Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 19:54:55</t0> The use of the Datsun name in the American market derives from the name Nissan used for its production cars. In fact, the cars produced by Nissan already used the Datsun brand name, a successful brand in Japan since 1932, long before <e0>World War II</e0>. Before the entry into the American market in 1958, Nissan did not produce cars under the Nissan brand name, but only trucks. Their in-house-designed cars were always branded as Datsuns. Hence, for Nissan executives it would be only natural to use such a successful name when exporting models to the United States. Only in the 1960s did Datsun begin to brand some automobile models as Nissans, like the Patrol and a small test batch of about 100 Cedric luxury sedans,[16] and then not again until the 1980s. The Japanese market Z-car (sold as the Fairlady Z) also had Nissan badging. In the United States, the Nissan branch was named "Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A.", and chartered on September 28, 1960, in California, but the small cars the firm exported to America were still named Datsun.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/18/2023, 23:40:57</t0> Berlin was the capital of Prussia and later of the German Empire, but the court remained in Potsdam, where many government officials settled. In 1914, Emperor Wilhelm II signed the Declaration of War in the Neues Palais (New Palace). The city lost its status as a "second capital" in 1918, when Wilhelm II abdicated and Germany became a Republic at the end of <e0>World War I</e0>.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/18/2023, 23:40:57</t0> After the Nazis seized power in 1933, there was a ceremonial handshake between President Paul von Hindenburg and the new Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 21 March 1933 in Potsdam's Garrison Church in what became known as the "Day of Potsdam". This symbolised a coalition of the military (Reichswehr) and <e0>Nazism</e0>. Potsdam was severely damaged by Allied bombing raids during <e1>World War II</e1>.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/18/2023, 23:40:57</t0> Potsdam is served by several motorways: the A 10, a beltway better known as Berliner Ring, the A 115 (using part of the AVUS) and is closely linked to the A 2 and A 9. The <e0>B 1</e0> and B 2 federal roads cross the city. Potsdam features a network of urban and suburban buses.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>04/10/2022, 17:43:16</t0> Following the death of Prince Shōtoku and the victory against the Soga clan, Japan underwent widespread reform. One of the most important was that of the Taika Reform, issued by Emperor Kōtoku in 645. This edict allowed the Japanese aristocracy to adopt the <e0>Tang dynasty</e0> political structure, bureaucracy, culture, religion, and philosophy.[14] As part of the Taihō Code of 702, and the later Yōrō Code,[15] the population was required to report regularly for the census, a precursor for national conscription. With an understanding of how the population was distributed, Emperor Monmu introduced a law whereby 1 in 3–4 adult males were drafted into the national military. These soldiers were required to supply their own weapons, and in return were exempted from duties and taxes.[14] This was one of the first attempts by the imperial government to form an organized army modeled after the Chinese system. It was called "Gundan-Sei" (ja:軍団制) by later historians and is believed to have been short-lived.[citation needed]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>04/10/2022, 17:43:16</t0> Until the <e0>17th century</e0>, samurai and other soldiers were widely hated, feared, or disdained by commoners and their village cultures, where pacifist movements flourished.[84] Writers and artists who were either commoners or sympathized with them[citation needed] often cast the armies and the nobility structures of when they were writing in a bad light because of this.[84] Samurai and other soldiers sometimes engaged in behavior similar to European free companies during peacetime, stirring up anti-elite tensions after village raids and thievery,[84] as well as behavior viewed by commoners as cowardly or dishonorable, similar to common cultural views of ninjas.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/15/2022, 16:56:31</t0> Schwab did not leave Paris for several more years after giving up painting and was described as a “theatre personality” at the time he began a twenty-year relationship with the Swiss Valentine de Kerven (1901-1991). Together they joined the Revolutionary Association of Artists and trained to fight against General Franco during the Spanish Civil War, until Schwab withdrew.[7] In 1939 they crossed the Sahara on her motorbike, then settled in Switzerland during <e0>World War II</e0>. Until then Valentine had refused to marry Schwab, but Swiss law obliged cohabiters to wed at the time. In 1954 they made another difficult journey, driving overland to India via Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan in a Volkswagen, in order to visit Jiddu Krishnamurti. Not long afterwards Schwab started a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old and Valentine divorced him.[8]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/22/2023, 01:35:47</t0> Asperger's paper was published during <e0>World War II</e0> and in German, so it was not widely read elsewhere. Lorna Wing used the term Asperger syndrome in 1976,[158] and popularized it to the English-speaking medical community in her February 1981 publication[159][160][161] of case studies of children showing the symptoms described by Asperger,[152] and Uta Frith translated his paper to English in 1991.[15] Sets of diagnostic criteria were outlined by Gillberg and Gillberg in 1989 and by Szatmari et al. in the same year.[144] In 1992, AS became a standard diagnosis when it was included in the tenth edition of the World Health Organization's diagnostic manual, International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). It was added to the fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic reference, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), published in 1994.[8]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/19/2023, 19:06:34</t0> In <e0>astronomy</e0>, an analemma (/ˌænəˈlɛmə/; from Ancient Greek ἀνάλημμα (analēmma) 'support')[a] is a diagram showing the position of the Sun in the sky as seen from a fixed location on Earth at the same mean solar time, as that position varies over the course of a year. The diagram will resemble a figure eight. Globes of Earth often display an analemma as a two-dimensional figure of equation of time vs. declination of the Sun.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/30/2023, 09:08:03</t0> The influence on education has been decisive, as Christian missionaries started 293 schools and 40 universities including three of the top five academic institutions. Christianity was associated with more widespread education and Western modernization.[11] Catholicism and Protestantism are seen as the religion of the middle class, youth, intellectuals, and urbanites, and has been central to South Korea's pursuit of modernity and westernization after the end of <e0>World War II</e0> and the liberation of Korea.[12][13] In the early 21st century, however, the growth of Protestantism has slowed, perhaps due to scandals involving church leadership, fundamentalism and conflict among various sects. Some analysts also attribute this to overly zealous missionary work.[14]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:22:45</t0> During <e0>World War I</e0>, Roncalli was drafted into the Royal Italian Army as a sergeant, serving in the medical corps as a stretcher-bearer and as a chaplain. After being honorably discharged from the army in early 1919, he was named spiritual director of the seminary.[25] On 7 May 1921, Roncalli was appointed a Domestic Prelate of His Holiness, which gave him the title of Monsignor.[26] On 6 November, he travelled to Rome where he was scheduled to meet the Pope. After their meeting, Pope Benedict XV appointed him as the Italian president of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Roncalli would recall Benedict XV as being the most sympathetic of the popes he had met.[27]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:22:45</t0> As nuncio, Roncalli made various efforts during The Holocaust in <e0>World War II</e0> to save refugees, mostly Jewish people, from the Nazis. Among his efforts were:
