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-3290814144789249484 | List of Nobel laureates in Physics - wikipedia <H1> List of Nobel laureates in Physics </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Front side ( obverse ) of the Nobel Prize Medal for Physics presented to Edward Victor Appleton in 1947 <P> The Nobel Prize in Physics ( Swedish : Nobelpriset i fysik ) is awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to scientists in the various fields of physics . It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the 1895 will of Alfred Nobel ( who died in 1896 ) , awarded for outstanding contributions in physics . As dictated by Nobel 's will , the award is administered by the Nobel Foundation and awarded by a committee that consists of five members elected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences . The award is presented in Stockholm at an annual ceremony on December 10 , the anniversary of Nobel 's death . Each recipient receives a medal , a diploma and a monetary award prize that has varied throughout the years . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Statistics </Li> <Li> 2 Laureates </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Notes </Li> <Li> 4.2 Citations </Li> <Li> 4.3 Sources </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Statistics ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , of Germany , who received 150,782 SEK , which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007 . John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice -- in 1956 and 1972 . Maria Skłodowska - Curie also won two Nobel Prizes , for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911 . William Lawrence Bragg was , until October 2014 , the youngest ever Nobel laureate ; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25 . Two women have won the prize : Curie and Maria Goeppert - Mayer ( 1963 ) . As of 2017 , the prize has been awarded to 206 individuals . There have been six years in which the Nobel Prize in Physics was not awarded ( 1916 , 1931 , 1934 , 1940 -- 1942 ) . </P> <H2> Laureates ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Laureate </Th> <Th> Country </Th> <Th> Rationale </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1901 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1902 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Hendrik Lorentz </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> `` in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Pieter Zeeman </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1903 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Antoine Henri Becquerel </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Pierre Curie </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Maria Skłodowska - Curie </Td> <Td> Poland France </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1904 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Lord Rayleigh </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for his discovery of argon in connection with these studies '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1905 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard </Td> <Td> Austria - Hungary Germany </Td> <Td> `` for his work on cathode rays '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1906 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Joseph John Thomson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1907 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Albert Abraham Michelson </Td> <Td> United States Poland </Td> <Td> `` for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic and metrological investigations carried out with their aid '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1908 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Gabriel Lippmann </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1909 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Guglielmo Marconi </Td> <Td> Italy </Td> <Td> `` for their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Karl Ferdinand Braun </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1910 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Johannes Diderik van der Waals </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the equation of state for gases and liquids '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1911 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wilhelm Wien </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1912 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Nils Gustaf Dalén </Td> <Td> Sweden </Td> <Td> `` for his invention of automatic valves designed to be used in combination with gas accumulators in lighthouses and buoys '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1913 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Heike Kamerlingh - Onnes </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> `` for his investigations on the properties of matter at low temperatures which led , inter alia , to the production of liquid helium '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1914 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Max von Laue </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` For his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals '' , an important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1915 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> William Henry Bragg </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` For their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays '' , an important step in the development of X-ray crystallography </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> William Lawrence Bragg </Td> <Td> Australia <P> United Kingdom </P> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1916 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War I </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1917 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Charles Glover Barkla </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` For his discovery of the characteristic Röntgen radiation of the elements '' , another important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1918 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Max Planck </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for the services he rendered to the advancement of physics by his discovery of energy quanta '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1919 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Johannes Stark </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1920 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Charles Édouard Guillaume </Td> <Td> Switzerland </Td> <Td> `` for the service he has rendered to precision measurements in physics by his discovery of anomalies in nickel - steel alloys '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1921 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Albert Einstein </Td> <Td> Germany Switzerland </Td> <Td> `` for his services to theoretical physics , and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1922 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Niels Bohr </Td> <Td> Denmark </Td> <Td> `` for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1923 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Robert Andrews Millikan </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1924 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Manne Siegbahn </Td> <Td> Sweden </Td> <Td> `` for his discoveries and research in the field of X-ray spectroscopy '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1925 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> James Franck </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Gustav Hertz </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1926 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jean Baptiste Perrin </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter , and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1927 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Arthur Holly Compton </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the effect named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Charles Thomson Rees Wilson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1928 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Owen Willans Richardson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the thermionic phenomenon and especially for the discovery of the law named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1929 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Louis Victor Pierre Raymond , 7th Duc de Broglie </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the wave nature of electrons '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1930 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman </Td> <Td> India </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1931 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1932 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Werner Heisenberg </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for the creation of quantum mechanics , the application of which has , inter alia , led to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1933 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Erwin Schrödinger </Td> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> `` for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Paul Dirac </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1934 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1935 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> James Chadwick </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for the discovery of the neutron '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1936 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Victor Francis Hess </Td> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of cosmic radiation '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Carl David Anderson </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the positron '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1937 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Clinton Joseph Davisson </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> George Paget Thomson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1938 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Enrico Fermi </Td> <Td> Italy </Td> <Td> `` for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation , and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1939 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Ernest Lawrence </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it , especially with regard to artificial radioactive elements '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1940 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1941 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1942 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1943 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Otto Stern </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1944 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Isidor Isaac Rabi </Td> <Td> United States Poland </Td> <Td> `` for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1945 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wolfgang Pauli </Td> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> `` for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle , also called the Pauli principle '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1946 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Percy Williams Bridgman </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures , and for the | The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to | [
"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany"
] | 245 | Who got the first nobel prize in physics? |
8851020722386421469 | Deadpool 2 - wikipedia <H1> Deadpool 2 </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Deadpool 2 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Teaser poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> David Leitch </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Simon Kinberg </Li> <Li> Ryan Reynolds </Li> <Li> Lauren Shuler Donner </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Rhett Reese </Li> <Li> Paul Wernick </Li> <Li> Ryan Reynolds </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> Deadpool by <Ul> <Li> Rob Liefeld </Li> <Li> Fabian Nicieza </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ryan Reynolds </Li> <Li> Josh Brolin </Li> <Li> Morena Baccarin </Li> <Li> Julian Dennison </Li> <Li> Zazie Beetz </Li> <Li> T.J. Miller </Li> <Li> Brianna Hildebrand </Li> <Li> Jack Kesy </Li> <Li> Stefan Kapičić </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> Tyler Bates </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Jonathan Sela </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Craig Alpert </Li> <Li> Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Marvel Entertainment </Li> <Li> The Donners ' Company </Li> <Li> Genre Films </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> 20th Century Fox </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> May 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 18 ) ( United States ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Deadpool 2 is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool , distributed by 20th Century Fox . It is intended to be the eleventh installment in the X-Men film series , and a sequel to the 2016 film Deadpool . The film is directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese , Paul Wernick , and Ryan Reynolds , with Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Josh Brolin , Morena Baccarin , Julian Dennison , Zazie Beetz , T.J. Miller , Brianna Hildebrand , Jack Kesy , and Stefan Kapičić . In Deadpool 2 , Deadpool forms the team X-Force to protect a young mutant from Cable . </P> <P> Plans for a sequel to Deadpool began before that film 's release , and were confirmed in February 2016 . Though the original creative team of Reynolds , Reese , Wernick , and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film , Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds , and was soon replaced by Leitch . An extensive casting search took place to fill the role of Cable , with Brolin ultimately cast ; the casting of Beetz as Domino was also noteworthy . Filming took place in British Columbia , Canada , from June to October 2017 . During filming , stunt woman Joi `` SJ '' Harris died in a motorcycle accident . </P> <P> Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18 , 2018 . A sequel , Deadpool 3 , is in development . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Premise </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Production <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Development </Li> <Li> 3.2 Pre-production </Li> <Li> 3.3 Filming </Li> <Li> 3.4 Post-production </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Music </Li> <Li> 5 Release <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Marketing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Box office projection </Li> <Li> 7 Sequel </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Premise </H2> <P> Deadpool forms a team of mutants called the X-Force to protect young mutant Russell from the time - traveling soldier Cable . </P> <H2> Cast </H2> <Ul> <Li> Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool : A wisecracking mercenary with accelerated healing but severe scarring over his body after undergoing an experimental regenerative mutation . He forms the X-Force , a team of mutants . </Li> <Li> Josh Brolin as Nathan Summers / Cable : A time travelling cybernetic mutant soldier , `` in many ways the opposite of Deadpool '' . Director David Leitch called the dynamic between Cable and Deadpool `` sort of classic buddy - cop fare '' , and compared them to the characters portrayed by Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy , respectively , in 48 Hrs. ( 1982 ) . Brolin signed a four - film deal to play the character , and described his appearance here as just the introduction for the character , with `` three more movies to reveal more . '' </Li> <Li> Morena Baccarin as Vanessa : An escort and Wilson 's fiancée . </Li> <Li> Julian Dennison as Russell : A young mutant being hunted by Cable . Dennison was the only actor that the creative team considered for the role , with Russell `` sort of a tailor - made character '' for the actor . </Li> <Li> Zazie Beetz as Neena Thurman / Domino : A mercenary with the mutant ability to manipulate luck , who joins Deadpool 's X-Force team . Leitch described the film 's version of the character as Beetz ' own `` real fun interesting take '' . Beetz began `` doing strength conditioning , so that 's like working out everyday '' when she got the role , for which she has to `` be shooting guns , I fight and a lot of that movement is full body and physical . '' </Li> <Li> T.J. Miller as Weasel : Wilson 's best friend , the owner of a bar frequented by mercenaries . </Li> <Li> Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead : A teenage X-Man with the mutant power to detonate atomic bursts from her body , she is now a `` new level of X-Men '' after being a trainee in the first film . Hildebrand felt that `` it 's cool that she 's grown and matured and she still has so much of this essence of a punk kid '' from the first film , and added that the character would have a `` cooler '' costume in the sequel . </Li> <Li> Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy : A mutant who can manipulate energy through plants . </Li> <Li> Stefan Kapičić as the voice of Colossus : An X-Man with the mutant ability to transform his entire body into organic steel . Kapičić described Colossus as one of the most important characters in the film , requiring a more intense process for Kapičić during recording for the character . He explained that Colossus would continue to try make Deadpool a better person and potential X-Man after doing so in the first film . </Li> </Ul> <P> Leslie Uggams and Karan Soni return from the first film as Deadpool 's elderly roommate Blind Al and the taxi driver Dopinder , respectively . The X-Force team also includes Terry Crews as Bedlam , Lewis Tan as Shatterstar , and Rob Delaney as Peter . Shioli Kutsuna , Eddie Marsan , and Bill Skarsgård have been cast in undisclosed roles . </P> <H2> Production </H2> <H3> Development </H3> <P> Producer Simon Kinberg revealed in September 2015 that discussions had begun regarding ideas for a sequel to Deadpool , which was set to be released in February 2016 . One idea was for the film to introduce the character Cable , who had previously been looked at to appear in the first Deadpool , and X-Men : Days of Future Past before that . Cable 's inclusion in the potential sequel was confirmed by the character Deadpool , breaking the fourth wall , in the post-credit scene of the first film . Domino , a character with connections to Cable in the comics , was also believed to be featured in the sequel . By the first film 's release , 20th Century Fox had green - lit a sequel , with writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick returning to write the screenplay . Though director Tim Miller and producer / star Ryan Reynolds were not confirmed for the sequel at the time , Fox was `` intent on keeping the creative team together '' . Miller and Reynolds ' involvement was confirmed at the 2016 CinemaCon that April , though Miller had still not formally signed on to direct the sequel yet . He began work developing the script with the writers , while Reynolds had signed a new contract granting him `` casting approval and other creative controls '' . </P> It has to tonally and stylistically be as fresh and original ( as the first film ) . That 's a big challenge especially because they had 10 years to gestate on the first movie and we do n't have that kind of time on the second movie . That 's the biggest mandate going ( into ) the second film ... we have to resist the temptation to make it bigger . <P> -- Producer Simon Kinberg on approaching Deadpool 2 </P> <P> In June 2016 , Kinberg said that a completed draft from Wernick and Rheese was expected `` soon '' , and that they were looking to begin filming the sequel at the beginning of 2017 . By August , Kyle Chandler was believed to be in the running to portray Cable . Testing of actresses for Domino had also begun by October , with the shortlist of actresses under consideration including Lizzy Caplan , Mary Elizabeth Winstead , Sienna Miller , Sofia Boutella , Stephanie Sigman , Sylvia Hoeks , Mackenzie Davis , Ruby Rose , Eve Hewson , and Kelly Rohrbach . The producers were particularly interested in casting a black or Latina actress in the role . </P> <P> At the end of October , Miller left the film over `` mutual creative differences '' with Reynolds . The rift between the pair was reportedly based on several factors , including Reynolds ' expanded creative control over the sequel ; Miller 's wish for a more stylized follow - up than the first film , versus Reynolds ' focus `` on the raunchy comedy style that earned the first movie its R rating '' ; and Miller 's intention to cast Chandler as Cable , which Reynolds opposed . Fox ultimately backed `` its marketable star '' over Miller , who had made his directorial debut with the first film . Miller denied these reported reasons , while Reynolds said , `` All I can really add is that I 'm sad to see him off the film . Tim 's brilliant and nobody worked harder on Deadpool than he did . '' A week after Miller 's departure , Fox was looking at David Leitch , Drew Goddard , Magnus Martens , and Rupert Sanders as potential replacements for the director . Leitch was the `` strong frontrunner '' for the role , and signed on to direct a month later . Reynolds , a fan of Leitch 's John Wick , said the director `` really understands those Deadpool sensibilities and where we need to take the franchise from here . '' He added that Leitch `` can make a movie on an ultra tight minimal budget look like it was shot for 10 -- 15 times what it cost . '' </P> <H3> Pre-production </H3> <P> Reese and Wernick had completed multiple drafts of the script by January 2017 , saying , `` It 's taken different twists and turns , but it 's really coalescing '' ; the film was still on track to begin filming that year . The pair felt a responsibility to explore the team X-Force , which includes Deadpool , Cable , and Domino in the comics , with Reese saying the sequel 's purpose `` is not to set up X-Force ( but ) it will likely set up X-Force . '' He did clarify that though the film will be `` populated with a lot of characters ... it is still Deadpool 's | The next Deadpool movie is being released on | [
"May 18, 2018"
] | 531 | When is the next deadpool movie being released? |
-7660771254611710392 | Fortnite - wikipedia <H1> Fortnite </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For the battle royale version of the game , see Fortnite Battle Royale . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Fortnite </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> European box art </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developer ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Epic Games </Li> <Li> People Can Fly </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Publisher ( s ) </Th> <Td> Epic Games </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Director ( s ) </Th> <Td> Darren Sugg </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Artist ( s ) </Th> <Td> Pete Ellis </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Composer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Rom Di Prisco </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Engine </Th> <Td> Unreal Engine 4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Platform ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Microsoft Windows </Li> <Li> macOS </Li> <Li> PlayStation 4 </Li> <Li> Xbox One </Li> <Li> iOS </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release </Th> <Td> 2018 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre ( s ) </Th> <Td> Survival </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mode ( s ) </Th> <Td> Single - player , multiplayer </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Fortnite is a co-op sandbox survival game developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly and published by Epic Games . The game was released as a paid - for early access title for Microsoft Windows , macOS , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on July 25 , 2017 , with a full free - to - play release expected in 2018 . The retail versions of the game were published by Gearbox Publishing , while online distribution of the PC versions is handled by Epic 's launcher . </P> <P> Fortnite is set in contemporary Earth , where the sudden appearance of a worldwide storm causes 98 % of the world 's population to disappear , and zombie - like creatures rise to attack the remainder . Considered by Epic as a cross between Minecraft and Left 4 Dead , Fortnite has up to four players cooperating on various missions on randomly - generated maps to collect resources , build fortifications around defensive objectives that are meant to help fight the storm and protect survivors , and construct weapons and traps to engage in combat with waves of these creatures that attempt to destroy the objectives . Players gain rewards through these missions to improve their hero characters , support teams , and arsenal of weapon and trap schematics to be able to take on more difficult missions . The game is supported through microtransactions to purchase in - game currency that can be used towards these upgrades . </P> <P> A standalone mode , Fortnite Battle Royale , based on the battle royale game genre but based on the core Fortnite gameplay , was released for the same platforms in September 2017 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Synopsis </Li> <Li> 2 Gameplay </Li> <Li> 3 Development <Ul> <Li> 3.1 History </Li> <Li> 3.2 Art and design </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Reception <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Sales </Li> <Li> 4.2 Accolades </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Synopsis </H2> <P> One day , 98 % of Earth 's population suddenly disappeared , and the remaining population found the skies covered in dense clouds , creating chaotic storms that dropped husks , humanoid zombie - like creatures , that attacked the living . The survivors found ways to construct `` storm shields '' , a field that cleared the storm clouds from immediately overhead and reduced the attacks from husks , and used these to set up survivor bases across the globe . The player is a commander of one of these bases , charged with going out of the storm shield to find resources , survivors , and other allies to help expand their storm shield and find a way to return Earth to its normal state . </P> <H2> Gameplay </H2> <P> Currently , the paid - for product Fortnite provides two distinct modes : access to Fortnite Battle Royale , ( which is also available as a separate free - to - play title ) and the cooperative player - versus - environment `` Save the World '' , which is unique to the main Fortnite game . </P> <P> The `` Save the World '' mode is described as a co-op sandbox survival game and is about exploration , scavenging items , crafting weapons , building fortified structures , and fighting waves of encroaching monsters . Tim Sweeney , Epic 's founder , described the game as `` Minecraft meets Left 4 Dead '' . The game cycles between managing one 's resources at a safe home base , and then going out on missions to complete quests as to collect resources and obtain rewards to advance the game 's story . </P> <P> In the meta - game , the player has an inventory of weapon and trap schematics , hero characters , defender characters , and support characters , along with collected resources . Schematics are used to construct weapons and traps when on the field . Hero characters represent characters from one of four classes that the player can use while on a mission , as well as used to undertake resource - gathering missions making them unavailable to use until they return from the mission . Defender characters can be summoned to help with defense but only if there are less than four players on a mission . Support characters are used to form various non-playable squads that provide passive bonuses to the player 's attack strength , building speed , armor , and health , with additional benefits if the player can match certain characterization attributes within a squad . The player can spend different types of experience points and resources earned as mission rewards , from loot boxes ( represented as llama pinatas ) , or other sources to level up and evolve schematics and characters . For weapons and traps , this generally boosts their effectiveness as well as unlocking additional attribute bonuses , while leveling up hero characters will unlock special skills the character has while in the field . Schematics and characters are generally assigned a rarity , which determines how much they can be leveled and evolved . A player 's inventory of schematics and characters is limited , but players can opt to slot anyone they do not need into a collection book to gain rewards when certain collection sets are completed ; use one or more of these schematics or characters to transform them into a new random item , or simply retire them to gain back experience points and other resources to free up the inventory slots . </P> <P> The player also can spend skill points , earned by completing missions , and technology points , earned over time , to unlock new skills and technologies in the game 's skill and technologies trees . These can improve a player 's base attributes , attributes that are shared with the other players while on missions , unlock higher levels of evolution for schematics and characters , open up new squad positions , or unlock general skills that players can use in the field . Collectively , the player 's progress on these skill and technology trees , their squad composition , and their selected hero character make up the player 's current `` power level '' which relates to what difficulty of missions the player should take and the game 's matchmaking services . Also , players can review their current story progress and quests , which can include daily , side , and event quests , which when completed provide in - game currency or resources . </P> <P> Mission is currently divided between four world locations , some available only after progressing far enough in the story , and special locations for timed events and for the Survive the Storm mode . Within a location are several possible mission areas that show the type of mission , the terrain it takes place on , its difficulty rating relative to the player 's current power level , and whether the mission is currently under special `` storm '' conditions that throw random effects , like buffed husks or mini-bosses , into the mission but have potentially better rewards if completed . The player optionally can select a special site that automatically matches them with players at a similar power level and story progression on a random mission for added rewards . </P> <P> Most missions take place on procedurally - generated landscapes . Most missions are based on locating site ( s ) representing the objectives on the map , build up fortifications around those locations , and then face off against several waves of husks that will try to destroy the objectives . During completion of these missions , players are generally given a `` storm forecast '' to know where husks will spawn in as to enhance fortification in that direction , though this direction can change in more difficult missions . Other missions are time - limited , requiring the players to locate and help a number of survivors , build out several radar towers , or clear out various encampment of husks scattered around the map before time runs out . These missions encourage the players to explore the map and farm for resources ( either by searching objects or destroying them with an axe ) used to build the fortifications , weapons , ammunition , and traps needed to defend or attack the husks . Players also frequently need to seek out bluglo , a special resource that does not carry over between maps to activate certain mission objectives . Some missions are considered a loss if the objective is destroyed or time runs out , while other missions allow the players to rework their fortifications and start their defense again if the objective is destroyed . Maps will frequently have optional objectives that are discovered through exploration , such as human survivors that need help . Completing these successfully earn immediate in - game rewards such as resources , weapons , and traps . Missions themselves may provide bonus objectives , such as by completing the mission within a certain in - game period , using a limited number of fortification pieces , or saving more survivors than the minimum necessary , which affects the qualify of rewards the players receive after the successful completion of the main mission . </P> <P> During missions , players can make their fortifications from one of three base materials ( wood , brick , and metal ) , and in a number of configurations , including floors / ceilings , walls , stairs , and ramps ; players have the ability to edit these for more configurations , such as adding a door or window to a wall . Each fortification part can be upgraded with more resources of the same type to improve their durability , and when they are damaged , can be repaired by spending additional resources . Traps , which have a limited number of activation before they fall apart , can be placed on floors , walls , and ceilings , and arranged in means to make them more lethal or effective against husks . Traps may also include beneficial resources for players , such as healing pads , defender posts , and launch pads . Similarly , players can use a range of weapons but these have limited durability that drops as they are used or as a penalty if the player should be downed by husks and need to respawn without the help of allies . Players can construct new weapons , ammo , and traps from gathered resources , or find these from searching containers across the map . During missions , the game progresses through an accelerated day - night cycle ; during the day , the husks are more passive and do not generally pose immediate threats , while during the night , bands of husks may spawn in and will aggressively seek | The idea of Fortnite originated | [
"as a cross between Minecraft and Left 4 Dead"
] | 316 | Where did the idea of fortnite come from? |
-8817510910624892182 | . </P> <P> See Shortwave relay station for the actual kinds of integrated technologies used to bring high power signals to listeners . </P> <H3> Frequency allocations ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Shortwave bands <P> The World Radiocommunication Conference ( WRC ) , organized under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union , allocates bands for various services in conferences every few years . The last WRC took place in 2007 . </P> <P> At WRC - 97 in 1997 , the following bands were allocated for international broadcasting . AM shortwave broadcasting channels are allocated with a 5 kHz separation for traditional analog audio broadcasting . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Metre Band </Th> <Th> Frequency Range </Th> <Th> Remarks </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 120 m </Td> <Td> 2.3 -- 2.495 MHz </Td> <Td> tropical band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 90 m </Td> <Td> 3.2 -- 3.4 MHz </Td> <Td> tropical band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 75 m </Td> <Td> 3.9 -- 4 MHz </Td> <Td> shared with the North American amateur radio 80m band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 60 m </Td> <Td> 4.75 -- 5.06 MHz </Td> <Td> tropical band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 49 m </Td> <Td> 5.9 -- 6.2 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 41 m </Td> <Td> 7.2 -- 7.6 MHz </Td> <Td> shared with the amateur radio 40m band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 31 m </Td> <Td> 9.4 -- 9.9 MHz </Td> <Td> currently the most heavily used band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 25 m </Td> <Td> 11.6 -- 12.2 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 m </Td> <Td> 13.57 -- 13.87 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 19 m </Td> <Td> 15.1 -- 15.8 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 m </Td> <Td> 17.48 -- 17.9 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 m </Td> <Td> 18.9 -- 19.02 MHz </Td> <Td> almost unused , could become a DRM band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 m </Td> <Td> 21.45 -- 21.85 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 m </Td> <Td> 25.6 -- 26.1 MHz </Td> <Td> may be used for local DRM broadcasting </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Although countries generally follow the table above , there may be small differences between countries or regions . For example , in the official bandplan of the Netherlands , the 49 m band starts at 5.95 MHz , the 41 m band ends at 7.45 MHz , the 11 m band starts at 25.67 MHz , and the 120 , 90 and 60 m bands are absent altogether . Additionally , international broadcasters sometimes operate outside the normal WRC - allocated bands or use off - channel frequencies . This is done for practical reasons , or to attract attention in crowded bands ( 60m , 49m , 40m , 41m , 31m , 25m ) . </P> <P> The new digital audio broadcasting format for shortwave DRM operates 10 kHz or 20 kHz channels . There are some ongoing discussions with respect to specific band allocation for DRM , as it mainly transmitted in 10 kHz format . </P> <P> The power used by shortwave transmitters ranges from less than one watt for some experimental and amateur radio transmissions to 500 kilowatts and higher for intercontinental broadcasters and over-the - horizon radar . Shortwave transmitting centers often use specialized antenna designs ( like the ALLISS antenna technology ) to concentrate radio energy at the target area . </P> <H3> Advantages ( edit ) </H3> Soviet shortwave listener in Borisoglebsk , 1941 <P> Shortwave does possess a number of advantages over newer technologies , including the following : </P> <Ul> <Li> Difficulty of censoring programming by authorities in restrictive countries : unlike their relative ease in monitoring the Internet , government authorities face technical difficulties monitoring which stations ( sites ) are being listened to ( accessed ) . For example , during the attempted coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev , when his access to communications was limited ( e.g. his phones were cut off , etc . ) , Gorbachev was able to stay informed by means of the BBC World Service on shortwave . </Li> <Li> Low - cost shortwave radios are widely available in all but the most repressive countries in the world . Simple shortwave regenerative receivers can be easily built with a few parts . </Li> <Li> In many countries ( particularly in most developing nations and in the Eastern bloc during the Cold War era ) ownership of shortwave receivers has been and continues to be widespread ( in many of these countries some domestic stations also used shortwave ) . </Li> <Li> Many newer shortwave receivers are portable and can be battery - operated , making them useful in difficult circumstances . Newer technology includes hand - cranked radios which provide power without batteries . </Li> <Li> Shortwave radios can be used in situations where Internet or satellite communications service is temporarily or long - term unavailable ( or unaffordable ) . </Li> <Li> Shortwave radio travels much farther than broadcast FM ( 88 -- 108 MHz ) . Shortwave broadcasts can be easily transmitted over a distance of several thousands of kilometers , including from one continent to another . </Li> <Li> Particularly in tropical regions , SW is somewhat less prone to interference from thunderstorms than medium wave radio , and is able to cover a large geographic area with relatively low power ( and hence cost ) . Therefore , in many of these countries it is widely used for domestic broadcasting . </Li> <Li> Very little infrastructure is required for long - distance two - way communications using shortwave radio . All one needs is a pair of transceivers , each with an antenna , and a source of energy ( such as a battery , a portable generator , or the electrical grid ) . This makes shortwave radio one of the most robust means of communications , which can be disrupted only by interference or bad ionospheric conditions . Modern digital transmission modes such as MFSK and Olivia are even more robust , allowing successful reception of signals well below the noise floor of a conventional receiver . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Disadvantages ( edit ) </H3> <P> Shortwave radio 's benefits are sometimes regarded as being outweighed by its drawbacks , including : </P> <Ul> <Li> In most Western countries , shortwave radio ownership is usually limited to true enthusiasts , since most new standard radios do not receive the shortwave band . Therefore , Western audiences are limited . </Li> <Li> In the developed world , shortwave reception is very difficult in urban areas because of excessive noise from switched - mode power adapters , fluorescent or LED light sources , internet modems and routers , computers and many other sources of radio interference . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Shortwave listening ( edit ) </H2> A pennant sent to overseas listeners by Radio Budapest in the late 1980s Main article : Shortwave listening <P> The Asia - Pacific Telecommunity estimates that there are approximately 600 million shortwave broadcast - radio receivers in use in 2002 . WWCR claims that there are 1.5 billion shortwave receivers worldwide . </P> <P> Many hobbyists listen to shortwave broadcasters . In some cases , the goal is to hear as many stations from as many countries as possible ( DXing ) ; others listen to specialized shortwave utility , or `` ute '' , transmissions such as maritime , naval , aviation , or military signals . Others focus on intelligence signals from numbers stations , stations which transmit strange broadcast usually for intelligence operations , or the two way communications by amateur radio operators . Some short wave listeners behave analogously to `` lurkers '' on the Internet , in that they listen only and never make any attempt to send out their own signals . Other listeners participate in clubs , or actively send and receive QSL cards , or become involved with amateur radio and start transmitting on their own . </P> <P> Many listeners tune the shortwave bands for the programmes of stations broadcasting to a general audience ( such as Radio Taiwan International , China Radio International , Voice of America , Radio France Internationale , BBC World Service , Voice of Korea , Radio Free Sarawak etc . ) . Today , through the evolution of the Internet , the hobbyist can listen to shortwave signals via remotely controlled or web controlled shortwave receivers around the world , even without owning a shortwave radio . Many international broadcasters offer live streaming audio on their websites and a number have closed their shortwave service entirely , or severely curtailed it , in favour of internet transmission . </P> <P> Shortwave listeners , or SWLs , can obtain QSL cards from broadcasters , utility stations or amateur radio operators as trophies of the hobby . Some stations even give out special certificates , pennants , stickers and other tokens and promotional materials to shortwave listeners . </P> <H2> Shortwave broadcasts and music ( edit ) </H2> Composer Karlheinz Stockhausen <P> Some musicians have been attracted to the unique aural characteristics of shortwave radio which -- due to the nature of amplitude modulation , varying propagation conditions , and the presence of interference -- generally has lower fidelity than local broadcasts ( particularly via FM stations ) . Shortwave transmissions often have bursts of distortion , and `` hollow '' sounding loss of clarity at certain aural frequencies , altering the harmonics of natural sound and creating at times a strange `` spacey '' quality due to echoes and phase distortion . Evocations of shortwave reception distortions have been incorporated into rock and classical compositions , by means of delays or feedback loops , equalizers , or even playing shortwave radios as live instruments . Snippets of broadcasts have been mixed into electronic sound collages and live musical instruments , by means of analogue tape loops or digital samples . Sometimes the sounds of instruments and existing musical recordings are altered by remixing or equalizing , with various distortions added , to replicate the garbled effects of shortwave radio reception . </P> <P> The first attempts by serious composers to incorporate radio effects into music may be those of the Russian physicist and musician Léon Theremin , who perfected a form of radio oscillator as a musical instrument in 1928 ( regenerative circuits in radios of the time were prone to breaking into oscillation , adding various tonal harmonics to music and speech ) ; and in the same year , the development of a French instrument called the Ondes Martenot by its inventor Maurice Martenot , a French cellist and former wireless telegrapher . Karlheinz Stockhausen used shortwave radio and effects in works including Hymnen ( 1966 -- 67 ) , Kurzwellen ( 1968 ) -- adapted for the Beethoven Bicentennial in Opus 1970 with filtered and distorted snippets of Beethoven pieces -- Spiral ( 1968 ) , Pole , Expo ( both 1969 -- 70 ) , and Michaelion ( 1997 ) . </P> <P> Cypriot composer Yannis Kyriakides incorporated shortwave numbers station transmissions in his 1999 ConSPIracy cantata . </P> <P> Holger Czukay , a student of Stockhausen , was one of the first to use shortwave in a rock music context . In 1975 , German electronic music band Kraftwerk recorded a full length concept album around simulated radiowave and shortwave sounds , entitled Radio - Activity . The The 's Radio Cineola monthly broadcasts drew heavily on shortwave radio sound . </P> <H2> Shortwave 's future ( edit ) </H2> PC spectrum display of a modern software defined shortwave receiver Further information : Shortwave listening § Future of shortwave listening <P> The development of direct broadcasts from satellites has reduced the demand for shortwave receiver hardware , but there are still a great number of shortwave broadcasters . A new digital radio technology , Digital Radio Mondiale ( DRM ) , is expected to improve the quality of shortwave audio from very poor to standards comparable to the FM broadcast band . The future of | The mode used for short wave broadcast service is | [
] | 4,569 | Which mode is used for short wave broadcast service? |
-4340755100872459608 | Health ( Gaming ) - wikipedia <H1> Health ( Gaming ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search A health bar , a possible representation of the health of a character . <P> Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities , such as the player character , enemies and objects within a role - playing or video game , that indicates its state in combat . Health is usually measured in hit points or health points , shortened to HP . When the HP of a player character reaches zero , the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die . When the HP of an enemy reaches zero , it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way . </P> <P> Any entity within a game could have a health value , including the player character , non-player characters and objects . Indestructible entities have no diminishable health value . </P> <P> Health might be displayed as a numeric value , such as `` 50 / 100 '' . Here , the first number indicates the current amount of HP an entity has and the second number indicates the entity 's maximum HP . In video games , health can also be displayed graphically , such as with a bar that empties itself when an entity loses health ( a health bar , typically red ) , icons that are `` chipped away '' , or in more novel ways . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Usage <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Regeneration </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Display </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Dave Arneson described the origin of hit points in a 2002 interview . When Arneson was adapting the medieval wargame Chainmail ( 1971 ) to a fantasy setting , a process that with Gary Gygax would lead to Dungeons & Dragons , he saw that the emphasis of the gameplay was moving from large armies to small groups of heroes and eventually to the identification of one player and one character that is essential to role - playing as it was originally conceived . Players became attached to their heroes and did not want them to die every time they lost a die roll . Players were thus given multiple hit points which were incrementally decreased as they took damage . Arneson took the concept , along with armor class , from a set of a naval American Civil War game 's rules . </P> <P> US Navy used similar concept in their tactical war games already in 1920s and 1930s . In their simulation each ship had Life parameter . The unit of Life of the ship was a number of `` equivalent penetrative 14 - inch shell hits '' . The Navy considered ie. that Kongō - class battlecruiser had 12 Life points and Nagato - class battleship had 18.8 . </P> <P> A visual power meter representing stamina was used in Nintendo 's 1983 arcade game Punch - Out ! ! and Data East 's 1981 DECO Cassette System arcade game Flash Boy . </P> <H2> Usage ( edit ) </H2> <P> In action video games as well as in role - playing games , health points can usually be depleted by attacking the entity . A defense attribute might reduce the amount of HP that is lost when a character is damaged . It is common in role - playing games for a character 's maximum health and defense attributes to be gradually raised as the character levels up . In game design , it is deemed important that a player is aware of it when they are losing health , each hit playing a clear sound effect . Author Scott Rogers states that `` health should deplete in an obvious manner , because with every hit , a player is closer to losing their life . '' The display of health also helps to dramatize the near - loss of a life . </P> <H3> Regeneration ( edit ) </H3> <P> Player characters can often restore their health points by consuming certain items , such as health potions , food or first - aid kits . Staying a night at an inn fully restores a character 's health in many role - playing video games . In general , the different methods of regenerating health has its uses in a particular genre . In action games , this method is very quick , whereas role - playing games feature slower paced methods to match the gameplay and realism . </P> <P> Some video games feature automatically regenerating health , where lost health points are regained over time . This can be useful to not `` cripple '' the player , making them still able to continue even after losing lots of health . However , automatically regenerating health may also cause a player to `` power through '' sections they might otherwise have had to approach cautiously , simply because there are no lasting consequences to losing a large amount of health . </P> <P> This mechanic initially appeared in action role - playing games , with early examples including the Hydlide series , the Ys series , and Woody Poco . In Woody Poco , the rate at which health recharges is based on food level . In Hydlide and Ys , the player character has to stand still for their health to automatically regenerate . This system was popularized in first - person shooters by Halo : Combat Evolved ( 2001 ) , though regenerating health in The Getaway ( 2002 ) has been cited to be more comparable to later use of the mechanic in first - person shooters . </P> <H2> Display ( edit ) </H2> Heart - shaped icons can indicate the amount of health a player has left . <P> The way health is displayed on the screen has an effect on the player . Many games only show the health of the player character , while keeping the health of enemies hidden . This is done in the Legend of Zelda series , Minecraft and Monster Hunter series to keep the player 's progress in defeating their enemy unclear and therefore exciting . In these games , the fact that the enemies are being damaged is indicated by their behavior . On the other hand , many fighting games , such as the Street Fighter series , use easy - to - read health bars to clearly indicate the progress the player is making with each hit . </P> <P> It is common in first - person shooters to indicate low health of the player character by blood spatters or by a distorted red hue on the screen , attempting to mimic the effects of wounding and trauma . These visual effects fade as health regenerates . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Moore , Michael ( 2011 - 03 - 23 ) . Basics of Game Design . CRC Press . pp. 151 , 194 . ISBN 1439867763 . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 09 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Chris Antista . `` The 10 most creative life bars '' . GamesRadar. 2010 - 08 - 17 . p. 2 . Archived from the original on 2014 - 12 - 28 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Rogers , Scott ( 2010 - 09 - 29 ) . Level Up ! : The Guide to Great Video Game Design . John Wiley & Sons . pp. 276 -- 277 . ISBN 0470970928 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Allen Rausch ( 2004 - 08 - 19 ) . `` Dave Arneson Interview '' . GameSpy . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 09 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ American Calculations of Battleline Strength , 1941 - 2 , Alan D. Zimm , The Northern Mariner / le marin du nord , XIX No. 3 , ( July 2009 ) , 291 - 317 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Glass Joe Boxes Clever '' . Computer + Video Games . Future Publishing : 47 . August 1984 . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 02 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ John Szczepaniak , History of Japanese Video Games , Kinephanos , ISSN 1916 - 985X </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Nickogibson ( 2012 - 09 - 12 ) . `` What is an RPG - Intro to RPG Games '' . Slideshare . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 09 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Fullerton , Tracy ( 2008 - 02 - 08 ) . Game Design Workshop : A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games . CRC Press . pp. 72 , 73 . ISBN 0240809742 . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 19 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Duggan , Michael ( 2011 ) . RPG Maker for Teens . Cengage Learning . pp. 109 , 141 . ISBN 1435459679 . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 09 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Jonathan Moriarty ( 2010 - 12 - 02 ) . `` Video Game Basics : The Health Bar '' . . Archived from the original on 28 April 2012 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Dunn , Jeff ( 2012 - 11 - 15 ) . `` Stop , Drop , and Heal : The history of regenerating health '' . GamesRadar . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 08 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Sulliven , Lucas . `` Top 7 ... Games you did n't know did it first '' . GamesRadar . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 08 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : John Szczepaniak ( 2016 ) . `` dB - SOFT Gaming 101 '' . The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers . 2 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Szczepaniak , John ( 7 July 2011 ) . `` Falcom : Legacy of Ys '' . Games ( 111 ) : 152 -- 159 ( 153 ) . ( cf . Szczepaniak , John ( July 8 , 2011 ) . `` History of Ys interviews '' . Hardcore Gaming 101 . Retrieved 6 September 2011. ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Jon Martindale ( 2012 - 10 - 03 ) . `` Let 's Kill off Health Bars '' . Kit Guru Gaming . Archived from the original on May 28 , 2015 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Novak , Jeannie ( 2013 - 04 - 11 ) . The Official GameSalad Guide to Game Development . Cengage Learning . p. 31 . ISBN 1133605648 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Voorhees , Gerald A. ; Call , Joshua ; Whitlock , Katie ( 2012 - 11 - 02 ) . `` Disposable Bodies : Cyborg Regeneration and FPS Mechanics '' . Guns , Grenades , and Grunts : First - Person Shooter Games ( Google eBook ) . Bloomsbury Publishing USA . ISBN 1441191445 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Concepts of video games </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Glossary of video game terms </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Attributes </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Health </Li> <Li> Life </Li> <Li> Experience point </Li> <Li> Magic </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mechanics </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Item </Li> <Li> Power - up </Li> <Li> HUD </Li> <Li> Warp </Li> <Li> Fog of war </Li> <Li> Invisible wall </Li> <Li> Cutscene </Li> <Li> Mini-map </Li> <Li> Paper doll </Li> <Li> Destructible environment </Li> <Li> Loading screen </Li> <Li> Replay value </Li> <Li> Scripted sequence </Li> <Li> Password </Li> <Li> Line of sight </Li> <Li> Critical hit </Li> <Li> Level </Li> <Li> Permadeath </Li> <Li> Status effect | In the game War and Order, HP stands for | [
"hit points or health points"
] | 73 | What does hp mean in war and order? |
-4752044886865067782 | Cyrus Cylinder - wikipedia <H1> Cyrus Cylinder </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Cyrus Cylinder </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> The Cyrus Cylinder , obverse and reverse sides </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Material </Th> <Td> Baked clay </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Size </Th> <Td> 22.5 centimetres ( 8.9 in ) x 10 centimetres ( 3.9 in ) ( maximum ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Writing </Th> <Td> Akkadian cuneiform script </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created </Th> <Td> About 539 -- 538 BC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Period / culture </Th> <Td> Achaemenid Empire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Discovered </Th> <Td> Babylon , Mesopotamia by Hormuzd Rassam in March 1879 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Present location </Th> <Td> Room 52 , British Museum , London </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Identification </Th> <Td> BM 90920 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Registration </Th> <Td> 1880 , 0617.1941 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Cyrus Cylinder ( Persian : استوانه کوروش , translit . Ostovane - ye Kūrosh ) or Cyrus Charter ( منشور کوروش Manshūre Kūrosh ) is an ancient clay cylinder , now broken into several pieces , on which is written a declaration in Akkadian cuneiform script in the name of Persia 's Achaemenid king Cyrus the Great . It dates from the 6th century BC and was discovered in the ruins of Babylon in Mesopotamia ( modern Iraq ) in 1879 . It is currently in the possession of the British Museum , which sponsored the expedition that discovered the cylinder . It was created and used as a foundation deposit following the Persian conquest of Babylon in 539 BC , when the Neo-Babylonian Empire was invaded by Cyrus and incorporated into his Persian Empire . </P> <P> The text on the Cylinder praises Cyrus , sets out his genealogy and portrays him as a king from a line of kings . The Babylonian king Nabonidus , who was defeated and deposed by Cyrus , is denounced as an impious oppressor of the people of Babylonia and his low - born origins are implicitly contrasted to Cyrus ' kingly heritage . The victorious Cyrus is portrayed as having been chosen by the chief Babylonian god Marduk to restore peace and order to the Babylonians . The text states that Cyrus was welcomed by the people of Babylon as their new ruler and entered the city in peace . It appeals to Marduk to protect and help Cyrus and his son Cambyses . It extols Cyrus as a benefactor of the citizens of Babylonia who improved their lives , repatriated displaced people and restored temples and cult sanctuaries across Mesopotamia and elsewhere in the region . It concludes with a description of how Cyrus repaired the city wall of Babylon and found a similar inscription placed there by an earlier king . </P> <P> The Cylinder 's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus ' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity ( an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus ) , as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples . This interpretation has been disputed , as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries , and makes no mention of Jews , Jerusalem , or Judea . The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi , the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights , a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder 's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign . Neil MacGregor , Director of the British Museum , has stated that the cylinder was `` the first attempt we know about running a society , a state with different nationalities and faiths -- a new kind of statecraft . '' It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire . On October 14 , the Mohammad Reza Shah 's sister , Princess Ashraf Pahlavi , presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder . The princess asserted that `` the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding , tolerance , courage , compassion and , above all , human liberty '' . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Discovery </Li> <Li> 2 Description <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Text </Li> <Li> 2.2 Associated fragments </Li> <Li> 2.3 Relation to a Chinese bone inscription </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Interpretations <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Mesopotamian and Persian tradition and propaganda <Ul> <Li> 3.1. 1 Similarities with other royal inscriptions </Li> <Li> 3.1. 2 Analysis of the Cylinder 's claims </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.2 Biblical interpretations </Li> <Li> 3.3 Human rights <Ul> <Li> 3.3. 1 Pahlavi Iranian government 's view </Li> <Li> 3.3. 2 Reception in the Islamic Republic </Li> <Li> 3.3. 3 Scholarly views </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Exhibition history </Li> <Li> 5 Freedom Sculpture </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 Notes </Li> <Li> 8 References <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Books and journals </Li> <Li> 8.2 Media articles </Li> <Li> 8.3 Other sources </Li> <Li> 8.4 Editions and translations </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Discovery ( edit ) </H2> Hormuzd Rassam in Mosul circa 1854 . The Cyrus Cylinder was discovered during Rassam 's excavations in Babylon in February -- March 1879 . <P> The Assyro - British archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam discovered the Cyrus Cylinder in March 1879 during a lengthy programme of excavations in Mesopotamia carried out for the British Museum . It had been placed as a foundation deposit in the foundations of the Ésagila , the city 's main temple . Rassam 's expedition followed on from an earlier dig carried out in 1850 by the British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard , who excavated three mounds in the same area but found little of importance . In 1877 , Layard became Britain 's ambassador to the Ottoman Empire , which ruled Mesopotamia at the time . He helped Rassam , who had been his assistant in the 1850 dig , to obtain a firman ( decree ) from the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II to continue the earlier excavations . The firman was only valid for a year but a second firman , with much more liberal terms , was issued in 1878 . It was granted for two years ( through to 15 October 1880 ) with the promise of an extension to 1882 if required . The Sultan 's decree authorised Rassam to `` pack and dispatch to England any antiquities ( he ) found ... provided , however , there were no duplicates . '' A representative of the Sultan was instructed to be present at the dig to examine the objects as they were uncovered . </P> <P> With permission secured , Rassam initiated a large - scale excavation at Babylon and other sites on behalf of the Trustees of the British Museum . He undertook the excavations in four distinct phases . In between each phase , he returned to England to bring back his finds and raise more funds for further work . The Cyrus Cylinder was found on the second of his four expeditions to Mesopotamia , which began with his departure from London on 8 October 1878 . He arrived in his home town of Mosul on 16 November and travelled down the Tigris to Baghdad , which he reached on 30 January 1879 . During February and March , he supervised excavations on a number of Babylonian sites , including Babylon itself . </P> Map of the site of Babylon in 1829 . Hormuzd Rassam 's diggers found the Cyrus Cylinder in the mound of Tell Amran - ibn - Ali ( marked with an `` E '' at the centre of the map ) under which lay the ruined Esagila temple . <P> He soon uncovered a number of important buildings including the Ésagila temple . This was a major shrine to the chief Babylonian god Marduk , although its identity was not fully confirmed until the German archaeologist Robert Koldewey 's excavation of 1900 . The excavators found a large number of business documents written on clay tablets buried in the temple 's foundations where they discovered the Cyrus Cylinder . Rassam gave conflicting accounts of where his discoveries were made . He wrote in his memoirs , Asshur and the land of Nimrod , that the Cylinder had been found in a mound at the southern end of Babylon near the village of Jumjuma or Jimjima . However , in a letter sent on 20 November 1879 to Samuel Birch , the Keeper of Oriental Antiquities at the British Museum , he wrote , `` The Cylinder of Cyrus was found at Omran ( Tell Amran - ibn - Ali ) with about six hundred pieces of inscribed terracottas before I left Baghdad . '' He left Baghdad on 2 April , returning to Mosul and departing from there on 2 May for a journey to London which lasted until 19 June . </P> <P> The discovery was announced to the public by Sir Henry Rawlinson , the President of the Royal Asiatic Society , at a meeting of the Society on 17 November 1879 . He described it as `` one of the most interesting historical records in the cuneiform character that has yet been brought to light , '' though he erroneously described it as coming from the ancient city of Borsippa rather than Babylon . Rawlinson 's `` Notes on a newly - discovered Clay Cylinder of Cyrus the Great '' were published in the society 's journal the following year , including the first partial translation of the text . </P> <H2> Description ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Cyrus Cylinder is a barrel - shaped cylinder of baked clay measuring 22.5 centimetres ( 8.9 in ) by 10 centimetres ( 3.9 in ) at its maximum diameter . It was created in several stages around a cone - shaped core of clay within which there are large grey stone inclusions . It was built up with extra layers of clay to give it a cylindrical shape before a fine surface slip of clay was added to the outer layer , on which the text is inscribed . It was excavated in several fragments , having apparently broken apart in antiquity . Today it exists in two main fragments , known as `` A '' and `` B '' , which were reunited in 1972 . </P> <P> The main body of the Cylinder , discovered by Rassam in 1879 , is fragment `` A '' . It underwent restoration in 1961 , when it was re-fired and plaster filling was added . The smaller fragment , `` B '' , is a section measuring 8.6 centimetres ( 3.4 in ) by 5.6 centimetres ( 2.2 in ) . The latter fragment was acquired by J.B. Nies of Yale University from an antiquities dealer . Nies published the text in 1920 . The fragment was apparently broken off the main body of the Cylinder during the original excavations in 1879 and was either removed from the excavations or was retrieved from one of Rassam 's waste dumps . It was not confirmed as part of the Cylinder until Paul - Richard Berger of the University of Münster definitively identified it in 1970 . Yale University lent the fragment to the British Museum temporarily ( but , in practice , indefinitely ) in exchange for `` a suitable cuneiform tablet '' from the British Museum collection . </P> <P> Although the Cylinder clearly post-dates Cyrus the Great 's conquest of Babylon in 539 BC , the date of its creation is unclear . It is commonly said to date to the early part of Cyrus 's reign over Babylon , some time after 539 BC . The | The first declaration of human rights was written by | [
] | 729 | Who wrote the first declaration of human rights? |
3221262508309669486 | Governor - General of India </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the position of Governor - General of India . For individual Governor - Generals , see List of governors - general of India . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Viceroy and Governor - General of India </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Standard of the Governor - General </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Louis Mountbatten , the last Viceroy of India & the first Governor - General during the dominion period </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Style </Th> <Td> His Excellency </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Residence </Th> <Td> Viceroy 's House </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Appointer </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> East India Company ( to 1858 ) </Li> <Li> Monarch of India ( from 1858 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Formation </Th> <Td> 20 October 1774 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First holder </Th> <Td> Warren Hastings </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Final holder </Th> <Td> Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Abolished </Th> <Td> 26 January 1950 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Governor - General of India ( or , from 1858 to 1947 , officially the Viceroy and Governor - General of India , commonly shortened to Viceroy of India ) was originally the head of the British administration in India and , later , after Indian independence in 1947 , the representative of the Indian head of state . The office was created in 1773 , with the title of Governor - General of the Presidency of Fort William . The officer had direct control only over Fort William , but supervised other British East India Company officials in India . Complete authority over all of British India was granted in 1833 , and the official came to be known as the `` Governor - General of India '' . </P> <P> In 1858 , the territories of the East India Company came under the direct control of the British government ; see British Raj . The governor - general ( now also the viceroy ) headed the central government of India , which administered the provinces of British India , including the Punjab , Bengal , Bombay , Madras , the United Provinces , and others . However , much of India was not ruled directly by the British government ; outside the provinces of British India , there were hundreds of nominally sovereign princely states or `` native states '' , whose relationship was not with the British government , but directly with the monarch . To reflect the governor - general 's role as the representative of the monarch to the feudal rulers of the princely states , from 1858 the term Viceroy and Governor - General of India ( known in short as the Viceroy of India ) was applied to him . </P> <P> The title of viceroy was abandoned when British India split into the two independent dominions of India and Pakistan , but the office of governor - general continued to exist in each country separately -- until they adopted republican constitutions in 1950 and 1956 , respectively . </P> <P> Until 1858 , the governor - general was selected by the Court of Directors of the East India Company , to whom he was responsible . Thereafter , he was appointed by the sovereign on the advice of the British government ; the Secretary of State for India , a member of the UK Cabinet , was responsible for instructing him on the exercise of his powers . After 1947 , the sovereign continued to appoint the governor - general , but did so on the advice of the Indian government . </P> <P> Governors - General served at the pleasure of the sovereign , though the practice was to have them serve five - year terms . Governors - General could have their commission rescinded ; and if one was removed , or left , a provisional governor - general was sometimes appointed until a new holder of the office could be chosen . The first Governor - General of British India was Warren Hastings , and the first Governor - General of independent India was Louis Mountbatten . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Functions </Li> <Li> 3 Council </Li> <Li> 4 Style and title </Li> <Li> 5 Flag </Li> <Li> 6 Residence </Li> <Li> 7 Insignia </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 Further reading </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> Warren Hastings , the first Governor - General of Fort William from 1773 to 1785 . <P> Many parts of the Indian subcontinent were governed by the East India Company , which nominally acted as the agent of the Mughal Emperor . In 1773 , motivated by corruption in the Company , the British government assumed partial control over the governance of India with the passage of the Regulating Act of 1773 . A Governor - General and Supreme Council of Bengal were appointed to rule over the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal . The first Governor - General and Council were named in the Act . </P> <P> The Charter Act 1833 replaced the Governor - General and Council of Fort William with the Governor - General and Council of India . The power to elect the Governor - General was retained by the Court of Directors , but the choice became subject to the Sovereign 's approval . </P> <P> After the Indian Rebellion of 1857 , the East India Company 's territories in India were put under the direct control of the Sovereign . The Government of India Act 1858 vested the power to appoint the Governor - General in the Sovereign . The Governor - General , in turn , had the power to appoint all lieutenant governors in India , subject to the Sovereign 's approval . </P> <P> India and Pakistan acquired independence in 1947 , but Governors - General continued to be appointed over each nation until republican constitutions were written . Louis Mountbatten , 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma remained Governor - General of India for some time after independence , but the two nations were otherwise headed by native Governors - General . India became a secular republic in 1950 ; Pakistan became an Islamic one in 1956 . </P> <H2> Functions ( edit ) </H2> Lord Curzon in his robes as Viceroy of India , a post he held from 1899 to 1905 . Lord Mountbatten addressing the Chamber of Princes as Crown Representative in the 1940s <P> The Governor - General originally had power only over the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal . The Regulating Act , however , granted them additional powers relating to foreign affairs and defence . The other Presidencies of the East India Company ( Madras , Bombay and Bencoolen ) were not allowed to declare war on or make peace with an Indian prince without receiving the prior approval of the Governor - General and Council of Fort William . </P> <P> The powers of the Governor - General , in respect of foreign affairs , were increased by the India Act 1784 . The Act provided that the other Governors under the East India Company could not declare war , make peace or conclude a treaty with an Indian prince unless expressly directed to do so by the Governor - General or by the Company 's Court of Directors . </P> <P> While the Governor - General thus became the controller of foreign policy in India , he was not the explicit head of British India . That status came only with the Charter Act 1833 , which granted him `` superintendence , direction and control of the whole civil and military Government '' of all of British India . The Act also granted legislative powers to the Governor - General and Council . </P> <P> After 1858 , the Governor - General ( now usually known as the Viceroy ) functioned as the chief administrator of India and as the Sovereign 's representative . India was divided into numerous provinces , each under the head of a Governor , Lieutenant Governor or Chief Commissioner or Administrator . Governors were appointed by the British Government , to whom they were directly responsible ; Lieutenant Governors , Chief Commissioners , and Administrators , however , were appointed by and were subordinate to the Viceroy . The Viceroy also oversaw the most powerful princely rulers : the Nizam of Hyderabad , the Maharaja of Mysore , the Maharaja ( Scindia ) of Gwalior , the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir and the Gaekwad ( Gaekwar ) Maharaja of Baroda . The remaining princely rulers were overseen either by the Rajputana Agency and Central India Agency , which were headed by representatives of the Viceroy , or by provincial authorities . </P> <P> The Chamber of Princes was an institution established in 1920 by a Royal Proclamation of King - Emperor George V to provide a forum in which the princely rulers could voice their needs and aspirations to the government . The chamber usually met only once a year , with the Viceroy presiding , but it appointed a Standing Committee , which met more often . </P> <P> Upon independence in August 1947 , the title of Viceroy was abolished . The representative of the British Sovereign became known once again as the Governor - General . C. Rajagopalachari became the only Indian Governor - General . However , once India acquired independence , the Governor - General 's role became almost entirely ceremonial , with power being exercised on a day - to - day basis by the Indian cabinet . After the nation became a republic in 1950 , the President of India continued to perform the same functions . </P> <H2> Council ( edit ) </H2> Main articles : Council of India and Viceroy 's Executive Council The Viceregal Lodge in Simla , built in 1888 , was the summer residence of the Viceroy of India Viceregal Lodge , Delhi , where Viceroy Lord Hardinge stayed ( 1912 -- 31 ) , now the main building of the University of Delhi <P> The Governor - General was always advised by a Council on the exercise of his legislative and executive powers . The Governor - General , while exercising many functions , was referred to as the `` Governor - General in Council . '' </P> <P> The Regulating Act 1773 provided for the election of four counsellors by the East India Company 's Court of Directors . The Governor - General had a vote along with the counsellors , but he also had an additional vote to break ties . The decision of the Council was binding on the Governor - General . </P> <P> In 1784 , the Council was reduced to three members ; the Governor - General continued to have both an ordinary vote and a casting vote . In 1786 , the power of the Governor - General was increased even further , as Council decisions ceased to be binding . </P> <P> The Charter Act 1833 made further changes to the structure of the Council . The Act was the first law to distinguish between the executive and legislative responsibilities of the Governor - General . As provided under the Act , there were to be four members of the Council elected by the Court of Directors . The first three members were permitted to participate on all occasions , but the fourth member was only allowed to sit and vote when legislation was being debated . </P> <P> In 1858 , the Court of Directors ceased to have the power to elect members of the Council . Instead , the one member who had a vote only on legislative questions came to be appointed by the Sovereign , and the other three members by the Secretary of State for India . </P> <P> The Indian Councils Act 1861 made several changes to the Council 's composition . Three members were to be appointed by the Secretary | When India became independent, the Governor General of India was | [
"Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma"
] | 1,032 | Who was the governor general of india when country became independent? |
-3632974700795137148 | Reading FC - Wikipedia <H1> Reading FC </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with Reading F.C. Women . <Table> Reading <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Full name </Th> <Td> Reading Football Club </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nickname ( s ) </Th> <Td> The Royals </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Founded </Th> <Td> 1871 ; 147 years ago ( 1871 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ground </Th> <Td> Madejski Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ground Capacity </Th> <Td> 24,161 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owner </Th> <Td> Dai Yongge and Dai Xiuli ( majority ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chairman </Th> <Td> Sir John Madejski </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Manager </Th> <Td> Jaap Stam </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> League </Th> <Td> Championship </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2016 -- 17 </Th> <Td> Championship , 3rd </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> Club website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Home colours </Td> <Td> Away colours </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Current season </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Reading Football Club ( / ˈrɛdɪŋ / ( listen ) RED - ing ) is a professional association football club based in Reading , Berkshire , England . The team play in the Championship , the second tier of English football . </P> <P> Reading are nicknamed The Royals , due to Reading 's location in the Royal County of Berkshire , though they were previously known as The Biscuitmen , due to the town 's association with Huntley and Palmers . Established in 1871 , the club is one of the oldest teams in England , but did not join The Football League until 1920 , and had never played in the top tier of English football league system before the 2006 -- 07 season . The club competed in the 2012 -- 13 Premier League season , having gained promotion at the end of the 2011 -- 12 season after winning the Championship , but were relegated after just one season back in the top flight . </P> <P> The club played at Elm Park for 102 years between 1896 and 1998 . In 1998 the club moved to the new Madejski Stadium , which is named after the club 's co-chairman Sir John Madejski . </P> <P> The club holds the record for the number of successive league wins at the start of a season , with a total of 13 wins at the start of the 1985 -- 86 Third Division campaign and also the record for the number of points gained in the professional league season with 106 points in the 2005 -- 06 Football League Championship campaign . Reading then finished eighth in the 2006 -- 07 Premier League , their first ever season as a top flight club . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Crest and colours </Li> <Li> 3 Stadium </Li> <Li> 4 Support <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Rivalries </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Sponsorship <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Additional kit sponsors </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Ownership and finances </Li> <Li> 7 Players <Ul> <Li> 7.1 First - team squad </Li> <Li> 7.2 Under - 23 squad </Li> <Li> 7.3 Under - 18 squad </Li> <Li> 7.4 Out on loan </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Records and statistics <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Notable players </Li> <Li> 8.2 Player of the season </Li> <Li> 8.3 International players </Li> <Li> 8.4 Former players </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Club officials </Li> <Li> 10 Managers </Li> <Li> 11 Women 's team </Li> <Li> 12 Honours <Ul> <Li> 12.1 Managerial </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 13 Affiliated clubs </Li> <Li> 14 References </Li> <Li> 15 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 16 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> Main article : History of Reading F.C. See also : Thames Valley Royals proposal <P> Reading were formed on 25 December 1871 , following a public meeting at the Bridge Street Rooms organised by the future club secretary Joseph Edward Sydenham . The early matches were played at Reading Recreation Ground , and later the club held fixtures at Reading Cricket Ground , Coley Park and Caversham Cricket Ground . The switch to professionalism in 1895 resulted in the need for a bigger ground and , to this end , the club moved again , to the purpose - built Elm Park on 5 September 1896 . In 1913 , Reading had a successful tour of Italy , prompting the leading sports newspaper Corriere della Sera to write `` without doubt , Reading FC are the finest foreign team seen in Italy '' . </P> The team from the 1926 -- 27 season <P> Reading were elected to the Football League Third Division South of the Football League in 1920 . Reading 's best performance in the FA Cup came in 1926 -- 27 when they lost to eventual winners Cardiff City at Wolverhampton in the semi-final , a placement the club would not match again until 2015 , when they lost to holders Arsenal in the semi-final . Reading lost their place in Division Two in May 1931 , and remained in Third Division South until the outbreak of World War II . The club won the Southern Section Cup , beating Bristol City in the two - legged final in 1938 , and when taking part in the regional London War League and Cup competitions , gained another honour by beating Brentford in the London War Cup Final of 1941 by 3 -- 2 at Stamford Bridge . </P> <P> When League football resumed after the war , Reading quickly came to prominence once again . The club 's record victory , 10 -- 2 versus Crystal Palace , was recorded in September 1946 , and Reading twice finished runners - up in the Third ( South ) , in 1948 -- 49 and 1951 -- 52 , but they were denied a return to Division Two as only the champions were promoted . The side 's moment of cup glory came in 1988 when they won the Simod Cup , beating a number of top flight sides en route to their Wembley win over Luton Town . Reading were promoted to the Second Division as champions in 1986 under the management of Ian Branfoot , but were relegated back to the Third Division in 1988 . </P> <P> The appointment of Mark McGhee as player - manager , shortly after the takeover by John Madejski , in 1991 saw Reading move forward . They were crowned champions of the new Division Two in 1994 . Thirty - five - year - old striker Jimmy Quinn was put in charge of the first team alongside midfielder Mick Gooding and guided Reading to runners - up in the final Division One table -- only to be denied automatic promotion because of the streamlining of the Premier League , from 22 teams to 20 . In 1995 , Reading had eased past Tranmere Rovers in the play - off semi-finals and looked to have booked their place in the Premier League only to lose against Bolton Wanderers in the final . Quinn and Gooding 's contracts were not renewed two years later after Reading had slid into the bottom half of Division One . Their successor , Terry Bullivant , lasted less than one season before being sacked in March 1998 . </P> The last ever competitive match played at Elm Park between Reading and Norwich City in May 1998 <P> The year 1998 also saw Reading move into the new 24,200 all - seater Madejski Stadium , named after Chairman John Madejski . Tommy Burns had taken over from Terry Bullivant but lasted just 18 months before being replaced by Alan Pardew , who had previously been reserve team manager before being released . The club finished third in 2000 -- 01 qualifying for the play - offs , losing 2 -- 3 in the final against Walsall at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff . Reading returned to Division One for 2002 -- 03 after finishing runners - up in Division Two . The following season , they finished fourth in Division One and qualified for the play - offs , where they lost in the semi-final to Wolverhampton Wanderers . Alan Pardew moved to West Ham United the following October and was replaced by Steve Coppell . </P> <P> Reading won the 2005 -- 06 Championship with a league record 106 points , scoring 99 goals and losing only twice . Reading were promoted to English football 's top division for the first time in their history . The 2006 -- 07 season saw Reading make their first appearance in the top flight of English football . Reading defied pre-season predictions of relegation to finish the season in eighth place with 55 points . Reading turned down the chance to play in the UEFA Intertoto Cup . In the run up to their second season in the Premier League , Reading took part in the 2007 Peace Cup in South Korea . This second season was less successful , however , and Reading were relegated back to the Championship . </P> <P> Reading started the 2008 -- 09 season with a 15 match unbeaten home run . They finished fourth and qualify for the play - offs , where they lost to Burnley in the semi-final . Manager Steve Coppell resigned just hours after the game , replaced by Brendan Rodgers . Rodgers left the club by mutual consent on 16 December 2009 and Brian McDermott made caretaker manager the same day . In the 2010 -- 11 FA Cup , Reading reached the quarter - final , where they lost 1 -- 0 to Manchester City at Etihad Stadium , Reading eventually finished fifth in the Championship to qualify for the division 's play - offs . After beating Cardiff City in the semi-finals , they lost 4 -- 2 to Swansea City in the final at Wembley . In the 2011 -- 12 season , a streak of good form in the second half of the season , ensured promotion to the Premier League on 17 April 2012 with 1 -- 0 home win against Nottingham Forest . </P> <P> McDermott led Reading to their first Premier League win of the 2012 -- 13 season on 17 November 2012 at their 11th attempt , defeating Everton 2 -- 1 at home . On 11 March 2013 , however , he left his position at Reading . Nigel Adkins was then appointed as manager , though he was unable to save them from relegation after drawing Queens Park Rangers 0 -- 0 on 28 April 2013 at Loftus Road . The following season back in the Championship saw Reading make two high - profile signings in Wayne Bridge and Royston Drenthe in hope of an immediate return to the Premier League . Reading , however , missed out on the playoffs because of a last minute winner from Brighton & Hove Albion 's Leonardo Ulloa , which meant they made the playoffs at Reading 's expense . </P> <P> The summer before the 2014 -- 15 season saw further arrivals of Jamie Mackie on loan , Oliver Norwood and the return of Simon Cox . The club was under a high threat of administration , causing departures of Sean Morrison and Adam le Fondre and a Thai consortium taking over the club . A good start to Nigel Adkins ' second season in charge was followed by a poor run of results that ended with his sacking after the 6 -- 1 away defeat to Birmingham City with Steve Clarke taking over the next day in the hope of a promotion push . However , a lack of goals and some poor form in the league meant the club faced some fears of relegation to League One , but luckily safety was secured with few games to spare . Nonetheless during that time , the club embarked on a successful FA Cup journey , reaching the semi-final where they were unlucky to | The owner of Reading Football Club is | [
"Dai Yongge"
] | 90 | Who is the owner of reading football club? |
-7123670178204378853 | Tuskegee Airmen - Wikipedia <H1> Tuskegee Airmen </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Tuskegee Airmen ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Tuskegee Airmen ( unofficial ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> </P> Emblems of wing </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Active </Th> <Td> 1940 -- 1948 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Branch </Th> <Td> United States Army Air Corps United States Army Air Forces United States Air Force </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Role </Th> <Td> trained for aerial combat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Part of </Th> <Td> graduates assigned to the 332nd Fighter Group ( 99th Fighter Squadron , 100th Fighter Squadron , 301st Fighter Squadron , 302d Fighter Squadron ) , 477th Medium Bombardment Group ( 616th Bombardment Squadron , 617th Bombardment Squadron , 618th Bombardment Squadron , 619th Bombardment Squadron ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nickname ( s ) </Th> <Td> Red Tails Red - Tail Angels </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Motto ( s ) </Th> <Td> Spit Fire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Engagements </Th> <Td> World War II </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Tuskegee Airmen / tʌsˈkiːɡiː / is the popular name of a group of African - American military pilots ( fighter and bomber ) who fought in World War II . They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces . The name also applies to the navigators , bombardiers , mechanics , instructors , crew chiefs , nurses , cooks and other support personnel . </P> <P> All black military pilots who trained in the United States trained at Moton Field , the Tuskegee Army Air Field , and were educated at Tuskegee University , located near Tuskegee , Alabama . The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force , and one pilot from Trinidad. . It also included a Hispanic or Latino airman born in the Dominican Republic . </P> <P> Although the 477th Bombardment Group trained with North American B - 25 Mitchell bombers , they never served in combat . The 99th Pursuit Squadron ( later , 99th Fighter Squadron ) was the first black flying squadron , and the first to deploy overseas ( to North Africa in April 1943 , and later to Sicily and Italy ) . The 332nd Fighter Group , which originally included the 100th , 301st , and 302nd Fighter Squadrons , was the first black flying group . It deployed to Italy in early 1944 . In June 1944 , the 332nd Fighter Group began flying heavy bomber escort missions , and in July 1944 , with the addition of the 99th Fighter Squadron , it had four fighter squadrons . </P> <P> The 99th Fighter Squadron was initially equipped with Curtiss P - 40 Warhawk fighter - bomber aircraft . The 332nd Fighter Group and its 100th , 301st and 302nd Fighter Squadrons were equipped for initial combat missions with Bell P - 39 Airacobras ( March 1944 ) , later with Republic P - 47 Thunderbolts ( June -- July 1944 ) , and finally with the aircraft with which they became most commonly associated , the North American P - 51 Mustang ( July 1944 ) . When the pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group painted the tails of their P - 47s red , the nickname `` Red Tails '' was coined . The red markings that distinguished the Tuskegee Airmen included red bands on the noses of P - 51s as well as a red rudder ; the P - 51B and D Mustangs flew with similar color schemes , with red propeller spinners , yellow wing bands and all - red tail surfaces . </P> <P> The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African - American military aviators in the United States Armed Forces . During World War II , black Americans in many U.S. states were still subject to the Jim Crow laws and the American military was racially segregated , as was much of the federal government . The Tuskegee Airmen were subjected to discrimination , both within and outside the army . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Origins <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Background </Li> <Li> 1.2 Testing </Li> <Li> 1.3 The First Lady 's flight </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Formation </Li> <Li> 3 Combat assignment <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Active air units </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Tuskegee Airmen bomber units <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Formation </Li> <Li> 4.2 Command difficulties </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 War accomplishments <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Controversy over escort record </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Postwar </Li> <Li> 7 Legacy and honors </Li> <Li> 8 Artistic depictions of the Tuskegee Airmen </Li> <Li> 9 In popular culture </Li> <Li> 10 Squadron images </Li> <Li> 11 See also </Li> <Li> 12 Notes </Li> <Li> 13 Citations </Li> <Li> 14 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 15 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Origins ( edit ) </H2> See also : Civilian Pilot Training Program <H3> Background ( edit ) </H3> The P - 51C Mustang flown by Commemorative Air Force in the colors and markings of Lieutenant Colonel Lee Archer Tuskegee Airman P - 51 Mustang taken at Airventure . This particular P - 51C is part of the Red Tail Project The Stearman Kaydet training aircraft used by the Tuskegee Airmen , bearing the name Spirit of Tuskegee Portrait of Tuskegee airman Edward M. Thomas by photographer Toni Frissell , March 1945 <P> Before the Tuskegee Airmen , no African - American had been a U.S. military pilot . In 1917 , African - American men had tried to become aerial observers , but were rejected . African - American Eugene Bullard served in the French air service during World War I , because he was not allowed to serve in an American unit . Instead , Bullard returned to infantry duty with the French . </P> <P> The racially motivated rejections of World War I African - American recruits sparked more than two decades of advocacy by African - Americans who wished to enlist and train as military aviators . The effort was led by such prominent civil rights leaders as Walter White of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People , labor union leader A. Philip Randolph , and Judge William H. Hastie . Finally , on 3 April 1939 , Appropriations Bill Public Law 18 was passed by Congress containing an amendment by Senator Harry H. Schwartz , designating funds for training African - American pilots . The War Department managed to put the money into funds of civilian flight schools willing to train black Americans . </P> <P> War Department tradition and policy mandated the segregation of African - Americans into separate military units staffed by white officers , as had been done previously with the 9th Cavalry , 10th Cavalry , 24th Infantry Regiment and 25th Infantry Regiment . When the appropriation of funds for aviation training created opportunities for pilot cadets , their numbers diminished the rosters of these older units . In 1941 , the War Department and the Army Air Corps , under pressure -- three months before its transformation into the USAAF -- constituted the first all - black flying unit , the 99th Pursuit Squadron . </P> <P> Due to the restrictive nature of selection policies , the situation did not seem promising for African - Americans since , in 1940 , the U.S. Census Bureau reported there were only 124 African - American pilots in the nation . The exclusionary policies failed dramatically when the Air Corps received an abundance of applications from men who qualified , even under the restrictive requirements . Many of the applicants already had participated in the Civilian Pilot Training Program , unveiled in late December 1938 ( CPTP ) . Tuskegee University had participated since 1939 . </P> <H3> Testing ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The U.S. Army Air Corps had established the Psychological Research Unit 1 at Maxwell Army Air Field , Montgomery , Alabama , and other units around the country for aviation cadet training , which included the identification , selection , education , and training of pilots , navigators , and bombardiers . Psychologists employed in these research studies and training programs used some of the first standardized tests to quantify IQ , dexterity and leadership qualities to select and train the best - suited personnel for the roles of bombardier , navigator , and pilot . The Air Corps determined that the existing programs would be used for all units , including all - black units . At Tuskegee , this effort continued with the selection and training of the Tuskegee Airmen . The War Department set up a system to accept only those with a level of flight experience or higher education which ensured that only the most able and intelligent African - American applicants were able to join . </P> <H3> The first Lady 's flight ( edit ) </H3> <P> The budding flight program at Tuskegee received a publicity boost when First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt inspected it in March 1941 , and flew with African - American chief civilian instructor C. Alfred `` Chief '' Anderson . Anderson , who had been flying since 1929 , and was responsible for training thousands of rookie pilots , took his prestigious passenger on a half - hour flight in a Piper J - 3 Cub . After landing , she cheerfully announced , `` Well , you can fly all right . '' </P> <P> The subsequent brouhaha over the First Lady 's flight had such an impact it is often mistakenly cited as the start of the CPTP at Tuskegee , even though the program was already five months old . Eleanor Roosevelt used her position as a trustee of the Julius Rosenwald Fund to arrange a loan of $175,000 to help finance the building of Moton Field . </P> <H2> Formation ( edit ) </H2> Major James A. Ellison returns the salute of Mac Ross , as he reviews the first class of Tuskegee cadets ; flight line at U.S. Army Air Corps basic and advanced flying school , with Vultee BT - 13 trainers in the background , Tuskegee , Alabama , 1941 <P> On 11 September 1941 , the 99th Pursuit Squadron was activated at Chanute Field in Rantoul , Illinois . </P> <P> A cadre of 271 enlisted men was trained in aircraft ground support trades at Chanute , beginning in July 1941 ; the skills being taught were so technical that setting up segregated classes was deemed impossible . This small number of enlisted men became the core of other black squadrons forming at Tuskegee and Maxwell Fields in Alabama . </P> <P> The Tuskegee program officially began June 1941 with the 99th Pursuit Squadron at Tuskegee University . The unit consisted of 47 officers and 429 enlisted men , and was backed by an entire service arm . After primary training at Moton Field , they were moved to the nearby Tuskegee Army Air Field , about 10 miles ( 16 km ) to the west for conversion training onto operational types . Consequently , Tuskegee Army Air Field became the only Army installation performing three phases of pilot training ( basic , advanced , and transition ) at a single location . Initial planning called for 500 personnel in residence at a time . </P> <P> By mid-1942 , over six times that many were stationed at Tuskegee , even though only two squadrons were training there . </P> War poster featuring a Tuskegee Airman <P> Tuskegee Army Airfield was similar to already - existing airfields reserved for training white pilots , such as Maxwell Field , only 40 miles ( 64 km ) distant . African | The first African American Air Force unit trained at | [
"Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field"
] | 278 | Where did the first african american air force unit train? |
-8129143127887276431 | The Belt '' </Td> <Td> Tom Verica </Td> <Td> Paul William Davies </Td> <Td> February 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 606 </Td> <Td> 6.06 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 95 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` They All Bow Down '' </Td> <Td> Millicent Shelton </Td> <Td> Zahir McGhee </Td> <Td> March 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 604 </Td> <Td> 5.26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 96 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Extinction '' </Td> <Td> Tony Goldwyn </Td> <Td> Chris Van Dusen </Td> <Td> March 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 605 </Td> <Td> 5.63 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 97 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` A Traitor Among Us '' </Td> <Td> Tom Verica </Td> <Td> Alison Schapker </Td> <Td> March 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 23 ) </Td> <Td> 607 </Td> <Td> 5.40 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 98 </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> `` A Stomach for Blood '' </Td> <Td> Oliver Bokelberg </Td> <Td> Severiano Canales </Td> <Td> March 30 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 30 ) </Td> <Td> 608 </Td> <Td> 6.57 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 99 </Th> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> `` Dead in the Water '' </Td> <Td> Nicole Rubio </Td> <Td> Michelle Lirtzman </Td> <Td> April 6 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 06 ) </Td> <Td> 609 </Td> <Td> 5.10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 100 </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> `` The Decision '' </Td> <Td> Sharat Raju </Td> <Td> Johanna Lee </Td> <Td> April 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 13 ) </Td> <Td> 610 </Td> <Td> 5.35 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 101 </Th> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> `` Trojan Horse '' </Td> <Td> Jann Turner </Td> <Td> Jess Brownell & Nicholas Nardini </Td> <Td> April 20 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 20 ) </Td> <Td> 611 </Td> <Td> 5.11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 102 </Th> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> `` Mercy '' </Td> <Td> Nzingha Stewart </Td> <Td> Severiano Canales & Ameni Rozsa </Td> <Td> April 27 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 27 ) </Td> <Td> 612 </Td> <Td> 5.29 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 103 </Th> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> `` The Box '' </Td> <Td> Steph Green </Td> <Td> Raamla Mohamed & Austin Guzman </Td> <Td> May 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> 613 </Td> <Td> 5.15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 104 </Th> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> `` Head Games '' </Td> <Td> Zetna Fuentes </Td> <Td> Chris Van Dusen & Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> May 11 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 11 ) </Td> <Td> 614 </Td> <Td> 5.10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 105 </Th> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> `` Tick Tock '' </Td> <Td> Salli Richardson - Whitfield </Td> <Td> Zahir McGhee & Michelle Lirtzman </Td> <Td> May 18 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 615 </Td> <Td> 5.23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 106 </Th> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> `` Transfer of Power '' </Td> <Td> Tony Goldwyn </Td> <Td> Matt Byrne & Mark Fish </Td> <Td> May 18 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 616 </Td> <Td> 5.23 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Season 7 ( 2017 -- 18 ) ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Scandal ( season 7 ) <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Prod . code </Th> <Th> U.S. viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 107 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Watch Me '' </Td> <Td> Jann Turner </Td> <Td> Shonda Rhimes </Td> <Td> October 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 05 ) </Td> <Td> 701 </Td> <Td> 5.52 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 108 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Pressing the Flesh '' </Td> <Td> Tony Goldwyn </Td> <Td> Matt Byrne </Td> <Td> October 12 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 12 ) </Td> <Td> 702 </Td> <Td> 5.00 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 109 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Day 101 '' </Td> <Td> Scott Foley </Td> <Td> Zahir McGhee </Td> <Td> October 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 19 ) </Td> <Td> 703 </Td> <Td> 4.70 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 110 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Lost Girls '' </Td> <Td> Nicole Rubio </Td> <Td> Ameni Rozsa & Austin Guzman </Td> <Td> October 26 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> 704 </Td> <Td> 4.88 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 111 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` Adventures in Babysitting '' </Td> <Td> Oliver Bokelberg </Td> <Td> Serveriano Canales & Tia Napolitano </Td> <Td> November 2 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 02 ) </Td> <Td> 705 </Td> <Td> 4.89 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 112 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Vampires and Bloodsuckers '' </Td> <Td> Jann Turner </Td> <Td> Chris Van Dusen & Tia Napolitano </Td> <Td> November 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 706 </Td> <Td> 5.00 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 113 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` Something Borrowed '' </Td> <Td> Sharat Raju </Td> <Td> Mark Fish </Td> <Td> November 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 707 </Td> <Td> 4.97 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 114 </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> `` Robin '' </Td> <Td> Daryn Okada </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 709 </Td> <Td> 5.17 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 115 </Th> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> `` Good People '' </Td> <Td> Nzingha Stewart </Td> <Td> Shonda Rhimes , Jess Brownell & Nicholas Nardini </Td> <Td> January 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> 708 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 116 </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> `` The People v. Olivia Pope '' </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> February 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 01 ) </Td> <Td> 710 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 117 </Th> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> `` Army of One '' </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> February 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 08 ) </Td> <Td> 711 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 118 </Th> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> March 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 01 ) </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Specials ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Narrator </Th> <Th> Aired between </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> U.S. viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> `` The Secret is Out '' </Td> <Td> Joshua Malina as David Rosen </Td> <Td> `` White Hat 's Back On '' ( season two ) `` It 's Handled '' ( season three ) </Td> <Td> October 3 , 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 03 ) </Td> <Td> 5.75 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Webisodes ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Gladiator wanted ( edit ) </H3> <P> A web series debuted prior to the sixth - season premiere and features Guillermo Diaz as Huck , Katie Lowes as Quinn , Cornelius Smith Jr. as Marcus and George Newbern as Charlie . All of the episodes were directed by Darby Stanchfield , who portrays Abby in the show . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original release date </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` So You Want to Be a Gladiator in a Suit '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` A Job to Kill For '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Induction '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Governments Fall '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` By Dawn 's Early Light '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Exit Interview '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Molloy , Tim ( January 10 , 2012 ) . `` ' Scandal , ' ' Apartment 23 ' Get Premiere Dates , ' Cougar Town ' Does n't '' . The Wrap . Retrieved May 12 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Wagmeister , Elizabeth ( February 10 , 2017 ) . `` ABC Renews ' Grey 's Anatomy , ' ' Scandal ' and ' How To Get Away With Murder ' for New Seasons '' . Variety . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( May 24 , 2012 ) . `` Complete List Of 2011 -- 12 Season TV Show Viewership : ' Sunday Night Football ' Tops , Followed By ' American Idol , ' ' NCIS ' & ' Dancing With The Stars ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Zap2it . Retrieved November 5 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( May 29 , 2013 ) . `` Complete List Of 2012 - 13 Season TV Show Viewership : ' Sunday Night Football ' Tops , Followed By ' NCIS , ' ' The Big Bang Theory ' & ' NCIS : Los Angeles ' '' . TV by the Numbers . ZAP2it . Retrieved May 30 , 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Full 2013 - 2014 TV Season Series Rankings '' . Deadline . May 22 , 2014 . Retrieved October 1 , 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ de Moraes , Lisa ( May 21 , 2014 ) . `` Full 2014 -- 15 TV Season Series Rankings : Football & ' Empire ' Ruled '' . . Archived from the original on May 22 , 2015 . Retrieved June 10 , 2015 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Full 2015 - 2016 TV Season Series Rankings '' . Deadline . May 26 , 2016 . Retrieved May 27 , 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Final 2016 - 17 TV Rankings : ' Sunday Night Football ' Winning Streak Continues '' . Deadline Hollywood . May 26 , 2017 . Retrieved May 26 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( June 26 , 2017 ) . `` Scandal Farewell Update : Final Season Episode Count Revealed '' . TVLine . Retrieved July 28 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gelman , Vlada ( January 8 , 2018 ) . `` Quantico Season 3 and Shondaland 's For the People Get ABC Premiere Dates '' . TVLine . Retrieved January 8 , 2018 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( April 6 , 2012 ) . `` Thursday Final Ratings : ' Big Bang Theory ' , ' American Idol ' , ' Person of Interest ' , ' Missing ' , ' Up All Night ' Adjusted Up ; ' Scandal ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April | The next episode of Scandal is coming out on | [
"February 1, 2018"
] | 6,173 | When is the next scandal episode coming out? |
-3429928405660073272 | Adobe Flash Player - wikipedia <H1> Adobe Flash Player </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> Adobe Flash Player <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original author ( s ) </Th> <Td> FutureWave Macromedia </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Adobe Systems </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Initial release </Th> <Td> 1996 ; 22 years ago ( 1996 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Stable release ( s ) ( ± ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Windows , macOS , Linux , Chrome OS </Th> <Td> 28.0. 0.137 / January 9 , 2018 ; 16 days ago ( 2018 - 01 - 09 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Android 4.0. x </Th> <Td> 11.1. 115.81 / September 10 , 2013 ; 4 years ago ( 2013 - 09 - 10 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Android 2. x and 3. x </Th> <Td> 11.1. 111.73 / September 10 , 2013 ; 4 years ago ( 2013 - 09 - 10 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Solaris </Th> <Td> 11.2. 202.223 / March 28 , 2012 ; 5 years ago ( 2012 - 03 - 28 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Preview release ( s ) ( ± ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Windows , macOS , Linux , Chrome OS </Th> <Td> 28.0. 0.152 Beta / January 24 , 2018 ; 1 day ago ( 2018 - 01 - 24 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written in </Th> <Td> C++ </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Operating system </Th> <Td> Windows , macOS , Linux , Chrome OS , Solaris , BlackBerry Tablet OS , Android , and Pocket PC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Platform </Th> <Td> Web browsers and ActiveX - based software </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Available in </Th> <Td> Chinese Simplified , Chinese Traditional , English , French , German , Italian , Japanese , Polish , Russian , Spanish , Korean , and Turkish </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Type </Th> <Td> Run - time environment , Media player , and Browser extension </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> License </Th> <Td> Freeware </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Adobe Flash Player ( labeled Shockwave Flash in Internet Explorer and Firefox ) is freeware software for using content created on the Adobe Flash platform , including viewing multimedia , executing rich Internet applications , and streaming video and audio . Flash Player can run from a web browser as a browser plug - in or on supported mobile devices . Flash Player was created by Macromedia and has been developed and distributed by Adobe Systems since Adobe acquired Macromedia . </P> <P> Flash Player runs SWF files that can be created by the Adobe Animate and Adobe Flash Professional authoring tools , by Adobe Flash Builder or by third party tools such as FlashDevelop . Flash Player supports vector and raster graphics , 3D graphics , an embedded scripting language called ActionScript , and streaming of video and audio . ActionScript is based on ECMAScript , and supports object - oriented code , and is similar to JavaScript . Flash Player has a wide user base , and is a common format for games , animations , and graphical user interfaces ( GUIs ) embedded in web pages . Adobe stated in 2013 that more than 400 million out of over 1 billion connected desktops update to the new version of Flash Player within six weeks of release . </P> <P> Flash Player is distributed for free and its plug - in versions are available for every major web browser and operating system . Google Chrome comes bundled with the sandboxed Adobe Flash plug - in and Windows 8 and later come with their own integrated Flash Player ( for Internet Explorer and Edge ) . </P> <P> Flash Player has become increasingly criticized for its performance , consumption of battery on mobile devices , the number of security vulnerabilities that had been discovered in the software , and that Flash is a closed platform . Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was highly critical of Flash Player , having published an open letter detailing Apple 's reasoning for banning the Flash platform from being used on its iOS device family . Its usage has also waned due to modern web standards that allow some of Flash 's use cases to be fulfilled without third - party plugins . In July 2017 , Adobe announced that it would end support for Flash Player in 2020 , and continued to encourage the use of open HTML5 standards in place of Flash . The announcement was coordinated with Apple , Facebook , Google , Microsoft , and Mozilla . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Features <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Data formats </Li> <Li> 1.2 Multimedia formats </Li> <Li> 1.3 Streaming protocols </Li> <Li> 1.4 Performance <Ul> <Li> 1.4. 1 Hardware acceleration </Li> <Li> 1.4. 2 Compilation </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Development methods </Li> <Li> 3 Development tools <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Game development </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Availability <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Desktop platforms </Li> <Li> 4.2 Mobile platforms </Li> <Li> 4.3 Other hardware </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Open source </Li> <Li> 6 Criticism <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Usability </Li> <Li> 6.2 Privacy </Li> <Li> 6.3 Security </Li> <Li> 6.4 Vendor lock - in </Li> <Li> 6.5 Apple controversy </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Release history </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References and notes </Li> <Li> 10 Further reading </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Features ( edit ) </H2> <P> Adobe Flash Player is a runtime that executes and displays content from a provided SWF file , although it has no in - built features to modify the SWF file at runtime . It can execute software written in the ActionScript programming language which enables the runtime manipulation of text , data , vector graphics , raster graphics , sound and video . The player can also access certain connected hardware devices , including web cameras and microphones , after permission for the same has been granted by the user . </P> <P> Flash Player is used internally by the Adobe Integrated Runtime ( AIR ) , to provide a cross-platform runtime environment for desktop applications and mobile applications . AIR supports installable applications on Windows , Linux , macOS , and some mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android . Flash applications must specifically be built for the AIR runtime to use additional features provided , such as file system integration , native client extensions , native window / screen integration , taskbar / dock integration , and hardware integration with connected Accelerometer and GPS devices . </P> <H3> Data formats ( edit ) </H3> <P> Flash Player includes native support for many different data formats , some of which can only be accessed through the ActionScript scripting interface . </P> <Ul> <Li> XML : Flash Player has included native support for XML parsing and generation since version 8 . XML data is held in memory as an XML Document Object Model , and can be manipulated using ActionScript . ActionScript 3 also supports ECMAScript for XML ( E4X ) , which allows XML data to be manipulated more easily . </Li> <Li> JSON : Flash Player 11 includes native support for importing and exporting data in the JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON ) format , which allows interoperability with web services and JavaScript programs . </Li> <Li> AMF : Flash Player allows application data to be stored on users computers , in the form of Local Shared Objects , the Flash equivalent to browser cookies . Flash Player can also natively read and write files in the Action Message Format , the default data format for Local Shared Objects . Since the AMF format specification is published , data can be transferred to and from Flash applications using AMF datasets instead of JSON or XML , reducing the need for parsing and validating such data . </Li> <Li> SWF : The specification for the SWF file format was published by Adobe , enabling the development of the SWX Format project , which used the SWF file format and AMF as a means for Flash applications to exchange data with server side applications . The SWX system stores data as standard SWF bytecode which is automatically interpreted by Flash Player . Another open - source project , SWXml allows Flash applications to load XML files as native ActionScript objects without any client - side XML parsing , by converting XML files to SWF / AMF on the server . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Multimedia formats ( edit ) </H3> <P> Flash Player is primarily a graphics and multimedia platform , and has supported raster graphics and vector graphics since its earliest version . It supports the following different multimedia formats which it can natively decode and playback . </P> <Ul> <Li> MP3 : Support for decoding and playback of streaming MPEG - 2 Audio Layer III ( MP3 ) audio was introduced in Flash Player 4 . MP3 files can be accessed and played back from a server via HTTP , or embedded inside an SWF file , which is also a streaming format . </Li> <Li> FLV : Support for decoding and playing back video and audio inside Flash Video ( FLV and F4V ) files , a format developed by Adobe Systems and Macromedia . Flash Video is only a container format and supports multiple different video codecs , such as Sorenson Spark , VP6 and more recently H. 264 . Flash Player uses hardware acceleration to display video where present , using technologies such as DirectX Video Acceleration and OpenGL to do so . Flash Video is used by YouTube , Hulu , Yahoo ! Video , BBC Online and other news providers . FLV files can be played back from a server using HTTP progressive download , and can also be embedded inside an SWF file . Flash Video can also be streamed via RTMP using the Adobe Flash Media Server or other such server - side software . </Li> <Li> PNG : Support for decoding and rendering Portable Network Graphics ( PNG ) images , in both its 24 - bit ( opaque ) and 32 - bit ( semi-transparent ) variants . Flash Player 11 can also encode a PNG bitmap via ActionScript . </Li> <Li> JPEG : Support for decoding and rendering compressed JPEG images . Flash Player 10 added support for the JPEG - XR advanced image compression standard developed by Microsoft Corporation , which results in better compression and quality than JPEG . JPEG - XR enables lossy and lossless compression with or without alpha channel transparency . Flash Player 11 can also encode a JPEG or JPEG - XR bitmap via ActionScript . </Li> <Li> GIF : Support for decoding and rendering compressed Graphics Interchange Format ( GIF ) images , in its single - frame variants only . Loading a multi-frame GIF will display only the first image frame . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Streaming protocols ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> HTTP : Support for communicating with web servers using HTTP requests and POST data . However , only websites that explicitly allow Flash to connect to them can be accessed via HTTP or sockets , to prevent Flash being used as a tool for cross-site request forgery , cross-site scripting , DNS rebinding and denial - of - service attacks . Websites must host a certain XML file termed a cross domain policy , allowing or denying Flash content from specific websites to connect to them . Certain websites , such as Digg , Flickr , Photobucket already host a cross domain policy that permits Flash content to access their website via HTTP . </Li> <Li> RTMP : Support for live audio and video streaming using the Real Time Messaging Protocol ( RTMP ) developed by Macromedia . RTMP supports a non-encrypted version over the Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) or an encrypted version | The most current Adobe Flash Player version is | [
] | 96 | What is the most current adobe flash player version? |
8199559637713501129 | The Sleeping Beauty ( ballet ) - wikipedia <H1> The Sleeping Beauty ( ballet ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th> Ballets by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <P> Swan Lake ( 1876 ) Sleeping Beauty ( 1889 ) The Nutcracker ( 1892 ) List of all compositions </P> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Sleeping Beauty ( Russian : Спящая красавица / Spyashchaya krasavitsa ) is a ballet in a prologue and three acts , first performed in 1890 . The music was composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky ( his opus 66 ) . The score was completed in 1889 , and is the second of his three ballets . The original scenario was conceived by Ivan Vsevolozhsky , and is based on Charles Perrault 's La Belle au bois dormant . The choreographer of the original production was Marius Petipa . </P> <P> The premiere performance took place at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg on January 15 , 1890 . The work has become one of the classical repertoire 's most famous ballets . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Composition history </Li> <Li> 1.2 Performance history </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Roles and original cast </Li> <Li> 3 Instrumentation </Li> <Li> 4 Roles </Li> <Li> 5 Synopsis </Li> <Li> 6 Structure </Li> <Li> 7 Versions by other hands <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Piano arrangements </Li> <Li> 7.2 Aurora 's Wedding by Sergei Diaghilev </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Trademark controversy </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Video samples </Li> <Li> 10.2 Scores </Li> <Li> 10.3 History </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Composition history ( edit ) </H3> <P> Tchaikovsky was approached by the Director of the Imperial Theatres in St. Petersburg , Ivan Vsevolozhsky on 25 May 1888 about a possible ballet adaptation on the subject of the story of Undine . It was later decided that Charles Perrault 's La Belle au bois dormant would be the story for which Tchaikovsky would compose the music for the ballet . Tchaikovsky did not hesitate to accept the commission , although he was aware that his only previous ballet , Swan Lake , met with little enthusiasm at that stage of his career . </P> <P> The ballet scenario that Tchaikovsky worked on was based on the Brothers Grimm 's version of Perrault 's work entitled ' Dornröschen ' . In that version , the Princess 's parents ( the King and the Queen ) survived the 100 - year sleep to celebrate the Princess 's wedding to the Prince . However , Vsevolozhsky incorporated Perrault 's other characters from his stories into the ballet , such as Puss in Boots , Little Red Riding Hood , Cinderella , Bluebird , Bluebeard , Ricky of the Tuft and Tom Thumb . Other French fairy tale characters to be featured are Beauty and the Beast , Pretty Goldilocks and The White Cat . Regardless , Tchaikovsky was happy to inform the Director of the Imperial Theatre that he had great pleasure studying the work and had come away with adequate inspiration to do it justice . </P> <P> The choreographer was Marius Petipa , ballet master of the Imperial Ballet , who wrote a very detailed list of instructions as to the musical requirements . Tchaikovsky worked quickly on the new work at Frolovskoye ; he began initial sketches in the winter of 1888 and began orchestration on the work on 30 May 1889 . </P> <P> The ballet 's focus was undeniably on the two main conflicting forces of good ( the Lilac Fairy ) and evil ( Carabosse ) ; each has a leitmotif representing them , which run through the entire ballet , serving as an important thread to the underlying plot . Act III of the work , however , takes a complete break from the two motifs and instead places focus on the individual characters of the various court dances . </P> <H3> Performance history ( edit ) </H3> <P> St. Petersburg premiere ( world premiere ) </P> <Ul> <Li> Date : 15 January 1890 </Li> <Li> Place : Imperial Mariinsky Theatre , St. Petersburg </Li> <Li> Balletmaster : Marius Petipa </Li> <Li> Conductor : Riccardo Drigo </Li> <Li> Scene Designers : Henrich Levogt ( Prologue ) , Ivan Andreyev ( Act 1 ) , Mikhail Bocharov ( Acts 1 & 2 ) , Matvey Shishkov ( Act 3 ) </Li> <Li> Costumes : Ivan Vsevolozhsky </Li> </Ul> <P> Moscow premiere </P> <Ul> <Li> Date : 17 January 1899 </Li> <Li> Place : Moscow Imperial Bolshoi Theatre </Li> <Li> Balletmaster : Aleksandr Gorsky </Li> <Li> Conductor : Andrey Arends </Li> <Li> Scene Designers : Anatoliy Geltser , Karl Valts ( Waltz ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Other notable productions </P> <Ul> <Li> 1896 , Milan , La Scala , staged by Giorgio Saracco , Carlotta Brianza as Aurora </Li> <Li> 1921 , London , Alhambra Theatre , as The Sleeping Princess , Diaghilev production , staged by Nikolay Sergeyev , scenes by Léon Bakst </Li> <Li> 1937 , Philadelphia , staged by Catherine Littlefield </Li> <Li> 1946 , London , Royal Opera House debut , performed by the Sadler 's Wells Ballet . </Li> <Li> 1968 , London , with the London Festival Ballet at the Royal Festival Hall </Li> <Li> 1990 , San Francisco , with San Francisco Ballet as choreographed by Helgi Tómasson in tribute to Tchaikovsky , and with a focus on maintaining the Russian - French connection </Li> <Li> 1992 , Basel Theater Basel reworked by Youri Vámos with new narrative involving the life of Anna Anderson and her claim to be Grand Duchess Anastasia . The order of musical numbers has been slightly changed , some numbers omitted with other music by Tchaikovsky added and major set pieces of Petipa 's choreography retained , but now placed in different narrative context - often performed as Anderson 's `` memories '' . This version has been performed by a number of central European ballet companies over the past two decades . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Roles and original cast ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Role </Th> <Th> Mariinsky 1890 </Th> <Th> Bolshoi 1899 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> King Florestan </Td> <Td> Feliks Krzesiński ( Mathilde Kschessinska 's father ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Queen </Td> <Td> Giuseppina Cecchetti </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Princess Aurora , the Sleeping Beauty </Td> <Td> Carlotta Brianza </Td> <Td> Lyubov Roslavleva </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Lilac Fairy </Td> <Td> Marie Petipa </Td> <Td> M. Grachevskaya </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Carabosse </Td> <Td> Enrico Cecchetti </Td> <Td> Vasiliy Geltser </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Prince Désiré </Td> <Td> Pavel Gerdt </Td> <Td> Ivan Khlyustin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Bluebird </Td> <Td> Enrico Cecchetti </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Princess Florine </Td> <Td> Varvara Nikitina </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The ballet 's premiere received more favorable accolades than Swan Lake from the press but Tchaikovsky never had the luxury of being able to witness his work become an instant success in theatres outside of Russia . He died in 1893 . By 1903 , The Sleeping Beauty was the second most popular ballet in the repertory of the Imperial Ballet ( the Petipa / Pugni The Pharaoh 's Daughter was first ) , having been performed 200 times in only 10 years . </P> Original cast members costumed for Act I . At center is Carlotta Brianza as Aurora . Mariinsky Theatre , St. Petersburg , 1890 <P> A production mounted at the La Scala in Milan did not arouse much interest and it was not until 1921 that , in London , the ballet finally gained wide acclaim and eventually a permanent place in the classical repertoire . In 1999 , the Mariinsky Ballet reconstructed the original 1899 production , including reproductions of the original sets and costumes . Although the 1951 Kirov production by Konstantin Sergeyev is available on DVD / Video , the 1999 `` authentic '' version is only available in short excerpts as of 2007 . </P> <P> The Sleeping Beauty is Tchaikovsky 's longest ballet , lasting nearly four hours at full length - counting the intermissions . Without intermissions ( as it appears on several CD sets ) , it lasts nearly three hours . It is nearly always cut . </P> <P> At the premiere , Tsar Alexander III summoned Tchaikovsky to the imperial box . The Tsar made the simple remark ' Very nice , ' which seemed to have irritated Tchaikovsky , who had likely expected a more favorable response . </P> <H2> Instrumentation ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Strings : Violins I , Violins II , Violas , Cellos , Double Basses </Li> <Li> Woodwinds : Piccolo , 2 Flutes , 2 Oboes , Cor Anglais , 2 Clarinets ( B ♭ , A ) , 2 Bassoons </Li> <Li> Brass : 4 Horns ( F ) , 2 Cornets ( B ♭ , A ) , 2 Trumpets ( B ♭ , A ) , 3 Trombones , Tuba </Li> <Li> Percussion : Timpani , Triangle , Tambourine , Side Drum , Cymbals , Bass Drum , Tam - tam , Glockenspiel </Li> <Li> Other : 2 Harps , Piano </Li> </Ul> <H2> Roles ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Royal Court : </P> <Ul> <Li> King Florestan XXIV </Li> <Li> Queen , his wife </Li> <Li> Princess Aurora , the Sleeping Beauty , their daughter </Li> <Li> Catalabutte , the master - of - ceremonies </Li> <Li> Courtiers , maids of honor , pages , lackeys </Li> </Ul> <P> The Fairies : </P> <Ul> <Li> Candide ( Candor ) </Li> <Li> Coulante , Fleur de farine ( Flowing , Wheat flour ) </Li> <Li> Miettes qui tombent ( Falling breadcrumbs ) </Li> <Li> Canari qui chante ( Singing canary ) </Li> <Li> Violente ( Force ) </Li> <Li> The Lilac Fairy </Li> <Li> Carabosse , the evil fairy </Li> <Li> The Gold , Silver , Sapphire , and Diamond Fairies </Li> </Ul> <P> The Four Suitors : </P> <Ul> <Li> Prince Chéri </Li> <Li> Prince Charmant </Li> <Li> Prince Fortuné </Li> <Li> Prince Fleur de Pois </Li> </Ul> <P> The Prince 's Hunting Party : </P> <Ul> <Li> Prince Désiré ( Florimund ) </Li> <Li> Gallifron , Prince Désiré 's tutor </Li> <Li> The Prince 's friends , duchesses , baronesses , countesses , and marchionesses </Li> </Ul> <P> Fairy - Tale Characters : </P> <Ul> <Li> Puss - in - Boots </Li> <Li> The White Cat </Li> <Li> Cinderella </Li> <Li> Prince Charming </Li> <Li> Princess Florine </Li> <Li> Bluebird </Li> <Li> Little Red Riding Hood </Li> <Li> The Gray Wolf </Li> <Li> Hop - o ' - My - Thumb , his brothers , and the Ogre </Li> </Ul> <H2> Synopsis ( edit ) </H2> <P> Setting </P> <Ul> <Li> Time : Baroque </Li> <Li> Place : Europe </Li> </Ul> The bad fairy Carabosse by Léon Bakst , who created the décor and about 300 costume designs in 2 months for Diaghilev 's lavish 1921 production of The Sleeping Beauty in London . <P> Prologue ( The Christening ) King Florestan XXIV and his Queen have welcomed their first child , Princess Aurora , and declare a grand christening ceremony to honor her . Six fairies are invited to the ceremony to bestow gifts on the child . Each fairy represents a virtue or positive trait , such as beauty , courage , sweetness , musical talent , and mischief . The most powerful fairy , the Lilac Fairy , arrives with her entourage , but before she can bestow her gift , the evil fairy Carabosse arrives with her minions . Carabosse furiously asks the King and Queen why she had not received an invitation to the christening . The blame falls on the Master of Ceremonies who was in charge of the guest list . Carabosse gleefully tears his wig | Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker are three famous ballets by | [
"Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky"
] | 27 | Swan lake the sleeping beauty and the nutcracker are three famous ballets by? |
-303776797247457856 | and guest starred as Detective Chester Lake in the eighth season , Wolf felt that Adam Beach would be a good addition to the cast and asked him to be a permanent member beginning with the ninth season . Although Beach felt the role was a `` dream role '' , the character proved unpopular with fans who felt that he was designed to gradually write out either Richard Belzer or Ice - T. Feeling there were too many police characters on the show , Beach left the show after only one season . Michaela McManus was originally felt to be too young for the role of an Assistant District Attorney ( ADA ) before being cast as ADA Kim Greylek in the tenth season . McManus , months removed from a recurring role on One Tree Hill , remained with the series only half a season , however , before departing for unspecified reasons . </P> <P> Paula Patton joined the cast as ADA Mikka Von . She replaced Stephanie March . However , Patton dropped out after one episode to film Mission : Impossible -- Ghost Protocol , and was replaced by Melissa Sagemiller in the recurring role of ADA Gillian Hardwicke . </P> <P> Before the end of season twelve , Mariska Hargitay asked for a lighter workload . As a way of writing her out of certain episodes , a plan to have her character promoted to a supervisory role was discussed . At the end of season twelve , Christopher Meloni departed the cast , unable to come to terms with his contract . Warren Leight became the new showrunner during this same year and signed on before he knew that Meloni would be leaving the cast . The second major departure to be announced in 2011 was that of B. D. Wong . On July 17 , Wong announced on Twitter that , `` I actually do not return for season 13 , I am jumping to Awake ! It 's awesome ! '' Wong added , `` I do n't know if or when I 'll be back on SVU ! It was amazing to have such a cool job for 11 years and to be a real NY Actor . '' Wong reprised his role as Dr. Huang in season 13 's episode `` Father Dearest '' . In response to these departures , two new main actors were hired , and several changes were made to the recurring cast . </P> <P> In June 2011 , it was announced that Kelli Giddish and Danny Pino would join the cast as new series regulars . Weeks later , it was announced that Stephanie March and Diane Neal would be reprising their roles as ADA Alexandra Cabot and ADA Casey Novak , respectively . The launch of season 13 was marked with a retooling of the show that Warren Leight referred to as `` SVU 2.0 '' . Changes that accompanied this included Tamara Tunie 's being bumped from the main cast to a guest starring role and recurring actor Joel de la Fuente 's not appearing for the first time since 2002 . Of the latter change , Warren Leight said , `` those scenes ( which featured Fuente ) can be dry '' and hired Gilbert Gottfried as a more comedic replacement . In addition to these changes , Linus Roache became a recurring cast member in his role of Michael Cutter , whom he played on Law & Order ; on SVU former Executive ADA Cutter serves as the Bureau Chief for ADAs attached to the Special Victims Unit . </P> <P> In season 14 , Raúl Esparza joined the cast in a recurring capacity as ADA Rafael Barba and prior to the season 15 premiere , Esparza was promoted to a series regular . Also in season 15 , Belzer departed the cast in the fifth episode , `` Wonderland Story '' , in which Sgt . Munch retired from the NYPD and took a job in the DA 's office as an investigator . Later in the season , Captain Cragen announced his departure from the NYPD , which made newly promoted Sgt . Benson the temporary squad commander . In leaving the cast , Florek ended a 400 - episode run as Captain Cragen . In season 16 , Peter Scanavino joined the series , first in a recurring role for episodes 1 -- 3 and then was promoted to the main cast in episode 5 , with Kelli Giddish , Danny Pino , Ice - T and Raúl Esparza no longer appearing in every episode . On May 20 , 2015 , it was revealed that Danny Pino would be leaving the cast after the season 16 finale `` Surrendering Noah '' . </P> <P> In August 2017 , it was announced that Philip Winchester will recur in season 19 as ADA Peter Stone , his character from Chicago P.D. and Chicago Justice , who is the son of Benjamin Stone , the ADA on the original Law & Order show . It was later also announced that Brooke Shields was enlisted to assume a major recurring role starting in Season 19 of the long - running dramatic series . </P> <H3> Salaries ( edit ) </H3> <P> By season twelve , both Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni had become among the highest - paid lead actors on a drama , with each earning nearly $400,000 per episode , a salary that TV Guide said was exceeded only by House 's Hugh Laurie . During season sixteen , Hargitay was reported to be earning $450,000 per episode , or $10,350,000 per season , In season seventeen , her salary increased to $500,000 per episode . </P> <H2> Cast and characters ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of Law & Order : Special Victims Unit characters <Table> <Tr> <Th> Cast </Th> <Th> Character </Th> <Th> Rank / Position </Th> <Th colspan="3"> Seasons </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Regular </Th> <Th> Recurring </Th> <Th> Guest </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Christopher Meloni </Td> <Td> Elliot Stabler </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 1 -- 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mariska Hargitay </Td> <Td> Olivia Benson </Td> <Td> Lieutenant </Td> <Td> 1 -- </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Richard Belzer </Td> <Td> John Munch </Td> <Td> DA Investigator </Td> <Td> 1 -- 15 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 15 , 17 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dann Florek </Td> <Td> Donald Cragen </Td> <Td> Captain </Td> <Td> 1 -- 15 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Michelle Hurd </Td> <Td> Monique Jeffries </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 1 -- 2 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Stephanie March </Td> <Td> Alexandra Cabot </Td> <Td> Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 2 -- 5 , 11 </Td> <Td> 2 , 10 , 13 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ice - T </Td> <Td> Odafin `` Fin '' Tutuola </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 2 -- </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tamara Tunie </Td> <Td> Melinda Warner </Td> <Td> Medical Examiner </Td> <Td> 7 -- 12 </Td> <Td> 2 -- 6 , 13 -- 17 </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> B.D. Wong </Td> <Td> George Huang </Td> <Td> FBI Special Agent </Td> <Td> 4 -- 12 </Td> <Td> 2 -- 3 </Td> <Td> 13 -- 15 , 17 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Diane Neal </Td> <Td> Casey Novak </Td> <Td> Senior Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 5 -- 9 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Adam Beach </Td> <Td> Chester Lake </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Michaela McManus </Td> <Td> Kim Greylek </Td> <Td> Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Danny Pino </Td> <Td> Nick Amaro </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 13 -- 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kelli Giddish </Td> <Td> Amanda Rollins </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 13 -- </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Raúl Esparza </Td> <Td> Rafael Barba </Td> <Td> Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 15 -- </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Peter Scanavino </Td> <Td> Dominick Carisi Jr . </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 16 -- </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Dl> <Dt> Positions </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Olivia Benson was previously a Detective ( seasons 1 -- 15 ) and a Sergeant ( seasons 15 -- 17 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ John Munch was previously a Detective ( seasons 1 -- 8 ) and a Sergeant ( seasons 9 -- 15 ) ; the character , played by Belzer , first appeared on Homicide : Life on the Street ( 1993 - 99 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Captain Donald Cragen was the commanding officer of the unit until his retirement ( seasons 1 -- 15 ) ; the character , played by Florek , first appeared in the first three seasons of Law & Order ( 1990 - 93 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ George Huang was the unit 's forensic psychiatrist and criminal profiler until his retirement ( seasons 1 -- 15 ) </Li> </Ol> <Dl> <Dt> Appearances </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Christopher Meloni was first billed as `` starring '' during seasons 1 -- 12 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Mariska Hargitay has been first billed as `` starring '' since season 13 ; she was previously second billed after Meloni . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Series overview ( edit ) </H2> In the criminal justice system , sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous . In New York City , the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit . These are their stories . -- Opening narration spoken by Steven Zirnkilton <P> Based out of the New York City Police Department 's 16th precinct in Manhattan , Law & Order : Special Victims Unit delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force , the Special Victims Unit ( SVU for short ) , investigate and prosecute various sexually - oriented crimes including rape , pedophilia , and domestic violence . They also investigate the abuses of children , the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling . All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives . Its stories also touch on the political and societal issues associated with gender identity , sexual preferences , and equality rights . While the victim is often murdered , this is not always the case , and victims frequently play prominent roles in episodes . The unit also works with the Manhattan District Attorney 's office as they prosecute cases and seek justice for SVU 's victims and survivors with precision and a passion to win and bring closure to the intense investigations . The series often uses stories that are `` ripped from the headlines '' or based on real crimes . Such episodes take a real crime and fictionalize it by changing some details . </P> <P> Originally the show focused around the detective pairings of Elliot Stabler & Olivia Benson and John Munch & Brian Cassidy . Stabler is a seasoned veteran of the unit who has seen it all and tries his best to protect his family from the horrors he sees every day . His partner Benson 's difficult past as the child of a rape victim is the reason she joined the unit . Backing them up is John Munch , and his first partner Brian Cassidy . Munch is a transfer from Baltimore 's homicide unit , who brings his acerbic wit , conspiracy theories , and street - | The cast of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit includes | [
"Christopher Meloni"
] | 5,040 | Cast of law & order special victim unit? |
-3672139806378353884 | New Earswick - wikipedia <H1> New Earswick </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> New Earswick </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> New Earswick New Earswick shown within North Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Population </Th> <Td> 2,737 ( 2011 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> OS grid reference </Th> <Td> SE609555 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Civil parish </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> New Earswick </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Unitary authority </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> City of York </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ceremonial county </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> North Yorkshire </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Region </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Yorkshire and the Humber </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> England </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Sovereign state </Th> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Post town </Th> <Td> YORK </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Postcode district </Th> <Td> YO32 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dialling code </Th> <Td> 01904 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Police </Th> <Td> North Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Fire </Th> <Td> North Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ambulance </Th> <Td> Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> EU Parliament </Th> <Td> Yorkshire and the Humber </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> UK Parliament </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> York Outer </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Dl> <Dt> List of places </Dt> <Dd> UK </Dd> <Dd> England </Dd> <Dd> Yorkshire </Dd> </Dl> 53 ° 59 ′ 31 '' N 1 ° 04 ′ 21 '' W / 53.992020 ° N 1.072380 ° W / 53.992020 ; - 1.072380 Coordinates : 53 ° 59 ′ 31 '' N 1 ° 04 ′ 21 '' W / 53.992020 ° N 1.072380 ° W / 53.992020 ; - 1.072380 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> New Earswick is a model village and civil parish in the unitary authority of City of York in North Yorkshire , England , near the River Foss , north of York and south of Haxby . According to the 2001 census the parish had a population of 2,812 , reducing to 2,737 at the 2011 Census . Before 1996 it had been part of the Ryedale district . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Governance </Li> <Li> 3 Community </Li> <Li> 4 Geography </Li> <Li> 5 Economy </Li> <Li> 6 Transport </Li> <Li> 7 Education </Li> <Li> 8 Religious sites </Li> <Li> 9 Sport </Li> <Li> 10 Gallery </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> The village of New Earswick was built as a genuine mixed community . There was housing for both workers and managers , in a green setting with gardens for each home with its own 2 fruit trees . It was founded by the York philanthropist , Joseph Rowntree , who was quoted as saying , `` I do not want to establish communities bearing the stamp of charity but rather of rightly ordered and self governing communities '' . The first 28 houses were built between 1902 and 1904 by the architect Raymond Unwin , after which the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust ( now the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust ) was established to continue building and manage the new village . The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust is part of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation . </P> <P> The village had contemporaries such as Bournville , Saltaire , Port Sunlight and others . This was in sharp contrast to the slums that had developed in York and other cities during the previous century , the deprivation of which had been revealed in Seebohm Rowntree 's report of 1901 , entitled Poverty : a study of town life . It revealed appalling statistics of dark , overcrowded and insanitary housing . </P> <P> As a result of the report , Joseph Rowntree 's conviction that it must be possible to provide better housing for people on low incomes led him to acquire 150 acres of land near the village of Earswick , two and a half miles to the north of the centre of York . The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker were commissioned to produce an overall plan for a new ' garden ' village and the detailed designs for its first houses . They also designed the garden cities of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City . </P> <P> The building of New Earswick created a balanced village community where rents were kept low , but still represented a modest commercial return on the capital invested . Houses were open to any working people , not just Rowntree employees . The village was to be a demonstration of good practice . </P> <P> The Trust Deed of the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust , which was set up in 1904 to build and manage New Earswick , safeguarded generous open green space . All the grass verges were planted with trees after which almost all the roads are named . The village was built with bricks that were made in the brickworks on the outskirts of New Earswick . From 1950 the brickyard , which closed down in the 1930s , was developed into a nature reserve . </P> <P> Due to their religious beliefs , The Rowntree family decreed there would not be a public house in the village . There never has been , although the Sports Club obtained a drink 's license in the 1980s . </P> <H2> Governance ( edit ) </H2> <P> New Earswick is part of the Huntington & New Earswick Ward of the City of York Council . As of 2010 it is represented by Keith Hyman , Keith Orrel and Carol Runciman who are all members of the local Liberal Democrat Party . </P> <P> A Parish Council was created in 1934 consisting of ten elected councillors and a clerk . </P> <H2> Community ( edit ) </H2> <P> There is a local community centre , the Folk Hall , which hosts activities such as keep - fit , yoga , snooker , and a junior youth club . New Earswick has recreational facilities , including a swimming pool ( due for closure without public consultation ) , tennis courts and football , rugby and cricket pitches at the New Earswick Sports and Social Club . There were two open access play areas close to the Folk Hall , including a hard surface play area which have recently been bulldozed for a development of houses . There is a library based in the Integrated Children 's Centre at the local primary school , a doctor 's surgery and a range of shops , including two general stores , a pet shop and Post Office . As of 2017 the Post Office is situated within the Folk Hall . </P> <P> The village has 36 allotments in two areas , Willow Bank and Sleeper Path . </P> <P> In the 1960s , the Folk Hall was a live music venue featuring the likes of Procol Harum and Pink Floyd . </P> <H2> Geography ( edit ) </H2> <P> The River Foss runs along the eastern boundary of New Earswick with the York to Scarborough Line running to the west . The Nestle factory and grounds mark the southern border with the northern border being the A1237 York Outer Ring Road . The village was built using bricks from the brickworks on the outskirts of the village . From 1950 the brickyard was developed into a nature reserve . The reserve is the home of New Earswick Angling Club , which was formed in 1948 . </P> <H2> Economy ( edit ) </H2> <P> Unlike the villages of Port Sunlight , Saltaire and Bournville the village was not designed specifically for the workforce of the nearby Joseph Rowntree Cocoa Works although some do earn their living at the factory which was taken over by Swiss firm , Nestle . </P> <H2> Transport ( edit ) </H2> <P> Transdev York operate a bus service that stops in the village as part of the Askham Bar to Clifton Moor route . First Group operate two bus services that stop in the village as part of the Wigginton to Acomb and Haxby to York City Centre routes . </P> <P> New Earswick was served by Earswick railway station on the York to Beverley Line between 1847 and 1965 . </P> <H2> Education ( edit ) </H2> <P> There are both primary and secondary schools in New Earswick . New Earswick Primary School was built in 1912 . The primary school is one of eight Integrated Children 's Centres in York . Joseph Rowntree School is a secondary school and was built in 1941 . In 2006 , the Joseph Rowntree School secured £ 27million for a complete rebuild that was completed in late 2009 . The catchement area for the secondary school is from the village itself , Huntington , The Groves and the villages of Haxby and Wigginton . </P> <H2> Religious sites ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 1914 the Anglican church of St. Andrew 's was built on the edge of the parish . The church was extended in 1939 to cater for the new housing in South Huntington just across the River Foss . A Methodist chapel and meeting house for the Society of Friends were added later . St. Andrew 's Church is now part of the ecclesiastical parish of Huntington and New Earswick . </P> <H2> Sport ( edit ) </H2> <P> New Earswick Cricket Club play at the recreation ground on White Rose Avenue . As of 2014 their two teams will play in Division 3 ( South ) and Division 4 ( Central ) of the York and District Senior Cricket League . </P> <P> The recreation ground is shared with New Earswick All Blacks , an open age rugby league club that was founded in the 1980s and currently play in The Pennines Amateur Rugby League competition , in 2013 / 4 , playing in the Championship ( the second tier ) . </P> <P> Steve Webster , 10 times FIM Sidecar World Championships , world champion was born and raised in the village. . </P> <H2> Gallery ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Views of New Earswick </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> The Folk Hall in New Earswick </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> White Rose Avenue in New Earswick </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Westfield Beck behind housing on the west of New Earswick </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Civil Parish population 2011 '' . Neighbourhood Statistics . Office for National Statistics . Retrieved 19 February 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Village History '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Village planning '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` New Earswick : a village of new ideas '' . BBC . Retrieved 29 March 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Couoncillors '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Village Information '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 4 October 2013 . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Procol Harum and Pink Floyd play New Earswick '' . Archived from the original on 30 March 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Transdev Bus Service '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` First Bus Services '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Butt , R.V.J. ( 1995 ) . The Directory of Railway Stations : details every public and private passenger station , halt , platform and stopping place , past and present ( 1st ed . ) . Sparkford : Patrick Stephens Ltd . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85260 - 508 - 7 . OCLC 60251199 . </Li> <Li> | The garden city of New Earswick was designed by | [
"The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker"
] | 700 | Who designed the garden city of new earswick? |
6556718257422998662 | ability to detect motion or to resolve objects , and whether they can discriminate colours . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History of research </Li> <Li> 2 Rate of evolution </Li> <Li> 3 One origin or many ? </Li> <Li> 4 Stages of eye evolution <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Early eyes </Li> <Li> 4.2 Lens formation and diversification </Li> <Li> 4.3 Other developments <Ul> <Li> 4.3. 1 Color vision </Li> <Li> 4.3. 2 Polarization vision </Li> <Li> 4.3. 3 Focusing mechanism </Li> <Li> 4.3. 4 Location </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Evolutionary baggage </Li> <Li> 6 Footnotes </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 Further reading </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History of research ( edit ) </H2> The human eye , showing the iris <P> In 1802 , philosopher William Paley called it a miracle of `` design '' . Charles Darwin himself wrote in his Origin of Species , that the evolution of the eye by natural selection seemed at first glance `` absurd in the highest possible degree '' . However , he went on that despite the difficulty in imagining it , its evolution was perfectly feasible : </P> <P> ... if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist , each grade being useful to its possessor , as is certainly the case ; if further , the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited , as is likewise certainly the case and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life , then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection , though insuperable by our imagination , should not be considered as subversive of the theory . </P> <P> He suggested a stepwise evolution from `` an optic nerve merely coated with pigment , and without any other mechanism '' to `` a moderately high stage of perfection '' , and gave examples of existing intermediate steps . Darwin 's suggestions were soon shown to be correct , and current research is investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying eye development and evolution . </P> <P> Biologist D.E. Nilsson has independently theorized about four general stages in the evolution of a vertebrate eye from a patch of photoreceptors . Nilsson and S. Pelger estimated in a classical paper how many generations are needed to evolve a complex eye in vertebrates . Another researcher , G.C. Young , has used the fossil record to infer evolutionary conclusions , based on the structure of eye orbits and openings in fossilized skulls for blood vessels and nerves to go through . All this adds to the growing amount of evidence that supports Darwin 's theory . </P> <H2> Rate of evolution ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first fossils of eyes found to date are from the lower Cambrian period ( about 540 million years ago ) . The lower Cambrian had a burst of apparently rapid evolution , called the `` Cambrian explosion '' . One of the many hypotheses for `` causes '' of the Cambrian explosion is the `` Light Switch '' theory of Andrew Parker : It holds that the evolution of eyes started an arms race that accelerated evolution . Before the Cambrian explosion , animals may have sensed light , but did not use it for fast locomotion or navigation by vision . </P> <P> The rate of eye evolution is difficult to estimate , because the fossil record , particularly of the lower Cambrian , is poor . How fast a circular patch of photoreceptor cells evolve into a fully functional vertebrate eye has been estimated based on rates of mutation , relative advantage to the organism , and natural selection . However , the time needed for each state was consistently overestimated and the generation time was set to one year , which is common in small animals . Even with these pessimistic values , the vertebrate eye would still evolve from a patch of photoreceptor cells in less than 364,000 years . </P> <H2> One origin or many ? ( edit ) </H2> <P> Whether the eye evolved once or many times depends on the definition of an eye . All eyed animals share much of the genetic machinery for eye development . This suggests that the ancestor of eyed animals had some form of light - sensitive machinery -- even if it was not a dedicated optical organ . However , even photoreceptor cells may have evolved more than once from molecularly similar chemoreceptor cells . Probably , photoreceptor cells existed long before the Cambrian explosion . Higher - level similarities -- such as the use of the protein crystallin in the independently derived cephalopod and vertebrate lenses -- reflect the co-option of a more fundamental protein to a new function within the eye . </P> <P> A shared trait common to all light - sensitive organs are opsins . Opsins belong to a family of photo - sensitive proteins and fall into nine groups , which already existed in the urbilaterian , the last common ancestor of all bilateral symmetrical animals . Additionally , the genetic toolkit for positioning eyes is shared by all animals : The PAX6 gene controls where eyes develop in animals ranging from octopuses to mice and fruit flies . Such high - level genes are , by implication , much older than many of the structures that they control today ; they must originally have served a different purpose , before they were co-opted for eye development . </P> <P> Eyes and other sensory organs probably evolved before the brain : There is no need for an information - processing organ ( brain ) before there is information to process . </P> <H2> Stages of eye evolution ( edit ) </H2> The stigma ( 2 ) of the euglena hides a light - sensitive spot . <P> The earliest predecessors of the eye were photoreceptor proteins that sense light , found even in unicellular organisms , called `` eyespots '' . Eyespots can only sense ambient brightness : they can distinguish light from dark , sufficient for photoperiodism and daily synchronization of circadian rhythms . They are insufficient for vision , as they can not distinguish shapes or determine the direction light is coming from . Eyespots are found in nearly all major animal groups , and are common among unicellular organisms , including euglena . The euglena 's eyespot , called a stigma , is located at its anterior end . It is a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals . Together with the leading flagellum , the eyespot allows the organism to move in response to light , often toward the light to assist in photosynthesis , and to predict day and night , the primary function of circadian rhythms . Visual pigments are located in the brains of more complex organisms , and are thought to have a role in synchronising spawning with lunar cycles . By detecting the subtle changes in night - time illumination , organisms could synchronise the release of sperm and eggs to maximise the probability of fertilisation . </P> <P> Vision itself relies on a basic biochemistry which is common to all eyes . However , how this biochemical toolkit is used to interpret an organism 's environment varies widely : eyes have a wide range of structures and forms , all of which have evolved quite late relative to the underlying proteins and molecules . </P> <P> At a cellular level , there appear to be two main `` designs '' of eyes , one possessed by the protostomes ( molluscs , annelid worms and arthropods ) , the other by the deuterostomes ( chordates and echinoderms ) . </P> <P> The functional unit of the eye is the photoreceptor cell , which contains the opsin proteins and responds to light by initiating a nerve impulse . The light sensitive opsins are borne on a hairy layer , to maximise the surface area . The nature of these `` hairs '' differs , with two basic forms underlying photoreceptor structure : microvilli and cilia . In the eyes of protostomes , they are microvilli : extensions or protrusions of the cellular membrane . But in the eyes of deuterostomes , they are derived from cilia , which are separate structures . However , outside the eyes an organism may use the other type of photoreceptor cells , for instance the clamworm Platynereis dumerilii uses microvilliar cells in the eyes but has additionally deep brain ciliary photoreceptor cells . The actual derivation may be more complicated , as some microvilli contain traces of cilia -- but other observations appear to support a fundamental difference between protostomes and deuterostomes . These considerations centre on the response of the cells to light -- some use sodium to cause the electric signal that will form a nerve impulse , and others use potassium ; further , protostomes on the whole construct a signal by allowing more sodium to pass through their cell walls , whereas deuterostomes allow less through . </P> <P> This suggests that when the two lineages diverged in the Precambrian , they had only very primitive light receptors , which developed into more complex eyes independently . </P> <H3> Early eyes ( edit ) </H3> <P> The basic light - processing unit of eyes is the photoreceptor cell , a specialized cell containing two types of molecules in a membrane : the opsin , a light - sensitive protein , surrounding the chromophore , a pigment that distinguishes colors . Groups of such cells are termed `` eyespots '' , and have evolved independently somewhere between 40 and 65 times . These eyespots permit animals to gain only a very basic sense of the direction and intensity of light , but not enough to discriminate an object from its surroundings . </P> <P> Developing an optical system that can discriminate the direction of light to within a few degrees is apparently much more difficult , and only six of the thirty - some phyla possess such a system . However , these phyla account for 96 % of living species . </P> The planarian has `` cup '' eyespots that can slightly distinguish light direction . <P> These complex optical systems started out as the multicellular eyepatch gradually depressed into a cup , which first granted the ability to discriminate brightness in directions , then in finer and finer directions as the pit deepened . While flat eyepatches were ineffective at determining the direction of light , as a beam of light would activate exactly the same patch of photo - sensitive cells regardless of its direction , the `` cup '' shape of the pit eyes allowed limited directional differentiation by changing which cells the lights would hit depending upon the light 's angle . Pit eyes , which had arisen by the Cambrian period , were seen in ancient snails , and are found in some snails and other invertebrates living today , such as planaria . Planaria can slightly differentiate the direction and intensity of light because of their cup - shaped , heavily pigmented retina cells , which shield the light - sensitive cells from exposure in all directions except for the single opening for the light . However , this proto - eye is still much more useful for detecting the absence or presence of light than its direction ; this gradually changes as the eye 's pit deepens and the number of photoreceptive cells grows , allowing for increasingly precise visual information . </P> <P> When a photon is absorbed by the chromophore , a chemical reaction causes the photon 's energy to be transduced into electrical energy and relayed , in higher animals , to the nervous system . These photoreceptor cells form part of the retina , a thin layer of cells that relays visual information , including the light and day - length information | The first step in the evolution of the eye is the development of | [
"photoreceptor proteins that sense light"
] | 1,270 | What is the first step in the evolution of the eye? |
3062778689902618642 | The Curse of Oak Island - wikipedia <H1> The Curse of Oak Island </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Curse of Oak Island </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Reality </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Narrated by </Th> <Td> Robert Clotworthy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> Canada </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original language ( s ) </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of seasons </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of episodes </Th> <Td> 62 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Production </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Executive producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Kevin Burns </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Camera setup </Th> <Td> Multiple </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 43 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company ( s ) </Th> <Td> Prometheus Entertainment </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributor </Th> <Td> A&E Networks </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> History Canada </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original release </Th> <Td> January 5 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 05 ) -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> External links </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Production website </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Curse of Oak Island is an active reality television series that first premiered in Canada on the History network on January 5 , 2014 . The show features what is known as the Oak Island mystery , showing efforts to search for historical artifacts and treasure . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Overview <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Background </Li> <Li> 1.2 Theories </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Series overview </Li> <Li> 3 Production </Li> <Li> 4 Episodes <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Season 1 ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> 4.2 Season 2 ( 2014 -- 2015 ) </Li> <Li> 4.3 Season 3 ( 2015 -- 2016 ) </Li> <Li> 4.4 Season 4 ( 2016 -- 2017 ) </Li> <Li> 4.5 Season 5 ( 2017 -- 2018 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 Further reading </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Overview ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Curse of Oak Island follows brothers Marty and Rick Lagina , originally from Kingsford , Michigan , through their efforts to find the speculated treasure or historical artifacts believed to be on Oak Island . The series discusses the history of the island , recent discoveries , theories , and prior attempts to investigate the site . Areas of interest include the `` Money Pit '' , Borehole 10 - x , Smith 's Cove , `` Nolan 's Cross '' , the `` Hatch '' , the `` Watchtower '' and the `` Swamp '' . </P> <H3> Background ( edit ) </H3> <P> The Lagina brothers became fascinated with the island after reading the January 1965 issue of Reader 's Digest magazine that features an article on the Restall family 's work to investigate the so - called `` Money Pit '' . Marty and his brother Rick obtained a controlling interest in Oak Island Tours , which reportedly owns most of the island . The brothers were later approached by Prometheus Entertainment to do a reality show . Rick and Marty have engaged the assistance of father - and - son Dan and Dave Blankenship , permanent residents of the island who have likewise been searching for treasure since the 1960s . </P> <H3> Theories ( edit ) </H3> <P> The series explores various Oak Island theories and conjectures through conversations with independent researchers . Persons featured have included Zena Halpern discussing her theory about North African gold and sharing copies of a French map of the island which she claims is dated 1347 ; J. Hutton Pulitzer discussing his theory of ancient mariner visitations ; Petter Amundsen discussing his theory about codes hidden in Shakespearen literature and a secret project involving Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians ; Daniel Ronnstam discussing his theory about the 90 foot stone being a dual cypher containing instructions as how to defeat the money pit flood tunnels with corn ; authors Kathleen McGowen and Alen Butler discussing their theory involving the fabled Knights Templar treasure and an alleged relocation of historical religious artifacts to the island ; and John O'Brien discussing his theory that the island contains treasures of the Aztec Empire . It has also been suggested by Zena Halpern , without evidence , that the Templars worshipped the Phoenician goddess Tanit . </P> <H2> Series overview ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Episodes </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Originally aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First aired </Th> <Th> Last aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 5 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> January 5 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 05 ) </Td> <Td> February 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 09 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 10 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> January 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 13 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 13 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 10 ) </Td> <Td> February 2 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 16 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) </Td> <Td> February 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 21 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 5 </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 18 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 07 ) </Td> <Td> March 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 06 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Having started in 2014 , The Curse of Oak Island is currently in its fifth season . On August 2 , 2016 , it was announced that Nova Scotia Business Inc. approved $1,271,546 in film funding for the production of the 4th season . In October 2017 , a fifth season was announced , which began airing on November 7 , 2017 . </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Season 1 ( 2014 ) ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` What Lies Below '' </Td> <Td> January 5 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 05 ) </Td> <Td> 2.53 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> Brothers Rick and Marty Lagina now own most of Oak Island . Determined to resume the search for treasure on the island , they explore an abandoned shaft called Borehole 10 - X and use water pressure to pump material to the surface . They find a tiny piece of metal . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Mystery of Smith 's Cove '' </Td> <Td> January 12 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 12 ) </Td> <Td> 2.35 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A scuba team that includes Marty 's son Alex Lagina dives Smith 's Cove and finds what are claimed to be non-indigenous coconut fibres and anomalous stones . Meanwhile , more metal fragments and cat bones are found in the slurry from 10 - X . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Voices from the Grave '' </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> <Td> 2.33 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> As Rick and Marty Lagina begin working to drain a swamp , they are visited by a woman who lost her father and brother to a tragic accident on Oak Island . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Secret of Solomon 's Temple '' </Td> <Td> January 26 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> 2.72 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A visitor to the island presents Rick and Marty Lagina with his theory about where the treasure on Oak Island is located and the idea that the Menorah might be among the treasures for which they are searching . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` The Find '' </Td> <Td> February 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 2.97 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> The team digs in a shallow muddy swamp and finds what appears to be an antique Spanish copper coin . A diver is later sent into the swamp and finds no additional objects . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Season 2 ( 2014 -- 2015 ) ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Once In , Forever In '' </Td> <Td> November 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> 2.60 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> After dating the Spanish coin they found last summer to 1652 , brothers Rick and Marty Lagina return to Oak Island and begin searching the swamp again . Two men perform a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance test in which they present a map of ground voids and metals under the ground . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 7 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Return To The Money Pit '' </Td> <Td> November 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 11 ) </Td> <Td> 2.15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> The team drills in the area of the money pit but is unable to drill through the underground material . A visitor shows them alleged evidence that the treasures from King Solomon 's Temple could be buried on Oak Island . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 8 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Eight - Pointed Star '' </Td> <Td> November 18 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 2.23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A treasure hunter presents a theory that Phoenicians visited the island 2500 years ago and left behind the ark of the covenant . Rick and Marty Lagina unsuccessfully look for evidence to prove it while also trying to locate the original Money Pit . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 9 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Breakthrough '' </Td> <Td> November 25 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> 2.15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A tree stump in the swamp is examined . Core samples extracted by drilling are discovered to contain rocks and wood . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 10 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` The 90 - Foot Stone '' </Td> <Td> December 2 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 02 ) </Td> <Td> 2.46 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A visitor comes to the island suggesting that he has discovered a secret method of getting to the treasure . He claims that Francis Bacon has left behind instructions to the effect that the `` flood tunnels '' can be disabled by pouring corn into the money pit . The team declines to test the theory and instead visits a masonic lodge . The team searches the swamp again and finds nothing . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 11 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Seven Must Dye '' </Td> <Td> December 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 2.90 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> Rick searches for man - made flood tunnels without success ; Marty and John visit Europe to track down a lead . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 12 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` The Trail of the Templars '' </Td> <Td> December 16 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 2.47 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> While work begins in the swamp , Rick and Marty travel to Scotland to investigate more corn - related theories about the money pit . They are also presented with a theory that Oak Island is a copy of King Solomon 's Temple and that the entrance | The TV show "The Curse of | [
"Oak Island"
] | 400 | Where is the tv show the curse of oak island filmed? |
-2162391145049066060 | Director of the United States Mint - wikipedia <H1> Director of the United States Mint </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Seal of the United States Mint . <P> The Director of the United States Mint is the head of the United States Mint . The position is currently vacant . Since January 20 , 2017 , the senior career official at the Mint has been Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl . </P> <P> The office of Director has existed since the creation of the Mint by the Coinage Act of 1792 . Initially appointed serving at the pleasure of the President of the United States , the Coinage Act of 1873 specified a five - year term for Directors . The Director operates with general directions provided by the United States Secretary of the Treasury . </P> <P> Since the resignation of Edmund C. Moy in 2011 the mint has been without an official director . Initially Matthew Rhett Jeppson was nominated by US President Barack Obama to become the mint 's 39th director and was given the temporary title of principal deputy director , however the nomination was never confirmed by the Senate . Jeppson stepped down as principal deputy director in January 2017 , being replaced by Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl . </P> <H2> List of Directors of the United States Mint ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Name </Th> <Th> Assumed Office </Th> <Th> Left Office </Th> <Th> President Appointed By </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David Rittenhouse </Td> <Td> April 1792 </Td> <Td> June 1795 </Td> <Td> George Washington </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henry William de Saussure </Td> <Td> July 1795 </Td> <Td> October 1795 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Elias Boudinot </Td> <Td> October 1795 </Td> <Td> July 1805 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert Patterson </Td> <Td> January 1806 </Td> <Td> July 1824 </Td> <Td> Thomas Jefferson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Samuel Moore </Td> <Td> July 1824 </Td> <Td> July 1835 </Td> <Td> James Monroe </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert M. Patterson </Td> <Td> May 1835 </Td> <Td> July 1851 </Td> <Td> Andrew Jackson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George Nicholas Eckert </Td> <Td> July 1851 </Td> <Td> April 1853 </Td> <Td> Millard Fillmore </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Thomas M. Pettit </Td> <Td> April 1853 </Td> <Td> May 1853 </Td> <Td> Franklin Pierce </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James Ross Snowden </Td> <Td> June 1853 </Td> <Td> May 1861 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James Pollock </Td> <Td> May 1861 </Td> <Td> September 1866 </Td> <Td> Abraham Lincoln </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> William Millward </Td> <Td> October 1866 </Td> <Td> April 1867 </Td> <Td> Andrew Johnson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henry Linderman </Td> <Td> April 1867 </Td> <Td> May 1869 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James Pollock </Td> <Td> May 1869 </Td> <Td> March 1873 </Td> <Td> Ulysses S. Grant </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henry Linderman </Td> <Td> April 1873 </Td> <Td> December 1878 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Horatio C. Burchard </Td> <Td> February 1879 </Td> <Td> June 1885 </Td> <Td> Rutherford B. Hayes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James P. Kimball </Td> <Td> July 1885 </Td> <Td> October 1889 </Td> <Td> Grover Cleveland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Edward O. Leech </Td> <Td> October 1889 </Td> <Td> May 1893 </Td> <Td> Benjamin Harrison </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert E. Preston </Td> <Td> November 1893 </Td> <Td> February 1898 </Td> <Td> Grover Cleveland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George E. Roberts </Td> <Td> February 1898 </Td> <Td> July 1907 </Td> <Td> William McKinley </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Frank A. Leach </Td> <Td> September 1907 </Td> <Td> August 1909 </Td> <Td> Theodore Roosevelt </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> A. Piatt Andrew </Td> <Td> November 1909 </Td> <Td> June 1910 </Td> <Td> William Howard Taft </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George E. Roberts </Td> <Td> July 1910 </Td> <Td> November 1914 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert W. Woolley </Td> <Td> March 1915 </Td> <Td> July 1916 </Td> <Td> Woodrow Wilson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> F.H. von Engelken </Td> <Td> September 1916 </Td> <Td> March 1917 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Raymond T. Baker </Td> <Td> March 1917 </Td> <Td> March 1922 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Frank Edgar Scobey </Td> <Td> March 1922 </Td> <Td> September 1923 </Td> <Td> Warren G. Harding </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert J. Grant </Td> <Td> November 1923 </Td> <Td> May 1933 </Td> <Td> Calvin Coolidge </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Nellie Tayloe Ross </Td> <Td> May 1933 </Td> <Td> April 1953 </Td> <Td> Franklin D. Roosevelt </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> William H. Brett </Td> <Td> July 1954 </Td> <Td> January 1961 </Td> <Td> Dwight D. Eisenhower </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Eva Adams </Td> <Td> October 1961 </Td> <Td> August 1969 </Td> <Td> John F. Kennedy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mary Brooks </Td> <Td> September 1969 </Td> <Td> February 1977 </Td> <Td> Richard Nixon </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Stella Hackel Sims </Td> <Td> November 1977 </Td> <Td> April 1981 </Td> <Td> Jimmy Carter </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Donna Pope </Td> <Td> July 1981 </Td> <Td> August 1991 </Td> <Td> Ronald Reagan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David J. Ryder </Td> <Td> September 1992 </Td> <Td> November 1993 </Td> <Td> George H.W. Bush </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Philip N. Diehl </Td> <Td> June 1994 </Td> <Td> March 2000 </Td> <Td> Bill Clinton </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jay W. Johnson </Td> <Td> May 2000 </Td> <Td> August 2001 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henrietta H. Fore </Td> <Td> August 2001 </Td> <Td> August 2005 </Td> <Td> George W. Bush </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Edmund C. Moy </Td> <Td> September 2006 </Td> <Td> January 2011 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David J. Ryder </Td> <Td> April 2018 </Td> <Td> Incumbent </Td> <Td> Donald Trump </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ About the Mint at ( retrieved 20 April 2015 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gilkes , Paul ( 23 January 2017 ) . `` Rhett Jeppson leaves U.S. Mint as principal deputy director '' . . Retrieved 13 April 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Director 's Office '' . US Mint . Retrieved 13 April 2017 . </Li> </Ol> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Directors of the United States Mint </Li> <Li> United States Department of the Treasury </Li> <Li> 1792 establishments in the United States </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> Add links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 16 April 2018 , at 21 : 26 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The current director of the US Mint is | [
"David Motl"
] | 71 | Who is the current director of the us mint? |
-7855437198803764135 | resources are reasonable . A total of 75 % of everything can typically be found in the ten largest deposits of the world . Another study noted that 83 % of the geological resources of lithium are located in six brine , two pegmatite , and two sedimentary deposits . </P> <P> Deposits are found in South America throughout the Andes mountain chain . Chile is the leading producer , followed by Argentina . Both countries recover lithium from brine pools . According to USGS , Bolivia 's Uyuni Desert has 5.4 million tonnes of lithium . </P> <P> In the US , lithium is recovered from brine pools in Nevada . Half the world 's known reserves are located in Bolivia along the central eastern slope of the Andes . In 2009 , Bolivia negotiated with Japanese , French , and Korean firms to begin extraction . A deposit discovered in 2013 in Wyoming 's Rock Springs Uplift is estimated to contain 228,000 tons . Additional deposits in the same formation were estimated to be as much as 18 million tons . </P> <P> Opinions differ about potential growth . A 2008 study concluded that `` realistically achievable lithium carbonate production will be sufficient for only a small fraction of future PHEV and EV global market requirements '' , that `` demand from the portable electronics sector will absorb much of the planned production increases in the next decade '' , and that `` mass production of lithium carbonate is not environmentally sound , it will cause irreparable ecological damage to ecosystems that should be protected and that LiIon propulsion is incompatible with the notion of the ' Green Car ' '' . </P> <P> According to a 2011 study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California , Berkeley , the currently estimated reserve base of lithium should not be a limiting factor for large - scale battery production for electric vehicles because an estimated 1 billion 40 kWh Li - based batteries could be built with current reserves - about 10 kg of lithium per car . Another 2011 study at the University of Michigan and Ford Motor Company found enough resources to support global demand until 2100 , including the lithium required for the potential widespread transportation use . The study estimated global reserves at 39 million tons , and total demand for lithium during the 90 - year period analyzed at 12 -- 20 million tons , depending on the scenarios regarding economic growth and recycling rates . </P> <P> On June 9 , 2014 , the Financialist stated that demand for lithium was growing at more than 12 % a year . According to Credit Suisse , this rate exceeds projected availability by 25 % . The publication compared the 2014 lithium situation with oil , whereby `` higher oil prices spurred investment in expensive deepwater and oil sands production techniques '' ; that is , the price of lithium will continue to rise until more expensive production methods that can boost total output receive the attention of investors . </P> <H3> Pricing ( edit ) </H3> <P> After the 2007 financial crisis , major suppliers such as Sociedad Química y Minera ( SQM ) dropped lithium carbonate pricing by 20 % . Prices rose in 2012 . A 2012 Business Week article outlined the oligopoly in the lithium space : `` SQM , controlled by billionaire Julio Ponce , is the second - largest , followed by Rockwood , which is backed by Henry Kravis 's KKR & Co. , and Philadelphia - based FMC '' . Global consumption may jump to 300,000 metric tons a year by 2020 from about 150,000 tons in 2012 , to match the demand for lithium batteries that has been growing at about 25 % a year , outpacing the 4 % to 5 % overall gain in lithium production . </P> <H3> Extraction ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lithium salts are extracted from water in mineral springs , brine pools , and brine deposits . </P> <P> Lithium is present in seawater , but commercially viable methods of extraction have yet to be developed . </P> <P> Another potential source of lithium is the leachates of geothermal wells , which are carried to the surface . Recovery of lithium has been demonstrated in the field ; the lithium is separated by simple filtration . The process and environmental costs are primarily those of the already - operating well ; net environmental impacts may thus be positive . </P> <H2> Uses ( edit ) </H2> Estimates of global lithium uses in 2015 Ceramics and glass ( 32 % ) Batteries ( 35 % ) Lubricating greases ( 9 % ) Continuous casting ( 5 % ) Air treatment ( 5 % ) Polymers ( 4 % ) Primary aluminum production ( 1 % ) Pharmaceuticals ( < 1 % ) Other ( 9 % ) <H3> Ceramics and glass ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lithium oxide is widely used as a flux for processing silica , reducing the melting point and viscosity of the material and leading to glazes with improved physical properties including low coefficients of thermal expansion . Worldwide , this is one of the largest use for lithium compounds . Glazes containing lithium oxides are used for ovenware . Lithium carbonate ( Li CO ) is generally used in this application because it converts to the oxide upon heating . </P> <H3> Electrical and electronics ( edit ) </H3> <P> Late in the 20th century , lithium became an important component of battery electrolytes and electrodes , because of its high electrode potential . Because of its low atomic mass , it has a high charge - and power - to - weight ratio . A typical lithium - ion battery can generate approximately 3 volts per cell , compared with 2.1 volts for lead - acid or 1.5 volts for zinc - carbon cells . Lithium - ion batteries , which are rechargeable and have a high energy density , should not be confused with lithium batteries , which are disposable ( primary ) batteries with lithium or its compounds as the anode . Other rechargeable batteries that use lithium include the lithium - ion polymer battery , lithium iron phosphate battery , and the nanowire battery . </P> <H3> Lubricating greases ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Lithium grease <P> The third most common use of lithium is in greases . Lithium hydroxide is a strong base and , when heated with a fat , produces a soap made of lithium stearate . Lithium soap has the ability to thicken oils , and it is used to manufacture all - purpose , high - temperature lubricating greases . </P> <H3> Metallurgy ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lithium ( e.g. as lithium carbonate ) is used as an additive to continuous casting mould flux slags where it increases fluidity , a use which accounts for 5 % of global lithium use ( 2011 ) . Lithium compounds are also used as additives ( fluxes ) to foundry sand for iron casting to reduce veining . </P> <P> Lithium ( as lithium fluoride ) is used as an additive to aluminium smelters ( Hall -- Héroult process ) , reducing melting temperature and increasing electrical resistance , a use which accounts for 3 % of production ( 2011 ) . </P> <P> When used as a flux for welding or soldering , metallic lithium promotes the fusing of metals during the process and eliminates the forming of oxides by absorbing impurities . Alloys of the metal with aluminium , cadmium , copper and manganese are used to make high - performance aircraft parts ( see also Lithium - aluminium alloys ) . </P> <H3> Silicon nano - welding ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lithium has been found effective in assisting the perfection of silicon nano - welds in electronic components for electric batteries and other devices . </P> <H3> Other chemical and industrial uses ( edit ) </H3> Lithium use in flares and pyrotechnics is due to its rose - red flame . Pyrotechnics ( edit ) <P> Lithium compounds are used as pyrotechnic colorants and oxidizers in red fireworks and flares . </P> Air purification ( edit ) <P> Lithium chloride and lithium bromide are hygroscopic and are used as desiccants for gas streams . Lithium hydroxide and lithium peroxide are the salts most used in confined areas , such as aboard spacecraft and submarines , for carbon dioxide removal and air purification . Lithium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air by forming lithium carbonate , and is preferred over other alkaline hydroxides for its low weight . </P> <P> Lithium peroxide ( Li O ) in presence of moisture not only reacts with carbon dioxide to form lithium carbonate , but also releases oxygen . The reaction is as follows : </P> <Dl> <Dd> 2 Li O + 2 CO → 2 Li CO + O . </Dd> </Dl> <P> Some of the aforementioned compounds , as well as lithium perchlorate , are used in oxygen candles that supply submarines with oxygen . These can also include small amounts of boron , magnesium , aluminum , silicon , titanium , manganese , and iron . </P> Optics ( edit ) <P> Lithium fluoride , artificially grown as crystal , is clear and transparent and often used in specialist optics for IR , UV and VUV ( vacuum UV ) applications . It has one of the lowest refractive indexes and the furthest transmission range in the deep UV of most common materials . Finely divided lithium fluoride powder has been used for thermoluminescent radiation dosimetry ( TLD ) : when a sample of such is exposed to radiation , it accumulates crystal defects which , when heated , resolve via a release of bluish light whose intensity is proportional to the absorbed dose , thus allowing this to be quantified . Lithium fluoride is sometimes used in focal lenses of telescopes . </P> <P> The high non-linearity of lithium niobate also makes it useful in non-linear optics applications . It is used extensively in telecommunication products such as mobile phones and optical modulators , for such components as resonant crystals . Lithium applications are used in more than 60 % of mobile phones . </P> Organic and polymer Chemistry ( edit ) <P> Organolithium compounds are widely used in the production of polymer and fine - chemicals . In the polymer industry , which is the dominant consumer of these reagents , alkyl lithium compounds are catalysts / initiators. in anionic polymerization of unfunctionalized olefins . For the production of fine chemicals , organolithium compounds function as strong bases and as reagents for the formation of carbon - carbon bonds . Organolithium compounds are prepared from lithium metal and alkyl halides . </P> <P> Many other lithium compounds are used as reagents to prepare organic compounds . Some popular compounds include lithium aluminium hydride ( LiAlH ) , lithium triethylborohydride , n - Butyllithium and tert - butyllithium are commonly used as extremely strong bases called superbase . </P> Military applications ( edit ) <P> Metallic lithium and its complex hydrides , such as Li ( AlH ) , are used as high - energy additives to rocket propellants . Lithium aluminum hydride can also be used by itself as a solid fuel . </P> The launch of a torpedo using lithium as fuel <P> The Mark 50 torpedo stored chemical energy propulsion system ( SCEPS ) uses a small tank of sulfur hexafluoride gas , which is sprayed over a block of solid lithium . The reaction generates heat , creating steam to propel the torpedo in a closed Rankine cycle . </P> <P> Lithium hydride containing lithium - 6 is used in thermonuclear weapons , where it serves as fuel for the fusion stage of the bomb . </P> <H3> Nuclear ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lithium - 6 is valued as a source material for tritium production and as a neutron absorber in nuclear fusion . Natural lithium contains about 7.5 % lithium | The main mineral in | [
] | 6,974 | What is the main mineral in lithium batteries? |
-3129873875789425845 | But in 2014 , India has improved marginally to a rank of 85 . The right to equality in matters regarding public employment shall not be conferred to overseas citizens of India , according to the Citizenship ( Amendment ) Bill , 2003 . </P> <P> As per Article 19 of Part III of the Indian constitution , the fundamental rights of people such as freedom of speech and expression , gathering peaceably without arms and forming associations or unions shall not effect the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India but not unity of India . The words sovereignty and integrity are the qualities to be cultivated / emulated by Indian people as urged by the Indian constitution but not used related to territory of India . Article 1 of Part 1 of the Indian constitution , defines India ( Bharat ) as union of states . In nutshell , India is its people not its land as enshrined in its constitution . </P> <P> Since speedy trial is not the constitutional right of the citizens , the cases involving violations of fundamental rights take inordinate time for resolution by the Supreme Court which is against the legal maxim ' justice delayed is justice denied ' . </P> <H2> Amendments ( edit ) </H2> <P> Changes to the fundamental rights require a constitutional amendment , which has to be passed by a special majority of both houses of Parliament . This means that an amendment requires the approval of two - thirds of the members present and voting . However , the number of members voting in support of the amendment shall not be less than the simple majority of the total members of a house -- whether the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha . </P> <H2> Fundamental rights not sacrosanct ( edit ) </H2> <P> While deciding the Golaknath case in February 1967 , Supreme Court ruled that the Parliament has no power to curtail the fundamental rights . They were made permanent and sacrosanct reversing the Supreme Court 's earlier decision which had upheld Parliament 's power to amend all parts of the Constitution , including Part III related to Fundamental Rights . Up till the 24th constitutional amendment in 1971 , the fundamental rights given to the people were permanent and can not be repealed or diluted by the Parliament . 24th constitutional amendment introduced a new Article 13 ( 4 ) enabling Parliament to legislate on the subjects of Part III of the constitution using its constituent powers per Article 368 ( 1 ) . In the year 1973 , the 13 member constitutional bench of supreme court also upheld with majority the validity of 24th constitutional amendment . However it ruled that Basic structure of the constitution which is built on the basic foundation representing the dignity and freedom of the individual , can not be altered . This is of supreme importance and can not be destroyed by any form of amendment to the constitution . Many constitutional amendments to Part III of the constitution were made deleting or adding or diluting the fundamental rights before the judgement of Golaknath case ( Constitutional amendments 1 , 4 , 7 and 16 ) and after the validity of 24th constitutional amendment is upheld by the Supreme Court ( Constitutional amendments 25 , 42 , 44 , 50 , 77 , 81 , 85 , 86 , 93 and 97 ) . </P> <H3> Validity of Article 31B ( edit ) </H3> <P> Articles 31A and Article 31B are added by First constitutional amendment in 1951 . Article 31B says that any acts and regulations included in the Ninth Schedule of the constitution by the Parliament can override the fundamental rights and such laws can not be repealed or made void by the judiciary on the grounds of violating fundamental rights . Thus fundamental rights given in Part III are not equally applicable in each state / region and can be made different by making additions / deletions to Ninth Schedule by constitutional amendments . In 2007 , Supreme Court ruled that there could not be any blanket immunity from judicial review for the laws inserted in the Ninth Schedule . Apex court also stated it shall examine laws included in the Ninth Schedule after 1973 for any incompatibility with the basic structure doctrine . </P> <H3> Amendment to Article 31C ( edit ) </H3> <P> Section 4 of the 42nd Amendment , had changed Article 31C of the constitution to accord precedence to the Directive Principles ( earlier applicable only to clauses b & c of Article 39 ) over the fundamental rights of individuals . In Minerva Mills v. Union of India case , supreme court ruled that the amendment to the Article 31C is not valid and ultra vires . </P> <H3> Right to property ( edit ) </H3> <P> The Constitution originally provided for the right to property under Articles 19 and 31 . Article 19 guaranteed to all citizens the right to acquire , hold and dispose of property . Article 31 provided that `` no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law . '' It also provided that compensation would be paid to a person whose property has been taken for public purposes . </P> <P> The provisions relating to the right to property were changed a number of times . The Forty - Fourth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights A new provision , Article 300 - A , was added to the constitution , which provided that `` no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law '' . Thus if a legislature makes a law depriving a person of his property , there would be no obligation on the part of the State to pay anything as compensation . The aggrieved person shall have no right to move the court under Article 32 . Thus , the right to property is no longer a fundamental right , though it is still a constitutional right . If the government appears to have acted unfairly , the action can be challenged in a court of law by aggrieved citizens . </P> <P> The liberalisation of the economy and the government 's initiative to set up special economic zones has led to many protests by farmers and have led to calls for the reinstatement of the fundamental right to private property . The Supreme Court has sent a notice to the government questioning why the right should not be brought back but in 2010 the court rejected the PIL </P> <H3> Right to education ( edit ) </H3> <P> The right to education at elementary level has been made one of the fundamental rights in 2002 under the Eighty - Sixth Amendment of 2002 . However this right was brought in to implementation after eight years in 2010 . Article 21A -- On 2 April 2010 , India joined a group of few countries in the world , with a historic law making education a fundamental right of every child coming into force . Making elementary education an entitlement for children in the 6 -- 14 age group , the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act will directly benefit children who do not go to school at present . This act provides for appointment of teachers with the requisite entry and academic qualifications . </P> <P> The former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh announced the operationalisation of the Act . Children , who had either dropped out of schools or never been to any educational institution , will get elementary education as it will be binding on the part of the local and State governments to ensure that all children in the 6 -- 14 age group get schooling . As per the Act , private educational institutions should reserve 25 per cent seats for children from the weaker sections of society . The Centre and the States have agreed to share the financial burden in the ratio of 55 : 45 , while the Finance Commission has given Rs. 250 billion to the States for implementing the Act . The Centre has approved an outlay of Rs. 150 billion for 2010 -- 2011 . </P> <P> The school management committee or the local authority will identify the drop - outs or out - of - school children aged above six and admit them in classes appropriate to their age after giving special training . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikisource has original text related to this article : Constitution of India / Part III </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Lawmaking procedure in India </Li> <Li> President 's rule </Li> <Li> President of India </Li> <Li> Federalism in India </Li> <Li> Part I of the Constitution of India </Li> <Li> List of amendments of the Constitution of India </Li> <Li> List of Acts of the Parliament of India </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Tayal , B.B. & Jacob , A. ( 2005 ) , Indian History , World Developments and Civics , pg . A-23 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gandhi , Rajmohan. Patel : A Life . p. 206 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ UNI . `` Sardar Patel was the real architect of the Constitution '' . . Retrieved 2006 - 05 - 15 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : The term `` State '' includes all authorities within the territory of India . It includes the Government of India , the Parliament of India , the Government and legislature of the states of India . It also includes all local or other authorities such as Municipal Corporations , Municipal Boards , District Boards , Panchayats etc . To avoid confusion with the term states and territories of India , State ( encompassing all the authorities in India ) has been capitalised and the term state ( referring to the state governments ) is in lowercase . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Laski , Harold Joseph ( 1930 ) . Liberty in the Modern State . New York and London : Harpers and Brothers . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Bodhisattwa Gautam vs. Subhra Chakraborty ; 1995 ICHRL 69 '' . , World Legal Information Institute . Retrieved 2006 - 05 - 25 . This was the case where Public interest litigation was introduced ( date of ruling 15 December 1995 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Tayal , B.B. & Jacob , A. ( 2005 ) , Indian History , World Developments and Civics , pg . A-25 </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Citizenship ( Amendment ) Bill , 2003 '' ( PDF ) . , Rajya Sabha . p. 5 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 25 April 2006 . Retrieved 2006 - 05 - 25 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Bodhisattwa Gautam vs. Subhra Chakraborty ; 1995 ICHRL 69 '' . , World Legal Information Institute . Retrieved 2006 - 05 - 25 . This was the case where fundamental rights were enforced against private individuals ( date of ruling 15 December 1995 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Kesavananda Bharati vs. The State of Kerala ; AIR 1973 S.C. 1461 , ( 1973 ) 4 SCC 225 -- In what became famously known as the `` Fundamental Rights case '' , the Supreme Court decided that the basic structure of the Constitution of India was unamendable </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Tayal , B.B. & Jacob , A. ( 2005 ) , Indian History , World Developments and Civics , pg . A-24 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Basu , Durga Das ( 1988 ) . Shorter Constitution of India . New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India . Basu , Durga Das ( 1993 ) . Introduction to the Constitution of India . New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Democratic Politics Class | According to the Constitution of India, the right to property is a | [
"constitutional right"
] | 6,863 | Right to property according to the constitution of india is a? |
-7709111104155953766 | <Td> Cabinet Domestic Policy Council National Economic Council National Security Council </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Residence </Th> <Td> White House </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Seat </Th> <Td> Washington , D.C. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Appointer </Th> <Td> Electoral College of the United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Term length </Th> <Td> Four years , renewable once ( Amendment XXII ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Constituting instrument </Th> <Td> United States Constitution </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Inaugural holder </Th> <Td> George Washington </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Formation </Th> <Td> March 4 , 1789 ( 229 years ago ) ( 1789 - 03 - 04 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Salary </Th> <Td> $400,000 annually </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> This article is part of a series on the </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Politics of the United States of America </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Federal Government ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Constitution of the United States </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Law </Li> <Li> Taxation </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Legislature ( show ) <Ul> <Li> United States Congress </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <P> </P> <Ul> <Li> House of Representatives </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Speaker Paul Ryan ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ( D ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Congressional districts </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <Ul> <Li> United States Senate </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> President Mike Pence ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> President Pro Tempore Orrin Hatch ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> President Pro Tempore Emeritus Patrick Leahy ( D ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ( D ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Executive ( show ) <Ul> <Li> President of the United States </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Donald Trump ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <Ul> <Li> Vice President of the United States </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Mike Pence ( R ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Cabinet </Li> <Li> Federal agencies </Li> <Li> Executive Office </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Judiciary ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Supreme Court of the United States </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Chief Justice John Roberts </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Kennedy </Li> <Li> Thomas </Li> <Li> Ginsburg </Li> <Li> Breyer </Li> <Li> Alito </Li> <Li> Sotomayor </Li> <Li> Kagan </Li> <Li> Gorsuch </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Courts of Appeals </Li> <Li> District Courts ( list ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Other tribunals </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Elections ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Presidential elections </Li> <Li> Midterm elections </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Off - year elections </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Political parties ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Democratic </Li> <Li> Republican </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Third parties </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Federalism ( show ) <Ul> <Li> State Government </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Governors </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Legislatures ( List ) </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> State courts </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> <Ul> <Li> Local government </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Other countries </Li> <Li> Atlas </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The President of the United States ( POTUS / ˈpoʊtəs / POH - təs ) is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America . The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander - in - chief of the United States Armed Forces . </P> <P> In contemporary times , the president is looked upon as the world 's most powerful political figure and as the leader of the only current global superpower . The role includes responsibility for the world 's most expensive military that has the second largest nuclear arsenal . The president also leads the nation with the largest economy by nominal GDP . The president possesses significant domestic and international hard and soft power . </P> <P> Article II of the Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government . It vests the executive power of the United States in the president . The power includes the execution and enforcement of federal law , alongside the responsibility of appointing federal executive , diplomatic , regulatory and judicial officers , and concluding treaties with foreign powers with the advice and consent of the Senate . The president is further empowered to grant federal pardons and reprieves , and to convene and adjourn either or both houses of Congress under extraordinary circumstances . The president directs the foreign and domestic policies of the United States , and takes an active role in promoting his policy priorities to members of Congress . In addition , as part of the system of checks and balances , Article One of the United States Constitution gives the president the power to sign or veto federal legislation . Since the office of president was established in 1789 , its power has grown substantially , as has the power of the federal government as a whole . </P> <P> Through the Electoral College , the registered voters indirectly elect the president and vice president to a four - year term . This is the only federal election in the United States which is not decided by popular vote . Nine vice presidents became president by virtue of a president 's intra-term death or resignation . </P> <P> The Twenty - second Amendment precludes any United States citizen from being elected president for a third term . It also prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than once if that person previously had served as president , or acting president , for more than two years of another person 's term as president . In all , 44 individuals have served 45 presidencies ( counting Grover Cleveland 's two non-consecutive terms separately ) spanning 57 full four - year terms . </P> <P> Donald Trump is the 45th and current president , inaugurated on January 20 , 2017 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Origin </Li> <Li> 2 Powers and duties <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Article I legislative role </Li> <Li> 2.2 Article II executive powers <Ul> <Li> 2.2. 1 War and foreign affairs powers </Li> <Li> 2.2. 2 Administrative powers </Li> <Li> 2.2. 3 Juridical powers </Li> <Li> 2.2. 4 Legislative facilitator </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2.3 Ceremonial roles </Li> <Li> 2.4 Critics of presidency 's evolution </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Selection process <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Eligibility </Li> <Li> 3.2 Campaigns and nomination </Li> <Li> 3.3 Election and oath </Li> <Li> 3.4 Tenure and term limits </Li> <Li> 3.5 Succession , vacancy , or disability </Li> <Li> 3.6 Political affiliation </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Compensation </Li> <Li> 5 Residence </Li> <Li> 6 Travel </Li> <Li> 7 Protection </Li> <Li> 8 Post-presidency <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Presidential libraries </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Timeline of presidents </Li> <Li> 10 See also </Li> <Li> 11 Notes </Li> <Li> 12 References </Li> <Li> 13 Further reading <Ul> <Li> 13.1 Primary sources </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 14 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Origin </H2> <P> During the American Revolution in 1776 , the Thirteen Colonies , acting through the Second Continental Congress , declared political independence from Great Britain . The new states were independent of each other as nation states and recognized the necessity of closely coordinating their efforts against the British . Congress desired to avoid anything that remotely resembled a monarchy and negotiated the Articles of Confederation to establish an alliance between the states . Under the Articles , Congress was a central authority without any legislative power . It could make its own resolutions , determinations , and regulations , but not any laws , and could not impose any taxes or enforce local commercial regulations upon its citizens . This institutional design reflected how Americans believed the deposed British system of Crown and Parliament ought to have functioned with respect to the royal dominion : a superintending body for matters that concerned the entire empire . The states were out from under any monarchy and assigned some formerly royal prerogatives ( e.g. , making war , receiving ambassadors , etc . ) to Congress ; the remaining prerogatives were lodged within their own respective state governments . The states agreed to a resolution that settled competing western land claims . The Articles took effect on March 1 , 1781 , when Maryland became the final state to ratify them . </P> <P> In 1783 , the Treaty of Paris secured independence for each of the former colonies . With peace at hand , the states each turned toward their own internal affairs . By 1786 , Americans found their continental borders besieged and weak and their respective economies in crises as neighboring states agitated trade rivalries with one another . They witnessed their hard currency pouring into foreign markets to pay for imports , their Mediterranean commerce preyed upon by North African pirates , and their foreign - financed Revolutionary War debts unpaid and accruing interest . Civil and political unrest loomed . </P> <P> Following the successful resolution of commercial and fishing disputes between Virginia and Maryland at the Mount Vernon Conference in 1785 , Virginia called for a trade conference between all the states , set for September 1786 in Annapolis , Maryland , with an aim toward resolving further - reaching interstate commercial antagonisms . When the convention failed for lack of attendance due to suspicions among most of the other states , Alexander Hamilton led the Annapolis delegates in a call for a convention to offer revisions to the Articles , to be held the next spring in Philadelphia . Prospects for the next convention appeared bleak until James Madison and Edmund Randolph succeeded in securing George Washington 's attendance to Philadelphia as a delegate for Virginia . </P> <P> When the Constitutional Convention convened in May 1787 , the 12 state delegations in attendance ( Rhode Island did not send delegates ) brought with them an accumulated experience over a diverse set of institutional arrangements between legislative and executive branches from within their respective state governments . Most states maintained a weak executive without veto or appointment powers , elected annually by the legislature to a single term only , sharing power with an executive council , and countered by a strong legislature . New York offered the greatest exception , having a strong , unitary governor with veto and appointment power elected to a three - year term , and eligible for reelection to an indefinite number of terms thereafter . It was through the closed - door negotiations at Philadelphia that the presidency framed in the U.S. Constitution emerged . </P> <H2> Powers and duties </H2> <H3> Article I legislative role </H3> President Ronald Reagan signs the Martin Luther King bill , 1983 . <P> The Presentment Clause requires that any bill passed by Congress must be presented to the president before it can become law . Once the legislation has been presented , the president has three options : </P> <Ol> <Li> Sign the legislation within ten days , excluding Sundays -- the bill becomes law . </Li> <Li> Veto the legislation within the above timeframe and return it to the house of Congress from which it originated , expressing any objections -- the bill does not become law , unless both houses of Congress vote to override the veto by a two - thirds vote . </Li> <Li> Take no action on the legislation within the above timeframe -- the bill becomes law , as if the president had signed it , unless Congress is adjourned at the time , in which case it does not become law ( a pocket veto ) . </Li> </Ol> <P> In 1996 , Congress attempted to enhance the president 's veto power with the Line Item Veto Act . The legislation empowered the president to sign any spending bill into | The current President of the United States is | [
"Donald Trump"
] | 1,183 | Who is the president of usa right now? |
-8381009484419676852 | N , QWOP and Solipskier . </P> <P> Adobe introduced various technologies to help build video games , including Adobe AIR ( to release games for desktop or mobile platforms ) , Adobe Scout ( to improve performance ) , CrossBridge ( to convert C++ - based games to run in Flash ) , and Stage3D ( to support GPU - accelerated video games ) . 3D frameworks like Away3D and Flare3D simplified creation of 3D content for Flash . </P> <P> Adobe AIR allows creation of Flash - based mobile games , which may be published to the Google Play and iTunes app stores . </P> <P> Flash is also used to build interfaces and HUDs for 3D video games using Scaleform GFx , a technology that renders Flash content within non-Flash video games . Scaleform is supported by more than 10 major video game engines including Unreal Engine , UDK , CryEngine and PhyreEngine , and has been used to provide 3D interfaces for more than 150 major video game titles since its launch in 2003 . </P> <H3> Film and animation ( edit ) </H3> Main articles : List of Flash animated films and List of Flash animated television series <P> Adobe Animate is one of the common animation programs for low - cost 2D television and commercial animation , in competition with Anime Studio and Toon Boom Animation . </P> <P> Notable users of Flash include DHX Media Vancouver for productions including Pound Puppies and My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic , Fresh TV for Total Drama , Nelvana for 6teen and Clone High , Williams Street for Metalocalypse and Squidbillies , Nickelodeon Animation Studios for Wow ! Wow ! Wubbzy ! El Tigre : The Adventures of Manny Rivera , Danny Phantom , and more . </P> <P> Flash is less commonly used for feature - length animated films ; however , 2009 's The Secret of Kells , an Irish film , was animated primarily in Adobe Flash , and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 82nd Academy Awards . </P> <P> Several popular online series are currently produced in Flash , such as the Emmy Award - winning Off - Mikes , produced by ESPN and Animax Entertainment ; Happy Tree Friends ; Gotham Girls , produced by Warner Brothers ; Crime Time , produced by Future Thought Productions and Homestar Runner produced by Mike and Matt Chapman . </P> <P> Various third - party software packages designed for traditionally trained cartoonists and animators can publish animations in the SWF format . </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> FutureWave ( edit ) </H3> <P> The precursor to Flash was a product named SmartSketch , published by FutureWave Software . The company was founded by Charlie Jackson , Jonathan Gay , and Michelle Welsh . SmartSketch was a vector drawing application for pen computers running the PenPoint OS . When PenPoint failed in the marketplace , SmartSketch was ported to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS . </P> <P> As the Internet became more popular , FutureWave realized the potential for a vector - based web animation tool that might challenge Macromedia Shockwave technology . In 1995 , FutureWave modified SmartSketch by adding frame - by - frame animation features and released this new product as FutureSplash Animator on Macintosh and PC . </P> <P> FutureWave approached Adobe Systems with an offer to sell them FutureSplash in 1995 , but Adobe turned down the offer at that time . Microsoft wanted to create an `` online TV network '' ( MSN 2.0 ) and adopted FutureSplash animated content as a central part of it . Disney Online used FutureSplash animations for their subscription - based service Disney 's Daily Blast . Fox Broadcasting Company launched The Simpsons using FutureSplash . </P> <H3> Macromedia ( edit ) </H3> <P> In November 1996 , FutureSplash was acquired by Macromedia , and Macromedia re-branded and released FutureSplash Animator as Macromedia Flash 1.0 . Flash was a two - part system , a graphics and animation editor known as Macromedia Flash , and a player known as Macromedia Flash Player . </P> <P> FutureSplash Animator was an animation tool originally developed for pen - based computing devices . Due to the small size of the FutureSplash Viewer , it was particularly suited for download on the Web . Macromedia distributed Flash Player as a free browser plugin in order to quickly gain market share . By 2005 , more computers worldwide had Flash Player installed than any other Web media format , including Java , QuickTime , RealNetworks and Windows Media Player . </P> <P> Macromedia upgraded the Flash system between 1996 and 1999 adding MovieClips , Actions ( the precursor to ActionScript ) , Alpha transparency , and other features . As Flash matured , Macromedia 's focus shifted from marketing it as a graphics and media tool to promoting it as a Web application platform , adding scripting and data access capabilities to the player while attempting to retain its small footprint . </P> <P> In 2000 , the first major version of ActionScript was developed , and released with Flash 5 . Actionscript 2.0 was released with Flash MX 2004 and supported object - oriented programming , improved UI components and other programming features . The last version of Flash released by Macromedia was Flash 8 , which focused on graphical upgrades such as filters ( blur , drop shadow , etc . ) , blend modes ( similar to Adobe Photoshop ) , and advanced features for FLV video . </P> <H3> Adobe ( edit ) </H3> <P> Macromedia was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005 , and the entire Macromedia product line including Flash , Dreamweaver , Director / Shockwave , Fireworks ( which has since been discontinued ) and Authorware is now handled by Adobe . </P> <P> In 2007 , Adobe 's first version release was Adobe Flash CS3 Professional , the ninth major version of Flash . It introduced the ActionScript 3.0 programming language , which supported modern programming practices and enabled business applications to be developed with Flash . Adobe Flex Builder ( built on Eclipse ) targeted the enterprise application development market , and was also released the same year . Flex Builder included the Flex SDK , a set of components that included charting , advanced UI , and data services ( Flex Data Services ) . </P> <P> In 2008 , Adobe released the tenth version of Flash , Adobe Flash CS4 . Flash 10 improved animation capabilities within the Flash editor , adding a motion editor panel ( similar to Adobe After Effects ) , inverse kinematics ( bones ) , basic 3D object animation , object - based animation , and other text and graphics features . Flash Player 10 included an in - built 3D engine ( without GPU acceleration ) that allowed basic object transformations in 3D space ( position , rotation , scaling ) . </P> <P> Also in 2008 , Adobe released the first version of Adobe Integrated Runtime ( later re-branded as Adobe AIR ) , a runtime engine that replaced Flash Player , and provided additional capabilities to the ActionScript 3.0 language to build desktop and mobile applications . With AIR , developers could access the file system ( the user 's files and folders ) , and connected devices suxh as joystick , gamepad and sensors for the first time . </P> <P> In 2011 , Adobe Flash Player 11 was released , and with it the first version of Stage3D , allowing GPU - accelerated 3D rendering for Flash applications and games on desktop platforms such as Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X . Adobe further improved 3D capabilities from 2011 to 2013 , adding support for 3D rendering on Android and iOS platforms , alpha - channels , compressed textures , texture atlases , and other features . Adobe AIR was upgraded to support 64 - bit computers , and to allow developers to add additional functionality to the AIR runtime using AIR Native Extensions ( ANE ) . </P> <P> In 2014 , Adobe AIR reached a milestone with over 100,000 unique applications built , and over 1 billion installations logged across the world ( May 2014 ) . Adobe AIR was voted the Best Mobile Application Development product at the Consumer Electronics Show on two consecutive years ( CES 2014 and CES 2015 ) . In 2016 , Adobe renamed Flash Professional , the primary authoring software for Flash content , to Adobe Animate to reflect its growing use for authoring HTML5 content in favour of Flash content . </P> <H3> Open Screen Project ( edit ) </H3> <P> On May 1 , 2008 , Adobe announced the Open Screen Project , with the intent of providing a consistent application interface across devices such as personal computers , mobile devices , and consumer electronics . When the project was announced , seven goals were outlined : the abolition of licensing fees for Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Integrated Runtime , the removal of restrictions on the use of the Shockwave Flash ( SWF ) and Flash Video ( FLV ) file formats , the publishing of application programming interfaces for porting Flash to new devices , and the publishing of The Flash Cast protocol and Action Message Format ( AMF ) , which let Flash applications receive information from remote databases . </P> <P> As of February 2009 , the specifications removing the restrictions on the use of SWF and FLV / F4V specs have been published . The Flash Cast protocol -- now known as the Mobile Content Delivery Protocol -- and AMF protocols have also been made available , with AMF available as an open source implementation , BlazeDS . </P> <P> The list of mobile device providers who have joined the project includes Palm , Motorola , and Nokia , who , together with Adobe , have announced a $10 million Open Screen Project fund . As of 2012 , the Open Screen Project is no longer accepting new applications according to partner BSQuare . However paid licensing is still an option for device makers who want to use Adobe software . </P> <H3> End of life ( edit ) </H3> <P> Although Flash was previously a dominant platform for online multimedia content , it is slowly being abandoned as Adobe favors a transition to HTML5 due to inherent security flaws and significant resources required to maintain the platform . Apple restricted the use of Flash on iOS due to concerns that it performed poorly on its mobile devices , had negative impact on battery life , and was deemed unnecessary for online content . As a result , it was not adopted by Apple for its smartphone and tablet devices , which also reduced its user base and encouraged wider adoption of HTML5 features such as the canvas and video elements , which can replace Flash without the need for plugins . In 2015 , Adobe rebranded its Flash authoring environment as Adobe Animate to emphasize its expanded support for HTML5 authoring , and stated that it would `` encourage content creators to build with new web standards '' rather than using Flash . In July 2017 , Adobe announced that it would declare Flash to be end - of - life in 2020 , and will cease support , distribution , and security updates to Flash Player . After the announcement , developers have started a petition to turn Flash into an open - source project , leading to controversy . </P> <P> The Flash Platform will continue in the form of Adobe AIR , which Adobe will continue to develop , and OpenFL , an open - source implementation of the Flash Player . </P> <H2> Format ( edit ) </H2> <H3> FLA ( edit ) </H3> <P> Flash source files are in the FLA format , and contain graphics and animation , as well as embedded assets such as bitmap images , audio files and FLV video files . The Flash source file format is a | Adobe Flash CS3 Professional | [
"supported modern programming practices and enabled business applications to be developed with Flash"
] | 2,526 | What is the use of adobe flash cs3 professional? |
-523751984486228566 | Middle cranial fossa - wikipedia <H1> Middle cranial fossa </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Middle cranial fossa </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Base of the skull . Upper surface . ( Middle cranial fossa is the centermost of the three indentations , in pink and yellow . ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Details </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Identifiers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Latin </Th> <Td> fossa cranii media </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> TA </Th> <Td> A02. 1.00. 049 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> FMA </Th> <Td> 54369 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Anatomical terminology ( edit on Wikidata ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The middle cranial fossa , deeper than the anterior cranial fossa , is narrow medially and widens laterally to the sides of the skull . It is separated from the posterior fossa by the clivus and the petrous crest . </P> <P> It is bounded in front by the posterior margins of the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone , the anterior clinoid processes , and the ridge forming the anterior margin of the chiasmatic groove ; behind , by the superior angles of the petrous portions of the temporal bones and the dorsum sellæ ; laterally by the temporal squamæ , sphenoidal angles of the parietals , and greater wings of the sphenoid . It is traversed by the squamosal , sphenoparietal , sphenosquamosal , and sphenopetrosal sutures . </P> <P> It houses the temporal lobes of the brain and the pituitary gland . A middle fossa craniotomy is one means to surgically remove acoustic neuromas ( vestibular schwannoma ) growing within the internal auditory canal of the temporal bone . </P> Middle cranial fossa surgical anatomy as demonstrated in a right cadaver temporal bone by Dr Jack M Kartush - view from above . <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Middle part </Li> <Li> 2 Lateral parts </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 Additional images </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Middle part ( edit ) </H2> <P> The middle part of the fossa presents , in front , the chiasmatic groove and tuberculum sellae ; the chiasmatic groove ends on either side at the optic foramen , which transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery to the orbital cavity . </P> <P> Behind the optic foramen the anterior clinoid process is directed backward and medialward and gives attachment to the tentorium cerebelli . </P> <P> Behind the tuberculum sellæ is a deep depression , the sella turcica , containing the fossa hypophyseos , which lodges the hypophysis , and presents on its anterior wall the middle clinoid processes . </P> <P> The sella turcica is bounded posteriorly by a quadrilateral plate of bone , the dorsum sellae , the upper angles of which are surmounted by the posterior clinoid processes : these afford attachment to the tentorium cerebelli , and below each is a notch for the abducent nerve . </P> <P> On either side of the sella turcica is the carotid groove , which is broad , shallow , and curved somewhat like the italic letter f . </P> <P> It begins behind at the foramen lacerum , and ends on the medial side of the anterior clinoid process , where it is sometimes converted into a foramen ( carotico - clinoid ) by the union of the anterior with the middle clinoid process ; posteriorly , it is bounded laterally by the lingula . </P> <P> This groove lodges the cavernous sinus and the internal carotid artery , the latter being surrounded by a plexus of sympathetic nerves . </P> <H2> Lateral parts ( edit ) </H2> <P> The lateral parts of the middle fossa are of considerable depth , and support the temporal lobes of the brain . </P> <P> They are marked by depressions for the brain convolutions and traversed by furrows for the anterior and posterior branches of the middle meningeal vessels . </P> <P> These furrows begin near the foramen spinosum , and the anterior runs forward and upward to the sphenoidal angle of the parietal , where it is sometimes converted into a bony canal ; the posterior runs lateralward and backward across the temporal squama and passes on to the parietal near the middle of its lower border . </P> <P> The following apertures are also to be seen . </P> <P> In front is the superior orbital fissure , bounded above by the small wing , below , by the great wing , and medially , by the body of the sphenoid ; it is usually completed laterally by the orbital plate of the frontal bone . </P> <P> It transmits to the orbital cavity the oculomotor , the trochlear , the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal , and the abducent nerves , some filaments from the cavernous plexus of the sympathetic , and the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery ; and from the orbital cavity a recurrent branch from the lacrimal artery to the dura mater , and the ophthalmic veins . </P> <P> Behind the medial end of the superior orbital fissure is the foramen rotundum , for the passage of the maxillary nerve . </P> <P> Behind and lateral to the foramen rotundum is the foramen ovale , which transmits the mandibular nerve , the accessory meningeal artery , and the lesser superficial petrosal nerve . </P> <P> Medial to the foramen ovale is the foramen Vesalii , which varies in size in different individuals , and is often absent ; when present , it opens below at the lateral side of the scaphoid fossa , and transmits a small vein . </P> <P> Lateral to the foramen ovale is the foramen spinosum , for the passage of the middle meningeal vessels , and a recurrent branch from the mandibular nerve . </P> <P> Medial to the foramen ovale is the foramen lacerum ; in the fresh state the lower part of this aperture is filled up by a layer of fibrocartilage , while its upper and inner parts transmit the internal carotid artery surrounded by a plexus of sympathetic nerves . </P> <P> The nerve of the pterygoid canal and a meningeal branch from the ascending pharyngeal artery pierce the layer of fibrocartilage . </P> <P> On the anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone are seen the eminence caused by the projection of the superior semicircular canal ; in front of and a little lateral to this a depression corresponding to the roof of the tympanic cavity ; the groove leading to the hiatus of the facial canal , for the transmission of the greater superficial petrosal nerve and the petrosal branch of the middle meningeal artery ; beneath it , the smaller groove , for the passage of the lesser superficial petrosal nerve ; and , near the apex of the bone , the depression for the semilunar ganglion and the orifice of the carotid canal . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Anterior cranial fossa </Li> <Li> Posterior cranial fossa </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <P> This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray 's Anatomy ( 1918 ) </P> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Mancall , Elliott L. ; Brock , David G. , eds. ( 2011 ) . `` Cranial Fossae '' . Gray 's Clinical Anatomy . Elsevier Health Sciences . p. 154 . ISBN 9781437735802 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Additional images ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> <P> Middle cranial fossa at human foetus </P> </Li> <Li> <P> Base of skull </P> </Li> <Li> <P> Middle cranial fossa </P> </Li> <Li> <P> Middle cranial fossa </P> </Li> <Li> <P> Middle cranial fossa </P> </Li> </Ul> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikimedia Commons has media related to Middle cranial fossa . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Anatomy photo : 22 : os - 0802 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Compound structures of skull </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Neurocranium </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Calvaria <Ul> <Li> Diploë </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Asterion </Li> <Li> Pterion </Li> <Li> Stephanion </Li> <Li> Inion </Li> <Li> Bregma </Li> <Li> Lambda </Li> <Li> Fossae <Ul> <Li> anterior </Li> <Li> middle </Li> <Li> posterior </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> cranial cavity </Li> <Li> Base of skull </Li> <Li> Fontanelle <Ul> <Li> anterior </Li> <Li> posterior </Li> <Li> sphenoidal </Li> <Li> mastoid </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Facial skeleton </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Nasion </Li> <Li> Gonion </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Both </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> dacryon </Li> <Li> zygomatic arch </Li> <Li> temporal fossa </Li> <Li> infratemporal fossa </Li> <Li> pterygomaxillary fissure </Li> <Li> pterygopalatine fossa </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Foramina of the skull ( and canals , fissures , meatus , and hiatus ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Anterior cranial fossa </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> to Orbit : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> ethmoidal foramina <Ul> <Li> anterior </Li> <Li> posterior </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Nasal cavity : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> olfactory foramina ( CN - I ) </Li> <Li> foramen cecum </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Middle cranial fossa </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> to Orbit : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> optic canal ( CN - II ) </Li> <Li> superior orbital fissure ( CN - III , IV , V1 , VI ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Pterygopalatine fossa : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> foramen rotundum ( CN - V2 ) </Li> <Li> pterygoid canal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Infratemporal fossa : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> foramen ovale ( CN - V3 ) </Li> <Li> foramen spinosum / carotid canal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> other : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> foramen lacerum </Li> <Li> hiatus for greater petrosal nerve </Li> <Li> hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve </Li> <Li> sphenoidal emissary foramen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Posterior cranial fossa </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> internal auditory meatus / facial canal / stylomastoid foramen ( CN - VII , VIII ) </Li> <Li> jugular foramen ( CN - IX , X , XI ) </Li> <Li> foramen magnum ( CN - XI ) </Li> <Li> hypoglossal canal ( CN - XII ) </Li> <Li> condylar canal </Li> <Li> mastoid foramen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Orbit </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> to Nasal cavity : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> nasolacrimal canal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to face : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> supraorbital <Ul> <Li> notch </Li> <Li> foramen </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> infraorbital <Ul> <Li> foramen </Li> <Li> groove </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> zygomatic foramen <Ul> <Li> - facial </Li> <Li> - temporal </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Pterygopalatine fossa : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> inferior orbital fissure </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> other : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Inferior orbital fissure </Li> <Li> Fossa for lacrimal sac </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Pterygopalatine fossa </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> to Nasal cavity : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> sphenopalatine foramen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Oral cavity : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> greater palatine canal <Ul> <Li> foramen </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> lesser palatine canals <Ul> <Li> foramina </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Infratemporal fossa : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> pterygomaxillary fissure </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to Nasopharynx : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> palatovaginal canal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> to oral cavity : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> incisive canals </Li> <Li> incisive foramen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> to nasal cavity : </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Foramen vomerinum </Li> <Li> Meatus vomerinus </Li> <Li> Fissura vomerina </Li> <Li> Hiatus vomerinus </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Other </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> | The middle cranial fossa contains | [
"the temporal lobes"
] | 239 | What part of the brain is in the middle cranial fossa? |
-1573340396671826912 | The Outsiders ( novel ) - wikipedia <H1> The Outsiders ( novel ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> The Outsiders <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> First hardcover edition , 1967 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Author </Th> <Td> S.E. Hinton </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cover artist </Th> <Td> Robert Hunt </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Young adult fiction </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Publisher </Th> <Td> Viking Press , Dell Publishing </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Publication date </Th> <Td> April 24 , 1967 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Media type </Th> <Td> Print ( hardcover , paperback ) , Audiobook </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Pages </Th> <Td> 192 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> ISBN </Th> <Td> 0 - 670 - 53257 - 6 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> OCLC </Th> <Td> 64396432 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Followed by </Th> <Td> That Was Then , This Is Now </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Outsiders is a coming - of - age novel by S.E. Hinton , first published in 1967 by Viking Press . Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel , but did most of the work when she was 16 and a junior in high school . Hinton was 18 when the book was published . The book details the conflict between two rival gangs divided by their socioeconomic status : the working - class `` greasers '' and the upper - class `` Socs '' ( pronounced / ˈsoʊʃɪz / -- short for Socials ) . The story is told in first - person perspective by teenaged protagonist Ponyboy Curtis . </P> <P> The story in the book takes place in Tulsa , Oklahoma , in 1965 , but this is never explicitly stated in the book . </P> <P> A film adaptation was produced in 1983 , and a little - known short - lived television series appeared in 1990 , picking up where the movie left off . A stage adaptation was written by Christopher Sergel and published in 1990 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot summary </Li> <Li> 2 Major characters <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Greasers </Li> <Li> 2.2 Socs </Li> <Li> 2.3 Other characters </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Controversy </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot summary </H2> <P> Ponyboy Curtis , a teenaged member of a loose gang of `` greasers '' , is leaving a movie theater when he is jumped by `` Socs '' , the greasers ' rival gang . Several greasers , including Ponyboy 's two older brothers -- the paternal Darry and the popular Sodapop -- come to his rescue . The next night , Ponyboy and two greaser friends , the hardened Dally and the quiet Johnny , meet Cherry and Marcia , a pair of Soc girls , at a drive - in movie theater . Cherry spurns Dally 's rude advances , but Ponyboy ends up speaking civilly with Cherry , emotionally connecting with a Soc for the first time in his life . </P> <P> Afterward , Ponyboy , Johnny , and their wisecracking friend Two - Bit begin to walk Cherry and Marcia home , when they are stopped by Cherry 's boyfriend Bob , who badly beat up Johnny a few months back . Bob and the greasers exchange taunts , but Cherry prevents a fight by willingly leaving with Bob . Ponyboy gets home at two in the morning , enraging Darry until he suddenly slaps Ponyboy . Ponyboy runs out the door and meets up with Johnny , expressing his anger at Darry 's increasing coldness in the wake of his parents ' recent deaths in a car crash . </P> <P> Ponyboy and Johnny wander into a park , where Bob and four other Socs surround them . After some heated talk , Ponyboy spits at the Socs , prompting them to try to drown him in a nearby fountain , but Johnny stabs Bob , killing him and dispersing the Socs . Terrified of what to do next , Ponyboy and Johnny rush to find Dally , who gives them money and a loaded gun , directing them to hide in an abandoned church in Windrixville . During their stay there , Pony cuts and dyes his hair as a disguise , reads Gone with the Wind to Johnny , and , upon viewing a beautiful sunrise , recites the poem `` Nothing Gold Can Stay '' by Robert Frost . </P> <P> Days later , Dally comes to check on them , revealing that violence between the greasers and Socs has escalated since Bob 's death into all - out city - wide warfare , with Cherry acting out of guilt as a spy for the greasers . Johnny decides to turn himself in and Dally agrees to take the boys back home . As they attempt to leave , they notice the church has caught fire and several local schoolchildren have become trapped inside . The greasers run inside the burning church to save the children , but Ponyboy is rendered unconscious by the fumes . At the hospital he discovers that he and Dally are not badly injured , but a piece of the church roof fell on Johnny and broke his back . Sodapop and Darry come to the hospital ; Darry breaks down and cries . Ponyboy then realizes that Darry cares about him , and is only hard on Ponyboy because he loves him and cares about his future . </P> <P> The following morning the newspapers declare Pony and Johnny heroes , but Johnny will be charged with manslaughter for Bob 's death . Two - Bit tells them that the greaser -- Soc rivalry is to be settled in a final rumble . Ponyboy and Two - Bit are approached by a Soc named Randy , Bob 's best friend , who expresses remorse for his involvement in the gang war , lacks confidence about the rumble ending the feud , and says he will not participate . </P> <P> Later , Ponyboy visits Johnny at the hospital , where he is in critical condition . On their way home , Pony spots Cherry and they talk . Cherry says she is unwilling to visit Johnny in the hospital because he killed her boyfriend . Pony calls her a traitor , but after explaining herself , they end on good terms . After escaping the hospital , Dally shows up just in time for the rumble . The greasers win the brutal fight . Afterward , Pony and Dally hurry back to the hospital to see Johnny , but he dies moments later and a maniacal Dally runs out of the room . Pony returns home that night feeling confused and disoriented . Dally calls the house to say that he has robbed a store and is running from the police . The greasers find Dally deliberately pointing an unloaded gun at the police , causing them to shoot and kill him . Overwhelmed , Ponyboy faints and is sick in bed for several days due to the resulting concussion . When the hearing finally comes , the judge frees Ponyboy from responsibility for Bob 's death and allows Pony to remain at home with Darry and Soda . </P> <P> Ponyboy returns to school , but his grades drop . Although he is failing English , his teacher , Mr. Syme , says he will pass him if he writes a decent theme . In the copy of Gone with the Wind that Johnny gave him before dying , Ponyboy finds a note from Johnny describing how he will die proudly after saving the kids from the fire . Johnny also urges Ponyboy to `` stay gold '' . Ponyboy decides to write his English assignment about the recent events , and begins his essay with the opening line of the novel : `` When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house , I had only two things on my mind : Paul Newman and a ride home ... '' </P> <H2> Major Characters </H2> <H3> Greasers </H3> <Ul> <Li> Ponyboy Curtis : Narrator and the youngest Curtis brother , 14 years old , who gets good grades and runs track . </Li> <Li> Sodapop Curtis : The middle Curtis brother , 16 years old , a high school dropout who works at a gas station . </Li> <Li> Darrel `` Darry '' Curtis : The oldest of the Curtis brothers , 20 years old , who has been caring for his brothers since their parents died in a car crash . He is the unofficial leader of the gang . </Li> <Li> Johnny Cade : Ponyboy 's best friend , 16 years old , who is extremely quiet and lives with his alcoholic and abusive mother and father . </Li> <Li> Dallas `` Dally '' Winston : The roughest of the greasers , who lived on the streets of New York City for three years . </Li> <Li> Keith `` Two - Bit '' Mathews : A wise - cracking kleptomaniac . </Li> <Li> Steve Randle : Sodapop 's best friend since grade school . </Li> <Li> Timothy `` Tim '' Shepard : Leader of another greaser gang : an organized downtown one . </Li> <Li> Sandy : Sodapop 's girlfriend . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Socs </H3> <Ul> <Li> Sherri `` Cherry '' Valance : Bob 's girlfriend , attends the same high school as Ponyboy . </Li> <Li> Robert `` Bob '' Sheldon : Cherry 's boyfriend who is stabbed and killed by Johnny . </Li> <Li> Randy Adderson : A friend of Bob 's and Marcia 's boyfriend . </Li> <Li> Marcia : Cherry 's best friend and Randy 's girlfriend . </Li> <Li> David : A member of Bob and Randy 's gang who attempted to drown Ponyboy in the fountain . </Li> <Li> Paul Holden : A former friend of Darry 's . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Other Characters </H3> <Ul> <Li> Jerry Wood : The schoolteacher responsible for the children who were in the seemingly abandoned church . </Li> <Li> Mr. Syme : Ponyboy 's English teacher who assigns him a theme to write that becomes the story of the novel itself . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Controversy </H2> <P> The Outsiders was a controversial book at the time of its publication ; it is still currently challenged and debated . It was ranked # 38 on the American Library Association 's Top 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990 -- 1999 . This book has been banned from some schools and libraries because of the portrayal of gang violence , underage smoking and drinking , strong language / slang , and family dysfunction . However , in many U.S. schools , the book is part of the English curriculum at the middle - or high - school level . </P> <H2> See also </H2> <Ul> <Li> The Outsiders House Museum </Li> </Ul> <H2> References </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Hinton , S.E. ( 2005 ) ( 1977 ) . `` speaking with S.E. Hinton '' . The Outsiders . Speak / Penguin Putnam . p. 162 . ISBN 0 - 14 - 038572 - X . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Frequently Asked Questions at </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Hinton 1967 , p. 180 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Fallon , Claire ( 2017 ) . `` 50 Years After ' The Outsiders , ' S.E. Hinton Is Sure The Characters Are n't Gay '' . The Huffington Post . HuffPost News ( Oath Inc . ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` 100 most frequently challenged books : 1990 -- 1999 American Library Association '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 07 - 24 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Banned Books Awareness : The Outsiders Banned Books Awareness '' . 2011 - 05 | The Greasers in The Outsiders live in | [
"Tulsa, Oklahoma"
] | 289 | Where do the greasers live in the outsiders? |
