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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* This file contains the definitions of: *) | |
(* choiceType == interface for types with a choice operator. *) | |
(* countType == interface for countable types (implies choiceType). *) | |
(* subCountType == interface for types that are both subType and countType. *) | |
(* xchoose exP == a standard x such that P x, given exP : exists x : T, P x *) | |
(* when T is a choiceType. The choice depends only on the *) | |
(* extent of P (in particular, it is independent of exP). *) | |
(* choose P x0 == if P x0, a standard x such that P x. *) | |
(* pickle x == a nat encoding the value x : T, where T is a countType. *) | |
(* unpickle n == a partial inverse to pickle: unpickle (pickle x) = Some x *) | |
(* pickle_inv n == a sharp partial inverse to pickle pickle_inv n = Some x *) | |
(* if and only if pickle x = n. *) | |
(* choiceMixin T == type of choice mixins; the exact contents is *) | |
(* documented below in the Choice submodule. *) | |
(* ChoiceType T m == the packed choiceType class for T and mixin m. *) | |
(* [choiceType of T for cT] == clone for T of the choiceType cT. *) | |
(* [choiceType of T] == clone for T of the choiceType inferred for T. *) | |
(* CountType T m == the packed countType class for T and mixin m. *) | |
(* [countType of T for cT] == clone for T of the countType cT. *) | |
(* [count Type of T] == clone for T of the countType inferred for T. *) | |
(* [choiceMixin of T by <:] == Choice mixin for T when T has a subType p *) | |
(* structure with p : pred cT and cT has a Choice *) | |
(* structure; the corresponding structure is Canonical.*) | |
(* [countMixin of T by <:] == Count mixin for a subType T of a countType. *) | |
(* PcanChoiceMixin fK == Choice mixin for T, given f : T -> cT where cT has *) | |
(* a Choice structure, a left inverse partial function *) | |
(* g and fK : pcancel f g. *) | |
(* CanChoiceMixin fK == Choice mixin for T, given f : T -> cT, g and *) | |
(* fK : cancel f g. *) | |
(* PcanCountMixin fK == Count mixin for T, given f : T -> cT where cT has *) | |
(* a Countable structure, a left inverse partial *) | |
(* function g and fK : pcancel f g. *) | |
(* CanCountMixin fK == Count mixin for T, given f : T -> cT, g and *) | |
(* fK : cancel f g. *) | |
(* GenTree.tree T == generic n-ary tree type with nat-labeled nodes and *) | |
(* T-labeled leaves, for example GenTree.Leaf (x : T), *) | |
(* GenTree.Node 5 [:: t; t']. GenTree.tree is equipped *) | |
(* with canonical eqType, choiceType, and countType *) | |
(* instances, and so simple datatypes can be similarly *) | |
(* equipped by encoding into GenTree.tree and using *) | |
(* the mixins above. *) | |
(* CodeSeq.code == bijection from seq nat to nat. *) | |
(* CodeSeq.decode == bijection inverse to CodeSeq.code. *) | |
(* In addition to the lemmas relevant to these definitions, this file also *) | |
(* contains definitions of a Canonical choiceType and countType instances for *) | |
(* all basic datatypes (e.g., nat, bool, subTypes, pairs, sums, etc.). *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
(* Technical definitions about coding and decoding of nat sequences, which *) | |
(* are used below to define various Canonical instances of the choice and *) | |
(* countable interfaces. *) | |
Module CodeSeq. | |
(* Goedel-style one-to-one encoding of seq nat into nat. *) | |
(* The code for [:: n1; ...; nk] has binary representation *) | |
(* 1 0 ... 0 1 ... 1 0 ... 0 1 0 ... 0 *) | |
(* <-----> <-----> <-----> *) | |
(* nk 0s n2 0s n1 0s *) | |
Definition code := foldr (fun n m => 2 ^ n * m.*2.+1) 0. | |
Fixpoint decode_rec (v q r : nat) {struct q} := | |
match q, r with | |
