last O
remaining O
populations O
of O
giant B-climate-organisms
pandas I-climate-organisms
( O
Ailuropoda B-climate-organisms
melanoleuca I-climate-organisms
) O
. O
In O
this O
paper O
, O
we O
developed O
a O
mechanistic O
model O
that O
uses O
climatic O
variables O
( O
rather O
than O
biotic O
variables O
) O
to O
( O
i O
) O
examine O
how O
variation O
in O
landscape O
scale O
climate O
influences O
the O
spatial O
distribution O
of O
panda B-climate-organisms
habitat O
in O
China O
's O
Qinling O
Mountains O
, O
and O
( O
ii O
) O
evaluate O
how O
the O
distribution O
and O
extent O
of O
panda B-climate-organisms
habitat B-climate-organisms
will O
change O
in O
the O
future O
under O
forecast O
climate O
change O
scenarios O
. O
We O
found O
that O
there O
was O
substantial O
variation O
in O
temperature B-climate-properties
throughout O
the O
study O
area O
that O
correlated O
with O
variation O
in O
altitude B-climate-properties
. O