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(* Author: Ujkan Sulejmani *) | |
section \<open>Center Selection\<close> | |
theory Center_Selection | |
imports Complex_Main "HOL-Hoare.Hoare_Logic" | |
begin | |
text \<open>The Center Selection (or metric k-center) problem. Given a set of \textit{sites} \<open>S\<close> | |
in a metric space, find a subset \<open>C \<subseteq> S\<close> that minimizes the maximal distance from any \<open>s \<in> S\<close> | |
to some \<open>c \<in> C\<close>. This theory presents a verified 2-approximation algorithm. | |
It is based on Section 11.2 in the book by Kleinberg and Tardos \cite{KleinbergT06}. | |
In contrast to the proof in the book, our proof is a standard invariant proof.\<close> | |
locale Center_Selection = | |
fixes S :: "('a :: metric_space) set" | |
and k :: nat | |
assumes finite_sites: "finite S" | |
and non_empty_sites: "S \<noteq> {}" | |
and non_zero_k: "k > 0" | |
begin | |
definition distance :: "('a::metric_space) set \<Rightarrow> ('a::metric_space) \<Rightarrow> real" where | |
"distance C s = Min (dist s ` C)" | |
definition radius :: "('a :: metric_space) set \<Rightarrow> real" where | |
"radius C = Max (distance C ` S)" | |
lemma distance_mono: | |
assumes "C\<^sub>1 \<subseteq> C\<^sub>2" and "C\<^sub>1 \<noteq> {}" and "finite C\<^sub>2" | |
shows "distance C\<^sub>1 s \<ge> distance C\<^sub>2 s" | |
by (simp add: Min.subset_imp assms distance_def image_mono) | |
lemma finite_distances: "finite (distance C ` S)" | |
using finite_sites by simp | |
lemma non_empty_distances: "distance C ` S \<noteq> {}" | |
using non_empty_sites by simp | |
lemma radius_contained: "radius C \<in> distance C ` S" | |
using finite_distances non_empty_distances Max_in radius_def by simp | |
lemma radius_def2: "\<exists>s \<in> S. distance C s = radius C" | |
using radius_contained image_iff by metis | |
lemma dist_lemmas_aux: | |
assumes "finite C" | |
and "C \<noteq> {}" | |
shows "finite (dist s ` C)" | |
and "finite (dist s ` C) \<Longrightarrow> distance C s \<in> dist s ` C" | |
and "distance C s \<in> dist s ` C \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>c \<in> C. dist s c = distance C s" | |
and "\<exists>c \<in> C. dist s c = distance C s \<Longrightarrow> distance C s \<ge> 0" | |
proof | |
show "finite C" using assms(1) by simp | |
next | |
assume "finite (dist s ` C)" | |
then show "distance C s \<in> dist s ` C" using distance_def eq_Min_iff assms(2) by blast | |
next | |
assume "distance C s \<in> dist s ` C" | |
then show "\<exists>c \<in> C. dist s c = distance C s" by auto | |
next | |
assume "\<exists>c \<in> C. dist s c = distance C s" | |
then show "distance C s \<ge> 0" by (metis zero_le_dist) | |
qed | |
lemma dist_lemmas: | |
assumes "finite C" | |
and "C \<noteq> {}" | |
shows "finite (dist s ` C)" | |
and "distance C s \<in> dist s ` C" | |
and "\<exists>c \<in> C. dist s c = distance C s" | |
and "distance C s \<ge> 0" | |
using dist_lemmas_aux assms by auto | |
lemma radius_max_prop: "(\<forall>s \<in> S. distance C s \<le> r) \<Longrightarrow> (radius C \<le> r)" | |
by (metis image_iff radius_contained) | |
lemma dist_ins: | |
assumes "\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> x < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
and "distance C s > x" | |
and "finite C" | |
and "C \<noteq> {}" | |
shows "\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> (C \<union> {s}). \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> (C \<union> {s}). c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> x < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
proof (rule+) | |
fix c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 | |
assume local_assms: "c\<^sub>1\<in>C \<union> {s}" "c\<^sub>2\<in>C \<union> {s}" "c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2" | |
then have "c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<or> c\<^sub>1 \<in>C \<and> c\<^sub>2\<in> {s} \<or> c\<^sub>2\<in>C \<and> c\<^sub>1 \<in> {s} \<or> c\<^sub>1 \<in> {s} \<and> c\<^sub>2\<in> {s}" by auto | |
then show "x < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
proof (elim disjE) | |
assume "c\<^sub>1 \<in>C \<and> c\<^sub>2\<in>C" | |
then show ?thesis using assms(1) local_assms(3) by simp | |
next | |
assume case_assm: "c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> {s}" | |
have "x < distance C c\<^sub>2" using assms(2) case_assm by simp | |
also have " ... \<le> dist c\<^sub>2 c\<^sub>1" | |