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:22:45</t0> On 22 December 1944, during <e0>World War II</e0>, Pope Pius XII named him to be the new Apostolic Nuncio to recently liberated France.[49] In this capacity he had to negotiate the retirement of bishops who had collaborated with the German occupying power.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:22:45</t0> Roncalli was summoned to the final ballot of the conclave at 4:00 pm. He was elected pope at 4:30 pm with a total of 38 votes. After the long pontificate of Pope Pius XII, the cardinals chose a man who – it was presumed because of his advanced age – would be a short-term or "stop-gap" pope. They wished to choose a candidate who would do little during the new pontificate. Upon his election, Cardinal Eugène Tisserant asked him the ritual questions of whether he would accept and if so, what name he would take for himself. Roncalli gave the first of his many surprises when he chose "John" as his regnal name. Roncalli's exact words were "I will be called John". This was the first time in over 500 years that this name had been chosen; previous popes had avoided its use since the time of the Antipope John XXIII during the <e0>Western Schism</e0> several centuries before.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:22:45</t0> Pope John XXIII offered to mediate between US President John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. Both men applauded the pope for his deep commitment to peace. Khrushchev would later send a message via Norman Cousins and the letter expressed his best wishes for the pontiff's ailing health. John XXIII personally typed and sent a message back to him, thanking him for his letter. Cousins, meanwhile, travelled to New York City and ensured that John would become <e0>Time magazine's</e0> 'Man of the Year'. John XXIII became the first Pope to receive the title, followed by John Paul II in 1994 and Francis in 2013.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/16/2023, 17:48:25</t0> There were some Burundian figures that allied themselves with the German colonial empire in exchange for their help seizing King Mwezi. The powerful individuals that betrayed their king were to be rewarded with important or prominent administrative positions that had political power of their own, the most prominent of these being Inanga Maconco.[2] Maconco was originally the son-in-law of Mwezi, who became an early ally to him after marrying one of Mwezi's daughters. After she died, Maconco allied himself with the German forces as they sought to capture Mwezi, and in exchange the Germans promised him a prominent administrative position. However, he was arrested and hanged by the Germans after he was accused of stealing a gun. The German forces along with some of the Burundi that had allied themselves with the Europeans, including Maconco, drove Mwezi from his compound and were able to force him into an agreement.[2] The contents of this 1890 agreement were that King Mwezi be forced to recognize German authority, respect the presence of foreign missionaries, and accept the administrative authority of German allies (such as those who betrayed him like Maconco) in certain areas. However, in exchange for this, the Germans would support Mwezi as the continued King of Burundi. The year 1890 would also see the country of Burundi, along with Rwanda and Tanganyika, become part of the German East Africa. Although this occurred under the reign of Mwezi, the German Protectorate of East Africa was a short-lived venture for the Germans, as they ended up losing all of their colonies, Burundi included, as one of the consequences resulting from <e0>World War I</e0>.[6][7]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/30/2023, 09:58:02</t0> During the <e0>Nazi regime</e0>, the memory of Henry I became a sort of cult, as Heinrich Himmler saw himself as the reincarnation of the "most German of all German" rulers. The collegiate church and castle were to be turned into a shrine for Nazi Germany. The Nazi Party tried to create a new religion. The cathedral was closed in 1938 and during the war. The local crematory was kept busy burning the victims of the Langenstein-Zwieberge concentration camp. Georg Ay was local party chief from 1931 until the end of the war. American occupation during the last months of World War II brought back the Protestant bishop and the church bells, and the Nazi-style eagle was removed from the tower. However, in the 1980s, upon the death of one of the US military men, the theft of medieval art from Quedlinburg came to light.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/30/2023, 09:58:02</t0> In the centre of the town are a wide selection of half-timbered buildings from at least five different centuries (including a 14th-century structure, one of Germany's oldest), while around the outer fringes of the old town are examples of <e0>Jugendstil</e0> buildings, dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/06/2023, 21:55:54</t0> Mr. William Sharp (Michael Craig) – In the beginning of the series Mr. Sharp is a part-time general surgeon with consulting rooms at the Ross St. Surgery owned by his nephew, Dr. Robert Sharp. As the series progressed he bought into the surgery with and started operating again at local public hospitals. William is characterised as a part of the 'old school' style of medicine. He can be quite forthcoming and stubborn in his opinions and is often at odds with his colleagues at the surgery. William served in <e0>World War II</e0> as a doctor and was a prisoner at the infamous Changi Prison. William drives a Jaguar and is very cultured with a great interest in and knowledge of music, poetry, food and wine.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:59:42</t0> He has been referred to as the "prince of paradox".[7] Of his writing style, <e0>Time</e0> observed: "Whenever possible, Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories—first carefully turning them inside out."[4] His writings were an influence on Jorge Luis Borges, who compared his literature with that of Edgar Allan Poe.[8]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 06:59:42</t0> In vivid contrast to his opposition to the Boer Wars, Chesterton vigorously defended and encouraged the Allies in <e0>World War I</e0>. "The war was in Chesterton's eyes a crusade, and he was certain that England was right to fight as she had been wrong in fighting the Boers."[73] Chesterton saw the roots of the war in Prussian militarism. He was deeply disturbed by Prussia's unprovoked invasion and occupation of neutral Belgium and by reports of shocking atrocities the Imperial German Army was allegedly committing in Belgium. Over the course of the War, Chesterton wrote hundreds of essays defending it, attacking pacifism, and exhorting the public to persevere until victory. Some of these essays were collected in the 1916 work, The Barbarism of Berlin.[74]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/31/2023, 22:50:34</t0> 2004 (MMIV) was a leap year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2004th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 4th year of the <e0>3rd millennium</e0> and the <e1>21st century</e1>, and the 5th year of the 2000s decade.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/11/2023, 05:05:43</t0> After the Northern Seven Years' War a period of affluence and growth followed in Danish history. The greater financial liquidity of the crown and the king's decreased dependence on the Council for funding, while not meaning that Frederick was actively seeking to sidestep conciliar control,[48] it did allow him to be less frugal than his late father, Christian III, had been. Considerable funds were devoted to an expansion of <e0>the Danish fleet</e0> and of the facilities for its support, not merely for security purposes but also to aid Frederick's active endeavours to rid the Baltic Sea of pirates.[52] The increased revenues likewise enabled Frederik to undertake the construction of Denmark's first national road network, the so-called kongevej ('King's Road'), connecting the larger towns and the royal residences.[53]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/22/2022, 22:52:32</t0> Emmons studied at the University of Minnesota and served in the Pacific in <e0>World War II</e0>. He avoided being drafted for the Korean War by working for the Redstone Arsenal Research of Rohm and Haas where he worked until his retirement in 1989.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/11/2022, 18:50:05</t0> In 1944, during <e0>World War II</e0>, Davis was drafted into the U.S. Army at age 18.[17] He was frequently abused by white soldiers from the South and later recounted: "I must have had a knockdown, drag-out fight every two days." His nose was broken numerous times and permanently flattened. At one point he was offered a beer laced with urine.[5]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/19/2022, 09:15:20</t0> The ship is named after Danielle Casanova (9 January 1909 – 9 May 1943), a Corsican hero of the French Resistance during <e0>World War II</e0> who was captured and deported to Auschwitz where she died.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08/12/2021, 13:20:46</t0> Earlier Category 4 storms that impacted the Leeward Islands in the 20th century include Hurricane Dog in 1950, Hurricane Donna in 1960, Hurricane David in 1979, and Hurricane Hugo in 1989. Luis was the second of three tropical cyclones to affect Guadeloupe in a short period; Hurricane Iris had hit a week before, and Hurricane Marilyn only 10 days after. After Hurricane Luis, the Leeward Islands were struck the following years by numerous hurricanes : Hurricane Bertha and Hortense in 1996, Erika in 1997, Georges in 1998, Jose and <e0>Lenny</e0> in 1999, and Debby in 2000.