalist headlines . </Li> <Li> John DeSantis as the Bald Man , a large bald - headed man who is another member of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe . </Li> <Li> Jacqueline and Joyce Robbins as the White - Faced Women , two elderly twins who are members of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe . </Li> <Li> Sara Canning as Jacquelyn , Mr. Poe 's standoffish assistant and a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society . She possesses a spyglass . </Li> <Li> Patrick Breen as Larry Your - Waiter , a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society who is seen working as a waiter at various establishments the Baudelaires visit , including the Anxious Clown and Café Salmonella . </Li> <Li> Sara Rue as Olivia Caliban , a librarian at Prufrock Preparatory School who later enlists as a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society when she becomes invested in the Baudelaires ' plight . </Li> <Li> Nathan Fillion as Jacques Snicket , the dashing adventurer brother of Lemony Snicket who enlists Olivia Caliban to help the Baudelaires . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Guest </H3> Introduced in season 1 <Ul> <Li> Joan Cusack as Justice Strauss , a judge and Count Olaf 's neighbor who helps the Baudelaires and is hopeful to adopt them . </Li> <Li> Luke Camilleri as Gustav Sebald , a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society and Monty 's former assistant . </Li> <Li> Aasif Mandvi as Montgomery `` Uncle Monty '' Montgomery , a distant relative of the Baudelaires and enthusiastic herpetologist who claims to have spent his childhood with their late parents . He is a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society and possesses a spyglass . </Li> <Li> Alfre Woodard as Aunt Josephine Anwhistle ,
In Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, the role of Sonny was played by
[ "Presley Smith" ]
Who played sonny in lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events?
working age </Li> <Li> Minimum driving age </Li> <Li> Marriageable age </Li> <Li> Minor ( law ) </Li> <Li> Minors and abortion </Li> <Li> School leaving age </Li> <Li> Smoking age </Li> <Li> Status offense </Li> <Li> Underage drinking in America </Li> <Li> Voting age </Li> <Li> Youth - adult partnership </Li> <Li> Youth participation </Li> <Li> Youth politics </Li> <Li> Youth voting </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Organizations ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions </Li> <Li> Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission </Li> <Li> National Youth Rights Association </Li> <Li> One World Youth Project </Li> <Li> Queer Youth Network </Li> <Li> Students for a Democratic Society </Li> <Li> Freechild Project </Li> <Li> Three O'Clock Lobby </Li> <Li> Youth International Party </Li> <Li> Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor </Li> <Li> Young Communist League of Canada </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Persons ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Adam Fletcher ( activist ) </Li> <Li> David J. Hanson </Li> <Li> David Joseph Henry </Li> <Li> John Caldwell Holt </Li> <Li> Alex Koroknay - Palicz </Li> <Li> Lyn Duff </Li> <Li> Mike A. Males </Li> <Li> Neil Postman </Li> <Li> Sonia Yaco </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Related ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Animal rights </Li> <Li> Anti-racism </Li> <Li> Direct democracy </Li> <Li> Egalitarianism </Li> <Li> Feminism </Li> <Li> Libertarianism </Li> <Li> Socialism </Li> <Li> Students rights </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Youth rights </Li> <Li> Social movements portal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ( commonly abbreviated as the CRC or UNCRC ) is a human rights treaty which sets out the civil , political , economic , social , health and cultural rights of children . The Convention defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen , unless the age of majority is attained earlier under national legislation . </P> <P> Nations that ratify this convention are bound to it by international law . Compliance is monitored by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child , which is composed of members from countries around the world . Once a year , the Committee submits a report to the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly , which also hears a statement from the CRC Chair , and the Assembly adopts a Resolution on the Rights of the Child . </P> <P> Governments of countries that have ratified the Convention are required to report to , and appear before , the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child periodically to be examined on their progress with regards to the advancement of the implementation of the Convention and the status of child rights in their country . Their reports and the committee 's written views and concerns are available on the committee 's website . </P> <P> The UN General Assembly adopted the Convention and opened it for signature on 20 November 1989 ( the 30th anniversary of its Declaration of the Rights of the Child ) . It came into force on 2 September 1990 , after it was ratified by the required number of nations . Currently , 196 countries are party to it , including every member of the United Nations except the United States . </P> <P> Two optional protocols were adopted on 25 May 2000 . The First Optional Protocol restricts the involvement of children in military conflicts , and the Second Optional Protocol prohibits the sale of children , child prostitution and child pornography . Both protocols have been ratified by more than 160 states . </P> <P> A third optional protocol relating to communication of complaints was adopted in December 2011 and opened for signature on 28 February 2012 . It came into effect on 14 April 2014 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Contents <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Global standards and cultural relativism </Li> <Li> 1.2 Child marriage and slavery </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 States party and signatories <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Canada </Li> <Li> 2.2 India </Li> <Li> 2.3 Iran </Li> <Li> 2.4 Ireland </Li> <Li> 2.5 Israel </Li> <Li> 2.6 New Zealand </Li> <Li> 2.7 Saudi Arabia </Li> <Li> 2.8 United Kingdom </Li> <Li> 2.9 United States </Li> <Li> 2.10 Azerbaijan </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Optional protocols </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Contents ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Convention deals with the child - specific needs and rights . It requires that the `` nations that ratify this convention are bound to it by international law '' . Ratifying states must act in the best interests of the child . In all jurisdictions implementing the Convention requires compliance with child custody and guardianship laws as that every child has basic rights , including the right to life , to their own name and identity , to be raised by their parents within a family or cultural grouping , and to have a relationship with both parents , even if they are separated . </P> <P> The Convention obliges states to allow parents to exercise their parental responsibilities . The Convention also acknowledges that children have the right to express their opinions and to have those opinions heard and acted upon when appropriate , to be protected from abuse or exploitation , and to have their privacy protected , and it requires that their lives not be subject to excessive interference . </P> <P> The Convention also obliges signatory states to provide separate legal representation for a child in any judicial dispute concerning their care and asks that the child 's viewpoint be heard in such cases . </P> <P> The Convention forbids capital punishment for children . In its General Comment 8 ( 2006 ) the Committee on the Rights of the Child stated that there was an `` obligation of all state parties to move quickly to prohibit and
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was created on
[ "20 November 1989" ]
When was united nations convention on the rights of the child created?
Code talker - wikipedia <H1> Code talker </H1> This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 23 April 2018 . Jump to : navigation , search `` Codetalkers '' redirects here . For the band , see The Codetalkers . For the Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain character , see List of characters in the Metal Gear series § Code Talker . Choctaw soldiers in training in World War I for coded radio and telephone transmissions <P> Code talkers are people in the 20th century who used obscure languages as a means of secret communication during wartime . The term is now usually associated with the United States service members during the world wars who used their knowledge of Native American languages as a basis to transmit coded messages . In particular , there were approximately 400 -- 500 Native Americans in the United States Marine Corps whose primary job was the transmission of secret tactical messages . Code talkers transmitted these messages over military telephone or radio communications nets using formal or informally developed codes built upon their native languages . Their service improved the speed of encryption of communications at both ends in front line operations during World War II . </P> <P> The name code talkers is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo speakers specially recruited during World War II by the Marines to serve in their standard communications units in the Pacific Theater . Code talking , however , was pioneered by the Cherokee and Choctaw peoples during World War I . </P> <P> Other Native American code talkers were deployed by the United States Army during World War II , including Lakota , Meskwaki , and Comanche soldiers . Soldiers of Basque ancestry were also used for code talking by the U.S. Marines during World War II in areas where other Basque speakers were not expected to be operating . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Assiniboine code talkers </Li> <Li> 2 Basque code talkers </Li> <Li> 3 Cherokee code talkers </Li> <Li> 4 Choctaw code talkers </Li> <Li> 5 Comanche code talkers </Li> <Li> 6 Cree code talkers </Li> <Li> 7 Meskwaki code talkers </Li> <Li> 8 Navajo code talkers </Li> <Li> 9 Nubian code talkers </Li> <Li> 10 Seminole code talkers </Li> <Li> 11 Welsh code talkers </Li> <Li> 12 Wenzhou code talkers </Li> <Li> 13 Cryptographic properties </Li> <Li> 14 Post-war recognition </Li> <Li> 15 Gallery </Li> <Li> 16 See also </Li> <Li> 17 Notes </Li> <Li> 18 References </Li> <Li> 19 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Assiniboine code talkers ( edit ) </H2> <P> Members of the Assiniboine served as code talkers during World War II , utilizing the Assiniboine language to encrypt communications . The code talkers included Gilbert Horn Sr. , who grew up in the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation of Montana and later became a tribal judge and politician . </P> <H2> Basque code talkers ( edit ) </H2> <P> In November 1952 , Euzko Deya magazine reported that in May 1942 , upon meeting about 60 U.S. Marines of Basque ancestry in a San Francisco camp , Captain Frank D. Carranza conceived the idea of using the Basque language for codes . His superiors were wary as there were known settlements of Basque in the Pacific region . There were 35 Basque Jesuits in Hiroshima , led by Pedro Arrupe . In China and the Philippines , there was a colony of Basque jai alai players , and there were Basque supporters of Falange in Asia . The American Basque code talkers were kept away from these theaters ; they were initially used in tests and in transmitting logistic information for Hawaii and Australia . </P> <P> According to Euzko Deya , on August 1 , 1942 , Lieutenants Nemesio Aguirre , Fernández Bakaicoa and Juanana received a Basque - coded message from San Diego for Admiral Chester Nimitz , warning him of the upcoming Operation Apple to remove the Japanese from the Solomon Islands . They also translated the start date , August 7 , for the attack on Guadalcanal . As the war extended over the Pacific , there was a shortage of Basque speakers and the US military came to prefer the parallel program based on the use of Navajo speakers . </P> <P> In 2017 , Pedro Oiarzabal and Guillermo Tabernilla published a study refuting Euzko Deya 's article . According to Oiarzabal and Tabernilla , they could not find Carranza , Aguirre , Fernández Bakaicoa or Juanana in the NARA or US Army archives . They find a small number of US Marines with Basque surnames , none of them in transmissions . They suggest that Carranza 's story was an OSS operation to raise sympathy for the US intelligence among Basque nationalists . </P> <H2> Cherokee code talkers ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first known use of Native Americans in the American military to transmit messages under fire was a group of Cherokee troops used by the American 30th Infantry Division serving alongside the British during the Second Battle of the Somme in World War I . According to the Division Signal Officer , this took place in September 1918 . Their unit was under British command at the time . </P> <H2> Choctaw code talkers ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Choctaw code talkers <P> During World War I , company commander Captain Lawrence of the U.S. Army overheard Solomon Louis and Mitchell Bobb conversing in the Choctaw language . He found eight Choctaw men in the battalion . Eventually , fourteen Choctaw men in the Army 's 36th Infantry Division trained to use their language in code . They helped the American Expeditionary Forces win several key battles in the Meuse - Argonne Offensive in France , during the final large German push of the war . Within 24 hours of the Choctaw language being pressed into service , the tide of the battle had turned . In less than 72 hours , the Germans were retreating and the Allies
The Code Talkers were
[ "Native Americans in the United States Marine Corps whose primary job was the transmission of secret tactical messages" ]
Who were the code talkers and what did they do?
advocacy organisations </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Britain in Europe </Li> <Li> British Influence </Li> <Li> Business for New Europe </Li> <Li> New Europeans </Li> <Li> Nucleus </Li> <Li> People 's Vote </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Pejorative term for pro-EU advocacy </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Project Fear </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Media coverage </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Brexit : The Movie </Li> <Li> In or Out </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Aftermath </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Results </Li> <Li> International reactions </Li> <Li> Terms of Withdrawal from EU ( Referendum ) Bill 2016 - 17 </Li> <Li> 2016 Conservative Party election </Li> <Li> 2016 Labour Party election </Li> <Li> 2017 Liberal Democrats Party election </Li> <Li> Proposed second Scottish independence referendum </Li> <Li> The New European </Li> <Li> European Union ( Withdrawal ) Bill </Li> <Li> Gibraltar </Li> <Li> 2017 General Election </Li> <Li> UK 's relations with EU after 2019 </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Triggering of Article 50 & Negotiations </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> R ( Miller ) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union ' </Li> <Li> EU ( Notification of Withdrawal ) Act 2017 </Li> <Li> UK invocation of Article 50 </Li> <Li> Brexit negotiations </Li> <Li> Department for Exiting the EU ( Brexit Department ) <Ul> <Li> Secretary of State ( Brexit Secretary ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Department for International Trade <Ul> <Li> Secretary of State ( International Trade Secretary ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Post-referendum organisations </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Change Britain </Li> <Li> More United </Li> <Li> Open Britain </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Campaigning for second referendum </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> People 's Vote </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Britain for Europe </Li> <Li> European Movement UK </Li> <Li> For our Future 's Sake </Li> <Li> Healthier IN </Li> <Li> InFacts </Li> <Li> Open Britain </Li> <Li> Our Future Our Choice </Li> <Li> Scientists for EU </Li> <Li> Wales for Europe </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> See also </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> United Ireland </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Part of a series on the </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> History of the United Kingdom </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Timeline ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Georgian period <Ul> <Li> Napoleonic Wars </Li> <Li> Regency period </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Victorian period </Li> <Li> Edwardian period </Li> <Li> First World War </Li> <Li> Interwar period </Li> <Li> Second World War </Li> <Li> Post-war period ( political history ) <Ul> <Li> Brexit </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Post-war period ( social history ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Topics ( show ) <Ul> <Li> History of women </Li> <Li> Military history </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> United Kingdom portal </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Brexit ( / ˈbrɛksɪt , ˈbrɛɡzɪt / ) is the prospective withdrawal of the United Kingdom ( UK ) from the European Union ( EU ) . </P> <P> In a referendum on 23 June 2016 , 51.9 % of the participating UK electorate voted to leave the EU , out of a turnout of 72.2 % . On 29 March 2017 , the UK government invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union . The UK is thus due to leave the EU at midnight on 30 March 2019 Central European Time ( 11 pm on 29 March 2019 GMT ) . </P> <P> Prime Minister Theresa May announced that the UK would not seek permanent membership of the single market or the customs union after leaving the EU and promised to repeal the European Communities Act of 1972 and incorporate existing European Union law into UK domestic law . A new government department , the Department for Exiting the European Union ( DExEU ) , was created in July 2016 , with Eurosceptic David Davis appointed its first Secretary of State . Negotiations with the EU officially started in June 2017 . </P> <P> The UK joined the European Communities ( EC ) in 1973 , with membership confirmed by a referendum in 1975 . In the 1970s and 1980s , withdrawal from the EC was advocated mainly by Labour Party members and trade union figures . From the 1990s , the main advocates of withdrawal were the newly founded UK Independence Party ( UKIP ) and an increasing number of Eurosceptic Conservative Party members . </P> <P> There is strong agreement among economists and a broad consensus in existing economic research that Brexit is likely to reduce UK 's real per - capita income in the medium and long - term . Studies on effects that have already materialised since the referendum show annual losses of £ 404 for the average British household and a loss of 1.3 % of UK GDP . Brexit is likely to reduce immigration from European Economic Area ( EEA ) countries to the UK , and poses challenges for UK higher education and academic research . The size of the `` divorce bill '' , Britain 's international agreements , relations with the Republic of Ireland , and the borders with France and between Gibraltar and Spain are uncertain . The precise impact on the UK depends on whether it is a `` hard '' Brexit or a `` soft '' Brexit . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Terminology </Li> <Li> 2 Background <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Referendum Party and UKIP </Li> <Li> 2.2 Opinion polls 1977 -- 2015 </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Referendum of 2016 <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Negotiations for EU reform </Li> <Li> 3.2 Campaign groups </Li> <Li> 3.3 Referendum result </Li> <Li> 3.4 Political effects </Li> <Li> 3.5 Explanations for the referendum outcome </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Procedure for leaving the EU <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Reversibility </Li> <Li> 4.2 Date of Brexit </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Negotiations <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Timing </Li> <Li> 5.2 History </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Post-Article 50 British legislation <Ul> <Li> 6.1 European Union ( Withdrawal )
We decided to leave the EU on
[ "23 June 2016" ]
When did we decide to leave the eu?
History of the world 's tallest buildings - wikipedia <H1> History of the world 's tallest buildings </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article 's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia 's policies or guidelines . Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links , and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The tallest building in the world as of 2018 is Burj Khalifa . Before Burj Khalifa , the title of `` world 's tallest building '' has been borne by various buildings , such as Rouen Cathedral and the Empire State Building . </P> <P> The skyscraper was invented in Chicago in 1884 . For the next hundred years , the world 's tallest building was always in the United States with New York City accumulating 86 years , and Chicago accumulating 30 years . After just over a century ( 1885 -- 1998 ) the distinction moved to the Eastern Hemisphere . Malaysia was the first country to break United States ' record of building tallest buildings in the world by building Petronas Twin Towers in 1998 , which held the record for 6 years before losing it to Taipei 101 in 2004 . Before the current era of commercial skyscrapers , there was an era where the tallest buildings were Christian churches / cathedrals ( c. 1250 -- 1901 ) , dominated by England and Germanic territories . </P> <P> Before this time , it is not possible to conclusively state what was the tallest building in the world . For instance , the Lighthouse of Alexandria ( completed about 280 BC ) was very tall , but its true height is not known . For thousands of years , the Great Pyramid in Egypt was the tallest structure in the world , but the Great Pyramid is not considered a building since it was not habitable . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Definition of terms <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Meaning of `` building '' </Li> <Li> 1.2 Determination of height </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Tallest buildings ( 13th century -- 1901 ) <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Churches and cathedrals </Li> <Li> 2.2 Skyscrapers </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Tallest buildings ( from 1908 ) </Li> <Li> 4 Charts <Ul> <Li> 4.1 1870 -- present </Li> <Li> 4.2 1300 -- present </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 History of increment in height of skyscrapers </Li> <Li> 6 History of supertall skyscrapers by location </Li> <Li> 7 Increment in usage of skyscrapers </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 Notes </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Definition of terms ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Meaning of `` building '' ( edit ) </H3> <P> The earliest structures now known to be the tallest in the world were the Egyptian pyramids , with the Great Pyramid of Giza , at an original height of 146.5 metres ( 481 ft ) , being the tallest man -- made structure in the world for over 3,800 years , until the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in 1300 . From then until the completion of the Washington Monument ( capped in 1884 ) the world 's tallest buildings were churches or cathedrals . Later , the Eiffel Tower and , still later , some radio masts and television towers were the world 's tallest structures . </P> <P> However , though all of these are structures , some are not buildings in the sense of being regularly inhabited or occupied . It is in this sense of being regularly inhabited or occupied that the term `` building '' is generally understood to mean when determining what is the world 's tallest building . The non-profit international organization Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat ( CTBUH ) , which maintains a set of criteria for determining the height of tall buildings , defines a `` building '' as `` ( A ) structure that is designed for residential , business or manufacturing purposes '' and `` has floors '' . </P> <P> Tall churches and cathedrals occupy a middle ground : their lower areas are regularly occupied , but much of their height is in bell towers and spires which are not . Whether a church or cathedral is a `` building '' or merely a `` structure '' for the purposes of determining the title of `` world 's tallest building '' is a subjective matter of definition ( this article treats churches and cathedrals as buildings ) . </P> <H3> Determination of height ( edit ) </H3> <P> The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat based in Chicago uses three different criteria for determining the height of a tall building , each of which may give a different result . `` Height of the highest floor '' is one criterion , and `` height to the top of any part of the building '' is another , but the default criterion used by the CTBUH is `` height of the architectural top of the building '' , which includes spires but not antennae , masts or flag poles . </P> <H2> Tallest buildings ( 13th century -- 1901 ) ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Churches and cathedrals ( edit ) </H3> Tallest buildings diagram from 1850 <P> From the 13th century until 1901 , the world 's tallest building was always a church or cathedral . In the 13th century Old St Paul 's Cathedral with its spire was completed . Completed in the early 14th century , the central spire of Lincoln Cathedral
The tallest building in the world of all time is the
[ "Burj Khalifa" ]
Tallest building in the world of all time?
Cynthia </Li> <Li> 2.4 Sister Winifred </Li> <Li> 2.5 Beatrix `` Trixie '' Franklin </Li> <Li> 2.6 Shelagh Turner </Li> <Li> 2.7 Camilla `` Chummy '' Noakes ( née Fortescue - Cholmondeley - Browne ) </Li> <Li> 2.8 Patience `` Patsy '' Mount </Li> <Li> 2.9 Barbara Hereward ( neé Gilbert ) </Li> <Li> 2.10 Phyllis Crane </Li> <Li> 2.11 Delia Busby </Li> <Li> 2.12 Valerie Dyer </Li> <Li> 2.13 Frederick `` Fred '' Buckle </Li> <Li> 2.14 Dr. Patrick Turner </Li> <Li> 2.15 Peter Noakes </Li> <Li> 2.16 Tom Hereward </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Supporting characters <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Timothy Turner </Li> <Li> 3.2 Angela Turner </Li> <Li> 3.3 Edward Turner </Li> <Li> 3.4 Violet Buckle ( neé Gee ) </Li> <Li> 3.5 Christopher Dockerill </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Previous characters <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Nurse Jenny Lee </Li> <Li> 4.2 Sister Evangelina </Li> <Li> 4.3 Sister Ursula </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Previous recurring characters </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Actor </Th> <Th> Character </Th> <Th> Role </Th> <Th colspan="7"> Series </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> 5 </Th> <Th> 6 </Th> <Th> 7 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jessica Raine </Td> <Td> Jenny Lee </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Vanessa Redgrave </Td> <Td> Voice of Jennifer Worth </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jenny Agutter </Td> <Td> Sister Julienne </Td> <Td> Sister - in - charge , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Judy Parfitt </Td> <Td> Sister Monica Joan </Td> <Td> Retired midwife </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Pam Ferris </Td> <Td> Sister Evangelina </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Bryony Hannah </Td> <Td> Sister Mary Cynthia </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="6"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Helen George </Td> <Td> Beatrix `` Trixie '' Franklin </Td> <Td> Senior nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Laura Main </Td> <Td> Shelagh Turner </Td> <Td> Practice manager , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Stephen McGann </Td> <Td> Patrick Turner </Td> <Td> General practitioner </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cliff Parisi </Td> <Td> Frederick `` Fred '' Buckle </Td> <Td> Caretaker </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Max Macmillan </Td> <Td> Timothy `` Tim '' Turner </Td> <Td> Patrick Turner 's son </Td> <Td colspan="7"> Recurring </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Miranda Hart </Td> <Td> Camilla `` Chummy '' Noakes </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ben Caplan </Td> <Td> Peter Noakes </Td> <Td> Police Sergeant </Td> <Td colspan="6"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George Rainsford </Td> <Td> James `` Jimmy '' Wilson </Td> <Td> Friend of Jenny Lee </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cheryl Campbell </Td> <Td> Lady Browne </Td> <Td> Chummy 's mother </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Recurring </Td> <Td> Does not appear </Td> <Td> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Emerald Fennell </Td> <Td> Patience `` Patsy '' Mount </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td> Does not appear </Td> <Td> Guest </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dorothy Atkinson </Td> <Td> Jane Sutton </Td> <Td> Medical orderly </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Leo Starr </Td> <Td> Alec Jesmond </Td> <Td> Boyfriend of Jenny Lee </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Victoria Yeates </Td> <Td> Sister Winifred </Td> <Td> Midwife </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jack Ashton </Td> <Td> Tom Hereward </Td> <Td> Curate </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Alice Brown </Td> <Td> Angela Turner </Td> <Td> Adopted daughter of Shelagh and Patrick Turner </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Recurring </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Charlotte Ritchie </Td> <Td> Barbara Hereward </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Annabelle Apsion </Td> <Td> Violet Buckle </Td> <Td> Wife of Fred Buckle </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Linda Bassett </Td> <Td> Phyllis Crane </Td> <Td> Nursing sister , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kate Lamb </Td> <Td> Delia Busby </Td> <Td> Nurse </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Main </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Maxine Evans </Td> <Td> Mrs Busby </Td> <Td> Delia Busby 's mother </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Harriet Walter </Td> <Td> Sister Ursula </Td> <Td> Sister - in - charge , midwife , nurse </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Recurring </Td> <Td colspan="1"> Does not appear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jennifer Kirby </Td> <Td> Valerie Dyer </Td> <Td> Nurse , midwife </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Main </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jack Hawkins </Td> <Td> Christopher Dockerill </Td> <Td> Dentist </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Recurring </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Daniel Laurie </Td> <Td> Reggie Jackson </Td> <Td> In the care of Fred and Violet Buckle </Td> <Td colspan="5"> Does not appear </Td> <Td colspan="2"> Recurring </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Characters ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Sister Julienne ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Sister Julienne </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Call The Midwife character </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Portrayed by </Th> <Td> Jenny Agutter </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Duration </Th> <Td> 2012 -- </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First appearance </Th> <Td> Series 1 , Episode 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Introduced by </Th> <Td> Jennifer Worth </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Classification </Th> <Td> Present ; regular </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Profile </Th> </Tr>
In the TV show "Call the Midwife", Chummy's mother is played by
[ "Cheryl Campbell" ]
Who plays chummy's mother in call the midwife?
