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P-01(A)-643-08/2022 | PERAYU KHOR KHENG LONG RESPONDEN Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Seberang Perai Selatan | Land reference - Whether the High Court in determining the market value and adequate compensation under the First Schedule of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 can give an award below the lesser amount given by the valuation reports - Whether buildings erected on the scheduled land are illegal buildings and thus not entitled to be compensated pursuant to subparagraph 1(3A) of the First Schedule of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 | 07/11/2023 | Dato' Dr. Choo Kah SingKorumYA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyYA Datuk Azimah binti OmarDato' Dr. Choo Kah Sing | |
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RAYUAN SIVIL NO. P-01(A)-643-08/2022
(NO. K/P: 640723-07-5483) PERAYU
[Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Di Pulau Pinang
Di Dalam Negeri Pulau Pinang
Rujukan Pengambilan Tanah No. PA-15-54-01/2021
Khor Kheng Long
(No. K/P: 640723-07-5483) Pemohon
Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Seberang
Perai Selatan Responden]
07/11/2023 10:31:05
P-01(A)-643-08/2022 Kand. 28
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[1] This is a land reference appeal before this Court. The appeal was
filed by the land owner (“the appellant”) against the decision of the High
Court dated 28.7.2022 (“the HC decision”).
[2] The grounds in the Memorandum of Appeal can essentially be dealt
with within these two questions of law before this Court for determination:
i) Whether the respondent / the High Court in determining the
“market value” and “adequate compensation” pursuant to the
legal principles under the First Schedule of the Land Acquisition
Act 1960 can give an award below than the lesser amount
between the two valuation reports adduced by the Government
Valuer and the Private Valuer;
ii) Whether the buildings situated on the scheduled land which were
bought by the appellant together with the scheduled land and
which were previously being occupied by the estate workers are
illegal buildings and thus are not entitled to be compensated
pursuant to subparagraph 1(3A) of the First Schedule of the Land
Acquisition Act 1960.
[3] The events leading to the above two questions of law raised before
us for determination are set out below.
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Background Facts
[4] On 9.12.2020, a land enquiry was held by the Land Administrator to
determine the market value of a scheduled land (Lot 10059, GRN 158668,
Mukim 8, Daerah Seberang Perai Selatan) which belonged to the
appellant. The size of the scheduled land is 24,873.00 square meters (m²)
(or 267,732.972 square feet [ft²]).
[5] In the enquiry, the appellant averred that the fair market value for
the scheduled land was RM346.60 per m² as at 5.11.2020. The appellant
sought compensation for the scheduled land in the sum of
RM8,620,982.00 (24,873 m² x RM346.60). The appellant also sought,
inter alia, for compensation of 20 units of residential building (“the
buildings”) erected on the scheduled land the total value of which
amounted to RM1,868,329.00.
[6] During the enquiry, the Land Administrator referred to a meeting
held between the appellant and the authority on 23.10.2020. The meeting
minutes recorded that the appellant had agreed to accept an offer made
by the authority to the appellant in a sum of RM4,500,000.00 as the
compensation amount for the acquisition of the scheduled land. The Land
Administrator took cognizance of the meeting minutes and recorded in the
proceedings of the enquiry as follows:
“Bayaran pampasan tanah yang dituntut oleh pemilik ialah
RM4,500,000.00 berdasarkan perbincangan sebelum proses
pengambilan seperti di dalam minit perbicangan”
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“Beberapa siri perbincangan / perundingan telah di adakan
dengan pihak tuan tanah. Persetujuan telah diperolehi dengan
tuan tanah berkaitan nilai pampasan.”
[7] Premised on the above finding, the Land Administrator awarded the
compensation amount for the scheduled land in the sum of
RM4,500,000.00 (approximately RM180.83 per m² x 24,873.00 m² [or
RM16.80 per ft² x 267,732.972 ft²]). The Land Administrator did not award
any compensation for the buildings.
[8] The appellant was not satisfied with the decision of the Land
Administrator and filed a Borang N to challenge the compensation award
made by the Land Administrator at the High Court. The appellant averred
that there was no agreement reached between him and the authority and
submitted that he was entitled to challenge the Land Administrator’s
award. The learned High Court Judge held that there was no agreement
reached between the appellant and the authority and stated as follows:
“[10] Having considered the affidavits filed by both parties, I am
of the view that there was no agreement as far as the amount of
compensation is concerned simply because it was still open for
the applicant to challenge the said amount. Hence, I proceed to
consider the reports prepared by both JPPH and AAPC as well
as the Assessors’ opinions besides the submissions advanced
by both parties.”
[9] The learned High Court Judge, after having considered the
appellant’s and respondent’s valuers’ reports respectively, referred to the
comparables stated in the appellant’s valuer’s report and made
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substantial changes to the market value based on the recommendation of
the private assessor’s findings. The learned High Court Judge concluded
that the market value of RM202.58 per m² (or RM18.82 per ft²) was a fair
and reasonable market value as the compensation amount for the
scheduled land. The reasoning of the learned High Court Judge could be
found in his Alasan Penghakiman at paragraphs 11 to 14 as reproduced
[11] There is no common comparable lot. I have considered the
features in all comparable lots picked by both the valuers and
the assessors. Both the JPPH and the Government Assessor
prefer Lot 681. After making the allowances JPPH suggests
RM270.00 per m² or RM25.08 psf while the Government
Assessor suggest RM260.00 per m² or RM24.25 psf. I cannot
accept taking Lot 681 alone as comparable. Granted Lot 681
was transacted on 15.9.2020 and it is the most recent among all
available comparables but its size is too small i.e. 4,932.098 m²
while the scheduled land is 24,873.000 m². Land of substantial
difference in size according to the Federal Court in
Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, Sarawak v. Aik Hoe & Co.
Ltd [1966] 1 LNS 188; [1966] 1 MLJ 243 and Ng Tiou Hong
(supra) was not suitable to use as comparable. Further the whole
of Lot 681 is zoned for development.
[12] I cannot accept Lot 7706 alone as suggested by the
applicant as it is an interior land, undulated and below road level.
All the comparables carry plus and minus points therefore to my
mind preferring a single lot as comparable is not appropriate
more so when all have different features except their location.
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[13] Turning to the Private Assessor's assessment, I am of the
view that her opinion is more realistic. She takes Lots 681, 680,
7706 and 6276 as comparables in making her assessment. Lot
680 was transacted on 25.7.2017, Lots 7706 and 6276 were both
transacted in 2019. Lot 680 measures 20,386.0069 m² and Lot
7706 measures 20,430.00 m² while Lot 6276 is 11,280.00 m²
hence, only slight adjustments need to be given. I am mindful of
the fact that Lot 680 was transacted more than 3 years from the
material date. Subparagraph 1(1A) of the First Schedule of Act
486 provides:
“In assessing the market value of any scheduled land, the valuer
may use any suitable method of valuation to arrive at the market
value provided that regard may be had to the prices paid for the
recent sales of lands with similar characteristics as the
scheduled land which are situated within the vicinity of the
scheduled land and with particular consideration being given to
the last transaction on the scheduled land within two years from
the date with reference to which the scheduled land is to be
assessed under subparagraph (1).”
However, it does not mean that Lot 680 cannot be considered at
all. Further it is a first layer land similar to the scheduled land and
abuts Lot 681. Lot 680 is of first layer while Lots 7706 and 6276
are interior land.
[14] Although I agree that the three comparables offered by
APPC are suitable, I find that the adjustments or allowances
made are unreasonable. They are undulated and below road
level and only Lot 7706 is squarish. I cannot agree with the huge
adjustments given by APPC. For instance, he gives a +30%
adjustment for the time factor for Lot 680 without providing any
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[15] Having given the necessary adjustments to the four
comparables, the Private Assessor obtains an average price of
RM18.82 psf or RM202.58 per m². I find that the adjustments she
gives are more sensible this figure is more sensible thus, I agree
that RM18.82 psf or RM202.58 per m² is a fair and reasonable
market value for the scheduled land.
[10] With regard to the claim for compensation of the buildings, the High
Court Judge held that the appellant was not the owner of the buildings,
that the buildings were constructed and/or owned by squatters, and that
the buildings were already in existence before the appellant acquired the
land. The learned High Court Judge also held that since the buildings
were constructed and occupied by the squatters, therefore, they were
illegal and no compensation was to be awarded for the buildings.
[11] On 28.7.2022, the High Court Judge ordered, inter alia, that the
compensation award for the scheduled land be increased from
RM4,500,000.00 to RM5,038,734.50 (based on RM RM202.58 per m² [or
RM18.82 per ft²]). In other words, an additional compensation amount of
RM538,734.50 was to be paid to the appellant on top of the
RM4,500,000.00 which was awarded earlier by the Land Administrator.
[12] The appellant was not satisfied with the High Court’s decision, and
filed an appeal before us. The main complaint of the appellant is that the
High Court Judge did not accept both the JPPH’s and appellant’s valuer’s
reports’ recommendation of the comparables. Instead, the learned High
Court Judge preferred a value recommended by the private assessor
based on an average value premised on four comparables. The value
accepted by the learned High Court Judge as fair market value, i.e.
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RM202.58 per m² (or RM18.82 per ft²), was way below the recommended
values of the appellant’s valuer and/or JPPH’s report. The appellant’s
valuer recommended the fair market value as RM346.60 per m² (or
RM32.20 per ft²) based on Lot 680, whereas, the JPPH / the respondent
recommended the fair market value as RM270 per m² (or RM25.08 ft²)
based on Lot 681. It is on this basis that the first question of law was
framed for determination before this Court.
[13] With regard to the second question of law, it concerns whether
compensation should or should not be awarded to “illegal” buildings.
The findings of this Court
[14] The respondent’s counsel raised an objection to the appellant’s
appeal before us. The respondent’s counsel submitted that there should
be no appeal from a High Court decision to the Court of Appeal as to
compensation pursuant to s. 49 of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 (“the
Act”), except that for an appeal on question of law.
[15] The respondent’s counsel cited a string of Federal Court decisions
in support of the legal proposition (see Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v
Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat [2017] 5 CLJ 526, FC; Amitabha
Guha v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat [2021] 3 CLJ 1, FC; and
Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Johor v Nusantara Daya Sdn Bhd [2021] 7
CLJ 1, FC). We are fully aware of the legal proposition enunciated in
those cases.
[16] However, in the present appeal the first question of law hinges on
the power of a High Court Judge exercising his role in a land reference
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court. Whether a High Court Judge could exercise his discretionary power
to arrive at a compensation value which is below than that of an offer made
by JPPH / the respondent or the appellant? The second question of law
is whether an “illegal” building ought to be compensated in a land
acquisition proceeding?
[17] In this appeal, this Court is not asked to consider whether the
application of valuation principles was correct or otherwise when the High
Court computed the amount of compensation to be awarded, as opposed
to the appeal in Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Johor v Nusantara Daya Sdn
Bhd. The complaint in that case “essentially concerned issue of fact and
/ or application of valuation principles when computing the amount of
compensation to be awarded for the acquisition.”
[18] The first question of law concerns the ambit of the powers of a High
Court judge in a land reference proceeding. The decision of this Court, if
the first question of law is answered in the negative, will have a
consequential effect on the compensation amount. The second question
of law essentially deals with the legitimacy of a claim for compensation of
an “illegal” building in an acquisition proceeding. On both scores, we are
of the view that the appellant’s appeal has crossed the threshold of the
proviso to s. 49 of the Act.
The first question of law
[19] The respondent’s counsel did not challenge the High Court’s finding
that there was no agreement. The respondent’s counsel went on to
submit before us that the learned High Court was entitled to adopt the
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opinion of the private assessor that the fair market value could be lower
than the JPPH’s offer. We could not agree with the submission.
[20] In the first place, the High Court in a land reference proceeding is
always guided by the evidence produced before it. The applicant’s
valuer’s report is the fist evidence before the court. Clause 2(1) of the
Third Schedule of the Act states: “the applicant’s valuer’s report alone
must establish a prima facie case for the applicant.” This would be the
first evidence before the court to guide the judge to arrive at a fair market
[21] The consideration of the applicant’s valuer’s report is to be followed
by the consideration of a rebuttal report by the respondent as further
evidence for the High Court judge to consider what the fair market value
for the scheduled land is.
[22] It would be easier to narrow down a possible fair market value when
there is a common comparable between the applicant’s valuer’s report
and the respondent’s valuer’s report. If there is none, then the High Court
judge would have to consider the best comparable available before him.
[23] The High Court judge would be assisted by a private assessor and
a government assessor in the examination of the comparables. The High
Court judge is not bound by the decision, recommendation or advice given
by the two assessors. Nevertheless, the High Court judge must be guided
by the evidence presented before the court.
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[24] The court is presented with various proposals of what the market
value is by the applicant and the respondent. There will be the highest
market value on one side and the lowest market value on the other side.
[25] In the present case, the appellant’s valuer recommended the fair
market value as RM346.60 per m² (or RM32.20 per ft²); whereas, the
respondent’s valuer (JPPH) recommended the fair market value as
RM270.00 per m² (or RM25.08 per ft²). The fair market values
recommended by the two sides differ because both sides have used
different comparables as the basis for evaluation and adjustment as there
was no common comparable. The higher end of the spectrum was the
sum of RM346.60 per m² (or RM32.20 per ft²) (as offered by the
appellant’s valuer) and the lower end of the spectrum was the sum of
RM270.00 per m² (or RM25.08 per ft²) (as offered by JPPH / respondent).
[26] The government assessor agreed with the respondent’s valuer to
use Lot 681 as the best comparable, and after taking into consideration
the adjustment, the government assessor came to a sum of RM260.00
per m² (or RM24.25 ft²) as the fair market value. This amount is close to
the lower end of the spectrum. However, the learned High Court Judge
rejected this amount.
[27] The learned High Court Judge adopted the private assessor’s
recommendation that the fair market value ought to be RM202.58 per m²
(or RM18.82 per ft²). This amount was far below the lower end of the
spectrum. It was also lower than the government assessor’s
recommendation, i.e., RM260.00 per m² (or RM24.25 ft²).
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[28] We do not have the benefit of understanding how the private
assessor could come to this conclusion because her report and reasoning
were not provided in the appeal records before us.
[29] This Court is of the view that the learned High Court Judge was not
entitled within his power to accept and find the amount of RM202.58 per
m² (or RM18.82 per ft²) as the market value. This is because the finding
of the High court Judge was lower than the market value recommended
and offered by JPPH / the respondent.
[30] Article 13 of the Federal Constitution provides that “no person shall
be deprived of property save in accordance with law”, and “no law shall
provide for the compulsory acquisition or use of property without adequate
compensation.” If JPPH / the respondent was of the opinion that the fair
market value of the schedule land was, at the minimum, RM270.00 per m²
(or RM25.08 per ft²) constitute adequate compensation, there is no legal
basis as to why the appellant should only be entitled to compensation
based on a value which was less than a “minimum” market value that
JPPH / the respondent was willing to pay.
[31] It is observed that the market value of RM270 per m² (or RM25.08
per ft²) offered by JPPH / the respondent at the High Court was the same
amount as offered in the enquiry at the Land Office.
[32] We agree with the appellant’s counsel’s submission that the
compensation amount for a fair market value should fall somewhere in
between the two recommended market values offered by the appellant’s
valuer’s report on one side and the JPPH’s valuation report on the other
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side. At the very least, the JPPH’s recommended market value should be
regarded as the “minimum opening” fair market value.
[33] We are of the considered view that the learned High Court Judge
fell into error when his Lordship failed to address his mind to consider the
“minimum opening” fair market value offered by JPPH in its report and
accepted the private assessor’s market value which was far below than
the “minimum opening” fair market value.
[34] We are also of the considered view that it is not permissible for the
respondent to now argue that the learned High Court Judge was correct
to come to a market value which was lower than what it was previously
willing to offer to pay per the JPPH’s report.
[35] Although there is no doubt that the learned High Court was entitled
to come to his own conclusion of what the fair market value was for the
schedule land, his Lordship must be guided by the evidence presented
before him. Here, the learned High Court Judge awarded a sum lower
than the market value which JPPH / the respondent was willing to offer
and pay. This could not be legally correct when viewed through the lens
of “adequate compensation” from a constitutional right perspective.
[36] Based on the above reasoning, we are of the considered view that
the minimum amount that the appellant ought to be compensated should
be based on the “minimum opening” market value of RM270.00 per m² (or
RM25.08 per ft²) as offered in the JPPH report. Hence, our answer to the
first question of law is in the negative, and this part of the appellant’s
appeal is allowed.
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[37] For the record, the appellant’s counsel has conceded before this
Court to accept the sum of RM270.00 per m² (or RM25.08 per ft²) as the
market value for the compensation of the scheduled land.
The second question of law
[38] As for the compensation for the buildings, there is no supporting
evidence that those buildings were legally built in compliance with the
relevant planning laws or State land law. The learned High Court Judge
concluded that there was no dispute that the said buildings were built or
owned by squatters. These were the learned High Court Judge’s findings:
“[16] As regards the buildings, the following facts are
undisputed namely,
16.1 the applicant is not the owner of the buildings;
16.2 the buildings were constructed and/or owned by
16.3 they existed before the applicant purchased the said
Therefore, the applicant is not a “person interested” in the
buildings found thereon (see Cahaya Baru Development Bhd v.
Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia [2010] 8 CLJ 761). Further the
buildings were constructed and occupied by squatters and hence
illegal and no compensation ought to be given (see Pentadbir
Tanah Daerah Petaling v. Swee Lin Sdn Bhd [1999] 3 CLJ 577
and subparagraph 1(3A) of the First Schedule of Act 486 ).”
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[39] Insofar as the claim for compensation for the buildings is concerned,
the burden was on the appellant to demonstrate that the buildings were
legal in order to attract the requisite compensation. However, there is no
probative evidence of legality in this regard. The mere fact that cukai pintu
(assessment) was paid to the local authority does not prove the buildings
were legally constructed with approvals.
[40] We are not persuaded by the appellant’s counsel that the learned
High Court Judge was wrong in disallowing compensation for the
buildings. As such, the answer to the second question of law is positive
in that those buildings were illegal, and therefore, the appellant was not
entitled to compensation under paragraph 1(3A) of the First Schedule of
the Act. Hence, this part of the appellant’s appeal is not allowed.
[41] Based on the above reasoning, this Court, in a unanimous decision,
allows the appellant’s appeal in part.
[42] This Court orders, inter alia, that the award of compensation for the
appellant’s land (or the scheduled land) that was acquired is to be based
on RM270.00 per m² and multiplied by 24,873.00 m² (or RM25.08 per ft²
x 267,732.972 ft²). The compensation award for the scheduled land is,
therefore, to be in the sum of RM6,714,742.94, and not RM5,038,734.50
as awarded by the learned High Court Judge. The respondent, therefore,
is required to pay an additional amount of RM1,676,008.40
(RM6,714,742.94 - RM5,038,734.50) to the appellant. We hereby further
order that interest at 5% per annum be chargeable on the sum of
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RM1,676,008.40 from the date of the Borang K (dated 14.1.2021) until the
date of full payment.
[43] We make no order as to costs for the appeal.
Date: 29.10.2023
Court of Appeal
(Note: The decision of this Court was delivered on 21.8.2023)
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Counsel(s) for the appellant:
Karin Lim
(Shamshul bin Jamil with her)
Messrs. Presgrave & Matthews
Counsel(s) for the respondent:
Roslinda Binti Mohd Shafie
(Naizatul Zima binti Tajudin with her)
State Legal Advisers
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| 26,204 | Tika 2.6.0 |
KLHC WA-22NCC-308-07/2021 | PLAINTIF ONG KOH HOU @ WON KOK FONG [ IDENTITY CARD NO.: 490308055169 ] [ MESSRS ALFRED LAI & PARTNERS (KUALA LUMPUR) ] DEFENDAN WONG CHEE MENG [ IDENTITY CARD NO.: 580804085411 ] [ MESSRS JOSEPH TING & CO. (PUCHONG) ] | Loan Agreement — Whether Plaintiff granted a loan to Defendant — Defendant gave a cheque to Plaintiff for same amount as loan sum — cheque was countermanded upon presentation for payment — Whether Plaintiff is a holder for value of the cheque and whether the Defendant is liable to repay the loan pursuant to the Bills Of Exchange Act 1949 — Whether a duplicate claim was made for the same amount of the loan in another High Court | 07/11/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
SUIT NO. WA-22NCC-308-07/2021
(NRIC NO.: 490308-05-5159) ... PLAINTIFF
(NRIC NO.: 580804-08-5411) ... DEFENDANT
[1] This Action was filed by the Plaintiff in respect of a sum of
RM3,000,000 lent to the Defendant (“the loan”).
[2] During trial agreed to be conducted virtually online by using the
Zoom video conferencing platform, lasting 2 on 10.8.2023 and 11.8.2023,
both Plaintiff and Defendant testified. The Defendant also called a Ms
Chew Sow Kuan (DW2) as a witness.
[3] I had on 29.9.2023 allowed the Plaintiff’s claim. This judgment
contains the reasons for my decision.
Background Facts
[4] The Plaintiff and Defendant are shareholders and directors of
Platinum Wholesales City Sdn Bhd (“PWCSB”) which owns a shopping
mall called Platinum Wholesales City (“the PWC mall”) in Kota Bharu.
Besides the Plaintiff and the Defendant, the other directors of PWCSB are
Tan Sri Guok Nguong Peng (“Tan Sri Guok”) and the Plaintiff’s 2 sons
Ong Liang Yu, and Ong Hao You. The other shareholders of PWCSB are
Guok Hui Shing (Tan Sri Guok’s daughter), Heng Kui Heng (Tan Sri
Guok’s wife) and Ong Liang Yu (Plaintiff’s son”).
[5] GNP Construction Sdn Bhd (“GNP”) is the main contractor
appointed by PWCSB to construct the PWC mall.
[6] According to the Plaintiff:
6.1 at the request of the Defendant, the Plaintiff has lent a sum
of RM3,000,000.00 (“the Loan”) to the Defendant, vide a
United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd (“UOB Bank”)
Cheque bearing number 135206 dated 31.3.2017 (“the
UOB Bank Cheque”) issued by the Plaintiff to GNP;
6.2 The Defendant promised that he will repay the loan by June
6.3 The Defendant issued a Maybank cheque no. 057524 in
the amount of RM 3 million as repayment of the loan.
However when presented for payment, it was stopped
payment/countermanded; the Plaintiff has a right of
statutory recourse under the Bill of Exchange Act 1949
(“the BEA”); and
6.4 Hence this action was filed.
[7] The Defendant on the other hand denied he took any loan from
the Plaintiff and in essence pleaded that:
7.1 he incorporated on 11 April 2017 a company called A To Z
Concept Sdn Bhd (No. 1226424-T) (“the Company”) for the
business of buying and selling textile goods, clothing and
fashion accessories where the Plaintiff’s wife holds 55%
shares and the Defendant’s wife holds 45% shares in the
Company. The Plaintiff and Defendant’s respective wives
are directors of the Company;
7.2 the Plaintiff had proposed that he will inject RM
3,666,666.66 and the Defendant RM 3,000,000 into the
7.3 The Defendant told the Plaintiff that the Defendant was not
able to provide the RM3million for the Company whereupon
the Plaintiff stated he will assist the Defendant get a loan
and the Plaintiff asked the Defendant to issue an undated
cheque of RM 3 million and without stating the payee’s
name (“the RM3million cheque”) to be used as security for
the loan to be obtained by the Plaintiff from his friends for
the Defendant;
7.4 Based on the Plaintiff’s representation, the Defendant
issued the RM3million cheque in early April 2017 in the
manner requested by the Plaintiff;
7.5 the Company then issued purchase orders to suppliers to
buy goods;
7.6 the Plaintiff failed to inject his portion of RM 3,666,666.66
into the Company as promised. The Plaintiff also failed to
obtain the loan of RM 3 million for the Defendant from the
Plaintiff’s friends;
7.7 as the Company has no funds to pay the suppliers, the
Defendant has used other companies to pay for the goods
ordered by the Company;
7.8 since the Plaintiff breached his promise to invest the sum
of RM 3,666,666.66 and to get a loan for the Defendant, in
early August 2017 the Defendant stopped
payment/countermanded payment of the RM3million
cheque; there was a total failure of consideration for the
RM3million cheque. The date 30 August 2017 and payee’s
name stated on the RM3million cheque was written by the
Plaintiff without the Defendant’s knowledge and consent;
7.9 The Plaintiff has failed to give notice of dishonour of the
RM3million cheque; and
7.10 the Plaintiff has included the claim for the Loan against
GNP in the Kota Bharu High Court Suit No: DA22NCvC-66-
12/2021 (“the Kota Bharu Suit”) as additional construction
costs which is inconsistent with the Loan claimed in this
court; there is also duplicity in the claim for the Loan.
[8] The issues to be tried in my view boiled down to 3 as follows:
8.1 Whether the Plaintiff has given a Loan of RM3,000,000.00
to the Defendant?
8.2 If so, whether the Plaintiff is a holder for value of the
Maybank cheque for RM,3000,000 and whether the
Defendant is liable to repay the Loan in the sum of
RM3,000,000.00 to the Plaintiff pursuant to the Bills Of
Exchange Act 1949;
8.3 Whether the Plaintiff is making a duplicate claim for the
Loan in the Present Action?
Burden of proof
[9] The Plaintiff bears the legal and evidential burden to prove on a
balance of probabilities of establishing a case against the Defendant
throughout the trial. In the case of Dr Shanmuganathan v Periasamy s/o
Sithambaram Pillai [1997] 3 MLJ 61, the Federal Court held:
“Sections 101, 102, 103 and 106 of the Evidence Act 1950 deal with the
burden of proof. Under s 101, it is provided that whoever desires any
court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability, dependent on
the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts
exist. Under s 102 the burden of proof lies on that person who would
fail if no evidence at all were given on either side. Under s 103, the
burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that person who wishes the
court to believe in its existence, unless it is provided by any law that the
proof of that fact shall lie on any particular person. Under s 106, when any
fact is especially within the knowledge of any person the burden of proving
that fact is upon him.”
[10] In Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L Allagappan (as
executor to SL Alameloo Achi alias Sona Lena Alamelo Acho, deceased)
& Anor v Secure Plantation Sdn Bhd [2017] 4 MLJ 697, Jeffrey Tan FCJ
elucidated as follows:
“[56] Thus, a plaintiff has both the burden of proof as well as the initial
onus of proof. In Britestone Pte Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East,
Ltd [2007] 4 SLR 855, the Singapore Court of Appeal per VK Rajah JCA,
delivering the judgment of the court, explained that at the start of the
plaintiff’s case the burden of proof and the onus of proof coincide:
… at the start of the plaintiff’s case, the legal burden of proving the
existence of any relevant fact that the plaintiff must prove and the
evidential burden of some (not inherently incredible) evidence of the
existence of such fact coincide. Upon adduction of that evidence, the
evidential burden shifts to the defendant, as the case may be, to
adduce some evidence in rebuttal. If no evidence in rebuttal is
adduced, the court may conclude from the evidence of the defendant.
If, on the other hand, evidence in rebuttal is adduced, the evidential
burden shifts back to the plaintiff. If, ultimately, the evidential burden
comes to rest on the defendant, the legal burden of proof of the
relevant fact would have been discharged by the plaintiff. The
legal burden of proof — a permanent and enduring burden — does not
shift. A party who has the legal burden of proof on any issue must
discharge it throughout. Sometimes, the legal burden is spoken of,
inaccurately, as ‘shifting’; but what is truly meant is that another issue
has been engaged, on which the opposite party hears the legal burden
of proof.
[57] The rule is that ‘the onus of proof of any particular fact lies on the
party who alleges it, not on him who denies it; et incumbit probation qui
decit, non qui negat, Actori incibit probation … The plaintiff is bound in the
first instance, to show a prima facie case, and if he leaves it imperfect,
the court will not assist him. Hence the maxim Potior est condition
defendantis. A plaintiff cannot obviously advantage himself by the weakness
of the defence. A plaintiff’s case must stand or fall upon the evidence
adduced by him. When, however, the defendant, or either litigant party,
instead of denying what is alleged against him, relies on some new matter
which, if true, is an answer to it, the burden of proof changes sides; and he,
in his turn, is bound to show a prima facie case at least and, if he leaves it
imperfect, the court will not assist him. Reus excipendo fit actor’ (Woodroffe
and Amir Ali, Vol 3 at pp 3190-3191). (Emphasis added)
[11] I would thus remind myself that if the Plaintiff does not discharge
his burden, the claim would be dismissed notwithstanding whether the
defence is or is not established. I now deal with the issues.
Whether the Plaintiff has given a Loan of RM3,000,000.00 to the
[12] Considering the entire evidence adduced by the parties, the
answer is YES. In this regard, I do not accept the Defendant’s argument
that there is no loan just because there is no written evidence of a loan
agreement nor written instructions to pay the loan sum to GNP for reasons
as follows.
[13] “Evidence” is not confined to documents and the Court is
enjoined by s. 3 of the Evidence Act 1950 to consider oral statements by
witnesses, the evaluation and assessment of the credibility (or otherwise),
of the witnesses were crucial to the present case. In assessing credibility
of the witnesses, I have taken note that credibility of a witness embraces
not only the concept of his truthfulness i.e. whether the evidence of the
witness is to be believed but also the objective reliability of the witness i.e.
his ability to observe or remember facts and events about which the
witness is giving evidence and this court must pay attention to a number
of factors which, inter alia, include the following as exposited by Gillen J
in Sean Thornton (a minor by his mother and next friend) v Northern
Ireland Housing Executive [2010] NIQB 4:
(i) The inherent probability or improbability of representations
of fact;
(ii) The presence of independent evidence tending to
corroborate or undermine any given statement of fact;
(iii) The presence of contemporaneous records;
(iv) The demeanour of witnesses e.g., does he equivocate in
cross examination;
(v) The frailty of the population at large in accurately
recollecting and describing events in the distant past;
(vi) Does the witness take refuge in wild speculation or
uncorroborated allegations of fabrication;
(vii) Does the witness have a motive for misleading the court;
(viii) Weigh up one witness against another
[14] Sir George Farwell in the Privy Council case of Bombay Cotton
Manufacturing Company v Motilal Shivlal ILR 1915 39 Bom 386, PC, in
addressing the credit of a witness upon cross-examination, said that ‘it is
most relevant in a case where everything depends on the judge’s belief or
disbelief in the witness’ story.’ Particularly so in the instant case as the
loan agreement was not in writing.
[15] In assessing the facts in issue on the basis of their “inherent
probability or improbability”, I am also guided by the Federal Court in Md
Zainudin Bin Raujan v Public Prosecutor [2013] 3 MLJ 773:
“[33] It is trite that the inherent probability or improbability of a fact in issue
must be the prime consideration in deciding whether a witness is credible or
not. It is the duty of the court to sieve the evidence.....
[16] From the evidence adduced before the court, there can be no
dispute that RM3 million was paid to GNP by the Plaintiff.
[17] The Plaintiff testified under cross-examination (pg. 14 and 15
notes of proceedings) that the RM3,000,000 loan by verbal agreement
with the Defendant was paid on behalf of the Defendant to GNP. The sum
was for construction costs.
[18] Sophia Guok of GNP in April 2017 (a month after the loan was
paid to GNP) mailed the Plaintiff to inform payment of RM3million was
received and the email had a listing of payments made by the Plaintiff and
the Defendant. The sum of RM3million was credited to the Defendant.
[19] I reject the Defendant’s contentions that he does not owe GNP
money, that he did not receive the email as it was not addressed to him
and further, as the Plaintiff did not call Sophia as a witness, he was
therefore entitled to invoke s. 114(g) Evidence Act against the Plaintiff as
I found them to be unmeritorious.
[20] It is settled law that an adverse inference ‘can only be drawn if
there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account
of failure to obtain evidence’. The Supreme Court in Munusamy v Public
Prosecutor [1987] 1 MLJ 492 held: -
“It is essential to appreciate the scope of section 114(g)of the Evidence act,
1950 lest it be carried too far outside its limit. Adverse inference under that
illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of
evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence. It may be
drawn from withholding not just any document, but a material document by
a party in his possession nor for non-production of just any witness but only
an important and material witness to the case.”
[21] The Federal Court in Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan (supra)
referred to Munusamy’s case.
[22] In my respectful view, Sophia Guok was not a material witness
and nothing turns on the Defendant’s beating of drums on the alleged
Plaintiff’s failure to call her. Further, in my opinion, any witness called is a
witness of the court, whose testimony if relevant and admissible, assists
the court in making its determination of the issues. In this regard I am
reminded of the well-established principle that ‘there is no property in a
witness’ - See the judgments of the Federal Court in Husdi v Public
Prosecutor [1979] 2 MLJ 304; [1979] 1 LNS 33; and Suruhanjaya Sekuriti
v Datuk Ishak bin Ismail [2016] 1 MLJ 733; [2016] 3 CLJ 19.
[23] It was incumbent on the Defendant to address sufficiently this
issue of RM3million credited to his account at GNP. He could also have
called Sophia Guok. The email and listing of payments are Part B
documents; they are not fake or fictitious documents. The Defendant did
not challenge credibly the entry of RM3million credited to his account in
GNP is wrong.
[24] Additionally, in my view, Sophia’s email and Listing of payments
to GNP are contemporaneous evidence and supportive of the Plaintiff’s
case that RM3million was credited to GNP to account of the Defendant.
[25] The Plaintiff’s evidence is that Tan Sri Guok, Plaintiff and
Defendant are involved together in PWCSB to develop a mall where
construction costs according to the Plaintiff is RM200m. This evidence is
not disputed by the Defendant. The Defendant however testified that his
money must enter into Platinum (PWSB) first and thereafter, Platinum will
use the money to pay GNP. However, this does not change the fact that
GNP did credit RM3million into the Defendant’s account of payments.
[26] In my view, it is inherently probable and more likely than not, that
because of the loan by Plaintiff to the Defendant, and instructed by him to
pay GNP, the Maybank cheque of RM3million was then given to the
Plaintiff as repayment of the loan. In my view, it is highly improbable for
any prudent businessman in the form of the Defendant to have given the
Maybank cheque to the Plaintiff except for the purpose as asserted by the
[27] I find there is not an iota of evidence led by the Defendant to give
credence to his narrative that he had to pay the suppliers and creditors of
the Company, A To Z Concept Sdn Bhd when the Plaintiff failed to invest
the sum agreed and failed to get from the Plaintiff’s friends a loan of
RM3million to invest in A To Z and therefore he stopped payment of the
cheque. If as postulated by the Defendant that the Company had indeed
purchased goods from suppliers, it was revealing that there was no
evidence tendered by the Defendant on what goods were purchased, who
were the suppliers and the amounts incurred. Glaringly too, not a single
invoice nor payment voucher, cheque or receipt was tendered by the
Defendant to lend weight to his defence that he had used other companies
to pay for the goods ordered by the Company when the Plaintiff failed to
invest the sum agreed and failed to get from the Plaintiff’s friends a loan
of RM3million for the Defendant to invest in the Company. Given the
implications, it would also have been reasonably expected that the names
of the companies that the Defendant has allegedly used to make payment
be disclosed in evidence but were not. I can thus be forgiven for finding
that it is patently obvious that this totally unsubstantiated tale was
drummed up as a disingenuous posturing and an artful machination to
avoid payment of the loan paid into GNP.
[28] A cheque for an amount of RM3million by anyone’s standard is
not a small sum of money. I do not find the Defendant’s story credible as
a prudent man will not give a RM3million cheque willy nilly as collateral
upon the supposition that the Plaintiff will get him a loan for his share of
investment in A To Z until there is at least on the horizon, prospect of such
a loan being obtained by the Plaintiff from his friends.
Whether the Plaintiff is a holder for value of the Maybank cheque for
RM,3000,000 and whether Defendant is liable to repay the Loan in the
sum of RM3,000,000.00 to the Plaintiff pursuant to the Bills Of Exchange
Act 1949
[29] Pursuant to s. 30 BEA, valuable consideration from the holder of
the Maybank Cheque is presumed until the contrary is proven and the
Defendant bears the burden of proving that the Maybank Cheque is
tainted by fraud, duress, force and fear, illegality or there is a total failure
of consideration on the part of the Plaintiff, see Ong Guan Hua v Chong
(1963) 29 MLJ 6 and Ong Kee Chak v Au Heng Tong [1997] 5 CLJ 414.
[30] Due to my finding on the 1st issue, it follows that I find that the
Defendant has failed to discharge the burden that there is a total failure of
consideration on the part of the Plaintiff for the Maybank cheque of RM3
[31] Next, the Defendant contended he was never issued any notice
of dishonour in respect of the Maybank Cheque as required by s. 48 BEA
1949. However, I am of the view that this assertion is bereft of merits. As
the Maybank cheque was countermanded by the Defendant, there is no
need to issue a notice of dishonour pursuant to s. 50(2)(c)(v) BEA 1949
which reads:
“50 (1)….
2 Notice of dishonour is dispensed with –
(a) when, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, notice, as
required by this Act, cannot be given to or does not reach the
drawer or indorser sought to be charged;
(b) by waiver express or implied; notice of dishonour may be waived
before the time to giving notice has arrived, or after the omission
to give due notice;
(c) as regards the drawer in the following cases, namely-
(i) where the drawer and drawee are the same person;
(ii) where the drawee is a fictitious or a person not having
capacity to contract;
(iii) where the drawer is the person to whom the bill is presented
for payment;
(iv) where the drawee or acceptor is as between himself and the
drawer under no obligation to accept or pay the bill;
(v) where the drawer has countermanded payment.
(d) ………. “
[32] As for the Defendant’s postulations that the cheque was not
dated and no payee was stated, the short answer is found in s.3 (4) (a)
BEA which provides that a bill is not invalid by reason that it is not dated.
As for payee not being stated when the Defendant first handed the
Maybank cheque to the Plaintiff, in my view the payee's name can be
inserted before the cheque was presented to the bank for payment. At any
rate, pursuant to s. 2 BEA, the Plaintiff in this case is holder of the cheque:
“2 Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
“holder” means the payee or indorsee of a bill or note who is in possession
of it, or the bearer thereof;”
[33] As such, DW2 ’s evidence does not add to the defence.
[34] The Plaintiff having been deemed to have become a party thereto
for value pursuant to s. 30 of the BEA and when read with s. 55 BEA, it is
manifestly plain that the Defendant has not defence at all.
“55 Liability of drawer or indorser
(1) The drawer of a bill by drawing it—
(a) engages that on due presentment it shall be accepted and paid
according to its tenor, and that if it be dishonoured, he will
compensate the holder or any indorser who is compelled to pay
it, provided that the requisite proceedings on dishonour be duly
[35] The well-known dictum of Lord Denning MR in Fielding and Platt
Ltd v Najjar [1969] 2 All ER 150 applies in the context that a cheque or
promissory note is to be treated as cash, and is to be honoured unless
there is some good reason to the contrary, and only in exceptional
circumstances will a court deprive a claimant of judgment on a claim
based on a cheque.
[36] That a cheque is treated as payment of cash has been applied in
both Singapore and Malaysian cases; to name a few, see : Yeo Hiap Seng
v Australian Food Corp Pte Ltd & Anor [1991] 3 MLJ 144, Wong Fook
Heng v Amixco Asia Pte Ltd [1992] 2 SLR 342 (decisions of the Singapore
High Court and Court of Appeal respectively); Dato’ Francis Ng Tian Sang
v Alexander Wong Shoon Choy & Ors [2002] 7 CLJ 301; Affin Bank Bhd
v MMJ Exchange Sdn Bhd & Anor [2011] 9 MLJ 787; Raymond Mah Mun
Kitt v Bengjaya Sdn Bhd [2014] 1 LNS 82; Ting Sie Chung (A) v Ors v
Yeap Jing Fong [2009] MLJU 244, Uni Wall Architectural Product &
Services Sdn Bhd v Global Upline Sdn Bhd [2011] MLJU 517; Nulink
Solutions Sdn Bhd v Afdilia Holdings Sdn Bhd [2016] 6 AMR 639; Axisjaya
Sdn Bhd v B Cor Geotechnics Sdn Bhd [2020] MLJU 324; Yee Teck Fah
v Lee Chee Meng [2020] MLJU 1054.
[37] The 2nd issue is thus answered in the affirmative.
Whether the Plaintiff is making a duplicate claim for the Loan in the
Present Action?
[38] I am satisfied and accept the Plaintiff’s justification that he had
included the claim for the same RM3million against GNP in the Kota Bharu
Suit on 31.12.2021 because the present action was struck out by the High
Court on 1.12.2021. As such, when the Plaintiff commenced the Kota
Bharu Suit on 31.12.2021, the Plaintiff had included the loan sum in the
Plaintiff’s claim to safeguard his interest. It was also made demonstrably
clear to this court that the Plaintiff was taking steps to exclude the
RM3million from the Kota Bharu Suit.
[39] In deciding the matter, I have preferred the evidence of the
Plaintiff who I viewed as ‘more credible’ in support of the Plaintiff’s
contentions, as compared to the evidence of the Defendant whom I found
to be unconvincing. The Defendant’s narrative simply does not add up. I
thus took his evidence with a pinch of salt. Even if there were
discrepancies in the Plaintiff’s evidence, if at all, were minor and not
relevant, and on the whole, his evidence was quite compelling, convincing
and consistent with the documents and the overall probabilities of the
case. In the context of the entirety of the evidence before the court, any
lingering doubts that I have, I would resolve in favour of the Plaintiff.
[40] Evaluating and weighing the totality of the evidence as presented
by the parties in the course of the trial, I am of the view that Plaintiff has
succeeded on a balance of probability that he is a holder for value of the
Maybank cheque for RM3million. I also find that the Plaintiff has made out
a case for unjust enrichment.
[41] In light of the findings made, it follows that the Plaintiff's Claim is
allowed with interests and costs subject to allocator.
Dated 7th November 2023
- signed -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Alfred Lai Choong Wu (together with him, Toh
Mei Swan)
Messrs Alfred Lai & Partners
For the Defendant : HY Lee (together with him, Joseph Ting and
Alan Tan Fu Seng)
Messrs Joseph Ting & Co.
Bombay Cotton Manufacturing Company v Motilal Shivlal ILR 1915 39
Bom 386
Md Zainudin Bin Raujan v Public Prosecutor [2013] 3 MLJ 773
Munusamy v Public Prosecutor [1987] 1 MLJ 492
Husdi v Public Prosecutor [1979] 2 MLJ 304; [1979] 1 LNS 33
Suruhanjaya Sekuriti v Datuk Ishak bin Ismail [2016] 1 MLJ 733; [2016] 3
CLJ 19
Ong Guan Hua v Chong (1963) 29 MLJ 6
Ong Kee Chak v Au Heng Tong [1997] 5 CLJ 414
Fielding and Platt Ltd v Najjar [1969] 2 All ER 150
Section 3 and 114(g) of the Evidence Act
Section 2, 3(4)(a), 30, 48, 50(2)(c)(v) and 55 Bill of Exchange Act 1949
| 26,195 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-25-147-03/2022 | PEMOHON SHAIFUL IZUANDI BIN SAHIME RESPONDEN 1. ) MAJLIS ANGKATAN TENTERA MALAYSIA 2. ) PEGAWAI MEMERINTAH MK 12 BGD DI MARKAS 12 BRIGED | Armed Forces — Misconduct — Offence under Armed Forces Act 1972 — Respondent charged under s 51 of the Armed Forces Act 1972 — Being involved in drug abuse — Issue on applicable guideline for urine test — Whether ‘Perintah Majlis Angkatan Tentera 4/2009’ (‘army guideline’) or ‘Garis Panduan Bahagian Kesihatan Perkembangan Perubatan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Bilangan 6/2002’ (‘KKM guideline’) applicable — Whether army guideline had force of law — Whether KKM guideline had force of law – Whether army guideline had been complied with | 07/11/2023 | YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh | |
07/11/2023 11:50:44
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WA—25—147—U3/2022 Kand. 51
aw/mznza 11
PEBMQHONAN SEMAKAN 5:355 MAN no wArz5-147-asrznzz
Dawn Pemam Parumaun Pulkhnmixan
Shiflul Imam Em Samme (No Yenlela
Dalam Perkara Pemmmn swam Izxdarw
kuasa (mun o\eh Psguwnu Mimlnrlih MK
12 sen Markas <2 Evéged Iemadap
smnul Imam Em Samme (No Yenlern
mum F-Ikuva Kspulu n naym Mum:
Angkalsn Yenlzla Mama Iemadali
kapmusan verbcaman lam: Pegswfl
Pamenmah Iemadup smwur lzuandl Em
smug {Na Tuwala. 1151616) benankh
and: 20« 2071,
Dawn Pm... Saluyun 5| Akva Angkalan
Tenlera um.
Dahm Parknm Plums?! Mnjls Angkulan
Temera Ewlangan : Tlhun zoos, Pmseduv
Pungulan dan Pengemalmn spzmman A»
Kenanw untuk Unan Dhdah Bsmanaya
Angkalan nmm Malawla‘
Dzlam Perkara Surat Pam W Kema
Pangaran Kssmanan Malaysia BHzmgln 5
Tamm mm Gan: ram." nag Uuzn
Pengmnan Panymahgunzan Damian Damn
Aw Knncmu om Kamamonan Kmmm
sm wuumaz/as-:»ur7nMy1<v
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Dalam Perlram 5 dan Perknra s
Penembngnan Paxakuluam
Dawn Pemara Pevenogan 1 Jsdual mam
Akm Mnhkanuh Kmlknman 1964.
Dawn Perkara Alurzn 53 Kaedah—K1o¢a7I
Mlmmmah 2o12
(Nu, YENIERA: 11511110) .FEMOHON
{1} The appliz:an| wa: a member Mme Malaysian Armed Forces w1|h
me rank oveorporal before his sen/i was 1ermma1e¢ H1: final mm
was a1 Markas 12 Bnged, Kern Wan1iebum,Kua|a Lumpur1“Ksm
[2] me 1“ respondenx 15 me Armed Forces caunml |‘Ccunci|“)
maolisma under An 137(1) at me Federxl Canslilulinn. which
vmvides as louows
Them mu he 1.. Ammd Fume: Ceunul, me»
man be responsible urvdur mu genera! au|hmI|y
91 me Vang dlrPerIuar1 Agony 191 I112 mmmamx
dsdulne ma mm.1m..11m1 at. and an own
Inansvs Ielatlnqkx the armed farms. elherman
mlllan mmng In 1r.e1rupe:.1.ona1 use
The 2"“ respondent Is me commanding nmoer m the command 1:1
Kern Wardiehum
m wumu/sz.ammw<v
mm. s.1.1...m.m111... .1... w my 1... mm-1 mm: dun-mm VII mum v-max
mewgelurkan sraeslmen at ttenoinanya
ks aatam mot Kemuannnya, saya
mengntihkan 1161815 Kpl snanut
tzuanm mn Samme menum Bnlol
Ian-bm am an nenwnrvgt lsmuli
1161616 Kpl Sham Izuamt hm Sflhmle
ks mnia Dangujt
(e) wnen asked by the 2” respondent, SP2 oanlumed mat
va man, mpawa dart dipegang sandn
man memo «pt Shmlul tmna. hm
Sahtme pan benahel number lamara
(d) SP3 testmed that he was tnslrucled by Kept Mohd Ntzam
Rafiee, tne held at me opevaliun team, In conuun tne unne
last on me applicant. uppn tne apptteant being escorted from
|hsIoIlel by SP2, SP3 ran metst on the apphcanfs unne and
lounfl mat tt mnlamed Ketatntne. sr=a men marked and
seated tne bottle. SP3 than Inslrucbed tne appltcanl to put me
sea\ed home tn a bag, which he then locked and kept the key
to mmsew The next day. SP3 handed the bag |o Kpl Mohd
Zairzn Muhsmid Yusal [SP1]
(9) sm, In ms evtuenoe, leslrfied that na had nanded the bag
contain-ng the unne specimen In the d'IeIT|I51ll|he JKM. SVII
Fairuz [SP5]. Apocrmng tn SP5, the spectmen that she
received was tn good condmon Under crpssexamtnanon by
the appltcant, SP5 asserted tnat tne quarmiy nnne Spsctmerly
wmun was 30ml, was stmiuient lor her In conduct the test
[36] Unfortunately‘ Borang A, Borang a and Borang c were neimer
menlmned nor exhibited by any oi tna wtlnesses as required tzy me
army gun! e In shun, there was He oampllance wrm tne anny
gutdeline, wmcn on tne aumanty of Mahd Nurul Ami has me lame of
law The learned src urged this Court on conclude that me
ttregutanty does not amount to a suustanttat mtscamage ov tusuee
(0 make il amenable lo iudtctfll review
[371 with respect, I cannul aweue to we Itne ofargumenl The Mute oi
the appticanus a member attne Armed Forces is at stake He ought
to be awarded me nghl specified m the army guideline. Any nan—
compliance 5 not 5 mere Ilvegularily bu| amounts (0 procedural
m wumntxz/es-:>utr7muy1<v
«mm. s.n.t .. n... m my t... pflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-mat
Impmpvialy. In Suha‘
my learned brvlher Ahmad Kamal J new
ms noun .5 M me view um I». umuduli or
mIIedIon and harId|Inq the urine samptes lnrme
nrmy III accordance wnn Anny Gundelme mu
many is mandatory and I1 rnusl he lulluwed
suncny wnmm nny sxcunmnn Ind femurs by me
Resrumdenls In abne by on lulu: wmch wave
evened Imna Armed Fumes CoImcH his man:
lhe pmoedure cl psngesahan aw kurvcrng I5
I respecllufly agree
[as] For me alomsavfl masons‘ Ihe demslons made bylhe responder“:
are tainted wnn procedural Imprupnety which wananxs an
[39] Thls appncamcn Ior Iudlclal review is alluwed wnh no order as no
[40] Hcweven I am not makmu any order as Ia damages snnce I do not
find any eIemenIa1 mala nae on the pan ollhe respanaems.
7: kn: 7 NovImbIr2|'l2J
Muhkamah TInggI Kual: Lumpuv.
sm wummxz/as-:Iur7nIMy1<II
«mm. Snr1nIn-nhnrwmlxe I... M my me nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nFIuNa mm
Bag! Pm»: Pemnhan Ahmad zanam hm Muhalyar
Yeman A M mm A Cu
Eng: Pmak Resporvden Ahmad Hzmr bin HambaIy@A:wn src
Lnyaru aw. Muhnmmnd ma rc
Janenan Peauam Megan. Pulrapsya
I 1
sm wummxz/as-:>ur7nruy1<v
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[3] on 2.11 2020. the applicant underwent a urine drug screening test.
The applicant's urine test was sent in the Depanmenl of crrernistry
Malaysia (“JKM') on 3 ti.zu2o. The result at ltie analysis rriade by
tne cnernist. siti Fatmz blnli Resli lrerri JKM, eonnrrned ttiet lne
applicant's urine contained subslances known as Mitragynine
[4] As a result oflhe chemist report, the applicant was charged under s
51 at the Armed Forces Act i972 (‘AFA”) tor me olfence cl
disobedience k) a standing order. s 51(1) :71 tne AFA provides as
Every parser. umi-er to service law man! this
An! me mntrivunss ertaile to mmply will] any
provlsoon nierders ia wnrcn inie ucllorl apptiee,
being a pmvlxlarl inrrrwn te nirri er wniar ne
rrirentraarunanry ne expemed Ioltnnw,sh.nI. on
mrwlcllon Dy mrunartiai, be liable ta
irriprisdnnerrt ter a terrn m| exceeding Mu
yvars er any less punisnrriant pmwded hymls
on 19 4.2921, lne enaree against tne applicant was dealt with
summarily by «he 2'” respondent. Tne applicant ms found guilly and
sentenced in a line in 10 days‘ salary.
[51 Subsequent to me finding et guillyi me 2-1 respondent
reeernrnended tnat tne applicant be dismissed under r 61(1Km) oi
ma Armed Forces (Terms at service lur Permanent Fereeat
Regulations 2ot3 (“me 2013 RegulaIlons') The Deputy
Commander oi the Army approved the recommendation on
14 7.2021 through the “Psrmahonan PembeII1a/1lianAskar Lssksf
it was to lake etiect treni 14.5.2021
[6] Tne applicam tnen received a letter dated 15.7.2021 indicating |hal:
aereaniaaarria mi dirnaiuiran an a as
(Pmdaari 1996» dan dexumendoxurnan
perriuarrrentran di bawah Perahnan aitiltnrl
Plrkllsdml n Alklr Lasyknl tru Trunk Llgl
nkensndslii yang telan dllulusksn eiari Mamas
in. am kaullhari parryaianpunaan
dadeniraern dan mslakukan kesalahan ks '
yang bsmlarig
IN wrwueuas.:iarmw<r
«rim. s.ri.i nuvlhnrwm r. u... w may i... uirir.iiu MIMI dnuuvlnril r.. eFluNG vwul
m Aggnevsd, the appllcanl, tnmugn his sollcnors, appealed Io ma
Council agamsl ms oonmcnnn and sentence. The grounds of the
appeal. as slated m one letter dated 27.5 2021. can be summarised
as follows
(a) The prosecution nad lulled w prove mat me Armed Fumes
Standing Orders had been made known to me applicant.
(h) Tne Drecedure taken by ma oparullon lgam In confluc|mg me
lakmg and zesung oi the unne speclman am not comply mm
the Pelinfah Ma//is Angkalan Tsnlsra Etlangan 4 Tahun 2009,
Prossdur Pungulun dim Pengsndelisn Spastman Au Kencmg
urmlk U/Ian Dsdah Berbalvaya Angkalsrv Tamera Mnlaysla
(“the 2009 Order“)
(a) The prosecution wilnesses had used we forms and
documenls m avormaussued bylhe Mlnlslvy 0! Health mslead
arms was Order
(a) There was substantial Inlusllee and the oanviclmn should be
[31 The appllcanfs soliclwvs agam wrote to ma Council, stating that me
Cauncll had lalled to publlsh and announce the alleged lermmalion.
Accoldmsl ID the sollcllcrs. in the cvwmslanoes. the EIDDlIcan|
should be treated as w he were slill in service, The Ieller. ualed
6 10 2021 fnler aha. stale: as follows
Alubal keeuggzman‘ kaoualan uan pengabalan
wank AYM unluk mlnylnkln um-\
oerxmdmanan anakguam um, um vrvws
pinlmalan Dsrkhlflmalan sacam ms dan
pilak ATM sekalnus mun menyuuhkan
anakguam um. dan manyebabkan anzkguzm
knmv usual unluk mmdapflkan mbuhan
pemberheulmn perkmdmalan
[91 The councn, mmugn its letter dated 20.12.2021. mformsd me
appI>canI's sclxcnnrs, slalmg that El a meelmg held on 7.12.2021,
"13 Council deaded lhal there was no cocuvranoe 0| subslanual
msliee av error 01 law in me declsvon made agamsl the applicant
m wuumaz/as-:>ur7nruy1<v
mm. Smnl .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII .mm vlmxl
[to] Aagneved by the decision or the 1' respondent in oontirming the
decision made against him, the applicant commenced this
application tor iudioial review
Yhl application tor Judicial rovltw
[I1] in this application tor iudieral review. the applicant seetis rriier alia to
quash the respondents‘ decisions relating to the summary iriat.
review ol the summary andiiigs and the applicant's disdiarge trcrn
serv e.
[12] The apptioatron is supported by the attidavit oi the applirrt in Enci
31“AIS-3“). Leave to ooninieiioe this iudiclal review was graiiied by
u1lS Cnurl on 18 4 2022
Tm applicant‘: Irulmwnl
[13] The grounds on which the applicant sought judicial review can be
summarised as toitews:
(at There was a tailure of the respondents to adhere to the
provision oi s 51 at the AHA
(b) The respondents faiied to comply with the army g
the 2009 order
[14] Learned counsel tor the applicant reterred me to s 53(3)(b) ol the
AFA. whtch provides that the standing orders dscribed under
subsac n (2) may be putillehed in such rnanrier as may be
determined by the Service chiet or each Service or any oihoer
authorised by him
[15] The applicants contention is that the respondents in the afridavits in
reply have tailed to address the issue of the publication at the
standing order. Learned oourreet lor the applicant then urged this
Court to conclude that there was no puotieation niade.
IN wumntaz/es-:turr7niuy1<v
“Nair s.ii.i nuvlhnrwm a. u... w may i... nflnlnnflly MIMI dnumlnrll v.. .riuiie vtmxl
[16] on me second issue. learned eaunsel idr llie appllcaril subirlllled
inal lne respondents, in reaching Ih iespecwe decisions, had
lalled lo eansrderlnai lne prosecmioii wiinasses did nelearnply wllli
lne army guideline as slaled UV me 2009 order
[17] Learned counsel lhefi relerled me In the Judgriienl of the Caurl cl
Appeal in Mailrs Angknlaln realm Malaysia v Maud Nimll Ainr
nli-i Mulid Basn'[2019] 2 ML] 4:: CA me Colin 0! Appeal neld
Ihal lhe army guideline under the 2009 Older has me lame of law
by virtue of S 15 aflhe AFA read Iogelher Wllh AH 137 of ihe Federal
conslllulien Aeperding Io lrie courl cl Appeal, lne army grildeline
was nod by Vic Secielaly ol the Armed Forces Council He
signed ll Dengan Perlrllah Ma//is Arigkalari Terlfsra' ll was further
neld by me Courl ol Aupeal liiai mere can ae no doubt lhallhe anny
guideline ls a guldellna mail was issued pursuani lo a power glveri
by law.
[la] Leanrad counsel ldr lne applicanl inen eonlended lnal since lhe
army guideline nad npl been complied Wllh. lnere was a serious
Subslanllal lnluslioe curiimitled bylhe 2"’ resporidenl in con lng
and senleneing me appIicariL
[19] In sirlialrl iiiri Abu Kassiin ir Maills Angirmn Temer: Malaysia
5. Anor [2023] MLIU wall. a case heavily relied an by learned
aaunsel ior llie applrcarii. the l-llgn cdurl nald lnal me 2"“
respdndenl in lllal case iailed le odnsider thai lne piosecullcn
wllnesses dld ndl earnply wlth army guideline slaled in lne 2009
order wnlcn sel oiil llle nmoedures idr oollecllpn and riandllng of
urine specimens among lne members or lne Malaysian Armed
Forces in any event, in iliai ease. lne prcseeiillon ielied on me
deciirnenla prepared by me Mlnlslry oi Healln l“l<l<M-l, which were
dlllaienl man lhe lonnal sel oul under lne anny guldellne
[2lJ] Fai llle aloresaid reasons. learned eounsel lnr me applicanl urged
ltiis Coiirl lo allow lne appllcalidri iar ludlclal review
Tlrn respondents’ response
[21] Tne 2"“ respondenl. L| Kol Knairul Azrnan blri Kormiri, filed an
aflidavll in reply in Encl 14(“AlR-14‘) The respandenls med analner
alfidlvll in reply lnreugn Ll Geri Daluk serl Menarnrnad bin Ab
rn WNMIIEZ/sEn:lurr7nD4yKv
“Nair s.n.l mmhnrwlll be i... M yaw ii. inin.lliy Mlhln dnuuvlnrll n. aFll.iNG Wm!
Rahnian in Encl 1B (“AIR-18'). Let Gen Daiuk sen Muhammad is
the then Deputy cmet o1Amty
[224 There are other exchanges 01 the emdainte whien will be referred
to as and when the need arises.
[231 Vile learned senior Fedeml caunset reterred me in the standing
order dated 31 .2020, which was imposed on the members of
Jabalan Arah Jenlara. The appllcanl is a member 0! the Jabslan
Aral: Jsnlela under para am at the Slandlng order, any member
me had his urine laled and is lddnd to have traces at Mitragynine
oomml|s an oflenca under 3 5| OI ma AFA and can be taken
disciplinary action and punished under the sarne.
[24] As to the publnahnn at the standing order, the learned ssc
submitted that the applicant ought to have knowledge at the
plolllslolls at the same. In shml. Since the applicariit, by his own
edrriissrdn. had stated that M was were at the existent}: at the
standing Order, the allegation that the requirement under s 51 at
the AFA had not been complied with is thereldre retitled.
[25] On the allegation that the rasanndanls had failed in uomply with the
army gtm ' e under the zone order, the learned ssc contended
the mllaction and handling 07 the applimnfs urine spectmen were
done based on the anrry gurdeirne Awarding to the ieemed SFCV
the appointed inilitary emeers were authorised to carry out the
sdreening tests on the urine specimen
[26] mil notwithstanding. the teamed src submitted that the
suastenees analysis in the urine was conducted lay the JKM In any
event, the use at the alleged KKM Form does not altect the
procedure a1 dotlechon and handling at the applicants urine
specimen in para 19(9) at AIR-14, the 2*-= respdndent atrirrned as
Bnldu-nun knpada kalnrelwan sakst seriiasa
Perhltarain Tami. saya mendapati iataearn
pengambllan dnn nenpgaln spsslmerl unn
pemahart fl.Irt nnuun werinien wax ierptnue
danpada niasa dianicii sehtnggalilt diseramtzn
made Jubihn xiniia
tn the circumtanoes. the 2'-1 respondent insisted that the procedure
reheated in the army guideline had been complied with.
rn WMMIIEZ/eEn3iutr7nB4yKI
«net. s.n.i nuvlhnrwlll be t... w my i... eniii.ii-y MIMI dnuuvlnril wa aFlt.lNG mi
[271 The learned SFC lunrier eeriiended ilitiere is any irregularity in me
propess and handling in me applicant's urine specimen as alleged,
it is only regarding ine lnrrnai el ine lorin used, According to me
leanied SFC. triealleged irregularily, ileiall. was not in tne samp ing
process Relying on ltie ludgrrienl olltie ceun or Appeal in Gunaleri
I/I rmiieelieiidren A ors y PF [mm] 4 Mu an ca, itie learned
src sucrnined ltiet llie chain ol evidence is more iinponanl lor ltie
period lrorn me iinie or recovery unlil ttie completion olirie analysis
by ine etieniist
[28] As to Motid Nurul Ami‘. lhe learned src argued ltial irie issue was
ouer new rnany boflles pl urine samples were required in be|akel1
ipr itie purpose of Ihe urine test. Under itie enny guideline, one
taoiile was required, wriereas, underguideline No. 6/2002 issued by
me KKM, two pottlei. were required i-tne KKM guideline“). in
allowing trie appeal. we cpurl 0! Appeal neld lliat in tne cantexi or
me case, the army guideline look precedence over lne KKM
guideline. since ine procedure adopted py lne appellanl in |aklrlg
only one tiptile cllhe respondenrs urine specimen lei nis urine «est
was in aoeordance with lrie arniy guideline, llie queslien iliat |he
appellani nad laieaetieu lne KKM guideline by nor taking two tmllles
cf riis urine sarnple did nol arise
[291 wriai is nieie inipenant. according la ttie learned SFC, is tliai me
alleged iien-eonipliarioe cl lne arniy guideline, ii at all, inusl have
led In sutisianual and grave inlustice to me applicanl up make it
arnenaple lo iudiciel review, cap: Keriierul Azriieri blii
Jiirrreluddlri v Ll Col W-In Abdul Majld lilri Abdullnll & on [1 an]
2 MLJ 4 Pc
[:0] For irie aroresaid reasons, ine learned src urged triis Coun to
eonelude tnai trie decisions made by respondents are net tainted
witti illegality, irrelionaliiy or prccedurel irriprdpnety to make ltiern
amenable to iudrciei review.
[31] me (its: issue raised by itie appl n1 is on «is uueshorl oi
publicalion oillie standing order, which is required unders 5113) oi
«tie AFA, ll provides as lollows
ru wuueieues.:lermiuyr<ii
“Nair s.i.i nurlhnrwlll be u... re yaw i... prwlriullly MIMI dnumlnril n. nFluNG wnxl
The my-um nrdevs or nlher mmim older:
desmbed m subsection 42; may be
(:7 made by, am
(h) puhishsfl An such manner as may be
detzrmmod by,
Ina Service cmeflareaw Ssvvvca nrany
mum Aulmnzbd by mm
[32] Al ma summary man, ma applicant had admilled navmg read me
sxandrng Order upon being asked by lha 2"“ reaaonaenr
FegMemu\nlzn:Adakah kamu pemah
msmhana Fennlah
Bnhzagwln Panama vans!
munylllkan llrangan am
kzsmahan yang
dnarluduhlklnu mac.
Swlluduh Mn Tunn
[a3) Secondly, upon being cause to enter ms aevenoe, me appncam am
not raise me Issue mar ne hld no knowxedga oi me sranumg order
One can be lorgwan m oencludmg |hal Ifus line of argumsnl is an
[34] me nexl rssua rs whether the procedure undenaken In the pmcess
or lakmg and handlmg the appmznrs unne spacrman rs in
uocotdsnee with ma army guiaelrne. Para 7 01 me army gumanne
pmvruaa as loflaws:
s-tar-n Dmsai Pemnlaman smesm, Pamungu|
spaamn hemlaklah menglsx mung
permnhomn ujtan pengesanzn aaaan
barbzhaya uaram an kencmg Yalacnm
penyearann mung aaaran swam hankul
{at Spesmxen Yang Dmimal Kn Pusal
P-naulan Kemamuvinn xaarmun
m Pancanrmpex hendukmh mavvnm
sendm Boning Mtuan Pemhen den
mamndnlnrvnnm mung (smbm
sekwanya belvuashatl denuan
Ialzura Dtmfiman Scesrmen
“Nana a.n.r .. met! a may r... nrwhuflly -mm: dnunmnl VI mum war
dtlaksanakan Sallvun having
tersebut eapem at Kambararl 5.
tap Pemungul Spestmen nenasntan
mung but-um Fanvtlnunrt -rt
Fangesahan uaaan Dalam An
Kenclng dangart netul flan lepat
Sillllan boring lersebm sepen. at
tzsl Ruangan Pegawa. Vnng Membua|
Plmtlrttaan Mndnklzm
dltamalartgzm nleh seunrvu
pegnwal hanzullarl sefla flloopkart
x-we faint PE03Vvfll Yang
Memmm Penvttlttaan nenaanan
mernisitkin bvvlnq pamtlmaart one
aengan lerlqkap. tens dart DEM
sener-na p-meamlen fir bmnrvg
te-seam nentl mpoleng dart
tn; spulnuen Vang Dlnnmar Kn Puul
Pnngujlln Jlhlun K mt-y-t.
l=-mungux Svestrmn hnndlklah
menplst Borsng Pemmhonan bagl
Psnenkiaan Fulertstkffokstkmogt
dungan balul flan tepet ssltnm banana
sepem at Kcmbaaan c
[35] Now, let us examine what Iransptred at the summarytnel.
(a) SPI. Sjrt saltut Anuar bin Jaalar, lasllfied that he had glven
the applicant tne eptten otselecllng one otthe banles le he
used to take the sample atnis urtne Afler tne spplx-.ant made
the se|er:|it7n, SP1 marked tne bottle with me Ipplicanrs
mllllaly mlmby The appllcanl was then escorted by Kat
Mtthamad Shamsul [SP2] to the lmtet. where tne sample was
taken. st=t was then tnlnrmed by PW II Rlduwnn Ahu semen
[SP3] mat the unne test was tound to contain Ketamlne.
tn) SP2 teamed Ihz| he escorted tne eppticant to the lmtet In ms
avtdenoe, SP2 seld as tellws
DI datum (Indus seyn malllut um...
‘M61516 Kpi Snaflul lzuanm on. senme
telen mcrtgnluarurt temeluay-mt flan
sm wnnmeueaemmuwn
“Nair s.n.t nuvthnrwlll e. H... e may he enwt-y -mm: dnuuvtml Vfl erlulta vtmxl
| 1,748 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-41LB-38-12/2022 | PERAYU Pendakwa Raya RESPONDEN ASHRANI AIZZUDDIN BIN ABD RAHNI | rayuan - seksyen 323 kanun keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 326A kanun keseksaan - kelemahan keterangan pengadu - kepincangan yang serius antara keterangan-keterangan pengadu dan doktor - sama ada kecederaan 'self inflicted' - kelewatan membuat laporan polis oleh pengadu - tiada penjelasan - kredibiliti pengadu. | 07/11/2023 | YA Dato' Norsharidah Binti Awang | |
07/11/2023 12:04:18
BA-41LB-38-12/2022 Kand. 28
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an-411.3-35-12/2022 Kand. 28
cm;/ms mama
(No. K/P 521102-07.5395)
lm adalah rayuan oleh Pendakwa Raye Iemadap kepulusan
Mahkamah TmggI Jenayah (7; Shah Nam, berlankh 4 Ogos 21:23
Mahkamah VII lelah menolak Iayuan Pemyu flan mengekaman
keputusan Mauslret yang IeIah melepas dan membebaskan
Resnonden an akhir kes Pendakwaan Ianpa palm mpanggu unmk
membeIa dln. Responden Ielah diluduh dI bawah seksyen 323
Kanun Keseiszan dlbaca bersama seksyen 326A Kanun
Psrluduhan lemadap Respunden adaIan sepem benkut
5/N Lznxmxuzucwmzmg
3 )“NwIzI SIM! n. mod M my .. urwmlhly mm; flwulnml w. -HUNG WM!
'Bahawa kamu vane as/us/2n )am labvh kurang 7.00 pemng.
benempat dv Patkir kersla di kawasan Lambaga zakaz Seksyen 13.
Shah Alain an aalam Daeran Fetahug‘ di damm Negev! suangor
Darul Enaan, dengan sengapi mandanangkan kawdua keplda
bekas Islerl kamu Mum Shahida Emli Shahman [nu kpl: 320913-71-
51ss). D\eh yang demnknan kamu Ialah mslakukan salu kesalanan
yang bolsh amukum di hawah Seksyan 323 Kanun Kesaksaan flan
unzaca bersama seksyan 326A Kanun Kasuksaan.
[1] Fakla kas adalah sebagmmana an persnggan 3 Nngga 11
Kand.17. Hxqahan Puayu
[2] nnumm dalam kes im lelah dlluduh m nawah salu
pefluduhun pindaan ssksyen 323 Kanun Keseksnn aibara
bersama seksyen 326A Kanun Kmexaaan.
[3] Panda 5.3.2020, pads jam Vehih kurang 4.00 peiang, spw
(mangsa) nsun berjumpa dengan Responder: unluk
menghadm salu sesi kaunsalmg di Famny Firs! caunaeumg dl
Shah Alan.
[4] sm merupakan bekas men Responden flan meveka lelah
menauu kereta Resnnnden unluk ke sssu kaunseling (evsebut
Sea! kaunselmg mi muruskan barikulan beberapa Isu yang
dlbangknkan oleh Responden a. media sostalnya.
m LEh><DqKU2UM‘/L)-m1vALq "9’ 1 °' 1"
“Nan: am.‘ .. mad a my a. mm; mm. flnumlnl a. mum wrm
am LErvXDqKU2UN‘/L)m11vALg
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
membuat pangguan |erus kapada pmak puns unluk memmla
hanluan sekiranya berasa «am.
Dalam me erkara W, Mahkamah menehu keoada Nola
Kelevangan di dalam Rekod Rzyuan Jilid 2 di muka sure! 14
sepeni bsnkuL
o :Makah kamu masuk semma dalam kere1a7
A . V95
0 : Mengapa masuk7
A v I was scare he would run over even W1 nan.
Ape beriaku lepas kamu masuk dalam kerela nu?
A . Lepas ixu. on me way back home he stopped unmk Vsl
sm mempunya\ beberapa peluang unluk melankan am jlka
sebenamya harass kelakulan dsngan lindakan Responden
Manehu kelerangan yang dlbeflkan nleh sm, Responden
dikalakan mma berlindak ganas selegas pulang deal! 555!
kaunselmg den secara khususnya selepas mukan malam an
sehuah resloran an seksyen 13 Shah Nam Rujuk Laporan
Polls oleh sm :1! Ekslbll P4.
9» dalam Eksxhit F4‘ spa menyavakan bahawa Respcnden
mula berlindak ganas selelah makan ma\am dengan memaki
sm sebagai -gasogmer: Fercubaan panama SP1 unluk
maanxan am dlkalakan nenaxu semasa Respnnden mahu
was :4 uza
membual bayaran parkmg. Pada masa Ilulah Jugs: benakunya
pergelman dengan Responden.
[401 Responden umacakan [emu msnghalang maauan sm mahu
melarikan am dengan menoengkam dengan kual kedua beran
Iangan SP1. Dalam pergeluxan levsenullah SP1 mendakwa
dmnya cevceaara
[41] Selerusnya «em! Dma kepaaa Nola Kelerangan dl da\am
Rekuu Rayuan Julia 2 an muka sum! 35, SP1 aemasa disnal
balas menyaukan seperll herikul:
I2 .ApabHa om selesan bayar flkel, Fuan dengan behau
menaxki Kerela bersama ada salu persmgganan
sebelum bahk ks mmah |e\ah smggan an
bemampvran aksysn 1a.sau.,u7
A :Se(uju
Iosk Petrun
Q ‘Puan ada peluang Iankan a ‘ annbda on parking
kerela llnggalkan Puan dalam kema dengan enun
masm on. OKT ks kaunler Imluk mp up much u go lngat
vak kejadlan nu?
A : lngal
[42] Jni adalah peluang selerusnya bag: SP1 umuk melarikan am
temp: beliau (Idak bemual demlklan Sekuranya lakul dan
mungkln duanggar semasa benaya larikan am xau penama di
kawasan lelak kerela selepas makan, inl adalah peluang
5/N LErvXDQKUZUC4yL)m11vALq we I2 .4 1n
“um sum .. mad a my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
xenaauk kerana berada dv lempal awam yang mempunyai
[431 Ssbammya SP1 kska\ herada di dalam kenana lanpa membual
sebarang nnuakan menyslamalkan Perm dnngan bahawa
SP1 an uararn Kes lni Bukanlah seorang awam hiasa dengan
kurang pendvmkun Sebalnknya SP1 aaalan seorang
Pensyaran Pembalan an Hoapual Universlu Kebangsaan
dalam Reknd
Malaysia. Rumk Nola pads Kelerangan
Rayuan Jllid 2 an muka swat 4.
[44] oxen ilu, Mahkamah mi bersetuju dengan dapalan Tuan
Majlsuel yang manyalakan bahawa. 'se«e|ah menemi
kemrangan SP1 mannapan kmerangan SP1 yang masuk
balik ks da\am karava betsama Ierluduh walaupun berssa
amat lakul adalah naak munasabah dan sukar dipemayal.
bsrpendzpal spa ila seseumng dalam bahaya
sudah pash akan melankan a ‘danpada bahaya, Dsflam kes
mi. Imdakan Ienuduh masuk ballk fla\am kenoeraan
menumukkan seperll Inada hanaya yang bsvlaku.“
Kalarangan oxnn 55-3.
[45] Pmak Perayu bemmah bahawa kelerangan SP3 adalah
ke|erangan yang kredIbe\. Perayu memjuk Kepada Nasan
Fenghaldman Tuan Majlslrel yang mempersoalkan
kmerangan spa flan masa Kqadian.
5/N LErvXDqKUZUM‘/l)nn1vALg Page 4: at 2:-
Mum s.nn .. mod n my n. nrwmlhly mm: flnulnunl n. -Hum pun!‘
[46] Perayu msnghujahkan bahzwa hdak Iimbul Isu nilakan
kecsderaan mu «mum. Menurul Perayu, SP1 ade\ah mangsa
an dalam kes mi yang |e\ah memben kelerangan secara jelas
dv Mahkamah Ienlang bilakah die mendapnl kecederaan
msemn. Menurul Pevayu, Am hukanlah sepem kes bunuh an
mana mangsa Ielah meninggal duma dan Mahkamah
lerpaksa berganhmg kspada kelerangan saksx lam seperli
mam: unluk menenlukan bila lankh dan mass kemuan.
[47] Hujah Perayu lag: bahawa, adalah munasabah umuk SP3
|idak dapal meruemukzn uua ueceaeraan mauann oleh sun.
spa bukanlah salts: m temps! kejadlan nenapx spa zenan
menielaskan bahawa kenederaan yang d1a\aml (flan sP1
adalah keaederaan baru mu dalam tempers 24 jamdsn lankh
dan mass sm mpenxsa.
(451 Peguam Responaen a damn mengnupnkan perkara
menyavakan bahawa, uaaa apa-apa aalam kenerangan spa
yang boleh menunjukkan secara Knnklusil haharwa
Kaoederaan "sol! (Issue Injury‘ dwsebabkan uleh pemuauan
[49] Dmujahkan juga bahawa, kegagalan spa untuk membenkan
penenman nanxn kejaduan dengan yakin (mah memmhulkan
keragusn munasabah dan seharusnya manlzal keraguan
dbberikan kepada Respcnden dalam hal W
[501 Feguam Resnnnden merujuk kepada Nssan Fenghaluman
oleh Tuan Majlstnsl dalam mm 1 Rekcd Rayuan, paaa
5/N LEhXDQKUZUMYL)m11vALg vwe 14 um
Mum: sum ...n,.mn .. mad a my a. nrwmlhly mm: flnulnunl n. -Hum pun!‘
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad a my a. WWW -mm: fluulnlnl a. mum wrm
peisnggan (22) di muka sure! 15 yang Isiah membua|
dapa|an «am sepam henkut:
'Wa|aupun da\am pemenksaan samula. spa pegawal
perubzlan Ia\aI1 manpxaskan bslizu udak
mengesahkan keoederaan berlaku pada 9 0905 21120 v.e|ap\
kemungkinan boleh bensku pa-da 9 ages 2020."
Mahkzmah mu hsvseluju dangan dapalan Tuan Ma]|slr2| yang
mendangav kas Isunya‘ adakah Kelerangan spa
mencukupl unluk mambual guslmkasi keosderaan ilu
duakukan aleh Responden
Melalun kelemngan sn=3 pada Note Kelerangan aw dmam
Rekud Rayuan JM 2 as muka sure! 15, beuau menielaskan
bahawa Semasi! membual pemeriisaan den temubuzl
nemadap SP1. sww |elah mernakmmkan kepadanya bahawa
keeederaan yang dIa\amI adalah kesan dnnpada pergelucan
aengan bekas suarmnya Iawu Responaen.
sanemsnya mwk pula pada muka sum 35 di dalam Rekad
Rayuan yang sama. SP3 hdak menolak kemungkman
bahawa kecederaan i|u anakukan senmri oleh SP1,
0 ookmr tak boleh sahkan bsflaku dalam 24 jam Dnklor
tak menolak lerpengaruh penyavaan an alas. Temapal
kemungklnan bahawa kecederazn berpunca dan self
Boleh tolak
Infllclion maksudnya dibuat sendln
kemungkman levsebu|7
A Kemungkman afla
0 : Dok|or mk bcleh lmak kemungkman sell vn
: Belur.
Q :Maksudnya, nka pada mesa kejadian, doklm buat
exammauon. Kalau vesakn «ax kala Va pergehnan antara
mam! Is|eN. Kamu Iak mpengamm oleh oerita mu. Dokior
lengak keoederasn nu (anpa psnerangan Boleh
kecederaan duakubalkan um sew in clion
A .KemungkInan boleh.
[54] (Man an adalah ‘alas hahawa keterangan yang dwberikan oleh
spa hahawa SP1 yang lelah menyebabkan kecederaan
kepsdanya hanyzrah barasaskan kalsrangan nlsh SP1
sahaja (anpa dusoknng oxen mana—mana kehavangan Vain
[551 Memjuk kepada seksyen180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. puhak
Pendakwaan perlu memhukllkan salu kes pmna lama til akmr
Taiacava Jenayah, Mahkamah perm memmbang sama ads
Pmak Pendakwaan beriaya membuklikan sualu kes pnma
lame Ierhadap lerluduh aleu udak
kes Psndakwaan. Selanjulnya, seksyen mm
[56] D: davam kes Ellxchundrln Iwn PP [zoos] 2 MI_l :1:
cflputuskan seperli bariku|.
5/N LErvXDqKU2U£‘A‘/l)m11vALg Page 1- :4 2n
,m.,.,. sm‘ ...mmu .. mod w my a. .m.m mm: a.7...m. n. mm M.‘
5/N LErvXDqKU2UN‘/L)m11vALg
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING warm
‘The :94: at me close ol the case for me pvossculian
would merevors be’ is me evidence sulfcram to mnwc!
me accused rl he slocts (0 remain silsnl’ II the answer
Is /11 Iho arrnmem than 3 puma lame case has been
mads out ms must, as nscasstly, Isqmrs a
cons/data!/on ol lhe axrslence ol any such doubt there
can be no puma rscls. As the sccussd nun be summed
on the pnma fame evidence I! mus! have reached a
slandard winch is capable ol suppomng a conviction
beyond reasonable doubt.‘
[57] K2: oleh Parayu hanyalah bersandarkzn kepada kelerangan
olsh sm. Terdapat beberapa kelerangan wng mggal dan
ianya Iidak d\sckong nleh mena—mana kemangan sokongan
yang lain.
[551 sm 4. dalam kelerangannya menyalakan bahawa alasan
Irdak melarikandinwalaupun berasa (erancam adalah kerana
khuahr dilanggaroleh Responden. Narnun mangapakah spa
naak bemndak melankan am semasa berada an Patron 9.
Sana pash lama: nrang awam yang tmleh memhanhmya
[59] Ke|ika dnanya mengapa lidak menghubungl pcfls. SP1
menyaman bahawa befiau mask (ahu nombol leledon polis.
Ruwk Nola Kelerangan dv dalam Rekod Rayuan Jilxd 2 an
rnuka sum! as. Secara allemamnya mengapa max juga
menghuhungx Abunya sebagaimana Ielah memaklumkan
hahawa sm flan Responden keluar makan bevsama selepas
sesi kaunsehng selesav.
[an] Kaadasn mania! sm mga bo\eh dipersualkan Rujuk Eksnbn
D5 dan D9‘ SP! dllihal menyerang paparun iacebook
Respnnden hznya kerana Respcnden memaparknn
svalusnya sebagai bapa Iungal dengan lvgn arnng nnak. ss-1
dl dalam D9 dilihal memarahi Responden alas slams lersebul
kerana menghebnhkan alau *annaunced"perxara nu secara
[an Dalam perkara im rujuk juga kepada Nana Kemangan an
dalam Rekud Rayuan Jam 2 as muka sura| 43 SP1 bersetuju
hahawa beliau ama| |iflak bernuas nan dengan perkongsuan
s(aIus lacebook (ersebul Slalus lersebul (e\ah dvmasukkan
ke lscebook oleh Responder: pada an .Aula\ 2020. sxams
selerusnya pada 3 Ogas 2D2Ddan lerdspal pemualsn ms\alu\
apllkasw Wnalsaph anvara meteka nemua dl Eksibll mum
pads 3 0905 2020 juga. Keladlan yang mematfl ass kes
pula bevlaku pada a Ogas 2020 Seklranya perkara W masih
rnenjadl kemarahan olsh SP1‘ maka Iidak musvamn adznya
kes an hadapan Mahkamah hay ' 'walaupun ianya dmafikan
oleh sm .1. dalam kelevangannya
: hal
[62] swan cemhuru SP1 |emadap Responuen juga dapal
semasa sm member! keterangan. Rnquk Nola Kslsrangan
.11 da\am Rekod Rayuan Jil\d 2 di muka Surat 32 apablla
Paguambeia Respunden memanggll Responden sebagaw Dr
Aevapx max memanggwlnya dengan gelaran Dr,
SP1 can I address somelhlng Tuan.
5/N LErvXDQKUZUC4yL)m11vALq Pnwe In mm
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
SAKSI: He can mm: mm now) as a docmr, can he
address me as a doctor Ina?
PB Sorry Tuan Mapslmt, : do not know where Ihis wrmng
from. Kami semua panggH Puan sebab ow pun
panggxl Puan \ dnn‘I mink Ihal is an wssue.
[63] Selerusnya Mahkamah ml melihal kepada xsu kecederaan
aleh SP1 Sehagaimana dmyavakan uleh Tuan Majxsuei as
dalam masan Pengnaknuannya, keuedeman yang dIaIam\
aaaxan Udak dapalcflpastlkan berpunca danpada Responden.
[54] 0' dalam Nasan Fenghakiman pada pevenggan 2e. Tuan
Ma]I5Ire| menyalakan bahawa dengan meru)uk kepada
Eks x P5, Iahap kecedeman yang dmaml oleh SP1 adalah
tarlalu mmlma bagi Mahkamah membual andalan Responden
mam menoederekannya.
[es] eamnamgambar pada Eksmk P5 sens kelerangan SP3 um
dapat menunjukkan derlgall jelas kacederaan SP1. Ma\ahan
Hada Laporan kesihatan dikemukakan kecuali Vapulan rawalan
dangan caIa|an lingkas uleh SP3
[as] Pada perenggan 29 yang sama, Tuan Mapsm msnyalakan
bahawa memanuangkan uenumm flan psngadu berdua
sanaja dalam Kaela, sekiranya henar lerluduh bemia|
menoederakan pengadu, paslinya |erIuduh bmeh bemndak
Vebih kasar larhadap pengadu
5/N LErvXDqKU2UM‘/l)m11vALg vwe 49 rm to
,m.,.,. sm‘ ...mmu .. mod w my a. nrwmlhly mm: a.7...m. n. -Hum pun!‘
Pevayu gagal membukfikan dua elernen penung mu bahawa
terluduh menyebabkan kesaknan lubuh badan kepada
pengadu darn gagal menunyukkan mm menoederakan
Eerdasarkan alasan-ahasan an aim, Mahksmah inn
nerpenaapau bamawa rayuan ml adalan max bermeril Tuan
Majwslrel udak melakukan khflaldarl segl undang-undang dan
lakm Vang memerlukan Mahkamah
temadav uapanan beltau.
(uonsnnmn EINIIAWANG)
Mahkamah Tmgg|JenayaI1(7)Shah Va
senankn .a.1.1.m2;s
Puln Allwn Chan May Kam
[Pqabal Trmbalan Pendakwa Raya]
Awang Almzdajzya 3. Arik Zakri Abdul Kadir
[Teluzn Khalek Awzng 5 Assodales]
5/N LErvXDqKU2U£‘A‘/L)m17vALq
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; flwulnlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
ml campunangan
Oleh kerana nu rayusn Perayu
man man
[5] Smssa: sasr kaunsehng pads ‘am lebm kurang mo pevang
den sewepas sons: Maghnb. metsks rem: mskan malam
hsrsama dn mana snuui Igak lagang.
[5] Kamudian, npablla merskl berads m da\am kerela
Responder: Ie\ah herinku penengkaren amara maraka yang
msnyehahkan mungsa mgm me\ankan am narmm sebahknya
Raspunden Isiah mencengkarn Iangan mangsa dangan mm
lalu menyubahkan keeederaan xeuana mangsa.
[7] Mangsa kemudian berjaya Irmarikan din danpzda ksrela
Respandan kerana berasa amal (aku|. Namun_ mnngsa uaaa
pnman leiapl unluk kembaln masuk ks dalam karma
Responder: Unluk dihnmar pmang.
[3] Aknbal danplda (indakan Respundan, mangsa Isiah
mengllamn keeederaan dw langan kanzln sena blblmya.
[91 Pads 9.5.2020, mangsa Ielflh membnal Iapcian polls
barkenaan kqadian ml sepemmana dalem laporan palis m
Ekshibl! P4 Mangsa Jugs rerun pergi ks Hospnal Shah Nam
pads Iarikh yang sama unluk mandapalkan pemerlksaan
donor hag: keoedersan yang dlalammya.
[10] Psgawal parubalan (spa) yang msmeriksa mangsa
mangesahkan bahawa mangsa mengaxamv kecsdevaan dn
hangan kanan can an mun bawahnya
m Lznxnqxuzuuvhmmm
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm; mm flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
[11] Perayu dx dalam kes mu (elah memtailkan Pelisyen Rayuan
bedankh 2a.3.2a23 eknd Rayuan Jxlud I muka sum 7
hmgga 10.
[12] Perayu telah mengemukakan lapan alasan di dalam Pefisyen
Rayuannya beikenaan dengan xeknnaran Majislret Namun
an dalam hujahan oieh Ferayu‘ Lelah merumuskannya kepada
(I9: is
12.1 sauna ads Responden ma»: menceaerakan SP1
12 2 Samadllmdaken SP1 mssuk ssmula ke dalam karma
Responden wa\aupun SP1 berasa amal lakut adalah
udak munaslbah dan suksr amsrcaym
12 :5 Kslerangan aleh SP3
lsu Sum: Am Ru poms.» 1. r. Mnmad akin SP1.
[13] Perayu di da\am hujahannya menyalaken kelsrangan sm
aaaxar. jslas dun mamap bshawa sm marsh dnoedenkan o\eh
[14] Kelerangan SP1 an muka suvaI1D Rsknd Rayuan J :1 2 peda
15 2 2a22 menya|akan sepem benkur
“I wanted to run away. he vomamny stopped by grabbing my
arm and my (orearm very very hard and I Iall like my bones
5/N LErvXDQKUZUC4yL)m11vALg me ; m 20
“um sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
was gang no break He also nwred my hp EvenIuaHy he let
me go and I ran outside me cal '
[15] Perayu mm! d\ daham hujahannya merujuk kepada Nola
Kelerangan as da\am Rekod Rayuan |ersebuI an muka Surat
1: dan 14 yang menunjukkan bahawa Celah berlaku
keoedevaan dan kesakflan Kecederaan Iersebul Uebam aw
bahagian arm, nghl lorearm dan aua Iuka ax bawah mun) dan
Ianya |e\ah umuan oleh bekas suaminw wailu Responden.
[151 Kelerangan sm lelah msoxong dengan kelerangan olen spa
dan Ekslbll P5 dan P6 Pads Ekamn P5 dwlumukkan gambar-
gambar keoederaan manakals ax Eksmut P6 aua\ah Laporan
Pemenxsaan ke ama mangaa. Laporan lemebul msnyalakan
terminal "abrssxon wound on Vawev up mm we ussua In/ury
overnght unpev /ma (blu/5/ng am Iarearm and ngm arm)".
Laporan pohs berkensan dsngan kejadlan (e\ah mxanaakan
aeaagax Ekslbu P4.
[17] (Nah im Pevayu di dalam Iuqahannya menghulahkan bahawa
dengan auanya kaerangan sokcngan dan ke|erangan yang
konsislen aruara SP1 dan SP3, jekas hahawa lelah benaku
keuadevaan dan keceasraan lsrsebul adalah axxnat
perbualan oxen Respomien. Perayu menquk kepada kes R
v.Easkurvi||e[19I5]2 KB esa (Mahkamah Rayuan), mukn
591 yang menyacakan seperll berikul:
‘We now that av/uence in cormbalanon must be
Independent testimony wmm armors me accused by
M4 LEhXDQKUZUl‘AyL)m11vALg we 5 um:
«am. am.‘ a. mad a my a. am.“-V -mm: flwulnunl a. mum wn-1
connscung or (ending 20 connacz mm mm (Ive crime In
other words, :1 mus! as avuisnce which irnplicares mm,
(ha! IS, which confirms In some matenal particular not
only awdence mat a crime has been comm/(led but am
that ma pnsunsr committed il ’
[151 Pnhak Rssponden da\am wsu mu menghujahkan bahawa nada
kekhilalan oleh Tuan Majlslreldr dalam mernbual kepulusan
akhur kes Pendakwaan Anuuanya adalah kerana
kelerangan SP3 lebih kunsxslen dengan kecederaan yang
duaklbatkan cuieh SP1 sendiri
[191 Tnada kelerangan dalipada sm bagl menevangkan puma
kecederaan pads nimmya. Laporan paHs yang dlbual
o\ehnya juga samar-Samar berkennan hagalmana
kecederaan Ifijidl
[20] Mankaman av dalam mambua| psnilawen (erhadap isu ini
barpandapal hahawa pengganlungan kepada kelerangan
sw sanaja adalah musk memadai
[21] Terdapan karaguan lerhadip ke|srang:n SP1 dan lakmv SP1
akan diJe\askan nanu. Manakma ks|s:angan SP3 juga lidak
cukup unluk menyatakan bahawa sebsnamya kaoedaman
yang lslah Ierjadi kapada SP1 adalah perbualan olah
[221 Rujuk kepada Noln Kenarangan an dalam Rsknd Rzyuan
2 an muxa sural as.
am LErvXDQKUZUC4yL)m11vALg Pave s an
“Nun: am.‘ .. mad a my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
0 . Duklor «ax bolen sahkan beriaku dalam 24 pm. Dakmr
Ink menalak |erpengaruh psnyalaan an alas. Tsvdapal
kemungkman bahawa kscederaan berpunca uan sew
mmcnon maksudnya dxbual send . Buleh Imak
kemungkman neuseb-A7
A :Kemungkman ads.
0 : Dokmr (ak bmeh lolak ksmungkman semnmuion
: Belul.
[231 Kelerangan SP3 berkenaan keoedsraan SP1 den dnkailkan
dengan pevbualan men Respnndan adalah drpengaruhl oleh
SP1 sendin semasa mendapalkan rawaian Ruwk Note
Ke|erangan a. dalam Rekod Rayuan Jmu 2 an muka sure! 75
semasa Isoalohzh Timba\an Pendakwa Raya seperh benkur
Q . Ana pesakn maklumkan pada doklofl
: Pesaktl maklumkan pada saya beriaku pegexucan aw
amam pesakn dan bekas suanu yang (e\ah sebabkan
kecederaan an anggala badan.
. alam pemeriksaan halas sewaklu auanya uleh Peguam
Responaen, SP3 memaklumkan bahawa paua mass
memberi kexerangan beliau ingal berkenaan dengan kepdlan
saelan meru;uk kepada noui canlan pads Iekod pesaku
sepem henkul:
5/N LEhXDQKUZUl‘AyL)m11vALg mg: 1 um
“um: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. WWW -mm: flwulnlnl n. mum wrm
Q . DFP eanya. amara donor jawab um benaku pergalulan
suemi den \s(en Macam mana doktar Inga! bstgelut
aer-gen sum?
A ‘Says ingal saya baca cahlan as rekod pssakit m
[25] sexerusnya mermuk Kennda tampon mass amara masa
kefiwan‘ \a|10r2IrI nous dan masa rawalan dlbual membenkan
keraguan kenada status kes W.
[251 Kejadxan mi mkalakan beflaku selelah pmang clan sesu
kaunseHng. solal Maghtih as Masjid Shah Nam dan sezelan
makan ma\am :2. seksyen 1: Shah Nam pada 9.3 2020
Lsporan pens hanya dubual pa-da 9.5.2020 jam 3 20 petang.
nuuk Exam P4. Rawalan pembavan pula dihual pada
9.a.2u2a, Jam ma pelang.
[211 Rujuk kelevangan spa semasa seal bales pada Nma
Kemrangan di da\am Rekod Rayuan Jilld 2 -11 muka sum as:
0 .Berkenaan dengan ume flame. Mungkin kecedaraan
harl sama. Mungkin wujud pada pagi yang sama7
A :Seluju.
[231 Semasa Demeriksaan semma, SP3 um udak dapal
mengesahkan bilakah sehenarnya keeederaan bstlaku.
Rujuk pads No(a Kelerangsn m dalam Rekcd Rayuan Jilld 2
dmmka su1a(90
5/N LEhXDQKUZUE4yL)m11vALg me x mu
“Nun: am.‘ .. mad a my a. mm-y -mm: flnulnunl n. IFVLING wrm
Q :Peguam jugs adalanya berkensanumelrama Peguam
kaca mungkmkan kesederaan hari sama. Dokionawah
mungxm. holeh ;elaskan7
A : saya lak bmeh oonlirm kecederaan hari nu
kemungkman pads ham wlu alau da\am masa 1 nan
[29] Jelaslah bahswa kemangan SP1 mak beqaya dlsakong
dsngan Kelerangan-kmsrangan wam bag! menunjukkan
bahawa keosdsrsan i|u auakukan alsh Responder:
[so] (Nah mu berdasarkan pevkara di alas, Mahkamah ml berseluju
hahawa pengadu |eIah mengalarm kecederaan namun
meragm keoederaan nu berpunca danpada
[31] Ru;uk kes Axlx Mullamad Dln v Fuhlln Pmsanumt (199511
MLRH an pads nerenyhan 22:
’R v. Ke//m [1933] 1 Qd R 425 was a case when ma
accwed was charged wan maecam dos/mgs with and
rape or his 12—yssr old stepdaughter. The swderms c1
ma comp/amanl was said (0 have been carmbcraled by
medical evidence that her hymen was not mvac1. ms
evrdence was cons/’:lenl w/Ih her account (ha! me
accused Had raped mar, out since ma rupture was not
established m have occurred at a nine or a place wmch
involved me accused, this evidence was held m be
incapable afallcldmg canubolalion '
5/N LErvXDqKU2U£‘A‘/l)m11vALg Page 2 an 2n
,m.,.,. sum ulnblrwm .. mad a my a. .m.m mm: flwulnunl w. IHUNG punt!
Samadi Tlndakall SP1 Masuk Semula K2 Dalam Kenn
Ruspondan Walaupull sm Berasa Amal T-kul Adulnh Yldnk
Munasahall Dan Sukur Dlpercnyal.
[321 Pendakwa Raye berhwah bahawa um sebab unluk Hakxm
Bwcara meragul keterangan dan kyemmm sm hanya sekaflar
berdasarkan keterangan spa masuk semula ke dalam kereu
Responuen seueuas mceuenakan oleh Responden spc |e\ah
meneranykan bahawa sm Iakul dan yka d\a melarikan am,
ma akan dflanggar oleh Responden.
[33] Perayu yuga menyalakan hahawa bukanlah sualu yang aslng
sektranya SP1 masuk semma ke dalam kerela Responden
kerana ma ada\ah bekas suamn SP! naaa kmsrangan
banawa Responaen ads mambawa senjala memahaya
sepem patang auaupun semala lajam lam. J\ka lamapan
senjala sepem nu maka aaalan max munasabah sekrranya
sm max me\ankan an
[341 Peguam Responden pula menghujahkan bahawa Tuan
Mausuel «swan mempenimbangkan kelerangan am secara
pemlauan makslma dan membual dapalan lakla lerhadapnya.
[35] sm hanya menggunakan “!aku|' sebagai arasan lanpa
sebavang Peluelasan yang munasabah, bag: menerangkan
nnengapa behau mernasmu semula kevela Responden.
[35] Reaponden tum! mempersoalkan nndakan SP1 yang lidak
melarikan um pada beberapa keadaan malallan hdak juga
5/N LEhXDQKUZU£‘A‘/L)m17vALg Pm In m 20
Mum: s.n.n ...n,.mn .. mad a my .. urwmlhly mm: flwulnlnl n. .nune an.‘
| 2,627 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCvC-67-02/2023 | PLAINTIF CHANG SHENG YUH DEFENDAN WEALTH PLATEAU SDN. BHD. | On the issue of the date of vacant possession, this Court finds that the Plaintiff has sufficiently explained that Sam Zam Liang was authorised to sign the registration form for the Plaintiff and the details in the form also clearly stated the Plaintiff’ s name under the “Purchaser” column for the Unit. Thus, the Defendant’s contention does not hold water as the Defendant has indeed accepted the booking fee and acknowledged via an offer letter for the same Unit dated 17.01.2017.This issue was elaborated in the case PJD Regency Sdn Bhd v Tribunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah & Anor and other appeals [2021] 2 MLJ 60, where the Federal Court held that “…Where a developer fails to deliver vacant possession according to the time stipulated in the statutory sale and purchase agreement, the calculation of the LAD begins from the date of payment of the booking fee and not from the date of that statutory agreement.”.CONCLUSIONBased on the aforesaid reasons and on balance of probabalities, aftercareful scrutiny and judicious consideration of all the evidence before this Court,including the written and oral submissions of both parties, this Court finds thatthe Defendant has failed to raise any triable issue or defence to defeat thePlaintiff’s claim for a summary judgement. The Plaintiff’s application is allowed with cost. | 07/11/2023 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
SUIT CIVIL NO.: WA-22NCVC-67-02/2023
(I/C NO.: 901007-14-6511)
(COMPANY NO.: 800007-A)
07/11/2023 08:46:17
WA-22NCvC-67-02/2023 Kand. 28
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[1] This is the Plaintiff’s application to enter a summary judgment against the
Defendant pursuant to Order 14 Rules of Court 2012 (ROC) claiming liquidated
ascertained damages (LAD) for late delivery.
[2] The Defendant is the developer for a condominium development project
known as “Paraiso @ the Earth” (Project). The Plaintiff entered into a Sale and
Purchase Agreement with the Defendant dated 27.07.2017 (SPA) to purchase
a property with the address Unit No. B19-05 within Storey No. 19 of Building No.
Block B, Paraiso @ The Earth Bukit Jalil, No. 2A, Jalan Jalil 2, Residensi Permai
Impian, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur (Unit).
[3] The SPA was in the prescribed form under Schedule H of the Housing
Development (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989 (HDR 1989) under the
Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 (HDA 1966). Clause
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25(2) provides that if the developer fails to deliver vacant possession within 36
months, the developer shall be liable to pay LAD to the purchaser.
[4] The Defendant amended the delivery period for vacant possession of the
Unit and completion of the common facilities of the Project from 36 months to
48 months as stipulated in clauses 25(1) and 29(1) of the SPA after obtaining
approval from the Housing Controller.
[5] Prior to signing the SPA, the Plaintiff made a payment of RM5,000.00 to
the Defendant on 05.11.2016 as a booking fee for the Unit which was confirmed
by the Defendant in a letter of offer dated 17.01.2017. However, the Defendant
denied this as a booking fee because the payment by cheque was made by
one Mok Choon Keat for the Plaintiff. The Defendant contended that vacant
possession starts from the signing date of the SPA on 27.07.2017. The
Defendant also disputed the validity of the registration form as the registration
form was signed by one Sam Zam Liang and not the Plaintiff.
[6] On 12.03.2021, the Plaintiff received a letter from the Defendant notifying
the Plaintiff that delivery of vacant possession of the Unit and completion of the
common facilities of the Project shall be delayed for 167 days (First Letter),
pursuant to the Temporary Measures for Reducing the Impact of Coronavirus
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Disease 2019 (Covid-10) Act 2020 (COVID-19 Act), and the new delivery date
was set to 28.11.2021.
[7] On 26.10.2021, the Plaintiff received a second letter from the Defendant
notifying the Plaintiff that delivery of vacant possession of the Unit and
completion of the common facilities of the Project is extended for another 289
days, until 30.03.2022 (Second Letter).
[8] Finally, on 30.03.2022, the Plaintiff received a notice and delivery of
vacant possession of the Unit.
[9] The Plaintiff contended that the Defendant must comply with the statutory
provisions to deliver vacant possession and complete common facilities within
36 months and not 48 months.
[10] As such, the Plaintiff contended that the Defendant was late for 588 days
in delivering vacant possession of the Unit and completing the common facilities
of the Project. The Plaintiff claims a sum of RM125,023.81 from the Defendant
as LAD in accordance to clauses 25(2) and 29(2) of the SPA.
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[11] Timeline of the events and calculations:
[12] The Defendant contended that Schedule H of the Housing Development
(Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989 can be amended under Regulation
Price of the said Unit RM646,736.00
Booking fees paid on 05.11.2016
Original date for delivery of
vacant possession
Before 05.11.2019 (36 months from
date of booking fees paid)
Actual date of delivery of
vacant possession
Number of days delayed
(from 05.11.2019 to 30.03.2022)
877 days
Number of days excluded 289 days (as per Defendant’s second
EOT letter)
Total number of days
588 days
Calculation of LAD claimable for the late delivery of vacant possession of
the said Unit
RM646,736.00 x 10% x 588 (days) / 365 = RM104,186.51
Calculation of LAD claimable for the late completion of common
RM646,736.00 x 2% x 588 (days) / 365 = RM20,837.30
TOTAL RM125,023.81
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11(3) of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) (Amendment)
Regulations 2015 (HDR 2015) and a letter dated 26.04.2017 confirmed this.
[13] The Defendant also contended that the Plaintiff is bound by the SPA as
the extention of time was included in the SPA before signing of the SPA.
Law on summary judgment
[14] The law on Order 14 ROC is trite. In the case Bank Negara Malaysia v
Mohd Ismail & Ors [1992] 1 MLJ 400, the Supreme Court held-
“[11] In our view, basic to the application of all those legal propositions,
is the requirement under O 14 for the Court to be satisfied on affidavit
evidence that the defence has not only raised an issue but also that the
said issue is triable. The determination of whether an issue is or is not
triable must necessarily depend on the facts or the law arising from each
case as disclosed in the affidavit evidence before the Court.”
[15] The Plaintiff must fulfill the requirement that there is no triable issue raised
by the Defendant. Once fulfilled, this burden then shifted to the Defendant to
show triable issues, as per the Federal Court’s case in Cempaka Finance Bhd.
v Ho Lai Ying & Anor [2006] 2 MLJ 685 which held-
“(1) The appellant had the burden to prove its case in an application under O
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14 of the RHC by establishing the following conditions: (i) that the respondents
had entered appearance; (ii) that the statement of claim must have been
served on the respondents; (iii) that the affidavit in support must comply with
O 14 r 2 of the RHC in that it must verify the facts on which the claim was
based on and must state the deponent's belief that there was defence to the
claim. When those conditions were fulfilled, the burden would be shifted to
the respondents to raise issues to be tried.”.
[16] This Court finds that these requirements have been fulfilled by the Plaintiff
as reflected in the Plaintiff’s affidavit in support (Enclosure 8) affirmed on the
Law on Delivery of Vacant Possesion under Schedule H of HDR 1989
[17] The key issue of law put forward by both parties is as to whether the
standard clause on delivery of vacant possession and completing common
facilities can be amended from 36 months to 48 months. The Housing Controller
approved the Defendant’s request to extend the period of delivering vacant
possession of the Unit and completing common facilities of the Project from 36
months to 48 months under Regulation 11(3) of HDR 2015 in a letter dated
[18] The Supreme Court in Veronica Lee Ha Ling & Ors v Maxisegar Sdn
Bhd [2011] 2 MLJ 141 held that the object of the Housing Developers
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legislation “is to protect house buyers against the developers. A developer must
execute the agreement set out in the schedule to the relevant subsidiary
legislation. He cannot add other clauses in it.”.
[19] In the case of Sentul Raya Sdn Bhd v. Hariram Jayaram & Ors And
Other Appeals [2008] 1 MLRA 473; [2008] 4 MLJ 852; [2008] 4 CLJ 618, the
Court of Appeal held that "The agreement in the case at hand was a special
agreement. It was ordered and controlled by the Housing Development (Control
and Licensing Regulations 1989 ('Regulations'). Parties in regular cases of
agreement have the liberty of creating allowances among themselves, but a
property developer is not privileged with this liberty. Therefore, parties to an
agreement in Schedule H of the Regulations are not able to make an agreement
out of the scheduled or planned form.”.
[20] It is settled law that the Housing Controller has no right to rely on
Regulation 11(3) HDR 2015 to amend the statutory provisions in Schedule H of
the HDR 1989 as Regulation 11(3) HDR 2015 has been deemed ultra vires to
the HDA 1966 as decided in the case of Ang Ming Lee & Ors v Menteri
Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan & Anor and
other appeals [2020] 1 MLJ 281 where the Federal Court held-
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“(1)The Controller had no power to waive or modify any provision in the
Schedule H contract of sale because s 24 of the Act does not confer power on
the Minister to make regulations for the purpose of delegating the power to
waive or modify the Schedule H contract of sale to the Controller. Hence, reg
11(3) of the Regulations, conferring power on the Controller to waive and
modify the terms and conditions of the contract of sale is ultra vires the Act.
Having regard to the object and purpose of the Housing Development (Control
and Licensing) Act 1966, the words "to regulate and to prohibit" in subsection
24(2)(e) should be given a strict construction, in the sense that the Minister is
expected to apply his own mind to the matter and not to delegate that
responsibility to the Controller. The Act being a social legislation designed to
protect the house buyers, the interests of the purchasers shall be the
paramount consideration against the developer. The legislative intent that the
duties shall remain with the Minister, may be discerned from ss 11 and 12 of
the Act. Since it is the Minister who is entrusted or empowered by Parliament
to regulate the terms and conditions of the contract of sale, the Minister's action
in delegating the power to modify the conditions and terms of the contract of
sale may be construed as having exceeded what was intended by Parliament.
By delegating the power, vide reg 11(3) to the Controller to waive or modify the
prescribed terms and conditions of the sale of contract, it was now the
Controller who has been entrusted to regulate the terms and conditions of the
contract of sale. Further, by modifying the prescribed terms and conditions and
by granting the developer the extension of time, the Controller had denied the
purchasers' right to claim for LAD. This modification and the granting of
extension of time to the developer, did not appear to protect or safeguard the
purchasers but rather the developer and this militates the intention of
Parliament. (paras 36, 40, 41, 51, 56 & 60)
(2) On the letter dated 17 November 2015 which was to convey the decision of
the Minister on the developer's appeal against the rejection by the Controller
on the extension of time, the Federal Court held that the letter was not a valid
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letter granting an extension of time to the developer. The signatory to the letter
had stated that he signed the letter on behalf of the Controller and not on behalf
of the Minister. Surely this was not something that the signatory could choose
to state either he was acting on behalf of the Controller or the Minister because
an appeal cannot lie to the Controller against the decision of the Controller.
Thus, it was necessary that the letter conveys the decision of the Minister and
that the signatory signed on behalf of the Minister. More importantly, if the
extension was granted by the Minister pursuant to an appeal against the
dismissal by the Controller of the developer's application for extension of time,
the applicable regulation is reg 12 and not reg 11. The fact that the letter was
signed on behalf of the Controller to convey a decision by the Ministry (as
opposed to the Minister) under reg 11, was clear that the decision to grant the
extension of time to the developer was that of the Controller and not the
Minister. This was fortified by the absence of any material before the court in
the form of an affidavit by the Minister to explain the discrepancy and to state
that he had indeed decided to allow the developer's appeal under reg 12 for
the extension of time. (para 65)”.”
[21] Further it was held in Ang Ming Lee (supra)-
“[40] The Act being a social legislation designed to protect the house buyers,
the interests of the purchasers shall be the paramount consideration against
the developer. Parliament has entrusted the Minister to safeguard the interests
of the purchasers and the Minister has prescribed the terms and conditions of
the contract of sale as per Schedule H. We find no contrary indication in the
language, scope or object of the Act that such duty to safeguard the interests
of the purchasers may be delegated to some other authority.
[51] Similarly here. It is the Minister who is entrusted or empowered by
Parliament to regulate the terms and conditions of the contract of sale. The
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Minister, however has delegated the power to regulate to the Controller by reg
11(3) of the Regulations. As power to regulate does not include power to
delegate, the Minister's action in delegating the power to modify the conditions
and terms of the contract of sale may be construed as having exceeded what
was intended by Parliament.
[60] On the above analysis, we hold that the Controller has no power to waive
or modify any provision in the Schedule H contract of sale because s 24 of the
Act does not confer power on the Minister to make regulations for the purpose
of delegating the power to waive or modify the Schedule H contract of sale to
the Controller. And it is not open to us to read into the section an implied power
enabling the Minister to do so. We consequently hold that reg 11(3) of the
Regulations, conferring power on the Controller to waive and modify the terms
and conditions of the contract of sale is ultra vires the Act.”.
[22] The issues raised by the Defendant in this case were also the issues
raised in Ang Ming Lee (supra). As the law is well settled, thus this Court finds
that there is no triable issue raised by the Defendant. Furthermore, this Court
is bound by the doctrine of stare decisis.
[23] The Defendant also contended that the extention of time (EOT) was
inserted in the SPA before signing. This Court finds that eventhough the EOT
was obtained before signing of the SPA, the EOT is unlawful (refer UE E&C
Sanjia (M) Sdn Bhd v Lee Jeng Yuh & Anor and another appeal [2021] 6
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MLJ 864 [CA]; Vignesh Naidu a/l Kuppusamy Naidu v Prema Bonanza Sdn
Bhd and another appeal [2023] 2 MLJ 776 [CA]).
[24] In Vignesh Naidu a/l Kuppusamy Naidu (supra) the Court of Appeal
“(2) It is settled law that an ultra vires act, such as the extension granted by
the Housing Controller under reg 11(3) cannot be legitimised through
estoppel, waiver or agreement between parties. The doctrine of estoppel
does not therefore apply against a statute or statutory agreement, such as
in the instant case, which revolves around the clauses in a statutory contract
as prescribed in Schedule H to the Regulations. The principle of waiver or
estoppel is in other words not applicable when reg 11(3) of the Regulations
is ultra vires the HDA. If allowed to operate in this case, an estoppel or
waiver would also defeat the very purpose of the HDA, which is a social
legislation enacted to control housing development and protect the interests
of purchasers.”.
[25] Although clauses 25(1) and 29(1) of the SPA did not conform with
Schedule H of HDA 1966, that does not render the SPA as void. In the case of
Ang Ming Lee (supra) though the extension of time provided by the Controller
was held to be ultra vires, the entire Sale and Purchase Agreement was not.
[26] On the issue of the date of vacant possession, this Court finds that the
Plaintiff has sufficiently explained that Sam Zam Liang was authorised to sign the
registration form for the Plaintiff and the details in the form also clearly stated the
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Plaint i f f ’s name under the “Purchaser” column for the Unit. Thus, the
Defendant’s contention does not hold water as the Defendant has indeed
accepted the booking fee and acknowledged via an offer letter for the same
Unit dated 17.01.2017.
[27] This issue was elaborated in the case PJD Regency Sdn Bhd v Tribunal
Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah & Anor and other appeals [2021] 2 MLJ 60, where
the Federal Court held that “…Where a developer fails to deliver vacant
possession according to the time stipulated in the statutory sale and purchase
agreement, the calculation of the LAD begins from the date of payment of the
booking fee and not from the date of that statutory agreement.”.
[28] Based on the aforesaid reasons and on balance of probabalities, after
careful scrutiny and judicious consideration of all the evidence before this Court,
including the written and oral submissions of both parties, this Court finds that
the Defendant has failed to raise any triable issue or defence to defeat the
Plaintiff’s claim for a summary judgement.
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[29] The Plaintiff’s application is allowed with cost.
Judicial Commisioner
Civil High Court NCVC 1
Kuala Lumpur.
Date: 4 November 2023
Solicitors for the Plaintiff
Messrs. Kin Jong & Co.
43A Redwood, Empire Residence,
Jalan PJU 8.1, PJU8,
Damansara Perdana,
47820 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Solicitors for the Defendant
Messrs. Nik Saghir & Ismail
B16-15, i-Sovo, i-City,
Persiaran Multimedia,
Seksyen 7,
40000 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
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Microsoft Word - AP - BB-B52NCvC-31-04-2023 - O.14
WRIT SAMAN NO – BB-B52NCvC-31-04/2023
[Company No.: 200001015789 (518396-P)]
[COMPANY NO.: 201501043544 (1168865-X)]
[IDENTITY CARD NO.: 740502145933]
Ini adalah rayuan Perayu-Perayu/Defendan-Defendan TAI WENG
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BB-B52NCvC-31-04/2023 Kand. 27
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201501043544 (1168865-X)] dan WONG YEW WOH [IDENTITY CARD
NO.: 740502145933] melalui Notis Rayuan di Lampiran 22 terhadap
keputusan Mahkamah ini bertarikh 21/9/2023 yang membenarkan Notis
Permohonan Plaintif bertarikh 18/7/2023 (Lampiran 8) dengan kos
RM2,000.00 dibayar oleh Perayu-Perayu/Defendan-Defendan kepada
Mahkamah telah meneliti Notis Permohonan, Afidavit-afidavit, hujahan
bertulis dan otoriti kedua-dua pihak. Alasan Mahkamah membenarkan
Lampiran 8 adalah seperti berikut:
[1] Notis Permohonan Lampiran 8 adalah permohonan Plaintif untuk
merekodkan satu Penghakiman Terus di bawah Aturan 14 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 bagi perintah seperti berikut:
a) Jumlah RM553,585.92 yang masih terhutang setakat
b) Faedah pada kadar 1.5% sebulan (18% setahun) ke atas
jumlah prinsipal sebanyak RM450,050.65 dari 5/4/2023
sehingga penyelesaian penuh;
c) Kos tindakan ini;
d) Kos tindakan atas dasar peguamcara dan anakguam;
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e) Faedah pada kadar 5% setahun dikira atas kos dari tarikh
penghakiman sehingga penyelesaian penuh menurut Aturan
59 Kaedah 24 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012; dan
f) Relief atau perintah selanjutnya yang difikirkan patut dan
suaimanfaat oleh Mahkamah yang Mulia ini.
[2] Alasan permohonan Plaintif adalah dinyatakan dalam affidavit
sokongan yang mana antara lain menyatakan bahawa:
1) Atas permintaan Defendan Pertama melalui pesanan belian,
Plaintif telah menjual dan menghantar serah barang-barang
dan/atau perkhidmatan kepada Defendan Pertama dari
semasa ke semasa. Pesanan Belian adalah dieksibitkan
sebagai eksibit “A-2”.
2) Defendan Kedua merupakan Penjamin kepada Defendan
Pertama melalui satu Jaminan yang ditandatangani oleh
Defendan Kedua bertarikh 18/7/2019 dalam kapasiti sebagai
Pengarah Defendan Pertama. Surat Jaminan dieksibitkan
sebagai eksibit “A-3”.
3) Melalui Jaminan tersebut, Defendan Kedua telah bersetuju
secara bersesama dan/atau berasingan untuk menjamin
sebagai penghutang utama kepada Plaintif untuk membayar
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keseluruhan hutang yang harus dibayar oleh Defendan
Pertama kepada Plaintif.
4) Plaintif telah membekalkan dan menghantar serah barang-
barang dan/atau perkhidmatan kepada Defendan Pertama
dan menghantar inbois-inbois dan Nota Penghantaran
(Delivery Note) dari semasa ke semasa yang mana butir-
butirnya adalah dalam pengetahuan Defendan-Defendan.
inbois-inbois dan Nota Penghantaran (Delivery Note) adalah
seperti dalam eksibit “A-4”.
5) Defendan-Defendan telah mengaku terima barang-barang
dan/atau perkhidmatan tersebut dan telah meletakkan cop
syarikat dan/atau menandatangani pada Nota Penghantaran
6) Barang-barang dan/atau perkhidmatan tersebut telah diterima
dalam keadaan baik dan mengikut mutu, kualiti dan spesifikasi
7) Pada setiap masa material, Plaintif tidak pernah menerima
aduan daripada Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Kedua
berkenaan barang-barang dan/atau perkhidmatan tersebut
dan/atau inbois-inbois yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Plaintif.
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8) Plaintif telah menuntut bayaran penuh daripada Defendan-
Defendan untuk barang-barang dan/atau perkhidmatan
tersebut yang telah dijual dan dihantar serah kepada
9) Defendan-Defendan telah membuat sebahagian bayaran
sebanyak RM25,978.59 kepada Plaintif pada 26/7/2022 untuk
inbois No.SV-40852. Salinan resit rasmi adalah dieksibitkan
sebagai “A-5”.
10) Defendan-Defendan masih gagal, enggan dan/atau cuai untuk
menyelesaikan baki jumlah yang tertunggak sebanyak
RM450,050.65 dan faedah sebanyak RM103,535.27 yang
dikira setakat 3/4/2023 dan faedah tersebut masih berterusan
sehingga penyelesaian penuh.
11) Plaintif melampirkan bukti hutang sebagaimana dalam
Penyata Akaun Penghutang (Debtor Statement) bertarikh
3/4/2023 serta Nota Debit (Debit Note) bertarikh 2/3/2023 yang
dilampirkan sebagai eksibit “A-6”. RM553,585.92 beserta
12) Plaintif telah melalui peguamcaranya, Tetuan Jasbeer, Nur &
Lee telah menghantar satu surat tuntutan bertarikh 16/3/2023
kepada Defendan-Defendan untuk menuntut jumlah yang
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terhutang tersebut. Salinan surat tuntutan dieksibitkan sebagai
13) Plaintif percaya Defendan-Defendan tidak mempunyai
pembelaan bermerit dan pembelaan Defendan-Defendan
adalah penafian kosong semata-mata dan tanpa asas.
[3] Defendan telah memfailkan pembelaan di lampiran 6 dan affidavit
jawapan di lampiran 10 yang mana antaranya menyatakan seperti
1) Defendan Kedua mengikrarkan affidavit bagi pihak Defendan
Pertama dan juga Defendan Kedua sendiri.
2) Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa dalam Purchase
Order dinyatakan “Payment shall only be processed after
received your original invoices. Please be informed We DO
NOT ACCEPT any EMAIL for Invoices, Debit Notes, Credit
Notes, Statement of Account or Official Receipt Due to Our
Own Company’s Policy.”
3) Oleh demikian, beban adalah ke atas Plaintif untuk
membuktikan bahawa Salinan asal invois, penyata akaun,
debit notes ada diserahkan kepada Defendan-Defendan.
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4) Defendan-Defendan mengakui terma-terma dalam surat
5) Tidak ada bukti penerimaan dilampirkan kepada invois dan
Defendan-Defendan tidak boleh membuat bantahan kepada
kandungan inbois-inbois.
6) Defendan Pertama menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak
menerima inbois dari Plaintif mengenai kadar faedah 1.5%
sebulan di inbois dan pengenaan faedah ini tidak ada dalam
pengetahuan dan persetujuan Defendan Pertama.
7) Defendan Pertama tidak menerima nota debit dan penyata
akuan penghutang daripada Plaintif dan Plaintif diletakkan
atas beban bukti yang kuat dalam membuktikan penyerahan
dokumen tersebut.
9) Perenggan (c) dan (d) dalam Notis Permohonan jelas
mengkehendaki Mahkamah memberikan kos sebanyak 2 kali
iaitu kos tindakan ini dan kos tindakan ini atas dasar
peguamcara dan anakguam. Ini adalah salah di sisi undang-
10) Adalah menjadi syarat yang diperuntukkan dalam Purchase
Order dan ini diketahui oleh Plaintif bahawa penyerahan
Salinan asal inbois, Nota Penyerahan, Nota Debit dan penyata
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akaun penghutang adalah perlu untuk Defendan Pertama
menilai dan membuat bayaran jika perlu.
11) Oleh demikian, Defendan-Defendan memohon agar Notis
Permohonan Plaintif ditolak dengan kos diberikan kepada
[4] Plaintif dalam affidavit balasan di lampiran 11 menjawab kepada
dakwaan Defendan-Defendan seperti berikut:
1) Plaintif menyatakan bahawa penyataan Defendan-Defendan
yang dirujuk berhubung pembayaran hanya dibuat selepas
menerima Salinan asal inbois-inbois hanya dinyatakan dalam
Pesanan Belian terakhir daripada Defendan Pertama bertarikh
2) Penyataan ini tidak sekalipun dinyatakan dalam Pesanan-
pesanan Belian terdahulu.
3) Dakwaan Defendan-Defendan bahawa mereka tidak
menerima inbois-inbois, penyata akuan dan nota debit adalah
bercanggah dengan tindakan Defendan-Defendan sediri yang
membuat sebahagian bayaran berjumlah RM25,978.59
kepada Plaintif.
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4) Berhubung dakwaan Defendan-Defendan tentang serahan
Salinan asal inbois, Nota Penyerahan, Nota Debit dan penyata
akaun penghutang, pihak-pihak telahpun menggunakan email
sebagai platform komunikasi seperti dieksibit “AA-1” dan “AA-
2” serta inbois-inbois dan Penyata Akuan telah dihantar
melalui penghantaran kurier GDex sebagaimana dieksibitkan
di “AA-3” dan “AA-4”.
5) Sebelum memfailkan tuntutan ini, Plaintif juga telah melalui e-
mail memberi peringatan kepada Defendan-Defendan untuk
membayar jumlah tertunggak sebagaimana dieksibit “AA-5”.
6) Salinan nota debit juga telah dihantar kepada Defendan
Pertama melalui email sebagaimana di eksibit “AA-6”.
7) Defendan-Defendan gagal mengemukakan sebarang isu
berhubung surat jaminan oleh itu tiada isu untuk dibicarakan.
[5] Setelah meneliti segala kertas kausa yang ada, Mahkamah percaya
bahawa kes ini adalah satu kes yang jelas untuk diberikan satu
perintah Penghakiman Terus. Defendan-Defendan gagal
mengemukakan isu bermerit atau isu untuk dibicarakan. Semua
dakwaan yang dibangkitkan telah dijawab dengan jelas melalui
eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan.
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[6] Sebelum Mahkamah pergi kepada Notis Permohonan itu sendiri,
Mahkamah merujuk kepada hujahan bertulis pihak Defendan-
Defendan. Pihak Defendan-Defendan membangkitkan isu bahawa
Defendan Pertama telah memfailkan satu Saman Pemula ex-parte
untuk satu prosiding bagi mendapatkan “Judicial Management” dan
berdasarkan seksyen 410 Akta Syarikat 2016, tidak ada apa-apa
prosiding boleh diteruskan terhadap Defendan Pertama.
[7] Berdasarkan seksyen 410 Akta Syarikat 2016 tersebut, segala
prosiding untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap Defendan Pertama
harus dihentikan sehingga keputusan muktamad oleh Mahkamah
Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur melalui Saman Pemula No. WA-
28JM-17-08/2023 yang mana pendengaran ditetapkan pada
[8] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kronologi kes sebagaimana berikut:
a) Writ saman dan penyataan tuntutan di failkan pada 6/4/2023.
b) Notis Permohonan Lampiran 8 untuk satu perintah bagi
Penghakiman Terus difailkan oleh Plaintif pada 18/7/2023.
c) Tarikh pendengaran pertama bagi Lampiran 8 ditetapkan pada
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d) Arahan bagi pemfailan affidavit dan hujahan bertulis diberikan
pada 1/8/2023 adalah seperti berikut:
i) 15/8/2023 – afidavit Balasan Defendan
ii) 29/8/2023 – Afidavit balasan Plaintif
iii) 14/9/2023 – Hujahan bertulis kedua-dua pihak serentak
iv) 21/9/2023 - keputusan (melalui e-review) Lampiran 8
dan PTCM Lampiran 1.
e) Pada masa ini, peguamcara Defendan-Defendan tidak ada
menyebut tentang apa-apa prosiding atau perintah
penggantungan dari mana-mana Mahkamah.
f) Jika dilihat, tarikh Saman Pemula didaftarkan pada bulan
18/8/2023 iaitu selepas Notis Permohonan dan arahan melalui
PTCM diberikan.
g) Pada 15/9/2023, peguamcara Defendan-Defendan telah
menulis kepada Mahkamah melalui Lampiran 14
memaklumkan bahawa pihak Defendan telah melantik Tetuan
Dennis Nik & Wong dan telah memfailkan satu Saman Pemula
Ex-Parte untuk Perintah Pengurusan Kehakiman menurut
seksyen 404 dan seksyen 405 Akta Syarikat 2016.
Pengurusan kes bagi Saman Pemula tersebut telah ditetapkan
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pada 8/9/2023 dan bicara secara zoom ditetapkan pada
h) Defendan dalam surat juga menyatakan bahawa berdasarkan
seksyen 410 Akta Syarikat 2016, tiada prosiding lain dan tiada
pelaksanaan atau proses undang-undang lain boleh
dimulakan dan atau diteruskan terhadap Defendan atau
hartanya kecuali dengan kebenaran Mahkamah dan tertakluk
kepada apa-apa terma yang boleh dikenakan oleh Mahkamah.
[9] Mahkamah telah membuat keputusan dan menolak bantahan awal
pihak Defendan-Defendan. Daipada kronologi kes, adalah jelas
perkara ini tidak pernah timbul atau belum pernah dimulakan
sebelum arahan dan tarikh keputusan bagi Lampiran 8 diberikan.
[10] Tambahan pula, peguamcara Defendan-Defendan dalam tindakan
ini bukanlah peguam yang mengendalikan prosiding Saman Pemula
yang dikatakan telah difailkan. Pada peringkat ini, tindakan jika
sekalipun ada, ia adalah terhadap Syarikat Defendan Pertama dan
tidak membabitkan Defendan Kedua.
[11] Prosiding ini telah bermula lebih awal dan bukan dimulakan selepas
Saman Pemula tersebut difailkan. Tiada apa-apa perintah atau
arahan YA Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi pada peringkat ini.
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[12] Dalam apa jua keadaan, prinsip di bawah Seksyen 404 dan Seksyen
405 haruslah dipatuhi dan Mahkamah Tinggi perlu berpuashati
terlebih dahulu berhubung permohonan ini sebelum memberikan
apa-apa perintah (samada membenarkan atau menolak) apatah lagi
ini adalah permohonan Defendan Pertama sendiri dan bukan oleh
pengarah atau pemegang saham mereka.
[13] Mahkamah merujuk peruntukan seksyen 410 Akta Syarikat 2016
seperti berikut:
410 Effect of application for a judicial management order
During the period beginning with the making of an application for a
judicial management order and ending with the making of such an
order or the dismissal of the application-
(a) no resolution shall be passed or order made for the winding up
of the company;
(b) no steps shall be taken to enforce any charge on or security over
the company's property or to repossess any goods in the company's
possession under any hire purchase agreement, chattels leasing
agreement or retention of title agreement, except with leave of the
Court and subject to such terms as the Court may impose; and
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(c) no other proceedings and no execution or other legal process
shall be commenced or continued and no distress may be levied
against the company or its property except with leave of the Court
and subject to such terms as the Court may impose.
[14] Jika sekalipun permohonan Defendan Pertama dibenarkan oleh
YAH kelak, pihak Judicial Management (JM) boleh mengambil
tindakan sewajarnya bagi pihak Defendan Pertama.
[15] Mahkamah ingin merujuk 2 kes di bawah yang telah menjelaskan
dengan sendiri kedudukan apabila sesuatu perintah Judicial
Management (JM) diberikan.
[2022] 1 LNS 309
[1] This is a consequential application for pay-out of monies in a
stakeholding account held by solicitors pursuant to pay-in as ordered
by the court consequential to an adjudication decision made under
the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012
[2] The parties concerned Panzana Enterprise Sdn Bhd ("Panzana"),
MKP Builder Sdn Bhd ("MKPB") and PC Geotechnic Sdn Bhd
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("PCG") are all private limited companies involved in the construction
[33] Consequently the Pay-out Decision is in substance unaffected
by s. 426 of the CA as so alleged by Panzana.
[34] Furthermore, I also hold that by the nature and substance of
the Pay-out Application, the relevant parties are MKPB, PCG
and Messrs. Hakem Arabi & Associates only and the Pay-out
Application does not therefore attract s. 410 (c) of the CA.
LNS 2314
[132] The IJM applied in Kuala Lumpur OS No. WA-24NCC-43-
02/2021 to set-aside the said Consent Judgment [CCB, Encl 72,
Page 214, Para 18(b)] against Fintree on the technical ground that
upon filing the JM OS on 18.1.2021 no further proceeding can be
had in Suit 623 including the recording of the Consent Judgment.
The said Consent Judgment was set-aside by the Kuala Lumpur
High Court on 30.11.2021 on ground that the OS having been filed
on 18.1.2021, the Consent Judgment recorded on 19.1.2021 was
invalid by virtue of s. 410(c) of the CA 2016 which reads as follows:
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"Effect of application for a judicial management order
410. During the period beginning with the making of an application
for a judicial management order and ending with the making of such
an order or the dismissal of the application-
(a) no resolution shall be passed or order made for the winding up
of the company;
(c) no other proceedings and no execution or other legal process
shall be commenced or continued and no distress may be levied
against the company or its property except with leave of the Court
and subject to such terms as the Court may impose."(emphasis
[16] Mahkamah menolak bantahan awal Defendan-Defendan dan
meneruskan dengan keputusan bagi Lampiran 8. Oleh itu, alasan
Mahkamah bagi membenarkan lampiran 8 adalah seperti
dinyatakan sebagaimana berikutnya.
[17] Mahkamah merujuk kepada Aturan 14 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
2012 telah memperuntukkan seperti berikut:-
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“1. (1)Where in an action to which this rule applies a statement of
claim has been served on a defendant and that defendant has
entered an appearance in the action, the plaintiff may, on the ground
that defendant has no defence to a claim included in the writ, or to a
particular part of such a claim, or has no defence to such a claim or
part thereof except as to the amount of any damages claimed, apply
to the Court for judgment against that defendant.”
AS KH TRADING) & ANOR [2006] 2 MLJ 685 Mahkamah
Persekutuan telah memutuskan bahawa:-
“In an application under O14, the burden is on the plaintiff to
establish the following conditions: that the defendant must have
entered appearance; that the statement of claim must have been
served on the defendant; that the affidavit in support must comply
with r 2 of O14 in that it must verify the facts on which the claim is
based and must state the deponent’s belief that there is no defence
to the claim. Once those conditions are fulfilled, the burden then
shifts to the defendant to raise triable issues.”
[19] Dalam tindakan ini, Memorandum Kehadiran telah dimasukkan oleh
pihak Defendan dan tiada pertikaian mengenai penyerahan Writ dan
Pernyataan Tuntutan kepada Defendan. Defendan juga telah
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memfailkan pembelaan dan dari apa yang Mahkamah lihat,
pembelaan Defendan hanyalah meletakkan beban kepada pihak
Plaintif untuk membuktikan tuntutan mereka.
[20] Oleh demikian, melalui Notis Permohonan di lampiran 8, Mahkamah
dapat lihat bahawa pihak Plaintif telah memenuhi Kaedah 2 Aturan
14 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dimana kesemua fakta
mengenai tuntutan Plaintif telah diterangkan oleh pihak Plaintif
melalui afidavit-afidavit yang telah difailkan di Mahkamah Yang
Mulia ini beserta dengan eksibit-eksibit yang jelas menyokong
tuntutan dan Notis Permohonan Plaintif.
[21] Prinsip yang diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes
SDN BHD [1984] 1 CLJ (REP) 283:
"For the purpose of an application under O. 14 the preliminary
requirements are:
(i) the defendant must have entered an appearance;
(ii) the statement of claim must have been served on the defendant;
(iii) the affidavit in support of the application must comply with the
requirements of r. 2 of the O. 14
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(iv) If the plaintiff fails to satisfy either of these considerations, the
summons may be dismissed. If however, these considerations are
satisfied, the plaintiff will have established a prima facie case and he
comes entitled to judgment. The burden then shifts to the defendant
to satisfy the Court why the judgment should not be given against
him [see O. 14, r. 3 and 4 (1) ]."
BEST SDN BHD & ORS [2006] 7 MLJ 13 telah membenarkan
penghakiman terus terhadap defendan setelah mengambilkira
tindakan Defendan yang tidak membantah atau mempertikaikan
notis tuntutan yang diterima olehnya daripada Plaintif dimana telah
menyatakan bahawa:-
“The same goes for the letters of demand sent by the plaintiff. No
protests or disputes were raised by the defendants.”
[23] Dalam masa yang sama, Defendan-Defendan telah membuat
sebahagian bayaran yang dituntut oleh Plaintif melalui dokumen-
dokumen yang diserahkan. Defendan-Defendan mengakui perkara
ini dalam pembelaan mereka dan tidak pernah mempertikaikan isu
ini dalam mana-mana affidavit atau melalui eksibit.
[24] Defendan-Defendan telah menerima semua dokumen yang didakwa
tidak diserahkan oleh Plaintif. Plaintif telah menunjukkan dengan
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jelas bahawa terdapat komunikasi atara pihak-pihak dan apa jua
platform yang digunapakai, Defendan-Defendan telah secara nyata
tidak pernah membangkitkan isu atau membuat bantahan. Bahkan
ada pengakuan melalui sebahagian bayaran dan barang-barang
dan/atau perkhidmatan yang dihantar serah adalah mengikut
sepsifikasi dan permintaan Defendan-Defendan.oleh sebab itu,
Defendan-Defendan tidak pernah membuat apa-apa aduan
terhadap perkhidmatan dan/atau barangan yang dibekalkan.
[25] Dakwaan Defendan-Defendan bahawa aduan tidak dapat dibuat
kerana mereka tidak menerima dokumen-dokumen yang dinyatakan
adalah satu dakwaan tidak berasas. Ini juga gagal dijawab oleh
Defendan-Defendan yang mana Mahkamah aggap adalah satu
pengakuan dan tidak memerlukan saksi untuk hadir dan memberi
keterangan pada perkara yang telah jelas tidak lagi menjadi isu.
[26] Walaupun Defendan-Defendan menggunakan penyataan dalam
Pesanan Belian sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam affidavit jawapan,
Plaintif telah menjelaskan bahawa ia hanya terkandung dalam
pesanan belian terakhir dan tidak ada dalam mana-mana pesanan
terdahulu. Pesanan-pesanan terdahulu telah diterima tanpa
bantahan dan boleh dianggap sebagai satu akuan oleh Defendan-
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[27] Berhubung isu faedah yang dikenakan, Plaintif telah dengan jelas
merujuk kepada email bertarikh 8/1/2023 yang dieksibitkan sebagai
“AA-5” berhubung perkara ini. Defendan-Defendan pula tidak
pernah menafikan penerimaan mana-mana email yang
dikemukakan oleh Plaintif.
[28] Mahkamah merujuk kepada Nota penghantaran yang mana jelas
ada cop dan tandatangan syarikat Defendan-Defendan. Mahkamah
beranggapan bahawa ia adalah satu pemikiran semula oleh
Defendan-Defendan pada peringkat ini untuk membangkitkan
perkara-perkara yang telah sedia ada dibuktikan oleh pihak Plaintif.
[29] Dalam masa yang sama, Defendan Kedua tidak pernah menafikan
bahkan mengakui tanggungjawab beliau sebagai penjamin melalui
surat jaminan yang telah di tandatangani.
“[10] Di dalam kes ini defendan tidak dapat menafikan mengenai
janjinya dalam terma-terma Perjanjian Jaminan Koporat. Dalam kes
Maplelee Property Sdn. Bhd. v. Tan Lee Fon [2005] 1 CLJ 599
Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan bahawa adalah menjadi
tanggungjawab pengerenti untuk membayar hutang jika peminjam
gagal membayar pinjaman.”
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[31] Prinsip undang-undang adalah jelas. Mahkamah rujuk kes ENG
[3] The legal position is clear in that the only issue before the court
in an application under O. 14 of the Rules of the High Court is
whether there are triable issues meriting a full trial for its
determination. Therefore, what needs to be proven by the defendant
in an O. 14 application is to show that there is a triable issue or issues
that ought to be heard in full. A single issue meriting trial is sufficient
to deny the applicant a judgment under O. 14 (per Shaik Daud Ismail
in South East Asia Insurance Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia [1998] 1 CLJ
1045. In short, to be entitled to defend one's case, he must be able
to raise a triable or arguable issue that ought to be set down for trial.
In Abdullah Rohani v. Punca Klasik Sdn Bhd [2004] 1 CLJ 773, Abdul
Hamid Mohamad JCA said:
We remind ourselves that this appeal arises from a summary
judgment under O. 14 of the RHC 1980. It is trite law that in such an
application the onus on the defendant (appellant) to be entitled to
defend the action in a fall trial, is to satisfy the court that "there is an
issue or question in dispute which ought to be tried or that there
ought for some other reason to be a trial..." O. 14 r. 3(1). Courts have
described it as "arguable issue" or "triable issue". Thus in Voo Min
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En & Ors v. Leong Chung Fatt [1982] 1 LNS 47 (SC) it was said that
"... The issue raised must be an arguable issue." In Ng Hee Thong
& Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [1995] 1 CLJ 609, the Court of Appeal
asked the question "Is there a bona fide triable issue?.
[32] Bilamana Defendan gagal mengemukakan satu pembelaan atau isu
yang layak dibicarakan dan melalui dokumen yang dikemukakan
oleh Plaintif, tuntutan dapat dilihat dengan jelas, adalah wajar Plaintif
diberikan haknya melalui satu penghakiman terus tanpa
perbicaraan. Inilah tujuan undnag-undang ini digubal.
[1995] 1 CLJ 609; [1995] 1 MLJ 281, Gopal Sri Ram JCA
(sebagaimana Yang Arif ketika itu) menyatakan:
"In Malayan Insurance (M) Sdn Bhd v. Asia Hotel Sdn Bhd [1987]
CLJ Rep 182; [1987] 2 MLJ 183 at p 185, Hashim Yeop A Sani SCJ
explained the basis of the summary jurisdiction in clarity of language
that is usually associated with that eminent judge:
The underlying philosophy in the O. 14 provision is to prevent
a plaintiff clearly entitled to the money from being delayed his
judgment where there is no fairly arguable defence to the claim.
The provision should only be applied to cases where there is no
reasonable doubt that the plaintiff is entitled to judgment. Order 14
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is not intended to shut out a defendant. The jurisdiction should only
be exercised in very clear cases."
[34] Mahkamah percaya kes ini layak direkodkan satu penghakiman
terus. Oleh demikian, Mahkamah membenarkan Notis Permohonan
Plaintif bertarikh 18/7/2023 (Lampiran 8) dengan kos RM2,000.00
dibayar oleh Defendan-Defendan kepada Plaintif.
