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(* This file is a modification of an eponymous file from the CoqApprox *) | |
(* library. The header of the original file is reproduced below. Changes are *) | |
(* part of the analysis library and enjoy the same licence as this library. *) | |
(** | |
This file is part of the CoqApprox formalization of rigorous | |
polynomial approximation in Coq: | | | |
Copyright (c) 2010-2013, ENS de Lyon and Inria. | |
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and | |
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, | |
modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C | |
license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL: | | | |
As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, | |
modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided | |
only with a limited warranty and the library's author, the holder of | |
the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited | |
liability. See the COPYING file for more details. | |
*) | |
Require Import Rdefinitions Raxioms RIneq Rbasic_fun Zwf. | |
Require Import Epsilon FunctionalExtensionality Ranalysis1 Rsqrt_def. | |
Require Import Rtrigo1 Reals. | |
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg poly mxpoly ssrnum. | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory. | |
Local Open Scope R_scope. | |
Lemma Req_EM_T (r1 r2 : R) : {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}. | |
Proof. | |
case: (total_order_T r1 r2) => [[r1Lr2 | <-] | r1Gr2]. | |
- by right=> r1Er2; case: (Rlt_irrefl r1); rewrite {2}r1Er2. | |
- by left. | |
by right=> r1Er2; case: (Rlt_irrefl r1); rewrite {1}r1Er2. | |
Qed. | |
Definition eqr (r1 r2 : R) : bool := | |
if Req_EM_T r1 r2 is left _ then true else false. | |
Lemma eqrP : Equality.axiom eqr. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> r1 r2; rewrite /eqr; case: Req_EM_T=> H; apply: (iffP idP). | |
Qed. | |
Canonical R_eqMixin := EqMixin eqrP. | |
Canonical R_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType R R_eqMixin. | |
Fact inhR : inhabited R. | |
Proof. exact: (inhabits 0). Qed. | |
Definition pickR (P : pred R) (n : nat) := | |
let x := epsilon inhR P in if P x then Some x else None. | |
Fact pickR_some P n x : pickR P n = Some x -> P x. | |
Proof. by rewrite /pickR; case: (boolP (P _)) => // Px [<-]. Qed. | |
Fact pickR_ex (P : pred R) : | |
(exists x : R, P x) -> exists n, pickR P n. | |
Proof. by rewrite /pickR; move=> /(epsilon_spec inhR)->; exists 0%N. Qed. | |
Fact pickR_ext (P Q : pred R) : P =1 Q -> pickR P =1 pickR Q. | |
Proof. | |
move=> PEQ n; rewrite /pickR; set u := epsilon _ _; set v := epsilon _ _. | |
suff->: u = v by rewrite PEQ. | |
by congr epsilon; apply: functional_extensionality=> x; rewrite PEQ. | |
Qed. | |
Definition R_choiceMixin : choiceMixin R := | |
Choice.Mixin pickR_some pickR_ex pickR_ext. | |
Canonical R_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType R R_choiceMixin. | |
Fact RplusA : associative (Rplus). | |
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite Rplus_assoc. Qed. | |
Definition R_zmodMixin := ZmodMixin RplusA Rplus_comm Rplus_0_l Rplus_opp_l. | |
Canonical R_zmodType := Eval hnf in ZmodType R R_zmodMixin. | |
Fact RmultA : associative (Rmult). | |
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite Rmult_assoc. Qed. | |
Fact R1_neq_0 : R1 != R0. | |
Proof. by apply/eqP/R1_neq_R0. Qed. | |
Definition R_ringMixin := RingMixin RmultA Rmult_1_l Rmult_1_r | |
Rmult_plus_distr_r Rmult_plus_distr_l R1_neq_0. | |
Canonical R_ringType := Eval hnf in RingType R R_ringMixin. | |
Canonical R_comRingType := Eval hnf in ComRingType R Rmult_comm. | |
Import Monoid. | |
Canonical Radd_monoid := Law RplusA Rplus_0_l Rplus_0_r. | |