, were the same man , or the same body , whether of the nobles or of the people , to exercise those three powers , that of enacting laws , that of executing the public resolutions , and of trying the causes of individuals . </P> -- The Spirit of the Laws , Book XI <P> Separation of powers requires a different source of legitimization , or a different act of legitimization from the same source , for each of the separate powers . If the legislative branch appoints the executive and judicial powers , as Montesquieu indicated , there will be no separation or division of its powers , since the power to appoint carries with it the power to revoke . </P> <P> The executive power ought to be in the hands of a monarch , because this branch of government , having need of dispatch , is better administered by one than by many : on the other hand , whatever depends on the legislative power , is oftentimes better regulated by many than by a single person . </P> <P> But , if there were no monarch , and the executive power should be committed to a certain number of persons , selected from the legislative body , there would be an end of liberty , by reason the two powers would be united ; as the same persons would sometimes possess , and would be always able to possess , a share in both . </P> -- The Spirit of the Laws , Book XI <P> Montesquieu did actually specify that the independence of the judiciary has to be real , and not merely apparent . The judiciary was generally seen as the most important of the three powers , independent and unchecked , while also likely to claim to be the least dangerous one . </P> <H3> Checks and balances ( edit ) </H3> <P> Checks and balances is the principle that each of the Branches has the power to limit or check the other two and this creates a balance between the three separate powers of the state , this principle induces that the ambitions of one branch prevent that one of the other branches become supreme , and thus be eternally confronting each other and in that process leaving the people free from government abuses . Checks and Balances are designed to maintain the system of separation of powers keeping each branch in its place . This is based on the idea that it is not enough to separate the powers and guarantee their independence but to give the various branches the constitutional means to defend their own legitimate powers from the encroachments of the other branches . They guarantee that the powers of the State have the same weight ( co-equal ) , that is , to be balanced , so that they can limit each other , avoiding the abuse of state power . the origin of checks and balances , like separation of powers itself , is specifically credited to Montesquieu in the Enlightenment ( in The Spirit of the Laws , 1748 ) , under this influence was implemented in 1787 in the Constitution of the United States . </P> <P> The following example of the separation of powers and their mutual checks and balances for the experience of the United States Constitution is presented as illustrative of the general principles applied in similar forms of government as well . </P> <P> `` But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department , consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others . The provision for defense must in this , as in all other cases , be made commensurate to the danger of attack . Ambition must be made to counteract ambition . The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place . It may be a reflection on human nature , that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government . But what is government itself , but the greatest of all reflections on human nature ? If men were angels , no government would be necessary . If angels were to govern men , neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary . In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men , the great difficulty lies in this : you must first enable the government to control the governed ; and in the next place oblige it to control itself . '' </P> <P> `` A dependence on the people is , no doubt , the primary control on the government ; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions . This policy of supplying , by opposite and rival interests , the defect of better motives , might be traced through the whole system of human affairs , private as well as public . We see it particularly displayed in all the subordinate distributions of power , where the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that each may be a check on the other that the private interest of every individual may be a sentinel over the public rights . These inventions of prudence can not be less requisite in the distribution of the supreme powers of the State . '' </P> -- James Madison , The Federalist Papers No. 51 , <Table> <Tr> <Th> Legislative ( Congress ) </Th> <Th> Executive ( President ) </Th> <Th> Judicial ( Supreme Court ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Passes bills ; has broad taxing and spending power ; regulates inter-state commerce ; controls the federal budget ; has power to borrow money on the credit of the United States ( may be vetoed by President , but vetoes may be overridden with a two - thirds vote of both houses ) </Li> <Li> Has sole power to declare war ,
The concept of separation of powers and checks and balances was created by
[ "Montesquieu in the Enlightenment" ]
Who created separation of powers and checks and balances?
people . Starting from this draft , compensatory picks could be traded . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early entrants </Li> <Li> 2 Player selections </Li> <Li> 3 Summary <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Selections by college athletic conference </Li> <Li> 3.2 Schools with multiple draft selections </Li> <Li> 3.3 Selections by position </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Trades </Li> <Li> 5 Forfeited / penalized picks </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> </Ul> <H2> Early entrants ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of 2017 NFL Draft early entrants <P> In order to be eligible to enter the draft , players must be at least three years removed from high school . The deadline for underclassmen to declare for the draft was January 16 , 2017 . </P> <P> The following is the breakdown of the 253 players selected by position : </P> <Ul> <Li> 34 Cornerbacks </Li> <Li> 32 Wide receivers </Li> <Li> 29 Linebackers </Li> <Li> 26 Running backs </Li> <Li> 25 Defensive ends </Li> <Li> 23 Safeties </Li> <Li> 20 Defensive tackles </Li> <Li> 16 Offensive tackles </Li> <Li> 14 Tight ends </Li> <Li> 11 Offensive guards </Li> <Li> 10 Quarterbacks </Li> <Li> 6 Centers </Li> <Li> 3 Placekickers </Li> <Li> 3 Fullbacks </Li> <Li> 1 Long snapper </Li> </Ul> <H2> Player selections ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Jump to round : 2 3 4 5 6 7 <Table> <Tr> <Td> * </Td> <Td> = compensatory selection </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> † </Td> <Td> = Pro Bowler </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> <Td> <Table> Positions key <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Center </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> CB </Td> <Td> Cornerback </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> DB </Td> <Td> Defensive back </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> DE </Td> <Td> Defensive end </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> DL </Td> <Td> Defensive lineman </Td> <Td> DT </Td> <Td> Defensive tackle </Td> <Td> FB </Td> <Td> Fullback </Td> <Td> FS </Td> <Td> Free safety </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Guard </Td> <Td> HB </Td> <Td> Halfback </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Placekicker </Td> <Td> KR </Td> <Td> Kick returner </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> LB </Td> <Td> Linebacker </Td> <Td> LS </Td> <Td> Long snapper </Td> <Td> OT </Td> <Td> Offensive tackle </Td> <Td> OL </Td> <Td> Offensive lineman </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> NT </Td> <Td> Nose tackle </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Punter </Td> <Td> PR </Td> <Td> Punt returner </Td> <Td> QB </Td> <Td> Quarterback </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> RB </Td> <Td> Running back </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Safety </Td> <Td> SS </Td> <Td> Strong safety </Td> <Td> TB </Td> <Td> Tailback </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> TE </Td> <Td> Tight end </Td> <Td> WR </Td> <Td> Wide receiver </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> Rnd . </Th> <Th> Pick # </Th> <Th> NFL team </Th> <Th> Player </Th> <Th> Pos . </Th> <Th> College </Th> <Th> Conf . </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Td> Cleveland Browns </Td> <Td> Garrett , Myles Myles Garrett </Td> <Td> DE </Td> <Td> Texas A&M </Td> <Td> SEC </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Td> Chicago Bears </Td> <Td> Trubisky , Mitchell Mitchell Trubisky </Td> <Td> QB </Td> <Td> North Carolina </Td> <Td> ACC </Td> <Td> from San Francisco </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Td> San Francisco 49ers </Td> <Td> Thomas , Solomon Solomon Thomas </Td> <Td> DE </Td> <Td> Stanford </Td> <Td> Pac - 12 </Td> <Td> from Chicago </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Td> Jacksonville Jaguars </Td> <Td> Fournette , Leonard Leonard Fournette </Td> <Td> RB </Td> <Td> LSU </Td> <Td> SEC </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> Tennessee Titans </Td> <Td> Davis , Corey Corey Davis </Td> <Td> WR </Td> <Td> Western Michigan </Td> <Td> MAC </Td> <Td> from LA Rams </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> New York Jets </Td> <Td> Adams , Jamal Jamal Adams </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> LSU </Td> <Td> SEC </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 7 </Th> <Td> Los Angeles Chargers </Td> <Td> Williams , Mike Mike Williams </Td> <Td> WR </Td> <Td> Clemson </Td> <Td> ACC </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 8 </Th> <Td> Carolina Panthers </Td> <Td> McCaffrey , Christian Christian McCaffrey </Td> <Td> RB </Td> <Td> Stanford </Td> <Td> Pac - 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 9 </Th> <Td> Cincinnati Bengals </Td> <Td> Ross , John John Ross </Td> <Td> WR </Td> <Td> Washington </Td> <Td> Pac - 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 10 </Th> <Td> Kansas City Chiefs </Td> <Td> Mahomes II , Patrick Patrick Mahomes II </Td> <Td> QB </Td> <Td> Texas Tech </Td> <Td> Big 12 </Td> <Td> from Buffalo </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 11 </Th> <Td> New Orleans Saints </Td> <Td> Lattimore , Marshon Marshon Lattimore </Td> <Td> CB </Td> <Td> Ohio State </Td> <Td> Big Ten </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 12 </Th> <Td> Houston Texans </Td> <Td> Watson , Deshaun Deshaun Watson </Td> <Td> QB </Td> <Td> Clemson </Td> <Td> ACC </Td> <Td> from Philadelphia via Cleveland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 13 </Th> <Td> Arizona Cardinals </Td> <Td> Reddick , Haason Haason Reddick </Td> <Td> LB </Td> <Td> Temple </Td> <Td> The American </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 14 </Th> <Td> Philadelphia Eagles </Td> <Td> Barnett , Derek Derek Barnett </Td> <Td> DE </Td> <Td> Tennessee </Td> <Td> SEC </Td> <Td> from Minnesota </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 15 </Th> <Td> Indianapolis Colts </Td> <Td> Hooker , Malik Malik Hooker </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Ohio State </Td> <Td> Big Ten </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Th> </Th> <Th> 16 </Th> <Td> Baltimore Ravens </Td> <Td> Humphrey , Marlon Marlon Humphrey </Td> <Td> CB </Td> <Td> Alabama </Td> <Td> SEC </Td> <Td>
The NFL's first draft pick in 2017 was
[ "Myles Garrett" ]
Who was the nfl first draft pick 2017?
Freedom of religion in Nepal - wikipedia <H1> Freedom of religion in Nepal </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay that states a Wikipedia editor 's personal feelings about a topic . Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style . ( January 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article is based on public domain United States government sources and may require cleanup . You can help by rewriting it from a neutral viewpoint to meet Wikipedia 's standards , preferably citing reliable sources . See the talk page . ( March 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Nepal is a secular state under the Interim Constitution , which was promulgated on January 15 , 2007 . The Interim Constitution provides for freedom to practice one 's religion . The Interim Constitution also specifically denies the right to convert another person . The now - defunct constitution of 1990 , which was in effect until January 15 , 2007 , described the country as a `` Hindu Kingdom , '' although it did not establish Hinduism as the state religion . The Government generally did not interfere with the practice of other religious groups , and religious tolerance was broadly observed ; however , there were some restrictions . </P> <P> The Government took positive preliminary steps with respect to religious freedom during the period covered by this report , and government policy contributed to the generally free practice of religion . The Interim Parliament , through the Interim Constitution , officially declared the country a secular state in January 2007 ; however , no laws specifically affecting freedom of religion were changed . Nonetheless , many believed that the declaration made it easier to practice their religion freely . </P> <P> Adherents of the country 's many religious groups generally coexisted peacefully and respected places of worship , although there were reports of societal abuses and discrimination based on religious belief or practice . Those who converted to another religious group at times faced violence and occasionally were ostracized socially but generally did not fear to admit their affiliations in public . But overall , Nepal is viewed as a religiously harmonious place for its state of development . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Religious demography </Li> <Li> 2 Status of religious freedom <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Legal and policy framework </Li> <Li> 2.2 Restrictions on religious freedom </Li> <Li> 2.3 Forced religious conversion </Li> <Li> 2.4 In rebel - held areas during the Nepalese Civil War </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Societal abuses and discrimination </Li> <Li> 4 Atheists in Nepal </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Religious demography ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Religion in Nepal <P> The country has an area of 147,181 square kilometres ( 56,827 sq mi ) and a population of 28 million . Hinduism is reported to be the religion of 81.34 % of the population followed by Buddhism ( 9.04 % ) , Islam ( 4.38 % ) , Kirant ( an indigenous animist religion ) , ( 3.04 % ) , and Christianity ( 1.41 % ) . There are adherents to many other religious groups , whose proportion is small . According to the chairman of the Madrassah Islamiyah Association , there are almost 2,500 madrassahs . Twenty thousand Tibetan Buddhist refugees reside in the country . </P> <H2> Status of religious freedom ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Legal and policy framework ( edit ) </H3> <P> The Interim Constitution provides for freedom of religion and permits the practice of all religious groups ; however , there are some restrictions . The Interim Parliament declared the country a secular state in the Interim Constitution in January 2007 . The previous constitution described the country as a `` Hindu Kingdom , '' although it did not establish Hinduism as the state religion . Article 23 of the Interim Constitution protects the rights of all religious groups by guaranteeing the individual the right `` to profess and practice his / her own religion as handed down to him / her from ancient times having due regard to traditional practices . '' It also states `` no person shall be entitled to convert another person from one religion to another and shall not take actions or behave in a way that would create disturbance in another 's religion . '' </P> <P> The Interim Constitution maintains the stipulation from the 1990 constitution that no one can be discriminated against based on caste . In 2002 the previous government constituted a National Dalit Commission charged with protecting and promoting Dalit ( formerly called `` untouchable '' ) rights and ensuring active participation of the Dalit community in the development of the country . Before the People 's Movement in April 2006 , which led to removal of the King and his government , the Commission devised legal and policy arrangements for Dalit rights , made recommendations to implement international conventions to which the country is a party , monitored and coordinated non-governmental organizations ( NGOs ) on efforts to uplift Dalits , and launched programs on social awareness to end social discrimination and untouchability . After the success of the People 's Movement , many members of the Commission were accused of being royalist and resigned , and the Commission was unable to function . The Interim Government nominated 16 members to the Commission on June 3 , 2007 . </P> <P> There are no specific laws favoring the Hindu majority , nor does the Government control the expression of Hinduism . </P> <P> Although there were no registration requirements for religious groups , there were legal registration requirements for NGOs . Organizations had been prohibited from registering if their names contained religious words .
Nepal was declared a secular state on
[ "January 15, 2007" ]
When was nepal declared a secular state in bs?
Parietal cell - wikipedia <H1> Parietal cell </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Parietal cell </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Human parietal cells ( pink staining ) - stomach </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Control of stomach acid </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Details </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> Stomach </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Function </Th> <Td> Gastric acid , intrinsic factor secretion </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Identifiers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Latin </Th> <Td> exocrinocytus parietalis </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> MeSH </Th> <Td> D010295 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> TH </Th> <Td> H3. 04.02. 1.00033 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Anatomical terms of microanatomy ( edit on Wikidata ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Parietal cells ( also known as oxyntic or delomorphous cells ) , are the epithelial cells that secrete hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) and intrinsic factor . These cells are located in the gastric glands found in the lining of the fundus and in the body of the stomach . They contain an extensive secretory network ( called canaliculi ) from which the HCl is secreted by active transport into the stomach . The enzyme hydrogen potassium ATPase ( H / K ATPase ) is unique to the parietal cells and transports the H against a concentration gradient of about 3 million to 1 , which is the steepest ion gradient formed in the human body . Parietal cells are primarily regulated via histamine , acetylcholine and gastrin signaling from both central and local modulators ( see ' Regulation ' ) . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Structure <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Canaliculus </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Function <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Hydrochloric acid secretion </Li> <Li> 2.2 Regulation </Li> <Li> 2.3 Intrinsic factor secretion </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Clinical significance </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Structure ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Canaliculus ( edit ) </H3> <P> A canaliculus is an adaptation found on gastric parietal cells . It is a deep infolding , or little channel , which serves to increase the surface area , e.g. for secretion . The parietal cell membrane is dynamic ; the numbers of canaliculi rise and fall according to secretory need . This is accomplished by the fusion of canalicular precursors , or `` tubulovesicles '' , with the membrane to increase surface area , and the reciprocal endocytosis of the canaliculi ( reforming the tubulovesicles ) to decrease it . </P> <H2> Function ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Hydrochloric acid secretion ( edit ) </H3> <P> Hydrochloric acid is formed in the following manner : </P> <Ul> <Li> Hydrogen ions are formed from the dissociation of carbonic acid . Water is a very minor source of hydrogen ions in comparison to carbonic acid . Carbonic acid is formed from carbon dioxide and water by carbonic anhydrase . </Li> <Li> The bicarbonate ion ( HCO ) is exchanged for a chloride ion ( Cl ) on the basal side of the cell and the bicarbonate diffuses into the venous blood , leading to an alkaline tide phenomenon . </Li> <Li> Potassium ( K ) and chloride ( Cl ) ions diffuse into the canaliculi . </Li> <Li> Hydrogen ions are pumped out of the cell into the canaliculi in exchange for potassium ions , via the H / K ATPase . These receptors are increased in number on luminal side by fusion of tubulovesicles during activation of parietal cells and removed during deactivation . This receptor maintains a million fold difference in proton concentration . ATP is provided by the numerous mitochondria . </Li> </Ul> <P> As a result of the cellular export of hydrogen ions , the gastric lumen is maintained as a highly - acidic environment . The acidity aids in digestion of food by promoting the unfolding ( or denaturing ) of ingested proteins . As proteins unfold , the peptide bonds linking component amino acids are exposed . Gastric HCl simultaneously activates pepsinogen , an endopeptidase that advances the digestive process by breaking the now - exposed peptide bonds , a process known as proteolysis . </P> <H3> Regulation ( edit ) </H3> <P> Parietal cells secrete acid in response to three types of stimuli : </P> <Ul> <Li> Histamine , stimulates H histamine receptors ( most significant contribution ) . </Li> <Li> Acetylcholine , from parasympathetic activity via the vagus nerve and enteric nervous system , stimulating M receptors . </Li> <Li> Gastrin , stimulating CCK2 receptors ( least significant contribution , but also causes histamine secretion by local ECL cells ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Activation of histamine through H receptor causes increases intracellular cAMP level while Ach through M receptor and gastrin through CCK2 receptor increases intracellular calcium level . These receptors are present on basolateral side of membrane . </P> <P> Increased cAMP level results in increased protein kinase A. Protein kinase A phosphorylates proteins involved in the transport of H / K ATPase from the cytoplasm to the cell membrane . This causes resorption of K ions and secretion of H ions . The pH of the secreted fluid can fall by 0.8 . </P> <P> Gastrin primarily induces acid - secretion indirectly , increasing histamine synthesis in ECL cells , which in turn signal parietal cells via histamine release / H2 stimulation . Gastrin itself has no effect on the maximum histamine - stimulated gastric acid secretion . </P> <P> The effect of histamine , acetylcholine and gastrin is synergistic , that is , effect of two simultaneously is more than additive of effect of the two individually . It helps in non-linear increase of secretion with stimuli physiologically . </P> <H3> Intrinsic factor secretion ( edit ) </H3> <P>
The site of secretion of H+ and Cl- is the
[ "Parietal cells" ]
The site of secretion of h+ and cl-?
</Li> <Li> 4.4 Native Americans </Li> <Li> 4.5 Birth data </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Economy </Li> <Li> 6 Education <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Colleges and universities </Li> <Li> 6.2 Schools </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Culture <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Major cultural events </Li> <Li> 7.2 Sports <Ul> <Li> 7.2. 1 Professional sports </Li> <Li> 7.2. 2 College sports </Li> <Li> 7.2. 3 Other sports </Li> <Li> 7.2. 4 Olympic competitors </Li> <Li> 7.2. 5 Sporting achievements </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7.3 Outdoor recreation <Ul> <Li> 7.3. 1 Fishing and hunting </Li> <Li> 7.3. 2 Winter sports </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Health </Li> <Li> 9 Media </Li> <Li> 10 Transportation </Li> <Li> 11 Law and government <Ul> <Li> 11.1 Constitution </Li> <Li> 11.2 State government : Executive </Li> <Li> 11.3 State government : Legislative </Li> <Li> 11.4 State government : Judicial </Li> <Li> 11.5 Federal offices and courts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 12 Politics <Ul> <Li> 12.1 Current trends </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 13 Cities and towns </Li> <Li> 14 State symbols </Li> <Li> 15 See also </Li> <Li> 16 References </Li> <Li> 17 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 18 Further reading </Li> <Li> 19 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Etymology and naming History ( edit ) </H2> <P> The name Montana comes from the Spanish word Montaña and the Latin word Montana , meaning `` mountain '' , or more broadly , `` mountainous country '' . Montaña del Norte was the name given by early Spanish explorers to the entire mountainous region of the west . The name Montana was added to a bill by the United States House Committee on Territories , which was chaired at the time by Rep. James Ashley of Ohio , for the territory that would become Idaho Territory . The name was changed by Representatives Henry Wilson ( Massachusetts ) and Benjamin F. Harding ( Oregon ) , who complained Montana had `` no meaning '' . When Ashley presented a bill to establish a temporary government in 1864 for a new territory to be carved out of Idaho , he again chose Montana Territory . This time Rep. Samuel Cox , also of Ohio , objected to the name . Cox complained that the name was a misnomer given most of the territory was not mountainous and that a Native American name would be more appropriate than a Spanish one . Other names such as Shoshone were suggested , but it was decided that the Committee on Territories could name it whatever they wanted , so the original name of Montana was adopted . </P> <H2> Geography ( edit ) </H2> See also : Regional designations of Montana , Ecological systems of Montana , List of mountain ranges in Montana , and List of forests in Montana Map of Montana <P> Montana is one of the nine Mountain States , located in the north of the region known as the Western United States . It borders North Dakota and South Dakota to the east . Wyoming is to the south , Idaho is to the west and southwest , and three Canadian provinces , British Columbia , Alberta , and Saskatchewan , are to the north . </P> <P> With an area of 147,040 square miles ( 380,800 km ) , Montana is the fourth largest state in the United States after Alaska , Texas , and California ; it is the largest landlocked U.S. state . </P> <H3> Topography ( edit ) </H3> <P> The state 's topography is roughly defined by the Continental Divide , which splits much of the state into distinct eastern and western regions . Most of Montana 's 100 or more named mountain ranges are in the state 's western half , most of which is geologically and geographically part of the Northern Rocky Mountains . The Absaroka and Beartooth ranges in the state 's south - central part are technically part of the Central Rocky Mountains . The Rocky Mountain Front is a significant feature in the state 's north - central portion , and isolated island ranges that interrupt the prairie landscape common in the central and eastern parts of the state . About 60 percent of the state is prairie , part of the northern Great Plains . </P> <P> The Bitterroot Mountains -- one of the longest continuous ranges in the Rocky Mountain chain from Alaska to Mexico -- along with smaller ranges , including the Coeur d'Alene Mountains and the Cabinet Mountains , divide the state from Idaho . The southern third of the Bitterroot range blends into the Continental Divide . Other major mountain ranges west of the Divide include the Cabinet Mountains , the Anaconda Range , the Missions , the Garnet Range , Sapphire Mountains , and Flint Creek Range . </P> Montana terrain <P> The Divide 's northern section , where the mountains rapidly give way to prairie , is part of the Rocky Mountain Front . The front is most pronounced in the Lewis Range , located primarily in Glacier National Park . Due to the configuration of mountain ranges in Glacier National Park , the Northern Divide ( which begins in Alaska 's Seward Peninsula ) crosses this region and turns east in Montana at Triple Divide Peak . It causes the Waterton River , Belly , and Saint Mary rivers to flow north into Alberta , Canada . There they join the Saskatchewan River , which ultimately empties into Hudson Bay . </P> <P> East of the divide , several roughly parallel ranges cover the state 's southern part , including the Gravelly Range , the Madison Range , Gallatin Range , Absaroka Mountains and the Beartooth Mountains . The Beartooth Plateau is the largest continuous land mass over 10,000 feet ( 3,000 m ) high in the continental United States . It contains the state 's highest point , Granite Peak , 12,799 feet ( 3,901 m ) high . North of these ranges are the Big Belt Mountains , Bridger Mountains , Tobacco Roots , and several island ranges , including the Crazy
The western boundary of Montana is formed by the US state of
[ "Idaho" ]
What us state forms the western boundary of montana?
Pirates of the Caribbean ( film series ) - wikipedia <H1> Pirates of the Caribbean ( film series ) </H1> This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 21 December 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Pirates of the Caribbean </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Gore Verbinski ( 1 -- 3 ) Rob Marshall ( 4 ) Joachim Rønning ( 5 ) Espen Sandberg ( 5 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> Jerry Bruckheimer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Screenplay by </Th> <Td> Ted Elliott ( 1 -- 4 ) Terry Rossio ( 1 -- 4 ) Jeff Nathanson ( 5 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Story by </Th> <Td> Ted Elliott ( 1 , 4 ) Terry Rossio ( 1 -- 5 ) Stuart Beattie ( 1 ) Jay Wolpert ( 1 ) Jeff Nathanson ( 5 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> Pirates of the Caribbean by Walt Disney ( 1 -- 5 ) On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers ( 4 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> Johnny Depp Geoffrey Rush Kevin McNally Orlando Bloom ( 1 -- 3 , 5 ) Keira Knightley ( 1 -- 3 , 5 ) Jack Davenport ( 1 -- 3 ) Jonathan Pryce ( 1 -- 3 ) Bill Nighy ( 2 -- 3 ) Stellan Skarsgård ( 2 -- 3 ) Tom Hollander ( 2 -- 3 ) Chow Yun - fat ( 3 ) Penélope Cruz ( 4 ) Ian McShane ( 4 ) Javier Bardem ( 5 ) Brenton Thwaites ( 5 ) Kaya Scodelario ( 5 ) ( see below ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> Klaus Badelt ( 1 ) Hans Zimmer ( 1 -- 4 ) Rodrigo y Gabriela ( 4 ) Eric Whitacre ( 4 ) Geoff Zanelli ( 5 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> Walt Disney Pictures Jerry Bruckheimer Films </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> The Curse of the Black Pearl : 000000002003 - 07 - 09 - 0000 July 9 , 2003 Dead Man 's Chest : 000000002006 - 07 - 07 - 0000 July 7 , 2006 At World 's End : 000000002007 - 05 - 25 - 0000 May 25 , 2007 On Stranger Tides : 000000002011 - 05 - 20 - 0000 May 20 , 2011 Dead Men Tell No Tales : 000000002017 - 05 - 26 - 0000 May 26 , 2017 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 726 minutes ( 1 -- 5 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> Total ( 5 films ) : $1.274 billion </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> Total ( 5 films ) : $4,524,358,182 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Pirates of the Caribbean is a series of American fantasy swashbuckler films produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and based on Walt Disney 's theme park ride of the same name . </P> <P> Directors of the series include Gore Verbinski ( 1 -- 3 ) , Rob Marshall ( 4 ) and Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg ( 5 ) . The series is primarily written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio ( 1 -- 4 ) ; other writers include Stuart Beattie ( 1 ) , Jay Wolpert ( 1 ) and Jeff Nathanson ( 5 ) . The stories follow the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow ( Johnny Depp ) , Will Turner ( Orlando Bloom ) and Elizabeth Swann ( Keira Knightley ) . Characters such as Hector Barbossa ( Geoffrey Rush ) and Joshamee Gibbs ( Kevin McNally ) follow Jack , Will and Elizabeth in the course of the films . The fourth film features Blackbeard ( Ian McShane ) and Angelica ( Penélope Cruz ) , while the fifth film features Armando Salazar ( Javier Bardem ) , Henry Turner ( Brenton Thwaites ) and Carina Smyth ( Kaya Scodelario ) . The films take place in a fictional historical setting ; a world ruled by the British Empire , the East India Trading Company ( based on the real East India Company ) and the Spanish Empire , with pirates representing freedom from the ruling powers . </P> <P> The film series started in 2003 with Pirates of the Caribbean : The Curse of the Black Pearl , which received positive reviews from critics and grossed US $ 654 million worldwide . After the first film 's success , Walt Disney Pictures revealed that a trilogy was in the works . The franchise 's second film , subtitled Dead Man 's Chest , was released three years later in 2006 ; the sequel proved successful , breaking financial records worldwide the day of its premiere . Dead Man 's Chest ended up being the number one film of the year upon earning almost $1.1 billion at the worldwide box office . The third film in the series , subtitled At World 's End , followed in 2007 earning $960 million , and Disney released a fourth film , subtitled On Stranger Tides , in 2011 in conventional 2D , Digital 3 - D and IMAX 3D . On Stranger Tides succeeded in also grossing more than $1 billion , becoming the second film in the franchise and only the eighth film in history to achieve this . </P> <P> The franchise has grossed over $4.5 billion worldwide ; it is the tenth highest - grossing film series of all time and it was the first franchise where more than one film grossed $1 billion worldwide . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Films <Ul> <Li> 1.1 The Curse of the Black Pearl ( 2003 ) </Li> <Li> 1.2 Dead Man 's Chest ( 2006 ) </Li> <Li> 1.3 At World 's End ( 2007 ) </Li> <Li> 1.4
The Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, in order, starts with
[ "The Curse of the Black Pearl" ]
What is the pirates of the caribbean in order?