Sekian untuk pertimbangan YAH.
Disediakan oleh:
….Sazlina Safie……
Sazlina Bt Safie
Hakim Sesyen,
Mahkamah Sesyen 3 Sivil,
Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya,
Tarikh :7/11/2023
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| 29,640 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24F-71-03/2023 | PEMOHON Thraidevjeet Singh A/l Karamjit Singh RESPONDEN Bavani A/p Sivalingam | Family law - Maintenance - Spousal and Child maintenance - Whether Plaintiff husband obliged to pay amount demanded by Defendant wife - Whether Defendant wife had fulfilled 'means and needs' test - Whether amount offered by Plaintiff reasonable and fair - Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 sections 77, 78, 92, 93Family law - Custody - Access - Whether Plaintiff should have access to the Child - Whether access should remain supervised - Whether supervised access would be contrary to the interest of the welfare of the Child - Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 sections 88, 89 | 07/11/2023 | YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters | |
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Dalam Perkara Seksyen-seksyen 77, 78, 88,
89 dan 93 Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang
(Perkahwinan Dan Perceraian) 1976
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[1] This was the Plaintiff Husband’s application (“this Application”) for
interim relief in relation to, inter alia, access of the child to the marriage,
as well as the amount of child maintenance that he was obliged to pay
to the Defendant Wife.
[2] In view of the privacy of the parties and sensitivity of issues in these
proceedings, the Plaintiff and Defendant have been anonymised in this
judgment respectively as RAI and AVA.
The factual background
[3] The Plaintiff, 39, and the Defendant, 38 at the time of the hearing, were
married in August 2015. Their union was graced with the birth of their
daughter (“the Child”) in February 2021. Following their marriage, the
Plaintiff and Defendant (collectively, “the Parties”), resided in several
rented properties situated within the Klang Valley.
[4] The marriage was marred by frequent disputes and physical
altercations, leading to both parties filing police reports. They went
through prolonged phases of attempting to reconcile and periods of
living apart. However, since October 2022, the Plaintiff’s efforts to visit
the Child, who had remained with the Defendant, had been thwarted,
despite his persistent attempts personally and through his solicitors.
[5] In March 2023, this Application was allowed partially, for the following
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The issues
[6] The issues that had to be addressed by this Court were as follows:
(a) Concerning the Child, the primary question at hand was whether
the Plaintiff should be granted access to the Child, and if so, what
specific terms should govern such access. Additionally, there
was a need to determine the appropriate amount of child
maintenance the Plaintiff should be obligated to provide.
(b) In terms of spousal maintenance, the central issue revolved
around whether the Defendant had satisfied the assessment
regarding her ‘means and needs’.
Contentions, evaluation, and findings
The Child
Whether Plaintiff should have access to the Child
[7] Given that the Child was merely two and half years old at the time of
the hearing, the Plaintiff did not significantly challenge the issue of
custody, care, and control. In any event, I took the view that the
doctrine of tender years as outlined in section 88(3) of the Law Reform
(Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 (“Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce)
Act”), applied. The provision reads:
Section 88 – Power for court to make order for custody
(3) There shall be a rebuttable presumption that it is for the good of a child
below the age of seven years to be with his or her mother but in deciding
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whether that presumption applies to the facts of any particular case, the
court shall have regard to the undesirability of disturbing the life of a child
by changes of custody.
[Emphasis added]
[8] It was also crucial to emphasise that despite the Parties’ separation,
the Child had consistently resided with the Defendant. Consequently,
it was undebatable that the Child remained reliant on the Defendant for
her physical, emotional, and mental development. It was, therefore, not
in the best interest of the Child’s welfare to remove her from her current
environment. Numerous legal precedents, such as K Shanta Kumari v
Vijayan [1985] 1 LNS 135, Gan Koo Kea v Gan Shiow Lih [2003] 1 LNS
440 and Teh Eng Kim v Yew Peng Siong [1977] 1 MLJ 234, have
expounded on the principle that, especially when dealing with very
young children, their well-being is best served by being in the care of
their mother.
[9] In Teh Eng Kim v Yew Peng Siong, the relationship between a young
child and mother was explained by Raja Azlan Shah FCJ (as he then
was) in the following passage:
The youngest child, Bernard, is of tender years. In my opinion, his place
right now is with the mother. "No thing, and no person," said Sir John
Romilly MR, in the case of Austin v. Austin [1865] 35 Beav 259 263 "and no
combination of them, can, in my opinion, with regard to a child of tender
years, supply the place of a mother, and the welfare of the child is so
intimately connected with its being under the care of the mother, that no
extent of kindness on the part of any other person can supply that place.."
This view has found judicial favour in many jurisdictions: in Australia, for
example, in Kades v. Kades,(4) the High Court, in a joint judgment stated:
"What is left is the strong presumption which is not one of law but is founded
on experience and upon the nature of ordinary human relationships, that a
young girl, should have the love, care and attention of the child's mother
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and that her upbringing should be the responsibility of her mother, if it is not
possible to have the responsibility of both parents living together." In
Canada, Muloch CJ in Re Orr [1973] 2 DLR 77 commented that, "In the
case of a father and mother living apart and each claiming the custody of a
child, the general rule is that the mother, other things being equal, is entitled
to the custody and care of a child during what is called the period of nurture,
namely, until it attains about seven years of age, the time during which it
needs the care of the mother more than that of the father...
[Emphasis added.]
[10] Consequently, the burden lay on the Plaintiff to rebut the presumption
that favoured the Defendant, essentially by establishing the
unsuitability of the Defendant as a mother. In the present case, no
evidence was adduced to suggest that the Defendant had either
neglected or abused the Child or displayed any other form of unfitness.
Therefore, my ruling was to grant sole custody, care, and control of the
Child to the Defendant.
[11] Given the Defendant’s sole custody, care, and control of the Child, it
was only fair and just that the Plaintiff be granted access.
[12] At this juncture, it was essential to underscore the pivotal role fathers
play in creating a nurturing environment for their children. This
importance was significantly emphasised in the Singapore case of APE
v. APF [2015] SGHC 17. In that case, Tan Siong Thye J referred to the
enlightening article titled Contact and Domestic Violence - The
Experts ' Court Report [2000] Fam Law 615, authored by Claire,
Sturge, and Danya Glaser. This expert report illuminated the profound
impact a father can have on his child’s life, highlighting their essential
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role in promoting the child’s overall well-being and holistic
[13] Indeed, it was crucial to acknowledge that both parents play
indispensable roles in a child’s life, each providing unique, invaluable
and irreplaceable contributions. I firmly believe that access to the child
should be recognised as an inherent right belonging to the child, rather
than solely the prerogative of the parents. Therefore, any effort to
curtail the Plaintiff’s access to the Child would inherently amount to
violation of the Child’s rights.
[14] The legal precedent established in the case of Chow Sook Pheng v.
Wong Maun Hoong [2011] 1 LNS 260 underscores the paramount
importance of preserving the father-child bond. In that case, the court
acknowledged that the child’s well-being and overall development are
optimally served when the child maintains a meaningful connection
with his father. Consequently, depriving a child of the opportunity to
establish and nurture such a relationship can potentially result in
adverse consequences for his emotional and psychological health.
This perspective was eloquently expounded by Yeoh Wee Siam JC (as
she then was), in the following passage:
In my opinion, it is for the welfare and in the best interests of the children
that they spend as much time as possible with not only their mother but also
their father. Just because the parents' marriage has broken down, it does
not mean that the 3 children should be alienated from either parent. I believe
a child would develop better if he or she spends as much time as possible
with both parents. What if, at the end of the case, the Respondent Husband
is given custody of the 3 children? By then the damage would have been
caused if, in the interim, the Respondent Husband was denied of access to
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the 3 children resulting in their estrangement and discomfort with each
other. This would not be for the welfare of the children.
[Emphasis added.]
[15] Furthermore, this Court has the authority to define precise terms and
conditions within a custody order, as granted by the stipulations
articulated in section 89 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act,
which reads:
Section 89 - Orders subject to conditions
(1) An order for custody may be made subject to such conditions as the
court may think fit to impose, and subject to such conditions, if any, as may
from time to time apply, shall entitle the person given custody to decide all
questions relating to the upbringing and education of the child.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), an order for custody
(a) contain conditions as to the place where the child is to reside, as to the
manner of his or her education, and as to the religion in which he or she is
to be brought up;
(b) provide for the child to be temporarily in the care and control of some
person other than the person given custody;
(c)provide for the child to visit a parent deprived of custody or any member
of the family of a parent who is dead or has been deprived of custody at
such times and for such periods as the court may consider reasonable;
(d)give a parent deprived of custody or any member of the family of a parent
who is dead or has been deprived of custody the right of access to the
child at such times and with such frequency as the court may consider
reasonable; or
(e) prohibit the person given custody from taking the child out of Malaysia.
[Emphasis added.]
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[16] In the present case, the Defendant had put forth a series of
allegations, contending that these claims warrant the Court’s
consideration when determining the scope of the Plaintiff’s access to
the Child. Specifically, the Defendant sought to limit the Plaintiff’s
access to a two-hour window, from 10 am to 12 pm, occurring every
third Saturday of the month, with the additional condition of
supervision by the Defendant.
[17] These allegations include assertions that the Plaintiff had made
threats to abscond with the Child, exhibited rough behaviour towards
the Child, displayed neglectful parenting, and engaged in
objectionable habits such as vaping, substance abuse, and
pornography addiction. The Defendant had also asserted that the
Plaintiff has diabetes and hypoglycemia. Furthermore, the Defendant
claimed to have secured an Interim Protection Order for herself and
the Child due to allegations of domestic abuse by the Plaintiff.
[18] After a thorough examination of the pertinent affidavits, I observed
that a significant portion of these allegations were disputed and met
with denial, while the remaining claims were reasonably clarified. As
for the Defendant’s assertion regarding the Plaintiff’s diabetic and
hypoglycemic conditions, it was noteworthy that the Defendant
admitted in her own affidavit that these conditions had never posed
an immediate threat to the Child, but that her concern was rooted in
future possibilities. I found the Defendant’s argument unconvincing,
as it would be unjust to restrict the Plaintiff’s access to the Child based
on speculative fears.
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[19] The Defendant cited the alleged physical abuse as a justification for
restricting the Plaintiff’s access to supervised visitation. In my
assessment, any physical abuse that may have occurred seemed to
have been directed primarily toward the spouse, and it was
noteworthy that the Plaintiff had likewise claimed physical abuse by
the Defendant. It was evident that the interactions between the
Plaintiff and Defendant tended to escalate tensions. Even if,
hypothetically, the Plaintiff was responsible for mistreating the
Defendant, this, in fact, should provide more grounds for access not
to be supervised.
[20] The Plaintiff vehemently contested all other allegations. It was
imperative to emphasise, at this stage, that affidavit evidence, given
its inherent conflicts, cannot serve as the sole basis for deciding the
truth of the matters averred without the opportunity for cross-
examination of the makers of the affidavits. To illustrate this principle,
reference was made to the case of Diana Clarice Chan Chiing Hwa v
Tiong Chiong Hoo [2002] 2 MLJ 97, in which the following was
elucidated by Siti Norma Yaakob JCA (as she then was):
Faced with such conflicting affidavit evidence, what the trial judge should
have done was to sieve through such evidence, consider only those that
are undisputed or uncontroverted and balance these with the consideration
of what would work towards the betterment and interests of the four
[Emphasis added.]
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[21] The Plaintiff had also offered satisfactory explanations for some of the
incidents cited by the Defendant. From my perspective, the
Defendant’s references appeared to be isolated incidents taken out of
context. Moreover, concerning the Interim Protection Order, the
Defendant had failed to mention that, as of yet, no significant
developments had arisen from such protection order.
[22] In the final analysis, it was my view that the Defendant was intentionally
obstructing the Plaintiff’s access to the Child, by presenting these
various excuses. This was evident even from the outset of this hearing
when the Plaintiff’s Counsel requested an adjournment due to the
recent change in the Defendant’s solicitors. I denied such request as I
took the view that although the Defendant had the right to change her
legal representation at any time she pleased, it should not be at the
expense of the Court or of the Plaintiff. This also suggested that the
Defendant was deliberately seeking to delay the proceedings and, as
a result, further impede the Plaintiff’s access to the Child.
[23] At this point, it was vital to gain a clear understanding of the concept
behind the phrase 'welfare of the child', a term frequently invoked in
numerous cases, including Teh Eng Kim v. Yew Peng Siong, Mahabir
Prasad v. Mahabir Prasad [1981] CLJ Rep 182; [1982] 1 MLJ 189, Tan
Sherry v. Soo Sheng Fatt [2016] 1 LNS 1586, and Tan Erh Ling v. Ong
Khong Wooi [2021] 1 LNS 1325.
[24] I was also guided by the Federal Court in Sean O'Casey Patterson v
Chan Hoong Poh & Ors [2011] 3 CLJ 722, which made reference to
the Singapore case of Tan Siew Kee v. Chua Ah Boey [1987] 1 LNS
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77. In the latter case, Chan Sek Keong JC (as he then was), provided
an explanation of the term ‘welfare of the child’ in the following excerpt:
The expression 'welfare'... is to be taken in its widest sense. It means the
general well-being of the child and all aspects of his upbringing, religious,
moral as well as physical. His happiness, comfort and security also go to
make up his well-being. A loving parent with a stable home is conducive to
the attainment of such well-being. It is not to be measured in monetary
[Emphasis added.]
[25] The Federal Court in Sean O'Casey Patterson v Chan Hoong Poh &
Ors, through the opinion of James Foong FCJ, proceeded to explain
‘welfare of the child’ in the following passage:
[53] According to Halsbury's Laws of England, 4th edn, reissue (Mackay
edition), para 443 the term, "welfare principle" is a set of factors used when
"a court determines any question with respect to the upbringing of a child or
the administration of a child's property or the application of any income
arising from it, the child's welfare must be the court's paramount
consideration". In the English Children Act 1989, under the heading ‘welfare
of the child’ is a set of factors that must be taken into account when deciding
on such cases. These are for example: the wishes of the child; his feelings;
his age; his sex and his background and the capabilities of the parties
involved. Thus, this term "welfare principle" relates to certain factors to be
considered and their priority during deliberation in such cases.
[Emphasis added.]
[26] To reach a well-informed decision, it was vital for this Court to
contemplate the expansive scope of ‘welfare of the child’, considering
all pertinent factors and meticulously assessing their relative
importance. Given the distinct circumstances of each case, it was
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impractical to furnish an exhaustive catalogue of specific
[27] The Defendant had also raised concerns about the Child’s age,
suggesting that unsupervised access by the Plaintiff might not be in
the Child’s best interest, as the Child is too young. I thoroughly
considered all of the Defendant’s arguments and agreed that initial
access should indeed be supervised.
[28] However, it was important to recognise that supervised access should
not be a permanent arrangement, especially when the relationship
between the Parties have become acrimonious. Moreover, it could
hinder the Child’s ability to bond with the Plaintiff, as this bonding
process may be inhibited when the Defendant is present. Thus, in light
of the Defendant’s apprehensions about unsupervised overnight
access and the Child’s limited familiarity with the Plaintiff, I opted for a
phased access plan. This strategy was intended to facilitate a gradual
and supported reconnection between the Child and the Plaintiff.
[29] Consequently, the terms governing the Plaintiff’s access to the Child
were as follows:
a) Online/ virtual access to the Child by the Plaintiff for a duration of
up to 30 minutes, anytime between 7 pm and 8 pm on Mondays.
The Defendant is required to ensure this access without any
interruption, interference, or attempts to frustrate it;
b) Access, to be supervised exclusively by the Defendant, shall be
granted solely to the Plaintiff on alternate Saturdays and Sundays
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from 11 am to 3 pm, at a public location agreed upon by both
Parties. This arrangement shall be in effect for a duration of six
months, commencing on 6 September 2023, and concluding on 5
March 2024.
c) With effect from 6 March 2024, and extending until 5 September
2024, the Plaintiff shall enjoy unsupervised access to the Child on
alternate Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 7 pm. However,
Father’s Day and Mother’s Day shall be allocated to the respective
d) With effect from 6 September 2024, the Plaintiff shall enjoy
unsupervised access to the Child on alternate Saturdays from 10
am to Sundays 7 pm.
Whether Plaintiff was obliged to maintain the Child
[30] In terms of child maintenance, the Defendant requested a monthly sum
of MYR4,000, whereas the Plaintiff argued that MYR1,500 was
[31] It is trite law, pursuant to section 92 of the Law Reform (Marriage &
Divorce) Act, that every parent has the duty to maintain his or her child,
regardless of who has custody. The provision reads:
Section 92 – Duty to maintain children
Except where an agreement or order of court otherwise provides, it shall be
the duty of a parent to maintain or contribute to the maintenance of his or
her children, whether they are in his or her custody or the custody of any
other person, either by providing them with such accommodation, clothing,
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food and education as may be reasonable having regard to his or her means
and station in life or by paying the cost thereof.
[Emphasis added.]
[32] Section 93 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act adopts an even
more comprehensive approach by expressly outlining a man’s
obligation to provide financial support for the welfare of his child. The
provision states:
Section 93 – Power for court to order maintenance for children
(1) The court may at any time order a man to pay maintenance for the
benefit of his child-
(a) if he has refused or neglected reasonably to provide for the child;
(b) if he has deserted his wife and the child is in her charge;
(c) during the pendency of any matrimonial proceedings; or
(d) when making or subsequent to the making of an order placing the child
in the custody of any other person.
[Emphasis added.]
[33] I had decided that the Plaintiff should be mandated to provide a
monthly child maintenance of MYR2,000, and any health-related
expenses shall be covered by the Plaintiff after being consulted and
agreeing to such costs. In my view, this sum is adequate for a child of
just two and a half years old. If the Defendant believes that this amount
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is insufficient, then it is her responsibility to also share in the financial
responsibilities of raising the Child.
[34] The Defendant, on the other hand, contended that she was unable to
work due to illness. However, I found no concrete evidence to support
the claim that her health issues had hindered her from seeking
employment. At the time of the hearing, the Defendant was 38 years
old, physically capable, and fit for employment. Consequently, I could
not endorse her assertion that she required a monthly child
maintenance of MYR4,000.
Spousal maintenance
[35] Another pertinent matter for consideration was whether the Plaintiff
was obligated to provide financial support to the Defendant who had
sought a monthly spousal maintenance of MYR6,000. I decided that
the Plaintiff should pay a monthly sum of MYR3,000, and this decision
was based on the following rationale.
[36] In determining the issue of maintenance, reference was made to
section 77(1) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, which
Section 77 – Power of court to order maintenance of spouse
(1) The court may order a man to pay maintenance to his wife or former
(a) during the course of any matrimonial proceedings;
(b) when granting or subsequent to the grant of a decree of divorce or
judicial separation;
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(c) if, after a decree declaring her presumed to be dead, she is found to be
[Emphasis added.]
Whether Defendant had fulfilled her ‘means and needs’ test
[37] In exercising its discretion to award maintenance to the Defendant, the
Court is governed by the 'means and needs' test, outlined by section
78 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, which reads:
Section 78 – Assessment of maintenance
In determining the amount of any maintenance to be paid by a man to his
wife or former wife or by a woman to her husband or former husband, the
court shall base its assessment primarily on the means and needs of the
parties, regardless of the proportion such maintenance bears to the income
of the husband or wife as the case may be, but shall have regard to the
degree of responsibility which the court apportions to each party for the
breakdown of the marriage.
[Emphasis added.]
[38] To begin with, section 77(1) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce)
Act employs the term ‘may', indicating that the Court holds
discretionary power in determining the merit of the Defendant’s claim
for spousal maintenance. It was crucial to underscore that there is no
automatic entitlement for a wife to receive spousal maintenance from
her husband, particularly when she has the ability to generate her own
income and support herself independently. The Court’s analysis relies
on a comprehensive assessment of various factors, which collectively
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contribute to the Court’s decision regarding the justification for
maintenance from the Plaintiff.
[39] In assessing whether spousal maintenance to the Defendant was
warranted, I sought guidance from established legal precedents
including Dr Shameni Pillai PB Rajedran v Dr S Arulselvam Sanggilly
& Anor [2011] 6 CLJ 782, and V Sandrasagaran Veerapan Raman v.
Dettarassar Velentine Souvina Marie [1999] 5 CLJ 474. These cases
underscore the importance of considering several key factors, such as
the following:
(a) the income, earning capacity, property, or financial
resources that each party presently possesses or is likely to
possess in the foreseeable future;
(b) the financial needs, obligations, and responsibilities that each
party currently or is likely to have in the foreseeable future;
(c) the standard of living enjoyed by the family prior to the
breakdown of the marriage;
(d) the age of each party and the duration of their marriage;
(e) any existing health, physical, or mental disability of the parties;
(f) the respective contributions made by each party to the welfare of
the family; and
(g) the duration of the marriage.
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[40] The application of section 78 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce)
Act was seen in numerous cases including Sreedevi Naidu a/p T Sree
Ramalu Naidu v Eelasegaran a/l T Nadarajah & Anor [2016] 3 MLJ 26
and Koay Cheng Eng v Linda Herawati Santoso [2008] 4 MLJ 863,
where in the latter case, it was stated by Hashim Yusoff JCA, speaking
for the Court of Appeal, in the following passages:
What is needed to be decided now is the amount of maintenance to be
awarded to the wife. It is an established principle that in deciding what
amount of maintenance the husband should pay the wife, the court must
take into consideration the means and needs of the parties. In assessing
the means and needs of the parties the court has always had regard to
the duration of the marriage, whether there were any children of the
marriage, the age of the parties, whether the husband had financially
supported the wife during the duration of their marriage, the parties
earning capabilities and whether the divorce would have affected the
husband's position financially.
[26] We are of the view that with the standard and cost of living of the
respondent, the sum awarded is justifiable. We are in agreement with
the learned counsel for the respondent that the respondent is to be
placed in a position to enjoy the same standard of living as she had
during the existence of the marriage
[Emphasis added.]
[41] Reference was made also to the case of Ananda Dharmalingam v
Chantella Honeybee Sargon [2006] 6 MLJ 179, where I drew guidance
from the enlightening comments made by Faiza Thamby Chik J, in the
following passage:
Having dealt with the above facts, I will reiterate the two separate tests set
out in the LRA (one for the wife and another for the children) that must be
considered in considering maintenance for the wife and children herein. By
virtue of s 78 of the LRA set out aforesaid, the only test that this court needs
to adopt in deciding if (interim) maintenance should be awarded to the wife
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WA-24F-71-03/2023 7 November 2023
in these proceedings is the means and needs of the parties. The wife in the
application herein contends that she needs RM6,800 in maintenance.
However, the wife has not satisfied or discharged her duty to evidence that
she does indeed need this sum of money. Indeed, the breakdown put
forward by the wife at para 8 of her affidavit affirmed on 21 June 2004 does
not add up to the amount of RM6,800. Further, the matters detailed in the
said breakdown have not been evidenced by any receipts or bills or any
form of documentation or other evidence whatsoever. It is therefore my
finding that the wife has not adequately and/or properly evidenced her
needs and that the figure of RM6,800 claimed by the wife in the application
herein is an excessive and unjustified amount. the husband in this case
had been working in government service until recently. He left government
practice at the end of last year. He only began working as a doctor in private
practice from March 2004. In the circumstances, this is a husband who had
only just started out in his career in private practice.
[Emphasis added.]
[42] Section 78 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act plays a pivotal
role in guiding the Court’s decision-making process by necessitating
an evaluation of the means and needs of both Parties. This provision
ensures that the Court takes into consideration the financial
circumstances and obligations of each individual involved.
[43] While the Court should consider the conduct of the Parties pursuant to
section 78 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act, at this stage, I
took the view that delving into the causes of the breakdown of the
marriage was not appropriate, given that this Application was based on
affidavit evidence. With both Parties presenting conflicting versions, it
was imperative to set aside their narratives of the breakdown for the
time being. It is trite law that if one party makes allegations in his
affidavit, and the opposing party credibly denies those allegations in
his respective affidavit, the judge must disregard the disputed
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WA-24F-71-03/2023 7 November 2023
allegations in the absence of oral evidence or cross-examination. This
principle is supported by numerous cases such as Tay Bok Choon v.
Tahansan Sdn Bhd [1987] CLJ Rep 24; [1987] MLRA 68; [1987] 1 MLJ
433; Gan Koo Kea v. Gan Shiow Lih [2003] 4 MLJ 770; [2003] 6 AMR
459; [2003] 4 CLJ 539, and Diana Clarice Chan Chiing Hwa v. Tiong
Chiong Hoo [2002] 1 CLJ 721.
[44] In this case, both the Plaintiff and Defendant had made several
allegations against each other, all of which remained in dispute. Given
the contested nature of these allegations, it was inappropriate for the
Court to assign blame for the breakdown of the marriage at this stage.
The determination of responsibility for the breakdown is best suited for
the proper hearing of the divorce petition. Therefore, in these interim
applications, only the ‘means and needs test’ was considered.
[45] Since I took the view that the Defendant was 38 years old at the time
of the hearing, physically capable, and fit for employment, the Plaintiff’s
obligation to pay a monthly spousal maintenance of MYR3,000, was
reasonable and fair.
[46] In the upshot, based on the aforesaid reasons, and after careful
scrutiny of all the evidence before this Court, including written and
oral submissions of both Parties, the Application was allowed
partially, in that the Plaintiff was ordered to pay spousal
maintenance in the monthly amount of MYR3,000, child
maintenance in the monthly sum of MYR2,000, with all other health-
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WA-24F-71-03/2023 7 November 2023
related expenses agreed to by the Plaintiff to be borne by him, and
child access as stipulated in paragraph [26] above.
Dated: 7 November 2023
High Court, Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff – Jasvinder Singh; Messrs Asyraf, Vivek & Wee
For the Defendant – Emilia Van Buerle and Crystal Yeoh Xian Jing;
Messrs Peter Ling & Co
Cases referred to:
➢ APE v. APF [2015] SGHC 17
➢ Ananda Dharmalingam v Chantella Honeybee Sargon [2006] 6 MLJ
➢ Chow Sook Pheng v. Wong Maun Hoong [2011] 1 LNS 260
➢ Diana Clarice Chan Chiing Hwa v. Tiong Chiong Hoo [2002] 1 CLJ 721,
[2002] 2 MLJ 97, [2002] 2 AMR 1527
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WA-24F-71-03/2023 7 November 2023
➢ Dr Shameni Pillai PB Rajedran v Dr S Arulselvam Sanggilly & Anor
[2011] 6 CLJ 782
➢ Gan Koo Kea v. Gan Shiow Lih [2003] 1 LNS 440
➢ K Shanta Kumari v Vijayan [1985] 1 LNS 135
➢ Koay Cheng Eng v Linda Herawati Santoso [2008] 4 MLJ 863
➢ Mahabir Prasad v. Mahabir Prasad [1981] CLJ Rep 182; [1982] 1 MLJ
➢ Sean O'Casey Patterson v. Chan Hoong Poh & Ors [2011] 3 CLJ 722
➢ Sreedevi Naidu a/p T Sree Ramalu Naidu v Eelasegaran a/l T Nadarajah
& Anor [2016] 3 MLJ 26
➢ Tan Erh Ling v. Ong Khong Wooi [2021] 1 LNS 1325
➢ Tan Sherry v. Soo Sheng Fatt [2016] 1 LNS 1586
➢ Tan Siew Kee v. Chua Ah Boey [1987] 1 LNS 77
➢ Tay Bok Choon v. Tahansan Sdn Bhd [1987] CLJ Rep 24; [1987]
MLRA 68; [1987] 1 MLJ 433
➢ Teh Eng Kim v. Yew Peng Siong [1977] 1 LNS 138; [1977] 1 MLJ 234
➢ V Sandrasagaran Veerapan Raman v. Dettarassar Velentine Souvina
Marie [1999] 5 CLJ 474
Legislation referred to:
➢ Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 – sections 77, 78, 88, 89,
92, 93
Other sources referred to
➢ Contact and Domestic Violence - The Experts ' Court Report [2000]
Fam Law 615 by Claire, Sturge, and Danya Glaser.
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| 39,187 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-41S(A)-4-03/2023 | PERAYU NUR HAKMAL BIN SIKRI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman - s.15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 – sama ada majistret yang bijaksana telah tersalah arah apabila memutuskan pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan setiap elemen pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 15 (1)(a) ADB 1952 maka anggapan di bawah Seksyen 37 (k) ADB 1952 adalah terpakai - sama ada perayu berjaya mematahkan anggapan di bawah s.37(k) ADB 1952 di tahap imbangan kebarangkalian - kesan dan akibat kegagalan pihak Responden (pendakwaan) untuk memeriksa balas, menafikan dan/atau mencabar keterangan-keterangan saksi-saksi pembelaan berkaitan bahagian-bahagian penting kes (“crucial part of the case”) | 07/11/2023 | YA Dr Wendy Ooi Su Ghee | |
07/11/2023 10:17:36
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BA-41S(A)-4-03/2023 Kand. 35
mu/znzz mu :
mo KAD PENGENALAN nrmasvssy
m \m adalah vayuzn danpad: Pevayu Ierhadap sabrlan dan
hukuman yang |alah dualuhkan oleh mzpsuec yang buaksnn: ke alas
Perzyu padz us 03 ms wanu hukuman peniala selama mm was
(12; hulan peniara dzn 2 (shun pengawasan an bawa» Aqensx Anti
Dadah Kebangsaan selspas tzmal memalanl hukuman pememalian
m Purayu man dndakwa dw mahkzmnn flengan pemmuhan a.
hawah nsmm AH: Dadlh Earbahayz (ADE) 1952 yang
dlnyalskan sepem benkul -
'éluhawa kamu ma 19 um mm mm kunsng uuspagg Donampalm
;=e,.m mu ».;m: ms Duran Gomnam mam dasran
Gombuk, -1./am Naval! Scmwurnnru/Elvsm amp-1: knmu m-mo-nkan
mun. -1m sendm dadah berbahsya my fem: Ampwatnmma dun
Msthamphelamme he ualam bsdan kamu seman, catch an kamu Man
melukukun sum kcsalahalv ay bawan seksyen 15m(a/ Akla Dadslv
Q “Nut: W
Emmy: mm mm mm». dmukum m Dawnh nluyun «am AAII yum
ms -
[3] Pada as as 2023 Pevayu (elah dnsabn dengan kesalahan ax
bawah L1:-(«lint A135 1952 dan di;a|uhkan hukuman oleh majishet
yang hljaksanz selepas pemauan penuh
[41 Baqi kemudahan ruwkan Gan pemanaman, sl5(I)(a) ADE
1952 mamnerunmkksn sepeni belikul —
-15 Pemocnmkapadldlmnnam
(41 Mum-manlamngyang
4.; mznggums, mzvnlzmkan ksuma mmvya man may
msflylku m-mum mm § d-ngnn
sdksydn 14 n-nqnn mlmbankln hnundarvyl mm.
man: dadah bemanayi my mlelipkan ar Eahaylan
m .1... IV mm Pmama alau
Adalah betsalah alas mm kesalalcan lomadail Am
»u, an M. d»saImkan Irendaktan mam udak mun
aanpaaa Irma new man an dtkurvmun hukurmn
pm... summa mnpon mm room amm. an
mum “
[5] Secara rmgkasnya keterangan penaakman menuluukkan
51 Fan: 19.02 2020 cm 10 an pas-, um pemenkmn an
kming lelih a nun kemndap Pelayu an bawah
5/N raznufizam/wnciqfiqcuo
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm-y -mm: flnunnunl n. IFVLING wrm
(nu Ice din ocstnsy man dvmasukkan ulsh Jefl ke dalzrn jzg
minuman Pemyu hnpl pangotuhunn Fanlyu
mu selamunrm, apakah kesan flan akihal kegzgaxzn pihak
Respunden unluk memenksa balas‘ rnenafikan dan/alau mencabav
kelerangan-|ve|elangan saksrsaksi pembexaan yang mevupakan
ballzgiarvbahaglan penlmg kes ¢-cmuarpan aims case”)’I
my Ruwkan aaauan mbual kepada Kes Wong Swee cmn v pp
[19:11 1 ML! 212 m mana YAA HMP Ra}: Azlan Shah CJ1Malaya)
Ielah memmumn m mukasma| 213
‘on ma pom wound my :11 Mr: 4. . g....m ml: mu um... m
crun -xlmlrll . wmvus on - mm: pm -mm cur .m«.ma....: 2.,
in ampmm elm: wm..n tuumnny am as u wmrnun win 311
gmmr miss‘ men: are a/sa mepum as pamled cu! m me;m1gmenIo(
me Sllpiems Cowl oi New zeama m mnspan Mrmslrv V Garry
m Pmaaou my Emma m m an; Dflmgmph 1544 m. /"ma
«mm wggosl mm»; by luv 01 uclpman 1.; ma gsnnrnl
prmapls mm (Ir/um m aux: mm. will Imounl m M acupuam
at’ me witness‘: Issnmmy, wz. Mew - the story 5 um; at an
mcmdrnle or mmzncmg vharactec ar me absnsman unse: mm.
mere mum/as of amm, ar when noumel mdlcslts ma! m As
mor-Iy for Lvvwwmrvzv. sq m SM/G umn'Am.1 Mm:
sevem wltvwsxvs are cam on Me same pnml yr ,5 not a/ways
mma:m.mmx.m. mam all
(perrekznan dvtambahkanl‘
[J0] S=IIn;ulnyz_ VA HMR Auguslme Paul dalam Aynmml Halon v
Public Froucnlor [mus] 1 nu mu |elalI melunskan penggunaan
pllnslp um nu knpcdl sakii-nksi pembelzin
Q “Nut: W
‘rm: Ma would apuy WM my lame to mmonas cnllsd by m.
mm n wow 1-»... is ;=-nm.rvy In u M. .. . my an m.
,...;..<.m... :. mu. 4-hurls mu: nnvu been mm and ms
humzn mm: ,5 on we pvosecwm :9 [WW At: use D-yum
roasanamedouauvflmeeodonhe case mswuu/dlhavsinrwetlluvs .1 zvldence gm by M: as/ems witnesses ny
m. pmumlmn ». mm mmm 1». mm." ,1 came: -
Inurrvkman annmbonkml
[J1] Mzkz, henkutan has worn; svm Chin (supra) din Ayoraml
Helen (supra) kegugalln plhak penflikwaan dalam memevlksa bakas
saksl pembelaan nemang hallagizn peming kes akan Ienumlah
kepada penerimazn kelerangan saksl tevssbul pa ls//we ro cmss
sxamms a defence witness on s crucialpan af me case mu amount
to an accepranoe onne wrmesss Ieslrmunyj
[321 Plhak Resnonaen lelah memjuk kepada kes Khee Thulu sap
V Publlc Pmuclnor mm A ML! 651 yang mans Mahkamah
Rlyuan telah msmutuskan oaruwa -
(as) m mabuioa cm amnmg Swen cm. V mm
Pmmcumrnmnd u my mu m... g . amm ml-1 mu mm m
msmamms . mm» onammmpanulhacase wtflamounlm an
Jnwplincdafmr wvmlssstashmony Timlixaboulal/, mlryagenezal
rule /: Inflows mmugn max 2 mm ram. lo omssvxannna is sum
doe: m rrecusmnfy mm ma! .1 mus! be men as new mxamod
Ewufly mam m crrwmnmcex whom VI-lwt m cm‘: mm: dun:
nu! rmocxsarv1y mean the! advwsa mfurnncas mun be drawn as .
matter a( course Rather we pvunel zpmacn Is that me mull maxi
nzcesunly undenakz a careful evaluarmn or (he tmamy or me
smsnov In em m usmmm. mo ¢‘09una1 Ind wasghl nl Mn
am raznufizam/wnciqfiqcuo
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm-y -mm: flnunnunl n. IFVLING wrm
[:31 ampun danman, dl bawah dnkmn stale A1ectsrs.n1ahkamahrm
masm tenkal oxen kepulusan kes Mahkamah Pelsekuluzn dz\am
Wang Sun Chm (supra) yang sehmgga Ke han mu masm new
mkelep an Malah kes Wong Swee Chm (supm7 xemp dtmjuk aan
auenmanaxax (apnnem selllngga ke n mu, rmsalannya uleh
Manxamah Persekuluan ax dalam Kes Vusvl bin Flalml v Pondakwa
Raya[2|)1(7] rauu 5:5 dan uleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam lskandav
Zullnlmnln bln Zolkilly v Puhllc Fronculov 120221 2 IIILJ 512.
[:4] Eerlandaskan plmswp-plnnslp am yang mgnnskan damn Wang
Swu cum (luprl
pambelaan sm darn sue khasnya zdalah |=n|ann kewujudan dan
Pevbualan Jew Dalam naaa mu. kemanan mm Rewondun
menankan dan/a(au mencahar keleranaan sm flan so: new.
Ienurmah kevadz venerimzan keberlarzn kfleranganrkelevangan
hahaglan panlmg flnlam kamangan saksl
[35] Justem flu‘ adalah aapavan davalan mahkamah im hahawa
max ada kepenuan unluk Jen aupanggu nagv menaesankan
pemualannya nu Maka, ha hicala Iek-ah cemunav apama
memuluskan Kelerangan snz mengenal lakta W adalah rekaan
semaza-mam pembelam dan Is lldak neman bevlaku
memandzngkan Jen mu (ampfl mengesahkannya
[as] Juga, mamandzngkan max ada keperman unluk pembelaan
mem-ngsu Jen sehagau saksl pembalaan. man kegigalin
pembelnan memanggH ml mu akan memhangkllkan Vnletens
menenlung a. human .114 muzflan 1;.) Aids: Ketzrangan 1950 (AK
1950) men nu. muhkamah m. hersehuu dengan pmak Pevayu
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; flwulnlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
nanawa haklm Imam Ie\ah lerkrmal apabnz rnanggunapikai
arlggzpin di bzwah 5 114 mualan my AK 1950 lerhadap pambellln
ax alas kefiiaalan memanim! M sebiaan saksl pemnexaan
[371 Selaniumya, adzlah dapalan mahkamah W bahawa snz
seding menjalznl hukumin pememamn .1. Peruam Kajang semasa
hehau hadir di mzhkamah sehagaw saksu pembe\aan Tempah
nukuman pememaraannya new akan berlalan aan lodak akan
dlpendekkan hlarplm behzu memberi ketevangan yang mammak
Kepada Pevayu Oleh nu, adalahdapaum mahkamah nu bihawa Udak
ada keperluan snz unluk bemual demlluan
[sax Dan non kawarangan‘ lelas memmjukksn snz membenkan
mevangan lenlang apa yang bellau nampak dan lahu sahap Ianu m
bailau narnpak naman lalaklnyi Jen membubuh me an scsvncy ke
dilnm jag mmumm (enebul Ianpn pengelnhuan Pemyu dan on
Fevnyu my. mbemzhu lanhngnya smepas hellau memmum
mmurnan (eviebul
my Kegagalan plhak Responder:/pendnkwann un|uk menafikan
dan/alau mencabal sm Ienlang bahaniambahagwzn penling kes.
telah Ieviumlah kepada nenenmaan kelevangan snz hahawa Perayu
telah memmum din 1:9 mmuman Iarsebul «anpa penqalahuan ya
menaanaunm rm Gan ecsrasy.
my Bsrdzsarkan alasanalasan yang dlnyalakan .1. alas, adaiah
dapalan mahkamih Im hahawa Fetayu «em neqaya Iuematahkan
anggapan m hawzh s 370:) ADE 1952 m tahap imbangan
kehavangkahzn Dzlam Dada nu, namm mam Aelah xzrkmlaf apawa
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad a my .. mmm -mm; fluulnunl n. IVMNG Wm!
memuluskan pmak Responder: |elah Denaya mamnukmkan kes
mehmpauw keraguan munasabah (erhadap Pevayu an hawah 515(1)
(a) Akta yang sama
my Juslelu nu‘ manuamah Im membenarkan rayuan Pevayu
Sahllan Perayu dmavakan, lmkuman dIke|ep\kan uan Perayu
dubehasksn flan auenaskan uanpaaa pefluduhan an bawah s 15{1)(ay
ADE 1952
Berlankll pada 2n Navember2023
(VA. DR. wsunv I su GHEE)
Fesurumaya ehaklman
Mahkamah Tmgm Shah Alam uenayan 5;
Pendakwaan Puan Mary Phoan Keal Mae, nmnavan Pendakwa
Raya danpada Kama! Penasmzl Undang—Um1ang
Negev! Selangcr
Feguambela Dam‘ Haviharan Tara Singh dan Au mum Hocng
aaupaaa TS.Hanharan 3. Partners
am razM1R21<aNNDCI-zfiucuo
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad a my .. am.“-V -mm; fluulnunl n. IVMNG Wm!
“Nun: sm.‘ , .. mad w my ». mmm -mm; fluumlnl n. IHLING Wm!
lugasan ‘Ops Blue Dew!’ Kenna disyaki Ier|iba| dalzm
penyzwangunaan daflah. Una" Ielsehm lelah dua\ankan
nleh ASP Mchd Sofia" bin Kasudin (SP2) bersama
aengan Knl Mohd Syafizal bin RAdzuan(SP1jdan DlKpl
mam Azahan dan Eahaman snsarxn Jenaysh
Narkcnk urn Gumhak. Sebelum pemeliksazn an kencing
mjalankan‘ Perayu man dlmaklumkan (emzng Ialacara
pengamhflan air kennlng m hzuzn Permian Telap Kelua
Polls Negara rm Kemuman Petayu |eIzh mengambwl
saw 117 bungkusan plasllk bevseal yang bum um 11;
balul Imn Numbov Sm sNAnn251ao(“maI unn menu:-;
(Eksmbu vac)
selamuunya, svz belsama—sama DlKpI M6473 Ielah
menglringl Perayu unmk manuapaman sampel an
kencmg .1. Karma: an Pqahzl Narknnk IPD Gombak
Namun, Perayu hanya dapal kencmg sednkk sahaga ke
dalam mm mm (ersehul Fevayn kevnudlannya xe\ah
marahkan menulup hzllk botnl unn |ersehu|flan mengnkul
SP2 halik ke Iuang regar Fegahat Nirkohk mu Gomlzak
u. Sana‘ Perayu mhzflknn av: Coway umuk dimmum
Sepamanu man mm mm lursebm dupagang oreh
Palayu. Selepas 15 mlrm, 5P2 hevsama-same DlKp|
«em ukali Vagl mengwmgv Pavayu ke dalzm «mas
din Pnrayu beriiya marluii aw kencmg ke dalam halal
unn msebux aehmfiua cukup cam izbelum dnarahkan
menulup semula bowl unn lersebul
Pevayu kemudlan dlavahkan membawa am an kencmg
lersebul ke meja pengufl GI many legar maoan Nammk
5/N razmkmzwwnciqfiqcuo
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. WWW -mm: flwulnlnl n. mum wrm
IFD Gombak Du ma‘ sn (alah menpalankan upan
temafllp simvm an kenclng dengzn menggunakan s
‘ems lest smp yang dioelup secava sarenlak xe denim
samDE\ air mu‘-In dflam bmcl unn msebul an haaapan
Pevayu Hasu wan amapaci lest smp Arnnlvetamms dan
Memmuhetamme adalah pwm
Selanjmnyn SP2 lelan mammemkan halal um |evsebul
dnngnn seal mm flan can pols: sen: manqmkln
mildumil Favlyu sabelum kedul-dua Perayu din SP2
manandalsngam (11 ill: halal unn (arssbul
Perayu flan mm mm hxsehut |eIah dlserahkan kepada
pegawal penyiasa| lnspek1ovMohd Syazwan hm Mamm
(spa) besena Boning semn Tenma Enlang Kes (F5)
Dada 19 n2 2020 @ n 45 pagl
mas 2a 02 2020, spa telah menghamar bowl an
Kenning (ersebul Ke pegawau salns kwma hayal, sunau
bmu Adenan (SP4) a. Jahatan F-magi Hospital Kuala
Lumpuvunmk dlanallsws Hasllanalxsws apalvssmpelalr
kerlclng Pevayu mengandungn man ;emsAmphelam1ne
dan Merampflelarnme mm dadah yang tersenaval an
dalim mum Panama Bahaglan 3 ADE 1952
Puhak Perayu lelah memvenwlmkan bahawa
up hada Iangkipin dnhum Iemadapnyn sebelum ujlan
nnngan man an kanmrlg dllakukan kn alas hahw.
my mun pen.
mengwkul pmsedur.
an air kencmg Iidak dualankan
5/N razwkzsamrwnciqfiqcuo
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm: flwulnlnl n. IVMNG wrm
(my keraguan paua memm barang lvls flan puhtsnyz
rantman ketelangan berkanan pengenflillavl
bamng keslevsebul. dan
my Feguw FenyxaIal1SP3)gagaIuntuk mamalankun
slasamn seczra sempums
[6] D. akhu kes pendakwaan, maustlel yang bnyaksana berpuashan
ballawa pinzk penaakwaan (elah henaya membukuxan senap
elemen penuduhan dw bawah Seksyen 15 (may ADE 1952 maka
anggapan m bawah Seksyen 37 no ADE «ssz adalah |erpakaI
Invhzdap Perayu Dalam pads nu‘ maflsltm yang bxjakuma
mendapau Responder: |elah hanaya memuuxnxan kes puma lama
xurhndap Perayu den Fevlyu dipanggl Imtuk membela dm
m Perayu Celah memmn unmk memben kmevangan secala
bevsumpan flan memanggll secrang lag! sebagal saksx pembelaan
um Denlen Tan 51 E21 ¢sn2)
la; Secava mvgkas. pembelaan Perayu ada\ah pads 19 02.2020 @
mo pagi Pelayu Ae\ah pelgl e sebuah kelab di Jalan Puflu m seas
pelamaan kawannya bemama Jefl dan Ieman wznnanw aI|u snz
D1 sana‘ Perayu lelah dlmdangkan dengan ;ag mnmman [us mangga
(mmuman Iersebmj yang mpesan «enemn dahnlu o\eh Jail. Perayu
Ielah memlnum nan jag mmuman leisebm Se(e\an Perayu rmnunn
ham snz memberilahu Pevayu hanawa sehenzmya Jeff |elah
membubuh we den scslasy ke dalam ;ag mxnuman |ersebm sebelum
5/Nraz Rmmrwnciqi one
“Nun: ‘¥‘;.n...n.Mn.,.JimMn....m.ny.,nnm..“.n.n..nune Wm!
kexubnn Pnvayu .1. kelah msenm Femyu betas: man?! my mus
helhenll mmum dun yag rmrluman |erubu| Pad: mm mm kuvlng
2.30 pm Perlyu |alIh barvdnv um Kaleb telsebm flan samhung
bnkavja a1 urn Gombik
[51 Du akmr kes pemhmaan‘ majlslrel yang bqaksana |e!ah
memuluskan Pevayu gagal memavahkan Inggapnn a. bawah s cmk)
ADE I952 dv unap Imblngln kebarnngkallm Dalam pada Ilu. pmak
Rupmdan man bunny: mamhukukan kas melirrlpim kevisluan
rmmasahah cemmp Pevayu dv blwah - 15 (1; (n; An: yang mm:
Pmayu le\ah dilablkin dangan kenlahan din ananunkan hukum
[In] Termlan dengan kepumsan mausnet yang buaksana, Perayu
lelah mem1aHkzn Nalrs Rayuan Dad: 10 03.2023
[111 Elarpun Pavayu |e\ah mamvaukan Felisyen Rlyuan bmankh
oz 05 202: yang rvwnyalakan dun puluh um (21) nlasnn, namun,
me miss pandengaran rayuan Inn, pmak Pevayu hanya
rnembanglulkan dun :2; wsu ulamz dz dalam rayuannya » up
pencemaran mum aw xenmng Perayn dan (u; Pevayu nem-
meminum mmuman iui mama (‘mmuman Kersebufy yang new.
dnbubuh roe dam scslssy lanpa pengexanuan beliau
[121 Se\an]umya‘ paaa han pzndzngaran Iayuan ml wga, pmak
Perayu |eIah menank ballk tsu panama flan nanya benumpu kepada
xsu keoua sahma
5/N razmbuuzwflnciqfiqcuo
“Nun: sum .. mod w my .. wwmlhly mm: fluuunlnl y.. muye mm
my Oleh yang demlkizn, dapalan flan kepulunsn mahkamah dalim
rayuan Im adahh bevkanan denqan isu keduz sahaja la\||A Ferayu
lelah memlnum mmumin (srseom yang man dvbubuh ice dan
ecslasyianpa pengehanuan nenau.
my S:|e\ah menehl alasan pmgnamman, note kelevangan sena
|=enghu;ahan keduadua plhak Pelayu dan Responden sena
bevgznflmg nengan ma Asu penoemavanconmh anrkenclng Pevayu.
adalah uapanan mahkamah Am bahzwa kepulusan hakwm mar-
aauxan new spatula memmuskan Responden |elah beqaya
membukllknn kes puma vaaa den m:mzmggH Peruyn mambala Gm
[151 Tlmblhan pma‘ pembelazn Pelayu hanya berlumpu kepafla
kelelangin hnhma bellau (ehh memmum flan jig mmumantelsebm
(anpa mengetahm mlnuman (ersebut Mal: mbubuh res dan acsllsy
[151 Memandaugkan kes pnma facfe telah dibuktikan aleh
Respunden. Deban adalah xenemax :11 new hahu Perayu unluk
mematahkan anggzpan m hawah s37(k7 ADE 1952 an tahav
rmbangan kebarangkahan demi mempevalem pembehasan dan
pelepasan dan pertuduhan «emaaapnya.
[17] Sehagzw pembelaan, isu kedua Ielah mnangxnxan Iaflu Periyu
zeran memmum mmumzn lersehul yang telah dihubuh rue dan
ecszasyunpa pengezanuan beHau. Parayu Ielah memanggn omen
Tan Si Bex senagm suz manakaxa Perayu sendm lelah member:
kamangan sebzgaw sm
5/Nraz Rzmmwvnciqi one
“Nut: '33.‘ nlnblrwmbuu‘LdIx:vvlVyIn1unvmIhIyM1ms a.,..n.m..mNe Wm!
nu] Dmam pad: wm, permalnrmya adalah adakah kelerzngan sm
dan sm dapal memalahkzn anggapan m bawall s am; ADB 1952
m Iahav mmanuan kabararlslkiharfl
m1 Du vayuan x '.
Demheiaan adalah —
1:) Jag minuman Ievsehul Ielah mpesan uleh Ieman \e\ak\
dalam bahaglarvbahaqwan penfinn kas
snz yang bemama Jeff sebslum Perayu sampal dz kelah
we dan ecszasyiamu dadah berbahay: lelah aumasuxxan
Ke damn Jan mlnuman lersebul oleh Jefl Yanpz
pengetanuan Perayu,
(ni) Jag mmumzn lelsebul welsh dlbenkan mans Pevayu:
my Perayu lelzh mervwwm mmuman lersehul yang
mmanakan dafl nag minuman lersebul
1'bIlug|In—hnhngl|n plnllng kn mum-y
my Ketavangamkelevingln lavlabul Ielih amenkan meh suz Mu
amen Tan s. Bex nlaku Ieman wanna Jew a. penngka| kes
[211 Biavpun Jeff tidak diganggn memben kelerangan dw mahkamah
sernasa perbvlaan‘ namun soz man fllpanggll sebagaw saksw
psmbelaan Marah SD2 lelih member! ketevangan mam bellau
senmunampauen memhubuh dadzh ‘ems we dan scstacy Ke damn
;ag minuman Iersebul lanpa Dengekahnan Perayu. SD2 |elah
bettanya kenaaa Jeff Muan bellau bemual aenuman Alaszn yang
dlbeukan aleh Jell adalah supaya Perayu baleh '9/'yoy“dan ‘happy
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; flwulnlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
no/2W" sum Juan Isa mmuman lerisbul pma dvnzsan leriebih dahulu
nleh Jen dan bukarmya oleh Perayu
[221 Rujukm adalah dibuat kepzda mukasural 152 Reknd Rayuan
2(a) semasa vemenisaan utima SD2 Dsnfen Tan sr Bel.
u suave: kumz mm mmumm -pa rum mm mm mn
A sm bayfvnnd m llruk nu/us mm-go nu m um acusy -in/um
Mu malwo/us
0 mm Inn
A Mam mm»:
a la my mncam mm #5 mm 1.. kn alauuun Ann
A Eukan m am, an m. hlsw dmn
a suumuvw semasa kamu nampak boymend mm. cammn
mmumuv muvgwus lusebm mg” -ndm mm’. aaxkahkamu
A saw nzmp-ax
o m: we mm." kumm kumu m-am
A son Amy: mm m mm mscnm nr mam: clmvur mm mu
dalam, ma kale unnm man ken kawarv says nu dalanv enjoy my
n.,.,,,.;.aa;=v mu
0 Semasa nuymem kamu bum camwr, campmsn mm Ascsebul
dnllm mngom mmm Innu ». mm
A rank:-Im
ms} nu. keleranaan saw an. snz, samemarmnya mdlvidu
bemama Jefl adulah seounu mu sewn mm In: Idalah kerana
memmll pmzk pembelaan. Jefl zflalah orang yaw membubuh we
5/N /azrmkzmzulwnciqfiqcna
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my a. mm; mm. flnulnunl n. -Hum; wrm
um acsrasy we swam .ag mmumnn Perayu vanpa pengecanuan
mu Saczvi amny ‘ Dihak naswndan/p-naaxwm Ida mennabarl
mumperflkiukan kuleringan-keienngnn sm Gan sm semis:
pemenksaan balas Namurl‘ uihak Rnvenden/vendakwaan wax
mencabar I mampemkaxkin mavan «max menaman keszhman
hahaglan-bahaglan pemmg kes lersebm sebagalmani yang
dIIIya|akan di alas
[251 Sepanjang pemeviksaan bales sm dan suz, pmax
Responder:/pendakwaan max peman menafikan nemang kewumdan
mumau yang bemama Jefflm Fmak Respnndenlpendakwazn juga
max pemah memzdangkan hahawa Jew mm: rekasn semina-
[25] Sebagai bandmgin. pnux Responden/pendakwaan telah
mencldangksn bnhawa cams pembelaan Iznlnng Knperzl Jal darn
Snuan Helm! mengmsap mkok peusamauma Pevayu dw vanau
aaaxar. vakzan Iemalrmili[5i|I\Iha|mukIIura|195 Rskod Rnyum
[211 Jun: separuana nemenksaan halas soz‘ Dmak Resvunden I
pendzkwaan tmak pemah menafikan dan/aizu mencabarkelerangan
so: hahawa —
m Jag nwwman letsebul dvpesan oleh Jefl:
no me man ecslasylekah dimasukkan oleh Jeff ke dalam pg
mmumzn Fcrayu
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mod w my .. wrwmlhly mm: fluulnlnl n. JMNG mm
| 2,132 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-A72NCvC-4174-06/2023 | PLAINTIF TETUAN RANIZAN ABDULLAH & ASSOCIATES DEFENDAN MOHD ZULHAFIZI BIN ABDUL KADIR | Order 14 Application allowed. Notice of appeal filed on the basis that the filing of the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim is premature following the provisions of Section 126 Legal Profession Act 1976 and the deponent does not have personal knowledge of the Affidavit in Support of the Order 14 Application. Protection for solicitors under Section 124 Legal Profession Act 1976. | 07/11/2023 | Puan Sangitaa a/p Subramaniam | |
07/11/2023 11:03:47
WA-A72NCvC-4174-06/2023 Kand. 23
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HA»A72m:vc—u7a—u5/2023 Kand. 23
mm/znu 11:03-:17
m mi umarnn: counr AI‘ «um LIJIIPHI
:24 ms rsosm rsuuumnv, muvsu
msssxs nuuzua Asnuum mu ASSOCIATES
[Sling .. . rm; . Pumrlrr
mum zuuurlzl am new; um: .. nsrsnnlwr
uoam on
m Tm: u the daemon av me cowl m aflmmng Inn P\ammVs apoflcanen var
summary yudgmoul pursulnl In cm 14 am. 1 3! m: was ac Calm 2012
Thu Cxzun .um.« we awht.-tum mm mm of Rm man no Yhe reasoning
behmd this Can!!! dmnun .s dolwbaamton um um mnxmw
{2} Bxlcally‘ me namws dam .5 nu ma mramng sum M mmuo
qouxsxanam Sum! rm Vega! suvkzs renueren to me Defmflzm lm purwmg
‘.9: men igmns| an Vmuunna mmny my damages vdalaa |n . mad
autvdc-ul mvuwmg m. n.«u.san: (sorvlcn)
sm vwsnnmmzsxswnauaew
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[31 Aoconimg ta me munnn, ma S-ervuxs nave been grown lo (M nu-new
nwluml m . Wurunl w an and 1 nu ma uulyukrsowmdgm ms nlgr-n
mm. wemm Tm Sum:-I nmvudsd wvl mmmunlulod u (M new-n
..1 cm Mal anon um hry m. maminm bench mm Del-vrdim haw been
pvleanlsd m the ‘mam m sunpan of us» Fummr: cm: «A Aaptmalfim
:41 Ahnet uamuamng out me oummm Sum nanrmod herewuh
No hem Owl
1 Pmfeumvw Fee 10? on RM5,wono
Is/01/znmnuzsoooo) ‘
2 Yvlnlporuflun and cum amsnooo
mausemm. ‘
3 vnmmun Fax Ydepmn: mzsauo
. Mmm:..,... mam ‘
‘ i Yum mayo an
ssv ass ‘ mm 4»
Your Ohilvs nmmmg ssv muss u)
5 ‘msgam Rmum
a Wnldsc-mum: Rmnann
; |'Vv~A7:Iu—1IM:rzn1:)
7 Medn>i\RIpoII|HUKM)2x Rmonou
sm vwsnmnmzsxswnanaew
% “Nan: sm-1 .. U... w my .. mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
The com puusal av me Deflsnuanfs Afinnvm m Rwy m ngpolng ma
npnmon m Endcnme Ecnly mvulad m.
I) ‘Say: mevujuk xepnqn nlvmggzl 15 mm: 22 mm Sekangan
V-r-but an man -myuuun mm Mmhh ml Iaonhm .1...
hr1lu\lv-wldln Imamrnyu anal-umn’
mma nu ocac ammmuvsm; am: an rnowx waxznne sun
sun 1202:: 1 LNS134,ItvI Cum mop-u Me n Voflwa.
mu) m umui Vmpurunu .4 pm... mu m. cm u. 5. mm by In «W
mmun ohm plndmgl Mme maul. hm I7-In llnnhlnufl many: mm kw
mm mums! rnnnmnuilvssnls at am awwmly We used my Mar tau
reievanl usages Wm my Mu remmay mm deusmns mm. ape: Conn
on um. mm
mm». IM Faaem Own fleasmn m am am -11 em zuswzzmms a.
oousmucnous sou sun V vs» ens: sine a sons sou sun 1.
mm: |1m5} Icu 5:7‘ mama Mlllruum cus.a.nss.v.»..xm.x. cm
mum mm Ima-
1421 mm m .. mu. 1-wmuuna pllmml w. bound hy M: own gmmmga.
(SM a Run: Clnndmn ». !nfluI1nIVOwrIwt Mn"... I ma (19911 1
cu mm [mm 1 MLJ us. Amalaw Ammal I my . Abdul Kzveevn
[ma] 1 mswssayc M|J22:Gm\sI¢mCarp(M)SdnEm&hmrv
mow Vnsurancuh Sun and [1951] < cu :23‘ [men cum») m2.
neon 1 MLJ 3422 sc Jm cm Kn V Lain Sena VeK[I987]1 cm :94,
|<eoncu1Ran)uc2,KEP Mm.m.a Mnv xzp »m.m hma 11 sea}
I ms 4w[1vs1]2MLJ to re)
Yha piaammnnol wmmad lalmpmvluu pbmflmg w. my amarmannir
ulhuv mm by my of an mmcanm (0 An-nu 012...»... m wwld ..
uma. and Dltwdwaal ha me a.¢.« m we nlamw we new be
sm vvmnmxmzsxsmwnanaew
«mm. 5...‘ .. HIQG w my .. mm-y mum. flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
aflmaed us ms: an Ismn that we: run am the aonlemplalmn cl me
p.m.. m um. [um 53!»:
(371 me cum mvuw also found Ihal Ihae wax m appllcilmn med hy ma
Dcvanuum I. nrnsnd m. dflsnu mar ma Amm m A-my Io Inn PM mu
lvlmullun m Enaoun e
[:5] 1m ms we was my mused by me mmsam m In wnnen submssvms
m mm mm! m I»: Ddendanfi pleaflmgs nor nmmwu u .. mmdura m
iflaerlhvufihl mu: clnml n. aw cu. eomaaeauou by an Own
[asl Band on ma emu»: vaasnns and an . b.I\:m>I m nnohawmn. mm Conn
ms Ina! me Puamms am ngamll ma Dttarudanl vs slmgnlln/ward ms <5 3
umr-mums: cu payvmnl Mme Semoesleoaered Ynaeare nu Inib\eI:sn=s
mm mu . mu m:
[40] Amammgy aim czeiul 5:/ulmy and judvnnus mrmmzulmn m 3!! mt
ends/ua was Ms l:<>ur|. mammg IM mm and oral mmswns av am
plruu mncomx VI nusfiod out I»: nmnam rm am no run my mum
Issues nr delanm to dilaal ma namm dam to: . s«rM\lVY Audalnum
am 7-‘ Nmnmbcr ma
s:-ucmu up suamumun
Maawsmale Own A town
sm vwmnmnmzsxswnanaew
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
mnuvrs Sehcmov mm Amwr ma am Main Fatal
[M-an mmzm Aanuum A ASSGCIAYESI
Delendanfs Sohmuv s=m..m.uL Sudhakaran
fielunn s samsssm 3 co}
sm vwsnnmmzsxsmnanaew
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
‘Emergency’ Dept on
-onmnudlcs ms: nu
[51 me mmm omnandnd that mm mm: urns‘ the Ddlenflanlmled m sellie
Inning! ms darned by AM Fwmnana rad never mspnnded m nnrflwulld
(m Now. at Du-vunu mm was 2:12: an! not name am 19¢ um Sovwmn
pmvidnd by I». Piamufl
la! n. mm» mm mbmnufl man In: Ouhllndrng Sum. rumnml due -no
Piyihh an! (M Deleodunl nu mdflsmx on mm
m P/MM‘: Eontlnbun
m mes: are Inecmnlanhuni bylmflamlnfflcv Ilvexunwvlarywogmom apmaum
1:) Due Delemam has byway ala Wananna mam 7111 am agreed
In Ippoim the Devmdani n In meta lur um Sewmes.
4:» The namm ha: at an malenm Imus woman Samoa: no me nevemm
an - bun: Me an Inn In: an let sundae: Ms Ilsa bust mruln me
nmmm but a.. Ddhmilnl Mum In m-kt viymtnl nu III Srwxu
m m a-v-mm was an Rm an 40 m In Fhmil m In Samm-
.na mm. buulmma fmmmn sum». Inn Dnlumml mm mm. In
nuke naymem m an Panw anev emu, of so am mam mu am 5!
moam at me Mm: of Demand am ml my Servwai:
Ia) ma ddamanl has no menlunausdvfvxx name Plainlms flavm
sm vwmnmnmzsxsmvnanaew
% «mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
m nuumm Contevmun
[3] In apposmg me Plamwx npphmnnn my summary puuanlnl‘ me ueaenaam has
mum on me Vulhwnng gwmdi
(ay Ina\ Ihe Mfidzvnl m Suppun av me my 14 Aammm mnncn he
adrvunsa was one Mr Rznnzn, ma paruler m Ina Plumlm was am
now mo nu momx ummugu -11 m. oummunnoulan win the
Defleudnnl m cm max on dupcnenl. M1 Amml Fdnq ogposed me
mam m supm M me one 14 flumnznon wmtaw :11 Mr Ramzl
hnnylhe xad Amdwlm Suppomnbo In: cnlegovyofnealsny ewdenn:
Mame u wan: to be Ieje-am
my mat ms Plamws anion .n «mg Im-wman Snmmtxvs and IN Slaemenl
av cum .. pmnlmra ; m. Devmdunl has a mum lmm me man: .11
dclwvy mm mu tn nu. pnlmn ho -mu um um: ‘(MI can only be
dun: mu monm um veoexpl e! we hm Tm s wnulh: puma c... mt
m me! (he Devendanl same. (:2 KEY ma Plalnhll I01 Ina Somcns hweven
he .5 only mum m Day a vasunibla amoum commensurate wuh me
semms Ixnwmsd.
«:1 mm In: Plmmniaund In pmvnde sanslaclnnysemtes m In wemum
mm: nu ma mam": In lamnnlz in mm. x.~.c..
muvsus AND rmoltes
Lut an wmmaiwuogment
[21 The xaw an sulvlMVY iuugmm ws mu TM waH4sI:H-shad wow nnnavia
appmsme m upphcalwni (or summary juflmserfl have been durly and
umressw dchberaled as pmvldad bysVJ|4M'Y hwwlonsand Headed uses u
u my m pmn Ind mum: uxel max remune would be man In xummlly
pmeen mu OHM <4 MI1 of an R01: 2012 The P1-mun mus! new he
pnmary muwenums m in Apwumm om summary wdnrvwnl.
sm vwmnmnmzsxswnanaew
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
mu 4.. In: 1:21:01 mom m V. 0:21 mm mm a 2 O:s[IYBI]1MLJ 232‘ mu
Fnderu awn ma mm mm .1: 1». Isms In dur now we mm m
nub me. on D: mma anon nr-1 far my lama!-¢ was re um um. I: no
mm mm. Amsum Rugmrar or mlmdw m cnenum, an Iw m.:m.»..
(In: malt mlrlnordail win the whole mallarurm-rm: Rsc a 14pIuLv¢UN'
m1 TM prwwfllmns by In: Ipmncannuul mmnlry mmuu wire mm m we
use m Nalnnal Cmvmany for may trade V Km Rays saw. and [1934] 2
Mu 300 me Federal Com held um
‘Far the purposes of MI uppmmm mm Omvr 14 me aretmmary
. The nefwmm mud haw: anmsd an appearance.
M Ma ammamavmm. must have bun sonad on ma dafendam, and.
m rm mm» H mppafl 34 m Aophcnlm mm eamw Mn 1».
rvqunmlnlt mm. 2 nllhl may 14 -
n 21 mg Fcouvi cm allc Ma II-at
-11)/«ma um» /Ii: ta um «km! :1 mi: oonuvrihann, mo mmmom
may :2. amma rmowwsr, mm mmnms ... m..r.a. mu pvuwar
will have mmsneua pm» ran. as: and he comes smiled l'fl1Il!19'VIent
The burden men slim: to ma defmdanl m sandy we cam my mgmem
rhauldnnlbd gmrv -gum mmlseao m Jnndlflfi‘
[13] ms once ma mmaty leqmlaneuls nave bun sanuua, we mean when
imks m the De.4mdnn| tn uxmy rm cowl on me adslewe Ma mam: me
man mmu . mm no my man!-«ml mum run he ml-mt nglmu w
[:4] In Ims use. me mmmv nu sauiflad me mm by Mmlmg me pmzummuns cl
m -puuufxon lav wmmnrypungmsnl u pvuwflnd an: my Drdav u Run 2 of
m. Roc 2:712
sm vwmnmmzsxswananaew
«mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
[151 m Detemmnl mind a puflmnary onpqxm m me nagmm-5 Alfidnvn m
Rnmyxna nu um. uapenm mmm . -M-b1I\nuI\n Im nu-nnuvr:
wnflarl Iubmumu my own uddvnsn mu mu: .. Im! Emma: niludilvum
on me gyms: :11 n being «mm: as a Dual: mm Mae, me mun same.
max :1 .s at me mew ma| the mm m suwurlal the apwmnnn of me P1iml:N
mlvuhns wall the rswuervenls cl Ru: 2 ul om. M
[151 Cousequenlly, Inc m-nun nu -uzwsmu a prime ran». use and .5 ennled no
. summary judgment l'ha4e1me_ ch: mam has mwunm In line Ddvndavl
la prov: um mm V: n. animus A71 a llama ssua mum wavvanls a Ina!
mm. /sues
[171 Once me Plzmhll has astzbhihed 3 mm lane use and Dunn: ennhed In
1lu|uogmuvuhe mun men mm In In: n.«=m.m In xrnwmmmmevz mam
Mun has Mm rmsed wm uwuhlulns . mabte Vswl wu Havana an lb: has
a. In-1-w mm from e-at use a mum: ».. mm-nu: {mm m. cm
(see Bunk «aw. Mllylav Mnhdlunyd 50ri|1991| 1 ML! my
[15] m Dnfandanl m Mnwnllm Submnumnl Ewunluru 15 run nuflnnh mm.
mu PM 2.-ms nmardma um. o.«.m...m.
a Wnemu a depurrznl n deposa amams an benallal . oanner of me mmm
any“: um um»; mama Ihe pmmws meme .m...q~smn.....~1
a. V5 me nmm lcuun m mg ma wm of Summons and Slalemau M Claim
pruvlaluvl gven max me wemm has a mm mm m. dun mammary of
um am he filo - mm In nun [HI mm ["lu:-znd mun
sm vwmnmmzsxswananaew
«mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
Fm Issue
Anawsws ul me Call
[20] ‘Mm mgurvu Io mu F: \ Vswn mm by (M um-ms-n, u .. mm u a
pldmlnarynmedmnm Inn D11-ndul sunaamz m Replyar\dasaInah\m::ue
m m aaeanaanrs wnmen sabmssm we mm aims-n lms Anus m an
gvounvs ov pdgman an we mums: or .: bemg named as a Imam: Issue
[211 m D1-Aumzm m;o<asm1Mhedepone«lo4Ihe vmmwuwmam uni Mum!
Anww Fzhq am Mom Paw has nu aumnnly In dlpou um um amoavlls I
[221 The wsmanrs cmnsa mm m. (an max ms depanem av me mam m
Suppofl «n he om u appumon had admmed max apnrlnenn lhe nmmn.
Mr Ruuun Md mm-numulad Mm Inn an-mnnnnmnvm. Mv amp" has
pIvImI.I\ mmaau am. mu-pp wnvers-luau Indnwd m Ila Amnmx m
Supnnfl nu mg Order 1: ipnhnanm Henna vmau than-gxmuvlmr um Alum!
am; an Mnhd ran dwossd me Mfidavn vn Suppm‘ ms Yals mm live
rveimng at hoanay andevtoe sawe Mv Ramzan mm in depu: um mum m
Support mm: gwmg my mum renuru
[231 momma, m ‘s In: Daiumnnu lrgumsm lnal Ila mum m Suwml M me
may :4 lapmzllun sham be swck out um um lopmzlmn mm bl
mvundcuu In um mum mm: in Alfidnvn m supwn ». xuwnrl at an
amumenl‘ smug mm. w-. than on In an M Lwmvo:/in semv-u V
Suvin Balhumah. 2-qa eenaax Tauim Bsvud (Aop|\un0|?D22] nnuzu <
sm vwmnmnmzsxswnanaew
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Mm ms, man m mm In: Me M Ma an depuse an mam (Dr am
m. pm», mu. m nupomg u .mu.: wand n. ‘plnanll hnvmsdgf 1».
ma deem:-ul u -may-n ny um Pluinollano m m mam, an wm.m«.. sum
as a firm Ana saw" m me mmm. m. nvnomnt has ameistao 5! documents
and owummcabon wn Ina cums: aims Plamws mm; Nance. he sansm
me am. at havmg Danna! mmage
The cm awomw m Daluk Banner mu Lurvvuv V Zam mm ZaIna\
Ahndml19971 2 cm 24.5‘ mm: 1 MLRA26 nan
‘M mm a mum upon m mm Dvlnuph n u mu! m: Ilidsvll in ovuer In
mm In . muauury mum, mm be mm.» by m. unvwn M1; M1
pvsonal knvmedqe av Ihehmx m M. -
smcc me sad ueounuu Ms Dawn! xnmmgemma I=»c1svnv§ue,ne was
mar, lmmld [HI xmamu on In: mm, m. aamm by me Defaullnl xx -snmmkuwu
Ssmnd Vssua
mum M In: cm
Pwtuctlnvl pvwrdod to no/Mon mu Slcmn :24 am. LPA me
{maven vnlh mu naemm x.. mymw, Ins manna! nu ma: seam ‘24 M
In LFA am Simon no cl mu uu u mud Inmsunq m. n-mam:
sm vwmnmnmzsxsmvnanaew
«mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
I25] Socuen m elm: LPA pmvldes mil 7
m Noawncstesndsolnxurlc suaiowostsunmovl/vwy ovoumcas
Exeem as auunmu by um. nu. no advoaln and so!-mar mu wtlhoul
memveaomu own oommenoa 01 mam! n anyaamou lame remvay
oi any was an rm any busmas mm by mm unm the upuanan av we
"mm my mm rmlvavd to ma pm,» bechurged memm av sun
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noun or last known mm of mo. . mu mums, Much mu man u
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name or am at In: plllnlssmp, or U; anomav advoate and swam
amphvysfl by In llnmamud advoula mi senator o. In pnrlnevsmn‘
urn undnndln mempumea hy . mm mm m um um nun:-In
ulamnq 1» me can
What . mu 4: mm to HIV: bun any-um Vn wmohlnm ma
wbnclxon 11) u -n-H ml n. noun-vy m m. mu nrulmza tor um
advoale and Whflhf m mm! m. contents or me an em “$.13” no
pvesumafl um um contrary ws shwm m be 3 ml ma Me mnnxyng
um um; ALI
S-n1avH2fi(|)I17|he|.PAmadsas(o1¥wa —
m Anarduvlorllubun dcow: lab: mm wimmd monlhsohmvvllya/M
An «away In: Ixxlnun nu ran Mann: a. vvnd nyany novoute and
mnummuy uumamaunyapemm ass mnemtmuguym. my
mavgeabde Ihsewim. av Dy my p-mu habit on pay me 0051 smet no
me my uaalgeame or m the newest: am sum», .1 any hm: WIINH
sot wmxm «mm In dlflvwy m an am, an by Ina aawaln ma wtlular
me: an upwwnn M um mm. mm. Ind mm . yur «um, um
sm vwmnmnmzsxsmvnanaew
«mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
m my Mew‘ a am Mm mm: In flspmn Vacs mamad by us sd\a'la(s an
an omm In cm: In I-ulmn av um um dehwvad uy ms mum by a velmm
In any mm mm xxx murlliu lmm mu dlflvuy oi Inc an, vm
pmvma hrylamn a mew named mum Hnwlvu. lmsnruvuwn cannot
a-«emu ma p/vleduan mmxdm In . snhaluv vmu has pmwoea xew serwees
la M5 meal by mm: no swam :24 m In: LFA Moeve Ihe mu Mmsls rm been
amvuaa ta me my chawod ma one Imnlh Iran: -2.. name :71 ddlvery ohhe
ml r... uptud
Nmmng pvndudns me Detendanl um «um . puulmn m :2. Hgh noun rm
mum ovlhn ml\clmILI sums mu P1|anI\!f|nghIncuo1dcdhy\~w n-nmun-1
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somulux would Ix reudard radundanl
mm m wand by mmuuam
wnu. me mun mu ma hm: mm. n In no oeluvod um um sumo
um. training he non—oVnplmnue 0' m. F1-mun mm In mum M Iiw as
bmwded Var me. Seam 126 M on LPA ms was nevi! waded «mama
m me Statanem M nuance nor me Delendanl‘s Amm m Emmy m m
nppinxnun m Endosaa a
The pvananue mm M In: mm mm wm rflsumnnns and mmum mdam
by me mmn um us nun-mrluflarll name um Senlmn ms was my mass!
m ma wvm-n Subnflwon av um D-(menu
m the usvsnaanrs delmm un\y In: auuamg was uaIpd.—
ap ‘Memuk mm. nnenggan s semma petenggan n Pemyalann
hmnnan nannv, Defendan mm rmnyiulxan mm. pumhh yam;
a.u.m..x mm. um um. an uharumyu u\uI.s\vk:n “
sm vwmnmnmzsxsmvnanaew
«mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
| 1,754 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-27NCC-28-06/2023 | PLAINTIF B BRAUN MEDICAL INDUSTRIES SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) PYRAMID LINES SINGAPORE PTE LTD 2. ) CEVA FREIGHT HOLDINGS (M) SDN BHD 3. ) YCH DISTRIPARK SDN BHD | Application to stay proceedings based on an exclusive jurisdiction clause - Whether a "strong cause" has been shown by the Plaintiff - Whether Himalaya Clause permits the party to rely on the exclusive jurisdiction clause | 07/11/2023 | YA Tuan Ong Chee Kwan | |
SUIT NO: WA-27NCC-28-06/2023
(Company No: 19051-M) … PLAINTIFF
(Singapore Company No: 202036758N)
(Company No: 135334-M)
(Company No: 275656-P) …DEFENDANTS
(Enclosures 11 and 13)
[1] This judgment deals with the applications filed by the 1
st Defendant,
07/11/2023 15:27:34
WA-27NCC-28-06/2023 Kand. 58
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Pyramid Lines Singapore Pte Ltd (“Pyramid Lines”) and the 2nd
Defendant, Ceva Freight Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd (“Ceva Freight”)
under Enclosures 11 and 13 respectively to stay all proceedings in
this action on the ground that the Singapore High Court is the agreed
exclusive forum between the parties in respect of the disputes arising
from the claims by the Plaintiff, B. Braun Medical Industries Sdn Bhd
(“B. Braun”) in this action.
[2] The stay applications are made under Order 12 Rule 10 of the Rules
of Court 2012 and or the inherent jurisdiction of the Courts. The
applications are premised on Clause 1 of the Bill of Lading which is
an exclusive jurisdiction clause providing any claims against B.
Braun or arising from the contract of carriage to be determined by
the Singapore High Court.
[3] After perusing the cause papers and hearing oral submissions from
learned counsel, I hold that B. Braun has established a strong cause
to justify departing from the agreed exclusive jurisdiction clause.
Background facts
[4] B. Braun claims in this action that Pyramid Lines had agreed to carry
a consignment of 166 packages (21 Pallets and 145 cartons) of
Medical Products and or Medical Equipment (“the Cargo”) that were
stuffed into one 1’ x 40’ Reefer Container No.: CCMU5072834
loaded on board Pyramid Lines’ vessel "SUPA BHUM" (IMO:
9158757) (“the Vessel”) for sail from Penang Port, Malaysia to
Sihanoukville Port, Cambodia that was thereafter transited by truck
to the end receiver (“the Consignee”) in Kandal Province,
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Cambodia. The Cargo was shipped under a non-negotiable bill of
lading numbered PEN211149482 dated 23.9.2021 (the “Bill of
[5] B. Braun’s claims against Pyramid Lines and Ceva Freight are
predicated on the basis that there is “a contract of carriage on the
terms of the Bill of Lading is to be implied between B. Braun and
Ceva and or Pyramid”. It is B. Braun’s case that when the Cargo
arrived at the Consignee’s warehouse in Cambodia, it was
discovered that the Cargo was frozen and damaged due to the failure
to maintain the appropriate temperature for the containerized Cargo.
[6] At the material times, Ceva Freight was the Malaysian freight agent
of Pyramid Lines. Ceva Freight was the party who had
corresponded, together with the 3rd Defendant (“YCH”) who was the
bonded warehouse keeper in Penang Port, with B. Braun in
arranging, booking, loading and stowing of the Cargo from Penang
Port for the contract of carriage as evidenced by the Bill of Lading.
[7] B. Braun’s causes of action against Pyramid Lines and Ceva Freight are for
breach of duties as bailees and or under the contract of carriage. B.
Braun’s cause of action against YCH is for breach of its duties as
bailees. More specifically, B. Braun claims that they and or their
respective employees or agents did not exercise reasonable care in
handling the Cargo during shipment, resulting in extensive damage
to the entire Cargo. The Cargo was sensitive to temperature and must
be maintained within the temperature range of +5°C to +20°C at all
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[8] The parties to the Bill of Lading had expressly agreed under Clause
1 of the Bill of Lading to an exclusive jurisdiction clause which
provides that:
“any claim against Carrier or arising from the Carriage or in
relation to the Goods shall be determined exclusively by the
Singapore High Court to which jurisdiction Merchant irrevocably
[9] Further, it was expressly agreed in Clause 1 that the contract
evidenced by or contained in the Bill of Lading shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.
[10] A brief chronology of the relevant events is set out below:
On or about 30.8.2021:
(a) B. Braun instructed Ceva Freight and or Pyramid Lines via
email to store the Cargo in a reefer container as per the "detail
and value based on the previous shipment";
(b) The details and value of the previous shipment were
temperature thresholds of +5°C and +20°C;
(c) YCH later confirmed and acknowledged the above instruction
and temperature requirements in an email sent to B. Braun
(copied to Ceva Freight) on 14.10.2021.
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On 15.9.2021:
(a) the temperature of the reefer container was set at 10.2°C,
which was within the temperature threshold;
(b) the Cargo were shipped on board the Vessel.
On or about 16.9.2021:
a) the temperature plummeted to -0.1°C, which is below the
temperature threshold.
On or about 23.9. 2021:
a) Pyramid Non-Negotiable Seaway Bill No.: PEN211149482
was issued.
On or about 12.10.2021:
a) the Cargo arrived at the Consignee's warehouse in Cambodia
with the reefer container's temperature at -18.1°C. The Cargo
inside were found frozen and damaged.
On or about 26.1.2022:
a) Eurogal Surveys Ltd issued a Cargo Survey Report on behalf
of B. Braun’s insurers, WK Webster Co. Ltd, confirming the
temperature dropped on or about 16.9.2021. The Cargo
Survey Report stated:
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"The temperature of the reefer container No.
CGMU5072834 was reported alarm and cool down from
September 16, 2021, at 0036 hours. In our opinion, the
reefer container was out of order during the shipment sea
voyage to Sihanoukville port and transported to the
consignee's warehouse."
[11] Throughout the material time, the Cargo was under the care of
Pyramid Lines, Ceva Freight and YCH at different junctures.
[12] Based on the above facts, B. Braun framed the following issues to
be determined at the trial:
a) was the reefer container, supplied by Pyramid Lines as the
carrier, through local agents Ceva Freight, initially defective?
b) If the reefer container was not initially defective, did YCH
correctly set the temperature at its warehouse?
c) Alternatively, assuming YCH set the temperature correctly at
its warehouse and the reefer container was functioning
correctly, did Ceva Freight appropriately pack and load the
reefer container onto the Vessel?
d) Alternatively, did the temperature drop occur due to the
inherent unseaworthiness of the Vessel during the voyage to
[13] After entering appearance to this action, both Pyramid Lines and
Ceva Freight filed their respective applications to stay B. Braun’s
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legal action herein on the ground that the parties have by agreement
agreed to the Singapore High Court to determine all their disputes
under the said exclusive jurisdiction clause.
[14] However, B. Braun contended that the Malaysian Court is the
suitable forum for adjudicating this matter and that despite the
exclusive jurisdiction clause in the Bill of Lading, the Singapore High
Court is a forum non conveniens.
Court’s Analysis and Deliberations
[15] In our present case, the events giving rise to these proceedings or
those alleged to have transpired are situated in Penang, Malaysia.
Specifically, the Bill of Lading was issued in Penang, and the Cargo
was loaded and packed into the reefer container at the warehouse
of YCH, in Penang. Subsequently, the Cargo was received by Ceva
Freight and or Pyramid Lines at Penang Port, Malaysia, for
transportation to Sihanoukville Port, Cambodia, aboard the Vessel.
Also, both Ceva Freight and YCH are residents in Malaysia.
[16] At the outset, the parties quite right conceded that the existence of
the jurisdiction of the Malaysian Courts is not being challenged
notwithstanding the exclusive jurisdiction clause. Section 23 of the
Courts of Judicature Act 1964 provides that Malaysian Courts have
the jurisdiction and power to preside over any case where the cause
of action arises in Malaysia, where the defendant or one of several
defendants resides or has his place of business in Malaysia or where
the facts on which the proceedings are based exist or are alleged to
have occurred in Malaysia.
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[17] The damage to the Cargo had likely occurred during two significant
events: the loading and packing of the Cargo at YCH's warehouse
or, alternatively, once the Cargo was stowed on the Vessel shortly
after loading. Both of these critical occurrences took place in Penang
and Penang Port.
[18] However, notwithstanding that this Court has jurisdiction, by their
respective applications, both Pyramid Lines and Ceva Freight are
asking this Court not to exercise its jurisdiction since the parties had
agreed to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore High
Court and B. Braun ought not to be permitted to renege on its
[19] In World Triathlon Corp v SRS Sports Centre Sdn Bhd [2019] 4 MLJ
394, the Court of Appeal held that:
“[19] In the present appeal, just like the American Express case,
the parties here had agreed to a foreign jurisdiction clause as well
as to be governed not by the laws of Malaysia but by the laws of
Florida/USA. Now, the law in relation to the exclusive jurisdiction
or forum selection clause is not controversial. Although
generally a forum selection clause does not oust the
jurisdiction of the court, the court is nevertheless obliged to
give effect to it as that is what the parties had agreed (see
Globus Shipping & Trading Co (Pte) Ltd v Taiping Textiles Berhad
[1976] 2 MLJ 154). Disregarding such a clause would effectively
mean the courts condoning a breach of the agreement.
[21] So, to surmise, where there is an exclusive jurisdiction
clause, effect should be given to it and a stay ought to be
granted, unless the party challenging the exclusive
jurisdiction clause is able to show exceptional
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circumstances amounting to a strong cause warranting a
refusal. The burden is on the party challenging the exclusive
jurisdiction clause to show why they should not be bound to
honour the part of the contract where they had agreed to
[emphasis added]
[20] The position above was also followed in Open Country Dairy Ltd v.
Able Food Sdn Bhd [2021] 7 CLJ 716 where the Court of Appeal held
as follows:
“[79] It is therefore clear that there was an exclusive
jurisdiction clause per cl. 19.2 of the terms of trade and this
was incorporated in the contracts for the purchase of the
IWMP. Therefore, the respondent must be held to their
bargain and a Malaysian court is obliged to give effect to the
exclusive jurisdiction clause, unless the respondent, as the
party seeking to avoid the application of the clause, are able
to establish that there are exceptional circumstances to
justify the contrary (see: World Triathlon).”
[emphasis added]
[21] Accordingly, it is clear that notwithstanding the exclusive jurisdiction
agreement, B. Braun may still commence its action in Malaysia but
it bears the onus to show exceptional circumstances amounting to
“a strong cause” that effect ought not to be given to the exclusive
jurisdiction or forum selection clause.
[22] With regard to showing “a strong cause”, the Malaysian Courts have
embraced the approach established in the English case of The
Eleftheria [1969] 2 All ER 641. Specifically, our Federal Court has
endorsed this approach in the case of Globus Shipping & Trading Co
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(Pte) Ltd v Taiping Textiles Berhad [1976] 2 MLJ 154 and more
recently the Court of Appeal in United Overseas Bank Ltd & Ors v.
United Securities Sdn Bhd (in liquidation) & Ors [2021] 6 MLJ 897
also took the same position. The test is stated thus:
“(I) Where plaintiffs sue in [Malaysia] in breach of an agreement
to refer disputes to a foreign court, and the defendants apply
for a stay, the [Malaysian] court, assuming the claim to be
otherwise within its jurisdiction, is not bound to grant a stay
but has a discretion whether to do so or not;
(II) The discretion should be exercised by granting a stay unless
strong cause for not doing so is shown;
(III) The burden of proving such strong cause is on the
(IV) In exercising its discretion, the court should take into
account all the circumstances of the particular case;
(V) In particular, but without prejudice to (IV), the following
matters, where they arise, may properly be regarded:
(a) In what country the evidence on the issues of fact
is situated, or more readily available, and the effect
of that on the relative convenience and expense of trial
as between the [Malaysian] and foreign courts;
(b) Whether the law of the foreign court applies and, if so,
whether it differs from [Malaysia] law in any material
(c) With what country either party is connected, and
how closely;
(d) Whether the defendants genuinely desire trial in
the foreign country, or are only seeking procedural
(e) Whether the plaintiffs would be prejudiced by having to
sue in the foreign court because they would-
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(i) be deprived of security for that claim;
(ii) be unable to enforce any judgment obtained;
(iii) be faced with a time-bar not applicable in
[Malaysia]; or
(iv) for political, racial, religious or other reasons be
unlikely to get a fair trial.”
[23] To be clear, although it may seem that the circumstances to be taken
into account in the exercise of the Court’s discretion for a stay
application premised upon an exclusive jurisdiction clause are
similar to that to an application to stay where there is no jurisdiction
agreement and or where there is a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause,
the test and burden are not the same. In the Commercial Conflict of
Laws in Malaysia by Kwong Chiew Ee, Chai Phing Zhou, Daniel
Chua Wei Chuen, Aravind Kumarr, Melvin Ng Yet Ting, published in
2022, the authors at para [2.234] sought to streamline the tests for
the different 2 categories i.e. exclusive jurisdiction clause and non-
exclusive jurisdiction clause as follows:
[2.234] Thus, to summarise the legal position, the authors take
the view in cases involving exclusive jurisdiction clause, the party
seeking to depart from the clause must show "strong cause"
based on the criteria set out in The Eleftheria. In cases of non-
exclusive jurisdiction clauses, the court must examine the terms
of the particular clause. The consequences which follow from
such a clause depend on the precise construction of that
particular non-exclusive jurisdiction clause. If the non-exclusive
jurisdiction clause is to be construed as having the effect of an
exclusive jurisdiction clause, then the "strong cause" should
apply. Otherwise, the clause is relevant only as a factor in
analysing whether Malaysia is forum non conveniens under the
Spiliada test. This approach proposed by the authors is also not
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inconsistent with the previous decisions of the Malaysian superior
courts. The two apex court decisions that have applied the
Spiliada analysis (American Express and Petrodar) involve non-
exclusive jurisdiction clauses. The Federal Court's case of
Globus Shipping on the other hand is a case on exclusive
jurisdiction clause. As for UOB o USSB, it was a case involving a
non-exclusive jurisdiction clause having the effect of an exclusive
jurisdiction clause. Thus, the "strong cause" test was rightly
applied in Globus Shipping and UOB v USSB.
[24] I would respectfully adopt the same analysis and further add that the
test, in the case where a stay of proceedings for forum non
conveniens is applied for where there is no jurisdiction clause at all,
is the same as that of the case where there is a non-exclusive
jurisdiction clause save that in the former case, the burden is on the
defendant whilst in the latter case, the burden is on the plaintiff. Also,
in all cases, the Court will always look at the question where the ends
of justice will be best served.
[25] For the reasons that I will set out below, I agree with Mr Jeremy
Joseph, learned counsel for B. Braun that a strong cause has indeed
been demonstrated in this case for this Court to exercise its
discretion not to stay the action in favour of the Singapore High
Court, which I find is the forum non conveniens.
Governing law of the contract of carriage
[26] The Malaysian Carriage of Goods by Sea (Amendment) Act 2020
and the Carriage of Goods by Sea (Amendment of the First
Schedule) Order 2021 (“COGSA”) came into force on 15.7.2021 and
gives force to the Hague-Visby Rules under its Schedule and
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provides for its compulsory application to bills of lading and similar
documents of title issued in relation to all outward-bound cargoes.
[See: Trengganu Forest Products Sdn Bhd v. Cosco Container Lines
& Anor [2007] 5 CLJ 720]
[27] The Bill of Lading in the instant case in fact adopts the legislation.
Clause 5.1 of the Bill of Lading provides as follows:
“5.1 If the Carriage is a Port to Port Shipment, the responsibility
of Carrier shall be limited to that Carriage from and during
loading onto the Vessel up to and during discharge from the
Vessel. The liability of Carrier shall be determined in
accordance with:
(a ) any applicable legislation making the Hague Rules or
Hague-Visby Rules compulsorily applicable to this Bill
of Lading;”
[28] Simultaneously, Clause 6.2 of the Bill of Lading provides as follows:
“6.2 If the stage of Carriage at which the loss or damage
occurred is known or Merchant can prove such stage beyond
reasonable doubt, the liability of Carrier shall be determined
as follows: (a) if it is established that the loss or damage
occurred at or during the stage of the Carriage referred to in
Clause 5, then in accordance with the provisions thereof”
[29] As the Vessel departed Penang Port, Malaysia with the Cargo on
board to Cambodia, it is therefore indisputably clear that the
Malaysia COGSA applies compulsorily in this case. This is a factor
in favour of permitting the action to stay in Malaysia although on its
own, it is not sufficient to satisfy ‘a strong cause’ test but there are
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other factors in this case that make it so.
The Plaintiff out of time to file in Singapore and is prejudiced by the
[30] There is no dispute that the one-year time limit stipulated by Article
III, rule 6 of the Hague-Visby Rules is applicable to B Braun’s claims
against Pyramid Lines and or Ceva Freight. This provision explicitly
states that legal actions against the carrier must be initiated within
one year from the delivery date of the goods.
[31] In the current scenario, the Cargo was delivered to the Consignee in
Cambodia on the 12.10.2021. According to the Hague-Visby Rules,
B. Braun has until the 11.10.2022 to file their claims against Pyramid
Lines and or Ceva Freight.
[32] B. Braun lodged this lawsuit on the 30.9.2022, well within the one-
year time frame specified by the Hague-Visby Rules. However, if a
stay of this proceedings is granted, effectively pausing the ongoing
proceedings in the present jurisdiction, B. Braun's ability to pursue
its claim against Pyramid Lines or Ceva Freight in Singapore would
effectively be out of time. Such an outcome would result in B. Braun’s
claim herein being time-barred under the Hague-Visby Rules,
causing substantial prejudice to its rights and denying B.Braun of the
opportunity to seek legal redress.
[33] As such, granting a stay in favour of the exclusive jurisdiction
agreement, would lead to a grave miscarriage of justice as B. Braun
will be deprived of the chance to have its case heard on its merits
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and potentially recover the rightful compensation for the damages
sustained. To my mind, this constitutes a compelling reason for
this Court to permit B. Braun to deviate from the provision of
the exclusive jurisdiction clause. Indeed, when learned counsel for
Pyramid Lines was asked if Pyramid Lines would be prepared to
waive raising the time bar defence in the event a stay is ordered, she
was not prepared to give a positive response.
[34] In Baghlaf Al Zafer Factory Co BR for Industry Ltd v Pakistan
National Shipping Company and another [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 229,
such a waiver was considered to be a relevant factor in considering
whether a stay ought to be granted.
“Where a Plaintiff has acted reasonably in commencing
proceedings in England and in allowing time to expire in the
agreed foreign jurisdiction, a stay of the English proceedings
should only be granted on terms that the Defendant
waives the time bar in the foreign jurisdiction”.
[35] In this instant case, there is no suggestion that B. Braun has
not acted reasonably in commencing proceedings in this
Court and yet no waiver of the time bar was forthcoming from
Pyramid Lines and or Ceva Freight at all in pursuing their respective
applications for stay. The refusal to provide the waiver suggests that
Pyramid Lines and Ceva Freight do not genuinely desire a trial in
the Singapore High Court but are seeking to deprive B. Braun of a
juridical advantage in the present proceedings.
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Reasonable and appropriate for B. Braun to commence proceedings
in Malaysia.
[36] If there is any doubt, there are many factors in this case which,
when viewed objectively, made it reasonable and to my mind
appropriate for B. Braun to commence proceedings in Malaysia.
These are as follows:
(a) quite apart from Pyramid Lines and Ceva Freight being sued,
B. Braun has also commenced this action against YCH who
has no direct contractual relationship with B. Braun in respect
of the carriage of the Cargo. Since YCH is resident in Malaysia
and the cause of action against YCH arose in Malaysia, this
makes the Malaysian Courts to be the appropriate and rightful
venue for addressing the claims against YCH. In fact, YCH,
quite rightly, has not suggested that Singapore is the
appropriate forum to hear the disputes;
(b) it is not submitted that B. Braun’s claim against YCH is
otherwise than a genuine claim. As such, in the event this
Court were to grant Pyramid Lines or Ceva Freight a stay of
the present proceedings and compel B. Braun to commence
its claims against them in the Singapore High Court, this may
lead to an unsatisfactory situation where conflicting judgments
or findings of facts regarding the parties’ responsibility for the
damage being determined. The law regarding the avoidance of
irreconcilable judgments where the facts of the disputes are the
same has frequently been found to be decisive in favour of the
place where all defendants can be sued, as the proper place.
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This principle was enunciated in the UK Supreme Court case
of Lungowe and others v Vedanta Resources plc and Another
[2019] 2 All ER (Comm) 559:
“If substantial justice was available to the parties in Zambia
as it is in England, it would offend the common sense of all
reasonable observers to think that the proper place for this
litigation to be conducted was England, if the risk of
irreconcilable judgments arose purely from the
claimants' choice to proceed against one of the
defendants in England rather than, as is available to
them, against both of them in Zambia. For those
reasons I would have concluded that the claimants had
failed to demonstrate that England is the proper place for
the trial of their claims against these defendants, having
regard to the interests of the parties and the ends of
[emphasis added]
(c) If B. Braun has to pursue Pyramid Lines and or Ceva Freight
in the Singapore High Court as agreed, separately from its
claims against YCH, this will also result in B. Braun having to
incur unnecessary legal costs and expenses. The position will
be further aggravated in the event the two separate courts
were to attribute fault differently resulting in no immediate
recourse available to B. Braun;
(d) There is also a not insignificant disparity in terms of legal costs
between Malaysia and Singapore. Opting for a Malaysian
venue offers a more cost-effective alternative regarding court
charges, filing fees, hearing expenses, legal fees, and various
administrative costs, thus alleviating the financial strains on
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those involved in the litigation.
[37] Further to the above, other than the fact that Pyramid Lines is a
company based in Singapore, there is also no nexus between B.
Braun’s claims and Singapore. More specifically:
(a) the focal points of B. Braun’s claims revolve around the
stowage, the precise temperature configuration, and the
loading of the Cargo, all of which transpired in Penang, either
at YCH's warehouse or during the transfer from the Penang
load port to the Vessel by Ceva Freight. In this regard, both
Ceva Freight and YCH are Malaysian-based entities;
(b) as such, the evidence concerning the factual issues related to
B. Braun's claims, including witnesses involved in the
formation of contract terms and the parties' roles in configuring
and stowing the cargo in respect of the temperature-sensitive
reefer container in this case as well as the assessment of the
extent of losses, are predominantly located and more readily
accessible in Malaysia;
(c) to compel all the witnesses to appear in Singapore would entail
significant inconvenience and expenses for B. Braun.
Considering the balance of convenience and costs, it is evident
that holding the trial in Malaysia is more appropriate. If there
are any witnesses based in Singapore, their evidence can be
obtained through remote communication. Furthermore, if the
Singapore-based witnesses were required to travel to Kuala
Lumpur, it would not pose an undue inconvenience;
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(d) more importantly, it may be necessary for parties to compel the
attendance of relevant witnesses and given that these
witnesses are mainly in Malaysia, to have the proceedings in
Malaysia will mean that these witnesses can be compelled to
attend court to testify. If the action is before the Singapore High
Court, B. Braun may not be able to compel a material non-
party witness to testify to its prejudice;
(e) also, Pyramid Lines served as both the contractual carrier and
owner of the Vessel. Pyramid Lines being headquartered in
Singapore, they operate as an international cargo carrier.
Consequently, Pyramid Lines is well-versed in navigating
diverse legal systems and complying with various international
conventions and treaties governing the transportation of goods
by sea. Hence, there would be no prejudice to Pyramid Lines
if this matter were to be heard in Malaysia. If fact, no prejudice
has been demonstrated by Pyramid Lines or Ceva Freight at
[38] The case of World Triathlon, which placed emphasis on the
defendant's place of business as an important factor can be
distinguished. In the World Triathlon Corp case, the circumstances
revolved around a Malaysian plaintiff suing a Florida-based
defendant concerning the termination of a contract with an exclusive
jurisdiction clause designating Florida. Importantly, the act of
termination central to the matter took place in Florida, and the factual
issues and evidence were more readily accessible in Florida. In
contrast, the focal points in our case are Penang making Malaysia
clearly the jurisdiction which has the most real and substantial
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connection with the action.
[39] Even the Court in World Triathlon Corp accepted that the Court in
considering an application to stay for forum non conveniens looks
not to convenience but the suitability or appropriateness of the
relevant jurisdiction:
[17] … Lord Goff, in that case, also noted that the Latin tag
‘forum non conveniens’ does not mean the question is one of
convenience but of the suitability or appropriateness of the
relevant jurisdiction. In doing so, the court would look to the forum
which has ‘the most real and substantial connection’ with the
action. The then Supreme Court in American Express, agreed
with this principle as expressed and also noted with approval Lord
Goff’s observation on the meaning of forum non conveniens.
[18] In establishing the forum which has the most real and
substantial connection with the cause of action, Lord Goff
observed that the court will look to several factors including
convenience and expense, availability of witnesses, the law
governing the relevant transaction, and the places where the
parties resided or carried on business.
[emphasis added]
[40] Given these considerations, it is my judgment that this case
presents compelling reasons to depart from the exclusive
jurisdiction clause stipulated in the Bill of Lading. B. Braun has not
only demonstrated to the satisfaction of this Court that Malaysia is
the jurisdiction with the most real and substantial connection with
the disputes but that there is “a strong cause” based on the criteria
set out in The Eleftheria.
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Ceva Freight’s reliance on Himalaya Clause
[41] As alluded to above, Ceva Freight was at all material times the
Malaysian’s freight forwarder for Pyramid Lines. Ceva Freight is not
stated as a party to the Bill of Lading although it did sign the Bill of
Lading as agent for Pyramid Lines. Yet, in its application for stay
before this Court, Ceva Freight is relying on the exclusive jurisdiction
clause in the Bill of Lading.
[42] It is Ceva Freight’s case that it is entitled to rely on Clause 1 thereto
by reason of B. Braun’s pleaded position that there is an implied
contract with Ceva Freight (which for avoidance of doubt, the
foregoing analysis and determination in respect of Pyramid Lines
apply equally to Ceva Freight) and also based on Clause 4.3 which
provides thus:
“Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, every such
person shall have the benefit of all the Rights and Defences of
Carrier under or pursuant to this Bill of Lading as if the same were
expressly made also for such person’s benefit. For the foregoing
purposes, Carrier contracts for itself as well as agent and trustee
of all such persons.”
[43] The aforesaid provision is commonly known as the “Himalaya
Clause”. The clause derives its name from the case, The Himalaya;
Adler v Dickson and Another [1954] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 267. It is a
contractual provision intended to confer rights and benefits on an
entity that is not a direct party to that contract.
[44] A Himalaya Clause extends the benefit of rights and defences
conferred by the bill of lading on the carrier to the carriers’ agents,
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service providers or independent contractors in a multimodal
logistics chain. The UK Court of Appeal in the case of Adler v
Dickson found that these benefits in a contract of carriage such as a
bill of lading, are to exempt, as far as possible, the servants, agents,
and independent contractors employed by the contractual carrier
from liability to other parties to the contract, such as the shipper or
[45] The House of Lords in the case of Midland Silicones Ltd. v. Scruttons
Ltd. [1962] A.C. 446 at page 474 indicated how a Himalaya Clause
would apply:
"I can see a possibility of success of the agency argument if (first)
the bill of lading makes it clear that the stevedore is intended to
be protected by the provisions in it which limit liability, (secondly)
the bill of lading makes it clear that the carrier, in addition to
contracting for these provisions on his own behalf, is also
contracting as agent for the stevedore that these provisions
should apply to the stevedore, (thirdly) the carrier has authority
from the stevedore to do that, or perhaps later ratification by the
stevedore would suffice, and (fourthly) that any difficulties about
consideration moving from the stevedore were overcome."
[46] However, the Himalaya clause does not confer on Ceva Freight the
right to the exclusive jurisdiction clause at all. That this is so has in
fact been decided by Lord Goff sitting in the Privy Council on an
appeal from the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in The Muhkutai [1996]
AC 650.
[47] In that case, the shipowners chartered their vessel to time charterers.
The vessel was sub-chartered to shippers for the carriage of a cargo
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from Indonesia to China. The time charterers issued a bill of lading
which contained a Himalaya clause, i.e. a clause which purported to
confer on subcontractors the benefit of “… all exceptions, limitations,
provision, conditions and liberties benefitting the carrier”. It also
contained a clause conferring exclusive jurisdiction on the
Indonesian courts.
[48] After discharge of the cargo, the cargo owners issued a writ against
the vessel in Hong Kong claiming that the cargo was damaged on
delivery. The shipowners sought to rely on the jurisdiction clause, as
being a provision within the meaning of the Himalaya clause. The
Hong Kong Court of Appeal held that the shipowners were not
entitled to rely on the clause because they were not parties to the bill
of lading. Nor had there been a bailment on terms which included the
jurisdiction clause.
[49] On appeal to the Privy Council which dismissed the appeal, Lord
Goff of Chieveley traced the development of Himalaya clauses as a
device to accommodate various situations arising in the context of
carriage of goods by sea where there was a commercial expectation
that the benefit of certain terms of the contract of carriage should be
made available to parties involved in the adventure who were not
parties to the contract - primarily stevedores, but in some cases also
shipowners relying on terms in charterers' bills of lading to exempt
them from possible liability to cargo owners and consignees. Lord
Goff opined that that the exclusive jurisdiction clause did not come
within the Himalaya clause because:
“Such a clause can be distinguished from terms such as
exceptions and limitations in that it does not benefit only one
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party, but embodies a mutual agreement under which both
parties agree with each other as to the relevant jurisdiction for the
resolution of disputes. It is therefore a clause which creates
mutual rights and obligations”
[50] While the Himalaya clause in the contract in question referred to
subcontractors enjoying the benefit of a 'provision' for the benefit of
the carrier, this term must be interpreted ejusdem generis with
“exceptions and limitations”. The function of a Himalaya clause was:
“to prevent cargo owners from avoiding the effect of contractual
defences available to the carrier by suing in tort persons who
perform the contractual services on the carrier's behalf. To make
available to such a person the benefit of an exclusive jurisdiction
clause in the bill of lading contract does not contribute to the
solution of that problem.”
[51] In our case, the Himalaya clause in Clause 4.3 of the Bill of Lading
reads as follows:
“Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, every such
person shall have the benefit of all the Rights and Defences of
Carrier under or pursuant to this Bill of Lading as if the same were
expressly made also for such person’s benefit. For the foregoing
purposes, Carrier contracts for itself as well as agent and trustee
of all such persons.”
[52] To my mind, the ‘benefit” stated in Clause 4.3 does not extend to the
exclusive jurisdiction clause. It is also not necessary to the policy
objective of the Himalaya clause.
[53] Thus, Ceva Freight’s application to stay the proceedings on the basis
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that it is entitled to rely on the exclusive jurisdiction clause in Clause
1 of the Bill of Lading under the Himalaya clause is wholly without
any merits.
[54] In the premises, both Pyramid Lines’ and Ceva Freight's applications
in Enclosures 11 and 13 respectively are dismissed with costs fixed
at RM 7,000.00 for each application subject to payment of allocator.
Dated the 6th day of November 2023
Judge of the High Court of Malaya
High Court of Kuala Lumpur, NCC2
1. Mr. Jeremy Joseph with Mr. Daniel Tan (PDK) for Plaintiff
Messrs. Joseph & Partners (Kuala Lumpur)
2. Nurul Ameerah Natasya for 1st & 2nd Defendants
Messrs. Shaikh David & Co. (Kuala Lumpur)
3. Hanna Suhaila Haizal for 3rd Defendant
Messrs. Zain & Co. (Kuala Lumpur)
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Case Reference:
1. World Triathlon Corp v SRS Sports Centre Sdn Bhd [2019] 4 MLJ
2. Open Country Dairy Ltd v. Able Food Sdn Bhd [2021] 7 CLJ 716
3. Globus Shipping & Trading Co (Pte) Ltd v Taiping Textiles Berhad
[1976] 2 MLJ 154
4. United Overseas Bank Ltd & Ors v. United Securities Sdn Bhd (in
liquidation) & Ors [2021] 6 MLJ 897
5. Trengganu Forest Products Sdn Bhd v. Cosco Container Lines &
Anor [2007] 5 CLJ 720
6. Baghlaf Al Zafer Factory Co BR for Industry Ltd v Pakistan National
Shipping Company and another [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 229
7. Lungowe and others v Vedanta Resources plc and Another [2019] 2
All ER (Comm) 559
8. The Himalaya; Adler v Dickson and Another [1954] 2 Lloyd's Rep.
9. Midland Silicones Ltd. v. Scruttons Ltd. [1962] A.C. 446
10. The Muhkutai [1996] AC 650
Legislation Reference:
1. Section 23 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964
2. Malaysian Carriage of Goods by Sea (Amendment) Act 2020
3. Carriage of Goods by Sea (Amendment of the First Schedule) Order
4. Order 12 Rule 10 of the Rules of Court 2012
5. Article III, rule 6 of the Hague-Visby Rules
Article / Book Reference:
1. Commercial Conflict of Laws in Malaysia by Kwong Chiew Ee, Chai
Phing Zhou, Daniel Chua Wei Chuen, Aravind Kumarr, Melvin Ng
Yet Ting, published in 2022
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| 42,691 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-22NCC-73-12/2019 | PLAINTIF 1. ) TOPFLOW ENGINEERING SDN BHD 2. ) TEO GEE TECK 3. ) TEO GEE LIAN DEFENDAN 1. ) DS CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN SDN BHD 2. ) DAVID KUAH TAH WEI 3. ) DK CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN 4. ) TAN TOH AN | Statutory Winding-up Notice - in order for the Winding-up Notice pursuant to s. 466(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016 to be valid, the debt on which the notice was based at the first place must be bona fide undisputed.director’s responsibility - to place the shareholders’ interest above his own and it is incumbent upon the director to show that he had acted as secretary - must always act professionally, responsibly and honestly with reasonable care and due diligence - also must exhibit a high degree of skill and proficiency in discharging his duties | 07/11/2023 | YA Dato' Sri Shamsulbahri bin Haji Ibrahim | |
Microsoft Word - topflow fiduciary JA-22NCC-73-12-2019 .docx
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. JA-22NCC-73-12/2019
[After the full trial]
Brief background
[1] As a brief background of facts, the 1st Plaintiff is a company dealing
with trading and maintenance of environment and water treatment. The
2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs are the 1st Plaintiff’s shareholders and directors while
the 3rd Plaintiff is its managing director. The 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs are
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[2] The 2nd Defendant is the 1st Defendant’s sole shareholder and
director while the 4th Defendant is its company secretary. The 2nd
Defendant is also the 3rd Defendant’s sole proprietor and director.
[3] Sometime towards the end of 2018, the 1st Plaintiff was engaged in
building of a factory and workers’ hostel (“RHF Project”) in an industrial
area known as SILC Gelang Patah in Johor for a company known as RHF
Stone Sdn Bhd (“RHF”). Since the 1st Plaintiff did not have enough supply
of manpower for the RHF Project, the company appointed the 1st and 2nd
Defendants to carry out various aspects of works relating to the Project as
they had access to workers from Indonesia and furthermore the 2nd
Plaintiff had personal experience in the supervision of such workers
together with the carrying out of civil and structural building works.
[4] Based on this project, the 1st Plaintiff saw an opportunity to work
together with the 1st and 2nd Defendants in respect of other building
projects whereby the 1st Plaintiff will secure the work and then pass or
sub-contract it to the 1st Defendant which will be carried out by the 2nd
Defendant. As such, the Plaintiffs decided to invest in the 1st Defendant.
[5] On 17.1.2019, the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs and the 1st and 2nd
Defendants entered into the Shareholders’ Agreement (“Shareholders’
Agreement”) which contains the following, inter alia:
(a) the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs’ investment in the 1st Defendant and
entitlement to a profit-sharing arrangement;
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(b) the purchase of the 2nd Defendant’s share in the 1st Defendant
by the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs;
(c) the legal relationship and rights between the 2nd and 3rd
Plaintiffs and the 2nd Defendant in the 1st Defendant;
(d) the internal affairs and operations of the 1st Defendant; and
(e) the appointment of the 1st Defendant’s directors. As such, the
2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs are entitled to be appointed as directors in
the 1st Defendant alongside the 2nd Defendant.
[6] As a result of the Shareholders’ Agreement, the Plaintiffs had paid
a sum of RM80,000.00 for the acquisition of the 2nd Defendant’s shares
amounting to 40% equity in the 1st Defendant by the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs
while the 2nd Defendant held the balance. The investment sum of
RM80,000.00 was based upon the profit and loss statement prepared by
the 1st Defendant’s accountant and presented by the 2nd Defendant to the
[7] In August 2019, the 2nd Defendant secured a contract from Cuipo
Stone Sdn (“Cuipo Stone”) for the construction of a factory in Johor worth
of RM1.1 million (“Cuipo Project”). However, according to the Plaintiffs,
the 2nd Defendant discreetly concealed and subcontracted the Project to
the 3rd Defendant which he is the sole-proprietor instead of the 1st
Defendant as to avoid the 40% profit share with the Plaintiffs.
[8] The shareholding of the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs in the 1st Defendant did
not last long. On 22.8.2019, the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs exited from being the
1st Defendant’s shareholders. Not long after, the 1st Defendant made a
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claim vide a statutory notice of demand pursuant to s. 466(1)(a) of the
Companies Act 2016 dated 21.10.2019 (“Winding-up Notice”) against
the 1st Plaintiff for an amount of RM511,734.80 relating to the construction
works in RHF Project.
[9] On 23.12.2019, the 1st Plaintiff filed the present suit for the following
reliefs, inter alia:
(a) a declaration that the Winding-up Notice is invalid;
(b) a declaration that the Plaintiffs are entitled to keep a sum of
RM200,000.00 paid by RHF to the Plaintiffs;
(c) an order that the 2nd Defendant is to prepare an account of
profits which to be filed within 14 days from the order to show –
(i) all monies received from Cuipo Stone by the 1st, 2nd and
3rd Defendants;
(ii) particulars of cost for the Cuipo Project; and
(iii) profits earned by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
(d) a declaration for a breach of fiduciary obligation by the 2nd
Defendant towards the Plaintiffs and the 1st Defendant;
(e) a declaration for a breach of fiduciary obligation by the 4th
Defendant towards the Plaintiffs; and
(f) the Plaintiffs’ loss to be assessed.
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[10] On 10.2.2020, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Defendants filed their Statement
of Defence and Counter Claim in which they also sought the following
reliefs, inter alia:
(a) a declaration that the Statutory Notice dated 11.11.2019 issued
by the 1st Plaintiff to the 1st Defendant is invalid;
(b) a declaration for a breach of oral agreement by the 1st and 3rd
Plaintiffs when the 1st Plaintiff failed to pay the sum of
RM511,734.80 to the 1st Defendant vide a cheque dated
21.8.2019 and as such the 1st Defendant or the 2nd Defendant
is not responsible to pay or give a discount of RM200,000.00 to
the 1st Plaintiff; and
(c) the 1st Plaintiff is to pay the 2nd Defendant a sum of
[11] A full trial for this suit was conducted for six days where the Plaintiffs
and the Defendants brought five and three witnesses, respectively to give
evidence in this court.
Whether the Winding-up Notice issued by the 1st Defendant is invalid
[12] It is pertinent to note that s. 466(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016
allows a creditor to serve a notice of demand (normally known as
“winding-up notice”) to a company which is indebted to the creditor
requiring the company to pay the sum due within 21 days of the notice
failing which the creditor may file a petition to wind-up the company. S.
466 says –
Definition of “inability to pay debts”
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466. (1) A company shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts if —
(a) the company is indebted in a sum exceeding the
amount as may be prescribed by the Minister and a
creditor by assignment or otherwise has served a notice
of demand, by himself or his agent, requiring the
company to pay the sum due by leaving the notice at the
registered office of the company, and the company has
for twenty-one days after the service of the demand
neglected to pay the sum or to secure or compound for it
to the satisfaction of the creditor;
(b) execution or other process issued on a judgment, decree
or order of any court in favour of a creditor of the company
is returned unsatisfied in whole or in part; or
(c) it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the
company is unable to pay its debts and in determining
whether a company is unable to pay its debts the Court
shall take into account the contingent and prospective
liabilities of the company
[13] In the present case, before the 1st Defendant sent the Winding-up
Notice to the 1st Plaintiff, the former had served the latter with three
Statements of Account (“Statements of Account”) which stated the
alleged debt as follows:
(a) construction works at Factory SILC Gelang
Patah (RHF Stone Sdn Bhd)
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(b) Construct works at Factory SILC Gelang
(c) Floor slab & water tank structure work
(Guan Chong Cocoa Manufacture Sdn
Total RM511,734,80
[14] The Plaintiffs contended that the Winding-up Notice is invalid as the
amount of debt stated in the Statements of Account which is the sole basis
for the Winding-up Notice was a false demand by the 1st Defendant.
[15] The Plaintiffs averred that the 1st Defendant is not entitled to the
claimed amount based on the following reasons:
(a) the payment from RHF had not been received by the 1st
Plaintiff. There was no evidence to show that the 1st Plaintiff
received such payment;
(b) the payment to the 1st Defendant will only be made after RHF
has paid the 1st Plaintiff;
(c) any payment from RHF is subject to the profit-sharing
arrangement of 40% which is the Plaintiffs’ entitlement pursuant
to the Shareholders’ Agreement; and
(d) the Plaintiffs are entitled to RM200,000.00 being the 40% profit
sharing based on their investment in the 1st Defendant who was
given the subcontract by the 1st Plaintiff in the RHF Project.
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[16] After the trial, I find that the 1st Defendant failed to establish that the
1st Plaintiff had received the alleged payment from RHF to substantiate its
allegation in the Statements of Account. On the other hand, the 1st Plaintiff
has proven that, based on the Shareholders’ Agreement, the company is
entitled to 40% of the 1st Defendant’s profit. A subpoena witness, Chan
Choi Wan, Irene (SP2) who prepared the Income and Expenses
Statement for the 1st Defendant revealed in her testimony that the
company gained a profit of RM511,734.80 from the RHF Project. Thus, I
agree with the Plaintiffs that the amount of RM200,000.00 being the 40%
of the 1st Defendant’s profit should be given to and kept by the 1st Plaintiff.
[17] On the 1st Defendant’s claim in the Statements of Account for the
floor slab and water tank structure works at Guan Chong Cocoa
Manufacture Sdn Bhd, it is no doubt that these works were subcontracted
by the 1st Plaintiff to the 1st Defendant. Nevertheless, the 1st Plaintiff has
proven that the 1st and 2nd Defendants failed to carry out the works
according to the approved plan and specifications. As a result, the 1st
Plaintiff had spent RM50,000.00 for rectification works. In light of this, I
agree with the 1st Plaintiff that the 1st Defendant failed to establish any
bona fide debt against the 1st Plaintiff.
[18] It is my considered view that in order for the Winding-up Notice to
be valid, the debt on which the notice was based at the first place must be
bona fide undisputed (see Jurupakat Sdn Bhd v. Kumpulan Good Earth
(1973) Sdn Bhd [1988] 1 CLJ Rep 618; [1988] 2 CLJ 649; [1988] 3 MLJ
49 and Christopher Michael Cheow v. ANS Builders Sdn Bhd [2012] 9
CLJ 727; [2012] 1 LNS 234; [2012] 10 MLJ 359). In the present case, the
1st Plaintiff has established that there are contestable issues and bona
fide disputes on the alleged debt.
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[19] Further, the Plaintiffs had proven their claim that the 2nd Defendant
had misled a staff at the 1st Plaintiff’s office to acknowledge the receipt of
the Statements of Account.
[20] To substantiate the claim, the Plaintiffs subpoenaed two witnesses
namely SP2 who is a former worker of the 1st Defendant and Fatin
Farhana (SP5) who is a former Assistant Accountant of the 1st Plaintiff to
testify in court. SP2 testified that when she was still employed by the 1st
Defendant, she was personally instructed by the 2nd Defendant to deliver
the Statements of Account to the 1st Plaintiff with a specific instruction
given by him that she must ensure that the 3rd Plaintiff was not in the 1st
Plaintiff’s office which signified by his car not being there. In short, SP2’s
mission on that day was only one i.e to send the Statements of Account
when the 3rd Plaintiff was not around as to enable the Plaintiffs to accept
the Statements of Account without any objection or argument.
[21] After carefully listening and perusing her testimony, I accepted
SP2’s evidence despite the 2nd Defendant (SD3) strenuously challenged
and denied her narrative. I find that SP2 is a credible witness as she is a
witness with no interest and there is no reasonable ground for her to lie in
[22] Likewise the evidence from SP3 - when she was still working with
the 1st Plaintiff, she admitted receiving the Statements of Account from
SP2. Nevertheless, at that point of time she just chopped the 1st Plaintiff’s
company chop at the column “confirm & accepted” on the Statements of
Account without verifying the correctness of the amount claimed in the
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[23] Based on the evidence adduced, I find that the Statements of
Account were deliberately delivered when the 3rd Plaintiff was not in the
1st Plaintiff’s office. If the Statements of Account were genuine, why the
2nd Defendant instructed SP2 to deliver them in such suspicious manner?
A reasonable inference can be drawn that the motive was none other than
to ensure that the Statements of Account were delivered and considered
as admitted by the Plaintiffs so that the Winding-up Notice could be
[24] It is interesting to note that the 2nd Defendant, during the cross-
examination, explained that the Winding-up Notice was issued based on
the alleged oral arrangement between him and the Plaintiffs whereby it
was agreed that the 1st Plaintiff would issue a RM511,734.80 cheque to
him and in return, he would give the 1st Plaintiff a RM200,000.00 cheque.
This exchange of cheques has to be done simultaneously. Nonetheless,
the 2nd Defendant averred that the Plaintiffs failed to honour the
arrangement which led him to issue the Statements of Account to the 1st
Plaintiff. This narrative adds another reasonable doubt that the Winding-
up Notice is not genuine and issued with mala fide.
[25] In light of this I find that the Winding-up Notice was invalid and has
no effect.
Whether the Plaintiffs are entitled to keep a sum of RM200,000.00
paid by RHF
[26] As alluded to earlier, based on the Shareholders’ Agreement, the 1st
Plaintiff is entitled to 40% share of the 1st Defendant’s profit. Since the
Plaintiffs have proven vide SP2 that the 1st Defendant gained a profit of
RM511,734.80 from the RHF Project, then the Plaintiffs are entitled to
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keep the sum of RM200,000.00 being the 40% share of the 1st
Defendant’s profit pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement.
Whether there was a breach of fiduciary obligation by the 2nd
Defendant towards the Plaintiffs and the 1st Defendant
[27] It is pertinent to point out that the Companies Act 2016 requires a
director to act in the best interest of his company and prohibits him from
engaging in any business which is in competition with his company to gain
personal benefit. Sections 214 and 218 of the Act read –
Business judgment rule
214 (1) A director who makes a business judgment is deemed to meet
the requirements of the duty under subsection 213 (2) and the equivalent duties
under the common law and in equity if the director—
(a) makes the business judgment for a proper purpose and in
good faith;
(b) does not have a material personal interest in the subject
matter of the business judgment;
(c) is informed about the subject matter of the business
judgment to the extent the director reasonably believes to
be appropriate under the circumstances; and
(d) reasonably believes that the business judgment is in the
best interest of the company.
(2) For the purposes of this section, "business judgment" means any
decision on whether or not to take action in respect of a matter relevant to the
business of the company.
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Prohibition against improper use of property, position, etc.
218. (1) A director or officer of a company shall not, without the consent
or ratification of a general meeting—
(a) use the property of the company;
(b) use any information acquired by virtue of his position as a
director or officer of the company;
(c) use his position as such director or officer;
(d) use any opportunity of the company which he became
aware of, in the performance of his functions as the
director or officer of the company; or
(e) engage in business which is in competition with the
to gain directly or indirectly, a benefit for himself or any other person, or cause
detriment to the company.
(2) Any person who contravenes this section commits an offence and
shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five
years or a fine not exceeding three million ringgit or to both.
[28] The question is whether the 2nd Defendant being one of the 1st
Defendant’s director had acted in breach of his fiduciary duty by discreetly
concealing and deliberately subcontracted the Cuipo Project to his sole-
proprietorship company in the 3rd Defendant instead of the 1st Defendant?
[29] It is undisputed that the Plaintiffs had invested in the 1st Defendant
and the 2nd Defendant knew that the main purpose of the Plaintiffs putting
their investment in the 1st Defendant was to gain profit and nothing else.
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[30] As alluded to earlier, in August 2019, the 2nd Defendant secured the
Cuipo Project but subcontracted the Project to the 3rd Defendant to carry
out the related works. All payments by Cuipo Stone to the 3rd Defendant
were made when the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs were still the 1st Defendant’s
shareholders. Nevertheless, surprisingly after the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs
were no longer the 1st Defendant’s shareholder with effect from 22.8.2019,
all payments by Cuipo Stone were paid to the 1st Defendant. This
evidence shows the clear intention of the 2nd Defendant subcontracted the
Cuipo Project to the 3rd Defendant is to avoid the sharing of profit from the
Project with the Plaintiffs.
[31] Further, during the trial there was no single reasonable explanation
advanced by the 2nd Defendant on why he subcontracted the Cuipo
Project to the 3rd Defendant instead of the 1st Defendant.
[32] It is my considered view that one of a director’s responsibilities is to
place the shareholders’ interest above his own and it is incumbent upon
the director to show that he had acted as such.
[33] Drawing the thread together, it is clear that the 2nd Defendant was
in breach of his fiduciary duty when he discreetly concealed and
deliberately subcontracted the Cuipo Project to his sole-proprietorship
company instead of the 1st Defendant as to avoid the 40% profit share
with the Plaintiffs and at the same time made secret profits for his own.
Whether there was a breach of fiduciary obligation by the 4th
Defendant towards the Plaintiffs
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[34] It is pertinent to note that the 4th Defendant being the then company
secretary of the 1st Defendant had prepared the instruments for the
appointment of the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs as directors of the 1st Defendant.
These instruments were signed by of the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs on
21.1.2019. Nonetheless, the filing of the instruments with Suruhanjaya
Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) was only done by the 4th Defendant two months
later i.e on 11.3.2019.
[35] The 4th Defendant admitted the delay but he averred the delay was
caused by reasons outside his control namely the Chinese New Year
which fell on 2.2.2019 and presentation of the stamp duty adjudication on
the share transfer by the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN). With
respect, I am not prepared to accept these reasons. The signing of the
instruments was done almost 2 weeks before the Chinese New Year while
LHDN would normally take not more than seven days to process the
stamp duty adjudication. The delay depicts the 4th Defendant’s nonchalant
attitude towards his responsibilities.
[36] The 4th Defendant in denying the liability averred that the 2nd and 3rd
Plaintiffs must be the shareholders of the 1st Defendant first before being
appointed to its directors. Nevertheless, when being asked by learned
counsel for the Plaintiffs, the 4th Defendant agreed that the 2nd and 3rd
Plaintiffs could be appointed as the 1st Defendant’s directors immediately
after the instruments for the appointment was signed by them. In addition,
Evelyn Eng Hui Xian (SP4) the solicitor who prepared the Shareholders’
Agreement affirmed that the Agreement came into operation on the date
of its signing and not when of the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs become the 1st
Defendant’s shareholders.
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[37] The evidence adduced in this court shows that in between the date
of the signing of the Shareholders’ Agreement and the filing of the
instruments, the 2nd Defendant discreetly managed to withdraw a
substantial amount of money namely RM117,080.00 from the 1st
Defendant’s account without the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs’ consent despite they
were directors by virtue of the Shareholders’ Agreement. This can be seen
in the 1st Defendant’s Audited Account for 2018 (exhibit P41) where it was
stated that cash in hand and at banks was only RM53,453.00.
[38] It is my considered view that the 4th Defendant being the then
company secretary must always act professionally, responsibly and
honestly with reasonable care and due diligence. The 4th Defendant also
must exhibit a high degree of skill and proficiency in discharging his duties.
It is clear in the present case that due to the delay in filing of the
instruments by the 4th Defendant, the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs suffered a great
loss as they have significant shares in the 1st Defendant.
[39] In the premise of the foregoing, I find that the 4th Defendant was in
breach of his fiduciary obligation as the 1st Defendant’s company
secretary towards the Plaintiffs which resulted of the 2nd and 3rd Plaintiffs
suffering a substantial loss as the 1st Defendant’s directors and
The Defendants’ counter claim
[40] The Defendants’ counter claim revolves around the sum of
RM200,000.00 claimed by the Plaintiffs pursuant to the Shareholders’
Agreement. The failure of the 1st Defendant to pay the sum led the 1st
Plaintiff to issue the Statutory Notice pursuant to s. 466(1)(a) of the
Companies Act 2016 dated 11.11.2019 to the former.
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[41] It is pivotal to note that I have covered earlier why the Plaintiffs are
entitled to the sum. As such I do not propose to repeat my grounds on that
matter. Suffice it to say that I came to the conclusion that the Plaintiffs are
entitled to keep the sum being the 40% of the 1st Defendant’s profit from
RHF Project pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement.
[42] In the upshot, I find that the Statutory Notice dated 11.11.2019
issued by the 1st Plaintiff is valid.
[43] For the 2nd and 3rd reliefs, the Defendant pray that such the 1st
Defendant or the 2nd Defendant is not responsible to pay the sum
RM200,000.00 to the 1st Plaintiff. Again, as I mentioned it above, this issue
has been dealt before.
[44] In the premise of the foregoing, I find that there is no merit in the
Defendants’ counter claim. Thus, the counter claim is dismissed.
[45] In the final analysis, having considered the facts and the
circumstances of the present case, I find that the Plaintiffs on the balance
of probability have proven their case. Hence, I allow the Plaintiffs’ claim
with costs and damages to be paid by the Defendants. An assessment of
cost and damages will be fixed. I also dismiss the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Defendants’ counter claim with no order as to costs.
Dated: 7.11 .2023
High Court of Malaya, Johor Bahru
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For the Plaintiffs - Chang Tau Sian; Messrs. Henry Soong & Chang
For the Defendants - Jermaine Tay Yu Rong; Messrs. Dennis Nik &
Cases referred to:
Christopher Michael Cheow v. ANS Builders Sdn Bhd [2012] 9 CLJ
727; [2012] 1 LNS 234; [2012] 10 MLJ 359
Jurupakat Sdn Bhd v. Kumpulan Good Earth (1973) Sdn Bhd [1988]
1 CLJ Rep 618; [1988] 2 CLJ 649; [1988] 3 MLJ 49
Legislations referred to:
Companies Act 2016 - s. 214, 218 & 466(1)
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| 26,806 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AB-44-10-06/2023 | PEMOHON HENDRA BIN MULANA RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Criminal Procedure - Section 317 of CPC- Application to admit additional evidence - Applicant convicted of offences under s.8(b) of Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 - Request for child pornography - The additional evidence was in respect of Applicant's defence under s.20 of 2017 Act - Whether Applicant did not know of true age of the victim - Failure of previous counsel to tender additional evidence to support defence case - Whether 4 conditions in R v Parks have been fulfilled - Application dismissed | 06/11/2023 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
06/11/2023 12:04:09
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Aa—u—1u—os/2023 Kand. J1
zm,,2ozs nvza-09
[N0 KF.: aonsI3o1e22u ...PEMoHoN
[1] The Appneem med Iwa (2; Nauoes u1App2a| in the com dc Apnea!
agemen the deasmn enme Cmm delivered an 4 9 2923 in respect ovcase
Nos. AEA4—1l)-06/2023 and AEAL1106/2023 Denalning Io me
2.; applicalmns to edmu new evidence under me provisions ov Arts. a and
121 dc me Federal OOVISU ' n. ss.2s. 31 and 35 of me come of
Judicature Ac’: 1954 and 5.317 0! me cnmmex Procedure Cnde (cps).
The apphcmions were made in reepem o4 me appeal m the Tepmg men
cdun Apbeal Nos. AB-42JSKS-2~02/2023 and Auznsksrzmz/zcza
[24 Earner, me Applicant had been convicted by the Tawping Sessxons
Counan16.2 2023 in Case No AB€2JSK—20r1 1/2019 aneme was found
gmfly and oonvicled on m-ee (3) amended charges ol requeeung for cmm
pomugraphy undev s, am or me Sexua\ Offences Against Children Act
In 2D17(“|hs 2m7 Act“) and one (1) charge under me eeme sedinn in cese
em 5n5nI\wum1aF6X»:umA
-we Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm we nvwnnflly mm; dun-mm vn nF\uNG wrm
No. AB-62JSK»21-1|/2019. The Appllcanl was ssn|enoed la 13 years
lmpnsonment lrom ma dale of oanvlcllnn 15.2.2023 and 3 strokes of me
mlan In respect -71 each charge and all lmpnsonmam sentences were lo
mn ouncurvemly. He was alsa semenue lo undergo counselllng whlle In
prlsnn and 3 years‘ puliue superv on afle( completing ms lmpnsnnmanl
senlenoe The Sessiuns Coufl allawad a stay olexecullon permmg appeal
agalnsl canvlcuon and senlencs to me Hlgh calm. ms Grounds al
Judgment sals out ms reasons for alsmlssal of mm appllcamns.
[3] Allhnugh he was charged in September 2019, mal only
commenced on 24 3 2021 due In the CDVId'19 pandemic The Applloanl
at me luwer cclurlwzs vepmjenlsd by his solicitor Messrs. Hakiml, Lallma
s. Mavdhiyah & Assoclales, Talplng. The Noll’: Unsl/I was filed by a
dlffsrent sollcllor Messrs Abdullah, Maxnah a Jew, Kuala Lumpur an
was 2023 as per Encl. 1 together with the Amsvir Sokongan m End. 2
affinned bylhe Appllaam mmsall The applicatlon was made furadmlsslnn
of a purportedly new svldence that was not avallahls durlng the lrlal
[4] The Noll: L/aul sought the cams leave fur the lullnwlng
a Eahnwl: Femnhun/Pzmyu yang dlnamakan an alas dlharl kebenaran
unmk merluemukakan cahman/emuk pmlxil akin»-Jkaun BIGO
Parvgadu (SWO) seven: yaw ullamulman dalnm Afldavll Sakmvg-In
nswmu aw MULANA yang dllkulkarl pada 15.052023 yang mama
dllallkan :1! sin] dulam menyvlmng Malls usul ml subagal bukll-hukll
kelararlaan harwlarllularl urlluk dlhzca aan dlmjuk scram helsekzll
unmkdan baglmluan pamurlgararl rayuarl an Mahkamah mm. Malaya
Talmna lug. keg Raylmn Jeniyah Nu A:-azlsxs-24:2/zm (rayuarl
N 5m1nIlwukmdFm(wlRlA
was Sun! nnvlhnrwm be used M mm .. mlmlluy mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
mm (supra) wmn approval. n mscussed what was a whoHy sxcsp|inna\
circumstance, and there M was m rsgam In Ignorance an the defence of
murder. Wwth respecl, the decision m me Singaporean case was confined
In the rams of the case and me apex court had staled:
‘ .Wa are nal s»-ggunng an out mumam ma any -gnmanu onus \am on me
pan acwumx shank! neussumy mu . pm-manywng m avsry case. The
law mung to murd-r hawevur, 1: We mosl mnnsmenu: pomon nf afl our waw
n gnvems ma mndnlons m whhzh many may take nwiy Me‘ an almv m n:
avnflcaunn may be such that n can nevsrbe renam-
[151 The decision 01 me svngaporean court Is omy persuaswe am not
bnndmg here and «ms Court onmes that u rs not an appxe-mpme
oompanson as the \aw in re\aUon to me dsfencs (or me capital olfenos of
murdsr could not be equated with the defence avaflalfle In an accused in
5 20 of the 2017 A01. The apex court oonunued:
‘In I11: event we «ma umsehres cnmpeflad tn . vary fivm mw Va me man max
had (run avdenne Iogelller mm the avidanca .5 m m. nature at he klflmgs
been below: the mal awn and had me mw vamnng la the mmdenca and
Quantum ovproonaeen ounec1|ysla(edm|heAufY(as Vlwssbmen m laasnnnme
My wmd Posswbw have some to any concmsum other man lhat me dedenca M
mmvmshsd vaspuvvilhllwly was made nul -
‘n It flu paramaum duly av we own to sea mu, m we Vast resort pushca -5
dune mvd any mwluimnge :11 mm mm In vlaw nflha «am mm m. Isnmad
Judas came in Ms mnclusnon as . veault a! me demonsxmfion Elven by In:
chemlsl we cannc| say he was nm influenced by lhis additions! evfdeme which
was nolshwnuo be nenewry and also Vmpmvefly admmed AJudII cnnnoi
sllvlnly can Invaddlflona cvldcnctlusnosalliw his curiosity or dnum at
to supwlumnnl a was: n ma Prouclmon. Alia. such Ivmnnnm vv
nuanluvy. mun DI m pron-r vom. am: um In accorflancn mm m
mm mu nflm Cnmm-I Plocldun Cudl'
Vn Do] v usim v FF 1193711 ML! 115, the Supreme Cuun held
[Emphasis added]
N manummasmm
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[201 I nave considered ine alfldavil in suppon oi ine epplicaiion, ine
submisslens and case laws cited and l have also nigriiignied ine relevant
cases above. The coun needs to deiennine wheilier all me iour
ocndiliclns have been satisfied as submmsd by the Applicant‘: counsel
that they have done so Wilh regard |a mndlllons Nos. 2 and 3. this Court
does nol have difficulty to answer in me amrniaiive As clearly explained
in «he ihird ecndiiion enunclaled in R vPark$ (supral. ii IS not me task ar
INS caun lo decide wneiher ihe proposed evidence is lo be believed or
ndi. Al this stage, ine iuncuon oi ine couri is only lo deierniine wneiner
ine proposed evidenee, ii given, is capable oi bsllsl.
[21] However, in my underslandlng of «lie llie firs|ount1i|lorl,llls(l1aI llie
evidence must nut he avaiiauie ai ihe iriai. To recap, in paragraph 9 di
Enci, 2. me Appiioani slated in nis iesiirnony, lie laid me sessions coun
inei in nach amount SP10 had stand her age as 19. 22 2nd 2:. ln
paraymph 10. «he Auplicarlt evened ihal he had nonesily aliernpied id
eseenain her real age Neveriheless. mere was no such documentary
evidence suibmmed by his previous counsel lo suppon his oral evidence
in edun at liiai lime. Then in paragraph is, he oorlll-adlcled nirnsell by
slaiing inai pursuarll (0 his newly appointed oouneers advice, he had
euiained uie pnnlouls in Exhlini HM—3 as lunner evidence ior ine purpose
onne appeal Hound Ihal unis purpunadly new ovidancn was almady
available ul the «rial. as lie already knew ihen she had svaled uiree
difimniagas In nu BIGO account nrufllos. But as to why the previaus
counsel did no| adduce iheni at when iirne. only ihe Appllcnni and his
delenee learn knew llie reason. Failure. ii any. oi «lie previous eounsel lo
suuinii lne docurnenls liien, did nol niean lliey were not available 5! all. I
concluded mm iiia Aupllcam has not mieiiad ilie flrsl condltlon.
sin 5*J5nIlVnukmdF®01ilRlA
-use s.ii.i Ilnvlhll will be used m mm ve nllnlrullly Minis dun-vlnril vu .nune Wflxl
[22] wiln regard lo me leurln condillon. l.e. alter oonsldsring lnal
evidence, go en lo cnnslder wnelher lnere nilgnl have been a reasonable
doubt ln lne inlnds ollne Jury aslo ma gulllellheappellanl lllnal svldencs
had been given logelnei wlln lne elnerevidenoe al |l'le lnal. As there is no
lury nare, lnls oundlllan will relarlolne lnal calm. A perusal pnna grounds
of iudgmerll ln Exllloil l-ill/M snowed that me scJ nad oonsldeied lne
Appllcanrs evidence and deienoe abwl no: known; SFIO‘s We age
(paragraphs 32 onwards). Then in paragraph 37 onwards |he SCJ sraled
why she dld nol believe his delerlce.
[23] in paragiapn 75, 12*" line onwards, ane alaled '...spal7lIa rarludun
dapal rnalrnal aeaualu yang mencurrgakan lanlang umul sebemar spur .”
She wanl en lo paragraph 71, wnlcn was me pass for nrs applicaliens Io
adrnn addilidnal evidanoe The SCJ viewed mallhe Apphcanl should have
mat SP10 ln persun In asoenain one age ollna g‘lr| And then the SCJ also
rnenlloned aooul lne Aoplicanvs acadernlc qualilioalion ls. Diploma ln
Early childhood Educallon, which she corlsldersd as well lnal lne delenoe
alsad dld nol oonvlnce nar lrlal he dld nm know Ihe victim's lme age
[24] The Appllcarll was asking lo adnill lns addlllenal deoumenlary
evidenue ev SWO‘: purported adull ages bu| lne SCJ's epneluaien was
llnal lia did nol mzko any eiion tn mael wm. SP1|l in person l fuund
lnal based on her oonolusions, lne addllienal doournenlary evldence ln
Exnibil HM—3 “would nol have raised a reasonable doubt in lne mind of
me sc.I as In lne gull: ol lrle Anpllcanl ii lrral evldende nad been glven
lcgelher wI|h me olhar evldenoe al the lnal' Thonlon, tin Appllunt
hu also nol aatlsflnd tholounh com1l||all.Whelher ornollne SCJ was
ngm in convict lne Applicanl la a dlflerenl nialler and lnal la lerlnla ceun
In declde at me appeal siege.