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/10/2022, 11:33:45</t0> The vz. 24 rifle is a bolt-action carbine designed and produced in Czechoslovakia from 1924 to 1942. It was developed from the German Mauser Gewehr 98 line, and features a very similar bolt design. The rifle was designed in Czechoslovakia shortly after <e0>World War I</e0>, to replace the Vz. 98/22, also a Czech-designed derivative of the Gewehr 98. The vz. 24 featured a 590 mm (23.2 in) barrel which was shorter and considered more handy than the 740 mm (29.1 in) Gewehr 98 barrel. The vz. 24 was chambered in 7.92×57mm Mauser like its predecessors.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/10/2022, 11:33:45</t0> Throughout the late 1920s and into the 1930s, Czechoslovakia exported hundreds of thousands of vz. 24 rifles to various countries across the globe, with variants chambered in the original 7.92×57mm Mauser, 7×57mm Mauser, and 7.65×53mm Argentine. These included contracts for several South American countries, most of which were 7 mm or 7.65 mm guns. Around 40,000 rifles were sent to Spanish Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War. Nearly 200,000 rifles were purchased by China, seeing action in the Second Sino-Japanese War, which became part of <e0>World War II</e0>. Iran purchased vz. 24 rifles, along with two other variants, through the late 1920s and 1930s, and later produced their own copies in the late 1940s.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/10/2022, 11:33:45</t0> After <e0>World War I</e0>, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dismantled; one of the new states to emerge from the ruins of the Habsburg Monarchy was Czechoslovakia. The new state received control of the Skoda factory in Brno, which was renamed the Brno Arms Works in November 1918. The following year, the factory began producing the first short rifles based on the German Gewehr 98 design, the Mauser Jelená. At least 150 of the rifles were chambered in 7mm Mauser, with at least as many also chambered in 7.92×57mm Mauser.[1][2] The original Gewehr 98 rifle featured a barrel that was 740 mm (29 in) long, which proved to be too long and cumbersome in the trench fighting of World War I.[3] Nevertheless, Brno developed the long vz. 98/22 in 1922 from the basic Gewehr 98 design, with a 740 mm (29.13 in) long barrel, along with a vz. 98/22 Short Rifle variant, though it did not see significant production.[1][2]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/10/2022, 11:33:45</t0> The vz.24 became the primary rifle of the Czechoslovak Army before <e0>World War II</e0>. It resembled the German Karabiner 98k, which it predated by more than a decade. Unlike the K98k, the vz. 24 has a longer top handguard, and it retains a straight bolt handle.[5] Between 1924 and 1938, Czechoslovakia manufactured more than 775,600 rifles, with the first rifles entering service in 1926. The final order was placed in July 1938, as tensions escalated with Nazi Germany over the Sudeten Germans. Following the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, production continued for the Slovak Republic (a Nazi client state). The exact number of rifles manufactured between 1938 and 1939 is unknown, but may be less than 10,000, based on serial numbers of surviving rifles.[6]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/29/2022, 04:00:42</t0> Call of Duty: Black Ops is a 2010 first-person shooter game developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. It was released worldwide in November 2010 for Microsoft Windows, the PlayStation 3, <e0>Wii</e0>, and Xbox 360, with a separate version for Nintendo DS developed by n-Space. Aspyr later ported the game to OS X in September 2012. It is the seventh title in the Call of Duty series and the sequel to Call of Duty: World at War.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/29/2022, 04:00:42</t0> The Zombies story takes place over various eras of time, mostly during the final year of <e0>World War II</e0> and the 1960s. The story mainly follows four soldiers: "Tank" Dempsey (Steve Blum) of the United States Marine Corps, Nikolai Belinski (Fred Tatasciore) of the Red Army, Takeo Masaki (Tom Kane) of the Imperial Japanese Army, and Doctor Edward Richtofen (Nolan North) of the Wehrmacht. Other characters include Doctor Ludvig Maxis (Fred Tatasciore) and his daughter Samantha (Julie Nathanson). The map "Five" features historical figures: John F. Kennedy (Jim Meskimen), Robert McNamara (Robert Picardo), Richard Nixon (Dave Mallow), and Fidel Castro (Marlon Correa). "Call of the Dead" features the appearance of celebrities: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, Michael Rooker, all playing themselves and George A. Romero.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/29/2022, 04:00:42</t0> During <e0>World War II</e0>, Doctor Ludvig Maxis formed Group 935, a group of scientists intended to improve the human condition. Lacking funds, they soon turned to creating superweapons to aid the Nazis. Their discovery of Element 115 from a meteorite in Japan led to zombies' creation. Maxis and his assistant, Dr. Edward Richtofen, also work on other projects, leading to the creation of teleportation devices and 115-powered weapons. Attempting to use himself as a test subject, Richtofen accidentally teleports to a catacomb within the Moon, where he comes into contact with a mysterious pyramid device that causes him to hear ghostly voices, slowly taking away his sanity. He is later teleported to an exotic jungle known as Shangri-La, where he spends three weeks studying the Vril energy force. Upon returning to Germany, Richtofen secretly forms a plan to kill Maxis and gathers many members of Group 935 to build a Moon base known as Griffin Station. While maintaining his cover with Maxis and the rest of Group 935, Richtofen manages to capture three soldiers: Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, and Takeo Masaki; he begins to experiment with Element 115, causing memory loss for all three soldiers.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/30/2023, 15:54:24</t0> During the Renaissance, most of Europe was still by and large following the feudal economic model. By contrast, the Ming dynasty in China began once more to practice privatization, especially with regards to their manufacturing industries. This was a reversal of the earlier <e0>Song dynasty</e0> policies, which had themselves overturned earlier policies in favor of more rigorous state control.[13]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/28/2023, 03:20:26</t0> Roger Hornsby McKee (September 16, 1926 – September 1, 2014) was a Major League Baseball pitcher who played from 1943 through 1944 for the Philadelphia Phillies. As a 16-year-old rookie in 1943, he was the youngest player to appear in a National League game that season.[1] McKee was one of many ballplayers who appeared in the Major Leagues only during <e0>World War II</e0>. He made his major league debut on August 18, 1943, in a home doubleheader against the St. Louis Cardinals at Shibe Park. The best game of his short career, however, came on October 3, 1943, the last day of the season, when he started the second game of a doubleheader against the Pittsburgh Pirates at Forbes Field and pitched a complete game, winning 11–3. The losing pitcher was Cookie Cuccurullo, who was making his major league debut.[1][2] Then, at 17, McKee became the youngest pitcher in the 20th century to throw a nine-inning complete-game victory on the final day of the regular season, a feat no one has accomplished since.[3] McKee made his last pitching appearance for the Phillies on September 26, 1944. Overall, he posted a 1–0 record and a 5.87 earned run average in five games (one start), allowing 10 runs on 14 hits and six walks, while striking out one in .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);clip-path:polygon(0px 0px,0px 0px,0px 0px);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1⁄3 innings of work. He later switched to outfield and spent nine seasons in the minor Leagues spanning 1944–57, collecting a batting average of .287 and 115 home runs in 1,173 games.[4] In 2014, McKee died in his hometown of Shelby, North Carolina, 15 days short before of his 88th birthday.[3]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08/04/2023, 07:36:21</t0> HC '05 was founded in 2005 but professional hockey in Banská Bystrica was playing long before. The previous club was established in 1922. The club was named Slávia but later changed name several times. In 1962, the club was named Iskra (Spark in English) and this name kept up until 2005. In interwar period and during the <e0>World War II</e0>, the club played in the Slovak League. Their best placement was second in 1930, 1931, and 1934. They were members of the first postwar Czechoslovak Extraliga season. In the 1945–46 season, they finished 6th in Group A and were relegated from the Top level. Banská Bystrica returned to the Extraliga in the 1947–48 season but they finished 6th in Group A and were relegated again. This season was their last at the Top level until the 1995–96 Slovak Extraliga season. Since 1963–64, Iskra played in the 1. SNHL (1st Slovak National Hockey League), the second level in Czechoslovak hockey. They were members of all seasons of the 1. SNHL since its introduction in 1963 until dissolution of league in 1993. Iskra won the 1. SNHL in the 1968–69 season and qualified for the preliminary round of the Czechoslovak Extraliga. They lost 5 of 6 games in the preliminary round against Škoda Plzeň, VŽKG Ostrava, and Mladá Boleslav and were not promoted to the Extraliga.