, mood , etc . </P> <P> The difference in pitch between two notes is called an interval . The most basic interval is the unison , which is simply two notes of the same pitch . The octave interval is two pitches that are either double or half the frequency of one another . The unique characteristics of octaves gave rise to the concept of pitch class : pitches of the same letter name that occur in different octaves may be grouped into a single `` class '' by ignoring the difference in octave . For example , a high C and a low C are members of the same pitch class -- the class that contains all C 's . </P> <P> Musical tuning systems , or temperaments , determine the precise size of intervals . Tuning systems vary widely within and between world cultures . In Western culture , there have long been several competing tuning systems , all with different qualities . Internationally , the system known as equal temperament is most commonly used today because it is considered the most satisfactory compromise that allows instruments of fixed tuning ( e.g. the piano ) to sound acceptably in tune in all keys . </P> <H3> Scales and modes ( edit ) </H3> Main articles : Musical scale and Musical mode A pattern of whole and half steps in the Ionian mode or major scale on C Play ( help info ) . <P> Notes can be arranged in a variety of scales and modes . Western music theory generally divides the octave into a series of twelve tones , called a chromatic scale , within which the interval between adjacent tones is called a half step or semitone . Selecting tones from this set of 12 and arranging them in patterns of semitones and whole tones creates other scales . </P> <P> The most commonly encountered scales are the seven - toned major , the harmonic minor , the melodic minor , and the natural minor . Other examples of scales are the octatonic scale and the pentatonic or five - tone scale , which is common in folk music and blues . Non-Western cultures often use scales that do not correspond with an equally divided twelve - tone division of the octave . For example , classical Ottoman , Persian , Indian and Arabic musical systems often make use of multiples of quarter tones ( half the size of a semitone , as the name indicates ) , for instance in ' neutral ' seconds ( three quarter tones ) or ' neutral ' thirds ( seven quarter tones ) -- they do not normally use the quarter tone itself as a direct interval . </P> <P> In traditional Western notation , the scale used for a composition is usually indicated by a key signature at the beginning to designate the pitches that make up that scale . As the music progresses , the pitches used may change and introduce a different scale . Music can be transposed from one scale to another for various purposes , often to accommodate the range of a vocalist . Such transposition raises or lowers the overall pitch range , but preserves the intervallic relationships of the original scale . For example , transposition from the key of C major to D major raises all pitches of the scale of C major equally by a whole tone . Since the interval relationships remain unchanged , transposition may be unnoticed by a listener , however other qualities may change noticeably because transposition changes the relationship of the overall pitch range compared to the range of the instruments or voices that perform the music . This often affects the music 's overall sound , as well as having technical implications for the performers . </P> <P> The interrelationship of the keys most commonly used in Western tonal music is conveniently shown by the circle of fifths . Unique key signatures are also sometimes devised for a particular composition . During the Baroque period , emotional associations with specific keys , known as the doctrine of the affections , were an important topic in music theory , but the unique tonal colorings of keys that gave rise to that doctrine were largely erased with the adoption of equal temperament . However , many musicians continue to feel that certain keys are more appropriate to certain emotions than others . Indian classical music theory continues to strongly associate keys with emotional states , times of day , and other extra-musical concepts and notably , does not employ equal temperament . </P> <H3> Consonance and dissonance ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Consonance and dissonance The perfect octave , a consonant interval Play ( help info ) The minor second , a dissonance Play ( help info ) <P> Consonance and dissonance are subjective qualities of the sonority of intervals that vary widely in different cultures and over the ages . Consonance ( or concord ) is the quality of an interval or chord that seems stable and complete in itself . Dissonance ( or discord ) is the opposite in that it feels incomplete and `` wants to '' resolve to a consonant interval . Dissonant intervals seem to clash . Consonant intervals seem to sound comfortable together . Commonly , perfect fourths , fifths , and octaves and all major and minor thirds and sixths are considered consonant . All others are dissonant to greater or lesser degree . </P> <P> Context and many other aspects can affect apparent dissonance and consonance . For example , in a Debussy prelude , a major second may sound stable and consonant , while the same interval may sound dissonant in a Bach fugue . In the Common Practice era , the perfect fourth is considered dissonant when not supported by a lower third or fifth . Since the early 20th century , Arnold Schoenberg 's concept of `` emancipated '' dissonance , in which traditionally dissonant intervals can be treated as `` higher , '' more remote
If a piece of music is perceived to have changed key, then we say the piece has been
[ "transposed" ]
If a piece of music is perceived to have changed key then we say the piece has?
Ring system - wikipedia <H1> Ring system </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Planet ring '' redirects here . For other uses , see Planet Ring . Play media The moons Prometheus ( right ) and Pandora orbit just inside and outside the F ring of Saturn , but only Prometheus is thought to function as a ring shepherd <P> A ring system is a disc or ring orbiting an astronomical object that is composed of solid material such as dust and moonlets , and is a common component of satellite systems around giant planets . A ring system around a planet is also known as a planetary ring system . </P> <P> The most prominent and most famous planetary rings in the Solar System are those around Saturn , but the other three giant planets ( Jupiter , Uranus , and Neptune ) also have ring systems . Recent evidence suggests that ring systems may also be found around other types of astronomical objects , including minor planets , moons , and brown dwarfs . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Ring systems of planets <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Jupiter </Li> <Li> 1.2 Saturn </Li> <Li> 1.3 Uranus </Li> <Li> 1.4 Neptune </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Rings systems of minor planets and moons </Li> <Li> 3 Rings around exoplanets </Li> <Li> 4 Visual comparison </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Ring systems of planets ( edit ) </H2> The ring swirling around Saturn consists of chunks of ice and dust . The little dark spot on Saturn is the shadow from Saturn 's moon Enceladus . <P> There are three ways that thicker planetary rings ( the rings around planets ) have been proposed to have formed : from material of the protoplanetary disk that was within the Roche limit of the planet and thus could not coalesce to form moons , from the debris of a moon that was disrupted by a large impact , or from the debris of a moon that was disrupted by tidal stresses when it passed within the planet 's Roche limit . Most rings were thought to be unstable and to dissipate over the course of tens or hundreds of millions of years , but it now appears that Saturn 's rings might be quite old , dating to the early days of the Solar System . </P> <P> Fainter planetary rings can form as a result of meteoroid impacts with moons orbiting around the planet or , in case of Saturn 's E-ring , the ejecta of cryovolcanic material . </P> <P> The composition of ring particles varies ; they may be silicate or icy dust . Larger rocks and boulders may also be present , and in 2007 tidal effects from eight ' moonlets ' only a few hundred meters across were detected within Saturn 's rings . The maximum size of a ring particle is determined by the specific strength of the material it is made of , its density , and the tidal force at its altitude . The tidal force is proportional to the average density inside the radius of the ring , or to the mass of the planet divided by the radius of the ring cubed . It is also inversely proportional to the square of the orbital period of the ring . </P> <P> Sometimes rings will have `` shepherd '' moons , small moons that orbit near the inner or outer edges of rings or within gaps in the rings . The gravity of shepherd moons serves to maintain a sharply defined edge to the ring ; material that drifts closer to the shepherd moon 's orbit is either deflected back into the body of the ring , ejected from the system , or accreted onto the moon itself . </P> <P> It is also predicted that Phobos , a moon of Mars , will break up and form into a planetary ring in about 50 million years , because its low orbit with an orbital period that is shorter than a Martian day is decaying due to tidal deceleration . </P> <H3> Jupiter ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Rings of Jupiter <P> Jupiter 's ring system was the third to be discovered , when it was first observed by the Voyager 1 probe in 1979 , and was observed more thoroughly by the Galileo orbiter in the 1990s . Its four main parts are a faint thick torus known as the `` halo '' ; a thin , relatively bright main ring ; and two wide , faint `` gossamer rings '' . The system consists mostly of dust . </P> <H3> Saturn ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Rings of Saturn <P> Saturn 's rings are the most extensive ring system of any planet in the Solar System , and thus have been known to exist for quite some time . Galileo Galilei first observed them in 1610 , but they were not accurately described as a disk around Saturn until Christiaan Huygens did so in 1655 . With help from the NASA / ESA / ASI Cassini mission , a further understanding of the ring formation and active movement was understood . The rings are not a series of tiny ringlets as many think , but are more of a disk with varying density . They consist mostly of water ice and trace amounts of rock , and the particles range in size from micrometers to meters . </P> <H3> Uranus ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Rings of Uranus <P> Uranus ' ring system lies between the level of complexity of Saturn 's vast system and the simpler systems around Jupiter and Neptune . They were discovered in 1977 by James L. Elliot , Edward W. Dunham , and Jessica Mink . In the time between then and 2005 , observations by Voyager 2 and the Hubble Space Telescope led to a total of 13 distinct rings being identified , most of which
A ring in the solar system is
[ "a disc or ring orbiting an astronomical object that is composed of solid material such as dust and moonlets, and is a common component of satellite systems around giant planets" ]
What is a ring in the solar system?
the titular prophecy of the series ( A Vision of Shadows ) . When receiving this prophecy , Jayfeather sees Alderkit ( Alderpaw 's former name ) in his dream , as well as the other medicine cats . Later , he , Leafpool , and Bramblestar decide that Alderpaw should become a medicine cat apprentice . Further into the book , Alderpaw has a vision of the far - off SkyClan . After deciding that Alderpaw 's vision relates to the prophecy , Bramblestar sends Alderpaw on a quest to help SkyClan along with his ex-mentor , Molewhisker , Sandstorm , his sister Sparkpaw , and her mentor Cherryfall . While on the quest , they 're joined by ShadowClan apprentice Needlepaw . Sandstorm dies along the way . When they reach the gorge where SkyClan lives , they find that they have been run out of their territory by a group of rogues . They decide that they arrived too late to help SkyClan and return back to the lake . On the way back Alderpaw and Needlepaw find two female kits ( Twigkit and Violetkit ) who lost their mother . Needlepaw suggests that the kits could be `` what you find in the shadows '' . They then take the kits back to the lake and at a full moon Gathering , the clan leaders decide that ShadowClan should take one kit and ThunderClan should take the other . ThunderClan takes Twigkit and ShadowClan takes Violetkit . </P> <P> The second book , Thunder and Shadow , was released on September 6 , 2016 . It follows Twigkit and Violetkit 's lives in ThunderClan and ShadowClan . The two kits struggle to find their place in their respective clans , and feel lonely . However , Alderpaw and Needlepaw befriend the kits , and even arrange for them to meet in secret between the two clans ' borders . The Clan cats discover that the rogues from A Vision of Shadows followed the quest cats to the lake , and have made camp near ShadowClan . Meanwhile , the ShadowClan apprentices start to lose faith in the warrior code , and many of them eventually join the rogues , including Needlepaw , who brings Violetkit with her . </P> <P> The third book , Shattered Sky , was released on April 11 , 2017 . It Details the war that ensues between the Clans and Darktail 's so called Kin after his annexation of Shadowclan . It heavily focuses on the sisters Twigpaw and Violetpaw as they find themselves on two different sides of a very brutal conflict that will determine the fate of the clans . Battles will be fought , loyalties will be tested , prophecies will be interpreted and as always , cats will die before the clans know peace again ... </P> <P> The fourth book , Darkest Night , was released on November 7 , 2017 . </P> <P> The fifth book , River of Fire , is scheduled to be released on April 10 , 2018 . </P> <H2> Other books ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Super Editions ( edit ) </H3> <P> Super Editions are stand alone books in the Warriors series that are approximately double the length of a normal Warriors book . There are nine Super Editions as of November 2016 : Firestar 's Quest , Bluestar 's Prophecy , SkyClan 's Destiny , Crookedstar 's Promise , Yellowfang 's Secret , Tallstar 's Revenge , Bramblestar 's Storm , Moth Flight 's Vision , Hawkwing 's Journey and Tigerheart ́ s shadow . Each Super Edition Novel also includes an exclusive manga except for Firestar 's Quest . </P> Firestar 's Quest ( edit ) <P> Firestar 's Quest , the first Warriors Super Edition , was released on 25 August 2007 . It is set between The Darkest Hour and Midnight and details Firestar and his mate Sandstorm 's journey to restore SkyClan , the fifth Clan of the forest that is driven out when a town or twolegplace is built , and scattered when it is attacked by rats in its new home . Firestar and Sandstorm find rogues and house cats , some of whom are descendants of the former SkyClan and teach them how to hunt , fight , and follow the warrior code . When a house cat named Echo dreams of starry cats , Firestar realizes that the dream was sent by StarClan , indicating that Echo should be SkyClan 's medicine cat . Echo is taught all that Sandstorm was taught before leaving ThunderClan with Firestar on their quest . She is named Echosong . While SkyClan is rebuilding its ranks , rats attack as they did when SkyClan first came to the gorge . SkyClan defeats them by joining together under the direction of Firestar , Leafdapple ( later Leafstar ) , and Sharpclaw , her deputy later on . Firestar manages to kill the leader of the rats , after which the rats leave . During the rat attack , Firestar loses a life , leaving him with only seven , and a warrior called Rainfur is killed . Towards the end , Echosong dreams of dappled leaves , indicating that Leafdapple should be the new leader . She is named Leafstar and receives her nine lives , meeting Starclan . The former leaders that drove the ancient Skyclan out apologize in Starclan . Cherrypaw and Sparrowpaw are then made warriors ( Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt ) and Bouncekit , Tinykit , and Rockkit become apprentices ( Bouncepaw , Tinypaw , and Rockpaw ) . The epilogue describes the birth of Squirrelkit and Leafkit , Firestar and Sandstorm 's only kits . </P> Bluestar 's Prophecy ( edit ) <P> Bluestar 's Prophecy was released on the 28th of July 2009 . It covers Bluestar 's life from her early kit hood , or childhood , to the beginning of Into the Wild . The novel begins on the day of Bluestar 's death as she saves Fireheart and ThunderClan from the
The next Warrior book is scheduled to be released on
[ "April 10, 2018" ]
When does the next warrior book come out?
Blood alcohol content - wikipedia <H1> Blood alcohol content </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Blood alcohol content </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Medical diagnostics </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Ethanol </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> LOINC </Th> <Td> 5639 - 0 , 5640 - 8 , 15120 - 9 , 56478 - 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> ( edit on Wikidata ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Blood alcohol content ( BAC ) , also called blood alcohol concentration , blood ethanol concentration , or blood alcohol level , is most commonly used as a metric of alcohol intoxication for legal or medical purposes . </P> <P> Blood alcohol concentration is usually expressed as a percentage of ethanol in the blood in units of mass of alcohol per volume of blood or mass of alcohol per mass of blood , depending on the country . For instance , in North America a BAC of 0.1 ( 0.1 % or one tenth of one percent ) means that there are 0.10 g of alcohol for every 100 mL of blood . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Effects by blood alcohol content </Li> <Li> 2 Estimated blood alcohol content by intake </Li> <Li> 3 Binge drinking </Li> <Li> 4 Units of measurement </Li> <Li> 5 Legal limits <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Limits by country ( BrAC : breath alcohol content ) </Li> <Li> 5.2 Other limitation schemes </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Test assumptions </Li> <Li> 7 Metabolism and excretion <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Full stomachs </Li> <Li> 7.2 Carbonated beverages </Li> <Li> 7.3 Stress </Li> <Li> 7.4 Retrograde extrapolation </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Highest recorded blood alcohol level / content </Li> <Li> 9 References <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Notes </Li> <Li> 9.2 Bibliography </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Effects by blood alcohol content ( edit ) </H2> See also : Short - term effects of alcohol <Table> Progressive effects of alcohol <Tr> <Th> BAC ( % by vol . ) </Th> <Th> Behavior </Th> <Th> Impairment </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.001 -- 0.029 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Average individual appears normal </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Subtle effects that can be detected with special tests </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.030 -- 0.059 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Mild euphoria </Li> <Li> Relaxation </Li> <Li> Joyousness </Li> <Li> Talkativeness </Li> <Li> Decreased inhibition </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Concentration </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.060 -- 0.099 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Blunted feelings </Li> <Li> Reduced sensitivity to pain </Li> <Li> Euphoria </Li> <Li> Disinhibition </Li> <Li> Extraversion </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Reasoning </Li> <Li> Depth perception </Li> <Li> Peripheral vision </Li> <Li> Glare recovery </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.100 -- 0.199 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Over-expression </Li> <Li> Boisterousness </Li> <Li> Possibility of nausea and vomiting </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Reflexes </Li> <Li> Reaction time </Li> <Li> Gross motor control </Li> <Li> Staggering </Li> <Li> Slurred speech </Li> <Li> Temporary erectile dysfunction </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.200 -- 0.299 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Nausea </Li> <Li> Vomiting </Li> <Li> Emotional swings </Li> <Li> Anger or sadness </Li> <Li> Partial loss of understanding </Li> <Li> Impaired sensations </Li> <Li> Decreased libido </Li> <Li> Possibility of stupor </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Severe motor impairment </Li> <Li> Loss of consciousness </Li> <Li> Memory blackout </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.300 -- 0.399 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Stupor </Li> <Li> Central nervous system depression </Li> <Li> Loss of understanding </Li> <Li> Lapses in and out of consciousness </Li> <Li> Low possibility of death </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Bladder function </Li> <Li> Breathing </Li> <Li> Dysequilibrium </Li> <Li> Heart rate </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 0.400 -- 0.500 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Severe central nervous system depression </Li> <Li> Coma </Li> <Li> Possibility of death </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Breathing </Li> <Li> Heart rate </Li> <Li> Positional alcohol nystagmus </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> > 0.50 </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> High possibility of death </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> </P> <H2> Estimated blood alcohol content by intake ( edit ) </H2> Further information : Alcohol equivalence <P> To calculate estimated peak blood alcohol concentration ( EBAC ) , a variation , including drinking period in hours , of the Widmark formula was used . The formula is : </P> <Dl> <Dd> E B A C = ( 0.806 × S D × 1.2 B W × W t − M R × D P ) × 10 ( \ displaystyle EBAC = \ left ( ( \ frac ( 0.806 \ times SD \ times 1.2 ) ( BW \ times Wt ) ) - MR \ times DP \ right ) \ times 10 ) </Dd> </Dl> <P> where : </P> <Ul> <Li> 0.806 is a constant for body water in the blood ( mean 80.6 % ) , </Li> <Li> SD is the number of standard drinks , that being 10 grams of ethanol each , </Li> <Li> 1.2 is a factor to convert the amount in grams to Swedish standards set by The Swedish National Institute of Public Health , </Li> <Li> BW is a body water constant ( 0.58 for males and 0.49 for females ) , </Li> <Li> Wt is body weight ( kilogram ) , </Li> <Li> MR is the metabolism constant ( 0.015 for males and 0.017 for females ) and </Li> <Li> DP is the drinking period in hours . </Li> <Li> 10 converts the result to permillage of alcohol </Li> </Ul> <P> Regarding metabolism ( MR ) in the formula ; Females demonstrated a higher average rate of elimination ( mean , 0.017 ; range , 0.014 -- 0.021 g / 210 L ) than males ( mean , 0.015 ; range , 0.013 -- 0.017 g / 210 L ) . Female subjects on average had a higher percentage of body fat ( mean , 26.0 ; range , 16.7 -- 36.8 % ) than
Blood alcohol concentration refers to the parts of alcohol in the blood in relation to the
[ "mass of alcohol per volume of blood or mass of alcohol per mass of blood" ]
Blood alcohol concentration means the parts of alcohol in the blood in relation to what?
Icarus - wikipedia <H1> Icarus </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Icarus ( disambiguation ) . Jacob Peter Gowy 's The Flight of Icarus . Icarus and Daedalus ancient red relief plastic pottery beaker , Roman - Greece <P> In Greek mythology , Icarus ( the Latin spelling , conventionally adopted in English ; Ancient Greek : Ἴκαρος , Íkaros , Etruscan : Vikare ) is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus , the creator of the Labyrinth . Often depicted in art , Icarus and his father attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax . Icarus ' father warns him first of complacency and then of hubris , asking that he fly neither too low nor too high , so the sea 's dampness would not clog his wings or the sun 's heat melt them . Icarus ignored his father 's instructions not to fly too close to the sun ; when the wax in his wings melted he tumbled out of the sky and fell into the sea where he drowned . </P> <P> This tragic theme of failure at the hands of hubris contains similarities to that of Phaëthon . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 The legend </Li> <Li> 2 Classical literature </Li> <Li> 3 Medieval and Renaissance literature </Li> <Li> 4 Interpretation </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 Further reading </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> The legend ( edit ) </H2> The Lament for Icarus by H.J. Draper <P> Icarus ' father Daedalus , a very talented and remarkable Athenian craftsman , built the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete near his palace at Knossos to imprison the Minotaur , a half - man , half - bull monster born of his wife and the Cretan bull . Minos imprisoned Daedalus himself in the labyrinth because he gave Minos 's daughter , Ariadne , a clew ( or ball of string ) in order to help Theseus , the enemy of Minos , to survive the Labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur . </P> Modern graffiti of Icaria island and falling Icarus just outside the village of Evdilos in Icaria - Greece <P> Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son . Daedalus tried his wings first , but before trying to escape the island , he warned his son not to fly too close to the sun , nor too close to the sea , but to follow his path of flight . Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him , Icarus soared into the sky , but in the process he came too close to the sun , which due to the heat melted the wax . Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms , and so Icarus fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name , the Icarian Sea near Icaria , an island southwest of Samos . </P> <P> Hellenistic writers give euhemerising variants in which the escape from Crete was actually by boat , provided by Pasiphaë , for which Daedalus invented the first sails , to outstrip Minos ' pursuing galleys , and that Icarus fell overboard en route to Sicily and drowned . Heracles erected a tomb for him . </P> <H2> Classical literature ( edit ) </H2> The Sun , or the Fall of Icarus ( 1819 ) by Merry - Joseph Blondel , in the Rotunda of Apollo at the Louvre <P> Icarus ' flight was often alluded to by Greek poets in passing , but the story was told briefly in Pseudo-Apollodorus . In the literature of ancient Rome , the myth was of interest to Augustan writers . Hyginus narrates it in Fabula 40 , beginning with the bovine love affair of Pasiphaë , daughter of the Sun , resulting in the birth of the Minotaur . Ovid narrates the story of Icarus at some length in the Metamorphoses ( viii. 183 -- 235 ) , and refers to it elsewhere . </P> <H2> Medieval and Renaissance literature ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2011 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Ovid 's treatment of the Icarus myth and its connection with that of Phaëthon influenced the mythological tradition in English literature as received and interpreted by major writers such as Chaucer , Marlowe , Shakespeare , Milton , and Joyce . </P> Bruegel 's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus ( ca . 1558 ) , famous for relegating the fall to a scarcely noticed event in the background <P> In Renaissance iconography , the significance of Icarus depends on context : in the Orion Fountain at Messina , he is one of many figures associated with water ; but he is also shown on the Bankruptcy Court of the Amsterdam Town Hall - where he symbolizes high - flying ambition . The 16th - century painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus , traditionally but perhaps erroneously attributed to Pieter Bruegel the Elder , was the inspiration for two of the 20th century 's most notable ecphrastic English - language poems , `` Musée des Beaux Arts '' by W.H. Auden and `` Landscape with the Fall of Icarus '' by William Carlos Williams . Other English language poems referencing the Icarus myth are `` To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph '' by Anne Sexton , `` Icarus Again '' by Alan Devenish , `` Mrs Icarus '' by Carol Ann Duffy , and `` Icarus Burning '' and `` Icarus Redux '' by Hiromi Yoshida . </P> <H2> Interpretation ( edit ) </H2> 17th - century relief with a Cretan labyrinth bottom right ( Musée Antoine Vivenel ) <P> Literary interpretation has found in the myth the
The Greek mythological figure who flew too close to the sun was
[ "Icarus" ]
Which greek god flew too close to the sun?
Rapper 's Delight - wikipedia <H1> Rapper 's Delight </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` Rapper 's Delight '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by The Sugarhill Gang </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Sugarhill Gang </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> September 16 , 1979 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 12 '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> August 2 , 1979 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Old - school hip hop , disco , funk </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 3 : 55 ( single version ) 6 : 30 ( 12 '' short version ) 14 : 35 ( album version ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Sugar Hill </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> The Sugarhill Gang , Sylvia Robinson , Nile Rodgers , Bernard Edwards , Grandmaster Caz </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Sylvia Robinson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Sugarhill Gang singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Rapper 's Delight '' ( 1979 ) </Td> <Td> `` 8th Wonder '' ( 1980 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Rapper 's Delight '' ( 1979 ) </Td> <Td> `` 8th Wonder '' ( 1980 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Rapper 's Delight '' 30 second sample of `` Rapper 's Delight '' from Sugarhill Gang </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Rapper 's Delight '' is a 1979 hip hop track by the Sugarhill Gang and produced by Sylvia Robinson . While it was not the first single to include rapping , `` Rapper 's Delight '' is credited for introducing hip hop music to a wide audience . It was a prototype for various types of rap music , incorporating themes such as boasting , dance , honesty and sex , with the charisma and enthusiasm of James Brown . The track also used samples from Chic 's `` Good Times '' , resulting in band members Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards suing Sugar Hill Records for copyright infringement ; a settlement was reached that gave the two songwriter credits . </P> <P> `` Rapper 's Delight '' is number 251 on the Rolling Stone magazine 's list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and number 2 on VH1 's 100 Greatest Hip - Hop Songs . It is also included in NPR 's list of the 100 most important American musical works of the 20th century . It was preserved into the National Recording Registry by the Library of Congress in 2011 . Songs on the National Recording Registry are `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant . '' </P> <P> The song was recorded in a single take . There are three versions of the original version of the song : 14 : 35 ( 12 '' long version ) , 6 : 30 ( 12 '' short version ) , and 3 : 55 ( 7 '' shortened single version ) . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background </Li> <Li> 2 Personnel </Li> <Li> 3 History </Li> <Li> 4 In popular culture </Li> <Li> 5 Charts and certifications <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 5.2 Year - end charts </Li> <Li> 5.3 Certifications and sales </Li> <Li> 5.4 Chart succession </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> <P> In late 1978 , Debbie Harry suggested that Chic 's Nile Rodgers join her and Chris Stein at a hip hop event , which at the time was a communal space taken over by teenagers with boombox stereos playing various pieces of music that performers would break dance to . Rodgers experienced this event the first time himself at a high school in the Bronx . On September 20 and 21 , 1979 , Blondie and Chic were playing concerts with The Clash in New York at The Palladium . When Chic started playing `` Good Times '' , rapper Fab Five Freddy and the members of the Sugarhill Gang ( `` Big Bank Hank '' Jackson , Mike Wright , and `` Master Gee '' O'Brien ) , jumped up on stage and started freestyling with the band . A few weeks later Rodgers was on the dance floor of New York club Leviticus and heard the DJ play a song which opened with Bernard Edwards 's bass line from Chic 's `` Good Times '' . Rodgers approached the DJ who said he was playing a record he had just bought that day in Harlem . The song turned out to be an early version of `` Rapper 's Delight '' , which also included a scratched version of the song 's string section . Rodgers and Edwards immediately threatened legal action over copyright , which resulted in a settlement and their being credited as co-writers . Rodgers admitted that he was originally upset with the song , but later declared it to be `` one of his favorite songs of all time '' and his favorite of all the tracks that sampled ( or in this instance interpolated ) Chic . He also stated : `` As innovative and important as ' Good Times ' was , ' Rapper 's Delight ' was just as much , if not more so . '' </P> <P> A substantial portion of the early stanzas of the song 's lyrics was borrowed by Jackson from Grandmaster Caz ( Curtis Fisher ) who had loaned his ' book ' to him -- these include a namecheck for `` Casanova Fly '' , which was Caz 's full stage name . According to Wonder Mike , he had heard the phrase `` hip - hop '' from a cousin , leading
The song "Rapper's Delight" was released on
[ "September 16, 1979" ]
When did the song rapper's delight come out?
Tiffany Coyne - wikipedia <H1> Tiffany Coyne </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Tiffany Lynn Adams Coyne </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> Tiffany Lynn Adams ( 1982 - 05 - 06 ) May 6 , 1982 ( age 35 ) Layton , Utah , United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nationality </Th> <Td> American </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Citizenship </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Occupation </Th> <Td> Game show model </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Spouse ( s ) </Th> <Td> Chris Coyne </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Children </Th> <Td> Scarlett Rose Coyne ( b . 1 August 2013 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Modeling information </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hair color </Th> <Td> Blonde </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Tiffany Adams Coyne ( born May 6 , 1982 ) is an American model and dancer . She is the model on Let 's Make a Deal , having replaced Alison Fiori in 2009 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early life and career <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Personal life </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 References </Li> <Li> 3 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Early life and career ( edit ) </H2> <P> Tiffany Lynn Adams was born in Layton , Utah on May 6 , 1982 . She has two sisters , five step - sisters and two step - brothers . When she was three years old she started dancing , focusing on jazz , hip hop , and ballet dancing . As a youth , her family moved a lot because her mother `` liked to build houses . '' The family lived near Hill Air Force Base for a while . She went to middle school and one year of high school in West Haven , Utah . She completed her high school education at Northridge High School in Layton after the family moved back to the town . She was on the dance squad at nearby Fremont High School . After graduating from high school in 2000 she was a performer for two seasons with the America First Jazz Dancers for the Utah Jazz . During that time , she also taught dance classes locally . </P> <P> After working for the Jazz , she performed internationally on a cruise ship , including in Denmark , Sweden , Russia , and Norway . She relocated to Las Vegas , Nevada and performed in Jubilee ! , Fashionistas , and Sirens of TI . She also appeared in informercials . Let 's Make a Deal relaunched in 2009 in Las Vegas . Coyne auditioned multiple times and was hired . She kept working at in the Sirens of TI as a back up plan in case Let 's Make a Deal ended . She taped two episodes a day of Let 's Make a Deal and then worked at Sirens of TI at night . Deal moved to Los Angeles and Coyne would drive back and forth five days a week to work on both shows . She relocated to Los Angeles to start season two of Deal . Her role as a model at Deal has been described as `` to make prizes look better by her mere presence . '' To improve her improv skills while working with Wayne Brady and Jonathan Mangum , she took improv classes . </P> <P> She was on maternity leave for much of the first half of the 2013 - 14 season , and returned to taping September 2014 . </P> <P> Upon relocating to Los Angeles , Coyne played herself in The Bold and the Beautiful , was a stand in model for The Price Is Right , and modeled for United Airlines and Chase Bank . </P> <H3> Personal life ( edit ) </H3> <P> Her father is of German descent , and her mother is of Hungarian descent . She is married to Chris Coyne , whom she met while working on a cruise ship . They live in Los Angeles , California . Their first child , Scarlett Rose , was born in August , 2013. Their son , Carter Liam Coyne was born in February 2018 . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Lowell , Lindsley . `` Let 's Make a Deal Model on Motherhood '' . GalTime . Retrieved 16 October 2013 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Wright , Becky . `` Tiffany Coyne the real deal '' . Hers . Utah : Standard - Examiner . Archived from the original on 2012 - 01 - 14 . Retrieved 16 October 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Tiffany Coyne '' . Let 's Make a Deal . CBS . Retrieved 16 October 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Leon , Anya ; Monica Rizzo . `` Tiffany Coyne Welcomes Daughter Scarlett Rose '' . Moms & Babies . People . Retrieved 16 October 2013 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Tiffany Coyne on Instagram </Li> <Li> Tiffany Coyne on IMDb </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Utah Jazz </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Founded in 1974 </Li> <Li> Played in New Orleans ( 1974 -- 79 ) </Li> <Li> Based in Salt Lake City , Utah </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Franchise </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Franchise </Li> <Li> Summer League </Li> <Li> 1974 Expansion Draft </Li> <Li> All - time roster </Li> <Li> Draft history </Li> <Li> Records </Li> <Li> Head coaches </Li> <Li> Seasons </Li> <Li> Current season </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Arenas </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Loyola Field House </Li> <Li> New Orleans Municipal Auditorium </Li> <Li> Louisiana Superdome </Li> <Li> Salt Palace </Li> <Li> Vivint Smart Home Arena </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Personnel </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Checketts </Li> <Li> Gardner </Li> <Li> Rigby </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> G League affiliate </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Salt Lake
The model on Let's Make a Deal is
[ "Tiffany Adams Coyne" ]
Who's the model on let's make a deal?