using Min.coboundedI distance_def assms(3,4) dist_lemmas(1, 2) case_assm by simp | |
also have " ... = dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" using dist_commute by metis | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
next | |
assume case_assm: "c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>1 \<in> {s}" | |
have "x < distance C c\<^sub>1" using assms(2) case_assm by simp | |
also have " ... \<le> dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
using Min.coboundedI distance_def assms(3,4) dist_lemmas(1, 2) case_assm by simp | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
next | |
assume "c\<^sub>1 \<in> {s} \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> {s}" | |
then have False using local_assms by simp | |
then show ?thesis by simp | |
qed | |
qed | |
subsection \<open>A Preliminary Algorithm and Proof\<close> | |
text \<open>This subsection verifies an auxiliary algorithm by Kleinberg and Tardos. | |
Our proof of the main algorithm does not does not rely on this auxiliary algorithm at all | |
but we do reuse part off its invariant proof later on.\<close> | |
definition inv :: "('a :: metric_space) set \<Rightarrow> ('a :: metric_space set) \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"inv S' C r = | |
((\<forall>s \<in> (S - S'). distance C s \<le> 2*r) \<and> S' \<subseteq> S \<and> C \<subseteq> S \<and> | |
(\<forall>c \<in> C. \<forall>s \<in> S'. S' \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow> dist c s > 2 * r) \<and> (S' = S \<or> C \<noteq> {}) \<and> | |
(\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 > 2 * r))" | |
lemma inv_init: "inv S {} r" | |
unfolding inv_def non_empty_sites by simp | |
lemma inv_step: | |
assumes "S' \<noteq> {}" | |
and IH: "inv S' C r" | |
defines[simp]: "s \<equiv> (SOME s. s \<in> S')" | |
shows "inv (S' - {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r}) (C \<union> {s}) r" | |
proof - | |
have s_def: "s \<in> S'" using assms(1) some_in_eq by auto | |
have "finite (C \<union> {s})" using IH finite_subset[OF _ finite_sites] by (simp add: inv_def) | |
moreover | |
have "(\<forall>s' \<in> (S - (S' - {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r})). distance (C \<union> {s}) s' \<le> 2*r)" | |
proof | |
fix s'' | |
assume "s'' \<in> S - (S' - {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r})" | |
then have "s'' \<in> S - S' \<or> s'' \<in> {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r}" by simp | |
then show "distance (C \<union> {s}) s'' \<le> 2 * r" | |
proof (elim disjE) | |
assume local_assm: "s'' \<in> S - S'" | |
have "S' = S \<or> C \<noteq> {}" using IH by (simp add: inv_def) | |
then show ?thesis | |
proof (elim disjE) | |
assume "S' = S" | |
then have "s'' \<in> {}" using local_assm by simp | |
then show ?thesis by simp | |
next | |
assume C_not_empty: "C \<noteq> {}" | |
have "finite C" using IH finite_subset[OF _ finite_sites] by (simp add: inv_def) | |
then have "distance (C \<union> {s}) s'' \<le> distance C s''" | |
using distance_mono C_not_empty by (meson Un_upper1 calculation) | |
also have " ... \<le> 2 * r" using IH local_assm inv_def by simp | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
qed | |
next | |
assume local_assm: "s'' \<in> {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r}" | |
then have "distance (C \<union> {s}) s'' \<le> dist s'' s" | |
using Min.coboundedI distance_def dist_lemmas calculation by auto | |
also have " ... \<le> 2 * r" using local_assm by (smt dist_self dist_triangle2 mem_Collect_eq) | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
qed | |
qed | |
moreover | |
have "S' - {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r} \<subseteq> S" using IH by (auto simp: inv_def) | |
moreover | |
{ | |
have "s \<in> S" using IH inv_def s_def by auto | |
then have "C \<union> {s} \<subseteq> S" using IH by (simp add: inv_def) | |
} | |
moreover | |
have "(\<forall>c\<in>C \<union> {s}. \<forall>c\<^sub>2\<in>C \<union> {s}. c \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * r < dist c c\<^sub>2)" | |
proof (rule+) | |
fix c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 | |
assume local_assms: "c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<union> {s}" "c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<union> {s}" "c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2" | |