SW 5m1nIlwmlkmdFm<qllRlA
-we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m mm ms nflnlruflly sun. dun-vlnrrl via .neno Wm!
[25] It tetnte tewtneretere, tnet not ontythe etreumeteneee must be mas|
excepflonal but the subject wntcn ts pmpased to be adduced by further
evtaenee ts subject ta exeeptianet onndilians. It becomes necessary anty
ite latlure anusttoe would nesutt trsucn aaantenet etndence was not taken
and allowed wnen audtttonat (acts have come to fight since tne date at
met. The matter ts lefl entirety lo the discreltcn at the court. And me coun
has exemtsed we dtecretton judtctausty tn accordance wttn establtshed
teget pnnctptee. There was nolhtng new tn lhe addmortal evtdenee wnten
lhs Appttcent sought tn be admmed tn tne Recom at Appeal as they were
already known to me defence et me lrtal. Moreover, me SCJ would not
have cumelu a difleranlcnnclusiun svsn W1hedncuman1s|osht1w 5910':
‘purponzd emer aduk ages’ had been admmed at me Inal
[25] Premtsed upon the above cortstderaltcns, tne Cuurlluund Ihers was
no merI| tn the appllcahuns and both were dtsmlssed aoeerdtngly
Dzlnd s Novemberznzct
Moor Ruwuta Btnu Md. Nurdln
Judlclal Commlssiomr
Nlgll Cnufl ul Malaya, Tzlplng
syn mnttmmemwn
-we s.n.t n-vthnrwm be ts... m mm me mm-y mt. dun-mm VI] .nune Wm!
Regmemn all
For the App cam‘
Mr. mu Bln Jalflr
5 Abdullah, Mumh a. Jefrl, Kunll Lumpur
For the Relpondontz
um: Szll Chzy Mac Ling
P-jabnl Tlmbalau Plndnkwa Raya Mason Ferak. Cawangan Talping
sw 5nsnI\wum1aF6XqumA
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum pm
Buhawn Perwnhun/Pe<iyn dlbsrl kubenaran unluk memlanknn bukN—
mu keleranwsn bsmllanlman yam: diwhnn leuebul ssbagai R-ken
rawan Tambahan nag: kss Rawan Jenayah NoAE»J2JSKS-2-02r‘2023
(mm Iecsgk-ml’),
Bahawa Pemohnn/Psrayu when kehznalan urvtuk rnemmda Fstrsyen
Rzyuan hanallkh zsa 2023 smaran German Danmah am kebenlnn
yang dwbavlkarl uaram plravvqcan (1) dan (2; an alas‘
amwa sehanjlmiya um semms dengin Ssksysn 317 Kanun Pmeaur
Janlyarl mm 51:) ksteranuan ham/Vanjulan hen<a\Lan pmhfl mu»
akaml BIGO Pnngadu (spun aummn dan dneflmn masuk umuk flan
Dag: mluan Dendenanmn layuan ur Mahkameh nnggr Mavaya Talpmg
nag: kss Rayuan Jenayah Na AE—42.1SKS-2-a2l2|723 (Wiyuan
Eahawa sekhanya am: clan 3 animal (will Rzyuan pada ma zuza
duadualkan semmz ke lankh ham unluk membenarmn ketslangin
barn/Vammnn sedcmlklan mmawmr. mgr human hujzhulrhujahan
flalam rayum dun dahm pendengavlll riyuan vamubm ar Mahkaman
Muha rm:
Rem sehrqulnyl yang Mahkamah Yang Mull: Im fiklrxan warer, Dihll
den sum mamanl.
The same prayers were snughl in respect 0! CrIm|na\ Appeal No.
AB42JSKS-$02/2023 «or Case No, AB-GZJSK-21-II/2019. The bflef
reasons gwen in! ms appllcaflons ware um.
the Aupllcanl was convicted on 15.2 2023 after a lull lnal an
the (our charges. He had been sentenced to 13 years‘
Impdsunmenl mm the dale av common and 3 strokes each
al me man;
sm 5«zmI\wuxmaFm<wvwrA
“Nana smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mrmu-y mm: dun-mm VII mum vmm
ne was dissausned wun the decwsion 0! me Sessions Conn
and had med appems In the Hugh com and men me Pelmon
er Appeal was med en 25.4.2023:
me Sessions court In smvlng at us deuswun had cnnsxdered
the pmwsven of ‘Presumplion of age of a mild‘ under s.2o of
the zen Am and deuided mac -rermun/Pmyu uuex
menunjukkan Teduduh sda msnja/ankan usaha dan rkhlisr
Lmluk bsdumpa dsngan spm ssndfli bagi memaslikan
semade SP10 re/an seoreng dewasa eveu kanek»kanak':
ne documentary ewdenae Derlammg to "caburarl/eksl'rak
pmfafl akaun-akaun 5/so /em Pengsdu (spmr were
tendered aH.|1elHa| m the Sessxans Court and (hvs dwecily
prejumced the defence or me Appellanl/Apphcanl;
substantial prejudice would alsn ensue \f the 'cabutan/skslrsk
pmlarl ekaunekeun BIGD tern Psngadu {SP1ll]" are not
aflowed In be made as pen uflhs Recmd ufAppea|;
docurnenvary ewdence pena ng 10 ‘semen/eksLrek prulafl
akaun-akaun E/Go /err: Pengadu (SP10)‘ sought u: be
tendered are very inter-related wnm the findings at me
Sessions Courl:
me sens documentary evidence sougm la be adrmlled herein
are cremble decumemery evmenae and would raise a
reeseneme doubt m the lower court re\at\ng to me Appllcanfs
gum W015 sawd evfdenue nad been admitted along with u|her
evmenue Iherem.
syn manuxmmarmm
-nee snrm n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. nrwhrnflly mm: dun-mm wa mum Wm
[s] The Deputy Pubhl: Prosecutor (DFP) ate not me any amttavtt In
reply but obtected to the appttcettone in the wntten sutzmtestans of the
Respondent ntett on the nterntng at t4.a 2023 The hearing al the
appttcatten was nominated an 14.4% 2023 and adjourned lur decision on
addtttonal or runner evtdence states.
The plovistun of s 317 atthe cwc which ptovtdes tot teeeptton at
“Older ta take ttttthet etttaenae
an (H tn aeattng wtth any apnnet undsr tttts crteptet a htage. n he wnks
saatttanet emenee tn be neseuaty, may ettnettate such evtaence htrnaettar
etteat tt ts be taken by a Magishilu
(2; when the addmnnnl evidence ta taken by a hteatettate he ettatt eenny that
evidence tn the htsh cetttt who ehatt then, us eeen ee may he. messed te
atspoee nl the appeat
tat Unless the Judas uthetwtse attests, the aeatteaa at he advucale shatt he
wuent when the eaatttenet avtdunce ts taken.
tmha tehna ul smdancs ttneenhte senmn utett, tatttte pttrpnsas orcheptet
xxv, be dsemed te he nn ?nflu\ty'
[9] The Appllcanl eubtntttea that the math reasan tot the appttcattens
was due te the findings made tn the grounds of tttegntent uflhe Sessions
com Judge (SCJ) in paragraph 77 which was tn E HMV1 ol Enat 2,
where she had stated 'Tst1uduh/Pelayu I/dak menultitlkkan Tenuduh sda
men/‘a/ankan usaha dart ikhtiar tmfuk bequmpa dsngan SP10 eencttn‘ bag!‘
I-nemasrikalv sarnada sum ia/ah seolang dewasa alau kanalokanak’.
Referring to s.2o at the 2017 Act, counsel tor the Apptteent tntatntee the
Cuufl that the pt-vlons counsel tithe Sosllans Court did not presam
atn ettatttteeehttemattete
‘Nuns a.n.t I-vthnrwm be used a mm the MW: dun-mm he .nette WM!
the evidence wlilch they sought io ho adinllhd as panoftho doluiu
ease The Aooirsani came to know the victim (SWO) through the itve
streaming piaitsrrn knnwn as "B]GO‘. si=to had an assount wi|h BIGO.
The crux oitne deienoe case was exastiy that aitnouoh the Applicant had
been eornrnunr 9 Via iaieu, telephone and wnarsApp with the victim
tsi=to). he did not know her real age because BIGO was an aduitsoniy
piationn and not intended iorsnyone under ta years o1sge.TheApoIicent
sought to aoouse aooriionai evidence (he! SPIO owned more than one
EIGO acoount and each oi them showed diitereni ages at SF10 (please
reierto Exhibit Hit/i—3 in Enot. 2). itenoe, ms Appiioani had seen denied oi
a iair tnai one to the neornpotsnee" oi the proviso: eounsei who
conducted the ease and aid nut adduue the said Exhibit i-tM<a.
[91 counsei reierred to a iew cases in its Bundle of Amhurilies and
argued that the ease of uiuruqaynh v PF porn] 2 ML! 545 was
apphssois here. The Apphcani wanted to show to the court that he did
make etiorts to ascertain her age. The new evidence wduid satisfy the
tour ssnortions In R u Parks moi] 2 AER us and it may raise a
the mind onhs iriai iudge They prayer: that me courr
aiiowed the ooauments to be aornnteo so that they wouid have a ehsnoe
to argue the ease during the supsrantwe aopeai
reastonabie dou
[to] The DPP submmed that the Applicant knew that SWO lied aoour
her age as the evidence would show. The printouts In Exhibit HM<S were
inoancluslvs as two at ihern did not shtm ihe viclim‘s iace. iithe prinloms
were admiued, the prosecution seuto not send them ior veniieanon and
whether these pmliies were shii YVI existence. it was not known it the
aiieged pmliles were used WI cummunimtiuns oetwsan the Applicant and
SFID. itwher the Appiioant aiieged was true, Ex r it HM4 wouid have
None s.n.i n-rihnrwm rs used m mm ms oflninsiily Mimi dun-rinrrl VI] .nuue Wmi
existed during the tnal and therelora did not satisiy the corldflmns in R v
Parks (supra). The DPP sutiinltted turther that the SCJ had assessed the
credipllity at the witnesses arid came to a culmcl hriding at the tnat and
the victim's cross-excrriinatlori at pages :s:s:l~3:s7 ot the Nuts t)1Evidenoe
(which were not exhlbited in the application) showed that she had been
asked the relevant qussllorls regarding her age. However, the Applicant
did not adhere to the ccnect procedures to admit lurther evlderlce ler the
purpose atthe appeal and prayed torthe application to be dismissed. she
argued that in the ease of uurugayeri v PP tsupra), the court of Appeal
had oleany explained the conditions in R v Parks tsupra). Hence, to allow
the applications would be a travesty oriustide to the prosecution case after
trial and a second bite at the cherry by the N7 ‘
rlt so to speak.
I11] ln reply, counsel lor the Applicant submitted (rather puzzllngtyl that
Muntglynh v PF (supra) could ae distinguished tiecause the application
under s.3I7 oi the CPC was made about three years later whereas here
End. 1 was tlled lrriniediately whlle pending the appeal ln the instant
case, the existenoe of other also accotmls held py SP10 would show
that she had stated ditterent ages (lied apout her real agei. ln paragmph
sorsrict 2, the Applicant stated that in his testimony, he told the Sessions
Cnurl that in each aecourrt SP1D had stated her age as la, 22 arid 23
sl=tu also told hlrh that she was studying in upper Form 6 and which was
why he believed that she was rnore than 18 years‘ old. In paragraph to.
the Applleantaveneo that he had honestly attempted to ascertalri her real
age in paragraph t1, the Applicant stated that nevertheless, there was
no such documentary evidence supinitted by the previous oourisel to
support his eral evidence in cutm at that time He had peen supstantially
preiudioed by the nndings at the sc.l in his deteriee because the iudge
had applied am at the 2017 Act on the wrong evidence.
SN 5*JlinIlVnukmdFD(qiYRlA
-use s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll re used is mm s. oflnlrrallly Mlhls dnunvlnrll vta aFlt.ING wnxl
[12] In paragraph 12‘ The Appncanc stated that In March 2023 upon
appoinwlg a dwrerem counsel to conduct his appeal and in prepareuon at
me Penman M Apbeal. he had been asked about SP1D’s omer awso
account pmmes. Pursuant merelc, m pamgraph 15 me Apgncann smeu
that ne had (aken steps m obtain ms extrams ol SP1D‘s o|her sweo
account memes in order tor the documents to be admitted as and Inna!
evidenoa for the purposes M me appeaxs.
[1 :1] The coun win not dehbeme on me rnerivs of ms defence in regard
to the apphcanons. But it \s peninent at this point. for completeness. lo
stale the law in regard to sm anhe 2017 Amvmvch provides:
'Fve:umD|mn ahsge nla mm
2n n Vs ml adeleme la a chmgefaranyoflenoe uMerIh>sAc1. or any Mlence
Sbecmed m we seneaune wne.e me mum \s a em, man an accused neuem
that me :98 av me mm: 45 an more man mm as specmaa m we rsspecllve
pmwsmns m such nflencu 2| the cm ma vflencu n afleged 10 Ma been
mmmmad umasx live nccuuaa muk an raamnahle steps «a men“ me 192 no
the and -
[141 The Applicant Vs relying on the phrase ‘unless ms accused look all
reasonable slaps Ia ascsnam ms ags ofths chila’. Augusnns Paul JCA
m Muruglylh vrr (supra) sialad:
“s n wm be obsswad mm on vacephon oi lddmunzl amama Vs a matter :71
discvemn u .5 smiled um Ihal me exerdse M n dFs|:re|mn musl be m
acmrdance wulh eslzbflshed mdlchal guldeflnes In me case at aaaumng
addmonalev1asrme.lha wmdeimas were wen out m Laud vMarsha/M15413
All ER 745 m ma vonn unmua condmuni. In ehlzoralmn aims commons, Lard
ParkarCJ sawd n R vPafl<s[1961]J All ER 5:: at p 6:
Thuclpdnclplll club: xummarludinlhlx way. rum. um uvldlncn
um n I. wunlll to all mun bu uvldlncn which Wu not Ivallubll
.1 um um Slcnndly, ma on. you wllhuul lylnq, It mull bu
syn 5«zmI\wukmaFm<wvmA
«-we sum be used m mm me mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
-vlflcncu .- van! 1.: 1h. lssun rhhs1Iy,h must bl ma...“ which
Is cudlbla wldcnu 1.. In: nun that n 1. wull can-nu. .1 Del‘ 1
1 ....1 1... 1h1. cnunlndncldu -.h.1>m111s to h. hnlllvod ornol, but
11 ......1 by ...1.1.m which 1. capahn. or Iullfl. rounhuy, nhs soun
will .1... cnnsld-ling muuvldnnu go 1... 1.; co..u.1..wh.mu1hm
mlghl hm bun .. nuonlhlu .1......11.. 1h. ...1...1. anh. Jury 1..
12.1 cum .1 Ch: anvnllam Wlhm ovldinct had bun gum Iannhu
wlm 1h. o1hIr nvld-nu .1 1h. (rial.
7 The slalememotlhe 1.... 1.. R1/Park£II9§1]3AHERG33 hm: been adumsd
and aonhea 1.1 ml cases such as Mohamed uh. Jamel V Pub/I:
Prosecular[196ll1 MLJ 254: Del bln Laura I/Fumrc Pm.Iecw!ar[19B7] 1 MLJ
1161LoFarTfllarv L D751/F'ubhc Frusacumr[1966l1 MLJ 214 aha ChsD1n 1.1..
AhmadvPub/rcProwcutoI[1§16lI MU 259 1h. conditions an cumulatlvt
....: ....u..m. .h.....1. Ild .1..1...n.. lppnllanllnnnlsfy km mun hat
they hm 1:... 1... ch. Dln bin Ahmad v ;=..ou.=
Pmser.-uIar[1D7bl 1 mm us). 11 Is 1.1.1,. - 1h. ......1 .mpnm1
nlrnumstzncns Ihallhe mun mu Ieuelve . ...1 mddnnwl Assyed A911
Earakbah J (as he men was) said 1.. Che om bln Ahmad u puuhu
;-.omu.ur|w1s1 1 MLJ 259 a1 vb zasszgo:
Naw,s 3171.1 111. 12.1.11...» Pmusduva cm: gwas : msm.1.ah in me
.u.4geh1 heanng -unynvnealtn aflaw a.1.1111....a1 evldelvce .1 he mm such
.s necessary. In cnnsldenina such avnhmlinn me nppeHaIz mull has
a\ways adoptsd lhe almude that .1 1s my 1» 1h... ms. ExceDImna\
cucumsaanoes, and sumacn tau whal may be assmhea as ex=ep11e..a1
candnmns. mar (ha wun >5 aver wmmg to listen «.1 addmuna! awaenoe
(Mohamnd 1.... u....../ V Pub/I: PmseL‘1lIor[19GJ] 1 MLJ 254, 255 per
11...“... LP. flummg HaHe1 J ...1h. can ..1 .7 V .Iar1.1an(195E) m c.
App R 152. 154) h is nlenr, 1ma1...c‘ 1h.1 nol nnly 1...
cimumshmes must be men exnevlional but the suhilcl which s
mono-an to In mum by Nrlher evldlnce Ls sunlect to
-mmnohan condllh-mi. 11 hocomn h nsiry my I! a lallun nf
i-mic. would mun iiluch addmonii Ividvnco was hm mm. and
.u.y....1 whnn . .:.1...... cu hm w . 1.; light :1...» Int am 01
mu ....m . 1.41 ...u..1y huh: asm. .... nflhn c.....-1.~.
[Emphasis added]
[151 In Mulugayah v PP qsupra), (he accused was charged .1 me
sessmns court WIH1 an nlfencs under 5.325 of the Penal Cnds far having
caused grievous hurt to one Kantharupan who at me me! had identified
N 5fi5nI\wu>1mdFww¥R1A
1.... used .. mm .. ..1.h.h. MW; dnu-mm VII .nu.uc pm...
me aeeiised as one oi the coin peieens who had ahacxed him. The
accused was oonvieted in Febmary 1997 and sentenced. He appeaied to
the High cotinagainst the eenvietiaii and sentence. whiie the appeal was
pending the accused made an appiicahen in the High ooiiit to adduee
additional evidence puieiinnt I0 s :17 er the cue iioiii himseii,
Kanlhanlpan and one Kiishnari His appiieetion was disiiiissed by the
High Court He appealed against the High Courl decisien The hasls of
his application wee that eoniotiino fter his conviction, in was. he
was intoi-iiied by Kitetinan that Kenitiarupnn waa iiecuaity uuiiited
tiy euiai pnrsons. He tater niet Kanthanipan who toid the aeeiieed that
he had ideiitined the accused in cdiiit based on imoiniatien he obtained
from a third F-any His appeal againstthe High cciiiitdecisioii was attdwad.
The circumstances in that case was the proizosed evidenee ceiitd nut
have been zivaiiaoie at the tnei and it went to the identity dnhe assaitant
[161 Therelove, it appeared in the above case that the inieiniation seiigtii
to DB admiltied as flesh evidence WES DVIW awilabie in 1998 afler the Ma‘
ended. The third and ioiiiiti condillons in R v Parks (sum) weie also not
satisfied In that case To siininiaiise, the tour conditions are.
1 me endenee Ih-I|!l ie lflughi la can must be evidenea which was net aveitaeie
ai itie iiiai
ii niiisi be evideiiee relevant to the iseves
3 ii must ee evidence which is eiedioie evidence in the ieiice that it Ii wail
eaeeeie oi oeiieh, it It nut iei this cciiitio deeds Wflalharll im e. balievud W
rial, but it iiiim be evidence which n eepaiii. af hlhaf
4 me com vnii aitenedinideniie thl| evidence an en la caruidsr whelher ineie
might have iieen ii renmnahle douhl in the niinds eiiheiury as to the eiiiii at
the iiveeitani Iflhn| evidence had eeen given |age1her wilh lha oihei evideiiee
ai the met
[17] I have eiso iaoked at the case of Mohitmed Bin Jlmll v PP [1954
1 ML! 254 where the Fedei-ai court of Singapore which also cited R v
N eeciiiiemdidmeiieie
we s.ii.i nnvihnrwm be in... M mm ee nflnihnflly MIME dnunvilnl wa miiiic WM!
| 2,001 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
JA-A72NCvC-127-02/2020 | PLAINTIF HADIN ENGINEERING SDN BHD DEFENDAN EASTERN PRETECH (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD | Perbicaraan penuh-beban pembuktian kes sivil-Kebolehterimaan keterangan dokumentar-Akta Jualan Barangan 1957-Jualan secara deskripsi-Anggapan seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950-Keterangan saksi pakar-Seksyen 45 Akta Keterangan 1950. | 06/11/2023 | Puan Noorfazlin Binti Hamdan | |
GUAMAN NO: JA-A72NCVC-127-02/2020
[ Company No.: 27816-T ] …PLAINTIF
[ Company No.: 198901007471(184774-P) ] …DEFENDAN
[1] Ini merupakan Alasan Penghakiman atas rayuan Defendan yang
tidak berpuas hati terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Majistret Sivil (1) Johor
Bahru di akhir kes perbicaraan penuh pada 30.08.2023 di mana
Mahkamah telah membenarkan Tuntutan Plaintif dan menolak Tuntutan
Balas Defendan. Rayuan ini adalah terhadap keseluruhan keputusan
Mahkamah tersebut.
[2] Sepanjang perbicaraan pihak-pihak telah memanggil saksi-saksi
SP1-Ha Sze Seng
06/11/2023 08:17:18
JA-A72NCvC-127-02/2020 Kand. 78
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
SP2-Dzul Yadaini Muhamad
SD1-Abel Limmyros Bak Hock Swee
SD2-Tee Bee Kim
SD3-Nurul Ain Nasuha binti Mohd Radzi
SD4-See Toh Wai Kue
SD5-Muhammad Saifullah bin Hasim
[3] Plaintif adalah sebuah syarikat kejuruteraan di Pasir Gudang,
manakala Defendan adalah sebuah syarikat pembuatan dan penjualan
produk konkrit precast dan kerja pemasangan tapak yang dijalankan di
Jalan Seelong,Senai,Johor.Berdasarkan fakta kes, ini bukanlah kali
pertama kedua-dua pihak menjalankan urusniaga bersama.
[4] Pada 22.10.2019, pekerja Defendan iaitu SD2 telah menghantar 1
emel kepada Plaintif melalui SP1 meminta Plaintif menyediakan 1
tawaran sebutharga bagi 3850 steel brackets dengan spesifikasi 200mm
x 200mm x 9mm dengan Lakaran steel brackets (selepas ini disebut
Lakaran Pertama).
[5] SP1 mendapati terdapatnya ralat pada lakaran steel brackets dari
sudut spesifikasi. Oleh itu, SP1 menghubungi SD2 meminta pengesahan
jenis steel brackets yang hendak digunakan iaitu keluli lembut (mild steel)
kerana adanya catitan Grade S275 pada Lakaran Pertama.
[6] SD2 telah menghantar emel kedua bertarikh 25.10.2019 dengan
menyatakan spesifikasi yang dikehendaki iaitu 200mm x 100mm. SP1
seterusnya telah menyediakan 1 sebutharga bertarikh 24.10.2019 yang
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berjumlah RM721,250-00 iaitu RM185/unit mild steel brackets (selepas ini
disebut Sebutharga Pertama).
[7] Pada 7.11.2019, Defendan telah mengurangkan kuantiti kepada
500 unit sahaja dan Plaintif masih meneruskan kontrak dengan
Defendan.Kemudiannya, pada 8.11.2019 SD2 telah memaklumkan
mengurangkan lagi kuantiti kepada 300 unit sahaja dengan mengarahkan
Plaintif memulakan kerja dan membuat penghantaran pertama sebanyak
50 unit steel brackets pada 15.11.2019 tanpa sebarang pesanan
pembelian rasmi.
[8] Plaintif melalui SP1 telah meminta Defendan agar penghantaran
dibuat pada 20.10.2019 atau selepas itu kerana bahan mentah hanya
boleh diperolehi Plaintif pada 11.11.2019 sedangkan arahan Defendan
hanya diberikan pada 8.11.2019. SD2 telah menghantar emel kepada
SP1 memaklumkan persetujuan tarikh 20.11.2019 tetapi tidak berjanji
jumlah steel brackets kekal 500 unit. Oleh itu, Defendan hanya
mengeluarkan pesanan pembelian berjumlah 300 unit sahaja.
[9] Pada 14.11.2019, SD2 telah menghantar Pesanan Pembelian
bertarikh 11.11.2019 berjumlah RM70,500-00 bagi 300 unit steel
brackets. Plaintif mendakwa atas kelewatan Defendan menghantar
pesanan pembelian tersebut menyebabkan penghantaran pertama hanya
boleh dibuat pada 21.11.2019.
[10] Defendan melalui SD2 bersetuju dengan permintaan Plaintif
tersebut menerusi emel bertarikh 19.11.2019 mengarahkan Plaintif
menghantar 20 unit steel brackets kepada Defendan pada 21.11.2019
dan seterusnya sebanyak 50 unit steel brackets setiap hari bermula
25.11.2019. Plaintif telah memulakan kerja-kerja pembuatan steel
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brackets tersebut tanpa sebarang pembayaran deposit daripada
[11] Plaintif telah membuat (2) kali penghantaran steel brackets seperti
(i) Pada 21.11.2019, Plaintif telah menghantar 20 unit steel
brackets kepada Defendan dan bukti akuan terima Defendan
bertarikh 21.11.2019 (Rujuk P12 Ikatan B m/s 26) dan emel
SD2 mengesahkan penerimaan (Rujuk P13 Ikatan B m/s
(ii) Pada 25.11.2019,Plaintif telah menghantar 100 unit steel
brackets kepada Defendan dan bukti akuan terima Defendan
bertarikh 21.11.2019 (Rujuk P14 Ikatan B m/s 27).
[12] Ketika Plaintif sedang menyiapkan baki steel brackets, pada hari
yang sama iaitu 25.11.2019 Defendan mengarahkan Plaintif
menghentikan kerja-kerjanya serta-merta. Pada 26.11.2019, Defendan
melalui SD1 mendakwa Plaintif gagal mengikut spesifikasi yang diberikan
dan mengarahkan Plaintif membaiki semula steel brackets tersebut
dengan kosnya sendiri.
[13] Pada 27.11.2019, Defendan melalui pekerja bernama Suriana
menghantar emel kepada Plaintif berserta Lakaran lain (selepas ini
disebut Lakaran Kedua) yang didakwa oleh Plaintif mempunyai
spesifikasi dan jenis steel brackets yang berbeza daripada Lakaran
Pertama. Namun, perbezaan ini dinafikan oleh Defendan. Dalam emel
tersebut inter alia Plaintif diminta membaiki semula 120 unit steel brackets
dengan menggunakan High Tensil Deformed Bar dengan kosnya sendiri
kerana jenis steel brackets yang dikehendaki adalah High Tensil
Deformed Bar.
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[14] Plaintif telah tidak bersetuju dengan permintaan Defendan tersebut.
Sebaliknya telah meminta Defendan perlulah membayar terlebih dahulu
kos pembekalan 120 unit steel brackets dan kos bahan mentah bagi 300
unit steel brackets tersebut. Namun, permintaan Plaintif telah ditolak oleh
Defendan menyebabkan Plaintif telah melantik Peguamcara dan
mengisukan 1 Notis Tuntutan bertarikh 04.12.2019 dengan menuntut
RM71,100-00 kepada Defendan. Defendan pula telah menafikan liabiliti
tersebut dan membuat tawaran penyelesaian dengan sejumlah RM7,080-
41 dibayar kepada Plaintif dan ditolak oleh Plaintif.
[15] Defendan juga telah membuat satu tuntutan balas sebanyak
RM62,299-82 dan Ganti rugi Am kepada Plaintif atas alasan terpaksa
menanggung kos dan perbelanjaan tambahan membaikpulih 120 unit
steel brackets tersebut. Defendan juga telah mendapatkan khidmat
kontraktor lain iaitu Silvermax Engineering bagi menghasilkan 180 unit
baki steel brackets tersebut.
[16] Beban pembuktian kes pihak Plaintif adalah di tahap imbangan
kebarangkalian sepertimana diputuskan dalam kes Inas Faiqah Mohd
Helmi v Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2016] 2 CLJ 885 di mana Mahkamah
Persekutuan memutuskan di para 13:
“[13] The standard of proof in civil cases is the legal standard to
which a party is required to prove its case, namely on a balance of
probabilities. In civil litigation, the question of the probability or
improbability of an action occurring is an important consideration to
be taken into account in deciding whether that particular event had
actually taken place or not…”
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[17] Begitu juga beban pembuktian Defendan atas Tuntutan Balas
terhadap Plaintif adalah serupa. Oleh itu, berikut adalah isu-isu yang perlu
dipertimbang oleh Mahkamah.
(1)Penandaan dokumen ID29-ID34,ID35,ID37 dan ID38 sebagai
[18] Dokumen-dokumen yang bertanda ID yang dibantah oleh Defendan
adalah seperti berikut:
Tandaan Mahkamah Jenis Dokumen
ID29 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 1 - 4
ID30 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 5 - 7
ID31 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 8 - 9
ID32 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 10
ID33 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 11
ID34 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 12 - 16
ID35 Invois
Ikatan Dokumen C mukasurat 17
ID37 Notis berkenaan kadar caj daripada
Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor
Ikatan Dokumen D mukasurat 1 - 9
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ID38 Undang-undang Kecil Lembaga
Pelabuhan Johor (Skala Caj) 2011
Ikatan Dokumen D mukasurat 14 - 15
[19] Mahkamah telah menerimamasuk kesemua dokumen ID di atas
dengan membenarkan penandaan ekshibit P atas alasan-alasan seperti
(i)Mahkamah mendapati walaupun Plaintif gagal untuk memanggil
pembuat-pembuat dokumen tersebut, namun wujudnya pengecualian
bagi keterangan dengar cakap selaras seksyen 32(1)(b) Akta Keterangan
1950 yang berbunyi seperti berikut:
Section 32 - Cases in which statement of relevant fact by person who is
dead or cannot be found, etc, is relevant
(1)Statements, written or verbal, of relevant facts made by a person who
is dead or who cannot be found, or who has become incapable of giving
evidence, or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of
delay or expense which under the circumstances of the case appears to
the court unreasonable, are themselves relevant facts in the following
(b) when the statement was made by any such person in the ordinary
course of business, and in particular when it consists of any entry or
memorandum made by him in books kept in the ordinary course of
business or in the discharge of professional duty; or of an
acknowledgment written or signed by him of the receipt of money, goods,
securities or property of any kind; or of a document used in commerce,
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written or signed by him, or of the date of a letter or other document usually
dated, written or signed by him.
[20] Berbalik kes ini, Mahkamah berpendapat jika Plaintif memanggil
setiap wakil syarikat yang membekalkan kesemua invois (ID29-ID35)
tersebut akan mengakibatkan kelengahan dan perbelanjaan yang tidak
berpatutan dalam kes ini. Sebagai pembeli bahan-bahan mentah
tersebut, SP1 sememangnya ada pengetahuan penuh tentang
kandungan invois-invois tersebut.
[21] Malah, berdasarkan keterangan Defendan juga mengesahkan ada
menempah steel brackets daripada Plaintif.Jika tiada, bagaimana Plaintif
boleh menyerahhantar 120 unit steel brackets kepada Defendan dan
mempunyai baki 180 unit steel brackets dalam kes ini. Oleh itu,
Mahkamah berpuas hati sememangnya wujud modal bahan-bahan
mentah yang perlu dibeli oleh Plaintif dalam kes ini dan fakta ini tidak
[22] (ii) Penandaan ekshibit P29-P35 juga adalah selaras dengan
Seksyen 73A AK 1950 yang berbunyi:
Kebolehterimaan keterangan dokumentar dalam kes sivil, dsb.
73A. (1) Walau apa pun yang terkandung dalam Bab ini, dalam mana-
mana prosiding sivil jika keterangan lisan secara langsung mengenai
sesuatu fakta boleh diterima, apa-apa pernyataan yang dibuat oleh
seseorang dalam sesuatu dokumen dan yang cenderung membuktikan
fakta itu boleh, apabila dikemukakan dokumen asal, diterima sebagai
keterangan mengenai fakta itu jika syarat yang berikut dipenuhi:
(a) jika orang yang membuat pernyataan itu sama ada—
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(i) mengetahui sendiri tentang perkara yang diperkatakan dalam
pernyataan itu; atau
(ii) jika dokumen yang berkenaan itu sebahagian atau menjadi
sebahagian daripada rekod yang berupa sebagai rekod yang
berterusan, telah membuat pernyataan itu (setakat yang perkara yang
diperkatakan dalamnya tidak diketahui olehnya sendiri) dalam
melaksanakan tugas merekodkan maklumat yang diberikan kepadanya
oleh seseorang yang telah atau boleh semunasabahnya dianggap telah
mengetahui sendiri tentang perkara itu; dan …”.
Keterangan SP1 tersebut adalah mencukupi untuk mematuhi prasyarat
yang dinyatakan di atas kerana SP1 mempunyai pengetahuan langsung
tentang kewujudan invois-invois tersebut. Oleh itu, adalah wajar untuk
Mahkamah membenarkan kesemua dokumen tersebut menjadi eskhibit
[23] (iii)Penandaan ID37 dan ID38 pula didapati terjumlah sebagai
dokumen awam mengikut seksyen 74,78 Akta Keterangan 1950 dan
seksyen 57 Akta Keterangan 1950 sebagai Pengiktirafan Penghakiman
(Judicial Notice) kerana dokumen-dokumen tersebut merupakan Notis
daripada Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor dan Undang-undang Kecil Lembaga
Pelabuhan Johor (Skala Caj) 2011. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membenarkan
penandaan P37 dan P38.
(2)Sama ada pembekalan 120 unit steel brackets oleh Plaintif kepada
Defendan telah dibuat?
[24] Isu utama yang dipertikaikan pihak-pihak adalah jenis steel brackets
sebenar yang dipesan oleh Defendan kerana wujud (2) versi antara
kedua-dua pihak. Plaintif mendakwa Defendan telah memesan 300 unit
steel brackets menggunakan jenis “Mild Steel Rod”. Akan tetapi,
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Defendan mendakwa telah memesan steel brackets jenis “High Tensil
Deformed Bar”.Kedua-dua ini mempunyai perbezaan yang ketara dari
segi mata kasar dan pemakaiannya.Berikut adalah gambar kedua-dua
jenis steel brackets yang menjadi pertikaian (Rujuk D44):
Mild steel rod High Tensil Deformed Bar
[25] Mahkamah merujuk kepada fakta-fakta yang dipersetujui (Ekshibit
H &J) di mana dipersetujui urusniaga pemesanan steel brackets tersebut
antara wakil pekerja Defendan bernama Jyn Tee (SD2) dengan wakil
Plaintif iaitu Samuel Ha (SP1). Pada 22.10.2019, SD2 telah menghantar
emel kepada SP1 Lakaran Pertama yang mengandungi spesifikasi
berkenaan steel brackets tersebut yang disebut sebagai bracket hollow
section beam di Ikatan Dokumen Plaintif B m/s1-2 seperti berikut:
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[26] Menurut SP1, maklumat pada Lakaran Pertama tersebut tidak
lengkap di mana spesifikasi 200mmx200mmx9mm ketebalan juga
kelihatan salah. Hal ini menyebabkan SP1 telah menghubungi SD2 dan
memaklumkan kesilapan pada Lakaran Pertama meminta pengesahan
tentang jenis steel brackets yang hendak digunakan kerana ada catatan
S275 Grade bermaksud mild steel rod.
[27] Mahkamah mendapati terdapat emel jawapan SD2 dengan SP1
bertarikh 25.10.2019 jam 9.42 yang telah membuat pembetulan akan
spesifikasi seperti berikut sepertimana di Lakaran Pertama:
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[28] Keterangan SP1 menyatakan SD2 telah mengesahkan jenis steel
bracket yang hendak digunakan adalah mild steel rod. Namun, emel
tersebut didapati tidak ada menjawab pertanyaan Plaintif tentang jenis
steel brackets yang digunakan melainkan ukuran yang diberikan. Apa
yang ada, hanyalah simbol-simbol yang turut menjadi pertikaian pihak-
[29] Mahkamah mendapati, pembelaan Defendan telah menafikan
keterangan SP1 tersebut. SD2 menyatakan steel brackets yang ditempah
sepatutnya High Tensil Deformed Bar kerana emel SD2 tersebut
meletakkan H20 dan H16. Bagi menjawab isu ini, Mahkamah mendapati
wujudnya keterangan-keterangan lain yang dapat menunjukkan jenis
steel brackets yang ditempah pada mulanya menurut kontrak seperti
(i) SP2 iaitu saksi pakar Plaintif telah menjelaskan amalan prosedur
biasa industri dalam membuat tempahan kepada kontraktor
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memerlukan perkara asas seperti nama barang/perkhidmatan
yang diperlukan, kuantiti, jadual/tarikh penghantaran, gred
bahan, Lukisan Kejuruteraan yang menyatakan saiz, ukuran dan
bentuk, keperluan lain seperti mengecat atau salutan atau
galvanizing, keperluan pemeriksaan mutu dan kawalan kualiti;
(ii) SP2 juga menyatakan Defendan selaku pembeli perlu menilai
sebut harga dan memberikan maklumat tambahan kepada
Plaintif selaku penjual supaya faham keperluan hasil barangan
tersebut. Keterangan SP2 ini disokong dokumentasi manual BS
EN 10025:1993 (Rujuk P3 Ikatan C m/s 42);
(iii) Keterangan tersebut telah dicabar kepada saksi pembelaan SD1
dan SD1 mengakui telah gagal mengamalkan sepenuhnya
prosedur yang dijelaskan SP2 tersebut. (Rujuk NK m/s 80 para
(iv) Tindakan SP1 yang menerima tempahan tersebut walaupun
Defendan gagal menggunapakai amalan prosedur biasa masih
boleh diteruskan kerana menurut SP2, adanya lakaran diberikan
oleh Defendan dengan dinyatakan nama barang tersebut
“Hollow Section Beam & Gred S275”;
(v) Berdasarkan standard piawai garis panduan penghasilan
lakaran steel bracket yang dikemukakan oleh pihak Defendan
(Rujuk D39 ikatan dokumen F m/s 9,10 dan 12)
mengkehendaki Defendan menyatakan indikasi apakah
standard yang digunakan untuk mentafsirkan lakaran dengan
memasukkan perkataan “this schedule conforms to
BS8666:2020”,jenis dan gred yang digunakan.Namun,
Mahkamah mendapati tidak ada standard yang
dinyatakan/dicatatkan dalam lakaran bracket tersebut.Ini diakui
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sendiri oleh Defendan melalui SD5 (Rujuk NK m/s 33 para 13-
30 & m/s 34 para 9-30);
(vi) Mahkamah mendapati SD5 mengakui salah faham atau
kekeliruan dapat dielakkan jika lakaran steel bracket yang
dibekalkan Defendan tersebut selaras dan mengikut dengan
garis panduan yang dinyatakan;
(vii) Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati Defendan telah gagal
membekalkan lakaran mengikut standard piawai garis panduan
yang lengkap dan menyebabkan Plaintif telahpun menawarkan
sebutharganya berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan oleh
Defendan iaitu Grade S275;
(viii) Mahkamah mendapati sebutharga-sebutharga Plaintif secara
jelas menyebut mild steel berserta harga. Defendan telahpun
bersetuju dengan tawaran Plaintif tersebut dan mengeluarkan
Pesanan Pembelian berdasarkan sebutharga Plaintif tersebut.
Hal ini kerana, jika benar Defendan menempah steel brackets
jenis High Tensil Deformed Bar,maka sudah pasti harga akan
menjadi lebih mahal dan lebih tinggi menurut penjelasan SP1;
(ix) Mahkamah juga berpendapat sekiranya Defendan
berkehendakkan High Tensil Deform Bar maka kod yang perlu
digunakan sepatutnya adalah gred 460-500 sepertimana diakui
oleh SD5. Akan tetapi SD5 mengakui gagal menyatakan gred
tersebut melainkan S275 sahaja di dalam lakaran tersebut.
(Rujuk NK m/s 80 para 22-30 & m/s 81 para 1-7);
(x) Kesemua lakaran steel brackets Defendan juga sangat
mengelirukan kerana jika benar Defendan berkehendakkan High
Tensil Deformed Bar maka sepatutnya ada lakaran fishbone
mark/rib pattern sepertimana standard lukisan kejuruteraan
seperti berikut: (Rujuk m/s 68 Ikatan Dokumen B)
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Tetapi kesemua lakaran Defendan langsung tiada sebarang
tandaan lorekan rib/fishbone mark tersebut; dan
(xi) Mahkamah juga mendapati tiada sebarang keterangan
sokongan bebas lain yang dapat membantu pembelaan
Defendan tersebut termasuklah keterangan SD5 sebagai saksi
pakar Defendan tersebut.
[30] Berdasarkan dapatan-dapatan di atas, Mahkamah berpuas hati
bahawa kontrak yang dimasuki bersama daripada Pesanan Pembelian
Defendan pada 14 November 2019 sebenarnya adalah merujuk steel
brackets jenis mild steel dan bukannya High Tensil Deform Bar seperti
didakwa Defendan.
(3)Sama ada Defendan telah menerima pembekalan 120 unit steel
brackets Plaintif dan mengikut deskripsi?
[31] Mahkamah mendapati memandangkan pembekalan steel brackets
tersebut adalah berdasarkan lakaran, maka seksyen 15 Akta Jualan
Barangan 1957 terpakai yang mana bagi kontrak menjual barangan
secara deskripsi/perihal, terdapatnya satu syarat tersirat bahawa
barangan sebenar yang hendak dijual hendaklah bersamaan/bertepatan
dengan deskrispi yang diberikan.
[32] Seksyen 12(2) Akta Jualan Barangan 1957 pula memperuntukkan
kegagalan penjual untuk menyediakan barangan sebenar
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bersamaan/bertepatan dengan deskrispi yang diberikan, akan
memberikan hak kepada pembeli menolak kontrak tersebut.
[33] Oleh itu, bagi mengenalpasti apakah deskripsi yang dikehendaki
Defendan dan dipersetujui bersama menurut kontrak, Mahkamah perlu
meneliti isu-isu tersebut terlebih dahulu:
(i) Terdapatnya (3) buah lakaran yang dihantar oleh Defendan kepada
(i)Lakaran Pertama bertarikh 22/10/2019 yang dihantar oleh SD2
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(ii) Lakaran Pensel bertarikh 24/10/2019 yang dihantar WhatsApp SD2
(iii)Lakaran Kedua bertarikh 27/11/2019 yang dihantar oleh pekerja
Defendan bernama Suriana (secara emel)
[34] Antara Mesej emel pekerja Defendan Suriana kepada SP1 adalah
Dear Mr.Samuel,
Hi,I’m Suriana from EP Operation side,kindly informed for the
bracket 120nos that your side to is is cannot be use,however your
side still can rectified the item,The RHS(Rectangular Hollow
Section) can still be used but the rebar need to be replaced by H
bars (High Tensil Bar).It involves removing the R(Round
bars)without damaging the RHS.The area of the RHS where H bars
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to be welded cannot have galvanised material prior welding.It must
be completely clean.
Perhaps do a sample first. The welding of the bar also need to have
8mm as below sketch detail. For your info this item are structural
item to hold 10 tonne panel and really need to make sure the
welding work to be done properly follow the spec.
[35] Berdasarkan kandungan emel bertarikh 27/11/2019 seperti di atas,
Mahkamah mendapati informasi-informasi penting yang diberikan oleh
pihak Defendan tersebut seolah-olah menunjukkan itulah kali pertama
diberikan/dikongsikan kepada Plaintif seperti perlu menggantikan mild
steel kepada High Tensil Deformed Bar,perlu membuat sample dahulu
dan tujuan steel brackets tersebut hendak digunakan bagi menampung
struktur 10 ton panel.
[36] Hal ini disebabkan, jika benar kesemua informasi tersebut telah
diberitahu kepada Plaintif sebelum kontrak dimasuki maka, sudah tentu
Defendan akan cenderung menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang
bersifat mengingatkan (reminder) atas spesifikasi yang telah
dibincangkan dan dipersetujui bersama sebelum itu. Malah, SP1 sendiri
mengakui dan memahami keadaan jika steel brackets hendak digunakan
bagi menampung struktur beban yang berat maka High Tensil Deformed
Bar lebih sesuai digunakan.
[37] Selain itu, Mahkamah mendapati berdasarkan Lakaran Pertama,
secara jelas tercatit “Grade S275” yang bermaksud mild steel dan ini
telah disahkan oleh SP2 (Rujuk WSSP2 m/s 7) dan ekshibit P3 Ikatan
Dokumen Tambahan Plaintif B m/s 30-68. Mahkamah juga mendapati
SD5 sewaktu diperiksa balas oleh Peguamcara Plaintif juga mengakui
Grade S275 tersebut merujuk mild steel (Rujuk NK m/s 76 para 25-33).
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[38] Plaintif telah bertindak dengan mengisukan sebutharga masing-
masing bertarikh 24/10/2019 dan 08/11/2019 yang mana harga masih
kekal RM185-00 yang merujuk kepada mild steel. Apa yang diminta oleh
Defendan hanyalah untuk mengurangkan kuantiti daripada 3850 unit
kepada 500 unit steel brackets (Rujuk P2 Ikatan B m/s 4 dan P5 m/s 8).
[39] Pada hemah Mahkamah, jika benar Defendan kehendaki High
Tensil Deformed Bar sejak awal lagi, maka sudah pasti tidak dicatitkan
Grade S275 pada Lakaran Pertama dan lakaran rib pattern/fishbone mark
akan dinyatakan. Selain itu harga juga sudah berbeza kerana SP1
mengesahkan harga High Tensil Deformed Bar adalah jauh lebih tinggi
berbanding mild steel (Rujuk NK m/s 52 para 22-27). Oleh itu, deskripsi
Lakaran Pertama tersebut sebenarnya lebih cenderung merujuk kepada
mild steel bar sepertimana difahami oleh Plaintif.
(ii) Sama ada wujud perbezaan pada Lakaran Kedua?
[40] Mahkamah mendapati berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan saksi,
wujud 9 perbezaan yang berjaya ditunjukkan oleh Plaintif in toto.
Keterangan SD5 juga mengakui wujudnya perubahan dari sudut dimensi
dan ukuran steel brackets pada Lakaran Kedua tersebut (Rujuk NK m/s
107 para 5-13).Jika benar Defendan langsung tidak ada membuat
perubahan deskrispi tersebut, maka sudah pasti tidak akan ada langsung
9 perbezaan yang dinyatakan tersebut. Keadaan ini menunjukkan
Defendan sendiri berubah-ubah pendirian dalam memenuhi deskripsi
sebenar yang dikehendakinya dan kini menafikan liabilitinya terhadap
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(iii) Apakah maksud simbol-simbol berikut?
(i)Simbol D
[41] Isu ini timbul kerana berdasarkan sebutharga Defendan (Rujuk
D59A Ikatan E m/s 21) menyatakan D20 Bar & D16 Bar bermaksud
Deformed Bar yang bersamaan dengan High Tensil Deformed Bar seperti
di bawah:
[42] Sedangkan menurut Plaintif, simbol D tersebut bermaksud
Diameter 20 dan Diameter 16 sepertimana yang tertera di dalam
sebutharga-sebutharga Plaintif bertarikh 24/10/2019 dan 25/10/2019.
Perbezaan versi pihak-pihak ini menjadikan Mahkamah perlu
mempertimbang keterangan sokongan bebas lain untuk mencapai
[43] Mahkamah mendapati terdapatnya keterangan dokumentar
Defendan yang menyokong dakwaan Plaintif iaitu di m/s 9 Ikatan
Dokumen Tambahan Defendan F yang menyatakan simbol D merujuk
kepada diameter sepertimana British Standard yang turut digunapakai
oleh Singapura.Oleh itu, Mahkamah berpendapat simbol D bermaksud
Diameter dan bukan Deformed Bar/High Tensil Deformed Bar
sepertimana dakwaan Defendan.
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(ii)Simbol H
[44] Defendan melalui SD5 mendakwa simbol H di dalam lakaran
Pertama merujuk kepada High Tensil Deformed Bar kerana mengikut
standard Singapura (Rujuk WSSD5 m/s 3).Walau
bagaimanapun,keterangan SD5 tersebut tidak mempunyai sebarang
sokongan bebas lain termasuklah kegagalan memanggil wakil Syarikat
Lum Chang yang dikatakan telah menghantar Lakaran Pertama secara
emel kepada Defendan dan mengatakan simbol H bermaksud High Tensil
Deformed Bar mengikut standard Singapura.Oleh sebab itu seksyen
114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai bagi isu ini ke atas Defendan.
Malah, menurut saksi pakar SP2 apabila dirujuk simbol H di 2H20H
tersebut,keterangan emel untuk lakaran tersebut adalah untuk saiz
“Hollow Section” dan bukannya High Tensile Deformed Bar (Rujuk
WSSP2 m/s 7 No 17). Oleh itu,keterangan Defendan tersebut adalah
tidak benar dan wajar ditolak.
(iii)Simbol T
[45] Menurut versi Defendan, simbol T yang wujud dalam Lakaran
Pensel Defendan seperti berikut adalah merujuk High Tensil Deformed
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[46] Walau bagaimanapun, Mahkamah mendapati Lakaran Pensel oleh
SD2 didapati tidak mendapat pengesahan daripada SD5 sebelum
dihantar kepada Plaintif (Rujuk keterangan SD2 NK m/s 37 para 12-25).
Mahkamah juga mendapati penjelasan SD2 dan SD5 bercanggah
sesama sendiri kerana SD2 mengatakan simbol T tersebut mengikut
standard Singapura. Berbeza keterangan SD5 mengatakan simbol T
mengikut standard Malaysia bermaksud High Tensil Deformed
Bar.Perbezaan standard yang sepatutnya digunakan oleh pihak-pihak
dalam kes ini menjadikan Mahkamah perlu lebih berhati-hati tentang versi
Defendan tersebut.
[47] Berbeza keterangan saksi pakar SP2 menyatakan berdasarkan
lakaran yang diberikan Defendan, tafsiran untuk kerja-kerja fabrikasi
adalah tepat berdasarkan gred bahan yang dinyatakan iaitu S275 (Rujuk
WSSP2 m/s 6 no 15). SP2 menerangkan lagi, Defendan tidak
menyertakan apa-apa kod rujukan dalam lakaran yang memberi tafsiran
T bermaksud high tensil bar sebaliknya hanya menyertakan gred bahan
secara jelas iaitu S275. Sebutharga Plaintif dibuat berdasarkan Lakaran
Pertama dengan catitan Gred S275 bermaksud mild steel rod.Oleh itu,
Lakaran Pensel tersebut sudah tidak lagi relevan dalam kes ini.
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[48] Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan dapatan-dapatan di atas,
Mahkamah berpuas hati deskripsi Defendan dalam Lakaran Pertama
adalah merujuk mild steel rod telahpun berjaya disiaphantar oleh Plaintif
sepertimana kontrak. Kemudiannya, Defendan telah mengubah deskripsi
steel brackets tersebut melalui emel bertarikh 27/11/2019 berdasarkan
Lakaran Kedua setelah menyedari kesilapannya tetapi menafikannya.
Tambahan pula, sebarang kos wang pendahuluan langsung tidak
dikeluarkan oleh Defendan lagi kepada Plaintif.
(4) Sama ada Defendan telah membuat sebarang bayaran ketika atau
sebelum membuat tempahan steel brackets?
[49] Adalah fakta diakui bahawa Defendan tidak ada sama sekali
membuat apa-apa bayaran pendahuluan sebelum membuat tempahan
steel brackets tersebut. Hal ini kerana menurut Defendan, Plaintif
langsung tidak meminta sebarang wang deposit untuk memulakan kerja-
(5)Sama ada Defendan memaklumkan kepada Plaintif defek dalam
tempoh 24 jam selepas penghantaran 120 unit steel brackets?
[50] Plaintif mendakwa Defendan sepatutnya memaklumkan tentang
sebarang kecacatan atau kesalahan 120 unit steel brackets tersebut
dalam tempoh 24 jam dari masa penerimaan. Hal ini kerana, selaras
dengan terma penghantaran Plaintif di ekshibit P12 Ikatan B m/s 26 yang
berbunyi inter alia:
“Delivery orders are conclusive evidence of delivery in good order and
condition unless we are advised in writing of any defect in their quantity or
quality within 24 hours after delivery”.
[51] Manakala bagi Defendan tempoh masa untuk semakan 120 unit
steel brackets tersebut memerlukan tempoh yang lebih panjang dengan
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merujuk kepada Terma-Terma & Syarat-Syarat Pembelian Defendan
(m/s 15 Ikatan Dokumen B) di para 5.9 seperti berikut:-
“…shall not be deemed to have accepted any Goods until we shall have
had a reasonable time and opportunity to inspect the Goods after the
[52] SD2 juga mengatakan emel yang diisukan kepada Plaintif hanyalah
untuk memaklumkan tentang telah menerima steel brackets tersebut
tetapi bukanlah bermaksud telahpun membuat pemeriksaan dan berpuas
hati ke atasnya.
[53] Dalam membuat penilaian isu ini, Mahkamah bergantung kepada
seksyen 43(1) dan (2) Akta Pelindungan Pengguna 1999 berhubung
tempoh masa yang munasabah untuk memaklumkan tentang sebarang
kecacatan penerimaan sesuatu barangan. Memandangkan kedua-dua
pihak hanya bergantung kepada dokumen masing-masing, maka adalah
menjadi tanggungjawab Mahkamah melihat keterangan mengikut
keadaan seperti situasi, jenis perniagaan,jenis barangan dan lain-lain
faktor yang dijalankan kedua-dua pihak.
[54] Pada hemah Mahkamah, disebabkan steel brackets ini mempunyai
syarat tersirat iaitu secara deskripsi, Defendan harus diberikan masa yang
munasabah untuk meneliti terlebih dahulu 120 unit steel brackets tersebut
untuk berpuas hati dengan deskripsi dan kualiti produk.
[55] Bukti cop penerimaan daripada Defendan bukanlah bukti konklusi
bahawa 120 unit steel brackets tersebut adalah sempurna dari sudut
kuantiti dan kualiti. Hal ini kerana menurut Defendan perniagaannya
mempunyai banyak produk yang diterima dan memerlukan beberapa hari
untuk diperiksa dengan mengambilkira hari cuti dan hari Jumaat. Oleh itu,
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adalah tidak munasabah untuk Defendan terikat dengan tempoh masa 24
jam sepertimana terma penghantaran Plaintif.
[56] Walau bagaimanapun, dapatan ini tidak bermaksud Plaintif telah
gagal menyerahhantar steel bracket mengikut deskripsi kontrak
sepertimana yang telah dijelaskan sebelum ini kerana Defendan sendiri
yang telah gagal dan cuai dalam memberikan lakaran steel brackets
mengikut standard industri yang sebenar. Kecuaian Defendan ini
menjadikan Plaintif mengalami kerugian dari segi masa, tenaga, kos wang
ringgit atas kesilapan dan kecuaian Defendan.
(7) Sama ada 120 unit steel brackets yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi
Defendan sepatutnya dikembalikan kepada Plaintif?
(8) Sama ada 120 unit steel brackets yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi
Defendan, maka Defendan berhak untuk membaiki sendiri tanpa
membuat sebarang bayaran terlebih dahulu kepada Plaintif?
(9) Sama ada 120 unit steel brackets yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi
Defendan, maka Defendan berhak untuk membaiki sendiri steel
brackets tersebut tanpa meminta persetujuan dan izin daripada
[57] Ketiga-tiga isu ini digabungkan kerana saling berkaitan. Mahkamah
merujuk kepada seksyen 45(2) dan (3) Akta Perlindungan Pengguna
1999 yang telah memperuntukkan tanggungjawab pembeli untuk
mengembalikan semula barangan yang mempunyai kecacatan tersebut
kepada penjual semula kerana ia melibatkan isu pemilikan.
[58] Namun, Defendan tidak ada memulangkan 120 unit steel brackets
tersebut kepada Plaintif.Sebaliknya, Defendan telah membaiki sendiri
steel brackets dan tidak ada langsung membuat apa-apa bayaran lagi
kepada Plaintif.Walaupun Defendan berhujah dengan bergantung kepada
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terma-terma dan syarat-syarat kontrak Defendan, namun hakikatnya
Defendan tidak menolak steel brackets tersebut tetapi sebaliknya telah
menggunakannya setelah membaikinya sendiri. Oleh yang demikian,
Mahkamah berpendapat Plaintif berhak untuk menuntut ganti rugi
daripada Defendan dalam kes ini.
(10) Sama ada Plaintif berhak menuntut jumlah RM71,000-00 untuk
penyediaan dan pembekalan steel brackets tersebut?
[59] Mahkamah mendapati tuntutan berjumlah RM71,000-00 oleh
Plaintif adalah terhadap:
(a)Sebanyak 120 unit steel brackets yang telah dihantar kepada
Defendan berjumlah RM28,200-00.
[60] Peguamcara Plaintif yang bijaksana telah berpandukan kepada
seksyen seksyen 55 Akta Jualan Barangan 1957 dan Seksyen 71 Akta
Kontrak 1950 dan berhujah Defendan sepatutnya menjelaskan bayaran
RM28,200-00 kepada Plaintif kerana telahpun mendapat manfaat
daripada steel brackets tersebut yang telahpun diserahantar kepada
Syarikat Lum Chang di Singapura selepas diperbaikinya sendiri. Fakta
jelas menunjukkan Defendan tidak pernah memulangkan 120 unit steel
brackets tersebut kepada Plaintif sebaliknya membaikinya sendiri untuk
manfaat Syarikat Lum Chang. Mahkamah bersetuju dengan pendirian
Plaintif yang sememangnya berhak atas jumlah ini.
(b)Kos bahan mentah dan pembuatan bagi baki 180 unit steel brackets
yang diarahkan diberhentikan pembuatannya berjumlah RM42,300-00
[61] Berdasarkan fakta kes, ketika Defendan mengarahkan pembuatan
baki steel brackets dihentikan kepada Plaintif pada 25/11/2019,
sebenarnya Plaintif telahpun membeli bahan mentah lebih awal iaitu pada
14/11/2019 selepas menerima tempahan daripada Defendan.Ini telah
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dijelaskan oleh SP1 dan disokong oleh bukti dokumentasi
D29,D30,D31,D32,D33 dan D34(Rujuk Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan
Plaintif C).
[62] Menurut keterangan SP1 lagi, baki steel brackets tersebut
mempunyai bukti dokumentasi iaitu gambar-gambar sepertimana di m/s
27-29 Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan Plaintif C yang mana kewujudan baki
steel brackets ini tidak dipertikaikan oleh Defendan.Oleh itu,Plaintif
sememangnya berhak ke atas jumlah tuntutan ini.
(c)Kos pengangkutan 2 kali steel brackets dari Kilang Plaintif ke Kilang
Defendan berjumlah RM600-00.
[63] Mahkamah mendapati selain keterangan lisan SP1 bagi kos ini,
terdapatnya bukti dokumentasi iaitu D35 yang menunjukkan kos
pengangkutan 2 kali steel brackets tersebut berjumlah RM600-00. Malah,
Defendan mengakui telahpun menerima penghantaran 120 unit steel
brackets tersebut daripada Plaintif sebanyak 2 kali. Oleh itu, kos ini layak
dituntut oleh Plaintif.
(11)Sama ada Plaintif berhak menuntut kos simpanan baki bahan
mentah bagi penghasilan steel brackets tersebut berjumlah RM100
[64] Mahkamah mendapati berdasarkan keterangan SP1 menyatakan
setelah penghantaran 100 lagi steel brackets dibuat,SD2 telah
menghantar emel mengarahkan Plaintif memberhentikan produksi baki
steel brackets dan telah membatalkan baki pesanan 180 unit steel
brackets.Oleh itu,bagaimana dengan baki bahan mentah yang masih
tersimpan sepertimana di ekshibit P36 Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan
Plaintif C m/s 27-29?
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[65] Bagi isu ini, Mahkamah mendapati terdapat inisiatif daripada Plaintif
yang mencadangkan kepada Defendan agar dapat turun padang ke
kilang Plaintif untuk menilai sendiri steel brackets dan membuat audit
akan hasil kerjanya (Rujuk emel Plaintif m/s 30 Ikatan Dokumen
Plaintif B). Namun, SD1 mengesahkan menolak cadangan Plaintif
tersebut dan keadaan ini menjadikan Plaintif telah terhalang untuk
meneruskan penghantaran baki steel brackets tersebut dan terpaksa
menyimpan di stor dengan caj bayaran sewaan menyewa forklift dan
tenaga kerja (Rujuk P37,P38 Ikatan Dokumen D m/s 1-9 &14-15).
[66] Keterangan SP1 juga seperti berikut (Rujuk WSSP1A)
“Maka,kadar caj simpanan baki bahan mentah 180 brackets untuk sehari
adalah seperti berikut:-
RM240-00 +RM70-00+(RM3-50 x 4.7 ton)=RM326-45
Namun begitu, Plaintif atas dasar niat baik hanya mengenakan dan
menuntut daripada Defendan kos simpanan barang mentah yang
munasabah sebanyak RM100-00 sehari sahaja.”
Keterangan ini tidak dipertikaikan atau dicabar oleh Defendan. Oleh yang
demikian, Mahkamah wajar membenarkan tuntutan kos ini.
Isu-isu lain berbangkit:
(a) Sama ada SP2 dan SD5 seorang pakar?
[67] Defendan mempertikaikan keterangan SP2 sebagai pakar kerana
tidak mempunyai kelayakan akademik dalam bidang kejuruteraan sivil.
Berbeza dengan SD5, Defendan menyatakan SD5 mempunyai kelayakan
akademik Ijazah Kejuruteraan sivil/awam dan oleh itu keterangan SD5
sebagai pakar hendaklah diterima. Defendan bergantung kepada kes
Brijnandan Singh Bar @ Brijnandan Singh Bar a/l Gurcharan Singh
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v BMW Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2019]1 LNS 1737 & Nur Adeena bt Mohd
Syahmir v Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2023]10 MLJ 580 dan berhujah
SD5 tidak bersifat pilih kasih dalam memberikan keterangannya.
[68] Bagi saksi SP2, Mahkamah mendapati SP2 sebenarnya
mempunyai kelayakan akademik diploma kejuruteraan mekanikal yang
mempunyai kaitan dengan kerja-kerja penghasilan fabrikasi logam seperti
steel brackets juga. Selain itu,SP2 juga pernah menghadiri kursus-kursus
latihan asas penyediaan lakaran, pelbagai disiplin
kejuruteraan,kejuruteraan kimia,kejuruteraan mekanikal,sivil,intepretasi
drawing,lakaran secara micro serta Autocard selain mempunyai
pengalaman 7 tahun sebagai pengurus pengeluaran di MechMar Boiler
dan MSET Engineering Corporation yang kesemuanya berkaitan dengan
pembuatan besi (Rujuk NK m/s 39 para 1-16,m/s 29 baris 4-36).
[69] SP2 juga telah mengemukakan sijil-sijil kelayakannya sepertimana
P51 (Rujuk Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan 3 m/s7).
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah berpendapat SP2 adalah seorang pakar
menurut seksyen 45 Akta Keterangan 1950 dengan pengalamannya
bekerja dalam bidang kejuruteraan sivil dan mekanikal termasuk Lukisan
Kejuruteraan yang relevan dalam kes ini seperti dinyatakan sebelum ini.
[70] Selanjutnya, Defendan telah menyentuh isu hubungan SP2 dengan
SP1 yang telah kenal sejak tahun 2005 menjadikan keterangan pakar
SP2 hendaklah ditolak. Namun, adakah dengan kenal sahaja bermaksud
mempunyai kepentingan peribadi dalam kes ini? SP2 menjelaskan dirinya
tidak mempunyai sebarang hubungan dan kepentingan peribadi dengan
[71] Malah, hubungan komersial Plaintif adalah dengan bekas
majikannya adalah di luar bidang kuasa SP2 dan tidak memperolehi
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sebarang manfaat daripada hubungan tersebut. Mahkamah berpendapat
hubungan tersebut adalah bersifat profesional dan tidak mendatangkan
sebarang keraguan kepada Mahkamah.Itu hanya andaian dan hujahan
pihak Defendan tanpa sebarang asas untuk menunjukkan wujudnya
kepentingan SP2 terhadap kes Plaintif.
[72] Bagi SD5 pula, Mahkamah mendapati SD5 mempunyai kelayakan
akademik Ijazah Kejuruteraan sivil/awam dan telah memberikan
keterangannya berhubung kepakarannya. Oleh itu, seksyen 45 Akta
Keterangan 1950 juga mengiktiraf SD5 sebagai seorang pakar.
[73] Namun, Mahkamah mendapati SD5 bukan sahaja bekerja dengan
Defendan, malah SD5 yang melukis lakaran yang dipertikaikan dalam kes
ini. Hal ini bermaksud, SD5 telah hadir ke Mahkamah dengan serampang
dua mata iaitu sebagai saksi pakar dan juga sebagai pekerja Defendan.
Oleh yang demikian, keterangannya kini sebagai saksi berkepentingan
perlu dipertimbang dan dinilai lebih berhati-hati. Mahkamah berpandukan
kepada kes Ce Resources Sdn Bhd v. Owners of Ship Tanga’ [2016]
MLJU 878 yang mempertimbangkan faktor motif seseorang saksi
tersebut hadir ke Mahkamah seperti berikut:
“..s. 8(1) EA has provided that motive is a relevant fact. As such, the Court
should ascertain whether a witness is independent or otherwise. Self-
serving testimony of a witness should be viewed with caution”.
(b) Bilakah kontrak dimasuki?
[74] Defendan mendakwa kontrak dimasuki seawal 9.11.2019 apabila
Plaintif bersetuju untuk mempercepat kerja membuat steel brackets
tersebut seperti berikut:
“Thanks for your understanding.I will expedite the work”.
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Plaintif pula membalas kontrak wujud bermula 14.11.2019 ketika
Defendan menghantar pesanan pembelian untuk 300 unit steel brackets
kerana kesemua elemen kontrak hanya sempurna pada tarikh tersebut.
Kes dirujuk Cipta Cermat Sdn.Bhd v Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri
Kedah [2007] 1 CLJ 498 oleh Mahkamah Rayuan.
[75] Berdasarkan prinsip kes Cipta Cermat (supra), satu kontrak
mestilah mempunyai satu tawaran, penerimaan, balasan dan kesahihan
pihak-pihak. Apabila dikaitkan dalam kes ini, Mahkamah berpuas hati
emel Plaintif bertarikh 9.11.2019 di atas hanya sekadar janji untuk
mempercepatkan kerja dan bukannya telah menerima tawaran Defendan
tersebut. Sebaliknya, tawaran daripada Defendan hanya diterima oleh
Plaintif pada 14.11.2019 apabila Defendan menghantar emel menghantar
Pesanan Pembelian (Rujuk m/s 20 Ikatan Dokumen B) seperti berikut:
Dear valued Supplier,
Kindly acknowledge received PO & No Gift Policy Letter by return
back signed copy via email.
Please make arrangement according to Po delivery
Our Hq Office has relocated,details please refet to attached file.For
completed delivery/service,please submit original copy of TAX
INVOICE to Procurement department,EPM Seelong Factory within 1
Plaintif juga mengesahkan telah menerima emel tawaran tersebut. Oleh
yang demikian, jelaslah kontrak terbentuk pada 14.11.2019 dan bukannya
sepertimana dihujahkan oleh Defendan.
(12)Sama ada Tuntutan Balas Defendan wajar dibenarkan?
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[76] Dalam kes ini,Defendan telah menuntut balas Ganti rugi Khas
RM62,299-82 bagi:
(a)Kos pembetulan 120 unit steel brackets;
(b)Perbelanjaan yang ditanggung akibat menggunakan khidmat
kontraktor lain untuk menghasilkan 180 unit steel brackets;
(c)Kos pentadbiran untuk pembetulan 120 unit steel brackets dan
penghasilan 180 unit steel brackets yang gagal dibekalkan oleh Plaintif;
(d)Ganti rugi kelewatan sebanyak 2%
[77] Dalam membuat penilaian Tuntutan Balas ini, Mahkamah
mendapati Defendan gagal untuk mengemukakan sebarang bukti
dokumentasi untuk menyokong kos-kos ditanggungnya. Manakala, bagi
kos pengangkutan untuk membaiki 120 unit steel brackets, Mahkamah
mendapati Invois daripada Haroon Logistic D53 Ikatan Dokumen E m/s
51 bertarikh 12.11.2019 dikeluarkan lebih awal daripada tarikh Plaintif
menghantar 120 unit steel brackets iaitu pada 21.11.2019 dan
25.11.2019. Mana mungkin kos tersebut perlu ditanggung oleh Plaintif
kerana isu masih belum berbangkit lagi. Oleh itu, D53 tersebut adalah
tidak relevan untuk menyokong kes Defendan.
[78] Bagi kos perbelanjaan & kos pentadbiran pembetulan (120 unit
steel brackets) yang ditanggung akibat menggunakan khidmat kontraktor
lain untuk menghasilkan 180 unit steel brackets pula, Mahkamah telah
meneliti Pesanan Pembelian antara Defendan dengan kontraktor tersebut
bernama Silvermax.Didapati, wujud perbezaan deskripsi dari segi ukuran
spesifikasi 520mm x 925mm x 200mm dan kuantiti 500 pada Pesanan
Pembelian tersebut dengan 120 unit steel brackets Plaintif tersebut
(ukuran:100mm x 200mmx9mm dengan baki 180 unit steel brackets).
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[79] Keterangan SD1 dan SD5 (wakil Silvermax) tentang kewujudan
sebutharga, lakaran unit steel brackets dan emel perbualan Defendan
dengan Silvermax telah dicabar oleh Plaintif sewaktu bicara dan akhirnya
Mahkamah menyimpulkan tiada sebarang keterangan bebas yang dapat
menyokong versi Defendan tersebut. Oleh itu, Defendan tidak berhak
menuntut kos-kos tersebut.
[80] Dan yang terakhir, bagi faedah ganti rugi kelewatan sebanyak 2%
yang dituntut balas Defendan, Mahkamah mendapati Pesanan Pembelian
Defendan tersebut meletakkan Jadual penghantaran seperti berikut:
Delivery Schedule:-
1st 50 pcs by 20th Nov 2019 and No Later
Follow by 50pcs/working days
[81] Plaintif mengakui telah menerima emel tersebut, namun meminta
menyerah hantar 50 unit steel brackets pertama pada tarikh 21.11.2019.
Mahkamah selanjutnya mendapati hasil perbincangan semula, Defendan
telah bersetuju untuk tarikh penghantaran kepada 21.11.2019 (20 unit
steel brackets) dan 25.11.2019 (50 unit steel brackets) dihantar setiap hari
(Rujuk P9 Ikatan B m/s 21). Begitu juga dalam emel Defendan bertarikh
22.11.2019 (Rujuk m/s 25 Ikatan B) mengesahkan telah menerima
penghantaran 20 units steel bracket yang pertama pada 21.11.2019
sepertimana dijanjikan Plaintif seperti berikut:
We have rcv your 1st delivery 20 pcs bracket on 21st Nov as
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[82] Oleh yang demikian, pada hemah Mahkamah tindak-tanduk kedua-
dua pihak ini menunjukkan Defendan sebenarnya telah bersetuju untuk
mengubah(varied) tempoh/tarikh penghantaran daripada 20.11.2019
kepada 21.11.2019 daripada tarikh kontrak asal kerana adanya perkataan
“ as promised” (sepertimana dijanjikan). Oleh itu, Defendan diestop
untuk menuntut kadar bunga atas kelewatan kerana Plaintif telahpun
mematuhi tarikh penghantaran baru tersebut tanpa sebarang kelewatan.
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah menolak faedah kelewatan ini.
Ganti rugi Am & faedah (Tuntutan Balas)
[83] Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ini kerana tiada sebarang asas
kerugian am yang ditanggung oleh Defendan secara
keseluruhannya.Oleh itu,ia wajar ditolak.
[84] Setelah mendengar, meneliti dan mempertimbang kesemua
keterangan-keterangan saksi-saksi, dokumen-dokumen, ekshibit-
ekshibit, hujahan-hujahan bertulis termasuk hujahan-hujahan balas
kedua-dua pihak serta dapatan yang dinyatakan di atas, maka Mahkamah
berpuas hati dan memutuskan pada tahap imbangan kebarangkalian
Plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan kes terhadap Defendan. Mahkamah
membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif seperti berikut:
(i) Wang sejumlah RM71,100-00;
(ii) Faedah sebanyak 18% atas jumlah penghakiman dari tarikh
penghakiman hingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh;
(iii) Kos simpanan bagi baki bahan mentah (raw materials) bagi
batang rasuk keratan rentas kerangka (bracket hollow section
beam) untuk RM100-00 sehari 14/1/2020 sehingga Defendan
mengambil keluar kesemuanya dari kilang Plaintif;
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(iv) Faedah sebanyak 5% ke atas kos simpanan tersebut dari tarikh
penghakiman sehingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh; dan
(v) Kos mengikut skala.
Tuntutan Balas Defendan ditolak. Curia Advisari Vult.
Bertarikh: 5 November 2023
Diputuskan Oleh:
Mahkamah Majistret Sivil 1, Johor Bahru
Cik Kalpana Kumara & Cik Gunasundary Chandramohan dari Tetuan
Kalpana & Partners- Mewakili Plaintif
Mr.Cheah Soo Chuan,Mr.Lincoln Seow & Mr.Khor Wei Wen dari
Tetuan Tay & Partners -Mewakili Defendan
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
| 51,531 | Tika 2.6.0 |
TA-22NCVC-28-05/2016 | PLAINTIF BLUE ARCHIPELAGO BERHAD DEFENDAN TOKIO MARINE INSURANS (MALAYSIA) BERHAD | Kes ini adalah dua kes yang berbeza yang telah didengar dan diputuskan secara bersama. Guaman 28 ialah tuntutan Plaintiff terhadap Defendan iaitu Syarikat Isnurans Tokio Marine atas kerosakan yang telah berlaku pada saluran paip air yang mengalirkan air laut dari laut Cina Selatan ke sebuah ladang akuakulktur di Setiu. Guaman 35 difailkan kemudian di mana tuntutan yang sama dibuat terhadap Defendan Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn Bhd. Mahkamah telah membenarkan tututan Plaintiff terhadap Tokio Marine iaitu syarikat isnsurans di Guaman 28 dengan kos sebanyak RM150,000.00 dibayar kepada Plaintiff dan Mahkamah telah menolak tuntutan Plaintiff di Guaman 35 dengan kos RM70,000.00 dibayar kepada Defendan. Mahkamah telah hanya membenarkan tuntutan di Guaman 28 kerana Mahkamah mempercayai bahawa polisi Insurans tersebut sewajarnya merangkumi kerugian yang dialami oleh Plaintif atas kerosakan saluran pair air tersebut. | 06/11/2023 | YA Dato' Haji Zainal Azman Bin Ab. Aziz | |
06/11/2023 17:11:32
TA-22NCVC-28-05/2016 Kand. 222
S/N NmawfOh51kKwRkcaqwEO1w
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'n—22m:vc—2a—u5/2015 Kand. 222
ab/11/2221 mu-22
cwn. gym Mo. TA-ZINCVC-2541512016
aw: ARDKIPELAGO azxmxn
[comp-ny No : 555173.13) . PLNNTIFF
(Heard Ingemel mm the sun below pulsuznl k: we «run owe! dated
:51 20151
gm §;IrN nzzucvggggg/2017
(Company No:14142-ll)
1. REPC SERVICE: srmaun
(dahulunya mkenlh sebagal RANHILL ENGINEERS
AND cousmucflou sou sum
(Company No 221254-wp ...nErENnANrs
1 Th deaslon Is for Me sepame cases TA—22Ncvc—2mos/2016
(‘Sun 23'; and TA-ZZNCVC-35-I)9IZu17 (‘sun 35') which was then
wnsolldalau via mun order am 151 20215 The claim m nut 2a
is agamxl Yakn Mame Vnsuranoe (Malayma) sum (‘Tom
Manna‘) where me claim :5 In! Rmnzsnmo no logelhsf wvm
gonorm fllmagn Whllalhe claim in wnzss n igIIniISepIkm Sena
Femndmg Sdn Bhd1'S5P')and REFC Servlcas wmch 5 forvnany
known as Ramhxll Engmeers and Cnnsnuctms sun arm \'RaInmII')
for me same amount at RM<o.2eu,ooo an meme: mm genam
m Nun-umh51hKwRkuIuwE01w
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIGH m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
am Nun:-nun51nKwRkmqwE01w
«wm. sm-1 a. HIGH a M», .. mm., mm: flmumnl VI mum pom!
hapverwd Thstedove‘ may shomd wrlmul sxrong bass pm me
mama an m. mm:-nu, wnllrurmcn Ind mun o1 ma pwpahne
On ma mhernam. me Phmlnflm mus xunnas cleany derrmnsnated
man nu prajecl has rsoewed aH Iaqwsne approvals mm at least 7
aumanuu bakm lhc pmgoci wn cummencld Compenanl wnnen
such as 5777 has vaflaatad and defended one design Thus‘ n :5
mean that Tom Marine has waned co pm! to «ms hononala com
man the damage to me pipeline was a mum a! me aeiauu nu ma
uaugn The rapudlluon of Tom Manna um» um Dwgnau rnk
dause is bound in «am
Next Toklo Manna rm alw depended an anomor clause nzmeiy
me tpscul Endmuamanl for Wen mm rum mm (pmry klluwn
as Mumook me pusmm mat me damage M1 wvmm me exception
clause se C|ause1 1 2 Much exdudet damlge caused by “Normal
Achon arm :31‘ wrm. NonuI\N:1\on otme San‘ Vs aannad as
‘2 I Nomuucuon ammo. mun. an ant: om. ul. which
mnnmst itull upln no.8 on ma anmon Sczlu '
sm N...mamx.m..wzo«w
«mm. sm-1 .. UIQG m M», .. mmm, mum: flnumml VI mum pom!
29 The mam ussue max Is needed no he proved ws wmemer me acllan
om-o nu duvlng me me period while ma darvugaui me pwpalme
rm nccurrad Ml: wvlmn me denimunn nl Nocmumcnon mm. Sea
30 rm and rmmm, mi: henorible own mum me an empname on
am am um none at he knaw men, when mo aa-mo In
an segments of ma plpedme Ins occurred mamm, n u
umpcssme In mmme me seamen Scale allhe exam lime
:1 The may mm a wu dlmlpcd m 91 around me um av - pamcular
slonn Vs nmhmg am a hypalhesls Mal Imawlng when the damage
occurred nrwhal has caused ma asmage cleany smms IhalTukvo
Mame new never claim lha| n was cauiad by a 'NomIII 3.:
:2 Deanne eoneeamg that it was not poumve to com: «o a rehabie
datarvrunzlnon .71 ms xuvnum a! ma mm m me mm location <21
Ina vuplumd pipe, rolauve no ma Enlulun Salt. mm Mama and
not consult any mdependenl home: In ommn move ma at me
behavnr Mine 53: m muse mumm Amamns smoe Ina expen
wflnusei man has been culled upon has con ’ ny mmmny mm
am Nun:-umh51hKwRkmqwE01w
«mm. sm-1 .. UIQG a M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI murwa pom!
ragams to ma condvhon ullhe sea. ma prtclsa came 01 me pwoeline
dnrnagn am: nmamc unknown
Takn—MarIne has hfled lo dnscharge me burden or regullnng ms
Inability wxm max, nus mnouraue am! his cnncluded Ihalllley
Ira rawormbleluv mu mm Incurrnd hymn Plulmifl‘ n porlemn
m the AM am pone,
smeu KM msmance palmy Is an AM Rnk Falncy‘ «ms noun Is :4 me
new mac ll com: evurylhmu nxnopl on: ma nmcl undst me
exclusmn clause ram Manna has lalled to plot)! la «ms court on
ma balance M pvobanilmes man may are um uaue mums dam
rm: mun and rum conmmne wbmnsmn by Tom Mnrme nu: ma
damage 0! ma pipeilne Vs nuz unforeseen and suddsrl ma :3
be se Tom Marine am not mad such mama am IN; mun \s
ol ma ww ma: n n In aflarmeuum
The damage an me three seams at me pipeline is viefinilely
unforeseen and sudden Noni Mme pam expected me dlmage
lo happen and nunaaflhe puma mw whnl mu mm n um:
2 normal cwcumnanoe and sandman me damage augm nm In have
hapolnod but n am Thus, it I: sunny unvmmn and sudden
wmch Ill mm snow. me mummna mm under me All Ru PuI|r:y
37 VII: Wavmrlfs claim against ram Marine under sun 23 5 allawsd
Ind mu com nu dnnussad the vlamorrn clavm .IgamI1SSP and
aammu -moor sun 35 as «ms cmm suungxy believes max on
Insuranne may omens me clam!
as he phlmflfs claim m para ua) 11:) and m In suIl2B I! showed mm
oos\ RM150.D00 oo Claim under para (1) was not allowed as me
noun nu you |o as tho RMIo_oaa,ouooc fume and «or me
flnmagon m be «mm
Azruu am AB AZ|l
Iursu :15 octane»: mu
m N...;..mmx..m..wzo«w “
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIGH m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
so P miss u zucv 2341512016 A u-
Mr Pram Ramachnndrln wvlh Mr Shauvm rm;
Tewan The Chambers at R Swagnanam a Assaults:
SuIle16~IL Lave! 15. a sauna:
mm sxmn sum: 2. KL Sonlm
50470 Kuala Lumpur
R2! R5 2512 5. RS 2327
Emmi cumyflmcnamners com /gener2\@lsachambels com
COUNSEL FOR n-1: ozregum u.22Ncvc.zMs/ms)
vm Tunku Fznk bun Tunku mm with my Mogul Naqmddm pm
Talunn Axum. Tunku Funk a. worm
um: 54:3. Tmslkn 5
Msma Badzn Peguzm Mmaysva
No 2 Lebuh Pnsuv Benn sense mu. Lump-u
Ru 5 77 120(TFlmnp)
Eman wmme kwan@aIM sum my I u«o@anw cam my
m N...;..mmx..m.uw.zow.
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
M: Drnran Nonendrn wan Ms Samoa Rlmpal and Ms Shanmugz Jullu
Teluan Nuvendvl L up
No I,Ja|an Temptmsi
Lucky Garden Bangur‘ same Kua\a Lumpur
an NYISSPIEH/2011/SR/pk
Email nygnnrenmu-yup cam
1H cvc
nwzun :
MI Prem Ramachandran menuom an behan 2'” Dehndam
Jabavan Insowerw Malaysxa
22‘ 23 24 dan 25. Mmira TH Perduna1001
man Sultan um-n, 5025:: Kuall Lumpuv
m N...m.mmx..m..wzow. “
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwHH>e HIGH w my .. mm-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
2 The Plamuvnn mm mm nu filed sun 25 m 2016 than wowed by
Sull as m 2017 rm. nnnmua calm nu dlweveu me amnion far
new cases on 12 I 2023 whereby ma wan rm alumea ma
Plan-mrs clam against Tokn Mlrme \n s 5 only for pmyar (:2),
(c) and (d)am1 cost amounllnu |o RM1so,uuu 00 la be paid by Tokx:
3 rms calm has msmxuea me PVHIMM can Iganul ssv um Ralnhm
m sun :5 Wm amt amoummg u: RM7D,D0fl.0D In be paid Iry me
MAYEI3 5;, FACI8 or me cg:
4. Blue Alchlpelagu Berhad rwwmnr) at all material lime ws 2
suhsidwary M Khazanlh National Bemod and operates a bmlnasa
ol nan-ng Shrimp Iqulcmlum pmflua: nu Plamlnfl aunbhlhud
an Integrated aquacumwe hm at Se1m_Yersngganuwm:h man
a supply offresh sea water
5 To me anon, Pmrum has engaged ssP ma Ramrull mu a law
alhev subeormamms In consxma and man III underwater
pwpelme ("p1pehne"|m ovaw seawzlerlrom scum cma Sea me me
ma mm m saw 1‘pm|31:1') The Pl-m|r|V rm enlomd men an
sm N...;...umx..m..wzo«w
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e UIQG m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
agveernenlmlh ssp dam 26 2 2009 am 30 5 Zfllowhere 55? IS
npoomlnd as IM mnsuhnnl 101 me pmpecl Ru.-mm on me emu
ma ma appointed as ma mnlramrx avuurvd 2412 2009 upon me
vecornrnendanon at SSP
A: - pan at me mnslmman agroumanl belwcen Pu-mm and
Ramrml‘ Rummll his Iakan uu| com-non‘ An Rusk Insurance
Pom dated gas 2010 mm MUI Continental Insurance Berhad
('MUI') Thu nudity mm 9! me An RM Inwranoa Fohcy Is from
31:12 2009 until 31 10 mm Mun wn lhurI|
an am by ram
Mznne an 22.5.2012 vu agreement cl sa\e and purchase av 1:391
anu Iuammy which mchmes me pclxcy
Around SemzemIaerZ01L nw-s hum‘! mm mm nu dlmaaem me
underwater pwpellne 35 murky am wake: was pumped mm ma
pond cum aquaculture lalm On 1392011, mnmors am has
ubuwad lbs um-wam plpehma and «am: out damaaos m 3
man: wnhm (M nmsoom 4:! ma pipeline TM mm mum MUI
(naw ram Mnnnej vegardlng ma damages and lodged a palm
Iepurl M me my um: day
sm Nm:unuh51hKwRkmqwE01w
«mm. sm-1 .. UIQG m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
Vxa : I-mar dalad 25 4 2012 MUI (rum Tuklo Manna) rm dunno
all Immune: we was cm
Dummy‘: Risk and Spam!‘
Enaovumuu our W91 Ruks‘
The Fhmlfll hnslhen sent a Name M Demand oeIed196 20151;:
Tolua Mum we his men mm Mun to rename nu the dimlau
men has occurred on me Dwpelme and no me :51-new mm In
venavr me wno\e «zoom pipeline wmdw rs amounting la
RMm.2an.ooc an
Via a weam dated 15 5 2015, Tom Munms has once again named
aH lemme: and upnalu swlular siami In MUI premm Vanar flamed
2642012 Thus the Plzinnfl‘ nu mmanau suit 23 against mun
Mums bemg ma Innuvnnca Complny m um um
ssv and Rainmn ms wed under sum as separateiy because at
mm mm ncumi wen ‘mum «so be m Insurance mm. mm
Howevev, along (he way (1! me um n was ummnl Var ssp m be
pmsenldue la me ploblem mm me emema (amend Thus, mm
ssP and Rainhm was snagged along
sm N...mamx..m..wzo«w
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e UIQG m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
FIND|NGS or me couwr
12 u is I:rys(:\ clam mm bulh um 25 and sun 35 was eeneemaxee 2:
mo Issues anse Vmm me same evem. Thu Jun e1 «me nun: Is In
hm! wmch party ws name form: damages than has oecurraa on me
pxpillnei 01 me propecl Though n Is two ieplrala suns, it Is obvious
um n we mun Iflwn Ina mm m on: suit. me clam m me other
sunwm be msmssed and vice warn
13 Yhe gmundi and nnamgs of «ms wurl mu be lucused on wnem-r
mm Tokuo Mme e llnhla lav me «mega. men n namnee I1
Tam Manna II Mable am the All fink lruurunee Pohcy mvers me
damages, men both SSP and Rammll would not be new Mable
u my own I! very wen gmeea by me Court at Appell cue
an»: In vulv lac GLOBAL son mm mm} IILJU 112
much was aka «evened to by me Plainofl ‘
7341 1». whole omen! ev mmmmg or fnlurprilmg Any
agreement 1: In delanmrve ms Isa! mlsnban arms pames so
me: me: can be gwen In men bargain Winn construing
um intcrpnllng commucill agntmanb, my Com
em N...mamx..m.ewzow.
«we. smuw nmhnrwm .. e... e M», .. mmm, MINI flnuamnl VI mum pans‘
fnquomly runlinfi is." to am bullnoss vfflcncy no on
lprumonl: rn--1., uyholdinq man u oppond no
uxnmlnlng mm u rfsomo ma specimen under . sclormfv
mmsmpe smyecnng each and evuly word used m the
agmamem to me kmd av scmnny max on! may depmy m a
langungc and grummal axemfsl '
15 Thus. (his mum has me duly to uphold the terms agreed upon nu
ma AH Risk Pulley mherman mumnmng me mm: and language
mm m wad Thu courl hu mu any in gun mum“ afficacylo ma
agmemems made
us The main mm m me All Risk lnsumnca pain has named man
-seem 14laIsnaIDamage
The ummm hewsby ugms mm m. Insured mu: w m anynme
durmg mu period nrcomm Hams orany pm rlwnolantomd
m en. scmaun mu sulfur My unlunlcun ma Iuddoa
physical loss om-m.-go Imm my uun, other man man
splciflcally Ixcludod /n a manner rrscessrlatmg menu 0/
m N...m..mmx..m.uwzo«.
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIGH m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
replacement, me msmrs wut indemmfy ma rnsmm in impact
nfsuch loss or dnmlge
17 wum memme In me clluse m me AI Rusk Policy alone‘ n Is elem
mat the mum being Talon Mame will mdummfy me Insured m
Iupoci al lcls ma dumogu mm are Iuuden mu unlureueen
exoanl to! the ones mzl ave speofically excmea
1a. n ma beam into ucnilderaluon mm In All msk Policy Is a palm
man cover: In: pvqanl during nl axaculmn mm \o, wmle KM
pupecme Is being Installed‘ Iested and mmmmnea u Is not an
Insurance policy «a pmnacnne plpehrle my when comumcuon has
oemplema on apeemeauan
19 thus, me [widen ts aw on Tuklo Mannem pmnnanne damages
acumen an me pwpellne dues nouallwmun the um/elag: Mme All
Rmk Folscy
2n. Tom Marine has raised a (aw wounds «mm repudtanon dated
26 4 2012 when Ilwas mnfinedw Ipeclfic pmvsmn nu ma NI Ruk
sm N...mamx..m..wzo«w
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e UIQG m M», .. mmm, mum: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
sm N...mamx..m..wzo«w
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e UIQG m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
Fohcy we. The Deswgner Rusk (Hausa and spam: Endorsement 607
Wan RM:
WM! regards to the exclusscn undef KM Desgnel Rwsk chum.
Tokic Marine muslbe able In proonoms humvahle mull Ihalihay
would run he held Iumo u he u-magas uonunvd m me plpflna a
due lo we may doxsgn ma canstruuion by ssw and Rlmmll
ram Manna haslalled In dnchnrae its burden M brmqmg us can
whlun «
penlal Enclutlon mu m because than n nc| In mu 0!
emoenne from aquzlfied amen Iendered hy Tuluo Mum» to grant
man Iha damages was used by a laulty design or cnnsmuauon
Takno Marine has hm-1 men argument upon men auumm-ans as
me wllneu lnr Yckm Mnrina memuwas are nnlura u no how am
whylhe damage has nucunud
Tm oourl Is :1! me. View man :1 u absum lcr Tokyo Manna m hlsu
mm repua.-non under me Dougner Rusk Clause man may
memsawes do no: know Now me damage nus oacunad Then
conlsnhon Iha| |he damage wmd have been Ivondld was not
Iuwomd by any uxpcrl ewoonu or wnnm mm mm rm
sm N...mamx.m..wzo«w
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e UIQG m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
oenssaermm Manna’: subnmmn where my assumed lhzt me
mom uuu uaang In cm dnmlga «me NDPE Iubvuivmc pipeline
was (he norm mduud hydmdynarmc «mm uclmg on me
pvesenue 01 Infennr sat! back nu
nm In beuuu Tome Mum nu mm In call a ungle wnm.
mm coma renaer luwnony man no mwmme Ind oompemn
aonuaaov -x norlsuhanl wow hav: dasngned, mm mptemema
a Dmlocl m mu mannav
The lac! man Toluo Mlnne has hosed men avgumam: an
nypomeucal nssumphons only was dunha conceded by men
witness so-2 ma so-3 vwm relevance to me me: of pmceedlnu
Enclulura I67 ax page 521 Ind 522. sryz nu mnmea mun “anly
God kmms when aauafly ruppe«eu' Tms claafly shawslhal ram
mzmle memsswe: do ml know what had happened and what has
uussd the dimaga no me rupakno
sua neanmony has lmlher mnrmnea m when he leshfisd mat II
was only - nyponmin and Iuppoulliun. Thus, n It: cm: «rm
em Tokm Mum mm a knuwloduo as to why me a-mm
| 2,132 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AB-44-11-06/2023 | PEMOHON HENDRA BIN MULANA RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Criminal Procedure - Section 317 of CPC- Application to admit additional evidence - Applicant convicted of offences under s.8(b) of Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 - Request for child pornography - The additional evidence was in respect of Applicant's defence under s.20 of 2017 Act - Whether Applicant did not know of true age of the victim - Failure of previous counsel to tender additional evidence to support defence case - Whether 4 conditions in R v Parks have been fulfilled - Application dismissed | 06/11/2023 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
06/11/2023 12:10:35
AB-44-11-06/2023 Kand. 12
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AB—ld—11—06/2023 Kand.
[N0 KF.: aonsI3o1e22u ...PEMoHoN
[1] The Appncam med Iwa (2; Nauoes u1App2a| in the com ov Apnea!
agaIns| the deolsmn uflms Cmm delivered an 4 9 2923 in respect ovcase
AEA4—1l)-06/2023 and AEAL1106/2023 pertaining Io ms
applicalmns m admil new evidence under me provisions ov Arts. a and
121 cc the Federal oonsu ' n. ss.2s. 31 and 35 of ms cams of
Judicature Ac’: 1954 and 5.317 0! me CrImma\ Procedure Cnde (cps).
The apphcmions were made in respsm o4 ms appeal m the Tawpmg mgn
coun Apbeal Nos. AB-42JSKS-2~02/2023 and Auznsksrzmz/zcza
[24 Earner, the Applicant had been convicted by the Tawping Sesswons
Counan16.2 2023 in Case No AB€2JSK—20r11/2019 aneme was found
gmfly and convicted on «nee (3) amended charges ol requesung for cmld
pomugraphy undev 5. am or me Sexua\ Offences Against Children Act
2017 (“me 2017 Act“) and one (1) charge under the same secflnn in Case
IN 2\PmxsPuEKAxA»<xaP\Jq
-ms Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
25,1,/2023 11-2-45
No. AB-62JSK»21-1|/2019. The Appllcanl was ssn|enoed la 13 years
lmpnsonment lrom ma dale of oanvlcllnn 15.2.2023 and 3 strokes of me
mlan In respect -71 each charge and all lmpnsonmam sentences were lo
mn ouncurvemly. He was alsa semenue lo undergo counselllng whlle In
prlsnn and 3 years‘ puliue superv on afle( completing ms lmpnsnnmanl
senlenoe The Sessiuns Coufl allawad a stay olexecullon permmg appeal
agalnsl canvlcuon and senlencs to me Hlgh calm. ms Grounds al
Judgment sals out ms reasons for alsmlssal of mm appllcamns.
[3] Allhnugh he was charged in September 2019, mal only
commenced on 24 3 2021 due In the CDVId'19 pandemic The Applloanl
at me luwer cclurlwzs vepmjenlsd by his solicitor Messrs. Hakiml, Lallma
s. Mavdhiyah & Assoclales, Talplng. The Noll’: Unsl/I was filed by a
dlffsrent sollcllor Messrs Abdullah, Maxnah a Jew, Kuala Lumpur an
was 2023 as per Encl. 1 together with the Amsvir Sokongan m End. 2
affinned bylhe Appllaam mmsall The applicatlon was made furadmlsslnn
of a purportedly new svldence that was not avallahls durlng the lrlal
[4] The Noll: L/aul sought the cams leave fur the lullnwlng
a Eahnwl: Femnhun/Pzmyu yang dlnamakan an alas dlharl kebenaran
unmk merluemukakan cahman/emuk pmlxil akin»-Jkaun BIGO
Parvgadu (SWO) seven: yaw ullamulman dalnm Afldavll Sakmvg-In
nswmu aw MULANA yang dllkulkarl pada 15.052023 yang mama
dllallkan :1! sin] dulam menyvlmng Malls usul ml subagal bukll-hukll
kelararlaan harwlarllularl urlluk dlhzca aan dlmjuk scram helsekzll
unmkdan baglmluan pamurlgararl rayuarl an Mahkamah mm. Malaya
Talmna lug. keg Raylmn Jeniyah Nu A:-azlsxs-24:2/zm (rayuarl
N zlPmlsPuEKAxAoMxaPUq
3 ma Smnl n-vlhnrwm be used M mm .. mlmlluy mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
mm (supra) wmn approval. n mscussed what was a whoHy sxcsp|inna\
circumstance, and there M was m rsgam In Ignorance an the defence of
murder. Wwth respecl, the decision m me Singaporean case was confined
In the rams of the case and me apex court had staled:
‘ .Wa are nal s»-ggunng an out mumam ma any Ignnranu onus xsm on me
pan acwumx shank! neussumy mu . puss-msnywng m avsry case. The
law mung to murd-r hawevur, 1: ms mosl mmsmsnu: pomon nf afl our waw
n gnvems ma mndnlons m whhzh many may mks nwiy Me‘ an almv m n:
1:: avnflcannn may be such that n can nevsr be mama-
[151 The decision 01 me svngaporean court Is omy persuaswe am not
bnndmg here and «ms Court opmes that u rs not an sppxe-mpms
oompanson as the \aw in re\a(1on to me dsfencs (or me capital olfenos of
25 murdsr could not be equated with the defence avaflalfle In an accused in
5 20 of the 2017 A01. The apex court oonunued:
‘In ms event we «ma nmsehras cnmpefled tn a very fivm mm W me man max
had (run eudenue iogelller mm |he smsnss .s In m. nature at his klflmga
been below: the mal awn and has me mw vamung lo we mmdenca and
2a Quantum ovproonaeen ounec1|ysla(edm|heAufY(as Vlwssbmen m laasnnnme
My wmd Posswbw have some to any concmsum other man lhat me dedenca M
mmvmshsd vaspuvvilhllwly was mzde nul -
15 [191 m Do] v usim v FF 1193711 ML! 115, ms Supreme Cmm held
‘n u 01: paramount duly n1 ms cowl to sea mu, m me ‘:51 msom pusuca I5
dune mu any mxluimnge :11 Mm mmsu In W aflha Vacl mm m. Islmad
Judas came in ms conclusion as . veault a! me demonslmfion am by In:
In chemlsl we canmfl say he was nm influenced by lhis additions‘ meme which
was nolshowluo us nsnsaary and also Vmpmverw admmed um. c.....m
suvlnly can Innddlflona cvldcncnlusnonlliiy ms curiosity or mm at
to suplalumvll a win n ma Prouclmon. Alia. such Ivmnnnm N
...s..u.y. mun DI m pron-r com. am! um In accorflallcn wnn um
35 mm mu -mm c.........| Pvocldun Cudl'
[Emphasis added]
3 mm, smsw IIIVVDIVWW be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[201 I nave considered ine alfldavil lrl suppon oi ine epplicailon, ine
submisslens and case laws cited and l have also lngnilgnied lne relevant
cases above. The coun needs to deiennlne whether all me iour
ocndiliclns have been satisfied as submmsd by the Applicant‘: counsel
that they have done so Wilh regard |a mndlllons Nos. 2 and 3. this Court
does nol have difficulty to answer In the affirmative As clearly explained
in «he ihird ecndliion enunclaled in R vPark$ (supral. ll IS not me task ar
INS caun lo decide wneiher ihe proposed evidence is lo be believed or
Hot. N (hls siege, ine iuncuon oi ine coun IS only lo deiernnne wneiner
ine proposed evidenee, ii given, IS capable oi bsllsl.
[21] However, in my underslandlng of the the firs|ount1i|iorl,itlsmat line
evidence must nei he avaiiauie ai ihe iriai. To recap, in paragraph 9 di
Enci, 2. me Appiioani slated In nis iesiirnony, ne laid me sessions coun
inei in nach amount SP10 had stand her age as 19. 22 2nd 2:. ln
paraymph 10. «he Auplicarlt evened ihal he had nonesily aliernpied id
eseenain her real age Neveriheless. mere was no such documentary
evidence suibmmed by his previous counsel lo suppon his oral evidence
in edun at lnai lime. Then in paragraph is, he oorlll-adlcled nlrnsell by
slaiing inai pursuarll (0 his newly appointed oouneers advice, he had
euialned lne pnnlouls in Exhlini HM—3 as lunner evidence ior ine purpose
onne appeal Hound Ihal unis purpunadly new ovidancn was almady
available ul the «rial. as he already knew ihen she had svaled mree
difimniagas In nu BIGO account rlrufllns. But as to why the previaus
counsel did no| adduce menu at when ilrne. only ihe Appllcnni and his
delenee learn knew me reason. Failure. ll any. oi lne previous eounsel lo
sumnli lne docurnenls then, did nol mean lney were not available 5! all. I
concluded mm the Aupllcam has not mieiiad tho flrsl condltlon.
-use s.n.l ...n.. will be used m mm ve nllmnnllly Mlhls dun-vlnnl vu .nune Wflxl
[22] wiln regard lo me leurln condillon. l.e. alter oonsldsring lnal
evidence, go en lo cnnslder wnelher lnere nilgnl have been a reasonable
doubt ln lne inlnds ollne Jury aslo ma gulllellheappellanl lllnal svldencs
had been given logelnei wlln lne elnerevidenoe al |l'le lnal. As there is no
lury nare, lnls oundlllan will relarlolne lnal calm. A perusal pnna grounds
of iudgmerll ln Exllloil l-ill/M snowed that me scJ nad oonsldeied lne
Appllcanrs evidence and deienoe abwl no: known; SFIO‘s We age
(paragraphs 32 onwards). Then in paragraph 37 onwards |he SCJ sraled
why she dld nol believe his delerlce.
[23] in paragiapn 75, 12*" line onwards, ane alaled '...spal7lIa rarludun
dapal rnalrnal aeaualu yang mencurrgakan lanlang umul sebemar spur .”
She wanl en lo paragraph 71, wnlcn was me pass for nrs applicaliens Io
adrnn addilidnal evidanoe The SCJ viewed mallhe Apphcanl should have
mat SP10 ln persun In asoenain one age ollna g‘lr| And then the SCJ also
rnenlloned aooul lne Aoplicanvs acadernlc qualilioalion ls. Diploma ln
Early childhood Educallon, which she corlsldersd as well lnal lne delenoe
alsad dld nol oonvlnce nar lrlal he dld nm know Ihe victim's lme age
[24] The Appllcarll was asking lo adnill lns addlllenal deoumenlary
evidenue ev SWO‘: purported adull ages bu| lne SCJ's epneluaien was
llnal lia did nol mzko any eiion tn mael wm. SP1|l in person l fuund
lnal based on her oonolusions, lne addllienal doournenlary evldence ln
Exnibil HM—3 “would nol have raised a reasonable doubt in lne mind of
me sc.I as In lne gull: ol lrle Anpllcanl ii lrral evldende nad been glven
lcgelher wI|h me olhar evldenoe al the lnal' Thonlon, tin Appllunt
hu also nol aatlsflnd tholounh com1l||all.Whelher ornollne SCJ was
ngm in convict lne Applicanl la a dlflerenl nialler and lnal la lerlnla ceun
In declde at me appeal siege.
rn zlProlsPuEKAxA4MxaPU9
-we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m mm ms nflnlruflly sun. dun-vlnrrl via .neno Wm!
[25] It tetnte tewtneretere, tnet not ontythe etreumeteneee must be mas|
excepflonal but the subject wntcn ts pmpased to be adduced by further
evtaenee ts subject ta exeeptianet onndilians. It becomes necessary anty
ite latlure anusttoe would nesutt trsucn aaantenet etndence was not taken
and allowed wnen audtttonat (acts have come to fight since tne date at
met. The matter ts lefl entirety lo the discreltcn at the court. And me coun
has exemtsed we dtecretton judtctausty tn accordance wttn establtshed
teget pnnctptee. There was nolhtng new tn lhe addmortal evtdenee wnten
lhs Appttcent sought tn be admmed tn tne Recom at Appeal as they were
already known to me defence et me lrtal. Moreover, me SCJ would not
have cumelu a difleranlcnnclusiun svsn W1hedncuman1s|osht1w 5910':
‘purponzd emer aduk ages’ had been admmed at me Inal
[25] Premtsed upon the above cortstderaltcns, tne Cuurlluund Ihers was
no merI| tn the appllcahuns and both were dtsmlssed aoeerdtngly
Dzlnd s Novemberznzct
Moor Ruwuta Btnu Md. Nurdln
Judlclal Commlssiomr
Nlgll Cnufl ul Malaya, Tzlplng
Regmemn an
For the App cant:
Mr. Jofil Bln Jufnr
5 Abdullah, Mazmh a. Jefrl, Kuala Lumpur
For the Rupondom:
mar Szll Ohzy Mac Ling
P-[abut Tlmbalau Plndnkwa Raya Mayan Forak. Cawangan Talping
w z\PmxsPuEKaxA4MxaP\J9
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
2 Buhawn Perwnhun/Pe<ayn dlbsrl kubenaran umux memamn bukN—
mu keleranwsn bsmllanlman yam: diwhnn leuebul ssbagai R-ken
rawan Tambahan nag: kss Rawan Jenayah NoAE»J2JSKS-2-02r‘2023
(mm Iecsgk-ml’),
s a Bahawa Pemohnn/Psrayu Mben kehznalan urvtuk memmda Fstrsyen
Rzyuan hanallkh zsa 2023 smaran German Danmah am kebznlnn
yang dwbavlkarl uaram plravvqgan (1) dan (2; an alas‘
amwa sehanjlmiya um semms dengin Ssksysn 317 Kanun Pmeaur
Janlyarl mm 51:) ksteranuan ham/Vanjulan hen<a\Lan pmhfl mu.»
an akaun BIGO Pnngadu gswwy dumml dan dneflmn masuk umuk flan
Dag: mman penaenamn nayunn ur Mahkameh nnggr Mavaya Talpmg
nag: kss Rayuan Jenayah Na AE—42.1SKS-2-a2l2|723 (-raym
Eahawa sekhanya atfll clan 5 infant mm. Rzyuan pada ma mm
15 duadualkan semmz ke lankh ham unluk membenarmn kelnlangin
ham/Varulnnn sedcmlklan mmawmn bag! human hujzhulrhujahan
dalam rayum dun dshm pendengavlll riyuan Vamubm m Mahkamah
Muha rm:
s new :e\an;u|nyI yang Mahkamah Yang Mull: Im nu-rrarr wa;er‘ Dihll
In den sum mamanl.
[5] The same prayers were snughl in respect 0! CrIm|na\ Appeal No.
AB«:2JsKs-3~oz/2023 (of Case No. AB-GZJSK-21-II/2019. The bflef
reasons gwen for ma appncanons were um.
the Aupllcanl was convicted on 15.2 2023 after a lull lnal an
15 the (our charges. He had been sentenced to 13 years‘
Impdsunmenl mm the dale av common and 3 strokes each
al me man;
sm zrmsmmxmxswg
3 mm. smm n-uhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. nrimnnflly mm: dun-mm VII mum perm
ii ne was aieseusneu wun the decxsion 0! me sessions Conn
and had med appems In the Hugh com and men me Pelmon
av Appeal was med en 25.4.2023:
m me Sessions court In smvlng an us deuswun had cnnswdered
5 the pmwsven of ‘Presumplion of age of a mild‘ under s.2o of
the zen Am and deuided mac 'Tar1uduh/Psniyu uuex
menunjukkan Teduduh Eda msnja/ankan usaha dan rkhlisr
Lmluk bsdumpa dsngan spm ssndfli bagi memaslikan
semade SP10 /a/ah seoreng dewasa eveu kanek»kanak':
m iv. ne documentary ewdenee Derlammg to "caburarl/eksl'rak
pmfafl akaun-akaun 5/so /em Pengsdu (spmr were
tendered aH.|1elHa| m the Sessxans Court and (hvs dwectly
prejudmsd the defence ov me Appellanl/Apphcanl;
V. substantial prejudice would alsn ensue nr the 'cabutan/skslrsk
I5 pmlen ekaunekeun BIGD tern Psngadu {SP1l7]" are not
aflowed In be made as pen uflhs Racmd ufAppea|;
w. deeumenvauy ewdence pena ng to 'cabuIarI/skslrak prulafl
akaun-akaun E/GO /ern Pengadu {SF-'10)‘ sought to be
tendered are very inter-related wnn me findings 0! me
1.: Sessions coun:
vn. me send documentary evmenee sougm la be adrmlled herein
are cremble aecumemery evmenae and would raise a
reeseneme doubt m the lower court re\at\ng to me Appneanrs
gum W015 sad evfdenue had been admitted along with u|her
zs evmenue Iherem.
yn z\PrmsPuEKAxAoMxaPU9
-nee smnw n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm wa .nuNG Wm
[s] The Deputy Pubhl: Prosecutor (DFP) ate not me any amttavtt In
reply but obtected to the appttcettone in the wntten sutzmtestans of the
Respondent ntett on the nterntng at t4.a 2023 The hearing al the
appttcatten was nominated an 14.4% 2023 and adjourned lur decision on
addtttonal or runner evtdence states.
The plovistun of s 317 atthe cwc which ptovtdes tot teeeptton at
“Older ta take ttttthet etttaenae
an (H tn aeattng wtth any apnnet undsr tttts crteptet a htage. n he wnks
saatttanet emenee tn be neseuaty, may ettnettate such evtaence htrnaettar
etteat tt ts be taken by a Magishilu
(2; when the addmnnnl evidence ta taken by a hteatettate he ettatt eenny that
evidence tn the htsh cetttt who ehatt then, us eeen ee may he. messed te
atspoee nl the appeat
tat Unless the Judas uthetwtse attests, the aeatteaa at he advucale shatt he
wuent when the eaatttenet avtdunce ts taken.
tmha tehna ul smdancs ttneenhte senmn utett, tatttte pttrpnsas orcheptet
xxv, be dsemed te he nn ?nflu\ty'
[9] The Appllcanl eubtntttea that the math reasan tot the appttcattens
was due te the findings made tn the grounds of tttegntent uflhe Sessions
com Judge (SCJ) in paragraph 77 which was tn E HMV1 ol Enat 2,
where she had stated 'Tst1uduh/Pelayu I/dak menultitlkkan Tenuduh sda
men/‘a/ankan usaha dart ikhtiar tmfuk bequmpa dsngan SP10 eencttn‘ bag!‘
I-nemasrikalv sarnada sum ia/ah seolang dewasa alau kanalokanak’.
Referring to s.2o at the 2017 Act, counsel tor the Apptteent tntatntee the
Cuufl that the pt-vlons counsel tithe Sosllans Court did not presam
‘Nuns a.n.t I-vthnrwm be used a mm the MW: dun-mm he .nette WM!
the evidence wlilch they sought io ho adinllhd as panoftho doluiu
ease The Aooirsani came to know the victim (SWO) through the itve
streaming piaitsrrn knnwn as "B]GO‘. si=to had an assount wi|h BIGO.
The crux oitne deienoe case was exastiy that aitnouoh the Applicant had
been eornrnunr 9 Via iaieu, telephone and wnarsApp with the victim
tsi=to). he did not know her real age because BIGO was an aduitsoniy
piationn and not intended iorsnyone under ta years o1sge.TheApoIicent
sought to aoouse aooriionai evidence (he! SPIO owned more than one
EIGO acoount and each oi them showed diitereni ages at SF10 (please
reierto Exhibit Hit/i—3 in Enot. 2). itenoe, ms Appiioani had seen denied oi
a iair tnai one to the neornpotsnee" oi the proviso: eounsei who
conducted the ease and aid nut adduue the said Exhibit i-tM<a.
[91 counsei reierred to a iew cases in its Bundle of Amhurilies and
argued that the ease of uiuruqaynh v PF porn] 2 ML! 545 was
apphssois here. The Apphcani wanted to show to the court that he did
make etiorts to ascertain her age. The new evidence wduid satisfy the
tour ssnortions In R u Parks moi] 2 AER us and it may raise a
the mind onhs iriai iudge They prayer: that me courr
aiiowed the ooauments to be aornnteo so that they wouid have a ehsnoe
to argue the ease during the supsrantwe aopeai
reastonabie dou
[to] The DPP submmed that the Applicant knew that SWO lied aoour
her age as the evidence would show. The printouts In Exhibit HM<S were
inoancluslvs as two at ihern did not shtm ihe viclim‘s iace. iithe prinloms
were admiued, the prosecution seuto not send them ior veniieanon and
whether these pmliies were shii YVI exnslerics. it was not known it the
aiieged pmliles were used WI cummunimtiuns oetwsan the Applicant and
SFID. itwher the Appiioant aiieged was true, Ex r it HM4 wouid have
IN ziPruisPuEKAxA»txaPU§
None s.n.i n-rihnrwm rs used m mm ms oflninsiily Mimi dun-rinrrl VI] .nuue Wmi
existed during the tnal and therelora did not satisiy the corldflmns in R v
Parks (supra). The DPP sutiinltted turther that the SCJ had assessed the
credipllity at the witnesses arid came to a culmcl hriding at the tnat and
the victim's cross-excrriinatlori at pages :s:s:l~3:s7 ot the Nuts t)1Evidenoe
(which were not exhlbited in the application) showed that she had been
asked the relevant qussllorls regarding her age. However, the Applicant
did not adhere to the ccnect procedures to admit lurther evlderlce ler the
purpose atthe appeal and prayed torthe application to be dismissed. she
argued that in the ease of uurugayeri v PP tsupra), the court of Appeal
had oleany explained the conditions in R v Parks tsupra). Hence, to allow
the applications would be a travesty oriustide to the prosecution case after
trial and a second bite at the cherry by the N7 ‘
rlt so to speak.
I11] ln reply, counsel lor the Applicant submitted (rather puzzllngtyl that
Muntglynh v PF (supra) could ae distinguished tiecause the application
under s.3I7 oi the CPC was made about three years later whereas here
End. 1 was tlled lrriniediately whlle pending the appeal ln the instant
case, the existenoe of other also accotmls held py SP10 would show
that she had stated ditterent ages (lied apout her real agei. ln paragmph
sorsrict 2, the Applicant stated that in his testimony, he told the Sessions
Cnurl that in each aecourrt SP1D had stated her age as la, 22 arid 23
sl=tu also told hlrh that she was studying in upper Form 6 and which was
why he believed that she was rnore than 18 years‘ old. In paragraph to.
the Applleantaveneo that he had honestly attempted to ascertalri her real
age in paragraph t1, the Applicant stated that nevertheless, there was
no such documentary evidence supinitted by the previous oourisel to
support his eral evidence in cutm at that time He had peen supstantially
preiudioed by the nndings at the sc.l in his deteriee because the iudge
had applied am at the 2017 Act on the wrong evidence.
-use s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll re used is mm s. oflnlrrallly Mlhls dnunvlnrll vta aFlt.ING wnxl
[12] In paragraph 12‘ The Appncanc stated that In March 2023 upon
appoinwlg a dwrerem counsel to conduct his appeal and in prepareuon at
me Penman M Apbeal. he had been asked about SP1D’s omer awso
account pmmes. Pursuant merelc, m pamgraph 15 me Apgncann smeu
s that ne had (aken steps m obtain ms extrams ol SP1D‘s o|her sweo
account memes in order tor the documents to be admitted as and Inna!
evidenoa for the purposes M me appeaxs.
[1 :1] The coun win not dehbeme on me rnerivs of ms defence in regard
no to the apphcanons. But it \s peninent at this point. for completeness. lo
stale the law in regard to sm anhe 2017 Amvmvch provides:
'Fve:umD|mn ahsge nla mm
2n n Vs ml adeleme la a chmgefaranyoflenoe uMerIh>sAc1. or any Mlence
15 Shaman m we seneaune wne.e me mum \s a em, man an accused neuem
that me :98 av me mm: 45 an more man mm as specmaa m we rsspecllve
pmwsmns m such nflencu 2| the cm ma vflencu n afleged 10 Ma been
mmmmad umasx live nccuuaa muk an raamnahle steps «a men“ me 192 no
the and -
[141 The Applicant Vs relying on the phrase ‘unless ms accused look all
reasonable slaps Ia ascsnam ms ags ofths chila’. Augusnns Paul JCA
m Muruglylh vrr (supra) sialad:
25 “s n wm be obsswad mm on vacephon oi lddmunzl amama Vs a matter :71
discvemn u .5 smiled um Ihal me exerdse M n dFs|:re|mn musl be m
acmrdance wulh eslzbflshed mdlchal guldeflnes In me case at aaaumng
addmonalev1asrme.lha wmdeimas were wen out m Laud vMarsha/M15413
All ER 745 m ma vonn unmua condmuni. In ehlzoralmn aims commons, Lard
so ParkarCJsa\d\nRvPaIV<sl1961]JAlIER533aIP6(|
Thuclpdnclplll club: xummarludinlhlx way. rum. um uvldlncn
um n I. wunlll to all mun bu uvldlncn which Wu not Ivallubll
.1 um um Slcnndly, ma on. you wllhuul lylnq, It mull bu
syn z\PnnsPuEKAxAoMxsP\Jq
3 «-we sum IIIVVDIVWW be used m mm me mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
.V1a..1.. .. VIII! 1.. 1h. 1.... 11.11.1111, 11 must 1.. .Vhu.... which
Is c..a11.1. VVIGIVICC 1.. 1h. nun 111.1 11 1. w.11e:p.1.1. ..11..r 1
1 ...11...1h1. .....111...1.c1.1. -.1..111..111. 1. 1.. 1..11.v.11 ornol, 1.111
11 ......1 1.. .V1.1.m which 1. c....1.1. .1 1.11.1. rounhuy, 1h. com!
5 .111 .h.. .....1.1..1..g 11..1.V1a..... go 1... 1. co...1.1..wh.111..1h...
1.131.. 1.... 1..... .. ........1.1. .1....1.11.. 1h. ...11.1. 1.111.. 1.1V 1..
11.1 auln ..11h. .np.11...1 n1h.1 .V11s..1.. had 1.... .11.... 1a11.1h..
wlm 1h. o1h.. nvld-nu .11h.1.1.1.
.1. 7 111. slalememotlhe 1.... 1.1 12V1>.ms11ss11 cum an 533 1... 1.... adnmsd
.1111 ao1>1ea 1.. Vocal cases such ..s11.1..1....1 .11.. Jamal V p..1.«..
Prosecular[1§6lI1 MLJ 254: Del 11.. Laura VFUMIC Pr1>.|ecw!Or[1§B7] 1 MLJ
1161LoFarTfllarv L DVSVFMDDC Frusacumr[1965I1 MLJ 214 aha CheD1n 1.1.. 11.161 1 MU 251 1h. conditions .1. ...1..1.1.11..
.5 ....: ...11..11.. .11.....1. .... .1..1...11.. ......11...11...11.rV 1h. 1.1.11 um
11... h.V. 1.... 1.11111... 1...c1.. Dln bin Ahmad V ;=..ou.=
ms....11.r11m1 1 mm 2121. 11 Is 1.1.1,. - 1h. .....1 ..c.p11..1.1
.1m.....1.....s 1h.1111. mun 1.111 receive . ...1.V1.1...... Assyed A911
Earakbah 1 (as 11. 111... was) said 1.. Che pm 11.. Ahmad V P111.
za Pvowculur 11121111 1 11111 259 .1 911 21112120:
11.... 317121111. Cnmmzl Pmosduva cm. 9.1.. . dwsaahan 1.. 11..
1.14.... heanng ..hy.p1.e.11n ..11.......111.1......1e1........1=.11h..1..1n1. M1.
.s necessary. 1.. cnnsldelina such avnhmlinn 11.. .1...11.1. .1... 1...
25 away: adopted 11.. .1111... 1h.1 11 1s my 11 11. ms. exceDImna\
.1.s1.ms1a..o.s, and suntan 1. wha| may be dumbed as excepflcnm
...m1......111.1111.. own 1. .1... 1.11.9 1.11s1..11.. ..11111.....1 avwdenoe
(111..h.m..1 1... ......1 V M1. 1=m.....1..[1seo1 1 111. 254, 255 1...
11...... 11>. mum... 11.1.1 J .. 11.. can .1 .1 V mu... 11115.; 411 c.
2.. Ann R 152. 15-1) 11 1. .1... 1h...1..... 1h... ...1 ....1, th- ...1..1 1.. most exceptional 1.1.1 1h. sum... which .
n..1=o.s11 1. 1.. adduced by Nrlher .V1¢..1=. 1s M11... 1.
-xocmlonal condlllnni. 11 hocomn .. ..s.ry ....1y11. 1.11.... .1
i...11=. would 1.1.11 11....1. ..1.111.o1..1 IWHIIICO Vlii ....1
3. .11.»... whnn . 11.1.... .1. 1.... w . 1. 1.71.1 .1... 11.. am .1
11.. ....n. . 1.11 ...u..1, huh: .11.... .. nflhn ......1.~.
[Emphasis added]
.1 [151 In Mulugayah V PP, 11.e accused was chargsd .11 111.
sessmns court WIH1 an nlfencs under 5.325 of the Penal Cnds far having
caused grievous hurt to one Kantharupan who at me me! had identified
3 1.... s..1.1.......V11.. 1.... 1. mm 1.. ..1.h.1V MW; ........ V. .11.... 1.1..
me aeeiised as one oi the coin peieens who had ahacxed him. The
accused was oonvieted in Febmary 1997 and sentenced. He appeaied to
the High cotinagainst the eenvietiaii and sentence. whiie the appeal was
pending the accused made an appiicahen in the High ooiiit to adduee
additional evidence puieiinnt I0 s :17 er the cue iioiii himseii,
Kanlhanlpan and one Kiishnari His appiieetion was disiiiissed by the
High Court He appealed against the High Courl decisien The hasls of
his application wee that eoniotiino fter his conviction, in was. he
was intoi-iiied by Kitetinan that Kenitiarupnn waa iiecuaity uuiiited
tiy euiai pnrsons. He tater niet Kanthanipan who toid the aeeiieed that
he had ideiitined the accused in cdiiit based on imoiniatien he obtained
from a third F-any His appeal againstthe High cciiiitdecisioii was attdwad.
The circumstances in that case was the proizosed evidenee ceiitd nut
have been zivaiiaoie at the tnei and it went to the identity dnhe assaitant
[161 Therelove, it appeared in the above case that the inieiniation seiigtii
to DB admiltied as flesh evidence WES DVIW awilabie in 1998 afler the Ma‘
ended. The third and ioiiiiti condillons in R v Parks (sum) weie also not
satisfied In that case To siininiaiise, the tour conditions are.
1 me endenee Ih-I|!l ie lflughi la can must be evidenea which was net aveitaeie
ai itie iiiai
ii niiisi be evideiiee relevant to the iseves
3 ii must ee evidence which is eiedioie evidence in the ieiice that it Ii wail
eaeeeie oi oeiieh, it It nut iei this cciiitio deeds Wflalharll im e. balievud W
rial, but it iiiim be evidence which n eepaiii. af hlhaf
4 me com vnii aitenedinideniie thl| evidence an en la caruidsr whelher ineie
might have iieen ii renmnahle douhl in the niinds eiiheiury as to the eiiiii at
the iiveeitani Iflhn| evidence had eeen given |age1her wilh lha oihei evideiiee
ai the met
[17] I have eiso iaoked at the case of Mohitmed Bin Jlmll v PP [1954
1 ML! 254 where the Fedei-ai court of Singapore which also cited R v
3 we s.ii.i nnvihnrwm be in... M mm ee nflnihnflly MIME dnunvilnl wa miiiic WM!
| 1,986 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
MA-24NCvC-182-05/2023 | PEMOHON 1. ) LOO KIAN AIK 2. ) GOLDHILL AFFLUENCE SDN BHD RESPONDEN 1. ) ALIRAN RAYA SDN BHD 2. ) SIAH CHONG YENG | "Section 326 & 417 of the National Land Code - Plaintiff's action to extend caveat - parties into an agreement to purchase properties ('ATP') - Plaintiff is purchaser - agreement is subject to signing of a Sale and Purchase Agreement - earnest deposit paid - SPA in advanced stage of negotiations - issue : whether the ATP grants the Plaintiff caveatable interest - held: (a) ATP only grants the Plaintiff a right in personam and not right in rem; (ii) ATP was a contract to contract subject to SPA; (iii) payment of earnest deposit and advanced negotiations did not grant Plaintiff caveatable interest - application dismissed" | 06/11/2023 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
06/11/2023 09:08:51
MA-24NCvC-182-05/2023 Kand. 42
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m—2uIcvc—1a2—u5/2023 Kand. 42
ab/11/inn um;-:1
ORIGINATING sumllous NO: MA-ZANCVC-1B2~05I2023
In the mansr aI Iand held under GRN
14641 Lot I22 and GRN 21779 Lot
I24, both In ‘Kiwisan 5-nae: xxv.
Daerah Melaka rengan, Megan
III we malter of a Dnvale caveat
anlerad an (ha above Imus by GaIdmII
Aflluenoe sun BM (fiegmrulvun No
201701024022 tczzamwn wde
Prnsamallon Ne uaoaszuzzounsa
and regmerad an 12 I0 2022
In mallevs of season 325 and 417 aI
me Nannnal Land caae 1955
In me matters I)! Ordev 1 and 9 Rules
A oune Rmes ai com 2012
nine s.n.I In-vIhnrwHI be mad M mm he nnmmu-y Mm. m.n.m VII .rIuNG WMI
[11 ms a decnsmn on an appucamn brought by me Plammls m
endusuve 1 (’App\Icatvon‘) var an order mat me pnvale caveal No
a4uua2o22uu4794 entered by me Seound F'\a1rmfl on a ‘and known
as GRN 1451 1.02122 and GRN 21779 Lot 124 be extended ellher —
(a) mum me propemes m questmn wmcn are me sub]ec1 of an
mended sale between me mamuns and the Defendants ave
1rans1eneu1u me Plalnllfls ur
sw »<;n+m1zuA
.111. 5.1.1 be 1;... 1. mm 1.. mmuny wk. dun-mm VIZ muNG pm
[25] The lac! that more was payment olaamssl dsposrr amnhar n
should as rsrundscle nod no! Ipso vacm pmwds lo I/UM ca»/salable
mlerext m the sen land Mere pecuniary rnlerest m land does not
mm/e a person to lodge a caveat unoer s32: or the Code
(sea Regtstraml Ttllss ./ohole V Temervggong Securmes Ltd)
[I3] Thus, a: beat. me ATP gwes me Plalnflfls e um m personam
Igaxmt the Defendants lur any new hm not . nghl m mm m me
am Al the pom! the ATP was executed me Plamulls merely
acquired a ocnlmgent ornmue Interest am not a presem ur exlslvng
uegmraue Interest m we lands Vn Soon opmm Slim and. v.
Ind Duvllopmonl Sdn. Bhd. (mu 7 cu m /[2912] a
Am 475 me Federal com held »
I39] H rs also our comrderud View lh-9! [Its caveator unders
323(1)(a)o/me NLC mus! have a present males! as opposed to a
potential Interest In ms land The regrstrable Interest that me
cavellor »: clalmmg hr, must be an axlslmg mlsrasf The cawulnr
undsrs 323(1)(aJ DI the NLC must he Immed to those who are
claiming fa an extsfmg Interest m ms /and or right to such sxrsl/Ag
wares! and cannot Include polelmal mlerust or rnlsresl m luluro
mm. Snr1n\nunhnrwH\I>e med M mm he nrW\n|U|Y MM‘. dnuumnl VII muNG pm
110) ms principle is nnnly smbedded m cur Torrens system Trns
can no sun n ma deer:/on enne supreme court rn Tart Hana Pan
V Tan Econ Thong 5 or: [1952] 2 ML! t In mat case, a caveat
lodged by a resrduary benelruary ms ardered (L7 be removed
because rne adntinistnanan anne aslals wee still rneornp/ere at me
nrne me caves! was lodged. as such nrs rnveres: rn the /and was szru
unssmtrnneore Mohamed A1m1SCJ{as ne men was) In :19/we/vng
me judgment of ma war! at p 5 new as Inflows —
In ourvrevn the rec: tnar me caveator was entmed um»! (src) Me wru
to rr ans-srxm snare rn me erghr parcels ol /and, drd not mean mat
ma snare was aacertarnapre belara aamrnrstrauan was comp/ale. As
expressed tn the deceased's mu, the cavealar was rn Iact enmted Io
an/y ans snare, and pm 4 al me wm empowered me executor ta
sen and convert any part of me estate in meet to pay me tesratars
debts apart from me iunsml and testamentary expenses As sucrn
unnr the mtrnunstranon was complete, me vs/us or extent ol tne
rssrdus on wrncn ms arts-srxln snare n1spsnd9d,{2012] 6 ML./ 475 at
459 remarrred urrcerrarn on eszanlrsrred aufhormes cleany me
caveular m me present appeal had no cnveernate cleun er mrerssls
rn any oltne property when rne cavsal was entered There was no
m KaFAPNtNaEqvEtenH:NzuA 12
we. e.nn nmhnrwm be met! a may r... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl VI muNa vwm
svrdence that me adrmmsfralmn or me estale was already camp/ere
la ascerram ma .acrua/ worth ofthe Ies»dua ro:rma/ drsfnbulron.
[£11 In Goa Hee smg v VVr//R515 A Alvor (199313 ML./ 610 at p 513
Mahsdev shankau (as he then was) punt as fa/laws:
ma pammowsmrs that me claim mus! be to We ora ngm memo
m pnwssrm, and no! In sum connngem ms or ngm Marsh: 11-:
[U] In me pnssm case. even though ma respondent was grven me
opnon lo purchase the mm It developed and trunsler (I15 urms lo
nselmir chansss to do so, mar ngm has yet to be exermsed at me
me when the caveat was fudgad Therefore‘ me right has not
npanoamm an Interest m the /and
Appsymg the aecman m S-con Oplians. Ims own finds max smce
Ihe sale and purchasa av me lands -n nus Agphranm u sun Lu|:;ec1
lo the execuuan ul 3 SPA. lhe Pwmmms ngms have not npenaa me
an Imeresl In the lands
[201 On anomer Dcim «ms coun does run find mm me advance stage at
negeuannns 0! me SPA even up lo me point where me Plamulls
allege me: n was ready (or axeounon‘ gave mam a regwsimme and
caveaeame Inieresl The can remains man the Defendants had not
concluded mew na9u|Iu|Iuns on (he terms at me swx when they
oenunued to change thew posmons Whether this Is aeeepcame Io
meme-mms under me law ofconlracts us anahermaner It Is a basic
men nffreadnm n1 eunum «rm puma; can optla nmcmmlufla any
con\vac1. a\be\I at me nsk 01 payment of damages 0! specmc rellel
As opmee by me Federa\ com m lnsmut mmorogt Federal
(supra) nsgouatmns tor . Colman‘ nu manerhuw zdvanmd. cannot
armum m a ooruracl —
I231 /nciniermally n ‘rs ammanc ma: negonanons rm a comma:
nowevemmncod, do not amount la a comma: unm Md unless
a purchassrhas an envomsanle conrmcilorme sale olland, ne curl
my no clam: to me me lo Ifiglslarbd /and A lnmon, he has no
rrneresl that As capabre ol pmtecvon by the entry of a caveat’ per
Boos! Sn Ram ./CA m Mumgagpa Chums! Lskshmanan v Lee
Tack Mock (19951 1 MLJ 752 (see slsaAys: I-mam Tm Dradgmg
Malaysia arm v vc Chm Enlerpnsss 5117: am: /199412 ML] 754)
1251 From the lads es drscmssd m me affidawts Med and Form 195
we would say rrrer ar mas! is me: mere was nepolralnm on me sure
rm no concluded rrensecrrorr cams rrrru exrstsncs Negolrahons [or
a canlvact, no rnener haw advanced cannot arnounl m a contract
rrre posmnn anne names rn Mrs eppeemrus comes withm me wow
expressed by we noun m
rmzmy, «ma Cnun rs oonslramed Io agree with me Phlnmfs that me
case cl mcorr Enginlon Sdn. Ehd. v. Gan Moo! Yln[1.v7fl) 2
ML] / [1976] 1 LNS 67, assrst merr case The lads N1 «M1 case
show that parlles had aneady entered mm a sa\e arm puvchase
agraemenh and aclmg an that agveumem eencrcars lor me vendors
mere remmded me purduassis to same the balance purchase pm
on me dexermmed date. However, In me present case no sud! ngm
has been accorded yet to me Defend-ncs arm nemnez has me
ublrgalum lo makalhe peyrnem em: zr-wanna purchase pnee ansan
undev the ATP, I! the ATP was Imended In be me gumnmg contract
br me sa\e of me wands. men me Delendams wnmd have already
demanded payment. and me Flzmlrfls would have been under me
nnngauon In uenaenne same Yhelactlhal nemerwns
done only shwwslhal pames mended in: me SPA In firs! come we
belnre altendmg to all men respective ubhgalluns
[12] To aonctude. «ms coun fmdslhal me Plamuffs have tuned to satisfy
we com that may have veglslrilfle and cweatahla mleresls
psmymg a claxm lor xn extension of ma navaac The Appnunan Is
hereby dismissed wan costs 01 RM5,0DD
Dated ms 23"‘ October 2023
noun RADZI am Aafiuu. puma
men coum. MELAKA
Ms Amy Chis
Advocates and Sollcilovs
Messrs K H Tan .9. Co
No 5-13 Tmgkat 1
Jihn Ybmhnm
moo Muar, Jnhor
Ms Vnoh Koay Phlng
Ms Sm NuvDmIe Lun1uMnI1d Zauix
Advocates and Solicitor:
Messn How A Yeah
c—1.2 Wansan cnywew Block c
Jalan 3/SSA, on Jalan Chem:
56100 KLIBVEI Lumpur
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
3») mm me msposm of em: MA-2ZNr:VC-I7-D4/2023 that \s snll
pending between mam
[21 Wde a dncumem known as Agreemm nu Pumhase (‘ATP’) dated
11 7 2022 arllavad Inlc belwaen We FWII FVIVHMI acting on ham!" 0!
me Second we-mm and Ihe FwsIDe12ndantacIIng on hehall at the
Second Dedendant me Dekndsnls agreed to sell and me Pxamcms
agreed I0 Durchase MD DVSES of ‘and new under GRN 14641 Lot
122 and can 21779 Lo: :24 In the ski: ol Mehka «or 2 Iowa!
purchase oonslderatmn so was 200.000 oo
{3} PuIsuan1toIhatATP. a sum of 00 new earnest deposrl
was pm by (he Phalnnffs Ohhat amount RM16‘GDO cu ms and
no me Fun! Delendanl mu lhe ba\ance was pm to 2 realty agent
Robin Ream aslhetv lees
[41 Yhere aruse a dvspule uverme purchase when me Plamufls Illeged
me: me Dehndunts had ram, refused ov neglacled In mmplele me
sale 0! me warm to me P\amlIH That mspme resumed m .-. sun was
MA—22NCvC-17-04/2023 wnare me Plammls seek‘ xnlenaha‘ a
we smm .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y M1 x. dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
specmc perrarrnance er the sale or me Lands The! sun ls snll
The Flllnhfls believe that by anlsrlng lnlo the ATP they have
Icqulled a csvenlaule lnleresl In me lanes and therefore filed the
same vlde Reglstrauon No 201701024022 (I23B18B-UH undev
Presenlallen No 04005202200094 and raglszerad on 12 10 2022
The Delendanls men sougm to cancel the caveat puvsuant 1a
semen 326 more Mammal Land Codaarldlhe RegIs1vnv‘s Furm19C
daled 24.11 2022 was served on me Plalnllfls on 21 3 2023
The Delemanrs mlenlian lo cancel the caveat Dvnmpled me
Plalnnffs In an to preserve lhe caveat by fillng We Applrceclan The
Applwenon rs svuvonea by the amdavll ul the 1" vlsrmm In
enclosure 3 The Dsaenaunrs response can be luurld ln me 2nd
Defendants aflidavlt ln reply In enclosure 7
The cove Issue rn ms Appllcallnn rs vmemer ATP corllened upon
me Plamnlrs a cavealahle Imeresl m the lands and mereaore me
ngm la enter a pnvale caveat on them mclumng the nghl to extend
[91 Learned Counsel for the mamrrm contend that the Plalrmfls have a
cavealable in(eres| m the Lands based an me lnllawnng «actors —
(a) |haK the ATP Is by operauan M clause 41¢) a bmdmg conuaa
and Vegafly bmdmg agveemenl between me pames.
(bi varymsnt a! earnest deposit, arm
(27 we progress m negolnanons ul me Sale and Purchase
Agreement A‘SFA') brought pames In near exeouuon of ms
SPA .1 not luv Iasurunuce changes In (erms mslslad lay me
[91 Ta suppon the Flalnlulfs case reference was made to the aeusrorrs
m mm. Erlyirlnors Sdn Blvd v. Goh Nooi YIn[1!76] 2 ML./ 5: /
mu) 1 ms a7; Muruguppl Clnfllu Llklnmamn v. Ln rm
uoak[1ss5]1 MLJ nz /1199512 CLJ 545; cnmes Greater Sdn.
’NnI2 saw nnuhnrwm .. U... w my me mm-y M1 r. dun-mm VII nF\uNG v-mm
Bhd. v. Lau Wing Hung 1199:) J MLJ :21 /(19971 1 cu us:
cipt. Cor-mm sun. and. v. Porbadanun Kamljuln mam mun
paw) 2 MLJ m /(2007) 1 cu an; S/nar Wang Sdn. Bnd. V.
Mg Kae Sally mos] 2 ML! 42 /(200415 AMR cu; Aye! Hiram
Dlidginv Malaysia and. y. vc Chin Elmrprises Sm snutmsq
2 ML] 154/1199413 out 133 and Sou vong v. Yuzin ouwuttan
@ >49 Yuzln 1299414 MLJ my mom] umn ztn
On the clher hand. Learned caunsel for Ihe Detenaams argues than
the ATP did rtolmn1er|he Ptarntms any caventabte In|eres| tn the
land based upon the tar: tnar —
(at \he earnest aepestt ts tetundaute under me ATP and ts not a
vonenatate pan payment.
(by tne ATP ts sutztect to the execuhcn of a tarmat SPA as stated
tn clause 1. and
(C) pames had not reach Ml canctmenoe or :1! terms and
condmuns at the SPA VI parltcular wrttr regards ta retenttun
sum penod tn rutease balurme purchase pnce and penad «or
payment 0! redemption sum
[11] Reference was made In aemeena In‘ mlav-all: - Lugnlgl
utambmm (M) Sin. and. V. Tln Hot Tang 5 Amumssj 1 MLJ
719 / [1995] 1 cu 520,- Boulevard Resldenu Sdn. sna.
nannezty known as Seucan Developmlnt sdn. Blvd) v. Rmnaya
Prwerfius sun Blvd. [21122] MLJU 215:: /mm] 1 LNS 2106,-
Lumen Group credn Sdn. and. v. Lee Shoo Khoon L Ors[1Dll]
I ML] :15 Inna) cu Hop 515; Balnkong Dcvolopmenl Sdn.
Bhd. v. Loo Kak men 5 Ann! (1999) 2 ML! 540 /(19991: cu
13,- score Options Sdn. and. v. Menland Dwelapmem sdn.
BM. [2012] 7 cu 592 /(201215 MLJ 475,- and Insmu: Teknoloqi
Fsdvnl sun Bhd v. mm Educntion Sdn. Bhd. (201771 1 ML! 1: /
mm] 1 cu us.
