
Zhangir Azerbayev
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149 kB
Title: Allen's qualitative temporal calculus
Author: Fadoua Ghourabi (
Affiliation: Ochanomizu University, Japan
section \<open>Time interval relations\<close>
theory allen
Main axioms
section \<open>Basic relations\<close>
text\<open>We define 7 binary relations between time intervals.
Relations e, m, b, ov, d, s and f stand for equal, meets, before, overlaps, during, starts and finishes, respectively.\<close>
class arelations = interval +
e::"('a\<times>'a) set" and
m::"('a\<times>'a) set" and
b::"('a\<times>'a) set" and
ov::"('a\<times>'a) set" and
d::"('a\<times>'a) set" and
s::"('a\<times>'a) set" and
f::"('a\<times>'a) set"
e:"(p,q) \<in> e = (p = q)" and
m:"(p,q) \<in> m = p\<parallel>q" and
b:"(p,q) \<in> b = (\<exists>t::'a. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q)" and
ov:"(p,q) \<in> ov = (\<exists>k l u v t::'a.
(k\<parallel>p \<and> p\<parallel>u \<and> u\<parallel>v) \<and> (k\<parallel>l \<and> l\<parallel>q \<and> q\<parallel>v) \<and> (l\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" and
s:"(p,q) \<in> s = (\<exists>k u v::'a. k\<parallel>p \<and> p\<parallel>u \<and> u\<parallel>v \<and> k\<parallel>q \<and> q\<parallel>v)" and
f:"(p,q) \<in> f = (\<exists>k l u ::'a. k\<parallel>l \<and> l\<parallel>p \<and> p\<parallel>u \<and> k\<parallel>q \<and> q\<parallel>u)" and
d:"(p,q) \<in> d = (\<exists>k l u v::'a. k\<parallel>l \<and> l\<parallel>p \<and> p\<parallel>u \<and>u\<parallel>v \<and> k\<parallel>q \<and> q\<parallel>v)"
(** e compositions **)
subsection \<open>e-composition\<close>
text \<open>Relation e is the identity relation for composition.\<close>
lemma cer:
assumes "r \<in> {e,m,b,ov,s,f,d,m^-1,b^-1,ov^-1,s^-1,f^-1,d^-1}"
shows "e O r = r"
proof -
{ fix x y assume a:"(x,y) \<in> e O r"
then obtain z where "(x,z) \<in> e" and "(z,y) \<in> r" by auto
from \<open>(x,z) \<in> e\<close> have "x = z" using e by auto
with \<open>(z,y)\<in> r\<close> have "(x,y) \<in> r" by simp} note c1 = this
{ fix x y assume a:"(x,y) \<in> r"
have "(x,x) \<in> e" using e by auto
with a have "(x,y) \<in> e O r" by blast} note c2 = this
from c1 c2 show ?thesis by auto
lemma cre:
assumes "r \<in> {e,m,b,ov,s,f,d,m^-1,b^-1,ov^-1,s^-1,f^-1,d^-1}"
shows " r O e = r"
proof -
{ fix x y assume a:"(x,y) \<in> r O e"
then obtain z where "(x,z) \<in> r" and "(z,y) \<in> e" by auto
from \<open>(z,y) \<in> e\<close> have "z = y" using e by auto
with \<open>(x,z)\<in> r\<close> have "(x,y) \<in> r" by simp} note c1 = this
{ fix x y assume a:"(x,y) \<in> r"
have "(y,y) \<in> e" using e by auto
with a have "(x,y) \<in> r O e" by blast} note c2 = this
from c1 c2 show ?thesis by auto
lemmas ceb = cer[of b]
lemmas cebi = cer[of "b^-1"]
lemmas cem = cer[of m]
lemmas cemi = cer[of "m^-1"]
lemmas cee = cer[of e]
lemmas ces = cer[of s]
lemmas cesi = cer[of "s^-1"]
lemmas cef = cer[of f]
lemmas cefi = cer[of "f^-1"]
lemmas ceov = cer[of ov]
lemmas ceovi = cer[of "ov^-1"]
lemmas ced = cer[of d]
lemmas cedi = cer[of "d^-1"]
lemmas cbe = cre[of b]
lemmas cbie = cre[of "b^-1"]
lemmas cme = cre[of m]
lemmas cmie = cre[of "m^-1"]
lemmas cse = cre[of s]
lemmas csie = cre[of "s^-1"]
lemmas cfe = cre[of f]
lemmas cfie = cre[of "f^-1"]
lemmas cove = cre[of ov]
lemmas covie = cre[of "ov^-1"]
lemmas cde = cre[of d]
lemmas cdie = cre[of "d^-1"]
(* composition with single relation *)
subsection \<open>r-composition\<close>
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq r$, where $r$ is a basic relation.\<close>
method (in arelations) r_compose uses r1 r2 r3 = ((auto, (subst (asm) r1 ), (subst (asm) r2), (subst r3)) , (meson M5exist_var))
lemma (in arelations) cbb:"b O b \<subseteq> b"
by (r_compose r1:b r2:b r3:b)
lemma (in arelations) cbm:"b O m \<subseteq> b"
by (r_compose r1:b r2:m r3:b)
lemma cbov:"b O ov \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:b ov)
using M1 M5exist_var by blast
lemma cbfi:"b O f^-1 \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:b f)
by (meson M1 M5exist_var)
lemma cbdi:"b O d^-1 \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp: b d)
by (meson M1 M5exist_var)
lemma cbs:"b O s \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp: b s)
by (meson M1 M5exist_var)
lemma cbsi:"b O s^-1 \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp: b s)
by (meson M1 M5exist_var)
lemma (in arelations) cmb:"m O b \<subseteq> b"
by (r_compose r1:m r2:b r3:b)
lemma cmm:"m O m \<subseteq> b"
by (auto simp: b m)
lemma cmov:"m O ov \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:b m ov)
using M1 M5exist_var by blast
lemma cmfi:"m O f^-1 \<subseteq> b"
apply (r_compose r1:m r2:f r3:b)
by (meson M1)
lemma cmdi:"m O d^-1 \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp add:m d b)
using M1 by blast
lemma cms:"m O s \<subseteq> m"
apply (auto simp add:m s)
using M1 by auto
lemma cmsi:"m O s^-1 \<subseteq> m"
apply (auto simp add:m s)
using M1 by blast
lemma covb:"ov O b \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:ov b)
using M1 M5exist_var by blast
lemma covm:"ov O m \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:ov m b)
using M1 by blast
lemma covs:"ov O s \<subseteq> ov"
fix p::"'a\<times>'a" assume "p \<in> ov O s" then obtain x y z where p:"p = (x,z)" and xyov:"(x,y)\<in> ov" and yzs:"(y,z) \<in> s" by auto
from xyov obtain r u v t k where rx:"r\<parallel>x" and xu:"x\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and rt:"r\<parallel>t" and tk:"t\<parallel>k" and ty:"t\<parallel>y" and yv:"y\<parallel>v" and ku:"k\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from yzs obtain l1 l2 where yl1:"y\<parallel>l1" and l1l2:"l1\<parallel>l2" and zl2:"z\<parallel>l2" using s by blast
from uv yl1 yv have "u\<parallel>l1" using M1 by blast
with xu l1l2 obtain ul1 where xul1:"x\<parallel>ul1" and ul1l2:"ul1\<parallel>l2" using M5exist_var by blast
from ku xu xul1 l1l2 have kul1:"k\<parallel>ul1" using M1 by blast
from ty yzs have "t\<parallel>z" using s M1 by blast
with rx rt xul1 ul1l2 zl2 tk kul1 have "(x,z) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
with p show "p \<in> ov" by simp
lemma cfib:"f^-1 O b \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:f b)
using M1 by blast
lemma cfim:"f^-1 O m \<subseteq> m"
apply (auto simp:f m)
using M1 by auto
lemma cfiov:"f^-1 O ov \<subseteq> ov"
fix p::"'a\<times>'a" assume "p \<in> f^-1 O ov" then obtain x y z where p:"p = (x,z)" and xyfi:"(x,y)\<in> f^-1" and yzov:"(y,z) \<in> ov" by auto
from xyfi yzov obtain t' r u where tpr:"t'\<parallel>r" and ry:"r\<parallel>y" and yu:"y\<parallel>u" and tpx:"t'\<parallel>x" and xu:"x\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from yzov ry obtain v k t u' where yup:"y\<parallel>u'" and upv:"u'\<parallel>v" and rk:"r\<parallel>k" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" and kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tup:"t\<parallel>u'"
using ov using M1 by blast
from yu xu yup have xup:"x\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
from tpr rk kt obtain r' where tprp:"t'\<parallel>r'" and rpt:"r'\<parallel>t" using M5exist_var by blast
from kt rpt kz have rpz:"r'\<parallel>z" using M1 by blast
from tprp rpz rpt tpx xup zv upv tup have "(x,z) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
with p show "p \<in> ov" by simp
lemma cfifi:"f^-1 O f^-1 \<subseteq> f^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f^-1 O f^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p, q)" and "(p,z) \<in> f^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> f^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k l u where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k' u' l' where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" using f by blast
from zu zup pu have "p\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
from lz kpz kplp have "l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
with kl lpq obtain ll where "k\<parallel>ll" and "ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
with kp \<open>p\<parallel>u'\<close> qup show "x \<in> f^-1" using x f by blast
lemma cfidi:"f^-1 O d^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x : f^-1 O d^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> f^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> d^-1" by auto
then obtain k l u where kp:"k \<parallel> p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pu:"p \<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by blast
obtain k' l' u' v' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kplp:"k' \<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l' \<parallel>q" and qup:"q \<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z\<parallel>v'" using d \<open>(z,q)\<in>d^-1\<close> by blast
from lz kpz kplp have "l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
with kl lpq obtain ll where "k\<parallel>ll" and "ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
moreover from zu zvp upvp have "u' \<parallel> u " using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x kp pu qup d by blast
lemma cfis:"f^-1 O s \<subseteq> ov"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f^-1 O s" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z)\<in> f^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> s" by auto
from \<open>(p,z)\<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k l u where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from \<open>(z,q)\<in> s\<close> obtain k' u' v' where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using s M1 by blast
from pu zu zup have pup:"p\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
moreover from lz kpz kpq have lq:"l\<parallel>q" using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> ov" using x lz zup kp kl upvp upvp ov qvp by blast
lemma cfisi:"f^-1 O s^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f^-1 O s^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> f^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> s^-1" by auto
then obtain k l u where kp:"k \<parallel> p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pu:"p \<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by blast
obtain k' u' v' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kpq:"k' \<parallel>q" and qup:"q \<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z\<parallel>v'" using s \<open>(z,q): s^-1\<close> by blast
from zu zvp upvp have "u'\<parallel>u" using M1 by blast
moreover from lz kpz kpq have "l \<parallel>q " using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x d kl kp qup pu by blast
lemma cdifi:"d^-1 O f^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x : d^-1 O f^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> f^-1" by auto
then obtain k l u v where kp:"k \<parallel> p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z \<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using d by blast
obtain k' l' u' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kplp:"k' \<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l' \<parallel>q" and qup:"q \<parallel>u'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" using f \<open>(z,q): f^-1\<close> by blast
from lz kpz kplp have "l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
with kl lpq obtain ll where "k\<parallel>ll" and "ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
moreover from zu qup zup have "q \<parallel> u " using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x d kp uv pv by blast
