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Copyright (c) 2021 Alex Kontorovich and Heather Macbeth and Marc Masdeu. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Alex Kontorovich, Heather Macbeth, Marc Masdeu | |
-/ | |
import analysis.complex.upper_half_plane.basic | |
import linear_algebra.general_linear_group | |
import analysis.matrix | |
/-! | |
# The action of the modular group SL(2, β€) on the upper half-plane | |
We define the action of `SL(2,β€)` on `β` (via restriction of the `SL(2,β)` action in | |
`analysis.complex.upper_half_plane`). We then define the standard fundamental domain | |
(`modular_group.fd`, `π`) for this action and show | |
(`modular_group.exists_smul_mem_fd`) that any point in `β` can be | |
moved inside `π`. | |
## Main definitions | |
The standard (closed) fundamental domain of the action of `SL(2,β€)` on `β`, denoted `π`: | |
`fd := {z | 1 β€ (z : β).norm_sq β§ || β€ (1 : β) / 2}` | |
The standard open fundamental domain of the action of `SL(2,β€)` on `β`, denoted `πα΅`: | |
`fdo := {z | 1 < (z : β).norm_sq β§ || < (1 : β) / 2}` | |
These notations are localized in the `modular` locale and can be enabled via `open_locale modular`. | |
## Main results | |
Any `z : β` can be moved to `π` by an element of `SL(2,β€)`: | |
`exists_smul_mem_fd (z : β) : β g : SL(2,β€), g β’ z β π` | |
If both `z` and `Ξ³ β’ z` are in the open domain `πα΅` then `z = Ξ³ β’ z`: | |
`eq_smul_self_of_mem_fdo_mem_fdo {z : β} {g : SL(2,β€)} (hz : z β πα΅) (hg : g β’ z β πα΅) : z = g β’ z` | |
# Discussion | |
Standard proofs make use of the identity | |
`g β’ z = a / c - 1 / (c (cz + d))` | |
for `g = [[a, b], [c, d]]` in `SL(2)`, but this requires separate handling of whether `c = 0`. | |
Instead, our proof makes use of the following perhaps novel identity (see | |
`modular_group.smul_eq_lc_row0_add`): | |
`g β’ z = (a c + b d) / (c^2 + d^2) + (d z - c) / ((c^2 + d^2) (c z + d))` | |
where there is no issue of division by zero. | |
Another feature is that we delay until the very end the consideration of special matrices | |
`T=[[1,1],[0,1]]` (see `modular_group.T`) and `S=[[0,-1],[1,0]]` (see `modular_group.S`), by | |
instead using abstract theory on the properness of certain maps (phrased in terms of the filters | |
`filter.cocompact`, `filter.cofinite`, etc) to deduce existence theorems, first to prove the | |
existence of `g` maximizing `(gβ’z).im` (see `modular_group.exists_max_im`), and then among | |
those, to minimize `|(gβ’z).re|` (see `modular_group.exists_row_one_eq_and_min_re`). | |
-/ | |
/- Disable these instances as they are not the simp-normal form, and having them disabled ensures | |
we state lemmas in this file without spurious `coe_fn` terms. -/ | |
local attribute [-instance] matrix.special_linear_group.has_coe_to_fun | |
local attribute [-instance] matrix.general_linear_group.has_coe_to_fun | |
open complex (hiding abs_one abs_two abs_mul abs_add) | |
open matrix (hiding mul_smul) matrix.special_linear_group upper_half_plane | |
noncomputable theory | |
local notation `SL(` n `, ` R `)`:= special_linear_group (fin n) R | |