{:21 Yo begun n should be stated as a matter was: max at me date 0!
me heanng of mu: Applwcanan‘ no SPA (or me wands has been
executed by me Fame; Learned Cuunsel for me F\amWs had
marmea «ms com mat me neguuauons to flnahze me terms of the
SPA wece sun "I progress. ahhnugh nm r:omp\ele\y agreed to by
CounseHcrIh: Devenaams the {act |ha| some key levms anne
SPA were sml m
sw KEPAPN|NaEqVElinH:NzuA 1
we saw be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] afluNG wrm
ltmbo and no consensus was reached between tne pantes azmrtg
tnmugn tnerr respectwe sohctlars can be seen tram the documents
reterred to WI exhthl|$ ‘LKA~5“ lo ‘LKA-1D“u1 endasuve 3
[131 Now, emer ednsrdenng tne terms 01 the ATP, tnrs Ccurl does not
doubttttat tne ATP Isa tegatty tatndtng contrau between tne Pames
Not only rt ta blndmg because 01 ctause 4 Ac), cut more
tundementetty, the pames and subtefl matter at me agreement are
renarn and tnttrat constderatron Ill tne Idrrn otan earnest depostt has
moved trorn tne Plalnltfls to the Defendants
[I4] However‘ does the btndmq eflect of the AW gtve nse to E
cavateahle rmerest In the land? counsel lcrlhe vtarntrws submtllod
mar nnoe tnts Onurl finds tne ATP . bmdtng contract VI respect or
In: purdtas: of |he Wands‘ E caveatabte Interest mus! IGHOW for the
nenant M tne Platnuffs as purchasers
[15] In true Court a vtewtnat rs not neoessanly so wnrlst tne ATP can be
a btndtng agreement wttn raped la mer mermon |o purmase and
sell tne lands‘ Iha| hvndmg effect extends only to the duties and
obhgaltons at pames to execute a SPA and me consequences that
ru KaFAHnN-EqvEtet'MaNzuA %
we s.n.r nmhnrwm r. u... M my r... annmuu M1 r. m.n.n n. mune Wm!
follow In me evenlelthar panyranm execute me SPA Theta: out
me AYP prowden for me consequences av Ihe Iaulure of erlher parly
in execule me SPA must mean that me ATP Ts nvl me aoncluswe
aacumem mm regards to the purchase and sale Ewmer pany may
withdraw lrum me uansacmn by uetusmg to exewle the SPA
subject In me consequamlnl vonemna o! ms earnest aeposn ar
payment 0! damages‘ whichever may be me case
[15] Clause 4A uffhe ATP maraly pmvwdes ma mnaamemal terms ov me
sale that man be Incorpomed ma me SPA but max does not
ammmt la the my Ierms of me sa\e The lacl that a Vull SPA was
prenived and negotiated means mama ATP was no: no he mended
and construed as me only am mncmswe document guvermng Ihe
vansxcinon In mm Cauns view‘ me lrlnsacnun was subjaul To me
execuhon at the SPA mm all Ievms In be Imxwrparzled Tums, the
ATP was just a comma cu comma and not the sme gavemlng
eennamov me sa\e onne lands As aeaaea by the coun of Annual
W7 cum Gronlor Sdn. arm. v. Llu mug Hong[199fl] .1 ML!
:21 /(199711 CLJ us .
mm. Sum! .. LAIQ4 M may he mm-y MT. dun-mm VII mum v-max
Meanmv no drsrssnecr Io oounso/, we oanuder the sap/meme
pnnmpls to be capable avsmernem rn lira-rmplertamvs men he nes
sought to do An egreernem ta make en egreernenz does not result
n a contract /1 rs fur me court m each case to oonszme ms
correspondences exonangeo between me names and 10 say
wnemennens me Issullmrended by me pmres /Hive mun reaches
an apposne wndusian, men were rs an enlarceeme oonllac.‘
[17] To uormnue. this com finds «nan the paymem ofthe earnest depnsn
s not sumcrent lo wnler any cuvealabhu mares: In ms land Mm
pecuniary Interns! does not lead to a mgnstrame Imam: Is nodded
by me Com o1Appeal m Ir-emu: mmorog: Fudanl Sdn. and. v.
MUM Educ-uon Sdn. and. 12001) 7MLJ 2:/[ma] 1 CLJ 745:-
1271 It rs settled that czivsalabls rnrerm mus! be a definite ngm
rvlalmg Ia /and and capable orenrorcernen: and a caveetw must be
n e pasmon Ia Insfrfula e sun rorspecriic perrorrnnnoe o/clenn Tins
positron ol IIUM was rneoe worse as u did not even commence
ecnon a: at 31 December 2004 wnen cne eppnoenon by FIT ror me
rsmovslolrha caveat was heard Indeed I! was no! reburled ma: no
acnan was med to dale rn connecuan mm the caveat
rn »<emm.N.zqva.nn;Nzm
mm. M.‘ mmhnrwm .. U... w my me mm-y MAR. dnuumnl Vfl murm Wm!
| 2,262 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-83-8530-12/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) ZULFAHMI 2. ) ZULPELI | Kastam-Pemilikan barang terlarang Seksyen 135(1)(d) Akta Kastam 1967 - pemilikan eksklusif tidak dibuktikan apabila saksi awam lain yang mempunyai akses tidak dipanggil. | 06/11/2023 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-8530-12/2021)
[1] Tertuduh-tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen
135(1)(d) Akta Kastam 1967 seperti dalam pertuduhan di bawah:
Bahawa kamu, Zulfahmi (No Passport: C7502254) bersama Zulpeli (sebagai
orang yang masih bebas) pada 23 November 2021 jam lebih kurang 2.00 petang
di rumah beralamat di 11-A, Lorong B, Kampung Pandan, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
memiliki barang larangan iaitu :
1. Rokok jenama Canyon Signature (merah) sebanyak 400 peket x 20 batang
2. Rokok jenama Zon King International 780 peket x 20 batang
3. Rokok jenama Joe sebanyak 700 peket x 16 batang
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4. Rokok jenama L.A Light sebanyak 1900 peket x 16 batang
5. Rokok jenama L. A Menthol sebanyak 300 peket x 20 batang
6. Rokok jenama DJI Sam Soe 234 Fatsal-5 sebanyak 500 peket x 20 batang
7. Rokok jenama DJI Sam Soe 234 Super Premium sebanyak 200 peket x 20
8. Rokok jenama L.A Bold sebanyak 500 peket x 20 batang
9. Rokok jenama Diplomat Impact sebanyak 190 peket x 16 batang
Jumlah keseluruhan: 93,440 batang
Yang bernilai RM 10,960.40 yang mana barang tersebut adalah dilarang import
di bawah Butiran 1, Bahagian II, Jadual Ketiga Perintah Kastam (Larangan
Mengenai Import) 2017 dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan
dibawah Seksyen 135(1)(d) Akta Kastam 1967 dan kamu boleh dihukum
mengikut Seksyen 135(1)(v)(aa) Akta yang sama dan di baca bersama Seksyen
34 Kanun Keseksaan.
Bahawa kamu, Zulfahmi (No Passport: C7502254) bersama Zulpeli (sebagai
orang yang masih bebas) pada 23 November 2021 jam lebih kurang 2.00 petang
di rumah beralamat di 11-A, Lorong B, Kampung Pandan, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
dalam milikan apa-apa barang yang di atas duti eksais yang boleh dilevi di sisi
undang-undang tidak dibuktikan sebagai telah dibayar iaitu :
1. Rokok jenama Canyon Signature (merah) sebanyak 400 peket x 20 batang
2. Rokok jenama Zon King International 780 peket x 20 batang
3. Rokok jenama Joe sebanyak 700 peket x 16 batang
4. Rokok jenama L.A Light sebanyak 1900 peket x 16 batang
5. Rokok jenama L. A Menthol sebanyak 300 peket x 20 batang
6. Rokok jenama DJI Sam Soe 234 Fatsal-5 sebanyak 500 peket x 20 batang
7. Rokok jenama DJI Sam Soe 234 Super Premium sebanyak 200 peket x 20
8. Rokok jenama L.A Bold sebanyak 500 peket x 20 batang
9. Rokok jenama Diplomat Impact sebanyak 190 peket x 16 batang
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Jumlah keseluruhan: 93,440 batang
Yang mana duti eksais sebanyak RM 37,376.00 yang dikenakandi bawah
Perintah Duti Eksais 2017 tidak dibuktikan dibayar dan dengan itu kamu telah
melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 74(1)(a) Akta Eksais 1976 dan
kamu boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 74(1)(iv)(A) Akta Eksais 1976yang sama
dibcada bersama Seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
[2] Pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil seramai 4 orang saksi untuk menyokong
kes pendakwaan iaitu:
SP 1- Hasan Nusi bin Ramli (Ketua Serbuan)
SP2 – Normanjalina binti Hassan (Pegawai Klarifikasi)
SP3 – Faizul Arif bin Mohd Karim Anggota Serbuan /Jurugambar)
SP4 – Mohd Hafiez bin Mohd Raali (Pegawai Penyiasat Ganti)
[3] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan gagal
membuktikan kes prima facie ke atas tertuduh pertama (OKT1) dan pihak
pendakwaan merayu ke atas keputusan Mahkamah ini.
[4] Pada 23.11.2021 jam lebih kurang 1400 hrs petang, ketua serbuan, SP1 telah
membuat serbuan ke atas sebuah rumah beralamat di 11-A, Lorong B3, Kg
Pandan, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
[5] SP1 memperkenalkan diri dengan menunjukkan kad kuasa kepada seorang lelaki
warganegara Indonesia yang berada dalam rumah tersebut.
[6] Hasil pemeriksaan, anggota serbuan mendapati sejumlah rokok yang tidak sah.
SP1 mengesahkan bahawa pasukan menemui sejumlah rokok di kawasan ruang
tamu rumah tersebut. Pasukan kastam telah menahan tertuduh pertama (OKT1)
yang berada di dalam premis tersebut ketika serbuan dilakukan.
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[7] SP3 telah mengambil gambar tempat kejadian bersama barang kes dan
menyediakan pelan lakar tempat kejadian. SP1 telah mengeluarkan dan
menyerahkan sesalinan borang bongkar P2 dan notis sitaan P1 kepada tertuduh.
[8] SP1 turut memberi keterangan bahawa beliau telah menyerahkan tertuduh,
barang-barang kes dan dokumen berkaitan kepada Pegawai Penyiasat melalui
Borang Serahan Kes.
[9] Barang kes telah dihantar ke jabatan kimia untuk dianalisa. Laporan kimia
mengesahkan bahawa barang kes rokok bertanda E1 dan E2 mengandungi
tembakau manakala E3 sehingga E9 mengandungi tembakau dan cengkih. SP4
telah mengambil alih siasatan daripada pengawai penyiasat asal, Mohd Fazil.
SP4 telah memperoleh laporan penjenisan yang daripada SP2. SP2
mengesahkan barang kes bertanda E1 dan E2 mempunyai kod tarif
2402.20.9000 manakala E3 sehingga E9 tergolong dalam kategori kod tarif
[10] Menurut seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, pihak pendakwaan perlu
membuktikan satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan. Begitu juga di dalam
seksyen 173 (h) (i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Peruntukan tersebut menyatakan
bahawa apabila kes pendakwaan berakhir, mahkamah akan menimbangkan
sama ada pendakwaan telah membuat suatu prima facie kes terhadap tertuduh.
[11] Pengujian kes secara prima facie telah diputuskan di dalam kes yang
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu Balachandran v PP [2005] 2 MLJ
302 dan kes Looi Kow Chai & Anor v PP (2003) 1 CLJ 734 d dinyatakan
“A judge sitting alone must subject the prosecution evidence to the
maximum evaluation and ask himself the question “ if I decide to call
upon the accused to enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am
I prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contain in the
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prosecution case?” If the answer was in the negative, then no prima facie
case had been made out and the accused would be entitled to an
[12] Bagi pertuduhan pertama, OKT1 telah dituduh memiliki barangan larangan di
bawah Butiran 1, Bahagian II, Jadual ketiga, Perintah Kastam (Larangan
Mengenai Import) 2017 yang merupakan satu kesalahan di bawah seksyen
135(1)(d) Akta Kastam 1967 bersama dengan OKT2 yang masih bebas.
[13] Seksyen 135(1)(d) Akta Kastam 1967 memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
Penalty relating to smuggling offences, evasion of duty, fraud, etc.
135. (1) Whoever—
(d) (d) knowingly harbours, keeps, conceals, or is in possession of,
or permits, suffers, causes or procures to be harboured, keptor concealed, any
uncustomed or prohibited goods;
[14] Hukuman adalah dinyatakan di bawah seksyen 135(1)(v)(aa) iaitu:
v) in the case of cigarettes containing tobacco or intoxicating liquor which are
prohibited goods—
(aa) be liable for the first offence to a fine of not less than ten times the
value of the goods or one hundred thousand ringgit, whichever is the
greater amount, and of not more than twenty times the value of the
goods or five hundred thousand ringgit, whichever is the greater amount,
or to imprisonment for a term of not less than six months and not more
than five years or to both;
[15] Merujuk kepada Seksyen 135(1)(d) dan juga kes yang diputuskan seperti PP v
Jasni bt Jaafar & Anor [2017] 1 LNS 211 di mana elemen pertuduhan adalah
seperti berikut:
a) barang kes adalah barang larangan import;
b) tertuduh mengetahui bahawa barang kes adalah barangan larangan import
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c) tertuduh mengetahui bahawa tertuduh meyimpan, menyembunyikan barang
kes atau barang tersebut berada dalam milikan tertuduh.
[16] Takrifan barang-barang dan barang larangan dijelaskan di bawah Seksyen 2
Akta Kastam seperti berikut:
“goods” includes animals, birds, fish, plants and all kinds of movable property;
“prohibited goods” means goods the import or export of which is prohibited,
either absolutely or conditionally by an order under section 31 or by any other
written law;
[17] Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2017 adalah satu perintah di
bawah seksyen 31 sebagaimana yang diperuntukan oleh seksyen 2(1) Akta
Kastam 1967. Perintah 7, Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2017
memperuntukkan bahawa barang-barang yang dinyatakan dalam ruang (2) dan
(3) Bahagian II Jadual Ketiga adalah dilarang import ke Malaysia kecuali mengikut
cara yang diperuntukkan dalam ruang (5) Bahagian II Jadual Ketiga iaitu
hendaklah dilekatkan setem cukai bagi setiap rokok dan minuman keras.
[18] Item 1 Jadual Ketiga, Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2017
syarat yang ditetapkan untuk setiap kotak rokok adalah:
A. Amaran kesihatan pada setiap paket rokok,
B. Maklumat kesihatan pada setiap paket rokok, dan
C. Setem cukai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam
[19] Berdasarkan laporan penjenisan, ahli kimia telah menganalisa sampel
bertanda E1 sehingga E9 dan mengesahkan kesemuanya mengandungi
tembakau. Dalam laporan penjenisan, rokok diperjeniskan di bawah kod
2402.20.9000 dan 2402.20.2000 di mana tergolong sebagai “Cigarettes
containing tobacco: others” di bawah Perintah Duti Kastam 2017.”
[20] Secara umum, beban bukti adalah pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan
semua elemen pertuduhan. Namun begitu, Akta Kastam telah memperuntukkan
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beban bukti beralih kepada pihak defendan atau tertuduh di bawah Seksyen 119
Akta Kastam 1967.
Burden of proof
Section 119
If in any prosecution in respect of any goods seized for non-payment of
duties or for any other cause of forfeiture or for the recovery of any
penalty or penalties under this Act, any dispute arises whether the
customs duties have been paid in respect of such goods, or whether the
same have been lawfully imported or exported or lawfully landed or
loaded, or concerning the place whence such goods were brought or
where such goods were loaded, or whether anything is exempt from duty
under section 14 then and in every such case the burden of proof there
of shall lie on the defendant in such prosecution.
[21] Selain Seksyen 119 Akta Kastam, pihak pendakwaan juga bergantung kepada
anggapan pengetahuan di bawah Seksyen 135(2) Akta Kastam di mana
anggapan pengetahuan tertuduh mengenai barang larangan sehingga dibuktikan
sebaliknya oleh defendan.
135 (2) In any prosecution under this section or section 139 any dutiable,
uncustomed or prohibited goods shall be deemed to be dutiable,
uncustomed or prohibited goods, as the case may be, to the knowledge
of the defendant unless the contrary be proved by such defendant.
[22] Sebelum pihak pendakwaan boleh mengguna pakai anggapan dan
mengalihkan beban bukti kepada pihak defendan atau tertuduh, pihak
pendakwaan perlu membuktikan bahawa barang larangan berada dalam milikan
tertuduh seperti yang diputuskan kes-kes PP v Sekaran A/L Odayam [2010]
MLJU 1729.
[23] Dalam kes Pendakwa Raya v Sekaran A/l Odayam [2010] MLJU 1729 Hakim
Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan seperti berikut:
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“I agree with the contention of the learned defence counsel that before
the prosecution can invoke the presumption under s. 135(2) of the
Customs Act, 1967, the element of possession of the prohibited items by
the Respondent/Accused has to be established. In other words, that this
is a "parasitic presumption" which does not stand alone but relies on the
proof of possession. Without proof of possession the element of
"knowingly concerned" cannot be established. There is no dearth of
authority for counsel's proposition that the "possession" referred to has
to be "exclusive custody or control" or "custody or control to the exclusion
of all others". See Toh Ah Loh & Kak Thim v Rex [1949] 15 MLJ p. 54
dan Leow Nghee Lim v Reg [1956] 22 MLJ p. 28 ]. The question was
whether the facts of this case were consistent with the
Respondent/Accused having had exclusive custody or control of the
seized goods at the material time?”
[24] Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa elemen pertuduhan pertuduhan
pertama tentang pemilikan atau mempunyai kawalan rokok telah dibuktikan
melalui keterangan berikut:
I. SP1 telah memberi keterangan bahawa semasa serbuan ke atas
premis, tertuduh pertama berada di dalam rumah tersebut. SP1 dan SP3
menyatakan tiada kerjasama diberikan oleh tertuduh pertama dan
berlaku tolak menolak pintu masuk rumah.
II. SP1 dan SP3 melihat barang kes tanpa dilindungi daripada penglihatan
di bahagian ruang tamu rumah tersebut.
III. Sampel barang kes yang dihantar ke Jabatan Kimia telah disahkan
minuman keras mengandungi Etil Alkohol dan rokok mengandungi
IV. Keterangan saksi pendakwaan mengatakan bahawa hasil pemeriksaan
yang dilakukan terhadap rokok-rokok yang dirampas adalah tersenarai
di bawah butiran 1, bahagain II, Jadual Ketiga Perintah Kastam
(larangan mengenai import) 2017. Tertuduh pertama tidak
mengemukakan sebarang dokumen berkaitan cukai yang telah dibayar
bagi kesemua barang kes yang dirampas.
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[25] Berkenaan dengan pertuduhan kedua, pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan
fakta kes sama dan keterangan yang sama bagi pembuktian pertuduhan kedua
(pindaan). Bagi pertuduhan pindaan kedua iaitu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen
74(1)(a) Akta Eksais 1976, terdapat tiga elemen yang perlu dipenuhi di bawah
Seksyen 74 (1) (a) Akta iaitu:
I. OKT memiliki barang-barang berduti eksais;
II. Barang-barang tersebut adalah berduti eksais;
III. Barang-barang berduti tersebut tidak dibuktikan telah dibayar.
[26] Bagi pembuktikan elemen pertama, pihak pendakwaan merujuk Seksyen 74
(2) Akta Eksais 1976 yang memperuntukkan:
“Dalam sesuatu pendakwaan di bawah seksyen ini, apa-apa barang-
barang berduti hendaklah disifatkan sebagai barang-barang berduti
dengan diketahui oleh pihak yang didakwa melainkan jika dibuktikan
sebaliknya oleh pihak yang didakwa itu”
[27] Pembuktian elemen kedua adalah merujuk kepada beberapa seksyen dan
perintah seperti berikut:
i)Seksyen 2 Akta Eksais 1976 mentakrifkan barang-barang berduti:
“ertinya barang-barang yang tertakluk kepada pembayaran duti eksais dan
yang atasnya duti itu belum dibayar”.
ii) Seksyen 6(1) Akta Eksais 1976 memperuntukkan:
“Menteri boleh, dari semasa ke semasa, melalui perintah yang
disiarkan dalam Warta, menetapkan duti-duti eksais yang hendaklah dilevi dan
dibayar atas—
(a) apa-apa barang yang dikilang dalam Malaysia; atau
(b) apa-apa barang yang diimport ke dalam Malaysia,
dan boleh menetapkan cara-cara yang mengikutnya duti itu hendaklah dilevi
dan dibayar.”
iii) Perintah Duti Eksais 2017 adalah satu perintah yang dibuat oleh Menteri di
bawah seksyen 6(1) Akta Eksais 1976. Berdasarkan kepada Laporan Kimia
P66 dan Laporan Penjenisan/Klasifikasi P55, kod tariff bagi barang kes dalam
pertuduhan kedua ini adalah 2402.20.9000 di mana kesemua barang kes ini
tersenarai di bawah Perintah Duti Eksais 2017 sebagai barang berduti eksais.
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[28] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah elemen ketiga adalah bahawa barang-barang
berduti tersebut tidak dibuktikan telah dibayar duti eksais. Beban adalah pada
tertuduh pertama untuk membuktikan bahawa duti eksais dibayar mengikut
seksyen 59 Akta Eksais 1976 yang memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
Jika, dalam sesuatu pendakwaan berkenaan dengan apa-apa barang-
barang yang disita kerana tidak dibayar duti eksais, atau kerana sebab
lain penyitaan atau bagi mendapatkan apa-apa penalti atau penalti-
penalti di bawah Akta ini, suatu pertikaian timbul mengenai sama ada
duti telah dibayar berkenaan dengan barang- barang itu, sama ada
barang-barang itu telah secara sah dikeluarkan, ditapai, disuling,
disadap atau dikilang atau diimpot, atau berkenaan dengan tempat
daripada mana-mana barang-barang berduti telah dibawa atau di mana
barang-barang berduti itu telah dimuat atau disimpan, maka dalam tiap-
tiap satu kes itu, beban membuktikannya terletak pada pihak yang
didakwa dalam pendakwaan itu.
[29] Kedua-dua pertuduhan memerlukan pembuktian pemilikan barang-barang
yang tidak dibayar duti import dan duti eksais. Setelah pihak pendakwaan,
membuktikan pemilikan barangan larangan, beban bukti adalah pada OKT1 untuk
membuktikan sebaliknya dan OKT1 gagal membuktikan sebaliknya. Pihak
pendakwaan bergantung kepada keterangan bahawa OKT1 berada di premis
semasa serbuan dan OKT1 bertindak agresif untuk membuat inferens bahawa
OKT1 mempunyai pemilikan dan pengetahuan barang kes.
(a) Sama ada pihak pendakwaan membuktikan pemilikan dan kawalan
[30] Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak berjaya
membuktikan pemilikan bagi OKT1. Pihak pembelaan menyatakan bahawa
adalah fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan bahawa rumah yang diserbu mempunyai
penghuni yang lain. Dua penyewa atau penghuni rumah tidak berada di rumah
semasa serbuan dilakukan tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi. Adalah dihujahkan
bahawa kedua-dua penyewa rumah mempunyai akses ke atas rumah termasuk
ruang tamu.
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[31] Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa rakaman percakapan Hariono dan Abdul
Gafur telah dirakam tetapi tiada sebarang penjelasan diberikan untuk tidak
memanggil mereka sebagai saksi. Juga, pemilik rumah atau wakilnya dalam kes
ini turut tidak dipanggil.
[32] Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa tiada siasatan dilakukan untuk mengenal
pasti pemilik barang-barang tersebut. Pihak pembelaan merujuk kepada kes PP
v Mohd Sairi Abdul Samat [2013] 10 CLJ 30 dan juga Azizan Yahaya v PP
[2012] 8 CLJ 405 bahawa terdapat keperluan untuk memanggil saksi lain atau
pihak ketiga yang mempunyai akses ke atas barang terlarang.
[33] Walaupun saksi ditawarkan kepada pihak pendakwaan, pihak pembelaan
berhujah bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak terlepas daripada beban untuk
membuktikan kes mereka.
[34] Pihak pembelaan menyatakan bahawa siasatan tidak dilakukan seperti
pengesanan cap jari atau DNA tidak dilakukan ke atas barang kes bagi
mengaitkan OKT1.
[35] Pihak pendakwaan bergantung kepada tindakan OKT1 yang dikatakan
bertindak agresif dan telah meminta untuk tidak dikenakan tindakan. Pihak
pembelaan berhujah bahawa tindakan pihak pendakwaan meggunakan kata-kata
OKT1 adalah tidak terpakai. Hal ini adalah disebabkan saksi pendakwaan tidak
memberikan amaran kepada OKT1 terlebih dahulu sebelum pernyataan OKT1
(b) Ketidakpatuhan dari segi prosedur
[36] Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa pihak pendakwaan gagal mematuhi
prosedur seksyen 120 Akta Kastam 1967 dan seksyen 60 Akta Eksais 1976.
Kedua-dua seksyen memperuntukkan bahawa suatu anggapan bahawa yang
terkandung dalam peket yang tidak dibuka adalah sama jenis, kuantiti dan kualiti
dan dengan barang-barang yang didapati dalam peket-peket yang sama jenis
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yang telah dibuka dengan syarat sekurang-kurangnya 5% daripada daripada
jumlah peket yang sama jenis.
[37] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa pemakaian seksyen-seksyen apabila
pemeriksaan dibuat berdasarkan 5% sahaja daripada setiap bungkusan atau
bekas yang mengandungi barang-barang tersebut. Dalam kes ini, setiap
bungkusan rokok dibuka dan dikira satu persatu. Pihak pendakwaan menyatakan
bahawa seksyen 120 Akta Kastam digunakan untuk barangan kontraband seperti
rokok di mana kaedah dan sistem pembungkusan rokok yang sistematik
diamalkan oleh pengilang.
[38] Pihak pembelaan membangkitkan isu bahawa laporan kimia dan penjenisan
tidak boleh diterima kerana tidak dibuktikan bahawa kedua-dua laporan diberikan
kepada OKT1 dalam tempoh 10 hari sebelum tarikh perbicaraan bermula. Apabila
kedua-dua laporan tidak boleh diterima pakai, maka pihak pendakwaan tidak
boleh bergantung kepada laporan bagi membuktikan bahawa barang kes adalah
rokok yang mengandungi tembakau dan nilaian harga setiap jenis rokok
sepertimana yang dikehendaki undang-undang.
[39] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa laporan kimia dan juga laporan penilaian
harga telah diberikan kepada tertuduh seperti mana yang diakui penerimaan oleh
peguam bela pada 27.5.2022. Peguam bela tidak menghantar notis kepada pihak
pendakwaan untuk memanggil ahli kimia dan juga tidak membantah semasa
laporan kimia yang dikemukakan melalui SP4. Juga, apabila pihak pendakwaan
memohon laporan penilaian dikemukakan melalui SP4, turut direkodkan bahawa
peguam bela bersetuju memandangkan tiada perubahan dengan harga asal
seperti borag serahan kes bersama dengan kiraan cukai P4 dan laporan penilaian
turut diserahkan kepada OKT1 melalui peguamnya pada 19.1.2022.
[40] Berkenaan isu pemilikan atau kawalan barang kes, Mahkamah ini mendapati
bahawa adalah pada beban pihak pendakwaan membuktikan pemilikan barang
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kes oleh OKT1 dan beban hanya beralih kepada Defendan setelah pemilikan
dapat dibuktikan.
[41] Mahkamah ini merujuk Lau Kieng Chung v Public Prosecutor, [1993] 3 MLJ
295, di mana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa beban beralih kepada Defendan
untuk membuktikan bahawa barangan bukan barangan import atau duti import
telah dibayar. Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
“…Merujuk kepada unsur kedua, iaitu bahawa barang-barang itu tidak
terbayar duti kastam, s 119 tidak menimbulkan sebarang anggapan
tetapi ianya hanya memindahkan beban membukti kepada tertuduh
supaya menunjukkan duti telah dibayar ke atas barang-barang itu.
Tentang unsur ketiga, pihak pendakwa boleh menggunakan anggapan
boleh patah yang terkandung di dalam s135(2) Akta itu untuk
membuktikan pengetahuan.
(2) Pihak pendakwa telah bergantung kepada s119 Akta itu untuk
membuktikan bahawa barang-barang itu tidak terbayar duti kastam dan
perayu telah gagal untuk menunjukkan bahawa barang-barang itu tidak
diimpot atau duti ke atasnya telah dibayar. Oleh itu, alasan rayuan
pertama ditolak.
[42] Mahkamah ini juga merujuk keputusan Mahkamah ini terdahulu iaitu yang telah
disahkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi. Dalam Park In Keun v Public Prosecutor
[2021] MLJU 1283, Mahkamah Tinggi merujuk kepada kes berikut bagi isu
“[22] In Chan Pean Leon v. PP [1956] 1 LNS 17; [1956] 1 MLJ 237;
[1956] 1 MLRH 44, the court remarked that there can be no possession
without knowledge and there can be no possession without some power
of disposal. The court hasten to add that the most important ingredient
of all in determining whether one has possession is whether there was
an intention as the owner, in case of need, to exercise that power of
disposal to the exclusion of other persons. This is commonly referred to
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as the animus possidendi. In illustrating the meaning of the term
“possession”, His Lordship Thomson J. observed said as follows:
“ ‘Possession’ itself as regards the criminal law is described as
follows in Stephen’s Digest (9th Ed page 304):
A movable thing is said to be in the possession of a person when
he is so situated with respect to it that he has the power to deal
with it as the owner to the exclusion of all other persons, and when
the circumstances are such that he may be presumed to intend
to do so in the case of need.”.
[24] Knowledge may only be proved by reasonable inference based on
the circumstances of a particular case. In the present appeal, it can be
safely inferred that the accused had knowledge of the intoxicating liquors
found in the refrigerator at his business premises as he was the one who
managed the business.
[25] It is well-established that possession need not be exclusive to a
particular person. The issue of exclusivity in cases of possession merely
relates to the power by the possessor to exclude others from the
enjoyment of the property. (See: Leow Nghee Lim v. Reg [1955] 1 LNS
53; [1956] 1 MLJ 28; [1955] 1 MLRH 614).
[26] In PP v. Denish Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 FC; [2009] 2 MLJ 194;
[2008] 3 MLRA 116; [2009] 2 AMR 757, after discussing the meaning of
the term “possession” by reference to the cases of Leow Nghee Lim v.
Reg (supra.) and Chan Pean Leon v. PP (supra.), the Federal Court
made the following remarks:
“[19] Once the elements needed to constitute possession are
established, including the element of exclusive power to deal,
then what is established is possession, not exclusive possession.
So much for exclusive possession”.
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[43] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes seperti Public Prosecutor v Mohd Radzi
bin Abu Bakar [2005] 6 MLJ 393 di ms 402, Mahkamah Persekutuan
menegaskan bahawa:
Possession, in order to incriminate a person, must have the following
characteristic. The possessor must know the nature of the thing
possessed, must have in him power of disposal over the thing. If these
factors are absent, his possession can raise no presumption of mens rea
without which (except by statute) possession cannot be criminal …
[44] Dalam kes Leow Nghee Lim v Reg [1956] 1 MLJ 28; [1955] 1 MLRH 614,
Taylor J menyatakan:
“There is no presumption of custody … Unless custody was established, the
chain of reasoning is broken. Custody means having care or guardianship;
goods in custody are in the care of the custodian and, by necessary implication,
he is taking care of them on behalf of someone else. You cannot take care of
goods unless you know where they are and have the means of exercising
control over them. Custody therefore implies knowledge of the existence and
whereabouts of the goods and the power of control over them, not amounting
to possession. The prosecution must therefore prove that the appellant and his
wife had custody or control of the drugs. To do this, the prosecution must
establish a common intention between the appellant and his wife. The case
against the appellant cannot succeed unless there is evidence of such common
intention or evidence from which such common intention can properly be
[45] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Public Prosecutor v Anya Michael
Onyedikachi [2017] MLJU 371 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi mendapati terdapat
keraguan tentang pemilikan barang kes apabila premis tersebut boleh diakses
oleh orang lain.
“ Having analysed at length and detail scrutinized of the prosecution
case, it is my considered view that the mere fact a bunch of keys with
three other keys and one access card was found on the accused and the
fact that the accused had lead the police to the Unit Condominium, the
least possible would be the accused would have stayed and having
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custody and control over the Unit Condominium. This could not be
translated into having custody and control over the said drugs in the
absence of other incriminating evidence against the accused. It could
not giving rise to such an inference that the said drugs belong to the
accused person.”
[46] Berdasarkan fakta kes, berdasarkan keterangan saksi pendakwaan, bahawa
barang kes tidak boleh diketahui adalah rokok sehingga dibuka. Maka, bahawa
inferens pengetahuan OKT1 tentang barang yang disimpan di ruang tamu adalah
rokok tidak dapat dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Kesemua barang kes
dijumpai di ruang terbuka iaitu ruang tamu yang boleh diakses oleh mana-mana
individu yang mempunyai kunci rumah tersebut. Namun, tiada siasatan dijalankan
ke atas siapa yang memiliki kunci rumah termasuk OKT2. Oleh itu, tiada bukti
bahawa OKT1 sahaja bersama dengan OKT2 yang masih bebas mempunyai
pemilikan ke atas barang kes. Saksi pendakwaan telah bertindak membuka
barang kes tanpa menggunakan sebarang sarung tangan menyebabkan siasatan
cap jari dapat dijalankan. Maka, tiada bukti seperti cap jari atau DNA yang boleh
mengaitkan barang kes dengan OKT1.
[47] Mahkamah juga merujuk keterangan berikut mengenai pemilikan barang kes
yang bermungkinan oleh pihak ketiga.
Peguam :Saya katakan bahawa, premis boleh diakses Gafur, Hariono,
permilik rumah dan zulpeli?
SP4 :Setuju
Peguam :Saya katakan bahawa Abdul Gafur mengakui bahawa rokok ini
dimiliki oleh zulpeli?
SP4 :Setuju
Peguam :Kesemua saksi awam tidak menyatakan rokok kepunyaan okt?
SP4 :Setuju
[48] Berdasarkan keterangan yang dikemukakan, adalah amat jelas bahawa
terdapat akses oleh pihak ketiga yang tidak pernah dipanggil untuk memberikan
keterangan. Pegawai penyiasat asal yang merakam percakapan turut tidak
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dipanggil sebagai saksi. Pihak pendakwaan juga gagal membuktikan pemilikan
bersama di mana identiti Zulpeli masih tidak dapat dikenal pasti oleh mana-mana
saksi pendakwaan. Oleh itu, pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan pemilikan
atau kawalan apabila tidak dapat ditunjukkan atau inferens boleh dibuat bahawa
OKT1 mempunyai pengetahuan barang kes yang berada di ruang tamu adalah
rokok terlarang. Pihak pendakwaan gagal membukti pemilikan eksklusif di mana
kewujudan pihak ketiga adalah tidak pertikaikan malahan tidak dipanggil sebagai
saksi bagi pembuktikan pemilikan eksklusif oleh OKT1 bersama OKT2. Hanya
disebabkan OKT1 seorang yang berada sahaja berada di rumah ketika serbuan
adalah tidak memadai membuktikan pemilikan. Apa yang dapat dibuktikan adalah
OKT1 mempunyai akses ke rumah tersebut bersama dengan penyewa yang lain.
Tiada sebarang bukti dapat ditunjukkan bahawa sejak bila barang kes telah
berada di dalam rumah tersebut yang boleh mengaitkan hanya OKT1 mempunyai
pemilikan eksklusif ketika serbuan.
[49] Berdasarkan kes-kes yang dirujuk di atas, pihak pendakwaan tidak boleh hanya
bergantung “mere possession” atau “passive possession” namun perlu
membuktikan pemilikan yang mempunyai pengetahuan kewujudan barangan
tersebut dan juga mempunyai kawalan dan mempunyai niat berurusan dengan
barangan tersebut.
[50] Keterangan tindakan OKT1 yang dikatakan agresif semasa pegawai kastam
ketika meminta OKT membuka pintu diberikan oleh SP1 dan SP3 tidak
dinyatakan pernyataan saksi mahupun laporan polis. Pengawai penyiasat asal
yang merakam percakapan SP1 dan SP3 tidak dipanggil untuk mengesahkan
keterangan SP1 dan SP3. Mahkamah mendapati adalah tidak selamat hanya
bergantung semata-mata kepada inferens kelakuan OKT1 apabila terdapat
keraguan dan kelompangan tentang pemilikan dan kawalan oleh OKT1 terhadap
barang kes.
[51] Berkenaan dengan ketidakpatuhan Seksyen 120 Akta Kastam dan Seksyen 60
Akta Eksais, Mahkamah merujuk kes Meh Kim Lai & Anor v Public Prosecutor
[2019] MLJU 16 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi telah menyatakan seperti berikut:
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b) Non-compliance with section 120 of the Act
Section 120 of the Act reads:
120. Proportional examination of goods seized to be accepted by courts
(1)When any goods suspected of being prohibited or uncustomed
or otherwise liable to seizure have been seized, it shall be
sufficient to open and examine five per centum only of each
description of the package or receptacle in which such goods are
(2)If it is necessary to test any goods seized under this Act, it shall
be sufficient to test only a sample not exceeding five per centum
in volume or weight of the goods examined under subsection (1).
(3)The court shall presume that the goods contained in the
unopened packages or receptacles are of the same nature,
quantity and quality as those found in the similar packages or
receptacles which have been opened.
[27] Sub-section (1) of section 120 concerns examination of the
suspected goods whereas sub-section (2) is with regard to testing of the
goods. Sub-section (1) obviously therefore relates to the act of physical
examination and in such a case it is sufficient to open and examine five
per centum only of each description of the package or receptacle in
which such goods are contained.
[28] Sub-section (2) states that if it is necessary to test any goods seized
under this Act, it shall be sufficient to test only a sample not exceeding
five per centum in volume or weight of the goods.
[29] Sub-section (2) obviously refers to chemical testing. The necessity
of testing the goods arises when it needs to be shown that the goods are
all of a particular type, in this case, that they contained alcohol.
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[33] As stated, a total of 14 cans of beers from each receptacle were
sent for analysis to the Chemistry Department for testing. This was in
accordance with the requirements of section 120(2) of the Act which
states that it shall be necessary to test only a sample not exceeding five
per centum in volume or weight of the goods.
[34] The Chemist Report dated 16.3.2016 was admitted as exhibit (P35)
and the results confirmed that each can contained varying amounts of
ethyl alcohol.
[35] It is important to note that sub-section (2) does not state “five per
centum or more” nor does it state “not less than five per centum” but
rather “not exceeding five per centum”.
[36] The fact that one can from each receptacle or carton amounting to
14 cans in total were sent for analysis had thus fulfilled the requirement
under section 120(2) of the Act thus triggering the presumption under
section 120(3).
[37] The court was thus entitled to rely on the presumption that the
goods contained in the unopened packages or receptacles were of the
same nature, quantity and quality as those found in the similar packages
or receptacles which had been opened and tested.”
[52] Berdasarkan kes di atas, bantahan oleh peguam mengenai ketidakpatuhan
seksyen 120 Akta Kastam dan seksen 60 Akta Eksais adalah tidak berasas.
Jumlah sampel dibuka adalah berdasarkan karton dan bukannya peket rokoknya.
Satu carton telah dibuka dan diperiksa, adalah memadai bagi setiap jenis dan
apabila satu karton dibuka, dua peket daripada karton telah diambil untuk
diperiksa oleh Jabatan Kimia. Mahkamah mendapati tiada ketidakpatuhan seperti
yang dibangkitkan oleh peguam bela terpelajar.
[53] Apabila peguam bela tidak membuat sebarang bantahan apabila laporan kimia
dan laporan penjenisan dikemukakan di Mahkamah dan hanya menimbulkan
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bantahan dalam hujahan dan setelah pihak pembelaan telah memeriksa balas
dengan dokumen tersebut dengan SP4 tanpa menimbulkan bantahan
ketidakpatuhan ketika perbicaraan, Mahkamah mendapati bantahan
ketidakpatuhan yang dibuat semasa hujahan adalah tidak berasas.
[54] Setelah mempertimbangkan segala keterangan dan penilaian maximum dibuat
ke atas keterangan saksi pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak
pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes prima facie ke atas OKT1 atas sebab
kegagalan pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan OKT1 mempunyai pemilikan
atau kawalan ke atas barang kes. Oleh itu, OKT1 dilepaskan dan dibebaskan
daripada pertuduhan
Pegawai pendakwa : Ongkar Singh
Peguam bela :Dony Abdullah, Ahmad Ishrakh Saad, Akmal bt Jusoh
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
Kuala Lumpur
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| 38,246 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-42JSKS(A)-1-08/2022 | PERAYU MUHAMMAD AKIF AIMAN BIN AB SHUKOR RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Seksyen 14(a) dan 15(f) Akta Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-kanak 2017 - Rayuan perayu adalah dibenarkan-sabitan dan hukuman ke atas perayu bagi kedua-dua pertuduhan adalah diketepikan - Perayu dilepas dan dibebaskan daripada kedua-dua pertuduhan. | 06/11/2023 | YA Puan Rofiah Binti Mohamad | |
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PA—I2JS‘KS(A) —1—ua/2u22 l<and. 37
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(N0. KAD PENGENALAN:930123-07-5151) ...PEnAvu
[11 W walah rayuan Pevayu |Perayu) terhadap sabitan flan hukuman
yang flualuhkan o\eh Hakim Mahkamah Ses‘/eh Jenayen (2) Geurgeluwn
selelah menaapaci Perayu bersaxan darn dxsabxtkan kesawahannya bag!
dua pefluduhan :1. bawah Ana Kesslahan-Kesalahan Seksual Terhadsp
Kanak—Kanak 2017 (Ana)
[2] Due penumman barkenaan ada\ah masing—mas|ng an bawah
seksyen 14(5) den 15 (0 Akta yang dlperluvunkan semula sepem herikul
Ferluduhan Penama
sw cwmxnnzamuv/vHsmn
mm Sum M... M“ be used M mm u. am.“-V mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
Bahawa ksmu pads 2 5.2023 [Sm Iebm Kurang s.oo paiang an Surau sum
Jambul lndah di dalam Daerah 1'imur Lam an uaiam Nsgen Puiau Pinang
telah meiaxukan amang seksual iizmai. ianu rnenyenluh bahagian
kemaman vamadap kanak-kanak bemama Muhammad Nor Fansn irinan
Bin Maria Nomm (No. KIF: 070820-D7»D515) yang barumur 12 Iahun 3
hulan. oien yang aaniixian. kamu lelah maiakukan suatu kesalahan m
hawah samyan 1A (a) Akla ><asaianan—i<esaianan Seksual Tsmadap
Kanak—Kanak 2017 yang bolen dihukum an bawah seksyen 14 Akia yang
Penuduhan Kedua
iaanawa kamu paua 2.5 202013!“ lebih kurang 5 an pelang .1. Swan am
Janmm indan di dalam Daerah 'Fmur Lam di daiam Negen Pulau Pinang
ieian melakukan amang saksuai bukan nzikai. iaiiu membualkari kamik-
kanak bemama Muhammad Nor Farish Irman ain Mona Nnrdm (No K/P‘
07052!)-07-0615) yang berumur 12 ianun s bulan melakukan onam. oiar.
yang demiklan, kamu (elah melakukan suaiu kesaianan di bawah seksyen
15 (0 Ana Kasaiananxuaianan Seksual Temadap Kanak—K,anak 2017
yang mien dihukum di hawah seksyen 15 Akla yang same
[3] Perayu Iidak mengaku saian avas kedua—dua Denuduhan (ersebut
den pemicamn permh ieian dijalarikan. ni akhir kes pembelaan, Hakim
Mahkamah Sesysn barkanasn msndapali perayu bersalah flan disabllksn
kesalahannya hag: ksdua-due penuaunan Iersebul
[41 aagi panuuuhan panama, Perayu Ielah tuhkan hukuman 5
ianun penjala dan larikh sabflan (0432022) an 2 sebaian mlan.
Manakaia bani kesaianan kedua, 5 umun penjara nan larikh yang sania
(serenlak) den 2 sebaian man. Rayuan ini adalah lerhadap kedua-dua
sabilan dan hukumari letsebul.
SIN cm4ixAmE<;nuuV/wsmn
-ma Sum mm. wn he used m yaw u. niwhuflly MVM5 dun-mm via AFVLING pm
aequman w n mm m yum mm a wasonable duum as In ms am. at the anus oi
pmw-u ms gum Im Ihml-ghw| on the pmiiwlmn w upon the whuln nwdsnou you
we loft in a real sula af mm, ma pmseunion has mm In gaudy ma am of gum
vlninh Hes upon xx
The Dnsman may be enrwemzmly male! as tuna
ta) wyuu am sausnea nayona masonaus damn :5 mm: acw:ed‘5 gum
cm W you accept or befieve me Accused‘:
exnmnanon An-um.
(oh man an mil accept in bahnve the mum‘:
exnlanamm. [10 ml
amwlcl tan mnswdar
me nexl awn; below.
(6) xv you do not award 01 mm the ac<:uisd’l lxpianallun and man axpaanauon dons
nm nine m your mind a reasnnnme duublasm his gm“ Oarwia
(at u ynu an not umsvl ur beflevs ma wcusmfs sxmaneunn nu: nevenhmess u rams;
in your rmnd . veisoname mum us In Ms gum Acqull
Magmvacas wnmd nsslsnns apnsnme Cnun may mdlnala m melruvounds man
may are aware ul me (:51: ‘and damn In s«eps1¢)a-we manovu
Apmx lfluwsd
[:3] Ala: a\asan-akasan yang man dlnyatakan, adalah aapanan saya
hahawa ada\ah Iwiak se\amal unluk Mahkamsh um mengekslkan sabwan
ks alas perayu hagx ksduadua penuduhan lersebul.
sw cmrxAmE:;muv/wsmn “
«ma Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VII .mm mm
[341 Dengan yang demlkwan‘ rayuan pemyu adam dmenarkan. sabnan
flan hukuman ks alas perayu bagx kedua-due psnumman adalah
dukelepxkan. Psrayu anspas dan dwbehaskan danpada Ksdua-due
TARIKH : as JULAI 2023
Encwk v. Partmpan
Temsn v. Psnmpan 3. co
Peguambexa a. Paguamcara
No.33 Fm moor
Bishop snsen
10200 Ganrgatwwn
gl Plhak Raagonu n
Puan Preeya Darrsmi alp Sugumaran
'Fmha\an Pendakwa Rays
F'sJabal Penasmat Undang-Undang Negeri Fulau Fmang
Arss 10, Bsngunan Persekuluan
Jalan Anson
dua Dmak Gan sa|s\ah manams dengan teliti kesemua rekad ayuan yang
Setelah menelm dan memmbangkan penghujahan benuns kedua-
bsrsena dengan slasan penghakxman Mahkamah Sasyen hsmanaan.
Keduadua samcan dan
hukuman dwkelepikan. peruyu mlepas dan dlbebaskan din kedus-dua
perluduharv yang mxenaxan.
dapalan dan memuluskan saaamman
saya |e\ah membenarkan rayuan perayu
Eerlkul adalah ahasan penghaklman says an da\am mencapav
Ku Pundakwnnn
[7] Secsra naram. kss psndakwsan lemadap pemyu ada\ah saparu
msndapah mangsa hzlum pulang ke mmah walhal wsklu berbuka nuasa
(keuka flu bulan Ramadnan) \eIah hampv. Alas penmnvaan SP1,SPZIa1Iu
abang kepada mangsa telah keluar mencan mangsa ax kawasan
perseknaran kemaman merexa an B\ak 1F can jugs an hlak barman vamu
Pada 02.5.2020 uankh kejadian) SP1, iailu kakak kepada mangsa
[9] Kstika sedang menggunakzn oangga belakang Blnk 1E, SP2
perasan Vampu surau menyala Merasa curiga kema sspamlnya uada
orang ke sur-nu berkenaan kerana penman kawzflan Berger-akan (PKP)
akuaan wabak CovId19 sedang berxuaxkuasa, SP2 lmah mengendap
melalw lmgkap balakang surau berkenasn.
nu] Melalun Ingkaflsrssbul, SP2 nampak adiknya (mangsa)sedang
berbanng sambil me\acap dengan menggunakan new (ekmm P5)
aw cm4rxAmE<;nuuV/wsmn
-ma Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm ua nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
rnanakaxa Ferayu duduk di sebelah sedang mengajar adlknya melacap.
SP2 mengalaksn nampak langsn Perayu memegang kemaman adrknys.
SP2 max mendengar apa—apa parcakapan dan mereka.
[11] SP2 Ielan merakamkan adengan Iersebul dengan mengaunakan
lelelon bimbllnya. Rakaman wdeo mi man dlkemukskan sebagaw akhibil
[121 spa adalah mangsa sandm yang herumur 12 oamm a bulan kevlika
kqadlan dan 1A oanun semasa membenkan kelerangan Menuru| spa,
pads him keladwan dia ke surau berkenaan unluk membayar duil kasul
yang dlhehnya dari Peruyu. spa mengesahkan dua anamau yang
kevnacan dalam rakaman waeo (Pm berkanaan adalah Ferayu flan spa
[131 Menurul spa, waktu kejadwan, llada seswapa di surau bevkenaan
kecuah spa darn Fevayu. Pevayu yang benugas sebagaw bwlal di surau
berkenaan Ielah memaksa SP4 rnelacap. SP4 hanya n-enunn arahnn
Fersyu. Sewaklu SP4 sedang melacap, Perayu duduk di sebelannya nan
hsnya mellhat behsu me\acap Msnurul swa, Perayu mga ads mamegang
kamaman SP4.
Ks: Plmbllun
[14] Pevayu lidak men
n bahawa benau adalah vndwvidu yang
kehhalan di dalam rakaman wdeo P14 |ersebul bersarna-same dengan
[15] D: dakam pembekaannya‘ versu yang mkexanganxan oleh Parayu
adalah‘ mass kejadxan behau berada m surau barkenaan untuk nersnag»
siap hagw me\aungkan azam dan berbuka puasa‘ Pada ketika nu, ayan
Ferayu (502) den seuvang kawan ayah Ferayu aua dalang ke surau
syn cm4rxAmE<;nuuV/wsmn
Nuns sum ...n.. WW be used m mm n. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] mum pm
(ersebm me\a\m pinlu dapuv dengan mernbawa iuadah berbuka unluk
[16] Msnuruc Perayu. sebaik bahau kemar dan dapuv swan, bshau Ielah
nsmpak SP4 sedang melacap, Valu behau pergw ke arah SP4 dan duduk
di sebelah sm unluk menegur dan menasmaxkan spa agar bsrhenu nan
bevbual demman,
[17] Ferayu (idak peman memaksa can/sxsu mengqar sm Imluk
malacap dan Ferayu mga Ndak memegsng kemaman SP4
[131 Paaa malam kejadian se\epas solat wsyak, abang SP4 dan enam
orang mkannya Ielah da|ang dan memukul Persyu dx hadspan surau
berkenaan sambfl benanyakan spa yang Perayu nsxan bual Kepada SP4.
Perayu rmnla mereka benanyakan senmn kspada spa yang Kehka nu
nanys mam dan menangls.
[19] Apabua dnumukkan ‘buklr rakaman video tersebul. Perayu tehh
menje\asKan keberadaannya di sebelah SP4 bukan unluk mengazarcecapi
manegur SP4. Namun, Perayu masih dituduh menga]arSP4 mekacap.
Dapaun nun Kopuluun Mnklm Mahknmah Snyon
[20] Di akhir kes pambeban, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen herkenaan
lelah menyalakan bshawa nembe\aan Perayu adalah salu versi yang
msngsnu nan uaak masuk aka\. Justeru, pambexaan Pevayu Ie\ah dilmak
semra |oIa\ dan Parayu te\ah didapan bersahh dun disatman avas
keduadua penuduhan.
Ruyuln Ini
[21] Amara isu yang lelah dlumhmkan oleh Perayu dw dalam Pemsyen
Rayuan adalah dlpetlk sapam bankur
syn cm4rxAmE:;:wuv/pnsmn
-ma sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm a. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
Tuan Hakim yang bijaksana telah menggunapakai lahap
pemnukuan yang salah da\am menllal kelerangsn Persyu dan
Juga kenerangan saksl pelayu.
M Tuan Hakim yang bijaksana nams memuluskan same ada
perayu telah membangknkan keragusn munasahah dalam
kes pendakwaan dan bukannya rnanexapkan salu beban
psmhuklian (smadapnya.
4.2 Tuan Hakim yang bijaksana Ielah menyalaharahkan diri
damn pennnnn xennxm-an yang dibual olehnya alas segala
kelemngan akibat dari menggunakan when pembukuan yang
salah axas kes penmalasn.
Eldnng Kuasa Dan mgas lllahkamah ln|
Mahkamah yang mandangar sesualu rayuan aualnn jalas darn rnancap.
Ruman amuax kenada kes Mahkamah Rayuan Camona Lim Xlang Kim
v Pubhn: Prosecutor [2019] MLJU 325‘ [2020] 1 cm as an mana Tengku
Mslmun HMR (pada Keuka v|u)te1ah menyaoakan sepeni nenkun
Pnnswp undang—undang mengenal bidang kuasa dan Iugas
[191 A: a mallerof principle‘ In Ipp6l|i|e noun wm nm mwena mm a daemon m
3 ma! mun whh mam the law ammsu -n. primary msk M evmuaning me evwdence
rm awenzxa noun wumd amy mlervens w u \s convinced that Ihere was no ;udn:|a\
apuvuuannn try me insrufiad Mme evmncs aumma at Ma Ma! and that the «nan
mun wns smwn m be mainly wrung in anwwlg at as dsuuvn (as: us» Gmlw and
(previously known .5 Un/lad Engineer: mm; mm V Ganhya /nmmm System Pm ud
s Mar um} supp ML! 363, Harm! lam Mamsm A Dr: V Psnvvasa Tansh dun Survur
s Ana! and mmw aunoax [2005] 3 MLJ 23:, Pub»: Prosecutor V Ahmad Fvdaus hm
zulkr/h'[2a17] 3 MM 492)
syn cm4rxAmE<;nuuV/wsmn
Nuns smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. nnnmun mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
[29] In Davemnv Smgh Sher Smqh V PF[2D12]1LNS 2m , Azzlur Manannnaa JCA
(as he men was) had We to say on avbeflate xncemmmn (at p e):
M. Nunmnanm n wwld mm In us to unsallhe nnmnws made by 3 Mel M699 .1
Mn. Vmdmg us ml “ppm: by ewdenue arm: Gasman Isicamslma weight Mme
ewdenee a» mu - no proper gm’ an eva\u:|\iun of ma vvwdsnco N mm m
mlsdlmfllun In llw onhe Mal mun hu Iundmnmuly inmdiuoI1..
tnnnakanan anarnnan)
uzpaun Mahkamah lni
[231 Memandangkan isu yang diumbulkan aw dsflam pelisyen rayuan an
persnggin 4 - 4.2 d\ acas aaauan salu Isu yang(e|1s(¢undamanta\),saya
tehah menenu dsngan tauu aan oemamn i sellap rekod rayuan yang
[241 Berdasarkan rekud rayuan ma 1 m/s 51. Mahkamah um menaapau
spa yang lelah dmyatakan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen uz Darenggan
235 alasen penghakinmnnvfi. adalah aspen: benkul
“Mahkamah di dalam membual kspulusan samada di penngkat
pembelasn W. an an: Imbangan kabarnngknllan yang
munanbah DKT dan saksi Ielah berjaya memmbulkan ape-apa
pembalaan den sslamutnya te\ah beriaya menimbulkan keraguan
yang munasabah ks ztas kes pendakwain terlebwh dahmu merma-
ketevangan om’
(penakanan dilambah)
[25] Manakaxa di dakam nola pmsi ng yang |srkarmung dw da\am Jma
Rayuan 23 an m/s 333. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berkenaan kehka
mana menyampaikan kepmusannya dx akhlr pembelaan
menyalzkan seperll mpenx benkm:
syn cm4rxAmE<;nuuV/wsmn
-ma sum In-nhnv M“ be used m mm n. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] mum pm
“Sele\ah mendengar kelerangan sakslrsaksi pembelaan dan
selelah manaum aannna ssmua ketevangan saksi-saksi seaamang
kes rm dwbwcerakan, dan selekih rnenaxm semula ekshmu-akahmu
my lelah dwkemukakan ks mahkaman dan juga sslelah msmhaca
keaarnua hujanan-nmahan yang mvanxan Atas lmbnugan
xabmngk n yang munaaahan, mahkamah rnendapan
hahawa pmak paunnelaan leLah gagal unluk memmbulkan apa-apa
penmelaan den sewuumya lelah gags! untuk menimbulkan
sebering keraguan (emadap kas pendakwaan bag! kedua—dua
penuduhan yang dmadapu man on.-
(penekanan tmamhah)
[25] Adalan pnrlswp un-1ang—undang yang mamap bahawa bebsn
membukllkan penuduhan di sspamang permcayaan adalah lsrpikul an
bahu pendakwaan. Manakala. seklranya pembmaan maanggu, unluk
menrmhulkan keragusn yang munasabah ke avas kes pervdakwaan.
pembelaan nanya perlu mengamukakan kelerangan yang
Kacuan da\am keadsan pendahwaan hevgamung kepada anggapan yang
awaamnmxan nleh undangamdang (Vegal praaumanonay yang mans
aaauan mak aerkenaan dalam kes ‘mi, pernnawaan hdak mempunyax
sebamng beban mm: perundangan (Iega> bumenj unmk mbukhkan.
[27] olah yang demlklan, aaalah dapatan saya bahawa Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen herkensan Ie\ah lerkmlal dan tersalah am?! yang
senus apaana mengenakan sualu beban yang naak diperuntukkan di
hawah undangmndang dan yang lsbm bera| ke bahu perayu hagl
menyarvgkal (lebullmg) pendakwaan
kelidakbersalahannya iamu Dada (ahap alas wmbangan kebarangkalsan
yang rvumasabah.
kes nan memhukhkan
aw cwnrmmiamuvmusmn
"Nuns a.nn In-nhnv M“ be used m mm a. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] anum pm
[23] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen bsrkenaan di dawn alasan
penghaklmannya setebal 46 muka sura| dengan 295 perenggan mu, max
Vangsung manyalakan mjukannya kepada rnana»nIana nas undangr
undang yang bemmnu msngensx prinsip dan pemndangan yang terpakaw
as da\am menangani dan menflal kelerangan dun pembexaan. Jusleru
mahkamah im xidak di dalam kedudukan dan uada jusllfikasl unmk
menyala den menynnpulmn banawa berkemungklnan Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen berkenaan nanya can-map an dawn penggunaan lrasa bahasa
ssdangkan. bellau sebsnamya telah nlemfuk dan mengaplwkasikan
pnns' »pr\ns1p dan gans panduan perundangan yang new di da\arrI
kelevangan da\sm pambelaan dan dw dilam msncapai
pengha Imannya.
[29] Dalam kaadaan inn, mahksmah Im Mada pnhhan selam dari
menerima dan member! nlakna kepada apa yang Iersulal dan yang mana
Hakim Mahkaman Sesyen barksnaan sendiri teVah nyalakan deng,arIje\as
lanpa kesamaran iailu beliau lelah melelakkan satu (snap pembuklwan
wailu ‘alas
bangan kebarangkalian yang munasabah’ kepada
[301 Memandangkan sangal Jekis dalam panghakimannya‘ bahawa
Hakwm Mahkaman Sasyen berksnaan ceran mengenakan dan
menggunakan Oanap pemhuklxan yang salan ks alas pembebnan dan
setarusnya ui afias neraca yang sa\ah mi lah pma. Halum Mahkarnah
Sesyen berkenaan mendapah dan memuluskan bahawa versi vembelaan
yang diularakan oleh perayu ada\ah mengsrm dan udak masuk aka!‘
Dada hemal says, |e\an heriaku kegsgalan keatfllan lemadap perayu di
da\am pendskalan yang lelah mamhil oxen Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen ini
131} Sebagsx canton, kalerangan perayu beliau duduk dw sebelah
mangsa kexana befiau sedang nnenasmaci dan menegur mangsa yang
syn cm4rxAmE:;nuuv/wsmn 9
-um s.nn In-nhnv wm be used m mm n. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
sedang melacap lalah dilokak Sebahknya, versi permakwaan
sehagalmana ksterangan SP2, bahawa perayu dudukdi sebaxan mangsa
kerana perayu sedang mengajav mangsa meklcap lelah dwerima.
Sedangkan, SP2 mengakm bahawa raksman video (srsebut lidak
mengandungw apa-apa suara dan nenau wga udak Insndengar spa»apa
sua:-a/pemakapan dan Fer-ayu slau mangsa semasa beliau mengendap
karana keauuma mereka «max bercakap Jadi. apakah perbualan,
sfluasw alau hal keadaan yang membawa kepada kafuharnan aan
keswmpuhan o\eh suz darn Ham. Mihkimah Sesyen berkensan sendm
sebagm’ 'perayu sedang mengamr mangsa melacap‘. Ferkara uni uaak
pemah dibenlang dan dibukukan ma\aIm mana»mana ksterangan.
Semenlmah pma, mangsa sendin wailu spa, mdak pemah pada b\la—bHa
masa sepanjang kelemngannya menmenumu Mahkamah sayen
bsrkenaan nan.-ma Perayu Iekuh atau ada mengamrnya melacap
[32] Dalam siluasi Rayuan di hadanan says W. says |e\ah merujuk
kepada kss klasik yang udak ssmg Vagw dan yang duatilkan panduan
sehlngga kw IEICLI Mal v PubHc Pmsecumr [1963] 1 LNS 32‘ an mana
Slflfian J telah mervyaiakan seperli berikut’
Tm: tweak xx aflowud orfly on one around. The appeflam charged wm men 07 IM:
cmckeru and nnernmivew wnh flishuniwy mum»; stolen prupsiw namely we
chicken wave evwdenue and named wnnesses Vn ms defiance 31 me and at mm he w..
covvw:1sd becauue m ms wards onha Veumed uunsme “on me mm. \ am unable
m balnevemedelence - \ aqIeIw1|?I Vnchaclmsll Counsm lovms appeflant «mum
lenmed «mm has senausiy mm hnmulvns m ma mnmng Mme bumtn
M WW1? W the accused m eaves when H Vs nscessary Var mm In Iebul me Dmsemflnn
cars agamtt n....
m mrvacl law Var Mngmmtea In my is as Inflows It you acoep| the explarunon
mn by or on men 01 we assumed‘ yam musl M mm acqun am mm mm. rum
amnlewu in cormn W you do not behswe mac sxmanuuan. vm ha .5 sun snlmed In an
N cm4rxAmE<;:wuv/wsmn
um Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
| 1,623 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24C-116-06/2022 | PEMOHON CONCRETE EMPIRE SDN BHD RESPONDEN TURNPIKE SYNERGY SDN BHDPIHAK TERKILANPANZANA ENTERPRISE SDN BHD | Enclosure 1. The Plaintiff herein has applied for direct payment from the Defendant who is the principal of the one Panzana Enterprise Sdn Bhd (“Panzana”) pursuant to section 30 of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (“CIPAA”) for an Adjudication Decision obtained by the Plaintiff against Panzana on 11.10.2021 for the sum of RM1,308,958.30 (Panzana AD). | 06/11/2023 | YA Tuan Nadzarin Bin Wok Nordin | |
Microsoft Word - 35. Concrete Empire v Turnpike Synergy. s30 & Interpleader (1) - appeal
In the matter of an Adjudication No.
AIAC/D/ADJ/3689-2021 between
Concrete Empire Sdn Bhd (Company
No. 404411-U) and Panzana
Enterprise Sdn Bhd (Company No.
964307-M) pursuant to the
Construction Industry Payment and
Adjudication Act 2012
In the matter of an Adjudication
Decision dated 11.10.2021 by
Sivabalan Sankaran
In the matter of Section 30 of the
Construction Industry Payment and
Adjudication Act 2012;
In the matter of Order 7, Order 28,
Order 69A rule 2 and Order 92 rule 4
Rules of Court 2012.
06/11/2023 16:34:24
WA-24C-116-06/2022 Kand. 68
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(Company No.: 404411-U) …PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 964307-M) …DEFENDANT
(Enclosure 1)
[1] The Plaintiff herein has applied for direct payment from the Defendant
who is the principal of the one Panzana Enterprise Sdn Bhd
(“Panzana”) pursuant to section 30 of the Construction Industry
Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (“CIPAA”) for an Adjudication
Decision obtained by the Plaintiff against Panzana on 11.10.2021 for
the sum of RM1,308,958.30 (Panzana AD).
[2] The Defendant has however obtained an order to interplead in this
action (Interpleader). In the said Interpleader, the Defendant submits
inter alia that:
a. It is currently holding as stakeholder the sum of RM 1,356,122.70
as stakeholder
b. the Defendant is a disinterested party in the proceedings
[3] Panzana as the aggrieved party claims that it has however obtained
an Adjudication Decision against the Defendant on 14.12.2021
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(Turnpike AD) for the sum of RM28,457,038.75 and that the
Defendant has made payment thereto in the sum of
RM24,470,570.04 to Panzana but has yet to release the sum of
[4] The Defendant has thus taken a neutral stance in the matter and
states that it will abide with this Court’s Order.
Factual Background
[5] The Plaintiff has succeeded in its adjudication claim against Panzana
(“Panzana AD”) and was awarded, among others, the Adjudicated
Sum of RM1,308,958.30 and total costs of RM47,164.40 (“Awarded
Sum”). The Awarded Sum remains unpaid as to date.
[6] On 27.10.2021, the Plaintiff initially made a demand for direct
payment against the Defendant under section 30 of CIPAA 2012 but
at that material time, the Defendant denied the existence of any
monies due or payable by the Defendant to Panzana.
[7] On 14.12.2021, Panzana succeeded in its adjudication against the
Defendant and was awarded the sum of RM28,457,038.75 (“Turnpike
AD”). By then, there is already money due and/or payable by the
Defendant to Panzana (which is not disputed).
[8] Subsequently, the Defendant’s solicitors had vide letter dated
20.12.2021 to Panzana indicated amongst others that:
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“4. … b) if you fail, refuse and/or neglect to provide us with such
proof within the abovementioned timeframe or at all, then our
client shall make direct payment of such portion of the Awarded
Amount to Concrete Empire up to such amount that is due or
payable by us to Panzana, without further reference to you”
[9] Further on 06.01.2022, the Defendant wrote to Panzana as a final
opportunity for Panzana to provide proof of payment pursuant to
section 30(2) CIPAA 2012, failing which the Defendant ‘will be
constrained to pay the adjudicated amount sum of RM1,308,958.30
to the Plaintiff pursuant to section 30(3) CIPAA 2012.
[10] On 18.02.2022, the Plaintiff made another demand for direct payment
of the Adjudicated Sum of RM1,308,958.30 by the Defendant to the
Plaintiff. (Both notices dated 27.10.2021 and 18.2.2022 will be
referred to as the ‘2 Notices’)
[11] As the Defendant has failed, refused and/or neglected to accede to
the Plaintiff’s request, the Plaintiff initiated this present suit (“Suit
[12] In the course of the proceedings for Suit 116, the Defendant filed an
application to interplead (“Enclosure 14”) together with its Affidavit
in Support affirmed by Fareez Bin Zahir on 01.11.2022 (“Enclosure
[13] Amongst the grounds in Enclosure 14 is that the Defendant has filed
a Judicial Management Application at the Shah Alam High Court (JM
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Court’s Findings
[14] The Plaintiff opposes the Interpleader and submits
i. there are no competing claims,
ii. the Defendant’s JM Application is irrelevant
iii. the Defendant is statutorily obligated to make payment of the
Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff
[15] Panzana on the other hand contends that:
i. there is no amount due and payable by the Defendant to
Panzana at the time the 2 Notices were received by the
ii. the 2 Notices are invalid under sections 410 and 426 of the
Companies Act 2016 (“CA”)
[16] It is not disputed that the Turnpike AD was obtained after the
Panzana AD and that at the time of the 1st Section 30 CIPAA Notice
issued by the Plaintiff to the Defendant dated 27.10.2021, the
Turnpike AD was not in existence.
[17] I am also aware from the chronology of facts and evidence before me
17.1 the Plaintiff has obtained the Panzana AD on 11.10.2021
17.2 as at todate the Panzana AD has not been paid yet by
Panzana to the Plaintiff
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17.3 it is not disputed that the Defendant is the principal to
Panzana based on the facts of the matter
17.4 the Defendant had in its Affidavit in Support affirmed on
15.7.2022 in enclosure 3 stated that there were at 24.1.2022,
at the material time, willing and able to make payment of the
Adjudicated Sum under the Panzana AD to the Plaintiff
17.5 Panzana has obtained the Turnpike AD on 14.12.2021
17.6 the Defendant had filed a JM filed on 22.11.2021
17.7 the Plaintiff has made 2 demands on the Defendant pursuant
to section 30 CIPAA i.e on 27.10.2021 and 18.2.2022
17.8 the Defendant has admitted to holding the sum of RM
1,356,122.70 as stakeholder
17.9 the Turnpike AD has not todate been set aside
[18] This Court must first decide whether there are monies owed by the
Defendant to Panzana at the time of the receipt of the Notices. This
principle can be seen in the decision of CT Indah Construction Sdn
Bhd v BHL Gemilang Sdn Bhd [2017] MLJU 2275 where Lee Swee
Seng J (as His Lordship then was) held:
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“[26] However I must add a qualification to the mandatory use of
the word “shall” in subsections (2) and (3) and it is that they are
still subject to subsection (5) in that section 30 may only be
invoked if money is due or payable by the principal to the
Respondent in the Adjudication, BHL Builders at the time of the
receipt of the request under subsection (1).
[27] Thus if there is no money due then the law does not
by section 30 create a separate independent obligation on the
Defendant as the principal as Developer to BHL Builders as its
Contractor, to pay the Claimant as the Subcontractor of the Project.
[28] Thus the learned authors, Lam Wai Loon and Ivan Y. F. Loo,
of Construction Adjudication in Malaysia (First Edition) Lexis
Nexis did at page 417 caution and clarify as follows:
“(e) Fifthly, and most importantly, there is money due or
payable by the principal to the losing party at the time of its
receipt of the written request for payment from the winning party.
In this regard, the principal is only obligated to make payment to
the extent of the sum due or payable by the principal to the losing
party, or the adjudicated amount, which ever is lower? (emphasis
[19] As mentioned above in my grounds herein, from the chronology of
events presented to this Court it has been proven to the satisfaction
of this Court that there are monies owed by Defendant, as the
principal, to Panzana at the date of the 2 Notices being received by
the Defendant and that the Defendant has failed to accede to the
Plaintiff’s request for the said payments to be made pursuant to
section 30 CIPAA.
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[20] Thus, based on CT Indah Construction Sdn Bhd (supra), the
principal i.e the Defendant herein is obligated to make payment of the
sum due to the Plaintiff as the winning party under the Panzana AD
as at the time of the 2 Notices there are monies due or payable by
the principal/ Defendant to the losing party/Panzana. The fact that the
Turnpike AD was not in existent at the time of the first Notice dated
27.10.2021 being issued is in my opinion irrelevant. My reasons for
the same can be found herein my grounds below under the heading
‘Specific Legislation” and relates to the effect of section 30 CIPAA.
Judicial Management
[21] With regards the JM which was filed subsequently by the Defendant
and which they claim makes the section 30 CIPAA claim under the
Panzana AD as invalid as it is now contrary to sections 410 and 426
of the CA; my decision is as follows.
[22] Section 410 of the Companies Act 2016 states:
During the period beginning with the making of an application for a
judicial management order and ending with the making of such an
order or the dismissal of the application:
(a) no resolution shall be passed or order made for the winding up
of the company;
(b) no steps shall be taken to enforce any charge on or security over
the company's property or to repossess any goods in the
company's possession under any hire purchase agreement,
chattels leasing agreement or retention of title agreement, except
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with leave of the Court and subject to such terms as the Court may
impose; and
(c) no other proceedings and no execution or other legal process
shall be commenced or continued and no distress may be levied
against the company or its property except with leave of the Court
and subject to such terms as the Court may impose
[23] Section 426 of the Companies Act 2016 provides:
(1) Any transfer, mortgage, delivery of goods, payment, execution
or other act relating to property made or done by or against a
company which is unable to pay its debts as the debts become due,
from the company's own money in favour of any creditor or any
person in trust of any creditor with the intention to give such creditor
a preference over other creditors shall be void in the event of the
company being placed under judicial management on an
application for a judicial management order presented within six
months from the date of making, taking, paying or suffering the
transfer, mortgage, delivery of goods, payment, execution and
every such act.
(2) Any transfer or assignment by a company of all its property to
trustees for the benefit of all its creditors shall be void.
(3) This section shall not affect the rights of any person making title
in good faith and for valuable consideration through or under a
creditor of the company placed under the judicial management
[24] The above sections would on the face of the same be in direct
contradiction to the provision in Section 30 of CIPAA which reads:
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(1) If a party against whom an adjudication decision was made fails
to make payment of the adjudicated amount, the party who
obtained the adjudication decision in his favour may make a written
request for payment of the adjudicated amount direct from the
principal of the party against whom the adjudication decision is
(2) Upon receipt of the written request under subsection (1), the
principal shall serve a notice in writing on the party against whom
the adjudication decision was made to show proof of payment
and to state that direct payment would be made after the expiry
of ten working days of the service of the notice.
(3) in the absence of proof of payment requested under
subsection (2), the principal shall pay the adjudicated amount to
the party who obtained the adjudication decision in his favour.
(4) The principal may recover the amount paid under subsection
(3) as a debt or set off the same from any money due or payable
by the principal to the party against whom the
adjudication decision was made.
(5) This section shall only be invoked if money is due or payable
by the principal to the party against whom the
adjudication decision was made at the time of the receipt of the
request under subsection (1).
[25] Applying the maxim of generalibus specialia derogant , I hold that
sections 410 and 426 of the CA must be read subject to section 30
CIPAA as the former sections in the Companies Act 2016 are general
sections on the powers of the Court at the hearing of the JM as
compared to section 30 CIPAA which is a specific section on the
powers of this Court in a construction industry claim under CIPAA,
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which is itself an Act which deals with specifically construction
industry claims only, to grant the party who obtained an
adjudication decision under CIPAA in its favour, being the Plaintiff
herein, to make a written request for payment of the adjudicated
amount direct from the principal of the party, i.e the Defendant,
against whom the Panzana AD is made i.e Panzana.
[26] The application of this maxim can be found in Language Distributor
(M) Sdn Bhd v Tan Hor Teng [1995] 3 CLJ 520 where Goal Sri Ram
CJA (as he then was) stated:
"......the rule of construction expressed in the maxim generalibus
specialia derogant. Where there are two provisions of written law, one
general and the other specific, then, whether or not these two provisions
are to be found in the same or different statutes, the special or specific
provision excludes the operation of the general provision"
Specific Legislation
[27] It must be borne in mind that CIPAA was enacted for the very specific
purpose of enabling the construction industry to realise cashflow
issues affecting contractors who had difficulty to resolve payment
disputes and that these disputes have to be quickly resolved in a cost-
effective manner to ensure the smooth execution of the construction
[28] This is consonant with the main intent of CIPAA which has been held
in Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd and Anor appeal
[2020] 6 MLJ 224 where it was held by the Federal Court amongst
others that the interpretation expounded by the majority of the Court
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of Appeal in that case was consistent with the purpose and structure
of the adjudication process outlined in the CIPAA 2012 and that it was
clear from the Preamble, the Explanatory Notes to the Bill and the
speech of the Deputy Minister when tabling the CIPAA Bill that the
primary objective of the CIPAA 2012 was to alleviate cash flow issues
by providing an effective and economical mechanism.
[29] I would also like to quote and apply CT Indah Construction Sdn Bhd
v BHL Gemilang Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 CLJ 75 to support my decision on
the effect of section 30 CIPAA where the Court of Appeal held:
“[14] In the instant case, the liability of the respondent to make
payment is imposed by statute, ie, by s. 30(3) of CIPAA. Thus,
payment made by the respondent to the appellant would not be
from the assets of BHL Builders, but because the adjudicated sum
is paid by the respondent, it will be a debt due from BHL Builders
to the respondent (once the respondent makes direct payment to
the appellant) which the respondent will have to recover from BHL
Builders pursuant to sub-s. 30(4).
[15] We agree with learned counsel for the appellant that a legal
obligation to pay may arise either by statute (as in the present case)
or by contract. In fact, an obligation imposed by statute, in this case
by sub-s. 30(3) of CIPAA, is stronger because in the absence of
proof of payment by BHL Builders as requested by the respondent
under sub-s. (2), it becomes mandatory for the respondent as the
principal to pay the adjudicated sum of RM9,065,335.67 to the
appellant. It is a requirement of law which the respondent has no
discretion not to comply with it. (emphasis mine)
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[16] We are also in agreement with learned counsel for the appellant
that s. 30 of CIPAA creates an independent statutory obligation on the
part of the respondent, as a principal in its own right, to pay the
appellant and that this is a separate obligation to pay imposed by
statute which exists in parallel with BHL Builder's obligation as the
main contractor to pay the appellant under the adjudication decision.”
[30] Following from the above, I hold that section 30 CIPAA is thus a
separate and distinct statutory obligation imposed on the principal to
make payment under an adjudication decision on behalf of the losing
party in the Adjudication proceedings to the Plaintiff herein as the
winning party and must take precedence over the general sections
410 and 426 of the CA in the matter before this Court.
[31] For the record, after this court had heard the respective counsels
submit on the matter on 8.8.2023 and fixed the same for decision on
15.9.2023, Panzana’s solicitors, Messrs Hakem Arabi & Associates
(Panzana’s Solicitors) had attempted to make further submissions via
its letter dated 11.9.2023, which is just a few days before this Court
was about to deliver its decision on the matter.
[32] I had then instructed the learned Senior Assistant Registrar to contact
the Plaintiff’s solicitors for its comments on the same, after which a
letter dated 12.9.2023 was then received by the court from the
Plaintiff’s solicitors, Messrs Macy Chong & Associates (Plaintiff’s
Solicitors), who had vehemently objected to the said further
submissions on inter alia the grounds that Panzana was trying to
‘steal a march’ and an afterthought.
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[33] After giving due consideration to the said Panzana’s Solicitors letter
of 11.9.2023 and the Plaintiff’s Solicitors letter dated 12.9.2023
respectively mentioned above, this Court had decided not to entertain
any further submissions in any form on the matter as the parties had
been given ample opportunity to submit on the matter orally on
8.8.2023 as well as to submit their Written Submissions earlier on
which the parties counsels had done so as directed by this Court.
[34] It would not be fair to the parties and to this Court’s precious time to
reopen submissions on the same as it would amount to allowing the
parties to make its submissions by instalments which this Court
abhors and finds the same as being improper.
[35] This Court must surely prevent such an abuse. There would be no
end to the litigation process if the Court were, in such circumstances,
to allow such further submissions.
[36] I was on the eve of delivering my decision informed that 2 other letters
had arrived, one from Panzana’s Solicitors dated 14.9.2023 inter alia
informing this court that a JM Order had been granted by the Shah
Alam High Court on 23.8.2023 and thereafter making further
submissions on the same points raised in their earlier letter dated
11.9.2023. This was followed up by the Plaintiff’s Solicitors letter of
even date objecting to the contents of the said Panzana’s Solicitors
dated 14.9.2023.
[37] After perusing both the said letters this Court holds that there is no
change to my decision that the JM and now the JM Order will have
no effect on section 30 CIPAA as it is a separate and distinct statutory
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obligation imposed on the principal to make payment under an
adjudication decision and should thus take precedence over the
general sections 410 and 426 of the CA in the matter before this Court
on the reasons I have already stated above.
[38] That being the case I hereby allow the Plaintiff’s claim as per prayers
1, 2.1 to 2.3 and 3 of enclosure 1.
Dated: 15th day of September 2023
Mohd Rezan Ezra bin Muhammad, Nandakumar a/l S. Haridas and Chong
Mei Zhi
(Messrs Macy Chong & Associates]
Vatsala Ratnasabapathy and Constance C.J Pau
[Messrs Zain & Co.]
Ganesh a/l Magenthiran and Suronmani a/p Krishnan
[Messrs Hakem Arabi & Associates]
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| 22,751 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BL-45SOM-16-08/2022 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) ROSLI BIN KITAN 2. ) RUSLI BIN GENEP 3. ) AJIMAN BIN RAHMAN 4. ) ZAINAL BIN LAMPE | - Seksyen 26A Akta Anti Pemerdagangan Manusia dan Anti Penyeludupan Migran 2007- Perayu-perayu mengaku salah atas pertuduhan yang dikenakan terhadapnya dan faham sebab akibat akan pengakuan mereka- Perayu-perayu didalam rayuannya memohon diringankan hukuman- Perayu-perayu telah menyeludup 37 orang migran warga Bangladesh ke Malaysia- Hukuman yang diperuntukkan untuk kesalahan ini adalah berat kerana ianya melibatkan keselamatan negara- Selain mengambil kira mereka adalah pesalah pertama dan telah mengaku salah; turut mengambil kira keselamatan negara | 06/11/2023 | YA Puan Norliza Binti Othman | |
06/11/2023 14:53:04
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BL—l5SOM—16—OE/2022 Kand. sc
awn/ma ,4 22 04
1. man am KIYAN
m Persyu-perayu lelah mmdun dengan salu xesaranan m bawah
Ssksyen 26A Akla Ann Pemerflagangan Manusia flan Ami
Panyeludupan Mwgrin 2uu7 [Anna 5701 yang huleh mhukum
mbawah Akta yang sama mmaca harsama dengsn sexsyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan
Hukuman yang dwparumukkun adalah penjari hdak me\ebih: 15
vamm flan boleh jugs dlkanakan danda.
Pada1710.2ll23‘ ivablla penuuunan dmacakan kepada Psrayu—
parayu, merska lalah mengaku salah was perwduhan yang
dnkenakan Iemedannya flan vanam sebab akxhat zkan pengakuan
mereka setalah Mahkamzh mmjshasken bahswa spams mereku
msngaku salah, maka pmsk pendakwaln fldak Vagi akan
mingemukakan ssksx-aaksx dan manaka akan duanm hukum dnn
hukuman man mpeqeuaskan kspadn kenga-nga Perayu. Maraka
«arm can mash kekal dengan psngakuan salah msreka.
Fihak pandakwaan kamudlan membacaksn fakla ks: den
mengemukakan eksmon-exsnlm flan diakui o\eh Peraywperayu.
Mahkamah blah memberikan paluang kepada Favayu—paray\ umuk
mambual rayuan Peraywemyu dldalam rayuannya memonon
dvingankan hukuman ksrana msreka mananggurvg kamarga m
mdonssla. Ini aaalah kssalahan panama dan maleka Ielah insal
akan pemuenan meteka
[41 Dldalam huiahan pembenamn pula‘ pmak pendakwaan memahon
salu hukuman saumpal dijaluhkan ksvana kasalahan yang
dflakukan ulsh Psrayu-perayu sdalah msllbalknn kseslamanzn
negara ksranu ara lalah msnysludup 37 ulang rrflqlan warga
Bang\a-flesh ke Ma\aysia. Vni salu kesalahan yang max bo\eh
dlpandang nngan kerani negara klm dihanflri uleh Iamai
warganagara asing yang hdak msmpunyal dokumen penaxannn
yang 55h. Ksbanjlmn memka membswa banyak masalah kenada
[51 Selelah Mahkamah mendengar human mmgasi flan Psrayu»
perayu nan hujahan pembaralan clan pillak psndakwaan,
Mahkamah lelah mansabn Sam. Parayu-perayu dengan
pertuduhan mbawan Saks)/an 26A ma Ann Pamerdaganuan
Msnusla an AM: Penyeludunan Mwgrzn 2uo7 . aua bersama
dengan Saksyen an Kanun Keseksaan dan menluluhkan hukuman
penjnm s mhun din canxn lanqkap. Perayu-perayu fidak belpuax
nan dsngan hukuman mi, maka memka msmbual Iayuan
[51 Mahkamah ml dawn merllnmhkan hukuman kellas Perayu-pe(ayu
«swan mengammlkxra den msnimbangkan lakkmlaklur Pelayw
perayu adalah pesaxan panama. pengakuan savah Perayu-perayu,
wavar belakang Peraywpevayu dan kassnusan kasalahan yang
dflakukan o\eh Fsrayu-persyu
Mahkamah msfuluk kapada kepulusan kas Yuilnann Sanuudin v
PP (19991 4 cm 291 men VA Dale‘ sm Norma Yaskoh Ikenka YA
HMR) dvmana neuau manyalakan.
-rm prlmzpiu m Imlendng have M been enlrevmhoa and wax
nfllsd m ourL1ImIniI\lw]uv\spvudem>e and a noun mm with sum .; amynwund to m. m amount m. Mlwwvlg
mm mmm seriuusness D4 zmnm mmmmed.
mm gum mm nmeoedmxs‘ and
m Hukuman yang mpscunnukxan nlsh undang-undarvg unmk
kasaluhan umamah seksyen 26A dalah hukuman hukuman
penjara Iidak melsbml I5Lahun dun wen mu dlkenukan hukuman
nsnas III! was msnunjukkan hukuman yang dlpelumukkan unluk
kesalahan adalah haral kevana wanya mslxbalkan kaselamamn
negara Seksyen 26A ma Arm Pamraagangan Manusua dan An .
Ian 2on7 adalah kssalallan yang disenarawkan
amawan Ealwagian MIA Akta make Jadual Penama 'secumy
N suv uzawrauyugm
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
(menses [Special Measures) Am 2012 ('SOSMA”) adalan
carpakax. Vanyz salu kssalahan yang senua.
Apakan msksud hukuman yang mnnpal dengan kesakansn ynng
dilakukan, Mahkamah melujuk kepads kes Ponnnkwa my: lawn
Mnhamad nanny Manama Jodi 12:11:] 1 LNS so, Muhd Zamw\
salren HMR (pads ka|ika Kn) membuul pememillin berlkulz -
- me: one serllance n m
nessofme mtnunr-um rm:
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Supume Oaun ms. vi R V man [2012] 5cc1a,|2n<2]1 sm us In
wag-nun :7 .. Imkwa
“Pmwmmnmy x: n. ..n. qua non of a jusl sencwn. n
mung‘: mama um: : Animal m ; mgm mm fig
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mnfldervu: n. me man mt-n. @
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IN: sense. an pnnmnlll -ewes a nnmnq or Ieslmwnu Yundicn
and snsuvm mm fur m. olfwoevf
[31 Namun begun, Mahkaman dalam menjaluhknn hukumsn tarhadap
Psmyu-pemyu, salawn mengarnbn kna meraka adalah pesalah
panama dan lalah mangaku salan; mm! mengsmbu Idra
syn suv uzawranwgm
mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nVW‘nlWY mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
xeaavamanan nagara yang lldak bnlsh mpanaang sen: hegllu sahaia.
Sekwanya mxuman yang ringan ameri (hukuman makamum
aaulan 15 Iahun perI[am) wanya hdak akan membali pengiuaran
kepada wamanegura aamg bahkan wargansgara Malaysla aanmn
yang uemmak sehaaaw urang Kangah membawa mzsuk alau
membawa kemar warganagara asing rne\a\m' ;a|an lidak sah kerans
wang yang marakslanma ssbagal upah sangan mmayan. Hukuman
5 (shun panjala dari uanxn langkap adamn wajar den aau Kealas
Peraytuaerayu selspas mengambfl ma mareka adalsh pasanan
panama clan sshagai pengmamn kepada msrska agar «max Va
mengulanw kesalahan In! apebila babes ><e\ak
aenarixn 11 Oklohor 2:123
(uonuu MAN)
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sm su
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um rmx I-EmAKwAu4
snmnw swan :. Auocmnu
«am mm Flmnl n cn.y.».cm
w.m.n...n, Amo Fun Kmq‘
Pun Mum Sylzvam
lhu >.,.m mm mm Mann 5 Mm
Aum-A Paruwmmnsaan mm". Mum-1.
Kemlmnan Datum mm
nu ma Mukrm mu. urw
mm Aver Gum»
.\ .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 978 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AB-44-10-06/2023 | PEMOHON HENDRA BIN MULANA RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Criminal Procedure - Section 317 of CPC- Application to admit additional evidence - Applicant convicted of offences under s.8(b) of Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 - Request for child pornography - The additional evidence was in respect of Applicant's defence under s.20 of 2017 Act - Whether Applicant did not know of true age of the victim - Failure of previous counsel to tender additional evidence to support defence case - Whether 4 conditions in R v Parks have been fulfilled - Application dismissed | 06/11/2023 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
06/11/2023 12:04:09
AB-44-10-06/2023 Kand. 11
S/N 59601lpwuku1dF6XqjfRiA
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Aa—u—1u—os/2023 Kand. J1
zm,,2ozs nvza-09
[N0 KF.: aonsI3o1e22u ...PEMoHoN
[1] The Appneem med Iwa (2; Nauoes u1App2a| in the com dc Apnea!
agemen the deasmn enme Cmm delivered an 4 9 2923 in respect ovcase
Nos. AEA4—1l)-06/2023 and AEAL1106/2023 Denalning Io me
2.; applicalmns to edmu new evidence under me provisions ov Arts. a and
121 dc me Federal OOVISU ' n. ss.2s. 31 and 35 of me come of
Judicature Ac’: 1954 and 5.317 0! me cnmmex Procedure Cnde (cps).
The apphcmions were made in reepem o4 me appeal m the Tepmg men
cdun Apbeal Nos. AB-42JSKS-2~02/2023 and Auznsksrzmz/zcza
[24 Earner, me Applicant had been convicted by the Tawping Sessxons
Counan16.2 2023 in Case No AB€2JSK—20r1 1/2019 aneme was found
gmfly and oonvicled on m-ee (3) amended charges ol requeeung for cmm
pomugraphy undev s, am or me Sexua\ Offences Against Children Act
In 2D17(“|hs 2m7 Act“) and one (1) charge under me eeme sedinn in cese
em 5n5nI\wum1aF6X»:umA
-we Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm we nvwnnflly mm; dun-mm vn nF\uNG wrm
No. AB-62JSK»21-1|/2019. The Appllcanl was ssn|enoed la 13 years
lmpnsonment lrom ma dale of oanvlcllnn 15.2.2023 and 3 strokes of me
mlan In respect -71 each charge and all lmpnsonmam sentences were lo
mn ouncurvemly. He was alsa semenue lo undergo counselllng whlle In
prlsnn and 3 years‘ puliue superv on afle( completing ms lmpnsnnmanl
senlenoe The Sessiuns Coufl allawad a stay olexecullon permmg appeal
agalnsl canvlcuon and senlencs to me Hlgh calm. ms Grounds al
Judgment sals out ms reasons for alsmlssal of mm appllcamns.
[3] Allhnugh he was charged in September 2019, mal only
commenced on 24 3 2021 due In the CDVId'19 pandemic The Applloanl
at me luwer cclurlwzs vepmjenlsd by his solicitor Messrs. Hakiml, Lallma
s. Mavdhiyah & Assoclales, Talplng. The Noll’: Unsl/I was filed by a
dlffsrent sollcllor Messrs Abdullah, Maxnah a Jew, Kuala Lumpur an
was 2023 as per Encl. 1 together with the Amsvir Sokongan m End. 2
affinned bylhe Appllaam mmsall The applicatlon was made furadmlsslnn
of a purportedly new svldence that was not avallahls durlng the lrlal
[4] The Noll: L/aul sought the cams leave fur the lullnwlng
a Eahnwl: Femnhun/Pzmyu yang dlnamakan an alas dlharl kebenaran
unmk merluemukakan cahman/emuk pmlxil akin»-Jkaun BIGO
Parvgadu (SWO) seven: yaw ullamulman dalnm Afldavll Sakmvg-In
nswmu aw MULANA yang dllkulkarl pada 15.052023 yang mama
dllallkan :1! sin] dulam menyvlmng Malls usul ml subagal bukll-hukll
kelararlaan harwlarllularl urlluk dlhzca aan dlmjuk scram helsekzll
unmkdan baglmluan pamurlgararl rayuarl an Mahkamah mm. Malaya
Talmna lug. keg Raylmn Jeniyah Nu A:-azlsxs-24:2/zm (rayuarl
N 5m1nIlwukmdFm(wlRlA
was Sun! nnvlhnrwm be used M mm .. mlmlluy mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
mm (supra) wmn approval. n mscussed what was a whoHy sxcsp|inna\
circumstance, and there M was m rsgam In Ignorance an the defence of
murder. Wwth respecl, the decision m me Singaporean case was confined
In the rams of the case and me apex court had staled:
‘ .Wa are nal s»-ggunng an out mumam ma any -gnmanu onus \am on me
pan acwumx shank! neussumy mu . pm-manywng m avsry case. The
law mung to murd-r hawevur, 1: We mosl mnnsmenu: pomon nf afl our waw
n gnvems ma mndnlons m whhzh many may take nwiy Me‘ an almv m n:
avnflcaunn may be such that n can nevsrbe renam-
[151 The decision 01 me svngaporean court Is omy persuaswe am not
bnndmg here and «ms Court onmes that u rs not an appxe-mpme
oompanson as the \aw in re\aUon to me dsfencs (or me capital olfenos of
murdsr could not be equated with the defence avaflalfle In an accused in
5 20 of the 2017 A01. The apex court oonunued:
‘In I11: event we «ma umsehres cnmpeflad tn . vary fivm mw Va me man max
had (run avdenne Iogelller mm the avidanca .5 m m. nature at he klflmgs
been below: the mal awn and had me mw vamnng la the mmdenca and
Quantum ovproonaeen ounec1|ysla(edm|heAufY(as Vlwssbmen m laasnnnme
My wmd Posswbw have some to any concmsum other man lhat me dedenca M
mmvmshsd vaspuvvilhllwly was made nul -
‘n It flu paramaum duly av we own to sea mu, m we Vast resort pushca -5
dune mvd any mwluimnge :11 mm mm In vlaw nflha «am mm m. Isnmad
Judas came in Ms mnclusnon as . veault a! me demonsxmfion Elven by In:
chemlsl we cannc| say he was nm influenced by lhis additions! evfdeme which
was nolshwnuo be nenewry and also Vmpmvefly admmed AJudII cnnnoi
sllvlnly can Invaddlflona cvldcnctlusnosalliw his curiosity or dnum at
to supwlumnnl a was: n ma Prouclmon. Alia. such Ivmnnnm vv
nuanluvy. mun DI m pron-r vom. am: um In accorflancn mm m
mm mu nflm Cnmm-I Plocldun Cudl'
Vn Do] v usim v FF 1193711 ML! 115, the Supreme Cuun held
[Emphasis added]
N manummasmm
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[201 I nave considered ine alfldavil in suppon oi ine epplicaiion, ine
submisslens and case laws cited and l have also nigriiignied ine relevant
cases above. The coun needs to deiennine wheilier all me iour
ocndiliclns have been satisfied as submmsd by the Applicant‘: counsel
that they have done so Wilh regard |a mndlllons Nos. 2 and 3. this Court
does nol have difficulty to answer in me amrniaiive As clearly explained
in «he ihird ecndiiion enunclaled in R vPark$ (supral. ii IS not me task ar
INS caun lo decide wneiher ihe proposed evidence is lo be believed or
ndi. Al this stage, ine iuncuon oi ine couri is only lo deierniine wneiner
ine proposed evidenee, ii given, is capable oi bsllsl.
[21] However, in my underslandlng of «lie llie firs|ount1i|lorl,llls(l1aI llie
evidence must nut he avaiiauie ai ihe iriai. To recap, in paragraph 9 di
Enci, 2. me Appiioani slated in nis iesiirnony, lie laid me sessions coun
inei in nach amount SP10 had stand her age as 19. 22 2nd 2:. ln
paraymph 10. «he Auplicarlt evened ihal he had nonesily aliernpied id
eseenain her real age Neveriheless. mere was no such documentary
evidence suibmmed by his previous counsel lo suppon his oral evidence
in edun at liiai lime. Then in paragraph is, he oorlll-adlcled nirnsell by
slaiing inai pursuarll (0 his newly appointed oouneers advice, he had
euiained uie pnnlouls in Exhlini HM—3 as lunner evidence ior ine purpose
onne appeal Hound Ihal unis purpunadly new ovidancn was almady
available ul the «rial. as lie already knew ihen she had svaled uiree
difimniagas In nu BIGO account nrufllos. But as to why the previaus
counsel did no| adduce iheni at when iirne. only ihe Appllcnni and his
delenee learn knew llie reason. Failure. ii any. oi «lie previous eounsel lo
suuinii lne docurnenls liien, did nol niean lliey were not available 5! all. I
concluded mm iiia Aupllcam has not mieiiad ilie flrsl condltlon.
sin 5*J5nIlVnukmdF®01ilRlA
-use s.ii.i Ilnvlhll will be used m mm ve nllnlrullly Minis dun-vlnril vu .nune Wflxl
[22] wiln regard lo me leurln condillon. l.e. alter oonsldsring lnal
evidence, go en lo cnnslder wnelher lnere nilgnl have been a reasonable
doubt ln lne inlnds ollne Jury aslo ma gulllellheappellanl lllnal svldencs
had been given logelnei wlln lne elnerevidenoe al |l'le lnal. As there is no
lury nare, lnls oundlllan will relarlolne lnal calm. A perusal pnna grounds
of iudgmerll ln Exllloil l-ill/M snowed that me scJ nad oonsldeied lne
Appllcanrs evidence and deienoe abwl no: known; SFIO‘s We age
(paragraphs 32 onwards). Then in paragraph 37 onwards |he SCJ sraled
why she dld nol believe his delerlce.
[23] in paragiapn 75, 12*" line onwards, ane alaled '...spal7lIa rarludun
dapal rnalrnal aeaualu yang mencurrgakan lanlang umul sebemar spur .”
She wanl en lo paragraph 71, wnlcn was me pass for nrs applicaliens Io
adrnn addilidnal evidanoe The SCJ viewed mallhe Apphcanl should have
mat SP10 ln persun In asoenain one age ollna g‘lr| And then the SCJ also
rnenlloned aooul lne Aoplicanvs acadernlc qualilioalion ls. Diploma ln
Early childhood Educallon, which she corlsldersd as well lnal lne delenoe
alsad dld nol oonvlnce nar lrlal he dld nm know Ihe victim's lme age
[24] The Appllcarll was asking lo adnill lns addlllenal deoumenlary
evidenue ev SWO‘: purported adull ages bu| lne SCJ's epneluaien was
llnal lia did nol mzko any eiion tn mael wm. SP1|l in person l fuund
lnal based on her oonolusions, lne addllienal doournenlary evldence ln
Exnibil HM—3 “would nol have raised a reasonable doubt in lne mind of
me sc.I as In lne gull: ol lrle Anpllcanl ii lrral evldende nad been glven
lcgelher wI|h me olhar evldenoe al the lnal' Thonlon, tin Appllunt
hu also nol aatlsflnd tholounh com1l||all.Whelher ornollne SCJ was
ngm in convict lne Applicanl la a dlflerenl nialler and lnal la lerlnla ceun
In declde at me appeal siege.
SW 5m1nIlwmlkmdFm<qllRlA
-we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m mm ms nflnlruflly sun. dun-vlnrrl via .neno Wm!
[25] It tetnte tewtneretere, tnet not ontythe etreumeteneee must be mas|
excepflonal but the subject wntcn ts pmpased to be adduced by further
evtaenee ts subject ta exeeptianet onndilians. It becomes necessary anty
ite latlure anusttoe would nesutt trsucn aaantenet etndence was not taken
and allowed wnen audtttonat (acts have come to fight since tne date at
met. The matter ts lefl entirety lo the discreltcn at the court. And me coun
has exemtsed we dtecretton judtctausty tn accordance wttn establtshed
teget pnnctptee. There was nolhtng new tn lhe addmortal evtdenee wnten
lhs Appttcent sought tn be admmed tn tne Recom at Appeal as they were
already known to me defence et me lrtal. Moreover, me SCJ would not
have cumelu a difleranlcnnclusiun svsn W1hedncuman1s|osht1w 5910':
‘purponzd emer aduk ages’ had been admmed at me Inal
[25] Premtsed upon the above cortstderaltcns, tne Cuurlluund Ihers was
no merI| tn the appllcahuns and both were dtsmlssed aoeerdtngly
Dzlnd s Novemberznzct
Moor Ruwuta Btnu Md. Nurdln
Judlclal Commlssiomr
Nlgll Cnufl ul Malaya, Tzlplng
syn mnttmmemwn
-we s.n.t n-vthnrwm be ts... m mm me mm-y mt. dun-mm VI] .nune Wm!
Regmemn all
For the App cam‘
Mr. mu Bln Jalflr
5 Abdullah, Mumh a. Jefrl, Kunll Lumpur
For the Relpondontz
um: Szll Chzy Mac Ling
P-jabnl Tlmbalau Plndnkwa Raya Mason Ferak. Cawangan Talping
sw 5nsnI\wum1aF6XqumA
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum pm
Buhawn Perwnhun/Pe<iyn dlbsrl kubenaran unluk memlanknn bukN—
mu keleranwsn bsmllanlman yam: diwhnn leuebul ssbagai R-ken
rawan Tambahan nag: kss Rawan Jenayah NoAE»J2JSKS-2-02r‘2023
(mm Iecsgk-ml’),
Bahawa Pemohnn/Psrayu when kehznalan urvtuk rnemmda Fstrsyen
Rzyuan hanallkh zsa 2023 smaran German Danmah am kebenlnn
yang dwbavlkarl uaram plravvqcan (1) dan (2; an alas‘
amwa sehanjlmiya um semms dengin Ssksysn 317 Kanun Pmeaur
Janlyarl mm 51:) ksteranuan ham/Vanjulan hen<a\Lan pmhfl mu»
akaml BIGO Pnngadu (spun aummn dan dneflmn masuk umuk flan
Dag: mluan Dendenanmn layuan ur Mahkameh nnggr Mavaya Talpmg
nag: kss Rayuan Jenayah Na AE—42.1SKS-2-a2l2|723 (Wiyuan
Eahawa sekhanya am: clan 3 animal (will Rzyuan pada ma zuza
duadualkan semmz ke lankh ham unluk membenarmn ketslangin
barn/Vammnn sedcmlklan mmawmr. mgr human hujzhulrhujahan
flalam rayum dun dahm pendengavlll riyuan vamubm ar Mahkaman
Muha rm:
Rem sehrqulnyl yang Mahkamah Yang Mull: Im fiklrxan warer, Dihll
den sum mamanl.
The same prayers were snughl in respect 0! CrIm|na\ Appeal No.
AB42JSKS-$02/2023 «or Case No, AB-GZJSK-21-II/2019. The bflef
reasons gwen in! ms appllcaflons ware um.
the Aupllcanl was convicted on 15.2 2023 after a lull lnal an
the (our charges. He had been sentenced to 13 years‘
Impdsunmenl mm the dale av common and 3 strokes each
al me man;
sm 5«zmI\wuxmaFm<wvwrA
“Nana smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mrmu-y mm: dun-mm VII mum vmm
ne was dissausned wun the decwsion 0! me Sessions Conn
and had med appems In the Hugh com and men me Pelmon
er Appeal was med en 25.4.2023:
me Sessions court In smvlng at us deuswun had cnnsxdered
the pmwsven of ‘Presumplion of age of a mild‘ under s.2o of
the zen Am and deuided mac -rermun/Pmyu uuex
menunjukkan Teduduh sda msnja/ankan usaha dan rkhlisr
Lmluk bsdumpa dsngan spm ssndfli bagi memaslikan
semade SP10 re/an seoreng dewasa eveu kanek»kanak':
ne documentary ewdenae Derlammg to "caburarl/eksl'rak
pmfafl akaun-akaun 5/so /em Pengsdu (spmr were
tendered aH.|1elHa| m the Sessxans Court and (hvs dwecily
prejumced the defence or me Appellanl/Apphcanl;
substantial prejudice would alsn ensue \f the 'cabutan/skslrsk
pmlarl ekaunekeun BIGD tern Psngadu {SP1ll]" are not
aflowed In be made as pen uflhs Recmd ufAppea|;
docurnenvary ewdence pena ng 10 ‘semen/eksLrek prulafl
akaun-akaun E/Go /err: Pengadu (SP10)‘ sought u: be
tendered are very inter-related wnm the findings at me
Sessions Courl:
me sens documentary evidence sougm la be adrmlled herein
are cremble decumemery evmenae and would raise a
reeseneme doubt m the lower court re\at\ng to me Appllcanfs
gum W015 sawd evfdenue nad been admitted along with u|her
evmenue Iherem.
syn manuxmmarmm
-nee snrm n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. nrwhrnflly mm: dun-mm wa mum Wm
[s] The Deputy Pubhl: Prosecutor (DFP) ate not me any amttavtt In
reply but obtected to the appttcettone in the wntten sutzmtestans of the
Respondent ntett on the nterntng at t4.a 2023 The hearing al the
appttcatten was nominated an 14.4% 2023 and adjourned lur decision on
addtttonal or runner evtdence states.
The plovistun of s 317 atthe cwc which ptovtdes tot teeeptton at
“Older ta take ttttthet etttaenae
an (H tn aeattng wtth any apnnet undsr tttts crteptet a htage. n he wnks
saatttanet emenee tn be neseuaty, may ettnettate such evtaence htrnaettar
etteat tt ts be taken by a Magishilu
(2; when the addmnnnl evidence ta taken by a hteatettate he ettatt eenny that
evidence tn the htsh cetttt who ehatt then, us eeen ee may he. messed te
atspoee nl the appeat
tat Unless the Judas uthetwtse attests, the aeatteaa at he advucale shatt he
wuent when the eaatttenet avtdunce ts taken.
tmha tehna ul smdancs ttneenhte senmn utett, tatttte pttrpnsas orcheptet
xxv, be dsemed te he nn ?nflu\ty'
[9] The Appllcanl eubtntttea that the math reasan tot the appttcattens
was due te the findings made tn the grounds of tttegntent uflhe Sessions
com Judge (SCJ) in paragraph 77 which was tn E HMV1 ol Enat 2,
where she had stated 'Tst1uduh/Pelayu I/dak menultitlkkan Tenuduh sda
men/‘a/ankan usaha dart ikhtiar tmfuk bequmpa dsngan SP10 eencttn‘ bag!‘
I-nemasrikalv sarnada sum ia/ah seolang dewasa alau kanalokanak’.
Referring to s.2o at the 2017 Act, counsel tor the Apptteent tntatntee the
Cuufl that the pt-vlons counsel tithe Sosllans Court did not presam
atn ettatttteeehttemattete
‘Nuns a.n.t I-vthnrwm be used a mm the MW: dun-mm he .nette WM!
the evidence wlilch they sought io ho adinllhd as panoftho doluiu
ease The Aooirsani came to know the victim (SWO) through the itve
streaming piaitsrrn knnwn as "B]GO‘. si=to had an assount wi|h BIGO.
The crux oitne deienoe case was exastiy that aitnouoh the Applicant had
been eornrnunr 9 Via iaieu, telephone and wnarsApp with the victim
tsi=to). he did not know her real age because BIGO was an aduitsoniy
piationn and not intended iorsnyone under ta years o1sge.TheApoIicent
sought to aoouse aooriionai evidence (he! SPIO owned more than one
EIGO acoount and each oi them showed diitereni ages at SF10 (please
reierto Exhibit Hit/i—3 in Enot. 2). itenoe, ms Appiioani had seen denied oi
a iair tnai one to the neornpotsnee" oi the proviso: eounsei who
conducted the ease and aid nut adduue the said Exhibit i-tM<a.
[91 counsei reierred to a iew cases in its Bundle of Amhurilies and
argued that the ease of uiuruqaynh v PF porn] 2 ML! 545 was
apphssois here. The Apphcani wanted to show to the court that he did
make etiorts to ascertain her age. The new evidence wduid satisfy the
tour ssnortions In R u Parks moi] 2 AER us and it may raise a
the mind onhs iriai iudge They prayer: that me courr
aiiowed the ooauments to be aornnteo so that they wouid have a ehsnoe
to argue the ease during the supsrantwe aopeai
reastonabie dou
[to] The DPP submmed that the Applicant knew that SWO lied aoour
her age as the evidence would show. The printouts In Exhibit HM<S were
inoancluslvs as two at ihern did not shtm ihe viclim‘s iace. iithe prinloms
were admiued, the prosecution seuto not send them ior veniieanon and
whether these pmliies were shii YVI existence. it was not known it the
aiieged pmliles were used WI cummunimtiuns oetwsan the Applicant and
SFID. itwher the Appiioant aiieged was true, Ex r it HM4 wouid have
None s.n.i n-rihnrwm rs used m mm ms oflninsiily Mimi dun-rinrrl VI] .nuue Wmi
existed during the tnal and therelora did not satisiy the corldflmns in R v
Parks (supra). The DPP sutiinltted turther that the SCJ had assessed the
credipllity at the witnesses arid came to a culmcl hriding at the tnat and
the victim's cross-excrriinatlori at pages :s:s:l~3:s7 ot the Nuts t)1Evidenoe
(which were not exhlbited in the application) showed that she had been
asked the relevant qussllorls regarding her age. However, the Applicant
did not adhere to the ccnect procedures to admit lurther evlderlce ler the
purpose atthe appeal and prayed torthe application to be dismissed. she
argued that in the ease of uurugayeri v PP tsupra), the court of Appeal
had oleany explained the conditions in R v Parks tsupra). Hence, to allow
the applications would be a travesty oriustide to the prosecution case after
trial and a second bite at the cherry by the N7 ‘
rlt so to speak.
I11] ln reply, counsel lor the Applicant submitted (rather puzzllngtyl that
Muntglynh v PF (supra) could ae distinguished tiecause the application
under s.3I7 oi the CPC was made about three years later whereas here
End. 1 was tlled lrriniediately whlle pending the appeal ln the instant
case, the existenoe of other also accotmls held py SP10 would show
that she had stated ditterent ages (lied apout her real agei. ln paragmph
sorsrict 2, the Applicant stated that in his testimony, he told the Sessions
Cnurl that in each aecourrt SP1D had stated her age as la, 22 arid 23
sl=tu also told hlrh that she was studying in upper Form 6 and which was
why he believed that she was rnore than 18 years‘ old. In paragraph to.
the Applleantaveneo that he had honestly attempted to ascertalri her real
age in paragraph t1, the Applicant stated that nevertheless, there was
no such documentary evidence supinitted by the previous oourisel to
support his eral evidence in cutm at that time He had peen supstantially
preiudioed by the nndings at the sc.l in his deteriee because the iudge
had applied am at the 2017 Act on the wrong evidence.
SN 5*JlinIlVnukmdFD(qiYRlA
-use s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll re used is mm s. oflnlrrallly Mlhls dnunvlnrll vta aFlt.ING wnxl
[12] In paragraph 12‘ The Appncanc stated that In March 2023 upon
appoinwlg a dwrerem counsel to conduct his appeal and in prepareuon at
me Penman M Apbeal. he had been asked about SP1D’s omer awso
account pmmes. Pursuant merelc, m pamgraph 15 me Apgncann smeu
that ne had (aken steps m obtain ms extrams ol SP1D‘s o|her sweo
account memes in order tor the documents to be admitted as and Inna!
evidenoa for the purposes M me appeaxs.
[1 :1] The coun win not dehbeme on me rnerivs of ms defence in regard
to the apphcanons. But it \s peninent at this point. for completeness. lo
stale the law in regard to sm anhe 2017 Amvmvch provides:
'Fve:umD|mn ahsge nla mm
2n n Vs ml adeleme la a chmgefaranyoflenoe uMerIh>sAc1. or any Mlence
Sbecmed m we seneaune wne.e me mum \s a em, man an accused neuem
that me :98 av me mm: 45 an more man mm as specmaa m we rsspecllve
pmwsmns m such nflencu 2| the cm ma vflencu n afleged 10 Ma been
mmmmad umasx live nccuuaa muk an raamnahle steps «a men“ me 192 no
the and -
[141 The Applicant Vs relying on the phrase ‘unless ms accused look all
reasonable slaps Ia ascsnam ms ags ofths chila’. Augusnns Paul JCA
m Muruglylh vrr (supra) sialad:
“s n wm be obsswad mm on vacephon oi lddmunzl amama Vs a matter :71
discvemn u .5 smiled um Ihal me exerdse M n dFs|:re|mn musl be m
acmrdance wulh eslzbflshed mdlchal guldeflnes In me case at aaaumng
addmonalev1asrme.lha wmdeimas were wen out m Laud vMarsha/M15413
All ER 745 m ma vonn unmua condmuni. In ehlzoralmn aims commons, Lard
ParkarCJ sawd n R vPafl<s[1961]J All ER 5:: at p 6:
Thuclpdnclplll club: xummarludinlhlx way. rum. um uvldlncn
um n I. wunlll to all mun bu uvldlncn which Wu not Ivallubll
.1 um um Slcnndly, ma on. you wllhuul lylnq, It mull bu
syn 5«zmI\wukmaFm<wvmA
«-we sum be used m mm me mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
-vlflcncu .- van! 1.: 1h. lssun rhhs1Iy,h must bl ma...“ which
Is cudlbla wldcnu 1.. In: nun that n 1. wull can-nu. .1 Del‘ 1
1 ....1 1... 1h1. cnunlndncldu -.h.1>m111s to h. hnlllvod ornol, but
11 ......1 by ...1.1.m which 1. capahn. or Iullfl. rounhuy, nhs soun
will .1... cnnsld-ling muuvldnnu go 1... 1.; co..u.1..wh.mu1hm
mlghl hm bun .. nuonlhlu .1......11.. 1h. ...1...1. anh. Jury 1..
12.1 cum .1 Ch: anvnllam Wlhm ovldinct had bun gum Iannhu
wlm 1h. o1hIr nvld-nu .1 1h. (rial.
7 The slalememotlhe 1.... 1.. R1/Park£II9§1]3AHERG33 hm: been adumsd
and aonhea 1.1 ml cases such as Mohamed uh. Jamel V Pub/I:
Prosecular[196ll1 MLJ 254: Del bln Laura I/Fumrc Pm.Iecw!ar[19B7] 1 MLJ
1161LoFarTfllarv L D751/F'ubhc Frusacumr[1966l1 MLJ 214 aha ChsD1n 1.1..
AhmadvPub/rcProwcutoI[1§16lI MU 259 1h. conditions an cumulatlvt
....: ....u..m. .h.....1. Ild .1..1...n.. lppnllanllnnnlsfy km mun hat
they hm 1:... 1... ch. Dln bin Ahmad v ;=..ou.=
Pmser.-uIar[1D7bl 1 mm us). 11 Is 1.1.1,. - 1h. ......1 .mpnm1
nlrnumstzncns Ihallhe mun mu Ieuelve . ...1 mddnnwl Assyed A911
Earakbah J (as he men was) said 1.. Che om bln Ahmad u puuhu
;-.omu.ur|w1s1 1 MLJ 259 a1 vb zasszgo:
Naw,s 3171.1 111. 12.1.11...» Pmusduva cm: gwas : msm.1.ah in me
.u.4geh1 heanng -unynvnealtn aflaw a.1.1111....a1 evldelvce .1 he mm such
.s necessary. In cnnsldenina such avnhmlinn me nppeHaIz mull has
a\ways adoptsd lhe almude that .1 1s my 1» 1h... ms. ExceDImna\
cucumsaanoes, and sumacn tau whal may be assmhea as ex=ep11e..a1
candnmns. mar (ha wun >5 aver wmmg to listen «.1 addmuna! awaenoe
(Mohamnd 1.... u....../ V Pub/I: PmseL‘1lIor[19GJ] 1 MLJ 254, 255 per
11...“... LP. flummg HaHe1 J ...1h. can ..1 .7 V .Iar1.1an(195E) m c.
App R 152. 154) h is nlenr, 1ma1...c‘ 1h.1 nol nnly 1...
cimumshmes must be men exnevlional but the suhilcl which s
mono-an to In mum by Nrlher evldlnce Ls sunlect to
-mmnohan condllh-mi. 11 hocomn h nsiry my I! a lallun nf
i-mic. would mun iiluch addmonii Ividvnco was hm mm. and
.u.y....1 whnn . .:.1...... cu hm w . 1.; light :1...» Int am 01
mu ....m . 1.41 ...u..1y huh: asm. .... nflhn c.....-1.~.
[Emphasis added]
[151 In Mulugayah v PP qsupra), (he accused was charged .1 me
sessmns court WIH1 an nlfencs under 5.325 of the Penal Cnds far having
caused grievous hurt to one Kantharupan who at me me! had identified
N 5fi5nI\wu>1mdFww¥R1A
1.... used .. mm .. ..1.h.h. MW; dnu-mm VII .nu.uc pm...
me aeeiised as one oi the coin peieens who had ahacxed him. The
accused was oonvieted in Febmary 1997 and sentenced. He appeaied to
the High cotinagainst the eenvietiaii and sentence. whiie the appeal was
pending the accused made an appiicahen in the High ooiiit to adduee
additional evidence puieiinnt I0 s :17 er the cue iioiii himseii,
Kanlhanlpan and one Kiishnari His appiieetion was disiiiissed by the
High Court He appealed against the High Courl decisien The hasls of
his application wee that eoniotiino fter his conviction, in was. he
was intoi-iiied by Kitetinan that Kenitiarupnn waa iiecuaity uuiiited
tiy euiai pnrsons. He tater niet Kanthanipan who toid the aeeiieed that
he had ideiitined the accused in cdiiit based on imoiniatien he obtained
from a third F-any His appeal againstthe High cciiiitdecisioii was attdwad.
The circumstances in that case was the proizosed evidenee ceiitd nut
have been zivaiiaoie at the tnei and it went to the identity dnhe assaitant
[161 Therelove, it appeared in the above case that the inieiniation seiigtii
to DB admiltied as flesh evidence WES DVIW awilabie in 1998 afler the Ma‘
ended. The third and ioiiiiti condillons in R v Parks (sum) weie also not
satisfied In that case To siininiaiise, the tour conditions are.
1 me endenee Ih-I|!l ie lflughi la can must be evidenea which was net aveitaeie
ai itie iiiai
ii niiisi be evideiiee relevant to the iseves
3 ii must ee evidence which is eiedioie evidence in the ieiice that it Ii wail
eaeeeie oi oeiieh, it It nut iei this cciiitio deeds Wflalharll im e. balievud W
rial, but it iiiim be evidence which n eepaiii. af hlhaf
4 me com vnii aitenedinideniie thl| evidence an en la caruidsr whelher ineie
might have iieen ii renmnahle douhl in the niinds eiiheiury as to the eiiiii at
the iiveeitani Iflhn| evidence had eeen given |age1her wilh lha oihei evideiiee
ai the met
[17] I have eiso iaoked at the case of Mohitmed Bin Jlmll v PP [1954
1 ML! 254 where the Fedei-ai court of Singapore which also cited R v
N eeciiiiemdidmeiieie
we s.ii.i nnvihnrwm be in... M mm ee nflnihnflly MIME dnunvilnl wa miiiic WM!
| 2,001 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
CB-41S-1-02/2023 | PERAYU RAHIMI BIN ABU SAMAD RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Rayuan jenayah terhadap sabitan dan hukuman di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987 - Majistret tidak mempertimbangkan pembelaan dengan sewajarnya - Tidak selamat untuk disabitkan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987 - Digantikan dengan sabitan di bawah seksyen 43 (1) APJ 1987. | 06/11/2023 | YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor | |
Microsoft Word - CB-41S-1-02-2023 RAHIMI ABU SAMAD v PP - edited
(NO. K/P: 761012065343) … PERAYU
[Dalam Perkara Mahkamah Majistret Di Maran
Dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur
Kes Jenayah No. CE-83-87-11/2020
Pendakwa Raya
Rahimi bin Abu Samad
(No. K/P: 761012065343)]
06/11/2023 11:50:26
CB-41S-1-02/2023 Kand. 21
S/N dUooYEP0qmDhc/rhrAeA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] Ini adalah rayuan terhadap hukuman berkenaan dengan
pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan (APJ)
1987. Perayu telah dituduh seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu pada 27/11/2018 jam lebih kurang 8.45 pagi
bertempat di Jalan Besar Jengka 13 di dalam Daerah Maran,
di dalam Negeri Pahang telah didapati memandu motolori
bernombor pendaftaran AFJ 5333 jenis Hicom Perkasa telah
memandu secara bahaya selelah mengambil perhatian
tentang segala hal keadaan sehingga menyebabkan
kematian ke atas Mohd Mahyudin bin Yusof, No. KPT:
420825-02-5319. Oleh demikan kamu telah melakukan satu
kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 41(1) Akta
Pengangkutan Jalan 1987.”
[2] Perayu telah disabitkan dengan pertuduhan tersebut dan telah
dijatuhkan hukuman oleh Majistret sebanyak 3 tahun penjara bermula
dari tarikh sabitan 14.02.2023, denda RM6,000.00 jika gagal bayar 6
bulan penjara, catitan sabitan direkodkan pada lesen memandu
Tertuduh dan lesen Tertuduh dibatalkan bagi tempoh 3 tahun dari tarikh
S/N dUooYEP0qmDhc/rhrAeA
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[3] Perayu merayu terhadap sabitan dan hukuman tersebut. Rayuan
tersebut adalah berasaskan kepada bahawa Majistret telah gagal
mempertimbangkan keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh Perayu
bahawa terdapatnya kenderaan motor treler yang menyebabkan
Perayu perlu mengambil tindakan sehingga mengakibatkan
kemalangan dan kematian mangsa dalam kes ini.
[4] Dalam kes ini mahkamah berpendapat terdapat dua isu yang
boleh diputuskan oleh mahkamah iaitu:
(a) adakah Majistret telah mempertimbangkan dengan
sewajarnya pembelaan Perayu; dan
(b) adakah mahkamah ini perlu campur tangan dalam dapatan
berkenaan dengan sabitan dan hukuman yang dikenakan.
Dapatan Majistret
[5] Penelitian kepada Rekod Rayuan adalah didapati bahawa
keterangan dalam kes ini telah dinyatakan dengan terang dan jelas oleh
Majistret di perenggan [5], [6] dan [7] seperti berikut:
“[5] Pihak pendakwaaan melalui Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
yang terpelajar telah memanggil seramai 6 (enam) orang
saksi pendakwaan dan disokong oleh sembilan (9) dokumen-
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dokumen eksibit yang telah dikemukakan di Mahkamah bag
membuktikan satu kes prima facie ke atas Tertuduh.
[6] Secara ringkas, pada 27 November 2018 jam lebih kurang
8.45 pagi, satu kemalangan maut telah berlaku melibatkan
sebuah motolori dengan nombor pendaftaran AFJ 5333 yang
dipandu Tertuduh dengan sebuah motosikal nombor
pendaftaran WPP 8962 yang ditunggang ole simati, Encik
Mohd Mahyudin Bin Yusof di Jalan Besar Jengka 13, Maran.
Simati dikatakan telah meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian
akibat daripada impak perlanggaran dan jenazah simati
kemudiannya dibawa ke Hospital Jengka untuk urusan
[7] Kemalangan dipercayai berlaku akibat motolori Tertuduh
dikatakan memasuki laluan motosikal simati dan berlaku
perlanggaran di laluan motosikal simati.”
[6] Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa Majistret telah menyediakan
alasan penghakiman yang mengandungi 130 perenggan yang meliputi
penilaian keterangan di akhir kes pendakwaan dan penelitian
pembelaan di akhir kes pembelaan. Ia adalah satu tindakan terpuji
Majistret yang menyediakan alasan penghakiman yang mendalam. Ini
dapat membantu mahkamah untuk meneliti dapatan-dapatan yang
dibuat oleh Majistret serta mempertimbangkan rayuan pihak Perayu
sama ada ia adalah wajar untuk menyatakan Majistret telah tidak
mempertimbangkan pembelaan dengan sewajarnya.
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[7] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati bahawa di akhir kes pendakwaan
Majistret telah menimbangkan elemen-elemen pertuduhan dan telah
menggunapakai kes Ng Beng Kok v PP [2017] 7 CLJ 157 dan
memutuskan di akhir kes pendakwaan di perenggan [79] seperti berikut:
“[79] Selaras seksyen 173(f)(i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah,
Mahkamah ini setelah mendengar dan merekodkan
keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh saksi-saksi
pendakwaan, dan juga setelah meneliti dan memperhalusi
terhadap segala keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
pendakwaan berkaitan dengan elemen-elemen di dalam
pertuduhan dan setelah juga memastikan keterangan-
keterangan tersebut tidak diselubungi sebarang keraguan
yang munasabah dengan berpaksikan kepada satu penilaian
yang maksimum sebagaimana yang dituntut dalam kes "LOO
KOW CHAI & ANOR v. PP [2003] 1 CLJ 734", kes
"BALACHANDRAN v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 85" dan kes "PP v.
MOHD RADZI ABU BAKAR [supra]", maka adalah didapati
bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya untuk membuktikan
satu kes prima facie ke atas Tertuduh di dalam kes ini.”
[8] Adalah juga didapati Majistret telah mempertimbangkan
berkenaan dengan versi yang menyatakan terdapat kenderaan motor
treler. Ini adalah berdasarkan kepada keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat
(SP6) yang mana ia telah diteliti oleh Majistret di perenggan [39], [40]
dan [41] seperti berikut:
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“[39] SP6 semasa pemeriksaan semula oleh pihak
pendakwaan menyatakan bahawa:
Q-awak ada siasat keterangan OKT berkaitan perkara ini?
Q-dapatan awak?
A-tiada pembuktian menyatakan wujudnya m/trailer tersebut
sebelum kemalangan.
Q-ada siasat kesan di bahu jalan laluan m/lori tersebut?
A-ada siasat tetapi tiada kesan di bahu jalan laluan
motolori tersebut.
[40] Merujuk kepada keterangan yang diberikan oleh SP6
semasa disoal semula oleh pihak pendakwaan, SP6
mengesahkan bahawa siasatan Tertuduh di tempat kejadian
mendapati tiada kesan di bahu jalan laluan motolori tersebut
bagi menyokong versi Tertuduh tersebut.
[41] Pada hemat Mahkamah, tiada sebab yang jelas dan
tiada keperluan yang mendesak untuk Tertuduh memandu
masuk ke laluan simati walaupun kononnya Tertuduh telah
terbabas akibat cuba mengelak sebuah mototreller yang
datang dari arah bertentangan.”
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[9] Seterusnya Majistret di akhir kes pembelaan telah menyatakan
berkenaan dengan pembelaan Perayu dalam kes ini dan telah meneliti
keterangan Perayu dan membuat dapatan seperti di perenggan [104],
[105], [106], [107] dan [124] alasan penghakiman seperti berikut:
“[104] Di dalam membuat dapatan berkaitan perkara ini,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada keterangan bergambar iaitu
Gambar Eksibit P3C, P3D dan P3K di mana kesemua gambar
menunjukkan ada kesan tayar lori dan geseran tanah di bahu
jalan laluan motosikal tersebut. Walaupun cuaca cerah dan
tiada berlumpur akibat hujan di tempat kejadian, masih wujud
kesan geseran tayar motolori di atas tanah di bahu jalan
laluan motosikal.
[105] Pada pandangan Mahkamah, sekiranya benar dakwaan
Tertuduh sepertimana versi kemalangan yang
diceritakannya, pasti juga wujud sekurang-kurangnya sedikit
kesan geseran tayar lori di atas tanah bahu jalan laluan
motolori tersebut. Ini kerana secara lumrahnya, apabila
sesuatu kenderaan mengelak secara mengejut lalu terjatuh
ke bahu jalan, pasti pemandunya akan menekan brek bagi
mengelakkan terbabas lebih jauh ke bahu jalan atau gaung di
tepi bahu jalan tersebut.
[106] Kilasan stereng secara paksa oleh Tertuduh juga ketika
mana dalam cubaannya untuk naik semula ke bahu jalan,
pasti sedikit sebanyak akan meninggalkan kesan geseran di
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atas tanah sepertimana wujudnya kesan geseran tanah di
bahagian bahu jalan laluan simati.
[107] Seterusnya, Tertuduh menyatakan bahawa wujudnya
sebuah mototreller yang dipandu secara berbahaya yang
telah menyebabkan Tertuduh jatuh ke bahu jalan lalu
terbabas masuk ke laluan simati. Pada pandangan
Mahkamah keterangan Tertuduh tersebut sukar untuk
dipercayai oleh Mahkamah.
[124] Justeru, Mahkamah ini membuat penemuan dan
dapatan bahawa keterangan Tertuduh bahawa wujudnya
mototreller yang dipandu secara berbahaya telah
menyebabkan Tertuduh jatuh ke bahu jalan lalu terbabas
masuk ke laluan simati adalah merupakan satu pembelaan
yang direka-reka dan bercanggah dengan keterangan-
keterangan khususnya keterangan SP6 dan keterangan
dokumentari senyap lain yang telah dikemukakan di hadapan
Mahkamah ini.”
[10] Berdasarkan kepada alasan penghakiman Majistret adalah
didapati bahawa Majistret telah menolak pembelaan Perayu
berdasarkan kepada keterangan SP6 dan penelitian Majistret terhadap
eksibit-eksibit terutamanya gambar tempat kejadian yang pada hemat
Majistret tidak menyokong keterangan pembelaan Perayu. Ini telah
mendorong Majistret memutuskan bahawa tiada sebarang motor treler
di tempat kejadian semasa kemalangan itu berlaku sehingga
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menyebabkan Perayu tidak dapat mengawal kenderaannya yang
membawa kepada kemalangan maut ini.
[11] Adalah menjadi prinsip undang-undang yang jelas bahawa
dapatan hakim bicara tidak sewajarnya diganggu oleh mahkamah yang
mendengar rayuan. Prinsip ini telah jelas dinyatakan dalam kes
Cantona Lim Yee Chuan Xiang Kim v PP [2020] 1 CLJ 63 seperti
“[19] As a matter of principle, an appellate court will not
intervene with a decision of a trial court with whom the law
entrusts the primary task of evaluating the evidence. The
appellate court would only intervene if it is convinced that
there was no judicial appreciation by the trier of fact of the
evidence adduced at the trial and that the trial court was
shown to be plainly wrong in arriving at its decision. (see UEM
Group Bhd v. Genisys Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd & Anor
[2010] 9 CLJ 785; [2018] Supp MLJ 363; Hamit Matusin & Ors
v. Penguasa Tanah dan Survei & Anor & Another Appeal
[2006] 2 CLJ 251; [2006] 3 MLJ 289; PP v. Ahmad Firdaus
Zulkifli [2017] 1 LNS 113; [2017] 3 MLJ 492).
[20] In Davendar Singh Sher Singh v. PP [2012] 1 LNS 261,
Azahar Mohammed JCA (as he then was) had this to say on
appellate intervention (at p 6):
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[9] ... Nonetheless, it would be open to us to upset the
findings made by a trial judge if such a finding is not
supported by evidence or the decision is against the
weight of the evidence or there is no proper judicial
evaluation of the evidence or there is misdirection in law
or the trial court has fundamentally misdirected itself. In
this regard, judicial appreciation and evaluation of
evidence is at the heart of the duty of the learned trial
judge. It is the duty of the learned trial judge to undertake
a positive evaluation of the evidence, which includes a
careful analysis of the credibility and reliability of the
witnesses for the prosecution (see: Balachandran v. PP
[2005] 1 CLJ 85). It is also his duty to consider the entire
evidence presented before him, including the evidence
which favours the defence. On what constitutes judicial
appreciation of evidence, it is apt to bear in mind the
following words of Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was)
in Lee Ing Chin & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2
CLJ 19; [2003] 2 MLJ 97:
A judge who is required to adjudicate upon a dispute
must arrive at his decision on an issue of fact by
assessing, weighing and, for good reasons, either
accepting or rejecting the whole or any part of the
evidence placed before him. He must, when deciding
whether to accept or to reject the evidence of a
witness, test it against relevant criteria. Thus, he
must take into account the presence or absence of
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any motive that a witness may have in giving his
evidence. If there are contemporary documents, then
he must test the oral evidence of a witness against
these. He must also test the evidence of a particular
witness against the probabilities of the case. A trier
of fact who makes findings based purely upon the
demeanour of a witness without undertaking a critical
analysis of that witness' evidence runs the risk of
having his findings corrected on appeal. It does not
matter whether the issue for decision is one that
arises in a civil or criminal case: the approach to
judicial appreciation of evidence is the same.”
[12] Rasional prinsip di atas ialah hakim bicara mempunyai peluang
untuk melihat saksi-saksi semasa memberi keterangan. Hakim bicara
dapat membuat penilaian terhadap tingkah laku saksi-saksi semasa
memberi keterangan yang boleh memberikan gambaran terhadap
kebolehterimaan keterangan-keterangan tersebut. Keistimewaan
tersebut tidak dimiliki oleh hakim yang mendengar rayuan. Hakim yang
mendengar rayuan hanya berdasarkan kepada catatan di dalam nota
keterangan yang dilakukan oleh hakim bicara. Namun begitu sekiranya
hakim bicara gagal menggunakan keistimewaan mendengar
keterangan dan melihat saksi-saksi serta membuat dapatan yang
bercanggah dengan prinsip undang-undang maka mahkamah bicara
berkewajipan untuk campur tangan dalam dapatan hakim bicara.
S/N dUooYEP0qmDhc/rhrAeA
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[13] Dalam kes ini Mahkamah juga perlu memberi perhatian
berkenaan bagaimanakah Mahkamah bicara perlu meneliti pembelaan
yang dikemukakan oleh Tertuduh. Ini dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah
Rayuan dalam kes Ganapathy a/l Rengasamy v PP [1998] 2 MLJ 577
seperti berikut:
“It needs to be remembered that however weak a defence
may be, trial judges being judges of both fact and law should
not just brush aside the defence on the basis that the
prosecution witnesses are to be believed and not the defence.
Where the law casts the onus of giving an explanation upon
an accused person, and the explanation is given, which is
consistent with innocence, the court is duty bound to consider
whether it might reasonably be true, although not convinced
of its truth. On the issue of the court's duty to consider the
defence, the age old decision in Mat v PP [1963] MLJ 263 is
still good law today as it was then. This was followed by the
Supreme Court in Mohamad Radhi bin Yaakob v PP [1991] 3
MLJ 169.”
[14] Sementara itu dalam kes Mohamad Radhi bin Yaakob v PP
[1991] 3 MLJ 169 Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan
berkenaan hal yang sama seperti berikut:
“To earn an acquittal, the court may not be convinced of the
truth of the defence story or version. Raising a reasonable
doubt in the guilt of the accused will suffice. It is not, however,
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wrong for the court to be convinced that the defence version
is true, in which case the court must order an acquittal. In
appropriate cases it is also not wrong for the court to conclude
that the defence story is false or not convincing, but in that
instance, the court must not convict until it asks a further
question, that even if the court does not accept or believe the
defence explanation, does it nevertheless raise a reasonable
doubt as to his guilt? It is for this reason that in dealing with
the defence story or explanation, the majority of judges rightly
prefer to adopt straightaway the legally established
'reasonable doubt' test, rather than to delve in the 'believable
and convincing' test before applying the 'reasonable doubt'
[15] Dalam kes ini Perayu telah menyatakan berkenaan dengan
kehadiran motor treler tersebut seawal laporan polis yang dibuat oleh
Perayu dalam Trafik Maran/001876/18 yang ditandakan sebagai eksibit
D1 di halaman 139 Rekod Rayuan Jilid 1. Dalam laporan tersebut
dinyatakan seperti berikut:
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[16] Seterusnya semasa mengemukakan pembelaan Perayu telah
memperihalkan berkenaan dengan kewujudan motor treler tersebut
dengan menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Di kawasan simpang Jengka 13 juga, keadaan jalan itu tidak
rata dan agak sempit. Apabila sampai di kawasan simpang
Jengka 13, ada sebuah mototreller muatan kelapa sawit yang
memandu laju dan merbahaya, saya telah mengelak pada
mototreler tersebut lalu jatuh ke bahu jalan tanah merah
berbatu yang lebih rendah dari jalan raya. Mototreler dari BPJ
ke Temerloh, saya dari Temerloh ke BPJ, arah bertentangan.
Apabila saya naik semula ke atas jalan raya, saya tidak
nampak ada sebuah motosikal yang berada di belakang
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mototreler tersebut. Kemudian, saya terlanggar motosikal
tersebut yg berada di tengah jalan. Apabila saya terlanggar
motosikal tersebut, barulah saya sedar ada sebuah motosikal
di tengah jalan tersebut. Ketika itu, saya memandu kurang
daripada 70km/J.
Sekiranya saya tidak mengelak mototreler tersebut,
kemungkinan saya akan berlanggar dengan mototreler
tersebut. Keputusan saya membawa motolori saya turun ke
bahu jalan adalah utk mengelakkan kemalangan dgn
mototreler tersebut. Saya tidak nampak ada sebuah motosikal
yg berada di belakang mototreler tersebut bila mana saya
naik semula ke atas jalan. Ketika itu kelajuan saya tidak laju
sebab dah jatuh ke bahu jalan ketika saya kilas untuk naik
semula ke jalanraya. Tepi bahu jalan raya tersebut tiada
orang, cuma ada lubang besar di hadapan. Kemudian, saya
terlanggar motosikal tersebut yg berada di tengah jalan.”
[17] Malahan semasa pemeriksaan balas ke atas Perayu yang
menimbulkan isu berkenaan kewujudan motor treler tersebut Perayu
masih menyatakan bahawa kewujudan motor treler tersebut bukan satu
rekaan tapi adalah suatu yang benar. Di samping itu beliau menolak
dakwaan bahawa ketika memandu kenderaan tersebut dia telah
mengantuk. Cebisan keterangan Perayu ini dapat dilihat semasa
pemeriksaan balas seperti berikut:
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“Q - Saya cadangkan sekiranya melihat kepada tempat
kemalangan, awak boleh nampak mototreler kalau betul
datang dari arah bertentangan?
A - Setuju
Q - Setuju kalau betul mototreler itu ada, awak sepatutnya
kawal motolori awak dengan baik sebelum mototreler
A - Setuju
Q - Setuju sekiranya awak kawal motolori awak dengan baik,
keadaan jalan itu adalah selamat untuk laluan motolori dan
mototreler tesebut?
A - Tidak setuju
Q - Setuju kemalangan awal pagi jam 8.45 am, awak
mengantuk semasa itu?
A - Tidak setuju
Q - Setuju yang awak mengantuk, gagal kawal lori, masuk
laluan motosikal dan langgar motosikal?
A - Tidak setuju”
[18] Malahan beliau tidak setuju dengan cadangan Timbalan
Pendakwa Raya motor treler itu tidak wujud.
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[19] Berdasarkan kepada laporan polis yang dibuat pada hari kejadian,
keterangan Perayu semasa pembelaan adakah Majistret boleh
mengenepikan pembelaan tersebut semata-mata disebabkan oleh
keterangan SP6 dan ketiadaan tanda-tanda kesan motor treler di dalam
gambar-gambar yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah dan pada kelajuan 70
km/J Perayu sepatutnya dapat mengawal kenderaan tersebut.
Mahkamah mendapati tiada keterangan yang bebas menunjukkan
bahawa dengan kelajuan 70 km/J Perayu boleh mengawal kenderaan
tersebut. Ia hanyalah suatu pandangan Majistret dalam kes ini yang
tidak disokong dengan mana-mana keterangan.
[20] Adalah menjadi prinsip undang-undang yang mantap bahawa
Tertuduh tidak dikehendaki untuk membuktikan ketidakbersalahannya
terhadap pertuduhan yang dikemukakan. Apa yang perlu dilakukan
oleh pihak pembelaan ialah menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah.
Ini dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Rosli bin Yusof
v Public Prosecutor [2021] 4 MLJ 479 seperti berikut:
“[45] It is trite law that it is not the duty of the appellant to
prove his innocence or to call a particular witness to support
his defence (see Tan Foo Su v Public Prosecutor [1967] 2
MLJ 19; Sandra Margaret Birch v Public Prosecutor [1978] 1
MLJ 72). The law places upon the prosecution the burden to
prove guilt of the appellant beyond reasonable doubt and not
on the appellant to prove his innocence. Well-entrenched in
jurisprudence is the rule that the conviction of the appellant
must rest not on the weakness of the defence but on the
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strength of the prosecution. This principle is the corner stone
of our criminal law.”
[21] Sementara itu tatacara yang perlu digunakan oleh mahkamah
dalam mempertimbangkan kes pembelaan dan pendakwaan dalam
suatu perbicaraan jenayah telah dinyatakan dalam kes Mat v PP [1963]
29 MLJ 263; [1963] 1 MLJ 263. Begitu juga dalam kes PP v
Murugaiah [1941] 10 MLJ 17; [1940] 1 LNS 59 seperti berikut:
“Even if the goods are satisfactorily identified as having been
stolen seven weeks beforehand then the explanation offered
by the accused was not treated fairly by the Magistrate. It is
not necessary for him to convince the Magistrate of the truth
of his explanation; it is sufficient if the explanation may
reasonably be true even if the Magistrate is not convinced of
its truth-Rex v. Schama, 11 Cr App R 45. Moreover there was
no evidence to rebut this explanation. The Magistrate's mind
may have been affected by the evidence of Long Che bin
Naim (Probationary Inspector). His evidence being a
statement made in the course of the investigation was
inadmissible as part of the evidence of the prosecution - (s
113(i) Criminal Procedure Code).”
