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import valuation.field | |
import valuation.canonical | |
/-! | |
# The valuation on the completion of the valuation field | |
In this file we extend the canonical valuation on the the valuation field of (R, v) to its | |
completion (for the topological field structure coming from the valuation). | |
-/ | |
noncomputable theory | |
open valuation uniform_space | |
local attribute [instance] valued.subgroups_basis valued.uniform_space | |
variables {Γ₀ : Type*} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Γ₀] | |
variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (v : valuation R Γ₀) | |
local notation `hat` K := completion K | |
namespace valuation_field | |
/--The valuation field of a valuation is naturally a valued field.-/ | |
instance : valued (valuation_field v) := | |
⟨value_monoid v, valuation_field.canonical_valuation v⟩ | |
/--The topology on the valuation field of a valuation.-/ | |
instance : topological_space (valuation_field v) := | |
subgroups_basis.topology _ | |
/--The valuation field of a valuation is a topological ring.-/ | |
instance : topological_ring (valuation_field v) := | |
ring_filter_basis.is_topological_ring _ rfl | |
/--The valuation field of a valuation is a uniform additive group.-/ | |
instance : uniform_add_group (valuation_field v) := | |
topological_add_group_is_uniform | |
-- This instance shouldn't be necessary. Why doesn't the general machinery step in? | |
/--The completion of the valuation field of a valuation is a commutative ring.-/ | |
instance : comm_ring (hat v.valuation_field) := | |
completion.comm_ring _ | |
-- The following instance is even more suspicious. | |
/--The completion of the valuation field of a valuation is a ring.-/ | |
instance : ring (hat v.valuation_field) := | |
comm_ring.to_ring _ | |
end valuation_field | |
/--The valuation on the completion of the valuation field of a valuation.-/ | |
def valuation_on_completion (v : valuation R Γ₀) : | |
valuation (hat v.valuation_field) (value_monoid v) := | |
valued.extension_valuation | |
/--The completion of the valuation field of a valuation is a valued field.-/ | |
instance valuation_field.completion_valued : valued (completion $ valuation_field v) := | |
⟨value_monoid v, valuation_on_completion v⟩ | |