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Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies, Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yaël Dillies, Bhavik Mehta | |
-/ | |
import analysis.inner_product_space.pi_L2 | |
import combinatorics.additive.salem_spencer | |
import combinatorics.pigeonhole | |
import data.complex.exponential_bounds | |
/-! | |
# Behrend's bound on Roth numbers | |
This file proves Behrend's lower bound on Roth numbers. This says that we can find a subset of | |
`{1, ..., n}` of size `n / exp (O (sqrt (log n)))` which does not contain arithmetic progressions of | |
length `3`. | |
The idea is that the sphere (in the `n` dimensional Euclidean space) doesn't contain arithmetic | |
progressions (literally) because the corresponding ball is strictly convex. Thus we can take | |
integer points on that sphere and map them onto `ℕ` in a way that preserves arithmetic progressions | |
(``). | |
## Main declarations | |
* `behrend.sphere`: The intersection of the Euclidean sphere with the positive integer quadrant. | |
This is the set that we will map on `ℕ`. | |
* ``: Given a natural number `d`, ` d : ℕⁿ → ℕ` reads off the coordinates as | |
digits in base `d`. | |
* `behrend.card_sphere_le_roth_number_nat`: Implicit lower bound on Roth numbers in terms of | |
`behrend.sphere`. | |
* `behrend.roth_lower_bound`: Behrend's explicit lower bound on Roth numbers. | |
## References | |
* [Bryan Gillespie, *Behrend’s Construction*] | |
( | |
* Behrend, F. A., "On sets of integers which contain no three terms in arithmetical progression" | |
* [Wikipedia, *Salem-Spencer set*](–Spencer_set) | |
## Tags | |
Salem-Spencer, Behrend construction, arithmetic progression, sphere, strictly convex | |
-/ | |
open finset nat real | |
open_locale big_operators pointwise | |
namespace behrend | |
variables {α β : Type*} {n d k N : ℕ} {x : fin n → ℕ} | |
/-! | |
### Turning the sphere into a Salem-Spencer set | |
We define `behrend.sphere`, the intersection of the $$L^2$$ sphere with the positive quadrant of | |
integer points. Because the $$L^2$$ closed ball is strictly convex, the $$L^2$$ sphere and | |
`behrend.sphere` are Salem-Spencer (`add_salem_spencer_sphere`). Then we can turn this set in | |
`fin n → ℕ` into a set in `ℕ` using ``, which preserves `add_salem_spencer` because it is | |
an additive monoid homomorphism. | |
-/ | |
/-- The box `{0, ..., d - 1}^n` as a finset. -/ | |
def box (n d : ℕ) : finset (fin n → ℕ) := fintype.pi_finset $ λ _, range d | |
lemma mem_box : x ∈ box n d ↔ ∀ i, x i < d := by simp only [box, fintype.mem_pi_finset, mem_range] | |
@[simp] lemma card_box : (box n d).card = d ^ n := by simp [box] | |
@[simp] lemma box_zero : box (n + 1) 0 = ∅ := by simp [box] | |
/-- The intersection of the sphere of radius `sqrt k` with the integer points in the positive | |
quadrant. -/ | |