[22] Persoalannya dalam kes ini adakah Majistret telah
mempertimbangkan pembelaan Perayu dengan sewajarnya. Ini adalah
disebabkan bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987 pihak
pendakwaan adalah bertanggungjawab untuk membuktikan bahawa
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kemalangan tersebut diakibatkan oleh tindakan salah Perayu. Dalam
erti kata lain satu kemalangan maut yang menyebabkan kehilangan
nyawa tidak secara automatik menyebabkan sabitan di bawah seksyen
41 (1) APJ 1987 boleh diletakkan. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes R v
Guilfoyle [1973] 2 All ER 844 seperti berikut:
“Cases of this kind fall into two broad categories; first, those
in which the accident has arisen through momentary
inattention or misjudgment, and secondly those in which the
accused has driven in a manner which has shown a selfish
disregard for the safety of other road users or of his
passengers, or with a degree of recklessness. A subdivision
of this category is provided by the cases in which an accident
has been caused or contributed to by the accused's
consumption of alcohol or drugs.
Offenders, too, can be put into categories. A substantial
number have good driving records, a fair number have driving
records which reveal a propensity to disregard speed
restrictions, road signs or to drive carelessly, and a few have
records which show that they have no regard whatsoever for
either the traffic law or the lives and safety of other road
[23] Begitu juga dalam kes R v Gosney [1971] 3 All ER 220 yang
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“We would state briefly what in our judgment the law was and
is on this question of fault in the offence of driving in a
dangerous manner. It is not an absolute offence. In order to
justify a conviction there must be, not only a situation which,
viewed objectively, was dangerous, but there must also have
been some fault on the part of the driver, causing that
situation. 'Fault' certainly does not necessarily involve
deliberate misconduct or recklessness or intention to drive in
a manner inconsistent with proper standards of driving. Nor
does fault necessarily involve moral blame. Thus there is fault
if an inexperienced or a naturally poor driver, while straining
every nerve to do the right thing, falls below the standard of a
competent and careful driver. Fault involves a failure; a falling
below the care or skill of a competent and experienced driver,
in relation to the manner of the driving and to the relevant
circumstances of the case. A fault in that sense, even though
it might be slight, even though it be a momentary lapse, even
though normally no danger would have arisen from it, is
sufficient. The fault need not be the sole cause of the
dangerous situation. It is enough if it is, looked at
sensibly, a cause. Such a fault will often be sufficiently proved
as an inference from the very facts of the situation. But if the
driver seeks to avoid that inference by proving some special
fact, relevant to the question of fault in this sense, he may not
be precluded from seeking so to do.”
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[24] Kes Regina (supra) telah diterima dalam kes Ramiah v Public
Prosecutor [1972] 1972 2 MLJ 258:
“It is not the law under section 34A of the Road Traffic
Ordinance that merely because an accident had happened
and a person had been killed, danger had in that sense arisen
and therefore it must follow, as the night, the day, that the
appellant was driving in a manner dangerous to the public. In
a case under section 34A, two things must be established.
First, there must be a situation created by the accused which,
viewed objectively, is dangerous. Dangerous driving is not
defined in the Road Traffic Ordinance and it is up to the court
to come to a decision on the evidence. Reported cases can
only serve as illustrations. For instance as illustrated in Public
Prosecutor v Cheong Kam [1946] MLJ 12, to overtake a cyclist
who is far from steady at the moment when a heavy lorry is
approaching from the opposite direction is to take an
unjustifiable risk and constitutes dangerous driving. In Public
Prosecutor v Low Yong Ping [1961] MLJ 306, driving into the
path of an oncoming traffic is dangerous driving. Recently
in Lau Lim Peng v Public Prosecutor [1968] 2 MLJ 14, where
a lorry approaching a dangerous bend at a speed far in excess
of the speed limit and in order to avoid the vehicle from
overturning knocked into the front of another vehicle it was
held it was dangerous driving. In the present case turning right
into the side road without stopping to give way to through
traffic is dangerous driving.
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Secondly, the prosecution must prove that when creating
such a situation the appellant must be at fault. "Fault involves
a failure; a falling below the care and skill of a competent and
experienced driver, in relation to the manner of driving and to
the relevant circumstances." A competent and careful driver
would have stopped at this junction before turning into the side
road. This is because section 18 of the Highway Code says
that when turning left or right, drivers must always give way to
through traffic, including pedestrians. Now, section 59(4) of
the Road Traffic Ordinance provides that any court may take
into consideration any failure to observe the provisions of the
Highway Code. To sum it all, the accused was at fault in
creating that dangerous situation. I think the principle of what
I have said here is set out fully in R v Gosney [1971] 3 All ER
[25] Penilaian keterangan yang perlu dilakukan oleh Majistret semasa
pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987 telah dinyatakan dalam
kes Sam Ke Ting lwn. PP [2023] 5 CLJ 704 apabila Mahkamah
Rayuan memberikan suluh panduan seperti berikut:
“[49] Secara khususnya, Majistret dengan betulnya
(i) apabila ada dua inferens mengenai kelajuan kereta
perayu, inferens yang memihak kepada perayu iaitu
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perayu memandu di bawah had laju 50km sejam yang
harus dipilih.
(ii) situasi berbahaya bukan diwujudkan oleh perayu
berasaskan keterangan pegawai penyiasat (SP46)
bahawa perayu memandu di laluan beliau yang sah;
perayu tidak memasuki jalan bertentangan, tidak
memotong kenderaan, tidak memandu melawan arus
trafik dan tidak terbabas. Cara pemanduan perayu
tidak wujudkan keadaan berbahaya kepada pengguna
jalan raya yang boleh menyebabkan risiko kematian
kepada orang lain yang menggunakan jalan tersebut.
(iii) laluan perayu mendaki bukit, berselekoh dan gelap.
Perayu tidak boleh nampak kumpulan basikal lajak di
sebalik bukit. Perayu tidak mungkin dapat
menjangkakan kehadiran kumpulan basikal lajak yang
berada di sebalik bukit pada jam tiga pagi.
(iv) kumpulan basikal lajak (30 hingga 40 basikal)
merentangi dan menghalang laluan perayu.
(v) pegawai penyiasat kes (SP46) mengakui bahawa
situasi berbahaya dicipta oleh kumpulan basikal lajak
yang berkumpul di atas jalan tar. Penunggang basikal
mesti dianggap tahu dan mengambil risiko
mengundang padah sendiri kerana jalan raya itu
bukan tempat untuk berkumpul ramai-ramai untuk
lumba basikal.
(vi) kewujudan kumpulan basikal yang menutupi hampir
keseluruhan laluan perayu menjadikan kemalangan ini
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mustahil dapat dielakkan kecuali kereta terbang
melepasi halangan.”
[26] Oleh yang demikian Mahkamah ini berpendapat Majistret yang
mendengar kes ini telah tidak mempertimbangkan pembelaan Perayu
dengan sewajarnya. Ini adalah disebabkan Perayu telah
membangkitkan berkenaan kewujudan motor treler tersebut daripada
awal dan semasa pembelaan. Dapatan Majistret yang menyatakan
bahawa keterangan pembelaan tersebut tertolak disebabkan
kebergantungan kepada keterangan SP6 dan gambar-gambar tersebut
tidak mencukupi untuk menolak pembelaan Perayu dalam kes ini. Ini
adalah disebabkan sekiranya Mahkamah mempertimbangkan
pembelaan berkenaan kewujudan motor treler tersebut ia akan
menyebabkan kemalangan tersebut tidak disebabkan oleh
kesengajaan dan semata-mata kesilapan Perayu. Ini telah
menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah kepada kes pendakwaan bagi
kesalahan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987.
[27] Dalam kes ini Mahkamah berpendapat kegagalan Majistret
meneliti pembelaan Perayu dengan sewajarnya telah menyebabkan
kekhilafan yang tidak boleh dipertahankan bagi mengekalkan sabitan di
bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987 berpandukan kepada kes Mohamad
Radhi bin Yaakob (supra), Ganapathy a/l Rengasamy (supra) dan
Mat v PP (supra) dan PP v Murugaiah (supra).
[28] Semasa meneliti pembelaan seseorang Tertuduh dalam satu kes
jenayah perkara penting yang perlu diberikan perhatian adakah
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pembelaan tersebut adalah suatu yang telah menimbulkan keraguan
yang munasabah. Ia bukannya sama ada keterangan atau versi yang
diberikan oleh Tertuduh itu boleh dipercayai atau tidak. Dalam kes ini
sekiranya keterangan berkenaan dengan motor treler tersebut hanya
ditimbulkan oleh Perayu semasa pembelaan maka ia wajar ditolak.
Namun begitu dalam kes ini kewujudan motor treler tersebut telah
ditimbulkan dalam laporan polis dan pembelaannya. Isu sama ada ia
boleh dipercayai oleh Majistret ataupun tidak bukanlah faktor penentu
bagi menentukan bahawa Perayu telah gagal menimbulkan keraguan
yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. Dalam konteks ini
mahkamah perlu mengambil perhatian bahawa tugas membuktikan kes
ini melampaui keraguan munasabah adalah terletak kepada pihak
pendakwaan dan bukannya tanggungjawab Perayu untuk membuktikan
ketidakbersalahannya seperti yang dinyatakan dalam kes Rosli bin
Yusof (supra).
[29] Frasa keraguan yang munasabah telah dinyatakan oleh Hakim
Denning dalam kes Miller v Minister of Pensions [1947] 1 All ER 372
seperti berikut:
“Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean proof beyond
the shadow of a doubt. The law would fail to protect the
community if it admitted fanciful possibilities to deflect the
course of justice. If the evidence is so strong against a man
as to leave only a remote possibility in his favour which can
be dismissed with the sentence “of course it is possible, but
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not in the least probable,” the case is proved beyond
reasonable doubt, but nothing short of that will suffice.”
[30] Dalam kes ini mahkamah ini berpendapat adalah tidak wajar
untuk Majistret mengenepikan pembelaan tersebut dengan hanya
bersandarkan kepada keterangan SP6 dan gambar-gambar serta
pandangan peribadi Majistret berkenaan dengan keupayaan dalam
kelajuan 70 km/J untuk Perayu mengelak daripada kemalangan
tersebut. Ini bermakna sekiranya Majistret mempertimbangkan
pembelaan Perayu dengan sewajarnya Majistret akan membuat
dapatan yang berbeza dalam kes ini. Oleh itu kegagalan Majistret
membuat penilaian pembelaan dengan sewajarnya menyebabkan
adalah tidak selamat untuk sabitan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987
[31] Dalam konteks ini sebagai pelengkap adalah menarik untuk
menelusuri sejarah kewujudan prinsip keraguan yang munasabah yang
dinukilkan menerusi makalah yang bertajuk The Origin of Reasonable
Doubt [2005] Faculty Scholarship Series. Paper 1. oleh Profesor James
Q. Whitman seperti berikut:
“Nevertheless, the old Christian culture that produced the
“reasonable doubt” rule underwent a slow process of decline after
1800. Indeed, it was not just the old Christian culture that went
into decline: More broadly, the old world of pre-modern anxieties,
of which Latin Christendom was just one part, began to vanish.
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By the early or mid-twentieth century, few people still had the old
vivid sense of the “heavy and painful” responsibilities of judging.
Unavoidably, this altered the moral structure of jury trial. Indeed,
over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the
common-law world gradually underwent the same change that
had probably already taken place in the culture of the judges of
the sixteenth-century Continent. As we have seen, sixteenth-
century continental jurists were already in a kind of modern
condition: They betrayed little sense of any moral or spiritual
anxiety in judging. By the sixteenth century, continental judges
had probably already come fully to inhabit their professional roles.
In consequence, the medieval theology of doubt, a theology of
anxiety, gave way to something else on the Continent: It gave
way to a continental law of proof that was just a law of proof, not
a law of moral comfort. Continental judges, fully professionalized
and feeling a diminished need for moral comfort, could treat trial
simply as a process of attaining certainty.
Yet “reasonable doubt” was never designed to be a proof rule,
and it cannot possibly work as one. Therein lies the heart of our
current dilemma. When the “reasonable doubt” formula was
addressed to the moral anxieties of Christian jurors, as it was in
its original form in the 1780s, it made sense: It was capable of
achieving a practical goal. After all, Christians experiencing moral
anxiety can be comforted. If they know the terminology and
traditions of the moral theology of doubt, and if they are guided by
judges who seem concerned and trustworthy, they can overcome
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their doubts, and vote to convict. By contrast, achieving complete
certainty in criminal cases is not a practical goal. There is no such
thing as a procedure that will always produce objectively correct
answers in a criminal trial; and there is no possible formula, in any
jury instruction, that will meaningfully guarantee that the ends of
proof have been reliably attained. The formula “reasonable
doubt,” in particular, is of no use in the pursuit of objective truth.
It is a rule addressed to the subjective state of mind of the anxious
Seterusnya Profesor Whitman menyatakan seperti berikut:
“How then should we approach “reasonable doubt”? First, there
is no point in trying to be faithful to the original intent of the phrase.
This is in part because there is no original drafter of the
“reasonable doubt” rule: Not only does the phrase not appear in
the Constitution, it was never crafted by anybody in particular. It
emerged in a process of collective European rehashing of the
precepts of Christian moral theology. It was created not only by
English jurists, but also by English moralists—and by Italian and
Spanish and French moralist and lawyers as well. There is thus
no original intent to interpret. All that we can do is try to
understand the rule in its original context, which is something
different. Second, there are better and worse ways to understand
the rule in its original context. The worse way is to try to
reformulate it in ways that somehow are intended to be faithful to
its original purpose. There is more than one way tomake this
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mistake. It would be a mistake, for example, to begin by
observing that the original purpose of the rule was to make
conviction easier, not harder; and then to draw the nasty
conclusion that a modern jury instruction should tell the jury to get
over its qualms and convict. This would make little sense in our
world, simply because the problems of our world are not the
problems of the eighteenth century. Jurors today bring relatively
few Christian qualms to the process of judgment, and we have no
need for a rule intended to coax them into convicting.
It would make equally little sense to observe that the rule originally
had to do with blood punishments, and therefore to restrict it to
capital cases. While the rule undoubtedly has a place in capital
cases—perhaps the last cases where jurors still fully feel some of
the old anxieties—it has a place elsewhere as well, if it has any
place at all. The world of punishment has changed since the early
modern period. Unlike our ancestors, we no longer think of non-
blood punishments as mild punishments. Indeed, in the current
American atmosphere, it would be a wholly tragic error to refuse
to recognize the harshness of our nonblood punishments, and the
correspondingly high moral stakes in inflicting them.
The right lesson to draw from the history of “reasonable doubt” is
not a lesson about how to make sense of “reasonable doubt,”
either in its original intent or in its original context. Those are
senseless goals. The right lesson is a lesson about the
consequences of the great moral changes of the last two
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centuries. The real root of our dilemmas has to do with the fact
that we have forgotten how morally fearsome the act of judging
is. We have allowed ourselves to become people who condemn
offenders precisely in the way Saint Augustine said offenders
must never be condemned: with “passion,” and most especially
with the passion of self-righteousness. We have lost any sense
that we should doubt our own moral authority when judging other
human beings, forgetting what Christian jurists knew in the
fifteenth century: [I]f the judge glories in the death of a man, as
no small number do in our age, he is a murderer.” I say this not
in order to preach, as the crazies of the 60s did, that we should
honor criminals as “revolutionaries,” or anything of the kind. The
old moral theologians were right: We must condemn criminals. It
is a part of our sober public duty. But we must condemn them in
a spirit of humility, of duteousness, of fear and trembling about
our own moral standing. That is what our ancestors understood;
and they were right. It is because they understood this that they
spoke about “reasonable doubt.” We can never return to the
moral world of our ancestors: The theology that taught them the
lesson of “reasonable doubt” is lost to us for good. But the lesson
is one that we must find some way to re-learn. Most especially
it, we must learn it when it comes to jury trial. Indeed, if there is
any advantage to jury trial, it is that jurors have not fully come to
inhabit the hardened, professionalized attitude of the sixteenth-
century continental judge. Lay jurors can still find something
shocking and fearful in what they do, at least in capital cases.
Even in capital cases, though, jurors must be reminded of what is
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at stake: As Eisenberg, Garvey and Wells write, “it would be
better to openly and routinely instruct jurors that the decision they
are about to make is, depite its legal trappings, a moral one and
that, in the absence of legal error, their judgment will be final.” It
would indeed, and not just where death is involved. Instructing
jurors forcefully that their decision is “a moral one” about the fate
of a fellow human being, is, in the last analysis, the only
meaningful way to be faithful to the original spirit of “reasonable
[32] Penelitian yang sama boleh dibuat kepada artikel bertajuk The
Metamorphoses of Reasonable Doubt: How Changes in the Burden of
Proof Have Weakened the Presumption of Innocence, Steve Sheppard,
78 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1165 (2003) bagi menghadam dan memahami
sulur galur sejarah prinsip keraguan yang munasabah.
[33] Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa ia menunjukkan bahawa
pembelaan telah dapat menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah
terhadap kes pendakwaan. Ini bermakna kewujudan motor treler
tersebut adalah sesuatu keterangan yang munasabah yang sepatutnya
dipertimbangkan oleh Majistret. Sekiranya pertimbangan yang wajar
berdasarkan prinsip dalam kes Mohamad Radhi bin Yaakob (supra),
Ganapathy a/l Rengasamy (supra) dan Mat v PP (supra) dan PP v
Murugaiah (supra), ia adalah satu pembelaan yang menimbulkan
keraguan yang munasabah kepada pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 41
(1) APJ 1987. Ini adalah disebabkan dengan wujudnya motor treler
tersebut ia telah menyebabkan kemalangan tersebut bukannya
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disebabkan oleh kesilapan Perayu semata-mata berdasarkan kepada
keadaan semasa kemalangan tersebut yang menyebabkan ia tidak
boleh dikategorikan sebagai kesalahan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ
1987 seperti yang dinyatakan dalam kes Sam Ke Ting (supra). Oleh
itu mahkamah berpendapat disebabkan Majistret tidak
mempertimbangkan pembelaan Perayu dengan sewajarnya maka
sabitan di bawah seksyen 41 (1) APJ 1987 dalam kes ini adalah tidak
selamat untuk dikekalkan.
[34] Namun begitu keterangan dalam kes ini menunjukkan bahawa
kemalangan yang melibatkan kematian mangsa adalah disebabkan
oleh Perayu. Keterangan yang ada pada hemat Mahkamah mencukupi
untuk sabitan bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 43 (1) APJ 1987. Oleh
itu Mahkamah ini mensabitkan Perayu di bawah seksyen 43 (1) APJ
1987. Mahkamah akan mendengar rayuan mitigasi dan pemberatan
sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman yang sewajarnya kepada Perayu.
Bertarikh: 06hb. November 2023
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Bagi Pihak Perayu
Ahmad Nizam Hamid
Tetuan Sazali & Lim
Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur
Bagi Pihak Responden
Ain Nur’Amiyerra Awod Abdullah
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur
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| 48,207 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-61R-7-02/2019 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MOHD SHARIFF BIN AHMAD | Three charges pursuant to the MACC Act 2009 - decision at the close of the defence's case - corruptly soliciting a bribe - corruptly agreeing to receive a bribe - corruptly obtaining a bribe - accused was convicted on the first two - acquitted on the third - an appeal by the accused - no appeal by the PP - accepting parts of the complainant's evidence - rejecting what was not plausible - determining the implicit apart from the explicit - the intrinsic evidence against the accused. | 06/11/2023 | Datuk Ahmad Kamal Arifin bin Ismail | |
CRIMINAL CASE NO: JA-61R-7-02/2019
(CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: JA-42R(A)-2-08/2023)
[In The Matter of the Sessions Court At Johor Bahru
Criminal Case No: JA-61R-7-02/2019]
Public Prosecutor v. ... Mohd Shariff bin Ahmad
07/11/2023 12:19:23
JA-61R-7-02/2019 Kand. 186
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[1] Mohd Shariff bin Ahmad, the accused, was charged at the Sessions
Court with three charges pursuant to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
Commission Act 2009 [Act 694] (the Act). They are reproduced in their
original forms below:
Pertuduhan Pertama
“Bahawa kamu pada 3 Disember 2017 jam lebih kurang 6.30 petang semasa
berada di 1002-C, Felda Taib Andak, dalam daerah Kulai, dalam Negeri Johor,
telah secara rasuah meminta suatu suapan, iaitu wang tunai RM10,000.00
daripada Muhammad Audi bin Musa, sebagai dorongan untuk kamu sebagai
pegawai badan awam iaitu Koperal Polis di Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Ibu
Pejabat Polis Daerah Kulai, bagi tujuan untuk membantu tutup kes ganja
Muhammad Audi bin Musa yang sedang disiasat oleh Bahagian Narkotik Ibu
Pejabat Daerah Polis Kulai, Johor dan dengan itu kamu melakukan satu kesalahan
di bawah Seksyen 16(a)(B) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009
dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 24 Akta yang sama”.
Pindaan Kepada Pertuduhan Kedua
“Bahawa kamu pada 04 Disember 2017 jam lebih kurang 9.25 malam, semasa
berada di hadapan Bengkel RMB Workshop No 476, Jalan Gemilang 6, Taman
Gemilang, di dalam Daerah Kulai, di dalam Negeri Johor telah secara rasuah
bersetuju untuk menerima suatu suapan iaitu wang tunai berjumlah RM3,000.00
daripada Muhammad Audi bin Musa (No. KP: 860118-01-5639) sebagai suatu
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dorongan untuk kamu sebagai pegawai badan awam iaitu Koperal Polis di
Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kulai, untuk tidak
melakukan suatu perkara yang dengannya badan awam itu terlibat iaitu untuk
membantu tutup kes ganja Muhammad Audi bin Musa (No. KP: 860118-01-5639)
yang sedang disiasat oleh Bahagian Narkotik Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kulai, dan
dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 16(a)(B)
Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 dan boleh dihukum di
bawah Seksyen 24(1) Akta yang sama”.
Pindaan Kepada Pertuduhan Ketiga
“Bahawa kamu pada 6 Disember 2017 jam lebih kurang 8.45 malam, semasa
berada di hadapan Bengkel RMB Workshop No 476, Jalan Gemilang 6, Taman
Gemilang, di dalam Daerah Kulai, di dalam Negeri Johor, sebagai seorang ejen
Kerajaan Malaysia iaitu Koperal Polis di Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat
Polis Daerah Kulai, telah secara rasuah memperoleh untuk diri kamu suatu suapan
iaitu wang tunai berjumlah RM3,000.00 daripada Muhammad Audi bin Musa (No.
KP: 860118-01-5639) sebagai dorongan bagi tidak melakukan suatu perbuatan
berhubungan dengan hal ehwal prinsipal kamu, iaitu, membantu untuk tutup kes
ganja Muhammad Audi bin Musa yang sedang disiasat oleh Bahagian Narkotik Ibu
Pejabat Polis Daerah Kulai, Johor, dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu
kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 17(a) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah
Malaysia 2009 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 24(1) Akta yang sama”.
[2] The accused, who was a policeman, claimed trial to all charges and
was represented by a Counsel. The prosecution was conducted by
Prosecuting Officers from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. At the
close of the case for the prosecution, this court found that the prosecution
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had made out prima facie cases against the accused on all three charges.
The accused was called upon to enter on his defence on all three.
[3] At the close of the case for the defence, this court found that the
prosecution had proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt only on the first
charge and the second charge against the accused.
[4] For the first charge, the accused was sentenced to 4 years
imprisonment from the date of the sentence and a fine of RM60,000.00 (in
default 12 month’s jail). On the second charge, the accused was sentenced
to 4 years imprisonment and a fine of RM20,000.00 (in default 6 month’s jail).
Both imprisonment sentences were ordered to run consecutively.
[5] In respect of the third charge, this court found that the prosecution
failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, the accused was
acquitted and discharged from the third charge with regard to the offence of
corruptly obtaining RM3,000.00.
[6] Being dissatisfied, the accused is now appealing to the High Court on
the convictions and sentences. There was no appeal by the prosecution
concerning my decision on the third charge.
Prosecution’s case
[7] To prove its case, the prosecution called 16 witnesses. I will only
narrate the salient facts on the first two charges since there was no appeal
on the third. They were as follows.
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[8] PW1, the complainant, was a religious teacher working with the Johor
Religious Department. On 3.12.2017, he was informed by his friend, PW2,
that the accused said PW1 was in peril. This was due to PW1’s involvement
with cannabis. The accused was a policeman working as a photographer
with the Criminal Investigation Division of Kulai District Police Headquarters.
[9] Later on the same day, PW1 went to the accused’s mother’s house at
Felda Taib Andak in Kulai to see him. PW1 met with the accused and the
accused asked for RM10,000.00. This was to close the complainant’s case
from being investigated by the police. The accused said that he would try to
help PW1 because he sympathised with PW1. PW1 replied that he did not
have that sort of money. The accused agreed to give PW1 time to get the
money. Later at night, PW1 met with PW10, a Malaysian Anti-Corruption
Commission (MACC) officer, and informed him about what happened with
the accused.
[10] On 4.12.2017, PW1 made a MACC report at the MACC’s department
in Johor Baru (exhibit P1). After the report was made, PW1 was brought into
a room by MACC officers to intercept his telephone conversation with the
accused. Subsequently, a conversation through handphones between PW1
and the accused was intercepted and recorded by the MACC.
[11] In the conversation, PW1 told the accused that he only had
RM1,000.00. The accused asked PW1 to meet him at the RMB Workshop in
Kulai. On the same night, PW1 went to the place with PW10. MACC gave
RM1,000.00 to PW1 to give to the accused.
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[12] At the location, PW1 met with the accused and informed him that he
only had RM1,000.00 with him. The accused refused to take the money and
told PW1 to keep it. He told PW1 to get RM10,000.00 as previously
instructed. PW1 replied that he did not have that kind of money. The accused
said PW1 should have at least RM5,000.00 to give to him. PW1 pleaded with
the accused for a lesser amount. The accused later agreed to receive
RM3,000.00 which was the subject matter for the second charge against him.
[13] Afterward, the accused was arrested on 6.12. 2017 at the RMB
Workshop in Kulai by the MACC officers in relation to the third charge against
Discussion and analysis
[14] For the first charge, the accused was charged with ‘corruptly solicits’
RM10,000.00 pursuant to section 16(a)(B) of the Act which provides:
16. Any person who by himself, or by or in conjunction with any other person –
(a) corruptly solicits or receives or agrees to receive for himself or for
any other person; or
(b) corruptly gives, promises or offers to any person whether for the benefit
of that person or of another person,
any gratification as an inducement to or a reward for, or otherwise on
account of–
(A) any person doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter
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or transaction, actual or proposed or likely to take place; or
(B) any officer of a public body doing or forbearing to do anything in
respect of any matter or transaction, actual or proposed or likely to take
place, in which the public body is concerned,
commits an offence.
[Emphasis added]
[15] In the second charge, the accused was charged with ‘corruptly agrees
to receive’ RM3,000.00 also under section 16(a)(B) of the Act:
16. Any person who by himself, or by or in conjunction with any other person–
(a) corruptly solicits or receives or agrees to receive for himself or for
any other person; or
(b) corruptly gives, promises or offers to any person whether for the benefit
of that person or of another person,
any gratification as an inducement to or a reward for, or otherwise on
account of–
(A) any person doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter
or transaction, actual or proposed or likely to take place; or
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(B) any officer of a public body doing or forbearing to do anything in
respect of any matter or transaction, actual or proposed or likely to
take place, in which the public body is concerned,
commits an offence.
[Emphasis added]
[16] It was clear to me that section 16(a)(B), as with other penal provisions
in the Act, provided for more than one distinct offence for the prevention of
corruption. In fact, there were numerous distinct offences in section 16(a)(B).
Therefore, the provision must be carefully studied and dissected to
determine every offence. It was for the prosecution to decide any of the
offences to be charged based on the investigation provided there was no
duplicity in the charges, the charges were not of unknown offences, and they
were not defective in law. In this case, the prosecution charged the accused
with two charges which were ‘corruptly solicits’ RM10,000.00 and ‘corruptly
agrees to receive’ RM3,000.00 respectively.
[17] In perusing the charges, I think that they could have been better
drafted. As stipulated in section 16(a), they should explicitly spell out whether
the two offences were committed by the accused himself and for himself.
The two charges preferred did not categorically state so in view of other
distinct offences in the said section with the phrases such as “by or in
conjunction with any other person” and “for any other person.” It is
worthwhile to note that section 16(a) of the Act is in pari materia with section
3(a) of the old Prevention of Corruption Act 1961. Section 3(a) drew a
distinction between a receipt by any person for himself or for any other
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person: PP v. You Kong Lai [1984] 2 CLJ (Rep) 429 at p. 433. The
prosecution did not apply to amend the charge. And I did not think that
section 158 of the Criminal Procedure Code (the Code) imposed any duty
upon the court in this instant case to alter or amend a charge. Rather, it was
for the prosecution as it thinks fit to apply to the court to exercise its power:
per Spenser-Wilkinson J in Public Prosecutor v. Heng You Nang [1949] 15
MLJ 285. In the premises, were the charges damaging and fatal to the
prosecution in the instant case? I did not think so.
[18] On the facts, there was sufficient evidence adduced by the prosecution
that the offences committed were by the accused himself and it was not by
or in conjunction with any other person. Further, the gratification was for the
accused himself and not for any other person. There was no evidence at all
that the gratification was by or in conjunction with any other person and that
it was for any other person other than the accused. In my considered opinion,
the words “ any other person” in the context of section 16(a) means the
person must be known. It cannot be the case that an unknown person would
suffice or anyone in general. This was because if a charge provided
gratification by or in conjunction with any other person and for any other
person, then they became parts of the ingredients of the offence to be proved
as stipulated in the provision. They are distinct and separate offences. That
“any other person” must be identified and named in the charges. As such,
the evidence must be adduced to prove each ingredient of the offence. I will
say more on the evidence in the subsequent discussion.
[19] Having said all that, the charges that were framed sufficiently gave the
accused notice and particulars together with the manner in which the
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offences were committed. The two charges framed did not refer to anyone
else apart from the accused. And this was not a situation where the accused
did not know with what he was charged or that he was unable to answer the
charges accordingly. In point of fact, the accused never alleged that he was
misled, prejudiced, or that the gratification asked was not by or for himself,
or that it was unfair to him not to know what he was alleged to have
committed in order to mount an effective defence. This ruling was only for
the instant case and does not necessarily apply across the board for other
cases before this court.
[20] In the circumstances, the prosecution was required to prove all 3
ingredients of the offence for the first charge which were:
(a) that the accused himself corruptly solicited RM10,000.00 for himself from
(b) that the gratification was an inducement for the accused to close an actual
investigation against PW1; and
(c) that the accused was an officer of a public body in which the public body
was concerned.
[21] For the second charge, the 3 ingredients of the offence to be proved
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(a) that the accused himself corruptly agreed to receive RM3,000.00 for
himself from PW1;
(b) that the gratification was an inducement for the accused to close an actual
investigation against PW1; and
(c) that the accused was an officer of a public body in which the public body
was concerned.
The first charge
[22] For the first ingredient of the offence, the word ‘corruptly’ was
discussed in Public Prosecutor v. Jamil bin Mahmod & Anor [1998] 1 LNS
312. It was stated that:
The key word in both ss.3 and 4 is “corruptly”. When used in a statute, this term
generally imports a wrongful design to acquire some pecuniary or other
advantage. ( Black’s Law Dictionary (6th Ed). The word “corruptly” ... sounds the
keynote to the conduct ... the giving of a gift or consideration, not bona fide but
mala fide, and designedly, wholly or partially, for the purpose of bringing about the
effect forbidden by the section : R v. Gross [1946] OR 1 at p. 9, per Roach JA. ...
it means an act by one man knowing that he is doing what is wrong, and
knowing so with evil feelings and evil intentions ( Lim Kheng Kooi & Anor v. R
[1957] MLJ 199 at p. 205, per Sheperd J), an act which the law forbids as
intending to corrupt ( Wellburn [1979] 69 Cr APP R 254).
[Emphasis added]
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[23] In PP v. Datuk Harun bin Haji Idris (No 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 15, Raja Azlan
Shah FCJ ( as His Royal Highness then was) had this to say:
But what is or is not “corrupt” is a question of intention. If the circumstances
show that what a person has done or has omitted to do was moved by an evil
intention or a guilty mind, then he is liable under the section.
[Emphasis added]
[24] It is instructive that in Public Prosecutor v. Jamil bin Mahmod & Anor
(supra), the meaning of the word “solicit” was also considered. The court said
The ordinary meaning of ‘solicit’ is to ask repeatedly or earnestly for or seek or
invite (The Concise Oxford Dictionary 9th Ed). Indeed, in PP v. You Kong Lai
[1985] 1 MLJ 298, Shankar J (as he then was) likened ‘solicit’ in s 3 to ‘invite’.
When used in the context of solicitation of a bribe, it means ‘asking, enticing
or requesting’. It is a word which implies a serious request, but ‘requires no
particular degree of opportunity, entreaty, imploration or supplication’
(Black’s Law Dictionary (6th Ed), citing People v. Phillips 70 Cal App 2d 449).
[Emphasis added]
[25] In addition, the court in PP v. You Kong Lai (supra) ruled that:
The presence of the word “solicit” in the section, to my mind, clearly shows that
if a person invites the payment of monies so that it may allegedly use the
same to bribe a member of a public body, he has already committed an
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offence. The fact that the corrupt purpose was not carried out does not
[Emphasis added]
[26] What was the evidence that the accused corruptly solicited for himself
RM10,000.00 from PW1? On 3.12.2017, PW1 met with the accused at the
house of the accused’s mother. According to him, the accused himself asked
him to prepare the amount of RM10,000.00 to close his case from being
further investigated by the police. To close and settle his case, the accused
said RM10,000.00 was required. There was no one else present when this
conversation took place between the two of them. PW1 said the accused
knew PW1 smoked cannabis before. It was clear to me that the accused
himself asked PW1 to give the money to him and he did not say that it was
for any other person. The accused only said that he would assist PW1 and
further suggested the money was also for the police who were investigating
PW1. At no time did the accused specify who the money was for.
[27] During the cross-examination, the defence applied to admit IDD16 as
evidence. IDD16 was a police report made by the accused on 20.3.2019
after the accused was charged in court. The police report was a public
document. I disallowed the application to accept IDD16 as D16. It did not
comply with the conditions to be satisfied pursuant to the Code and the
Evidence Act 1950 [Act 56] to be admitted as evidence. Purportedly, IDD16
was a certified copy of the original. It was signed on behalf of the Officer in
Charge of the Police District (OCPD) of Kulai Jaya, Johor. That signing on
behalf did not comply with the requirement under section 108A of the Code
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which provides that it must be signed by the OCPD himself. Further, IDD16
did not comply with section 76 of Act 56 which requires the certification to be
written at the foot of the copy. It was also not dated and it was not subscribed
by the officer with his name and official title. Thus, sections 77 and 79 of Act
56 would not assist the defence.
[28] There was a second application by the defence to admit the same
police report again through a certified copy. This was an attempt to comply
with the conditions precedent under the law. This time, it appeared that it
was signed by the OCPD of Kulai Jaya, Johor himself and it was written at
the foot of the copy. However, it was not dated. If the certificate was not
dated then it was not a certified copy and therefore it was not admissible: In
re Tan Ah Chuan & Anor [1954] MLJ 135; Lutpi bin Ibrahim & Anor v. Ketua
Polis Negara [1998] 3 MLJ 375. In the circumstance, I declined to admit the
copy as evidence and it was only marked for identification as IDD33. In my
view, the conditions that were imposed by Act 56 must be strictly complied
with despite the report might have been made by PW1. This could also be
understood from the clear implications of sections 77 and 79 of the said Act.
[29] Independent of IDD16 and IDD33 that attempted to absolve him, the
accused put in his defence during the cross-examination of PW1 that there
was a misunderstanding by PW1 as to what happened between the two. And
PW1 admitted that there was a misunderstanding on his part or in his Malay
language “salah faham”. That was the reason he made the police report after
lodging P1, his MACC report. This court had analysed what he actually
meant by the misunderstanding and this will be discussed further.
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[30] In his cross-examination, PW1 contradicted what he had testified in his
examination-in-chief and in P1. The testimony showed:
S : Dalam report in En. Audi ada menyatakan tujuan report ini dibuat
adalah untuk menyatakan hal sebenar dan tidak mahu mereka-reka
cerita atas salah faham dan sebagainya. Soalan saya maklumat
dalam report polis ini di mana En. Audi menyatakan bahawa En. Audi
tak nak menganiaya En. Shariff ini berkenaan dengan report SPRM
P1 dengan kejadian yang berlaku ini itulah maklumat yang
sebenarnya En. Audi?
J : Ya.
S : En. Audi untuk maklumat yang En. Audi nyatakan di dalam laporan
polis ini, ia berbeza dengan apa yang En. Audi nyatakan dalam
laporan polis SPRM P1. Soalan saya antara maklumat di dalam
IDD16 ini dengan aduan P1 ini yang manakah ia merujuk kepada
perkara sebenar yang berlaku berkaitan dengan kejadian ini En.
Audi antara IDD16 dengan P1 ini?
J : IDD16.
In addition,
S : En. Audi setuju dengan saya di dalam kes ini tidak pernah pada bila-
bila masa En. Shariff ini ada meminta wang suapan daripada En.
Audi dan apa yang berlaku ini adalah satu salah faham?
J : Betul.
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[31] However, the answers above that were in favour of the accused
differed from other answers that PW1 gave in his same cross-examination.
They were as follows:
S : En. Audi di dalam kejadian yang dilaporkan pada 3/12/2017,
bolehkah En. Audi bersetuju dengan saya bahawa En. Shariff ini
beliau tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa meminta wang suapan
sebanyak RM10,000.00 daripada En. Audi dan benda ini adalah satu
salah faham, setuju?
J : Tidak setuju.
S : En. Audi setuju dengan saya tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa En.
Shariff ini ada meminta wang daripada En. Audi untuk membantu
bagi menutup kes ganja En. Audi, betul?
J : Tidak betul.
S : Saya cadangkan tertuduh ini juga tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa
ada pernah meminta wang daripada En. Audi bagi apa-apa tujuan
berkaitan untuk menutup kes ganja, setuju?
J : Tidak setuju.
[32] Thus, what PW1 testified in his cross-examination not only contradicted
his evidence in his examination-in-chief but also contradicted his other
answers in the same cross-examination. On this point, I think that the duty
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of a trial court is not merely to accept any evidence as presented. The court
is also required to carefully consider and analyse the totality of the evidence.
I did not think that simply because there were contradictions in a witness’s
testimony then his whole evidence must be rejected. This approach is also
consistent with the principle of maximum evaluation where the evidence
must be scrutinised properly and not by way of cursory consideration. A trial
court must thoroughly analyse all the evidence.
[33] In Khoon Chye Hin v. Public Prosecutor [1961] 1 LNS 41, Thomson CJ
opined that:
If a witness demonstrably tells lies on one or two points then it is clear that he is
not a reliable witness and as a matter of prudence the rest of his evidence must
be scrutinised with great care and indeed with suspicion. To say, however, that
because a witness has been proved a liar on one or two points then the whole of
his evidence ‘must in law’ be rejected is to go too far and is wrong.
Further, in PP v. Datuk Harun bin Haji Idris (No 2) (supra):
The question is whether the existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to
destroy their credibility. There is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness must
either be believed in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good
and cogent reasons, to accept one part of the testimony of a witness and to reject
the other.
[34] Whereas in Mohamed Alias v. Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 MLJ 172, the
court said:
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The fact that there are discrepancies in a witness’ testimony does not straight-
away make him an unreliable witness and make the whole of his evidence
unacceptable. It is open to the court having observed the demeanour of the witness
and after careful consideration of such discrepancies to accept parts of the witness’
evidence if it considers them to be true
[35] The Court of Appeal in Andy bin Bagindah v. Public Prosecutor [2000]
3 MLJ 644 held:
There is no dearth of authorities to say that in every case, there are bound to be
contradictions and discrepancies. The question to be decided by the trial judge is
whether those contradictions and/or discrepancies are material ones so as to strike
at the very root of the charge. It is for the trial judge to consider this since he was
the one who saw and heard the evidence.
[36] Guided by the above-quoted principles, I was not prepared to reject
the whole evidence by PW1. In my considered opinion, his evidence that was
adverse to the prosecution must be carefully evaluated in light of what he
meant regarding the misunderstanding. Let us look closer at his testimony in
the re-examination where the prosecution asked for an explanation.
[37] His answers in re- examination were the following:
S : Tadi peguam bela ada tanya kamu, Shariff tidak pernah bila-bila
masa setuju untuk terima RM3,000.00 sebagai duit suapan dan
kamu setuju?
J : Betul.
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S : Jadi kenapa kamu jawab setuju, boleh kamu jelaskan?
J : Saya setuju sebab permintaan duit itu bukan untuk En. Shariff.
S : Tadi rakan peguam bela ada bertanya tujuan kamu buat report ini
adalah untuk menyatakan berkaitan dengan salah faham dan kamu
menjawab setuju. Jadi boleh tidak kamu jelaskan berkaitan dengan
jawapan kamu?
J : Boleh. Waktu saya buat report SPRM itu saya merasanya benda itu
betul. Tapi setelah saya timbal balik berdasarkan siasatan, saya
bertanyakan pendapat keluarga, kawan berkaitan kes saya,
saya membuat keputusan saya rasa salah faham.
In addition,
S : Tadi rakan bijaksana saya ada bertanya dalam kes ini tidak pernah
bila-bila masa Shariff minta suapan dan apa yang berlaku adalah
salah faham dan jawapan kamu betul. Boleh jelaskan kenapa kamu
jawab betul?
J : Sebab duit itu bukan untuk En. Shariff.
S : Apa yang kamu faham berkaitan dengan “Tak boleh sogok” itu?
J : Jadi duit yang dia minta itu bukan untuk En. Shariff tapi untuk
orang lain.
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Later PW1 said:
S : Kemudian rujuk pada baris 10 daripada atas, tadi rakan peguam bela
ada bertanya “A: Masalah. Masalahnya aku tak cite duit pun dengan
dia”. Dan kamu jawab betul. Boleh kamu jelaskan berkaitan maksud
“Masalahnya aku tak cite duit pun dengan dia”.?
J : Ini yang saya faham dengan duit yang dia dapat itu dia cuba
selesaikan masalah saya dengan pegawai lain, itu dia tak cerita
dulu. Saya menyangkakan memang dia nak bantu saya.
On the question of the money, this was what PW1 said:
S : Tadi rakan bijaksana saya ada bertanya pada transkripsi no.2 ini iaitu
ID7 ini tidak ada dibincangkan ataupun disebut berkaitan dengan
RM10,000.00. RM4,000.00 dan RN3,000.00 dan kamu menyatakan
betul. Dengan izin Datuk, saya merujuk PSSP1. Dalam PSSP1 ini
memang ada menyebut berkaitan dengan RM10,000.00,
RM4,000.00 dan RM3,000.00. Boleh kamu jelaskan?
J : Berkaitan duit semua saya bincang waktu jumpa, waktu 3hb di
[Emphasis added]
[38] Based on the notes of the evidence above, it was clear to me the
reason, why PW1 said he misunderstood, was because, upon his further
reflection, the money was not for the accused but for someone else. That
was the sole and only reason why he said he misunderstood, and that he did
not wish to victimise the accused. The penetrating question was this. When
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and how did PW1 come to this conclusion? He said that “ itu dia tidak cerita
dulu”. The prosecution did not see it fit to ask for further clarification.
Nevertheless, PW1 did not categorically testify and affirm that the accused
himself never asked for the money. This was also patently clear from the
explanation given by him where he said the discussion about the money was
done in the house when he first met the accused. No reasonable doubt could
be raised by simply and merely saying that he misunderstood something
without any intelligent and proper basis.
[39] In my analysis, it was not plausible nor believable for PW1 to assume
the money asked was not for the accused himself but for others. In other
words, it was not for PW1 to decide there was a misunderstanding and as a
result of it, to say something exculpatory for the accused. It was for this court
to determine. I have considered and analysed with great care every aspect
of the evidence by PW1. This court was tasked to make its ruling based on
the evidence presented. At the same time, this court had the advantage of
seeing and hearing this witness. The evidence must not only be evaluated
but also filtered accordingly. And this court did not misunderstand the
evidence by PW1 that the accused himself solicited RM10,000.00 for himself
from PW1. In any event, there was no evidence at all that the money was
solicited by the accused for any other person apart from the suggestion by
that the money was for an unknown person who was investigating PW1’s
[40] In the circumstances, I accepted PW1’s evidence that the accused
himself corruptly solicited the money for himself from PW1. I rejected PW1’s
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assumption that it was a misunderstanding between him and the accused.
His whole credibility was not tainted and destroyed. I found that his evidence
was sufficiently credible that the accused asked for a bribe from him. The
alleged misunderstanding could not exonerate the accused. There was
certainly no mistake by PW1 that the accused himself did ask money for
himself from PW1. There was no doubt in my mind the only reason the
accused wanted to meet PW1 was to solicit the money for himself and not
for any other person. It was obviously not a social gathering between long-
lost friends. It was also not uncommon for an accused in a corruption case
to say he sympathised with someone and to offer assistance. And on the
evidence adduced, I did not think the offer to help came from the goodness
of his heart.
[41] The meeting between him and PW1 was a wrongful design by the
accused knowing that what he was doing was wrong in order to acquire some
pecuniary advantage: Public Prosecutor v. Jamil bin Mahmood & Anor
(supra). As alluded to previously, the intention by the accused was clearly
moved by a guilty mind to obtain improper advantage from PW1: PP v. Datuk
Harun bin Haji Idris (No 2) (supra). In addition, the fact that the accused
asked for the payment so he might allegedly use the same to bribe the police
proved that he committed the offence, and the fact that the corrupt purpose
was not carried out did not matter: PP v. You Kong Lai (supra).
[42] Aside from that, the prosecution provided the transcripts from the
telephone conversation between PW1 and the accused that was intercepted
and recorded by the MACC. They were P3 and P7 and transcribed by PW6,
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a MACC officer. The conversation in P3 was recorded on 4.12.2017 using a
cassette tape (P2) whereas P7 was recorded on 6.12.2017 with a cassette
tape (P6) as well. PW6 was the recording officer on both counts. Both
recordings were played and heard in court during the trial: see PP v. Jowy
Manjoro [2004] 1 LNS 724; Mohd Ali Jaafar v. PP [1998] 4 CLJ Supp 208. I
found that what was played and heard was the same as what was
transcribed by PW6. The accused did not challenge the authenticity of the
tapes and the recordings played. Further, the accused did not even contest
that the transcripts were the conversation recorded between him and PW1.
It was also not disputed that P3 and P7 were transcribed by PW6 and the
interception by the MACC was done in accordance with section 43 of the Act.
[43] In perusing P3, I found the transcript corroborated PW1’s evidence that
the accused solicited the money from him. Granted that nowhere in P3 the
amount of RM10,000.00 was mentioned. However, the court must determine
the meaning and the context of what was said after they met earlier at Felda
Taib Andak. What was also implicit in the content of P3 must be considered
and evaluated properly. Not only what was explicit. Surely, the accused could
not be expected to speak carelessly or candidly over the telephone on the
bribe that was asked. As a matter of fact, P3 showed the accused repeatedly
cautioned PW1 not to speak freely over the telephone. In P3, A represented
the accused and B was PW1. Amongst others, P3 showed:
A : Di...jangan cite dalam handphone
B : Arrr?
A : jangan cite dalam handphone
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[Emphasis added]
B : Haa .... Saya balik kerja ni. Daripada Johor ni saya ke. Ke Kulai terus
boleh ke bang
A : Kulai karang ada. Arrr. aku bagi ko location
B : Arrr...Bang duit takde arrr ni bang...macamane bang...
A : Arrr. nanti cite. Nanti cite. Nanti cite
B : Apa?
A : Nanti cite .. (tak jelas) benda. Ko pegi jumpa aku terus
B : Dekat Kulai bang?
A : Ha
B : Tu ar. Saya on the way balik kerja ni
A : K. K. Nanti aku bagi location dekat kau
[Emphasis added]
[44] Therefore, the transcript supported PW1’s evidence that after the
money was solicited, the accused asked to meet him in Kulai so the money
could be given to him. This was the only reasonable explanation that could
be deducted and accepted from the telephone conversation. The plain
implication was the accused wanted the bribe. I will further discuss the rest
of the content in P3 and P7 in the discussion for the second charge against
the accused.
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[45] Moving on to the evidence by PW2. He was the one the accused first
approached to convey the message that PW1 was in trouble. The accused
told PW2 there was a drug case involving PW1. Thereafter, PW2 informed
PW1 that the accused would like to see him. PW2 was present near the
house when the conversation between PW1 and the accused took place. He
did not hear what was said but he saw that they were in a conversation.
[46] When the conversation was over, PW2 asked the accused how to
settle the case. The reply was that PW2 had to think for himself. Later, PW2
said PW1 asked to borrow some money from him but he had none. PW1 did
not inform him how much was needed and did not say how much the
accused asked to settle the case. Based on PW1’s appearance, PW2 tried
to calm PW1 down and to figure out how to get the money.
[47] The evidence by PW2 strengthened the testimony of PW1. In my view,
an inference from PW2’s evidence could be made that the accused had
corruptly solicited the money from PW1. The inference must not be hastily
drawn from my own assumption or speculation but must be from proven
facts. It has been held that a finding must be based on proven facts or
inferences drawn from proven facts, and not on conjecture: Ibrahim
Mohamad & Anor v. PP [2011] 4 CLJ 113. Further, in Liew Kaling & Ors v.
Public Prosecutor [1960] 1 LNS 60, a rule was laid down before a valid
inference could be considered. It must comply with two conditions, which
(i) it must account for all the known facts; and
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(ii) it must be the only reasonable inference which will account for all the known
[48] In addition, the word ‘inference’ was discussed in Nasrul Annuar Abd
Samad v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 193 where Jones v. Dunkel [1959] 10 CLR 298
was referred to. It was held:
One does not pass from the realm of conjecture into the realm of inference until
some fact is found which positively suggests, that is to say provides a reason,
special to the particular case under consideration, for thinking it likely in that case
a specific event had happened or a specific state of affairs existed.
[49] So what were the proven facts before the inference could be made?
As discussed earlier, I had accepted PW1’s credible direct evidence that the
accused solicited the money from him. It was also proved it was to close an
investigation against PW1 who was using drugs. Then there was the
transcript. The evidence by PW2 as shown supported the testimony by PW1
on what happened in the meeting. Thus, it could be inferred from the proven
facts the accused corruptly solicited RM10,000.00 for himself from PW1
based on the evidence of PW2.
[50] Why did the accused think he could solicit the bribe from PW1? And
where did the design come from? In my view, the answer was in the evidence
by PW12. He was a policeman with the Narcotics Investigation Division of
Kulai District Police Headquarters. On 22.11.2017, he received information
from his trusted source concerning a trafficking case of cannabis by a Malay
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man in Felda Taib Andak. The man was known as Audi and he worked with
the Johor Religious Department. Audi was also suspected as a cannabis
addict. PW12 was instructed by his superior officer to conduct further
investigation and to gather intelligence on the case.
[51] Since the accused was working together with him in the same police
district headquarters, PW12 sought his assistance. He asked whether the
accused knew anyone from Felda Taib Andak to continue his investigation.
Subsequently, on 4.12.2017, PW12 met the accused. The accused told him
Audi was only involved with cannabis addiction and not with trafficking. On
being asked why, the accused said he met with Audi.
[52] Having heard this, PW12 instructed the accused not to gather any
more intelligence, not to be involved with the case anymore and not to see
Audi again. He was not pleased with what the accused had done. This was
because the information from his source had been leaked by the accused.
From that onward, PW12 said he himself would continue the investigation
and arrest Audi. There was no challenge by the defence that what PW12
testified did not happen or that he was not telling the truth. Further, it was
never challenged or put to PW12 that the accused himself did not solicit the
money for himself, or that he was by or in conjunction with any other person
and for any other person from the Narcotics Criminal Division in which PW12
was a member.
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[53] Therefore, the effect in law was that the evidence was deemed
admitted by the defence: Wong Swee Chin v. Public Prosecutor [1980] 1
LNS 138. In my view, PW12’s evidence further supported the prosecution’s
case that the accused solicited the money from PW1 to stop the
investigation. Evidently, the accused took advantage of the information
received to ask for a bribe himself and for himself. Thus, there was no proof
that the gratification solicited by him was by or in conjunction with any other
person and for any other person.
[54] The defence failed to raise any reasonable doubt in the prosecution’s
case. I was guided by the often-quoted principle that a reasonable doubt
must be a doubt arising from the evidence or want of evidence and cannot
be imaginary doubt or conjecture unrelated to evidence: Public Prosecutor
v. Saimin & Ors [1971] 1 LNS 115. I also read and considered the written
submission by the defence. In its written submission, what was said was not
on the totality of the evidence. It merely submitted bits and pieces in
seclusion to support the speculation and conjecture. Any real or perceived
imperfections in the evidence were not material and the evidence of
witnesses must not be evaluated in isolation. To my mind, the submission
was not crafted through an issue-based approach and did not properly
address the ingredient of the offence.
[55] It is always possible to conjure different inferences and conjectures
against the totality of the evidence. The reminder by the Court of Appeal in
Tan Ong Keong v. PP [2012] 4 CLJ 223 is fitting:
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To put it in another way, it was always possible to structure an interpretation or
inference consistent with innocence. But if in every case an accused is acquitted
simply because it is possible to construct an interpretation or inference, the law
cannot be enforced. Indeed, not only will the law become impossible to be
enforced, but the courts will be viewed as being naive and gullible. Although this
might be much appreciated by the accused, the courts will cease to be respected
by the general public who expects the courts to exercise at least some modicum
of wisdom.
[56] I am also guided by the decision of Abdul Rahman Sebli JCA (as he
then was) in Wen Wuzhuang v. PP [2018] 1 LNS 1676. In paragraph 43, his
Lordship said:
Any finding of fact must be based on evidence and nothing else and this applies
even where the burden is merely to raise a reasonable doubt in the
prosecution’s case. The Court does not deal in conjecture or speculation and
there are good grounds for this which we need not elaborate on.
[Emphasis added]
[57] To conclude, I found the evidence by the prosecution’s witnesses was
sufficiently cogent and credible. Thus, it was my firm finding the prosecution
had proved the first ingredient of the offence against the accused.
[58] I now turn to the second ingredient that the gratification was an
inducement for the accused to close an actual drug case against PW1. There
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was no dispute that the gratification solicited was in the form of money.
Section 3 of the Act provides:
“gratification” means –
(a) money, donation, gift, loan, fee, reward, valuable security, property or
interest in property being property of any description whether movable or
immovable, financial benefit, or any other similar advantage;
[Emphasis added]
[59] I am further guided by the decision in PP v. Datuk Harun bin Haji Idris
(No 2) (supra) where the word inducement was explained:
The word “inducement’ evidently refers to a future act. What is forbidden,
generally speaking, is soliciting a gratification as an inducement to do any matter
or transaction .......... The gravamen of the offence is soliciting a gratification
as an inducement to do any official act or conduct. This need not be proved
by explicit evidence but may be inferred from surrounding circumstances.
Just as “corruptly solicit’ may be inferred from all the surrounding
circumstances,......... so can “inducement” be inferred from acts or conduct from
the relevant circumstances.
[Emphasis added]
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[60] As discussed earlier, I found the accused asked for a bribe so that he
could close an actual investigation against PW1. There was indeed an actual
investigation as testified by PW12 from the narcotics division. The
gratification of RM10,000.00 was clearly an inducement for the accused to
do something in his capacity as a policeman. I found that the defence failed
to raise any reasonable doubt on the material particulars. On the facts and
the circumstances, it was inherently improbable that PW1 was not telling the
truth as to what had occurred. In any case, there was no evidence to impute
any motive by PW1 to lie in order to implicate the accused. Was it not the
accused who sought and hoped to meet PW1 and not the other way around?
[61] Thus, I was constrained to find the prosecution had proved the second
ingredient of the offence against the accused.
[62] On the third ingredient that the accused was an officer of a public body
in which the public body was concerned, I found the evidence further
supported the prosecution’s case. Section 3 of the Act reads:
“public body” includes –
(a) the Government of Malaysia;
(d) any department, service or undertaking of the Government of Malaysia, ....
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[63] The same section 3 provides:
“officer of a public body ”means any person who is a member, an officer, an
employee or a servant of a public body, and includes a member of the
administration, a member of Parliament, a member of a State Legislative
Assembly, a judge of the High Court, Court of Appeal or Federal Court, and any
person receiving any remuneration from public funds, and, where the public body
is a corporation sole, includes the person who is incorporated as such;
[64] The prosecution called PW11 to admit evidence pursuant to section 55
of the Act which stipulates:
Certificate of position or office held
55. (1) A certificate issued by a principal or an officer on behalf of his
principal shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings against any person
for any offence under this Act as prima facie proof that the person named in
such certificate –
(a) held the position, office or capacity as specified in such certificate and
for such period as so specified; and
(b) received the emoluments as specified in such certificate.
(2) A certificate issued under subsection (1) shall be prima facie proof that it
was issued by the person purporting to issue it as principal or on behalf of the
principal without proof of the authority of such person to issue it.
[Emphasis added]
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[65] In 2017, PW11 was the acting Head of the Management Division of
Kulai District Police Headquarters. Through him, P26 in 3 pages was
purportedly a certificate under section 55 was admitted as evidence. P26
was prepared, signed, and dated 14.12.2017 by PW11. The content of P26
showed the accused held the office as a photographer with the Criminal
Investigation Division of Kulai District Police Headquarters on the dates the
offences were committed. P26 further showed the emoluments received by
the accused.
[66] There was also another page attached together with P26 as Lampiran
A that was supposedly the list of roles and responsibilities of the accused.
This attachment was not required in proof of section 55 of the Act. It had
nothing to do with proof concerning the office held by the accused and the
emoluments received. The prosecution needed only to prove relevant
evidence as stipulated by the law and nothing more. The defence chose not
to cross-examine PW11. This meant the accused did not dispute the
evidence that was adduced. And I was satisfied to admit P26 as evidence.
[67] Apart from that, I think there was another less time-consuming and
simpler way to adduce evidence under the provision of the Act. That
provision concerned a certificate. It was not required for the prosecution to
call a witness such as PW11, a pensioner, to testify. What was needed was
only a certificate complying with the provision and with Act 56, perhaps on
the admissibility of certain aspects of documentary evidence. The certificate
may be tendered through the Investigation Officer. The provision did not
make it a must for a principal or an officer on behalf of the principal to come
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to court and testify. After all, the certificate shall be a prima facie proof of the
evidence without proof of the signature of the person who issued it and
without proof of the authority of such person to issue it. There was no need
to present to the court a whole service book too.
[68] The evidence that was adduced established that the accused held his
office and received his emoluments working as a policeman with Kulai
District Police Headquarters. And he was an officer of a public body as
stipulated in section 3 of the Act. The investigation initiated against PW1 was
by the same police headquarters albeit by the Narcotics Investigation
Division. The accused solicited the bribe so that the investigation could be
closed by his department.
[69] As such, there was no doubt in my mind the accused was an officer of
a public body in which the public body was concerned. Thus, I found the
prosecution had proved the third ingredient of the offence.
The second charge
[70] With regard to the first ingredient, the phrase “corruptly agrees to
receive” does not impute that gratification has been received. In the instant
case, it only meant the accused agreed to receive RM3,000.00 at a future
date. This was after PW1 pleaded for a lesser amount that was solicited by
the accused. The accused has yet to actually receive the money from PW1.
The money did not change hands.
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[71] PW1 testified that the accused agreed to receive RM3,000.00. This
evidence was clear from paragraphs 28 to 34 of his written statement
(PSSP1). Now, the second part of the transcript in P3 supported his evidence
that they met at the RMB Workshop in Kulai where the agreement was made.
P3 showed:
A : Eh ko tau bengkel RMB tak?
B : Bengkel RMB? Dekat mana bang?
A : Arrr...Taman Gemilang ko tau tak?
B : Taman Gemilang?
A : Haa...
B : Gemilang dekat mana bang?
A : Nanti aku bagi ko location lah. Nanti aku bagi ko location.
[72] As before, the accused was using the defence that there was a
misunderstanding or mistake by PW1. The problem with largely relying on
this defence which was rejected by the court was that the accused did not
specifically challenge or dispute other evidence that was adverse to him.
Amongst others, it was not challenged that PW1 met him near the workshop,
that the meeting was to plead for a lesser amount, and of course that the
accused agreed to receive the reduced amount. The Court of Appeal in
Shamim Reza bin Abdul Samad v. Public Prosecutor [2009] 2 MLJ 506 had
this to say:
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We found no evidence of the appellant seriously challenging any of the prosecution’s
witnesses at the stage of the cross-examination let alone testing his defence at the earliest
opportunity i.e. the prosecution stage. Without such challenge the credibility of the
prosecution witnesses especially SP10 must remain intact.
[73] The MACC officer, PW10, was present nearby when the accused met
PW1 on 4.12.2017. The incriminating evidence by PW10 could be seen in
paragraphs 15 to 23 of his witness statement (PSSP10). What PW10 saw
and heard was direct oral evidence by him and must not be disregarded by
this court: see section 60(1)(a) and (b) of Act 56. Amongst others, PW10 said
he saw the accused come to talk to PW1. He heard PW1 ask the accused to
reduce the amount of the bribe and he heard the accused repeatedly say it
was a big case. He further heard PW1 said he did not have so much money.
At the end of it, he heard the accused agreed to receive RM3,000.00 and for
PW1 to keep the RM1,000.00 that was brought by him. This evidence
corroborated the evidence by PW1 that the accused met with him near the
place and agreed to receive RM3,000.00. In the cross-examination of PW10,
the defence put in its challenges that PW10 was not telling the truth and that
he did not hear what was said. However, PW10 disagreed with the
[74] These challenges could also be regarded as suggestions by the
accused. They were not evidence. As I understood it, the principle is a mere
suggestion in cross-examination that is only indicative of the case put
forward or the stand taken by the defence, but to no extent whatsoever can
it be substituted for evidence if it is repudiated or disagreed by a witness:
Emperor v. Karimuddi AIR 1932 Cal 373; Public Prosecutor v. Dato’ Seri
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Anwar bin Ibrahim (No.3) [1999] 2 MLJ1. The finding would not be the same
if PW10 agreed with was what put to him.
[75] In the cross-examination, the accused brought PW10’s attention to
certain parts in the content of P7 where an attempt was made to exculpate
the accused. They referred to what the accused said which were “Tak boleh
sogok” and “Masalahnye aku tak cite duit pun dengan dengan dia”. The
same conversation on what the accused said was argued in the defence’s
written submission. Obviously, all these were to cast a reasonable doubt that
the accused did not agree to receive the bribe. In my view, it would be a long
shot to convince the court to find any reasonable doubt based only on a little
bit of what was said. Essentially, what the accused argued was a mere
conjecture and speculation without evaluating the true meaning of what was
said and without regard to the rest of the conversation in P7. Let us look at
the other evidence in the transcript.
[76] As alluded to before, P7 was the conversation made on 6.12.2017. It
was after the accused agreed to receive the amount on 4.12.2017 near the
workshop. In P7, I found there was evidence that revealed the accused
agreed to receive the amount to close the investigation. As with P3, the
capital letter A represented the accused, and B, PW1. The transcript showed:
A : Ye
B : Apa ni. Duit tu tak banyak. Tak banyak dapat bang. Ade sikit ni.
A : Ok lah tu
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B : Yang haritu abang cakap yang paling rendah. Cuba cuba juga
cari. 3K ni kan.
A : Aha...
B : Tapi takde pengampunan ke bang. Untuk saya bang
A : Boleh. Boleh... Tak tau tapi tu untuk cover kau (tak jelas)
B : Takdelah...... Hadoi...Saya rasa...pengampunan yang kata lindungi
saya tak boleh ke bang
A : Ha itu cite. Itu benda sejuk untuk cover kau... Untuk tak kacau kau
In addition,
A : (tak jelas) Aku faham. Semua orang faham. Tapi jangan sampai
kena pegang
B : Eaa...Tu yang minta extend dengan abang tu...
A : Ha...Minta. Nama dah kena petik. Jangan kau masuk (tak jelas) Kau
rasa Alhamdulillah tak akan dia kacau kau je. Itu je
B : Iyela
A : Benda tu untuk. Untuk tampal mulut dia je. So jangan kacau kau.
B : Hmm...
[Emphasis added]
[77] As such, it cannot be gainsaid at all that the accused was innocent of
the crime. The transcript was sufficiently clear the accused asked for a bribe
and it did show the amount of money that was agreed upon. It was
RM3,000.00. And it also supported the evidence that the bribe asked was to
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close an ongoing investigation against PW1 so he would not be apprehended
by the police.
[78] On another point, some questions were asked in the cross-
examination of PW10 and the answers given strengthened the prosecution’s
case that the gratification was to prevent PW1 from being arrested and that
the accused agreed to receive RM3,000.00. The defence chose to ask those
questions. The dos and don’ts for an effective cross-examination should not
be underestimated or dismissed. They were essential parts of advocacy
skills in an adversarial system. The answers obtained were detrimental to
the accused and were inconsistent with any misunderstanding as alleged.
The notes of evidence showed:
PB : Seterusnya, saya rujuk saksi ini kepada PSSP10 di perenggan 23
baris 3 hingga 5.
S : Kamu kata ada dengar tertuduh mengatakan kepada pengadu
supaya mempercepatkan untuk dapatkan wang sekiranya tidak
mahu ditangkap, betul ada?
J : Betul.
S : Daripada perenggan 23 ini kenyataan itu seolah-oleh diberikan
selepas pengadu mendakwa tertuduh bersetuju untuk kurangkan
daripada ke RM3,000.00, kronologi begitu betul?
J : Betul.
[Emphasis added]
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[79] The point was the accused asked PW10 to agree with him. By the
nature of what was asked and answered in no uncertain terms, PW10 agreed
with the accused. He agreed he heard the accused say to PW1 to expedite
the receipt of the bribe if he did not wish to be arrested. Further, he agreed
that by chronology, the accused agreed to receive the reduced amount of
RM3,000.00. Therefore, this evidence that was so adverse to the accused
could not be reconciled with the rest of his challenges that he did not commit
the crime. It followed that the accused committed a wrongful design to
acquire the bribe, the intention was moved by a guilty mind and he knew
what he was doing was wrong.
[80] In the premises of the foregoing, there was sufficient evidence to
inculpate the accused coupled with the absence of any reasonable doubt.
Thus, I found that the prosecution had proved the first ingredient of the
second charge against the accused.
[81] As with the first charge, the second and third ingredients of the offence
for the second charge against the accused were the same. On the evidence
and the principles that were discussed, there was no doubt in my mind that
the agreement to receive RM3,000.00 was an inducement for the accused
to close an actual investigation against PW1. It was also proved that the
accused was an officer of a public body in which the public body was
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[82] Thus, I found that the prosecution had proved all the ingredients of the
offence for the second charge against the accused.
The presumption under section 50 (1) of the Act
[83] Section 50(1) of the Act reads:
Where in any proceedings against any person for an offence under section 16,
17, 18, 20, 21, 22 or 23 it is proved that any gratification has been received or
agreed to be received, accepted or agreed to be accepted, obtained or attempted
to be obtained, solicited, given or agreed to be given, promised, or offered, by or
to the accused, the gratification shall be presumed to have been corruptly
received or agreed to be received, accepted or agreed to be accepted, obtained
or attempted to be obtained, solicited, given or agreed to be given, promised, or
offered as an inducement or a reward for or on account of the matters set out
in the particulars of the offence, unless the contrary is proved.
[Emphasis added]
[84] As discussed and found, the primary facts and ingredients required to
invoke the presumption were proved. It is a rebuttable presumption. For the
first charge, it was proved that the accused himself solicited the gratification
for himself. And for the second charge, it was proved that the accused
himself agreed to receive the gratification for himself. As such, I was satisfied
to apply the presumption, until the contrary is proved, that the gratification
was corruptly solicited and corruptly agreed to receive as an inducement for
the matters set out in the particulars of the offences. The accused was called
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upon to rebut the presumption on the balance of probabilities: Public
Prosecutor v. Yuvaraj [1969] 2 MLJ 89. I had accordingly informed the parties
that the presumption was applied during the decision delivered at the close
of the prosecution’s case.
Conclusion at the close of the prosecution’s case
[85] I have scrutinised and evaluated the credibility of the witnesses
together with the reliability of the evidence. This court found the prosecution
had adduced credible evidence to prove all the ingredients of the offence
against the accused. Credible evidence is evidence that has been filtered
and has gone through the process of evaluation, and any evidence that is
unsafe should be rejected: PP v. Ong Cheng Heong [1998] 4 CLJ 209.
[86] Thus, a prima facie case had been made out against the accused on
the offence charged and the accused must be called upon to enter on his
defence: section 173(h)(i) of the Code. A prima facie case is where the
prosecution had adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the
offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction:
section 173(h)(iii) of the Code. The three options to defend himself were
explained by the court to the accused.
[87] This court was guided to subject the whole evidence to a maximum
evaluation which was explained by the decision in PP v. Lee Hock Lai [2004]
1 CLJ 57:
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In my view, the ‘maximum evaluation’ refers to a proper and complete
evaluation of all the evidence adduced to determine whether a prima facie case
has or has not been made out. Thus, all the evidence adduced has to be
scrutinised properly and this should not be just a perfunctory, cursory
evaluation or an exercise of skimming over the surface of the evidence only.
The prosecution must make out the ingredients of the charge with the evidence
adduced. If the evaluation of the evidence results in doubts in the prosecution’s
case at this stage of the proceedings itself then it cannot be said that a ‘prima facie’
has been made out. The defence ought not to be called merely to clear or
clarify the doubts. The benefit of the doubt, if any, at the end of the prosecution’s
case must go to the accused.
[Emphasis added]
[88] The totality of the evidence against the accused was sufficient for the
defence to be called, and this court was prepared to convict the accused on
the two charges if he had elected to remain silent: Balachandran v. PP [2005]
1 CLJ 85; PP v. Mohd Radzi bin Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457.
The defence’s case
[89] The accused elected to give sworn evidence from the witness’s box.
There were 5 other witnesses called to testify for him. However, their
testimonies were all about the third charge that the accused was acquitted
of. The five were present at the workshop on 6.12.2017 and had nothing to
do with the events on 3.12.2017 and 4.12.2017. As such, for the first two
charges that the accused was convicted on, there was no other witness
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[90] This court had put to the test the evidence by the accused against the
ingredients of the offence that had been proved by the prosecution. There
was no requirement in law for me to re-visit the prosecution’s case on the
findings given that I had made a maximum evaluation of the evidence and
found the witnesses were credible and reliable. It is wrong in law to revisit
the findings. The decision by the Federal Court in Ariff Arhannan Che Udin
v. PP [2022] 1 LNS 342 is a reminder that the trial court must be mindful not
to revisit its earlier findings at the close of the prosecution.
[91] Earlier, the Federal Court in Duis Akim & Ors v. PP [2013] 9 CLJ 692
ruled that:
[38] We note that when assessing the defence the learned trial judge surprisingly
revisited his earlier findings upon which he called for the defence. Such
approach is quite contrary to the principle of maximum evaluation of the
evidence adduced at the close of the prosecution’s case. Indeed in his
judgment the learned trial judge made it very clear that he had conducted a
maximum evaluation of the evidence adduced by the prosecution before calling for
the defence.
[Emphasis added]
[92] Therefore, this court was only required to put to the test and compare
the evidence by the accused at this stage with the evidence of the prima
facie cases that had been established by the prosecution. In addition, to
decide whether the accused was able to raise any reasonable doubt on the
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prosecution’s case and whether he was able to rebut the presumption under
section 50(1) of the Act on the balance of probabilities. At the end of it,
whether the prosecution would be able to prove its case beyond a
reasonable doubt on the two charges. Thus, it would be wrong for this trial
court to approach the issues by revisiting or re-evaluating its earlier findings
at the close of the prosecution’s case.
Accused’s evidence
[93] The accused relied wholly on his witness statement (PSSD1) for the
examination-in-chief. No additional question was asked by his Counsel apart
from what he testified in PSSD1. In paragraphs 3 and 4, he denied he
solicited the bribe. He said he never promised to meet PW1 and PW2. It was
PW2 who contacted PW1 and asked him to come and discuss with the
accused. It was PW2’s own initiative. The accused supported this version by
referring to paragraph 6 of PW2’s witness statement (PSSP2).
[94] Paragraph 6 of PSSP2 did state that PW2 asked PW1 to come back to
the village and for PW1 himself to speak with the accused. However, this
alone could not vindicate the accused. I further considered why did PW2 do
that. The preceding paragraphs 3 to 5 of PSSP2 were the answer. They
showed that PW2 met with the accused earlier. The accused informed PW2
there was a drug case involving PW1 and whether PW1 was pushing drugs.
The accused also asked PW2 for PW1’s telephone number. What was
informed to PW2 by the accused was indeed something serious. PW2 knew
PW1. As a matter of logic and as a result of the information from the accused,
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it was to be expected that PW2 would tell his friend to meet with the accused.
It was a natural course of events. In any case, there was no evidence that
the accused refused to meet PW1 and that it was forced upon him.
Irrespective of who actually asked PW1 to meet the accused or who came
to whose house or that the accused did not order PW1 to do so, the meeting
was the consequence of the accused who met PW2 earlier in the day. And
the accused never disputed the fact he met with PW1 at the house.
[95] Moving on to paragraph 5 of his written statement, the accused said
he advised PW1 on PW1’s involvement with drugs and to prepare money to
pay for a fine in court or for bail. Was this put to PW1 when he testified in
court? The defence did not do so. This was an afterthought and of recent
invention: Public Prosecutor v. Lin Lian Chen [1992] 4 CLJ 2086; Megat
Halim Megat Omar v. PP [2009] 1 CLJ 154. Be that as it may, the law is also
clear that the failure of the defence to challenge PW1 can never, by itself,
relieve the prosecution of its duty to establish the charge against the
accused; Sakri Yusuf v. PP [2011] 1 LNS 480; Alcontra a/l Ambrose Anthony
v. PP [1996] 1 MLJ 209. However, such failure also meant that the testimony
could not be disputed at all: AEG Carapiet v. AY Derderian AIR Cal 359. And
the prosecution managed to establish the two prima facie cases. This court
had considered the defence of the accused and put to the test the
afterthought against the evidence of PW1.
[96] To my mind, it was inherently improbable that the accused would be so
kind, and what was talked about was only about a fine and bail. After all,
PW1 never admitted to that. There was no other evidence on the same. In
addition, after their first meeting in the house, both of them met in front of the
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workshop at night on 4.12.2017. For what purpose? Given that it was clear
that the so-called advice was already made in the first meeting, then why the
need for a second one at a different location? And nothing was said about
any amount of fine or bail in the transcripts that were recorded by the MACC.
If it was true the reason the accused met PW1 was so blameless and
legitimate, then the challenge should have been made to PW1 at the earliest
available opportunity. This was not done. Therefore, I rejected this
afterthought defence after testing and comparing it with the evidence that
was established by the prosecution.
[97] In paragraph 18 of his written statement, the accused said if it was true
he asked bribe from PW1, then he would not involve PW2 because his bad
intention would be known. Further, there was no need for him to ask for
PW1’s telephone number, there was no need for a middleman, and he could
make the dealing directly with PW1. In my considered opinion, this was just
a hypothetical self-serving version and purely self-exculpatory. Of course,
there was no need for him to get PW2 involved to solicit the bribe. But the
fact of the matter was, he chose to get PW2 involved for his own design. I
did not accept this as raising any doubt in the prosecution’s case.
[98] In paragraphs 26 and 27, the accused contradicted his version in the
previous paragraph 25. He said if true there was a call between PW1 and
PW2, but this evidence was not proved. He added that PW1 embellished the
evidence against him. I could not accept this argument because of the
contradiction and given the evidence that PW2 did call PW1. The accused
never challenged or disputed the evidence anyway. Was it, not he who relied
on the defence of a misunderstanding that was rejected by this court before?
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I found this was another hypothetical and purely exculpatory version without
any proper basis.
[99] In paragraphs 28 to 37, the accused said it was untrue what was said
by PW10. He said PW10 was not telling the truth that the accused gave PW1
until midnight on 3.12.2017 to bribe him. It was a clear defamation against
him. This was because the prosecution did not bring this matter to PW1. And
if it was true, then this important piece of evidence should be asked by the
prosecution and PW1 should be recalled to testify. I found that this again was
a mere speculation by the accused and it was very hard for this court to
accept given other evidence that was proved.
[100] Further, during the trial, the accused never disputed nor did he
challenge PW10 that it was untrue. Thus, it was deemed admitted. To say
later that it was unfair for him did not hold water. If it was so important for the
accused, why didn’t he ask PW10 during the cross-examination? And now
the accused suggested that the prosecution’s case was not proved since it
did not apply to recall PW1 to testify again. However, this court had allowed
PW1 to be recalled on the application by the accused himself. But nothing
was asked by him to PW1 on the subject. What was applied by the accused
was merely to admit IDD33 as evidence to support his failed defence of a
[101] I now turn to the paragraphs involving the second charge in his written
statement. From paragraphs 38 to 43, the accused denied that he agreed to
receive the reduced amount of RM3,000.00 from PW1 during the second
meeting near the workshop. He said he saw PW1 in a confused situation and
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that was why PW1 wrongly assumed that a bribe was asked. The reason he
wanted to meet PW1 again was to prevent any misunderstanding and to
prepare the fine if charged in court. However, it was never put to PW1 that
he was confused during the second meeting. PW1 never said he was
confused during the meeting. The transcripts recorded did not show anything
that PW1 was confused.
[102] In my view, the transcripts were independent corroborative evidence
against the accused. They supported the mens rea by the accused that he
agreed to receive for himself the RM3,000.00. The accused could hardly
dispute his actus reus too. The transcripts were intrinsic evidence that was
directly connected to the factual circumstances of the crime and provided
contextual information to incriminate the accused. The information was
necessary for the determination by this court on the charges against the
accused. Thus, the accused failed to raise any reasonable doubt that PW1
was confused or anyone else for that matter.
[103] I now come to the last part of his written statement concerning the
second charge. The accused asked this court to compare what was said by
PW1 in paragraph 34 of PSSP1 and what was said by PW1 in paragraph 38
of the same. Paragraph 34 was the event on 4.12.2017 and PW1 said he
pleaded to the accused to reduce the amount to RM3,000.00. The accused
agreed with RM3,000.00 and to give PW1 time to get it. Whereas in
paragraph 38 which was the event on 6.12.2017, PW1 said he asked to
reduce from RM10,000.00 to RM3,000.00 because he had no money. Based
on the two paragraphs, the accused alleged that if true he agreed to reduce
to RM3,000.00 as was alleged in paragraph 34, then why did PW1 call him
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on 6.12.2017 asking for RM10,000.00 to be reduced since the issue was
resolved on 4.12.2017? The accused further said that was a contradiction by
[104] The accused urged this court to compare only two paragraphs in order
to raise a reasonable doubt in the prosecution’s case. In my considered
opinion, the difference in both paragraphs was only trivial and immaterial.
They were not diametrically opposed to each other at all. In any event, it did
not prove that the accused disagreed with receiving RM3,000.00. To my
mind, what PW1 said on 6.12.2017 did not mean the accused did not agree
to receive the amount on 4.12.2017. It only repeated PW1’s wish that the
amount be reduced since he had no money. Further, it was pertinent to note
the accused did not touch on the last sentence in paragraph 38. In the last
sentence, PW1 said the accused told him RM3,000.00 was to “tutup mulut
kes” or to close the case. This was almost the same as what was in the
transcript of P7. Therefore, the accused only pointed to certain parts that he
thought might exculpate him and did not point to a part that showed his
wrongdoing. The last sentence strengthened the evidence against him that
he agreed to receive RM3,000.00.
[105] Did the accused ask PW1 in the cross-examination why the two
paragraphs were different as alleged? Did he challenge PW1 on what was
later disputed? He did not do both. PW1 was not given any opportunity to
explain or to agree or deny the suggestion. The principles in the famous case
of Browne v. Dunn [1893] 6 The Reports 67 are instructive and expressly
describe the requirement of the law. The relevant passage was reproduced
in the case of A.E.G Carapiet v. AY Derderian (supra) :
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Lord Chancellor Herschell, observed:
Now, my Lords, I cannot help saying that it seems to me to be absolutely
essential to the proper conduct of a cause where it is intended to suggest
that a witness is not speaking the truth on a particular point, to direct his
attention to the fact, by some questions put in cross-examination showing
that that imputation is intended to be made, and not to take his evidence and
pass it by as a matter altogether unchallenged and then, when it is impossible
for him to explain, as perhaps he might have been able to do if such questions had
been put to him, the circumstances which it is suggested indicate that the story he
tells ought not to be believed, to argue that he is a witness unworthy of credit.
My Lords, I have always understood that if you intend to impeach a witness you
are bound, whilst he is in the box, to give him an opportunity of making any
explanation which is open to him; and, as it seems to me, that is not only a
rule of professional practice in the conduct of a case, but is essential to fair
play and fair dealing with witnesses.
Lord Halsbury, the other member of the House of Lords said: My Lords, with regard
to the manner in which the evidence was given in this case, I cannot too heartily
express my concurrence with the Lord Chancellor as to the mode in which a trial
should be conducted. To my mind nothing would be more absolutely unjust
than not to cross-examine witnesses upon evidence which they have given,
so as to give them notice, and to give them such an opportunity, to ask the
jury afterwards to disbelieve what they have said, although not one question has
been directed either to their credit or to the accuracy of the facts they were deposed
Mukharji J., in this Indian case said: The law is clear on the subject. Wherever the
opponent has declined to avail himself of the opportunity to put his essential
and material case in cross-examination, it must follow that he believed that
the testimony given could not be disputed at all. It is wrong to think that this
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is merely a technical rule of evidence. It is a rule of essential justice. It serves
to prevent surprise at trial and miscarriage of justice, because it gives notice to the
other side of the actual case that is going to be made when the turn of the party on
whose behalf the cross-examination is being made comes to give and lead
evidence by producing witnesses. It has been stated on high authority of the House
of Lords that this much a counsel is bound to do when cross-examining that he
must put to each of his opponent's witnesses in turn, so much of his own case as
concerns that particular witness or in which that witness had any share. If he asks
no question with regard to this, then he must be taken to accept the plaintiff's
account in its entirety. Such failure leads to miscarriage of justice, first by
springing surprise upon the party when he has finished the evidence of his
witnesses and when he has no further chance to meet the new case made
which was never put and secondly, because such subsequent testimony has
no chance of being tested and corroborated.
[Emphasis added]
[106] In Timhar Mindani Ong & Anor v. PP [2010] 3 CLJ 938, the Court of
Appeal said:
It is trite that if the defence had any misgivings on the authenticity or suspicious
nature of any narration of the evidence by the prosecution’s witness, then that
witness should have been cross-examined on that disputed fact so that an
explanation can be given to be properly assessed by the trial court.
[Emphasis added]
[107] Thus, the accused preferred to keep up his sleeve about the alleged
contradiction in paragraphs 34 and 38. He did not give PW1 any opportunity
to explain himself. The cross-examination is really a rule of essential justice
and by not challenging PW1 during the trial, the accused is taken to have
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accepted the version by the prosecution without any dispute. The accused
could no longer dispute the evidence after PW1 had been dispensed with
and only by way of his written statement.
[108] In PP v. AG Bahrun Mat Yassin [2012] 5 CLJ 337, Abdul Rahman Sebli
J (as he then was) held in no uncertain terms that:
[6] In our adversarial system of criminal justice it is imperative that if the
testimony of a witness is not accepted his evidence must be challenged in
cross-examination. It is wrong to let his evidence pass by without challenge and
then, when the witness has gone home, to contend that his evidence is untrue.
The purpose of challenging the witness’s testimony is to give him the
opportunity to either confirm, deny or qualify the suggestions. It will also
give the trial judge the opportunity to observe the witness’s demeanour
when answering the questions. The way he responds to the questions can
sometimes be useful in assessing his trustworthiness as a witness.
[7] To constitute effective challenge, the questions must condescend on the
disputed particulars of the witness’s testimony and not merely by
questioning him generally without imputing that the disputed part of his
evidence is not accepted, and if the accused has a different version of the events,
that version must be put to the witness. Failure to do so will render his version
untenable if he gives evidence later in his defence.
[Emphasis added]
[109] To recapitulate, I have carefully considered and assessed the evidence
by the accused in its entirety. I compared and tested the evidence concerning
all the ingredients of the offence that were established by the prosecution. I
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could not but find that his written statement consisted of afterthoughts,
matters that were not asked and challenged before, bare denial, and
[110] A denial without any evidence to support was not sufficient to create
reasonable doubt and to force out the prosecution case. Therefore, the term
‘bare denial’. In this circumstance, what is the weight to be given? As I
understood it, no weight could be given to bare denial against the evidence
by the prosecution. A bare denial is no defence: Paramasivan & Ors. v.
Public Prosecutor [1948] 1 LNS 90; PP v. Reza Mohd Shah Ahmad Shah
[2002] 1 LNS 157; Losali v. PP [2012] 2 CLJ 178. This court found that the
accused did not give any reasonable explanation for the case against him.
Be that as it may, the nature of an explanation is more important than any
explanation. On this, I was guided by a decision from the Court of Appeal in
Ong Hooi Beng & Ors v. PP [2015] 3 MLJ 812 where Abdul Rahman Sebli
JCA (as he then was) said:
In our opinion whether or not a defence amounts to a mere denial is to be
determined not by the fact it is coupled with an explanation but by the nature
of the explanation. A denial may well be coupled with an explanation but if the
explanation is merely to deflect the prosecution’s case evidence without
answering the real questions in controversy to reasonably dislodge the
prosecution evidence it remains a mere denial for what it is worth.
[Emphasis added]
[111] And this was exactly what happened with the evidence of the accused.
His explanation did not answer the real questions in controversy. He did not
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reasonably answer the ingredients of the offence that was established
previously by the prosecution. In the premises, I found that the nature of his
explanation could not be accepted in light of the facts and the circumstances
that were proved.
[112] As alluded to before, his written statement also consisted of repetitious
accounts. In Mohd. Mocta Shariff v. Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 CLJ 216,
Mahadev Shankar J (as he then was) said:
Mere repetition however exact cannot ensure an acquittal because that will be
tantamount to requiring a Court to acquit merely on the basis of the face value of
the evidence given. An accused person has a greater onus than that cast upon
him. He must go further and throw a reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s
evidence or else at least give a version which is equally consistent with his
innocence which version has to have the required degrees of credibility.
[113] It is purely a question of fact whether the explanation of the accused is
capable of raising a reasonable doubt: Azhar Lazim v. PP [2012] 1 LNS 262.
The phrase reasonable doubt was explained further in Public Prosecutor v.
Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris & Ors [1977] 1 MLJ 180 where Eusoffe
Abdoolcader J (as he then was) said:
It is not necessary for the defence to prove anything and all that is necessary for
the accused to do is to give an explanation that is reasonable and throws a
reasonable doubt on the case made out for the prosecution. It cannot be a fanciful
or whimsical doubt or imaginary doubt, and in considering the question as to
whether a reasonable doubt has been raised, the evidence adduced by and the
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case for the defence must be viewed in at least some amount of light, not
necessarily bright sunlight, but certainly not against the dark shadows of the night.
[114] The existence of reasonable doubt is dependent upon the totality of
the evidence and on an examination of all the evidence in a fair and
reasonable manner: Ahmad bin Ibrahim v. PP [2012] 6 MLJ 305. On the
correct approach to a decision in a criminal case, I was further guided by the
proposition in Mohamed Yatin bin Abu Bakar v. PP [1950] MLJ 57 where it
was held:
That it is not the correct approach to a decision in a criminal case to approach the
question of the guilt or innocence of the accused on the basis of deciding which of
two stories the Court should believe, but the court should consider whether the
story of the accused has thrown a reasonable doubt on the truth of the
prosecution’s case and if so, the accused is entitled to an acquittal.
[115] After careful deliberation on the evidence, I did not accept or believe
the accused’s explanation and the explanation did not raise in my mind any
reasonable doubt as to his guilt: Mat v. PP [1963] 1 LNS 82. The decision in
Miller v. Minister of Pensions [1947] 2 All ER 347 further explained what is
proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It was held:
That degree is well settled. It need not reach certainty, but it must carry a high
degree of probability. Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean proof beyond
the shadow of a doubt. The law would fail to protect the community if it admitted
fanciful possibilities to deflect the course of justice. If the evidence is so strong
against a man as to leave only a remote possibility in his favour which can be
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dismissed with the sentence ‘of course it is possible, but not in the least probable’,
the case is proved beyond reasonable doubt, but nothing short of that will suffice.
[116] I now come to the question of whether the accused managed to rebut
the presumption of section 50(1) of the Act on the balance of probabilities.
As explained earlier, this court had applied the presumption given that I found
the gratification was corruptly solicited by the accused for himself, and
corruptly agreed to receive for himself as an inducement for the matters set
out in the particulars of the offences. It is trite that this legal burden is heavier
than raising a reasonable doubt in the prosecution case for the accused to
obtain an acquittal. It was for the accused to give an innocent explanation
which the court considered more likely than not that it was true, i.e on the
balance of probabilities, the test applied in civil proceedings: Thavanathan
Balasubramaniam v. Public Prosecutor [1997] 3 CLJ 150 FC. Based on the
analysis of the evidence by the accused that was discussed earlier in the
foregoing, I was constrained to find that the accused failed to rebut the
[117] What then, will constitute sufficient proof for the accused to rebut the
presumption on the balance of probabilities? I think that the proof must relate
to the probabilities of each particular case. On the evidence, this court could
not find that it was more probable than not the accused had managed to do
so. I think it would be against all probabilities of the case to hold the evidence
as having that effect. Lord Denning in Miller v. Minister of Pensions (supra)
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If the evidence is such that the tribunal can say ‘we think it more
probable than not’ the balance is discharged, but if the probabilities are
equal, it is not.
[118] Another point is this. If the accused was unable to succeed in his
defence on the lighter burden of raising a reasonable doubt, then I did not
think that he could be found to have successfully rebut the legal presumption
on the heavier burden. Further, this heavier burden could not be discharged
by merely making conjectures or raising possibilities, and this was what the
accused had adduced in his testimony. The accused was expected to do
more in that in law he was required to disprove the evidence by the
prosecution. Section 3 of Act 56 stipulates ‘disproved’ as:
‘disproved’: a fact is said to be ‘disproved’ when, after considering the matters
before it, the court either believes that it does not exist or considers its non-
existence so probable that a prudent man ought, under the circumstances of a
particular case, to act upon the supposition that it does not exist.
[119] As I understood it, in general, there was no burden on an accused to
call witnesses for his defence. And no adverse inference could be drawn on
such failure to do so. However, a statute such as the Act may impose an
onus on the accused through a statutory presumption. On this I was guided
by the decision in PP v. Mohd Farid bin Mohd Sukis & Anor [2002] 8 CLJ 814
where Augustine Paul J (as he then was) held that:
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Generally in a criminal trial there is no burden on an accused to call
witnesses (see Goh Ah Yew v. PP [1949] MLJ 150; Abu Bakar v. R [1963] MLJ
288; Tan Foo Su v. PP [1967] 2 MLJ 19). Thus, no adverse inference can be drawn
against the defence for a failure to call witnesses. However, such an inference
may be drawn where there is an onus on the accused to prove an issue (see
Baharom v. PP [1960] MLJ 249). An onus may be placed on the accused in
certain instances by statutory presumptions. The legal burden is then on the
accused to negate the presumed fact. In order to discharge the burden there
will be an onus on the defence to call material witnesses (see Liew Siew &
Anor v. PP [1969] 2 MLJ 232). Failure to do so will warrant the drawing of an
adverse inference. In this case a presumption of trafficking has been drawn
against the first accused. The onus is on him to prove, on the balance of
probabilities, that he was not trafficking in the drugs. An adverse inference would
be drawn against him for failure to call material witnesses on this issue.
[Emphasis added
[120] Similarly, section 50(1) of the Act placed an onus on the accused to
discharge his legal burden. He did not call any witnesses nor adduce any
relevant documents apart from wholly relying on the content of his written
statement. A heavier burden was on him to rebut the statutory presumption
on a balance of probabilities. The duty was on him to prove something. It
was to prove he did not corruptly solicit and agree to receive the bribe. He
did call witnesses for the third charge that he was acquitted of but failed to
call any for the first two charges. Thus, this court drew an adverse inference
against him for the failure to call any material witnesses to discharge the
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[121] It was important to differentiate the difference between the duty to cast
a reasonable doubt in the prosecution case and the duty to prove a defence
on the balance of probabilities. The distinction between the two burdens was
succinctly explained by the Court of Appeal in Abdul Aziz Miew Yiong v. PP
[2014] 1 LNS 1875 where Abdul Rahman Sebli JCA (as he then was) opined:
In law there is a distinction between the duty to merely cast a reasonable
doubt in the prosecution case and the duty to prove a defence on the balance
of probabilities. In the former case all that the accused needs to do to entitle him
to an acquittal is to cast a reasonable doubt in the trial judge’s mind as to his guilt:
Mat v. PP (supra). He has no duty to prove or disprove anything whereas in the
latter case affirmative admissible evidence of the facts constituting the
defence must be established, failing which he will be convicted of the
offence charged.
[Emphasis added]
[122] Based on the reasons discussed, I found that none of what the accused
alleged in his written statement could be accepted as affirmative admissible
evidence. He failed in his duty to rebut the presumption on the balance of
probabilities. Therefore, the accused failed to rebut the presumption under
section 50(1) of the Act.
Conclusion at the close of the defence’s case
[123] At the conclusion of the trial, this court found that not only did the
accused fail to raise any reasonable doubt in the case for the prosecution,
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but he also failed to rebut the legal presumption on the balance of
probabilities that he corruptly solicited the bribe and corruptly agreed to
receive the bribe as an inducement for matters set out in the particulars of
the offences.
[124] Irrespective of whether a court is otherwise convinced in its own mind
of the guilt or innocence of the accused, its decision must be based on the
evidence adduced and nothing else: Sia Soon Suan v. Public Prosecutor
[1966] 1 MLJ 116. Having considered all the evidence adduced, it was my
firm finding that the prosecution had proved its case beyond reasonable
doubt against the accused: Section 173(m)(i) of the Code.
[125] Therefore, I found that the accused was guilty of the two charges that
he was facing, and accordingly, he was convicted of the same.
The sentence
[126] Section 24(1) of the Act reads:
Any person who commits an offence under sections 16, 17, 20, 21, 22 and 23 shall
on conviction be liable to-
(a) imprisonment for a term not exceeding twenty years; and
(b) a fine of not less than five times the sum or value of the gratification which
is the subject matter of the offence, where such gratification is capable of
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being valued or is of a pecuniary nature, or ten thousand ringgit, whichever
is the higher.
[127] The section provides that if found guilty, the accused must be
sentenced to a mandatory term of imprisonment not exceeding twenty years.
Further, sentences of fine have to be imposed as well. The fine depends on
whether the gratification is in the nature of a sum or a value as long as the
fine is not less than five times the sum or the value of the gratification, or ten
thousand ringgit, whichever is the higher. For the two charges that he was
convicted on, the gratification involved the sum of money. For the first
charge, it involved a sum of RM10,000.00 and the minimum sentence of fine
must be at least RM50,000.00. On the second charge, a sum of RM3,000.00
was the gratification and the fine must be the minimum of RM15,000.00.
[128] Therefore, it could be gathered that the provision provides a stiff
penalty for those who committed the offences under the Act. It mirrored the
intention of the Act to come out with the provision to prevent and combat
corruption in a special statute.
[129] In the mitigation by his Counsel, the accused pleaded for a lenient
sentence because he had served the police department for a long time
without having any bad disciplinary record. He is a father of five children and
his wife works as a government servant. From the time he was first arrested
until the completion of the trial, he gave good cooperation to the MACC. In
arguing for a lesser sentence, his Counsel urged this court to avoid any
disparity of sentence. He supported this argument through the case
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authorities provided and implored this court to compare the sentences that
were imposed to come out with a decision. Further, this court should agree
to a shorter term of imprisonment and a minimum fine against the accused.
The defence did not say the accused was repentant nor remorseful.
[130] Notwithstanding the absence of any previous criminal conviction, the
prosecution asked for a severe and appropriate sentence for the public
interest and a deterrent effect. The offences committed by the accused were
serious and public interest should be the foremost consideration. As a
mature person and as a policeman, the accused should have known the
difference between what was right and what was wrong. Moreover, the
accused had tarnished the image of the police force.
[131] I acknowledged that the accused’s plea in mitigation must not be lightly
disregarded despite being found guilty after a full trial. It must be considered
equally with the public interest as represented by the prosecution. I thought
this was the best way to strike a balance to decide on the sentence against
the accused. Having said that, no sentence can be assessed by a simple
mathematical formula because many factors must be taken into
consideration based on the facts and circumstances in each case: Mohamed
Jusoh bin Abdullah and Another v. Public Prosecutor [1947] 1 LNS 73.
[132] I took into consideration that the accused was found guilty after a full
trial had taken place. So many witnesses had come to testify and a lot more
time was needed for the trial to come to its conclusion. I would have
considered imposing a lesser sentence of imprisonment and fine if he had
pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity. If he had done so and said he was
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remorseful, then this would have been more convincing as compared to after
a full trial if he said he had repented. Be that as it may, I had factored in the
fact that this was his first criminal conviction. The consideration would of
course be much different if the accused was a habitual offender with many
previous convictions.
[133] What was the nature and the type of crime that the accused was found
guilty of? They were two offences of corruption involving soliciting and
agreeing to receive a bribe. The accused took it upon himself to commit them
after he was informed of a pending investigation. He took advantage of the
office held by him as a policeman to acquire some pecuniary benefit. He
created a design. In other words, he abused what was entrusted to him for
private gains. Much has been said about the damaging impacts of corruption.
The impacts go beyond the accused to the erosion of our criminal justice
system and the trust of the public at large. Corruption is truly a despicable
and heinous crime impacting the society and the nation. As such, in my view,
the public interest must override the interest of an accused and a deterrent
sentence must be imposed.
[134] On the fine, if he pleaded guilty, I would have considered imposing a
minimum fine of RM50,000.00 and RM15,000.00 on the two offences
respectively. Given that he was found guilty after a full trial, I was of the
considered opinion that the fine of RM60,000.00 and RM20,000.00 was
proper and suitable. In this circumstance, a minimum fine would no longer
be fitting.
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[135] To decide on the terms of imprisonment, this court was guided by the
one transaction rule and the totality principle: Bachik Abdul Rahman v. PP
[2004] 2 CLJ 572. Based on the one transaction rule, where two or more
offences are committed in the course of a single transaction, the sentence of
imprisonment should be concurrent rather than consecutive. For the one
transaction rule to be applicable, any one of the four elements must be
present. They are the proximity of time, unity or proximity of place, continuity
of action, and community of purpose: SA Jamil Md Yusof v. PP [2002] 7 CLJ
132 at p. 137; Public Prosecutor v. Loh Ang Sing [1965] 2 MLJ 129 at p. 130;
Amrital Lal Hazral v. Emperor 42 Cal 957. However, the one transaction rule
is not absolute because there may be situations where consecutive
sentences of imprisonment are necessary for a deterrent effect: Bachik
Abdul Rahman v. PP (supra). I think the rule is not cast in stone and must
necessarily depend on the facts and circumstances of each case.
[136] The offence of soliciting the bribe was committed on 3.12.2017 and the
agreeing to receive the bribe was on 4.12.2017. The gratification sought was
for an inducement to close an investigation. In the circumstances, the
offences were committed by continuity of action and for a community of
purpose. The one transaction rule was applicable. However, I declined to
apply the rule. As alluded to, there is an exception to the rule. To my mind,
a concurrent sentence of imprisonment of 4 years, would not have the
desired effect in view of what the accused, a policeman, had designed and
done to commit the crime. Then there was the harm caused by him to an
investigation by the police. A concurrent sentence of imprisonment would not
serve as a deterrent effect for others.
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[137] I was also of the opinion that a consecutive sentence of imprisonment
for both offences did not offend the totality principle. The principle required
this court to consider whether the aggregate was just and appropriate to
ensure that the sentences were not excessive. In my view, the total length of
eight years of imprisonment imposed did not constitute a crushing effect for
the accused to reform and return to a desirable life with his family. The
accused should have many more years to live as a responsible member of
society after serving his sentence.
[138] It is true that justice must be tempered with mercy. But at the same
time, justice cannot be substituted for mercy. What this means is that the
court must consider not only the interest of the accused but also the public
interest. Thus, it was my considered opinion that the sentences against the
accused were just and appropriate. The sentences were not manifestly
excessive on the facts and the circumstances of the case.
Dated on this day, 18 October 2023
Sessions Court
Johor Bahru
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For the prosecution : Ikhwan Ikhsan bin Jalaludin
Nik Lokman Hakim bin Nik Mohd Noor
Norsyarina binti Raizan
For the accused : Fazaly Ali bin Mohd Ghazaly
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| 110,093 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-56WS-22-12/2021 | PLAINTIF 1. ) SUZIE BALUNG 2. ) MUHAMMAD RAJA IMRAN SHAH DEFENDAN S & D WIN SDN BHD | Ini adalah rayuan Perayu/Penghutang Penghakiman Ke-2, S & D WIN SDN BHD [Company No.: 599251-V] melalui Notis Rayuan di Lampiran 45 terhadap keputusan Mahkamah ini bertarikh 21/9/2023 yang telah membenarkan permohonan Responden-Responden/Pemiutang-pemiutang Pelaksanaan untuk meminda perintah bertarikh 9/3/2022 melalui Lampiran 26. | 06/11/2023 | Puan Sazlina binti Safie | |
[IDENTITY CARD NO.: 720318135710]
[IDENTITY CARD NO.: 600702015477]
[Company No.: 599251-V]
06/11/2023 12:26:18
JA-56WS-22-12/2021 Kand. 46
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Ini adalah rayuan Perayu/Penghutang Penghakiman Ke-2, S & D WIN
SDN BHD [Company No.: 599251-V] melalui Notis Rayuan di Lampiran
45 terhadap keputusan Mahkamah ini bertarikh 21/9/2023 yang telah
membenarkan permohonan Responden-Responden/Pemiutang-
pemiutang Pelaksanaan untuk meminda perintah bertarikh 9/3/2022
melalui Lampiran 26.
Mahkamah telah meneliti Notis Permohonan, Afidavit-afidavit, hujahan
bertulis dan otoriti kedua-dua pihak. Alasan Mahkamah membenarkan
Lampiran 26 adalah seperti berikut:
[1] Notis Permohonan Lampiran 26 adalah permohonan Plaintif-
Plaintif/Pemiutang-Pemiutang Penghakiman untuk meminda
perintah bertarikh 9/3/2022 di bawah Aturan 20 Kaedah 11 dan
Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 untuk
perintah-perintah seperti berikut:
1) Bahawa Plaintif-Plaintif/Pemiutang-Pemiutang Penghakiman
diberi kebenaran dan/atau kebebasan untuk meminda
dan/atau membuat tambahan pada perintah bertarikh
9/3/2022 dengan cara yang ditunjukkan dalam warna merah
sepertimana dalam “Cadangan Perintah Terpinda” yang
dieksibitkan di Afidavit Sokongan yang diikrarkan oleh
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Sritharan a/l K Govindan (No. K/P:690521-01-5357) yang
difailkan Bersama-sama ini;
2) Kos ini ditanggung oleh Defendan Kedua/Penghutang
Penghakiman Kedua; dan
3) Apa-apa relief lain yang dianggap suaimanfaat oleh
Mahkamah yang Mulia ini.
[2] Alasan permohonan Plaintif adalah dinyatakan dalam affidavit
sokongan yang mana antara lain menyatakan bahawa:
1) Defendan Kedua/Penghutang Penghakiman Kedua telah
memfailkan satu Notis Permohonan bertarikh 10/2/2022 di
Lampiran 9 bersama-sama satu affidavit sokongan di
Lampiran 11.
2) Plaintif-Plaintif/Pemiutang-Pemiutang Penghakiman telah
memfailkan affidavit jawapan di Lampiran 16 dan kedua-dua
pihak telah memfailkan hujahan bertulis masing-masing.
3) Mahkamah telah menetapkan tarikh pendengaran pada
9/3/2022 dan selepas mendengar hujahan lisan pihak-pihak,
Mahkamah telah pada hari yang sama telah memberikan
perintah iaitu permohonan Defendan Kedua/Penghutang
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Penghakiman Kedua di Lampiran 9 adalah dibenarkan
kecuali prayer (a) tidak dibenarkan.
4) Peguamcara Defendan Kedua/Penghutang Penghakiman
Kedua telah memfailkan Perintah tersebut namun perintah
tersebut tidak membayangkan keputusan sebenar yang
diperintahkan oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Johor Bahru pada
5) Pindaan yang dicadangkan hanyalah untuk meminda nama
pihak-pihak dengan nyata dan jelas iaitu daripada Defendan-
Defendan kepada Defendan Kedua.
6) Perintah sedia ada merujuk kepada Defendan-Defendan
yang mana merujuk kepada keempat-empat Defendan dalam
tindakan asal.
7) Writ Penjualan dan Penyitaan yang difailkan oleh Plaintif-
Plaintif adalah terhadap Defendan Kedua sahaja dan Notis
Permohonan yang difailkan oleh Defendan Kedua sahaja dan
perintah Mahkamah yang diberikan hanyalah berkait dengan
Defendan Kedua sahaja.
8) Terdapat keperluan untuk pindaan ini disegerakan kerana
Defendan Keempat telah memulakan satu tindakan
pengkomittan terhadap Plaintif-Plaintif dan juga peguamcara
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Plaintif-Plaintif atas alasan Plaintif-Plaintif telah
melaksanakan Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan terhadap
Defendan Keempat.
9) Permohonan ini adalah dibuat secara suci hati (bona fide),
niat yang baik (good faith) dan tidak memprejudiskan
Defendan Kedua langsung.
[3] Defendan keempat telah memfailkan affidavit jawapan yang mana
beliau mengikrarkan affidavit sebagai pengarah S & D WIN SDN
BHD iaitu Penghutang Pelaksanaan Kedua dan juga sebagai
Penghutang Pelaksanaan Keempat yang telah diberi kuasa untuk
mengikrarkan affidavit bagi pihak Penghutang Pelaksaaan Kedua.
[4] Dalam affidavit Jawapan, Penghutang Penghakiman Kedua
antaranya menyatakan seperti berikut:
1) Bantahan awal berhubung kelewatan 1 bulan untuk Plaintif-
Plaintif memfailkan Notis Permohonan ini dan Mahkamah
tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk memberikan lanjutan masa
selepas tarikh 1 bulan seperti yang diperuntukkan undang-
2) Plaintif-Plaintif gagal menunjukkan wujudnya keadaan-
keadaan khas yang mendedahkan bahawa perintah bertarikh
9/2/2022 tidak boleh dikuatkuasakan.
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3) Pada 22/11/2022, satu perintah ex parte untuk memulakan
prosiding komittal telah diberikan dimana terdapat suatu
“prima facie” kes ke atas Pemiutang-pemiutang Pelaksanaan
dan juga Peguamcara mereka dan peguamcara Pemiutang
Pelaksanaan tidak berhak meminda perintah tersebut yang
mana ianya jelas akan menggangu kesan-kesan ke atas
perintah “ex parte” tersebut.
4) Tindakan peguamcara Pemiutang-pemiutang Pelaksanaan
untuk meminda perintah ini adalah satu pemikiran semula
(after-thought) dan Peguamcara Pemiutang-pemiutang
Pelaksanaan adalah dihalang (estopped) untuk berbuat
demikian apabila perintah tersebut telah dimeteraikan oleh
5) Tindakan Peguamcara Pemiutang-pemiutang Pelaksanaan ini
adalah merupakan satu helah daripada bertanggungjawab ke
atas prosiding komittal yang telah difailkan.
[5] Mahkamah telah meneliti kesemua kertas kausa dan hujahan serta
otoriti pihak-pihak dan akhirnya Mahkamah membenarkan pindaan
sebagaimana dicadangkan dalam “cadangan pindaan” yang
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[6] Berhubung bantahan awal pihak Penghutang Penghakiman,
Mahkamah menolak bantahan awal pihak Penghutang
Penghakiman. Jika dirujuk daripada kertas kuasa yang difailkan di
Mahkamah, jelas menunjukkan bahawa draf perintah yang difailkan
adalah dipertikaikan.
[7] Harus diingat bahawa surat menyurat atau apa jua dokumen yang
difailkan melalui system CMS adalah satu bentuk dokumen yang
diterima pakai dan akan dirujuk dalam prosiding Mahkamah dan ia
adalah satu dokumen yang sah.
[8] Di bawah Aturan 1 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
dinyatakan seperti berikut:
Definitions (O. 1, r. 4)
“document” means anything in which information of any description
is recorded and includes a claim, summons, application, judgment,
order, affidavit, witness statement or any other document used in a
Court proceeding;
[9] Mahkamah merujuk Lampiran 2 iaitu surat bantahan daripada
pihak Peguamcara Pemiutang Pelaksanaan memaklumkan
bahawa perintah difailkan tanpa mengambilkira pindaan yang
dibuat dan memohon satu tarikh klarifikasi ditetapkan oleh
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[10] Dalam keadaan ini, Mahkamah mendapati surat bantahan tersebut
bertarikh 3/6/2022. Perintah diberikan pada 9/3/2022. Draf perintah
hanya kemudiannya difailkan pada 24/5/2022 oleh peguamcara
Penghutang-Penghutang Pelaksanaan. Oleh demikian, bantahan
awal dan hujahan pihak peguamcara Penghutang-Penghutang
Pelaksanaan sendiri tidak berasas kerana tempoh masa 1 bulan
yang dinyatakan hanya timbul selepas pertikaian draf perintah
yang difailkan mereka sendiri selepas hampir lebih 2 bulan
daripada perintah yang diberikan Mahkamah.
[11] Prinsip pindaan Permohonan Plaintif-Plaintif dibuat di bawah
Aturan 20 Kaedah 11 KKM 2012 yang mana dinyatakan seperti
11. Amendment of judgment and orders (O. 20 r. 11)
“Clerical mistakes in judgment or orders, or errors arising therein
from any accidental slip or omission, may at any time be corrected
by the Court by a notice of application without an appeal."
[12] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes SHELL MALAYSIA TRADING
[1990] 3 MJ 254 jelas menyatakan bahawa, " Once a judgment has
been passed and entered, the court has no jurisdiction to amend it
under the "slip rule" unless there has been an accidental slip in
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drawing up the judgment, or unless the judgment as drawn up does
not correctly state what the court actually decided and intended.”
[13] Dalam tindakan ini, Mahkamah kembali semula kepada
permohonan asal di mana perintah bertarikh 9/3/2022 yang
dimohon melalui Lampiran 9.
[14] Jika dirujuk kembali kepada Lampiran 9, ia adalah satu Notis
Permohonan yang difailkan oleh Defendan Kedua di mana
dinyatakan “…untuk mendengar satu permohonan bagi Defendan
Kedua seperti yang dinamakan di atas…”
[15] Defendan Kedua adalah S & D WIN SDN BHD [Company No.:
599251-V]. Jika dilihat maklumat dalam pendaftaran kes JA-56WS-
22-12/2021 dalam system CMS, Plaintif-Plaintif adalah SUZIE
BALUNG [Identity Card No.: 720318135710] dan MUHAMMAD
RAJA IMRAN SHAH [Identity Card No.: 600702015477] yang
diwakili oleh Tetuan G.K. SRITHARAN & CO. manakala pihak
Defendan adalah S & D WIN SDN BHD [Company No.: 599251-V]
yang diwakili oleh Tetuan G RAVI.
[16] Walaupun begitu, dalam kertas kausa asal iaitu satu permohonan
Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan, Plaintif-Plaintif telah menamakan 4
Defendan (termasuk Defendan Kedua).
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[17] Memandangkan Notis Permohonan di Lampiran 9 adalah
permohonan Defendan Kedua sahaja, ia menunjukkan hanya
Defendan Kedua yang memohon perintah tersebut. Oleh itu,
adalah wajar perintah pada 9/3/2022 dipinda dan ditukar menjadi
“Atas permohonan Defendan Kedua…” sebagaimana dinyatakan
dalam permohonan dan cadangan pindaan oleh pihak Plaintif-
Plaintif di Lampiran 26.
[18] Pindaan hanya menggambarkan apa yang dipohon dalam
permohonan. Ia tidak mengubah karektor permohonan atau
perintah yang diberikan.
[19] Defendan-Defendan mungkin berhujah bahawa Lampiran 9
tersebut disertakan dengan affidavit sokongan yang diikrarkan oleh
Defendan Keempat. Mahkamah mengambilkira bahawa Defendan
Keempat sendiri mengikrarkan affidavit atas kapasiti sebagai
seorang Pengarah Defendan Kedua pada masa itu
memandangkan Defendan Kedua adalah sebuah syarikat yang
tidak boleh mengikrarkan affidavit.
[20] Jika niat Defendan-Defendan adalah Notis Permohonan tersebut
difailkan oleh pihak kesemua Defendan, kenapa tidak dinyatakan
dengan jelas bahawa ini adalah permohonan Defendan-Defendan
dan bukan hanya Defendan Kedua sahaja?
S/N xTr6h3GyRUSiIcTXdFtNHg
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[21] Mahkamah merujuk kepada keputusan Augustine Paul JC (pada
masa itu) dalam kes ARAB-MALAYSIA FINANCE BHD V.
CLJ 51 yang membuat keputusan berikut:
"...It is settled law that after a judgment or order has been perfected
amendments may only be made to it in relation to clerical errors,
accidental slips and omissions as provided by O. 20 r. 11 of the
Rules of the High Court 1980 (see Khoo Cheng Tat v. Lim Soon
Teck [1982] 1 MLJ 289; Tak Ming Co. Ltd. v. Yee Sang Metal
Supplies Co. [1973] 1 WLR 300; Hock Hua Bank Bhd. v. Shari bin
Murid [1981] 1 MLJ 143). However, the Court has an inherent
power to correct errors to give a clear expression to its
intentions in the judgment or order which has been perfected (see
Pearlman (Veneers) SA (Pty) Ltd. v. Bernhand Bartels [1954] 1
WLR 1457). Such a power exists to enable the Court to correct the
record to make it consistent with the judgment or order which
it obviously meant to pronounce (see Hotel Ambassador (M)
Sdn. Bhd. v. Seapower (M) Sdn. Bhd.[1991] 1 CLJ Rep 174; [1991]
1 CLJ 656; [1991] 1 MLJ 221; Hatten v. Harris [1892] AC 560;
Koperasi Perumahan Kotawira Bhd. v. Kadir bin Kassim & 2 Ors.
[1991] 2 CLJ 1529). A Judge may set aside an order founded
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wholly upon his own error as to a fact, and not upon any mistake in
his deliberation, even though the order be passed and entered (see
Hall v. Harris [1900] 25 VLR 455)".
[22] Dalam kes DING LAI HUA lwn. MEGAH TEGUH SDN BHD [2014]
1 LNS 737 pula diputuskan:
[12] Hakikatnya, peruntukan Aturan 20 Kaedah 11 KKM 2012
memperuntukkan bahawa perintah yang telah disempurnakan 'may
at any time be corrected by the Court by a notice of application
without an appeal'. Dengan itu, kuasa untuk membuat pindaan di
bawah Aturan tersebut adalah jelas dan isu mahkamah functus
officio tidak berbangkit sama sekali bila mahkamah menjalankan
budi bicaranya di bawah slip rule. Perkara tersebut boleh dilihat
dalam keputusan kes Munusamy di mana Abdul Malik Ishak HMR
dalam keputusannya telah membuat pemerhatian berikut:
"My learned brother Low Hop Bing, JCA while sitting on the High
Court bench, had occasion to ventilate his views in regard to the
"slip rule" pursuant to O. 20 r. 11 of the RHC as well as the
inherent power of the court to amend an earlier order together with
the doctrine of functus officio. The headnotes would bear out what
his Lordship had said in that case (see pp. 171 to 172 of the
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[a] Errors arising from accidental slips or omissions may be
corrected under the slip-rule pursuant to O. 20 r. 11 of the RHC,
even though the judgment or order as drawn does in fact represent
the intention of the court at that time. The slip-rule would also
appear to cover the errors made by a litigant or his counsel.
[b] Additionally, the court has the inherent power to correct errors to
give a clear expression to its intentions in the judgment or order
which has been perfected. Such a power exists to enable the court
to correct the record to make it consistent with the judgment or
order which it obviously meant to pronounce.
[c] The doctrine of functus officio does not forbid the amendment of
any judgment or order under the slip-rule. (The slip-rule may be
regarded as an exception to the doctrine). The doctrine also cannot
subjugate the inherent jurisdiction of the court to dispense justice in
a particular case".
[23] Sebagai satu kesempurnaan, Mahkamah merujuk minit prosiding
dan rekod CMS pada 9/3/2022. Dalam rekod, Cik Sugania Gobind
hadir bagi Plaintif Pertama dan Plaintif Kedua manakala En. Siva
Shankar mewakili S & D WIN SDN BHD [ Company No.: 599251-
V]. Jika dilihat dalam Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan, S & D WIN
S/N xTr6h3GyRUSiIcTXdFtNHg
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SDN BHD [ Company No.: 599251-V] adalah Defendan
Kedua/Penghutang Pelaksanaan Kedua.
[24] Oleh demikian, Mahkamah berpuashati pindaan ini boleh
dibenarkan dibawah slip rule dan ia juga tidak mengandungi
sebarang variasi terma atau apa-apa tambahan bagi apa yang
telah diperintahkan oleh Mahkamah.
[25] Mahkamah juga berpendapat bahawa pindaan tidak sesekali
memprejudis Defendan disebabkan ianya adalah perintah yang
sama dengan perintah bermeterai 9/3/2022 dan ia merujuk secara
spesifik seperti niat sebenar Mahkamah.
[26] Oleh demikian, permohonan Responden-Responden/Pemiutang-
pemiutang Pelaksanaan untuk meminda perintah bertarikh
9/3/2022 melalui Lampiran 26 dibenarkan.
Sekian untuk pertimbangan YAH.
Disediakan oleh:
…Sazlina Safie…
Sazlina Bt Safie
Hakim Sesyen,
S/N xTr6h3GyRUSiIcTXdFtNHg
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Mahkamah Sesyen 4 Sivil,
Johor Bahru,
Tarikh :3/11/2023
S/N xTr6h3GyRUSiIcTXdFtNHg
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| 17,424 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-11BNCvC-19-03/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) Teo Boon Chuan 2. ) Teo Boon Chong RESPONDEN Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd | This is an appeal by the defendants against the decision of the learned Magistrate in allowing the plaintiff’s claim for services rendered. | 06/11/2023 | YA Dato' Ahmad Shahrir B. Mohd Salleh | |
06/11/2023 14:58:29
WA-11BNCvC-19-03/2022 Kand. 29
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WA—11B|lCvC—19—03/2022 Kand. 29
Db/11/202] may-22
CIVIL AFPEAL No. WA — IIENCVC — I9 — ua/2u22
(In one mailer oi MagIstmIe‘s caun Kuala Lurnpui
In me Federal Temtery. Maiaysia
Summons No: WA- A‘/ZNCVC - 5399 - 10/2017
1 TEO soon CHUAN
m in (his iuagmeni, pamas are referred to as iney were
before lhelrial court, Tnis IS an appeal byine defendants against
[he d!GISIOn at me Ieamed Maglslrale In auawing Ina pIaIrIIIfl's
claim lor services rendered.
Brlef ullonl mu
[2] Tna piainim pmwdes Ina services of reniai lor IIS
phaloccipy niacnines and charges iis Cus1orrIers based on
photocopy usage Pursuant |a an agreement between me names,
a pneiocavv macmna was Tamed aux Io Ina dafandlnts subieni
to me Ierms onne agresineni.
IN >5mni22¢.0EzHnEYp~IX1D9I
“Nair s.n.I nmihnrwm be LAIQ4 M may he nr1nIn.IIIy mm: dnuuvinnl VII muna WMI
[:1 Ttre agreement bemreen tne platntrtt and tne detendants
eanststett enwo parts The ltrst ts tne servtee Agreement and tne
second ts tne Ran|al Agreement. The Servlce Agreement made
prdyrsrons tor tne senrrdes rendered by me pletnrttt la the
detendants wntcn tnetuded aemee, malnlenance, consumables
and tecnnreal support and upgrades tor saflwara tor me
ptretoeopy macntne Tne Rental Agreement made pnwlsiuns ldr
rentet at the pnorecepy macnrne together wttn dertatn ttbensed
[4] tt was posrted by the ttetendante tnat the tenure ldr the
agreement was tor tne pertod M an momhs hm tne plairutfl
contended that tnere was automatic renewal. ‘tne plarntttt tssued
out tnverees lo the delendants amounting to as at
05 07 2017 but the delendants deleutted tn maklng payments.
The plaintltt than commenced an idmn agarnst tne delenttanls
to reddver the amount oltne uneatd Invaloss.
Anllylls end findings
[51 tn dealing wttn appeals, an appellate oourl wlll not
Intervene In Me declstcn at the lnal balm unless I! 15 shown that
the decistcn of lhe trial cuun ts plainly wrong T ' ' a well-
awepled ennetele at law (See Tegas Sejatf sun and v.
Ponlndblr Ynnah DIOIIII Hula Lrlrlgrll 5 Ana! And Another
App“! [2023] s cu 259 CA; [2023] 3 Mu 795; (20231 4 MLRA
MI, [2023] AMEJ na52)
[6] The learned counsel [or Illa delendartts challenged Ina
admlssl rltty at tne Rental Agreement for tne prrdtoeopy
rnacrrrnea Durlng tnal, tne plalrlhfl larled to produce the dngrnat
agralmenl The learned counsel for Ina defendants submiflad
that the nne whtch was pmduoed was not slamped and as such
I| was no! admlsslble pursuant In secllon 52(1) 0! |ne Stamp Act
m t must say at tne onset tnat tne quesnon ol adrnrssrbrttty
at a panlcular document is dtrttnct and separate lrurn rrre
queslmn of tls yelrdrt, Adrnrssrbrlrty of a document may become
a central tssue t1 parties lo tne dtspute rely solely on ttre
tmpugned document and nottrtng else However. tt lno tseue to
be decided may be detenntned based on evtdenoe otnertnan tne
lnadmlsslble document, tne last that the impugned document
m e5mrnz2r.oEzMnEVp~lX1D9I
«war. s.n.t nmthnrwttt r. u... m my r... nnntnnllly enn. dnuuvtnrtl n. eFlt.lNG vtmxl
was ndi siamped is iireievani and Gould niii negatelhe existence
dune reievani {ad which parties sdiigm in pmve
[31 The an as contained In sediion szm Mme siarnp Act
1949 IS diear siioseciidn (1; is a prohibilicn againsi admissibility
or an inslmmem which was criargeabie wiiri duly but was not duly
stamped when was produced (See Lew sen Kin v. Data’ sin
Young Ming [2012] 7 ML! 717)
m In ine cumext of me piesenr appeal, proviso (8) I0
siibsecucn (1) creaies a sramidry saving ii me my enargeabie
and penaiiy iinppsed on me mslrumenl were paid me may be
done by ins iserned inei iiidge icsne were la employ ine powers
under section 51 o! the Stamp Act 1949 la impound the Renlal
Agreement and gws direciioris ior il I0 be siarnped aceoidingiy
so inai ii wiH become adin s we as evidence, [See Mllayan
Bulking End V. Agencies seivise aiiiesu Sdn and 5 Drs
[1952] cu Rep 217 sc)
[10] in American Express innriisiioiisi Banking
carperaiiari V. Tun Loon swan [1992] \ cu Rep I so, [1992]
1 ML! 727, ins inen supreme cdiin issued a pron-pr in counsels
befitung ineirposnion as umders 0Hhe dpiinra draw the aneniion
di the noun ii: me provisions oi sermons 5211) and 51 oi me
SEND AC1 1949 Since these were not done in the present
appeal, the Rsnial Agieemenl remained inatimissibie
[111 The nensieinping dune agreemem did ndi render ine
agieerneni Invalid bu! nieieiy inadrnissiiiis, II is [0 be ndied mat
olhel inan criaiienging ins amounl said ll.) be due and ins ieniire
dune agreeriieni, iha deiendanis did nei dispuie me vaiidiiy or
me agresrrisrn
1121 Aiineugii I agree wilh me I:un|armun or me iesined
ppunsei tor uie defendant: that me agresrneni admissible,
mere are diner evidence wnien Suppflfls me iadi inai «nerd was
an agreerneni beiwaen the piainim end me defundanls ior
services rendered by me plainuii in me firs! piade, ins
deiendanis dld not dispute irie iaci inai may nad sxeculed me
agreement. ins deiendania ipe did rim dispins iiia ieiine pr ine
agreement or the iaci that me pndioodpy rnacnine was sin in
meir pdssessipn. In Crux wiiar was dispiiied by ins deiendanis
IN b5D1niZ2¢.0EZHnEYpJXlD9I
«war. s.i.i nuvihnrwm be i... a vsfli i... nflflinnflly MVMI dnuuvinnl w. AFVLING pnai
was ins oreacn as aiieged oyine piaiiirii, irie arnoiini payable we
the piainim and me ieniire dime agreement
[131 The coniraciuai arrangemunis neiween me penies sridiiid
not oe soieiy deierrnined by wriiien instruments as me Ienns oi
an aereeirieni need not be based on e wrmen dooiiineni. The
piainirirs case was not soieiy oased on me agreenienii. The
plainml aiso produced the invoices wriicn were made rd ine
deiendenis. ii was nor ine deiendani: sass inai iney did not
siioscrioe no the services provided oy me piiiiniiu.
[44] In iriis regard, DWI in his |es(Imony agreed mail The
charges payable to me oia i« «or me pnoiooopy were
determined eased on usage This was in iaci a cenhrniacion none
oiher inen by me deiendani nirnseiionne iaci dune reniai onne
photocopy mach e and irie reie oi cnardea payable Pwi
produced the unpaid Invoices as evidenee These invoices were
marked dclieciiveiy as Exhlbil P1. The sisiienieni oiadooiini was
marked as Exnioii P2.
[45] in respeci dune algumenl inei ine agisenieni nad iapsed
iiner expiry oi so nionins irorn ins dais ri was enierad, I ani er
ihe considered viewinaiine iecuhaiine pnoiodooy niachine was
never reiiirned in me piainmi di ihai ins phlinllfl did noi lake
possession oi ir is a niievani van in be considered under seciion
ii oi ihe Ewdenoe Ad 1950 Tnis facl when oonsideied in
cdnneciion wilh oiiicr evidenoe is reievani In snow on me
oaiance oi pmha s that ii wns highly orooeoie in me
dirciirnsaances met I e agreerneni was sun in suosisience
between me pames The eirier evidence reievani id be
wnsidend are as «dime-
(ei rirsiiy, the iesiinidny di PW2 ihai me a reeineni wdiiid
be aiiioinaiicaiiy renewed afler irie in ai 60 mon|hs
iiniess terminated by irie Customefi
(bi secondly. the last man «he piainmv did receive Nquests
ior rnainienanoe even in December 2012, and
(:2) inirdiy, ine ducurrlarll vdiiinie lrend circa ociooer 2014.
rn b5D1niZ2¢.0EZHnEYpJXlD9I
“None s.n.i nuvihnrwm be UIQG M new i... nflmruflly MIMI dnuuvinnl vn nFiuNfl Wm!
[16] In cunlendlnsl tnal tne agreement had lapsed alter 60
months. are defendant lrr effect was Plmirlg a defence 01
llnlllauun, Thls was evlfleru al pavagraph 5 ol lne slaternenl ul
aelenee. ll was ler lne delendents to prme lhe defence of
llrnrleuen by shuwlng that me agreement ned lepsed on lne reels
and evldanca, I am or lne oonsldered vlew lne aelendents had
not drscnerged Ihls burden and sum tne delence o1 hmilallnn
had falled
[11] I find nn nrent M me present appeal Tnere are no ougerlt
reasons Io demonstrate that me learned lnel lud es {mdmgs are
plernly wrong ln lhe circumstances‘ l hereby dismiss lne appeal
with Rmuuou on cost.
Dated 29 Oclobar 2023
For the appellants Albert Koo
Tan sp Hun
(Messvs zen, cnyuen a. Farlrze)
For me respondent. Tay Pt): Hal’
(Messrs Slmrerl/eel Tay & Ca )
IN p5mnlz2r.oEzHnalp-IXIDSI
“Nate s.n.l nuvlhnrwm rs. tr... m my r... nflfllnlmy mm. dnuuvlml Vfl .nurta vtmxl
| 728 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-14-2-08/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) ENG CHIN TIAN 2. ) LIM CHIN LEE 3. ) TEH HENG LEE 4. ) Ang Kwee Sin [Merayu Sebagai Wasi Harta Pusaka Lim Kee Yik, No. K/p: 620906-10-5085] RESPONDEN KETUA PENGARAH LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI | This is an appeal by the appellant on the question of law pursuant to paragraph 34 of Schedule 5 of the Income Tax Act 1967 - | 06/11/2023 | YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: BA-14-2-08/2022
(No. K/P: 591225-10-6357)
(No. K/P: 620906-10-5085)
(No. K/P: 671021-10-5627)
(No. K/P: 640423-10-7391) …PERAYU-PERAYU
[Dalam perkara Pesuruhjaya Khas Cukai Pendapata di Putrajaya
Rayuan No. PKCP(R) 81/2018 (Y/A 2004), PKCP(R) 82/2018 (Y/A 2004), PKCP(R)
83/2018 (Y/A 2004) dan PKCP(R) 84/2018 (Y/A 2004)
(No. K/P: 591225-10-6357)
(No. K/P: 620906-10-5085)
(No. K/P: 671021-10-5627)
(No. K/P: 640423-10-7391) …PERAYU-PERAYU
06/11/2023 16:14:59
BA-14-2-08/2022 Kand. 32
S/N j2A9Mpz9eUKJAAfcwqiZ6g
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[1] This is an appeal by the appellant on the question of law pursuant
to paragraph 34 of Schedule 5 of the Income Tax Act 1967 (“ITA”).
[2] This appeal stems from a notice of assessment issued by the
respondent dated 4 May 2017 for the year of assessments (“Y/A”)
Brief Facts
[3] The facts of this appeal are as follows. Syarikat Gagah Makmur
Sdn Bhd (“Gagah”) is the beneficial owner of a piece of agricultural
land under Sandakan Lease No: 085330016 in Sungai Lokan
Telupid di Daerah Beluran, Sabah with a land area of 906.60 acres.
The appellants are the shareholders of Gagah, which is a real estate
[4] On 27 April 2004, Gagah entered into Sales and Purchase
agreement with Express Credit Sdn Bhd (140202-W) to acquire a
land under Sandakan Lease No. 08533016 in Sungai Lokan
Telupid, Daerah in Beluran, Sabah (“the said Land”) for the sum of
[5] Gagah obtained a loan facility from Public Bank Berhad for a sum
of RM 4,000,000.00 for the purchase of the said land.
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[6] On 30 November 2004, the appellants and others entered into
Share Sales Agreement to dispose their shares in Gagah to Yap
Lam Boon and Ang Kun Huat, the new shareholders.
[7] Only two (2) appellants, namely Eng Chin Tian and Lim Kee Yik,
filed Form CKHT 1 on 26 September 2012, while the other two
appellants, namely Teh Heng Lee and Lim Chee Lee did not.
[8] The respondent issued Form K dated from 28 April 2017 and 4 May
2017 for the appellants for Y/A 2004.
[9] The appellants appealed to the Special Commissioner of Income
Tax who dismissed the appellants’ appeal.
[10] The appellants then lodged an appeal in this court.
Law Pertaining to Appeals from the SCIT
[11] With regard to whether, the High Court has jurisdiction to hear
appeals from the SCIT, paragraph 34 of Schedule 5 of the ITA
provides as reproduced below:
“(1) Either party to the proceedings before the Special
Commissioners may appeal to the High Court on a question of
law against a deciding order made in those proceedings.”
[12] Furthermore, paragraph 39 of Schedule 5 of the ITA further reads:
“The High Court shall hear and determine any question of law
arising on an appeal under paragraph 34 and may in accordance
with its determination thereof—
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(a) order the assessment to which the appeal relates to be
confirmed, discharged or amended;
(b) remit the appeal to the Special Commissioners with the
opinion of the court thereon; or
(c) make such other order as it thinks just and appropriate.”
[13] In the case of Kenny Heights Development Sdn Bhd v. Ketua
Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2015] 5 CLJ 923, the Court of Appeal
“[24] We make the general observation that courts, acting in
accordance with the law, are at all times bound by the
legislation placing jurisdiction and authority in specialised
bodies such as the SCIT. The legislation specified that
the deciding order of the SCIT is final and allowed
appeals to the court on question of law and not any
grievance. It underlines, within the SCIT’s jurisdiction, its
authority, and prevents the courts being buried under
an avalanche of tax appeals by parties unhappy with
the determination of the KPHDN and the SCIT.”
[Emphasis added]
[14] Morever, in the case of Saujana Hotel Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah
Hasil Dalam Negeri [2011] 9 MLJ 213, the court held:
“[8] It is trite that it is open for the High Court to review the
decision SCIT, if SCIT.
(a) misdirect themselves on the law;
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(b) answer the wrong questions;
(c) omit to answer a question which they ought to
behave answered;
(d) took into account factors which they ought not to
(e) reached a conclusion on facts which is not
supported by the evidence before them; and
(f) made a finding of facts which no reasonable person
in the circumstances would arrive at.”
[15] In the Director General Inland Revenue v Rakyat Berjaya [1984] 1
MLJ 248, the Federal Court stated:
“In Chu Lip Kong’s case the Privy Council reversed the
Commissioners’ decision on the ground that it was wrong in law.
The approach is similar to that of the House of Lords in Edwards
v. Bairstow & Harrison [1956] AC 14; [1955] 3 All ER 48; [1953]
36 TC 207, a case universally acknowledged as the leading
authority on the distinction between questions of fact and
questions of law. It was also referred to by the learned Judge. He
was fully conscious of the critical distinction between questions of
fact and law. He stated the position succinctly and accurately
before citing a passage from the above case. At p. 54 of the
Appeal Record he reminded himself in the following words:
... The power of the Court to interfere is quite limited where
the findings of the Special Commissioners are basically
findings of facts. The Court will interfere only if there is no
evidence to justify the finding or where they have
applied erroneous tests in arriving at their
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conclusions or have drawn a wrong inference on the
facts or have misdirected themselves in law ...”
[Emphasis added]
[16] Founded on the provisions of the law and the authorities stated, the
High Court may hear appeals from the SCIT on a question of law.
Analysis and Findings
[17] The question of law posed for this court’s consideration is whether
the learned SCIT was correct in law in deciding that the disposal
price of Gagah is RM6,799,500.00.
[18] The facts disclose that Gagah is a real property company whose
shareholders are the appellants. In this regard, when the matters
involves a real property company, the provision of the law that is
applicable is paragraph 34A of the Second Schedule of the Real
Property Gains Tax Act 1976 (“RGPT Act”), which is reproduced:
“Acquisition and disposal of shares in real property companies
34A. (1) An acquisition of shares in a real property company
(hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as “the relevant
company”) shall be deemed to be an acquisition of a chargeable
asset, and where such shares are disposed of, such a disposal
shall be deemed to be a disposal of a chargeable asset
notwithstanding that at the time of disposal of such shares the
relevant company is not regarded as a real property company.
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(2) The chargeable asset in this paragraph shall be deemed
to be acquired—
(a) on the date the relevant company becomes a real
property company; or
(b) on the date of acquisition of the chargeable asset.
(3) For the purposes of this paragraph, the acquisition price of
a chargeable asset shall—
(a) where subparagraph (2)(a) applies, be deemed to
be equal to a sum determined in accordance with the
𝑥 𝐶
A is the number of shares deemed to be a
chargeable asset;
B is the total number of issued shares in the
relevant company at the date of acquisition
of the chargeable asset; and
C is the defined value of the real property or
shares or both owned by the relevant
company at the date of acquisition of the
chargeable asset;
(b) where subparagraph (2)(b) applies, be determined
in accordance with paragraph 4 or 9.
(4) Notwithstanding paragraph 5, the disposal price of the
chargeable asset in this paragraph is the amount or value of the
consideration in money or money’s worth for the disposal of the
chargeable asset.
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(5) This paragraph shall not apply to an acquisition or a
disposal of any shares under paragraph 34.
(6) For the purposes of this paragraph—
“controlled company” means a controlled company as defined
under the Income Tax Act 1967;
“defined value” means the market value of real property or the
acquisition price of shares as determined under subparagraph
“real property company” means—
(a) a controlled company which, as at 21 October 1988,
owns real property or shares or both, the defined value of
which is not less than seventy-five per cent of the value of
its total tangible assets; or
(b) a controlled company to which subparagraph (a) is
not applicable, but which, at any date after 21 October
1988, acquires real property or shares or both whereby the
defined value of real property or shares or both owned at
that date is not less than seventy-five per cent of the value
of its total tangible assets:
Provided that where at any date the company disposes of
real property or shares or both whereby the defined value
of real property or shares or both owned at that date and
thereafter is less than seventy-five per cent of the value of
its total tangible assets, that company shall not be
regarded as a real property company as from that date;
“shares” refers to shares owned in a real property
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“value of its total tangible assets” means the aggregate of
the defined value of
real property or shares or both and the value of other
tangible assets.”
[19] At the crux of this appeal is the consideration paid by the purchasers
for Gagah shares pursuant to the Share Sale Agreement.
[20] What then, amounts to consideration. Section 2 of the RPGT Act
defines consideration as follows:
“In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
“consideration” means consideration in money or money’s worth;”
[21] Subparagraph 34A(4)of the Second Schedule of the RPGT Act
“(4) Notwithstanding paragraph 5, the disposal price of the
chargeable asset in this paragraph is the amount or value of the
consideration in money or money’s worth for the disposal of
the chargeable asset.”
[Emphasis added]
[22] The Osborne’s Concise Law Dictionary (Seventh Edition) defines
consideration as:
“Consideration in the sense of law may consist either in some
right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party, or some
forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or
undertaken by the other.”
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[23] In the case of Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri v. Tan Teik Kin
[2010] MSTC 7, 117 reference was made to consideration from
Pollock’s Principles of Contract (12th Edition) as follows:
“Consideration means not so much that one party is profited as
that the other abandons some legal right in the present, or limits
his legal freedom of action in the future, as an instrument for the
promise of the first. It does not matter whether the party accepting
the consideration has any apparent benefit thereby or not: it is
enough that he accepts it, and that the party giving it does thereby
undertake some burden, or lose something which in
contemplation of law maybe of value.”
[24] Founded on the definition of consideration as alluded to above, it
could be concluded that consideration may take the form of not only
money but the value of money. This means that consideration
includes one party gaining profit, rights, advantages, or another
party bearing losses, damages, and responsibilities.
[25] Coming back to this instant appeal, the consideration stated in the
Share Sale Agreement between the appellants and the purchasers
dated 30.11.2004 states:
“J. Subject to the fulfilment of the terms in recital G above, the
vendors have agreed to sell all their Ordinary Shares in the said
company together with the said property to the said company
together with the said property to the said purchasers and/or their
nominees have agreed to purchase the said same at the agreed
purchase price of Ringgit Malaysia Six Million Seven Hundred
Ninety Nine Thousand and Five Hundred (RM6,799,500/-)
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only (hereinafter referred as to as “the Purchase Price”) [the
agreed price for the ordinary shares stands at RM6.7995 per
shares] upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.”
[Emphasis added]
[26] From a reading of clause J in the Share Sale Agreement, the
purchase price of Gagah’s ordinary shares was agreed between
parties at RM6,799,500.00. This amount was further confirmed by
the appellant’s witness at the SCIT hearing. Moreover, one of the
purchasers of Gagah’s shares, Mr Yap Lam Boon had, vide a letter
stated that the purchase price of Gagah’s shares is RM6,799,500.00
including the loan which amounts to part of the purchase price.
[27] The appellants contend the consideration is the amount paid by the
purchasers to the appellants which is RM2,799,500.00, not
[28] In this regard, this court looked to clause 2 of the Share Sale
Agreement as reproduced below:
“Klausa 2
In considering of sum of Ringgit Malaysia Two Million Seven
Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand and Five Hundred
(RM2,799,500/-) only paid by the purchasers directly to the
Vendors’ Solicitor as stakeholder upon the execution of this
agreement being deposit and the part payment of the purchase
… the Vendors do hereby sell all the purchasers and/or their
nominees do hereby purchase the said company, the said
shares and the said property together with vacant
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possession at the agreed purchase price Ringgit Malaysia
Six Million Seven Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand and Five
Hundred (RM6,799,500/-) only upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter contained but subject to the existing loan.”