local prefix `ββ`:1024 := @coe _ (matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β€) _ | |
open_locale upper_half_plane complex_conjugate | |
local attribute [instance] fintype.card_fin_even | |
namespace modular_group | |
variables {g : SL(2, β€)} (z : β) | |
section bottom_row | |
/-- The two numbers `c`, `d` in the "bottom_row" of `g=[[*,*],[c,d]]` in `SL(2, β€)` are coprime. -/ | |
lemma bottom_row_coprime {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (g : SL(2, R)) : | |
is_coprime ((βg : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) 1 0) ((βg : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) 1 1) := | |
begin | |
use [- (βg : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) 0 1, (βg : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) 0 0], | |
rw [add_comm, neg_mul, βsub_eq_add_neg, βdet_fin_two], | |
exact g.det_coe, | |
end | |
/-- Every pair `![c, d]` of coprime integers is the "bottom_row" of some element `g=[[*,*],[c,d]]` | |
of `SL(2,β€)`. -/ | |
lemma bottom_row_surj {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] : | |
set.surj_on (Ξ» g : SL(2, R), @coe _ (matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) _ g 1) set.univ | |
{cd | is_coprime (cd 0) (cd 1)} := | |
begin | |
rintros cd β¨bβ, a, gcd_eqnβ©, | |
let A := of ![![a, -bβ], cd], | |
have det_A_1 : det A = 1, | |
{ convert gcd_eqn, | |
simp [A, det_fin_two, (by ring : a * (cd 1) + bβ * (cd 0) = bβ * (cd 0) + a * (cd 1))] }, | |
refine β¨β¨A, det_A_1β©, set.mem_univ _, _β©, | |
ext; simp [A] | |
end | |
end bottom_row | |
section tendsto_lemmas | |
open filter continuous_linear_map | |
local attribute [instance] matrix.normed_add_comm_group matrix.normed_space | |
local attribute [simp] coe_smul | |
/-- The function `(c,d) β |cz+d|^2` is proper, that is, preimages of bounded-above sets are finite. | |
-/ | |
lemma tendsto_norm_sq_coprime_pair : | |
filter.tendsto (Ξ» p : fin 2 β β€, ((p 0 : β) * z + p 1).norm_sq) | |
cofinite at_top := | |
begin | |
let Οβ : (fin 2 β β) ββ[β] β := linear_map.proj 0, | |
let Οβ : (fin 2 β β) ββ[β] β := linear_map.proj 1, | |
let f : (fin 2 β β) ββ[β] β := Οβ.smul_right (z:β) + Οβ.smul_right 1, | |
have f_def : βf = Ξ» (p : fin 2 β β), (p 0 : β) * βz + p 1, | |
{ ext1, | |
dsimp only [linear_map.coe_proj, real_smul, | |
linear_map.coe_smul_right, linear_map.add_apply], | |
rw mul_one, }, | |
have : (Ξ» (p : fin 2 β β€), norm_sq ((p 0 : β) * βz + β(p 1))) | |
= norm_sq β f β (Ξ» p : fin 2 β β€, (coe : β€ β β) β p), | |
{ ext1, | |
rw f_def, | |
dsimp only [function.comp], | |
rw [of_real_int_cast, of_real_int_cast], }, | |
rw this, | |
have hf : f.ker = β₯, | |
{ let g : β ββ[β] (fin 2 β β) := | |
linear_map.pi ![im_lm, im_lm.comp ((z:β) β’ (conj_ae : β ββ[β] β))], | |
suffices : ((z:β).imβ»ΒΉ β’ g).comp f =, | |
{ exact linear_map.ker_eq_bot_of_inverse this }, | |
apply linear_map.ext, | |
intros c, | |
have hz : (z:β).im β 0 :=', | |
rw [linear_map.comp_apply, linear_map.smul_apply, linear_map.id_apply], | |
ext i, | |
dsimp only [g, pi.smul_apply, linear_map.pi_apply, smul_eq_mul], | |
