Sedimentary O
characteristics O
of O
channel B-climate-nature
fills I-climate-nature
and O
flood B-climate-nature
beds I-climate-nature
were O
correlated O
with O
contemporaneous O
discharge B-climate-nature
records O
( O
since O
1770 O
) O
and O
major O
geomorphological O
changes O
in O
the O
Lower O
Rhine O
floodplain B-climate-nature
. O
Discharges O
of O
palaeofloods B-climate-hazards
were O
calculated O
from O
the O
established O
regression O
between O
grain O
- O
size O
characteristics O
in O
flood B-climate-hazards
deposits O
and O
measured O
discharges O
, O
and O
hydraulic O
modelling O
based O
on O
the O
elevation O
of O
slackwater B-climate-nature
deposits I-climate-nature
on O
high O
terrace B-climate-nature
levels O
in O
the O
Lower O
Rhine O
Valley O
. O
It O
was O
found O
that O
around O
4700 O
years O
ago O
, O
an O
extreme O
must O
have O
occurred O
of O
at O
least O
13,250 O
m3s-1 O
, O
larger O
than O
any O
measured O
discharge B-climate-properties
. O