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/18/2023, 08:52:23</t0> Cryptography prior to the modern age was effectively synonymous with encryption, converting readable information (plaintext) to unintelligible nonsense text (ciphertext), which can only be read by reversing the process (decryption). The sender of an encrypted (coded) message shares the decryption (decoding) technique only with the intended recipients to preclude access from adversaries. The cryptography literature often uses the names "Alice" (or "A") for the sender, "Bob" (or "B") for the intended recipient, and "Eve" (or "E") for the eavesdropping adversary.[6] Since the development of rotor cipher machines in <e0>World War I</e0> and the advent of computers in <e1>World War II</e1>, cryptography methods have become increasingly complex and their applications more varied.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/18/2023, 08:52:23</t0> Different physical devices and aids have been used to assist with ciphers. One of the earliest may have been the scytale of ancient Greece, a rod supposedly used by the Spartans as an aid for a transposition cipher. In medieval times, other aids were invented such as the cipher grille, which was also used for a kind of steganography. With the invention of polyalphabetic ciphers came more sophisticated aids such as Alberti's own cipher disk, Johannes Trithemius' tabula recta scheme, and Thomas Jefferson's wheel cypher (not publicly known, and reinvented independently by Bazeries around 1900). Many mechanical encryption/decryption devices were invented early in the 20th century, and several patented, among them rotor machines—famously including the Enigma machine used by the German government and military from the late 1920s and during <e0>World War II</e0>.[30] The ciphers implemented by better quality examples of these machine designs brought about a substantial increase in cryptanalytic difficulty after WWI.[31]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/18/2023, 08:52:23</t0> In the United States, cryptography is legal for domestic use, but there has been much conflict over legal issues related to cryptography.[9] One particularly important issue has been the export of cryptography and cryptographic software and hardware. Probably because of the importance of cryptanalysis in <e0>World War II</e0> and an expectation that cryptography would continue to be important for national security, many Western governments have, at some point, strictly regulated export of cryptography. After World War II, it was illegal in the US to sell or distribute encryption technology overseas; in fact, encryption was designated as auxiliary military equipment and put on the United States Munitions List.[70] Until the development of the personal computer, asymmetric key algorithms (i.e., public key techniques), and the Internet, this was not especially problematic. However, as the Internet grew and computers became more widely available, high-quality encryption techniques became well known around the globe.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08/30/2022, 07:06:34</t0> The first Series 700 workstations were superseded by the Model 715/33, 715/50, 725/50 low-end workstations and the Model 735/99, 735/125, 755/99 and 755/125 high-end workstations on 10 November 1992.[9] The existing Model 715 and Model 725 were later updated with the introduction of the Model 715/75 and 725/75 in September 1993. The new models used a 75 MHz <e0>PA-7100</e0>.[10]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/19/2023, 20:49:45</t0> Asha realizes that the shipment has gone to another Gharapuri, an island. They both reach the island and get the shipment, but the boat that was supposed to ferry them back catches fire. With no resort, they check into a hotel, where Asha accuses Todd of being frivolous with <e0>Kali</e0>. They argue but end up having sex. Upon their return Asha informs Todd that she has been engaged to a family friend named Ashok since she was four years old. She says their affair could be only a "Holiday in Goa", a term for a short time spent with a lover before marrying another. Todd is confused but accepts the situation.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/10/2023, 14:01:51</t0> In 1985, Tebbit was appointed Chairman of the Conservative Party and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, as Thatcher wanted to keep him in the Cabinet. During the Westland affair Tebbit was against the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation taking over Westland Aircraft. In 1986, Tebbit opposed the American bombing raid on Libya from British bases and objected to Thatcher's refusal to consult the Cabinet fully on the matter. However, he did criticise the BBC for its supposedly biased reporting of the raid. During the same year, he disbanded the Federation of Conservative Students[33] for publishing an article, penned by Harry Phibbs, following Nikolai Tolstoy's accusation that former Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was complicit in the forced repatriation of Cossacks in the aftermath of the <e0>Second World War</e0>.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/06/2023, 17:51:24</t0> In Touch Ministries is a Christian evangelical organization that produces and distributes media and resources, including radio and <e0>television programs</e0>, podcasts, articles, and books, with the goal of spreading the message of the Gospel and helping people grow in their faith. The organization was founded by Dr. Charles Stanley, a pastor and author, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/06/2023, 17:51:24</t0> The series <e0>In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley</e0> began airing in 1978. [4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/26/2022, 13:25:45</t0> Estonia had been a province of Imperial Russia since 1721.[2] In 1917, three years into <e0>World War I</e0>, the Russian Empire fell into revolution and civil war. As a part of this larger conflict, the Estonians declared independence from the then warring Russian and German Empires, and won their freedom during the Estonian War of Independence. The new Bolshevik Russian government acknowledged Estonia's freedom in the 1920 Treaty of Tartu.[3]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/26/2022, 13:25:45</t0> The treaty established the border between Estonia and Russia, affirmed the right of Estonian people to return to Estonia and Russian people to return to Russia and required that Estonian movable property evacuated to Russia in <e0>World War I</e0> be returned to Estonia. Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic also agreed to absolve all Russian Imperial debt and to pay Estonia 15 million gold rubles, a share from the gold reserves of the former Russian Empire. Additionally RSFSR agreed to grant concessions to exploit one million hectares of Russian forest land and to build a railway line from the Estonian border to Moscow.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/21/2023, 05:00:45</t0> With the fall of the Venetian Republic, Aviano followed the fate of the rest of Friuli and Veneto, and was part of the Napoleonic Empire and the Lombardy-Venetia Kingdom before being annexed - <e0>Italian State</e0> - to the Kingdom of Italy in 1866.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/21/2023, 05:00:45</t0> There has been an American presence at Aviano Air Base since the end of <e0>World War II</e0>. In 1954 the Italian and American governments signed a joint use agreement and by 1955, HQ United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) had moved its Italian operations from Udine to Aviano. The base went through a period of hosting rotational fighter squadrons. With the declining use of the Italian live fire range, the rotational squadrons became a thing of the past. Aviano became a war reserve material storage base and played a big part in Desert Storm. In 1992, HQ 16th Air Force and the 401st Fighter Wing moved from Torrejon Air Base, Spain to Aviano. The Wing became home to two F-16 fighter squadrons, the 510th FS and the 555th FS. Both squadrons relocated from Ramstein AB in 1994 and redesignated. The wing was redesignated from the 401st Fighter Wing to the 31st Fighter Wing in 1994 as Aviano took on permanently based aircraft for the first time in over 50 years. The base currently performs a NATO mission with close coordination with Italian personnel.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/24/2020, 19:45:13</t0> Unsourced and doubtful section moved here - a number of different archaeological cultures can be found in Pomerania between 3000 BC and 8th century BC (3000 BC is still <e0>neolithic</e0>, 8th century is early iron age). Ethnolingustic data from this period is scarce or nonexistent, therefore making such strong claims about ethnicity of a given population is simply uscientific. Could the author provide sources for "Pamarė archeological culture"?
