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Copyright (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Simon Hudon | |
The writer monad transformer for passing immutable state. | |
-/ | |
import | |
import logic.equiv.basic | |
universes u v w u₀ u₁ v₀ v₁ | |
structure writer_t (ω : Type u) (m : Type u → Type v) (α : Type u) : Type (max u v) := | |
(run : m (α × ω)) | |
@[reducible] def writer (ω : Type u) := writer_t ω id | |
attribute [pp_using_anonymous_constructor] writer_t | |
namespace writer_t | |
section | |
variable {ω : Type u} | |
variable {m : Type u → Type v} | |
variable [monad m] | |
variables {α β : Type u} | |
open function | |
@[ext] | |
protected lemma ext (x x' : writer_t ω m α) | |
(h : = x'.run) : | |
x = x' := by cases x; cases x'; congr; apply h | |
@[inline] protected def tell (w : ω) : writer_t ω m punit := | |
⟨pure (, w)⟩ | |
@[inline] protected def listen : writer_t ω m α → writer_t ω m (α × ω) | |
| ⟨ cmd ⟩ := ⟨ (λ x : α × ω, ((x.1,x.2),x.2)) <$> cmd ⟩ | |
@[inline] protected def pass : writer_t ω m (α × (ω → ω)) → writer_t ω m α | |
| ⟨ cmd ⟩ := ⟨ uncurry (uncurry $ λ x (f : ω → ω) w, (x,f w)) <$> cmd ⟩ | |
@[inline] protected def pure [has_one ω] (a : α) : writer_t ω m α := | |
⟨ pure (a,1) ⟩ | |
@[inline] protected def bind [has_mul ω] (x : writer_t ω m α) (f : α → writer_t ω m β) : | |
writer_t ω m β := | |
⟨ do x ←, | |
x' ← (f x.1).run, | |
pure (x'.1,x.2 * x'.2) ⟩ | |
instance [has_one ω] [has_mul ω] : monad (writer_t ω m) := | |
{ pure := λ α, writer_t.pure, bind := λ α β, writer_t.bind } | |
instance [monoid ω] [is_lawful_monad m] : is_lawful_monad (writer_t ω m) := | |
{ id_map := by { intros, cases x, simp [(<$>),writer_t.bind,writer_t.pure] }, | |
pure_bind := by { intros, simp [has_pure.pure,writer_t.pure,(>>=),writer_t.bind], ext; refl }, | |
bind_assoc := by { intros, simp [(>>=),writer_t.bind,mul_assoc] with functor_norm } } | |
@[inline] protected def lift [has_one ω] (a : m α) : writer_t ω m α := | |
⟨ flip 1 <$> a ⟩ | |
instance (m) [monad m] [has_one ω] : has_monad_lift m (writer_t ω m) := | |
⟨ λ α, writer_t.lift ⟩ | |
@[inline] protected def monad_map {m m'} [monad m] [monad m'] {α} (f : Π {α}, m α → m' α) : | |
writer_t ω m α → writer_t ω m' α := | |
λ x, ⟨ f ⟩ | |
instance (m m') [monad m] [monad m'] : monad_functor m m' (writer_t ω m) (writer_t ω m') := | |
⟨@writer_t.monad_map ω m m' _ _⟩ | |
@[inline] protected def adapt {ω' : Type u} {α : Type u} (f : ω → ω') : | |
writer_t ω m α → writer_t ω' m α := | |
λ x, ⟨ id f <$>⟩ | |
instance (ε) [has_one ω] [monad m] [monad_except ε m] : monad_except ε (writer_t ω m) := | |
{ throw := λ α, writer_t.lift ∘ throw, | |
catch := λ α x c, ⟨catch (λ e, (c e).run)⟩ } | |
end | |
end writer_t | |
/-- | |
An implementation of [MonadReader]( | | | |
It does not contain `local` because this function cannot be lifted using `monad_lift`. | |
Instead, the `monad_reader_adapter` class provides the more general `adapt_reader` function. | |
Note: This class can be seen as a simplification of the more "principled" definition | |
``` | |
class monad_reader (ρ : out_param (Type u)) (n : Type u → Type u) := | |
(lift {α : Type u} : (∀ {m : Type u → Type u} [monad m], reader_t ρ m α) → n α) | |
``` | |
-/ | |
class monad_writer (ω : out_param (Type u)) (m : Type u → Type v) := | |
(tell (w : ω) : m punit) | |
(listen {α} : m α → m (α × ω)) | |
(pass {α : Type u} : m (α × (ω → ω)) → m α) | |
export monad_writer | |
instance {ω : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [monad m] : monad_writer ω (writer_t ω m) := | |
{ tell := writer_t.tell, | |
listen := λ α, writer_t.listen, | |
pass := λ α, writer_t.pass } | |
instance {ω ρ : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [monad m] [monad_writer ω m] : | |
monad_writer ω (reader_t ρ m) := | |
{ tell := λ x, monad_lift (tell x : m punit), | |