fin_cases i, | |
{ show ((z : β).im)β»ΒΉ * (f c).im = c 0, | |
rw [f_def, add_im, of_real_mul_im, of_real_im, add_zero, mul_left_comm, | |
inv_mul_cancel hz, mul_one], }, | |
{ show ((z : β).im)β»ΒΉ * ((z : β) * conj (f c)).im = c 1, | |
rw [f_def, ring_hom.map_add, ring_hom.map_mul, mul_add, mul_left_comm, mul_conj, | |
conj_of_real, conj_of_real, β of_real_mul, add_im, of_real_im, zero_add, | |
inv_mul_eq_iff_eq_mulβ hz], | |
simp only [of_real_im, of_real_re, mul_im, zero_add, mul_zero] } }, | |
have hβ := (linear_equiv.closed_embedding_of_injective hf).tendsto_cocompact, | |
have hβ : tendsto (Ξ» p : fin 2 β β€, (coe : β€ β β) β p) cofinite (cocompact _), | |
{ convert tendsto.pi_map_Coprod (Ξ» i, int.tendsto_coe_cofinite), | |
{ rw Coprod_cofinite }, | |
{ rw Coprod_cocompact } }, | |
exact tendsto_norm_sq_cocompact_at_top.comp (hβ.comp hβ) | |
end | |
/-- Given `coprime_pair` `p=(c,d)`, the matrix `[[a,b],[*,*]]` is sent to `a*c+b*d`. | |
This is the linear map version of this operation. | |
-/ | |
def lc_row0 (p : fin 2 β β€) : (matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β) ββ[β] β := | |
((p 0:β) β’ linear_map.proj 0 + (p 1:β) β’ linear_map.proj 1 : (fin 2 β β) ββ[β] β).comp | |
(linear_map.proj 0) | |
@[simp] lemma lc_row0_apply (p : fin 2 β β€) (g : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β) : | |
lc_row0 p g = p 0 * g 0 0 + p 1 * g 0 1 := | |
rfl | |
/-- Linear map sending the matrix [a, b; c, d] to the matrix [acβ + bdβ, - adβ + bcβ; c, d], for | |
some fixed `(cβ, dβ)`. -/ | |
@[simps] def lc_row0_extend {cd : fin 2 β β€} (hcd : is_coprime (cd 0) (cd 1)) : | |
(matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β) ββ[β] matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β := | |
linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right | |
![begin | |
refine linear_map.general_linear_group.general_linear_equiv β (fin 2 β β) | |
(general_linear_group.to_linear (plane_conformal_matrix (cd 0 : β) (-(cd 1 : β)) _)), | |
norm_cast, | |
rw neg_sq, | |
exact hcd.sq_add_sq_ne_zero | |
end, | |
linear_equiv.refl β (fin 2 β β)] | |
/-- The map `lc_row0` is proper, that is, preimages of cocompact sets are finite in | |
`[[* , *], [c, d]]`.-/ | |
theorem tendsto_lc_row0 {cd : fin 2 β β€} (hcd : is_coprime (cd 0) (cd 1)) : | |
tendsto (Ξ» g : {g : SL(2, β€) // ββg 1 = cd}, lc_row0 cd β(βg : SL(2, β))) | |
cofinite (cocompact β) := | |
begin | |
let mB : β β (matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β) := Ξ» t, of ![![t, (-(1:β€):β)], coe β cd], | |
have hmB : continuous mB, | |
{ refine continuous_matrix _, | |
simp only [fin.forall_fin_two, mB, continuous_const, continuous_id', of_apply, | |
cons_val_zero, cons_val_one, and_self ] }, | |
refine filter.tendsto.of_tendsto_comp _ (comap_cocompact_le hmB), | |
let fβ : SL(2, β€) β matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β := | |
Ξ» g, (βg : matrix _ _ β€) (coe : β€ β β), | |
have cocompact_β_to_cofinite_β€_matrix : | |
tendsto (Ξ» m : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β€, m (coe : β€ β β)) cofinite (cocompact _), | |