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/29/2023, 10:01:35</t0> Lee's first novel, Native Speaker (1995), won numerous awards including the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award.[1] Centered on a Korean-American industrial spy, the novel explores themes of alienation and betrayal as experienced by immigrants and first-generation citizens, in their struggle to assimilate in American life.[2] In 1999, he published his second novel, A Gesture Life. This elaborated on his themes of identity and assimilation through the narrative of an elderly Japanese immigrant in the US who was born in Korea but later adopted to a Japanese family and remembers treating Korean comfort women during <e0>World War II</e0>.[4] For this book, Lee received the Asian-American Literary Award.[5] His 2004 novel Aloft received mixed notices from the critics and featured Lee's first protagonist who is not Asian American, but a disengaged and isolated Italian-American suburbanite forced to deal with his world.[6] It received the 2006 Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature in the Adult Fiction category.[7] His 2010 novel The Surrendered won the 2011 Dayton Literary Peace Prize and was a nominated finalist for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.[8] Lee's next novel, On Such a Full Sea (2014) is set in a dystopian future version of the American city of Baltimore, Maryland called B-Mor where the main character, Fan, is a Chinese-American laborer working as a diver in a fish farm.[9] It was a finalist for the 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award.[10]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/08/2023, 12:48:57</t0> Beginning in the late 19th century, the Met started acquiring ancient art and artifacts from the Near East. From a few <e0>cuneiform</e0> tablets and seals, the museum's collection of Near Eastern art has grown to more than 7,000 pieces.[12] Representing a history of the region beginning in the <e1>Neolithic</e1> Period and encompassing the fall of the Sasanian Empire and the end of Late Antiquity, the collection includes works from the Sumerian, Hittite, Sasanian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Elamite cultures (among others), as well as an extensive collection of unique Bronze Age objects. The highlights of the collection include the Sumerian Stele of Ushumgal, the Elamite silver Kneeling Bull with Vessel, the Pratt Ivories, and a set of monumental stone lamassu, or guardian figures, from the Northwest Palace of the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II.[13]
[ "t0", "end e0", "start e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/08/2023, 12:48:57</t0> The Met's collection of photographs, numbering more than 25,000 in total,[110] is centered on five major collections plus additional acquisitions by the museum. Alfred Stieglitz, a photographer himself, donated the first major collection of photographs to the museum,[111] which included a comprehensive survey of Photo-Secessionist works, a rich set of master prints by Edward Steichen, and an outstanding collection of Stieglitz's photographs from his own studio. The Met supplemented Stieglitz's gift with the 8,500-piece Gilman Paper Company Collection, the Rubel Collection, and the Ford Motor Company Collection, which respectively provided the collection with early French and American photography, early British photography, and post-<e0>WWI</e0> American and European photography. The museum also acquired Walker Evans's personal collection of photographs, a particular coup considering the high demand for his works.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/07/2022, 16:01:14</t0> At its intersection with West 78th Street, Broadway shifts direction and continues directly uptown and aligned approximately with the Commissioners' grid. Past the bend are the historic Apthorp apartment building, built in 1908, and the First Baptist Church in the City of New York, incorporated in New York in 1762, its current building on Broadway erected in 1891. The road heads north and passes historically important apartment houses such as the Belnord, the Astor Court Building, and the <e0>Art Nouveau</e0> Cornwall.[48][49]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/07/2022, 16:01:14</t0> While typical sports championship parades have been showered with some 50 tons of confetti and shredded paper, the V-J Day parade on August 14–15, 1945 – marking the end of <e0>World War II</e0> – was covered with 5,438 tons of paper, based on estimates provided by the New York City Department of Sanitation.[67]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/22/2023, 13:22:22</t0> After this, Reigns resumed his feud with Big Show after saying that Big Show embarrassed the SmackDown! brand at WrestleMania 21 when Show lost to <e0>Akebono</e0> in a sumo match. Reigns unsuccessfully tried to tip over a Jeep to prove he was stronger than Show, who then successfully tipped the Jeep over. Big Show subsequently defeated Reigns in a singles match on the following edition of SmackDown!.
[ "t0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/19/2023, 06:13:32</t0> In Eastern Europe, including Southeast Europe and the European part of Russia, grave robbers target all kinds of historically important graves, from prehistoric tombs to <e0>World War II</e0> graves.[15][16][13]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/23/2023, 15:40:51</t0> In the early years of indirect rule, the British expected that Swaziland would eventually be incorporated into South Africa. After the <e0>Second World War</e0>, however, South Africa's intensification of racial discrimination induced the United Kingdom to prepare Swaziland for complete independence. Political activity intensified in the early 1960s. Several political parties were formed and jostled for power and economic development. However, the parties were largely urban and had few ties to the rural areas, where most Swazis still lived. The traditional Swazi leaders, including King Sobhuza II and his Inner Council, formed the Imbokodvo National Movement (INM), a political group that capitalized on its close identification with the Swazi way of life. Responding to pressure for political change, the protectorate government scheduled an election in mid-1964 for the first legislative council in which the Swazis would participate. In the election, the INM and four other parties, most having more radical platforms, competed in the election. The INM won all 24 elective seats.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/23/2023, 15:40:51</t0> Swazi soldiers served in <e0>World War II</e0> (see Eswatini in World War II).
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/23/2023, 21:20:12</t0> Charles Augustin Daniel Vincent (31 March 1874 – 3 May 1946), known as Daniel-Vincent, was a French teacher and politician. He was a deputy from 1910 to 1927, then a senator from 1927 to 1941. During <e0>World War I</e0> (1914–18) he served as an aviator, then as under secretary of state for Aviation. He tried to make the aircraft industry more effective in delivering planes of sufficient quality and numbers. As Minister of Labor in 1921–22 he introduced France's first social insurance bill. He also served in various cabinets as Minister of Education, Minister of Commerce and Minister of Public Works.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/23/2023, 21:20:12</t0> Vincent was reelected in the elections of 11 May 1924. On 29 October 1925 he was appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry in the third Painlevé cabinet. He retained this post until 23 June 1926 in the eight and ninth Briand cabinets. In the tenth Briand cabinet he was Minister of Public Works from 23 June 1929 to 19 July 1926. Vincent was elected senator in a byelection on 29 May 1927, and was reelected on 16 October 1932. In the senate he sat with the Radical Democratic Left and Radical Socialist group. During <e0>World War II</e0> (1939–45), on 10 July 1940 Daniel-Vincent voted for the constitutional change that gave full power to the government of Marshal Philippe Pétain. Daniel Vincent died in Paris on 3 May 1946.[1][a]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/14/2022, 13:16:28</t0> The development of Sanbon New Town was completed in 1995, and the area grew to become Gunpo's central hub.[5] Sanbon's layout was devised by Kim Jinae, a famed Korean architect who also designed Seoul's Insa-dong[6] and who was named one of <e0>Time</e0>'s 100 leaders of the 21st century.[6][7] In the year 2000, the new Revised Romanization of Korean formally changed the city's romanized name from Kunp'o to Gunpo.[8] 2003 brought the opening of Surisan Station between Daeyami and Sanbon, and in 2010, Dangjeong Station was opened on both Line 1 and the Gyeongbu Line, bringing the total number of metro stations in the city to six.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/15/2021, 09:24:52</t0> In the years from 1847 to 1851 the works was considerably developed by the construction of ferrous and non-ferrous foundries, a pattern making shop, a blacksmith's shop, a carpenter's shop, and an engine house in which a steam engine provided power for machinery in a sawmill, pattern shop and machine shops. In the 1870s further construction provided a paint shop, joiner's shop and erecting shop in which in 1879 and 1885 the double Fairlie engines Merddin Emrys and Livingston Thompson were built. Prior to 1915 the works employed about 30 men. During <e0>World War I</e0> most of the works was used as a munitions factory (largely staffed by women) from 17 September 1915 until early in 1919. The fortunes of the railway and its works declined from the mid-1920s with total closure from March 1947 to September 1954.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/25/2023, 08:27:33</t0> 1952 (MCMLII) was a leap year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1952nd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 952nd year of the <e0>2nd millennium</e0>, the 52nd year of the <e1>20th century</e1>, and the 3rd year of the 1950s decade.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/25/2023, 06:27:06</t0> While there have been discoveries of archaeological evidence of human occupation of the Rome area from approximately 14,000 years ago, the dense layer of much younger debris obscures Palaeolithic and <e0>Neolithic</e0> sites.