. For the vocals heard throughout the film , subsequently described by Earle Hitchner of The Wall Street Journal as `` evocative '' , Horner chose Norwegian singer Sissel Kyrkjebø , commonly known as `` Sissel '' . Horner knew Sissel from her album Innerst i sjelen , and he particularly liked how she sang `` Eg veit i himmerik ei borg '' ( `` I Know in Heaven There Is a Castle '' ) . He had tried twenty - five or thirty singers before he finally chose Sissel as the voice to create specific moods within the film . </P> <P> Horner additionally wrote the song `` My Heart Will Go On '' in secret with Will Jennings because Cameron did not want any songs with singing in the film . Céline Dion agreed to record a demo with the persuasion of her husband René Angélil . Horner waited until Cameron was in an appropriate mood before presenting him with the song . After playing it several times , Cameron declared his approval , although worried that he would have been criticized for `` going commercial at the end of the movie '' . Cameron also wanted to appease anxious studio executives and `` saw that a hit song from his movie could only be a positive factor in guaranteeing its completion '' . </P> <H2> Release </H2> <H3> Initial screening </H3> <P> 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures co-financed Titanic , with Paramount handling the North American distribution and Fox handling the international release . They expected Cameron to complete the film for a release on July 2 , 1997 . The film was to be released on this date `` in order to exploit the lucrative summer season ticket sales when blockbuster films usually do better '' . In April , Cameron said the film 's special effects were too complicated and that releasing the film for summer would not be possible . With production delays , Paramount pushed back the release date to December 19 , 1997 . `` This fueled speculation that the film itself was a disaster . '' A preview screening in Minneapolis on July 14 `` generated positive reviews '' and `` ( c ) hatter on the internet was responsible for more favorable word of mouth about the ( film ) '' . This eventually led to more positive media coverage . </P> <P> The film premiered on November 1 , 1997 , at the Tokyo International Film Festival , where reaction was described as `` tepid '' by The New York Times . Positive reviews started to appear back in the United States ; the official Hollywood premiere occurred on December 14 , 1997 , where `` the big movie stars who attended the opening were enthusiastically gushing about the film to the world media '' . </P> <H3> Box Office </H3> <P> Including revenue from the 2012 and 2017 reissues , Titanic earned $659.4 million in North America and $1.528 billion in other countries , for a worldwide total of $2.187 billion . It became the highest - grossing film of all time worldwide in 1998 , and remained so for twelve years , until Avatar ( 2009 ) , also written and directed by Cameron , surpassed it in 2010 . On March 1 , 1998 , it became the first film to earn more than $1 billion worldwide and on the weekend April 13 -- 15 , 2012 -- a century after the original vessel 's foundering , Titanic became the second film to cross the $2 billion threshold during its 3D re-release . Box Office Mojo estimates that Titanic is the fifth highest - grossing film of all time in North America when adjusting for ticket price inflation . The site also estimates that the film sold over 128 million tickets in the US in its initial theatrical run . </P> Initial theatrical run <P> The film received steady attendance after opening in North America on Friday , December 19 , 1997 . By the end of that same weekend , theaters were beginning to sell out . The film earned $8,658,814 on its opening day and $28,638,131 over the opening weekend from 2,674 theaters , averaging to about $10,710 per venue , and ranking number one at the box office , ahead of the eighteenth James Bond film , Tomorrow Never Dies . By New Year 's Day , Titanic had made over $120 million , had increased in popularity and theaters continued to sell out . Its highest grossing single day was Saturday , February 14 , 1998 , on which it earned $13,048,711 , more than eight weeks after its North American debut . It stayed at number one for 15 consecutive weeks in North America , a record for any film . The film stayed in theaters in North America for almost 10 months before finally closing on Thursday , October 1 , 1998 with a final domestic gross of $600,788,188 . Outside North America , the film made double its North American gross , generating $1,242,413,080 and accumulating a grand total of $1,843,201,268 worldwide from its initial theatrical run . </P> Commercial analysis <P> Before Titanic 's release , various film critics predicted the film would be a significant disappointment at the box office , especially due to it being the most expensive film ever made at the time . When it was shown to the press in autumn of 1997 , `` it was with massive forebodings '' since the `` people in charge of the screenings believed they were on the verge of losing their jobs -- because of this great albatross of a picture on which , finally , two studios had to combine to share the great load of its making '' . Cameron also thought he was `` headed for disaster '' at one point during filming . `` We labored the last six months on Titanic in the absolute knowledge that the studio would lose $100 million . It was a certainty , '' he stated . As
The film Titanic made
[ "$2.187 billion" ]
How much money did the film titanic make?
Russia </Li> <Li> Spain <Ul> <Li> colonies </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Sweden </Li> </Ul> <Dl> <Dt> North Africa and West Asia </Dt> </Dl> <Ul> <Li> Iran </Li> <Li> Libya </Li> <Li> Human trafficking in the Middle East </Li> <Li> Ottoman Empire </Li> <Li> Yemen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Religion ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Bible </Li> <Li> Christianity <Ul> <Li> Catholicism </Li> <Li> Mormonism </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Islam <Ul> <Li> 21st century </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Judaism </Li> <Li> Bahá'í Faith </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Opposition and resistance ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Timeline </Li> <Li> Abolitionism <Ul> <Li> U.K. </Li> <Li> U.S. </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Anti-Slavery International </Li> <Li> Blockade of Africa <Ul> <Li> U.K. </Li> <Li> U.S. </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Colonization <Ul> <Li> Liberia </Li> <Li> Sierra Leone </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Compensated emancipation </Li> <Li> Freedman <Ul> <Li> manumission </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Freedom suit </Li> <Li> Abolitionists </Li> <Li> Slave Power </Li> <Li> Underground Railroad <Ul> <Li> songs </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Slave rebellion </Li> <Li> Slave Trade Acts </Li> <Li> International law </Li> <Li> 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Related ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Common law </Li> <Li> Indentured servitude </Li> <Li> Unfree labour </Li> <Li> Fugitive slaves <Ul> <Li> laws </Li> <Li> Great Dismal Swamp maroons </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> List of slaves <Ul> <Li> owners </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Slave narrative <Ul> <Li> films </Li> <Li> songs </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Slave name </Li> <Li> Slave catcher </Li> <Li> Slave patrol </Li> <Li> Slave Route Project </Li> <Li> Treatment in U.S. <Ul> <Li> breeding </Li> <Li> court cases </Li> <Li> Washington </Li> <Li> Jefferson </Li> <Li> Adams </Li> <Li> Lincoln </Li> <Li> 40 acres </Li> <Li> Freedmen 's Bureau </Li> <Li> bit </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Emancipation Day </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Convention had unanimously accepted the principle that representation in the House of Representatives would be in proportion to the relative state populations . However , since slaves could not vote , leaders in slave states would thus have the benefit of increased representation in the House and the Electoral College . Delegates opposed to slavery proposed that only free inhabitants of each state be counted for apportionment purposes , while delegates supportive of slavery , on the other hand , opposed the proposal , wanting slaves to count in their actual numbers . The compromise that was finally agreed upon -- of counting `` all other persons '' as only three - fifths of their actual numbers -- reduced the representation of the slave states relative to the original proposals , but improved it over the Northern position . An inducement for slave states to accept the Compromise was its tie to taxation in the same ratio , so that the burden of taxation on the slave states was also reduced . </P> <P> The Three - Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1 , Section 2 , Clause 3 of the United States Constitution , which reads : </P> <P> Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union , according to their respective Numbers , which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons , including those bound to Service for a Term of Years , and excluding Indians not taxed , three fifths of all other Persons . </P> <P> The three - fifths ratio originated with a 1783 amendment proposed to the Articles of Confederation . The amendment was to have changed the basis for determining the wealth of each state , and hence its tax obligations , from real estate to population , as a measure of ability to produce wealth . The proposal by a committee of the Congress had suggested that taxes `` shall be supplied by the several colonies in proportion to the number of inhabitants of every age , sex , and quality , except Indians not paying taxes '' . The South immediately objected to this formula since it would include slaves , who were viewed primarily as property , in calculating the amount of taxes to be paid . As Thomas Jefferson wrote in his notes on the debates , the southern states would be taxed `` according to their numbers and their wealth conjunctly , while the northern would be taxed on numbers only '' . </P> <P> After proposed compromises of one - half by Benjamin Harrison of Virginia and three - fourths by several New Englanders failed to gain sufficient support , Congress finally settled on the three - fifths ratio proposed by James Madison . But this amendment ultimately failed , falling two states short of the unanimous approval required for amending the Articles of Confederation ( only New Hampshire and New York were opposed ) . </P> <P> A contentious issue at the 1787 Constitutional Convention was whether slaves would be counted as part of the population in determining representation of the states in the Congress or would instead be considered property and , as such , not be considered for purposes of representation . Delegates from states with a large population of slaves argued that slaves should be considered persons in determining representation , but as property if the new government were to levy taxes on the states on the basis of population . Delegates from states where slavery had become rare argued that slaves should be included in taxation , but not in determining representation . </P> <P> The proposed ratio was , however , a ready solution to the impasse that arose during the Constitutional Convention . In that situation , the alignment of the contending forces was the reverse of what had obtained under the Articles of Confederation . In amending the Articles , the North wanted slaves to count for more than the South did because the objective was to determine taxes paid by the states to the federal government
The 3/5 compromise was originally stated in the Constitution in
[ "Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3" ]
Where was the 3/5 compromise originally stated in the constitution?
Steam - wikipedia <H1> Steam </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about water as a gas . For the video game digital distribution platform , see Steam ( software ) . For other uses , see Steam ( disambiguation ) . Liquid phase eruption of Castle Geyser in Yellowstone Park A temperature - versus - entropy diagram for steam A Mollier enthalpy - versus - entropy diagram for steam <P> Steam is water in the gas phase , which is formed when water boils . Steam is invisible ; however , `` steam '' often refers to wet steam , the visible mist or aerosol of water droplets formed as this water vapour condenses . At lower pressures , such as in the upper atmosphere or at the top of high mountains , water boils at a lower temperature than the nominal 100 ° C ( 212 ° F ) at standard pressure . If heated further it becomes superheated steam . </P> <P> The enthalpy of vaporization is the energy required to turn water into the gaseous form when it increases in volume by 1,700 times at standard temperature and pressure ; this change in volume can be converted into mechanical work by steam engines such as reciprocating piston type engines and steam turbines , which are a sub-group of steam engines . Piston type steam engines played a central role to the Industrial Revolution and modern steam turbines are used to generate more than 80 % of the world 's electricity . If liquid water comes in contact with a very hot surface or depressurizes quickly below its vapor pressure , it can create a steam explosion . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Types of steam and conversions </Li> <Li> 2 Uses <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Agricultural </Li> <Li> 2.2 Domestic </Li> <Li> 2.3 Electricity generation ( and cogeneration ) </Li> <Li> 2.4 Energy storage </Li> <Li> 2.5 Lifting gas </Li> <Li> 2.6 Mechanical effort </Li> <Li> 2.7 Sterilization </Li> <Li> 2.8 Steam in piping </Li> <Li> 2.9 Wood treatment </Li> <Li> 2.10 Concrete treatment </Li> <Li> 2.11 Cleaning </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Types of steam and conversions ( edit ) </H2> <P> Steam is traditionally created by heating a boiler via burning coal and other fuels , but it is also possible to create steam with solar energy . Water vapor that includes water droplets is described as wet steam . As wet steam is heated further , the droplets evaporate , and at a high enough temperature ( which depends on the pressure ) all of the water evaporates and the system is in vapor -- liquid equilibrium . </P> <P> Superheated steam is steam at a temperature higher than its boiling point for the pressure , which only occurs where all liquid water has evaporated or has been removed from the system . </P> <P> Steam tables contain thermodynamic data for water / steam and are often used by engineers and scientists in design and operation of equipment where thermodynamic cycles involving steam are used . Additionally , thermodynamic phase diagrams for water / steam , such as a temperature - entropy diagram or a Mollier diagram shown in this article , may be useful . Steam charts are also used for analysing thermodynamic cycles . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> enthalpy - entropy ( h-s ) diagram for steam </Td> <Td> pressure - enthalpy ( p-h ) diagram for steam </Td> <Td> temperature - entropy ( T-s ) diagram for steam </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Uses ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Agricultural ( edit ) </H3> <P> In agriculture , steam is used for soil sterilization to avoid the use of harmful chemical agents and increase soil health . </P> <H3> Domestic ( edit ) </H3> <P> Steam 's capacity to transfer heat is also used in the home : for cooking vegetables , steam cleaning of fabric , carpets and flooring , and for heating buildings . In each case , water is heated in a boiler , and the steam carries the energy to a target object . Steam is also used in ironing clothes to add enough humidity with the heat to take wrinkles out and put intentional creases into the clothing . </P> <H3> Electricity generation ( and cogeneration ) ( edit ) </H3> <P> About 90 % of all electricity is generated using steam as the working fluid , nearly all by steam turbines . </P> <P> In electric generation , steam is typically condensed at the end of its expansion cycle , and returned to the boiler for re-use . However , in cogeneration , steam is piped into buildings through a district heating system to provide heat energy after its use in the electric generation cycle . The world 's biggest steam generation system is the New York City steam system , which pumps steam into 100,000 buildings in Manhattan from seven cogeneration plants . </P> <H3> Energy storage ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> Fireless steam locomotive Despite the resemblance to a boiler , note the lack of a chimney and also how the cylinders are at the cab end , not the chimney end . <P> In other industrial applications steam is used for energy storage , which is introduced and extracted by heat transfer , usually through pipes . Steam is a capacious reservoir for thermal energy because of water 's high heat of vaporization . </P> <P> Fireless steam locomotives were steam locomotives that operated from a supply of steam stored on board in a large tank resembling a conventional locomotive 's boiler .
Water turns to steam at a temperature of
[ "100 °C (212 °F)" ]
At what temp does water turn to steam?
Potter ( Lionel Barrymore ) was placed in AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes & Villains as No. 6 of villains , while George Bailey was voted No. 9 of heroes . <P> In 1990 , It 's a Wonderful Life was deemed `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in their National Film Registry . </P> <P> In 2002 , Britain 's Channel 4 ranked It 's a Wonderful Life as the seventh greatest film ever made in its poll `` The 100 Greatest Films '' . </P> <P> In June 2008 , AFI revealed its 10 Top 10 , the best ten films in ten `` classic '' American film genres , after polling over 1,500 people from the creative community . It 's a Wonderful Life was acknowledged as the third - best film in the fantasy genre . </P> <P> Somewhat more iconoclastic views of the film and its content are occasionally expressed . In 1947 , film critic Manny Farber wrote , `` To make his points ( Capra ) always takes an easy , simple - minded path that does n't give much credit to the intelligence of the audience '' , and adds that there are only a `` few unsentimental moments here and there . '' Wendell Jamieson , in a 2008 article for The New York Times which was generally positive in its analysis of the film , noted that far from being simply a sweet sentimental story , it `` is a terrifying , asphyxiating story about growing up and relinquishing your dreams , of seeing your father driven to the grave before his time , of living among bitter , small - minded people . It is a story of being trapped , of compromising , of watching others move ahead and away , of becoming so filled with rage that you verbally abuse your children , their teacher and your oppressively perfect wife . '' </P> <P> In a 2010 piece , Richard Cohen described It 's a Wonderful Life as `` the most terrifying Hollywood film ever made '' . In the `` Pottersville '' sequence , he wrote , George is not seeing the world that would exist had he never been born , but rather ' the world as it does exist , in his time and also in our own . '' Nine years earlier , another Salon writer , Gary Kamiya , had expressed the opposing view that `` Pottersville rocks ! , '' adding , `` The gauzy , Currier - and - Ives veil Capra drapes over Bedford Falls has prevented viewers from grasping what a tiresome and , frankly , toxic environment it is ... We all live in Pottersville now . '' </P> George and Mary watch their future home <P> The film 's elevation to the status of a beloved classic came decades after its initial release , when it became a television staple during Christmas season in the late 1970s . This came as a welcome surprise to Frank Capra and others involved with its production . `` It 's the damnedest thing I 've ever seen , '' Capra told The Wall Street Journal in 1984 . `` The film has a life of its own now , and I can look at it like I had nothing to do with it . I 'm like a parent whose kid grows up to be president . I 'm proud ... but it 's the kid who did the work . I did n't even think of it as a Christmas story when I first ran across it . I just liked the idea . '' In a 1946 interview , Capra described the film 's theme as `` the individual 's belief in himself '' and that he made it `` to combat a modern trend toward atheism '' . </P> <P> The film 's positive reception has continued into the present , and review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes currently reports a 94 % `` Certified Fresh '' approval rating . The website 's critical consensus reads , `` The holiday classic to define all holiday classics , It 's a Wonderful Life is one of a handful of films worth an annual viewing . '' </P> <H2> Awards and honors ( edit ) </H2> <P> Prior to the Los Angeles release of It 's a Wonderful Life , Liberty Films mounted an extensive promotional campaign that included a daily advertisement highlighting one of the film 's players , along with comments from reviewers . Jimmy Starr wrote , `` If I were an Oscar , I 'd elope with It 's a Wonderful Life lock , stock and barrel on the night of the Academy Awards '' . The New York Daily Times published an editorial that declared the film and James Stewart 's performance to be worthy of Academy Award consideration . </P> <P> It 's a Wonderful Life received five Academy Award nominations : </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Award </Th> <Th> Result </Th> <Th> Nominee / Winner </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Picture </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> <Td> Frank Capra Winner was Samuel Goldwyn -- The Best Years of Our Lives </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Director </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> <Td> Frank Capra Winner was William Wyler -- The Best Years of Our Lives </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Actor </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> <Td> James Stewart Winner was Fredric March -- The Best Years of Our Lives </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Film Editing </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> <Td> William Hornbeck Winner was Daniel Mandell -- The Best Years of Our Lives </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Sound Recording </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> <Td> John Aalberg Winner was John P. Livadary -- The Jolson Story </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Technical Achievement Award </Td> <Td> Won </Td> <Td> Russell Shearman and RKO Radio Studio Special Effects Dept . For the development of a new method of simulating falling snow on motion picture
The classic movie "It's a Wonderful Life" typically airs during the
[ "Christmas season" ]
When does it's a wonderful life comes on?
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too - wikipedia <H1> Tippecanoe and Tyler Too </H1> Jump to : navigation , search A score of the song as published by G.E. Blake of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . <P> `` Tippecanoe and Tyler Too '' , originally published as `` Tip and Ty '' , was a popular and influential campaign song of the Whig Party 's colorful Log Cabin Campaign in the 1840 United States presidential election . Its lyrics sang the praises of Whig candidates William Henry Harrison ( the `` hero of Tippecanoe '' ) and John Tyler , while denigrating incumbent Democrat Martin Van Buren . </P> <P> Folk music critic Irwin Silber wrote that the song `` firmly established the power of singing as a campaign device '' in the United States , and that this and the other songs of 1840 represent a `` Great Divide '' in the development of American campaign music . The North American Review at the time even remarked that the song was , `` in the political canvas of 1840 what the ' Marseillaise ' was to the French Revolution . It sang Harrison into the presidency . '' </P> <P> Today , however , the slogan Tippecanoe and Tyler Too is better remembered than the song itself . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Origin </Li> <Li> 2 Lyrics </Li> <Li> 3 Modern recordings </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Origin ( edit ) </H2> A campaign banner with the `` Tip and Ty '' slogan , derived from the song . <P> The song was written by Alexander Coffman Ross , a jeweler of Zanesville , Ohio , in 1840 , to the music of the minstrelsy song , `` Little Pigs '' . He first performed it at a Whig meeting in Zanesville , and it came to national attention when , traveling on a business trip , he introduced it to a Whig rally in New York . Ross apparently never copyrighted the song . </P> <P> `` Little Pigs '' itself is not well documented , but the available evidence suggests that there was a substantial adaptation of the score for `` Tip and Ty '' . </P> <P> A historical society in Madison , Wisconsin , claimed that a local , the young nephew of future U.S. Supreme Court justice Levi Woodbury , wrote the first verses of the song and that its premiere performance at a Whig rally came at the suggestion of Woodbury himself . Woodbury was , however , by all accounts a Democrat , not a Whig , and was in fact serving as Secretary of the Treasury under Martin Van Buren at the time . </P> <P> There were many variations on the song published at the time , especially ones with new verses . It has been called a `` satirical , expandable text that permitted , nay urged , singers to add their own lines '' . </P> <H2> Lyrics ( edit ) </H2> Tip and Ty <P> What 's the cause of this commotion , motion , motion , Our country through ? It is the ball a-rolling on For Tippecanoe and Tyler too . For Tippecanoe and Tyler too . And with them we 'll beat little Van , Van , Van , Van is a used up man . </P> And with them we 'll beat little Van . <P> First verse and chorus </P> <P> Ross 's version has twelve verses and a rousing chorus . There is repeated reference to rolling balls and constant motion , and rolling `` great canvas balls '' became a physical prop in the campaign pageantry , alongside the better - known log cabins and hard cider barrels . </P> <P> The song 's appeal has been compared to that of a great pop novelty song , as against the relative seriousness of most campaign songs . </P> <P> Martin Van Buren is derided as `` Little Van '' and `` Little Matty '' and his supporters as `` Vanjacks '' . These are contrasted with the rustic virtues of Harrison and the inevitability of his victory throughout the states . </P> <P> The refrain For Tippecanoe and Tyler too is highly euphonious : it exhibits a triple alliteration , an internal rhyme , and nearly forms an iambic tetrameter . </P> <H2> Modern Recordings ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Abbreviated version First verse and chorus . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Full version All twelve verses . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The song was part of the 1968 Off - Broadway musical How to Steal an Election and its cast album , with music and lyrics adapted by folk singer Oscar Brand . </P> <P> The song has been recorded in a traditional form multiple times : in 1960 by Broadway veteran Howard Da Silva on the album `` Politics and Poker - Songs to Get Elected By '' released by Monitor Records ( New York ) , in 1978 by Peter Janovsky on the album Winners and Losers : Campaign Songs from the Critical Elections in American History , Vol. 1 for Folkways Records , and in 1999 by Oscar Brand on the album Presidential Campaign Songs : 1789 -- 1996 for Smithsonian Folkways Recordings , the successor label to Folkways Records . </P> <P> The band They Might Be Giants recorded an alternative rock version of the song for the 2004 compilation album Future Soundtrack for America , using a three verse lyric as adapted by Oscar Brand ( from the first , eighth and second verses in Ross 's original ) . Appropriately enough , the compilation was a benefit album for political causes relating to that year 's election . John Flansburgh of They Might be Giants has remarked on the song
The phrase "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" refers to
[ "Whig candidates William Henry Harrison (the \"hero of Tippecanoe\") and John Tyler" ]
What does the phrase tippecanoe and tyler too mean?