1658149178541467525 | ( nomenclature in the South of England ) , or hop yard ( in the West Country and U.S. ) when grown commercially . Many different varieties of hops are grown by farmers around the world , with different types used for particular styles of beer . </P> <P> The first documented use of hops in beer is from the 9th century , though Hildegard of Bingen , 300 years later , is often cited as the earliest documented source . Before this period , brewers used a `` gruit '' , composed of a wide variety of bitter herbs and flowers , including dandelion , burdock root , marigold , horehound ( the old German name for horehound , Berghopfen , means `` mountain hops '' ) , ground ivy , and heather . Early documents include mention of a hop garden in the will of Charlemagne 's father , Pepin III . </P> <P> Hops are also used in brewing for their antibacterial effect over less desirable microorganisms and for purported benefits including balancing the sweetness of the malt with bitterness and a variety of flavours and aromas . Historically , traditional herb combinations for beers were believed to have been abandoned when beers made with hops were noticed to be less prone to spoilage . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 World production <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Cultivation and harvest </Li> <Li> 2.2 Migrant labor and social impact </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Chemical composition <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Alpha acids </Li> <Li> 3.2 Beta acids </Li> <Li> 3.3 Essential oils </Li> <Li> 3.4 Flavonoids </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Brewing </Li> <Li> 5 Varieties <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Breeding programs </Li> <Li> 5.2 Noble hops </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Other uses </Li> <Li> 7 Toxicity </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first documented hop cultivation was in 736 , in the Hallertau region of present - day Germany , although the first mention of the use of hops in brewing in that country was 1079 . However , in a will of Pepin the Short , the father of Charlemagne , hop gardens were left to the Cloister of Saint - Denis in 768 . Not until the 13th century did hops begin to start threatening the use of gruit for flavouring . Gruit was used when taxes were levied by the nobility on hops . Whichever was taxed made the brewer then quickly switch to the other . In Britain , hopped beer was first imported from Holland around 1400 , yet hops were condemned as late as 1519 as a `` wicked and pernicious weed '' . In 1471 , Norwich , England , banned use of the plant in the brewing of ale ( `` beer '' was the name for fermented malt liquors bittered with hops ; only in recent times are the words often used as synonyms ) . </P> <P> In Germany , using hops was also a religious and political choice in the early 16th century . There was no tax on hops to be paid on the Catholic church , unlike on gruit , for which the Protestant preferred hopped beer . </P> <P> Hops used in England were imported from France , Holland and Germany with import duty paid for those ; it was not until 1524 that hops were first grown in the southeast of England ( Kent ) when they were introduced as an agricultural crop by Dutch farmers . Therefore , in the hop industry there are many words which originally were Dutch words ( see oast house ) . Hops were then grown as far north as Aberdeen , near breweries for infrastructure convenience . </P> <P> According to Thomas Tusser 's 1557 Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry : </P> <P> `` The hop for his profit I thus do exalt , It strengtheneth drink and it flavoureth malt ; And being well - brewed long kept it will last , And drawing abide , if ye draw not too fast . '' </P> <P> In England there were many complaints over the quality of imported hops , the sacks of which were often contaminated by stalks , sand or straw to increase their weight . As a result , in 1603 , King James I approved an Act of Parliament banning the practice by which `` the Subjects of this Realm have been of late years abused &c. to the Value of £ 20,000 yearly , besides the Danger of their Healths '' . </P> <P> Hop cultivation was begun in the present - day United States in 1629 by English and Dutch farmers . Before prohibition , cultivation was mainly centred around New York , California , Oregon , and Washington state . Problems with powdery mildew and downy mildew devastated New York 's production by the 1920s , and California only produces hops on a small scale . </P> <P> Hop bars were used before modern machinery was invented to make the holes for the hop poles . </P> <H2> World production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Hops production is concentrated in moist temperate climates , with much of the world 's production occurring near the 48th parallel north . Hop plants prefer the same soils as potatoes and the leading potato - growing states in the United States are also major hops - producing areas ; however , not all potato - growing areas can produce good hops naturally : soils in the Maritime Provinces of Canada , for example , lack the boron that hops prefer . Historically , hops were not grown in Ireland , but were imported from England . In 1752 more than 500 tons of English hops were imported through Dublin alone . </P> <P> Important production centres today are the Hallertau in Germany ( more hop - growing area than any other country as of 2006 ) , the Yakima ( Washington ) and Willamette ( Oregon ) valleys , and western Canyon County , Idaho ( including the communities of Parma , Wilder , Greenleaf , and Notus ) . The principal production centres in the UK are in Kent ( which produces Kent Goldings hops ) , Herefordshire , and Worcestershire . Essentially all of the harvested hops are used in beer making . </P> Early season hop growth in a hop yard in the Yakima River Valley of Washington with Mount Adams in the distance <Table> <Tr> <Th> Hop producing country </Th> <Th> 2012 hop output in tonnes ( t ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> 34,434 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> 27,782 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> China </Td> <Td> 11,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Czech Republic </Td> <Td> 4,338 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Poland </Td> <Td> 2,206 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> North Korea </Td> <Td> 2,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Albania </Td> <Td> 1,650 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> 1,650 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Slovenia </Td> <Td> 1,338 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Cultivation and harvest ( edit ) </H3> A superstructure of overhead wires supports strings that in turn support bines <P> Although hops are grown in most of the continental United States and Canada , cultivation of hops for commercial production requires a particular environment . As hops are a climbing plant , they are trained to grow up trellises made from strings or wires that support the plants and allow them significantly greater growth with the same sunlight profile . In this way , energy that would have been required to build structural cells is also freed for crop growth . </P> <P> The hop plant 's reproduction method is that male and female flowers develop on separate plants , although occasionally a fertile individual will develop which contains both male and female flowers . Because pollinated seeds are undesirable for brewing beer , only female plants are grown in hop fields , thus preventing pollination . Female plants are propagated vegetatively , and male plants are culled if plants are grown from seeds . </P> <P> Hop plants are planted in rows about 2 to 2.5 metres ( 7 to 8 ft ) apart . Each spring , the roots send forth new bines that are started up strings from the ground to an overhead trellis . The cones grow high on the bine , and in the past , these cones were picked by hand . Harvesting of hops became much more efficient with the invention of the mechanical hops separator , patented by Emil Clemens Horst in 1909 . </P> <P> Harvest comes near the end of summer when the bines are pulled down and the flowers are taken to a hop house or oast house for drying . Hop houses are two - story buildings , of which the upper story has a slatted floor covered with burlap . Here the flowers are poured out and raked even . A heating unit on the lower floor is used to dry the hops . When dry , the hops are moved to a press , a sturdy box with a plunger . Two long pieces of burlap are laid into the hop press at right angles , the hops are poured in and compressed into bales . </P> <P> Hop cones contain different oils , such as lupulin , a yellowish , waxy substance , an oleoresin , that imparts flavour and aroma to beer . Lupulin contains lupulone and humulone , which possess antibiotic properties , suppressing bacterial growth favoring brewer 's yeast to grow . After lupulin has been extracted in the brewing process the papery cones are discarded . </P> <H3> Migrant labor and social impact ( edit ) </H3> Hops harvest in the Kingdom of Bohemia ( 1898 ) Hops harvest in Skåne , Sweden in 1937 <P> The need for massed labor at harvest time meant hop - growing had a big social impact . Around the world , the labor - intensive harvesting work involved large numbers of migrant workers who would travel for the annual hop harvest . Whole families would partake and live in hoppers ' huts , with even the smallest children helping in the fields . The final chapters of W. Somerset Maugham 's Of Human Bondage and a large part of George Orwell 's A Clergyman 's Daughter contain a vivid description of London families participating in this annual hops harvest . In England , many of those picking hops in Kent were from eastern areas of London . This provided a break from urban conditions that was spent in the countryside . People also came from Birmingham and other Midlands cities to pick hops in the Malvern area of Worcestershire . Some photographs have been preserved . </P> <P> Particularly in Kent , because of a shortage of small - denomination coin of the realm , many growers issued their own currency to those doing the labor . In some cases , the coins issued were adorned with fanciful hops images , making them quite beautiful . </P> <P> In the US , Prohibition had a major impact on hops productions , but remnants of this significant industry in West and Northwest US are still noticeable in the form of old hop kilns that survive throughout Sonoma County , among others . Florian Dauenhauer , of Santa Rosa in Sonoma County , became a manufacturer of hop - harvesting machines in 1940 , in part because of the hop industry 's importance to the county . This mechanization helped destroy the local industry by enabling large - scale mechanized production , which moved to larger farms in other areas . Dauenhauer Manufacturing remains a current producer of hop harvesting machines . </P> <H2> Chemical composition ( edit ) </H2> <P> In addition to water , cellulose , and various proteins , the chemical composition of hops consists of compounds important for imparting character to beer . </P> <H3> Alpha acids ( edit ) | In the United States, hops are primarily grown in | [
"the Yakima (Washington) and Willamette (Oregon) valleys"
] | 1,149 | Where do they grow hops in the us? |
-8463303168185775472 | </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Tom & Jerry Kids <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Dripple </Li> <Li> 7.2 Miss Vavoom </Li> <Li> 7.3 Calaboose Cal </Li> <Li> 7.4 Urfo </Li> <Li> 7.5 Clyde </Li> <Li> 7.6 Kyle the Cat </Li> <Li> 7.7 Bernie the Swallow </Li> <Li> 7.8 Wild Mouse </Li> <Li> 7.9 Moncy </Li> <Li> 7.10 Sheriff Potgut </Li> <Li> 7.11 Gator Brothers </Li> <Li> 7.12 Stinky Jr . McWolf </Li> <Li> 7.13 Screwball Squirrel </Li> <Li> 7.14 Lightning Bolt the Super Squirrel </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Tom and Jerry Tales <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Morizzio </Li> <Li> 8.2 Princess </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 The Tom and Jerry Show <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Rick and Ginger </Li> <Li> 9.2 Napoleon </Li> <Li> 9.3 Hamster </Li> <Li> 9.4 Newt </Li> <Li> 9.5 Bot </Li> <Li> 9.6 Beatie and Hildie </Li> <Li> 9.7 The Detective </Li> <Li> 9.8 Dr. Bigby </Li> <Li> 9.9 Skid </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 Tom and Jerry movies <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Biff Buzzard and Buzz Blister </Li> <Li> 10.2 Tin , Pan and Alley </Li> <Li> 10.3 Butch ( dog ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Main characters ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Tom cat and Jerry Mouse ( edit ) </H3> Main articles : Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse <P> Tom ( named `` Jasper '' in his debut appearance ) is a grey and white domestic shorthair cat . `` Tom '' is a generic name for a male cat . He is usually but not always , portrayed as living a comfortable , or even pampered life , while Jerry ( named `` Jinx '' in his debut appearance ) is a small , brown , house mouse who always lives in close proximity to Tom . Despite being very energetic , determined and much larger , Tom is no match for Jerry 's wits . Jerry also possesses surprising strength for his size , approximately the equivalent of Tom 's , lifting items such as anvils with relative ease and withstanding considerable impacts . Although cats typically chase mice to consume them , it is quite rare for Tom to actually try to consume Jerry . Most of his attempts are just to torment or humiliate Jerry , sometimes in revenge , and sometimes to obtain a reward from a human for catching Jerry . By the final `` fade - out '' of each cartoon , Jerry usually emerges triumphant , while Tom is shown as the loser . </P> <P> However , other results may be reached . On rare occasions , Tom triumphs , usually when Jerry becomes the aggressor or when he pushes Tom a little too far . In The Million Dollar Cat Jerry learns that Tom will lose his newly acquired wealth if he harms any animal , `` including a mouse ; '' he then torments Tom a little too much until he retaliates . In Timid Tabby Tom 's look - alike cousin pushes Jerry over the edge . Occasionally and usually ironically , they both lose , usually when Jerry 's final trap or attack on Tom backfires or Jerry overlooks something . In Chuck Jones ' Filet Meow , Jerry orders a shark from the pet store to scare Tom away from eating a goldfish , but finds himself entirely intimidated as well . Finally , they occasionally end up being friends , although within this set of stories , there is often a last minute event that ruins the truce . One story that has friendly ending is Snowbody Loves Me . </P> <P> Both characters display sadistic tendencies , in that they are equally likely to take pleasure in tormenting each other , although it is often in response to a triggering event . However , when one character appears to truly be in mortal danger from an unplanned situation or due to actions by a third party , the other will develop a conscience and save him . Occasionally , they bond over a mutual sentiment towards an unpleasant experience and their attacking each other is more play than serious attacks . Multiple shorts show the two getting along with minimal difficulty , and they are more than capable of working together when the situation calls for it , usually against a third party who manages to torture and humiliate them both . Sometimes this partnership is forgotten quickly when an unexpected event happens , or when one character feels that the other is no longer necessary . This is the case in Posse Cat , when they agree that Jerry will allow himself to be caught if Tom agrees to share his reward dinner , but Tom then reneges . Other times however , Tom does keep his promise to Jerry and the partnerships are not quickly dissolved after the problem is solved . </P> <P> Tom changes his love interest many times . The first love interest is Toots who appears in Puss n ' Toots , and calls him `` Tommy '' in The Mouse Comes to Dinner . He is also interested in a cat called Toots in The Zoot Cat although she has a different appearance to the original Toots . The most frequent love interest of Tom 's is Toodles Galore , who never has any dialogue in the cartoons . </P> <P> Despite five shorts ending with a depiction of Tom 's apparent death , his demise is never permanent ; he even reads about his own death in a flashback in Jerry 's Diary . He appears to die in explosions in Mouse Trouble ( after which he is seen in heaven ) , Yankee Doodle Mouse and in Safety Second , while in The Two Mouseketeers he is guillotined offscreen . </P> <H2> Hanna - Barbera era ( edit ) </H2> <P> The following characters were introduced in the theatrical shorts that were directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera . </P> <H3> Spike and Tyke ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Spike and Tyke ( characters ) <P> Spike , occasionally referred to as Butch or Killer , is a stern but occasionally dumb American bulldog who is particularly disapproving of cats , but a softie when it comes to mice ( though in his debut appearance , Dog Trouble , Spike goes after both Tom and Jerry ) , and later , his son Tyke . In the shorts Jerry would often try to get Tom in trouble with Spike making him a shoo - in for a beating from the bulldog . Spike has a few weaknesses that Tom tries to capitalize upon : his possessiveness about his bone and his ticklishness . He made his first appearance in the 1942 Tom and Jerry cartoon Dog Trouble , and his first speaking role was in 1944 's The Bodyguard , where he was voiced by Billy Bletcher up until 1949 , from which point he was voiced by Daws Butler . Unlike his father Spike , Tyke does not speak . He only communicates by yapping , whimpering , growling , facial expressions and wagging his tail . In Tom and Jerry Kids , Tyke does have a speaking role in the program and is the first time that viewers were able to hear Tyke speak . Spike is very protective towards his son and gets very angry at Tom if Tyke is bothered or harmed . Although Tyke has spoken in Tom and Jerry Kids , he has laughed in one Tom and Jerry short . After Daws Butler , Maurice LaMarche , Frank Welker , John DiMaggio , Michael Donovan , Phil LaMarr and currently Rick Zieff would all perform Spike 's voice . Tyke 's vocal effects are provided by Frank Welker and speaking roles by Patric Zimmerman . </P> <H3> Butch ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Butch Cat ( Tom and Jerry ) <P> Butch ( voiced by Frank Graham , later Daws Butler due to Graham 's death ) is a black alley cat who made his first appearance in the Tom and Jerry series in the 1943 short Baby Puss , alongside Topsy and the already - established Meathead . His character , however ( along with the character of Toodles Galore ) , first appeared in the 1941 MGM short The Alley Cat , directed by Hugh Harman , Butch 's only solo cartoon . Butch is the leader of the alley cat bullies who are usually friends with Tom and help him catch Jerry . In his first appearance , however , Butch was an antagonist , tormenting Tom after Tom 's young girl owner treated him like a baby -- to the point of dressing Tom up in a diaper , a bonnet , and pink paw mittens . Thus costumed , Tom could n't help but be a figure of fun -- both for Butch and his gang , and for Jerry . Butch also battles with Tom over Toodles Galore and her affections in a couple of shorts including the 1946 short , Springtime for Thomas and the 1951 short Casanova Cat . In some cartoons , such as A Mouse in the House , Butch battles with Tom to catch Jerry . He is voiced by Maurice LaMarche in Tom and Jerry : The Magic Ring , Tony Cervone in The Karate Guard , Colin Murdock in Tom and Jerry Tales , Billy West in Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers , and Joey D'Auria in The Tom and Jerry Show . Butch is usually decipted as a homeless alley / street cat although in the 1956 short , Blue Cat Blues , Butch is apparently a millionaire who wins the attention of Tom 's love interest due to his immense wealth much to Tom 's dismay . Butch also appears in the Spike and Tyke cartoon Scat Cats as a house cat owned by George and Joan who in the original series own Tom . </P> <H3> Toodles Galore ( edit ) </H3> <P> Toodles Galore is an attractive white female cat , and is supposedly Tom 's usual love interest , although Tom is a reputed playboy , and had other love interests before and after Toodles . Toodles is the only love interest who appeared more than twice , and is probably the most favored . During the classic era , Tom had to compete twice against Butch and even once against Spike for Toodles 's affection , and he lost them all . In Casanova Cat , Toodles fell in love with Jerry . However , in her final short Love Me , Love My Mouse , she remained with Tom . Toodles is one of the most anthropomorphic animals in the series , with the only cat features being her tail , nose and ears . She never speaks and she rarely moves around . However , in The Tom and Jerry Show , her appearance and attitude is shown differently and she is heard speaking for the first time . </P> <H3> Mammy two Shoes ( edit ) </H3> Mammy Two Shoes in a scene from the Tom & Jerry short Saturday Evening Puss , in which her full face was shown for the first time . Main article : Mammy Two Shoes <P> From the beginning , Tom also has to deal with Mammy Two Shoes ( voiced by Lillian Randolph ) , an African - American domestic housemaid based on Hattie McDaniel . In the earliest shorts , Mammy is depicted as the maid taking care of the often opulent home in which Tom and Jerry reside . Later Tom and Jerry shorts are set in what appears to be Mammy 's own house . Her face is never seen ( with the exception of 1950s Saturday Evening Puss , in which her face is very briefly seen as she runs towards the camera ) , and she usually wallops the cat ( whom she usually addresses as `` Thomas '' ) with a broom when he misbehaves . When Mammy was not present , other | The dog's name on Tom and Jerry is | [
] | 1,520 | What's the dog's name on tom and jerry? |
6558406970363500511 | What Ifs - wikipedia <H1> What Ifs </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` What Ifs '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Kane Brown featuring Lauren Alaina </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Kane Brown </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> February 6 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 06 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> Digital download </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Country </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 3 : 08 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> RCA Nashville </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Kane Brown </Li> <Li> Matthew McGinn </Li> <Li> Jordan Schmidt </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Dann Huff </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Kane Brown singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Thunder in the Rain '' ( 2016 ) </Td> <Td> `` What Ifs '' ( 2017 ) </Td> <Td> `` Heaven '' ( 2017 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Thunder in the Rain '' ( 2016 ) </Td> <Td> `` What Ifs '' ( 2017 ) </Td> <Td> `` Heaven '' ( 2017 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Lauren Alaina singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Road Less Traveled '' ( 2016 ) Road Less Traveled 2016 </Td> <Td> `` What Ifs '' ( 2017 ) What Ifs2017 </Td> <Td> `` Doin ' Fine '' ( 2017 ) Doin ' Fine 2017 </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` What Ifs '' is a song recorded by American country music singer Kane Brown featuring Lauren Alaina for his self - titled debut album . The song was released with the album through RCA Nashville and was serviced to radio as the third single on February 6 , 2017 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background </Li> <Li> 2 Composition </Li> <Li> 3 Commercial performance </Li> <Li> 4 Music video </Li> <Li> 5 Chart performance <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 5.2 Year - end charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Certifications and sales </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> <P> The song was written by Brown with Matthew McGinn and Jordan Schmidt . The song is about a couple where the question `` what if '' is asked repeatedly about what would happen in their relationship . It features a duet with Lauren Alaina , a school friend from Lakeview - Fort Oglethorpe High School when he was living in Fort Oglethorpe , Georgia . According to Brown , the song was initially not intended to be a duet , he said : `` Once we decided on adding a woman to `` What Ifs , '' I knew that I wanted Lauren to sing it , and , of course , she killed it . '' According to Brown , another song was going to be used in the album , however , he was asked so much about `` What Ifs '' on social media that it was then decided that the song should be included in the album . </P> <H2> Composition ( edit ) </H2> <P> The song is in the key of G minor with a moderately fast tempo of approximately 126 beats per minute . It follows the chord progression Gm - B ♭ - F. Brown 's vocals range from F - B ♭ . </P> <H2> Commercial performance ( edit ) </H2> <P> The song sold 6,000 downloads in the US the week the album was released on December 2 , 2016 , allowing it to chart at number 37 on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs chart . The song first entered the US Billboard Country Airplay chart for the week of March 4 , 2017 at number 60 . It reached No. 1 on Hot Country Songs in October 2017 , ending the record breaking 34 - week reign of Sam Hunt 's `` Body Like a Back Road '' . The song is the first No. 1 on the chart for both Brown and Alaina . The following week , for charts dated October 28 , 2017 , `` What Ifs '' stayed at number one , as well as topping the Country Airplay and Country Streaming Songs charts . Together with the release of the deluxe edition of the album which also reached number on Top Country Albums , and another number one for a new track `` Heaven '' on digital sales , Brown became the first artist to have simultaneous number ones on all five main country charts . </P> <P> The song was certified Platinum by the RIAA on October 2 , 2017 . It was the third most - consumed country song of 2017 , with 1,551,000 including streams ( 599,000 in pure sale ) sold in the year . It has sold 679,000 copies in the US as of March 2018 . </P> <H2> Music video ( edit ) </H2> <P> The official music video for the song was directed by P.R. Brown and produced by Steve Lamar . The video was filmed along the Californian coast at The Inn at Newport Ranch , a resort and cattle ranch to the north of San Francisco . It features Brown and his duet partner Lauren Alaina singing along the coast . It was released on May 14 , 2017 . An earlier lyric video was first released on May 4 , 2017 , and shows Brown and Alaina cruising down a road . </P> <H2> Chart performance ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Weekly charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 2017 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canada ( Canadian Hot 100 ) </Td> <Td> 45 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canada Country ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Billboard Hot 100 </Td> <Td> 26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Country Airplay ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Hot Country Songs ( Billboard ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Year - end charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 2017 ) </Th> <Th> Position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> US Billboard Country Airplay </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> US Billboard Hot Country Songs </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> US Billboard Hot 100 </Th> <Td> 72 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Certifications and sales ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Region </Th> <Th> Certification </Th> <Th> Certified units / Sales </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Canada ( Music Canada ) </Th> <Td> Platinum </Td> <Td> 80,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> United States ( RIAA ) </Th> <Td> Platinum </Td> <Td> 679,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="3"> <P> sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone </P> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Dukes , Billy ( January 24 , 2017 ) . `` Kane Brown ( Feat . Lauren Alaina ) , ' What Ifs ' ( Listen ) '' . Taste of Country . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Konicki , Lisa ( February 8 , 2017 ) . `` Kane Brown 's Current Single , `` What Ifs , '' With Lauren Alaina Almost Did n't Make The Album `` . Nash Country Daily . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Freeman , Jon ( December 2 , 2016 ) . `` Kane Brown on Personal New Album , Why He Wo n't Sing First Hit : Ram Report '' . Rolling Stone . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Asker , Jim ( October 17 , 2017 ) . `` Kane Brown Becomes First Artist To Simultaneously Lead Five Country Charts '' . Billboard . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` ' What Ifs ' sheet music '' . . Retrieved 5 February 2018 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bjorke , Matt ( December 13 , 2016 ) . `` Top 30 Digital Country Singles Chart : December 13 , 2016 '' . Roughstock . Retrieved February 5 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Country Airplay '' . Billboard . March 4 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Asker , Jim ( October 10 , 2017 ) . `` Kane Brown 's ' What Ifs ' Featuring Lauren Alaina Tops Hot Country Songs , Stopping Sam Hunt 's Record Run '' . Billboard . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bjorke , Matt ( October 17 , 2017 ) . `` Top 30 Digital Country Chart : October 17 , 2017 '' . Roughstock . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` American single certifications -- Kane Brown -- What Ifs '' . Recording Industry Association of America . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . If necessary , click Advanced , then click Format , then select Single , then click SEARCH </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Rau , , Nate ( January 4 , 2018 ) . `` Revealed : Country music 's most listened to artists in 2017 '' . Tennessean . USA Today . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bjorke , Matt ( January 3 , 2018 ) . `` Top 30 Country Digital Singles Chart : January 3 , 2018 '' . Roughstock . Retrieved January 14 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Bjorke , Matt ( March 6 , 2018 ) . `` The Top 30 Digital Country Singles : March 5 , 2018 '' . Roughstock . Retrieved March 11 , 2018 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Watch Kane Brown , Lauren Alaina 's Picturesque ' What Ifs ' Video '' . Rolling Stone . May 15 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Kimble , Lindsay ( May 4 , 2017 ) . `` From Middle School Chorus to Nashville , Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina Team Up for Duet ' What Ifs ' '' . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Kane Brown Chart History ( Canadian Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved October 24 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Kane Brown Chart History ( Canada Country ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved November 14 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Kane Brown Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved October 24 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Kane Brown Chart History ( Country Airplay ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Kane Brown Chart History ( Hot Country Songs ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved October 10 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Country Airplay Songs -- Year - End 2017 '' . Billboard . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Hot Country Songs -- Year - End 2017 '' . Billboard . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Hot 100 Songs -- Year - End 2017 '' . Billboard . Retrieved December 12 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Canadian single certifications -- Kane Brown -- What Ifs '' . Music Canada . Retrieved February 8 , 2018 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Preceded by `` Body Like a Back Road '' by Sam Hunt </Td> <Td> Billboard Hot Country Songs number - one single October 21 -- November 11 , 2017 </Td> <Td> Succeeded by `` When It Rains It Pours '' by Luke Combs </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Preceded by `` All the Pretty Girls '' by Kenny Chesney </Td> <Td> Billboard Country Airplay number - one single October 28 , 2017 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Kane Brown </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Studio albums </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Kane Brown ( 2016 | The music video "What Ifs" was filmed | [
"along the Californian coast at The Inn at Newport Ranch, a resort and cattle ranch to the north of San Francisco"
] | 900 | Where was the music video what ifs filmed? |
-461258131989129967 | Petroleum industry in Nigeria - wikipedia <H1> Petroleum industry in Nigeria </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producer in Africa . Crude oil from the delta basin comes in two types : light , and comparatively heavy -- the lighter around 36 gravity and the heavier , 20 -- 25 gravity . Both types are paraffinic and low in sulfur . </P> The gates of the oil refinery in Port Harcourt <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History of oil exploration </Li> <Li> 2 Production and exploration <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Offshore </Li> <Li> 2.2 Natural gas </Li> <Li> 2.3 Downstream </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Current manufacturing </Li> <Li> 4 History and politics <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Colonial legacy ( 1800s -- 1960s ) </Li> <Li> 4.2 Implications and causes of civil war ( 1966 -- 1970 ) </Li> <Li> 4.3 Industry nationalisation ( 1970 -- 1979 ) </Li> <Li> 4.4 Attempted democracy and debt ( 1979 -- 1983 ) </Li> <Li> 4.5 Return to military rule and electoral annulment ( 1983 -- 1993 ) </Li> <Li> 4.6 An environment of crisis ( 1993 -- present ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Operating agreements <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Joint venture companies </Li> <Li> 5.2 Current situation </Li> <Li> 5.3 Oil theft </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Environmental impact <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Oil spills and water contamination </Li> <Li> 6.2 Natural gas flaring </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Human rights impact <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Repression of protest and government corruption </Li> <Li> 7.2 Poverty and chronic underdevelopment </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History of oil exploration ( edit ) </H2> <P> The history of oil exploration in Nigeria dates back to 1907 when Nigerian Bitumen Corporation conducted exploratory work in the country , at the onset of World War I the firm 's operation were stopped . Thereafter , licenses were given to D'Arcy Exploration Company and Whitehall Petroleum but neither company found oil of commercial value and they returned their licenses in 1923 . A new license covering 920,000 square kilometres ( 357,000 square miles ) was given to Shell D'arcy Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria , a consortium of Shell and British Petroleum ( then known as Anglo - Iranian ) . The company began exploratory work in 1937 . The consortium was granted license to explore oil all over the territory of Nigeria but the acreage allotted to the company in the original license was reduced in 1951 and then between 1955 and 1957 . Drilling activities started in 1951 with the first test well drilled in Owerri area . Oil was discovered in non-commercial quantities at Akata , near Eket in 1953 . Prior to the Akata find , the company had spent around 6 million pounds in exploratory activities in the country . Shell - BP in the pursuit of commercially available petroleum found oil in Oloibiri , Nigeria in 1956 . Other important oil wells discovered during the period were Afam and Bomu in Ogoni territory . Production of crude oil began in 1957 and in 1960 , a total of 847,000 tonnes of crude oil was exported . Towards the end of the 1950s , non-British firms were granted license to explore for oil : Mobil in 1955 , Tenneco in 1960 , Gulf Oil and later Chevron in 1961 , Agip in 1962 , and Elf in 1962 . Prior to the discovery of oil , Nigeria ( like many other African countries ) strongly relied on agricultural exports to other countries to supply their economy . Many Nigerians thought the developers were looking for palm oil . But after nearly 50 years searching for oil in the country , Shell - BP discovered the oil at Oloibiri in the Niger Delta . The first oil field began production in 1958 . </P> <P> After that , the economy of Nigeria should have seemingly have experienced a strong increase . However , competition for the profits from oil created a great level of terror and conflict for those living in the region . Many citizens of Nigeria believe that they have n't been able to see the economic benefits of oil companies in the state . Additionally , Nigerian government officials have remained majority shareholders in the profits created by the production of Nigerian oil , leading to government capturing of nearly all oil production , and citizens are not seeing socioeconomic benefits , and insist that oil companies should compensate people . </P> <H2> Production and exploration ( edit ) </H2> Satellite image of Niger Delta <P> As of 2000 , oil and gas exports accounted for more than 98 % of export earnings and about 83 % of federal government revenue , as well as generating more than 14 % of its GDP . It also provides 95 % of foreign exchange earnings , and about 65 % of government budgetary revenues . </P> <P> Nigeria 's proven oil reserves are estimated by the United States Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) at between 16 and 22 billion barrels ( 2.5 × 10 and 3.5 × 10 m ) , but other sources claim there could be as much as 35.3 billion barrels ( 5.61 × 10 m ) . Its reserves make Nigeria the tenth most petroleum - rich nation , and by the far the most affluent in Africa . In mid-2001 its crude oil production was averaging around 2,200,000 barrels ( 350,000 m ) per day . It is expected that the industry will continue to be profitable based on an average bench mark oil price of $85 - $90 per barrel . </P> <P> Nearly all of the country 's primary reserves are concentrated in and around the delta of the Niger River , but off - shore rigs are also prominent in the well - endowed coastal region . Nigeria is one of the few major oil - producing nations still capable of increasing its oil output . Unlike most of the other OPEC countries , Nigeria is not projected to exceed peak production until at least 2009 . The reason for Nigeria 's relative unproductivity is primarily OPEC regulations on production to regulate prices on the international market . More recently , production has been disrupted intermittently by the protests of the Niger Delta 's inhabitants , who feel they are being exploited . </P> <P> Nigeria has a total of 159 oil fields and 1481 wells in operation according to the Department of Petroleum Resources . The most productive region of the nation is the coastal Niger Delta Basin in the Niger Delta or `` South - south '' region which encompasses 78 of the 159 oil fields . Most of Nigeria 's oil fields are small and scattered , and as of 1990 , these small unproductive fields accounted for 62.1 % of all Nigerian production . This contrasts with the sixteen largest fields which produced 37.9 % of Nigeria 's petroleum at that time . </P> <P> As a result of the numerous small fields , an extensive and well - developed pipeline network has been engineered to transport the crude oil . Also because of the lack of highly productive fields , money from the jointly operated ( with the federal government ) companies is constantly directed towards petroleum exploration and production . </P> <P> Nigeria 's petroleum is classified mostly as `` light '' and `` sweet '' , as the oil is largely free of sulphur . Nigeria is the largest producer of sweet oil in OPEC . This sweet oil is similar in composition to petroleum extracted from the North Sea . This crude oil is known as `` Bonny light '' . Names of other Nigerian crudes , all of which are named according to export terminal , are Qua Ibo , Escravos blend , Brass River , Forcados , and Pennington Anfan . </P> <P> As recently as 2010 , Nigeria provided about 10 % of overall U.S. oil imports and ranked as the fifth - largest source for oil imports in the U.S. However , Nigeria ceased exports to the US in July 2014 because of the impact of shale production in America ; India is now the largest consumer of Nigerian oil . </P> <P> There are six petroleum exportation terminals in the country . Shell owns two , while Mobil , Chevron , Texaco , and Agip own one each . Shell also owns the Forcados Terminal , which is capable of storing 13 million barrels ( 2,100,000 m ) of crude oil in conjunction with the nearby Bonny Terminal . Mobil operates primarily out of the Qua Iboe Terminal in Akwa Ibom State , while Chevron owns the Escravos Terminal located in Delta State and has a storage capacity of 3.6 million barrels ( 570,000 m ) . Agip operates the Brass Terminal in Brass , a town 113 kilometres ( 70 miles ) southwest of Port Harcourt and has a storage capacity of 3,558,000 barrels ( 565,700 m ) . Texaco operates the Pennington Terminal . </P> <H3> Offshore ( edit ) </H3> <P> Oil companies in Africa investigate offshore production as an alternative area of production . Deepwater production mainly involves underwater drilling that exists 400 metres ( 1,300 ft ) or more below the surface of the water . By expanding to deep water drilling the possible sources for finding new oil reserves is expanded . Through the introduction of deep water drilling 50 % more oil is extracted than before the new forms of retrieving the oil . </P> <P> Angola and Nigeria are the largest oil producers in Africa . In Nigeria , the deepwater sector still has a large avenue to expand and develop . The Agbami oilfields hit full production in 2005 , at 250,000 barrels ( 40,000 m ) a day . Operated by Chevron 's Star Deep and a company called Famfa , Agbami is only one off - shore concession ; there are others named Akpo , Bonga and Erha . The amount of oil extracted from Nigeria was expected to expand from 15,000 barrels per day ( 2,400 m / d ) in 2003 to 1.27 million barrels per day ( 202,000 m / d ) in 2010 . Deepwater drilling for oil is especially attractive to oil companies because the Nigerian government has very little share in these activities and it is more difficult for the government to regulate the offshore activities of the companies . </P> <P> The deepwater extraction plants are less disturbed by local militant attacks , seizures due to civil conflicts , and sabotage . These advancements offer more resources and alternatives to extract the oil from the Niger Delta , with less exposure to conflict than the operations on land . An open - air market for illegal crude oil operates off the Niger Delta , called the Togo Triangle . </P> <H3> Natural gas ( edit ) </H3> <P> Natural gas reserves are well over 5,300 km ( 187 × 10 ^ cu ft ) , the gas reserves are three times as substantial as the crude oil reserves . The biggest natural gas initiative is the Nigerian Liquified Natural Gas Company , which is operated jointly by several companies and the state . It began exploration and production in 1999 . Chevron is also attempting to create the Escravos Gas Utilization project which will be capable of producing 4,500,000 m ( 160 × 10 ^ cu ft ) per day . gas reserves . In 2008 , the government prepared a Gas Master Plan that was intended to promote natural gas production and encourage the supply of natural gas to domestic power stations so as to help alleviate the country 's electricity shortages . There is also an export gas pipeline , known as the West African Gas Pipeline , in the works but has encountered numerous setbacks . The pipeline would allow for transportation of natural gas to Benin , Ghana , Togo , and Cote d'Ivoire | Most of Africa's petroleum and natural gas are found in the region of | [
] | 19 | In which regions are most of africa petroleum and natural gas found? |
-4876736938910486341 | purple , aubergine , blue , grey , silver or peacock ( a mix of several shades , like a peacock 's feather ) . </P> <P> Black cultured pearls from the black pearl oyster -- Pinctada margaritifera -- are not South Sea pearls , although they are often mistakenly described as black South Sea pearls . In the absence of an official definition for the pearl from the black oyster , these pearls are usually referred to as `` black pearls '' . </P> <P> The correct definition of a South Sea pearl -- as described by CIBJO and GIA -- is a pearl produced by the Pinctada maxima pearl oyster . South Sea pearls are the color of their host Pinctada maxima oyster -- and can be white , silver , pink , gold , cream , and any combination of these basic colors , including overtones of the various colors of the rainbow displayed in the pearl nacre of the oyster shell itself . </P> <P> South Sea pearls are the largest and rarest of the cultured pearls -- making them the most valuable . Prized for their exquisitely beautiful ' orient ' or lustre , South Sea pearls are now farmed in various parts of the world where the Pinctada maxima oysters can be found , with the finest South Sea pearls being produced by Paspaley along the remote coastline of North - Western Australia . White and silver colored South Sea pearls tend to come from the Broome area of Australia , while golden colored ones are more prevalent in the Philippines and Indonesia . </P> <P> A farm in the Gulf of California , Mexico , is culturing pearls from the black lipped Pinctada mazatlanica oysters and the rainbow lipped Pteria sterna oysters . Also called Concha Nácar , the pearls from these rainbow lipped oysters fluoresce red under ultraviolet light . </P> <H2> From other species ( edit ) </H2> A shell of the Indian volute , Melo melo , surrounded by a number of pearls from this species Conch pearl pendant <P> Biologically speaking , under the right set of circumstances , almost any shelled mollusk can produce some kind of pearl . However , most of these molluskan pearls have no luster or iridescence . The great majority of mollusk species produce pearls which are not attractive , and are sometimes not even very durable , such that they usually have no value at all , except perhaps to a scientist or collector , or as a curiosity . These objects used to be referred to as `` calcareous concretions '' by some gemologists , even though a malacologist would still consider them to be pearls . Valueless pearls of this type are sometimes found in edible mussels , edible oysters , escargot snails , and so on . The GIA and CIBJO now simply use the term ' pearl ' ( or , where appropriate , the more descriptive term ' non-nacreous pearl ' ) when referring to such items and , under Federal Trade Commission rules , various mollusk pearls may be referred to as ' pearls ' , without qualification . </P> <P> A few species produce pearls that can be of interest as gemstones . These species include the bailer shell Melo , the giant clam Tridacna , various scallop species , Pen shells Pinna , and the Haliotis iris species of abalone . Pearls of abalone , or pāua , are mabe pearls , or blister pearls , unique to New Zealand waters and are commonly referred to as ' blue pearls ' . They are admired for their incredible luster and naturally bright vibrant colors that are often compared to opal . Another example is the conch pearl ( sometimes referred to simply as the ' pink pearl ' ) , which is found very rarely growing between the mantle and the shell of the queen conch or pink conch , Strombus gigas , a large sea snail or marine gastropod from the Caribbean Sea . These pearls , which are often pink in color , are a by - product of the conch fishing industry , and the best of them display a shimmering optical effect related to chatoyance known as ' flame structure ' . </P> <P> Somewhat similar gastropod pearls , this time more orange in hue , are ( again very rarely ) found in the horse conch Pleuroploca gigantea . </P> <P> The second largest pearl known was found in the Philippines in 1934 and is known as the Pearl of Lao Tzu . It is a naturally occurring , non-nacreous , calcareous concretion ( pearl ) from a giant clam . Because it did not grow in a pearl oyster it is not pearly ; instead the surface is glossy like porcelain . Other pearls from giant clams are known to exist , but this is a particularly large one weighing 14 lb ( 6.4 kg ) . </P> <P> The largest known pearl ( also from a giant clam ) was found in the Philippines as well by a fisherman from Puerto Princesa , Palawan Island . The enormous pearl is 30 cm wide ( 1 ft ) , 67 cm long ( 2.2 ft ) and weighs 75 lb ( 34 kg ) . </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Pearl hunting ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Pearl hunting A 14th - century piece of clothing used by Kuwaiti divers searching for pearls in the Persian Gulf <P> The ancient chronicle Mahavamsa mentions of the thriving pearl industry in the port of Oruwella in the Gulf of Mannar in Sri Lanka . It also records that eight varieties of pearls accompanied Prince Vijaya 's embassy to the Pandyan king as well as king Devanampiya Tissa 's embassy to Emperor Ashoka . Pliny the Elder ( 23 -- 79AD ) praised the pearl fishery of the Gulf as most productive in the world . </P> <P> For thousands of years , seawater pearls were retrieved by divers in the Indian Ocean in areas such as the Persian Gulf , the Red Sea and the Gulf of Mannar . Evidence also suggest a prehistoric origin to pearl diving in these regions . Starting in the Han Dynasty ( 206 BC -- 220 AD ) , the Chinese hunted extensively for seawater pearls in the South China Sea . In the 14th - century Arabian Sea , the traveller Ibn Battuta provided the earliest known description of pearl diving by means of attaching a cord to the diver 's waist . </P> Catching of pearls , Bern Physiologus ( 9th century ) <P> When Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Western Hemisphere , they discovered that around the islands of Cubagua and Margarita , some 200 km north of the Venezuelan coast , was an extensive pearl bed ( a bed of pearl oysters ) . One discovered and named pearl , La Peregrina pearl , was offered to the Spanish queen . According to Garcilasso de la Vega , who says that he saw La Peregrina at Seville in 1607 , this was found at Panama in 1560 by a slave worker who was rewarded with his liberty , and his owner with the office of alcalde of Panama . </P> <P> Margarita pearls are extremely difficult to find today and are known for their unique yellowish color . The most famous Margarita necklace that anyone can see today is the one that then Venezuelan President Romulo Betancourt gave to Jacqueline Kennedy when she and her husband , President John F. Kennedy paid an official visit to Venezuela . </P> <P> Before the beginning of the 20th century , pearl hunting was the most common way of harvesting pearls . Divers manually pulled oysters from ocean floors and river bottoms and checked them individually for pearls . Not all mussels and oysters produce pearls . In a haul of three tons , only three or four oysters will produce perfect pearls . </P> British isles ( edit ) <P> Pearls were one of the attractions which drew Julius Caesar to Britain . They are , for the most part , freshwater pearls from mussels . Pearling was banned in the U.K. in 1998 due to the endangered status of river mussels . Discovery and publicity about the sale for a substantial sum of the Abernethy pearl in the River Tay had resulted in heavy exploitation of mussel colonies during the 1970s and 80s by weekend warriors . When it was permitted it was carried on mainly by Scottish Travellers who found pearls varied from river to river with the River Oykel in the Highlands being noted for the finest rose - pink pearls . There are two firms in Scotland that are licensed to sell pre-1998 freshwater pearls . </P> <H3> Pearl farming ( edit ) </H3> A pearl being extracted from an akoya pearl oyster . See also : Oyster farming <P> Today , the cultured pearls on the market can be divided into two categories . The first category covers the beaded cultured pearls , including Akoya , South Sea and Tahiti . These pearls are gonad grown , and usually one pearl is grown at a time . This limits the number of pearls at a harvest period . The pearls are usually harvested after one year for akoya , 2 -- 4 years for Tahitian and South Sea , and 2 -- 7 years for freshwater . This perliculture process was first developed by the British biologist William Saville - Kent who passed the information along to Tatsuhei Mise and Tokichi Nishikawa from Japan . The second category includes the non-beaded freshwater cultured pearls , like the Biwa or Chinese pearls . As they grow in the mantle , where on each wing up to 25 grafts can be implanted , these pearls are much more frequent and saturate the market completely . An impressive improvement in quality has taken place in the last ten years when the former rice - grain - shaped pebbles are compared with the near round pearls of today . In the last two years large near perfect round bead nucleated pearls up to 15mm in diameter have been produced with metallic luster . </P> <P> The nucleus bead in a beaded cultured pearl is generally a polished sphere made from freshwater mussel shell . Along with a small piece of mantle tissue from another mollusk ( donor shell ) to serve as a catalyst for the pearl sac , it is surgically implanted into the gonad ( reproductive organ ) of a saltwater mollusk . In freshwater perliculture , only the piece of tissue is used in most cases , and is inserted into the fleshy mantle of the host mussel . South Sea and Tahitian pearl oysters , also known as Pinctada maxima and Pinctada margaritifera , which survive the subsequent surgery to remove the finished pearl , are often implanted with a new , larger beads as part of the same procedure and then returned to the water for another 2 -- 3 years of growth . </P> <P> Despite the common misperception , Mikimoto did not discover the process of pearl culture . The accepted process of pearl culture was developed by the British Biologist William Saville - Kent in Australia and brought to Japan by Tokichi Nishikawa and Tatsuhei Mise . Nishikawa was granted the patent in 1916 , and married the daughter of Mikimoto . Mikimoto was able to use Nishikawa 's technology . After the patent was granted in 1916 , the technology was immediately commercially applied to akoya pearl oysters in Japan in 1916 . Mise 's brother was the first to produce a commercial crop of pearls in the akoya oyster . Mitsubishi 's Baron Iwasaki immediately applied the technology to the south sea pearl oyster in 1917 in the Philippines , and later in Buton , and Palau . Mitsubishi was the first to produce a cultured south sea pearl -- although it was not until 1928 that the first small commercial crop of pearls | In India, pearls are found in | [
"the Indian Ocean"
] | 4,682 | In which sea pearl is found in india? |
-7976063039564136187 | List of National Animals - wikipedia <H1> List of National Animals </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article is incomplete . Please help to improve it , or discuss the issue on the talk page . ( June 2017 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> This is a list of national animals . </P> <H2> National animals </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Th> Name of animal </Th> <Th> Scientific name </Th> <Th> Pictures </Th> <Th> Ref . </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Algeria </Td> <Td> Fennec fox </Td> <Td> Vulpes zerda </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Angola </Td> <Td> Red - crested turaco ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Tauraco erythrolophus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Anguilla </Td> <Td> Zenaida dove </Td> <Td> Zenaida aurita </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Antigua and Barbuda </Td> <Td> Fallow deer ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Dama dama </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Frigate ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Fregata magnificens </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Hawksbill turtle ( national sea creature ) </Td> <Td> Eretmochelys imbricata </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Argentina </Td> <Td> Rufous hornero </Td> <Td> Furnarius rufus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Australia </Td> <Td> Red kangaroo ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Macropus rufus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Emu ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Dromaius novaehollandiae </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> Black eagle </Td> <Td> Ictinaetus malaiensis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Azerbaijan </Td> <Td> Karabakh horse </Td> <Td> Equus ferus caballus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Bangladesh </Td> <Td> Royal Bengal tiger ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Panthera tigris tigris </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Magpie robin ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Copsychus saularis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ilish ( national fish ) </Td> <Td> Tenualosa ilisha </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Belarus </Td> <Td> European bison </Td> <Td> Bison bonasus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Belgium </Td> <Td> Lion ( heraldic Leo Belgicus ) </Td> <Td> Panthera leo </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Belize </Td> <Td> Baird 's tapir ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Tapirus bairdii </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Keel - billed toucan ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Ramphastos sulfuratus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Bhutan </Td> <Td> Druk </Td> <Td> Mythical </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Takin </Td> <Td> Budorcas taxicolor </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Brazil </Td> <Td> Rufous - bellied thrush </Td> <Td> Turdus rufiventris </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cambodia </Td> <Td> Kouprey </Td> <Td> Bos sauveli </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canada </Td> <Td> North American beaver ( sovereignty animal symbol ) </Td> <Td> Castor canadensis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Canadian horse ( national horse ) </Td> <Td> Equus ferus caballus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> China </Td> <Td> Giant panda ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Ailuropoda melanoleuca </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Chinese dragon ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Mythical </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Red - crowned crane ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Grus japonensis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Democratic Republic of the Congo </Td> <Td> Okapi </Td> <Td> Okapia johnstoni </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Colombia </Td> <Td> Andean condor </Td> <Td> Vultur gryphus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Costa Rica </Td> <Td> Yigüirro ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Turdus grayi </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> White - tailed deer ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Odocoileus virginianus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> West Indian manatee ( national aquatic animal ) </Td> <Td> Trichechus manatus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Croatia </Td> <Td> Pine marten </Td> <Td> Martes martes </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cuba </Td> <Td> Cuban trogon </Td> <Td> Priotelus temnurus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Cyprus </Td> <Td> Cypriot mouflon </Td> <Td> Ovis orientalis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Czech Republic </Td> <Td> Double - tailed lion </Td> <Td> Mythical </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Denmark </Td> <Td> Mute swan ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Cygnus olor </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Small tortoiseshell ( national butterfly ) </Td> <Td> Aglais urticae </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Egypt </Td> <Td> Steppe eagle </Td> <Td> Aquila nipalensis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Estonia </Td> <Td> Barn swallow ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Hirundo rustica </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Eritrea </Td> <Td> Arabian camel </Td> <Td> Camelus dromedarius </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ethiopia </Td> <Td> Lion </Td> <Td> Panthera leo </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Faroe Islands </Td> <Td> Eurasian oystercatcher ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Haematopus ostralgus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Finland </Td> <Td> Brown bear ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Ursus arctos </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Whooper swan ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Cygnus cygnus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Holly blue ( national butterfly ) </Td> <Td> Celastrina argiolus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> European perch ( national fish ) </Td> <Td> Perca fluviatilis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Seven - spot ladybird ( national insect ) </Td> <Td> Coccinella septempunctata </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> France </Td> <Td> Gallic rooster </Td> <Td> Gallus gallus domesticus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> Unspecified Eagle </Td> <Td> Members of Accipitridae </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Greece </Td> <Td> Phoenix </Td> <Td> Mythical </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dolphins </Td> <Td> Delphinus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Guatemala </Td> <Td> Quetzal </Td> <Td> Pharomachrus mocinno </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Haiti </Td> <Td> Hispaniolan Trogan </Td> <Td> Priotelus roseigaster </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Honduras </Td> <Td> White - tailed deer </Td> <Td> Odocoileus virginianus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Hungary </Td> <Td> Turul </Td> <Td> Mythical ( most probably Falco cherrug ) </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Iceland </Td> <Td> Gyrfalcon </Td> <Td> Falco rusticolus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> India </Td> <Td> Bengal tiger ( National predator ) </Td> <Td> Panthera tigris tigris </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Indian peafowl ( National bird ) </Td> <Td> Pavo cristatus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> King cobra ( National reptile ) </Td> <Td> Ophiophagus hannah </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ganges river dolphin ( National aquatic animal ) </Td> <Td> Platanista gangetica gangetica </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Indian elephant ( National heritage animal ) </Td> <Td> Elephas maximus indicus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Indonesia </Td> <Td> Komodo dragon ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Varanus komodoensis </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Garuda ( historic national animal ) </Td> <Td> Mythical </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Iran </Td> <Td> Persian lion </Td> <Td> Panthera leo persica </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Iraq </Td> <Td> Chukar partridge </Td> <Td> Alectoris chukar </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Goat ( KRG ) </Td> <Td> Capra aegagrus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Israel </Td> <Td> Hoopoe ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Upupa epops </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jamaica </Td> <Td> Red - billed streamertail </Td> <Td> Trochilus polytmus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Japan </Td> <Td> Green pheasant ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Phasianus versicolor </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Carp ( national fish ) </Td> <Td> Cyprinus carpio </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Latvia </Td> <Td> White wagtail ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Motacilla alba </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Two - spotted ladybird ( national insect ) </Td> <Td> Adalia bipunctata </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Lithuania </Td> <Td> White stork </Td> <Td> Ciconia ciconia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Macedonia </Td> <Td> Lion ( in Macedonian heraldry ) </Td> <Td> Panthera leo </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Madagascar </Td> <Td> Zebu ( in Malagasy heraldry ) </Td> <Td> Bos primigenius indicus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ring - tailed lemur ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Lemur catta </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Malaysia </Td> <Td> Malayan tiger ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Panthera tigris jacksoni </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Malta </Td> <Td> Pharaoh Hound ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Canis lupus familiaris </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> ( 1 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Moldova </Td> <Td> Aurochs ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Bos primigenius </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mauritius </Td> <Td> Dodo </Td> <Td> Raphus cucullatus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mexico </Td> <Td> Golden eagle ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Aquila chrysaetos </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Xoloitzcuintli ( national dog ) </Td> <Td> Canis lupus familiaris </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jaguar ( national mammal ) </Td> <Td> Panthera onca </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Grasshopper ( national arthropod ) </Td> <Td> Sphenarium purpurascens </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Vaquita ( national marine mammal ) </Td> <Td> Phocoena sinus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Nepal </Td> <Td> Cow ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Bos taurus indicus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Danphe ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Lophophorus impejanus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> Lion ( heraldic symbol ) </Td> <Td> Panthera leo </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Black - tailed godwit ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Limosa limosa </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> New Zealand </Td> <Td> Kiwi </Td> <Td> Apteryx sp . </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> North Korea </Td> <Td> Chollima </Td> <Td> Mythical </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Norway </Td> <Td> Lion ( royal national animal ) </Td> <Td> Panthera leo </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> White - throated dipper ( national bird ) </Td> <Td> Cinclus cinclus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Fjord horse ( national horse ) </Td> <Td> Equus ferus caballus </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Oman </Td> <Td> Arabian oryx ( national animal ) </Td> <Td> Oryx leucoryx </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Pakistan </Td> <Td> Markhor ( National animal ) </Td> <Td> Capra falconeri </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Indus river dolphin ( National aquatic mammal ) </Td> <Td> Platanista indicus minor minor </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Chukar ( National bird ) </Td> <Td> Alectoris chukar </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Indus crocodile ( National reptile ) </Td> <Td> Crocodylus palustris </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Shaheen falcon ( Heritage bird ) </Td> <Td> Falco peregrinus peregrinator </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Snow leopard ( National predator ) </Td> <Td> Panthera uncia </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Panama </Td> <Td> Harpy eagle </Td> <Td> Harpia harpyja </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Papua New Guinea </Td> <Td> Dugong ( national marine mammal ) </Td> <Td> Dugong dugon </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> | The panda is the national animal of | [
] | 537 | Panda is a national animal of which country? |
2324745743680584211 | Eastern coastal plains - Wikipedia <H1> Eastern coastal plains </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article relies largely or entirely on a single source . Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page . Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources . ( May 2015 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> View of Fields at Biccavolu , Eastern coastal plains , Andhra Pradesh <P> The Eastern Coastal Plains refers to a wide stretch of landmass of India , lying between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal . It is wider and leveled than the western coastal plains and stretches from Tamil Nadu in the south to West Bengal in the north through Andhra Pradesh and Odisha . Chilka Lake is a brackish water lake along the eastern coastal plain . It lies in the state of Odisha and stretches to the south of the Mahanadi Delta . </P> <P> Deltas of many of India 's rivers form a major portion of these plains . The Mahanadi , Godavari , Kaveri and Krishna rivers drain these plains . The region receives both the Northeast & Southwest monsoon rains with its annual rainfall averaging between 1,000 and 3,000 mm ( 39 and 118 in ) . The width of the plains varies between 100 and 130 km ( 62 to 80 miles ) . </P> <P> It is locally known as Utkal Plains in the Northern part between Cossye and Rushikulya Rivers , Northern Circars in the Central part between Rushikulya and Krishna Rivers and , as Coromandel Coast in the Southern part from the south of river Krishna till the Southern tip of Mainland India at Cape Comorin where it merges with the Western Coastal Plains . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Western Coastal Plains </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Sr. Bimcy ; Sr. Sisily ; Charlotte . Bibliographic information . Scholar Publishing House . pp. 20 -- 21 . ISBN 8171725163 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Geography of India </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Climate </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Climate </Li> <Li> Climatic regions </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Geology </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Fossil Parks </Li> <Li> Geology of India </Li> <Li> Indian Plate </Li> <Li> Stones </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Landforms </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Beaches </Li> <Li> Canals </Li> <Li> Desert </Li> <Li> Extreme points </Li> <Li> Glaciers </Li> <Li> Islands </Li> <Li> Lakes </Li> <Li> Mountains </Li> <Li> Rivers </Li> <Li> Valleys </Li> <Li> Volcanoes </Li> <Li> Waterfalls </Li> <Li> Plains <Ul> <Li> Indo - Gangetic </Li> <Li> Eastern Coastal </Li> <Li> Western Coastal </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Regions </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> North India </Li> <Li> Northeast India </Li> <Li> East India </Li> <Li> South India </Li> <Li> West India </Li> <Li> Central India </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Subdivisions </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Autonomous administrative divisions </Li> <Li> States and territories </Li> <Li> Districts </Li> <Li> Cities </Li> <Li> Towns </Li> <Li> Municipalities </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Environment </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Biogeographic classification </Li> <Li> Ecoregions </Li> <Li> Fauna </Li> <Li> Flora </Li> <Li> Forests </Li> <Li> Issues </Li> <Li> Protected Areas </Li> <Li> Wildlife </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> </P> <P> </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This Indian location article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Plains of India </Li> <Li> Coasts of India </Li> <Li> India geography stubs </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles needing additional references from May 2015 </Li> <Li> All articles needing additional references </Li> <Li> India articles missing geocoordinate data </Li> <Li> All articles needing coordinates </Li> <Li> All stub articles </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> हिन्दी </Li> <Li> Português </Li> <Li> தமிழ் </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 28 November 2017 , at 08 : 32 . </Li> <Li> Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The coastal plains of India are situated | [
"between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal"
] | 89 | Where are the coastal plains of india situated? |
2620904320274887581 | Deion Sanders - wikipedia <H1> Deion Sanders </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> Deion Sanders <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Sanders in 2011 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> No. 21 , 37 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Position : </Th> <Td> Cornerback </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Date of birth : </Th> <Td> ( 1967 - 08 - 09 ) August 9 , 1967 ( age 50 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Place of birth : </Th> <Td> Fort Myers , Florida </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Height : </Th> <Td> 6 ft 1 in ( 1.85 m ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Weight : </Th> <Td> 198 lb ( 90 kg ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> High school : </Th> <Td> North Fort Myers ( FL ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> College : </Th> <Td> Florida State </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NFL Draft : </Th> <Td> 1989 / Round : 1 / Pick : 5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career history </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Atlanta Falcons ( 1989 -- 1993 ) </Li> <Li> San Francisco 49ers ( 1994 ) </Li> <Li> Dallas Cowboys ( 1995 -- 1999 ) </Li> <Li> Washington Redskins ( 2000 ) </Li> <Li> Baltimore Ravens ( 2004 -- 2005 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career highlights and awards </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> 2 × Super Bowl champion ( XXIX , XXX ) </Li> <Li> 8 × Pro Bowl ( 1991 -- 1994 , 1996 -- 1999 ) </Li> <Li> 8 × First - team All - Pro ( 1991 -- 1994 , 1996 -- 1999 ) </Li> <Li> NFL Defensive Player of the Year ( 1994 ) </Li> <Li> NFL 1990s All - Decade Team </Li> <Li> Atlanta Falcons Ring of Honor </Li> <Li> Jim Thorpe Award ( 1988 ) </Li> <Li> 2 × Unanimous All - American ( 1987 , 1988 ) </Li> <Li> Florida State Seminoles No. 2 retired </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career NFL statistics </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Interceptions : </Th> <Td> 53 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Defensive touchdowns : </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Return touchdowns : </Th> <Td> 9 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Receptions : </Th> <Td> 60 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Receiving yards : </Th> <Td> 784 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Receiving touchdowns : </Th> <Td> 3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Player stats at </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Player stats at PFR </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Pro Football Hall of Fame </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> College Football Hall of Fame </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Deion Luywnn Sanders Sr. ( / ˈdiːɒn / ; born August 9 , 1967 ) , nicknamed Primetime , is a former American football and baseball player who works as an analyst for CBS Sports and the NFL Network . He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2011 . </P> <P> Sanders played football primarily at cornerback , but also as a kick returner , punt returner and occasionally wide receiver . He played in the National Football League ( NFL ) for the Atlanta Falcons , the San Francisco 49ers , the Dallas Cowboys , the Washington Redskins and the Baltimore Ravens , winning the Super Bowl with both the 49ers and the Cowboys . An outfielder in baseball , he played professionally for the New York Yankees , the Atlanta Braves , the Cincinnati Reds and the San Francisco Giants , and participated in the 1992 World Series with the Braves . He attended Florida State University , where he was recognized as a two - time All - American in football , and also played baseball and ran track . </P> <P> Sanders founded the Prime Prep Academy charter school in 2012 and has coached at the school . The school was closed January 30 , 2015 , due to financial insolvency . In 2014 , he debuted his new show , the Deion Family Playbook . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early life <Ul> <Li> 1.1 High school </Li> <Li> 1.2 College career </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Professional baseball career </Li> <Li> 3 Professional football career <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Draft and Atlanta Falcons </Li> <Li> 3.2 San Francisco 49ers </Li> <Li> 3.3 Dallas Cowboys </Li> <Li> 3.4 Washington Redskins </Li> <Li> 3.5 Baltimore Ravens </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Legacy </Li> <Li> 5 Media appearances and pop culture fame </Li> <Li> 6 Other business and entertainment ventures </Li> <Li> 7 Discography </Li> <Li> 8 Personal life </Li> <Li> 9 See also </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Early life ( edit ) </H2> <H3> High school ( edit ) </H3> <P> Sanders was born in Fort Myers , Florida . He attended North Fort Myers High School in North Fort Myers , and was a letterman and All - State honoree in football , basketball and baseball . In 1985 , Sanders was named to the Florida High School Association All - Century Team which selected the top 33 players in the 100 - year history of high school football in the state . </P> <P> The Kansas City Royals selected Sanders out of North Fort Myers High School in the sixth round of the 1985 Major League Baseball draft . He did not sign with the Royals . </P> <H3> College career ( edit ) </H3> Sanders at Florida State <P> Sanders enrolled at Florida State University and played three sports for the Florida State Seminoles : football , baseball , and track . Beginning his freshman year , he started in the Seminoles ' secondary , played outfield for the baseball team that finished fifth in the nation , and helped lead the track and field team to a conference championship . </P> <P> Under head coach Bobby Bowden , Sanders was a two - time consensus All - American cornerback in 1987 and 1988 , and a third team All - American in 1986 , intercepting 14 passes in his career , including three in bowl games , and managed to return one interception 100 yards for a touchdown breaking Fred Biletnikoff 's interception return record by one yard . He won the Jim Thorpe Award in 1988 . He was also a standout punt returner for Florida State , leading the nation in 1988 with his punt return average , and breaking the school 's record for career punt return yards . Sanders made an interception with 5 seconds left to seal Florida State 's 13 - 7 win over Auburn in the 1989 Sugar Bowl , during the 1988 postseason . Based on those accolades , his jersey at Florida State , # 2 , was retired in 1995 . He finished his career with 126 punt returns for 1,429 yards . </P> <P> While playing baseball under head coach Mike Martin at Florida State , Sanders hit . 331 in 1986 ; he was known more for base stealing , compiling 27 stolen bases in 1987 . </P> <P> Sanders once played the first game of a baseball doubleheader , ran a leg of a 4 × 100 relay , then returned to play another baseball game . </P> <H2> Professional baseball career ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Deion Sanders </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Left fielder / Center fielder </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Born : ( 1967 - 08 - 09 ) August 9 , 1967 ( age 50 ) Fort Myers , Florida </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Batted : Left </Td> <Td> Threw : Left </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> MLB debut </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> May 31 , 1989 , for the New York Yankees </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Last MLB appearance </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> June 14 , 2001 , for the Cincinnati Reds </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> MLB statistics </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Batting average </Th> <Td> . 263 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hits </Th> <Td> 558 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Home runs </Th> <Td> 39 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stolen bases </Th> <Td> 186 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Teams </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> New York Yankees ( 1989 -- 1990 ) </Li> <Li> Atlanta Braves ( 1991 -- 1994 ) </Li> <Li> Cincinnati Reds ( 1994 -- 1995 ) </Li> <Li> San Francisco Giants ( 1995 ) </Li> <Li> Cincinnati Reds ( 1997 , 2001 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Career highlights and awards </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> NL Triples champion ( 1992 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Sanders played a nine - year , part - time baseball career , playing left and center field in 641 games with 4 teams . He was originally drafted by the Kansas City Royals in the 6th round of the 1985 draft , but did not sign with them . The New York Yankees selected Sanders in the 30th round of the 1988 Major League Baseball draft , and he signed with the team on June 22 . He opened the 1989 season with the Albany - Colonie Yankees of the Class AA Eastern League . Though he planned to leave the Yankees in July to attend NFL training camp , he became embroiled in a contract dispute with the Falcons , and used the Yankees as leverage . He received a promotion to the major leagues , and spent the summer with the Columbus Clippers of the Class AAA International League . He made his major league baseball debut on May 31 , 1989 . </P> <P> Sanders made the Yankees ' Opening Day roster for the 1990 season . On May 22 , 1990 , Sanders became involved in a dispute with Chicago White Sox ' catcher Carlton Fisk . Sanders started by stepping up to the plate with one out and a runner on third , drawing a dollar sign in the dirt before the pitch and then failed to run to first base after hitting a routine pop fly to shortstop , trotting back to the dugout instead . The Yankee fans booed , and Fisk told Sanders to `` run the fucking ball out '' and called Sanders a `` piece of shit . '' Later in the game , Sanders told Fisk that `` the days of slavery are over . '' Fisk was furious . `` He comes up and wants to make it a racial issue , there 's no racial issue involved . There is a right way and a wrong way to play this game . '' </P> <P> By mid-July , Sanders expressed that he was unsure if he would remain with the Yankees or report to NFL training camp for the upcoming NFL season . He requested a $1 million salary for the 1991 season , and the Yankees ended negotiations on a contract extension with Sanders . He left the team , finishing the 1990 season with a . 158 batting average and three home runs in 57 games . In September 1990 , the Yankees placed Sanders on waivers with the intention of giving him his release , as Yankees ' general manager Gene Michael said that Sanders ' football career was stunting his baseball development . </P> <P> Sanders later signed with the Atlanta Braves for the 1991 MLB season . On July 31 , Sanders hit a key three - run homer to spark a comeback win against the Pittsburgh Pirates during the Braves ' run to the National League West Division title . However , he had to leave the Braves the very next day to report to the Atlanta Falcons because of a clause in his NFL contract and missed the postseason . Before the 1992 season , Sanders reworked his NFL deal whereby he still reported to the Falcons for training camp in August , but was allowed to rejoin the Braves for the postseason . </P> <P> During his most productive | Deion Sanders was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a | [
] | 38 | Who did deion sanders go in the hall of fame as? |
-8650104853556692961 | Manchester United F.C. - Wikipedia <H1> Manchester United F.C. </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` MUFC '' and `` Manchester United '' redirect here . For other uses , see MUFC ( disambiguation ) . For the basketball team , see Manchester Eagles . Not to be confused with F.C. United of Manchester . <Table> Manchester United <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Full name </Th> <Td> Manchester United Football Club </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nickname ( s ) </Th> <Td> The Red Devils </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Short name </Th> <Td> MUFC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Founded </Th> <Td> 1878 ; 140 years ago ( 1878 ) , as Newton Heath LYR F.C. 1902 ; 116 years ago ( 1902 ) , as Manchester United F.C. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ground </Th> <Td> Old Trafford </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ground Capacity </Th> <Td> 74,994 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owner </Th> <Td> Manchester United plc ( NYSE : MANU ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Co-chairmen </Th> <Td> Joel and Avram Glazer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Manager </Th> <Td> José Mourinho </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> League </Th> <Td> Premier League </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2016 -- 17 </Th> <Td> Premier League , 6th of 20 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> Club website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Home colours </Td> <Td> Away colours </Td> <Td> Third colours </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Current season </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Manchester United Football Club is a professional football club based in Old Trafford , Greater Manchester , England , that competes in the Premier League , the top flight of English football . Nicknamed `` the Red Devils '' , the club was founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878 , changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to its current stadium , Old Trafford , in 1910 . </P> <P> Manchester United have won a record 20 League titles , 12 FA Cups , 5 League Cups and a record 21 FA Community Shields . The club has also won three UEFA Champions Leagues , one UEFA Europa League , one UEFA Cup Winners ' Cup , one UEFA Super Cup , one Intercontinental Cup and one FIFA Club World Cup . In 1998 -- 99 , the club became the first in the history of English football to achieve the treble of the Premier League , the FA Cup and the UEFA Champions League . In 2016 -- 17 , by winning the UEFA Europa League , they became one of five clubs to have won all three main UEFA club competitions . In addition , they became the only professional English club to have won every ongoing honour available to the first team that is organised by a national or international governing body . </P> <P> The 1958 Munich air disaster claimed the lives of eight players . In 1968 , under the management of Matt Busby , Manchester United became the first English football club to win the European Cup . Alex Ferguson won 38 trophies as manager , including 13 Premier League titles , 5 FA Cups and 2 UEFA Champions Leagues , between 1986 and 2013 , when he announced his retirement . José Mourinho is the club 's current manager , having been appointed on 27 May 2016 . </P> <P> Manchester United was the highest - earning football club in the world for 2016 -- 17 , with an annual revenue of € 676.3 million , and the world 's most valuable football club in 2017 , valued at £ 2.86 billion . As of June 2015 , it is the world 's most valuable football brand , estimated to be worth $1.2 billion . After being floated on the London Stock Exchange in 1991 , the club was purchased by Malcolm Glazer in May 2005 in a deal valuing the club at almost £ 800 million , after which the company was taken private again , before going public once more in August 2012 , when they made an initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange . Manchester United is one of the most widely supported football clubs in the world , and has its strongest rivalries with Liverpool , Manchester City and Leeds United . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Early years ( 1878 -- 1945 ) </Li> <Li> 1.2 Busby years ( 1945 -- 1969 ) </Li> <Li> 1.3 1969 -- 1986 </Li> <Li> 1.4 Ferguson years ( 1986 -- 2013 ) </Li> <Li> 1.5 2013 -- present </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Crest and colours <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Kit evolution </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Grounds </Li> <Li> 4 Support <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Rivalries </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Global brand <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Sponsorship </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Ownership and finances </Li> <Li> 7 Players <Ul> <Li> 7.1 First - team squad <Ul> <Li> 7.1. 1 Out on loan </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7.2 Reserves and academy </Li> <Li> 7.3 Former players </Li> <Li> 7.4 Club captains </Li> <Li> 7.5 Player records </Li> <Li> 7.6 Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Club officials <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Managerial history </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Honours <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Domestic <Ul> <Li> 9.1. 1 League </Li> <Li> 9.1. 2 Cups </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9.2 European </Li> <Li> 9.3 Worldwide </Li> <Li> 9.4 Doubles and Trebles </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 See also </Li> <Li> 11 Footnotes </Li> <Li> 12 References </Li> <Li> 13 Further reading </Li> <Li> 14 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> History </H2> <H3> Early years ( 1878 -- 1945 ) </H3> Main article : History of Manchester United F.C. ( 1878 -- 1945 ) A chart showing the progress of Manchester United through the English football league system from joining as Newton Heath in 1892 -- 93 to the present <P> Manchester United was formed in 1878 as Newton Heath LYR Football Club by the Carriage and Wagon department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway ( LYR ) depot at Newton Heath . The team initially played games against other departments and railway companies , but on 20 November 1880 , they competed in their first recorded match ; wearing the colours of the railway company -- green and gold -- they were defeated 6 -- 0 by Bolton Wanderers ' reserve team . By 1888 , the club had become a founding member of The Combination , a regional football league . Following the league 's dissolution after only one season , Newton Heath joined the newly formed Football Alliance , which ran for three seasons before being merged with the Football League . This resulted in the club starting the 1892 -- 93 season in the First Division , by which time it had become independent of the railway company and dropped the `` LYR '' from its name . After two seasons , the club was relegated to the Second Division . </P> The Manchester United team at the start of the 1905 -- 06 season , in which they were runners - up in the Second Division <P> In January 1902 , with debts of £ 2,670 -- equivalent to £ 270,000 in 2018 -- the club was served with a winding - up order . Captain Harry Stafford found four local businessmen , including John Henry Davies ( who became club president ) , each willing to invest £ 500 in return for a direct interest in running the club and who subsequently changed the name ; on 24 April 1902 , Manchester United was officially born . Under Ernest Mangnall , who assumed managerial duties in 1903 , the team finished as Second Division runners - up in 1906 and secured promotion to the First Division , which they won in 1908 -- the club 's first league title . The following season began with victory in the first ever Charity Shield and ended with the club 's first FA Cup title . Manchester United won the First Division for the second time in 1911 , but at the end of the following season , Mangnall left the club to join Manchester City . </P> <P> In 1922 , three years after the resumption of football following the First World War , the club was relegated to the Second Division , where it remained until regaining promotion in 1925 . Relegated again in 1931 , Manchester United became a yo - yo club , achieving its all - time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934 . Following the death of principal benefactor John Henry Davies in October 1927 , the club 's finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson , who , in December 1931 , invested £ 2,000 and assumed control of the club . In the 1938 -- 39 season , the last year of football before the Second World War , the club finished 14th in the First Division . </P> <H3> Busby years ( 1945 -- 1969 ) </H3> Main article : History of Manchester United F.C. ( 1945 -- 1969 ) The Busby Babes in Denmark in 1955 <P> In October 1945 , the impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt Busby , who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection , player transfers and training sessions . Busby led the team to second - place league finishes in 1947 , 1948 and 1949 , and to FA Cup victory in 1948 . In 1952 , the club won the First Division , its first league title for 41 years . With an average age of 22 , the back - to - back title winning side of 1956 were labelled `` the Busby Babes '' by the media , a testament to Busby 's faith in his youth players . In 1957 , Manchester United became the first English team to compete in the European Cup , despite objections from The Football League , who had denied Chelsea the same opportunity the previous season . En route to the semi-final , which they lost to Real Madrid , the team recorded a 10 -- 0 victory over Belgian champions Anderlecht , which remains the club 's biggest victory on record . </P> A plaque at Old Trafford in memory of those who died in the Munich air disaster , including players ' names <P> The following season , on the way home from a European Cup quarter - final victory against Red Star Belgrade , the aircraft carrying the Manchester United players , officials and journalists crashed while attempting to take off after refuelling in Munich , Germany . The Munich air disaster of 6 February 1958 claimed 23 lives , including those of eight players -- Geoff Bent , Roger Byrne , Eddie Colman , Duncan Edwards , Mark Jones , David Pegg , Tommy Taylor and Billy Whelan -- and injured several more . </P> Manchester United ( 1963 ) <P> Assistant manager Jimmy Murphy took over as manager while Busby recovered from his injuries and the club 's makeshift side reached the FA Cup final , which they lost to Bolton Wanderers . In recognition of the team 's tragedy , UEFA invited the club to compete in the 1958 -- 59 European Cup alongside eventual League champions Wolverhampton Wanderers . Despite approval from the FA , the Football League determined that the club should not enter the competition , since it had not qualified . Busby rebuilt the team through the 1960s by signing players such as Denis Law and Pat Crerand , who combined with the next generation of youth players -- including George Best -- to win the FA Cup in 1963 . The following season , they finished second in the league , then won the title in 1965 and 1967 . In 1968 , Manchester United became the first English ( and | The name of Manchester United's stadium is | [
"Old Trafford"
] | 264 | What is the name of manchester united stadium? |
1706317595158666491 | Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Horses </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Awards and honors <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Academy Awards </Li> <Li> 3.2 Golden Globe Awards </Li> <Li> 3.3 British Academy Awards </Li> <Li> 3.4 LA Film Critics Awards </Li> <Li> 3.5 Others </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Sequel , prequel and television series </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 1946 Alec Ramsey is aboard the steamer Drake off the coast of North Africa , where he sees a wild black stallion being forced into a makeshift stable compartment and heavily restrained by ropes leading to his halter . Captivated by the horse , Alec later sneaks to the horse to feed him some sugar cubes , but he is caught by the horse 's supposed owner , who tells him in Arabic to stay away from Shetan and shoves the boy away . </P> <P> Later in their cabin , Alec 's father shows Alec his winnings from a card game and gives him a pocket knife and a small statue of Bucephalus , and tells the story of how Alexander the Great became Bucephalus ' master . Later that night , Alec is thrown out of his bunk ; he grabs his knife and his Bucephalus statue and joins his father on the other side of the cabin . His father puts Alec into a life jacket and they struggle with the rest of the passengers to get on deck . The ship is in flames and has started to sink . Alec 's father leaves him by the compartment holding The Black to go help the crew . In the chaos , Alec opens the compartment hatch but is attacked by Shetan 's owner who cuts Alec 's life jacket off him so he can take it for himself . Alec 's father rescues Alec from his attacker but the life jacket is lost and father & son are separated . The black stallion breaks free from his compartment and then jumps into the sea . Alec himself is swept overboard by a gigantic wave . Once in the water , he swims toward the stallion and managed to grab hold of the ropes that were previously restraining the stallion . </P> <P> Alec wakes on the shore of a deserted island and starts to explore . He finds the stallion caught in his restraints with the ropes stuck between the rocks . With his knife , Alec manages to free the stallion once again and the stallion runs away . For a time , the two keep their distance . Alec discovers means to survive by catching fish and seaweed . As Alec suddenly faces a cobra eye to eye , the Black comes to the rescue and kills the snake , only to run off again . </P> <P> By now , Alec decides to try to get closer to the horse and offer him some seaweed . The hungry stallion finds himself unable to resist , but visibly struggles with his distrust for humans . Eventually , the hunger wins and he takes Alec 's offer ; their bond has been sealed and the two are now inseparable . Alec even manages to ride the unbroken horse , after many times falling off the horse . One day , a fishing ship arrives , rescuing both Alec and the stallion . </P> <P> Back home in Flushing , NY , Alec is given a hero 's welcome . The Black has a temporary home in Alec 's backyard , but a garbage man not knowing that there is a wild horse in the backyard is chased by the Black , who races off down the street after being spooked by a passing car . Alec chases after him through every part of town , but loses track of him . The next day , Alec meets Snoe ( and Napoleon ) who tell him where the Black is . Alec finds the stallion in the barn of Henry Dailey , a retired jockey and racehorse trainer , who apparently spent all night catching the Black . Henry allows Alec to keep the Black in his barn . </P> <P> When Alec wonders how fast the Black is , Alec and Henry decide to train the Black for the racetrack , while Henry teaches Alec how to be a jockey . The Black surprises Henry with his speed . Henry immediately starts plotting to get the Black into a match race between two of the country 's current champions , to be held at Santa Anita , California . To do that , he sets up a secret demonstration at night where the press can witness his speed , keeping the identity of Alec and the Black secret . The news about the mystery horse is soon widespread and the Black is entered into the race . </P> <P> The race is the most anticipated horse - racing event of the year . Before the two champions and the Black enter the starting gate , the Black gets into a fight with one of his opponents , wounding his leg . Alec does not see the wound until he is in the gate . As he dismounts , the bell rings and the horses take off . Alec desperately tries to stay on his horse and trying to stop him . He falls behind , but the Black wo n't stop . When Alec regains his balance , the Black is well on his way to catch up with his opponents . Alec now encourages the Black to run as fast as he can , remembering the wild rides on the island , as they catch up . The Black eventually wins by two lengths . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Kelly Reno as Alec Ramsay </Li> <Li> Mickey Rooney as Henry Dailey </Li> <Li> Teri Garr as Mrs. Ramsay , Alec 's mother </Li> <Li> Hoyt Axton as Mr. Ramsay , Alec 's father </Li> <Li> Clarence Muse as Snoe </Li> <Li> Michael Higgins as Jim Neville </Li> <Li> Ed McNamara as Jake </Li> <Li> Doghmi Larbi as Arab </Li> <Li> John Burton as Jockey No. 1 </Li> <Li> John Buchanan as Jockey No. 2 </Li> <Li> Kristen Vigard as Becky </Li> <Li> Fausto Tozzi as Rescue Captain </Li> <Li> John Karlsen as Archeologist </Li> <Li> Leopoldo Trieste as Priest </Li> <Li> Frank Cousins as African Chieftain </Li> <Li> Don Hudson as Zaurog </Li> <Li> Marne Maitland as Drake Captain </Li> <Li> Tom Dahlgren as Veterinarian </Li> </Ul> <H3> Horses ( edit ) </H3> <P> Cass Ole , a champion Arabian stallion , was featured in most of the movie 's scenes , with Fae Jur , another black Arabian stallion , being his main double . Fae Jur 's main scene is the one where Alec is trying to gain the trust of the Black on the beach . Two other stunt doubles were used for running , fighting and swimming scenes . </P> <P> El Mokhtar , an Egyptian Arabian racehorse , was the producers ' first choice to portray the Black , but they were unable to secure his services for the film from his owners , who declined any offers . He does appear in The Black Stallion Returns , alongside Cass Ole , by which time the studio bought out the syndicate of owners in order to secure El Mokhtar 's services . </P> <P> Napoleon was portrayed by Junior , who previously appeared in National Lampoon 's Animal House as Trooper , Niedermeyer 's horse . </P> <H2> Awards and honors ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Academy Awards ( edit ) </H3> <P> The film received two nominations for the Academy Awards : </P> <Ul> <Li> Mickey Rooney was nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role . </Li> <Li> Robert Dalva was nominated for Best Film Editing . </Li> </Ul> <P> In addition , Alan Splet was awarded with a Special Achievement Award for sound editing . </P> <H3> Golden Globe Awards ( edit ) </H3> <P> Carmine Coppola was nominated for Best Original Score at the Golden Globe Awards . He later won the award in this category for his score of Apocalypse Now . </P> <H3> British Academy Awards ( edit ) </H3> <P> Caleb Deschanel was nominated for Best Cinematography by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards . </P> <H3> La film Critics Awards ( edit ) </H3> <P> The film received two awards from the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards for Best Cinematography ( Caleb Deschanel ) and Best Music ( Carmine Coppola ) . </P> <H3> Others ( edit ) </H3> <P> The film also won the 1979 National Society of Film Critics award for Best Cinematography . </P> <P> In 2002 , it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' . </P> <P> Also , the film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists : </P> <Ul> <Li> 2001 : AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills -- Nominated </Li> <Li> 2005 : AFI 's 100 Years of Film Scores -- Nominated </Li> <Li> 2006 : AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Cheers -- # 64 </Li> </Ul> <H2> Sequel , prequel and television series ( edit ) </H2> <P> The film was followed in 1983 by a sequel , The Black Stallion Returns , which also starred Reno . There was also a television series called The Adventures of the Black Stallion which aired from 1990 to 1993 and starred Mickey Rooney and Richard Ian Cox . In 2003 , a 50 - minute prequel called The Young Black Stallion , was shot and released for IMAX theaters . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> The Black Stallion books </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` The Black Stallion , Box Office Information '' . The Numbers . Retrieved January 28 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Junior '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2011 - 02 - 02 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Cannady , Sheryl ( 2002 - 12 - 17 ) . `` Librarian of Congress Adds 25 Films to National Film Registry '' . Library of Congress . Retrieved 2017 - 02 - 04 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills Nominees '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 20 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` AFI 's 100 Years of Film Scores Nominees '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 20 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Cheers '' ( PDF ) . American Film Institute . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 20 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Official website </Li> <Li> The Black Stallion on IMDb </Li> <Li> The Black Stallion at AllMovie </Li> <Li> The Black Stallion at Rotten Tomatoes </Li> <Li> The Black Stallion at Box Office Mojo </Li> <Li> The Black Stallion at the TCM Movie Database </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> The Black Stallion by Walter Farley </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Books </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> The Black Stallion book series </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Films </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> The Black Stallion ( 1979 ) </Li> <Li> The Black Stallion Returns ( 1983 ) </Li> <Li> The Young Black Stallion ( 2003 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Television </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> The Adventures of the Black Stallion ( 1990 - 1993 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Related </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Cass Ole </Li> <Li> El Mokhtar </Li> <Li> Docs Keepin Time </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> | The mother in the movie "The Black Stallion" was played by | [
"Teri Garr"
] | 1,434 | Who played the mother in the black stallion? |
-5670674709553776773 | The Proud Family ( soundtrack ) - Wikipedia <H1> The Proud Family ( soundtrack ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article does not cite any sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Proud Family </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Soundtrack album by Various Artists </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> April 20 , 2004 August 16 , 2005 ( Re-release ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Soul , hip hop , hip hop soul </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Walt Disney </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Proud Family is a soundtrack album for the show of the same name . A combination of both original tunes by the characters in the show , popular hits by popular music artists such as Alicia Keys , Jhené Aiko , India Arie , and Solange Knowles & Destiny 's Child ( who perform the theme song ) , and classic soul music from artists such as Aretha Franklin and The O'Jays . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <P> </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This soundtrack - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Television animation soundtracks </Li> <Li> 2004 soundtracks </Li> <Li> Hip hop soundtracks </Li> <Li> Soul soundtracks </Li> <Li> Walt Disney Records soundtracks </Li> <Li> Soundtrack stubs </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles lacking sources from December 2009 </Li> <Li> All articles lacking sources </Li> <Li> Articles with hAudio microformats </Li> <Li> Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters </Li> <Li> All stub articles </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> Add links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 17 December 2014 , at 07 : 09 . </Li> <Li> Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The theme song for The Proud Family is sung by | [
"Destiny's Child"
] | 187 | Who sings the theme song for the proud family? |
3723628014502752965 | Ca n't Get You Out of My Head - Wikipedia <H1> Ca n't Get You Out of My Head </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Single cover used for CD # 02 and digital releases of the song . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Kylie Minogue </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Fever </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Boy '' `` Rendezvous at Sunset '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> 8 September 2001 ( 2001 - 09 - 08 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> CD </Li> <Li> digital download </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> 2001 ; London , England </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Synthpop </Li> <Li> dance - pop </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 3 : 50 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Parlophone </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Cathy Dennis </Li> <Li> Rob Davis </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Cathy Dennis </Li> <Li> Rob Davis </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Kylie Minogue singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Your Disco Needs You '' ( 2001 ) </Td> <Td> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' ( 2001 ) </Td> <Td> `` In Your Eyes '' ( 2002 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Your Disco Needs You '' ( 2001 ) </Td> <Td> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' ( 2001 ) </Td> <Td> `` In Your Eyes '' ( 2002 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Music video </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' on YouTube </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' is a song recorded by Australian singer Kylie Minogue for her eighth studio album , titled Fever , which she released in 2001 . The song was released in Australia by Parlophone as the lead single from the album on 8 September 2001 . It was released on 17 September 2001 in the United Kingdom . In the United States , the single was released on 18 February 2002 . Jointly written , composed , and produced by Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis , `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' is a midtempo dance - pop song which lyrically details its narrator 's obsession towards her lover . The song is famous for its `` la la la '' hook . </P> <P> In addition to positive reviews from music critics , `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' found commercial success on a large scale . It peaked at number one on the charts of Austria , Belgium , France , Germany , Italy , Poland , Switzerland , the United Kingdom , and every other European country excluding Finland . It also topped the charts of Minogue 's native country Australia , Canada and New Zealand . In the United States , the song peaked at number seven on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart , becoming Minogue 's biggest hit in the region since `` The Loco - Motion '' . `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' reportedly reached number one in 40 countries across the globe . It was certified triple - platinum in Australia , double - platinum in the United Kingdom , and gold in the United States . It became Minogue 's first single to sell in excess of one million copies in the United Kingdom , where it also stands as the 28th best - selling single of the millennium . As of 2013 , the song was Minogue 's highest selling single and one of the best - selling singles of all time , with worldwide sales exceeding five million . </P> <P> The accompanying music video for the song was directed by Dawn Shadforth , and featured Minogue performing various dance routines in different futuristic backdrops . It became notable for the revealing hooded white jumpsuit Minogue wore during one of the scenes . The song has been performed by Minogue during all of her concert tours as of 2017 , with the exception of the Anti Tour . Following its release , `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' ranked on a number of decade - end lists compiled by magazines such as Rolling Stone , The Guardian , and NME . It is considered to be Minogue 's strongest commercial breakthrough in the United States and is said to have been the reason behind the success of its parent album Fever in the region . `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' is also recognized as Minogue 's signature song and was a defining point in her musical career . In 2012 , the song was re-recorded for inclusion in Minogue 's orchestral compilation album , The Abbey Road Sessions . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background and recording </Li> <Li> 2 Composition </Li> <Li> 3 Critical reception </Li> <Li> 4 Commercial performance </Li> <Li> 5 Music video <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Development and synopsis </Li> <Li> 5.2 Legacy </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Live performances </Li> <Li> 7 Legacy <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Commercial impact </Li> <Li> 7.2 Cultural impact </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Formats and track listings </Li> <Li> 9 Charts <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 9.2 Year - end charts </Li> <Li> 9.3 Decade - end charts </Li> <Li> 9.4 All Time Charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 Certifications </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> <Li> 12 Further reading </Li> <Li> 13 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background and Recording ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 2000 , Minogue signed to the Parlophone Records label and released her seventh studio album , Light Years . The disco and Europop inspired album was a critical and commercial success , and was later certified four times - platinum in Minogue 's native country Australia for shipment of 280,000 units , and platinum in the United Kingdom for shipment of 300,000 units . `` Spinning Around '' was released as the lead single from the album , and it was a commercial success , attaining a platinum certification in Australia for shipment of 70,000 units , and a silver certification in the United Kingdom for shipment of 200,000 units . She promoted the album by embarking on the On a Night Like This tour . Minogue premiered `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' by performing it during the tour , and soon after , discussion regarding the song `` quickly set online messageboards alight . '' `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' was chosen as the lead single from Minogue 's eighth studio album , Fever , and it was released on 8 September 2001 by Parlophone in Australia , while in the United Kingdom and other European countries it was released on 17 September . </P> My A&R at the time , Miles Leonard and Jamie Nelson , said , `` We 've got something . Come into the office . We 've got to play you something . '' So I went to the EMI office , and I had the same reaction you did , about 20 seconds in . I could n't even fathom what I was hearing . It just ... did something . I was beside myself . Then at the end of the song , panic set in . I was saying `` Are you sure we 've got this song ? Do n't tell me that we do n't ! Is it secured ? Can we have it ? '' And we did ! And that kick - started a whole different phase in my career . <P> -- Minogue , about her reaction to hearing the demo of the song . </P> <P> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' was jointly written , composed , and produced by Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis . Dennis and Davis had been brought together by British artist manager Simon Fuller , who wanted the duo to come up with a song for British pop group S Club 7 . The song was recorded using Cubase music software , which Davis ran on his Mac computer . Davis began playing an acoustic guitar and ran a 125 beats per minute drum loop , on which Dennis , herself a singer who had enjoyed chart success in the United States , began singing the line `` I just ca n't get you out of my head '' in the key of D minor . After three and a half hours , the demo was recorded and the vocals were laid afterwards . Dennis called their recording setup for the song `` the most primitive set - up you could imagine ! Different producers work in different ways . But it 's good to be reminded you do n't have to be reliant on equipment . A song is about melody and lyrics and being able to take something away in your memory that is going to haunt you . '' She also regarded their production as a `` very natural and fluid process , '' saying : `` We know how hard we work sometimes to write songs and then spend months picking them to pieces , but this was the easiest process , the chemicals were all happy and working together . '' </P> <P> But after Fuller heard the demo , he felt it was wrong for S Club 7 and rejected it ; English singer - songwriter Sophie Ellis - Bextor also turned down the offer to record it . Davis then met with Minogue 's A&R executive , Jamie Nelson . After hearing the demo cassette of the song , Nelson booked it for Minogue to record later that year . Nelson was impressed by the `` vibe '' of the song and felt it would please the `` danceheads . '' Although Davis was initially under the impression that the recording deal would be called off later , Minogue became enthusiastic to record the song after hearing 20 seconds of the demo . The whole song , including Minogue 's vocals , were recorded at Davis 's home studio in Surrey . The music , excluding the guitar part , was programmed using Korg Triton workstation via MIDI . Dennis later remarked : `` Even though Kylie was n't the first artist to be offered the song , I do n't believe it was meant to go to anyone other than Kylie , and I do n't believe anyone else would have done the incredible job she did with it , with the video , looking super-hot ! '' </P> <H2> Composition ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' A 21 - second sample of `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' containing the hook and part of the chorus of the song . The song is known for its `` la la la '' hook . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Ca n't Get You Out of My Head '' is a `` robotic '' midtempo dance - pop song , with a tempo of 126 beats per minute . According to the sheet music published at by EMI Music Publishing , Minogue 's vocal range spans from C to D. Minogue chants a `` la la la '' hook in the song , which is often heralded as its most appealing part . BBC Radio 2 noted that | The lyrics to "Can't Get You Out of My Head" were written by | [
"Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis"
] | 428 | Who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics? |
-5944168583179757903 | Hamlet - wikipedia <H1> Hamlet </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the play by William Shakespeare . For other uses , see Hamlet ( disambiguation ) . The American actor Edwin Booth as Hamlet , ca . 1870 <P> The Tragedy of Hamlet , Prince of Denmark , often shortened to Hamlet ( / ˈhæmlɪt / ) , is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602 . Set in Denmark , the play dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is called to wreak upon his uncle , Claudius , by the ghost of Hamlet 's father , King Hamlet . Claudius had murdered his own brother and seized the throne , also marrying his deceased brother 's widow . </P> <P> Hamlet is Shakespeare 's longest play , and is considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature , with a story capable of `` seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others '' . It was probably one of Shakespeare 's most popular works during his lifetime , and still ranks among his most performed , topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford - upon - Avon since 1879 . It has inspired many other writers -- from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Charles Dickens to James Joyce and Iris Murdoch -- and has been described as `` the world 's most filmed story after Cinderella '' . </P> <P> The story of Shakespeare 's Hamlet was derived from the legend of Amleth , preserved by 13th - century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum , as subsequently retold by the 16th - century scholar François de Belleforest . Shakespeare may also have drawn on an earlier Elizabethan play known today as the Ur - Hamlet , though some scholars believe he himself wrote the Ur - Hamlet , later revising it to create the version of Hamlet we now have . He almost certainly wrote his version of the title role for his fellow actor , Richard Burbage , the leading tragedian of Shakespeare 's time . In the 400 years since its inception , the role has been performed by numerous highly acclaimed actors in each successive century . </P> <P> Three different early versions of the play are extant : the First Quarto ( Q1 , 1603 ) ; the Second Quarto ( Q2 , 1604 ) ; and the First Folio ( F1 , 1623 ) . Each version includes lines and entire scenes missing from the others . The play 's structure and depth of characterisation have inspired much critical scrutiny . One such example is the centuries - old debate about Hamlet 's hesitation to kill his uncle , which some see as merely a plot device to prolong the action , but which others argue is a dramatisation of the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold - blooded murder , calculated revenge , and thwarted desire . More recently , psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet 's unconscious desires , while feminist critics have re-evaluated and attempted to rehabilitate the often maligned characters of Ophelia and Gertrude . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Characters </Li> <Li> 2 Plot <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Act I </Li> <Li> 2.2 Act II </Li> <Li> 2.3 Act III </Li> <Li> 2.4 Act IV </Li> <Li> 2.5 Act V </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Sources </Li> <Li> 4 Date </Li> <Li> 5 Texts </Li> <Li> 6 Analysis and criticism <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Critical history </Li> <Li> 6.2 Dramatic structure </Li> <Li> 6.3 Length </Li> <Li> 6.4 Language </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Context and interpretation <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Religious </Li> <Li> 7.2 Philosophical </Li> <Li> 7.3 Psychoanalytic </Li> <Li> 7.4 Feminist </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Influence </Li> <Li> 9 Performance history <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Shakespeare 's day to the Interregnum </Li> <Li> 9.2 Restoration and 18th century </Li> <Li> 9.3 19th century </Li> <Li> 9.4 20th century </Li> <Li> 9.5 21st century </Li> <Li> 9.6 Film and TV performances </Li> <Li> 9.7 Stage pastiches </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 Notes and references <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Notes </Li> <Li> 10.2 References </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 Sources <Ul> <Li> 11.1 Editions of Hamlet </Li> <Li> 11.2 Secondary sources </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 12 External links <Ul> <Li> 12.1 Texts </Li> <Li> 12.2 Analysis </Li> <Li> 12.3 Related works </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Characters ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Characters in Hamlet <Ul> <Li> Hamlet -- Son of the late King and nephew of the present King , Claudius . </Li> <Li> Claudius -- King of Denmark , Hamlet 's uncle and brother to the former King </Li> <Li> Gertrude -- Queen of Denmark and Hamlet 's mother </Li> <Li> Polonius -- Chief counsellor to the king </Li> <Li> Ophelia -- Polonius 's daughter </Li> <Li> Horatio -- Friend to Hamlet </Li> <Li> Laertes -- Polonius 's son </Li> <Li> Voltimand and Cornelius -- Courtiers </Li> <Li> Rosencrantz and Guildenstern -- Courtiers , friends of Hamlet </Li> <Li> Osric -- a Courtier </Li> <Li> Marcellus -- an Officer </Li> <Li> Barnardo -- an Officer </Li> <Li> Francisco -- a Soldier </Li> <Li> Reynaldo -- Polonius 's servant </Li> <Li> Ghost of Hamlet 's Father </Li> <Li> Fortinbras -- Prince of Norway </Li> <Li> Gravediggers -- a Sexton </Li> <Li> Player King , Player Queen , Lucianus etc. -- Players </Li> </Ul> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Act I ( edit ) </H3> <P> The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark , son of the recently deceased King Hamlet , and nephew of King Claudius , his father 's brother and successor . Claudius hastily married King Hamlet 's widow , Gertrude , Hamlet 's mother , and took the throne for himself . Denmark has a long - standing feud with neighbouring Norway , in which King Hamlet slew King Fortinbras of Norway in a battle some years ago . Although Denmark defeated Norway , and the Norwegian throne fell to King Fortinbras 's infirm brother , Denmark fears that an invasion led by the dead Norwegian king 's son , Prince Fortinbras , is imminent . </P> <P> On a cold night on the ramparts of Elsinore , the Danish royal castle , the sentries Bernardo and Marcellus discuss a ghost resembling the late King Hamlet which they have recently seen , and bring Prince Hamlet 's friend Horatio as a witness . After the ghost appears again , the three vow to tell Prince Hamlet what they have witnessed . </P> <P> As the court gathers the next day , while King Claudius and Queen Gertrude discuss affairs of state with their elderly adviser Polonius , Hamlet looks on glumly . During the court , Claudius grants permission for Polonius 's son Laertes to return to school in France , and sends envoys to inform the King of Norway about Fortinbras . Claudius also scolds Hamlet for continuing to grieve over his father , and forbids him from returning to his schooling in Wittenberg . After the court exits , Hamlet despairs of his father 's death and his mother 's hasty remarriage . Learning of the ghost from Horatio , Hamlet resolves to see it himself . </P> Horatio , Hamlet , and the ghost ( Artist : Henry Fuseli , 1789 ) <P> As Polonius 's son Laertes prepares to depart for a visit to France , Polonius gives him contradictory advice that culminates in the ironic maxim `` to thine own self be true . '' Polonius 's daughter , Ophelia , admits her interest in Hamlet , but Laertes warns her against seeking the prince 's attention , and Polonius orders her to reject his advances . That night on the rampart , the ghost appears to Hamlet , telling the prince that he has been condemned to Purgatory due to his inability to receive his last rites . He further explains that he was murdered by Claudius and demands that Hamlet avenge him . Hamlet agrees and the ghost vanishes . The prince confides to Horatio and the sentries that from now on he plans to `` put an antic disposition on '' , or act as though he has gone mad , and forces them to swear to keep his plans for revenge secret . Privately , however , he remains uncertain of the ghost 's reliability . </P> <H3> Act II ( edit ) </H3> <P> After the departure of Laertes , Polonius sends his servant Reynaldo to Paris to spy on his son . Soon thereafter , Ophelia rushes to her father , telling him that Hamlet arrived at her door the prior night half - undressed and behaving erratically . Polonius blames love for Hamlet 's madness and resolves to inform Claudius and Gertrude . As he enters to do so , the king and queen finish welcoming Rosencrantz and Guildenstern , two student acquaintances of Hamlet , to Elsinore . The royal couple has requested that the students investigate the cause of Hamlet 's mood and behaviour . Additional news requires that Polonius wait to be heard : messengers from Norway inform Claudius that the King of Norway has rebuked Prince Fortinbras for attempting to re-fight his father 's battles . The forces that Fortinbras had conscripted to march against Denmark will instead be sent against Poland , though they will pass through Danish territory to get there . </P> <P> Polonius tells Claudius and Gertrude his theory regarding Hamlet 's behaviour , and speaks to Hamlet in a hall of the castle to try to uncover more information . Hamlet feigns madness but subtly insults Polonius all the while . When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrive , Hamlet greets his `` friends '' warmly , but quickly discerns that they are spies . Hamlet becomes bitter , admitting that he is upset at his situation but refusing to give the true reason why , instead commenting on `` what a piece of work '' humanity is . Rosencrantz and Guildenstern tell Hamlet that they have brought along a troupe of actors that they met while traveling to Elsinore . Hamlet , after welcoming the actors and dismissing his friends - turned - spies , asks them to deliver a soliloquy about the death of King Priam and Queen Hecuba at the climax of the Trojan War . Impressed by their delivery of the speech , he plots to stage The Murder of Gonzago , a play featuring a death in the style of his father 's murder , and to determine the truth of the ghost 's story , as well as Claudius 's guilt or innocence , by studying Claudius 's reaction . </P> <H3> Act III ( edit ) </H3> <P> Polonius forces Ophelia to return Hamlet 's love letters and tokens of affection to the prince while he and Claudius watch from afar to evaluate Hamlet 's reaction . Hamlet is walking alone in the hall as the King and Polonius await Ophelia 's entrance , musing whether `` to be or not to be '' . When Ophelia enters and tries to return Hamlet 's things , Hamlet accuses her of immodesty and cries `` get thee to a nunnery '' , though it is unclear whether this , too , is a show of madness or genuine distress . His reaction convinces Claudius that Hamlet is not mad for love . Shortly thereafter , the court assembles to watch the play Hamlet has commissioned . After seeing the Player King murdered by his rival pouring poison in his ear , Claudius abruptly rises and runs from the room : for Hamlet , proof positive of his uncle 's guilt . </P> Hamlet mistakenly stabs Polonius ( Artist : Coke Smyth , 19th century ) . <P> Gertrude summons Hamlet to her room to demand an explanation . Meanwhile , Claudius soliloquizes about the impossibility of repenting , since he still has possession of his ill - gotten goods : his brother 's | Shakespeare almost certainly wrote his version of the title role in Hamlet for | [
"his fellow actor, Richard Burbage"
] | 335 | Who did shakespeare write his play hamlet for? |