[Emphasis added]
[29] From a reading of clause 2 of the Share Sale Agreement, it is plain
that the RM2,799,500.00 is part payment of the purchase price. The
amount of RM2,799,500.00 is not the purchase price as contended
by the appellants. The applicants argued that there is the
outstanding loan facility amounting to RM4,000,000.00. Based on
clause 2 above, it would appear that the consideration for the
appellant’s Sale of Share is RM6,799,500.00.
[30] Pertaining to the loan from Public Bank Berhad, clause 3 of the
Share Sale Agreement states:
“Klausa 3
The purchasers shall ensure that the principal sum of RM
4,000,000/- in the respect of the said loan together with interest
and all other sums levied by Public Bank Berhad are duly paid by
the company at the same times and in the manner required by
Public Bank Berhad. The purchasers shall be deemed to have
full knowledge of the terms and condition thereof AND shall have
the option to pay the said sum of RM4,000,000/- in cash within
seven (7) days of the Completion Date so that the loans could be
cancelled forthwith.”
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[31] Based on clause 3 of the Share Sale Agreement, the purchasers are
given an option to pay the full sum of RM4,000,000.00. This option
was not taken by the purchasers. The amount of RM4,000,000.00
being the principal sum of a loan from Public Bank Berhad. The
purchasers are to ensure the RM4,000,000.00 and all others sums
due to Public Bank Berhad is to be paid by Gagah which has now
been purchased by the purchasers.
[32] As the purchasers did not take the option to pay off the loan with the
principal sum of RM4,000,000.00, the loan from Public Bank Berhad
which was taken by Gagah, is still due. This consequentially means
Gagah (and Gagah’s new owners) are tasked to make the
installments for the loan. This is evident from clause 3 of the Share
Sale Agreement which states that the purchasers shall ensure the
principal sum of RM4,000,000.00 in respect of the loan together with
the interest and all other sums levied by Public Bank Berhad are duly
paid by the company (Gagah) at the times and manner required by
Public Bank Berhad.
[33] This entails that the loan which was the responsibility and/or liability
of the appellants has now, in accordance with the Share Sale
Agreement, become the responsibility of the purchasers. The Public
Bank Berhad loan is no longer the responsibility and/or liability of the
appellants. The appellants are no longer liable or required to make
payments towards the loan. It could be concluded that the appellants
had benefited by no longer having to ensure the payment of the loan
to Public Bank Berhad.
[34] This benefit, in the considered view of this court, amounts to a
consideration under the Share Sale Agreement. The purchase price
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of the shares in Gagah as per the Share Sale Agreement is
[35] Moreover, the Share Sales Agreement plainly and clearly states the
purchase price is RM6,799,500.00. In this regard, reference is made
to the case of Mulpha Pacific Sdn Bhd v. Paramount Corn Bhd [2003]
4 CLJ 294.
[36] Therefore, this court is of the considered view the purchase price or
the consideration for the sale of ordinary shares in Gagah is
RM6,799,500.00. This court is also of the considered view the
appellants had benefited as the appellants are no longer required to
pay of the loan of RM4,000,000.00 from Public Bank Berhad.
[37] For the aforementioned reasons, this court is satisfied that the SCIT
did not err in law. The decision of the SCIT is hereby upheld and
affirmed. This appeal is dismissed with costs of RM3,000.00 subject
to allocator.
Date: 06 November 2023
High Court of Malaya,
Shah Alam
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For the Appellant:
Gan Boon Yi
Tetuan Yeong & Mak
Advocates & Solicitors
No. 5-2, Jalan Temoh,
Off Jalan Tapah,
41400 Klang, Selangor
+6 03 3344 2902 / 11
For the Respondent:
Nur Aina Mohd Jaffar, Intan Natasha binti Yusri
Bahagian Litigasi Cukai,
Jabatan Undang-Undang,
Ibu Pejabat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia,
Menara Hasil, Aras 11,
Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8,
63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor.
+6 03 8313 8888
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| 20,993 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24-39-07/2022 | PEMOHON GULATIS EXCLUSIVE SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN 1. ) TRIBUNAL RAYUAN CUKAI BARANG DAN PERKHIDMATAN 2. ) KETUA PENGARAH JABATAN KASTAM DIRAJA MALAYSIA | Goods and Services Tax Act 2014 – DG Customs issue Bill of Demand to Applicant – Applicant Appeal against the DG’s decision to Customs Appeal Tribunal (“CAT”) – CAT dismissed the AppealGST Act – s 62(1) - Applicant made an application for remission of the amount stated in BOD to the Minister of Finance - Application to the Minister rejectedGST Act -– Applicant Appeal against the DG’s decision to Customs Appeal Tribunal (“CAT”) – CAT dismissed the Appeal – Appeal dismissed without hearing the meritsAdministrative Law — Judicial review — Whether CAT has jurisdiction to hear appeal once application for remission under s 62(1) rejected by the Minister – Whether there was a breach of natural justice | 06/11/2023 | YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh | |
06/11/2023 09:42:52
WA-24-39-07/2022 Kand. 22
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
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wA—24 39—o7/2022 Kand. 22
Eb/ll/202] 29:42-52
smgu EEMQLA no WA-24-ZN-OZ 12:;
Damn Perkin mlnganm mam pamlohunan
m bawzh Amman 55A mm.» 1 Kaedzrr
Knodah Mahkamah 2m2
Dmam perm: mamana Seksyen :3,
Saks)/an um um zcy, seksyafi sump,
nan Sevsyen 364:7 Akla cum Earang nan
FaII\Ndma(an 201o(Am my
Daham Deflmm Inengenaw S-Kiyen 5 ma
cum smug dun Fukrmmlun
Psmansuhan 2D1E(AkIa aosv
Dnlam pemara menpenm am: Yummzn
dengan Mum mum KE
WBUSAKBZ/0B)D§3a[CAG)||5W bcnnnkn
25012917. zsoezmv, omzon, can
u B12018
Dalzm Derkam Rayuan Na mcapw
91512015 dangan Ivlukan Kapmusan mm
no. L0943198272 dzn L2D47I)-Hwn nan
Kapulusnn Tn|1un.I\ Rayuln Kzslam pads
mun 2022
D.-mm venom Alwan SSA Kaodah 1
Kasuaruuaaan Mahkamzh 2012
0. m gamma mm...m mm!-writ
pemorm. berlankh nmznzz din
zamzuzt xapm Maman Kzwangan
sm uaxxmn/umz1KuniRDmA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
nnmk rnyuin penyeleaalan pevmayaran
cukal/dull G51’
(NO. SVARIKAY: 22723741) ...r-ERAVU
[1] Thsle is befnre me an appeal by way 91 an Org axlng Summons
cos‘; wed bylhe appellant‘ Glllalis Exclusive sun Bhd. against me
declslofl pl lne Custom Appeal Tribunal (“the Trlburlzll“). The
maunal had dlsmlsscd ma eppellanrs appeal agalnsl me Dlffldcf
General ol cusloms (‘me DGC“) aeclslpn la lssue a lalll of Demand
(‘EOD“) dated H 7.201s
[2] This 05 ls supported by the alfiuavil pl Pavllélr smgn a/l Manleel
slngn ln End 2 (‘ms-2“) Enclk Pavliar is one ailne dlreolors of the
appellanl company
[3] The hnellaciual badmruund lnal leads lo lnls appeal is as lollows.
[A] As alluded to earller, on 11.7 2018‘ me Dec, who Is me 2"“
vespondenl hereln, lssued me BOD up the appellant |o demand lne
appellanl pm; me goods and sun/lees lax (‘est’) arnaunllng lo
(51 The EDD lrllar aha slalas as lollws.
Dlmaklumkan bahaws luan lelan kurang
mumbayav Cukai amng dun Pnlkmumman
lemvoh Dercukal dzn 014”-2fl15lIlrlgga won
zma Dsngsn ml‘ menplkul semen as Akla
cm. Earaw darl Pemnlamalan 2m4. man
m uaxxlun/umzlKuniRDl).lA
«ma s.n.l n-nhnrwlll a. LAIQ4 w my a. nflmnallly mm: dun-nun: VII arlum Wml
ndnlah dmmml untuk membua| bayanan a.k..
Iupam ax aa\zm LAMPIEAN A yang benumlan
am 2.049523 10
[6] Aaqrievea mm lha ussuanoe or ma son‘ the appeHan\ appeared in
one Tnhunal
At tho Tribunal
m AtIheTribuna\,1he warned Chairman took mu) oonslderahon a lelwer
Iran! the Mmslry ui Finance, which reveneu In me appncanon made
by Its: appellam dated 25 4 202! for 5 remlssmn of the amount
slalad in the BOD The |e||Bt [mm Ihe Ministry‘ dated 24‘122021,
slated «name Mln sueyorrmanoenaa rqecied meappuuaanon made
by me appflcanl. It says as follows.
Pevmohunan Gmshs bnzluswu Sdn um um
marvflnpalhn ramm Iebanyak sn-/. ua am
amaun tunwakan ssr betjumuh
nmvnmse so man pun unaum elm vs Mtnlen
xawangau dun dlmikmmkan bahavra
pelmnmrun mam max mlmuskan
[3] Afler navmg referred to me MmIslry‘s waner, me learned cnawv-an
was 0! me view that the Tribunal had no mnsmctian tn hear me
appeal The Tribunal made me (allowing fin gs.
Memlndangkan nenan aaa kzvulusan vs
Murvtun Kuvansian be auaa aum mu... Puviyu
bennnkh 2a ApN2fl21alas pemam yang sauna
yang dflmlkln ulih Puayu dlhm ruyunnnyn kc
mhunal wanu imaun ma. Gsr beramaun
RNI2,04Q,9£s.1a damn: an mm" bmunkh
1: Juli: me man Tnbunal hdak rnnmpulvyaw
bsdzmgkuua uruuk mendengarrayuan mu
[9] In short, the appeal belore the Tribune! was strud< cm.
am uaxxmn/umz1KuniRDmA
«mm. saw nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
At the High court
[10] The lssue In lhls appeal before me rs very elrarghltorward It
concerns me applicalrpn cl 5 mmll) o1 me Customs Act 1967,
mad lpgemerwlm 5 I26 cl me seeps and saruioee Act 2014 (“GET
Act“) and s 5 01 me Goods and Samoa: Tax (Repeal) An 2018
[11] For CIBVW, s I41M(1joHhe cuslorns Acl ls reproduced here.
we Tnburlal shall have lullsdsclinn lo oelernnne
my anvall made unaer sevnnn us cl lne Acl.
secmn :7 :1! me Buclu Ad «we, smsealarl
96(5) o+ lra Sales Tax Acl Em‘ seenon al or
meservlee TaxAc12D1B am secllon126o1lhe
raplalod Guods ma Servlcal Tu Acl zuu .-
provraoe urudev secllun 5 al me Good: and
same. Ynx (fiapeal) Acl zols [Acl mm
112] My undersrnnoing cl me proeeuure to be adopted by an aggrlavefl
parly Is as lollows. Sumac! lo s m al are (EST A421. en sggvlsved
person may appeal lo me Tribunal on any uecreron made by the
nec under s 126(1) or [he GST Acl.
[13] Under s 127m) of me GST Acl, me Trlbunal shall have jurisdiulon
lo delermlne appeals reaung lo goods and senrreee lax except on
mailers specmsd lrl the Fourlh Schedule Now‘ what are me mailers
epecmeo In lrre Fourth Schedule’ Para lx) onrre Founrr Schedule
prcvldes lnal lne Trlbunal has no llmsdlollon la hearany appeal ll il
mvolves any lelusal by lhe DGC lo rsmll any penalty or surcharge
may 5 52(2)
[14] s 52(2) pl me GST Acl prouulee lnnl lne DGC may rernll me whole
or any pan 04 me penalcy payable er surcharge accmed unper lne
Acl wnere ll Is Just and equluole lo do so.
[151 Learned counsel lor me appellanl look umbrage in me manner me
Trlbunal condulfled me appeal To begin wlln, leemea counsel
wncedsd mat the refusal 0! "Is DGC Io remll any penalty or
surcrrarge unders 52(2) onrle ssr Acl n rlotappealahle However.
learned counsel oonlenoeo lhal rne Mlnlsler‘s rqeclnn or me
remlsslon does um fall wllhln [M ambll of para (kl 0! me Fuurlh
Schedule ollhe EST AC1.
IN uaxxmA7lLlrnzlKun‘IRDl).lA
“Nair Smnl mmhnrwlll a. u... m my r... pflnlrrnllly ml. dnuuvlnrrl wa nFluNG vmul
[ls] AI msl blush, lhls Ilne nlargumerll ls Indeed very penuaslvs.
[171 Hnwever, allow me In analyse lurlher
[18] An application for remission can be made lo the Mlnisler undev s
82(1)cl‘|Ile GST Actor In the us under s 52(2).
[19] ln nus 05, me appllcallall [or remlsslon ln me letter daled 26.4.2021
was made In the Mlnllue: under s 62(1) and no! lo me DG. ln
exemislng hls dlscrellon. lhe Mlnisler had ruler.-tea me appllcallorl
Vlde me Mlnls|ry‘s leller dated 24 122021 In my oorlsldered view,
once we relecllon was made under s 62(1), me proper lurum lllal la
open to me appellant ls la challenge the flllrllslellal declslon of way
of a Judicial revlew prooeedlng under 0 53 of lhe Rules el calm
lzal So, and I say the wlul respect, me Tribunal was carved In naming
Ihal V1 hld no junsdlcllun kl quail me deolslon OI Ihe M ’ er In
rlelacllng the application (or remlsslorl. The ]|JVlSdlCll0fl belongs
excluslvaly lo the High Court under para ‘l of me Schedule cf the
Couns o[Judlca|ure M1 1954
[21] The second oomplalm M me ipuellsnl IS mat the dismlssal or me
appeal by me Tnbunal was in a summary marlrlarand had breached
(he principles cl natural luslxce. Aomldlrlg 10 learned cwnsell (he
appeal was fixed var neanng belore the Tribunal url 27.6.2022. Two
weeks balm: the hearing, there was a case rrlanagemenl (‘CM“)
before me Tribunal an 1A 6 2022 The mlnules of me cm on
14.5.2022 are reproduced llele
Purayu raaa dakunlen lull Nzmyi
Penyalz SIks4. Peguam Clk
Flm-lull walla Covld—I9 Ehllau
akafl avlail
Trlhunal Kzwmsnn Raylnn pevayu
[221 The ocmplalnl made by me apaenanl IS mal the aeclslon all me
Tribunal ls perverse In that.
la) The Tnbunal dlsmlssea the appeal wllrloul rlearlrlg lhe menls
:2! me appeal, wlllm was fixed Iur heanrlg melely Iwo weeks
m uaxxlun/umzlKu)‘IRDl:uA
“Nair Smnl nuvlhnrwlll a. HIGH M my l... nflnlnallly ml. dnuuvlnnl vu aFluNG ml
ib) The appellant was ncl given a reasonable opporiuniiy io be
naard wnicn included irie submission ol legal issues
periainirig lo me appeal
(c) Tne appeal was dismissed in ine absence cl ine appsiieiirs
appoinied oourisei, inereby denying ine appellarii an
opppnunicyio subrnli on me issue ol the Tnbunais iunsdiciion
to hear Ihe appeal.
[23] To my Nllndi the real queslicn is, would ine presence cl me counsel
or ccriilnuaiion oi me lieanng oi Ihe appeal sews any purpcee7 wiiii
respeci, ldo noiinink so. As l alluded io earlier, ins Tribunal had no
iurisdiciion lo cuasn a decision niade by me Min er Tnere was no
decision niada by me D6 cn the issue oi ienii ri Even ii mere
was, a decision niads by ins DG, uiwnicn more 5 no evidence lo
ma: effect, is noi appealable under ;xara(k|o1Ihe Founh Schedule
oi irie GST Act.
[215] in my considered view, mare is no poini in rernming ihe rnanario
ine Tribunal, as urged by learned counsel lor ine appellani, wlien
irie end resuii wuuld be lhe same
[25] Does iliis mean inai irie appellanl ls lefl wiin no remedfl I believe
iiie appaiian is noi li eiher wiihoui remedy since ine decision
was made by Ina Minisier. ine appellant could commence leave
seeking iudioal review against inai decision. However, ineappeilarii
inusi fiisi cross one nurdle crexieriding ine iinie under 0 53 r 3(7)
oi the ROC
[26] rriis OS is dianiissad wiin no order as io oosls
Tiiillilii a November 2023
Mahkamah rincg. i<uaia Lunipur.
“None s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll i. ii... a may i... nflnlnallly MIMI dun-vlnril wn nFluNG Wflxl
Eagw Pmak Pariyu Nschahs Mark Pere<Ia
muan Juan‘ mu, we 5 Nair
Bag: Pmak Respondent Nur um Emu Murah src
Bahsqlln wammanuan,
mm... Knstzm n-up Malayswa
sm uaxxmn/umz1KuniRDD.IA
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
| 979 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BL-12BNCvC-4-02/2023 | PERAYU LESLIE TAN CHIN SIANG RESPONDEN FUN N CHEER SDN. BHD. | - Appeal after full trial- Appeal by the Appellant against the decision of the learned Sessions Court Judge who dismissed part of the - Appellant’s counter claim for abuse of process- The Respondent company claim against the Appellant for breach of employment contract- Appellant then counter claimed for unpaid salary and tort of abuse of process- The Industrial Court find in favour of the Appellant and ordered the Respondent to pay Appellant the sum of RM 186,200.00 as compensation for terminating his employment without just cause and excuse- The Sessions Court Judge then proceeded with the trial in the absence of the Respondent- High Court had was not provided with Session Court Judge ground of judgment in the records of appeal- Order 35 rule 1(2) of the Rules of Court 2012- In the absence of any challenged made by the Respondent on the Appellant’s evidence, the trial judge under a duty to consider and accept in total the evidence put forward by the Appellant in defending his counter claim for damages on tort of abuse of process | 06/11/2023 | YA Puan Norliza Binti Othman | |
SUIT NO: BL-A52NCVC-13-03/2021
This is an appeal by the Appellant against the decision of the learned
Sessions Court Judge on 2 February 2023 who dismissed part of the
Appellant’s counter claim for abuse of process.
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BL-12BNCvC-4-02/2023 Kand. 22
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[1] The Respondent company Fun N Cheer Sdn. Bhd. filed a claim
against the Appellant at the Klang Sessions Court vide Suit No. BL-
A52NCvC-13-03/2021 for breach of employment contract. Appellant
then counter claimed for unpaid salary and tort of abuse of process
as the suit was filed for the purpose to exert pressure on him to drop
his case against the Respondent for unfair dismissal at the Industrial
[2] On 29.6.2022, the Industrial Court find in favour of the Appellant and
ordered the Respondent to pay Appellant the sum of RM 186,200.00
as compensation for terminating his employment without just cause
and excuse.
[3] On 14.12.2022, Respondent filed a suit in the Klang Sessions Court
hence where this appeal arose. When the case came up for trial,
Respondent refused to take part in the trial after the Court turned
down their request for adjournment. The Sessions Court Judge then
proceeded with the trial in the absence of the Respondent. Only
Appellant gave his evidence on the day of trial without any challenge
from the Respondent. On 2.2.2023, the learned Sessions Court
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Judge dismissed the Respondent’s claim and allowed the
Appellant’s counterclaim on unpaid salary but dismissed the counter
claim on tort of abuse of process. Hence, the Appellant filed this
[4] The Respondent’s claim against the Appellant is amongst others
declarations for breach of fiduciary duty, breach of trust and
damages from those breaches. The Respondent submits that the
claim falls squarely within the jurisdiction of the Sessions Court.
[5] Respondent submits that they had rightfully filed their claim in the
Sessions Court as it could not have brought this matter up in the
Industrial Court. It is a bona fide and just claim which is supported
by cogent evidence. It is further submitted that the Respondent’s
claim in the Sessions Court and their claim in the Industrial Court
concerns two distinct and separate matters. The Appellant is
claiming for reinstatement and back wages, whereas the
Respondent claim against the Appellant is for breach of fiduciary
duty and breach of trust.
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[6] Both issues and elements need to prove both claims are different.
The Industrial Court cannot decide and award damages for breach
of fiduciary duty and/or breach of trust as these matters can only be
decided and awarded by the civil courts. Furthermore, Respondent
has filed this action on 19.3.2021, 8 months before the Industrial
Court concluded its proceedings on 16.11.2021. Hence, it cannot be
said that this action is tantamount to an abuse of process by the
[7] The Respondent has pleaded the details of breach of fiduciary duty
as well as breach of trust in great length at paragraphs 8 to 17 of the
Respondent’s Statement of Claim. The Respondent genuinely
believed that the Appellant has committed breach of fiduciary duty
and breach of trust against the Respondent. This is a bona fide
action against the Appellant before the Industrial Court concluded
its proceedings on 16.11.2021.
[8] The Respondent reiterates and further submits that the Industrial
Court’s jurisdiction and remedy available are limited to
reinstatement, compensation in lieu of reinstatement and/or back
wages only. The Industrial Court has no jurisdiction or power to
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grant any form of damages to the Respondent in respect of any
breach of fiduciary duty and/or trust by the Appellant in this matter.
[9] As for the absence of the Respondent’s at trial was not the fault of
the Respondent. It is unfortunate that the Respondent and its
previous solicitors had a dispute before the trial began. As a result,
the Respondent’s previous solicitors refused to continue with the
trial. In essence, it is the Respondent’s position that the
Respondent’s previous solicitors had failed to uphold the interest of
the Respondent by not attending the trial. Further, it cannot be said
that the Respondent has failed to attend court. In fact, the
representatives of the Respondent were present in Court. This
shows that the Respondent wishes to proceed with the action but
the solicitors refused to do so.
[10] The Court of Appeal in UMW Motor Sdn Bhd & Anor v Allan
Chong Teck Hin [2021] 5CLJ 193 had laid down principles
regarding appellate intervention when it comes to decision that is
premised on a finding of fact through evidence from witnesses by
the trial judge. The Court of Appeal held:
“Principles of Appellate Intervention
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[28] Foremost on our minds are the two tests, namely, “plainly wrong
test” and “insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence” test for appellate
interference in subordinate court’s findings. In respect of the two tests,
the Court of Appeal held as follows in Lee Eng Chin & Ors v Gan Yook
Chin & Anor [2003] 2CLJ 19; [2003] 2 MLJ 97 at pp.90 to 99:
(2) Generally, an appellate court will not intervene unless the trial
court was shown to be plainly wrong in arriving at its decision or where
there had been no or insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence.
Judicial appreciation of evidence meant that a judge who was required
to adjudicate upon a dispute must arrive at his decision on an issue of
fact by assessing, weighing and, for good reasons, either accepting or
rejecting the whole or any part of the evidence placed before him. He
must, when deciding whether to accept or to reject the evidence of a
witness, test it against relevant criteria. Thus, he must take into account
the presence or absence of any motive that a witness may have in giving
evidence. Where contemporaneous documents existed, he must test the
oral evidence of a witness against these. He must also test the evidence
of a particular witness against this. He must also test the evidence of a
witness against the probabilities of the case. The principle central to
appellate interference is that a decision arrived by a trial court without
judicial appreciation of the evidence may be set aside on appeal.
[29] The Court of Appeal has reiterated in Ong Chiou & Anor v Keller (M) Sdn
Bhd & Ors & anor appeal [2019] 1LNS26; [2019] 3MLRA 322 at pp 329
that: -
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(25) We are mindful of the limited role of the appellate court in relations to the
findings of court made by the court of first instance. The general principle
is that the conclusion of a trial judge is a finding of fact on the oral
evidence based on the demeanour and credibility of the finding ought
not to be disturbed unless the appellate court is convinced that it is
plainly wrong. It would not be sufficient to warrant an appellate court
interference merely because the appellate court entertains doubt
whether such finding is right. (see: Lee Ing Ching Ors v Gan Yook Chin
& Anor [2003]2CLJ 19, [2003] 1 MLRA 95. Gan Yook Chin & Anor v Lee
Ing Chin Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309, [2004] 2 MLRA 1).
[11] This Court had no privilege in reading the learned Sessions Court
Judge grounds of judgment for it was not provided by her in the
records of appeal. This is a finding of fact after full trial, but this Court
in exercising its appellate jurisdiction, did not know as to how the
learned Sessions Court Judge derived at her decision in dismissing
part of the Appellant’s counter claim i.e. damages for abuse of
process. All and all, this court had to rely on the parties submissions
and records of appeal minus the grounds of judgment.
[12] The Appellant raised two issues in this appeal: -
(i) Whether the trial judge erred in disregarding the binding
authority of Takako Sakao v Ng Pek Yuen & Anor [2010] 1
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CLJ 381 FC, where evidence given by a party is accepted as
true in the absence of any evidence from the other side;
(ii) Whether the trial judge erred in not drawing an adverse
inference under section 114(g) of the Evidence Act 1950
against the Respondent for not adducing evidence to prove
their claims against the Appellant.
[13] Respondent did not gave evidence at the trial, though they are the
one who filed the suit. In other words, they did not proved their claim
in court. It is only the Appellant who testify and the Court accept his
evidence without being challenged by the Appellant. Unfortunately,
part of his counter claim against the Respondent for damages for
abuse of process was dismissed by the learned Sessions Court
Judge. Here is the handicapped that this court in hearing this appeal
facing, i.e. not able to perused the reasoning by the learned
Sessions Court as to her finding on this particular issue since no
grounds of judgement provided by her.
[14] The Respondent filed this suit in the Sessions Court on the ground
that the Industrial Court cannot decide and give remedies in respect
of breach of fiduciary duty and/or trust by the Appellant.
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Respondent’s submits that the Appellant had only provided bare
assertions to alleged that the Respondent had filed their for
collateral purpose of pressuring the Appellant to drop his case in the
Industrial Court. No evidence was produced to proved this and no
documents are before the Court to substantiate the allegation of
any pressure exerted by the Respondent on the Appellant to
withdrew its claim.
[15] In this case, according to the Respondent’s solicitors, representative
of the Respondent did attend court on the trial date but did not testify
on behalf of the Respondent as in defending their claim or
challenging the Appellant’s counter claim. Under Order 35 rule 1(2)
of the Rules of Court 2012, the Judge may proceed with the trial in
the absence of the other party.
“ O.35 rule 1(2) – If, when the trial of an action is called on, one party
does not appear, the Judge may proceed with the trial of the action or
any counterclaim in the absence of that party, or without trial give
judgment or dismiss the action, or make any other order as he thinks fit.
The Appellant’s solicitors refers to the Federal Court decision in Takako Sakao
v Ng Pek Yuen & Anor [2010] 1 CLJ 381 at pp 388 -399 that set out the two
consequences of a party who failed to attend court or to take part in trial:
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(i) the presumption that the evidence given by the other party against him
to be true; and
(ii) the presumption of adverse inference being drawn against him.
[16] Since the representative of the company though present did not take
the witness stand and testify, the learned Sessions Court Judge
proceed with the testimony of the Appellant without any challenge
from the Respondent.
In KPF Niaga Sdn Bhd v Vigour Builders Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS
141 it states:
“ [37] ….It is trite law where a party raises a material fact and this
is not contradicted , the fact would be treated as unrebutted
evidence in support of the party who adduces the fact (see, inter alia
Ng Hee Thoong v Public Bank Bhd [1995] 1 MLJ 281 and Seruan
Gemilang Makmur (via his secretary Dato’ Ahmad Tajudin bin Sulaiman)
[2010] 8 MLJ 57.
[17] As for the issue that the company initiated the suit at the Sessions
Court for a collateral purpose to exert pressure on the Appellant to
drop his case at the Industrial Court. During trial in the Sessions
Court, the Appellant gave evidence that the Respondent
commenced the action in the Sessions Court 6 months before the
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trial at the Industrial Court was “to exert pressure on me to withdraw
the Industrial Court case”.
The evidence given by the Appellant as to the issue of collateral
purpose to exert pressure on the Appellant as to withdraw the suit
in the Industrial Court against the Respondent was not challenged
by the Respondent; so, this must be taken as the truth.
[18] So, in the absence of any challenged made by the Respondent on
the Appellant’s evidence, the trial judge under a duty to consider and
accept in total the evidence put forward by the Appellant in
defending his counter claim for damages on tort of abuse of process.
Her failure to consider an unchallenged evidence on this issue
tantamount to miscarriage of justice to the Appellant. In fact, she
should have ruled that the presumption of adverse inference should
been drawn against the Respondent for failure to adduce evidence
in defending the counter claim put forward by the Appellant.
[19] Based on the above reasons, this court finds that the learned
Sessions Court Judge had erred in law and fact in dismissing the
counter claim of the Appellant for tort of abuse of process against
the Respondent. Therefore, the appeal by the Appellant hereby
allowed with cost of RM3,000.00. As for the damages for tort of
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abuse of process, this case will be remitted back to the Sessions
Court for assessment of damages.
Dated 4 October 2023
: Law Office of B H Khor
C-1-1, Clubhouse Mont Kiara Sophia
No. 2, Jalan Kiara 1
Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur
C-26-05, 3 Two Square
2, Jalan 19/1
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
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| 15,734 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-24NCvC-494-04/2023 | PEMOHON OOI THYE PENG RESPONDEN 1. ) PENDAFTAR BESAR KELAHIRAN DAN KEMATIAN JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA MALAYSIA 2. ) KETUA PENGARAH JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA 3. ) Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri 4. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | Constitutional Law: citizenship – by operation of law – whether child found exposed or abandoned – section 19B of Part II of the Federal Constitution – Article 14(1)(b) read with section 1(a) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution. - Article 14(1)(b) read with section 1(e) and subsection 2(3) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution –whether the Applicant was ‘not born a citizen of any country’ - Whether the present matter ought to have been commenced via Judicial Review.The Court finds it not fatal to proceed via Originating Summons. The Court finds that the Plaintiff has failed to satisfy the elements under Article 14(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution read together with Second Schedule Part II Section 1(a) and Second Schedule Part III Section 19B of the Federal Constitution and Article 14(1)(b) read together with Section 1(e) Part II, Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution.The Court finds that the Plaintiff has failed to prove that he was a new born child found abandoned in any place as the Plaintiff’s adoptive father is the one who received the Plaintiff from the Plaintiff’s birth mother. Jus sanguinis not established.The Plaintiff’s application herein is dismissed with no order as to costs. | 06/11/2023 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
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S/N K1drwfckkEmXrAZh2lSw
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S/N K1drwfckkEmXrAZh2lSw
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1>A—2am:vc—49¢—oI/2023 Kand. 24
Cb/H/201] 1":
SAMAN PEMULA 140.: PA-2ANcvc.Mwo4Im2a
Dalam Perkara Anikel 5. 5, 14(1)(b), 15.
19‘ 30, 31 dan Fas:\ Kadua Bahaguan
‘nga Perlembagazn Parsekuluan
Dalam Psrkarl Akla Penuavuran
Kskahvan dan Kamahan 1957.
Dalam Perkara 5(3)(a) Peraluranv
Pemluran Pendaflarzm Negara 1990
den Am Pendnflaran Negara
Dmam Perkara Awran 7 den 7::
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
(No. sun Kelamran CI 92075) PLAINTNF
sw Ktamckkzmxrnnzww "'I* 1 °’ “
ma Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
[1] Th s is vet am7lhe( case or an indlvxdual seeking me Ccun‘s
mcewenocn In oonver cmzenshiv slams Dursnanl m Aniu|u14(1)(h)
of mo Fodnrul connlmon read «ogemer mun alhar pnwrsrons of
me Fudull Couammlnn.
[2] Tnraugn Endosurz 1, the Plalnufl sought mlel-aha several
declarannns reaaung to ms quasi to he oonverrea Malaysian
zensmp. The dedaralbons suugm are premised on [he Iouowing.
n. pursuant In Anicln aux») o1 mo Fndcrnl Colulllullon lead
|ogemer wrm me second Schndulu (prayer: 1 to 3)‘
o. pursuant to Anlcln 15(2) Ind 15A 0! mo Fudorll
consmuuon (prayer: 4 and 5),
srn Ktamckkzmxrnnzww vase I on-
me sum no-nhnv MU he used m mm no mwmnnuly MW; mmn vn mum wrm
"min is widely aceepied inai noi every decision made by an
au»rcn'iair'-ne body is suriaoie ior iudieei review Ta quaiuy mere
rnusi be a suficien! public iew eiemeni in me oeeisien made For
rnis, it is neeessaryin examine pain are source oiine power and
me name onne decision made, whether me aecrsron was made
undare siaiuiorypowar (see pers. 61 Halsbury Laws oIEngIam1,
an edn, 2am Reissue, vol. 1(1)) To illusvaxe xnrs, we will refer
to is number oi aumormes involving drsnrrssai [mm service by a
public euineriry or a purported pupirc authority
(:2) we abssrvad me: a chal/ange on me use of appropriate
procedure is very much iaci based. rnus, i! is necessary for a
judge when deciding on such maiier lo iirsr eseenern Whether
mere is a pubiis law eierneni in ma drspure. ii rhe dawn for
iniringerneni is based eoieiy on suosrenuua principles cnzubiic
/aw men me appmpviale process snouid be ny weyci o 5.: RHC
Iii‘! is a mixture oi public and prrvaie iaw man ma court rnusi
ascenern wnren oi me (we is more predominani. ll ri nss a
suzrsrannai public iew element men me procedure under 0, 53
RH!) musi be aocpreu. oinerwrse, ii may be set aside on [be
ground that K auusas me courts process. But iv me rnarier is
under prime law mougir concerning e public aumcriiy, me mode
in cornmencc susn action under 0. 53 RHC is Iva! suitable. Aside
from uris, mere could pa omsl cireumsiances like me kind in my
Dela’ Dr. zsrnory, Muen depends on me leave of me case. But
gansrally me com snouio be circumspecl In allowing a mans:
which snouiu be ay way era 53 Rncio proceed /II another
Iornr To say rim :4 is open to an appiicanz ssekmg]uL1)ciLI/Ioviow
lo aieci any made he preisrs. as implied In Kuenmg wsierrroni,
IN mannmsnxnaznzieu me :1 am
we s.n.i n-nhnrwm as used m yam .. mn.u.y MIME dun-mm vu muue we
would, in our covisidersd opinion, he rendering 0 53
RHCIsduridari1 niis is oerfam/y not the intention olrhe dmllars
onriis ruie who had a purpcse in mind mien ins purpose amiis
ru/a is in the interest or good adniinisiiarion, man INS ruia must
be adhered to. except in Me iimiied arid exoepfional
circumstances discussed "
[241 in my view, having cansidared an maneis, mere IS eenainiy some
merit In the Dedermants‘ mntention that there is pubiic law element in
me displfle at iianc HUWEVOI, i am also ol me View Ihfll mere is
indeed a mixlure v1 publicaiid private iaw eieinenis and as such, il 1!
men ioi ine com to aseenaiii at me two is predominant. The
deteniiinauon oi unis issue mucri depends on me vacis olmch se.
on me one riand, meie is no dispute that ooiisidenng ii is a decision
at a pubiic body max is being criaiiengec, ii would be indimtive oi a
predominant pubiic law eiemeril Hawever, on me other hand,
mnsidemig met me anpiicaumi peflalns in a ngrii of uiiizensiiip oi‘ an
individual pursuant In the Fodoral Camfltullnn, ii is also arguable
mac uie uledominanl element is private law.
[25] As sucn. I am unabie id wriclude wiin any uerlairily mat uie
piedominani eiemem IS eixnei public or piwaie um but, in my view.
quiie balanced i have aisc noted iiom ma iaw (spoils that simiiai
appliulions far cinzenanin have men been decided ina onginaiing
Summons and as sucn, in oidai nm In cause any iniusuca no me
Plairihfl, lwlll pruaeed |o eensideima mania cimeappiicaiian in any
event, the Deleriulrils hive mo submllled iuiiy on me mums oi lhe
PlalnIiIl's appiieaiion for oiiizananip by opeiaiion di law
IN KiflrwlckkEmXrAlhZi$u Page uni u
-use a.n.i In-vihnrwiii be used a van; me nflgiriniily Mimi dun-vinril Va nFiuNG wmi
[26] in passing, in so iaras the Deienoants oontention that this application
was inoornpatent due to a failure to sla|e the relevant pmvislons in
the intituierrient, I find no rnant in the same The basis at the
otaany one trial concerns the
requirement at the intitulenien
primacy of the rule against titrgation by surprise.
[27] in this case. the Plaintm has in the intitulernent clearly refewed to
order 1 of III: Rul of court 2011. the Birth: and Doalhs
Registration Act 1351 and its various ruies as well as the various
imdes of the Federal Comllttmon Thi , in my Vlewt is olearty
sumcient and the Detenaartt cannot be at an be said |o be surprised
in any manner in that the nature of the appitcation is imrnediateiy
[25] As such, I will now dent with the subs|anItve issue at this case and
the merits oi the Piaintiirs application for citizenship
Gov Illfl Pnnclg rr gns p
[291 on generai prmuples gwemlng citizenship py operation o1\aw,lhe
same has been dadared by me Feoerat court as a turioanieritat
right and at reiateu homes are bound to aornpiy with its dictates
izeriship. both
substantively and proaeaurniiy, including interpretation of the
crlizenslvp provisions are exotusivety housed in the Fndanl
constitution and nwhere eise inotuaing other statutes. song a
leaving no room for discretion The provisions on
tunoarnantat right, it has been held that otizenshtp pmrvisinris must
be oanstrueo as proaaty as pusslble without changing or warping
in K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u was as at II
we s.ii.i Illflhlt M“ be used M van; aa migiruflly MIN; dnunmrtl VIZ aF\t.ING am
the 'basa' meaning WVIIVB pmvislons which hmll lhase Hams must be
ounslmed as nalmwly as possible [See the cases aroma AAnor
v. Kotu: Pungarah Pondafurln Nngnrn. Malaylla a on [2021]
4 MLJ 2:5 and ccu 5. Anal v. Pondlfur auar Bagi Kolahlran
mu Komnin . MIlIysi:[2IZ21 1 cu 11.
[30] on ounslflullonal unxarpreaanon, me Federa\ court m Khairuddln
Abu N-sun v. Datuk Sari Hnjl Ahmad Humxall & or: And
AnotmrAppuI [2019] 5 MLRA 459 enunciated as folluws
“Sumac n « we mar In me case L7! Data‘ Sen 1: H1 Muhammad
Nizar Jamaluddm V. Data’ Sen Dr Zambry Abdul Kean, Allnmey
Geneva! (lnlervener) [2010] 2 ML! 235 where where Annn
Zakaria (CJ (Malaya)) (as he men was) sal
[27] One alher nnponanz gums n. rnlerplelarion ofCons1nubon .5
Ihal‘, ‘The consemman must be consniered as a wnwe, and
so as to give elem, as Ia: as pussmls, In all us przmsions 1:
is an eslab/rshed canon cfconstrlubonal aonsmmnon ma: no
one pm/man onne Conslmman »s in be sapalaled from afl
ma others, and consnisled alone, but (he! all ma pmvnslons
bearing upon a parltcularsulyecl ale to be brougmmln View
and to be so mrslprelad as to arracz-ma me great purpuse
ol lhe Instrument. An elementary rule 0! ccnslmctron I; ma!
if posubla. effect shou/I1 be gmn 2.: every part and every
want are conar/moon and (hat unless (hers is some clear
reason m the connary, no pomon of the Iumlamcntal law
should be muted as snpamuoua. (See Danananu Urus Sdn
IN Ktamckkzmxrnnzww Page 11 am
-ma sum In-nhnv M“ be used .a van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; m.n.n VIZ mum puns!
Bhd v Kekarong sdn Bm1(Bsr Cwnc/[Malaysia inlsrvaner)
[2004] 2 MLJ 257)“
[31] As seen eamer, the Plamnw submits that he \5 armed to duzensmp
an M0 grounds
. Amcle max») of me Federal Canslrlulmn read tcgelhev with
Second Schedule Fan II sscnon 1(a) and Second Sshedme
Pan Ill Section 195 of the Federal Cnnsmlmun‘ and
u Amcle 14(I)(b)read wgelhevwim seam ue) Pan n, Samnd
Schedute cl me Fedem Cunsllhmon.
[32] I mu naw endeavour Io address each ollhe above gmund In delafl.
AnicIn1g1uh mm Federal connmmon md Iggumerwlm s-com:
schodulu Pm II Section 1;: and Second schodulu Pm III suctlun
we aim: Fndunl Conslitulioll
[33] Arllcle 14(1xn) oflhe Federal Ccmllmtlon pmwaes as lollmvs:
‘Part //I
Chapler 1—Acqms4'I:run or Cmzsnsmp
cmnnsmp by opmdon on-w
IN m~.mzmxrAznzm 7:5: 15 mu
-m Sum In-nhnv WW he .15.. m van; M mIg\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum puns!
14. (1) Subjec? lo [M prov/slons onhis Parr, Ma following
pevszms are amzans by operation oi/aw. ma: rs to say:
(:2; avarv DOISOH bom on at any Mu/qua Dag. and
hm/ina nnv al the gualiflcaflons sggurmd in PM ll :7!
me Second Schedule
[34] The re\evan| pnruon of run II of mo sucuua Scludulo of tin
Fudlnl comlmuen is reproduced belw as lulluws
[Article 14(1)(n)]
1 Subjocllo the flvssmns orpan m ol Inf; Qmm mg,‘ Hue
rul/awmsnzinm: mm m 5: gflur Mglagra Day an
cit;-tens by Emma ofgw Illa! is I0 5!)’
(1!) W917 of Whose
gram: one amen is a :13 um ggm mg‘ gm: 3
gifiunol gnnansnfly resmnpg ng agmgm and
rw - (HF
IN Ktamckkzmxmznzww vane 15 um
«um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[35] A mm! reaamg ohhe abvve es1abhshes that a person wiH be emmed
to Malaysuan ciuzenshwp by operafion at raw provided me fallmvmg
premnamons are Mmled:
a. a person must be born on ur anev Mmaysxa Day,
17 mm wrtmn lha Fsderaman, and
c. The person's parents one at Vans! \s an the time of me birth
em-era cmzen or pennanenuy resident in me Federauon
[as] In sum, me provxsion ciAniI:Iu14(1)(b)Ieadlogelharwim smion
l(a) of Pan II of mu Socnvld Schedule of am Fod .|
Constllullon anoumpasses me lwm concept of ‘ms 30/1‘ and /us
[371 These concepts were mqflamed and applied by the Com nmppea:
m me case omnuatur Hour Kalnhlun dun Klmadan, lll mu.
v Plug Wu See 5 Anor (applylng on man burial! and as
uugmon npn mum my Pnng Chang Chum, nchlld) [mm
3 IIILJ cm which n. summansed Is Voflcws:
a. \n determining me cllizensmp 0| a person, the concepts 01/11:
sun and jus ssngmnts are appllcabb
I7. Jus sonwmcn mean ‘r\gh| oHha s '91 mn Hghl omxznsmp
wmcn Is the rim of anyone bum In ma Iamtnry ov a same In
IN K1drwlckkEmxrAlhZ\$u nu mm
'NnI2 Sum ...n.. WW he .15.. m van; M m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum puns!
naltunalny orcmzenshlp which determined based on me place
or Iemtnry where a person was born‘
c Jus sanguims, wmm means ‘ugh! of blood‘. 15 a prmcwple at
nauanalny law by which cilizenship is determined by havmg
one nr mm parems Wha are cmlens ovme slate. and
d. Aniclu 14(1)(b) uad with Suction nu), Pm II, smma
Schndulo M mo Fodural Conslimliun Is a pmvwswon which .5
anchored on the Memems of bum me concepts by [us
sangurms and jus salr, whereby
u. cmzenshlp ova person \s Vaoesble to me place at bnnn
(jus salt’) namely, Ma\ays\a, and
n we or the person‘: parents (the Hghl of blood or ms
sanguinis) at me lime umue persons um I: a Malayssan
[an] The Court 01Appeal m the case 0! Ping Wu 5.. (supra) were
unanimous in Ihewr decwsinn that (ha ward “parsnIs' VI Afllcll
1A(1)(b) read wm. smlon 1(a), Fin In, Second Schndulo of an
Fndunl comuumon mars CD bbnbgman parents and luum um the
applicants dwd N1 {mm m crucial bkllnglcil, or the [us sanguims,
criterion as emmgea under (he sawd arlnde
[39] Applymg the above lathe prssaanlcase‘ in my mew the Plaumm ws mt
enmled ID clhzenship by bgsraum of law as wmlsx me Plamzm wns
mesa Dam wumn Ihe Fedenanun speullcally m sexapux, Kualn
IN Ktarwtckkimxwznzmu me u 0' an
ab» smm n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
Lumuur, tne Ptaunttfi V3 unabte to esmbfish that etmet ms b\okJg|ca\
parents at the ante ol nta man were 8 Malaysian unzen or permanent
[401 ll IS mle law mm ne who asserts must prnve The burden Vs an the
Plamliflw nrwe that ma Ptainms bio\ogu2\ mother and/or fatheris
a Malaystan ciuzen or permanent resident in Matsysia. nus IS
established tn me use at Lim Jon Mslan a. Alto! v. Kntua
Pnngarlll J. nun Pnndafilrnn Nngar: 1. an [Inn] a cu 412
Where tne caun a1Appea\ neta as fcllmls:
-[33] ll la a wallaszaallshatl pnnclpla ol law that ne wna asserts
must prove Thls ls pamculsrly 51: VI naspact cl lacls wnlclt
are wlllun lha appellants‘ knawlaaga. ma burden olpmcfls
on ma appellants In aslaollal. on ma balance olpmbamlllles
(hat the second appellant, ‘was not born a cmzen of any
country’ Such rule of evldenca ls enunciated tn s. 103 oltna
Evidence Act 1950 men prowdes
The burden ol pmol as to any particular lac! has an mat
person who wtsnss the cam! 10 be/rave M It: axlslence,
unless I! IS pwwded by any law the! proof annat last shall lie
on any pal-tlcu/at person.
[34] ln lna case all Ong Boon Hula 5 Anor u Manlan Hal Enwal
oalam Nsgarl, Malaysla 4 ms 1200315 cm 42. ll was held
mat ma lmman IS on ma apphcenl to prove nls cmzanshlp
sklllus by Ills ralal/an! documents, (ha absence of WNCIV
would be fnlal to prove ms clalm “
IN K1dlwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u ml! Is all]
‘Nata Sam as as... m yaw ms mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mulls Wm!
[M] In lne prvsenl case‘ ll cannot be dlspulad that line iderrllty ur lna
parents are unknown as OKN nor ulnar wllnassas are unable la
pmvide any eaganl evidence la aslanllsn lnal al the lime of lna
Plaimwrs lalnn, ma Plalnws magical rnolner orvalnar IS anher a
Malaysian cllllsn or a permanen| vasldanl in Malaysla
[42] II ls pamnenl la nole that lna only lnd ual wno has petsmal
knuwledge uflne Plalnlilrs history belore and me firs1 few rnontns of
lne Plalnllrrs mm: ls OKH
[43] Meanwhlla, ma Plainlllrs grananlolner, 0KH's uncle and OKH’s
mend have derlved lnlormallan from OKH and nut lnraugn dlracx
oammunlcalmn wlln Ina Plalnllrs biuloglcal molner
[44] ln my view, lna delalls (2! me lzialogrcal rnolner ol the Plalrlllfl ara
mdeed sparse, lo say l.l1eleasLlnlhevarious statutory ueclarallans,
lrllerview nolas as well as palms rapofl lodged, l note lnal no
lnlunnanon was plovlded In relatlml lolna mological mother save for
lna lacnnal sne was an Indlarl woman named suula aboul 1B or 19
years cl age. I an rlcle however that OKH '5 lnend. one Olhmlrl Bin
Monarnea Said nas sualaa In ms alalulary declamliun also 25»
January zoos lnal DKH naa lakan ma Plalnllll From a Malaysian
Indian lany named Suslll Hawever, wllh respau. I am unable lo
plaue any reliance on Ihls as he oenalnly lacked any personal
knnwlauga as ln nls prlov slalulory declaralkm alnnnea two years
aarllar an 2'-1 Augusl zoos where he slnlea as lollowa.
rn marwmznxraznzlsu lag. In oil]
Nuns a.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m van; was nflglnnllly MIN: dun-mm vla nrlum ma
c e declarallorl lnel lrre amendments we Aniclo 14 of un-
Fldornl Oomlllullan are urlcens1llImonnI and agarnsl lne
haslc slnrclure aoanne (prayers 5 lo 8)
The Plelnliw seeks lunner various arrallary orders sun as directlorls
lo me Delenoenls lo issue e new lzlrm eenlrmle, a MVKAD as well
as damages and oosls (prayers 9 In 13).
Huwever. pursuant to me fillng u1a9fil1avlIs,arld prlor lo me rrearlng
ol mls origlnenng summons, learned counsel lor me Plairnm
lnlomled that me Pleinnlr was wllhdlawlng prayers 4 la 8 at me
orlgrnepng summons and would only be seeklng are players In
paragraphs 1 ln 3 as well as me enullary orders In paragraphs 9 to
13 onno Onginallng summons
Upon hearing me panles orally wnn lhe ald cl lner wrluen
suornlsslons, I oisrnlssed the Plernmrs application. l wlll now set out
me badlground lasts, me penles‘ respeclrve
conssnlrons/supnnssrons end my reasons lor rlavlrlg alsmrsseo the
Plernulrs dalm afler rlavlng enerysea lne evldenoe and me
appllcakzls law ln relauon no me issues at hand.
Backgrorrnu F ch
rn K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZl$u
-use s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m mm r.. nflnlruflly MIN: m.n.n VI] nFluNG pm
The sallerll laols that can be gleaned lronr me vanaus amoaurrs
relloo upon by pmies can be sumrnoneea as lallaws:
The Flairlllfl was bum on 8" June 1986 and ll ls Illa P|ain|flT3 case
Ihal he was rnlornreo by ms ndoplod lemer. Mr Del Kaal Hoe
[45] As such, I and that me Plammv has «awed |o discharge me burden of
establishing max amnar malogucax plnanl us a Malaysian amen nr
Dlrmlnenl residsnt
Amcla 14 I] b] ol mo Fodurul Consmullun mu nogmm wm:
5-mm: scluaulo Pm II and Sncond Snhndulc Pm lll Snctlon ms
ohm ndlrnl conmmnlou
[45] The Pharnufl mmevar oonlands he >5 enmlad «a Malaysian
ahzunsmp by apenalmn :11 law by vmua a1Ar\IoIo um(n) 91 Put
II 01 mo Sncand Schiduln at an Fadorll Connltutlan and
Staten we of Pan III M tho Slcnnd Scllldult am an Fodurul
[471 The Prawn soaks lo asuansr. ma satisfaction eflhe requuamamav
ms sangurni: by relying on Somlon 193 of Fun of III: Socond
schod u M nu Fudcr com: u Ion wmoh pm-«ides as voucws
[Amde 31)
IN Ktamckkzmxrnnzww run :1 nln
-ma Sum ...m.. M“ be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
"195 For the purposes ol Part I and H 01 [his Schedule any new
born cm round exposed in any Mace shall be presumed,
unm the contrary is shown, to have been Dom there of a
mother psnnansrmy resident (here, and n he IS hated by
virtue of this sacrum as so born, the date tithe findmg shall
be raken In be the dale oflhe man.‘
[As] ll \s In be noted um Socflon «:5 M Pun III of mu Sncond
Scludull 04 mt Fadanl Conllltvflon is npplicame by virlue nf
Armin :1 M In: F. ural consmuuon which pm: es as rouaws
'31 Apyllclflan alsneond Senodulu
Unit! Fnmamsnz atherwiss pm»/lass, Me supplomenlury
provfsrons contained In Fun In or ma Sacond Schedu/9 shall
have effect fol the purposes olgls 9.
[49] Areadlng otsmlan 193 at Pm III of me Slwnd Sclludulo of
mo Fodual Conslllullun ls Ihallhe presumpuan than me Plum! 5
mother Vs a permanznt Iesiden! and me date of the findmg man be
taken to be me data av ma nmn would only be triggered pursuanl Ia
socuon 135 M van III nf nu. Soccnd Schudulo of mu Fcdoul
connnuuon pnmdod Ihul me P\aInIIfl IS awe to aslahllsh max ne us
'5 new born child found sxposedm anyplace‘
IN Ktamckkzmxrnnzww me xx mu
Nuns s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nnmruflly mums dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
[so] The Fedcril com in the case oi can 1 Am: (lupra) had (M
oppmunfly to expound the applicalinn Msocflnn19B of Fun III of
the second schedule em» Fodual Conslltmion where wlwas
held as louows.
75:] The operslrve words m s 195 Ala ‘any new born om
Iaund exposedm any place‘. rne purpose or lm: section,
when mud n context, mus! be 10 cover new mm cmidren who
are Isl! and drscnvarad In e place without any me 0! (hair
Dialog/cal palsnts we tuke[udr'c1aIno1It:a enne harsh realities
ol me we mdudu new born cnudren Iell abandoned near
dumpsvtss, baby hatches, poem or school lollets, mm 0/
worsmp end so an. A mere: meaning o1 ‘exposed’ suggests .
new bum amid who was Titscovured’ exposed at any oflhese
[54] As such, the broadest pomtble interpretarionol the ward ‘round
exposed‘ is to accovd R a meaning to include a child
abandoned at the place at birth by the turth mother whose
Identity IS unknown. The operative word ‘exposed’ in s 195
must therefore encompass me plight of abandoned new bum
children. ovherwrse the ovaramhmg intent of pnavenung
ststelsssneu would be defeated or rendered illusory.“
[51] In shun, me pnnopnes that can bedenved mm the dadskzn in con
& Anor (suprn) are as muons.
IN Ktdmckkzmxmzhzmu age 7.: oil)
-we s.nn be used m vary .. nnmhnflly MVM5 m.n.n VIZ mum we
a The purpose oi section 195 oi Pan lll oi lilo Slcand
schuduls of the Feds I consmutiun musl he to cover
newborn diildrsrl who are leil and dismvsied in a glass
wllhoul any trace dithen olnldoical parents
I: A lnelal meaning oi “exposed“ suggests a newborn child who
was “dlsoovered" exposed near dumosites, baby halcnes,
publlc or school toilets. places of warahlo and so on,
c the moadssl pnssible interpretation of Iris word ‘loulid
exposed" I510 Include a child abandoned at the plane oi birth
by the birth momerwhase identity is unknown,
d. Drloe n is shown or avensd trial a newbom child IS 'todnd
exposed" [or abandoned), Mn Lhlngs are presumed, that IS.
I mat the child is burn to a mother who is psnnanenuy
resldem at the place where ms findlng was made (the
lus sarlgulrlls pvesumptlon), and
ll. the date or me ilndlng is taken as the date oi lha birth.
a. once section ma ls Invoked. any pany challaiiglng any oi
these presumpnons must enhsr show that:
i. the dllld was not born of I movie! parinanenuy rasldaiil
at the plam where ins newborn clilld was iouno, 0!
n ma d-is oi lhe ilndlng ls nol lhe dale dithe blnh.
IN Kldmckkimxmzhzlw Page 11 M II
-we s.n.l in-ilharwlll as tn... M van; ..e nflgliullly sun. mm. VIZ .nuna wiul
[521 In my view, n Is (or me Fkawnlifilo firsfly show that he vans wmmn me
man or me broader meaning oi the word vourm exposed’ Only
when lhe above cmerinn V5 eslablishad. Ihe burden men shmsm me
Defendams In Iebm me presumpuan that has ansen by establishmg
a, the Plamm was not born of a momer permanently leswdam,
h. me Plavmfl was not born at the mace whera he Is found, and
c the date Mfindmg is not me date of him:
[531 Based on me mainly or evidence before me mdmilng me venous
documentation pmvlded by om n <5 dearlo me that me Pkawmifl
was handed over by the Pl:mI\fl‘s biological movher, Suslla to am
when me Pia-mm was around 3 m 4 mums 01d as evldenosd .n ma
a. Surat Akuan amrmed by OKH on 24“ January I991 Much
scam.-. as lolkwvs:
'2. Pads 8hb../Ame, 1967, seorang kawan says
(perempuan) Isiah nre/ahirkan searang bay: Islam‘,
suami kawan saya Iersshm Isiah lama meninggalkan
belrau Isnpa berira darr lidak pulang /sg: sehmgga
bay: (srsabul drlsmrkan.
IN mrwrmzmxrmzm y... 25 mu
-m Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe used m van; .. nrimnnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
3 Kawan says tsrsebut relish dating bar/umpa ssya
dan menyevahkarv bayr lerssbur yang dinarvlakarv Om
Thye Psng, kapsda sew oleh kerana uenau mak
mampu meluaga bayi lerssbul”
u sum Akuan Serklnun Permohonan Pandaflarln Le.-mu
Kalahlran dated 2'“ Augus| mus wmch Indudas as [allows
:2. Pnhce Reporl by OKH daled 31-I Deoambel zoua whereby n
was slated as «ouws:
.1. Sum! Akuan by OKH dalsd 24'“ August 2009 wnereby it was
ammued as (allows
sw K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u ran: as mu
um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
3 Huang Kenyabln Temuduga Daflar Lama! sum Ke\ahman
by OKH ml 2a- Angus! 2009 when m was shied as follows
dunng ma enquiry wI(h|ha1" Delandnm:
-9. Bempa /amakuh Iuan/puun mangsna/I ksnak-kanak dan
rbubapa kn/n3I<—kanak7
17 B//aknh dun a; mans kanak-kanak Im anaman den
umumya sakamng?
0551995 YANG SAYA TAHU DEKAT semux
33 Sfla ceritakan may bslakang kemarga mi dun kanekr
kanak yang ruun/puan ketahuf.
sw Ktamckkzmxmznzww run n .:u
um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
[54] In my view, ills clearly aviaem um me PVamliW does not fall wrxmn
ma bmadesl possrble irnerpraxaunn ol the ward “Vxwnd exposed“
grverr by me Federa\ Court In cent a. Anor (luprn) winch us '1_q
Indudaa c d abandoned he laos olbmh b the n mother
whose iuermg is unknuwn as
s. Thu Pxainmv was elmady 3 or 4 mnmrrs 01¢ at the lime mo
Pluinllfl was hlnded over In DKH (rml abandunsd but me
Plnmlilfs moths! arms: to give me Flamlifl In OKH)‘
b The Fhainlifl was Dam rn selab-kr Kualu Lumpur before being
handed over by lhe P\ain|IW‘s hm ruomer In OKH at a hotel
where me Plenum was staying (nn| abandoned at the place
or birth)‘
sru K1arwtckkEmxrAzn2mu vane n alu
Nuns smm nnnhnrwm be used m van; .. nrimrrnuly mm: dun-mm VIZ mum wrm
c The dale of Iha Fiainiiirs birth IS known to OKH («he
presumption under Suction 195 of Pan III of mu Sucond
Schnd at my Fodlrul Constitution In Malian to ‘me
dale of ma finding shall be taken to be the date oi the tmiv
does not arise),
d The F|aInMF‘s mnn mother was sumeone OKH knew a yesv
prior lo the Piamirirs man (the issue that me menmy ai me
biflh manner is unknown also does not arise). and
e. OKH had received me Plainniv of ms own voimon lmm the
birth mother, Susila wmiam obtaining any dnoumenialion
[55] Having umsiaeiea an matters and in panicular the lads as set oul
WI me preceding paragraphs, Ihe Inevitable umciusion must be than
me Piainufi has laiied to flismalga me man burden or pruving man
he was 3 newborn dlild lound exposed Ia enable him to raly on or
trigger me presummion I am not satisfied that the Plainlflf has
established trial he was abandoned or can be wnsmeted a ‘new
ham child imma exposed‘ See the Federal Coun case oi Roslha
on Ibrahim v Knrapan mgui Sullngor 5 Ant [2021] 2 MLJ
Arllclo 1 1 mad I -in with suction 1 Pan ll sacond
§I:hudul ohm Fndcrg 9913;; mg m
[56] I mm move on to ocrmaar me other around raiiaa upon by the
Piainmi I a., Arum I4(1){b)reai1logeIherwiih Sncnon i(-) Fm:
Snwnd Scllndull an an Faun Conltilutlon.
IN K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZiSu mg 1! nu]
ma Sum mm. WW he HSQG m van; me niigiruiily MIN; dun-mm VII mum Wm
[571 wmm it \s no! disputed man the P\aInM was Indeed born wnmn mo
Feoeranon, mo Plawmfl iurlher relies on SoI:\imI1(o)ofdIu Fudarul
Cunsfilufion read Iogelher mm Sucfisn 1(3) of Fin n m Iho
Socovld somoouo of mo room: Cnnilitullon .n that he was rm
born n omzen o1 anmher munlry or awuired any meromzensmp
wunin one year 0! being born
[55] on this issue, the Detonaoncs submil that me Plainlflf cans to
approcme me mom of me pmeomsnes to be Mfifled to obtam
omzensmo by operation ov ‘aw pursuant lo Anlnlc M(1)(h),FanIl
read mm Snnlon1(u)nfmu Fudnral consumuan.
‘Pan m
cnapm 1—Acomsmon ofcillzenship
citiunship by opunfion allow
14. (1) Subject re the provisions aflms Pan, ms Io/lowing
persnns are citizens by operation ollaw. that is no say‘
(.5) every person born on or after Malaysia Dex and
navmg any oi the qunlrficsrfans specified in Pan
u onne Secand Schedule '
syn Ktamckkimxrnnzww rue mm 4;
Nuns sow be used m van; me mn.ny mm: mmn wa mum puns!
(neramafler referred to IS “OKWI lhal lhe F min was adopted at
me age M 4 manms rrom ms mu mmher knvwn my as susrus,
Them ware no accnmpanylng persona: aaeumencs idenhfymg ma
Plairmfi or Suswla
[a] Six years Ianer, on 9'" .|u\y 1992, um applied to the National
Ragrsuanan Depanmsnx, Wilayah Parsekuluan (hereinafier
reverred to as ‘the 1" Defendant“) to conduct a search on Ins
Pwarrurirrs bmh ceniflcale
[9] On 30"‘ my 1992‘ was Iener hum the 1*‘ Delendarut, OKH was
Informed that no rmormauon m Manon to the Plairum could be
[10] On 19*" Navember 1992‘ OKH amnued a svammry declaration to
confirm that he was me adnpmve tamer of me Plaumflwev since the
Plaimm was 4 months old
[111 Naming much seems to have occurred fvom 1992 until 2005 save
me: me P1amlIN veoewed his pnmary and secondary educalnn in
Penang mlmmahng in mm mncmdmg me SPM m 2003.
[12] mereaner, on 24“ Aorrl 2006, OKH ounducwd urromsr search on
the mm reguslralmn In me 1- Derermarws emee wheraafler om
recewed a team dated 23”‘ May 2005 hum me 1-‘ Defendant
naquaslmg suppomng documents.
[1 :1 On 22"“ June zoos. ma 1- nsvendam rssued meir ‘kepulusen carven
da/am wear in which. mus: admuwlodglng ma: me Flamlm was
r~ Ktemckkzmxmznzmu am 4 am
-we Snr1n\:unhnrwHH>e used m mm ms mrmu-y mm: dun-mm VI] nF\uNG Wm
[59] The relevanl padlon 94 Pm II or IM Sicond Scllldu
reproduced harem as (cums-
[Amcla 14{V){b)]
1 Sumac! lo we pmvrsions alPan 11/ mm: Consltlulion.
lha ramming persons born on or am! Ma/lysm Day
am rmzens by opera!/on ullsw. mans Io say
(4) -
rs) am grson born wfi hm [he Fsdsralion who rs ng
bom s cmzen 0! any Q nn omalwrss man by
-mus of II-us gagggh.
2. ma gum u; M g gliun by vlrfue ofpflgggum (5
doIao1:ec1&‘g1my{hgtrmeoInlsbflL7_,’ fig
lgfi fig beings Dtfrtirl Aim mm immung
from S I I :3 1.: IS 7!
envoy O/B sogign A accredited to lg Ygnq
:— n or ’ ri lhsn an a
IN Ktamckkzmxmznzww um: um
«um smm be used M van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
alren and the bum occms /n a E under the
occugoon g me enemy
(3JFOrme u fara henIssclioIv1a
arson rs to be heated as having at man any
cmzsnshtg which ne aguires wimin gne fir
wnus olsn avrsions cone mi’
to ;;a_rafim (Q grtnarsecnan or amsrwise."
[50] M the aulse|. u Is perlInan| |o rmla man smxon 1(n) of Pun II of
mu Sacond 5cIIoduII mus! not my he read wun sncuon 2(3) Pun
II at an Sucond Schudull am alxm 241) Fun II 01 mo sceond
[an Essenflllly. mm am two pmnqulsiles undev Sncllon 1(.) of Pm
II who smanu scnmulo more a person can acquire c zanship
a. The person mm: be born mm: the Fadarztvon, and
b The person must NOT be born a dnzen ofany DIM! country.
[52] The Devendams submit manna law does not classwy a person as
“NOT burn a cifizen oi any mner counlry" on «ha mere convention
that ho had not aoquurea any cnizsnsmp at any mherooumry within
one year (mm the dale al his birth
IN Ktamckkzmxmznzmu File :2 M61
-um smm be used m yam .. mnn.y mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
[53] Aruclu 14(1)(b) read wnrr s-cum 1(0) of Pan ll of mu Socond
schudulo embodies two prmclma olacqulring nalxmalvly Ls. /us sun
(‘right ov me son‘) and /us sanguims rnghn 0! blood‘).
[64] To acquire cmzenshup under «ms provision. me Plamw must prove
lhal his birm occurred warm the Federalvnn and at me same time
musl pmve that at me lime onus hm, he am not aequrrc ulizenshlp
many other ommlry mmugh the lineage 0! ms h|o4ogLca\ parents.
[551 This can be seen in the com L71Appe=\ case vffllan sum Bang .1.
Anal v. Km. Plnnnrall Jabalan Fondlflarun Megan a On
mm a cu1a where irwas unammously held thaIAniu|u 1441 )1»)
of In: Fndoral Cuvlsliuninrn emtapsmales the requirement of
cmzensmp by [us soli‘ . place of mm, while paruqrapll |(e) of
Pan n mm Sucond Schedule oflha Feduul Conslillnion (‘not
born a uflzen M any country‘) encapsulales the reqmrement cl
cnizensmp by [us ssngufnis Le. by blood or lineage. n was held as
“[23]AnicIs 14mm) or the Federal Consmurton encapsu/ares me
requrremenf ol cmzsnship by /us so/I Ae p/ace oi mrrn; wmoe
para 1(e) of Part u of ms Second scneume of me Fadsral
Cansmubon (‘not born a cmzen afany ooumry) encapsulates
the requiramenf ol orrrmsnip by [us sangumls :9 by blood or
sw K1amnckkEmxrAzn2mu rm )1 V1 u
we sum In-nhnv WW re used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum wrm
[24] Thus, ir wuuld eppaar lnar me saoond appellenl would need
In salisly Dom me requlramenls olius soil and /us sanvulnis
rn 041197 10 lulfil the requlramsnts olan 14(1)(p) and para 1(e)
ol Pan ll. second scnedule aflhs Federal Cunsmulian (refer
lo Chm Kaol Nan (sump on behalfnf hlmselfsnd as /ifigarlon
representative Ia Cnm Jla Nee, enlld) v Pandaliar Beser
Kelaniran den Kemanan, Malaysia [2016] 7 ML! 717) '
(271 me oorllsnllolls lssue is in respect pllne raqmrernenr of/us
sangmme ln para 1(9) al Pan H ol lna second scneaule ol
the Federal Conslllubon, as expressed by me pluaaa, wna
ls not born a swan olany counlry: For the purposes nflhls
requeemenl me malarial am In derenmne ma slams of me
second appellanrs lineage Is al me llme ol nls blnn.
[35]A plarn reedlng olpara 1(9) was not born a cnlzan pl any
I>uunlIy'IE1sI:' to me re/aliansnrp um-e second appellant ru
his blologlcal and lawlul perenrs at the nrne afhls mnn Tne
only available documenlary evldenee, me second appellenrs
bu-In cenlficate (’exh TSE6) ounlemed no rnfwmalmn
perlalnmg In me bl‘oVogl'caI parents and the refevanl
parncu/ars were endorsed with ‘Maklumat Tldak D:
perolanl'.,, (Emphasis added]
[36] srnca lne ldenllly ollne cnllds lawlul and blologlcal parents
were unknown, it was not poealole lo delovmfne ma Iinsags
ol me second appellant ma: would enable are second
rn Ktamckkzmxmznzlw Pa]; :4 M u
we Snr1n\lnnnhnrw\HI>e used m van; ms mn.u.y MIME dun-mnl VIZ mum we
apps//am lo be conferred cfhzanshlp by /ineaga re. /‘us
/371 Thus m our view. me second appellsnl had not lu/filled mo
ruquflsmsnl to be a cmzsn by opmaon a! raw wllhm me
rneamng ols 1(3) oIPan‘ //oflhs Second Schsdwe arms
Fade/al consmmian "
[See a\so the mgr. Own case of Chin Kool um (mung on
mun M Illmsall and u Imgmon rIprnsuIIzl|vI lo Ghln
JII N ., chlld) v Fandalhr Bun! K-mumn flan K-matlnn,
u. yall [ms] 7 MLJ nu.
[66] The alaremenhoned pnno4p\e 15 also eufmad by Ina (‘AIM 0' Appaal
m Lllll Jill Hnlnn IAIIOPV Kiln! PIIIBIIIN JIBIIIII Fandnfinrnn
Ntfllrl 5 Or: [2013] I ML] 545 where Ihe Omm olAppsaI HEM
Ihal Flruflraph 1(I) 01 Pin sncond Schoduln VF Illa Fudlrll
Corulllullon (nal ham 3 cmzsn M any country) ancapsulmas ma
requimmaut or cmzanship byjus sanguinis ha , by mm or nmgg.
[$7] The posmon had been racermy reueralad by me court ompaeal If!
on case 01 Axlmnh in Ham»: v Km: Pcnnuuh Juhlhn
Pqndlflnrln Nnglrn L on (202313 Mu 217 where M was held as
‘[15] As In! ms second requirement, the learned mgr: Court/udge
relenad lo we dscrsron of ms com m ‘Hun Sraw Bong L
Am V Kama Pangavah Jabalan Pendaltaran Nsgars s Or:
IN Ktamckkimxrunzww up as .m
-m smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
R017) 5 MLJ 552 and hehi that fa ma purposes 0/: 1(9) 0:
Panllollha Second Schodulelhe burden olpmofhss on me
appev/am to establish an a bn/Lance av pmbabimies that the
appenam was not mm a citizen olsny country See 5 103 a!
me Evvdence Ac! 1950 and also ms cases of Um Jen Hsfsn
& Anor vxenm Pengsrah Jabalan Psndafialan Nsgala 5 Ors
(201516 MLJ 543 and Onq Boon Hua @ Chin Peng & Anew
Menlen Hal Ehwal oaram Megan‘, Ms/sysrs [2008] 3 ML! 625;
(2009) 5 cu 42.
[15] ms Isqmpnm.-ipoe is well established and we do not wish m
elaborate any Iimhsl.
[171 This mun had m Than SAsw Bang L Anor v Kelua Pengamn
Jabatan Pandaftaran Negam 5 Or: 1201715 MLJ 662 held
that as a mans: of law any person msxmg to rely on an
1m)(n) read mm 5 1(9) oIPavt u nlrhe Second scnsuule of
me Fedeval Conslmnmn kv eszabnsh cdizensmp by opemnon
0! law would have to eslab/fsn the requimmsnls or both [us
so(i and/us sangulnis
[15] Learned counsellor (ha appellant submrts by mfslancs to [ho
)9gr‘s/arfve history of an 14(1;(n) and 5 my :1! Part 1: ol the
Second Schedule OI the Fsdusl Constitution III!!! [as
sangurnfs is cmzansmp by bland Ilnssga, 5 not 5
mqumsment or feature ol 5 1(5) of Part II of the Second
Schsduls of the Federal Conslmmon. Vfillfi respect, we UH
unable to scoop! that conlsrmon. The pronouncsmenl OHM:
own in Then Siuw Bang 5 Ana! V Kalua Pullgarah Jubelurl
sw Ktamtckkzmxnxznzmu Vagefiovll
um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
Pandailaran Negara & Ors (2oi7] 5 Mu 562 is very oiaar, in
maria: sangumis is one ol the principles that me court looks
at In datamiina whether the appailani rhmugh Iinaaga was
‘riolbam a citizen arany murwy‘ We do not /ind any reason
to depan from that decision, and in any even! we are bound
by me doom/is of stare decfsix to roiiw lhal decision. sea.-
Keiumlaraan smzai Kmdsnka Sdn Bhd v Fang soon Learig
(202112 ML./ 234, (202115 cu 1 (CA) and Deli}: Bnagwan
Singh v Public Prosecutor [1993] 4 ML] 1; [1997] 4 cu 645
(19) Furrhev, as to whsmauus ssnguims is a necessary feature Ill
an application for miizsnship under para 1(2) oIPan ii of the
second Schedule onha Federal consmumn, this coun had
in Than Siew Bang 5 Ann! v Kstua Pengarah ./abaran
Fendakaran Negara 5 ors [2017] 5 ML./ 562 Said.
121}/n this regard, we concur mm me High com ins! ma appe/iam
has to prove mama was slale/ess 51 me am onmmnn lo
avail ol her rights undel s 1(9) 0/ Part I: of ma Second
Schedule of ma Fuderai Canstimuan. The blmien to plan!
that fact refls upon the appellaril "
[68] Having wnsldered me above, it Is dear Ihal span from the
prerequisile man the P|sinIiW 5 born Wilhln me Fedeiatinn, it is also
a oonsmuuonal requirement that me urizensnip of me bioiagical
parents to be de(emIined in order to sausiy the oondninn that the
Plainmr is not born citizen of any o|her caunny.
SIN K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZ\§u vase kw all]
ma s.n.i nnvihnrwm be used m van; .. nflgiruflly MIN: dun-mm VIZ mum mi
[69] W13 requrrement to prove hneage was lurlher frmirred by suction
2(1) Fan ll of Sooand scrroduln which drsquelmes a person from
dhzenshlp should at me mme cf his bmrr
a rrer (amen rm! bemg a nmzan, panama such Vmmunity
from sun and legal Dmcess as is accordsd in an srrvpy uh:
merergn pewereecrsauae la ms Yang dw-Pertuan Agung‘
:2. her fume! rs than an enemy ahen, and
: born In a plan under me occupauan oi the enamY
17a] Since me reerrmy omre PlaInlm“s lawfm and brplpgrcal parents were
unknuwn. was not pnssvhla xp denermrne me Plammfs lmeaga lo
errame me Plamnfl m be eprrterrea cmzenslvp by Imeepe ie.. jus
[711 The burden of pnwf rs on the Plaimm to establish an a balance of
prubabilifies that he was not born a emu of another oounlry On
an examlnalmn 01 me «am a« «ms ease, Ihe evmerrne reveass that
me Piavmfl nor om have knweage or me nrowogreel parents save
mar OKH reuervea me Plmnlrfifrom srrsua Assucn, me «acts do not
reveal that me Plainlxfl was ”no!bcm a cizrzerr afany oounmf
[721 Learned Counsel var me Plairmw is aware and concedes lhal me
com 0! appeal decision In Azimlh Nanlzzh (supra) has held am:
delemuned that an Appl m has to esxabhsh ham requrremems a1
jus son‘ and ms sanguims Hcmeven learned Counsel nmremelere
IN Kterunckkzmxnxznzwu Page an M11
‘Nata Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm r.. m1mrr.uIy mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
contends Mal [here is no need in establish [us sanguims and
mammad YD persuade me lo deparl ‘mm |he dedsmn oi the com
oiAPneaI in Azlmah MIm1.Ih(sIll=r=)unlhe basis that me cmm uf
Appeal had erred as «here was nu express reverence in ms word
parents VI Suction 1(9) (75 iii. of [hi Fodnral conuinriion. II was
also suggesred that I may depart lmm lhe aecision oi Azlmah
Nalnzlh (mm) as being made pelmcuriam or anemaineiy fnlkm
me aecisian Mlhe Conn a1Appezl in Azlnuh Humuh (supra) um
ior me ha suggest that me com of Appeal decision In Azimah
Hannah (supra) be reviewed
as] Having wnsidered such submissmnisuggesnon, I am wim respect,
mi persuaded in lake either course of anion as suggwea by me
Plalnlifl. This coin is mindlul oi ms DfInclD|e oi slare dectsis and is
inereiare bound by Iris dedsion oi me cam 0! Appeal In Azlmah
Hamzah (supra). Appiyirg the same, iwouia hold ms: armuplicanl
nas in sausfy mm euerneriis al]us son and ms sangui Al. A5 I have
mnduded Ihal the Applimm has lalisd to sausly bath eiemenls, me
inevivable conciusion is that |his Orlginaling Summons is dismissed.
In any event. since me Flalnhfl has appeaied against my decision
main‘ the coun MAppsal will have Ihe apponunlty to cansider me
issue again
in K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u rare xs um
Nuns s.n.i be flied M mm .. nflmnnflly sun. dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm.)
‘n ma upshot for an the reasons above. and upon I jumcious
oonswdarlvuon ollho feels And me law‘ I dismrss this Origmaling Summon:
wnn na order as to cash.
Da|e* 6"‘ Navsmber 2023
Hugh Court Georgetown
Pmau Pinang
Mr. Robm Lim and Mr. Rain Smgh Worn Messrs Raiil em & Co upon) to:
me Plsmtfli.
Fuan Kogllambigau Mulhusamy, ssnzarreasrsn caunsel lmm AGC for me
Ahmad Jefn hm Mohd Jenn @ Md Jonan v Fengarah Kebudayaan 5.
Kesenlan Johar a. o:s{2o1u13 MLJ 145
syn ><1arwtckkEnuxrAzn2\w me an 1:!!!
ms s.n.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] sfluNG pm
born on 5"‘ June 1966 to one strstta with detatle orttte tamer being
unknown. ttne omcret reoont oi the search statee as ‘trade rekod".
[14] Thereaflen true 1- Deteneant nae on 2'-1 August zoos reeeivee an
appticatrorr vie Form JPN.LMD1 with a statutory ueciaration tor tne
late regtslmtlort ot the birth at a baby boy wttn ttte toiiwing
partrotrtars, amongst ottrers:
(a) tie name of tne baby boy had been stated as Oct Thye Feng
oorn on am June was in setepek, Kueta Lumpul,
to) the motrrere name had been stated as strsrta and no otner
rntormatton nae been suhmmed in reiattan to the mother,
tot no rntorrnatton had been strornmea wttn respect to me tettrer;
(d) the informant had been stated as Dot Keat Hoe
[15] on 3|" Deoembe1200S, OKH ioogea a police report stating Inter-
atia tnat one Sustla sornerirne WI September 1988 had handed over
a ctrria to trim requesting to be adopted taut wrttratrt any
documamatim whatsoever. in the Said pattoe report, OKH stats
that he use looked atter the child since the age on rnontne and tnat
his attempts |o oblatn a birlh oertttieate have Wuved lulile. Such
police report was ttren eent to me I" netenaenrs otiioe
eooontpenying yet amlher request in oonerret a seven on tne
Platn|m‘s ointr certificate.
in KtarwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u Page 5 mu
-nae e.n.t r. or... m mm r.. oflmnaitly sun. dun-mm n. ariuNG Wm!
Azimah btHamzaI1 v Kelua Perlgarah Jabalan Pendaflaran Negam a. Ors
[2023] 3 MLJ 227
CCH &Arlor v Pendafiar SesarB8gi Kelahiran Dan Kemallan, Malaysia
[2022] 1 on 1
Ohm Kanl Nah (sulrlg on berlallaf mmasll and as llllgallon replesenlalwe
Io Chin Jla Nee, child) v Pendalflar Besar Kelahlran dan Kemallan‘
Malalmia [2016] 7 MLJ 717
CTEB 8. Anor v. Kama Pengarah Pendsflararl Negara, Malaysla ls Ora
[2021] 4 MLJ 23:1
Lim Jen Hslan &Anor v Kelua Pengamn Jalzalan Pandaflararl Nsgara 5.
ors [mm a CLJ 412
Penaallar Besar Kelamran aan Kemallan, Malaysla v Pang Wee See A
Anor (apvwlng on |he<r benall and as lmgallon raprsernauves luv Pang
Chang Chuen, a cm1d|[2017] 3 MLJ we
Ruben Cheah Fooog Chiew v Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia [zoos] 1 ML!
Rashza m lbrahlm v Karajaan Negsn Salarlgnr & Anal [2021] 2 MLJ «en
mar: Slam Bang &Anur v. Kalua Pengarah Jabalan Fendaflarxn Nagala
&ofS [2017] BCLJ1fl
Illorl s nhrndto
Federal Cnnsumllan‘ Anlda 14mm Anide 15(2) and 15.2, Second
Schedule Part II sacllonlla). 1(2), Pan Ill saellon 19a
Rules of calm 2n12,0n1er 7, 53
Rules omlgh colm193o.ordar53
alnrla and Deaths Reglslmmn Am W57
aw K1drwIckkEmXrAlhZ\$u Pauumu
ma a.n.1 ...m.m111 be la... M mm 1.. mln.11-y MIN: flan-mm VI] .m1a ma
[15] Aocurdmg to me Devenuams, as set out m msrramuavu m Reply,
pursuam Io lhe appucanon ror Ihe late regrslrannn or bmh. an
GNQINV was men conducted by the 1‘ Defendant‘: nfioe W101 OKH
ror me purposes of ms Plsmsrs appncsuon for a bmh eeruncane. In
me course 01 oormucnng such an enquiry and m order to process
such appncanon, statements were recorded from me lnllawmg
a oxu (Plammfs auopme lather) was “Balsng Ksrryataan
Temuduga DafiarLewar SurarKelahiran” daled 25* August 2009‘
:2. Any Ah Lnan (PLain1ifl's grandmmher) was “Boring Kenyaraan
Temuduga Dakar Lewal Surat Kelahilsn" dated 25- August 2009.
c. Any Ah Ba (OKH‘s uncle) was “Borang Kenyarsan Temuduga
Daflar Lewal Surat Ksrsmranwaxea 26“ August zoos, and
d Olhman bin Mohamed Said l0KH‘s friend) was “Borang
Kerryalaan Temuduga Daflar Lewat SurafKeVah1ran" dated zsm
(‘Dre Various 'Borarrg Kervyaraarr rerrruduga Dakar Laws! Surat
Kelaiman” have been annexed lo the Dererrdarrrs' Alrdavrt in
[17] Thoreamr‘ appmr/3! was given on 17' June 2010 107 me Plaimnrs
Vale rugusnrauon cl rmn and a hm oemficale beanng number CI
92076 was issued
sru K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u me car an
um Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mrrl VI] nnum pm the name of Ooi Thye Peng and Ihe dale 07 biflh has been
neordad as 08JUN was and me plaueafburlh has been recorded
as smapak, Kuala Lumpur,
mm mother‘: mvunnaman has been renamed an “susILA"
c.|ne lather‘: Irdomuallon his bean nmmea “Maklurnaf rmx
Dipamlahfm and
u Ihe Plaimm ciuxonsrvp slalus has been classmea as 'BL'KAN
[18] n Vs not mspmea thal me PI-mm nor OKH had ever awned lov
aflzenshxp unm me commencement onnesa pmneadings
nunulmm com.-munulsubml nu
[19] The aux of me Plairmfls ounIemnnsIsuhm\ss<ons m supporl av ms
appfluauon to be granted mu MaVays\an liuzeclsmp status are
summarised as lol\ow::
a. he was born m Malaysia altar Malaysia Day.
in he has been a permanent resident of Malaysia and ms nmrer
Ian its shares.
c. ms mother, Sumlam was In all likelihood n Mnlavsuan omzefl‘
yn mnnmzmxnaznzm an 1 M u
-m smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
d na was an abandcned cnild and II inereiore entitled to be
oonsidered a duzen at Malaysia by operalion at law by V/H106
or the Fndoul constimion, and
e that here is no avidenw ID prove lhil the Plain“? hid
acquired any utizenshlp of any country wiinin one (1) year oi
his being born.
nu Dckn D
[23] on [ha nmai iiana, the Defendants‘ conianiions/submissions in
opposing inis appiimiian can be summarised as vonaws:
a Fiisuy. an objecllon is uken on lha made oi aoinnianixinieni
oi lhsse Dnweodlflss wneieby ll was mrilandsd max I! cughl
In have been cammancod via Judlunl Review prooaedings
puisu-ni me am: 5: of lilo Rulu of Court 2012. Fmnai
and in any mm, ii is oonlnnded man [he iniiiuianiani to this
Originating Summnn: is aaisiana,
b Tne aacisiari In clmsfiy the Pininmrs uiizansnip Is “EUKAN
WARGANEGARA'was mnaci var ma hllwwing manna:
I. ma rugistrargeneml gr ninni. and doalhs ior Mninyssa
found (hm there IS nu evidence adduced by any panic!
in prvva that the Pliinlifl is a newtmm baby rauna
abandoned or dumped;
in KmrwlckkEmXrAlhZ\§« me - MAI
Nuns s.ii.i iuvihnrwm be in... M mm i.. nflmnnflly MIME m.i.n VI] nF\uNG WM!
n. ma Mainufl had been handed aver by the motogmar
mother, Suslla to OKH mar OKH sawed Kn adnm me
u. there is no pofiue repon vodgoa by DKH lo suppofl the
P\a\’nufl's avarmenl men he was dumped uv abandoned
by the Pxammrs bmwogucal malner,
iv me Plaintiff‘: yrzlndmothev had mconnea that she does
not have any knawlaige regarding the background ol
the P\amM'slam1ry and me Puammrs background, and
V. no mhsr delaxls mm respect In me ioenmy of me
Planmms bmlogK:a\ mother and falhev had been
adduced by om apart «mm «no name lo( the purpose
or oevemumng lhe cmzenswp status.
lssun In be decided
[21] Having uunsiderad Ihu cams and me suhmvssvms. me two main
issues |o be oonsldevud are u Inflows‘
u whelher lhe Flumllfl has mrrectiy oommenoao these
pmeeedmg: vil Onginaling summons, and
IN Kmrunckkzmxnxznzwu no: 5 m II
who Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
h tr tssue (a) is answered In tne amnnatnra, Ihen wttatrter me
Pfamltfl ts enlllied In trte deutarations snugrtt let that he ts
status by uperaunn of law
enlrfled to be uunferved cttizerts
Orin n usummonxouua IIRIVUVI
[22] In trus regard, trte nerendams have oomended In KNEW amautts and
have tttereaner submined tttat smoe rt IS not dtsputed mat the
F-Iatrtws rrtatn cause at wmplatnl is that ttte aeetston at me 1-!
Detertaant daled 17'» June 2a1u mane pursuant to ttte amt-e And
nmttu Regmmtten net 1957 In dasstly mm as “BUKAN
WARGANEGARA“, a JudinIa\ Ravsew applicaflon nugttt in be
uornrrtenoea pursuaru |u outer 5: otttte Rulu of court 2012 (M
perhaps Ordlr 5: of me puvloul Rulu oi tttgtt cetm «mt. As
suert, II IS cunlended tnet trte nung 0! mt; Ongmallng Summons ts
years aflar Ihe tntpugneu aecteton Is In abuse of Ihe court process
and mart tnorumate aetey ougttt ta be ratat. [see the use at Robin
cnutt Foong CHIIW v Lcmhngl Junmn Mnllylln [zone] I MLJ
[231 Avid Irom (M tune of delay, the Detanaanta atsa my on the lows
Elaztlticus dauswn 01 the Faderat Court In the cute 07 Ahmad Jofrl
bin uotta Jnhri @ Ma Jatutn v Punfilrull Kubudlyun 5 Kat: .n
Jotuu a. on [2121 n] 3 ML: 145 wrtere ll wae Inter-alia held trtat ma
court must be cvcumspect tn allowing matters wtuett should be
brought by jua-ctat review prooeadingslo be commenced in any other
totrn In that case. the Federal Conn enunciated as lollows
IN K1drwlckkEmXrAlhZ\$u -ace wat u
we amt n-vthnrwm be used M mm t.. mtr.u-y mt. dun-mm r.. mum wrut
| 5,254 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
JB-12B-2-06/2022 | PERAYU Tenaga Nasional Berhad RESPONDEN Grand Major Property Sdn. Bhd | Appeal – Decision from Sessions Court – After full trial - Defendant’s sub-station - Built inside a shop lot – With consent and lease from previous owner – However failed to register the lease – Statement of Defence - Failed to plead the existence of a lease – Plaintiff becomes new proprietor – Whether must give notice for sub-station to remain – Continuing trespass – Whether Plaintiff entitled for damages – On the basis of monthly rental. | 05/11/2023 | YA Tuan Suria Kumar a/l Durairaj Johnson Paul | |
[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: JB-12B-2-06/2022
(No. Syarikat : 199001009294/200866-w) … PERAYU
(No. Syarikat : 937697-V) … RESPONDEN
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: JD-A52-01-07/2020
(No. Syarikat : 937697-V) … PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat : 199001009294/200866-w) … DEFENDAN
05/11/2023 12:03:32
JB-12B-2-06/2022 Kand. 30
S/N MEJDm8mgz0ei8itjJiNYA
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
[1] This is an Appeal against the decision of the learned Sessions
Judge of the Segamat Sessions Court on 30.05.2022 in allowing the
Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant for loss of rental in the sum
of RM150,500.00 from the period March, 2017 until September
2020 with interest and cost.
[2] Defendant being dissatisfied with the said decision, appeals to this
Court now.
[3] Parties will be referred to as Plaintiff and Defendant respectively in
this Judgement.
[4] Plaintiff purchased a double storey shop lot held under Pajakan
Negeri No. 20942, Lot 9264, Mukim Buloh Kasap, Daerah Segamat,
Johor Darul Takzim (“the said Land”) from the developer, Ishtihar
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
Properties & Development Sdn Bhd (“the Developer”). Plaintiff was
registered as the owner with effect from 12.3.2017.
[5] Prior to purchasing the shop lot, Plaintiff knew the existence of the
Defendant’s sub-station on the ground floor of the shop lot. The
sub-station occupies approximately half of the ground floor.
[6] In all likelihood, Plaintiff must have purchased the shop lot based on
the representation made by the Developer that they could request
the Defendant relocate the sub-station elsewhere.
[7] This must be the reason why Plaintiff made a request to the
Defendant vide their letter dated 3.7.2017 to relocate the sub-
[8] However, there was no response from the Defendant. Plaintiff then
engaged the services of solicitors to send a notice to the Defendant
demanding them to forthwith relocate the sub-station and to pay
rental in the sum of RM5,000.00 per month with effect from March,
2017 until the substation is relocated.
[9] Following the Plaintiff’s solicitors notice, both parties had several
discussions and the Defendant agreed to relocate the sub-station
vide their letter to the Plaintiff dated 26.6.2017.
[10] However, despite agreeing to relocate the sub-station, Defendant
did nothing. This prompted the Plaintiff to issue a second notice of
demand against the Defendant demanding them to forthwith
relocate the sub-station and to pay rental in the sum of RM5,000.00
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
per month with effect from March, 2017 until the substation is
[11] Defendant failed to comply with the Plaintiff’s demand to relocate
the sub-station. Plaintiff then commenced an action in the Sessions
Court against the Defendant on 21.7.2020.
[12] Next on 10.8.2020, Plaintiff received a notice from Segamat Land
Office to attend a hearing for the acquisition of the said Land by the
Defendant pursuant to Section 3(1)(a) of the Land Acquisition
Act 1960. The said Land on which the shop lot is situated was
declared to be acquired pursuant to Section 8 of the said Act.
[13] The hearing was held on 23.9.2020 and the Land Administrator
awarded RM980,000.00 for the value of the said Land and the shop
[14] The compensation sum RM980,000.00 was paid to the Plaintiff and
the land was transferred to the Defendant.
[15] Thereafter Plaintiff’s claim which was pending in the Sessions Court
for an order to relocate the sub-station was amended to limit the
claim for loss of rental of the shop lot for the period from March,
2017 until September, 2020 as the said Land was already acquired
by the Defendant.
[16] The decision of the Learned Sessions Judge can be summarised as
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(i) That the Plaintiff upon becoming the registered owner on
13.3.2017, acquired an indefeasible title until it is proven
otherwise by the Defendant.
(ii) That Plaintiff is not a party to the agreement between the
Defendant and Developer wherein the Defendant was granted
permission to build the sub-station on the said land. She
found the said Agreement binding on the Plaintiff.
(iii) Defendant failed to comply with the requirement of Section
11(1) Electric Supply Act 1996.
(iv) As the lawful registered proprietor of the land, Plaintiff is
entitled to charge rental from the Defendant for the occupancy
of the sub-station on the land.
(v) That the Defendant failed to register the lease for 30 years as
required under NLC 1965.
(vi) The continued existence of the sub-station for purpose of
public interest cannot outweigh the Plaintiff’s right as the
registered owner.
(vii) Plaintiff’s claim is not for damages for trespass but for loss of
(viii) The compensation sum pad for acquisition of the land is for
forcibly acquiring the land and does not include the claim for
loss of rental.
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
(ix) Plaintiff’s claim for loss of rental RM3,500.00 per month being
a lesser sum than the pleaded sum RM5,000.00 per month is
allowed for a total of 43 months amounting to RM150,500.00.
[17] This Court is mindful of the fact that in hearing this appeal, it only
exercises appellate jurisdiction and is guided by the principles
propounded by the Federal Court in S Quarry Sdn Bhd v. Desaru
Development Corporation Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 6 MLRA 350 as
follows :-
“[13] Accordingly, it falls upon this court to determine whether
or not the trial court had arrived at its decision or finding
correctly on the basis of the relevant law and/or the
established evidence. In so doing, this court was
perfectly entitled to examine the process of evaluation
of the evidence by the trial court. The requirement for
the trial judge to have made a decision which was
‘plainly wrong’ before an appellate court may intervene
is well settled in our appellate jurisprudence and
practice. This strict requirement underscores the
rationale that the appellate court should not reverse or
disturb the trial judge’s finding even if the appellate court
is of the view that it would not have arrived at the same
conclusion as the trial judge did on the evidence on the
record before it.
[14] A plainly wrong decision happens when it can be shown
that there is insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
by the trial court. The requisite or correct standard to be
applied is that no reasonable judge, on the evidence on
record, could have reached the conclusion of the trial
judge. The adverb ‘plainly’ does not refer to the degree
of confidence felt by the appellate court that it would
have reached the same conclusion as the trial judge. It
does not matter, with whatever degree of certainty that
the appellate court considered that it would have
reached a different conclusion. What matters is whether
the decision under appeal is one that no reasonable
judge could have reached.
[15] Whilst the aforesaid principles are well-settled, it may be
appropriate to set out some instances where a decision
may be described as perverse such that the judgment
cannot be explained or justified by the special
advantage enjoyed by the trial judge by reason of having
seen and heard the witnesses testify and being tested
before him. Some instances demonstrative of such
occasions on the part of the trial judge include the
following. It should be noted, however, that the
instances are not meant to be exhaustive:
- Misdirected itself on the evidence;
- Failed to judicially appreciate the evidence;
- Failed to consider any material evidence;
- Acted on some irrelevant evidence so as to render
the decision wholly erroneous;
- Made wrong inference from facts;
- Misapprehended the facts; or
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
- Gave reasons which are unsatisfactory or
contradictory of each other.”
[18] Guided by these principles, I will now proceed to consider whether
the learned Sessions Judge committed any errors which requires
this Court to intervene.
[19] Defendant attacks the learned Sessions Judge’s decision on four
grounds. I shall deal with each of the ground below :-
The sub-station was built with the consent from previous owner or
[20] Defendant relies on the existence of a 30 years old lease up to 2031
granted by the Developer to them.
[21] It is not in dispute that the said lease was never registered by the
[22] Defendant submits that even if the lease is not registered, it does
not change the fact that there is indeed an agreement between the
Defendant and the Developer for a lease of the said land for a period
of 30 years ending on 2031.
[23] Apart from producing a form titled “Borang A” issued by the
Defendant to the Developer stating that the Developer agrees to
lease the said land for a period of 30 years for a nominal payment
of RM10.00, Defendant did not produce any agreement for lease
S/N MEJDm8mgz0ei8itjJiNYA
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
containing the terms and conditions nor a duly executed Form 15A
pursuant to Section 221 National Land Code 1965 in evidence.
[24] To make things worse, Defendant did not even plead in their
Defence that they had a lease from the Developer. Since no
objections was raised by the Plaintiff, the Learned Sessions Judge
proceeded to consider this issue.
[25] Defendant further submits that the Plaintiff cannot now complain
since they purchased it on a as is where is basis i.e. knowing the
existence of the sub-station on the shop lot.
[26] Although Defendant is estopped from raising this issue for failing to
plead the same, however for completeness I will address this issue.
[27] I am of the considered view that the Plaintiff’s submission on this
ground has no basis since in the first place there is no valid
surrender in the form of a lease to bind the Plaintiff. On this point, I
find support in the decision of the Federal Court in Bayangan
Sepadu Sdn Bhd v Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran Negeri
Selangor & Ors [2022] 1 MLJ 701. In that case, the Appellant had
purchased a piece of land from auction and thereafter only noticed
that a big portion of the land was covered with retention pond and
other buildings. However, searches conducted by the Appellant in
that case prior to and after the auction did not reveal any third parties
interest registered on the said land. The Federal Court found that
since there was no valid surrender of the land to Jabatan Pengairan
Dan Saliran Negeri Selangor, as such the issue of as is where is
has no bearing on the outcome of that case. Federal Court also held
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
that surrender of any private land must comply with the relevant
statutory provisions of the National Land Code.
[28] This can be seen from the Judgment of Zawawi Salleh FCJ in that
case reproduced below :-
“[22] The first leave question is premised upon an assumption
that the land which is Lot 18903 was the agreed lot to
be surrendered to Majlis Perbandaran Shah Alam
although the appellant denied this. The crux of the
matter is whether the promise to surrender the land by
the previous owner prior to the charge of the said land
to CIMB and the transfer of the same to the appellant is
valid in law or it is in contravention of ss 89 and 340 of
the NLC.
[27] It is trite that land law in Malaysia is based on title and
interest by registration which is derived from the Torrens
System. There are two fundamental principles of the
Torrens System, namely the mirror principle and the
curtain principle. The mirror principle portrays a concept
in which the land title mirrors all relevant and material
details that a perspective purchaser, lessee and
chargee ought to know. This mean that a person can
obtain all such material information of the land, based
on what is endorsed on the register of document of title
and issue document of title. On the other hand, the
curtain principle is a concept that dispenses with the
need to look beyond the register — as the land itself
provides all relevant information reflecting the validity of
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
the same. Ostensibly, the ‘curtain’ is where the principle
took its name from.
[37] In this instant appeal, we observed that the appellant did
not inspect the site based on the statement given by the
PW1 that the appellant’s agent only informed the
appellant about the auction a day before it.
Nevertheless, even if the appellant takes steps to
inspect the site and later discovered that big portion of
the land was covered with the retention pond and the
structures, the ownership on the paper (register
document of title) as revealed in the land searches
conducted by the appellant remains unchanged. In
addition, given the fact that the respondents took few
months to revert on the status of the land and the file for
the project went missing, it is reasonable to infer that the
appellant had no knowledge or reason to believe about
the alleged surrender of the land by the previous owners
to the State Authority.
[41] We agree with the submission of learned counsel for the
appellant. The case at hand is regarding validity of the
surrender of the land and the appellant did not dispute
on the condition of the land. Hence, the issue on the
basis of ‘as is where is’ has no bearing on the outcome
of the present case.
[51] It is clear that in order to be a valid surrender, the
procedure under s 200 of the NLC must be complied
with. With respect, we are of the view that the High
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
Court and the majority in the Court of Appeal erred in
law in reaching the decision that there was a valid
surrender as the previous owners did not object to the
construction of the retention pond and structures on the
land. On the factual matrix of the present case as
alluded to earlier in the judgment, there was no evidence
to show that any of the procedures in ss 196, 200 and
201 of the NLC had been adhered to. There was no
consent in writing from the person or body who has
registered interest in the land (CIMB/chargee) as
required by s 196(1)(c) read together with s 196(2)(a) of
[52] We would like to emphasis that the surrender of any
private land must be made with the consent of both the
registered proprietor and the State Authority and must
be strictly complied with the relevant statutory provisions
of the NLC. We venture to say that these provisions are
made for the purpose of safeguarding the interest of the
registered proprietor. Where the procedures as
stipulated by the provisions of the NLC are not adhered
to, grave doubts are cast on the validity and/or legality
of the surrender. In the absence of the consent of
CIMB/chargee and by merely relying on the documents
and/or letters produced by the respondents as
enumerated in para [7] of this judgment, it cannot be
assumed that all mandatory requirements under the
provisions of the NLC had been adhered to when the
State Authority gave its consent for the transfer.
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
[53] In the premises and consistent with the Torrens System
that registration is everything, coupled with the fact that
neither the previous owners nor the MBSA attempted to
legalise the surrender pursuant to the procedure and
provisions under the NLC, the second leave question
must be answered in the negative.”
[29] Whereas learned counsel for the Plaintiff also cited the decision by
the Court Appeal in Tenaga Nasional Berhad v Teobros
Development Sdn Bhd [2000] 6 MLJ 391 to rebut the Defendant’s
contention. In Teobros Development (supra), although Tenaga
Nasional Berhad had issued a notice under Section 11(2) of the
Electricity Supply Act, 1990 to the previous owner of the lands and
thereafter possessed a way leave right over the lands and was by
virtue of this right, licensees of the lands, however they failed to
comply with the requirement in Section 11(10) of the Act on
registering their interest in the document of title.
[30] Court of Appeal speaking through Abdul Malik Ishak JCA in
Teobros Development (supra) decided as follows:-
(2) If the High Court judge was not supposed to consider
and construe s 11(10) of the Act, how could he consider
and construe s 11(5) of the Act in isolation. Section 11(5)
of the Act had to be viewed in its correct perspective
because on its own it did not create any right of entry for
the appellant. Section 11 and its ten subsections were
legislatively enacted to provide a mechanism for a
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
licensee under the Act to obtain a right to enter land to
construct electricity pylons and/or lay electricity cables,
to protect the rights of the owners and occupiers of the
land who are affected by such a right of entry and to
ensure that the endorsement of the register document
of title of the affected land by giving notice to those who
conduct a title search in the future. Although the process
starts with the licensee issuing a notice under s 11(2) of
the Act to the owner or occupier, for the notice under s
11(2) of the Act to create any right of entry under s 11(5)
of the Act, the licensee must first obtain a statement
from the District Land Administrator stating that there
was no objection lodged by the owner or occupier. If
there is any objection lodged by the owner or occupier
of the land then s 11(5) of the Act does not create any
right of entry at all. This is because the effect of a notice
under s 11(2) of the Act is completely nullified even if
there was a verbal objection lodged by an occupier.
Therefore, the High Court judge had exercised his
discretion judiciously in finding that the respondent had
a bona fide serious issue to be tried as to whether a
licensee could be said to acquire rights under s 11(5) of
the Act without complying with s 11(10) (see paras 40–
44 & 57).
(3) It is now trite law that the failure to endorse on the
register document of title was fatal. Therefore, this again
showed that there were serious bona fide issues for the
High Court to consider (see paras 103–104); Pow Hing
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& Anor v Registrar of Titles, Malacca [1981] 1 MLJ 155
(folld) followed.
(4) …
(5) Although the provision of electricity by the appellant is
definitely a public purpose activity, this public purpose is
not intended to grant blanket immunity to all licensees
under the Act. The public purpose factor is intended to
literally put the interest of the public above other
considerations. At this point it was therefore necessary
to consider if 'public purpose' could be used as a shield
by the appellant to avoid the consequences of failing to
comply with an important provision of the Act i.e s 11(10)
of the Act. At the same time, it is necessary to bear in
mind that non-compliance with s 11(10) of the Act
defeats the conclusiveness of the register document of
title. The fact remains that the National Land Code is
based on the Torrens system of conclusiveness of the
register document of title. Therefore, the respondent
who had purchased the land from an auction held in the
Malacca High Court and not from the previous
registered proprietor and who was on the balance of
probabilities a bona fide purchaser for value of the lands
was entitled to presume that there was no error in the
register document of title. In addition, the appellant's
failure to comply with s 11(10) of the Act had nothing to
do with the public purpose of providing electricity. Thus,
based on the facts, it was only fair and reasonable to
conclude that a licensee under the Act, such as the
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appellant, was entitled to invoke public purpose only
when it concerned their public purpose function of
supplying electricity. Otherwise it would be tantamount
to granting the appellant absolute immunity to ignore the
provisions of the Act, which had been carefully drafted
to protect the interests of the public (see paras 62–68).”
[31] In the foregoing, I find this ground of appeal has no merit.
Whether notice must be given to the Respondent as the new
registered proprietor for the Appellant’s sub-station to continue
remain on the said land
[32] It is not on dispute that the Defendant failed to produce any
documentary evidence that they had complied with the requirement
of issuance of notice pursuant to Section 11(1) of the Electricity
Supply Act, 1990 and registration of the notice with the Land
Administrator pursuant to Section 11(1) of the Act.
[33] As such, there is no evidence before the Court that they had
complied with Section 11(1) of the Electricity Supply Act 1990
prior to entering the land.
[34] The decision in Ahmad Hj Bakar lwn. Tenaga Nasional Bhd
[2007] 10 CLJ 22 cited by learned counsel for the Defendant can
be distinguished and does not apply to the facts of our present case.
The facts in that case related to where Tenaga Nasional Berhad had
to re-enter the land to carry out maintenance works and the High
Court therein held that there was no need to for issuance of a fresh
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notice pursuant to Section 11 of the Act in order to carry out the
maintenance works.
[35] Learned counsel for the Defendant submitted the case of Tenaga
Nasional Berhad v. Yep Lee Na & Ors (unreported) an appeal
from the Sessions Court on an application pursuant to Order 14A or
Order 33 Rules 3 and 2 of Rules of Court 2012 decided by Her
Ladyship Evrol Mariette Peters J which held that permission granted
by previous developer for a sub-station to be built on the land binds
the current proprietors and as such there was no need for any fresh
approval from the latter.
[36] However, I find that this case does not consider the apex Court’s
decisions in Teobros Development (supra) and Bayangan
Sepadu (supra) with regards to the importance of registration of a
valid surrender or way-leave right granted by the previous owners’
and the mirror principle under our Torrens system of land law.
[37] Furthermore, the decision in Yep Lee Na (supra) was overturned
on Appeal by the Court of Appeal via Civil Appeal No: W-
04(IM)(NCVC)-391-08/2022 and the matter was ordered to go for
full trial in the Sessions Court.
[38] Back to the facts in our present case, the permission granted by the
Developer to the Defendant does not bind the Plaintiff since the
lease was never registered in the first place in accordance with
requirements of the National Land Code.
[39] Furthermore, the sub-station was already built inside the shop lot
and this rather peculiar than the usual places where a sub-station is
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normally located. It occupies approximately half of the ground floor
in the shop lot.
[40] As such, the issue whether Defendant has complied with the
requirement of issuance of notice pursuant to Section 11(1) of the
Electricity Supply Act, 1990 and registration of the notice with the
Land Administrator pursuant to Section 11(1) of the Act is a non-
issue and does not require any determination.
[41] As such I also find that there is no merit in this ground of Appeal.
No issue of continuing trespass
[42] Next Defendant argues that the Plaintiff’s claim is premised on
trespass. According to the Defendant, there is no trespass and
continuing trespass. I find this argument is misconceived.
[43] As highlighted above, the sub-station is built inside the shop lot on
the ground floor and occupies almost half of the ground floor till the
back of the shop.
[44] Plaintiff commenced this action for an order that the Defendant
relocates the sub-station and for rental for occupying the shop lot.
[45] Plaintiff is denied of quiet enjoyment of the shop lot and is unable to
let out the shop lot and collect rental.
[46] Prior to commencing this action, Plaintiff gave notice to the
Defendant that if they fail to relocate the sub-station, then rental
charges will be imposed on them.
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[47] The term trespass only arose when Plaintiff referred to it in their
submissions for computation of the loss of rental. This was in
respect of the necessity to prove losses in cases of trespass by
referring to the decision in Terra Damansara Sdn Bhd v Nandex
Development Sdn Bhd [2006] 6 MLJ 24.
[48] This was also inadvertently followed by the Learned Sessions Judge
in paragraph 29 of her grounds of judgement when she said that the
Plaintiff was entitled for compensation from the Defendant for
trespass when they failed to relocate the sub-station. However, in
para 30 of her grounds, the learned Sessions Judge said that the
Plaintiff is only seeking for rental only in this claim and not damages
for trespass.
[49] Essentially, the Plaintiff’s claim is for loss of rental due to the
Defendant’s sub-station occupying the ground floor of the shop lot.
The Plaintiff was denied quiet enjoyment and the opportunity to let
out the shop lot and collect rental due to the presence of the
Defendant’s sub-station on the ground floor of the shop lot.
[50] Thus, the Plaintiff’s claim is certainly not premised on trespass.
The Plaintiff is not entitled to the damages/rental payment
[51] Learned counsel for the Defendant submits that the Plaintiff is not
entitled for rental payment since the payment of RM980,000.00 for
the acquisition of the land is full compensation. In other words, this
sum would have considered any losses suffered by the Plaintiff due
to existence of the sub-station.
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[52] With due respect to the learned counsel for the Defendant, this
Court disagrees with his contention. As rightly pointed out by the
learned Sessions Judge, the award sum paid for the acquisition of
the land was for the value of the land which was being forcibly
acquired and was not inclusive of any rental claim.
[53] Furthermore, Plaintiff had already filed their claim for rental prior to
the land being acquired and the claim was pending in Court whilst
the acquisition proceeding is taking place.
[54] Next, Defendant argues that the Plaintiff should not be allowed to
quote an amount to be claimed without any prove and or documents.
[55] I find this contention by the Defendant has no merit. Plaintiff has
produced oral and documentary evidence to establish their claim for
loss of rental.
[56] Plaintiff’s witness (PW1) testified that the shop lot could not be let
out due to potential tenant not interested and turning away upon
seeing the existence of the sub-station. PW1 further testified that
due to the existence of the sub-station, there is no exit from the back
of the shop lot and this poses a danger in case of an emergency.
[57] PW1 also produced rental agreements for a shop lot in the vicinity
located in the middle. One agreement was for the ground floor at
rental rate RM1,400.00. The other was for the upper floor at a rental
rate of RM380.00. Both agreements were tendered in evidence and
marked as exhibit P5.
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[58] Defendant failed to rebut this evidence by producing any
comparable or other evidence to challenge the rental rates adduced
by the Plaintiff.
[59] Although, Plaintiff had initially claimed RM5,000.00 per month for
loss of rental, however in their written submissions, they had
conceded to claim only for RM3,500.00 per month based on the
evidence adduced at the trial.
[60] This sum was arrived at by using the multiplicand 1.7 for the
Plaintiff’s shop lot which was an end lot and bigger than the middle
shop lot and multiplying it with RM1,780.00, being the rental income
for a middle shop lot as follows :-
1.7 x RM1,780.00 = RM3,026.00
Thereafter Plaintiff had rounded the figure RM3.026.00 to
[61] Learned counsel for the Defendant attacks the Learned Sessions
Judge’s decision in granting compensation sum based on a monthly
rental of RM3,500.00 when the actual computation show the loss of
monthly rental is RM3,026.00.
[62] In Voo Nyuk Fah & anor v. Lam Yat Kheong & anor [2012] 5 CLJ
229, Court of Appeal held as follows :-
“Taking of accounts and assessment of damages is an
exercise of judicial discretion and hence seldom
disturbed except where there is clear error on the
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principles of law or the amount is erroneous and without
any basis or justification. (Flint v. Lovell, refd) (para 4)”
[63] Further, assessment of damages must conform to the principle of
restitution in integrum. Please see Hiew Kon Fah and Anor v Kwan
Ngeh Wah & Ors [2008] MLJU 95.
[64] I do not find any error in the learned Sessions Judge awarding
RM3,500.00 per month. The Tenancy Agreement produced in
evidence to establish the loss of monthly rental RM1,780.00 was for
the year 2017. Whereas Plaintiff’s claim for rental is from the period
March 2017 till September 2020. Plaintiff had submitted that
RM3,500.00 is an average upon factoring the increment for the
years 2018, 2019 and 2020.
[65] In the foregoing, the award of loss of rental RM3,500.00 per month
is justified and I do not find any error on the part of the learned
Sessions Judge.
[66] Lastly, Appellant submits that Respondent should not be allowed to
amend its claim through their written submissions. Respondent
pleaded claim for loss of rental was initially RM5,000.00 per month.
However, in their written submissions, Respondent reduced this
sum to RM3,500.00 per month without making any amendment to
their Statement of Claim.
[67] I am of the considered view that the reduction in the quantum
claimed as highlighted in the written submissions to a lesser sum
than the one pleaded does not prejudice the Appellant. Further,
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appellant is unable to show how are they prejudiced by this
reduction of the claim.
[68] In the upshot, based on the foregoing reasons, I find there is no
merit in the Defendant’s Appeal and the Appeal is hereby dismissed
with cost.
[69] The decision of the Learned Sessions Judge dated 30.5.2022 is
Dated this 18th June 2023 at Muar in the State of Johore.
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Johore Darul Ta’zim
For the Appellant : Muhammad Adam Abdullah
For the Respondent : G. Visvanathan Nair
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[JB-12B-2-06/2022] June 19, 2023
For the Appellant
Messrs Adam Abdullah & Mani
Advocates & Solicitors
3B-1, Tingkat 3, Wisma Dang Wangi
No. 38, Jalan Dang Wangi
50100 Kuala Lumpur
[Ref. No. : AAM/2069/2020/AA]
For the Respondent
Messrs Maniam Nair & Co
Advocates & Solicitors
No. 117, Tingkat Dua
Jalan Genuang
85000 Segamat
Johor Darul Takzim
[Ref. No. : SGT/GSN/NOD 580/18/pr]
Hearing Date : 5th March 2023, 19th April 2023
Decision Date : 19th June 2023
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| 36,108 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-45A-34-06/2019 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH AMIR BIN AYOB | Pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 [Akta 234] - Elemen-elemen kesalahan – Sama ada versi pembelaan mengenai kewujudan Orang bernama "Mat Zahir" dan “Zamizan” adalah benar atau rekaan semata-mata - Sama ada pihak pembelaan berjaya mematahkan anggapan pemilikan dan pengetahuan di bawah seksyen 37(d) Akta 234 atas imbangan kebarangkalian - Sama ada pihak pembelaan berjaya membangkitkan keraguan munasabah berhubung dengan elemen pengedaran - Prinsip penghukuman | 05/11/2023 | YA Puan Fathiyah Binti Idris | |
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[1] OKT telah dituduh dengan satu (1) pertuduhan di bawah seksyen
39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 yang boleh dihukum di
bawah seksyen 39B(2) Akta yang sama. Pertuduhan adalah seperti
“Bahawa kamu pada 19.2.2019 jam lebih kurang 7.00 petang
di alamat No. 9 Lintang Bertam Indah 1, Taman Bertam
Indah, Kepala Batas, Dalam Daerah Seberang Perai Utara,
di dalam Negeri Pulau Pinang telah di dapati mengedar
dadah berbahaya jenis Cannabis seberat 1029.9 gram dan
dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh di
hukum di bawah seksyen 39B(2) Akta yang sama.”.
05/11/2023 22:28:47
PA-45A-34-06/2019 Kand. 119
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[2] OKT mengaku tidak bersalah ke atas pertuduhan tersebut dan
meminta dibicarakan. Seramai 7 orang saksi pendakwaan telah
memberi keterangan. Mereka ialah:-
SP1- Sjn Mohd Zaidi Omar - Penjaga Stor
SP2- Abdul Jalil Abdul Rahman - Ahli Kimia
SP3- L/Kpl Amirul Aini bin Mohd Basri - Jurufoto
SP4- Insp Tanapalan a/l Krishna - Pengadu
SP5- Insp Rozila binti Remali - Pegawai Penyiasat
SP6- Norlina binti Jaafar – Isteri tertuduh / Pemilik Rumah
SP7- Kpl Mohd Yazid bin Muhammad Jamil - Pegawai
[3] Pada 19.02.2019 jam lebih kurang 7 petang, semasa SP4
menjalankan tugas OPS Tapis, Pengadu bersama anggota dari
Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik, Ibu Pejabat Daerah
Seberang Perai Utara (BSJND IPD SPU) telah pergi ke alamat
No.9, Lintang Bertam Indah 1, Taman Bertam Indah, 13200 Kepala
Batas, Pulau Pinang. Rumah kejadian adalah rumah taman.
[4] Sampai di alamat tersebut, SP4 bersama anggota serbuan
mendapati pintu hadapan dalam keadaan terbuka. SP4 bersama
anggota serbuan terus masuk ke dalam rumah dan pergi ke
bahagian dapur dan mendapati seorang lelaki Melayu (OKT)
sedang berdiri di hadapan sebelah kanan kabinet dapur.
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[5] SP4 terus perkenalkan diri sebagai pegawai kanan polis dengan
menunjukkan kad kuasa. Pada masa itu, SP4 nampak di atas
kabinet di hadapan OKT terdapat beberapa paket plastik lutsinar
berisi tumbuhan kering disyaki Ganja. Seterusnya dengan
disaksikan OKT, SP4 menjalankan pemeriksaan lanjut di atas
kabinet dapur tersebut dan menjumpai:-
a. (5) Peket plastik lutsinar setiap satu berisi tumbuhan
kering disyaki dadah jenis Ganja;
b. (1) bekas tin berpenutup bertulis “OAT” krunch di
dalamnya mengandungi (3) peket plastik lutsinar setiap
satu berisi tumbuhan kering disyaki Ganja.
c. (1) bekas tin berpenutup bertulis M&M"s di dalamnya
mengandungi (13) peket plastik lutsinar setiap satu
berisi tumbuhan kering disyaki Ganja.
d. (1) bekas tin berpenutup bertulis TOY STORY di
dalamnya mengandungi (13) peket plastik lutsinar
setiap satu berisi tumbuhan kering disyaki Ganja; dan
e. (1) bekas tin tidak berpenutup bertulis MICKEY &
MINNIE di dalamnya mengandungi (6) peket plastik
lutsinar bertulis UNGGUL setiap satu berisi tumbuhan
kering disyaki Ganja.
[6] Seterusnya, SP4 telah merampas kesemua barang kes. SP4 turut
merampas sebilah pisau, satu paket plastik berisi peket-peket
plastik kosong, satu alat sealer dan satu alat timbang digital dari
kabinet yang sama.
[7] Setelah selesai membuat pemeriksaan tersebut, SP4 telah
membawa balik OKT dan rampasan ke Pejabat Bahagian Siasatan
Jenayah Narkotik Daerah IPD Seberang Perai Utara untuk tindakan
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[8] Kesemua barang kes yang dirampas dan disyaki dadah telah
dihantar ke Jabatan Kimia Malaysia, Pulau Pinang untuk dianalisis
dan hasil analisis telah disahkan oleh Ahli Kimia Encik Abdul Jalil
Bin Abdul Rahman bahawa ianya mengandungi Cannabis seberat
1029.9 gram.
Tugas Mahkamah Di Akhir Kes Pendakwaan
[9] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, adalah menjadi tugas dan
tanggungjawab Mahkamah untuk memutuskan sama ada pihak
pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie seperti
mana yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 180(1) Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah.
"When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court
shall consider whether the prosecution has made out a prima
facie case against the accused."
[10] Kes prima facie berjaya dibuktikan apabila pihak pendakwaan telah
berjaya mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan yang kukuh bagi
membuktikan setiap elemen pertuduhan, sekiranya gagal
dipatahkan oleh pembelaan, akan membolehkan sabitan terhadap
tertuduh. Mahkamah merujuk seksyen 180(4) Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah yang menyatakan:
"For the purpose of this section, a prima facie is made out
against the accused where the prosecution had adduced
credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence
which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a
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[11] Mengenai prinsip tugas mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan ini
telah dijelaskan dalam kes tersohor iaitu PP v. Mohd Radzi Abu
Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457 yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah
Persekutuan seperti berikut:
"[15] For the guidance of the court below, we summarise as
follows the steps that should be taken by trial court at the
close of the prosecution's case:
(i) the close of the prosecution's case, subject the evidence
led by the prosecution in its totality to a maximum evaluation.
Carefully scrutinise the credibility of each of the prosecution's
witnesses. Take into account all reasonable inferences that
may be drawn from that evidence. If the evidence admits of
two or more inferences, then draw the inference that is most
favourable to the accused;
(ii) ask yourself the question: if I call upon the accused to
make his defence and he elects to remain silent am I
prepared to convict him on the evidence now before me? If
the answer to that question is "Yes", then a prima facie case
has been made out and the defence should be called. If the
answer is "No" then, a prima facie case has not been made
out and the accused should be acquitted;"
Dapatan Mahkamah di akhir kes Pendakwaan
[12] Mahkamah telah meneliti dan menilai keterangan semua saksi
pendakwaan secara penilaian yang maksimum dan mendapati
pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie
apabila pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kesemua
elemen pertuduhan seperti berikut:-
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Elemen Pertama: Dadah tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya
[13] En. Abdul Jalil Bin Abdul Rahman (SP2), seorang ahli kimia dan
telah memberi keterangan sebagai seorang pakar. Beliau telah
menjalankan analisis kimia terhadap kesemua dadah yang
diterimanya. Beliau telah mengesahkan bahawa dadah yang
dinyatakan di dalam pertuduhan adalah dadah berbahaya jenis
Cannabis seberat 1029.9 gram (rujukan ekshibit P26A-P26E, P29A-
P29C, P32A-P32M, P35A-P35M) dan P38A-P38F)).
[14] SP2 telah menyediakan Laporan Kimia (P9) bagi mengesahkan
hasil uji kaji / analisis kimia yang telah dijalankan dan Cannabis
adalah sejenis dadah yang disenaraikan dalam Jadual Pertama
Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
[15] SP2 telah camkan kesemua barang kes dadah dan mengesahkan
bahawa ianya merupakan barang kes yang sama seperti yang telah
diserahkan kepada beliau.
[16] SP2 telah mengemukakan Penyata Saksi yang mana jelas
menunjukkan kelayakan dan pengalaman beliau di dalam
menganalisis bahan yang dipercayai dadah berbahaya. Mahkamah
mendapati pihak pembelaan tidak mempertikaikan kelayakan dan
pengalaman SP2. Di dalam kes Munusamy Vengadasalam v. PP
[1987] CLJ (Rep) 221, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah memutuskan
seperti berikut:
"...the Court is entitled to accept the opinion of the expert of
its face value, unless it is inherently incredible of the defence
calls evidence in rebuttal by another expert to contradict the
opinion. So long as some credible evidence is given by the
Chemist to support his opinion, there is no necessity for him
to go into details of what he did in the laboratory, step by
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[17] Oleh itu berasaskan kepada kelulusan, pengalaman dan kepakaran
SP2, tiada sebab untuk Mahkamah ini meragui kredibiliti SP2
sebagai seorang Ahli Kimia yang berwibawa. Maka Mahkamah ini
menerima keterangan SP2 sebagai seorang ahli kimia yang
berkelayakan untuk menjalankan analisis ke atas dadah-dadah
[18] Mahkamah ini juga menerima keputusan analisis yang dibuat oleh
SP2 berkaitan dengan identiti dan kuantiti dadah berbahaya
tersebut dan adalah dapatan Mahkamah ini, bahawa di akhir kes
pendakwaan pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan elemen
pertama pertuduhan ke atas OKT iaitu dadah tersebut adalah dadah
berbahaya yang termasuk dalam Jadual Pertama Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952 iaitu jenis Cannabis seberat 1029.9 gram.
Elemen Kedua: OKT mempunyai pemilikan (jagaan dan kawalan) dan
pengetahuan terhadap dadah tersebut
[19] Elemen kedua ini juga adalah penting dan mesti dibuktikan oleh
pihak pendakwaan, sebagaimana keputusan oleh Mahkamah
Persekutuan di dalam kes Ibrahim Mohamad & Anor. v. PP [2011]
4 CLJ 113, seperti berikut:
"[6] It is trite law that possession is an important ingredient in
the charge of trafficking. Unless there is direct evidence of
trafficking, the prosecution must prove the ingredient of
"possession" and the trial judge must make an affirmative
finding of "possession" before the presumption of trafficking
under s. 37(da) of the Act can be invoked."
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[20] Untuk membuktikan elemen ini, terdapat dua unsur utama yang
perlu dibuktikan, yang pertama mengenai elemen milikan fizikal
yang merujuk kepada jagaan dan kawalan fizikal ke atas dadah
berbahaya tersebut dan yang kedua mengenai elemen mental iaitu
pengetahuan tertuduh (mens rea possession).
[21] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes tersohor yang seringkali dirujuk
iaitu kes Chan Pean Leon v. PP [1956] 1 LNS 17; [1956] 22 MLJ
237, di mana Hakim Thomson telah menjelaskan tentang kedua-
dua unsur tersebut pada muka surat 239 seperti berikut:
"A movable thing is said to be in possession of a person when
he is situated with respect to it that he has the power to deal
with it as owner to the exclusion of all other persons and
when the circumstances are such that he may be presumed
to intend to do so in case of need. To put it otherwise, there
is a physical element and mental element which must both
be present before possession is made out.".
[22] Berpandukan kepada nas yang tersebut, adalah menjadi suatu
prinsip undang-undang yang mantap bahawa bagi membuktikan
seseorang itu mempunyai "milikan", perlulah dibuktikan bahawa
seseorang itu mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan ke atas sesuatu
barang tersebut dan bebas berurusan atau mengendalikan barang
tersebut tanpa penglibatan orang lain dan dia mempunyai
pengetahuan ke atas sesuatu barang tersebut.
[23] Berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini
mendapati OKT mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan terhadap barang
kes dadah tersebut berdasarkan fakta bahawa serbuan telah dibuat
di rumah tempat tinggal OKT dan keluarganya. Rumah tersebut
atas nama isterinya (SP6), maka sebagai suami, OKT mempunyai
akses terhadap rumah tersebut.
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[24] SP6 telah camkan barang rampasan selain dadah iaitu seluar dan
baju (eksibit P44 dan P55) yang dirampas oleh SP4 dari bilik
pertama rumah tersebut dan beliau sahkan bahawa baju dan seluar
adalah milik OKT sendiri.
[25] SP4 dalam keterangannya mengesahkan bahawa semasa serbuan
dilakukan OKT dalam keadaan berdiri berseorangan di hadapan
kabinet dapur, iaitu di tempat barang kes dadah dijumpai dan hanya
OKT seorang berada di dalam rumah tersebut. Ini menunjukkan
semasa serbuan, OKT mempunyai akses kepada barang kes
[26] Keterangan SP4 dan SP6 adalah konsisten bahawa semasa
serbuan, OKT berada berseorangan di rumah tersebut dan OKT
sedang berdiri di hadapan cabinet dapur dan keadaan barang kes
(exhibit P26 (a – e) berada dalam paket plastic lutsinar yang dapat
[27] Kedua-dua saksi tersebut berada di tempat kejadian semasa OKT
ditangkap dan mereka menyaksikan apa yang berlaku pada masa
tersebut. Mahkamah ini tidak mendapati apa-apa keterangan yang
mencadangkan atau menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua saksi ini
mengada-adakan cerita atau cuba menganiaya OKT.
[28] Selanjutnya bagi membuktikan bahawa OKT mempunyai
pengetahuan mengenai dadah yang berada dalam milikannya,
Mahkamah ini berpandukan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan di
dalam kes Teh Hock Leong v. PP [2008] 4 CLJ 764 yang
menyatakan seperti berikut:
“It is true that mens rea possession is an element of the
offence of trafficking. But it is an element like the mental
element in other crimes which cannot be established by
direct evidence save in a case where an accused expressly
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admits the commission of the offence. It has, like the mens
rea in other offences, to be established by circumstantial
evidence. In other words it is an ingredient that is to be
inferred from the totality of the circumstances of a particular
individual case.”
[29] Berpandukan kes di atas, dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa
berdasarkan keterangan mengikut keadaan secara
keseluruhannya, satu inferens boleh dibuat bahawa OKT
mempunyai pengetahuan tentang dadah berbahaya tersebut.
Tambahan pula pada masa serbuan tersebut OKT berseorangan di
dapur rumah tersebut dan dadah dijumpai berhadapan OKT dalam
keadaan yang terdedah [P26 (a – e)] di mana OKT boleh nampak
kandungan dalam paket plastik lutsinar tersebut.
[30] Cara pembungkusan lima paket plastik lutsinar yang jelas kelihatan
dan terdedah, adalah sama dengan cara pembungkusan paket-
paket plastik yang berada dalam eksibit P31, P34 dan P37. Ini
menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah daripada jenis
yang sama. Selain itu turut dijumpai beberapa peralatan lain iaitu 1
alat sealer dan 1 penimbang digital serta terdapat paket-paket
plastic kosong yang boleh digunakan untuk mengisi dadah-dadah
[31] Mahkamah ini juga membuat inferens bahawa OKT mempunyai
pengetahuan tentang dadah berbahaya tersebut berdasarkan
kelakuan (conduct) OKT yang terkejut apabila pihak polis membuat
serbuan keatasnya. Mahkamah setuju bahawa reaksi terkejut
adalah satu reaksi normal apabila diserbu oleh sekumpulan lelaki
yang tidak dikenali, tetapi semasa diserbu, pihak polis telah menjerit
“Polis”, maka reaksi terkejut OKT adalah satu respons bahawa OKT
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mempunyai pengetahuan tentang barang salah yang dimilikinya
dan barang salah itu adalah dadah berbahaya.
[32] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Chan Pean Leon v PP (1956) 1
MLJ 237, yang menyatakan:
“Here again knowledge cannot be proved by direct evidence,
it can only be proved by inference from the surrounding
circumstances. Again the possible variety of circumstances
which will support such an inference is infinite. There may be
something in the accused's behaviour that shows knowledge,
or the nature of the thing may be so obvious that it is possible
to say "he must have known what it was" or, again in cases
under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, there may be a
statutory presumption which fills a gap in the evidence.”
[33] Berdasarkan fakta yang tersebut di atas, adalah menjadi dapatan
Mahkamah ini bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya
membuktikan elemen kedua iaitu OKT memiliki dadah-dadah
berbahaya tersebut dan Mahkamah ini menggunapakai anggapan
di bawah seksyen 37(d) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, iaitu sesiapa
yang ada dalam jagaannya atau dalam kawalannya adalah
dianggap mempunyai pengetahuan mengenai dadah tersebut.
Elemen Ketiga: OKT mengedar dadah berbahaya tersebut.
[34] Mahkamah ini telah menilai dan menghalusi keterangan yang
dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan khususnya oleh SP4 dan
mendapati ianya adalah menjurus kepada elemen pengedaran
dadah seperti yang didefinisikan di bawah Seksyen 2 Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952.
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[35] Definisi pengedaran di bawah Seksyen 2 Akta adalah merangkumi
perbuatan "concealing” atau “keeping” dadah tersebut.
Berdasarkan definisi tersebut, adalah dapatan Mahkamah ini
bahawa perbuatan OKT mengedar dadah tersebut adalah dengan
cara “keeping” atau “concealing” dadah tersebut.
[36] Mahkamah ini merujuk kes Teh Geok Hock v. PP [1989] 1 CLJ Rep
160; [1989] 2 CLJ 977; [1989] 3 MLJ 162 yang telah memberi
penjelasan maksud "pengedaran" seperti berikut:
"True, the definition in the Act sounds artificial and not
according to the ordinary meaning of the word 'trafficking'
which is normally understood to mean to trade in, buy or sell,
any commodity, albeit often with sinister implication. See also
the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. The definition of
'trafficking' in the Act is wide and includes not only
buying and selling, but also carrying, concealing and
[37] Berdasarkan keterangan SP4, semasa dadah dijumpai, ada dadah
yang dalam keadaan terdedah dan ada yang tersimpan dalam
bekas snek, yang mana keadaan ianya disimpan seperti hendak
menyembunyikannya dari dikesan oleh orang lain.
[38] Penggunaan bekas tersebut menunjukan satu tindakan “over act”
kerana, adalah sukar untuk mengesan dadah dalam bekas
makanan, apatah lagi apabila ianya disimpan di bahagian dapur
[39] Selanjutnya penemuan alat penimbang digital dan alat sealer serta
paket-paket plastik yang kosong juga boleh diandaikan bahawa
dadah-dadah tersebut adalah untuk diedarkan dengan jumlah berat
tertentu dalam paket-paket plastik yang akan di-seal menggunakan
alat sealer.
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[40] Mahkamah ini juga berpendapat dadah-dadah tersebut bukanlah
untuk kegunaan peribadi OKT, sebaliknya adalah untuk tujuan
pengedaran. Dengan berat dadah sejumlah 1029.9 gram adalah
jelas ianya bukanlah untuk kegunaan peribadi OKT, malahan pihak
pembelaan tidak pernah mencadangkan bahawa dadah tersebut
untuk kegunaan tertuduh sebagai “drug dependant”. Oleh itu
Mahkamah boleh membuat inferens bahawa tertuduh memiliki
dadah tersebut bagi tujuan pengedaran.
[41] Mahkamah ini merujuk dan berpandukan kepada kes Konradt
Prosch v. PP [2020] 1 LNS 2065 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
“[22] Coming back to the present case, the appellant was
carrying grammes of methamphetamine, which was a large
quantity of drugs and clearly not for his own consumption.
Hence, the inference is that, the appellant was carrying or
transporting the drugs for the purpose of trafficking which
need plausible explanation from the appellant which the
appellant had failed to do. As such, the trial judge was correct
in his finding that the element of trafficking under section 2 of
the DDA had been proven by the prosecution.”
[42] Selanjutnya Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada keputusan
Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Mohamed Yazri Minhat v. PP [2003]
2 CLJ 65 yang telah menerima pakai inferens bahawa semakin
banyak dan semakin berat dadah berbahaya yang dimiliki, maka
semakin kuat inferens yang boleh dibuat bahawa seseorang itu
mengedar dadah berbahaya tersebut:
“As a matter of common sense the larger the quantity of
drugs involved the stronger the inference that they were not
intended for the personal consumption of the person carrying
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them, and the more convincing the evidence needed to rebut
[43] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan yang telah dikemukakan
berkenaan serbuan keatas rumah OKT dan penemuan dadah
berbahaya itu serta jumlah dadah yang besar, Mahkamah ini
berpendapat bahawa suatu inferens yang boleh dibuat iaitu OKT
menyimpan (keeping) dadah jenis cannabis tersebut bagi tujuan
pengedaran (trafficking).
Faktor-Faktor Lain Yang Dipertimbangkan
Rantaian Keterangan
[44] Setelah rampasan ke atas bahan yang disyaki dadah berbahaya
dibuat oleh SP4, barang kes tersebut telah diserahkan oleh SP4
kepada SP5 iaitu Pegawai Penyiasat.
[45] Selepas itu, SP5 telah menyimpan barang kes tersebut di dalam
almari berkunci yang mana hanya beliau seorang sahaja yang
mempunyai akses.
[46] Setelah proses dusting dan rakaman gambar barang kes selesai
dilaksanakan, SP5 telah menyerahkan barang kes tersebut kepada
SP2 untuk analisis kimia.
[47] SP2 selanjutnya mengesahkan bahawa setiap barang kes dadah
dalam keadaan baik sewaktu diterima daripada SP5. Setelah
barang kes dadah tersebut dianalisis, SP2 mendapati barang kes
yang dirampas merupakan dadah berbahaya jenis Cannabis
sebagaimana yang tersenarai dalam Jadual Pertama Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952.
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[48] Selepas itu, SP2 telah seal-kan semula dengan meterai Jabatan
Kimia Malaysia. Selanjutnya, SP2 semasa ditunjukkan dengan
barang kes di Mahkamah turut mengesahkan bahawa seal tersebut
masih dalam keadaan baik.
[49] Identiti barang kes dadah juga telah dicamkan oleh saksi-saksi
[50] Walaupun pihak pembelaan cuba mencabar identiti barang kes
semasa pemeriksaan balas ke atas SP4 dan SP5 dengan
mencadangkan bahawa barang kes yang dicamkan di mahkamah
bukan barang kes yang dirampas, SP4 dan SP5 secara konsisten
tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan tersebut.
[51] Dalam kes Loh Kah Loon v. PP [2011] 5 CLJ 345, Mahkamah telah
memutuskan yang berikut:
“The real question is whether the exhibits recovered by the
police is the same exhibits sent to and examined by the
chemist and subsequently produced in court as evidence.
We have no doubt that it was the same exhibits”
[52] Berpandukan prinsip yang digariskan dalam kes ini berhubung
dengan rantaian keterangan dan setelah menghalusi keterangan
saksi-saksi, Mahkamah ini mendapati barang kes yang dirampas
oleh SP4 adalah barang kes yang sama yang telah dianalisis oleh
SP2 dan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahawa barang kes tersebut
merupakan dadah berbahaya yang menjadi hal perkara pertuduhan
ke atas OKT.
[53] Kesimpulannya, Mahkamah ini mendapati rantaian keterangan
berhubung dengan pengendalian barang kes dadah tidak terputus
dan dapat dijaga dengan baik oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan.
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Kredibiliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan
[54] Pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil 7 orang saksi pendakwaan
untuk memberi keterangan dalam kes ini. Mahkamah ini mendapati
bahawa keterangan yang diberikan oleh SP1 hingga SP7 adalah
credible, konsisten serta saling menyokong antara satu sama lain.
Sekiranya terdapat percanggahan antara keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan, ia tidak menyentuh perkara asas atau perkara pokok
serta tidak menjejaskan atau ‘fatal’ kepada kes pendakwaan.
[55] Mahkamah ini juga tidak mempunyai sebab untuk tidak
mempercayai keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi-saksi
pendakwaan. Oleh yang demikian, adalah mustahil untuk
mempercayai jika dikatakan pasukan serbuan tersebut mengada-
adakan cerita berkenaan rampasan dadah berbahaya tersebut.
Keputusan Di Akhir Kes Pendakwaan
[56] Setelah mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi dan meneliti hujahan
pihak-pihak, serta membuat penilaian maksimum terhadap
keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, maka Mahkamah mendapati
pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie
bahawa dadah yang dijumpai sepertimana dalam pertuduhan ini
merupakan dadah berbahaya yang ditakrifkan di bawah Seksyen 2
Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
[57] Selanjutnya Mahkamah mendapati OKT mempunyai milikan ke atas
dadah yang dijumpai berdasarkan keterangan terus pihak
pendakwaan dan wujudnya anggapan di bawah Seksyen 37(d) ADB
1952 yang menunjukkan pengetahuan OKT ke atas dadah yang
dijumpai dan tindakan OKT pada masa tersebut terjumlah kepada
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aktiviti pengedaran sepertimana yang ditakrifkan di bawah Seksyen
2 Akta yang sama.
[58] Mahkamah dengan ini memutuskan bahawa pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap OKT
sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Seksyen 180(4) Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah. Oleh itu OKT dengan ini dipanggil untuk
membela diri di bawah pertuduhan ini.
[59] Mahkamah ini telah menerangkan 3 pilihan kepada OKT , iaitu
memberi keterangan secara bersumpah (sworn statement) dari
dalam kandang saksi (witness box), memberi keterangan tidak
bersumpah (unsworn statement) daripada kandang tertuduh atau
berdiam diri. OKT kemudiannya telah memilih untuk memberi
keterangan secara bersumpah.
Ringkasan Kes dan Hujahan Pembelaan
[60] Pihak pembelaan telah mengemukakan dua orang saksi iaitu Amir
Bin Ayub – OKT (SD1) dan Amran Bin Ibrahim - Saksi Awam (SD2).
Berdasarkan keterangan mereka, pembelaan yang diketengahkan
adalah seperti berikut: -
a. SD1 merupakan seorang kontraktor binaan dan dia
mempunyai dua orang pekerja bernama Hamizan Bin
Osman dan Zahir Bin Khalid. SD1 menyimpan barang-
barang pembinaan di dalam bilik stor rumah tersebut,
iaitu bilik ke 3 yang bertanda F di dalam Ekshibit P13.
b. Kedua-dua pekerja tersebut mempunyai akses untuk
keluar dan masuk rumah tersebut. Pada setiap masa
pintu pagar rumah dan pintu tepi di bahagian dapur tidak
pernah dikunci untuk membolehkan kedua-dua pekerja
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tersebut mengambil dan menyimpan barang-barang
pembinaan. Untuk masuk ke bilik yang bertanda F,
kedua-dua pekerja akan melalui bahagian dapur di
mana dadah di temui.
c. Menurut SD1, pada 19 Februari 2019 jam lebih kurang
9 pagi, kedua-dua pekerjanya ada datang ke bilik F
tersebut. Mereka bekerja dari pagi hingga tengah hari.