Hansen ( surname ) - wikipedia <H1> Hansen ( surname ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> Hansen or Hanssen ( Danish pronunciation : ( ˈhænsn̩ ) ) is a Scandinavian patronymic surname , meaning son of Hans . As of 2008 , it is the third most common surname in Denmark , shared by 4.3 % of the population . As of 2000 , Hansen is the single most common surname in Norway , not counting spelling variations such as Hanssen , which are also quite common . In the Faroe Islands Hansen is the second most common surname , while in the North German federal states of Schleswig - Holstein and Hamburg Hansen is the third and fifth most common surname , respectively . In Sweden the parallel form is Hansson . The frequent occurrences of Hansen as a surname outside Denmark , Norway and Schleswig - Holstein is due to immigration , though Nordic immigrants to English - speaking countries often anglicised their names to Hanson in order to accommodate English orthographic rules . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Notable people <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Arts and entertainment </Li> <Li> 1.2 Politics </Li> <Li> 1.3 Science </Li> <Li> 1.4 Sport </Li> <Li> 1.5 Other </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 References </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Notable people ( edit ) </H2> <P> Notable people with the surname include : </P> <H3> Arts and entertainment ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Aime Hansen ( born 1962 ) , Estonian poet , writer , and artist </Li> <Li> Al Hansen ( 1927 -- 1995 ) , American artist </Li> <Li> Andrew Hansen ( 1974 -- ) , Australian comedian </Li> <Li> Anna Hansen , Canadian chef </Li> <Li> Asta Hansen ( 1914 -- 1962 ) , Danish stage and film actress </Li> <Li> Beck Hansen , also known as Beck ( 1970 -- ) , American musician , songwriter </Li> <Li> Betsy Hansen ( dates unknown ) , woman who charged actor Errol Flynn with statutory rape in 1942 </Li> <Li> B. Andreas Bull - Hansen ( 1972 -- ) , Norwegian fantasy writer and former championship weightlifter </Li> <Li> Carl G.O. Hansen ( 1871 -- 1960 ) , Norwegian - American journalist , musician and author </Li> <Li> Carl William Hansen ( 1872 -- 1936 ) , Danish author </Li> <Li> Chris Hansen , American journalist </Li> <Li> Christian Frederik Hansen ( 1756 -- 1845 ) , Danish architect </Li> <Li> Constantin Hansen ( 1804 -- 1880 ) , Danish artist </Li> <Li> Courtney Hansen ( contemporary ) , American model and television personality </Li> <Li> C. & V. Hansen ( 1906 -- 2001 & 1900 -- 1992 ) , Danish comics authors </Li> <Li> Dinah - Jane Hansen ( born 1996 ) , Singer of Female American group Fifth Harmony </Li> <Li> David Hansen ( actor ) ( contemporary ) , actor , director , and playwright </Li> <Li> Derek Hansen ( contemporary ) , Australian writer </Li> <Li> Erhardine Adolphine Hansen ( 1815 -- 1893 ) , Danish actress </Li> <Li> Erik Hansen ( 1927 -- 2016 ) , Danish architect </Li> <Li> Erik Fosnes Hansen ( 1965 -- ) , Norwegian author </Li> <Li> Gunnar Hansen ( 1947 -- 2015 ) , Icelandic - American actor </Li> <Li> Ib Hansen , pseudonym of Austrian poet H.C. Artmann ( 1921 -- 2000 ) </Li> <Li> Henriette Hansen , Norwegian ballerina , singer and actor </Li> <Li> Joachim Hansen ( actor ) ( 1930 -- ) , German actor </Li> <Li> Johannes Hansen ( sculptor ) ( 1903 -- 1995 ) , Danish sculptor </Li> <Li> Joseph Hansen ( writer ) ( 1923 -- 2004 ) , author </Li> <Li> Joseph Hansen ( dancer ) ( 1842 -- 1907 ) , Belgian dancer </Li> <Li> Kai Hansen ( 1963 -- ) , German power metal musician </Li> <Li> Liane Hansen ( contemporary ) , American radio journalist and radio show host </Li> <Li> Lisa M. Hansen an American producer , actress , assistant director , and writer </Li> <Li> Mary Hansen ( 1966 -- 2002 ) , Australian guitarist and singer </Li> <Li> Max Hansen ( tenor ) ( 1897 -- 1961 ) , Danish singer </Li> <Li> Peter Hansen ( actor ) ( 1921 -- 2017 ) , American actor </Li> <Li> Ron Hansen ( novelist ) ( 1947 -- ) , American novelist , essayist , and professor </Li> </Ul> <H3> Politics ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Ann Hansen ( contemporary ) , Canadian anarchist and bomber </Li> <Li> Bernie Hansen ( contemporary ) , American politician in Chicago politics </Li> <Li> Clifford Hansen ( 1912 -- 2009 ) , American politician from Wyoming </Li> <Li> Colin Hansen ( contemporary ) , Canadian politician from British Columbia </Li> <Li> Connor Hansen , American jurist from Wisconsin </Li> <Li> Dave Hansen ( 1947 -- ) , American politician from Wisconsin </Li> <Li> Eva Kjer Hansen ( 1964 -- ) , Danish politician </Li> <Li> Flemming Hansen ( politician ) ( 1939 -- ) , Danish politician </Li> <Li> George V. Hansen ( 1930 -- ) , American politician from Idaho </Li> <Li> Glenna Hansen ( 1956 -- ) , Canadian Inuvialuit politician </Li> <Li> H.C. Hansen ( 1906 -- 1960 ) , Danish Prime Minister ( 1955 -- 1960 ) </Li> <Li> James V. Hansen ( 1932 -- ) , American politician from Utah </Li> <Li> Joseph Hansen ( socialist ) ( 1910 -- 1979 ) , American Trotskyist and leader of the American Socialist Workers Party </Li> <Li> Merle Hansen ( 1919 -- ) , American farmer , Founder of the North American Farm Alliance </Li> <Li> Peter Hansen ( UN ) ( 1941 -- ) , Danish UN official </Li> <Li> Robert W. Hansen , American jurist from Wisconsin </Li> <Li> Ron Hansen ( politician ) ( 1943 -- ) , Canadian politician from Ontario </Li> <Li> Stephanie Hansen ( 1961 -- ) , American politician from Delaware </Li> <Li> Urban Hansen ( 1908
The last name Hansen originates from
[ "Denmark" ]
Where does the last name hansen come from?
America ( edit ) El Salvador ( edit ) <P> Christmas for El Salvador still carries a strong meaning that brings families together . Despite the business on the streets and the red , green and white colors flooding the environment , Salvadoran people try to honor the true meaning of Christmas , the birth of Jesús . In El Salvador children celebrate Christmas by playing with firecrackers , fountains , such as the small volcancitos ( `` little volcanos '' ) and sparklers , estrellitas ( `` little stars '' ) . Teenagers and young adults display bigger fireworks or Roman Candles . Families also have parties in which they dance and eat . Santa Claus is known for appearing in TV and print ads , but people ask children if they already wrote a letter to little baby Jesus . Traditional Salvadoran Christmas dishes are sauteed turkey sandwiches in a baguette with lettuce and radishes , Salvadoran Tamales , and sweet bread for dessert . Drinks include hot chocolate , pineapple juice , Salvadoran horchata , Cherry Salvadoran horchata , and coffee . At 12 : 00 a.m. on December 25 everyone gathers around the Christmas tree and opens their presents . </P> Guatemala ( edit ) <P> On Christmas in Guatemala , people dress up in an ornamental hat , called a Puritina , and dance in a line . As with much of the country 's culture , the celebration includes Spanish and Mayan elements . </P> South America ( edit ) Brazil ( edit ) São Paulo 's Christmas Tree and water fountains at Ibirapuera Park <P> Christmas Day on December 25 is a national holiday in Brazil . But because Brazil lies in the Southern Hemisphere , Brazilians celebrate Christmas in the summer . In the small cities in the entire country , as well as in the largest cities , like São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro , Recife , Salvador , Fortaleza , Curitiba , Porto Alegre , Brasília , Manaus , Belém , Natal and Belo Horizonte , the celebrations resemble in many ways the traditions in Europe and North America , with the Christmas tree , the exchanging of gifts and Christmas cards , the decoration of houses and buildings with electric lights and the nativity scene . Despite the warm tropical summer weather , some incongruences such as decorations with themes of winter and snow are not uncommon . In some cities like Guarapuava , there are decoration contests , when judges go to houses to look at the decorations , inside or outside of the house , and decide the most beautiful house . Christmas Eve is the most important day . Unlike in the North American and Anglo - Saxon tradition , Christmas takes action mainly near midnight , usually with big family dinners , opening of gifts and the celebration of the `` Missa do Galo '' ( the rooster 's mass ) in churches throughout the nation . </P> <P> Many Brazilians decorate their homes with a Christmas Tree , there is no rule , the parents can decorate it by themselves as a surprise to the kids , or they can do it together . In addition to the Christmas tree , many families set up a Nativity scene as the main decoration . Nativity scenes are very popular in Brazil , and can be seen everywhere including churches and popular places around the town . Like many other countries , Christmas dinner in Brazil is normally served late in the evening on Christmas Eve around 10 or 11 p.m. The meal often includes farofa stuffing , assortments of fruit , fried cod , and roast turkey with a dessert called `` rabanada '' . Along with their meals , Brazilians typically drink champagne , wine , and fruit punch . Typically after they eat , many Brazilians attend a Midnight Mass service or watch the Pope 's television broadcast celebration of `` Midnight Mass in Rome '' with family and friends . </P> Colombia ( edit ) Medellín River during the Lighting of Medellin <P> Christmas is a public holiday in Colombia and is primarily a religious celebration . Presents are brought by El Niño Jesus / Niño Dios ( Baby Jesus ) . </P> <P> While Christmas decorations may be put up as early as the beginning of November , the unofficial start of Colombian Christmas festivities takes place on December 7 , Día de las Velitas , or `` Day of the Candles . '' At night , the streets , sidewalks , balconies , porches , and driveways are decorated with candles and paper lanterns , which illuminate cities and towns in a yellow glow to honor the Immaculate Conception on the following day , December 8 . In many cities , and even in small rural towns , neighborhoods get together and decorate their whole neighborhood or street , turning streets into virtual `` tunnels of light . '' Many radio stations and local organizations hold contests for the best display of lights , making the competition for the best light show a serious event . The city of Medellín has become a popular tourist destination during the holiday season because of its Christmas lights . Activities such as musical events and firework displays are planned by cities and held during this time . Individually launched fireworks were a common item during the Christmas season in Colombia , often going on at any time of the day in many cities . However , a recent ban has decreased the individual use of fireworks , and now only cities or towns are able to hold firework displays . </P> <P> December 16 is the first day of the Christmas Novena , a devotion consisting of prayer said on nine successive days , the last one held on Christmas Eve . The Novena is promoted by the Catholic Church as a staple of Christmas , and is very similar to the posadas celebrated in Mexico . It is a call for an understanding of the
In Brazil, the symbol for Christmas is the
[ "Christmas Tree" ]
What is the symbol for christmas in brazil?
She 's Like the Wind - wikipedia <H1> She 's Like the Wind </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` She 's Like the Wind '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Patrick Swayze </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Dirty Dancing Soundtrack </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs - Stay '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 7 '' single , 12 '' maxi , CD single , Cassette single </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> November 1986 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Soft rock </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 3 : 49 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> RCA </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Patrick Swayze , Stacy Widelitz </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Michael Lloyd </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` She 's Like the Wind '' is a 1987 power ballad from the film Dirty Dancing , performed by Patrick Swayze . Though Swayze is the primary vocalist on the single , it was billed as being performed by `` Patrick Swayze featuring Wendy Fraser '' ; Fraser is heard throughout much of the song , specifically in the final chorus . The single reached number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one on the Adult Contemporary chart . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Production </Li> <Li> 2 History <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Music video </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Releases <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Track listing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Chart position </Li> <Li> 5 Lumidee <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Background </Li> <Li> 5.2 Music video </Li> <Li> 5.3 Track listing </Li> <Li> 5.4 Charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Other versions </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Swayze and Stacy Widelitz co-wrote the song in 1984 . </P> <P> It was originally intended for the soundtrack of Grandview , U.S.A. and was meant to be about Jamie Lee Curtis ' character in the film . However , the song was not used in that film . During production of Dirty Dancing in 1987 , Swayze played the demo for producer Linda Gottlieb and director Emile Ardolino . They loved it and passed it on to Jimmy Ienner and Bob Feiden , the soundtrack 's executive producers . It was recorded for the soundtrack in November 1986 , with Michael Lloyd producing . The song , like the film in which it was featured , was a success , reaching number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one on Adult Contemporary , and was a hit around the world . It is still in circulation on radio . The soundtrack album was number one for 19 weeks . </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Swayze co-wrote and performed two tracks on the soundtrack to the film Road House ( 1989 ) , plus he co-wrote and performed a duet with Larry Gatlin for the film Next of Kin ( 1989 ) . </P> <H3> Music video ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The music video in black and white features clips from the movie Dirty Dancing . The video can be seen on the Ultimate Dirty Dancing DVD . </P> <H2> Releases ( edit ) </H2> <P> The song was released commercially on 7 '' vinyl in many countries , with a 3 - track 12 '' maxi single and 2 - track cassette also produced . CD singles were a relatively new format , however ; a 2 and 3 - track 5 '' CD and Japanese mini CD single were commercially released . </P> <H3> Track listing ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> 7 '' vinyl single - US </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Writer ( s ) </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` She 's Like the Wind '' </Td> <Td> P. Swayze , S. Widelitz </Td> <Td> 3 : 49 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Stay '' </Td> <Td> Maurice Williams </Td> <Td> 1 : 34 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> CD single - France </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Writer ( s ) </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` She 's Like the Wind '' </Td> <Td> P. Swayze , S. Widelitz </Td> <Td> 3 : 49 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Stay '' </Td> <Td> Maurice Williams </Td> <Td> 1 : 34 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> Cassette single - US </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Writer ( s ) </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` She 's Like the Wind '' </Td> <Td> P. Swayze , S. Widelitz </Td> <Td> 3 : 49 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Stay '' </Td> <Td> Maurice Williams </Td> <Td> 1 :
The song "She's Like the Wind" features lyrics sung by
[ "Patrick Swayze" ]
Who sings she's like the wind lyrics?
filmed in Los Angeles . </P> <P> The series has received positive reviews and has been nominated for Best Television Series -- Drama at the 74th Golden Globe Awards and Best Drama Series at the 7th Critics ' Choice Awards , as well as being chosen as a Top Television Program by the American Film Institute . Sterling K. Brown has received an Emmy , a Golden Globe , a Critics ' Choice Award , and an NAACP Image Award for his acting in the series . Mandy Moore and Chrissy Metz received Golden Globe nominations for Best Supporting Actress . In 2017 , the series received ten Emmy nominations , including Outstanding Drama Series , with Brown winning for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series . </P> <P> On September 27 , 2016 , NBC picked up the series for a full season of 18 episodes . In January 2017 , NBC renewed the series for two additional seasons of 18 episodes each . The second season premiered on September 26 , 2017 . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Premise </Li> <Li> 2 Commitment to Diversity </Li> <Li> 3 Cast and characters <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Main </Li> <Li> 3.2 Recurring </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Episodes <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Series overview </Li> <Li> 4.2 Season 1 ( 2016 -- 17 ) </Li> <Li> 4.3 Season 2 ( 2017 -- 18 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Release </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Critical response </Li> <Li> 6.2 Ratings </Li> <Li> 6.3 Accolades </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Notes </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> Premise ( edit ) </H2> <P> The series follows the lives of siblings Kevin , Kate , and Randall ( known as the `` Big Three '' ) , and their parents Jack and Rebecca Pearson . It takes place in the present and using flashbacks , at various times in the past . Kevin and Kate are the two surviving members of a triplet pregnancy , born six weeks premature on Jack 's 36th birthday in 1980 ; their brother is stillborn . Believing they were meant to have three children , Jack and Rebecca , who are white , decide to adopt Randall , a black child born the same day and brought to the same hospital after his biological father abandoned him at a fire station . Jack dies when his children are 17 . </P> <P> Most episodes feature a storyline taking place in the present ( 2016 -- 2018 , contemporaneous with airing ) and a storyline taking place at a set time in the past ; but some episodes are set in one time period or use multiple flashback time periods . Flashbacks often focus on Jack and Rebecca c. 1980 both before and after their babies ' birth , or on the family when the Big Three are children ( at least ages 8 -- 10 ) or adolescents ; these scenes usually take place in Pittsburgh , where the Big Three are born and raised . Various other time periods and locations have also served a settings . As adults , Kate lives in Los Angeles , Randall and his family are in New Jersey , and Kevin relocates from Los Angeles to New York City . </P> <H2> Commitment to diversity ( edit ) </H2> <P> Fogelman intentionally recruited behind - the - scenes talent that would reflect the diversity of his cast , with the goal of bringing greater authenticity to the dialog and storylines . These include black directors Regina King and George Tillman , Jr. and black female writers Kay Oyegun and Jas Waters ( part of a 30 % black core writing staff that far outpaces the industry standard of 5 % ) . In addition , Fogelman 's sister Deborah , whose struggles with weight were one of the initial inspirations for the show , serves as a consultant . </P> <H2> Cast and characters ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of This Is Us characters Main cast members ( L -- R ) Jones , Watson , Brown , Ventimiglia , Moore , Hartley , Metz , and Sullivan at PaleyFest 2017 <H3> Main ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Milo Ventimiglia as Jack Pearson : Rebecca 's husband , and Kate , Kevin , and Randall 's father . </Li> <Li> Mandy Moore as Rebecca Pearson ( née Malone ) : Jack 's wife , and Kate , Kevin , and Randall 's mother . </Li> <Li> Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson : Jack and Rebecca 's adopted son , and Kate and Kevin 's brother . Also played by Niles Fitch ( ages 15 -- 17 ) and Lonnie Chavis ( ages 8 -- 10 ) . </Li> <Li> Chrissy Metz as Kate Pearson : Jack and Rebecca 's daughter , and Kevin and Randall 's sister . Also played by Hannah Zeile ( ages 15 -- 17 ) and Mackenzie Hancsicsak ( ages 8 -- 10 ) . </Li> <Li> Justin Hartley as Kevin Pearson : Jack and Rebecca 's son , and Kate and Randall 's brother . Also played by Logan Shroyer ( ages 15 -- 17 ) and Parker Bates ( ages 8 -- 10 ) . </Li> <Li> Susan Kelechi Watson as Beth Pearson : Randall 's wife , and mother of Tess and Annie . </Li> <Li> Chris Sullivan as Toby Damon : Kate 's husband . </Li> <Li> Ron Cephas Jones as William H. `` Shakespeare '' Hill : Randall 's biological father . Also played by Jermel Nakia as a young adult . </Li> <Li> Jon Huertas as Miguel Rivas : Jack 's best friend and Rebecca 's second husband . ( recurring season 1 ; main season 2 -- present ) </Li> <Li> Alexandra Breckenridge as Sophie : Kate 's childhood best friend as well as Kevin 's childhood love and ex-wife . Also played by Amanda Leighton ( ages 15 -- 17 ) and Sophia
The Pearson family from the TV show "This Is Us" resides in
[ "Pittsburgh" ]
Where does the this is us family live?
</Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> A prime minister , also known as a premier , is the head of a cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government , often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system . In many systems , the prime minister selects and may dismiss other members of the cabinet , and allocates posts to members within the government . In most systems , the prime minister is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet . In a minority of systems , notably in semi-presidential systems of government , a prime minister is the official who is appointed to manage the civil service and execute the directives of the head of state . </P> <P> In parliamentary systems fashioned after the Westminster system , the prime minister is the presiding and actual head of government and head of the executive branch . In such systems , the head of state or the head of state 's official representative ( often the monarch , president , or governor - general ) usually holds a largely ceremonial position , although often with reserve powers . </P> <P> The prime minister is often , but not always , a member of the Legislature or the Lower House thereof and is expected with other ministers to ensure the passage of bills through the legislature . In some monarchies the monarch may also exercise executive powers ( known as the royal prerogative ) that are constitutionally vested in the crown and may be exercised without the approval of parliament . </P> <P> As well as being head of government , a prime minister may have other roles or posts -- the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , for example , is also First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service . Prime ministers may take other ministerial posts . For example , during the Second World War , Winston Churchill was also Minister of Defence ( although there was then no Ministry of Defence ) and in the current cabinet of Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu also serves as Minister of Communications , Foreign Affairs , Regional Cooperation , Economy and Interior . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Etymology </Li> <Li> 2 History <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Origins </Li> <Li> 2.2 Development </Li> <Li> 2.3 Modern usage </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 In republics and in monarchies </Li> <Li> 4 Entry into office </Li> <Li> 5 Constitutional basis for the Position in Countries </Li> <Li> 6 Exit from office </Li> <Li> 7 Titles </Li> <Li> 8 Organisational structure </Li> <Li> 9 Description of the role </Li> <Li> 10 Lists of prime ministers </Li> <Li> 11 See also </Li> <Li> 12 References </Li> <Li> 13 Further reading </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Etymology ( edit ) </H2> <P> The term prime minister in its French form , premier ministre , is attested in 17th Century sources referring to Cardinal Richelieu after he was named to head the royal council in 1624 . The title was however informal and used alongside the equally informal principal ministre d'État ( `` chief minister of the state '' ) more as a job description . After 1661 , Louis XIV and his descendants refused to allow one of their ministers to be more important than the others , so the term was not in use . </P> <P> The term prime minister in the sense that we know it originated in the 18th century in the United Kingdom when members of parliament disparagingly used the title in reference to Sir Robert Walpole . During the whole of the 18th Century , Britain was involved in a prolonged conflict with France , periodically bursting into all - out war , and Britons took outspoken pride in their `` Liberty '' as contrasted to the `` Tyranny '' of French Absolute Monarchy ; therefore , being implicitly compared with Richelieu was no compliment to Walpole . Over time , however , the title became honorific and remains so in the 21st century . </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> See also : History of Parliamentarism <H3> Origins ( edit ) </H3> Further information : Chief Minister of England and Chief minister of France <P> The monarchs of England and the United Kingdom had ministers in whom they placed special trust and who were regarded as the head of the government . Examples were Thomas Cromwell under Henry VIII ; William Cecil , Lord Burghley under Elizabeth I ; Clarendon under Charles II and Godolphin under Queen Anne . These ministers held a variety of formal posts , but were commonly known as `` the minister '' , the `` chief minister '' , the `` first minister '' and finally the `` prime minister '' . </P> <P> The power of these ministers depended entirely on the personal favour of the monarch . Although managing the parliament was among the necessary skills of holding high office , they did not depend on a parliamentary majority for their power . Although there was a cabinet , it was appointed entirely by the monarch , and the monarch usually presided over its meetings . </P> <P> When the monarch grew tired of a first minister , he or she could be dismissed , or worse : Cromwell was executed and Clarendon driven into exile when they lost favour . Kings sometimes divided power equally between two or more ministers to prevent one minister from becoming too powerful . Late in Anne 's reign , for example , the Tory ministers Harley and Viscount Bolingbroke shared power . </P> <H3> Development ( edit ) </H3> The prime ministers of five members of the Commonwealth of Nations at the 1944 Commonwealth Prime Ministers ' Conference . <P> In the mid 17th century , after the English Civil War ( 1642 -- 1651 ) , Parliament strengthened its position relative to the monarch then gained more power through the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and passage of the Bill of Rights in 1689
The term "prime minister" was first used in
[ "1624" ]
When was the term prime minister first used?
<Td> 85.64 </Td> <Td> 81.14 </Td> <Td> 8.36 </Td> <Td> 7.89 </Td> <Td> 8.00 </Td> <Td> 8.18 </Td> <Td> 8.14 </Td> <Td> -- 2.00 </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 16 </Th> <Td> Jorik Hendrickx </Td> <Td> Belgium </Td> <Td> 164.21 </Td> <Td> 81.79 </Td> <Td> 82.42 </Td> <Td> 8.25 </Td> <Td> 7.96 </Td> <Td> 8.36 </Td> <Td> 8.25 </Td> <Td> 8.39 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 17 </Th> <Td> Misha Ge </Td> <Td> Uzbekistan </Td> <Td> 161.04 </Td> <Td> 74.96 </Td> <Td> 86.08 </Td> <Td> 8.46 </Td> <Td> 8.36 </Td> <Td> 8.54 </Td> <Td> 8.75 </Td> <Td> 8.93 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 18 </Th> <Td> Michal Březina </Td> <Td> Czech Republic </Td> <Td> 160.92 </Td> <Td> 76.58 </Td> <Td> 84.34 </Td> <Td> 8.57 </Td> <Td> 8.21 </Td> <Td> 8.39 </Td> <Td> 8.57 </Td> <Td> 8.43 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 19 </Th> <Td> Matteo Rizzo </Td> <Td> Italy </Td> <Td> 156.78 </Td> <Td> 80.86 </Td> <Td> 75.92 </Td> <Td> 7.64 </Td> <Td> 7.32 </Td> <Td> 7.79 </Td> <Td> 7.64 </Td> <Td> 7.57 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 20 </Th> <Td> Deniss Vasiļjevs </Td> <Td> Latvia </Td> <Td> 155.06 </Td> <Td> 76.42 </Td> <Td> 80.64 </Td> <Td> 8.14 </Td> <Td> 7.86 </Td> <Td> 7.96 </Td> <Td> 8.18 </Td> <Td> 8.18 </Td> <Td> -- 2.00 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 21 </Th> <Td> Brendan Kerry </Td> <Td> Australia </Td> <Td> 150.75 </Td> <Td> 73.33 </Td> <Td> 77.42 </Td> <Td> 7.96 </Td> <Td> 7.54 </Td> <Td> 7.68 </Td> <Td> 7.82 </Td> <Td> 7.71 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 22 </Th> <Td> Paul Fentz </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> 139.82 </Td> <Td> 66.98 </Td> <Td> 72.84 </Td> <Td> 7.50 </Td> <Td> 7.14 </Td> <Td> 7.14 </Td> <Td> 7.39 </Td> <Td> 7.25 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 23 </Th> <Td> Yan Han </Td> <Td> China </Td> <Td> 132.38 </Td> <Td> 53.80 </Td> <Td> 79.58 </Td> <Td> 8.56 </Td> <Td> 7.82 </Td> <Td> 7.57 </Td> <Td> 8.04 </Td> <Td> 8.00 </Td> <Td> -- 1.00 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 24 </Th> <Td> Moris Kvitelashvili </Td> <Td> Georgia </Td> <Td> 128.01 </Td> <Td> 63.35 </Td> <Td> 70.66 </Td> <Td> 7.34 </Td> <Td> 6.86 </Td> <Td> 6.68 </Td> <Td> 7.32 </Td> <Td> 7.04 </Td> <Td> -- 6.00 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Notes : </Li> <Li> TSS - Total Segment Score ; TES - Technical Element Score ; PCS - Program Component Score </Li> <Li> SS - Skating Skills ; TR - Transitions ; PE - Performance / Execution </Li> <Li> CH - Choreography ; IN - Interpretation ; Ded - Deduction ; StN - Starting Number </Li> </Ul> <H3> Overall ( edit ) </H3> <P> The skaters were ranked according to their overall score . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Rank </Th> <Th> Name </Th> <Th> Nation </Th> <Th> TP </Th> <Th colspan="2"> SP </Th> <Th colspan="2"> FS </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 01 ! </Th> <Td> Yuzuru Hanyu </Td> <Td> Japan </Td> <Td> 317.85 </Td> <Td> 111.68 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 206.17 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 02 ! </Th> <Td> Shoma Uno </Td> <Td> Japan </Td> <Td> 306.90 </Td> <Td> 104.17 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 202.73 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 03 ! </Th> <Td> Javier Fernández </Td> <Td> Spain </Td> <Td> 305.24 </Td> <Td> 107.58 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 197.66 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> Jin Boyang </Td> <Td> China </Td> <Td> 297.77 </Td> <Td> 103.32 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 194.45 </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> Nathan Chen </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> 297.35 </Td> <Td> 82.27 </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> <Td> 215.08 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> Vincent Zhou </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> 276.69 </Td> <Td> 84.53 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> 192.16 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 7 </Th> <Td> Dmitri Aliev </Td> <Td> Olympic Athletes from Russia </Td> <Td> 267.51 </Td> <Td> 98.98 </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 168.53 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 8 </Th> <Td> Mikhail Kolyada </Td> <Td> Olympic Athletes from Russia </Td> <Td> 264.25 </Td> <Td> 86.69 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 177.56 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 9 </Th> <Td> Patrick Chan </Td> <Td> Canada </Td> <Td> 263.43 </Td> <Td> 90.01 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 173.42 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 10 </Th> <Td> Adam Rippon </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> 259.36 </Td> <Td> 87.95 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 171.41 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 11 </Th> <Td> Oleksii Bychenko </Td> <Td> Israel </Td> <Td> 257.01 </Td> <Td> 84.13 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 172.88 </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 12 </Th> <Td> Keegan Messing </Td> <Td> Canada </Td> <Td> 255.43 </Td> <Td> 85.11 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 170.32 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 13 </Th> <Td> Daniel Samohin </Td> <Td> Israel </Td> <Td> 251.44 </Td> <Td> 80.69 </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> 170.75 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 14 </Th> <Td> Jorik Hendrickx </Td> <Td> Belgium </Td> <Td> 248.95 </Td> <Td> 84.74 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 164.21 </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 15 </Th> <Td> Cha Jun - hwan </Td> <Td> South Korea </Td> <Td> 248.59 </Td> <Td> 83.43 </Td> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> 165.16 </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 16 </Th> <Td> Michal Březina </Td> <Td> Czech Republic </Td> <Td> 246.07 </Td> <Td> 85.15 </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 160.92 </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 17 </Th> <Td> Misha Ge </Td> <Td> Uzbekistan </Td> <Td> 244.94 </Td> <Td> 83.90 </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> 161.04 </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 18 </Th> <Td> Keiji Tanaka </Td> <Td> Japan </Td> <Td> 244.83 </Td> <Td> 80.05 </Td> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> 164.78 </Td> <Td> 15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 19 </Th> <Td> Deniss Vasiļjevs </Td> <Td> Latvia </Td> <Td> 234.58 </Td> <Td> 79.52 </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> 155.06 </Td> <Td> 20
The winner of the men's single ice skating event in 2018 was
[ "Yuzuru Hanyu" ]
Who won the mens single ice skating 2018?
