stringlengths 86
| code_codestyle
int64 0
| style_context
stringlengths 87
| style_context_codestyle
int64 0
| label
int64 0
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers import BlipTextConfig
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow
from transformers.utils import is_tf_available
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
if is_tf_available():
import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import TFBlipTextModel
from transformers.models.blip.modeling_tf_blip import TF_BLIP_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Tuple=12 , __a : List[str]=7 , __a : Optional[int]=True , __a : str=True , __a : int=True , __a : List[str]=99 , __a : Union[str, Any]=32 , __a : str=32 , __a : Union[str, Any]=2 , __a : List[str]=4 , __a : Union[str, Any]=37 , __a : Optional[Any]=0.1 , __a : Optional[int]=0.1 , __a : Tuple=5_12 , __a : int=0.02 , __a : Tuple=0 , __a : List[str]=None , ):
_a = parent
_a = batch_size
_a = seq_length
_a = is_training
_a = use_input_mask
_a = use_labels
_a = vocab_size
_a = hidden_size
_a = projection_dim
_a = num_hidden_layers
_a = num_attention_heads
_a = intermediate_size
_a = dropout
_a = attention_dropout
_a = max_position_embeddings
_a = initializer_range
_a = scope
_a = bos_token_id
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
_a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
_a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
if input_mask is not None:
_a = input_mask.numpy()
_a , _a = input_mask.shape
_a = np.random.randint(1 , seq_length - 1 , size=(batch_size,) )
for batch_idx, start_index in enumerate(__a ):
_a = 1
_a = 0
_a = self.get_config()
return config, input_ids, tf.convert_to_tensor(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return BlipTextConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , projection_dim=self.projection_dim , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , dropout=self.dropout , attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , bos_token_id=self.bos_token_id , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : int , __a : List[str] , __a : str ):
_a = TFBlipTextModel(config=__a )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , training=__a )
_a = model(__a , training=__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooler_output.shape , (self.batch_size, self.hidden_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
_a , _a , _a = config_and_inputs
_a = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(TFBlipTextModel,) if is_tf_available() else ()
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = BlipTextModelTester(self )
_a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__a , hidden_size=37 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
@unittest.skip(reason="Blip does not use inputs_embeds" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
@unittest.skip(reason="BlipTextModel has no base class and is not available in MODEL_MAPPING" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
@unittest.skip(reason="BlipTextModel has no base class and is not available in MODEL_MAPPING" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = TFBlipTextModel.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : Union[str, Any]=True ):
super().test_pt_tf_model_equivalence(allow_missing_keys=__a )
| 367 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import torch
from bart_onnx.generation_onnx import BARTBeamSearchGenerator
from bart_onnx.reduce_onnx_size import remove_dup_initializers
import transformers
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration, BartTokenizer
format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s | [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
level=os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper(),
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = {'facebook/bart-base': BartForConditionalGeneration}
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = {'facebook/bart-base': BartTokenizer}
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export Bart model + Beam Search to ONNX graph." )
"--validation_file" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="A csv or a json file containing the validation data." )
"--max_length" , type=lowercase , default=5 , help="The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization." , )
"--num_beams" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help=(
"Number of beams to use for evaluation. This argument will be "
"passed to ``model.generate``, which is used during ``evaluate`` and ``predict``."
) , )
"--model_name_or_path" , type=lowercase , help="Path to pretrained model or model identifier from" , required=lowercase , )
"--config_name" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name" , )
"--device" , type=lowercase , default="cpu" , help="Device where the model will be run" , )
parser.add_argument("--output_file_path" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Where to store the final ONNX file." )
_a = parser.parse_args()
return args
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple="cpu" ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = model_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase ).to(lowercase )
_a = tokenizer_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase )
if model_name in ["facebook/bart-base"]:
_a = 0
_a = None
_a = 0
return huggingface_model, tokenizer
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Dict ) -> Any:
_a = None
_a = torch.jit.script(BARTBeamSearchGenerator(lowercase ) )
with torch.no_grad():
_a = "My friends are cool but they eat too many carbs."
_a = tokenizer([ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE] , max_length=1024 , return_tensors="pt" ).to(model.device )
_a = model.generate(
inputs["input_ids"] , attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] , num_beams=lowercase , max_length=lowercase , early_stopping=lowercase , decoder_start_token_id=model.config.decoder_start_token_id , )
lowercase , (
) , lowercase , opset_version=14 , input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "num_beams", "max_length", "decoder_start_token_id"] , output_names=["output_ids"] , dynamic_axes={
"input_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq"},
"output_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq_out"},
} , example_outputs=lowercase , )"Model exported to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = remove_dup_initializers(os.path.abspath(lowercase ) )"Deduplicated and optimized model written to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(lowercase )
_a =
lowercase , {
"input_ids": inputs["input_ids"].cpu().numpy(),
"attention_mask": inputs["attention_mask"].cpu().numpy(),
"num_beams": np.array(lowercase ),
"max_length": np.array(lowercase ),
"decoder_start_token_id": np.array(model.config.decoder_start_token_id ),
} , )
np.testing.assert_allclose(summary_ids.cpu().numpy() , ort_out[0] , rtol=1E-3 , atol=1E-3 )"Model outputs from torch and ONNX Runtime are similar." )"Success." )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = parse_args()
_a = 5
_a = 4
# Make one log on every process with the configuration for debugging.
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s" , datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" , level=logging.INFO , )
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO )
_a = torch.device(args.device )
_a , _a = load_model_tokenizer(args.model_name_or_path , lowercase )
if model.config.decoder_start_token_id is None:
raise ValueError("Make sure that `config.decoder_start_token_id` is correctly defined" ) )
if args.max_length:
_a = args.max_length
if args.num_beams:
_a = args.num_beams
if args.output_file_path:
_a = args.output_file_path
_a = "BART.onnx""Exporting model to ONNX" )
export_and_validate_model(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
import unittest
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from transformers import AutoConfig, TFAutoModel, is_tensorflow_text_available, is_tf_available
from transformers.models.bert.tokenization_bert import BertTokenizer
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tensorflow_text, require_tf, slow
if is_tf_available():
import tensorflow as tf
if is_tensorflow_text_available():
from transformers.models.bert import TFBertTokenizer
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = ['bert-base-uncased', 'bert-base-cased']
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = 'hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert-tf-only'
if is_tf_available():
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (tf.keras.Model ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Optional[int] , __a : int ):
_a = tokenizer
_a = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(__a )
_a = TFAutoModel.from_config(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.tokenizer(__a )
_a = self.bert(**__a )
return out["pooler_output"]
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = [
BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(__a ) for checkpoint in (TOKENIZER_CHECKPOINTS * 2)
] # repeat for when fast_bert_tokenizer=false
_a = [TFBertTokenizer.from_pretrained(__a ) for checkpoint in TOKENIZER_CHECKPOINTS] + [
TFBertTokenizer.from_pretrained(__a , use_fast_bert_tokenizer=__a )
assert len(self.tokenizers ) == len(self.tf_tokenizers )
_a = [
"This is a straightforward English test sentence.",
"This one has some weird characters\rto\nsee\r\nif those\u00E9break things.",
"Now we're going to add some Chinese: 一 二 三 一二三",
"And some much more rare Chinese: 齉 堃 齉堃",
"Je vais aussi écrire en français pour tester les accents",
"Classical Irish also has some unusual characters, so in they go: Gaelaċ, ꝼ",
_a = list(zip(self.test_sentences , self.test_sentences[::-1] ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
for tokenizer, tf_tokenizer in zip(self.tokenizers , self.tf_tokenizers ):
for test_inputs in (self.test_sentences, self.paired_sentences):
_a = tokenizer(__a , return_tensors="tf" , padding="longest" )
_a = tf_tokenizer(__a )
for key in python_outputs.keys():
self.assertTrue(tf.reduce_all(python_outputs[key].shape == tf_outputs[key].shape ) )
self.assertTrue(tf.reduce_all(tf.cast(python_outputs[key] , tf.intaa ) == tf_outputs[key] ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
for tf_tokenizer in self.tf_tokenizers:
_a = tf_tokenizer(self.paired_sentences )
_a = tf_tokenizer(
text=[sentence[0] for sentence in self.paired_sentences] , text_pair=[sentence[1] for sentence in self.paired_sentences] , )
for key in merged_outputs.keys():
self.assertTrue(tf.reduce_all(tf.cast(merged_outputs[key] , tf.intaa ) == separated_outputs[key] ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
for tf_tokenizer in self.tf_tokenizers:
_a = tf.function(__a )
for test_inputs in (self.test_sentences, self.paired_sentences):
_a = tf.constant(__a )
_a = compiled_tokenizer(__a )
_a = tf_tokenizer(__a )
for key in eager_outputs.keys():
self.assertTrue(tf.reduce_all(eager_outputs[key] == compiled_outputs[key] ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
for tf_tokenizer in self.tf_tokenizers:
_a = ModelToSave(tokenizer=__a )
_a = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.test_sentences )
_a = model(__a ) # Build model with some sample inputs
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
_a = Path(__a ) / "saved.model" )
_a = tf.keras.models.load_model(__a )
_a = loaded_model(__a )
# We may see small differences because the loaded model is compiled, so we need an epsilon for the test
self.assertLessEqual(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(out - loaded_output ) ) , 1e-5 )
| 368 |
'''simple docstring'''
# tests directory-specific settings - this file is run automatically
# by pytest before any tests are run
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
# allow having multiple repository checkouts and not needing to remember to rerun
# 'pip install -e .[dev]' when switching between checkouts and running tests.
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = abspath(join(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))), 'src'))
sys.path.insert(1, git_repo_path)
# silence FutureWarning warnings in tests since often we can't act on them until
# they become normal warnings - i.e. the tests still need to test the current functionality
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[int]:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_addoption_shared
pytest_addoption_shared(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_terminal_summary_main
_a = terminalreporter.config.getoption("--make-reports" )
if make_reports:
pytest_terminal_summary_main(lowercase , id=lowercase )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
import os
import sys
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from random import randint
from typing import Optional
import datasets
import evaluate
import numpy as np
from datasets import DatasetDict, load_dataset
import transformers
from transformers import (
from transformers.trainer_utils import get_last_checkpoint
from transformers.utils import check_min_version, send_example_telemetry
from transformers.utils.versions import require_version
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Will error if the minimal version of Transformers is not installed. Remove at your own risks.
require_version('datasets>=1.14.0', 'To fix: pip install -r examples/pytorch/audio-classification/requirements.txt')
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : np.ndarray , lowercase : float , lowercase : int = 1_6000 ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = int(round(sample_rate * max_length ) )
if len(lowercase ) <= sample_length:
return wav
_a = randint(0 , len(lowercase ) - sample_length - 1 )
return wav[random_offset : random_offset + sample_length]
"""simple docstring"""
__a =field(default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Name of a dataset from the datasets package'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'The configuration name of the dataset to use (via the datasets library).'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'A file containing the training audio paths and labels.'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'A file containing the validation audio paths and labels.'} )
__a =field(
default='train' , metadata={
'help': 'The name of the training data set split to use (via the datasets library). Defaults to \'train\''
} , )
__a =field(
default='validation' , metadata={
'help': (
'The name of the training data set split to use (via the datasets library). Defaults to \'validation\''
} , )
__a =field(
default='audio' , metadata={'help': 'The name of the dataset column containing the audio data. Defaults to \'audio\''} , )
__a =field(
default='label' , metadata={'help': 'The name of the dataset column containing the labels. Defaults to \'label\''} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={
'help': (
'For debugging purposes or quicker training, truncate the number of training examples to this '
'value if set.'
} , )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={
'help': (
'For debugging purposes or quicker training, truncate the number of evaluation examples to this '
'value if set.'
} , )
__a =field(
default=20 , metadata={'help': 'Audio clips will be randomly cut to this length during training if the value is set.'} , )
"""simple docstring"""
__a =field(
default='facebook/wav2vec2-base' , metadata={'help': 'Path to pretrained model or model identifier from'} , )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Where do you want to store the pretrained models downloaded from the Hub'} )
__a =field(
default='main' , metadata={'help': 'The specific model version to use (can be a branch name, tag name or commit id).'} , )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Name or path of preprocessor config.'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Whether to freeze the feature encoder layers of the model.'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Whether to generate an attention mask in the feature extractor.'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={
'help': (
'Will use the token generated when running `huggingface-cli login` (necessary to use this script '
'with private models).'
} , )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Whether to freeze the feature extractor layers of the model.'} )
__a =field(
default=lowerCamelCase_ , metadata={'help': 'Will enable to load a pretrained model whose head dimensions are different.'} , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
if not self.freeze_feature_extractor and self.freeze_feature_encoder:
"The argument `--freeze_feature_extractor` is deprecated and "
"will be removed in a future version. Use `--freeze_feature_encoder`"
"instead. Setting `freeze_feature_encoder==True`." , __a , )
if self.freeze_feature_extractor and not self.freeze_feature_encoder:
raise ValueError(
"The argument `--freeze_feature_extractor` is deprecated and "
"should not be used in combination with `--freeze_feature_encoder`."
"Only make use of `--freeze_feature_encoder`." )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> List[Any]:
# See all possible arguments in src/transformers/
# or by passing the --help flag to this script.
# We now keep distinct sets of args, for a cleaner separation of concerns.
_a = HfArgumentParser((ModelArguments, DataTrainingArguments, TrainingArguments) )
if len(sys.argv ) == 2 and sys.argv[1].endswith(".json" ):
# If we pass only one argument to the script and it's the path to a json file,
# let's parse it to get our arguments.
_a , _a , _a = parser.parse_json_file(json_file=os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1] ) )
_a , _a , _a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()
# Sending telemetry. Tracking the example usage helps us better allocate resources to maintain them. The
# information sent is the one passed as arguments along with your Python/PyTorch versions.
send_example_telemetry("run_audio_classification" , lowercase , lowercase )
# Setup logging
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s" , datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" , handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout )] , )
if training_args.should_log:
# The default of training_args.log_level is passive, so we set log level at info here to have that default.
_a = training_args.get_process_log_level()
logger.setLevel(lowercase )
transformers.utils.logging.set_verbosity(lowercase )
# Log on each process the small summary:
F'Process rank: {training_args.local_rank}, device: {training_args.device}, n_gpu: {training_args.n_gpu} '
+ F'distributed training: {bool(training_args.local_rank != -1 )}, 16-bits training: {training_args.fpaa}' )'Training/evaluation parameters {training_args}' )
# Set seed before initializing model.
set_seed(training_args.seed )
# Detecting last checkpoint.
_a = None
if os.path.isdir(training_args.output_dir ) and training_args.do_train and not training_args.overwrite_output_dir:
_a = get_last_checkpoint(training_args.output_dir )
if last_checkpoint is None and len(os.listdir(training_args.output_dir ) ) > 0:
raise ValueError(
F'Output directory ({training_args.output_dir}) already exists and is not empty. '
"Use --overwrite_output_dir to train from scratch." )
elif last_checkpoint is not None and training_args.resume_from_checkpoint is None:
F'Checkpoint detected, resuming training at {last_checkpoint}. To avoid this behavior, change '
"the `--output_dir` or add `--overwrite_output_dir` to train from scratch." )
# Initialize our dataset and prepare it for the audio classification task.
_a = DatasetDict()
_a = load_dataset(
data_args.dataset_name , data_args.dataset_config_name , split=data_args.train_split_name , use_auth_token=True if model_args.use_auth_token else None , )
_a = load_dataset(
data_args.dataset_name , data_args.dataset_config_name , split=data_args.eval_split_name , use_auth_token=True if model_args.use_auth_token else None , )
if data_args.audio_column_name not in raw_datasets["train"].column_names:
raise ValueError(
F'--audio_column_name {data_args.audio_column_name} not found in dataset \'{data_args.dataset_name}\'. '
"Make sure to set `--audio_column_name` to the correct audio column - one of "
F'{", ".join(raw_datasets["train"].column_names )}.' )
if data_args.label_column_name not in raw_datasets["train"].column_names:
raise ValueError(
F'--label_column_name {data_args.label_column_name} not found in dataset \'{data_args.dataset_name}\'. '
"Make sure to set `--label_column_name` to the correct text column - one of "
F'{", ".join(raw_datasets["train"].column_names )}.' )
# Setting `return_attention_mask=True` is the way to get a correctly masked mean-pooling over
# transformer outputs in the classifier, but it doesn't always lead to better accuracy
_a = AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(
model_args.feature_extractor_name or model_args.model_name_or_path , return_attention_mask=model_args.attention_mask , cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir , revision=model_args.model_revision , use_auth_token=True if model_args.use_auth_token else None , )
# `datasets` takes care of automatically loading and resampling the audio,
# so we just need to set the correct target sampling rate.
_a = raw_datasets.cast_column(
data_args.audio_column_name , datasets.features.Audio(sampling_rate=feature_extractor.sampling_rate ) )
_a = feature_extractor.model_input_names[0]
def train_transforms(lowercase : Tuple ):
_a = []
for audio in batch[data_args.audio_column_name]:
_a = random_subsample(
audio["array"] , max_length=data_args.max_length_seconds , sample_rate=feature_extractor.sampling_rate )
subsampled_wavs.append(lowercase )
_a = feature_extractor(lowercase , sampling_rate=feature_extractor.sampling_rate )
_a = {model_input_name: inputs.get(lowercase )}
_a = list(batch[data_args.label_column_name] )
return output_batch
def val_transforms(lowercase : Dict ):
_a = [audio["array"] for audio in batch[data_args.audio_column_name]]
_a = feature_extractor(lowercase , sampling_rate=feature_extractor.sampling_rate )
_a = {model_input_name: inputs.get(lowercase )}
_a = list(batch[data_args.label_column_name] )
return output_batch
# Prepare label mappings.
# We'll include these in the model's config to get human readable labels in the Inference API.
_a = raw_datasets["train"].features[data_args.label_column_name].names
_a , _a = {}, {}
for i, label in enumerate(lowercase ):
_a = str(lowercase )
_a = label
# Load the accuracy metric from the datasets package
_a = evaluate.load("accuracy" )
# Define our compute_metrics function. It takes an `EvalPrediction` object (a namedtuple with
# `predictions` and `label_ids` fields) and has to return a dictionary string to float.
def compute_metrics(lowercase : Dict ):
_a = np.argmax(eval_pred.predictions , axis=1 )
return metric.compute(predictions=lowercase , references=eval_pred.label_ids )
_a = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(
model_args.config_name or model_args.model_name_or_path , num_labels=len(lowercase ) , labelaid=lowercase , idalabel=lowercase , finetuning_task="audio-classification" , cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir , revision=model_args.model_revision , use_auth_token=True if model_args.use_auth_token else None , )
_a = AutoModelForAudioClassification.from_pretrained(
model_args.model_name_or_path , from_tf=bool(".ckpt" in model_args.model_name_or_path ) , config=lowercase , cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir , revision=model_args.model_revision , use_auth_token=True if model_args.use_auth_token else None , ignore_mismatched_sizes=model_args.ignore_mismatched_sizes , )
# freeze the convolutional waveform encoder
if model_args.freeze_feature_encoder:
if training_args.do_train:
if data_args.max_train_samples is not None:
_a = (
raw_datasets["train"].shuffle(seed=training_args.seed ).select(range(data_args.max_train_samples ) )
# Set the training transforms
raw_datasets["train"].set_transform(lowercase , output_all_columns=lowercase )
if training_args.do_eval:
if data_args.max_eval_samples is not None:
_a = (
raw_datasets["eval"].shuffle(seed=training_args.seed ).select(range(data_args.max_eval_samples ) )
# Set the validation transforms
raw_datasets["eval"].set_transform(lowercase , output_all_columns=lowercase )
# Initialize our trainer
_a = Trainer(
model=lowercase , args=lowercase , train_dataset=raw_datasets["train"] if training_args.do_train else None , eval_dataset=raw_datasets["eval"] if training_args.do_eval else None , compute_metrics=lowercase , tokenizer=lowercase , )
# Training
if training_args.do_train:
_a = None
if training_args.resume_from_checkpoint is not None:
_a = training_args.resume_from_checkpoint
elif last_checkpoint is not None:
_a = last_checkpoint
_a = trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=lowercase )
trainer.log_metrics("train" , train_result.metrics )
trainer.save_metrics("train" , train_result.metrics )
# Evaluation
if training_args.do_eval:
_a = trainer.evaluate()
trainer.log_metrics("eval" , lowercase )
trainer.save_metrics("eval" , lowercase )
# Write model card and (optionally) push to hub
_a = {
"finetuned_from": model_args.model_name_or_path,
"tasks": "audio-classification",
"dataset": data_args.dataset_name,
"tags": ["audio-classification"],
if training_args.push_to_hub:
trainer.push_to_hub(**lowercase )
trainer.create_model_card(**lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 369 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers.modeling_utils import ModuleUtilsMixin
from transformers.models.ta.modeling_ta import TaBlock, TaConfig, TaLayerNorm
from ...configuration_utils import ConfigMixin, register_to_config
from ...models import ModelMixin
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : float , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : str , __a : bool = False , ):
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = False
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
_a = TaConfig(
vocab_size=__a , d_model=__a , num_heads=__a , d_kv=__a , d_ff=__a , dropout_rate=__a , feed_forward_proj=__a , is_decoder=__a , is_encoder_decoder=__a , )
_a = nn.ModuleList()
for lyr_num in range(__a ):
_a = TaBlock(__a )
self.encoders.append(__a )
_a = TaLayerNorm(__a )
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.token_embedder(__a )
_a = encoder_input_tokens.shape[1]
_a = torch.arange(__a , device=encoder_input_tokens.device )
x += self.position_encoding(__a )
_a = self.dropout_pre(__a )
# inverted the attention mask
_a = encoder_input_tokens.size()
_a = self.get_extended_attention_mask(__a , __a )
for lyr in self.encoders:
_a = lyr(__a , __a )[0]
_a = self.layer_norm(__a )
return self.dropout_post(__a ), encoder_inputs_mask
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from ...utils import logging
from .image_processing_deformable_detr import DeformableDetrImageProcessor
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Optional[int] ):
"The class DeformableDetrFeatureExtractor is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of Transformers."
" Please use DeformableDetrImageProcessor instead." , __a , )
super().__init__(*__a , **__a )
| 370 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from utils_rag import save_json
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Any:
_a = filter(lambda lowercase : p.requires_grad , model.parameters() )
_a = sum([ ) for p in model_parameters] )
return params
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if metric == "rouge2":
_a = "{val_avg_rouge2:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "bleu":
_a = "{val_avg_bleu:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "em":
_a = "{val_avg_em:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "loss":
_a = "{val_avg_loss:.4f}-{step_count}"
raise NotImplementedError(
F'seq2seq callbacks only support rouge2 and bleu, got {metric}, You can make your own by adding to this'
" function." )
_a = ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath=lowercase , filename=lowercase , monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="max" , save_top_k=1 , every_n_epochs=1 , )
return checkpoint_callback
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
return EarlyStopping(
monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="min" if "loss" in metric else "max" , patience=lowercase , verbose=lowercase , )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (pl.Callback ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = {f'lr_group_{i}': param["lr"] for i, param in enumerate(pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0].param_groups )}
pl_module.logger.log_metrics(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule , __a : str , __a : Dict=True ):'***** {type_path} results at step {trainer.global_step:05d} *****' )
_a = trainer.callback_metrics
trainer.logger.log_metrics({k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k not in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]} )
# Log results
_a = Path(pl_module.hparams.output_dir )
if type_path == "test":
_a = od / "test_results.txt"
_a = od / "test_generations.txt"
# this never gets hit. I prefer not to save intermediate generations, and results are in metrics.json
# If people want this it will be easy enough to add back.
_a = od / f'{type_path}_results/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
_a = od / f'{type_path}_generations/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
results_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
generations_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
with open(__a , "a+" ) as writer:
for key in sorted(__a ):
if key in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]:
_a = metrics[key]
if isinstance(__a , torch.Tensor ):
_a = val.item()
_a = f'{key}: {val:.6f}\n'
writer.write(__a )
if not save_generations:
if "preds" in metrics:
_a = "\n".join(metrics["preds"] )"w+" ).write(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = pl_module.model.model.num_parameters()
except AttributeError:
_a = pl_module.model.num_parameters()
_a = count_trainable_parameters(__a )
# mp stands for million parameters
trainer.logger.log_metrics({"n_params": npars, "mp": npars / 1e6, "grad_mp": n_trainable_pars / 1e6} )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
return self._write_logs(__a , __a , "test" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : str ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
# Uncommenting this will save val generations
# return self._write_logs(trainer, pl_module, "valid")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from collections import defaultdict
from math import ceil, sqrt
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 100_0000 , lowercase : int = 10 ) -> int:
_a = defaultdict(lowercase )
for outer_width in range(3 , (t_limit // 4) + 2 ):
if outer_width * outer_width > t_limit:
_a = max(
ceil(sqrt(outer_width * outer_width - t_limit ) ) , 1 )
_a = 1
hole_width_lower_bound += (outer_width - hole_width_lower_bound) % 2
for hole_width in range(lowercase , outer_width - 1 , 2 ):
count[outer_width * outer_width - hole_width * hole_width] += 1
return sum(1 for n in count.values() if 1 <= n <= 10 )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 371 |
'''simple docstring'''
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
from packaging import version
from PIL import Image
if version.parse(version.parse(PIL.__version__).base_version) >= version.parse('9.1.0'):
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = {
'linear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.Resampling.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.Resampling.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.Resampling.NEAREST,
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'linear': PIL.Image.LINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.NEAREST,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = (images / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0 , 1 )
_a = images.cpu().permute(0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ).float().numpy()
_a = numpy_to_pil(lowercase )
return images
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[Any]:
if images.ndim == 3:
_a = images[None, ...]
_a = (images * 255).round().astype("uint8" )
if images.shape[-1] == 1:
# special case for grayscale (single channel) images
_a = [Image.fromarray(image.squeeze() , mode="L" ) for image in images]
_a = [Image.fromarray(lowercase ) for image in images]
return pil_images
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import OptionalDependencyNotAvailable, _LazyModule, is_torch_available
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {'configuration_timm_backbone': ['TimmBackboneConfig']}
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = ['TimmBackbone']
from .configuration_timm_backbone import TimmBackboneConfig
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_timm_backbone import TimmBackbone
import sys
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()['__file__'], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 350 |
'''simple docstring'''
import contextlib
import csv
import json
import os
import sqlitea
import tarfile
import textwrap
import zipfile
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pytest
import datasets
import datasets.config
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = 10
_a = datasets.Features(
"tokens": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" ) ),
"labels": datasets.Sequence(datasets.ClassLabel(names=["negative", "positive"] ) ),
"answers": datasets.Sequence(
"text": datasets.Value("string" ),
"answer_start": datasets.Value("int32" ),
} ),
"id": datasets.Value("int64" ),
} )
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(
"tokens": [["foo"] * 5] * n,
"labels": [[1] * 5] * n,
"answers": [{"answer_start": [97], "text": ["1976"]}] * 10,
"id": list(range(lowercase ) ),
} , features=lowercase , )
return dataset
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.arrow" ) )
return filename
# FILE_CONTENT + files
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = '\\n Text data.\n Second line of data.'
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt"
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.bz2"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Optional[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.gz" )
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if datasets.config.LZ4_AVAILABLE:
import lza.frame
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.lz4"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[Any]:
if datasets.config.PY7ZR_AVAILABLE:
import pyazr
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.7z"
with pyazr.SevenZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as archive:
archive.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Dict:
import tarfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import lzma
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.xz"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import zipfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> List[str]:
if datasets.config.ZSTANDARD_AVAILABLE:
import zstandard as zstd
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.zst"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.xml"
_a = textwrap.dedent(
"\\n <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n <tmx version=\"1.4\">\n <header segtype=\"sentence\" srclang=\"ca\" />\n <body>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 1</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 1</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 2</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 2</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 3</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 3</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 4</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 4</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 5</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 5</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n </body>\n </tmx>" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = [
{'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': '2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': '3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': '4', 'col_2': 4, 'col_3': 4.0},
{'col_1': '5', 'col_2': 5, 'col_3': 5.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = {
'col_1': ['0', '1', '2', '3'],
'col_2': [0, 1, 2, 3],
'col_3': [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = [
{'col_3': 0.0, 'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0},
{'col_3': 1.0, 'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': 's0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': 's1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': 's2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': 's3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> List[str]:
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(lowercase )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.arrow" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> Dict:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.sqlite" )
with contextlib.closing(sqlitea.connect(lowercase ) ) as con:
_a = con.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE dataset(col_1 text, col_2 int, col_3 real)" )
for item in DATA:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO dataset(col_1, col_2, col_3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" , tuple(item.values() ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> int:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv.bz2"
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as f:
_a =
# data = bytes(FILE_CONTENT, "utf-8")
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Any ) -> List[str]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csv_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csva_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.parquet" )
_a = pa.schema(
"col_1": pa.string(),
"col_2": pa.intaa(),
"col_3": pa.floataa(),
} )
with open(lowercase , "wb" ) as f:
_a = pq.ParquetWriter(lowercase , schema=lowercase )
_a = pa.Table.from_pydict({k: [DATA[i][k] for i in range(len(lowercase ) )] for k in DATA[0]} , schema=lowercase )
writer.write_table(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA_DICT_OF_LISTS}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[str]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_312.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_312:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset-str.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_STR:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Tuple:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> List[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : int , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_nested.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Any ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported.ext" ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported_2.ext" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Any:
_a = "\n".join(["First", "Second\u2029with Unicode new line", "Third"] )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_with_unicode_new_lines.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[Any]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_image_rgb.jpg" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_audio_44100.wav" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ).replace(".jpg" , "2.jpg" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data_dir" )
(data_dir / "subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden file
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / ".test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden directory
(data_dir / ".subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
return data_dir
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import importlib
import shutil
import threading
import warnings
from typing import List
import fsspec
import fsspec.asyn
from . import compression
from .hffilesystem import HfFileSystem
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = importlib.util.find_spec('s3fs') is not None
if _has_safs:
from .safilesystem import SaFileSystem # noqa: F401
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[compression.BaseCompressedFileFileSystem] = [
# Register custom filesystems
for fs_class in COMPRESSION_FILESYSTEMS + [HfFileSystem]:
if fs_class.protocol in fsspec.registry and fsspec.registry[fs_class.protocol] is not fs_class:
warnings.warn(f"""A filesystem protocol was already set for {fs_class.protocol} and will be overwritten.""")
fsspec.register_implementation(fs_class.protocol, fs_class, clobber=True)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
if "://" in dataset_path:
_a = dataset_path.split("://" )[1]
return dataset_path
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : fsspec.AbstractFileSystem ) -> bool:
if fs is not None and fs.protocol != "file":
return True
return False
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : fsspec.AbstractFileSystem , lowercase : str , lowercase : str ) -> Tuple:
_a = not is_remote_filesystem(lowercase )
if is_local:
# does copy + rm, it is more efficient to simply move a local directory
shutil.move(fs._strip_protocol(lowercase ) , fs._strip_protocol(lowercase ) )
else: , lowercase , recursive=lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> None:
if hasattr(fsspec.asyn , "reset_lock" ):
# for future fsspec>2022.05.0
_a = None
_a = None
_a = threading.Lock()
| 351 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from ...processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
from ...tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding, PaddingStrategy, PreTokenizedInput, TextInput, TruncationStrategy
from ...utils import TensorType
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['image_processor', 'tokenizer']
__a ='LayoutLMv2ImageProcessor'
__a =('LayoutXLMTokenizer', 'LayoutXLMTokenizerFast')
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : int=None , __a : List[Any]=None , **__a : str ):
if "feature_extractor" in kwargs:
"The `feature_extractor` argument is deprecated and will be removed in v5, use `image_processor`"
" instead." , __a , )
_a = kwargs.pop("feature_extractor" )
_a = image_processor if image_processor is not None else feature_extractor
if image_processor is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify an `image_processor`." )
if tokenizer is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify a `tokenizer`." )
super().__init__(__a , __a )
def __call__( self : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[TextInput, PreTokenizedInput, List[TextInput], List[PreTokenizedInput]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[PreTokenizedInput, List[PreTokenizedInput]]] = None , __a : Union[List[List[int]], List[List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : Union[bool, str, PaddingStrategy] = False , __a : Union[bool, str, TruncationStrategy] = None , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : int = 0 , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None , **__a : Optional[Any] , ):
# verify input
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (boxes is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide bounding boxes "
"if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (word_labels is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide word labels if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True and return_offsets_mapping is False:
raise ValueError("You cannot return overflowing tokens without returning the offsets mapping." )
# first, apply the image processor
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=__a )
# second, apply the tokenizer
if text is not None and self.image_processor.apply_ocr and text_pair is None:
if isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = [text] # add batch dimension (as the image processor always adds a batch dimension)
_a = features["words"]
_a = self.tokenizer(
text=text if text is not None else features["words"] , text_pair=text_pair if text_pair is not None else None , boxes=boxes if boxes is not None else features["boxes"] , word_labels=__a , add_special_tokens=__a , padding=__a , truncation=__a , max_length=__a , stride=__a , pad_to_multiple_of=__a , return_token_type_ids=__a , return_attention_mask=__a , return_overflowing_tokens=__a , return_special_tokens_mask=__a , return_offsets_mapping=__a , return_length=__a , verbose=__a , return_tensors=__a , **__a , )
# add pixel values
_a = features.pop("pixel_values" )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True:
_a = self.get_overflowing_images(__a , encoded_inputs["overflow_to_sample_mapping"] )
_a = images
return encoded_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] , __a : int ):
# in case there's an overflow, ensure each `input_ids` sample is mapped to its corresponding image
_a = []
for sample_idx in overflow_to_sample_mapping:
images_with_overflow.append(images[sample_idx] )
if len(__a ) != len(__a ):
raise ValueError(
"Expected length of images to be the same as the length of `overflow_to_sample_mapping`, but got"
f' {len(__a )} and {len(__a )}' )
return images_with_overflow
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return ["input_ids", "bbox", "attention_mask", "image"]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
"`feature_extractor_class` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor_class` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor_class
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
"`feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import fairseq
import torch
from torch import nn
from transformers import (
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = {
'post_extract_proj': 'feature_projection.projection',
'encoder.pos_conv.0': 'encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv',
'self_attn.k_proj': 'encoder.layers.*.attention.k_proj',
'self_attn.v_proj': 'encoder.layers.*.attention.v_proj',
'self_attn.q_proj': 'encoder.layers.*.attention.q_proj',
'self_attn.out_proj': 'encoder.layers.*.attention.out_proj',
'self_attn_layer_norm': 'encoder.layers.*.layer_norm',
'fc1': 'encoder.layers.*.feed_forward.intermediate_dense',
'fc2': 'encoder.layers.*.feed_forward.output_dense',
'final_layer_norm': 'encoder.layers.*.final_layer_norm',
'encoder.layer_norm': 'encoder.layer_norm',
'w2v_model.layer_norm': 'feature_projection.layer_norm',
'quantizer.weight_proj': 'quantizer.weight_proj',
'quantizer.vars': 'quantizer.codevectors',
'project_q': 'project_q',
'final_proj': 'project_hid',
'w2v_encoder.proj': 'lm_head',
'mask_emb': 'masked_spec_embed',
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : int , lowercase : List[Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[str]:
for attribute in key.split("." ):
_a = getattr(lowercase , lowercase )
if weight_type is not None:
_a = getattr(lowercase , lowercase ).shape
_a = hf_pointer.shape
assert hf_shape == value.shape, (
F'Shape of hf {key + "." + weight_type if weight_type is not None else ""} is {hf_shape}, but should be'
F' {value.shape} for {full_name}'
if weight_type == "weight":
_a = value
elif weight_type == "weight_g":
_a = value
elif weight_type == "weight_v":
_a = value
elif weight_type == "bias":
_a = value
_a = value'{key + "." + weight_type if weight_type is not None else ""} was initialized from {full_name}.' )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : str ) -> List[str]:
_a = []
_a = fairseq_model.state_dict()
_a = hf_model.feature_extractor
_a = hf_model.adapter
for name, value in fairseq_dict.items():
_a = False
if "conv_layers" in name:
lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , hf_model.config.feat_extract_norm == "group" , )
_a = True
elif any(x in name for x in ["adaptor", "w2v_encoder.proj.", "w2v_proj_ln."] ):
load_adapter(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
_a = True
for key, mapped_key in MAPPING.items():
if key in name or key.split("w2v_model." )[-1] == name.split("." )[0]:
_a = True
if "*" in mapped_key:
_a = name.split(lowercase )[0].split("." )[-2]
_a = mapped_key.replace("*" , lowercase )
if "weight_g" in name:
_a = "weight_g"
elif "weight_v" in name:
_a = "weight_v"
elif "bias" in name:
_a = "bias"
elif "weight" in name:
_a = "weight"
_a = None
set_recursively(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
if not is_used:
unused_weights.append(lowercase )
logger.warning(F'Unused weights: {unused_weights}' )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : int , lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : str ) -> List[Any]:
_a = full_name.split("conv_layers." )[-1]
_a = name.split("." )
_a = int(items[0] )
_a = int(items[1] )
if type_id == 0:
if "bias" in name:
assert value.shape == feature_extractor.conv_layers[layer_id], (
F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but'
F' {feature_extractor.conv_layers[layer_id]} was found.'
_a = value'Feat extract conv layer {layer_id} was initialized from {full_name}.' )
elif "weight" in name:
assert value.shape == feature_extractor.conv_layers[layer_id], (
F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but'
F' {feature_extractor.conv_layers[layer_id]} was found.'
_a = value'Feat extract conv layer {layer_id} was initialized from {full_name}.' )
elif (type_id == 2 and not use_group_norm) or (type_id == 2 and layer_id == 0 and use_group_norm):
if "bias" in name:
assert value.shape == feature_extractor.conv_layers[layer_id], (
F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {feature_extractor[layer_id]} was'
" found."
_a = value'Feat extract layer norm weight of layer {layer_id} was initialized from {full_name}.' )
elif "weight" in name:
assert value.shape == feature_extractor.conv_layers[layer_id], (
F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but'
F' {feature_extractor[layer_id]} was found.'
_a = value'Feat extract layer norm weight of layer {layer_id} was initialized from {full_name}.' )
unused_weights.append(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[str]:
_a = full_name.split("adaptor." )[-1]
_a = name.split("." )
if items[1].isdigit():
_a = int(items[1] )
_a = None
if "adaptor" not in full_name:
if "proj_ln" in full_name:
# has to be layer norm
if "bias" in name:
assert (
value.shape ==
), F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {} was found.'
_a = value'Adapter proj layer norm bias was initialized from {full_name}.' )
if "weight" in name:
assert (
value.shape ==
), F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {} was found.'
_a = value
# has to be projection layer
if "bias" in name:
assert (
value.shape ==
), F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {} was found.'
_a = value'Adapter proj layer bias was initialized from {full_name}.' )
if "weight" in name:
assert (
value.shape ==
), F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {} was found.'
_a = value'Adapter proj layer weight was initialized from {full_name}.' )
elif isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ):
if "bias" in name:
assert (
value.shape == adapter.layers[layer_id]
), F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {adapter.layers[layer_id]} was found.'
_a = value'Adapter layer {layer_id} bias was initialized from {full_name}.' )
elif "weight" in name:
assert (
value.shape == adapter.layers[layer_id]
), F'{full_name} has size {value.shape}, but {adapter.layers[layer_id]} was found.'
_a = value'Adapter layer {layer_id} bias was initialized from {full_name}.' )
unused_weights.append(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple ) -> str:
_a , _a = emb.weight.shape
_a = nn.Linear(lowercase , lowercase , bias=lowercase )
_a =
return lin_layer
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[Any] , lowercase : int , lowercase : Optional[int] , ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = WavaVecaConfig.from_pretrained(
lowercase , add_adapter=lowercase , adapter_stride=lowercase , adapter_kernel_size=lowercase , use_auth_token=lowercase , output_hidden_size=lowercase , )
_a = MBartConfig.from_pretrained(lowercase )
# load model
_a , _a , _a = fairseq.checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task(
[checkpoint_path] , arg_overrides={
"config_yaml": config_yaml_path,
"data": "/".join(dict_path.split("/" )[:-1] ),
"w2v_path": checkpoint_path,
"load_pretrained_decoder_from": None,
} , )
_a = model[0].eval()
# load feature extractor
_a = WavaVecaFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(lowercase , use_auth_token=lowercase )
# set weights for wav2vec2 encoder
_a = WavaVecaModel(lowercase )
recursively_load_weights_wavaveca(model.encoder , lowercase )
# load decoder weights
_a = MBartForCausalLM(lowercase )
_a , _a = hf_decoder.model.decoder.load_state_dict(model.decoder.state_dict() , strict=lowercase )
logger.warning(F'The following keys are missing when loading the decoder weights: {missing_keys}' )
logger.warning(F'The following keys are unexpected when loading the decoder weights: {unexpected_keys}' )
_a = SpeechEncoderDecoderModel(encoder=lowercase , decoder=lowercase )
_a = False
_a = MBartaaTokenizer(lowercase )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(lowercase )
_a = hf_wavavec.config.to_dict()
_a = tokenizer.pad_token_id
_a = tokenizer.bos_token_id
_a = tokenizer.eos_token_id
_a = "mbart50"
_a = "wav2vec2"
_a = tokenizer.eos_token_id
_a = 25_0004
_a = tokenizer.eos_token_id
_a = SpeechEncoderDecoderConfig.from_dict(lowercase )
hf_wavavec.save_pretrained(lowercase )
feature_extractor.save_pretrained(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--pytorch_dump_folder_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to the output PyTorch model.')
parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to fairseq checkpoint')
parser.add_argument('--dict_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to dict of fine-tuned model')
parser.add_argument('--config_yaml_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to yaml file of fine-tuned model')
help='Path to hf encoder wav2vec2 checkpoint config',
help='Path to hf decoder checkpoint config',
parser.add_argument('--add_adapter', default=True, type=bool, help='whethere to add model adapter layers')
parser.add_argument('--adapter_stride', default=2, type=int, help='stride of adapter layers')
parser.add_argument('--adapter_kernel_size', default=3, type=int, help='kernel size of adapter layers')
parser.add_argument('--encoder_output_dim', default=10_24, type=int, help='encoder output dim')
parser.add_argument('--start_token_id', default=25_00_04, type=int, help='`decoder_start_token_id` of model config')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = parser.parse_args()
| 352 |
'''simple docstring'''
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfile
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import sentencepiece
from ...tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer
from ...utils import logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = '▁'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
'vocab_file': 'vocab.json',
'spm_file': 'sentencepiece.bpe.model',
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = {
'vocab_file': {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': (
'spm_file': {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': (
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': 10_24,
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = ['pt', 'fr', 'ru', 'nl', 'ro', 'it', 'es', 'de']
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {'mustc': MUSTC_LANGS}
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['input_ids', 'attention_mask']
__a =[]
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Any , __a : Any="<s>" , __a : List[str]="</s>" , __a : str="<pad>" , __a : List[str]="<unk>" , __a : Union[str, Any]=False , __a : Any=False , __a : List[str]=None , __a : Optional[int]=None , __a : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None , **__a : int , ):
_a = {} if sp_model_kwargs is None else sp_model_kwargs
bos_token=__a , eos_token=__a , unk_token=__a , pad_token=__a , do_upper_case=__a , do_lower_case=__a , tgt_lang=__a , lang_codes=__a , sp_model_kwargs=self.sp_model_kwargs , **__a , )
_a = do_upper_case
_a = do_lower_case
_a = load_json(__a )
_a = {v: k for k, v in self.encoder.items()}
_a = spm_file
_a = load_spm(__a , self.sp_model_kwargs )
if lang_codes is not None:
_a = lang_codes
_a = LANGUAGES[lang_codes]
_a = [f'<lang:{lang}>' for lang in self.langs]
_a = {lang: self.sp_model.PieceToId(f'<lang:{lang}>' ) for lang in self.langs}
_a = self.lang_tokens
_a = tgt_lang if tgt_lang is not None else self.langs[0]
self.set_tgt_lang_special_tokens(self._tgt_lang )
_a = {}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return len(self.encoder )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return self._tgt_lang
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = new_tgt_lang
self.set_tgt_lang_special_tokens(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : str ):
_a = self.lang_code_to_id[tgt_lang]
_a = [lang_code_id]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : str ):
return self.sp_model.encode(__a , out_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : Any ):
return self.encoder.get(__a , self.encoder[self.unk_token] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : int ):
return self.decoder.get(__a , self.unk_token )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : List[str] ):
_a = []
_a = ""
for token in tokens:
# make sure that special tokens are not decoded using sentencepiece model
if token in self.all_special_tokens:
_a = self.sp_model.decode(__a )
out_string += (decoded.upper() if self.do_upper_case else decoded) + token + " "
_a = []
current_sub_tokens.append(__a )
_a = self.sp_model.decode(__a )
out_string += decoded.upper() if self.do_upper_case else decoded
return out_string.strip()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Any , __a : int=None ):
if token_ids_a is None:
return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_a + [self.eos_token_id]
# We don't expect to process pairs, but leave the pair logic for API consistency
return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_a + token_ids_a + [self.eos_token_id]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[int] , __a : Optional[List[int]] = None , __a : bool = False ):
if already_has_special_tokens:
return super().get_special_tokens_mask(
token_ids_a=__a , token_ids_a=__a , already_has_special_tokens=__a )
_a = [1] * len(self.prefix_tokens )
_a = [1]
if token_ids_a is None:
return prefix_ones + ([0] * len(__a )) + suffix_ones
return prefix_ones + ([0] * len(__a )) + ([0] * len(__a )) + suffix_ones
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.encoder.copy()
vocab.update(self.added_tokens_encoder )
return vocab
def __getstate__( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.__dict__.copy()
_a = None
return state
def __setstate__( self : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = d
# for backward compatibility
if not hasattr(self , "sp_model_kwargs" ):
_a = {}
_a = load_spm(self.spm_file , self.sp_model_kwargs )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : str , __a : Optional[str] = None ):
_a = Path(__a )
assert save_dir.is_dir(), f'{save_directory} should be a directory'
_a = save_dir / (
(filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + self.vocab_files_names["vocab_file"]
_a = save_dir / (
(filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + self.vocab_files_names["spm_file"]
save_json(self.encoder , __a )
if os.path.abspath(self.spm_file ) != os.path.abspath(__a ) and os.path.isfile(self.spm_file ):
copyfile(self.spm_file , __a )
elif not os.path.isfile(self.spm_file ):
with open(__a , "wb" ) as fi:
_a = self.sp_model.serialized_model_proto()
fi.write(__a )
return (str(__a ), str(__a ))
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : Dict[str, Any] ) -> sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor:
_a = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor(**lowercase )
spm.Load(str(lowercase ) )
return spm
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[Dict, List]:
with open(lowercase , "r" ) as f:
return json.load(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> None:
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase , indent=2 )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
from diffusers import DDPMScheduler
from .test_schedulers import SchedulerCommonTest
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(DDPMScheduler,)
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , **__a : Optional[int] ):
_a = {
"num_train_timesteps": 10_00,
"beta_start": 0.0001,
"beta_end": 0.02,
"beta_schedule": "linear",
"variance_type": "fixed_small",
"clip_sample": True,
config.update(**__a )
return config
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
for timesteps in [1, 5, 1_00, 10_00]:
self.check_over_configs(num_train_timesteps=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
for beta_start, beta_end in zip([0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1] , [0.002, 0.02, 0.2, 2] ):
self.check_over_configs(beta_start=__a , beta_end=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
for schedule in ["linear", "squaredcos_cap_v2"]:
self.check_over_configs(beta_schedule=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
for variance in ["fixed_small", "fixed_large", "other"]:
self.check_over_configs(variance_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
for clip_sample in [True, False]:
self.check_over_configs(clip_sample=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
self.check_over_configs(thresholding=__a )
for threshold in [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]:
for prediction_type in ["epsilon", "sample", "v_prediction"]:
thresholding=__a , prediction_type=__a , sample_max_value=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
for prediction_type in ["epsilon", "sample", "v_prediction"]:
self.check_over_configs(prediction_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
for t in [0, 5_00, 9_99]:
self.check_over_forward(time_step=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(scheduler._get_variance(0 ) - 0.0 ) ) < 1e-5
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(scheduler._get_variance(4_87 ) - 0.00979 ) ) < 1e-5
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(scheduler._get_variance(9_99 ) - 0.02 ) ) < 1e-5
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = len(__a )
_a = self.dummy_model()
_a = self.dummy_sample_deter
_a = torch.manual_seed(0 )
for t in reversed(range(__a ) ):
# 1. predict noise residual
_a = model(__a , __a )
# 2. predict previous mean of sample x_t-1
_a = scheduler.step(__a , __a , __a , generator=__a ).prev_sample
# if t > 0:
# noise = self.dummy_sample_deter
# variance = scheduler.get_variance(t) ** (0.5) * noise
# sample = pred_prev_sample + variance
_a = pred_prev_sample
_a = torch.sum(torch.abs(__a ) )
_a = torch.mean(torch.abs(__a ) )
assert abs(result_sum.item() - 258.9606 ) < 1e-2
assert abs(result_mean.item() - 0.3372 ) < 1e-3
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config(prediction_type="v_prediction" )
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = len(__a )
_a = self.dummy_model()
_a = self.dummy_sample_deter
_a = torch.manual_seed(0 )
for t in reversed(range(__a ) ):
# 1. predict noise residual
_a = model(__a , __a )
# 2. predict previous mean of sample x_t-1
_a = scheduler.step(__a , __a , __a , generator=__a ).prev_sample
# if t > 0:
# noise = self.dummy_sample_deter
# variance = scheduler.get_variance(t) ** (0.5) * noise
# sample = pred_prev_sample + variance
_a = pred_prev_sample
_a = torch.sum(torch.abs(__a ) )
_a = torch.mean(torch.abs(__a ) )
assert abs(result_sum.item() - 202.0296 ) < 1e-2
assert abs(result_mean.item() - 0.2631 ) < 1e-3
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = [1_00, 87, 50, 1, 0]
scheduler.set_timesteps(timesteps=__a )
_a = scheduler.timesteps
for i, timestep in enumerate(__a ):
if i == len(__a ) - 1:
_a = -1
_a = timesteps[i + 1]
_a = scheduler.previous_timestep(__a )
_a = prev_t.item()
self.assertEqual(__a , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = [1_00, 87, 50, 51, 0]
with self.assertRaises(__a , msg="`custom_timesteps` must be in descending order." ):
scheduler.set_timesteps(timesteps=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = [1_00, 87, 50, 1, 0]
_a = len(__a )
with self.assertRaises(__a , msg="Can only pass one of `num_inference_steps` or `custom_timesteps`." ):
scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps=__a , timesteps=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = [scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps]
with self.assertRaises(
__a , msg="`timesteps` must start before `self.config.train_timesteps`: {scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps}}" , ):
scheduler.set_timesteps(timesteps=__a )
| 353 |
'''simple docstring'''
from manim import *
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = Rectangle(height=0.5 , width=0.5 )
_a = Rectangle(height=0.46 , width=0.46 ).set_stroke(width=0 )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = VGroup(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("CPU" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
cpu.move_to([-2.5, -0.5, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(4 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("GPU" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
gpu.move_to([-1, -1, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("Model" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
model.move_to([3, -1.0, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = []
for i, rect in enumerate(__a ):
rect.set_stroke(__a )
# target = fill.copy().set_fill(YELLOW, opacity=0.7)
# target.move_to(rect)
# self.add(target)
_a = Rectangle(height=0.46 / 4 , width=0.46 / 3 ).set_stroke(width=0.0 ).set_fill(__a , opacity=0.7 )
if i == 0:
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_left_col_base[0].get_corner(DOWN + LEFT ) , buff=0.02 , direction=__a )
cpu_target.set_x(cpu_target.get_x() + 0.1 )
elif i == 3:
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_targs[0] , direction=__a , buff=0.0 )
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_targs[i - 1] , direction=__a , buff=0.0 )
self.add(__a )
cpu_targs.append(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("Loaded Checkpoint" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , aligned_edge=__a , buff=0.4 )
checkpoint.move_to([3, 0.5, 0] )
_a = Square(side_length=2.2 )
key.move_to([-5, 2, 0] )
_a = MarkupText(
f'<b>Key:</b>\n\n<span fgcolor=\'{YELLOW}\'>●</span> Empty Model' , font_size=18 , )
key_text.move_to([-5, 2.4, 0] )
self.add(__a , __a )
_a = MarkupText(
f'<span fgcolor=\'{BLUE}\'>●</span> Checkpoint' , font_size=18 , )
blue_text.next_to(__a , DOWN * 2.4 , aligned_edge=key_text.get_left() )
_a = MarkupText(
f'Next, a <i><span fgcolor="{BLUE}">second</span></i> model is loaded into memory,\nwith the weights of a <span fgcolor="{BLUE}">single shard</span>.' , font_size=24 , )
step_a.move_to([2, 2, 0] ) ) , Write(__a ) ) , run_time=1 ) , Create(__a , run_time=1 ) )
_a = []
_a = []
for i, rect in enumerate(__a ):
_a = fill.copy().set_fill(__a , opacity=0.7 )
target.move_to(__a )
first_animations.append(GrowFromCenter(__a , run_time=1 ) )
_a = target.copy()
if i < 5:[i + 1] )
else:[i - 5] )
second_animations.append(MoveToTarget(__a , run_time=1.5 ) )*__a )*__a )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import numpy as np
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : np.array ) -> np.array:
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-vector ))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 354 |
'''simple docstring'''
import collections
import json
import math
import os
import re
import time
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Dict
import requests
from slack_sdk import WebClient
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = WebClient(token=os.environ['CI_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'])
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = test_results.split(" " )
_a = 0
_a = 0
# When the output is short enough, the output is surrounded by = signs: "== OUTPUT =="
# When it is too long, those signs are not present.
_a = expressions[-2] if "=" in expressions[-1] else expressions[-1]
for i, expression in enumerate(lowercase ):
if "failed" in expression:
failed += int(expressions[i - 1] )
if "passed" in expression:
success += int(expressions[i - 1] )
return failed, success, time_spent
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = {}
_a = None
_a = False
for line in failures_short_lines.split("\n" ):
if"_ \[doctest\]" , lowercase ):
_a = True
_a = line.split(" " )[2]
elif in_error and not line.split(" " )[0].isdigit():
_a = line
_a = False
return failures
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = title
_a = doc_test_results["time_spent"].split("," )[0]
_a = doc_test_results["success"]
_a = doc_test_results["failures"]
_a = self.n_success + self.n_failures
# Failures and success of the modeling tests
_a = doc_test_results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = [self._time_spent]
_a = 0
for time in time_spent:
_a = time.split(":" )
# Time can be formatted as xx:xx:xx, as .xx, or as x.xx if the time spent was less than a minute.
if len(__a ) == 1:
_a = [0, 0, time_parts[0]]
_a , _a , _a = int(time_parts[0] ), int(time_parts[1] ), float(time_parts[2] )
total_secs += hours * 36_00 + minutes * 60 + seconds
_a , _a , _a = total_secs // 36_00, (total_secs % 36_00) // 60, total_secs % 60
return f'{int(__a )}h{int(__a )}m{int(__a )}s'
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": self.title}}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": f'🌞 There were no failures: all {self.n_tests} tests passed. The suite ran in {self.time}.',
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": (
f'There were {self.n_failures} failures, out of {self.n_tests} tests.\nThe suite ran in'
f' {self.time}.'
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = 40
_a = {k: v["failed"] for k, v in doc_test_results.items() if isinstance(__a , __a )}
_a = ""
for category, failures in category_failures.items():
if len(__a ) == 0:
if report != "":
report += "\n\n"
report += f'*{category} failures*:'.ljust(line_length // 2 ).rjust(line_length // 2 ) + "\n"
report += "`"
report += "`\n`".join(__a )
report += "`"
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": f'The following examples had failures:\n\n\n{report}\n',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = [self.header]
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.append(self.failures )
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.extend([self.category_failures] )
if self.n_failures == 0:
blocks.append(self.no_failures )
return json.dumps(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( ):
_a = [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "There was an issue running the tests.",
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(__a )} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text="There was an issue running the tests." , blocks=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(self.payload )} ) )
_a = f'{self.n_failures} failures out of {self.n_tests} tests,' if self.n_failures else "All tests passed."
_a = client.chat_postMessage(
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , blocks=self.payload , text=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : List[str] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : int ):
_a = ""
for key, value in failures.items():
_a = value[:2_00] + " [Truncated]" if len(__a ) > 2_50 else value
failures_text += f'*{key}*\n_{value}_\n\n'
_a = job_name
_a = {"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": text}}
if job_link is not None:
_a = {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "GitHub Action job", "emoji": True},
"url": job_link,
return [
{"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": title.upper(), "emoji": True}},
{"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": failures_text}},
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
if self.thread_ts is None:
raise ValueError("Can only post reply if a post has been made." )
_a = self.doc_test_results.pop("job_link" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("failures" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("success" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("time_spent" )
_a = sorted(self.doc_test_results.items() , key=lambda __a : t[0] )
for job, job_result in sorted_dict:
if len(job_result["failures"] ):
_a = f'*Num failures* :{len(job_result["failed"] )} \n'
_a = job_result["failures"]
_a = self.get_reply_blocks(__a , __a , __a , text=__a )
print("Sending the following reply" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": blocks} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text=f'Results for {job}' , blocks=__a , thread_ts=self.thread_ts["ts"] , )
time.sleep(1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]
_a = F'{run_id}/jobs?per_page=100'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()
_a = {}
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
_a = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100 )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = requests.get(url + F'&page={i + 2}' ).json()
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
return jobs
except Exception as e:
print("Unknown error, could not fetch links." , lowercase )
return {}
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = {}
if os.path.exists(lowercase ):
_a = os.listdir(lowercase )
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase ) , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
_a =
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
raise ValueError(F'Could not open {os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase )}.' ) from e
return _artifact
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : str ):
_a = name
_a = []
def __str__( self : List[str] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str ):
self.paths.append({"name":, "path": path} )
_a = {}
_a = filter(os.path.isdir , os.listdir() )
for directory in directories:
_a = directory
if artifact_name not in _available_artifacts:
_a = Artifact(lowercase )
_available_artifacts[artifact_name].add_path(lowercase )
return _available_artifacts
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = get_job_links()
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = retrieve_available_artifacts()
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = collections.OrderedDict(
('*.py', 'API Examples'),
('*.md', 'MD Examples'),
# This dict will contain all the information relative to each doc test category:
# - failed: list of failed tests
# - failures: dict in the format 'test': 'error_message'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
v: {
'failed': [],
'failures': {},
for v in docs.values()
# Link to the GitHub Action job
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = github_actions_job_links.get('run_doctests')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = available_artifacts['doc_tests_gpu_test_reports'].paths[0]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = retrieve_artifact(artifact_path['name'])
if "stats" in artifact:
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = handle_test_results(artifact['stats'])
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = failed
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = success
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = time_spent[1:-1] + ', '
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = extract_first_line_failure(artifact['failures_short'])
for line in artifact["summary_short"].split('\n'):
if'FAILED', line):
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = line.replace('FAILED ', '')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line.split()[0].replace('\n', '')
if "::" in line:
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : str = line.split('::')
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line, line
for file_regex in docs.keys():
if fnmatch(file_path, file_regex):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = docs[file_regex]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = all_failures[test] if test in all_failures else 'N/A'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = failure
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = Message('🤗 Results of the doc tests.', doc_test_results)
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from utils_rag import save_json
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Any:
_a = filter(lambda lowercase : p.requires_grad , model.parameters() )
_a = sum([ ) for p in model_parameters] )
return params
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if metric == "rouge2":
_a = "{val_avg_rouge2:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "bleu":
_a = "{val_avg_bleu:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "em":
_a = "{val_avg_em:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "loss":
_a = "{val_avg_loss:.4f}-{step_count}"
raise NotImplementedError(
F'seq2seq callbacks only support rouge2 and bleu, got {metric}, You can make your own by adding to this'
" function." )
_a = ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath=lowercase , filename=lowercase , monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="max" , save_top_k=1 , every_n_epochs=1 , )
return checkpoint_callback
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
return EarlyStopping(
monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="min" if "loss" in metric else "max" , patience=lowercase , verbose=lowercase , )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (pl.Callback ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = {f'lr_group_{i}': param["lr"] for i, param in enumerate(pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0].param_groups )}
pl_module.logger.log_metrics(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule , __a : str , __a : Dict=True ):'***** {type_path} results at step {trainer.global_step:05d} *****' )
_a = trainer.callback_metrics
trainer.logger.log_metrics({k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k not in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]} )
# Log results
_a = Path(pl_module.hparams.output_dir )
if type_path == "test":
_a = od / "test_results.txt"
_a = od / "test_generations.txt"
# this never gets hit. I prefer not to save intermediate generations, and results are in metrics.json
# If people want this it will be easy enough to add back.
_a = od / f'{type_path}_results/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
_a = od / f'{type_path}_generations/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
results_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
generations_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
with open(__a , "a+" ) as writer:
for key in sorted(__a ):
if key in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]:
_a = metrics[key]
if isinstance(__a , torch.Tensor ):
_a = val.item()
_a = f'{key}: {val:.6f}\n'
writer.write(__a )
if not save_generations:
if "preds" in metrics:
_a = "\n".join(metrics["preds"] )"w+" ).write(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = pl_module.model.model.num_parameters()
except AttributeError:
_a = pl_module.model.num_parameters()
_a = count_trainable_parameters(__a )
# mp stands for million parameters
trainer.logger.log_metrics({"n_params": npars, "mp": npars / 1e6, "grad_mp": n_trainable_pars / 1e6} )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
return self._write_logs(__a , __a , "test" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : str ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
# Uncommenting this will save val generations
# return self._write_logs(trainer, pl_module, "valid")
| 355 |
'''simple docstring'''
from transformers import HfArgumentParser, TensorFlowBenchmark, TensorFlowBenchmarkArguments
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
_a = HfArgumentParser(lowercase )
_a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
_a = TensorFlowBenchmark(args=lowercase )
_a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
except ValueError as e:
_a = "Arg --no_{0} is no longer used, please use --no-{0} instead."