{ simpa only [Coprod_cofinite, Coprod_cocompact] | |
using tendsto.pi_map_Coprod (Ξ» i : fin 2, tendsto.pi_map_Coprod | |
(Ξ» j : fin 2, int.tendsto_coe_cofinite)) }, | |
have hfβ : tendsto fβ cofinite (cocompact _) := | |
cocompact_β_to_cofinite_β€_matrix.comp subtype.coe_injective.tendsto_cofinite, | |
have hfβ : closed_embedding (lc_row0_extend hcd) := | |
(lc_row0_extend hcd).to_continuous_linear_equiv.to_homeomorph.closed_embedding, | |
convert hfβ.tendsto_cocompact.comp (hfβ.comp subtype.coe_injective.tendsto_cofinite) using 1, | |
ext β¨g, rflβ© i j : 3, | |
fin_cases i; [fin_cases j, skip], | |
-- the following are proved by `simp`, but it is replaced by `simp only` to avoid timeouts. | |
{ simp only [mB, mul_vec, dot_product, fin.sum_univ_two, _root_.coe_coe, coe_matrix_coe, | |
int.coe_cast_ring_hom, lc_row0_apply, function.comp_app, cons_val_zero, lc_row0_extend_apply, | |
linear_map.general_linear_group.coe_fn_general_linear_equiv, | |
general_linear_group.to_linear_apply, coe_plane_conformal_matrix, neg_neg, mul_vec_lin_apply, | |
cons_val_one, head_cons, of_apply] }, | |
{ convert congr_arg (Ξ» n : β€, (-n:β)) g.det_coe.symm using 1, | |
simp only [fβ, mul_vec, dot_product, fin.sum_univ_two, matrix.det_fin_two, function.comp_app, | |
subtype.coe_mk, lc_row0_extend_apply, cons_val_zero, | |
linear_map.general_linear_group.coe_fn_general_linear_equiv, | |
general_linear_group.to_linear_apply, coe_plane_conformal_matrix, mul_vec_lin_apply, | |
cons_val_one, head_cons, map_apply, neg_mul, int.cast_sub, int.cast_mul, neg_sub, of_apply], | |
ring }, | |
{ refl } | |
end | |
/-- This replaces `(gβ’z).re = a/c + *` in the standard theory with the following novel identity: | |
`g β’ z = (a c + b d) / (c^2 + d^2) + (d z - c) / ((c^2 + d^2) (c z + d))` | |
which does not need to be decomposed depending on whether `c = 0`. -/ | |
lemma smul_eq_lc_row0_add {p : fin 2 β β€} (hp : is_coprime (p 0) (p 1)) (hg : ββg 1 = p) : | |
β(g β’ z) = ((lc_row0 p β(g : SL(2, β))) : β) / (p 0 ^ 2 + p 1 ^ 2) | |
+ ((p 1 : β) * z - p 0) / ((p 0 ^ 2 + p 1 ^ 2) * (p 0 * z + p 1)) := | |
begin | |
have nonZ1 : (p 0 : β) ^ 2 + (p 1) ^ 2 β 0 := by exact_mod_cast hp.sq_add_sq_ne_zero, | |
have : (coe : β€ β β) β p β 0 := Ξ» h, hp.ne_zero (by ext i; simpa using congr_fun h i), | |
have nonZ2 : (p 0 : β) * z + p 1 β 0 := by simpa using linear_ne_zero _ z this, | |
field_simp [nonZ1, nonZ2, denom_ne_zero, -upper_half_plane.denom, -denom_apply], | |
rw (by simp : (p 1 : β) * z - p 0 = ((p 1) * z - p 0) * β(det (βg : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) β€))), | |
rw [βhg, det_fin_two], | |
simp only [int.coe_cast_ring_hom, coe_matrix_coe, int.cast_mul, of_real_int_cast, map_apply, | |
denom, int.cast_sub, _root_.coe_coe,coe_GL_pos_coe_GL_coe_matrix], | |
ring, | |
end | |
lemma tendsto_abs_re_smul {p : fin 2 β β€} (hp : is_coprime (p 0) (p 1)) : | |
tendsto (Ξ» g : {g : SL(2, β€) // ββg 1 = p}, |((g : SL(2, β€)) β’ z).re|) | |
cofinite at_top := | |
begin | |
suffices : tendsto (Ξ» g : (Ξ» g : SL(2, β€), ββg 1) β»ΒΉ' {p}, (((g : SL(2, β€)) β’ z).re)) | |