Pada hari yang sama, jam lebih kurang 7.00 malam,
SD1 balik ke rumah. Pada masa itu isterinya (SP6) telah
keluar untuk mengambil anak di sekolah.
d. Pada petang tersebut SD1 berseorangan di rumah dan
menyiram pokok. Setelah itu SD1 pergi ke tandas dan
berada di dalam tandas selama lebih kurang 15 minit.
Semasa di dalam tandas, SD1 mendengar suara di luar
rumah dan suara isteri sedang bercakap. SD1 keluar
dari rumah dan nampak isterinya bersama beberapa
orang lelaki sedang bercakap di luar rumah,
kemudiannya mereka masuk ke dalam rumah.
e. SD1 berasa hairan apabila beberapa orang lelaki
tersebut masuk ke dalam rumah. Lelaki tersebut juga
bertanya “adakah ini pekerja awak?”. SD1 menjawab
“Ya”. SD1 mengesahkan Zamizan adalah pekerjanya
dan pada masa itu tangan Zamizan bergari.
f. Polis bersama Zamizan telah masuk ke dalam bilik
bertanda F dan menggeledah bilik tersebut.
Kemudiannya SD1 ditahan oleh seorang anggota polis
di ruang tamu. Dalam masa yang sama, seorang lagi
pekerjanya iaitu Mat Zahir sampai ke rumah tersebut
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untuk menyimpan water jet. Kemudiannya Mat Zahir
turut ditangkap oleh pihak polis.
g. Polis telah menjumpai barang kes dadah di dalam bilik
F dan barang-barang tersebut adalah barang kes dadah
dalam kes ini. SD1 menyatakan dia tidak pernah melihat
barang-barang tersebut.
h. Menurut SD1, bahagian dapur selalu digunakan
olehnya dan ahli keluarga serta pekerja-pekerjanya.
SD1 juga menyatakan bahawa Hamizan mengaku
kepada polis bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah
i. SD2 merupakan seorang “siak masjid”. Keterangannya
di Mahkamah ini bahawa beliau mengenali SD1. SD2
mengesahkan bahawa SD1 bekerja sebagai penggali
kubur di Masjid Al-Khalidiah dan juga membuat kerja-
kerja mengecat tembok di masjid. Pada bulan Februari
2019, SD1 bekerja pada setiap hari.
[61] Berdasarkan keterangan oleh SD1 dan SD2, maka pihak
pembelaan telah mengemukakan hujahan bertulis yang
diringkaskan seperti berikut:-
a. OKT telah memberi keterangan bersumpah dan
cadangan-cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
pembelaan di dalam kes pendakwaan telah dibuktikan
(crystalized) berdasarkan keterangan bersumpah OKT.
Keterangan bersumpah oleh OKT tidak dapat disangkal
dalam pemeriksaan balas atau melalui apa-apa
keterangan lain.
b. Keterangan bersumpah SP6 (Pemilik Rumah dan isteri
OKT) telah membuktikan pembelaan OKT.
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c. Laporan akhbar IDD45 telah mengesahkan bukan
hanya OKT di tahan dalam operasi yang di jalankan.
Laporan akhbar ini menyokong, membuktikan
pembelaan dan versi OKT.
d. Gambar-gambar sidang media (IDD46 [a] – [e])
mengenai operasi yang di jalankan menunjukkan bukan
hanya barang kes ini dikemukakan, tetapi terdapat juga
barang kes tangkapan lain, ini membuktikan bukan
hanya OKT seorang di tahan tetapi ada orang lain di
tahan juga dengan barang kes lain.
e. SP5 mengesahkan bahawa beliau ialah pegawai polis
di dalam gambar tersebut (IDD45 dan IDD46 [a] – [e]).
IDD45 dan IDD46 boleh dijadikan ekshibit pembelaan
berdasarkan prinsip dalam kes Muhamad Zafir Kamil v.
PP & Another Appeal [2019] 6 CLJ 761 di mukasurat 36
bahawa memandangkan Pegawai Penyiasat kes sendiri
telah mengesahkan kesahihannya dan gambarnya
sendiri dalam keratan tersebut, ia boleh di terima
sebagai ekshibit oleh Mahkamah.
f. Keterangan saintifik dalam kes Pendakwaan tidak
membuktikan OKT yang mengendalikan barang-barang
kes ini kerana tiada kesan cap jari OKT pada barang kes
(termasuk sealer, penimbang, bekas – bekas plastik
dan tin yang di jumpai), juga tiada kesan dadah pada
tangan dan pakaian OKT. Ini membuktikan bukan OKT
yang mengendalikan barang kes.
g. OKT tidak cuba melarikan diri semasa ditahan
menunjukkan tiada apa yang hendak di sembunyikan
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dan menunjukkan OKT tiada pengetahuan mengenai
kewujudan dadah.
h. Sekiranya OKT tahu kewujudan dadah di rumah
tersebut yang membawa kepada hukuman berat, sudah
pasti OKT akan cuba melarikan diri melalui pintu dapur
rumah [bertanda J pada Ekshibit P13] yang tidak
berkunci menyedari ada polis datang dan berada di luar
rumah bersama isterinya SP6.
i. Keterangan SD2 mengesahkan pembelaan OKT
bahawa OKT bekerja di masjid dan mempunyai pekerja-
pekerja yang juga di tahan. Terdapat dua set
keterangan bersumpah, iaitu satu keterangan
menyokong kes pendakwaan dan satu keterangan
menyokong kes pembelaan. Tugas pembelaan
sepanjang perbicaraan adalah untuk menimbulkan satu
keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan.
j. Tidak boleh wujud dua versi keterangan di dalam satu
kes kerana beban yang di tanggung pendakwaan
adalah untuk membuktikan versinya sahaja yang betul
dan benar tanpa apa-apa keraguan munasabah.
Sekiranya ada versi kedua yang wujud dari keterangan
kes, pendakwaan perlu negate versi tersebut.
k. Peguam berhujah bahawa keterangan SP6 telah
menimbulkan kesangsian terhadap kes pendakwaan
dan menyokong keterangan OKT yang konsisten
semasa kes di peringkat pendakwaan lagi.
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Analisis dan dapatan Mahkamah
[62] Di akhir perbicaraan adalah menjadi tugas Mahkamah ini untuk
mempertimbangkan semula semua keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan di hadapan mahkamah dan memutuskan sama ada
pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan
yang munasabah seperti mana diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen
182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[63] Mahkamah juga hendaklah mempertimbangkan sama ada
keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pembelaan itu
telah menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes
pendakwaan. Walaupun keterangan yang dikemukakan itu lemah,
Mahkamah masih bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan
pertimbangan yang sewajarnya ke atas keterangan tersebut dan
menentukan sama ada pembelaan sedemikian mampu
menimbulkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan.
[64] Mahkamah ini berpandukan keputusan Mahkamah persekutuan
dalam kes Ganapathy Rengasamy v. Public Prosecutor [1998] 2
CLJ 1, yang telah memutuskan seperti berikut:-
“It needs to be remembered that however weak a defence
may be, trial judges being judges of both fact and law should
not just brush aside the defence on the basis that the
prosecution witnesses are to be believed and not the
defence. Where the law casts the onus of giving an
explanation upon an accused person, and the explanation is
given, which if consistent with innocence, the court is duty
bound to consider whether it might reasonably be true,
although not convinced of its truth.”
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[65] Mahkamah ini mendapati secara umumnya, pembelaan OKT
adalah berdasarkan kepada versi OKT yang keseluruhannya
berbeza dengan versi Pendakwaan. Pada peringkat ini Mahkamah
perlu menimbangkan dan membuat penilaian maksimum serta
merumuskan sama ada dari keseluruhan keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan dengan dibandingkan dengan keterangan oleh saksi-
saksi pembelaan telah menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah
(Rujuk; Kesavan Krishnan lwn. PR [2015] 6 CLJ 163; [2014] MLRAU
[66] Di dalam kes ini, versi pihak pendakwaan adalah jelas bahawa
tangkapan terhadap OKT adalah berikutan satu operasi tapis dan
semasa serbuan di rumah tersebut, OKT telah ditahan semasa
sedang berdiri di hadapan barang kes dadah yang terletak di atas
kabinet di dapur rumah tersebut.
Kredibiliti SP4 (pegawai serbuan) dan kewujudan dua individu yang
[67] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah telah menilai keterangan SP4
secara maksimum dan mendapati bahawa keterangan SP4 adalah
kukuh berkenaan dengan serbuan, tangkapan dan rampasan
barang kes dadah. SP4 tidak bersetuju dengan beberapa cadangan
pihak pembelaan semasa disoal balas.
[68] Kini, Mahkamah menilai semula keterangan SP4 dan
membandingkannya dengan keterangan OKT. SP4 dalam
keterangannya menyatakan beliau dan pasukannya semasa
menjalankan ops tapis telah membuat serbuan ke rumah tempat
kejadian dan OKT ditemui sedang berdiri di hadapan kabinet dapur
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di ruangan dapur rumah tersebut. Di atas kabinet tersebut terdapat
barang kes dadah yang merupakan subjek dalam pertuduhan ini.
[69] Manakala versi OKT bahawa barang kes dijumpai di dalam bilik
ketiga rumah tersebut semasa pihak polis menggeledah bilik ketiga
dan pada masa tersebut pihak polis membawa bersamanya
seorang bernama Zamizan. Zamizan dikatakan bebas untuk keluar
dan masuk ke rumah tersebut.
[70] Adalah penting untuk Mahkamah ini membuat perbandingan kedua-
dua versi ini untuk menentukan sama ada wujud keraguan yang
munasabah ke atas kes Pendakwaan.
[71] OKT di dalam keterangannya menafikan terus penglibatannya
dengan kewujudan barang kes dadah tersebut. OKT menyatakan
barang kes dadah tersebut diletakkan dan dimiliki oleh Zamizan dan
Mat Zahir.
[72] Sekiranya Mahkamah menerima dan berpegang kepada versi OKT,
maka bekas-bekas logam dan barang kes dadah tersebut mungkin
diletakkan oleh Mat Zahir dan / atau Zamizan.
[73] Namun penelitian Mahkamah terhadap keterangan OKT, tidak
mendapati apa-apa keterangan OKT yang menunjukkan mana-
mana dari dua orang tersebut telah dilihat oleh OKT membawa
barang kes dadah tersebut dan meletakkan di atas kabinet di dapur
[74] Selain itu, pihak pembelaan juga tidak pernah mengemukakan
soalan kepada mana-mana saksi Pendakwaan bagi meletakkan
versi bahawa barang kes tersebut telah dibawa oleh polis atau
dengan kata yang lain, pihak polis telah menganiaya OKT dengan
penemuan barang kes dadah tersebut. Oleh itu timbul persoalan ke
atas kesahihan versi pembelaan yang kononnya barang kes dadah
tersebut dijumpai di dalam bilik ketiga dan bukannya di dapur.
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[75] SP4 dalam keterangannya menafikan cadangan-cadangan
pembelaan yang diajukan kepadanya. SP4 adalah anggota polis
yang menjalankan tugasnya dan beliau tidak mengenali OKT dan
OKT juga tidak mengenali SP4 dan anggota serbuan yang lain
sebelum kejadian.
[76] Mahkamah mendapati tiada apa-apa motif untuk SP4 mengada-
adakan cerita ke atas OKT. Mahkamah ini merujuk dan
berpandukan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes Dickson
Levy Maria George v. PP [2018] 1 LNS 135, yang menyatakan:
"[47] Also, there was no rhyme nor reason for the police
officers in this case to frame up the appellant with the
impugned drugs, as they were just performing their duty.
(See the cases of Mohd Ali Jaafar v. PP [1998] 4 CLJ Supp
208 and Goh Han Heng v. PP [2003] SGHC 226 [2003] 4
SLR 374).”
[77] Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa tiada sebab untuk SP4
mereka-reka cerita apatah lagi untuk menganiaya OKT. Mahkamah
merumuskan bahawa SP4 adalah seorang saksi yang boleh
dipercayai dan kewujudan Zamizan dan Mat Zahir adalah diragui.
SD2, kewujudan Mat Zahir dan Zamizan
[78] Setelah meneliti keterangan OKT (SD1), Mahkamah berpendapat
ianya merupakan satu fikiran kemudian (afterthought). Ini dapat
dilihat apabila pihak pembelaan mengemukakan SD2 sebagai
[79] Pembelaan memanggil SD2 sebagai saksi adalah untuk
mengukuhkan keterangan SD1 bahawa SD1 mempunyai dua orang
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pekerja. Tetapi peranan SD2 tidak pernah dikemukakan kepada
mana-mana saksi Pendakwaan sepanjang kes pendakwaan.
[80] SD2 dalam keterangannya menyatakan bahawa beliau kenal SD1
yang membuat kerja-kerja mengecat tembok masjid dan sebagai
penggali kubur, tetapi SD2 tidak mengenali pekerja OKT.
[81] SD2 menyatakan pekerja OKT ialah warganegara asing dan bukan
orang tempatan. Berdasarkan keterangan SD2, Mahkamah
berpendapat bahawa sebenarnya SD2 tidak tahu mengenai pekerja
[82] Keterangan SD2 telah menimbulkan keraguan mengenai Mat Zahir
dan Zamizan yang dikatakan oleh OKT sebagai pekerjanya, dan
keterangan SD2 telah menyangkal pembelaan OKT bahawa dadah
tersebut kepunyaan Zamizan dan Mat Zahir. Mahkamah
berpendapat bahawa kedua-dua watak tersebut adalah watak
rekaan oleh OKT.
[83] Mahkamah mendapati teras pembelaan tertuduh adalah menjurus
kepada bagaimana barang kes dadah tersebut ditemui. Pembelaan
berhujah bahawa dadah tersebut dijumpai di dalam bilik bertanda F,
maka “bagaimana dadah ditemui”, “di mana dadah ditemui”
telah menimbulkan keraguan kepada kes pendakwaan.
[84] Mahkamah telah menilai perkara ini sejak kes pendakwaan dan
mendapati versi pendakwaan adalah jelas, iaitu dadah dijumpai di
atas kabinet dapur di dapur rumah yang didiami oleh OKT. Pada
masa itu tertuduh sedang berdiri di hadapan kabinet tersebut.
[85] Versi pembelaan bahawa terdapat tangkapan yang lain sebelum
tertuduh ditangkap dan tangkapan yang pertama tersebut telah
membawa pihak polis ke rumah OKT dan membawa kepada
penangkapan OKT.
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[86] Pembelaan mencadangkan bahawa Zamizan merupakan
tangkapan pertama dan pihak Pembelaan telah membentangkan
naratifnya. Versi pembelaan yang tersebut telah dinafikan oleh SP4
[87] Selanjutnya, SP4 semasa disoal balas mengenai watak-watak
Zamizan dan Mat Zahir, beliau menjawab “tidak tahu”. Ini
menunjukkan watak-watak tersebut tidak berkaitan dalam
penemuan dadah oleh SP4 pada hari tersebut.
[88] Mahkamah berpendapat jika SP4 terlibat dalam serbuan pertama
seperti yang dicadangkan oleh pembelaan kepada SP4, sudah pasti
SP4 mengakuinya. Memandangkan SP4 menafikan penglibatan
beliau dalam serbuan pertama yang dicadangkan oleh pembelaan,
ini bermakna beliau tidak terlibat dalam serbuan yang dimaksudkan
oleh pihak pembelaan.
[89] Mahkamah sedar bahawa SP6 dalam keterangannya ada
menyebut mengenai dua watak tersebut tetapi SP6 tidak
mengesahkan bahawa barang kes dadah itu kepunyaan dua watak
tersebut dan keterangan SP6 juga tidak menafikan mengenai
penemuan barang kes dadah oleh SP4.
[90] Keterangan SP6 yang menyebut mengenai dua watak tersebut
tidaklah melemahkan kes pendakwaan kerana SP6 tidak berada di
dalam rumah semasa serbuan dilakukan dan beliau tidak melihat
apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh OKT sebelum dan semasa
serbuan tersebut.
[91] Berdasarkan penelitian dan penilaian Mahkamah terhadap
keterangan SD1 dan SD2, Mahkamah berpendapat ianya tidak
menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes
pendakwaan. Keterangan SD2 jelas menunjukkan beliau tidak
mengenali Zamizan dan Mat Zahir, dan beliau menyatakan pekerja
OKT adalah warganegara asing.
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[92] Mahkamah berpendapat keterangan SD2 telah menjejaskan
kredibiliti keterangan OKT sendiri dan menimbulkan persoalan
mengenai kewujudan Zamizan dan Mat Zahir.
[93] Mahkamah juga mendapati keterangan SP4 dan SP5 bukanlah
sesuatu yang inherently improbable. Mahkamah merujuk kepada
keputusan oleh Thompson CJ di dalam kes PP v. Mohamed Ali
[1962] 1 LNS 129; [1962] 1 MLJ 257 yang menyatakan:
"When a Police witness says something that is not inherently
improbable his evidence must in the first instance be
accepted. If he says he saw a cow jumping over the moon
his evidence is, of course, not to be accepted, but if he says
he saw a cow wandering along one of the main streets of
Kuala Lumpur (the sort of thing we all see every day of our
lives) there is not the slightest justification for refusing to
believe him. Of course if his evidence is contradicted by other
evidence or is shaken by cross-examination then it becomes
the business of the Magistrate to decide whether or not it
should be accepted. In the absence of contradiction,
however, and in the absence of any element of inherent
probability the evidence of any witness, whether a Police
witness or not, who gives evidence on affirmation, should
normally be accepted."
[94] Mahkamah juga menilai keterangan SD1 berkenaan penama-
penama tersebut dan mendapati dari keterangan yang diberikan,
SD1 langsung tidak memberi sebarang perincian tempat tinggal
atau butiran diri berkaitan penama-penama tersebut selain mereka
adalah pekerjanya. Ini menimbulkan persoalan mengenai
kewujudan penama-penama tersebut dan kewujudan mereka amat
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[95] Dalam isu ini, Mahkamah ini bersandarkan kepada keputusan
Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes Muhammad Kamil Abdullah &
Satu Lagi lawan PP [2019] 1 LNS 74 yang diputuskan:
"[20] Walaupun pihak ketiga "Rajah" telah ditimbulkan
seawal kes pendakwaan, kegagalan pihak polis untuk
menyiasat mengenai "Rajah" adalah tidak memudaratkan
kes pendakwaan. Semasa pemeriksaan balas Pegawai
Tangkapan (SP4) di m.s. 57 Rekod Rayuan Jld. 2, jelas
menyatakan bahawa Perayu 1 tidak memberitahu SP4
bahawa dadah dan barang-barang lain yang berkaitan
adalah kepunyaan "Rajah". Seterusnya dari penelitian kami,
Perayu 1 juga tidak memberitahu Pegawai Penyiasat (SP5)
mengenai butir-butir peribadi, alamat, nombor telefon dan
sebagainya mengenai "Rajah" (rujuk m.s. 81 Rekod Rayuan
Jld. 2). Kegagalan berbuat demikian bererti syarat-syarat
"Alcontara Notice" tidak dipatuhi. Kami juga mendapati
bahawa Percakapan Beramaran Perayu 1 tidak
dikemukakan untuk menentukan sama ada butir-butir
peribadi "Rajah" telah diberikan oleh Perayu 1 atau tidak.
[21] Keperluan "Percakapan Beramaran" bukanlah
meletakkan beban berlebihan ke atas pembelaan. Ianya
adalah wajar apabila Pegawai Tangkapan (SP4) menafikan
bahawa Perayu 1 ada memberitahu SP4 bahawa dadah dan
barang-barang berkaitan adalah kepunyaan "Rajah". Malah
keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat (SP5) walaupun mengakui
Perayu 1 ada memberitahu bahawa secara lisan mengenai
"Rajah" tetapi Perayu 1 tidak memberitahu butir-butir
peribadi "Rajah". Otoriti tersohor PP v. Ling Tee Huah [1980]
1 LNS 212; [1982] 2 MLJ 234 menyatakan:
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"a mere denial without other proof to reasonably
dislodge the prosecution's evidence is not
[96] Sehubungan dengan itu Mahkamah merumuskan bahawa naratif
atau versi pembelaan bukan saja tidak munasabah untuk dipercayai
bahkan telah gagal menimbulkan sebarang keraguan yang
munasabah ke atas kes yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
[97] Setelah membuat penilaian maksimum dan menimbangkan
keseluruhan keterangan pihak pendakwaan dan pembelaan, serta
meneliti kredibiliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan pembelaan,
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa atas imbangan kebarangkalian,
pihak pembelaan telah gagal mematahkan anggapan pemilikan dan
pengetahuan di bawah seksyen 37(d) ADB 1952.
[98] Berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi pembelaan, versi pembelaan
adalah diragui dan tidak munasabah. Pembelaan yang
dikemukakan adalah bersifat penafian semata-mata berkaitan
pemilikan dadah, pengetahuan dan penglibatan dalam aktiviti
pengedaran dadah.
[99] Mahkamah turut berpuashati bahawa pembelaan juga secara
keseluruhannya telah gagal menimbulkan sebarang keraguan yang
munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan mengikut prinsip yang
diputuskan dalam kes Mat v. Public Prosecutor [1963] 1 LNS 82;
[1963] 1 MLJ 263.
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[100] Akhirnya, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan mendapati pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kesnya melampaui
keraguan yang munasabah terhadap OKT bagi pertuduhan yang
dihadapkan ke atas OKT. Mahkamah dengan ini mendapati OKT
bersalah dan disabitkan kesalahannya atas pertuduhan yang
[101] Di dalam rayuan untuk peringanan hukuman, pihak pembelaan
memohon Mahkamah ini mempertimbangkan hukuman dalam
bentuk pemenjaraan seumur hidup. Pihak pembelaan juga telah
merujuk kes Pendakwa Raya vs Umaphati Ganesan [2023] 9 CLJ
625 yang diputuskan oleh YA Hakim di Mahkamah Tinggi Melaka.
Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah Tinggi telah mempertimbangkan
hukuman pemenjaraan seumur hidup dan sebatan berikutan
dengan penggubalan Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori
2023 khususnya seksyen 54 berhubung dengan pindaan kepada
seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
[102] Setelah mempertimbangkan rayuan OKT dan faktor pemberatan
yang dibentangkan oleh pihak pendakwaan, maka Mahkamah
dengan ini menjatuhkan hukuman penjara seumur hidup ke atas
OKT bermula dari tarikh tangkap. Selaras dengan seksyen 289(c)
Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, hukuman sebatan tidak dikenakan
memandangkan OKT telah berumur lebih 50 tahun.
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[103] Semua ekshibit diserahkan kepada pihak pendakwaan untuk
simpanan selamat sehingga selesai rayuan.
Bertarikh: 5 November 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Butterworth
Pulau Pinang
Bagi pihak pendakwaan:
Kirubini a/p G. Subramaniam
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang
Negeri Pulau Pinang
Bagi pihak pembelaan:
Hussaini bin Abdul Rashid
Peguam Bela dan Peguam Cara
Tetuan Hussaini & Co.
Pulau Pinang
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| 51,112 | Tika 2.6.0 |
DJ-83-104-06/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MOHD NASIR BIN ISMAIL | Principle of Sentencing-Consideration-Road Transport Act-Section 41(1) of the same act-Mitigating Factors-Aggravating Factors-Bond of Good Behavior-Conviction Recorded-Public Interest-Plea of Guilt-First Offender-Health of the Accused | 05/11/2023 | Tuan Mohd Izdham Naim bin Che Ani | |
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KES JENAYAH NO: DJ-83-104-06/2021
1. These are my grounds for my decision for this case. The charge meted
against the Accused is as follows:-
Bahawa kamu Pada 3/02/2020 Jam Lebih Kurang 2130 Hrs Di Jalan Gual Mesa,
Jalan Rantau Panjang Dalam Daerah Pasir Mas, Dalam Negeri Kelantan Sebagai
Pemandu M/Kar No. Pendaftaran DBN 8026. Telah Memandu Kenderaan
Tersebut Diatas Jalanraya Dengan Secara Merbahaya Sehingga Menyebabkan
Kematian Kepada Penunggang M/Sikal No VDE 6704, bernama: Muhamad Fadzli
Bin Muhamed Bastamam, Umur: 18 Tahun No. Kad Pengenalan: 020809-08-027
. Oleh Itu Kamu Telah Melakukan Kesalahan Dan Boleh Dihukum Dibawah
Seksyen : 41 (1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987.
Hukuman:- Jika Disabitkan Dengan Kesalahan Penjara Tempoh Tidak Kurang 2
Tahun Dan Tidak Lebih 10 Tahun Dan Denda Tidak Kurang Rm 5,000.00 Dan
Tidak Lebih Rm 20,000.00
2. The Court is satisfied upon charge meted against him. Upon reading
the charge which the Court also made him understand the nature of the
charge, the Accused pleaded guilty and it were unreserved and
unequivocal. The consequences of the plea also been meted out to him
05/11/2023 12:05:26
DJ-83-104-06/2021 Kand. 50
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and still he pleaded guilty. Having satisfied with this matter, this Court
found the Accused guilty and convicted him on the preferred charge.
3. This Court refer to Court of Appeal in Public Prosecutor v Morah
Chekwube Chukwudi [2017] MLJU 958, where it laid down the
jurisprudence in relation of sentencing:-
Jurisprudence relating to sentence [5] It is well established that there are a number of
factors that courts take into consideration before sentencing. Some of them are as follows:
(a) the gravity or severity of the facts constituting the offence;
(b) the circumstances in which it was committed;
(c) the rampancy of such offence in the area;
(d) the offender’s previous record;
(e) the offender’s contribution and support to his family members;
(f) the offenders means;
(g) the effect of conviction and sentence on his job opportunities;
(h) the age and health of the accused;
(i) whether it is his first offence;
(j) whether the accused had cooperated with the police after the commission of the
(k) whether the accused had pleaded guilty;
(i) status of the accused;
(m) whether there was violence during the crime; (n) public interest, etc.
4. For our case at hand, I draw attention to Section 294 of the CPC which,
in regards to first offenders provides:
Section 294 First offenders
(1) When any person not being a youthful offender has been convicted of any offence
punishable with imprisonment before any Court if it appears to the Court that regard being
had to the character, antecedents, age, health or mental condition of the offender or to the
trivial nature of the offence or to any extenuating circumstances under which the offence
was committed it is expedient that the offender be released on probation of good conduct,
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the Court may, instead of sentencing him at once to any punishment, direct that he be
released on his entering into a bond with or without sureties and during such period as the
Court may direct to appear and receive judgment if and when called upon and in the
meantime to keep the peace and be of good behaviour.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, direct that the offender shall pay the costs of the
prosecution or some portion of the same within that period and by such instalment as may
be directed by the Court.
Section 432 shall be applicable to any direction made under this subsection.
(3) If a Court having power to deal with the offender in respect of his original offence, or
any Court of summary jurisdiction, is satisfied by information on oath
that the offender has failed to observe any of the conditions of his bond, it may issue a
warrant for his apprehension.
(4) Any offender when apprehended on any such warrant shall, if not immediately brought
before the Court having power to sentence him, be brought before a Magistrate, and the
Magistrate may either remand him by warrant until the time at which he is required by his
bond to appear for judgment or until the sitting of a Court having power to deal with his
original offence, or may admit him to bail with a sufficient surety conditioned on his
appearing for judgment. (5) The offender, when so remanded, may be committed to prison
and the warrant of remand shall order that he be brought before the Court before which he
was bound to appear for judgment or to answer as to his conduct since his release. (6)
This section shall not apply — (a) if the offender is charged with a serious offence; or (b) if
the offender is charged with the commission of an act of domestic violence as defined
under section 2 of the Domestic Violence Act 1994.
5. In the case of Jayanathan v Public Prosecutor [1973] 2 MLJ 68;
[1973] 1 LNS 56, the Federal Court concisely explained the effect of s
294 of the CPC where Ong Hock Sim FJ delivering the judgement
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This section vests the court before which a person is convicted with power to
suspend sentence for such period as the court may direct, and, if the offender
behaves himself during such period, he would escape punishment for his offence.
If he fails to observe the conditions of his bond, he would be liable to be
apprehended and dealt with for his original offence. As Thomson J (as he then was)
said in Public Prosecutor v Idris [1955] 1 LNS 93:
Section 294 which only applies in the case of adult offenders can only be made use
of where a person has been convicted and where his conviction is for an offence
punishable with imprisonment without the option of a fine.
I do not wish to lay down any hard and fast rule, which in any event would be difficult
to prove, but magistrates would be well-advised only to make use of s 294 where
an offence which is generally of a serious nature and which is punishable with
imprisonment has been committed. By an adult offender and where it is considered
desirable to place him on probation
In our view, if the Legislature intended that s 294 is to cease to have application in
respect of an offence under s 15 of the Prevention of Crime Ordinance, it should
be so expressed in the clearest possible language. We can find no such provision.
6. To put into context of our current case, I find that the accused is guilty
and convicted him on the charge preferred. At the end of the
proceeding I sentenced him to a bond of good behavior under section
294 of the CPC. Section 294 of the CPC would only be applicable to
penal provisions which carry a term of imprisonment of less than ten
years. In this case, there was no illegality when the court applied s 294
of the CPC for the offence of desertion pursuant to s 41 RTA as the
offence carried an imprisonment of a not more than 10 years. The
discretion to apply s 294 of the CPC was well within the powers and
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ambit of the magistrate after considering the severity of the charge,
facts and reflecting upon the mitigating and aggravating factors
7. The offence committed by the Accused was one which did not involve
malice or brutality. The courts in determining the sentence to be
imposed, was at liberty to take this as a factor to be considered.
However, apart from this case, crimes which were overtly violent and
heinous should never be given a light sentence as the correct purpose
of sentencing would be aimed at deterrence and retribution. A person
who commits an offence as such must be shown abhorrence by the
justice system. The respondent in this case was a first offender and he
had no prior convictions. It had been a long judicial principle to award
leniency to first offenders. The court was of the view that, upon
consideration of the mitigating and aggravating factors and deliberating
upon the facts of the case, a bond of good behavior pursuant to s 294
of the CPC served the principles and purposes of sentencing and was
in line with established judicial principles. Under principle of sentencing,
it is considered after considering on other facts such as time, place, the
nature of the case and rampancy of such crime. This Court also noted
that in passing a sentencing a light sentence can be rejected in light of
public interest.
8. The Accused age 58 during the proceeding, married and with 1 child.
He was the breadwinner of the family and former armed forces. The
learned counsel for the accused tendered that the accused suffers from
various type of diseases and suffers spine disease which put him under
vegetative condition. The learned counsel attached his medical report
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during the mitigation. During the proceeding, which conducted at the
compound of the court, I had the opportunity of observing the accused
condition. The learned deputy public prosecutor on the other hand,
avers that commensurate sentence should be given after taking the
effect of accused action which resulted in death of the driver. I have
taken on these factors, I opt that bond of good behavior is most
appropriate for this case. As for rehabilitation, which is often seen solely
as a way to aid an accused in becoming an efficacious member of
society but it is also aimed benefiting society. By rehabilitating
offenders, it is hoped that the accused will be equipped with the right
mind set and skills to live a life by making choices that are well
reasoned and grounded.
9. Having due regards on the facts and circumstances herein above, this
Court find that the Accused guilty and convicted him on the preferred
charge. However, having considered the above factors, I ordered him
under bond of good behavior under section 294 Criminal Procedure
Code for 2 years with 1 surety. I also order that the accused is disqualify
from holding driving license for 5 years. This sentence is appropriate,
proper and just. Thus it should be maintained. This Court so orders.
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Magistrate’s Court Pasir Mas
Kelantan Darul Naim
Deputy Public Prosecutor, Kelantan Darul Naim: Mr Aiman Syahmi
The Accused; YBGK: Ms Aisyah Abdullah
Decision: 28 August 2023
CRIMINAL LAW- Principle of Sentencing-Consideration-Road Transport Act- Section 41(1) of
the same act- Mitigating Factors-Aggravating Factors-Bond of Good Behavior-Conviction
Recorded-Public Interest-Plea of Guilt-First Offender-Health of the Accused
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| 12,067 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-A73KJ-1230-10/2021 | PLAINTIF 1. ) MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ AIMAN BIN NORDIN 2. ) MOHAMAD AZRUL AMIRUL BIN AZMI DEFENDAN 1. ) SARVINAKUMAR GUNALAN 2. ) LIZAWATI BINTI MOHAMED HASSANPIHAK KETIGAXVIPI SINERGI SDN BHD | Perbicaraan Penuh-Kes kemalangan jalan raya-Beban pembuktian kes sivil-Identiti Pemandu Kereta tersebut diragui-Plaintif Pertama tidak mempunyai lesen memandu pada masa kemalangan-Plaintif Pertama gagal mengambil langkah proaktif sebelum kemalangan & tiada liabiliti ke atas Defendan Kedua-Pegawai penyiasat asal tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi-Kuantum-Ganti rugi Am & Khas | 05/11/2023 | Puan Noorfazlin Binti Hamdan | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: JA-A73KJ-1230-10/2021
[ No.Kad Pengenalan: 990312015435 ]
[ No.Kad Pengenalan: 020118010609] ...PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
[ No.Kad Pengenalan: 040319011139 ]
[ No.Kad Pengenalan: 830521045398 ] ...DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
[ No.SYARIKAT: 1223052-M ] ...PIHAK KETIGA
[1] Ini adalah rayuan Defendan Kedua yang tidak berpuas hati terhadap
keputusan Mahkamah Majistret Sivil (1) Johor Bahru pada 28.08.2023 di
mana Mahkamah telah memutuskan bahawa Plaintif telah berjaya
05/11/2023 09:45:25
JA-A73KJ-1230-10/2021 Kand. 72
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membuktikan kes terhadap Defendan-Defendan dengan liabiliti 100%.
Mahkamah seterusnya memutuskan jumlah gantirugi bagi kecederaan yang
dialami Plaintif. Rayuan ini adalah terhadap sebahagian keputusan liabiliti
dan kuantum oleh Defendan Kedua.
[2] Kes kemalangan jalan raya ini berlaku pada 29.05.2019 antara
motorsikal No.VCK 5247 (motorsikal tersebut) yang ditunggang oleh Plaintif
Pertama dan pembonceng (Plaintif Kedua) dengan motorkar Proton Alza
No. WB 2511 X (motorkar tersebut) yang dipandu oleh Defendan Pertama.
Defendan Kedua ialah pemilik berdaftar motorkar tersebut yang mana
Defendan Kedua telah memasuki satu Perjanjian Pajakan Motorkar bertarikh
29.1.2019 (“Perjanjian tersebut”) bersama Pihak Ketiga.
[3] Tujuan pajakan motorkar tersebut untuk tujuan sewaan yang mana
pada masa kemalangan, motorkar tersebut telahpun disewakan kepada
seorang penama, R. Manimaran A/L Ramman (penyewa tersebut) yang
mana Defendan Kedua tidak mengenali penyewa tersebut dan Defendan
[4] Satu Penghakiman Ingkar Kehadiran juga telah dimasukkan ke atas
Defendan Pertama pada 11.04.2022.
[5] Adalah menjadi prinsip undang-undang mantap bahawa onus probandi
pada tahap imbangan kebarangkalian adalah di pihak Plaintif selaras
seksyen 101 Akta Keterangan 1950 yang memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
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Beban membuktikan
101. (1) Sesiapa yang berhasrat supaya mana-mana mahkamah
memberikan penghakiman tentang apa-apa hak atau tanggungan di sisi
undang-undang, dengan bergantung kepada kewujudan fakta yang
ditegaskan olehnya, mestilah membuktikan bahawa fakta itu wujud.
(2) Apabila seseorang terikat untuk membuktikan kewujudan apa-apa fakta,
dikatakan bahawa beban membuktikan terletak pada orang itu.
[6] Prinsip ini juga adalah dinyatakan di dalam kes Wong Thin Yit v
Mohamad Ali[1971] 2 MLJ 175, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan:
“In a negligence action, the onus of proof rests wholly on the plaintiff, whether
or not the defendant gives evidence and the plaintiff cannot succeed without
proof of the defendant’s negligence”.
(a)Identiti Pemandu Kereta tersebut diragui.
[7] Peguamcara Defendan Kedua berhujah wujudnya keterangan yang
menunjukkan Plaintif Pertama (SP2) gagal mengenal pasti identiti pemandu
motorkar tersebut semasa disoalbalas.
[8] Mahkamah telah meneliti pliding pihak-pihak dan didapati isu identiti
pemandu motorkar (Defendan Pertama) tidak pernah dipertikaikan. Namun,
Defendan Kedua hanya memplidkan tidak mempunyai pengetahuan
langsung bahawa motorkar tersebut dipandu dan/atau dikendalikan oleh
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Defendan Pertama sahaja. Tiada juga sebarang pertikaian tentang identiti
Defendan Pertama bukanlah pemandu motorkar tersebut di dalam mana-
mana repot polis yang dilaporkan sepertimana P3 dan ID4 yang merujuk
motorsikal SP2 dan motorkar Defendan Kedua yang sama.
[9] Penjelasan juga telah diberikan SP2 tentang identiti pemandu
motorkar tersebut yang menunjukkan kejadian berlaku agak pantas dengan
cuaca hujan boleh menjadi faktor percanggahan identiti Defendan Pertama
sama ada lelaki atau perempuan India oleh SP2 ketika itu (Rujuk NK m/s
“S : Encik tadi cakap kepada peguamcara defendan bahawa pemandu
kereta itu adalah india perempuan tetapi encik juga cakap tadi encik tidak
sempat pun jumpa pemandu itu sebab encik terus dihantar ke hospital. Mana
satu yang betul encik?
J : Saya nampak dia keluar daripada kereta semasa dia langgar itu saya
bangun saya tengok Azrul selepas itu perempuan india itu keluar daripada
kereta. Dia pun tidak ada cakap apa – apa. Saya terus 25 angkat Azrul. Saya
pergi klinik. Azrul pergi klinik. Memang benda itu berlaku dengan cepat
sebab masa itu masih hujan renyai lagi”.
[10] Mahkamah dipandukan dengan kes Mahkamah Persekutuan
menerusi kes Tua Kin Ling v. PP [1970] 1 LNS 161; [1970] 2 MLJ 61, 63
Thompson C.J. memutuskan:
"No doubt the rule is that if a witness had lied on one, or two points it does
not necessarily follow that his whole evidence should be rejected (Khoon
Chye Hin v. PP [1961] 1 LNS 41; [1961] MLJ 105). But it is the duty of the
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court to sieve the evidence and to ascertain what are the parts of the
evidence tending to incriminate the accused which could be accepted'."
[11] Oleh itu, Mahkamah berpendapat fakta tersebut tidak menjejaskan kes
Plaintif kerana percanggahan tersebut bersifat minor dan bukan semua saksi
mempunyai daya ingatan/kefahaman yang serupa atas sesuatu perkara
yang disaksikannya. Kredibiliti SP2 tidak terjejas atas keterangan tersebut.
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah menolak isu dibangkitkan Defendan Kedua
(b)Plaintif Pertama tidak mempunyai lesen memandu pada masa
[12] Peguamcara Defendan berhujah bahawa disebabkan SP2 tidak
mempunyai lesen kerana telah tamat sebelum kejadian iaitu pada
29.05.2021. Walaubagaimanapun, Mahkamah mendapati fakta sebenar
menunjukkan sebaliknya. Keterangan SP2 seperti berikut: (Rujuk NK
“S : Jika dirujuk pada mukasurat 58 iaitu lesen encik rakan bijaksana saya
ada tanyakan tempoh sah lesen encik iaitu kalau dari dokumen ini sejak dari
30/5/2019. Adakah encik mempunyai lesen sebelum 30/5/2019 tersebut?
J : Ya ada”.
Penjelasan ini diberikan selepas disoal balas oleh Peguamcara Defendan
Kedua seperti berikut: (Rujuk NK m/s 21)
S : Kalau kita tengok pada tempoh sah lesen itu bertarikh berapa 25
haribulan? Boleh En. Syafiq maklumkan kepada Mahkamah?
J : 30/5
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S : Jadi pada 30/5 baru lesen itu hidup. Betul?
J : 29/5 hidup. 30 renew baru.”
[13] Keterangan-keterangan SP2 di atas menunjukkan sewaktu
kemalangan, SP2 masih mempunyai lesen memandu yang sah yang
kemudiannya telah tamat hari esoknya iaitu 30.05.2019 dan telah dihidupkan
semula pada tarikh yang sama. Malah, di dalam pliding Plaintif telahpun
menafikan dakwaan Defendan tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, isu berbangkit
ini juga wajar ditolak oleh Mahkamah.
(c) Plaintif Pertama gagal mengambil langkah proaktif sebelum
kemalangan & tiada liabiliti ke atas Defendan Kedua.
[14] Peguamcara Defendan Kedua berhujah bahawa SP2 mengakui telah
melihat kehadiran motorkar tersebut namun telah gagal mengambil tindakan
yang sepatutnya/proaktif untuk mengelakkan kemalangan berlaku.
[15] Mahkamah mendapati SP2 telahpun memberikan penjelasan tentang
keadaan dan kedudukan kedua-dua kenderaan sewaktu perlanggaran
berlaku.SP2 telah menunjukkan motorsikal SP2 telahpun berada di hadapan
simpang untuk bergerak terus, namun motorkar tersebut telah keluar
simpang dan terus merempuh bahagian kanan motorsikal SP2 di laluan
utama. Keterangan SP2 disokong SP3 yang mengesahkan motorsikal
mereka dari arah kanan menuju ke arah kiri iaitu di jalan utama sepertimana
di dalam rajah kasar.
[16] Mahkamah juga mendapati keterangan SP2 disokong oleh hasil
siasatan pegawai penyiasat kes yang mana menurut SP1 (pegawai
penyiasat warisan) berdasarkan siasatan menunjukkan kemalangan berlaku
apabila pemandu motorkar tersebut membelok ke simpang kanan tiba-tiba
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datang motorsikal tersebut sedang bergerak tidak sempat mengelak
motorkar tersebut.Malah, Mahkamah mendapati SP2 menyatakan punca
kemalangan disebabkan pemandu motorkar gagal memberikan laluan
kepada motorsikal yang berada di jalan utama sebelum membelok keluar
simpang.Keputusan siasatan kes juga telah mengeluarkan saman ke atas
pemandu motorkar di bawah Kaedah 3(2) Kaedah-kaedah Lalulintas Jalan
[17] Selain itu, keterangan senyap lain seperti gambar-gambar kerosakan
motorsikal & motorkar tersebut P2A-H juga telah menyokong versi
keterangan Plaintif. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah menyimpulkan
kemalangan ini diakibatkan oleh kecuaian Defendan Pertama yang tidak
memberikan laluan kepada pengguna di laluan utama sebelum membelok
keluar simpang tersebut walaupun SP2 telah nampak motorkar tersebut.
[18] Sepertimana diputuskan di dalam kes Govinda Raju & Anor v. Laws
[1965] 1 MLRH 401; [1966] 1 MLJ 188 , Mahkamah memutuskan:
" Applying these tests, it is clearly established that the defendant failed to
keep a proper look out before he swerved to the right, resulting in the
Defendan Pertama sepatutnya berhenti untuk memastikan jalan selamat
dengan memberikan laluan pengguna di laluan utama dan bukannya
meneruskan jalan begitu sahaja.
[19] Mahkamah telah berpuas hati kecuaian 100% berpunca daripada
Defendan Pertama.Isu seterusnya adakah Defendan Kedua sebagai pemilik
berdaftar motorkar turut bertanggungan bersama-sama?Pada hemah
Mahkamah, sebaik sahaja Defendan Kedua menandatangani Perjanjian
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Pajakan tersebut dengan Pihak Ketiga maka sudah semestinya Defendan
Kedua sedar,faham dan tahu motorkarnya akan digunakan untuk tujuan
sewaan walaupun tidak kenal siapakan penyewa berkenaan.Situasi ini
adalah selaras dengan pemakaian seksyen 109(2) Akta Pengangkutan
Jalan 1987 bahawa pemilik berdaftar bertanggungjawab atas pemanduan
motorkar tersebut kerana Defendan Kedua dengan rela hati telah
menyewakan motorkar tersebut untuk tujuan sewaan.
[20] Defendan Kedua pula dalam kes ini telahpun menarik Pihak Ketiga
yang didakwa bertanggungjawab atas sebarang kecuaian yang berlaku
dalam kes ini dan Mahkamah juga telah memutuskan membenarkan
tuntutan Defendan Kedua terhadap Pihak Ketiga dengan liabiliti 100%.
(d)Pegawai penyiasat asal tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi.
[21] Peguamcara Defendan Kedua juga berhujah bahawa kegagalan
Plaintif memanggil pegawai penyiasat asal menjadikan kes adalah fatal dan
keterangan SP1 sebagai pegawai penyiasat warisan tidak boleh
[22] Dengan hormatnya, Mahkamah tidak lihat bagaimana keterangan SP1
tersebut wajar ditolak kerana SP1 telahpun memberikan penjelasan pegawai
penyiasat asal Sjn Razib bin Sarkam telahpun bersara dan tidak dapat
dihubungi.SP1 telah diarahkan oleh Ketua Bahagian Trafik Seri Alam untuk
hadir ke Mahkamah bersama-sama dengan Kertas Siasatan untuk
memberikan keterangan dan kesemua keterangannya berdasarkan hasil
siasatan semata-mata. Oleh itu, seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak
terpakai ke atas Plaintif atas kegagalan memanggil pegawai penyiasat, Sjn
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Razib bin Sarkam kerana tiada sebarang fakta yang cuba disembunyikan di
pihak Plaintif.
[23] Sebagai panduan, Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Zainuddin bin
Uyub v Jalil bin Tumirin [2010] 9 MLJ 538 yang mana Mahkamah Tinggi
telah memutuskan keterangan pegawai penyiasat warisan boleh
diterimamasuk berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen asal di dalam Kertas
Siasatan.Oleh itu, isu yang dibangkitkan Defendan Kedua ini wajar
(e)Wujudnya satu Perjanjian Pajakan Motorkar bertarikh 29.1.2019
(“Perjanjian tersebut”) bersama Pihak Ketiga.
[24] Peguam cara Defendan Kedua yang bijaksana berhujah Defendan
Kedua tidak mempunyai liabiliti ke atas Plaintif-Plaintif kerana motorkar
tersebut telahpun diserahkan kepada Pihak Ketiga menerusi satu Perjanjian
Pajakan Motorkar bertarikh 29.1.2019 (“Perjanjian Pajakan tersebut”)
bersama Pihak Ketiga dengan merujuk Klausa 5 Perjanjian Pajakan
[25] Mahkamah mendapati Klausa 5 Perjanjian Pajakan yang diplidkan
Defendan Kedua sebenarnya tidak terpakai kerana secara jelas klausa 5.3
menyatakan klausa 5.1 dan 5.2 tidak terpakai bagi Perjanjian Pajakan
Tetap yang dimasuki antara Defendan Kedua dan Pihak Ketiga tersebut.
Berikut dinyatakan semula Klausa 5:
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Oleh itu, hujahan peguamcara Defendan Kedua tersebut tidak bermerit.
[26] Berdasarkan Perjanjian Pajakan tersebut juga, Mahkamah mendapati
Defendan Kedua juga dengan rela diri bersetuju untuk motorkar tersebut
dipajakkan sepertimana dinyatakan seperti berikut:
[27] Keadaan ini menunjukkan Defendan Kedua bersetuju dan bersedia
untuk berhadapan segala risiko atas apa yang berlaku ke atas motorkar
tersebut demi mencapai maksud perjanjian pajakan tersebut walaupun tidak
mengenali siapakan penyewa dan/atau pemandu motorkar tersebut. Hal ini
kerana, Defendan Kedua turut menikmati nisbah keuntungan sebanyak
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RM900-00 sepertimana dinyatakan di dalam Klausa 7 Perjanjian Pajakan
tersebut walaupun Defendan Kedua tidak kenal siapakah penyewa
motorkar/pemandu motorkar tersebut.
[28] Malah, bagi isu pemilikan, pihak-pihak juga telah bersetuju
berdasarkan Klausa 3.1.3 tidak berlaku sebarang pertindihan milikan
terhadap motorkar tersebut atau sebarang hak mana-mana pihak ketiga
yang lain, selain nama Pelabur sahaja iaitu Defendan Kedua dalam kes ini.
Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan dapatan-dapatan di atas, Mahkamah
berpuas hati Defendan Kedua sebagai pemilik berdaftar sememangnya
bertanggungjawab atas kecuaian Defendan Pertama dalam kes ini.
[29] Prinsip undang-undang berhubung ganti rugi boleh dilihat menerusi
kes Datuk Mohd Ali Hj. Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 6
CLJ 269 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan:
[33] Therefore, in a claim for damages, it is not sufficient for the plaintiff
to merely state the amount of damages that he is claiming, he must
prove the damage that he had in fact suffered to the satisfaction of the
court. This principle is borne out in the case of Bonham-Carter v. Hyde
Park Hotel [1948] 64 TLR 177 where Lord Goddard CJ observed:
Plaintiff's must understand that if they bring actions for damages it is
for them to prove their damage; it is not enough to write down the
particulars, and, so to speak, throw them at the head of the court,
saying: This is what I have lost, I askyou to give me these damages".
They have to prove it.".
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[30] Mahkamah juga dipandukan dengan kes Sabri Abdul Talib & 1 Other
V Tiong Mee Kooi [2021] 1 LNS 2275 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi seperti
[41] I am mindful that the Compendium of Minimum and Maximum Awards
for Personal Injury Claims (“the Compendium”) is a useful gauge for the
awards prescribed for personal injury claims, as was stated by S Nantha
Balan J (as he then was) in Abdul Waffiy Wahubbi & Anor v. AK Nazaruddin
Ahmad [2017] 5 LNS 52:
It is axiomatic and imperative that when awarding damages for pain and
suffering for personal injuries, the court must endeavour to ensure that the
sum awarded falls within the range as stipulated in the Compendium and it
would be wrong for trial courts to ignore the range of damages as
recommended in the Compendium and to pluck a quantum from the air and
make an award for a particular injury which does not resonate with the range
in the Compendium.
Berikut adalah ganti rugi-ganti rugi yang diaward oleh Mahkamah
berdasarkan kecederaan-kecederaan dialami Plaintif-Plaintif sepertimana
dinyatakan di dalam Laporan-Laporan Perubatan yang dikemukakan.
(a)Plaintif Pertama:
Ganti rugi Am:
(i) Deep Laceration Wound Over right upper limb & lower limb
[31] Peguamcara Plaintif memohon RM10,000-00 bagi kecederaan ini
kerana Plaintif Pertama mengalami jahitan yang banyak di bahagian tangan
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kanan dan kaki. Peguamcara Defendan pula mencadangkan RM2500-00
kerana mengambil kira umurnya yang masih muda iaitu 20 tahun.
[32] Mahkamah telah mengaward RM7,000-00 dengan mengambil kira
kadar antara RM2,500-00 hingga ke RM9,500-00 di dalam Revised
Compedium of Personal Injury Awards 2018 (Circular No255/2018)
(Compedium 2018) dan juga banyaknya luka jahitan di anggota badan yang
(ii) Pain & swelling both knee joints
[33] Peguamcara Plaintif memohon RM10,000 kerana mendakwa Plaintif
Pertama mengalami soft tissue injury di kedua-dua belah lutut yang
menjadikannya terpaksa memakai tongkat.
[34] Mahkamah berpendapat jumlah RM10,000-00 tersebut adalah
munasabah dengan keadaan dan kecederaan Plaintif Pertama yang
terpaksa bertongkat untuk bergerak.
Ganti rugi Khas:
[35] Mahkamah membenarkan kos rawatan dari Klinik Kota Masai
sebanyak RM60-00 kerana resit disertakan (Rujuk Ikatan Dokumen B m/s
(b)Plaintif Kedua:
Ganti rugi Am:
(i)Closed fracture of midshaft right tibia
[36] Peguamcara Plaintif berhujah RM30,000-00 adalah amaun yang
munasabah bagi kecederaan ini kerana Plaintif Kedua mengalami keilatan
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yang banyak akibat kemalangan menurut Doktor Jeyaratnam T
Satkunasingam di dalam Laporan Pakar Plaintif Kedua (Rujuk Ikatan
Dokumen Plaintif m/s 6-20). Peguamcara Defendan Kedua pula berhujah
jumlah yang sesuai adalah maksimum RM18,000-00 mengambil kira
umurnya 17 tahun dan akan mudah sembuh.
[37] Mahkamah telah mengaward RM 25,000-00 kerana jumlahnya masih
dalam lingkungan Compedium 2018 dan keilatan yang begitu banyak
dialami sepertimana Laporan Pakar Plaintif . Berdasarkan latar belakang
Laporan Pakar mencatatkan Plaintif Kedua masih lagi seorang pelajar
Diploma di Kolej yang pada hemah Mahkamah semestinya memerlukan
pergerakan dan aktiviti yang aktif seperti berjalan, berlari, memanjat dan
sebagainya di Kolej.Oleh itu, jumlah tersebut adalah munasabah dan adil.
(ii)Laceration wound at the proximal anterior thigh
[38] Peguamcara Plaintif memohon RM5,000-00 bagi kecederaan ini,
manakala Peguamcara Defendan Kedua mencadangkan tidak melebihi
RM2,500-00 kerana usianya masih muda. Mahkamah membenarkan award
sebanyak RM 4,000-00 berdasarkan Compedium 2018 dengan luka berjahit
yang dialami oleh Plaintif Kedua tersebut.
(iii)Multiple abrasion wounds
[39] Peguamcara Plaintif memohon sebanyak RM10,000-00 kerana
kecederaan tersebut di banyak tempat iaitu left forehead,left knee,right knee
& right foot.Manakala, Peguamcara Defendan mencadangkan tidak melebihi
RM4,000-00 kerana usia mudanya.
[40] Mahkamah mengaward sebanyak 5,000-00 kerana bukan sahaja
kecederaan tersebut dialami di anggota badan yang berbeza-beza malah
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ianya masih dalam ruang lingkup Compedium 2018 serta usia Plaintif Kedua
yang masih muda.
[41] Mahkamah telah membenarkan award sebanyak RM 10,000-00
kerana mengambil kira Plaintif Kedua mengalami kesan-kesan parut yang
banyak seperti berikut: (Rujuk Laporan Perubatan Mahkota Medical Centre
m/s 9 Ikatan B)
1. a 2cm hypertrophic scar over the anterior aspect of the right thigh
2. a 4cm hypertrophic surgical scar over the anterior aspect of the
right knee
3. two,1cm x 1cm hypertrophic scars over the medial aspect of the
right knee
4. two, 2cm x 1cm hyperpigmented scars over the anterior aspect of
the right knee
5. two,10cm each hyperpigmented scars over the lateral aspect of
the right leg
6. a 5x 1cm hyperpigmented scars over the medial aspect of the right
7. a 4x 6cm hyperpigmented scar over the anterior aspect of the right
8. a 3x 5cm hyperpigmented scar over the anterior aspect of the right
9. two,1x1cm each, hypertrophic surgical scars over the medial
aspect of the right ankle
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Ganti rugi Khas
[42] Mahkamah telah membenarkan ganti rugi-ganti rugi Khas Plaintif
Kedua seperti berikut dengan mengambilkira adanya dokumen-dokumen
sokongan dan/atau cadangan Laporan Pakar.
Ganti rugi Jumlah award (RM)
(i)Kos rawatan Hospital Sultan
(ii)Kos membeli tongkat
(iii)Kos membeli implant 7,500-00
(iv)Kos membaiki motorsikal 975-00
Jumlah besar 8,738-00
Faedah yang dibenarkan:
[43] Mahkamah merujuk kepada Aturan 42 Kaedah 12A Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012 yang mana kecuali yang dipersetujui pihak-pihak, kadar
faedah bagi award Mahkamah ditentukan oleh YAA Ketua Hakim
Negara.Menurut Arahan Amalan Bil 1 tahun 2012 yang berkuatkuasa
bermula 1 Ogos 2012, berikut faedah yang dibenarkan:
(a)Faedah sebanyak 2.5% setahun untuk Gantirugi Khas dari tarikh
kemalangan sehingga ke tarikh penghakiman;
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(b)Faedah sebanyak 5% setahun untuk Gantirugi Am dari tarikh
penyampaian saman sehingga ke tarikh penghakiman.
(c)Faedah sebanyak 5% setahun untuk kesemua jumlah penghakiman dari
tarikh penghakiman sehingga ke tarikh penyelesaian penuh dan muktamad.
Kos mengikut skala. Gratias Tibi Ago,Curia Advisari Vult.
Bertarikh: 16 Oktober 2023
Mahkamah Majistret Sivil 1 Johor Bahru
1) Amalia Aina binti Zakaria dari Tetuan Sukhdev & Associates -
Peguamcara Plaintif-Plaintif
2) Fatimah Zulaikha Ahmad Bashri & Noor Syafiqa Nafisah Agoestono
dari Tetuan Faizal Rahman & Co- Peguamcara Defendan Kedua
3) Khairil Ahmad dari Tetuan Khairil, Hafizullah & Hanisah- Peguamcara
Pihak Ketiga
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| 23,940 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JE-83-147-10/2020 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM)] TERTUDUH DARVIN RAJ A/L GUNASELAN | i) OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan atas kesalahan Pertuduhan Pertama S.41(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987.ii) Pihak pendakwaan telah menarik balik pertuduhan kedua S.44(1) APJ 1987 di akhir kes pembelaan menurut S.254(1) CPC iii) Mahkamah telah lepas dan bebaskan OKT daripada pertuduha kedua S.44(1) APJ 1987 menurut S.254(3) CPCiv) Isu Misjoinder of Charges di bawah S.165 CPC | 05/11/2023 | Puan Lee Kim Keat | |
KES JENAYAH NO. JE-83-147-10/2020
1) Pihak pembelaan telah membuat rayuan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah
yang menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 3 tahun dari tarikh sabitan dan
hukuman denda RM8,000 jika gagal bayar penjara 4 bulan serta OKT hilang
layak untuk mengambil lesen memandu D selama 3 tahun dari tarikh
sabitan setelah Mahkamah mendapati OKT bersalah dan disabitkan atas
kesalahan bagi pertuduhan pertama S.41(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan
1987. Rayuan pembelaan adalah terhadap sabitan dan hukuman.
2) Sementara itu, terdapat rayuan silang daripada pihak pendakwaan
terhadap keputusan Mahkamah yang melepaskan dan membebaskan OKT
daripada pertuduhan kedua di bawah S.44(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan
1987 selepas pihak pendakwaan menarik balik pertuduhan kedua di akhir
kes pembelaan.
3) Dalam kes ini, OKT telah dituduh bagi dua pertuduhan seperti berikut:
05/11/2023 23:16:38
JE-83-147-10/2020 Kand. 49
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Pertuduhan Pertama:
“Bahawa kamu pada 30.07.2020 jam lebih kurang antara 1802hrs hingga
1815hrs di KM5 Jalan Sialang, dalam Daerah Tangkak, di dalam negeri
Johor Darul Takzim, sebagai pemandu m/kar No.WVG 2016 telah
memandu kenderaan tersebut di jalan dengan cara yang, setelah
mengambil perhatian tentang segala hal keadaan (termasuk jenis, keadaan
dan saiz jalan, dan kesesakan lalu lintas yang dijangkakan yang ada atau
mungkin ada di jalan itu) merbahaya kepada orang awam, sehingga
menyebabkan kematian kepada penunggang m/sikal No.MCM2122
Nama: Siti Nur Syahira binti Yazid No. KPT: 011114040313 dan
pembonceng m/sikal No.MCM2122 Nama: Nur Syaza Nadihra binti Md
Selan No. KPT: 981021045584. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah
melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah S.41(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan
1987 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang sama.
Pertuduhan kedua:
“Bahawa kamu pada 30.07.2020 jam lebih kurang antara 1802hrs hingga
1815hrs di KM5 Jalan Sialang, dalam Daerah Tangkak, di dalam negeri
Johor Darul Takzim, sebagai pemandu m/kar No.WVG 2016 telah
memandu kenderaan tersebut di jalan dan mempunyai sebegitu banyak
alcohol dalam badan kamu sehingga kadar alcohol di dalam air kencing
kamu melebihi had yang ditetapkan iaitu 115miligram per 100 mililiter
air kencing, dan menyebabkan kematian kepada penunggang m/sikal
No.MCM2122 Nama: Siti Nur Syahira binti Yazid No. KPT: 011114040313
dan pembonceng m/sikal No.MCM2122 Nama: Nur Syaza Nadihra binti Md
Selan No. KPT: 981021045584. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah
melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah S.44(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan
1987 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang sama.
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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4) Untuk kes pendakwaan, pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil seramai 12
orang saksi seperti berikut:
SP1 Dr Sangeethat a/p Paramasivam (Pegawai Perubatan Forensik)
SP2 Mohd Isa bin Suparman (Ahli Kimia, Seksyen Kriminalistik, Bahagian
SP3 Abdul Hakim bin Abd. Rauf (Ahli Kimia, Seksyen Toksikologi, Bahagian
Analisis Sains Forensik)
SP4 Salmi biniti Mustafa (Ibu kepada mangsa Siti Nur Syahira binti Yazid)
SP5 Lans Koperal Jailani bin Abas (Jurugambar)
SP6 Lans Koperal Mohamad Nizzar bin Salleh (L/Koperal Kaunter Trafik)
SP7 Lechiyamuthu a/l Letchumanan (penumpang belakang kereta
SP8 Siti Aishah binti Misbah (saksi mata kemalangan)
SP9 Maniraj a/l Maruthan (Pengurus PUSPAKOM cawangan Segamat)
SP10 Zulkefli bin Kasim (saksi mata kemalangan)
SP11 Raven a/l Palaniappan (pemilik dan penumpang kereta WVG2016)
SP12 Inspektor Ahmad Faizal bin Ismail (Pegawai Penyiasat)
5) Bagi saksi SP1 hingga SP7, saksi-saksi telah memberi keterangan di
mahkamah di hadapan Puan Majistret terdahulu dan Puan Majistret telah
ditukar ke Jabatan lain atas kenaikan pangkat. Kes ini telah diambil alih dan
disambung bicara dengan saksi SP8.
6) Mahkamah ini meneruskan perbicaraan kes dengan bergantung kepada
nota keterangan yang telah disediakan oleh Puan Majistret terdahulu dan
juga rujukan kepada rakaman system “court recording and transcription
(CRT)”. Mahkamah mengikuti keterangan SP 1 sehingga SP 7 dengan cara
mendengar dan melihat semula keterangan mereka melalui CRT. Maka
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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mahkamah turut menilai 'demeanor' saksi SP1 hingga SP7 dalam alasan
penghakiman ini.
7) Berhubung dengan perkara ini, Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada S.261
Kanun Tatacara Jenayah yang memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
"261 Change of Magistrate during hearing
Whenever any Magistrate after having heard and recorded the whole
or any part of the evidence in a trial ceases to exercise jurisdiction in
it and is succeeded by another Magistrate who has and who
exercises such jurisdiction, the Magistrate so succeeding may act on
the evidence so recorded by his predecessor, or partly recorded by
his predecessor and partly recorded by himself, or he may re-
summon the witnesses and recommence the inquiry or trial:
Provided as follows:
(a) in any trial the accused may, when the second Magistrate
commences his proceedings, demand that the witnesses
or any of them be re-summoned and re-heard;
(b) the High Court may, whether there be an appeal or not,
set aside any conviction had on evidence not wholly
recorded by the Magistrate before whom the conviction
was had, if that Court is of opinion that the accused has
been materially prejudiced thereby, and may order a new
8) Pihak Pendakwaan juga telah mengemukakan dokumen-dokumen berikut
yang telah diterima oleh Mahkamah dan dijadikan sebagai eksibit
P1 (1-45) 45 keping Gambar
P2 Laporan Post Mortem Mangsa Siti Nur Syahira Binti Yazid
P3 Laporan Post Mortem Mangsa Nur Syaza Nadihra Binti Md Selan
P4 Sampul Surat Kimia No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02564
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P5 Sampul beserta kandungan berisi Eksibit A Smear Cat Asing
P6 Sampul beserta kandungan berisi Eksibit B Smear Cat Asing
P7 Eksibit sebahagian daripada M/sikal Mangsa bertanda A1
P8 Laporan Kimia No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02564
P9 Resit Kimia No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02084
P10 Beg Keselamatan Jabatan Kimia Malaysia, No. Makmal 20-FR-M-
P11 Tiub Plastik bertanda A, No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02084
P12 Tiub Plastik bertanda B, No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02084
P13 Botol Kaca bertanda C, No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02084
P14 Laporan Kimia No. Makmal 20-FR-M-02084
P15 Trafik Ledang/1952/20
P16 Salinan Geran Kenderaan Motosikal no. pendaftaran MCM 2122 milik
Mangsa Siti Nur Syahira Binti Yazid
P17 A Laporan Pemeriksaan Kemalangan oleh Puspakom bagi Motosikal
no. pendaftaran MCM 2122
P17 B Laporan Pemeriksaan Kemalangan oleh Puspakom bagi M/Kar no.
pendaftaran WVG 2016
P18 Rajah Kasar
P18K Kunci Rajah Kasar
P19 Sekeping CD mengandungi gambar-gambar oleh Jurugambar
P20 Sijil Perakuan di bawah seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan oleh
P21 Trafik Ledang/1946/20
P22 Trafik Ledang/1947/20
P23 Trafik Ledang/1949/20
P24 Salinan Geran Kenderaan M/Kar no. pendaftaran WVG 2016 milik
Raven A/L Palaniappan
P25 Trafik Ledang/2469/20
P26 Trafik Ledang/4267/20
P27 Trafik Ledang/1951/20
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9) Secara ringkasnya, dalam kes pendakwaan, fakta yang dikemukakan oleh
pihak pendakwaan adalah seperti berikut:
“Pada 30/07/2020, jam lebih kurang antara 6.02 petang hingga 6.15 petang,
di KM 5, Jalan Sialang, Tangkak, Johor, telah berlaku satu kemalangan
jalanraya. Kemalangan berlaku apabila OKT memandu m/kar no. WVG
2016 dari arah Tangkak menghala ke Jasin.
Semasa di tempat kejadian iaitu di KM 5, Jalan Sialang, Tangkak, OKT
telah memandu dengan laju di selekoh jalan sehingga mencerobohi jalan
bertentangan lalu melanggar tiang lampu pertama sehingga patah.
Susulan perlangaran tersebut OKT terus terlangar sebuah m/sikal no. MCM
2122 yang ditunggangi dan dibonceng 2 orang mangsa (selepas ini dikenali
sebagai Si Mati) dari arah Jasin menghala ke Tangkak, menyebabkan
kedua-dua Si Mati tercampak daripada m/sikal tersebut.
Momentum pelangaran kereta tersebut akhirnya terhenti dengan terlangar
tiang lampu yang kedua. Akibat perlanggaran itu, kedua-dua Si Mati
mengalami kecederaan parah di bahagian badan, kepala dan telah
meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian.
Semasa kejadian, kereta yang dipandu oleh OKT turut dinaiki oleh dua
orang penumpang iaitu SP7 dan SP11 di mana kedua-dua saksi telah
memberi keterangan di mahkamah bahawa OKT merupakan pemandu
kereta tersebut. Selain itu, kejadian kemalangan tersebut turut disaksikan
oleh sepasang suami isteri iaitu SP8 dan SP10 yang pada masa kejadian
sedang memandu di laluan jalan bertentangan dengan OKT.
Hasil analisa oleh ahli kimia, Jabatan Kimia Malaysia ke atas specimen air
kencing OKT yang diambil pada hari kejadian mengesahkan kuantiti
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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alkohol yang terkandung dalam air kencing OKT adalah melebihi had yang
ditetapkan iaitu 115 mg per 100 ml air kencing.”
PERUNTUKAN UNDANG-UNDANG S.41(1) dan S.44(1) Akta Pengangkutan
Jalanraya 1987
10) S.41 (1) APJ memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
“41. Menyebabkan kematian kerana memandu dengan melulu atau
(1) Mana-mana orang yang memandu suatu kenderaan motor di jalan
dengan melulu atau dengan kelajuan atau dengan cara yang, setelah
mengambil perhatian tentang segala hal keadaan (termasuk jenis,
keadaan dan saiz jalan, dan kesesakan lalu lintas yang dijangkakan
yang ada atau mungkin ada di jalan itu) merbahaya kepada orang
awam, menyebabkan kematian mana-mana orang, melakukan suatu
kesalahan dan apabila disabitkan hendaklah dihukum penjara selama
tempoh tidak kurang daripada dua tahun dan tidak lebih daripada
sepuluh tahun dan denda tidak kurang daripada lima ribu ringgit dan
tidak lebih daripada dua puluh ribu ringgit.”
11) Elemen-elemen pertuduhan Seksyen 41(1) adalah sepertimana yang
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi dalam kes PP v Wan Khairil Wan Isa
[2007]9CLJ557 seperti berikut:
“The essential ingredients then of the offence created under
s.41(1) of the Act are:
a) A person who;
b) By driving a motor vehicle recklessly; or
c) By driving a motor vehicle at a speed; or
d) By driving a motor vehicle in a manner which having
regard to the circumstances (including the nature,
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condition and size of the road and the amount of traffic
which is or might be expected to be on the road) is
dangerous to the public;
e) Causes the death of a person
shall be guilty of an offence…”
12) Dalam erti kata yang lain, dalam kes ini, bagi pertuduhan pertama, pihak
Pendakwaan hendaklah membuktikan elemen-elemen kesalahan seperti
i. OKT telah memandu m/kar no. WVG 2016 di atas jalan raya;
ii. OKT telah memandu kenderaan secara merbahaya di atas jalanraya; dan
iii. Cara pemanduan OKT yang berbahaya telah menyebabkan kematian
kedua-dua mangsa
13) Sementara itu, Seksyen 44 (1) APJ pula memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
“44. Memandu semasa berada di bawah pengaruh minuman yang
memabukkan atau dadah.
(1) Mana-mana orang yang, semasa memandu sesuatu kenderaan motor
di jalan atau tempat awam lain-
(a) berada di bawah pengaruh minuman yang memabukkan atau dadah,
setakat yang menyebabkan tidak berdaya mengawal kenderaan itu dengan
sepatutnya; atau
(b) mempunyai sebegitu banyak alcohol dalam badannya sehingga kadar
alcohol di dalam nafas, darah atau air kencingnya melebihi had yang
dan menyebabkan kematian mana-mana orang melakukan suatu
kesalahan dan, apabila disabitkan, hendaklah dihukum penjara selama
tempoh tidak kurang daripada tiga tahun dan tidak lebih daripada sepuluh
tahun dan dedenda tidak kurang daripada lapan ribu ringgit dan tidak lebih
daripada dua puluh ribu ringgit.”
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14) Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam kes Olivia Chong Oi Yun v. PP [2020] 4 CLJ
246, telah menyenaraikan elemen bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 44
(1) APJ, di bawah limb kedua, iaitu kematian disebabkan pemanduan
dengan mempunyai sebegitu banyak alkohol dalam badannya sehingga
kadar alcohol di dalam badan melebihi had yang ditetapkan, seperti berikut:
“[47] What required to be proven for the purpose of the charge
under s. 44(1)(b) of RTA as highlighted by the learned SCJ
are: that the appellant was the one driving the said motor
vehicle on a road or public place and it was the said motor
vehicle which caused the whole accident; that the alcohol
level in the appellant's body exceeded the "prescribed
limit", the limit allowed by the law is 80mg of alcohol in 100ml
of blood; and, that the reckless driving of the appellant had
caused the death of four persons and injury to another
15) Merujuk pada otoriti di atas, bagi pertuduhan kedua, pihak pendakwaan
perlu membuktikan elemen-elemen seperti berikut:
i. OKT telah memandu m/kar no. WVG 2016 di atas jalan raya;
ii. OKT telah memandu kenderaan dengan mempunyai sebegitu
banyak alkohol dalam badannya sehingga kadar alkohol di dalam air
kencingnya melebihi had yang ditetapkan iaitu 107mg alcohol dalam
100ml air kencing; dan
iii. pemanduan OKT telah menyebabkan kematian kedua-dua mangsa.
16) Adalah undang-undang yang mantap bahawa beban pembuktian sentiasa
terletak di atas pihak pendakwaan dan pihak pendakwaan memikul beban
tersebut dalam membuktikan satu kes Prima Facie sepertimana
diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 173(f) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
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17) Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Balachandran v PP [2005]1CLJ85
telah menyatakan seperti berikut, antara lain:
“A prima facie case is therefore one that is sufficient for the
accused to be called upon to answer. This in turn means that
the evidence adduced must be such that it can be overthrown
only by evidence in rebuttal. The phrase ‘prima facie case’ is
defined in similar terms in Mozley and Whiteley’s Law
Dictionary 11th Ed as:
A litigating party is said to hava a prima facies case
when the evidence in his favour is sufficiently strong
for his opponent to be called on to answer it. A
prima facie case, then is one which is established
by sufficient evidence, and can be overthrown only
by rebutting evidence adduced by the other side.
… In order to make a finding either way the court must, at the
close of the case for the prosecution, undertake a positive
evaluation of the credibility and reliability of all the evidence
adduced so as to determine whether the elements of the
offence have been established. As the trial is without a jury, it
is only with such a positive evaluation can the court make a
determination or the purpose of s.180(2) and (3)…
…The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would
therefore be: Is the evidence sufficient to convict the accused
if he elects to remain silent? If the answer is in the affirmative
then a prima facies case has been made out. This must, as of
necessity, require a consideration of the existence of any
reasonable doubt in the case for the prosecution, If there is
any such doubt there can be no prima facies case.”
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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18) Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes PP v Mohd Radzi bin Abu Bakar
[2006] 1 CLJ 457 juga telah menjelaskan Prima Facie seperti berikut:
“After the amendments to ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC, the
statutory test has been altered. What is required of a
subordinate court and the High Court under the amended
sections is to call for the defence when it is satisfied that a
prima facie case has been made out at the close of the
prosecution case. This requires the court to undertake a
maximum evaluation of the prosecution evidence when
deciding whether to call on the accused to enter upon his or
her defence. It involves an assessment of the credibility of the
witnesses called by the prosecution and the drawing of
inferences admitted by the prosecution evidence. Thus, if the
prosecution's evidence admits of two or more inferences, one
of which is in the accused's favour, then it is the duty of the
court to draw the inference that is favourable to the accused.
(para 12)
[3] If the court, upon a maximum evaluation of the evidence
placed before it at the close of the prosecution case, comes
to the conclusion that a prima facie case has not been made
out, it should acquit the accused. If, on the other hand, the
court after conducting a maximum evaluation of the evidence
comes to the conclusion that a prima facie case has been
made out, it must call for the defence. If the accused then
elects to remain silent, the court must proceed to convict him.
It is not open to the court to then re-assess the evidence and
to determine whether the prosecution had established its case
beyond a reasonable doubt. The absence of any evidence
from the accused that casts a reasonable doubt on the
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prosecution's case renders the prima facie case one that is
established beyond a reasonable doubt.
19) Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes tersebut juga telah menurunkan prinsip
atau ujian penilaian maksima seperti berikut:
“For the guidance of the courts below, we summarise as
follows the steps that should be taken by a trial court at the
close of the prosecution's case:-
(i) the close of the prosecution's case, subject the evidence
led by the prosecution in its totality to a maximum evaluation.
Carefully scrutinise the credibility of each of the prosecution's
witnesses. Take into account all reasonable inferences that
may be drawn from that evidence. If the evidence admits of
two or more inferences, then draw the inference that is most
favourable to the accused;
(ii) ask yourself the question: If I now call upon the accused to
make his defence and he elects to remain silent am I prepared
to convict him on the evidence now before me? If the answer
to that question is "Yes", then a prima facie case has been
made out and the defence should be called. If the answer is
"No" then, a prima facie case has not been made out and the
accused should be acquitted.”
20) Berbalik kepada kes ini, di akhir kes pendakwaan, isu yang perlu diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah adalah sama ada pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya
membuktikan kes prima facie terhadap OKT di mana semua elemen
pertuduhan S.41(1) dan S.44 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 telah
dibuktikan melalui keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan?
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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Pertuduhan Pertama S.41 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987
21) Bagi Pertuduhan Pertama, pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan 4
orang saksi yang mengesahkan identiti pemandu m/kar WVG2016 ialah
OKT. Mereka terdiri daripada 2 orang kawan OKT yang turut terlibat dalam
kemalangan ini masing-masing ialah SP 11 yang duduk di sebelah tempat
pemandu dan SP 7 yang merupakan penumpang yang duduk di belakang.
Manakala 2 orang yang lain merupakan saksi mata awam yang turut berada
di tempat kejadian yang telah menyaksikan kemalangan tersebut.
22) Mengikut keterangan SP8 semasa pemeriksaan utama melalui penyata
saksinya, di soalan 6 dan 8, SP8 telah menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Pemeriksaan Utama SP8
S.6. Saya berasa amat terkejut dan suami saya terus
perlahankan kenderaan kami dan berhenti di sebelah kereta
Proton Persona itu.Suami saya telah turunkan tingkap
pemandu dan saya dapat lihat dengan jelas tanpa apa-apa
halangan dimana terdapat tiga orang lelaki berbangsa India
di dalam kereta Proton Persona itu. Suami saya menjerit
kepada mereka bertanyakan samama mereka ok atau tidak.
Saya dapat lihat dengan jelas, melalui pintu hadapan
pemandu kereta Proton Pesona yang terbuka luas, terdapat
seorang lelaki berbangsa India yang berada di tempat
duduk pemandu memandang kami dalam keadaan separa
sedar dan memakai baju warna kelabu. Saya lihat
terdapat seorang lelaki berbangsa India berbadan kecil
yang memakai baju berwarna hitam, sedang berada di
tempat duduk penumpang hadapan, juga dalam keadaan
separa sedar. Manakala terdapat seorang penumpang di
bahagian tempat duduk belakang, juga seorang lelaki
berbangsa India sedang memakai baju bercorak bunga-
bunga. Setelah kami dapat pastikan keadaan mereka, lebih
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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kurang 3 minit hingga 5 minit kemudian, suami saya telah
pandu kereta ke hadapan untuk meletakkan kenderaan di tepi
jalan.” (penekanan ditambah)
“S.8 Semasa saya menutupi mayat-mayat tersebut, tiba-tiba
saya lihat terdapat ramai orang awam yang menjerit-jerit
sambal memukul penumpang hadapan kereta Proton
Persona yang memakai baju berwarna hitam itu. Saya
bergegas menenangkan mereka dan menyatakan bahawa
pemandu kereta Proton Persona tersebut ialah lelaki
berbangsa India yang memakai baju warna kelabu dan
lelaki yang dipukul itu bukanlah pemandu kereta Proton
Pesona itu, dan sebaliknya hanya penumpang. Saya
dapati pemandu kereta Proton Persona yang memakai baju
kelabu itu tidak lagi berada di tempat kejadian.” (penekanan
23) Semasa pemeriksaan balas SP8 oleh peguambela, SP8 telah ditanya
berkenaan dengan proses pengecaman OKT di balai polis pada malam
kejadian dan keterangan SP8 adalah seperti berikut:
“Pemeriksaan Balas SP8
S: Kawad cam itu, peserta tak boleh lihat puan, puan boleh
lihat mereka. Adakah dibuat?
J: Ada buat tapi di luar balai, sampai di balai saya keluar dari
pintu balai, saya diri di situ, dari luar boleh nampak mereka,
mereka dari dalam tak boleh tengok saya
S: Berapa orang berada di sana semasa cam?
J: Tiga tiga ada, ada polis juga. Tak ada orang awam, dan
mereka masih pakai baju yang sama
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S: Pada masa itu, insiden pertama, sebelum park kereta,
puan tidak tahu siapa yang memandu, siapa duduk
berselahan atau belakang
J: Saya boleh cam dengan baju, mimic muka
S: Puan cam mereka berdasarkan baju?
J: Ya
S: Puan camkan orang yang duduk di belakang juga
berdasarkan baju?
J: Ya
S: Saya cadangkan, semasa puan dan suami puan melalui
kereta pesona, insiden pertama, orang yg memandu pesona,
budak yang pakai baju hitam
J: Tak setuju
S: Selepas puan dan suami puan park kereta, dan datang
balik, budak baju hitam masih di pesona
J: Tak setuju
S: Orang awam telah memukul budak baju hitam kerana dia
pemandu pesona, setuju?
J: Tak setuju
S: Setuju dengan saya, puan telah buat pengecaman tiga
orang temasuk OKT dan 2 orang lagi Puan hanya camkan
mereka berdasarkan ketinggian?
J: Ya, ketinggian dan muka juga
S: Saya cadangkan, puan hanya boleh camkan mereka
melalui ketinggian sahaja
J: Setuju
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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S: Tertuduh dalam kandang ini, bukan orang yang bawa
Pesona pada masa kejadian
J: Saya tak setuju”
24) Semasa pemeriksaan semula oleh TPR, keterangan SP8 yang berkaitan
adalah seperti beriktu:
“Pemeriksaan Semula SP8
S: Apabila peguam tanya pasal insiden pertama, masa itu
puan tak tahu siapa mereka. Puan kata, saya nampak, saya
cam dengan baju, mimic muka. Puan kata saya camkan
berdasarkan baju, Puan kata kalau insiden pertama ya. Boleh
J: Maksud saya masa kami lalu, suami saya perlahankan
kereta, dan berhenti di tepi pesona, saya tinjau melalui
tingkap, saya boleh nampak dengan jelas mukanya, bajunya
dengan jelas, nampak yang duduk di tempat pemandu lelaki
india baju kelabu, sebelahnya baju hitam, belakang baju
bunga bunga
J: Saya memang jelas, yang duduk sebelah driver itu, muka
dia ada jangkut, dia lebih gelap dari yang lain dan kecil
daripada yang lain.
S: Selain daripada itu, soalan akhir Peguam, Puan camkan
baju lelaki kelabu hitam, bunga bunga melalui ketinggian
sahaja pada hari ini, Puan setuju. Tapi jawapan Ini
bercanggah dengan kenyataan awal, cam dengan mimik
muka dan ketinggian, puan camkan berdasarakan apa?
J: Kalau hari ini, memang dengan ketinggian dan muka
mereka. Lepas itu, budak baju hitam itu camkan kerana dia
paling kecil. Masa kejadian, memang dari baju dari mimic
muka mereka.”
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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25) Mahkamah mendapati keterangan SP8 adalah konsisten tanpa ada
kecacatan walaupun diuji dengan soal balas bertubi-tubi melalui
peguambela yang bijaksana. Mahkamah mendapati keterangan SP8
adalah berkredible dalam mengesahkan OKT sebagai pemandu kereta
serta SP8 juga mampu mengecam SP7 dan SP11 sebagai penumpang
kenderaan WVG 2016 tersebut. Berdasarkan penyaksian SP8 di tempat
kejadian, SP8 telah berjaya mengecam kesemua mereka di balai polis pada
malam kejadian. Selain itu, SP8 turut dapat mengecam ketiga-tiga lelaki
berbangsa India tersebut di dalam mahkamah terbuka.
26) Selain daripada keterangan SP8, SP10 iaitu suami kepada SP8, turut hadir
ke mahkamah dan memberi keterangan. Antara keterangannya yang
berkaitan dengan pengecaman OKT sebagai pemandu WVG2016 semasa
pemeriksaan utama adalah seperti berikut:
“Penyata saksi SP10
6. Saya dan keluarga berasa amat terkejut dan terus
perlahankan kenderaan saya. Saya telah pandu ke arah
Proton Persona warna kelabu gelap kerana ingin melihat
keadaan pemandu dan penumpang kereta tersebut. Saya
memberhentikan kereta saya bersebelahan kereta Proton
Persona itu. Saya turunkan tingkap dan dapat lihat dengan
jelas tanpa apa-apa halangan dimana pintu hadapan sebelah
pemandu telah terbuka. Saya dapati pemandunya seorang
lelaki berbangsa India memakai baju berwarna kelabu sedang
bersandar ditempat duduk pemandu dalam keadaan separa
sedar. Disebelah tempat duduk penumpang hadapan
terdapat seorang lelaki berbangsa India memakai baju
berwarna hitam manakala seorang lagi penumpang tempat
duduk belakang memakai baju corak bunga-bunga.?
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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27) SP10 turut mengecam OKT, dan penumpang-penumpang kereta
WVG2016 di dalam Mahkamah terbuka dan keterangan adalah seperti
“Pemeriksaan Utama SP10
S: Lihat pada perenggan 6, individu dalam Proton Pesona,
pakai baju, anda masih boleh camkan mereka hari ini?
J: Boleh
S: Pemandu berbangsa india, ada di mahkamah hari ini?
Peg: TPR tanya 3 orang individu, lebih elok, panggil ketiga-
tiga sekali untuk pengecaman
TPR: Tiada masalah. Pohon ketiga-tiga dipanggil masuk ke
S: Yang pertama, pemandu pakai baju kelabu, adakah dia di
Mahkamah hari ini?
J: Ada
S: Di mana dia?
J: Di Kandang tertuduh, dia sebagai pemandu, yang pakai
baju kelabu
S: Macam mana boleh pasti?
J: Sebab saya memang pasti dan jelas, masa saya lalui
kenderaan beliau, dia di dalam kereta saya turunkan tingkap,
dia dalam kereta, dia di tempat memandu
S: Masa encik lihat, pencahayaan kawasan macam mana?
J: Pencahayaan terang dan jelas, tiada apa-apa halangan
S: Encik pasti ini orang ya?
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J: Ya saya pasti
SP10 mengecam OKT sebagai Pemandu Motorkar
S: Penumpang hadapan berpakaian baju hitam ada di
mahkamah hari ini?
J: Yang pakai baju merah pada hari ini
S: Macam mana pasti?
J: Masa kejadian dia di tempat penumpang hadapan, saya
memang pasti dan jelas
S: Berdasarkan apa kamu cam dia penumpang di hadapan?
J: Berdasarkan pemerhatian saya pada masa kejadian, sebab
saya buka tingkap dan nampak
S: Apa yang encik nampak?
J: Yang duduk sebelah pemandu, baju hitam, yang belakang
ada seorang lagi
S: Baju merah ini penumpang depan?
J: Ya
SP10 mengecam Raven sebagai penumpang depan
S: Siapa seorang lagi?
J: Yang berpakaian baju bunga bunga ini
S: Macam mana pasti?
J: Sebab saya nampak dengan jelas masa kejadian, dia
duduk di belakang, keadaan terang
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S: Berapa jarak?
J: Saya berhenti di tepi kereta persona, sangat dekat, saya
buka tingkap, saya nampak keadaan mangsa dalam
kenderaan dan sempat bertanya, ok tak? Tapi tak ada respon
daripada dia orang
SP10 mengecam SP7 sebagai penumpang belakang”
28) Semasa SP10 diperiksa balas oleh peguambela OKT, SP10 telah dengan
pasti mengulangi pengecamannya terhadap OKT dan 2 orang penumpang
kenderaan WVG2016 dan keteranganya adalah konsisten dan disokong
oleh keterangan SP8. Antara keterangan SP10 yang berkenaan adalah
seperti berikut:
“Pemeriksaan Balas SP10
S: Selepas budak baju hitam keluar dari kereta, adakah dia
cuba lari ke tempat lain?
J: Tiada
S: Hanya di hadapan kereta?
J: Dia cuma jelaskan, dan orang ramai kerumuni, surrounding
S: Semasa itu, polis dah sampai?
J: Belum sampai, sebab kejadian, saya masih kawal lalu lintas,
saya minta isteri untuk terangkan kepada orang kampung,
yang dia bukan pemandu
S: Saya cadangkan, sebaik kemalangan berlaku, pemandu
berbaju hitam, keluar dari kereta dan lari dan dia ditangkap
oleh orang kampung, setuju?
J: Tidak setuju
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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S: Saya katakan, sebenarnya, OKT yang duduk di sebelah kiri
pemandu pesona
J: Tidak, dia di tempat pemandu
S: Orang yang memandu pesona berbaju tshirt hitam
J: Tidak, dia duduk sebelah pemandu
Pemeriksaan Semula SP10
S: Soalan terakhir peguam, peguam tanya pada hari ini, Encik
camkan mereka berdasarkan bangsa dan ketinggiain dan
Encik cakap dan juga warna baju. Boleh jelaskan?
J: Sebab saya memang pasti dan jelas, ketiga-tiga memang
dalam kenderaan, bangsa dan ketinggian, dan warna baju,
dan masa buat laporan polis di pejabat polis tangkak, masa
itu tn inspector ada menunjukkan, saya tak pasti itu kawad
cam atau apa, saya ingat balik, kedudukan mereka
berdasarkan ketinggian, bangsa dan warna baju yang mereka
pakai. Sebab baju yang sama, baju yang mereka pakai di
tempat kejadian, pada malam saya buat laporan tersebutlah”
29) Selain daripada keterangan pasangan suami isteri SP8 dan SP10 di atas,
terdapat keterangan daripada dua orang saksi yang merupakan
penumpang dalam kenderaan WVG2016 iaitu SP7 dan SP11 yang mana
kedua-dua mereka merupakan kawan kepada OKT telah memberi
keterangan bersumpah di mahkamah bahawa OKT merupakan pemandu
kenderaan WVG2016 semasa kejadian.
30) Semasa SP7 disoal balas oleh peguambela OKT, SP7 telah menafikan
cadangan bahawa OKT bukan pemandu.
“Pemeriksaan Balas SP7
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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S: Dari rumah nenek ke rumah kakak Raven, Raven juga
yang bawa kereta betul?
J: Ya
S: Daripada rumah kakak Raven ke bengkel siapa yang bawa
J: Raven
S: Sekarang saya katakan pada kamu daripada bengkel
sehingga kereta jalan di selekoh, kereta sebenarnya dipandu
oleh Raven?
J: Tidak”
31) Dalam isu identiti pemandu kereta, terdapat cadangan daripada
Peguambela OKT yang menyatakan bahawa SP11 sebagai pemilik
kenderaan tersebut sebenarnya merupakan pemandu kereta yang
mengakibatkan kemalangan dalam kes ini. Namun demikian cadangan
peguambela OKT ini telah dinafikan oleh kemempat-empat saksi
32) Peguambela juga berhujah bahawa bahawa prosedur pengecaman OKT
oleh SP8 dan SP10 di balai polis pada malam kejadian tidak teratur. Dalam
isu ini, Mahkamah semasa menilai keterangan SP8 dan SP10 adalah
dengan sangat cermat dan menitikberatkan keterangan mereka.
Mahkamah mendapati kedua-dua saksi mata awam ini tidak mempunyai
sebarang hubungan dengan kedua-dua Si Mati ataupun mana-mana saksi
pendakwaan dan mereka bebas daripada apa-apa kepentingan dalam kes
33) Semasa perbicaraan, mereka telahpun jelas dan yakin dengan keterangan
mereka bahawa OKT merupakan pemandu pada hari kejadian dan kedua-
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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dua SP8 dan SP10 telah mengecamkan kedudukan OKT, SP7 dan SP11
dalam kenderaan WVG2016 semasa kejadian.
34) Mahkamah dalam menerima keterangan SP8 dan SP10, turut sangat
berhati-hati dan berwas-was kerana kedua-dua mereka hanya melihat
kedudukan ketiga-tiga orang OKT, SP7 dan SP11 lebih kurang 3-5minit
sahaja. Mahkamah juga mengambilkira pemerhatian Mahkamah terhadap
ketiga-tiga orang OKT, SP7 dan SP11 yang merupakan lelaki berbangsa
India, saiz badan dan ketinggian mereka yang lebih kurang sama dan
adakah wujud kesilapan pengecaman oleh SP8 dan SP10 terhadap mereka
setelah hanya melihat mereka pada hari kejadian dan semasa tarikh
perbicaraan, masa telah berlalu lebih daripada 2 tahun, dan mungkin wujud
perbezaan ketinggian dan saiz badan pada OKT, SP7 dan SP11.
35) Namun demikian, keterangan mereka telah diuji dan dicabar oleh
peguambela yang bijaksana melalui pemeriksaan balas. Tiada
percanggahan yang material yang mampu mengoncang kredibiliti mereka
dan mereka masih dapat mengecamkan kesemua lelaki berbangsa India
tersebut dengan jelas dan yakin di mahkamah. Mahkamah berpendapat
keterangan mereka adalah selamat untuk diterima sebagai keterangan.
36) Mahkamah juga mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah menyempurnakan
beban pembuktian dalam isu identiti pemandu kereta. Pihak pendakwaan
telah tepatnya memanggil SP 7 dan SP 11 yang berjaya mengecualikan
bahawa mereka adalah pemandu sebenar dalam kemalangan tersebut. Ini
menunjukkan keterangan SP8 dan SP10 yang turut disokong oleh
keterangan SP7 dan SP11 yang menunjukkan tanpa sebarang keraguan
bahawa OKT merupakan pemandu kenderaan WVG2016 pada masa
kejadian. Oleh itu, elemen pertama pertuduhan pertama di bawah S.41 APJ
telah dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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37) Berkenaan dengan elemen kedua pertuduhan S.41(1) APJ 1987 iaitu
memandu dengan merbahaya, tiada definasi dalam APJ 1987. Namun
demikian, dalam kes PP v Bala a/l Arulappan [2008] 7 MLJ 726.
Mahkamah dalam penghakimannya (perengan 8) telah mentafsirkan
memandu dengan cara merbahaya dengan merujuk kepada kes Lim Chin
Poh v Public Prosecutor [1969] 2 MLJ 159 (m/s 161) yang mana, Hakim
Choor Singh memutuskan bahawa –
“… my opinion the expression driving in a manner which is
dangerous to the public indicates some dangerous act or
manoeuvre on the part of the driver of a vehicle. There must
be some positive act on the part of the driver which is
dangerous having regard to all circumstances.”
(penekanan ditambahkan)
38) Mahkamah Tinggi dalam kes Public Prosecutor v Ong Kia Chian [2006]
7 MLJ 230 (m/s 237) telah memutuskan:
“ “ In a case of dangerous driving, the prosecution must
establish that:
(a) a situation created by the accused is dangerous
(b) when creating such a situation the accused was at fault.
Fault involves a failure; a failing below the care and skill of
a competent and experienced driver in relation to the
manner of driving and the relevant circumstances (per Raja
Azlan Shah) in Ramiah v Public Prosecutor at pp 258–259.”
(penekanan ditambahkan)
39) Bagi membuktikan cara pemanduan OKT adalah merbahaya, keterangan
saksi-saksi mata iaitu SP8 dan SP10 serta keterangan saksi SP7 iaitu
penumpang belakang kenderaan WVG2016 adalah penting bagi
menyokong kes pendakwaan. Mengikut SP7, semasa pemeriksaan utama,
SP7 telah menyatakan seperti berikut:
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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“Pemeriksaan Utama SP7
S: Mr Letchu, pada tarikh saya sebut tadi 30 Julai 2020, apa
J: Pada Tarikh 30.7.2020 .... Di bengkel kami minum banyak
arak. Raven telah jadi terlalu mabuk. Raven telah pergi ke
kereta dan baring di kereta. Darvin telah ambil kunci dan start
kereta mereka ajak saya sekali tapi saya bagitau kita pergi
lepas Raven bangun. Darvin sendiri telah start kereta dan
bawa kereta dan suruh saya naik dan saya pun naik. Semasa
di selekoh saya tengok meter kereta 160km sebelum
kemalangan. Selepas itu Raven telah sedar dari tidur dan
suruh bawa kereta perlahan.
S: Masa encik cakap tadi, semasa di selekoh, nampak meter
160km per hour tahu, macam mana encik boleh pasti nampak
J: Saya nampak meter 160km, saya tengok masa itu meter
tunjukkan 160. Masa itu saya duduk di belakang ditengah-
(penekanan ditambahkan)
40) Semasa pemeriksaan semula SP7, SP7 sekali lagi menjelaskan cara
pemanduan OKT seperti berikut:
“Pemeriksaan Semula SP7
S: Soalan peguam juga, kamu hanya lihat kereta ambil
selekoh sahaja dan kamu kata ya, sedangkan ianya
bercanggah dengan cerita pada awalnya yang kamu nampak
kereta dipandu laju 160km/jam, tayar terangkat dan masuk
laluan sebelah. Boleh jelaskan?
J: Semasa sampai di kawasan selekoh meter kereta
tunjukkan 160km/jam, kereta telah terangkat stereng
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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telah terpusing masa itu kereta berada di line sebelah
saya tengok rajah kasar baru tahu dia telah pergi ke line sana
dan langar. Saya tak nampak macam mana perlanggaran
berlaku sebab kereta bergoyang dan kepala saya pening dan
tak nampak macam mana kemalangan itu berlaku.
(penekanan ditambahkan)
41) Selain keterangan SP7, SP8 yang menyaksikan bagaimana kemalangan
tersebut berlaku di depan matanya telah memberi keterangan seperti
“Penyata saksi SP8
5. Semasa sampai di tempat kejadian iaitu di KM5, Jalan
Sialang, Tangkak, saya nampak dengan jelas ketika sebuah
kereta nombor pendaftaran tidak pasti jenis Proton Persona
warna kelabu gelap dari arah Tangkak menghala ke Jasin
sedang dipandu dengan sangat laju pada laluan
bertentangan dengan kereta kami.
Semasa kereta Proton Persona warna kelabu gelap itu
dipandu dengan laju dan sedang melalui sebuah selekoh,
tiba-tiba ianya telah dipandu laju dan masuk menghala ke
lorong kereta kami. Saya berasa amat terkejut dan
menjerit kerana menyangkakan kereta Proton Persona itu
akan melanggar kami. Saya meminta suami
memperlahankan kenderaan bagi mengelak dari
pertembungan. Tiba-tiba, saya lihat kereta Proton Persona
itu meluncur dengan laju dan merempuh tiang elektrik
pertama di sebelah kiri jalan sehingga patah. Setelah itu,
kereta Proton Persona warna kelabu gelap itu berpusing dan
merempuh motorsikal yang dinaiki oleh dua orang
perempuan tersebut dengan kuat secara berdepan dan
kedua-dua mangsa telah melambung dari motorsikal
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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tersebut. Seterusnya, kereta Proton Persona warna kelabu
gelap itu berpusing beberapa kali sebelum kereta itu
melanggar tiang elektrik yang kedua dan terhenti di situ. Saya
telah melihat perlanggaran itu berlaku di hadapan kereta saya
pada anggaran jarak kurang dari dua buah kereta.”
(penekanan ditambahkan)
42) SP10 turut menjelaskan bagaimana kemalangan tersebut berlaku seperti
“Penyata saksi SP10
5. Semasa sampai di tempat kejadian iaitu di KM5, Jalan
Sialang, Tangkak, saya lihat terdapat sebuah kereta nombor
pendaftaran tidak pasti jenis Proton Persona warna kelabu
gelap dari arah Tangkak menghala ke Jasin sedang dipandu
dengan sangat laju pada laluan bertentangan dengan kereta
Semasa kereta Proton Persona warna kelabu gelap itu
dipandu dengan laju dan melalui sebuah selekoh, tiba-tiba
ianya telah dipandu laju dan masuk menghala ke lorong
kereta saya dan merempuh tiang elektrik pertama di
sebelah kiri jalan sehingga patah. Setelah itu, kereta Proton
Persona warna kelabu gelap itu berpusing dan merempuh
motorsikal yang dinaiki oleh dua orang perempuan tersebut
dengan kuat secara berdepan dan kedua-dua mangsa telah
melambung dari motorsikal tersebut. Seterusnya, kereta
Proton Persona warna kelabu gelap itu berpusing beberapa
kali sebelum kereta itu melanggar tiang elektrik yang kedua
dan terhenti di situ. Saya telah melihat perlanggaran itu
berlaku di hadapan kereta saya pada anggaran jarak kurang
dari dua buah kereta.”
(penekanan ditambahkan)
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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43) Hasil siasatan SP12 juga menunjukkan bahawa penunggang motorsikal no
MCM 2122 yang sedang berada di laluan A3-A4 pada rajah kasar (P18)
tidak sempat mengelak apabila m/kar dipandu OKT meluncur laju
memasuki laluan m/sikal si mati. Akibat itu, telah berlaku perlanggaran
antara kedua-dua kenderaan, sebelum m/kar dipandu OKT melanggar
tiang lampu kedua dan tersadai. Kesemua saksi mata dan saksi awam serta
SP12 mengesahkan bahawa semasa kejadian kemalangan tersebut
berlaku, laluan jalan adalah tidak sibuk dimana tiada kenderaan lain
melainkan m/kar dipandu OKT, m/sikal ditunggang mangsa dan m/kar
dipandu SP10, cuaca adalah baik dan pencahayaan jelas dan terang.
44) SP12 telah melakarkan lorong A3-A4 pada P18 menunjukkan laluan yang
dilalui oleh motorsikal no MCM 2122 semasa kejadian berlaku. Menurut
SP12 lagi, motorsikal si mati telah berlanggar dengan m/kar no WVG 2016
semasa kejadian di mana lokasi perlanggaran dapat dikenalpasti iaitu
melalui serpihan komponen kenderaan yang berada “di laluan dari Jasin
menghala ke Tangkak” iaitu di laluan A2 hingga A5. Tambahan lagi, selepas
m/kar no WVG 2016 melanggar m/sikal yang terlibat dalam kemalangan,
kedua-dua kenderaan masih berada di tempat kejadian dan tidak dialihkan
kedudukan masing-masing, seperti mana dalam gambar P1 1-45.
45) SP8 dan SP10 mengesahkan kesan kemalangan pada kenderaan yang
terlibat di mana selari dengan versi penceritaan dan hasil siasatan SP12.
SP9 iaitu saksi dari PUSPAKOM yang mengemukakan ekshibit P17A dan
P17B telah menunjukkan laporan pemeriksaan kenderaan yang diperiksa
selepas kemalangan dan terdapat impak perlanggaran yang disahkan
antara Motorkar yang dipandu oleh OKT dan m/sikal ditunggang si mati
yang telah mengalami kerosakan yang pelbagai akibat kemalangan jalan
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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46) SP9 juga menyatakan bahawa berdasarkan kesan kerosakan kenderaan,
perlanggaran pada m/sikal berlaku di bahagian hadapan. Ini adalah selari
dengan keterangan SP12.
47) Hakim Raja Azlan Shah (pada ketika itu) di dalam kes Ramiah v Public
Prosecutor [1972] 2 MLJ 258 di mukasurat 258 telah menyatakan:
“Dangerous driving is not defined in the Road Traffic
Ordinance and it is up to the court to come to a decision on
the evidence.”.
48) Berdasarkan prinsip di atas dan keterangan lisan OKT dan juga keterangan
dokumen seperti gambar dan laporan PUSPAKOM berkenaan dengan
kerosakan kenderaan, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah
membuktikan bahawa cara pemanduan kenderaan WVG2016 oleh OKT
semasa kejadian adalah merbahaya. Walaupun SP7 tidak nampak sendiri
bagaimana pelanggaran antara kereta WVG2016 dan motorsikal
MCM2122 bertempung kerana dia telah pengsan, namun demikian,
sebelum SP7 pengsan, dia telah nampak bahawa OKT memandu sehingga
160km/j di selekoh sebelum pertembungan berlaku.
49) Pemanduan dengan kelajuan 160km/j di selekoh jalan persekutuan dan
bukannya di lebuhraya yang lurus adalah cara pemanduan yang amat
berbahaya. Keterangan SP7 tersebut adalah konsisten dengan
penerangan SP8 dan SP10 yang menyaksikan bagaimana perlanggaran
kedua-dua kenderaan tersebut di depan mata mereka seperti keterangan
di atas, jelas menunjukkan bahawa pemanduan OKT dengan kelajuan di
selekoh yang melampau sehingga memasuki laluan bertentangan dan
melanggar tiang lampu dan motorsikal kedua-dua mangsa adalah sangat
50) Mahkamah juga mengambilkira keterangan hasil siasatan SP12 dan juga
keterangan-keterangan gambar di tempat kejadian. SP12 telah memberi
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keterangan bahawa had laju yang dibenarkan di tempat kemalangan yang
melibatkan bentuk jalan selekoh adalah 70 KM/J. Walaubagaimanapun,
berdasarkan kepada rajah kasar, gambar tempat kejadian, dan hasil
siasatan SP12 juga mengesahkan keterangan saksi-saksi mata bahawa
kenderaan itu dipandu laju melebihi had yang ditetapkan berdasarkan tiga
kesan brek yang panjang, dimana setiap kesan brek tayar iaitu F-F1
sepanjang lebih kurang 40.00 meter, F2-F3 sepanjang lebih kurang 22.30
meter, F4-F5 sepanjang lebih kurang 5.20 meter (P18 dan P18 K adalah
51) Selain itu, sebagai pemandu m/kar WVG 2016, OKT juga melakukan
kesalahan apabila gagal memastikan dirinya adalah seorang yang
mempunyai kelulusan dan kemahiran pemandu yang cekap dan
berpengalaman berkaitan dengan cara memandu dalam keadaan yang
berkaitan. Hal ini terbukti apabila SP12 mengesahkan bahawa OKT tidak
mempunyai sebarang lesen memandu. Tambahan pula, OKT yang tidak
mempunyai lesen memandu itu telah bertindak untuk memandu m/kar
WVG 2016 tersebut, namun gagal mengawal kenderaan semasa melalui
kawasan selekoh apabila memandu dengan laju, dimana sepatutnya lebih
berhati-hati termasuk menjangkakan terdapat pengguna jalanraya lain yang
berada di laluan tersebut. Cara pemanduan oleh OKT ini telah
menimbulkan situasi merbahaya sehingga menyebabkan kemalangan yang
membawa maut.
52) Secara keseluruhannya, pihak pendakwaan dalam mengemukakan bukti-
bukti elemen S.41APJ di atas, pihak pembelaan tidak mempertikainya
banyak isu dan berulang kali membangkitkan bahawa satu-satunya isu
untuk dipertikaikan dalam kes ini, ialah siapakah pemandu sebenar kereta
WVG2016 pada masa kemalangan berlaku dan pembelaan telah
mengemukakan cadangan bahawa OKT bukan pemandu sebaliknya
pemilik kenderaan iaitu SP11 merupakan pemandu kenderaan. Jika diteliti
hujahan bertulis pihak pembelaan pada akhir kes pendakwaan, boleh dilihat
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hujahan tersebut hanya terjurus kepada isu pengecaman OKT sebagai
pemandu dan tatacara kawad cam di balai polis tidak teratur.
53) Oleh itu, bagi elemen kedua pertuduhan pertama S.41 APJ, Mahkamah
juga mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikannya.
54) Seterusnya bagi elemen ketiga, pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil saksi
doktor forensik dan juga waris kepada mangsa bagi membuktikan cara
pemanduan OKT secara merbahaya tersebut telah menyebabkan kematian
kepada dua mangsa. Pengecaman kedua-dua si mati dibuat oleh waris si
mati sepertimana disahkan oleh SP4.
55) Keterangan doktor Hospital Tangkak SP1 yang melakukan post mortem ke
atas mangsa-mangsa juga mengesahkan kematian mereka akibat
kemalangan jalan raya, seperti berikut:
“Pernyataan Saksi SP1:
11. Secara kesimpulannya, punca kematian mayat Siti Nur
Syahira Binti Yazid adalah 'Polytrauma' disebabkan oleh
kemalangan jalan raya dimana mengalami kecederaan parah
di kepala dan anggota kedua-dua peha dan kedua-dua
lengan tangan 'deformed'.
12. Manakala punca kematian mayat Nur Syaza Nadihra Binti
Md Selan adalah 'Polytrauma' disebabkan oleh kemalangan
jalan raya dimana mengalami kecederaan parah pada
bahagian tulang punggung 'deformed', kedua-dua tangan
'deformed' dan kaki kiri 'deformed'.
13. Pada pendapat saya, kesemua kecederaan tersebut
adalah sesuai dengan corak kemalangan jalanraya.
Secara Kesimpulannya:
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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14. Kedua-dua mayat adalah perempuan dewasa Melayu
yang mana secara positif telah dikenalpasti oleh nama-nama
seperti disebut di atas.
15. Tiada tanda signifikan penyakit biasa pada tubuh yang
boleh menyebabkan secara langsung atau menyumbang
kepada kematian kedua-dua mayat pada ketika itu.
16. Kedapatan pemeriksaan kedua-dua bedah siasat adalah
konsisten dengan corak kemalangan jalanraya.”
56) Pihak pendakwaan juga telah mengemukakan laporan post mortem si mati
iaitu eksibit P2 dan P3 melalui SP1. Selain itu, keterangan SP8, SP10 dan
SP12 turut menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua mangsa telah meninggal
dunia di tempat kejadian terutamannya keterangan SP8 dan SP10 yang
telah menyaksikan pertembungan tersebut dan telah membantu menutup
mayat kedua-dua Si Mati dengan kain di tempat kejadian.
57) Selain itu, tiada bantahan mahupun pertikaian oleh pihak pembelaan
mengenai punca kematian Si Mati. Pihak pembelaan juga tidak menyoal
balas doktor SP1 dan juga waris mangsa SP4. Oleh itu, Mahkamah
bersetuju dengan pihak pendakwaan bahawa elemen ketiga ini iaitu Si Mati
meninggal dunia akibat pemanduan OKT yang merbahaya juga berjaya
58) Dalam hujahan pihak pembelaan di akhir kes pendakwaan, selain daripada
menafikan OKT merupakan pemandu WVG2016 semasa kejadian, pihak
pembelaan turut membangkitkan isu bahawa terdapat percanggahan
keterangan oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan di mana SP12 iaitu pegawai
penyiasat telah menyatakan bahawa ketiga-tiga orang lelaki berbangsa
India tersebut telah pergi ke tempat kemalangan dari rumah kakak SP11.
Namun demikian keterangan SP7 dan SP11 telah menyatakan bahawa
sebenarnya, dari rumah kakak SP11, mereka telah pergi ke bengkel pakcik
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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SP11 untuk minum arak dan dari bengkel pakcik SP11, mereka bertolak
menghala ke Melaka dan berlaku kemalangan tersebut.
59) SP7 dan SP11 juga menyatakan bahawa dari rumah kakak SP11 ke
bengkel pakcik SP11, pemandu WVG 2016 merupakan SP11. Namun
demikian, kedua-dua orang saksi ini telah menyatakan dari bengkel pakcik
SP11 ke tempat kemalangan, OKT merupakan pemandu. Pihak pembelaan
berhujah bahawa percanggahan keterangan antara SP7, SP11 dan SP12
ini telah mewujudkan 2 versi yang berbeza dan versi SP12 yang berpihak
kepada pembelaan harus diterima.
60) Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan pembelaan ini dan berpendapat
bahawa perbezaan deskripsi urutan destinasi yang dilalui oleh ketiga-tiga
lelaki berbanga India iaitu SP7, SP11 dan OKT bukan satu percanggahan
keterangan dan tidak fatal terhadap kes pendakwaan, tetapi lebih kepada
satu kesilapan pegawai penyiasat dalam mengingati dan menyatakan
semula fakta kes yang disiasat olehnya 2 tahun lepas. Berbanding dengan
SP12, SP7 dan SP11 merupakan saksi yang terlibat dalam kejadian dan
semestinya mereka lebih jelas dan ingat pada hari kejadian, mereka telah
pergi ke mana dan dari mana mereka bertolak sehingga ke tempat kejadian.
61) Mahkamah mendapati perbezaan keterangan SP12 dengan saksi-saksi
lain ini hanya terjurus kepada tempat yang dilalui dan tidak memberi kesan
kepada identiti pemandu dimana kesemua saksi-saksi ini telah mengecam
OKT sebagai pemandu kenderaan tersebut.
62) Selepas menilai kesemua keterangan pihak pendakwaan secara
maksimum, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya
membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap OKT bagi pertuduhan pertama
dan OKT dipanggil untuk membela diri bagi pertuduhan tersebut.
S/N yRXYwYrwh02Y/p71GRllyw
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Pertuduhan Kedua S.44(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987
63) Bagi Pertuduhan Kedua, berkenaan dengan pembuktian elemen pertama
dan elemen ketiga, beban pembuktian kedua-dua elemen tersebut adalah
sama dengan elemen pertama dan ketiga pertuduhan pertama, maka
Mahkamah mengulangi perenggan 21 hingga 36 bagi pembuktian elemen
pertama dan perenggan 54 hingga 57 bagi pembuktian elemen ketiga
seperti di atas dan mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah membuktikan
kedua-dua elemen tersebut.
64) Bagi membuktikan elemen kedua pertuduhan S.44(1) APJ 1987, pihak
pendakwaan perlu membuktikan bahawa OKT telah memandu kenderaan
dengan mempunyai sebegitu banyak alkohol dalam badannya sehingga
kadar alkohol di dalam air kencingnya melebihi had yang ditetapkan iaitu
107mg alcohol dalam 100ml air kencing.
65) Mengikut S.45G APJ, tafsiran seksyen 44 dan 45B hingga 45F,
"had yang ditetapkan" ertinya-
(a) 35 mikrogram alkohol dalam 100 mililiter nafas;
(b) 80 miligram alkohol dalam 100 mililiter darah; atau
(c) 107 miligram alkohol dalam 100 mililiter air kencing;”
66) Dalam hal ini, SP12 telah mengarahkan sampel darah dan air kencing OKT
diambil pada hari yang sama selepas kejadian. OKT telah dibawa ke
Hospital Tangkak, dan sampel air kencing OKT telah diambil di Hospital
Tangkak. Lanjutan itu, specimen tersebut telah dimasukkan di dalam satu
botol kaca dan telah dimeterai dan diseal kan di hadapan SP12 bersama
OKT. Kemudian, SP12 telah menyerahkan sampel yang sama kepada SP3
untuk dianalisa.
67) SP3 juga mengesahkan keadaan sampel yang bermeterai
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HOSPITAL TANGKAK JOHOR” dan dalam keadaan baik semasa
penerimaan di Jabatan Kimia Melaka, eksibit P9 sehingga P13 adalah
dirujuk. SP3 juga telah melakukan analisa ke atas specimen tersebut dan
mengesahkan bahawa kuantiti etil alkohol yang terkandung dalam
specimen air kencing OKT adalah pada kadar 115 miligram per 100 mililiter.
SP3 juga telah menyediakan laporan kimia sebagaimana P14.
68) Pihak pendakwaan telah membuktikan elemen ini secara konklusif melalui
s.45F (2)(b) APJ 1987. S.45F(2)(b) APJ1987 memperuntukkan:
“Keterangan mengenai kadar alcohol di dalam suatu specimen nafas, darah
atau air kencing boleh, tertakluk kepada subseksyen (4) dan (5), diberikan
dengan mengemukakan dokumen atau dokumen-dokumen yang berupa
sebagai sama ada-
(a) suatu pernyataan yang dikeluarkan secara automatic oleh
suatu alat penganalisi nafas yang ditetapkan dan suatu
perakuan yang ditandatangani oleh seorang pegawai polis…..;
(b) suatu perakuan yang ditandangani oleh seorang
pengamal perubatan kerajaan atau ahli kimia kerajaan
tentang kadar alcohol yang terdapat di dalam specimen darah
atau air kencing yang dikenal pasti dalam perakuan itu.”
69) Dalam keadaan SP3 dan SP12 telah dipanggil untuk memberikan
keterangan berkaitan specimen ini, pihak pendakwaan telah memenuhi
“best evidence rule”, di mana dalam laporan kimia P14 telah menunjukkan
kadar alcohol di dalam air kencing OKT adalah 115 miligram per 100 mililiter
air kencing, dan telah melebihi had yang ditetapkan (107 miligram alkohol
dalam 100 mililiter air kencing).
70) Selain keterangan SP3 dan SP12, pihak pendakwaan juga mengemukakan
keterangan melalui saksi SP7 dan SP11 yang menyatakan bahawa OKT
bersama-sama dengan SP11 telah meminum arak iaitu beer dan todi yang
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memabukkan di bengkel pakcik SP11 dan kemudiannya kenderaan
WVG2016 dipandu oleh OKT sehingga menyebabkan kemalangan tersebut.
71) Keterangan SP7 yang berkaitan adalah seperti berikut:
“Pemeriksaan Utama SP7
S: Di rumah kakak buat apa?
J: Di rumah kakak mereka minum arak disitu. Hanya mereka
berdua minum arak tapi mereka berdua minum sedikit
sahaja tidak minum banyak. Selepas itu telah pergi ke
S: Tadi Encik ada cakap di bengkel, minum banyak arak.
Siapa yang minum arak di bengkel?
J: Yang minum arak di bengkel kedua-dua mereka.
S: Kalau Raven sudah mabuk dan tidur dan tak tahu apa
berlaku, bagaimana pula dengan keadaan Darvin?
J: Darvin Raj mabuk juga
S: Tadi cakap minum arak, arak apa yang diminum?
J: Mereka minum arak daripada pokok – arak todi dan beer.
Tak minum beer banyak, minum todi banyak.”
72) Keterangan SP11 yang berkaitan adalah seperti berikut:
“Pemeriksaan Utama SP11
S: Berapa banyak minum air todi di situ?
J: Sebungkus, dalam plastik
S: Darvin Raj dan pakcik pun minum? Darvin minum air apa?
J: Air todi dengan beer tiger
S: Macam mana dengan Lechiamuthu?
J: Dia tak minum”
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73) Mahkamah mendapati keterangan saksi-saksi tersebut adalah konsisten
dan menyokong satu antara sama lain dan oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati
elemen kedua ini turut dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
74) Dalam hujahan pihak pembelaan di akhir kes pendakwaan, pihak
pembelaan tidak membangkitkan sebarang hujahan berkenaan dengan
elemen pertuduhan kedua ini dan hanya berhujah bahawa atas kegagalan
pihak pendakwaan membuktikan satu prima facie kes di bawah S.41(1) APJ
1987 terutamanya dalam isu siapa pemandu kenderaan tersebut, maka
pihak pendakwaan juga gagal membuktikan satu prima facie kes di bawah
S.44(1) APJ 1987.
75) Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak pembelaan tersebut dan
berdasarkan penilaian Mahkamah terhadap keterangan lisan saksi dan
keterangan dokumen seperti yang dihuraikan di atas, Mahkamah
mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah membuktikan satu kes prima facie di
bawa pertuduhan kedua S.44(1) APJ 1987 dan OKT dipanggil untuk
membela diri terhadap pertuduhan tersebut.
76) Secara kesimpulannya, berpandukan pada kesemua keterangan saksi
pendakwaan dan setelah menilai keterangan tersebut secara maxima serta
kredibiliti semua saksi Pendakwaan, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa
pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes Prima Facie terhadap
OKT bagi pertuduhan pertama iaitu S.41(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987
dan juga pertuduhan kedua iaitu S.44(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987.
Oleh itu, OKT dipanggil untuk membela diri dan Mahkamah telah
memaklumkan 3 pilihan pembelaan kepada OKT dan OKT telah memilih
untuk memberikan keterangan secara bersumpah.
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77) Pada peringkat Pembelaan, OKT telah memilih untuk memberi keterangan
bersumpah dan hanya terdapat seorang saksi pembelaan sahaja iaitu OKT
sendiri. Satu-satunya pembelaan OKT ialah bahawa dia bukan pemandu
kereta WVG2016 semasa kejadian pada 30 Julai 2020 dan OKT
menyatakan pemandu sebenar ialah saksi pendakwaan SP11 Raven yang
juga merupakan pemilik kenderaan tersebut.
78) Keterangan OKT semasa pembelaan berkenaan dengan turutan destinasi
mereka adalah sama dan konsisten dengan penerangan SP7 dan SP11
iaitu pada tarikh kejadian, mereka bertiga telah menduduki kereta tersebut
yang dipandu oleh SP11 dari Melaka, pergi ke rumah kakak SP11 di
Tangkak, kemudiannya mereka bertiga telah pergi ke bengkel pakcik SP11
dengan kereta yang dipandu oleh SP11 untuk minum arak todi di bengkel
pakcik SP11. DI bengkel SP11 hanya SP11, OKT dan pakcik SP11 yang
minum arak. Keterangan ini adalah konsisten dengan keterangan SP7 dan
79) Yang berbeza dengan keterangan SP7 dan SP11 adalah bahawa dari
bengkel pakcik SP11, OKT menyatakan orang yang memandu kenderaan
tersebut bukan dia sebaliknya SP11. OKT menyatakan bahawa dia
merupakan penumpang hadapan kenderaan WVG 2016 dan SP11 yang
memandu semasa kemalangan berlaku. Semasa SP11 memandu dengan
laju, OKT telah tidur dan apabila dia bangun dari tidur, kemalangan telah
berlaku di hadapan, dan dia terus lari bersama dengan SP7 dari kereta.
80) Dalam pembelaan, OKT telah membangkitkan keterangan buat pertama
kalinya bahawa semasa di hospital untuk mengambil darah dan ujian
kencing, SP11 telah berbincang dengannya dan meminta OKT untuk
mengaku sebagai pemandu kenderaan, antara keterangan-keterangan
OKT yang berkaitan adalah seperti berikut:
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“Pemeriksaan Utama OKT
S: Pada masa itu, Raven ada bincang dengan kamu atau apa?
J: Ada
S: Apa dia bincang?
J: Dia cakap dengan saya, suruh saya mengaku saya yang
bawa kereta
S: Kenapa?
J: Dia cakap, hari ini dia keluar dulu, besok dia keluarkan saya
S: Kamu cakap apa?
J: Saya tanya dia betul ka kamu akan keluarkan saya? Dia
cakap betul
S: Selepas itu, kamu cakap kamu ingin mengaku?
J: Ada
S: Bila sudah balik balai, apa berlaku?
J: Raven cakap dengan Inspector, Darvin Raj akan mengaku
S: Selepas itu, Inspektor beritahu apa?
J: Inspektor bagitahu ok
S: Rujuk saksi pada P27, laporan polis Ledang 1951/2020.
Cuba lihat, ini laporan polis yang kamu buat betul?
J: Ya
S: Siapa suruh buat laporan polis ini?
J: Inspektor
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S: Apa yang Inspektor beritahu kamu sebelum kamu buat?
Kerana kamu beritahu, kamu di lokap, ada dia datang jumpa
kamu di lokap?
J: Ya
S: Apa dia beritahu kamu?
J: Dia bertiahu saya, u mengaku salah, sebab saya bawah
81) Semasa disoalbalas oleh TPR, OKT mengaku bahawa dia tidak
mempunyai lesen memandu kereta dan motorsikal, namun demikian, OKT
turut menyatakan bahawa walaupun tiada lesen motorsikal, dia telah
belajar sendiri dan menunggang motorsikal sejak 15 tahun. OKT turut
bersetuju dengan cadangan TPR bahawa keterangannya berkenaan
dengan semasa di hospital, SP11 ada bercakap dengannya “hari ini saya
keluar, esok akan keluarkan kamu” dan juga keterangan bahawa “Raven
yang cakap dengan Inspektor, yang Darvin akan mengaku” hanya buat kali
pertama dikemukakan dalam perbicaraan ini, tanpa disoal kepada SP11
ataupun SP12. Keterangan OKT yang bersetuju dengan cadangan TPR
tersebut tidak diperiksa semula oleh peguambela untuk OKT
82) Pada peringkat ini, Mahkamah perlu menentukan sama ada pihak
pembelaan telah berjaya menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah.
Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes PP v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar
[2006]1CLJ457 menyatakan:
“For the guidance of the courts below, we summarise as
follows the steps that should be taken by a trial court at the
close of prosecution’s case:-
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(iv) after defence is called, the accused elects to give
evidence, then go through the steps set out in Mat v.
Public Prosecutor [1963]MLJ263”
83) YA Suffian dalam kes Mat v PP [1963]MLJ263 menyatakan:
“The position may be conveniently stated as follows:-
(a) If you are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt as to the
accused’s guilt – Convict
(b) If you accept or believe the accused’s explanation – Acquit
(c) If you do not accept or believe the accused explanation –
Do not convict but consider the next steps below.
(d) If you do not accept or believe the accused explanation
and that explanation does not raise in your mind a reasonable
doubt as to his guilt – Convict
(e) If you do not accept or believe the accused explanation but
nevertheless it raises in your mind a reasonable doubt as to
his guilt – Acquit”
84) Berkenaan dengan pembelaan OKT bahawa dia bukan pemandu
kenderaan WVG2016, semasa kes pendakwaan, pihak pembelaan telah
mencadangkan bahawa OKT bukan pemandu sebenar dan cadangan
tersebut telah dikemukakan kepada beberapa orang saksi pendakwaan
termasuk saksi mata iaitu SP8 dan SP10, penumpang belakang kenderaan
SP7, pemilik kenderaan SP11 dan juga Pegawai penyiasat SP12, namun
demikian, jawapan kesemua saksi tersebut adalah negatif dan semua saksi
pendakwaan tersebut tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan tersebut.
85) Apabila pembelaan dipanggil, OKT telah memberi keterangan secara
bersumpah dan mendedahkan bahawa dia bukan pemandu, maka
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keterangan tersebut bukan satu keterangan pemikiran kemudian
(afterthought) dan Mahkamah harus mengambilkira pembelaan tersebut.
Tugas Mahkamah adalah menilai keseluruhan keterangan yang diberikan
oleh pembelaan dan pihak pendakwaan.
86) Dalam isu ini, walaupun pembelaan tersebut bukan afterthought,
Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT tersebut adalah bersifat penafian
kosong (bare denial) tanpa disokong oleh sebarang keterangan saksi lain
ataupun keterangan dokumen. Pembelaan penafian kosong tersebut gagal
menimbulkan keraguan munasabah pada kes pendakwaan.
87) Dalam kes ini, penafian OKT adalah bersandarkan bahawa dia seorang
yang bawah umur semasa kejadian iaitu 18 tahun 3 bulan dan oleh itu SP11
telah meminta dia mengaku salah. Namun demikian, OKT juga bersetuju
dengan cadangan TPR bahawa SP11 telah berbincang dengan dia untuk
dia mengaku salah hanya ditimbulkan semasa peringkat pembelaan.
Mahkamah mendapati keterangan ini bersifat afterthought. Adalah menjadi
prinsip undang-undang yang mantap bahawa sebarang keterangan
pemikiran terkemudian tidak boleh diterima dan hendaklah ditolak oleh
88) Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes Megat Halim Megat Omar v PP [2009] 1
CLJ 154 pada perenggan 63 muka surat 167 memutuskan bahawa:
“Although in our criminal jurisprudence, there is no burden on
an accused person to prove his innocence but merely for him
to raise a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, it is trite that his
defence should be put to the prosecution at an early stage
during the prosecution case. Failure to do so may move the
trial court to dismiss a particular line of defence as an
afterthought, or a recent invention as happened in this case…
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In our adversarial system, that principle is applicable in both
civil and criminal trials. The appellant’s defence can be
ascertained not merely from his own evidence but also the line
of cross-examination of the prosecution’s witnesses.
(see Kuli & Ors v. Emperor AIR [1930] Cal 442, cited in PP v.
Dato’ Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim (No. 3) [1999] 2 CLJ 215). This
has been termed as a rule of essential justice.”
89) Selain itu, keterangan OKT yang menyatakan bahawa dia tiada mempunyai
lesen motorsikal tetapi telah menunggang motorsikal sejak 15 tahun, turut
memberi satu inferens bahawa walaupun dia tidak mempunyai lesen
memandu, tidak mustahil untuk OKT juga belajar sendiri dan tahu
memandu kereta.
90) Mahkamah bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak pendakwaan bahawa sesuatu
penafian tanpa keterangan sokongan daripada saksi merupakan satu
penafian kosong. Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Dato’ Seri
Anwar Ibrahim v PP & Another Appeal [2015] 2 CLJ 145 telah
mengesahkan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang menyatakan:
“The bare denial by the Respondent does not amount any
doubt whatsoever.”
Mahkamah Persekutuan selanjutnya menambah:
“A mere denial does not amount to a credible defence.”
Memandangkan tiada keterangan lain untuk menyokong keterangan OKT,
ia kekal sebagai satu penafian kosong semata-mata.
91) Dalam perbicaraan ini yang telah dijalankan lebih dari 2 tahun, saksi-saksi
pendakwaan bukan sahaja menafikan cadangan pembelaan, malahan
secara jelas menunjukkan bahawa OKT ialah pemandu kereta WVG2016
semasa kejadian berlaku. Saksi pendakwaan tersebut terdiri daripada 2
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orang kawan OKT yang juga penumpang dalam kereta tersebut dan juga 2
orang saksi awam SP8 dan SP10. Maka, Mahkamah mendapati pihak
pendakwaan telah menyempurnakan beban dalam pembuktian identiti
pemandu dalam kes ini iaitu OKT.
92) Pembelaan OKT tentang penafian apa yang berlaku di dalam kes ini tidak
mencukupi untuk membangkitkan keraguan yang munasabah kerana
kesemua saksi pendakwaan telah memberi keterangan yang konsisten
sepanjang kes pendakwaan.
93) Mahkamah juga mendapati sepanjang perbicaraan kes ini, rantaian
keterangan tidak pernah terputus dari saksi pertama sehingga saksi akhir
pendakwaan di dalam kes ini. Barang kes bagi pertuduhan di bawah S.44(1)
APJ juga telah ditandakan dan dicamkan secara jelas oleh saksi-saksi.
Tiada sebarang cabaran daripada pihak pembelaan tentang rantaian
keterangan terputus sepanjang perbicaraan kes pendakwaan mahupun
pembelaan. Malahan, setelah meneliti kesemua keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan, tiada percanggahan yang material yang secara efeknya
menimbulkan keraguan terhadap intipati asas pertuduhan-pertuduhan.
94) Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya
membuktikan kedua-dua pertuduhan terhadap OKT melampaui keraguan
95) Dalam kes ini, setelah pihak pembelaan menutup kes, atas permohonan
pembelaan untuk lanjutan masa, Mahkamah telah memberi masa lebih dari
2 bulan untuk pihak-pihak memfailkan hujahan bertulis. Namun demikian,
pihak pembelaan gagal memfailkan sebarang hujahan berkenaan
keseluruhan kes ini.
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96) Mahkamah setelah menerima hujahan pendakwaan yang difailkan
mengikut masa dan 3 minggu sebelum tarikh keputusan, Mahkamah
melalui emel kepada pihak-pihak, telah mengarahkan pihak-pihak
mengemukakan penyelidikan dan hujahan lanjut mengenai S.165 Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah iaitu sama ada terdapat misjoinder of charges dalam kes
ini memandangkan OKT telah dituduh bagi S.41(1) dan juga S.44(1) APJ
1987 bagi satu kejadian kemalangan maut.
97) Atas arahan Mahkamah tersebut, akhirnya pembelaan memfailkan hujahan
pembelaan dan dalam hujahan bertulis 10 mukasurat tersebut, pihak
pembelaan telah berhujah bahawa mengikut S.165 Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah, OKT tidak boleh dipertuduhkan dengan kedua-dua pertuduhan
tersebut kerana elemen pertuduhan adalah berbeza. Tiada sebarang
hujahan berkenaan sama ada pihak pembelaan telah menimbulkan
keraguan munasabah pada kes pendakwaan.
98) Pihak pembelaan telah berhujah bahawa kedua-dua pertuduhan tersebut
adalah bertentangan antara satu sama lain kerana pertuduhan pertama di
bawah S.41(1) APJ 1987 adalah tanpa alcohol, manakala pertuduhan
kedua di bawah S.44(1) APJ 1987 adalah dengan pengaruh alcohol.
Elemen-elemen pertuduhan kedua-dua pertuduhan adalah berbeza, dan
terdapat defective of charges yang tidak boleh dipulihkan. OKT telah
diprejudiskan kerana tidak tahu dari awal patut menimbulkan keraguan
munasabah terhadap pemanduan merbahaya ataupun di bawah pengaruh
99) Berkenaan dengan isu ini, Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan
pihak pembelaan dan mendapati hujahan tersebut lebih kepada satu
hujahan pemikiran terkemudian. Sepanjang perbicaraan kes ini, isu ini tidak
pernah ditimbulkan malahan satu-satunya pembelaan OKT adalah bahawa
dia bukan pemandu kenderaan WVG2016. Sekiranya diperhalusi elemen
pertuduhan kedua-dua pertuduhan S. 41(1) dan S.44(1) APJ 1987, elemen
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pertuduhan mengenai identiti pemandu adalah sama dan dalam isu ini,
Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan sememangnya telah
membuktikan elemen tersebut melampaui keraguan munasabah bahawa
OKT merupakan pemandu kenderaan semasa kejadian.
100) Walaubagaimanapun, berkenaan dengan isu ini, Mahkamah
mendapati isu ini telah menjadi akademik berikutan dengan penarikan balik
pertuduhan kedua S.44(1) APJ 1987 oleh pihak pendakwaan mengikut
S.254(1) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah iaitu sebelum Mahkamah
menyampaikan keputusan perbicaraan akhir.
101) Sebelum Mahkamah memberi keputusan, pihak pendakwaan telah
memohon untuk menarik balik pertuduhan kedua S.44(1) APJ 1987 di
bawah S.254(1) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah atas alasan mungkin terdapat
arahan lanjut di masa akan datang berkenaan dengan kes ini dan pihak
pendakwaan memohon supaya OKT dilepaskan tanpa dibebaskan (DNAA)
bagi pertuduhan S.44(1) APJ 1987. Pihak pembelaan telah membantah
dan memohon supaya OKT dilepaskan dan dibebaskan atas alasan
terdapat misjoinder of charges dan tidak adil untuk OKT DNAA sahaja.
102) Mahkamah sedia maklum dengan kuasa penarikan balik pertuduhan
oleh pihak pendakwaan di bawah Perkara 145 Perlembagaan Persekutuan
dan dibaca bersama S.254(1) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, iaitu “at any stage
of any trial, before the delivery of judgment”, pihak pendakwaan masih
boleh menarik balik pertuduhan walaupun kedua-dua pihak telah menutup
kes dan kesemua keterangan telah dikemukakan. Namun demikian,
pelepasan tersebut adalah tertakluk pada budibicara Mahkamah mengikut
S.254(3) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah yang menyatakan bahawa “such
discharge shall not amount to an acquittal unless the Court so directs”.
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103) Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes PP v Ambika a/p M.A.
Shanmugam [2021]2CLJ522 telah memutuskan bahawa
“[14] The phrase "unless the court so directs" in s. 254(3) is
plain and clear which should be given its literal meaning. It
clearly means that although the discharge shall not amount to
an acquittal but the court is also given the discretionary power
to direct for discharge amounting to an acquittal.
[19] The discretionary power to direct an acquittal pursuant to
s. 254(3) is also recognised by this court in the case of
Mohamed Kanathi Meerah Mydin v. PP [2019] 2 CLJ 28
where it states:
[39] We observed that even though the learned trial
judge had a discretionary power to direct an
acquittal under sub-s. 254(3) of the CPC,
nevertheless he did not exercise his discretionary
power in the instant case...
There is ample persuasive authority for the proposition
that unless some good grounds are shown, it would
not be right to leave PW1 saddled with a charge
hanging over his head for an indeterminate period.
However, PW1 himself did not apply for a discharge
amounting to an acquittal. (K Abdul Rasheed v. PP
[1985] 1 LNS 54; [1985] 1 MLJ 193).
(emphasis added)
[23] It is also a trite principle of law that the prosecution
must show good grounds in order to obtain a discharge
not amounting to an acquittal pursuant to s. 254(3) of the
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(see Mohamed Kanathi (supra ); PP v. Mat Zain [1984] 3 LNS
21; [1948-49] MLJ Supp 142; Tan Ah Chan v. Regina [1955]
1 LNS 155; [1955] 1 MLJ 218; Koh Teck Chai v. Public
Prosecutor [1967] 1 LNS 72; [1968] 1 MLJ 166).”
104) Mahkamah Persekutuan telah mengekalkan keputusan Mahkamah
Rayuan dan Mahkamah Tinggi dalam kes PP v Ambika tersebut di atas
pada tahun 2022 untuk melepaskan dan membebaskan OKT dan
menegaskan sekali bahawa DNAA hanya akan dibenarkan sekiranya
alasan baik (good reasons) diberikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
105) Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Vigny Alfred Raj Vicetor
Amratha Raja v PP [2022]8CLJ1 turut memutuskan bahawa:
“[80] In PP v. Au Seh Chun (supra), Suriyadi J in discussing
when an order for a DAA may be ordered by the court under
s. 173(f) alluded to a hypothetical scenario where a request
for an adjournment of an ongoing trial is sought on the basis
that investigation is yet to be completed. His Lordship
explained that it would be quite proper for the court to consider
the charge as being groundless under s. 173(f) if it be a
summary trial as "no self-respecting Deputy Public Prosecutor
will charge a person unless the investigation is considered
complete. It is only at the end of the investigation that the
executive action is determined." By executive action, His
Lordship was referring to the decision to charge.
[81] I agree with that view. There should not have been a
charge in the first place if the investigations were "still going
on" or incomplete. It would be an aberration and a travesty on
the administration of criminal justice if the courts were seen to
condone a practice of charge now, investigate later. The
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prosecution's reason for a direction of DNAA under s.
254(3) borders on abuse and oppression that cannot be
endorsed by the court. In effect, had this been a summary
trial, it would have shown that the prosecution had a
groundless case and the accused must be acquitted and
(penekanan ditambahkan)
106) Berbalik kepada kes di hadapan Mahkamah, Mahkamah mendapati
pihak pendakwaan gagal mengemukakan alasan yang baik untuk DNAA
diberikan. Alasan yang diberikan oleh pihak pendakwaan bukan satu
alasan yang baik untuk DNAA diberikan oleh Mahkamah. Memandangkan
kedua-dua pihak telah menutup kes dan kes adalah ditetapkan untuk
keputusan, adalah tidak adil dan akan memprejudiskan OKT, jika pihak
pendakwaan menarik balik dan memohon DNAA untuk sebarang arahan
lanjut pada masa akan datang. Kehidupan OKT akan dihantui oleh
pertuduhan tersebut bagi satu tempoh yang tidak menentu.
107) Sekiranya perintah DNAA diberikan, ia juga akan dilihat sebagai satu
penyimpangan dan persendaan terhadap pentadbiran keadilan jenayah
kerana pihak-pihak telah menutup kes dan kesemua keterangan telah
dikemukakan dan dinilai oleh Mahkamah. Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah bukan
sahaja telah mendapati pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes prima
facie, malahan turut mendengar pembelaan OKT dan mendapati pihak
pembelaan gagal menimbulkan sebarang keraguan munasabah terhadap
kes pendakwaan. Sekiranya DNAA diberikan dan pihak pendakwaan
memutuskan untuk menuduh OKT pada masa akan datang, semestinya
OKT akan disabitkan dan dikenakan hukuman padahal OKT mungkin pada
masa akan datang tersebut, telah habis menjalani hukumannya di bawah
pertuduhan pertama.
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108) Mahkamah dalam kes PP v Ambika (Supra) dengan merujuk pada
kes PP v. Syed Abdul Bahari Shahabuddin [1975] 1 LNS 137 turut
menyatakan bahawa:
“[24] Further, in PP v. Syed Abdul Bahari Shahabuddin [1975]
1 LNS 137; [1976] 1 MLJ 87, Abdoolcader J said this:
... Sub-section (iii) of section 254 specifically enacts
that a discharge under that section shall not amount to
an acquittal unless the court so directs. It is settled
law that unless there are good grounds to the
contrary, a discharge under this provision should
amount to an acquittal. Good grounds for a
discharge not amounting to an acquittal would
arise where the prosecution is unable to proceed
for the time being but can satisfy the court that the
temporary impediment is not unsurmountable and
that it will proceed within a reasonable time. This
seems to be the raison d'etre for the scheme
providing for a discharge not amounting to an
acquittal. (emphasis added)”
109) Pihak pendakwaan juga tidak menyatakan apakah halangan
sementara yang tidak dapat diatasi untuk kes ini diteruskan dan perlu ditarik
balik dan kes diDNAA. Berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip kes dan alasan-alasan
di atas, Mahkamah menggunakan budi bicara untuk melepaskan dan
membebaskan OKT dari pertuduhan kedua mengikut S.254(3) Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah.
110) Berkenaan dengan rayuan OKT terhadap hukuman kesalahan
pertuduhan pertama, sebelum Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman, pihak
pembelaan telah mengemukakan rayuan dan memohon satu hukuman
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yang paling minima dikenakan dengan mengambilkira faktor-faktor seperti
i. OKT berumur 18 tahun 6 bulan semasa kejadian, dan dia hanya
seorang penuntut semasa kejadian, dan tinggal bersama dengan
ii. Ini merupakan kesalahan pertama OKT, sejak daripada kejadian
tersebut, OKT tidak melakukan sebarang kesalahan, dan OKT telah
hadir ke mahkamah setiap hari;
iii. OKT kini bekerja sebagai seorang operator bersama ayahnya dan
tinggal bersama ayahnya; dan
iv. OKT memohon maaf atas apa yang berlaku dan menyesal, dengan apa
yang berlaku, dan berjanji untuk tidak melakukan kesalahan pada masa
akan datang.