-4092499579855624350 | , and has a strong friendship with Katie Benedetto . Spector claims that he had an affair with Katie , a fifteen - year - old school girl , in order to quell the suspicions of his wife . Sally Ann later becomes pregnant , and the first series ends with Paul fleeing Ireland for Scotland as the net closes in . In series 2 , returning to Ireland , Spector 's lust to kill is now stronger than ever . As he gets closer to Stella , he finds an unusual source of help in Katie . After an encounter with James Tyler , Spector is arrested , and , co-operating with officers , is gunned down by Tyler at a crime scene . After surviving his injuries , Spector claims to have lost six years of memory . After undergoing psychological evaluation , he attacks both Gibson and his psychiatrist , before committing suicide . </P> <H3> Asst . Ch . Constable Jim Burns ( edit ) </H3> <P> ACC Jim Burns ( John Lynch ) , the Assistant Chief Constable of the PSNI in charge of operations , and the Gold Commander of Musicman . Burns had an affair with Stella several years previously , and , despite being married , still appears to be infatuated with her . He 's a skilled officer and knows how to balance politics and police - work . He is initially hesitant about linking the murders , but later provides the investigation with all the resources it requires . He is , at first , believed to be linked to the PSNI corruption scandal , though this is later disproved . During series 2 , his lust for Stella becomes more apparent when he attempts to force himself on her whilst drunk . This drinking continues into series three , and he resigns his commission during the series finale . </P> <H3> Katie Benedetto ( edit ) </H3> <P> Katerina `` Katie '' Benedetto ( Aisling Franciosi ) , a 15 - year - old schoolgirl . She babysits the Spectors ' children and - over the course of doing so - develops an affinity for Paul Spector . Katie is a gifted musician and uses online videos to express her feelings . During series 2 she becomes deeply embroiled in Paul 's life . Paul ties her up in a hotel room , for example , whilst Katie breaks into a house wearing a shirt with Spector 's face on . Benedetto is placed under police surveillance and later arrested whilst trying to dispose of evidence that implicates Paul in the murders . In series three , she attacks a girl with acid , and is detained for her crimes . During this time , she reveals to Stella that her father 's death had a severe emotional impact on her , and she has been self - harming . </P> <H3> Sally Ann Spector ( edit ) </H3> <P> Sally Ann Spector ( Bronagh Waugh ) , the wife of Paul Spector and a neonatal nurse . She has a deep devotion to Paul , but is wary of his character as she has never met his family . Sally Ann is the mother of his two children and is unaware of his dark side . Over the course of the series , she becomes embroiled in his crimes without her knowledge , and even provides a false alibi to the police . After leaving Paul for a short time , believing he slept with Katie , the two reconcile and she flees Ireland with him . In series 2 , they return . Sally Ann is pregnant with her third child , though she suffers a miscarriage . Following her arrest for assisting an offender , Sally attempts to kill her children . </P> <H3> Pc Danielle Ferrington ( edit ) </H3> <P> PC Danielle Ferrington ( Niamh McGrady ) , a Police Constable first seen attending a breaking and entering call at Sarah Kay 's home . She blames herself for Kay 's murder and tells Gibson this , resulting in her being recruited by Stella to work with Operation Musicman . Dani is a skilled investigator , and proves herself invaluable to the team . She speaks openly of her homosexuality to bisexual Gibson , and as a result the two develop both a professional and a personal bond . She later returns to patrol , believing she can do the most good on the street . It is in this capacity that she is involved in a gunfight with Spector and , following her suspension from front - line duty , is re-recruited by Stella . </P> <H3> Det . Ch . Insp . Matthew Eastwood ( edit ) </H3> <P> DCI Matt Eastwood ( Stuart Graham ) , a senior Detective Chief Inspector and longtime PSNI officer . Eastwood works for the Discipline and Complaints Commission and , as such , his character withstands the scrutiny of others . His primary task is to investigate corruption allegations within the PSNI . He and Stella work together several times due to her involvement with Olson and Breedlove . As well as being a corruption investigator , he is also trained in criminal investigations . During series 2 , he becomes Stella 's Deputy S.I.O. ( and Bronze Commander ) , questioning many of her investigative decisions . He and Stella become a formidable team during series three , and he is visibly saddened by her departure in the series finale . </P> <H3> DC Gail McNally ( edit ) </H3> <P> DC Gail McNally ( Bronágh Taggart ) , a detective who was assigned to Musicman sometime prior to the second series . She is Martin 's partner . Tough , eager , and skilled , McNally is not afraid to confront criminals in the same manner as her male colleagues . Gibson relies on her heavily during the investigative process . </P> <H3> Rose Stagg ( edit ) </H3> <P> Rose Stagg ( Valene Kane ) , a woman who had a sexual relationship with Paul whilst at university . During a night of passion , Paul tried to strangle her to death . As the Belfast Strangler comes to the attention of the public , Stagg notices the similarities and contacts her close friend Reed Smith . Her husband was unaware the attack had taken place . She is later kidnapped and held captive by Spector . She is later found unconscious in a car trunk . During series three , Stagg reveals that her sexual relationship with Paul was entirely consensual , and that , during sex , he strangled her so aggressively she had to be revived . </P> <H3> DC Glen Martin ( edit ) </H3> <P> DC Glen Martin ( Emmett Scanlan ) , a capable detective with a somewhat boyish attitude towards his work . Martin is an invaluable member of Gibson 's team and , during series two , takes on a more prominent role in the decision making process . He is partnered with DC Gail McNally , and is fiercely protective of her , though not to a fault . Stella is often shown to be displeased at his attitude towards police work , and in particular his habit of eating whilst on duty . </P> <H3> Professor Reed Smith ( edit ) </H3> <P> Professor Reed Smith ( Archie Panjabi ) , an esteemed medical professional and the senior pathologist assigned to Musicman . An avid rider of motorcycles , and somewhat unconventional in manner , Smith develops a personal closeness to Gibson and the two confide in each - other regularly . She 's very professional , though her personal life later becomes embroiled in the case when an old friend of hers reveals she has had a sexual encounter with Spector . Whilst drinking with Stella , the two embrace in a kiss , and go back to Stella 's hotel room , though Reed later gets cold feet . </P> <H3> DC Rick Turner ( edit ) </H3> <P> Rick Turner ( Richard Clements ) , a Detective Constable . </P> <H3> Det . Sgt . Tom Anderson ( edit ) </H3> <P> DS Tom Anderson ( Colin Morgan ) , the Senior Investigating Officer of a death that could be linked to Stella 's investigation . Impressed with both his professional attitude and looks , Stella invites him to join her team . Seeing the parallels between Anderson and Spector , Stella allows him to conduct the arrest and interviews of Paul . He is later gunned down by James Tyler whilst cuffed to the serial killer , and suffers nerve damage as a result . After returning to active duty , Anderson is once again attacked by Spector whilst protecting Stella in an interview . </P> <H3> Annie Brawley ( edit ) </H3> <P> Annie Brawley ( Karen Hassan ) , a woman who is recovering from an attack by Spector in which her brother died . Suffering from memory loss and unable to identify her attacker , Spector manipulates his way into her life . </P> <H3> Tom Stagg ( edit ) </H3> <P> Tom Stagg ( Jonjo O'Neill ) , Rose Stagg 's husband and a close friend of Professor Reed Smith . He is unaware of his wife 's past relationship with Paul , and is at first ignorant to her involvement in the current case . Like Spector , he is the father of two children . He is particularly hurt when his wife goes missing , and is the first one to raise the alarm to Gibson and her team . </P> <H3> Ned Callan ( edit ) </H3> <P> Ned Callan ( Nick Lee ) , a journalist with a keen interest in Gibson 's investigation . He 's intrepid , but does not always understand the boundaries placed upon him by the law . </P> <H3> James Tyler ( edit ) </H3> <P> James ' Jimmy ' Tyler ( Brian Milligan ) , a gangster whose son died as a child of meningitis. Tyler is part of the gang that are responsible for the death of DS Olson , and his gang ties allow him to become threatening towards Paul when he believes Spector slept with his wife . Following a confrontation in which Ferrington is shot at , Tyler hunts down Spector and shoots both him and Anderson . He is killed by officers including Hagstrom as a result of this . </P> <H3> Liz Tyler ( edit ) </H3> <P> Liz Tyler ( Séainín Brennan ) , a grieving mother who was counselled by Spector following the death of her young son . Tyler develops a close friendship with Paul , and as a result the killer appears to put himself at great personal risk in order to protect her . Following a violent confrontation with her husband , Liz is placed in a half way house for her own protection . Feeling unattractive , she lied , stating that Spector had had sex with her , and a result Jimmy tracks her down , beats her , and goes on to shoot Paul and Tom Anderson . </P> <H3> Det . Sgt . James Olson ( edit ) </H3> <P> DS James Olson ( Ben Peel ) , a young Sergeant who is first seen investigating an unrelated murder . Gibson invites him to her hotel room , and two engage in sexual activity . Following this , Olson begins to call Gibson , intimating he wants more than a one - night stand with her . After she rejects him , he is gunned down by unknown gang members . At the time of his death , he was married with at least one child . He is later linked to part of a wider corruption scandal within the PSNI . Following his death , Stella begins to see him in her dreams , implying his murder had a huge psychological impact on her . During series three , it is noted that his murder | In the Fall Season 2, Rose is | [
"a woman who had a sexual relationship with Paul whilst at university"
] | 2,691 | Who is rose in the fall season 2? |
-4825429046585874047 | The Great Gatsby - Wikipedia <H1> The Great Gatsby </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the novel . For the film , TV and opera adaptations , see The Great Gatsby ( disambiguation ) . <Table> The Great Gatsby <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Cover of the first edition in 1925 . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Author </Th> <Td> F. Scott Fitzgerald </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cover artist </Th> <Td> Francis Cugat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Novel </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Published </Th> <Td> April 10 , 1925 ( Charles Scribner 's Sons ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Media type </Th> <Td> Print ( hardcover & paperback ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Preceded by </Th> <Td> The Beautiful and Damned ( 1922 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Followed by </Th> <Td> Tender Is the Night ( 1934 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922 . The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession for the beautiful former debutante Daisy Buchanan . Considered to be Fitzgerald 's magnum opus , The Great Gatsby explores themes of decadence , idealism , resistance to change , social upheaval , and excess , creating a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream . </P> <P> Fitzgerald -- inspired by the parties he had attended while visiting Long Island 's north shore -- began planning the novel in 1923 , desiring to produce , in his words , `` something new -- something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned . '' Progress was slow , with Fitzgerald completing his first draft following a move to the French Riviera in 1924 . His editor , Maxwell Perkins , felt the book was vague and persuaded the author to revise over the following winter . Fitzgerald was repeatedly ambivalent about the book 's title and he considered a variety of alternatives , including titles that referenced the Roman character Trimalchio ; the title he was last documented to have desired was Under the Red , White , and Blue . </P> <P> First published by Scribner 's in April 1925 , The Great Gatsby received mixed reviews and sold poorly ; in its first year , the book sold only 20,000 copies . Fitzgerald died in 1940 , believing himself to be a failure and his work forgotten . However , the novel experienced a revival during World War II , and became a part of American high school curricula and numerous stage and film adaptations in the following decades . Today , The Great Gatsby is widely considered to be a literary classic and a contender for the title `` Great American Novel . '' In 1998 , the Modern Library editorial board voted it the 20th century 's best American novel and second best English - language novel of the same time period . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Historical context </Li> <Li> 2 Plot summary </Li> <Li> 3 Major characters </Li> <Li> 4 Writing and production </Li> <Li> 5 Cover art </Li> <Li> 6 Title </Li> <Li> 7 Themes </Li> <Li> 8 Reception </Li> <Li> 9 Legacy and modern analysis </Li> <Li> 10 Adaptations <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Ballet </Li> <Li> 10.2 Computer games </Li> <Li> 10.3 Film and television </Li> <Li> 10.4 Literature </Li> <Li> 10.5 Opera </Li> <Li> 10.6 Radio </Li> <Li> 10.7 Theater </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 See also </Li> <Li> 12 Notes </Li> <Li> 13 References <Ul> <Li> 13.1 Bibliography </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 14 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Historical context ( edit ) </H2> <P> Set on the prosperous Long Island of 1922 , The Great Gatsby provides a critical social history of America during the Roaring Twenties within its fictional narrative . That era , known for unprecedented economic prosperity , the evolution of jazz music flapper culture , new technologies in communication ( motion pictures , broadcast radio , recorded music ) forging a genuine mass culture ; and bootlegging , along with other criminal activity , is plausibly depicted in Fitzgerald 's novel . Fitzgerald uses many of these societal developments of the 1920s that were to build Gatsby 's stories from many of the simple details like automobiles to broader themes like Fitzgerald 's discreet allusions to the organized crime culture which was the source of Gatsby 's fortune . Fitzgerald depicts the garish society of the Roaring Twenties by placing the book 's plotline within the historical context of the era . </P> <P> Fitzgerald 's visits to Long Island 's north shore and his experience attending parties at mansions inspired The Great Gatsby 's setting . Today , there are a number of theories as to which mansion was the inspiration for the book . One possibility is Land 's End , a notable Gold Coast Mansion where Fitzgerald may have attended a party . Many of the events in Fitzgerald 's early life are reflected throughout The Great Gatsby . Fitzgerald was a young man from Minnesota , and like Nick , he was educated at an Ivy League school , Princeton ( in Nick 's case , Yale ) . Fitzgerald is also similar to Jay Gatsby , in that he fell in love while stationed far from home in the military and fell into a life of decadence trying to prove himself to the girl he loved . Fitzgerald became a second lieutenant , and was stationed at Camp Sheridan , in Montgomery , Alabama . There he met and fell in love with a wild seventeen - year - old beauty named Zelda Sayre . Zelda finally agreed to marry him , but her preference for wealth , fun , and leisure led her to delay their wedding until he could prove a success . Like Nick in The Great Gatsby , Fitzgerald found this new lifestyle seductive and exciting , and , like Gatsby , he had always idolized the very rich . In many ways , The Great Gatsby represents Fitzgerald 's attempt to confront his conflicting feelings about the Jazz Age . Like Gatsby , Fitzgerald was driven by his love for a woman who symbolized everything he wanted , even as she led him toward everything he despised . </P> <P> In her book Careless People : Murder , Mayhem and the Invention of ' The Great Gatsby ( 2013 ) , Sarah Churchwell speculates that parts of the ending of The Great Gatsby were based on the Hall - Mills Case . Based on her forensic search for clues , she asserts that the two victims in the Hall - Mills murder case inspired the characters who were murdered in The Great Gatsby . </P> <H2> Plot summary ( edit ) </H2> <P> The main events of the novel take place in the summer of 1922 . Nick Carraway , a Yale graduate and veteran of the Great War from the Midwest -- who serves as the novel 's narrator -- takes a job in New York as a bond salesman . He rents a small house on Long Island , in the fictional village of West Egg , next door to the lavish mansion of Jay Gatsby , a mysterious multi-millionaire who holds extravagant parties but does not participate in them . Nick drives around the bay to East Egg for dinner at the home of his cousin , Daisy Fay Buchanan , and her husband , Tom , a college acquaintance of Nick 's . They introduce Nick to Jordan Baker , an attractive , cynical young golfer with whom Nick begins a romantic relationship . She reveals to Nick that Tom has a mistress , Myrtle Wilson , who lives in the `` valley of ashes '' , an industrial dumping ground between West Egg and New York City . Not long after this revelation , Nick travels to New York City with Tom and Myrtle to an apartment Tom keeps for his affairs with Myrtle and others . At Tom 's New York apartment , a vulgar and bizarre party takes place . It ends with Tom breaking Myrtle 's nose after she annoys him by saying Daisy 's name several times . </P> The Plaza Hotel in the early - 1920s <P> As the summer progresses , Nick eventually receives an invitation to one of Gatsby 's parties . Nick encounters Jordan Baker at the party , and they meet Gatsby himself , an aloof and surprisingly young man who recognizes Nick from their same division in the Great War . Through Jordan , Nick later learns that Gatsby knew Daisy through a purely chance meeting in 1917 , when Daisy and her friends were doing volunteer services ' work with young Officers headed to Europe . From their brief meetings and casual encounters at that time , Gatsby became ( and still is ) deeply in love with Daisy . Even more , he became obsessed with the idea of her , and the ideal of living in the world he saw her living in , as the fulfillment of all the possible dreams he could ever have . </P> <P> Jordan confides in Nick that the only reason Gatsby bought the mansion is because it was across the bay from Tom and Daisy 's home , and that Gatsby 's extravagant lifestyle and wild parties were an attempt to impress Daisy and raise her curiosity about her `` anonymous '' neighbor across the bay . Gatsby had hoped that one day curiosity would have brought the unsuspecting Daisy to appear at his doorstep , and thereby he 'd be able to present himself as a `` new man '' , now of wealth and position , and now able to join her at her side and within her world . That however never played out , and although Tom had been invited ( as a guest of Jordan 's ) to a Gatsby party and had attended more than one of them , both he and Daisy had ( for different reasons ) never responded affirmatively to an RSVP to attend as the Buchanans ( Mr. and Mrs . ) . The deeper reasons behind this fact are expanded upon later in the story by Daisy . His research of Nick , who has so fortuitously rented the small cottage next door to Gatsby 's mansion , results in a wholly new approach to his problem of how to introduce Daisy to the `` new '' J. Gatsby . </P> <P> The whole purpose of the `` invitation '' to Nick to attend a Gatsby party was to develop a relationship with him so that Gatsby could later ask Nick to arrange a reunion between himself and Daisy . Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house without telling her that Gatsby will also be there . After an initially awkward reunion , Gatsby and Daisy reestablish their connection . They begin an affair and , after a short time , Tom grows increasingly suspicious of his wife 's relationship with Gatsby . At a luncheon at the Buchanans ' house , Daisy speaks to Gatsby with such undisguised intimacy that Tom realizes she is in love with Gatsby . Though Tom is himself involved in an extramarital affair , he is outraged by his wife 's infidelity . He forces the group to drive into New York City and confronts Gatsby in a suite at the Plaza Hotel , asserting that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could never understand . In addition to that , he announces to his wife that Gatsby is a criminal whose fortune comes from bootlegging alcohol and other illegal activities . Daisy realizes | The story of The Great Gatsby takes place in | [
"the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island"
] | 186 | Where does the story the great gatsby take place? |
-2549769621272056360 | <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Divisional Playoffs ( Eagles ) 34 -- 10 Won Conference Championship ( 49ers ) 30 -- 20 Won Super Bowl XXVII ( 3 ) ( Bills ) 52 -- 17 </Td> <Td> Troy Aikman ( SB MVP ) </Td> <Td> Jimmy Johnson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1993 </Th> <Td> 1993 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Divisional Playoffs ( Packers ) 27 -- 17 Won Conference Championship ( 49ers ) 38 -- 21 Won Super Bowl XXVIII ( 4 ) ( Bills ) 30 -- 13 </Td> <Td> Emmitt Smith ( MVP , SB MVP ) </Td> <Td> Jimmy Johnson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1994 </Th> <Td> 1994 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Divisional Playoffs ( Packers ) 35 -- 9 Lost Conference Championship ( 49ers ) 38 -- 28 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Barry Switzer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1995 </Th> <Td> 1995 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Divisional Playoffs ( Eagles ) 30 -- 11 Won Conference Championship ( Packers ) 38 -- 27 Won Super Bowl XXX ( 5 ) ( Steelers ) 27 -- 17 </Td> <Td> Larry Brown ( SB MVP ) </Td> <Td> Barry Switzer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Wild Card Playoffs ( Vikings ) 40 -- 15 Lost Divisional Playoffs ( Panthers ) 26 -- 17 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Barry Switzer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1997 </Th> <Td> 1997 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 4th </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Barry Switzer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1998 </Th> <Td> 1998 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Lost Wild Card Playoffs ( Cardinals ) 20 -- 7 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Chan Gailey </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 1999 </Th> <Td> 1999 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 2nd </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Lost Wild Card Playoffs ( Vikings ) 27 -- 10 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Chan Gailey </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2000 </Th> <Td> 2000 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 4th </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Dave Campo </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2001 </Th> <Td> 2001 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 5th </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Dave Campo </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2002 </Th> <Td> 2002 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 4th </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Dave Campo </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2003 </Th> <Td> 2003 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 2nd </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Lost Wild Card Playoffs ( Panthers ) 29 -- 10 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Bill Parcells </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 3rd </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Bill Parcells </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2005 </Th> <Td> 2005 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 3rd </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Bill Parcells </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2006 </Th> <Td> 2006 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 2nd </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Lost Wild Card Playoffs ( Seahawks ) 21 -- 20 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Bill Parcells </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2007 </Th> <Td> 2007 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Lost Divisional Playoffs ( Giants ) 21 -- 17 </Td> <Td> Greg Ellis ( CBPOY ) </Td> <Td> Wade Phillips </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2008 </Th> <Td> 2008 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 3rd </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wade Phillips </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2009 </Th> <Td> 2009 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Wild Card Playoffs ( Eagles ) 34 -- 14 Lost Divisional Playoffs ( Vikings ) 34 -- 3 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wade Phillips </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 3rd </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wade Phillips ( 1 -- 7 ) Jason Garrett ( 5 -- 3 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2011 </Th> <Td> 2011 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 3rd </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2012 </Th> <Td> 2012 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 3rd </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jason Witten ( WP MOY ) </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2013 </Th> <Td> 2013 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 2nd </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2014 </Th> <Td> 2014 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Won Wild Card Playoffs ( Lions ) 24 -- 20 Lost Divisional Playoffs ( Packers ) 26 -- 21 </Td> <Td> DeMarco Murray ( OPOY ) </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2015 </Th> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 4th </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2016 </Th> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 1st </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> Lost Divisional Playoffs ( Packers ) 34 -- 31 </Td> <Td> Dak Prescott ( OROY ) Jason Garrett ( COY ) </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2017 </Th> <Td> 2017 </Td> <Td> NFL </Td> <Td> NFC </Td> <Td> East </Td> <Td> 2nd </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jason Garrett </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Total </Th> <Td> 502 </Td> <Td> 374 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Th colspan="3"> All - time regular season record ( 1960 -- 2017 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 34 </Td> <Td> 27 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td colspan="3"> All - time postseason record ( 1960 -- 2017 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 536 </Th> <Th> 401 </Th> <Th> 6 </Th> <Th colspan="3"> All - time regular season and postseason record ( 1960 -- 2017 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="6"> 5 NFL Championships , 10 Conference Championships , 22 Divisional Championships </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Footnotes ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` 1960 Dallas Cowboys '' . Dallas Cowboys ' Official Website . Archived from the original on 2007 - 12 - 29 . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 12 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Dallas Cowboys ' Championship History '' . . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 12 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Dallas Cowboys Championship History '' . . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 28 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Dallas Cowboys History '' . CBS Sports . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 27 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Dallas Cowboys Franchise History '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 17 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ The 1967 NFL season marks the first season in the league 's history where the league was divided into two conferences which were subdivided into two divisions . Up to 1967 , the league was either divided into two divisions , two conferences , or neither . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1973 season , the Cowboys and the Redskins finished the season with identical 10 -- 4 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Dallas finished ahead of Washington in the NFC East based on better point differential in head - to - head games . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ For the 1978 season , the NFL expanded from a 14 - game season to a 16 - game season . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1978 season , the Cowboys and the Los Angeles Rams finished the season with identical 12 -- 4 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Los Angeles was the top NFC seed over Dallas based on a better head - to - head record . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1979 season , the Cowboys and the Eagles finished the season with identical 11 -- 5 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Dallas finished ahead of Philadelphia in the NFC East based on a better conference record . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1980 season , the Cowboys and the Eagles finished the season with identical 12 -- 4 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Philadelphia finished ahead of Dallas in the NFC East based on better net points in division games . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ The 1982 NFL season was shortened from 16 games per team to 9 games because of a players ' strike . The NFL adopted a special 16 - team playoff tournament ; eight teams from each conference were seeded 1 -- 8 , and division standings were ignored . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1985 season , the Cowboys , Redskins , and the Giants finished the season with identical 10 -- 6 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Dallas finished ahead of New York and Washington based on a better head - to - head record . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ The 1987 NFL season was shortened from 16 games per team to 15 games because of a players ' strike . Games to be played during the third week of the season were canceled , and replacement players were used to play games from weeks 4 through 6 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1991 season , the Cowboys and the Bears finished the season with identical 11 -- 5 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Chicago was the first NFC Wild Card based on better conference record than Dallas . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1996 season , the Cowboys and the Eagles finished the season with identical 10 -- 6 records . Using the NFL 's tie - breaking procedures , Dallas finished ahead of Philadelphia in the NFC East based on better record against common opponents . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ At the end of the 1999 season , the Cowboys , Lions , and the Panthers finished the season with identical 8 -- 8 records . Using the NFL 's | The Dallas Cowboys won their last playoff game in | [
] | 3,206 | When did the dallas cowboys win their last playoff game? |
2620720975912644835 | IRS penalties - wikipedia <H1> IRS penalties </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> This article is part of a series on </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Taxation in the United States of America </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Federal taxation ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Alternative minimum tax </Li> <Li> Capital gains tax </Li> <Li> Corporate tax </Li> <Li> Estate tax </Li> <Li> Excise tax </Li> <Li> Gift tax </Li> <Li> Income tax </Li> <Li> Payroll tax </Li> <Li> Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) </Li> <Li> Internal Revenue Code ( IRC ) </Li> <Li> IRS tax forms </Li> <Li> Revenue by state </Li> <Li> History </Li> <Li> Constitutional authority </Li> <Li> Taxpayer standing </Li> <Li> Court </Li> <Li> Protest </Li> <Li> Evasion </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> State and local taxation ( show ) <Ul> <Li> State income tax </Li> <Li> Property tax </Li> <Li> Sales tax </Li> <Li> Use tax </Li> <Li> Land value tax </Li> <Li> State tax levels </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Federal tax reform ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Automated payment transaction tax </Li> <Li> 9 -- 9 -- 9 </Li> <Li> Competitive Tax Plan </Li> <Li> Efficient Taxation of Income </Li> <Li> FairTax </Li> <Li> Flat tax </Li> <Li> Hall -- Rabushka flat tax </Li> <Li> Kemp Commission </Li> <Li> Taxpayer Choice Act </Li> <Li> USA Tax </Li> <Li> Value added tax </Li> <Li> Border - adjustment tax </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> United States portal </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Taxpayers in the United States may face various penalties for failures related to Federal , state , and local tax matters . The Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) is primarily responsible for charging these penalties at the Federal level . The IRS can assert only those penalties specified imposed under Federal tax law . State and local rules vary widely , are administered by state and local authorities , and are not discussed herein . </P> <P> Penalties may be monetary or may involve forfeiture of property . Criminal penalties may include jail time , but are imposed only by a federal judge after a defendant is convicted . Most monetary penalties are based on the amount of tax not properly paid . Penalties may increase with the period of nonpayment . Some penalties are fixed dollar amounts or fixed percentages of some measure required to be reported . Excise taxes used as penalties are imposed in the Code sections relating to particular kinds of transactions . Some penalties may be waived or abated where the taxpayer shows reasonable cause for the failure . </P> <P> Penalties apply for failures to file income tax returns or information returns , or for filing incorrect returns . Some penalties may be very minor . Penalties apply for certain types of errors on tax returns , and may be substantial . Some penalties are imposed as excise taxes on particular transactions . Certain other penalties apply for other types of failures . Certain acts may result in forfeiture of property of the taxpayer . </P> <P> There are over 150 kinds of civil penalties in the U.S. Internal Revenue Code , ranging in severity which is reflected in the amount of the applicable fines . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Underestimate and late payment penalties </Li> <Li> 2 Penalties for failure to timely file returns or timely pay tax </Li> <Li> 3 Accuracy related penalties </Li> <Li> 4 Penalties in connection with information returns </Li> <Li> 5 100 % penalty on unpaid withholding taxes </Li> <Li> 6 Penalties for failure to provide foreign information </Li> <Li> 7 Excise taxes as penalties </Li> <Li> 8 Tax fraud penalties </Li> <Li> 9 Tax adviser penalties </Li> <Li> 10 Judicial appeal of penalties </Li> <Li> 11 Further reading </Li> <Li> 12 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Underestimate and late payment penalties ( edit ) </H2> <P> Taxpayers are required to have withholding of tax or make quarterly estimated tax payments before the end of the tax year . Because accurate estimation requires accurate prediction of the future , taxpayers sometimes underestimate the amount due . The penalty for paying too little estimated tax or having too little tax withheld is computed with interest on the amount that should have been , but was not , paid . </P> <P> Where a taxpayer has filed an income or excise tax return that shows a balance due but does not pay that balance by the due date of the return ( without extensions ) , a different charge applies . This charge has two components : an interest charge , computed as described above , and second a penalty of 0.5 % per month applied to the unpaid balance of tax and interest . The 0.5 % penalty is capped at 25 % of the total unpaid tax . </P> <P> The underestimate penalty and interest on late payment are automatically assessed . </P> <H2> Penalties for failure to timely file returns or timely pay tax ( edit ) </H2> <P> Penalty for Failure to Timely File Return : If a taxpayer is required to file an income or excise tax return and fails to timely do so , a late filing penalty may be assessed . The penalty is 5 % of the amount of unpaid tax per month ( or partial month ) the return is late , up to a maximum of 25 % . A minimum penalty of $205 may apply for returns over 60 days late . The minimum penalty is the lesser of $205 or 100 % of the tax due on the return . </P> <P> Penalty for Failure to Timely Pay Tax : If a taxpayer fails to pay the balance due shown on the tax return by the due date ( even if the reason of nonpayment is a bounced check ) , there is a penalty of 0.5 % of the amount of unpaid tax per month ( or partial month ) , up to a maximum of 25 % . </P> <P> Penalty for Failure to Timely Pay After Issuance of Notice : If a taxpayer fails to pay any additional tax assessed by the IRS ( usually as a result of an audit ) the taxpayer may be liable for a penalty equal to 0.5 % for each month ( or partial month ) during which the failure continues , if the amount is not paid within 21 calendar days after the date of an IRS notice demanding the payment . </P> <P> If both the failure to file and the failure to pay penalties apply during the same month , then the failure to file penalty is reduced by 0.5 % each month . </P> <P> The 25 % cap above applies to the 5 % late filing penalty and the 0.5 % late payment penalty together . The late filing penalty may be waived or abated on showing of reasonable cause for failure . The failure to file penalty is imposed and starts to accrue interest from the due date of the return . The failure to pay penalty is imposed when a taxpayer pays the taxes after payment was due , computed from the date prescribed for paying the tax . </P> <P> The Internal Revenue Service advises that if the taxpayer wants to compute the penalty for failure to timely file and the penalty for failure to timely pay the tax shown on the return , or the interest , and to pay those items at the time the return is filed , the taxpayer can `` identify and enter the amount in the bottom margin '' on the second page of Form 1040 . The IRS advises that the taxpayer `` not include interest or penalties ( other than the estimated tax penalty ) '' in the `` Amount Owed '' line of the form . </P> <H2> Accuracy related penalties ( edit ) </H2> <P> If amounts reported on an income tax return are later adjusted by the IRS and a tax increase results , an additional penalty may apply . This penalty of 20 % or 40 % of the increase in tax is due in the case of substantial understatement of tax , substantial valuation misstatements , transfer pricing adjustments , or negligence or disregard of rules or regulations . For example , a valuation overstatement can result in a 30 % penalty on the amount of tax owed . Special rules apply for each of these types of errors under which the penalty may be waived . </P> <H2> Penalties in connection with information returns ( edit ) </H2> <P> Certain types of returns , called `` information returns , '' do not require payment of tax . These include forms filed by employers to report wages ( Form W - 2 ) and businesses to report certain payments ( Form 1099 series instructions ) . The penalty for failures related to these forms is a dollar amount per form not timely filed , and the amount of penalty increases with the degree of lateness . The current maximum penalty for these forms is $50 . Many of the forms must be filed electronically , and filing on paper is considered non-filing . </P> <P> Late filing of returns of partnership income ( Form 1065 ) can result in penalties of $195 per month per partner , up to a maximum of 12 months . Similar penalties may apply to an income tax return ( Form 1120S ) for an S corporation return . </P> <H2> 100 % penalty on unpaid withholding taxes ( edit ) </H2> <P> Employers are required to withhold income and social security taxes from wages paid to employees , and to pay these amounts promptly to the government . A penalty of 100 % of the amount not paid over ( plus liability for paying the withheld amounts ) may be collected without judicial proceedings from each and every person who had custody and control of the funds and did not make the payment to the government . This applies to company employees and officers as individuals , as well as to companies themselves . There have been reported cases of the IRS seizing houses of those failing to pay over employee taxes . </P> <H2> Penalties for failure to provide foreign information ( edit ) </H2> <P> Taxpayers who are shareholders of controlled foreign corporations must file Form 5471 with respect to each such controlled foreign corporation . Penalties for failure to timely file are $10,000 to $50,000 per form , plus possible loss of foreign tax credits . U.S. corporations more than 25 % owned , directly or indirectly , by foreign persons must file Form 5472 to report such ownership and all transactions with related parties . Failure to timely file carries a $10,000 penalty per required form . This penalty may be increased by $10,000 per month per form for continued failure to file . In addition , taxpayers who fail to report changes in foreign taxes used as credits against Federal income tax may be subject to penalties . </P> <P> U.S. citizen or resident taxpayers ( including entities ) who are beneficiaries of a foreign trust or make transfers of property to a foreign trust must report information about the transfer and the trust or corporation . Failure to timely report on Form 3520 or Form 3520 - A may result in penalties of up to 35 % . Similar transferors to foreign corporations failing to file Form 926 may face penalties of 10 % of the value of the transfer , up to $100,000 . </P> <H2> Excise taxes as penalties ( edit ) </H2> <P> Federal excise taxes are imposed on a variety of goods and services . Some of these taxes require purchase of tax stamps or other evidence of advance payment of tax . Some require collection of the tax by retailers . An assortment of penalties apply to manufacturers and retailers not | The individuals who may be affected by monetary penalties imposed by the IRS are | [
"Taxpayers in the United States"
] | 268 | Who may be affected by monetary penalties imposed by the irs? |
-4316845615436935736 | The Mother ( How I Met Your Mother ) - wikipedia <H1> The Mother ( How I Met Your Mother ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Tracy McConnell </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> How I Met Your Mother character </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> The Mother appearing in `` The Locket '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First appearance </Th> <Td> `` Lucky Penny ( unseen ) '' `` Something New '' ( seen ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Last appearance </Th> <Td> `` Last Forever '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> Carter Bays Craig Thomas </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Portrayed by </Th> <Td> Cristin Milioti </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Aliases </Th> <Td> The Mother </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Gender </Th> <Td> Female </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Spouse ( s ) </Th> <Td> Ted Mosby </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Significant other ( s ) </Th> <Td> Max ( deceased former boyfriend ) Louis ( ex-boyfriend ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Children </Th> <Td> Penny Mosby ( daughter , born in 2015 , played by Lyndsy Fonseca ) Luke Mosby ( son , born in 2017 , played by David Henrie ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nationality </Th> <Td> American </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Tracy McConnell , better known as `` The Mother '' , is the title character from the CBS television sitcom How I Met Your Mother . The show , narrated by Future Ted , tells the story of how Ted Mosby met The Mother . Tracy McConnell appears in 8 episodes from `` Lucky Penny '' to `` The Time Travelers '' as an unseen character ; she was first seen fully in `` Something New '' and was promoted to a main character in season 9 . The Mother is played by Cristin Milioti . </P> <P> The story of how Ted met The Mother is the framing device behind the series ; many facts about her are revealed throughout the series , including the fact that Ted once unwittingly owned her umbrella before accidentally leaving it behind in her apartment . Ted and The Mother meet at the Farhampton train station following Barney Stinson and Robin Scherbatsky 's wedding ; this scene is shown in `` Last Forever '' , the series finale . The Mother 's death from an unspecified terminal illness in 2024 , also revealed in the series finale , received a mixed reaction from fans . </P> <P> An alternate ending was released in the ninth season DVD . In the alternate ending , Tracy Mosby is still living when Ted is telling the story in 2030 . In the video , future Ted is heard saying , `` ... When I think how lucky I am to wake up next to your mom every morning , I ca n't help but be amazed how easy it all really was ... '' , indirectly stating that The Mother is alive . The video ends right after the train passes at Farhampton station and credits start rolling , implying that Ted never went back to Robin as he lived a successful married life with Tracy Mosby . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Casting </Li> <Li> 2 Character history <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Name </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Death </Li> <Li> 4 Notes </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Casting ( edit ) </H2> <P> During its first eight seasons , the successful sitcom How I Met Your Mother often hinted at the unseen character of The Mother . Well - known actresses often made guest appearances on the show . Many fans expected that another would play one of the most - wanted roles in Hollywood , but creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas wanted an unknown . Using Anne Hathaway and Amy Adams as examples , Thomas said that `` We did n't want it to be a big famous star because we did n't want the wider audience to have associations with whatever actress this would be ... The whole idea is that Ted 's never seen this woman before , so it better feel that way to the audience '' , similar to how Cobie Smulders being cast as Robin Scherbatsky had `` kept the show alive '' when it began . Bays and Thomas also did not want a large casting call . </P> <P> They chose Cristin Milioti after seeing her on 30 Rock and Once ; her musical ability was also helpful , as The Mother had been described as a band member . After competing for the role against at least two others , Milioti filmed her first scene -- for the last episode of season 8 -- having never watched How I Met Your Mother ; she recalled , `` I had ignorance on my side . So I did n't know what it meant . '' Milioti learned of the character 's importance only after binge watching the show during the summer . </P> <H2> Character history ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Mother was born on September 19 , 1984 . </P> <P> The Mother , joined by her roommate Kelly awaits the arrival of her boyfriend Max only to receive a call informing her of his death . After the funeral service , she returns to the apartment to open Max 's last gift to her -- a ukulele . The Mother spends the next few years grieving the passing of the man she believes was her one true love . </P> <P> In `` Wait for It '' , it is revealed that the short story of how they met involved her yellow umbrella . In `` No Tomorrow '' , Ted finds the umbrella at a club and takes it home after attending a St. Patrick 's Day party which she also attended , as it had been two and a half years since the death of Max , her late boyfriend . She is still grieving , but her roommate Kelly encourages her to go out and date again , bringing her to the same bar where Ted and Barney are celebrating . The two women run into Mitch , her old orchestra instructor ; The Mother offers to give Mitch her cello for his work at a school and they head to her apartment . After they start talking , Mitch encourages her to pursue her dreams . The Mother expresses her desire to end poverty by taking up economics in college . </P> <P> On his first day of teaching as Professor Mosby , as seen in the season 4 finale `` The Leap '' , he is seen in front of the classroom of students , one of which Future Ted says is the titular mother . But in the first episode of season 5 , `` Definitions '' , it is revealed that he was actually in the wrong classroom -- Economics instead of Architecture . At the same time in `` How Your Mother Met Me '' , the Mother sits her first session in Economics 305 and meets another graduate student named Cindy ( Rachel Bilson ) , whom she offers to move in with her as her roommate . They see Ted enter the room , but when he announces the subject , The Mother thinks she is in the wrong room and runs off . She heads back to the room after seeing Ted scramble to his actual classroom . </P> <P> Later , in `` Girls Versus Suits '' , Ted dates Cindy , not knowing that her roommate is his future wife . Throughout the episode , Ted notes that Cindy had spent most of their first date talking jealously about her roommate . When in Cindy and the mother 's apartment he picks up many of The Mother 's belongings , attempting to show how compatible he and Cindy are ( thinking the items are Cindy 's ) and glimpses the mother 's foot as she disappears into her room after taking a shower . Ted finds out at this time that she plays bass guitar in a band . Ted forgets to take the yellow umbrella with him when he goes out and Future Ted mentions , `` this is how your mother got her yellow umbrella back . '' In `` How Your Mother Met Me '' , it is revealed that , after Ted left the apartment , the Mother had discovered the umbrella and , upon going to question Cindy , finds her in a state . As she tried to console her , Cindy said that she was a much better match for Ted , and began to lovingly list all of the reasons that Ted would find the mother attractive , before spontaneously kissing her , revealing that her jealousy towards her roommate was actually a crush . While this incident made Cindy realise that she is a lesbian , it also made the Mother decide to go back into dating , as the kiss was her first in a long time . </P> <P> Some time after this , a man named Darren approaches The Mother and is welcomed into her band named Superfreakonomics . Darren gradually takes over the band . </P> <P> In the season 6 opener `` Big Days '' it is revealed Ted meets his future wife `` the day of '' the wedding at which he is the best man . In the episode `` False Positive '' Robin asks Ted to be her future best man , should she ever get married . In the episode `` Challenge Accepted '' , it is revealed that Ted meets the mother of his children the day of Barney 's wedding . In the last episode of season 7 , `` The Magician 's Code '' it is shown that Barney will marry Robin , and Ted will meet the mother `` the day of '' their wedding . On the premiere of season 8 , Ted 's wife appears after Barney and Robin 's wedding , outside at the `` Farhampton '' station while holding a yellow umbrella and her bass guitar . </P> <P> In the season 8 episode `` Band or DJ ? , '' Ted runs into Cindy on the subway and tells her that the band Barney and Robin hired to play at their wedding cancelled at the last minute . The end result of the encounter is that Cindy 's ( now ex - ) roommate 's band plays at Barney and Robin 's wedding . </P> <P> The Mother is first shown meeting Louis in `` How Your Mother Met Me '' as she is left to carry the band equipment while the now - lead band member Darren talks to his fans . Later at MacLaren 's Pub , she tells him she 's not yet ready to date . Louis asks her to give him a call if she changes her mind and they begin dating not long after . </P> <P> The Mother meets all of Ted 's best friends ( Barney , Lily , Marshall and Robin ) before she meets him . The Mother is responsible for convincing Barney to pursue Robin , as revealed through a flashback in `` Platonish '' . In `` The Locket '' , Tracy meets Lily on a train journey . </P> <P> In `` Bass Player Wanted '' , the Mother picks up a hitchhiking Marshall , carrying his son Marvin , on her way to Farhampton Inn . On their way , it is revealed that the Mother is a bass player in the band , that is scheduled to play at the wedding reception . But the band 's leader , Darren , forced her to quit . The Mother ultimately decides to confront Darren and retake the band . She ends up alone at the bar , and while practicing a speech to give Darren , Darren walks up to her furious the groom 's best man punched him for `` no reason | The character who turned out to be the mother on the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" was | [
"Tracy McConnell"
] | 213 | Who turned out to be the mother on how i met your mother? |
4627523927977896713 | United Kingdom corporation tax - wikipedia <H1> United Kingdom corporation tax </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Dl> <Dd> Throughout this article , the unqualified term `` pound '' and the £ symbol refer to the Pound sterling . </Dd> </Dl> UK Corporation Tax Receipts from 1999 - 2016 , both in absolute terms and as % of GDP . <Table> <Tr> <Th> Taxation in the United Kingdom </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> UK Government Departments </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> HM Treasury </Li> <Li> HM Revenue and Customs </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> UK Government </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> VAT </Li> <Li> Income tax </Li> <Li> National Insurance </Li> <Li> Corporation tax </Li> <Li> Capital gains tax </Li> <Li> Motoring taxes </Li> <Li> Inheritance tax </Li> <Li> Stamp duty </Li> <Li> Insurance Premium Tax </Li> <Li> Air Passenger Duty </Li> <Li> PAYE </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Scottish Government </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Revenue Scotland </Li> <Li> Scottish income tax </Li> <Li> Land and Buildings Transaction Tax </Li> <Li> Scottish Landfill Tax </Li> <Li> Air Departure Tax </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Welsh Government </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Welsh Revenue Authority </Li> <Li> Land Transaction Tax </Li> <Li> Landfill Disposals Tax </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Local Government </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Council Tax </Li> <Li> Domestic rates in Northern Ireland </Li> <Li> Business rates in England </Li> <Li> Business rates in Wales </Li> <Li> Business rates in Scotland </Li> <Li> Business rates in Northern Ireland </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> In the United Kingdom , corporation tax is a corporate tax levied in the United Kingdom on the profits made by UK - resident companies and on the profits of entities registered overseas with permanent establishments in the UK . </P> <P> Until 1 April 1965 , companies were taxed at the same income tax rates as individual taxpayers , with an additional profits tax levied on companies . Finance Act 1965 replaced this structure for companies and associations with a single corporate tax , which took its basic structure and rules from the income tax system . Since 1997 , the UK 's Tax Law Rewrite Project has been modernising the UK 's tax legislation , starting with income tax , while the legislation imposing corporation tax has itself been amended , the rules governing income tax and corporation tax have thus diverged . Corporation tax was governed by the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 ( as amended ) prior to the rewrite project . </P> <P> Originally introduced as a classical tax system , in which companies were subject to tax on their profits and companies ' shareholders were also liable to income tax on the dividends that they received , the first major amendment to corporation tax saw it move to a dividend imputation system in 1973 , under which an individual receiving a dividend became entitled to an income tax credit representing the corporation tax already paid by the company paying the dividend . The classical system was reintroduced in 1999 , with the abolition of advance corporation tax and of repayable dividend tax credits . Another change saw the single main rate of tax split into three . Tax competition between jurisdictions reduced the main corporate tax rate from 28 % in 2008 - 2010 to a flat rate of 20 % as of April 2015 . </P> <P> The UK government faced problems with its corporate tax structure , including European Court of Justice judgements that aspects of it are incompatible with EU treaties . Tax avoidance schemes marketed by the financial sector have also proven an irritant , and been countered by complicated anti-avoidance legislation . </P> <P> The complexity of the corporation tax system is a recognised issue . The Labour government , supported by the Opposition parties , carried through wide - scale reform from the Tax Law Rewrite project , resulting in the Corporation Tax Act 2010 . The tax has slowly been integrating generally accepted accounting practice , with the corporation tax system in various specific areas based directly on the accounting treatment . </P> <P> Total net corporation tax receipts in 2014 - 15 were £ 43.0 billion , which was an increase of 7 % from £ 40.3 billion in 2013 - 14 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Finance Act 1965 </Li> <Li> 1.2 Advance Corporation Tax <Ul> <Li> 1.2. 1 Abolition of Advance Corporation Tax </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 1.3 Rates </Li> <Li> 1.4 Historic tax revenues </Li> <Li> 1.5 Taxable profits and accounting profits <Ul> <Li> 1.5. 1 International Financial Reporting Standards </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 1.6 Avoidance </Li> <Li> 1.7 Need for greater revenues </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Method of charge <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Assessment </Li> <Li> 2.2 Schedular system <Ul> <Li> 2.2. 1 Relief for expenses </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2.3 Rates and payment </Li> <Li> 2.4 HM Revenue and Customs powers of enquiry </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Relief from double taxation </Li> <Li> 4 Loss relief <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Group relief </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Example computation </Li> <Li> 6 Interaction with European law </Li> <Li> 7 Recent developments <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Corporation tax reform </Li> <Li> 7.2 Other enactments </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> Jim Callaghan , the Chancellor of the Exchequer who introduced corporation tax in 1965 . <P> Until 1965 , companies were subject to income tax on their profits at the same rates as was levied on individual taxpayers . A dividend imputation system existed , whereby the income tax paid by a company was offset against the income tax liability of a shareholder who received dividends from the company . The standard rate of income tax in 1949 was 50 % . If the company paid a £ 100 dividend , the recipient would be treated as if he had earned £ 200 and had paid £ 100 in income tax on it -- the tax paid by the company fully covered the tax due from the individual on the dividend paid . If , however , the individual was subject to tax at a higher rate ( known as `` surtax '' ) , he ( not the company ) would be liable to pay the additional tax . </P> <P> In addition to income tax , companies were also subject to a profits tax , which was deducted from company profits when determining the income tax liability . It was a differential tax , with a higher tax rate on dividends ( profits distributed to shareholders ) than on profits retained within the company . By penalising the distribution of profits , it was hoped companies would retain profits for investment , which was considered a priority after the Second World War . The tax did not have the desired effect , so the distributed profits tax was increased by 20 % by the post-war Labour government to encourage companies to retain more of their profits . At the time of Hugh Gaitskell 's 1951 budget , the profits tax was 50 % for distributed profits and 10 % for undistributed profits . </P> <P> A series of reductions in the profits tax were brought in from 1951 onwards by the new Conservative government . The tax rates fell to 22.5 % on distributed profits and 2.5 % on undistributed profits by 1957 , but the profits tax was no longer income tax - deductible . Derick Heathcoat - Amory 's Budget of March 1958 replaced the differential profits tax with a single profits tax measure , applicable to both retained and distributed profits . This gradual decrease , and final abolition , of taxes on capital distributions reflected ideological differences between the Conservative and Labour parties : the Conservative approach was to distribute profits to capital holders for investment elsewhere , while Labour sought to force companies to retain profits for reinvestment in the company in the hope this would benefit the company 's workforce . </P> <H3> Finance Act 1965 ( edit ) </H3> <P> Finance Act 1965 replaced the system of income tax and profits tax from 1 April 1965 with the Corporation Tax , which re-introduced aspects of the old system . Corporation Tax was charged at a uniform rate on all profits , but additional tax was then payable if profits were distributed as a dividend to shareholders . In effect , dividends suffered double taxation . This method of corporation tax is known as the classical system and is similar to that used in the United States . The effect of the tax was to revert to the distribution tax in operation from 1949 to 1959 : dividend payments were subject to higher tax than profits retained within the company . </P> <P> Finance Act 1965 also introduced a capital gains tax , at a rate of 30 % , charged on the gains arising on the disposal of capital assets by individuals . While companies were exempted from capital gains tax , they were liable to corporation tax on their `` chargeable gains '' , which were calculated in substantially the same way as capital gains for individuals . The tax applied to company shares as well as other assets . Before 1965 , capital gains were not taxed , and it was advantageous for taxpayers to argue that a receipt was non-taxable `` capital '' rather than taxable `` revenue '' . </P> <H3> Advance corporation tax ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Advance corporation tax <P> The basic structure of the tax , where company profits were taxed as profits , and dividend payments were then taxed as income , remained unchanged until 1973 , when a partial imputation system was introduced for dividend payments . Unlike the previous imputation system , the tax credit to the shareholder was less than the corporation tax paid ( corporation tax was higher than the standard rate of income tax , but the imputation , or set - off , was only of standard rate tax ) . When companies made distributions , they also paid the advance corporation tax ( known as ACT ) , which could be set off against the main corporation tax charge , subject to certain limits ( the full amount of ACT paid could not be recovered if significantly large amounts of profits were distributed ) . Individuals and companies who received a dividend from a UK company received a tax credit representing the ACT paid . Individuals could set off the tax credit against their income tax liability . </P> <P> On introduction , ACT was set at 30 % of the gross dividend ( the actual amount paid plus the tax credit ) . If a company made a £ 70 dividend payment to an individual , the company would pay £ 30 of advance corporation tax . The shareholder would receive the £ 70 cash payment , plus a tax credit of £ 30 ; thus , the individual would be deemed to have earned £ 100 , and to have already paid tax of £ 30 on it . The ACT paid by the company would be deductible against its final `` mainstream '' corporation tax bill . To the extent that the individual 's tax on the dividend was less than the tax credit -- for example , if his income was too low to pay tax ( below £ 595 in 1973 -- 1974 ) -- he would be able to reclaim some or all of the £ 30 tax paid by the company . The set - off was only partial , since the company would pay 52 % tax ( small companies had lower rates , but still higher than the ACT rate ) , and thus the £ 70 received by the | The corporate tax rate in Great Britain is | [
"a flat rate of 20%"
] | 584 | What is the corporate tax rate in great britain? |
8174037572148648768 | Monday Night Football - Wikipedia <H1> Monday Night Football </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Monday Night Football ( disambiguation ) . `` NFL on ESPN '' redirects here . For the program aired between 1987 and 2005 , see ESPN Sunday Night Football . <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> An automated process has detected links on this page on the local or global blacklist . If the links are appropriate you may request whitelisting by following these instructions ; otherwise consider removing or replacing them with more appropriate links . ( To hide this tag , set the `` invisible '' field to `` true '' ) List of blacklisted links : ( show ) <Ul> <Li> <Dl> <Dd> Triggered by \ bfiles \. wordpress \. com \ b on the global blacklist </Dd> </Dl> </Li> <Li> <Dl> <Dd> Triggered by \ bfiles \. wordpress \. com \ b on the global blacklist </Dd> </Dl> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ESPN Monday Night Football </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> NFL game telecasts </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> Roone Arledge </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Chet Forte ( 1970 -- 1986 ) Larry Kamm ( 1987 ) Craig Janoff ( 1988 -- 1999 ) Drew Esocoff ( 2000 -- 2005 ) Chip Dean ( 2006 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Presented by </Th> <Td> Commentators : Sean McDonough Lisa Salters Studio hosts : Suzy Kolber Steve Young Randy Moss Matt Hasselbeck Charles Woodson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Opening theme </Th> <Td> `` Score '' by Bob 's Band ( 1970 -- 1975 ) `` All My Rowdy Friends Are Here on Monday Night '' by Hank Williams , Jr. ( 1989 -- 2011 ; 2017 -- present ) `` Heavy Action '' by Johnny Pearson ( 1976 -- 1988 ; 2011 -- 2016 ) ( used as secondary theme from 1989 to 2011 and again from 2017 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original language ( s ) </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of seasons </Th> <Td> 47 ( NFL seasons ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of episodes </Th> <Td> 718 ( games ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Production </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Executive producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Norby Williamson ( 2006 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Roger Lewin Jay Rothman Suzy Kolber ( uncredited ; 2006 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location ( s ) </Th> <Td> Various NFL stadiums ( game telecasts ) ESPN Center , Bristol , Connecticut ( studio segments ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Camera setup </Th> <Td> Multi-camera </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 3 - 4 hours </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company ( s ) </Th> <Td> National Football League ABC Sports ( 1970 -- 2005 ) ESPN ( 2006 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> ABC ( 1970 -- 2005 ) ESPN ( 2006 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Picture format </Th> <Td> 480i ( SDTV ) ( 1970 -- 2010 ) , 480i ( 16 : 9 SDTV ) ( 2011 -- present ) , 720p ( HDTV ) ( 2011 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original release </Th> <Td> September 21 , 1970 ( 1970 - 09 - 21 ) -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Related shows </Th> <Td> Monday Night Countdown </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> External links </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> ESPN Monday Night Football ( abbreviated as MNF and also known as ESPN Monday Night Football on ABC for rare live special broadcast ) is a live television broadcast of weekly National Football League ( NFL ) games on ESPN in the United States . From 1970 to 2005 , it aired on sister broadcast network ABC . Monday Night Football was , along with Hallmark Hall of Fame and the Walt Disney anthology television series , one of the longest - running prime time programs ever on commercial network television , and one of the highest - rated , particularly among male viewers . MNF is preceded on air by Monday Night Countdown served by Applebee 's . </P> <P> Monday Night Football is also broadcast in Canada on TSN and RDS , and in most of Europe . On September 7 , 2013 , the NFL announced that British Eurosport would show Monday Night Football games live in the United Kingdom for the 2013 and 2014 seasons . The telecasts are also seen in most of Australia on ESPN Australia , in Portugal on SportTV 3 and SportTV HD and on TV 2 Sport in Denmark , and in some other regions of the world outside the U.S. on ESPN International . A Spanish - language version airs on ESPN Deportes in the U.S. and on ESPN International in Latin America , while a Portuguese version airs on ESPN Brasil . Per an NFL broadcasting policy intended to allow those who do not subscribe to cable or satellite television to see games televised by a pay television network , the games are also made available on over-the - air television stations in each participating team 's local market . </P> <P> On September 8 , 2011 , the first day of the 2011 regular season , ESPN extended its contract for Monday Night Football for eight additional seasons , giving it rights to the broadcasts until 2021 . The new deal , valued between $14.2 billion and $15.2 billion , also gives ESPN rights to expanded highlights , international and streaming rights , and possibly a wild - card playoff game . Cable television providers condemned the new contract , noting that ESPN has the highest retransmission consent fees of any national cable television channel , nearly seven times higher than the nearest competitor ( TNT ) , and raises fees on an annual basis . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Overview <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Scheduling problems </Li> <Li> 1.2 Franchises with the most appearances </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 As entertainment <Ul> <Li> 2.1 2000s <Ul> <Li> 2.1. 1 2006 summary </Li> <Li> 2.1. 2 2007 summary </Li> <Li> 2.1. 3 2008 summary </Li> <Li> 2.1. 4 2009 summary </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2.2 2010s <Ul> <Li> 2.2. 1 2010 summary </Li> <Li> 2.2. 2 2011 summary </Li> <Li> 2.2. 3 2012 summary </Li> <Li> 2.2. 4 2013 -- 14 summary </Li> <Li> 2.2. 5 2015 summary </Li> <Li> 2.2. 6 2016 summary </Li> <Li> 2.2. 7 2017 summary </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Theme music </Li> <Li> 4 Digital on - screen graphics <Ul> <Li> 4.1 1997 -- 2005 </Li> <Li> 4.2 2006 -- present </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Scoring records </Li> <Li> 6 Scheduling on local stations </Li> <Li> 7 Commentators </Li> <Li> 8 Foreign - language versions <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Spanish version </Li> <Li> 8.2 Portuguese version </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Radio broadcasts </Li> <Li> 10 Nielsen ratings </Li> <Li> 11 Additional NFL game rights <Ul> <Li> 11.1 Playoff games </Li> <Li> 11.2 Pro Bowl </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 12 See also </Li> <Li> 13 Footnotes </Li> <Li> 14 References </Li> <Li> 15 Further reading </Li> <Li> 16 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Overview ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( November 2010 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> See also : History of Monday Night Football <P> After 45 seasons , there now have been a total of 730 games televised by the Monday Night Football franchise . </P> <H3> Scheduling problems ( edit ) </H3> <P> To avoid any scheduling unfairness where , just before the first playoff game , a team may have five days off and others six , there is no Monday night game during the final week of the regular season . From 2003 to 2005 , one game was played on Thursday and another Monday under the Monday Night Football banner . Starting in 2006 , when the series moved to cable , two games are played on the opening Monday night to capitalize on fan interest during `` NFL Kickoff Weekend '' . </P> <P> Monday night games early in the season are often highly anticipated since records are new , teams usually are showcasing fresh talent and potential , and storylines coming into the season are often played out as fans try to see if these hyped teams are up to form . Since no one knows during the first month of the season if a team is indeed good , or will rebound from a difficult start , interest is usually high for the first few weeks of the MNF season . </P> <P> Since the MNF schedule is set in April and can not be changed , the league and network can not guarantee a late season matchup will have any significance or be highly anticipated . Teams thought to be good during the off - season could be out of playoff contention by the middle of the season ; a prime example occurred in 1999 , when the San Francisco 49ers and Atlanta Falcons both entered the season 's final MNF game with 4 -- 11 records . It had seemed like a good pre-season matchup since the Falcons had played in the previous season 's Super Bowl and the 49ers coming into the 1999 season had posted 16 consecutive 10 - win seasons . It is also possible for a team like the 1999 St. Louis Rams not to be scheduled for a Monday night game because of its dismal record the year before , and many other NFL teams ( such as the 2004 San Diego Chargers , with zero primetime games ) have had huge unforeseen turnarounds that result in lack of MNF attention ( these teams generally receive multiple MNF spots the year after their breakout success , which is great for viewers if those teams continue to play well , and not so great if they return to mediocrity or worse ) . However , the forecasting abilities of the NFL 's scheduling officials have exhibited uncanny proficiency . Many MNF games occurring later in the season feature at least one team that is either headed to the playoffs or must win the MNF game to clinch a playoff spot . </P> <P> The problem of having a national spotlight game which during the season 's most critical weeks late in the year probably would not show the most important game of the week was long known by the league and network . As a result of this , the NFL wished to move the `` Game of the Week '' idea to Sunday nights as to make flex scheduling possible . This was a move which would ultimately mean the end of Monday Night Football on ABC ( cable games are protected from the NFL 's flexible scheduling rule adopted for the 2006 -- 07 season ; the new rule applies only to CBS , Fox , and NBC 's Sunday night games ) . The league currently has no interest in expanding flexible scheduling to include Monday Night Football , citing the logistical issues of moving games back and forth between Sundays and Mondays . </P> <H3> Franchises with the most appearances ( edit ) </H3> <P> The franchise with the most Monday night appearances is the Miami Dolphins . The San Francisco 49ers won their record 48th Monday Night game with a 28 -- 0 win over the Los Angeles Rams on September 12 , 2016 . </P> <P> The most common Monday Night Football pairings are Broncos vs. Raiders ( 17 match - ups as of 2013 ) and Cowboys vs. Redskins ( met for a 17th time | The Monday Night Football game is being shown on | [
] | 636 | What network is showing the monday night football game? |
8358137531154800533 | Symphony No. 40 ( Mozart ) - wikipedia <H1> Symphony No. 40 ( Mozart ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> Symphony No. 40 in G minor , KV. 550 was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1788 . It is sometimes referred to as the `` Great G minor symphony '' , to distinguish it from the `` Little G minor symphony '' , No. 25 . The two are the only extant minor key symphonies Mozart wrote . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Composition </Li> <Li> 2 Premiere </Li> <Li> 3 The music </Li> <Li> 4 Reception </Li> <Li> 5 Influence </Li> <Li> 6 First recording </Li> <Li> 7 Media </Li> <Li> 8 Notes </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Composition ( edit ) </H2> <P> The date of completion of this symphony is known exactly , since Mozart in his mature years kept a full catalog of his completed works ; he entered the 40th Symphony into it on 25 July 1788 . Work on the symphony occupied an exceptionally productive period of just a few weeks during which time he also completed the 39th and 41st symphonies ( 26 June and 10 August , respectively ) . Nikolaus Harnoncourt conjectured that Mozart composed the three symphonies as a unified work , pointing , among other things , to the fact that the Symphony No. 40 , as the middle work , has no introduction ( unlike No. 39 ) and does not have a finale of the scale of No. 41 's . </P> <P> The 40th symphony exists in two versions , differing primarily in that one includes parts for a pair of clarinets ( with suitable adjustments made in the other wind parts ) . Most likely , the clarinet parts were added in a revised version . The autograph scores of both versions were acquired in the 1860s by Johannes Brahms , who later donated the manuscripts to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna , where they reside today . </P> <H2> Premiere ( edit ) </H2> <P> As Neal Zaslaw has pointed out , writers on Mozart have often suggested -- or even asserted -- that Mozart never heard his 40th Symphony performed . Some commentators go further , suggesting that Mozart wrote the symphony ( and its companions , Nos. 39 and 41 ) without even intending it to be performed , but rather for posterity ; as ( to use Alfred Einstein 's words ) , an `` appeal to eternity '' . </P> <P> Modern scholarship suggests that these conjectures are not correct . First , in a recently discovered 10 July 1802 letter by the musician Johann Wenzel ( 1762 -- 1831 ) to the publisher Ambrosius Kühnel in Leipzig , Wenzel refers to a performance of the symphony at the home of Baron Gottfried van Swieten with Mozart present , but the execution was so poor that the composer had to leave the room . </P> <P> There is strong circumstantial evidence for other , probably better , performances . On several occasions between the composition of the symphony and the composer 's death , symphony concerts were given featuring Mozart 's music for which copies of the program have survived , announcing a symphony unidentified by date or key . These include : </P> <Ul> <Li> Dresden , 14 April 1789 , during Mozart 's Berlin journey </Li> <Li> Leipzig , 12 May 1789 , on the same trip </Li> <Li> Frankfurt , 15 October 1790 </Li> <Li> Copies survive of a poster for a concert given by the Tonkünstlersocietät ( Society of Musicians ) 17 April 1791 in the Burgtheater in Vienna , conducted by Mozart 's colleague Antonio Salieri . The first item on the program was billed as `` A Grand Symphony composed by Herr Mozart '' . </Li> </Ul> <P> Most important is the fact that Mozart revised his symphony ( see above ) . As Zaslaw says , this `` demonstrates that ( the symphony ) was performed , for Mozart would hardly have gone to the trouble of adding the clarinets and rewriting the flutes and oboes to accommodate them , had he not had a specific performance in view '' . The orchestra for the 1791 Vienna concert included the clarinetist brothers Anton and Johann Nepomuk Stadler ; which , as Zaslaw points out , limits the possibilities to just the 39th and 40th symphonies . </P> <P> Zaslaw adds : `` The version without clarinets must also have been performed , for the reorchestrated version of two passages in the slow movement , which exists in Mozart 's hand , must have resulted from his having heard the work and discovered an aspect needing improvement '' . </P> <P> Regarding the concerts for which the Symphony was originally intended when it was composed in 1788 , Otto Erich Deutsch suggests that Mozart was preparing to hold a series of three `` Concerts in the Casino '' , in a new casino in the Spiegelgasse owned by Philipp Otto . Mozart even sent a pair of tickets for this series to his friend Michael Puchberg . But it seems impossible to determine whether the concert series was held , or was cancelled for lack of interest . Zaslaw suggests that only the first of the three concerts was actually held . </P> <H2> The Music ( edit ) </H2> <P> The symphony is scored ( in its revised version ) for flute , 2 oboes , 2 clarinets , 2 bassoons , 2 horns , and strings . </P> <P> The work is in four movements , in the usual arrangement for a classical - style symphony ( fast movement , slow movement , minuet , fast movement ) : </P> <Ol> <Li> Molto allegro , </Li> <Li> Andante , </Li> <Li> Menuetto . Allegretto -- Trio , </Li> <Li> Finale . Allegro assai , </Li> </Ol> <P> The first movement begins darkly , not with its first theme but with accompaniment , played by the lower strings with divided violas . The technique of beginning a work with an accompaniment figure was later used by Mozart in his last piano concerto ( KV. 595 ) and later became a favourite of the Romantics ( examples include the openings of Mendelssohn 's Violin Concerto and Sergei Rachmaninoff 's Third Piano Concerto ) . The first theme is as follows . </P> <Dl> <Dd> </Dd> </Dl> <P> The second movement is a lyrical work in time . It is in the subdominant key of the relative major of G minor ( B ♭ major ) : E ♭ major . The contrapuntal opening bars of this movement appear thus in keyboard reduction : </P> <Dl> <Dd> </Dd> </Dl> <P> The minuet begins with an angry , cross-accented hemiola rhythm and a pair of three - bar phrases , as shown in the following piano reduction : </P> <P> </P> <P> Various commentators have asserted that while the music is labelled `` minuet '' , it would hardly be suitable for dancing . The contrasting gentle trio section , in G major , alternates the playing of the string section with that of the winds . </P> <P> The fourth movement opens with a series of rapidly ascending notes outlining the tonic triad illustrating what is commonly referred to as the Mannheim rocket . </P> <P> The movement is written largely in eight - bar phrases , following the general tendency toward rhythmic squareness in the finales of classical - era symphonies . A remarkable modulating passage in which every tone in the chromatic scale but one is played , strongly destabilising the key , occurs at the beginning of the development section . The single note left out is in fact a G ( the tonic ) . </P> <Dl> <Dd> </Dd> </Dl> <P> The symphony typically has a duration of about 25 minutes . </P> <H2> Reception ( edit ) </H2> <P> This work has elicited varying interpretations from critics . Robert Schumann regarded it as possessing `` Grecian lightness and grace '' . Donald Francis Tovey saw in it the character of opera buffa . Almost certainly , however , the most common perception today is that the symphony is tragic in tone and intensely emotional ; for example , Charles Rosen ( in The Classical Style ) has called the symphony `` a work of passion , violence , and grief '' . </P> <P> Although interpretations differ , the symphony is unquestionably one of Mozart 's most greatly admired works , and it is frequently performed and recorded . </P> <H2> Influence ( edit ) </H2> <P> Ludwig van Beethoven knew the symphony well , copying out 29 bars from the score in one of his sketchbooks . As Gustav Nottebohm observed in 1887 , the copied bars appear amid the sketches for Beethoven 's Fifth Symphony , whose third movement begins with a pitch sequence similar to that of Mozart 's finale ( see example above ) . </P> <P> Franz Schubert likewise copied down the music of Mozart 's minuet , and the minuet of his Fifth Symphony strongly evokes Mozart 's . Zaslaw has suggested that a passage late in Joseph Haydn 's oratorio The Seasons ( 1801 ) , a meditation on death , quotes the second movement of the 40th Symphony and was included by Haydn as a memorial to his long - dead friend . </P> <H2> First recording ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first known recording of the 40th Symphony is by the Victor Recording Company and issued in 1915 under the title `` Symphony in G Minor '' . The Victor Concert Orchestra performed under the direction of conductor Walter B. Rogers . </P> <H2> Media ( edit ) </H2> <P> The following files contain a digital recording of a performance of the 40th Symphony by the Fulda Symphonic Orchestra . The performance took place on March 18 , 2001 in the Orangerie in Fulda , Germany . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1st movement Molto allegro 2nd movement Andante 3rd movement Menuetto , Allegretto - Trio 4th movement Allegro assai </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Problems playing these files ? See media help . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Notes ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ A possible exception is the so - called `` Odense Symphony '' , whose attribution to Mozart is doubtful ; see Mozart symphonies of spurious or doubtful authenticity . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Heartz 2009 , p. 207 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Deutsch 1965 , p. 320 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Clements , Andrew ( 23 July 2014 ) . `` Mozart : The Last Symphonies review -- a thrilling journey through a tantalising new theory '' . The Guardian . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Zaslaw 1983 , p. 10 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ See Zaslaw ( 1983 , p. 10 ) , Swafford ( 1997 , p. 287 ) , and ( 1 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ For discussion of claims of this sort , see Zaslaw 1994 ; the quotation from Einstein is taken from this source . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Milada Jonášová : `` Eine Aufführung der g - moll - Sinfonie KV 550 bei Baron van Swieten im Beisein Mozarts '' , in : Mozart Studien 20 , Tutzing 2011 , pp. 253 -- 268 . An abridged English translation was published in the Newsletter of the Mozart Society of America 16.1 ( 2012 ) , currently available on line at ( 2 ) . The letter reads `` im Wien habe ich selbst es von verstorbenem Mozart gehört , als Er sie bei Baron Wanswiten ( sic ) hat produciren lassen , das ( s ) er wärend der production aus dem Zimmer sich hat entfernen müssen , wie man Sie unrichtig aufgeführt hat '' , meaning `` and in Vienna I have heard myself from the departed Mozart | Mozart's Symphony No. 40 is in the form of | [
"G minor"
] | 27 | What is the form of mozart symphony no 40? |
595996307760943345 | Beijing - wikipedia <H1> Beijing </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Peking '' redirects here . For other uses , see Beijing ( disambiguation ) and Peking ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Beijing 北京 市 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Municipality </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Beijing Municipality </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Clockwise from top : Beijing CBD skyline , Tiananmen , Temple of Heaven , National Center for the Performing Arts , and Beijing National Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Location of Beijing Municipality within China </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Coordinates : 39 ° 55 ′ N 116 ° 23 ′ E / 39.917 ° N 116.383 ° E / 39.917 ; 116.383 Coordinates : 39 ° 55 ′ N 116 ° 23 ′ E / 39.917 ° N 116.383 ° E / 39.917 ; 116.383 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> China </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Established date </Th> <Td> 1045 BCE ( Zhou Dynasty ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Divisions - County - level - Township - level </Th> <Td> 16 districts 289 towns and villages </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Government </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Type </Th> <Td> Municipality </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Party Secretary </Th> <Td> Cai Qi </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mayor </Th> <Td> Chen Jining </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Congress Chairman </Th> <Td> Li Wei ( zh ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Conference Chairman </Th> <Td> Ji Lin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Area </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Municipality </Th> <Td> 16,411 km ( 6,336 sq mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Land </Th> <Td> 16,801 km ( 6,487 sq mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Urban </Th> <Td> 1,368 km ( 528 sq mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Rural </Th> <Td> 15,042 km ( 5,808 sq mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Elevation </Th> <Td> 43.5 m ( 142.7 ft ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Population ( 2017 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Municipality </Th> <Td> 21,707,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Density </Th> <Td> 1,300 / km ( 3,400 / sq mi ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Urban </Th> <Td> 18,766,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Metro ( 2017 ) </Th> <Td> 24,000,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ranks in China </Th> <Td> Population : 27th ; Density : 4th </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Major ethnic groups </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Han </Th> <Td> 95 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Manchu </Th> <Td> 2 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hui </Th> <Td> 2 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mongol </Th> <Td> 0.3 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Other </Th> <Td> 0.7 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Time zone </Th> <Td> CST ( UTC + 8 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Postal code </Th> <Td> 100000 -- 102629 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Area code ( s ) </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> GDP ( nominal ) </Th> <Td> 2017 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> - Total </Th> <Td> ¥ 2.8 trillion ( $414.8 billion ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> - Per capita </Th> <Td> ¥ 129,032 ( $19,116 ) ( 2nd ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> - Growth </Th> <Td> 6.7 % </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> HDI ( 2014 ) </Th> <Td> 0.869 ( 1st ) -- very high </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> License plate prefixes </Th> <Td> 京 A , C , E , F , H , J , K , L , M , N , P , Q , Y 京 B ( taxis ) 京 G ( outside urban area ) 京 O , D ( police and authorities ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Abbreviation </Th> <Td> BJ / 京 ( jīng ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> City trees </Th> <Td> Chinese arborvitae ( Platycladus orientalis ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> Pagoda tree ( Sophora japonica ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> City flowers </Th> <Td> China rose ( Rosa chinensis ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> Chrysanthemum ( Chrysanthemum morifolium ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> Beijing Official Website International - ( in English ) 首都 之 窗 - 北京 市 政务 门户 网站 ( in Chinese ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Beijing </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> `` Běijīng '' in regular Chinese characters </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chinese </Th> <Td> 北京 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hanyu Pinyin </Th> <Td> Běijīng </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Postal </Th> <Td> Peking Peiping ( 1368 -- 1403 ; 1928 -- 1937 ; 1945 -- 1949 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Literal meaning </Th> <Td> `` Northern Capital '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( show ) Transcriptions </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Standard Mandarin </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hanyu Pinyin </Th> <Td> Běijīng </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Bopomofo </Th> <Td> ㄅ ㄟ ˇ ㄐ ㄧ ㄥ </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Gwoyeu Romatzyh </Th> <Td> Beeijing </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Wade -- Giles </Th> <Td> Pei - ching </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> IPA </Th> <Td> ( pèi. tɕíŋ ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Wu </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Suzhounese </Th> <Td> Poh - cin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Hakka </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Romanization </Th> <Td> Bet - gin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Yue : Cantonese </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Yale Romanization </Th> <Td> Bākgìng or Bākgīng </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> IPA </Th> <Td> ( pɐ́k̚. kêŋ ) or ( pɐ́k̚. kéŋ ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Jyutping </Th> <Td> Bak1ging1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Southern Min </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hokkien POJ </Th> <Td> Pak - kian </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Tâi - lô </Th> <Td> Pak - kiann </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Eastern Min </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Fuzhou BUC </Th> <Td> Báe̤k - gĭng </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Beijing ( / beɪˈdʒɪŋ / ; Mandarin : ( pèi. tɕíŋ ) ( listen ) ) , formerly romanized as Peking , is the capital of the People 's Republic of China , the world 's second most populous city proper , and most populous capital city . The city , located in northern China , is governed as a direct - controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban , suburban , and rural districts . Beijing Municipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception of neighboring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast ; together the three divisions form the Jingjinji metropolitan region and the national capital region of China . </P> <P> As a city combining both modern and traditional architecture , Beijing is a megacity rich in history , exemplified in its global influence in politics , economy , education , history , culture , and technology . Beijing is the second largest Chinese city by urban population after Shanghai and is the nation 's political , cultural , and educational center . It is home to the headquarters of most of China 's largest state - owned companies and is a major hub for the national highway , expressway , railway , and high - speed rail networks . The Beijing Capital International Airport has been the second busiest in the world by passenger traffic since 2010 , and , as of 2016 , the city 's subway network is the busiest and second longest in the world , after Shanghai 's subway system . </P> <P> The city 's history dates back three millennia . As the last of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China , Beijing has been the political center of the country for much of the past eight centuries . With mountains surrounding the inland city on three sides , in addition to the old inner and outer city walls , Beijing was strategically poised and developed to be the residence of the emperor and thus was the perfect location for the imperial capital . Beijing was the largest city in the world by population for much of the second millennium A.D. The city is renowned for its opulent palaces , temples , parks , gardens , tombs , walls and gates . Its art treasures and universities have made it center of culture and art in China . Encyclopædia Britannica notes that `` few cities in the world have served for so long as the political headquarters and cultural centre of an area as immense as China . '' Beijing has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites -- the Forbidden City , Temple of Heaven , Summer Palace , Ming Tombs , Zhoukoudian , as well as parts of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal , all popular locations for tourism . Siheyuans , the city 's traditional housing style , and hutongs , the narrow alleys between siheyuans , are major tourist attractions and are common in urban Beijing . The city hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and was chosen to host the 2022 Winter Olympics , making it the first city to ever host both Winter and Summer Olympics . </P> <P> Many of Beijing 's 91 universities consistently rank among the best in China , of which Peking University and Tsinghua University are ranked in the top 60 universities of the world . In 2015 , 52 companies of the Fortune Global 500 company headquarters were located in Beijing , more than any other city in the world , including state - owned enterprises State Grid , China National Petroleum , and Sinopec Group , ranked 2nd , 3rd , and 4th , respectively . Beijing CBD is quickly becoming the center for Beijing 's economic expansion , rapid modernization , and radically changing skyline , with the ongoing or recently completed construction of multiple skyscrapers . Beijing 's Zhongguancun area is also known as China 's Silicon Valley and China 's center of innovation and technology entrepreneurship . According to the 2016 InterNations Expat Insider Survey , Beijing ranked first in Asia in the subcategory `` Personal Finance Index , '' a measure of expats ' salaries versus cost of living in the city . Expats live primarily in urban districts such as Dongcheng and Chaoyang in the east , or in suburban districts such as Shunyi . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Etymology </Li> <Li> 2 History <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Early history </Li> <Li> 2.2 Early Imperial China </Li> <Li> 2.3 Ming dynasty </Li> <Li> 2.4 Qing dynasty </Li> <Li> 2.5 Republic of China </Li> <Li> 2.6 People 's Republic of China </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Geography <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Cityscape </Li> <Li> 3.2 Architecture </Li> <Li> 3.3 Climate </Li> <Li> 3.4 Environmental problems <Ul> <Li> 3.4. 1 Air quality <Ul> <Li> 3.4. 1.1 Readings </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.4. 2 Dust storms </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Politics and government <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Administrative divisions <Ul> <Li> 4.1. 1 Towns </Li> <Li> 4.1. 2 Neighborhoods </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4.2 Judiciary and procuracy </Li> <Li> 4.3 Diplomatic missions </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Economy <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Sector composition </Li> <Li> 5.2 Economic zones </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Demographics <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Metropolitan area </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Culture <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Places of interest </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Religion <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Chinese folk religion and Taoism </Li> <Li> 8.2 Buddhism </Li> <Li> 8.3 Islam </Li> <Li> 8.4 Christianity </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Media <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Television and radio </Li> <Li> 9.2 Press </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 Sports <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Events </Li> <Li> 10.2 Venues </Li> <Li> 10.3 Clubs </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 Transportation <Ul> <Li> 11.1 Rail and high - speed rail </Li> <Li> 11.2 Roads and expressways </Li> <Li> 11.3 Air </Li> <Li> 11.4 Public transit </Li> <Li> 11.5 Taxi </Li> <Li> 11.6 Bicycles </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 12 Defense and aerospace </Li> <Li> 13 Nature and wildlife </Li> <Li> 14 See also </Li> <Li> 15 References </Li> <Li> 16 Further reading </Li> <Li> 17 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> Etymology </H2> See also : Names of Beijing <P> Over the past 3,000 years , the city of Beijing has had numerous other names . The name Beijing , which means `` Northern Capital '' ( from the | The city of Beijing was previously known as | [
] | 994 | What was the city of beijing previously known as? |
7152569300818483186 | The Divergent Series - Wikipedia <H1> The Divergent Series </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For the book series on which the film series is based , see Divergent trilogy . For the mathematical use , see Divergent series . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Divergent Series </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Lucy Fisher </Li> <Li> Douglas Wick </Li> <Li> Pouya Shabazian </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> The Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Shailene Woodley </Li> <Li> Theo James </Li> <Li> Zoë Kravitz </Li> <Li> Miles Teller </Li> <Li> Ansel Elgort </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> Red Wagon Entertainment Summit Entertainment </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> Summit Entertainment Lionsgate </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> 1 : March 21 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 21 ) </Li> <Li> 2 : 000000002015 - 03 - 20 - 0000 March 20 , 2015 </Li> <Li> 3 : 000000002016 - 03 - 18 - 0000 March 18 , 2016 </Li> <Li> 4 : Cancelled </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 379 minutes ( 3 films ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> Total ( 3 films ) : $305 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> Total ( 3 films ) : $765,409,015 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Divergent Series is a feature film trilogy based on the Divergent novels by the American author Veronica Roth . Distributed by Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate Films , the series consists of three science fiction films set in a dystopian society . They have been produced by Lucy Fisher , Pouya Shabazian , and Douglas Wick . </P> <P> The series star Shailene Woodley and Theo James as lead characters Beatrice Prior ( Tris ) and Tobias Eaton ( Four ) , respectively . The supporting cast includes Ansel Elgort , Zoë Kravitz , and Miles Teller . Kate Winslet played the main antagonist in the first two films . The first film in the series was directed by Neil Burger , while the second and third films were directed by Robert Schwentke . </P> <P> The Veronica Roth novels consist primarily of the trilogy ( ' Divergent ' , ' Insurgent ' , ' Allegiant ' ) . Development began in 2011 following Summit 's acquisition of the film rights to the Divergent novel in partnership with production company Red Wagon Entertainment . The studios announced production on the sequel following the first film 's strong performance in Thursday late - night screenings , where it grossed $4.9 million . They acquired film rights to the Allegiant novel in December 2013 , deciding in April 2014 to split the third novel into a two - part film adaptation . </P> <P> The first installment , Divergent ( 2014 ) , grossed over $288 million worldwide , while the second installment , The Divergent Series : Insurgent ( 2015 ) , grossed over $297 million worldwide . Insurgent was also the first Divergent film to be released in IMAX 3D . The third installment , The Divergent Series : Allegiant ( 2016 ) , grossed $179 million . Thus , the first three films of the series have grossed over $765 million worldwide . A fourth film , The Divergent Series : Ascendant was never made , due to Allegiant 's poor showing at the box office . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Development <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Casting the main roles </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Production <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Directors </Li> <Li> 2.2 Scripts </Li> <Li> 2.3 Cast </Li> <Li> 2.4 Filming </Li> <Li> 2.5 Music </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Plot <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Divergent ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> 3.2 The Divergent Series : Insurgent ( 2015 ) </Li> <Li> 3.3 The Divergent Series : Allegiant ( 2016 ) </Li> <Li> 3.4 Cancelled film </Li> <Li> 3.5 Ascendant ( TV series ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Recurring cast and characters </Li> <Li> 5 Crew </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Box office performance </Li> <Li> 6.2 Critical and public response </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Development ( edit ) </H2> <P> In March 2011 , Summit Entertainment picked up the rights for Divergent with Douglas Wick and Lucy Fisher 's production company Red Wagon Entertainment , while Lionsgate distributes the franchise . Neil Burger was announced as the director on August 23 , 2012 . Evan Daugherty , who co-wrote the screenplay with Vanessa Taylor , said , `` I get hung up on the toughness of the movie but of equal importance is the love story between Tris and Four . It 's inherently and inextricably linked to Tris ' character journey . There will be plenty of sexual tension and chemistry , but it 's important that all of that stuff does n't just feel like it 's thrown in , but that it all helps Tris grow as a character . '' Daugherty further added , `` It 's tricky because the book is a very packed read with a lot of big ideas . So , distilling that into a cool , faithful two - hour movie is challenging . Not only do you have to establish five factions , but you have to acknowledge that there 's a sixth entity , which is the divergent , and you also have the factionless . So there 's a world that really has to be built out for the big screen ... the movie is going to do it a little more efficiently . '' Author Veronica Roth said about the script of the film : `` Reading a script is a really interesting experience . I 'd never read a script before . I was really impressed by how closely it stuck to the general plot line of the book . '' </P> <P> Initially , the budget of the film was $40 million but later Lionsgate increased it to $80 million ( which finally changed to $85 million ) due to the success of The Hunger Games . Analyst Ben Mogil said , `` Divergent is more similar to Hunger Games in that the company owns the underlying economics ( i.e. production ) and the budget ( at $80 ( million ) ) is more manageable . '' </P> <P> In December 2013 , Summit Entertainment announced that a film adaptation of Insurgent , the second novel in the Divergent trilogy , would be released as The Divergent Series : Insurgent on March 20 , 2015 , as a sequel to the film adaptation of Divergent with Brian Duffield originally chosen to write the script for the film . On December 16 , 2013 , it was announced that Neil Burger , director of Divergent , would not return to direct Insurgent as he was still working on the first film . On February 13 , 2014 , it was announced that Robert Schwentke was offered the director position for the film and that Akiva Goldsman had been hired to re-write Duffield 's script . </P> <P> Also in December 2013 , Summit Entertainment announced that the film adaptation of Allegiant , the third and final novel in the Divergent trilogy , would be released in March 2016 , serving as the finale of the series , which at the time was planned as a trilogy , but on April 11 , 2014 , the studio decided to split the novel into a two - part film , much the like the Harry Potter , Twilight , and Hunger Games franchises did with the finales of their series . Lionsgate Motion Picture Group co-chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger said in a statement that , `` Veronica Roth brings her captivating story to a masterful conclusion in ' Allegiant , ' a rich , action - packed book with material that is ideally suited to two strong and fulfilling movies . The storytelling arc and world of the characters lend themselves perfectly to two films , a storytelling strategy that has worked very well for us on the two Twilight Breaking Dawn films and about which we 're tremendously enthusiastic for the two upcoming Mockingjay films of The Hunger Games franchise '' . Noah Oppenheim was announced as the screenwriter for the first part of the Allegiant adaptation on July 9 , 2014 . On December 5 , 2014 , it was announced that Robert Schwentke will return to direct Part 1 . On September 10 , 2015 , it was announced that the two films would be re-titled , with Part 1 being renamed as The Divergent Series : Allegiant and Part 2 as The Divergent Series : Ascendant . </P> <H3> Casting the main roles ( edit ) </H3> Shailene Woodley ( left ) and Theo James ( right ) at the Divergent LA Premiere on March 18 , 2014 . <P> On October 22 , 2012 , it was announced that Shailene Woodley had landed the lead role of Beatrice `` Tris '' Prior . Lucas Till , Jack Reynor , Jeremy Irvine , Alex Pettyfer , Brenton Thwaites , Alexander Ludwig and Luke Bracey were all considered for the role of Tobias `` Four '' Eaton . On March 15 , 2013 , it was announced that Theo James had been cast as Four . </P> <P> Though James was 10 years older than the character when cast , Roth praised his casting `` I was sure within seconds : this was ' Four ' , no question . Theo is able to capture ' Four 's ' authority and strength , as well as his depth and sensitivity . '' She also mentions the chemistry between him and Shailene : `` He is a perfect match for Shailene 's incredibly strong presence as Tris . I 'm thrilled ! '' The producers said about his casting : `` We took our time to find the right actor to fill the role of Four , and Theo is definitely the perfect fit . Veronica has crafted a truly iconic character in Four and we can not wait to begin production and bring him and this story to life for millions of fans around the world . '' </P> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Filming for the franchise began on April 16 , 2013 . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Film </Th> <Th> Producers </Th> <Th> Director </Th> <Th> Screenwriters </Th> <Th> Novel by Veronica Roth </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Divergent </Td> <Td> Fisher , Lucy Lucy Fisher Douglas Wick Pouya Shabazian </Td> <Td> Burger , Neil Neil Burger </Td> <Td> Evan Daugherty Vanessa Taylor </Td> <Td> Divergent </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> The Divergent Series : Insurgent </Td> <Td> Schwentke , Robert Robert Schwentke </Td> <Td> Akiva Goldsman Brian Duffield </Td> <Td> Insurgent </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> The Divergent Series : Allegiant </Td> <Td> Noah Oppenheim Adam Cooper Bill Collage </Td> <Td> Allegiant </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> The Divergent Series : Ascendant </Td> <Td> Lee Toland Krieger </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Lucy Fisher , Douglas Wick , and Pouya Shabazian have been producers for all four films in the series . Veronica Roth and Neil Burger have acted as executive producers on the first two films . Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate collaborated on all four films . On April 11 , 2014 , the studio decided to split the final book , Allegiant , into two parts , much like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Parts 1 and 2 , The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn -- Parts 1 and 2 , and The Hunger Games : Mockingjay -- Parts 1 and 2 . </P> <H3> Directors ( edit ) </H3> <P> Neil Burger directed the first film , Divergent , and was originally going to direct the | The fourth movie of the Divergent series was | [
"never made"
] | 595 | When is the fourth movie of the divergent series coming out? |
-7115492812897878586 | Republic of Doyle - wikipedia <H1> Republic of Doyle </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Republic of Doyle </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Comedy - drama Police procedural </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> Allan Hawco Malcolm MacRury Perry Chafe </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> Allan Hawco Seán McGinley Lynda Boyd Krystin Pellerin Mark O'Brien Marthe Bernard Bob Cole </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Opening theme </Th> <Td> `` Oh Yeah '' by Great Big Sea </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original language ( s ) </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of seasons </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of episodes </Th> <Td> 77 ( list of episodes ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Production </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Executive producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Allan Hawco , John Vatcher , Michael Levine </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location ( s ) </Th> <Td> St. John 's , Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Malcolm Cross </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 44 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company ( s ) </Th> <Td> Take the Shot Productions Fireworks ( seasons 1 - 2 ) Content Film ( season 3 - 6 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributor </Th> <Td> Trifecta Entertainment & Media ( United States ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> CBC Television </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Picture format </Th> <Td> 1080i ( HDTV ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original release </Th> <Td> January 6 , 2010 -- December 10 , 2014 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> External links </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Website </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Republic of Doyle is a Canadian comedy - drama television series set in St. John 's , Newfoundland and Labrador which aired on CBC Television from January 6 , 2010 to December 10 , 2014 . </P> <P> The show stars Allan Hawco as private investigator and former police officer Jake Doyle and Seán McGinley as his father , retired police officer Malachy Doyle . They partner as private investigators with Rose Doyle , Malachy 's second wife , played by Lynda Boyd , in St. John 's . Krystin Pellerin stars as Constable / Sergeant Leslie Bennett , with Mark O'Brien as Desmond `` Des '' Courtney , who works with the Doyles , and Marthe Bernard as Katrina `` Tinny '' Doyle , Jake 's niece and Malachy 's granddaughter . Their cases involve them in all sorts of dealings -- not all of them on the right side of the law . </P> <P> The show was renewed on April 4 , 2014 , for a sixth and final season . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Cast <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Main </Li> <Li> 1.2 Recurring </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Characters </Li> <Li> 3 Production </Li> <Li> 4 Season synopses <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Season One </Li> <Li> 4.2 Season Two </Li> <Li> 4.3 Season Three </Li> <Li> 4.4 Season Four </Li> <Li> 4.5 Season Five </Li> <Li> 4.6 Season Six </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Episodes </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Ratings </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Awards and nominations <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Canadian Cinema Editors Awards </Li> <Li> 7.2 Canadian Comedy Awards </Li> <Li> 7.3 Canadian Screen Awards </Li> <Li> 7.4 Gemini Awards </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 DVD releases </Li> <Li> 9 International broadcasters </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Main ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Allan Hawco -- Jake Doyle ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Seán McGinley -- Malachy Doyle ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Lynda Boyd -- Rose Miller ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Krystin Pellerin -- Leslie Bennett ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Rachel Wilson -- Dr. Nikki Renholds ( Main , Season 1 ; Recurring , Seasons 2 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Mark O'Brien -- Desmond `` Des '' Courtney ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Marthe Bernard -- Katrina `` Tinny '' Doyle ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Bob Cole -- Voice of the Republic ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> Recurring ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Steve O'Connell -- Sergeant Daniel Hood ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Sean Panting -- Walter McLean ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Michelle Nolden -- Allison Jenkins ( Seasons 2 -- 5 ) </Li> <Li> Jonathan Goad -- Christian Doyle ( Seasons 1 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Krista Bridges - Kathleen Doyle ( Seasons 3 - 6 ) </Li> <Li> Lola Tash -- Sloan Daniels ( appears in 12 episodes from Seasons 5 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Rick Roberts -- Mayor William Cadigan Clarke ( Seasons 2 -- 5 ) </Li> <Li> Jonathan Keltz -- Grayson Mann ( Seasons 4 -- 5 ) </Li> <Li> Patricia Isaac -- Monica Hayward ( Season 4 ) </Li> <Li> Nicholas Campbell -- Martin Poole ( Seasons 1 -- 5 ) </Li> <Li> Paul Gross -- Kevin Crocker ( Seasons 2 -- 5 ) </Li> <Li> Gordon Pinsent -- Maurice Becker ( Seasons 1 -- 4 ) </Li> <Li> Victor Garber -- Garrison Steele ( Seasons 1 -- 5 ) </Li> <Li> Alan Doyle -- Wolf Redmond ( Seasons 2 -- 6 ) </Li> <Li> Scott Grimes -- Jimmy O'Rourke ( Seasons 3 -- 6 ) </Li> </Ul> <H2> Characters ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Jake Doyle -- Jake is a 30 - year - old man living with his father Malachy because his ex-wife Nikki kicked him out . A former cop , he works as a private investigator with his father , Mal , and his father 's wife , Rose . He is over-protective of his 16 - year - old niece , Tinny . He is the second son and youngest child of Mal Doyle and his late wife Emily Ann . He drives a 1968 Pontiac GTO and wears a black leather jacket , both of which figure prominently and iconically throughout the series . After years of pursuit , in Season Four he and Leslie Bennett become a couple . He also discovers in Season Five that he has a sixteen - year - old daughter , Sloan . Near the end of the series Sloan reveals to Jake that it was all a scam and she forged the DNA test and is n't actually Jake 's daughter . In the series finale Leslie reveals to Jake that she is pregnant and after being shot by Inspector Pickard and she is in the hospital it is revealed to Jake that she is going to have twins . </Li> <Li> Leslie Bennett -- Leslie is an Inspector in the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary who is friends / lovers with Jake and gives him information to help with his cases . Leslie is Jake 's source of distraction from his cases and personal life . She is a sharp shooter , very intelligent and a great match for Jake . She and Jake have real feelings for each other , but seem to show them the wrong way , making their relationship complicated but very interesting . From season four onwards their relationship has been growing stronger , until a secret from her past resurfaces . She is the mother of two with another baby on the way . </Li> <Li> Malachy Doyle -- Malachy , known as Mal or Skipper and Poppy , is a private investigator with his son , Jake in their business `` Doyle and Doyle . '' He is 56 and has 3 `` grown '' children : Christian , Kathleen and Jake . He also has a granddaughter named Tinny , who is living with him while her mother ( Kathleen Doyle ) is away working in Alberta . His wife Rose lives with him , his granddaughter , and his youngest son Jake . He pokes fun at Jake 's somewhat ' unsuccessful ' relationships with women . He has since discovered he has a second granddaughter . </Li> <Li> Rose Miller -- Rose is Mal 's wife , stepmother to Jake , Christian , and Kathleen , and step - grandmother to Tinny and Sloan . She works as the office manager / secretary for Doyle and Doyle . She seems to have a love / hate relationship with her husband 's granddaughter Tinny and his son Jake , which has evolved over the series into motherly affection . Rose 's criminal ex-husband , Martin Poole , keeps turning up . </Li> <Li> Nikki Renholds -- Nikki is Jake 's ex-wife . Nikki was a physician at a St. John 's hospital . Nikki helped out with different cases in the first few episodes . She has since remarried , moved away , and has a son . </Li> <Li> Katrina ' Tinny ' Doyle - Courtney -- Tinny is the daughter of Kathleen Doyle . She lives with her grandfather , Mal or Poppy as she calls him , Uncle Jake and grandfather 's wife , Rose . She is 16 and ca n't stand her grandfather and uncle 's over-protective nature . She has a love / hate relationship with her grandfather 's girlfriend , Rose and one of the employees and main characters , Des Courtney . Tinny has since become a Constable with the Constabulary , and has begun dating Des . She is now Katrina ' Tinny ' Doyle - Courtney after marrying Des . </Li> <Li> Des Courtney -- Des is the fashion - challenged and delinquent graffiti artist who tags the town and Jake 's beloved Pontiac GTO until Jake brings him to heel -- and into the employ of Doyle and Doyle Investigations . He is 19 and has a crush on Tinny , leading Jake to dislike him . His real name is Pierce Redmond , and he is the son of the infamous , yet equally as dopey , Jody Redmond . Not wanting to be associated with his father , Des conceals his identity . He has grown from a delinquent to a valued member of Doyle & Doyle , specializing in the technological side of investigations . After a failed relationship with a medical student and surviving getting shot , he has begun dating Tinny . He is now married to Tinny Doyle - Courtney . </Li> <Li> Walter McLean -- Walter has been Jake 's best friend since kindergarten and his wing - man that used to be right behind Jake in a fight . Walter was Jake 's lawyer in his divorce from his wife Nikki . Walter appears only sporadically . In season three he becomes romantically involved with Tinny 's mother Kathleen . The status of their relationship is unknown , but presumed to be over . </Li> <Li> Allison Jenkins ( season 2 , guest starring in season 4 ) -- Allison is the crown attorney and has all the things that turn Jake 's head . What was once strictly professional turned into a romantic relationship , which ended when she realized Jake 's feelings for Leslie were stronger than his feelings for her . She appeared briefly in season four . </Li> <Li> Sloan Daniels ( season 5 - season 6 ) - Initially believed to be Jake 's sixteen - year - old daughter that he had with high school flame Ellen Daniels , Sloan spent her time in group homes before meeting the Doyles . In `` Whistleblower '' her half - sister arrives and reveals to the Doyles that she is not Jake 's daughter after all and was simply conning them . She is responsible for bankrupting the Doyles , and eventually attempts to turn herself in to the police to make things right before Jake stops her . She leaves to go to Gander to live with her aunt . </Li> <Li> Kevin Crocker | The Republic of Doyle TV series is supposed to take place in | [
"St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador"
] | 305 | Where is republic of doyle supposed to take place? |
-7299076255108845857 | Sentencing Reform Act - Wikipedia <H1> Sentencing Reform Act </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> The Sentencing Reform Act , part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 , was a U.S. federal statute intended to increase consistency in United States federal sentencing . It established the United States Sentencing Commission . It also abolished federal parole , except for persons convicted under federal law before November 1 , 1987 , persons convicted under District of Columbia law , `` transfer treaty '' inmates , persons who violated military law who are in federal civilian prisons , and persons who are defendants in state cases and who are under the U.S. Marshals Service Witness Protection Program . </P> <P> The act was passed by large majorities in both houses of Congress . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` An Overview of the United States Sentencing Commission '' ( PDF ) . United States Sentencing Commission . United States Sentencing Commission . Retrieved 9 August 2011 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Barry L. Johnson . `` Sentencing Reform Act ( 1984 ) '' . eNotes . Retrieved 9 August 2011 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE LACK OF PAROLE FOR FEDERAL PRISONERS '' ( Archive ) . Families Against Mandatory Minimums . p. 2 / 4 . Retrieved on December 13 , 2015 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Stith , Kate ; Koh , Steve Y. ( 1993 ) . `` The Politics of Sentencing Reform : The Legislative History of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines '' . Faculty Scholarship Series . Yale Law School . Retrieved 9 August 2011 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This United States federal legislation article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> United States federal criminal legislation </Li> <Li> Penal system in the United States </Li> <Li> United States sentencing law </Li> <Li> 1984 in law </Li> <Li> 1984 in the United States </Li> <Li> United States federal legislation stubs </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Use dmy dates from August 2011 </Li> <Li> All stub articles </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> Add links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 3 December 2017 , at 12 : 21 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 is a | [
"U.S. federal statute intended to increase consistency in United States federal sentencing"
] | 34 | What is the sentencing reform act of 1984? |
3349644992728619890 | agreed , also comparing the song to All The Young Dudes . Entertainment Weekly 's Simon Vozick - Levinson described it as a `` sensitive arena rock cut that made us think of Toto 's ' Africa ' . While the chorus sounded more like ELO 's ' Telephone Line . ' A Rolling Stone article commented that it `` has a dash of ' Boulevard of Broken Dreams ' to it . '' Spin 's Goodman agreed , writing : `` This track covers a lot of territory in its five minutes , from a solo acoustic guitar ( reminiscent of `` Boulevard of Broken Dreams '' ) to Brian May - worthy electric riffage . But the chorus holds the killer hook , as Armstrong hits highs with his voice in a thrilling moment . '' </P> <H2> Critical reception </H2> <P> The song has received critical acclaim . Chris Fallon writing for AbsolutePunk commented that `` it is arguably the album 's highlight , presenting an anti-war ballad that is both monumentally enduring and also sophisticated protest . '' James Montgomery of MTV News described it as `` a cell - phones - in - the - air anthem , starting with more sharply strummed acoustic guitars . '' Colin Moriarty from IGN wrote that the track is `` perhaps the best song on the album as a whole , is a multi-faceted song with a pretty poignant message to boot . '' Jordan Richardson of Blogcritics commented : `` It 's the album 's anti-war hymn , reaching heroic heights with a sleek sort of sappiness that fits flawlessly . The range and sentiment may dishearten those looking for a little more Dookie from their Green Day , but I 've never heard Billie Joe sound so good and so earnest as he pulls his frail voice upwards to knock out some stunning high notes . '' Mayer Nissim gave the song 3 out of 5 stars , writing : `` It combines verses reminiscent of Neil Young 's ' Heart of Gold ' with big power - pop chord changes and choruses that soar in all the right places . The jerky charm of the band 's earlier work may be missing , but there 's still lots to enjoy here . '' </P> <P> However , Adam Downer from Sputnikmusic gave a negative review , commenting that `` it sounds like a terrible rewrite of something John Lennon never released . '' </P> <H2> Chart Performance </H2> <P> The song debuted at No. 55 on the Billboard Hot 100 , peaking at No. 22 ( becoming their highest peaking song since the 2005 hit `` Wake Me Up When September Ends '' ) , and No. 81 on the Canadian Hot 100 , reaching # 15 . It reached No. 3 on the Alternative Songs chart and No. 17 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart . Also , on the Billboard Pop Songs it reached # 7 . On the Australian ARIA Singles Chart , the song peaked at # 4 . On the UK Singles Chart , it debuted at No. 100 and rose to # 36 . In New Zealand , the song debuted at No. 23 and peaked at No. 3 in its seventh week on the chart . In New Zealand , it was certified Platinum after 13 weeks on the chart , selling over 15,000 copies . It was certified Platinum by the RIAA . The single was also certified Platinum in Italy . </P> <H2> Release and Media appearance </H2> <P> `` 21 Guns '' was released to modern punk radio stations on May 25 , 2009 , although it had already been played on some radio stations , such as KROQ in Los Angeles and 101.9 in New York City . In the radio edit , the song is over forty seconds shorter than the album version due to the bridge being shortened and the intro being taken out . The CD single and clear 7 '' single were released on July 14 , 2009 . </P> <P> The song is featured heavily in Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen and appears on the soundtrack , which was released on June 12 , 2009 . It became available for download on the music video game series Rock Band on July 7 , 2009 , along with the songs `` East Jesus Nowhere '' and `` Know Your Enemy . </P> <P> The song was featured in episode 6 of The Vampire Diaries . The song is featured in the video game Green Day : Rock Band and is downloadable content for the Rock Band series . </P> <P> A live version was also released on 21 Guns Live EP in September 2009 . </P> <H2> Music video </H2> <P> A music video was directed by Marc Webb and filmed in Los Angeles on June 6 , 2009 . It premiered on MySpace on Monday , June 22 , 2009 at midnight EDT . A shorter version of the video also exists , which is set to the radio edit of the song . </P> <P> It is the third Green Day video to feature touring guitarist Jason White performing with the band , following `` Wake Me Up When September Ends '' and `` Working Class Hero '' . He is also seen briefly in the music videos for `` When I Come Around '' and `` Jesus of Suburbia '' but he is not performing with the band . </P> <P> After spending the previous week at number 3 , the video peaked at number one on VH1 Top 20 Countdown on August 22 , 2009 and again on September 19 , 2009 . It also won `` Best Rock Video '' , `` Best Direction in a Video '' and `` Best Cinematography in a Video '' for the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards . </P> <P> The video takes place with the band and the album 's two protagonists Christian ( Josh Boswell ) and Gloria ( Lisa Stelly ) taking refuge in a white room after robbing a bank . The police arrive outside the room and open fire through the window , to the couple 's terror . As bullets rain through the room , the band continues playing . Gloria picks up the phone and throws it into a fish tank . As the bullets continue to fly and tear apart the room , Christian and Gloria become calm and walk toward each other , unharmed by the bullets . They embrace and kiss as the room goes dark , recreating the 21st Century Breakdown cover art . As the song ends , the room lights up again , and they are still uninjured . After the room lights up , there are various shots of destruction in the room , including a shot of some of the writing on the walls . The writing includes an excerpt of the lyrics to `` 21 Guns '' , as well as those of the song `` See The Light '' which also appears on `` 21st Century Breakdown '' . The video may represent the meaning of the song in the 21st Century Breakdown story . </P> <H2> Musical cast version </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` 21 Guns '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Green Day and the cast of American Idiot </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album American Idiot : The Original Broadway Cast Recording </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Like a Rolling Stone ( Bob Dylan Cover ) '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> December 3 , 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> Digital download , CD single </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Alternative rock </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 4 : 41 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Reprise </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Billie Joe Armstrong , David Bowie , Mike Dirnt , and Tré Cool </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Green Day </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Green Day and the cast of American Idiot singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' ( 2009 ) </Td> <Td> `` When It 's Time '' ( 2010 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns ( Musical Cast Version ) '' ( 2010 ) </Td> <Td> `` When It 's Time '' ( 2010 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Green Day has recorded two versions of `` 21 Guns '' with the cast of American Idiot . The recording was produced by Billie Joe Armstrong . The recording with Armstrong singing the male solo parts was released on December 3 to and also released for digital download on December 22 . The video was released February 1 . </P> <P> The second version of the song with the cast of American Idiot features Stark Sands , John Gallagher Jr. , and Michael Esper singing their respective solos instead of Armstrong . </P> <P> It was performed with Armstrong singing lead male vocals at the 52nd Grammy Awards . </P> <H2> Live EP </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 21 Guns Live EP </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> EP by Green Day </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> September 4 , 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> July 25 , 2009 in Albany , New York ; July 28 , 2009 Madison Square Garden , New York </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Pop punk , punk rock , alternative rock </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 17 : 52 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Reprise </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer </Th> <Td> Green Day </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Green Day released a live EP for the song including live performances of `` Welcome to Paradise '' , `` Brain Stew / Jaded '' and `` F.O.D. '' recorded live in Albany , New York and Madison Square Garden . This EP was released on the Australian iTunes store , Amazon UK , and Napster . </P> <H2> Track listing </H2> <Ul> <Li> Original version : </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Digital download / Maxi CD </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' </Td> <Td> 5 : 21 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Favorite Son '' ( Green Day 's contribution to the Rock Against Bush Vol. 2 compilation ) </Td> <Td> 2 : 13 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 3 . </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' ( Studio 880 version ) </Td> <Td> 5 : 17 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> CD single / 7 '' single </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' </Td> <Td> 5 : 21 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Favorite Son '' ( From `` Rock Against Bush Vol. 2 '' ) </Td> <Td> 2 : 13 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Promo CD </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' ( Radio Edit ) </Td> <Td> 4 : 37 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Musical cast version : </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> Digital download / CD single </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' ( Green Day with the cast of American Idiot version ) </Td> <Td> 4 : 41 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> 21 Guns EP </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` 21 Guns '' ( Green Day | The girl featured in Green Day's "21 Guns" music video is | [
"Lisa Stelly"
] | 1,603 | Who is the girl in green day 21 guns? |