lemma cdidi:"d^-1 O d^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x : d^-1 O d^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> d^-1" by auto
then obtain k l u v where kp:"k \<parallel> p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z \<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using d by blast
obtain k' l' u' v' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kplp:"k' \<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l' \<parallel>q" and qup:"q \<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u' \<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z \<parallel>v'" using d \<open>(z,q): d^-1\<close> by blast
from lz kpz kplp have "l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
with kl lpq obtain ll where "k\<parallel>ll" and "ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
moreover from zvp zu upvp have "u' \<parallel> u " using M1 by blast
moreover with qup uv obtain uu where "q\<parallel>uu" and "uu\<parallel>v" using M5exist_var by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x d kp pv by blast
lemma cdisi:"d^-1 O s^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x : d^-1 O s^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> s^-1" by auto
then obtain k l u v where kp:"k \<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using d by blast
obtain k' u' v' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kpq:"k' \<parallel>q" and qup:"q \<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u' \<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z \<parallel>v'" using s \<open>(z,q): s^-1\<close> by blast
from upvp zvp zu have "u'\<parallel>u" using M1 by blast
with qup uv obtain uu where "q\<parallel>uu" and "uu\<parallel>v" using M5exist_var by blast
moreover from kpz lz kpq have "l \<parallel>q " using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x d kp kl pv by blast
lemma csb:"s O b \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:s b)
using M1 M5exist_var by blast
lemma csm:"s O m \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:s m b)
using M1 by blast
lemma css:"s O s \<subseteq> s"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s O s" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> s" and "(z,q) \<in> s" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> s\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> s\<close> obtain k' u' v' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using s by blast
from kp kpz kz have "k'\<parallel>p" using M1 by blast
moreover from uv zup zv have "u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
moreover with pu upvp obtain uu where "p\<parallel>uu" and "uu\<parallel>v'" using M5exist_var by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> s" using x s kpq qvp by blast
lemma csifi:"s^-1 O f^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x : s^-1 O f^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> s^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> f^-1" by auto
then obtain k u v where kp:"k \<parallel> p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zu:"z \<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using s by blast
obtain k' l' u' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kplp:"k' \<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l' \<parallel>q" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" using f \<open>(z,q): f^-1\<close> by blast
from kz kpz kplp have "k\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
moreover from qup zup zu have "q \<parallel> u " using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x d kp lpq pv uv by blast
lemma csidi:"s^-1 O d^-1 \<subseteq> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x : s^-1 O d^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> s^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> d^-1" by auto
then obtain k u v where kp:"k \<parallel> p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zu:"z \<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using s by blast
obtain k' l' u' v' where kpz:"k' \<parallel>z" and kplp:"k' \<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and qup:"q \<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u' \<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z\<parallel>v'" using d \<open>(z,q): d^-1\<close> by blast
from zvp upvp zu have "u'\<parallel>u" using M1 by blast
with qup uv obtain uu where "q\<parallel>uu" and "uu\<parallel>v" using M5exist_var by blast
moreover from kz kpz kplp have "k \<parallel>l' " using M1 by blast
ultimately show "x \<in> d^-1" using x d kp lpq pv by blast
lemma cdb:"d O b \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:d b)
using M1 M5exist_var by blast
lemma cdm:"d O m \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:d m b)
using M1 by blast
lemma cfb:"f O b \<subseteq> b"
apply (auto simp:f b)
using M1 by blast
lemma cfm:"f O m \<subseteq> m"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f O m" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and 1:"(p,z) \<in> f" and 2:"(z,q) \<in> m" by auto
from 1 obtain u where pu:"p\<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by auto
with 2 have "(p,q) \<in> m" using M1 m by blast
thus "x\<in> m" using x by auto
(* ========= $\alpah_1$ compositions ============ *)
subsection \<open>$\alpha$-composition\<close>
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq s \cup ov \cup d$.\<close>
lemma (in arelations) cmd:"m O d \<subseteq> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume a:"x \<in> m O d" then obtain p q z where x:"x =(p,q)" and 1:"(p,z) \<in> m" and 2:"(z,q) \<in> d" by auto
then obtain k l u v where pz:"p\<parallel>z" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and qv:"q\<parallel>v" using m d by blast
obtain k' where kpp:"k'\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pz by blast
from pz zu uv obtain zu where pzu:"p\<parallel>zu" and zuv:"zu\<parallel>v" using M5exist_var by blast
from kpp kq have "k'\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" using local.meets_atrans xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C] by blast
thus "x \<in> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s qv kpp pzu zuv by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp }
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?B" by simp
then obtain t where kpt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
moreover from kq kl tq have "t\<parallel>l" using M1 by blast
moreover from lz pz pzu have "l\<parallel>zu" using M1 by blast
ultimately have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov kpp qv pzu zuv by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kq pzu zuv qv have "(p,q)\<in>d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
lemma (in arelations) cmf:"m O f \<subseteq> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume a:"x \<in> m O f" then obtain p q z where x:"x =(p,q)" and 1:"(p,z) \<in> m" and 2:"(z,q) \<in> f" by auto
then obtain k l u where pz:"p\<parallel>z" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and qu:"q\<parallel>u" using m f by blast
obtain k' where kpp:"k'\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pz by blast
from kpp kq have "k'\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" using local.meets_atrans xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C] by blast
thus "x \<in> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s qu kpp pz zu by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp }
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?B" by simp
then obtain t where kpt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
moreover from kq kl tq have "t\<parallel>l" using M1 by blast
moreover from lz pz pz have "l\<parallel>z" using M1 by blast
ultimately have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov kpp qu pz zu by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kq pz zu qu have "(p,q)\<in>d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
lemma cmovi:"m O ov^-1 \<subseteq> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume a:"x \<in> m O ov^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x =(p,q)" and 1:"(p,z) \<in> m" and 2:"(z,q) \<in> ov^-1" by auto
then obtain k l c u v where pz:"p\<parallel>z" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and qu:"q\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using m ov by blast
obtain k' where kpp:"k'\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pz by blast
from lz lc pz have pc:"p\<parallel>c" using M1 by auto
from kpp kq have "k'\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s kpp qu cu pc by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp }
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?B" by simp
then obtain t where kpt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
moreover from kq kl tq have "t\<parallel>l" using M1 by auto
ultimately have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov kpp qu cu lc pc by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
then have "(p,q)\<in>d" using d kq cu qu pc by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
lemma covd:"ov O d \<subseteq> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O d" then obtain p q z where x:"x=(p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov" and "(z,q) \<in> d" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k u v l c where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> d\<close> obtain k' l' u' v' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" using d by blast
from uv zv zup have "u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by auto
from pu upvp obtain uu where puu:"p\<parallel>uu" and uuvp:"uu\<parallel>v'" using \<open>u\<parallel>u'\<close> using M5exist_var by blast
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s kp qvp puu uuvp by blast
thus ?thesis using x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from cu pu puu have "c\<parallel>uu" using M1 by auto
moreover from kpq tq kplp have "t\<parallel>l'" using M1 by auto
moreover from lpz lz lc have lpc:"l'\<parallel>c" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain lc where "t\<parallel>lc" and "lc\<parallel>uu" using M5exist_var by blast
then have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov kp kt tq puu uuvp qvp by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with puu uuvp qvp kpq have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma covf:"ov O f \<subseteq> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O f" then obtain p q z where x:"x=(p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov" and "(z,q) \<in> f" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k u v l c where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> f\<close> obtain k' l' u' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" using f by blast
from uv zv zup have uu:"u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by auto
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s kp qup uu pu by blast
thus ?thesis using x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
moreover from kpq tq kplp have "t\<parallel>l'" using M1 by auto
moreover from lpz lz lc have lpc:"l'\<parallel>c" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain lc where "t\<parallel>lc" and "lc\<parallel>u" using cu M5exist_var by blast