[10] Evidence of stone tools, pottery, and stone weapons attest to about 10,000 years of human presence. Several excavations support the view that Rome grew from pastoral settlements on the Palatine Hill built above the area of the future Roman Forum. Between the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, each hill between the sea and the Capitoline Hill was topped by a village (on the Capitoline, a village is attested since the end of the 14th century BC).[24] However, none of them yet had an urban quality.[24] Nowadays, there is a wide consensus that the city developed gradually through the aggregation ("synoecism") of several villages around the largest one, placed above the Palatine.[24] This aggregation was facilitated by the increase of agricultural productivity above the subsistence level, which also allowed the establishment of secondary and tertiary activities. These, in turn, boosted the development of trade with the Greek colonies of southern Italy (mainly Ischia and Cumae).[24] These developments, which according to archaeological evidence took place during the mid-eighth century BC, can be considered as the "birth" of the city.[24] Despite recent excavations at the Palatine hill, the view that Rome was founded deliberately in the middle of the eighth century BC, as the legend of Romulus suggests, remains a fringe hypothesis.[25]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/25/2023, 06:27:06</t0> Pope Boniface VIII, born Caetani, was the last pope to fight for the church's universal domain; he proclaimed a crusade against the Colonna family and, in 1300, called for the first Jubilee of Christianity, which brought millions of pilgrims to Rome.[61] However, his hopes were crushed by the French king Philip the Fair, who took him prisoner and killed him in Anagni.[61] Afterwards, a new pope faithful to the French was elected, and the papacy was briefly relocated to Avignon (1309–1377).[65] During this period Rome was neglected, until a plebeian man, Cola di Rienzo, came to power.[65] An idealist and a lover of ancient Rome, Cola dreamed about a rebirth of the Roman Empire: after assuming power with the title of Tribuno, his reforms were rejected by the populace.[65] Forced to flee, Cola returned as part of the entourage of Cardinal Albornoz, who was charged with restoring the Church's power in Italy.[65] Back in power for a short time, Cola was soon lynched by the populace, and Albornoz took possession of the city. In 1377, Rome became the seat of the papacy again under Gregory XI.[65] The return of the pope to Rome in that year unleashed the <e0>Western Schism</e0> (1377–1418), and for the next forty years, the city was affected by the divisions which rocked the Church.[65]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/25/2023, 06:27:06</t0> In 1418, the Council of Constance settled the <e0>Western Schism</e0>, and a Roman pope, Martin V, was elected.[65] This brought to Rome a century of internal peace, which marked the beginning of the Renaissance.[65] The ruling popes until the first half of the 16th century, from Nicholas V, founder of the Vatican Library, to Pius II, humanist and literate, from Sixtus IV, a warrior pope, to Alexander VI, immoral and nepotist, from Julius II, soldier and patron, to Leo X, who gave his name to this period ("the century of Leo X"), all devoted their energy to the greatness and the beauty of the Eternal City and to the patronage of the arts.[65]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/01/2023, 16:20:07</t0> Japan's relations with Russia are hampered by the two sides' inability to resolve their territorial dispute over the four islands that make up the Northern Territories (Kuriles), which the Soviet Union seized towards the end of <e0>World War II</e0>. The stalemate has prevented conclusion of a peace treaty formally ending the war. The dispute over the Kuril Islands exacerbated the Japan–Russo relations when the Japanese government published a new guideline for school textbooks on 16 July 2008 to teach Japanese children that their country has sovereignty over the Kuril Islands. The Russian public was outraged by the action. the Foreign Minister of Russia criticized the action while reaffirming its sovereignty over the islands.[246]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/28/2023, 01:09:22</t0> In 1690, the Habsburg monarchy gained possession of Transylvania through the Hungarian crown.[16][17][18] After the failure of Rákóczi's War of Independence in 1711,[19] Habsburg control of Transylvania was consolidated, and Hungarian Transylvanian princes were replaced with Habsburg imperial governors.[20][21] During the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Hungarian government proclaimed union with Transylvania in the April Laws of 1848.[22] After the failure of the revolution, the March Constitution of Austria decreed that the Principality of Transylvania be a separate crown land entirely independent of Hungary.[23] The separate status of Transylvania ended with the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867,[24] and it was reincorporated into the Kingdom of Hungary (Transleithania) as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[25] It was also during this period that Romanians experienced the awakening of self-consciousness as a nation, manifested in cultural and ideological movements such as Transylvanian School,[26] and drafted political petitions such as Supplex Libellus Valachorum.[27] After <e0>World War I</e0>, the National Assembly of Romanians from Transylvania proclaimed the Union of Transylvania with Romania on 1 December 1918, and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Romania by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920. In 1940, Northern Transylvania reverted to Hungary as a result of the Second Vienna Award, but it was returned to Romania after the end of <e1>World War II</e1>. Many Hungarians believe that Transylvania should be returned to Hungary, because it was an integral part of the Hungarian Empire prior to the split of Austria-Hungary.[28]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/28/2023, 01:09:22</t0> The region was the site of an important battle during World War I, which caused the replacement of the German Chief of Staff, temporarily ceased German offensives on all the other fronts and created a unified Central Powers command under the German Kaiser. Following defeat in <e0>World War I</e0>, Austria-Hungary disintegrated. Elected representatives of the ethnic Romanians from Transylvania, Banat, Crișana and Maramureș backed by the mobilization of Romanian troops, proclaimed Union with Romania on 1 December 1918. The Proclamation of Union of Alba Iulia was adopted by the Deputies of the Romanians from Transylvania and supported one month later by the vote of the Deputies of the Saxons from Transylvania.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>05/11/2023, 01:32:17</t0> No. 146 Wing RAF was a formation of the Royal Air Force during the <e0>Second World War</e0>. It comprised No. 193 Squadron RAF, No. 197 Squadron RAF, No. 257 Squadron RAF, No. 263 Squadron RAF and No. 266 Squadron RAF.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> Triple H won a number of championships in his career, being a five-time Intercontinental Champion, a three-time world tag team champion (two World Tag Team Championship reigns, and one Unified WWE Tag Team Championship reign), a two-time European Champion, and a self-booked 14-time world champion, making him the company's seventh Triple Crown Champion and second Grand Slam Champion. He is also a two-time Royal Rumble match winner, and a King of the Ring tournament winner.[8][9] Triple H gained late-career praise for his behind-the-scenes work at WWE, creating the developmental branch <e0>NXT</e0> and earning acknowledgment for his business acumen in professional wrestling.[10]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> In a modified version of his gimmick in WCW, Levesque started his WWF career as a "Connecticut Blueblood".[24] According to Levesque, J. J. Dillon originally gave him the name of Reginald DuPont Helmsley, but Levesque asked for a name to play with the first letters and management ultimately agreed to his suggestion of Hunter Hearst Helmsley.[26] He appeared in taped vignettes, in which he talked about how to use proper etiquette, up until his wrestling debut on the April 30, 1995 episode of Wrestling Challenge defeating Buck Zumhofe.[27] Helmsley made his WWF pay-per-view debut on August 27 at SummerSlam, defeating <e0>Bob Holly</e0>.[28] Helmsley remained undefeated during the early months of his career, suffering his first pinfall at the hands of The Undertaker in a Survivor Series match at the namesake event. In the fall of 1995, Helmsley began a feud with the hog farmer Henry O. Godwinn, culminating in an infamous Hog Pen match on December 17 at In Your House 5: Seasons Beatings, where Helmsley was victorious.[29]