4590422471265833514 | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : the Movie - wikipedia <H1> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : the Movie </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Power Rangers : The Movie '' redirects here . For the 2015 fan film , see Power / Rangers . For the 2017 film , see Power Rangers ( film ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Bryan Spicer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Haim Saban </Li> <Li> Shuki Levy </Li> <Li> Suzanne Todd </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Screenplay by </Th> <Td> Arne Olsen </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Story by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> John Kamps </Li> <Li> Arne Olsen </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Karan Ashley </Li> <Li> Johnny Yong Bosch </Li> <Li> Steve Cardenas </Li> <Li> Jason David Frank </Li> <Li> Amy Jo Johnson </Li> <Li> David Yost </Li> <Li> Jason Narvy </Li> <Li> Paul Schrier </Li> <Li> Paul Freeman </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> Graeme Revell </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Paul Murphy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> Wayne Wahrman </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Saban Entertainment </Li> <Li> Toei Company </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> 20th Century Fox </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> June 30 , 1995 ( 1995 - 06 - 30 ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 95 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> $15 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> $66.4 million </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie ( also known as Power Rangers : The Movie ) is a 1995 American superhero film based on the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . It stars the ensemble cast of Karan Ashley , Johnny Yong Bosch , Steve Cardenas , Jason David Frank , Amy Jo Johnson , and David Yost alongside the villains cast from the original series and Paul Freeman as Ivan Ooze . Much like the television season that followed the release , it used concepts from the Japanese Super Sentai series Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger , Ninja Sentai Kakuranger . It is the first Power Rangers production from Saban Entertainment not to feature any archived footage from Super Sentai . </P> <P> Filming took place in and around Sydney and Queensland , Australia . It was released by 20th Century Fox on June 30 , 1995 . The film grossed $66.43 million worldwide , but received middling and polarizing reviews from critics . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Voices </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Music </Li> <Li> 4 Adaptations in other media </Li> <Li> 5 Release <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Critical reception </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Home media </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Power Rangers participate with Bulk and Skull in a charity skydive for the Angel Grove observatory , in anticipation of Ryan 's Comet which is scheduled to pass by in two days . </P> <P> Bulk and Skull miss the target landing zone and accidentally land on a construction site where a giant egg has been unearthed . Lord Zedd , Rita Repulsa , Goldar , and Mordant arrive at the construction site and crack open the egg , releasing Ivan Ooze after 6,000 years , a morphological being who ruled Earth with an iron fist before he was overthrown by Zordon and a group of young warriors . Ivan lays siege to the Rangers ' Command Center and incapacitates Zordon , robbing the Rangers of their powers . As the Rangers return to the Command Center , they find it destroyed and Zordon dying . </P> <P> Zordon 's assistant Alpha 5 sends the Rangers to the distant planet Phaedos to obtain the Great Power and save Zordon . On the Moon , Ivan usurps Rita and Zedd , trapping them in a snow globe , then sends his Tengu warriors to Phaedos and begins building an army . He uses children to bring his ooze to their parents , and it hypnotizes them into becoming his workforce to dig up his Ecto - Morphicon Titans , twin war machines built during his reign . When Fred Kelman , a friend of the Rangers ' , discovers his father missing , he finds him working at the construction site and discovers Ivan 's plans . </P> <P> On Phaedos , the Rangers are almost killed by the Tengu , but are rescued by Dulcea , Phaedos ' Master Warrior . She initially tells them to leave for their own safety , but after hearing of Zordon 's plight , she agrees to help them and takes them to an ancient ruined temple where the Rangers will have to overcome obstacles to acquire the power of the Ninjetti . Dulcea awakens each Rangers ' animal spirit : Aisha is the bear , Rocky is the ape , Billy is the wolf , Kimberly is the crane , Adam is the frog and Tommy is the falcon . The Rangers make their way to the Monolith housing the Great Power , defeating its guardians , and retrieve the Great Power . </P> <P> On Earth , Ivan 's Ecto - Morphicons are completely unearthed , and he unleashes them on Angel Grove , ordering the parents to commit suicide at the construction site . Fred , Bulk , Skull and the other kids head to the construction site to save their parents . The Rangers return with their new animal - themed Ninja Zords and destroy one of Ivan 's Ecto - Morphicons . Ivan takes control of the other and battles the Rangers himself . The Rangers lead Ivan into space right into the path of Ryan 's Comet , which destroys him . His destruction breaks the hypnosis and the parents are reunited with their children . The Rangers then use the Great Power to restore the Command Center and resurrect Zordon . </P> <P> In a mid-credits scene , Goldar briefly lounges in Zedd 's throne being served by Mordant only to panic when Zedd and Rita appear having been released after Ivan was destroyed . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Karan Ashley as Aisha Campbell , The Yellow Ranger </Li> <Li> Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam Park , The Black Ranger </Li> <Li> Steve Cardenas as Rocky DeSantos , The Red Ranger </Li> <Li> Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver , The White Ranger </Li> <Li> Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart , The Pink Ranger </Li> <Li> David Yost as Billy Cranston , The Blue Ranger </Li> <Li> Paul Schrier as Farkas `` Bulk '' Bulkmeier </Li> <Li> Jason Narvy as Eugene `` Skull '' Skullovitch </Li> <Li> Paul Freeman as Ivan Ooze </Li> <Li> Gabrielle Fitzpatrick as Dulcea </Li> <Li> Nicholas Bell as Zordon </Li> <Li> Peta - Maree Rixon as Alpha 5 </Li> <Li> Jean Paul Bell as Mordant </Li> <Li> Kerry Casey as Goldar </Li> <Li> Mark Ginther as Lord Zedd </Li> <Li> Julia Cortez as Rita Repulsa </Li> <Li> Jamie Croft as Fred Kelman </Li> <Li> Paul Goddard and Robert Simper as Construction workers </Li> </Ul> <H3> Voices ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Kerrigan Mahan as Goldar </Li> <Li> Robert L. Manahan as Zordon </Li> <Li> Robert Axelrod as Lord Zedd </Li> <Li> Barbara Goodson as Rita Repulsa </Li> <Li> Richard Wood as Alpha 5 </Li> <Li> Martin G. Metcalf as Mordant </Li> </Ul> <H2> Music ( edit ) </H2> See also : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie : Original Soundtrack Album and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie : Original Motion Picture Score <H2> Adaptations in other media ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Four different video game titles based on the film were released for the Super NES , Sega Genesis , Game Boy , and Game Gear . </Li> <Li> Marvel Comics released a comic book adaptation and a photo comic book adaptation of the film in September 1995 . The comic book was printed with two different covers : one featuring fully morphed Rangers and the other featuring them in their Ninjetti uniforms . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Release ( edit ) </H2> <P> In its opening weekend , the film earned $13,104,788 , coming in fourth behind Apollo 13 and holdovers Pocahontas and Batman Forever . It ultimately grossed $66,433,194 against a $15 million budget , making it a financial success . </P> <H3> Critical reception ( edit ) </H3> <P> The film holds a 41 % `` Rotten '' rating based on 34 reviews on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes , though there is no summarized consensus given for it . Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times thought it was characterized by `` a barrage of spectacular special effects , a slew of fantastic monsters , a ferociously funny villain -- and , most important , a refreshing lack of pretentiousness . '' Thomas lauded director Bryan Spicer for raising the quality of production values for a feature film adaptation of the TV series while maintaining a likable `` comic - book look and sense of wonder '' and wholesome high school characters parents would approve of . </P> <P> Caryn James of The New York Times thought that story-wise , it resembles multiple episodes of the television series stringed together with slightly better special effects , and that the result was loud , headache - inducing and boring for adults but that children would enjoy it . James further stated that too much of its running time is spent showing the Rangers without their powers . Roger Ebert gave it only half a star out of a possible four stars , saying that it is `` as close as you can get to absolute nothing and still have a product to project on the screen , '' comparing it to synthetic foods in brightly marketed packaging with no nutritional content . He felt that the characters , with the exception of Ivan Ooze , lacked personalities , and that the scenes of monsters rampaging through the city hearkened back to the worst Japanese monster films . Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle found the fights `` only adequately choreographed , '' called the battle in the climax `` a complete disaster '' and stating that it made no sense in timing , that protagonists were not very intelligent , and the actors playing them unremarkable . </P> <H2> Home media ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The film was released on VHS and LaserDisc in late 1995 and then as a double feature with 1997 's Turbo : A Power Rangers Movie on a double - sided DVD in 2001 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment . Bonus features included a theatrical trailer and a `` Making Of '' featurette . The film was then released separately on a single - sided DVD in 2003 . / Blu - ray </P> <P> The film was re-released with different packaging on DVD in 2011 . The film was | The Power Rangers movie features | [
"animal-themed Ninja Zords"
] | 1,015 | What are the zords in the power rangers movie? |
4390525747986386908 | </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> In a world of anthropomorphic animals , koala Buster Moon owns a theater , having been interested in show business since his father took him to his first music show as a child . Following financial problems brought up by the bank representative Judith , he tells his wealthy friend Eddie that he will host a singing competition with a prize of $1,000 . But Buster 's assistant , Miss Crawly , accidentally appends two extra zeroes , and the promotional fliers showing $100,000 are blown out of Buster 's office into the city streets . </P> <P> Animals from all around the city gather for auditions . Those selected include housewife and mother of 25 piglets Rosita ; street musician mouse Mike ; mobster 's son gorilla Johnny ; and punk - rock porcupine Ash . Shy teenage elephant Meena fails her audition out of stage fright , while Ash 's boyfriend Lance is dismissed from the contest . Rosita is paired with another contestant , an exuberant pig named Gunter , for a dance routine . Although Buster discovers the flyers show a prize of $100,000 ( money he does not have ) , he remains optimistic . Buster convinces Eddie to arrange a visit with Eddie 's grandmother , former opera singer and theater actress Nana Noodleman , to persuade her to sponsor the prize money . She is hesitant to contribute but agrees to see a private screening of the show . </P> <P> Encouraged by her grandfather , Meena tries to ask Buster for another chance , but becomes his stage hand instead . When one of the acts quits , and another is injured , Meena is added as an act . The performers ' individual problems begin to hinder rehearsals : Rosita flounders in her dance routine with Gunter , after having been distracted by her parenting duties that have fallen into disarray . After discovering Lance with a new girlfriend and evicting them from her apartment , Ash is devastated and can no longer sing her assigned song , Carly Rae Jepsen 's `` Call Me Maybe . '' Johnny is torn between having to help his father as the driver of a getaway car in a heist and making the practices . When he tries to do both , he does not show up for the planned pickup in time , and his father and his gang are arrested . Meena does not get any help in overcoming her stage fright , and Mike , certain that the prize money is as good as his , buys a fancy car to impress a female mouse , and then swindles a group of bears in a card game at a nightclub . </P> <P> The day of the screening , the bears interrupt the show , demanding the money from Mike , who in turn , points to Buster . The bears open the chest containing the prize money , but it is nowhere near $100,000 . The glass tank full of luminescent squids that Buster got to light up the theater breaks under all their weight , flooding the theater , which then comes crashing down . With the lot repossessed by Judith , Buster , who had been living in his theater 's office desk , takes up residence at Eddie 's place ( his parents ' pool house ) . Although the contestants ( besides Mike , who saw Buster as a fraud ) visit him and try to cheer him up , Buster is too despondent to listen to them . He tries to start over by opening a car wash , using the same bucket that his father had used to earn money for Buster 's theater . </P> <P> When Meena goes to the theater 's rubble lot and sings Leonard Cohen 's `` Hallelujah , '' Buster hears her and is inspired to reinstate the show without the prize money . They perform on a makeshift stage on the lot in front of Rosita and Meena 's family members . As Rosita and Gunter perform Taylor Swift 's `` Shake It Off , '' more animals are attracted to the scene as the show is broadcast on the news . Johnny 's rendition of Elton John 's `` I 'm Still Standing '' impresses his father , who then escapes from prison to reconcile with him . Despite an interruption by Judith , Ash sings her original rock song `` Set It All Free . '' Mike returns to the show and sings Frank Sinatra 's `` My Way . '' Meena finally overcomes her fears and sings Stevie Wonder 's `` Do n't You Worry ' bout a Thing , '' which literally brings down the house . The show becomes a success and impresses Nana , who was in the audience . Nana buys the lot and the theater is rebuilt and reopened . </P> <H2> Voice cast ( edit ) </H2> Matthew McConaughey , Reese Witherspoon , Scarlett Johansson , Tori Kelly , Taron Egerton , and Nick Kroll at the film 's premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival . <Ul> <Li> Matthew McConaughey as Buster Moon , an optimistic koala who plans to save his theater from closure by holding a singing competition . </Li> <Li> Reese Witherspoon as Rosita , a pig who gave up her teenage music dreams to become a devoted wife to Norman , and mother to their 25 piglets . </Li> <Li> Seth MacFarlane as Mike , an arrogant street musician mouse with a big Frank Sinatra-esque voice . </Li> <Li> Scarlett Johansson as Ash , a teenage porcupine punk rocker who takes part in an alternative - rock music duo with her boyfriend Lance . </Li> <Li> John C. Reilly as Eddie Noodleman , a sheep and Buster 's friend who doubts the future of the theater . </Li> <Li> Tori Kelly as Meena , a teenage elephant with an exquisite singing voice and severe stage fright . </Li> <Li> Taron Egerton as Johnny , a teenage gorilla who wants to sing , though his father would rather have him follow his criminal footsteps . </Li> <Li> Jennifer Saunders as Nana Noodleman , a sheep and Eddie 's grandmother who was a singer in her glory days . <Ul> <Li> Jennifer Hudson as Young Nana </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Garth Jennings as Miss Crawly , an elderly iguana with a glass eye who is Buster 's administrative assistant . </Li> <Li> Peter Serafinowicz as Big Daddy , a gorilla gang leader who wants his son Johnny to follow in his crime business . </Li> <Li> Nick Kroll as Gunter , a passionate dancing pig who is partnered with Rosita for the show . </Li> <Li> Beck Bennett as Lance , a porcupine and Ash 's boyfriend . </Li> <Li> Jay Pharoah as Meena 's grandfather who pressures her to overcome her stage fright . </Li> <Li> Nick Offerman as Norman , a pig and Rosita 's husband . </Li> <Li> Leslie Jones as Meena 's mother </Li> <Li> Rhea Perlman as Judith , a brown llama from the bank who warns Buster that his theater will be repossessed if he does not pay . </Li> <Li> Laraine Newman as Meena 's grandmother </Li> <Li> Adam Buxton as Stan , a gorilla who is a member of Big Daddy 's gang . </Li> <Li> Brad Morris as Baboon , whom Mike attacks for not donating more money to his street performances . </Li> <Li> Bill Farmer as News Reporter Dog , who documents Buster 's singing competition . </Li> </Ul> <P> The voices of Rosita 's piglet children were provided by Oscar , Leo , Caspar , and Asa Jennings , the children of Garth Jennings , the film 's writer and director . Jennings had directors Edgar Wright and Wes Anderson provide `` additional voices '' , continuing a tradition of the three friends appearing in each other 's films . </P> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> In January 2014 , it was announced that Garth Jennings would write and direct an animated comedy film for Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment , about `` courage , competition and carrying a tune , '' which was originally titled Lunch , and then retitled as Sing . </P> <P> On January 14 , 2015 , Matthew McConaughey was cast in the film 's lead voice role . Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy produced the film . On June 17 , 2015 , it was confirmed that McConaughey 's character is named Buster and that John C. Reilly would voice Eddie , a sheep and Buster 's best friend . In November 2015 , it was announced that Reese Witherspoon , Seth MacFarlane , Scarlett Johansson , Tori Kelly and Taron Egerton had joined the cast of the film . </P> <P> The film features 65 pop songs , the rights to which cost 15 percent of the film 's $75 million budget . The animation was created entirely in France by Illumination MacGuff . </P> <H2> Soundtrack ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Sing : Original Motion Picture Soundtrack <P> A soundtrack album for the film was released on December 21 , 2016 . </P> <H2> Release ( edit ) </H2> <P> The almost complete film was screened as a work in progress beginning September 11 , 2016 at the Toronto International Film Festival . Universal Studios released the film on December 21 , 2016 . </P> <H3> Home Media ( edit ) </H3> <P> Sing was released on Blu - ray , Blu - ray 3D , Ultra HD Blu - ray and DVD on March 21 , 2017 . It includes three short films : Gunter Babysits , Love at First Sight , and Eddie 's Life Coach . </P> <Ul> <Li> In Gunter Babysits , Gunter offers to watch over Rosita and Norman 's piglets while they are away as he works to prove himself to be a good babysitter . </Li> <Li> In Love at First Sight , Johnny sets Miss Crawly up with an online dating website where she manages to score a date with a lizard named Herman . </Li> <Li> In Eddie 's Life Coach , Eddie 's mother sets Eddie up for a digital training seminar where he will be assigned to a dachshund named Garry `` The Winner '' Wishman . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Reception ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Box office ( edit ) </H3> <P> Sing grossed $270.3 million in the United States and Canada , and $363.8 million in other territories , for a worldwide total of $634.1 million , against a production budget of $75 million . calculated the net profit of the film to be $194.2 million , when factoring together all expenses and revenue for the film , making it the 7th most profitable release of 2016 . </P> <P> In North America , the film opened alongside Passengers and Assassin 's Creed , and was expected to gross around $70 million from 4,022 theaters over its first six days of release . The film made $1.7 million during its Tuesday night previews . It went on to gross $35.2 million in its opening weekend ( a six - day total of $75.5 million ) , finishing second at the box office behind Rogue One : A Star Wars Story , which was in its second week . Sing holds the record for being the highest - grossing film to never finish first at the North American box office , besting My Big Fat Greek Wedding ( $241.4 million in 2002 ) . </P> <H3> Critical response ( edit ) </H3> <P> On the aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes , the film has an approval rating of 73 % based on 168 reviews , and an average rating of 6.5 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` Sing delivers colorfully animated , cheerfully undemanding entertainment with a solid voice cast and a warm - hearted -- albeit familiar -- storyline that lives up to | The voice of Johnny in the movie Sing is played by | [
"Taron Egerton"
] | 1,564 | Who plays the voice of johnny in sing? |
2198538934964547889 | Category : Hotel types - wikipedia Help <H1> Category : Hotel types </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hotels by type . </Td> </Tr> </Table> The main article for this category is Hotel . <H2> Pages in category `` Hotel types '' </H2> <P> The following 40 pages are in this category , out of 40 total . This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ) . </P> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Albergo Diffuso </Li> <Li> Apartment hotel </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Hotel barge </Li> <Li> Bed and breakfast </Li> <Li> Botel </Li> <Li> Boutique hotel </Li> <Li> Bunkhouse </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Capsule hotel </Li> <Li> Caravanserai </Li> <Li> Casa particular </Li> <Li> Casino hotel </Li> <Li> Choultry </Li> <Li> Condo hotel </Li> <Li> Conference and resort hotels </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Eco hotel </Li> <Li> Extended stay hotel </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Flophouse </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Garden hotels </Li> <Li> Gasthaus </Li> <Li> Guest house </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Heuhotel </Li> <Li> Holiday cottage </Li> <Li> Hostal </Li> <Li> Hostel </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Ice hotel </Li> <Li> Inn </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Love hotel </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Motel </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Patient hotel </Li> <Li> Pension ( lodging ) </Li> <Li> Pension hotel </Li> <Li> Pentahotels </Li> <Li> Pop - up hotel </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Roadhouse ( facility ) </Li> <Li> Ryokan ( inn ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Serviced apartment </Li> <Li> Hotelship </Li> <Li> Stopping house </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Transit hotel </Li> <Li> Turbaza </Li> </Ul> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Hotels </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Help </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Azərbaycanca </Li> <Li> Deutsch </Li> <Li> Español </Li> <Li> Euskara </Li> <Li> فارسی </Li> <Li> Français </Li> <Li> 한국어 </Li> <Li> Ido </Li> <Li> Magyar </Li> <Li> Polski </Li> <Li> Português </Li> <Li> Русский </Li> <Li> ไทย </Li> <Li> Türkçe </Li> <Li> اردو </Li> <Li> 中文 </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 19 February 2017 , at 18 : 19 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | There are three different types of hotel properties, including a | [
"Hotel barge"
] | 99 | What are three different types of hotel properties? |
-3933902576274996149 | Indian High Courts Act 1861 - wikipedia <H1> Indian High Courts Act 1861 </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Indian High Courts Act of 1861 ( 24 & 25 Vict . c. 104 ) was an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to authorize the Crown to create High Courts in the Indian colony . Queen Victoria created the High Courts in Calcutta , Madras , and Bombay by Letters Patent in 1865 . These High Courts would become the precursors to the High Courts in the modern day India , Pakistan , and Bangladesh . The Act was passed after the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and consolidated the parallel legal system of the Crown and the East India Company . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Abolishing Existing Courts </Li> <Li> 2 Qualifications of High Court Judges </Li> <Li> 3 Judicial Tenure and Seniority </Li> <Li> 4 Jurisdiction </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Abolishing existing Courts ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Act abolished the Supreme Courts at Calcutta , Madras , and Bombay ; the Sadar Diwani Adalat and the Sadar Nizamat Adalat at Calcutta ; Sadar Adalat and Faujdari Adalat at Madras ; Sadar Diwani Adalat and Faujdari Adalat at Bombay ( § 8 ) . </P> <H2> Qualifications of High Court judges ( edit ) </H2> <P> Each High Court could consist of a chief justice and up to 15 judges . Under § 3 of the Act , judges could be selected from barristers ( with 5 years of experience ) , civil servants ( with 10 years of experience including 3 years as a zillah judge ) , judges of small cause courts or sudder ameen ( with 5 years of experience ) , or pleaders of lander courts or High Courts ( with 05 years of experience ) . </P> <P> The High Court of a State is the highest court of the State and all other courts of the State work under it . Normally there is one High Court in every State but there can be only one High Court for two or more States as well , according to the constitution . There is one High Court at Chandigarh for Punjab , Haryana and Union Territory of Chandigarh . Similarly there is one High Court at Guwahati which serves Assam , Arunachal Pradesh , Mizoram and Nagaland . </P> <P> Composition : </P> <P> In every High Court , there is a Chief Justice and many other judges whose number is defined by the President of India . </P> <P> Appointment of the Judges : The Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by the President with the consultation of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Governor of the State . The other judges are appointed by the will of President , Governor and the Chief Justice of High Court . </P> <P> Qualifications for the Judges </P> <P> ( a ) He should be a citizen of India . </P> <P> ( b ) He should have been ( I ) a judge for 10 years of Subordinate court under the Judicial Service of the State or ( ii ) an Advocate for 10 years in a High Courts in India ( Article 217 ) . </P> <P> Tenure : Originally the age of the retirement of the judges of the High Courts was fixed at 60 but it was raised to 62 in 1963 according to the 15th amendment of the Constitution . </P> <P> Removal of the Judges : A judge may leave his office by resigning . He will send his letter of resignation to the President . His office would be considered to have been vacated if he is appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court or is transferred to some other High Court . A judge of a High Court may also be removed like a judge of the Supreme Court . A judge of High Court may be removed by the President if the Parliament passes a motion against him by an absolute majority and 2 / 3rd majority of the members present and voting , both the Houses sitting separately . </P> <P> Salary : </P> <P> The pay of the Chief Justice of a High Court is rupees 90,000 / - per month and that of the other judges is rupees 85,000 / - per month . </P> <P> Powers and Functions </P> <P> Original Jurisdiction : </P> <P> The original jurisdiction of the High Court is restricted . </P> <P> ( a ) Every High Court under Article 226 is empowered to issue writs , orders , directions including writs in the nature of Habeas Corpus , Mandamus , Prohibition , Quo - warranto and Certiorari or any of them to any person or authority with in its territory for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights and for any other purpose . </P> <P> ( b ) The original jurisdiction of High Court extends to matters of admiralty , matrimonial , contempt of court and cases ordered to be transferred to High Court by lower court . </P> <P> ( c ) The High Courts of Mumbai , Kolkata and Chennai have original jurisdiction on hearing straightway cases involving the Christians and Parsies . </P> <P> ( d ) The High Courts of Mumbai , Kolkata and Chennai exercise original civil jurisdiction when the amount involved is more than two thousand rupees . </P> <P> Appellate Jurisdiction : </P> <P> The appellate jurisdiction of the High Courts extends so : </P> <P> ( a ) The High Court can hear appeals in civil cases if the amount involved in the case is at least Rs. 5000 . </P> <P> ( b ) The High Court in criminal cases hears the appeal in which the accused has been sentenced to four years imprisonment by the Sessions Judge . v </P> <P> ( c ) The death sentence awarded by Sessions Judge is subject to approval by the High Court . </P> <P> ( d ) The High Court hear the cases involving interpretation of the Constitution or Law . </P> <P> ( e ) The High Court hears the cases on income tax , sales tax etc . </P> <P> Power of Judicial Review : </P> <P> The States High Courts like the Supreme Court has the power of Judicial Review . A High Court has the power to strike down any law of the State or any order of the executive if it violates any provision of the constitution or curtails or takes any of the Fundamental Rights of the people . </P> <P> Administrative and Supervisory Power : </P> <P> The State High Court performs many administrative functions within its Territorial Jurisdiction . It exercises the power of superintendence and control over all courts and tribunals throughout the territory except the military tribunals . </P> <H2> Judicial tenure and seniority ( edit ) </H2> <P> Under § 5 of the Act , judges served at the pleasure of Her Majesty . The chief justice had precedence over judges , whereas judges had seniority based on appointment . Under § 14 , the chief justice had the power to form divisions of two or more judges to hear cases . </P> <H2> Jurisdiction ( edit ) </H2> <P> Under article 9 of the Act , each High Court had `` all such powers and authority for and in relation to the administration of justice '' including original and appellate jurisdiction over civil , criminal , admiralty , vice-admiralty , testamentary , intestate , and matrimonial matters . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Indian High Courts Act 1861 '' . GKToday. 2011 - 10 - 17 . Retrieved 2017 - 03 - 20 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Criminal Justice India Series : Punjab , 2002 . Allied Publishers . 2002 . p. 233 . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7764 - 490 - 6 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Indian legislation </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Constitution of India ( amendments ) </Li> <Li> Indian Penal Code </Li> <Li> Code of Criminal Procedure , 1973 </Li> <Li> Acts of the Parliament </Li> <Li> Ordinance </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> In Force </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Consumer </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Real Estate ( Regulation and Development ) Act , 2016 </Li> <Li> Consumer Protection Act , 1986 </Li> <Li> Essential Commodities Act </Li> <Li> Essential Services Maintenance Act </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Corruption </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Benami Transactions ( Prohibition ) Act , 1988 </Li> <Li> Black Money ( Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets ) and Imposition of Tax Act , 2015 </Li> <Li> Prevention of Corruption Act , 1988 </Li> <Li> The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act , 2013 </Li> <Li> Mines and Minerals ( Development and Regulation ) Act , 1957 </Li> <Li> Prevention of Money Laundering Act , 2002 </Li> <Li> Whistle Blowers Protection Act , 2011 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Criminal </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Armed Forces ( Special Powers ) Act </Li> <Li> Armed Forces Tribunal Act , 2007 </Li> <Li> Arms Act , 1959 </Li> <Li> Army Act , 1950 </Li> <Li> Criminal Law ( Amendment ) Act , 2013 </Li> <Li> Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act </Li> <Li> Indian Evidence Act </Li> <Li> Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection of Children ) Act , 2015 </Li> <Li> National Security Act ( India ) </Li> <Li> Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act , 2005 </Li> <Li> Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe ( Prevention of Atrocities ) Act , 1989 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Education </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Indian Institutes of Management Act , 2017 </Li> <Li> Institutes of Technology Act , 1961 </Li> <Li> National Institutes of Technology Act , 2007 </Li> <Li> Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act , 2009 </Li> <Li> University Grants Commission Act , 1956 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Environment </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution ) Act </Li> <Li> Biological Diversity Act , 2002 </Li> <Li> CAMPA bill </Li> <Li> Environment Protection Act , 1986 </Li> <Li> Indian Forest Act , 1927 </Li> <Li> National Green Tribunal Act </Li> <Li> Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act </Li> <Li> Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers ' Rights Act , 2001 </Li> <Li> Wildlife Protection Act , 1972 </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Financial </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Aadhaar ( Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies , benefits and services ) Act , 2016 </Li> <Li> Banking Regulation Act , 1949 </Li> <Li> Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act </Li> <Li> Depositories Act </Li> <Li> The Electricity Act , 2003 </Li> <Li> Expenditure Tax Act , 1987 </Li> <Li> Finance Act ( India ) </Li> <Li> Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act , 2003 </Li> <Li> Foreign Contribution Regulation Act </Li> <Li> Foreign Exchange Management Act </Li> <Li> Geographical Indications of Goods ( Registration and Protection ) Act , 1999 </Li> <Li> Government Securities Act , 2006 </Li> <Li> Indian Contract Act , 1872 </Li> <Li> Indian Stamp Act , 1899 </Li> <Li> Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code , 2016 </Li> <Li> Insurance Act , 1938 </Li> <Li> Negotiable Instruments Act , 1881 </Li> <Li> Securities Laws ( Amendment ) Act , 2014 </Li> <Li> Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act , 2002 </Li> <Li> The Competition Act , 2002 </Li> <Li> The High Denomination Bank Notes ( Demonetisation ) Act , 1978 </Li> <Li> The Income - tax | The number of judges in the High Court is decided by | [
"the President of India"
] | 489 | Who decides the number of judges in the high court? |
8697610951293426933 | Human fertilization - wikipedia <H1> Human fertilization </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> Part of a series on </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Human growth and development </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stages </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Human embryogenesis </Li> <Li> Fetus </Li> <Li> Infant </Li> <Li> Toddler </Li> <Li> Early childhood </Li> <Li> Child </Li> <Li> Preadolescence </Li> <Li> Adolescence </Li> <Li> Adult </Li> <Li> Middle age </Li> <Li> Old age </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Biological milestones </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Fertilization </Li> <Li> Childbirth </Li> <Li> Walking </Li> <Li> Language acquisition </Li> <Li> Puberty </Li> <Li> Menopause </Li> <Li> Ageing </Li> <Li> Death </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Development and psychology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Pre - and perinatal </Li> <Li> Infant and child </Li> <Li> Adolescent </Li> <Li> Youth </Li> <Li> Young adult </Li> <Li> Adult </Li> <Li> Maturity </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developmental stage theories </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Attachment </Li> <Li> Ecological </Li> <Li> Psychosocial </Li> <Li> Psychosexual development </Li> <Li> Moral </Li> <Li> Cognitive </Li> <Li> Cultural - historical </Li> <Li> Evolutionary </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Human body portal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> The acrosome reaction for a sea urchin , a similar process . Note that the picture shows several stages of one and the same spermatozoon - only one penetrates the ovum Illustration depicting ovulation and fertilization . <P> Human fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm , usually occurring in the ampulla of the fallopian tube . The result of this union is the production of a zygote cell , or fertilized egg , initiating prenatal development . Scientists discovered the dynamics of human fertilization in the nineteenth century . </P> <P> The process of fertilization involves a sperm fusing with an ovum . The most common sequence begins with ejaculation during copulation , follows with ovulation , and finishes with fertilization . Various exceptions to this sequence are possible , including artificial insemination , in vitro fertilization , external ejaculation without copulation , or copulation shortly after ovulation . Upon encountering the secondary oocyte , the acrosome of the sperm produces enzymes which allow it to burrow through the outer jelly coat of the egg . The sperm plasma then fuses with the egg 's plasma membrane , the sperm head disconnects from its flagellum and the egg travels down the Fallopian tube to reach the uterus . </P> <P> In vitro fertilization ( IVF ) is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the womb , in vitro . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Anatomy <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Corona radiata </Li> <Li> 1.2 Cone of attraction and perivitelline membrane </Li> <Li> 1.3 Sperm preparation </Li> <Li> 1.4 Zona pellucida <Ul> <Li> 1.4. 1 Cortical reaction </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Fusion <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Cell membranes </Li> <Li> 2.2 Transformations </Li> <Li> 2.3 Replication </Li> <Li> 2.4 Mitosis </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Fertilization age </Li> <Li> 4 Diseases </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Anatomy ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Corona radiata ( edit ) </H3> <P> The sperm binds through the corona radiata , a layer of follicle cells on the outside of the secondary oocyte . Fertilization occurs when the nucleus of both a sperm and an egg fuse to form a diploid cell , known as zygote . The successful fusion of gametes forms a new organism . </P> <H3> Cone of attraction and perivitelline membrane ( edit ) </H3> <P> Where the spermatozoon is about to pierce , the yolk ( ooplasm ) is drawn out into a conical elevation , termed the cone of attraction or reception cone . Once the spermatozoon has entered , the peripheral portion of the yolk changes into a membrane , the perivitelline membrane , which prevents the passage of additional spermatozoa . </P> <H3> Sperm preparation ( edit ) </H3> Further information : Acrosome reaction <P> At the beginning of the process , the sperm undergoes a series of changes , as freshly ejaculated sperm is unable or poorly able to fertilize . The sperm must undergo capacitation in the female 's reproductive tract over several hours , which increases its motility and destabilizes its membrane , preparing it for the acrosome reaction , the enzymatic penetration of the egg 's tough membrane , the zona pellucida , which surrounds the oocyte . </P> <H3> Zona pellucida ( edit ) </H3> <P> After binding to the corona radiata the sperm reaches the zona pellucida , which is an extra-cellular matrix of glycoproteins . A special complementary molecule on the surface of the sperm head binds to a ZP3 glycoprotein in the zona pellucida . This binding triggers the acrosome to burst , releasing enzymes that help the sperm get through the zona pellucida . </P> <P> Some sperm cells consume their acrosome prematurely on the surface of the egg cell , facilitating the penetration by other sperm cells . As a population , sperm cells have on average 50 % genome similarity so the premature acrosomal reactions aid fertilization by a member of the same cohort . It may be regarded as a mechanism of kin selection . </P> <P> Recent studies have shown that the egg is not passive during this process . </P> Cortical reaction ( edit ) <P> Once the sperm cells find their way past the zona pellucida , the cortical reaction occurs . Cortical granules inside the secondary oocyte fuse with the plasma membrane of the cell , causing enzymes inside these granules to be expelled by exocytosis to the zona pellucida . This in turn causes the glyco - proteins in the zona pellucida to cross-link with each other -- i.e. the enzymes cause the ZP2 to hydrolyse into ZP2f -- making the whole matrix hard and impermeable to sperm . This prevents fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm . The cortical reaction and acrosome reaction are both essential to ensure that only one sperm will fertilize an egg . </P> <H2> Fusion ( edit ) </H2> Fertilization and implantation in humans . <P> After the sperm enters the cytoplasm of the oocyte ( also called ovocyte ) , the tail and the outer coating of the sperm disintegrate and the cortical reaction takes place , preventing other sperm from fertilizing the same egg . The oocyte now undergoes its second meiotic division producing the haploid ovum and releasing a polar body . The sperm nucleus then fuses with the ovum , enabling fusion of their genetic material . </P> <H3> Cell membranes ( edit ) </H3> <P> The fusion of cell membranes of the secondary oocyte and sperm takes place . </P> <H3> Transformations ( edit ) </H3> <P> In preparation for the fusion of their genetic material both the oocyte and the sperm undergo transformations as a reaction to the fusion of cell membranes . </P> <P> The oocyte completes its second meiotic division . This results in a mature ovum . The nucleus of the oocyte is called a pronucleus in this process , to distinguish it from the nuclei that are the result of fertilization . </P> <P> The sperm 's tail and mitochondria degenerate with the formation of the male pronucleus . This is why all mitochondria in humans are of maternal origin . Still , a considerable amount of RNA from the sperm is delivered to the resulting embryo and likely influences embryo development and the phenotype of the offspring . </P> <H3> Replication ( edit ) </H3> <P> The pronuclei migrate toward the center of the oocyte , rapidly replicating their DNA as they do so to prepare the zygote for its first mitotic division . </P> <H3> Mitosis ( edit ) </H3> <P> Usually 23 chromosomes from spermatozoon and 23 chromosomes from egg cell fuse ( half of spermatozoons carry X chromosome and the other half Y chromosome ) . Their membranes dissolve , leaving no barriers between the male and female chromosomes . During this dissolution , a mitotic spindle forms between them . The spindle captures the chromosomes before they disperse in the egg cytoplasm . Upon subsequently undergoing mitosis ( which includes pulling of chromatids towards centrioles in anaphase ) the cell gathers genetic material from the male and female together . Thus , the first mitosis of the union of sperm and oocyte is the actual fusion of their chromosomes . </P> <P> Each of the two daughter cells resulting from that mitosis has one replica of each chromatid that was replicated in the previous stage . Thus , they are genetically identical . </P> <H2> Fertilization age ( edit ) </H2> <P> Fertilization is the event most commonly used to mark the zero point in descriptions of prenatal development of the embryo or fetus . The resultant age is known as fertilization age , fertilizational age , embryonic age , fetal age or ( intrauterine ) developmental ( IUD ) age . </P> <P> Gestational age , in contrast , takes the beginning of the last menstrual period ( LMP ) as the zero point . By convention , gestational age is calculated by adding 14 days to fertilization age and vice versa . In fact , however , fertilization usually occurs within a day of ovulation , which , in turn , occurs on average 14.6 days after the beginning of the preceding menstruation ( LMP ) . There is also considerable variability in this interval , with a 95 % prediction interval of the ovulation of 9 to 20 days after menstruation even for an average woman who has a mean LMP - to - ovulation time of 14.6 . In a reference group representing all women , the 95 % prediction interval of the LMP - to - ovulation is 8.2 to 20.5 days . </P> <P> The average time to birth has been estimated to be 268 days ( 38 weeks and two days ) from ovulation , with a standard deviation of 10 days or coefficient of variation of 3.7 % . </P> <P> Fertilization age is sometimes used postnatally ( after birth ) as well to estimate various risk factors . For example , it is a better predictor than postnatal age for risk of intraventricular hemorrhage in premature babies treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation . </P> <H2> Diseases ( edit ) </H2> <P> Various disorders can arise from defects in the fertilization process . </P> <Ul> <Li> Polyspermy results from multiple sperm fertilizing an egg . </Li> </Ul> <P> However , some researchers have found that in rare pairs of fraternal twins , their origin might have been from the fertilization of one egg cell from the mother and eight sperm cells from the father . This possibility has been investigated by computer simulations of the fertilization process . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Spontaneous conception , the unassisted conception of a subsequent child after prior use of assisted reproductive technology </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Garrison , Fielding . An Introduction to the History of Medicine , pages 566 - 567 ( Saunders 1921 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2011 - 12 - 22 . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 24 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Lawyers Guide to Forensic Medicine SBN 978 - 1 - 85941 - 159 - 9 By Bernard Knight - Page 188 `` Pregnancy is well known to occur from such external ejaculation ... '' </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Fertilization of the Ovum '' . Gray 's Anatomy . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 16 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Fertilization '' . Retrieved 28 July 2010 . </Li> | The process of fusion of an egg with a sperm is called | [
] | 264 | Name the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm? |
3044095641568178082 | 2018 College football Playoff national championship - wikipedia <H1> 2018 College football Playoff national championship </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Alabama Crimson Tide </Td> <Td> Georgia Bulldogs </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> ( 12 -- 1 ) </Td> <Td> ( 13 -- 1 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> SEC </Td> <Td> SEC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 26 </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Head coach : Nick Saban </Td> <Td> Head coach : Kirby Smart </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Td> AP </Td> <Td> Coaches </Td> <Td> CFP </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Td> AP </Td> <Td> Coaches </Td> <Td> CFP </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> OT </Th> <Th> Total </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Alabama </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Georgia </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Date </Th> <Td> January 8 , 2018 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Season </Th> <Td> 2017 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stadium </Th> <Td> Mercedes - Benz Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> Atlanta , Georgia </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> MVP </Th> <Td> Offensive : # 13 QB Tua Tagovailoa , Fr . Alabama Defensive : # 94 DT Da'Ron Payne , Jr . Alabama </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Favorite </Th> <Td> Alabama by 3.5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> National anthem </Th> <Td> Zac Brown Band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Referee </Th> <Td> Dan Capron ( Big Ten ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Halftime show </Th> <Td> Georgia Redcoat Marching Band Million Dollar Band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Attendance </Th> <Td> 77,430 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> United States TV coverage </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Network </Th> <Td> ESPN / ESPN Radio / ESPN Deportes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Announcers </Th> <Td> Chris Fowler , Kirk Herbstreit , Maria Taylor and Tom Rinaldi ( ESPN ) Sean McDonough , Todd Blackledge , Holly Rowe and Ian Fitzsimmons ( ESPN Radio ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> College Football Playoff National Championship </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> < 2017 </Td> <Td> 2019 > </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship was a college football bowl game that determined the national champion in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision for the 2017 season . The Alabama Crimson Tide defeated the Georgia Bulldogs 26 -- 23 in overtime . Alabama overcame a 13 -- 0 deficit at halftime . Tua Tagovailoa and Da'Ron Payne were respectively named the offensive and defensive players of the game . </P> <P> The College Football Playoff selection committee chose the semifinalists following the conclusion of the 2017 regular season . Alabama and Georgia advanced to the national championship after winning the semifinal games hosted by the Sugar Bowl and the Rose Bowl , respectively , on January 1 , 2018 . The championship game was played at Mercedes - Benz Stadium in Atlanta , Georgia on January 8 , 2018 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background </Li> <Li> 2 2018 College Football Playoff </Li> <Li> 3 Teams <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Alabama </Li> <Li> 3.2 Georgia </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Game summary <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Scoring summary </Li> <Li> 4.2 Statistics </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Broadcasting </Li> <Li> 6 Dispute </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Mercedes - Benz Stadium in Atlanta , Georgia was announced as the host site for the fourth College Football National Championship on November 4 , 2015 . </P> <H2> 2018 College football Playoff ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Semifinals </Td> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> Championship </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> January 1 -- Sugar Bowl Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans </Td> <Td colspan="4"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1 </Td> <Td> Clemson </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 </Td> <Td> Alabama </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> January 8 -- National Championship Mercedes - Benz Stadium , Atlanta </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 4 </Td> <Td> Alabama ( OT ) </Td> <Td> 26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> January 1 -- Rose Bowl Rose Bowl , Pasadena </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 3 </Td> <Td> Georgia </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="3"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 2 </Td> <Td> Oklahoma </Td> <Td> 48 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 3 </Td> <Td> Georgia ( 2OT ) </Td> <Td> 54 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> This bracket : <Ul> <Li> view </Li> <Li> talk </Li> <Li> edit </Li> </Ul> <P> The College Football Playoff ( CFP ) selected four teams to advance to the playoff : the Clemson Tigers , Oklahoma Sooners , Georgia Bulldogs , and Alabama Crimson Tide . </P> <H2> Teams ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Alabama ( edit ) </H3> See also : 2017 Alabama Crimson Tide football team <P> The Alabama Crimson Tide defeated the Clemson Tigers in the 2018 Sugar Bowl by a score of 24 -- 6 to reach the championship game . The Tide had a 12 -- 1 season , becoming the SEC West Division co-champions with the Auburn Tigers . The Crimson Tide were coached by Nick Saban . </P> <H3> Georgia ( edit ) </H3> See also : 2017 Georgia Bulldogs football team <P> The Georgia Bulldogs defeated the Oklahoma Sooners in the 2018 Rose Bowl by a score of 54 -- 48 in double overtime to reach the championship game . The Bulldogs had a 13 -- 1 season claiming their 13th Southeastern Conference ( SEC ) championship with a win over Auburn Tigers , 28 -- 7 . The Bulldogs were coached by Kirby Smart . </P> <H2> Game summary ( edit ) </H2> <P> After winning the coin toss , Alabama deferred to the second half and Georgia received the ball to begin the game . After two plays , quarterback Jake Fromm attempted a pass downfield and was intercepted by Tony Brown . Alabama began their first drive of the game , and , after eleven plays , that drive ended with kicker Andy Pappanastos missing a 40 - yard field goal . The teams each had three - and - outs for the game 's first two punts . During Georgia 's ensuing drive , the quarter ended , with no score . </P> <P> After a failed third down conversion , on the second play of the second quarter , Georgia kicker Rodrigo Blankenship hit a 41 - yard field goal to open the scoring and put Georgia in the lead by three . Alabama 's ensuing drive went nowhere , as they gained four yards on three plays and punted . Georgia took the ball and drove down the field , and found themselves with a first and goal at the Alabama 10 - yard - line ; the Tide defense held , however , and the Bulldogs settled for a second field goal and took a 6 -- 0 lead with just over seven and a half minutes until half . On Alabama 's next drive , the Georgia defense held yet again and Alabama 's JK Scott punted for the third time . Just prior to the punt , Georgia wide receiver Javon Wims was shown walking to the locker room , reportedly with a left shoulder injury . Both defenses then forced punts , and Georgia took back over with 1 : 19 remaining in the half on their own 31 - yard - line . Nine plays later , on Alabama 's 1 - yard - line , Mecole Hardman took a direct snap , faked a handoff , and ran into the end zone for the game 's first touchdown , putting Georgia up 13 -- 0 going into halftime . </P> <P> Because they deferred the coin toss , Alabama received the ball first in the second half . They started their drive on their own 22 - yard - line . Tua Tagovailoa , Alabama 's backup quarterback , started the second half for the Tide ; that drive quickly resulted in a three - and - out . The initial punt was blocked , but an offside call gave the Tide another chance to punt . Georgia started their drive on their own 36 - yard - line , but punted on 4th & 17 . Alabama took over on their own 44 - yard - line . The teams then traded touchdowns on consecutive drives ; Alabama scored their first points of the game on a 6 - yard pass from Tagovailoa to Ruggs , but Georgia immediately responded with an 80 - yard touchdown connection from Fromm to Mecole Hardman , putting Georgia up 20 -- 7 . On the second play of Alabama 's ensuing drive , Tagovailoa , while scrambling to the left , threw into traffic and was intercepted by Georgia 's Deandre Baker . Up 13 , the Bulldogs took over possession of the ball on Alabama 's 39 - yard - line . The Tide defense responded immediately , however , as Raekwon Davis intercepted a Jake Fromm pass on the first play of Georgia 's drive , returning the pick to the UGA 40 - yard - line . The Tide gained fifteen yards on six plays and kicker Andy Pappanastos avenged his earlier miss with a 43 - yard field goal that put Bama within ten . The teams then traded punts . Just prior to Alabama 's punt , it was announced that an Alabama defensive back , Kyriq McDonald , had collapsed on the sideline ; the situation was described as a `` serious medical emergency '' . He was loaded onto a medical stretcher awake and conscious . Georgia could not muster anything on offense that drive , and punted . The fourth quarter saw Tagovailoa lead the Tide to come back and tie the game at 20 with 3 : 49 . With three seconds remaining in the game , Andy Pappanastos missed a potential game - winning 36 - yard field goal to the left , sending the game to overtime . </P> <P> In overtime , Georgia scored on a 51 - yard field goal . On Alabama 's first offensive play in overtime , Tagovailoa was sacked for a 16 - yard loss , but immediately followed that with a game - winning 41 - yard touchdown pass to DeVonta Smith . Tagovailoa was named the offensive player of the game , and Da'Ron Payne was named the defensive player of the game . </P> <H3> Scoring summary ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> ( hide ) Scoring summary </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Quarter </Th> <Th> Time </Th> <Th colspan="3"> Drive </Th> <Th> Team </Th> <Th> Scoring information </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Score </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Plays </Th> <Th> Yards </Th> <Th> TOP </Th> <Th> Alabama </Th> <Th> Georgia </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 14 : 14 </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> 55 </Td> <Td> 7 : 40 </Td> <Td> Georgia </Td> <Td> 41 - yard field goal by Rodrigo Blankenship </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 7 : 33 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 70 </Td> <Td> 5 : 19 </Td> <Td> Georgia </Td> <Td> 27 - yard field goal by Rodrigo Blankenship </Td> <Td> 0 | The national championship for college football was played at the | [
"Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia on January 8, 2018"
] | 559 | Where is the national championship for college football played? |
3587867296617760276 | Uvea - wikipedia <H1> Uvea </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For the Pacific island and chiefdom in Wallis and Futuna , see Wallis ( island ) and Uvea ( Wallis and Futuna ) . For the Pacific commune and island in New Caledonia , see Ouvéa and Ouvéa Island . <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Uvea </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Horizontal section of the eyeball . The constituents of the uvea follow : iris labeled at top , ciliary body labeled at upper right , and choroid labeled at center right . ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Details </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Identifiers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Latin </Th> <Td> tunica vasculosa bulbi </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> MeSH </Th> <Td> D014602 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> TA </Th> <Td> A15. 2.03. 001 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> FMA </Th> <Td> 58103 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Anatomical terminology ( edit on Wikidata ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The uvea ( / ˈjuːvɪə / ) ( Lat . uva , grape ) , also called the uveal layer , uveal coat , uveal tract , or vascular tunic , is the pigmented middle of the three concentric layers that make up an eye . The name is possibly a reference to its reddish - blue or almost black colour , wrinkled appearance and grape - like size and shape when stripped intact from a cadaveric eye . Its use as a technical term in anatomy and ophthalmology is relatively modern . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Structure <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Regions </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Function </Li> <Li> 3 Pharmacology </Li> <Li> 4 Immunology </Li> <Li> 5 Clinical significance </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Structure ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Regions ( edit ) </H3> <P> The uvea is the vascular middle layer of the eye . It is traditionally divided into three areas , from front to back , the : </P> <Ul> <Li> Iris </Li> <Li> Ciliary body </Li> <Li> Choroid </Li> </Ul> <H2> Function ( edit ) </H2> <P> The prime functions of the uveal tract as a unit are : </P> <Ul> <Li> Nutrition and gas exchange : uveal vessels directly perfuse the ciliary body and iris , to support their metabolic needs , and indirectly supply diffusible nutrients to the outer retina , sclera , and lens , which lack any intrinsic blood supply . ( The cornea has no adjacent blood vessels and is oxygenated by direct gas exchange with the environment . ) </Li> <Li> Light absorption : the uvea improves the contrast of the retinal image by reducing reflected light within the eye ( analogous to the black paint inside a camera ) , and also absorbs outside light transmitted through the sclera , which is not fully opaque . </Li> </Ul> <P> In addition some uveal regions have special functions of great importance , including secretion of the aqueous humour by the ciliary processes , control of accommodation ( focus ) by the ciliary body , and optimisation of retinal illumination by the iris 's control over the pupil . Many of these functions are under the control of the autonomic nervous system . </P> <H2> Pharmacology ( edit ) </H2> <P> The pupil provides a visible example of the neural feedback control in the body . This is subserved by a balance between the antagonistic sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system . Informal pharmacological experiments have been performed on the pupil for centuries , since the pupil is readily visible , and its size can be readily altered by applying drugs -- even crude plant extracts -- to the cornea . Pharmacological control over pupil size remains an important part of the treatment of some ocular diseases . </P> <P> Drugs can also reduce the metabolically active process of secreting aqueous humour , which is important in treating both acute and chronic glaucoma . </P> <H2> Immunology ( edit ) </H2> <P> The normal uvea consists of immune competent cells , particularly lymphocytes , and is prone to respond to inflammation by developing lymphocytic infiltrates . A rare disease called sympathetic ophthalmia may represent ' cross-reaction ' between the uveal and retinal antigens ( i.e. , the body 's inability to distinguish between them , with resulting misdirected inflammatory reactions ) . </P> <H2> Clinical significance ( edit ) </H2> <P> See uveitis , choroiditis , iritis , iridocyclitis , anterior uveitis , sympathetic ophthalmia , and uveal melanoma . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ eye , human. `` Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD 2009 </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> MedlinePlus Encyclopedia 002337 </Li> <Li> Diagram at </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Anatomy of the globe of the human eye </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Fibrous tunic ( outer ) </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Sclera </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Episcleral layer </Li> <Li> Schlemm 's canal </Li> <Li> Trabecular meshwork </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cornea </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Limbus </Li> <Li> layers <Ul> <Li> Epithelium </Li> <Li> Bowman 's </Li> <Li> Stroma </Li> <Li> Dua 's layer </Li> <Li> Descemet 's </Li> <Li> Endothelium </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Uvea / vascular tunic ( middle ) </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Choroid </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Capillary lamina of choroid </Li> <Li> Bruch 's membrane </Li> <Li> Sattler 's layer </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ciliary body </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ciliary processes </Li> <Li> Ciliary muscle </Li> <Li> Pars plicata </Li> <Li> Pars plana </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Iris </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Stroma </Li> <Li> Pupil </Li> <Li> Iris dilator muscle </Li> <Li> Iris sphincter muscle </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Retina ( inner ) </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Layers </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Inner limiting membrane </Li> <Li> Nerve fiber layer </Li> <Li> Ganglion cell layer </Li> <Li> Inner plexiform layer </Li> <Li> Inner nuclear layer </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> Outer plexiform layer </Li> <Li> Outer nuclear layer </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> External limiting membrane </Li> <Li> Layer of rods and cones </Li> <Li> Retinal pigment epithelium </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cells </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Photoreceptor cells ( Cone cell , Rod cell ) → ( Horizontal cell ) → Bipolar cell → ( Amacrine cell ) → Retina ganglion cell ( Midget cell , Parasol cell , Bistratified cell , Giant retina ganglion cells , Photosensitive ganglion cell ) → Diencephalon : P cell , M cell , K cell , Muller glia </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Other </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Macula <Ul> <Li> Perifoveal area </Li> <Li> Parafoveal area </Li> <Li> Fovea <Ul> <Li> Foveal avascular zone </Li> <Li> Foveola </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Optic disc <Ul> <Li> Optic cup </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Ora serrata </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Anatomical regions of the eye </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Anterior segment </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Adnexa </Li> <Li> Fibrous tunic </Li> <Li> Anterior chamber </Li> <Li> Aqueous humour </Li> <Li> Iris </Li> <Li> Posterior chamber </Li> <Li> Ciliary body </Li> <Li> Lens <Ul> <Li> Capsule of lens </Li> <Li> Zonule of Zinn </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Posterior segment </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Vitreous chamber <Ul> <Li> Vitreous body </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Retina </Li> <Li> Choroid </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Other </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Keratocytes </Li> <Li> Ocular immune system </Li> <Li> Optical coherence tomography </Li> <Li> Eye care professional </Li> <Li> Eye disease </Li> <Li> Refractive error </Li> <Li> Accommodation </Li> <Li> Physiological Optics </Li> <Li> Visual perception </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Human eye anatomy </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Pages with unresolved properties </Li> <Li> Articles needing additional references from February 2014 </Li> <Li> All articles needing additional references </Li> <Li> All articles with unsourced statements </Li> <Li> Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013 </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Contents </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Català </Li> <Li> Čeština </Li> <Li> Dansk </Li> <Li> Deutsch </Li> <Li> Eesti </Li> <Li> Ελληνικά </Li> <Li> Español </Li> <Li> Euskara </Li> <Li> فارسی </Li> <Li> Français </Li> <Li> Gaeilge </Li> <Li> 한국어 </Li> <Li> Ido </Li> <Li> Italiano </Li> <Li> עברית </Li> <Li> Nederlands </Li> <Li> 日本 語 </Li> <Li> Polski </Li> <Li> Português </Li> <Li> Русский </Li> <Li> Slovenčina </Li> <Li> Татарча / tatarça </Li> <Li> Українська </Li> <Li> 中文 </Li> 16 more </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 12 February 2018 , at 00 : 56 . </Li> <Li> Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The vascular layer of the eye is | [
"The uvea"
] | 360 | The vascular layer of the eye is the? |
-8972183967530424533 | goal was revolution in order to achieve independence from Spain . Martí lobbied against the U.S. annexation of Cuba , which was desired by some politicians in both the U.S. and Cuba . </P> <P> After deliberations with patriotic clubs across the United States , the Antilles and Latin America , `` El Partido Revolucionario Cubano '' ( The Cuban Revolutionary Party ) was in a state of pendency and was affected by a growing fear that the U.S. government would try to annex Cuba before the revolution could liberate the island from Spain '' . A new trend of aggressive U.S. `` influence '' was expressed by Secretary of State James G. Blaine 's suggestion that all of Central and South America would some day fall to the U.S. : </P> <P> `` That rich island '' , Blaine wrote on 1 December 1881 , `` the key to the Gulf of Mexico , is , though in the hands of Spain , a part of the American commercial system ... If ever ceasing to be Spanish , Cuba must necessarily become American and not fall under any other European domination '' . </P> <P> Blaine 's vision did not allow the existence of an independent Cuba . `` Martí noticed with alarm the movement to annex Hawaii , viewing it as establishing a pattern for Cuba ... '' </P> <H2> War </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> On December 25 , 1894 , three ships ; the Lagonda , the Almadis and the Baracoa , set sail for Cuba from Fernandina Beach , Florida , loaded with soldiers and weapons . Two of the ships were seized by US authorities in early January , but the proceedings went ahead . Not to be dissuaded , on March 25 , Martí presented the Manifesto of Montecristi , which outlined the policy for Cuba 's war of independence : </P> <Ul> <Li> The war was to be waged by blacks and whites alike ; </Li> <Li> Participation of all blacks was crucial for victory ; </Li> <Li> Spaniards who did not object to the war effort should be spared , </Li> <Li> Private rural properties should not be damaged ; and </Li> <Li> The revolution should bring new economic life to Cuba . </Li> </Ul> <P> The insurrection began on February 24 , 1895 , with uprisings all across the island . In Oriente , the most important ones took place in Santiago , Guantánamo , Jiguaní , San Luis , El Cobre , El Caney , Alto Songo , Bayate , and Baire . The uprisings in the central part of the island , such as Ibarra , Jagüey Grande , and Aguada , suffered from poor coordination and failed ; the leaders were captured , some of them deported and some executed . In the province of Havana , the insurrection was discovered before it was underway , and authorities detained its leaders . The insurgents further west in Pinar del Río were ordered by rebel leaders to wait . </P> <P> On April 1 and 11 , 1895 , the main Mambi leaders landed on two expeditions in Oriente : Major General Antonio Maceo along with 22 members near Baracoa , and José Martí , Máximo Gómez and 4 other members in Playitas . Around that time , Spanish forces in Cuba numbered about 80,000 , of which 20,000 were regular troops and 60,000 were Spanish and Cuban volunteer militia . The latter were a locally enlisted force that took care of most of the `` guard and police '' duties on the island . Wealthy landowners would `` volunteer '' a number of their slaves to serve in this force , which was under local control as militia and not under official military command . By December , Spain had sent 98,412 regular troops to the island , and the colonial government increased the Volunteer Corps to 63,000 men . By the end of 1897 , there were 240,000 regulars and 60,000 irregulars on the island . The revolutionaries were far outnumbered . </P> <P> The Mambises were named after the Negro Spanish officer , Juan Ethninius Mamby who joined the Dominican fight for independence in 1844 . The Spanish soldiers referred to the insurgents in the Dominican Republic as `` the men of Mamby '' or `` Mambies '' . When Cuba 's first war of independence broke out in 1868 , some of those same soldiers were assigned to Cuba ; they brought along what by then become a derogatory Spanish slur for insurgents . The Cubans adopted the name with pride . </P> <P> After the Ten Years ' War , the government had forbidden possession of weapons by private individuals . From the beginning of the uprising , the rebels were hampered by the lack of suitable weapons . They compensated by using guerrilla - style fighting , based on quick raids and fades to the environment , the element of surprise , mounting their forces on fast horses , and using machetes against regular troops on the march . They acquired most of their weapons and ammunition in raids on the Spaniards . Between June 11 , 1895 , and November 30 , 1897 , out of sixty attempts to bring weapons and supplies to the rebels from outside the country , only one succeeded through the protection of the British . Twenty - eight ships were intercepted within U.S. territory ; five were intercepted at sea by the U.S. Navy , and four by the Spanish Navy ; two were wrecked ; one was driven back to port by storm ; the fate of another is unknown . </P> <P> Martí was killed shortly after landing on May 19 , 1895 , at Dos Rios , but Máximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo fought on , taking the war to all parts of Oriente . By the end of June , all of Camagüey was at war . Based on new research in Cuban sources , historian John Lawrence Tone demonstrated that Gomez and Maceo were the first to force the civilian forces to choose sides . `` Either they relocated to the east side of the islands , where the Cubans controlled the mountainous terrain , or they would be accused of supporting the Spanish and be subject to immediate trial and execution . '' Continuing west , they were joined by 1868 war veterans , such as Polish internationalist General Carlos Roloff and Serafín Sánchez in Las Villas , who brought weapons , men and experience to the revolutionaries ' arsenal . </P> <P> In mid-September , representatives of the five Liberation Army Corps assembled in Jimaguayú , Camagüey to approve the `` Jimaguayú Constitution . '' They established a central government , which grouped the executive and legislative powers into one entity named `` Government Council '' , headed by Salvador Cisneros and Bartolomé Masó . After some time of consolidation in the three eastern provinces , the liberation armies headed for Camagüey and then Matanzas , outmaneuvering and deceiving the Spanish Army several times . They defeated Spanish Gen. Arsenio Martínez - Campos y Antón , who had gained victory in the Ten - Year War , and killed his most trusted general at Peralejo . </P> <P> Campos tried the same strategy he had employed in the Ten Years ' War , constructing a broad belt across the island , called the trocha , about 80 km long and 200 m wide . This defense line was to confine rebel activities to the eastern provinces . The belt was developed along a railroad from Jucaro in the south to Morón in the north . Campos built fortifications along this railroad at various points , and at intervals , 12 meters of posts and 400 meters of barbed wire . In addition , booby traps were placed at locations most likely to be attacked . </P> <P> The rebels believed they had to take the war to the western provinces of Matanzas , Havana and Pinar del Rio , where the island 's government and wealth were located . The Ten - Year War had failed because it had not managed to proceed beyond the eastern provinces . In a successful cavalry campaign overcoming the trochas , the revolutionaries invaded every province . Surrounding all larger cities and well - fortified towns , they arrived at the westernmost tip of the island on January 22 , 1896 , exactly three months after the invasion near Baraguá . </P> <P> Campos was replaced by Gen. Valeriano Weyler . He reacted to the rebels ' successes by introducing terror methods : periodic executions , mass exile of residents and forced concentration of them in certain cities or areas , and destruction of farms and crops . Weyler 's methods reached their height on October 21 , 1896 , when he ordered all countryside residents and their livestock to gather within eight days in various fortified areas and towns occupied by his troops . </P> Death of Maceo in 1896 <P> Hundreds of thousands of people had to leave their homes and were subjected to appalling and inhumane conditions in the crowded towns and cities . Together with the forced reconcentrations done by the rebels in the eastern provinces , it is estimated that 25 to 30 percent of the civilian population subjected to it died during the three years of warfare . Using a variety of sources , Tone estimates that civilian losses totaled 155,000 to 170,000 deaths , representing nearly 10 percent of the total population . </P> <P> Starting in the early 1880s , Spain had also suppressed an independence movement in the Philippines , which was intensifying . In effect , Spain was now fighting two wars , a heavy burden on its economy . In 1896 it turned down offers in secret negotiations by the United States to buy Cuba from Spain . </P> <P> Maceo was killed December 7 , 1896 , in Havana province while returning from the west . As the war went on , the major obstacle to Cuban success was weapons supply . Although weapons and funding came from within the Cuban exile community and supporters in the United States , the supply operation violated American laws . These were enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard : of 71 attempted re-supply missions , only 27 got through ; 5 were stopped by the Spanish , but 33 were stopped by the U.S. Coast Guard . </P> <P> In 1897 , the liberation army maintained a privileged position in Camagüey and Oriente , where the Spanish controlled only a few cities . Spanish Liberal leader Práxedes Mateo Sagasta admitted in May 1897 : `` After having sent 200,000 men and shed so much blood , we do n't own more land on the island than what our soldiers are stepping on '' . The rebel force of 3,000 defeated the Spanish in various encounters , such as the Battle of La Reforma , and forcing the surrender of Las Tunas on August 30 . The Spaniards were kept on the defensive . Las Tunas had been guarded by over 1,000 well - armed and well - supplied men . </P> <P> As stipulated at the Jimaguayü Assembly two years earlier , a second Constituent Assembly met in La Yaya , Camagüey , on October 10 , 1897 . The newly adopted constitution provided that military command was to be subordinated to civilian rule . The government was confirmed , naming Bartolomé Masó President and Domingo Méndez Capote Vice President . </P> <P> Madrid decided to change its policy towards Cuba , and replaced Weyler . It also drew up a colonial constitution for Cuba and Puerto Rico , and installed a new government in Havana . But with half the country out | The Cuban revolt against Spain was led by | [
"Máximo Gomez"
] | 2,649 | The cuban revolt against spain was led by? |
8265744380270943125 | Forensic firearm examination - wikipedia <H1> Forensic firearm examination </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> Part of a series on </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Forensic science </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Physiological ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Anthropology </Li> <Li> Biology </Li> <Li> Bloodstain pattern analysis </Li> <Li> Botany </Li> <Li> Dentistry </Li> <Li> DNA phenotyping </Li> <Li> DNA profiling </Li> <Li> Entomology </Li> <Li> Epidemiology </Li> <Li> Medicine </Li> <Li> Palynology </Li> <Li> Pathology </Li> <Li> Podiatry </Li> <Li> Toxicology </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Social ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Psychiatry </Li> <Li> Psychology </Li> <Li> Psychotherapy </Li> <Li> Social work </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Criminalistics ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> Accounting </Li> <Li> Body identification </Li> <Li> Chemistry </Li> <Li> Facial reconstruction </Li> <Li> Fingerprint analysis </Li> <Li> Firearm examination </Li> <Li> Footwear evidence </Li> <Li> Forensic arts </Li> <Li> Profiling </Li> <Li> Gloveprint analysis </Li> <Li> Palmprint analysis </Li> <Li> Questioned document examination </Li> <Li> Vein matching </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Digital forensics ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Computer exams </Li> <Li> Data analysis </Li> <Li> Database study </Li> <Li> Mobile devices </Li> <Li> Network analysis </Li> <Li> Photography </Li> <Li> Video analysis </Li> <Li> Audio analysis </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Related disciplines ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Electrical engineering </Li> <Li> Engineering </Li> <Li> Fire investigation </Li> <Li> Fire accelerant detection </Li> <Li> Fractography </Li> <Li> Linguistics </Li> <Li> Materials engineering </Li> <Li> Polymer engineering </Li> <Li> Statistics </Li> <Li> Traffic collision reconstruction </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Related articles ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Crime scene </Li> <Li> CSI effect </Li> <Li> Perry Mason syndrome </Li> <Li> Pollen calendar </Li> <Li> Skid mark </Li> <Li> Trace evidence </Li> <Li> Use of DNA in forensic entomology </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Outline </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Forensic firearm examination is the forensic process of examining the characteristics of firearms as well as any cartridges or bullets left behind at a crime scene . Specialists in this field are tasked with linking bullets and cartridges to weapons and weapons to individuals . Obliterated serial numbers can be raised and recorded in an attempt to find the registered owner of the weapon . Examiners can also look for fingerprints on the weapon and cartridges , and then viable prints can be processed through fingerprint databases for a potential match . </P> <P> By examining unique striations , or markings , left behind on the bullet as it passes through the barrel and on the cartridge as it is hit by the firing pin , individual spent rounds can be linked back to a specific weapon . Known exemplars taken from a seized weapon can be directly compared to samples recovered from the scene using a comparison microscope . Striation images can also be uploaded to any existing national databases . Furthermore , these markings can be compared to other images in an attempt to link one weapon to multiple crime scenes . Like all forensic specialties , forensic firearm examiners are subject to being called to testify in court as expert witnesses . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Examination of the firearm <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Fingerprint recovery </Li> <Li> 2.2 Serial number recovery <Ul> <Li> 2.2. 1 Magnetic particle inspection </Li> <Li> 2.2. 2 Chemical restoration </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Examination of cartridges </Li> <Li> 4 Examination of bullets <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Class characteristics </Li> <Li> 4.2 Individual characteristics </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Striation databasing </Li> <Li> 6 Criticisms </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> The ability to compare ammunition is a direct result of the invention of rifling around the turn of the 16th century . By forcing the bullet to spin as it travels down the barrel of the weapon the bullet 's accuracy greatly increases . At the same time , the rifling leaves marks on the bullet that are indicative of that particular barrel . Prior to mass production of firearms , each barrel and bullet mold was hand made by gunsmiths making them unique . The first successful documented case of forensic firearm examination occurred in 1835 when a member of the Bow Street Runners in London matched a recovered bullet from a murder victim to a specific mold in a suspect 's home confirming that he made the bullet . Further evidence that the bullet maker was the perpetrator was found in his home and he was convicted . As manufacturing and automation replaced hand tools , the ability to compare bullets became impossible due to the standardization of molds within a specific company . However , experts in the field postulated that there were microscopic differences on each barrel left during the manufacturing process . These differences were a result of wear on the machines and since each new weapon caused a tiny amount of wear , each barrel would be slightly different from every other barrel produced by that company . Also , each bullet fired from a specific barrel would be printed with the same marks , allowing investigators to identify the weapon that fired a specific bullet . </P> <P> One of the first uses of this knowledge was in 1915 to exonerate Charles Stielow of the murder of his neighbors . Stielow was sentenced to death and appealed to Charles S. Whitman , the Governor of New York , who was not convinced by the evidence used to convict Stielow . Whitman halted the execution until an inquiry could be conducted and after further examination it was shown that Stielow 's firearm could not have fired the bullets recovered from the victims . The invention of the comparison microscope by Calvin Goddard and Phillip O. Gravelle in 1925 modernized the forensic examination of firearms . Simultaneous comparison of two different objects at the same time allowed to closely examine striations for matches and therefore make a more definitive statement as to whether or not they matched . </P> <P> One of the first true tests of this new technology was in the aftermath of the Saint Valentine 's Day Massacre in 1929 . During the Prohibition Era , competing gang members were fighting over bootlegging operations within the city of Chicago . Members of the Chicago Outfit and the Egan 's Rats led by Al Capone attempted to remove all competition from Chicago by eliminating the North Side Gang leader Bugs Moran . The massacre missed Moran , who was not present , but killed seven members of the North Side Gang . The murderers attempted to cover up their crime by posing as police officers , even dressing in police uniforms . Witnesses saw two `` officers '' leaving the scene , which implicated the Chicago police department as the perpetrators of the massacre . High levels of police corruption during that time period made it seem likely that the police department committed the killings . The investigation stalled until December 1929 when Fred Burke , a member of the Egan 's Rats , shot and killed a police officer in St. Joseph , Michigan . Officers searching for Burke were led to a home in nearby Stevensville . While Burke was not there , inside officers found an arsenal of weapons including two Thompson submachine guns . The Chicago police department was contacted and the weapons were brought back to Chicago for testing . Goddard was asked to compare the weapons to collected evidence found at the massacre using his new `` ballistic - forensics '' technique . After test firing the guns , Goddard proved that the weapons were those used to kill the members of the North Side Gang , absolving the Chicago police department of all involvement . The successful use of Goddard 's technique resulted in the solidification of his place as the father of forensic firearm examination . </P> <H2> Examination of the firearm ( edit ) </H2> Multiple serial numbers provide redundancy and make it difficult to fully remove the numbers from a weapon . <P> Any firearm collected during the course of an investigation could yield viable evidence if examined . For forensic firearm examination specific evidence that can be recovered include weapon serial numbers and potentially fingerprints left on the weapon 's surface . </P> <H3> Fingerprint recovery ( edit ) </H3> <P> Fingerprint recovery from the surface of firearms is done with cyanoacrylate ( more commonly known as superglue ) fuming . Firearms are placed in a specially designed fume hood designed to evenly distribute fumes instead of removing them . Liquid superglue is placed in a container and heated until it is in a gaseous state . The circulating fumes adhere to the oils left behind by the fingerprint , turning the print white . The resulting white print can be enhanced with fingerprint powder to increase the contrast of the white print against the weapon 's finish . While using the fuming technique on recovered guns is commonplace , the recovery of fingerprints from the surfaces of a firearm is challenging due to the textured grip and the general condition of recovered weapons . If fingerprints are recovered , they can be processed through fingerprint databases such as the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System ( IAFIS ) . Various parts of the recovered weapon can also be tested for touch DNA left by whomever handled it . However , the low levels of DNA that can be recovered presents numerous issues such as contamination and analysis anomalies such as allele drop - out and drop - in . </P> <H3> Serial number recovery ( edit ) </H3> <P> Serial numbers became commonplace after the United States passed the Gun Control Act of 1968 . This law mandated that all guns manufactured or imported into the country have a serial number . Prior to 1968 , many firearms either did not have a serial number or the serial numbers were not unique and were reused by a manufacturer on multiple firearms . If a recovered weapon has had the serial numbers altered or destroyed , examiners can attempt to recover the original numbers . The two main methods for the restoration of serial numbers are magnetic particle inspection and chemical restoration . It is recommended that magnetic particle inspection be performed first due to the nondestructive nature of the method . If magnetic particle inspection fails , chemical restoration is the next step in the forensic analysis . </P> <P> If the serial number is successfully restored it can be used to help investigators track the weapon 's history , as well as potentially determine who owns the weapon . Firearm databases such as the National Crime Information Center of the United States and INTERPOL 's Firearm Reference Table can be used by investigators to track weapons that have been lost , stolen , or used previously in other crimes . </P> Magnetic particle inspection ( edit ) <P> Originally developed as a method to detect flaws or irregularities in magnetic materials , magnetic particle inspection can be used on firearms to visualize the serial number underneath the obliterated area . When performing this technique , examiners place the weapon in a magnetic field . The irregularities in the metal , in this case the serial number , cause the field to deform . When a solution of ferrous particles is added to the weapon 's magnetized surface they will be attracted to the area where the magnetic field has deformed and will build up in the area . If fluorescent particles are added to the ferrous solution , ultraviolet light can be used to make it easier to visualize any recovered serial number . </P> Chemical restoration ( edit ) <P> Chemical restoration is a type of chemical milling . Typically , chemical milling is used to slowly remove material to create a desired shape . In serial | The first documented case of tool mark identification occurred in | [
] | 747 | When was the first documented case of tool mark identification? |
-232899194860976791 | non-furniture portion of a bed , which enables these components to be washed or aired out . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Ancient world </Li> <Li> 1.2 Medieval Europe </Li> <Li> 1.3 Renaissance and modern Europe </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Bed sizes </Li> <Li> 3 Notable examples </Li> <Li> 4 Types </Li> <Li> 5 Frames </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History </H2> <H3> Ancient world </H3> Tutankhamun 's gilded bed from the 14th century BC <P> Early beds were little more than piles of straw or some other natural material ( e.g. a heap of palm leaves , animal skins , or dried bracken ) . An important change was raising them off the ground , to avoid drafts , dirt , and pests . Bedding dated around to 3600 BC was discovered in Sibudu Cave , South Africa . The bedding consists of sedge and other monocotyledons topped with the leaves of Cryptocarya woodii Engl . Beds found in a preserved northern Scottish village , which were raised boxes made of stone and likely topped with comfortable fillers , were dated to between 3200 BC and 2200 BC . The Egyptians had high bedsteads which were ascended by steps , with bolsters or pillows , and curtains to hang around . The elite of Egyptian society such as its pharaohs and queens even had beds made of wood , sometimes gilded . Often there was a head - rest as well , semi-cylindrical and made of stone , wood , or metal . Ancient Assyrians , Medes , and Persians had beds of a similar kind , and frequently decorated their furniture with inlays or appliques of metal , mother - of - pearl , and ivory . </P> Headrest with Two Images of the God Bes , ca . 1539 - 1190 B.C.E. , 37.435 E , Brooklyn Museum <P> The image to the right showcases a headrest . Headrests like this were used in life to support the head while sleeping . They are also found supporting a mummy 's head in the coffin . This headrest perhaps was made specifically for the tomb , since the offering prayer has been inscribed on the supporting column , although the prayer may have been added after the death of the owner . </P> <P> The oldest account of a bed is probably that of Odysseus : a charpoy woven of rope plays a role in the Odyssey . A similar bed can be seen at the St Fagans National History Museum in Wales . Odysseus also gives an account of how he crafted the nuptial bed for himself and Penelope , out of an ancient , huge olive tree trunk that used to grow on the spot before the bridal chamber was built . His detailed description finally persuades the doubting Penelope that the shipwrecked , aged man is indeed her long - lost husband . Homer also mentions the inlaying of the woodwork of beds with gold , silver , and ivory . The Greek bed had a wooden frame , with a board at the head and bands of hide laced across , upon which skins were placed . At a later period the bedstead was often veneered with expensive woods ; sometimes it was of solid ivory veneered with tortoise - shell and with silver feet ; often it was of bronze . The pillows and coverings also became more costly and beautiful ; the most celebrated places for their manufacture were Miletus , Corinth and Carthage . Folding beds , too , appear in the famous Ancient Greek vase paintings . </P> <P> Roman mattresses were stuffed with reeds , hay , or wool . Feathers were used towards the end of the Republic , when custom demanded luxury . Small cushions were placed at the head and sometimes at the back . The bedsteads were high and could only be ascended by the help of steps . They were often arranged for two people , and had a board or railing at the back , as well as the raised portion at the head . The counterpanes were sometimes very costly , generally purple embroidered with figures in gold ; and rich hangings fell to the ground masking the front . The bedsteads themselves were often of bronze inlaid with silver , and Elagabalus had one of solid silver . In the walls of some houses at Pompeii bed niches are found which were probably closed by curtains or sliding partitions . Ancient Romans had various kinds of beds for repose . These included : </P> <Ul> <Li> lectus cubicularis , or chamber bed , for normal sleeping </Li> <Li> lectus genialis , the marriage bed , it was much decorated , and was placed in the atrium opposite the door </Li> <Li> lectus discubitorius , or table bed , on which they ate -- for they ate while lying on their left sides -- there usually being three people to one bed , with the middle place accounted the most honorable position </Li> <Li> lectus lucubratorius , for studying </Li> <Li> and a lectus funebris , or emortualis , on which the dead were carried to the pyre </Li> </Ul> <H3> Medieval Europe </H3> <P> The ancient Germans lay on the floor on beds of leaves covered with skins , or in a kind of shallow chest filled with leaves and moss . In the early Middle Ages they laid carpets on the floor or on a bench against the wall , placed upon them mattresses stuffed with feathers , wool , or hair , and used skins as a covering . Curtains were hung from the ceiling or from an iron arm projecting from the wall . They appear to have generally lain naked in bed , wrapping themselves in large linen sheets which were stretched over the cushions . </P> Southampton Medieval Merchant 's House bedroom <P> In the 12th century , luxury increased and bedsteads were made of wood much decorated with inlaid , carved , and painted ornamentation . They also used folding beds , which served as couches by day and had cushions covered with silk laid upon leather . At night a linen sheet was spread and pillows placed , while silk - covered skins served as coverlets . The Carolingian manuscripts show metal bedsteads much higher at the head than at the feet , and this shape continued in use until the 13th century in France , many cushions being added to raise the body to a sloping position . In 12th - century manuscripts , the bedsteads appear much richer , with inlays , carving , and painting , and with embroidered coverlets and mattresses in harmony . Curtains were hung above the bed and a small hanging lamp is often shown . </P> <P> In the 14th century the woodwork became of less importance , generally being entirely covered by hangings of rich materials . Silk , velvet , and even cloth of gold were frequently used . Inventories from the beginning of the 14th century give details of these hangings lined with fur and richly embroidered . It was then that the Four poster bed ( also known as a tester bed ) made its first appearance , the bed being slung from the ceiling or fastened to the walls , a form which developed later into a room within a room , shut in by double curtains , sometimes even to exclude all drafts . The space between bed and wall was called the ruelle , and very intimate friends were received there . The 14th century is also the time when feather beds became highly prized possessions . </P> <P> In the 15th century beds became very large , reaching 7 to 8 feet ( 2.1 to 2.4 m ) by 6 to 7 feet ( 1.8 to 2.1 m ) . The mattresses were often filled with pea - shucks , straw , or feathers . At this time great personages were in the habit of carrying most of their property about with them , including beds and bed - hangings , and for this reason the bedsteads were for the most part mere frameworks to be covered up ; but about the beginning of the 16th century bedsteads were made lighter and more decorative , since the lords remained in the same place for longer periods . </P> <H3> Renaissance and modern Europe </H3> <P> In the 17th century , which has been called `` the century of magnificent beds '' , the style a la duchesse , with tester and curtains only at the head , replaced the more enclosed beds in France , though they lasted much longer in England . Louis XIV had an enormous number of sumptuous beds , as many as 413 being described in the inventories of his palaces . Some of them had embroideries enriched with pearls , and figures on a silver or golden ground . The great bed at Versailles had crimson velvet curtains on which `` The Triumph of Venus '' was embroidered . So much gold was used that the velvet scarcely showed . </P> Napoleon I 's bed <P> In the 18th century feather pillows were first used as coverings in Germany , which in the fashions of the bed and the curious etiquette connected with the bedchamber followed France for the most part . The beds were a la duchesse , but in France itself there was great variety both of name and shape . The custom of the `` bed of justice '' upon which the king of France reclined when he was present in parliament , the princes being seated , the great officials standing , and the lesser officials kneeling , was held to denote the royal power even more than the throne . </P> <P> Louis XI is credited with its first use and the custom lasted till the end of the monarchy . In the chambre de parade , where the ceremonial bed was placed , certain persons , such as ambassadors or great lords , whom it was desired to honour , were received in a more intimate fashion than the crowd of courtiers . At Versailles women received their friends in their beds , both before and after childbirth , during periods of mourning , and even directly after marriage -- in fact in any circumstances which were thought deserving of congratulation or condolence . During the 17th century this curious custom became general , perhaps to avoid the tiresome details of etiquette . Portable beds were used in high society in France till the end of the Ancien Régime . The earliest of which mention has been found belonged to Charles the Bold . They had curtains over a light framework , and were in their way as fine as the stationary beds . </P> <P> Iron beds appear in the 18th century ; the advertisements declare them as free from the insects which sometimes infested wooden bedsteads . Elsewhere , there was also the closed bed with sliding or folding shutters , and in England -- where beds were commonly quite simple in form -- the four poster was the usual citizen 's bed until the middle of the 19th century . </P> <H2> Bed sizes </H2> Main article : Bed size <P> Bed sizes vary considerably around the world , with most countries having their own standards and terminology . While the `` double '' size appears to be standard among English speaking countries , based on the imperial measurement of 4 ft 6 in by 6 ft 3 in ( 137 cm x 190 cm ) , the sizes for other bed types tend to vary . The mainland European sizes differ , not merely because of the use of the metric system . </P> <P> In the mid-1950s , the United States bedding industry introduced a new size : the king size . A king | Beds became popular in France and Germany in | [
"the 12th century"
] | 1,413 | When did beds become popular in france and germany? |
9206636474403612005 | The Glory of Love ( song ) - wikipedia <H1> The Glory of Love ( song ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> For the song by Peter Cetera , see Glory of Love . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` The Glory of Love '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Benny Goodman </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> 1936 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 78 rpm vinyl </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> 1936 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Pop </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Billy Hill </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Benny Goodman singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Glory of Love ' '' ( 1936 ) The Glory of Love'1936 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Five Keys singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Glory of Love ' '' ( 1951 ) The Glory of Love'1951 </Td> <Td> `` Yes Sir , That 's My Baby '' ( 1952 ) Yes Sir , That 's My Baby1952 </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` The Glory of Love '' is a song written by Billy Hill , recorded by Benny Goodman in 1936 , whose version was a number one pop hit . In 1951 , R&B vocal group , The Five Keys , had their biggest R&B hit with their version of the song , hitting number one on the R&B chart for four non-consecutive weeks . Although The Five Keys recording sold a reported million copies pressed recordings are very rare . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Charts <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Weekly charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Otis Redding version </Li> <Li> 3 Charts <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Weekly charts </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Charts ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Weekly charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1951 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Billboard Hot Rhythm & Blues Songs </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Otis Redding version ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` The Glory of Love '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Otis Redding </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album The Dock of the Bay </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` I 'm Coming Home '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> 1967 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 7 '' vinyl </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> December , 1967 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Soul , Pop </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 2 : 38 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Volt S419 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Billy Hill </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Steve Cropper </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Otis Redding singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Shake '' ( 1967 ) </Td> <Td> `` The Glory of Love '' ( 1967 ) </Td> <Td> `` Tramp '' ( 1967 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Shake '' ( 1967 ) </Td> <Td> `` The Glory of Love '' ( 1967 ) </Td> <Td> `` Tramp '' ( 1967 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> In 1967 , Otis Redding recorded a cover version for his 1968 album , The Dock of the Bay . Redding 's cover became a top 20 hit and reached number nineteen on the Billboard R&B Songs chart and number sixty on the Billboard Hot 100 . </P> <H2> Charts ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Weekly charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1967 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Billboard Hot 100 </Td> <Td> 60 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> US Billboard Hot Rhythm & Blues Songs </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 - 2004 . Record Research . p. 205 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Propes , Steve ( 1973 ) . Those Oldies But Goodies : A Guide to 50 's Record Collecting . The Macmillan Company , New York . p. 42 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 - 2004 . Record Research . p. 486 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` allmusic ( ( ( Otis Redding > Awards ) ) ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 22 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Billboard R&B Singles Chart '' . Billboard . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 27 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Preceded by `` Sixty Minute Man '' by The Dominoes </Td> <Td> Billboard Best Selling Retail Rhythm & Blues Records number - one single ( The Five Keys version ) September 22 , 1951 </Td> <Td> Succeeded by `` Sixty Minute Man '' by The Dominoes </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> 1936 songs </Li> <Li> 1951 singles </Li> <Li> Benny Goodman songs </Li> <Li> Otis Redding songs </Li> <Li> Songs written by Billy Hill ( songwriter ) </Li> <Li> Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles </Li> <Li> Paul McCartney songs </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles needing additional references from December 2015 </Li> <Li> All articles needing additional references </Li> <Li> Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters </Li> <Li> Articles with hAudio microformats </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Contents </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Norsk </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 11 December 2017 , at 15 : 51 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The song "The Glory of Love" was written by | [
"Billy Hill"
] | 269 | Who wrote the song the glory of love? |
-8290462455785623591 | On the Origin of species - wikipedia <H1> On the Origin of species </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Origin of Species '' redirects here . For other uses , see Origin of Species ( disambiguation ) . <Table> On the Origin of Species <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> The title page of the 1859 edition of On the Origin of Species </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Author </Th> <Td> Charles Darwin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Subject </Th> <Td> Natural selection Evolutionary biology </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Published </Th> <Td> 24 November 1859 ( John Murray ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Media type </Th> <Td> Print ( Hardback ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Pages </Th> <Td> 502 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> OCLC </Th> <Td> 352242 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Preceded by </Th> <Td> On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties ; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Followed by </Th> <Td> Fertilisation of Orchids </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Part of a series on </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Evolutionary biology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Key topics ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Introduction to evolution </Li> <Li> Common descent </Li> <Li> Evidence of common descent </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Processes and outcomes ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Population genetics </Li> <Li> Variation </Li> <Li> Diversity </Li> <Li> Mutation </Li> <Li> Natural selection </Li> <Li> Adaptation </Li> <Li> Polymorphism </Li> <Li> Genetic drift </Li> <Li> Gene flow </Li> <Li> Speciation </Li> <Li> Adaptive radiation </Li> <Li> Co-operation </Li> <Li> Coevolution </Li> <Li> Divergence </Li> <Li> Convergence </Li> <Li> Parallel evolution </Li> <Li> Extinction </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Natural history ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Origin of life </Li> <Li> History of life </Li> <Li> Timeline of evolution </Li> <Li> Human evolution </Li> <Li> Phylogeny </Li> <Li> Biodiversity </Li> <Li> Biogeography </Li> <Li> Classification </Li> <Li> Evolutionary taxonomy </Li> <Li> Cladistics </Li> <Li> Transitional fossil </Li> <Li> Extinction event </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> History of evolutionary theory ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Overview </Li> <Li> Renaissance </Li> <Li> Before Darwin </Li> <Li> Darwin </Li> <Li> Origin of Species </Li> <Li> Before synthesis </Li> <Li> Modern synthesis </Li> <Li> Molecular evolution </Li> <Li> Evo - devo </Li> <Li> Current research </Li> <Li> History of speciation </Li> <Li> History of paleontology ( timeline ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Fields and applications ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Applications of evolution </Li> <Li> Biosocial criminology </Li> <Li> Ecological genetics </Li> <Li> Evolutionary aesthetics </Li> <Li> Evolutionary anthropology </Li> <Li> Evolutionary computation </Li> <Li> Evolutionary ecology </Li> <Li> Evolutionary economics </Li> <Li> Evolutionary epistemology </Li> <Li> Evolutionary ethics </Li> <Li> Evolutionary game theory </Li> <Li> Evolutionary linguistics </Li> <Li> Evolutionary medicine </Li> <Li> Evolutionary neuroscience </Li> <Li> Evolutionary physiology </Li> <Li> Evolutionary psychology </Li> <Li> Experimental evolution </Li> <Li> Phylogenetics </Li> <Li> Paleontology </Li> <Li> Selective breeding </Li> <Li> Speciation experiments </Li> <Li> Sociobiology </Li> <Li> Systematics </Li> <Li> Universal Darwinism </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Social implications ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Evolution as fact and theory </Li> <Li> Social effects </Li> <Li> Creation -- evolution controversy </Li> <Li> Objections to evolution </Li> <Li> Level of support </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Evolutionary biology portal </Li> <Li> Category </Li> <Li> Book </Li> <Li> Related topics </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> On the Origin of Species ( or more completely , On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection , or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ) , published on 24 November 1859 , is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology . Darwin 's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection . It presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution . Darwin included evidence that he had gathered on the Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his subsequent findings from research , correspondence , and experimentation . </P> <P> Various evolutionary ideas had already been proposed to explain new findings in biology . There was growing support for such ideas among dissident anatomists and the general public , but during the first half of the 19th century the English scientific establishment was closely tied to the Church of England , while science was part of natural theology . Ideas about the transmutation of species were controversial as they conflicted with the beliefs that species were unchanging parts of a designed hierarchy and that humans were unique , unrelated to other animals . The political and theological implications were intensely debated , but transmutation was not accepted by the scientific mainstream . </P> <P> The book was written for non-specialist readers and attracted widespread interest upon its publication . As Darwin was an eminent scientist , his findings were taken seriously and the evidence he presented generated scientific , philosophical , and religious discussion . The debate over the book contributed to the campaign by T. H. Huxley and his fellow members of the X Club to secularise science by promoting scientific naturalism . Within two decades there was widespread scientific agreement that evolution , with a branching pattern of common descent , had occurred , but scientists were slow to give natural selection the significance that Darwin thought appropriate . During `` the eclipse of Darwinism '' from the 1880s to the 1930s , various other mechanisms of evolution were given more credit . With the development of the modern evolutionary synthesis in the 1930s and 1940s , Darwin 's concept of evolutionary adaptation through natural selection became central to modern evolutionary theory , and it has now become the unifying concept of the life sciences . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Summary of Darwin 's theory </Li> <Li> 2 Background <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Developments before Darwin 's theory </Li> <Li> 2.2 Inception of Darwin 's theory </Li> <Li> 2.3 Further development </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Publication <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Time taken to publish </Li> <Li> 3.2 Events leading to publication : `` big book '' manuscript </Li> <Li> 3.3 Joint publication of papers by Wallace and Darwin </Li> <Li> 3.4 Abstract of Species book </Li> <Li> 3.5 Murray as publisher ; choice of title </Li> <Li> 3.6 Publication and subsequent editions </Li> <Li> 3.7 Publication outside Great Britain </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Content <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Title pages and introduction </Li> <Li> 4.2 Variation under domestication and under nature </Li> <Li> 4.3 Struggle for existence , natural selection , and divergence </Li> <Li> 4.4 Variation and heredity </Li> <Li> 4.5 Difficulties for the theory </Li> <Li> 4.6 Geologic record </Li> <Li> 4.7 Geographic distribution </Li> <Li> 4.8 Classification , morphology , embryology , rudimentary organs </Li> <Li> 4.9 Concluding remarks </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Structure , style , and themes <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Nature and structure of Darwin 's argument </Li> <Li> 5.2 Literary style </Li> <Li> 5.3 Human evolution </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Impact on the scientific community <Ul> <Li> 6.1. 1 Impact outside Great Britain </Li> <Li> 6.1. 2 Challenges to natural selection </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6.2 Impact on economic and political debates </Li> <Li> 6.3 Religious attitudes </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Modern influence </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 Notes </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 Further reading <Ul> <Li> 11.1 Contemporary reviews </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Summary of Darwin 's theory ( edit ) </H2> Darwin pictured shortly before publication <P> Darwin 's theory of evolution is based on key facts and the inferences drawn from them , which biologist Ernst Mayr summarised as follows : </P> <Dl> <Dd> <Ul> <Li> Every species is fertile enough that if all offspring survived to reproduce , the population would grow ( fact ) . </Li> <Li> Despite periodic fluctuations , populations remain roughly the same size ( fact ) . </Li> <Li> Resources such as food are limited and are relatively stable over time ( fact ) . </Li> <Li> A struggle for survival ensues ( inference ) . </Li> <Li> Individuals in a population vary significantly from one another ( fact ) . </Li> <Li> Much of this variation is heritable ( fact ) . </Li> <Li> Individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less likely to reproduce ; individuals more suited to the environment are more likely to survive and more likely to reproduce and leave their heritable traits to future generations , which produces the process of natural selection ( fact ) . </Li> <Li> This slowly effected process results in populations changing to adapt to their environments , and ultimately , these variations accumulate over time to form new species ( inference ) . </Li> </Ul> </Dd> </Dl> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> See also : History of evolutionary thought and History of biology <H3> Developments before Darwin 's theory ( edit ) </H3> <P> In later editions of the book , Darwin traced evolutionary ideas as far back as Aristotle ; the text he cites is a summary by Aristotle of the ideas of the earlier Greek philosopher Empedocles . Early Christian Church Fathers and Medieval European scholars interpreted the Genesis creation narrative allegorically rather than as a literal historical account ; organisms were described by their mythological and heraldic significance as well as by their physical form . Nature was widely believed to be unstable and capricious , with monstrous births from union between species , and spontaneous generation of life . </P> Cuvier 's 1799 paper on living and fossil elephants helped establish the reality of extinction . <P> The Protestant Reformation inspired a literal interpretation of the Bible , with concepts of creation that conflicted with the findings of an emerging science seeking explanations congruent with the mechanical philosophy of René Descartes and the empiricism of the Baconian method . After the turmoil of the English Civil War , the Royal Society wanted to show that science did not threaten religious and political stability . John Ray developed an influential natural theology of rational order ; in his taxonomy , species were static and fixed , their adaptation and complexity designed by God , and varieties showed minor differences caused by local conditions . In God 's benevolent design , carnivores caused mercifully swift death , but the suffering caused by parasitism was a puzzling problem . The biological classification introduced by Carl Linnaeus in 1735 also viewed species as fixed according to the divine plan . In 1766 , Georges Buffon suggested that some similar species , such as horses and asses , or lions , tigers , and leopards , might be varieties descended from a common ancestor . The Ussher chronology of the 1650s had calculated creation at 4004 BC , but by the 1780s geologists assumed a much older world . Wernerians thought strata were deposits from shrinking seas , but James Hutton proposed a self - maintaining infinite cycle , anticipating uniformitarianism . </P> <P> Charles Darwin 's grandfather Erasmus Darwin outlined a hypothesis of transmutation of species in the 1790s , and Jean - Baptiste Lamarck published a more developed theory in 1809 . Both envisaged that spontaneous generation produced simple forms of life that progressively developed greater complexity , adapting to the environment by inheriting changes in adults caused by use or disuse . This process was later called Lamarckism . Lamarck thought there was an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity , in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction . Geoffroy contended that embryonic development recapitulated transformations of organisms in past eras when the environment acted on embryos , and that animal structures were determined by a | The book "The Origin of Species" was written by | [
"Charles Darwin"
] | 648 | Who wrote the book the origin of species? |
1728824774090737582 | Rip It Up ( Orange Juice song ) - wikipedia <H1> Rip It Up ( Orange Juice song ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` Rip It Up '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Orange Juice </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Rip It Up </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Snake Charmer '' `` A Sad Lament '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> February 1983 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 7 '' 12 '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Recorded </Th> <Td> Berwick Street Studios , London </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Post-punk </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Polydor </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Martin Hayles </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Orange Juice singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` I Ca n't Help Myself '' ( 1982 ) </Td> <Td> `` Rip It Up '' ( 1983 ) </Td> <Td> `` Flesh of My Flesh '' ( 1983 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` I Ca n't Help Myself '' ( 1982 ) </Td> <Td> `` Rip It Up '' ( 1983 ) </Td> <Td> `` Flesh of My Flesh '' ( 1983 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Rip It Up '' was a 1983 single by Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice . It was the second single to be released from their 1982 album of the same name . The song became the band 's only UK top 40 success , reaching no . 8 in the chart . `` Rip It Up '' signalled a departure from the sound of the band 's earlier singles , with Chic - influenced guitars and using a synthesiser to create a more disco - oriented sound . </P> <P> The song was sampled in 2009 by British soul singer Beverley Knight on her song `` In Your Shoes '' from the album 100 % . </P> <P> In 2014 , NME ranked it at number 216 in its list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time . It was also included by Pitchfork at number 157 in a list of The Best 200 Songs of the 1980s . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Recording and influences </Li> <Li> 2 Music video </Li> <Li> 3 UK single release <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Track listing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Chart positions </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Recording and influences ( edit ) </H2> Roland TB - 303 <P> The song was recorded as part of the sessions for Orange Juice 's second studio album and would go on to become the title track of said album . It marked a departure from their previous guitar - pop based material , instead utilising Chic style guitar - funk and a bubbling Roland TB - 303 synthesiser bassline , becoming the first chart single to feature the instrument . The song also features a snatch of the guitar riff from `` Boredom '' , a song by Buzzcocks that featured on their debut Spiral Scratch EP . The riff chimes briefly in , just as Collins namechecks the song in the lyrics claiming that `` ... and my favourite song is entitled ' Boredom ' . '' Backing vocals on the song were provided by Paul Quinn , the lead singer of fellow Scottish band Bourgie Bourgie , with whom Collins would later record a single in 1984 , a cover of the Velvet Underground song `` Pale Blue Eyes . '' </P> <H2> Music video ( edit ) </H2> <P> The video opens with the band in a futuristic , but cheaply constructed , control room as they sing , dance and operate various controls . The band then watch themselves on a monitor screen as they walk down a rainy British high street dressed in incongruous , brightly coloured summer clothes . The video then cuts back to the control room , this time with the band playing their instruments superimposed over it , before returning to more scenes of a British city in torrential rain as the band walk around in scuba diving gear . The video finally cuts back to the band playing in a silver foil covered room , before superimposing them over a pile of random photographs . </P> <H2> UK single release ( edit ) </H2> <P> `` Rip It Up '' was released as a single in the UK in February 1983 . The seven inch vinyl version of the single was available in three versions , a double pack including a second seven - inch and a fold out poster , along with two versions of the standard release , initially with a silver injection moulded labels , and then subsequently with paper printed labels . The song was also released on twelve inch vinyl , with extended versions of the title track and B - side . All versions were housed in a paper sleeve depicting a US P - 40 Warhawk fighter plane ( decorated with eyes and teeth ) partially submerged , tail first , in the sea , drawn by Edwyn Collins . </P> <H3> Track listing ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> Single 7 '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Writer ( s ) </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` Rip It Up '' </Td> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> <Td> 3 : 51 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Snake Charmer '' </Td> <Td> Malcolm Ross </Td> <Td> 4 : 43 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> Double 7 '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Writer ( s ) </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` Rip It Up '' </Td> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` Snake Charmer '' </Td> <Td> Malcolm Ross </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 3 . </Td> <Td> `` Love Sick '' ( Live ) </Td> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 4 . </Td> <Td> `` A Sad Lament '' </Td> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="4"> 12 '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Writer ( s ) </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` Rip It Up '' ( Long Version ) </Td> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2 . </Td> <Td> `` A Sad Lament '' ( Long Version ) </Td> <Td> Edwyn Collins </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Chart positions ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1983 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> New Zealand Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 42 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Buzzcocks : Boredom / Orange Juice : Rip It Up '' . Stylus Magazine . 25 August 2004 . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Orange Juice - Rip It Up 12 '' . Discogs . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Orange Juice - Rip It Up '' . Discogs . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Orange Juice - Rip It Up '' . Discogs . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Orange Juice - Rip It Up ( Song ) '' . . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Orange Juice - Rip It Up '' . Discogs . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Orange Juice '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 26 May 2013 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Music video on YouTube </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Orange Juice </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Edwyn Collins </Li> <Li> James Kirk </Li> <Li> David McClymont </Li> <Li> Steven Daly </Li> <Li> Malcolm Ross </Li> <Li> Zeke Manyika </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Studio albums </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> You Ca n't Hide Your Love Forever </Li> <Li> Rip It Up </Li> <Li> Texas Fever </Li> <Li> The Orange Juice </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Singles </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> `` Falling and Laughing '' </Li> <Li> `` Rip It Up '' </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Compilations </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ostrich Churchyard </Li> <Li> The Heather 's on Fire </Li> <Li> The Glasgow School </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> 1983 singles </Li> <Li> Orange Juice ( band ) songs </Li> <Li> 1983 songs </Li> <Li> Polydor Records singles </Li> <Li> Songs written by Edwyn Collins </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Use dmy dates from May 2015 </Li> <Li> Use British English from May 2015 </Li> <Li> All articles with unsourced statements </Li> <Li> Articles with unsourced statements from August 2013 </Li> <Li> Track listings with deprecated parameters </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Contents </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> Add links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 27 November 2016 , at 15 : 08 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The song "Rip It Up and Start Again" was performed by | [
"Orange Juice"
] | 253 | Who sang rip it up and start again? |