then have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov kp kt tq pu uu qup by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with pu uu qup kpq have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cfid:"f^-1 O d \<subseteq> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f^-1 O d" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> f^-1" and "(z,q)\<in> d" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k l u where "k\<parallel>l" and "l\<parallel>z" and kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> d\<close> obtain k' l' u' v where kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upv:"u'\<parallel>v" and qv:"q\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from pu zu zup have pup:"p\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> s \<union> ov \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with pup upv kp qv have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from tq kpq kplp have "t\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
with lpz zup obtain lpz where "t\<parallel>lpz" and "lpz\<parallel>u'" using M5exist_var by blast
with kp pup upv kt tq qv have "(p,q)\<in>ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with pup upv kpq qv have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cfov:"f O ov \<subseteq> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f O ov" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> f" and "(z,q)\<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> f\<close> obtain k l u where "k\<parallel>l" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and lp:"l\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' c u' v where "k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and lpq:"l'\<parallel> q" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upv:"u'\<parallel>v" and qv:"q\<parallel>v" and lpc:"l'\<parallel>c" and cup:"c\<parallel>u'" using ov by blast
from pu zu zup have pup:"p\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
from lp lpq have "l\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. l\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with lp pup upv qv have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where lt:"l\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from tq lpq lpc have "t\<parallel>c" using M1 by blast
with lp lt tq pup upv qv cup have "(p,q)\<in>ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "l'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with lpq pup upv qv have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
(* ========= $\alpha_2$ composition ========== *)
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq ov \cup f^{-1} \cup d^{-1}$.\<close>
lemma covsi:"ov O s^-1 \<subseteq> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O s^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov" and "(z,q) \<in> s^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k l c u where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> s^-1\<close> obtain k' u' v' where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using s by blast
from lz kpz kpq have lq:"l\<parallel>q" using M1 by blast
from pu qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp kp kl lq have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where ptp:"p\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v'" by auto
moreover with pu cu have "c\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
ultimately have "(p,q)\<in> ov" using kp kl lc cu lq qvp ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where qt:"q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with kp kl lq pu have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cdim:"d^-1 O m \<subseteq> ov \<union> d^-1 \<union> f^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d^-1 O m" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> m" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> d^-1\<close> obtain k l u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> m\<close> have zq:"z\<parallel>q" using m by blast
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd zq by blast
from kl lz zq obtain lz where klz:"k\<parallel>lz" and lzq:"lz\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> d^-1 \<union> f^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp kp klz lzq\<open>?A\<close> have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from zq lzq zu have "lz\<parallel>u" using M1 by auto
moreover from pt pv uv have "u\<parallel>t" using M1 by auto
ultimately have "(p,q)\<in> ov" using kp klz lzq pt tvp qvp ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where qt:"q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with kp klz lzq pv have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cdiov:"d^-1 O ov \<subseteq> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d^-1 O ov" then obtain p q r where x:"x = (p,r)" and "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" and "(q,r) \<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,q) \<in> d^-1\<close> obtain u v k l where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lq:"l\<parallel>q" and qu:"q\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(q,r) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' t u' v' where lpr:"l'\<parallel>r" and kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and "u'\<parallel>v'" and rvp:"r\<parallel>v'" and lpt:"l'\<parallel>t" and tup:"t\<parallel>u'" using ov by blast
from lq kplp kpq have "l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
with kl lpr obtain ll where kll:"k\<parallel>ll" and llr:"ll\<parallel>r" using M5exist_var by blast
from pv rvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. r\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with rvp llr kp kll have "(p,r) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpvp:"t'\<parallel>v'" by auto
moreover from lpt lpr llr have llt:"ll\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
moreover from ptp uv pv have utp:"u\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
moreover from qu tup qup have "t\<parallel>u" using M1 by blast
moreover with utp llt obtain tu where "ll\<parallel>tu" and "tu\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
with kp ptp tpvp kll llr rvp have "(p,r)\<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where rtp:"r\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>v" by auto
with kll llr kp pv have "(p,r) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cdis:"d^-1 O s \<subseteq> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d^-1 O s" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> s" by auto
from \<open>(p,z)\<in>d^-1\<close> obtain k l u v where kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and kp:"k\<parallel>p" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> s\<close> obtain l' v' where lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using s by blast
from lz lpz lpq have lq:"l\<parallel>q" using M1 by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kl lq qvp kp have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt pv uv have "u\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
with lz zu obtain zu where "l\<parallel>zu" and "zu\<parallel>t" using M5exist_var by blast
with kp pt tvp kl lq qvp have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with kl lq kp pv have "(p,q)\<in>d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma csim:"s^-1 O m \<subseteq> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s^-1 O m" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> s^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> m" by auto
from \<open>(p,z)\<in>s^-1\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> m\<close> have zq:"z\<parallel>q" using m by auto
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd zq by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kp kz zq qvp have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt pv uv have "u\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
with kp pt tvp kz zq qvp zu have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with kp kz zq pv have "(p,q)\<in>d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma csiov:"s^-1 O ov \<subseteq> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s^-1 O ov" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> s^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,z)\<in>s^-1\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' u' v' c where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and lpc:"l'\<parallel>c" and cup:"c\<parallel>u'" using ov by blast
from kz kpz kplp have klp:"k\<parallel>l'" using M1 by auto
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kp kplp lpq qvp klp have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt pv uv have "u\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
moreover from cup zup zu have cu:"c\<parallel>u" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain cu where "l'\<parallel>cu" and "cu\<parallel>t" using lpc M5exist_var by blast
with kp pt tvp klp lpq qvp have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with kp klp lpq pv have "(p,q)\<in>d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma covim:"ov^-1 O m \<subseteq> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov^-1 O m" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> m" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov^-1\<close> obtain k l c u v where kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lp:"l\<parallel>p" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> m\<close> have zq:"z\<parallel>q" using m by auto
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd zq by blast
from zu zq cu have cq:"c\<parallel>q" using M1 by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with lp lc cq qvp have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where ptp:"p\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v'" by auto
moreover with pv uv have "u\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
ultimately have "(p,q)\<in> ov" using lp lc cq qvp cu ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where qt:"q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with lp lc cq pv have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
(* =========$\alpha_3$ compositions========== *)
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq b \cup m \cup ov$.\<close>
lemma covov:"ov O ov \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O ov" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov" and "(z,q)\<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k u l t v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and "l\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' y u' v' where kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and lpy:"l'\<parallel>y" and "y\<parallel>u'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using ov by blast
from lz kplp kpz have llp:"l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
from uv zv zup have "u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
with pu upvp obtain uu where puu:"p\<parallel>uu" and uuv:"uu\<parallel>v'" using M5exist_var by blast
from puu lpq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. l'\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>uu))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> m" using m by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> b" using b by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where lptp:"l'\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>uu" by auto