_a = " ".join(str(lowercase ).split(" " )[:-1] )
_a = ""
_a = eval(str(lowercase ).split(" " )[-1] )
_a = []
for arg in depreciated_args:
# arg[2:] removes '--'
if arg[2:] in TensorFlowBenchmark.deprecated_args:
# arg[5:] removes '--no_'
full_error_msg += arg_error_msg.format(arg[5:] )
wrong_args.append(lowercase )
if len(lowercase ) > 0:
_a = full_error_msg + begin_error_msg + str(lowercase )
raise ValueError(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from ...image_processing_utils import BaseImageProcessor, BatchFeature, get_size_dict
from ...image_transforms import (
from ...image_utils import (
from ...utils import TensorType, logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['pixel_values']
def __init__( self : int , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None , __a : PILImageResampling = PILImageResampling.BICUBIC , __a : bool = True , __a : bool = True , __a : Union[int, float] = 1 / 2_55 , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , **__a : List[Any] , ):
super().__init__(**__a )
_a = size if size is not None else {"height": 2_24, "width": 2_24}
_a = get_size_dict(__a )
_a = crop_size if crop_size is not None else {"height": 2_24, "width": 2_24}
_a = get_size_dict(__a , default_to_square=__a , param_name="crop_size" )
_a = do_resize
_a = do_rescale
_a = do_normalize
_a = do_center_crop
_a = crop_size
_a = size
_a = resample
_a = rescale_factor
_a = image_mean if image_mean is not None else IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN
_a = image_std if image_std is not None else IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Dict[str, int] , __a : PILImageResampling = PILImageResampling.BILINEAR , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : Tuple , ):
_a = get_size_dict(__a )
if "shortest_edge" in size:
_a = get_resize_output_image_size(__a , size=size["shortest_edge"] , default_to_square=__a )
# size = get_resize_output_image_size(image, size["shortest_edge"], size["longest_edge"])
elif "height" in size and "width" in size:
_a = (size["height"], size["width"])
raise ValueError(f'Size must contain \'height\' and \'width\' keys or \'shortest_edge\' key. Got {size.keys()}' )
return resize(__a , size=__a , resample=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Dict[str, int] , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : List[Any] , ):
_a = get_size_dict(__a )
if "height" not in size or "width" not in size:
raise ValueError(f'The `size` parameter must contain the keys (height, width). Got {size.keys()}' )
return center_crop(__a , size=(size["height"], size["width"]) , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : np.ndarray , __a : float , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : Any ):
return rescale(__a , scale=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Union[float, List[float]] , __a : Union[float, List[float]] , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : Any , ):
return normalize(__a , mean=__a , std=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : ImageInput , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : PILImageResampling = None , __a : bool = None , __a : int = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[float] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None , __a : Union[str, ChannelDimension] = ChannelDimension.FIRST , **__a : List[str] , ):
_a = do_resize if do_resize is not None else self.do_resize
_a = do_rescale if do_rescale is not None else self.do_rescale
_a = do_normalize if do_normalize is not None else self.do_normalize
_a = do_center_crop if do_center_crop is not None else self.do_center_crop
_a = crop_size if crop_size is not None else self.crop_size
_a = get_size_dict(__a , param_name="crop_size" , default_to_square=__a )
_a = resample if resample is not None else self.resample
_a = rescale_factor if rescale_factor is not None else self.rescale_factor
_a = image_mean if image_mean is not None else self.image_mean
_a = image_std if image_std is not None else self.image_std
_a = size if size is not None else self.size
_a = get_size_dict(__a )
if not is_batched(__a ):
_a = [images]
if not valid_images(__a ):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid image type. Must be of type PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray, "
"torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor or jax.ndarray." )
if do_resize and size is None:
raise ValueError("Size must be specified if do_resize is True." )
if do_center_crop and crop_size is None:
raise ValueError("Crop size must be specified if do_center_crop is True." )
if do_rescale and rescale_factor is None:
raise ValueError("Rescale factor must be specified if do_rescale is True." )
# All transformations expect numpy arrays.
_a = [to_numpy_array(__a ) for image in images]
if do_resize:
_a = [self.resize(image=__a , size=__a , resample=__a ) for image in images]
if do_center_crop:
_a = [self.center_crop(image=__a , size=__a ) for image in images]
if do_rescale:
_a = [self.rescale(image=__a , scale=__a ) for image in images]
if do_normalize:
_a = [self.normalize(image=__a , mean=__a , std=__a ) for image in images]
_a = [to_channel_dimension_format(__a , __a ) for image in images]
_a = {"pixel_values": images}
return BatchFeature(data=__a , tensor_type=__a )
| 356 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
import warnings
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = None
import msvcrt
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = None
import fcntl
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = None
# Backward compatibility
# ------------------------------------------------
except NameError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = OSError
# Data
# ------------------------------------------------
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = [
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = '3.0.12'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = None
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
global _logger
_a = _logger or logging.getLogger(__name__ )
return _logger
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : Optional[Any] ):
_a = lock_file
return None
def __str__( self : Any ):
_a = f'The file lock \'{self.lock_file}\' could not be acquired.'
return temp
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : Optional[int] ):
_a = lock
return None
def __enter__( self : str ):
return self.lock
def __exit__( self : List[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
return None
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[int]=-1 , __a : Tuple=None ):
_a = max_filename_length if max_filename_length is not None else 2_55
# Hash the filename if it's too long
_a = self.hash_filename_if_too_long(__a , __a )
# The path to the lock file.
_a = lock_file
# The file descriptor for the *_lock_file* as it is returned by the
# function.
# This file lock is only NOT None, if the object currently holds the
# lock.
_a = None
# The default timeout value.
_a = timeout
# We use this lock primarily for the lock counter.
_a = threading.Lock()
# The lock counter is used for implementing the nested locking
# mechanism. Whenever the lock is acquired, the counter is increased and
# the lock is only released, when this value is 0 again.
_a = 0
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return self._lock_file
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
return self._timeout
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] ):
_a = float(__a )
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return self._lock_file_fd is not None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : int=None , __a : Tuple=0.05 ):
# Use the default timeout, if no timeout is provided.
if timeout is None:
_a = self.timeout
# Increment the number right at the beginning.
# We can still undo it, if something fails.
with self._thread_lock:
self._lock_counter += 1
_a = id(self )
_a = self._lock_file
_a = time.time()
while True:
with self._thread_lock:
if not self.is_locked:
logger().debug(f'Attempting to acquire lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
if self.is_locked:
logger().debug(f'Lock {lock_id} acquired on {lock_filename}' )
elif timeout >= 0 and time.time() - start_time > timeout:
logger().debug(f'Timeout on acquiring lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
raise Timeout(self._lock_file )
f'Lock {lock_id} not acquired on {lock_filename}, waiting {poll_intervall} seconds ...' )
time.sleep(__a )
except: # noqa
# Something did go wrong, so decrement the counter.
with self._thread_lock:
_a = max(0 , self._lock_counter - 1 )
return _Acquire_ReturnProxy(lock=self )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : int=False ):
with self._thread_lock:
if self.is_locked:
self._lock_counter -= 1
if self._lock_counter == 0 or force:
_a = id(self )
_a = self._lock_file
logger().debug(f'Attempting to release lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
_a = 0
logger().debug(f'Lock {lock_id} released on {lock_filename}' )
return None
def __enter__( self : List[Any] ):
return self
def __exit__( self : str , __a : str , __a : Dict , __a : Dict ):
return None
def __del__( self : int ):
self.release(force=__a )
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : int ):
_a = os.path.basename(__a )
if len(__a ) > max_length and max_length > 0:
_a = os.path.dirname(__a )
_a = str(hash(__a ) )
_a = filename[: max_length - len(__a ) - 8] + "..." + hashed_filename + ".lock"
return os.path.join(__a , __a )
return path
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : int , __a : str , __a : List[Any]=-1 , __a : List[Any]=None ):
from .file_utils import relative_to_absolute_path
super().__init__(__a , timeout=__a , max_filename_length=__a )
_a = "\\\\?\\" + relative_to_absolute_path(self.lock_file )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
except OSError:
msvcrt.locking(__a , msvcrt.LK_NBLCK , 1 )
except OSError:
os.close(__a )
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self._lock_file_fd
_a = None
msvcrt.locking(__a , msvcrt.LK_UNLCK , 1 )
os.close(__a )
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# Probably another instance of the application
# that acquired the file lock.
except OSError:
return None
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[str] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any]=-1 , __a : int=None ):
_a = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(__a ) ).f_namemax
super().__init__(__a , timeout=__a , max_filename_length=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
fcntl.flock(__a , fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB )
except OSError:
os.close(__a )
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
# Do not remove the lockfile:
_a = self._lock_file_fd
_a = None
fcntl.flock(__a , fcntl.LOCK_UN )
os.close(__a )
return None
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
except OSError:
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
os.close(self._lock_file_fd )
_a = None
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# The file is already deleted and that's what we want.
except OSError:
return None
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = None
if msvcrt:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = WindowsFileLock
elif fcntl:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = UnixFileLock
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = SoftFileLock
if warnings is not None:
warnings.warn('only soft file lock is available')
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 100_0000 ) -> int:
_a = [i - 1 for i in range(limit + 1 )]
for i in range(2 , limit + 1 ):
if phi[i] == i - 1:
for j in range(2 * i , limit + 1 , lowercase ):
phi[j] -= phi[j] // i
return sum(phi[2 : limit + 1] )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 357 |
'''simple docstring'''
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
"""simple docstring"""
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
assert self.x.shape[0] == self.y.shape[0] == self.z.shape[0] == self.origin.shape[0]
assert self.x.shape[1] == self.y.shape[1] == self.z.shape[1] == self.origin.shape[1] == 3
assert len(self.x.shape ) == len(self.y.shape ) == len(self.z.shape ) == len(self.origin.shape ) == 2
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return torch.from_numpy(np.array([self.width, self.height] , dtype=np.floataa ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
return torch.from_numpy(np.array([self.x_fov, self.y_fov] , dtype=np.floataa ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = torch.arange(self.height * self.width )
_a = torch.stack(
pixel_indices % self.width,
torch.div(__a , self.width , rounding_mode="trunc" ),
] , axis=1 , )
return coords
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a , *_a = self.shape
_a = int( ) )
_a = self.get_image_coords()
_a = torch.broadcast_to(coords.unsqueeze(0 ) , [batch_size * inner_batch_size, *coords.shape] )
_a = self.get_camera_rays(__a )
_a = rays.view(__a , inner_batch_size * self.height * self.width , 2 , 3 )
return rays
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : torch.Tensor ):
_a , *_a , _a = coords.shape
assert n_coords == 2
assert batch_size == self.origin.shape[0]
_a = coords.view(__a , -1 , 2 )
_a = self.resolution()
_a = self.fov()
_a = (flat.float() / (res - 1)) * 2 - 1
_a = fracs * torch.tan(fov / 2 )
_a = fracs.view(__a , -1 , 2 )
_a = (
self.z.view(__a , 1 , 3 )
+ self.x.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) * fracs[:, :, :1]
+ self.y.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) * fracs[:, :, 1:]
_a = directions / directions.norm(dim=-1 , keepdim=__a )
_a = torch.stack(
torch.broadcast_to(self.origin.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) , [batch_size, directions.shape[1], 3] ),
] , dim=2 , )
return rays.view(__a , *__a , 2 , 3 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : int , __a : int ):
assert width * self.height == height * self.width, "The aspect ratio should not change."
return DifferentiableProjectiveCamera(
origin=self.origin , x=self.x , y=self.y , z=self.z , width=__a , height=__a , x_fov=self.x_fov , y_fov=self.y_fov , )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> DifferentiableProjectiveCamera:
_a = []
_a = []
_a = []
_a = []
for theta in np.linspace(0 , 2 * np.pi , num=20 ):
_a = np.array([np.sin(lowercase ), np.cos(lowercase ), -0.5] )
z /= np.sqrt(np.sum(z**2 ) )
_a = -z * 4
_a = np.array([np.cos(lowercase ), -np.sin(lowercase ), 0.0] )
_a = np.cross(lowercase , lowercase )
origins.append(lowercase )
xs.append(lowercase )
ys.append(lowercase )
zs.append(lowercase )
return DifferentiableProjectiveCamera(
origin=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , x=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , y=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , z=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , width=lowercase , height=lowercase , x_fov=0.7 , y_fov=0.7 , shape=(1, len(lowercase )) , )
| 346 | 0 |
import json
import os
import tempfile
import unittest
import numpy as np
from datasets import load_dataset
from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, require_vision, slow
from transformers.utils import is_torch_available, is_vision_available
from ...test_image_processing_common import ImageProcessingSavingTestMixin
if is_torch_available():
import torch
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import ImageGPTImageProcessor
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : int , __a : Any , __a : Optional[int]=7 , __a : Union[str, Any]=3 , __a : int=18 , __a : List[str]=30 , __a : Any=4_00 , __a : Optional[int]=True , __a : List[Any]=None , __a : int=True , ):
_a = size if size is not None else {"height": 18, "width": 18}
_a = parent
_a = batch_size
_a = num_channels
_a = image_size
_a = min_resolution
_a = max_resolution
_a = do_resize
_a = size
_a = do_normalize
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return {
# here we create 2 clusters for the sake of simplicity
"clusters": np.asarray(
[0.8866443634033203, 0.6618829369544983, 0.3891746401786804],
[-0.6042559146881104, -0.02295008860528469, 0.5423797369003296],
] ),
"do_resize": self.do_resize,
"size": self.size,
"do_normalize": self.do_normalize,
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =ImageGPTImageProcessor if is_vision_available() else None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = ImageGPTImageProcessingTester(self )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
return self.image_processor_tester.prepare_image_processor_dict()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__a , "clusters" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__a , "do_resize" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__a , "size" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__a , "do_normalize" ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = self.image_processing_class.from_dict(self.image_processor_dict )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.size , {"height": 18, "width": 18} )
_a = self.image_processing_class.from_dict(self.image_processor_dict , size=42 )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.size , {"height": 42, "width": 42} )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
_a = json.loads(image_processor.to_json_string() )
for key, value in self.image_processor_dict.items():
if key == "clusters":
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(__a , obj[key] ) )
self.assertEqual(obj[key] , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
_a = os.path.join(__a , "image_processor.json" )
image_processor_first.to_json_file(__a )
_a = self.image_processing_class.from_json_file(__a ).to_dict()
_a = image_processor_first.to_dict()
for key, value in image_processor_first.items():
if key == "clusters":
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(__a , image_processor_second[key] ) )
self.assertEqual(image_processor_first[key] , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
image_processor_first.save_pretrained(__a )
_a = self.image_processing_class.from_pretrained(__a ).to_dict()
_a = image_processor_first.to_dict()
for key, value in image_processor_first.items():
if key == "clusters":
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(__a , image_processor_second[key] ) )
self.assertEqual(image_processor_first[key] , __a )
@unittest.skip("ImageGPT requires clusters at initialization" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
_a = load_dataset("hf-internal-testing/fixtures_image_utils" , split="test" )
_a =[4]["file"] )
_a =[5]["file"] )
_a = [imagea, imagea]
return images
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = ImageGPTImageProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/imagegpt-small" )
_a = prepare_images()
# test non-batched
_a = image_processing(images[0] , return_tensors="pt" )
self.assertIsInstance(encoding.input_ids , torch.LongTensor )
self.assertEqual(encoding.input_ids.shape , (1, 10_24) )
_a = [3_06, 1_91, 1_91]
self.assertEqual(encoding.input_ids[0, :3].tolist() , __a )
# test batched
_a = image_processing(__a , return_tensors="pt" )
self.assertIsInstance(encoding.input_ids , torch.LongTensor )
self.assertEqual(encoding.input_ids.shape , (2, 10_24) )
_a = [3_03, 13, 13]
self.assertEqual(encoding.input_ids[1, -3:].tolist() , __a )
| 358 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = TypeVar('T')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = TypeVar('U')
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : T | None , __a : U | None ):
_a = key
_a = val
_a = None
_a = None
def __repr__( self : Any ):
return (
f'Node: key: {self.key}, val: {self.val}, '
f'has next: {bool( )}, has prev: {bool(self.prev )}'
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict ):
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
_a , _a = self.rear, self.head
def __repr__( self : str ):
_a = ["DoubleLinkedList"]
_a = self.head
while is not None:
rep.append(str(__a ) )
_a =
rep.append(str(self.rear ) )
return ",\n ".join(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : DoubleLinkedListNode[T, U] ):
_a = self.rear.prev
# All nodes other than self.head are guaranteed to have non-None previous
assert previous is not None
_a = node
_a = previous
_a = node
_a = self.rear
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : DoubleLinkedListNode[T, U] ):
if node.prev is None or is None:
return None
_a =
_a = node.prev
_a = None
_a = None
return node
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a ={}
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : int ):
_a = DoubleLinkedList()
_a = capacity
_a = 0
_a = 0
_a = 0
_a = {}
def __repr__( self : Optional[int] ):
return (
f'CacheInfo(hits={self.hits}, misses={self.miss}, '
f'capacity={self.capacity}, current size={self.num_keys})'
def __contains__( self : str , __a : T ):
return key in self.cache
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : T ):
# Note: pythonic interface would throw KeyError rather than return None
if key in self.cache:
self.hits += 1
_a = self.cache[key]
_a = self.list.remove(self.cache[key] )
assert node == value_node
# node is guaranteed not None because it is in self.cache
assert node is not None
self.list.add(__a )
return node.val
self.miss += 1
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : T , __a : U ):
if key not in self.cache:
if self.num_keys >= self.capacity:
# delete first node (oldest) when over capacity
_a =
# guaranteed to have a non-None first node when num_keys > 0
# explain to type checker via assertions
assert first_node is not None
assert first_node.key is not None
assert (
self.list.remove(__a ) is not None
) # node guaranteed to be in list assert node.key is not None
del self.cache[first_node.key]
self.num_keys -= 1
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
self.list.add(self.cache[key] )
self.num_keys += 1
# bump node to the end of the list, update value
_a = self.list.remove(self.cache[key] )
assert node is not None # node guaranteed to be in list
_a = value
self.list.add(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Tuple , __a : int = 1_28 ):
def cache_decorator_inner(__a : Callable[[T], U] ) -> Callable[..., U]:
def cache_decorator_wrapper(*__a : T ) -> U:
if func not in cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map:
_a = LRUCache(__a )
_a = cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func].get(args[0] )
if result is None:
_a = func(*__a )
cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func].put(args[0] , __a )
return result
def cache_info() -> LRUCache[T, U]:
return cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func]
setattr(__a , "cache_info" , __a ) # noqa: B010
return cache_decorator_wrapper
return cache_decorator_inner
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import math
import flax.linen as nn
import jax.numpy as jnp
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : jnp.ndarray , lowercase : int , lowercase : float = 1 , lowercase : float = 1 , lowercase : float = 1.0E4 , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : float = 1.0 , ) -> jnp.ndarray:
assert timesteps.ndim == 1, "Timesteps should be a 1d-array"
assert embedding_dim % 2 == 0, F'Embedding dimension {embedding_dim} should be even'
_a = float(embedding_dim // 2 )
_a = math.log(max_timescale / min_timescale ) / (num_timescales - freq_shift)
_a = min_timescale * jnp.exp(jnp.arange(lowercase , dtype=jnp.floataa ) * -log_timescale_increment )
_a = jnp.expand_dims(lowercase , 1 ) * jnp.expand_dims(lowercase , 0 )
# scale embeddings
_a = scale * emb
if flip_sin_to_cos:
_a = jnp.concatenate([jnp.cos(lowercase ), jnp.sin(lowercase )] , axis=1 )
_a = jnp.concatenate([jnp.sin(lowercase ), jnp.cos(lowercase )] , axis=1 )
_a = jnp.reshape(lowercase , [jnp.shape(lowercase )[0], embedding_dim] )
return signal
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (nn.Module ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =32
__a =jnp.floataa
def __call__( self : Any , __a : Tuple ):
_a = nn.Dense(self.time_embed_dim , dtype=self.dtype , name="linear_1" )(__a )
_a = nn.silu(__a )
_a = nn.Dense(self.time_embed_dim , dtype=self.dtype , name="linear_2" )(__a )
return temb
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (nn.Module ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =32
__a =False
__a =1
def __call__( self : List[str] , __a : List[Any] ):
return get_sinusoidal_embeddings(
__a , embedding_dim=self.dim , flip_sin_to_cos=self.flip_sin_to_cos , freq_shift=self.freq_shift )
| 359 |
'''simple docstring'''
import re
from filelock import FileLock
import nltk
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = True
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = False
with FileLock('.lock') as lock:'punkt', quiet=True)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
re.sub("<n>" , "" , lowercase ) # remove pegasus newline char
assert NLTK_AVAILABLE, "nltk must be installed to separate newlines between sentences. (pip install nltk)"
return "\n".join(nltk.sent_tokenize(lowercase ) )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import unittest
import numpy as np
import torch
from diffusers import VersatileDiffusionImageVariationPipeline
from diffusers.utils.testing_utils import load_image, require_torch_gpu, slow, torch_device
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = False
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = VersatileDiffusionImageVariationPipeline.from_pretrained("shi-labs/versatile-diffusion" ) )
pipe.set_progress_bar_config(disable=__a )
_a = load_image(
"" )
_a = torch.manual_seed(0 )
_a = pipe(
image=__a , generator=__a , guidance_scale=7.5 , num_inference_steps=50 , output_type="numpy" , ).images
_a = image[0, 2_53:2_56, 2_53:2_56, -1]
assert image.shape == (1, 5_12, 5_12, 3)
_a = np.array([0.0441, 0.0469, 0.0507, 0.0575, 0.0632, 0.0650, 0.0865, 0.0909, 0.0945] )
assert np.abs(image_slice.flatten() - expected_slice ).max() < 1e-2
| 360 |
'''simple docstring'''
import requests
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = 'YOUR API KEY'
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : str = giphy_api_key ) -> list:
_a = "+".join(query.split() )
_a = F'{formatted_query}&api_key={api_key}'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()["data"]
return [gif["url"] for gif in gifs]
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('\n'.join(get_gifs('space ship')))
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Optional
import pyspark
from .. import Features, NamedSplit
from import DownloadMode
from ..packaged_modules.spark.spark import Spark
from .abc import AbstractDatasetReader
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , __a : pyspark.sql.DataFrame , __a : Optional[NamedSplit] = None , __a : Optional[Features] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : str = None , __a : bool = False , __a : str = None , __a : bool = True , __a : str = "arrow" , **__a : Optional[int] , ):
split=__a , features=__a , cache_dir=__a , keep_in_memory=__a , streaming=__a , **__a , )
_a = load_from_cache_file
_a = file_format
_a = Spark(
df=__a , features=__a , cache_dir=__a , working_dir=__a , **__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
if self.streaming:
return self.builder.as_streaming_dataset(split=self.split )
_a = None if self._load_from_cache_file else DownloadMode.FORCE_REDOWNLOAD
download_mode=__a , file_format=self._file_format , )
return self.builder.as_dataset(split=self.split )
| 361 |
'''simple docstring'''
import unittest
from transformers import BertGenerationTokenizer
from transformers.testing_utils import get_tests_dir, require_sentencepiece, require_torch, slow
from transformers.utils import cached_property
from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = '▁'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = get_tests_dir('fixtures/test_sentencepiece.model')
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =BertGenerationTokenizer
__a =False
__a =True
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = BertGenerationTokenizer(__a , keep_accents=__a )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = "<s>"
_a = 1
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer()._convert_token_to_id(__a ) , __a )
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer()._convert_id_to_token(__a ) , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = list(self.get_tokenizer().get_vocab().keys() )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[0] , "<unk>" )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[1] , "<s>" )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[-1] , "<pad>" )
self.assertEqual(len(__a ) , 10_02 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer().vocab_size , 10_00 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = BertGenerationTokenizer(__a , keep_accents=__a )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("This is a test" )
self.assertListEqual(__a , ["▁This", "▁is", "▁a", "▁t", "est"] )
tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a ) , [2_85, 46, 10, 1_70, 3_82] , )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("I was born in 92000, and this is falsé." )
__a , [
] , )
_a = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a )
__a , [8, 21, 84, 55, 24, 19, 7, 0, 6_02, 3_47, 3_47, 3_47, 3, 12, 66, 46, 72, 80, 6, 0, 4] , )
_a = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
__a , [
] , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
return BertGenerationTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/bert_for_seq_generation_L-24_bbc_encoder" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = "Hello World!"
_a = [1_85_36, 22_60, 1_01]
self.assertListEqual(__a , self.big_tokenizer.encode(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = (
"This is a very long text with a lot of weird characters, such as: . , ~ ? ( ) \" [ ] ! : - . Also we will"
" add words that should not exsist and be tokenized to <unk>, such as saoneuhaoesuth"
_a = [
self.assertListEqual(__a , self.big_tokenizer.encode(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
import torch
from transformers import BertGenerationConfig, BertGenerationEncoder
# Build sequence
_a = list(self.big_tokenizer.get_vocab().keys() )[:10]
_a = " ".join(__a )
_a = self.big_tokenizer.encode_plus(__a , return_tensors="pt" , return_token_type_ids=__a )
_a = self.big_tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
[sequence + " " + sequence] , return_tensors="pt" , return_token_type_ids=__a )
_a = BertGenerationConfig()
_a = BertGenerationEncoder(__a )
assert model.get_input_embeddings().weight.shape[0] >= self.big_tokenizer.vocab_size
with torch.no_grad():
model(**__a )
model(**__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
# fmt: off
_a = {"input_ids": [[3_92_86, 4_58, 3_63_35, 20_01, 4_56, 1_30_73, 1_32_66, 4_55, 1_13, 77_46, 17_41, 1_11_57, 3_91, 1_30_73, 1_32_66, 4_55, 1_13, 39_67, 3_54_12, 1_13, 49_36, 1_09, 38_70, 23_77, 1_13, 3_00_84, 4_57_20, 4_58, 1_34, 1_74_96, 1_12, 5_03, 1_16_72, 1_13, 1_18, 1_12, 56_65, 1_33_47, 3_86_87, 1_12, 14_96, 3_13_89, 1_12, 32_68, 4_72_64, 1_34, 9_62, 1_12, 1_63_77, 80_35, 2_31_30, 4_30, 1_21_69, 1_55_18, 2_85_92, 4_58, 1_46, 4_16_97, 1_09, 3_91, 1_21_69, 1_55_18, 1_66_89, 4_58, 1_46, 4_13_58, 1_09, 4_52, 7_26, 40_34, 1_11, 7_63, 3_54_12, 50_82, 3_88, 19_03, 1_11, 90_51, 3_91, 28_70, 4_89_18, 19_00, 11_23, 5_50, 9_98, 1_12, 95_86, 1_59_85, 4_55, 3_91, 4_10, 2_29_55, 3_76_36, 1_14], [4_48, 1_74_96, 4_19, 36_63, 3_85, 7_63, 1_13, 2_75_33, 28_70, 32_83, 1_30_43, 16_39, 2_47_13, 5_23, 6_56, 2_40_13, 1_85_50, 25_21, 5_17, 2_70_14, 2_12_44, 4_20, 12_12, 14_65, 3_91, 9_27, 48_33, 3_88, 5_78, 1_17_86, 1_14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4_84, 21_69, 76_87, 2_19_32, 1_81_46, 7_26, 3_63, 1_70_32, 33_91, 1_14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], "attention_mask": [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]} # noqa: E501
# fmt: on
expected_encoding=__a , model_name="google/bert_for_seq_generation_L-24_bbc_encoder" , revision="c817d1fd1be2ffa69431227a1fe320544943d4db" , )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import json
import os
import numpy as np
import PIL
import requests
import tensorflow.keras.applications.efficientnet as efficientnet
import torch
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from PIL import Image
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
from transformers import (
from transformers.utils import logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = {
'b0': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b1': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b2': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b3': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b4': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b5': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b6': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
'b7': efficientnet.EfficientNetBa,
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'b0': {
'hidden_dim': 12_80,
'width_coef': 1.0,
'depth_coef': 1.0,
'image_size': 2_24,
'dropout_rate': 0.2,
'dw_padding': [],
'b1': {
'hidden_dim': 12_80,
'width_coef': 1.0,
'depth_coef': 1.1,
'image_size': 2_40,
'dropout_rate': 0.2,
'dw_padding': [16],
'b2': {
'hidden_dim': 14_08,
'width_coef': 1.1,
'depth_coef': 1.2,
'image_size': 2_60,
'dropout_rate': 0.3,
'dw_padding': [5, 8, 16],
'b3': {
'hidden_dim': 15_36,
'width_coef': 1.2,
'depth_coef': 1.4,
'image_size': 3_00,
'dropout_rate': 0.3,
'dw_padding': [5, 18],
'b4': {
'hidden_dim': 17_92,
'width_coef': 1.4,
'depth_coef': 1.8,
'image_size': 3_80,
'dropout_rate': 0.4,
'dw_padding': [6],
'b5': {
'hidden_dim': 20_48,
'width_coef': 1.6,
'depth_coef': 2.2,
'image_size': 4_56,
'dropout_rate': 0.4,
'dw_padding': [13, 27],
'b6': {
'hidden_dim': 23_04,
'width_coef': 1.8,
'depth_coef': 2.6,
'image_size': 5_28,
'dropout_rate': 0.5,
'dw_padding': [31],
'b7': {
'hidden_dim': 25_60,
'width_coef': 2.0,
'depth_coef': 3.1,
'image_size': 6_00,
'dropout_rate': 0.5,
'dw_padding': [18],
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Any:
_a = EfficientNetConfig()
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["hidden_dim"]
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["width_coef"]
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["depth_coef"]
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["image_size"]
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["dropout_rate"]
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["dw_padding"]
_a = "huggingface/label-files"
_a = "imagenet-1k-id2label.json"
_a = 1000
_a = json.load(open(hf_hub_download(lowercase , lowercase , repo_type="dataset" ) , "r" ) )
_a = {int(lowercase ): v for k, v in idalabel.items()}
_a = idalabel
_a = {v: k for k, v in idalabel.items()}
return config
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = ""
_a = , stream=lowercase ).raw )
return im
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["image_size"]
_a = EfficientNetImageProcessor(
size={"height": size, "width": size} , image_mean=[0.4_85, 0.4_56, 0.4_06] , image_std=[0.47_85_39_44, 0.4_73_28_64, 0.47_43_41_63] , do_center_crop=lowercase , )
return preprocessor
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = [v.split("_" )[0].split("block" )[1] for v in original_param_names if v.startswith("block" )]
_a = sorted(set(lowercase ) )
_a = len(lowercase )
_a = {b: str(lowercase ) for b, i in zip(lowercase , range(lowercase ) )}
_a = []
rename_keys.append(("stem_conv/kernel:0", "embeddings.convolution.weight") )
rename_keys.append(("stem_bn/gamma:0", "embeddings.batchnorm.weight") )
rename_keys.append(("stem_bn/beta:0", "embeddings.batchnorm.bias") )
rename_keys.append(("stem_bn/moving_mean:0", "embeddings.batchnorm.running_mean") )
rename_keys.append(("stem_bn/moving_variance:0", "embeddings.batchnorm.running_var") )
for b in block_names:
_a = block_name_mapping[b]
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_expand_conv/kernel:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.expansion.expand_conv.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_expand_bn/gamma:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.expansion.expand_bn.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_expand_bn/beta:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.expansion.expand_bn.bias') )
(F'block{b}_expand_bn/moving_mean:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.expansion.expand_bn.running_mean') )
(F'block{b}_expand_bn/moving_variance:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.expansion.expand_bn.running_var') )
(F'block{b}_dwconv/depthwise_kernel:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.depthwise_conv.depthwise_conv.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_bn/gamma:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.depthwise_conv.depthwise_norm.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_bn/beta:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.depthwise_conv.depthwise_norm.bias') )
(F'block{b}_bn/moving_mean:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.depthwise_conv.depthwise_norm.running_mean') )
(F'block{b}_bn/moving_variance:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.depthwise_conv.depthwise_norm.running_var') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_se_reduce/kernel:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.squeeze_excite.reduce.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_se_reduce/bias:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.squeeze_excite.reduce.bias') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_se_expand/kernel:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.squeeze_excite.expand.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_se_expand/bias:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.squeeze_excite.expand.bias') )
(F'block{b}_project_conv/kernel:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.projection.project_conv.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_project_bn/gamma:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.projection.project_bn.weight') )
rename_keys.append((F'block{b}_project_bn/beta:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.projection.project_bn.bias') )
(F'block{b}_project_bn/moving_mean:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.projection.project_bn.running_mean') )
(F'block{b}_project_bn/moving_variance:0', F'encoder.blocks.{hf_b}.projection.project_bn.running_var') )
rename_keys.append(("top_conv/kernel:0", "encoder.top_conv.weight") )
rename_keys.append(("top_bn/gamma:0", "encoder.top_bn.weight") )
rename_keys.append(("top_bn/beta:0", "encoder.top_bn.bias") )
rename_keys.append(("top_bn/moving_mean:0", "encoder.top_bn.running_mean") )
rename_keys.append(("top_bn/moving_variance:0", "encoder.top_bn.running_var") )
_a = {}
for item in rename_keys:
if item[0] in original_param_names:
_a = "efficientnet." + item[1]
_a = "classifier.weight"
_a = "classifier.bias"
return key_mapping
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : int , lowercase : str ) -> Optional[int]:
for key, value in tf_params.items():
if "normalization" in key:
_a = key_mapping[key]
if "_conv" in key and "kernel" in key:
_a = torch.from_numpy(lowercase ).permute(3 , 2 , 0 , 1 )
elif "depthwise_kernel" in key:
_a = torch.from_numpy(lowercase ).permute(2 , 3 , 0 , 1 )
elif "kernel" in key:
_a = torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(lowercase ) )
_a = torch.from_numpy(lowercase )
# Replace HF parameters with original TF model parameters
assert hf_params[hf_key].shape == new_hf_value.shape
hf_params[hf_key].copy_(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : int , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = model_classes[model_name](
include_top=lowercase , weights="imagenet" , input_tensor=lowercase , input_shape=lowercase , pooling=lowercase , classes=1000 , classifier_activation="softmax" , )
_a = original_model.trainable_variables
_a = original_model.non_trainable_variables
_a = { param.numpy() for param in tf_params}
for param in tf_non_train_params:
_a = param.numpy()
_a = list(tf_params.keys() )
# Load HuggingFace model
_a = get_efficientnet_config(lowercase )
_a = EfficientNetForImageClassification(lowercase ).eval()
_a = hf_model.state_dict()
# Create src-to-dst parameter name mapping dictionary
print("Converting parameters..." )
_a = rename_keys(lowercase )
replace_params(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
# Initialize preprocessor and preprocess input image
_a = convert_image_processor(lowercase )
_a = preprocessor(images=prepare_img() , return_tensors="pt" )
# HF model inference
with torch.no_grad():
_a = hf_model(**lowercase )
_a = outputs.logits.detach().numpy()
# Original model inference
_a = False
_a = CONFIG_MAP[model_name]["image_size"]
_a = prepare_img().resize((image_size, image_size) , resample=PIL.Image.NEAREST )
_a = image.img_to_array(lowercase )
_a = np.expand_dims(lowercase , axis=0 )
_a = original_model.predict(lowercase )
# Check whether original and HF model outputs match -> np.allclose
assert np.allclose(lowercase , lowercase , atol=1E-3 ), "The predicted logits are not the same."
print("Model outputs match!" )
if save_model:
# Create folder to save model
if not os.path.isdir(lowercase ):
os.mkdir(lowercase )
# Save converted model and image processor
hf_model.save_pretrained(lowercase )
preprocessor.save_pretrained(lowercase )
if push_to_hub:
# Push model and image processor to hub
print(F'Pushing converted {model_name} to the hub...' )
_a = F'efficientnet-{model_name}'
preprocessor.push_to_hub(lowercase )
hf_model.push_to_hub(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
help='Version name of the EfficientNet model you want to convert, select from [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7].',
help='Path to the output PyTorch model directory.',
parser.add_argument('--save_model', action='store_true', help='Save model to local')
parser.add_argument('--push_to_hub', action='store_true', help='Push model and image processor to the hub')
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = parser.parse_args()
convert_efficientnet_checkpoint(args.model_name, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path, args.save_model, args.push_to_hub)
| 362 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
if n == 0:
return 0
_a = float("-inf" )
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max(
lowercase , prices[i - 1] + naive_cut_rod_recursive(n - i , lowercase ) )
return max_revue
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Tuple:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = [float("-inf" ) for _ in range(n + 1 )]
return _top_down_cut_rod_recursive(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list , lowercase : list ) -> List[str]:
if max_rev[n] >= 0:
return max_rev[n]
elif n == 0:
return 0
_a = float("-inf" )
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max(
lowercase , prices[i - 1] + _top_down_cut_rod_recursive(n - i , lowercase , lowercase ) , )
_a = max_revenue
return max_rev[n]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Any:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
# length(max_rev) = n + 1, to accommodate for the revenue obtainable from a rod of
# length 0.
_a = [float("-inf" ) for _ in range(n + 1 )]
_a = 0
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max_rev[i]
for j in range(1 , i + 1 ):
_a = max(lowercase , prices[j - 1] + max_rev[i - j] )
_a = max_revenue_i
return max_rev[n]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Dict:
if n < 0:
_a = F'n must be greater than or equal to 0. Got n = {n}'
raise ValueError(lowercase )
if n > len(lowercase ):
_a = (
"Each integral piece of rod must have a corresponding price. "
F'Got n = {n} but length of prices = {len(lowercase )}'
raise ValueError(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = [6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 23]
_a = len(lowercase )
# the best revenue comes from cutting the rod into 6 pieces, each
# of length 1 resulting in a revenue of 6 * 6 = 36.
_a = 36
_a = top_down_cut_rod(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = bottom_up_cut_rod(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = naive_cut_rod_recursive(lowercase , lowercase )
assert expected_max_revenue == max_rev_top_down
assert max_rev_top_down == max_rev_bottom_up
assert max_rev_bottom_up == max_rev_naive
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import datasets
from datasets import logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = '\\n\n'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = '\nPerplexity (PPL) is one of the most common metrics for evaluating language models.\nIt is defined as the exponentiated average negative log-likelihood of a sequence.\n\nFor more information, see\n'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = '\nArgs:\n model_id (str): model used for calculating Perplexity\n NOTE: Perplexity can only be calculated for causal language models.\n This includes models such as gpt2, causal variations of bert,\n causal versions of t5, and more (the full list can be found\n in the AutoModelForCausalLM documentation here:\n )\n\n input_texts (list of str): input text, each separate text snippet\n is one list entry.\n batch_size (int): the batch size to run texts through the model. Defaults to 16.\n add_start_token (bool): whether to add the start token to the texts,\n so the perplexity can include the probability of the first word. Defaults to True.\n device (str): device to run on, defaults to \'cuda\' when available\nReturns:\n perplexity: dictionary containing the perplexity scores for the texts\n in the input list, as well as the mean perplexity. If one of the input texts is\n longer than the max input length of the model, then it is truncated to the\n max length for the perplexity computation.\nExamples:\n Example 1:\n >>> perplexity = datasets.load_metric("perplexity")\n >>> input_texts = ["lorem ipsum", "Happy Birthday!", "Bienvenue"]\n >>> results = perplexity.compute(model_id=\'gpt2\',\n ... add_start_token=False,\n ... input_texts=input_texts) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS\n >>> print(list(results.keys()))\n [\'perplexities\', \'mean_perplexity\']\n >>> print(round(results["mean_perplexity"], 2))\n 78.22\n >>> print(round(results["perplexities"][0], 2))\n 11.11\n\n Example 2:\n >>> perplexity = datasets.load_metric("perplexity")\n >>> input_texts = datasets.load_dataset("wikitext",\n ... "wikitext-2-raw-v1",\n ... split="test")["text"][:50] # doctest:+ELLIPSIS\n [...]\n >>> input_texts = [s for s in input_texts if s!=\'\']\n >>> results = perplexity.compute(model_id=\'gpt2\',\n ... input_texts=input_texts) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS\n >>> print(list(results.keys()))\n [\'perplexities\', \'mean_perplexity\']\n >>> print(round(results["mean_perplexity"], 2))\n 60.35\n >>> print(round(results["perplexities"][0], 2))\n 81.12\n'
@datasets.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION , _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (datasets.Metric ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
return datasets.MetricInfo(
description=_DESCRIPTION , citation=_CITATION , inputs_description=_KWARGS_DESCRIPTION , features=datasets.Features(
"input_texts": datasets.Value("string" ),
} ) , reference_urls=[""] , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : int = 16 , __a : bool = True , __a : Dict=None ):
if device is not None:
assert device in ["gpu", "cpu", "cuda"], "device should be either gpu or cpu."
if device == "gpu":
_a = "cuda"
_a = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
_a = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(__a )
_a = )
_a = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(__a )
# if batch_size > 1 (which generally leads to padding being required), and
# if there is not an already assigned pad_token, assign an existing
# special token to also be the padding token
if tokenizer.pad_token is None and batch_size > 1:
_a = list(tokenizer.special_tokens_map_extended.values() )
# check that the model already has at least one special token defined
assert (
len(__a ) > 0
), "If batch_size > 1, model must have at least one special token to use for padding. Please use a different model or set batch_size=1."
# assign one of the special tokens to also be the pad token
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"pad_token": existing_special_tokens[0]} )
if add_start_token:
# leave room for <BOS> token to be added:
assert (
tokenizer.bos_token is not None
), "Input model must already have a BOS token if using add_start_token=True. Please use a different model, or set add_start_token=False"
_a = model.config.max_length - 1
_a = model.config.max_length
_a = tokenizer(
__a , add_special_tokens=__a , padding=__a , truncation=__a , max_length=__a , return_tensors="pt" , return_attention_mask=__a , ).to(__a )
_a = encodings["input_ids"]
_a = encodings["attention_mask"]
# check that each input is long enough:
if add_start_token:
assert torch.all( ) , 1 ) ), "Each input text must be at least one token long."
assert torch.all( ) , 2 ) ), "When add_start_token=False, each input text must be at least two tokens long. Run with add_start_token=True if inputting strings of only one token, and remove all empty input strings."
_a = []
_a = CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none" )
for start_index in logging.tqdm(range(0 , len(__a ) , __a ) ):
_a = min(start_index + batch_size , len(__a ) )
_a = encoded_texts[start_index:end_index]
_a = attn_masks[start_index:end_index]
if add_start_token:
_a = torch.tensor([[tokenizer.bos_token_id]] * encoded_batch.size(dim=0 ) ).to(__a )
_a =[bos_tokens_tensor, encoded_batch] , dim=1 )
_a =
[torch.ones(bos_tokens_tensor.size() , dtype=torch.intaa ).to(__a ), attn_mask] , dim=1 )
_a = encoded_batch
with torch.no_grad():
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a ).logits
_a = out_logits[..., :-1, :].contiguous()
_a = labels[..., 1:].contiguous()
_a = attn_mask[..., 1:].contiguous()
_a = torch.expa(
(loss_fct(shift_logits.transpose(1 , 2 ) , __a ) * shift_attention_mask_batch).sum(1 )
/ shift_attention_mask_batch.sum(1 ) )
ppls += perplexity_batch.tolist()
return {"perplexities": ppls, "mean_perplexity": np.mean(__a )}
| 363 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Union
from ..utils import add_end_docstrings, is_torch_available, is_vision_available, logging
from .base import PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS, Pipeline
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from ..image_utils import load_image
if is_torch_available():
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
@add_end_docstrings(lowerCamelCase_ )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : List[str] ):
super().__init__(*__a , **__a )
self.check_model_type(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Dict=None , __a : int=None , __a : Optional[Any]=None , **__a : List[Any] ):
_a , _a = {}, {}
if padding is not None:
_a = padding
if truncation is not None:
_a = truncation
if top_k is not None:
_a = top_k
return preprocess_params, {}, postprocess_params
def __call__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union["Image.Image", str] , __a : str = None , **__a : Any ):
if isinstance(__a , (Image.Image, str) ) and isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = {"image": image, "question": question}
_a = image
_a = super().__call__(__a , **__a )
return results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Tuple , __a : Optional[Any]=False , __a : List[Any]=False ):
_a = load_image(inputs["image"] )
_a = self.tokenizer(
inputs["question"] , return_tensors=self.framework , padding=__a , truncation=__a )
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=self.framework )
model_inputs.update(__a )
return model_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : List[str] ):
_a = self.model(**__a )
return model_outputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Dict=5 ):
if top_k > self.model.config.num_labels:
_a = self.model.config.num_labels
if self.framework == "pt":
_a = model_outputs.logits.sigmoid()[0]
_a , _a = probs.topk(__a )
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported framework: {self.framework}' )
_a = scores.tolist()
_a = ids.tolist()
return [{"score": score, "answer": self.model.config.idalabel[_id]} for score, _id in zip(__a , __a )]
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = '\n# Transformers installation\n! pip install transformers datasets\n# To install from source instead of the last release, comment the command above and uncomment the following one.\n# ! pip install git+\n'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = [{'type': 'code', 'content': INSTALL_CONTENT}]
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = {
'{processor_class}': 'FakeProcessorClass',
'{model_class}': 'FakeModelClass',
'{object_class}': 'FakeObjectClass',
| 364 |
'''simple docstring'''
from random import randint, random
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : int = 5 , ) -> list:
_a = [[-1] * number_of_cells] # Create a highway without any car
_a = 0
_a = max(lowercase , 0 )
while i < number_of_cells:
_a = (
randint(0 , lowercase ) if random_speed else initial_speed
) # Place the cars
i += (
randint(1 , max_speed * 2 ) if random_frequency else frequency
) # Arbitrary number, may need tuning
return highway
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = 0
_a = highway_now[car_index + 1 :]
for cell in range(len(lowercase ) ): # May need a better name for this
if cells[cell] != -1: # If the cell is not empty then
return distance # we have the distance we wanted
distance += 1
# Here if the car is near the end of the highway
return distance + get_distance(lowercase , -1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : float , lowercase : int ) -> list:
_a = len(lowercase )
# Beforce calculations, the highway is empty
_a = [-1] * number_of_cells
for car_index in range(lowercase ):
if highway_now[car_index] != -1:
# Add 1 to the current speed of the car and cap the speed
_a = min(highway_now[car_index] + 1 , lowercase )
# Number of empty cell before the next car
_a = get_distance(lowercase , lowercase ) - 1
# We can't have the car causing an accident
_a = min(next_highway[car_index] , lowercase )
if random() < probability:
# Randomly, a driver will slow down
_a = max(next_highway[car_index] - 1 , 0 )
return next_highway
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int , lowercase : float , lowercase : int ) -> list:
_a = len(highway[0] )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = update(highway[i] , lowercase , lowercase )
_a = [-1] * number_of_cells
for car_index in range(lowercase ):
_a = next_speeds_calculated[car_index]
if speed != -1:
# Change the position based on the speed (with % to create the loop)
_a = (car_index + speed) % number_of_cells
# Commit the change of position
_a = speed
highway.append(lowercase )
return highway
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list[int] ) -> list[int]:
_a = len(lowercase )
for i in range(lowercase ):
for j in range(i + 1 , lowercase ):
if numbers[j] < numbers[i]:
_a , _a = numbers[j], numbers[i]
return numbers
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\n').strip()
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]
| 365 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 10 ) -> str:
if not isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ) or n < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid input" )
_a = 10**n
_a = 2_8433 * (pow(2 , 783_0457 , lowercase )) + 1
return str(number % modulus )
if __name__ == "__main__":
from doctest import testmod
print(f"""{solution(10) = }""")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
import unittest
from transformers import RoFormerConfig, is_tf_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_tf_available():
import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import (
from transformers.models.roformer.modeling_tf_roformer import (
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : int , __a : Any , __a : Dict=13 , __a : List[Any]=7 , __a : Dict=True , __a : Union[str, Any]=True , __a : str=True , __a : Tuple=True , __a : Optional[Any]=99 , __a : Tuple=32 , __a : Optional[Any]=2 , __a : List[str]=4 , __a : Union[str, Any]=37 , __a : Union[str, Any]="gelu" , __a : Optional[Any]=0.1 , __a : Any=0.1 , __a : Dict=5_12 , __a : str=16 , __a : Optional[int]=2 , __a : Optional[int]=0.02 , __a : Union[str, Any]=3 , __a : Tuple=4 , __a : Tuple=None , ):
_a = parent
_a = 13
_a = 7
_a = True
_a = True
_a = True
_a = True
_a = 99
_a = 32
_a = 2
_a = 4
_a = 37
_a = "gelu"
_a = 0.1
_a = 0.1
_a = 5_12
_a = 16
_a = 2
_a = 0.02
_a = 3
_a = 4
_a = None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
_a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
_a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
_a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
_a = None
_a = None
_a = None
if self.use_labels:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.num_labels )
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.num_choices )
_a = RoFormerConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , return_dict=__a , )
return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : Dict , __a : int , __a : int ):
_a = TFRoFormerModel(config=__a )
_a = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids}
_a = [input_ids, input_mask]
_a = model(__a )
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Any , __a : str , __a : Optional[int] , __a : List[str] , __a : int ):
_a = True
_a = TFRoFormerForCausalLM(config=__a )
_a = {
"input_ids": input_ids,
"attention_mask": input_mask,
"token_type_ids": token_type_ids,
_a = model(__a )["logits"]
list(prediction_scores.numpy().shape ) , [self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Dict , __a : Any , __a : Any , __a : Optional[int] , __a : List[str] , __a : int , __a : str ):
_a = TFRoFormerForMaskedLM(config=__a )
_a = {
"input_ids": input_ids,
"attention_mask": input_mask,
"token_type_ids": token_type_ids,
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Tuple , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.num_labels
_a = TFRoFormerForSequenceClassification(config=__a )
_a = {
"input_ids": input_ids,
"attention_mask": input_mask,
"token_type_ids": token_type_ids,
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_labels) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : List[str] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : List[Any] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : List[str] , __a : List[str] ):
_a = self.num_choices
_a = TFRoFormerForMultipleChoice(config=__a )
_a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(__a , 1 ) , (1, self.num_choices, 1) )
_a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(__a , 1 ) , (1, self.num_choices, 1) )
_a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(__a , 1 ) , (1, self.num_choices, 1) )
_a = {
"input_ids": multiple_choice_inputs_ids,
"attention_mask": multiple_choice_input_mask,
"token_type_ids": multiple_choice_token_type_ids,
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_choices) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : int , __a : Any , __a : Optional[int] , __a : List[str] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Tuple ):
_a = self.num_labels
_a = TFRoFormerForTokenClassification(config=__a )
_a = {
"input_ids": input_ids,
"attention_mask": input_mask,
"token_type_ids": token_type_ids,
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : List[str] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : Tuple , __a : List[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] ):
_a = TFRoFormerForQuestionAnswering(config=__a )
_a = {
"input_ids": input_ids,
"attention_mask": input_mask,
"token_type_ids": token_type_ids,
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
_a = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(
if is_tf_available()
else ()
__a =(
'feature-extraction': TFRoFormerModel,
'fill-mask': TFRoFormerForMaskedLM,
'question-answering': TFRoFormerForQuestionAnswering,
'text-classification': TFRoFormerForSequenceClassification,
'text-generation': TFRoFormerForCausalLM,
'token-classification': TFRoFormerForTokenClassification,
'zero-shot': TFRoFormerForSequenceClassification,
if is_tf_available()
else {}
__a =False
__a =False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : str , __a : List[str] , __a : str ):
if pipeline_test_casse_name == "TextGenerationPipelineTests":
return True
return False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = TFRoFormerModelTester(self )
_a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__a , hidden_size=37 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_lm_head(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_multiple_choice(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = TFRoFormerModel.from_pretrained("junnyu/roformer_chinese_base" )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = TFRoFormerForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("junnyu/roformer_chinese_base" )
_a = tf.constant([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] )
_a = model(__a )[0]
# TODO Replace vocab size
_a = 5_00_00
_a = [1, 6, vocab_size]
self.assertEqual(output.shape , __a )
print(output[:, :3, :3] )
# TODO Replace values below with what was printed above.
_a = tf.constant(
[-0.12053341, -1.0264901, 0.29221946],
[-1.5133783, 0.197433, 0.15190607],
[-5.0135403, -3.900256, -0.84038764],
] )
tf.debugging.assert_near(output[:, :3, :3] , __a , atol=1e-4 )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =1E-4
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = tf.constant([[4, 10]] )
_a = TFRoFormerSinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(num_positions=6 , embedding_dim=6 )
_a = emba(input_ids.shape )
_a = tf.constant(
[[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000], [0.8415, 0.0464, 0.0022, 0.5403, 0.9989, 1.0000]] )
tf.debugging.assert_near(__a , __a , atol=self.tolerance )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = tf.constant(
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.8415, 0.8219, 0.8020, 0.7819, 0.7617],
[0.9093, 0.9364, 0.9581, 0.9749, 0.9870],
] )
_a = TFRoFormerSinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(num_positions=5_12 , embedding_dim=5_12 )
emba([2, 16, 5_12] )
_a = emba.weight[:3, :5]
tf.debugging.assert_near(__a , __a , atol=self.tolerance )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =1E-4
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
# 2,12,16,64
_a = tf.reshape(tf.range(2 * 12 * 16 * 64 , dtype=tf.floataa ) , shape=(2, 12, 16, 64) ) / 1_00
_a = -tf.reshape(tf.range(2 * 12 * 16 * 64 , dtype=tf.floataa ) , shape=(2, 12, 16, 64) ) / 1_00
_a = TFRoFormerSinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(num_positions=32 , embedding_dim=64 )
_a = embed_positions([2, 16, 7_68] )[None, None, :, :]
_a , _a = TFRoFormerSelfAttention.apply_rotary_position_embeddings(
__a , __a , __a )
_a = tf.constant(
[0.0000, 0.0100, 0.0200, 0.0300, 0.0400, 0.0500, 0.0600, 0.0700],
[-0.2012, 0.8897, 0.0263, 0.9401, 0.2074, 0.9463, 0.3481, 0.9343],
[-1.7057, 0.6271, -1.2145, 1.3897, -0.6303, 1.7647, -0.1173, 1.8985],
[-2.1731, -1.6397, -2.7358, 0.2854, -2.1840, 1.7183, -1.3018, 2.4871],
[0.2717, -3.6173, -2.9206, -2.1988, -3.6638, 0.3858, -2.9155, 2.2980],
[3.9859, -2.1580, -0.7984, -4.4904, -4.1181, -2.0252, -4.4782, 1.1253],
] )
_a = tf.constant(
[0.0000, -0.0100, -0.0200, -0.0300, -0.0400, -0.0500, -0.0600, -0.0700],
[0.2012, -0.8897, -0.0263, -0.9401, -0.2074, -0.9463, -0.3481, -0.9343],
[1.7057, -0.6271, 1.2145, -1.3897, 0.6303, -1.7647, 0.1173, -1.8985],
[2.1731, 1.6397, 2.7358, -0.2854, 2.1840, -1.7183, 1.3018, -2.4871],
[-0.2717, 3.6173, 2.9206, 2.1988, 3.6638, -0.3858, 2.9155, -2.2980],
[-3.9859, 2.1580, 0.7984, 4.4904, 4.1181, 2.0252, 4.4782, -1.1253],
] )
tf.debugging.assert_near(query_layer[0, 0, :6, :8] , __a , atol=self.tolerance )
tf.debugging.assert_near(key_layer[0, 0, :6, :8] , __a , atol=self.tolerance )
| 366 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 6008_5147_5143 ) -> int:
_a = int(lowercase )
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Parameter n must be int or castable to int." )
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter n must be greater than or equal to one." )
_a = 2
_a = 0
if n == 2:
return 2
while n > 2:
while n % i != 0:
i += 1
_a = i
while n % i == 0:
_a = n // i
i += 1
return int(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from ...utils import logging, randn_tensor
from ..pipeline_utils import AudioPipelineOutput, DiffusionPipeline
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : List[Any] , __a : str ):
self.register_modules(unet=__a , scheduler=__a )
def __call__( self : Any , __a : int = 1 , __a : int = 1_00 , __a : Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]] = None , __a : Optional[float] = None , __a : bool = True , ):
if audio_length_in_s is None:
_a = self.unet.config.sample_size / self.unet.config.sample_rate
_a = audio_length_in_s * self.unet.config.sample_rate
_a = 2 ** len(self.unet.up_blocks )
if sample_size < 3 * down_scale_factor:
raise ValueError(
f'{audio_length_in_s} is too small. Make sure it\'s bigger or equal to'
f' {3 * down_scale_factor / self.unet.config.sample_rate}.' )
_a = int(__a )
if sample_size % down_scale_factor != 0:
_a = (
(audio_length_in_s * self.unet.config.sample_rate) // down_scale_factor + 1
) * down_scale_factor
f'{audio_length_in_s} is increased to {sample_size / self.unet.config.sample_rate} so that it can be handled'
f' by the model. It will be cut to {original_sample_size / self.unet.config.sample_rate} after the denoising'
" process." )
_a = int(__a )
_a = next(iter(self.unet.parameters() ) ).dtype
_a = (batch_size, self.unet.config.in_channels, sample_size)
if isinstance(__a , __a ) and len(__a ) != batch_size:
raise ValueError(
f'You have passed a list of generators of length {len(__a )}, but requested an effective batch'
f' size of {batch_size}. Make sure the batch size matches the length of the generators.' )
_a = randn_tensor(__a , generator=__a , device=self.device , dtype=__a )
# set step values
self.scheduler.set_timesteps(__a , device=audio.device )
_a = )
for t in self.progress_bar(self.scheduler.timesteps ):
# 1. predict noise model_output
_a = self.unet(__a , __a ).sample
# 2. compute previous image: x_t -> t_t-1
_a = self.scheduler.step(__a , __a , __a ).prev_sample
_a = audio.clamp(-1 , 1 ).float().cpu().numpy()
_a = audio[:, :, :original_sample_size]
if not return_dict:
return (audio,)
return AudioPipelineOutput(audios=__a )
| 367 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import torch
from bart_onnx.generation_onnx import BARTBeamSearchGenerator
from bart_onnx.reduce_onnx_size import remove_dup_initializers
import transformers
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration, BartTokenizer
format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s | [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
level=os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper(),
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = {'facebook/bart-base': BartForConditionalGeneration}
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = {'facebook/bart-base': BartTokenizer}
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export Bart model + Beam Search to ONNX graph." )
"--validation_file" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="A csv or a json file containing the validation data." )
"--max_length" , type=lowercase , default=5 , help="The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization." , )
"--num_beams" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help=(
"Number of beams to use for evaluation. This argument will be "
"passed to ``model.generate``, which is used during ``evaluate`` and ``predict``."
) , )
"--model_name_or_path" , type=lowercase , help="Path to pretrained model or model identifier from" , required=lowercase , )
"--config_name" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name" , )
"--device" , type=lowercase , default="cpu" , help="Device where the model will be run" , )
parser.add_argument("--output_file_path" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Where to store the final ONNX file." )
_a = parser.parse_args()
return args
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple="cpu" ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = model_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase ).to(lowercase )
_a = tokenizer_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase )
if model_name in ["facebook/bart-base"]:
_a = 0
_a = None
_a = 0
return huggingface_model, tokenizer
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Dict ) -> Any:
_a = None
_a = torch.jit.script(BARTBeamSearchGenerator(lowercase ) )
with torch.no_grad():
_a = "My friends are cool but they eat too many carbs."