Canonical Radd_comoid := ComLaw Rplus_comm. | |
Canonical Rmul_monoid := Law RmultA Rmult_1_l Rmult_1_r. | |
Canonical Rmul_comoid := ComLaw Rmult_comm. | |
Canonical Rmul_mul_law := MulLaw Rmult_0_l Rmult_0_r. | |
Canonical Radd_add_law := AddLaw Rmult_plus_distr_r Rmult_plus_distr_l. | |
Definition Rinvx r := if (r != 0) then / r else r. | |
Definition unit_R r := r != 0. | |
Lemma RmultRinvx : {in unit_R, left_inverse 1 Rinvx Rmult}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> r; rewrite -topredE /unit_R /Rinvx => /= rNZ /=. | |
by rewrite rNZ Rinv_l //; apply/eqP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma RinvxRmult : {in unit_R, right_inverse 1 Rinvx Rmult}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> r; rewrite -topredE /unit_R /Rinvx => /= rNZ /=. | |
by rewrite rNZ Rinv_r //; apply/eqP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma intro_unit_R x y : y * x = 1 /\ x * y = 1 -> unit_R x. | |
Proof. | |
move=> [yx_eq1 _]; apply: contra_eqN yx_eq1 => /eqP->. | |
by rewrite Rmult_0_r eq_sym R1_neq_0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Rinvx_out : {in predC unit_R, Rinvx =1 id}. | |
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite inE/= /Rinvx -if_neg => ->. Qed. | |
Definition R_unitRingMixin := | |
UnitRingMixin RmultRinvx RinvxRmult intro_unit_R Rinvx_out. | |
Canonical R_unitRing := | |
Eval hnf in UnitRingType R R_unitRingMixin. | |
Canonical R_comUnitRingType := | |
Eval hnf in [comUnitRingType of R]. | |
Lemma R_idomainMixin x y : x * y = 0 -> (x == 0) || (y == 0). | |
Proof. by move=> /Rmult_integral []->; rewrite eqxx ?orbT. Qed. | |
Canonical R_idomainType := Eval hnf in IdomainType R R_idomainMixin. | |
Lemma R_fieldMixin : GRing.Field.mixin_of [unitRingType of R]. | |
Proof. by done. Qed. | |
Definition R_fieldIdomainMixin := FieldIdomainMixin R_fieldMixin. | |
Canonical R_fieldType := FieldType R R_fieldMixin. | |
(** Reflect the order on the reals to bool *) | |
Definition Rleb r1 r2 := if Rle_dec r1 r2 is left _ then true else false. | |
Definition Rltb r1 r2 := Rleb r1 r2 && (r1 != r2). | |
Definition Rgeb r1 r2 := Rleb r2 r1. | |
Definition Rgtb r1 r2 := Rltb r2 r1. | |
Lemma RlebP r1 r2 : reflect (r1 <= r2) (Rleb r1 r2). | |
Proof. by rewrite /Rleb; apply: (iffP idP); case: Rle_dec. Qed. | |
Lemma RltbP r1 r2 : reflect (r1 < r2) (Rltb r1 r2). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /Rltb /Rleb; apply: (iffP idP); case: Rle_dec=> //=. | |
- by case=> // r1Er2 /eqP[]. | |
- by move=> _ r1Lr2; apply/eqP/Rlt_not_eq. | |
by move=> Nr1Lr2 r1Lr2; case: Nr1Lr2; left. | |
Qed. | |
(* | |
Ltac toR := rewrite /GRing.add /GRing.opp / /GRing.mul /GRing.inv | |
/ //=. | |
*) | |
Section ssreal_struct. | |
Import GRing.Theory. | |
Import Num.Theory. | |
Import Num.Def. | |
Local Open Scope R_scope. | |
Lemma Rleb_norm_add x y : Rleb (Rabs (x + y)) (Rabs x + Rabs y). | |
Proof. by apply/RlebP/Rabs_triang. Qed. | |
Lemma addr_Rgtb0 x y : Rltb 0 x -> Rltb 0 y -> Rltb 0 (x + y). | |
Proof. by move/RltbP=> Hx /RltbP Hy; apply/RltbP/Rplus_lt_0_compat. Qed. | |
Lemma Rnorm0_eq0 x : Rabs x = 0 -> x = 0. | |
Proof. by move=> H; case: (x == 0) /eqP=> // /Rabs_no_R0. Qed. | |
Lemma Rleb_leVge x y : Rleb 0 x -> Rleb 0 y -> (Rleb x y) || (Rleb y x). | |
Proof. | |
move/RlebP=> Hx /RlebP Hy; case: (Rlt_le_dec x y). | |
by move/Rlt_le/RlebP=> ->. | |
by move/RlebP=> ->; rewrite orbT. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma RnormM : {morph Rabs : x y / x * y}. | |
exact: Rabs_mult. Qed. | |
Lemma Rleb_def x y : (Rleb x y) = (Rabs (y - x) == y - x). | |
apply/(sameP (RlebP x y))/(iffP idP)=> [/eqP H| /Rle_minus H]. | |
apply: Rminus_le; rewrite -Ropp_minus_distr. | |
apply/Rge_le/Ropp_0_le_ge_contravar. | |