These Days ( Foo Fighters song ) - wikipedia <H1> These Days ( Foo Fighters song ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` These Days '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Foo Fighters </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Wasting Light </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> November 1 , 2011 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> digital download </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Alternative rock , post-grunge </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 4 : 58 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> RCA </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Dave Grohl , Taylor Hawkins , Nate Mendel , Chris Shiflett , Pat Smear </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Butch Vig </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Foo Fighters singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Arlandria '' ( 2011 ) </Td> <Td> `` These Days '' ( 2011 ) </Td> <Td> `` Bridge Burning '' ( 2012 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Arlandria '' ( 2011 ) </Td> <Td> `` These Days '' ( 2011 ) </Td> <Td> `` Bridge Burning '' ( 2012 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Music video </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> These Days on YouTube </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` These Days '' is the third single , ( fourth in the UK ) , from the American rock band Foo Fighters ' seventh studio album Wasting Light . It was written by Dave Grohl and co-produced by Butch Vig . Dave Grohl has stated that it is his favourite song that he has ever written . On August 18 , 2012 , the Foo Fighters performed `` These Days '' at Pukkelpop , as a tribute to the people who died or were injured there a year earlier , due to a violent thunderstorm that raged over the festival grounds . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Music video </Li> <Li> 2 Reception </Li> <Li> 3 Charts and certifications <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 3.2 Certifications </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Music video ( edit ) </H2> <P> The official video was released on January 30 , 2012 . The video featured live shots from their June 2011 Milton Keynes performances , Australian and New Zealand tour . It was directed by Wayne Isham . </P> <H2> Reception ( edit ) </H2> <P> The writers of Rolling Stone magazine named it the fourth best single of the year . As of April 9 , 2012 `` These Days '' spent sixteen weeks on the Australian Singles Chart , and was certified gold in Australia . </P> <H2> Charts and certifications ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Weekly charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 2011 -- 12 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Australia ( ARIA ) </Td> <Td> 60 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Belgium ( Ultratip Flanders ) </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canada ( Canadian Hot 100 ) </Td> <Td> 63 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canada Rock ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mexico Ingles Airplay ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> 37 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Poland ( LP3 ) </Td> <Td> 26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK Rock and Metal ( Official Charts Company ) </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Alternative Songs ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Mainstream Rock ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Hot Rock Songs ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Certifications ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Region </Th> <Th> Certification </Th> <Th> Certified units / Sales </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Australia ( ARIA ) </Th> <Td> Gold </Td> <Td> 35,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="3"> <P> sales figures based on certification alone </P> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Radio Industry News , Music Industry Updates , Arbitron Ratings , Music News and more ! '' . FMQB . Retrieved September 9 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Foo Fighters - These Days . Retrieved June 4 , 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Foo Fighters - These Days loud . Retrieved June 4 , 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Watch the new Foo Fighters video , `` These Days '' AUX New Music </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` 50 Best Singles of 2011 : Foo Fighters , ' These Days ' '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved September 9 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Pandora Archive '' ( PDF ) . April 16 , 2012 . Retrieved September 9 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Accreditations - 2012 Singles '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` -- Foo Fighters -- These Days '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratip . Retrieved November 14 , 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Foo Fighters Chart History ( Canadian Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved November 14 , 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Foo Fighters Chart History ( Canada Rock ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Foo Fighters - Mexican Ingles Airplay search results '' . . Retrieved September 4 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` THESE DAYS '' . Polskie Radio . Retrieved November 14 , 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Official Rock & Metal Singles Chart Top 40 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved September 14 , 2015 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ ``
The Foo Fighters' "One of These Days" video was filmed during
[ "their June 2011 Milton Keynes performances, Australian and New Zealand tour" ]
Where was foo fighters one of these days video filmed?
Cain and Abel ( software ) - Wikipedia <H1> Cain and Abel ( software ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with CAINE Linux in the List of digital forensics tools . <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( June 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> Cain and Abel <Tr> <Th> Developer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Massimiliano Montoro </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stable release </Th> <Td> 4.9. 56 / April 7 , 2014 ; 4 years ago ( 2014 - 04 - 07 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Operating system </Th> <Td> Microsoft Windows </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Type </Th> <Td> password cracking </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> License </Th> <Td> Freeware </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Cain and Abel ( often abbreviated to Cain ) is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows . It can recover many kinds of passwords using methods such as network packet sniffing , cracking various password hashes by using methods such as dictionary attacks , brute force and cryptanalysis attacks . Cryptanalysis attacks are done via rainbow tables which can be generated with the winrtgen. exe program provided with Cain and Abel . Cain and Abel is maintained by Massimiliano Montoro and Sean Babcock . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Features </Li> <Li> 2 Status with virus scanners </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Features ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> WEP cracking </Li> <Li> Speeding up packet capture speed by wireless packet injection </Li> <Li> Ability to record VoIP conversations </Li> <Li> Decoding scrambled passwords </Li> <Li> Calculating hashes </Li> <Li> Traceroute </Li> <Li> Revealing password boxes </Li> <Li> Uncovering cached passwords </Li> <Li> Dumping protected storage passwords </Li> <Li> ARP spoofing </Li> <Li> IP to MAC Address resolver </Li> <Li> Network Password Sniffer </Li> <Li> LSA secret dumper </Li> <Li> Ability to crack : <Ul> <Li> LM & NTLM hashes </Li> <Li> NTLMv2 hashes </Li> <Li> Microsoft Cache hashes </Li> <Li> Microsoft Windows PWL files </Li> <Li> Cisco IOS - MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> Cisco PIX - MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> APOP - MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> CRAM - MD5 MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> OSPF - MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> RIPv2 MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> VRRP - HMAC hashes </Li> <Li> Virtual Network Computing ( VNC ) Triple DES </Li> <Li> MD2 hashes </Li> <Li> MD4 hashes </Li> <Li> MD5 hashes </Li> <Li> SHA - 1 hashes </Li> <Li> SHA - 2 hashes </Li> <Li> RIPEMD - 160 hashes </Li> <Li> Kerberos 5 hashes </Li> <Li> RADIUS shared key hashes </Li> <Li> IKE PSK hashes </Li> <Li> MSSQL hashes </Li> <Li> MySQL hashes </Li> <Li> Oracle and SIP hashes </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <H2> Status with virus scanners ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Some virus scanners ( and browsers , e.g. Chrome 20.0. 1132.47 ) detect Cain and Abel as malware . </P> <P> Avast ! detects it as `` Win32 : Cain - B ( Tool ) '' and classifies it as `` Other potentially dangerous program '' , while Microsoft Security Essentials detects it as `` Win32 / Cain ! 4_9_14 '' and classifies it as `` Tool : This program has potentially unwanted behavior . '' Even if Cain 's install directory , as well as the word `` Cain '' , are added to Avast 's exclude list , the real - time scanner has been known to stop Cain from functioning . However , the latest version of Avast no longer blocks Cain . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Black - hat hacker </Li> <Li> White - hat hacker </Li> <Li> Hacker ( computer security ) </Li> <Li> Password cracking </Li> <Li> Aircrack - ng </Li> <Li> Crack </Li> <Li> DaveGrohl </Li> <Li> Hashcat </Li> <Li> John the Ripper </Li> <Li> L0phtCrack </Li> <Li> Ophcrack </Li> <Li> RainbowCrack </Li> </Ul> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Official website </Li> <Li> Interview with Massimiliano Montoro , creator of Cain & Abel </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Password cracking software </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Crack </Li> <Li> Cain </Li> <Li> DaveGrohl </Li> <Li> Hashcat </Li> <Li> John the Ripper </Li> <Li> L0phtCrack </Li> <Li> Ophcrack </Li> <Li> RainbowCrack </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Windows - only freeware </Li> <Li> Password cracking software </Li> <Li> Windows security software </Li> <Li> Network analyzers </Li> <Li> Windows network - related software </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles lacking in - text citations from June 2016 </Li> <Li> All articles lacking in - text citations </Li> <Li> Articles needing additional references from January 2016 </Li> <Li> All articles needing additional references </Li> <Li> Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Contents </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li>
Cain and Abel software is used for
[ "password recovery" ]
What is cain and abel software used for?
List of governors of Maharashtra - wikipedia <H1> List of governors of Maharashtra </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Governor of Maharashtra </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Incumbent Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao since 30 August 2014 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Style </Th> <Td> His Excellency </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Residence </Th> <Td> Main : Raj Bhavan ( Mumbai ) Additional : Raj Bhavan ( Nagpur ) ; Raj Bhavan ( Pune ) & Raj Bhavan ( Mahabaleshwar ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Appointer </Th> <Td> President of India </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Term length </Th> <Td> Five Years </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Inaugural holder </Th> <Td> John Colville , PC , GCIE </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Formation </Th> <Td> 15 August 1947 ; 70 years ago ( 1947 - 08 - 15 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Governor of Maharashtra is the Executive Head of the State of Maharashtra . The Constitution of India confers the executive powers of the State to the Governor and the Governor exercises all powers on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Powers and duties ( Functions ) </Li> <Li> 2 Governors of Maharashtra </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Powers and duties ( functions ) ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Governor appoints many top authorities as follows : </P> <Ol> <Li> Advocate General of Maharashtra . </Li> <Li> Lokayukta and Upa Lokayukta . </Li> <Li> State Election Commissioner </Li> <Li> Chairman and Members of the Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal . </Li> <Li> Chairman and Members of the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission . </Li> <Li> Chairman and Members of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission ( MPSC ) . </Li> <Li> Chairmen and Members of the 3 Development Boards . </Li> <Li> Sheriff of Mumbai . </Li> <Li> State Chief Information Commissioner . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Governors of Maharashtra ( edit ) </H2> <P> This is a list of governors of the erstwhile Bombay State and Maharashtra : </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> # </Td> <Td> Name </Td> <Td> Took Office </Td> <Td> Left Office </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> John Colville , PC , GCIE </Td> <Td> 1943 </Td> <Td> 1948 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Raja Sir Maharaj Singh , CIE </Td> <Td> 1948 </Td> <Td> 1952 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Sir Girija Shankar Bajpai , KCSI , KBE , CIE </Td> <Td> 1952 </Td> <Td> 1954 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Dr Harekrushna Mahatab </Td> <Td> 1955 </Td> <Td> 1956 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Sri Prakasa </Td> <Td> 1956 </Td> <Td> 1962 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> Dr P. Subbarayan </Td> <Td> 17 April 1962 </Td> <Td> 6 October 1962 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit </Td> <Td> 28 November 1962 </Td> <Td> 18 October 1964 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> Dr PV Cherian </Td> <Td> 14 November 1964 </Td> <Td> 8 November 1969 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> Ali Yavar Jung </Td> <Td> 26 February 1970 </Td> <Td> 11 December 1976 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> Sri Sadiq Ali </Td> <Td> 30 April 1977 </Td> <Td> 3 November 1980 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> Air Chief Marshal OP Mehra </Td> <Td> 3 November 1980 </Td> <Td> 5 March 1982 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> Air Chief Marshal IH Latif </Td> <Td> 6 March 1982 </Td> <Td> 16 April 1985 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> Kona Prabhakara Rao </Td> <Td> 31 May 1985 </Td> <Td> 2 April 1986 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma </Td> <Td> 3 April 1986 </Td> <Td> 2 September 1987 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> Kasu Brahmananda Reddy </Td> <Td> 20 February 1988 </Td> <Td> 18 January 1990 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> Dr. C Subramaniam </Td> <Td> 15 February 1990 </Td> <Td> 9 January 1993 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 17 </Td> <Td> Dr. P.C. Alexander </Td> <Td> 12 January 1993 </Td> <Td> 13 July 2002 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> Mohammed Fazal </Td> <Td> 10 October 2002 </Td> <Td> 5 December 2004 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> S.M. Krishna </Td> <Td> 12 December 2004 </Td> <Td> 5 March 2008 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> S.C. Jamir </Td> <Td> 9 March 2008 </Td> <Td> 22 January 2010 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> Kateekal Sankaranarayanan </Td> <Td> 22 January 2010 </Td> <Td> 24 August 2014 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao </Td> <Td> 30 August 2014 </Td> <Td> Present </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Government of Maharashtra </Li> <Li> Governors of India </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Governor - Information under RTI Act '' ( PDF ) . p. 1 . Retrieved 16 March 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Previous Governors '' . Rajbhavan , Government of Maharashtra . Archived from the original on 6 February 2009 . Retrieved 7 December 2017 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Lists of governors , lieutenant governors and administrators of Indian states and union territories ( and current incumbents ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Andaman and Nicobar </Th> <Td> Devendra Kumar Joshi </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Andhra Pradesh </Th> <Td> E.S.L. Narasimhan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Arunachal Pradesh </Th> <Td> B.D. Mishra </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Assam </Th> <Td> Jagdish Mukhi </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Bihar </Th> <Td> Satya Pal Malik </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chandigarh </Th> <Td> V.P. Singh Badnore </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chhattisgarh </Th> <Td> Balram Das Tandon </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dadra and Nagar Haveli </Th> <Td> Praful Khoda Patel </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Daman and Diu </Th> <Td> Praful Khoda Patel </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Delhi </Th> <Td> Anil Baijal </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Goa </Th>
The current Governor of Maharashtra is
[ "Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao" ]
What is the name of governor of maharashtra?
List of television stations in Arizona </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> This is a list of broadcast television stations serving cities in the U.S. state of Arizona </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Full - power stations <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Defunct full - power stations </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 LPTV stations </Li> <Li> 3 Translators </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Full - power stations ( edit ) </H2> <P> VC refers to the station 's PSIP virtual channel . RF refers to the station 's physical RF channel . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Area served </Th> <Th> City of license </Th> <Th> VC </Th> <Th> RF </Th> <Th> Callsign </Th> <Th> Network </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Bullhead City </Td> <Td> ~ Laughlin NV </Td> <Td> 34 </Td> <Td> 32 </Td> <Td> KMCC </Td> <Td> Tuff TV </Td> <Td> TheCoolTV on 34.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Douglas </Td> <Td> Douglas </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 36 </Td> <Td> KFTU - DT </Td> <Td> UniMas </Td> <Td> Univision on 3.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Flagstaff </Td> <Td> Flagstaff </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> KNAZ - TV </Td> <Td> NBC </Td> <Td> Satellite of KPNX ch. 12 Mesa / Phoenix </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Flagstaff </Td> <Td> Flagstaff </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> KFPH - DT </Td> <Td> UniMas </Td> <Td> UNI ( KTVW - DT simulcast ) on 13.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Holbrook </Td> <Td> Holbrook </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> KDTP </Td> <Td> Daystar </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kingman </Td> <Td> Kingman </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> KMOH - TV </Td> <Td> America Teve </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> KTVK </Td> <Td> Ind . </Td> <Td> Comet on 3.2 , Weather on 3.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> <Td> KPHO - TV </Td> <Td> CBS </Td> <Td> Cozi TV on 5.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Prescott </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> KAZT - TV </Td> <Td> Ind . </Td> <Td> MeTV on 7.2 , HSN on 7.3 , Charge ! on 7.4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> KAET </Td> <Td> PBS </Td> <Td> EightLife on 8.2 , World on 8.3 , PBS Kids on 8.4 , KBAQ Radio on 8.5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> KSAZ - TV </Td> <Td> Fox </Td> <Td> Light TV on 10.4 Heroes & Icons on 10.2 ; Mobile / handheld feed </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Mesa </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> KPNX </Td> <Td> NBC </Td> <Td> Weather on 12.2 , Justice Network on 12.3 ; Mobile / handheld feed </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> KNXV - TV </Td> <Td> ABC </Td> <Td> Antenna TV on 15.2 , Laff on 15.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> KPAZ - TV </Td> <Td> TBN </Td> <Td> Church Channel on 21.2 , JUCE TV / Smile of a Child on 21.3 , Enlace on 21.4 , TBN Salsa on 21.5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 33 </Td> <Td> 33 </Td> <Td> KTVW - DT </Td> <Td> UNI </Td> <Td> Grit on 33.3 , Bounce TV on 33.4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 39 </Td> <Td> 39 </Td> <Td> KTAZ </Td> <Td> TEL </Td> <Td> Exitos on 39.2 , Cozi TV on 39.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 45 </Td> <Td> 26 </Td> <Td> KUTP </Td> <Td> MyNetworkTV </Td> <Td> Movies ! on 45.2 , Bounce TV on 45.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Tolleson </Td> <Td> 51 </Td> <Td> 31 </Td> <Td> KPPX - TV </Td> <Td> ION </Td> <Td> Qubo on 51.2 , Ion Life on 51.3 , Ion Shop on 51.4 , QVC on 51.5 , HSN on 51.6 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> 61 </Td> <Td> 49 </Td> <Td> KASW </Td> <Td> CW </Td> <Td> Mobile / handheld feed of KTVK 3.1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> <Td> KVOA </Td> <Td> NBC </Td> <Td> Cozi TV on 4.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 30 </Td> <Td> KUAT - TV </Td> <Td> PBS </Td> <Td> KUAT Kids on 6.2 , Ready TV / World on 6.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> KGUN - TV </Td> <Td> ABC </Td> <Td> Laff on 9.2 , Antenna TV on 9.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 25 </Td> <Td> KMSB </Td> <Td> Fox </Td> <Td> Movies ! on 11.2 , Justice Network on 11.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 32 </Td> <Td> KOLD - TV </Td> <Td> CBS </Td> <Td> MeTV on 13.2 , Grit on 13.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> KTTU </Td> <Td> MyNetworkTV </Td> <Td> Estrella TV on 18.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 27 </Td> <Td> 28 </Td> <Td> KUAS - TV </Td> <Td> PBS </Td> <Td> Satellite of KUAT - TV ch. 6 Tucson ; KUAT Kids on 27.2 , Ready TV / World on 27.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> 40 </Td> <Td> 40 </Td> <Td> KHRR </Td> <Td> TEL </Td> <Td> Exitos on 40.2 , ION on 40.3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tucson </Td> <Td> Green Valley </Td> <Td> 46 </Td> <Td> 46 </Td> <Td> KUVE - DT </Td> <Td> UNI
In Phoenix, Arizona, ABC is on channel
[ "15" ]
What channel is abc on in phoenix arizona?
2012 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia <H1> 2012 Summer Olympics </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` London 2012 '' redirects here . For the video game , see London 2012 ( video game ) . For the Summer Paralympics , see 2012 Summer Paralympics . <Table> Games of the XXX Olympiad <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Host city </Th> <Td> London , United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Motto </Th> <Td> Inspire a Generation </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nations participating </Th> <Td> 204 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Athletes participating </Th> <Td> 10,768 ( 5,992 men , 4,776 women ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Events </Th> <Td> 302 in 26 sports </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Opening ceremony </Th> <Td> 27 July </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Closing ceremony </Th> <Td> 12 August </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Officially opened by </Th> <Td> Queen Elizabeth II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Athlete 's Oath </Th> <Td> Sarah Stevenson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Judge 's Oath </Th> <Td> Mik Basi </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Coach 's Oath </Th> <Td> Eric Farrell </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Olympic Torch </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stadium </Th> <Td> Olympic Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Summer </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> < Beijing 2008 </Th> <Th> Rio de Janeiro 2016 > </Th> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Winter </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> < Vancouver 2010 </Th> <Th> Sochi 2014 > </Th> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Part of a series on </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2012 Summer Olympics <Ul> <Li> Bid process ( bid details , legacy ) </Li> <Li> Development ( venues , torch relay , security ) </Li> <Li> Marketing ( mascots ) </Li> <Li> Broadcasters </Li> <Li> Opening ceremony ( flag bearers ) </Li> <Li> Chronological summary </Li> <Li> Medal table ( medallists ) </Li> <Li> World and Olympic records </Li> <Li> Concerns and controversies ( minute of silence ) </Li> <Li> Closing ceremony ( flag bearers ) </Li> <Li> Paralympics </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> IOC </Li> <Li> BOA </Li> <Li> LOCOG </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The 2012 Summer Olympics , formally the Games of the XXX Olympiad and commonly known as London 2012 , was an international multi-sport event that was held from 27 July to 12 August 2012 in London , United Kingdom . The first event , the group stage in women 's football , began on 25 July at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff , followed by the opening ceremonies on 27 July . 10,768 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees ( NOCs ) participated . </P> <P> Following a bid headed by former Olympic champion Sebastian Coe and then - Mayor of London Ken Livingstone , London was selected as the host city on 6 July 2005 during the 117th IOC Session in Singapore , defeating bids from Moscow , New York City , Madrid , and Paris . London became the first city to host the modern Olympic Games three times , having previously done so in 1908 and in 1948 . The Prime Minister of the presiding country at the time was David Cameron , and the minister with delegated responsibility for the games in London was Jeremy Hunt , at the time serving as Olympics Minister . </P> <P> Construction for the Games involved considerable redevelopment , with an emphasis on sustainability . The main focus was a new 200 - hectare ( 490 - acre ) Olympic Park , constructed on a former industrial site at Stratford , East London . The Games also made use of venues that already existed before the bid . </P> <P> The Games received widespread acclaim for their organisation , with the volunteers , the British military and public enthusiasm praised particularly highly . The opening ceremony , directed by Danny Boyle , received widespread acclaim throughout the world , particular praise from the British public and a minority of widely ranging criticisms from some social media sites . During the Games , Michael Phelps became the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time , winning his 22nd medal . Saudi Arabia , Qatar , and Brunei entered female athletes for the first time , so that every currently eligible country has sent a female competitor to at least one Olympic Games . Women 's boxing was included for the first time , thus the Games became the first at which every sport had female competitors . These were the final Olympic Games under the IOC presidency of Jacques Rogge . </P> <P> The final medal tally was led by the United States , followed by China and host Great Britain . Several world and Olympic records were set at the games . Though there were several controversies , the 2012 games were deemed highly successful with the rising standards of competition amongst nations across the world , packed stadiums and smooth organisation . Furthermore , the focus on sporting legacy and post-games venue sustainability was seen as a blueprint for future Olympics . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> <Ul> <Li> 1 Bidding process </Li> <Li> 2 Development and preparation <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Venues </Li> <Li> 2.2 Public transport </Li> <Li> 2.3 International transport </Li> <Li> 2.4 Cost and financing </Li> <Li> 2.5 Volunteers </Li> <Li> 2.6 Ticketing </Li> <Li> 2.7 Countdown </Li> <Li> 2.8 Security </Li> <Li> 2.9 Medals </Li> <Li> 2.10 Torch relay </Li> <Li> 2.11 Environmental policy </Li> <Li> 2.12 Cultural Olympiad </Li> <Li> 2.13 Opening ceremony </Li> <Li> 2.14 Closing ceremony </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 The Games <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Participating National Olympic Committees <Ul> <Li> 3.1. 1 Number of athletes by National Olympic Committees ( by highest to lowest ) </Li> <Li> 3.1. 2 National houses </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.2 Sports </Li> <Li> 3.3 Calendar </Li> <Li> 3.4 Records </Li> <Li> 3.5 Medal table </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Broadcasting </Li> <Li> 5 Marketing <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Motto </Li> <Li> 5.2 Logo and graphics </Li> <Li> 5.3 Mascots </Li> <Li> 5.4 Chariots
The 2012 Summer Olympics were held in
[ "London" ]
Where was the summer olympics held in 2012?
White House Executive Chef - wikipedia <H1> White House Executive Chef </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` White House chef '' redirects here . For the pastry chef , see White House Executive Pastry Chef . Cristeta Comerford , the White House Executive Chef since 2005 <P> The White House Executive Chef is the individual responsible for managing the kitchens , and for planning and preparing of all menus and meals for the President of the United States and the First Family , which includes their private meals , their private entertaining , and official state functions at the White House in Washington , D.C. , in the United States . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Early White House cooks and chefs </Li> <Li> 1.2 Executive Chef </Li> <Li> 1.3 List of Executive Chefs </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Duties and staff <Ul> <Li> 2.1 The kitchen </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 6 Further reading </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Early White House Cooks and chefs ( edit ) </H3> <P> Beginning with George Washington , slaves prepared food for American presidents , First Families , and for social gatherings . Although slavery ended in the United States after the American Civil War , African Americans continued to provide nearly all the cooking in the White House kitchen . Occasionally , a professional chef was used beginning in the latter half of the 1800s . President Ulysses S. Grant utilized a Union Army cook until his embarrassed wife forced him to hire an Italian - trained chef . President Rutherford B. Hayes utilized the services of cook and nurse Winnie Monroe , a freed African American slave . Chester Arthur used a cook who formerly worked at his private residence as his White House chef for casual dining , and hired French - trained professional chef Alexander Fortin to oversee preparation of important political meals and state dinners . President Grover Cleveland also used a French chef to prepare his meals during his first term . President Benjamin Harrison had a French chef as well , but fired him after only a short time in favor of the services of Dolly Johnson , a freed African American slave who had cooked for the Harrisons in Indianapolis . President William McKinley hired a local cook for everyday dining , but a French - trained chef traveled from New York City to prepare formal dinners . </P> <P> Swedish native Sigrid Nilsson served as President Woodrow Wilson 's chief cook at the White House from 1915 to 1919 . American - trained professional chef Alice Howard served presidents Theodore Roosevelt , William Howard Taft , and Woodrow Wilson , while `` head cook '' Katherine Bruckner worked for Herbert Hoover and Henrietta Nesbitt served as housekeeper and head cook for Franklin D. Roosevelt . Vietta Garr , President Harry S. Truman 's long - time personal cook and domestic assistant , came to the White House as head cook in 1945 after Truman fired Nesbitt for insubordination . Dwight D. Eisenhower utilized the services of French - trained chef François Rysavy from 1954 to 1957 and former United States Navy chef Pedro Udo ( a Filipino ) from 1957 to 1960 . Zephyr Wright , one of the last personal chefs to work in the White House , prepared meals for President Lyndon B. Johnson . </P> <H3> Executive Chef ( edit ) </H3> Dolly Johnson , personal cook to President Benjamin Harrison , in the small White House kitchen in 1890 <P> In 1961 , First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy reorganized the White House staff under her supervision , and created the title of Executive Chef for the first time . Kennedy hired French - born and - trained chef René Verdon , who served until 1965 . Verdon established a new standard for White House dining , one in which only the highest quality ingredients and cooking techniques were acceptable . The first meal he crafted for the White House , a lunch for British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan , was featured on the front page of The New York Times . </P> <P> Verdon resigned at the end of 1965 in a dispute with President Lyndon B. Johnson over the cuisine being offered at the White House . The Johnsons brought long - time family cook Zephyr White to the Executive Residence , where she became the First Family 's personal chef . For formal dining , the Johnsons hired 43 - year - old Swiss - born , American - trained chef Henry Haller to be Executive Chef . Haller proved so popular that he remained in the position until October 1 , 1987 . </P> <P> Jon Hill , a 33 - year - old American - born and - trained chef , served as Executive Chef from October 1 , 1987 , to January 8 , 1988 . Hill resigned after First Lady Nancy Reagan expressed significant disapproval of his cooking and presentation . He was replaced by White House assistant chef Hans Raffert . Raffert , a German - born chef who trained throughout Europe , joined the Nixon White House kitchen staff in 1969 , and was the first White House chef to create a gingerbread house as part of the Executive Residence Christmas decorations . Raffert was 60 when he became Executive Chef , and retired in October 1992 just before he turned 65 . French - born and trained chef Pierre Chambrin succeeded Raffert as Executive Chef , but he was asked to resign in March 1994 after refusing to cook the low - fat American cuisine favored by President Bill and First Lady Hillary Clinton . </P> <P> Walter Scheib was appointed Executive Chef in April 1994 . While his tenure under the Clintons was a happy one , he had a more difficult time meeting the needs of President
The person responsible for cooking for the President of the United States is the
[ "White House Executive Chef" ]
Who cooks for the president of the united states?