def sphere (n d k : ℕ) : finset (fin n → ℕ) := (box n d).filter $ λ x, ∑ i, x i^2 = k | |
lemma sphere_zero_subset : sphere n d 0 ⊆ 0 := | |
λ x, by simp [sphere, function.funext_iff] {contextual := tt} | |
@[simp] lemma sphere_zero_right (n k : ℕ) : sphere (n + 1) 0 k = ∅ := by simp [sphere] | |
lemma sphere_subset_box : sphere n d k ⊆ box n d := filter_subset _ _ | |
lemma norm_of_mem_sphere {x : fin n → ℕ} (hx : x ∈ sphere n d k) : | |
∥(pi_Lp.equiv 2 _).symm (coe ∘ x : fin n → ℝ)∥ = sqrt k := | |
begin | |
rw euclidean_space.norm_eq, | |
dsimp, | |
simp_rw [abs_cast, ←cast_pow, ←cast_sum, (mem_filter.1 hx).2], | |
end | |
lemma sphere_subset_preimage_metric_sphere : | |
(sphere n d k : set (fin n → ℕ)) ⊆ | |
(λ x : fin n → ℕ, (pi_Lp.equiv 2 _).symm (coe ∘ x : fin n → ℝ)) ⁻¹' | |
metric.sphere (0 : pi_Lp 2 (λ _ : fin n, ℝ)) (sqrt k) := | |
λ x hx, by rw [set.mem_preimage, mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm, norm_of_mem_sphere hx] | |
/-- The map that appears in Behrend's bound on Roth numbers. -/ | |
@[simps] def map (d : ℕ) : (fin n → ℕ) →+ ℕ := | |
{ to_fun := λ a, ∑ i, a i * d ^ (i : ℕ), | |
map_zero' := by simp_rw [pi.zero_apply, zero_mul, sum_const_zero], | |
map_add' := λ a b, by simp_rw [pi.add_apply, add_mul, sum_add_distrib] } | |
@[simp] lemma map_zero (d : ℕ) (a : fin 0 → ℕ) : map d a = 0 := by simp [map] | |
lemma map_succ (a : fin (n + 1) → ℕ) : map d a = a 0 + (∑ x : fin n, a x.succ * d ^ (x : ℕ)) * d := | |
by simp [map, fin.sum_univ_succ, pow_succ', ←mul_assoc, ←sum_mul] | |
lemma map_succ' (a : fin (n + 1) → ℕ) : map d a = a 0 + map d (a ∘ fin.succ) * d := map_succ _ | |
lemma map_monotone (d : ℕ) : monotone (map d : (fin n → ℕ) → ℕ) := | |
λ x y h, by { dsimp, exact sum_le_sum (λ i _, nat.mul_le_mul_right _ $ h i) } | |
lemma map_mod (a : fin n.succ → ℕ) : map d a % d = a 0 % d := | |
by rw [map_succ, nat.add_mul_mod_self_right] | |
lemma map_eq_iff {x₁ x₂ : fin n.succ → ℕ} (hx₁ : ∀ i, x₁ i < d) (hx₂ : ∀ i, x₂ i < d) : | |
map d x₁ = map d x₂ ↔ x₁ 0 = x₂ 0 ∧ map d (x₁ ∘ fin.succ) = map d (x₂ ∘ fin.succ) := | |
begin | |
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, by rw [map_succ', map_succ', h.1, h.2]⟩, | |
have : x₁ 0 = x₂ 0, | |
{ rw [←mod_eq_of_lt (hx₁ _), ←map_mod, ←mod_eq_of_lt (hx₂ _), ←map_mod, h] }, | |
rw [map_succ, map_succ, this, add_right_inj, mul_eq_mul_right_iff] at h, | |
exact ⟨this, h.resolve_right (pos_of_gt (hx₁ 0)).ne'⟩, | |
end | |
lemma map_inj_on : {x : fin n → ℕ | ∀ i, x i < d}.inj_on (map d) := | |
begin | |
intros x₁ hx₁ x₂ hx₂ h, | |
induction n with n ih, | |
{ simp }, | |
ext i, | |
have x := (map_eq_iff hx₁ hx₂).1 h, | |
refine fin.cases x.1 (congr_fun $ ih (λ _, _) (λ _, _) x.2) i, | |
{ exact hx₁ _ }, | |
{ exact hx₂ _ } | |
end | |
lemma map_le_of_mem_box (hx : x ∈ box n d) : | |
map (2 * d - 1) x ≤ ∑ i : fin n, (d - 1) * (2 * d - 1) ^ (i : ℕ) := | |
map_monotone (2 * d - 1) $ λ _, nat.le_pred_of_lt $ mem_box.1 hx _ | |