_a = tokenizer([ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE] , max_length=1024 , return_tensors="pt" ).to(model.device )
_a = model.generate(
inputs["input_ids"] , attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] , num_beams=lowercase , max_length=lowercase , early_stopping=lowercase , decoder_start_token_id=model.config.decoder_start_token_id , )
lowercase , (
) , lowercase , opset_version=14 , input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "num_beams", "max_length", "decoder_start_token_id"] , output_names=["output_ids"] , dynamic_axes={
"input_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq"},
"output_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq_out"},
} , example_outputs=lowercase , )"Model exported to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = remove_dup_initializers(os.path.abspath(lowercase ) )"Deduplicated and optimized model written to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(lowercase )
_a =
lowercase , {
"input_ids": inputs["input_ids"].cpu().numpy(),
"attention_mask": inputs["attention_mask"].cpu().numpy(),
"num_beams": np.array(lowercase ),
"max_length": np.array(lowercase ),
"decoder_start_token_id": np.array(model.config.decoder_start_token_id ),
} , )
np.testing.assert_allclose(summary_ids.cpu().numpy() , ort_out[0] , rtol=1E-3 , atol=1E-3 )"Model outputs from torch and ONNX Runtime are similar." )"Success." )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = parse_args()
_a = 5
_a = 4
# Make one log on every process with the configuration for debugging.
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s" , datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" , level=logging.INFO , )
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO )
_a = torch.device(args.device )
_a , _a = load_model_tokenizer(args.model_name_or_path , lowercase )
if model.config.decoder_start_token_id is None:
raise ValueError("Make sure that `config.decoder_start_token_id` is correctly defined" ) )
if args.max_length:
_a = args.max_length
if args.num_beams:
_a = args.num_beams
if args.output_file_path:
_a = args.output_file_path
_a = "BART.onnx""Exporting model to ONNX" )
export_and_validate_model(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
import random
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : Dict , lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = a[left_index]
_a = left_index + 1
for j in range(left_index + 1 , lowercase ):
if a[j] < pivot:
_a , _a = a[i], a[j]
i += 1
_a , _a = a[i - 1], a[left_index]
return i - 1
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> int:
if left < right:
_a = random.randint(lowercase , right - 1 )
_a , _a = (
) # switches the pivot with the left most bound
_a = partition(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
lowercase , lowercase , lowercase ) # recursive quicksort to the left of the pivot point
lowercase , pivot_index + 1 , lowercase ) # recursive quicksort to the right of the pivot point
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = input("Enter numbers separated by a comma:\n" ).strip()
_a = [int(lowercase ) for item in user_input.split("," )]
quick_sort_random(lowercase , 0 , len(lowercase ) )
print(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 368 |
'''simple docstring'''
# tests directory-specific settings - this file is run automatically
# by pytest before any tests are run
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
# allow having multiple repository checkouts and not needing to remember to rerun
# 'pip install -e .[dev]' when switching between checkouts and running tests.
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = abspath(join(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))), 'src'))
sys.path.insert(1, git_repo_path)
# silence FutureWarning warnings in tests since often we can't act on them until
# they become normal warnings - i.e. the tests still need to test the current functionality
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[int]:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_addoption_shared
pytest_addoption_shared(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_terminal_summary_main
_a = terminalreporter.config.getoption("--make-reports" )
if make_reports:
pytest_terminal_summary_main(lowercase , id=lowercase )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
from diffusers import UnCLIPScheduler
from .test_schedulers import SchedulerCommonTest
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(UnCLIPScheduler,)
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , **__a : List[Any] ):
_a = {
"num_train_timesteps": 10_00,
"variance_type": "fixed_small_log",
"clip_sample": True,
"clip_sample_range": 1.0,
"prediction_type": "epsilon",
config.update(**__a )
return config
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
for timesteps in [1, 5, 1_00, 10_00]:
self.check_over_configs(num_train_timesteps=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
for variance in ["fixed_small_log", "learned_range"]:
self.check_over_configs(variance_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
for clip_sample in [True, False]:
self.check_over_configs(clip_sample=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
for clip_sample_range in [1, 5, 10, 20]:
self.check_over_configs(clip_sample_range=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
for prediction_type in ["epsilon", "sample"]:
self.check_over_configs(prediction_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
for time_step in [0, 5_00, 9_99]:
for prev_timestep in [None, 5, 1_00, 2_50, 5_00, 7_50]:
if prev_timestep is not None and prev_timestep >= time_step:
self.check_over_forward(time_step=__a , prev_timestep=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config(variance_type="fixed_small_log" )
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(scheduler._get_variance(0 ) - 1.0_0_0_0e-1_0 ) ) < 1e-5
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(scheduler._get_variance(4_87 ) - 0.0549625 ) ) < 1e-5
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(scheduler._get_variance(9_99 ) - 0.9994987 ) ) < 1e-5
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config(variance_type="learned_range" )
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = 0.5
assert scheduler._get_variance(1 , predicted_variance=__a ) - -10.1712790 < 1e-5
assert scheduler._get_variance(4_87 , predicted_variance=__a ) - -5.7998052 < 1e-5
assert scheduler._get_variance(9_99 , predicted_variance=__a ) - -0.0010011 < 1e-5
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
_a = scheduler.timesteps
_a = self.dummy_model()
_a = self.dummy_sample_deter
_a = torch.manual_seed(0 )
for i, t in enumerate(__a ):
# 1. predict noise residual
_a = model(__a , __a )
# 2. predict previous mean of sample x_t-1
_a = scheduler.step(__a , __a , __a , generator=__a ).prev_sample
_a = pred_prev_sample
_a = torch.sum(torch.abs(__a ) )
_a = torch.mean(torch.abs(__a ) )
assert abs(result_sum.item() - 252.2682495 ) < 1e-2
assert abs(result_mean.item() - 0.3284743 ) < 1e-3
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
_a = self.get_scheduler_config()
_a = scheduler_class(**__a )
scheduler.set_timesteps(25 )
_a = scheduler.timesteps
_a = self.dummy_model()
_a = self.dummy_sample_deter
_a = torch.manual_seed(0 )
for i, t in enumerate(__a ):
# 1. predict noise residual
_a = model(__a , __a )
if i + 1 == timesteps.shape[0]:
_a = None
_a = timesteps[i + 1]
# 2. predict previous mean of sample x_t-1
_a = scheduler.step(
__a , __a , __a , prev_timestep=__a , generator=__a ).prev_sample
_a = pred_prev_sample
_a = torch.sum(torch.abs(__a ) )
_a = torch.mean(torch.abs(__a ) )
assert abs(result_sum.item() - 258.2044983 ) < 1e-2
assert abs(result_mean.item() - 0.3362038 ) < 1e-3
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
| 369 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers.modeling_utils import ModuleUtilsMixin
from transformers.models.ta.modeling_ta import TaBlock, TaConfig, TaLayerNorm
from ...configuration_utils import ConfigMixin, register_to_config
from ...models import ModelMixin
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : float , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : str , __a : bool = False , ):
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = False
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
_a = TaConfig(
vocab_size=__a , d_model=__a , num_heads=__a , d_kv=__a , d_ff=__a , dropout_rate=__a , feed_forward_proj=__a , is_decoder=__a , is_encoder_decoder=__a , )
_a = nn.ModuleList()
for lyr_num in range(__a ):
_a = TaBlock(__a )
self.encoders.append(__a )
_a = TaLayerNorm(__a )
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.token_embedder(__a )
_a = encoder_input_tokens.shape[1]
_a = torch.arange(__a , device=encoder_input_tokens.device )
x += self.position_encoding(__a )
_a = self.dropout_pre(__a )
# inverted the attention mask
_a = encoder_input_tokens.size()
_a = self.get_extended_attention_mask(__a , __a )
for lyr in self.encoders:
_a = lyr(__a , __a )[0]
_a = self.layer_norm(__a )
return self.dropout_post(__a ), encoder_inputs_mask
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import unittest
from transformers import DebertaVaConfig, is_torch_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_sentencepiece, require_tokenizers, require_torch, slow, torch_device
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_torch_available():
import torch
from transformers import (
from transformers.models.deberta_va.modeling_deberta_va import DEBERTA_V2_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : int , __a : Any=13 , __a : Optional[int]=7 , __a : Optional[int]=True , __a : int=True , __a : Any=True , __a : List[str]=True , __a : Tuple=99 , __a : Optional[Any]=32 , __a : Optional[int]=5 , __a : List[Any]=4 , __a : str=37 , __a : str="gelu" , __a : List[str]=0.1 , __a : str=0.1 , __a : int=5_12 , __a : int=16 , __a : List[str]=2 , __a : List[str]=0.02 , __a : str=False , __a : List[str]=True , __a : int="None" , __a : List[str]=3 , __a : Tuple=4 , __a : Any=None , ):
_a = parent
_a = batch_size
_a = seq_length
_a = is_training
_a = use_input_mask
_a = use_token_type_ids
_a = use_labels
_a = vocab_size
_a = hidden_size
_a = num_hidden_layers
_a = num_attention_heads
_a = intermediate_size
_a = hidden_act
_a = hidden_dropout_prob
_a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
_a = max_position_embeddings
_a = type_vocab_size
_a = type_sequence_label_size
_a = initializer_range
_a = num_labels
_a = num_choices
_a = relative_attention
_a = position_biased_input
_a = pos_att_type
_a = scope
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
_a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , vocab_size=2 )
_a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
_a = None
_a = None
_a = None
if self.use_labels:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.num_labels )
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.num_choices )
_a = self.get_config()
return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return DebertaVaConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , relative_attention=self.relative_attention , position_biased_input=self.position_biased_input , pos_att_type=self.pos_att_type , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : int ):
self.parent.assertListEqual(list(result.loss.size() ) , [] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : List[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : Any , __a : int , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = DebertaVaModel(config=__a ) )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a )[0]
_a = model(__a , token_type_ids=__a )[0]
_a = model(__a )[0]
self.parent.assertListEqual(list(sequence_output.size() ) , [self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : str , __a : Dict , __a : Dict , __a : Dict , __a : Tuple , __a : List[str] ):
_a = DebertaVaForMaskedLM(config=__a ) )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a , labels=__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Dict , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : List[str] , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.num_labels
_a = DebertaVaForSequenceClassification(__a ) )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a , labels=__a )
self.parent.assertListEqual(list(result.logits.size() ) , [self.batch_size, self.num_labels] )
self.check_loss_output(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : Any , __a : str , __a : Any , __a : List[str] , __a : List[str] , __a : int , __a : List[str] ):
_a = self.num_labels
_a = DebertaVaForTokenClassification(config=__a ) )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a , labels=__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : int , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Any , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Tuple ):
_a = DebertaVaForQuestionAnswering(config=__a ) )
_a = model(
__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a , start_positions=__a , end_positions=__a , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : Dict , __a : List[str] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Any , __a : List[str] ):
_a = DebertaVaForMultipleChoice(config=__a ) )
_a = input_ids.unsqueeze(1 ).expand(-1 , self.num_choices , -1 ).contiguous()
_a = token_type_ids.unsqueeze(1 ).expand(-1 , self.num_choices , -1 ).contiguous()
_a = input_mask.unsqueeze(1 ).expand(-1 , self.num_choices , -1 ).contiguous()
_a = model(
__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a , labels=__a , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_choices) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
_a = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(
if is_torch_available()
else ()
__a =(
'feature-extraction': DebertaVaModel,
'fill-mask': DebertaVaForMaskedLM,
'question-answering': DebertaVaForQuestionAnswering,
'text-classification': DebertaVaForSequenceClassification,
'token-classification': DebertaVaForTokenClassification,
'zero-shot': DebertaVaForSequenceClassification,
if is_torch_available()
else {}
__a =True
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = DebertaVaModelTester(self )
_a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__a , hidden_size=37 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_deberta_model(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_deberta_for_sequence_classification(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_deberta_for_masked_lm(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_deberta_for_question_answering(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_deberta_for_token_classification(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_deberta_for_multiple_choice(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = DebertaVaModel.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
@unittest.skip(reason="Model not available yet" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = DebertaVaModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v2-xlarge" )
_a = torch.tensor([[0, 3_14_14, 2_32, 3_28, 7_40, 11_40, 1_26_95, 69, 4_60_78, 15_88, 2]] )
_a = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]] )
with torch.no_grad():
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a )[0]
# compare the actual values for a slice.
_a = torch.tensor(
[[[0.2356, 0.1948, 0.0369], [-0.1063, 0.3586, -0.5152], [-0.6399, -0.0259, -0.2525]]] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output[:, 1:4, 1:4] , __a , atol=1e-4 ) , f'{output[:, 1:4, 1:4]}' )
| 370 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from utils_rag import save_json
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Any:
_a = filter(lambda lowercase : p.requires_grad , model.parameters() )
_a = sum([ ) for p in model_parameters] )
return params
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if metric == "rouge2":
_a = "{val_avg_rouge2:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "bleu":
_a = "{val_avg_bleu:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "em":
_a = "{val_avg_em:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "loss":
_a = "{val_avg_loss:.4f}-{step_count}"
raise NotImplementedError(
F'seq2seq callbacks only support rouge2 and bleu, got {metric}, You can make your own by adding to this'
" function." )
_a = ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath=lowercase , filename=lowercase , monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="max" , save_top_k=1 , every_n_epochs=1 , )
return checkpoint_callback
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
return EarlyStopping(
monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="min" if "loss" in metric else "max" , patience=lowercase , verbose=lowercase , )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (pl.Callback ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = {f'lr_group_{i}': param["lr"] for i, param in enumerate(pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0].param_groups )}
pl_module.logger.log_metrics(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule , __a : str , __a : Dict=True ):'***** {type_path} results at step {trainer.global_step:05d} *****' )
_a = trainer.callback_metrics
trainer.logger.log_metrics({k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k not in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]} )
# Log results
_a = Path(pl_module.hparams.output_dir )
if type_path == "test":
_a = od / "test_results.txt"
_a = od / "test_generations.txt"
# this never gets hit. I prefer not to save intermediate generations, and results are in metrics.json
# If people want this it will be easy enough to add back.
_a = od / f'{type_path}_results/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
_a = od / f'{type_path}_generations/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
results_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
generations_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
with open(__a , "a+" ) as writer:
for key in sorted(__a ):
if key in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]:
_a = metrics[key]
if isinstance(__a , torch.Tensor ):
_a = val.item()
_a = f'{key}: {val:.6f}\n'
writer.write(__a )
if not save_generations:
if "preds" in metrics:
_a = "\n".join(metrics["preds"] )"w+" ).write(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = pl_module.model.model.num_parameters()
except AttributeError:
_a = pl_module.model.num_parameters()
_a = count_trainable_parameters(__a )
# mp stands for million parameters
trainer.logger.log_metrics({"n_params": npars, "mp": npars / 1e6, "grad_mp": n_trainable_pars / 1e6} )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
return self._write_logs(__a , __a , "test" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : str ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
# Uncommenting this will save val generations
# return self._write_logs(trainer, pl_module, "valid")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import datasets
from .nmt_bleu import compute_bleu # From:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = '\\n@INPROCEEDINGS{Papineni02bleu:a,\n author = {Kishore Papineni and Salim Roukos and Todd Ward and Wei-jing Zhu},\n title = {BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation},\n booktitle = {},\n year = {2002},\n pages = {311--318}\n}\n@inproceedings{lin-och-2004-orange,\n title = "{ORANGE}: a Method for Evaluating Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Machine Translation",\n author = "Lin, Chin-Yew and\n Och, Franz Josef",\n booktitle = "{COLING} 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics",\n month = "aug 23{--}aug 27",\n year = "2004",\n address = "Geneva, Switzerland",\n publisher = "COLING",\n url = "",\n pages = "501--507",\n}\n'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = '\\nBLEU (bilingual evaluation understudy) is an algorithm for evaluating the quality of text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another.\nQuality is considered to be the correspondence between a machine\'s output and that of a human: "the closer a machine translation is to a professional human translation,\nthe better it is" – this is the central idea behind BLEU. BLEU was one of the first metrics to claim a high correlation with human judgements of quality, and\nremains one of the most popular automated and inexpensive metrics.\n\nScores are calculated for individual translated segments—generally sentences—by comparing them with a set of good quality reference translations.\nThose scores are then averaged over the whole corpus to reach an estimate of the translation\'s overall quality. Intelligibility or grammatical correctness\nare not taken into account[citation needed].\n\nBLEU\'s output is always a number between 0 and 1. This value indicates how similar the candidate text is to the reference texts, with values closer to 1\nrepresenting more similar texts. Few human translations will attain a score of 1, since this would indicate that the candidate is identical to one of the\nreference translations. For this reason, it is not necessary to attain a score of 1. Because there are more opportunities to match, adding additional\nreference translations will increase the BLEU score.\n'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = '\nComputes BLEU score of translated segments against one or more references.\nArgs:\n predictions: list of translations to score.\n Each translation should be tokenized into a list of tokens.\n references: list of lists of references for each translation.\n Each reference should be tokenized into a list of tokens.\n max_order: Maximum n-gram order to use when computing BLEU score.\n smooth: Whether or not to apply Lin et al. 2004 smoothing.\nReturns:\n \'bleu\': bleu score,\n \'precisions\': geometric mean of n-gram precisions,\n \'brevity_penalty\': brevity penalty,\n \'length_ratio\': ratio of lengths,\n \'translation_length\': translation_length,\n \'reference_length\': reference_length\nExamples:\n\n >>> predictions = [\n ... ["hello", "there", "general", "kenobi"], # tokenized prediction of the first sample\n ... ["foo", "bar", "foobar"] # tokenized prediction of the second sample\n ... ]\n >>> references = [\n ... [["hello", "there", "general", "kenobi"], ["hello", "there", "!"]], # tokenized references for the first sample (2 references)\n ... [["foo", "bar", "foobar"]] # tokenized references for the second sample (1 reference)\n ... ]\n >>> bleu = datasets.load_metric("bleu")\n >>> results = bleu.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)\n >>> print(results["bleu"])\n 1.0\n'
@datasets.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION , _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (datasets.Metric ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
return datasets.MetricInfo(
description=_DESCRIPTION , citation=_CITATION , inputs_description=_KWARGS_DESCRIPTION , features=datasets.Features(
"predictions": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" , id="token" ) , id="sequence" ),
"references": datasets.Sequence(
datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" , id="token" ) , id="sequence" ) , id="references" ),
} ) , codebase_urls=[""] , reference_urls=[
] , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : Dict , __a : List[Any] , __a : Dict=4 , __a : int=False ):
_a = compute_bleu(
reference_corpus=__a , translation_corpus=__a , max_order=__a , smooth=__a )
((_a) , (_a) , (_a) , (_a) , (_a) , (_a)) = score
return {
"bleu": bleu,
"precisions": precisions,
"brevity_penalty": bp,
"length_ratio": ratio,
"translation_length": translation_length,
"reference_length": reference_length,
| 371 |
'''simple docstring'''
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
from packaging import version
from PIL import Image
if version.parse(version.parse(PIL.__version__).base_version) >= version.parse('9.1.0'):
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = {
'linear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.Resampling.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.Resampling.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.Resampling.NEAREST,
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'linear': PIL.Image.LINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.NEAREST,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = (images / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0 , 1 )
_a = images.cpu().permute(0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ).float().numpy()
_a = numpy_to_pil(lowercase )
return images
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[Any]:
if images.ndim == 3:
_a = images[None, ...]
_a = (images * 255).round().astype("uint8" )
if images.shape[-1] == 1:
# special case for grayscale (single channel) images
_a = [Image.fromarray(image.squeeze() , mode="L" ) for image in images]
_a = [Image.fromarray(lowercase ) for image in images]
return pil_images
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import logging
import os
import datasets
import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> int:
_a = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Prepare TFRecord shards from pre-tokenized samples of the wikitext dataset." )
"--dataset_name" , type=lowercase , default="wikitext" , help="Name of the training. Explore datasets at:" , )
"--dataset_config" , type=lowercase , default="wikitext-103-raw-v1" , help="Configuration name of the dataset." )
"--tokenizer_name_or_path" , type=lowercase , default="sayakpaul/unigram-tokenizer-wikitext" , help="Tokenizer identifier. Can be a local filepath or a Hub identifier." , )
"--shard_size" , type=lowercase , default=1000 , help="Number of entries to go in a single shard." , )
parser.add_argument("--split" , type=lowercase , default="train" , choices=["train", "test", "validation"] )
"--limit" , default=lowercase , type=lowercase , help="Limit the number of shards (used for debugging)." , )
"--max_length" , type=lowercase , default=512 , help="Maximum sequence length. For training on TPUs, it helps to have a maximum"
" sequence length that is a multiple of 8." , )
"--output_dir" , default="tf-tpu" , type=lowercase , help="Output directory where the TFRecord shards will be saved. If the"
" path is appended with `gs://` ('gs://tf-tpu', for example) then the TFRecord"
" shards will be directly saved to a Google Cloud Storage bucket." , )
_a = parser.parse_args()
return args
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
def fn(lowercase : Dict ):
return tokenizer(examples["text"] )
return fn
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = []
for i in range(len(tokenized_data["input_ids"] ) ):
_a = {
"input_ids": tf.train.Feature(intaa_list=tf.train.IntaaList(value=tokenized_data["input_ids"][i] ) ),
"attention_mask": tf.train.Feature(
intaa_list=tf.train.IntaaList(value=tokenized_data["attention_mask"][i] ) ),
_a = tf.train.Features(feature=lowercase )
_a = tf.train.Example(features=lowercase )
_a = example.SerializeToString()
records.append(lowercase )
return records
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = datasets.load_dataset(args.dataset_name , args.dataset_config , split=args.split )
if args.limit is not None:
_a = min(len(lowercase ) , args.limit )
_a = ) )
print(F'Limiting the dataset to {args.limit} entries.' )
_a = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.tokenizer_name_or_path )
# Handle output directory creation.
# For serializing into a Google Cloud Storage Bucket, one needs to first
# create a bucket.
if "gs" not in args.output_dir:
if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir ):
os.makedirs(args.output_dir )
_a = os.path.join(args.output_dir , args.split )
if not os.path.exists(lowercase ):
os.makedirs(lowercase )
_a = os.path.join(args.output_dir , args.split )
# Tokenize the whole dataset at once.
_a = tokenize_function(lowercase )
_a = , batched=lowercase , num_proc=4 , remove_columns=["text"] )
# We need to concatenate all our texts together, and then split the result
# into chunks of a fixed size, which we will call block_size. To do this, we
# will use the map method again, with the option batched=True. When we use batched=True,
# the function we pass to map() will be passed multiple inputs at once, allowing us
# to group them into more or fewer examples than we had in the input.
# This allows us to create our new fixed-length samples. The advantage of this
# method is that we don't lose a whole lot of content from the dataset compared to the
# case where we simply tokenize with a pre-defined max_length.
def group_texts(lowercase : Any ):
# Concatenate all texts.
_a = {k: sum(examples[k] , [] ) for k in examples.keys()}
_a = len(concatenated_examples[list(examples.keys() )[0]] )
# We drop the small remainder, though you could add padding instead if the model supports it
# In this, as in all things, we advise you to follow your heart 🫀
_a = (total_length // args.max_length) * args.max_length
# Split by chunks of max_len.
_a = {
k: [t[i : i + args.max_length] for i in range(0 , lowercase , args.max_length )]
for k, t in concatenated_examples.items()
return result
_a = , batched=lowercase , batch_size=1000 , num_proc=4 )
_a = 0
_a = 0
for shard in range(0 , len(lowercase ) , args.shard_size ):
_a = grouped_dataset[shard : shard + args.shard_size]
_a = len(dataset_snapshot["input_ids"] )
_a = os.path.join(lowercase , F'dataset-{shard_count}-{records_containing}.tfrecord' )
_a = get_serialized_examples(lowercase )
with ) as out_file:
for i in range(len(lowercase ) ):
_a = serialized_examples[i]
out_file.write(lowercase )
print("Wrote file {} containing {} records".format(lowercase , lowercase ) )
shard_count += 1
total_records += records_containing
with open(F'split-{args.split}-records-count.txt' , "w" ) as f:
print(F'Total {args.split} records: {total_records}' , file=lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = parse_args()
| 350 |
'''simple docstring'''
import contextlib
import csv
import json
import os
import sqlitea
import tarfile
import textwrap
import zipfile
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pytest
import datasets
import datasets.config
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = 10
_a = datasets.Features(
"tokens": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" ) ),
"labels": datasets.Sequence(datasets.ClassLabel(names=["negative", "positive"] ) ),
"answers": datasets.Sequence(
"text": datasets.Value("string" ),
"answer_start": datasets.Value("int32" ),
} ),
"id": datasets.Value("int64" ),
} )
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(
"tokens": [["foo"] * 5] * n,
"labels": [[1] * 5] * n,
"answers": [{"answer_start": [97], "text": ["1976"]}] * 10,
"id": list(range(lowercase ) ),
} , features=lowercase , )
return dataset
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.arrow" ) )
return filename
# FILE_CONTENT + files
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = '\\n Text data.\n Second line of data.'
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt"
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.bz2"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Optional[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.gz" )
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if datasets.config.LZ4_AVAILABLE:
import lza.frame
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.lz4"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[Any]:
if datasets.config.PY7ZR_AVAILABLE:
import pyazr
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.7z"
with pyazr.SevenZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as archive:
archive.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Dict:
import tarfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import lzma
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.xz"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import zipfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> List[str]:
if datasets.config.ZSTANDARD_AVAILABLE:
import zstandard as zstd
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.zst"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.xml"
_a = textwrap.dedent(
"\\n <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n <tmx version=\"1.4\">\n <header segtype=\"sentence\" srclang=\"ca\" />\n <body>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 1</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 1</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 2</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 2</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 3</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 3</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 4</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 4</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 5</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 5</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n </body>\n </tmx>" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = [
{'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': '2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': '3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': '4', 'col_2': 4, 'col_3': 4.0},
{'col_1': '5', 'col_2': 5, 'col_3': 5.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = {
'col_1': ['0', '1', '2', '3'],
'col_2': [0, 1, 2, 3],
'col_3': [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = [
{'col_3': 0.0, 'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0},
{'col_3': 1.0, 'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': 's0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': 's1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': 's2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': 's3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> List[str]:
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(lowercase )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.arrow" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> Dict:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.sqlite" )
with contextlib.closing(sqlitea.connect(lowercase ) ) as con:
_a = con.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE dataset(col_1 text, col_2 int, col_3 real)" )
for item in DATA:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO dataset(col_1, col_2, col_3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" , tuple(item.values() ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> int:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv.bz2"
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as f:
_a =
# data = bytes(FILE_CONTENT, "utf-8")
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Any ) -> List[str]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csv_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csva_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.parquet" )
_a = pa.schema(
"col_1": pa.string(),
"col_2": pa.intaa(),
"col_3": pa.floataa(),
} )
with open(lowercase , "wb" ) as f:
_a = pq.ParquetWriter(lowercase , schema=lowercase )
_a = pa.Table.from_pydict({k: [DATA[i][k] for i in range(len(lowercase ) )] for k in DATA[0]} , schema=lowercase )
writer.write_table(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA_DICT_OF_LISTS}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[str]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_312.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_312:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset-str.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_STR:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Tuple:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> List[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : int , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_nested.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Any ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported.ext" ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported_2.ext" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Any:
_a = "\n".join(["First", "Second\u2029with Unicode new line", "Third"] )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_with_unicode_new_lines.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[Any]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_image_rgb.jpg" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_audio_44100.wav" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ).replace(".jpg" , "2.jpg" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data_dir" )
(data_dir / "subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden file
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / ".test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden directory
(data_dir / ".subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
return data_dir
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import os
from huggingface_hub.constants import HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE, hf_cache_home
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = 'config.json'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = 'diffusion_pytorch_model.bin'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = 'diffusion_flax_model.msgpack'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = 'model.onnx'
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = 'diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = 'weights.pb'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = ''
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = default_cache_path
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = 'diffusers_modules'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = os.getenv('HF_MODULES_CACHE', os.path.join(hf_cache_home, 'modules'))
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = ['fp16', 'non-ema']
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = '.self_attn'
| 351 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from ...processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
from ...tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding, PaddingStrategy, PreTokenizedInput, TextInput, TruncationStrategy
from ...utils import TensorType
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['image_processor', 'tokenizer']
__a ='LayoutLMv2ImageProcessor'
__a =('LayoutXLMTokenizer', 'LayoutXLMTokenizerFast')
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : int=None , __a : List[Any]=None , **__a : str ):
if "feature_extractor" in kwargs:
"The `feature_extractor` argument is deprecated and will be removed in v5, use `image_processor`"
" instead." , __a , )
_a = kwargs.pop("feature_extractor" )
_a = image_processor if image_processor is not None else feature_extractor
if image_processor is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify an `image_processor`." )
if tokenizer is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify a `tokenizer`." )
super().__init__(__a , __a )
def __call__( self : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[TextInput, PreTokenizedInput, List[TextInput], List[PreTokenizedInput]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[PreTokenizedInput, List[PreTokenizedInput]]] = None , __a : Union[List[List[int]], List[List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : Union[bool, str, PaddingStrategy] = False , __a : Union[bool, str, TruncationStrategy] = None , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : int = 0 , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None , **__a : Optional[Any] , ):
# verify input
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (boxes is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide bounding boxes "
"if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (word_labels is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide word labels if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True and return_offsets_mapping is False:
raise ValueError("You cannot return overflowing tokens without returning the offsets mapping." )
# first, apply the image processor
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=__a )
# second, apply the tokenizer
if text is not None and self.image_processor.apply_ocr and text_pair is None:
if isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = [text] # add batch dimension (as the image processor always adds a batch dimension)
_a = features["words"]
_a = self.tokenizer(
text=text if text is not None else features["words"] , text_pair=text_pair if text_pair is not None else None , boxes=boxes if boxes is not None else features["boxes"] , word_labels=__a , add_special_tokens=__a , padding=__a , truncation=__a , max_length=__a , stride=__a , pad_to_multiple_of=__a , return_token_type_ids=__a , return_attention_mask=__a , return_overflowing_tokens=__a , return_special_tokens_mask=__a , return_offsets_mapping=__a , return_length=__a , verbose=__a , return_tensors=__a , **__a , )
# add pixel values
_a = features.pop("pixel_values" )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True:
_a = self.get_overflowing_images(__a , encoded_inputs["overflow_to_sample_mapping"] )
_a = images
return encoded_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] , __a : int ):
# in case there's an overflow, ensure each `input_ids` sample is mapped to its corresponding image
_a = []
for sample_idx in overflow_to_sample_mapping:
images_with_overflow.append(images[sample_idx] )
if len(__a ) != len(__a ):
raise ValueError(
"Expected length of images to be the same as the length of `overflow_to_sample_mapping`, but got"
f' {len(__a )} and {len(__a )}' )
return images_with_overflow
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return ["input_ids", "bbox", "attention_mask", "image"]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
"`feature_extractor_class` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor_class` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor_class
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
"`feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Union
from ..utils import add_end_docstrings, is_torch_available, is_vision_available, logging
from .base import PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS, Pipeline
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from ..image_utils import load_image
if is_torch_available():
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
@add_end_docstrings(lowerCamelCase_ )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : List[str] ):
super().__init__(*__a , **__a )
self.check_model_type(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Dict=None , __a : int=None , __a : Optional[Any]=None , **__a : List[Any] ):
_a , _a = {}, {}
if padding is not None:
_a = padding
if truncation is not None:
_a = truncation
if top_k is not None:
_a = top_k
return preprocess_params, {}, postprocess_params
def __call__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union["Image.Image", str] , __a : str = None , **__a : Any ):
if isinstance(__a , (Image.Image, str) ) and isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = {"image": image, "question": question}
_a = image
_a = super().__call__(__a , **__a )
return results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Tuple , __a : Optional[Any]=False , __a : List[Any]=False ):
_a = load_image(inputs["image"] )
_a = self.tokenizer(
inputs["question"] , return_tensors=self.framework , padding=__a , truncation=__a )
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=self.framework )
model_inputs.update(__a )
return model_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : List[str] ):
_a = self.model(**__a )
return model_outputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Dict=5 ):
if top_k > self.model.config.num_labels:
_a = self.model.config.num_labels
if self.framework == "pt":
_a = model_outputs.logits.sigmoid()[0]
_a , _a = probs.topk(__a )
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported framework: {self.framework}' )
_a = scores.tolist()
_a = ids.tolist()
return [{"score": score, "answer": self.model.config.idalabel[_id]} for score, _id in zip(__a , __a )]
| 352 |
'''simple docstring'''
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfile
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import sentencepiece
from ...tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer
from ...utils import logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = '▁'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
'vocab_file': 'vocab.json',
'spm_file': 'sentencepiece.bpe.model',
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = {
'vocab_file': {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': (
'spm_file': {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': (
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': 10_24,
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = ['pt', 'fr', 'ru', 'nl', 'ro', 'it', 'es', 'de']
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {'mustc': MUSTC_LANGS}
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['input_ids', 'attention_mask']
__a =[]
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Any , __a : Any="<s>" , __a : List[str]="</s>" , __a : str="<pad>" , __a : List[str]="<unk>" , __a : Union[str, Any]=False , __a : Any=False , __a : List[str]=None , __a : Optional[int]=None , __a : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None , **__a : int , ):
_a = {} if sp_model_kwargs is None else sp_model_kwargs
bos_token=__a , eos_token=__a , unk_token=__a , pad_token=__a , do_upper_case=__a , do_lower_case=__a , tgt_lang=__a , lang_codes=__a , sp_model_kwargs=self.sp_model_kwargs , **__a , )
_a = do_upper_case
_a = do_lower_case
_a = load_json(__a )
_a = {v: k for k, v in self.encoder.items()}
_a = spm_file
_a = load_spm(__a , self.sp_model_kwargs )
if lang_codes is not None:
_a = lang_codes
_a = LANGUAGES[lang_codes]
_a = [f'<lang:{lang}>' for lang in self.langs]
_a = {lang: self.sp_model.PieceToId(f'<lang:{lang}>' ) for lang in self.langs}
_a = self.lang_tokens
_a = tgt_lang if tgt_lang is not None else self.langs[0]
self.set_tgt_lang_special_tokens(self._tgt_lang )
_a = {}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return len(self.encoder )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return self._tgt_lang
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = new_tgt_lang
self.set_tgt_lang_special_tokens(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : str ):
_a = self.lang_code_to_id[tgt_lang]
_a = [lang_code_id]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : str ):
return self.sp_model.encode(__a , out_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : Any ):
return self.encoder.get(__a , self.encoder[self.unk_token] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : int ):
return self.decoder.get(__a , self.unk_token )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : List[str] ):
_a = []
_a = ""
for token in tokens:
# make sure that special tokens are not decoded using sentencepiece model
if token in self.all_special_tokens:
_a = self.sp_model.decode(__a )
out_string += (decoded.upper() if self.do_upper_case else decoded) + token + " "
_a = []
current_sub_tokens.append(__a )
_a = self.sp_model.decode(__a )
out_string += decoded.upper() if self.do_upper_case else decoded
return out_string.strip()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Any , __a : int=None ):
if token_ids_a is None:
return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_a + [self.eos_token_id]
# We don't expect to process pairs, but leave the pair logic for API consistency
return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_a + token_ids_a + [self.eos_token_id]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[int] , __a : Optional[List[int]] = None , __a : bool = False ):
if already_has_special_tokens:
return super().get_special_tokens_mask(
token_ids_a=__a , token_ids_a=__a , already_has_special_tokens=__a )
_a = [1] * len(self.prefix_tokens )
_a = [1]
if token_ids_a is None:
return prefix_ones + ([0] * len(__a )) + suffix_ones
return prefix_ones + ([0] * len(__a )) + ([0] * len(__a )) + suffix_ones
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.encoder.copy()
vocab.update(self.added_tokens_encoder )
return vocab
def __getstate__( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.__dict__.copy()
_a = None
return state
def __setstate__( self : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = d
# for backward compatibility
if not hasattr(self , "sp_model_kwargs" ):
_a = {}
_a = load_spm(self.spm_file , self.sp_model_kwargs )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : str , __a : Optional[str] = None ):
_a = Path(__a )
assert save_dir.is_dir(), f'{save_directory} should be a directory'
_a = save_dir / (
(filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + self.vocab_files_names["vocab_file"]
_a = save_dir / (
(filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + self.vocab_files_names["spm_file"]
save_json(self.encoder , __a )
if os.path.abspath(self.spm_file ) != os.path.abspath(__a ) and os.path.isfile(self.spm_file ):
copyfile(self.spm_file , __a )
elif not os.path.isfile(self.spm_file ):
with open(__a , "wb" ) as fi:
_a = self.sp_model.serialized_model_proto()
fi.write(__a )
return (str(__a ), str(__a ))
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : Dict[str, Any] ) -> sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor:
_a = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor(**lowercase )
spm.Load(str(lowercase ) )
return spm
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[Dict, List]:
with open(lowercase , "r" ) as f:
return json.load(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> None:
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase , indent=2 )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
from packaging import version
from PIL import Image
if version.parse(version.parse(PIL.__version__).base_version) >= version.parse('9.1.0'):
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = {
'linear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.Resampling.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.Resampling.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.Resampling.NEAREST,
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'linear': PIL.Image.LINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.NEAREST,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = (images / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0 , 1 )
_a = images.cpu().permute(0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ).float().numpy()
_a = numpy_to_pil(lowercase )
return images
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[Any]:
if images.ndim == 3:
_a = images[None, ...]
_a = (images * 255).round().astype("uint8" )
if images.shape[-1] == 1:
# special case for grayscale (single channel) images
_a = [Image.fromarray(image.squeeze() , mode="L" ) for image in images]
_a = [Image.fromarray(lowercase ) for image in images]
return pil_images
| 353 |
'''simple docstring'''
from manim import *
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = Rectangle(height=0.5 , width=0.5 )
_a = Rectangle(height=0.46 , width=0.46 ).set_stroke(width=0 )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = VGroup(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("CPU" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
cpu.move_to([-2.5, -0.5, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(4 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("GPU" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
gpu.move_to([-1, -1, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("Model" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
model.move_to([3, -1.0, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = []
for i, rect in enumerate(__a ):
rect.set_stroke(__a )
# target = fill.copy().set_fill(YELLOW, opacity=0.7)
# target.move_to(rect)
# self.add(target)
_a = Rectangle(height=0.46 / 4 , width=0.46 / 3 ).set_stroke(width=0.0 ).set_fill(__a , opacity=0.7 )
if i == 0:
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_left_col_base[0].get_corner(DOWN + LEFT ) , buff=0.02 , direction=__a )
cpu_target.set_x(cpu_target.get_x() + 0.1 )
elif i == 3:
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_targs[0] , direction=__a , buff=0.0 )
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_targs[i - 1] , direction=__a , buff=0.0 )
self.add(__a )
cpu_targs.append(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("Loaded Checkpoint" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , aligned_edge=__a , buff=0.4 )
checkpoint.move_to([3, 0.5, 0] )
_a = Square(side_length=2.2 )
key.move_to([-5, 2, 0] )
_a = MarkupText(
f'<b>Key:</b>\n\n<span fgcolor=\'{YELLOW}\'>●</span> Empty Model' , font_size=18 , )
key_text.move_to([-5, 2.4, 0] )
self.add(__a , __a )
_a = MarkupText(
f'<span fgcolor=\'{BLUE}\'>●</span> Checkpoint' , font_size=18 , )
blue_text.next_to(__a , DOWN * 2.4 , aligned_edge=key_text.get_left() )
_a = MarkupText(
f'Next, a <i><span fgcolor="{BLUE}">second</span></i> model is loaded into memory,\nwith the weights of a <span fgcolor="{BLUE}">single shard</span>.' , font_size=24 , )
step_a.move_to([2, 2, 0] ) ) , Write(__a ) ) , run_time=1 ) , Create(__a , run_time=1 ) )
_a = []
_a = []
for i, rect in enumerate(__a ):
_a = fill.copy().set_fill(__a , opacity=0.7 )
target.move_to(__a )
first_animations.append(GrowFromCenter(__a , run_time=1 ) )
_a = target.copy()
if i < 5:[i + 1] )
else:[i - 5] )
second_animations.append(MoveToTarget(__a , run_time=1.5 ) )*__a )*__a )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import hashlib
import unittest
from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
from transformers import (
from transformers.pipelines import MaskGenerationPipeline
from transformers.testing_utils import (
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( *__a : Dict , **__a : List[str] ):
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Image ) -> str:
_a = hashlib.mda(image.tobytes() )
return m.hexdigest()[:10]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Image ) -> Dict:
_a = np.array(lowercase )
_a = npimg.shape
return {"hash": hashimage(lowercase ), "shape": shape}
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =dict(
__a =dict(
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : str , __a : Tuple , __a : List[Any] ):
_a = MaskGenerationPipeline(model=__a , image_processor=__a )
return image_segmenter, [
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : Optional[Any] ):
@unittest.skip("Image segmentation not implemented in TF" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = pipeline("mask-generation" , model="facebook/sam-vit-huge" )
_a = image_segmenter("" , points_per_batch=2_56 )
# Shortening by hashing
_a = []
for i, o in enumerate(outputs["masks"] ):
new_outupt += [{"mask": mask_to_test_readable(__a ), "scores": outputs["scores"][i]}]
# fmt: off
nested_simplify(__a , decimals=4 ) , [
{"mask": {"hash": "115ad19f5f", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0444},
{"mask": {"hash": "6affa964c6", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.021},
{"mask": {"hash": "dfe28a0388", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0167},
{"mask": {"hash": "c0a5f4a318", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0132},
{"mask": {"hash": "fe8065c197", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0053},
{"mask": {"hash": "e2d0b7a0b7", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9967},
{"mask": {"hash": "453c7844bd", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.993},
{"mask": {"hash": "3d44f2926d", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9909},
{"mask": {"hash": "64033ddc3f", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9879},
{"mask": {"hash": "801064ff79", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9834},
{"mask": {"hash": "6172f276ef", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9716},
{"mask": {"hash": "b49e60e084", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9612},
{"mask": {"hash": "a811e775fd", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9599},
{"mask": {"hash": "a6a8ebcf4b", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9552},
{"mask": {"hash": "9d8257e080", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9532},
{"mask": {"hash": "32de6454a8", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9516},
{"mask": {"hash": "af3d4af2c8", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9499},
{"mask": {"hash": "3c6db475fb", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9483},
{"mask": {"hash": "c290813fb9", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9464},
{"mask": {"hash": "b6f0b8f606", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.943},
{"mask": {"hash": "92ce16bfdf", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.943},
{"mask": {"hash": "c749b25868", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9408},
{"mask": {"hash": "efb6cab859", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9335},
{"mask": {"hash": "1ff2eafb30", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9326},
{"mask": {"hash": "788b798e24", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.9262},
{"mask": {"hash": "abea804f0e", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.8999},
{"mask": {"hash": "7b9e8ddb73", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.8986},
{"mask": {"hash": "cd24047c8a", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.8984},
{"mask": {"hash": "6943e6bcbd", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.8873},
{"mask": {"hash": "b5f47c9191", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 0.8871}
] , )
# fmt: on
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = "facebook/sam-vit-huge"
_a = pipeline("mask-generation" , model=__a )
_a = image_segmenter(
"" , pred_iou_thresh=1 , points_per_batch=2_56 )
# Shortening by hashing
_a = []
for i, o in enumerate(outputs["masks"] ):
new_outupt += [{"mask": mask_to_test_readable(__a ), "scores": outputs["scores"][i]}]
nested_simplify(__a , decimals=4 ) , [
{"mask": {"hash": "115ad19f5f", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0444},
{"mask": {"hash": "6affa964c6", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0210},
{"mask": {"hash": "dfe28a0388", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0167},
{"mask": {"hash": "c0a5f4a318", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0132},
{"mask": {"hash": "fe8065c197", "shape": (4_80, 6_40)}, "scores": 1.0053},
] , )
| 354 |
'''simple docstring'''
import collections
import json
import math
import os
import re
import time
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Dict
import requests
from slack_sdk import WebClient
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = WebClient(token=os.environ['CI_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'])
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = test_results.split(" " )
_a = 0
_a = 0
# When the output is short enough, the output is surrounded by = signs: "== OUTPUT =="
# When it is too long, those signs are not present.
_a = expressions[-2] if "=" in expressions[-1] else expressions[-1]
for i, expression in enumerate(lowercase ):
if "failed" in expression:
failed += int(expressions[i - 1] )
if "passed" in expression:
success += int(expressions[i - 1] )
return failed, success, time_spent
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = {}
_a = None
_a = False
for line in failures_short_lines.split("\n" ):
if"_ \[doctest\]" , lowercase ):
_a = True
_a = line.split(" " )[2]
elif in_error and not line.split(" " )[0].isdigit():
_a = line
_a = False
return failures
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = title
_a = doc_test_results["time_spent"].split("," )[0]
_a = doc_test_results["success"]
_a = doc_test_results["failures"]
_a = self.n_success + self.n_failures
# Failures and success of the modeling tests
_a = doc_test_results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = [self._time_spent]
_a = 0
for time in time_spent:
_a = time.split(":" )
# Time can be formatted as xx:xx:xx, as .xx, or as x.xx if the time spent was less than a minute.
if len(__a ) == 1:
_a = [0, 0, time_parts[0]]
_a , _a , _a = int(time_parts[0] ), int(time_parts[1] ), float(time_parts[2] )
total_secs += hours * 36_00 + minutes * 60 + seconds
_a , _a , _a = total_secs // 36_00, (total_secs % 36_00) // 60, total_secs % 60
return f'{int(__a )}h{int(__a )}m{int(__a )}s'
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": self.title}}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": f'🌞 There were no failures: all {self.n_tests} tests passed. The suite ran in {self.time}.',
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": (
f'There were {self.n_failures} failures, out of {self.n_tests} tests.\nThe suite ran in'
f' {self.time}.'
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = 40
_a = {k: v["failed"] for k, v in doc_test_results.items() if isinstance(__a , __a )}
_a = ""
for category, failures in category_failures.items():
if len(__a ) == 0:
if report != "":
report += "\n\n"
report += f'*{category} failures*:'.ljust(line_length // 2 ).rjust(line_length // 2 ) + "\n"
report += "`"
report += "`\n`".join(__a )
report += "`"
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": f'The following examples had failures:\n\n\n{report}\n',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = [self.header]
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.append(self.failures )
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.extend([self.category_failures] )
if self.n_failures == 0:
blocks.append(self.no_failures )
return json.dumps(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( ):
_a = [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "There was an issue running the tests.",
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(__a )} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text="There was an issue running the tests." , blocks=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(self.payload )} ) )
_a = f'{self.n_failures} failures out of {self.n_tests} tests,' if self.n_failures else "All tests passed."
_a = client.chat_postMessage(
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , blocks=self.payload , text=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : List[str] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : int ):
_a = ""
for key, value in failures.items():
_a = value[:2_00] + " [Truncated]" if len(__a ) > 2_50 else value
failures_text += f'*{key}*\n_{value}_\n\n'
_a = job_name
_a = {"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": text}}
if job_link is not None:
_a = {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "GitHub Action job", "emoji": True},
"url": job_link,
return [
{"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": title.upper(), "emoji": True}},
{"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": failures_text}},
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
if self.thread_ts is None:
raise ValueError("Can only post reply if a post has been made." )
_a = self.doc_test_results.pop("job_link" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("failures" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("success" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("time_spent" )
_a = sorted(self.doc_test_results.items() , key=lambda __a : t[0] )
for job, job_result in sorted_dict:
if len(job_result["failures"] ):
_a = f'*Num failures* :{len(job_result["failed"] )} \n'
_a = job_result["failures"]
_a = self.get_reply_blocks(__a , __a , __a , text=__a )
print("Sending the following reply" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": blocks} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text=f'Results for {job}' , blocks=__a , thread_ts=self.thread_ts["ts"] , )
time.sleep(1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]
_a = F'{run_id}/jobs?per_page=100'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()
_a = {}
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
_a = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100 )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = requests.get(url + F'&page={i + 2}' ).json()
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
return jobs
except Exception as e:
print("Unknown error, could not fetch links." , lowercase )
return {}
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = {}
if os.path.exists(lowercase ):
_a = os.listdir(lowercase )
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase ) , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
_a =
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
raise ValueError(F'Could not open {os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase )}.' ) from e
return _artifact
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : str ):
_a = name
_a = []
def __str__( self : List[str] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str ):
self.paths.append({"name":, "path": path} )
_a = {}
_a = filter(os.path.isdir , os.listdir() )
for directory in directories:
_a = directory
if artifact_name not in _available_artifacts:
_a = Artifact(lowercase )
_available_artifacts[artifact_name].add_path(lowercase )
return _available_artifacts
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = get_job_links()
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = retrieve_available_artifacts()
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = collections.OrderedDict(
('*.py', 'API Examples'),
('*.md', 'MD Examples'),
# This dict will contain all the information relative to each doc test category:
# - failed: list of failed tests
# - failures: dict in the format 'test': 'error_message'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
v: {
'failed': [],
'failures': {},
for v in docs.values()
# Link to the GitHub Action job
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = github_actions_job_links.get('run_doctests')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = available_artifacts['doc_tests_gpu_test_reports'].paths[0]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = retrieve_artifact(artifact_path['name'])
if "stats" in artifact:
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = handle_test_results(artifact['stats'])
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = failed
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = success
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = time_spent[1:-1] + ', '
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = extract_first_line_failure(artifact['failures_short'])
for line in artifact["summary_short"].split('\n'):
if'FAILED', line):
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = line.replace('FAILED ', '')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line.split()[0].replace('\n', '')
if "::" in line:
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : str = line.split('::')
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line, line
for file_regex in docs.keys():
if fnmatch(file_path, file_regex):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = docs[file_regex]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = all_failures[test] if test in all_failures else 'N/A'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = failure
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = Message('🤗 Results of the doc tests.', doc_test_results)
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from importlib import import_module
from .logging import get_logger
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = get_logger(__name__)
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : str , __a : Tuple , __a : Dict=None ):
_a = attrs or []
if module is not None:
for key in module.__dict__:
if key in attrs or not key.startswith("__" ):
setattr(self , __a , getattr(__a , __a ) )
_a = module._original_module if isinstance(__a , _PatchedModuleObj ) else module
"""simple docstring"""
__a =[]
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : str , __a : str , __a : Dict , __a : Optional[int]=None ):
_a = obj
_a = target
_a = new
_a = target.split("." )[0]
_a = {}
_a = attrs or []
def __enter__( self : List[str] ):
*_a , _a ="." )
# Patch modules:
# it's used to patch attributes of submodules like "os.path.join";
# in this case we need to patch "os" and "os.path"
for i in range(len(__a ) ):
_a = import_module(".".join(submodules[: i + 1] ) )
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# We iterate over all the globals in self.obj in case we find "os" or "os.path"
for attr in self.obj.__dir__():
_a = getattr(self.obj , __a )
# We don't check for the name of the global, but rather if its value *is* "os" or "os.path".
# This allows to patch renamed modules like "from os import path as ospath".
if obj_attr is submodule or (
(isinstance(__a , _PatchedModuleObj ) and obj_attr._original_module is submodule)
_a = obj_attr
# patch at top level
setattr(self.obj , __a , _PatchedModuleObj(__a , attrs=self.attrs ) )
_a = getattr(self.obj , __a )
# construct lower levels patches
for key in submodules[i + 1 :]:
setattr(__a , __a , _PatchedModuleObj(getattr(__a , __a , __a ) , attrs=self.attrs ) )
_a = getattr(__a , __a )
# finally set the target attribute
setattr(__a , __a , )
# Patch attribute itself:
# it's used for builtins like "open",
# and also to patch "os.path.join" we may also need to patch "join"
# itself if it was imported as "from os.path import join".
if submodules: # if it's an attribute of a submodule like "os.path.join"
_a = getattr(import_module(".".join(__a ) ) , __a )
except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError):
# We iterate over all the globals in self.obj in case we find "os.path.join"
for attr in self.obj.__dir__():
# We don't check for the name of the global, but rather if its value *is* "os.path.join".
# This allows to patch renamed attributes like "from os.path import join as pjoin".
if getattr(self.obj , __a ) is attr_value:
_a = getattr(self.obj , __a )
setattr(self.obj , __a , )
elif target_attr in globals()["__builtins__"]: # if it'a s builtin like "open"
_a = globals()["__builtins__"][target_attr]
setattr(self.obj , __a , )
raise RuntimeError(f'Tried to patch attribute {target_attr} instead of a submodule.' )
def __exit__( self : str , *__a : str ):
for attr in list(self.original ):
setattr(self.obj , __a , self.original.pop(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
self._active_patches.append(self )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
self._active_patches.remove(self )
except ValueError:
# If the patch hasn't been started this will fail
return None
return self.__exit__()
| 355 |
'''simple docstring'''
from transformers import HfArgumentParser, TensorFlowBenchmark, TensorFlowBenchmarkArguments
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
_a = HfArgumentParser(lowercase )
_a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
_a = TensorFlowBenchmark(args=lowercase )
_a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
except ValueError as e:
_a = "Arg --no_{0} is no longer used, please use --no-{0} instead."
_a = " ".join(str(lowercase ).split(" " )[:-1] )
_a = ""
_a = eval(str(lowercase ).split(" " )[-1] )
_a = []
for arg in depreciated_args:
# arg[2:] removes '--'
if arg[2:] in TensorFlowBenchmark.deprecated_args:
# arg[5:] removes '--no_'
full_error_msg += arg_error_msg.format(arg[5:] )
wrong_args.append(lowercase )
if len(lowercase ) > 0:
_a = full_error_msg + begin_error_msg + str(lowercase )
raise ValueError(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from ...utils import is_sklearn_available, requires_backends
if is_sklearn_available():
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr
from sklearn.metrics import fa_score, matthews_corrcoef
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = (
'This metric will be removed from the library soon, metrics should be handled with the 🤗 Evaluate '
'library. You can have a look at this example script for pointers: '
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Any:
warnings.warn(lowercase , lowercase )
requires_backends(lowercase , "sklearn" )
return (preds == labels).mean()
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
warnings.warn(lowercase , lowercase )
requires_backends(lowercase , "sklearn" )
_a = simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = fa_score(y_true=lowercase , y_pred=lowercase )
return {
"acc": acc,
"f1": fa,
"acc_and_f1": (acc + fa) / 2,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
warnings.warn(lowercase , lowercase )
requires_backends(lowercase , "sklearn" )
_a = pearsonr(lowercase , lowercase )[0]
_a = spearmanr(lowercase , lowercase )[0]
return {
"pearson": pearson_corr,
"spearmanr": spearman_corr,
"corr": (pearson_corr + spearman_corr) / 2,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Tuple ) -> Tuple:
warnings.warn(lowercase , lowercase )
requires_backends(lowercase , "sklearn" )
assert len(lowercase ) == len(lowercase ), F'Predictions and labels have mismatched lengths {len(lowercase )} and {len(lowercase )}'
if task_name == "cola":
return {"mcc": matthews_corrcoef(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "sst-2":
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "mrpc":
return acc_and_fa(lowercase , lowercase )
elif task_name == "sts-b":
return pearson_and_spearman(lowercase , lowercase )
elif task_name == "qqp":
return acc_and_fa(lowercase , lowercase )
elif task_name == "mnli":
return {"mnli/acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "mnli-mm":
return {"mnli-mm/acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "qnli":
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "rte":
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "wnli":
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
elif task_name == "hans":
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
raise KeyError(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> List[str]:
warnings.warn(lowercase , lowercase )
requires_backends(lowercase , "sklearn" )
if len(lowercase ) != len(lowercase ):
raise ValueError(F'Predictions and labels have mismatched lengths {len(lowercase )} and {len(lowercase )}' )
if task_name == "xnli":
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(lowercase , lowercase )}
raise KeyError(lowercase )
| 356 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
import warnings
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = None
import msvcrt
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = None
import fcntl
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = None
# Backward compatibility
# ------------------------------------------------
except NameError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = OSError
# Data
# ------------------------------------------------
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = [
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = '3.0.12'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = None
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
global _logger
_a = _logger or logging.getLogger(__name__ )
return _logger
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : Optional[Any] ):
_a = lock_file
return None
def __str__( self : Any ):
_a = f'The file lock \'{self.lock_file}\' could not be acquired.'
return temp
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : Optional[int] ):
_a = lock
return None
def __enter__( self : str ):
return self.lock
def __exit__( self : List[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
return None
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[int]=-1 , __a : Tuple=None ):
_a = max_filename_length if max_filename_length is not None else 2_55
# Hash the filename if it's too long
_a = self.hash_filename_if_too_long(__a , __a )
# The path to the lock file.
_a = lock_file
# The file descriptor for the *_lock_file* as it is returned by the
# function.
# This file lock is only NOT None, if the object currently holds the
# lock.
_a = None
# The default timeout value.
_a = timeout
# We use this lock primarily for the lock counter.
_a = threading.Lock()
# The lock counter is used for implementing the nested locking
# mechanism. Whenever the lock is acquired, the counter is increased and
# the lock is only released, when this value is 0 again.
_a = 0
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return self._lock_file
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
return self._timeout
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] ):
_a = float(__a )
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return self._lock_file_fd is not None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : int=None , __a : Tuple=0.05 ):
# Use the default timeout, if no timeout is provided.
if timeout is None:
_a = self.timeout
# Increment the number right at the beginning.
# We can still undo it, if something fails.
with self._thread_lock:
self._lock_counter += 1
_a = id(self )
_a = self._lock_file
_a = time.time()
while True:
with self._thread_lock:
if not self.is_locked:
logger().debug(f'Attempting to acquire lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
if self.is_locked:
logger().debug(f'Lock {lock_id} acquired on {lock_filename}' )
elif timeout >= 0 and time.time() - start_time > timeout:
logger().debug(f'Timeout on acquiring lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
raise Timeout(self._lock_file )
f'Lock {lock_id} not acquired on {lock_filename}, waiting {poll_intervall} seconds ...' )
time.sleep(__a )
except: # noqa
# Something did go wrong, so decrement the counter.
with self._thread_lock:
_a = max(0 , self._lock_counter - 1 )
return _Acquire_ReturnProxy(lock=self )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : int=False ):
with self._thread_lock:
if self.is_locked:
self._lock_counter -= 1
if self._lock_counter == 0 or force:
_a = id(self )
_a = self._lock_file
logger().debug(f'Attempting to release lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
_a = 0
logger().debug(f'Lock {lock_id} released on {lock_filename}' )
return None
def __enter__( self : List[Any] ):
return self
def __exit__( self : str , __a : str , __a : Dict , __a : Dict ):
return None
def __del__( self : int ):
self.release(force=__a )
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : int ):
_a = os.path.basename(__a )
if len(__a ) > max_length and max_length > 0:
_a = os.path.dirname(__a )
_a = str(hash(__a ) )
_a = filename[: max_length - len(__a ) - 8] + "..." + hashed_filename + ".lock"
return os.path.join(__a , __a )
return path
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : int , __a : str , __a : List[Any]=-1 , __a : List[Any]=None ):
from .file_utils import relative_to_absolute_path
super().__init__(__a , timeout=__a , max_filename_length=__a )
_a = "\\\\?\\" + relative_to_absolute_path(self.lock_file )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
except OSError:
msvcrt.locking(__a , msvcrt.LK_NBLCK , 1 )
except OSError:
os.close(__a )
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self._lock_file_fd
_a = None
msvcrt.locking(__a , msvcrt.LK_UNLCK , 1 )
os.close(__a )
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# Probably another instance of the application
# that acquired the file lock.
except OSError:
return None
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[str] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any]=-1 , __a : int=None ):
_a = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(__a ) ).f_namemax
super().__init__(__a , timeout=__a , max_filename_length=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
fcntl.flock(__a , fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB )
except OSError:
os.close(__a )
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
# Do not remove the lockfile:
_a = self._lock_file_fd
_a = None
fcntl.flock(__a , fcntl.LOCK_UN )
os.close(__a )
return None
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
except OSError:
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
os.close(self._lock_file_fd )
_a = None
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# The file is already deleted and that's what we want.
except OSError:
return None
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = None
if msvcrt:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = WindowsFileLock
elif fcntl:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = UnixFileLock
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = SoftFileLock
if warnings is not None:
warnings.warn('only soft file lock is available')
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import (
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
'configuration_longformer': [
'tokenization_longformer': ['LongformerTokenizer'],
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = ['LongformerTokenizerFast']
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = [
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = [
from .configuration_longformer import (
from .tokenization_longformer import LongformerTokenizer
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .tokenization_longformer_fast import LongformerTokenizerFast
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_longformer import (
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_tf_longformer import (
import sys
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()['__file__'], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 357 |
'''simple docstring'''
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
"""simple docstring"""
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
assert self.x.shape[0] == self.y.shape[0] == self.z.shape[0] == self.origin.shape[0]
assert self.x.shape[1] == self.y.shape[1] == self.z.shape[1] == self.origin.shape[1] == 3
assert len(self.x.shape ) == len(self.y.shape ) == len(self.z.shape ) == len(self.origin.shape ) == 2
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return torch.from_numpy(np.array([self.width, self.height] , dtype=np.floataa ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
return torch.from_numpy(np.array([self.x_fov, self.y_fov] , dtype=np.floataa ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = torch.arange(self.height * self.width )
_a = torch.stack(
pixel_indices % self.width,
torch.div(__a , self.width , rounding_mode="trunc" ),
] , axis=1 , )
return coords
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a , *_a = self.shape
_a = int( ) )
_a = self.get_image_coords()
_a = torch.broadcast_to(coords.unsqueeze(0 ) , [batch_size * inner_batch_size, *coords.shape] )
_a = self.get_camera_rays(__a )
_a = rays.view(__a , inner_batch_size * self.height * self.width , 2 , 3 )
return rays
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : torch.Tensor ):
_a , *_a , _a = coords.shape
assert n_coords == 2
assert batch_size == self.origin.shape[0]
_a = coords.view(__a , -1 , 2 )
_a = self.resolution()
_a = self.fov()
_a = (flat.float() / (res - 1)) * 2 - 1
_a = fracs * torch.tan(fov / 2 )
_a = fracs.view(__a , -1 , 2 )
_a = (
self.z.view(__a , 1 , 3 )
+ self.x.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) * fracs[:, :, :1]
+ self.y.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) * fracs[:, :, 1:]
_a = directions / directions.norm(dim=-1 , keepdim=__a )
_a = torch.stack(
torch.broadcast_to(self.origin.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) , [batch_size, directions.shape[1], 3] ),
] , dim=2 , )
return rays.view(__a , *__a , 2 , 3 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : int , __a : int ):
assert width * self.height == height * self.width, "The aspect ratio should not change."
return DifferentiableProjectiveCamera(
origin=self.origin , x=self.x , y=self.y , z=self.z , width=__a , height=__a , x_fov=self.x_fov , y_fov=self.y_fov , )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> DifferentiableProjectiveCamera:
_a = []
_a = []
_a = []
_a = []
for theta in np.linspace(0 , 2 * np.pi , num=20 ):
_a = np.array([np.sin(lowercase ), np.cos(lowercase ), -0.5] )
z /= np.sqrt(np.sum(z**2 ) )
_a = -z * 4
_a = np.array([np.cos(lowercase ), -np.sin(lowercase ), 0.0] )
_a = np.cross(lowercase , lowercase )
origins.append(lowercase )
xs.append(lowercase )
ys.append(lowercase )
zs.append(lowercase )
return DifferentiableProjectiveCamera(
origin=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , x=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , y=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , z=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , width=lowercase , height=lowercase , x_fov=0.7 , y_fov=0.7 , shape=(1, len(lowercase )) , )
| 346 | 0 |
from ..utils import DummyObject, requires_backends
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Optional[int] , *__a : Tuple , **__a : str ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Optional[Any] , *__a : Union[str, Any] , **__a : int ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : str , *__a : str , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : List[Any] , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : List[Any] ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : int , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Optional[int] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Optional[int] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Tuple ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Tuple , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : str , *__a : int , **__a : Dict ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Tuple , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : str ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : int , *__a : str , **__a : int ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : str , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : str ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : List[Any] , *__a : List[str] , **__a : Tuple ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Tuple , *__a : Dict , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Any , *__a : Tuple , **__a : str ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : int , *__a : Union[str, Any] , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Dict , **__a : int ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Optional[int] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Optional[Any] , *__a : Tuple , **__a : Tuple ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : int , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Dict , *__a : str , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : List[str] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : int , *__a : Tuple , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Union[str, Any] , *__a : str , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Tuple , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Tuple , *__a : Dict , **__a : Tuple ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Optional[int] , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : Dict ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Dict , *__a : List[str] , **__a : Any ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Union[str, Any] , **__a : List[str] ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Any , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Any , *__a : Any , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : str , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Dict ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Dict , *__a : str , **__a : Dict ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : str , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : Optional[int] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Optional[Any] , **__a : str ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : List[Any] , *__a : Union[str, Any] , **__a : int ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : List[Any] , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : List[str] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (metaclass=lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['flax']
def __init__( self : Optional[int] , *__a : Tuple , **__a : int ):
requires_backends(self , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Optional[int] , *__a : str , **__a : List[str] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : str , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
requires_backends(cls , ["flax"] )
| 358 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = TypeVar('T')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = TypeVar('U')
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : T | None , __a : U | None ):
_a = key
_a = val
_a = None
_a = None
def __repr__( self : Any ):
return (
f'Node: key: {self.key}, val: {self.val}, '
f'has next: {bool( )}, has prev: {bool(self.prev )}'
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict ):
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
_a , _a = self.rear, self.head
def __repr__( self : str ):
_a = ["DoubleLinkedList"]
_a = self.head
while is not None:
rep.append(str(__a ) )
_a =
rep.append(str(self.rear ) )
return ",\n ".join(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : DoubleLinkedListNode[T, U] ):
_a = self.rear.prev
# All nodes other than self.head are guaranteed to have non-None previous
assert previous is not None
_a = node
_a = previous
_a = node
_a = self.rear
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : DoubleLinkedListNode[T, U] ):
if node.prev is None or is None:
return None
_a =
_a = node.prev
_a = None
_a = None
return node
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a ={}
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : int ):
_a = DoubleLinkedList()
_a = capacity
_a = 0
_a = 0
_a = 0
_a = {}
def __repr__( self : Optional[int] ):
return (
f'CacheInfo(hits={self.hits}, misses={self.miss}, '
f'capacity={self.capacity}, current size={self.num_keys})'
def __contains__( self : str , __a : T ):
return key in self.cache
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : T ):
# Note: pythonic interface would throw KeyError rather than return None
if key in self.cache:
self.hits += 1
_a = self.cache[key]
_a = self.list.remove(self.cache[key] )
assert node == value_node
# node is guaranteed not None because it is in self.cache
assert node is not None
self.list.add(__a )
return node.val
self.miss += 1
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : T , __a : U ):
if key not in self.cache:
if self.num_keys >= self.capacity:
# delete first node (oldest) when over capacity
_a =
# guaranteed to have a non-None first node when num_keys > 0
# explain to type checker via assertions
assert first_node is not None
assert first_node.key is not None
assert (
self.list.remove(__a ) is not None
) # node guaranteed to be in list assert node.key is not None
del self.cache[first_node.key]
self.num_keys -= 1
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
self.list.add(self.cache[key] )
self.num_keys += 1
# bump node to the end of the list, update value
_a = self.list.remove(self.cache[key] )
assert node is not None # node guaranteed to be in list
_a = value
self.list.add(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Tuple , __a : int = 1_28 ):
def cache_decorator_inner(__a : Callable[[T], U] ) -> Callable[..., U]:
def cache_decorator_wrapper(*__a : T ) -> U:
if func not in cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map:
_a = LRUCache(__a )
_a = cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func].get(args[0] )
if result is None:
_a = func(*__a )
cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func].put(args[0] , __a )
return result
def cache_info() -> LRUCache[T, U]:
return cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func]
setattr(__a , "cache_info" , __a ) # noqa: B010
return cache_decorator_wrapper
return cache_decorator_inner
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
import black
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(git_repo_path, 'utils'))
import check_copies # noqa: E402
# This is the reference code that will be used in the tests.
# If DDPMSchedulerOutput is changed in, this code needs to be manually updated.
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = ' \"""\n Output class for the scheduler\'s step function output.\n\n Args:\n prev_sample (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)` for images):\n Computed sample (x_{t-1}) of previous timestep. `prev_sample` should be used as next model input in the\n denoising loop.\n pred_original_sample (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)` for images):\n The predicted denoised sample (x_{0}) based on the model output from the current timestep.\n `pred_original_sample` can be used to preview progress or for guidance.\n \"""\n\n prev_sample: torch.FloatTensor\n pred_original_sample: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None\n'
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = tempfile.mkdtemp()
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.diffusers_dir , "schedulers/" ) )
_a = self.diffusers_dir
os.path.join(__a , "src/diffusers/schedulers/" ) , os.path.join(self.diffusers_dir , "schedulers/" ) , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = "src/diffusers"
shutil.rmtree(self.diffusers_dir )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : Any , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Dict=None ):
_a = comment + f'\nclass {class_name}(nn.Module):\n' + class_code
if overwrite_result is not None:
_a = comment + f'\nclass {class_name}(nn.Module):\n' + overwrite_result
_a = black.Mode(target_versions={black.TargetVersion.PYaa} , line_length=1_19 )
_a = black.format_str(__a , mode=__a )
_a = os.path.join(self.diffusers_dir , "" )
with open(__a , "w" , newline="\n" ) as f:
f.write(__a )
if overwrite_result is None:
self.assertTrue(len(check_copies.is_copy_consistent(__a ) ) == 0 )
check_copies.is_copy_consistent( , overwrite=__a )
with open(__a , "r" ) as f:
self.assertTrue( , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = check_copies.find_code_in_diffusers("schedulers.scheduling_ddpm.DDPMSchedulerOutput" )
self.assertEqual(__a , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
# Base copy consistency
"# Copied from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_ddpm.DDPMSchedulerOutput" , "DDPMSchedulerOutput" , REFERENCE_CODE + "\n" , )
# With no empty line at the end
"# Copied from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_ddpm.DDPMSchedulerOutput" , "DDPMSchedulerOutput" , __a , )
# Copy consistency with rename
"# Copied from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_ddpm.DDPMSchedulerOutput with DDPM->Test" , "TestSchedulerOutput" , re.sub("DDPM" , "Test" , __a ) , )
# Copy consistency with a really long name
_a = "TestClassWithAReallyLongNameBecauseSomePeopleLikeThatForSomeReason"
f'# Copied from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_ddpm.DDPMSchedulerOutput with DDPM->{long_class_name}' , f'{long_class_name}SchedulerOutput' , re.sub("Bert" , __a , __a ) , )
# Copy consistency with overwrite
"# Copied from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_ddpm.DDPMSchedulerOutput with DDPM->Test" , "TestSchedulerOutput" , __a , overwrite_result=re.sub("DDPM" , "Test" , __a ) , )
| 359 |
'''simple docstring'''
import re
from filelock import FileLock
import nltk
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = True
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = False
with FileLock('.lock') as lock:'punkt', quiet=True)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
re.sub("<n>" , "" , lowercase ) # remove pegasus newline char
assert NLTK_AVAILABLE, "nltk must be installed to separate newlines between sentences. (pip install nltk)"
return "\n".join(nltk.sent_tokenize(lowercase ) )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from ...image_processing_utils import BaseImageProcessor, BatchFeature, get_size_dict
from ...image_transforms import (
from ...image_utils import (
from ...utils import TensorType, is_vision_available, logging
if is_vision_available():
import PIL
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = logging.get_logger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> List[List[ImageInput]]:
if isinstance(lowercase , (list, tuple) ) and isinstance(videos[0] , (list, tuple) ) and is_valid_image(videos[0][0] ):
return videos
elif isinstance(lowercase , (list, tuple) ) and is_valid_image(videos[0] ):
return [videos]
elif is_valid_image(lowercase ):
return [[videos]]
raise ValueError(F'Could not make batched video from {videos}' )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['pixel_values']
def __init__( self : Any , __a : bool = True , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : PILImageResampling = PILImageResampling.BILINEAR , __a : bool = True , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : Union[int, float] = 1 / 2_55 , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , **__a : Tuple , ):
super().__init__(**__a )
_a = size if size is not None else {"shortest_edge": 2_24}
_a = get_size_dict(__a , default_to_square=__a )
_a = crop_size if crop_size is not None else {"height": 2_24, "width": 2_24}
_a = get_size_dict(__a , param_name="crop_size" )
_a = do_resize
_a = size
_a = do_center_crop
_a = crop_size
_a = resample
_a = do_rescale
_a = rescale_factor
_a = do_normalize
_a = image_mean if image_mean is not None else IMAGENET_STANDARD_MEAN
_a = image_std if image_std is not None else IMAGENET_STANDARD_STD
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Dict[str, int] , __a : PILImageResampling = PILImageResampling.BILINEAR , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : Dict , ):
_a = get_size_dict(__a , default_to_square=__a )
if "shortest_edge" in size:
_a = get_resize_output_image_size(__a , size["shortest_edge"] , default_to_square=__a )
elif "height" in size and "width" in size:
_a = (size["height"], size["width"])
raise ValueError(f'Size must have \'height\' and \'width\' or \'shortest_edge\' as keys. Got {size.keys()}' )
return resize(__a , size=__a , resample=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Dict[str, int] , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : Union[str, Any] , ):
_a = get_size_dict(__a )
if "height" not in size or "width" not in size:
raise ValueError(f'Size must have \'height\' and \'width\' as keys. Got {size.keys()}' )
return center_crop(__a , size=(size["height"], size["width"]) , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Union[int, float] , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : Dict , ):
return rescale(__a , scale=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : np.ndarray , __a : Union[float, List[float]] , __a : Union[float, List[float]] , __a : Optional[Union[str, ChannelDimension]] = None , **__a : List[str] , ):
return normalize(__a , mean=__a , std=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : ImageInput , __a : bool = None , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : PILImageResampling = None , __a : bool = None , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : bool = None , __a : float = None , __a : bool = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[ChannelDimension] = ChannelDimension.FIRST , ):
if do_resize and size is None or resample is None:
raise ValueError("Size and resample must be specified if do_resize is True." )
if do_center_crop and crop_size is None:
raise ValueError("Crop size must be specified if do_center_crop is True." )
if do_rescale and rescale_factor is None:
raise ValueError("Rescale factor must be specified if do_rescale is True." )
if do_normalize and (image_mean is None or image_std is None):
raise ValueError("Image mean and std must be specified if do_normalize is True." )
# All transformations expect numpy arrays.
_a = to_numpy_array(__a )
if do_resize:
_a = self.resize(image=__a , size=__a , resample=__a )
if do_center_crop:
_a = self.center_crop(__a , size=__a )
if do_rescale:
_a = self.rescale(image=__a , scale=__a )
if do_normalize:
_a = self.normalize(image=__a , mean=__a , std=__a )
_a = to_channel_dimension_format(__a , __a )
return image
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : ImageInput , __a : bool = None , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : PILImageResampling = None , __a : bool = None , __a : Dict[str, int] = None , __a : bool = None , __a : float = None , __a : bool = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None , __a : ChannelDimension = ChannelDimension.FIRST , **__a : Union[str, Any] , ):
_a = do_resize if do_resize is not None else self.do_resize
_a = resample if resample is not None else self.resample
_a = do_center_crop if do_center_crop is not None else self.do_center_crop
_a = do_rescale if do_rescale is not None else self.do_rescale
_a = rescale_factor if rescale_factor is not None else self.rescale_factor
_a = do_normalize if do_normalize is not None else self.do_normalize
_a = image_mean if image_mean is not None else self.image_mean
_a = image_std if image_std is not None else self.image_std
_a = size if size is not None else self.size
_a = get_size_dict(__a , default_to_square=__a )
_a = crop_size if crop_size is not None else self.crop_size
_a = get_size_dict(__a , param_name="crop_size" )
if not valid_images(__a ):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid image type. Must be of type PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray, "
"torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor or jax.ndarray." )
_a = make_batched(__a )
_a = [
image=__a , do_resize=__a , size=__a , resample=__a , do_center_crop=__a , crop_size=__a , do_rescale=__a , rescale_factor=__a , do_normalize=__a , image_mean=__a , image_std=__a , data_format=__a , )
for img in video
for video in videos
_a = {"pixel_values": videos}
return BatchFeature(data=__a , tensor_type=__a )
| 360 |
'''simple docstring'''
import requests
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = 'YOUR API KEY'
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : str = giphy_api_key ) -> list:
_a = "+".join(query.split() )
_a = F'{formatted_query}&api_key={api_key}'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()["data"]
return [gif["url"] for gif in gifs]
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('\n'.join(get_gifs('space ship')))
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
# allow having multiple repository checkouts and not needing to remember to rerun
# 'pip install -e .[dev]' when switching between checkouts and running tests.
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = abspath(join(dirname(dirname(__file__)), 'src'))
sys.path.insert(1, git_repo_path)
# silence FutureWarning warnings in tests since often we can't act on them until
# they become normal warnings - i.e. the tests still need to test the current functionality
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Tuple:
from diffusers.utils.testing_utils import pytest_addoption_shared
pytest_addoption_shared(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
from diffusers.utils.testing_utils import pytest_terminal_summary_main
_a = terminalreporter.config.getoption("--make-reports" )
if make_reports:
pytest_terminal_summary_main(lowercase , id=lowercase )
| 361 |
'''simple docstring'''
import unittest
from transformers import BertGenerationTokenizer
from transformers.testing_utils import get_tests_dir, require_sentencepiece, require_torch, slow
from transformers.utils import cached_property
from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = '▁'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = get_tests_dir('fixtures/test_sentencepiece.model')
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =BertGenerationTokenizer
__a =False
__a =True
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = BertGenerationTokenizer(__a , keep_accents=__a )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = "<s>"
_a = 1
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer()._convert_token_to_id(__a ) , __a )
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer()._convert_id_to_token(__a ) , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = list(self.get_tokenizer().get_vocab().keys() )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[0] , "<unk>" )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[1] , "<s>" )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[-1] , "<pad>" )
self.assertEqual(len(__a ) , 10_02 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer().vocab_size , 10_00 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = BertGenerationTokenizer(__a , keep_accents=__a )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("This is a test" )
self.assertListEqual(__a , ["▁This", "▁is", "▁a", "▁t", "est"] )
tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a ) , [2_85, 46, 10, 1_70, 3_82] , )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("I was born in 92000, and this is falsé." )
__a , [
] , )
_a = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a )
__a , [8, 21, 84, 55, 24, 19, 7, 0, 6_02, 3_47, 3_47, 3_47, 3, 12, 66, 46, 72, 80, 6, 0, 4] , )
_a = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
__a , [
] , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
return BertGenerationTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/bert_for_seq_generation_L-24_bbc_encoder" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = "Hello World!"