| 0, _ => [:: v] | |
| q'.+1, 0 => v :: [rec 0, q', q'] | |
| q'.+1, 1 => [rec v.+1, q', q'] | |
| q'.+1, r'.+2 => [rec v, q', r'] | |
end where "[ 'rec' v , q , r ]" := (decode_rec v q r). | |
Arguments decode_rec : simpl nomatch. | |
Definition decode n := if n is 0 then [::] else [rec 0, n.-1, n.-1]. | |
Lemma decodeK : cancel decode code. | |
Proof. | |
have m2s: forall n, n.*2 - n = n by move=> n; rewrite -addnn addnK. | |
case=> //= n; rewrite -[n.+1]mul1n -(expn0 2) -[n in RHS]m2s. | |
elim: n {2 4}n {1 3}0 => [|q IHq] [|[|r]] v //=; rewrite {}IHq ?mul1n ?m2s //. | |
by rewrite expnSr -mulnA mul2n. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma codeK : cancel code decode. | |
Proof. | |
elim=> //= v s IHs; rewrite -[_ * _]prednK ?muln_gt0 ?expn_gt0 //=. | |
set two := 2; rewrite -[v in RHS]addn0; elim: v 0 => [|v IHv {IHs}] q. | |
rewrite mul1n add0n /= -{}[in RHS]IHs; case: (code s) => // u; pose n := u.+1. | |
by transitivity [rec q, n + u.+1, n.*2]; [rewrite addnn | elim: n => //=]. | |
rewrite expnS -mulnA mul2n -{1}addnn -[_ * _]prednK ?muln_gt0 ?expn_gt0 //. | |
set u := _.-1 in IHv *; set n := u; rewrite [in u1 in _ + u1]/n. | |
by rewrite [in RHS]addSnnS -{}IHv; elim: n. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma ltn_code s : all (fun j => j < code s) s. | |
Proof. | |
elim: s => //= i s IHs; rewrite -[_.+1]muln1 leq_mul 1?ltn_expl //=. | |
apply: sub_all IHs => j /leqW lejs; rewrite -[j.+1]mul1n leq_mul ?expn_gt0 //. | |
by rewrite ltnS -[j]mul1n -mul2n leq_mul. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma gtn_decode n : all (ltn^~ n) (decode n). | |
Proof. by rewrite -{1}[n]decodeK ltn_code. Qed. | |
End CodeSeq. | |
Section OtherEncodings. | |
(* Miscellaneous encodings: option T -c-> seq T, T1 * T2 -c-> {i : T1 & T2} *) | |
(* T1 + T2 -c-> option T1 * option T2, unit -c-> bool; bool -c-> nat is *) | |
(* already covered in ssrnat by the nat_of_bool coercion, the odd predicate, *) | |
(* and their "cancellation" lemma oddb. We use these encodings to propagate *) | |
(* canonical structures through these type constructors so that ultimately *) | |
(* all Choice and Countable instanced derive from nat and the seq and sigT *) | |
(* constructors. *) | |
Variables T T1 T2 : Type. | |
Definition seq_of_opt := @oapp T _ (nseq 1) [::]. | |
Lemma seq_of_optK : cancel seq_of_opt ohead. Proof. by case. Qed. | |
Definition tag_of_pair (p : T1 * T2) := @Tagged T1 p.1 (fun _ => T2) p.2. | |
Definition pair_of_tag (u : {i : T1 & T2}) := (tag u, tagged u). | |
Lemma tag_of_pairK : cancel tag_of_pair pair_of_tag. Proof. by case. Qed. | |
Lemma pair_of_tagK : cancel pair_of_tag tag_of_pair. Proof. by case. Qed. | |
Definition opair_of_sum (s : T1 + T2) := | |
match s with inl x => (Some x, None) | inr y => (None, Some y) end. | |
Definition sum_of_opair p := | |
oapp (some \o @inr T1 T2) (omap (@inl _ T2) p.1) p.2. | |
Lemma opair_of_sumK : pcancel opair_of_sum sum_of_opair. Proof. by case. Qed. | |
Lemma bool_of_unitK : cancel (fun _ => true) (fun _ => tt). | |
Proof. by case. Qed. | |
End OtherEncodings. | |
Prenex Implicits seq_of_opt tag_of_pair pair_of_tag opair_of_sum sum_of_opair. | |
Prenex Implicits seq_of_optK tag_of_pairK pair_of_tagK opair_of_sumK. | |
(* Generic variable-arity tree type, providing an encoding target for *) | |
(* miscellaneous user datatypes. The GenTree.tree type can be combined with *) | |
(* a sigT type to model multi-sorted concrete datatypes. *) | |
Module GenTree. | |
Section Def. | |
Variable T : Type. | |
Unset Elimination Schemes. | |
Inductive tree := Leaf of T | Node of nat & seq tree. | |
Definition tree_rect K IH_leaf IH_node := | |
fix loop t : K t := match t with | |
| Leaf x => IH_leaf x | |
| Node n f0 => | |