[ "t0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> After being highly promoted in the first few months after his debut, his career stalled during 1996, starting off with a feud with Duke "The Dumpster" Droese following a loss during the <e0>Free for All</e0> at 1996 Royal Rumble.[30][31] Up until that event, his angle included appearing on television each week with a different female valet (which included Playboy Playmates Shae Marks and Tylyn John).[5] It was during this time that Helmsley suffered his first loss in singles competition in WWF, against Bret Hart on the March 4 episode of Raw. Sable would become Helmsley's valet at WrestleMania XII on March 31 and after his loss to The Ultimate Warrior,[32] as part of the storyline, he took his aggressions out on her. The debuting Marc Mero – her real-life husband – came to her rescue, starting a feud between the two wrestlers.[33]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> During the main event of the May 21, 2001 episode of Raw Is War, he suffered a legitimate and career-threatening injury.[5][72] He and Austin were defending the WWF Tag Team Championship against Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. At one point, Jericho had Austin trapped in the Walls of Jericho and Triple H ran in to break it up, but just as he did, he suffered a tear in his left quadriceps muscle,[5][72] causing it to come completely off the bone.[15] Despite his inability to place any weight on his leg, Triple H was able to complete the match.[15] He even allowed Jericho to put him in the Walls of Jericho, a move that places considerable stress on the quadriceps. The tear required an operation, which was performed by orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Andrews. This injury brought an abrupt end to the McMahon-Helmsley Era, as the rigorous rehabilitation process kept Triple H out of action for over eight months,[5][15] completely missing <e0>The Invasion</e0> storyline.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> Before September 2, 2002, WWE recognized only one world champion, the WWE Undisputed Champion, for both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. After SummerSlam, then WWE Undisputed Champion Brock Lesnar became exclusive to the SmackDown! brand, leaving the Raw brand without a world champion. Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff then awarded Triple H the <e0>World Heavyweight Championship</e0>, represented by the Big Gold Belt (which previously had been used to represent the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and WCW World Heavyweight Championship), making him the first World Heavyweight Champion.[78] Triple H retained his title against Rob Van Dam on September 22 at Unforgiven when Ric Flair hit Van Dam with a sledgehammer.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> As the founder and executive producer of <e0>NXT</e0> since its inception in 2010, Levesque has been widely praised for helping cultivate the brand, recruiting fresh new talent, and helping guide the brand to various levels of success including sold-out shows, increased respect for women's professional wrestling, international expansion and critically acclaimed matches.[10][223]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/21/2023, 09:37:18</t0> In 2020, Levesque became WWE's Executive Vice President of Global Talent Strategy &amp; Development. In this role, he oversaw the company's Talent Development department and served as a senior advisor to the CEO for talent strategy.[226] He is also the founder and executive producer of WWE's <e0>NXT</e0> brand,[10] though he was not involved with the brand's "NXT 2.0" overhaul in the September of 2021.[227]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/04/2023, 16:02:07</t0> In the <e0>VII century</e0> AD, the Volga Bulgars settled on the territory of the Volga-Kama region, where Finno-Ugrians lived compactly at that time. Bulgars inhabited part of the modern territory of Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Ulyanovsk region, Samara region and Chuvashia. After the invasion of Batu Khan in 1223-1236, the Golden Horde annexed Volga Bulgaria. Most of the population of the Bulgars survived and crossed to the right bank of the Volga, displacing the mountain Mari (cheremis) from the inhabited territories to the meadow side.  Sources of Russian chronicles report - "Tatares took the whole Bulgarian land captive and killed part of it" this shows us that the conquered Bulgarian people could not call themselves Tatars in any way, in honor of the military leaders and in fact those who destroyed their state and people. After a while, Tatars from all the outskirts of the Golden Horde began to arrive in the Kazan Khanate, and consisted mainly of Kipchak peoples: Nogais and Crimean Tatars.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/04/2023, 16:02:07</t0> The Tatars suffered serious losses during <e0>World War II</e0> and furthermore, after the border change in 1945, a large part of them found themselves in the Soviet Union. It is estimated that about 3,000 Tatars live in present-day Poland, of which about 500 declared Tatar (rather than Polish) nationality in the 2002 census.[citation needed] There are two Tatar villages (Bohoniki and Kruszyniany) in the north-east of present-day Poland, as well as urban Tatar communities in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Białystok, and Gorzów Wielkopolski. Tatars in Poland sometimes have a Muslim surname with a Polish ending: Ryzwanowicz; other surnames adopted by more assimilated Tatars are Tatara or Tataranowicz or Taterczyński, which literally mean "son of a Tatar".
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/01/2023, 18:51:57</t0> In November,[41] Alan Lee and John Howe became the film trilogy's primary conceptual designers, having had previous experience as illustrators for the book and various other tie-ins. Lee worked for the Art Department creating places such as Rivendell, Isengard, Moria, and Lothlórien, giving <e0>Art Nouveau</e0> and geometry influences to the Elves and Dwarves respectively.[41][42] Though Howe contributed with Bag End and the Argonath,[41][42] he focused on the design of the characters' armour, having studied it his entire life.[43] Weta and the Art Department continued to design, with Grant Major turning the Art Department's designs into architecture, and Dan Hennah scouting locations.[41] On 1 April 1999, Ngila Dickson joined the crew as costume designer. She and 40 seamstresses would create 19,000 costumes, 40 per version for the actor and their doubles, wearing them out for an impression of age.[24]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/01/2023, 18:51:57</t0> The Fellowship of the Ring was released to universal critical acclaim. Colin Kennedy for Empire gave the film five stars out of five, writing "Brooking no argument, history should quickly regard Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring as the first instalment of the best fantasy epic in motion picture history... Putting formula blockbusters to shame, Fellowship is impeccably cast and constructed with both care and passion: this is a labour of love that never feels laboured. Emotional range and character depth ultimately take us beyond genre limitations..."[66] Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film three out of four stars and stating that while it is not "a true visualization of Tolkien's Middle-earth", it is "a work for, and of, our times. It will be embraced, I suspect, by many Tolkien fans and will take on aspects of a cult. It is a candidate for many Oscars. It is an awesome production in its daring and breadth, and there are small touches that are just right".[67] <e0>USA Today</e0> also gave the film three out of four stars and wrote, "this movie version of a beloved book should please devotees as well as the uninitiated".[68] In his review for The New York Times, Elvis Mitchell wrote, "The playful spookiness of Mr. Jackson's direction provides a lively, light touch, a gesture that doesn't normally come to mind when Tolkien's name is mentioned".[69] Lisa Schwarzbaum for Entertainment Weekly gave the film an A grade and wrote "The cast take to their roles with becoming modesty, certainly, but Jackson also makes it easy for them: His Fellowship flows, never lingering for the sake of admiring its own beauty ... Every detail of which engrossed me. I may have never turned a page of Tolkien, but I know enchantment when I see it".[70] In his review for the BBC, Nev Pierce gave the film four stars out of five, describing it as "Funny, scary, and totally involving", and wrote that Jackson turned "the book's least screen-worthy volume into a gripping and powerful adventure movie".[71] In his review for The Guardian, Xan Brooks wrote "Rather than a stand-alone holiday blockbuster, The Fellowship of the Ring offers an epic act one", and commented that the ending was "closer in spirit to an art-house film than a popcorn holiday romp".[72]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/01/2023, 18:51:57</t0> In his review for the New York Post, Lou Lumenick gave the film four stars out of four, praising Jackson's direction, the casting, the sets, and the score, and describing the film as "the three most exciting hours we've seen on a movie screen in years" and "easily one of the year's best movies".[73] In her review for The Washington Post, Rita Kempley gave the film five stars out of five, and praised the cast, in particular, "Mortensen, as Strider, is a revelation, not to mention downright gorgeous. And McKellen, carrying the burden of thousands of years' worth of the fight against evil, is positively Merlinesque".[74] <e0>Time</e0> magazine's Richard Corliss praised Jackson's work: "His movie achieves what the best fairy tales do: the creation of an alternate world, plausible and persuasive, where the young — and not only the young — can lose themselves. And perhaps, in identifying with the little Hobbit that could, find their better selves".[75] In his review for The Village Voice, J. Hoberman wrote, "Peter Jackson's adaptation is certainly successful on its own terms".[76] Rolling Stone magazine's Peter Travers wrote, "It's emotion that makes Fellowship stick hard in the memory... Jackson deserves to revel in his success. He's made a three-hour film that leaves you wanting more".[77] A mixed review was written by Peter Bradshaw. Writing for The Guardian, he lauded the art direction and the visual look of the film, but he also commented "there is a strange paucity of plot complication, an absence of anything unfolding, all the more disconcerting because of the clotted and indigestible mythic back story that we have to wade through before anything happens at all". Overall, Bradshaw found the tone of the film too serious and self-important, and wrote "signing up to the movie's whole hobbity-elvish universe requires a leap of faith... It's a leap I didn't feel much like making – and, with two more movie episodes like this on the way, the credibility gap looks wider than ever."[78] Jonathan Rosenbaum was also less positive about The Fellowship of the Ring: in his review for the Chicago Reader, he granted that the film was "full of scenic splendors with a fine sense of scale", but he commented that its narrative thrust seemed "relatively pro forma", and that he found the battle scenes boring.[79]