lemma add_salem_spencer_sphere : add_salem_spencer (sphere n d k : set (fin n → ℕ)) := | |
begin | |
set f : (fin n → ℕ) →+ euclidean_space ℝ (fin n) := | |
{ to_fun := λ f, (coe : ℕ → ℝ) ∘ f, | |
map_zero' := funext $ λ _, cast_zero, | |
map_add' := λ _ _, funext $ λ _, cast_add _ _ }, | |
refine add_salem_spencer.of_image (f.to_add_freiman_hom (sphere n d k) 2) _ _, | |
{ exact cast_injective.comp_left.inj_on _ }, | |
refine (add_salem_spencer_sphere 0 $ sqrt k).mono (set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ x, _), | |
rw [set.mem_preimage, mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm], | |
exact norm_of_mem_sphere, | |
end | |
lemma add_salem_spencer_image_sphere : | |
add_salem_spencer ((sphere n d k).image (map (2 * d - 1)) : set ℕ) := | |
begin | |
rw coe_image, | |
refine @add_salem_spencer.image _ (fin n → ℕ) ℕ _ _ (sphere n d k) _ (map (2 * d - 1)) | |
(map_inj_on.mono _) add_salem_spencer_sphere, | |
rw set.add_subset_iff, | |
rintro a ha b hb i, | |
have hai := mem_box.1 (sphere_subset_box ha) i, | |
have hbi := mem_box.1 (sphere_subset_box hb) i, | |
rw [lt_tsub_iff_right, ←succ_le_iff, two_mul], | |
exact (add_add_add_comm _ _ 1 1).trans_le (add_le_add hai hbi), | |
end | |
lemma sum_sq_le_of_mem_box (hx : x ∈ box n d) : ∑ i : fin n, (x i)^2 ≤ n * (d - 1)^2 := | |
begin | |
rw mem_box at hx, | |
have : ∀ i, x i ^ 2 ≤ (d - 1) ^ 2 := λ i, nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left (nat.le_pred_of_lt (hx i)) _, | |
exact (sum_le_card_nsmul univ _ _ $ λ i _, this i).trans (by rw [card_fin, smul_eq_mul]), | |
end | |
lemma sum_eq : ∑ i : fin n, d * (2 * d + 1) ^ (i : ℕ) = ((2 * d + 1) ^ n - 1) / 2 := | |
begin | |
refine (nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_left zero_lt_two _).symm, | |
rw [←sum_range (λ i, d * (2 * d + 1) ^ (i : ℕ)), ←mul_sum, mul_right_comm, mul_comm d, | |
←geom_sum_mul_add, add_tsub_cancel_right, mul_comm], | |
end | |
lemma sum_lt : ∑ i : fin n, d * (2 * d + 1) ^ (i : ℕ) < (2 * d + 1) ^ n := | |
sum_eq.trans_lt $ (nat.div_le_self _ 2).trans_lt $ pred_lt (pow_pos (succ_pos _) _).ne' | |
lemma card_sphere_le_roth_number_nat (n d k : ℕ) : | |
(sphere n d k).card ≤ roth_number_nat ((2 * d - 1) ^ n) := | |
begin | |
cases n, | |
{ refine (card_le_univ _).trans_eq _, | |
rw pow_zero, | |
exact fintype.card_unique }, | |
cases d, | |
{ simp }, | |
refine add_salem_spencer_image_sphere.le_roth_number_nat _ _ (card_image_of_inj_on _), | |
{ simp only [subset_iff, mem_image, and_imp, forall_exists_index, mem_range, | |
forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂, sphere, mem_filter], | |
rintro _ x hx _ rfl, | |
exact (map_le_of_mem_box hx).trans_lt sum_lt }, | |
refine map_inj_on.mono (λ x, _), | |
simp only [mem_coe, sphere, mem_filter, mem_box, and_imp, two_mul], | |
exact λ h _ i, (h i).trans_le le_self_add, | |
end | |
/-! | |