from kl llp lpq obtain ll where kll:"k\<parallel>ll" and llq:"ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
with lpq lptp have "ll\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
with kp puu uuv kll llq qvp \<open>t'\<parallel>uu\<close> have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma covfi:"ov O f^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O f^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov" and "(z,q)\<in> f^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k u l c v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and "l\<parallel>c" and "c\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k' l' v' where kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z\<parallel>v'" using f by blast
from lz kplp kpz have llp:"l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
from zv qvp zvp have qv:"q\<parallel>v" using M1 by blast
from pu lpq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> m" using m by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> b" using b by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where lptp:"l'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
from kl llp lpq obtain ll where kll:"k\<parallel>ll" and llr:"ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
with lpq lptp have "ll\<parallel>t" using M1 by blast
with kp pu uv kll llr qv \<open>t\<parallel>u\<close> have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma csov:"s O ov \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s O ov" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> s" and "(z,q)\<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> s\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' u' v' where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" using ov by blast
from kz kpz kplp have klp:"k\<parallel>l'" using M1 by blast
from uv zv zup have uup:"u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by blast
with pu upvp obtain uu where puu:"p\<parallel>uu" and uuvp:"uu\<parallel>v'" using M5exist_var by blast
from pu lpq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> m" using m by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then have "(p,q) \<in> b" using b by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where lpt:"l'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu puu have "t\<parallel>uu" using M1 by blast
with lpt kp puu uuvp klp lpq qvp have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma csfi:"s O f^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s O f^-1" then obtain p q r where x:"x = (p,r)" and "(p,q) \<in> s" and "(q,r)\<in> f^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,q) \<in> s\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and qv:"q\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(q,r) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k' l v' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kpl:"k'\<parallel>l" and lr:"l\<parallel>r" and rvp:"r\<parallel>v'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using f by blast
from kpq kpl kq have kl:"k\<parallel>l" using M1 by blast
from qvp qv uv have uvp:"u\<parallel>v'" using M1 by blast
from pu lr have "p\<parallel>r \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>r) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. l\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
then have "(p,r) \<in> m" using m by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then have "(p,r) \<in> b" using b by auto
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where ltp:"l\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>u" by auto
with kp pu uvp kl lr rvp have "(p,r) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
(* =========$\alpha_4$ compositions========== *)
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq f \cup f^{-1} \cup e$.\<close>
lemma cmmi:"m O m^-1 \<subseteq> f \<union> f^-1 \<union> e"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume a:"x \<in> m O m^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x =(p,q)" and 1:"(p,z) \<in> m" and 2:"(z,q) \<in> m^-1" by auto
then have pz:"p\<parallel>z" and qz:"q\<parallel>z" using m by auto
obtain k k' where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" using M3 meets_wd qz pz by blast
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in>f \<union> f^-1 \<union> e"
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
then have "p = q" using M4 kp pz qz by blast
then have "(p,q) \<in> e" using e by auto
thus ?thesis using x by simp }
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?B" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
then have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f qz pz kp by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kpq pz qz have "(p,q)\<in>f" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
lemma cfif:"f^-1 O f \<subseteq> e \<union> f^-1 \<union> f"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume a:"x \<in> f^-1 O f" then obtain p q z where x:"x =(p,q)" and 1:"(p,z) \<in> f^-1" and 2:"(z,q) \<in> f" by auto
from 1 obtain k l u where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from 2 obtain k' l' u' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" using f by blast
from zu zup qup have qu:"q\<parallel>u" using M1 by auto
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)\<or>(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> f^-1 \<union> f"
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
then have "p = q" using M4 kp pu qu by blast
then have "(p,q) \<in> e" using e by auto
thus ?thesis using x by simp }
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?B" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
then have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f qu pu kp by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kpq pu qu have "(p,q)\<in>f" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by simp}
lemma cffi:"f O f^-1 \<subseteq> e \<union> f \<union> f^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> f O f^-1" then obtain p q r where x:"x = (p,r)" and "(p,q)\<in>f" and "(q,r) \<in>f^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>f\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k k' where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kpr:"k'\<parallel>r" using f by blast
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>f\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain u where pu:"p\<parallel>u" and "q\<parallel>u" and ru:"r\<parallel>u" using f M1 by blast
from kp kpr have "k\<parallel>r \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>r) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> f \<union> f^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with pu ru kp have "p = r" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tr:"t\<parallel>r" by auto
with ru kp pu show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where rtp:"k'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kpr ru pu show ?thesis using x f by blast}
(* =========$\alpha_5$ composition========== *)
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq e \cup s \cup s^{-1}$.\<close>
lemma cssi:"s O s^-1 \<subseteq> e \<union> s \<union> s^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s O s^-1" then obtain p q r where x:"x = (p,r)" and "(p,q)\<in>s" and "(q,r) \<in>s^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>s\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> s^-1\<close> obtain k where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kr:"k\<parallel>r" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" using s M1 by blast
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>s\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> s^-1\<close> obtain u u' where pu:"p\<parallel>u" and rup:"r\<parallel>u'" using s by blast
then have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. r\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> s \<union> s^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with rup kp kr have "p = r" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"p\<parallel>t" and tr:"t\<parallel>u'" by auto
with rup kp kr show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where rtp:"r\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu kp kr show ?thesis using x s by blast}
lemma csis:"s^-1 O s \<subseteq> e \<union> s \<union> s^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s^-1 O s" then obtain p q r where x:"x = (p,r)" and "(p,q)\<in>s^-1" and "(q,r) \<in>s" by auto
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>s^-1\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> s\<close> obtain k where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kr:"k\<parallel>r" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" using s M1 by blast
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>s^-1\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> s\<close> obtain u u' where pu:"p\<parallel>u" and rup:"r\<parallel>u'" using s by blast
then have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. r\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> s \<union> s^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with rup kp kr have "p = r" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"p\<parallel>t" and tr:"t\<parallel>u'" by auto
with rup kp kr show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where rtp:"r\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu kp kr show ?thesis using x s by blast}
lemma cmim:"m^-1 O m \<subseteq> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> e"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> m^-1 O m" then obtain p q r where x:"x = (p,r)" and "(p,q)\<in>m^-1" and "(q,r) \<in>m" by auto
from \<open>(p,q)\<in>m^-1\<close> \<open>(q,r) \<in> m\<close> have qp:"q\<parallel>p" and qr:"q\<parallel>r" using m by auto
obtain u u' where pu:"p\<parallel>u" and rup:"r\<parallel>u'" using M3 meets_wd qp qr by fastforce
then have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. r\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> e"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with rup qp qr have "p = r" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"p\<parallel>t" and tr:"t\<parallel>u'" by auto
with rup qp qr show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where rtp:"r\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu qp qr show ?thesis using x s by blast}
(* =========$\beta_1$ composition========== *)
subsection \<open>$\beta$-composition\<close>
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq b \cup m \cup ov \cup s \cup d$.\<close>
lemma cbd:"b O d \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> b O d" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> b" and "(z,q) \<in> d" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> b\<close> obtain c where pc:"p\<parallel>c" and cz:"c\<parallel>z" using b by auto
obtain a where ap:"a\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pc by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> d\<close> obtain k l u v where "k\<parallel>l" and "l\<parallel>z" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and qv:"q\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from pc cz zu obtain cz where pcz:"p\<parallel>cz" and czu:"cz\<parallel>u" using M5exist_var by blast
with uv obtain czu where pczu:"p\<parallel>czu" and czuv:"czu\<parallel>v" using M5exist_var by blast