-7897846385260632865 | 2018 Winter Olympics - wikipedia <H1> 2018 Winter Olympics </H1> This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 9 January 2018 . Jump to : navigation , search `` PyeongChang 2018 '' redirects here . For the Winter Paralympics , see 2018 Winter Paralympics . <Table> XXIII Olympic Winter Games <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Host city </Th> <Td> Pyeongchang , South Korea </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Motto </Th> <Td> Passion . Connected . Korean : 하나 된 열정 . ( Hanadoen Yeoljeong ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nations participating </Th> <Td> 90 ( estimated ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Events </Th> <Td> 102 in 7 sports ( 15 disciplines ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Opening ceremony </Th> <Td> 9 February ( 31 days from now ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Closing ceremony </Th> <Td> 25 February </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stadium </Th> <Td> Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Winter </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> < Sochi 2014 </Th> <Th> Beijing 2022 > </Th> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Summer </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> < Rio de Janeiro 2016 </Th> <Th> Tokyo 2020 > </Th> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Pyeongchang Location in South Korea <Table> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Pyeongchang Winter Olympics </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hangul </Th> <Td> 평창 동계 올림픽 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hanja </Th> <Td> 平 昌 冬季 올림픽 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Revised Romanization </Th> <Td> Pyeongchang Donggye Ollimpik </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> McCune -- Reischauer </Th> <Td> P'yŏngch'ang Tonggye Ollimp'ik </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Part of a series on </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2018 Winter Olympics ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Bid process ( bid details ) </Li> <Li> Venues </Li> <Li> Torch relay </Li> <Li> Mascots </Li> <Li> Broadcasters </Li> <Li> Opening ceremony ( flag bearers ) </Li> <Li> Chronological summary </Li> <Li> Medal table ( medalists ) </Li> <Li> World and Olympic records </Li> <Li> Concerns and controversies </Li> <Li> Closing ceremony ( flag bearers ) </Li> <Li> Paralympics </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> IOC </Li> <Li> KOC </Li> <Li> POCOG </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The 2018 Winter Olympics , officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games ( French : Les XXIIIèmes Jeux olympiques d'hiver ; Hangul : 제 23 회 동계 올림픽 ; RR : Je - isipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik ) and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018 ( ( phjʌŋ. tɕhaŋ ) ) , is a major international multi-sport event scheduled to take place from 9 to 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County , South Korea . </P> <P> The elected host city was announced on 6 July 2011 by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) after the 123rd IOC Session in Durban , South Africa . Pyeongchang won its bid on the first round of voting , receiving more votes than both Munich , Germany and Annecy , France combined . </P> <P> These will be South Korea 's second Olympic Games and its first Winter Games ; Seoul hosted the Summer Games in 1988 . Pyeongchang will be the third Asian city to host the Winter Games ; the first two were in Japan , at Sapporo ( 1972 ) and Nagano ( 1998 ) . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Bidding <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Host city election </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Tickets </Li> <Li> 3 Preparations <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Torch relay </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Venues <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Pyeongchang ( Mountain cluster ) <Ul> <Li> 4.1. 1 Alpensia Sports Park </Li> <Li> 4.1. 2 Stand - alone venues </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4.2 Gangneung ( Coastal cluster ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Sports </Li> <Li> 6 Participating National Olympic Committees </Li> <Li> 7 Calendar </Li> <Li> 8 Marketing <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Branding </Li> <Li> 8.2 Mascots </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Broadcasting rights </Li> <Li> 10 Concerns and controversies <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Security </Li> <Li> 10.2 Jeongseon Alpine Centre Ecological Issues </Li> <Li> 10.3 Russian doping <Ul> <Li> 10.3. 1 Official sanctions </Li> <Li> 10.3. 2 Reaction in Russia </Li> <Li> 10.3. 3 Criticism </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 11 See also </Li> <Li> 12 Notes and references </Li> <Li> 13 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Bidding ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Bids for the 2018 Winter Olympics <P> Pyeongchang bid to host both the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympic Games but lost in the final rounds of voting by three and four votes respectively . Pyeongchang won its bid for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in the first round of voting , receiving 63 of the 95 votes cast , giving it the majority required to be elected host city . </P> <P> Munich also launched a bid to host these Games . Prior to Beijing 's successful 2022 Winter Olympics bid , Munich would have become the first city to host both the Winter and the Summer Games , having previously hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics , but received 25 votes . Annecy ( in southeastern France ) launched a bid , but failed to secure public support from local citizens . Their bid received seven votes . </P> <H3> Host city election ( edit ) </H3> <P> Pyeongchang was elected as the host city at the 123rd IOC Session in Durban , earning the necessary majority of at least 48 votes in just one round of voting . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="3"> 2018 Winter Olympics bidding results </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> City </Th> <Th> Nation </Th> <Th> Votes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Pyeongchang </Td> <Td> South Korea </Td> <Td> 63 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Munich </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> 25 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Annecy </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Tickets ( edit ) </H2> <P> Ticket prices for the 2018 Winter Olympics were announced in April 2016 and went on sale in October 2016 , ranging from ₩ 20,000 ( approximately US $ 17 ) to ₩ 900,000 ( US $776 ) . Tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies range from ₩ 220,000 ( US $190 ) to ₩ 1.5 million ( US $1293 ) . The exact prices were determined through market research ; around 50 % of the tickets are expected to cost about ₩ 80,000 ( US $69 ) or less , and tickets in sports that are relatively unknown in the region , such as biathlon and luge , will be made cheaper in order to encourage attendance . By contrast , figure skating and the men 's hockey gold - medal game carry the most expensive tickets of the Games . </P> <P> As of 11 October 2017 , domestic ticket sales for the Games have been slow . Of the 750,000 seats allocated to South Koreans , only 20.7 % have been sold . International sales have been better , with 59.7 % of the 320,000 allocated tickets sold . In total , 61 % of tickets have been sold . Sales of tickets to the Paralympic Games are increasing slowly , with 37 % of them sold . </P> <H2> Preparations ( edit ) </H2> <P> On 5 August 2011 , the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) announced the formation of the Pyeongchang 2018 Coordination Commission . On 4 October 2011 , it was announced that the Organizing Committee for the 2018 Winter Olympics would be headed by Kim Jin - sun . The Pyeongchang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games ( POCOG ) was launched at its inaugural assembly on 19 October 2011 . The first tasks of the organizing committee were putting together a master plan for the games as well as forming a design for the venues . The IOC Coordination Commission for the 2018 Winter Olympics made their first visit to Pyeongchang in March 2012 . By then , construction was already underway on the Olympic Village . In June 2012 , construction began on a high - speed rail line that will connect Pyeongchang to Seoul . </P> Olympic venues 2018 <P> The International Paralympic Committee met for an orientation with the Pyeongchang 2018 organizing committee in July 2012 . Then - IOC President Jacques Rogge visited Pyeongchang for the first time in February 2013 . </P> <P> On 27 June 2014 the Pyeongchang Olympic Committee announced their mascot selection contest . The contest ran from 15 September 2014 to 30 September 2014 . The 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games were held in Pyeongchang . </P> <P> The Pyeongchang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games created Pyeongchang WINNERS in 2014 by recruiting university students living in South Korea to spread awareness of the Olympic Games through social networking services and news articles . </P> <H3> Torch relay ( edit ) </H3> Main article : 2018 Winter Olympics torch relay <H2> Venues ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Venues of the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics Dragon Valley Ski Resort <H3> Pyeongchang ( mountain cluster ) ( edit ) </H3> Alpensia sports park ( edit ) <P> The Alpensia Resort in Daegwallyeong - myeon will be the focus of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics . </P> <Ul> <Li> Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium -- opening and closing ceremonies </Li> <Li> Alpensia Ski Jumping Centre -- ski jumping , Nordic combined , snowboarding ( big air ) </Li> <Li> Alpensia Biathlon Centre -- biathlon </Li> <Li> Alpensia Cross-Country Centre -- cross-country skiing , Nordic combined </Li> <Li> Alpensia Sliding Centre -- luge , bobsleigh , and skeleton </Li> <Li> Olympic Village </Li> <Li> Yongpyong Alpine Centre -- alpine skiing ( slalom , giant slalom ) </Li> </Ul> Stand - alone venues ( edit ) <Ul> <Li> Bokwang Snow Park -- freestyle skiing and snowboard </Li> <Li> Jeongseon Alpine Centre -- alpine skiing ( downhill , super-G , and combined ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> Gangneung ( coastal cluster ) ( edit ) </H3> <P> The coastal cluster is located in the city of Gangneung . The Gangneung Olympic Park will include the following four venues : </P> <Ul> <Li> Gangneung Hockey Centre -- ice hockey ( men competition ) </Li> <Li> Gangneung Curling Centre -- curling </Li> <Li> Gangneung Oval -- speed skating </Li> <Li> Gangneung Ice Arena -- short track speed skating and figure skating </Li> </Ul> <P> In addition , a stand - alone venue is located on the grounds of Catholic Kwandong University : </P> <Ul> <Li> Kwandong Hockey Centre -- ice hockey ( women competition ) </Li> </Ul> <H2> Sports ( edit ) </H2> <P> The 2018 Winter Olympics will feature 102 events in 15 sports . Four new disciplines in existing sports will be introduced in Pyeongchang , including big air snowboarding , mixed doubles curling , mass start speed skating , and mixed team alpine skiing . </P> <P> For the first time since 1998 , the National Hockey League will not provide accommodations ( including a break in the season for all teams during the Olympics ) to allow its players to participate in the men 's ice hockey tournament . The NHL 's decision stemmed from their demands that the IOC cover the cost of insuring the NHL players who participate in the Games . Although it did pay to insure NHL players in Sochi , the IOC was unwilling to do so for Pyeongchang , and was concerned that the NHL 's demand could set a precedent for other professional sports bodies to follow . NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman added that a factor in the decision was that the IOC did not allow the NHL to promote the involvement of its players in the Olympics . The NHL secured the cooperation of the International Ice Hockey Federation and the IOC , who agreed to establish a blacklist forbidding national teams from nominating or accepting players under NHL contract to their Olympic rosters . </P> <P> Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of medal events contested in each sports discipline . </P> <Ul> <Li> Alpine skiing ( 11 ) ( details ) </Li> <Li> Biathlon ( 11 | The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in | [
"Pyeongchang County, South Korea"
] | 435 | Where are the winter olympics and when do they start? |
-7350738264545175214 | July 19 , Ouellet made her first appearance for the brand on July 26 , where she co-hosted a Miz TV segment along her husband before being interrupted by Randy Orton , who challenged Miz to a non-title match , in which he was subsequently defeated . At Backlash , Maryse successfully helped Miz to retain the Intercontinental Championship by spraying something at Dolph Ziggler whilst Miz distracted the referee . The following week , SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan announced a rematch for the championship due Maryse 's interference at Backlash . On September 20 , Miz retained the championship over Ziggler . On October 9 , at No Mercy Miz lost the Intercontinental Championship to Ziggler in a title vs career match when Maryse was banned from the ringside along with The Spirit Squad ( Kenny and Mikey ) , who was contracted by her to help Miz , ending Miz 's reign at 188 days . On November 8 episode of SmackDown , Maryse went on to speak in Miz 's name due Miz refuse to speak with Daniel Bryan . At that night , Maryse accepted Bryan 's offer to Miz face Ziggler the following week for the Intercontinental Championship in the 900th episode of SmackDown . Later that night , Bryan would state on Talking Smack that if Ziggler successfully retains his championship , The Miz and Maryse would be traded to Raw for someone else . On November 15 at the 900th episode of SmackDown , Maryse helped Miz to win the championship for the sixth time and also retain it at Survivor Series against Sami Zayn . </P> <P> On December 20 , episode of SmackDown , Maryse was banned from the ringside after an attempt to apply a eye poke on Apollo Crews during a championship match for Miz 's Intercontinental Championship ; After the match , Miz was interviewed by Renee Young who slapped him after a joke involving her and Dean Ambrose . On December 27 , episode of SmackDown , Maryse confronted Renee Young in a backstage segment before Ambrose attacked Miz . On January 3 , 2017 , episode of SmackDown , Maryse slapped both Ambrose and Young in different occasions , before interfering in the championship match between Miz and Ambrose , slapping Ambrose again and being banned from ringside before Ambrose defeated Miz for the championship . Later on Talking Smack , Maryse was fined $5,000 for slapping Young . </P> <P> On February 12 at the Elimination Chamber pay - per - view , Maryse was accidentally hit by Nikki Bella when Natalya pushed Nikki into her during a backstage brawl . On February 21 episode of SmackDown , Maryse was again hit by Nikki and Natalya backstage during their Falls Count Anywhere match , leading to Maryse attacking Bella with a lead pipe and causing her to lose the match . On February 28 episode of SmackDown , during the Miz TV segment , Maryse slapped Nikki 's then real - life boyfriend John Cena , causing Nikki to confront her . On March 7 episode of SmackDown , Maryse and Miz attacked Nikki and Cena after they won a match against James Ellsworth and Carmella . On March 14 episode of SmackDown , after another showdown between the couples , SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan announced a mixed tag team match at WrestleMania 33 . Maryse and Miz would ultimately lose in what was Maryse 's first match in over six years . </P> <P> On April 10 , Maryse was drafted to the Raw brand along with Miz as part of the `` Superstar Shake Up '' , where they made their debut on the same night dressed as Bella and Cena , before being confronted by the Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose . On June 4 , at Extreme Rules , Maryse was in Miz 's corner when he won the WWE Intercontinental Championship for the seventh time by defeating Ambrose . In September , following her pregnancy announcement , Maryse stopped appearing on television . </P> <P> On January 22 , 2018 , in the Raw 25 Years special episode , Maryse was honored as part of a segment involving women considered legends that contributed to the company 's success , including the Bella Twins , Kelly Kelly , Lilian Garcia , Torrie Wilson , Michelle McCool , Terri Runnels , Maria Kanellis and the Hall of Famers Jacqueline and Trish Stratus . </P> <H2> Other media ( edit ) </H2> Maryse and Miz in July 2016 <P> In April 2007 , she appeared alongside fellow WWE Divas Ashley , Torrie Wilson , Brooke Adams , Layla , and Kelly Kelly in Timbaland 's music video `` Throw It On Me '' featuring The Hives . </P> <P> Ouellet also appeared in the January 2009 issue of Muscle & Fitness , along with Eve Torres and Michelle McCool . She and John Morrison were interviewed on Eurosport in the same year . She also made a special appearance on Redemption Song , which was hosted by WWE wrestler Chris Jericho , along with Candice Michelle , Mickie James , and Eve Torres . She has also appeared in several newspaper interviews , including Tokyo Headline , and was on the cover of Sessions Magazine in October 2010 . </P> <P> In 2012 , Maryse was featured on the cover of Le Journal de Montréal , and on MDA Show of Strength with The Miz and other celebrities . In 2015 , Ouellet had roles in Sharknado 3 : Oh Hell No ! and in Santa 's Little Helper , the latter starring Ouellet 's husband , The Miz . In the same year , she appeared on the E ! reality television series WAGS . In 2016 , it was announced that Maryse would appear as a main cast member on the sixth season of Total Divas , which prompted her return to WWE . In June 2017 , Maryse along with Miz were cover of the DUB Magazine with a Jeep car . In 2018 , Maryse along with The Miz will star in a reality television series titled Miz & Mrs . </P> <P> Maryse has appeared in four WWE video games . She made her in - game debut at WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 , later appearing in WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 , WWE ' 12 , and returned in WWE 2K18 . </P> <H2> Filmography ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Film ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Role </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Octobre </Td> <Td> Pouilleuse </Td> <Td> Film debut </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Sharknado 3 : Oh Hell No ! </Td> <Td> Officer Davis </Td> <Td> TV Movie </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Karla </Td> <Td> Sidney </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Santa 's Little Helper </Td> <Td> Melody </Td> <Td> Straight - to - DVD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> Enter the Fist and the Golden Fleecing </Td> <Td> Macy Does </Td> <Td> Post-production </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> Delilah </Td> <Td> Amy Lannigan </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> Isle of the Dead </Td> <Td> Mikaela Usylvich </Td> <Td> Post-production </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2017 </Td> <Td> The Marine 5 : Battleground </Td> <Td> Ana </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Television ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Role </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2008 </Td> <Td> Redemption Song </Td> <Td> Herself </Td> <Td> Guest appearance </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Musée Eden </Td> <Td> Religieuse auditorium </Td> <Td> 1 episode </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2011 </Td> <Td> Trauma </Td> <Td> Femme de Lemire </Td> <Td> 1 episode </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2012 </Td> <Td> Unité 9 </Td> <Td> Infirmière d'Yvon </Td> <Td> 2 episodes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> WAGS </Td> <Td> Herself </Td> <Td> Episode : `` Never Have I Ever '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 -- present </Td> <Td> Total Divas </Td> <Td> Main cast ( season 6 -- present ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Other endeavors ( edit ) </H2> <P> Following her release from WWE in 2011 , Ouellet announced her plans for a clothing and jewelry line named House of Maryse . </P> <P> Beginning in late 2013 , Ouellet began working as a realtor in Los Angeles after spending a year earning her real estate license . </P> <H2> Personal life ( edit ) </H2> <P> Ouellet is a native speaker of French , fluent in English , and she is able to read Spanish , although she can not speak it . Ouellet has a tattoo of her late father 's name , Guy , on her left wrist . She has a degree in business administration , and holds a black belt in martial arts . Her favorite actress is Scarlett Johansson , her favorite bands are Simple Plan and Nickelback , and she loves techno music . Ouellet is a vegan and an avid supporter of animal rights and gay rights , and posed for the NOH8 campaign in 2011 . Ouellet is Catholic . </P> <P> Ouellet was inspired to become a professional wrestler by Lita . She cites Lita and Victoria as her dream opponents . </P> <P> In 2013 , Ouellet got engaged to longtime boyfriend and fellow wrestler Mike Mizanin , best known by his ring name The Miz . The two were married in The Bahamas on February 20 , 2014 . The couple reside in Austin , Texas . The couple announced on September 11th episode of RAW that they are expecting their first child . </P> <P> On March 27 , 2018 , Maryse gave birth to their first child , a daughter named Monroe Sky Mizanin . </P> <H2> In wrestling ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Finishing moves <Ul> <Li> French Kiss ( Snap DDT , with theatrics ) </Li> <Li> French TKO ( Heel kick , to the back of the opponent 's head ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Signature moves <Ul> <Li> Forward Russian legsweep </Li> <Li> French Pain ( Camel clutch ) </Li> <Li> Spinning side slam backbreaker </Li> <Li> Hair - pull facebuster </Li> <Li> Leg choke </Li> <Li> Modified sleeper hold </Li> <Li> Running knee strike , to the head of a kneeling opponent </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Wrestlers managed <Ul> <Li> Sylvain Grenier </Li> <Li> Ryan O'Reilly </Li> <Li> Deuce ' n Domino </Li> <Li> Ted DiBiase </Li> <Li> The Miz </Li> <Li> The Spirit Squad ( Kenny and Mikey ) </Li> <Li> The Miztourage ( Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Entrance themes <Ul> <Li> `` All Summer Long '' by Adam Salkeld </Li> <Li> `` Lounge Lizard '' by Emanuel Kallins and Stephen Teller </Li> <Li> `` Pourquoi ? '' by Jim Johnston </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <H2> Championships and accomplishments ( edit ) </H2> Maryse is a two - time Divas Champion <Ul> <Li> Pro Wrestling Illustrated <Ul> <Li> Ranked No. 9 of the top 50 female wrestlers in the PWI Female 50 in 2009 </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> World Wrestling Entertainment <Ul> <Li> WWE Divas Championship ( 2 times ) </Li> <Li> Divas Championship Tournament ( 2010 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Kamchen , Richard . `` Maryse Ouellet '' . Slam ! Sports . Canadian Online Explorer . Retrieved July 4 , 2009 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Maryse Mizanin 's Blog : How The Miz and I Are Preparing for Our Daughter 's Birth '' . Retrieved March 19 , 2018 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Maryse 's profile '' . Ohio Valley Wrestling . Archived from the original on October 27 , 2007 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Maryse '' . WWE . Retrieved December 21 , 2011 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Kapur , Bob ( | The Miz and Maryse show started in | [
] | 4,377 | When does the miz and maryse show start? |
7306427910586845578 | She thinks We Live As One are a cult , but Peter tries explaining , asking for help . Janice has room for one on her machine ; Judith tries desperately to send Keira , only Keira wo n't have it , wanting it to be Dawn , so she might get medical attention . But Wren , he 's intent on killing more . He wants Judith to help and she wo n't , he starts getting worse . He 's a sad , lonely , murderous man . He says she 'll die alone and she grabs him , throwing him at the mirror . Except nobody 's there . Just her . Soon , Peter and Keira find her , bloodied , unconscious . They put her to bed , then decide they 've got to find Mark 's corpse , confirm he 's dead . Peter heads out while she stays to look after Judith . Judith has worse problems . She continually hears Wren in her head , commanding her . We jump back five years . Wren a.k.a Owen leaves his cabin at Camp Motega , and in slips Dawn to drop a piece of Tal 's jewelry into his things . Present day , Peter comes across Mark 's dead body . Nearby he sees the footprints , he tries re-imagining the crime . He knows something 's not right . Elsewhere , Dawn and Janice try getting out of the forest , but they stop a moment across the way from the parka killer , who fires on both women , bleeding Janice out . Dawn makes it away , though she 's soon shot in the river . Who 's behind the mask ? Judith . At the cabin , Peter finds Keira unconscious , propane filling the house . Then he sees a bunch of letters in Judith 's room . They 're from Wren , in jail . To his mother , Judith . Peter does the only thing he can , carrying Keira through the woods . Only to run into Judith . She says one lives , the other dies . A tough choice . We 're finally seeing the full extent of things now after a flashback , why the noose was in that shrine Peter found -- Judith has hallucinated Owen , the entire time . He hanged himself in jail . Peter puts the noose around his neck and steps from the ledge over the shrine , hanging himself as Judith watches , flashing to images of her son slowly dying . But another surprise , as well -- up the river , Dawn is still alive , on shore , and two hunters find her there bleeding profusely . When Keira wakes up she sees Peter hanging . She also finds a letter Peter wrote to Talvinder 's parents , confessing to the crime , trying to give them closure . Admitting that Owen was innocent , they laid the crime on him . Skip ahead a bit : Keira is safe , back home . She meets with Dawn , who 's preparing to turn herself in to the police , to atone for her terrible sins . From a distance , Judith watches them , still followed by the haunting ghost of her son . Neither of them have forgotten Dawn , they 'll wait until she 's free . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Development and production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Aaron Martin was inspired to write Slasher after his work on the first season of the medical series Saving Hope , including his writing of two Hope episodes where , in his words , `` people got chopped up . '' Martin would write the first episode of Slasher as a spec script , with two intentions for doing so : To offer it to prospective studios , and to show a writing style that was different from his previous work ( e.g. Saving Hope , Degrassi : The Next Generation , Being Erica ) . Though the script did not receive immediate interest , Shaftesbury Films would discover and option it to prospective broadcasters . The script would land at Canadian premium network Super Channel , who , their interest piqued in part by Slasher 's fixed - end format , would order it as a series . The American network Chiller , which specializes in the horror / thriller genre , would join in production sometime after Super Channel ; Slasher would be Chiller 's first foray into original scripted series content . </P> <P> Production on Slasher 's 8 - episode first season was announced on July 28 , 2015 , with filming taking place between then and October 2015 . Three Northern Ontario municipalities -- the cities of Sudbury and Sault Ste . Marie and the town of Parry Sound -- would stand in for the show 's fictitious location , the town of Waterbury . A first trailer for the series would be released on November 26 , 2015 . </P> <P> Unlike most TV series that film their episodes in order , Slasher , under the direction of Craig David Wallace , was shot as if it were a `` super-sized '' movie : Scenes from multiple episodes were shot at the same time , with the availability of locations and cast being factored in . The out - of - order schedule allowed the actors to know of their characters ' fates , especially those who had to film their death scenes one day but return later to film earlier scenes as necessary . As an example of this , Martin cited Mark Ghanimé 's first day on set , when his character , Justin Faysal , was laid out in a casket for a scene early in Slasher 's third episode ( Justin 's death , which took place in Episode 2 , would be filmed later on ) . </P> <P> On May 1 , 2017 , Slasher began filming a second season in Orangeville , Ontario , Canada . Shaftesbury Films confirmed that the series will not be returning to Super Channel or Chiller for a second season . However , Netflix acquired the rights to the second season . The second season was released via Netflix on October 17 , 2017 . </P> <H2> Reception ( edit ) </H2> <P> Slasher has received positive reviews . Zap2it called the series `` a whole lot of fun '' and `` something for everyone , '' praising the series ' anthology nature , its cast of characters , storyline , plot twists , bloody violence , and even the series - within - the - series Falcon Husbandry ( shown as a favorite of Robin and Justin 's in Episode 2 ) . Bloody Disgusting awarded the show four skulls out of five , praising Katie McGrath as a great `` protagonist and possible final girl '' and the series ' decision to feature an adult cast , rather than teenagers , with well - developed characters and a `` decidedly classic '' presentation . On the occasion of Slasher 's Super Channel premiere , The Globe and Mail 's John Doyle , while remarking that it `` is no masterpiece of horror , nor was it meant to be , '' called the show `` very well - crafted , '' praising its `` exceptional cast '' and tight pacing , and noting fans of gory horror will appreciate its bloody scenes . </P> <H3> Awards and accolades ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> Award </Th> <Th> </Th> <Th> Nominee ( s ) </Th> <Th> Result </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2017 </Td> <Td> 5th Annual Canadian Screen Awards </Td> <Td> Best TV Movie or Limited Series </Td> <Td> Slasher </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Direction in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Writing in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series </Td> <Td> Steve Byers </Td> <Td> Nominated </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Series </Td> <Td> Wendy Crewson </Td> <Td> Won </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> International broadcast ( edit ) </H2> <P> On May 25 , 2016 , the entire first season of Slasher became available to stream instantly on Netflix US . On October 17 , 2017 , the full second season of Slasher became available to stream on Netflix in various countries . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Brzoznowski , Kristin . `` Super Channel Sets April Premiere for Original Series Slasher '' . . World Screen ( WSN Inc . ) . Retrieved 6 March 2016 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Chiller and Shaftesbury Announce Start of Production and Cast for `` Slasher '' `` . The Futon Critic . July 28 , 2016 . Retrieved March 6 , 2016 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Lights , camera , action ... ' Slasher ' TV series begins filming in Orangeville '' . Orangeville Banner . May 1 , 2017 . Retrieved May 2 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Slasher returns for a second season '' . Playback Online . May 9 , 2017 . Retrieved September 29 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Moore , Kasey ( September 20 , 2017 ) . `` October 2017 New Netflix Releases '' . WhatsonNetlix . Retrieved September 20 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Urqyhart - White , Alaina ( October 17 , 2017 ) . `` Is ' Slasher 2 : Guilty Party ' A True Story ? The Netflix Series Honors Some Legendary Horror Classics '' . Bustle . Retrieved October 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Patrick Hipes . `` Chiller Unveils First Original Series ' Slasher ' , More New Movies '' . Deadline Hollywood . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Slasher delivers a good old - fashioned murder mystery , '' from The TV Junkies , 3 / 3 / 2016 </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` A Conversation with ' Slasher ' Creator Aaron Martin , '' from TheTelevixen , 3 / 4 / 2016 </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Katie McGrath , Brandon Jay McLaren , Wendy Crewson & More To Star In Chiller 's Anthology Series ' Slasher ' '' . TVWise . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Apr 1 ( 2016 - 04 - 01 ) . `` Steve Byers on Twitter : `` Welcome to Waterbury Canada . # Slasher starts any minute on @ SuperChannel @ SlasherSeries '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 17 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Slasher Premieres With Two Back - to - Back Episodes , '' from , 3 / 2 / 2016 </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Recap for Slasher Season 1 , Episode 3 from </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Mario Giglio . `` Slasher : Chiller stellt Cast seiner Horrorserie auf '' . Serienjunkies ( in German ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Recap of Chiller Season 1 , Episode 6 from </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` John Doyle : If gore 's your thing , Slasher will slay you , '' from The Globe and Mail , 4 / 3 / 2016 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Erin Karpluk Ventures Into New Territory on ' Slasher ' , '' from , 3 / 25 / 2016 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Recap of Slasher Season 1 , Episode 2 from </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( March 7 , 2016 ) . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Friday | The first season of Slasher was filmed in | [
"Orangeville, Ontario, Canada"
] | 14,069 | Where was the first season of slasher filmed? |
1404052427196543739 | If a tree falls in a forest - wikipedia <H1> If a tree falls in a forest </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For the 2011 documentary , see If a Tree Falls : A Story of the Earth Liberation Front . A fallen tree in a forest <P> `` If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it , does it make a sound ? '' is a philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and perception . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Metaphysics <Ul> <Li> 2.1 The possibility of unperceived existence </Li> <Li> 2.2 Knowledge of the unobserved world </Li> <Li> 2.3 The dissimilarity between sensation and reality </Li> <Li> 2.4 Buddhist perspectives <Ul> <Li> 2.4. 1 Tibetan </Li> <Li> 2.4. 2 Zen <Ul> <Li> 2.4. 2.1 Hui - neng 's Flag </Li> <Li> 2.4. 2.2 Hui - neng Receives The Dharma </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2.5 Hinduism </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 In popular culture </Li> <Li> 4 See also </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> Philosopher George Berkeley , in his work , A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge ( 1710 ) , proposes , `` But , say you , surely there is nothing easier than for me to imagine trees , for instance , in a park ( ... ) and nobody by to perceive them . ( ... ) The objects of sense exist only when they are perceived ; the trees therefore are in the garden ( ... ) no longer than while there is somebody by to perceive them . '' ( It is worth noting that the quote from section 45 is arguably a statement of an objection to Berkeley 's view , and not a proclamation of it . ) Nevertheless , Berkeley never actually wrote about the question . </P> <P> Some years later , a similar question is posed . It is unknown whether the source of this question is Berkeley or not . In June 1883 in the magazine The Chautauquan , the question was put , `` If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound ? '' They then went on to answer the query with , `` No . Sound is the sensation excited in the ear when the air or other medium is set in motion . '' This seems to imply that the question is posed not from a philosophical viewpoint , but from a purely scientific one . The magazine Scientific American corroborated the technical aspect of this question , while leaving out the philosophic side , a year later when they asked the question slightly reworded , `` If a tree were to fall on an uninhabited island , would there be any sound ? '' And gave a more technical answer , `` Sound is vibration , transmitted to our senses through the mechanism of the ear , and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers . The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air . If there be no ears to hear , there will be no sound . '' </P> <P> Albert Einstein is reported to have asked his fellow physicist and friend Niels Bohr , one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics , whether he realistically believed that ' the moon does not exist if nobody is looking at it . ' To this Bohr replied that however hard he ( Einstein ) may try , he would not be able to prove that it does , thus giving the entire riddle the status of a kind of an infallible conjecture -- one that can not be either proved or disproved . </P> <P> The current phrasing appears to have originated in the 1910 book Physics by Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss . The question `` When a tree falls in a lonely forest , and no animal is near by to hear it , does it make a sound ? Why ? '' is posed along with many other questions to quiz readers on the contents of the chapter , and as such , is posed from a purely physical point of view . </P> <H2> Metaphysics ( edit ) </H2> <H3> The possibility of unperceived existence ( edit ) </H3> Main article : George Berkeley <P> Can something exist without being perceived ? -- e.g. `` is sound only sound if a person hears it ? '' The most immediate philosophical topic that the riddle introduces involves the existence of the tree ( and the sound it produces ) outside of human perception . If no one is around to see , hear , touch or smell the tree , how could it be said to exist ? What is it to say that it exists when such an existence is unknown ? Of course , from a scientific viewpoint , it exists . It is human beings that are able to perceive it . George Berkeley in the 18th century developed subjective idealism , a metaphysical theory to respond to these questions , coined famously as `` to be is to be perceived '' . Today meta - physicists are split . According to substance theory , a substance is distinct from its properties , while according to bundle theory , an object is merely its sense data . The definition of sound , simplified , is a hearable noise . The tree will make a sound , even if nobody heard it . The definition states that sound is a hearable noise . So the tree could have been heard , though nobody was around to do so . </P> <H3> Knowledge of the unobserved world ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Observer - expectancy effect <P> Can we assume the unobserved world functions the same as the observed world ? -- e.g. , `` does observation affect outcome ? '' A similar question does not involve whether or not an unobserved event occurs predictably , like it occurs when it is observed . The anthropic principle suggests that the observer , just in its existence , may impose on the reality observed . However , most people , as well as scientists , assume that the observer does n't change whether the tree - fall causes a sound or not , but this is an impossible claim to prove . However , many scientists would argue as follows , `` A truly unobserved event is one which realises no effect ( imparts no information ) on any other ( where ' other ' might be e.g. , human , sound - recorder or rock ) , it therefore can have no legacy in the present ( or ongoing ) wider physical universe . It may then be recognized that the unobserved event was absolutely identical to an event which did not occur at all . '' ( this apparent quote has no attribution or reference and none can be found online with reasonable effort ) . Of course , the fact that the tree is known to have changed state from ' upright ' to ' fallen ' implies that the event must be observed to ask the question at all -- even if only by the supposed deaf onlooker . The British philosopher of science Roy Bhaskar , credited with developing critical realism has argued , in apparent reference to this riddle , that : </P> <P> If men ceased to exist sound would continue to travel and heavy bodies to fall to the earth in exactly the same way , though ex hypothesi there would be no - one to know it </P> <P> This existence of an unobserved real is integral to Bhaskar 's ontology , which contends ( in opposition to the various strains of positivism which have dominated both natural and social science in the twentieth century ) that ' real structures exist independently of and are often out of phase with the actual patterns of events ' . In social science , this has made his approach popular amongst contemporary Marxists -- notably Alex Callinicos -- who postulate the existence of real social forces and structures which might not always be observable . </P> <H3> The dissimilarity between sensation and reality ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Qualia <P> What is the difference between what something is , and how it appears ? -- e.g. , `` sound is the variation of pressure that propagates through matter as a wave '' Perhaps the most important topic the riddle offers is the division between perception of an object and how an object really is . If a tree exists outside of perception then there is no way for us to know that the tree exists . So then , what do we mean by ' existence ' , what is the difference between perception and reality ? Also , people may also say , if the tree exists outside of perception ( as common sense would dictate ) , then it will produce sound waves . However , these sound waves will not actually sound like anything . Sound as it is mechanically understood will occur , but sound as it is understood by sensation will not occur . So then , how is it known that ' sound as it is mechanically understood ' will occur if that sound is not perceived ? </P> <H3> Buddhist perspectives ( edit ) </H3> Tibetan ( edit ) <P> from The Thirty - Seven Bodhisattva Practices by Ngulchu Thogme Zangpo , </P> <P> `` 22 Appearances are one 's own mind . From the beginning , mind 's nature is free from the extremes of elaboration . Knowing this , not to engage the mind in subject - object duality is the bodhisattva 's practice . '' </P> Zen ( edit ) Hui - neng 's flag ( edit ) <P> There is a well - known story of Hui - neng , a well - respected Buddhist monk who later became known as the founder of the Zen school , who one day happened to be passing by two monks . </P> <Dl> <Dd> `` Two monks were arguing about the temple flag waving in the wind . One said , `` The flag moves . '' The other said , `` The wind moves . '' They argued back and forth but could not agree . </Dd> <Dd> The Sixth Ancestor said , `` Gentlemen ! It is not the wind that moves ; it is not the flag that moves ; it is your mind that moves . '' The two monks were struck with awe . '' </Dd> <Dd> - The Mumonkan Case 29 , translation by Robert Aitken </Dd> </Dl> Hui - neng receives the dharma ( edit ) <P> One day the monks at Huang - mei monastery were instructed to write a stanza in order that their master Hung - jen might decide who would inherit the dharma throne . All of the monks assumed that a certain senior disciple Shen - hsui would win and thus did n't even bother writing stanzas . Shen - hsui assumed he would win too , and wrote the following stanza on the monastery wall : </P> <Dl> <Dd> The body is a Bodhi tree , </Dd> <Dd> the mind a standing mirror bright . </Dd> <Dd> At all times polish it diligently , </Dd> <Dd> and let no dust alight . </Dd> </Dl> <P> Due to the danger surrounding him if he were to openly challenge the senior monk Shen - hsui , Hui - neng went out one night while it was completely dark and wrote the following stanza in secret : </P> <Dl> <Dd> Bodhi originally has no tree . </Dd> <Dd> The bright mirror also has no stand . </Dd> <Dd> Fundamentally there is not a single thing . </Dd> <Dd> | The phrase "if a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it" is attributed to | [
"Charles Riborg Mann"
] | 674 | Who said if a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it? |
-2112691997365137136 | experience menstrual problems , such as slow and painful menstruation , that is caused by the near - complete sealing off of the vagina . </P> <P> Premature or delayed menarche should be investigated if menarche begins before 9 years , if menarche has not begun by age 15 , if there is no breast development by age 13 , or if there is no period by 3 years after the onset of breast development . </P> <H2> Ovulation suppression </H2> <H3> Birth control </H3> Main article : Hormonal contraception Half - used blister pack of a combined oral contraceptive . The white pills are placebos , mainly for the purpose of reminding the woman to continue taking the pills . <P> Since the late 1960s , many women have chosen to control the frequency of menstruation with hormonal birth control pills . They are most often combined hormone pills containing estrogen and are taken in 28 - day cycles , 21 hormonal pills with either a 7 - day break from pills , or 7 placebo pills during which the woman menstruates . Hormonal birth control acts by using low doses of hormones to prevent ovulation , and thus prevent pregnancy in sexually active women . But by using placebo pills for a 7 - day span during the month , a regular bleeding period is still experienced . </P> <P> Injections such as depo - provera became available in the 1960s . Progestogen implants such as Norplant in the 1980s and extended cycle combined oral contraceptive pills in the early 2000s . </P> <P> Using synthetic hormones , it is possible for a woman to completely eliminate menstrual periods . When using progestogen implants , menstruation may be reduced to 3 or 4 menstrual periods per year . By taking progestogen - only contraceptive pills ( sometimes called the ' mini-pill ' ) continuously without a 7 - day span of using placebo pills , menstrual periods do not occur . Some women do this simply for convenience in the short - term , while others prefer to eliminate periods altogether when possible . </P> <P> Some women use hormonal contraception in this way to eliminate their periods for months or years at a time , a practice called menstrual suppression . When the first birth control pill was being developed , the researchers were aware that they could use the contraceptive to space menstrual periods up to 90 days apart , but they settled on a 28 - day cycle that would mimic a natural menstrual cycle and produce monthly periods . The intention behind this decision was the hope of the inventor , John Rock , to win approval for his invention from the Roman Catholic Church . That attempt failed , but the 28 - day cycle remained the standard when the pill became available to the public . There is debate among medical researchers about the potential long - term impacts of these practices upon female health . Some researchers point to the fact that historically , females have had far fewer menstrual periods throughout their lifetimes , a result of shorter life expectancies , as well as a greater length of time spent pregnant or breast - feeding , which reduced the number of periods experienced by females . These researchers believe that the higher number of menstrual periods by females in modern societies may have a negative impact upon their health . On the other hand , some researchers believe there is a greater potential for negative impacts from exposing females perhaps unnecessarily to regular low doses of synthetic hormones over their reproductive years . </P> <H3> Breastfeeding </H3> Main article : Lactational amenorrhea method <P> Breastfeeding causes negative feedback to occur on pulse secretion of gonadotropin - releasing hormone ( GnRH ) and luteinizing hormone ( LH ) . Depending on the strength of the negative feedback , breastfeeding women may experience complete suppression of follicular development , follicular development but no ovulation , or normal menstrual cycles may resume . Suppression of ovulation is more likely when suckling occurs more frequently . The production of prolactin in response to suckling is important to maintaining lactational amenorrhea . On average , women who are fully breastfeeding whose infants suckle frequently experience a return of menstruation at fourteen and a half months postpartum . There is a wide range of response among individual breastfeeding women , however , with some experiencing return of menstruation at two months and others remaining amenorrheic for up to 42 months postpartum . </P> <H2> Menstrual management </H2> Main article : Feminine hygiene Further information : Menstrual hygiene day <P> Menstruation is managed by menstruating women to avoid damage to clothing or to accord with norms of public life . Menstrual management practices range from medical suppression of menstruation , through wearing special garments or other items , washing or avoidance of washing , disposal and laundry of stained materials , to separation of menstruators to particular places or activities . </P> <P> Menstrual products ( also called `` feminine hygiene '' products ) are made to absorb or catch menstrual blood . A number of different products are available - some are disposable , some are reusable . Where women can afford it , items used to absorb or catch menses are usually commercially manufactured products . </P> <H3> Disposable products </H3> Disposable sanitary napkin Tampon in plastic applicator <Ul> <Li> Sanitary napkins ( also called sanitary towels or pads ) -- Rectangular pieces of material worn attached to the underwear to absorb menstrual flow , often with an adhesive backing to hold the pad in place . Disposable pads may contain wood pulp or gel products , usually with a plastic lining and bleached . </Li> <Li> Tampons -- Disposable cylinders of treated rayon / cotton blends or all - cotton fleece , usually bleached , that are inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual flow . </Li> <Li> Disposable menstrual cups made of soft plastic -- A firm , flexible cup - shaped device worn inside the vagina to collect menstrual flow . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Reusable products </H3> Menstrual cup Cloth menstrual pad <Ul> <Li> Menstrual cups -- A firm , flexible bell - shaped device worn inside the vagina to collect menstrual flow . Menstrual cups are usually made of silicone and can last 5 years or longer . </Li> <Li> Reusable cloth pads -- Pads that are made of cotton ( often organic ) , terrycloth , or flannel , and may be handsewn ( from material or reused old clothes and towels ) or storebought . </Li> <Li> Padded panties or period - proof underwear -- Reusable cloth ( usually cotton ) underwear with extra absorbent layers sewn in to absorb flow . Some also use patented technology to be leak resistant , such as the brand THINX . </Li> <Li> Sea sponges -- Natural sponges , worn internally like a tampon to absorb menstrual flow . </Li> <Li> Blanket , towel -- ( also known as a draw sheet ) -- large reusable piece of cloth , most often used at night , placed between legs to absorb menstrual flow . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Non-commercial items </H3> <P> In developing countries , many poor women can not afford commercial feminine hygiene products . Instead , they use materials found in the environment or other improvised materials . Absorption materials that may be used by women who can not afford anything else include : sand , ash , small hole in earth , cloth , whole leaf , leaf fibre ( such as water hyacinth , banana , papyrus , cotton fibre ) , paper ( toilet paper , re-used newspaper , pulped and dried paper ) , animal pelt e.g. goat skin , double layer of underwear , skirt or sari . </P> <H2> Society and culture </H2> Amra Padatik India , celebration of Menstrual Hygiene Day in India <H3> Traditions and taboos </H3> Main article : Culture and menstruation Further information : Menstrual taboo <P> Many religions have menstruation - related traditions . </P> Islam <P> Islam prohibits sexual contact with women during menstruation in the 2nd chapter of the Quran . Women are exempted from Salah ( prayer ) . They are also prohibited from fasting and obligatory fasts of Ramadan are to be performed during other days . During menses pilgrimages are allowed ; however , circumambulation of the Kaaba is prohibited and is to be performed during other times . </P> Judaism <P> The laws of Niddah in Judaism may ban certain actions during menstruation ( such as sexual intercourse in some movements of Judaism ) or rituals performed at the end of each menses ( such as the mikvah ) . Some traditional societies sequester women in residences called `` menstrual huts '' that are reserved for that exclusive purpose . </P> Hinduism <P> In Hinduism , it is also frowned upon to go to a temple and do pooja ( i.e. , pray ) or do pooja at religious events if one is menstruating . Metaformic Theory , as proposed by cultural theorist Judy Grahn and others , places menstruation as a central organizing idea in the creation of culture and the formation of humans ' earliest rituals . </P> Christianity <P> Although most Christian denominations do not follow any specific or prescribed rites for menstruation , Western civilization , which has been predominantly Christian , has a history of menstrual taboos , with menstruating women having been believed to be dangerous . </P> Secular culture <P> Anthropologists , Lock and Nguyen ( 2010 ) , have noted that the heavy medicalization of the reproductive life - stages of women in the West , mimic power structures that are deemed , in other cultural practices , to function as a form of `` social control '' . Medicalization of the stages of women 's lives , such as birth and menstruation , has enlivened a feminist perspective that investigates the social implications of biomedicine 's practice . `` ( C ) ultural analysis of reproduction ... attempts to show how women ... exhibit resistance and create dominant alternative meanings about the body and reproduction to those dominant among the medical profession . '' </P> Other <P> In some parts of South Asia , women are isolated during menstruation . In 2005 , in Nepal , the Supreme Court abolished the practice of chhaupadi , keeping women in cow - sheds during menstruation . </P> <H3> Sexual activity </H3> <P> Sexual intercourse during menstruation does not cause damage in and of itself , but the woman 's body is more vulnerable during this time . Vaginal pH is higher and thus less acidic than normal , the cervix is lower in its position , the cervical opening is more dilated , and the uterine endometrial lining is absent , thus allowing organisms direct access to the bloodstream through the numerous blood vessels that nourish the uterus . All these conditions increase the chance of infection during menstruation . </P> <H3> Education </H3> <P> Menstruation education is frequently taught in combination with sex education in the US , although one study suggests that girls would prefer their mothers to be the primary source of information about menstruation and puberty . A Nigerian study showed the following breakdown in menstruation education : `` parents of 56.1 % , friends of 53.18 % , books of 45.56 % , teachers of 44.15 % , internet of 45.19 % , and health centers of 54.14 % '' held the most influence in terms of menstruation education . Information about menstruation is often shared among friends and peers , which may promote a more positive outlook on puberty . </P> <P> The quality of menstrual education in a society determines the accuracy of people 's understanding of the process . This is in part due to the segregation of male and female peers during educational sessions . Failure to teach an accurate understanding of menstruation to students of all genders has social implications for gendered relationships and the objectification of women 's bodies . Discomfort arises when | The point of a menstrual cup is | [
"to collect menstrual flow"
] | 3,507 | What is the point of a menstrual cup? |
-3307908231607643449 | American entry into World war I - wikipedia <H1> American entry into World war I </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <P> The American entry into World War I came in April 1917 , after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war . Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British , American public opinion reflected that of the president : the sentiment for neutrality was particularly strong among Irish Americans , German Americans and Scandinavian Americans , as well as among church leaders and among women in general . On the other hand , even before World War I had broken out , American opinion had been more negative toward Germany than towards any other country in Europe . Over time , especially after reports of atrocities in Belgium in 1914 and following the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in 1915 , the American people increasingly came to see Germany as the aggressor in Europe . </P> <P> As U.S. president , it was Wilson who made the key policy decisions over foreign affairs : while the country was at peace , the domestic economy ran on a laissez - faire basis , with American banks making huge loans to Britain and France -- funds that were in large part used to buy munitions , raw materials , and food from across the Atlantic . Until 1917 , Wilson made minimal preparations for a land war and kept the United States Army on a small peacetime footing , despite increasing demands for enhanced preparedness . He did however expand the United States Navy . </P> <P> In 1917 , with Russia experiencing political upheaval following widespread disillusionment there over the war , and with Britain and France low on credit , Germany appeared to have the upper hand in Europe , while Germany 's ally , the Ottoman Empire , clung stubbornly to its possessions in the Middle East . In the same year , Germany decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare against any vessel approaching British waters ; this attempt to starve Britain into surrender was balanced against the knowledge that it would almost certainly bring the United States into the war . Germany also made a secret offer to help Mexico regain territories lost in the Mexican -- American War in an encoded telegram known as the Zimmermann Telegram , which was intercepted by British Intelligence . Publication of that communique outraged Americans just as German U-boats started sinking American merchant ships in the North Atlantic . Wilson then asked Congress for `` a war to end all wars '' that would `` make the world safe for democracy '' , and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6 , 1917 . </P> <P> On December 7 , 1917 , the U.S. declared war on Austria - Hungary . </P> <P> U.S. troops began arriving on the Western Front in large numbers in 1918 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Main issues <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Naval blockade <Ul> <Li> 1.1. 1 The strategy behind the blockade </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 1.2 Business considerations </Li> <Li> 1.3 Views of the elites </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Public opinion <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Parties </Li> <Li> 2.2 Workers , farmers , and African Americans </Li> <Li> 2.3 South </Li> <Li> 2.4 German Americans </Li> <Li> 2.5 Christian churches and pacifists </Li> <Li> 2.6 Jewish Americans </Li> <Li> 2.7 Irish - Americans </Li> <Li> 2.8 Pro-Allied immigrants </Li> <Li> 2.9 Popular pacifism </Li> <Li> 2.10 German agents </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Preparedness movement <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Size of military </Li> <Li> 3.2 Navy </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Decision for war <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Decision making </Li> <Li> 4.2 Zimmermann Telegram </Li> <Li> 4.3 Sinking of American merchant ships </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Public opinion , moralism , and national interest </Li> <Li> 6 Declaration of war <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Germany </Li> <Li> 6.2 Austria - Hungary </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 Footnotes </Li> <Li> 9 Bibliography <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Historiography </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 Primary sources </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Main issues ( edit ) </H2> Further information : Diplomatic history of World War I and Presidency of Woodrow Wilson <H3> Naval blockade ( edit ) </H3> <P> Britain used its large navy to prevent cargo vessels entering German ports , mainly by intercepting them in the North Sea between the coasts of Scotland and Norway . The wider sea approaches to Britain and France , their distance from German harbours and the smaller size of the German surface fleet all made it harder for Germany to reciprocate . Instead , Germany used submarines to lie in wait for , and then sink , merchant ships heading for enemy ports . </P> <P> The United States insisted on maintaining the traditional rights of ships registered in neutral countries and protested strongly against American ships being intercepted or sunk : the British seized American ships for supposed violations , while the Germans sank them -- often without warning , in violation of international law that said sailors must be allowed an opportunity to reach their lifeboats . After several violations , Germany stopped this practice but in early 1917 she decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare , in the hope that this would starve out the British before the Americans could make any effective military retaliation . </P> The Strategy behind the blockade ( edit ) <P> The British Royal Navy successfully stopped the shipment of most war supplies and food to Germany . Neutral American ships that tried to trade with Germany were seized or turned back by the Royal Navy who viewed such trade as in direct conflict with the Allies ' war efforts . The strangulation came about very slowly , because Germany and its allies controlled extensive farmlands and raw materials . It was eventually successful because Germany and Austria - Hungary had decimated their agricultural production by taking so many farmers into their armies . By 1918 , German cities were on the verge of starvation ; the front - line soldiers were on short rations and were running out of essential supplies . </P> <P> Germany also considered a blockade . `` England wants to starve us '' , said Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz , the man who built the German fleet and who remained a key advisor to the Kaiser Wilhelm II . `` We can play the same game . We can bottle her up and destroy every ship that endeavors to break the blockade '' . Unable to challenge the more powerful Royal Navy on the surface , Tirpitz wanted to scare off merchant and passenger ships en route to Britain . He reasoned that since the island of Britain depended on imports of food , raw materials , and manufactured goods , scaring off a substantial number of the ships would effectively undercut its long - term ability to maintain an army on the Western Front . While Germany had only nine long - range U-boats at the start of the war , it had ample shipyard capacity to build the hundreds needed . However , the United States demanded that Germany respect the international agreements upon `` freedom of the seas '' , which protected neutral American ships on the high seas from seizure or sinking by either belligerent . Furthermore , Americans insisted that the drowning of innocent civilians was barbaric and grounds for a declaration of war . The British frequently violated America 's neutral rights by seizing ships . Wilson 's top advisor , Colonel Edward M. House commented that , `` The British have gone as far as they possibly could in violating neutral rights , though they have done it in the most courteous way '' . When Wilson protested British violations of American neutrality , the British backed down . </P> <P> German submarines torpedoed ships without warning , causing sailors and passengers to drown . Berlin explained that submarines were so vulnerable that they dared not surface near merchant ships that might be carrying guns and which were too small to rescue submarine crews . Britain armed most of its merchant ships with medium calibre guns that could sink a submarine , making above - water attacks too risky . In February 1915 , the United States warned Germany about misuse of submarines . On April 22 , the German Imperial Embassy warned U.S. citizens against boarding vessels to Britain , which would have to face German attack . On May 7 , Germany torpedoed the British passenger liner RMS Lusitania , sinking her . This act of aggression caused the loss of 1,198 civilian lives , including 128 Americans . The sinking of a large , unarmed passenger ship , combined with the previous stories of atrocities in Belgium , shocked Americans and turned public opinion hostile to Germany , although not yet to the point of war . Wilson issued a warning to Germany that it would face `` strict accountability '' if it sank more neutral U.S. passenger ships . Berlin acquiesced , ordering its submarines to avoid passenger ships . </P> <P> By January 1917 , however , Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich Ludendorff decided that an unrestricted submarine blockade was the only way to achieve a decisive victory . They demanded that Kaiser Wilhelm order unrestricted submarine warfare be resumed . Germany knew this decision meant war with the United States , but they gambled that they could win before America 's potential strength could be mobilized . However , they overestimated how many ships they could sink and thus the extent Britain would be weakened . Finally , they did not foresee that convoys could and would be used to defeat their efforts . They believed that the United States was so weak militarily that it could not be a factor on the Western Front for more than a year . The civilian government in Berlin objected , but the Kaiser sided with his military . </P> <H3> Business considerations ( edit ) </H3> <P> The beginning of war in Europe coincided with the end of the Recession of 1913 -- 1914 in America . Exports to belligerent nations rose rapidly over the first four years of the War from $824.8 million in 1913 to $2.25 billion in 1917 . Loans from American financial institutions to the Allied nations in Europe also increased dramatically over the same period . Economic activity towards the end of this period boomed as government resources aided the production of the private sector . Between 1914 and 1917 , industrial production increased 32 % and GNP increased by almost 20 % . The improvements to industrial production in the United States outlasted the war . The capital build - up that had allowed American companies to supply belligerents and the American army resulted in a greater long - run rate of production even after the war had ended in 1918 . </P> <P> In 1913 , J.P. Morgan , Jr. took over the House of Morgan , an American - based investment bank consisting of separate banking operations in New York , London , and Paris , after the death of his father , J. Pierpont Morgan . The House of Morgan offered assistance in the wartime financing of Britain and France from the earliest stages of the war in 1914 through America 's entrance in 1917 . J.P. Morgan & Co. , the House of Morgan 's bank in New York , was designated as the primary financial agent to the British government in 1914 after successful lobbying by the British ambassador , Sir Cecil Spring Rice . The same bank would later take a similar role in France and would offer extensive financial assistance to both warring nations . J.P. Morgan &Co . became the primary issuer of loans to the French government by raising money from American investors . | The United States entered World War I in | [
"April 1917"
] | 32 | When did united states enter world war i? |
761079737280110147 | Strategy of unbalanced growth - Wikipedia <H1> Strategy of unbalanced growth </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article may be incomprehensible or very hard to understand . In particular , it uses both very general statements which are not further clarified or contextualized , and technical jargon that is not explained . Please help by rewording it if the intended meaning can be determined . The talk page may have details . ( August 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( January 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Unbalanced growth is a natural path of economic development . Situations that countries are in at any one point in time reflect their previous investment decisions and development . Accordingly , at any point in time desirable investment programs that are not balanced investment packages may still advance welfare . Unbalanced investment can complement or correct existing imbalances . Once such an investment is made , a new imbalance is likely to appear , requiring further compensating investments . Therefore , growth need not take place in a balanced way . Supporters of the unbalanced growth doctrine include Albert O. Hirschman , Hans Singer , Paul Streeten , Marcus Fleming , Prof. Rostov and J. Sheehan . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Introduction </Li> <Li> 2 Complementarity </Li> <Li> 3 Induced investment </Li> <Li> 4 External economies </Li> <Li> 5 Social Overhead Capital </Li> <Li> 6 Development via capital imbalances </Li> <Li> 7 Backward and forward linkages </Li> <Li> 8 Linkages and last industries <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Disadvantages </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Further reading </Li> <Li> 10 Notes </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Introduction ( edit ) </H2> <P> The theory is generally associated with Hirschman . He presented a complete theoretical formulation of the strategy . Underdeveloped countries display common characteristics : low levels of GNI per capita and slow GNI per capita growth , large income inequalities and widespread poverty , low levels of productivity , great dependence on agriculture , a backward industrial structure , a high proportion of consumption and low savings , high rates of population growth and dependency burdens , high unemployment and underemployment , technological backwardness and dualism ( existence of both traditional and modern sectors ) . In a less - developed country , these characteristics lead to scarce resources or inadequate infrastructure to exploit these resources . With a lack of investors and entrepreneurs , cash flows can not be directed into various sectors that influence balanced economic growth . </P> <P> Hirschman contends that deliberate unbalancing of the economy according to the strategy is the best method of development and if the economy is to be kept moving ahead , the task of development policy is to maintain tension , disproportions and disequilibrium . Balanced growth should not be the goal but rather the maintenance of existing imbalances , which can be seen from profit and losses . Therefore , the sequence that leads away from equilibrium is precisely an ideal pattern for development . Unequal development of various sectors often generates conditions for rapid development . More - developed industries provide undeveloped industries an incentive to grow . Hence , development of underdeveloped countries should be based on this strategy . </P> <P> The path of unbalanced growth is described by three phases : </P> <Ol> <Li> Complementary </Li> <Li> Induced investment </Li> <Li> External economies </Li> </Ol> <P> Singer believed that desirable investment programs always exist within a country that represent unbalanced investment to complement the existing imbalance . These investments create a new imbalance , requiring another balancing investment . One sector will always grow faster than another , so the need for unbalanced growth will continue as investments must complement existing imbalance . Hirschman states `` If the economy is to be kept moving ahead , the task of development policy is to maintain tensions , disproportions and disequilibrium '' . This situation exists for all societies , developed or underdeveloped . </P> <H2> Complementarity ( edit ) </H2> <P> Complementarity is a situation where increased production of one good or service builds up demand for the second good or service . When the second product is privately produced , this demand will lead to imports or higher domestic production of the second product , as it will be in the interests of the producers to do so . Otherwise , the increased demand takes the form of political pressure . This is the case for such public services such as law and order , education , water and electricity that can not reasonably be imported . </P> <H2> Induced investment ( edit ) </H2> <P> Complementarity allows investment in one industry or sector to encourage investment in others . This concept of induced investment is like a multiplier , because each investment triggers a series of subsequent events . Convergence occurs as the output of external economies diminishes at each step . Growth sequences tend to move towards convergence or divergence and the policy is usually concerned with preventing rapid convergence and promoting the possibility of divergence . </P> <H2> External economies ( edit ) </H2> <P> New projects often appropriate external economies created by preceding ventures and create external economies that may be utilized by subsequent ones . Sometimes the project undertaken creates external economies , causing private profit to fall short of what is socially desirable . The reverse is also possible . Some ventures have a larger input of external economies than the output . Therefore , Hirschman says , `` the projects that fall into this category must be net beneficiaries of external economies '' . </P> <H2> Social Overhead capital ( edit ) </H2> <P> Social Overhead Capital ( SOC ) is defined as basic services without which primary , secondary and tertiary productive activities can not function . In a narrow sense , Social Overhead Capital is defined to include transportation and electricity , while in a wider sense , it includes all public services , including law and order and education . Criteria for classifying an asset as Social Overhead Capital include : </P> <Ul> <Li> The services provided by the activity should facilitate a great variety of economic activities . </Li> <Li> The services provided should be subject to public control . </Li> <Li> The services can not be imported . </Li> <Li> The investment needed to provide services should be characterized by some unevenness as well as by high capital output ratio . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Development via capital imbalances ( edit ) </H2> <P> The strategy of unbalanced growth has been discussed within the frameworks of development through shortage of SOC and development through excess of SOC . </P> <P> In the first case , the country invests in direct productive activities ( DPA ) . Direct productive activity increases demand for SOC , inducing investment . In the second case , SOC expands , which reduces the cost of services , inducing investment in DPA . </P> <P> The cost of producing any unit of output of DPA is inversely proportional to SOC . The economy 's major objective is to attain increasing output of DPA . </P> <P> One of the paradoxes of development is that poor countries can not afford to be economical . According to Hirschman , resources are not scarce per se , but the ability to employ those resources may be lacking . To explain unbalanced growth , Hirschman assumes that the country invests in either DPA or SOC . Both paths set up incentives and an evaluation of their respective efficiency depends on the strengths of entrepreneurial motivations and the response to public pressure of the authorities responsible for SOC . </P> <P> The major characteristic of the two paths of development is that they yield excess dividends . SOC built ahead of demand creates this demand by making a country more attractive to DPA investors . DPA that outpaces SOC development , creates demand to expand SOC . Balanced growth of DPA and SOC is not achievable in underdeveloped countries , nor it is not a desirable policy , as it does not set up the incentives and the pressure that make for this dividend of induced investment decisions . </P> <H2> Backward and forward linkages ( edit ) </H2> <P> Hirschman introduces the concept of backward and forward linkages . A forward linkage is created when investment in a particular project encourages investment in subsequent stages of production . A backward linkage is created when a project encourages investment in facilities that enable the project to succeed . Normally , projects create both forward and backward linkages . Investment should be made in those projects that have the greatest total number of linkages . Projects with many linkages will vary from country to country ; knowledge about project linkages can be obtained through input and output studies . </P> <P> Most underdeveloped economies are primarily agrarian . Agriculture is typically at a primitive stage and hence possesses few linkages , as most output goes for consumption or exports . Therefore , it is said that underdeveloped countries are lacking in interdependence and linkages . </P> <P> An example of an industry that has excellent forward and backward linkages is the steel industry . Backward linkages include coal and iron ore mining . Forward linkages include items such as canned goods . While this industry has strong linkages , it is not a good leading sector . Any industry that has a high capital / output ratio and causes significant costs to other businesses has the potential to hurt the developing economy more than it helps it . A better leading sector would be the beer industry . </P> <H2> Linkages and last industries ( edit ) </H2> <P> The development of an economy using the unbalanced method depends on the linkages between sectors . Hirschman suggests that the best strategy is induced industrialization . This type of development will create more backward and forward linkages and should be the first step taken . </P> <P> Industries that transform semi-manufactured goods into goods needed by final demand are called `` last industries '' or `` enclave import industries '' . </P> <P> In underdeveloped countries , industrialization takes place through such industries , through plants that add final touches to unfinished imported products . Examples are metal fabricating industries , pharmaceutical laboratories and assembly and mixing plants . Such industries have many advantages , as they often require the smaller amounts of capital available in such economies and without having to rely on unreliable domestic producers . Therefore , underdeveloped countries set up such `` last industries '' first . These industries create long chains of backward linkages . Colombia , Brazil and Mexico are examples of countries that followed this path . </P> <P> Protection and subsidy of import - replacing industries should come , but at a later stage . The Last Industry Strategy has disadvantages . It can slow the creation of domestic production . Industrialists who have begun working with imports may not accept domestic alternative products that reduce demand for their output . Creating last industries first can create loyalty toward foreign products and distrust of domestic products and their quality . Banks may get used to extending credit for shorter , smaller capital requirements . </P> <H3> Disadvantages ( edit ) </H3> <P> Disadvantages of the last industry strategy include inhibition of domestic production as domestic demand grows . This is because industrialists who work with imported material will often be hostile to the establishment of domestic industries , because domestic goods are of lower quality , the number of domestic suppliers is small , downstream competition may intensify | The theory of unbalanced economic growth was given by | [
] | 365 | Who has given the theory of unbalanced economic growth? |
3630714342371225513 | Distilled beverage - wikipedia <H1> Distilled beverage </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Liquor '' redirects here . For sweetened and flavored alcoholic beverages , see Liqueur . For the novel series , see Liquor ( novel series ) . An old whiskey still A display of various distilled beverages in a supermarket Some single - drink distilled beverage bottles available in Germany <P> A distilled beverage , spirit , liquor , hard liquor or hard alcohol is an alcoholic beverage produced by distillation of liquid drinks made with grains , fruit , or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation . The distillation process purifies the liquid and removes diluting components like water , for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content ( commonly expressed as alcohol by volume , ABV ) . As distilled beverages contain significantly more alcohol , they are considered `` harder '' -- in North America , the term hard liquor is used to distinguish distilled beverages from undistilled ones . </P> <P> As examples , this term does not include beverages such as beer , wine , mead , sake , or cider , as they are fermented but not distilled . These all have a relatively low alcohol content , typically less than 15 % . Brandy is a spirit produced by the distillation of wine , and has an ABV of over 35 % . Other examples of distilled beverages include vodka , baijiu , gin , rum , tequila , mezcal , and whisky . ( Also see list of alcoholic drinks , and liquors by national origin . ) </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Nomenclature </Li> <Li> 2 Etymology </Li> <Li> 3 History of distillation <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Precursors </Li> <Li> 3.2 True distillation </Li> <Li> 3.3 Government regulation </Li> <Li> 3.4 Microdistilling </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Flammability </Li> <Li> 5 Serving </Li> <Li> 6 Alcohol consumption by country </Li> <Li> 7 Health effects <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Short - term effects </Li> <Li> 7.2 Long - term effects </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Nomenclature ( edit ) </H2> <P> The term spirit refers to a distilled beverage that contains no added sugar and has at least 20 % alcohol by volume ( ABV ) . </P> <P> Distilled beverages bottled with added sugar and added flavorings , such as Grand Marnier , Frangelico , and American schnapps , are known instead as liqueurs . </P> <P> Distilled beverages generally have an alcohol concentration higher than 30 % . Beer and wine , which are not distilled beverages , are limited to a maximum alcohol content of about 20 % ABV , as most yeasts can not reproduce when the concentration of alcohol is above this level ; as a consequence , fermentation ceases at that point . </P> <H2> Etymology ( edit ) </H2> <P> The origin of `` liquor '' and its close relative `` liquid '' was the Latin verb liquere , meaning `` to be fluid '' . According to the Oxford English Dictionary , an early use of the word in the English language , meaning simply `` a liquid '' , can be dated to 1225 . The first use the OED mentions of its meaning `` a liquid for drinking '' occurred in the 14th century . Its use as a term for `` an intoxicating alcoholic drink '' appeared in the 16th century . </P> <P> The term `` spirit '' in reference to alcohol stems from Middle Eastern alchemy . These alchemists were more concerned with medical elixirs than with transmuting lead into gold . The vapor given off and collected during an alchemical process ( as with distillation of alcohol ) was called a spirit of the original material . </P> <H2> History of distillation ( edit ) </H2> Main article : Distillation <H3> Precursors ( edit ) </H3> Distillation equipment used by the 3rd century alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis , from the Byzantine Greek manuscript Parisinus graces . <P> Distillation was known in the ancient Indian subcontinent , evident from baked clay retorts and receivers found at Taxila and Charsadda in modern Pakistan , dating back to the early centuries of the Christian era . These `` Gandhara stills '' were only capable of producing very weak liquor , as there was no efficient means of collecting the vapors at low heat . </P> <P> The Chinese may have independently developed the process in the early centuries after Christ , during the Eastern Han dynasty . Distilled water was described in the 2nd century AD by Alexander of Aphrodisias . Alchemists in Roman Egypt were using a distillation alembic or still device in the 3rd century . </P> <P> Freeze distillation involves freezing the alcoholic beverage and then removing the ice . The freezing technique had limitations in geography and implementation limiting how widely this method was put to use . </P> <H3> True distillation ( edit ) </H3> An illustration of brewing and distilling industry methods in England , 1858 <P> The medieval Arabs used the distillation process extensively , and there is evidence that they distilled alcohol . Al - Kindi unambiguously described the distillation of wine in the 9th century . The process later spread to Italy , where later evidence of the distillation of alcohol comes from the School of Salerno in southern Italy during the 12th century . </P> <P> In China , archaeological evidence indicates that the true distillation of alcohol began during the 12th century Jin or Southern Song dynasties . A still has been found at an archaeological site in Qinglong , Hebei , dating to the 12th century . In India , the true distillation of alcohol was introduced from the Middle East , and was in wide use in the Delhi Sultanate by the 14th century . </P> <P> Fractional distillation was developed by Taddeo Alderotti in the 13th century . The production method was written in code , suggesting that it was being kept secret . </P> <P> In 1437 , `` burned water '' ( brandy ) was mentioned in the records of the County of Katzenelnbogen in Germany . It was served in a tall , narrow glass called a Goderulffe . </P> <P> Claims upon the origin of specific beverages are controversial , often invoking national pride , but they are plausible after the 12th century AD , when Irish whiskey and German brandy became available . These spirits would have had a much lower alcohol content ( about 40 % ABV ) than the alchemists ' pure distillations , and they were likely first thought of as medicinal elixirs . Consumption of distilled beverages rose dramatically in Europe in and after the mid-14th century , when distilled liquors were commonly used as remedies for the Black Death . Around 1400 , methods to distill spirits from wheat , barley , and rye beers , a cheaper option than grapes , were discovered . Thus began the `` national '' drinks of Europe : jenever ( Belgium and the Netherlands ) , gin ( England ) , Schnaps ( Germany ) , grappa ( Italy ) , borovička ( Slovakia ) , horilka ( Ukraine ) , akvavit / snaps ( Scandinavia ) , vodka ( Poland and Russia ) , ouzo ( Greece ) , rakia ( the Balkans ) , and poitín ( Ireland ) . The actual names emerged only in the 16th century , but the drinks were well known prior to then . </P> <H3> Government regulation ( edit ) </H3> <P> It is legal to distill beverage alcohol as a hobby for personal use in some countries , including New Zealand and the Netherlands . </P> <P> In the United States , it is illegal to distill beverage alcohol without a license . In some parts of the U.S. , it is also illegal to sell a still without a license . However , all states allow unlicensed individuals to make their own beer , and some also allow unlicensed individuals to make their own wine ( although making beer and wine is also prohibited in some local jurisdictions ) . </P> <H3> Microdistilling ( edit ) </H3> <P> Microdistilling ( also known as craft distilling ) began to re-emerge as a trend in the United States following the microbrewing and craft beer movement in the last decades of the 20th century . In contrast , large - scale distillation facilities were never as dominant in Scotland , so the tradition of small - scale distillation was never really lost in the Scotch whisky market . </P> <H2> Flammability ( edit ) </H2> These flaming cocktails illustrate that a distilled beverage will readily catch fire and burn . See also : Alcohol proof , Flash point , and Fire point <P> Liquor that contains 40 % ABV ( 80 US proof ) will catch fire if heated to about 26 ° C ( 79 ° F ) and if an ignition source is applied to it . This temperature is called its flash point . The flash point of pure alcohol is 16.6 ° C ( 61.9 ° F ) , less than average room temperature . </P> <P> The flammability of distilled beverages is applied in the cooking technique Flambé . </P> <P> The flash points of alcohol concentrations from 10 % ABV to 96 % ABV are : </P> <Ul> <Li> 10 % -- 49 ° C ( 120 ° F ) -- ethanol - based water solution </Li> <Li> 12.5 % -- about 52 ° C ( 126 ° F ) -- wine </Li> <Li> 20 % -- 36 ° C ( 97 ° F ) -- fortified wine </Li> <Li> 30 % -- 29 ° C ( 84 ° F ) </Li> <Li> 40 % -- 26 ° C ( 79 ° F ) -- typical vodka , whisky or brandy </Li> <Li> 50 % -- 24 ° C ( 75 ° F ) -- strong whisky , bottled in bond whisky </Li> <Li> 60 % -- 22 ° C ( 72 ° F ) -- normal tsikoudia ( called mesoraki or middle raki ) , barrel proof whisky </Li> <Li> 70 % -- 21 ° C ( 70 ° F ) -- some absinthe , slivovitz </Li> <Li> 80 % -- 20 ° C ( 68 ° F ) </Li> <Li> 90 % or more -- 17 ° C ( 63 ° F ) -- neutral grain spirit </Li> </Ul> <H2> Serving ( edit ) </H2> See also : Bartending terminology A row of alcoholic beverages -- in this case , spirits -- in a bar <P> Distilled beverages can be served : </P> <Ul> <Li> Neat -- at room temperature without any additional ingredient ( s ) </Li> <Li> Up -- shaken or stirred with ice , strained , and served in a stemmed glass . </Li> <Li> Down -- shaken or stirred with ice , strained , and served in a rocks glass . </Li> <Li> On the rocks -- over ice cubes </Li> <Li> Blended or frozen -- blended with ice </Li> <Li> With a simple mixer , such as club soda , tonic water , juice , or cola </Li> <Li> As an ingredient of a cocktail </Li> <Li> As an ingredient of a shooter </Li> <Li> With water </Li> <Li> With water poured over sugar ( as with absinthe ) </Li> </Ul> <H2> Alcohol consumption by country ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of countries by alcohol consumption <P> The World Health Organization measures and publishes alcohol consumption patterns in different countries . The WHO measures alcohol consumed by persons 15 years of age or older and reports it on the basis of liters of pure alcohol consumed per capita in a given year in a country . </P> <H2> Health effects ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Short - term effects ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Short - term effects | The term "spirits" for alcohol originated from | [
"Middle Eastern alchemy"
] | 618 | Where did the term spirits for alcohol come from? |
7680180825510539122 | Disney 's Art of Animation resort - wikipedia <H1> Disney 's Art of Animation resort </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Disney 's Art of Animation Resort </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> ESPN Wide World of Sports Resort Area </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Resort type </Th> <Td> Value resort </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Opened </Th> <Td> May 31 , 2012 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Theme </Th> <Td> Walt Disney characters </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Areas </Th> <Td> Cars Finding Nemo The Lion King The Little Mermaid </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Rooms </Th> <Td> 984 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Suites </Th> <Td> 1,120 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Green lodge </Th> <Td> yes </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Disney 's Art of Animation Resort is a resort within Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista , Florida . It is located where construction on the unfinished half of Disney 's Pop Century Resort was started but later abandoned after the September 11 attacks . </P> <P> The resort is the first to be built in the complex in over seven years and the fifth to be placed in the value - priced category , along with Disney 's All - Star Sports Resort , the All - Star Music Resort , the All - Star Movies Resort , and Disney 's Pop Century Resort . Family suites opened on May 31 , 2012 , and standard rooms opened on September 15 , 2012 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Overview ( edit ) </H2> An incomplete Pop Century Legendary Years building can be seen across the Hourglass Lake . The Generation Gap Bridge would have connected both halves of the resort . <P> Originally , the land the Art of Animation Resort occupies was planned to be part of Disney 's Pop Century Resort as part of the `` Legendary Years '' section . Several buildings were constructed for these plans , some even to the point of adding decorative details . While one - half of Pop Century ( the `` Classic Years '' ) opened in 2003 , the other half was left abandoned following the tourism halt after the September 11 attacks on the United States . </P> <P> Disney started to prepare the land for the resort in January 2010 , and construction began in the summer of that year . At the time of this announcement on May 12 , 2010 , Disney did not say how much construction is expecting to cost , but it was mentioned that approximately 800 jobs would be produced . </P> <P> When the `` Legendary Years '' buildings were first being made , a bridge named the Generation Gap Bridge was constructed to connect both parts of Pop Century and made them accessible to each other . The bridge connects Pop Century to the Finding Nemo section of the Art of Animation Resort . </P> <H2> Theming ( edit ) </H2> <P> The resort is designed `` with families in mind . '' It features four of Disney 's popular character themes : Cars , Finding Nemo , The Lion King , and The Little Mermaid . Much like the other Disney Value Resorts , giant versions of various items are built around the hotel on each of the ten wings , such as a 35 - foot ( 11 m ) model of King Triton . In total , there are 1,984 rooms. of which 1,120 are family suites capable of housing up to six people , featuring living rooms and bedrooms . The remaining 864 sport the standard value layout . The resort has a total of ten buildings , as well as three themed pools . </P> <Ul> <Li> Finding Nemo : The Finding Nemo section of the resort is themed with the ocean setting featured in the film , with underwater plant and animal decorations throughout the buildings . This is the first area of the resort , which opened on May 31 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Cars : The Cars section of the resort is themed like the Cozy Cone Motel that has featured in the film . Resort buildings are themed with the movie 's characters , including Lightning McQueen , Sally , Mater , and Luigi and Guido . The second section of the resort opened on June 18 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> The Lion King : The Lion King section of the resort features a `` natural '' setting , such as that found in the wild . The third section of the resort opened its doors on August 10 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> The Little Mermaid : The Little Mermaid section of the resort is themed with 600 cutout objects on resort balconies. `` Under the Sea '' decorations are incorporated throughout the section . This section of the resort has exterior walkways , where the other sections have enclosed interior walkways between the rooms . ( This section uses a couple of buildings that were originally built for Pop Century 's `` Legendary Years '' section before construction halted , which left them unfinished for years . ) It opened on September 15 , 2012 , as the fourth and final section of the resort . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Dining and shopping ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Landscape of Flavors - a food court selling American cuisine and deli style market items . The Landscape of Flavors Food Court serves omelets , pancakes , French toast , pizza , pasta , sandwiches , salads , burgers , burritos , ice cream and bakery items . The food court seats 606 people . </Li> <Li> Pizza Delivery - pizza , sandwiches , salad , dessert and beverages are available in the evening for delivery to guest rooms . </Li> <Li> Ink & Paint Shop - gift shop that offers a range of items from Disney souvenirs to Disney 's Art of Animation themed clothing . The store also has grocery section that sells items including snacks , liquor , drinks , and sundries . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Gallery ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikimedia Commons has media related to Disney 's Art of Animation Resort . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> <P> Sign at the entrance to the Art of Animation Resort </P> </Li> <Li> <P> Exterior of Animation Hall , central hall of the resort </P> </Li> <Li> <P> Swimming pool within the Finding Nemo section of the resort </P> </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Disney 's Art of Animation Resort '' . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` New Disney hotel : Disney to build 2,000 - room hotel dubbed Disney 's Art of Animation Resort '' . . Retrieved June 6 , 2010 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` More details on Disney 's Art of Animation Resort '' . . Retrieved June 10 , 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Disney 's Art of Animation Resort Unveiled `` Disney Parks Blog '' . . May 12 , 2010 . Retrieved June 6 , 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` First look at new Art of Animation Resort concept art and rooms shown at Destination D: Walt Disney World '' . Inside the Magic . </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Official website </Li> <Li> Art of Animation Photo Gallery at HanBan Photos </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="5"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Walt Disney World Resorts </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Th> Deluxe </Th> <Th> Moderate </Th> <Th> Value </Th> <Th> Deluxe Villa / Disney Vacation Club </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Magic Kingdom Resort Area </Th> <Td> Disney 's Contemporary Resort Disney 's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa Disney 's Polynesian Village Resort Disney 's Wilderness Lodge </Td> <Td> None </Td> <Td> None </Td> <Td> Bay Lake Tower at Disney 's Contemporary Resort Disney 's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows The Villas at Disney 's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa Boulder Ridge Villas at Disney 's Wilderness Lodge Copper Creek Villas & Cabins at Disney 's Wilderness Lodge </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Epcot Resort Area </Th> <Td> Disney 's Beach Club Resort Disney 's BoardWalk Inn Disney 's Yacht Club Resort Star Wars Hotel </Td> <Td> Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort </Td> <Td> None </Td> <Td> Disney 's Beach Club Villas Disney 's BoardWalk Villas Disney Riviera Resort </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Animal Kingdom Resort Area </Th> <Td> Disney 's Animal Kingdom Lodge </Td> <Td> Disney 's Coronado Springs Resort </Td> <Td> Disney 's All - Star Movies Resort Disney 's All - Star Music Resort Disney 's All - Star Sports Resort </Td> <Td> Disney 's Animal Kingdom Villas </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Disney Springs Resort Area </Th> <Td> None </Td> <Td> Disney 's Port Orleans Resort - French Quarter Disney 's Port Orleans Resort - Riverside </Td> <Td> None </Td> <Td> Disney 's Old Key West Resort Disney 's Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> ESPN Wide World of Sports Resort Area </Th> <Td> None </Td> <Td> None </Td> <Td> Disney 's Art of Animation Resort Disney 's Pop Century Resort </Td> <Td> None </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Campsites and cabins </Th> <Td colspan="4"> Disney 's Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Residental </Th> <Td colspan="4"> Golden Oak at Walt Disney World Resort </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Non-Disney Resorts </Th> <Td colspan="4"> B Resort & Spa Best Western Buena Vista Palace Doubletree Four Seasons Hilton Holiday Inn Shades of Green Walt Disney World Dolphin Walt Disney World Swan Wyndham </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Coordinates : 28 ° 21 ′ 0.98 '' N 81 ° 32 ′ 54.59 '' W / 28.3502722 ° N 81.5484972 ° W / 28.3502722 ; - 81.5484972 </P> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Walt Disney World </Li> <Li> Hotels in Walt Disney World Resort </Li> <Li> Hotel buildings completed in 2012 </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Use mdy dates from September 2017 </Li> <Li> Coordinates on Wikidata </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Français </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 10 September 2017 , at 17 : 08 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The Disney Art of Animation Resort opened on | [
"May 31, 2012"
] | 237 | When did disney art of animation resort open? |
4480034477137973992 | Gymnosperm - wikipedia <H1> Gymnosperm </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Gymnosperms Temporal range : 370 -- 0 Ma PreЄ Є Pg Devonian - Present </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Various gymnosperms . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Scientific classification </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kingdom : </Td> <Td> Plantae </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Subkingdom : </Td> <Td> Embryophyta </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> ( unranked ) : </Td> <Td> Gymnospermae ( paraphyletic ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Divisions </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> Pinophyta ( or Coniferophyta ) - Conifers Ginkgophyta - Ginkgo Cycadophyta - Cycads Gnetophyta - Gnetum , Ephedra , Welwitschia </P> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Encephalartos sclavoi cone , about 30 cm long <P> The gymnosperms are a group of seed - producing plants that includes conifers , cycads , Ginkgo , and gnetophytes . The term `` gymnosperm '' comes from the Greek composite word γυμνόσπερμος ( γυμνός gymnos , `` naked '' and σπέρμα sperma , `` seed '' ) , meaning `` naked seeds '' . The name is based on the unenclosed condition of their seeds ( called ovules in their unfertilized state ) . The non-encased condition of their seeds stands in contrast to the seeds and ovules of flowering plants ( angiosperms ) , which are enclosed within an ovary . Gymnosperm seeds develop either on the surface of scales or leaves , which are often modified to form cones , or solitary as in Yew , Torreya , Ginkgo . </P> <P> The gymnosperms and angiosperms together compose the spermatophytes or seed plants . The gymnosperms are divided into six phyla . Organisms that belong to the Cycadophyta , Ginkgophyta , Gnetophyta , and Pinophyta ( also known as Coniferophyta ) phyla are still in existence while those in the Pteridospermales and Cordaitales phyla are now extinct . </P> <P> By far the largest group of living gymnosperms are the conifers ( pines , cypresses , and relatives ) , followed by cycads , gnetophytes ( Gnetum , Ephedra and Welwitschia ) , and Ginkgo biloba ( a single living species ) . Roots in some genera have fungal association with roots in the form of mycorrhiza ( Pinus ) , while in some others ( Cycas ) small specialised roots called coralloid roots are associated with nitrogen - fixing cyanobacteria . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Classification </Li> <Li> 2 Diversity and origin </Li> <Li> 3 Uses </Li> <Li> 4 Life cycle </Li> <Li> 5 Genetics </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Classification ( edit ) </H2> Further information : Spermatophyte <P> In early classification schemes , the gymnosperms ( Gymnospermae ) were regarded as a `` natural '' group . There is conflicting evidence on the question of whether the living gymnosperms form a clade . The fossil record of gymnosperms includes many distinctive taxa that do not belong to the four modern groups , including seed - bearing trees that have a somewhat fern - like vegetative morphology ( the so - called `` seed ferns '' or pteridosperms . ) When fossil gymnosperms such as Bennettitales , Caytonia and the glossopterids are considered , it is clear that angiosperms are nested within a larger gymnosperm clade , although which group of gymnosperms is their closest relative remains unclear . </P> <P> For the most recent classification on extant gymnosperms see Christenhusz et al. ( 2011 ) . There are 12 families , 83 known genera with a total of ca 1080 known species ( Christenhusz & Byng 2016 ) . </P> <P> Subclass Cycadidae </P> <Ul> <Li> Order Cycadales <Ul> <Li> Family Cycadaceae : Cycas </Li> <Li> Family Zamiaceae : Dioon , Bowenia , Macrozamia , Lepidozamia , Encephalartos , Stangeria , Ceratozamia , Microcycas , Zamia . </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> Subclass Ginkgoidae </P> <Ul> <Li> Order Ginkgoales <Ul> <Li> Family Ginkgoaceae : Ginkgo </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> Subclass Gnetidae </P> <Ul> <Li> Order Welwitschiales <Ul> <Li> Family Welwitschiaceae : Welwitschia </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Order Gnetales <Ul> <Li> Family Gnetaceae : Gnetum </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Order Ephedrales <Ul> <Li> Family Ephedraceae : Ephedra </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> Subclass Pinidae </P> <Ul> <Li> Order Pinales <Ul> <Li> Family Pinaceae : Cedrus , Pinus , Cathaya , Picea , Pseudotsuga , Larix , Pseudolarix , Tsuga , Nothotsuga , Keteleeria , Abies </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Order Araucariales <Ul> <Li> Family Araucariaceae : Araucaria , Wollemia , Agathis </Li> <Li> Family Podocarpaceae : Phyllocladus , Lepidothamnus , Prumnopitys , Sundacarpus , Halocarpus , Parasitaxus , Lagarostrobos , Manoao , Saxegothaea , Microcachrys , Pherosphaera , Acmopyle , Dacrycarpus , Dacrydium , Falcatifolium , Retrophyllum , Nageia , Afrocarpus , Podocarpus </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Order Cupressales <Ul> <Li> Family Sciadopityaceae : Sciadopitys </Li> <Li> Family Cupressaceae : Cunninghamia , Taiwania , Athrotaxis , Metasequoia , Sequoia , Sequoiadendron , Cryptomeria , Glyptostrobus , Taxodium , Papuacedrus , Austrocedrus , Libocedrus , Pilgerodendron , Widdringtonia , Diselma , Fitzroya , Callitris ( incl . Actinostrobus and Neocallitropsis ) , Thujopsis , Thuja , Fokienia , Chamaecyparis , Callitropsis , Cupressus , Juniperus , Xanthocyparis , Calocedrus , Tetraclinis , Platycladus , Microbiota </Li> <Li> Family Taxaceae : Austrotaxus , Pseudotaxus , Taxus , Cephalotaxus , Amentotaxus , Torreya </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <H2> Diversity and origin ( edit ) </H2> <P> There are more than 1000 extant or currently living species of gymnosperms in 88 plant genera belonging to 14 plant families . </P> <P> It is widely accepted that the gymnosperms originated in the late Carboniferous period , replacing the lycopsid rainforests of the tropical region . This appears to have been the result of a whole genome duplication event around 319 million years ago . Early characteristics of seed plants were evident in fossil progymnosperms of the late Devonian period around 383 million years ago . It has been suggested that during the mid-Mesozoic era , pollination of some extinct groups of gymnosperms was by extinct species of scorpionflies that had specialized proboscis for feeding on pollination drops . The scorpionflies likely engaged in pollination mutualisms with gymnosperms , long before the similar and independent coevolution of nectar - feeding insects on angiosperms . Evidence has also been found that mid-Mesozoic gymnosperms were pollinated by Kalligrammatid lacewings , a now - extinct genus with members which ( in an example of convergent evolution ) resembled the modern butterflies that arose far later . </P> Zamia integrifolia , a cycad native to Florida <P> Conifers are by far the most abundant extant group of gymnosperms with six to eight families , with a total of 65 - 70 genera and 600 - 630 species ( 696 accepted names ) . Conifers are woody plants and most are evergreens . The leaves of many conifers are long , thin and needle - like , other species , including most Cupressaceae and some Podocarpaceae , have flat , triangular scale - like leaves . Agathis in Araucariaceae and Nageia in Podocarpaceae have broad , flat strap - shaped leaves . </P> <P> Cycads are the next most abundant group of gymnosperms , with two or three families , 11 genera , and approximately 338 species . A majority of cycads are native to tropical climates and are most abundantly found in regions near the equator . The other extant groups are the 95 - 100 species of Gnetales and one species of Ginkgo . </P> <H2> Uses ( edit ) </H2> <P> Gymnosperms have major economic uses . Pine , fir , spruce , and cedar are all examples of conifers that are used for lumber , paper production , and resin . Some other common uses for gymnosperms are soap , varnish , nail polish , food , gum , and perfumes . </P> <H2> Life cycle ( edit ) </H2> Example of gymnosperm lifecycle <P> Gymnosperms , like all vascular plants , have a sporophyte - dominant life cycle , which means they spend most of their life cycle with diploid cells , while the gametophyte ( gamete - bearing phase ) is relatively short - lived . Two spore types , microspores and megaspores , are typically produced in pollen cones or ovulate cones , respectively . Gametophytes , as with all heterosporous plants , develop within the spore wall . Pollen grains ( microgametophytes ) mature from microspores , and ultimately produce sperm cells . Megagametophytes develop from megaspores and are retained within the ovule . Gymnosperms produce multiple archegonia , which produce the female gamete . During pollination , pollen grains are physically transferred between plants from the pollen cone to the ovule . Pollen is usually moved by wind or insects . Whole grains enter each ovule through a microscopic gap in the ovule coat ( integument ) called the micropyle . The pollen grains mature further inside the ovule and produce sperm cells . Two main modes of fertilization are found in gymnosperms . Cycads and Ginkgo have motile sperm that swim directly to the egg inside the ovule , whereas conifers and gnetophytes have sperm with no flagella that are moved along a pollen tube to the egg . After syngamy ( joining of the sperm and egg cell ) , the zygote develops into an embryo ( young sporophyte ) . More than one embryo is usually initiated in each gymnosperm seed . The mature seed comprises the embryo and the remains of the female gametophyte , which serves as a food supply , and the seed coat . </P> <H2> Genetics ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first published sequenced genome for any gymnosperm was the genome of Picea abies in 2013 . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Gymnosperms on The Plant List '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 07 - 24 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Raven , P.H. ( 2013 ) . Biology of Plants . New York : W.H. Freeman and Co . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Jeffrey D. Palmer ; Douglas E. Soltis ; Mark W. Chase ( 2004 ) . `` The plant tree of life : an overview and some points of view '' . American Journal of Botany. 91 ( 10 ) : 1437 -- 1445 . doi : 10.3732 / ajb. 91.10. 1437 . PMID 21652302 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Stevens , P.F. `` Angiosperm Phylogeny Website - Seed Plant Evolution '' . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Hilton , Jason , and Richard M. Bateman. 2006 . Pteridosperms are the backbone of seed - plant phylogeny . Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 133 : 119 - 168 ( abstract ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Christenhusz , M.J.M. ; Reveal , J.L. ; Farjon , A. ; Gardner , M.F. ; Mill , R.R. ; Chase , M.W. ( 2011 ) . `` A new classification and linear sequence of extant gymnosperms '' ( PDF ) . Phytotaxa. 19 : 55 -- 70 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Christenhusz , M.J.M. ; Byng , J.W. ( 2016 ) . `` The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase '' . Phytotaxa . Magnolia Press . 261 ( 3 ) : 201 -- 217 . doi : 10.11646 / phytotaxa. 261.3. 1 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Sahney , S. ; Benton , M.J. & Falcon - Lang , H.J. ( 2010 ) . `` Rainforest collapse triggered Pennsylvanian tetrapod diversification in Euramerica '' ( PDF ) . Geology. 38 ( 12 ) : 1079 -- 1082 . Bibcode : 2010Geo ... 38.1079 S . doi : 10.1130 / G31182. 1 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Campbell and Reece ; Biology , Eighth edition </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Jiao Y , Wickett NJ , Ayyampalayam S , Chanderbali AS , Landherr L , Ralph PE , Tomsho LP , Hu Y , Liang H , Soltis PS , Soltis DE , Clifton SW , Schlarbaum SE , Schuster | The seed of a gymnosperm is made | [
"either on the surface of scales or leaves"
] | 227 | The seed of a gymnosperm seed is made in the? |
5704535453361095916 | Small intestine - wikipedia <H1> Small intestine </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Small Intestine </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Diagram showing the small intestine and surrounding structures </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Details </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> System </Th> <Td> Digestive system </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Artery </Th> <Td> Superior mesenteric artery </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Vein </Th> <Td> Hepatic portal vein </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nerve </Th> <Td> Celiac ganglia , vagus </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Lymph </Th> <Td> Intestinal lymph trunk </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Identifiers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Latin </Th> <Td> Intestinum tenue </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> MeSH </Th> <Td> D007421 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> TA </Th> <Td> A05. 6.01. 001 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> FMA </Th> <Td> 7200 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Anatomical terminology ( edit on Wikidata ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine , and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place . The small intestine has three distinct regions -- the duodenum , jejunum , and ileum . The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins . It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct , controlled by the sphincter of Oddi . The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food , using small finger - like protrusions called villi . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Structure <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Size </Li> <Li> 1.2 Parts </Li> <Li> 1.3 Blood supply </Li> <Li> 1.4 Histology </Li> <Li> 1.5 Development </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Function <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Digestion </Li> <Li> 2.2 Absorption </Li> <Li> 2.3 Immunological </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Gene and protein expression </Li> <Li> 4 Clinical significance </Li> <Li> 5 Other animals </Li> <Li> 6 Society and culture </Li> <Li> 7 Additional images </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Structure ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Size ( edit ) </H3> <P> The length of the small intestine can vary greatly , from as short as 2.75 m ( 9.0 ft ) to as long as 10.49 m ( 34.4 ft ) . The average length in a living person is 3m - 5m . The length depends both on how tall the person is and how the length is measured . Taller people generally have a longer small intestine and measurements are generally longer after death and when the bowel is empty . </P> <P> It is approximately 1.5 cm in diameter in newborns after 35 weeks of gestational age , and 2.5 -- 3 cm ( 1 inch ) in diameter in adults . On abdominal X-rays , the small intestine is considered to be abnormally dilated when the diameter exceeds 3 cm . On CT scans , a diameter of over 2.5 cm is considered abnormally dilated . The surface area of the human small intestinal mucosa , due to enlargement caused by folds , villi and microvilli , averages 30 square meters . </P> <H3> Parts ( edit ) </H3> <P> The small intestine is divided into three structural parts . </P> <Ul> <Li> The duodenum is a short structure ranging from 20 cm ( 7.9 inches ) to 25 cm ( 9.8 inches ) in length , and shaped like a `` C '' . It surrounds the head of the pancreas . It receives gastric chyme from the stomach , together with digestive juices from the pancreas ( digestive enzymes ) and the liver ( bile ) . The digestive enzymes break down proteins and bile emulsifies fats into micelles . The duodenum contains Brunner 's glands , which produce a mucus - rich alkaline secretion containing bicarbonate . These secretions , in combination with bicarbonate from the pancreas , neutralize the stomach acids contained in gastric chyme . </Li> <Li> The jejunum is the midsection of the small intestine , connecting the duodenum to the ileum . It is about 2.5 m long , and contains the plicae circulares , and villi that increase its surface area . Products of digestion ( sugars , amino acids , and fatty acids ) are absorbed into the bloodstream here . The suspensory muscle of duodenum marks the division between the duodenum and the jejunum . </Li> <Li> The ileum : The final section of the small intestine . It is about 3 m long , and contains villi similar to the jejunum . It absorbs mainly vitamin B12 and bile acids , as well as any other remaining nutrients . The ileum joins to the cecum of the large intestine at the ileocecal junction . </Li> </Ul> <P> The jejunum and ileum are suspended in the abdominal cavity by mesentery . The mesentery is part of the peritoneum . Arteries , veins , lymph vessels and nerves travel within the mesentery . </P> <H3> Blood supply ( edit ) </H3> <P> The small intestine receives a blood supply from the coeliac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery . These are both branches of the aorta . The duodenum receives blood from the coeliac trunk via the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and from the superior mesenteric artery via the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery . These two arteries both have anterior and posterior branches that meet in the midline and anastomose . The jejunum and ileum receive blood from the superior mesenteric artery . Branches of the superior mesenteric artery form a series of arches within the mesentery known as arterial arcades , which may be several layers deep . Straight blood vessels known as vasa recta travel from the arcades closest to the ileum and jejunum to the organs themselves . </P> <H3> Histology ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Gastrointestinal wall Micrograph of the small intestine mucosa showing the intestinal villi and crypts of Lieberkühn . <P> The three sections of the small intestine look similar to each other at a microscopic level , but there are some important differences . The parts of the intestine are as follows : </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Layer </Th> <Th> Duodenum </Th> <Th> Jejunum </Th> <Th> Ileum </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Serosa </Td> <Td> 1st part serosa , 2nd -- 4th adventitia </Td> <Td> Normal </Td> <Td> Normal </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Muscularis externa </Td> <Td> Longitudinal and circular layers , with Auerbach 's ( myenteric ) plexus in between </Td> <Td> Same as duodenum </Td> <Td> Same as duodenum </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Submucosa </Td> <Td> Brunner 's glands and Meissner 's ( submucosal ) plexus </Td> <Td> No BG </Td> <Td> No BG </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mucosa : muscularis mucosae </Td> <Td> Normal </Td> <Td> Normal </Td> <Td> Normal </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mucosa : lamina propria </Td> <Td> No PP </Td> <Td> No PP </Td> <Td> Peyer 's patches </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mucosa : intestinal epithelium </Td> <Td> Simple columnar . Contains goblet cells , Paneth cells </Td> <Td> Similar to duodenum </Td> <Td> ? </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Development ( edit ) </H3> See also : Development of the digestive system <P> The small intestine develops from the midgut of the primitive gut tube . By the fifth week of embryological life , the ileum begins to grow longer at a very fast rate , forming a U-shaped fold called the primary intestinal loop . The loop grows so fast in length that it outgrows the abdomen and protrudes through the umbilicus . By week 10 , the loop retracts back into the abdomen . Between weeks six and ten the small intestine rotates anticlockwise , as viewed from the front of the embryo . It rotates a further 180 degrees after it has moved back into the abdomen . This process creates the twisted shape of the large intestine . </P> <H2> Function ( edit ) </H2> <P> Food from the stomach is allowed into the duodenum through the pylorus by a muscle called the pyloric sphincter . </P> <H3> Digestion ( edit ) </H3> <P> The small intestine is where most chemical digestion takes place . Many of the digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas and liver and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct . Pancreatic enzymes and bile from the gallbladder enter the small intestine in response to the hormone cholecystokinin , which is produced in the small intestine in response to the presence of nutrients . Secretin , another hormone produced in the small intestine , causes additional effects on the pancreas , where it promotes the release of bicarbonate into the duodenum in order to neutralize the potentially harmful acid coming from the stomach . </P> <P> The three major classes of nutrients that undergo digestion are proteins , lipids ( fats ) and carbohydrates : </P> <Ul> <Li> Proteins are degraded into small peptides and amino acids before absorption . Chemical breakdown begins in the stomach and continues in the small intestine . Proteolytic enzymes , including trypsin and chymotrypsin , are secreted by the pancreas and cleave proteins into smaller peptides . Carboxypeptidase , which is a pancreatic brush border enzyme , splits one amino acid at a time . Aminopeptidase and dipeptidase free the end amino acid products . </Li> <Li> Lipids ( fats ) are degraded into fatty acids and glycerol . Pancreatic lipase breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and monoglycerides . Pancreatic lipase works with the help of the salts from the bile secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder . Bile salts attach to triglycerides to help emulsify them , which aids access by pancreatic lipase . This occurs because the lipase is water - soluble but the fatty triglycerides are hydrophobic and tend to orient towards each other and away from the watery intestinal surroundings . The bile salts emulsify the triglycerides in the watery surroundings until the lipase can break them into the smaller components that are able to enter the villi for absorption . </Li> <Li> Some carbohydrates are degraded into simple sugars , or monosaccharides ( e.g. , glucose ) . Pancreatic amylase breaks down some carbohydrates ( notably starch ) into oligosaccharides . Other carbohydrates pass undigested into the large intestine and further handling by intestinal bacteria . Brush border enzymes take over from there . The most important brush border enzymes are dextrinase and glucoamylase , which further break down oligosaccharides . Other brush border enzymes are maltase , sucrase and lactase . Lactase is absent in some adult humans and , for them , lactose , like most poly - saccharides , is not digested in the small intestine . Some carbohydrates , such as cellulose , are not digested at all , despite being made of multiple glucose units . This is because the cellulose is made out of beta - glucose , making the inter-monosaccharidal bindings different from the ones present in starch , which consists of alpha - glucose . Humans lack the enzyme for splitting the beta - glucose - bonds , something reserved for herbivores and bacteria from the large intestine . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Absorption ( edit ) </H3> <P> Digested food is now able to pass into the blood vessels in the wall of the intestine through either diffusion or active transport . The small intestine is the site where most of the nutrients from ingested food are absorbed . The inner wall , or mucosa , of the small intestine is lined with simple columnar epithelial tissue . Structurally , the mucosa is covered in wrinkles or folds called plicae circulares , which are considered permanent features in the wall of the organ . They are distinct from rugae which are considered non-permanent or temporary allowing for distention and contraction . From the plicae circulares project microscopic finger - like pieces of tissue called villi ( Latin for `` shaggy hair '' ) . The individual epithelial cells also have finger - | Most nutrients are absorbed in the human digestive tract in | [
"The small intestine or small bowel"
] | 141 | Where are most nutrients absorbed in the human digestive tract? |
-510179348025098787 | Board of directors - wikipedia <H1> Board of directors </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Board Room '' and `` Board of Trustees '' redirect here . For other uses , see Board Room ( disambiguation ) and Board of Trustees ( disambiguation ) . A meeting of a board of directors of the Leipzig -- Dresden Railway Company in 1852 <P> A board of directors is a recognized group of people who jointly oversee the activities of an organization , which can be either a for - profit business , nonprofit organization , or a government agency . Such a board 's powers , duties , and responsibilities are determined by government regulations ( including the jurisdiction 's corporations law ) and the organization 's own constitution and bylaws . These authorities may specify the number of members of the board , how they are to be chosen , and how often they are to meet . </P> <P> In an organization with voting members , the board is accountable to , and might be subordinate to , the organization 's full membership , which usually vote for the members of the board . In a stock corporation , non-executive directors are voted for by the shareholders and the board is the highest authority in the management of the corporation . The board of directors appoints the chief executive officer of the corporation and sets out the overall strategic direction . In corporations with dispersed ownership , the identification and nomination of directors ( that shareholders vote for or against ) are often done by the board itself , leading to a high degree of self - perpetuation . In a non-stock corporation with no general voting membership , the board is the supreme governing body of the institution ; its members are sometimes chosen by the board itself . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Terminology </Li> <Li> 2 Roles </Li> <Li> 3 Directors <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Inside director </Li> <Li> 3.2 Outside director </Li> <Li> 3.3 Terminology </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Process and structure <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Board meetings </Li> <Li> 4.2 Size </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Non-corporate boards <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Membership organizations </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Corporations <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Governance </Li> <Li> 6.2 Two - tier system </Li> <Li> 6.3 History </Li> <Li> 6.4 Election and removal </Li> <Li> 6.5 Exercise of powers </Li> <Li> 6.6 Duties <Ul> <Li> 6.6. 1 `` Proper purpose '' </Li> <Li> 6.6. 2 `` Unfettered discretion '' </Li> <Li> 6.6. 3 `` Conflict of duty and interest '' <Ul> <Li> 6.6. 3.1 Transactions with the company </Li> <Li> 6.6. 3.2 Use of corporate property , opportunity , or information </Li> <Li> 6.6. 3.3 Competing with the company </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6.6. 4 Common law duties of care and skill </Li> <Li> 6.6. 5 Remedies for breach of duty </Li> <Li> 6.6. 6 Current trends </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6.7 United States <Ul> <Li> 6.7. 1 Sarbanes -- Oxley Act </Li> <Li> 6.7. 2 Size </Li> <Li> 6.7. 3 Committees </Li> <Li> 6.7. 4 Compensation </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6.8 Criticism </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 Notes </Li> <Li> 9 References <Ul> <Li> 9.1 Citations </Li> <Li> 9.2 Sources </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Terminology ( edit ) </H2> <P> Other names include board of directors and advisors , board of governors , board of managers , board of regents , board of trustees , or board of visitors . It may also be called `` the executive board '' and is often simply referred to as `` the board '' . </P> <H2> Roles ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Business administration </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Management of a business </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Accounting ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Management accounting </Li> <Li> Financial accounting </Li> <Li> Financial audit </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Business entities ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Cooperative </Li> <Li> Corporation </Li> <Li> Limited liability company </Li> <Li> Partnership </Li> <Li> Sole proprietorship </Li> <Li> State - owned enterprise </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Corporate governance ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Annual general meeting </Li> <Li> Board of directors </Li> <Li> Supervisory board </Li> <Li> Advisory board </Li> <Li> Audit committee </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Corporate law ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Commercial law </Li> <Li> Constitutional documents </Li> <Li> Contract </Li> <Li> Corporate crime </Li> <Li> Corporate liability </Li> <Li> Insolvency law </Li> <Li> International trade law </Li> <Li> Mergers and acquisitions </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Economics ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Commodity </Li> <Li> Public economics </Li> <Li> Labour economics </Li> <Li> Development economics </Li> <Li> International economics </Li> <Li> Mixed economy </Li> <Li> Planned economy </Li> <Li> Econometrics </Li> <Li> Environmental economics </Li> <Li> Open economy </Li> <Li> Market economy </Li> <Li> Knowledge economy </Li> <Li> Microeconomics </Li> <Li> Macroeconomics </Li> <Li> Economic development </Li> <Li> Economic statistics </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Finance ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Financial statement </Li> <Li> Insurance </Li> <Li> Factoring </Li> <Li> Cash conversion cycle </Li> <Li> Insider dealing </Li> <Li> Capital budgeting </Li> <Li> Commercial bank </Li> <Li> Derivative </Li> <Li> Financial statement analysis </Li> <Li> Financial risk </Li> <Li> Public finance </Li> <Li> Corporate finance </Li> <Li> Managerial finance </Li> <Li> International finance </Li> <Li> Liquidation </Li> <Li> Stock market </Li> <Li> Financial market </Li> <Li> Tax </Li> <Li> Financial institution </Li> <Li> Working capital </Li> <Li> Venture capital </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Marketing ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Marketing </Li> <Li> Marketing research </Li> <Li> Public relations </Li> <Li> Sales </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Types of management ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Asset </Li> <Li> Brand </Li> <Li> Business intelligence </Li> <Li> Business development </Li> <Li> Capacity </Li> <Li> Change <Ul> <Li> innovation </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Commercial <Ul> <Li> marketing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Communications </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> Conflict </Li> <Li> Content </Li> <Li> Customer relationship </Li> <Li> Distributed </Li> <Li> Earned value </Li> <Li> Electronic business </Li> <Li> Enterprise resource planning <Ul> <Li> management information system </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Financial </Li> <Li> Human resource <Ul> <Li> development </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Incident </Li> <Li> Integrated </Li> <Li> Knowledge </Li> <Li> Materials </Li> <Li> Network <Ul> <Li> administrator </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Office </Li> <Li> Operations <Ul> <Li> services </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Performance </Li> <Li> Power </Li> <Li> Problem </Li> <Li> Process </Li> <Li> Product life - cycle </Li> <Li> Product </Li> <Li> Project </Li> <Li> Quality </Li> <Li> Records </Li> <Li> Resource </Li> <Li> Risk <Ul> <Li> crisis </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Sales </Li> <Li> Security </Li> <Li> Service </Li> <Li> Strategic </Li> <Li> Supply chain </Li> <Li> Systems <Ul> <Li> administrator </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Talent </Li> <Li> Technology </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Organization ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Architecture </Li> <Li> Behavior </Li> <Li> Communication </Li> <Li> Culture </Li> <Li> Conflict </Li> <Li> Development </Li> <Li> Engineering </Li> <Li> Hierarchy </Li> <Li> Patterns </Li> <Li> Space </Li> <Li> Structure </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Trade ( show ) <Ul> <Li> Business analysis </Li> <Li> Business ethics </Li> <Li> Business plan </Li> <Li> Business judgment rule </Li> <Li> Consumer behaviour </Li> <Li> Business operations </Li> <Li> International business </Li> <Li> Business model </Li> <Li> International trade </Li> <Li> Business process </Li> <Li> Business statistics </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Business and economics portal </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Typical duties of boards of directors include : </P> <Ul> <Li> governing the organization by establishing broad policies and setting out strategic objectives ; </Li> <Li> selecting , appointing , supporting and reviewing the performance of the chief executive ( of which the titles vary from organization to organization ; the chief executive may be titled chief executive officer , president or executive director ) ; </Li> <Li> terminating the chief executive ; </Li> <Li> ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources ; </Li> <Li> approving annual budgets ; </Li> <Li> accounting to the stakeholders for the organization 's performance ; </Li> <Li> setting the salaries , compensation and benefits of senior management ; </Li> </Ul> <P> The legal responsibilities of boards and board members vary with the nature of the organization , and between jurisdictions . For companies with publicly trading stock , these responsibilities are typically much more rigorous and complex than for those of other types . </P> <P> Typically , the board chooses one of its members to be the chairman ( more usually now called the `` chair '' or `` chairperson '' ) , who holds whatever title is specified in the bylaws or articles of association . However , in membership organizations , the members elect the president of the organization and the president becomes the chair of the board , unless the bylaws say otherwise . </P> <H2> Directors ( edit ) </H2> <P> The directors of an organization are the persons who are members of its board . Several specific terms categorize directors by the presence or absence of their other relationships to the organization . </P> <H3> Inside director ( edit ) </H3> <P> An inside director is a director who is also an employee , officer , chief executive , major shareholder , or someone similarly connected to the organization . Inside directors represent the interests of the entity 's stakeholders , and often have special knowledge of its inner workings , its financial or market position , and so on . </P> <P> Typical inside directors are : </P> <Ul> <Li> A chief executive officer ( CEO ) who may also be chairman of the board </Li> <Li> Other executives of the organization , such as its chief financial officer ( CFO ) or executive vice president </Li> <Li> Large shareholders ( who may or may not also be employees or officers ) </Li> <Li> Representatives of other stakeholders such as labor unions , major lenders , or members of the community in which the organization is located </Li> </Ul> <P> An inside director who is employed as a manager or executive of the organization is sometimes referred to as an executive director ( not to be confused with the title executive director sometimes used for the CEO position in some organizations ) . Executive directors often have a specified area of responsibility in the organization , such as finance , marketing , human resources , or production . </P> <H3> Outside director ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Independent director <P> An outside director is a member of the board who is not otherwise employed by or engaged with the organization , and does not represent any of its stakeholders . A typical example is a director who is president of a firm in a different industry . Outside directors are not employees of the company or affiliated with it in any other way . </P> <P> Outside directors bring outside experience and perspectives to the board . For example , for a company that only serves a domestic market , the presence of CEOs from global multinational corporations as outside directors can help to provide insights on export and import opportunities and international trade options . One of the arguments for having outside directors is that they can keep a watchful eye on the inside directors and on the way the organization is run . Outside directors are unlikely to tolerate `` insider dealing '' between insider directors , as outside directors do not benefit from the company or organization . Outside directors are often useful in handling disputes between inside directors , or between shareholders and the board . They are thought to be advantageous because they can be objective and present little risk of conflict of interest . On the other hand , they might lack familiarity with the specific issues connected to the organization 's governance and they might not know about the industry or sector in which the organization is | The board of directors consists of | [