then have "(c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> C) \<or> (c\<^sub>1 = s \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> C) \<or> (c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>2 = s) \<or> (c\<^sub>1 = s \<and> c\<^sub>2 = s)" | |
using assms by auto | |
then show "2 * r < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
proof (elim disjE) | |
assume "c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> C" | |
then show "2 * r < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" using IH inv_def local_assms by simp | |
next | |
assume case_assm: "c\<^sub>1 = s \<and> c\<^sub>2 \<in> C" | |
have "(\<forall>c \<in> C. \<forall>s\<in>S'. S' \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow> 2 * r < dist c s)" using IH inv_def by simp | |
then show ?thesis by (smt case_assm s_def assms(1) dist_self dist_triangle3 singletonD) | |
next | |
assume case_assm: "c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<and> c\<^sub>2 = s" | |
have "(\<forall>c \<in> C. \<forall>s\<in>S'. S' \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow> 2 * r < dist c s)" using IH inv_def by simp | |
then show ?thesis by (smt case_assm s_def assms(1) dist_self dist_triangle3 singletonD) | |
next | |
assume "c\<^sub>1 = s \<and> c\<^sub>2 = s" | |
then have False using local_assms(3) by simp | |
then show ?thesis by simp | |
qed | |
qed | |
moreover | |
have "(\<forall>c\<in>C \<union> {s}. \<forall>s'' \<in> S' - {s' \<in> S'. dist s s' \<le> 2 * r}. | |
S' - {s' \<in> S'. dist s s' \<le> 2 * r} \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow> 2 * r < dist c s'')" | |
using IH inv_def by fastforce | |
moreover | |
have "(S' - {s' \<in> S'. dist s s' \<le> 2 * r} = S \<or> C \<union> {s} \<noteq> {})" by simp | |
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding inv_def by blast | |
qed | |
lemma inv_last_1: | |
assumes "\<forall>s \<in> (S - S'). distance C s \<le> 2*r" | |
and "S' = {}" | |
shows "radius C \<le> 2*r" | |
by (metis Diff_empty assms image_iff radius_contained) | |
lemma inv_last_2: | |
assumes "finite C" | |
and "card C > n" | |
and "C \<subseteq> S" | |
and "\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 > 2*r" | |
shows "\<forall>C'. card C' \<le> n \<and> card C' > 0 \<longrightarrow> radius C' > r" (is ?P) | |
proof (rule ccontr) | |
assume "\<not> ?P" | |
then obtain C' where card_C': "card C' \<le> n \<and> card C' > 0" and radius_C': "radius C' \<le> r" by auto | |
have "\<forall>c \<in> C. (\<exists>c'. c' \<in> C' \<and> dist c c' \<le> r)" | |
proof | |
fix c | |
assume "c \<in> C" | |
then have "c \<in> S" using assms(3) by blast | |
then have "distance C' c \<le> radius C'" using finite_distances by (simp add: radius_def) | |
then have "distance C' c \<le> r" using radius_C' by simp | |
then show "\<exists>c'. c' \<in> C' \<and> dist c c' \<le> r" using dist_lemmas | |
by (metis card_C' card_gt_0_iff) | |
qed | |
then obtain f where f: "\<forall>c\<in>C. f c \<in> C' \<and> dist c (f c) \<le> r" by metis | |
have "\<not>inj_on f C" | |
proof | |
assume "inj_on f C" | |
then have "card C' \<ge> card C" using \<open>inj_on f C\<close> card_inj_on_le card_ge_0_finite card_C' f by blast | |
then show False using card_C' \<open>n < card C\<close> by linarith | |
qed | |
then obtain c1 c2 where defs: "c1 \<in> C \<and> c2 \<in> C \<and> c1 \<noteq> c2 \<and> f c1 = f c2" using inj_on_def by blast | |
then have *: "dist c1 (f c1) \<le> r \<and> dist c2 (f c1) \<le> r" using f by auto | |
have "2 * r < dist c1 c2" using assms defs by simp | |
also have " ... \<le> dist c1 (f c1) + dist (f c1) c2" by(rule dist_triangle) | |
also have " ... = dist c1 (f c1) + dist c2 (f c1)" using dist_commute by simp | |
also have " ... \<le> 2 * r" using * by simp | |
finally show False by simp | |
qed | |
lemma inv_last: | |
assumes "inv {} C r" | |
shows "(card C \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C \<le> 2*r) \<and> (card C > k \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>C'. card C' > 0 \<and> card C' \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C' > r))" | |
using assms inv_def inv_last_1 inv_last_2 finite_subset[OF _ finite_sites] by auto | |
theorem Center_Selection_r: | |
"VARS (S' :: ('a :: metric_space) set) (C :: ('a :: metric_space) set) (r :: real) (s :: 'a) | |
{True} | |
S' := S; | |
C := {}; | |
WHILE S' \<noteq> {} INV {inv S' C r} DO | |
s := (SOME s. s \<in> S'); | |
C := C \<union> {s}; | |
S' := S' - {s' . s' \<in> S' \<and> dist s s' \<le> 2*r} | |
OD | |