from ap kq have "a\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. a\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with ap pczu czuv uv qv have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where at:"a\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pc tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. t\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "t\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>c" by auto
with pc pczu have "t'\<parallel>czu" using M1 by auto
with at tq ap pczu czuv qv \<open>t\<parallel>t'\<close> have "(p,q)\<in>ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kq pczu czuv uv qv have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cbf:"b O f \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> b O f" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> b" and "(z,q) \<in> f" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> b\<close> obtain c where pc:"p\<parallel>c" and cz:"c\<parallel>z" using b by auto
obtain a where ap:"a\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pc by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> f\<close> obtain k l u where "k\<parallel>l" and "l\<parallel>z" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and qu:"q\<parallel>u" using f by blast
from pc cz zu obtain cz where pcz:"p\<parallel>cz" and czu:"cz\<parallel>u" using M5exist_var by blast
from ap kq have "a\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. a\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with ap pcz czu qu have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where at:"a\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pc tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. t\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "t\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>c" by auto
with pc pcz have "t'\<parallel>cz" using M1 by auto
with at tq ap pcz czu qu \<open>t\<parallel>t'\<close> have "(p,q)\<in>ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kq pcz czu qu have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cbovi:"b O ov^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> b O ov^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> b" and "(z,q) \<in> ov^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> b\<close> obtain c where pc:"p\<parallel>c" and cz:"c\<parallel>z" using b by auto
obtain a where ap:"a\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pc by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov^-1\<close> obtain k l u v w where "k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and kq:"k\<parallel>q" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" and qu:"q\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and lw:"l\<parallel>w" and wu:"w\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from cz lz lw have "c\<parallel>w" using M1 by auto
with pc wu obtain cw where pcw:"p\<parallel>cw" and cwu:"cw\<parallel>u" using M5exist_var by blast
from ap kq have "a\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. a\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with ap qu pcw cwu have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where at:"a\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pc tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. t\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "t\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>c" by auto
with pc pcw have "t'\<parallel>cw" using M1 by auto
with at tq ap pcw cwu qu \<open>t\<parallel>t'\<close> have "(p,q)\<in>ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kq pcw cwu qu have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cbmi:"b O m^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> b O m^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> b" and "(z,q) \<in> m^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> b\<close> obtain c where pc:"p\<parallel>c" and cz:"c\<parallel>z" using b by auto
obtain k where kp:"k\<parallel>p" using M3 meets_wd pc by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> m^-1\<close> have qz:"q\<parallel>z" using m by auto
obtain k' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" using M3 meets_wd qz by blast
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kp pc cz qz have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pc tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. t\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "t\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>c" by auto
with pc cz qz kt tq kp have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "k'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with kpq pc cz qz have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cdov:"d O ov \<subseteq>b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d O ov" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d" and "(z,q) \<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> d\<close> obtain k l u v where kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lp:"l\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' u' v' c where kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and "l'\<parallel>c" and "c\<parallel>u'" using ov by blast
from zup zv uv have "u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by auto
with pu upvp obtain uu where puu:"p\<parallel>uu" and uuvp:"uu\<parallel>v'" using M5exist_var by blast
from lp lpq have "l\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. l\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with lp puu uuvp qvp have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where lt:"l\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pu tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. t\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where ttp:"t\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu puu have "t'\<parallel>uu" using M1 by auto
with lp puu qvp uuvp lt tq ttp have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "l'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with lpq puu uuvp qvp have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cdfi:"d O f^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d O f^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d" and "(z,q) \<in> f^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> d\<close> obtain k l u v where kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lp:"l\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> f^-1\<close> obtain k' l' u' where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" using f by blast
from zup zv uv have uup:"u\<parallel>u'" using M1 by auto
from lp lpq have "l\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. l\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with lp pu uup qup have "(p,q) \<in> s" using s by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where lt:"l\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pu tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. t\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> s \<union> d"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where ttp:"t\<parallel>t'" and tpu:"t'\<parallel>u" by auto
with lt tq lp pu uup qup have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "l'\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>p" by auto
with lpq pu uup qup have "(p,q) \<in> d" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
(* =========$\beta_2$ composition ==========*)
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq b \cup m \cup ov \cup f^{-1} \cup d^{-1}$.\<close>
lemma covdi:"ov O d^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O d^-1" then obtain p q z where "(p,z) : ov" and "(z,q) : d^-1" and x:"x = (p,q)" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) : ov\<close> obtain k l u v c where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) : d^-1\<close> obtain l' k' u' v' where lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z\<parallel>v'" using d by blast
from lz kpz kplp have "l\<parallel>l'" using M1 by auto
with kl lpq obtain ll where kll:"k\<parallel>ll" and llq:"ll\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup kll llq kp have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tup:"t\<parallel>u'" by auto
from pt lpq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. l'\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>t))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where lptp:"l'\<parallel>t'" and tpt:"t'\<parallel>t" by auto
from lpq lptp llq have "ll\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
with kp kll llq pt tup qup tpt have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu kll llq kp have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cdib:"d^-1 O b \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d^-1 O b" then obtain p q z where "(p,z) : d^-1" and "(z,q) : b" and x:"x = (p,q)" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) : d^-1\<close> obtain k l u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) : b\<close> obtain c where zc:"z\<parallel>c" and cq:"c\<parallel>q" using b by blast
with kl lz obtain lzc where klzc:"k\<parallel>lzc" and lzcq:"lzc\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd cq by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp kp klzc lzcq have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt cq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. c\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>t))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where ctp:"c\<parallel>t'" and tpt:"t'\<parallel>t" by auto
from lzcq cq ctp have "lzc\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
with pt tvp qvp kp klzc lzcq tpt have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with pv kp klzc lzcq have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma csdi:"s O d^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s O d^-1" then obtain p q z where "(p,z) : s" and "(z,q) : d^-1" and x:"x = (p,q)" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) : s\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(z,q) : d^-1\<close> obtain l' k' u' v' where lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and zvp:"z\<parallel>v'" using d by blast
from kp kz kpz have kpp:"k'\<parallel>p" using M1 by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup kpp kplp lpq have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tup:"t\<parallel>u'" by auto
from pt lpq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. l'\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>t))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where lptp:"l'\<parallel>t'" and tpt:"t'\<parallel>t" by auto
with pt tup qup kpp kplp lpq have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>u" by auto
with pu kpp kplp lpq have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma csib:"s^-1 O b \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> s^-1 O b" then obtain p q z where "(p,z) : s^-1" and "(z,q) : b" and x:"x = (p,q)" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) : s^-1\<close> obtain k u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" using s by blast
from \<open>(z,q) : b\<close> obtain c where zc:"z\<parallel>c" and cq:"c\<parallel>q" using b by blast
from kz zc cq obtain zc where kzc:"k\<parallel>zc" and zcq:"zc\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd cq by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp kp kzc zcq have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt cq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. c\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>t))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where ctp:"c\<parallel>t'" and tpt:"t'\<parallel>t" by auto