_a = [1_85_36, 22_60, 1_01]
self.assertListEqual(__a , self.big_tokenizer.encode(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = (
"This is a very long text with a lot of weird characters, such as: . , ~ ? ( ) \" [ ] ! : - . Also we will"
" add words that should not exsist and be tokenized to <unk>, such as saoneuhaoesuth"
_a = [
self.assertListEqual(__a , self.big_tokenizer.encode(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
import torch
from transformers import BertGenerationConfig, BertGenerationEncoder
# Build sequence
_a = list(self.big_tokenizer.get_vocab().keys() )[:10]
_a = " ".join(__a )
_a = self.big_tokenizer.encode_plus(__a , return_tensors="pt" , return_token_type_ids=__a )
_a = self.big_tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
[sequence + " " + sequence] , return_tensors="pt" , return_token_type_ids=__a )
_a = BertGenerationConfig()
_a = BertGenerationEncoder(__a )
assert model.get_input_embeddings().weight.shape[0] >= self.big_tokenizer.vocab_size
with torch.no_grad():
model(**__a )
model(**__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
# fmt: off
_a = {"input_ids": [[3_92_86, 4_58, 3_63_35, 20_01, 4_56, 1_30_73, 1_32_66, 4_55, 1_13, 77_46, 17_41, 1_11_57, 3_91, 1_30_73, 1_32_66, 4_55, 1_13, 39_67, 3_54_12, 1_13, 49_36, 1_09, 38_70, 23_77, 1_13, 3_00_84, 4_57_20, 4_58, 1_34, 1_74_96, 1_12, 5_03, 1_16_72, 1_13, 1_18, 1_12, 56_65, 1_33_47, 3_86_87, 1_12, 14_96, 3_13_89, 1_12, 32_68, 4_72_64, 1_34, 9_62, 1_12, 1_63_77, 80_35, 2_31_30, 4_30, 1_21_69, 1_55_18, 2_85_92, 4_58, 1_46, 4_16_97, 1_09, 3_91, 1_21_69, 1_55_18, 1_66_89, 4_58, 1_46, 4_13_58, 1_09, 4_52, 7_26, 40_34, 1_11, 7_63, 3_54_12, 50_82, 3_88, 19_03, 1_11, 90_51, 3_91, 28_70, 4_89_18, 19_00, 11_23, 5_50, 9_98, 1_12, 95_86, 1_59_85, 4_55, 3_91, 4_10, 2_29_55, 3_76_36, 1_14], [4_48, 1_74_96, 4_19, 36_63, 3_85, 7_63, 1_13, 2_75_33, 28_70, 32_83, 1_30_43, 16_39, 2_47_13, 5_23, 6_56, 2_40_13, 1_85_50, 25_21, 5_17, 2_70_14, 2_12_44, 4_20, 12_12, 14_65, 3_91, 9_27, 48_33, 3_88, 5_78, 1_17_86, 1_14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4_84, 21_69, 76_87, 2_19_32, 1_81_46, 7_26, 3_63, 1_70_32, 33_91, 1_14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], "attention_mask": [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]} # noqa: E501
# fmt: on
expected_encoding=__a , model_name="google/bert_for_seq_generation_L-24_bbc_encoder" , revision="c817d1fd1be2ffa69431227a1fe320544943d4db" , )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from collections import defaultdict
from graphs.minimum_spanning_tree_prims import prisms_algorithm as mst
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a , _a = 9, 14 # noqa: F841
_a = [
[0, 1, 4],
[0, 7, 8],
[1, 2, 8],
[7, 8, 7],
[7, 6, 1],
[2, 8, 2],
[8, 6, 6],
[2, 3, 7],
[2, 5, 4],
[6, 5, 2],
[3, 5, 14],
[3, 4, 9],
[5, 4, 10],
[1, 7, 11],
_a = defaultdict(lowercase )
for nodea, nodea, cost in edges:
adjancency[nodea].append([nodea, cost] )
adjancency[nodea].append([nodea, cost] )
_a = mst(lowercase )
_a = [
[7, 6, 1],
[2, 8, 2],
[6, 5, 2],
[0, 1, 4],
[2, 5, 4],
[2, 3, 7],
[0, 7, 8],
[3, 4, 9],
for answer in expected:
_a = tuple(answer[:2] )
_a = tuple(edge[::-1] )
assert edge in result or reverse in result
| 362 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
if n == 0:
return 0
_a = float("-inf" )
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max(
lowercase , prices[i - 1] + naive_cut_rod_recursive(n - i , lowercase ) )
return max_revue
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Tuple:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = [float("-inf" ) for _ in range(n + 1 )]
return _top_down_cut_rod_recursive(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list , lowercase : list ) -> List[str]:
if max_rev[n] >= 0:
return max_rev[n]
elif n == 0:
return 0
_a = float("-inf" )
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max(
lowercase , prices[i - 1] + _top_down_cut_rod_recursive(n - i , lowercase , lowercase ) , )
_a = max_revenue
return max_rev[n]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Any:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
# length(max_rev) = n + 1, to accommodate for the revenue obtainable from a rod of
# length 0.
_a = [float("-inf" ) for _ in range(n + 1 )]
_a = 0
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max_rev[i]
for j in range(1 , i + 1 ):
_a = max(lowercase , prices[j - 1] + max_rev[i - j] )
_a = max_revenue_i
return max_rev[n]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Dict:
if n < 0:
_a = F'n must be greater than or equal to 0. Got n = {n}'
raise ValueError(lowercase )
if n > len(lowercase ):
_a = (
"Each integral piece of rod must have a corresponding price. "
F'Got n = {n} but length of prices = {len(lowercase )}'
raise ValueError(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = [6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 23]
_a = len(lowercase )
# the best revenue comes from cutting the rod into 6 pieces, each
# of length 1 resulting in a revenue of 6 * 6 = 36.
_a = 36
_a = top_down_cut_rod(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = bottom_up_cut_rod(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = naive_cut_rod_recursive(lowercase , lowercase )
assert expected_max_revenue == max_rev_top_down
assert max_rev_top_down == max_rev_bottom_up
assert max_rev_bottom_up == max_rev_naive
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import torch
from transformers import GPTaConfig, GPTaModel, load_tf_weights_in_gpta
from transformers.utils import CONFIG_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME, logging
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> str:
# Construct model
if gpta_config_file == "":
_a = GPTaConfig()
_a = GPTaConfig.from_json_file(lowercase )
_a = GPTaModel(lowercase )
# Load weights from numpy
load_tf_weights_in_gpta(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
# Save pytorch-model
_a = pytorch_dump_folder_path + "/" + WEIGHTS_NAME
_a = pytorch_dump_folder_path + "/" + CONFIG_NAME
print(F'Save PyTorch model to {pytorch_weights_dump_path}' ) , lowercase )
print(F'Save configuration file to {pytorch_config_dump_path}' )
with open(lowercase , "w" , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
f.write(config.to_json_string() )
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
'--gpt2_checkpoint_path', default=None, type=str, required=True, help='Path to the TensorFlow checkpoint path.'
'--pytorch_dump_folder_path', default=None, type=str, required=True, help='Path to the output PyTorch model.'
'An optional config json file corresponding to the pre-trained OpenAI model. \n'
'This specifies the model architecture.'
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = parser.parse_args()
convert_gpta_checkpoint_to_pytorch(args.gpta_checkpoint_path, args.gpta_config_file, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
| 363 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Union
from ..utils import add_end_docstrings, is_torch_available, is_vision_available, logging
from .base import PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS, Pipeline
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from ..image_utils import load_image
if is_torch_available():
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
@add_end_docstrings(lowerCamelCase_ )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : List[str] ):
super().__init__(*__a , **__a )
self.check_model_type(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Dict=None , __a : int=None , __a : Optional[Any]=None , **__a : List[Any] ):
_a , _a = {}, {}
if padding is not None:
_a = padding
if truncation is not None:
_a = truncation
if top_k is not None:
_a = top_k
return preprocess_params, {}, postprocess_params
def __call__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union["Image.Image", str] , __a : str = None , **__a : Any ):
if isinstance(__a , (Image.Image, str) ) and isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = {"image": image, "question": question}
_a = image
_a = super().__call__(__a , **__a )
return results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Tuple , __a : Optional[Any]=False , __a : List[Any]=False ):
_a = load_image(inputs["image"] )
_a = self.tokenizer(
inputs["question"] , return_tensors=self.framework , padding=__a , truncation=__a )
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=self.framework )
model_inputs.update(__a )
return model_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : List[str] ):
_a = self.model(**__a )
return model_outputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Dict=5 ):
if top_k > self.model.config.num_labels:
_a = self.model.config.num_labels
if self.framework == "pt":
_a = model_outputs.logits.sigmoid()[0]
_a , _a = probs.topk(__a )
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported framework: {self.framework}' )
_a = scores.tolist()
_a = ids.tolist()
return [{"score": score, "answer": self.model.config.idalabel[_id]} for score, _id in zip(__a , __a )]
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import inspect
import unittest
from transformers import DecisionTransformerConfig, is_torch_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow, torch_device
from ...generation.test_utils import GenerationTesterMixin
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_torch_available():
import torch
from transformers import DecisionTransformerModel
from transformers.models.decision_transformer.modeling_decision_transformer import (
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : Optional[int] , __a : str=13 , __a : Any=7 , __a : Optional[Any]=6 , __a : Any=17 , __a : int=23 , __a : Dict=11 , __a : str=True , ):
_a = parent
_a = batch_size
_a = seq_length
_a = act_dim
_a = state_dim
_a = hidden_size
_a = max_length
_a = is_training
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = floats_tensor((self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.state_dim) )
_a = floats_tensor((self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.act_dim) )
_a = floats_tensor((self.batch_size, self.seq_length, 1) )
_a = floats_tensor((self.batch_size, self.seq_length, 1) )
_a = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, self.seq_length) , vocab_size=10_00 )
_a = random_attention_mask((self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
_a = self.get_config()
return (
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return DecisionTransformerConfig(
batch_size=self.batch_size , seq_length=self.seq_length , act_dim=self.act_dim , state_dim=self.state_dim , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , max_length=self.max_length , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[int] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : List[str] , __a : int , __a : str , ):
_a = DecisionTransformerModel(config=__a ) )
_a = model(__a , __a , __a , __a , __a , __a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.state_preds.shape , states.shape )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.action_preds.shape , actions.shape )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.return_preds.shape , returns_to_go.shape )
result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length * 3, self.hidden_size) ) # seq length *3 as there are 3 modelities: states, returns and actions
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
_a = {
"states": states,
"actions": actions,
"rewards": rewards,
"returns_to_go": returns_to_go,
"timesteps": timesteps,
"attention_mask": attention_mask,
return config, inputs_dict
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(DecisionTransformerModel,) if is_torch_available() else ()
__a =()
__a ={'feature-extraction': DecisionTransformerModel} if is_torch_available() else {}
# Ignoring of a failing test from GenerationTesterMixin, as the model does not use inputs_ids
__a =False
# Ignoring of a failing tests from ModelTesterMixin, as the model does not implement these features
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = DecisionTransformerModelTester(self )
_a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__a , hidden_size=37 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = DecisionTransformerModel.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a , _a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common()
for model_class in self.all_model_classes:
_a = model_class(__a )
_a = inspect.signature(model.forward )
# signature.parameters is an OrderedDict => so arg_names order is deterministic
_a = [*signature.parameters.keys()]
_a = [
self.assertListEqual(arg_names[: len(__a )] , __a )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = 2 # number of steps of autoregressive prediction we will perform
_a = 10 # defined by the RL environment, may be normalized
_a = DecisionTransformerModel.from_pretrained("edbeeching/decision-transformer-gym-hopper-expert" )
_a = )
_a = model.config
torch.manual_seed(0 )
_a = torch.randn(1 , 1 , config.state_dim ).to(device=__a , dtype=torch.floataa ) # env.reset()
_a = torch.tensor(
[[0.242793, -0.28693074, 0.8742613], [0.67815274, -0.08101085, -0.12952147]] , device=__a )
_a = torch.tensor(__a , device=__a , dtype=torch.floataa ).reshape(1 , 1 , 1 )
_a = state
_a = torch.zeros(1 , 0 , config.act_dim , device=__a , dtype=torch.floataa )
_a = torch.zeros(1 , 0 , device=__a , dtype=torch.floataa )
_a = torch.tensor(0 , device=__a , dtype=torch.long ).reshape(1 , 1 )
for step in range(__a ):
_a =[actions, torch.zeros(1 , 1 , config.act_dim , device=__a )] , dim=1 )
_a =[rewards, torch.zeros(1 , 1 , device=__a )] , dim=1 )
_a = torch.ones(1 , states.shape[1] ).to(dtype=torch.long , device=states.device )
with torch.no_grad():
_a , _a , _a = model(
states=__a , actions=__a , rewards=__a , returns_to_go=__a , timesteps=__a , attention_mask=__a , return_dict=__a , )
self.assertEqual(action_pred.shape , actions.shape )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(action_pred[0, -1] , expected_outputs[step] , atol=1e-4 ) )
_a , _a , _a , _a = ( # env.step(action)
torch.randn(1 , 1 , config.state_dim ).to(device=__a , dtype=torch.floataa ),
_a = action_pred[0, -1]
_a =[states, state] , dim=1 )
_a = returns_to_go[0, -1] - reward
_a =[returns_to_go, pred_return.reshape(1 , 1 , 1 )] , dim=1 )
_a =
[timesteps, torch.ones((1, 1) , device=__a , dtype=torch.long ) * (step + 1)] , dim=1 )
| 364 |
'''simple docstring'''
from random import randint, random
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : int = 5 , ) -> list:
_a = [[-1] * number_of_cells] # Create a highway without any car
_a = 0
_a = max(lowercase , 0 )
while i < number_of_cells:
_a = (
randint(0 , lowercase ) if random_speed else initial_speed
) # Place the cars
i += (
randint(1 , max_speed * 2 ) if random_frequency else frequency
) # Arbitrary number, may need tuning
return highway
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = 0
_a = highway_now[car_index + 1 :]
for cell in range(len(lowercase ) ): # May need a better name for this
if cells[cell] != -1: # If the cell is not empty then
return distance # we have the distance we wanted
distance += 1
# Here if the car is near the end of the highway
return distance + get_distance(lowercase , -1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : float , lowercase : int ) -> list:
_a = len(lowercase )
# Beforce calculations, the highway is empty
_a = [-1] * number_of_cells
for car_index in range(lowercase ):
if highway_now[car_index] != -1:
# Add 1 to the current speed of the car and cap the speed
_a = min(highway_now[car_index] + 1 , lowercase )
# Number of empty cell before the next car
_a = get_distance(lowercase , lowercase ) - 1
# We can't have the car causing an accident
_a = min(next_highway[car_index] , lowercase )
if random() < probability:
# Randomly, a driver will slow down
_a = max(next_highway[car_index] - 1 , 0 )
return next_highway
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int , lowercase : float , lowercase : int ) -> list:
_a = len(highway[0] )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = update(highway[i] , lowercase , lowercase )
_a = [-1] * number_of_cells
for car_index in range(lowercase ):
_a = next_speeds_calculated[car_index]
if speed != -1:
# Change the position based on the speed (with % to create the loop)
_a = (car_index + speed) % number_of_cells
# Commit the change of position
_a = speed
highway.append(lowercase )
return highway
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int ) -> str:
if not isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ):
raise ValueError("iterations must be defined as integers" )
if not isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ) or not number >= 1:
raise ValueError(
"starting number must be\n and integer and be more than 0" )
if not iterations >= 1:
raise ValueError("Iterations must be done more than 0 times to play FizzBuzz" )
_a = ""
while number <= iterations:
if number % 3 == 0:
out += "Fizz"
if number % 5 == 0:
out += "Buzz"
if 0 not in (number % 3, number % 5):
out += str(lowercase )
# print(out)
number += 1
out += " "
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 365 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 10 ) -> str:
if not isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ) or n < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid input" )
_a = 10**n
_a = 2_8433 * (pow(2 , 783_0457 , lowercase )) + 1
return str(number % modulus )
if __name__ == "__main__":
from doctest import testmod
print(f"""{solution(10) = }""")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers.modeling_utils import ModuleUtilsMixin
from transformers.models.ta.modeling_ta import TaBlock, TaConfig, TaLayerNorm
from ...configuration_utils import ConfigMixin, register_to_config
from ...models import ModelMixin
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : float , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : str , __a : bool = False , ):
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = False
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
_a = TaConfig(
vocab_size=__a , d_model=__a , num_heads=__a , d_kv=__a , d_ff=__a , dropout_rate=__a , feed_forward_proj=__a , is_decoder=__a , is_encoder_decoder=__a , )
_a = nn.ModuleList()
for lyr_num in range(__a ):
_a = TaBlock(__a )
self.encoders.append(__a )
_a = TaLayerNorm(__a )
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.token_embedder(__a )
_a = encoder_input_tokens.shape[1]
_a = torch.arange(__a , device=encoder_input_tokens.device )
x += self.position_encoding(__a )
_a = self.dropout_pre(__a )
# inverted the attention mask
_a = encoder_input_tokens.size()
_a = self.get_extended_attention_mask(__a , __a )
for lyr in self.encoders:
_a = lyr(__a , __a )[0]
_a = self.layer_norm(__a )
return self.dropout_post(__a ), encoder_inputs_mask
| 366 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 6008_5147_5143 ) -> int:
_a = int(lowercase )
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Parameter n must be int or castable to int." )
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter n must be greater than or equal to one." )
_a = 2
_a = 0
if n == 2:
return 2
while n > 2:
while n % i != 0:
i += 1
_a = i
while n % i == 0:
_a = n // i
i += 1
return int(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import lru_cache
from math import ceil
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = 1_00
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = set(range(3, NUM_PRIMES, 2))
lowerCAmelCase_ : int
for prime in range(3, ceil(NUM_PRIMES**0.5), 2):
if prime not in primes:
primes.difference_update(set(range(prime * prime, NUM_PRIMES, prime)))
@lru_cache(maxsize=100 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> set[int]:
if number_to_partition < 0:
return set()
elif number_to_partition == 0:
return {1}
_a = set()
_a = 42
_a = 42
for prime in primes:
if prime > number_to_partition:
for sub in partition(number_to_partition - prime ):
ret.add(sub * prime )
return ret
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 5000 ) -> int | None:
for number_to_partition in range(1 , lowercase ):
if len(partition(lowercase ) ) > number_unique_partitions:
return number_to_partition
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 367 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import torch
from bart_onnx.generation_onnx import BARTBeamSearchGenerator
from bart_onnx.reduce_onnx_size import remove_dup_initializers
import transformers
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration, BartTokenizer
format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s | [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
level=os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper(),
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = {'facebook/bart-base': BartForConditionalGeneration}
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = {'facebook/bart-base': BartTokenizer}
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export Bart model + Beam Search to ONNX graph." )
"--validation_file" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="A csv or a json file containing the validation data." )
"--max_length" , type=lowercase , default=5 , help="The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization." , )
"--num_beams" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help=(
"Number of beams to use for evaluation. This argument will be "
"passed to ``model.generate``, which is used during ``evaluate`` and ``predict``."
) , )
"--model_name_or_path" , type=lowercase , help="Path to pretrained model or model identifier from" , required=lowercase , )
"--config_name" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name" , )
"--device" , type=lowercase , default="cpu" , help="Device where the model will be run" , )
parser.add_argument("--output_file_path" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Where to store the final ONNX file." )
_a = parser.parse_args()
return args
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple="cpu" ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = model_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase ).to(lowercase )
_a = tokenizer_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase )
if model_name in ["facebook/bart-base"]:
_a = 0
_a = None
_a = 0
return huggingface_model, tokenizer
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Dict ) -> Any:
_a = None
_a = torch.jit.script(BARTBeamSearchGenerator(lowercase ) )
with torch.no_grad():
_a = "My friends are cool but they eat too many carbs."
_a = tokenizer([ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE] , max_length=1024 , return_tensors="pt" ).to(model.device )
_a = model.generate(
inputs["input_ids"] , attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] , num_beams=lowercase , max_length=lowercase , early_stopping=lowercase , decoder_start_token_id=model.config.decoder_start_token_id , )
lowercase , (
) , lowercase , opset_version=14 , input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "num_beams", "max_length", "decoder_start_token_id"] , output_names=["output_ids"] , dynamic_axes={
"input_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq"},
"output_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq_out"},
} , example_outputs=lowercase , )"Model exported to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = remove_dup_initializers(os.path.abspath(lowercase ) )"Deduplicated and optimized model written to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(lowercase )
_a =
lowercase , {
"input_ids": inputs["input_ids"].cpu().numpy(),
"attention_mask": inputs["attention_mask"].cpu().numpy(),
"num_beams": np.array(lowercase ),
"max_length": np.array(lowercase ),
"decoder_start_token_id": np.array(model.config.decoder_start_token_id ),
} , )
np.testing.assert_allclose(summary_ids.cpu().numpy() , ort_out[0] , rtol=1E-3 , atol=1E-3 )"Model outputs from torch and ONNX Runtime are similar." )"Success." )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = parse_args()
_a = 5
_a = 4
# Make one log on every process with the configuration for debugging.
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s" , datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" , level=logging.INFO , )
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO )
_a = torch.device(args.device )
_a , _a = load_model_tokenizer(args.model_name_or_path , lowercase )
if model.config.decoder_start_token_id is None:
raise ValueError("Make sure that `config.decoder_start_token_id` is correctly defined" ) )
if args.max_length:
_a = args.max_length
if args.num_beams:
_a = args.num_beams
if args.output_file_path:
_a = args.output_file_path
_a = "BART.onnx""Exporting model to ONNX" )
export_and_validate_model(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
from functools import lru_cache
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> int:
if num < 0:
raise ValueError("Number should not be negative." )
return 1 if num in (0, 1) else num * factorial(num - 1 )
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 368 |
'''simple docstring'''
# tests directory-specific settings - this file is run automatically
# by pytest before any tests are run
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
# allow having multiple repository checkouts and not needing to remember to rerun
# 'pip install -e .[dev]' when switching between checkouts and running tests.
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = abspath(join(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))), 'src'))
sys.path.insert(1, git_repo_path)
# silence FutureWarning warnings in tests since often we can't act on them until
# they become normal warnings - i.e. the tests still need to test the current functionality
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[int]:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_addoption_shared
pytest_addoption_shared(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_terminal_summary_main
_a = terminalreporter.config.getoption("--make-reports" )
if make_reports:
pytest_terminal_summary_main(lowercase , id=lowercase )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import torch
from torch import nn
from transformers import MaMaaaConfig, MaMaaaForConditionalGeneration
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Any:
_a = [
for k in ignore_keys:
state_dict.pop(lowercase , lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> List[Any]:
_a , _a = emb.weight.shape
_a = nn.Linear(lowercase , lowercase , bias=lowercase )
_a =
return lin_layer
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
_a = torch.load(lowercase , map_location="cpu" )
_a = mam_aaa["args"] or mam_aaa["cfg"]["model"]
_a = mam_aaa["model"]
remove_ignore_keys_(lowercase )
_a = state_dict["encoder.embed_tokens.weight"].shape[0]
_a = MaMaaaConfig(
vocab_size=lowercase , max_position_embeddings=1024 , encoder_layers=args.encoder_layers , decoder_layers=args.decoder_layers , encoder_attention_heads=args.encoder_attention_heads , decoder_attention_heads=args.decoder_attention_heads , encoder_ffn_dim=args.encoder_ffn_embed_dim , decoder_ffn_dim=args.decoder_ffn_embed_dim , d_model=args.encoder_embed_dim , encoder_layerdrop=args.encoder_layerdrop , decoder_layerdrop=args.decoder_layerdrop , dropout=args.dropout , attention_dropout=args.attention_dropout , activation_dropout=args.activation_dropout , activation_function="relu" , )
_a = state_dict["decoder.embed_tokens.weight"]
_a = MaMaaaForConditionalGeneration(lowercase )
model.model.load_state_dict(lowercase , strict=lowercase )
_a = make_linear_from_emb(model.model.shared )
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
parser.add_argument('fairseq_path', type=str, help='path to a on local filesystem.')
parser.add_argument('pytorch_dump_folder_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to the output PyTorch model.')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = parser.parse_args()
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = convert_fairseq_mamaaa_checkpoint_from_disk(args.fairseq_pathß)
| 369 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers.modeling_utils import ModuleUtilsMixin
from transformers.models.ta.modeling_ta import TaBlock, TaConfig, TaLayerNorm
from ...configuration_utils import ConfigMixin, register_to_config
from ...models import ModelMixin
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : float , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : str , __a : bool = False , ):
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = False
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
_a = TaConfig(
vocab_size=__a , d_model=__a , num_heads=__a , d_kv=__a , d_ff=__a , dropout_rate=__a , feed_forward_proj=__a , is_decoder=__a , is_encoder_decoder=__a , )
_a = nn.ModuleList()
for lyr_num in range(__a ):
_a = TaBlock(__a )
self.encoders.append(__a )
_a = TaLayerNorm(__a )
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.token_embedder(__a )
_a = encoder_input_tokens.shape[1]
_a = torch.arange(__a , device=encoder_input_tokens.device )
x += self.position_encoding(__a )
_a = self.dropout_pre(__a )
# inverted the attention mask
_a = encoder_input_tokens.size()
_a = self.get_extended_attention_mask(__a , __a )
for lyr in self.encoders:
_a = lyr(__a , __a )[0]
_a = self.layer_norm(__a )
return self.dropout_post(__a ), encoder_inputs_mask
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import inspect
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers import BeitConfig
from transformers.testing_utils import require_flax, require_vision, slow
from transformers.utils import cached_property, is_flax_available, is_vision_available
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_flax_common import FlaxModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor
if is_flax_available():
import jax
from transformers import FlaxBeitForImageClassification, FlaxBeitForMaskedImageModeling, FlaxBeitModel
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import BeitImageProcessor
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Any , __a : int=1_00 , __a : Dict=13 , __a : Union[str, Any]=30 , __a : Any=2 , __a : Optional[Any]=3 , __a : Optional[Any]=True , __a : Optional[Any]=True , __a : List[Any]=32 , __a : Optional[int]=5 , __a : int=4 , __a : Any=37 , __a : Optional[int]="gelu" , __a : List[str]=0.1 , __a : List[str]=0.1 , __a : Dict=10 , __a : str=0.02 , __a : int=3 , ):
_a = parent
_a = vocab_size
_a = batch_size
_a = image_size
_a = patch_size
_a = num_channels
_a = is_training
_a = use_labels
_a = hidden_size
_a = num_hidden_layers
_a = num_attention_heads
_a = intermediate_size
_a = hidden_act
_a = hidden_dropout_prob
_a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
_a = type_sequence_label_size
_a = initializer_range
# in BeiT, the seq length equals the number of patches + 1 (we add 1 for the [CLS] token)
_a = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2
_a = num_patches + 1
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_channels, self.image_size, self.image_size] )
_a = None
if self.use_labels:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
_a = BeitConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , image_size=self.image_size , patch_size=self.patch_size , num_channels=self.num_channels , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , is_decoder=__a , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , )
return config, pixel_values, labels
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : Tuple , __a : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = FlaxBeitModel(config=__a )
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : List[str] ):
_a = FlaxBeitForMaskedImageModeling(config=__a )
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length - 1, self.vocab_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Any , __a : Any , __a : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.type_sequence_label_size
_a = FlaxBeitForImageClassification(config=__a )
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.type_sequence_label_size) )
# test greyscale images
_a = 1
_a = FlaxBeitForImageClassification(__a )
_a = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, 1, self.image_size, self.image_size] )
_a = model(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
_a = {"pixel_values": pixel_values}
return config, inputs_dict
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(
(FlaxBeitModel, FlaxBeitForImageClassification, FlaxBeitForMaskedImageModeling) if is_flax_available() else ()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = FlaxBeitModelTester(self )
_a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__a , has_text_modality=__a , hidden_size=37 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a , _a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common()
for model_class in self.all_model_classes:
_a = model_class(__a )
_a = inspect.signature(model.__call__ )
# signature.parameters is an OrderedDict => so arg_names order is deterministic
_a = [*signature.parameters.keys()]
_a = ["pixel_values"]
self.assertListEqual(arg_names[:1] , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a , _a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common()
for model_class in self.all_model_classes:
with self.subTest(model_class.__name__ ):
_a = self._prepare_for_class(__a , __a )
_a = model_class(__a )
def model_jitted(__a : Union[str, Any] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
return model(pixel_values=__a , **__a )
with self.subTest("JIT Enabled" ):
_a = model_jitted(**__a ).to_tuple()
with self.subTest("JIT Disabled" ):
with jax.disable_jit():
_a = model_jitted(**__a ).to_tuple()
self.assertEqual(len(__a ) , len(__a ) )
for jitted_output, output in zip(__a , __a ):
self.assertEqual(jitted_output.shape , output.shape )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_image_classification(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
for model_class_name in self.all_model_classes:
_a = model_class_name.from_pretrained("microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224" )
_a = model(np.ones((1, 3, 2_24, 2_24) ) )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a ="./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png" )
return image
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
return BeitImageProcessor.from_pretrained("microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224" ) if is_vision_available() else None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = FlaxBeitForMaskedImageModeling.from_pretrained("microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224-pt22k" )
_a = self.default_image_processor
_a = prepare_img()
_a = image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors="np" ).pixel_values
# prepare bool_masked_pos
_a = np.ones((1, 1_96) , dtype=__a )
# forward pass
_a = model(pixel_values=__a , bool_masked_pos=__a )
_a = outputs.logits
# verify the logits
_a = (1, 1_96, 81_92)
self.assertEqual(logits.shape , __a )
_a = np.array(
[[-3.2437, 0.5072, -13.9174], [-3.2456, 0.4948, -13.9401], [-3.2033, 0.5121, -13.8550]] )
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(logits[bool_masked_pos][:3, :3] , __a , atol=1e-2 ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = FlaxBeitForImageClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224" )
_a = self.default_image_processor
_a = prepare_img()
_a = image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors="np" )
# forward pass
_a = model(**__a )
_a = outputs.logits
# verify the logits
_a = (1, 10_00)
self.assertEqual(logits.shape , __a )
_a = np.array([-1.2385, -1.0987, -1.0108] )
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(logits[0, :3] , __a , atol=1e-4 ) )
_a = 2_81
self.assertEqual(logits.argmax(-1 ).item() , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = FlaxBeitForImageClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/beit-large-patch16-224-pt22k-ft22k" )
_a = self.default_image_processor
_a = prepare_img()
_a = image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors="np" )
# forward pass
_a = model(**__a )
_a = outputs.logits
# verify the logits
_a = (1, 2_18_41)
self.assertEqual(logits.shape , __a )
_a = np.array([1.6881, -0.2787, 0.5901] )
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(logits[0, :3] , __a , atol=1e-4 ) )
_a = 23_96
self.assertEqual(logits.argmax(-1 ).item() , __a )
| 370 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from utils_rag import save_json
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Any:
_a = filter(lambda lowercase : p.requires_grad , model.parameters() )
_a = sum([ ) for p in model_parameters] )
return params
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if metric == "rouge2":
_a = "{val_avg_rouge2:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "bleu":
_a = "{val_avg_bleu:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "em":
_a = "{val_avg_em:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "loss":
_a = "{val_avg_loss:.4f}-{step_count}"
raise NotImplementedError(
F'seq2seq callbacks only support rouge2 and bleu, got {metric}, You can make your own by adding to this'
" function." )
_a = ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath=lowercase , filename=lowercase , monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="max" , save_top_k=1 , every_n_epochs=1 , )
return checkpoint_callback
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
return EarlyStopping(
monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="min" if "loss" in metric else "max" , patience=lowercase , verbose=lowercase , )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (pl.Callback ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = {f'lr_group_{i}': param["lr"] for i, param in enumerate(pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0].param_groups )}
pl_module.logger.log_metrics(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule , __a : str , __a : Dict=True ):'***** {type_path} results at step {trainer.global_step:05d} *****' )
_a = trainer.callback_metrics
trainer.logger.log_metrics({k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k not in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]} )
# Log results
_a = Path(pl_module.hparams.output_dir )
if type_path == "test":
_a = od / "test_results.txt"
_a = od / "test_generations.txt"
# this never gets hit. I prefer not to save intermediate generations, and results are in metrics.json
# If people want this it will be easy enough to add back.
_a = od / f'{type_path}_results/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
_a = od / f'{type_path}_generations/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
results_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
generations_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
with open(__a , "a+" ) as writer:
for key in sorted(__a ):
if key in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]:
_a = metrics[key]
if isinstance(__a , torch.Tensor ):
_a = val.item()
_a = f'{key}: {val:.6f}\n'
writer.write(__a )
if not save_generations:
if "preds" in metrics:
_a = "\n".join(metrics["preds"] )"w+" ).write(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = pl_module.model.model.num_parameters()
except AttributeError:
_a = pl_module.model.num_parameters()
_a = count_trainable_parameters(__a )
# mp stands for million parameters
trainer.logger.log_metrics({"n_params": npars, "mp": npars / 1e6, "grad_mp": n_trainable_pars / 1e6} )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
return self._write_logs(__a , __a , "test" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : str ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
# Uncommenting this will save val generations
# return self._write_logs(trainer, pl_module, "valid")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
from ...image_processing_utils import BaseImageProcessor, BatchFeature
from ...image_transforms import rescale, resize, to_channel_dimension_format
from ...image_utils import (
from ...utils import TensorType, logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['pixel_values']
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : bool = True , __a : int = 32 , __a : int=PILImageResampling.BILINEAR , __a : bool = True , **__a : List[str] , ):
_a = do_resize
_a = do_rescale
_a = size_divisor
_a = resample
super().__init__(**__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : int , __a : Tuple , __a : Optional[ChannelDimension] = None , **__a : Tuple ):
_a , _a = get_image_size(__a )
# Rounds the height and width down to the closest multiple of size_divisor
_a = height // size_divisor * size_divisor
_a = width // size_divisor * size_divisor
_a = resize(__a , (new_h, new_w) , resample=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
return image
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : np.ndarray , __a : float , __a : Optional[ChannelDimension] = None , **__a : int ):
return rescale(image=__a , scale=__a , data_format=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : Union["PIL.Image.Image", TensorType, List["PIL.Image.Image"], List[TensorType]] , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : List[str]=None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[Union[TensorType, str]] = None , __a : ChannelDimension = ChannelDimension.FIRST , **__a : Any , ):
_a = do_resize if do_resize is not None else self.do_resize
_a = do_rescale if do_rescale is not None else self.do_rescale
_a = size_divisor if size_divisor is not None else self.size_divisor
_a = resample if resample is not None else self.resample
if do_resize and size_divisor is None:
raise ValueError("size_divisor is required for resizing" )
_a = make_list_of_images(__a )
if not valid_images(__a ):
raise ValueError("Invalid image(s)" )
# All transformations expect numpy arrays.
_a = [to_numpy_array(__a ) for img in images]
if do_resize:
_a = [self.resize(__a , size_divisor=__a , resample=__a ) for image in images]
if do_rescale:
_a = [self.rescale(__a , scale=1 / 2_55 ) for image in images]
_a = [to_channel_dimension_format(__a , __a ) for image in images]
_a = {"pixel_values": images}
return BatchFeature(data=__a , tensor_type=__a )
| 371 |
'''simple docstring'''
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
from packaging import version
from PIL import Image
if version.parse(version.parse(PIL.__version__).base_version) >= version.parse('9.1.0'):
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = {
'linear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.Resampling.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.Resampling.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.Resampling.NEAREST,
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'linear': PIL.Image.LINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.NEAREST,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = (images / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0 , 1 )
_a = images.cpu().permute(0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ).float().numpy()
_a = numpy_to_pil(lowercase )
return images
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[Any]:
if images.ndim == 3:
_a = images[None, ...]
_a = (images * 255).round().astype("uint8" )
if images.shape[-1] == 1:
# special case for grayscale (single channel) images
_a = [Image.fromarray(image.squeeze() , mode="L" ) for image in images]
_a = [Image.fromarray(lowercase ) for image in images]
return pil_images
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from PIL import Image
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Image , lowercase : int ) -> Image:
_a = (259 * (level + 255)) / (255 * (259 - level))
def contrast(lowercase : int ) -> int:
return int(128 + factor * (c - 128) )
return img.point(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load image
with'image_data/lena.jpg') as img:
# Change contrast to 170
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = change_contrast(img, 1_70)'image_data/lena_high_contrast.png', format='png')
| 350 |
'''simple docstring'''
import contextlib
import csv
import json
import os
import sqlitea
import tarfile
import textwrap
import zipfile
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pytest
import datasets
import datasets.config
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = 10
_a = datasets.Features(
"tokens": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" ) ),
"labels": datasets.Sequence(datasets.ClassLabel(names=["negative", "positive"] ) ),
"answers": datasets.Sequence(
"text": datasets.Value("string" ),
"answer_start": datasets.Value("int32" ),
} ),
"id": datasets.Value("int64" ),
} )
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(
"tokens": [["foo"] * 5] * n,
"labels": [[1] * 5] * n,
"answers": [{"answer_start": [97], "text": ["1976"]}] * 10,
"id": list(range(lowercase ) ),
} , features=lowercase , )
return dataset
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.arrow" ) )
return filename
# FILE_CONTENT + files
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = '\\n Text data.\n Second line of data.'
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt"
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.bz2"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Optional[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.gz" )
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if datasets.config.LZ4_AVAILABLE:
import lza.frame
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.lz4"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[Any]:
if datasets.config.PY7ZR_AVAILABLE:
import pyazr
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.7z"
with pyazr.SevenZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as archive:
archive.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Dict:
import tarfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import lzma
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.xz"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import zipfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> List[str]:
if datasets.config.ZSTANDARD_AVAILABLE:
import zstandard as zstd
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.zst"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.xml"
_a = textwrap.dedent(
"\\n <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n <tmx version=\"1.4\">\n <header segtype=\"sentence\" srclang=\"ca\" />\n <body>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 1</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 1</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 2</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 2</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 3</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 3</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 4</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 4</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 5</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 5</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n </body>\n </tmx>" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = [
{'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': '2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': '3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': '4', 'col_2': 4, 'col_3': 4.0},
{'col_1': '5', 'col_2': 5, 'col_3': 5.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = {
'col_1': ['0', '1', '2', '3'],
'col_2': [0, 1, 2, 3],
'col_3': [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = [
{'col_3': 0.0, 'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0},
{'col_3': 1.0, 'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': 's0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': 's1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': 's2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': 's3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> List[str]:
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(lowercase )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.arrow" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> Dict:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.sqlite" )
with contextlib.closing(sqlitea.connect(lowercase ) ) as con:
_a = con.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE dataset(col_1 text, col_2 int, col_3 real)" )
for item in DATA:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO dataset(col_1, col_2, col_3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" , tuple(item.values() ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> int:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv.bz2"
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as f:
_a =
# data = bytes(FILE_CONTENT, "utf-8")
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Any ) -> List[str]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csv_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csva_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.parquet" )
_a = pa.schema(
"col_1": pa.string(),
"col_2": pa.intaa(),
"col_3": pa.floataa(),
} )
with open(lowercase , "wb" ) as f:
_a = pq.ParquetWriter(lowercase , schema=lowercase )
_a = pa.Table.from_pydict({k: [DATA[i][k] for i in range(len(lowercase ) )] for k in DATA[0]} , schema=lowercase )
writer.write_table(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA_DICT_OF_LISTS}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[str]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_312.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_312:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset-str.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_STR:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Tuple:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> List[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : int , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_nested.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Any ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported.ext" ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported_2.ext" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Any:
_a = "\n".join(["First", "Second\u2029with Unicode new line", "Third"] )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_with_unicode_new_lines.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[Any]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_image_rgb.jpg" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_audio_44100.wav" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ).replace(".jpg" , "2.jpg" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data_dir" )
(data_dir / "subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden file
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / ".test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden directory
(data_dir / ".subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
return data_dir
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
import requests
import torch
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from PIL import Image
from transformers import PoolFormerConfig, PoolFormerForImageClassification, PoolFormerImageProcessor
from transformers.utils import logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = logging.get_logger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : str , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : str ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = original_name.split("." )[0]
_a = key.split("." )
_a = int(key_list[key_list.index(lowercase ) - 2] )
_a = int(key_list[key_list.index(lowercase ) - 1] )
_a = orig_block_num - offset
_a = key.replace(F'{orig_block_num}.{layer_num}.{original_name}' , F'block.{new_block_num}.{layer_num}.{new_name}' )
return key
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = OrderedDict()
_a , _a = 0, 0
for key, value in state_dict.items():
if key.startswith("network" ):
_a = key.replace("network" , "poolformer.encoder" )
if "proj" in key:
# Works for the first embedding as well as the internal embedding layers
if key.endswith("bias" ) and "patch_embed" not in key:
patch_emb_offset += 1
_a = key[: key.find("proj" )]
_a = key.replace(lowercase , F'patch_embeddings.{total_embed_found}.' )
_a = key.replace("proj" , "projection" )
if key.endswith("bias" ):
total_embed_found += 1
if "patch_embeddings" in key:
_a = "poolformer.encoder." + key
if "mlp.fc1" in key:
_a = replace_key_with_offset(lowercase , lowercase , "mlp.fc1" , "output.conv1" )
if "mlp.fc2" in key:
_a = replace_key_with_offset(lowercase , lowercase , "mlp.fc2" , "output.conv2" )
if "norm1" in key:
_a = replace_key_with_offset(lowercase , lowercase , "norm1" , "before_norm" )
if "norm2" in key:
_a = replace_key_with_offset(lowercase , lowercase , "norm2" , "after_norm" )
if "layer_scale_1" in key:
_a = replace_key_with_offset(lowercase , lowercase , "layer_scale_1" , "layer_scale_1" )
if "layer_scale_2" in key:
_a = replace_key_with_offset(lowercase , lowercase , "layer_scale_2" , "layer_scale_2" )
if "head" in key:
_a = key.replace("head" , "classifier" )
_a = value
return new_state_dict
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Dict:
_a = ""
_a = , stream=lowercase ).raw )
return image
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = PoolFormerConfig()
# set attributes based on model_name
_a = "huggingface/label-files"
_a = model_name[-3:]
_a = 1000
_a = "imagenet-1k-id2label.json"
_a = (1, 1000)
# set config attributes
_a = json.load(open(hf_hub_download(lowercase , lowercase , repo_type="dataset" ) , "r" ) )
_a = {int(lowercase ): v for k, v in idalabel.items()}
_a = idalabel
_a = {v: k for k, v in idalabel.items()}
if size == "s12":
_a = [2, 2, 6, 2]
_a = [64, 128, 320, 512]
_a = 4.0
_a = 0.9
elif size == "s24":
_a = [4, 4, 12, 4]
_a = [64, 128, 320, 512]
_a = 4.0
_a = 0.9
elif size == "s36":
_a = [6, 6, 18, 6]
_a = [64, 128, 320, 512]
_a = 4.0
_a = 1E-6
_a = 0.9
elif size == "m36":
_a = [6, 6, 18, 6]
_a = [96, 192, 384, 768]
_a = 4.0
_a = 1E-6
_a = 0.95
elif size == "m48":
_a = [8, 8, 24, 8]
_a = [96, 192, 384, 768]
_a = 4.0
_a = 1E-6
_a = 0.95
raise ValueError(F'Size {size} not supported' )
# load image processor
_a = PoolFormerImageProcessor(crop_pct=lowercase )
# Prepare image
_a = prepare_img()
_a = image_processor(images=lowercase , return_tensors="pt" ).pixel_values'Converting model {model_name}...' )
# load original state dict
_a = torch.load(lowercase , map_location=torch.device("cpu" ) )
# rename keys
_a = rename_keys(lowercase )
# create HuggingFace model and load state dict
_a = PoolFormerForImageClassification(lowercase )
model.load_state_dict(lowercase )
# Define image processor
_a = PoolFormerImageProcessor(crop_pct=lowercase )
_a = image_processor(images=prepare_img() , return_tensors="pt" ).pixel_values
# forward pass
_a = model(lowercase )
_a = outputs.logits
# define expected logit slices for different models
if size == "s12":
_a = torch.tensor([-0.30_45, -0.67_58, -0.48_69] )
elif size == "s24":
_a = torch.tensor([0.44_02, -0.13_74, -0.80_45] )
elif size == "s36":
_a = torch.tensor([-0.60_80, -0.51_33, -0.58_98] )
elif size == "m36":
_a = torch.tensor([0.39_52, 0.22_63, -1.26_68] )
elif size == "m48":
_a = torch.tensor([0.11_67, -0.06_56, -0.34_23] )
raise ValueError(F'Size {size} not supported' )
# verify logits
assert logits.shape == expected_shape
assert torch.allclose(logits[0, :3] , lowercase , atol=1E-2 )
# finally, save model and image processor'Saving PyTorch model and image processor to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}...' )
Path(lowercase ).mkdir(exist_ok=lowercase )
model.save_pretrained(lowercase )
print(F'Saving image processor to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}' )
image_processor.save_pretrained(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Name of the model you\'d like to convert.',
'--checkpoint_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to the original PyTorch checkpoint (.pth file).'
'--pytorch_dump_folder_path', default=None, type=str, help='Path to the folder to output PyTorch model.'
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = parser.parse_args()
convert_poolformer_checkpoint(args.model_name, args.checkpoint_path, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
| 351 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from ...processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
from ...tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding, PaddingStrategy, PreTokenizedInput, TextInput, TruncationStrategy
from ...utils import TensorType
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['image_processor', 'tokenizer']
__a ='LayoutLMv2ImageProcessor'
__a =('LayoutXLMTokenizer', 'LayoutXLMTokenizerFast')
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : int=None , __a : List[Any]=None , **__a : str ):
if "feature_extractor" in kwargs:
"The `feature_extractor` argument is deprecated and will be removed in v5, use `image_processor`"
" instead." , __a , )
_a = kwargs.pop("feature_extractor" )
_a = image_processor if image_processor is not None else feature_extractor
if image_processor is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify an `image_processor`." )
if tokenizer is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify a `tokenizer`." )
super().__init__(__a , __a )
def __call__( self : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[TextInput, PreTokenizedInput, List[TextInput], List[PreTokenizedInput]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[PreTokenizedInput, List[PreTokenizedInput]]] = None , __a : Union[List[List[int]], List[List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : Union[bool, str, PaddingStrategy] = False , __a : Union[bool, str, TruncationStrategy] = None , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : int = 0 , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None , **__a : Optional[Any] , ):
# verify input
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (boxes is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide bounding boxes "
"if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (word_labels is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide word labels if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True and return_offsets_mapping is False:
raise ValueError("You cannot return overflowing tokens without returning the offsets mapping." )
# first, apply the image processor
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=__a )
# second, apply the tokenizer
if text is not None and self.image_processor.apply_ocr and text_pair is None:
if isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = [text] # add batch dimension (as the image processor always adds a batch dimension)
_a = features["words"]
_a = self.tokenizer(
text=text if text is not None else features["words"] , text_pair=text_pair if text_pair is not None else None , boxes=boxes if boxes is not None else features["boxes"] , word_labels=__a , add_special_tokens=__a , padding=__a , truncation=__a , max_length=__a , stride=__a , pad_to_multiple_of=__a , return_token_type_ids=__a , return_attention_mask=__a , return_overflowing_tokens=__a , return_special_tokens_mask=__a , return_offsets_mapping=__a , return_length=__a , verbose=__a , return_tensors=__a , **__a , )
# add pixel values
_a = features.pop("pixel_values" )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True:
_a = self.get_overflowing_images(__a , encoded_inputs["overflow_to_sample_mapping"] )
_a = images
return encoded_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] , __a : int ):
# in case there's an overflow, ensure each `input_ids` sample is mapped to its corresponding image
_a = []
for sample_idx in overflow_to_sample_mapping:
images_with_overflow.append(images[sample_idx] )
if len(__a ) != len(__a ):
raise ValueError(
"Expected length of images to be the same as the length of `overflow_to_sample_mapping`, but got"
f' {len(__a )} and {len(__a )}' )
return images_with_overflow
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return ["input_ids", "bbox", "attention_mask", "image"]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
"`feature_extractor_class` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor_class` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor_class
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
"`feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Union
from .. import Dataset, DatasetDict, Features, IterableDataset, IterableDatasetDict, NamedSplit
from ..utils.typing import NestedDataStructureLike, PathLike
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : str , __a : Optional[NestedDataStructureLike[PathLike]] = None , __a : Optional[NamedSplit] = None , __a : Optional[Features] = None , __a : str = None , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : Optional[int] = None , **__a : Tuple , ):
_a = path_or_paths
_a = split if split or isinstance(__a , __a ) else "train"
_a = features
_a = cache_dir
_a = keep_in_memory
_a = streaming
_a = num_proc
_a = kwargs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[Features] = None , __a : str = None , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : Optional[int] = None , **__a : int , ):
_a = features
_a = cache_dir
_a = keep_in_memory
_a = streaming
_a = num_proc
_a = kwargs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
| 352 |
'''simple docstring'''
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfile
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import sentencepiece
from ...tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer
from ...utils import logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = '▁'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
'vocab_file': 'vocab.json',
'spm_file': 'sentencepiece.bpe.model',
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = {
'vocab_file': {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': (
'spm_file': {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': (
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = {
'facebook/s2t-small-librispeech-asr': 10_24,
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = ['pt', 'fr', 'ru', 'nl', 'ro', 'it', 'es', 'de']
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {'mustc': MUSTC_LANGS}
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['input_ids', 'attention_mask']
__a =[]
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Any , __a : Any="<s>" , __a : List[str]="</s>" , __a : str="<pad>" , __a : List[str]="<unk>" , __a : Union[str, Any]=False , __a : Any=False , __a : List[str]=None , __a : Optional[int]=None , __a : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None , **__a : int , ):
_a = {} if sp_model_kwargs is None else sp_model_kwargs
bos_token=__a , eos_token=__a , unk_token=__a , pad_token=__a , do_upper_case=__a , do_lower_case=__a , tgt_lang=__a , lang_codes=__a , sp_model_kwargs=self.sp_model_kwargs , **__a , )
_a = do_upper_case
_a = do_lower_case
_a = load_json(__a )
_a = {v: k for k, v in self.encoder.items()}
_a = spm_file
_a = load_spm(__a , self.sp_model_kwargs )
if lang_codes is not None:
_a = lang_codes
_a = LANGUAGES[lang_codes]
_a = [f'<lang:{lang}>' for lang in self.langs]
_a = {lang: self.sp_model.PieceToId(f'<lang:{lang}>' ) for lang in self.langs}
_a = self.lang_tokens
_a = tgt_lang if tgt_lang is not None else self.langs[0]
self.set_tgt_lang_special_tokens(self._tgt_lang )
_a = {}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return len(self.encoder )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return self._tgt_lang
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = new_tgt_lang
self.set_tgt_lang_special_tokens(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : str ):
_a = self.lang_code_to_id[tgt_lang]
_a = [lang_code_id]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : str ):
return self.sp_model.encode(__a , out_type=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : Any ):
return self.encoder.get(__a , self.encoder[self.unk_token] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : int ):
return self.decoder.get(__a , self.unk_token )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : List[str] ):
_a = []
_a = ""
for token in tokens:
# make sure that special tokens are not decoded using sentencepiece model
if token in self.all_special_tokens:
_a = self.sp_model.decode(__a )
out_string += (decoded.upper() if self.do_upper_case else decoded) + token + " "
_a = []
current_sub_tokens.append(__a )
_a = self.sp_model.decode(__a )
out_string += decoded.upper() if self.do_upper_case else decoded
return out_string.strip()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Any , __a : int=None ):
if token_ids_a is None:
return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_a + [self.eos_token_id]
# We don't expect to process pairs, but leave the pair logic for API consistency
return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_a + token_ids_a + [self.eos_token_id]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[int] , __a : Optional[List[int]] = None , __a : bool = False ):
if already_has_special_tokens:
return super().get_special_tokens_mask(
token_ids_a=__a , token_ids_a=__a , already_has_special_tokens=__a )
_a = [1] * len(self.prefix_tokens )
_a = [1]
if token_ids_a is None:
return prefix_ones + ([0] * len(__a )) + suffix_ones
return prefix_ones + ([0] * len(__a )) + ([0] * len(__a )) + suffix_ones
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.encoder.copy()
vocab.update(self.added_tokens_encoder )
return vocab
def __getstate__( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = self.__dict__.copy()
_a = None
return state
def __setstate__( self : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = d
# for backward compatibility
if not hasattr(self , "sp_model_kwargs" ):
_a = {}
_a = load_spm(self.spm_file , self.sp_model_kwargs )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , __a : str , __a : Optional[str] = None ):
_a = Path(__a )
assert save_dir.is_dir(), f'{save_directory} should be a directory'
_a = save_dir / (
(filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + self.vocab_files_names["vocab_file"]
_a = save_dir / (
(filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + self.vocab_files_names["spm_file"]
save_json(self.encoder , __a )
if os.path.abspath(self.spm_file ) != os.path.abspath(__a ) and os.path.isfile(self.spm_file ):
copyfile(self.spm_file , __a )
elif not os.path.isfile(self.spm_file ):
with open(__a , "wb" ) as fi:
_a = self.sp_model.serialized_model_proto()
fi.write(__a )
return (str(__a ), str(__a ))
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : Dict[str, Any] ) -> sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor:
_a = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor(**lowercase )
spm.Load(str(lowercase ) )
return spm
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[Dict, List]:
with open(lowercase , "r" ) as f:
return json.load(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> None:
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase , indent=2 )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int = 0 ) -> list:
_a = length or len(lowercase )
_a = False
for i in range(length - 1 ):
if list_data[i] > list_data[i + 1]:
_a , _a = list_data[i + 1], list_data[i]
_a = True
return list_data if not swapped else bubble_sort(lowercase , length - 1 )
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 353 |
'''simple docstring'''
from manim import *
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = Rectangle(height=0.5 , width=0.5 )
_a = Rectangle(height=0.46 , width=0.46 ).set_stroke(width=0 )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = VGroup(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("CPU" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
cpu.move_to([-2.5, -0.5, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(4 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("GPU" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
gpu.move_to([-1, -1, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("Model" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , buff=0.5 , aligned_edge=__a )
model.move_to([3, -1.0, 0] )
self.add(__a )
_a = []
for i, rect in enumerate(__a ):
rect.set_stroke(__a )
# target = fill.copy().set_fill(YELLOW, opacity=0.7)
# target.move_to(rect)
# self.add(target)
_a = Rectangle(height=0.46 / 4 , width=0.46 / 3 ).set_stroke(width=0.0 ).set_fill(__a , opacity=0.7 )
if i == 0:
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_left_col_base[0].get_corner(DOWN + LEFT ) , buff=0.02 , direction=__a )
cpu_target.set_x(cpu_target.get_x() + 0.1 )
elif i == 3:
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_targs[0] , direction=__a , buff=0.0 )
cpu_target.next_to(cpu_targs[i - 1] , direction=__a , buff=0.0 )
self.add(__a )
cpu_targs.append(__a )
_a = [mem.copy() for i in range(6 )]
_a = VGroup(*__a ).arrange(__a , buff=0 )
_a = Text("Loaded Checkpoint" , font_size=24 )
_a = Group(__a , __a ).arrange(__a , aligned_edge=__a , buff=0.4 )
checkpoint.move_to([3, 0.5, 0] )
_a = Square(side_length=2.2 )
key.move_to([-5, 2, 0] )
_a = MarkupText(
f'<b>Key:</b>\n\n<span fgcolor=\'{YELLOW}\'>●</span> Empty Model' , font_size=18 , )
key_text.move_to([-5, 2.4, 0] )
self.add(__a , __a )
_a = MarkupText(
f'<span fgcolor=\'{BLUE}\'>●</span> Checkpoint' , font_size=18 , )
blue_text.next_to(__a , DOWN * 2.4 , aligned_edge=key_text.get_left() )
_a = MarkupText(
f'Next, a <i><span fgcolor="{BLUE}">second</span></i> model is loaded into memory,\nwith the weights of a <span fgcolor="{BLUE}">single shard</span>.' , font_size=24 , )
step_a.move_to([2, 2, 0] ) ) , Write(__a ) ) , run_time=1 ) , Create(__a , run_time=1 ) )
_a = []
_a = []
for i, rect in enumerate(__a ):
_a = fill.copy().set_fill(__a , opacity=0.7 )
target.move_to(__a )
first_animations.append(GrowFromCenter(__a , run_time=1 ) )
_a = target.copy()
if i < 5:[i + 1] )
else:[i - 5] )
second_animations.append(MoveToTarget(__a , run_time=1.5 ) )*__a )*__a )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import heapq
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : dict ) -> set[int]:
_a = []
# for each node and his adjacency list add them and the rank of the node to queue
# using heapq module the queue will be filled like a Priority Queue
# heapq works with a min priority queue, so I used -1*len(v) to build it
for key, value in graph.items():
# O(log(n))
heapq.heappush(lowercase , [-1 * len(lowercase ), (key, value)] )
# chosen_vertices = set of chosen vertices
_a = set()
# while queue isn't empty and there are still edges
# (queue[0][0] is the rank of the node with max rank)
while queue and queue[0][0] != 0:
# extract vertex with max rank from queue and add it to chosen_vertices
_a = heapq.heappop(lowercase )[1][0]
chosen_vertices.add(lowercase )
# Remove all arcs adjacent to argmax
for elem in queue:
# if v haven't adjacent node, skip
if elem[0] == 0:
# if argmax is reachable from elem
# remove argmax from elem's adjacent list and update his rank
if argmax in elem[1][1]:
_a = elem[1][1].index(lowercase )
del elem[1][1][index]
elem[0] += 1
# re-order the queue
heapq.heapify(lowercase )
return chosen_vertices
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = {0: [1, 3], 1: [0, 3], 2: [0, 3, 4], 3: [0, 1, 2], 4: [2, 3]}
print(f"""Minimum vertex cover:\n{greedy_min_vertex_cover(graph)}""")
| 354 |
'''simple docstring'''
import collections
import json
import math
import os
import re
import time
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Dict
import requests
from slack_sdk import WebClient
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = WebClient(token=os.environ['CI_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'])
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = test_results.split(" " )
_a = 0
_a = 0
# When the output is short enough, the output is surrounded by = signs: "== OUTPUT =="
# When it is too long, those signs are not present.
_a = expressions[-2] if "=" in expressions[-1] else expressions[-1]
for i, expression in enumerate(lowercase ):
if "failed" in expression:
failed += int(expressions[i - 1] )
if "passed" in expression:
success += int(expressions[i - 1] )
return failed, success, time_spent
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = {}
_a = None
_a = False
for line in failures_short_lines.split("\n" ):
if"_ \[doctest\]" , lowercase ):
_a = True
_a = line.split(" " )[2]
elif in_error and not line.split(" " )[0].isdigit():
_a = line
_a = False
return failures
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = title
_a = doc_test_results["time_spent"].split("," )[0]
_a = doc_test_results["success"]
_a = doc_test_results["failures"]
_a = self.n_success + self.n_failures
# Failures and success of the modeling tests
_a = doc_test_results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = [self._time_spent]
_a = 0
for time in time_spent:
_a = time.split(":" )
# Time can be formatted as xx:xx:xx, as .xx, or as x.xx if the time spent was less than a minute.
if len(__a ) == 1:
_a = [0, 0, time_parts[0]]
_a , _a , _a = int(time_parts[0] ), int(time_parts[1] ), float(time_parts[2] )
total_secs += hours * 36_00 + minutes * 60 + seconds
_a , _a , _a = total_secs // 36_00, (total_secs % 36_00) // 60, total_secs % 60
return f'{int(__a )}h{int(__a )}m{int(__a )}s'
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": self.title}}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": f'🌞 There were no failures: all {self.n_tests} tests passed. The suite ran in {self.time}.',
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": (
f'There were {self.n_failures} failures, out of {self.n_tests} tests.\nThe suite ran in'
f' {self.time}.'