let fix iter_pair f : foldr (fun t => prod (K t)) unit f := | |
if f is t :: f' then (loop t, iter_pair f') else tt in | |
IH_node n f0 (iter_pair f0) | |
end. | |
Definition tree_rec (K : tree -> Set) := @tree_rect K. | |
Definition tree_ind K IH_leaf IH_node := | |
fix loop t : K t : Prop := match t with | |
| Leaf x => IH_leaf x | |
| Node n f0 => | |
let fix iter_conj f : foldr (fun t => and (K t)) True f := | |
if f is t :: f' then conj (loop t) (iter_conj f') else Logic.I | |
in IH_node n f0 (iter_conj f0) | |
end. | |
Fixpoint encode t : seq (nat + T) := | |
match t with | |
| Leaf x => [:: inr _ x] | |
| Node n f => inl _ n.+1 :: rcons (flatten (map encode f)) (inl _ 0) | |
end. | |
Definition decode_step c fs := | |
match c with | |
| inr x => (Leaf x :: fs.1, fs.2) | |
| inl 0 => ([::], fs.1 :: fs.2) | |
| inl n.+1 => (Node n fs.1 :: head [::] fs.2, behead fs.2) | |
end. | |
Definition decode c := ohead (foldr decode_step ([::], [::]) c).1. | |
Lemma codeK : pcancel encode decode. | |
Proof. | |
move=> t; rewrite /decode; set fs := (_, _). | |
suffices ->: foldr decode_step fs (encode t) = (t :: fs.1, fs.2) by []. | |
elim: t => //= n f IHt in (fs) *; elim: f IHt => //= t f IHf []. | |
by rewrite rcons_cat foldr_cat => -> /= /IHf[-> -> ->]. | |
Qed. | |
End Def. | |
End GenTree. | |
Arguments GenTree.codeK : clear implicits. | |
Definition tree_eqMixin (T : eqType) := PcanEqMixin (GenTree.codeK T). | |
Canonical tree_eqType (T : eqType) := EqType (GenTree.tree T) (tree_eqMixin T). | |
(* Structures for Types with a choice function, and for Types with countably *) | |
(* many elements. The two concepts are closely linked: we indeed make *) | |
(* Countable a subclass of Choice, as countable choice is valid in CiC. This *) | |
(* apparent redundancy is needed to ensure the consistency of the Canonical *) | |
(* inference, as the canonical Choice for a given type may differ from the *) | |
(* countable choice for its canonical Countable structure, e.g., for options. *) | |
(* The Choice interface exposes two choice functions; for T : choiceType *) | |
(* and P : pred T, we provide: *) | |
(* xchoose : (exists x, P x) -> T *) | |
(* choose : pred T -> T -> T *) | |
(* While P (xchoose exP) will always hold, P (choose P x0) will be true if *) | |
(* and only if P x0 holds. Both xchoose and choose are extensional in P and *) | |
(* do not depend on the witness exP or x0 (provided P x0 holds). Note that *) | |
(* xchoose is slightly more powerful, but less convenient to use. *) | |
(* However, neither choose nor xchoose are composable: it would not be *) | |
(* be possible to extend the Choice structure to arbitrary pairs using only *) | |
(* these functions, for instance. Internally, the interfaces provides a *) | |
(* subtly stronger operation, Choice.InternalTheory.find, which performs a *) | |
(* limited search using an integer parameter only rather than a full value as *) | |
(* [x]choose does. This is not a restriction in a constructive theory, where *) | |
(* all types are concrete and hence countable. In the case of an axiomatic *) | |
(* theory, such as that of the Coq reals library, postulating a suitable *) | |
(* axiom of choice suppresses the need for guidance. Nevertheless this *) | |
(* operation is just what is needed to make the Choice interface compose. *) | |
(* The Countable interface provides three functions; for T : countType we *) | |
(* get pickle : T -> nat, and unpickle, pickle_inv : nat -> option T. *) | |
(* The functions provide an effective embedding of T in nat: unpickle is a *) | |
(* left inverse to pickle, which satisfies pcancel pickle unpickle, i.e., *) | |
(* unpickle \o pickle =1 some; pickle_inv is a more precise inverse for which *) | |