from zcq cq ctp have "zc\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
with zcq pt tvp qvp kzc kp ctp tpt have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with pv kp kzc zcq have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma covib:"ov^-1 O b \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov^-1 O b" then obtain p q z where "(p,z) : ov^-1" and "(z,q) : b" and x:"x = (p,q)" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) : ov^-1\<close> obtain k l u v c where kz:"k\<parallel>z" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lp:"l\<parallel>p" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) : b\<close> obtain w where zw:"z\<parallel>w" and wq:"w\<parallel>q" using b by blast
from cu zu zw have cw:"c\<parallel>w" using M1 by auto
with lc wq obtain cw where lcw:"l\<parallel>cw" and cwq:"cw\<parallel>q" using M5exist_var by blast
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd wq by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp lp lcw cwq have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt wq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. w\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>t))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where wtp:"w\<parallel>t'" and tpt:"t'\<parallel>t" by auto
moreover with wq cwq have "cw\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
ultimately have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov cwq lp lcw pt tvp qvp by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with pv lp lcw cwq have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
lemma cmib:"m^-1 O b \<subseteq> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> m^-1 O b" then obtain p q z where "(p,z) : m^-1" and "(z,q) : b" and x:"x = (p,q)" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) : m^-1\<close> have zp:"z\<parallel>p" using m by auto
from \<open>(z,q) : b\<close> obtain w where zw:"z\<parallel>w" and wq:"w\<parallel>q" using b by blast
obtain v where pv:"p\<parallel>v" using M3 meets_wd zp by blast
obtain v' where qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" using M3 meets_wd wq by blast
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. p\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t. q\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with zp zw wq qvp have "(p,q) \<in> f^-1" using f by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where pt:"p\<parallel>t" and tvp:"t\<parallel>v'" by auto
from pt wq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. w\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>t))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> b \<union> m \<union> ov \<union> f^-1 \<union> d^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where wtp:"w\<parallel>t'" and tpt:"t'\<parallel>t" by auto
with zp zw wq pt tvp qvp have "(p,q) \<in> ov" using ov by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A \<and> \<not>?B \<and> ?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where "q\<parallel>t" and "t\<parallel>v" by auto
with zp zw wq pv have "(p,q) \<in> d^-1" using d by blast
thus ?thesis using x by auto}
(*==========$\gamma$ composition =======*)
subsection \<open>$\gamma$-composition\<close>
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq ov \cup s \cup d \cup f \cup e \cup f^{-1} \cup d^{-1} \cup s^{-1} \cup ov^{-1}$.\<close>
lemma covovi:"ov O ov^-1 \<subseteq> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1 "
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov O ov^-1" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov" and "(z, q) \<in> ov^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k l c u where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov^-1\<close> obtain k' l' c' u' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and lpcp:"l'\<parallel>c'" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and cpup:"c'\<parallel>u'" using ov by blast
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have kq:?A by simp
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kq kp qup have "p = q" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
with kq kp qup show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
with kq kp pu show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup kp kt tq show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpup:"t'\<parallel>u'" by auto
from tq kpq kplp have "t\<parallel>l'" using M1 by auto
moreover with lpz lz lc have "l'\<parallel>c" using M1 by auto
moreover with cu pu ptp have "c\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain lc where "t\<parallel>lc" and "lc\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
with ptp tpup kp kt tq qup show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
with pu kp kt tq show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by auto
then obtain t where kpt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kpq kpt tp qup show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where "p\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>u'" by auto
with kpq kpt tp qup show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where qtp:"q\<parallel>t'" and tpu:"t'\<parallel>u" by auto
from tp kp kl have "t\<parallel>l" using M1 by auto
moreover with lpcp lpz lz have "l\<parallel>c'" using M1 by auto
moreover with cpup qup qtp have "c'\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain lc where "t\<parallel>lc" and "lc\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
with kpt tp kpq qtp tpu pu show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
lemma cdid:"d^-1 O d \<subseteq> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1 "
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d^-1 O d" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d^-1" and "(z, q) \<in> d" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> d^-1\<close> obtain k l u v where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lz:"l\<parallel>z" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> d\<close> obtain k' l' u' v' where kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpz:"l'\<parallel>z" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" using d by blast
from kp kpq have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have kq:?A by simp
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kq kp qvp have "p = q" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
with kq kp qvp show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
with kq kp pv show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp kp kt tq show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpvp:"t'\<parallel>v'" by auto
from tq kpq kplp have "t\<parallel>l'" using M1 by auto
moreover with ptp pv uv have "u\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
moreover with lpz zu \<open>t\<parallel>l'\<close> obtain lzu where "t\<parallel>lzu" and "lzu\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using x ov kt tq kp ptp tpvp qvp by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
with pv kp kt tq show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by auto
then obtain t where kpt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kpq kpt tp qvp show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where "p\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>v'" by auto
with kpq kpt tp qvp show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where qtp:"q\<parallel>t'" and tpv:"t'\<parallel>v" by auto
from tp kp kl have "t\<parallel>l" using M1 by auto
moreover with qtp qvp upvp have "u'\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
moreover with lz zup \<open>t\<parallel>l\<close> obtain lzu where "t\<parallel>lzu" and "lzu\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using x ov kpt tp kpq qtp tpv pv by blast}
lemma coviov:"ov^-1 O ov \<subseteq> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1"
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> ov^-1 O ov" then obtain p q z where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> ov^-1" and "(z, q) \<in> ov" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> ov^-1\<close> obtain k l c u v where kz:"k\<parallel>z" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and lp:"l\<parallel>p" and lc:"l\<parallel>c" and zu:"z\<parallel>u" and pv:"p\<parallel>v" and cu:"c\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" using ov by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> ov\<close> obtain k' l' c' u' v' where kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and lpcp:"l'\<parallel>c'" and qvp:"q\<parallel>v'" and zup:"z\<parallel>u'" and cpup:"c'\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" using ov by blast
from lp lpq have "l\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. l\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have lq:?A by simp
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with lq lp qvp have "p = q" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
with lq lp qvp show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
with lq lp pv show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where lt:"l\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp lp lt tq show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpvp:"t'\<parallel>v'" by auto
from tq lpq lpcp have "t\<parallel>c'" using M1 by auto
moreover with cpup zup zu have "c'\<parallel>u" using M1 by auto
moreover with ptp pv uv have "u\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain cu where "t\<parallel>cu" and "cu\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
with lt tq lp ptp tpvp qvp show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
with pv lp lt tq show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by auto
then obtain t where lpt:"l'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
from pv qvp have "p\<parallel>v' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>v))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qvp lpq lpt tp show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where "p\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>v'" by auto
with qvp lpq lpt tp show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where qtp:"q\<parallel>t'" and tpv:"t'\<parallel>v" by auto
from tp lp lc have "t\<parallel>c" using M1 by auto
moreover with cu zu zup have "c\<parallel>u'" using M1 by auto
moreover with qtp qvp upvp have "u'\<parallel>t'" using M1 by auto
ultimately obtain cu where "t\<parallel>cu" and "cu\<parallel>t'" using M5exist_var by blast
with lpt tp lpq pv qtp tpv show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
(* ===========$\delta$ composition =========*)
subsection \<open>$\gamma$-composition\<close>
text \<open>We prove compositions of the form $r_1 \circ r_2 \subseteq b \cup m \cup ov \cup s \cup d \cup f \cup e \cup f^{-1} \cup d^{-1} \cup s^{-1} \cup ov^{-1} \cup b^{-1} \cup m^{-1}$.\<close>
lemma cbbi:"b O b^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> b^-1 \<union> m \<union> m^-1 \<union> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1" (is "b O b^-1 \<subseteq> ?R")