### Optimization | |
Now that we know how to turn the integer points of any sphere into a Salem-Spencer set, we find a | |
sphere containing many integer points by the pigeonhole principle. This gives us an implicit bound | |
that we then optimize by tweaking the parameters. The (almost) optimal parameters are | |
`behrend.n_value` and `behrend.d_value`. | |
-/ | |
lemma exists_large_sphere_aux (n d : ℕ) : | |
∃ k ∈ range (n * (d - 1)^2 + 1), (↑(d ^ n) / (↑(n * (d - 1)^2) + 1) : ℝ) ≤ (sphere n d k).card := | |
begin | |
refine exists_le_card_fiber_of_nsmul_le_card_of_maps_to (λ x hx, _) nonempty_range_succ _, | |
{ rw [mem_range, lt_succ_iff], | |
exact sum_sq_le_of_mem_box hx }, | |
{ rw [card_range, _root_.nsmul_eq_mul, mul_div_assoc', cast_add_one, mul_div_cancel_left, | |
card_box], | |
exact (cast_add_one_pos _).ne' } | |
end | |
lemma exists_large_sphere (n d : ℕ) : ∃ k, (d ^ n / ↑(n * d^2) : ℝ) ≤ (sphere n d k).card := | |
begin | |
obtain ⟨k, -, hk⟩ := exists_large_sphere_aux n d, | |
refine ⟨k, _⟩, | |
obtain rfl | hn := n.eq_zero_or_pos, | |
{ simp }, | |
obtain rfl | hd := d.eq_zero_or_pos, | |
{ simp }, | |
rw ←cast_pow, | |
refine (div_le_div_of_le_left _ _ _).trans hk, | |
{ exact cast_nonneg _ }, | |
{ exact cast_add_one_pos _ }, | |
simp only [←le_sub_iff_add_le', cast_mul, ←mul_sub, cast_pow, cast_sub hd, sub_sq, | |
one_pow, cast_one, mul_one, sub_add, sub_sub_self], | |
apply one_le_mul_of_one_le_of_one_le, | |
{ rwa one_le_cast }, | |
rw le_sub_iff_add_le, | |
norm_num, | |
exact le_mul_of_one_le_right zero_le_two (one_le_cast.2 hd), | |
end | |
lemma bound_aux' (n d : ℕ) : (d ^ n / ↑(n * d^2) : ℝ) ≤ roth_number_nat ((2 * d - 1)^n) := | |
let ⟨k, h⟩ := exists_large_sphere n d in h.trans $ cast_le.2 $ card_sphere_le_roth_number_nat _ _ _ | |
lemma bound_aux (hd : d ≠ 0) (hn : 2 ≤ n) : | |
(d ^ (n - 2) / n : ℝ) ≤ roth_number_nat ((2 * d - 1)^n) := | |
begin | |
convert bound_aux' n d using 1, | |
rw [cast_mul, cast_pow, mul_comm, ←div_div, pow_sub₀ _ _ hn, ←div_eq_mul_inv], | |
rwa cast_ne_zero, | |
end | |
open_locale filter topological_space | |
open real | |
section numerical_bounds | |
lemma log_two_mul_two_le_sqrt_log_eight : log 2 * 2 ≤ sqrt (log 8) := | |
begin | |
rw [show (8 : ℝ) = 2 ^ ((3 : ℕ) : ℝ), by norm_num1, log_rpow zero_lt_two (3:ℕ)], | |
apply le_sqrt_of_sq_le, | |
rw [mul_pow, sq (log 2), mul_assoc, mul_comm], | |
refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right _ (log_nonneg one_le_two), | |
rw ←le_div_iff, | |
apply log_two_lt_d9.le.trans, | |
all_goals { norm_num1 } | |
end | |
lemma two_div_one_sub_two_div_e_le_eight : 2 / (1 - 2 / exp 1) ≤ 8 := | |
begin | |
rw [div_le_iff, mul_sub, mul_one, mul_div_assoc', le_sub, div_le_iff (exp_pos _)], | |
{ linarith [exp_one_gt_d9] }, | |
rw [sub_pos, div_lt_one]; | |
exact exp_one_gt_d9.trans' (by norm_num), | |
end | |
lemma le_sqrt_log (hN : 4096 ≤ N) : log (2 / (1 - 2 / exp 1)) * (69 / 50) ≤ sqrt (log ↑N) := | |