by rewrite -H; apply: Rabs_pos. | |
apply/eqP/Rabs_pos_eq. | |
rewrite -Ropp_minus_distr. | |
by apply/Ropp_0_ge_le_contravar/Rle_ge. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Rltb_def x y : (Rltb x y) = (y != x) && (Rleb x y). | |
apply/(sameP (RltbP x y))/(iffP idP). | |
case/andP=> /eqP H /RlebP/Rle_not_gt H2. | |
by case: (Rtotal_order x y)=> // [][] // /esym. | |
move=> H; apply/andP; split; [apply/eqP|apply/RlebP]. | |
exact: Rgt_not_eq. | |
exact: Rlt_le. | |
Qed. | |
Definition R_numMixin := NumMixin Rleb_norm_add addr_Rgtb0 Rnorm0_eq0 | |
Rleb_leVge RnormM Rleb_def Rltb_def. | |
Canonical R_porderType := POrderType ring_display R R_numMixin. | |
Canonical R_numDomainType := NumDomainType R R_numMixin. | |
Canonical R_normedZmodType := NormedZmodType R R R_numMixin. | |
Lemma RleP : forall x y, reflect (Rle x y) (x <= y)%R. | |
Proof. exact: RlebP. Qed. | |
Lemma RltP : forall x y, reflect (Rlt x y) (x < y)%R. | |
Proof. exact: RltbP. Qed. | |
(* :TODO: *) | |
(* Lemma RgeP : forall x y, reflect (Rge x y) (x >= y)%R. *) | |
(* Proof. exact: RlebP. Qed. *) | |
(* Lemma RgtP : forall x y, reflect (Rgt x y) (x > y)%R. *) | |
(* Proof. exact: RltbP. Qed. *) | |
Canonical R_numFieldType := [numFieldType of R]. | |
Lemma Rreal_axiom (x : R) : (0 <= x)%R || (x <= 0)%R. | |
Proof. | |
case: (Rle_dec 0 x)=> [/RleP ->|] //. | |
by move/Rnot_le_lt/Rlt_le/RleP=> ->; rewrite orbT. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma R_total : totalPOrderMixin R_porderType. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x y; case: (Rle_lt_dec x y) => [/RleP -> //|/Rlt_le/RleP ->]; | |
by rewrite orbT. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical R_latticeType := LatticeType R R_total. | |
Canonical R_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType R R_total. | |
Canonical R_orderType := OrderType R R_total. | |
Canonical R_realDomainType := [realDomainType of R]. | |
Canonical R_realFieldType := [realFieldType of R]. | |
Lemma Rarchimedean_axiom : Num.archimedean_axiom R_numDomainType. | |
Proof. | |
move=> x; exists (Z.abs_nat (up x) + 2)%N. | |
have [Hx1 Hx2]:= (archimed x). | |
have Hz (z : Z): z = (z - 1 + 1)%Z by rewrite Zplus_comm Zplus_minus. | |
have Zabs_nat_Zopp z : Z.abs_nat (- z)%Z = Z.abs_nat z by case: z. | |
apply/RltbP/Rabs_def1. | |
apply: (Rlt_trans _ ((Z.abs_nat (up x))%:R)%R); last first. | |
rewrite -[((Z.abs_nat _)%:R)%R]Rplus_0_r mulrnDr. | |
by apply/Rplus_lt_compat_l/Rlt_0_2. | |
apply: (Rlt_le_trans _ (IZR (up x)))=> //. | |
elim/(well_founded_ind (Zwf_well_founded 0)): (up x) => z IHz. | |
case: (Z_lt_le_dec 0 z) => [zp | zn]. | |
rewrite [z]Hz plus_IZR Zabs_nat_Zplus //; last exact: Zlt_0_le_0_pred. | |
rewrite plusE mulrnDr. | |
apply/Rplus_le_compat_r/IHz; split; first exact: Zlt_le_weak. | |
exact: Zlt_pred. | |
apply: (Rle_trans _ (IZR 0)); first exact: IZR_le. | |
by apply/RlebP/(ler0n R_numDomainType (Z.abs_nat z)). | |
apply: (Rlt_le_trans _ (IZR (up x) - 1)). | |
apply: Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_involutive. | |
rewrite Ropp_minus_distr /Rminus -opp_IZR -{2}(Z.opp_involutive (up x)). | |
elim/(well_founded_ind (Zwf_well_founded 0)): (- up x)%Z => z IHz . | |
case: (Z_lt_le_dec 0 z) => [zp | zn]. | |
rewrite [z]Hz Zabs_nat_Zopp plus_IZR. | |
rewrite Zabs_nat_Zplus //; last exact: Zlt_0_le_0_pred. | |
rewrite plusE -Rplus_assoc -addnA [(_ + 2)%N]addnC addnA mulrnDr. | |
apply: Rplus_lt_compat_r; rewrite -Zabs_nat_Zopp. | |
apply: IHz; split; first exact: Zlt_le_weak. | |
exact: Zlt_pred. | |
apply: (Rle_lt_trans _ 1). | |
rewrite -{2}[1]Rplus_0_r; apply: Rplus_le_compat_l. | |
by rewrite -/(IZR 0); apply: IZR_le. | |
rewrite mulrnDr; apply: (Rlt_le_trans _ 2). | |
by rewrite -{1}[1]Rplus_0_r; apply/Rplus_lt_compat_l/Rlt_0_1. | |