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> b O b^-1" then obtain p q z::'a where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> b" and "(z,q) \<in> b^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z)\<in>b\<close> obtain c where pc:"p\<parallel>c" and "c\<parallel>z" using b by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> b^-1\<close> obtain c' where qcp:"q\<parallel>c'" and "c'\<parallel>z" using b by blast
obtain k k' where kp:"k\<parallel>p" and kpq:"k'\<parallel>q" using M3 meets_wd pc qcp by fastforce
then have "k\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. k\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. k'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in>?R"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have kq:?A by simp
from pc qcp have "p\<parallel>c' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
with kp kq qcp have "p = q" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have "?B" by simp
with kq kp qcp show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
with kq kp pc show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where kt:"k\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pc qcp have "p\<parallel>c' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with kp qcp kt tq show ?thesis using f x by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpcp:"t'\<parallel>c'" by auto
from pc tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t''. p\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t''. t\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain g where "t\<parallel>g" and "g\<parallel>c" by auto
moreover with pc ptp have "g\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using x ov kt tq kp ptp tpcp qcp by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "q\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>c" by auto
with kp kt tq pc show ?thesis using d x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where kpt:"k'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
from pc qcp have "p\<parallel>c' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>c))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qcp kpt tp kpq show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
with qcp kpt tp kpq show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then obtain t' where qt':"q\<parallel>t'" and tpc:"t'\<parallel>c" by auto
from qcp tp have "q\<parallel>p \<oplus> ((\<exists>t''. q\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>p) \<oplus> (\<exists>t''. t\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>c'))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then obtain g where tg:"t\<parallel>g" and "g\<parallel>c'" by auto
with qcp qt' have "g\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
with qt' tpc pc kpq kpt tp tg show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
lemma cbib:"b^-1 O b \<subseteq> b \<union> b^-1 \<union> m \<union> m^-1 \<union> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1" (is "b^-1 O b \<subseteq> ?R")
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> b^-1 O b" then obtain p q z::'a where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> b^-1" and "(z,q) \<in> b" by auto
from \<open>(p,z)\<in>b^-1\<close> obtain c where zc:"z\<parallel>c" and cp:"c\<parallel>p" using b by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> b\<close> obtain c' where zcp:"z\<parallel>c'" and cpq:"c'\<parallel>q" using b by blast
obtain u u' where pu:"p\<parallel>u" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" using M3 meets_wd cp cpq by fastforce
from cp cpq have "c\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. c\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. c'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in>?R"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have cq:?A by simp
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
with cq cp qup have "p = q" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have "?B" by simp
with cq cp qup show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
with pu cq cp show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where ct:"c\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup ct tq cp show ?thesis using f x by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpup:"t'\<parallel>u'" by auto
from pu tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t''. p\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t''. t\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain g where "t\<parallel>g" and "g\<parallel>u" by auto
moreover with pu ptp have "g\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using x ov ct tq cp ptp tpup qup by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "q\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>u" by auto
with cp ct tq pu show ?thesis using d x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where cpt:"c'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup cpt tp cpq show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
with qup cpt tp cpq show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then obtain t' where qt':"q\<parallel>t'" and tpc:"t'\<parallel>u" by auto
from qup tp have "q\<parallel>p \<oplus> ((\<exists>t''. q\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>p) \<oplus> (\<exists>t''. t\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>u'))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then obtain g where tg:"t\<parallel>g" and "g\<parallel>u'" by auto
with qup qt' have "g\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
with qt' tpc pu cpq cpt tp tg show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
lemma cddi:"d O d^-1 \<subseteq> b \<union> b^-1 \<union> m \<union> m^-1 \<union> e \<union> ov \<union> ov^-1 \<union> s \<union> s^-1 \<union> d \<union> d^-1 \<union> f \<union> f^-1" (is "d O d^-1 \<subseteq> ?R")
fix x::"'a\<times>'a" assume "x \<in> d O d^-1" then obtain p q z::'a where x:"x = (p,q)" and "(p,z) \<in> d" and "(z,q) \<in> d^-1" by auto
from \<open>(p,z) \<in> d\<close> obtain k l u v where lp:"l\<parallel>p" and kl:"k\<parallel>l" and kz:"k\<parallel>z" and pu:"p\<parallel>u" and uv:"u\<parallel>v" and zv:"z\<parallel>v" using d by blast
from \<open>(z,q) \<in> d^-1\<close> obtain k' l' u' v' where lpq:"l'\<parallel>q" and kplp:"k'\<parallel>l'" and kpz:"k'\<parallel>z" and qup:"q\<parallel>u'" and upvp:"u'\<parallel>v'" and zv':"z\<parallel>v'" using d by blast
from lp lpq have "l\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t. l\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t. l'\<parallel>t \<and> t\<parallel>p))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus "x \<in>?R"
proof (elim disjE)
{ assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have lq:?A by simp
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C)" then have "?A" by simp
with lq lp qup have "p = q" using M4 by auto
thus ?thesis using x e by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have "?B" by simp
with lq lp qup show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{assume "(\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C)" then have "?C" by simp
with pu lq lp show ?thesis using x s by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t where lt:"l\<parallel>t" and tq:"t\<parallel>q" by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup lt tq lp show ?thesis using f x by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
then obtain t' where ptp:"p\<parallel>t'" and tpup:"t'\<parallel>u'" by auto
from pu tq have "p\<parallel>q \<oplus> ((\<exists>t''. p\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>q) \<oplus> (\<exists>t''. t\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain g where "t\<parallel>g" and "g\<parallel>u" by auto
moreover with pu ptp have "g\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using x ov lt tq lp ptp tpup qup by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t' where "q\<parallel>t'" and "t'\<parallel>u" by auto
with lp lt tq pu show ?thesis using d x by blast}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then have ?C by simp
then obtain t where lpt:"l'\<parallel>t" and tp:"t\<parallel>p" by auto
from pu qup have "p\<parallel>u' \<oplus> ((\<exists>t'. p\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u') \<oplus> (\<exists>t'. q\<parallel>t' \<and> t'\<parallel>u))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
with qup lpt tp lpq show ?thesis using x f by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
with qup lpt tp lpq show ?thesis using x d by blast}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then obtain t' where qt':"q\<parallel>t'" and tpc:"t'\<parallel>u" by auto
from qup tp have "q\<parallel>p \<oplus> ((\<exists>t''. q\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>p) \<oplus> (\<exists>t''. t\<parallel>t'' \<and> t''\<parallel>u'))" (is "?A \<oplus> (?B \<oplus> ?C)") using M2 by blast
then have "(?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> ((\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C) \<or> (\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C))" by (insert xor_distr_L[of ?A ?B ?C], auto simp:elimmeets)
thus ?thesis
proof (elim disjE)
{assume "?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?A by simp
thus ?thesis using x m by auto}
{assume "\<not>?A\<and>?B\<and>\<not>?C" then have ?B by simp
thus ?thesis using x b by auto}
{ assume "\<not>?A\<and>\<not>?B\<and>?C" then obtain g where tg:"t\<parallel>g" and "g\<parallel>u'" by auto
with qup qt' have "g\<parallel>t'" using M1 by blast
with qt' tpc pu lpq lpt tp tg show ?thesis using x ov by blast}
(* ========= inverse ========== *)
subsection \<open>The rest of the composition table\<close>
text \<open>Because of the symmetry $(r_1 \circ r_2)^{-1} = r_2^{-1} \circ r_1^{-1} $, the rest of the compositions is easily deduced.\<close>
lemma cmbi:"m O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cbmi by auto
lemma covmi:"ov O m^-1 \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> d^-1 \<union> s^-1"
using cmovi by auto
lemma covbi:"ov O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cbovi by auto
lemma cfiovi:"f^-1 O ov^-1 \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using covf by auto
lemma cfimi:"(f^-1 O m^-1) \<subseteq> s^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cmf by auto
lemma cfibi:"f^-1 O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cbf by auto
lemma cdif:"d^-1 O f \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cfid by auto
lemma cdiovi:"d^-1 O ov ^-1 \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using covd by auto
lemma cdimi:"d^-1 O m^-1 \<subseteq> s^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d^-1 "
using cmd by auto
lemma cdibi:"d^-1 O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cbd by auto
lemma csd:"s O d \<subseteq> d"
using cdisi by auto
lemma csf:"s O f \<subseteq> d"
using cfisi by auto
lemma csovi:"s O ov^-1 \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using covsi by auto
lemma csmi:"s O m^-1 \<subseteq> m^-1"
using cmsi by auto
lemma csbi:"s O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbsi by auto
lemma csisi:"s^-1 O s^-1 \<subseteq> s^-1"
using css by auto
lemma csid:"s^-1 O d \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using cdis by auto
lemma csif:"s^-1 O f \<subseteq> ov^-1"
using cfis by auto
lemma csiovi:"s^-1 O ov^-1 \<subseteq> ov^-1"
using covs by auto
lemma csimi:"s^-1 O m^-1 \<subseteq> m^-1"
using cms by auto
lemma csibi:"s^-1 O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbs by auto