"a recognized group of people who jointly oversee the activities of an organization"
] | 69 | What does the board of directors consist of? |
3262882280361419647 | Ossification center - wikipedia <H1> Ossification center </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Ossification center </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> X-ray of ossification centers in a child . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Details </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Identifiers </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Latin </Th> <Td> centrum ossificationis </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dorlands / Elsevier </Th> <Td> 12227335 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> TA </Th> <Td> A02. 0.00. 043 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> FMA </Th> <Td> 75436 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Anatomical terminology ( edit on Wikidata ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The first step in ossification of the cartilage is that the cartilage cells , at the point where ossification is commencing and which is termed as an ossification center , enlarge and arrange themselves in rows . </P> <P> The matrix in which they are imbedded increases in quantity , so that the cells become further separated from each other . </P> <P> A deposit of calcareous material now takes place in this matrix , between the rows of cells , so that they become separated from each other by longitudinal columns of calcified matrix , presenting a granular and opaque appearance . </P> <P> Here and there the matrix between two cells of the same row also becomes calcified , and transverse bars of calcified substance stretch across from one calcareous column to another . </P> <P> Thus there are longitudinal groups of the cartilage cells enclosed in oblong cavities , the walls of which are formed of calcified matrix which cuts off all nutrition from the cells ; the cells , in consequence , atrophy , leaving spaces called the primary areolæ . </P> <H2> Types of ossification centers ( edit ) </H2> Section of fetal bone of cat . ir . Irruption of the subperiosteal tissue . p . Fibrous layer of the periosteum . o . Layer of osteoblasts . im . Subperiosteal bony deposit . <P> There are two types of ossification centers -- primary and secondary . </P> <P> A primary ossification center is the first area of a bone to start ossifying . It usually appears during prenatal development in the central part of each developing bone . In long bones the primary centers occur in the diaphysis / shaft and in irregular bones the primary centers occur usually in the body of the bone . Most bones have only one primary center ( e.g. all long bones ) but some irregular bones such as the os coxa ( hip ) and vertebrae have multiple primary centers . </P> <P> A secondary ossification center is the area of ossification that appears after the primary ossification center has already appeared -- most of which appear during the postnatal and adolescent years . Most bones have more than one secondary ossification center . In long bones , the secondary centres appear in the epiphyses . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <P> This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray 's Anatomy ( 1918 ) </P> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Gray and Spitzka ( 1910 ) , page 44 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Bibliography ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Gray , Henry ; Spitzka , Edward Anthony ( 1910 ) . Anatomy , descriptive and applied . the University of California : Lea & Febiger . </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Development of bone </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ossification </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Triradiate cartilage </Li> <Li> Limb development <Ul> <Li> Limb bud </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> Apical ectodermal ridge </Li> <Li> Zone of polarizing activity </Li> <Li> Sclerotome </Li> <Li> Myotome </Li> <Li> Septum transversum </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 20th edition of Gray 's Anatomy ( 1918 ) </Li> <Li> Skeletal system </Li> <Li> Tissues ( biology ) </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles needing additional references from May 2011 </Li> <Li> All articles needing additional references </Li> <Li> Medicine infobox template using GraySubject or GrayPage </Li> <Li> Medicine infobox template using Dorlands parameter </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Nederlands </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 31 October 2017 , at 15 : 42 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | Primary ossification centers appear in an embryo during | [
"prenatal development"
] | 408 | When do primary ossification centers appear in an embryo? |
-5765931546365345480 | Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York - wikipedia <H1> Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` Home Alone 2 '' redirects here . For the video game based on this film , see Home Alone 2 ( video game ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Chris Columbus </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> John Hughes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written by </Th> <Td> John Hughes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> Characters by John Hughes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Macaulay Culkin </Li> <Li> Joe Pesci </Li> <Li> Daniel Stern </Li> <Li> John Heard </Li> <Li> Tim Curry </Li> <Li> Brenda Fricker </Li> <Li> Catherine O'Hara </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> John Williams </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Julio Macat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> Raja Gosnell </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> Hughes Entertainment </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> 20th Century Fox </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> November 20 , 1992 ( 1992 - 11 - 20 ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 120 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> $20 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> $359 million </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York is a 1992 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus . It is the second film in the Home Alone series and the sequel to Home Alone . Macaulay Culkin reprises his role as Kevin McCallister , while Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern reprise their roles as the Wet Bandits , now known as the Sticky Bandits . Catherine O'Hara , John Heard , Rob Schneider , Tim Curry , and Brenda Fricker are also featured . </P> <P> The plot is as follows : Kevin and his family decide to take a trip to Florida , but Kevin takes the wrong plane and ends up in New York City . He tries to make do with what he has , such as using his father 's credit card to stay at the Plaza Hotel , but is soon confronted by the Wet Bandits and must outrun and out - prank them again . </P> <P> The film was shot in Winnetka , Illinois ; O'Hare International Airport in Chicago ; Evanston , Illinois ; and New York City ( which was star Culkin 's hometown at the time ) . The exterior of Duncan 's Toy Chest in New York City was filmed outside of the Rookery Building in downtown Chicago . The exterior of Haven Middle School in Evanston , Illinois is shown prior to the Christmas pageant . The Miami scenes were filmed in Los Angeles , including an exterior of Miami International Airport which was filmed at Los Angeles International Airport . The film became the second most financially successful film of 1992 , earning over $173 million in revenue in the United States and $359 million worldwide against a budget of $20 million . The film is also notable for featuring a cameo from future U.S. President Donald Trump , who had owned the Plaza Hotel at the time of the film 's production . </P> <P> Home Alone 3 followed five years later in 1997 , but the original cast , composer , and director did not return for that film . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Main cast </Li> <Li> 2.2 The McCallister family </Li> <Li> 2.3 Other characters </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Release <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Marketing </Li> <Li> 3.2 Box office </Li> <Li> 3.3 Critical reception </Li> <Li> 3.4 Home media </Li> <Li> 3.5 Social Media </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Music <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Original Score </Li> <Li> 4.2 Original Soundtrack Album </Li> <Li> 4.3 The Deluxe Edition </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Novelization </Li> <Li> 6 Sequels </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> In Chicago , the McCallister family is preparing for a Christmas vacation in Miami . On the night before their departure , the entire family gathers at Peter and Kate 's home , where their youngest son , Kevin , sees Florida as contradictory to Christmas , on his opinion of the lack of Christmas trees in Florida . During the school Christmas pageant , Kevin 's older brother Buzz humiliates him during his solo , causing Kevin to retaliate , thereby ruining the performance . While Buzz fakes an apology to Kevin in front of the McCallisters ( who are convinced it is sincere ) , Kevin refuses to apologize to Buzz and storms to the third floor of the house . Prior to the pageant , Peter has unknowingly caused the alarm clock to reset ; consequently , the family once again oversleeps . In the confusion they have to rush to reach the airport on time , Kevin falls behind everyone else , and mistakenly boards a flight bound for New York City while trying to replace the batteries for a Talkboy , carrying Peter 's bag containing his wallet and a large amount of money ; upon arrival in Miami , Kate realizes that Kevin is missing again . In New York , Kevin tours the city and meets a homeless woman tending to pigeons at Central Park , where he runs off . Kevin goes to the Plaza Hotel , where he tantalizes the staff into checking in with Peter 's credit card . </P> <P> On Christmas Eve , Kevin tours the city in a limousine and visits a toy store where he meets its philanthropic owner , Mr. Duncan . Kevin learns that the proceeds from the store 's Christmas sales will be donated to a children 's hospital . Kevin donates $20 to the hospital . As a token of appreciation , Mr. Duncan offers Kevin a pair of ceramic turtledoves as a gift , instructing him to give one to another person as a sign of eternal friendship . After running into Harry and Marv , who have recently escaped from prison and are now called `` The Sticky Bandits '' , Kevin retreats to the Plaza Hotel . The hotel 's concierge , Mr. Hector , confronts Kevin about the credit card , which has been reported stolen . Kevin flees after evading Mr. Hector , but is captured by Harry and Marv . The duo discuss plans for breaking into the toy store that night . Kevin manages to escape by pinching a woman in front of him , which results in the woman attacking the duo . </P> <P> Kevin 's family travels to New York after tracking the whereabouts of the stolen credit card , and Kate searches the city for Kevin . Meanwhile , Kevin goes to his uncle Rob 's townhouse , only to find the house vacant and undergoing renovations , while Rob and his family are in Paris . At Central Park , he encounters and befriends the pigeon lady . They go to Carnegie Hall , where an orchestra is performing . The pigeon lady explains how her life collapsed and how she dealt with it by taking care of the pigeons in the park . Kevin gives the pigeon lady some advice and promises that he will be her friend . </P> <P> Kevin , after remembering what the bandits said , returns to the townhouse , and rigs it with numerous booby traps . Kevin arrives at the toy store during Harry and Marv 's robbery and throws a brick through the window , setting off the store 's alarm . Kevin then lures the duo to the townhouse , where he springs the traps and Harry and Marv suffer various injuries . When the duo chase Kevin around the townhouse , he escapes and calls the police . Harry and Marv catch him and take him down to Central Park to kill him , but the pigeon lady sneaks in and throws birdseed on the duo , and the pigeons storm in to incapacitate them . Kevin sets off fireworks he had bought earlier to signal the police . The police arrive and arrest the bandits . At the toy store , Mr. Duncan finds a note from Kevin attached to the brick , explaining about what happened . </P> <P> Kate , still searching for Kevin on foot , remembers his fondness for Christmas trees . After observing Kevin making a wish at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree , Kate meets him there , and they reconcile . On Christmas Day , a truckload of gifts arrive at the McCallisters ' hotel room from the toy store . Kevin and Buzz reconcile , and Buzz allows him to open up the first present . Kevin goes to Central Park to give the pigeon lady the second turtledove . At the Plaza , Buzz receives the bill for Kevin 's stay from Cedric and shows it to Peter . Peter suddenly calls out , `` Kevin , you spent $967 on room service ? ! '' at which point Kevin runs off . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Main cast ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister </Li> <Li> Joe Pesci as Harry Lime </Li> <Li> Daniel Stern as Marv Merchants </Li> </Ul> <H3> The McCallister family ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Catherine O'Hara as Kate McCallister </Li> <Li> John Heard as Peter McCallister </Li> <Li> Devin Ratray as Buzz McCallister , Kevin 's brother who gets him into trouble </Li> <Li> Kieran Culkin ( Macaulay Culkin 's younger brother ) as Fuller McCallister </Li> <Li> Gerry Bamman as Frank McCallister , Kevin 's uncle </Li> <Li> Hillary Wolf as Megan McCallister </Li> <Li> Maureen Elisabeth Shay ( who replaces Angela Goethals ) as Linnie McCallister </Li> <Li> Mike Maronna as Jeff McCallister </Li> <Li> Terrie Snell as Leslie McCallister , Kevin 's aunt </Li> <Li> Jedidiah Cohen as Rod McCallister </Li> <Li> Senta Moses as Tracy McCallister </Li> <Li> Daiana Campeanu as Sondra McCallister </Li> <Li> Anna Slotky as Brooke McCallister </Li> </Ul> <H3> Other characters ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Brenda Fricker as the Pigeon Lady </Li> <Li> Tim Curry as Mr. Hector the concierge </Li> <Li> Eddie Bracken as Mr. E.F. Duncan </Li> <Li> Rob Schneider as Cedric the bellhop </Li> <Li> Dana Ivey as Hester Stone the desk clerk </Li> <Li> Ralph Foody as Johnny </Li> <Li> Rip Taylor , Jaye P. Morgan , and Jimmie Walker as themselves </Li> <Li> Ally Sheedy as New York ticket agent </Li> <Li> Chris Columbus as Duncan 's Toy Chest patron </Li> <Li> Donald Trump as himself </Li> <Li> Clare Hoak as Susie </Li> <Li> Leigh Zimmerman as Fashion Model </Li> <Li> Steve Sivak as Chours Director </Li> </Ul> <H2> Release ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Marketing ( edit ) </H3> <P> Numerous video games based on Home Alone 2 were released by THQ for such systems as the Sega Genesis , the Nintendo Entertainment System , the Super Nintendo Entertainment System , Game Boy and personal computers , mostly in late 1992 . A separate hand - held game was released by Tiger Electronics . Numerous board games were also released , some based around play cards , while another was a close emulation of the classic Mouse Trap . </P> <P> The Talkboy cassette recorder was produced as a tie - in for the movie by Tiger Electronics ( currently under Hasbro ) based on specifications provided by John Hughes | In Home Alone 2, Kevin's family goes to | [
] | 391 | Where does kevins family go in home alone 2? |
5098377822521811712 | Jessica Jones ( season 2 ) - wikipedia <H1> Jessica Jones ( season 2 ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Jessica Jones ( season 2 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Promotional poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Krysten Ritter </Li> <Li> Rachael Taylor </Li> <Li> Carrie - Anne Moss </Li> <Li> Eka Darville </Li> <Li> Leah Gibson </Li> <Li> J.R. Ramirez </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> Netflix </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> ← Previous Season 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> List of Jessica Jones episodes </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The second season of the American web television series Jessica Jones , which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name , follows Jones as she takes on a new case after the events surrounding her encounter with Kilgrave . It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) , sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise . The season will be produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios and Tall Girls Productions , with Melissa Rosenberg serving as showrunner . </P> <P> Krysten Ritter stars as Jones , with Rachael Taylor , Carrie - Anne Moss , and Eka Darville also returning from the first season . They are joined by Leah Gibson and J.R. Ramirez . The second season was ordered in January 2016 , with filming beginning in April 2017 , back - to - back with the miniseries Marvel 's The Defenders . Filming concluded in September 2017 . </P> <P> The season is scheduled to be released on March 8 , 2018 . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Cast <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Main </Li> <Li> 1.2 Notable guests </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Production <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Development </Li> <Li> 2.2 Writing </Li> <Li> 2.3 Casting </Li> <Li> 2.4 Filming </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Release <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Marketing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> Further information : List of Jessica Jones characters <H3> Main ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones </Li> <Li> Rachael Taylor as Patricia `` Trish '' Walker </Li> <Li> Carrie - Anne Moss as Jeri Hogarth </Li> <Li> Eka Darville as Malcolm Ducasse </Li> <Li> Leah Gibson as Ingrid </Li> <Li> J.R. Ramirez as Oscar </Li> </Ul> <H3> Notable guests ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> David Tennant as Kilgrave </Li> </Ul> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Development ( edit ) </H3> <P> In January 2015 , Netflix COO Ted Sarandos stated that Jessica Jones the series was `` eligible to go into multiple seasons for sure '' and Netflix would look at `` how well ( they ) are addressing both the Marvel fanbase but also the broader fanbase '' in terms of determining if additional seasons would be appropriate . In July 2015 , Sarandos said some of the Defender series would `` selectively have multiple seasons as they come out of the gate , '' with series showrunner Melissa Rosenberg saying she was hopeful Jessica Jones would get an additional season before Marvel 's The Defenders . Rosenberg later expanded on this , saying that Marvel Television and Netflix were working out the placement of a potential second season , though `` ( i ) t might not be possible from a logistical standpoint '' to have a second season of Jessica Jones debut before The Defenders ; Sarandos later confirmed this to be the case , stating that the season would air after The Defenders released in 2017 . On January 17 , 2016 , Netflix ordered a second season of 13 episodes . Raelle Tucker joined the season as an executive producer and writer , replacing Liz Friedman from the first season , who departed the series to work on the pilot for the ABC series , Conviction . </P> <H3> Writing ( edit ) </H3> <P> Rosenberg and the season 's writers were halfway through the writing process by August 2016 , with the scripts completed by the end of October 2016 . With The Defenders releasing before the season , Rosenberg used the miniseries as an opportunity to help `` set up '' elements for the season , working with The Defenders executive producers and writers Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez to do so . </P> <P> Rosenberg wanted to `` continue with ( the Jessica Jones ) character '' in the season , saying , `` She 's a very damaged character , her damage goes beyond ( David Tennant 's ) Kilgrave . There 's a lot to mine from in her backstory and in her present day situation '' . Actress Krysten Ritter said that the second season would evolve from the first , and that for Jones , `` The first season was in her head and the second season is in her heart , '' adding that Jones `` is in a pretty dark headspace '' at the beginning of the season and that the season would be `` more of an emotional thriller this time . '' On whether Tennant could return for the second season , Rosenberg said , `` Sure , when you have David Tennant , you want him around forever ... But the show is called Jessica Jones and the story is about Jessica 's arc and how does that play out in its best form ? '' It was noted that Kilgrave would be `` hard to top '' though , with Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb saying , `` One of the things that 's important about any Marvel show is your hero is often defined by how strong your antagonist is , '' with Rosenberg adding that the objective for the new villain , or villains , for the season would be not to match or do what was done with Kilgrave . As Kilgrave does appear in the season , Rosenberg felt it was important to have him return to `` be that mirror again '' for Jones , as he is `` such a part of her construction and her dilemma '' . </P> <P> Rosenberg also hoped to `` further expand on the ensemble and on Jessica 's world '' by giving more screen time to supporting characters , noting that in the first season , `` the trick of a show that 's called Jessica Jones ( is if ) she 's not in the scene , it 's not a guarantee that scene will end up in the final picture . You have to earn secondary character stories . You have to flesh them out enough so that they can eventually carry stories of their own '' in future seasons . She also wanted to continue to explore the relationship between Jones and Trish Walker , stating `` That is the core relationship in the piece . It is about female friendship , it is about how friends evolve -- they 're sisters , really -- and it 's about how they evolve and ping off each other . '' On Jones becoming famous after her heroics in the first season , Ritter said , `` She keeps her circle small because she does n't want people in her life , so there 's no textbook on how to deal with new popularity or new eyes on you . '' Speaking on the social issues she hoped to tackle in the season , after covering `` issues of choice , interracial relationships , domestic violence , ( and ) issues of consent '' while also exploring `` feminism and being a woman in this world '' in the first , Rosenberg said , `` I 'm not quite sure yet what the social issues are that we 're dealing with ( in season 2 ) . We 're just trying to find some resonance for ( Jessica Jones ) and a new place to push her , to give Krysten something new to play and really push the boundaries of the character . '' </P> <P> After much of the first season was taken from the Alias comic book , Rosenberg wanted to continue that trend with the second season , but acknowledged that `` the MCU is very different from the comics in terms of its mythology . In the books there were things building towards Civil War and all that , and here that 's not the case . The nature of that is we 're probably not going to be able to continue to do parallel storylines ( to Alias ) '' . On having Jones continue to struggle with the same issues in the second season , Loeb said , `` The end of the ( first season ) -- and it was one of the things that was very important when we talked about the end of the first ( season ) -- was that it was n't , ' Ooh , I triumphed and now I can get in my hovercar and join the Avengers . ' That was n't the story we were interested in telling . '' Rosenberg elaborated by comparing the Jessica Jones to her previous series Dexter , saying that she learned `` you can advance the character , but you never want to cure the character . With Dexter , the moment he felt guilt or accepted that he was ' bad , ' the show 's over . He 's no longer a sociopath . The equivalent for us would be if Jessica somehow recovered from the damage that had been done to her . People do n't just heal '' . She added that Jones ' killing of Kilgrave at the end of the first season was `` a life changing experience '' and something that would affect the character going forward . Rosenberg also stated that the season would be `` about digging deeper into this chaos and peeling back those layers ( of Jones ' life ) , just going to the core of her being '' after the first season focused on Jones ' trauma and facing her abuser . </P> <H3> Casting ( edit ) </H3> <P> After the season was ordered , several main cast members revealed that they would return for the second season , including Ritter as Jessica Jones , Rachael Taylor as Patricia `` Trish '' Walker , and Carrie - Anne Moss as Jeri Hogarth . Eka Darville also reprises his role as Malcolm Ducasse . In March 2017 , J.R. Ramirez was cast as Oscar , which was revealed in July after the airing of his character 's death on Power . By that month , Leah Gibson had also joined the cast , in the role of Ingrid . </P> <P> In April 2017 , Janet McTeer was cast in an undisclosed role , described as someone who has `` an enormous impact on Jessica 's life . '' In August , David Tennant was confirmed to be reprising his role as Kilgrave . </P> <H3> Filming ( edit ) </H3> <P> Filming began the week of April 3 , 2017 in New York City , once again using the working title Violet . This followed the end of production on The Defenders in March , with Ritter having indicated in May 2016 that the season would film back - to - back with The Defenders . Filming occurred at the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center . Filming for the season wrapped on September 14 , 2017 . </P> <P> Approaching the second season , Rosenberg wanted to increase the number of female directors working on the series as a further push for representation . This was a goal that `` Marvel was completely on board with '' , and given the demand of many talented female directors at the time , the series ' producers looked | Season 2 of Jessica Jones is being released on | [
"March 8, 2018"
] | 299 | When is season 2 of jessica jones being released? |
-1241024226866484626 | Texas Bowl - wikipedia <H1> Texas Bowl </H1> Jump to : navigation , search `` AdvoCare V100 Bowl '' and `` AdvoCare Bowl '' redirect here . For the bowl game that AdvoCare previously sponsored ( 2009 -- 13 ) , see Independence Bowl . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Texas Bowl </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Academy Sports + Outdoors Texas Bowl </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Stadium </Th> <Td> NRG Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Location </Th> <Td> Houston , Texas </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Operated </Th> <Td> 2006 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Conference tie - ins </Th> <Td> Big 12 , SEC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Previous conference tie - ins </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Big East / C - USA / MWC ( alternating years ) ( 2006 -- 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Big Ten ( 2010 -- 2013 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Payout </Th> <Td> US $ 3 million per team ( as of 2015 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Preceded by </Th> <Td> Houston Bowl </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Sponsors </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Meineke Car Care ( 2011 -- 2012 ) </Li> <Li> AdvoCare ( 2014 -- 2016 ) </Li> <Li> Academy Sports + Outdoors ( 2017 - present ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Former names </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Texas Bowl ( 2006 -- 2010 ) </Li> <Li> Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas ( 2011 -- 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Texas Bowl ( 2013 ) </Li> <Li> AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl ( 2014 -- 2016 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 2016 matchup </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Texas A&M vs. Kansas State ( Kansas State 33 -- 28 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 2017 matchup </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Missouri vs Texas ( Texas 33 -- 16 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Texas Bowl , officially the Academy Sports + Outdoors Texas Bowl for sponsorship purposes , is a post-season NCAA - sanctioned Division I FBS college football bowl game first held in 2006 in Houston , Texas . The bowl replaced the defunct Houston Bowl , which played annually from 2000 to 2005 , and before that the Bluebonnet Bowl , the first bowl game in Houston , played from 1959 through 1987 . </P> <P> From 2011 to 2012 , the game was sponsored by Meineke Car Care and officially known as the Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas . The game was then officially the AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl from 2014 to 2016 , with AdvoCare as the title sponsor . Since 2017 , the game has been sponsored by Academy Sports + Outdoors . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Replacing the Houston Bowl </Li> <Li> 1.2 Texas Bowl introduction </Li> <Li> 1.3 Sponsors </Li> <Li> 1.4 Conference tie - ins </Li> <Li> 1.5 Issues </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Game results </Li> <Li> 3 MVPs </Li> <Li> 4 Most appearances </Li> <Li> 5 Appearances by conference </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Replacing the Houston Bowl ( edit ) </H3> <P> Speculation surfaced questioning the long - term survival of the former Houston Bowl . The three - year contract with expired on December 31 , 2005 , leaving the bowl game without a title sponsor . A college football official told the Houston Chronicle that the bowl was in danger of ceasing operations , as a result of the game losing its title sponsor and because the Houston Bowl still owed roughly $600,000 to the Big 12 and Mountain West conferences following the 2005 game . However , the NCAA approved Lone Star Sports & Entertainment , a division of the Houston Texans , who also play in Reliant Stadium , to take over game management . In July 2006 , the NFL Network acquired TV rights and naming rights to the bowl . </P> <H3> Texas Bowl introduction ( edit ) </H3> <P> The Texas Bowl name and logo were officially unveiled on August 10 , 2006 , at a press conference along with conference affiliations for the bowl spots . The Big 12 , Big East and Conference USA will be affiliated with the game , as well as Texas Christian University of the Mountain West . The 2006 matchup featured teams from the Big 12 and Big East Conferences . </P> <P> On December 3 , 2006 , Rutgers accepted an invitation to play Kansas State in the inaugural Texas Bowl . `` We 're ecstatic about having Rutgers , '' Texas Bowl director David Brady said . `` This is a top - 15 team that was three yards away from a BCS game . We could n't be happier to have them here . '' </P> <P> 2010 marked the eleventh consecutive year a bowl game has played in Houston , and the 40th year overall with a bowl game there ( the Bluebonnet Bowl lasted 29 years ) . It was also announced on December 30 , 2009 , that ESPN Plus would take over as part owner and operator of the game , while Lone Star Sports and Entertainment will maintain a stake in the bowl , and would be carried on ESPN . </P> <H3> Sponsors ( edit ) </H3> <P> On April 12 , 2011 , ESPN announced Meineke Car Care signed a three - year title sponsorship deal beginning in 2011 , changing name of the bowl to the Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas . </P> <P> On February 12 , 2014 , it was announced that AdvoCare will be the title sponsor for the bowl game . That sponsorship concluded after the 2016 game . </P> <P> On November 15 , 2017 , Academy Sports + Outdoors became the new title sponsor of the bowl . </P> <H3> Conference tie - ins ( edit ) </H3> <P> On May 17 , 2007 , it was announced Conference USA would have a team in the 2007 Texas Bowl . The Texas Bowl has a rotating commitment with the Big East Conference and Conference USA for 2006 -- 09 while the Big 12 Conference will have a team in all four of those games . In 2007 , TCU took the place of the Big 12 team when Kansas and Oklahoma were put into the BCS , and Houston , a `` home team , '' represented C - USA . The conferences would receive $612,500 each as per the rules of the agreements as usually , the Big East ( or Big 12 ) would have received $750,000 for playing and C - USA would have received a $500,000 stipend for their team playing . </P> <H3> Issues ( edit ) </H3> <P> According to Sports Illustrated , in 2008 the bowl required Western Michigan University to purchase 11,000 tickets at full price in order to accept the invitation to play in the bowl . The university was only able to sell 548 tickets at that price , forcing it to accept a $462,535 loss , before travel expenses , to pay for the privilege of playing in the bowl . </P> <H2> Game results ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Season </Th> <Th> Date </Th> <Th> Time ( CST ) </Th> <Th colspan="4"> Teams </Th> <Th> Attendance </Th> <Th> TV </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2006 </Td> <Td> December 28 </Td> <Td> 7 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Rutgers </Td> <Td> 37 </Td> <Td> Kansas State </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> 52,210 </Td> <Td> NFL Network </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2007 </Td> <Td> December 28 </Td> <Td> 7 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> TCU </Td> <Td> 20 </Td> <Td> Houston </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 62,097 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2008 </Td> <Td> December 30 </Td> <Td> 7 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Rice </Td> <Td> 38 </Td> <Td> Western Michigan </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> 58,880 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2009 </Td> <Td> December 31 </Td> <Td> 2 : 30 PM </Td> <Td> Navy </Td> <Td> 35 </Td> <Td> Missouri </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 69,441 </Td> <Td> ESPN </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> December 29 </Td> <Td> 5 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Illinois </Td> <Td> 38 </Td> <Td> Baylor </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> 68,211 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2011 </Td> <Td> December 31 </Td> <Td> 11 : 00 AM </Td> <Td> Texas A&M </Td> <Td> 33 </Td> <Td> Northwestern </Td> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> 68,395 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2012 </Td> <Td> December 28 </Td> <Td> 8 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Texas Tech </Td> <Td> 34 </Td> <Td> Minnesota </Td> <Td> 31 </Td> <Td> 50,386 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2013 </Td> <Td> December 27 </Td> <Td> 5 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Syracuse </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> Minnesota </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> <Td> 32,327 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2014 </Td> <Td> December 29 </Td> <Td> 8 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Arkansas </Td> <Td> 31 </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 71,115 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> December 29 </Td> <Td> 8 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> LSU </Td> <Td> 56 </Td> <Td> Texas Tech </Td> <Td> 27 </Td> <Td> 71,307 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> December 28 </Td> <Td> 8 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Kansas State </Td> <Td> 33 </Td> <Td> Texas A&M </Td> <Td> 28 </Td> <Td> 68,412 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2017 </Td> <Td> December 27 </Td> <Td> 8 : 00 PM </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> 33 </Td> <Td> Missouri </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> 67,820 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> MVPs ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> MVP </Th> <Th> Team </Th> <Th> Position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2006 </Td> <Td> Ray Rice </Td> <Td> Rutgers </Td> <Td> RB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2007 </Td> <Td> Andy Dalton </Td> <Td> TCU </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2008 </Td> <Td> Chase Clement </Td> <Td> Rice </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2009 </Td> <Td> Ricky Dobbs </Td> <Td> Navy </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Mikel Leshoure </Td> <Td> Illinois </Td> <Td> RB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2011 </Td> <Td> Ryan Tannehill </Td> <Td> Texas A&M </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2012 </Td> <Td> Seth Doege </Td> <Td> Texas Tech </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2013 </Td> <Td> Terrel Hunt </Td> <Td> Syracuse </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2014 </Td> <Td> Brandon Allen </Td> <Td> Arkansas </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2015 </Td> <Td> Leonard Fournette </Td> <Td> LSU </Td> <Td> RB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2016 </Td> <Td> Jesse Ertz </Td> <Td> Kansas State </Td> <Td> QB </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2017 </Td> <Td> Michael Dickson </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Most appearances ( edit ) </H2> <Dl> <Dt> Teams with multiple appearances </Dt> </Dl> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Rank </Th> <Td> Team </Td> <Td> Appearances </Td> <Td> Record </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> T1 </Td> <Td> Kansas State </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> T1 </Td> <Td> Texas </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> T1 </Td> <Td> Texas A&M </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> T1 </Td> <Td> Texas Tech </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> T1 </Td> <Td> Minnesota </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 -- 2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> T1 </Td> <Td> Missouri </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 -- 2 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Dl> <Dt> Teams with a single appearance </Dt> </Dl> <P> Won : Arkansas , Illinois , LSU , Navy , Rice , Rutgers , Syracuse , TCU Lost : Baylor , Houston , Northwestern , Western Michigan </P> <H2> Appearances by Conference ( edit ) </H2> <P> Through the December 2017 playing , there have been 12 games ( 24 total appearances ) . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Rank </Th> <Th> Conference </Th> <Th> Appearances </Th> <Th> Wins </Th> <Th> Losses | The payout for the Texas Bowl is | [
"US$3 million per team"
] | 159 | What is the payout for the texas bowl? |
-3088831012491766629 | Game of Thrones ( season 8 ) - wikipedia <H1> Game of Thrones ( season 8 ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Game of Thrones ( season 8 ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Promotional poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> See List of Game of Thrones cast </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> HBO </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> ← Previous Season 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> List of Game of Thrones episodes </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was announced by HBO in July 2016 . Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes , the eighth season will have only six episodes . Like the previous season , it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire series , and will instead adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series , The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring . </P> <P> The season will be adapted for television by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss . Filming officially began on October 23 , 2017 . The season is scheduled to premiere in 2019 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Episodes </Li> <Li> 2 Cast <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Main cast </Li> <Li> 2.2 Supporting cast </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Production <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Crew </Li> <Li> 3.2 Writing </Li> <Li> 3.3 Filming </Li> <Li> 3.4 Episodes </Li> <Li> 3.5 Music </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> See also : List of Game of Thrones episodes <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> U.S. viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 68 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> David Nutter </Td> <Td> Dave Hill </Td> <Td> 2019 ( 2019 ) </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 69 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> David Nutter </Td> <Td> Bryan Cogman </Td> <Td> 2019 ( 2019 ) </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 70 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> Miguel Sapochnik </Td> <Td> David Benioff & D.B. Weiss </Td> <Td> 2019 ( 2019 ) </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 71 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> David Nutter </Td> <Td> David Benioff & D.B. Weiss </Td> <Td> 2019 ( 2019 ) </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 72 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> Miguel Sapochnik </Td> <Td> David Benioff & D.B. Weiss </Td> <Td> 2019 ( 2019 ) </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 73 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> David Benioff & D.B. Weiss </Td> <Td> David Benioff & D.B. Weiss </Td> <Td> 2019 ( 2019 ) </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> See also : List of Game of Thrones characters Peter Dinklage ( Tyrion Lannister ) Nikolaj Coster - Waldau ( Jaime Lannister ) Lena Headey ( Cersei Lannister ) Emilia Clarke ( Daenerys Targaryen ) <H3> Main cast ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister </Li> <Li> Nikolaj Coster - Waldau as Jaime Lannister </Li> <Li> Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister </Li> <Li> Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen </Li> <Li> Kit Harington as Jon Snow </Li> <Li> Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth </Li> <Li> Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark </Li> <Li> Maisie Williams as Arya Stark </Li> <Li> Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei </Li> <Li> Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth </Li> <Li> John Bradley as Samwell Tarly </Li> <Li> Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark </Li> <Li> Rory McCann as Sandor `` The Hound '' Clegane </Li> <Li> Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont </Li> <Li> Conleth Hill as Varys </Li> <Li> Carice van Houten as Melisandre </Li> <Li> Jerome Flynn as Bronn </Li> <Li> Joe Dempsie as Gendry </Li> </Ul> <H3> Supporting cast ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Ben Crompton as Eddison Tollett </Li> <Li> Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Gregor Clegane </Li> <Li> Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm </Li> <Li> Rupert Vansittart as Yohn Royce </Li> <Li> Marc Rissmann as Harry Strickland </Li> </Ul> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Crew ( edit ) </H3> <P> Series creators and executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will serve as showrunners for the eighth season . The directors for the eighth season were announced in September 2017 . Miguel Sapochnik , who previously directed `` The Gift '' and `` Hardhome '' on season 5 , as well as `` Battle of the Bastards '' and `` The Winds of Winter '' on season 6 will return as director . He will divide up direction of the first five episodes with David Nutter , who had directed two episodes on seasons two , three and five . The final episode of the show will be directed by Benioff and Weiss , who have previously directed one episode each . </P> <P> At the show 's South by Southwest panel on March 12 , 2017 , Benioff and Weiss announced the writers for the show to be Dave Hill ( episode 1 ) and Bryan Cogman ( episode 2 ) . The showrunners will then divide up the screenplay for the remaining four episodes amongst themselves . </P> <H3> Writing ( edit ) </H3> <P> Writing for the eighth season started with a 140 - page outline . Benioff said that the divvying up process and who should write what section became more difficult , being that `` this would be the last time that we would be doing this . '' </P> <H3> Filming ( edit ) </H3> <P> In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , HBO programming president Casey Bloys stated that instead of the series finale being a feature film , the final season would be `` six one - hour movies '' on television . He continued , `` The show has proven that TV is every bit as impressive and in many cases more so , than film . What they 're doing is monumental . '' Filming officially began on October 23 , 2017 . </P> <H3> Episodes ( edit ) </H3> <P> Co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have said that the seventh and eighth season would likely consist of fewer episodes , stating that after season six , they were `` down to our final 13 episodes after this season . We 're heading into the final lap . '' Benioff and Weiss stated that they were unable to produce 10 episodes in the show 's usual 12 to 14 month time frame , as Weiss said , `` It 's crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule . '' HBO confirmed in July 2016 , that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes , and would premiere later than usual in mid-2017 because of the later filming schedule . Benioff and Weiss later confirmed that the eighth season will consist of six episodes , and is expected to premiere later than usual for the same reason . </P> <P> Benioff and Weiss spoke about the end of the show , saying , `` From the beginning we 've wanted to tell a 70 - hour movie . It will turn out to be a 73 - hour movie , but it 's stayed relatively the same of having the beginning , middle and now we 're coming to the end . It would have been really tough if we lost any core cast members along the way , I 'm very happy we 've kept everyone and we get to finish it the way we want to . '' The season is set to air in 2019 . </P> <H3> Music ( edit ) </H3> <P> Ramin Djawadi is set to return as the composer of the show for the eighth season . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Hibberd , James ( July 30 , 2016 ) . `` Game of Thrones : HBO confirms season 8 will be last '' . Entertainment Weekly . Archived from the original on September 1 , 2016 . Retrieved March 13 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Birnbaum , Debra ( July 30 , 2016 ) . `` HBO Confirms ' Game of Thrones ' Will End With Eighth Season '' . Variety . Archived from the original on September 2 , 2016 . Retrieved March 13 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Hibberd , James ( May 24 , 2016 ) . `` George R.R. Martin revealed 3 huge shocks to Game of Thrones producers '' . Entertainment Weekly . Archived from the original on August 21 , 2016 . Retrieved March 13 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Hooton , Christopher ( September 27 , 2017 ) . `` Game of Thrones season 8 : Directors revealed for all episodes '' . The Independent . Archived from the original on October 20 , 2017 . Retrieved October 20 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Chitwood , Adam ( December 15 , 2017 ) . `` ' Justice League ' DP Fabian Wagner on Zack Snyder 's Cut , Superman 's Black Suit & ' Game of Thrones ' '' . Collider . Archived from the original on December 16 , 2017 . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Carson , Biz ( March 12 , 2017 ) . `` The final season of ' Game of Thrones ' will only be six episodes '' . Business Insider . Archived from the original on April 12 , 2017 . Retrieved April 11 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Game of Thrones Will Return in 2019 '' . HBO . Archived from the original on January 4 , 2018 . Retrieved January 4 , 2018 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Goldberg , Lesley ( June 21 , 2016 ) . `` ' Game of Thrones ' Stars Score Hefty Pay Raises for Season 8 '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on August 22 , 2017 . Retrieved August 28 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Liam Cunningham ( Davos ) talks about the filming schedule for Game of Thrones Season 8 '' . . January 10 , 2017 . Archived from the original on August 28 , 2017 . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Thompson , Avery ( February 15 , 2017 ) . `` Sophie Turner Drops Massive Spoiler About Sansa Stark 's Fate In Season 8 '' . Hollywood Life . Archived from the original on October 2 , 2017 . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Morton , Ashley ( August 28 , 2017 ) . `` Maisie Williams Thinks Arya Went Hunting for Trouble This Season '' . Making Off Game of Thrones . Archived from the original on September 16 , 2017 . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Shepherd , Jack ( October 24 , 2017 ) . `` Game of Thrones season 8 filming looks to be underway as cast members spotted in Belfast '' . The Independent . Archived from the original on October 24 , 2017 . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bradley , John ( August 29 , 2017 ) . `` There 's a new tag team in town . 💪 Hope you enjoyed season 7 . Thanks for watching and we 'll be back . The | The final season of Game of Thrones is | [
"the eighth season"
] | 147 | What is final season of game of thrones? |
8620612587997496991 | Vikram Samvat - Wikipedia <H1> Vikram Samvat </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> It has been requested that the title of this article be changed to Bikram Sambat . Please see the relevant discussion on the discussion page . Do not move the page until the discussion has reached consensus for the change and is closed . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> It has been suggested that Bikrami calendar be merged into this article . ( Discuss ) Proposed since October 2017 . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Vikram Samvat ( Hindi : विक्रम सम्वत् , Nepali : विक्रम सम्वत् ) ( abbreviated as V.S. ( or VS ) or B.S. ( or BS ) ) ; Listen ( help info ) ) is the historical Hindu calendar of India and Nepal . It uses lunar months and solar sidereal year ( see : Vedic time keeping ) . It is used as the official calendar in Nepal . </P> <P> The Vikram Samvat has two alternative systems . It started in 56 BCE in southern ( purnimanta ) and 57 -- 56 BCE in northern ( amanta ) systems of Hindu calendar . The Shukla Paksha in both systems coincides , most festivals occur in the Shukla Paksha . The era is named after King Vikramaditya of India . </P> <P> The lunisolar Vikram Samvat calendar is 56.7 years ahead ( in count ) of the solar Gregorian calendar . For example , the year 2074 VS began in 2017 CE and will end in 2018 CE . </P> <P> The Rana rulers of Nepal made Vikram Samvat the official Hindu calendar in 1901 CE , which started as Samvat 1958 . In Nepal , the new year begins with the first day of the month of Baishakh , which usually falls within the months of April -- May in the Gregorian calendar . The first day of the new year is passionately celebrated in a historical carnival that takes place every year in Bhaktapur , called Bisket Jatra.As before , from 2007 AD Nepal Sambat is recognized as the national calender . </P> <P> In India , the reformulated Saka Calendar is officially used ( although not for computing the dates of the traditional festivals ) , although in the Hindi version of the Preamble of the Constitution of India , the date of adoption of the constitution , 26 November 1949 , is presented in Vikram Samvat ( Margsheersh Shukla Saptami Samvat 2006 ) . There have been calls for the Vikram Samvat to replace Saka as India 's official calendar . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Divisions of a year <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Lunar metrics </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 History <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Vikramaditya legends </Li> <Li> 2.2 Historicity of the legends </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Culture </Li> <Li> 4 Converting Vikram Samvat to CE </Li> <Li> 5 See also </Li> <Li> 6 References </Li> <Li> 7 Further reading </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Divisions of a year ( edit ) </H2> <P> The classical Vikram Samvat uses lunar months and solar sidereal years . Because 12 months do not match a sidereal year exactly , correctional months ( adhika māsa ) are added , or occasionally subtracted ( kshaya masa ) . </P> <H3> Lunar metrics ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> A Tithi or lunar day is defined as the time it takes for the longitudinal angle between the moon and the Sun to increase by 12 ° . Tithis begin at varying times of day and vary in duration from approximately 19 to approximately 26 hours . </Li> <Li> A Paksa ( also Pakṣa ) or lunar fortnight consists of 15 tithis . </Li> <Li> A Māsa or lunar month ( approximately 29.5 days ) is divided into 2 Pakṣa s : the one between new moon and full moon ( waxing ) is called gaura ( bright ) or Śukla Pakṣa ; the one between full moon and new moon ( waning ) Kṛiṣhṇa ( dark ) or Vadhya Pakṣa </Li> <Li> A Ṛitu ( or season ) is 2 Māsa </Li> <Li> An Ayana is 3 Ṛitus </Li> <Li> A year is two Ayanas ( 1 ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Months of the Nepali Bikram Samvat : In North India India the Vikram samvat starts from Chaitra . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Name </Th> <Th> Nepali </Th> <Th> Hindi </Th> <Th> Days </Th> <Th> Corresponding Gregorian months </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Baishakh </Td> <Td> बैशाख </Td> <Td> बैशाख </Td> <Td> 30 / 31 ( 30.950 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-April to mid-May </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jestha </Td> <Td> जेठ </Td> <Td> जेष्ठ </Td> <Td> 31 / 32 ( 31.429 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-May to mid-June </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Ashadh </Td> <Td> असार </Td> <Td> आषाढ़ </Td> <Td> 31 / 32 ( 31.638 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-June to mid-July </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Shrawan </Td> <Td> साउन </Td> <Td> श्रावण or सावन </Td> <Td> 31 / 32 ( 31.463 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-July to mid-August </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> Bhadra </Td> <Td> भदौ </Td> <Td> भाद्र or भादो </Td> <Td> 31 / 32 ( 31.012 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-August to mid-September </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> Ashwin </Td> <Td> असोज </Td> <Td> आश्विन or कुआर / क्वार </Td> <Td> 30 / 31 ( 30.428 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-September to mid-October </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> Kartik </Td> <Td> कार्तिक </Td> <Td> कार्तिक </Td> <Td> 29 / 30 ( 29.879 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-October to mid-November </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> Mangsir </Td> <Td> मंसिर </Td> <Td> मार्ग or मंसिर / अगहन </Td> <Td> 29 / 30 ( 29.475 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-November to mid-December </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> Poush </Td> <Td> पुष </Td> <Td> पौष or पुष / पूस </Td> <Td> 29 / 30 ( 29.310 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-December to mid-January </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> Magh </Td> <Td> माघ </Td> <Td> माघ </Td> <Td> 29 / 30 ( 29.457 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-January to mid-February </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> Falgun </Td> <Td> फागुन </Td> <Td> फाल्गुन </Td> <Td> 29 / 30 ( 29.841 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-February to mid-March </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> Chaitra </Td> <Td> चैत </Td> <Td> चैत्र </Td> <Td> 30 / 31 ( 30.377 exactly ) </Td> <Td> mid-March to mid-April </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The exact length of each month is the time taken by the Sun to move through a full zodiac sign . </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Vikramaditya legends ( edit ) </H3> The Jain monk Kalakacharya and the Saka King ( Kalakacharya Katha manuscript , Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya , Mumbai ) <P> According to popular tradition , the legendary king Vikramaditya of Ujjain established the Vikrama Samvat era after defeating the Śakas . </P> <P> Kalakacharya Kathanaka ( `` An account of the monk Kalakacharya '' ) by the Jain sage Mahesarasuri gives the following account : Gandharvasena , the then - powerful king of Ujjain , abducted a nun called Sarasvati , who was the sister of the monk ( citation missing ) . The enraged monk sought the help of the Śaka ruler King Sahi in Sistan . Despite heavy odds but aided by miracles , the Śaka king defeated Gandharvasena and made him a captive . Sarasvati was repatriated , although Gandharvasena himself was forgiven . The defeated king retired to the forest , where he was killed by a tiger . His son , Vikramaditya , being brought up in the forest , had to rule from Pratishthana ( modern Paithan in Maharashtra ) . Later on , Vikramaditya invaded Ujjain and drove away the Śakas . To commemorate this event , he started a new era called the `` Vikrama era '' . The Ujjain calendar started around 58 -- 56 BCE , and the subsequent Shaka era calendar was started in 78 CE at Pratishthana . </P> <H3> Historicity of the legends ( edit ) </H3> <P> The association of the era beginning in 57 BCE with Vikramaditya is not found in any source before the 9th century CE . The earlier sources call this era by various names , including Kṛṭa ( 343 CE and 371 CE ) , Kritaa ( 404 CE ) , the era of the Malava tribe ( 424 CE ) , or simply , Samvat . </P> <P> The earliest known inscription that calls the era `` Vikrama '' is from 842 CE . This inscription of Chauhana ruler Chandamahasena was found at Dholpur , and is dated Vikrama Samvat 898 , Vaishakha Shukla 2 , Chanda ( 16 April 842 CE ) . The earliest known inscription that associates this era with a king called Vikramaditya is dated 971 CE . The earliest literary work that connects the era to Vikramaditya is Subhashita - Ratna - Sandoha ( 993 - 994 CE ) by the Jain author Amitagati . </P> <P> For this reason , multiple authors believe that the Vikram Samvat was not started by Vikramaditya , who might be a purely legendary king or the title adopted by a later king who renamed the era after himself . V.A. Smith and D.R. Bhandarkar believed that Chandragupta II adopted the title Vikramaditya , and changed the name of the era to `` Vikrama Samvat '' . According to Rudolf Hoernlé , the king responsible for this change was Yashodharman : Hoernlé also believed that he conquered Kashmir , and is same person as the `` Harsha Vikramaditya '' mentioned in Kalhana 's Rajatarangini . </P> <P> Earlier , some scholars believed that the Vikrama Samavat corresponded to the Azes era of the Indo - Scythian ( Śaka ) king King Azes . However , this was disputed by Robert Bracey following discovery of an inscription of Vijayamitra , which is dated in two eras . The theory seems to be now thoroughly discredited by Falk and Bennett , who place the inception of the Azes era in 47 -- 46 BCE . </P> <H2> Culture ( edit ) </H2> <P> The traditional New Year of Vikram Samvat is one of the many festivals of Nepal , marked by parties , family gatherings , the exchange of good wishes , and participation in rituals to ensure good fortune in the coming year . It occurs in mid-April each year , and coincides with the traditional new year in Assam , Bengal , Burma , Cambodia , Kerala , Kashmir , Manipur , Odisha , Punjab , Sri Lanka , Tamil Nadu and Thailand . </P> <P> In addition to Nepal , the Vikram Samvat calendar is also recognized in North and East India , and in Gujarat among Hindus . In Buddhist communities , the month of Baishakh is associated with Vesak or Buddha 's Birthday . It commemorates the birth , Enlightenment and passing of Gautama Buddha on the first full moon day in May , except in a leap year when the festival is held in June . Although this festival is not held on the same day as Pahela Baishakh , the holidays typically fall in the same month ( Baishakh ) of the Bengali , Hindu , and Theravada Buddhist calendars , and are related historically through the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism in South Asia . </P> <P> In Gujarat , the second day of Diwali is celebrated as the first day of the Vikram Samvat calendar which is the first day of the month Kartik . </P> <H2> Converting Vikram Samvat to CE ( edit ) </H2> <P> While an approximate conversion can be made by subtracting 56 or 57 , a precise computation requires identification of the version of Vikam Samvat that was used : </P> <Ul> <Li> Year expired ( default ) or current </Li> <Li> Kartikadi ( older or western India ) | The Vikram Samvat calendar is the official calendar in | [
] | 273 | Vikram samvat calender is official in which country? |
-5930016277857501798 | There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis - wikipedia <H1> There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article relies too much on references to primary sources . Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources . ( March 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop , Swears He 's Elvis '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Kirsty MacColl </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Desperate Character </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> A-side </Th> <Td> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Hard To Believe There 's a Guy ... ( country version ) '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> May 1981 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> 7 '' Vinyl </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Country pop </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Polydor </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Kirsty MacColl / Philip Rambow </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Barry Farmer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Kirsty MacColl singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Keep Your Hands Off My Baby '' ( 1981 ) </Td> <Td> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop , Swears He 's Elvis '' ( 1981 ) </Td> <Td> `` See That Girl '' ( 1981 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Keep Your Hands Off My Baby '' ( 1981 ) </Td> <Td> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis '' ( 1981 ) </Td> <Td> `` See That Girl '' ( 1981 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis '' was Kirsty MacColl 's first hit single , charting in the UK at # 14 in 1981 , and remaining in the charts for nine weeks . It reached # 9 in the Irish charts . A promotional version was released in the USA , which instead referenced a truck stop as opposed to the very British chip shop , but this was only available to DJs and did not get a full release . </P> <P> Norwegian singer Elisabeth Andreasson covered the song on her 1981 country album Angel of the Morning , with lyrics in Swedish by Hasse Olsson as `` Killen ner ' på Konsum svär att han är Elvis '' ( `` The guy down Konsum '' swears he 's Elvis ) . </P> <H2> Track listing ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis '' ( K. MacColl / P. Rambow ) </Li> <Li> `` Hard to Believe '' ( K. MacColl ) </Li> <Li> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis ( country version ) '' ( K. MacColl / P. Rambow ) </Li> </Ol> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis - Kirsty MacColl '' . Retrieved 2014 - 10 - 30 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis 7 '' single - Kirsty MacColl `` . Retrieved 2014 - 10 - 30 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Information at Svensk mediedatabas </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> freeworld - Kirsty MacColl fansite </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Kirsty MacColl </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Studio albums </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Desperate Character </Li> <Li> Kirsty MacColl </Li> <Li> Kite </Li> <Li> Electric Landlady </Li> <Li> Titanic Days </Li> <Li> Tropical Brainstorm </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Compilations </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Galore </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Notable singles </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> `` They Do n't Know '' </Li> <Li> `` Keep Your Hands Off My Baby '' </Li> <Li> `` There 's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He 's Elvis '' </Li> <Li> `` You Still Believe in Me '' </Li> <Li> `` Terry '' </Li> <Li> `` A New England '' </Li> <Li> `` Days '' </Li> <Li> `` Do n't Come The Cowboy With Me Sonny Jim ! '' </Li> <Li> `` Walking Down Madison '' </Li> <Li> `` Soho Square '' </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> With The Pogues </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> `` Fairytale of New York '' </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Related articles </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ewan MacColl </Li> <Li> Steve Lillywhite </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> 1981 singles </Li> <Li> 1981 songs </Li> <Li> Elisabeth Andreassen songs </Li> <Li> Kirsty MacColl songs </Li> <Li> Songs written by Kirsty MacColl </Li> <Li> Songs about Elvis Presley </Li> <Li> Polydor Records singles </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles lacking reliable references from March 2008 </Li> <Li> All articles lacking reliable references </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Svenska </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 8 September 2017 , at 19 : 12 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The lyrics to "There's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis" were written by | [
"Kirsty MacColl"
] | 211 | Who wrote there's a guy works down the chip shop lyrics? |
-3547760830383370594 | sold by Honda Prospect Motor ( HPM ) introduced in late quarter of 2003 . The Honda Jazz is manufactured completely knocked down ( CKD ) in Honda 's Karawang Plant , West Java , Indonesia . The second generation Jazz was introduced in the middle of 2008 , sold in S and RS ( Road Sailing ) versions . The RS has added airbags , ABS , EBD , a different head unit and body kit with bigger wheels . In 2008 , the total sales of Honda Jazz in Indonesia was 24.969 unit , ranked 5th in total for the best - selling passenger car in Indonesia . In 2009 , sales fell to 15,713 as economic activities slowed but sales ranking improved to the fourth best - selling passenger car of the country . It was also Honda 's best - selling car in Indonesia . As of the end of November 2010 , sales of Jazz totaled 20,581 unit for the year . As of the June 2014 , totaled 228.500 unit Honda Jazz were sales ( from early 2004 ) , making the car leader in the segment . In mid-2011 the Jazz underwent a minor change including the redesigned front grill , new front / rear bumper , and a LED taillights. and early 2013 the Jazz went a minor changes including new headlamp and taillights accent , added upper spoiler as standard , new wheels , new audio system , and ' RS ' badge on the grille . </P> <Dl> <Dt> India </Dt> </Dl> <P> Launched as Jazz in India in June 2009 with 26 per cent import content . It is manufactured by Honda Siel Cars India Limited at its factory in Greater Noida . In India the car is powered by 1.2 L i - VTEC engine . Honda Cars India postpones Next - Gen Jazz launch citing production limitations . Honda expects the launch of Next - Gen Jazz in India sometime during the next fiscal in 2015 . </P> <Dl> <Dt> Australia </Dt> </Dl> Pre-facelift Honda Jazz VTi - S ( Australia ) <P> The second generation Fit ( sold as the Jazz ) is available in Australia , albeit initially without electronic stability control ( known as Vehicle Stability Control in Honda nomenclature ) . Honda introduced the feature at the end of 2010 . Stability Control has since become standard on all Jazzes sold . Until the end of 2011 the Australian Jazz was sourced from Thailand . However , due to the 2011 flooding in Thailand , Honda Australia sourced two special editions of Jazz from Japan from early 2012 until Honda 's plant in Thailand resumed production . The Japan - produced Vibe and Vibe S replaced the existing GLi and VTi prefixed models . </P> <Dl> <Dt> Europe </Dt> </Dl> <P> On July 28 , 2008 , Honda UK announced that the second generation Jazz would be on sale from October 17 , 2008 . The new model will be sold with two new engine variants ; a 90 PS 1.2 - litre i - VTEC petrol capable of 55.4 miles per imperial gallon ( 5.10 L / 100 km ; 46.1 mpg ) ( combined ) and with low CO emissions of 120 g / km ; and a 100 PS 1.4 - litre i - VTEC petrol engine capable of 53.3 miles per imperial gallon ( 5.30 L / 100 km ; 44.4 mpg ) ( combined ) and with similarly low CO emissions of 123 g / km . Honda also announced the introduction of an optional new `` I - SHIFT '' semi-automatic gearbox replacing the traditional automatic CVT gearbox that had been available on the previous model . </P> <P> Production of the Jazz for European markets moved from Japan to Honda 's UK plant in Swindon on 7 October 2009 . </P> <P> Facelifted models and the new hybrid model went on sale on 1 February 2011 . Aerodynamics improvement help the Cd drop from 0.336 to 0.330 . Engine modifications result in a drop of carbon emission of two grams to 123 g / km for 1.2 L engine and 126 g / km for 1.4 L engine respectively . CVT transmission will also be available on cars with the larger engine . </P> <H2> Third generation gk series ( 2014 -- present ) ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Third Generation ( GK Series ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Overview </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production </Th> <Td> 2013 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Model years </Th> <Td> 2014 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Assembly </Th> <Td> Yorii , Japan Sumaré , Brazil Ayutthaya , Thailand Pingtung , Taiwan Karawang , Indonesia Malacca , Malaysia Guangzhou , China ( Guangqi Honda ) Celaya , Guanajuato , Mexico ( from Feb 2014 ) Tapukara , India ( from Jan 2015 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Designer </Th> <Td> Riku Wada ( 2010 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Body and chassis </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Related </Th> <Td> Honda City Honda HR - V Honda Freed Honda Shuttle Acura CDX </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Powertrain </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Engine </Th> <Td> 1.2 L L12B i - VTEC I4 petrol 1.3 L L13B Earth Dreams i - VTEC I4 1.5 L L15A I4 ( petrol ) 1.5 L L15B1 I4 ( petrol ) 1.5 L L15B Earth Dreams i - VTEC I4 1.5 L i - DTEC diesel </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Transmission </Th> <Td> 5 - speed manual ( China Only ) 6 - speed manual 7 - speed semi-automatic ( DCT ) CVT automatic </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Dimensions </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Wheelbase </Th> <Td> 2,530 mm ( 99.6 in ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 3,955 mm ( 155.7 in ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Width </Th> <Td> 1,695 mm ( 66.7 in ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Height </Th> <Td> 1,525 -- 1,550 mm ( 60.0 -- 61.0 in ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Curb weight </Th> <Td> 1,020 -- 1,080 kg ( 2,249 -- 2,381 lb ) 1,080 -- 1,170 kg ( 2,381 -- 2,579 lb ) ( Hybrid ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The third generation Fit retains the overall design concept of previous generations , notably the center - located fuel tank and multi-configuration interior concept , marketed as Magic Seating . </P> <P> Honda 's all - new `` Global Small Car Platform '' employing ultra-high strength 780 MPa yield steel for 27 % of its bodywork -- and a shorter overall length ( - 1.6 inches ) , longer wheelbase ( + 1.2 inch ) increased rear legroom ( + 4.8 inches ) and increased passenger volume ( + 4.9 cu ft ) compared to its previous generation . </P> <P> Body panels are both welded and bolted to the frame in a hybrid monocoque and spaceframe fusion -- and rear torsion beam suspension is more compact , no longer using an anti-sway bar to maximize interior and cargo space . The HR - V shares its platform with the Fit . </P> Honda Jazz VTi - L ( Australia ) Interior <Dl> <Dt> Japan </Dt> </Dl> <P> Japan models went on sale on September 6 , 2013 . Models available in Japan range from the 13G , 15X , RS and hybrid . </P> <P> The Fit Hybrid uses an Earth Dreams 1.5 - liter Atkinson cycle DOHC i - VTEC engine paired with a 7 - speed DCT ( dual - clutch transmission ) and an internal high - output motor , IPU ( Intelligent Power Unit ) with lithium - ion battery , electric servo braking system with variable servo ratio control . </P> <P> Compared to the outgoing IMA hybrid , the new hybrid can now run fully on electric while driving , making it on par with Toyota Prius . Japanese cycle fuel consumption go as low as 37 km / L for the facelift base model . </P> <P> Non-hybrid models include the 13G ( Earth Dreams 1.3 - liter Atkinson cycle DOHC i - VTEC engine and CVT transmission ) , 15X ( Earth Dreams 1.5 - liter direct injection DOHC i - VTEC engine ) , RS ( Earth Dreams 1.5 - liter direct injection DOHC i - VTEC engine ) . The RS variant just like the outgoing model , features cosmetic enhancements featuring a sporty all round bodykit , 16 inch wheels , red interior stitching and sports pedals . </P> <Dl> <Dt> North America </Dt> </Dl> <P> The U.S. model debuted at the 2014 North American International Auto Show and went on sale in June as a 2015 model year vehicle . The third generation model replaces the previous SOHC engine with an all - new 1.5 - liter DOHC i - VTEC engine featuring direct injection and an intake cam using continuously variable cam phasing with a variable lift dual cam lobe profile . Transmission options include a 6 - speed manual or continuously variable transmission ( CVT ) with available paddle shifters adopted from the Civic . Fuel mileage ratings for automatic models are 33 / 41 / 36 mpg ( LX model , city / highway / combined ) or 32 / 38 / 35 mpg ( EX and EX-L trim levels ) . </P> <P> All Fits trim levels include a multi-angle rear - view backup camera ; higher trims include dynamic guidelines . Honda 's LaneWatch passenger side - view mirror camera is also optional . </P> <Dl> <Dt> Malaysia </Dt> </Dl> <P> Malaysian third - gen B - segment hatch Honda Jazz is available in S , E and V variants . Regardless of which variant , all variant get a non-direct - injected 1.5 - litre SOHC i - VTEC engine developing 120 PS at 6,600 rpm and 145 Nm of torque at 4,600 rpm ( 200 rpm lower than in the outgoing Jazz ) and an ' Earth Dreams ' CVT . </P> <P> Honda launched the Jazz Hybrid in June 2017 , as the facelift version . Honda gives 8 - year unlimited mileage warranty on the battery . </P> <Dl> <Dt> Indonesia </Dt> </Dl> <P> Indonesian models of third generation Honda Jazz was launched in June 2014 and went on sale in the beginning of July . It is available in three types : the A , S , and E ( RS ) , with either manual or CVT transmissions , and a special edition called Black Top Limited Edition which was launched at Indonesian International Motor Show in September 2014 . </P> <Dl> <Dt> India </Dt> </Dl> <P> The new - generation Honda Jazz was rolled out on 8 July 2015 from the stables of Japanese automaker in India . Powering the new - gen Honda Jazz is a 1.2 - litre , i - VTEC motor churning a peak power of 90 ps and a 1.5 - litre i - DTEC , earth dreams diesel engine having a power of 100 ps. India is the first and the only market where Jazz has been offered in diesel as well . The diesel engine is mated to a 6 speed manual transmission . The hatchback has been offered in 5 regular variants ( E , S , SV , V and VX ) in manual transmission and 2 variants ( S and V ) in CVT ( continuously variable transmission ) . The upper V trim in CVT comes with first in segment , steering mounted paddle shifters offering 7 virtual manual selection . At the time of launch , the lowest E variant in petrol was priced at 5.31 lakhs while the top end VX variant was priced at 7.29 lakhs ( ex-showroom , New Delhi ) . The E variant in diesel was tagged at 6.5 lakhs while VX diesel priced 8.59 lakhs ( ex-showroom , New Delhi ) . </P> <Dl> <Dt> Philippines </Dt> </Dl> <P> In the Philippines the 3rd generation Honda Jazz was launched in 2014 available in three trims the base which is the 1.5. E available in | The weight of a Honda Fit is | [
"1,020–1,080 kg"
] | 10,165 | What is the weight of a honda fit? |
5926634737519636306 | The Little Couple - wikipedia <H1> The Little Couple </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Little Couple </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Reality </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> Bill Klein Jennifer Arnold - Klein William Rijin Klein Zoey Nidhi Klein </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original language ( s ) </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of seasons </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of episodes </Th> <Td> 134 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Production </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Executive producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Eric Schotz Ruth Rivin Melissa Tallerine </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Elizabeth Massie </Li> <Li> Oliver Oertel </Li> <Li> Sonya Gay Bourn </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Editor ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Adrian Herrera </Li> <Li> Paul Yates </Li> <Li> Ryan Ely </Li> <Li> Scott Reynolds </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Camera setup </Th> <Td> Multiple </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 22 to 24 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company ( s ) </Th> <Td> LMNO Productions </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> TLC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Picture format </Th> <Td> 480i ( SDTV ) 1080i ( HDTV ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original release </Th> <Td> May 26 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 26 ) -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> External links </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Little Couple is an American reality television series on TLC that debuted May 26 , 2009 . The series features Bill Klein , a businessman , and Dr. Jennifer Arnold , a neonatologist , who both have skeletal dysplasia . Arnold is 96.5 cm ( 3'2 `` ) and Klein 122 cm ( 4 feet ) tall . They moved from New York City , after Jen completed her pediatric residency and masters of medical education at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Production </Li> <Li> 2 Television appearances </Li> <Li> 3 Episodes <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Season 1 ( 2009 ) </Li> <Li> 3.2 Season 2 ( 2009 -- 10 ) </Li> <Li> 3.3 Season 3 ( 2010 ) </Li> <Li> 3.4 Season 4 ( 2011 ) </Li> <Li> 3.5 Season 5 ( 2012 -- 13 ) </Li> <Li> 3.6 Season 6 ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> 3.7 Season 7 ( 2014 -- 15 ) </Li> <Li> 3.8 Season 8 ( 2016 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> The show begins with the couple having just moved to Houston , Texas , where the series has documented the customized building of their home and attempts to have a child . Arnold is a neonatologist who works at the Texas Children 's Hospital , and Klein is a medical supplies and telemarketing businessman . </P> <P> They were originally introduced in a one - hour TLC special , Little People : Just Married . Season 1 of the show premiered on May 26 , 2009 . Season 2 premiered on October 27 , 2009 . On February 22 , 2010 , TLC renewed The Little Couple for a third season consisting of 20 episodes . The mid-season finale aired after 9 episodes on July 27 , 2010 , and season 3 returned on October 12 , 2010 . It was announced on Facebook that the show would be returning for its 4th season on May 31 , 2011 . Again , the season was split , with the second half of season 4 premiering on September 27 , 2011 . </P> <P> In February 2012 , Klein opened Rocky&Maggie in Rice Village Houston . named after their pets Chihuahua Rocky and rescue mutt terrier Maggie . Arnold 's mother Judy manages the store . Season 5 began on March 20 , 2012 , and follows Klein and Arnold as they move into their custom - built dream home and launch a brand - new business . In March 2013 , they adopted their son , Will , from Hohhot , China . The adoption of their son , who also has dwarfism , is featured in Season 5 . On October 15 , 2013 , they adopted a daughter , Zoey , also a little person , from Delhi , India . The series went into an hiatus on June 4 , 2013 , and returned on August 13 , 2013 . </P> <P> In December 2013 , Arnold revealed that she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer , stage 4 choriocarcinoma , due to a non-viable pregnancy she had suffered in September 2013 . She allowed the cameras to document her struggle . </P> <P> Season 6 premiered on March 4 , 2014 . It features Zoey 's adoption , Arnold 's cancer treatment , Will 's fourth birthday , baptisms , the holiday season , and Arnold 's 40th birthday . </P> <P> The new season of The Little Couple premiered on September 19 , 2017 . </P> <H2> Television appearances ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> The Oprah Winfrey Show ( March 9 , 2009 ) </Li> <Li> The Today Show ( July 7 , 2009 ) </Li> <Li> The Dr. Oz Show ( October 1 , 2009 ) </Li> <Li> Good Day L.A. ( December 16 , 2009 ) </Li> <Li> The Wendy Williams Show ( May 25 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> ABC News ( May 25 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> KHOU Great Day Houston ( August 19 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> The Doctors ( 2008 TV series ) ( October 6 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> ABC 13 ( November 18 , 2010 ) </Li> <Li> Good Day L.A. ( August 2 , 2011 ) </Li> <Li> KHOU : Great Day Houston ( August 2 , 2011 ) </Li> <Li> Extreme Makeover : Home Edition ( October 16 , 2011 ) </Li> <Li> KHOU : Great Day Houston ( November 23 , 2011 ) </Li> <Li> KHOU : Great Day Houston ( February 2 , 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Fox News ( March 19 , 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Anderson ( March 20 , 2012 ) </Li> </Ul> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season </Th> <Th> Episodes </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Originally aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First aired </Th> <Th> Last aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> May 26 , 2009 </Td> <Td> August 4 , 2009 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> October 27 , 2009 </Td> <Td> February 23 , 2010 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> June 1 , 2010 </Td> <Td> December 7 , 2010 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> May 31 , 2011 </Td> <Td> November 1 , 2011 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 35 </Td> <Td> March 20 , 2012 </Td> <Td> October 15 , 2013 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> March 4 , 2014 </Td> <Td> June 17 , 2014 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> December 2 , 2014 </Td> <Td> June 30 , 2015 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> January 5 , 2016 </Td> <Td> March 8 , 2016 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Season 1 ( 2009 ) ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No. in series </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 0 </Th> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> `` Little People : Just Married '' </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2009 ( 2009 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill Klein and Jennifer Arnold are introduced in this one - hour special following them before , during , and after their wedding . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Bill Moves to Houston '' </Td> <Td> May 26 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 26 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Jen has started her new job in Houston , and Bill is ready to move to Texas from New York . They take a road trip , with a stop in New Orleans on the way . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Jen 's Birthday '' </Td> <Td> May 26 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 26 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill wants to make Jen 's birthday special , giving her flowers and jewelry and going to pick up her new specially - modified car . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Gym , Spa , Shop ' Til Bill Drops '' </Td> <Td> June 2 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill is finally in Houston . He decides to spend a Saturday morning at the gym , while Jen opts for a spa day with friends . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Work & Play in Galveston '' </Td> <Td> June 2 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Jen gives a presentation at a conference in Galveston . Bill goes along , hoping to spend some time with his wife . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` House Hunting '' </Td> <Td> June 9 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 09 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill and Jen start house hunting , but they want very different things . Jen wants to be near the city , and Bill wants to be in the suburbs . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` One Year Anniversary '' </Td> <Td> June 9 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 09 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill and Jen spend their first anniversary together , but they worry about the medical bills from Bill 's recent surgery . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 7 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` Leavin ' on a Jet Plane '' </Td> <Td> June 16 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 16 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Jen is left alone in Houston while Bill goes on a business trip to Baltimore . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 8 </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> `` While the Cat 's Away '' </Td> <Td> June 23 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 23 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> While Bill goes to Las Vegas for his brother 's bachelor party , Jen 's mother visits her daughter in Houston and Jen deals with critically ill patients at the hospital . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 9 </Th> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> `` Bill 's Honey - Do List '' </Td> <Td> June 30 , 2009 ( 2009 - 06 - 30 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Jen makes Bill a honey - do list of home chores . Later , they learn about parenthood when they visit a teenager with dwarfism . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 10 </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> `` Hawaii Here We Come : Part 1 '' </Td> <Td> July 7 , 2009 ( 2009 - 07 - 07 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill and Jen are off to Hawaii for vacation . To be continued ... </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 11 </Th> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> `` Hawaii Here We Come : Part 2 '' </Td> <Td> July 14 , 2009 ( 2009 - 07 - 14 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="4"> Bill and Jen continue to enjoy their vacation in Hawaii and participate in hula lessons , attend a luau and do lots of shopping . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 12 </Th> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> `` The Big Bang Theory '' </Td> <Td> July 21 , 2009 ( 2009 - 07 | The new season of Little Couple starts on | [
"September 19, 2017"
] | 884 | When does the little couples new season start? |
1311019403755331535 | Robbie Coltrane - wikipedia <H1> Robbie Coltrane </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Robbie Coltrane OBE </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Coltrane in April 2007 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> Anthony Robert McMillan ( 1950 - 03 - 30 ) 30 March 1950 ( age 67 ) Rutherglen , South Lanarkshire , Scotland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nationality </Th> <Td> British </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Alma mater </Th> <Td> University of Edinburgh </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Occupation </Th> <Td> Actor , Author </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Years active </Th> <Td> 1979 -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Height </Th> <Td> 6 ft 1 in ( 185 cm ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Spouse ( s ) </Th> <Td> Rhona Gemmell ( m . 1999 -- 2003 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Children </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Robbie Coltrane , OBE ( born Anthony Robert McMillan ; 30 March 1950 ) is a Scottish actor and author . He is known for his roles as Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films , as Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky in the James Bond films GoldenEye and The World Is Not Enough , and as Dr. Eddie `` Fitz '' Fitzgerald in the British TV series Cracker during the 1990s . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Early life and education </Li> <Li> 2 Career </Li> <Li> 3 Personal life </Li> <Li> 4 Filmography and awards <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Film </Li> <Li> 4.2 Television </Li> <Li> 4.3 Other awards </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Early life and Education ( edit ) </H2> <P> Coltrane was born Anthony Robert McMillan in Rutherglen , South Lanarkshire , Scotland , the son of Jean Ross ( née Howie ) , a teacher and pianist , and Ian Baxter McMillan , a general practitioner who also served as a forensic police surgeon . He has an older sister , Annie , and a younger sister , Jane . Coltrane is the great - grandson of Scottish businessman Thomas W. Howie and the nephew of businessman Forbes Howie . </P> <P> He was educated at Glenalmond College , an independent school in Perthshire , from which he was nearly expelled after hanging the prefects ' gowns from the school clocktower . Though he later described his experiences there as deeply unhappy , he played for the rugby First XV , was head of the school 's debating society and won prizes for his art . From Glenalmond , Coltrane went on to Glasgow School of Art , where he was ridiculed for `` having an accent like Prince Charles '' ( of which he quickly disposed , though not before gaining the nickname `` Lord Fauntleroy '' ) , and thereafter the Moray House College of Education ( part of the University of Edinburgh ) in Edinburgh , Scotland . </P> <P> Coltrane later called for private schools to be banned and used to be known as `` Red Robbie '' , rebelling against his conservative upbringing through involvement with Amnesty International , Greenpeace , the Labour Party and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament . </P> <H2> Career ( edit ) </H2> Coltrane in costume in the 1980s <P> Coltrane moved into acting in his early twenties , taking the stage name Coltrane ( in tribute to jazz saxophonist John Coltrane ) and working in theatre and comedy . Appearing in the 1981 BBC television comedy series A Kick Up the Eighties , his comic skills also brought him roles in The Comic Strip Presents ( 1982 ) series and the comedy sketch shows Alfresco ( 1983 -- 1984 ) and Laugh ? ? ? I Nearly Paid My Licence Fee ( 1984 ) . </P> <P> Coltrane moved into roles in films such as Flash Gordon ( 1980 ) , Death Watch ( 1980 ) , Balham , Gateway to the South ( 1981 ) , Scrubbers ( 1983 ) , Krull ( 1983 ) , The Supergrass ( 1985 ) , Defence of the Realm ( 1985 ) , Absolute Beginners ( 1986 ) , Mona Lisa ( 1986 ) and appeared as `` Annabelle '' in The Fruit Machine ( 1988 ) . On television , he appeared in The Young Ones , Tutti Frutti ( 1987 ) , as Samuel Johnson in Blackadder ( 1987 ) ( a role he later reprised in the more serious Boswell and Johnson 's Tour of the Western Islands ( 1993 ) ) , and in a number of stand - up and sketch comedy shows . He played the part of Falstaff in Kenneth Branagh 's Henry V ( 1989 ) He co-starred with Eric Idle in Nuns on the Run ( 1990 ) , and played the Pope in The Pope Must Die ( 1991 ) . He also played a would - be private detective obsessed with Humphrey Bogart in the TV play The Bogie Man . </P> <P> His roles continued in the 1990s with the TV series Cracker ( 1993 -- 1996 , returning in 2006 for a one - off special ) , in which he starred as forensic psychologist Dr. Edward `` Fitz '' Fitzgerald . The role won him three BAFTA awards . Roles in bigger films followed ; the James Bond films GoldenEye ( 1995 ) and The World Is Not Enough ( 1999 ) , a supporting role in From Hell ( 2001 ) , as well as half - giant Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films ( 2001 -- 2011 ) . J.K. Rowling , author of the Harry Potter series , had Coltrane at the top of her list to play Hagrid and , when asked whom she would like to see in the role , responded `` Robbie Coltrane for Hagrid '' in one quick breath . There is also an unnamed 8ft actor who stands in for the 6ft 1in Coltrane in some scenes . </P> <P> Coltrane has also presented a number of documentary programmes for the British ITV network based around his twin passions for travel and transportation . Coltrane in a Cadillac ( 1993 ) saw him cross North America from Los Angeles to New York behind the wheel of a 1951 Cadillac Series 62 coupe convertible , a journey of 3,765 miles ( 6,059 km ) which he completed in 32 days . </P> <P> In 1997 , Coltrane appeared in a series of six programmes under the title Coltrane 's Planes and Automobiles , in which he extolled the virtues of the steam engine , the diesel engine , the supercharger , the V8 engine , the two - stroke engine , and the jet engine . In these programmes he dismantled and rebuilt several engines . He also single - handedly removed the engine from a Trabant car in 23 minutes . </P> <P> In August 2007 , Coltrane presented a series for ITV called B - Road Britain , in which he travelled from London to Glasgow , stopping in towns and villages along the way . </P> <P> Coltrane was voted No. 11 in ITV 's TV 's 50 Greatest Stars and sixth in a poll of 2000 adults across the UK to find the ' most famous Scot ' , behind the Loch Ness Monster , Robert Burns , Sean Connery , Robert the Bruce and William Wallace . </P> <H2> Personal life ( edit ) </H2> <P> Coltrane married Rhona Gemmell on 11 December 1999 . The couple have two children : son Spencer ( b . 1992 ) , and daughter Alice ( b . 1998 ) . </P> <H2> Filmography and Awards ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Film ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Role </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1980 </Td> <Td> Flash Gordon </Td> <Td> Man at air field </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1980 </Td> <Td> Death Watch </Td> <Td> Limousine Driver </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1982 </Td> <Td> Britannia Hospital </Td> <Td> Striking worker on picket line </Td> <Td> Non-speaking role </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Ghost Dance </Td> <Td> George </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Krull </Td> <Td> Rhun </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1984 </Td> <Td> Chinese Boxes </Td> <Td> Harwood </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1985 </Td> <Td> National Lampoon 's European Vacation </Td> <Td> Man in bathroom </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1985 </Td> <Td> Supergrass , The The Supergrass </Td> <Td> Det . Sgt . Troy </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1985 </Td> <Td> Defence of the Realm </Td> <Td> Leo McAskey </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1986 </Td> <Td> Caravaggio </Td> <Td> Scipione </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1986 </Td> <Td> Mona Lisa </Td> <Td> Thomas </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Eat the Rich </Td> <Td> Jeremy </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1988 </Td> <Td> Fruit Machine , The The Fruit Machine </Td> <Td> Annabelle </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1989 </Td> <Td> Henry V </Td> <Td> Falstaff </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1989 </Td> <Td> Bert Rigby , You 're a Fool </Td> <Td> Sid Trample </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1989 </Td> <Td> Let It Ride </Td> <Td> Ticket Seller </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1989 </Td> <Td> Danny , the Champion of the World </Td> <Td> Victor Hazell </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1989 </Td> <Td> Slipstream </Td> <Td> Montclaire </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1990 </Td> <Td> Midnight Breaks </Td> <Td> Fat </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1990 </Td> <Td> Nuns on the Run </Td> <Td> Charlie McManus / Sister Inviolata </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1990 </Td> <Td> Perfectly Normal </Td> <Td> Alonzo Turner </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1991 </Td> <Td> Pope Must Die , The The Pope Must Die </Td> <Td> The Pope </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1991 </Td> <Td> Triple Bogey on a Par Five Hole </Td> <Td> Steffano Baccardi </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Oh , What a Night </Td> <Td> Todd </Td> <Td> Nominated -- Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1993 </Td> <Td> Boswell & Johnson 's Tour of the Western Isles </Td> <Td> Dr. Samuel Johnson </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1993 </Td> <Td> Adventures of Huck Finn , The The Adventures of Huck Finn </Td> <Td> Duke </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1995 </Td> <Td> GoldenEye </Td> <Td> Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1997 </Td> <Td> Buddy </Td> <Td> Dr. Bill Lintz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1998 </Td> <Td> Frogs for Snakes </Td> <Td> Al </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1998 </Td> <Td> Montana </Td> <Td> The Boss </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1999 </Td> <Td> World Is Not Enough , The The World Is Not Enough </Td> <Td> Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1999 </Td> <Td> Message in a Bottle </Td> <Td> Charlie Toschi </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2001 </Td> <Td> Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone </Td> <Td> Rubeus Hagrid </Td> <Td> Nominated -- BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role Nominated -- Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2001 </Td> <Td> On the Nose </Td> <Td> Delaney </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2001 </Td> <Td> From Hell </Td> <Td> Sergeant Peter Godley </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 2002 </Td> <Td> Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets </Td> <Td> Rubeus Hagrid </Td> <Td> Nominated -- Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Ensemble Acting </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Ocean 's Twelve </Td> <Td> Matsui </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban </Td> <Td> Rubeus Hagrid </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Van Helsing : The London Assignment </Td> <Td> Mr. Hyde </Td> <Td> voice </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Van Helsing </Td> <Td> | The actor who plays Hagrid in Harry Potter stands at a height of | [
"6ft 1in"
] | 1,007 | How tall is the actor who plays hagrid in harry potter? |
8179898753906755813 | 49th Academy Awards - wikipedia <H1> 49th Academy Awards </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 49th Academy Awards </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Date </Th> <Td> March 28 , 1977 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Site </Th> <Td> Dorothy Chandler Pavilion Los Angeles , California , U.S. </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Hosted by </Th> <Td> Richard Pryor Ellen Burstyn Jane Fonda Warren Beatty </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> William Friedkin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Marty Pasetta </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Highlights </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Picture </Th> <Td> Rocky </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most awards </Th> <Td> All the President 's Men and Network ( 4 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Most nominations </Th> <Td> Network and Rocky ( 10 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> TV in the United States </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Network </Th> <Td> ABC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Duration </Th> <Td> 3 hours , 38 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> ← 48th </Li> <Li> Academy Awards </Li> <Li> 50th → </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The 49th Academy Awards were presented Monday , March 28 , 1977 , at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles , California . The ceremonies were presided over by Richard Pryor , Ellen Burstyn , Jane Fonda , and Warren Beatty . </P> <P> This Academy Awards ceremony is notable for Peter Finch becoming the first posthumous winner of an Oscar for acting , a feat matched only by fellow Australian Heath Ledger 32 years later ; Finch had suffered a fatal heart attack in mid-January . Beatrice Straight set another record by becoming the actor with the shortest performance ever in a film to win an acting Oscar , with only five minutes and two seconds of screen - time in Network . Network , along with All the President 's Men , were the two biggest champs of the ceremony with four Oscars each , but Best Picture and Best Director ultimately went to Rocky . </P> <P> Piper Laurie was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Carrie ( 1976 ) , her first role since her Best Actress - nominated performance in The Hustler ( 1961 ) , thus being nominated for two consecutive roles , fifteen years apart . </P> <P> Network became the second film ( after A Streetcar Named Desire ) to win three acting Oscars , and the last , as of the 90th Academy Awards , to receive five acting nominations . It was also the eleventh of fifteen films ( to date ) to receive nominations in all four acting categories . </P> <P> This year 's Academy Awards is also notable for the first ever female nominee for Best Director , Lina Wertmüller for Seven Beauties . To date , four further female directors have been nominated : Jane Campion for The Piano in 1993 , Sofia Coppola for Lost in Translation in 2003 , Kathryn Bigelow for The Hurt Locker in 2009 ( the first to win the award ) , and Greta Gerwig for Lady Bird in 2017 . Barbra Streisand received her second Academy Award , composing music for the love theme `` Evergreen '' , the first woman to be honored as a composer . </P> <P> No honorary awards were given this year . </P> <P> ABC had the Oscars from 1960 -- 70 and had regained them for 1976 . For the second straight year , the ceremony was scheduled directly opposite the NCAA championship basketball game on NBC , won by Marquette in Al McGuire 's final game as head coach . The two events conflicted again five years later in 1982 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Winners and nominees <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Special Achievement Award </Li> <Li> 1.2 Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award </Li> <Li> 1.3 Multiple nominations and awards </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Presenters and performers <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Presenters </Li> <Li> 2.2 Performers </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Winners and Nominees ( edit ) </H2> Peter Finch , Best Actor winner Faye Dunaway , Best Actress winner Jason Robards , Best Supporting Actor winner Beatrice Straight , Best Supporting Actress winner <P> Winners are listed first , highlighted in boldface and indicated with a double dagger ( ) . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Best Picture </Th> <Th> Best Director </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Rocky -- Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler , producers <Ul> <Li> All the President 's Men -- Walter Coblenz , producer </Li> <Li> Bound for Glory -- Robert F. Blumofe and Harold Leventhal , producers </Li> <Li> Network -- Howard Gottfried , producer </Li> <Li> Taxi Driver -- Julia Phillips and Michael Phillips , producers </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> John G. Avildsen -- Rocky <Ul> <Li> Alan J. Pakula -- All the President 's Men </Li> <Li> Ingmar Bergman -- Face to Face </Li> <Li> Sidney Lumet -- Network </Li> <Li> Lina Wertmüller -- Seven Beauties </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Actor </Th> <Th> Best Actress </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Peter Finch -- Network as Howard Beale <Ul> <Li> Robert De Niro -- Taxi Driver as Travis Bickle </Li> <Li> Giancarlo Giannini -- Seven Beauties as Pasqualino </Li> <Li> William Holden -- Network as Max Schumacher </Li> <Li> Sylvester Stallone -- Rocky as Rocky Balboa </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Faye Dunaway -- Network as Diana Christensen <Ul> <Li> Marie - Christine Barrault -- Cousin Cousine as Marthe </Li> <Li> Talia Shire -- Rocky as Adriana Pennino </Li> <Li> Sissy Spacek -- Carrie as Carrie White </Li> <Li> Liv Ullmann -- Face to Face as Jenny Isaksson </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Supporting Actor </Th> <Th> Best Supporting Actress </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Jason Robards -- All the President 's Men as Ben Bradlee <Ul> <Li> Ned Beatty -- Network as Arthur Jensen </Li> <Li> Burgess Meredith -- Rocky as `` Mickey '' Goldmill </Li> <Li> Laurence Olivier -- Marathon Man as Dr. Christian Szell </Li> <Li> Burt Young -- Rocky as Paulie Pennino </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Beatrice Straight -- Network as Louise Schumacher <Ul> <Li> Jane Alexander -- All the President 's Men as Judy Graham Hoback </Li> <Li> Jodie Foster -- Taxi Driver as Iris Steensma </Li> <Li> Lee Grant -- Voyage of the Damned as Lillian Rosen </Li> <Li> Piper Laurie -- Carrie as Margaret White </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen </Th> <Th> Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Network -- Paddy Chayefsky <Ul> <Li> Cousin Cousine -- Jean - Charles Tacchella and Danièle Thompson </Li> <Li> The Front -- Walter Bernstein </Li> <Li> Rocky -- Sylvester Stallone </Li> <Li> Seven Beauties -- Lina Wertmüller </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> All the President 's Men -- William Goldman based on the book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward <Ul> <Li> Bound for Glory -- Robert Getchell based on the book by Woody Guthrie </Li> <Li> Fellini 's Casanova -- Federico Fellini and Bernardino Zapponi based on the autobiography Histoire de ma vie by Giacomo Casanova </Li> <Li> The Seven - Per - Cent Solution -- Nicholas Meyer based on his novel </Li> <Li> Voyage of the Damned -- David Butler and Steve Shagan based on the book by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Documentary Feature </Th> <Th> Best Documentary Short Subject </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Harlan County , USA -- Barbara Kopple <Ul> <Li> Hollywood on Trial -- David Helpern </Li> <Li> Off the Edge -- Michael Firth </Li> <Li> People of the Wind -- Anthony Howarth and David Koff </Li> <Li> Volcano : An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry -- Donald Brittain and John Kramer </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Number Our Days -- Lynne Littman and Barbara Myerhoff <Ul> <Li> American Shoeshine </Li> <Li> Blackwood </Li> <Li> The End of the Road </Li> <Li> Universe </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Live Action Short Film </Th> <Th> Best Animated Short Film </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> In the Region of Ice -- Peter Werner <Ul> <Li> Kudzu -- Marjorie Anne Short </Li> <Li> The Morning Spider -- Julian Chagrin and Claude Chagrin </Li> <Li> Nightlife -- Claire Wilbur and Robin Lehman </Li> <Li> Number One -- Dyan Cannon and Vince Cannon </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Leisure -- Suzanne Baker <Ul> <Li> Dedalo -- Manfredo Manfredi </Li> <Li> The Street -- Caroline Leaf and Guy Glover </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Original Score </Th> <Th> Best Original Song Score or Adaptation Score </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> The Omen -- Jerry Goldsmith <Ul> <Li> Obsession -- Bernard Herrmann ( posthumous nomination ) </Li> <Li> The Outlaw Josey Wales -- Jerry Fielding </Li> <Li> Taxi Driver -- Bernard Herrmann ( posthumous nomination ) </Li> <Li> Voyage of the Damned -- Lalo Schifrin </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Bound for Glory -- Leonard Rosenman <Ul> <Li> Bugsy Malone -- Paul Williams </Li> <Li> A Star Is Born -- Roger Kellaway </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Original Song </Th> <Th> Best Sound </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> `` Evergreen ( Love Theme from A Star Is Born ) '' from A Star Is Born -- Music by Barbra Streisand ; Lyrics by Paul Williams <Ul> <Li> `` Ave Satani '' from The Omen -- Music and Lyrics by Jerry Goldsmith </Li> <Li> `` Come to Me '' from The Pink Panther Strikes Again -- Music by Henry Mancini ; Lyrics by Don Black </Li> <Li> `` Gonna Fly Now '' from Rocky -- Music by Bill Conti ; Lyrics by Carol Connors and Ayn Robbins </Li> <Li> `` A World That Never Was '' from Half a House -- Music by Sammy Fain ; Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> All the President 's Men -- Dick Alexander , Les Fresholtz , Arthur Piantadosi and Jim Webb <Ul> <Li> King Kong -- William McCaughey , Aaron Rochin , Jack Solomon and Harry W. Tetrick ( posthumous nomination ) </Li> <Li> Rocky -- Bud Alper , Lyle J. Burbridge , William McCaughey and Harry W. Tetrick ( posthumous nomination ) </Li> <Li> Silver Streak -- Harold M. Etherington , Donald O. Mitchell , Richard Tyler and Douglas Williams </Li> <Li> A Star Is Born -- Robert Glass , Robert Knudson , Tom Overton and Dan Wallin </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Foreign Language Film </Th> <Th> Best Costume Design </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Black and White in Color ( Côte d'Ivoire ) <Ul> <Li> Cousin Cousine ( France ) </Li> <Li> Jacob the Liar ( East Germany ) </Li> <Li> Nights and Days ( Poland ) </Li> <Li> Seven Beauties ( Italy ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Fellini 's Casanova -- Danilo Donati <Ul> <Li> Bound for Glory -- William Ware Theiss </Li> <Li> The Incredible Sarah -- Anthony Mendleson </Li> <Li> The Passover Plot -- Mary Wills </Li> <Li> The Seven - Per - Cent Solution -- Alan Barrett </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Best Art Direction </Th> <Th> Best Cinematography </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> All the President 's Men -- Art Direction : George Jenkins ; Set Decoration : George Gaines <Ul> <Li> The Incredible Sarah -- Art Direction : Elliot Scott ; Set Decoration : Norman Reynolds </Li> <Li> The Last Tycoon -- Art Direction : Gene Callahan and Jack T. Collis ; Set Decoration : Jerry Wunderlich </Li> <Li> Logan 's Run -- Art Direction : Dale Hennesy ; Set Decoration : Robert De Vestel </Li> <Li> The Shootist -- Art Direction : Robert F. | The Oscar for Best Picture in 1976 was won by | [
] | 343 | Who won the oscar for best picture in 1976? |
-6216202368088666946 | miles which meant the race effectively became 18.6 metres shorter . The race was won by the George Hanlon trained 40 - 1 outsider Piping Lane ridden by John Letts and carrying only 48 kg . </Li> <Li> 1985 -- The first sponsored Melbourne Cup , and the first million dollar Cup , with $650,000 for the winner . </Li> <Li> 1987 -- First female jockey to ride in the cup was Maree Lyndon on Argonaut Style . </Li> </Ul> Dunaden : 2011 Melbourne Cup winner , painted by Charles Church <Ul> <Li> 1993 -- The Dermot Weld trained Irish gelding Vintage Crop became the first Northern hemisphere trained horse to win the Melbourne Cup and the first Irish horse . </Li> <Li> 2001 -- Sheila Laxon , was the first woman trainer to officially win the Melbourne Cup . However , Mrs. A. McDonald ( 1938 ) with Catalogue was really the first woman trainer to win . Women then could not be registered as trainers in Australia , and it was her husband who was the registered trainer . Mrs. McDonald 's win was as a female trainer of a female owned horse . </Li> <Li> 2003 -- First Australian female jockey to ride in the cup was Clare Lindop on Debben . </Li> <Li> 2003 -- The first Melbourne Cup Tour was conducted around Australia , and the biggest crowd , of 122,736 , is recorded at Flemington . </Li> <Li> 2005 -- Makybe Diva became the only horse so far to win the Melbourne Cup three times . </Li> <Li> 2008 -- The `` Cup King '' , Bart Cummings , took his 12th win in the Melbourne Cup with Viewed </Li> <Li> 2010 - 150th anniversary . Americain becomes the first French - trained horse to win the race , and Gerald Mosse the first French jockey . </Li> <Li> 2011 - French based horse Dunaden wins from Red Cadeaux in the closest finish ever . </Li> <Li> 2012 - The first seven finishers in the race were bred in Ireland . </Li> <Li> 2013 - Trainer Gai Waterhouse became the first Australian female trainer to train the winner of the race when Fiorente won . Her father , legendary trainer Tommy J. Smith was also a Melbourne Cup Winning trainer ( Toparoa in 1955 and Just A Dash in 1981 ) . </Li> <Li> 2014 - Two horses die due to racing in the 2014 Melbourne Cup . Cup favourite Admire Rakti , who was carrying the heaviest weight since Think Big ( 1975 ) , died of heart failure in his stall after the race , and Araldo broke his leg and had to be euthanised after being spooked by a flag in the crowd after the race . </Li> <Li> 2015 - First woman jockey to win the cup was Michelle Payne on Prince of Penzance who became only the 4th horse to win at odds of 100 - 1 . Red Cadeaux , the only horse to finish 2nd in the race on 3 occasions , and a public favourite , did not finish due to a fetlock injury and unfortunately had to be euthanised 2 weeks later . </Li> <Li> 2016 - Lloyd Williams ( businessman ) becomes the first owner to have 5 Melbourne Cup winners and Jockey Kerrin McEvoy the Jockey with the greatest timespan between his first and second Melbourne Cup winners ( 16 years between 2000 and 2016 ) as Almandin wins the cup narrowly over Heartbreak City . </Li> <Li> 2017 - Rekindling becomes the first 3yo to win the Melbourne Cup since Skipton in 1941 . </Li> </Ul> Michelle Payne , was the first woman jockey to win the Melbourne Cup <H3> Public holiday ( edit ) </H3> <P> Melbourne Cup day is a public holiday for all working within metropolitan Melbourne and some parts of regional Victoria , but not for some country Victorian cities and towns which hold their own spring carnivals . For Federal Public Servants it is also observed as a holiday in the entire state of Victoria , and from 2007 to 2009 also in the Australian Capital Territory known as Family and Community Day replacing Picnic Day . The Melbourne cup captures the public 's imagination to the extent that people whether at work , home , school , or out and about usually stop to watch or listen to the great race . Many people from outside of Melbourne take a half or full day off work to celebrate the occasion . Many people feel that the day should be a national public holiday as Sick leave is said to increase on the day and productivity wanes . </P> <P> As early as 1865 , Cup day was a half - holiday in Melbourne for public servants and bank officials . Various businesses also closed at lunchtime . </P> <P> It took some years before the purpose of the declared holiday was acknowledged in the Victoria Government Gazette . The Gazette of 31 October 1873 announced that the following Thursday ( Cup Day ) be observed as a bank and civil ( public ) service holiday . </P> Horse Makybe Diva won three Melbourne Cups <H2> Results and records ( edit ) </H2> Main articles : List of Melbourne Cup winners and List of Melbourne Cup placings <H3> Most wins by a horse ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> 3 -- Makybe Diva ( 2003 , 2004 , 2005 ) </Li> <Li> 2 -- Think Big ( 1974 , 1975 ) </Li> <Li> 2 -- Rain Lover ( 1968 , 1969 ) </Li> <Li> 2 -- Peter Pan ( 1932 , 1934 ) </Li> <Li> 2 -- Archer ( 1861 , 1862 ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> Most wins by a jockey ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> 4 -- Bobby Lewis ( 1902 , 1915 , 1919 , 1927 ) </Li> <Li> 4 -- Harry White ( 1974 , 1975 , 1978 , 1979 ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> Most wins by a trainer ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> 12 -- Bart Cummings ( 1965 , 1966 , 1967 , 1974 , 1975 , 1977 , 1979 , 1990 , 1991 , 1996 , 1999 , 2008 ) </Li> <Li> 5 -- Etienne de Mestre ( 1861 , 1862 , 1867 , 1877 , 1878 ) </Li> <Li> 5 -- Lee Freedman ( 1989 , 1992 , 1995 , 2004 , 2005 ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> Most wins by an owner ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> 6 -- Lloyd Williams ( 1981 , 1985 , 2007 , 2012 , 2016 , 2017 ) </Li> <Li> 4 -- John Tait ( 1866 , 1868 , 1871 , 1872 ) </Li> <Li> 4 -- Etienne de Mestre ( 1861 * , 1862 * , 1867 * , 1878 ) * The winners of these years were leased . </Li> <Li> 4 -- Dato Tan Chin Nam ( 1974 , 1975 , 1996 , 2008 ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> Other records ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Record winning time -- 3.16. 30 Kingston Rule ( 1990 ) </Li> <Li> Widest winning margin -- 8 lengths by Archer in 1862 and Rain Lover in 1968 . </Li> <Li> Heaviest weight carried by winner -- Carbine in 1890 with 10 stone 5 pounds ( 66 kg ) Makybe Diva holds the record for a mare with 58 kg in 2005 . The horse to carry the heaviest weight of all time was Phar Lap ( 10 stone 10 pounds , or 68 kg ) in 1931 when he ran 8th . </Li> <Li> Longest odds winners -- Four horses have won at 100 -- 1 : The Pearl ( 1871 ) , Wotan ( 1936 ) , Old Rowley ( 1940 ) , and Prince of Penzance ( 2015 ) . </Li> <Li> Shortest odds winner -- Phar Lap at 8 / 11 in 1930 . </Li> <Li> Favourites record -- 34 of 150 favourites ( 23 % ) have won the Melbourne Cup . </Li> <Li> Most runners -- 39 ( 1890 ) </Li> <Li> Fewest runners -- 7 ( 1863 ) </Li> <Li> Most attempts -- Shadow King made six attempts to win the cup in seven years between 1929 and 1935 . He ran 6th , 3rd , 2nd , 3rd , 2nd and 4th . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Attendance ( edit ) </H2> The horse show as well as fashion show of Melbourne Cup takes place on the lawn <P> The event is one of the most popular spectator events in Australia , with sometimes over 110,000 people , some dressed in traditional formal raceday wear and others in all manner of exotic and amusing costumes , attending the race . The record crowd was 122,736 in 2003 . The 1926 running of the Cup was the first time the 100,000 mark had been passed . Today the record at Flemington is held by the 2006 Victoria Derby when almost 130,000 attended . </P> <P> In 2007 , a limit was placed on the Spring Carnival attendance at Flemington Racecourse and race - goers are now required to pre-purchase tickets . Every year more and more people travel to Flemington Racecourse , in 2016 there was A 7.8 per cent increase in the number of out - of - state individuals ( 80,472 ) attending the Melbourne Cup Carnival ; </P> <Ul> <Li> 2017 - 90,536 </Li> <Li> 2016 - 97,479 </Li> <Li> 2015 - 101,015 </Li> <Li> 2014 - 100,794 </Li> <Li> 2013 - 104,169 </Li> <Li> 2012 - 106,162 </Li> <Li> 2011 - 105,979 </Li> <Li> 2010 -- 110,223 </Li> <Li> 2009 -- 102,161 </Li> <Li> 2008 -- 107,280 </Li> <Li> 2007 -- 102,411 </Li> <Li> 2006 -- 106,691 </Li> <Li> 2005 -- 106,479 </Li> <Li> 2004 -- 98,161 </Li> <Li> 2003 -- 122,736 ( record ) </Li> </Ul> <H2> Off the track ( edit ) </H2> Finalists in Fashions On The Field at the 2013 race . Play media 1965 ABC news report on Jean Shrimpton 's visit to the Melbourne Cup . <P> ' Fashions On The Field ' is a major focus of the day , with substantial prizes awarded for the best - dressed man and woman . The requirement for elegant hats , and more recently the alternative of a fascinator , almost single - handedly keeps Melbourne 's milliners in business . Raceday fashion has occasionally drawn almost as much attention as the race itself , The miniskirt received worldwide publicity when model Jean Shrimpton wore a white shift version of one on Derby Day during Melbourne Cup week in 1965 . </P> <P> Flowers , especially roses are an important component of the week 's racing at Flemington . The racecourse has around 12,000 roses within its large expanse . Over 200 varieties of the fragrant flower are nurtured by a team of up to 12 gardeners . Each of the major racedays at Flemington has an official flower . Victoria Derby Day has the Corn Flower , Melbourne Cup Day is for the Yellow Rose , Oaks Day highlights the Pink Rose and Stakes Day goes to the Red Rose . </P> <P> In the Melbourne metropolitan area , the race day has been a gazetted public holiday since 1877 , but around both Australia and New Zealand a majority of people watch the race on television and gamble , either through direct betting or participating in workplace cup `` sweeps '' . In 2000 , a betting agency claimed that 80 percent of the adult Australian population placed a bet on the race that year . In 2010 it was predicted that $183 million would be spent by 83,000 tourists during the Spring Racing Carnival . In New Zealand , the Melbourne Cup is the country 's single biggest betting event , with carnival race - days held at several of the country 's top tracks showing the cup live on big screens . </P> <P> It is commonly billed as The race that stops a nation , but it is more accurately The race that stops two nations , as many people | The trainer who has trained the most Melbourne Cup winners is | [
"Bart Cummings"
] | 6,780 | Who has trained the most melbourne cup winners? |
3182507307097242113 | Mapp v. Ohio - wikipedia <H1> Mapp v. Ohio </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Mapp v. Ohio </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Supreme Court of the United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Argued March 29 , 1961 Decided June 19 , 1961 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Full case name </Th> <Td> Dollree Mapp v. State of Ohio </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Citations </Th> <Td> 367 U.S. 643 ( more ) 81 S. Ct. 1684 ; 6 L. Ed . 2d 1081 ; 1961 U.S. LEXIS 812 ; 86 Ohio L. Abs. 513 ; 16 Ohio Op . 2d 384 ; 84 A.L.R. 2d 933 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Prior history </Th> <Td> Defendant convicted , Cuyahoga County , Ohio Court of Common Pleas ; affirmed , Ohio Court of Appeals ; affirmed , Ohio Supreme Court 166 N.E. 2d 387 ( Ohio 1960 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Subsequent history </Th> <Td> Rehearing denied , 368 U.S. 871 ( 1961 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Holding </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> The Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures , as applied to the states through the Fourteenth , excludes unconstitutionally obtained evidence from use in criminal prosecutions . Ohio Supreme Court reversed . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Court membership </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Dl> <Dt> Chief Justice </Dt> <Dd> Earl Warren </Dd> <Dt> Associate Justices </Dt> <Dd> Hugo Black Felix Frankfurter William O. Douglas Tom C. Clark John M. Harlan II William J. Brennan , Jr . Charles E. Whittaker Potter Stewart </Dd> </Dl> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Case opinions </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Majority </Th> <Td> Clark , joined by Warren , Black , Douglas , Brennan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Concurrence </Th> <Td> Black </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Concurrence </Th> <Td> Douglas </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Concurrence </Th> <Td> Stewart </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dissent </Th> <Td> Harlan , joined by Frankfurter , Whittaker </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Laws applied </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> U.S. Const . amends. IV , XIV </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> This case overturned a previous ruling or rulings </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Wolf v. Colorado ( 1949 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Mapp v. Ohio , 367 U.S. 643 ( 1961 ) , was a landmark case in criminal procedure , in which the United States Supreme Court decided that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment , which protects against `` unreasonable searches and seizures , '' may not be used in state law criminal prosecutions in state courts , as well as in federal criminal law prosecutions in federal courts as had previously been the law . The Supreme Court accomplished this by use of a principle known as selective incorporation ; in Mapp this involved the incorporation of the provisions , as interpreted by the Court , of the Fourth Amendment which are applicable only to actions of the federal government into the Fourteenth Amendment due process clause which is applicable to actions of the states . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Circumstances of the case </Li> <Li> 2 Decision </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 Further reading </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Circumstances of the case ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( October 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Dollree Mapp was an employee in the illegal gambling rackets dominated by Cleveland rackets kingpin Shon Birns . On May 23 , 1957 , police officers in Cleveland , Ohio , received an anonymous tip by phone that Virgil Ogletree , a numbers operator who was wanted for questioning in the bombing of rival numbers racketeer and future boxing promoter Don King 's home three days earlier , might be found at Mapp 's house , as well as illegal betting slips and equipment employed in the `` California Gold '' numbers operation set up by Mapp 's boyfriend Edward Keeling . Three officers went to the home and asked for permission to enter , but Mapp , after consulting her lawyer by telephone , refused to admit them without a search warrant . Two officers left , and one remained , watching the house from across the street . </P> <P> Thirteen hours later , four cars full of police arrived and knocked on the door . When she did n't answer , they forced the door . Mapp asked to see the alleged warrant and was shown a piece of paper which she snatched away from an officer , putting it inside her dress . The officers struggled with Mapp and recovered the piece of paper which was not seen by her or her lawyers again , and was not introduced as evidence in any of the ensuing court proceedings . When asked about the warrant during oral argument at the Supreme Court , the Cleveland prosecutor arguing the case cautiously deflected the question , which the court did not press . </P> <P> As the search of Mapp 's second - floor , 2 - bedroom apartment began , police handcuffed her for being belligerent . The police searched the house thoroughly , and discovered Ogletree , who was subsequently cleared on the bombing charge , hiding in the apartment of the downstairs tenant , Minerva Tate . In the search of Mapp 's apartment and in a footlocker in the basement of the house police found a quantity of `` California Gold '' betting slips and paraphernalia . They also found a pistol and a small quantity of pornographic books and pictures which Mapp stated a previous tenant named Morris Jones had left behind . </P> <P> Mapp was arrested , charged , and cleared on a misdemeanor charge of possessing numbers paraphernalia ; but several months later , after she refused to testify against Shon Birns , Edward Keeling and their associates at their trial that October for the attempted shakedown of Don King , she was prosecuted for possession of the books , found guilty at a 1958 trial of `` knowingly having had in her possession and under her control certain lewd and lascivious books , pictures , and photographs in violation of 2905.34 of Ohio 's Revised Code '' , and sentenced to one to seven years in prison . </P> <P> Mapp then appealed her case to the Supreme Court , on the grounds that the police had no probable cause to suspect her of having the books . She stated that the 4th Amendment should be incorporated to the state and local level . She argued that the police could n't use the books as evidence in trial because they were found without a warrant and therefore illegally recovered . Mapp is the first to call upon this law . </P> <H2> Decision ( edit ) </H2> <P> The U.S. Supreme Court voted 5 - 3 in favor of Mapp . The Court overturned the conviction , and five justices found that the States were bound to exclude evidence seized in violation of the 4th Amendment . This ruling officially applied the exclusionary rule to the states . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> United States Bill of Rights </Li> <Li> Fruit of the poisonous tree </Li> <Li> Exclusionary rule </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Zotti , Priscilla . Injustice for All ( Peter Lang , 2005 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Mapp v. Ohio , 367 U.S. 643 ( U.S. 1961 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Duignan , Brian ( 2012 - 05 - 25 ) . `` Mapp v. Ohio '' . Encyclopædia Britannica Online . Encyclopædia Britannica Inc . Retrieved March 19 , 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ - </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Williams , Bob . `` Dolly Mapp Sheds Glamour Gal Role '' , Cleveland Call and Post , Nov. 23 , 1957 , p. 1 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> </Ol> <H2> Further reading ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Long , Carolyn ( 2006 ) . Mapp v. Ohio : Guarding Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures . University Press of Kansas . ISBN 0 - 7006 - 1441 - 9 . </Li> <Li> Stewart , Potter ( 1983 ) . `` The Road to Mapp v. Ohio and beyond : The Origins , Development and Future of the Exclusionary Rule in Search - and - Seizure Cases '' . Columbia Law Review . 83 ( 6 ) : 1365 -- 1404 . doi : 10.2307 / 1122492 . JSTOR 1122492 . </Li> <Li> Zotti , Priscilla H. Machado ( 2005 ) . Injustice for All : Mapp vs. Ohio and the Fourth Amendment . New York : Peter Lang . ISBN 0 - 8204 - 7267 - 0 . </Li> </Ul> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikisource has original text related to this article : Mapp v. Ohio </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Archival source documents relating to the Mapp case at Cleveland Memory </Li> <Li> Dollree Mapp , Who Defied Police Search in Landmark Case , Is Dead - New York Times </Li> <Li> `` Supreme Court Landmark Case Mapp v. Ohio '' from C - SPAN 's Landmark Cases : 12 Historic Supreme Court Decisions </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> United States 4th Amendment case law </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Scope of the Fourth Amendment </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> What constitutes a search ? </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ex parte Jackson ( 1878 ) </Li> <Li> Boyd v. United States ( 1886 ) </Li> <Li> Gouled v. United States ( 1921 ) </Li> <Li> Burdeau v. McDowell ( 1921 ) </Li> <Li> Hester v. United States ( 1924 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Lee ( 1927 ) </Li> <Li> Olmstead v. United States ( 1928 ) </Li> <Li> Goldman v. United States ( 1942 ) </Li> <Li> On Lee v. United States ( 1952 ) </Li> <Li> Abel v. United States ( 1960 ) </Li> <Li> Silverman v. United States ( 1961 ) </Li> <Li> Lewis v. United States ( 1966 ) </Li> <Li> Hoffa v. United States ( 1966 ) </Li> <Li> Katz v. United States ( 1967 ) </Li> <Li> Terry v. Ohio ( 1968 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. White ( 1971 ) </Li> <Li> California Bankers Association v. Schultz ( 1974 ) </Li> <Li> Smith v. Maryland ( 1979 ) </Li> <Li> Walter v. United States ( 1980 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Knotts ( 1983 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Place ( 1983 ) </Li> <Li> Illinois v. Andreas ( 1983 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Jacobsen ( 1984 ) </Li> <Li> Oliver v. United States ( 1984 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Karo ( 1984 ) </Li> <Li> California v. Ciraolo ( 1986 ) </Li> <Li> Dow Chemical Co. v. United States ( 1986 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Dunn ( 1987 ) </Li> <Li> California v. Greenwood ( 1988 ) </Li> <Li> Florida v. Riley ( 1989 ) </Li> <Li> Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives Ass'n ( 1989 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Verdugo - Urquidez ( 1990 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Bond ( 2000 ) </Li> <Li> Kyllo v. United States ( 2001 ) </Li> <Li> Illinois v. Caballes ( 2005 ) </Li> <Li> United States v. Jones ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> Florida v. Jardines ( 2013 ) </Li> <Li> Klayman v. Obama ( 2013 ) </Li> <Li> ACLU v. Clapper ( 2013 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> What constitutes a seizure ? </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Counselman v. Hitchcock ( 1892 ) </Li> <Li> Hale v. Henkel ( 1906 ) </Li> <Li> Terry | The Mapp vs Ohio case involved | [