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = 40
_a = {k: v["failed"] for k, v in doc_test_results.items() if isinstance(__a , __a )}
_a = ""
for category, failures in category_failures.items():
if len(__a ) == 0:
if report != "":
report += "\n\n"
report += f'*{category} failures*:'.ljust(line_length // 2 ).rjust(line_length // 2 ) + "\n"
report += "`"
report += "`\n`".join(__a )
report += "`"
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": f'The following examples had failures:\n\n\n{report}\n',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = [self.header]
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.append(self.failures )
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.extend([self.category_failures] )
if self.n_failures == 0:
blocks.append(self.no_failures )
return json.dumps(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( ):
_a = [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "There was an issue running the tests.",
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(__a )} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text="There was an issue running the tests." , blocks=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(self.payload )} ) )
_a = f'{self.n_failures} failures out of {self.n_tests} tests,' if self.n_failures else "All tests passed."
_a = client.chat_postMessage(
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , blocks=self.payload , text=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : List[str] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : int ):
_a = ""
for key, value in failures.items():
_a = value[:2_00] + " [Truncated]" if len(__a ) > 2_50 else value
failures_text += f'*{key}*\n_{value}_\n\n'
_a = job_name
_a = {"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": text}}
if job_link is not None:
_a = {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "GitHub Action job", "emoji": True},
"url": job_link,
return [
{"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": title.upper(), "emoji": True}},
{"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": failures_text}},
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
if self.thread_ts is None:
raise ValueError("Can only post reply if a post has been made." )
_a = self.doc_test_results.pop("job_link" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("failures" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("success" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("time_spent" )
_a = sorted(self.doc_test_results.items() , key=lambda __a : t[0] )
for job, job_result in sorted_dict:
if len(job_result["failures"] ):
_a = f'*Num failures* :{len(job_result["failed"] )} \n'
_a = job_result["failures"]
_a = self.get_reply_blocks(__a , __a , __a , text=__a )
print("Sending the following reply" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": blocks} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text=f'Results for {job}' , blocks=__a , thread_ts=self.thread_ts["ts"] , )
time.sleep(1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]
_a = F'{run_id}/jobs?per_page=100'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()
_a = {}
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
_a = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100 )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = requests.get(url + F'&page={i + 2}' ).json()
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
return jobs
except Exception as e:
print("Unknown error, could not fetch links." , lowercase )
return {}
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = {}
if os.path.exists(lowercase ):
_a = os.listdir(lowercase )
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase ) , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
_a =
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
raise ValueError(F'Could not open {os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase )}.' ) from e
return _artifact
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : str ):
_a = name
_a = []
def __str__( self : List[str] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str ):
self.paths.append({"name":, "path": path} )
_a = {}
_a = filter(os.path.isdir , os.listdir() )
for directory in directories:
_a = directory
if artifact_name not in _available_artifacts:
_a = Artifact(lowercase )
_available_artifacts[artifact_name].add_path(lowercase )
return _available_artifacts
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = get_job_links()
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = retrieve_available_artifacts()
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = collections.OrderedDict(
('*.py', 'API Examples'),
('*.md', 'MD Examples'),
# This dict will contain all the information relative to each doc test category:
# - failed: list of failed tests
# - failures: dict in the format 'test': 'error_message'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
v: {
'failed': [],
'failures': {},
for v in docs.values()
# Link to the GitHub Action job
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = github_actions_job_links.get('run_doctests')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = available_artifacts['doc_tests_gpu_test_reports'].paths[0]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = retrieve_artifact(artifact_path['name'])
if "stats" in artifact:
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = handle_test_results(artifact['stats'])
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = failed
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = success
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = time_spent[1:-1] + ', '
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = extract_first_line_failure(artifact['failures_short'])
for line in artifact["summary_short"].split('\n'):
if'FAILED', line):
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = line.replace('FAILED ', '')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line.split()[0].replace('\n', '')
if "::" in line:
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : str = line.split('::')
lowerCAmelCase_ , lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line, line
for file_regex in docs.keys():
if fnmatch(file_path, file_regex):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = docs[file_regex]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = all_failures[test] if test in all_failures else 'N/A'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = failure
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = Message('🤗 Results of the doc tests.', doc_test_results)
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import collections
import json
import math
import os
import re
import time
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Dict
import requests
from slack_sdk import WebClient
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = WebClient(token=os.environ['CI_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'])
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = test_results.split(" " )
_a = 0
_a = 0
# When the output is short enough, the output is surrounded by = signs: "== OUTPUT =="
# When it is too long, those signs are not present.
_a = expressions[-2] if "=" in expressions[-1] else expressions[-1]
for i, expression in enumerate(lowercase ):
if "failed" in expression:
failed += int(expressions[i - 1] )
if "passed" in expression:
success += int(expressions[i - 1] )
return failed, success, time_spent
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = {}
_a = None
_a = False
for line in failures_short_lines.split("\n" ):
if"_ \[doctest\]" , lowercase ):
_a = True
_a = line.split(" " )[2]
elif in_error and not line.split(" " )[0].isdigit():
_a = line
_a = False
return failures
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : Dict ):
_a = title
_a = doc_test_results["time_spent"].split("," )[0]
_a = doc_test_results["success"]
_a = doc_test_results["failures"]
_a = self.n_success + self.n_failures
# Failures and success of the modeling tests
_a = doc_test_results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = [self._time_spent]
_a = 0
for time in time_spent:
_a = time.split(":" )
# Time can be formatted as xx:xx:xx, as .xx, or as x.xx if the time spent was less than a minute.
if len(__a ) == 1:
_a = [0, 0, time_parts[0]]
_a , _a , _a = int(time_parts[0] ), int(time_parts[1] ), float(time_parts[2] )
total_secs += hours * 36_00 + minutes * 60 + seconds
_a , _a , _a = total_secs // 36_00, (total_secs % 36_00) // 60, total_secs % 60
return f'{int(__a )}h{int(__a )}m{int(__a )}s'
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": self.title}}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": f'🌞 There were no failures: all {self.n_tests} tests passed. The suite ran in {self.time}.',
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": (
f'There were {self.n_failures} failures, out of {self.n_tests} tests.\nThe suite ran in'
f' {self.time}.'
"emoji": True,
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = 40
_a = {k: v["failed"] for k, v in doc_test_results.items() if isinstance(__a , __a )}
_a = ""
for category, failures in category_failures.items():
if len(__a ) == 0:
if report != "":
report += "\n\n"
report += f'*{category} failures*:'.ljust(line_length // 2 ).rjust(line_length // 2 ) + "\n"
report += "`"
report += "`\n`".join(__a )
report += "`"
return {
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": f'The following examples had failures:\n\n\n{report}\n',
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = [self.header]
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.append(self.failures )
if self.n_failures > 0:
blocks.extend([self.category_failures] )
if self.n_failures == 0:
blocks.append(self.no_failures )
return json.dumps(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( ):
_a = [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "There was an issue running the tests.",
"accessory": {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Check Action results", "emoji": True},
"url": f'{os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]}',
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(__a )} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text="There was an issue running the tests." , blocks=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
print("Sending the following payload" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": json.loads(self.payload )} ) )
_a = f'{self.n_failures} failures out of {self.n_tests} tests,' if self.n_failures else "All tests passed."
_a = client.chat_postMessage(
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , blocks=self.payload , text=__a , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : List[str] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : int ):
_a = ""
for key, value in failures.items():
_a = value[:2_00] + " [Truncated]" if len(__a ) > 2_50 else value
failures_text += f'*{key}*\n_{value}_\n\n'
_a = job_name
_a = {"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": text}}
if job_link is not None:
_a = {
"type": "button",
"text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "GitHub Action job", "emoji": True},
"url": job_link,
return [
{"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": title.upper(), "emoji": True}},
{"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": failures_text}},
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
if self.thread_ts is None:
raise ValueError("Can only post reply if a post has been made." )
_a = self.doc_test_results.pop("job_link" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("failures" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("success" )
self.doc_test_results.pop("time_spent" )
_a = sorted(self.doc_test_results.items() , key=lambda __a : t[0] )
for job, job_result in sorted_dict:
if len(job_result["failures"] ):
_a = f'*Num failures* :{len(job_result["failed"] )} \n'
_a = job_result["failures"]
_a = self.get_reply_blocks(__a , __a , __a , text=__a )
print("Sending the following reply" )
print(json.dumps({"blocks": blocks} ) )
channel=os.environ["CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY"] , text=f'Results for {job}' , blocks=__a , thread_ts=self.thread_ts["ts"] , )
time.sleep(1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = os.environ["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]
_a = F'{run_id}/jobs?per_page=100'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()
_a = {}
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
_a = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100 )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = requests.get(url + F'&page={i + 2}' ).json()
jobs.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]} )
return jobs
except Exception as e:
print("Unknown error, could not fetch links." , lowercase )
return {}
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = {}
if os.path.exists(lowercase ):
_a = os.listdir(lowercase )
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase ) , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
_a =
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
raise ValueError(F'Could not open {os.path.join(lowercase , lowercase )}.' ) from e
return _artifact
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : str ):
_a = name
_a = []
def __str__( self : List[str] ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str ):
self.paths.append({"name":, "path": path} )
_a = {}
_a = filter(os.path.isdir , os.listdir() )
for directory in directories:
_a = directory
if artifact_name not in _available_artifacts:
_a = Artifact(lowercase )
_available_artifacts[artifact_name].add_path(lowercase )
return _available_artifacts
if __name__ == "__main__":
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = get_job_links()
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = retrieve_available_artifacts()
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = collections.OrderedDict(
('*.py', 'API Examples'),
('*.md', 'MD Examples'),
# This dict will contain all the information relative to each doc test category:
# - failed: list of failed tests
# - failures: dict in the format 'test': 'error_message'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
v: {
'failed': [],
'failures': {},
for v in docs.values()
# Link to the GitHub Action job
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = github_actions_job_links.get('run_doctests')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = available_artifacts['doc_tests_gpu_test_reports'].paths[0]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = retrieve_artifact(artifact_path['name'])
if "stats" in artifact:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = handle_test_results(artifact['stats'])
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = failed
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = success
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = time_spent[1:-1] + ', '
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = extract_first_line_failure(artifact['failures_short'])
for line in artifact["summary_short"].split('\n'):
if'FAILED', line):
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = line.replace('FAILED ', '')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line.split()[0].replace('\n', '')
if "::" in line:
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = line.split('::')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = line, line
for file_regex in docs.keys():
if fnmatch(file_path, file_regex):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = docs[file_regex]
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = all_failures[test] if test in all_failures else 'N/A'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = failure
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = Message('🤗 Results of the doc tests.', doc_test_results)
| 355 |
'''simple docstring'''
from transformers import HfArgumentParser, TensorFlowBenchmark, TensorFlowBenchmarkArguments
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> str:
_a = HfArgumentParser(lowercase )
_a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
_a = TensorFlowBenchmark(args=lowercase )
_a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
except ValueError as e:
_a = "Arg --no_{0} is no longer used, please use --no-{0} instead."
_a = " ".join(str(lowercase ).split(" " )[:-1] )
_a = ""
_a = eval(str(lowercase ).split(" " )[-1] )
_a = []
for arg in depreciated_args:
# arg[2:] removes '--'
if arg[2:] in TensorFlowBenchmark.deprecated_args:
# arg[5:] removes '--no_'
full_error_msg += arg_error_msg.format(arg[5:] )
wrong_args.append(lowercase )
if len(lowercase ) > 0:
_a = full_error_msg + begin_error_msg + str(lowercase )
raise ValueError(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import copy
from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ...utils import logging
from import CONFIG_MAPPING
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {
'ut/deta': '',
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a ='deta'
__a ={
'hidden_size': 'd_model',
'num_attention_heads': 'encoder_attention_heads',
def __init__( self : List[str] , __a : int=None , __a : Optional[Any]=9_00 , __a : str=20_48 , __a : Any=6 , __a : List[str]=20_48 , __a : Tuple=8 , __a : Optional[int]=6 , __a : str=10_24 , __a : str=8 , __a : Optional[int]=0.0 , __a : Optional[Any]=True , __a : Tuple="relu" , __a : Tuple=2_56 , __a : int=0.1 , __a : str=0.0 , __a : Union[str, Any]=0.0 , __a : Tuple=0.02 , __a : List[str]=1.0 , __a : Tuple=True , __a : List[str]=False , __a : int="sine" , __a : Tuple=5 , __a : Union[str, Any]=4 , __a : Any=4 , __a : Any=True , __a : List[Any]=3_00 , __a : int=True , __a : List[str]=True , __a : Any=1 , __a : Union[str, Any]=5 , __a : int=2 , __a : List[Any]=1 , __a : Any=1 , __a : str=5 , __a : str=2 , __a : Dict=0.1 , __a : List[Any]=0.25 , **__a : List[Any] , ):
if backbone_config is None:"`backbone_config` is `None`. Initializing the config with the default `ResNet` backbone." )
_a = CONFIG_MAPPING["resnet"](out_features=["stage2", "stage3", "stage4"] )
if isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = backbone_config.pop("model_type" )
_a = CONFIG_MAPPING[backbone_model_type]
_a = config_class.from_dict(__a )
_a = backbone_config
_a = num_queries
_a = max_position_embeddings
_a = d_model
_a = encoder_ffn_dim
_a = encoder_layers
_a = encoder_attention_heads
_a = decoder_ffn_dim
_a = decoder_layers
_a = decoder_attention_heads
_a = dropout
_a = attention_dropout
_a = activation_dropout
_a = activation_function
_a = init_std
_a = init_xavier_std
_a = encoder_layerdrop
_a = auxiliary_loss
_a = position_embedding_type
# deformable attributes
_a = num_feature_levels
_a = encoder_n_points
_a = decoder_n_points
_a = two_stage
_a = two_stage_num_proposals
_a = with_box_refine
_a = assign_first_stage
if two_stage is True and with_box_refine is False:
raise ValueError("If two_stage is True, with_box_refine must be True." )
# Hungarian matcher
_a = class_cost
_a = bbox_cost
_a = giou_cost
# Loss coefficients
_a = mask_loss_coefficient
_a = dice_loss_coefficient
_a = bbox_loss_coefficient
_a = giou_loss_coefficient
_a = eos_coefficient
_a = focal_alpha
super().__init__(is_encoder_decoder=__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
return self.encoder_attention_heads
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
return self.d_model
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__ )
_a = self.backbone_config.to_dict()
_a = self.__class__.model_type
return output
| 356 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
import warnings
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = None
import msvcrt
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = None
import fcntl
except ImportError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = None
# Backward compatibility
# ------------------------------------------------
except NameError:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = OSError
# Data
# ------------------------------------------------
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = [
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = '3.0.12'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = None
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
global _logger
_a = _logger or logging.getLogger(__name__ )
return _logger
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : Optional[Any] ):
_a = lock_file
return None
def __str__( self : Any ):
_a = f'The file lock \'{self.lock_file}\' could not be acquired.'
return temp
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : Optional[int] ):
_a = lock
return None
def __enter__( self : str ):
return self.lock
def __exit__( self : List[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
return None
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[int]=-1 , __a : Tuple=None ):
_a = max_filename_length if max_filename_length is not None else 2_55
# Hash the filename if it's too long
_a = self.hash_filename_if_too_long(__a , __a )
# The path to the lock file.
_a = lock_file
# The file descriptor for the *_lock_file* as it is returned by the
# function.
# This file lock is only NOT None, if the object currently holds the
# lock.
_a = None
# The default timeout value.
_a = timeout
# We use this lock primarily for the lock counter.
_a = threading.Lock()
# The lock counter is used for implementing the nested locking
# mechanism. Whenever the lock is acquired, the counter is increased and
# the lock is only released, when this value is 0 again.
_a = 0
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return self._lock_file
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
return self._timeout
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] ):
_a = float(__a )
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
return self._lock_file_fd is not None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : int=None , __a : Tuple=0.05 ):
# Use the default timeout, if no timeout is provided.
if timeout is None:
_a = self.timeout
# Increment the number right at the beginning.
# We can still undo it, if something fails.
with self._thread_lock:
self._lock_counter += 1
_a = id(self )
_a = self._lock_file
_a = time.time()
while True:
with self._thread_lock:
if not self.is_locked:
logger().debug(f'Attempting to acquire lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
if self.is_locked:
logger().debug(f'Lock {lock_id} acquired on {lock_filename}' )
elif timeout >= 0 and time.time() - start_time > timeout:
logger().debug(f'Timeout on acquiring lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
raise Timeout(self._lock_file )
f'Lock {lock_id} not acquired on {lock_filename}, waiting {poll_intervall} seconds ...' )
time.sleep(__a )
except: # noqa
# Something did go wrong, so decrement the counter.
with self._thread_lock:
_a = max(0 , self._lock_counter - 1 )
return _Acquire_ReturnProxy(lock=self )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : int=False ):
with self._thread_lock:
if self.is_locked:
self._lock_counter -= 1
if self._lock_counter == 0 or force:
_a = id(self )
_a = self._lock_file
logger().debug(f'Attempting to release lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
_a = 0
logger().debug(f'Lock {lock_id} released on {lock_filename}' )
return None
def __enter__( self : List[Any] ):
return self
def __exit__( self : str , __a : str , __a : Dict , __a : Dict ):
return None
def __del__( self : int ):
self.release(force=__a )
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : str , __a : int ):
_a = os.path.basename(__a )
if len(__a ) > max_length and max_length > 0:
_a = os.path.dirname(__a )
_a = str(hash(__a ) )
_a = filename[: max_length - len(__a ) - 8] + "..." + hashed_filename + ".lock"
return os.path.join(__a , __a )
return path
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : int , __a : str , __a : List[Any]=-1 , __a : List[Any]=None ):
from .file_utils import relative_to_absolute_path
super().__init__(__a , timeout=__a , max_filename_length=__a )
_a = "\\\\?\\" + relative_to_absolute_path(self.lock_file )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
except OSError:
msvcrt.locking(__a , msvcrt.LK_NBLCK , 1 )
except OSError:
os.close(__a )
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self._lock_file_fd
_a = None
msvcrt.locking(__a , msvcrt.LK_UNLCK , 1 )
os.close(__a )
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# Probably another instance of the application
# that acquired the file lock.
except OSError:
return None
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[str] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any]=-1 , __a : int=None ):
_a = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(__a ) ).f_namemax
super().__init__(__a , timeout=__a , max_filename_length=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
fcntl.flock(__a , fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB )
except OSError:
os.close(__a )
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
# Do not remove the lockfile:
_a = self._lock_file_fd
_a = None
fcntl.flock(__a , fcntl.LOCK_UN )
os.close(__a )
return None
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_TRUNC
_a = , __a )
except OSError:
_a = fd
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
os.close(self._lock_file_fd )
_a = None
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# The file is already deleted and that's what we want.
except OSError:
return None
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = None
if msvcrt:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = WindowsFileLock
elif fcntl:
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = UnixFileLock
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = SoftFileLock
if warnings is not None:
warnings.warn('only soft file lock is available')
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import PIL
import torch
from ...models import UNetaDModel
from ...schedulers import RePaintScheduler
from ...utils import PIL_INTERPOLATION, logging, randn_tensor
from ..pipeline_utils import DiffusionPipeline, ImagePipelineOutput
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = logging.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[List, PIL.Image.Image, torch.Tensor] ) -> int:
"The preprocess method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please"
" use VaeImageProcessor.preprocess instead" , lowercase , )
if isinstance(lowercase , torch.Tensor ):
return image
elif isinstance(lowercase , PIL.Image.Image ):
_a = [image]
if isinstance(image[0] , PIL.Image.Image ):
_a , _a = image[0].size
_a , _a = (x - x % 8 for x in (w, h)) # resize to integer multiple of 8
_a = [np.array(i.resize((w, h) , resample=PIL_INTERPOLATION["lanczos"] ) )[None, :] for i in image]
_a = np.concatenate(lowercase , axis=0 )
_a = np.array(lowercase ).astype(np.floataa ) / 255.0
_a = image.transpose(0 , 3 , 1 , 2 )
_a = 2.0 * image - 1.0
_a = torch.from_numpy(lowercase )
elif isinstance(image[0] , torch.Tensor ):
_a = , dim=0 )
return image
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[List, PIL.Image.Image, torch.Tensor] ) -> List[str]:
if isinstance(lowercase , torch.Tensor ):
return mask
elif isinstance(lowercase , PIL.Image.Image ):
_a = [mask]
if isinstance(mask[0] , PIL.Image.Image ):
_a , _a = mask[0].size
_a , _a = (x - x % 32 for x in (w, h)) # resize to integer multiple of 32
_a = [np.array(m.convert("L" ).resize((w, h) , resample=PIL_INTERPOLATION["nearest"] ) )[None, :] for m in mask]
_a = np.concatenate(lowercase , axis=0 )
_a = mask.astype(np.floataa ) / 255.0
_a = 0
_a = 1
_a = torch.from_numpy(lowercase )
elif isinstance(mask[0] , torch.Tensor ):
_a = , dim=0 )
return mask
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =42
__a =42
def __init__( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : Tuple ):
self.register_modules(unet=__a , scheduler=__a )
def __call__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image] , __a : Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image] , __a : int = 2_50 , __a : float = 0.0 , __a : int = 10 , __a : int = 10 , __a : Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]] = None , __a : Optional[str] = "pil" , __a : bool = True , ):
_a = image
_a = _preprocess_image(__a )
_a = , dtype=self.unet.dtype )
_a = _preprocess_mask(__a )
_a = , dtype=self.unet.dtype )
_a = original_image.shape[0]
# sample gaussian noise to begin the loop
if isinstance(__a , __a ) and len(__a ) != batch_size:
raise ValueError(
f'You have passed a list of generators of length {len(__a )}, but requested an effective batch'
f' size of {batch_size}. Make sure the batch size matches the length of the generators.' )
_a = original_image.shape
_a = randn_tensor(__a , generator=__a , device=self.device , dtype=self.unet.dtype )
# set step values
self.scheduler.set_timesteps(__a , __a , __a , self.device )
_a = eta
_a = self.scheduler.timesteps[0] + 1
_a = generator[0] if isinstance(__a , __a ) else generator
for i, t in enumerate(self.progress_bar(self.scheduler.timesteps ) ):
if t < t_last:
# predict the noise residual
_a = self.unet(__a , __a ).sample
# compute previous image: x_t -> x_t-1
_a = self.scheduler.step(__a , __a , __a , __a , __a , __a ).prev_sample
# compute the reverse: x_t-1 -> x_t
_a = self.scheduler.undo_step(__a , __a , __a )
_a = t
_a = (image / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0 , 1 )
_a = image.cpu().permute(0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ).numpy()
if output_type == "pil":
_a = self.numpy_to_pil(__a )
if not return_dict:
return (image,)
return ImagePipelineOutput(images=__a )
| 357 |
'''simple docstring'''
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
"""simple docstring"""
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42 # [batch_size x 3]
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
__a =42
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
assert self.x.shape[0] == self.y.shape[0] == self.z.shape[0] == self.origin.shape[0]
assert self.x.shape[1] == self.y.shape[1] == self.z.shape[1] == self.origin.shape[1] == 3
assert len(self.x.shape ) == len(self.y.shape ) == len(self.z.shape ) == len(self.origin.shape ) == 2
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
return torch.from_numpy(np.array([self.width, self.height] , dtype=np.floataa ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
return torch.from_numpy(np.array([self.x_fov, self.y_fov] , dtype=np.floataa ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = torch.arange(self.height * self.width )
_a = torch.stack(
pixel_indices % self.width,
torch.div(__a , self.width , rounding_mode="trunc" ),
] , axis=1 , )
return coords
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a , *_a = self.shape
_a = int( ) )
_a = self.get_image_coords()
_a = torch.broadcast_to(coords.unsqueeze(0 ) , [batch_size * inner_batch_size, *coords.shape] )
_a = self.get_camera_rays(__a )
_a = rays.view(__a , inner_batch_size * self.height * self.width , 2 , 3 )
return rays
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : torch.Tensor ):
_a , *_a , _a = coords.shape
assert n_coords == 2
assert batch_size == self.origin.shape[0]
_a = coords.view(__a , -1 , 2 )
_a = self.resolution()
_a = self.fov()
_a = (flat.float() / (res - 1)) * 2 - 1
_a = fracs * torch.tan(fov / 2 )
_a = fracs.view(__a , -1 , 2 )
_a = (
self.z.view(__a , 1 , 3 )
+ self.x.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) * fracs[:, :, :1]
+ self.y.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) * fracs[:, :, 1:]
_a = directions / directions.norm(dim=-1 , keepdim=__a )
_a = torch.stack(
torch.broadcast_to(self.origin.view(__a , 1 , 3 ) , [batch_size, directions.shape[1], 3] ),
] , dim=2 , )
return rays.view(__a , *__a , 2 , 3 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : int , __a : int ):
assert width * self.height == height * self.width, "The aspect ratio should not change."
return DifferentiableProjectiveCamera(
origin=self.origin , x=self.x , y=self.y , z=self.z , width=__a , height=__a , x_fov=self.x_fov , y_fov=self.y_fov , )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> DifferentiableProjectiveCamera:
_a = []
_a = []
_a = []
_a = []
for theta in np.linspace(0 , 2 * np.pi , num=20 ):
_a = np.array([np.sin(lowercase ), np.cos(lowercase ), -0.5] )
z /= np.sqrt(np.sum(z**2 ) )
_a = -z * 4
_a = np.array([np.cos(lowercase ), -np.sin(lowercase ), 0.0] )
_a = np.cross(lowercase , lowercase )
origins.append(lowercase )
xs.append(lowercase )
ys.append(lowercase )
zs.append(lowercase )
return DifferentiableProjectiveCamera(
origin=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , x=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , y=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , z=torch.from_numpy(np.stack(lowercase , axis=0 ) ).float() , width=lowercase , height=lowercase , x_fov=0.7 , y_fov=0.7 , shape=(1, len(lowercase )) , )
| 346 | 0 |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import (
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'configuration_blenderbot': [
'tokenization_blenderbot': ['BlenderbotTokenizer'],
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = ['BlenderbotTokenizerFast']
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : Any = [
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = [
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = [
from .configuration_blenderbot import (
from .tokenization_blenderbot import BlenderbotTokenizer
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .tokenization_blenderbot_fast import BlenderbotTokenizerFast
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_blenderbot import (
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_tf_blenderbot import (
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_flax_blenderbot import (
import sys
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()['__file__'], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 358 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = TypeVar('T')
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = TypeVar('U')
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : T | None , __a : U | None ):
_a = key
_a = val
_a = None
_a = None
def __repr__( self : Any ):
return (
f'Node: key: {self.key}, val: {self.val}, '
f'has next: {bool( )}, has prev: {bool(self.prev )}'
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict ):
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
_a , _a = self.rear, self.head
def __repr__( self : str ):
_a = ["DoubleLinkedList"]
_a = self.head
while is not None:
rep.append(str(__a ) )
_a =
rep.append(str(self.rear ) )
return ",\n ".join(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : DoubleLinkedListNode[T, U] ):
_a = self.rear.prev
# All nodes other than self.head are guaranteed to have non-None previous
assert previous is not None
_a = node
_a = previous
_a = node
_a = self.rear
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : DoubleLinkedListNode[T, U] ):
if node.prev is None or is None:
return None
_a =
_a = node.prev
_a = None
_a = None
return node
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (Generic[T, U] ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a ={}
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : int ):
_a = DoubleLinkedList()
_a = capacity
_a = 0
_a = 0
_a = 0
_a = {}
def __repr__( self : Optional[int] ):
return (
f'CacheInfo(hits={self.hits}, misses={self.miss}, '
f'capacity={self.capacity}, current size={self.num_keys})'
def __contains__( self : str , __a : T ):
return key in self.cache
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : T ):
# Note: pythonic interface would throw KeyError rather than return None
if key in self.cache:
self.hits += 1
_a = self.cache[key]
_a = self.list.remove(self.cache[key] )
assert node == value_node
# node is guaranteed not None because it is in self.cache
assert node is not None
self.list.add(__a )
return node.val
self.miss += 1
return None
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : T , __a : U ):
if key not in self.cache:
if self.num_keys >= self.capacity:
# delete first node (oldest) when over capacity
_a =
# guaranteed to have a non-None first node when num_keys > 0
# explain to type checker via assertions
assert first_node is not None
assert first_node.key is not None
assert (
self.list.remove(__a ) is not None
) # node guaranteed to be in list assert node.key is not None
del self.cache[first_node.key]
self.num_keys -= 1
_a = DoubleLinkedListNode(__a , __a )
self.list.add(self.cache[key] )
self.num_keys += 1
# bump node to the end of the list, update value
_a = self.list.remove(self.cache[key] )
assert node is not None # node guaranteed to be in list
_a = value
self.list.add(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Tuple , __a : int = 1_28 ):
def cache_decorator_inner(__a : Callable[[T], U] ) -> Callable[..., U]:
def cache_decorator_wrapper(*__a : T ) -> U:
if func not in cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map:
_a = LRUCache(__a )
_a = cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func].get(args[0] )
if result is None:
_a = func(*__a )
cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func].put(args[0] , __a )
return result
def cache_info() -> LRUCache[T, U]:
return cls.decorator_function_to_instance_map[func]
setattr(__a , "cache_info" , __a ) # noqa: B010
return cache_decorator_wrapper
return cache_decorator_inner
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import os
import socket
from contextlib import contextmanager
import torch
from ..commands.config.default import write_basic_config # noqa: F401
from ..state import PartialState
from .dataclasses import DistributedType
from .imports import is_deepspeed_available, is_tpu_available
from .transformer_engine import convert_model
from .versions import is_torch_version
if is_deepspeed_available():
from deepspeed import DeepSpeedEngine
if is_tpu_available(check_device=False):
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Any:
if is_torch_version("<" , "2.0.0" ) or not hasattr(lowercase , "_dynamo" ):
return False
return isinstance(lowercase , torch._dynamo.eval_frame.OptimizedModule )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : bool = True ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = (torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel, torch.nn.DataParallel)
_a = is_compiled_module(lowercase )
if is_compiled:
_a = model
_a = model._orig_mod
if is_deepspeed_available():
options += (DeepSpeedEngine,)
while isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ):
_a = model.module
if not keep_fpaa_wrapper:
_a = getattr(lowercase , "forward" )
_a = model.__dict__.pop("_original_forward" , lowercase )
if original_forward is not None:
while hasattr(lowercase , "__wrapped__" ):
_a = forward.__wrapped__
if forward == original_forward:
_a = forward
if getattr(lowercase , "_converted_to_transformer_engine" , lowercase ):
convert_model(lowercase , to_transformer_engine=lowercase )
if is_compiled:
_a = model
_a = compiled_model
return model
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Dict:
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if PartialState().distributed_type == DistributedType.TPU: , lowercase )
elif PartialState().local_process_index == 0: , lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( **lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
_a = str(lowercase )
for key in kwargs:
if key.upper() in os.environ:
del os.environ[key.upper()]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[int]:
if not hasattr(lowercase , "__qualname__" ) and not hasattr(lowercase , "__name__" ):
_a = getattr(lowercase , "__class__" , lowercase )
if hasattr(lowercase , "__qualname__" ):
return obj.__qualname__
if hasattr(lowercase , "__name__" ):
return obj.__name__
return str(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ):
_a = destination.setdefault(lowercase , {} )
merge_dicts(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = value
return destination
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = None ) -> bool:
if port is None:
_a = 2_9500
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET , socket.SOCK_STREAM ) as s:
return s.connect_ex(("localhost", port) ) == 0
| 359 |
'''simple docstring'''
import re
from filelock import FileLock
import nltk
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = True
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = False
with FileLock('.lock') as lock:'punkt', quiet=True)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
re.sub("<n>" , "" , lowercase ) # remove pegasus newline char
assert NLTK_AVAILABLE, "nltk must be installed to separate newlines between sentences. (pip install nltk)"
return "\n".join(nltk.sent_tokenize(lowercase ) )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import contextlib
import csv
import json
import os
import sqlitea
import tarfile
import textwrap
import zipfile
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pytest
import datasets
import datasets.config
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = 10
_a = datasets.Features(
"tokens": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string" ) ),
"labels": datasets.Sequence(datasets.ClassLabel(names=["negative", "positive"] ) ),
"answers": datasets.Sequence(
"text": datasets.Value("string" ),
"answer_start": datasets.Value("int32" ),
} ),
"id": datasets.Value("int64" ),
} )
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(
"tokens": [["foo"] * 5] * n,
"labels": [[1] * 5] * n,
"answers": [{"answer_start": [97], "text": ["1976"]}] * 10,
"id": list(range(lowercase ) ),
} , features=lowercase , )
return dataset
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.arrow" ) )
return filename
# FILE_CONTENT + files
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = '\\n Text data.\n Second line of data.'
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt"
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.bz2"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Optional[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.gz" )
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if datasets.config.LZ4_AVAILABLE:
import lza.frame
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.lz4"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple ) -> Optional[Any]:
if datasets.config.PY7ZR_AVAILABLE:
import pyazr
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.7z"
with pyazr.SevenZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as archive:
archive.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Dict:
import tarfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import lzma
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.xz"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : Any ) -> Union[str, Any]:
import zipfile
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> List[str]:
if datasets.config.ZSTANDARD_AVAILABLE:
import zstandard as zstd
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.txt.zst"
_a = bytes(lowercase , "utf-8" )
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "file.xml"
_a = textwrap.dedent(
"\\n <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n <tmx version=\"1.4\">\n <header segtype=\"sentence\" srclang=\"ca\" />\n <body>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 1</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 1</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 2</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 2</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 3</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 3</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 4</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 4</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n <tu>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"ca\"><seg>Contingut 5</seg></tuv>\n <tuv xml:lang=\"en\"><seg>Content 5</seg></tuv>\n </tu>\n </body>\n </tmx>" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return filename
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = [
{'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': '2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': '3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': '4', 'col_2': 4, 'col_3': 4.0},
{'col_1': '5', 'col_2': 5, 'col_3': 5.0},
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = {
'col_1': ['0', '1', '2', '3'],
'col_2': [0, 1, 2, 3],
'col_3': [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = [
{'col_3': 0.0, 'col_1': '0', 'col_2': 0},
{'col_3': 1.0, 'col_1': '1', 'col_2': 1},
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = [
{'col_1': 's0', 'col_2': 0, 'col_3': 0.0},
{'col_1': 's1', 'col_2': 1, 'col_3': 1.0},
{'col_1': 's2', 'col_2': 2, 'col_3': 2.0},
{'col_1': 's3', 'col_2': 3, 'col_3': 3.0},
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> List[str]:
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> str:
_a = datasets.Dataset.from_dict(lowercase )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.arrow" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> Dict:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.sqlite" )
with contextlib.closing(sqlitea.connect(lowercase ) ) as con:
_a = con.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE dataset(col_1 text, col_2 int, col_3 real)" )
for item in DATA:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO dataset(col_1, col_2, col_3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" , tuple(item.values() ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.csv" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , newline="" ) as f:
_a = csv.DictWriter(lowercase , fieldnames=["col_1", "col_2", "col_3"] )
for item in DATA:
writer.writerow(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> int:
import bza
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.csv.bz2"
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as f:
_a =
# data = bytes(FILE_CONTENT, "utf-8")
with , "wb" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Any ) -> List[str]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Any , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csv_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(csva_path.replace(".csv" , ".CSV" ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.parquet" )
_a = pa.schema(
"col_1": pa.string(),
"col_2": pa.intaa(),
"col_3": pa.floataa(),
} )
with open(lowercase , "wb" ) as f:
_a = pq.ParquetWriter(lowercase , schema=lowercase )
_a = pa.Table.from_pydict({k: [DATA[i][k] for i in range(len(lowercase ) )] for k in DATA[0]} , schema=lowercase )
writer.write_table(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.json" )
_a = {"data": DATA_DICT_OF_LISTS}
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
json.dump(lowercase , lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> str:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[str]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_312.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_312:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset-str.jsonl" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in DATA_STR:
f.write(json.dumps(lowercase ) + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Tuple:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> List[Any]:
import gzip
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.gz" )
with open(lowercase , "rb" ) as orig_file:
with , "wb" ) as zipped_file:
zipped_file.writelines(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[Any] , lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : int , lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Optional[int]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Optional[int] , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : str ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Optional[int] ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_nested.jsonl.tar"
with tarfile.TarFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.add(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("nested" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> str:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset2.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Union[str, Any] ) -> Dict:
_a = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with open(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
for item in data:
f.write(item + "\n" )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Union[str, Any] , lowercase : Any ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : List[str] ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.join("main_dir" , os.path.basename(lowercase ) ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported.ext" ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename("unsupported_2.ext" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[Any] ) -> Any:
_a = "\n".join(["First", "Second\u2029with Unicode new line", "Third"] )
_a = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / "dataset_with_unicode_new_lines.txt" )
with open(lowercase , "w" , encoding="utf-8" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[Any]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_image_rgb.jpg" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Optional[int]:
return os.path.join("tests" , "features" , "data" , "test_audio_44100.wav" )
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : str ) -> Dict:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data" ) / ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(lowercase , "w" ) as f:
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ) )
f.write(lowercase , arcname=os.path.basename(lowercase ).replace(".jpg" , "2.jpg" ) )
return path
@pytest.fixture(scope="session" )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> str:
_a = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data_dir" )
(data_dir / "subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden file
with open(data_dir / "subdir" / ".test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
# hidden directory
(data_dir / ".subdir").mkdir()
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "train.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("foo\n" * 10 )
with open(data_dir / ".subdir" / "test.txt" , "w" ) as f:
f.write("bar\n" * 10 )
return data_dir
| 360 |
'''simple docstring'''
import requests
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = 'YOUR API KEY'
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : str = giphy_api_key ) -> list:
_a = "+".join(query.split() )
_a = F'{formatted_query}&api_key={api_key}'
_a = requests.get(lowercase ).json()["data"]
return [gif["url"] for gif in gifs]
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('\n'.join(get_gifs('space ship')))
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import os
import unicodedata
from shutil import copyfile
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import sentencepiece as spm
from ...tokenization_utils import AddedToken, PreTrainedTokenizer
from ...utils import SPIECE_UNDERLINE, logging
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[Any] = {'vocab_file': 'spiece.model'}
lowerCAmelCase_ : Tuple = {
'vocab_file': {
'TsinghuaAI/CPM-Generate': '',
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : Any , __a : Optional[int]=False , __a : List[Any]=True , __a : str=False , __a : Union[str, Any]="<s>" , __a : Optional[Any]="</s>" , __a : List[str]="<unk>" , __a : Tuple="<sep>" , __a : Optional[int]="<pad>" , __a : Tuple="<cls>" , __a : Tuple="<mask>" , __a : Optional[Any]=["<eop>", "<eod>"] , __a : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None , **__a : Tuple , ):
_a = AddedToken(__a , lstrip=__a , rstrip=__a ) if isinstance(__a , __a ) else mask_token
_a = {} if sp_model_kwargs is None else sp_model_kwargs
do_lower_case=__a , remove_space=__a , keep_accents=__a , bos_token=__a , eos_token=__a , unk_token=__a , sep_token=__a , pad_token=__a , cls_token=__a , mask_token=__a , additional_special_tokens=__a , sp_model_kwargs=self.sp_model_kwargs , **__a , )
_a = 3
_a = do_lower_case
_a = remove_space
_a = keep_accents
_a = vocab_file
_a = spm.SentencePieceProcessor(**self.sp_model_kwargs )
self.sp_model.Load(__a )
import jieba
except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
raise error.__class__(
"You need to install jieba to use CpmTokenizer or CpmTokenizerFast. "
"See for installation." )
_a = jieba
_a = str.maketrans(" \n" , "\u2582\u2583" )
# Copied from transformers.models.xlnet.tokenization_xlnet.XLNetTokenizer.vocab_size
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
return len(self.sp_model )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = {self.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a ): i for i in range(self.vocab_size )}
vocab.update(self.added_tokens_encoder )
return vocab
def __getstate__( self : str ):
_a = self.__dict__.copy()
_a = None
return state
def __setstate__( self : Tuple , __a : Dict ):
_a = d
# for backward compatibility
if not hasattr(self , "sp_model_kwargs" ):
_a = {}
_a = spm.SentencePieceProcessor(**self.sp_model_kwargs )
self.sp_model.Load(self.vocab_file )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : str ):
if self.remove_space:
_a = " ".join(inputs.strip().split() )
_a = inputs
_a = outputs.replace("``" , "\"" ).replace("''" , "\"" )
if not self.keep_accents:
_a = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD" , __a )
_a = "".join([c for c in outputs if not unicodedata.combining(__a )] )
if self.do_lower_case:
_a = outputs.lower()
return outputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str ):
_a = self.preprocess_text(__a )
_a = self.sp_model.encode(__a , out_type=__a )
_a = []
for piece in pieces:
if len(__a ) > 1 and piece[-1] == str("," ) and piece[-2].isdigit():
_a = self.sp_model.EncodeAsPieces(piece[:-1].replace(__a , "" ) )
if piece[0] != SPIECE_UNDERLINE and cur_pieces[0][0] == SPIECE_UNDERLINE:
if len(cur_pieces[0] ) == 1:
_a = cur_pieces[1:]
_a = cur_pieces[0][1:]
cur_pieces.append(piece[-1] )
new_pieces.extend(__a )
new_pieces.append(__a )
return new_pieces
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : Tuple ):
return self.sp_model.PieceToId(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : List[str] ):
return self.sp_model.IdToPiece(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[int] ):
_a = "".join(__a ).replace(__a , " " ).strip()
return out_string
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[int] , __a : Optional[List[int]] = None ):
_a = [self.sep_token_id]
_a = [self.cls_token_id]
if token_ids_a is None:
return token_ids_a + sep + cls
return token_ids_a + sep + token_ids_a + sep + cls
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : List[int] , __a : Optional[List[int]] = None , __a : bool = False ):
if already_has_special_tokens:
return super().get_special_tokens_mask(
token_ids_a=__a , token_ids_a=__a , already_has_special_tokens=__a )
if token_ids_a is not None:
return ([0] * len(__a )) + [1] + ([0] * len(__a )) + [1, 1]
return ([0] * len(__a )) + [1, 1]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[int] , __a : Optional[List[int]] = None ):
_a = [self.sep_token_id]
_a = [2]
if token_ids_a is None:
return len(token_ids_a + sep ) * [0] + cls_segment_id
return len(token_ids_a + sep ) * [0] + len(token_ids_a + sep ) * [1] + cls_segment_id
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : str , __a : Optional[str] = None ):
if not os.path.isdir(__a ):
logger.error(f'Vocabulary path ({save_directory}) should be a directory' )
_a = os.path.join(
__a , (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"] )
if os.path.abspath(self.vocab_file ) != os.path.abspath(__a ) and os.path.isfile(self.vocab_file ):
copyfile(self.vocab_file , __a )
elif not os.path.isfile(self.vocab_file ):
with open(__a , "wb" ) as fi:
_a = self.sp_model.serialized_model_proto()
fi.write(__a )
return (out_vocab_file,)
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , *__a : Dict , **__a : List[Any] ):
_a = super()._decode(*__a , **__a )
_a = text.replace(" " , "" ).replace("\u2582" , " " ).replace("\u2583" , "\n" )
return text
| 361 |
'''simple docstring'''
import unittest
from transformers import BertGenerationTokenizer
from transformers.testing_utils import get_tests_dir, require_sentencepiece, require_torch, slow
from transformers.utils import cached_property
from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = '▁'
lowerCAmelCase_ : Optional[int] = get_tests_dir('fixtures/test_sentencepiece.model')
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =BertGenerationTokenizer
__a =False
__a =True
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = BertGenerationTokenizer(__a , keep_accents=__a )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = "<s>"
_a = 1
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer()._convert_token_to_id(__a ) , __a )
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer()._convert_id_to_token(__a ) , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = list(self.get_tokenizer().get_vocab().keys() )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[0] , "<unk>" )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[1] , "<s>" )
self.assertEqual(vocab_keys[-1] , "<pad>" )
self.assertEqual(len(__a ) , 10_02 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
self.assertEqual(self.get_tokenizer().vocab_size , 10_00 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = BertGenerationTokenizer(__a , keep_accents=__a )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("This is a test" )
self.assertListEqual(__a , ["▁This", "▁is", "▁a", "▁t", "est"] )
tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a ) , [2_85, 46, 10, 1_70, 3_82] , )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("I was born in 92000, and this is falsé." )
__a , [
] , )
_a = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a )
__a , [8, 21, 84, 55, 24, 19, 7, 0, 6_02, 3_47, 3_47, 3_47, 3, 12, 66, 46, 72, 80, 6, 0, 4] , )
_a = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
__a , [
] , )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
return BertGenerationTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/bert_for_seq_generation_L-24_bbc_encoder" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = "Hello World!"
_a = [1_85_36, 22_60, 1_01]
self.assertListEqual(__a , self.big_tokenizer.encode(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = (
"This is a very long text with a lot of weird characters, such as: . , ~ ? ( ) \" [ ] ! : - . Also we will"
" add words that should not exsist and be tokenized to <unk>, such as saoneuhaoesuth"
_a = [
self.assertListEqual(__a , self.big_tokenizer.encode(__a ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
import torch
from transformers import BertGenerationConfig, BertGenerationEncoder
# Build sequence
_a = list(self.big_tokenizer.get_vocab().keys() )[:10]
_a = " ".join(__a )
_a = self.big_tokenizer.encode_plus(__a , return_tensors="pt" , return_token_type_ids=__a )
_a = self.big_tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
[sequence + " " + sequence] , return_tensors="pt" , return_token_type_ids=__a )
_a = BertGenerationConfig()
_a = BertGenerationEncoder(__a )
assert model.get_input_embeddings().weight.shape[0] >= self.big_tokenizer.vocab_size
with torch.no_grad():
model(**__a )
model(**__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
# fmt: off
_a = {"input_ids": [[3_92_86, 4_58, 3_63_35, 20_01, 4_56, 1_30_73, 1_32_66, 4_55, 1_13, 77_46, 17_41, 1_11_57, 3_91, 1_30_73, 1_32_66, 4_55, 1_13, 39_67, 3_54_12, 1_13, 49_36, 1_09, 38_70, 23_77, 1_13, 3_00_84, 4_57_20, 4_58, 1_34, 1_74_96, 1_12, 5_03, 1_16_72, 1_13, 1_18, 1_12, 56_65, 1_33_47, 3_86_87, 1_12, 14_96, 3_13_89, 1_12, 32_68, 4_72_64, 1_34, 9_62, 1_12, 1_63_77, 80_35, 2_31_30, 4_30, 1_21_69, 1_55_18, 2_85_92, 4_58, 1_46, 4_16_97, 1_09, 3_91, 1_21_69, 1_55_18, 1_66_89, 4_58, 1_46, 4_13_58, 1_09, 4_52, 7_26, 40_34, 1_11, 7_63, 3_54_12, 50_82, 3_88, 19_03, 1_11, 90_51, 3_91, 28_70, 4_89_18, 19_00, 11_23, 5_50, 9_98, 1_12, 95_86, 1_59_85, 4_55, 3_91, 4_10, 2_29_55, 3_76_36, 1_14], [4_48, 1_74_96, 4_19, 36_63, 3_85, 7_63, 1_13, 2_75_33, 28_70, 32_83, 1_30_43, 16_39, 2_47_13, 5_23, 6_56, 2_40_13, 1_85_50, 25_21, 5_17, 2_70_14, 2_12_44, 4_20, 12_12, 14_65, 3_91, 9_27, 48_33, 3_88, 5_78, 1_17_86, 1_14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4_84, 21_69, 76_87, 2_19_32, 1_81_46, 7_26, 3_63, 1_70_32, 33_91, 1_14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], "attention_mask": [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]} # noqa: E501
# fmt: on
expected_encoding=__a , model_name="google/bert_for_seq_generation_L-24_bbc_encoder" , revision="c817d1fd1be2ffa69431227a1fe320544943d4db" , )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from ...processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
from ...tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding, PaddingStrategy, PreTokenizedInput, TextInput, TruncationStrategy
from ...utils import TensorType
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['image_processor', 'tokenizer']
__a ='LayoutLMv2ImageProcessor'
__a =('LayoutXLMTokenizer', 'LayoutXLMTokenizerFast')
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : int=None , __a : List[Any]=None , **__a : str ):
if "feature_extractor" in kwargs:
"The `feature_extractor` argument is deprecated and will be removed in v5, use `image_processor`"
" instead." , __a , )
_a = kwargs.pop("feature_extractor" )
_a = image_processor if image_processor is not None else feature_extractor
if image_processor is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify an `image_processor`." )
if tokenizer is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify a `tokenizer`." )
super().__init__(__a , __a )
def __call__( self : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : Union[TextInput, PreTokenizedInput, List[TextInput], List[PreTokenizedInput]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[PreTokenizedInput, List[PreTokenizedInput]]] = None , __a : Union[List[List[int]], List[List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : Optional[Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]] = None , __a : bool = True , __a : Union[bool, str, PaddingStrategy] = False , __a : Union[bool, str, TruncationStrategy] = None , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : int = 0 , __a : Optional[int] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : Optional[bool] = None , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = False , __a : bool = True , __a : Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None , **__a : Optional[Any] , ):
# verify input
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (boxes is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide bounding boxes "
"if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if self.image_processor.apply_ocr and (word_labels is not None):
raise ValueError(
"You cannot provide word labels if you initialized the image processor with apply_ocr set to True." )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True and return_offsets_mapping is False:
raise ValueError("You cannot return overflowing tokens without returning the offsets mapping." )
# first, apply the image processor
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=__a )
# second, apply the tokenizer
if text is not None and self.image_processor.apply_ocr and text_pair is None:
if isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = [text] # add batch dimension (as the image processor always adds a batch dimension)
_a = features["words"]
_a = self.tokenizer(
text=text if text is not None else features["words"] , text_pair=text_pair if text_pair is not None else None , boxes=boxes if boxes is not None else features["boxes"] , word_labels=__a , add_special_tokens=__a , padding=__a , truncation=__a , max_length=__a , stride=__a , pad_to_multiple_of=__a , return_token_type_ids=__a , return_attention_mask=__a , return_overflowing_tokens=__a , return_special_tokens_mask=__a , return_offsets_mapping=__a , return_length=__a , verbose=__a , return_tensors=__a , **__a , )
# add pixel values
_a = features.pop("pixel_values" )
if return_overflowing_tokens is True:
_a = self.get_overflowing_images(__a , encoded_inputs["overflow_to_sample_mapping"] )
_a = images
return encoded_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : List[Any] , __a : int ):
# in case there's an overflow, ensure each `input_ids` sample is mapped to its corresponding image
_a = []
for sample_idx in overflow_to_sample_mapping:
images_with_overflow.append(images[sample_idx] )
if len(__a ) != len(__a ):
raise ValueError(
"Expected length of images to be the same as the length of `overflow_to_sample_mapping`, but got"
f' {len(__a )} and {len(__a )}' )
return images_with_overflow
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Dict , **__a : Union[str, Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : Optional[Any] ):
return self.tokenizer.decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
return ["input_ids", "bbox", "attention_mask", "image"]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
"`feature_extractor_class` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor_class` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor_class
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
"`feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor
| 362 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
if n == 0:
return 0
_a = float("-inf" )
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max(
lowercase , prices[i - 1] + naive_cut_rod_recursive(n - i , lowercase ) )
return max_revue
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Tuple:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = [float("-inf" ) for _ in range(n + 1 )]
return _top_down_cut_rod_recursive(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list , lowercase : list ) -> List[str]:
if max_rev[n] >= 0:
return max_rev[n]
elif n == 0:
return 0
_a = float("-inf" )
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max(
lowercase , prices[i - 1] + _top_down_cut_rod_recursive(n - i , lowercase , lowercase ) , )
_a = max_revenue
return max_rev[n]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Any:
_enforce_args(lowercase , lowercase )
# length(max_rev) = n + 1, to accommodate for the revenue obtainable from a rod of
# length 0.
_a = [float("-inf" ) for _ in range(n + 1 )]
_a = 0
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
_a = max_rev[i]
for j in range(1 , i + 1 ):
_a = max(lowercase , prices[j - 1] + max_rev[i - j] )
_a = max_revenue_i
return max_rev[n]
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : list ) -> Dict:
if n < 0:
_a = F'n must be greater than or equal to 0. Got n = {n}'
raise ValueError(lowercase )
if n > len(lowercase ):
_a = (
"Each integral piece of rod must have a corresponding price. "
F'Got n = {n} but length of prices = {len(lowercase )}'
raise ValueError(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = [6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 23]
_a = len(lowercase )
# the best revenue comes from cutting the rod into 6 pieces, each
# of length 1 resulting in a revenue of 6 * 6 = 36.
_a = 36
_a = top_down_cut_rod(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = bottom_up_cut_rod(lowercase , lowercase )
_a = naive_cut_rod_recursive(lowercase , lowercase )
assert expected_max_revenue == max_rev_top_down
assert max_rev_top_down == max_rev_bottom_up
assert max_rev_bottom_up == max_rev_naive
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import List
from .keymap import KEYMAP, get_character
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> List[Any]:
def decorator(lowercase : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = getattr(lowercase , "handle_key" , [] )
handle += [key]
setattr(lowercase , "handle_key" , lowercase )
return func
return decorator
def _lowerCamelCase ( *lowercase : List[str] ) -> Tuple:
def decorator(lowercase : Optional[Any] ):
_a = getattr(lowercase , "handle_key" , [] )
handle += keys
setattr(lowercase , "handle_key" , lowercase )
return func
return decorator
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __new__( cls : int , __a : Dict , __a : Any , __a : Any ):
_a = super().__new__(cls , __a , __a , __a )
if not hasattr(__a , "key_handler" ):
setattr(__a , "key_handler" , {} )
setattr(__a , "handle_input" , KeyHandler.handle_input )
for value in attrs.values():
_a = getattr(__a , "handle_key" , [] )
for key in handled_keys:
_a = value
return new_cls
def UpperCamelCase__ ( cls : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = get_character()
if char != KEYMAP["undefined"]:
_a = ord(__a )
_a = cls.key_handler.get(__a )
if handler:
_a = char
return handler(cls )
return None
def _lowerCamelCase ( cls : List[str] ) -> Dict:
return KeyHandler(cls.__name__ , cls.__bases__ , cls.__dict__.copy() )
| 363 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import Union
from ..utils import add_end_docstrings, is_torch_available, is_vision_available, logging
from .base import PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS, Pipeline
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from ..image_utils import load_image
if is_torch_available():
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
@add_end_docstrings(lowerCamelCase_ )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , *__a : Optional[int] , **__a : List[str] ):
super().__init__(*__a , **__a )
self.check_model_type(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] , __a : Dict=None , __a : int=None , __a : Optional[Any]=None , **__a : List[Any] ):
_a , _a = {}, {}
if padding is not None:
_a = padding
if truncation is not None:
_a = truncation
if top_k is not None:
_a = top_k
return preprocess_params, {}, postprocess_params
def __call__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Union["Image.Image", str] , __a : str = None , **__a : Any ):
if isinstance(__a , (Image.Image, str) ) and isinstance(__a , __a ):
_a = {"image": image, "question": question}
_a = image
_a = super().__call__(__a , **__a )
return results
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Tuple , __a : Optional[Any]=False , __a : List[Any]=False ):
_a = load_image(inputs["image"] )
_a = self.tokenizer(
inputs["question"] , return_tensors=self.framework , padding=__a , truncation=__a )
_a = self.image_processor(images=__a , return_tensors=self.framework )
model_inputs.update(__a )
return model_inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , __a : List[str] ):
_a = self.model(**__a )
return model_outputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Dict=5 ):
if top_k > self.model.config.num_labels:
_a = self.model.config.num_labels
if self.framework == "pt":
_a = model_outputs.logits.sigmoid()[0]
_a , _a = probs.topk(__a )
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported framework: {self.framework}' )
_a = scores.tolist()
_a = ids.tolist()
return [{"score": score, "answer": self.model.config.idalabel[_id]} for score, _id in zip(__a , __a )]
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import os
import unittest
from transformers import BertTokenizerFast
from transformers.models.bert.tokenization_bert import (
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tokenizers, slow
from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin, filter_non_english
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =BertTokenizer
__a =BertTokenizerFast
__a =True
__a =True
__a =filter_non_english
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
_a = [
_a = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname , VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"] )
with open(self.vocab_file , "w" , encoding="utf-8" ) as vocab_writer:
vocab_writer.write("".join([x + "\n" for x in vocab_tokens] ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : str ):
_a = "UNwant\u00E9d,running"
_a = "unwanted, running"
return input_text, output_text
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = self.tokenizer_class(self.vocab_file )
_a = tokenizer.tokenize("UNwant\u00E9d,running" )
self.assertListEqual(__a , ["un", "##want", "##ed", ",", "runn", "##ing"] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(__a ) , [9, 6, 7, 12, 10, 11] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
if not self.test_rust_tokenizer:
_a = self.get_tokenizer()
_a = self.get_rust_tokenizer()
_a = "UNwant\u00E9d,running"
_a = tokenizer.tokenize(__a )
_a = rust_tokenizer.tokenize(__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
_a = tokenizer.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = rust_tokenizer.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
_a = self.get_rust_tokenizer()
_a = tokenizer.encode(__a )
_a = rust_tokenizer.encode(__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
# With lower casing
_a = self.get_tokenizer(do_lower_case=__a )
_a = self.get_rust_tokenizer(do_lower_case=__a )
_a = "UNwant\u00E9d,running"
_a = tokenizer.tokenize(__a )
_a = rust_tokenizer.tokenize(__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
_a = tokenizer.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = rust_tokenizer.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
_a = self.get_rust_tokenizer()
_a = tokenizer.encode(__a )
_a = rust_tokenizer.encode(__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = BasicTokenizer()
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("ah\u535A\u63A8zz" ) , ["ah", "\u535A", "\u63A8", "zz"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHeLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["hello", "!", "how", "are", "you", "?"] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("H\u00E9llo" ) , ["hello"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a , strip_accents=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHäLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["hällo", "!", "how", "are", "you", "?"] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("H\u00E9llo" ) , ["h\u00E9llo"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a , strip_accents=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHäLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["hallo", "!", "how", "are", "you", "?"] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("H\u00E9llo" ) , ["hello"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHäLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["hallo", "!", "how", "are", "you", "?"] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("H\u00E9llo" ) , ["hello"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHeLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["HeLLo", "!", "how", "Are", "yoU", "?"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a , strip_accents=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHäLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["HäLLo", "!", "how", "Are", "yoU", "?"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a , strip_accents=__a )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHäLLo!how \n Are yoU? " ) , ["HaLLo", "!", "how", "Are", "yoU", "?"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
_a = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=__a , never_split=["[UNK]"] )
tokenizer.tokenize(" \tHeLLo!how \n Are yoU? [UNK]" ) , ["HeLLo", "!", "how", "Are", "yoU", "?", "[UNK]"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = BasicTokenizer()
_a = "a\n'll !!to?'d of, can't."
_a = ["a", "'", "ll", "!", "!", "to", "?", "'", "d", "of", ",", "can", "'", "t", "."]