cofinite (cocompact β), | |
{ exact tendsto_norm_cocompact_at_top.comp this }, | |
have : ((p 0 : β) ^ 2 + p 1 ^ 2)β»ΒΉ β 0, | |
{ apply inv_ne_zero, | |
exact_mod_cast hp.sq_add_sq_ne_zero }, | |
let f := homeomorph.mul_rightβ _ this, | |
let ff := homeomorph.add_right (((p 1:β)* z - p 0) / ((p 0 ^ 2 + p 1 ^ 2) * (p 0 * z + p 1))).re, | |
convert ((f.trans ff).closed_embedding.tendsto_cocompact).comp (tendsto_lc_row0 hp), | |
ext g, | |
change ((g : SL(2, β€)) β’ z).re = (lc_row0 p β(βg : SL(2, β))) / (p 0 ^ 2 + p 1 ^ 2) | |
+ (((p 1:β )* z - p 0) / ((p 0 ^ 2 + p 1 ^ 2) * (p 0 * z + p 1))).re, | |
exact_mod_cast (congr_arg (smul_eq_lc_row0_add z hp g.2)) | |
end | |
end tendsto_lemmas | |
section fundamental_domain | |
local attribute [simp] coe_smul re_smul | |
/-- For `z : β`, there is a `g : SL(2,β€)` maximizing `(gβ’z).im` -/ | |
lemma exists_max_im : | |
β g : SL(2, β€), β g' : SL(2, β€), (g' β’ z).im β€ (g β’ z).im := | |
begin | |
classical, | |
let s : set (fin 2 β β€) := {cd | is_coprime (cd 0) (cd 1)}, | |
have hs : s.nonempty := β¨![1, 1], is_coprime_one_leftβ©, | |
obtain β¨p, hp_coprime, hpβ© := | |
filter.tendsto.exists_within_forall_le hs (tendsto_norm_sq_coprime_pair z), | |
obtain β¨g, -, hgβ© := bottom_row_surj hp_coprime, | |
refine β¨g, Ξ» g', _β©, | |
rw [special_linear_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq, special_linear_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq, | |
div_le_div_left], | |
{ simpa [β hg] using hp (ββg' 1) (bottom_row_coprime g') }, | |
{ exact z.im_pos }, | |
{ exact norm_sq_denom_pos g' z }, | |
{ exact norm_sq_denom_pos g z }, | |
end | |
/-- Given `z : β` and a bottom row `(c,d)`, among the `g : SL(2,β€)` with this bottom row, minimize | |
`|(gβ’z).re|`. -/ | |
lemma exists_row_one_eq_and_min_re {cd : fin 2 β β€} (hcd : is_coprime (cd 0) (cd 1)) : | |
β g : SL(2,β€), ββg 1 = cd β§ (β g' : SL(2,β€), ββg 1 = ββg' 1 β | |
|(g β’ z).re| β€ |(g' β’ z).re|) := | |
begin | |
haveI : nonempty {g : SL(2, β€) // ββg 1 = cd} := | |
let β¨x, hxβ© := bottom_row_surj hcd in β¨β¨x, hx.2β©β©, | |
obtain β¨g, hgβ© := filter.tendsto.exists_forall_le (tendsto_abs_re_smul z hcd), | |
refine β¨g, g.2, _β©, | |
{ intros g1 hg1, | |
have : g1 β ((Ξ» g : SL(2, β€), ββg 1) β»ΒΉ' {cd}), | |
{ rw [set.mem_preimage, set.mem_singleton_iff], | |
exact eq.trans hg1.symm ( ( g.2)) }, | |
exact hg β¨g1, thisβ© }, | |
end | |
/-- The matrix `T = [[1,1],[0,1]]` as an element of `SL(2,β€)` -/ | |
def T : SL(2,β€) := β¨!![1, 1; 0, 1], by norm_num [matrix.det_fin_two_of]β© | |
/-- The matrix `S = [[0,-1],[1,0]]` as an element of `SL(2,β€)` -/ | |
def S : SL(2,β€) := β¨!![0, -1; 1, 0], by norm_num [matrix.det_fin_two_of]β© | |
lemma coe_S : ββS = !![0, -1; 1, 0] := rfl | |
lemma coe_T : ββT = !![1, 1; 0, 1] := rfl | |
lemma coe_T_inv : ββ(Tβ»ΒΉ) = !![1, -1; 0, 1] := by simp [coe_inv, coe_T, adjugate_fin_two] | |
lemma coe_T_zpow (n : β€) : ββ(T ^ n) = !![1, n; 0, 1] := | |
begin | |
induction n using int.induction_on with n h n h, | |
{ rw [zpow_zero, coe_one, matrix.one_fin_two] }, | |