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/03/2022, 13:30:14</t0> The side also won the Welsh Cup in 1927, defeating Rhyl 2–0. They went on to win the FA Charity Shield after beating amateur side the Corinthians 2–1 at Stamford Bridge.[19][13][20] The club entered a period of decline after their cup success. They were relegated from the First Division in the 1928–29 season, despite conceding fewer goals than any other side in the division.[21] They suffered a second relegation two years later, dropping into the Third Division South for the first time since they joined the Football League.[9] During their first season in the division, Cardiff recorded their biggest-ever win when they beat Thames by a scoreline of 9–2.[22] They finished the 1932–33 season in 19th place, resulting in manager Fred Stewart tendering his resignation from his post after 22 years in charge.[13] Club founder Bartley Wilson stepped in to replace Stewart. Results continued to be disappointing, and in March 1934, Ben Watts-Jones was given the opportunity to manage the club he had supported as a youngster. He was unable to turn the team's fortunes around; they finished the season at the bottom of the table, and had to apply for re-election to the league.[2] Watts-Jones remained in charge for another three years until Bill Jennings replaced him. Cardiff remained in the Third Division South until the Football League was suspended following the outbreak of <e0>World War II</e0>.[9][13]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/08/2023, 20:09:47</t0> The land was acquired by Joseph Medill as a country estate, which he called Red Oaks, in the late 1800s. After his death, the estate passed to his grandson, Colonel Robert R. McCormick. McCormick served in <e0>World War I</e0> and saw action at the Battle of Cantigny in northern France. After returning home, he renamed the estate in honor of the battle.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/08/2023, 20:09:47</t0> During <e0>World War I</e0>, McCormick served with the First Division of the United States Army—also known as the "Big Red One". McCormick provided an endowment for the First Division Museum, which was designed by architect Andrew Rebori. The museum has exhibits and artifacts chronicling the First Division's service history, not only in World War I, but also in <e1>World War II</e1> and later U.S. wars.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 04:33:19</t0> The last half of the 19th century saw a period of rapid expansion and modernisation. The fire of 1855 west of Torgallmenningen led to the development of regularly sized city blocks in this area of the city centre. The city limits were expanded in 1876, and Nygård, Møhlenpris and Sandviken were urbanized with large-scale construction of city blocks housing both the poor and the wealthy.[65] Their architecture is influenced by a variety of styles; historicism, classicism and <e0>Art Nouveau</e0>.[66] The wealthy built villas between Møhlenpris and Nygård, and on the side of Mount Fløyen; these areas were also added to Bergen in 1876. Simultaneously, an urbanization process was taking place in Solheimsviken in Årstad, at that time outside the Bergen municipality, centred on the large industrial activity in the area.[67] The workers' homes in this area were poorly built, and little remains after large-scale redevelopment in the 1960s–1980s.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 04:33:19</t0> In August 2004, <e0>Time</e0> magazine named the city one of Europe's 14 "secret capitals"[119] where Bergen's capital reign is acknowledged within maritime businesses and activities such as aquaculture and marine research, with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) (the second-largest oceanography research centre in Europe) as a leading institution. Some of the world's largest aquaculture companies, such as Mowi and Lerøy are headquartered in the city. Shipowners based in Bergen control a significant portion of the Norwegian merchant fleet, including shipowners such as Wilson, Odfjell and Gearbulk. The city has a large presence of financial institutions. Banks Sbanken and Sparebanken Vest are headquartered in the city. The Norwegian branches of insurance companies Tryg, DNB Livsforsikring and Nordea Liv are headquartered in Bergen, along with a significant presence of marine insurance companies, including Norwegian Hull Club. A number of banks maintain large corporate banking divisions in connection with shipping and aquaculture in the city.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/01/2023, 00:57:14</t0> In 1922, a cabinet committee under Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, recommended the formation of the College.[1] The college was founded in 1927 as the Imperial Defence College and was located at 9 Buckingham Gate until 1939.[1] Its objective at that time was to instruct senior military officers in the defence of the British Empire.[1] In 1946, following the end of <e0>World War II</e0>, the college reopened at Seaford House, Belgrave Square and members of the United States Armed Forces started attending the course for the first time.[1]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/04/2023, 06:16:06</t0> 1736 (MDCCXXXVI) was a leap year starting on Sunday of the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar, the 1736th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 736th year of the <e0>2nd millennium</e0>, the 36th year of the <e1>18th century</e1>, and the 7th year of the 1730s decade. As of the start of 1736, the Gregorian calendar was 11 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localized use until 1923.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>04/26/2022, 16:40:37</t0> Filibustered bills require a three-fifths majority to overcome the cloture vote (which usually means 60 votes). To pass a bill, a simple majority (usually 51 votes) is needed. Some news media have confused the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster with the 51 votes needed to approve a bill with for example <e0>USA Today</e0> erroneously stating "The vote was 58–39 in favor of the provision establishing concealed carry permit reciprocity in the 48 states that have concealed weapons laws. That fell two votes short of the 60 needed to approve the measure".[54]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>04/26/2022, 16:40:37</t0> The Senate also has several committees that are not considered standing committees. Such bodies are generally known as select or special committees; examples include the Select Committee on Ethics and the Special Committee on Aging. Legislation is referred to some of these committees, although the bulk of legislative work is performed by the standing committees. Committees may be established on an ad hoc basis for specific purposes; for instance, the Senate Watergate Committee was a special committee created to investigate the <e0>Watergate scandal</e0>. Such temporary committees cease to exist after fulfilling their tasks.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/26/2023, 15:39:27</t0> In 1975, O'Dwyer learned about the agreement from Harold S. Miller, an executor of the Orville Wright estate.[40] O'Dwyer obtained release of the document with help from Connecticut U.S. Senator Lowell Weicker and the U.S. <e0>Freedom of Information Act</e0>.[40] O'Dwyer said that during an earlier 1969 conversation with Paul E. Garber, a Smithsonian curator of early aircraft, Garber denied that a contract existed and said he "could never agree to such a thing."[40]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/20/2022, 08:21:16</t0> AMR was adopted as the standard speech codec by 3GPP in October 1999 and is now widely used in <e0>GSM</e0>[5] and UMTS. It uses link adaptation to select from one of eight different bit rates based on link conditions.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/04/2023, 13:11:29</t0> Victoria's first MLA was Francis A. Walker, defeating incumbent N.W.T. MLA Jack Shera. He served as a backbencher with the Liberal government for all four terms it was in power. In 1917, he was returned to the Legislature by acclamation because the province declared all active servicemen in <e0>World War I</e0> re-elected.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/04/2023, 13:11:29</t0> In 1917, because Walker was an active serviceman in <e0>World War I</e0>, he was automatically re-elected by acclamation for a second time.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/07/2023, 06:30:23</t0> During <e0>World War II</e0>, Northwest Airlines employed up to 5,000 people at the site, modifying new B-24 Liberator bombers, some of which received the highly classified H2X radar, which proved to be an invaluable tool in the European theater.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/27/2023, 14:16:27</t0> Year 708 (DCCVIII) was a leap year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar, the 708th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 708th year of the 1st millennium, the 8th year of the <e0>8th century</e0>, and the 9th year of the 700s decade. The denomination 708 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/01/2023, 12:13:48</t0> In the Middle Ages, the area was part of the territory of the Vistulans tribe, one of the Polish tribes.[2] It became part of the emerging Polish state in the 10th century. As a result of the fragmentation of Poland, it was part of the Polish Seniorate Province and Duchy of Racibórz. Later on, the village passed under Bohemian (Czech) suzerainty, and in the 15th century, it became part of the newly formed Duchy of Pszczyna. During the political upheaval caused by Matthias Corvinus the duchy was overtaken in 1480 by Casimir II, Duke of Cieszyn from the Piast dynasty, who sold it in 1517 to the Hungarian magnates of the Thurzó family, forming the Pless state country. In the accompanying sales document issued on 21 February 1517 the village was mentioned as Wole.[3] Along with the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1526, it became part of the Habsburg monarchy. In the War of the Austrian Succession most of Silesia was conquered by the Kingdom of Prussia, including the village, and in 1871 it became part of the German Empire. After <e0>World War I</e0>, Poland regained independence, and following the subsequent Polish Silesian Uprisings against Germany, the village was reintegrated with the reborn Polish state.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/01/2019, 01:56:27</t0> In the <e0>19th century</e0>, a small Jewish community lived in the village,[1] many of whose members were murdered in the Holocaust,[2] also the village also has an old Jewish cemetery, [3]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]