rewrite -[2]Rplus_0_l; apply: Rplus_le_compat_r. | |
by apply/RlebP/(ler0n R_numDomainType (Z.abs_nat _)). | |
apply: Rminus_le. | |
rewrite /Rminus Rplus_assoc [- _ + _]Rplus_comm -Rplus_assoc -!/(Rminus _ _). | |
exact: Rle_minus. | |
Qed. | |
(* Canonical R_numArchiDomainType := ArchiDomainType R Rarchimedean_axiom. *) | |
(* (* Canonical R_numArchiFieldType := [numArchiFieldType of R]. *) *) | |
(* Canonical R_realArchiDomainType := [realArchiDomainType of R]. *) | |
Canonical R_realArchiFieldType := ArchiFieldType R Rarchimedean_axiom. | |
(** Here are the lemmas that we will use to prove that R has | |
the rcfType structure. *) | |
Lemma continuity_eq f g : f =1 g -> continuity f -> continuity g. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Hfg Hf x eps Heps. | |
have [y [Hy1 Hy2]]:= Hf x eps Heps. | |
by exists y; split=> // z; rewrite -!Hfg; exact: Hy2. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma continuity_sum (I : finType) F (P : pred I): | |
(forall i, P i -> continuity (F i)) -> | |
continuity (fun x => (\sum_(i | P i) ((F i) x)))%R. | |
Proof. | |
move=> H; elim: (index_enum I)=> [|a l IHl]. | |
set f:= fun _ => _. | |
have Hf: (fun x=> 0) =1 f by move=> x; rewrite /f big_nil. | |
by apply: (continuity_eq Hf); exact: continuity_const. | |
set f := fun _ => _. | |
case Hpa: (P a). | |
have Hf: (fun x => F a x + \sum_(i <- l | P i) F i x)%R =1 f. | |
by move=> x; rewrite /f big_cons Hpa. | |
apply: (continuity_eq Hf); apply: continuity_plus=> //. | |
exact: H. | |
have Hf: (fun x => \sum_(i <- l | P i) F i x)%R =1 f. | |
by move=> x; rewrite /f big_cons Hpa. | |
exact: (continuity_eq Hf). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma continuity_exp f n: continuity f -> continuity (fun x => (f x)^+ n)%R. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Hf; elim: n=> [|n IHn]; first exact: continuity_const. | |
set g:= fun _ => _. | |
have Hg: (fun x=> f x * f x ^+ n)%R =1 g. | |
by move=> x; rewrite /g exprS. | |
by apply: (continuity_eq Hg); exact: continuity_mult. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Rreal_closed_axiom : Num.real_closed_axiom R_numDomainType. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p a b; rewrite !le_eqVlt. | |
case Hpa: ((p.[a])%R == 0%R). | |
by move=> ? _ ; exists a=> //; rewrite lexx le_eqVlt. | |
case Hpb: ((p.[b])%R == 0%R). | |
by move=> ? _; exists b=> //; rewrite lexx le_eqVlt andbT. | |
case Hab: (a == b). | |
by move=> _; rewrite (eqP Hab) eq_sym Hpb (ltNge 0) /=; case/andP=> /ltW ->. | |
rewrite eq_sym Hpb /=; clear=> /RltbP Hab /andP [] /RltbP Hpa /RltbP Hpb. | |
suff Hcp: continuity (fun x => (p.[x])%R). | |
have [z [[Hza Hzb] /eqP Hz2]]:= IVT _ a b Hcp Hab Hpa Hpb. | |
by exists z=> //; apply/andP; split; apply/RlebP. | |
rewrite -[p]coefK poly_def. | |
set f := fun _ => _. | |
have Hf: (fun (x : R) => \sum_(i < size p) (p`_i * x^+i))%R =1 f. | |
move=> x; rewrite /f horner_sum. | |
by apply: eq_bigr=> i _; rewrite hornerZ hornerXn. | |
apply: (continuity_eq Hf); apply: continuity_sum=> i _. | |
apply:continuity_scal; apply: continuity_exp=> x esp Hesp. | |
by exists esp; split=> // y []. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical R_rcfType := RcfType R Rreal_closed_axiom. | |
(* Canonical R_realClosedArchiFieldType := [realClosedArchiFieldType of R]. *) | |
End ssreal_struct. | |
Local Open Scope ring_scope. | |
Require Import reals boolp classical_sets. | |
Section ssreal_struct_contd. | |
Implicit Type E : set R. | |
Lemma is_upper_boundE E x : is_upper_bound E x = (ubound E) x. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite propeqE; split; [move=> h|move=> /ubP h y Ey; exact/RleP/h]. | |
by apply/ubP => y Ey; apply/RleP/h. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma boundE E : bound E = has_ubound E. | |