{ simp_rw [zpow_add, zpow_one, coe_mul, h, coe_T, matrix.mul_fin_two], | |
congrm !![_, _; _, _], | |
rw [mul_one, mul_one, add_comm] }, | |
{ simp_rw [zpow_sub, zpow_one, coe_mul, h, coe_T_inv, matrix.mul_fin_two], | |
congrm !![_, _; _, _]; ring }, | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma T_pow_mul_apply_one (n : β€) (g : SL(2, β€)) : ββ(T ^ n * g) 1 = ββg 1 := | |
by simp [coe_T_zpow, matrix.mul, matrix.dot_product, fin.sum_univ_succ] | |
@[simp] lemma T_mul_apply_one (g : SL(2, β€)) : ββ(T * g) 1 = ββg 1 := | |
by simpa using T_pow_mul_apply_one 1 g | |
@[simp] lemma T_inv_mul_apply_one (g : SL(2, β€)) : ββ(Tβ»ΒΉ * g) 1 = ββg 1 := | |
by simpa using T_pow_mul_apply_one (-1) g | |
lemma coe_T_zpow_smul_eq {n : β€} : (β((T^n) β’ z) : β) = z + n := | |
by simp [coe_T_zpow] | |
lemma re_T_zpow_smul (n : β€) : ((T^n) β’ z).re = + n := | |
by rw [βcoe_re, coe_T_zpow_smul_eq, add_re, int_cast_re, coe_re] | |
lemma im_T_zpow_smul (n : β€) : ((T^n) β’ z).im = := | |
by rw [βcoe_im, coe_T_zpow_smul_eq, add_im, int_cast_im, add_zero, coe_im] | |
lemma re_T_smul : (T β’ z).re = + 1 := by simpa using re_T_zpow_smul z 1 | |
lemma im_T_smul : (T β’ z).im = := by simpa using im_T_zpow_smul z 1 | |
lemma re_T_inv_smul : (Tβ»ΒΉ β’ z).re = - 1 := by simpa using re_T_zpow_smul z (-1) | |
lemma im_T_inv_smul : (Tβ»ΒΉ β’ z).im = := by simpa using im_T_zpow_smul z (-1) | |
variables {z} | |
-- If instead we had `g` and `T` of type `PSL(2, β€)`, then we could simply state `g = T^n`. | |
lemma exists_eq_T_zpow_of_c_eq_zero (hc : ββg 1 0 = 0) : | |
β (n : β€), β (z : β), g β’ z = T^n β’ z := | |
begin | |
have had := g.det_coe, | |
replace had : ββg 0 0 * ββg 1 1 = 1, { rw [det_fin_two, hc] at had, linarith, }, | |
rcases int.eq_one_or_neg_one_of_mul_eq_one' had with β¨ha, hdβ© | β¨ha, hdβ©, | |
{ use ββg 0 1, | |
suffices : g = T^(ββg 0 1), { intros z, conv_lhs { rw this, }, }, | |
ext i j, fin_cases i; fin_cases j; | |
simp [ha, hc, hd, coe_T_zpow], }, | |
{ use -ββg 0 1, | |
suffices : g = -T^(-ββg 0 1), { intros z, conv_lhs { rw [this, SL_neg_smul], }, }, | |
ext i j, fin_cases i; fin_cases j; | |
simp [ha, hc, hd, coe_T_zpow], }, | |
end | |
/- If `c = 1`, then `g` factorises into a product terms involving only `T` and `S`. -/ | |
lemma g_eq_of_c_eq_one (hc : ββg 1 0 = 1) : | |
g = T^(ββg 0 0) * S * T^(ββg 1 1) := | |
begin | |
have hg := g.det_coe.symm, | |
replace hg : ββg 0 1 = ββg 0 0 * ββg 1 1 - 1, { rw [det_fin_two, hc] at hg, linarith, }, | |
refine subtype.ext _, | |
conv_lhs { rw matrix.eta_fin_two ββg }, | |
rw [hc, hg], | |
simp only [coe_mul, coe_T_zpow, coe_S, mul_fin_two], | |
congrm !![_, _; _, _]; ring | |
end | |
/-- If `1 < |z|`, then `|S β’ z| < 1`. -/ | |
lemma norm_sq_S_smul_lt_one (h: 1 < norm_sq z) : norm_sq β(S β’ z) < 1 := | |
by simpa [coe_S] using (inv_lt_inv z.norm_sq_pos zero_lt_one).mpr h | |
/-- If `|z| < 1`, then applying `S` strictly decreases `im`. -/ | |
lemma im_lt_im_S_smul (h: norm_sq z < 1) : < (S β’ z).im := | |
begin | |
have : < / norm_sq (z:β), | |
{ have imz : 0 < := im_pos z, | |
apply (lt_div_iff z.norm_sq_pos).mpr, | |