begin | |
have : ((12 : ℕ) : ℝ) * log 2 ≤ log N, | |
{ rw [←log_rpow zero_lt_two, log_le_log, rpow_nat_cast], | |
{ norm_num1, | |
exact_mod_cast hN }, | |
{ exact rpow_pos_of_pos zero_lt_two _ }, | |
rw cast_pos, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1) }, | |
refine (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right ((log_le_log _ $ by norm_num1).2 | |
two_div_one_sub_two_div_e_le_eight) $ by norm_num1).trans (_), | |
{ refine div_pos zero_lt_two _, | |
rw [sub_pos, div_lt_one (exp_pos _)], | |
exact exp_one_gt_d9.trans_le' (by norm_num1) }, | |
have l8 : log 8 = (3 : ℕ) * log 2, | |
{ rw [←log_rpow zero_lt_two, rpow_nat_cast], | |
norm_num }, | |
rw [l8, cast_bit1, cast_one], | |
apply le_sqrt_of_sq_le (le_trans _ this), | |
simp only [cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one], | |
rw [mul_right_comm, mul_pow, sq (log 2), ←mul_assoc], | |
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right _ (log_nonneg one_le_two), | |
rw ←le_div_iff' , | |
{ exact log_two_lt_d9.le.trans (by norm_num1) }, | |
exact sq_pos_of_ne_zero _ (by norm_num1), | |
end | |
lemma exp_neg_two_mul_le {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 < x) : exp (-2 * x) < exp (2 - ⌈x⌉₊) / ⌈x⌉₊ := | |
begin | |
have h₁ := ceil_lt_add_one hx.le, | |
have h₂ : 1 - x ≤ 2 - ⌈x⌉₊, | |
{ rw le_sub_iff_add_le, | |
apply (add_le_add_left h₁.le _).trans_eq, | |
rw [←add_assoc, sub_add_cancel], | |
refl }, | |
have h₃ : exp (-(x+1)) ≤ 1 / (x + 1), | |
{ rw [exp_neg, inv_eq_one_div], | |
refine one_div_le_one_div_of_le (add_pos hx zero_lt_one) _, | |
apply le_trans _ (add_one_le_exp_of_nonneg $ add_nonneg hx.le zero_le_one), | |
exact le_add_of_nonneg_right zero_le_one }, | |
refine lt_of_le_of_lt _ (div_lt_div_of_lt_left (exp_pos _) (cast_pos.2 $ ceil_pos.2 hx) h₁), | |
refine le_trans _ (div_le_div_of_le_of_nonneg (exp_le_exp.2 h₂) $ add_nonneg hx.le zero_le_one), | |
rw [le_div_iff (add_pos hx zero_lt_one), ←le_div_iff' (exp_pos _), ←exp_sub, neg_mul, | |
sub_neg_eq_add, two_mul, sub_add_add_cancel, add_comm _ x], | |
refine le_trans _ (add_one_le_exp_of_nonneg $ add_nonneg hx.le zero_le_one), | |
exact le_add_of_nonneg_right zero_le_one, | |
end | |
lemma div_lt_floor {x : ℝ} (hx : 2 / (1 - 2 / exp 1) ≤ x) : x / exp 1 < (⌊x/2⌋₊ : ℝ) := | |
begin | |
apply lt_of_le_of_lt _ (sub_one_lt_floor _), | |
have : 0 < 1 - 2 / exp 1, | |
{ rw [sub_pos, div_lt_one (exp_pos _)], | |
exact lt_of_le_of_lt (by norm_num) exp_one_gt_d9 }, | |
rwa [le_sub, div_eq_mul_one_div x, div_eq_mul_one_div x, ←mul_sub, div_sub', ←div_eq_mul_one_div, | |
mul_div_assoc', one_le_div, ←div_le_iff this], | |
{ exact zero_lt_two }, | |
{ exact two_ne_zero } | |
end | |
lemma ceil_lt_mul {x : ℝ} (hx : 50/19 ≤ x) : (⌈x⌉₊ : ℝ) < 1.38 * x := | |
begin | |
refine (ceil_lt_add_one $ hx.trans' $ by norm_num).trans_le _, | |
rwa [←le_sub_iff_add_le', ←sub_one_mul, show (69/50 - 1 : ℝ) = (50/19)⁻¹, by norm_num1, | |