{(card C \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C \<le> 2*r) \<and> (card C > k \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>C'. card C' > 0 \<and> card C' \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C' > r))}" | |
proof (vcg, goal_cases) | |
case (1 S' C r) | |
then show ?case using inv_init by simp | |
next | |
case (2 S' C r) | |
then show ?case using inv_step by simp | |
next | |
case (3 S' C r) | |
then show ?case using inv_last by blast | |
qed | |
subsection \<open>The Main Algorithm\<close> | |
definition invar :: "('a :: metric_space) set \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"invar C = (C \<noteq> {} \<and> card C \<le> k \<and> C \<subseteq> S \<and> | |
(\<forall>C'. (\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 > 2 * radius C') | |
\<or> (\<forall>s \<in> S. distance C s \<le> 2 * radius C')))" | |
abbreviation some where "some A \<equiv> (SOME s. s \<in> A)" | |
lemma invar_init: "invar {some S}" | |
proof - | |
let ?s = "some S" | |
have s_in_S: "?s \<in> S" using some_in_eq non_empty_sites by blast | |
have "{?s} \<noteq> {}" by simp | |
moreover | |
have "{SOME s. s \<in> S} \<subseteq> S" using s_in_S by simp | |
moreover | |
have "card {SOME s. s \<in> S} \<le> k" using non_zero_k by simp | |
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp: invar_def) | |
qed | |
abbreviation furthest_from where | |
"furthest_from C \<equiv> (SOME s. s \<in> S \<and> distance C s = Max (distance C ` S))" | |
lemma invar_step: | |
assumes "invar C" | |
and "card C < k" | |
shows "invar (C \<union> {furthest_from C})" | |
proof - | |
have furthest_from_C_props: "furthest_from C \<in> S \<and> distance C (furthest_from C) = radius C " | |
using someI_ex[of "\<lambda>x. x \<in> S \<and> distance C x = radius C"] radius_def2 radius_def by auto | |
have C_props: "finite C \<and> C \<noteq> {}" | |
using finite_subset[OF _ finite_sites] assms(1) unfolding invar_def by blast | |
{ | |
have "card (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) \<le> card C + 1" | |
using assms(1) C_props unfolding invar_def by (simp add: card_insert_if) | |
then have "card (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) < k + 1" using assms(2) by simp | |
then have "card (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) \<le> k" by simp | |
} | |
moreover | |
have "C \<union> {furthest_from C} \<noteq> {}" by simp | |
moreover | |
have "(C \<union> {furthest_from C}) \<subseteq> S" using assms(1) furthest_from_C_props unfolding invar_def by simp | |
moreover | |
have "\<forall>C'. (\<forall>s \<in> S. distance (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) s \<le> 2 * radius C') | |
\<or> (\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<union> {furthest_from C}. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<union> {furthest_from C}. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * radius C' < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2)" | |
proof | |
fix C' | |
have "distance C (furthest_from C) > 2 * radius C' \<or> distance C (furthest_from C) \<le> 2 * radius C'" by auto | |
then show "(\<forall>s \<in> S. distance (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) s \<le> 2 * radius C') | |
\<or> (\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<union> {furthest_from C}. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<union> {furthest_from C}. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * radius C' < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2)" | |
proof (elim disjE) | |
assume asm: "distance C (furthest_from C) > 2 * radius C'" | |
then have "\<not>(\<forall>s \<in> S. distance C s \<le> 2 * radius C')" using furthest_from_C_props by force | |
then have IH: "\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * radius C' < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
using assms(1) unfolding invar_def by blast | |
have "(\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<union> {furthest_from C}. (\<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<union> {furthest_from C}. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * radius C' < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2))" | |
using dist_ins[of "C" "2 * radius C'" "furthest_from C"] IH C_props asm by simp | |
then show ?thesis by simp | |
next | |
assume main_assm: "2 * radius C' \<ge> distance C (furthest_from C)" | |
