Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2022 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
import analysis.normed_space.ray
import topology.local_extr
# (Local) maximums in a normed space
In this file we prove the following lemma, see `is_max_filter.norm_add_same_ray`. If `f : α → E` is
a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a maximum along a filter `l` at a point `c` and `y` is a vector
on the same ray as `f c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + y∥` has a maximul along `l` at `c`.
Then we specialize it to the case `y = f c` and to different special cases of `is_max_filter`:
`is_max_on`, `is_local_max_on`, and `is_local_max`.
## Tags
local maximum, normed space
variables {α X E : Type*} [seminormed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [topological_space X]
variables {f : α → E} {l : filter α} {s : set α} {c : α} {y : E}
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a maximum along a filter `l` at a point
`c` and `y` is a vector on the same ray as `f c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + y∥` has a maximul
along `l` at `c`. -/
lemma is_max_filter.norm_add_same_ray (h : is_max_filter (norm ∘ f) l c) (hy : same_ray ℝ (f c) y) :
is_max_filter (λ x, ∥f x + y∥) l c :=
h.mono $ λ x hx,
calc ∥f x + y∥ ≤ ∥f x∥ + ∥y∥ : norm_add_le _ _
... ≤ ∥f c∥ + ∥y∥ : add_le_add_right hx _
... = ∥f c + y∥ : hy.norm_add.symm
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a maximum along a filter `l` at a point
`c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + f c∥` has a maximul along `l` at `c`. -/
lemma is_max_filter.norm_add_self (h : is_max_filter (norm ∘ f) l c) :
is_max_filter (λ x, ∥f x + f c∥) l c :=
h.norm_add_same_ray same_ray.rfl
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a maximum on a set `s` at a point `c` and
`y` is a vector on the same ray as `f c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + y∥` has a maximul on `s` at
`c`. -/
lemma is_max_on.norm_add_same_ray (h : is_max_on (norm ∘ f) s c) (hy : same_ray ℝ (f c) y) :
is_max_on (λ x, ∥f x + y∥) s c :=
h.norm_add_same_ray hy
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a maximum on a set `s` at a point `c`,
then the function `λ x, ∥f x + f c∥` has a maximul on `s` at `c`. -/
lemma is_max_on.norm_add_self (h : is_max_on (norm ∘ f) s c) : is_max_on (λ x, ∥f x + f c∥) s c :=
variables {f : X → E} {s : set X} {c : X} {y : E}
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a local maximum on a set `s` at a point
`c` and `y` is a vector on the same ray as `f c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + y∥` has a local
maximul on `s` at `c`. -/
lemma is_local_max_on.norm_add_same_ray (h : is_local_max_on (norm ∘ f) s c)
(hy : same_ray ℝ (f c) y) : is_local_max_on (λ x, ∥f x + y∥) s c :=
h.norm_add_same_ray hy
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a local maximum on a set `s` at a point
`c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + f c∥` has a local maximul on `s` at `c`. -/
lemma is_local_max_on.norm_add_self (h : is_local_max_on (norm ∘ f) s c) :
is_local_max_on (λ x, ∥f x + f c∥) s c :=
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a local maximum at a point `c` and `y` is
a vector on the same ray as `f c`, then the function `λ x, ∥f x + y∥` has a local maximul at `c`. -/
lemma is_local_max.norm_add_same_ray (h : is_local_max (norm ∘ f) c)
(hy : same_ray ℝ (f c) y) : is_local_max (λ x, ∥f x + y∥) c :=
h.norm_add_same_ray hy
/-- If `f : α → E` is a function such that `norm ∘ f` has a local maximum at a point `c`, then the
function `λ x, ∥f x + f c∥` has a local maximul at `c`. -/
lemma is_local_max.norm_add_self (h : is_local_max (norm ∘ f) c) :
is_local_max (λ x, ∥f x + f c∥) c :=