(* we also have ocancel pickle_inv pickle. Both unpickle and pickle need to *) | |
(* be partial functions to allow for possibly empty types such as {x | P x}. *) | |
(* The names of these functions underline the correspondence with the *) | |
(* notion of "Serializable" types in programming languages. *) | |
(* Finally, we need to provide a join class to let type inference unify *) | |
(* subType and countType class constraints, e.g., for a countable subType of *) | |
(* an uncountable choiceType (the issue does not arise earlier with eqType or *) | |
(* choiceType because in practice the base type of an Equality/Choice subType *) | |
(* is always an Equality/Choice Type). *) | |
Module Choice. | |
Section ClassDef. | |
Record mixin_of T := Mixin { | |
find : pred T -> nat -> option T; | |
_ : forall P n x, find P n = Some x -> P x; | |
_ : forall P : pred T, (exists x, P x) -> exists n, find P n; | |
_ : forall P Q : pred T, P =1 Q -> find P =1 find Q | |
}. | |
Set Primitive Projections. | |
Record class_of T := Class {base : Equality.class_of T; mixin : mixin_of T}. | |
Unset Primitive Projections. | |
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> Equality.class_of. | |
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}. | |
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass. | |
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type). | |
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c. | |
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack T c. | |
Definition pack m := | |
fun b bT & phant_id (Equality.class bT) b => Pack (@Class T b m). | |
(* Inheritance *) | |
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class. | |
End ClassDef. | |
Module Import Exports. | |
Coercion base : class_of >-> Equality.class_of. | |
Coercion mixin : class_of >-> mixin_of. | |
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass. | |
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type. | |
Canonical eqType. | |
Notation choiceType := type. | |
Notation choiceMixin := mixin_of. | |
Notation ChoiceType T m := (@pack T m _ _ id). | |
Notation "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ idfun) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope. | |
Notation "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope. | |
End Exports. | |
Module InternalTheory. | |
Section InternalTheory. | |
(* Inner choice function. *) | |
Definition find T := find (mixin (class T)). | |
Variable T : choiceType. | |
Implicit Types P Q : pred T. | |
Lemma correct P n x : find P n = Some x -> P x. | |
Proof. by case: T => _ [_ []] //= in P n x *. Qed. | |
Lemma complete P : (exists x, P x) -> (exists n, find P n). | |
Proof. by case: T => _ [_ []] //= in P *. Qed. | |
Lemma extensional P Q : P =1 Q -> find P =1 find Q. | |
Proof. by case: T => _ [_ []] //= in P Q *. Qed. | |
Fact xchoose_subproof P exP : {x | find P (ex_minn (@complete P exP)) = Some x}. | |
Proof. | |
by case: (ex_minnP (complete exP)) => n; case: (find P n) => // x; exists x. | |
Qed. | |
End InternalTheory. | |
End InternalTheory. | |
End Choice. | |
Export Choice.Exports. | |
Section ChoiceTheory. | |
Implicit Type T : choiceType. | |
Import Choice.InternalTheory CodeSeq. | |
Local Notation dc := decode. | |
Section OneType. | |
Variable T : choiceType. | |
Implicit Types P Q : pred T. | |
Definition xchoose P exP := sval (@xchoose_subproof T P exP). | |
Lemma xchooseP P exP : P (@xchoose P exP). | |
Proof. by rewrite /xchoose; case: (xchoose_subproof exP) => x /= /correct. Qed. | |
Lemma eq_xchoose P Q exP exQ : P =1 Q -> @xchoose P exP = @xchoose Q exQ. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /xchoose => eqPQ. | |
case: (xchoose_subproof exP) => x; case: (xchoose_subproof exQ) => y /=. | |