have "(\<forall>s \<in> S. distance (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) s \<le> 2 * radius C')" | |
proof | |
fix s | |
assume local_assm: "s \<in> S" | |
then show "distance (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) s \<le> 2 * radius C'" | |
proof - | |
have "distance (C \<union> {furthest_from C}) s \<le> distance C s" | |
using distance_mono[of C "C \<union> {furthest_from C}"] C_props by auto | |
also have " ... \<le> distance C (furthest_from C)" | |
using Max.coboundedI local_assm finite_distances radius_def furthest_from_C_props by auto | |
also have " ... \<le> 2 * radius C'" using main_assm by simp | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
qed | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis by blast | |
qed | |
qed | |
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding invar_def by blast | |
qed | |
lemma invar_last: | |
assumes "invar C" and "\<not>card C < k" | |
shows "card C = k" and "card C' > 0 \<and> card C' \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C \<le> 2 * radius C'" | |
proof - | |
show "card C = k" using assms(1, 2) unfolding invar_def by simp | |
next | |
have C_props: "finite C \<and> C \<noteq> {}" using finite_sites assms(1) unfolding invar_def by (meson finite_subset) | |
show "card C' > 0 \<and> card C' \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C \<le> 2 * radius C'" | |
proof (rule impI) | |
assume C'_assms: "0 < card (C' :: 'a set) \<and> card C' \<le> k" | |
let ?r = "radius C'" | |
have "(\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * ?r < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) \<or> (\<forall>s \<in> S. distance C s \<le> 2 * ?r)" | |
using assms(1) unfolding invar_def by simp | |
then show "radius C \<le> 2 * ?r" | |
proof | |
assume case_assm: "\<forall>c\<^sub>1\<in>C. \<forall>c\<^sub>2\<in>C. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> 2 * ?r < dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2" | |
obtain s where s_def: "radius C = distance C s \<and> s \<in> S" using radius_def2 by metis | |
show ?thesis | |
proof (rule ccontr) | |
assume contr_assm: "\<not> radius C \<le> 2 * ?r" | |
then have s_prop: "distance C s > 2 * ?r" using s_def by simp | |
then have \<open>\<forall>c\<^sub>1 \<in> C \<union> {s}. \<forall>c\<^sub>2 \<in> C \<union> {s}. c\<^sub>1 \<noteq> c\<^sub>2 \<longrightarrow> dist c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 > 2 * ?r\<close> | |
using C_props dist_ins[of "C" "2*?r" "s"] case_assm by blast | |
moreover | |
{ | |
have "s \<notin> C" | |
proof | |
assume "s \<in> C" | |
then have "distance C s \<le> dist s s" using Min.coboundedI[of "distance C ` S" "dist s s"] | |
by (simp add: distance_def C_props) | |
also have " ... = 0" by simp | |
finally have "distance C s = 0" using dist_lemmas(4) by (smt C_props) | |
then have radius_le_zero: "2 * ?r < 0" using contr_assm s_def by simp | |
obtain x where x_def: "?r = distance C' x" using radius_def2 by metis | |
obtain l where l_def: "distance C' x = dist x l" using dist_lemmas(3) by (metis C'_assms card_gt_0_iff) | |
then have "dist x l = ?r" by (simp add: x_def) | |
also have "... < 0" using C'_assms radius_le_zero by simp | |
finally show False by simp | |
qed | |
then have "card (C \<union> {s}) > k" using assms(1,2) C_props unfolding invar_def by simp | |
} | |
moreover | |
have "C \<union> {s} \<subseteq> S" using assms(1) s_def unfolding invar_def by simp | |
moreover | |
have "finite (C \<union> {s})" using calculation(3) finite_subset finite_sites by auto | |
ultimately have "\<forall>C. card C \<le> k \<and> card C > 0 \<longrightarrow> radius C > ?r" using inv_last_2 by metis | |
then have "?r > ?r" using C'_assms by blast | |
then show False by simp | |
qed | |
next | |
assume "\<forall>s\<in>S. distance C s \<le> 2 * radius C'" | |
then show ?thesis by (metis image_iff radius_contained) | |
qed | |
qed | |
qed | |
theorem Center_Selection: | |
"VARS (C :: ('a :: metric_space) set) (s :: ('a :: metric_space)) | |
{k \<le> card S} | |
C := {some S}; | |
WHILE card C < k INV {invar C} DO | |
C := C \<union> {furthest_from C} | |
OD | |
{card C = k \<and> (\<forall>C'. card C' > 0 \<and> card C' \<le> k \<longrightarrow> radius C \<le> 2 * radius C')}" | |
proof (vcg, goal_cases) | |
case (1 C s) | |
show ?case using invar_init by simp | |
next | |
case (2 C s) | |
then show ?case using invar_step by blast | |
next | |
case (3 C s) | |
then show ?case using invar_last by blast | |
qed | |
end | |
end |