Proof. by apply/eq_exists=> x; rewrite is_upper_boundE. Qed. | |
Lemma Rcondcomplete E : has_sup E -> {m | isLub E m}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> [E0 uE]; have := completeness E; rewrite boundE => /(_ uE E0)[x [E1 E2]]. | |
exists x; split; first by rewrite -is_upper_boundE; apply: E1. | |
by move=> y; rewrite -is_upper_boundE => /E2/RleP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Rsupremums_neq0 E : has_sup E -> (supremums E !=set0)%classic. | |
Proof. by move=> /Rcondcomplete[x [? ?]]; exists x. Qed. | |
Lemma Rsup_isLub x0 E : has_sup E -> isLub E (supremum x0 E). | |
Proof. | |
have [-> [/set0P]|E0 hsE] := eqVneq E set0; first by rewrite eqxx. | |
have [s [Es sE]] := Rcondcomplete hsE. | |
split => x Ex; first by apply/ge_supremum_Nmem=> //; exact: Rsupremums_neq0. | |
rewrite /supremum (negbTE E0); case: xgetP => /=. | |
by move=> _ -> [_ EsE]; apply/EsE. | |
by have [y Ey /(_ y)] := Rsupremums_neq0 hsE. | |
Qed. | |
(* :TODO: rewrite like this using (a fork of?) Coquelicot *) | |
(* Lemma real_sup_adherent (E : pred R) : real_sup E \in closure E. *) | |
Lemma real_sup_adherent x0 E (eps : R) : (0 < eps) -> | |
has_sup E -> exists2 e, E e & (supremum x0 E - eps) < e. | |
Proof. | |
move=> eps_gt0 supE; set m := _ - eps; apply: contrapT=> mNsmall. | |
have : (ubound E) m. | |
apply/ubP => y Ey. | |
by have /negP := mNsmall (ex_intro2 _ _ y Ey _); rewrite -leNgt. | |
have [_ /(_ m)] := Rsup_isLub x0 supE. | |
move => m_big /m_big. | |
by rewrite -subr_ge0 addrC addKr oppr_ge0 leNgt eps_gt0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Rsup_ub x0 E : has_sup E -> (ubound E) (supremum x0 E). | |
Proof. | |
by move=> supE x Ex; apply/ge_supremum_Nmem => //; exact: Rsupremums_neq0. | |
Qed. | |
Definition real_realMixin : Real.mixin_of _ := | |
RealMixin (@Rsup_ub (0 : R)) (real_sup_adherent 0). | |
Canonical real_realType := RealType R real_realMixin. | |
Implicit Types (x y : R) (m n : nat). | |
(* equational lemmas about exp, sin and cos for mathcomp compat *) | |
(* Require Import realsum. *) | |
(* :TODO: One day, do this *) | |
(* Notation "\Sum_ i E" := (psum (fun i => E)) *) | |
(* (at level 100, i ident, format "\Sum_ i E") : ring_scope. *) | |
(* Definition exp x := \Sum_n (n`!)%:R^-1 * x ^ n. *) | |
Lemma expR0 : exp (0 : R) = 1. | |
Proof. by rewrite exp_0. Qed. | |
Lemma expRD x y : exp x * exp y = exp (x + y). | |
Proof. by rewrite exp_plus. Qed. | |
Lemma expRX x n : exp x ^+ n = exp (x *+ n). | |
Proof. | |
elim: n => [|n Ihn]; first by rewrite expr0 mulr0n exp_0. | |
by rewrite exprS Ihn mulrS expRD. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sinD x y : sin (x + y) = sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y. | |
Proof. by rewrite sin_plus. Qed. | |
Lemma cosD x y : cos (x + y) = (cos x * cos y - sin x * sin y). | |
Proof. by rewrite cos_plus. Qed. | |
Lemma RplusE x y : Rplus x y = x + y. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma RminusE x y : Rminus x y = x - y. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma RmultE x y : Rmult x y = x * y. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma RoppE x : Ropp x = - x. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma RinvE x : x != 0 -> Rinv x = x^-1. | |
Proof. by move=> x_neq0; rewrite -[RHS]/(if _ then _ else _) x_neq0. Qed. | |
Lemma RdivE x y : y != 0 -> Rdiv x y = x / y. | |
Proof. by move=> y_neq0; rewrite /Rdiv RinvE. Qed. | |
Lemma INRE n : INR n = n%:R. | |
Proof. elim: n => // n IH; by rewrite S_INR IH RplusE -addn1 natrD. Qed. | |
Lemma RsqrtE x : 0 <= x -> sqrt x = Num.sqrt x. | |
Proof. | |
move => x0; apply/eqP; have [t1 t2] := conj (sqrtr_ge0 x) (sqrt_pos x). | |