←div_eq_inv_mul, one_le_div], | |
norm_num1, | |
end | |
end numerical_bounds | |
/-- The (almost) optimal value of `n` in `behrend.bound_aux`. -/ | |
noncomputable def n_value (N : ℕ) : ℕ := ⌈sqrt (log N)⌉₊ | |
/-- The (almost) optimal value of `d` in `behrend.bound_aux`. -/ | |
noncomputable def d_value (N : ℕ) : ℕ := ⌊(N : ℝ)^(1 / n_value N : ℝ)/2⌋₊ | |
lemma n_value_pos (hN : 2 ≤ N) : 0 < n_value N := | |
ceil_pos.2 $ real.sqrt_pos.2 $ log_pos $ one_lt_cast.2 $ hN | |
lemma two_le_n_value (hN : 3 ≤ N) : 2 ≤ n_value N := | |
begin | |
refine succ_le_of_lt (lt_ceil.2 $ lt_sqrt_of_sq_lt _), | |
rw [cast_one, one_pow, lt_log_iff_exp_lt], | |
refine lt_of_lt_of_le _ (cast_le.2 hN), | |
{ exact exp_one_lt_d9.trans_le (by norm_num) }, | |
rw cast_pos, | |
exact (zero_lt_succ _).trans_le hN, | |
end | |
lemma three_le_n_value (hN : 64 ≤ N) : 3 ≤ n_value N := | |
begin | |
rw [n_value, ←lt_iff_add_one_le, lt_ceil, cast_two], | |
apply lt_sqrt_of_sq_lt, | |
have : (2 : ℝ)^((6 : ℕ) : ℝ) ≤ N, | |
{ rw rpow_nat_cast, | |
exact (cast_le.2 hN).trans' (by norm_num1) }, | |
apply lt_of_lt_of_le _ ((log_le_log (rpow_pos_of_pos zero_lt_two _) _).2 this), | |
rw [log_rpow zero_lt_two, cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one, ←div_lt_iff'], | |
{ exact log_two_gt_d9.trans_le' (by norm_num1) }, | |
{ norm_num1 }, | |
rw cast_pos, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1), | |
end | |
lemma d_value_pos (hN₃ : 8 ≤ N) : 0 < d_value N := | |
begin | |
have hN₀ : 0 < (N : ℝ) := cast_pos.2 (succ_pos'.trans_le hN₃), | |
rw [d_value, floor_pos, ←log_le_log zero_lt_one, log_one, log_div _ two_ne_zero, log_rpow hN₀, | |
div_mul_eq_mul_div, one_mul, sub_nonneg, le_div_iff], | |
{ have : (n_value N : ℝ) ≤ 2 * sqrt (log N), | |
{ apply (ceil_lt_add_one $ sqrt_nonneg _).le.trans, | |
rw [two_mul, add_le_add_iff_left], | |
apply le_sqrt_of_sq_le, | |
rw [one_pow, le_log_iff_exp_le hN₀], | |
exact (exp_one_lt_d9.le.trans $ by norm_num).trans (cast_le.2 hN₃) }, | |
apply (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left this $ log_nonneg one_le_two).trans _, | |
rw [←mul_assoc, ←le_div_iff (real.sqrt_pos.2 $ log_pos $ one_lt_cast.2 _), div_sqrt], | |
{ apply log_two_mul_two_le_sqrt_log_eight.trans, | |
apply real.sqrt_le_sqrt, | |
rw log_le_log _ hN₀, | |
{ exact_mod_cast hN₃ }, | |
{ norm_num } }, | |
exact hN₃.trans_lt' (by norm_num) }, | |
{ exact cast_pos.2 (n_value_pos $ hN₃.trans' $ by norm_num) }, | |
{ exact (rpow_pos_of_pos hN₀ _).ne' }, | |
{ exact div_pos (rpow_pos_of_pos hN₀ _) zero_lt_two }, | |
end | |
lemma le_N (hN : 2 ≤ N) : (2 * (d_value N) - 1)^(n_value N) ≤ N := | |
begin | |
have : (2 * d_value N - 1)^(n_value N) ≤ (2 * d_value N)^(n_value N) := | |
nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left (nat.sub_le _ _) _, | |
apply this.trans, | |
suffices : ((2 * d_value N)^n_value N : ℝ) ≤ N, by exact_mod_cast this, | |