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize(__a ) , __a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = ["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "want", "##want", "##ed", "wa", "un", "runn", "##ing"]
_a = {}
for i, token in enumerate(__a ):
_a = i
_a = WordpieceTokenizer(vocab=__a , unk_token="[UNK]" )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("" ) , [] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("unwanted running" ) , ["un", "##want", "##ed", "runn", "##ing"] )
self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.tokenize("unwantedX running" ) , ["[UNK]", "runn", "##ing"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
self.assertTrue(_is_whitespace(" " ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_whitespace("\t" ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_whitespace("\r" ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_whitespace("\n" ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_whitespace("\u00A0" ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_whitespace("A" ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_whitespace("-" ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] ):
self.assertTrue(_is_control("\u0005" ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_control("A" ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_control(" " ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_control("\t" ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_control("\r" ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
self.assertTrue(_is_punctuation("-" ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_punctuation("$" ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_punctuation("`" ) )
self.assertTrue(_is_punctuation("." ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_punctuation("A" ) )
self.assertFalse(_is_punctuation(" " ) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.get_tokenizer()
_a = self.get_rust_tokenizer()
# Example taken from the issue
self.assertListEqual([tokenizer.tokenize(__a ) for t in ["Test", "\xad", "test"]] , [["[UNK]"], [], ["[UNK]"]] )
[rust_tokenizer.tokenize(__a ) for t in ["Test", "\xad", "test"]] , [["[UNK]"], [], ["[UNK]"]] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased" )
_a = tokenizer.encode("sequence builders" , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = tokenizer.encode("multi-sequence build" , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(__a )
_a = tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(__a , __a )
assert encoded_sentence == [1_01] + text + [1_02]
assert encoded_pair == [1_01] + text + [1_02] + text_a + [1_02]
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list:
with self.subTest(f'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})' ):
_a = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(__a , **__a )
_a = f'A, naïve {tokenizer_r.mask_token} AllenNLP sentence.'
_a = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(
__a , return_attention_mask=__a , return_token_type_ids=__a , return_offsets_mapping=__a , add_special_tokens=__a , )
_a = tokenizer_r.do_lower_case if hasattr(__a , "do_lower_case" ) else False
_a = (
((0, 0), tokenizer_r.cls_token),
((0, 1), "A"),
((1, 2), ","),
((3, 5), "na"),
((5, 6), "##ï"),
((6, 8), "##ve"),
((9, 15), tokenizer_r.mask_token),
((16, 21), "Allen"),
((21, 23), "##NL"),
((23, 24), "##P"),
((25, 33), "sentence"),
((33, 34), "."),
((0, 0), tokenizer_r.sep_token),
if not do_lower_case
else [
((0, 0), tokenizer_r.cls_token),
((0, 1), "a"),
((1, 2), ","),
((3, 8), "naive"),
((9, 15), tokenizer_r.mask_token),
((16, 21), "allen"),
((21, 23), "##nl"),
((23, 24), "##p"),
((25, 33), "sentence"),
((33, 34), "."),
((0, 0), tokenizer_r.sep_token),
[e[1] for e in expected_results] , tokenizer_r.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokens["input_ids"] ) )
self.assertEqual([e[0] for e in expected_results] , tokens["offset_mapping"] )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = ["的", "人", "有"]
_a = "".join(__a )
for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list:
with self.subTest(f'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})' ):
_a = True
_a = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(__a , **__a )
_a = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(__a , **__a )
_a = tokenizer_p.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = tokenizer_r.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = tokenizer_r.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
_a = tokenizer_p.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
# it is expected that each Chinese character is not preceded by "##"
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
_a = False
_a = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(__a , **__a )
_a = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(__a , **__a )
_a = tokenizer_r.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = tokenizer_p.encode(__a , add_special_tokens=__a )
_a = tokenizer_r.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
_a = tokenizer_p.convert_ids_to_tokens(__a )
# it is expected that only the first Chinese character is not preceded by "##".
_a = [
f'##{token}' if idx != 0 else token for idx, token in enumerate(__a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
self.assertListEqual(__a , __a )
| 364 |
'''simple docstring'''
from random import randint, random
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : bool = False , lowercase : int = 5 , ) -> list:
_a = [[-1] * number_of_cells] # Create a highway without any car
_a = 0
_a = max(lowercase , 0 )
while i < number_of_cells:
_a = (
randint(0 , lowercase ) if random_speed else initial_speed
) # Place the cars
i += (
randint(1 , max_speed * 2 ) if random_frequency else frequency
) # Arbitrary number, may need tuning
return highway
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int ) -> int:
_a = 0
_a = highway_now[car_index + 1 :]
for cell in range(len(lowercase ) ): # May need a better name for this
if cells[cell] != -1: # If the cell is not empty then
return distance # we have the distance we wanted
distance += 1
# Here if the car is near the end of the highway
return distance + get_distance(lowercase , -1 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : float , lowercase : int ) -> list:
_a = len(lowercase )
# Beforce calculations, the highway is empty
_a = [-1] * number_of_cells
for car_index in range(lowercase ):
if highway_now[car_index] != -1:
# Add 1 to the current speed of the car and cap the speed
_a = min(highway_now[car_index] + 1 , lowercase )
# Number of empty cell before the next car
_a = get_distance(lowercase , lowercase ) - 1
# We can't have the car causing an accident
_a = min(next_highway[car_index] , lowercase )
if random() < probability:
# Randomly, a driver will slow down
_a = max(next_highway[car_index] - 1 , 0 )
return next_highway
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list , lowercase : int , lowercase : float , lowercase : int ) -> list:
_a = len(highway[0] )
for i in range(lowercase ):
_a = update(highway[i] , lowercase , lowercase )
_a = [-1] * number_of_cells
for car_index in range(lowercase ):
_a = next_speeds_calculated[car_index]
if speed != -1:
# Change the position based on the speed (with % to create the loop)
_a = (car_index + speed) % number_of_cells
# Commit the change of position
_a = speed
highway.append(lowercase )
return highway
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
import unittest
from transformers import is_tf_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_tf_available():
import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import (
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : Dict , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : int=13 , __a : Union[str, Any]=7 , __a : str=True , __a : Optional[Any]=True , __a : Tuple=True , __a : Dict=True , __a : int=99 , __a : Any=32 , __a : Optional[Any]=2 , __a : List[str]=4 , __a : Optional[int]=37 , __a : Optional[int]="gelu" , __a : int=0.1 , __a : Tuple=0.1 , __a : Any=5_12 , __a : Tuple=16 , __a : Union[str, Any]=2 , __a : str=0.02 , __a : Dict=3 , __a : Optional[Any]=4 , __a : int=None , __a : Tuple=0 , ):
_a = parent
_a = batch_size
_a = seq_length
_a = is_training
_a = use_input_mask
_a = use_token_type_ids
_a = use_labels
_a = vocab_size
_a = hidden_size
_a = num_hidden_layers
_a = num_attention_heads
_a = intermediate_size
_a = hidden_act
_a = hidden_dropout_prob
_a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
_a = max_position_embeddings
_a = type_vocab_size
_a = type_sequence_label_size
_a = initializer_range
_a = num_labels
_a = num_choices
_a = scope
_a = projection_dim
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
_a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
# follow
_a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
_a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
_a = None
_a = None
_a = None
if self.use_labels:
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.num_labels )
_a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.num_choices )
_a = BertConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , is_decoder=__a , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , )
_a = DPRConfig(projection_dim=self.projection_dim , **config.to_dict() )
return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : List[Any] , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Optional[int] ):
_a = TFDPRContextEncoder(config=__a )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a )
_a = model(__a , token_type_ids=__a )
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooler_output.shape , (self.batch_size, self.projection_dim or self.hidden_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : List[Any] , __a : Tuple , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : List[str] , __a : Any , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Any ):
_a = TFDPRQuestionEncoder(config=__a )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a , token_type_ids=__a )
_a = model(__a , token_type_ids=__a )
_a = model(__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooler_output.shape , (self.batch_size, self.projection_dim or self.hidden_size) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : int , __a : List[str] , __a : Dict , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : List[Any] , __a : Any , __a : Union[str, Any] ):
_a = TFDPRReader(config=__a )
_a = model(__a , attention_mask=__a )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.relevance_logits.shape , (self.batch_size,) )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
_a = {"input_ids": input_ids}
return config, inputs_dict
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =(
if is_tf_available()
else ()
__a ={'feature-extraction': TFDPRQuestionEncoder} if is_tf_available() else {}
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
__a =False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = TFDPRModelTester(self )
_a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__a , hidden_size=37 )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_dpr_context_encoder(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_dpr_question_encoder(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : int ):
_a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_dpr_reader(*__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple ):
_a = TFDPRContextEncoder.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
_a = TFDPRContextEncoder.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
_a = TFDPRQuestionEncoder.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
_a = TFDPRReader.from_pretrained(__a )
self.assertIsNotNone(__a )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (unittest.TestCase ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any ):
_a = TFDPRQuestionEncoder.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" )
_a = tf.constant(
[[1_01, 75_92, 10_10, 20_03, 20_26, 38_99, 1_01_40, 10_29, 1_02]] ) # [CLS] hello, is my dog cute? [SEP]
_a = model(__a )[0] # embedding shape = (1, 768)
# compare the actual values for a slice.
_a = tf.constant(
] )
self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(output[:, :10].numpy() , expected_slice.numpy() , atol=1e-4 ) )
| 365 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 10 ) -> str:
if not isinstance(lowercase , lowercase ) or n < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid input" )
_a = 10**n
_a = 2_8433 * (pow(2 , 783_0457 , lowercase )) + 1
return str(number % modulus )
if __name__ == "__main__":
from doctest import testmod
print(f"""{solution(10) = }""")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import torch
from import AutoModelForVisualQuestionAnswering, AutoProcessor
from ..utils import requires_backends
from .base import PipelineTool
from PIL import Image
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a ='dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-vqa'
__a =(
'This is a tool that answers a question about an image. It takes an input named `image` which should be the '
'image containing the information, as well as a `question` which should be the question in English. It '
'returns a text that is the answer to the question.'
__a ='image_qa'
__a =AutoProcessor
__a =AutoModelForVisualQuestionAnswering
__a =['image', 'text']
__a =['text']
def __init__( self : Tuple , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : Tuple ):
requires_backends(self , ["vision"] )
super().__init__(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : "Image" , __a : str ):
return self.pre_processor(__a , __a , return_tensors="pt" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : Optional[Any] ):
with torch.no_grad():
return self.model(**__a ).logits
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Dict , __a : List[Any] ):
_a = outputs.argmax(-1 ).item()
return self.model.config.idalabel[idx]
| 366 |
'''simple docstring'''
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 6008_5147_5143 ) -> int:
_a = int(lowercase )
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Parameter n must be int or castable to int." )
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter n must be greater than or equal to one." )
_a = 2
_a = 0
if n == 2:
return 2
while n > 2:
while n % i != 0:
i += 1
_a = i
while n % i == 0:
_a = n // i
i += 1
return int(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import re
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from ...processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
__a =['image_processor', 'tokenizer']
__a ='AutoImageProcessor'
__a ='AutoTokenizer'
def __init__( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : Optional[Any]=None , __a : List[Any]=None , **__a : str ):
_a = None
if "feature_extractor" in kwargs:
"The `feature_extractor` argument is deprecated and will be removed in v5, use `image_processor`"
" instead." , __a , )
_a = kwargs.pop("feature_extractor" )
_a = image_processor if image_processor is not None else feature_extractor
if image_processor is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify an `image_processor`." )
if tokenizer is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify a `tokenizer`." )
super().__init__(__a , __a )
_a = self.image_processor
_a = False
def __call__( self : Optional[Any] , *__a : Union[str, Any] , **__a : int ):
# For backward compatibility
if self._in_target_context_manager:
return self.current_processor(*__a , **__a )
_a = kwargs.pop("images" , __a )
_a = kwargs.pop("text" , __a )
if len(__a ) > 0:
_a = args[0]
_a = args[1:]
if images is None and text is None:
raise ValueError("You need to specify either an `images` or `text` input to process." )
if images is not None:
_a = self.image_processor(__a , *__a , **__a )
if text is not None:
_a = self.tokenizer(__a , **__a )
if text is None:
return inputs
elif images is None:
return encodings
_a = encodings["input_ids"]
return inputs
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] , *__a : int , **__a : List[str] ):
return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[str] , *__a : List[Any] , **__a : Optional[int] ):
return self.tokenizer.decode(*__a , **__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str ):
"`as_target_processor` is deprecated and will be removed in v5 of Transformers. You can process your "
"labels by using the argument `text` of the regular `__call__` method (either in the same call as "
"your images inputs, or in a separate call." )
_a = True
_a = self.tokenizer
_a = self.image_processor
_a = False
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : List[str] , __a : str=False , __a : int=None ):
if added_vocab is None:
_a = self.tokenizer.get_added_vocab()
_a = {}
while tokens:
_a ="<s_(.*?)>" , __a , re.IGNORECASE )
if start_token is None:
_a = )
_a ='</s_{key}>' , __a , re.IGNORECASE )
_a =
if end_token is None:
_a = tokens.replace(__a , "" )
_a =
_a = re.escape(__a )
_a = re.escape(__a )
_a ='{start_token_escaped}(.*?){end_token_escaped}' , __a , re.IGNORECASE )
if content is not None:
_a = ).strip()
if r"<s_" in content and r"</s_" in content: # non-leaf node
_a = self.tokenajson(__a , is_inner_value=__a , added_vocab=__a )
if value:
if len(__a ) == 1:
_a = value[0]
_a = value
else: # leaf nodes
_a = []
for leaf in content.split(r"<sep/>" ):
_a = leaf.strip()
if leaf in added_vocab and leaf[0] == "<" and leaf[-2:] == "/>":
_a = leaf[1:-2] # for categorical special tokens
output[key].append(__a )
if len(output[key] ) == 1:
_a = output[key][0]
_a = tokens[tokens.find(__a ) + len(__a ) :].strip()
if tokens[:6] == r"<sep/>": # non-leaf nodes
return [output] + self.tokenajson(tokens[6:] , is_inner_value=__a , added_vocab=__a )
if len(__a ):
return [output] if is_inner_value else output
return [] if is_inner_value else {"text_sequence": tokens}
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[Any] ):
"`feature_extractor_class` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor_class` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor_class
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : List[Any] ):
"`feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use `image_processor` instead." , __a , )
return self.image_processor
| 367 |
'''simple docstring'''
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import torch
from bart_onnx.generation_onnx import BARTBeamSearchGenerator
from bart_onnx.reduce_onnx_size import remove_dup_initializers
import transformers
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration, BartTokenizer
format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s | [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
level=os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper(),
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[Any] = {'facebook/bart-base': BartForConditionalGeneration}
lowerCAmelCase_ : int = {'facebook/bart-base': BartTokenizer}
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Union[str, Any]:
_a = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export Bart model + Beam Search to ONNX graph." )
"--validation_file" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="A csv or a json file containing the validation data." )
"--max_length" , type=lowercase , default=5 , help="The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization." , )
"--num_beams" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help=(
"Number of beams to use for evaluation. This argument will be "
"passed to ``model.generate``, which is used during ``evaluate`` and ``predict``."
) , )
"--model_name_or_path" , type=lowercase , help="Path to pretrained model or model identifier from" , required=lowercase , )
"--config_name" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name" , )
"--device" , type=lowercase , default="cpu" , help="Device where the model will be run" , )
parser.add_argument("--output_file_path" , type=lowercase , default=lowercase , help="Where to store the final ONNX file." )
_a = parser.parse_args()
return args
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any , lowercase : Tuple="cpu" ) -> Optional[Any]:
_a = model_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase ).to(lowercase )
_a = tokenizer_dict[model_name].from_pretrained(lowercase )
if model_name in ["facebook/bart-base"]:
_a = 0
_a = None
_a = 0
return huggingface_model, tokenizer
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Tuple , lowercase : int , lowercase : Any , lowercase : Dict ) -> Any:
_a = None
_a = torch.jit.script(BARTBeamSearchGenerator(lowercase ) )
with torch.no_grad():
_a = "My friends are cool but they eat too many carbs."
_a = tokenizer([ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE] , max_length=1024 , return_tensors="pt" ).to(model.device )
_a = model.generate(
inputs["input_ids"] , attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] , num_beams=lowercase , max_length=lowercase , early_stopping=lowercase , decoder_start_token_id=model.config.decoder_start_token_id , )
lowercase , (
) , lowercase , opset_version=14 , input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "num_beams", "max_length", "decoder_start_token_id"] , output_names=["output_ids"] , dynamic_axes={
"input_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq"},
"output_ids": {0: "batch", 1: "seq_out"},
} , example_outputs=lowercase , )"Model exported to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = remove_dup_initializers(os.path.abspath(lowercase ) )"Deduplicated and optimized model written to {}".format(lowercase ) )
_a = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(lowercase )
_a =
lowercase , {
"input_ids": inputs["input_ids"].cpu().numpy(),
"attention_mask": inputs["attention_mask"].cpu().numpy(),
"num_beams": np.array(lowercase ),
"max_length": np.array(lowercase ),
"decoder_start_token_id": np.array(model.config.decoder_start_token_id ),
} , )
np.testing.assert_allclose(summary_ids.cpu().numpy() , ort_out[0] , rtol=1E-3 , atol=1E-3 )"Model outputs from torch and ONNX Runtime are similar." )"Success." )
def _lowerCamelCase ( ) -> Any:
_a = parse_args()
_a = 5
_a = 4
# Make one log on every process with the configuration for debugging.
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s" , datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" , level=logging.INFO , )
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO )
_a = torch.device(args.device )
_a , _a = load_model_tokenizer(args.model_name_or_path , lowercase )
if model.config.decoder_start_token_id is None:
raise ValueError("Make sure that `config.decoder_start_token_id` is correctly defined" ) )
if args.max_length:
_a = args.max_length
if args.num_beams:
_a = args.num_beams
if args.output_file_path:
_a = args.output_file_path
_a = "BART.onnx""Exporting model to ONNX" )
export_and_validate_model(lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 346 | 0 |
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 6008_5147_5143 ) -> int:
_a = int(lowercase )
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Parameter n must be int or castable to int." )
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter n must be greater than or equal to one." )
_a = 2
_a = 0
if n == 2:
return 2
while n > 2:
while n % i != 0:
i += 1
_a = i
while n % i == 0:
_a = n // i
i += 1
return int(lowercase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 368 |
'''simple docstring'''
# tests directory-specific settings - this file is run automatically
# by pytest before any tests are run
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
# allow having multiple repository checkouts and not needing to remember to rerun
# 'pip install -e .[dev]' when switching between checkouts and running tests.
lowerCAmelCase_ : Dict = abspath(join(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))), 'src'))
sys.path.insert(1, git_repo_path)
# silence FutureWarning warnings in tests since often we can't act on them until
# they become normal warnings - i.e. the tests still need to test the current functionality
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str ) -> Optional[int]:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_addoption_shared
pytest_addoption_shared(lowercase )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
from transformers.testing_utils import pytest_terminal_summary_main
_a = terminalreporter.config.getoption("--make-reports" )
if make_reports:
pytest_terminal_summary_main(lowercase , id=lowercase )
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : list[int] , lowercase : list[int] , lowercase : int ) -> tuple[float, list[float]]:
_a = list(range(len(lowercase ) ) )
_a = [v / w for v, w in zip(lowercase , lowercase )]
index.sort(key=lambda lowercase : ratio[i] , reverse=lowercase )
_a = 0
_a = [0] * len(lowercase )
for i in index:
if weight[i] <= capacity:
_a = 1
max_value += value[i]
capacity -= weight[i]
_a = capacity / weight[i]
max_value += value[i] * capacity / weight[i]
return max_value, fractions
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 369 |
'''simple docstring'''
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers.modeling_utils import ModuleUtilsMixin
from transformers.models.ta.modeling_ta import TaBlock, TaConfig, TaLayerNorm
from ...configuration_utils import ConfigMixin, register_to_config
from ...models import ModelMixin
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ , lowerCamelCase_ ):
"""simple docstring"""
def __init__( self : List[Any] , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : float , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : int , __a : str , __a : bool = False , ):
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = nn.Embedding(__a , __a )
_a = False
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
_a = TaConfig(
vocab_size=__a , d_model=__a , num_heads=__a , d_kv=__a , d_ff=__a , dropout_rate=__a , feed_forward_proj=__a , is_decoder=__a , is_encoder_decoder=__a , )
_a = nn.ModuleList()
for lyr_num in range(__a ):
_a = TaBlock(__a )
self.encoders.append(__a )
_a = TaLayerNorm(__a )
_a = nn.Dropout(p=__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : str , __a : Union[str, Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = self.token_embedder(__a )
_a = encoder_input_tokens.shape[1]
_a = torch.arange(__a , device=encoder_input_tokens.device )
x += self.position_encoding(__a )
_a = self.dropout_pre(__a )
# inverted the attention mask
_a = encoder_input_tokens.size()
_a = self.get_extended_attention_mask(__a , __a )
for lyr in self.encoders:
_a = lyr(__a , __a )[0]
_a = self.layer_norm(__a )
return self.dropout_post(__a ), encoder_inputs_mask
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
import string
from math import logaa
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : str ) -> int:
_a = document.translate(
str.maketrans("" , "" , string.punctuation ) ).replace("\n" , "" )
_a = document_without_punctuation.split(" " ) # word tokenization
return len([word for word in tokenize_document if word.lower() == term.lower()] )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : str , lowercase : str ) -> tuple[int, int]:
_a = corpus.lower().translate(
str.maketrans("" , "" , string.punctuation ) ) # strip all punctuation and replace it with ''
_a = corpus_without_punctuation.split("\n" )
_a = term.lower()
return (len([doc for doc in docs if term in doc] ), len(lowercase ))
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : Tuple=False ) -> float:
if smoothing:
if n == 0:
raise ValueError("log10(0) is undefined." )
return round(1 + logaa(n / (1 + df) ) , 3 )
if df == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("df must be > 0" )
elif n == 0:
raise ValueError("log10(0) is undefined." )
return round(logaa(n / df ) , 3 )
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int ) -> float:
return round(tf * idf , 3 )
| 370 |
'''simple docstring'''
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from utils_rag import save_json
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Any ) -> Any:
_a = filter(lambda lowercase : p.requires_grad , model.parameters() )
_a = sum([ ) for p in model_parameters] )
return params
lowerCAmelCase_ : List[str] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] , lowercase : Dict ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if metric == "rouge2":
_a = "{val_avg_rouge2:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "bleu":
_a = "{val_avg_bleu:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "em":
_a = "{val_avg_em:.4f}-{step_count}"
elif metric == "loss":
_a = "{val_avg_loss:.4f}-{step_count}"
raise NotImplementedError(
F'seq2seq callbacks only support rouge2 and bleu, got {metric}, You can make your own by adding to this'
" function." )
_a = ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath=lowercase , filename=lowercase , monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="max" , save_top_k=1 , every_n_epochs=1 , )
return checkpoint_callback
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : Dict , lowercase : Dict ) -> str:
return EarlyStopping(
monitor=F'val_{metric}' , mode="min" if "loss" in metric else "max" , patience=lowercase , verbose=lowercase , )
class __SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (pl.Callback ):
"""simple docstring"""
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : Optional[int] , __a : Any ):
_a = {f'lr_group_{i}': param["lr"] for i, param in enumerate(pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0].param_groups )}
pl_module.logger.log_metrics(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Tuple , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule , __a : str , __a : Dict=True ):'***** {type_path} results at step {trainer.global_step:05d} *****' )
_a = trainer.callback_metrics
trainer.logger.log_metrics({k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k not in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]} )
# Log results
_a = Path(pl_module.hparams.output_dir )
if type_path == "test":
_a = od / "test_results.txt"
_a = od / "test_generations.txt"
# this never gets hit. I prefer not to save intermediate generations, and results are in metrics.json
# If people want this it will be easy enough to add back.
_a = od / f'{type_path}_results/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
_a = od / f'{type_path}_generations/{trainer.global_step:05d}.txt'
results_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
generations_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=__a )
with open(__a , "a+" ) as writer:
for key in sorted(__a ):
if key in ["log", "progress_bar", "preds"]:
_a = metrics[key]
if isinstance(__a , torch.Tensor ):
_a = val.item()
_a = f'{key}: {val:.6f}\n'
writer.write(__a )
if not save_generations:
if "preds" in metrics:
_a = "\n".join(metrics["preds"] )"w+" ).write(__a )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Any , __a : List[Any] , __a : Dict ):
_a = pl_module.model.model.num_parameters()
except AttributeError:
_a = pl_module.model.num_parameters()
_a = count_trainable_parameters(__a )
# mp stands for million parameters
trainer.logger.log_metrics({"n_params": npars, "mp": npars / 1e6, "grad_mp": n_trainable_pars / 1e6} )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Union[str, Any] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : pl.LightningModule ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
return self._write_logs(__a , __a , "test" )
def UpperCamelCase__ ( self : Optional[int] , __a : pl.Trainer , __a : str ):
save_json(pl_module.metrics , pl_module.metrics_save_path )
# Uncommenting this will save val generations
# return self._write_logs(trainer, pl_module, "valid")
| 346 | 0 |
'''simple docstring'''
from __future__ import annotations
from fractions import Fraction
from math import gcd, sqrt
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> bool:
_a = int(number**0.5 )
return number == sq * sq
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int , lowercase : int ) -> tuple[int, int]:
_a = x_num * y_den * z_den + y_num * x_den * z_den + z_num * x_den * y_den
_a = x_den * y_den * z_den
_a = gcd(lowercase , lowercase )
top //= hcf
bottom //= hcf
return top, bottom
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int = 35 ) -> int:
_a = set()
_a = 42
_a = Fraction(0 )
_a = 42
for x_num in range(1 , order + 1 ):
for x_den in range(x_num + 1 , order + 1 ):
for y_num in range(1 , order + 1 ):
for y_den in range(y_num + 1 , order + 1 ):
# n=1
_a = x_num * y_den + x_den * y_num
_a = x_den * y_den
_a = gcd(lowercase , lowercase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
_a = add_three(
lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
unique_s.add(lowercase )
# n=2
_a = (
x_num * x_num * y_den * y_den + x_den * x_den * y_num * y_num
_a = x_den * x_den * y_den * y_den
if is_sq(lowercase ) and is_sq(lowercase ):
_a = int(sqrt(lowercase ) )
_a = int(sqrt(lowercase ) )
_a = gcd(lowercase , lowercase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
_a = add_three(
lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
unique_s.add(lowercase )
# n=-1
_a = x_num * y_num
_a = x_den * y_num + x_num * y_den
_a = gcd(lowercase , lowercase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
_a = add_three(
lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
unique_s.add(lowercase )
# n=2
_a = x_num * x_num * y_num * y_num
_a = (
x_den * x_den * y_num * y_num + x_num * x_num * y_den * y_den
if is_sq(lowercase ) and is_sq(lowercase ):
_a = int(sqrt(lowercase ) )
_a = int(sqrt(lowercase ) )
_a = gcd(lowercase , lowercase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
_a = add_three(
lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase , lowercase )
unique_s.add(lowercase )
for num, den in unique_s:
total += Fraction(lowercase , lowercase )
return total.denominator + total.numerator
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"""{solution() = }""")
| 371 |
'''simple docstring'''
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageOps
from packaging import version
from PIL import Image
if version.parse(version.parse(PIL.__version__).base_version) >= version.parse('9.1.0'):
lowerCAmelCase_ : str = {
'linear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.Resampling.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.Resampling.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.Resampling.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.Resampling.NEAREST,
lowerCAmelCase_ : Union[str, Any] = {
'linear': PIL.Image.LINEAR,
'bilinear': PIL.Image.BILINEAR,
'bicubic': PIL.Image.BICUBIC,
'lanczos': PIL.Image.LANCZOS,
'nearest': PIL.Image.NEAREST,
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : List[str] ) -> List[Any]:
_a = (images / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0 , 1 )
_a = images.cpu().permute(0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ).float().numpy()
_a = numpy_to_pil(lowercase )
return images
def _lowerCamelCase ( lowercase : int ) -> List[Any]:
if images.ndim == 3:
_a = images[None, ...]
_a = (images * 255).round().astype("uint8" )
if images.shape[-1] == 1:
# special case for grayscale (single channel) images
_a = [Image.fromarray(image.squeeze() , mode="L" ) for image in images]
_a = [Image.fromarray(lowercase ) for image in images]
return pil_images
| 346 | 0 |
import argparse
import json
import os
import torch
from torch import nn
from transformers import NllbMoeConfig, NllbMoeModel
from transformers.modeling_utils import dtype_byte_size
from transformers.utils import WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> Union[str, Any]:
a = [
for k in ignore_keys:
state_dict.pop(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> Any:
a , a = emb.weight.shape
a = nn.Linear(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , bias=__lowerCamelCase )
a =
return lin_layer
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase=None ) -> List[str]:
a = {}
for old_key in state_dict.keys():
a = old_key
if "moe_layer.experts." in key:
if expert_idx is not None:
a = key.replace("""moe_layer.experts.0""" , f'ffn.experts.expert_{expert_idx}' )
a = key.replace("""moe_layer.experts.""" , """ffn.experts.expert_""" )
if "gate" in key:
a = key.replace(""".moe_layer.gate.wg""" , """.ffn.router.classifier""" )
if "fc2" and "experts" not in key:
a = key.replace(""".fc2.""" , """.ffn.fc2.""" )
if "fc1" and "experts" not in key:
a = key.replace(""".fc1.""" , """.ffn.fc1.""" )
if ".encoder_attn." in key:
a = key.replace(""".encoder_attn.""" , """.cross_attention.""" )
if "encoder_attn_layer_norm" in key:
a = key.replace("""encoder_attn_layer_norm""" , """cross_attention_layer_norm""" )
if "final_layer_norm" in key:
a = key.replace("""final_layer_norm""" , """ff_layer_norm""" )
a = state_dict[old_key]
return new_dict
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase = WEIGHTS_NAME ) -> str:
a = []
a = 0
os.makedirs(__lowerCamelCase , exist_ok=__lowerCamelCase )
for expert in range(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = switch_checkpoint_path + f'-rank-{expert}.pt'
if os.path.isfile(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = torch.load(__lowerCamelCase )["""model"""]
remove_ignore_keys_(__lowerCamelCase )
a = rename_fairseq_keys(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
a = os.path.join(
__lowerCamelCase , weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{len(__lowerCamelCase )+1:05d}-of-???.bin' ) ) , __lowerCamelCase )
sharded_state_dicts.append(expert_state.keys() )
total_size += sum([value.numel() for key, value in expert_state.items()] ) * dtype_byte_size(
expert_state[list(__lowerCamelCase )[0]].dtype )
# Add the last block
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{len(__lowerCamelCase )+1:05d}-of-???.bin' ) )
a = torch.load(switch_checkpoint_path + """""" )["""model"""]
remove_ignore_keys_(__lowerCamelCase )
a = rename_fairseq_keys(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
a = shared_weights["""decoder.embed_tokens.weight"""]
sharded_state_dicts.append(shared_weights.keys() )
# If we only have the shared weights (dummy model/experts saved on the same file)
if len(__lowerCamelCase ) == 1:
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) , __lowerCamelCase )
return {weights_name: sharded_state_dicts[0]}, None
else: , __lowerCamelCase )
# Otherwise, let's build the index
a = {}
for idx, shard in enumerate(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{idx+1:05d}-of-{len(__lowerCamelCase ):05d}.bin' )
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{idx+1:05d}-of-???.bin' ) )
os.rename(__lowerCamelCase , os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) )
for key in shard:
a = shard_file
# Add the metadata
a = {"""total_size""": total_size}
a = {"""metadata""": metadata, """weight_map""": weight_map}
with open(os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) , """w""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as f:
a = json.dumps(__lowerCamelCase , indent=2 , sort_keys=__lowerCamelCase ) + """\n"""
f.write(__lowerCamelCase )
return metadata, index
if __name__ == "__main__":
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
help="Path to a directory containing a folder per layer. Follows the original Google format.",
parser.add_argument("--dtype", default="float32", type=str, required=False, help="dtype of the saved model")
help="Path to the output pytorch model.",
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = parser.parse_args()
__UpperCamelCase , __UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = shard_on_the_fly(
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = NllbMoeConfig.from_pretrained(
"facebook/nllb-200-3.3B", encoder_sparse_step=4, decoder_sparse_step=4, num_experts=128
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = NllbMoeModel.from_pretrained(args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
| 347 |
import io
import itertools
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.json as paj
import datasets
from datasets.table import table_cast
from datasets.utils.file_utils import readline
__UpperCamelCase : Any = datasets.utils.logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __lowerCAmelCase ( datasets.BuilderConfig ):
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = "utf-8"
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = True # deprecated
UpperCamelCase__ = None # deprecated
UpperCamelCase__ = 10 << 20 # 10MB
UpperCamelCase__ = None
class __lowerCAmelCase ( datasets.ArrowBasedBuilder ):
UpperCamelCase__ = JsonConfig
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.config.block_size is not None:
logger.warning("""The JSON loader parameter `block_size` is deprecated. Please use `chunksize` instead""" )
a = self.config.block_size
if self.config.use_threads is not True:
"""The JSON loader parameter `use_threads` is deprecated and doesn't have any effect anymore.""" )
if self.config.newlines_in_values is not None:
raise ValueError("""The JSON loader parameter `newlines_in_values` is no longer supported""" )
return datasets.DatasetInfo(features=self.config.features )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if not self.config.data_files:
raise ValueError(F'At least one data file must be specified, but got data_files={self.config.data_files}' )
a = dl_manager.download_and_extract(self.config.data_files )
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , (str, list, tuple) ):
a = data_files
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ):
a = [files]
a = [dl_manager.iter_files(__magic_name__ ) for file in files]
return [datasets.SplitGenerator(name=datasets.Split.TRAIN , gen_kwargs={"""files""": files} )]
a = []
for split_name, files in data_files.items():
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ):
a = [files]
a = [dl_manager.iter_files(__magic_name__ ) for file in files]
splits.append(datasets.SplitGenerator(name=__magic_name__ , gen_kwargs={"""files""": files} ) )
return splits
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :pa.Table ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.config.features is not None:
# adding missing columns
for column_name in set(self.config.features ) - set(pa_table.column_names ):
a = self.config.features.arrow_schema.field(__magic_name__ ).type
a = pa_table.append_column(__magic_name__ , pa.array([None] * len(__magic_name__ ) , type=__magic_name__ ) )
# more expensive cast to support nested structures with keys in a different order
# allows str <-> int/float or str to Audio for example
a = table_cast(__magic_name__ , self.config.features.arrow_schema )
return pa_table
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
for file_idx, file in enumerate(itertools.chain.from_iterable(__magic_name__ ) ):
# If the file is one json object and if we need to look at the list of items in one specific field
if self.config.field is not None:
with open(__magic_name__ , encoding=self.config.encoding , errors=self.config.encoding_errors ) as f:
a = json.load(__magic_name__ )
# We keep only the field we are interested in
a = dataset[self.config.field]
# We accept two format: a list of dicts or a dict of lists
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , (list, tuple) ):
a = set().union(*[row.keys() for row in dataset] )
a = {col: [row.get(__magic_name__ ) for row in dataset] for col in keys}
a = dataset
a = pa.Table.from_pydict(__magic_name__ )
yield file_idx, self._cast_table(__magic_name__ )
# If the file has one json object per line
with open(__magic_name__ , """rb""" ) as f:
a = 0
# Use block_size equal to the chunk size divided by 32 to leverage multithreading
# Set a default minimum value of 16kB if the chunk size is really small
a = max(self.config.chunksize // 32 , 16 << 10 )
a = (
self.config.encoding_errors if self.config.encoding_errors is not None else """strict"""
while True:
a = )
if not batch:
# Finish current line
batch += f.readline()
except (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
batch += readline(__magic_name__ )
# PyArrow only accepts utf-8 encoded bytes
if self.config.encoding != "utf-8":
a = batch.decode(self.config.encoding , errors=__magic_name__ ).encode("""utf-8""" )
while True:
a = paj.read_json(
io.BytesIO(__magic_name__ ) , read_options=paj.ReadOptions(block_size=__magic_name__ ) )
except (pa.ArrowInvalid, pa.ArrowNotImplementedError) as e:
if (
isinstance(__magic_name__ , pa.ArrowInvalid )
and "straddling" not in str(__magic_name__ )
or block_size > len(__magic_name__ )
# Increase the block size in case it was too small.
# The block size will be reset for the next file.
F'Batch of {len(__magic_name__ )} bytes couldn\'t be parsed with block_size={block_size}. Retrying with block_size={block_size * 2}.' )
block_size *= 2
except pa.ArrowInvalid as e:
with open(
__magic_name__ , encoding=self.config.encoding , errors=self.config.encoding_errors ) as f:
a = json.load(__magic_name__ )
except json.JSONDecodeError:
logger.error(F'Failed to read file \'{file}\' with error {type(__magic_name__ )}: {e}' )
raise e
# If possible, parse the file as a list of json objects and exit the loop
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ): # list is the only sequence type supported in JSON
a = set().union(*[row.keys() for row in dataset] )
a = {col: [row.get(__magic_name__ ) for row in dataset] for col in keys}
a = pa.Table.from_pydict(__magic_name__ )
except (pa.ArrowInvalid, AttributeError) as e:
logger.error(F'Failed to read file \'{file}\' with error {type(__magic_name__ )}: {e}' )
raise ValueError(F'Not able to read records in the JSON file at {file}.' ) from None
yield file_idx, self._cast_table(__magic_name__ )
logger.error(F'Failed to read file \'{file}\' with error {type(__magic_name__ )}: {e}' )
raise ValueError(
F'Not able to read records in the JSON file at {file}. '
F'You should probably indicate the field of the JSON file containing your records. '
F'This JSON file contain the following fields: {str(list(dataset.keys() ) )}. '
F'Select the correct one and provide it as `field=\'XXX\'` to the dataset loading method. ' ) from None
# Uncomment for debugging (will print the Arrow table size and elements)
# logger.warning(f"pa_table: {pa_table} num rows: {pa_table.num_rows}")
# logger.warning('\n'.join(str(pa_table.slice(i, 1).to_pydict()) for i in range(pa_table.num_rows)))
yield (file_idx, batch_idx), self._cast_table(__magic_name__ )
batch_idx += 1
| 347 | 1 |
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from argparse import Namespace
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal, Optional
import yaml
from transformers import HfArgumentParser, TrainingArguments
from transformers.hf_argparser import make_choice_type_function, string_to_bool
# Since Python 3.10, we can use the builtin `|` operator for Union types
# See PEP 604:
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[int] = sys.version_info >= (3, 10)
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase=None , __lowerCamelCase=None ) -> List[str]:
return field(default_factory=lambda: default , metadata=__lowerCamelCase )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
UpperCamelCase__ = field(default='''toto''' , metadata={'''help''': '''help message'''} )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = True
UpperCamelCase__ = None
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''titi'''
UpperCamelCase__ = '''toto'''
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''titi'''
UpperCamelCase__ = '''toto'''
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = "toto"
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = BasicEnum( )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = "toto"
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = MixedTypeEnum( )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = field(default=__magic_name__ , metadata={'''help''': '''help message'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[] )
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[] )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[] )
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[1, 2, 3] )
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=['''Hallo''', '''Bonjour''', '''Hello'''] )
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3] )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = field()
UpperCamelCase__ = field()
UpperCamelCase__ = field()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = BasicEnum(self.required_enum )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = 42
UpperCamelCase__ = field()
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = field(default='''toto''' , metadata={'''help''': '''help message'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=['''Hallo''', '''Bonjour''', '''Hello'''] )
if is_python_no_less_than_3_10:
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = True
UpperCamelCase__ = None
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = field(default=__magic_name__ , metadata={'''help''': '''help message'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[] )
UpperCamelCase__ = list_field(default=[] )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :argparse.ArgumentParser , __magic_name__ :argparse.ArgumentParser ):
'''simple docstring'''
self.assertEqual(len(a._actions ) , len(b._actions ) )
for x, y in zip(a._actions , b._actions ):
a = {k: v for k, v in vars(__magic_name__ ).items() if k != """container"""}
a = {k: v for k, v in vars(__magic_name__ ).items() if k != """container"""}
# Choices with mixed type have custom function as "type"
# So we need to compare results directly for equality
if xx.get("""choices""" , __magic_name__ ) and yy.get("""choices""" , __magic_name__ ):
for expected_choice in yy["choices"] + xx["choices"]:
self.assertEqual(xx["""type"""](__magic_name__ ) , yy["""type"""](__magic_name__ ) )
del xx["type"], yy["type"]
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--foo""" , type=__magic_name__ , required=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--bar""" , type=__magic_name__ , required=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--baz""" , type=__magic_name__ , required=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--flag""" , type=__magic_name__ , default=__magic_name__ , const=__magic_name__ , nargs="""?""" )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = ["""--foo""", """1""", """--baz""", """quux""", """--bar""", """0.5"""]
((a) , ) = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(__magic_name__ , look_for_args_file=__magic_name__ )
self.assertFalse(example.flag )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--foo""" , default=42 , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--baz""" , default="""toto""" , type=__magic_name__ , help="""help message""" )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--foo""" , type=__magic_name__ , default=__magic_name__ , const=__magic_name__ , nargs="""?""" )
expected.add_argument("""--baz""" , type=__magic_name__ , default=__magic_name__ , const=__magic_name__ , nargs="""?""" )
# A boolean no_* argument always has to come after its "default: True" regular counter-part
# and its default must be set to False
expected.add_argument("""--no_baz""" , action="""store_false""" , default=__magic_name__ , dest="""baz""" )
expected.add_argument("""--opt""" , type=__magic_name__ , default=__magic_name__ )
a = [WithDefaultBoolExample]
if is_python_no_less_than_3_10:
dataclass_types.append(__magic_name__ )
for dataclass_type in dataclass_types:
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_args([] )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=__magic_name__ , baz=__magic_name__ , opt=__magic_name__ ) )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """--no_baz"""] )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=__magic_name__ , baz=__magic_name__ , opt=__magic_name__ ) )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """--baz"""] )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=__magic_name__ , baz=__magic_name__ , opt=__magic_name__ ) )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """True""", """--baz""", """True""", """--opt""", """True"""] )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=__magic_name__ , baz=__magic_name__ , opt=__magic_name__ ) )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """False""", """--baz""", """False""", """--opt""", """False"""] )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=__magic_name__ , baz=__magic_name__ , opt=__magic_name__ ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"""--foo""" , default="""toto""" , choices=["""titi""", """toto""", 42] , type=make_choice_type_function(["""titi""", """toto""", 42] ) , )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_args([] )
self.assertEqual( , """toto""" )
a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses([] )[0]
self.assertEqual( , MixedTypeEnum.toto )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """titi"""] )
self.assertEqual( , """titi""" )
a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(["""--foo""", """titi"""] )[0]
self.assertEqual( , MixedTypeEnum.titi )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """42"""] )
self.assertEqual( , 42 )
a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(["""--foo""", """42"""] )[0]
self.assertEqual( , MixedTypeEnum.fourtytwo )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = "toto"
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"""--foo""" , default="""toto""" , choices=("""titi""", """toto""", 42) , type=make_choice_type_function(["""titi""", """toto""", 42] ) , )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_args([] )
self.assertEqual( , """toto""" )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """titi"""] )
self.assertEqual( , """titi""" )
a = parser.parse_args(["""--foo""", """42"""] )
self.assertEqual( , 42 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--foo_int""" , nargs="""+""" , default=[] , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--bar_int""" , nargs="""+""" , default=[1, 2, 3] , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--foo_str""" , nargs="""+""" , default=["""Hallo""", """Bonjour""", """Hello"""] , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--foo_float""" , nargs="""+""" , default=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3] , type=__magic_name__ )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_args([] )
__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo_int=[] , bar_int=[1, 2, 3] , foo_str=["""Hallo""", """Bonjour""", """Hello"""] , foo_float=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3] ) , )
a = parser.parse_args("""--foo_int 1 --bar_int 2 3 --foo_str a b c --foo_float 0.1 0.7""".split() )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo_int=[1] , bar_int=[2, 3] , foo_str=["""a""", """b""", """c"""] , foo_float=[0.1, 0.7] ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--foo""" , default=__magic_name__ , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--bar""" , default=__magic_name__ , type=__magic_name__ , help="""help message""" )
expected.add_argument("""--baz""" , default=__magic_name__ , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--ces""" , nargs="""+""" , default=[] , type=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--des""" , nargs="""+""" , default=[] , type=__magic_name__ )
a = [OptionalExample]
if is_python_no_less_than_3_10:
dataclass_types.append(__magic_name__ )
for dataclass_type in dataclass_types:
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_args([] )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=__magic_name__ , bar=__magic_name__ , baz=__magic_name__ , ces=[] , des=[] ) )
a = parser.parse_args("""--foo 12 --bar 3.14 --baz 42 --ces a b c --des 1 2 3""".split() )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , Namespace(foo=12 , bar=3.14 , baz="""42""" , ces=["""a""", """b""", """c"""] , des=[1, 2, 3] ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--required_list""" , nargs="""+""" , type=__magic_name__ , required=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--required_str""" , type=__magic_name__ , required=__magic_name__ )
"""--required_enum""" , type=make_choice_type_function(["""titi""", """toto"""] ) , choices=["""titi""", """toto"""] , required=__magic_name__ , )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
expected.add_argument("""--foo""" , type=__magic_name__ , required=__magic_name__ )
"""--required_enum""" , type=make_choice_type_function(["""titi""", """toto"""] ) , choices=["""titi""", """toto"""] , required=__magic_name__ , )
expected.add_argument("""--opt""" , type=__magic_name__ , default=__magic_name__ )
expected.add_argument("""--baz""" , default="""toto""" , type=__magic_name__ , help="""help message""" )
expected.add_argument("""--foo_str""" , nargs="""+""" , default=["""Hallo""", """Bonjour""", """Hello"""] , type=__magic_name__ )
self.argparsersEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = {
"""foo""": 12,
"""bar""": 3.14,
"""baz""": """42""",
"""flag""": True,
a = parser.parse_dict(__magic_name__ )[0]
a = BasicExample(**__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = {
"""foo""": 12,
"""bar""": 3.14,
"""baz""": """42""",
"""flag""": True,
"""extra""": 42,
self.assertRaises(__magic_name__ , parser.parse_dict , __magic_name__ , allow_extra_keys=__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = {
"""foo""": 12,
"""bar""": 3.14,
"""baz""": """42""",
"""flag""": True,
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
a = os.path.join(__magic_name__ , """temp_json""" )
os.mkdir(__magic_name__ )
with open(temp_local_path + """.json""" , """w+""" ) as f:
json.dump(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_yaml_file(Path(temp_local_path + """.json""" ) )[0]
a = BasicExample(**__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
a = {
"""foo""": 12,
"""bar""": 3.14,
"""baz""": """42""",
"""flag""": True,
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
a = os.path.join(__magic_name__ , """temp_yaml""" )
os.mkdir(__magic_name__ )
with open(temp_local_path + """.yaml""" , """w+""" ) as f:
yaml.dump(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = parser.parse_yaml_file(Path(temp_local_path + """.yaml""" ) )[0]
a = BasicExample(**__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = HfArgumentParser(__magic_name__ )
self.assertIsNotNone(__magic_name__ )
| 347 |
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from ...tokenization_utils import AddedToken, PreTrainedTokenizer
from ...utils import logging
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = ['''input_ids''', '''attention_mask''']
def __init__( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :int="</s>" , __magic_name__ :List[Any]="<unk>" , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]="<pad>" , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=125 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=None , **__magic_name__ :List[str] , ):
'''simple docstring'''
if extra_ids > 0 and additional_special_tokens is None:
a = [F'<extra_id_{i}>' for i in range(__magic_name__ )]
elif extra_ids > 0 and additional_special_tokens is not None:
# Check that we have the right number of extra_id special tokens
a = len(set(filter(lambda __magic_name__ : bool("""extra_id""" in str(__magic_name__ ) ) , __magic_name__ ) ) )
if extra_tokens != extra_ids:
raise ValueError(
F'Both extra_ids ({extra_ids}) and additional_special_tokens ({additional_special_tokens}) are'
""" provided to ByT5Tokenizer. In this case the additional_special_tokens must include the"""
""" extra_ids tokens""" )
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ , rstrip=__magic_name__ ) if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) else pad_token
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ , rstrip=__magic_name__ ) if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) else eos_token
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ , rstrip=__magic_name__ ) if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) else unk_token
eos_token=__magic_name__ , unk_token=__magic_name__ , pad_token=__magic_name__ , extra_ids=__magic_name__ , additional_special_tokens=__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ , )
a = extra_ids
a = 2**8 # utf is 8 bits
# define special tokens dict
a = {
self.pad_token: 0,
self.eos_token: 1,
self.unk_token: 2,
a = len(self.special_tokens_encoder )
a = len(__magic_name__ )
for i, token in enumerate(__magic_name__ ):
a = self.vocab_size + i - n
a = {v: k for k, v in self.special_tokens_encoder.items()}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self._utf_vocab_size + self._num_special_tokens + self._extra_ids
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :List[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[List[int]] = None , __magic_name__ :bool = False ):
'''simple docstring'''
if already_has_special_tokens:
return super().get_special_tokens_mask(
token_ids_a=__magic_name__ , token_ids_a=__magic_name__ , already_has_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
# normal case: some special tokens
if token_ids_a is None:
return ([0] * len(__magic_name__ )) + [1]
return ([0] * len(__magic_name__ )) + [1] + ([0] * len(__magic_name__ )) + [1]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , __magic_name__ :List[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
if len(__magic_name__ ) > 0 and token_ids[-1] == self.eos_token_id:
F'This sequence already has {self.eos_token}. In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated'
""" eos tokens being added.""" )
return token_ids
return token_ids + [self.eos_token_id]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[List[int]] = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [self.eos_token_id]
if token_ids_a is None:
return len(token_ids_a + eos ) * [0]
return len(token_ids_a + eos + token_ids_a + eos ) * [0]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[List[int]] = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self._add_eos_if_not_present(__magic_name__ )
if token_ids_a is None:
return token_ids_a
a = self._add_eos_if_not_present(__magic_name__ )
return token_ids_a + token_ids_a
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [chr(__magic_name__ ) for i in text.encode("""utf-8""" )]
return tokens
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if token in self.special_tokens_encoder:
a = self.special_tokens_encoder[token]
elif token in self.added_tokens_encoder:
a = self.added_tokens_encoder[token]
elif len(__magic_name__ ) != 1:
a = self.unk_token_id
a = ord(__magic_name__ ) + self._num_special_tokens
return token_id
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
if index in self.special_tokens_decoder:
a = self.special_tokens_decoder[index]
a = chr(index - self._num_special_tokens )
return token
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = b""""""
for token in tokens:
if token in self.special_tokens_decoder:
a = self.special_tokens_decoder[token].encode("""utf-8""" )
elif token in self.added_tokens_decoder:
a = self.special_tokens_decoder[token].encode("""utf-8""" )
elif token in self.special_tokens_encoder:
a = token.encode("""utf-8""" )
elif token in self.added_tokens_encoder:
a = token.encode("""utf-8""" )
a = bytes([ord(__magic_name__ )] )
bstring += tok_string
a = bstring.decode("""utf-8""" , errors="""ignore""" )
return string
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Optional[str] = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
return ()
| 347 | 1 |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import (
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = {
"configuration_roberta": ["ROBERTA_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP", "RobertaConfig", "RobertaOnnxConfig"],
"tokenization_roberta": ["RobertaTokenizer"],
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = ["RobertaTokenizerFast"]
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = [
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = [
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = [
from .configuration_roberta import ROBERTA_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP, RobertaConfig, RobertaOnnxConfig
from .tokenization_roberta import RobertaTokenizer
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .tokenization_roberta_fast import RobertaTokenizerFast
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_roberta import (
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_tf_roberta import (
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_flax_roberta import (
import sys
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()["__file__"], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 347 |
import copy
import unittest
from import get_values
from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow, torch_device
from transformers.utils import cached_property, is_torch_available, is_vision_available
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_torch_available():
import torch
from transformers import (
from transformers.models.layoutlmva.modeling_layoutlmva import LAYOUTLMV3_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import LayoutLMvaImageProcessor
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :int=2 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=3 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=4 , __magic_name__ :str=2 , __magic_name__ :Any=7 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=True , __magic_name__ :Dict=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=99 , __magic_name__ :Dict=36 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=3 , __magic_name__ :str=4 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=37 , __magic_name__ :Dict="gelu" , __magic_name__ :Any=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Dict=512 , __magic_name__ :str=16 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=2 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Any=6 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=6 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=3 , __magic_name__ :str=4 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=None , __magic_name__ :str=1000 , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = num_channels
a = image_size
a = patch_size
a = text_seq_length
a = is_training
a = use_input_mask
a = use_token_type_ids
a = use_labels
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = type_sequence_label_size
a = initializer_range
a = coordinate_size
a = shape_size
a = num_labels
a = num_choices
a = scope
a = range_bbox
# LayoutLMv3's sequence length equals the number of text tokens + number of patches + 1 (we add 1 for the CLS token)
a = text_seq_length
a = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 + 1
a = self.text_seq_length + self.image_seq_length
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length, 4] , self.range_bbox )
# Ensure that bbox is legal
for i in range(bbox.shape[0] ):
for j in range(bbox.shape[1] ):
if bbox[i, j, 3] < bbox[i, j, 1]:
a = bbox[i, j, 3]
a = bbox[i, j, 1]
a = t
if bbox[i, j, 2] < bbox[i, j, 0]:
a = bbox[i, j, 2]
a = bbox[i, j, 0]
a = t
a = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_channels, self.image_size, self.image_size] )
a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] )
a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
a = None
a = None
if self.use_labels:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] , self.num_labels )
a = LayoutLMvaConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , coordinate_size=self.coordinate_size , shape_size=self.shape_size , input_size=self.image_size , patch_size=self.patch_size , )
return config, input_ids, bbox, pixel_values, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModel(config=__magic_name__ ) )
# text + image
a = model(__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
# text only
a = model(__magic_name__ )
result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
# image only
a = model(pixel_values=__magic_name__ )
result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.image_seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_labels
a = LayoutLMvaForSequenceClassification(__magic_name__ ) )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ , labels=__magic_name__ , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_labels) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_labels
a = LayoutLMvaForTokenClassification(config=__magic_name__ ) )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ , labels=__magic_name__ , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length, self.num_labels) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaForQuestionAnswering(config=__magic_name__ ) )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ , start_positions=__magic_name__ , end_positions=__magic_name__ , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
a = {
"""input_ids""": input_ids,
"""bbox""": bbox,
"""pixel_values""": pixel_values,
"""token_type_ids""": token_type_ids,
"""attention_mask""": input_mask,
return config, inputs_dict
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = (
if is_torch_available()
else ()
UpperCamelCase__ = (
{'''document-question-answering''': LayoutLMvaForQuestionAnswering, '''feature-extraction''': LayoutLMvaModel}
if is_torch_available()
else {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return True
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModelTester(self )
a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__magic_name__ , hidden_size=37 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Any=False ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = copy.deepcopy(__magic_name__ )
if model_class in get_values(__magic_name__ ):
a = {
k: v.unsqueeze(1 ).expand(-1 , self.model_tester.num_choices , -1 ).contiguous()
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , torch.Tensor ) and v.ndim > 1
else v
for k, v in inputs_dict.items()
if return_labels:
if model_class in get_values(__magic_name__ ):
a = torch.ones(self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
elif model_class in get_values(__magic_name__ ):
a = torch.zeros(
self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
a = torch.zeros(
self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
elif model_class in [
*get_values(__magic_name__ ),
a = torch.zeros(
self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
elif model_class in [
*get_values(__magic_name__ ),
a = torch.zeros(
(self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.text_seq_length) , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ , )
return inputs_dict
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
for type in ["absolute", "relative_key", "relative_key_query"]:
a = type
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModel.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
self.assertIsNotNone(__magic_name__ )
def __A ( ) -> str:
a ="""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png""" )
return image
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return LayoutLMvaImageProcessor(apply_ocr=__magic_name__ ) if is_vision_available() else None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModel.from_pretrained("""microsoft/layoutlmv3-base""" ).to(__magic_name__ )
a = self.default_image_processor
a = prepare_img()
a = image_processor(images=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ) )
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2]] )
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]] ).unsqueeze(0 )
# forward pass
a = model( ) , ) , ) , )
# verify the logits
a = torch.Size((1, 199, 768) )
self.assertEqual(outputs.last_hidden_state.shape , __magic_name__ )
a = torch.tensor(
[[-0.0529, 0.3618, 0.1632], [-0.1587, -0.1667, -0.0400], [-0.1557, -0.1671, -0.0505]] ).to(__magic_name__ )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs.last_hidden_state[0, :3, :3] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-4 ) )
| 347 | 1 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> Union[str, Any]:
a = len(__lowerCamelCase )
a = sum(__lowerCamelCase )
a = [[False for x in range(s + 1 )] for y in range(n + 1 )]
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
a = True
for i in range(1 , s + 1 ):
a = False
for i in range(1 , n + 1 ):
for j in range(1 , s + 1 ):
a = dp[i][j - 1]
if arr[i - 1] <= j:
a = dp[i][j] or dp[i - 1][j - arr[i - 1]]
for j in range(int(s / 2 ) , -1 , -1 ):
if dp[n][j] is True:
a = s - 2 * j
return diff
| 347 |
from copy import deepcopy
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :list[int] | None = None , __magic_name__ :int | None = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
if arr is None and size is not None:
a = size
a = [0] * size
elif arr is not None:
self.init(__magic_name__ )
raise ValueError("""Either arr or size must be specified""" )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :list[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = len(__magic_name__ )
a = deepcopy(__magic_name__ )
for i in range(1 , self.size ):
a = self.next_(__magic_name__ )
if j < self.size:
self.tree[j] += self.tree[i]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.tree[:]
for i in range(self.size - 1 , 0 , -1 ):
a = self.next_(__magic_name__ )
if j < self.size:
arr[j] -= arr[i]
return arr
def lowerCamelCase__ ( __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return index + (index & (-index))
def lowerCamelCase__ ( __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return index - (index & (-index))
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
if index == 0:
self.tree[0] += value
while index < self.size:
self.tree[index] += value
a = self.next_(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
self.add(__magic_name__ , value - self.get(__magic_name__ ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
if right == 0:
return 0
a = self.tree[0]
right -= 1 # make right inclusive
while right > 0:
result += self.tree[right]
a = self.prev(__magic_name__ )
return result
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.prefix(__magic_name__ ) - self.prefix(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.query(__magic_name__ , index + 1 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
value -= self.tree[0]
if value < 0:
return -1
a = 1 # Largest power of 2 <= size
while j * 2 < self.size:
j *= 2
a = 0
while j > 0:
if i + j < self.size and self.tree[i + j] <= value:
value -= self.tree[i + j]
i += j
j //= 2
return i
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 | 1 |
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Mapping
from packaging import version
from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ...onnx import OnnxConfig
from ...utils import logging
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = logging.get_logger(__name__)
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = {
"microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224-pt22k": (
# See all BEiT models at
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''beit'''
def __init__( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Dict=8192 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=768 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=12 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=12 , __magic_name__ :Dict=3072 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]="gelu" , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :str=0.0 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=1E-1_2 , __magic_name__ :Any=224 , __magic_name__ :Any=16 , __magic_name__ :Any=3 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=False , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=False , __magic_name__ :int=False , __magic_name__ :Any=False , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Any=0.1 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=True , __magic_name__ :Dict=[3, 5, 7, 11] , __magic_name__ :int=[1, 2, 3, 6] , __magic_name__ :Dict=True , __magic_name__ :Tuple=0.4 , __magic_name__ :Any=256 , __magic_name__ :str=1 , __magic_name__ :int=False , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=255 , **__magic_name__ :Dict , ):
'''simple docstring'''
super().__init__(**__magic_name__ )
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = initializer_range
a = layer_norm_eps
a = image_size
a = patch_size
a = num_channels
a = use_mask_token
a = use_absolute_position_embeddings
a = use_relative_position_bias
a = use_shared_relative_position_bias
a = layer_scale_init_value
a = drop_path_rate
a = use_mean_pooling
# decode head attributes (semantic segmentation)
a = out_indices
a = pool_scales
# auxiliary head attributes (semantic segmentation)
a = use_auxiliary_head
a = auxiliary_loss_weight
a = auxiliary_channels
a = auxiliary_num_convs
a = auxiliary_concat_input
a = semantic_loss_ignore_index
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = version.parse('''1.11''' )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return OrderedDict(
("""pixel_values""", {0: """batch""", 1: """num_channels""", 2: """height""", 3: """width"""}),
] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return 1E-4
| 347 |
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = TypeVar("T")
class __lowerCAmelCase ( Generic[T] ):
def __init__( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = data
a = self
a = 0
class __lowerCAmelCase ( Generic[T] ):
def __init__( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = DisjointSetTreeNode(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
a =[data]
if elem_ref != elem_ref.parent:
a = self.find_set( )
return elem_ref.parent
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :DisjointSetTreeNode[T] , __magic_name__ :DisjointSetTreeNode[T] ):
'''simple docstring'''
if nodea.rank > nodea.rank:
a = nodea
a = nodea
if nodea.rank == nodea.rank:
nodea.rank += 1
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :T , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring''' ) , self.find_set(__magic_name__ ) )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( Generic[T] ):
def __init__( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
if node not in self.connections:
a = {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :T , __magic_name__ :T , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
self.add_node(__magic_name__ )
self.add_node(__magic_name__ )
a = weight
a = weight
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = []
a = set()
for start in self.connections:
for end in self.connections[start]:
if (start, end) not in seen:
seen.add((end, start) )
edges.append((start, end, self.connections[start][end]) )
edges.sort(key=lambda __magic_name__ : x[2] )
# creating the disjoint set
a = DisjointSetTree[T]()
for node in self.connections:
disjoint_set.make_set(__magic_name__ )
# MST generation
a = 0
a = 0
a = GraphUndirectedWeighted[T]()
while num_edges < len(self.connections ) - 1:
a , a , a = edges[index]
index += 1
a = disjoint_set.find_set(__magic_name__ )
a = disjoint_set.find_set(__magic_name__ )
if parent_u != parent_v:
num_edges += 1
graph.add_edge(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
disjoint_set.union(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
return graph
| 347 | 1 |
import json
import pathlib
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, require_vision, slow
from transformers.utils import is_torch_available, is_vision_available
from ...test_image_processing_common import ImageProcessingSavingTestMixin, prepare_image_inputs
if is_torch_available():
import torch
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import YolosImageProcessor
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def __init__( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=7 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=3 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=30 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=400 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=True , __magic_name__ :Dict=None , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :int=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :str=1 / 255 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=True , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = size if size is not None else {"""shortest_edge""": 18, """longest_edge""": 1333}
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = num_channels
a = min_resolution
a = max_resolution
a = do_resize
a = size
a = do_normalize
a = image_mean
a = image_std
a = do_rescale
a = rescale_factor
a = do_pad
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
return {
"do_resize": self.do_resize,
"size": self.size,
"do_normalize": self.do_normalize,
"image_mean": self.image_mean,
"image_std": self.image_std,
"do_rescale": self.do_rescale,
"rescale_factor": self.rescale_factor,
"do_pad": self.do_pad,
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Tuple=False ):
'''simple docstring'''
if not batched:
a = image_inputs[0]
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , Image.Image ):
a , a = image.size
a , a = image.shape[1], image.shape[2]
if w < h:
a = int(self.size["""shortest_edge"""] * h / w )
a = self.size["""shortest_edge"""]
elif w > h:
a = self.size["""shortest_edge"""]
a = int(self.size["""shortest_edge"""] * w / h )
a = self.size["""shortest_edge"""]
a = self.size["""shortest_edge"""]
a = []
for image in image_inputs:
a , a = self.get_expected_values([image] )
expected_values.append((expected_height, expected_width) )
a = max(__magic_name__ , key=lambda __magic_name__ : item[0] )[0]
a = max(__magic_name__ , key=lambda __magic_name__ : item[1] )[1]
return expected_height, expected_width
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = YolosImageProcessor if is_vision_available() else None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = YolosImageProcessingTester(self )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.image_processor_tester.prepare_image_processor_dict()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """image_mean""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """image_std""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """do_normalize""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """do_resize""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """size""" ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class.from_dict(self.image_processor_dict )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.size , {"""shortest_edge""": 18, """longest_edge""": 1333} )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.do_pad , __magic_name__ )
a = self.image_processing_class.from_dict(
self.image_processor_dict , size=42 , max_size=84 , pad_and_return_pixel_mask=__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.size , {"""shortest_edge""": 42, """longest_edge""": 84} )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.do_pad , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
# create random PIL images
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , Image.Image )
# Test not batched input
a = image_processing(image_inputs[0] , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
a , a = self.image_processor_tester.get_expected_values(__magic_name__ )
encoded_images.shape , (1, self.image_processor_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width) , )
# Test batched
a , a = self.image_processor_tester.get_expected_values(__magic_name__ , batched=__magic_name__ )
a = image_processing(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
# create random numpy tensors
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ , numpify=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , np.ndarray )
# Test not batched input
a = image_processing(image_inputs[0] , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
a , a = self.image_processor_tester.get_expected_values(__magic_name__ )
encoded_images.shape , (1, self.image_processor_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width) , )
# Test batched
a = image_processing(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
a , a = self.image_processor_tester.get_expected_values(__magic_name__ , batched=__magic_name__ )
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
# create random PyTorch tensors
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ , torchify=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , torch.Tensor )
# Test not batched input
a = image_processing(image_inputs[0] , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
a , a = self.image_processor_tester.get_expected_values(__magic_name__ )
encoded_images.shape , (1, self.image_processor_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width) , )
# Test batched
a = image_processing(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
a , a = self.image_processor_tester.get_expected_values(__magic_name__ , batched=__magic_name__ )
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
a = self.image_processing_class(do_resize=__magic_name__ , do_normalize=__magic_name__ , do_rescale=__magic_name__ )
# create random PyTorch tensors
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ , torchify=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , torch.Tensor )
# Test whether the method "pad" and calling the image processor return the same tensors
a = image_processing_a.pad(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
a = image_processing_a(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
torch.allclose(encoded_images_with_method["""pixel_values"""] , encoded_images["""pixel_values"""] , atol=1E-4 ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a ="""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png""" )
with open("""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/coco_annotations.txt""" , """r""" ) as f:
a = json.loads( )
a = {"""image_id""": 3_9769, """annotations""": target}
# encode them
a = YolosImageProcessor.from_pretrained("""hustvl/yolos-small""" )
a = image_processing(images=__magic_name__ , annotations=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
# verify pixel values
a = torch.Size([1, 3, 800, 1066] )
self.assertEqual(encoding["""pixel_values"""].shape , __magic_name__ )
a = torch.tensor([0.2796, 0.3138, 0.3481] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""pixel_values"""][0, 0, 0, :3] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-4 ) )
# verify area
a = torch.tensor([5887.9600, 11250.2061, 489353.8438, 837122.7500, 147967.5156, 165732.3438] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""area"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify boxes
a = torch.Size([6, 4] )
self.assertEqual(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""boxes"""].shape , __magic_name__ )
a = torch.tensor([0.5503, 0.2765, 0.0604, 0.2215] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""boxes"""][0] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-3 ) )
# verify image_id
a = torch.tensor([3_9769] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""image_id"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify is_crowd
a = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""iscrowd"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify class_labels
a = torch.tensor([75, 75, 63, 65, 17, 17] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""class_labels"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify orig_size
a = torch.tensor([480, 640] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""orig_size"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify size
a = torch.tensor([800, 1066] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""size"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a ="""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png""" )
with open("""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/coco_panoptic_annotations.txt""" , """r""" ) as f:
a = json.loads( )
a = {"""file_name""": """000000039769.png""", """image_id""": 3_9769, """segments_info""": target}
a = pathlib.Path("""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/coco_panoptic""" )
# encode them
a = YolosImageProcessor(format="""coco_panoptic""" )
a = image_processing(images=__magic_name__ , annotations=__magic_name__ , masks_path=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
# verify pixel values
a = torch.Size([1, 3, 800, 1066] )
self.assertEqual(encoding["""pixel_values"""].shape , __magic_name__ )
a = torch.tensor([0.2796, 0.3138, 0.3481] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""pixel_values"""][0, 0, 0, :3] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-4 ) )
# verify area
a = torch.tensor([147979.6875, 165527.0469, 484638.5938, 11292.9375, 5879.6562, 7634.1147] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""area"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify boxes
a = torch.Size([6, 4] )
self.assertEqual(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""boxes"""].shape , __magic_name__ )
a = torch.tensor([0.2625, 0.5437, 0.4688, 0.8625] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""boxes"""][0] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-3 ) )
# verify image_id
a = torch.tensor([3_9769] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""image_id"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify is_crowd
a = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""iscrowd"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify class_labels
a = torch.tensor([17, 17, 63, 75, 75, 93] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""class_labels"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify masks
a = 82_2873
self.assertEqual(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""masks"""].sum().item() , __magic_name__ )
# verify orig_size
a = torch.tensor([480, 640] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""orig_size"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
# verify size
a = torch.tensor([800, 1066] )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(encoding["""labels"""][0]["""size"""] , __magic_name__ ) )
| 347 |
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
import numpy as np
import pytest
from transformers.testing_utils import require_vision
from transformers.utils import is_vision_available
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoProcessor, BertTokenizer, BlipImageProcessor, BlipProcessor, PreTrainedTokenizerFast
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = tempfile.mkdtemp()
a = BlipImageProcessor()
a = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("""hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-BertModel""" )
a = BlipProcessor(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , **__magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ ).tokenizer
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , **__magic_name__ :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ ).image_processor
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [np.random.randint(255 , size=(3, 30, 400) , dtype=np.uinta )]
a = [Image.fromarray(np.moveaxis(__magic_name__ , 0 , -1 ) ) for x in image_inputs]
return image_inputs
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=self.get_tokenizer() , image_processor=self.get_image_processor() )
processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
a = self.get_tokenizer(bos_token="""(BOS)""" , eos_token="""(EOS)""" )
a = self.get_image_processor(do_normalize=__magic_name__ , padding_value=1.0 )
a = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained(
self.tmpdirname , bos_token="""(BOS)""" , eos_token="""(EOS)""" , do_normalize=__magic_name__ , padding_value=1.0 )
self.assertEqual(processor.tokenizer.get_vocab() , tokenizer_add_kwargs.get_vocab() )
self.assertIsInstance(processor.tokenizer , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(processor.image_processor.to_json_string() , image_processor_add_kwargs.to_json_string() )
self.assertIsInstance(processor.image_processor , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = image_processor(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""np""" )
a = processor(images=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""np""" )
for key in input_feat_extract.keys():
self.assertAlmostEqual(input_feat_extract[key].sum() , input_processor[key].sum() , delta=1E-2 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer(__magic_name__ , return_token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
for key in encoded_tok.keys():
self.assertListEqual(encoded_tok[key] , encoded_processor[key] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ , images=__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(list(inputs.keys() ) , ["""pixel_values""", """input_ids""", """attention_mask"""] )
# test if it raises when no input is passed
with pytest.raises(__magic_name__ ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = [[1, 4, 5, 8, 1, 0, 8], [3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 8, 9]]
a = processor.batch_decode(__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.batch_decode(__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ , images=__magic_name__ )
# For now the processor supports only ['pixel_values', 'input_ids', 'attention_mask']
self.assertListEqual(list(inputs.keys() ) , ["""pixel_values""", """input_ids""", """attention_mask"""] )
| 347 | 1 |
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :int , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :List[str]=None , __magic_name__ :str=None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = data
a = previous
a = next_node
def __str__( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
return F'{}'
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.previous
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :str , __magic_name__ :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = head
def __iter__( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if not self.current:
raise StopIteration
a = self.current.get_data()
a = self.current.get_next()
return value
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = None # First node in list
a = None # Last node in list
def __str__( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.head
a = []
while current is not None:
nodes.append(current.get_data() )
a = current.get_next()
return " ".join(str(__magic_name__ ) for node in nodes )
def __contains__( self :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.head
while current:
if current.get_data() == value:
return True
a = current.get_next()
return False
def __iter__( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return LinkedListIterator(self.head )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.head:
return self.head.get_data()
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.tail:
return self.tail.get_data()
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :Node ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.head is None:
a = node
a = node
self.insert_before_node(self.head , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Node ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.head is None:
self.set_head(__magic_name__ )
self.insert_after_node(self.tail , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = Node(__magic_name__ )
if self.head is None:
self.set_head(__magic_name__ )
self.set_tail(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Node , __magic_name__ :Node ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = node
a = node.previous
if node.get_previous() is None:
a = node_to_insert
a = node_to_insert
a = node_to_insert
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Node , __magic_name__ :Node ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = node
a =
if node.get_next() is None:
a = node_to_insert
a = node_to_insert
a = node_to_insert
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = 1
a = Node(__magic_name__ )
a = self.head
while node:
if current_position == position:
self.insert_before_node(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
current_position += 1
a =
self.insert_after_node(self.tail , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.head
while node:
if node.get_data() == item:
return node
a = node.get_next()
raise Exception("""Node not found""" )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if (node := self.get_node(__magic_name__ )) is not None:
if node == self.head:
a = self.head.get_next()
if node == self.tail:
a = self.tail.get_previous()
self.remove_node_pointers(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( __magic_name__ :Node ):
'''simple docstring'''
if node.get_next():
a = node.previous
if node.get_previous():
a =
a = None
a = None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.head is None
def __A ( ) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 |
from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ...utils import logging
from ...utils.backbone_utils import BackboneConfigMixin, get_aligned_output_features_output_indices
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
__UpperCamelCase : int = {
"shi-labs/nat-mini-in1k-224": "",
# See all Nat models at
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''nat'''
UpperCamelCase__ = {
'''num_attention_heads''': '''num_heads''',
'''num_hidden_layers''': '''num_layers''',
def __init__( self :Any , __magic_name__ :int=4 , __magic_name__ :Dict=3 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=64 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=[3, 4, 6, 5] , __magic_name__ :int=[2, 4, 8, 16] , __magic_name__ :str=7 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=3.0 , __magic_name__ :Dict=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]="gelu" , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=1E-5 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :int=None , __magic_name__ :Any=None , **__magic_name__ :Dict , ):
'''simple docstring'''
super().__init__(**__magic_name__ )
a = patch_size
a = num_channels
a = embed_dim
a = depths
a = len(__magic_name__ )
a = num_heads
a = kernel_size
a = mlp_ratio
a = qkv_bias
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = drop_path_rate
a = hidden_act
a = layer_norm_eps
a = initializer_range
# we set the hidden_size attribute in order to make Nat work with VisionEncoderDecoderModel
# this indicates the channel dimension after the last stage of the model
a = int(embed_dim * 2 ** (len(__magic_name__ ) - 1) )
a = layer_scale_init_value
a = ["""stem"""] + [F'stage{idx}' for idx in range(1 , len(__magic_name__ ) + 1 )]
a , a = get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(
out_features=__magic_name__ , out_indices=__magic_name__ , stage_names=self.stage_names )
| 347 | 1 |
import argparse
import json
import numpy
import torch
from transformers.models.xlm.tokenization_xlm import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES
from transformers.utils import CONFIG_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME, logging
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Tuple:
# Load checkpoint
a = torch.load(__lowerCamelCase , map_location="""cpu""" )
a = chkpt["""model"""]
# We have the base model one level deeper than the original XLM repository
a = {}
for k, v in state_dict.items():
if "pred_layer" in k:
a = v
a = v
a = chkpt["""params"""]
a = {n: v for n, v in config.items() if not isinstance(__lowerCamelCase , (torch.FloatTensor, numpy.ndarray) )}
a = chkpt["""dico_word2id"""]
a = {s + """</w>""" if s.find("""@@""" ) == -1 and i > 13 else s.replace("""@@""" , """""" ): i for s, i in vocab.items()}
# Save pytorch-model
a = pytorch_dump_folder_path + """/""" + WEIGHTS_NAME
a = pytorch_dump_folder_path + """/""" + CONFIG_NAME
a = pytorch_dump_folder_path + """/""" + VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["""vocab_file"""]
print(f'Save PyTorch model to {pytorch_weights_dump_path}' ) , __lowerCamelCase )
print(f'Save configuration file to {pytorch_config_dump_path}' )
with open(__lowerCamelCase , """w""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as f:
f.write(json.dumps(__lowerCamelCase , indent=2 ) + """\n""" )
print(f'Save vocab file to {pytorch_config_dump_path}' )
with open(__lowerCamelCase , """w""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as f:
f.write(json.dumps(__lowerCamelCase , indent=2 ) + """\n""" )
if __name__ == "__main__":
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
"--xlm_checkpoint_path", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="Path the official PyTorch dump."