nlinarith }, | |
convert this, | |
simp only [special_linear_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq], | |
field_simp [norm_sq_denom_ne_zero, norm_sq_ne_zero, S] | |
end | |
/-- The standard (closed) fundamental domain of the action of `SL(2,β€)` on `β`. -/ | |
def fd : set β := | |
{z | 1 β€ (z : β).norm_sq β§ || β€ (1 : β) / 2} | |
/-- The standard open fundamental domain of the action of `SL(2,β€)` on `β`. -/ | |
def fdo : set β := | |
{z | 1 < (z : β).norm_sq β§ || < (1 : β) / 2} | |
localized "notation `π` := modular_group.fd" in modular | |
localized "notation `πα΅` := modular_group.fdo" in modular | |
lemma abs_two_mul_re_lt_one_of_mem_fdo (h : z β πα΅) : |2 *| < 1 := | |
begin | |
rw [abs_mul, abs_two, β lt_div_iff' (@two_pos β _ _)], | |
exact h.2, | |
end | |
lemma three_lt_four_mul_im_sq_of_mem_fdo (h : z β πα΅) : 3 < 4 *^2 := | |
begin | |
have : 1 < * + * := by simpa [complex.norm_sq_apply] using h.1, | |
have := h.2, | |
cases abs_cases; | |
nlinarith, | |
end | |
/-- If `z β πα΅`, and `n : β€`, then `|z + n| > 1`. -/ | |
lemma one_lt_norm_sq_T_zpow_smul (hz : z β πα΅) (n : β€) : 1 < norm_sq (((T^n) β’ z) : β) := | |
begin | |
have hzβ : 1 < * + * := hz.1, | |
have hzn := int.nneg_mul_add_sq_of_abs_le_one n (abs_two_mul_re_lt_one_of_mem_fdo hz).le, | |
have : 1 < ( + βn) * ( + βn) + *, { linarith, }, | |
simpa [coe_T_zpow, norm_sq], | |
end | |
lemma eq_zero_of_mem_fdo_of_T_zpow_mem_fdo {n : β€} (hz : z β πα΅) (hg : (T^n) β’ z β πα΅) : n = 0 := | |
begin | |
suffices : |(n : β)| < 1, | |
{ rwa [β int.cast_abs, β int.cast_one, int.cast_lt, int.abs_lt_one_iff] at this, }, | |
have hβ := hz.2, | |
have hβ := hg.2, | |
rw [re_T_zpow_smul] at hβ, | |
calc |(n : β)| β€ || + | + (n : β)| : abs_add' (n : β) | |
... < 1/2 + 1/2 : add_lt_add hβ hβ | |
... = 1 : add_halves 1, | |
end | |
/-- Any `z : β` can be moved to `π` by an element of `SL(2,β€)` -/ | |
lemma exists_smul_mem_fd (z : β) : β g : SL(2,β€), g β’ z β π := | |
begin | |
-- obtain a gβ which maximizes im (g β’ z), | |
obtain β¨gβ, hgββ© := exists_max_im z, | |
-- then among those, minimize re | |
obtain β¨g, hg, hg'β© := exists_row_one_eq_and_min_re z (bottom_row_coprime gβ), | |
refine β¨g, _β©, | |
-- `g` has same max im property as `gβ` | |
have hgβ' : β (g' : SL(2,β€)), (g' β’ z).im β€ (g β’ z).im, | |
{ have hg'' : (g β’ z).im = (gβ β’ z).im, | |
{ rw [special_linear_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq, special_linear_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq, | |
denom_apply, denom_apply, hg]}, | |
simpa only [hg''] using hgβ }, | |
split, | |
{ -- Claim: `1 β€ βnorm_sq β(g β’ z)`. If not, then `Sβ’gβ’z` has larger imaginary part | |
contrapose! hgβ', | |
refine β¨S * g, _β©, | |
rw mul_smul, | |
exact im_lt_im_S_smul hgβ' }, | |
{ show |(g β’ z).re| β€ 1 / 2, -- if not, then either `T` or `T'` decrease |Re|. | |
rw abs_le, | |
split, | |
{ contrapose! hg', | |
refine β¨T * g, (T_mul_apply_one _).symm, _β©, | |
rw [mul_smul, re_T_smul], | |
cases abs_cases ((g β’ z).re + 1); cases abs_cases (g β’ z).re; linarith }, | |
{ contrapose! hg', | |