Parable of the unjust judge - wikipedia <H1> Parable of the unjust judge </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Avenge me of mine adversary by Anonymous contracted by Pacific Press Publishing Company ( 1900 ) <P> The Parable of the Unjust Judge ( also known as the Parable of the Importunate Widow or the Parable of the Persistent Widow ) , is one of the parables of Jesus which appears in Luke Luke 18 : 1 - 8 . In it a judge who lacks compassion is repeatedly approached by a poor widow , seeking justice . Initially rejecting her demands , he eventually honors her request so he will not be worn out by her persistence . </P> <P> One interpretation of this parable is that it demonstrates the importance of persistence in prayer , never giving up . It is found immediately prior to the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican ( also on prayer ) and is similar to the Parable of the Friend at Night . Other scholars note that the content of the parable makes no reference to prayer and that the introduction of prayer as a theme is generally inspired by the Lucan construction in verses 6 - 8 and by the fact that Luke placed the parable of the Pharisee and Publican influentially after this one . Whatever approach is taken , it is noteworthy that the judge in the parable does not act on the basis of justice . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Narrative </Li> <Li> 2 Interpretation </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Narrative ( edit ) </H2> Parable of the Unjust Judge by John Everett Millais ( 1863 ) <P> Luke reports the parable as follows : </P> <P> Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up . He said : `` In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men . And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea , ' Grant me justice against my adversary . ' </P> <P> `` For some time he refused . But finally he said to himself , ' Even though I do not fear God or care about men , yet because this widow keeps bothering me , I will see that she gets justice , so that she will not eventually wear me out with her coming ! ' '' </P> And the Lord said , `` Listen to what the unjust judge says . And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones , who cry out to him day and night ? Will he keep putting them off ? I tell you , he will see that they get justice , and quickly . However , when the Son of Man comes , will he find faith on the earth ? '' -- Luke 18 : 1 - 8 , New International Version <H2> Interpretation ( edit ) </H2> <P> The framing material of the parable demonstrates the need to always pray like that persistent widow , for if even an unjust judge will eventually listen , God is much quicker to do so . The parable of the Friend at Night has a similar meaning . </P> <P> Joel B. Green sees in this parable an injunction not to lose heart , in the light of the eschatological tone of Luke 17 : 20 - 37 , and also an echo of Sirach 35 : `` For he is a God of justice , who knows no favorites ... The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds ; it does not rest till it reaches its goal , nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds , judges justly and affirms the right . </P> <P> William Barclay says that the point of the parable is less about persistent prayer , but rather the contrast between God and men in the phrase `` how much more '' . In prayer one is speaking to a Father ready to give . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikimedia Commons has media related to Parable of the Unjust Judge . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Life of Jesus in the New Testament </Li> <Li> Ministry of Jesus </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Joel B. Green , The Gospel of Luke , Eerdmans , 1997 , ISBN 0 - 8028 - 2315 - 7 , pp. 636 - 643 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Craig L. Blomberg , Interpreting the Parables , InterVarsity Press , 1990 , ISBN 0 - 8308 - 1271 - 7 , p. 275 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Sirach 35 : 12 - 18 , New American Bible . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Barclay , William . The Parables of Jesus , Westminster John Knox Press , 1999 ISBN 9780664258283 </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Jesus </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Historicity </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Chronology of Jesus </Li> <Li> Genealogy of Jesus </Li> <Li> Historical Jesus <Ul> <Li> Quest for the historical Jesus </Li> <Li> portraits </Li> <Li> sources </Li> <Li> Josephus on Jesus </Li> <Li> Tacitus mention </Li> <Li> Mara bar Serapion letter </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Historicity <Ul> <Li> Gospels </Li> <Li> race and appearance </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Life events </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Birth <Ul> <Li> Nativity </Li> <Li> Mary </Li> <Li> Joseph </Li> <Li> Flight into Egypt </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Childhood </Li> <Li> Unknown years </Li> <Li> Baptism </Li> <Li> Temptation </Li> <Li> Apostles <Ul> <Li> selecting </Li> <Li> Great Commission </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Ministry </Li> <Li> Sermon on the Mount <Ul> <Li> Plain </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Prayers <Ul> <Li> Lord 's Prayer </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Parables </Li> <Li> Miracles
The story of the persistent widow in the Bible is found in
[ "Luke 18:1-8" ]
The story of the persistent widow in the bible?
her remorse over the life he was forced to lead when she abandoned him . Rowena proves unable to kill Sam and weakens her power in a futile attack on Billie who offers sympathy , but wo n't bring Crowley back . The Winchesters become convinced that Rowena may be able to find redemption for her actions and she agrees to join them . Its also revealed that when Rowena permanently dies , Sam will be the one to kill her as dictated by fate . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 284 </Th> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> `` Unfinished Business '' </Td> <Td> Richard Speight , Jr . </Td> <Td> Meredith Glynn </Td> <Td> April 26 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> T13. 20570 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="8"> In Apocalypse World , Mary and Jack 's resistance has had a string of victories against Michael and his angels , causing Jack to become overconfident in his abilities . The two receive the unexpected news that Michael 's fortress has been cleared out and while searching it with a few resistance fighters , discover Kevin Tran in the dungeon . Kevin reveals that he has perfected the spell from the angel tablet to open the rift between the worlds and Michael is preparing to use it to lead an army to the Winchesters world . Kevin reveals that he has been left behind as a trap by Michael and kills himself in an explosion that kills all but Jack and Mary , leaving Jack dispirited as Michael wanted . At the same time , Gabriel is seriously injured while killing the Norse god Fenrir . Gabriel , low on power , asks the Winchesters for help with getting revenge against Loki who , along with his sons Fenrir , Narfi and Sleipnir , had sold Gabriel to Asmodeus when Gabriel sought their help . With the help of the Winchesters , Gabriel kills Narfi and Sleipnir before facing off with Loki who is revealed to have made a deal with Gabriel for Gabriel to assume his identity in exchange for Gabriel leaving Loki 's family out of the angels ' conflict . Loki is furious because Lucifer killed Odin years earlier and he blames Gabriel for the death of his father . Gabriel kills Loki and agrees to help the Winchesters against Michael . While the Winchesters only have to wait for Gabriel 's grace to recharge to open the portal again , Dean is revealed to have been overprotecting Sam out of fear of losing him again , causing Sam to confront Dean . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 285 </Th> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> `` Beat the Devil '' </Td> <Td> Phil Sgriccia </Td> <Td> Robert Berens </Td> <Td> May 3 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 03 ) </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 286 </Th> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> `` Exodus '' </Td> <Td> Thomas J. Wright </Td> <Td> Eugenie Ross - Leming & Brad Buckner </Td> <Td> May 10 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 10 ) </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 287 </Th> <Td> 23 </Td> <Td> `` Let the Good Times Roll '' </Td> <Td> Robert Singer </Td> <Td> Andrew Dabb </Td> <Td> May 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 17 ) </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Supernatural was renewed for a thirteenth season by The CW on January 8 , 2017 . This season is the first season not to feature Mark Sheppard as Crowley since his introduction in season 5 , as the actor announced in May 2017 he would not be returning after his character was killed off for the last time . Alexander Calvert , who was introduced as Jack in the twelfth season finale , was promoted to series regular for this season . </P> <H2> Reception ( edit ) </H2> <P> The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports a 100 % approval rating for Supernatural 's thirteenth season , with an average rating of 7.87 / 10 based on 6 reviews . </P> <H3> Ratings ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Air date </Th> <Th> Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) </Th> <Th> Viewers ( millions ) </Th> <Th> DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) </Th> <Th> DVR viewers ( millions ) </Th> <Th> Total ( 18 -- 49 ) </Th> <Th> Total viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Lost and Found '' </Td> <Td> October 12 , 2017 </Td> <Td> 0.7 / 3 </Td> <Td> 2.10 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Rising Son '' </Td> <Td> October 19 , 2017 </Td> <Td> 0.7 / 3 </Td> <Td> 1.90 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Patience '' </Td> <Td> October 26 , 2017 </Td> <Td> 0.6 / 2 </Td> <Td> 1.93 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Big Empty '' </Td> <Td> November 2 , 2017 </Td> <Td> 0.6 / 2 </Td> <Td> 1.82 </Td> <Td> 0.5 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> 1.1 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` Advanced Thanatology '' </Td> <Td> November 9 , 2017 </Td> <Td> 0.6 / 2 </Td> <Td> 1.71 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Tombstone '' </Td> <Td> November 16 , 2017 </Td> <Td> 0.7 / 3 </Td> <Td> 1.89 </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td> N / A </Td> <Td>
The new episodes of Supernatural start on
[ "May 10, 2018" ]
When do the new episodes of supernatural start?
they break up in the season seven episode `` Love on the Rocks , '' when they realize that the passion in their relationship is gone , but they agree to remain friends . D.J. has on - and - off relationships ( during the show 's final season ) with guitarist Viper ( a member of Jesse 's new band Hot Daddy and the Monkey Puppets ) and rich kid Nelson , but both relationships do not last ( the two end up vying for D.J. 's affections in the season eight episode `` D.J. 's Choice , '' only for D.J. to reject them both after their fighting gets to be too much for her to bear ) . In the series finale `` Michelle Rides Again , '' Steve shows up at the Tanner house to take D.J. to her senior prom and they share a kiss . Her best friend throughout the show was next - door neighbor Kimmy Gibbler , who was the complete opposite of D.J. in every way . In season eight , D.J. gets accepted to University of California , Berkeley and it is implied she will go to college there after graduating high school ( after she was rejected from her first choice , Stanford University ) . </P> <P> In Fuller House , D.J. is a recent widow and mother of three kids ; Jackson , Max and Tommy , and moves in with Stephanie and Kimmy . D.J. has since become a veterinarian . When her boss retires he has his son , Matt Harmon and D.J. take over the pet clinic . Matt and Steve fight for D.J. 's affection but they both end up dating other people when she 's not ready to commit someone new yet . Realizing they have feelings for each other , Matt breaks up with his girlfriend , and starts dating D.J. On the way to Steve 's wedding in Japan , D.J. who 's preparing to fall asleep , and wearing a sleeping mask reveals to Kimmy that she was going to pick Steve not Matt , and feels like she 's losing her soulmate . Unbeknownst to her Steve was the one who heard her confession not Kimmy . Steve tells Kimmy what she said , and he was going to confront D.J. but he saw Matt proposing to her . The next day before the wedding starts Kimmy tells D.J. that Steve was the one who heard what she said on the plane . At the alter Steve calls off the wedding , and D.J. breaks off her engagement to Matt . Back home the two wait a month before they will start dating again . After her their third first date , Steve tells her that the Lakers want him to be the team 's foot doctor . He chooses to stay with her but D.J. called the team and said that he will take the job . </P> <H3> Stephanie Tanner </H3> <P> Stephanie Judith Tanner ( portrayed by Jodie Sweetin ) is the witty , sarcastic middle child of Danny and Pam , the younger sister of D.J. , and the older sister of Michelle . Her mother died when she was five years old . Her catchphrases during the early seasons of the series include `` how rude ! , '' `` well , pin a rose on your nose ! '' and `` hot dog '' . She eventually evolved into something of a tomboy in seasons four and five . Stephanie has a habit of spying on D.J. 's life by reading her diary and eavesdropping on her telephone calls ( having been caught in the act several times ) , and is generally the most athletic and nosiest of the Tanner girls . Her best friends in school are Gia Mahan and Mickey , whom she meets in season seven ( the former is the only one who appears through to season eight ) . Of the three sisters , Stephanie has dealt with the toughest issues , such as peer pressure into smoking ( in season seven 's `` Fast Friends '' ) , `` make - out '' parties ( in season eight 's `` Making Out is Hard to Do '' ) , joyriding ( in season eight 's `` Stephanie 's Wild Ride '' ) , and uncovering a classmate 's child abuse ( in season six 's `` Silence is Not Golden '' ) , as well as the death of her mother when she was only five . In her early years , she is very sentimental about Mr. Bear , a stuffed animal that her mother gave to her after Michelle was born ( this was the focal point of the season two episode `` Goodbye Mr. Bear '' ) . She and Jesse are the most abrasive when it comes to how they feel about Kimmy Gibbler . </P> <P> In Fuller House , Stephanie volunteers to give up her life in London to move back into her childhood home to help take care of her sister 's three kids . Kimmy volunteers to move in as well much to Stephanie 's dismay but she soon puts her abrasive feelings aside , and becomes friends with her . Stephanie confesses to D.J. that she ca n't have kids but wants to . Stephanie starts a relationship with Kimmy 's younger brother Jimmy . Becky schedules Stephanie for a pelvic exam and turns out she has three vivable eggs and can have a baby via surrogacy . Since she has n't been dating Jimmy for that long she does n't want to put pressure on him for being the father , and throwing him into a life long commitment so soon in their relationship . He wants to be the father . They are able to make embryos and Kimmy volunteers to be the surrogate mother . Kimmy is able to get pregnant with the embryos . </P> <H3> Michelle Tanner </H3> Main article : Michelle Tanner <P> Michelle
The middle sister on Full House was played by
[ "Jodie Sweetin" ]
Who played the middle sister on full house?
Millennium tower ( San Francisco ) - Wikipedia <H1> Millennium tower ( San Francisco ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Millennium Tower </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Show map of San Francisco Show map of California Show map of the US Show all Location within San Francisco </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> General information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Type </Th> <Td> Residential condominiums </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> 301 Mission Street San Francisco , California </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Coordinates </Th> <Td> 37 ° 47 ′ 25 '' N 122 ° 23 ′ 46 '' W  /  37.7904 ° N 122.3961 ° W  / 37.7904 ; - 122.3961 Coordinates : 37 ° 47 ′ 25 '' N 122 ° 23 ′ 46 '' W  /  37.7904 ° N 122.3961 ° W  / 37.7904 ; - 122.3961 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Construction started </Th> <Td> 2005 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Completed </Th> <Td> 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Opening </Th> <Td> April 23 , 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cost </Th> <Td> US $350 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owner </Th> <Td> Mission Street Development , LLC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Height </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Antenna spire </Th> <Td> 645 ft ( 197 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Roof </Th> <Td> 605 ft ( 184 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Top floor </Th> <Td> 592 ft ( 180 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Technical details </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Floor count </Th> <Td> 58 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Floor area </Th> <Td> 1,151,017 sq ft ( 106,933.0 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Lifts / elevators </Th> <Td> 12 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Design and construction </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Architect </Th> <Td> Handel Architects </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developer </Th> <Td> Millennium Partners </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Structural engineer </Th> <Td> DeSimone Consulting Engineers </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Main contractor </Th> <Td> Webcor Builders </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Other information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Number of units </Th> <Td> 419 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> References </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> 301 Mission Street is a development in the South of Market district of downtown San Francisco . A mixed - use , primarily residential development , it has the tallest residential building in San Francisco . The blue - gray glass , late - modernist buildings are bounded by Mission , Fremont , and Beale Streets , and the north end of the Transbay Transit Center site . Opened to residents on April 23 , 2009 , 301 Mission includes two buildings : a 12 - story tower located on the northeast of the property , and Millennium Tower , a 58 - story , 645 - foot - tall ( 197 m ) condominium skyscraper . The mixed - use , primarily residential structure is the tallest residential building in San Francisco . In total , the project has 419 residential units , with 53 of those units in the smaller tower . The tower 's highest level , 58 floors above the ground , is listed as the 60th , because floors 13 and 44 are missing for superstitious reasons . The French restaurant and wine bar RN74 is housed on the ground floor of the skyscraper . Resident services include a private concierge and access to the 20,000 - square - foot ( 1,900 m ) Owner 's Club Level , which features amenities such as a private lounge , wine cellar , and fitness center . The development 's `` lifestyle '' program organizes cultural events . In May 2016 , residents were informed the main tower was both sinking and tilting , resulting in several lawsuits concerning repair costs and whether the tilt had been withheld from buyers . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Description </Li> <Li> 2 History </Li> <Li> 3 Sinking and tilting problem </Li> <Li> 4 Awards </Li> <Li> 5 Notable residents </Li> <Li> 6 Gallery </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Description ( edit ) </H2> <P> Developed by Mission Street Development LLC , an affiliate of Millennium Partners , the US $350 million project was designed by Handel Architects , engineered by DeSimone Consulting Engineers and constructed by Webcor Builders . At 645 feet ( 197 m ) , it is the tallest concrete structure in San Francisco , the fourth tallest building in San Francisco overall , and the tallest since 345 California Street in 1986 . It was also the tallest residential building west of the Mississippi River when finished ( later surpassed by The Austonian in Texas ) . The tower is slender , with each floor containing 14,000 square feet ( 1,300 m ) of floor space . In addition to the 58 - story tower , there is a 125 - foot ( 38 m ) , 11 - story tower on the northeast end of the complex . Between the two towers is a 43 - foot ( 13 m ) , two - story glass atrium . In total , the project has 419 units . </P> <P> The residences are said to be the priciest on the West Coast , with the penthouse unit selling for US $13 million in December 2016 . The bottom 25 floors of the main tower are called Residences while the floors from 26 to the top have the name Grand Residences . The 53 units in the separate 12 - story tower are called the City Residences . Below street level , there are 434 parking spaces in a five - level subterranean garage located under the 11 - story tower . The building is located next to the site of the future Transbay Transit Center . Overall , the tower 's design is intended to resemble a translucent crystal , and is a landmark for the Transbay Redevelopment and the southern skyline of San Francisco . </P>
The 58-story skyscraper in San Francisco that is tilting and sinking is the
[ "Millennium Tower" ]
A 58-story skyscraper in san francisco is tilting and sinking?
When Calls the Heart - wikipedia <H1> When Calls the Heart </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with When the Heart Calls . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> When Calls the Heart </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Family Drama </Li> <Li> Western </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> When Calls the Heart by Janette Oke </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developed by </Th> <Td> Michael Landon Jr . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Erin Krakow </Li> <Li> Daniel Lissing </Li> <Li> Lori Loughlin </Li> <Li> Martin Cummins </Li> <Li> Jack Wagner </Li> <Li> Pascale Hutton </Li> <Li> Kavan Smith </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Canada </Li> <Li> United States </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original language ( s ) </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of seasons </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of episodes </Th> <Td> 50 ( list of episodes ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Production </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Executive producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Michael Landon Jr . </Li> <Li> Jimmy Townsend </Li> <Li> Roman Viaris </Li> <Li> Francisco Gonzalez </Li> <Li> Brian Bird </Li> <Li> Brad Krevoy </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Vicki Sotheran </Li> <Li> Greg Malcolm </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location ( s ) </Th> <Td> Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 42 -- 84 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Believe Pictures </Li> <Li> Brad Krevoy Television </Li> <Li> Jordan Films </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Hallmark Channel ( U.S. ) </Li> <Li> Super Channel ( Canada ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Picture format </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> 480i ( SDTV ) </Li> <Li> 1080i ( HDTV ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original release </Th> <Td> January 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 11 ) -- present ( present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> External links </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Website </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> When Calls the Heart is a Canadian - American television drama series , inspired by Janette Oke 's book of the same name from her Canadian West series , and developed by Michael Landon Jr . The series began airing on the Hallmark Channel in the United States on January 11 , 2014 , and on April 16 , 2014 on Super Channel in Canada . </P> <P> The series originally debuted as a two - hour television movie pilot in October 2013 , starring Maggie Grace as young teacher Elizabeth Thatcher and Stephen Amell as North West Mounted Police officer Wynn Delaney . In the television series Erin Krakow is cast as her niece , whose name is also Elizabeth Thatcher ( played by Poppy Drayton in the movie ) , and Daniel Lissing plays a Mountie named Jack Thornton , with Lori Loughlin reprising her role as coal mine widow Abigail Stanton . </P> <P> On April 24 , 2017 , Krakow announced via the Hallmark Channel website that the show would return for a fifth season , which premiered with a two - hour Christmas special broadcast as part of Hallmark 's Countdown to Christmas event and resumed in February 2018 , ending in April . On March 21 , 2018 , Hallmark renewed the series for a sixth season . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Episodes </Li> <Li> 3 Cast <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Main </Li> <Li> 3.2 Recurring </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Characters </Li> <Li> 5 Production </Li> <Li> 6 Broadcast </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> When Calls the Heart tells the story of Elizabeth Thatcher ( Erin Krakow ) , a young teacher accustomed to her high - society life . She receives her first classroom assignment in Coal Valley , a small coal - mining town in Western Canada which is located just south of Robb , Alberta . There , life is simple -- but often fraught with challenges . Elizabeth charms most everyone in Coal Valley , except Royal North West Mounted Police Constable Jack Thornton ( Daniel Lissing ) . He believes Thatcher 's wealthy father has doomed the lawman 's career by insisting he be assigned in town to protect the shipping magnate 's daughter . The town of Coal Valley was renamed Hope Valley in Episode 2 , Season 2 after the coal mine was closed . </P> <P> Living in this 1910 coal town , Elizabeth must learn the ways of the Canadian frontier movement if she wishes to thrive in the rural west on her own . Lori Loughlin portrays Abigail Stanton , whose husband , the foreman of the mine , and her only son -- along with 45 other miners -- have recently been killed in an explosion , which turns out to have been a tragic accident waiting to happen -- a result of the mining - company site manager 's irresponsible management and lack of due care in his management of the mine . The newly widowed women find their faith tested when they must go to work in the mine to keep a roof over their heads , food on the table , and compile a wage for the town 's teacher . </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of When Calls the Heart episodes <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Episodes </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Originally aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First aired </Th> <Th> Last aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 12 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> January 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 11 ) </Td> <Td> March 29 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 29 ) </Td>
The first season of When Calls the Heart premiered on
[ "January 11, 2014" ]
When was the first season of when calls the heart?
as to what behavior was unlawful . Indeed , the words `` offensive conduct '' alone can not `` be said sufficiently to inform the ordinary person that distinctions between certain locations are thereby created . '' </P> <P> Third , the mere use of an untoward four - letter word did not place the speech into a category of speech that has traditionally been subject to greater regulations by the government , as in Roth v. United States , for example . Similarly , Harlan and the Court refused to categorize the speech at issue as a `` fighting word '' under Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire , because no `` individual actually or likely to be present could reasonably have regarded the words on appellant 's jacket as a direct personal insult . '' Finally , the Court was unwilling to give credence to the idea that the government could suppress the type of speech at issue here in order to protect the public at large . </P> <P> Having discarded what was not at issue in this case , Harlan stated that the issue was `` whether California can excise , as `` offensive conduct '' , one particular scurrilous epithet from the public discourse , either upon the theory ... that its use is inherently likely to cause violent reaction or upon a more general assertion that the States , acting as guardians of public morality , may properly remove this offensive word from the public vocabulary . '' </P> <P> The states could not . As to the first theory , the Court stated that it was not presented with any evidence suggesting that the speech was likely to cause an incitement to violence . As to the second theory , the Court stated that while it was a closer call , the rationale was not sufficient . </P> <P> Specifically , Harlan , citing Justice Brandeis ' opinion in Whitney v. California , emphasized that the First Amendment operates to protect the inviolability of the marketplace of ideas imagined by the Founding Fathers . Allowing California to suppress the speech at issue in this case would be destructive to that marketplace . </P> <P> `` To many , the immediate consequence of this freedom may often appear to be only verbal tumult , discord , and even offensive utterance '' , Justice Harlan wrote . `` These are , however , within established limits , in truth necessary side effects of the broader enduring values which the process of open debate permits us to achieve . That the air may at times seem filled with verbal cacophony is , in this sense not a sign of weakness but of strength . '' </P> <P> `` ( A ) bsent a more particularized and compelling reason for its actions '' , Harlan continued , `` the State may not , consistently with the First and Fourteenth Amendments , make the simple public display of this single four - letter expletive a criminal offense . '' In his opinion Justice Harlan famously wrote `` one man 's vulgarity is another 's lyric . '' </P> <P> Thus , Harlan 's arguments can be constructed in three major points : First , states ( California ) can not censor their citizens in order to make a `` civil '' society . Second , knowing where to draw the line between harmless heightened emotion and vulgarity can be difficult . Third , people bring passion to politics and vulgarity is simply a side effect of a free exchange of ideas -- no matter how radical they may be . </P> <H3> Blackmun 's dissent ( edit ) </H3> <P> In a dissenting opinion , Justice Harry Blackmun , joined by Burger and Black , suggested that Cohen 's wearing of the jacket in the courthouse was not speech but conduct ( an `` absurd and immature antic '' ) and therefore not protected by the First Amendment . </P> <P> The second paragraph of Blackmun 's dissent noted that the Supreme Court of California construed section 415 in In re Bushman 1 Cal. 3d 767 , 83 Cal. Rptr. 375 ( Cal , 1970 ) , which was decided after the Court of Appeal of California 's decision in Cohen v. California and the Supreme Court of California 's denial of review . Blackmun wrote that the case `` ought to be remanded to the California Court of Appeal for reconsideration in the light of the subsequently rendered decision by the State 's highest tribunal in Bushman . '' </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> List of United States Supreme Court cases , volume 403 </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ American Constitutional Law ; Civil Rights & Liberties ; Stephens & Scheb ; Pg. 189 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ 403 U.S. 25 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ 403 U.S. 26 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ 403 U.S. 25 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ 403 U.S. 27 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ 403 U.S. 28 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Further reading ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Balter - Reitz , Susan J. ( 2003 ) . `` Cohen v. California '' . In Parker , Richard A. ( ed . ) . Free Speech on Trial : Communication Perspectives on Landmark Supreme Court Decisions . Tuscaloosa , AL : University of Alabama Press . pp. 160 -- 171 . ISBN 0 - 8173 - 1301 - X . CS1 maint : Extra text : editors list ( link ) </Li> <Li> Fairman , Christopher M. ( 2009 ) . Fuck : Word Taboo and Protecting Our First Amendment Liberties . Sphinx Publishing . ISBN 1572487119 . </Li> </Ul> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Text of Cohen v. California , 403 U.S. 15 ( 1971 ) is available from : Findlaw Justia BC </Li> <Li> First Amendment Library entry for Cohen v. California </Li> <Li> Abstract on Cohen v. California , from OYEZ
The quote "one man's vulgarity is another's lyric" is attributed to
[ "Justice Harlan" ]
Who said one man's vulgarity is another's lyric?
</Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Spacecraft properties </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Manufacturer </Th> <Td> NASA </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Launch mass </Th> <Td> 4,864 kilograms ( 10,723 lb ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Start of mission </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Launch date </Th> <Td> December 18 , 1999 , 18 : 57 : 39 ( 1999 - 12 - 18UTC18 : 57 : 39Z ) UTC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Rocket </Th> <Td> Atlas II AS AC - 141 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Launch site </Th> <Td> Vandenberg SLC - 3E </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Contractor </Th> <Td> ILS </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Orbital parameters </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Reference system </Th> <Td> Geocentric </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Regime </Th> <Td> Low Earth </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Semi-major axis </Th> <Td> 7,080.0 kilometers ( 4,399.3 mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Eccentricity </Th> <Td> 0.0001392 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Perigee </Th> <Td> 708.7 kilometers ( 440.4 mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Apogee </Th> <Td> 710.6 kilometers ( 441.5 mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Inclination </Th> <Td> 98.2098 ° </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Period </Th> <Td> 98.8 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> RAAN </Th> <Td> 251.3130 degrees </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Argument of perigee </Th> <Td> 83.7699 degrees </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mean anomaly </Th> <Td> 276.3654 degrees </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mean motion </Th> <Td> 14.57110250 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Epoch </Th> <Td> 25 June 2016 , 02 : 58 : 27 UTC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Revolution no . </Th> <Td> 87867 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Terra ( EOS AM - 1 ) is a multi-national NASA scientific research satellite in a Sun - synchronous orbit around the Earth . It is the flagship of the Earth Observing System ( EOS ) . The name `` Terra '' comes from the Latin word for Earth . A naming contest was held by NASA among U.S. high school students . The winning essay was submitted by Sasha Jones of Brentwood , Missouri . The identifier `` AM - 1 '' refers to its orbit , passing over the equator in the morning . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Launch </Li> <Li> 2 Mission </Li> <Li> 3 Malicious cyber activities </Li> <Li> 4 Gallery of images by Terra </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Launch ( edit ) </H2> <P> The satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on December 18 , 1999 , aboard an Atlas IIAS vehicle and began collecting data on February 24 , 2000 . It was placed into a near - polar , sun - synchronous orbit at an altitude of 705km , with a 10 : 30am descending node . </P> <H2> Mission ( edit ) </H2> <P> Terra carries a payload of five remote sensors designed to monitor the state of Earth 's environment and ongoing changes in its climate system : </P> <Ul> <Li> ASTER ( Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer ) ASTER creates high - resolution images of clouds , ice , water and the land surface using 3 different sensor subsystems . They are the Shortwave Infrared ( SWIR ) ; Thermal Infrared ( TIR ) ; and Visible and Near Infrared ( VNIR ) . They cover 14 multi-spectral bands from visible to the thermal infrared . The SWIR stopped working in 2008 . ASTER was provided by Japan 's Ministry of Economy , Trade , and Industry . </Li> <Li> CERES ( Clouds and the Earth 's Radiant Energy System ) </Li> <Li> MISR ( Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer ) </Li> <Li> MODIS ( Moderate - resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ) </Li> <Li> MOPITT ( Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Data from the satellite helps scientists better understand the spread of pollution around the globe . Studies have used instruments on Terra to examine trends in global carbon monoxide and aerosol pollution . The data collected by Terra will ultimately become a new , 15 - year global data set . </P> <P> After launch , operators observed that high energy protons like those found over the South Atlantic Anomaly or the poles could induce single - event upsets that would cause the Motor Drive Assembly ( MDA ) Built - In Test Equipment ( BITE ) to turn off the MDA . These false shut - downs occur 12 - 14 times a month and eventually the operations team automated the recovery to reduce the impact of these shut - downs . </P> <P> Starting in 2007 , increased thermal resistance in the SWIR cryocooler of the ASTER instrument caused the temperature to gradually increase . By 2008 , despite frequent attempts to recycle the cryocooler the data began to significantly degrade and on January 12 , 2009 , ASTER managers declared the SWIR no longer functional due to anomalously high SWIR detector temperatures . Data gathered after April 2008 was declared not usable . </P> <P> On October 13 , 2009 , Terra suffered a single battery cell failure anomaly and a battery heater control anomaly likely the result of a Micrometeoroid or Orbital Debris ( MMOD ) strike . </P> <H2> Malicious cyber activities ( edit ) </H2> <P> In June and October 2008 the spacecraft was targeted by hackers who gained unauthorized access to its command and control systems but did not issue any commands . </P> <H2> Gallery of images by Terra ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> <P> The first image taken by Terra . </P> </Li> <Li> <P> The Solar eclipse of August 1 , 2008 , over Russia , Norway , and the Arctic Ocean as seen from NASA 's Terra satellite . </P> </Li> <Li> <P> The effects of the European winter storms of 2009 -- 2010 on Great Britain , seen from Terra . </P> </Li> <Li> <P>
The purpose of the Terra satellite is
[ "to monitor the state of Earth's environment and ongoing changes in its climate system" ]
What is the purpose of the terra satelite?