rewrite eq_sym -(eqr_expn2 (_: 0 < 2)%N t1) //; last by apply /RleP. | |
rewrite sqr_sqrtr // !exprS expr0 mulr1 -RmultE ?sqrt_sqrt //; by apply/RleP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma RpowE x n : pow x n = x ^+ n. | |
Proof. by elim: n => [ | n In] //=; rewrite exprS In RmultE. Qed. | |
Lemma RmaxE x y : Rmax x y = Num.max x y. | |
Proof. | |
case: (lerP x y) => H; first by rewrite Rmax_right //; apply: RlebP. | |
by rewrite ?ltW // Rmax_left //; apply/RlebP; move/ltW : H. | |
Qed. | |
(* useful? *) | |
Lemma RminE x y : Rmin x y = Num.min x y. | |
Proof. | |
case: (lerP x y) => H; first by rewrite Rmin_left //; apply: RlebP. | |
by rewrite ?ltW // Rmin_right //; apply/RlebP; move/ltW : H. | |
Qed. | |
Section bigmaxr. | |
Context {R : realDomainType}. | |
(* bigop pour le max pour des listes non vides ? *) | |
Definition bigmaxr (r : R) s := \big[Num.max/head r s]_(i <- s) i. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_nil (x0 : R) : bigmaxr x0 [::] = x0. | |
Proof. by rewrite /bigmaxr /= big_nil. Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_un (x0 x : R) : bigmaxr x0 [:: x] = x. | |
Proof. by rewrite /bigmaxr /= big_cons big_nil maxxx. Qed. | |
(* previous definition *) | |
Lemma bigmaxrE (r : R) s : bigmaxr r s = foldr Num.max (head r s) (behead s). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite (_ : bigmaxr _ _ = if s isn't h :: t then r else \big[Num.max/h]_(i <- s) i). | |
case: s => // ? t; rewrite big_cons /bigmaxr. | |
by elim: t => //= [|? ? <-]; [rewrite big_nil maxxx | rewrite big_cons maxCA]. | |
by case: s => //=; rewrite /bigmaxr big_nil. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigrmax_dflt (x y : R) s : Num.max x (\big[Num.max/x]_(j <- y :: s) j) = | |
Num.max x (\big[Num.max/y]_(i <- y :: s) i). | |
Proof. | |
elim: s => /= [|h t IH] in x y *. | |
by rewrite !big_cons !big_nil maxxx maxCA maxxx maxC. | |
by rewrite big_cons maxCA IH maxCA [in RHS]big_cons IH. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_cons (x0 x y : R) lr : | |
bigmaxr x0 (x :: y :: lr) = Num.max x (bigmaxr x0 (y :: lr)). | |
Proof. by rewrite [y :: lr]lock /bigmaxr /= -lock big_cons bigrmax_dflt. Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_ler (x0 : R) s i : | |
(i < size s)%N -> (nth x0 s i) <= (bigmaxr x0 s). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /bigmaxr; elim: s i => // h t IH [_|i] /=. | |
by rewrite big_cons /= le_maxr lexx. | |
rewrite ltnS => ti; case: t => [|h' t] // in IH ti *. | |
by rewrite big_cons bigrmax_dflt le_maxr orbC IH. | |
Qed. | |
(* Compatibilité avec l'addition *) | |
Lemma bigmaxr_addr (x0 : R) lr (x : R) : | |
bigmaxr (x0 + x) (map (fun y : R => y + x) lr) = (bigmaxr x0 lr) + x. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /bigmaxr; case: lr => [|h t]; first by rewrite !big_nil. | |
elim: t h => /= [|h' t IH] h; first by rewrite ?(big_cons,big_nil) -addr_maxl. | |
by rewrite [in RHS]big_cons bigrmax_dflt addr_maxl -IH big_cons bigrmax_dflt. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_mem (x0 : R) lr : (0 < size lr)%N -> bigmaxr x0 lr \in lr. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /bigmaxr; case: lr => // h t _. | |
elim: t => //= [|h' t IH] in h *; first by rewrite big_cons big_nil inE maxxx. | |
rewrite big_cons bigrmax_dflt inE eq_le; case: lerP => /=. | |
- by rewrite le_maxr lexx. | |
- by rewrite lt_maxr ltxx => ?; rewrite max_r ?IH // ltW. | |
Qed. | |
(* TODO: bigmaxr_morph? *) | |
Lemma bigmaxr_mulr (A : finType) (s : seq A) (k : R) (x : A -> R) : | |
0 <= k -> bigmaxr 0 (map (fun i => k * x i) s) = k * bigmaxr 0 (map x s). | |
Proof. | |
move=> k0; elim: s => /= [|h [/=|h' t ih]]. | |
by rewrite bigmaxr_nil mulr0. | |
by rewrite !bigmaxr_un. | |