"--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="Path to the output PyTorch model."
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = parser.parse_args()
convert_xlm_checkpoint_to_pytorch(args.xlm_checkpoint_path, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
| 347 |
import argparse
import json
import os
import tensorstore as ts
import torch
from flax import serialization
from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict
from import gfile
from transformers.modeling_utils import dtype_byte_size
from transformers.models.switch_transformers.convert_switch_transformers_original_flax_checkpoint_to_pytorch import (
from transformers.utils import WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME
from transformers.utils.hub import convert_file_size_to_int
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Optional[int]:
if flax_key_tuple[-1] == "kernel" and flax_tensor.ndim == 3:
# expert layer
a = flax_key_tuple[:-1] + ("""weight""",)
a = torch.permute(__lowerCamelCase , (0, 2, 1) )
elif flax_key_tuple[-1] == "kernel" and ".".join(__lowerCamelCase ):
# linear layer
a = flax_key_tuple[:-1] + ("""weight""",)
a = flax_tensor.T
elif flax_key_tuple[-1] in ["scale", "embedding"]:
a = flax_key_tuple[:-1] + ("""weight""",)
return flax_key_tuple, flax_tensor
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> List[Any]:
if "metadata" in layer:
a = layer.split("""metadata""" )
a = """""".join(split_layer[0] )[:-1]
a = [tuple(("""metadata""" + split_layer[1]).split("""/""" ) )]
elif "kvstore" in layer:
a = layer.split("""kvstore""" )
a = """""".join(split_layer[0] )[:-1]
a = [tuple(("""kvstore""" + split_layer[1]).split("""/""" ) )]
a = layer.split("""/""" )
a = """/""".join(split_layer[:-1] )
a = (split_layer[-1],)
if "kvstore/path" in layer:
a = f'{switch_checkpoint_path}/{checkpoint_info[layer]}'
elif "kvstore/driver" in layer:
a = """file"""
a = checkpoint_info[layer]
return curr_real_layer_name, split_layer, content
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Union[str, Any]:
a = rename_keys(__lowerCamelCase )
a = {}
for k, v in current_block.items():
a = v
a = new_current_block , __lowerCamelCase )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase = WEIGHTS_NAME ) -> List[str]:
a = convert_file_size_to_int(__lowerCamelCase )
a = []
a = {}
a = 0
a = 0
os.makedirs(__lowerCamelCase , exist_ok=__lowerCamelCase )
with gfile.GFile(switch_checkpoint_path + """/checkpoint""" , """rb""" ) as fp:
a = serialization.msgpack_restore( )["""optimizer"""]["""target"""]
a = flatten_dict(__lowerCamelCase , sep="""/""" )
a = {}
for layer in checkpoint_info.keys():
a , a , a = get_key_and_tensorstore_dict(
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
if curr_real_layer_name in all_layers:
a = content
a = {split_layer[-1]: content}
for key in all_layers.keys():
# open tensorstore file
a =[key] ) ).result().read().result()
a = torch.tensor(__lowerCamelCase )
a = raw_weights.numel() * dtype_byte_size(raw_weights.dtype )
# use the renaming pattern from the small conversion scripts
a , a = rename_base_flax_keys(tuple(key.split("""/""" ) ) , __lowerCamelCase )
a = """/""".join(__lowerCamelCase )
# If this weight is going to tip up over the maximal size, we split.
if current_block_size + weight_size > max_shard_size:
a = os.path.join(
__lowerCamelCase , weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{len(__lowerCamelCase )+1:05d}-of-???.bin' ) )
rename_and_save_block(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
sharded_state_dicts.append(current_block.keys() )
del current_block
a = {}
a = 0
a = , __lowerCamelCase ) )
current_block_size += weight_size
total_size += weight_size
# Add the last block
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{len(__lowerCamelCase )+1:05d}-of-???.bin' ) )
rename_and_save_block(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
sharded_state_dicts.append(current_block.keys() )
# If we only have one shard, we return it
if len(__lowerCamelCase ) == 1:
return {weights_name: sharded_state_dicts[0]}, None
# Otherwise, let's build the index
a = {}
a = {}
for idx, shard in enumerate(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = weights_name.replace(
""".bin""" , f'-{idx+1:05d}-of-{len(__lowerCamelCase ):05d}.bin' ) # len(sharded_state_dicts):05d}
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , weights_name.replace(""".bin""" , f'-{idx+1:05d}-of-???.bin' ) )
os.rename(__lowerCamelCase , os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) )
a = shard
for key in shard:
a = shard_file
# Add the metadata
a = {"""total_size""": total_size}
a = {"""metadata""": metadata, """weight_map""": weight_map}
with open(os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) , """w""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as f:
a = json.dumps(__lowerCamelCase , indent=2 , sort_keys=__lowerCamelCase ) + """\n"""
f.write(__lowerCamelCase )
return metadata, index
if __name__ == "__main__":
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
help="Path to a directory containing a folder per layer. Follows the original Google format.",
parser.add_argument("--max_shard_size", default="10GB", required=False, help="Max shard size")
parser.add_argument("--dtype", default="bfloat16", type=str, required=False, help="dtype of the saved model")
help="Path to the output pytorch model.",
__UpperCamelCase : Any = parser.parse_args()
def __A ( ) -> Tuple:
from transformers import SwitchTransformersConfig, SwitchTransformersForConditionalGeneration, TaTokenizer
a = SwitchTransformersConfig.from_pretrained("""google/switch-base-8""" )
config.save_pretrained("""/home/arthur_huggingface_co/transformers/switch_converted""" )
a = SwitchTransformersForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(
"""/home/arthur_huggingface_co/transformers/switch_converted""" , device_map="""auto""" )
a = TaTokenizer.from_pretrained("""t5-small""" )
a = """A <extra_id_0> walks into a bar a orders a <extra_id_1> with <extra_id_2> pinch of <extra_id_3>."""
a = tokenizer(__lowerCamelCase , return_tensors="""pt""" ).input_ids
a = model.generate(__lowerCamelCase , decoder_start_token_id=0 )
print(tokenizer.decode(out[0] ) )
| 347 | 1 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> bool:
if not isinstance(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ):
a = f'Input value of [number={number}] must be an integer'
raise TypeError(__lowerCamelCase )
if number < 0:
return False
a = number * number
while number > 0:
if number % 10 != number_square % 10:
return False
number //= 10
number_square //= 10
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 |
import glob
import os
import random
from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
import cva
import numpy as np
# Parrameters
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = (720, 1_280) # Height, Width
__UpperCamelCase : Any = (0.4, 0.6) # if height or width lower than this scale, drop it.
__UpperCamelCase : str = 1 / 100
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[int] = ""
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = ""
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = ""
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = 250
def __A ( ) -> None:
a , a = get_dataset(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
for index in range(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = random.sample(range(len(__lowerCamelCase ) ) , 4 )
a , a , a = update_image_and_anno(
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , filter_scale=__lowerCamelCase , )
# Get random string code: '7b7ad245cdff75241935e4dd860f3bad'
a = random_chars(32 )
a = path.split(os.sep )[-1].rsplit(""".""" , 1 )[0]
a = f'{OUTPUT_DIR}/{file_name}_MOSAIC_{letter_code}'
cva.imwrite(f'{file_root}.jpg' , __lowerCamelCase , [cva.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 85] )
print(f'Succeeded {index+1}/{NUMBER_IMAGES} with {file_name}' )
a = []
for anno in new_annos:
a = anno[3] - anno[1]
a = anno[4] - anno[2]
a = anno[1] + width / 2
a = anno[2] + height / 2
a = f'{anno[0]} {x_center} {y_center} {width} {height}'
annos_list.append(__lowerCamelCase )
with open(f'{file_root}.txt' , """w""" ) as outfile:
outfile.write("""\n""".join(line for line in annos_list ) )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> tuple[list, list]:
a = []
a = []
for label_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , """*.txt""" ) ):
a = label_file.split(os.sep )[-1].rsplit(""".""" , 1 )[0]
with open(__lowerCamelCase ) as in_file:
a = in_file.readlines()
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , f'{label_name}.jpg' )
a = []
for obj_list in obj_lists:
a = obj_list.rstrip("""\n""" ).split(""" """ )
a = float(obj[1] ) - float(obj[3] ) / 2
a = float(obj[2] ) - float(obj[4] ) / 2
a = float(obj[1] ) + float(obj[3] ) / 2
a = float(obj[2] ) + float(obj[4] ) / 2
boxes.append([int(obj[0] ), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] )
if not boxes:
img_paths.append(__lowerCamelCase )
labels.append(__lowerCamelCase )
return img_paths, labels
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase = 0.0 , ) -> tuple[list, list, str]:
a = np.zeros([output_size[0], output_size[1], 3] , dtype=np.uinta )
a = scale_range[0] + random.random() * (scale_range[1] - scale_range[0])
a = scale_range[0] + random.random() * (scale_range[1] - scale_range[0])
a = int(scale_x * output_size[1] )
a = int(scale_y * output_size[0] )
a = []
a = []
for i, index in enumerate(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = all_img_list[index]
path_list.append(__lowerCamelCase )
a = all_annos[index]
a = cva.imread(__lowerCamelCase )
if i == 0: # top-left
a = cva.resize(__lowerCamelCase , (divid_point_x, divid_point_y) )
a = img
for bbox in img_annos:
a = bbox[1] * scale_x
a = bbox[2] * scale_y
a = bbox[3] * scale_x
a = bbox[4] * scale_y
new_anno.append([bbox[0], xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] )
elif i == 1: # top-right
a = cva.resize(__lowerCamelCase , (output_size[1] - divid_point_x, divid_point_y) )
a = img
for bbox in img_annos:
a = scale_x + bbox[1] * (1 - scale_x)
a = bbox[2] * scale_y
a = scale_x + bbox[3] * (1 - scale_x)
a = bbox[4] * scale_y
new_anno.append([bbox[0], xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] )
elif i == 2: # bottom-left
a = cva.resize(__lowerCamelCase , (divid_point_x, output_size[0] - divid_point_y) )
a = img
for bbox in img_annos:
a = bbox[1] * scale_x
a = scale_y + bbox[2] * (1 - scale_y)
a = bbox[3] * scale_x
a = scale_y + bbox[4] * (1 - scale_y)
new_anno.append([bbox[0], xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] )
else: # bottom-right
a = cva.resize(
__lowerCamelCase , (output_size[1] - divid_point_x, output_size[0] - divid_point_y) )
a = img
for bbox in img_annos:
a = scale_x + bbox[1] * (1 - scale_x)
a = scale_y + bbox[2] * (1 - scale_y)
a = scale_x + bbox[3] * (1 - scale_x)
a = scale_y + bbox[4] * (1 - scale_y)
new_anno.append([bbox[0], xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] )
# Remove bounding box small than scale of filter
if filter_scale > 0:
a = [
for anno in new_anno
if filter_scale < (anno[3] - anno[1]) and filter_scale < (anno[4] - anno[2])
return output_img, new_anno, path_list[0]
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
assert number_char > 1, "The number of character should greater than 1"
a = ascii_lowercase + digits
return "".join(random.choice(__lowerCamelCase ) for _ in range(__lowerCamelCase ) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("DONE ✅")
| 347 | 1 |
def __A ( ) -> None:
a = input("""Enter message: """ )
a = input("""Enter key [alphanumeric]: """ )
a = input("""Encrypt/Decrypt [e/d]: """ )
if mode.lower().startswith("""e""" ):
a = """encrypt"""
a = encrypt_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
elif mode.lower().startswith("""d""" ):
a = """decrypt"""
a = decrypt_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
print(f'\n{mode.title()}ed message:' )
print(__lowerCamelCase )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
return translate_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , """encrypt""" )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
return translate_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , """decrypt""" )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
a = []
a = 0
a = key.upper()
for symbol in message:
a = LETTERS.find(symbol.upper() )
if num != -1:
if mode == "encrypt":
num += LETTERS.find(key[key_index] )
elif mode == "decrypt":
num -= LETTERS.find(key[key_index] )
num %= len(__lowerCamelCase )
if symbol.isupper():
translated.append(LETTERS[num] )
elif symbol.islower():
translated.append(LETTERS[num].lower() )
key_index += 1
if key_index == len(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = 0
translated.append(__lowerCamelCase )
return "".join(__lowerCamelCase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 347 |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import OptionalDependencyNotAvailable, _LazyModule, is_torch_available, is_vision_available
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = {
"configuration_mobilenet_v2": [
if not is_vision_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : int = ["MobileNetV2FeatureExtractor"]
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = ["MobileNetV2ImageProcessor"]
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : int = [
from .configuration_mobilenet_va import (
if not is_vision_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .feature_extraction_mobilenet_va import MobileNetVaFeatureExtractor
from .image_processing_mobilenet_va import MobileNetVaImageProcessor
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_mobilenet_va import (
import sys
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()["__file__"], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 347 | 1 |
__UpperCamelCase : str = [4, 1, 7, 4, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3, 7, 5]
__UpperCamelCase : List[str] = [3, 7, 7, 4, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3, 7, 5]
__UpperCamelCase : List[str] = {
0: "Sunday",
1: "Monday",
2: "Tuesday",
3: "Wednesday",
4: "Thursday",
5: "Friday",
6: "Saturday",
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
assert len(str(__lowerCamelCase ) ) > 2, "year should be in YYYY format"
assert 1 <= month <= 12, "month should be between 1 to 12"
assert 1 <= day <= 31, "day should be between 1 to 31"
# Doomsday algorithm:
a = year // 100
a = (5 * (century % 4) + 2) % 7
a = year % 100
a = centurian % 12
a = (
(centurian // 12) + centurian_m + (centurian_m // 4) + century_anchor
) % 7
a = (
if (year % 4 != 0) or (centurian == 0 and (year % 400) == 0)
else DOOMSDAY_LEAP[month - 1]
a = (dooms_day + day - day_anchor) % 7
return WEEK_DAY_NAMES[week_day]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> bool:
if num < 0:
return False
a = num
a = 0
while num > 0:
a = rev_num * 10 + (num % 10)
num //= 10
return num_copy == rev_num
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 | 1 |
import argparse
import json
import requests
import timm
import torch
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, SwinConfig, SwinForImageClassification
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> Optional[int]:
a = SwinConfig()
a = swin_name.split("""_""" )
a = name_split[1]
a = int(name_split[4] )
a = int(name_split[3][-1] )
if model_size == "tiny":
a = 96
a = (2, 2, 6, 2)
a = (3, 6, 12, 24)
elif model_size == "small":
a = 96
a = (2, 2, 18, 2)
a = (3, 6, 12, 24)
elif model_size == "base":
a = 128
a = (2, 2, 18, 2)
a = (4, 8, 16, 32)
a = 192
a = (2, 2, 18, 2)
a = (6, 12, 24, 48)
if "in22k" in swin_name:
a = 2_1841
a = 1000
a = """huggingface/label-files"""
a = """imagenet-1k-id2label.json"""
a = json.load(open(hf_hub_download(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , repo_type="""dataset""" ) , """r""" ) )
a = {int(__lowerCamelCase ): v for k, v in idalabel.items()}
a = idalabel
a = {v: k for k, v in idalabel.items()}
a = img_size
a = num_classes
a = embed_dim
a = depths
a = num_heads
a = window_size
return config
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
if "patch_embed.proj" in name:
a = name.replace("""patch_embed.proj""" , """embeddings.patch_embeddings.projection""" )
if "patch_embed.norm" in name:
a = name.replace("""patch_embed.norm""" , """embeddings.norm""" )
if "layers" in name:
a = """encoder.""" + name
if "attn.proj" in name:
a = name.replace("""attn.proj""" , """attention.output.dense""" )
if "attn" in name:
a = name.replace("""attn""" , """attention.self""" )
if "norm1" in name:
a = name.replace("""norm1""" , """layernorm_before""" )
if "norm2" in name:
a = name.replace("""norm2""" , """layernorm_after""" )
if "mlp.fc1" in name:
a = name.replace("""mlp.fc1""" , """intermediate.dense""" )
if "mlp.fc2" in name:
a = name.replace("""mlp.fc2""" , """output.dense""" )
if name == "norm.weight":
a = """layernorm.weight"""
if name == "norm.bias":
a = """layernorm.bias"""
if "head" in name:
a = name.replace("""head""" , """classifier""" )
a = """swin.""" + name
return name
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Optional[int]:
for key in orig_state_dict.copy().keys():
a = orig_state_dict.pop(__lowerCamelCase )
if "mask" in key:
elif "qkv" in key:
a = key.split(""".""" )
a = int(key_split[1] )
a = int(key_split[3] )
a = model.swin.encoder.layers[layer_num].blocks[block_num].attention.self.all_head_size
if "weight" in key:
a = val[:dim, :]
a = val[
dim : dim * 2, :
a = val[-dim:, :]
a = val[
a = val[
dim : dim * 2
a = val[
a = val
return orig_state_dict
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> List[Any]:
a = timm.create_model(__lowerCamelCase , pretrained=__lowerCamelCase )
a = get_swin_config(__lowerCamelCase )
a = SwinForImageClassification(__lowerCamelCase )
a = convert_state_dict(timm_model.state_dict() , __lowerCamelCase )
model.load_state_dict(__lowerCamelCase )
a = """"""
a = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("""microsoft/{}""".format(swin_name.replace("""_""" , """-""" ) ) )
a = , stream=__lowerCamelCase ).raw )
a = image_processor(images=__lowerCamelCase , return_tensors="""pt""" )
a = timm_model(inputs["""pixel_values"""] )
a = model(**__lowerCamelCase ).logits
assert torch.allclose(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , atol=1E-3 )
print(f'Saving model {swin_name} to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}' )
model.save_pretrained(__lowerCamelCase )
print(f'Saving image processor to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}' )
image_processor.save_pretrained(__lowerCamelCase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
help="Name of the Swin timm model you'd like to convert.",
"--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the output PyTorch model directory."
__UpperCamelCase : str = parser.parse_args()
convert_swin_checkpoint(args.swin_name, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
| 347 |
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
from transformers import BatchEncoding, CanineTokenizer
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tokenizers, require_torch
from transformers.tokenization_utils import AddedToken
from transformers.utils import cached_property
from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = CanineTokenizer
UpperCamelCase__ = False
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = CanineTokenizer()
tokenizer.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
return CanineTokenizer.from_pretrained("""google/canine-s""" )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , **__magic_name__ :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ )
a = 1024
return tokenizer
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.canine_tokenizer
a = ["""Life is like a box of chocolates.""", """You never know what you're gonna get."""]
# fmt: off
a = [5_7344, 76, 105, 102, 101, 32, 105, 115, 32, 108, 105, 107, 101, 32, 97, 32, 98, 111, 120, 32, 111, 102, 32, 99, 104, 111, 99, 111, 108, 97, 116, 101, 115, 46, 5_7345, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# fmt: on
a = tokenizer(__magic_name__ , padding=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = list(batch.input_ids.numpy()[0] )
self.assertListEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual((2, 39) , batch.input_ids.shape )
self.assertEqual((2, 39) , batch.attention_mask.shape )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.canine_tokenizer
a = ["""Once there was a man.""", """He wrote a test in HuggingFace Tranformers."""]
a = tokenizer(__magic_name__ , padding=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
# check if input_ids, attention_mask and token_type_ids are returned
self.assertIn("""input_ids""" , __magic_name__ )
self.assertIn("""attention_mask""" , __magic_name__ )
self.assertIn("""token_type_ids""" , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.canine_tokenizer
a = [
"""What's the weater?""",
"""It's about 25 degrees.""",
a = tokenizer(
text_target=__magic_name__ , max_length=32 , padding="""max_length""" , truncation=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" )
self.assertEqual(32 , targets["""input_ids"""].shape[1] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_tokenizers()
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
self.assertNotEqual(tokenizer.model_max_length , 42 )
# Now let's start the test
a = self.get_tokenizers()
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
# Isolate this from the other tests because we save additional tokens/etc
a = tempfile.mkdtemp()
a = """ He is very happy, UNwant\u00E9d,running"""
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.__class__.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
a = after_tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
shutil.rmtree(__magic_name__ )
a = self.get_tokenizers(model_max_length=42 )
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
# Isolate this from the other tests because we save additional tokens/etc
a = tempfile.mkdtemp()
a = """ He is very happy, UNwant\u00E9d,running"""
a = tokenizer.additional_special_tokens
# We can add a new special token for Canine as follows:
a = chr(0Xe_0_0_7 )
additional_special_tokens.append(__magic_name__ )
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"""additional_special_tokens""": additional_special_tokens} )
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.__class__.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
a = after_tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
self.assertIn(__magic_name__ , after_tokenizer.additional_special_tokens )
self.assertEqual(after_tokenizer.model_max_length , 42 )
a = tokenizer.__class__.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ , model_max_length=43 )
self.assertEqual(tokenizer.model_max_length , 43 )
shutil.rmtree(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=__magic_name__ )
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
a , a = self.get_clean_sequence(__magic_name__ )
# a special token for Canine can be defined as follows:
a = 0Xe_0_0_5
a = chr(__magic_name__ )
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"""cls_token""": special_token} )
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(len(__magic_name__ ) , 1 )
a = tokenizer.decode(ids + encoded_special_token , clean_up_tokenization_spaces=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(__magic_name__ , input_encoded + special_token_id )
a = tokenizer.decode(__magic_name__ , skip_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
self.assertTrue(special_token not in decoded )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=__magic_name__ )
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
a = chr(0Xe_0_0_5 )
a = chr(0Xe_0_0_6 )
# `add_tokens` method stores special tokens only in `tokenizer.unique_no_split_tokens`. (in
tokenizer.add_tokens([SPECIAL_TOKEN_1] , special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
# `add_special_tokens` method stores special tokens in `tokenizer.additional_special_tokens`,
# which also occur in `tokenizer.all_special_tokens`. (in
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"""additional_special_tokens""": [SPECIAL_TOKEN_2]} )
a = tokenizer.tokenize(__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.tokenize(__magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(len(__magic_name__ ) , 1 )
self.assertEqual(len(__magic_name__ ) , 1 )
self.assertEqual(token_a[0] , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(token_a[0] , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=__magic_name__ )
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
# a special token for Canine can be defined as follows:
a = 0Xe_0_0_6
a = chr(__magic_name__ )
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ )
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"""additional_special_tokens""": [new_token]} )
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir_name:
tokenizer.save_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
tokenizer.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = []
if self.test_slow_tokenizer:
tokenizer_list.append((self.tokenizer_class, self.get_tokenizer()) )
if self.test_rust_tokenizer:
tokenizer_list.append((self.rust_tokenizer_class, self.get_rust_tokenizer()) )
for tokenizer_class, tokenizer_utils in tokenizer_list:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
tokenizer_utils.save_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
with open(os.path.join(__magic_name__ , """special_tokens_map.json""" ) , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as json_file:
a = json.load(__magic_name__ )
with open(os.path.join(__magic_name__ , """tokenizer_config.json""" ) , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as json_file:
a = json.load(__magic_name__ )
# a special token for Canine can be defined as follows:
a = 0Xe_0_0_6
a = chr(__magic_name__ )
a = [new_token_a]
a = [new_token_a]
with open(os.path.join(__magic_name__ , """special_tokens_map.json""" ) , """w""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as outfile:
json.dump(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
with open(os.path.join(__magic_name__ , """tokenizer_config.json""" ) , """w""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as outfile:
json.dump(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
# the following checks allow us to verify that our test works as expected, i.e. that the tokenizer takes
# into account the new value of additional_special_tokens given in the "tokenizer_config.json" and
# "special_tokens_map.json" files
a = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ , extra_ids=0 )
self.assertIn(__magic_name__ , tokenizer_without_change_in_init.additional_special_tokens )
# self.assertIn("an_additional_special_token",tokenizer_without_change_in_init.get_vocab()) # ByT5Tokenization no vocab
[new_token_a] , tokenizer_without_change_in_init.convert_ids_to_tokens(
tokenizer_without_change_in_init.convert_tokens_to_ids([new_token_a] ) ) , )
a = 0Xe_0_0_7
a = chr(__magic_name__ )
# Now we test that we can change the value of additional_special_tokens in the from_pretrained
a = [AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ )]
a = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(
__magic_name__ , additional_special_tokens=__magic_name__ , extra_ids=0 )
self.assertIn(__magic_name__ , tokenizer.additional_special_tokens )
# self.assertIn(new_token_2,tokenizer.get_vocab()) # ByT5Tokenization no vocab
[new_token_a] , tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids([new_token_a] ) ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=__magic_name__ )
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
a = """hello world"""
if self.space_between_special_tokens:
a = """[CLS] hello world [SEP]"""
a = input
a = tokenizer.encode(__magic_name__ , add_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.decode(__magic_name__ , spaces_between_special_tokens=self.space_between_special_tokens )
self.assertIn(__magic_name__ , [output, output.lower()] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_tokenizers()
for tokenizer in tokenizers:
with self.subTest(F'{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}' ):
a = [
a = """a"""
a = ord(__magic_name__ )
for attr in attributes_list:
setattr(__magic_name__ , attr + """_id""" , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , attr + """_id""" ) , __magic_name__ )
setattr(__magic_name__ , attr + """_id""" , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , attr + """_id""" ) , __magic_name__ )
setattr(__magic_name__ , """additional_special_tokens_ids""" , [] )
self.assertListEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , """additional_special_tokens""" ) , [] )
self.assertListEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , """additional_special_tokens_ids""" ) , [] )
a = 0Xe_0_0_6
a = chr(__magic_name__ )
setattr(__magic_name__ , """additional_special_tokens_ids""" , [additional_special_token_id] )
self.assertListEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , """additional_special_tokens""" ) , [additional_special_token] )
self.assertListEqual(getattr(__magic_name__ , """additional_special_tokens_ids""" ) , [additional_special_token_id] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
| 347 | 1 |
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
import numpy as np
import pytest
from transformers.testing_utils import require_vision
from transformers.utils import is_vision_available
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoProcessor, BertTokenizer, BlipImageProcessor, BlipProcessor, PreTrainedTokenizerFast
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = tempfile.mkdtemp()
a = BlipImageProcessor()
a = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("""hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-BertModel""" )
a = BlipProcessor(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , **__magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ ).tokenizer
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , **__magic_name__ :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ ).image_processor
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [np.random.randint(255 , size=(3, 30, 400) , dtype=np.uinta )]
a = [Image.fromarray(np.moveaxis(__magic_name__ , 0 , -1 ) ) for x in image_inputs]
return image_inputs
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=self.get_tokenizer() , image_processor=self.get_image_processor() )
processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
a = self.get_tokenizer(bos_token="""(BOS)""" , eos_token="""(EOS)""" )
a = self.get_image_processor(do_normalize=__magic_name__ , padding_value=1.0 )
a = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained(
self.tmpdirname , bos_token="""(BOS)""" , eos_token="""(EOS)""" , do_normalize=__magic_name__ , padding_value=1.0 )
self.assertEqual(processor.tokenizer.get_vocab() , tokenizer_add_kwargs.get_vocab() )
self.assertIsInstance(processor.tokenizer , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(processor.image_processor.to_json_string() , image_processor_add_kwargs.to_json_string() )
self.assertIsInstance(processor.image_processor , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = image_processor(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""np""" )
a = processor(images=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""np""" )
for key in input_feat_extract.keys():
self.assertAlmostEqual(input_feat_extract[key].sum() , input_processor[key].sum() , delta=1E-2 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer(__magic_name__ , return_token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
for key in encoded_tok.keys():
self.assertListEqual(encoded_tok[key] , encoded_processor[key] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ , images=__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(list(inputs.keys() ) , ["""pixel_values""", """input_ids""", """attention_mask"""] )
# test if it raises when no input is passed
with pytest.raises(__magic_name__ ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = [[1, 4, 5, 8, 1, 0, 8], [3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 8, 9]]
a = processor.batch_decode(__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.batch_decode(__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ , images=__magic_name__ )
# For now the processor supports only ['pixel_values', 'input_ids', 'attention_mask']
self.assertListEqual(list(inputs.keys() ) , ["""pixel_values""", """input_ids""", """attention_mask"""] )
| 347 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> bool:
return number & 1 == 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 | 1 |
import copy
import os
from typing import Union
from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ...utils import logging
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__)
__UpperCamelCase : str = {
"google/pix2struct-textcaps-base": (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''pix2struct_text_model'''
UpperCamelCase__ = ['''past_key_values''']
UpperCamelCase__ = {
'''hidden_size''': '''hidden_size''',
'''num_attention_heads''': '''num_heads''',
'''num_hidden_layers''': '''num_layers''',
def __init__( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :int=5_0244 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=768 , __magic_name__ :Any=64 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=2048 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=12 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=12 , __magic_name__ :Any=32 , __magic_name__ :Any=128 , __magic_name__ :str=0.1 , __magic_name__ :str=1E-6 , __magic_name__ :Any=1.0 , __magic_name__ :Dict="gelu_new" , __magic_name__ :int=0 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=False , __magic_name__ :List[str]=0 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=1 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=False , __magic_name__ :int=True , **__magic_name__ :str , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = d_kv
a = d_ff
a = num_layers
a = num_heads
a = relative_attention_num_buckets
a = relative_attention_max_distance
a = dropout_rate
a = layer_norm_epsilon
a = initializer_factor
a = use_cache
a = eos_token_id
a = decoder_start_token_id
# for backwards compatibility
a = dense_act_fn
pad_token_id=__magic_name__ , eos_token_id=__magic_name__ , decoder_start_token_id=__magic_name__ , tie_word_embeddings=__magic_name__ , is_decoder=__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( cls :int , __magic_name__ :Union[str, os.PathLike] , **__magic_name__ :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
cls._set_token_in_kwargs(__magic_name__ )
a , a = cls.get_config_dict(__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ )
# get the text config dict if we are loading from Pix2StructConfig
if config_dict.get("""model_type""" ) == "pix2struct":
a = config_dict["""text_config"""]
if "model_type" in config_dict and hasattr(cls , """model_type""" ) and config_dict["model_type"] != cls.model_type:
F'You are using a model of type {config_dict["model_type"]} to instantiate a model of type '
F'{cls.model_type}. This is not supported for all configurations of models and can yield errors.' )
return cls.from_dict(__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''pix2struct_vision_model'''
def __init__( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=768 , __magic_name__ :int=768 , __magic_name__ :Any=2048 , __magic_name__ :Any=64 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=12 , __magic_name__ :int=12 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]="gelu_new" , __magic_name__ :Tuple=1E-6 , __magic_name__ :Any=0.0 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :Any=1E-1_0 , __magic_name__ :Dict=1.0 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=4096 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=32 , __magic_name__ :int=128 , **__magic_name__ :str , ):
'''simple docstring'''
super().__init__(**__magic_name__ )
a = hidden_size
a = patch_embed_hidden_size
a = d_ff
a = dropout_rate
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = initializer_range
a = initializer_factor
a = attention_dropout
a = layer_norm_eps
a = dense_act_fn
a = seq_len
a = relative_attention_num_buckets
a = relative_attention_max_distance
a = d_kv
def lowerCamelCase__ ( cls :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :Union[str, os.PathLike] , **__magic_name__ :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
cls._set_token_in_kwargs(__magic_name__ )
a , a = cls.get_config_dict(__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ )
# get the vision config dict if we are loading from Pix2StructConfig
if config_dict.get("""model_type""" ) == "pix2struct":
a = config_dict["""vision_config"""]
if "model_type" in config_dict and hasattr(cls , """model_type""" ) and config_dict["model_type"] != cls.model_type:
F'You are using a model of type {config_dict["model_type"]} to instantiate a model of type '
F'{cls.model_type}. This is not supported for all configurations of models and can yield errors.' )
return cls.from_dict(__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''pix2struct'''
UpperCamelCase__ = True
def __init__( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Any=None , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=None , __magic_name__ :int=1.0 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Dict=False , __magic_name__ :List[str]=False , __magic_name__ :List[str]=True , **__magic_name__ :Tuple , ):
'''simple docstring'''
super().__init__(tie_word_embeddings=__magic_name__ , is_encoder_decoder=__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ )
if text_config is None:
a = {}"""text_config is None. Initializing the Pix2StructTextConfig with default values.""" )
if vision_config is None:
a = {}"""vision_config is None. Initializing the Pix2StructVisionConfig with default values.""" )
a = PixaStructTextConfig(**__magic_name__ )
a = PixaStructVisionConfig(**__magic_name__ )
a = self.text_config.decoder_start_token_id
a = self.text_config.pad_token_id
a = self.text_config.eos_token_id
a = initializer_factor
a = initializer_range
a = self.initializer_range
a = self.initializer_range
a = is_vqa
def lowerCamelCase__ ( cls :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :PixaStructTextConfig , __magic_name__ :PixaStructVisionConfig , **__magic_name__ :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return cls(text_config=text_config.to_dict() , vision_config=vision_config.to_dict() , **__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__ )
a = self.text_config.to_dict()
a = self.vision_config.to_dict()
a = self.__class__.model_type
return output
| 347 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> int:
if not numbers:
return 0
if not isinstance(__lowerCamelCase , (list, tuple) ) or not all(
isinstance(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) for number in numbers ):
raise ValueError("""numbers must be an iterable of integers""" )
a = a = a = numbers[0]
for i in range(1 , len(__lowerCamelCase ) ):
# update the maximum and minimum subarray products
a = numbers[i]
if number < 0:
a , a = min_till_now, max_till_now
a = max(__lowerCamelCase , max_till_now * number )
a = min(__lowerCamelCase , min_till_now * number )
# update the maximum product found till now
a = max(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
return max_prod
| 347 | 1 |
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers.file_utils import is_torch_available, is_vision_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, require_vision
from ...test_image_processing_common import ImageProcessingSavingTestMixin, prepare_image_inputs
if is_torch_available():
import torch
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import DPTImageProcessor
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def __init__( self :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str]=7 , __magic_name__ :Dict=3 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=18 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=30 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=400 , __magic_name__ :Any=True , __magic_name__ :Dict=None , __magic_name__ :int=True , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] , __magic_name__ :str=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = size if size is not None else {"""height""": 18, """width""": 18}
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = num_channels
a = image_size
a = min_resolution
a = max_resolution
a = do_resize
a = size
a = do_normalize
a = image_mean
a = image_std
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
return {
"image_mean": self.image_mean,
"image_std": self.image_std,
"do_normalize": self.do_normalize,
"do_resize": self.do_resize,
"size": self.size,
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = DPTImageProcessor if is_vision_available() else None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = DPTImageProcessingTester(self )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.image_processor_tester.prepare_image_processor_dict()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """image_mean""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """image_std""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """do_normalize""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """do_resize""" ) )
self.assertTrue(hasattr(__magic_name__ , """size""" ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class.from_dict(self.image_processor_dict )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.size , {"""height""": 18, """width""": 18} )
a = self.image_processing_class.from_dict(self.image_processor_dict , size=42 )
self.assertEqual(image_processor.size , {"""height""": 42, """width""": 42} )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
# create random PIL images
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , Image.Image )
# Test not batched input
a = image_processing(image_inputs[0] , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
# Test batched
a = image_processing(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
# create random numpy tensors
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ , numpify=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , np.ndarray )
# Test not batched input
a = image_processing(image_inputs[0] , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
# Test batched
a = image_processing(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.image_processing_class(**self.image_processor_dict )
# create random PyTorch tensors
a = prepare_image_inputs(self.image_processor_tester , equal_resolution=__magic_name__ , torchify=__magic_name__ )
for image in image_inputs:
self.assertIsInstance(__magic_name__ , torch.Tensor )
# Test not batched input
a = image_processing(image_inputs[0] , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
# Test batched
a = image_processing(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ).pixel_values
encoded_images.shape , (
) , )
| 347 |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import (
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = {
"configuration_wav2vec2": ["WAV_2_VEC_2_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP", "Wav2Vec2Config"],
"feature_extraction_wav2vec2": ["Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor"],
"processing_wav2vec2": ["Wav2Vec2Processor"],
"tokenization_wav2vec2": ["Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer", "Wav2Vec2Tokenizer"],
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : str = [
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = [
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = [
from .configuration_wavaveca import WAV_2_VEC_2_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP, WavaVecaConfig
from .feature_extraction_wavaveca import WavaVecaFeatureExtractor
from .processing_wavaveca import WavaVecaProcessor
from .tokenization_wavaveca import WavaVecaCTCTokenizer, WavaVecaTokenizer
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_wavaveca import (
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_tf_wavaveca import (
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_tf_wavaveca import (
import sys
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()["__file__"], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 347 | 1 |
from itertools import product
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> list[int]:
a = sides_number
a = max_face_number * dice_number
a = [0] * (max_total + 1)
a = 1
a = range(__lowerCamelCase , max_face_number + 1 )
for dice_numbers in product(__lowerCamelCase , repeat=__lowerCamelCase ):
a = sum(__lowerCamelCase )
totals_frequencies[total] += 1
return totals_frequencies
def __A ( ) -> float:
a = total_frequency_distribution(
sides_number=4 , dice_number=9 )
a = total_frequency_distribution(
sides_number=6 , dice_number=6 )
a = 0
a = 9
a = 4 * 9
a = 6
for peter_total in range(__lowerCamelCase , max_peter_total + 1 ):
peter_wins_count += peter_totals_frequencies[peter_total] * sum(
colin_totals_frequencies[min_colin_total:peter_total] )
a = (4**9) * (6**6)
a = peter_wins_count / total_games_number
a = round(__lowerCamelCase , ndigits=7 )
return rounded_peter_win_probability
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(F'{solution() = }')
| 347 |
import pytest
import datasets.config
from datasets.utils.info_utils import is_small_dataset
@pytest.mark.parametrize("""dataset_size""" , [None, 400 * 2**20, 600 * 2**20] )
@pytest.mark.parametrize("""input_in_memory_max_size""" , ["""default""", 0, 100 * 2**20, 900 * 2**20] )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Any:
if input_in_memory_max_size != "default":
monkeypatch.setattr(datasets.config , """IN_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE""" , __lowerCamelCase )
a = datasets.config.IN_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE
if input_in_memory_max_size == "default":
assert in_memory_max_size == 0
assert in_memory_max_size == input_in_memory_max_size
if dataset_size and in_memory_max_size:
a = dataset_size < in_memory_max_size
a = False
a = is_small_dataset(__lowerCamelCase )
assert result == expected
| 347 | 1 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> float:
if density <= 0:
raise ValueError("""Impossible fluid density""" )
if bulk_modulus <= 0:
raise ValueError("""Impossible bulk modulus""" )
return (bulk_modulus / density) ** 0.5
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 |
from __future__ import annotations
from fractions import Fraction
from math import gcd, sqrt
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> bool:
a = int(number**0.5 )
return number == sq * sq
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> tuple[int, int]:
a = x_num * y_den * z_den + y_num * x_den * z_den + z_num * x_den * y_den
a = x_den * y_den * z_den
a = gcd(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
top //= hcf
bottom //= hcf
return top, bottom
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase = 35 ) -> int:
a = set()
a = 42
a = Fraction(0 )
a = 42
for x_num in range(1 , order + 1 ):
for x_den in range(x_num + 1 , order + 1 ):
for y_num in range(1 , order + 1 ):
for y_den in range(y_num + 1 , order + 1 ):
# n=1
a = x_num * y_den + x_den * y_num
a = x_den * y_den
a = gcd(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
a = add_three(
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
unique_s.add(__lowerCamelCase )
# n=2
a = (
x_num * x_num * y_den * y_den + x_den * x_den * y_num * y_num
a = x_den * x_den * y_den * y_den
if is_sq(__lowerCamelCase ) and is_sq(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = int(sqrt(__lowerCamelCase ) )
a = int(sqrt(__lowerCamelCase ) )
a = gcd(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
a = add_three(
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
unique_s.add(__lowerCamelCase )
# n=-1
a = x_num * y_num
a = x_den * y_num + x_num * y_den
a = gcd(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
a = add_three(
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
unique_s.add(__lowerCamelCase )
# n=2
a = x_num * x_num * y_num * y_num
a = (
x_den * x_den * y_num * y_num + x_num * x_num * y_den * y_den
if is_sq(__lowerCamelCase ) and is_sq(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = int(sqrt(__lowerCamelCase ) )
a = int(sqrt(__lowerCamelCase ) )
a = gcd(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
z_num //= hcf
z_den //= hcf
if 0 < z_num < z_den <= order:
a = add_three(
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
unique_s.add(__lowerCamelCase )
for num, den in unique_s:
total += Fraction(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
return total.denominator + total.numerator
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(F'{solution() = }')
| 347 | 1 |
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
import warnings
except ImportError:
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = None
import msvcrt
except ImportError:
__UpperCamelCase : str = None
import fcntl
except ImportError:
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = None
# Backward compatibility
# ------------------------------------------------
except NameError:
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = OSError
# Data
# ------------------------------------------------
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = [
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = "3.0.12"
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[int] = None
def __A ( ) -> Dict:
global _logger
a = _logger or logging.getLogger(__name__ )
return _logger
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
def __init__( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = lock_file
return None
def __str__( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = F'The file lock \'{self.lock_file}\' could not be acquired.'
return temp
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :int , __magic_name__ :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = lock
return None
def __enter__( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.lock
def __exit__( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return None
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :Any , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=-1 , __magic_name__ :str=None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = max_filename_length if max_filename_length is not None else 255
# Hash the filename if it's too long
a = self.hash_filename_if_too_long(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
# The path to the lock file.
a = lock_file
# The file descriptor for the *_lock_file* as it is returned by the
# function.
# This file lock is only NOT None, if the object currently holds the
# lock.
a = None
# The default timeout value.
a = timeout
# We use this lock primarily for the lock counter.
a = threading.Lock()
# The lock counter is used for implementing the nested locking
# mechanism. Whenever the lock is acquired, the counter is increased and
# the lock is only released, when this value is 0 again.
a = 0
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self._lock_file
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self._timeout
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = float(__magic_name__ )
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self._lock_file_fd is not None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=None , __magic_name__ :Dict=0.05 ):
'''simple docstring'''
if timeout is None:
a = self.timeout
# Increment the number right at the beginning.
# We can still undo it, if something fails.
with self._thread_lock:
self._lock_counter += 1
a = id(self )
a = self._lock_file
a = time.time()
while True:
with self._thread_lock:
if not self.is_locked:
logger().debug(F'Attempting to acquire lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
if self.is_locked:
logger().debug(F'Lock {lock_id} acquired on {lock_filename}' )
elif timeout >= 0 and time.time() - start_time > timeout:
logger().debug(F'Timeout on acquiring lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
raise Timeout(self._lock_file )
F'Lock {lock_id} not acquired on {lock_filename}, waiting {poll_intervall} seconds ...' )
time.sleep(__magic_name__ )
except: # noqa
# Something did go wrong, so decrement the counter.
with self._thread_lock:
a = max(0 , self._lock_counter - 1 )
return _Acquire_ReturnProxy(lock=self )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , __magic_name__ :Any=False ):
'''simple docstring'''
with self._thread_lock:
if self.is_locked:
self._lock_counter -= 1
if self._lock_counter == 0 or force:
a = id(self )
a = self._lock_file
logger().debug(F'Attempting to release lock {lock_id} on {lock_filename}' )
a = 0
logger().debug(F'Lock {lock_id} released on {lock_filename}' )
return None
def __enter__( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self
def __exit__( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
return None
def __del__( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
self.release(force=__magic_name__ )
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = os.path.basename(__magic_name__ )
if len(__magic_name__ ) > max_length and max_length > 0:
a = os.path.dirname(__magic_name__ )
a = str(hash(__magic_name__ ) )
a = filename[: max_length - len(__magic_name__ ) - 8] + """...""" + hashed_filename + """.lock"""
return os.path.join(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
return path
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
def __init__( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=-1 , __magic_name__ :Dict=None ):
'''simple docstring'''
from .file_utils import relative_to_absolute_path
super().__init__(__magic_name__ , timeout=__magic_name__ , max_filename_length=__magic_name__ )
a = """\\\\?\\""" + relative_to_absolute_path(self.lock_file )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
a = , __magic_name__ )
except OSError:
msvcrt.locking(__magic_name__ , msvcrt.LK_NBLCK , 1 )
except OSError:
os.close(__magic_name__ )
a = fd
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self._lock_file_fd
a = None
msvcrt.locking(__magic_name__ , msvcrt.LK_UNLCK , 1 )
os.close(__magic_name__ )
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# Probably another instance of the application
# that acquired the file lock.
except OSError:
return None
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
def __init__( self :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=-1 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(__magic_name__ ) ).f_namemax
super().__init__(__magic_name__ , timeout=__magic_name__ , max_filename_length=__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
a = , __magic_name__ )
fcntl.flock(__magic_name__ , fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB )
except OSError:
os.close(__magic_name__ )
a = fd
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self._lock_file_fd
a = None
fcntl.flock(__magic_name__ , fcntl.LOCK_UN )
os.close(__magic_name__ )
return None
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_TRUNC
a = , __magic_name__ )
except OSError:
a = fd
return None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
os.close(self._lock_file_fd )
a = None
os.remove(self._lock_file )
# The file is already deleted and that's what we want.
except OSError:
return None
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = None
if msvcrt:
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = WindowsFileLock
elif fcntl:
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = UnixFileLock
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = SoftFileLock
if warnings is not None:
warnings.warn("only soft file lock is available")
| 347 |
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers import RoFormerConfig, is_flax_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_flax, slow
from ...test_modeling_flax_common import FlaxModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
if is_flax_available():
import jax.numpy as jnp
from transformers.models.roformer.modeling_flax_roformer import (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def __init__( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=13 , __magic_name__ :Any=7 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=True , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=True , __magic_name__ :Any=99 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=32 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=5 , __magic_name__ :str=4 , __magic_name__ :str=37 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]="gelu" , __magic_name__ :int=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Dict=0.1 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=512 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=16 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=2 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Any=4 , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = seq_length
a = is_training
a = use_attention_mask
a = use_token_type_ids
a = use_labels
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = type_sequence_label_size
a = initializer_range
a = num_choices
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
a = None
if self.use_attention_mask:
a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
a = RoFormerConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , is_decoder=__magic_name__ , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , )
return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
a , a , a , a = config_and_inputs
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids, """attention_mask""": attention_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = True
UpperCamelCase__ = (
if is_flax_available()
else ()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = FlaxRoFormerModelTester(self )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
for model_class_name in self.all_model_classes:
a = model_class_name.from_pretrained("""junnyu/roformer_chinese_small""" , from_pt=__magic_name__ )
a = model(np.ones((1, 1) ) )
self.assertIsNotNone(__magic_name__ )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = FlaxRoFormerForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("""junnyu/roformer_chinese_base""" )
a = jnp.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] )
a = model(__magic_name__ )[0]
a = 5_0000
a = (1, 6, vocab_size)
self.assertEqual(output.shape , __magic_name__ )
a = jnp.array(
[[[-0.1205, -1.0265, 0.2922], [-1.5134, 0.1974, 0.1519], [-5.0135, -3.9003, -0.8404]]] )
self.assertTrue(jnp.allclose(output[:, :3, :3] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-4 ) )
| 347 | 1 |
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers import RobertaConfig, is_flax_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_flax, slow
from ...test_modeling_flax_common import FlaxModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
if is_flax_available():
from transformers.models.roberta.modeling_flax_roberta import (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def __init__( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Tuple=13 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=7 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=True , __magic_name__ :List[str]=True , __magic_name__ :str=99 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=32 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=5 , __magic_name__ :Any=4 , __magic_name__ :int=37 , __magic_name__ :Tuple="gelu" , __magic_name__ :List[str]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Dict=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=512 , __magic_name__ :Dict=16 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=2 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=4 , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = seq_length
a = is_training
a = use_attention_mask
a = use_token_type_ids
a = use_labels
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = type_sequence_label_size
a = initializer_range
a = num_choices
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
a = None
if self.use_attention_mask:
a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
a = RobertaConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , is_decoder=__magic_name__ , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , )
return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
a , a , a , a = config_and_inputs
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids, """attention_mask""": attention_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
a , a , a , a = config_and_inputs
a = True
a = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size] )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , vocab_size=2 )
return (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = True
UpperCamelCase__ = (
if is_flax_available()
else ()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = FlaxRobertaModelTester(self )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
for model_class_name in self.all_model_classes:
a = model_class_name.from_pretrained("""roberta-base""" , from_pt=__magic_name__ )
a = model(np.ones((1, 1) ) )
self.assertIsNotNone(__magic_name__ )
| 347 |
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ...utils import (
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[int] = {
"configuration_blenderbot": [
"tokenization_blenderbot": ["BlenderbotTokenizer"],
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : List[Any] = ["BlenderbotTokenizerFast"]
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = [
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : int = [
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = [
from .configuration_blenderbot import (
from .tokenization_blenderbot import BlenderbotTokenizer
if not is_tokenizers_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .tokenization_blenderbot_fast import BlenderbotTokenizerFast
if not is_torch_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_blenderbot import (
if not is_tf_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_tf_blenderbot import (
if not is_flax_available():
raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable()
except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable:
from .modeling_flax_blenderbot import (
import sys
__UpperCamelCase : str = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()["__file__"], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
| 347 | 1 |
from __future__ import annotations
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> int:
# preprocessing the first row
for i in range(1 , len(matrix[0] ) ):
matrix[0][i] += matrix[0][i - 1]
# preprocessing the first column
for i in range(1 , len(__lowerCamelCase ) ):
matrix[i][0] += matrix[i - 1][0]
# updating the path cost for current position
for i in range(1 , len(__lowerCamelCase ) ):
for j in range(1 , len(matrix[0] ) ):
matrix[i][j] += min(matrix[i - 1][j] , matrix[i][j - 1] )
return matrix[-1][-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 |
import tempfile
import torch
from diffusers import IPNDMScheduler
from .test_schedulers import SchedulerCommonTest
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = (IPNDMScheduler,)
UpperCamelCase__ = (('''num_inference_steps''', 50),)
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , **__magic_name__ :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = {"""num_train_timesteps""": 1000}
config.update(**__magic_name__ )
return config
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple=0 , **__magic_name__ :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = dict(self.forward_default_kwargs )
a = kwargs.pop("""num_inference_steps""" , __magic_name__ )
a = self.dummy_sample
a = 0.1 * sample
a = [residual + 0.2, residual + 0.15, residual + 0.1, residual + 0.05]
for scheduler_class in self.scheduler_classes:
a = self.get_scheduler_config(**__magic_name__ )
a = scheduler_class(**__magic_name__ )
scheduler.set_timesteps(__magic_name__ )
# copy over dummy past residuals
a = dummy_past_residuals[:]
if time_step is None:
a = scheduler.timesteps[len(scheduler.timesteps ) // 2]
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
scheduler.save_config(__magic_name__ )
a = scheduler_class.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
new_scheduler.set_timesteps(__magic_name__ )
# copy over dummy past residuals
a = dummy_past_residuals[:]
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
a = new_scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(output - new_output ) ) < 1E-5, "Scheduler outputs are not identical"
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
a = new_scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(output - new_output ) ) < 1E-5, "Scheduler outputs are not identical"
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0 , **__magic_name__ :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = dict(self.forward_default_kwargs )
a = kwargs.pop("""num_inference_steps""" , __magic_name__ )
a = self.dummy_sample
a = 0.1 * sample
a = [residual + 0.2, residual + 0.15, residual + 0.1, residual + 0.05]
for scheduler_class in self.scheduler_classes:
a = self.get_scheduler_config()
a = scheduler_class(**__magic_name__ )
scheduler.set_timesteps(__magic_name__ )
# copy over dummy past residuals (must be after setting timesteps)
a = dummy_past_residuals[:]
if time_step is None:
a = scheduler.timesteps[len(scheduler.timesteps ) // 2]
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
scheduler.save_config(__magic_name__ )
a = scheduler_class.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
# copy over dummy past residuals
new_scheduler.set_timesteps(__magic_name__ )
# copy over dummy past residual (must be after setting timesteps)
a = dummy_past_residuals[:]
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
a = new_scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(output - new_output ) ) < 1E-5, "Scheduler outputs are not identical"
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
a = new_scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
assert torch.sum(torch.abs(output - new_output ) ) < 1E-5, "Scheduler outputs are not identical"
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , **__magic_name__ :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.scheduler_classes[0]
a = self.get_scheduler_config(**__magic_name__ )
a = scheduler_class(**__magic_name__ )
a = 10
a = self.dummy_model()
a = self.dummy_sample_deter
scheduler.set_timesteps(__magic_name__ )
for i, t in enumerate(scheduler.timesteps ):
a = model(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ).prev_sample
for i, t in enumerate(scheduler.timesteps ):
a = model(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ).prev_sample
return sample
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = dict(self.forward_default_kwargs )
a = kwargs.pop("""num_inference_steps""" , __magic_name__ )
for scheduler_class in self.scheduler_classes:
a = self.get_scheduler_config()
a = scheduler_class(**__magic_name__ )
a = self.dummy_sample
a = 0.1 * sample
if num_inference_steps is not None and hasattr(__magic_name__ , """set_timesteps""" ):
scheduler.set_timesteps(__magic_name__ )
elif num_inference_steps is not None and not hasattr(__magic_name__ , """set_timesteps""" ):
a = num_inference_steps
# copy over dummy past residuals (must be done after set_timesteps)
a = [residual + 0.2, residual + 0.15, residual + 0.1, residual + 0.05]
a = dummy_past_residuals[:]
a = scheduler.timesteps[5]
a = scheduler.timesteps[6]
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
self.assertEqual(output_a.shape , sample.shape )
self.assertEqual(output_a.shape , output_a.shape )
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
a = scheduler.step(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ ).prev_sample
self.assertEqual(output_a.shape , sample.shape )
self.assertEqual(output_a.shape , output_a.shape )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
for timesteps in [100, 1000]:
self.check_over_configs(num_train_timesteps=__magic_name__ , time_step=__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
for t, num_inference_steps in zip([1, 5, 10] , [10, 50, 100] ):
self.check_over_forward(num_inference_steps=__magic_name__ , time_step=__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.full_loop()
a = torch.mean(torch.abs(__magic_name__ ) )
assert abs(result_mean.item() - 254_0529 ) < 10
| 347 | 1 |
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from uuid import uuida
from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, ModelCard, ModelCardData, hf_hub_download, whoami
from huggingface_hub.file_download import REGEX_COMMIT_HASH
from huggingface_hub.utils import (
from packaging import version
from requests import HTTPError
from .. import __version__
from .constants import (
from .import_utils import (
from .logging import get_logger
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = get_logger(__name__)
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = Path(__file__).parent / ""
__UpperCamelCase : str = uuida().hex
__UpperCamelCase : Any = os.getenv("HF_HUB_OFFLINE", "").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES
__UpperCamelCase : str = os.getenv("DISABLE_TELEMETRY", "").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES
__UpperCamelCase : Any = HUGGINGFACE_CO_RESOLVE_ENDPOINT + "/api/telemetry/"
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase = None ) -> str:
a = f'diffusers/{__version__}; python/{sys.version.split()[0]}; session_id/{SESSION_ID}'
return ua + "; telemetry/off"
if is_torch_available():
ua += f'; torch/{_torch_version}'
if is_flax_available():
ua += f'; jax/{_jax_version}'
ua += f'; flax/{_flax_version}'
if is_onnx_available():
ua += f'; onnxruntime/{_onnxruntime_version}'
# CI will set this value to True
if os.environ.get("""DIFFUSERS_IS_CI""" , """""" ).upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES:
ua += "; is_ci/true"
if isinstance(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ):
ua += "; " + "; ".join(f'{k}/{v}' for k, v in user_agent.items() )
elif isinstance(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ):
ua += "; " + user_agent
return ua
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase = None , __lowerCamelCase = None ) -> Optional[int]:
if token is None:
a = HfFolder.get_token()
if organization is None:
a = whoami(__lowerCamelCase )["""name"""]
return f'{username}/{model_id}'
return f'{organization}/{model_id}'
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Union[str, Any]:
if not is_jinja_available():
raise ValueError(
"""Modelcard rendering is based on Jinja templates."""