listen := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ λ r, listen (cmd r) ⟩, | |
pass := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ λ r, pass (cmd r) ⟩ } | |
def swap_right {α β γ} : (α × β) × γ → (α × γ) × β | |
| ⟨⟨x,y⟩,z⟩ := ((x,z),y) | |
instance {ω σ : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [monad m] [monad_writer ω m] : | |
monad_writer ω (state_t σ m) := | |
{ tell := λ x, monad_lift (tell x : m punit), | |
listen := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ λ r, swap_right <$> listen (cmd r) ⟩, | |
pass := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ λ r, pass (swap_right <$> cmd r) ⟩ } | |
open function | |
def except_t.pass_aux {ε α ω} : except ε (α × (ω → ω)) → except ε α × (ω → ω) | |
| (except.error a) := (except.error a,id) | |
| (except.ok (x,y)) := (except.ok x,y) | |
instance {ω ε : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [monad m] [monad_writer ω m] : | |
monad_writer ω (except_t ε m) := | |
{ tell := λ x, monad_lift (tell x : m punit), | |
listen := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ uncurry (λ x y, flip y <$> x) <$> listen cmd ⟩, | |
pass := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ pass (except_t.pass_aux <$> cmd) ⟩ } | |
def option_t.pass_aux {α ω} : option (α × (ω → ω)) → option α × (ω → ω) | |
| none := (none ,id) | |
| (some (x,y)) := (some x,y) | |
instance {ω : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [monad m] [monad_writer ω m] : | |
monad_writer ω (option_t m) := | |
{ tell := λ x, monad_lift (tell x : m punit), | |
listen := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ uncurry (λ x y, flip y <$> x) <$> listen cmd ⟩, | |
pass := λ α ⟨ cmd ⟩, ⟨ pass (option_t.pass_aux <$> cmd) ⟩ } | |
/-- Adapt a monad stack, changing the type of its top-most environment. | |
This class is comparable to | |
[Control.Lens.Magnify](, | |
but does not use lenses (why would it), and is derived automatically for any transformer | |
implementing `monad_functor`. | |
Note: This class can be seen as a simplification of the more "principled" definition | |
``` | |
class monad_reader_functor (ρ ρ' : out_param (Type u)) (n n' : Type u → Type u) := | |
(map {α : Type u} : | |
(∀ {m : Type u → Type u} [monad m], reader_t ρ m α → reader_t ρ' m α) → n α → n' α) | |
``` | |
-/ | |
class monad_writer_adapter (ω ω' : out_param (Type u)) (m m' : Type u → Type v) := | |
(adapt_writer {α : Type u} : (ω → ω') → m α → m' α) | |
export monad_writer_adapter (adapt_writer) | |
section | |
variables {ω ω' : Type u} {m m' : Type u → Type v} | |
/-- Transitivity. | |
This instance generates the type-class problem with a metavariable argument (which is why this | |
is marked as `[nolint dangerous_instance]`). | |
Currently that is not a problem, as there are almost no instances of `monad_functor` or | |
`monad_writer_adapter`. | |
see Note [lower instance priority] -/ | |
@[nolint dangerous_instance, priority 100] | |
instance monad_writer_adapter_trans {n n' : Type u → Type v} [monad_writer_adapter ω ω' m m'] | |
[monad_functor m m' n n'] : monad_writer_adapter ω ω' n n' := | |
⟨λ α f, monad_map (λ α, (adapt_writer f : m α → m' α))⟩ | |
instance [monad m] : monad_writer_adapter ω ω' (writer_t ω m) (writer_t ω' m) := | |
⟨λ α, writer_t.adapt⟩ | |
end | |
instance (ω : Type u) (m out) [monad_run out m] : monad_run (λ α, out (α × ω)) (writer_t ω m) := | |
⟨λ α x, run $ ⟩ | |
/-- reduce the equivalence between two writer monads to the equivalence between | |
their underlying monad -/ | |
def writer_t.equiv {m₁ : Type u₀ → Type v₀} {m₂ : Type u₁ → Type v₁} | |
{α₁ ω₁ : Type u₀} {α₂ ω₂ : Type u₁} (F : (m₁ (α₁ × ω₁)) ≃ (m₂ (α₂ × ω₂))) : | |
writer_t ω₁ m₁ α₁ ≃ writer_t ω₂ m₂ α₂ := | |
{ to_fun := λ ⟨f⟩, ⟨F f⟩, | |
inv_fun := λ ⟨f⟩, ⟨F.symm f⟩, | |
left_inv := λ ⟨f⟩, congr_arg $ F.left_inv _, | |
right_inv := λ ⟨f⟩, congr_arg $ F.right_inv _ } | |