refine β¨Tβ»ΒΉ * g, (T_inv_mul_apply_one _).symm, _β©, | |
rw [mul_smul, re_T_inv_smul], | |
cases abs_cases ((g β’ z).re - 1); cases abs_cases (g β’ z).re; linarith } } | |
end | |
section unique_representative | |
variables {z} | |
/-- An auxiliary result en route to `modular_group.c_eq_zero`. -/ | |
lemma abs_c_le_one (hz : z β πα΅) (hg : g β’ z β πα΅) : |ββg 1 0| β€ 1 := | |
begin | |
let c' : β€ := ββg 1 0, | |
let c : β := (c' : β), | |
suffices : 3 * c^2 < 4, | |
{ rw [β int.cast_pow, β int.cast_three, β int.cast_four, β int.cast_mul, int.cast_lt] at this, | |
replace this : c' ^ 2 β€ 1 ^ 2, { linarith, }, | |
rwa [sq_le_sq, abs_one] at this }, | |
suffices : c β 0 β 9 * c^4 < 16, | |
{ rcases eq_or_ne c 0 with hc | hc, | |
{ rw hc, norm_num, }, | |
{ refine (abs_lt_of_sq_lt_sq' _ (by norm_num)).2, | |
specialize this hc, | |
linarith, }, }, | |
intros hc, | |
replace hc : 0 < c^4, { rw pow_bit0_pos_iff; trivial, }, | |
have hβ := mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right (mul_lt_mul'' (three_lt_four_mul_im_sq_of_mem_fdo hg) | |
(three_lt_four_mul_im_sq_of_mem_fdo hz) (by linarith) (by linarith)) hc, | |
have hβ : (c * ^ 4 / norm_sq (denom βg z) ^ 2 β€ 1 := | |
div_le_one_of_le (pow_four_le_pow_two_of_pow_two_le | |
(upper_half_plane.c_mul_im_sq_le_norm_sq_denom z g)) (sq_nonneg _), | |
let nsq := norm_sq (denom g z), | |
calc 9 * c^4 < c^4 *^2 * (g β’ z).im^2 * 16 : by linarith | |
... = c^4 *^4 / nsq^2 * 16 : by { rw [special_linear_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq, | |
div_pow], ring, } | |
... β€ 16 : by { rw β mul_pow, linarith, }, | |
end | |
/-- An auxiliary result en route to `modular_group.eq_smul_self_of_mem_fdo_mem_fdo`. -/ | |
lemma c_eq_zero (hz : z β πα΅) (hg : g β’ z β πα΅) : ββg 1 0 = 0 := | |
begin | |
have hp : β {g' : SL(2, β€)} (hg' : g' β’ z β πα΅), ββg' 1 0 β 1, | |
{ intros, | |
by_contra hc, | |
let a := ββg' 0 0, | |
let d := ββg' 1 1, | |
have had : T^(-a) * g' = S * T^d, { rw g_eq_of_c_eq_one hc, group, }, | |
let w := T^(-a) β’ (g' β’ z), | |
have hβ : w = S β’ (T^d β’ z), { simp only [w, β mul_smul, had], }, | |
replace hβ : norm_sq w < 1 := hβ.symm βΈ norm_sq_S_smul_lt_one (one_lt_norm_sq_T_zpow_smul hz d), | |
have hβ : 1 < norm_sq w := one_lt_norm_sq_T_zpow_smul hg' (-a), | |
linarith, }, | |
have hn : ββg 1 0 β -1, | |
{ intros hc, | |
replace hc : ββ(-g) 1 0 = 1, { simp [eq_neg_of_eq_neg hc], }, | |
replace hg : (-g) β’ z β πα΅ := (SL_neg_smul g z).symm βΈ hg, | |
exact hp hg hc, }, | |
specialize hp hg, | |
rcases ( $ abs_c_le_one hz hg); | |
tauto, | |
end | |
/-- Second Main Fundamental Domain Lemma: if both `z` and `g β’ z` are in the open domain `πα΅`, | |
where `z : β` and `g : SL(2,β€)`, then `z = g β’ z`. -/ | |
lemma eq_smul_self_of_mem_fdo_mem_fdo (hz : z β πα΅) (hg : g β’ z β πα΅) : z = g β’ z := | |
begin | |
obtain β¨n, hnβ© := exists_eq_T_zpow_of_c_eq_zero (c_eq_zero hz hg), | |
rw hn at hg β’, | |
simp [eq_zero_of_mem_fdo_of_T_zpow_mem_fdo hz hg, one_smul], | |
end | |
end unique_representative | |
end fundamental_domain | |
end modular_group | |