"Dollree Mapp"
] | 607 | Who was involved in the mapp vs ohio case? |
8268392025144002146 | Lynne Hobbs - wikipedia <H1> Lynne Hobbs </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Lynne Hobbs </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> EastEnders character </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Portrayed by </Th> <Td> Elaine Lordan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Duration </Th> <Td> 2000 -- 2004 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First appearance </Th> <Td> Episode 2003 18 September 2000 ( 2000 - 09 - 18 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Last appearance </Th> <Td> Episode 2756 2 July 2004 ( 2004 - 07 - 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> Tony Jordan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Introduced by </Th> <Td> John Yorke </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Spin - off appearances </Th> <Td> Slaters in Detention ( 2003 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Classification </Th> <Td> Former ; regular </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Profile </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Other names </Th> <Td> Lynne Slater </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Occupation </Th> <Td> Café worker </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( show ) Family </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Father </Th> <Td> Charlie Slater </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mother </Th> <Td> Viv Slater </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Sisters </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Kat Slater </Li> <Li> Little Mo Mitchell </Li> <Li> Belinda Peacock </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Husband </Th> <Td> Garry Hobbs ( 2001 -- 2004 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Daughters </Th> <Td> Vivienne Hobbs </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Grandmothers </Th> <Td> Mo Harris </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Uncles </Th> <Td> Harry Slater </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nephews </Th> <Td> Freddie Mitchell </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nieces </Th> <Td> Zoe Slater </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Lynne Hobbs ( also Slater ) is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders , played by Elaine Lordan from September 2000 to July 2004 . Lynne is a fierce judge of right and wrong , although she is not always able to practise what she preaches . She has a turbulent relationship with husband Garry ( Ricky Groves ) , but despite her complaints about him , it ends up being Lynne 's adultery that puts their relationship in jeopardy long before Garry strays . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Storylines <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Backstory </Li> <Li> 1.2 2000 -- 2004 </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Creation and development </Li> <Li> 3 In popular culture </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Storylines ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Backstory ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lynne is the eldest of the Slater sisters and she arrives in Albert Square in 2000 with her family : father Charlie ( Derek Martin ) ; sisters Kat ( Jessie Wallace ) , Little Mo ( Kacey Ainsworth ) and Zoe ( Michelle Ryan ) , and grandmother Mo ( Laila Morse ) . Unlike Little Mo and Zoe , Lynne is aware that Zoe is in fact Kat 's daughter and helps keep the family secret until Kat reveals the truth to Zoe . </P> <H3> 2000 -- 2004 ( edit ) </H3> <P> Lynne is in a relationship with hapless mechanic Garry Hobbs ( Ricky Groves ) and spends much of her time despairing over Garry 's inability to fully commit to their relationship . All Lynne really wants is to marry Garry , settle down and raise a family but while Garry loves Lynne , he is reluctant to lose his `` bachelor status '' and he spends much of his time dodging Lynne 's ' hints ' about marriage . However , Lynne ( and the rest of the Slaters ) wear Garry down and the two eventually get engaged . Lynne works in Ian Beale 's ( Adam Woodyatt ) café and often clashes with co-worker , Janine Butcher ( Charlie Brooks ) , who regularly slacks off work and flirts with Garry to irritate her . This culminates in Lynne eventually getting Janine fired and the two become enemies thereafter . </P> <P> In 2001 , Lynne becomes friends with womanising club owner Beppe di Marco ( Michael Greco ) and she often babysits his son , Joe ( Jake Kyprianou ) . Lynne and Beppe soon become attracted to each other and have sex on the eve of Lynne 's wedding to Garry . Beppe feels Garry does not deserve Lynne and tries to stop Lynne marrying him by turning up at the register office and starting a fight with Garry . Lynne is tempted but goes through with the wedding . Beppe sends Steve Owen ( Martin Kemp ) to give her a note , but he throws it away . The marriage does not go smoothly , however , and in 2002 Lynne strays again , this time with ex-lover Jason James ( Joseph Millson ) . Jason is Lynne 's ex-fiancé , who jilted her on their wedding day and fled to Dubai . After a chance meeting , the two rekindle their relationship as Jason wants to reconcile and almost persuades her to leave Garry and move away with him . However , at the last minute , Lynne changes her mind and chooses to stay with her family instead of following her heart . Garry forgives Lynne as he is desperate to hang onto her but the trust has gone from their relationship . </P> <P> In 2003 , another affair jeopardises Lynne 's marriage , but this time it is Garry who strays . Garry has drunken sex with Laura Beale ( Hannah Waterman ) and she gets pregnant . Laura 's husband , Ian , reveals to her that he has had a vasectomy so the baby can not be his and throws her out so she turns to Garry for support , thinking he is her baby 's father . Lynne has been trying for a baby and struggles to forgive Garry for having a baby with another woman , throwing him out so he moves in with Laura to support her during her pregnancy . Lynne finally comes round and forgives Garry after she gets jealous when he has sex with Lynne 's sister , Belinda Peacock ( Leanne Lakey ) . </P> <P> Lynne and Garry reconcile and in 2004 , Lynne becomes pregnant and a scan confirms that she is expecting a girl , that they plan to name her Vivienne after Lynne 's late mother , Viv ( April Martin ) . However , disaster strikes when a fairground ride collapses in Albert Square and Lynne is trapped under the debris . She survives but suffers severe abdominal pain and Garry is told that Lynne needs an emergency caesarian to save her and the baby . Terrified of losing Lynne and their daughter , Garry agrees but only Lynne survives . The baby is stillborn but Lynne also needed an emergency hysterectomy so she can not have any more children . When Lynne is told the tragic news , she is devastated and blames Garry for consenting to surgery and can not even bring herself to look at him . On the day of Vivienne 's funeral , Lynne decides that her marriage to Garry is over , feeling that life for her in Walford is simply a reminder of what she has lost . She leaves that day to go and stay with her aunt Jean and her departure leaves Garry a broken man . Lynne 's last appearance is in July 2004 . </P> <P> Lynne and Garry divorce and in 2007 , the Slaters hear that Lynne is engaged . In January 2011 , Charlie leaves Walford to live with Lynne . In January 2016 , Lynne attends Charlie 's funeral off - screen . </P> <H2> Creation and development ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 2000 , EastEnders ' executive producer John Yorke decided to introduce the `` classic '' Slater family . He felt the show needed to go back to its roots and bring back some traditional values . BBC 's head of drama , Mal Young commented , `` We do not have enough solid families in the soap , there were a lot of fractured families and people who were alone . '' The family were created as a replacement for the di Marco family , who were axed by Yorke . The family consisted of , grandmother Mo Harris ( Laila Morse ) , father Charlie ( Derek Martin ) , his four children , Lynne ( Elaine Lordan ) , Kat ( Jessie Wallace ) , Little Mo ( Kacey Ainsworth ) , Zoe ( Michelle Ryan ) , as well as Lynne 's boyfriend Garry Hobbs ( Ricky Groves ) . It later transpired that Kat was the mother of Zoe , after being raped by her uncle Harry Slater ( Michael Elphick ) . </P> <P> Lordan was cast in the role of Lynne after the character was developed at an improvisation session for thirty actors and actresses earlier in the year . The character was described as `` feisty '' , `` a loud mouth '' and `` lazy '' . </P> <P> On 15 December 2003 , it was announced that Lynne would be departing the following year . The decision was a mutual decision between Lordan and show producers and Lynne departed in July 2004 . </P> <H2> In popular culture ( edit ) </H2> <P> The character of Lynne Hobbs has been spoofed in the cartoon sketch show 2DTV . </P> <P> Also , impressionist Alistair McGowan has impersonated Lynne working in the cafe , in his comedy show , The Big Impression . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Seven move in to Albert Square '' . BBC News Online . BBC Online . 30 August 2000 . Retrieved 7 September 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Lynne Hobbs at BBC Online </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> EastEnders characters </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Present and future characters </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> Kathy Beale </Li> <Li> Sharon Watts </Li> <Li> Ian Beale </Li> <Li> Dot Cotton </Li> <Li> Martin Fowler </Li> <Li> Phil Mitchell </Li> <Li> Sonia Fowler </Li> <Li> Robbie Jackson </Li> <Li> Mel Owen </Li> <Li> Billy Mitchell </Li> <Li> Mo Harris </Li> <Li> Kat Slater </Li> <Li> Patrick Trueman </Li> <Li> Louise Mitchell </Li> <Li> Bobby Beale </Li> <Li> Stacey Slater </Li> <Li> Jean Slater </Li> <Li> Honey Mitchell </Li> <Li> Denise Fox </Li> <Li> Max Branning </Li> <Li> Janet Mitchell </Li> <Li> Shirley Carter </Li> <Li> Jay Brown </Li> <Li> Rainie Cross </Li> <Li> Masood Ahmed </Li> <Li> Jack Branning </Li> <Li> Whitney Dean </Li> <Li> Tiffany Butcher </Li> <Li> Kim Fox </Li> <Li> Cora Cross </Li> <Li> Tina Carter </Li> <Li> Linda Carter </Li> <Li> Mick Carter </Li> <Li> Charlie Cotton </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) Past characters </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> AJ Ahmed </Li> <Li> Della Alexander </Li> <Li> Johnny Allen </Li> <Li> Ruby Allen </Li> <Li> Aunt Sal </Li> <Li> Tom Banks </Li> <Li> Geoff Barnes </Li> <Li> Clare Bates </Li> <Li> Debbie Bates </Li> <Li> Laurie Bates </Li> <Li> Nigel Bates </Li> <Li> Cindy Beale </Li> <Li> Jane Beale </Li> <Li> Laura Beale </Li> <Li> Lou Beale </Li> <Li> Lucy Beale </Li> <Li> Pete Beale </Li> <Li> Peter Beale </Li> <Li> Steven Beale </Li> <Li> Polly Becker </Li> <Li> Adam Best </Li> <Li> Manda Best </Li> <Li> Abi Branning </Li> <Li> Alice Branning </Li> <Li> April Branning </Li> <Li> Bradley Branning </Li> <Li> Derek Branning </Li> <Li> Jim Branning </Li> <Li> Lauren Branning </Li> <Li> Suzy Branning </Li> <Li> | Kat Slater's sisters in EastEnders were | [
] | 478 | Who was kat slater's sisters in eastenders? |
3551294051380047804 | Hungary . </P> <P> A Good Day to Die Hard premiered in Los Angeles on January 31 , 2013 , coinciding with the unveiling of a Die Hard mural at the Fox Lot , and was released in certain East and Southeast Asian countries on February 7 and in the United States and Canada on February 13 . It is the first Die Hard film to use Dolby Atmos Surround Mixing and the first to also be released in IMAX theaters . A Good Day to Die Hard was a box office success but received overwhelmingly negative reviews for its implausible action sequences , cinematography , weak plot , cliched script , and lack of characterization , although the special effects were praised . It is the first film produced by TSG Entertainment , since distributor 20th Century Fox 's departure from Dune Entertainment upon the completion of their distribution contract at the end of 2012 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Production <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Pre-production </Li> <Li> 3.2 Casting </Li> <Li> 3.3 Filming </Li> <Li> 3.4 Post-production </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Soundtrack </Li> <Li> 5 Release </Li> <Li> 6 Reception <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Box office </Li> <Li> 6.2 Home media </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> In Moscow , Viktor Chagarin , a high - ranking , but corrupt , Russian official plans to incriminate former billionaire and government whistleblower Yuri Komarov in an imminent rigged trial unless Komarov hands over a secret file believed to contain evidence incriminating Chagarin . Separately , Jack McClane , who has been arrested after an assassination attempt , negotiates for a shorter sentence by offering to testify against Komarov . Meanwhile , Jack 's father , NYPD Detective John McClane , who has not been in touch with his son for several years , has learned his son is in trouble and , taken to the airport by his daughter Lucy McClane , flies to Russia to help . As John arrives and approaches the courthouse where Komarov is on trial , a bomb explosion , orchestrated by Chagarin 's henchman Alik , occurs in the courthouse and Jack breaks free with Komarov . Seeing his son , John confronts him , but their dispute is cut short as Alik and his men chase them in a US Cougar MRAP through the streets of Moscow . John , Jack , and Komarov manage to escape . </P> <P> Hiding in a safe house , John finds out that his son is a CIA officer and has been on an undercover operation for the past three years . Jack 's partner , Collins , demands the file 's location from Komarov so that the CIA can bring Chagarin down . Komarov eventually agrees on condition that he and his daughter are given safe passage out of Russia . Collins is eventually shot and killed while the McClanes and Komarov come under heavy gunfire from Chagarin 's men , but they escape . They make their way to a hotel in the city to fetch the key to the vault containing the file . There they meet up with Komarov 's daughter , Irina , as earlier planned . John grows suspicious of her shifty behavior , and is proven correct when Alik and his men burst in and tie John and Jack up , while Komarov is taken as a hostage , and Irina confesses to informing on them for the `` millions of dollars '' to be gained . Jack breaks free of his ties and kills the nearest guards using a Russian gun - knife , allowing the two to kill most of the men . Alik and Irina , with Komarov still their hostage , return in a Mil Mi - 24 helicopter and try to kill them , but the two escape a second time . </P> <P> That night , the two steal a car full of firearms and drive to Pripyat , Ukraine , where the vault with the file is located . However , Komarov , Irina , and Alik have preceded them . In a twist , the file is revealed never to have existed : the drawer with the file supposedly inside is in fact a secret passage to a Chernobyl vault containing € 1 billion worth of weapons - grade uranium . Once inside the vault , Komarov kills Alik and calls Chagarin to gloat and to listen as Chagarin is killed by a henchman of Komarov 's . </P> <P> At this point , John and Jack enter the vault , discover Komarov 's true plot , and capture him . Irina , with another henchman , comes to her father 's aid . As they attempt to escape , Jack follows Komarov , while John goes after Irina , who is escaping on a Mil Mi - 26 helicopter . Irina tries to protect her father by firing the helicopter 's guns at Jack . John is able to bring the helicopter out of balance by driving a truck out of the hangar section , still shackled by a chain , via the open rear ramp ; he is later thrown off into the building . Komarov remarks that Jack will get to watch his father die , prompting Jack to hurl him off the rooftop into the path of the spinning helicopter rotors , killing him . As Jack and John reunite inside the building , Irina tries to avenge her father by ramming the helicopter , now out of ammunition , into the building in a suicide attack . Father and son survive by leaping off the building into a large pool of water , as the helicopter crashes and explodes , killing Irina . In the end , the McClanes return home and reunite with Lucy on the tarmac . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Bruce Willis as John McClane </Li> <Li> Jai Courtney as John `` Jack '' McClane , Jr . </Li> <Li> Sebastian Koch as Yuri Komarov </Li> <Li> Yuliya Snigir as Irina Komarova </Li> <Li> Sergei Kolesnikov as Viktor Chagarin </Li> <Li> Radivoje Bukvić as Alik </Li> <Li> Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Lucy McClane </Li> </Ul> <P> Additional cast members include CIA operatives : Aldis Hodge as Lt. Foxy and Cole Hauser as Mike Collins . Amaury Nolasco appears as Murphy , an NYPD detective and McClane 's friend . Roman Luknár makes an apperance as Anton , a business associate of Chagarin . Ganxsta Zolee makes a brief cameo as a MRAP driver . </P> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Pre-production ( edit ) </H3> <P> Production was formally announced in 2010 , with X-Men Origins : Wolverine and The A-Team writer Skip Woods confirmed as the film 's screenwriter . Noam Murro was originally attached to direct the film but left production to direct the 300 prequel , 300 : Rise of an Empire . John Moore was subsequently drafted in to replace him . </P> <P> The film was originally titled `` Die Hard 24 / 7 '' . The media speculated that the film would be a crossover between the Die Hard and 24 series , with Kiefer Sutherland to reprise his role as Jack Bauer alongside John McClane . This was never confirmed by the studio , and the film 's title was later revealed to be A Good Day to Die Hard -- with no further mention of any involvement from the 24 series -- with a release date of February 14 , 2013 . </P> <H3> Casting ( edit ) </H3> <P> Bruce Willis returned as John McClane , and has expressed a desire to shoot A Good Day to Die Hard and a sixth installment in the series before retiring the character . </P> <P> When casting the role of Jack McClane , the studios considered several actors , including Liam Hemsworth and James Badge Dale , before ultimately settling on Australian actor Jai Courtney . Mary Elizabeth Winstead also appeared in the film , reprising her role as McClane 's daughter Lucy . However all her scenes were cut from the Extended release . </P> <P> Sebastian Koch played the film 's primary antagonist , Yuri Komarov , while Yuliya Snigir and Cole Hauser featured as secondary characters Irina and Collins . The cast was completed by actors Amaury Nolasco as a friend of McClane , Pasha D. Lychnikoff as a taxi driver , and Megalyn Echikunwoke , Anne Vyalitsyna , and Ivan Kamaras in smaller roles . </P> <H3> Filming ( edit ) </H3> <P> Production began in Hungary in April 2012 , with the capital Budapest standing in for Moscow . A military shooting range near Hajmáskér was used for shooting live ammunition , while vehicular stunts were shot at the Hungaroring , a Formula One racing circuit in Mogyoród . </P> <P> In July 2012 , a fire broke out on the set while shooting an aerial stunt , though no one was injured and shooting resumed after a short delay . </P> <P> In creating the film 's visual style , Moore wanted the camera work to be almost entirely handheld , using three 4 Perforation 35mm Arri cameras equipped with long lenses to capture tight close - ups , for Moore explained , `` McClane is in a strange world , with little or no initial control over his environment . He 's unable to anticipate things as he normally might . He 's caught off guard , and we want the camera to mimic that surprise and confusion . '' Moore also chose to create as many of the film 's effects on camera as possible , only using visual effects to enhance elements or paint in backgrounds . </P> <H3> Post-production ( edit ) </H3> <P> A specially censored version was prepared for theatrical release in the United Kingdom , which was cut for language and violence in order to attain a 12A at the request of the distributors . The U.S. version is rated R and is uncut . The film 's audio was mixed in Dolby Atmos surround sound . In February 2013 , director Moore began work on a director 's cut , which was later released on Blu - ray . </P> <H2> Soundtrack ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> A Good Day to Die Hard : Original Motion Picture Soundtrack </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Soundtrack album by Marco Beltrami </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> February 19 , 2013 ( 2013 - 02 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Film score </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Sony Classical </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer </Th> <Td> Marco Beltrami </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Marco Beltrami , who had composed the soundtrack for the previous film , Live Free or Die Hard , returned to score A Good Day to Die Hard . Beltrami again incorporates Michael Kamen 's material from the first three films into his score . Beltrami only had six weeks in which to write the music , and new scenes were still being shot as the music was being recorded . In the end , he wrote around 120 minutes of music , with 80 of those minutes making it into the final film . The soundtrack album was released on February 14 , 2013 digitally and in retailers by Sony Classical . Five orchestrators were involved : Pete Anthony , Jon Kull , Dana Niu , Rossana Galante , Andrew Kinny . The orchestra was conducted by Pete Anthony . </P> <P> The score was programmed by Buck Sanders , with additional music composed by Marcus Trumpp and Brandon Roberts . </P> <P> All music composed by Marco Beltrami . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Length </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1 . </Td> <Td> `` Yuri Says , `` привет '' '' </Td> <Td> 2 : | The cast of A Good Day to Die Hard includes | [
"Bruce Willis"
] | 1,485 | The cast of a good day to die hard? |
-7474075370918613585 | Category : Bodies of water of Uruguay - wikipedia Help <H1> Category : Bodies of water of Uruguay </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bodies of water in Uruguay . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> </H2> <P> This category has the following 4 subcategories , out of 4 total . </P> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> ► Bays of Uruguay ( 1 P ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> ► Lakes of Uruguay ( 5 P ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> ► Rivers of Uruguay ( 2 C , 35 P ) </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> ► Springs of Uruguay ( 1 P ) </Li> </Ul> <H2> Pages in category `` Bodies of water of Uruguay '' </H2> <P> This category contains only the following page . This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ) . </P> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Bay of Montevideo </Li> </Ul> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Landforms of Uruguay </Li> <Li> Bodies of water by country </Li> <Li> Water in Uruguay </Li> <Li> Bodies of water of South America by country </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> Help </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Azərbaycanca </Li> <Li> Deutsch </Li> <Li> فارسی </Li> <Li> 한국어 </Li> <Li> Magyar </Li> <Li> Português </Li> <Li> Türkçe </Li> <Li> اردو </Li> </Ul> Edit links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 24 December 2016 , at 03 : 52 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | Uruguay is located along the | [
"Bay of Montevideo"
] | 163 | Uruguay is located along what body of water? |
-2388570044858923128 | 14 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 : 44 </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 66 </Td> <Td> 4 : 51 </Td> <Td> NE </Td> <Td> Corey Dillon 2 - yard touchdown run , Vinatieri kick good </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 8 : 40 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 43 </Td> <Td> 3 : 49 </Td> <Td> NE </Td> <Td> 22 - yard field goal by Vinatieri </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1 : 48 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 79 </Td> <Td> 3 : 52 </Td> <Td> PHI </Td> <Td> Greg Lewis 30 - yard touchdown reception from McNabb , Akers kick good </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="7"> `` TOP '' = time of possession . For other American football terms , see Glossary of American football . </Td> <Th> 24 </Th> <Th> 21 </Th> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Statistical overview ( edit ) </H3> The Patriots score their second touchdown of the game <P> McNabb completed 30 out of 51 passes for 357 yards and 3 touchdowns , but threw 3 interceptions and was sacked four times . McNabb 's 357 yards are tied with Joe Montana for the fifth most in Super Bowl history and third most of any quarterback , as Tom Brady holds the top spot with 505 yards in Super Bowl LII and Kurt Warner holds the following 3 spots . Westbrook was the Eagles leading rusher with 44 yards , while also catching 6 passes for 70 yards and a touchdown and returning 3 punts for 19 yards . Pinkston caught 4 passes for 82 yards , while Owens was the Eagles ' top receiver with 9 catches for 122 yards , however neither of them scored a touchdown . </P> <P> Brady completed 23 out of 33 passes for 236 yards and 2 touchdowns . Dillon was the top rusher of the game with 75 yards and a touchdown , and had 3 catches for 31 yards . Running back Kevin Faulk contributed 38 rushing yards and 27 receiving yards . </P> <P> Branch 's Super Bowl record 11 catches tied Cincinnati Bengals ' Dan Ross in Super Bowl XVI and San Francisco 49ers ' Jerry Rice in Super Bowl XXIII . Coincidentally , all three would later be traded to the Seattle Seahawks : Ross in 1985 , Rice in 2004 and Branch in 2006 . Branch 's combined 21 catches in Super Bowls XXXVIII and XXXIX are the most in back - to - back Super Bowls . Branch also became the third offensive player ever to win Super Bowl MVP honors without scoring a touchdown or throwing a touchdown pass . The other two players were Joe Namath in Super Bowl III and Fred Biletnikoff in Super Bowl XI . </P> <P> Branch and Terrell Owens each had 100 yards receiving , marking the third time in Super Bowl history , one player from each team had over 100 yards in a Super Bowl . Michael Irvin and Andre Reed were the first in Super Bowl XXVII , and Branch and Muhsin Muhammad the second a year earlier in Super Bowl XXXVIII . Branch also became the fourth player to have at least 100 yards receiving in back - to - back Super Bowls , joining John Stallworth , Jerry Rice and Antonio Freeman . Also , Mike Vrabel and David Givens became just the 14th and 15th players to score a touchdown in consecutive Super Bowls . Vrabel is the most surprising person on this list because he is a linebacker and he scored his on offense . They also became just the 7th and 8th players to catch a touchdown in back - to - back Super Bowls . </P> <P> With the victory , Tom Brady became just the fourth quarterback to win at least three Super Bowls , along with Terry Bradshaw , Joe Montana and Troy Aikman . Brady also became the fourth quarterback to throw a touchdown pass in three different Super Bowls . Other quarterbacks to do it were Terry Bradshaw , Joe Montana and John Elway , with Kurt Warner later accomplishing the feat during Super Bowl XLIII . </P> <P> The Patriots joined the Dallas Cowboys as the only teams in NFL history to win three Super Bowls in a span of four years . </P> <H2> Aftermath ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Patriots ' Super Bowl win was the third championship for Boston - area sports teams in 12 months , following the Patriots winning Super Bowl XXXVIII the year before and the Red Sox winning the World Series -- first in 86 years -- three months earlier . This marked the first time since 1989 -- 1990 in the San Francisco Bay Area that the same market has had 2 Super Bowl and World Series winners in 12 months . The Patriots would later appear in Super Bowl XLII and Super Bowl XLVI , losing both to Eli Manning 's New York Giants , before winning Super Bowl XLIX against the Seattle Seahawks , 28 -- 24 , ten years later and Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons , 34 - 28 , two years later . The latest Super Bowl win for the Patriots makes it ten titles among the four Boston teams ( 5 by the Patriots , 3 by the Red Sox , and one each by the Celtics and Bruins ) since 2002 . </P> <P> For the Eagles , with the loss , the city of Philadelphia would not see its first championship since the 76ers swept the 1983 NBA Finals until the next time their city 's teams played for a championship , when the Phillies won the 2008 World Series . The Eagles did not return to the Super Bowl until 2017 , also with a 13 - 3 record , and defeating the Falcons and Vikings in the playoffs . </P> <P> The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII , following the 2017 season , with the Eagles taking their revenge 41 -- 33 . </P> <P> This is the last time that a team has won back - to - back Super Bowls , with the Patriots losing their second playoff game a year later and then , for the next eight years , every team either losing their first playoff game or missing them altogether . The streak was broken in 2014 when the Seahawks defeated the Panthers and ultimately advanced to the Super Bowl , only to lose to a Patriots goal line stand . The next year , the Patriots , having faltered down the stretch , entered those playoffs as the second seed behind the Broncos , who then defeated New England in the AFC Title Game that year en route to a title of their own in Super Bowl 50 . Two years later , the Patriots , defending champions themselves from Super Bowl LI , returned to repeat their title only to lose the aforementioned Super Bowl LII . </P> <H2> Final statistics ( edit ) </H2> <P> Sources : Super Bowl XXXIX , Super Bowl XXXIX Play Finder NE , Super Bowl XXXIX Play Finder Phi </P> <H3> Statistical comparison ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> New England Patriots </Th> <Th> Philadelphia Eagles </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> First downs </Td> <Td> 21 </Td> <Td> 24 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> First downs rushing </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> First downs passing </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> First downs penalty </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Third down efficiency </Td> <Td> 4 / 12 </Td> <Td> 9 / 16 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Fourth down efficiency </Td> <Td> 0 / 0 </Td> <Td> 0 / 0 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Net yards rushing </Td> <Td> 112 </Td> <Td> 45 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Rushing attempts </Td> <Td> 28 </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Yards per rush </Td> <Td> 4.0 </Td> <Td> 2.6 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Passing -- Completions -- attempts </Td> <Td> 23 / 33 </Td> <Td> 30 / 51 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Times sacked -- total yards </Td> <Td> 2 -- 17 </Td> <Td> 4 -- 33 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Interceptions thrown </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Net yards passing </Td> <Td> 219 </Td> <Td> 324 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Total net yards </Td> <Td> 331 </Td> <Td> 369 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Punt returns -- total yards </Td> <Td> 4 -- 26 </Td> <Td> 3 -- 19 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kickoff returns -- total yards </Td> <Td> 4 -- 63 </Td> <Td> 5 -- 114 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Interceptions -- total return yards </Td> <Td> 3 -- 5 </Td> <Td> 0 -- 0 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Punts -- average yardage </Td> <Td> 7 -- 45.1 </Td> <Td> 5 -- 42.8 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Fumbles -- lost </Td> <Td> 1 -- 1 </Td> <Td> 2 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Penalties -- yards </Td> <Td> 7 -- 47 </Td> <Td> 3 -- 35 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Time of possession </Td> <Td> 31 : 37 </Td> <Td> 28 : 23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Turnovers </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Individual leaders ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Patriots Passing </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> C / ATT </Th> <Th> Yds </Th> <Th> TD </Th> <Th> INT </Th> <Th> Rating </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tom Brady </Td> <Td> 23 / 33 </Td> <Td> 236 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 110.2 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Patriots Rushing </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> Car </Th> <Th> Yds </Th> <Th> TD </Th> <Th> LG </Th> <Th> Yds / Car </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Corey Dillon </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> <Td> 75 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 25 </Td> <Td> 4.17 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kevin Faulk </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> 38 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> 4.75 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Patrick Pass </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0.00 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tom Brady </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> − 1 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> − 1 </Td> <Td> - 1.00 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Patriots Receiving </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> Rec </Th> <Th> Yds </Th> <Th> TD </Th> <Th> LG </Th> <Th> Target </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Deion Branch </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> 133 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 27 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Corey Dillon </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 31 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David Givens </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kevin Faulk </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 27 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Troy Brown </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 17 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Daniel Graham </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mike Vrabel </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 2t </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David Patten </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Eagles Passing </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> C / ATT </Th> <Th> Yds </Th> <Th> TD </Th> <Th> INT </Th> <Th> Rating </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Donovan McNabb </Td> <Td> 30 / 51 </Td> <Td> 357 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 75.4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="6"> Eagles Rushing </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Th> Car </Th> <Th> Yds </Th> <Th> TD </Th> <Th> LG </Th> <Th> Yds / Car </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Brian Westbrook </Td> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> 44 </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> 22 </Td> <Td> 2.93 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dorsey Levens </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 0 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 1.00 </Td> </Tr> | The Philadelphia Eagles last played in | [
"Super Bowl LII"
] | 7,593 | When did the philadelphia eagles play in the super bowl last? |
-5372667077951673175 | Typeface Anatomy - wikipedia <H1> Typeface Anatomy </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Typographic parts of a glyph : 1 ) x-height ; 2 ) ascender line ; 3 ) apex ; 4 ) baseline ; 5 ) ascender ; 6 ) crossbar ; 7 ) stem ; 8 ) serif ; 9 ) leg ; 10 ) bowl ; 11 ) counter ; 12 ) collar / link / neck ; 13 ) loop ; 14 ) ear ; 15 ) tie ; 16 ) horizontal bar ; 17 ) arm ; 18 ) vertical bar ; 19 ) cap height ; 20 ) descender line . <P> Typeface anatomy describes the graphic elements that make up printed letters in a typeface . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Strokes </Li> <Li> 2 Terminals </Li> <Li> 3 Space </Li> <Li> 4 Proportions </Li> <Li> 5 Metal type era </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 Further reading </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Strokes ( edit ) </H2> <P> The strokes are the components of a letterform . Strokes may be straight , as in klvwxz , or curved , as in cos . If straight , they may be horizontal , vertical , or diagonal ; if curved , open or closed . Typographers also speak of an instroke , where one starts writing the letter , as at the top of acf , and an outstroke , where the pen leaves off , as at the bottom of cejkty . </P> Typefaces are born from the struggle between rules and results . Squeezing a square about 1 % helps it look more like a square ; to appear the same height as a square , a circle must be measurably taller . The two strokes in an X are n't the same thickness , nor are their parallel edges actually parallel ; the vertical stems of a lowercase alphabet are thinner than those of its capitals ; the ascender on ad is n't the same length as the descender on ap , and so on . For the rational mind , type design can be a maddening game of drawing things differently in order to make them appear the same . <P> Hoefler & Frere - Jones </P> <P> A main vertical stroke is called a stem . The letter m has three , the left , middle , and right stems . The central stroke of an s is called the spine . When the stroke is part of a lowercase and rises above the height of an x ( called the x height ) , it is called an ascender . Letters with ascenders are bdfhkl . A stroke which drops below the baseline is a descender . Letters with descenders are gjpqy . An arching stroke is called a shoulder as in the top of an R or sometimes just an arch , as in hnm . A closed curved stroke is called a bowl in bdopq DOPQ ; B has two bowls . A trailing outstroke , as in jy JQR is called a tail . The inferior diagonal stroke in K is called leg . A short horizontal stroke , as in the center of ef and the middle stroke of EF , is called a bar . When the strokes connect as in A and H or cross strokes as in t is also known as crossbar . A longer horizontal stroke at the top or bottom , as in ET , is called an arm . The bottom of the two - story g is called a loop ; the very short stroke at the top is called the ear . ij each have a dot , jot , or tittle . Angles of strokes are called apices if at the top and vertices if at the bottom . w has one apex and two vertices ; v has one vertex . </P> <P> The font shown in the example is stressed : strokes have varying widths . In this example , the stroke at the top of the g is thinner at the top and bottom than on the sides -- a vertical stress . </P> <H2> Terminals ( edit ) </H2> <P> The terminals ( ends ) of instrokes and outstrokes often end in serif or sans - serif . A seriffed terminal may be described as a wedge , bulbous , teardrop , slab , etc. , depending on the design of the type . Sorting typefaces can be practical based on its look . A clue feature is to define the serif style . Some designs also have spurs , which are smaller than serifs and appear on angles rather than at a terminal , as on e or G . </P> <H2> Space ( edit ) </H2> <P> Areas of negative space ( white space ) formed by straight or curved strokes are called counters . Closed counters are found in abdegopq ABDOPQR , and open counters in acefhmnrstu . The close counter in e is also named eye . Angles of white space , as in w , are corners ( w has three corners ) ; the term is not used for angles of strokes . The small corner formed by a serif , whether curved or angular , is called the serif bracket . </P> <H2> Proportions ( edit ) </H2> <P> A subtle change in proportion impacts weight , perception , measure , and legibility . The letterform height compared to its stroke width modifies the aspect ; this slight change in weight sometimes helps to create emphasis . The disparity between thick and thin strokes , known as stress , alters optical perception . As an example , the initial san serif typefaces used a constantly thin stroke . The technological advances allow drawing thinner strokes . Condense type occupies less space than expanded type , then the text written on a page can be reduced to half a page. The capline and x-height ratio improve or decrease word legibility . </P> <H2> Metal type era ( edit ) </H2> <P> During the late metal type period , many fonts ( particularly in American typefounding ) were issued to `` common line '' . This meant that they were made to standardised proportions , so that fonts of different typefaces could be mixed with no difficulty . This made it possible to mix typefaces from completely different genres such as sans - serifs and serifs and have the cap height , baseline and linespacing match perfectly , something not possible with most digital fonts . It even allowed mixing of different sizes of type with a consistent baseline . It however had the disadvantage of often forcing typefaces to be issued with cropped descenders compared to historical typefaces , to allow tight linespacing . A `` script line '' or `` art line '' was used for more delicate fonts with long descenders . Titling capitals , meanwhile , were issued taking up the whole space of the metal type area , with no room for descenders . </P> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Type design </Li> <Li> Type foundry </Li> <Li> Typography </Li> <Li> Typesetting </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Studer , Anton ( 29 February 2016 ) . `` Is What I See What I Get ? -- Math & Optics in Type Design '' . Typographica . Retrieved 17 April 2016 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Carter , Bob ; Day , Ben ; Meggs , Philip ( 2007 ) . Typographic Design : Form and Communication . United States of America : John Wiley & Sons . p. 31 . ISBN 9780471783909 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Pecina , Martin ; Březina , David ( 2008 ) . `` Type Anatomy 1.0 '' . Typomil . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Introducing Ideal Sans '' . Fonts by Hoefler & Co. 4 May 2011 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bosler , Denise ( 2012 - 05 - 16 ) . Mastering Type : The Essential Guide to Typography for Print and Web Design . F + W Media , Inc. p. 31 . ISBN 1440313717 . individual parts such as the spine of the S </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Dean , Paul ( 11 April 2008 ) . `` eXtreme Type Terminology . Part Three : The ' Black Art ' '' . I Love Typography . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Collen , Stephen . `` Anatomy of Type : A Graphic Guide to 100 typefaces . '' Harper Design , 2013 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Dean , Paul ( 27 March 2008 ) . `` eXtreme Type Terminology . Part 2 : Anatomy of a Letterform '' . I Love Typography . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Further reading ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Gaskell , Philip ( January 1976 ) . `` A nomenclature for the letterforms of roman type '' . Visible Language . 10 ( 1 ) : 41 -- 51 . </Li> </Ul> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wikimedia Commons has media related to Examples of typography terms . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Ul> <Li> Armannsson , Sigurdur ( 6 July 2009 ) . `` Wallpaper : Font Anatomy '' . . Full - size image ( 1920 × 1200 ) </Li> <Li> Dean , Paul ( 2008 ) . eXtreme Type Terminology -- Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 and Part 5 </Li> <Li> Devroye , Luc . `` Hoefler & Frere - Jones '' . Retrieved 21 January 2015 . </Li> <Li> Frere - Jones , Tobias . `` Typeface Mechanics : 001 '' . Frere - Jones Type . Retrieved 17 April 2016 . </Li> <Li> Frere - Jones , Tobias . `` Typeface Mechanics : 002 '' . Frere - Jones Type . Retrieved 17 April 2016 . </Li> <Li> Coles , Stephen . `` The Anatomy of Type '' . Blog for Coles ' 2012 book The Anatomy of Type : A Graphic Guide to 100 Typefaces . </Li> <Li> `` Glossary '' . FontShop . Monotype . </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Typography terminology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Page </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Canons of page construction </Li> <Li> Column </Li> <Li> Even working </Li> <Li> Margin </Li> <Li> Page numbering </Li> <Li> Pagination </Li> <Li> Pull quote </Li> <Li> Recto and verso </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Paragraph </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Alignment </Li> <Li> Justification </Li> <Li> Leading </Li> <Li> River </Li> <Li> Sentence spacing </Li> <Li> Widows and orphans </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Character </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Typeface anatomy </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Counter </Li> <Li> Diacritics </Li> <Li> Dingbat </Li> <Li> Glyph </Li> <Li> Initial </Li> <Li> Kerning </Li> <Li> Letter - spacing </Li> <Li> Ligature </Li> <Li> Subscript and superscript </Li> <Li> Swash </Li> <Li> Text figures </Li> <Li> Tittle </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Capitalization </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> ALL CAPS </Li> <Li> Camel Case </Li> <Li> Letter case </Li> <Li> Petite caps </Li> <Li> Small caps </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Visual distinction </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Italics </Li> <Li> Oblique </Li> <Li> Bold </Li> <Li> Color </Li> <Li> Underline </Li> <Li> Blackboard bold </Li> <Li> Blackletter </Li> <Li> Infɑnt </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Vertical aspects </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ascender </Li> <Li> Baseline </Li> <Li> Cap height </Li> <Li> Descender </Li> <Li> Median </Li> <Li> Overshoot </Li> <Li> x-height </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Classifications </Th> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Roman type </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Antiqua ( old style ) </Li> <Li> Didone ( modern ) </Li> <Li> Sans - serif </Li> <Li> Script </Li> <Li> Serif </Li> <Li> Slab serif </Li> <Li> Transitional </Li> | The horizontal line that intersects the vertical line in the letter "t" is called the | [
] | 591 | What is the cross on a letter t called? |
2545607965679456162 | , Chris Long , Corey Graham , Tim Jernigan and Ronald Darby . The team addressed its defense mostly in the draft , using its top three picks on defensive players . The Eagles drafted Derek Barnett with the 14th overall pick . The Eagles had completely revamped their offense and strengthened their defense heading into the 2017 season . They opened the season on the road versus the Washington Redskins and won the game 30 -- 17 . The team lost to the Kansas City Chiefs the following week , 27 -- 20 , in Pederson 's return to face Andy Reid . The Eagles then won six consecutive games , including signature wins at the Carolina Panthers , 28 -- 23 , and versus the Washington Redskins , 34 -- 24 , in a Monday Night contest . On the morning of October 31 , 2017 , just before the NFL trade deadline , the Eagles made a blockbuster move sending a fourth - round pick to the Miami Dolphins for star running back Jay Ajayi . The move immediately paid dividends for the Eagles heading into their next game versus the Denver Broncos as Ajayi rushed for 77 yards on just eight attempts including a 46 - yard TD near the end of the second quarter . Ajayi and Wentz led the Eagles to a 51 -- 23 rout of the top defense in the NFL . </P> Foles in the Huddle before leaving the field before Super Bowl LII . <P> The Eagles headed into their bye week with the best record in the NFL ( 8 -- 1 ) , and with Wentz leading the NFL MVP discussion with an NFL - leading 23 touchdowns to 5 interceptions . During their bye , the Eagles signed former Giants offensive tackle Will Beatty and former Saints linebacker Dannell Ellerbe to not only add depth but also players with Super Bowl experiences . Coming off of the bye week , the Philadelphia Eagles entered a Sunday night showdown with the defending NFC East champion Dallas Cowboys . The Eagles came out sluggish and trailed 9 -- 7 at the half . The team exploded in the second half though , rattling off 30 unanswered points to soundly defeat their rival by a final score of 37 -- 9 . The Eagles were rolling on a nine - game winning streak after a huge blowout win over the Chicago Bears . The Eagles traveled to Seattle in Week 13 in a huge Sunday Night showdown against Russell Wilson and the Seattle Seahawks . The Eagles struggled throughout the whole game , blowing many scoring opportunities and allowing Wilson to throw 3 touchdowns . The Eagles lost 24 -- 10 , ending their win streak . However , the Eagles bounced back in Week 14 win over the Los Angeles Rams in a tough 43 -- 35 win . However , Carson Wentz left the game in the third quarter with a knee injury . It was later found out that Wentz tore his ACL , ending his MVP caliber season . Backup Nick Foles would once again take over as starting quarterback . In Foles 's first start against the New York Giants , he would lead them back from a 20 -- 7 deficit and score 4 touchdowns and win the game 34 -- 29 . Foles struggled in the last two games of the season against the Oakland Raiders and the Dallas Cowboys , and threw a touchdown and 2 interceptions in that span . Despite this , the Eagles finished 13 -- 3 and secured the top seed in the NFC . The Eagles opened as the underdogs , the first time in history that a No. 1 seed has opened up the postseason as an underdog . Despite this , Foles would lead the Eagles past the Atlanta Falcons in the Divisional Round 15 -- 10 . In the next game Foles and the Eagles annihilated the Minnesota Vikings 38 -- 7 in the NFC Championship nicknamed the Minneapolis Massacre , mocking the Minneapolis Miracle from their previous playoff victory . Foles had his best game since week 15 and threw for 352 passing yards and 3 touchdowns including an impressive flea flicker touchdown pass . This win marked the franchise 's third Super Bowl appearance and a berth in Super Bowl LII for a 2005 rematch against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots . </P> <P> With Foles at the helm , the Eagles started off the game strong , leading the Patriots 22 -- 12 at halftime . In the second half the Patriots gained momentum and for the first time took the lead in the 4th quarter 33 -- 32 . The Eagles rallied back and scored an 11 - yard Touchdown to tight end Zach Ertz . Later the Eagles converted on a 46 - yard field goal by Jake Elliott to lead 41 -- 33 . On the final play of the game with 9 seconds left , Brady threw a hail - mary pass directed toward tight end Rob Gronkowski which was bobbled by Patrick Robinson before being dropped in the end - zone as time expired , securing the win for the Eagles 41 -- 33 , and ending the 58 - year long championship drought . This would be Philadelphia 's first Super Bowl win and their fourth league championship ( their first championship since 1960 ) . Foles won Super Bowl MVP going 28 -- 43 with 373 passing yards , 3 touchdowns , and an interception . Nick Foles became the first backup quarterback to start and win a Super Bowl since his opponent Tom Brady won as the backup for Drew Bledsoe in 2001 . </P> <H2> Season records </H2> Main article : List of Philadelphia Eagles seasons <Ul> <Li> Regular season record ( all - time ) : 568 -- 594 -- 26 </Li> <Li> Playoff record ( all - time ) : 22 -- 21 ( last appearance after beating New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII ) </Li> <Li> Most points in a season : 474 points ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> NFL championships won : 4 ( 3 before the 1967 NFL - AFL merger created the Super Bowl ) </Li> <Li> Super Bowls won : 1 out of 3 appearances </Li> <Li> Passing leader ( all - time ) : Donovan McNabb -- 32,873 yards </Li> <Li> Rushing leader ( all - time ) : LeSean McCoy -- 6,792 yards </Li> <Li> Receiving leader ( all - time ) : Harold Carmichael -- 8,978 yards </Li> <Li> Winningest coach ( all - time ) : Andy Reid -- 130 wins </Li> <Li> Top player by approximate value ( all - time ) : Donovan McNabb -- 126 AV </Li> </Ul> <H2> Rivalries </H2> <H3> New York Giants </H3> Main article : Eagles -- Giants rivalry <P> One of the NFL 's oldest , this rivalry began on October 15 , 1933 when the Giants defeated the newly founded Eagles 56 -- 0 . The Giants lead the all - time series 84 -- 82 -- 2 . Three of the best known comebacks against the Giants are labeled as `` Miracle In The Meadowlands -- Herm Edwards '' , `` Miracle In The Meadowlands II -- Brian Westbrook '' and `` Miracle In The New Meadowlands -- DeSean Jackson '' . </P> <H3> Dallas Cowboys </H3> Main article : Cowboys -- Eagles rivalry <P> The Cowboys have been one of the Eagles ' biggest rivals . The Eagles won the first game in this rivalry 27 -- 25 on September 30 , 1960 . Dallas leads the all - time series 63 -- 51 -- 0 . They have been close in recent years , with Dallas winning 12 games from 2006 to the present while the Eagles have also won 12 . There is much hostility between the two teams ' fan bases , with incidents such as the 1989 Bounty Bowl . </P> <H3> Washington Redskins </H3> Main article : Eagles -- Redskins rivalry <P> Not as big as the rivalries between the Giants and Cowboys , that with division rivals Washington Redskins is still fierce . It started in 1934 when the Washington Redskins were first known as the Boston Redskin ; the Redskins defeated the Eagles 6 -- 0 , and lead the all - time series 85 -- 76 -- 6 . The rivalry has been very even since 2010 overall . However , the Eagles swept the Redskins during the 2017 season for the first time since the 2013 season . </P> <H3> Pittsburgh Steelers </H3> Main article : Eagles -- Steelers rivalry <P> The Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers are both located in Pennsylvania and began play in 1933 . From that season , through 1966 , this was a major rivalry for both teams as both were part of the same division . In 1967 , they were placed in separate divisions but remained in the same conference for three years . Finally , in 1970 , the Steelers ( along with the Cleveland Browns and Baltimore Colts ) moved to the American Football Conference while the Eagles stayed with the rest of the old - line NFL teams in the National Football Conference . As a result , the Eagles and Steelers no longer played each other every year . Currently they are scheduled to meet once every four years in the regular season , the most recent meeting being in 2016 at Philadelphia , with the Eagles winning 34 - 3 . The Steelers have lost nine straight games on the road against the Eagles dating back to 1966 , which was also the start of the Super Bowl era . The Eagles lead the all - time series 47 -- 28 -- 3 . </P> <H2> Logo and uniforms </H2> <Dl> <Dd> See also : Uniform ( American football ) and footnote about Eagles ' uniform numbers . </Dd> </Dl> <P> For several decades , the Eagles ' colors were kelly green , silver , and white . In 1954 , the Eagles , along with the Baltimore Colts , became the second team ever in the NFL to put a logo on their helmets , with silver wings on a kelly green helmet . In 1969 , the team wore two helmet versions : Kelly green with white wings in road games , and white with kelly green wings at home . From 1970 to ' 73 , they wore the white helmets with Kelly green wings exclusively before switching back to Kelly green helmets with silver wings . By 1974 , Joseph A. Scirrotto Jr. designed the silver wings took on a white outline , and this style on a kelly green helmet became standard for over two decades . </P> <P> From 1948 -- 95 , the team logo was an eagle in flight carrying a football in its claws , although from ' 69 -- 72 , the eagle took on a more stylized look . As the design was similar to the Apollo 11 emblem , and its moon - landing craft was dubbed Eagle , players wore the flight 's mission patch on their jerseys during 1969 . </P> <P> In 1973 , the team 's name was added below the eagle , which returned to its pre - ' 69 look . </P> <P> However , both the logo and uniforms were radically altered in 1996 . The primary kelly green color was changed to a darker shade , officially described as `` midnight green . '' Silver was practically abandoned , as uniform pants moved to either white or midnight green . The traditional helmet wings were changed to a primarily white color , with silver and black accents . The team 's logo combination ( the eagle and club name lettering ) also changed in 1996 , with the eagle itself limited to a white ( bald eagle ) head , drawn in a less realistic , more cartoon - based style , and the lettering | The last time the Patriots played the Eagles was in | [
"Super Bowl LII"
] | 7,239 | Whens the last time the patriots played the eagles? |
-7195400924760894316 | 2017 World Series - wikipedia <H1> 2017 World Series </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> 2017 World Series </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Team ( Wins ) </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> Manager ( s ) </Td> <Td> Season </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Houston Astros ( 4 ) </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> A.J. Hinch </Td> <Td> 101 -- 61 (. 623 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Los Angeles Dodgers ( 3 ) </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> Dave Roberts </Td> <Td> 104 -- 58 (. 642 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dates </Th> <Td> October 24 -- November 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> MVP </Th> <Td> George Springer ( Houston ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Umpires </Th> <Td> Phil Cuzzi ( Games 1 -- 2 ) , Gerry Davis ( crew chief ) , Laz Díaz , Dan Iassogna , Bill Miller , Paul Nauert , Mark Wegner ( Games 3 -- 7 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> ALCS </Th> <Td> Houston Astros defeated New York Yankees , 4 -- 3 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> NLCS </Th> <Td> Los Angeles Dodgers defeated Chicago Cubs , 4 -- 1 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Broadcast </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Television </Th> <Td> Fox Fox Deportes MLB International </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> TV announcers </Th> <Td> Joe Buck , John Smoltz , Ken Rosenthal , and Tom Verducci ( Fox ) Rolando Nichols , Carlos Álvarez , Edgar Gonzalez , and Jaime Motta ( Fox Deportes ) Matt Vasgersian and Buck Martinez ( MLB International ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Radio </Th> <Td> ESPN Radio ESPN Deportes Radio Sportstalk 790 ( HOU -- English ) FM 94.1 HD3 ( HOU -- Spanish ) AM 570 LA Sports ( LAD -- English ) Univision America 1020 ( LAD -- Spanish ) Radio Korea 1540 ( LAD -- Korean ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Radio announcers </Th> <Td> Dan Shulman and Aaron Boone ( ESPN ) Eduardo Ortega , Renato Bermúdez , José Francisco Rivera , and Orlando Hernández ( ESPN Deportes ) Robert Ford and Steve Sparks ( HOU -- English ) Alex Treviño and Francisco Romero ( HOU -- Spanish ) Charley Steiner and Rick Monday ( LAD -- English ) Jaime Jarrín and Jorge Jarrín ( LAD -- Spanish ) Richard Choi and Chong Ho Yim ( LAD -- Korean ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> World Series Program </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> ← 2016 </Td> <Td> World Series </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The 2017 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball 's ( MLB ) 2017 season . The 113th edition of the World Series , it was played between October 24 and November 1 . The series was a best - of - seven playoff between the National League ( NL ) champion Los Angeles Dodgers and the American League ( AL ) champion Houston Astros . It was sponsored by the internet television service YouTube TV and officially known as the World Series presented by YouTube TV . </P> <P> The Astros defeated the Dodgers , four games to three , to win their first World Series in franchise history , and the first team from Texas to do so . Both teams set a World Series record with a combined total of 25 home runs throughout the entire series , including a team record 15 home runs by the Astros , and hit a combined total of eight home runs in Game 2 to set the single game World Series mark . Houston outfielder George Springer was named as the World Series Most Valuable Player ( MVP ) after hitting five home runs in the series to tie a World Series record with Reggie Jackson in 1977 and Dodgers ' 2017 World Series representative Chase Utley in 2009 when he played for the Philadelphia Phillies . </P> <P> This was the first World Series in which home - field advantage was decided by the regular season record of pennant winners . From 1903 to 2002 , home - field advantage alternated between the AL and NL , and from 2003 to 2016 , it was determined by results from that season 's All - Star Game , when it was awarded to the team from the winning league . With 104 regular season wins , the Dodgers earned home - field advantage over the Astros , who had 101 regular season wins . The series was played in a 2 -- 3 -- 2 format , with the Dodgers hosting Games 1 , 2 , 6 , and 7 ; and the Astros hosting Games 3 , 4 , and 5 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Background <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Los Angeles Dodgers </Li> <Li> 1.2 Houston Astros </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Summary </Li> <Li> 3 Pre-game ceremonies </Li> <Li> 4 Game summaries <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Game 1 </Li> <Li> 4.2 Game 2 </Li> <Li> 4.3 Game 3 </Li> <Li> 4.4 Game 4 </Li> <Li> 4.5 Game 5 </Li> <Li> 4.6 Game 6 </Li> <Li> 4.7 Game 7 </Li> <Li> 4.8 Composite line score </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Broadcasting <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Television <Ul> <Li> 5.1. 1 Ratings </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5.2 Radio </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Sponsorship </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 Notes </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Background ( edit ) </H2> <P> This was the first World Series matchup , and second postseason meeting overall , between the Astros and Dodgers . Los Angeles defeated Houston in the 1981 National League Division Series in five games en route to its World Series championship that year . The teams also met in the 1980 National League West tie - breaker game . This was the first Fall Classic since 1970 , and the eighth overall , in which both participants had 100 or more wins during the regular season . </P> <P> With the Astros and Dodgers having waited a combined 84 years for a championship ( the Dodgers last won the World Series in 1988 , and the Astros had never won since their 1962 formation ) , this was the third straight year in which the World Series teams had waited a combined 50 years or more to win a World Series , following 2015 at 59 years and 2016 at 176 years . Both teams had not lost at home this postseason leading to the World Series . The two teams did not meet in interleague play during the regular season . </P> <H3> Los Angeles Dodgers ( edit ) </H3> Main article : 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season <P> The Dodgers held a 91 -- 36 record through August 25 . However , a late season slump , in which the team lost 20 of 25 games ( highlighted by 11 straight losses ) , led to questions about whether the Dodgers would succeed in the postseason . Despite the slump , the team recovered to win eight of its final ten regular season games , securing their fifth consecutive National League West title and home field advantage throughout the playoffs . In the postseason , the Dodgers swept the Arizona Diamondbacks in the National League Division Series and defeated the defending World Series champion Chicago Cubs in the previous year 's rematch of the National League Championship Series in five games . This was the first appearance in the Fall Classic for the Dodgers since 1988 , the tenth since the franchise moved from Brooklyn to Los Angeles in 1958 , and the 19th overall . </P> <P> Entering the 2017 World Series , the Dodgers bullpen had thrown 23 consecutive scoreless innings , a postseason record for a bullpen . Additionally , by outscoring the Arizona Diamondbacks and Chicago Cubs by a combined 48 -- 19 margin , the Dodgers entered the World Series with the third - best run differential of any pennant winner since the playoff structure was expanded in 1995 . </P> <P> All - Star shortstop Corey Seager , who was out for the entire National League Championship Series with a back injury , was included on the Dodgers ' World Series roster . Manager Dave Roberts became first manager of Asian heritage ever in the World Series , as well as the fourth African - American manager . </P> <H3> Houston Astros ( edit ) </H3> Main article : 2017 Houston Astros season The Astros wore a patch during the 2017 World Series in support of Hurricane Harvey victims in Houston <P> With a 101 -- 61 regular season record , the team won its first American League West title since moving from the National League Central starting in its 2013 season , and their first division title since 2001 . In the American League Division Series , they defeated the Boston Red Sox in four games and then defeated the New York Yankees in the American League Championship Series ( ALCS ) in seven games . This was their second World Series appearance and first since 2005 , when they were swept in four games by the Chicago White Sox . They became the first team in history to make it to the World Series as members of both the National League and the American League . </P> <P> The city of Houston in August 2017 suffered record flooding from Hurricane Harvey . The team began to wear patches which had the logo of the team with the word `` Strong '' on the bottom of the patch , as well as promoting the hashtag Houston Strong . Manager A.J. Hinch has stated in an interview that the team was n't just playing for a title , but to help boost moral support for the city . </P> <P> On August 31 , just seconds before the midnight deadline , the Astros traded for Justin Verlander . Following the trade , including the regular season and postseason to this point , Verlander had posted a 9 -- 0 win - loss record with a 1.23 earned run average . He was named the ALCS MVP . </P> <H2> Summary ( edit ) </H2> <P> Houston won the series , 4 -- 3 . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Game </Th> <Th> Date </Th> <Th> Score </Th> <Th> Location </Th> <Th> Time </Th> <Th> Attendance </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 10 - 24 - 0000 October 24 </Td> <Td> Houston Astros -- 1 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 3 </Td> <Td> Dodger Stadium </Td> <Td> 2 : 28 </Td> <Td> 54,253 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 10 - 25 - 0000 October 25 </Td> <Td> Houston Astros -- 7 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 6 ( 11 ) </Td> <Td> Dodger Stadium </Td> <Td> 4 : 19 </Td> <Td> 54,293 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 10 - 27 - 0000 October 27 </Td> <Td> Los Angeles Dodgers -- 3 , Houston Astros -- 5 </Td> <Td> Minute Maid Park </Td> <Td> 3 : 46 </Td> <Td> 43,282 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 10 - 28 - 0000 October 28 </Td> <Td> Los Angeles Dodgers -- 6 , Houston Astros -- 2 </Td> <Td> Minute Maid Park </Td> <Td> 3 : 06 </Td> <Td> 43,322 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 10 - 29 - 0000 October 29 </Td> <Td> Los Angeles Dodgers -- 12 , Houston Astros -- 13 ( 10 ) </Td> <Td> Minute Maid Park </Td> <Td> 5 : 17 </Td> <Td> 43,300 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 10 - 31 - 0000 October 31 </Td> <Td> Houston Astros -- 1 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 3 </Td> <Td> Dodger Stadium </Td> <Td> 3 : 22 </Td> <Td> 54,128 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> 000000002018 - 11 - 01 - 0000 November 1 </Td> <Td> Houston Astros -- 5 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 1 </Td> <Td> Dodger Stadium </Td> <Td> 3 | The teams playing in the World Series are the | [
"Houston Astros"
] | 52 | Who's playing in the world series and when is it? |
-8462578313793667601 | Doctor Poison - Wikipedia <H1> Doctor Poison </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article needs to be updated . Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information . ( June 2017 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Doctor Poison </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Doctor Poison debuts in Sensation Comics # 2 . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Publication information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Publisher </Th> <Td> DC Comics </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First appearance </Th> <Td> ( Princess Maru ) Sensation Comics # 2 ( February 1942 ) ( Marina Maru ) Wonder Woman # 151 ( Vol. 2 ) ( December 1999 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created by </Th> <Td> William Moulton Marston Harry G. Peter </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> In - story information </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Alter ego </Th> <Td> Princess Maru Marina Maru </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Team affiliations </Th> <Td> Villainy Inc . Secret Society of Super-Villains Godwatch </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Abilities </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Scientific genius in fields of chemistry and biology </Li> <Li> Engineering of pathogens , poisons , toxins , plagues and chemical - based weapons . </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Doctor Poison is the name of two fictional characters , supervillains who appear in DC Comics publications and related media . Both villains were members of the super-villain team Villainy Inc. and have appeared as major recurring enemies for Wonder Woman . </P> <P> The original Princess Maru incarnation of the character made her cinematic debut in the 2017 film Wonder Woman , portrayed by Spanish actress Elena Anaya . </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Publication history </Li> <Li> 2 Fictional character biography <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Princess Maru <Ul> <Li> 2.1. 1 Golden Age </Li> <Li> 2.1. 2 Post-Crisis </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2.2 Marina Maru <Ul> <Li> 2.2. 1 Post-Crisis </Li> <Li> 2.2. 2 The New 52 </Li> <Li> 2.2. 3 DC Rebirth </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Powers and abilities </Li> <Li> 4 Other versions <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Wednesday Comics </Li> <Li> 4.2 DC Super Friends </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 In other media <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Television </Li> <Li> 5.2 Film </Li> <Li> 5.3 Video games </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 References </Li> <Li> 8 External links </Li> </Ul> <H2> Publication history ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Princess Maru incarnation of Doctor Poison first appeared in Sensation Comics # 2 and was created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter . </P> <P> The second Doctor Poison first appeared in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 # 151 and was created by Eric Luke and Matthew Clark . </P> <H2> Fictional character biography ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Princess Maru ( edit ) </H3> Golden Age ( edit ) <P> Doctor Poison first appeared as the chief of the poison division for a Nazi spy band who had planned to contaminate the United States Army 's water with `` Reverso , '' a drug that compels whoever takes it to `` do the exact opposite of what they are told . '' She disguised her sex by wearing a bulky hooded costume and a mask . Doctor Poison 's underlings captured Steve Trevor and brought him to their base in America where he was questioned by Doctor Poison . Wonder Woman , disguised as a nurse , aided Steve Trevor but was forced to flee the scene after a lengthy battle . Meanwhile , the Reverso drug was successful in turning thousands of American soldiers against their superiors . Wonder Woman recruited Etta Candy to help her create a diversion for Doctor Poison 's troops , which led to the defeat of the villain . When Wonder Woman pulled her disguise off , she discovered Doctor Poison to be Maru , a Japanese princess . Maru made one more attempt to defeat the amazon , but was tackled by Etta Candy and coerced into giving up the antidote . She was later taken into police custody . </P> <P> Later , Princess Maru escaped imprisonment and disguised herself as Mei Sing , a `` princess '' who worked in a Chinese nightclub . She once again captured Steve Trevor , who could n't see through her disguise . This led to another encounter with Wonder Woman , who Maru defeated with an anesthetic gas grenade . Maru had been perfecting a green gas which would clog the carburetors of the US planes . This plan was foiled once again by Wonder Woman . </P> <P> Instead of placing Maru back in prison , Wonder Woman sentenced her to Transformation Island , the Amazon penal colony where many female criminals were sent to reform . Although the majority of inmates have reformed with loving submission , Maru and seven other women refused to change their ways . The Saturnian slaver Eviless banded these rebellious super-villains together under the name Villainy Inc . Maru returned to her Doctor Poison disguise and tricked Queen Hippolyta into believing men had invaded Paradise Island . The villains were able to capture Hippolyta 's girdle , which they used to defeat Wonder Woman . Doctor Poison then joined Eviless , Blue Snowman , and Cheetah on a boat with the captive Wonder Woman , plotting to imprison the amazon on Transformation Island for revenge . Wonder Woman attempted to escape by turning the boat over , but the four members of Villainy Inc. defeated her once again . After traveling to Transformation Island , Eviless tortured Wonder Woman until the reformed criminal Irene led a mutiny against Villainy Inc . In the ensuing chaos , Wonder Woman and Hippolyta broke free of their chains and managed to defeat Doctor Poison and her three companions . </P> Post-crisis ( edit ) <P> After the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths , Doctor Poison was a founding member of Villainy Inc. , but the team was created by Queen Clea instead of Eviless . As part of Villainy Inc. , Doctor Poison battled Hippolyta , the first Wonder Woman , in the 1940s . It was later revealed by her granddaughter that she had died after creating the Reverso drug , as she accidentally reversed her own growth patterns and had forgotten the antidote by becoming too young too fast , eventually reverting to a fetus and then nothing . </P> <H3> Marina Maru ( edit ) </H3> Post-crisis ( edit ) <P> The grandchild of the original Doctor Poison , this second incarnation appears in league with the demi - goddess Devastation . Doctor Poison 's sex remains ambiguous , the only clues being long fingernails and a lipsticked grimace . She also joined the second Villainy Inc. and once again battled Wonder Woman . This incarnation of Doctor Poison confirmed that her grandmother did battle Queen Hippolyta as Wonder Woman during World War II . She also explains that her grandmother met her own demise by the creation of the drug called `` Reverso '' . The original Doctor Poison accidentally reversed her own growth patterns and had forgotten the antidote by becoming too young too fast , eventually reverting to a fetus and then nothing . </P> <P> Doctor Poison is one of the villains sent to retrieve the Get Out of Hell free card from the Secret Six . </P> <P> Doctor Poison was later asked to be a part of the Secret Society of Super Villains , which she accepted . Joining the other scientists on the team , she was assigned to collect soil samples from Logor Jasenovac , Croatia . She added her samples with that of other areas on Earth where genocide took place and helped create the new Wonder Woman villain Genocide . Following the Final Crisis , she was with Cheetah 's Secret Society of Super Villains . </P> The new 52 ( edit ) <P> In September 2011 , The New 52 rebooted DC 's continuity . In this new timeline , Doctor Maru is re-introduced as the Caucasian daughter of a Russian pair of scientists renowned for their knowledge of poisons . American spies had approached her parents as they thought the doctors ' expertise could lead to the United States ' domination in biological weaponry . When they refused , the Russian government discovered their practices . Her parents were branded terrorists by Russia , and imprisoned near Siberia where they died during interrogations . Doctor Poison blamed the United States for her parents ' deaths and planned to take revenge through chemical attacks . </P> DC Rebirth ( edit ) <P> After the events of DC Rebirth , Doctor Poison 's history had been altered . In the current continuity , she is Colonel Marina Maru , a Japanese soldier working for the organization called Poison which had been founded by her family . During Wonder Woman 's first few months in the United States , the amazon discovered a group of men infected with the Maru Virus , a poison that drives its victims to rage - induced murder . Ten years later after Wonder Woman had discovered she had been living a lie for several years , Veronica Cale sent Doctor Poison to attack the Amazon . </P> <H2> Powers and abilities ( edit ) </H2> <P> Doctor Poison is an expert in the use of poisons , toxins , and plagues . </P> <H2> Other versions ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Wednesday Comics ( edit ) </H3> <P> Doctor Poison appears in the Wonder Woman sections of anthology series Wednesday Comics . </P> <H3> DC Super Friends ( edit ) </H3> <P> Doctor Poison is among several scientist - themed super-villains who band together to fight the Super Friends in the story `` Weird Science '' from the series DC Super Friends . </P> <H2> In other media ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Television ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> A version of Doctor Poison appears in the Batman : The Brave and the Bold episode `` Joker : The Vile and the Villainous . '' She is seen working as a bartender at a tavern populated by D - list supervillains when Joker pays a visit to it and meets Weeper . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Film ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Doctor Poison appears in the DC Extended Universe film Wonder Woman ( 2017 ) , portrayed by Elena Anaya . In this adaptation , her identity is Isabel Maru , a Spanish chemist recruited by General Erich Ludendorff to create chemical weapons for the German army . Due to facial disfigurement , she wears a ceramic mask over the left side of her face . It marks the character 's first live action appearance , although the setting is World War I rather than the World War II setting of the comic books . When Steve Trevor steals a book of Doctor Maru 's notes on her new chemical weapons that would render the gas masks useless against them , he crash - lands on Themyscira during his escape , which alerts Diana to the current war . She initially believes that Ares is directly responsible for the war , but later learns that all he did was provide a few ideas for the weapons to the likes of Maru while the decision to use the weapons was still the choice of the humans themselves . Ares attempts to sway Diana to his point of view by offering her a chance to kill Maru for her sins and part in the war , but Diana rejects his offer upon realizing of Trevor 's sacrifice that inspires her to recognize that she must accept humanity for its flaws rather than condemn it for not being perfect . This leads Diana to spare Maru out of mercy , who then flees . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Video games ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> Doctor Poison appears as a playable character in the mobile game DC Legends . </Li> </Ul> <H2> See also ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> List of Wonder Woman enemies </Li> </Ul> <H2> References ( | The evil doctor in Wonder Woman is played by | [
"Elena Anaya"
] | 272 | Who plays the evil doctor in wonder woman? |
-2346694142996376613 | Summer of ' 42 - wikipedia <H1> Summer of ' 42 </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Summer of ' 42 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> Robert Mulligan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> Richard A. Roth </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written by </Th> <Td> Herman Raucher </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> Jennifer O'Neill Gary Grimes Jerry Houser Oliver Conant </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Narrated by </Th> <Td> Robert Mulligan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> Michel Legrand </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Robert Surtees </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> Folmar Blangsted </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> Warner Bros. Pictures </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> April 18 , 1971 ( 1971 - 04 - 18 ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 104 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Budget </Th> <Td> $1 million </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Box office </Th> <Td> $32,063,634 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Summer of ' 42 is a 1971 American coming - of - age comedy - drama film based on the memoirs of screenwriter Herman Raucher . It tells the story of how Raucher , in his early teens on his 1942 summer vacation on Nantucket Island ( off the coast of Cape Cod ) , embarks on a one - sided romance with a young woman , Dorothy , whose husband had gone off to fight in World War II . </P> <P> The film was directed by Robert Mulligan , and starred Gary Grimes as Hermie , Jerry Houser as his best friend Oscy , Oliver Conant as their nerdy young friend Benjie , Jennifer O'Neill as Hermie 's mysterious love interest , and Katherine Allentuck and Christopher Norris as a pair of girls whom Hermie and Oscy attempt to seduce . Mulligan also has an uncredited role as the voice of the adult Hermie . Maureen Stapleton ( Allentuck 's real - life mother ) also appears in a small , uncredited voice role ( calling after Hermie as he leaves the house in an early scene , and after he enters his room in a later scene ) . </P> <P> Raucher 's novelization of his screenplay of the same name was released prior to the film 's release and became a runaway bestseller , to the point that audiences lost sight of the fact that the book was based on the film and not vice versa . Though a pop culture phenomenon in the first half of the 1970s , the novelization went out of print and slipped into obscurity throughout the next two decades until a Broadway adaptation in 2001 brought it back into the public light and prompted Barnes & Noble to acquire the publishing rights to the book . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Plot </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Production </Li> <Li> 4 Factual basis </Li> <Li> 5 Reception and awards </Li> <Li> 6 Sequel </Li> <Li> 7 Soundtrack </Li> <Li> 8 Cultural impact <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Music </Li> <Li> 8.2 Film and television </Li> <Li> 8.3 Remakes </Li> <Li> 8.4 Off - Broadway musical </Li> <Li> 8.5 Alternate sequel </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 See also </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Plot ( edit ) </H2> <P> The film opens with a series of still photographs appearing over melancholic music , representing the abstract memories of the unseen Herman Raucher , now a middle - aged man . We then hear Raucher recalling the summer he spent on the island in 1942 . The film flashes back to a day that then 15 - year - old `` Hermie '' and his friends -- jock Oscy and introverted nerd Benjie -- spent playing on the beach . They spot a young soldier carrying his new bride into a house on the beach , and are struck by her beauty , especially Hermie , who is unable to get her out of his mind . </P> <P> They continue spending afternoons on the beach where , in the midst of scantily - clad teenage girls , their thoughts invariably turn to sex . All of them are virgins : Oscy is obsessed with the act of sex , while Hermie finds himself developing romantic interest in the bride , whose husband he spots leaving the island on a water taxi one morning . Later that day , Hermie finds her trying to carry bags of groceries by herself , and helps get them back to her house . They strike up a friendship and he agrees to return to help her with chores . </P> <P> Meanwhile , Oscy and Hermie , thanks to a sex manual discovered by Benjie , become convinced they know everything necessary to lose their virginity . Led by Oscy , they test this by going to the cinema and picking - up a trio of high - school girls . Oscy stakes out the most attractive one , Miriam , `` giving '' Hermie her less attractive friend , Aggie , and leaving Benjie with Gloria , a heavyset girl with braces . Frightened by the immediacy of sex , Benjie runs off , and is not seen by Hermie or Oscy again that night . Hermie and Oscy spend the entirety of the evening 's film attempting to `` put the moves '' on Miriam and Aggie . Oscy pursues Miriam , eventually making out with her during the movie , and later learns her ways are well - known on the island . Hermie finds himself succeeding with Aggie , who allows him to grope what he thinks is her breast ; Oscy later points out Hermie was fondling her arm . </P> <P> The next morning , Hermie helps the bride move boxes into her attic and she thanks him by giving him a kiss on the forehead . Later , in preparation for a marshmallow roast on the beach with Aggie and Miriam , Hermie goes to the local drugstore . In a painfully humorous sequence , he builds up the nerve to ask the druggist ( Lou Frizzell ) for condoms . </P> <P> That night , Hermie roasts marshmallows with Aggie while Oscy succeeds in having sex with Miriam between the dunes . He is so successful he sneaks over to Hermie and Aggie to ask for more condoms . Confused as to what 's happening , Aggie follows Oscy back , where she sees him having sex with Miriam and runs home , upset . </P> <P> The next day , Hermie comes across the bride sitting outside her house , writing to her husband . Hermie offers to keep her company that night and she says she looks forward to seeing him , revealing her name is Dorothy . An elated Hermie goes home and puts on a suit , dress shirt and heads back to Dorothy 's house , running into Oscy on the way ; Oscy relates that Miriam 's appendix burst and she 's been rushed to the mainland . Hermie , convinced he is at the brink of adulthood because of his relationship with Dorothy , brushes Oscy off . </P> <P> He heads to her house , which is eerily quiet . Going in , he discovers a bottle of whiskey , several cigarette butts , and a telegram from the government . Dorothy 's husband is dead , his plane shot down over France . Dorothy comes out of her bedroom , crying , and Hermie tells her `` I 'm sorry . '' The sense of empathy triggers her to channel to Hermie some of her loneliness . She turns on the record player and invites Hermie to dance with her . They kiss and embrace , tears on both their faces . Without speaking , and to the sound only of the waves , they move to the bedroom , where she draws him into bed and gently makes love with him . Afterward , withdrawing again into her world of hurt , Dorothy retires to the porch , leaving Hermie alone in her bedroom . He approaches her on the porch , where she can only quietly say `` Good night , Hermie . '' He leaves , his last image of Dorothy being of her leaning against the railing , as she smokes a cigarette and stares into the night sky . </P> <P> At dawn Hermie meets Oscy and the two share a moment of reconciliation , with Oscy informing Hermie that Miriam will recover . Oscy , in an uncharacteristic act of sensitivity , lets Hermie be by himself , departing with the words , `` Sometimes life is one big pain in the ass . '' </P> <P> Trying to sort out what has happened , Hermie goes back to Dorothy 's house . Dorothy has fled the island in the night and an envelope is tacked to the front door with Hermie 's name on it . Inside is a note from Dorothy , saying she hopes he understands she must go back home as there is much to do . She assures Hermie she will never forget him , and he will find his way of remembering what happened that night . Her note closes with the hope that Hermie may be spared the senseless tragedies of life . </P> <P> In the final scene , Hermie , suddenly approaching manhood , is seen looking at Dorothy 's old house and the ocean from a distance before he turns to join his friends . To bittersweet music , the adult Raucher sadly recounts that he has never seen Dorothy again or learned what became of her . </P> <H2> Cast ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Jennifer O'Neill as Dorothy </Li> <Li> Gary Grimes as Hermie </Li> <Li> Jerry Houser as Oscy </Li> <Li> Oliver Conant as Benjie </Li> <Li> Katherine Allentuck as Aggie </Li> <Li> Christopher Norris as Miriam </Li> <Li> Lou Frizzell as Druggist </Li> <Li> Robert Mulligan ( uncredited voice ) as Narrator / Older Herman Raucher </Li> <Li> Walter Scott ( uncredited ) as Dorothy 's husband </Li> <Li> Maureen Stapleton ( uncredited voice ) as Hermie 's Mother </Li> </Ul> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Herman Raucher wrote the film script in the 1950s during his tenure as a television writer , but `` could n't give it away . '' In the 1960s , he met Robert Mulligan , best known for directing To Kill a Mockingbird . Raucher showed Mulligan the script , and Mulligan took it to Warner Bros. , where Mulligan argued the film could be shot for the relatively low price of $1 million , and Warner approved it . They had so little faith in the film becoming a box - office success , though , they shied from paying Raucher outright for the script , instead promising him ten percent of the gross . </P> <P> When casting for the role of Dorothy , Warner Bros. declined to audition any actresses younger than the age of 30 ; Jennifer O'Neill 's agent , who had developed a fondness for the script , convinced the studio to audition his client , who was only 22 at the time . O'Neill auditioned for the role , albeit hesitantly , not wanting to perform any nude scenes . O'Neill got the role and Mulligan agreed to find a way to make the film work without blatant nudity . </P> <P> Nantucket Island was too far modernized in 1970 to be convincingly transformed to resemble an early 1940s resort , so production was taken to Mendocino , California , on the West Coast of the US . Shooting took place over eight weeks , during | The movie "Summer of 42" starred | [
"Gary Grimes"
] | 301 | Who starred in the movie summer of 42? |
-5345751650770708960 | Sacrifice ( song ) - wikipedia <H1> Sacrifice ( song ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other songs with the same title , see Sacrifice ( disambiguation ) § Songs . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> `` Sacrifice '' </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Single by Elton John </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> from the album Sleeping with the Past </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> A-side </Th> <Td> `` Healing Hands '' ( second release ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> B - side </Th> <Td> `` Love Is a Cannibal '' ( first release ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Released </Th> <Td> October 1989 ( first release ) May 1990 ( second release ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Format </Th> <Td> CD , vinyl record ( 7 '' and 12 `` ) , audio cassette </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Length </Th> <Td> 5 : 11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Label </Th> <Td> Rocket , MCA </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Songwriter ( s ) </Th> <Td> Elton John , Bernie Taupin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Chris Thomas </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Elton John singles chronology </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Healing Hands '' ( 1989 ) </Td> <Td> `` Sacrifice '' ( 1989 ) </Td> <Td> `` Club at the End of the Street '' ( 1990 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> `` Healing Hands '' ( 1989 ) </Td> <Td> `` Sacrifice '' ( 1989 ) </Td> <Td> `` Club at the End of the Street '' ( 1990 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> `` Sacrifice '' is a ballad performed by musician Elton John . The lyrics are by Bernie Taupin and the music by John . The song appears on the 1989 album Sleeping with the Past . It was first released in October 1989 , then in 1990 , and was the second single from the album . It achieved success , particularly in France and the UK , where it became his first solo chart - topper , spending five weeks at the top . </P> <P> A country music cover of the song was performed by Don Henley and Vince Gill as part of the 2018 tribute album Restoration : Reimagining the Songs of Elton John and Bernie Taupin . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Overview <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Background and writing </Li> <Li> 1.2 Music video </Li> <Li> 1.3 Chart performance </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Track listings </Li> <Li> 3 Charts and sales <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Weekly charts </Li> <Li> 3.2 Year - end charts </Li> <Li> 3.3 Certifications and sales </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Personnel </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Overview ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Background and writing ( edit ) </H3> <P> `` Sacrifice '' is inspired both by the Aretha Franklin song `` Do Right Woman , Do Right Man '' and described as a Percy Sledge song by Elton John . The song is beloved by both John and Bernie Taupin and deemed a bookend of sorts to their first hit `` Your Song '' . Taupin has said he is surprised he wrote it , and said in an interview , `` I think ' Sacrifice ' is one of the best songs we 've written . '' The song is not a typical love song , but rather a song about a breakup of a marriage where the loss of the relationship is `` no sacrifice . '' </P> <P> Although the single was successful , Elton John did not tour Europe in both 1989 -- 1990 to support the Sleeping with the Past album ( with the exception of one appearance in Knebworth Park on 30 June 1990 ) touring only in the U.S. and Australia . The 1989 European tour was , instead , in support of the Reg Strikes Back album , with no material representing Sleeping with the Past . In all shows that were done to support Sleeping with the Past in 1989 -- 1990 , Elton played this song solo on his Roland RD - 1000 Digital Piano . </P> <H3> Music video ( edit ) </H3> <P> The video , which follows the song 's lyrics , portrays a man and woman having problems in their relationship after being married and raising a daughter . After they go their separate ways , the man raises his daughter alone . The video was directed by Alek Keshishian and it had Yasmeen Ghauri and Chris Isaak in it . </P> <P> The version used in the promo video is slightly sped up compared to the album version . The result is a higher pitched vocal and shorter length time . The video was filmed in Los Angeles in 1989 , and was the second video made after Elton rejected a version from Ken Russell . </P> <H3> Chart performance ( edit ) </H3> <P> Sacrifice was initially released as a single in 1989 , but stalled at # 55 in the UK charts and at # 18 in the US charts in March 1990 . In mid-1990 English DJ Steve Wright began playing the song on BBC Radio 1 , soon followed by many more radio DJs . The song was then re-released as a double A-side single , along with `` Healing Hands '' , and reached # 1 in the UK in June 1990 . Thus , it became John 's first solo number - one single in the UK Singles Chart , remaining on the top spot for five weeks . With this re-release , Elton John also got his first number one in France and stayed on the chart for 26 weeks . </P> <H2> Track listings ( edit ) </H2> <Dl> <Dt> First release </Dt> </Dl> <Dl> <Dd> <Dl> <Dt> 12 '' single -- UK </Dt> </Dl> </Dd> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> `` Sacrifice '' -- 5 : 07 </Li> <Li> `` Love Is a Cannibal '' ( From the Columbia Motion Picture Ghostbusters II ) -- 3 : 53 </Li> </Ol> <Dl> <Dd> <Dl> <Dt> CD single -- U.S. </Dt> </Dl> </Dd> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> `` Sacrifice '' -- 5 : 07 </Li> <Li> `` Love Is a Cannibal '' ( from the Columbia Motion Picture Ghostbusters II ) -- 3 : 53 </Li> <Li> `` Durban Deep '' </Li> </Ol> <Dl> <Dt> Second release </Dt> </Dl> <Dl> <Dd> <Dl> <Dt> UK single </Dt> </Dl> </Dd> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> `` Sacrifice '' -- 5 : 07 </Li> <Li> `` Healing Hands '' -- 4 : 22 </Li> </Ol> <H2> Charts and sales ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Td> <H3> Weekly charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1989 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 55 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> U.S. Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1990 ) </Th> <Th> Peak position </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Australian ARIA Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dutch Mega Top 100 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Eurochart Hot 100 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> French SNEP Singles Chart </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> German Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 36 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Irish Singles Chart </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> New Zealand RIANZ Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 7 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Norwegian Singles Chart </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Swiss Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK Singles Chart </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> U.S. Billboard Hot 100 </Td> <Td> 18 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Zimbabwe Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> <Td> <H3> Year - end charts ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Chart ( 1990 ) </Th> <Th> Rank </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Australian Singles Chart </Td> <Td> 47 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dutch Top 40 </Td> <Td> 11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK Singles Charts </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Certifications and sales ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Th> Certification </Th> <Th> Date </Th> <Th> Sales certified </Th> <Th> Physical sales </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> France </Td> <Td> Silver </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 200,000 </Td> <Td> 380,000 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> UK </Td> <Td> Platinum </Td> <Td> 1 September 1990 </Td> <Td> 600,000 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Personnel ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Elton John : vocals , Roland RD - 1000 digital piano </Li> <Li> Davey Johnstone : electric guitar </Li> <Li> Romeo Williams : bass </Li> <Li> Jonathan Moffett : drums </Li> <Li> Guy Babylon : keyboards </Li> <Li> Fred Mandel : keyboards </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Preceded by `` Words '' by The Christians </Td> <Td> French SNEP number - one single 26 May 1990 -- 9 June 1990 ( 3 weeks ) </Td> <Td> Succeeded by `` Bo le lavabo ( WC Kiss ) '' by Lagaf ' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Preceded by `` Vogue '' by Madonna </Td> <Td> Eurochart Hot 100 number - one single 16 June 1990 -- 28 July 1990 ( 7 weeks ) </Td> <Td> Succeeded by `` U Ca n't Touch This '' by MC Hammer </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Preceded by `` World In Motion '' by Englandneworder </Td> <Td> UK number - one single 17 June 1990 -- 21 July 1990 ( 5 weeks ) </Td> <Td> Succeeded by `` Turtle Power '' by Partners in Kryme </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Elton John - Full Official Chart History '' . Official Charts Company . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 20 January 2016 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Elton John singles , Billboard charts '' . allmusic . Retrieved 9 September 2008 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` '' Sacrifice `` , Australian Singles Chart '' . australian - charts . Retrieved 13 December 2007 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` '' Sacrifice `` , Dutch Mega Top 100 '' ( in Dutch ) . dutchcharts . Retrieved 11 April 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` '' Sacrifice `` , French Singles Chart '' ( in French ) . lescharts . Retrieved 13 December 2007 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ German Singles Chart Archived 8 January 2009 at the Wayback Machine . ( Retrieved 9 September 2008 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Irish Single Chart , database '' . irishcharts . Retrieved 9 September 2008 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` '' Sacrifice '' New Zealand Singles Chart `` . . Retrieved 11 April 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` '' Sacrifice `` , Norwegian Singles Chart '' ( in Norwegian ) . norwegiancharts . Retrieved 13 December 2007 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` '' Sacrifice `` , Swiss Singles Chart '' ( in German ) . hitparade . Retrieved 13 December 2007 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ * Zimbabwe . Kimberley , C. Zimbabwe : singles chart book . Harare : C. Kimberley , 2000 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` 1990 Australian Singles Chart '' . aria . Retrieved 3 September 2008 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Single top 100 over 1990 '' ( pdf ) ( in Dutch ) . Top40 . Retrieved 12 April 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Music Week Year - end Charts , pub . January 1991 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` French certifications , database '' ( in French ) . infodisc . Archived from the original on 30 November 2007 . Retrieved 9 September 2008 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` UK certifications , database '' . Bpi . Retrieved 9 September 2008 . </Li> </Ol> <H2> External links ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics </Li> </Ul> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Elton | The song "Sacrifice" by Elton John is on the album | [
"Sleeping with the Past"
] | 305 | What album is sacrifice by elton john on? |
5195577413672736740 | DNA - wikipedia <H1> DNA </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For a non-technical introduction to the topic , see Introduction to genetics . For other uses , see DNA ( disambiguation ) . The structure of the DNA double helix . The atoms in the structure are colour - coded by element and the detailed structures of two base pairs are shown in the bottom right . The structure of part of a DNA double helix <P> Deoxyribonucleic acid ( / diˈɒksiˌraɪboʊnjʊˈkliːɪk , - ˈkleɪ. ɪk / ( listen ) ; DNA ) is a thread - like chain of nucleotides carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth , development , functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses . DNA and ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) are nucleic acids ; alongside proteins , lipids and complex carbohydrates ( polysaccharides ) , they are one of the four major types of macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life . Most DNA molecules consist of two biopolymer strands coiled around each other to form a double helix . </P> <P> The two DNA strands are called polynucleotides since they are composed of simpler monomer units called nucleotides . Each nucleotide is composed of one of four nitrogen - containing nucleobases ( cytosine ( C ) , guanine ( G ) , adenine ( A ) or thymine ( T ) ) , a sugar called deoxyribose , and a phosphate group . The nucleotides are joined to one another in a chain by covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next , resulting in an alternating sugar - phosphate backbone . The nitrogenous bases of the two separate polynucleotide strands are bound together , according to base pairing rules ( A with T and C with G ) , with hydrogen bonds to make double - stranded DNA . </P> <P> The complementary nitrogenous bases are divided into two groups , pyrimidines and purines . In a DNA molecule , the pyrimidines are thymine and cytosine , the purines are adenine and guanine . </P> <P> DNA stores biological information . The DNA backbone is resistant to cleavage , and both strands of the double - stranded structure store the same biological information . This information is replicated as and when the two strands separate . A large part of DNA ( more than 98 % for humans ) is non-coding , meaning that these sections do not serve as patterns for protein sequences . </P> <P> The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions to each other and are thus antiparallel . Attached to each sugar is one of four types of nucleobases ( informally , bases ) . It is the sequence of these four nucleobases along the backbone that encodes biological information . RNA strands are created using DNA strands as a template in a process called transcription . Under the genetic code , these RNA strands are translated to specify the sequence of amino acids within proteins in a process called translation . </P> <P> Within eukaryotic cells , DNA is organized into long structures called chromosomes . During cell division these chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication , providing each cell its own complete set of chromosomes . Eukaryotic organisms ( animals , plants , fungi and protists ) store most of their DNA inside the cell nucleus and some of their DNA in organelles , such as mitochondria or chloroplasts . In contrast prokaryotes ( bacteria and archaea ) store their DNA only in the cytoplasm . Within the eukaryotic chromosomes , chromatin proteins such as histones compact and organize DNA . These compact structures guide the interactions between DNA and other proteins , helping control which parts of the DNA are transcribed . </P> <P> DNA was first isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869 . Its molecular structure was first identified by James Watson and Francis Crick at the Cavendish Laboratory within the University of Cambridge in 1953 , whose model - building efforts were guided by X-ray diffraction data acquired by Raymond Gosling , who was a post-graduate student of Rosalind Franklin . DNA is used by researchers as a molecular tool to explore physical laws and theories , such as the ergodic theorem and the theory of elasticity . The unique material properties of DNA have made it an attractive molecule for material scientists and engineers interested in micro - and nano - fabrication . Among notable advances in this field are DNA origami and DNA - based hybrid materials . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Properties <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Nucleobase classification </Li> <Li> 1.2 Non canonical bases </Li> <Li> 1.3 Listing of non canonical bases found in DNA </Li> <Li> 1.4 Grooves </Li> <Li> 1.5 Base pairing </Li> <Li> 1.6 Sense and antisense </Li> <Li> 1.7 Supercoiling </Li> <Li> 1.8 Alternative DNA structures </Li> <Li> 1.9 Alternative DNA chemistry </Li> <Li> 1.10 Quadruplex structures </Li> <Li> 1.11 Branched DNA </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Chemical modifications and altered DNA packaging <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Base modifications and DNA packaging </Li> <Li> 2.2 Damage </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Biological functions <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Genes and genomes </Li> <Li> 3.2 Transcription and translation </Li> <Li> 3.3 Replication </Li> <Li> 3.4 Extracellular nucleic acids </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Interactions with proteins <Ul> <Li> 4.1 DNA - binding proteins </Li> <Li> 4.2 DNA - modifying enzymes <Ul> <Li> 4.2. 1 Nucleases and ligases </Li> <Li> 4.2. 2 Topoisomerases and helicases </Li> <Li> 4.2. 3 Polymerases </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Genetic recombination </Li> <Li> 6 Evolution </Li> <Li> 7 Uses in technology <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Genetic engineering </Li> <Li> 7.2 DNA profiling </Li> <Li> 7.3 DNA enzymes or catalytic DNA </Li> <Li> 7.4 Bioinformatics </Li> <Li> 7.5 DNA nanotechnology </Li> <Li> 7.6 History and anthropology </Li> <Li> 7.7 Information storage </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 History </Li> <Li> 9 See also </Li> <Li> 10 References </Li> <Li> 11 Further reading </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Properties </H2> Chemical structure of DNA ; hydrogen bonds shown as dotted lines <P> DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides . The structure of DNA is dynamic along its length , being capable of coiling into tight loops , and other shapes . In all species it is composed of two helical chains , bound to each other by hydrogen bonds . Both chains are coiled round the same axis , and have the same pitch of 34 ångströms ( 3.4 nanometres ) . The pair of chains has a radius of 10 ångströms ( 1.0 nanometre ) . According to another study , when measured in a different solution , the DNA chain measured 22 to 26 ångströms wide ( 2.2 to 2.6 nanometres ) , and one nucleotide unit measured 3.3 Å ( 0.33 nm ) long . Although each individual nucleotide repeating unit is very small , DNA polymers can be very large molecules containing millions to hundreds of millions of nucleotides . For instance , the DNA in the largest human chromosome , chromosome number 1 , consists of approximately 220 million base pairs and would be 85 mm long if straightened . </P> <P> In living organisms , DNA does not usually exist as a single molecule , but instead as a pair of molecules that are held tightly together . These two long strands entwine like vines , in the shape of a double helix . The nucleotide contains both a segment of the backbone of the molecule ( which holds the chain together ) and a nucleobase ( which interacts with the other DNA strand in the helix ) . A nucleobase linked to a sugar is called a nucleoside and a base linked to a sugar and one or more phosphate groups is called a nucleotide . A polymer comprising multiple linked nucleotides ( as in DNA ) is called a polynucleotide . </P> <P> The backbone of the DNA strand is made from alternating phosphate and sugar residues . The sugar in DNA is 2 - deoxyribose , which is a pentose ( five - carbon ) sugar . The sugars are joined together by phosphate groups that form phosphodiester bonds between the third and fifth carbon atoms of adjacent sugar rings . These asymmetric bonds mean a strand of DNA has a direction . In a double helix , the direction of the nucleotides in one strand is opposite to their direction in the other strand : the strands are antiparallel . The asymmetric ends of DNA strands are said to have a directionality of five prime ( 5 ′ ) and three prime ( 3 ′ ) , with the 5 ′ end having a terminal phosphate group and the 3 ′ end a terminal hydroxyl group . One major difference between DNA and RNA is the sugar , with the 2 - deoxyribose in DNA being replaced by the alternative pentose sugar ribose in RNA . </P> A section of DNA . The bases lie horizontally between the two spiraling strands . ( animated version ) . <P> The DNA double helix is stabilized primarily by two forces : hydrogen bonds between nucleotides and base - stacking interactions among aromatic nucleobases . In the aqueous environment of the cell , the conjugated π bonds of nucleotide bases align perpendicular to the axis of the DNA molecule , minimizing their interaction with the solvation shell . The four bases found in DNA are adenine ( A ) , cytosine ( C ) , guanine ( G ) and thymine ( T ) . These four bases are attached to the sugar - phosphate to form the complete nucleotide , as shown for adenosine monophosphate . Adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine . It was represented by A-T base pairs and G-C base pairs . </P> <H3> Nucleobase classification </H3> <P> The nucleobases are classified into two types : the purines , A and G , being fused five - and six - membered heterocyclic compounds , and the pyrimidines , the six - membered rings C and T. A fifth pyrimidine nucleobase , uracil ( U ) , usually takes the place of thymine in RNA and differs from thymine by lacking a methyl group on its ring . In addition to RNA and DNA , many artificial nucleic acid analogues have been created to study the properties of nucleic acids , or for use in biotechnology . </P> <H3> Non canonical bases </H3> <P> Uracil is not usually found in DNA , occurring only as a breakdown product of cytosine . However , in several bacteriophages , Bacillus subtilis bacteriophages PBS1 and PBS2 and Yersinia bacteriophage piR1 - 37 , thymine has been replaced by uracil . Another phage - Staphylococcal phage S6 - has been identified with a genome where thymine has been replaced by uracil . </P> <P> 5 - hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine , ( hm5dU ) is also known to replace thymidine in several genomes including the Bacillus phages SPO1 , φe , SP8 , H1 , 2C and SP82 . Another modified uracil - 5 - dihydroxypentauracil -- has also been described . </P> <P> Base J ( beta - d - glucopyranosyloxymethyluracil ) , a modified form of uracil , is also found in several organisms : the flagellates Diplonema and Euglena , and all the kinetoplastid genera . Biosynthesis of J occurs in two steps : in the first step , a specific thymidine in DNA is converted into hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine ; in the second , HOMedU is glycosylated to form J. Proteins that bind specifically to this base have been identified . These proteins appear to be distant relatives of the Tet1 oncogene that is involved in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia . J appears to act as a termination signal for RNA polymerase II . </P> <P> In 1976 a bacteriophage - S - 2L - which infects species of the genus Synechocystis was found to have all | You can find DNA | [
"inside the cell nucleus"
] | 577 | Where can you find dna in the body? |
397204824317594616 | List of Downton Abbey episodes - Wikipedia <H1> List of Downton Abbey episodes </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article 's plot summaries may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve them by removing unnecessary details and making them more concise . ( January 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Downton Abbey is a British period drama television series created by Julian Fellowes and co-produced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece . It first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010 , and on PBS in the United States on 9 January 2011 , as part of the Masterpiece Classic anthology . Six series have been made , the sixth airing in the autumn of 2015 in the UK and Ireland , and in January 2016 in the United States . On 26 March 2015 , the sixth series was confirmed to be the final series , with the final episode airing in the UK on 25 December 2015 on ITV . During the course of the programme , 52 episodes of Downton Abbey aired over six series . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Series overview </Li> <Li> 2 Episode list <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Series 1 ( 2010 ) </Li> <Li> 2.2 Series 2 ( 2011 ) </Li> <Li> 2.3 Series 3 ( 2012 ) </Li> <Li> 2.4 Series 4 ( 2013 ) </Li> <Li> 2.5 Series 5 ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> 2.6 Series 6 ( 2015 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Notes </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Series overview ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Series </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Episodes </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Originally aired </Th> <Th> Ave . UK viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First aired </Th> <Th> Last aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 7 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 26 September 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> 7 November 2010 ( 2010 - 11 - 07 ) </Td> <Td> 9.70 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 8 ( + 1 ) </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 18 September 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 6 November 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 06 ) 25 December 2011 ( special ) </Td> <Td> 11.68 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 8 ( + 1 ) </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 16 September 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 4 November 2012 ( 2012 - 11 - 04 ) 25 December 2012 ( special ) </Td> <Td> 11.91 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 8 ( + 1 ) </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 22 September 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 22 ) </Td> <Td> 10 November 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 10 ) 25 December 2013 ( special ) </Td> <Td> 11.84 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 5 </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 8 ( + 1 ) </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 21 September 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 21 ) </Td> <Td> 9 November 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 09 ) 25 December 2014 ( special ) </Td> <Td> 10.40 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 6 </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 8 ( + 1 ) </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 20 September 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 20 ) </Td> <Td> 8 November 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 08 ) 25 December 2015 ( special ) </Td> <Td> 10.42 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Episode list ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Series 1 ( 2010 ) ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Downton Abbey ( series 1 ) <Table> Series 1 <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in series </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> UK viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode One '' </Td> <Td> Brian Percival </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 26 September 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> 9.25 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Two '' </Td> <Td> Ben Bolt </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 3 October 2010 ( 2010 - 10 - 03 ) </Td> <Td> 9.97 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Three '' </Td> <Td> Ben Bolt </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 10 October 2010 ( 2010 - 10 - 10 ) </Td> <Td> 8.97 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Four '' </Td> <Td> Brian Kelly </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes , Shelagh Stephenson </Td> <Td> 17 October 2010 ( 2010 - 10 - 17 ) </Td> <Td> 9.70 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Five '' </Td> <Td> Brian Kelly </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 24 October 2010 ( 2010 - 10 - 24 ) </Td> <Td> 9.40 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Six '' </Td> <Td> Brian Percival </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes , Tina Pepler </Td> <Td> 31 October 2010 ( 2010 - 10 - 31 ) </Td> <Td> 9.84 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 7 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Seven '' </Td> <Td> Brian Percival </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 7 November 2010 ( 2010 - 11 - 07 ) </Td> <Td> 10.77 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Series 2 ( 2011 ) ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Downton Abbey ( series 2 ) <Table> Series 2 <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in series </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> UK viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 8 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode One '' </Td> <Td> Ashley Pearce </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 18 September 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 11.41 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 9 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Two '' </Td> <Td> Ashley Pearce </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 25 September 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> 11.77 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 10 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Three '' </Td> <Td> Andy Goddard </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 2 October 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 02 ) </Td> <Td> 11.33 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 11 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Four '' </Td> <Td> Brian Kelly </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 9 October 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 11.30 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 12 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Five '' </Td> <Td> Brian Kelly </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 16 October 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 11.59 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 13 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Six '' </Td> <Td> Andy Goddard </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 23 October 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 23 ) </Td> <Td> 11.33 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 14 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Seven '' </Td> <Td> James Strong </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 30 October 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 30 ) </Td> <Td> 12.26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 15 </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> `` Episode Eight '' </Td> <Td> James Strong </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 6 November 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 06 ) </Td> <Td> 12.45 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> Christmas special <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> UK viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 16 </Th> <Td> `` Christmas at Downton Abbey '' </Td> <Td> Brian Percival </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 25 December 2011 ( 2011 - 12 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> 12.11 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Series 3 ( 2012 ) ( edit ) </H3> <P> ITV confirmed the commissioning of a third series on 3 November 2011 . It entered production in early 2012 , and began airing 16 September 2012 on ITV and aired in the United States beginning 6 January 2013 . </P> <Table> Series 3 <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in series </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> UK viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 17 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode One '' </Td> <Td> Brian Percival </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 16 September 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 11.43 7.9 ( PBS ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="7"> March / April 1920 . Cora 's mother , Martha Levinson , sweeps into Downton for Matthew and Mary 's wedding , aggravating the Dowager Countess ( among others ) with her critical and `` revolutionary '' American way of seeing things . Lord Grantham learns that his massive investment of Cora 's fortune in the Grand Trunk Railway has failed , leaving the estate near bankrupt . Salvation is possible , as Matthew is entitled to inherit a large amount of money from Lavinia 's father , but his scruples will not let him keep the money , feeling it a betrayal to Lavinia and her father since he believes her father died thinking he loved Lavinia ; whereas Lavinia knew of his love for Mary just before she died . Meanwhile , O'Brien's nephew Alfred joins the staff downstairs and struggles to satisfy Carson 's high standards , made worse by Thomas 's jealous behaviour . Sybil and her husband , Tom Branson , return to Downton to a muted response , particularly as Branson remains highly vocal about his political beliefs . Matthew repairs things when he chooses Branson to be his best man , and despite hesitance the night before , Matthew and Mary are married . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 18 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Two '' </Td> <Td> Brian Percival </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 23 September 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 23 ) </Td> <Td> 12.08 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="7"> April 1920 . With the future of Downton hanging in the balance , Mary and the Dowager Countess conspire to show Downton at its grandest to persuade Mrs Levinson to give Downton more money and save them from financial ruin . Their attempts are impeded by the oven breaking down , giving Mrs Levinson a chance to take over running the party herself in radical fashion . She reveals , when finally asked for help , that though she will `` entertain them in New York '' she can not provide them with money , as her own late husband tied it up in the estate , much as Violet 's did . She tells them they have to adapt to the changing world , and states her intent to return to America . Meanwhile downstairs , O'Brien and Thomas wage war against one another due to Alfred 's recent promotion to valet to Matthew , whilst Mrs Levinson 's maid takes a shine to Alfred . Mrs Hughes faces a cancer scare that she shares only with Mrs Patmore and Doctor Clarkson , and Isobel Crawley finds that Ethel has become a prostitute . Edith actively pursues Anthony Strallan as a potential husband and he proposes , despite the reservations of the other family members that he is too old . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 19 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Episode Three '' </Td> <Td> Andy Goddard </Td> <Td> Julian Fellowes </Td> <Td> 30 September 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 30 ) </Td> <Td> 11.96 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="7"> May 1920 . Matthew receives a letter that Lavinia 's late father left for him . He writes that he knew how Matthew broke Lavinia 's heart and still wants him to have his money . Matthew finally agrees to accept it , saving Downton . Lord Grantham refuses to accept the money as a gift , instead insisting that he and Matthew become joint masters of Downton . Edith | The final season of Downton Abbey is | [
] | 200 | What is the final season of downton abbey? |
-1268179953831754266 | Regulatory site - Wikipedia <H1> Regulatory site </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> It has been suggested that this article be merged with Allosteric regulation . ( Discuss ) Proposed since October 2017 . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This article does not cite any sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> A regulatory site ( also known as an `` allosteric site '' ) is a site on an allosteric protein to which a modulator molecule ( or allosteric regulator ) binds . This ligand - binding site on a receptor or enzyme is distinct from the active site . Allosteric modulators alter enzyme activity by binding to the regulatory site . Some allosteric regulators activate enzymes , while others inhibit them . The working hypothesis is that when allosteric regulators bind to the regulatory site , the protein undergoes conformational changes which changes the enzyme 's activity . </P> <P> </P> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This biochemistry article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Protein structure </Li> <Li> Biochemistry stubs </Li> </Ul> Hidden categories : <Ul> <Li> Articles to be merged from October 2017 </Li> <Li> All articles to be merged </Li> <Li> Articles lacking sources from December 2009 </Li> <Li> All articles lacking sources </Li> <Li> All stub articles </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> Add links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 28 October 2017 , at 09 : 38 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> | The site of an enzyme that is called allosteric is also referred to as the | [
"regulatory site"
] | 96 | Which site of an enzyme is called allosteric site? |
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