case: ex_minnP => n; rewrite -(extensional eqPQ) => Pn minQn. | |
case: ex_minnP => m; rewrite !(extensional eqPQ) => Qm minPm. | |
by case: (eqVneq m n) => [-> -> [] //|]; rewrite eqn_leq minQn ?minPm. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sigW P : (exists x, P x) -> {x | P x}. | |
Proof. by move=> exP; exists (xchoose exP); apply: xchooseP. Qed. | |
Lemma sig2W P Q : (exists2 x, P x & Q x) -> {x | P x & Q x}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> exPQ; have [|x /andP[]] := @sigW (predI P Q); last by exists x. | |
by have [x Px Qx] := exPQ; exists x; apply/andP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sig_eqW (vT : eqType) (lhs rhs : T -> vT) : | |
(exists x, lhs x = rhs x) -> {x | lhs x = rhs x}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> exP; suffices [x /eqP Ex]: {x | lhs x == rhs x} by exists x. | |
by apply: sigW; have [x /eqP Ex] := exP; exists x. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sig2_eqW (vT : eqType) (P : pred T) (lhs rhs : T -> vT) : | |
(exists2 x, P x & lhs x = rhs x) -> {x | P x & lhs x = rhs x}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> exP; suffices [x Px /eqP Ex]: {x | P x & lhs x == rhs x} by exists x. | |
by apply: sig2W; have [x Px /eqP Ex] := exP; exists x. | |
Qed. | |
Definition choose P x0 := | |
if insub x0 : {? x | P x} is Some (exist x Px) then | |
xchoose (ex_intro [eta P] x Px) | |
else x0. | |
Lemma chooseP P x0 : P x0 -> P (choose P x0). | |
Proof. by move=> Px0; rewrite /choose insubT xchooseP. Qed. | |
Lemma choose_id P x0 y0 : P x0 -> P y0 -> choose P x0 = choose P y0. | |
Proof. by move=> Px0 Py0; rewrite /choose !insubT /=; apply: eq_xchoose. Qed. | |
Lemma eq_choose P Q : P =1 Q -> choose P =1 choose Q. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /choose => eqPQ x0. | |
do [case: insubP; rewrite eqPQ] => [[x Px] Qx0 _| ?]; last by rewrite insubN. | |
by rewrite insubT; apply: eq_xchoose. | |
Qed. | |
Section CanChoice. | |
Variables (sT : Type) (f : sT -> T). | |
Lemma PcanChoiceMixin f' : pcancel f f' -> choiceMixin sT. | |
Proof. | |
move=> fK; pose liftP sP := [pred x | oapp sP false (f' x)]. | |
pose sf sP := [fun n => obind f' (find (liftP sP) n)]. | |
exists sf => [sP n x | sP [y sPy] | sP sQ eqPQ n] /=. | |
- by case Df: (find _ n) => //= [?] Dx; have:= correct Df; rewrite /= Dx. | |
- have [|n Pn] := @complete T (liftP sP); first by exists (f y); rewrite /= fK. | |
exists n; case Df: (find _ n) Pn => //= [x] _. | |
by have:= correct Df => /=; case: (f' x). | |
by congr (obind _ _); apply: extensional => x /=; case: (f' x) => /=. | |
Qed. | |
Definition CanChoiceMixin f' (fK : cancel f f') := | |
PcanChoiceMixin (can_pcan fK). | |
End CanChoice. | |
Section SubChoice. | |
Variables (P : pred T) (sT : subType P). | |
Definition sub_choiceMixin := PcanChoiceMixin (@valK T P sT). | |
Definition sub_choiceClass := @Choice.Class sT (sub_eqMixin sT) sub_choiceMixin. | |
Canonical sub_choiceType := Choice.Pack sub_choiceClass. | |
End SubChoice. | |
Fact seq_choiceMixin : choiceMixin (seq T). | |
Proof. | |
pose r f := [fun xs => fun x : T => f (x :: xs) : option (seq T)]. | |
pose fix f sP ns xs {struct ns} := | |
if ns is n :: ns1 then let fr := r (f sP ns1) xs in obind fr (find fr n) | |
else if sP xs then Some xs else None. | |
exists (fun sP nn => f sP (dc nn) nil) => [sP n ys | sP [ys] | sP sQ eqPQ n]. | |
- elim: {n}(dc n) nil => [|n ns IHs] xs /=; first by case: ifP => // sPxs [<-]. | |
by case: (find _ n) => //= [x]; apply: IHs. | |
- rewrite -(cats0 ys); elim/last_ind: ys nil => [|ys y IHs] xs /=. | |
by move=> sPxs; exists 0; rewrite /= sPxs. | |
rewrite cat_rcons => /IHs[n1 sPn1] {IHs}. | |
have /complete[n]: exists z, f sP (dc n1) (z :: xs) by exists y. | |