""" Please make sure to have `jinja` installed before using `create_model_card`."""
""" To install it, please run `pip install Jinja2`.""" )
if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """local_rank""" ) and args.local_rank not in [-1, 0]:
a = args.hub_token if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """hub_token""" ) else None
a = get_full_repo_name(__lowerCamelCase , token=__lowerCamelCase )
a = ModelCard.from_template(
card_data=ModelCardData( # Card metadata object that will be converted to YAML block
language="""en""" , license="""apache-2.0""" , library_name="""diffusers""" , tags=[] , datasets=args.dataset_name , metrics=[] , ) , template_path=__lowerCamelCase , model_name=__lowerCamelCase , repo_name=__lowerCamelCase , dataset_name=args.dataset_name if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """dataset_name""" ) else None , learning_rate=args.learning_rate , train_batch_size=args.train_batch_size , eval_batch_size=args.eval_batch_size , gradient_accumulation_steps=(
args.gradient_accumulation_steps if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """gradient_accumulation_steps""" ) else None
) , adam_betaa=args.adam_betaa if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """adam_beta1""" ) else None , adam_betaa=args.adam_betaa if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """adam_beta2""" ) else None , adam_weight_decay=args.adam_weight_decay if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """adam_weight_decay""" ) else None , adam_epsilon=args.adam_epsilon if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """adam_epsilon""" ) else None , lr_scheduler=args.lr_scheduler if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """lr_scheduler""" ) else None , lr_warmup_steps=args.lr_warmup_steps if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """lr_warmup_steps""" ) else None , ema_inv_gamma=args.ema_inv_gamma if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """ema_inv_gamma""" ) else None , ema_power=args.ema_power if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """ema_power""" ) else None , ema_max_decay=args.ema_max_decay if hasattr(__lowerCamelCase , """ema_max_decay""" ) else None , mixed_precision=args.mixed_precision , )
a = os.path.join(args.output_dir , """""" ) )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase = None ) -> Optional[Any]:
if resolved_file is None or commit_hash is not None:
return commit_hash
a = str(Path(__lowerCamelCase ).as_posix() )
a ="""snapshots/([^/]+)/""" , __lowerCamelCase )
if search is None:
return None
a = search.groups()[0]
return commit_hash if REGEX_COMMIT_HASH.match(__lowerCamelCase ) else None
# Old default cache path, potentially to be migrated.
# This logic was more or less taken from `transformers`, with the following differences:
# - Diffusers doesn't use custom environment variables to specify the cache path.
# - There is no need to migrate the cache format, just move the files to the new location.
__UpperCamelCase : str = os.path.expanduser(
os.getenv("HF_HOME", os.path.join(os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "~/.cache"), "huggingface"))
__UpperCamelCase : int = os.path.join(hf_cache_home, "diffusers")
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase = None , __lowerCamelCase = None ) -> None:
if new_cache_dir is None:
if old_cache_dir is None:
a = old_diffusers_cache
a = Path(__lowerCamelCase ).expanduser()
a = Path(__lowerCamelCase ).expanduser()
for old_blob_path in old_cache_dir.glob("""**/blobs/*""" ):
if old_blob_path.is_file() and not old_blob_path.is_symlink():
a = new_cache_dir / old_blob_path.relative_to(__lowerCamelCase )
new_blob_path.parent.mkdir(parents=__lowerCamelCase , exist_ok=__lowerCamelCase )
os.replace(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
os.symlink(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
except OSError:
"""Could not create symlink between old cache and new cache. If you use an older version of diffusers again, files will be re-downloaded.""" )
# At this point, old_cache_dir contains symlinks to the new cache (it can still be used).
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = os.path.join(DIFFUSERS_CACHE, "version_diffusers_cache.txt")
if not os.path.isfile(cache_version_file):
__UpperCamelCase : int = 0
with open(cache_version_file) as f:
__UpperCamelCase : int = int(
except ValueError:
__UpperCamelCase : List[str] = 0
if cache_version < 1:
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = os.path.isdir(old_diffusers_cache) and len(os.listdir(old_diffusers_cache)) > 0
if old_cache_is_not_empty:
"The cache for model files in Diffusers v0.14.0 has moved to a new location. Moving your "
"existing cached models. This is a one-time operation, you can interrupt it or run it "
"later by calling `diffusers.utils.hub_utils.move_cache()`."
except Exception as e:
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = "\n".join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))
F'There was a problem when trying to move your cache:\n\n{trace}\n{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}\n\nPlease '
"file an issue at, copy paste this whole "
"message and we will do our best to help."
if cache_version < 1:
os.makedirs(DIFFUSERS_CACHE, exist_ok=True)
with open(cache_version_file, "w") as f:
except Exception:
F'There was a problem when trying to write in your cache folder ({DIFFUSERS_CACHE}). Please, ensure '
"the directory exists and can be written to."
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase = None ) -> str:
if variant is not None:
a = weights_name.split(""".""" )
a = splits[:-1] + [variant] + splits[-1:]
a = """.""".join(__lowerCamelCase )
return weights_name
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , *,
__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase=None , ) -> Optional[Any]:
a = str(__lowerCamelCase )
if os.path.isfile(__lowerCamelCase ):
return pretrained_model_name_or_path
elif os.path.isdir(__lowerCamelCase ):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) ):
# Load from a PyTorch checkpoint
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
return model_file
elif subfolder is not None and os.path.isfile(
os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) ):
a = os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
return model_file
raise EnvironmentError(
f'Error no file named {weights_name} found in directory {pretrained_model_name_or_path}.' )
# 1. First check if deprecated way of loading from branches is used
if (
and (weights_name == WEIGHTS_NAME or weights_name == SAFETENSORS_WEIGHTS_NAME)
and version.parse(version.parse(__lowerCamelCase ).base_version ) >= version.parse("""0.20.0""" )
a = hf_hub_download(
__lowerCamelCase , filename=_add_variant(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) , cache_dir=__lowerCamelCase , force_download=__lowerCamelCase , proxies=__lowerCamelCase , resume_download=__lowerCamelCase , local_files_only=__lowerCamelCase , use_auth_token=__lowerCamelCase , user_agent=__lowerCamelCase , subfolder=__lowerCamelCase , revision=revision or commit_hash , )
f'Loading the variant {revision} from {pretrained_model_name_or_path} via `revision=\'{revision}\'` is deprecated. Loading instead from `revision=\'main\'` with `variant={revision}`. Loading model variants via `revision=\'{revision}\'` will be removed in diffusers v1. Please use `variant=\'{revision}\'` instead.' , __lowerCamelCase , )
return model_file
except: # noqa: E722
f'You are loading the variant {revision} from {pretrained_model_name_or_path} via `revision=\'{revision}\'`. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in diffusers v1. One should use `variant=\'{revision}\'` instead. However, it appears that {pretrained_model_name_or_path} currently does not have a {_add_variant(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )} file in the \'main\' branch of {pretrained_model_name_or_path}. \n The Diffusers team and community would be very grateful if you could open an issue: with the title \'{pretrained_model_name_or_path} is missing {_add_variant(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )}\' so that the correct variant file can be added.' , __lowerCamelCase , )
# 2. Load model file as usual
a = hf_hub_download(
__lowerCamelCase , filename=__lowerCamelCase , cache_dir=__lowerCamelCase , force_download=__lowerCamelCase , proxies=__lowerCamelCase , resume_download=__lowerCamelCase , local_files_only=__lowerCamelCase , use_auth_token=__lowerCamelCase , user_agent=__lowerCamelCase , subfolder=__lowerCamelCase , revision=revision or commit_hash , )
return model_file
except RepositoryNotFoundError:
raise EnvironmentError(
f'{pretrained_model_name_or_path} is not a local folder and is not a valid model identifier '
"""listed on ''\nIf this is a private repository, make sure to pass a """
"""token having permission to this repo with `use_auth_token` or log in with `huggingface-cli """
"""login`.""" )
except RevisionNotFoundError:
raise EnvironmentError(
f'{revision} is not a valid git identifier (branch name, tag name or commit id) that exists for '
"""this model name. Check the model page at """
f'\'{pretrained_model_name_or_path}\' for available revisions.' )
except EntryNotFoundError:
raise EnvironmentError(
f'{pretrained_model_name_or_path} does not appear to have a file named {weights_name}.' )
except HTTPError as err:
raise EnvironmentError(
f'There was a specific connection error when trying to load {pretrained_model_name_or_path}:\n{err}' )
except ValueError:
raise EnvironmentError(
f'We couldn\'t connect to \'{HUGGINGFACE_CO_RESOLVE_ENDPOINT}\' to load this model, couldn\'t find it'
f' in the cached files and it looks like {pretrained_model_name_or_path} is not the path to a'
f' directory containing a file named {weights_name} or'
""" \nCheckout your internet connection or see how to run the library in"""
""" offline mode at ''.""" )
except EnvironmentError:
raise EnvironmentError(
f'Can\'t load the model for \'{pretrained_model_name_or_path}\'. If you were trying to load it from '
"""'', make sure you don't have a local directory with the same name. """
f'Otherwise, make sure \'{pretrained_model_name_or_path}\' is the correct path to a directory '
f'containing a file named {weights_name}' )
| 347 |
def __A ( ) -> None:
a = input("""Enter message: """ )
a = input("""Enter key [alphanumeric]: """ )
a = input("""Encrypt/Decrypt [e/d]: """ )
if mode.lower().startswith("""e""" ):
a = """encrypt"""
a = encrypt_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
elif mode.lower().startswith("""d""" ):
a = """decrypt"""
a = decrypt_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
print(f'\n{mode.title()}ed message:' )
print(__lowerCamelCase )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
return translate_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , """encrypt""" )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
return translate_message(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , """decrypt""" )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
a = []
a = 0
a = key.upper()
for symbol in message:
a = LETTERS.find(symbol.upper() )
if num != -1:
if mode == "encrypt":
num += LETTERS.find(key[key_index] )
elif mode == "decrypt":
num -= LETTERS.find(key[key_index] )
num %= len(__lowerCamelCase )
if symbol.isupper():
translated.append(LETTERS[num] )
elif symbol.islower():
translated.append(LETTERS[num].lower() )
key_index += 1
if key_index == len(__lowerCamelCase ):
a = 0
translated.append(__lowerCamelCase )
return "".join(__lowerCamelCase )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 347 | 1 |
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Mapping
from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ...onnx import OnnxConfig
from ...utils import logging
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[int] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
__UpperCamelCase : int = {
"kssteven/ibert-roberta-base": "",
"kssteven/ibert-roberta-large": "",
"kssteven/ibert-roberta-large-mnli": (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''ibert'''
def __init__( self :int , __magic_name__ :Tuple=3_0522 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=768 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=12 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=12 , __magic_name__ :Any=3072 , __magic_name__ :int="gelu" , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=512 , __magic_name__ :Dict=2 , __magic_name__ :Dict=0.02 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=1E-1_2 , __magic_name__ :Any=1 , __magic_name__ :Any=0 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=2 , __magic_name__ :Any="absolute" , __magic_name__ :Dict=False , __magic_name__ :Tuple="none" , **__magic_name__ :Any , ):
'''simple docstring'''
super().__init__(pad_token_id=__magic_name__ , bos_token_id=__magic_name__ , eos_token_id=__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ )
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = hidden_act
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = initializer_range
a = layer_norm_eps
a = position_embedding_type
a = quant_mode
a = force_dequant
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.task == "multiple-choice":
a = {0: """batch""", 1: """choice""", 2: """sequence"""}
a = {0: """batch""", 1: """sequence"""}
return OrderedDict(
("""input_ids""", dynamic_axis),
("""attention_mask""", dynamic_axis),
] )
| 347 |
import unittest
import numpy as np
from transformers import RobertaConfig, is_flax_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_flax, slow
from ...test_modeling_flax_common import FlaxModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
if is_flax_available():
from transformers.models.roberta.modeling_flax_roberta import (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def __init__( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Tuple=13 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=7 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=True , __magic_name__ :List[str]=True , __magic_name__ :str=99 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=32 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=5 , __magic_name__ :Any=4 , __magic_name__ :int=37 , __magic_name__ :Tuple="gelu" , __magic_name__ :List[str]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Dict=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=512 , __magic_name__ :Dict=16 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=2 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=4 , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = seq_length
a = is_training
a = use_attention_mask
a = use_token_type_ids
a = use_labels
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = type_sequence_label_size
a = initializer_range
a = num_choices
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
a = None
if self.use_attention_mask:
a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
a = RobertaConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , is_decoder=__magic_name__ , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , )
return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
a , a , a , a = config_and_inputs
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids, """attention_mask""": attention_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
a , a , a , a = config_and_inputs
a = True
a = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size] )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , vocab_size=2 )
return (
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = True
UpperCamelCase__ = (
if is_flax_available()
else ()
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = FlaxRobertaModelTester(self )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
for model_class_name in self.all_model_classes:
a = model_class_name.from_pretrained("""roberta-base""" , from_pt=__magic_name__ )
a = model(np.ones((1, 1) ) )
self.assertIsNotNone(__magic_name__ )
| 347 | 1 |
import datasets
__UpperCamelCase : str = "\\n@InProceedings{conneau2018xnli,\n author = \"Conneau, Alexis\n and Rinott, Ruty\n and Lample, Guillaume\n and Williams, Adina\n and Bowman, Samuel R.\n and Schwenk, Holger\n and Stoyanov, Veselin\",\n title = \"XNLI: Evaluating Cross-lingual Sentence Representations\",\n booktitle = \"Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods\n in Natural Language Processing\",\n year = \"2018\",\n publisher = \"Association for Computational Linguistics\",\n location = \"Brussels, Belgium\",\n}\n"
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = "\\nXNLI is a subset of a few thousand examples from MNLI which has been translated\ninto a 14 different languages (some low-ish resource). As with MNLI, the goal is\nto predict textual entailment (does sentence A imply/contradict/neither sentence\nB) and is a classification task (given two sentences, predict one of three\nlabels).\n"
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = "\nComputes XNLI score which is just simple accuracy.\nArgs:\n predictions: Predicted labels.\n references: Ground truth labels.\nReturns:\n 'accuracy': accuracy\nExamples:\n\n >>> predictions = [0, 1]\n >>> references = [0, 1]\n >>> xnli_metric = datasets.load_metric(\"xnli\")\n >>> results = xnli_metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)\n >>> print(results)\n {'accuracy': 1.0}\n"
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> Dict:
return (preds == labels).mean()
@datasets.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION , _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( datasets.Metric ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
return datasets.MetricInfo(
description=_DESCRIPTION , citation=_CITATION , inputs_description=_KWARGS_DESCRIPTION , features=datasets.Features(
"""predictions""": datasets.Value("""int64""" if self.config_name != """sts-b""" else """float32""" ),
"""references""": datasets.Value("""int64""" if self.config_name != """sts-b""" else """float32""" ),
} ) , codebase_urls=[] , reference_urls=[] , format="""numpy""" , )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return {"accuracy": simple_accuracy(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )}
| 347 |
import io
import itertools
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.json as paj
import datasets
from datasets.table import table_cast
from datasets.utils.file_utils import readline
__UpperCamelCase : Any = datasets.utils.logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __lowerCAmelCase ( datasets.BuilderConfig ):
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = "utf-8"
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = None
UpperCamelCase__ = True # deprecated
UpperCamelCase__ = None # deprecated
UpperCamelCase__ = 10 << 20 # 10MB
UpperCamelCase__ = None
class __lowerCAmelCase ( datasets.ArrowBasedBuilder ):
UpperCamelCase__ = JsonConfig
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.config.block_size is not None:
logger.warning("""The JSON loader parameter `block_size` is deprecated. Please use `chunksize` instead""" )
a = self.config.block_size
if self.config.use_threads is not True:
"""The JSON loader parameter `use_threads` is deprecated and doesn't have any effect anymore.""" )
if self.config.newlines_in_values is not None:
raise ValueError("""The JSON loader parameter `newlines_in_values` is no longer supported""" )
return datasets.DatasetInfo(features=self.config.features )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if not self.config.data_files:
raise ValueError(F'At least one data file must be specified, but got data_files={self.config.data_files}' )
a = dl_manager.download_and_extract(self.config.data_files )
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , (str, list, tuple) ):
a = data_files
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ):
a = [files]
a = [dl_manager.iter_files(__magic_name__ ) for file in files]
return [datasets.SplitGenerator(name=datasets.Split.TRAIN , gen_kwargs={"""files""": files} )]
a = []
for split_name, files in data_files.items():
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ):
a = [files]
a = [dl_manager.iter_files(__magic_name__ ) for file in files]
splits.append(datasets.SplitGenerator(name=__magic_name__ , gen_kwargs={"""files""": files} ) )
return splits
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :pa.Table ):
'''simple docstring'''
if self.config.features is not None:
# adding missing columns
for column_name in set(self.config.features ) - set(pa_table.column_names ):
a = self.config.features.arrow_schema.field(__magic_name__ ).type
a = pa_table.append_column(__magic_name__ , pa.array([None] * len(__magic_name__ ) , type=__magic_name__ ) )
# more expensive cast to support nested structures with keys in a different order
# allows str <-> int/float or str to Audio for example
a = table_cast(__magic_name__ , self.config.features.arrow_schema )
return pa_table
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
for file_idx, file in enumerate(itertools.chain.from_iterable(__magic_name__ ) ):
# If the file is one json object and if we need to look at the list of items in one specific field
if self.config.field is not None:
with open(__magic_name__ , encoding=self.config.encoding , errors=self.config.encoding_errors ) as f:
a = json.load(__magic_name__ )
# We keep only the field we are interested in
a = dataset[self.config.field]
# We accept two format: a list of dicts or a dict of lists
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , (list, tuple) ):
a = set().union(*[row.keys() for row in dataset] )
a = {col: [row.get(__magic_name__ ) for row in dataset] for col in keys}
a = dataset
a = pa.Table.from_pydict(__magic_name__ )
yield file_idx, self._cast_table(__magic_name__ )
# If the file has one json object per line
with open(__magic_name__ , """rb""" ) as f:
a = 0
# Use block_size equal to the chunk size divided by 32 to leverage multithreading
# Set a default minimum value of 16kB if the chunk size is really small
a = max(self.config.chunksize // 32 , 16 << 10 )
a = (
self.config.encoding_errors if self.config.encoding_errors is not None else """strict"""
while True:
a = )
if not batch:
# Finish current line
batch += f.readline()
except (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
batch += readline(__magic_name__ )
# PyArrow only accepts utf-8 encoded bytes
if self.config.encoding != "utf-8":
a = batch.decode(self.config.encoding , errors=__magic_name__ ).encode("""utf-8""" )
while True:
a = paj.read_json(
io.BytesIO(__magic_name__ ) , read_options=paj.ReadOptions(block_size=__magic_name__ ) )
except (pa.ArrowInvalid, pa.ArrowNotImplementedError) as e:
if (
isinstance(__magic_name__ , pa.ArrowInvalid )
and "straddling" not in str(__magic_name__ )
or block_size > len(__magic_name__ )
# Increase the block size in case it was too small.
# The block size will be reset for the next file.
F'Batch of {len(__magic_name__ )} bytes couldn\'t be parsed with block_size={block_size}. Retrying with block_size={block_size * 2}.' )
block_size *= 2
except pa.ArrowInvalid as e:
with open(
__magic_name__ , encoding=self.config.encoding , errors=self.config.encoding_errors ) as f:
a = json.load(__magic_name__ )
except json.JSONDecodeError:
logger.error(F'Failed to read file \'{file}\' with error {type(__magic_name__ )}: {e}' )
raise e
# If possible, parse the file as a list of json objects and exit the loop
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ): # list is the only sequence type supported in JSON
a = set().union(*[row.keys() for row in dataset] )
a = {col: [row.get(__magic_name__ ) for row in dataset] for col in keys}
a = pa.Table.from_pydict(__magic_name__ )
except (pa.ArrowInvalid, AttributeError) as e:
logger.error(F'Failed to read file \'{file}\' with error {type(__magic_name__ )}: {e}' )
raise ValueError(F'Not able to read records in the JSON file at {file}.' ) from None
yield file_idx, self._cast_table(__magic_name__ )
logger.error(F'Failed to read file \'{file}\' with error {type(__magic_name__ )}: {e}' )
raise ValueError(
F'Not able to read records in the JSON file at {file}. '
F'You should probably indicate the field of the JSON file containing your records. '
F'This JSON file contain the following fields: {str(list(dataset.keys() ) )}. '
F'Select the correct one and provide it as `field=\'XXX\'` to the dataset loading method. ' ) from None
# Uncomment for debugging (will print the Arrow table size and elements)
# logger.warning(f"pa_table: {pa_table} num rows: {pa_table.num_rows}")
# logger.warning('\n'.join(str(pa_table.slice(i, 1).to_pydict()) for i in range(pa_table.num_rows)))
yield (file_idx, batch_idx), self._cast_table(__magic_name__ )
batch_idx += 1
| 347 | 1 |
import gc
import unittest
from diffusers import FlaxDPMSolverMultistepScheduler, FlaxStableDiffusionPipeline
from diffusers.utils import is_flax_available, slow
from diffusers.utils.testing_utils import require_flax
if is_flax_available():
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from flax.jax_utils import replicate
from import shard
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a , a = FlaxStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
"""stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2""" , revision="""bf16""" , dtype=jnp.bfloataa , )
a = """A painting of a squirrel eating a burger"""
a = jax.device_count()
a = num_samples * [prompt]
a = sd_pipe.prepare_inputs(__magic_name__ )
a = replicate(__magic_name__ )
a = shard(__magic_name__ )
a = jax.random.PRNGKey(0 )
a = jax.random.split(__magic_name__ , jax.device_count() )
a = sd_pipe(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , num_inference_steps=25 , jit=__magic_name__ )[0]
assert images.shape == (jax.device_count(), 1, 768, 768, 3)
a = images.reshape((images.shape[0] * images.shape[1],) + images.shape[-3:] )
a = images[0, 253:256, 253:256, -1]
a = jnp.asarray(jax.device_get(image_slice.flatten() ) )
a = jnp.array([0.4238, 0.4414, 0.4395, 0.4453, 0.4629, 0.4590, 0.4531, 0.45508, 0.4512] )
print(F'output_slice: {output_slice}' )
assert jnp.abs(output_slice - expected_slice ).max() < 1E-2
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = """stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2"""
a , a = FlaxDPMSolverMultistepScheduler.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ , subfolder="""scheduler""" )
a , a = FlaxStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
__magic_name__ , scheduler=__magic_name__ , revision="""bf16""" , dtype=jnp.bfloataa , )
a = scheduler_params
a = """A painting of a squirrel eating a burger"""
a = jax.device_count()
a = num_samples * [prompt]
a = sd_pipe.prepare_inputs(__magic_name__ )
a = replicate(__magic_name__ )
a = shard(__magic_name__ )
a = jax.random.PRNGKey(0 )
a = jax.random.split(__magic_name__ , jax.device_count() )
a = sd_pipe(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , num_inference_steps=25 , jit=__magic_name__ )[0]
assert images.shape == (jax.device_count(), 1, 768, 768, 3)
a = images.reshape((images.shape[0] * images.shape[1],) + images.shape[-3:] )
a = images[0, 253:256, 253:256, -1]
a = jnp.asarray(jax.device_get(image_slice.flatten() ) )
a = jnp.array([0.4336, 0.42969, 0.4453, 0.4199, 0.4297, 0.4531, 0.4434, 0.4434, 0.4297] )
print(F'output_slice: {output_slice}' )
assert jnp.abs(output_slice - expected_slice ).max() < 1E-2
| 347 |
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from ...tokenization_utils import AddedToken, PreTrainedTokenizer
from ...utils import logging
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = ['''input_ids''', '''attention_mask''']
def __init__( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :int="</s>" , __magic_name__ :List[Any]="<unk>" , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]="<pad>" , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=125 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=None , **__magic_name__ :List[str] , ):
'''simple docstring'''
if extra_ids > 0 and additional_special_tokens is None:
a = [F'<extra_id_{i}>' for i in range(__magic_name__ )]
elif extra_ids > 0 and additional_special_tokens is not None:
# Check that we have the right number of extra_id special tokens
a = len(set(filter(lambda __magic_name__ : bool("""extra_id""" in str(__magic_name__ ) ) , __magic_name__ ) ) )
if extra_tokens != extra_ids:
raise ValueError(
F'Both extra_ids ({extra_ids}) and additional_special_tokens ({additional_special_tokens}) are'
""" provided to ByT5Tokenizer. In this case the additional_special_tokens must include the"""
""" extra_ids tokens""" )
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ , rstrip=__magic_name__ ) if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) else pad_token
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ , rstrip=__magic_name__ ) if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) else eos_token
a = AddedToken(__magic_name__ , lstrip=__magic_name__ , rstrip=__magic_name__ ) if isinstance(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ) else unk_token
eos_token=__magic_name__ , unk_token=__magic_name__ , pad_token=__magic_name__ , extra_ids=__magic_name__ , additional_special_tokens=__magic_name__ , **__magic_name__ , )
a = extra_ids
a = 2**8 # utf is 8 bits
# define special tokens dict
a = {
self.pad_token: 0,
self.eos_token: 1,
self.unk_token: 2,
a = len(self.special_tokens_encoder )
a = len(__magic_name__ )
for i, token in enumerate(__magic_name__ ):
a = self.vocab_size + i - n
a = {v: k for k, v in self.special_tokens_encoder.items()}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self._utf_vocab_size + self._num_special_tokens + self._extra_ids
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :List[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[List[int]] = None , __magic_name__ :bool = False ):
'''simple docstring'''
if already_has_special_tokens:
return super().get_special_tokens_mask(
token_ids_a=__magic_name__ , token_ids_a=__magic_name__ , already_has_special_tokens=__magic_name__ )
# normal case: some special tokens
if token_ids_a is None:
return ([0] * len(__magic_name__ )) + [1]
return ([0] * len(__magic_name__ )) + [1] + ([0] * len(__magic_name__ )) + [1]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , __magic_name__ :List[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
if len(__magic_name__ ) > 0 and token_ids[-1] == self.eos_token_id:
F'This sequence already has {self.eos_token}. In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated'
""" eos tokens being added.""" )
return token_ids
return token_ids + [self.eos_token_id]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[List[int]] = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [self.eos_token_id]
if token_ids_a is None:
return len(token_ids_a + eos ) * [0]
return len(token_ids_a + eos + token_ids_a + eos ) * [0]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[List[int]] = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self._add_eos_if_not_present(__magic_name__ )
if token_ids_a is None:
return token_ids_a
a = self._add_eos_if_not_present(__magic_name__ )
return token_ids_a + token_ids_a
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [chr(__magic_name__ ) for i in text.encode("""utf-8""" )]
return tokens
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
if token in self.special_tokens_encoder:
a = self.special_tokens_encoder[token]
elif token in self.added_tokens_encoder:
a = self.added_tokens_encoder[token]
elif len(__magic_name__ ) != 1:
a = self.unk_token_id
a = ord(__magic_name__ ) + self._num_special_tokens
return token_id
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
if index in self.special_tokens_decoder:
a = self.special_tokens_decoder[index]
a = chr(index - self._num_special_tokens )
return token
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = b""""""
for token in tokens:
if token in self.special_tokens_decoder:
a = self.special_tokens_decoder[token].encode("""utf-8""" )
elif token in self.added_tokens_decoder:
a = self.special_tokens_decoder[token].encode("""utf-8""" )
elif token in self.special_tokens_encoder:
a = token.encode("""utf-8""" )
elif token in self.added_tokens_encoder:
a = token.encode("""utf-8""" )
a = bytes([ord(__magic_name__ )] )
bstring += tok_string
a = bstring.decode("""utf-8""" , errors="""ignore""" )
return string
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Optional[str] = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
return ()
| 347 | 1 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase = 100_0000 ) -> int:
a = [i - 1 for i in range(limit + 1 )]
for i in range(2 , limit + 1 ):
if phi[i] == i - 1:
for j in range(2 * i , limit + 1 , __lowerCamelCase ):
phi[j] -= phi[j] // i
return sum(phi[2 : limit + 1] )
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 347 |
import copy
import unittest
from import get_values
from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow, torch_device
from transformers.utils import cached_property, is_torch_available, is_vision_available
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_torch_available():
import torch
from transformers import (
from transformers.models.layoutlmva.modeling_layoutlmva import LAYOUTLMV3_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import LayoutLMvaImageProcessor
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :int=2 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=3 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=4 , __magic_name__ :str=2 , __magic_name__ :Any=7 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=True , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=True , __magic_name__ :Dict=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=99 , __magic_name__ :Dict=36 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=3 , __magic_name__ :str=4 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=37 , __magic_name__ :Dict="gelu" , __magic_name__ :Any=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Dict=512 , __magic_name__ :str=16 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=2 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Any=6 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=6 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=3 , __magic_name__ :str=4 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=None , __magic_name__ :str=1000 , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = num_channels
a = image_size
a = patch_size
a = text_seq_length
a = is_training
a = use_input_mask
a = use_token_type_ids
a = use_labels
a = vocab_size
a = hidden_size
a = num_hidden_layers
a = num_attention_heads
a = intermediate_size
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = type_sequence_label_size
a = initializer_range
a = coordinate_size
a = shape_size
a = num_labels
a = num_choices
a = scope
a = range_bbox
# LayoutLMv3's sequence length equals the number of text tokens + number of patches + 1 (we add 1 for the CLS token)
a = text_seq_length
a = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 + 1
a = self.text_seq_length + self.image_seq_length
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length, 4] , self.range_bbox )
# Ensure that bbox is legal
for i in range(bbox.shape[0] ):
for j in range(bbox.shape[1] ):
if bbox[i, j, 3] < bbox[i, j, 1]:
a = bbox[i, j, 3]
a = bbox[i, j, 1]
a = t
if bbox[i, j, 2] < bbox[i, j, 0]:
a = bbox[i, j, 2]
a = bbox[i, j, 0]
a = t
a = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_channels, self.image_size, self.image_size] )
a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] )
a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
a = None
a = None
if self.use_labels:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length] , self.num_labels )
a = LayoutLMvaConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , hidden_size=self.hidden_size , num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers , num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads , intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob , attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , initializer_range=self.initializer_range , coordinate_size=self.coordinate_size , shape_size=self.shape_size , input_size=self.image_size , patch_size=self.patch_size , )
return config, input_ids, bbox, pixel_values, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModel(config=__magic_name__ ) )
# text + image
a = model(__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
# text only
a = model(__magic_name__ )
result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
# image only
a = model(pixel_values=__magic_name__ )
result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.image_seq_length, self.hidden_size) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_labels
a = LayoutLMvaForSequenceClassification(__magic_name__ ) )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ , labels=__magic_name__ , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_labels) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_labels
a = LayoutLMvaForTokenClassification(config=__magic_name__ ) )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ , labels=__magic_name__ , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.text_seq_length, self.num_labels) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaForQuestionAnswering(config=__magic_name__ ) )
a = model(
__magic_name__ , bbox=__magic_name__ , pixel_values=__magic_name__ , attention_mask=__magic_name__ , token_type_ids=__magic_name__ , start_positions=__magic_name__ , end_positions=__magic_name__ , )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
a = {
"""input_ids""": input_ids,
"""bbox""": bbox,
"""pixel_values""": pixel_values,
"""token_type_ids""": token_type_ids,
"""attention_mask""": input_mask,
return config, inputs_dict
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = (
if is_torch_available()
else ()
UpperCamelCase__ = (
{'''document-question-answering''': LayoutLMvaForQuestionAnswering, '''feature-extraction''': LayoutLMvaModel}
if is_torch_available()
else {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return True
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModelTester(self )
a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__magic_name__ , hidden_size=37 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Any=False ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = copy.deepcopy(__magic_name__ )
if model_class in get_values(__magic_name__ ):
a = {
k: v.unsqueeze(1 ).expand(-1 , self.model_tester.num_choices , -1 ).contiguous()
if isinstance(__magic_name__ , torch.Tensor ) and v.ndim > 1
else v
for k, v in inputs_dict.items()
if return_labels:
if model_class in get_values(__magic_name__ ):
a = torch.ones(self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
elif model_class in get_values(__magic_name__ ):
a = torch.zeros(
self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
a = torch.zeros(
self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
elif model_class in [
*get_values(__magic_name__ ),
a = torch.zeros(
self.model_tester.batch_size , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ )
elif model_class in [
*get_values(__magic_name__ ),
a = torch.zeros(
(self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.text_seq_length) , dtype=torch.long , device=__magic_name__ , )
return inputs_dict
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
for type in ["absolute", "relative_key", "relative_key_query"]:
a = type
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModel.from_pretrained(__magic_name__ )
self.assertIsNotNone(__magic_name__ )
def __A ( ) -> str:
a ="""./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png""" )
return image
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return LayoutLMvaImageProcessor(apply_ocr=__magic_name__ ) if is_vision_available() else None
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = LayoutLMvaModel.from_pretrained("""microsoft/layoutlmv3-base""" ).to(__magic_name__ )
a = self.default_image_processor
a = prepare_img()
a = image_processor(images=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""pt""" ) )
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2]] )
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]] ).unsqueeze(0 )
# forward pass
a = model( ) , ) , ) , )
# verify the logits
a = torch.Size((1, 199, 768) )
self.assertEqual(outputs.last_hidden_state.shape , __magic_name__ )
a = torch.tensor(
[[-0.0529, 0.3618, 0.1632], [-0.1587, -0.1667, -0.0400], [-0.1557, -0.1671, -0.0505]] ).to(__magic_name__ )
self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs.last_hidden_state[0, :3, :3] , __magic_name__ , atol=1E-4 ) )
| 347 | 1 |
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Optional
import numpy as np
from utils_multiple_choice import MultipleChoiceDataset, Split, processors
import transformers
from transformers import (
from transformers.trainer_utils import is_main_process
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[int] = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> List[str]:
return (preds == labels).mean()
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = field(
metadata={'''help''': '''Path to pretrained model or model identifier from'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = field(
default=__magic_name__ , metadata={'''help''': '''Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = field(
default=__magic_name__ , metadata={'''help''': '''Pretrained tokenizer name or path if not the same as model_name'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = field(
default=__magic_name__ , metadata={'''help''': '''Where do you want to store the pretrained models downloaded from'''} , )
class __lowerCAmelCase :
UpperCamelCase__ = field(metadata={'''help''': '''The name of the task to train on: ''' + ''', '''.join(processors.keys() )} )
UpperCamelCase__ = field(metadata={'''help''': '''Should contain the data files for the task.'''} )
UpperCamelCase__ = field(
default=128 , metadata={
'''help''': (
'''The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization. Sequences longer '''
'''than this will be truncated, sequences shorter will be padded.'''
} , )
UpperCamelCase__ = field(
default=__magic_name__ , metadata={'''help''': '''Overwrite the cached training and evaluation sets'''} )
def __A ( ) -> Union[str, Any]:
# See all possible arguments in src/transformers/
# or by passing the --help flag to this script.
# We now keep distinct sets of args, for a cleaner separation of concerns.
a = HfArgumentParser((ModelArguments, DataTrainingArguments, TrainingArguments) )
a , a , a = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()
if (
os.path.exists(training_args.output_dir )
and os.listdir(training_args.output_dir )
and training_args.do_train
and not training_args.overwrite_output_dir
raise ValueError(
f'Output directory ({training_args.output_dir}) already exists and is not empty. Use'
""" --overwrite_output_dir to overcome.""" )
# Setup logging
format="""%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s""" , datefmt="""%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S""" , level=logging.INFO if training_args.local_rank in [-1, 0] else logging.WARN , )
"""Process rank: %s, device: %s, n_gpu: %s, distributed training: %s, 16-bits training: %s""" , training_args.local_rank , training_args.device , training_args.n_gpu , bool(training_args.local_rank != -1 ) , training_args.fpaa , )
# Set the verbosity to info of the Transformers logger (on main process only):
if is_main_process(training_args.local_rank ):
transformers.utils.logging.enable_explicit_format()"""Training/evaluation parameters %s""" , __lowerCamelCase )
# Set seed
set_seed(training_args.seed )
a = processors[data_args.task_name]()
a = processor.get_labels()
a = len(__lowerCamelCase )
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("""Task not found: %s""" % (data_args.task_name) )
# Load pretrained model and tokenizer
# Distributed training:
# The .from_pretrained methods guarantee that only one local process can concurrently
# download model & vocab.
a = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(
model_args.config_name if model_args.config_name else model_args.model_name_or_path , num_labels=__lowerCamelCase , finetuning_task=data_args.task_name , cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir , )
a = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
model_args.tokenizer_name if model_args.tokenizer_name else model_args.model_name_or_path , cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir , )
a = AutoModelForMultipleChoice.from_pretrained(
model_args.model_name_or_path , from_tf=bool(""".ckpt""" in model_args.model_name_or_path ) , config=__lowerCamelCase , cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir , )
# Get datasets
a = (
data_dir=data_args.data_dir , tokenizer=__lowerCamelCase , task=data_args.task_name , max_seq_length=data_args.max_seq_length , overwrite_cache=data_args.overwrite_cache , mode=Split.train , )
if training_args.do_train
else None
a = (
data_dir=data_args.data_dir , tokenizer=__lowerCamelCase , task=data_args.task_name , max_seq_length=data_args.max_seq_length , overwrite_cache=data_args.overwrite_cache , , )
if training_args.do_eval
else None
def compute_metrics(__lowerCamelCase ) -> Dict:
a = np.argmax(p.predictions , axis=1 )
return {"acc": simple_accuracy(__lowerCamelCase , p.label_ids )}
# Data collator
a = DataCollatorWithPadding(__lowerCamelCase , pad_to_multiple_of=8 ) if training_args.fpaa else None
# Initialize our Trainer
a = Trainer(
model=__lowerCamelCase , args=__lowerCamelCase , train_dataset=__lowerCamelCase , eval_dataset=__lowerCamelCase , compute_metrics=__lowerCamelCase , data_collator=__lowerCamelCase , )
# Training
if training_args.do_train:
model_path=model_args.model_name_or_path if os.path.isdir(model_args.model_name_or_path ) else None )
# For convenience, we also re-save the tokenizer to the same directory,
# so that you can share your model easily on =)
if trainer.is_world_master():
tokenizer.save_pretrained(training_args.output_dir )
# Evaluation
a = {}
if training_args.do_eval:"""*** Evaluate ***""" )
a = trainer.evaluate()
a = os.path.join(training_args.output_dir , """eval_results.txt""" )
if trainer.is_world_master():
with open(__lowerCamelCase , """w""" ) as writer:"""***** Eval results *****""" )
for key, value in result.items():""" %s = %s""" , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
writer.write("""%s = %s\n""" % (key, value) )
results.update(__lowerCamelCase )
return results
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> int:
# For xla_spawn (TPUs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
| 347 |
from copy import deepcopy
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :list[int] | None = None , __magic_name__ :int | None = None ):
'''simple docstring'''
if arr is None and size is not None:
a = size
a = [0] * size
elif arr is not None:
self.init(__magic_name__ )
raise ValueError("""Either arr or size must be specified""" )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :list[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = len(__magic_name__ )
a = deepcopy(__magic_name__ )
for i in range(1 , self.size ):
a = self.next_(__magic_name__ )
if j < self.size:
self.tree[j] += self.tree[i]
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.tree[:]
for i in range(self.size - 1 , 0 , -1 ):
a = self.next_(__magic_name__ )
if j < self.size:
arr[j] -= arr[i]
return arr
def lowerCamelCase__ ( __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return index + (index & (-index))
def lowerCamelCase__ ( __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return index - (index & (-index))
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
if index == 0:
self.tree[0] += value
while index < self.size:
self.tree[index] += value
a = self.next_(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
self.add(__magic_name__ , value - self.get(__magic_name__ ) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
if right == 0:
return 0
a = self.tree[0]
right -= 1 # make right inclusive
while right > 0:
result += self.tree[right]
a = self.prev(__magic_name__ )
return result
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.prefix(__magic_name__ ) - self.prefix(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
return self.query(__magic_name__ , index + 1 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
value -= self.tree[0]
if value < 0:
return -1
a = 1 # Largest power of 2 <= size
while j * 2 < self.size:
j *= 2
a = 0
while j > 0:
if i + j < self.size and self.tree[i + j] <= value:
value -= self.tree[i + j]
i += j
j //= 2
return i
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
| 347 | 1 |
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> str:
assert x is not None
assert y is not None
a = len(__lowerCamelCase )
a = len(__lowerCamelCase )
# declaring the array for storing the dp values
a = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(m + 1 )] # noqa: E741
for i in range(1 , m + 1 ):
for j in range(1 , n + 1 ):
a = 1 if x[i - 1] == y[j - 1] else 0
a = max(l[i - 1][j] , l[i][j - 1] , l[i - 1][j - 1] + match )
a = """"""
a , a = m, n
while i > 0 and j > 0:
a = 1 if x[i - 1] == y[j - 1] else 0
if l[i][j] == l[i - 1][j - 1] + match:
if match == 1:
a = x[i - 1] + seq
i -= 1
j -= 1
elif l[i][j] == l[i - 1][j]:
i -= 1
j -= 1
return l[m][n], seq
if __name__ == "__main__":
__UpperCamelCase : Tuple = "AGGTAB"
__UpperCamelCase : Dict = "GXTXAYB"
__UpperCamelCase : List[str] = 4
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = "GTAB"
__UpperCamelCase , __UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = longest_common_subsequence(a, b)
print("len =", ln, ", sub-sequence =", subseq)
import doctest
| 347 |
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
__UpperCamelCase : Union[str, Any] = TypeVar("T")
class __lowerCAmelCase ( Generic[T] ):
def __init__( self :Tuple , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = data
a = self
a = 0
class __lowerCAmelCase ( Generic[T] ):
def __init__( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = DisjointSetTreeNode(__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
a =[data]
if elem_ref != elem_ref.parent:
a = self.find_set( )
return elem_ref.parent
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :DisjointSetTreeNode[T] , __magic_name__ :DisjointSetTreeNode[T] ):
'''simple docstring'''
if nodea.rank > nodea.rank:
a = nodea
a = nodea
if nodea.rank == nodea.rank:
nodea.rank += 1
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :T , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring''' ) , self.find_set(__magic_name__ ) )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( Generic[T] ):
def __init__( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :T ):
'''simple docstring'''
if node not in self.connections:
a = {}
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :T , __magic_name__ :T , __magic_name__ :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
self.add_node(__magic_name__ )
self.add_node(__magic_name__ )
a = weight
a = weight
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = []
a = set()
for start in self.connections:
for end in self.connections[start]:
if (start, end) not in seen:
seen.add((end, start) )
edges.append((start, end, self.connections[start][end]) )
edges.sort(key=lambda __magic_name__ : x[2] )
# creating the disjoint set
a = DisjointSetTree[T]()
for node in self.connections:
disjoint_set.make_set(__magic_name__ )
# MST generation
a = 0
a = 0
a = GraphUndirectedWeighted[T]()
while num_edges < len(self.connections ) - 1:
a , a , a = edges[index]
index += 1
a = disjoint_set.find_set(__magic_name__ )
a = disjoint_set.find_set(__magic_name__ )
if parent_u != parent_v:
num_edges += 1
graph.add_edge(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
disjoint_set.union(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
return graph
| 347 | 1 |
import argparse
import json
import os
import torch
from transformers import LukeConfig, LukeModel, LukeTokenizer, RobertaTokenizer
from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import AddedToken
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase ) -> int:
# Load configuration defined in the metadata file
with open(__lowerCamelCase ) as metadata_file:
a = json.load(__lowerCamelCase )
a = LukeConfig(use_entity_aware_attention=__lowerCamelCase , **metadata["""model_config"""] )
# Load in the weights from the checkpoint_path
a = torch.load(__lowerCamelCase , map_location="""cpu""" )
# Load the entity vocab file
a = load_entity_vocab(__lowerCamelCase )
a = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained(metadata["""model_config"""]["""bert_model_name"""] )
# Add special tokens to the token vocabulary for downstream tasks
a = AddedToken("""<ent>""" , lstrip=__lowerCamelCase , rstrip=__lowerCamelCase )
a = AddedToken("""<ent2>""" , lstrip=__lowerCamelCase , rstrip=__lowerCamelCase )
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"""additional_special_tokens""": [entity_token_a, entity_token_a]} )
config.vocab_size += 2
print(f'Saving tokenizer to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}' )
tokenizer.save_pretrained(__lowerCamelCase )
with open(os.path.join(__lowerCamelCase , LukeTokenizer.vocab_files_names["""entity_vocab_file"""] ) , """w""" ) as f:
json.dump(__lowerCamelCase , __lowerCamelCase )
a = LukeTokenizer.from_pretrained(__lowerCamelCase )
# Initialize the embeddings of the special tokens
a = state_dict["""embeddings.word_embeddings.weight"""]
a = word_emb[tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(["""@"""] )[0]].unsqueeze(0 )
a = word_emb[tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(["""#"""] )[0]].unsqueeze(0 )
a =[word_emb, ent_emb, enta_emb] )
# Initialize the query layers of the entity-aware self-attention mechanism
for layer_index in range(config.num_hidden_layers ):
for matrix_name in ["query.weight", "query.bias"]:
a = f'encoder.layer.{layer_index}.attention.self.'
a = state_dict[prefix + matrix_name]
a = state_dict[prefix + matrix_name]
a = state_dict[prefix + matrix_name]
# Initialize the embedding of the [MASK2] entity using that of the [MASK] entity for downstream tasks
a = state_dict["""entity_embeddings.entity_embeddings.weight"""]
a = entity_emb[entity_vocab["""[MASK]"""]]
a = LukeModel(config=__lowerCamelCase ).eval()
a , a = model.load_state_dict(__lowerCamelCase , strict=__lowerCamelCase )
if not (len(__lowerCamelCase ) == 1 and missing_keys[0] == "embeddings.position_ids"):
raise ValueError(f'Missing keys {", ".join(__lowerCamelCase )}. Expected only missing embeddings.position_ids' )
if not (all(key.startswith("""entity_predictions""" ) or key.startswith("""lm_head""" ) for key in unexpected_keys )):
raise ValueError(
"""Unexpected keys"""
f' {", ".join([key for key in unexpected_keys if not (key.startswith("entity_predictions" ) or key.startswith("lm_head" ))] )}' )
# Check outputs
a = LukeTokenizer.from_pretrained(__lowerCamelCase , task="""entity_classification""" )
a = (
"""Top seed Ana Ivanovic said on Thursday she could hardly believe her luck as a fortuitous netcord helped the"""
""" new world number one avoid a humiliating second- round exit at Wimbledon ."""
a = (39, 42)
a = tokenizer(__lowerCamelCase , entity_spans=[span] , add_prefix_space=__lowerCamelCase , return_tensors="""pt""" )
a = model(**__lowerCamelCase )
# Verify word hidden states
if model_size == "large":
a = torch.Size((1, 42, 1024) )
a = torch.tensor(
[[0.0133, 0.0865, 0.0095], [0.3093, -0.2576, -0.7418], [-0.1720, -0.2117, -0.2869]] )
else: # base
a = torch.Size((1, 42, 768) )
a = torch.tensor([[0.0037, 0.1368, -0.0091], [0.1099, 0.3329, -0.1095], [0.0765, 0.5335, 0.1179]] )
if not (outputs.last_hidden_state.shape == expected_shape):
raise ValueError(
f'Outputs.last_hidden_state.shape is {outputs.last_hidden_state.shape}, Expected shape is {expected_shape}' )
if not torch.allclose(outputs.last_hidden_state[0, :3, :3] , __lowerCamelCase , atol=1E-4 ):
raise ValueError
# Verify entity hidden states
if model_size == "large":
a = torch.Size((1, 1, 1024) )
a = torch.tensor([[0.0466, -0.0106, -0.0179]] )
else: # base
a = torch.Size((1, 1, 768) )
a = torch.tensor([[0.1457, 0.1044, 0.0174]] )
if not (outputs.entity_last_hidden_state.shape != expected_shape):
raise ValueError(
f'Outputs.entity_last_hidden_state.shape is {outputs.entity_last_hidden_state.shape}, Expected shape is'
f' {expected_shape}' )
if not torch.allclose(outputs.entity_last_hidden_state[0, :3, :3] , __lowerCamelCase , atol=1E-4 ):
raise ValueError
# Finally, save our PyTorch model and tokenizer
print("""Saving PyTorch model to {}""".format(__lowerCamelCase ) )
model.save_pretrained(__lowerCamelCase )
def __A ( __lowerCamelCase ) -> List[str]:
a = {}
with open(__lowerCamelCase , """r""" , encoding="""utf-8""" ) as f:
for index, line in enumerate(__lowerCamelCase ):
a , a = line.rstrip().split("""\t""" )
a = index
return entity_vocab
if __name__ == "__main__":
__UpperCamelCase : Any = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Required parameters
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint_path", type=str, help="Path to a pytorch_model.bin file.")
"--metadata_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to a metadata.json file, defining the configuration."
help="Path to an entity_vocab.tsv file, containing the entity vocabulary.",
"--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to where to dump the output PyTorch model."
"--model_size", default="base", type=str, choices=["base", "large"], help="Size of the model to be converted."
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = parser.parse_args()
| 347 |
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
import numpy as np
import pytest
from transformers.testing_utils import require_vision
from transformers.utils import is_vision_available
if is_vision_available():
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoProcessor, BertTokenizer, BlipImageProcessor, BlipProcessor, PreTrainedTokenizerFast
class __lowerCAmelCase ( unittest.TestCase ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = tempfile.mkdtemp()
a = BlipImageProcessor()
a = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("""hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-BertModel""" )
a = BlipProcessor(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] , **__magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ ).tokenizer
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , **__magic_name__ :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
return AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname , **__magic_name__ ).image_processor
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdirname )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = [np.random.randint(255 , size=(3, 30, 400) , dtype=np.uinta )]
a = [Image.fromarray(np.moveaxis(__magic_name__ , 0 , -1 ) ) for x in image_inputs]
return image_inputs
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=self.get_tokenizer() , image_processor=self.get_image_processor() )
processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname )
a = self.get_tokenizer(bos_token="""(BOS)""" , eos_token="""(EOS)""" )
a = self.get_image_processor(do_normalize=__magic_name__ , padding_value=1.0 )
a = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained(
self.tmpdirname , bos_token="""(BOS)""" , eos_token="""(EOS)""" , do_normalize=__magic_name__ , padding_value=1.0 )
self.assertEqual(processor.tokenizer.get_vocab() , tokenizer_add_kwargs.get_vocab() )
self.assertIsInstance(processor.tokenizer , __magic_name__ )
self.assertEqual(processor.image_processor.to_json_string() , image_processor_add_kwargs.to_json_string() )
self.assertIsInstance(processor.image_processor , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = image_processor(__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""np""" )
a = processor(images=__magic_name__ , return_tensors="""np""" )
for key in input_feat_extract.keys():
self.assertAlmostEqual(input_feat_extract[key].sum() , input_processor[key].sum() , delta=1E-2 )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer(__magic_name__ , return_token_type_ids=__magic_name__ )
for key in encoded_tok.keys():
self.assertListEqual(encoded_tok[key] , encoded_processor[key] )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ , images=__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(list(inputs.keys() ) , ["""pixel_values""", """input_ids""", """attention_mask"""] )
# test if it raises when no input is passed
with pytest.raises(__magic_name__ ):
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = [[1, 4, 5, 8, 1, 0, 8], [3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 8, 9]]
a = processor.batch_decode(__magic_name__ )
a = tokenizer.batch_decode(__magic_name__ )
self.assertListEqual(__magic_name__ , __magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.get_image_processor()
a = self.get_tokenizer()
a = BlipProcessor(tokenizer=__magic_name__ , image_processor=__magic_name__ )
a = """lower newer"""
a = self.prepare_image_inputs()
a = processor(text=__magic_name__ , images=__magic_name__ )
# For now the processor supports only ['pixel_values', 'input_ids', 'attention_mask']
self.assertListEqual(list(inputs.keys() ) , ["""pixel_values""", """input_ids""", """attention_mask"""] )
| 347 | 1 |
from __future__ import annotations
import unittest
from transformers import FunnelConfig, is_tf_available
from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf
from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester
from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask
from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin
if is_tf_available():
import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import (
class __lowerCAmelCase :
def __init__( self :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=13 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=7 , __magic_name__ :Any=True , __magic_name__ :Tuple=True , __magic_name__ :Tuple=True , __magic_name__ :Dict=True , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=99 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=[1, 1, 2] , __magic_name__ :Any=1 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=32 , __magic_name__ :Dict=4 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=8 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=37 , __magic_name__ :Any="gelu_new" , __magic_name__ :int=0.1 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :Any=512 , __magic_name__ :int=3 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=3 , __magic_name__ :Any=4 , __magic_name__ :str=None , __magic_name__ :Tuple=False , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = parent
a = batch_size
a = seq_length
a = is_training
a = use_input_mask
a = use_token_type_ids
a = use_labels
a = vocab_size
a = block_sizes
a = num_decoder_layers
a = d_model
a = n_head
a = d_head
a = d_inner
a = hidden_act
a = hidden_dropout
a = attention_dropout
a = activation_dropout
a = max_position_embeddings
a = type_vocab_size
a = 2
a = num_labels
a = num_choices
a = scope
a = initializer_std
# Used in the tests to check the size of the first attention layer
a = n_head
# Used in the tests to check the size of the first hidden state
a = self.d_model
# Used in the tests to check the number of output hidden states/attentions
a = sum(self.block_sizes ) + (0 if base else self.num_decoder_layers)
# FunnelModel adds two hidden layers: input embeddings and the sum of the upsampled encoder hidden state with
# the last hidden state of the first block (which is the first hidden state of the decoder).
if not base:
a = self.num_hidden_layers + 2
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.vocab_size )
a = None
if self.use_input_mask:
a = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] )
a = None
if self.use_token_type_ids:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.type_vocab_size )
a = None
a = None
a = None
if self.use_labels:
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.type_sequence_label_size )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length] , self.num_labels )
a = ids_tensor([self.batch_size] , self.num_choices )
a = FunnelConfig(
vocab_size=self.vocab_size , block_sizes=self.block_sizes , num_decoder_layers=self.num_decoder_layers , d_model=self.d_model , n_head=self.n_head , d_head=self.d_head , d_inner=self.d_inner , hidden_act=self.hidden_act , hidden_dropout=self.hidden_dropout , attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout , activation_dropout=self.activation_dropout , max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings , type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size , initializer_std=self.initializer_std , )
return (
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelModel(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
a = [input_ids, input_mask]
a = model(__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.d_model) )
a = False
a = TFFunnelModel(config=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.d_model) )
a = False
a = TFFunnelModel(config=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.d_model) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Any , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :str , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelBaseModel(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
a = [input_ids, input_mask]
a = model(__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, 2, self.d_model) )
a = False
a = TFFunnelBaseModel(config=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, 3, self.d_model) )
a = False
a = TFFunnelBaseModel(config=__magic_name__ )
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape , (self.batch_size, 2, self.d_model) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , __magic_name__ :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelForPreTraining(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[Any] , __magic_name__ :str , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelForMaskedLM(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any] , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :int , __magic_name__ :int , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_labels
a = TFFunnelForSequenceClassification(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_labels) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_choices
a = TFFunnelForMultipleChoice(config=__magic_name__ )
a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(__magic_name__ , 1 ) , (1, self.num_choices, 1) )
a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(__magic_name__ , 1 ) , (1, self.num_choices, 1) )
a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(__magic_name__ , 1 ) , (1, self.num_choices, 1) )
a = {
"""input_ids""": multiple_choice_inputs_ids,
"""attention_mask""": multiple_choice_input_mask,
"""token_type_ids""": multiple_choice_token_type_ids,
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.num_choices) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str , __magic_name__ :Dict , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Tuple , __magic_name__ :Optional[int] , __magic_name__ :Any , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.num_labels
a = TFFunnelForTokenClassification(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :str , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :Any , __magic_name__ :List[str] , __magic_name__ :List[str] , ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelForQuestionAnswering(config=__magic_name__ )
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids}
a = model(__magic_name__ )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape , (self.batch_size, self.seq_length) )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.prepare_config_and_inputs()
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) ,
) = config_and_inputs
a = {"""input_ids""": input_ids, """token_type_ids""": token_type_ids, """attention_mask""": input_mask}
return config, inputs_dict
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = (
if is_tf_available()
else ()
UpperCamelCase__ = (
'''feature-extraction''': (TFFunnelBaseModel, TFFunnelModel),
'''fill-mask''': TFFunnelForMaskedLM,
'''question-answering''': TFFunnelForQuestionAnswering,
'''text-classification''': TFFunnelForSequenceClassification,
'''token-classification''': TFFunnelForTokenClassification,
'''zero-shot''': TFFunnelForSequenceClassification,
if is_tf_available()
else {}
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = False
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Tuple ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelModelTester(self )
a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[int] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_pretraining(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :List[str] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :str ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*__magic_name__ )
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , unittest.TestCase ):
UpperCamelCase__ = (
(TFFunnelBaseModel, TFFunnelForMultipleChoice, TFFunnelForSequenceClassification) if is_tf_available() else ()
UpperCamelCase__ = False
UpperCamelCase__ = False
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = TFFunnelModelTester(self , base=__magic_name__ )
a = ConfigTester(self , config_class=__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Union[str, Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Optional[Any] ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_base_model(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :Dict ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*__magic_name__ )
def lowerCamelCase__ ( self :int ):
'''simple docstring'''
a = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()
self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_multiple_choice(*__magic_name__ )
| 347 |
from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from ...utils import logging
from ...utils.backbone_utils import BackboneConfigMixin, get_aligned_output_features_output_indices
__UpperCamelCase : Optional[Any] = logging.get_logger(__name__)
__UpperCamelCase : int = {
"shi-labs/nat-mini-in1k-224": "",
# See all Nat models at
class __lowerCAmelCase ( __magic_name__ , __magic_name__ ):
UpperCamelCase__ = '''nat'''
UpperCamelCase__ = {
'''num_attention_heads''': '''num_heads''',
'''num_hidden_layers''': '''num_layers''',
def __init__( self :Any , __magic_name__ :int=4 , __magic_name__ :Dict=3 , __magic_name__ :List[str]=64 , __magic_name__ :Optional[int]=[3, 4, 6, 5] , __magic_name__ :int=[2, 4, 8, 16] , __magic_name__ :str=7 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=3.0 , __magic_name__ :Dict=True , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :List[Any]=0.1 , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]="gelu" , __magic_name__ :Optional[Any]=0.02 , __magic_name__ :Tuple=1E-5 , __magic_name__ :Union[str, Any]=0.0 , __magic_name__ :int=None , __magic_name__ :Any=None , **__magic_name__ :Dict , ):
'''simple docstring'''
super().__init__(**__magic_name__ )
a = patch_size
a = num_channels
a = embed_dim
a = depths
a = len(__magic_name__ )
a = num_heads
a = kernel_size
a = mlp_ratio
a = qkv_bias
a = hidden_dropout_prob
a = attention_probs_dropout_prob
a = drop_path_rate
a = hidden_act
a = layer_norm_eps
a = initializer_range
# we set the hidden_size attribute in order to make Nat work with VisionEncoderDecoderModel
# this indicates the channel dimension after the last stage of the model
a = int(embed_dim * 2 ** (len(__magic_name__ ) - 1) )
a = layer_scale_init_value
a = ["""stem"""] + [F'stage{idx}' for idx in range(1 , len(__magic_name__ ) + 1 )]
a , a = get_aligned_output_features_output_indices(
out_features=__magic_name__ , out_indices=__magic_name__ , stage_names=self.stage_names )
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Subsets and Splits