by rewrite bigmaxr_cons {}ih bigmaxr_cons maxr_pmulr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_index (x0 : R) lr : | |
(0 < size lr)%N -> (index (bigmaxr x0 lr) lr < size lr)%N. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /bigmaxr; case: lr => //= h t _; case: ifPn => // /negbTE H. | |
move: (@bigmaxr_mem x0 (h :: t) isT). | |
by rewrite ltnS index_mem inE /= eq_sym H. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_lerP (x0 : R) lr (x : R) : | |
(0 < size lr)%N -> | |
reflect (forall i, (i < size lr)%N -> (nth x0 lr i) <= x) ((bigmaxr x0 lr) <= x). | |
Proof. | |
move=> lr_size; apply: (iffP idP) => [le_x i i_size | H]. | |
by apply: (le_trans _ le_x); apply: bigmaxr_ler. | |
by move/(nthP x0): (bigmaxr_mem x0 lr_size) => [i i_size <-]; apply: H. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxr_ltrP (x0 : R) lr (x : R) : | |
(0 < size lr)%N -> | |
reflect (forall i, (i < size lr)%N -> (nth x0 lr i) < x) ((bigmaxr x0 lr) < x). | |
Proof. | |
move=> lr_size; apply: (iffP idP) => [lt_x i i_size | H]. | |
by apply: le_lt_trans lt_x; apply: bigmaxr_ler. | |
by move/(nthP x0): (bigmaxr_mem x0 lr_size) => [i i_size <-]; apply: H. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bigmaxrP (x0 : R) lr (x : R) : | |
(x \in lr /\ forall i, (i < size lr) %N -> (nth x0 lr i) <= x) -> (bigmaxr x0 lr = x). | |
Proof. | |
move=> [] /(nthP x0) [] j j_size j_nth x_ler; apply: le_anti; apply/andP; split. | |
by apply/bigmaxr_lerP => //; apply: (leq_trans _ j_size). | |
by rewrite -j_nth (bigmaxr_ler _ j_size). | |
Qed. | |
(* surement à supprimer à la fin | |
Lemma bigmaxc_lttc x0 lc : | |
uniq lc -> forall i, (i < size lc)%N -> (i != index (bigmaxc x0 lc) lc) | |
-> lttc (nth x0 lc i) (bigmaxc x0 lc). | |
Proof. | |
move=> lc_uniq Hi size_i /negP neq_i. | |
rewrite lttc_neqAle (bigmaxc_letc _ size_i) andbT. | |
apply/negP => /eqP H; apply: neq_i; rewrite -H eq_sym; apply/eqP. | |
by apply: index_uniq. | |
Qed. *) | |
Lemma bigmaxr_lerif (x0 : R) lr : | |
uniq lr -> forall i, (i < size lr)%N -> | |
(nth x0 lr i) <= (bigmaxr x0 lr) ?= iff (i == index (bigmaxr x0 lr) lr). | |
Proof. | |
move=> lr_uniq i i_size; rewrite /Num.leif (bigmaxr_ler _ i_size). | |
rewrite -(nth_uniq x0 i_size (bigmaxr_index _ (leq_trans _ i_size)) lr_uniq) //. | |
rewrite nth_index //. | |
by apply: bigmaxr_mem; apply: (leq_trans _ i_size). | |
Qed. | |
(* bigop pour le max pour des listes non vides ? *) | |
Definition bmaxrf n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) := | |
bigmaxr (f ord0) (codom f). | |
Lemma bmaxrf_ler n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) i : | |
(f i) <= (bmaxrf f). | |
Proof. | |
move: (@bigmaxr_ler (f ord0) (codom f) (nat_of_ord i)). | |
rewrite /bmaxrf size_codom card_ord => H; move: (ltn_ord i); move/H. | |
suff -> : nth (f ord0) (codom f) i = f i; first by []. | |
by rewrite /codom (nth_map ord0) ?size_enum_ord // nth_ord_enum. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bmaxrf_index n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) : | |
(index (bmaxrf f) (codom f) < n.+1)%N. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /bmaxrf. | |
rewrite [in X in (_ < X)%N](_ : n.+1 = size (codom f)); last first. | |
by rewrite size_codom card_ord. | |
by apply: bigmaxr_index; rewrite size_codom card_ord. | |
Qed. | |
Definition index_bmaxrf n f := Ordinal (@bmaxrf_index n f). | |
Lemma ordnat i n (ord_i : (i < n)%N) : i = Ordinal ord_i :> nat. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma eq_index_bmaxrf n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) : | |
f (index_bmaxrf f) = bmaxrf f. | |
Proof. | |
move: (bmaxrf_index f). | |
rewrite -[X in _ (_ < X)%N]card_ord -(size_codom f) index_mem. | |
move/(nth_index (f ord0)) => <-; rewrite (nth_map ord0). | |