case Df: (find _ n)=> // [x] _; exists (code (n :: dc n1)). | |
by rewrite codeK /= Df /= (correct Df). | |
elim: {n}(dc n) nil => [|n ns IHs] xs /=; first by rewrite eqPQ. | |
rewrite (@extensional _ _ (r (f sQ ns) xs)) => [|x]; last by rewrite IHs. | |
by case: find => /=. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical seq_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType (seq T) seq_choiceMixin. | |
End OneType. | |
Section TagChoice. | |
Variables (I : choiceType) (T_ : I -> choiceType). | |
Fact tagged_choiceMixin : choiceMixin {i : I & T_ i}. | |
Proof. | |
pose mkT i (x : T_ i) := Tagged T_ x. | |
pose ft tP n i := omap (mkT i) (find (tP \o mkT i) n). | |
pose fi tP ni nt := obind (ft tP nt) (find (ft tP nt) ni). | |
pose f tP n := if dc n is [:: ni; nt] then fi tP ni nt else None. | |
exists f => [tP n u | tP [[i x] tPxi] | sP sQ eqPQ n]. | |
- rewrite /f /fi; case: (dc n) => [|ni [|nt []]] //=. | |
case: (find _ _) => //= [i]; rewrite /ft. | |
by case Df: (find _ _) => //= [x] [<-]; have:= correct Df. | |
- have /complete[nt tPnt]: exists y, (tP \o mkT i) y by exists x. | |
have{tPnt}: exists j, ft tP nt j by exists i; rewrite /ft; case: find tPnt. | |
case/complete=> ni tPn; exists (code [:: ni; nt]); rewrite /f codeK /fi. | |
by case Df: find tPn => //= [j] _; have:= correct Df. | |
rewrite /f /fi; case: (dc n) => [|ni [|nt []]] //=. | |
rewrite (@extensional _ _ (ft sQ nt)) => [|i]. | |
by case: find => //= i; congr (omap _ _); apply: extensional => x /=. | |
by congr (omap _ _); apply: extensional => x /=. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical tagged_choiceType := | |
Eval hnf in ChoiceType {i : I & T_ i} tagged_choiceMixin. | |
End TagChoice. | |
Fact nat_choiceMixin : choiceMixin nat. | |
Proof. | |
pose f := [fun (P : pred nat) n => if P n then Some n else None]. | |
exists f => [P n m | P [n Pn] | P Q eqPQ n] /=; last by rewrite eqPQ. | |
by case: ifP => // Pn [<-]. | |
by exists n; rewrite Pn. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical nat_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType nat nat_choiceMixin. | |
Definition bool_choiceMixin := CanChoiceMixin oddb. | |
Canonical bool_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType bool bool_choiceMixin. | |
Canonical bitseq_choiceType := Eval hnf in [choiceType of bitseq]. | |
Definition unit_choiceMixin := CanChoiceMixin bool_of_unitK. | |
Canonical unit_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType unit unit_choiceMixin. | |
Definition void_choiceMixin := PcanChoiceMixin (of_voidK unit). | |
Canonical void_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType void void_choiceMixin. | |
Definition option_choiceMixin T := CanChoiceMixin (@seq_of_optK T). | |
Canonical option_choiceType T := | |
Eval hnf in ChoiceType (option T) (option_choiceMixin T). | |
Definition sig_choiceMixin T (P : pred T) : choiceMixin {x | P x} := | |
sub_choiceMixin _. | |
Canonical sig_choiceType T (P : pred T) := | |
Eval hnf in ChoiceType {x | P x} (sig_choiceMixin P). | |
Definition prod_choiceMixin T1 T2 := CanChoiceMixin (@tag_of_pairK T1 T2). | |
Canonical prod_choiceType T1 T2 := | |
Eval hnf in ChoiceType (T1 * T2) (prod_choiceMixin T1 T2). | |
Definition sum_choiceMixin T1 T2 := PcanChoiceMixin (@opair_of_sumK T1 T2). | |
Canonical sum_choiceType T1 T2 := | |
Eval hnf in ChoiceType (T1 + T2) (sum_choiceMixin T1 T2). | |
Definition tree_choiceMixin T := PcanChoiceMixin (GenTree.codeK T). | |
Canonical tree_choiceType T := ChoiceType (GenTree.tree T) (tree_choiceMixin T). | |
End ChoiceTheory. | |
Prenex Implicits xchoose choose. | |
Notation "[ 'choiceMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]" := | |