lemma cds:"d O s \<subseteq> d"
using csidi by auto
lemma cdsi:"d O s^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using csdi by auto
lemma cdd:"d O d \<subseteq> d"
using cdidi by auto
lemma cdf:"d O f \<subseteq> d"
using cfidi by auto
lemma cdovi:"d O ov^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using covdi by auto
lemma cdmi:"d O m^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cmdi by auto
lemma cdbi:"d O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbdi by auto
lemma cfdi:"f O d^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1 "
using cdfi by auto
lemma cfs:"f O s \<subseteq> d"
using csifi by auto
lemma cfsi:"f O s^-1 \<subseteq> b ^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov ^-1"
using csfi by auto
lemma cfd:"f O d \<subseteq> d"
using cdifi by auto
lemma cff:"f O f \<subseteq> f"
using cfifi by auto
lemma cfovi:"f O ov^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1"
using covfi by auto
lemma cfmi:"f O m^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cmfi by auto
lemma cfbi:"f O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbfi by auto
lemma covifi:"ov^-1 O f^-1 \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cfov by auto
lemma covidi:"ov^-1 O d^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> s^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> d^-1"
using cdov by auto
lemma covis:"ov^-1 O s \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using csiov by auto
lemma covisi:"ov^-1 O s^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1"
using csov by auto
lemma covid:"ov^-1 O d \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using cdiov by auto
lemma covif:"ov^-1 O f \<subseteq> ov^-1"
using cfiov by auto
lemma coviovi:"ov^-1 O ov^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1"
using covov by auto
lemma covimi:"ov^-1 O m^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cmov by auto
lemma covibi:"ov^-1 O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbov by auto
lemma cmiov:"m^-1 O ov \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> f"
using covim by auto
lemma cmifi:"m^-1 O f^-1 \<subseteq> m^-1"
using cfm by auto
lemma cmidi:"m^-1 O d^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cdm by auto
lemma cmis:"m^-1 O s \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> f"
using csim by auto
lemma cmisi:"m^-1 O s^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using csm by auto
lemma cmid:"m^-1 O d \<subseteq> ov^-1 \<union> d \<union> f"
using cdim by auto
lemma cmif:"m^-1 O f \<subseteq> m^-1"
using cfim by auto
lemma cmiovi:"m^-1 O ov^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using covm by auto
lemma cmimi:"m^-1 O m^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cmm by auto
lemma cmibi:"m^-1 O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbm by auto
lemma cbim:"b^-1 O m \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using cmib by auto
lemma cbiov:"b^-1 O ov \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using covib by auto
lemma cbifi:"b^-1 O f^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cfb by auto
lemma cbidi:"b^-1 O d^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cdb by auto
lemma cbis:"b^-1 O s \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using csib by auto
lemma cbisi:"b^-1 O s^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using csb by auto
lemma cbid:"b^-1 O d \<subseteq> b^-1 \<union> m^-1 \<union> ov^-1 \<union> f \<union> d"
using cdib by auto
lemma cbif:"b^-1 O f \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cfib by auto
lemma cbiovi:"b^-1 O ov^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using covb by auto
lemma cbimi:"b^-1 O m^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cmb by auto
lemma cbibi:"b^-1 O b^-1 \<subseteq> b^-1"
using cbb by auto
subsection \<open>Composition rules\<close>
named_theorems ce_rules declare cem[ce_rules] and ceb[ce_rules] and ceov[ce_rules] and ces[ce_rules] and cef[ce_rules] and ced[ce_rules] and
cemi[ce_rules] and cebi[ce_rules] and ceovi[ce_rules] and cesi[ce_rules] and cefi[ce_rules] and cedi[ce_rules]
named_theorems cm_rules declare cme[cm_rules] and cmb[cm_rules] and cmm[cm_rules] and cmov[cm_rules] and cms [cm_rules] and cmd[cm_rules] and cmf[cm_rules] and
cmbi[cm_rules] and cmmi[cm_rules] and cmovi[cm_rules] and cmsi[cm_rules] and cmdi[cm_rules] and cmfi[cm_rules]
named_theorems cb_rules declare cbe[cb_rules] and cbm[cb_rules] and cbb[cb_rules] and cbov[cb_rules] and cbs [cb_rules] and cbd[cb_rules] and cbf[cb_rules] and
cbbi[cb_rules] and cbbi[cb_rules] and cbovi[cb_rules] and cbsi[cb_rules] and cbdi[cb_rules] and cbfi[cb_rules]
named_theorems cov_rules declare cove[cov_rules] and covb[cov_rules] and covb[cov_rules] and covov[cov_rules] and covs [cov_rules] and covd[cov_rules] and covf[cov_rules] and
covbi[cov_rules] and covbi[cov_rules] and covovi[cov_rules] and covsi[cov_rules] and covdi[cov_rules] and covfi[cov_rules]
named_theorems cs_rules declare cse[cs_rules] and csb[cs_rules] and csb[cs_rules] and csov[cs_rules] and css [cs_rules] and csd[cs_rules] and csf[cs_rules] and
csbi[cs_rules] and csbi[cs_rules] and csovi[cs_rules] and cssi[cs_rules] and csdi[cs_rules] and csfi[cs_rules]
named_theorems cf_rules declare cfe[cf_rules] and cfb[cf_rules] and cfb[cf_rules] and cfov[cf_rules] and cfs [cf_rules] and cfd[cf_rules] and cff[cf_rules] and
cfbi[cf_rules] and cfbi[cf_rules] and cfovi[cf_rules] and cfsi[cf_rules] and cfdi[cf_rules] and cffi[cf_rules]
named_theorems cd_rules declare cde[cd_rules] and cdb[cd_rules] and cdb[cd_rules] and cdov[cd_rules] and cds [cd_rules] and cdd[cd_rules] and cdf[cd_rules] and
cdbi[cd_rules] and cdbi[cd_rules] and cdovi[cd_rules] and cdsi[cd_rules] and cddi[cd_rules] and cdfi[cd_rules]
named_theorems cmi_rules declare cmie[cmi_rules] and cmib[cmi_rules] and cmib[cmi_rules] and cmiov[cmi_rules] and cmis [cmi_rules] and cmid[cmi_rules] and cmif[cmi_rules] and
cmibi[cmi_rules] and cmibi[cmi_rules] and cmiovi[cmi_rules] and cmisi[cmi_rules] and cmidi[cmi_rules] and cmifi[cmi_rules]
named_theorems cbi_rules declare cbie[cbi_rules] and cbim[cbi_rules] and cbib[cbi_rules] and cbiov[cbi_rules] and cbis [cbi_rules] and cbid[cbi_rules] and cbif[cbi_rules] and
cbimi[cbi_rules] and cbibi[cbi_rules] and cbiovi[cbi_rules] and cbisi[cbi_rules] and cbidi[cbi_rules] and cbifi[cbi_rules]
named_theorems covi_rules declare covie[covi_rules] and covib[covi_rules] and covib[covi_rules] and coviov[covi_rules] and covis [covi_rules] and covid[covi_rules] and covif[covi_rules] and
covibi[covi_rules] and covibi[covi_rules] and coviovi[covi_rules] and covisi[covi_rules] and covidi[covi_rules] and covifi[covi_rules]
named_theorems csi_rules declare csie[csi_rules] and csib[csi_rules] and csib[csi_rules] and csiov[csi_rules] and csis [csi_rules] and csid[csi_rules] and csif[csi_rules] and
csibi[csi_rules] and csibi[csi_rules] and csiovi[csi_rules] and csisi[csi_rules] and csidi[csi_rules] and csifi[csi_rules]
named_theorems cfi_rules declare cfie[cfi_rules] and cfib[cfi_rules] and cfib[cfi_rules] and cfiov[cfi_rules] and cfis [cfi_rules] and cfid[cfi_rules] and cfif[cfi_rules] and
cfibi[cfi_rules] and cfibi[cfi_rules] and cfiovi[cfi_rules] and cfisi[cfi_rules] and cfidi[cfi_rules] and cfifi[cfi_rules]
named_theorems cdi_rules declare cdie[cdi_rules] and cdib[cdi_rules] and cdib[cdi_rules] and cdiov[cdi_rules] and cdis [cdi_rules] and cdid[cdi_rules] and cdif[cdi_rules] and
cdibi[cdi_rules] and cdibi[cdi_rules] and cdiovi[cdi_rules] and cdisi[cdi_rules] and cdidi[cdi_rules] and cdifi[cdi_rules]
named_theorems cre_rules declare cee[cre_rules] and cme[cre_rules] and cbe[cre_rules] and cove[cre_rules] and cse[cre_rules] and cfe[cre_rules] and cde[cre_rules] and
cmie[cre_rules] and cbie[cre_rules] and covie[cre_rules] and csie[cre_rules] and cfie[cre_rules] and cdie[cre_rules]
named_theorems crm_rules declare cem[crm_rules] and cbm[crm_rules] and cmm[crm_rules] and covm[crm_rules] and csm[crm_rules] and cfm[crm_rules] and cdm[crm_rules] and
cmim[crm_rules] and cbim[crm_rules] and covim[crm_rules] and csim[crm_rules] and cfim[crm_rules] and cdim[crm_rules]
named_theorems crmi_rules declare cemi[crmi_rules] and cbmi[crmi_rules] and cmmi[crmi_rules] and covmi[crmi_rules] and csmi[crmi_rules] and cfmi[crmi_rules] and cdmi[crmi_rules] and
cmimi[crmi_rules] and cbimi[crmi_rules] and covimi[crmi_rules] and csimi[crmi_rules] and cfimi[crmi_rules] and cdimi[crmi_rules]
named_theorems crs_rules declare ces[crs_rules] and cbs[crs_rules] and cms[crs_rules] and covs[crs_rules] and css[crs_rules] and cfs[crs_rules] and cds[crs_rules] and
cmis[crs_rules] and cbis[crs_rules] and covis[crs_rules] and csis[crs_rules] and cfis[crs_rules] and cdis[crs_rules]
named_theorems crsi_rules declare cesi[crsi_rules] and cbsi[crsi_rules] and cmsi[crsi_rules] and covsi[crsi_rules] and cssi[crsi_rules] and cfsi[crsi_rules] and cdsi[crsi_rules] and
cmisi[crsi_rules] and cbisi[crsi_rules] and covisi[crsi_rules] and csisi[crsi_rules] and cfisi[crsi_rules] and cdisi[crsi_rules]
named_theorems crb_rules declare ceb[crb_rules] and cbb[crb_rules] and cmb[crb_rules] and covb[crb_rules] and csb[crb_rules] and cfb[crb_rules] and cdb[crb_rules] and
cmib[crb_rules] and cbib[crb_rules] and covib[crb_rules] and csib[crb_rules] and cfib[crb_rules] and cdib[crb_rules]
named_theorems crbi_rules declare cebi[crbi_rules] and cbbi[crbi_rules] and cmbi[crbi_rules] and covbi[crbi_rules] and csbi[crbi_rules] and cfbi[crbi_rules] and cdbi[crbi_rules] and
cmibi[crbi_rules] and cbibi[crbi_rules] and covibi[crbi_rules] and csibi[crbi_rules] and cfibi[crbi_rules] and cdibi[crbi_rules]
named_theorems crov_rules declare ceov[crov_rules] and cbov[crov_rules] and cmov[crov_rules] and covov[crov_rules] and csov[crov_rules] and cfov[crov_rules] and cdov[crov_rules] and
cmiov[crov_rules] and cbiov[crov_rules] and coviov[crov_rules] and csiov[crov_rules] and cfiov[crov_rules] and cdiov[crov_rules]
named_theorems crovi_rules declare ceovi[crovi_rules] and cbovi[crovi_rules] and cmovi[crovi_rules] and covovi[crovi_rules] and csovi[crovi_rules] and cfovi[crovi_rules] and cdovi[crovi_rules] and
cmiovi[crovi_rules] and cbiovi[crovi_rules] and coviovi[crovi_rules] and csiovi[crovi_rules] and cfiovi[crovi_rules] and cdiovi[crovi_rules]
named_theorems crf_rules declare cef[crf_rules] and cbf[crf_rules] and cmf[crf_rules] and covf[crf_rules] and csf[crf_rules] and cff[crf_rules] and cdf[crf_rules] and
cmif[crf_rules] and cbif[crf_rules] and covif[crf_rules] and csif[crf_rules] and cfif[crf_rules] and cdif[crf_rules]
named_theorems crfi_rules declare cefi[crfi_rules] and cbfi[crfi_rules] and cmfi[crfi_rules] and covfi[crfi_rules] and csfi[crfi_rules] and cffi[crfi_rules] and cdfi[crfi_rules] and
cmifi[crfi_rules] and cbifi[crfi_rules] and covifi[crfi_rules] and csifi[crfi_rules] and cfifi[crfi_rules] and cdifi[crfi_rules]
named_theorems crd_rules declare ced[crd_rules] and cbd[crd_rules] and cmd[crd_rules] and covd[crd_rules] and csd[crd_rules] and cfd[crd_rules] and cdd[crd_rules] and
cmid[crd_rules] and cbid[crd_rules] and covid[crd_rules] and csid[crd_rules] and cfid[crd_rules] and cdid[crd_rules]
named_theorems crdi_rules declare cedi[crdi_rules] and cbdi[crdi_rules] and cmdi[crdi_rules] and covdi[crdi_rules] and csdi[crdi_rules] and cfdi[crdi_rules] and cddi[crdi_rules] and
cmidi[crdi_rules] and cbidi[crdi_rules] and covidi[crdi_rules] and csidi[crdi_rules] and cfidi[crdi_rules] and cdidi[crdi_rules]