by rewrite (ordnat (bmaxrf_index _)) /index_bmaxrf nth_ord_enum. | |
by rewrite size_enum_ord; apply: bmaxrf_index. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma bmaxrf_lerif n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) : | |
injective f -> forall i, | |
(f i) <= (bmaxrf f) ?= iff (i == index_bmaxrf f). | |
Proof. | |
by move=> inj_f i; rewrite /Num.leif bmaxrf_ler -(inj_eq inj_f) eq_index_bmaxrf. | |
Qed. | |
End bigmaxr. | |
End ssreal_struct_contd. | |
Require Import signed topology normedtype. | |
Section analysis_struct. | |
Canonical R_pointedType := [pointedType of R for pointed_of_zmodule R_ringType]. | |
Canonical R_filteredType := | |
[filteredType R of R for filtered_of_normedZmod R_normedZmodType]. | |
Canonical R_topologicalType : topologicalType := TopologicalType R | |
(topologyOfEntourageMixin | |
(uniformityOfBallMixin | |
(@nbhs_ball_normE _ R_normedZmodType) | |
(pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType))). | |
Canonical R_uniformType : uniformType := | |
UniformType R | |
(uniformityOfBallMixin (@nbhs_ball_normE _ R_normedZmodType) | |
(pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType)). | |
Canonical R_pseudoMetricType : pseudoMetricType R_numDomainType := | |
PseudoMetricType R (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType). | |
(* TODO: express using ball?*) | |
Lemma continuity_pt_nbhs (f : R -> R) x : | |
continuity_pt f x <-> | |
forall eps : {posnum R}, nbhs x (fun u => `|f u - f x| < eps%:num). | |
Proof. | |
split=> [fcont e|fcont _/RltP/posnumP[e]]; last first. | |
have [_/posnumP[d] xd_fxe] := fcont e. | |
exists d%:num; split; first by apply/RltP; have := [gt0 of d%:num]. | |
by move=> y [_ /RltP yxd]; apply/RltP/xd_fxe; rewrite /= distrC. | |
have /RltP egt0 := [gt0 of e%:num]. | |
have [_ [/RltP/posnumP[d] dx_fxe]] := fcont e%:num egt0. | |
exists d%:num => //= y xyd; case: (eqVneq x y) => [->|xney]. | |
by rewrite subrr normr0. | |
apply/RltP/dx_fxe; split; first by split=> //; apply/eqP. | |
by have /RltP := xyd; rewrite distrC. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma continuity_pt_cvg (f : R -> R) (x : R) : | |
continuity_pt f x <-> {for x, continuous f}. | |
Proof. | |
eapply iff_trans; first exact: continuity_pt_nbhs. | |
apply iff_sym. | |
have FF : Filter (f @ x). | |
by typeclasses eauto. | |
(*by apply fmap_filter; apply: @filter_filter' (locally_filter _).*) | |
case: (@cvg_ballP _ _ (f @ x) FF (f x)) => {FF}H1 H2. | |
(* TODO: in need for lemmas and/or refactoring of already existing lemmas (ball vs. Rabs) *) | |
split => [{H2} - /H1 {}H1 eps|{H1} H]. | |
- have {H1} [//|_/posnumP[x0] Hx0] := H1 eps%:num. | |
exists x0%:num => //= Hx0' /Hx0 /=. | |
by rewrite /= distrC; apply. | |
- apply H2 => _ /posnumP[eps]; move: (H eps) => {H} [_ /posnumP[x0] Hx0]. | |
exists x0%:num => //= y /Hx0 /= {}Hx0. | |
by rewrite /ball /= distrC. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma continuity_ptE (f : R -> R) (x : R) : | |
continuity_pt f x <-> {for x, continuous f}. | |
Proof. exact: continuity_pt_cvg. Qed. | |
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. | |
Lemma continuity_pt_cvg' f x : | |
continuity_pt f x <-> f @ x^' --> f x. | |
Proof. by rewrite continuity_ptE continuous_withinNx. Qed. | |
Lemma continuity_pt_dnbhs f x : | |
continuity_pt f x <-> | |
forall eps, 0 < eps -> x^' (fun u => `|f x - f u| < eps). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite continuity_pt_cvg' (@cvg_distP _ [normedModType _ of R^o]). | |
exact. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma nbhs_pt_comp (P : R -> Prop) (f : R -> R) (x : R) : | |
nbhs (f x) P -> continuity_pt f x -> \near x, P (f x). | |
Proof. by move=> Lf /continuity_pt_cvg; apply. Qed. | |
End analysis_struct. | |