(sub_choiceMixin _ : choiceMixin T) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'choiceMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]") : form_scope. | |
Module Countable. | |
Record mixin_of (T : Type) : Type := Mixin { | |
pickle : T -> nat; | |
unpickle : nat -> option T; | |
pickleK : pcancel pickle unpickle | |
}. | |
Definition EqMixin T m := PcanEqMixin (@pickleK T m). | |
Definition ChoiceMixin T m := PcanChoiceMixin (@pickleK T m). | |
Section ClassDef. | |
Set Primitive Projections. | |
Record class_of T := Class { base : Choice.class_of T; mixin : mixin_of T }. | |
Unset Primitive Projections. | |
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> Choice.class_of. | |
Structure type : Type := Pack {sort : Type; _ : class_of sort}. | |
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass. | |
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type). | |
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c. | |
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack T c. | |
Definition pack m := | |
fun bT b & phant_id (Choice.class bT) b => Pack (@Class T b m). | |
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class. | |
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class. | |
End ClassDef. | |
Module Exports. | |
Coercion base : class_of >-> Choice.class_of. | |
Coercion mixin : class_of >-> mixin_of. | |
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass. | |
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type. | |
Canonical eqType. | |
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type. | |
Canonical choiceType. | |
Notation countType := type. | |
Notation CountType T m := (@pack T m _ _ id). | |
Notation CountMixin := Mixin. | |
Notation CountChoiceMixin := ChoiceMixin. | |
Notation "[ 'countType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ idfun) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'countType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope. | |
Notation "[ 'countType' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'countType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope. | |
End Exports. | |
End Countable. | |
Export Countable.Exports. | |
Definition unpickle T := Countable.unpickle (Countable.class T). | |
Definition pickle T := Countable.pickle (Countable.class T). | |
Arguments unpickle {T} n. | |
Arguments pickle {T} x. | |
Section CountableTheory. | |
Variable T : countType. | |
Lemma pickleK : @pcancel nat T pickle unpickle. | |
Proof. exact: Countable.pickleK. Qed. | |
Definition pickle_inv n := | |
obind (fun x : T => if pickle x == n then Some x else None) (unpickle n). | |
Lemma pickle_invK : ocancel pickle_inv pickle. | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite /pickle_inv => n; case def_x: (unpickle n) => //= [x]; case: eqP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pickleK_inv : pcancel pickle pickle_inv. | |
Proof. by rewrite /pickle_inv => x; rewrite pickleK /= eqxx. Qed. | |
Lemma pcan_pickleK sT f f' : | |
@pcancel T sT f f' -> pcancel (pickle \o f) (pcomp f' unpickle). | |
Proof. by move=> fK x; rewrite /pcomp pickleK /= fK. Qed. | |
Definition PcanCountMixin sT f f' (fK : pcancel f f') := | |
@CountMixin sT _ _ (pcan_pickleK fK). | |
Definition CanCountMixin sT f f' (fK : cancel f f') := | |
@PcanCountMixin sT _ _ (can_pcan fK). | |
Definition sub_countMixin P sT := PcanCountMixin (@valK T P sT). | |
Definition pickle_seq s := CodeSeq.code (map (@pickle T) s). | |
Definition unpickle_seq n := Some (pmap (@unpickle T) (CodeSeq.decode n)). | |
Lemma pickle_seqK : pcancel pickle_seq unpickle_seq. | |
Proof. by move=> s; rewrite /unpickle_seq CodeSeq.codeK (map_pK pickleK). Qed. | |
Definition seq_countMixin := CountMixin pickle_seqK. | |