rw ←rpow_nat_cast, | |
suffices i : (2 * d_value N : ℝ) ≤ (N : ℝ)^(1/n_value N : ℝ), | |
{ apply (rpow_le_rpow (mul_nonneg zero_le_two (cast_nonneg _)) i (cast_nonneg _)).trans, | |
rw [←rpow_mul (cast_nonneg _), one_div_mul_cancel, rpow_one], | |
rw cast_ne_zero, | |
apply (n_value_pos hN).ne', }, | |
rw ←le_div_iff', | |
{ exact floor_le (div_nonneg (rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg (cast_nonneg _) _) zero_le_two) }, | |
apply zero_lt_two | |
end | |
lemma bound (hN : 4096 ≤ N) : (N : ℝ)^(1/n_value N : ℝ) / exp 1 < d_value N := | |
begin | |
apply div_lt_floor _, | |
rw [←log_le_log, log_rpow, mul_comm, ←div_eq_mul_one_div], | |
{ apply le_trans _ (div_le_div_of_le_left _ _ (ceil_lt_mul _).le), | |
rw [mul_comm, ←div_div, div_sqrt, le_div_iff], | |
{ exact le_sqrt_log hN }, | |
{ norm_num1 }, | |
{ apply log_nonneg, | |
rw one_le_cast, | |
exact hN.trans' (by norm_num1) }, | |
{ rw [cast_pos, lt_ceil, cast_zero, real.sqrt_pos], | |
apply log_pos, | |
rw one_lt_cast, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1) }, | |
apply le_sqrt_of_sq_le, | |
have : ((12 : ℕ) : ℝ) * log 2 ≤ log N, | |
{ rw [←log_rpow zero_lt_two, log_le_log, rpow_nat_cast], | |
{ norm_num1, | |
exact_mod_cast hN }, | |
{ exact rpow_pos_of_pos zero_lt_two _ }, | |
rw cast_pos, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1) }, | |
refine le_trans _ this, | |
simp only [cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one], | |
rw ←div_le_iff', | |
{ exact log_two_gt_d9.le.trans' (by norm_num1) }, | |
{ norm_num1 } }, | |
{ rw cast_pos, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1) }, | |
{ refine div_pos zero_lt_two _, | |
rw [sub_pos, div_lt_one (exp_pos _)], | |
exact lt_of_le_of_lt (by norm_num1) exp_one_gt_d9 }, | |
apply rpow_pos_of_pos, | |
rw cast_pos, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1), | |
end | |
lemma roth_lower_bound_explicit (hN : 4096 ≤ N) : | |
(N : ℝ) * exp (-4 * sqrt (log N)) < roth_number_nat N := | |
begin | |
let n := n_value N, | |
have hn : 0 < (n : ℝ) := cast_pos.2 (n_value_pos $ hN.trans' $ by norm_num1), | |
have hd : 0 < d_value N := d_value_pos (hN.trans' $ by norm_num1), | |
have hN₀ : 0 < (N : ℝ) := cast_pos.2 (hN.trans' $ by norm_num1), | |
have hn₂ : 2 ≤ n := two_le_n_value (hN.trans' $ by norm_num1), | |
have : (2 * d_value N - 1)^n ≤ N := le_N (hN.trans' $ by norm_num1), | |
refine ((bound_aux' hn₂).trans $ cast_le.2 $ roth_number_nat.mono this).trans_lt' _, | |
refine (div_lt_div_of_lt hn $ pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left (bound hN) _ _).trans_le' _, | |
{ exact div_nonneg (rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg (cast_nonneg _) _) (exp_pos _).le }, | |
{ exact tsub_pos_of_lt (three_le_n_value $ hN.trans' $ by norm_num1) }, | |
rw [←rpow_nat_cast, div_rpow (rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg hN₀.le _) (exp_pos _).le, ←rpow_mul hN₀.le, | |