Tyrann Mathieu - wikipedia <H1> Tyrann Mathieu </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> Tyrann Mathieu <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Mathieu in August 2016 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> No. 32 -- Houston Texans </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Position : </Th> <Td> Safety </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Born : </Th> <Td> ( 1992 - 05 - 13 ) May 13 , 1992 ( age 25 ) New Orleans , Louisiana </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Height : </Th> <Td> 5 ft 9 in ( 1.75 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Weight : </Th> <Td> 186 lb ( 84 kg ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> High school : </Th> <Td> New Orleans ( LA ) St. Augustine </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> College : </Th> <Td> LSU </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NFL Draft : </Th> <Td> 2013 / Round : 3 / Pick : 69 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career history </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Arizona Cardinals ( 2013 -- 2017 ) </Li> <Li> Houston Texans ( 2018 -- present ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Roster status : </Th> <Td> Active </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career highlights and awards </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Pro Bowl ( 2015 ) </Li> <Li> First - team All - Pro ( 2015 ) </Li> <Li> PFWA All - Rookie Team ( 2013 ) </Li> <Li> SEC champion ( 2011 ) </Li> <Li> Chuck Bednarik Award ( 2011 ) </Li> <Li> SEC Defensive Player of the Year ( 2011 ) </Li> <Li> Consensus All - American ( 2011 ) </Li> <Li> First - team All - SEC ( 2011 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career NFL statistics as of 2017 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Total tackles : </Th> <Td> 307 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Sacks : </Th> <Td> 4.0 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Forced fumbles : </Th> <Td> 4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Pass deflections : </Th> <Td> 41 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Interceptions : </Th> <Td> 11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Defensive touchdowns : </Th> <Td> 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Player stats at </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Player stats at PFR </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Tyrann Devine Mathieu ( / ˈtaɪrən ˈmæθjuː / ; born May 13 , 1992 ) is an American football safety for the Houston Texans of the National Football League ( NFL ) . He played college football for Louisiana State University ( LSU ) . In college , he developed a reputation for causing turnovers , setting a Southeastern Conference ( SEC ) record with 11 career forced fumbles and earning the nickname , `` Honey Badger '' . In his sophomore season , he was recognized as a consensus All - American , won the Chuck Bednarik Award as the best defensive player in college football , and was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy . Mathieu was dismissed from the LSU football program after that season due to a violation of team rules . </P> <P> After spending a year out of football in 2012 , he was drafted by the Arizona Cardinals in the third round of the 2013 NFL Draft , reuniting him in the defensive backfield with former college teammate Patrick Peterson . As a rookie he was named to the PFWA All - Rookie Team . In 2015 , he was invited to the Pro Bowl and earned first - team All - Pro honors . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early years </Li> <Li> 2 College career <Ul> <Li> 2.1 2010 season </Li> <Li> 2.2 2011 season </Li> <Li> 2.3 2012 : Dismissal </Li> <Li> 2.4 College career statistics </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Professional career <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Arizona Cardinals </Li> <Li> 3.2 Houston Texans </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 NFL statistics </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Early years ( edit ) </H2> <P> A native of New Orleans , Louisiana , Mathieu attended St. Augustine High School , where he played for the St. Augustine Purple Knights high school football team . He recorded 32 tackles , five interceptions , one sack , and one fumble recovery as a senior . </P> <P> While living in New Orleans ' Central City , Mathieu was raised by his grandparents . His biological mother was absent the majority of the time and his biological father , Darrin Hayes , has been incarcerated for murder most of his life . After his grandfather died in 1997 , Mathieu was adopted by his uncle , Tyrone Mathieu , and aunt , Sheila Mathieu . </P> <P> Mathieu also ran track and field for St. Augustine 's track team and was a member of the relay team . He was one of the state 's top performers in the long jump . He had personal - best leaps of 1.93 meters in the high jump and 7.29 meters in the long jump . </P> <P> Considered a four - star recruit by , Mathieu was listed as the No. 13 cornerback in the nation in 2010 . </P> <H2> College career ( edit ) </H2> <P> Mathieu accepted an athletic scholarship to attend Louisiana State University , where he played for coach Les Miles ' LSU Tigers football team from 2010 to 2011 . </P> <H3> 2010 season ( edit ) </H3> <P> As a true freshman in 2010 , Mathieu played in all 13 games with one start . He finished the season with 59 tackles , 3 sacks , and 2 interceptions . He was the Most Outstanding Defensive Player of the 2011 Cotton Bowl Classic after he recorded seven tackles , one tackle for loss , two forced fumbles , one fumble recovery , one interception , one sack , and one pass breakup . </P> <H3> 2011 season ( edit ) </H3> <P> At the end of the 2011 regular
The football player nicknamed "The Honey Badger" is
[ "Tyrann Devine Mathieu" ]
What football player is called the honey badger?
<Td> Carl Laemmle , Jr . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written by </Th> <Td> Maxwell Anderson ( adaptation & dialogue ) George Abbott ( screenplay ) Del Andrews ( adaptation ) C. Gardner Sullivan ( supervising story chief ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> Lew Ayres Louis Wolheim </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> David Broekman </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Arthur Edeson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> Edgar Adams </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> Universal Studios </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> Universal Pictures </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> April 21 , 1930 ( 1930 - 04 - 21 ) ( US ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 152 minutes 133 minutes ( restored ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> $1.2 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> $1.5 million ( US ) $3,000,000 ( rentals ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> All Quiet on the Western Front is a 1930 American epic pre-Code war film based on the Erich Maria Remarque novel of the same name . Directed by Lewis Milestone , it stars Louis Wolheim , Lew Ayres , John Wray , Arnold Lucy and Ben Alexander . </P> <P> All Quiet on the Western Front opened to wide acclaim in the United States . Considered a realistic and harrowing account of warfare in World War I , it made the American Film Institute 's first 100 Years ... 100 Movies list in 1998 . A decade later , after the same organization polled over 1,500 workers in the creative community , All Quiet on the Western Front was ranked the seventh - best American epic film . In 1990 , the film was selected and preserved by the United States Library of Congress ' National Film Registry as being deemed `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant . '' The film was the first to win the Academy Awards for both Outstanding Production and Best Director . </P> <P> Its sequel , The Road Back ( 1937 ) , portrays members of the 2nd Company returning home after the war . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Production </Li> <Li> 4 Releases </Li> <Li> 5 Reception </Li> <Li> 6 Awards and honors </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> Professor Kantorek gives an impassioned speech about the glory of serving in the Army and `` saving the Fatherland '' . On the brink of becoming men , the boys in his class , led by Paul Baumer , are moved to join the army as the new 2nd Company . Their romantic delusions are quickly broken during their brief but rigorous training under the abusive Sergeant Himmelstoss , who bluntly informs them , `` You 're going to be soldiers -- and that 's all . '' </P> <P> The new soldiers arrive by train at the combat zone , which is mayhem , with soldiers everywhere , incoming shells , horse - drawn wagons racing about , and prolonged rain . One in the group is killed before the new recruits can reach their post , to the alarm of one of the new soldiers ( Behn ) . The new soldiers are assigned to a unit composed of older soldiers , who are not exactly accommodating . The young soldiers find that there is no food available at the moment . They have not eaten since breakfast , but the men they have joined have not had food for two days . One of them , `` Kat '' Katczinsky , had gone to locate something to eat and he returns with a slaughtered hog he has stolen from a field kitchen . The young soldiers `` pay '' for their dinner with cigarettes . </P> <P> The new recruits ' first trip to the trenches with the veterans , to re-string barbed wire , is a harrowing experience , especially when Behn is blinded by shrapnel and hysterically runs into machine - gun fire . After spending several days in a bunker under bombardment , they at last move into the trenches and successfully repulse an enemy attack ; they then counterattack and take an enemy trench with heavy casualties , but have to abandon it . They are sent back to the field kitchens to get their rations ; each man receives double helpings , simply because of the number of dead . </P> <P> The men start out eating greedily , but then settle into a satiated torpor . They hear that they are to return to the front the next day and begin a semi-serious discussion about the causes of the war and of wars in general . They speculate about whether geographical entities offend each other and whether these disagreements involve them . Tjaden speaks familiarly about himself and the Kaiser ; Kat jokes that instead of having a war , they should have the leaders of Europe be stripped to their underwear and `` fight it out with clubs '' . </P> <P> One day , Corporal Himmelstoss arrives to the front and is immediately spurned because of his bad reputation ; he is forced to go over the top with the 2nd Company and is promptly killed . In an attack on a cemetery , Paul stabs a French soldier , but finds himself trapped in a hole with the dying man for an entire night . Throughout the night , he desperately tries to help him , bringing him water , but fails miserably to stop him
The story of All Quiet on the Western Front is told from the perspective of
[ "Paul Baumer" ]
From whose perspective is the story of all quiet on the western front told?
Guevara Efigenio Ameijeiras </Td> <Td> John F. Kennedy Allen Dulles Charles Cabell Pepe San Román Erneido Oliva </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Units involved </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces </Td> <Td> Brigade 2506 CIA U.S. Air Force </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Strength </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 25,000 Cuban army 200,000 Cuban Militia 9,000 armed police </Td> <Td> 1,500 ground forces 8 American B - 26 bombers 5 supply ships </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Casualties and losses </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cuban army : 176 killed 500 + wounded </Td> <Td> Brigade 2506 : 118 killed 360 wounded 1,202 captured United States : 4 killed 2 American B - 26 bomber aircraft shot down and 2 supply ships lost </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Location within North America </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Covert United States involvement in regime change </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1949 Syrian coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1949 -- 1953 Albania </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1951 -- 56 Tibet </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1953 Iranian coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1956 -- 57 Syria crisis </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1957 -- 58 Indonesian rebellion </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1959 -- 2000 Cuba , assassination attempts on Fidel Castro </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1959 Cambodian `` Bangkok Plot '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1960 Congo coup </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1961 Cuba , Bay of Pigs Invasion </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1961 Cuba , Operation Mongoose </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1961 Dominican Republic </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1963 South Vietnamese coup </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1964 Bolivian coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1964 Brazilian coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1966 Ghana coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1970 Cambodian coup </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1971 Bolivian coup d'état </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1970 -- 73 Chile </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1979 -- 89 Afghanistan , Operation Cyclone </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1980 -- 92 Angola , UNITA </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1981 -- 87 Nicaragua , Contras </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1982 Chad </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1991 Haiti </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1996 Iraq coup attempt </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2001 Afghanistan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2004 Haiti </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2011 Libyan civil war </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2011 -- 2017 Syria , Timber Sycamore <Ul> <Li> view </Li> <Li> talk </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Bay of Pigs Invasion ( Spanish : Invasión de Playa Girón or Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos or Batalla de Girón ) was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) - sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961 . A counter-revolutionary military group ( made up of mostly Cuban exiles who traveled to the United States after Castro 's takeover , but also of some US military personnel ) , trained and funded by the CIA , Brigade 2506 fronted the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front ( DRF ) and intended to overthrow the increasingly communist government of Fidel Castro . Launched from Guatemala and Nicaragua , the invading force was defeated within three days by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces , under the direct command of Castro . </P> <P> The coup of 1952 led by General Fulgencio Batista , an ally of the United States , against President Carlos Prio , forced Prio into exile to Miami , Florida . Prio 's exile was the reason for the 26th July Movement led by Castro . The movement , which did not succeed until after the Cuban Revolution of 31 December 1958 , severed the country 's formerly strong links with the US after nationalizing American economic assets ( banks , oil refineries , sugar and coffee plantations , along with other American owned businesses ) . </P> <P> It was after the Cuban Revolution of 1959 , that Castro forged strong economic links with the Soviet Union , with which , at the time , the United States was engaged in the Cold War . US President Dwight D. Eisenhower was very concerned at the direction Castro 's government was taking , and in March 1960 he allocated $13.1 million to the CIA to plan Castro 's overthrow ( though the plan to overthrow Castro was put off for Kennedy to decide ) . The CIA proceeded to organize the operation with the aid of various Cuban counter-revolutionary forces , training Brigade 2506 in Guatemala . Eisenhower 's successor , John F. Kennedy , approved the final invasion plan on 4 April 1961 . </P> <P> Over 1,400 paramilitaries , divided into five infantry battalions and one paratrooper battalion , assembled in Guatemala before setting out for Cuba by boat on 13 April 1961 . Two days later , on 15 April , eight CIA - supplied B - 26 bombers attacked Cuban airfields and then returned to the US . On the night of 16 April , the main invasion landed at a beach named Playa Girón in the Bay of Pigs . It initially overwhelmed a local revolutionary militia . The Cuban Army 's counter-offensive was led by José Ramón Fernández , before Castro decided to take personal control of the operation . As the US involvement became apparent to the world , and with the initiative turning against the invasion , Kennedy decided against providing further air cover . As a result , the operation only had half the forces the CIA had deemed necessary . The original plan devised during Eisenhower 's presidency had required both air and naval support . On 20 April , the invaders surrendered after only three days , with the majority being publicly interrogated and put into Cuban prisons . </P> <P> The failed invasion helped to strengthen the position of Castro 's leadership , made him a national hero , and cemented the rocky relationship between the former allies . It also strengthened the relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union . This eventually led to the events of the Cuban
The purpose of the Bay of Pigs mission was
[ "to overthrow the increasingly communist government of Fidel Castro" ]
What was the purpose of the bay of pigs mission?
June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt - wikipedia <H1> June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> Coordinates : 37 ° 49 ′ 36 '' N 122 ° 25 ′ 24 '' W  /  37.82667 ° N 122.42333 ° W  / 37.82667 ; - 122.42333 </P> <Table> June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Alcatraz , with Angel Island ( the fugitives ' intended destination ) in background </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Date </Th> <Td> June 11 , 1962 ( 1962 - 06 - 11 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Time </Th> <Td> Approximately 10 : 00 PM ( UTC - 7 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> Alcatraz Island San Francisco , California , United States </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt is the only successful escape from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in its history . Late on the night of June 11 or early morning of June 12 , inmates Clarence Anglin , John Anglin , and Frank Morris tucked heads made out of soap wax resembling their own likenesses into their beds , broke out of the main prison building via an unused utility corridor , and departed Alcatraz Island aboard an improvised inflatable raft to an uncertain fate . </P> <P> Hundreds of leads have been pursued by the FBI and local law enforcement officials in the ensuing years , but no conclusive evidence has ever surfaced favoring the success or failure of the attempt . Numerous theories of widely varying plausibility have been proposed by authorities , reporters , family members , and amateur enthusiasts . In 1979 the FBI officially concluded , on the basis of circumstantial evidence and a preponderance of expert opinion , that the men drowned in the frigid waters of San Francisco Bay before reaching the mainland . The U.S. Marshals Service case file remains open and active , however , and Morris and the Anglin brothers remain on its wanted list . </P> <P> Recent experimental and computer - simulated evidence has suggested that the ultimate outcome of the attempt may have depended on the exact time of the men 's departure aboard the raft . A 2015 documentary presented circumstantial evidence in support of a longstanding rumor that two of the men -- the Anglin brothers -- had survived and fled to Brazil ; but a government expert concluded that the one piece of physical evidence , a 1975 photograph , did not support that conclusion . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Previous attempts </Li> <Li> 2 Inmates <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Frank Morris </Li> <Li> 2.2 John and Clarence Anglin </Li> <Li> 2.3 Allen West </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Escape </Li> <Li> 4 Investigation </Li> <Li> 5 Aftermath </Li> <Li> 6 In popular culture </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Bibliography </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Previous attempts ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of Alcatraz escape attempts <P> Of the 36 inmates who staged 14 escape attempts over the 29 years that Alcatraz served as a federal penitentiary , 23 were recaptured , six were shot and killed , two drowned , and five ( including Morris and the Anglins ) are listed as missing and presumed drowned . </P> <P> One inmate , John Paul Scott , successfully swam from the island to Fort Point , at the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge , on December 16 , 1962 . Kids who were on the beach at the time found him and called the police because they thought he was dead . When the police saw him he was immediately identified as the escapee that they had been looking for . He was recaptured the same day and sent back to the rock , exhausted and hypothermic . Today , multitudes of athletes swim the same Alcatraz -- Fort Point route as part of one of two annual triathlon events . </P> <H2> Inmates ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Frank Morris ( edit ) </H3> Frank Morris <P> Frank Lee Morris ( September 1 , 1926 -- disappeared June 11 , 1962 ) was born in Washington , D.C. . He was orphaned at age 11 , and spent most of his formative years in foster homes . He was convicted of his first crime at age 13 , and by his late teens had been arrested for crimes ranging from narcotics possession to armed robbery . Morris reportedly ranked in the top 2 % of the general population in intelligence , as measured by IQ testing . He served time in Florida and Georgia , then escaped from the Louisiana State Penitentiary while serving 10 years for bank robbery . He was recaptured a year later while committing a burglary , and sent to Alcatraz in 1960 as inmate number AZ1441 . </P> <H3> John and Clarence Anglin ( edit ) </H3> John Anglin Clarence Anglin <P> The Anglin brothers , John William ( May 2 , 1930 -- disappeared June 11 , 1962 ) and Clarence ( May 11 , 1931 -- disappeared June 11 , 1962 ) were born into a family of thirteen children in Donalsonville , Georgia . Their parents , George Robert Anglin and Rachael Van Miller Anglin , were seasonal farm workers ; in the early 1940s , they moved the family to Ruskin , Florida , 20 miles south of Tampa , where the truck farms and tomato fields provided a more reliable source of income . Each June they would migrate north as far as Michigan to pick cherries . Clarence and John were reportedly inseparable as youngsters ; they became skilled swimmers , and amazed their siblings by swimming in the frigid waters of Lake Michigan as ice still floated on its surface . </P> <P> They began robbing banks and other establishments as a team in the early 1950s , usually targets that were closed , to ensure that no one got injured . They claimed that
The person who escaped from Alcatraz was
[ "Clarence Anglin" ]
Who was the person who escaped from alcatraz?
The New Colossus - wikipedia <H1> The New Colossus </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the Emma Lazarus sonnet . For the 2017 video game , see Wolfenstein II : The New Colossus . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The New Colossus </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Emma Lazarus 's manuscript </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created </Th> <Td> 1883 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> Statue of Liberty , Liberty Island , New York City , New York , U.S. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Author ( s ) </Th> <Td> Emma Lazarus </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Purpose </Th> <Td> Sonnet was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the monument in 1903 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` The New Colossus '' is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus ( 1849 -- 1887 ) wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty . In 1903 , the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal 's lower level . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History of the poem </Li> <Li> 2 Contents </Li> <Li> 3 Influence </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History of the poem ( edit ) </H2> The Statue of Liberty in New York City <P> This poem was written as a donation to an auction of art and literary works conducted by the `` Art Loan Fund Exhibition in Aid of the Bartholdi Pedestal Fund for the Statue of Liberty '' to raise money for the pedestal 's construction . Lazarus 's contribution was solicited by fundraiser William Maxwell Evarts . Initially she refused but writer Constance Cary Harrison convinced her that the statue would be of great significance to immigrants sailing into the harbor . </P> <P> `` The New Colossus '' was the first entry read at the exhibit 's opening on November 2 , 1883 , and remained associated with the exhibit through a published catalog until the exhibit closed after the pedestal was fully funded in August 1885 , but was forgotten and played no role at the opening of the statue in 1886 . It was , however , published in Joseph Pulitzer 's New York World as well as The New York Times during this time period . In 1901 , Lazarus 's friend Georgina Schuyler began an effort to memorialize Lazarus and her poem , which succeeded in 1903 when a plaque bearing the text of the poem was put on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty . </P> <P> The line `` Keep , ancient lands , your storied pomp ! '' is missing a comma , and reads `` Keep ancient lands , your storied pomp ! '' on the plaque hanging inside the Statue of Liberty since its unveiling in 1903 . </P> <P> The original manuscript is held by the American Jewish Historical Society . </P> <H2> Contents ( edit ) </H2> The Colossus of Rhodes , as depicted in an artist 's impression of 1880 <P> Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame , With conquering limbs astride from land to land ; Here at our sea - washed , sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch , whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning , and her name MOTHER OF EXILES . From her beacon - hand Glows world - wide welcome ; her mild eyes command The air - bridged harbor that twin cities frame . `` Keep , ancient lands , your storied pomp ! '' cries she With silent lips . `` Give me your tired , your poor , Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free , The wretched refuse of your teeming shore . Send these , the homeless , tempest - tost to me , I lift my lamp beside the golden door ! '' </P> <P> The poem is a Petrarchan sonnet . </P> <P> The title of the poem and the first two lines refer to the Colossus of Rhodes , which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World , sometimes described as standing astride the harbor . </P> <P> The `` sea - washed , sunset gates '' are the mouths of the Hudson and East Rivers , to the west of Brooklyn . The `` imprisoned lightning '' refers to the electric light in the torch , then a novelty . </P> <P> The `` air - bridged harbor that twin cities frame '' refers to New York Harbor between New York City and Brooklyn , which were consolidated into one unit in 1898 , 15 years after the poem was written . </P> <P> The `` huddled masses '' are the many immigrants coming to the United States ( many of them through Ellis Island at the port of New York ) . </P> <H2> Influence ( edit ) </H2> Bronze plaque inside the Statue of Liberty <P> Paul Auster wrote that `` Bartholdi 's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism , but ' The New Colossus ' reinvented the statue 's purpose , turning Liberty into a welcoming mother , a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world . '' </P> <P> John T. Cunningham wrote that `` The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration , but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch and the shining face , heading toward Ellis Island . However , it was ( Lazarus 's poem ) that permanently stamped on Miss Liberty the role of unofficial greeter of incoming immigrants . '' </P> <P> The poem has entered the political realm . It was quoted in John F. Kennedy 's book A Nation of Immigrants ( 1958 ) as well as a 2010 political speech by President Obama advocating immigration policy reform . On August 2nd , 2017 , the poem and
The inscription on the Statue of Liberty is located
[ "on the inner wall of the pedestal" ]
Where is the inscription on the statue of liberty?
I 'm Coming Out - wikipedia <H1> I 'm Coming Out </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the song . For the Ugly Betty episode , see I 'm Coming Out ( Ugly Betty ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` I 'm Coming Out '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> One of the cover arts for German vinyl singles </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Diana Ross </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Diana </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Give Up '' `` Friend to Friend '' `` Never Say I Do n't Love You '' `` My Old Piano '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> August 22 , 1980 ( 1980 - 08 - 22 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 7 `` , 12 '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> December 1979 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Disco , funk , soul </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 5 : 24 ( album version ) 3 : 59 ( radio edit ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Motown </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Bernard Edwards , Nile Rodgers </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Nile Rodgers , Bernard Edwards </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Diana Ross singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Upside Down '' ( 1980 ) </Td> <Td> `` I 'm Coming Out '' ( 1980 ) </Td> <Td> `` My Old Piano '' ( 1980 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Upside Down '' ( 1980 ) </Td> <Td> `` I 'm Coming Out '' ( 1980 ) </Td> <Td> `` My Old Piano '' ( 1980 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Audio sample </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> file </Li> <Li> help </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Alternative releases </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> French 7 - inch vinyl single </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` I 'm Coming Out '' is a song recorded by American singer Diana Ross . It was written and produced by Chic members Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers , and released in August 22 , 1980 as the second single from Ross ' self - titled tenth album Diana ( 1980 ) . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background </Li> <Li> 2 Chart success and cultural impact </Li> <Li> 3 LGBT significance </Li> <Li> 4 Trombone solo </Li> <Li> 5 Music video </Li> <Li> 6 Track listings </Li> <Li> 7 Chart performance <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 7.2 Year - end charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Samples and covers </Li> <Li> 9 Hella von Sinnen version : `` Mein Coming Out '' </Li> <Li> 10 Amerie version <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Music video </Li> <Li> 10.2 Track listings </Li> <Li> 10.3 Charts </Li> <Li> 10.4 Release history </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 1979 , Ross commissioned Chic founders Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards to create material for a new album after taking her daughters to see the band in concert , following the success of Ross 's final Ashford & Simpson - composed and produced LP , The Boss . Rodgers got the idea for `` I 'm Coming Out '' after noticing three different drag queens dressed as Diana Ross at a New York club called the GG Barnum Room . The lyrics hold an additional meaning to Ross , as she was leaving Motown Records and `` coming out '' from under Berry Gordy 's thumb . </P> <H2> Chart success and cultural impact ( edit ) </H2> <P> The song was another hit from the album , peaking at number five on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart for two weeks in November 1980 . It is also notable for being the first song usually performed at Ross ' performances and concerts since 1980 . </P> <H2> LGBT significance ( edit ) </H2> <P> `` I 'm Coming Out '' has been regarded as an anthem for the LGBT community . The phrase `` coming out '' to describe one 's self - disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity had been present in the gay subculture in the early 20th century , analogous to a débutante 's coming - out party or celebration of her formal presentation to society . It has also been understood as `` coming out of the closet '' or coming out from hiding . The song is thus interpreted as a celebration of lesbian , gay , bisexual , or transgender , identity and the encouragement of self - disclosure . </P> <H2> Trombone solo ( edit ) </H2> <P> Rodgers convinced his neighbor , producer Meco Monardo , to contract the horns for the album in return for a commitment by Rodgers to co-produce Monardo 's then - upcoming album of music from The Empire Strikes Back . Monardo , a former first - call session player who had a string of hits in the late 1970s with disco versions of film music , also played trombone on the album and is featured in a solo towards the end of `` I 'm Coming Out '' : </P> <P> Nile recorded all the tracks and vocals and called me and my horn section for a 3 - hour date . We had a great time , as the songs were fabulous -- especially `` Upside Down '' and `` I 'm Coming Out '' . We sounded great -- Nile was pleased and as I was packing up , he asked me to stay and play a jazz trombone solo on one of the tracks . I said , `` Nile , there are a lot of hit records with jazz saxophone solos -- even some with
The song "I'm Coming Out" by Diana Ross was released on
[ "August 22, 1980" ]
When did i'm coming out come out?