Canonical seq_countType := Eval hnf in CountType (seq T) seq_countMixin. | |
End CountableTheory. | |
Notation "[ 'countMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]" := | |
(sub_countMixin _ : Countable.mixin_of T) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'countMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]") : form_scope. | |
Arguments pickle_inv {T} n. | |
Arguments pickleK {T} x. | |
Arguments pickleK_inv {T} x. | |
Arguments pickle_invK {T} n : rename. | |
Section SubCountType. | |
Variables (T : choiceType) (P : pred T). | |
Import Countable. | |
Structure subCountType : Type := | |
SubCountType {subCount_sort :> subType P; _ : mixin_of subCount_sort}. | |
Coercion sub_countType (sT : subCountType) := | |
Eval hnf in pack (let: SubCountType _ m := sT return mixin_of sT in m) id. | |
Canonical sub_countType. | |
Definition pack_subCountType U := | |
fun sT cT & sub_sort sT * sort cT -> U * U => | |
fun b m & phant_id (Class b m) (class cT) => @SubCountType sT m. | |
End SubCountType. | |
(* This assumes that T has both countType and subType structures. *) | |
Notation "[ 'subCountType' 'of' T ]" := | |
(@pack_subCountType _ _ T _ _ id _ _ id) | |
(at level 0, format "[ 'subCountType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope. | |
Section TagCountType. | |
Variables (I : countType) (T_ : I -> countType). | |
Definition pickle_tagged (u : {i : I & T_ i}) := | |
CodeSeq.code [:: pickle (tag u); pickle (tagged u)]. | |
Definition unpickle_tagged s := | |
if CodeSeq.decode s is [:: ni; nx] then | |
obind (fun i => omap (@Tagged I i T_) (unpickle nx)) (unpickle ni) | |
else None. | |
Lemma pickle_taggedK : pcancel pickle_tagged unpickle_tagged. | |
Proof. | |
by case=> i x; rewrite /unpickle_tagged CodeSeq.codeK /= pickleK /= pickleK. | |
Qed. | |
Definition tag_countMixin := CountMixin pickle_taggedK. | |
Canonical tag_countType := Eval hnf in CountType {i : I & T_ i} tag_countMixin. | |
End TagCountType. | |
(* The remaining Canonicals for standard datatypes. *) | |
Section CountableDataTypes. | |
Implicit Type T : countType. | |
Lemma nat_pickleK : pcancel id (@Some nat). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Definition nat_countMixin := CountMixin nat_pickleK. | |
Canonical nat_countType := Eval hnf in CountType nat nat_countMixin. | |
Definition bool_countMixin := CanCountMixin oddb. | |
Canonical bool_countType := Eval hnf in CountType bool bool_countMixin. | |
Canonical bitseq_countType := Eval hnf in [countType of bitseq]. | |
Definition unit_countMixin := CanCountMixin bool_of_unitK. | |
Canonical unit_countType := Eval hnf in CountType unit unit_countMixin. | |
Definition void_countMixin := PcanCountMixin (of_voidK unit). | |
Canonical void_countType := Eval hnf in CountType void void_countMixin. | |
Definition option_countMixin T := CanCountMixin (@seq_of_optK T). | |
Canonical option_countType T := | |
Eval hnf in CountType (option T) (option_countMixin T). | |
Definition sig_countMixin T (P : pred T) := [countMixin of {x | P x} by <:]. | |
Canonical sig_countType T (P : pred T) := | |
Eval hnf in CountType {x | P x} (sig_countMixin P). | |
Canonical sig_subCountType T (P : pred T) := | |
Eval hnf in [subCountType of {x | P x}]. | |
Definition prod_countMixin T1 T2 := CanCountMixin (@tag_of_pairK T1 T2). | |
Canonical prod_countType T1 T2 := | |
Eval hnf in CountType (T1 * T2) (prod_countMixin T1 T2). | |
Definition sum_countMixin T1 T2 := PcanCountMixin (@opair_of_sumK T1 T2). | |
Canonical sum_countType T1 T2 := | |
Eval hnf in CountType (T1 + T2) (sum_countMixin T1 T2). | |
Definition tree_countMixin T := PcanCountMixin (GenTree.codeK T). | |
Canonical tree_countType T := CountType (GenTree.tree T) (tree_countMixin T). | |
End CountableDataTypes. | |