mul_comm (_ / _), mul_one_div, cast_sub hn₂, cast_two, same_sub_div', exp_one_rpow, | |
div_div, rpow_sub hN₀, rpow_one, div_div, div_eq_mul_inv], | |
refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (cast_nonneg _), | |
rw [mul_inv, mul_inv, ←exp_neg, ←rpow_neg (cast_nonneg _), neg_sub, ←div_eq_mul_inv], | |
have : exp ((-4) * sqrt (log N)) = exp (-2 * sqrt (log N)) * exp (-2 * sqrt (log N)), | |
{ rw [←exp_add, ←add_mul], | |
norm_num }, | |
rw this, | |
refine (mul_le_mul _ (exp_neg_two_mul_le $ real.sqrt_pos.2 $ log_pos _).le (exp_pos _).le $ | |
rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg (cast_nonneg _) _), | |
{ rw [←le_log_iff_exp_le (rpow_pos_of_pos hN₀ _), log_rpow hN₀, ←le_div_iff, mul_div_assoc, | |
div_sqrt, neg_mul, neg_le_neg_iff, div_mul_eq_mul_div, div_le_iff hn], | |
{ exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (le_ceil _) zero_le_two }, | |
refine real.sqrt_pos.2 (log_pos _), | |
rw one_lt_cast, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1) }, | |
{ rw one_lt_cast, | |
exact hN.trans_lt' (by norm_num1) } | |
end | |
lemma exp_four_lt : exp 4 < 64 := | |
begin | |
rw [show (64 : ℝ) = 2 ^ ((6 : ℕ) : ℝ), by norm_num1, | |
←lt_log_iff_exp_lt (rpow_pos_of_pos zero_lt_two _), log_rpow zero_lt_two, ←div_lt_iff'], | |
exact log_two_gt_d9.trans_le' (by norm_num1), | |
norm_num | |
end | |
lemma four_zero_nine_six_lt_exp_sixteen : 4096 < exp 16 := | |
begin | |
rw [←log_lt_iff_lt_exp (show (0 : ℝ) < 4096, by norm_num), show (4096 : ℝ) = 2 ^ 12, by norm_num, | |
←rpow_nat_cast, log_rpow zero_lt_two, cast_bit0, cast_bit0, cast_bit1, cast_one], | |
linarith [log_two_lt_d9], | |
end | |
lemma lower_bound_le_one' (hN : 2 ≤ N) (hN' : N ≤ 4096) : (N : ℝ) * exp (-4 * sqrt (log N)) ≤ 1 := | |
begin | |
rw [←log_le_log (mul_pos (cast_pos.2 (zero_lt_two.trans_le hN)) (exp_pos _)) zero_lt_one, | |
log_one, log_mul (cast_pos.2 (zero_lt_two.trans_le hN)).ne' (exp_pos _).ne', log_exp, | |
neg_mul, ←sub_eq_add_neg, sub_nonpos, ←div_le_iff (real.sqrt_pos.2 $ log_pos $ | |
one_lt_cast.2 $ one_lt_two.trans_le hN), div_sqrt, sqrt_le_left | |
(zero_le_bit0.2 zero_le_two), log_le_iff_le_exp (cast_pos.2 (zero_lt_two.trans_le hN))], | |
norm_num1, | |
apply le_trans _ four_zero_nine_six_lt_exp_sixteen.le, | |
exact_mod_cast hN', | |
end | |
lemma lower_bound_le_one (hN : 1 ≤ N) (hN' : N ≤ 4096) : (N : ℝ) * exp (-4 * sqrt (log N)) ≤ 1 := | |
begin | |
obtain rfl | hN := hN.eq_or_lt, | |
{ norm_num }, | |
{ exact lower_bound_le_one' hN hN' } | |
end | |
lemma roth_lower_bound : (N : ℝ) * exp (-4 * sqrt (log N)) ≤ roth_number_nat N := | |
begin | |
obtain rfl | hN := nat.eq_zero_or_pos N, | |
{ norm_num }, | |
obtain h₁ | h₁ := le_or_lt 4096 N, | |
{ exact (roth_lower_bound_explicit h₁).le }, | |
{ apply (lower_bound_le_one hN h₁.le).trans, | |
simpa using roth_number_nat.monotone hN } | |
end | |
end behrend | |