111) Pihak pembelaan juga memohon penangguhan pelaksanaan
hukuman penjara dan hukuman denda, sementara pelupusan rayuan dan
berhujah bahawa setiap kali perbicaraan, OKT telah hadir. Kali pertama tak
hadir ialah semasa dia tidak sihat. Mengambilkira usianya yang amat muda
dan rayuan dibuat, dan sekiranya rayuan dibenarkan, dan jika hukuman
penjara dijalankan, ia akan memprejudiskannya
112) Bagi pihak pendakwaan, TPR telah memohon satu hukuman berat
kepada OKT atas alasan-alasan seperti berikut:
i. Perbicaraan telah dijalankan selama 2 tahun dan makan masa dan kos
pelbagai pihak;
ii. Kesalahan S.41 merupakan satu kesalahan yang serious, ia bukan
sahaja mempunyai penjara minima dan denda minima, malahan juga
penggantungan lesen memandu;
iii. Pemanduan OKT telah mengakibatkan dua orang mangsa meninggal
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iv. Pemanduan OKT adalah merbahaya dan mementingkan diri, tidak
mengambilkira jalanraya juga diguna oleh pengguna lain;
v. Semasa pertuduhan OKT sudah 18 tahun, iaitu sudah dewasa, dan
boleh fikir dengan baik dan matang, dan
vi. pohon hukuman berat untuk kepentingan awam dan pengajaran untuk
tidak memandu secara penting diri, dan satu perintah supaya OKT
hilang kelayakan untuk ambil lesen.
113) Pihak pendakwaan juga membantah penanggunhan pelaksanaan
hukuman dan berhujah tiada special circumstances dan memandangkan
OKT telah dijatuhkan hukuman, OKT mempunyai risiko melarikan diri yang
lebih tinggi. Tanpa penangguhan pelaksaan, ia tidak akan memprejudiskan
OKT memandangkan kes rayuan akan dilupuskan dengan cepat sebelum
2 tahun.
114) Mahkamah setelah menimbangkan rayuan OKT dan hujahan
pemberatan TPR, telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 3 tahun dan
hukuman denda RM8,000 id penjara 4 bulan ke atas OKT. OKT juga hilang
kelayakan untuk mengambil lesen memandu D selama 3 tahun dari tarikh
sabitan 30 Ogos 2023.
115) Dalam menjatuhkan hukuman tersebut Mahkamah ini telah
mengambil maklum akan prinsip-prinsip dalam menjatuhkan hukuman.
Adalah undang-undang yang mantap bahawa pertimbangan yang utama
adalah terhadap kepentingan awam sebagaimana yang diputuskan dalam
kes R v. Ball [1951] 35 Criminal Appeal Report 164. Hilbery J dalam R v.
Ball (supra) telah memutuskan bahawa:
“In deciding the appropriate sentence, a court should always
be guided by certain considerations. The first and foremost
is the public interest. The Criminal Law is publicly
enforced, not only with the object of punishing crime,
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but also in the hope of preventing it. A proper sentence,
passed in public, serves the public interest in two ways. It
may deter others who might be tempted to try crime as
seeming to offer easy money on the supposition, that if the
offender is caught and brought to justice, the punishment will
be negligible. Such a sentence may also deter the particular
criminal from committing a crime again, or induce him to turn
from a criminal to an honest life. The public interest is indeed
served, and best served, if the offender is induced to turn
from criminal ways to honest living. Our law does not,
therefore, fix the sentence for a particular crime, but fixes a
maximum sentence and leaves it to the court to decide what
is, within that maximum, the appropriate sentence for each
criminal in the particular circumstances of each case. Not
only in regard to each crime, but in regard to each criminal,
the court has the right and the duty to decide whether to be
lenient or severe.”
116) Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes PP v. Morah Chekwube Chukwudi
[2017] 1 LNS 864 telah menggariskan prinsip-prinsip hukuman yang akan
menjadi faktor pemberat ataupun faktor pengurangan. Mahkamah
menyatakan bahawa:
"[5] It is well established that there are a number of factors that
courts take into consideration before sentencing. Some of
them are as follows:
(a) the gravity or severity of the facts constituting the offence;
(b) the circumstances in which it was committed;
(c) the rampancy of such offence in the area;
(d) the offender's previous record;
(e) the offender's contribution and support to his family
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(f) the offenders means;
(g) the effect of conviction and sentence on his job
(h) the age and health of the accused;
(i) whether it is his first offence;
(j) whether the accused had cooperated with the police after
the commission of the offence;
(k) whether the accused had pleaded guilty;
(l) status of the accused;
(m) whether there was violence during the crime;
(n) public interest, etc.".
117) Faktor utama Mahkamah dalam menjatuhkan hukuman hendaklah
mempertimbangkan kepentingan awam, tanpa mengabaikan kepentingan
peribadi OKT. Mahkamah hendaklah mengimbangi kepentingan kedua-dua
pihak sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman yang berpatutan.
118) Adalah menjadi pengetahuan umum bahawa kemalangan jalanraya
merupakan salah satu pengaut nyawa tertinggi di Malaysia. Bilangan
kemalangan jalanraya maut turut meningkat setiap tahun dan akibatnya
ramai keluarga bahagia telah kehilangan ahli keluarga kesayangan mereka
dalam nahas jalan raya.
119) Menurut satu laporan akhbar The Star pada 13 Jun 2023,
Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia telah mengesahkan pada tahun 2022,
sebanyak 545,588 kes kemalangan jalanraya berlaku, daripadanya
terdapat 6,080 kematian. Sementara itu untuk tahun 2021 pula, sebanyak
370,286 kes kemalangan dengan 4,539 kematian. Secara puratanya,
hampir 1 kematian akibat nahas kemalangan direkodkan dalam setiap 90
minit di Malaysia.
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120) Dalam jawapan bertulis kepada soalan parlimen daripada Ahli
Parlimen Kuala Pilah tersebut, Menteri Pengangkutan turut menyatakan
bahawa kajian yang dijalankan oleh Institut Penyelidikan Keselamatan
Jalan Raya Malaysia (Miros) mendapati kemalangan jalan raya
kebanyakannya disebabkan oleh tingkah laku manusia, diikuti oleh reka
bentuk, keadaan infrastruktur jalan dan keadaan kenderaan.
(penekanan ditambahkan)
121) Dalam kes ini, pemanduan OKT secara merbahaya dengan kelajuan
160km/j sehingga masuk ke laluan bertentangan telah mengakibatkan dua
orang mangsa yang masing-masing berumur 19 tahun dan 22 tahun
meninggal dunia. Dalam kes ini, cara pemanduan OKT bukan sahaja
merbahayakan, malahan OKT seorang yang tidak mempunyai lesen
memandu dan tidak layak langsung untuk memandu di atas jalanraya.
122) Dalam kes ini, walaupun semasa pertuduhan, OKT hanya berumur
18 tahun dan 6 bulan, namun setelah perbicaraan lebih daripada 2 tahun,
OKT kini berumur 21 tahun 4 bulan, dan bukan lagi seorang pesalah muda
(youthful offender) iaitu pesalah antara 18 tahun ke atas dan bawah
daripada 21 tahun, di mana Mahkamah boleh menggunakan kuasa untuk
menjatuhkan hukuman mengikut S.293 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah
antaranya memerintahkan OKT menjalani perintah khidmat masyarakat
dan perintah lain.
123) Mahkamah sedia maklum dengan pindaan pada hukuman S.41 APJ
1987 melalui Rang Undang-Undang A1618 oleh Parlimen yang
berkuatkuasa pada 23 Oktober 2020 dengan meningkatkan hukuman
penjara minima dari 2 tahun ke 5 tahun dan hukuman denda minima dari
RM5,000 ke RM20,000 bagi kesalahan ini.
124) Walaupun pindaan 2020 tersebut tidak berkuatkuasa ke atas kes ini,
namun hasrat dan tujuan pindaan undang-undang oleh Badan
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Perundangan dan Badan Eksekutif tersebut mestilah dicerminkan melalui
hukuman oleh Mahkamah. Hukuman Mahkamah hendaklah mencerminkan
keseriusan kesalahan ini agar memberikan pengajaran kepada OKT dan
menjadi satu peringatan dan langkah pencegahan orang lain agar tidak
sesekali melakukan kesalahan tersebut di masa hadapan.
125) Dalam kes ini, OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan setelah proses
perbicaraan penuh dijalankan dengan 12 orang saksi pendakwaan dan 1
saksi pembelaan. Oleh itu, hukumannya semestinya adalah berbeza
berbanding dengan OKT yang mengaku bersalah pada pertuduhan
pertama dibacakan dan dapat menikmati diskaun yang dibenarkan oleh
126) Dalam mempertimbangkan faktor umur OKT dan juga keseriusan
kesalahan yang dilakukan, Mahkamah bersetuju dengan hujahan
pemberatan TPR dan menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 3 tahun dan hukuman
denda RM8,000 terhadap OKT. Mahkamah berpendapat hukuman ini tidak
keterlaluan berat mengambilkira faktor mitigasi OKT dan masih dalam
ruang lingkup hukuman yang dibenarkan. Hukuman ini juga tidak terlalu
ringan mengambilkira kepentingan awam yang perlu diutamakan.
127) Walaubagaimanapun, Mahkamah telah membenarkan
penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman penjara dan hukuman denda
tertakluk pada notis rayuan difailkan. Jaminan turut dinaikkan dari
RM14000 ke RM20000 dan OKT perlu melapor diri pada setiap 7hb ke balai
polis berdekatan dengan rumah OKT iaitu Balai Polis Kandang.
128) Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, Mahkamah mendapati pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kesnya melampaui keraguan
munasabah terhadap OKT sepertimana di dalam pertuduhan pertama
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S.41(1) APJ 1987 dan OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan sepertimana
di dalam pertuduhan pertama ini. Mahkamah juga berpendapat hukuman
yang dijatuhkan terhadap OKT bagi kesalahan pertuduhan pertama di
bawah S.41(1) APJ 1987 adalah memadai, wajar dan selaras dengan
peruntukan dan prinsip undang-undang.
Bagi Pihak Pendakwaan:
Pejabat Pengarah Pendakwaan
Negeri Johor
Timbalan Pendakwaraya … Puan Nor Syamilah binti Jalaluddin
Bagi Pihak Pembelaan:
Tetuan Paul, Amy Chong & Associates
No.271-G, Jalan Haruan 5/7,
Pusat Komersial Oakland II,
70300 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus …Encik Paul Krishnaraja
Puan Amy Chong
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| 95,148 | Tika 2.6.0 |
J-01(IM)(NCvC)-114-03/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) Choo Heng Yong 2. ) Chin Siew Han RESPONDEN 1. ) PENGARAH HOSPITAL SULTANAH AMINAH JOHOR BAHRU 2. ) Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri (JKN) 3. ) KETUA PENGARAH KESIHATAN KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA 4. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | A fire broke out on 25.10.2016 (Fire) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Johore Bahru (Hospital). Six patients in the Hospital’s ICU perished in the Fire (6 Deceased Persons).The plaintiffs (Plaintiffs) in the above three suits (3 Suits) are the parents and dependents of three out of the 6 Deceased Persons. The first defendant is the Hospital’s Director while the third defendant is the Director-General of the Ministry of Health (MOH). This judgment shall refer to all the defendants collectively in these 3 Appeals as the “Defendants”. | 03/11/2023 | YA Datuk Wong Kian KheongKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Sri Mariana binti Haji YahyaYA Datuk Wong Kian Kheong | |
03/11/2023 14:58:39
J-01(IM)(NCvC)-114-03/2022 Kand. 20
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J—n1(m) (ncvc)—1u—u3/2022 Kand. 20
as/mm: 1:1 59-22
m we coon or A an ur muvsu (APFEu.AYE Jumsmcnuur
1 Knlsxmsmv um xuppusmmmc Mu.un:<1«.mm
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4. «swam mum nss»-ounsms
(mm. maumm. >< Juhorsmlu Jamr. Maw!-
Cm! Sun Nu ¢A.2< NCvc.2§-03/2o2n
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1.; Omar Vlrure 212; RC
my Orusrvlru/s 6(2]RD
In) Ora-rum!-SIZJRC and
«:1 3 Court may has new mm Md" own as m». 341;
(emphasis added), and
(2) me nemaanxs 3 smug om Appucauans are “tnlstiocumry
proceedings“ within the muamng 010 41 ( 5(2) no Then 3
Appeals emznah from me Defendants‘ 3 smkmg om
Appucauons Consequenfly, premued on Ten! Corporation
we may apwy o 41 v 5(2) ac read mm 1 4 an m lake lulu
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1;) m Daluk Amlr Kahnr bin run Haj‘ Musunha v Tun
Mohd Said hi Knnuk 5 on [1994] 3 Mm 737, to
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an!/oi I: an abusl n! ma Pious: M m. court. In
oppaamun to ma uprlcnuen ol an dclnndanls. tn-
plalnllll mun u. .-maul: m nppalltlnn amrlmd on n
son:-mm an In 29.. aflldnvll In annosruan at m-
vl-mmr, ne an-mm Me prvpwy or man
nmmmamply nicrvld to hy 2». dlponlnl of m-
mmn m supp-m or w: lPnU¢a1lon, smu mun
nlfidnviu .2 mm M m. mi!/having cl ma
anulnaung summns wan am Mon mm for
nanny. 5:, the mvmedme issue which all: Io: .
doclsfan ls wnunu ma apuuuuon on an dtlondamls
Hui-can 1.. um um of mu nnmn al an .«mm In
sum»-x. am: 45 I 1: am not mu out mu
ruqulrvmlnt u! my .m4.m ». support 91 an
nppflcallnn rm: )5 m/mu: hum an apphcfllrm main
mm o :4 mm by r 2m memo! m. applmutmn mus!
be men by Kwnmons nuppc-mu by an amdawl Simflafllf
wun an uwlnrulron mIflIrO 51, mm: by mm mlluufl an
arrmm >5 rsawwd for me annmuon Agam, an
Buphcaban undov a 49 r 2 m rammed In he supamlaa or
an amdavu Svmdaw wnn an apmmalrnn under o 50 r J.
wlvzle 1n. apalvcmmn mm. sIl|7D01lzdbyunsRaavIl ra
cuts ye: anolhsrinrm uiapohcanon rs an apohcahum under
o 23 r 1r2/ at m. Rn: V/Md! must be suwaned by an
nmanm mum um o is I 19, 11 merely rsqwn-as an
mu/cmn to be made There .5 rm mautrumsnt m ms ml:
al an amdavfl ieeompenymp ma awmoamn An
npphcllton by summvnulwchlmbuu :. nn mm .n
rnrenoculorv brueetdtny nna a :1 r :12; Mormon: nn
.m.m mm m m p-«rpm vi mm: and "-
Mtemaemofr mmamvs. Bun /rv Mt nbuvlce curvy
..p.... riqm min! of .n lifidlwl la ...p.m fin
-amnuon In a 1: r 19, 71!: my vhw mu lor In
lnnlkllian undev the Ink, me -mama rn support cl
mu nanlrcmn u not mnmory. In Mo mcumunm
ma nmmu M Wong mnn xmnn In suvmn of mi:
wucauon arm: m.n.:.m rs ofno unmuono. or
lfynlllcmcl n my ounl. m nmvnvnl In hnldlny man
an nmdavll If not a pm-qmux. for an -wnomn
nmmn Iwnm for mu pumou ul helm: and In
mhrluullory procndmy: nuy cnnllm nnmn-rm al
Infomullon or new Mm m «mm mm gwundn
mmn m ml hum, m. llfidlvvt 1:! Wang x..n Kllncmg
In ml: an r. rm dolocuve noun.“ arm . n-rmnn
in mm: Ilrdnviu. ha dxpusad mm bum an on
nlnmnld amdavls. nu vvnly MIMI: that nu
urrglnlllng summon: n! m. plllnllfl nilcrm-.1 nu
vnsaruhh mm Al aeflon against all or any of un.
syn xnonuknxnzuyfiylramuvv
Nuns am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. .mmn.u-y mm: dun-mm wa muNG pm
an-nu-nu mm 1. 15-min/nus, mare»-, v-nttaus
And/or A: In was. all" pmcou armu m m-
cmumsmms, mepmnmrs om-man has no mean"
(emphasus adaed)‘ and
my me above wdgment m Datuk Amlr Knhnr has been
apphed m Knrllun Mnlayuia v mm: Englnauina a.
Cnnllruclinn Bhd[2D19]MLJU 1aB0,at[§].
E. wmn can Iummeviaunc
bu aamimm in on
19 Fuulfy. “Ium:sr9wdunca" in 5 6511)lc(3)C.JA.1 1(1), 42;. m and
(SA) RCA (R mm sututory Provl-Ionl) mean: ewuence which
no nol been adfluned m me HC av submdmale mun
[NC/Subordlnlln Cmm)
2n Semnd\y_ mvae calequnes av ‘further evrdsncs' can be mammm m
the Rmavanl Slammry Proviuons, namary.
(1; “Iurthsr svtdem:s' much u mended to he used by in appucann
mapllcnmp m -menocunory appucanons m me CA [Funhnv
Evidence (lnlaerloculary on Applicniunll‘
(2) “lunher evidence‘ which mended tn be when an by an
Apphcanl in me heanng m an apueal m the CA [rumm-
Evldencl (Appum but me Funhfl Emence (Appeal) my
name we being me: me heanng m me H!)/Subordinale Conn
(Subuquanl Evldence). and
sw xno-uksxnibyfiyltamuvv
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
13) Fwlhsr Ewdenee mppeax) was avaflahle la me Appficanl at me
(ulna af me heamvg m we HC/Submdinatz Cuun bu| was nut
adduced m me HO/Subordinate com (Exitllnl Evldonco)
21 we 1(3A)RCA my a|lnws“(uI1Ils/avrdem>e'(o be admmed al Ihe
“Ilssrmg 0/ ms appear -1 me «duawmg Mo wndmcns are samsned
cumulamexy by me Apphaaln (2 Condition: [r 10;“)
(1) me mm olthe 2 Condmuns [r 7(3A)] (1-- (land an 1: mm)» 15
provided m r7(3A)(a) RC and has Ivm aksmalwe nmbs, namew
43) the -runner ewde:-ca’ wit not muame Io me Apphcam ac
the Ilearmq In me Hcrsuomdmane Cmm [1-I All-rnalivu
Llmh (1-- condmnnu The 1-‘ Ahemahvs I7 11"
Cnnduiunj concams Subsequent Evmence‘ or
my me 'Iurmsr awdsnmr exmsa ac me nunng In and
HC/Subordinate Cmm but was na| avaflable |a the
Appllcanl despite me exemse av veasanahle dfligenoa by
me Apphnant {2'- All-nutiu Limb (1-I Condlflonll The
2~ Ahemalwe Limb A1“ Cundmnnl men In Exnslsnt
Evidence. Ind
(2; r vmxm RC pmudes «or the second of me 2 cdnduidns [r
mm] (W Confllllon [r 1(:Ay]) There ave Mo ahemznve
hmbs of me 2* canduidn [: 713A)] namaxy, me “Iu/mar
evidence‘, Mme —
IN xoo.1.»za»uza,»z,n..,4up,
-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
(a) would have had a aalan-mnlng influence upon ma declslon
cl ma no/sulmmlnala own [I'' Altnrnnllvn Limb lz"-1
Cundlflom]. or
lb) would have been Ilxely Co have a uelenn-nlng lnlluanoe
upon lne aeclslpn el me HOSubamlna(e Court [zu-
Altunniva Limb la" Cnnd an]]
22 Rule mix) RCA only apphes |a Flmhev Evldence (Appeal) and ml
to Funher Evidanca1lntarIL7cu|uly CA Appllcallon) Aceonllngly. lna
llnsl pen of a selzl cu am (he flrsl pan or r 7(2) RCA allpw an
Appllcanl lp use runner Evidence (lnlevlcculary CA Appllcauon)
wllhoul any leave cl CA
2: ll is cleav lnal Y 713A) non applies la Existeru Evlpenpe and an
Apphcanl can unly dlschsrge lhe burden lo pelauaae lne CA (L:
glam leave lo aflmn lne Exlslenl Evidence al ma hearing 01 me
appeal -n CA v me 2 cenalllans [r 1(3A)] ale aallalleu cunullzllualy
24 rue quesunn lnal anaea I5 wnemar Y ma) RCA apphes la
sllpaeqllenl Evldance ln me CA case or sln Hnp Ln-Mmnenl
St!!! and v vlp shou slun [2005] l MLJ 515 »
(1) Mnkhlar Sidln JCA deflverad the 2-l malonly aeclslon [MnJmlIy
Judslrmnt lsln Hun Lie-Maruhonij] as lpllewa al [10] |u [12]
nnd [15] la [la] 7
‘[142] m am, In! In: lpplinllmn to n nllnwnd ill:
Jpplliant had m may m. Lumillmns -1 mm In pm
lw. rnu. l.I na mm In my nl/mt that mm m- wvllam
umnploa to nroducc Wu . fllPDlnIng an.’ m. mu
we Sum ...n.. wm a. used w my ..a ann.l.y an; dun-mm VII mane W
m; At mm mm urlllr, 2». lppufllnl zurrcldad
m.: an ..a.:.»c- Irnandad to be zdduced my not nuur
won tho ma! 12/ away mu mat. n uccwnd rung arnlrllu
mr In an mun Cam my my. concluded. u I: clear In me
mn ma avldlncc rnxumu 2.: n. aflduud m In mm: a!
In mumm tang um: um lncldlnl and if!!! m. mu.
TN: nwvencu was m. aullablllxy oi-Iv Allnmlllvu um.
road tn 1):: responmrs ram: long arm mu Mal Ialmocl
my yen: mu m rupwldcnt nu illod mu pnunt Imun).
I: vs char in ms nu: evklmce was not my not ayauanu al
ml Yhe second nu: u muted by Dar: «A; Is that m.
Hm mam. r1lnll.WuuIH n. . m or vmuld luv: bun
llnly to my: . ummrnrny Influence upon me decision or
m my» com
1751 1: Is cloarlmm the um um me mm evidence
that m. appallant nmnm 1.: mm mum m an m.
anumpfion mu m- nmmd loyal or an mm mum bv
brought down nu: ma. wn nu .ua...;. um um um m.
This -numpdon was hand on em rm mil mu. wu-
sum: umwum on ma ritpnnuynllx ma Ind m.
Idlmnirrs land. may those oarmwonts, mo HFBN/an!
ulumod that ran mpmom llrvd amid a. «mum
the olive: nelvhhauriuv hifiaininv lot which was to be
muapea mm In y-rx ma 2»: rupovd-m n-'1 fil-d
am: mm. an my vinw, mos: has my: naming u: do mm
m aamay-s mm--1 by rm mponom To mm In
.u.m.m. mud to Ms mm was the respamenrs my
nation In mm ma upun-um am 4:! N5 ma not In
urlgmll mm mu! M Dunn dulroyud
[151 m lgpnfllrn m mu! .mu.m m ugly nfflrmld
ny smug cmn Chem on 1: Juryma cormrmod. my vm.
mu! 1». ipplmlnun m ndducl Iruh mam. val my in
mike an lssummion andassenwn as mm «mm «ax
m; m my mtnisis nun-wanna: um anlyln
nmmmton wen rm -up-um mm mm: «my me
am. n. my vlaw, mm 1.1 no hull evtdmcz m m:
[151 1;. my vluw, m. .,.p::=.u.». am not lllsly the
condmoni /mm-.1 by r 7 IRCAI. For In: rulun, or
mujnflfy dnclllnn, wu dlsmlssld m. lppllclllan ny tin
(mar-asas added)‘ and
12) Abdul Aziz Mohamad JCA (as he men was) delivered me
foHA7wmg dlssenlmg magmem [Dlunmlng Judgment (Sin
Hun L Mnvuhonl)L at [73] to {as}-
‘mr mu -pnunmn -nun:-.1. an Hour: olmucfun, Inr
mm ‘In in: mm ma! luv: u nu--ury: lo mmu
rum-r avmnnzi n. my .pp..:. 11.. lunn-I .w.1em was
as to 4 mam! mu mama arm mu m- or 1». mmon or
m. fllgh Cuun nu tar: as. nnmlly, tvldancn HI .x2...;m
emnwolks that won army canm out on m- mpermm
um um. n wn cl ma, wauld bnnp down an ‘plntlwm
1:-my M the mm. The mam pumon oltne tvhimcn was
to plvw mm mm would nu Inngav n. lny nu-d 2.;
conumcl - rat-Wnv war! 2.: nublrrn the wake of mu
rnpnnflant’: mm an Inn :1 . mlllnmg will m. um
uaulmd, mm In ms! muld M av-my Induced ‘due In mu
ol rum manna: 4w-rum ol sail)’. so nu ma
rnmmnutafi dimJ9\I would mzw nntbu .. much .u my
Rum mmmn In-1 wns mama
1741 m mpumm appluld m. -lppllrltlun. In his
.mum: n. mx-nu-4, nmcnn mm tniws, that m. r-com
urmwoflti am not mm III: n-Inn: Ind canngmuan a!
ma um, um it i: not nemlissfhle to ask ma meuau
cam w rusun fllmlgu mu n. . bun pruplriy
nuussd .: mg my um um. In my mm, the evidence
mm to nmry um um cnndmnru far It: rlzupfiun
lundusload m. mm candlflons 2» be mm that may be
drawn mm Ir nw Ru)
1751 w. mm: m flnllnllnn mm commenclnv to
hair mu mm: It wu alunnua by . mnjmvry dnclslun
wvllmm 1: mn: mmod cmmnl Io! ma nsnondunl. r was
mm vm, mu nurlng m. mbmllslun aim: .pp.::.m
rumm zclmsnl m: not mm: the ommmny to Mar mu
submission of ma nsponaonxk ll-mad mu-un mu m.
nsl rnn cannon oi me am»: Amt nc-puan av
Iunnu Iwdoncc for clvflappllls (a m. Cuurt nrappur f1
dull mm In . HIE./AI
my I: 15 um fmm mm 12: um u m. mum
lwdmzl 7: u 2., mum mum um occumd um me
mlsron -malea from, n my a. glvnn 1;. my an my
luv: u rvquma. m. glvvny nliurmuv uvidmze .5 to put-
declxlon mmen‘ rs a mam! ur rlghl u vs -1.14: c u mm.
m. ward: m. u m mltlurs muq...m ..
ma 1:; ma: mo rldulnnmm or lpocul wo-um um ar
luv: mu down ny rm sub-5 do nazappty Ia Dos!-chclslon
ma; am: an m. was ‘Appeals to ma cm: or
App r mu o. By way at rvnunng, Ind m million In
such lypIllS' in nab-5 m, the whoh ol 5 u, .u m m
n4b—uv.1(oru 1:! re. Inn, mm my ulgnz nmmmm
dvWu:rvce.1, rrvmlund in r wzcu. mu five sub-sections
mommy um Ilvn pm; on». rm: 1;. um. um: urdur. m
urm air 1 wt: Mzourse the same u em or: :9. 45 hr
.u putdvemnn mm... ... mmm-a, m. qwmq of
man: wldcncn Is: mule! arm:
pa: mm a provision of .n An 12! p.m.m.m mm
nal bu rt-omclud In subsldllry liwslallcn, because me re
onasmunx will a. mm, ... um, um nu rm nrlnoncu, M.
u tum oflls own. Runovo IL and mu law A: still mm in
an Act Furtmr, n m. Io-nnn¢1manH.I mm nmamauan.
m. mafltlicntinn Vs um: vlns and lnolhcuvn D-cauu n
-vekr 2.; Huh mudlilclfinn m m. law tnmugll .uammy
lrqislntfnn in In no. that Pamam-nx has «mm: iol,
mu... m pawn In mnmiy 1. lxprnnly glvnn Dy
Flrmmunl. The modiflc-fion mu mmnvy am arms
mu m menmln-nt mllv nrmpugnnnl m m. pmvu/an .-
nnntlud by Pmlnmenl. and subzfdmy /eylsmvon Is
mam». or dn/ng mu
/ea} mm :9 any .u can bonus: In nu r 1 ms
Jmervdod bylnlmfluclng m. Iulmwmg par: {u}:
M rm .. Inc pmynnh mu Vmsminnod arm: in
mmmm mm mu mm sandman: in 9. 112111114 1:
Impolu rllmzlmru m... m. uutnd mm. mum.
mo rrqulremem In pm 11:; mu am now evmnnco woufd
(awn roosmzn wmu
IN mi mum nr APPEAL or umvsn u nun-s musuucnam
clvn. u-
4 Muulmov All. mmuuvxmuc Nu I1n1a:-02515!)
2 mumuum ms smmme mm: no Izmmluw) .. »9sLLmvs
4. rzueam uosP1nL mum
z new-um xaumuu «scam moon
mum Kismnnu Miami JONDR
:. mu. psmm xzsmmu, xzmamzmn K£amAm4 Iuuvsu
¢ xsmmu uumm xsspouusxts
[M m: mallswfllaa Hm cm m Jmmrfiivm mm Mahm-
cmxsunna mr2uNcv<>2sasI2n2n
Munundylll K:m1uamHNR\c Na a7aw:—Dz—57M7)
2 MunumnuhlIpS.In1MuvW(NR\C Nu 7:nz1Ms»5s1a1 Fmnmli
Pewavuw ms»-m Swan-h mm
Plrwavah Keswnatan Ntgay1.!nMv,1ahzIan mum" N-9-«mu
KIN: Famgaran Knmmzn Kuvventnmn Kumntznm-Ways:
Knralaan mum Devendnnbl
LEE swzz szma, .mA
mmnu mm mm. Jan
wens mm xuzous, JCA
sw xocrukaxnzuyfiyltamuvv
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
nave ms: or would Mu bun Iflroly to um nm a
dntxrmfninytnflunnci on the decnslon um was mad-. mm
mm ma 4-» ‘aura mpg-st max nmnu wrdonu would
-mly he Allowed :5 to mmers rn exlslonu mm 2»-
d-cmon, mama P'W‘ou:1.Y mm... maam u M pun-
dlnlalon mutton was nl)owed,:m1u mmuua
1:21 ma mwu mug:-v mm by pm mu MV-
not am. mm (9 s 61 Since pm «A; seeks to am to r 7.
and um: 1 has no lxl.:l4n:n,II1- mm. nUL| own, um
I: m-rlly an am or 5 n, r (W 75 ncrnlny mare mu M
ulelvlbl by -unaramy V-glslltlnn In mnfllly . 5:. ma
lflumpl u ulln vlns hocausn subsidiary I-gmamm I5 rm
aapawa nl mndlfylny in Au 1:! Pnmamlnl. Ilrclpl Dy
«mu numarily on-amamm, wnrcn am not ammu-
Iaaj I war :3! ma mw. mmrm, ma: 1 as 1: mil
nfiedad ny Dan M and further mama. as to pen-
docmon mum my mm B: gnrul, And a. of right.
rnamm, mevely 1.1 . rmamy in distal my -man, Vuvo
mum 175 Man lo mu lPpI4I-rm to 9.... ma mm»
moans. ml! may mm 2.: give. me quamm :2! ns
warm and a col mum DI minors to M carllrdund m m.
(emnham added!
25 m mu mew, leave oi CA IS um req-men lav Subsequenl Evidence
because Ihe secann pan of 5 69(2) CJA (z~- Pan 1- 59(1) cm)
sud me second pan L71 r 7(2) RCA (2"- rare [r 712) RCA]) havn
expIess\y auuwea smasequam Emanoe us be used an me neanng
ol appezk wvlhnut any weave MCA In Hus vegans-
(1) me Mamrily Judgment (Sm Huap Leememnenu had memxssea
me avnlmauon lor weeve or c»: to addnoe “(urfhsr emencr on
me around nu: ma ippficahon vms based on an “essumpIIan'
and (here was nu ‘further evidence’ «.2 be adduced at lhe
hearing 0! me apyaa m mal can Furmemme. me Mammy
Judgmunl (Sm Heap Lee-Maruhem) am not discuss me 2"‘ Pen
[5 6912) cm em 2'»! Pan [r n2) RCA]: and
12) we take the Dnwrwmly la appnws me Dlssenlmg Judgment
(Sm Heap Lee.Memeem) men can be suppmled by me
«euewmg reasons »
(a) awarding In 5 2(1)(e) ov me Inmvpretanon Acls 1943 and
1967 (IA). Pan x IA avnhes la RCA neceuse RCA are
made me: 31.121963 pursuant Ia CJA when has been
vevised under me Rewsxan cl Laws MI was seeuen
23(1) VA on Pam IA) Dmvvdas M the uocmne 01 um wres
“Any subsidiary agar-rm’. mu 1- mmmm with
m At! rumuwng Inc 4.: urvdur men n. mum",
Vngulnnon was me.) man e. vent tn rm nmm cl
(emphasis added)
The apphnallun L715 23(1) IA has been exwamed by Mohd.
Zawawi Salleh FCJ m we Federal Cuurl we) use ov
Pihak serkum Tauhnib Majlit Porbamurun
IN xno-ukaxnzuyfiylremuvv
we sew be used m mm ms mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
sobcnng Perai a. Anor V Muxildi Illukhhr [mu] 1 cu
“[511 m: cm: matsubsrdlary or H-Voyuml rogmanan
mu not be bruder man in: onabllrrg Iogluallnn.
YNI glnural pnnclyll u! nllulary intorpnallon I5
eodmod m s 2: nu "
lempnlsls added), and
an RCA are made under s 17 CJA I! r 713A) RCA apphet to
Subsequent Emuenoa, Hus means r may RCA Is
\ncons\s|an| mm the 2"“ PIr1[5 69(2) CJA] and lay Wine 01
1 23(1) vx, r mm RCA us van in the extent 0| such an
26 As explamed m the suave paragraph 25, by reason arms 2'“ Pan [5
s9(2) CJA] and 2"‘ Pan [r 712) RCA], me Plamnm do not lemme
reave of the CA \a use Dr sawahuadeenrs amaavn m these 3
F. Should CA gum “X, 19: Pliméffs to Ina Dr. Se|ihuddnon'I
yngavn in a Aggalfi
27 Noawnnscanumg om apmpn m my above parigviph 25. we are 5!
me mew mac ma Plaintifls have sansnaa me 2 commons [r 7(3A)]
as (allows
(1; me 1-1 Anemame Limb 11“ Common) 15 (umuea because Dv.
salanuaueervs amdavn was not avafluble to me Plamums mmng
me heanng ov me Delendams‘ 3 sm mg OmApp|IcaI\ons‘ and
IN xmzqqfiawnzuyfiyttamufiy
-ma saw be pg... m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
12) as sxmamed wn parigrinh as helm me comsms M Dr
Se\ahuddeen‘s amaavn would have been llkely |a have a
dalermlnmg mauem an we 3 HC nacismns In mhev wmds‘
me 2"‘ Allernanve Limb 12"‘ Cundmon) has been taxisfled by
me Plainmfs
Franused on me above reasons, ma F'|ImMIs' 3 Leave Apphcahons
(Dr. SeIahuddeen's alfidavfl) an answer: by ms cmm wnnom any
ovdsv as to costs
5. wh-um noun can Igglx guitzhle enoggl doctrino with
Egzrd In Thne-Vur Linn Ian Furiod
28 The Tmse»Vaav Lmmanon Pernod us vrwldad In s 21:) PAPA wmen
reads as lollows
-2 wnm, mu m. coming Ame fart: nrmu AL: lny MIL
acllvll Drosszutron or om-r pmcudlng :. cnnlmuvcud in m.
Fnd-ntiun -mm myneuon an: my m dune rn Wnunnce or
cxecumzn or Irmmua lxocullnn a1 Iny mm». law III 1:! my
puhlrr my a. numurify or m mam alnny «mm mm or
datum m the mcuuon of any such mm... 1..., may or
mm mm rmwmg pravlslnns sin!/luv: mm
(3) me man. man, Prowcunorv or pmuedmg mu not 1.. nr
o. .mm.a unlsu n u cammnncnd mm. 70-57::
moms nu! -rm rm cu. Mglurt or ac!-uu comnllmod 1:!
or, m me use pr . mnnnuunce a/mju/Y ar mum wvlnm
mmw manllvs net! am: my clnsmg (h¢Iunl'
(emphasis added)
N xoo-uksxnibyfiylramuvv
um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
29 In Alma Yamplnlon a. On v Law Val Hnldings Sdn Ehd a. Ann:
[1999] 2 ML.) 202 Edgar Joseph Jr J (as he man was) has
exnlained m me HC man a defendant may be snapped lrom remng
on a nmmon devenoe pvovlued by me umnanon Ad 1953 (LA), n
\s dec ed m Allmd Tnmplulon‘ al p 244 M7 245‘ as lulluws
~: mint lully zcnsrdu um." ..n. In ulnp an-ull um 11! m.
Llmltutmn m
m xou Nanny V was cmng Kmflw mm Lmmu1Ac u
may Mu 45, . name” 1:! Inc pm Cuuncll Imm m. mm
Federal Court of Marayxla. m a ran av mmyvmms, mm
Lon1.IMp.I um
mm an statute: which, vrouyh dwlarfnfl
m..cum m 1.. .4.....;.»a...:. nr .,.,..:, ...
nevennelass rm! .m:-my pmmouory and so do nu!
pncludu .m,,...r. On mm. a: 1:... .. m. smut-
»: mm I-we Mlmphrru V Numnrmes mm 2 KB
5:1 :4 m wmm .: ma nu mm conndlnd mu
the shunt om: m n. mm: as regular/W
pmcldun, rml .. ...m..g .2 usnntlll vnlldllm .. .
mun am: 1:51 u. may Is to :5): mm.’ m. raw
m.:....m.m. me wanna an n. am. .. ,.,.,.....x.
mm puucy 2.: which m. noun mutt pm rm: In 2».
.m.«..: :1 m. Wm punlufly 9. lam! nzrlnn .7: 2».
Dublin, mun. any rules or ovmcnco if mm...
u.......m. mu m. pnmu mly a... cum by m...
canducl or oumwm
mu wold: arv wmuly arm. Ind Juggul mu m Lmumlon
Ac! run 31!! vny la oslogpel. rmma, mm tn mm In
fumuvmn y Wu! Nlm CorpnrItmrl[1D5(7]2 KB M507 2 K5 209
which uyye-x mu . an!-mtlnl mu rm! :2. mm tn My an .
mm. ofltmv Hon Imls acts arslatomoms during m. mmm
nllhopulod nnw mam. m. plllnflfltu u.:.y pmmamg.
And, rn amm... 1 Anal v Mo:-1197212 ML.I15s any c4 um
sumo: al mnnmm M...» an 1». ..:m....m 01
. ngm ny action ..a me: of Dmcednm only: see 24
Nusaury. Llws at 5...... my Eu; P m . right
which meme. unenfemubfe merely ny recson ul
Unmatlan u... no! [pun hm parish ar mm. Inln
mm .11. a. helmet v cmnu mm] 1 wm ass
whom n nu. mm mm .41....» um... . ms; .1 m.
ummuon Act 1m, aman of mum. lnm-st
mntllndlrvg 1.. man u... .1. yams ... :...m...m.
by um, um manmws mu or-ry ommod la n.
uzumou rvmufly .1 mdumpllon pruvvd-d that my
am .0 uvenrs or mnyay: mm.-., wmnu mm
blmd or m N, .. m mu 5..., .q.n.u. rvynl: am
not new.» by mass. or nmmmm, an 015 Sam:
floluncn n. ..: up n... n. my 2». am. at .
honeflclar own! to be granted Ms mm to me /29»!
so 1.. .s mly n. Maury. I mum mm: m: baled an Mes:
mu. m. Llmllallan Act :. pululy pruzodunl: ... um»... um
Amar V ma 119721 2 ML1 15: um uIMVcholl v mm: smnunnv
Co Ltd mm 2 us my 1m. And, mm“, 1.. an...
urcumxtlncls, an. an eslap Mosul! om mm mum. Act
by conduit "
(emphasis added)
sw .ooaq>wnzay»=.ur..,4up.
Nut»! 5...‘ IHIVVDIY WW .. .5... .4 mm .. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII .mm mm
The abave declswon m mm: Tlmpllmn has been appnwed by the
FE m the lollawlng judgment dehvered by Gopal sn Ram JCA (as
na men mu) m Eoulund Tmilng usns) Sdn Bhd v Arab-
Mnmann Morchnm Bunk and 1199514 cu 253‘ n: 294
"saw mu». n. 1, 1-: M an-n ms) In In ruunmunv
/udymlnl In Ylmlllltun y. Law m flnldlrrgt sun. and. [ass] 2
mm 201 m apmm mg doclnm In . mm nnu mun: inman
lo pmrtnl a fluhndnnt rmn rulylrlg upnn ma pmvlsluru aim!
ILA] '
femvhasxs added)
The Phrase my person lorany act done In pursuance oraxeeuwn
ur Intended sxscufiorv 0/ any wrmen w ar 0/ any puzm duly nr
numonzy m m rsspecl or any alleged rveglanl or aerau/r In the
execurmn many such wnnsn /aw, my maumont;/' In 5 2(3) PAPA
rere-s to any person we perlorms a wnllen lnw. public duty and/or
public aumamy For ease ol convenience‘ .n this ‘udgmem we wvll
describe me pelsun envisaged m s 2(a) PAPA as 2 ‘uublic oflrcsf
We are unable (:7 «no any prevxoui Malaysian case much has
decided on me appncauon ol me docmne of sq-nnahxe esficphm m a
puhm: omcer who has relveu on me Three-Yes! Llmnahon Penna m
s 2137 PAPA
u is our view mac —
(1) a publsc alfiner (X), and
(2) me Fedara\ Govemmcm, sme Government or pumu: aulhmm’
Aulhomy) whn ts vu:aneus\y liable for
x‘: am. umlsslnn and/arconducl
may be esmpped by any 5\a|emeM and/ov conduct by —
(a) X,
on a pubhc offioer nlhsr man x (V), and/ur
(c) suuemmem/wumn: Aulhorw
lvam re\ymg on me Three«Year Lmmamon Penud
The abwe mum suvnoned by me Mlawmg reasons’
(I) ma Three-Year Llmflahon Penod is a procedural delanm and
no! a subsuarmvs ans There may be a slatsmenl and/nv
mndud by x‘ v and/or Government/Publvz: Authomy whrch
makes m meqmtable «or x and/or Gavarnmanl/Publu: Aumorky
(o rely on me ThreeVear Limnanon Period.
on Alma nmpmon Ind aousmn mama have recugmaed
me appmauan ai me dncmne mi equuame eslnppe\ «a bar a
panys vshanoe an 2 Ivmtatiun defence pmsuam |n LA Theve is
nu veasun m prmclyla and palm, why aqmcable e5lopp€\
doclnne cannot be Invukarl agfimst Public amcau and/or
sovemmenr/Puonc Amhonlv m rewecl of the Tme-year
Ltmllahon Pemd: am
(m m acwldanue mm good uubhc governance‘ puhluz Mfioers and
Gevernmen|IPuhhc Aumamy should not mike smemems
and/av canduct |hemse\ves m a manner wmah may cause any
person to he mepmmy plqudwced
Was man a lrilbln um. um Dclsndznli wm ulnggd bx
Summontl Dr. solahuaalnlnr. Aman vrom nl u on num-
Llmltlllon ad?
m these 3 sum, mars Is a (mole mus ragummg whe1her me
Defendnms are eslupped by Statements (Dr Sslahuddm/DI Aman)
«mm rerying on me maawear Ltmllafian Penod (mam. Inn")
The Tnable Issue xi mpponsd by the Vullnwmg evxdenoe and
(1) me nc was lonned by MOH and was headed ray 3 rained JCA
The Plamtifls knew al ms rarmanon N no am as mqmry,
(2) at the maIeria\ lime. Dv Se\ahudmn and Dr Amun were the
Jnhnre State Nsamw Dlremm and Haspnars vector
rssps1:|rva?y. In mher mm‘ Dr sawammuin and Dr Aman hs¥d
man was m MOH an meume ollhe maxmg enne Smemem:
my Sela)-mddm/Dv Amnn),
(3; me S(alamanIs1Dv Selahuddin/D7 Aman) weve made In the
ramny Members (6 Deceased Persons) 3| me Meelings
Minutes (Meetings) had been prepared by MOH n \s merevme
dear me: me Statements 10: Sehhuddxn/Dr Aman) weve
made In me course of mg empluymem or Dv Selahuddm and
sw xno-uksxnibyfiyltamuvv
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
up Aman The slalamenls (Dr Selanuddlrllflr Aman) were no:
made w9Hhe—cufl wimnul any lrllarltlnrl by me Delendanls Io be
no-um by Ike slalamanu (Dr Salahuddln/Dr Amanl and
(4) any reasonable clalmalll ln me woman oflha Plalnlllls who had
been Informed M me smemenls (Dr Selanudliln/Dr. Amanbl
would be lulled mm a lalsa pl onmplarerlcy la llle a sull -«er
ma pruparatmrl 01 ma ll<:'s Repon and aller me lapse 01 me
Thre>Vear Llmilatlorl Plrloli In mm won1I,Ihs Plalmiffs did
not file me 3 Suns WI m the was-vear Llmllallon Period
because ma vlamulls had yelled on me slalen-ems (Dr
Selahuddlrl/Dr Aman). ln lms sense‘ n ls alguable that the
nelemams are eslopbad by ma Statemenls lm
Selahuddlrl/Dr. Amanl [ram lelylug on me Thrac-:»Vaal
nanorl Parlod lo supper! me Deiendnnls' 3 Slrlkmg oul
Appllcancrlt consequenlly. me oumenls ol DY 5a\aVluddeen's
alfiuavn would have been hkaly up have a “deIumll'rllrlg
Influence’ on me 3 HC neclslona wllmn me meanlng of me 2"‘
Allematlve p lzw Corldillan)
as ln vlew arms maple lssue —
(1) n ls up: a plain and Dbvlnus case luv me H!) to strike om Ihe 3
Sulls - please refer lo we Judgmenl M me Supreme Cowl
uelwem by Mom Dzaluam SCJ la: he man was) in Bandar
aulluu sun arm a. on v Unlnd Malayan Banking
Carper-lion and 11993} 3 ML] 35, an -as,
l2) ma 3 sulls are neflher hlvalnus nor valiuous wnlun me
maanlng pro 18 r19(1)(|1)RC, and
IN xDCޤRKlDE5yRv|Yap4UPv
-mp s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be up... w mm ms mm-y MIN: flan-mm VI] arlum pm
cwounns or JUDGMENT
A. Imvodunllgn
1 Tha above mree appeals (3 Appelln) use a navel queshon 01
whether me Federa\ eovemmm um Duf-lldlnl) may he emppea
by stalamenls made by‘ among amers‘ Johore Stale Hem Dvectur
mi Dolundanv.) hem re\ymg on me lmse~yeav «mnamm period
(mm-vur Llmitalion Plrind) pmweed m s 212) 01 me Public
Aumevmes Pmtzclmn Am 194: wrap.
a. Elclxground
2 we shah relarlo palllas as they wave nu ma Hugh com me)
3 A me luck: out on 25102016 (Fin) In me Vnlenuve Cale Uml
ucu) arsuuanan Ammah Haspna1,.Ienare Bahru moapnal)
4 sux pananls m me HaspI|al's mu perished m me Fire (6 naeund
5 The plmmms (Plainlilfih m the above three mils (3 sum) are me
panams and dependenls anhrae cute! me e Deceased Persons
5 The firs! defendant is me Hospital‘: wecoov wvme me we
dedandanl Is the Dweclnr-General 0! me Mmuscry av Heaun (MON)
Tm: wdgment snau uelena all me delendans cnI\ec|lva\y m mese 3
Apvfials as me “D¢fendanh"
7. Ana: the Fwe‘ MOH lnrmed a sevelunemher Vmiepsndsrll Inquiry
Camrnmes" In mqulre m|u me cause 0! the Fire arm to make me
aw xooeqfiswnztvyfiyttmawfiy
‘Nata Sum ...m.. M“ be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum ma
(3; me 3 Sulls do um cL7ns|llule abuse: cl cwrl proceas as
underslood in 0 1K r 19M ml) and o 92 r 4 no
|| is lo be born: m mm I1la|evanlVa pleaded clalm IS weak and ls
nal llxely to succeed, the us nol a ground m usell |l: s1nks am the
clalnl ~ sumraulla-r sun slm, al p 44 In any evenl, me Trlable
Issue can urlly be les/ah/ed at a vial and me: by way cl affidavll
I Shuuld Plan «in: In allowed up lmend me Blahmant: :1!
cl m soon
37 0 ‘K o 2 r l(z) and 0 15 v 95(1) RC Dmvlde as lulluws
‘o M In aanumu-my mm Rulcs, mo Cowl nr .
Judge mu nun mm to me nvomvlrlv lnlonrt ollusm nnd
nnl only (-2 m. lncnnlcnl nan-carnplllnzu mm mun Ruin
c 2, 1121 rm. mm are a Droeedlml made me subleu
in ma onmdlny an/mm cl emu"; m. Court to dual mm
uni /my m Plrvlts m Iwulm: to users: the Cam! in
mum mu uvlmdmq afljiclun
o 18r1P(7I me Cour! my u my sure am. mmalm
nrdlr tn 1:. mm nut ur umm any prualng M M:
uldornnmlz or any wm ln me mm, nr anyway in my
pl-ndmn arln rm .m:m.m.n; an m. gmurrd MIL
la; H melons no Iuasonabln cause of lclmn W nclsnce, as
Illa saw may De,
la; it is aundalous, Ilivolous or vezuuous,
N xDOޤR5lDE6yRv|Yap4UPv
we Sum mm. WW he HSQG m mm we nllmrullly MIN; dun-mm VII .mm mm
vs; rrmay are/um, embarrass or near me mu m/ .1 me mm
(a; n I: om-rwiu In mu: 0! um mm. cl um com
um mly mun! um. mm. In a. mm or aumrma nrludgmuvl
to an mxenunccomrngrx as In use m-y an
(emphasis added)
as n Is deemed by me He m vup Ch Koong Halrllnna sun Bhd v
Buamupulllan Amu. Sdn ams{2o221e cm 754‘ an [ea], mat the
com net ma lalluwmg fiva dmcrellonaly powers under 0 1a rI9(1)
‘(:91 m courl nu ma vouowlng live mmemn-rr
P°we:i Dursunnl In a m am RC
11; the cam! my am. am a nlsndmy, nmdarsumsm‘ an n plnamlvg,
an um ur counlomratm.
:2; m. mun mly um... . pm, 2.: um; . pludlng
endorse/vvanlon apisadmy. um armunlovdarm‘
13/ the mun may say an mm orcuummclnml‘
N we cam may mmmn aclmn anmmmm W
15} we court may emer aludamont m an anlmn ar wunlemmm ‘
(emphasws added)
as In accordance mm 0 1A and o 2 r 142) Re, HC's discrefianaly
Dcvwers nummu to c 15 r 19(1) RC should be axamsea mm
regard Io Ihe ovemamg mbevesl ouusuce In me dusposal nf ma 3
Appeals, by vlrlue cf 5 6911) cm, lne CA has all the powers 0! lne
. in View ol lne Slzlamems (Dr selannanln/Dr. Amanl and lne
Tnable lsenel n la only just lor in-a coun lo gran! leave under 0 15 r
19(1) no rend wnn o \A and o 2 r 1(2) RC lei lne Plainlllvs Io
amend ma soon so as M: include a plea g that me Delendanls
are sslnpped by me slanemenle lo: Selahulidlrl/Dr Amen) from
lelylng on me Three-Year Llmllal-on Period 1EIIoppIl Finding)
Nu lniushce ls owasianefl |c lne uelenanms by allowing me
Plaimms in amend me soc: be se —
in lna neiennancs are enlilied lo amend lnen neaenoe Ill me 3
Sims wnn legard Io lne Esioppel Pleading‘ and
in lrresvscilve cl lne Esloppel Pleading‘ lne Delenuanlx ale at
lmeny in aelanu themselves al lne lnnl M me 3 sun: as may
see rn
n I inn
Plemlsed on me above leasnns nnn on Selahuddeerfs alrnnvil
ma 3 Appeals aia allowed will. lna lullawinu nldel.
(1; me 3 HC‘s Decisions iv! sex asidal
(2; ma 3 suns are remilled in me H0 |u be mad belnm anumer
Judge lzr JO.
(3) leave ll gramed In me 3 Plalnlllla |n amend meir secs In
lnciuue lne Eslanpel Pleading wilnin 14 dlys lrom me date at
the me: at mus com lwlm leave in me Delenaancs ca amenu
men Delenoe m we 3 suns in respunaa la me amended
la; coals ol the 3 Avbeals and Defendants‘ 3 Slllklllg om
Appllcallorls will follow me evenl ol me lrial ul me 3 Suits
com at Appeal, Malaysia
For me Appellants (3 Appeals) M: s Gunassgamn 4 Ms Tall PoAu
(Messrs Zamsn & Auocleles)
For me Rsspondsnls (3 Appsah) Puul Zahllah BI. Mohammad man
(SenlarFsdemI comer; A
Pusn Syezana Bl. Abdul Lufls
(Johan Stale Legalnamors crime;
IN xDOrl§Rl1lDEl7yRv|Yap4UPv
-we Smnl be flied m mm .. mm-y MIN: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
necessary lecornmerldallmls lo me 4'" uelanuant (Ilc) Ths llc was
headed by a relllad Judge cl Conn ol Appaal (JIM). mm‘ San
Mohd. Hllhamuflln am Mahd Vunus
In June 2019‘ IIC handed as report (lIC’: Rlpufl) la MOH unlll lhe
dale al lm: wnnen llldgmem, IlC's Report has ml baerl released co
Ihe pubhc
Lggll Emcacdingi
cm. 3 5
The Plaimms med the 3 suns ln me no on 2 9 2020
The Delendarus med wee awllcatlorls to strike am the 3 Sims on
ma glvund |ha( me 3 Sulls had been lnsmuled aflellhe axplry olme
Three-Veal Llmlla|iL7rI Perlod on 25.10 mm (Dal-nnanw J
Striklnu om App||::l|onI)
On 1522022 lhe learned lualclal Commlssloner (JD) nu ma HC
allaweu me Defendants‘ 3 Slliklng om Appllcamms mm ousls n1
Rn/l2.5uu.oo Io Ihe Delendams «or each ml the 3 sum; (3 no
Doclslonlj The Plalrmfls hava filed ms 3 Avnaals lo ma com or
Appeal (CA) agalnsl me cl HE Declalurls
The Plainmls have applled to CA arm obtained an oraev lor mess 3
Appeals |n be mm together [Jolnl Hurlng (J AppulI)]
sw xDGqqR5lDEL7yRylYup4UPy
-um Sum ...m.. WW be HSQG M van; M nllglrullly MIN; dun-mm VIZ nrlum Wm
0(2). Joirn Nurring aggmlx
For the Dumose or me Joml Heanrrg rs Appeals), me Plamulfs men
mraa names of rrrouarr for weave or ca m adduoe an amaayn
arrrrrrraa an 54202: by Dr serarruaaeerr Em Abdm Am (Dr.
semrudrmrr) «or the purpose ol the rrearrng or these 3 Appeals
[Flaintmf z um Applluuom (Dr. Sa\Ihudfle:n'1 -ma-vrm
Dr salanuausaru amaavn surea as Iouows, among others‘
(1) Dr Selahufldaen was Juhcre srare Heallh Drrecmr from
February 2019 urml 0c1ober 2019‘
(2) belween February 2913 and Oclubav 2:219. Dr Salahuddeen
(as nrra man Johcre sure Heanrr Drrector) mer wrlh ranuxy
members or rrre 6 Deceased Persons Uncludmg me Prarnrws;
[Family marrrbm (s Dccaand Parsunlll mm or Aman Em
Rahu (Dr. Amln) (me Hasprcars Director ar mar me)
mleourrqs) Al me Meenngs »
(a) Dr selarwduoerr urevmaa uwanea to ma rarnuy Members
16 Deceased Persons) regarmng me scams M lIC‘s mqmry
41:) Dr sarrrrruaaeen and Dr Aman had mlmrned me Famfly
Members rs Deceased Pelsuns) man nor Report was nor
ready arm ma qaarcrorr or campsnsaung ma Farrriry
Members (5 Daueasad Ferrous) warm nmy be cnrwldared
by me 4'" Dersrruanr arcer ma comprerrorr of use Repcn
[Slat-mlnh (Dr. Salahuddnnnlbr. Arnarrn and
sw xoonuksrnibyfiyltamuvv
-aaa sarm I-rrhnr M“ be used a mm a. nvVfl\rrnU|Y mm; dun-mrrl wa afluNG wrm
cm. Dnfundant e "cc"
to) mmulss 01 me Mamas were Drupared by MOH [mu-nu
(Moslingl)] but oy Selarmddsen eie rm! have Iocess In
me Mmulss lMseIings) as he had retired «mm public
service m Oclnber 2019‘
13) belore Dr Selahuddeerfs reuremem, he mended a MOH
meelmg cnmrea by me when Mmuoer ul Health and was
meermea eime fnHuwmg makers —
(3) me we Repurl had been prepaved and submmad xe
my me use Rspnrl coma nut be released 1» me publwc
becaun (he cums: had yet so spams :1: rebase, and
147 Dr Selnhuddsan coma not moo-m me ramw Members (6
Deceased Pars/ans) men me we Rzpun had been prepalvd
because he had already revnred
scuhuanu nu ullldnvll
15 we lepruduee beluw me relevam parts 01 s 69 of the com: av
Jumcaxure Ad 1964 (cu), : 7 :2! the was ol me com on Appeal
I9941RCA)and o 41 r 5 anhe Rules ev Cour! 2012018)
“S 522 cu Haring ereeeur.
m Au.»-us in m. Cnun a1Apa-nl mu .. by my aim-
nanny. and In Marlon to ma appeals the Caurl of Axum!
may run .u m. pawn! and mums, -Is to Imervdrrwrv! at
omeme ol the ma com. Rosana with ma cfisrrouon-rv
sw xncrmksmilvyfiylteewvv
-we Sum ...m.. M“ be used m mm we nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG Wm
powlr lo mcuvu mun.’ Iwdunu by bra! aummulmn in mm or
lnmuwh a romule cammumcanorl ncnnmoyx by -mam: or by
nsposumn 1am Dsfum in lxarmnsr nrmmrmssnmar
/21 The tunnel evmeucn mly be won wanna: luv: an
Vrmfloculury zppllcltiunl, M m lrvy El . u Io mntor which
hm nccumd arm the am av mn dvcltlnrv mam wnrcn mu
lppullx hmuglll
(3; Upon appult hvm - Iudvm-In, me: am or holnrvg of
my own annmu upon m. mm, m. Iuvlnnrnvldmce, an
n to mums subuvu-nl as afannlfl, mu an flmmud an
Ipnclnl ground: my, Am! mzl v/imam my. cl m. cum of
mm Fuwwoiflaurl la amend admit Iurlmr tvltlmco
or dmw rnlsmnpee mm
m rn. Conn so-u nm ll! mu pawn: and mm 5: m
amendment or annwnse, emu -ppuwovm my» Court, lnylmnr
mm M: flfluullunlry pawn 4.. mcnvl Iunll-I vwdlnct by oral
sxammarmn m Cowl. by umvn or by debosmon taken bsfuvw .n
127 Such mm: nvldcnn my be glv-n wlllmm luv: an
mmvuuwry lF|)H:Ittun.I, at In Iny cu: . :2 muen which
Iv-n occurred mu m: can or can .1-c/unn mm mm,-n In-
appul :. bruuym
vs; I/Plan mum lmm ummom, am: may or Manny o!
my mm or nutkr upun m. mlnfl. mn Iurlnar wldmco,
m. u to mums suhzequenl Is -rmnm. mm M mntm
on men! ymunas onry. -nu nut wmum um aim: Court
(am at m. mung mm Appnl /man mm» mu not
be nlmllled umus m Cour! 1: mmm mm
syn xno-ukswnznyfiylrumufiv
nan Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm n. mnn.u-y mm; dun-mm vn mum pm
vs; at an manna won an mgr: com! ar 1» subontmala
court. u m. can mly n. m. nnw .wa.m ms nu!
ma 1.: mi pm suklnfl in us. n, or max masonahh
«my-nu would nu! am ma. :2 so .
my m. rww .m.m, yr Inn, would Ivavn had ol would flaw
Dom may to but my . fllilrmlnlng nnnum. upon m.
declsinn clme mm. com or um suhordlnm court, as M:
can man.
a u r5RC comanu mmmn
m sun/-cc to am Vt. Mu 1(1) and 4(2), 2.; pmgr-pn
(2) a! mu ml: ma 2.; my my mnde anal: cum 1:, rule 5, M
mmm may cumm unly such fun! as rm a-par-an us my av
nu awn krmwlldgl la mm
42; An amdivll mm for ma purpau al D-my uud In
mtuflaculury pmzlldingl mny mm» um-maul: of
Womluion u bullllwtm m. mumu Ind ground: nmnr
(emphasis named)
15 The xeamea semor Fedam Cumin‘ mm: renrerented me
Delandzrns m mass 3 Apnealsr has opnosed the Plaxntflfs‘ 3 Leave
Apphcaticns (Dr Salahurideerfs amewn an the lolbwlng two
(1; me cements ol Dv Se\ammdeen‘s amam cnnsmuled hearsay
evidence and were not admissible m me 3 Appaaxs zwmding
men ysmac, and
N xno-ukswnznyfiylrumufiv
mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
(2; even il Dv. Selahuddeerfs aifmawt am not oonlam muay
evmence, me coun should nut auaw me mainms In use Dr
Selahuddeerfs amdawl m m 3 Appeals Tm
wmems of D: Se\ahudr1aen's amdavfl um um ounssm the
Thraa»Yaar Llmnahon Penna and woum not have a
because we
'delemww1g Influence’ on me 3 Hr: necisms wilmn me
meanmg ol r 1(3A)(b) RCA
D. mgm 0 41 r gm RC um zdmiuion ul Dr. Sc|ahudd«n'I
17 RCA are sum regavdmg use or swam [or me menu; or appsah
m CA Conseuuenfly. r 4 RCA prev-ues that ac “shall apply munalts
I-numndIs' mm regard m Ihe questim at whether CA can take ima
aocounl me mmems ul Dr Sa\:huddoan'I amaavn In these 3
we H Dr sewamaasa-u amaawe Is admwssime as ‘h1rtnsrevIdsrme' m
me 3 Apnsaxs (blaase reler to Fans E and F below). we are or me
mew mat me cnnlenls av ny 5e\ahuddeen‘s amdawl may be
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JA-12B-16-04/2022 | PERAYU KOIT KAI SIANG RESPONDEN HOO TIAN RONG | Road Accident - appeal from Session Court - appeal and cross appeal against liability and quantum - whether the Session Court Judge has sufficient judicial appreciation on evidence - whether the award of the damages are excessive or manifestly inadequate | 03/11/2023 | YA Puan Wong Mee Ling | |
Microsoft Word - GOJ Koit Kai Siang(Wong) (4).docx
CIVIL SUIT NO. JA-12B-16-04/2022
CIVIL SUIT NO. JA-A53KJ-421-06/2019)
03/11/2023 23:27:23
JA-12B-16-04/2022 Kand. 24
S/N onsnky4Dd02dtHkT4iCd8Q
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] For ease of reference, the Appellant will be referred as Defendant
and the Respondent will be referred as Plaintiff as parties were at the trial
[2] This is an appeal by the Defendant against the decision of the
Sessions Court Judge (“SCJ”) on the issue of liability and quantum.
Liability was decided at 100% against the Defendant and that there was
no contributory negligence on the part of the Plaintiff.
[3] The Plaintiff had filed a cross appeal against the said decision on
the issue of quantum.
[4] After having read the grounds of the judgment of the SCJ, the
Appeal records, Parties’ written submissions, and after having heard the
oral submissions of the Parties, the Court dismissed the Defendant’s
appeal with costs of RM 1,500.00 to the Plaintiff.
[5] The Court further decided that the Plaintiff’s cross appeal is
allowed partially with no order as to costs. The award for the items are
as follows:
(a) posterior cruciate ligament injury right
(b) stiffness/limitation of right knee joint RM20,000.00
(c) gait impairment RM10,000.00
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(d) loss of removal of nail over left tibia RM14,000.00
(e) pain and suffering for 3 past surgeries RM5,000.00
(f) loss of earnings of Plaintiff
- actual loss of earnings (pre-trial)
- loss of earning capacity
The award for other damages of the SCJ remain unchanged.
The claim for aggravated damages is dismissed.
[6] Dissatisfied with the said decision, the Defendant have in turn
appealed further to the Court of Appeal.
[7] The Plaintiff at the material time was a rider of a motorcycle
bearing registration No: JPS 1108. The Defendant is the owner and
driver of a car bearing registration No: JMU 3689 at the material time.
[8] The case involves a road accident between the two vehicles
that took place on 26.05.2018 at around 12 p.m. at Jalan Persiaran
Perdana Taman Tan Sri Yaacob Iskandar Puteri, Johor. As a result
of the accident, the Plaintiff had sustained injuries as stated below:
(a) right clavicle fracture with A-C joint disruption;
(b) right femur fracture;
(c) right tibia comminuted fracture;
(d) right fibula fracture;
(e) chest injury with pneumomediastinum;
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(f) right lower lobe lung contusion;
(g) wounds at right thigh, knee & lower leg;
(h) posterior cruciate ligament right knee;
(i) right anterior cruciate ligament laxity;
(j) residual pain due to soft tissue damage and contracture;
(k) stiffness / limitation of right knee joint;
(l) muscle wasting;
(m) permanent scars over right thigh, knee & lower leg;
(n) reduced muscle power; and
(o) gait impairment.
[9] SCJ had on 20.04.2022 awarded damages for the following injuries:
General Damages
(a) closed right proximal 1/3 tibia fracture
and a midshaft fibula fracture
(shortening 2.14 cm of right
fibula/difficulty in brisk walking,
squatting and carrying heavy objects,
inability to play badminton /gait
(b) right midshaft femur fracture (0.77 cm
lengthening) (pains over right thigh
aggravated by cold weather and
prolonged standing & walking /
weakness of right lower limb
(c) right clavicle fracture (malunited) with
right acromioclavicular joint disruption
RM 38,000.00
(d) chest injury with pneumomediastinum RM 10,000.00
(e) right lower lobe lung contusion RM 6,000.00
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(f) wounds at right thigh, right leg & ankle
RM 8,000.00
(g) complex horizontal tear at the anterior
and posterior horn of the right lateral
meniscus and sprain of right anterior
cruciate ligament with small partial tear
at its tibia insertion site (Plaintiff has
Grade 1 Right Anterior Cruciate
Ligament Laxity)
RM 50,000.00
(h) residual pain due to soft tissue damage
& contracture (limitation in the right
knee / ankle and subtalar movements)
RM 10,000.00
(i) muscle wasting RM 7,000.00
(j) extensive scarring RM 20,000.00
(k) cost of removal of nail over left tibia RM 4,700.00
(l) physiotherapy RM 3,000.00
(m) pain and suffering for future surgery RM 5,000.00
The total items for (a), (b), (f), (g) and
(h) will be deducted 10% due to
(n) actual loss of earnings
(RM1,174.05 x 7 months)
(o) loss of earnings capacity RM40,000.00
Special Damages
(a) medical bills RM54,629.95
(b) cost of care RM6,000.00
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(RM1,000.00 per month x 6 months)
(c) travelling expenses for family members
to Columbia Asia
(RM50.00 x11 days)
(d) travelling expenses for further
treatment at Columbia Asia
(RM50.00 x 6 days)
(e) clothing RM200.00
[10] The Defendant has appealed against the decision of the SCJ for the
(a) liabilities; and
(b) quantum for the general and special damages.
[11] The Plaintiff on the other hand has appealed against the awards by
SCJ for the followings:
(a) general damages;
(b) actual loss of earnings;
(c) loss of earning capacity; and
(d) aggravated damages.
Principles Governing Appeals
[12] The Court of Appeal in the case of Sivalingam s/o
Periasamy v. Periasamy & Anor [1995] 3 MLJ 395 where at page 398
His Lordships Gopal Sir Ram JCA (as he then was) and Mahadev
Shankar JCA held that—
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“It is trite law that an appellate court will not readily interfere with the
findings of fact arrived at by the trial court to which the law entrusts the
primary task of evaluation of the evidence. However, the appellate court
has a duty to intervene where a trial court has so fundamentally
misdirected itself, that one may say that no reasonable court which had
properly directed itself and asked the correct question would have
arrived at the same conclusion.”.
[Emphasis added]
[13] The Court of Appeal in the case of Perumbun (M) Sdn. Bhd. v.
Conlay Construction Sdn. Bhd. (Civil Appeal No: W-02-2155-2010),
where the learned Judge at page 5 held the following:
“There is almost no limit to the range within which cases in Court may
vary. At one end, there are cases that involve solely questions of law, and
no facts are disputed. Within these cases there may be cases with
disputed facts that involve solely interpretation and inferences leading
to a conclusion on a finding on the disputed fact, and there may be other
cases with disputed facts that involve solely oral evidence and the
finding depends entirely upon an assessment of the credibility of
witnesses who testified and were tested before the trial judge.
Hence, the proper approach is that if (a) it is shown the judgment cannot
be explained or justified by the special advantage enjoyed by the trial
judge by reason of having seen or heard the witnesses testify and being
tested before him, and (b) an injustice is demonstrated to have been
occasioned by any error by the trial judge, for example:
(a) the judgment is based upon the wrong premise of fact or of law;
(b) there was insufficient judicial appreciation by the trial judge of
the evidence of circumstances placed before him;
(c) the trial judge has completely overlooked the inherent
probabilities of the case;
(d) that the course of events affirmed by the trial judge could not
have occurred;
(e) the trial judge had e unwarranted deduction based on faulty
judicial reasoning from admitted or established facts; or
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(f) the trial judge had so fundamentally misdirected himself that
one may safely say that no reasonable Court which had properly
directed itself and asked the correct questions would have
arrived at the same conclusion:
an appellate court will intervene to rectify that error so that injustice is
not occasioned.”.
[Emphasis added]
[14] Hence, the court will only interfere if—
(a) the trial judge acted on a wrong principle of law;
(b) the damages awarded was so extremely high or low to
make it entirely erroneous estimate of damages or in
other words it is plainly unreasonable, or
(c) the trial judge omitted to consider some relevant
materials or admitted some irrelevant considerations
resulting in the award of damages being wholly
The Defendant’s submission
[15] The Defendant submitted that the SCJ has erred in making a
finding of fact that the Defendant has entered the right junction without
making sure that it was safe to do so and when the SCJ accepted the
Plaintiff’s version that he was driving with the speed of approximately 40-
50km/h before the accident. The Defendant argued that he in fact has
stopped and made sure that the road was clear before he turned right.
[16] On the issue of SD1’s (the Defendant) statement on why the fact
that he stopped and turned on the indicator light was not included in the
police report, the Defendant submitted that this is due to the reason that
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he was not asked in regard to this by the police who took his report.
[17] Further to that, the Defendant argued that PW1’s (the Investigating
Officer, “IO”) testimony on the absence of brake marks showed no attempt
to brake to avoid the collision on the Plaintiff’s part. The Defendant too
submitted that the Plaintiff was careless in riding his motorcycle when
PW3 (Plaintiff) gave the testimony that he did not see the Defendant’s car
before the accident. If the Plaintiff was riding the motorcycle at the speed
of 40-50km/h, the Plaintiff could have seen the Defendant at far distance
and could have avoided the collision. The Defendant submitted that the
fact that the Plaintiff did not see the Defendant’s motorcar before the
collision or noticed the motorcar at the distance 2-3 feet showed that
Plaintiff was riding the motorcycle fast and did not pay full attention on the
Defendant’s motorcar that has turned on indicator light to turn right.
[18] The Defendant submitted that there was numerous inconsistencies
and discrepancies on the Plaintiff’s testimony in which his credibility
comes to question. The Defendant referred to the case of Faizul Amri
Mohamad Alli v Chew Chin Loi & Anor [2014] 2 PIR and Nui Chai Kian v
Hasbi bin Omar [2021] AMEJ 0607 in supporting his contention that the
liability should be apportioned 30% against the Defendant and 70%
against that the Plaintiff for the accident.
The Plaintiff’s Submission
[19] On the issue of liability, the Plaintiff submitted that the Defendant
is indeed 100% liable to the accident and that there is no contributory
negligence on the part of the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff submitted that the
statements from Plaintiff and the IO shows that the accident was caused
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by the Defendant's car that entered the right junction from the opposite
direction of the Plaintiff negligently and without giving way to the Plaintiff's
motorcycle which was moving straight on the main road. The Plaintiff
strenuously submitted that the Plaintiff who was riding his motorcycle on
the main road has the valid right of way when the accident occurred. The
Plaintiff has cited the case of Chan Kim Hee v Karam Singh [1981] 2 MLJ
273, Mohamad Khirul Mizan Sdn. Bhd. v Yue Ah Kai [2002] 6 MLJ 471
and Govidan Raju v Laws [1966] 1MLJ 188 to support his arguments.
[20] Further, the Defendant has admitted that he did not notice the
Plaintiff’s motorcycle before the collision and was negligent when he
entered the right junction. The Plaintiff submitted that the Plaintiff was
traveling on the main road and has the right of way. The Defendant who
was turning into the right junction has to give way to the Plaintiff.
Consequently, the Defendant was summoned under Rule 3(2)(b) Road
Traffic Rules 1959 [LN 166/1959]. In this regard, the Plaintiff cited the case
of MA Clyde v Wong Ah Mei & Anor [1970] 2 MLJ 183 and Ong Cheng
Wah v Supramaniam A/L Arjunan [2001] 1MLJU 291 to support his
[21] The Plaintiff submitted that the Defendant’s contention that the
Plaintiff was riding his motorcycle fast was not corroborated with any
statement from any parties or by any evidences before this Court. Hence,
that contention should not hold water. By referring the Court to the case
of KR Taxi Service Ltd v Zaharah [1969] 1 MLJ 49, the Plaintiff submitted
that the duty of the Plaintiff is to exercise "reasonable care" and not
"perfect care" in riding his motorcycle.
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Court Analysis and Findings
[22] On the issue of liability, the Court is of the view that the SCJ did
not err in law or in fact in arriving her conclusion. From the whole evidence
including the sketch plan, the Defendant was rightly held liable for the said
accident. The SCJ found the Defendant has entered the junction without
ensuring it was safe before he did so. The Defendant informed that he did
not notice the Plaintiff’s motorcycle before he turned into the junction as
he was paying attention on the other motorcycle ridden by an Indian man
who was at the junction to turn right at that time. His evidence was
consistent with the police report (D10) made by him two (2) hours after
the accident.
[23] Apart from that, the Defendant has admitted in this testimony
that he was negligent by entering into the junction. This Court finds that
the Plaintiff who was traveling on the main road and has the right of way.
Therefore, the SCJ has made a correct finding that the Defendant has
entered the junction without due care and failed to keep a proper look out,
has caused the collision with the Plaintiff’s motorcycle. There was no
evidence to prove that the Plaintiff was travelling fast prior to the collision.
Applying the test set by the Federal Court on contributory negligence in
KR Taxi Service Ltd & Anor v Zaharah & Ors [1969] 1 MLJ 49 and Tan
Tsin Keong v A Somanaidu (FCCA No 23 of 1972), the Plaintiff was
obviously blameless and the Court finds that that the appeal against
liability has no merit whatsoever.
[24] Hence, the Court finds there is no reason to interfere with the
findings of the SCJ on the apportionment of liability and the Court decides
that the decision of the SCJ on liability is affirmed.
S/N onsnky4Dd02dtHkT4iCd8Q
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The Defendant’s submission
[25] On the issue of quantum, the Defendant’s submissions are
summarized in the following table:
No. Injuries SCJ’s Award Defendant’s Submission
1. Closed right proximal 1/3
tibia and midshaft fibula
RM 50,000.00 RM 30,000.00
2. Right Midshaft femur
fracture with shortening
- Plaintiff’s Specialist
Report: 1cm shortening
- Defendant’s Specialist
Report: 1.37cm
RM 50,000.00 RM 25,000.00
3. Right Clavicle fracture
with Acromioclavicular
joint disruption
RM 38,000.00 RM 25,000.00
4. Chest injury
RM 10,000.00 Not appeal
5. Right lower lobe lung
RM 8,000,00 RM 5,000.00
6. Posterior cruciate
ligament injury right knee
RM 50,000.00 RM 20,000.00
7. Residual pain due to soft
tissue injury damage and
contracture (Muscle
• 1 cm wasting of the
right quadriceps
• 1 cm wasting of the
right calf muscle
RM 10,000.00 RM 3,000.00
8. Extensive scarring
• 25 cm scar on the
right thigh
RM 20,000.00 RM 8,000.00
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• 3 cm and 2 cm scar on
the right thigh
• 5 cm scar on the
• 5 cm scar on the right
• 5 cm, 7 cm, 1 cm and
6 cm scar on the right
• 1 cm, 3 cm scar on the
right leg
• 9 cm scar on the right
• 5 cm hyper-
pigmented, abrasion
wound scar over the
right flank of the
[26] On the issue of loss of earnings, the Defendant submitted for
a period of 5 months because the Plaintiff was paid by his employer for a
period of 2 months when he was not working. According to the Defendant,
the calculation for loss of earnings for the Plaintiff should be as follows:
Loss of income = [RM 1,200.00 – 1/3 (living cost)] x 5 months
= RM 799.99 x 5 months
= RM 3,999.95
[27] The Defendant further submitted that the SCJ was wrong when she
made a finding that although the Plaintiff had worked again and was
earning more than his pre-accident income (RM 3,000.00 per month), the
Plaintiff deserved to be given loss of earning capacity. The Defendant
argued that the SCJ has erred in accepting the fact that the Plaintiff's
income after the accident was greater than before the accident and at the
same time allowed for the loss of earning capacity.
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[28] On the quantum of medical expenses, the Defendant relied on the
case of Harcharan Singh A/L Saudagar Singh v Hassan bin Ariffin [1990]
2 CLJ 393 and Khairul Sham Ahmad & Anor v Yesudass Michaelsamy
[2005] 2 CLJ 195, submitted that the Plaintiff is only eligible to be awarded
1/3 of the costs that have been incurred for treatment at Columbia Asia
Hospital which amounts to RM1,378.20 (1/3 x RM4,134.61).
[29] Finally, the Defendant argued that the cost of physiotherapy should
be deducted since the Plaintiff can practice exercises at home without
having to go to the hospital.
The Plaintiff’s submission
[30] On the issue of quantum, the Plaintiff’s submission on quantum is
summarized in the following table:
No. Injuries SCJ’s Award Plaintiff’s Submission
1. Closed right proximal 1/3 tibia
and midshaft fibula fracture
• Dr. Yoga (orthopedic of the
- x-ray findings: right
leg malunited fracture
of the proximal right
tibia. An interlocking
nail is in situ.
Malunited fracture of
the right fibula
• Dr. Preba (orthopedic of
the Defendant)
- malunited fracture
proximal third right
tibia and midshaft of
right fibula seen,
overlapping of
fragments with
shortening seen
RM 50,000.00 RM 60,000.00
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- right tibia measures
32.59 cm whereas left
tibia measures 34.83
cm –shortening of
right tibia 2.14 cm
2. Right midshaft femur fracture
(with lengthening of 0.77 cm)
• Dr. Preba (orthopedic of
- right femur measures
41.46 cm whereas left
femur measures
40.49 cm
- shortening of right
femur 0.77cm
RM 50,000.00 RM 60,000.00
3. Right clavicle fracture
RM 38,000.00
(Right clavicle fracture
+ acromioclavicular
joint disruption)
Separate amount of RM
4. Right acromioclavicular joint
RM 38,000.00
(Right clavicle fracture
+ acromioclavicular
joint disruption)
Separate amount of RM
5. Chest injury
RM 10,000.00 RM 20,000.00
6. Right lower lobe lung
RM 6,000,00 RM 10,000.00
7. Wounds at right thigh, right
leg and ankle
RM 8,000.00 RM 12,000.00
8. Posterior cruciate ligament
injury right knee (PCL)
• Dr Chooi from
Columbia Asia Hospital –
Posterior cruciate
ligament (PCL) injury right
• Clarification Report from
Sultanah Aminah Hospital
• Dr Preba (orthopedic from
Disallowed RM 30,000.00
9. Grade I Right Anterior
Cruciate Ligament Laxity
• Clarification Report from
Sultanah Aminah Hospital
• Dr Chooi from
Columbia Asia Hospital
• Dr Yoga (orthopedic of the
RM50,000 (Global
award for Grade I ACL
+ Complex horizontal
tear at the anterior
and posterior horn of
the right lateral
RM 30,000.00
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10. Complex horizontal teat at the
anterior and posterior horn of
the right lateral meniscus
• Clarification Report of Dr
Chooi from
Columbia Asia Hospital -
the final diagnosis for right
knee injury, please refer to
MRI examination of right
knee done on 18.2.2020.
Complex horizontal tear at
the anterior and posterior
horn of right lateral
meniscus; sprain of the
right anterior cruciate
ligament with small partial
tear at its tibial insertion
• MRI scan from Columbia
Asia Hospital – complex
horizontal tear at the
anterior and posterior
horn of the right lateral
RM50,000 (Global
award for Grade I ACL
+ Complex horizontal
tear at the anterior
and posterior horn of
the right lateral
RM 30,000 separately
11. Residual pain due to soft
tissue injury damage and
contracture (Muscle Wasting)
• 1 cm wasting of the right
quadriceps muscle
• 1 cm wasting of the right
calf muscle
RM 10,000.00 Maintained
12. Stiffness / Limitation of right
knee joint
Disallowed RM 20,000.00
13. Muscle wasting (2cm) RM 7,000.00 Maintained
14. Extensive scarring
• 25 cm scar on the right
• 3 cm and 2 cm scar on
the right thigh
• 5 cm scar on the buttocks
• 5 cm scar on the right
• 5 cm, 7 cm, 1 cm and 6
cm scar on the right leg
• 1 cm, 3 cm scar on the
right leg
• 9 cm scar on the right leg
RM 20,000.00 RM 30,000.00
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15. Gait impairment Disallowed RM 20,000.00
16. Cost of removal of nail over
left tibia
RM 4,700.00 RM 14,000.00
17. Physiotherapy RM 3,000.00 Maintained
18. Pain and suffering for 3 Past
Disallowed RM 15,000.00
19. Pain and suffering for future
RM 5,000.00 Maintained
[31] The Plaintiff submitted that the SCJ was correct in allowing the
award for actual loss of earning capacity and has awarded RM10,566.45
(RM1,174.05 x 9 months). However, the Plaintiff argued that the amount
allowed is manifestly inadequate. The award for loss of earning capacity
allowed by SCJ is too low and not commensurate with the Plaintiff's
income, injury, disability and age. The Plaintiff was not working for nine
(9) months after the accident. This evidence was not challenged by the
Defendant. The Plaintiff’s witness, PW3 informed the court that the
Plaintiff was paid two (2) months basic salary during the period of nine (9)
months in order to comply the Employment Act.
[32] The Plaintiff submitted that although the Plaintiff was paid for
two (2) months, he is still entitled to claim pursuant to paragraph 28A(1)(c)
Civil Law Act 1956 [Act 67] as the payment was made under section 60J
Employment Act 1955 [Act 265]. Therefore, it shall not be considered in
assessing damages recoverable by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff has cited the
cases of Saravanan a/l A. Muthu (Johor Bahru Civil Appeal No: JA-11B-
25 -11/2017), Mohd. Tamizi Mat Hassan [2014] 1 LNS 1005 and
Sevasangar a/l P. Ramasamy v Abdul Nazar [2014]8 MLJ 236 to support
their arguments.
[33] The SCJ has decided that the average salary of the Plaintiff is
RM1,254.05 per month from December 2017 till May 2018 and the living
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expenses of the Plaintiff is RM80.00 per month. The Plaintiff’s evidence
as to his living expenses of RM80.00 per month was not challenged by
the Defendant and therefore the said amount should be maintained.
Hence, multiplicand is RM1,174.05 per month (RM1,254.05 - RM80.00)
and therefore, the actual loss of earnings is RM10,566.45 (RM1,174.05 x
9 months).
[34] For the loss of earning capacity, the Plaintiff submitted that after
the accident, the Plaintiff was not able to work as mechanic at Auto
Services Sdn. Bhd. due to the injury he is sustained. The Plaintiff
submitted that although the Plaintiff has worked in another company with
a higher salary which is RM3,000.00 a month, the Plaintiff is still eligible
to claim loss of earning capacity. The Plaintiff cited the case of Alan Tiew
Chung Yik & 2 Ors v wakil diri kepada Chew Gee Geong, si mati [2018] 1
PIR [42], Mohd Khairul Nizam bin Idris v Mohamad Shahuddin bin Mat
Nusi [2014] AMEJ 1435 and Lau Ho Wah v Yau Chi Biu [1985] 1 W.L.R.
1203 to support their contentions.
[35] The Plaintiff further submitted that the right approach in
calculating the loss of earning capacity is to apply the multiplier-
multiplicand. Hence, based on the age of the Plaintiff, the statutory
multiplier pursuant to section 28A Act 67 is 16 years. As for the
multiplicand, the Plaintiff argued that 50% of the Plaintiff's salary is used
as a multiplicand by considering his injury and disability. As such, the
Plaintiff submitted that loss of earning capacity should be calculated as
Loss of Earning Capacity = RM627.03 x 16 years x 12 months
= RM120,389.76
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[36] On medical expenses, the Plaintiff averred that the amount of
medical expenses of RM54,629.95 as awarded by the SCJ should be
maintained. The Plaintiff submitted that he is eligible to claim
RM54,629.95 in full without deduction by relying on the cases of Dr Kok
Choong Seng [2018] 1 MLJ 685 ([2017] MLJU 1448), Lim Wee Heong v
Nai Wah Hing [1996] MLJU 394 and Lim Chia Wee v Wan Mee Fong
(JBHC JA-12B-96-12/2020). The Plaintiff also submitted that the Plaintiff
is entitled to choose the best treatment for himself in the hospital of his
choice. The Plaintiff relied on the case of Tajuddin Sheikh Daud v Wong
Kim Yin [1989] 2 CLJ Rep 546, Batumalee A/L Masilamani v Thong Chan
Leng [2003] 4 MLJ 391 and Romuloo A/L Appalasamy v Tan Seng Kee
[2000] 5 MLJ 665 to support their contentions.
[37] On their cross appeal, the Plaintiff submitted that the SCJ has
erred in dismissing the Plaintiff’s claim for aggravated damages. The
Plaintiff averred that there is an aggravating feature in this case because
this is a clear-cut case due to the following reasons:
(a) the Defendant had entered the junction while the Plaintiff
was travelling on the main road;
(b) it is settled law that the Defendant who was entering the
junction must gave way to the Plaintiff who was travelling
on the main road;
(c) the Defendant has been summoned for this case. The
Defendant did not object when he was summoned or when
he was paying the summons;
(d) the Defendant admitted that he was negligent in his
testimony; and
(e) the Plaintiff has offered few times to the Defendant to
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concede liability in the clear-cut case yet the Defendant
has refused to take up the offer and insist to proceed with
the trial.
[38] Albeit that, the Defendant has denied his liability in his defence,
including at this appellate stage. In view of this, the Plaintiff submitted that
aggravated damages should be awarded against the Defendant.
[39] In support of this propositions, the Plaintiff referred to the case of
Ahmad Radhiq Arbee bin Ahmad Rejal Arbee (as a husband and
dependant of Sharifah Shalihah binti Sayed Abdullah, deceased) & Ors v
Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2020] 10 MLJ 459 in which the similar principles
have been applied in the case of Yap Sao Leong & Anor (both suing as
administrators to the estate of Yap Yi Hong, deceased) v Kerajaan
Malaysia & Ors [2021] MLJU 86.
[40] In addition, the Plaintiff reiterated that the principles in regards to
aggravated damages are also applicable in road traffic accident cases by
relying on the case of Su Hung Tung (suing on his own behalf and also in
his capacity as the administrator of the estate of the late Wong Hia Hong
(f) (the deceased) v Biaramas Express Sdn. Bhd. & 3 Ors [2014] 2 PIR
[101]. Since the aggravated damages are general damages, it was
decided that in the case of Hassnar bin MP Ebrahim @ Asainar v
Sulaiman bin Pong & Ors. [2018] 1MLJ 346 that it needs not to be
[41] Hence, the Plaintiff submitted that an amount of RM 300,000.00
should be awarded as aggravated damages.
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Court Analysis and Findings
[42] In considering the award for the damages, the Court is guided by
the Federal Court decision in the case of Yang Salbiah & Anor v Jamil bin
Harun [1981] 1 MLJ 292 where the Federal Court held that –
“It must be remembered that the purpose of damages is to try, so far as
humanly possible, to put the victim back to the position he would have been
in but for the accident. The damages must be fair, adequate and not
[Emphasis added]
[43] Therefore, an award for general and special damages is
compensatory in nature, and is intended to provide some redress for what
the Plaintiff has suffered. It is not intended to be punitive and still less a
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Right Knee
[44] The Court has perused the grounds of judgement of the SCJ at
paragraph 51 (see pages 18-19 of RRT Part I), the Court finds that the
SCJ has given global award for the complex horizontal tear at the anterior
and posterior horn of the right lateral meniscus and sprain of right anterior
cruciate ligament with small partial tear at its tibial insertion site which
include the Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Right Knee. The SCJ has
taken into account the clarification report prepared by Dr. Chooi Wai Kit
dated 12.6.2020 (see page 339 RR Jld. 2) which stated that “posterior
cruciate ligament injury right knee was an initial diagnosis, was diagnosed
by intraoperative clinical examination done on 27.5.2018. The final
diagnosis for right knee injury, please refer to MRI examination of right
knee done on 18.2.2020. Complex horizontal tear at the anterior and
posterior horn of the right lateral meniscus, sprain of right anterior cruciate
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ligament with small partial tear at its tibial insertion site.” .
[45] The injury is consistently reported by both the specialists in their
medical reports, prepared by Dr. Chooi Wai Kit from Columbia Asia
Hospital dated 3.8.2018 (see pages 277 to 278 RR Jld.2) and Orthopaedic
Specialist Medical Report by Dr. Yoga Raj from Columbia Asia Hospital
dated 15.1.2019 (see pages 279 to 284 RR Jld.2) respectively. The
clarification report by Dr. Lee Chee Siong from the Emergency and
Trauma Department of Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA) dated
16.11.2020 (see pages 351 to 353 of RR Jld.2) has confirmed that the
injury of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Right Knee could not be
detected during the Plaintiff’s treatment in HSA due to the presence of
fracture of right femur, tibia and fibula. Hence clinical assessment of
integrity of ligaments around the knee joint was not possible as it would
further displace the fracture of bones which would have caused more
harm to the Plaintiff.
[46] Based on the specialists’ analysis on this injury, the Court finds
that the injury for Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Right Knee should be
awarded separately. The Court agrees with the Plaintiff’s arguments that
both ligaments have different functions and therefore it should be awarded
separately. In reference to the Revised Compendium of Personal Injury
Awards (2018), this Court is of the opinion that RM20,000.00 would be a
reasonable amount for this injury and awards as such. Therefore, the
Court allows the Plaintiff’s cross appeal for this injury.
Stiffness/Limitation of Right Knee Joint and Gait Impairment
[47] The Plaintiff submitted that the Plaintiff has suffered
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stiffness/limitation of right knee joint and gait impairment. These injuries
was confirmed by Dr. Yoga Raj, the Plaintiff’s orthopaedic specialist via
medical reports dated 15.1.2019 and 12.11.2019 respectively. The Court
agrees with the Plaintiff’s submission that the SCJ was erred for not
awarding damages for these injuries suffered by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff
has cited the claim for these injuries are allowed in the case of Samad bin
Bahari & Anor v Abd Rahman bin Ibrahim [2010] 1 PIR [6] to support their
arguments. The SCJ did not explained in her grounds of judgment the
reasons for not allowing this injury.
[48] As for gait impairment, this Court is guided by the case of VMR
S Buhvanieswarar a/l Selvaraj & Anor v Masri bin Khalid & Anor [2019] 2
PIR [30] as submitted by the Plaintiff. These injuries, as confirmed by Dr.
Yoga Raj in his report, is permanent and consequently, the Plaintiff will
have difficulties in his daily works.
[49] As such, the Court allows the Plaintiff’s cross appeal in view of
this injury and awards a sum of RM20,000.00 for stiffness/limitation of
right knee joint suffered by the Plaintiff and RM10,000.00 for gait
Loss of Removal of Nail Over Left Tibia
[50] The Plaintiff submitted that the cost for loss of removal of nail
over left tibia should be awarded at RM14,000.00. In scrutinising this
issue, this Court is guided by Dr. Yoga Raj’s report in relation to the
removal of nail over left tibia.
[51] The SCJ did not give any justification of deducting 1/3 from the
costs of RM14,000.00 as suggested by Dr. Yoga Raj in his medical report
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dated 15.1.2019 (see page 284 RR Jld.2). The Court is of the view that
even the amount suggested by the Plaintiff at the highest speculation, they
do not, affect the reasonableness of the amount put forth by the Plaintiff.
This is the amount derives from the figure stated by the Plaintiff’s
specialist, who gave his estimation in his capacity as the consultant
orthopaedic surgeon at the Columbia Asia Hospital, where the Plaintiff
decided to get the respective treatment and it was not rebutted by the
[52] As such, this Court awards RM14,000.00 for loss of removal of
nail over tibia.
Pain and Suffering for Three (3) Surgeries
[53] Based on the reports from Columbia Asia Hospital, it can be
seen that the Plaintiff have undergone three (3) surgeries namely, plating
of right femur, interlocking right tibia, and wound debridement in the right
thigh, leg and left ankle. These surgeries have undoubtedly caused some
pain and sufferings on the Plaintiff. As such, this Court is of the opinion
that this injury should be awarded accordingly.
[54] As such, based on the case of Wong Win Kong (Civil Appeal No.
JA-12B-95-11/2018) and the case of Phua Hian Kue (Civil Appeal No. JA-
12B-79-10/2020), this Court allows an amount of RM5,000.00 being the
amount awarded for pain and sufferings suffered by the Plaintiff during the
course of his treatment.
Actual Loss of Earnings
[55] The Plaintiff submitted that the SCJ was right in awarded the
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actual loss of earnings for RM10,566.45 (RM1,174.05 x 9 months).
However, the Plaintiff argued that the amount allowed is manifestly
inadequate as it does not commensurate with the Plaintiff's income, injury,
disability and age.
[56] The Plaintiff worked as a mechanic at Auto Services Sdn. Bhd.
at the time of accident and his monthly income was RM1,254.05 and his
daily expenses was RM80.00. The Court agrees with the Plaintiff
submission that although the Plaintiff was paid two (2) months basic
salary during the period of nine (9) months, the Plaintiff is still entitled to
claim as the payment of two (2) months pursuant to paragraph 28A(1)(c)
Act 67. Therefore, it shall not be taken into account in assessing damages
recoverable by the Plaintiff.
[57] The Court has perused the grounds of judgment of the SCJ in
particular, paragraph 64 (see page 22 RRT Part I), the award made by the
SCJ for loss of actual earnings (partial) is RM8,218.35 (RM1,254.05-
RM80.00) x 7 months MC). However, in the Judgment stated in page 16
of RR Jld. 1, the actual loss of earnings (partial) is RM10,566,45
(RM1,174.05 x 9 months). There is discrepancy in the amount awarded
by the SCJ. Hence, the award of the SCJ of RM8,218.35 is to be
substituted with the award of RM10,566,45.
Loss of Earning Capacity
[58] The Plaintiff has submitted that the learned SCJ is right in
awarding loss of earning capacity to the Plaintiff. The Court agrees with
the Plaintiff’s contention. In this regard, the Court refers to the case of Tay
Tong Chew v Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ahmad [1985] 1 MLJ 50, where the
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Federal Court decided as follows:
“As stated earlier, we are of the view that the respondent should be entitled
to some compensation for loss of earning capacity on a lump sum basis.
He has to undergo a second operation later on in his life both on the knee
and hip joints. Accordingly, there is a substantial or real risk that he will
sometime in the future suffer loss of earning capacity. It is important to
realise that there is a difference between an award for loss of earnings as
distinct from compensation for loss of earning capacity. Compensation for
loss of future earnings is awarded for real assessable loss proved by
evidence. Compensation for diminution in earning capacity is awarded as
part of general damages" — per Lord Denning in Fairley v John Thompson
Ltd [1973] 2 L1 LR 40, 42 which was cited with approval by this Court in Ti
Huck & Anor v Mohamed Yusof [1973] 2 MLJ 62, 66.”.
[Emphasis added]
[59] Hence, when there is a real risk that the Plaintiff will suffer loss
of earning capacity in the future, the Court ought to award damages for
loss of earning capacity, provided that this damage is substantiated with
evidence. In the present case, the evidence of the Plaintiff is corroborated
and verified by the specialist doctors’ in their respective medical reports
as follows:
(a) Dr Yoga (Plaintiff’s Orthopaedic Specialist):
RR Jld. 2 page 280
- difficulty in walking
- limps while walking
- pain while climbing stairs
- difficulty in squatting for long periods of time
RR Jld. 2 page 283
Disabilities And Opinion
4. Limitation Of Joint Movement: The limitations in the right knee,
ankle and subtalar movements is due to soft tissue contracture
following the fractures. This will give rise to:
- difficulty in walking briskly and running
- difficulty in squatting for more than short periods
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Limitations in joint movement will remain PERMANENT.
5. PAIN: There will be residual pain due to soft tissue damage and
(b) Dr Peraba (Defendant’s Orthopaedic Specialist):
RR Jld. 2 page 324
- occasional pains over the right lower leg, the pains are aggravated by
cold weather and after prolonged standing and walking;
- walks with a limp
- weakness of right lower limb
- not able to squat for long
RR Jld. 2 page 327
The injuries have resulted in:
c. Reduced muscle power of the right thigh, knee and lower leg
[60] The disabilities reported by these two (2) specialist doctors are
disabilities that could affect the Plaintiff's ability to work. As a mechanic,
the Plaintiff has to lift heavy works and use strong energy, squatting or
lying down under the car for a long time. The specialists have confirmed
that the Plaintiff is and will be having trouble performing these tasks.
[61] In this regard, the Court referred to the case of Shanmugam A/L
Gopal v Zinal Abidin Bin Nazim [2003] 3 MLJ 76 (among others) in which
Singapore case of Noe Kim Seng v Clough Petrosen Pte Ltd [1996] 3 SLK
was cited in that case. Judith Prakash J has not only made an award for
loss of future earning but also a sum of RM25,000.00 for loss of earning
capacity, as she held that if ever the Plaintiff lost his job, he would be at a
disadvantage in his search for a new job.
[62] This Court is guided by the said decision and has applied the
same principle in considering whether damages for loss of earning
capacity should be awarded or not.
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[63] As such, the Court finds that damages for loss of earning
capacity as awarded by the SCJ has been rightly decided. However, this
Court agrees with the Plaintiff’s submission that the amount awarded is
indeed manifestly inadequate. The Court finds the SCJ failed to justify how
she arrived at the figure of RM40,000.00 for loss of earnings capacity.
[64] In the case of Sivakumar A/L Avolasamy v. Chan Hoong Kok
[2012] 1 LNS 52, the Court has provided guidelines on the calculation of
“loss of earning capacity” as follows:
“In this case, the specialist reports of the Plaintiff and the Defendant confirm
that due to his injuries, the Plaintiff will no longer be able to work as a fitter
at a shipyard and only suitable for sedentary work. Plaintiff is unlikely to find
an equally well-paid job. There was firm evidence of the earnings of the
Plaintiff, the correct method of assessing the loss is the multiplier -
multiplicand method. The starting point should be the amount the Plaintiff
was earning at the time of the accident and the multiplier. As the Plaintiff
was 32 years of age at the time of the accident, the multiplier applicable is
11.5 years. At the material time, the Plaintiff was earning RM 96.00 per day;
taking in account off days, it is reasonable to estimate that the Plaintiff's
earnings per month is RM 96.00 x 23.95 = RM 2,300.00. The SCJ awarded
RM 66,000.00. The award made by the SCJ is so extremely small as to
make it an entirely erroneous estimate of the damage. In the circumstances
of this case, the award for loss of earning capacity should be RM 1000.00
x 11.5 x 12 = RM 138,000.00. Accordingly, the award of RM 66,000.00 is
substituted with an award of RM 138,000.00.”.
[Emphasis added]
[65] In the present case, the Plaintiff was at the age of 17 years at the
time of accident and according to subparagraph 28A(1)(c)(iii) Act 67, the
statutory multiplier would be 16 years. Based on the guidelines given in
the case of Sivakumar A/L Avolasamy (supra), the Court decides that 50%
of the Plaintiff’s monthly income of RM1,254.05 x 50% = RM627.03 is
reasonable to be considered in calculating the loss of earnings capacity
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of Plaintiff. Hence, the Court awards the sum of RM 120,389.76
(RM627.03 x 16 years x 12 months = RM120,389.76) and the award of
the SCJ of RM40,000.00 is to substituted with the award of
Aggravated Damages
[66] The Court now deals with the Plaintiff’s claim on aggravated
damages. In dealing with this issue, it is wise to note that it is fundamental
and trite that a Plaintiff who is claiming for damages has to prove his
damage. Given such, even if the Plaintiff is otherwise entitled in principle
to recover damages, it cannot simply make a claim without providing the
Court with sufficient evidence of the loss it has suffered. However, the law
does not require the complainant to prove with absolute certainty that he
has sustained a certain amount of damage.
[67] In the case of Lim Guan Eng v Ruslan Kassim & Anor Appeal
[2021] 4 CLJ 155 it was held —
"Now, aggravated damages are classified as a species of compensatory
damages, which are awarded as additional compensation where there has
been intangible injury to the interest of personality of the Plaintiff, and where
this injury has been caused or exacerbated by the exception conduct of the
[Emphasis added]
[68] This is a case purely stemmed on a road traffic accident and the
word ‘accident’ speaks for itself. The Court disagree with the Plaintiff that
it is a clear cut case and the Plaintiff has failed to prove that the injury has
been caused or exacerbated by the exception conduct of the Defendant.
Therefore, this Court finds no exceptional circumstances that could
warrant a judicial interference to allow a claim for aggravated damages.
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Thus, the SCJ was rightly dismissed the claim for aggravated damages
as it ought to have done so.
[69] As for other awards made by the SCJ, the Court finds the awards
made by the SCJ are reasonable and commensurate with the Plaintiff's
injury suffered by the Plaintiff. Further, the amounts are within the Revised
Compendium on Personal Injury Awards (2018).
[70] Based on the above findings, the Court dismisses the
Defendant’s appeal and allows the Plaintiff’s cross-appeal partially for the
following injuries and substituted the damages awarded by SCJ as
(a) posterior cruciate ligament injury
right knee
(b) stiffness/Imitation of right knee joint RM20,000.00
(c) gait impairment RM10,000.00
(d) loss of removal of nail over left tibia RM14,000.00
(e) pain & sufferings for three (3) past
(f) actual loss of earnings (pre-trial) RM10,566.45
(g) loss of earning capacity RM120,389.76
[71] The Court further decides that costs of RM1,500.00 subject to
cost of allocator fees, to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff. The rest
of the awards decided by the SCJ remain unchanged.
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Dated 30th October 2023
Signed by:
Wong Mee Ling
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya Johor Bahru
Johor Darul Ta’zim.
For the Appellant/Defendant : Mr. Syukri
Tetuan Othman Hashim & Co.
LP Floor, Unit No. LP0S-09 Menara TJB
No. 9, Jalan Syed Mohd Mufti
80000 Johor Bahru, Johor.
For the Respondent/Plaintiff : Mr. Teo Han Ley
Tetuan Teo & Associates
Wisma SK Teo
No. 84 & 86
Jalan Padi 1, Bandar Baru Uda
81200 Johor Bahru.
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Cases referred to:
1. Faizul Amri Mohamad Alli v Chew Chin Loi & Anor [2014] 2 PIR
2. Nui Chai Kian v Hasbi bin Omar [2021] AMEJ 0607
3. Harcharan Singh A/L Saudagar Singh v Hassan bin Ariffin [1990] 2
CLJ 393
4. Khairul Sham Ahmad & Anor v Yesudass Michaelsamy [2005] 2 CLJ
5. Chan Kim Hee v Karam Singh [1981] 2 MLJ 273
6. Mohamad Khirul Mizan Sdn. Bhd. v Yue Ah Kai [2002] 6 MLJ 471
7. Govidan Raju v Laws [1996] 1 MLJ 188
8. MA Clyde v Wong Ah Mei & Anor [1970] 2 MLJ 183
9. Ong Cheg Wah v Supramaniam A/L Arjunan [2001] 1 MLJU 291
10. KR Taxi Service Ltd v Zaharah [1969] 1 MLJ 49
11. Saravanan A/L A. Muthu (Johor Bahru Civil Appeal No. JA-11B-25-
12. Mohd. Tarmizi Mat Hassan [2014] 1 LNS 1005
13. Sevasangar A/L P. Ramasamy v Abdul Nazar [2014] 8 MLJ 236
14. Alan Tiew Chung Yik & 2 Ors v wakil diri kepada Chew Gee Geong,
si mati [2018] 1 PIR [42]
15. Mohd Khairul Nizam bin Idris v Mohamad Shahuddin bin Mat Nusi
[2014] AMEJ 1435
16. Lau Ho Wah v Yau Chi Biu [1985] 1 W.L.R. 1203
17. Dr. Kok Choong Seng [2018] 1 MLJ 685 [2017] MLJU 1448
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18. Lim Wee Heong v Nai Wah Hing [1996] MLJU 394
19. Lim Chia Wee v Wan Mee Fong (JBHC JA-12B-96-12/2020)
20. Tajuddin Sheikh Daud v Wong Kim Yin [1998] 2 CLJ Rep 546
21. Batumalee A/L Masilamani v Thong Chan Leng [2003] 4 MLJ 391
22. Ramuloo A/L Appalasamy v Tan Seng Kee [2005] 5 MLJ 665
23. Ahmad Radhiq Arbee bin Ahmad Rejal Arbee (as a husband and
dependant of Sharifah Shalihah bt Sayed Abdullah, deceased) & Ors
v Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2020] 10 MLJ 459
24. Yap Sao Leong & Anor (both suing as administrators to the estate of
Yap Yi Hong, deceased) v Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2021] MLJU 86
25. Su Hung Tung (suing on his own behalf and also in his capacity as
the administrator of the estate of the late Wong Hia Hong (f) (the
deceased) v Biaramas Express Sdn. Bhd. & 3 Ors [2014] 2 PIR [101]
26. Hassnar bin MP Ebrahim @ Asainar v Sulaiman bin Pong & Ors.
[2018] 1 MLJ 346
27. Sivalingam s/o Periasamay v. Periasamy & Anor [1995] 3 MLJ 395
28. Perumbun (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Conlay Construction Sdn. Bhd. (Civil
Appeal No. W-02-2155-2010)
29. Tan Tsin Keong v A Somanaidu (FCCA No. 23 of 1972)
30. Yang Salbiah & Anor v Jamil bin Harun [1981] 1 MLJ 292
31. Samad bin Bahari & Anor v Abd Rahman bin Ibrahim [2010] 1 PIR [6]
32. VMR S Buhvanieswarar A/L Selvaraj & Anor v Masri bin Khalid &
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Anor [2019] 2 PIR [30]
33. Tay Tong Chew v Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ahmad [1985] 1 MLJ 50
34. Shanmugam A/L Gopal v Zinal Abidin bin Nazim [2003] 3 MLJ 76
35. Noe Kim Seng v Clough Petrosen Pte Ltd [1996] 3 SLK
36. Sivakumar A/L Avolasamy v Chan Hoong Kok [2021] 1 LNS 52
37. Lim Guan Eng v Ruslan Kassim & Anor Appeal [2021] 4 CLJ 155
Legislation referred to:
1. Civil Law Act 1956 [Act 67]
2. Employment Act 1955 [Act 257]
Date of Hearing: 16.01.2023
Date of Decision: 26.04.2023
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| 53,656 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AB-22NCvC-23-10/2022 | PLAINTIF KLIFE GLOBAL SDN BHD DEFENDAN GREEN RAY TECHNOLOGY SDN BHD | Civil Procedure - O. 29 r.1 - Application for Erinford Injunction - Suit by the Plaintiff to recover its property which is now in the Defendant's possession -Interim mandatory injunction was granted by the Court - Defendant appealed against the Court's decision - Considerations whether to allow the application - Whether to maintain Status Quo - Where the Balance of Convenience lie - Whether there are serious issues to be tried - Whether damages are adequate - Application dismissed | 03/11/2023 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
02/02/2024 09:18:48
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1us—22Ncvc—23—1u/2022 Kand. 62
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[2] The Plamhlf \s a uampany inoorporaxea wn Malaysxa and having us
registered address wn Sectmn 3, Petalmg Jaya, Se\angor and ms busmess
address In sscuan 26, snan Alam, Se\angor The Defendant Vsa company
incorporated m Ma\ays|a and having us regxslered admass in Nnhong
Tehai, Pmau Pinang and H5 business address in Pant euncan Pevak The
Plaimifi nas been waned under at nacawarsmp cl Baker Tilly lnsowency
FLT, Kua\a Lumpur (“Ihe R&M') by me Small and Medmrn Enterprise
Dsvebpmem Bank Maxnysia aerhad (“SME Bank“) on 20.7.2022
pursuant to a Debenlure on 255.2012.
[:4] The mam sun was filed by me Plannlm m respect a! a sa\e and
purmasslmnsacnnn toms Ds1erIdaMnf2 pieces of and known as Geran
Mukwm 194:), L01 9537, Tempal Sungai Rawa, Mukim Pam Eunlav.
Daerah Karian, Negen Pemk and Geran Mukun 1941. Lot 9535. Tampa!
Sungan Rawa, Mukim Pam aumsr. Daemh Kerian. Negen Pemk owned
IN wmmznvzxwansnw-Nxw
Nuns Sum In-uhnv WW be used m mm n. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm wa .mm mm
quo should be preserved pending ihe dlspnsal oi ihe appeal. The ooun
iound that based on lhe avennenis in line aliidavils and applying eouiiable
principles, eauiiy dieiaies liiai me s1aIus qua canncl be irrainlained in lhis
case as ihal would mean ihe slams line which lhe Deiehdarii sbughi to
preserve ihe eonirael and hci be evicled irorri lhe croperlies would noi be
in line wiih lhe balance cl convenience oi lhe case which clearly lies wllh
the Plalniifl (as I have decided in Ehcl. la apbliealienl. hence, lhe eiaius
quo issue dues hol anse here.
balance di oonvenienae
[20] siinilarlpihe principle enunciated in American cyaiiuriild cc Case
(supral. ihe Caun weighed lhe balance oicbnvenierice by considering ihe
uoleniial liarrn ihai eimer pally wculd suwer il ihe Erinicrd /rjuriciicn is
reiused or gianied. ln ihis case. iris coun had icuhd ihai ihe balehce cl
convenience lies in iavour oi irie Flainliii because ii would sulier greener
hardship ii lhe Erin/ord injunction was granled in me Deiendenl.
[211 Fmm ilie avernisnis, iiie Deiendanl was using ihe Properly lb
operaie iis business and having li as ils business address. Despile nel
having a licence to operate and prohibited iroin eanying but bperaiipns in
ihe uncenilied building. ihe Deiendani acled ic ihe ccnlrary Due lo ihe
Delendariirs Ecllorlsi ihe Plalnliri had been denied oi ils righl to use lhe
Prouertyic generaie income in order In enable ii to bay ofllis lean lo SME
Bank Hence ihe Plalniiii has been laui under receivership and suiiersd
hardship pursuani iiierelb. The crux oi llie Plainiilrs case is lhai ihe sale
of ilie Pmperty would ensur
llewever, lo benlinue in be lied under me SPA lpr an indelerrninaie pencd
conllnued survival as a guing ooneern
or dine was unreasenable while the neiendam was sull trying to obtain
nnaneing ibr me Pmperly which ii had been unable lo do so since 2019
in lAHVlEYiVEKwahSrlflmNKw
-use Smnl in-vlhnrwlll be used a mm ms bflnlhullly MIN: dnunvlnrll via nFluNG wrul
There are onnlladuclnons in ma amaavils :1! ma Defendant mus was
aonnrmea m paragraphs 10 and 11 m Encl 40), and (mature, on a
balance u1pmaammias,me versmn uflhe Plammf man me Delendanl was
Illegally opevaung on me Properly was more pmbable than me
uefendanrs demal
[22] The Plamlifl averted further that u gave me Delendanl permlsslon
lo use [ha Property as storage laclllly unly while oblainmg the CCC and
renlal of RM‘/5,000.00 was agreed In by his Defendant (refer in Efillblls
A-19). Hawever, me Defendant delaulled an the rental payment In July
2020 and allegedly awed RM2.775‘DGDlDO ln venlal and inlsres1s1o(he
Plainllfi Hence, me neveaaaac had been Illegally occupying the Property
um now without paymg anything at an
[23] An lmponanl pnnclple ln consldenng me aiam Injunctlon was
whelher the avpllcanl (Dslenflanll would have any lama enfmcmg the
result 0! lhelr appeal should ll be successful. If SD‘ the Erinlald Injunction
shauld be granted. ln Kllnng Kosflrnl Elsa (supra), (here was no
svldence that the delendam was not financially capable of hunouring any
judgment fllhe appeal succeeds. ln the prasem case, me Puaimm is under
reaaiversmp, but n has this valuable Pmpeny which has been snld (or
am 1 ‘ooamm on to another buyer. The Plslnfff would be able m pay at:
its debts to its credrwrs and ensure Ils survival This la a substantial
conslderatlan as I! would be a wane of the Cuurfs Iesuumes ll the
Dsdermanl Is unsuooesslul in N3 appeal Thus, the Defendant's appeal
waulfl not be rendered nugatcry ln the event they ale sucoesslul
ya lmvlznvzxwansnw-Nxw
-ma am.‘ In-nhnrwlll be used m mm a. mm-y MIN: dun-mm Va anum pm
Damage as an Adguala Remedy
[24] As a generax prmmple, wnmncliuns will not he gvanled i1 damages
wdmd he a suname and adaquala Iemedylorlhe apphnam In me Kuang
Kosfann Case lsullral. Ihe Hwgh Com held that damages would be
suflwcxenl as «here was s clause \n ma conlrack wmch requires (ha
deiendsm me compensate |ha plainm upon wrengl-my lermlnalmg the
cnmracl. Admueneuy. the Iaeuneune plenum had elanned (orgensral end
exsmwery damages indwcatad that damages weuld he an adequate
ramsdyforlhe plairmlf, smnrany m me present case, n vs noted that m (:5
Na. 15. me uevendann had allemallvew claimed luv damages m me figure
of around RM1 5 mimun The com concluded that me Imuflclmrl apphed
cor dsmun be Qranled.
[25] The Delendenc contended thanhere were seneus Issues me be mad,
the Defiance ei convemenee Ines wun me Defendanl due to the Ilreparabb
damage would suuer compared with me poemen onne P\a\nuff ms Vs
because the Flaintifl would sun be ame to sen me Pmpeny even if me
Court deedes in its vavem at me end or me man (Kekatong Sdn Ehd v.
Dananana Urut sdn and mm] sou :73) and damages are
inadequate remedy due ([1 me mamdrrs mahilily in pay its dems In me
Delendam II 15 nvled that me Kokndny Casi, lhe Ccurl dmpneal nerd:
‘On In: «ads mat wuve waned before me Veamed Mae m In men, M our new.
wnme ms balanoo av wnvemarloe Hes. K has m we plammfs «avem, u (M
mlunnlnn no not eumad nu pllinlill um.-s (M nu: 01 Iulnu nu
immnvlhll pmpany funvlv. By mum... .4». lmunmion is a um‘ um-
mend dflumnnfs nghl, u lny, ovlr |hI diuzmnd pvuplny as m Iy
Doslvnmd In am am."
[Emphasis edded1
IN \AHmEYmEKwahSrmmNKw
-use sum In-uhnv MU be used e mm we nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] mum wrm
[26] x enso rersr la me case 0! Wang song 5 Dr: V Hlnp Lu
Manufacturing Induntlu Sdn. Ehd many 1 cu «:01 where (he
laamed Judge sealed:
“{5} rns smmy sr nu sppnunr In hnnuuv his Imdlllakmg as m dam-Igers .s .
rnsrsnsx «mm m the nsrsnse nl mnvanlence mu ms mulls wm llnl deny me
avnhmm an rmsnosumry nnmnnsan srmpry because he Vs a1Hmiledflnsnn\a\
rnssns. in V5 me duly al me spnussnc m snsw to the com! me cucumslsnces
man may sum ms vame onne undanzkma.’
[27] Iasfly. rn Linn Kauw Sdn. Bhd v Ovorsou credit Firunca Sdn.
Bhd [1931] 2 uILJ1s2wss a\so uselm guidance vor (his Courl m arriving
al us decrsuon. Paruculany. this Court has Vaund thal there are senous
Issues In be mad but rt rs nut concerned an the rnems oi the alarm at this
stage‘ baanng m mrna what me Federal coun deemed In thal case as
‘An mtalluwlrary Inruncnan rs a lempnnly and dI:I:rE\mni1y remmy To
consider whelher us grim n W rs refine «n. wurl 1. ma! cwlclrnnl mm
on nhlm:-5 51 mm. In mum. av In ppannms In pmvlnn mm c I
sulullhulnnhcnminnlrl n-mrus ma sums lunzllnmta wilunbthn
avldunct and matorhls men n nu ma: vurnnso. rm so-m ls sumnly
con:-mod wnn what II has to an In nu munllnu m era-no nrousuns
rrgmsnn. parlhs In manna nmpmm. Injury would bu caundlu . .r
aflh-m “
[Ernpnssrs added]
[251 Accuvdmg kzlhe Hsmm Itwuuld suwer irvepavable injury bylusing
ms Properly Vorever whereas lhe nsvenuanvs ngms would omy be
posmoned to aner (riat Kokitonyfls cars. (supra),
129] Forths rewm,u1s caurmecmea Vn respect of Encl 13 that me SPA
was a cunlmganl mnlracl wmsn can only be pervormsa my on me
7u\Nmen|D1|he oundihons precedent. II was me Defendant‘: case matthe
F\ainlm‘s faflure to c<HJDera\e wrm u had prevented me Defendant from
N rmrsrrssxwsnsrmnxw
Nuns sum In-uhnv WW be used m mm rs. nvVn\ruU|Y MW; flan-mm VI] muNG wrm
mmlnng ma CF under me SPA. The P\aIrmfl demed m and contended me
Mfllmenl D! we CP was the ubligauon or the Delsnaanvs. Tms would be
me main wssue lor Iris! as was dedded by “us cmm when i| dwsmwssed
EncI.16 0! cs N015
[30] Prermsed upon the above considerations. me Cour! dlsmwssad me
Defendenfs apphcanun m End as wmu cus1s.
Order accomungxy
Dated 2 February 202;
Nun! Ruwana E ii Md. Nurdlu
Judlclnl Commlulonor
High Courl. raiping
For me Fla .
us. Nor Sllalladnh Blntl sun
Mosm. Shukal Baljit u. Firlnevs, Kuala Lumpur.
For Iho Dofenuam:
Mr. Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hood
Mosm Hafiz Runlnl & co., Kuala Lumpur.
w wmvwznvzxwansnw-Nkw
-ma Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm a. nflmruflly mm; mm. VII aF\uNG pm
by the Plalntif1(hereinafler relerred to as -the Property‘). The sale and
Purchase Agreement cf the Propeny was executed on 7.1 1.2c1a between
the Deiendant and the Plaintiff t-the spa‘). The SPA was allegedly
unilaterally terminated by the Plaintitl via letter dated 25.11.2021 due to
the Deiendants inability to satisfy the conditions llreoedent (op) in
accordance with the SPA‘s requirement, namely to settle the pumhase
pnee, rental or the Properly and lnlerssls on late payment to the Plaintiii
as the owner at the Properly.
[4] The Defendant allegad that the unilateral temllnaticln of me SPA
was illegal as there has been no Cclurl under In mnflml the same Further,
it had expended a lot at costs on the purchase price including fess tor
appointment oi urolessionat consultants in its etion to satiety the op. The
agreed purehase price was RM19.0DD.000. The payments were to be
made by it an earnest deposit at RMZGD ooo.uu il) balance or deposit
amount at RM520,DDCl.DD unon execution at the sea and HI) balance at
the purchase price ofRM18,Z2D,00D.00 WiU’IIV| 4 months from Ihe da|e of
obtaining the Certlficala of completion and ooniplianee (met from the
relevam lclcal authorities oy the purchaser or purchaser‘: solicitor as ed
hy the vendor ('Cump|2Iiun Data’). The Delendant alsu alleged that the
t=laintitt did not give its wdperation to the Detendant as it was obligated
to under the sea in order to obtain the ccc.
[5] The Plairiml earlier had filed en Onglnaling summons No AB»
ZANCVC-H11/2022 dated 5.1 2022 at the Talplrtg High court In ahlaln
iraoant possession oi the Property imrn the netendant under 0.39 at the
ROC (‘the 05"). That 05 was subsequently withdrawn due lo the wrong
made under whiah it was tiled The nelendant then filed a writ oi
summons and statement of Claim on 22.5.2022 in civil suit AB-22NCVC-
in lAMVlEYlVEKwahSnflruNKw
-wee s.n.i In-vlhnrwfll be used a yaw has nflnlhallly MVMS dun-vlnhl via aFlt.lNG Wml
1503/2022 against "18 Plaintiff and also named the RGM as the 2"‘
Defendant ('IletelnaHsr ietenea |o es as he 15'). The as Na. is.
amongst pthers, spught specific peitpnnanee of the tennlneteu SPA The
Ptaintiii an 17.10.2022 tiled this writ at Summons Nu. AE—22NCVC»23-
[5] There had mean an onslaught oi interlocutory applications med in
cs No. is entt the present sun. one at them wee iei an interim prohibitive
llqunflfiun filed by the t:-etenttent in as No. is. inter elre. to stop the
Plainlifi train alspesing the selit Preperty pr to stop the ueleiiaent (rein
etstaining a pusiness Imence and/ctr operating an the Property tor the
purpose 0! getting the sec.
[7] End. t3 in 05 No 15 was filed by the present uerenaent an
29.3 2923 In maintain the sums qua oi the Pmiaerw because the
Dslendanl in this suit had veiled In ppuiin the interlocutory Pfohlb VE
iniunctlpn (Vida Encl 4) pending the that. The court achtally granted an
interim enter en 9.9.2022 eiter an ex-parte hearing at the senie. Huwever.
the interim uiiler lapsed etter zt days due to non-cnmplianoe with 0.29
it (ZEN
[3] In this Gmurlds v1 Judgrnenl. lwill also relei to my den:
13 since Encl. as was inside pursuant to the granting ol the Order No 1
in Encl
For ease at relerenee, the prayers gtariteu to the Plairititi in outer No i
were as totlaws:
(aj sstii peiinnh sllplya neieiiaan merlyerahknn mllikan kasorig tteiteiiah
yant: aipetienu atpeweh eeren Muxlni mu, |.oN3537 dart Gamrl Muklrrl
1941.LuIB5£lE kadnaduanya peneriipat dl SUIIQII Ram, Muklm Pam
aiintiir, Daemh Kerian dl Nagarl Parak dl maria teiitapai setu my unit
barvgunan psmm limaflmkal flan sehuah kimna an avmsnyfl [Nnnnnah
Tersehm) kenadz mamuraanam tampon 7 haw den taflkh vsvllmh‘
my Pevinlah sunayn P\amM-iibenkan nluss dun laman unluk memasuxx den
5 memema Haflanah Tersehm:
1:; Elhawa Plmnm flan/Emu wakir «mm pangkhiflmalnyn yang
dlbenksn kuasa denuan sempuma «mum kebenamn umuk
menralankan manaemana kuasa unmk malvnamml mmuan many
an Hanarmh Imam
(ct) Eahawa mm panman lemadap nevenaan umuk manank balnk kavsal
plrsandwlarl yang mmalukkzn nus Hananah Teuehul all: pirxmih-In
mauoz/2m dawn uempon 7 man nan mam varmuh mman mbeflkan
15 Rapid: mam mm Muan msmahnkan kulwksna perm-nzan untnk
mundavilkzn ccc, dsn
19) Kus
[9] “we cause papers in resuecl cums applicaliun were as luflawse
x, me Wril Samar: dan Pernmaan Tunlulan daled
me 2022 [Ends 1 and 2):
u. me uerendanvs Pembehaan dated 21 11.2022 (End. 5).
25 m. me Plammn Jswanan kepada Pemnewaan dated
5.12.2I122(Em-J 5);
W. the PLEVHHWS /ntsr-pans appflcaflon dated 2.5.2023
(Encl. 13);
v, me Fla-nms Afldavil Sokcngan by Andvew Heng on
an 2.5.2023(Encl 14):
‘ the Defendanfs Andavn Balasan by um Yong Fang on
25 5.2023 (Encl. 19).
vu. me Plainmrs Afldavil Jawapan by Andrew Hang on
12.5.2023 (End. 20).
viu. me Flamliffs Afidavil Tambahan by Andrew Hang on
27.5.2123 (Encl. 22).
5 Vx. the Deaenaanrs mter-pans appucaunn dated 1.11.2023
(End. 36]‘
x me Defendanfs Anuavn Sukangan by om Vang Fang
un1,11.2o2a (End 31);
xi. me Drummers Afidaw: Balasan by Andrew Hang on
m 14.11.2023 (End. 40); and
xix. ms netenaanrs Amavix Jawapan by on Yong Fang
Hang on 21.1I.2023(End. 4:4).
[1 n] In End. as, me Deiendam prayed for:
15 H) San: mmku .u xnunm unlukmnnyekal wammam. ad: mm um..-
mu ms4a\ui pekerja-pekeqanya‘ ejen-qennya‘ pangkhndmnh
pengkmamamya den/alau me\a¥uI apa Aua cam sekahvun aanpaaa
malupusuan, mvuual dan/ahu msnjahnkan sobalang hansaku ks Itas
uanmmmmn yang dlkenafl mm: Gavin Mummaa, La! 95:1,
20 Temnatsunazl Rawa‘ Mum Pam Bunvan Daerzh Kenan. Neaen Fnrak
dan Gavan Mulam 1941, Lm me, Tlmpul Sung Rawa, mm Pam
Human Daemh Kerian, Nsgen hm {selepnl ‘
'hanun:h—hanan2h IarsebIn'). semrwwa panaawm nndnkan um,
(2; Emu m,....»m .4 "mm .mm manghnlzng Pllmlfl ulna ad: Jetzra
1; sendm mu mmu. pekzuarpekzrpnya‘ eiewepennya. nangkhmmnl—
Dsnikhmmamyd flan/zluu new spa lua earn sekmlvun daflpuds
malkiapallun mlhkan kuuung harvanah-hananah mum dlflpfida
Defendan sehmgqa pmgakmran mmnun mi,
13) Szlu lnlunksl mvluk msnyekel P\zmM semz ads mm senam alau
so malllm nuksni-Dakanarvya‘ awn-Ilannyiv nanakmamar
pengkmdnulnyn dam/nlau mama up-I ins can sekaliflun daripnda
wk uhagm
srN\AMmEm1EKw SnvmNKw
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
mehluuskan. ......,uax flan/clan menjamnkan sebnnang Aransaiw kealas
haflznarmananah menu‘ sshmuua venyeleianan din kepumsan
aw... nhh Dzfllndan k. M.r.x..u... aw... ...m.., kapulusan
Mahkamnh yam: Mulm .m a....m 19.10 am;
5 (4) Sam lnlunkil nmuk mmahalarlél Plamm Sam: Ida iucara isndlfl ilau
mslahu ,,m.,-3. mam-, Ix-H-aim-yn‘ n-nsxvm-n-«-
Denfikhudmnlnyn dnnlanau melahab ans Jun mm seknhnun dnnvadn
msndupatkan mm mm. hnnaruarmnnnnah «mum uzripaaz
Defarvdun snhwlsa Pufiyebsawan darn kapnlulan Ra)/urn olsh
m mm." x. Mlhkamnh mm" mmadav mums." Mahkamah yana
MuI\z\n\benankh1E1l) 2023‘
(5) Bahawl Flmlcavian Imsv Pfilles pelmuhnnln ini akan dilsupkarvdahm
Iempoh mm Duluh sa\u(217 han dun mnkn pertnu '
(BY Bahawa semua kosdmn Yam] |er1vba| dan Hmhm daflpada Dérmohanan
is ‘N Mndaklah dlbfiyaf Nah Flalmf klwda Defend: ,dan
(7) RAM Iain den Vanlmnn sebagmmuna Mahkamah yang MuUn\nH\kir1un
[11] The reasons (or me above prayers were H1
(5) Pada 123 112.2023, Mahkamah yam: Mulla mu telah mambenarknn
pelmohanln Plamm mm mjunkm mdalul Lampllan 13
benankhzs 2023.
(m Delendan ksmumannw lelah memlaukan sam rayuan ks Mahkamah
zs Rayuan Pads 2:: In 2023, meriyu tzmldap kepumszm Mahkamlh yang
Muha mu;
(0) Dalam kemunukman Deumah xmunmyana mpomm da\am Pemmhnnan
ml udak mbmkan, mum akan munemskanunluhnalupurkan aanmau
bemmun dengan nammnmman mam, run
an Make‘ Pemmhcnan um henflmdan dlhenarkan men Mahkamah yaw
mm m\ nae: msnuskzlkan status am: am klwlbawaan mu-an den
bag: memaslikin bahawa mm" lemsbu| mm mlniadl ua-sun,
Ikadermk flan semalamuana salu usana yang mans!
srN\AMmEm1EKw SnvmNKw
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
ERINFORD lmuucllou
[12] Alllieugri lne ouurt rias dlsmisssd an appllcahon liar an iiilerloculery
injunction, il slill rias iunseielieri lo giaril llie unsucoesslul applicaril ari
inlerlocmnry iniuneiian pending appeal agalnst sueli dismissal iri enierlo
preirenl me decision ollrie couri omppeal irorri belng rendered nugalnry
should ll reverse me High courrs GECVSVOVL Erlnlnru Prepanles Ltd. v
clinhln couiily Council [1974] cli 2611 [1974] 2 All ER us (refer to
Malsyslan cml Procedure 2021, volume 1 at page 441
[13] ll appears lhal an Eririrerd In/unl1l'on is similar in an order ler slay
er pmoeedlngsi but lriis is eisliriguislieu H1 Kllang Kotflrrll sun Bhd v
Kasrna Nusanlara and [2nn2] : Cu 155. Trierei me High Cuurl
recognised Ihal wnilsline same legal oonsidelaliuns are appiiaaaie la |he
(wu orders, may are Mo dislincl types at alder An Elinloni Injunmrcrl is
an original application on izsawri wizri no pnar orderw be execuleu by any
parry, wriereas a slay Order would be souglil up slay lrie exewllori or an
order nsriairig lrie disposal olari appeal againsl sum order.
[14] The prlnclpls was alfirmsd in llie High Court case el nlian sl-
Corp Sdn and v Elnk lalarn Malaysia Bhd (Na. 1) [24:04] 5 CLJ I31,
wriere it was riele llial Secllon 43 e1 llie couris er Judicature Aal 1964
[CJA) recognises ma lnherenl powev ullhe High Cuurun gram an Erinford
lrrjuricziari to prevent me Courl or Appeal ruling being rendered nugatury
wrieri would an Er/Noni irijunclipri be grarlled’! The couns riave olieri
relerree lo me Kllang Kosrami Sdn Bhd case (supra) lorguidariee. The
lens were under an oil Palm Flamallan operation and Mainienance
oerilract, lhs nlairilm was appeinled in eparale and iriainlain an oil palm
eslale owned by me eerenearil tor a periee el 20 years Aside lmm
IN lAMvlEYlvEKwariSriflruNKw
-we s.ii.i Ilnlflhll will he used m mm ea nllnlriallly MVM5 dun-rlnrrl vn aFlLlNG Wflxl
sulleciing the truils, the coniian enabled me plaiiitilf lo puvchase me
harvested iriiils.
[15] some lime iaier, msir raiaiisnsnip had gone sour wnersin the
defendant ended the said eonlrac| and omered the plainllli ID slop its
opevallons and leave the estate Pursuant to the oanlracl termination, (hs
plaintiff applied fur an ax parts lnlunctian to compel the defendant to
surrender pnssessiori 0' MD pieces 01 land and In restrain them {mm
inieneiing wiin ins plainiiirs carvylng oiii iis contractual esiigaiions. The
ax pane injiinciion ended and me pleiniilvnieil an inner panes apphcaiiun
iniiinsiion wiiii ine aim lo eaniiniie resiieining the delenaani. The High
Court dismissed the inter panes application on the grounds that me
saianae nfuunvanlence lies in lauoiir oi ins aelenaeni and iriei damages
would he a suitable and adequate remedy for the plfllnllfl.
[16] Folluwing me dismissal oflhe appllcallon, «lie plainrm applied for an
Erinlord lniuncliori pending disposal at is appeal. Afler considering lne
applicable principles forms grain imlie Eri'ri1i;ri1 In/unzffan, lire Higii coiin
again dismissed ine plainiilfs ’iapp|llz\iun The High com lollowad me
decision in so Tsuw Giinn v Klrin Joe Holdlrrgs sdri End a. Dr; [1 we]
1 AMR 3733 wlilcn sets oul me cansideralions wneirier lo grant the
Eririlard lriluncilan as lollowe:
(i) wneiner me slaliis qiio must be maintained were the
nearing of me appeal;
(ii) wneiner lne oalanoa or convenience lies in lavpiir 0f the
(iii) wneinerllieappealwoiild be rendered nugalory ilsiicaessliil;
in lAMV\EY!VEKwihSnflmNKw
-nee s.n.i nnvlhnrwm ie in... M van; In! nflglruflly Mimi dnunvlnnl VII .riiiiie mi
(iv) wneiner damages would pe an adequate remedy (or me
[17] The Deiendani argued me: a) mere were inenis in me appeai of me
Defendant and b) laking min addduni ine anieeedeni iaas dr [his case,
there was a need to preserve me siaius duo owns case until me disposai
oi ine Deiendenrs appeal in me Court di Appeei Tne Delendant sirnpiy
euprnmed iriax me balance or edrwerrience ievdured IL that were was nd
gueranieeirie Piainuri wouid be able io pay damages and damages wouid
noi he an adequate remedy. Funrier, me F-Iainiiii aiiegediy did no: amen
wnen me Defendanl «m moved meirasseis amp the prdpeny. ‘re mid, ine
Plainliif reeppnded me: me approval was dniy for inern in store lhe
Deiendanvs rnednineries bul ncll IO uperals pn me property
[131 The burden or proof IS on me applicant (De1endan\) Io seusiy the 4
eensidereiions above. ‘rriereiore, the coun has perused me emdavns and
exrnpns med id determine wrremer ine neiendene had done so The
oeun oi Appeai in see new Gunn (supra) neid that wniie me eppreaen
IS that rm sueeessiui appeal sneuid pe rendered nugalnry, ii does not
jusniy me greniing ufa resiraining order. The requirernenis laid down in
American Cyanlmid Ca V. Elhicoll Ltd [I575] AC 396. [1 975] I All ER
am wouid sdii have to be renewed
sieius Ouo
[IS] The stams qua is denned as lhe sieie oi anairs max exisled priar id
ine plsinhlf filing inerr wnl di summons and applicatiun ior Injunction:
Garden Coinga Food: Ltd v Mllk uinkanng Board mu] AG in.
me cdud win adapt eduiiahie prinerpies in determining wnemer slams
siNiAMi1iEYivEKwansnnr-Nxw 1“
'NnI2 Sum ...n.r MU he used e mm we niimruflly MIN; dun-mm vn ariurm wnxi
| 2,005 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-23NCvC-17-04/2022 | PLAINTIF CHIN FELIX DEFENDAN GERALDINE S. BIGAR | Slander – When an impugned statement will be regarded as defamatory – Publication – Absolute privilege – Credibility of witnesses – Quantum – Evidence Act 1950, s, 101.Costs – Indemnity Basis | 03/11/2023 | YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: BA-23NCvC-17-04/2022
(NO. K/P: 781013-14-6127) … PLAINTIF
(NO. K/P: 831017-71-5078) … DEFENDAN
[1] It is customary that on the happy occasions of weddings, family
members and guests alike will gather to wish the newlyweds the best of
wishes and to “kekal bahagia sehingga ke anak cucu”.
[2] Unfortunately for the Plaintiff and the Defendant in the present case,
their marriage does not appear to be destined for life. Despite having been
married for over 20 years and having raised three beautiful children, they
are in the midst of an ongoing divorce/custody battle. The Plaintiff is
currently under investigations resulting from police reports made by the
17/11/2023 16:08:37
BA-23NCvC-17-04/2022 Kand. 45
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Defendant and the Defendant is sued by the Plaintiff for slander in this
[3] The primary concern before this Court is the claim by the Plaintiff
against the Defendant for slander.
The Overriding Issues
[4] The prevailing issue in this matter is straightforward. The question
is whether a number of impugned statements allegedly uttered by the
Defendant amount to slander of the Plaintiff.
[5] In the event that the above answer is in the affirmative, the
consequential question relates to the defences available to the Defendant
in the present case.
[6] If the Defendant is not able to rely on any of the defences, the final
issue pertains to the appropriate quantum of damages that should be
awarded to the Plaintiff.
The Parties and the Background Facts Leading to the Present Claim
[7] The Plaintiff, Chin Felix, is the estranged husband of the Defendant.
[8] The Defendant, Geraldine S Bigar, is the Plaintiff’s estranged wife.
[9] The impugned statements complained of pertain to a household
exchange that occurred on the 9th March, 2022 at the couple’s residence.
The impugned statements raised during trial are that:
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“Felix took a metal broom and threatened to hit Lexie if she doesn’t
go out with him” (“first impugned statement”);
“Felix got angry and went amok, hit me with a metal rod and broke
my leg and I had to go to the hospital” (“second impugned
statement”); and
“Felix has been abusing and hurting me and the 3 kids” (“third
impugned statement”).
[10] Lexie, as referred to in the first impugned statement is one of the
Plaintiff and Defendant’s three children.
[11] It is the Plaintiff’s contention that the Defendant “gossips and utters
the Offending Statements amongst her friends, the Plaintiff’s friends,
neighbours, and their family members” and that “the poisonous
allegations” have been “spreading like wildfire”.
[12] The Plaintiff draws this Court’s attention to the recently concluded
acrimonious defamation proceedings between Johnny Depp and Amber
Heard and submits that in many facets, that proceedings have parallels to
this present suit. According to the Plaintiff, once we “strip away the glitz,
glamour, sensationalism and celebrity status of the parties, … what you
have is a common occurrence in many marriages that have fallen apart –
which is that people have very uncharitable things to say about their ex-
spouse [sic]”.
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The Law and the Submissions by the Parties
[13] The Plaintiff’s position is simply that the three impugned statements
are defamatory in nature, were made in reference to the Plaintiff and have
been communicated to the third parties.
[14] It is the Plaintiff’s contention that the Defendant had only pleaded
and relied on the defence of absolute privilege.
[15] The Plaintiff submitted that the law on the defence of absolute
privilege is well-established. The Plaintiff referred this Court to the case of
S Ashok Kandiah & Anor v Dato’ Yalumallai Muthusamy & Anor [2011] 2
AMR 1; [2011] 1 CLJ 460; [2010] MLJU 2218; [2010] 3 MLRA 109, where
the Court of Appeal held that absolute privilege defence is attached to
statements made during judicial proceedings.
[16] The Plaintiff argued that the defence of absolute privilege is not
applicable in this case as the Plaintiff's cause of action is not based on a
libel arising from a police report. The Plaintiff also alluded to the fact that
he has successfully raised this point in an earlier striking out application
brought by the Defendant in Enclosure 7.
[17] More importantly, the Plaintiff relied on the Federal Court case of
Noor Azman bin Azemi v Zahida bt Mohamed Rafik [2019] 2 AMR 421;
[2019] 3 CLJ 295; [2019] 3 MLJ 141; [2019] AMEJ 0052, that said in clear
terms in paragraph [47] that “there is no valid reason of public policy why
the maker of a police report should be free from accountability by way of
defamation action to publish the defamatory words contained in the police
report to the world at large”.
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[18] The Plaintiff then went on to further submit that the Defendant was
not a credible witness and had given conflicting evidence.
[19] Last but not least, the Plaintiff averred that adverse inference should
be drawn against the Defendant for her failure to call Lexie, her mother
and the maid as witnesses.
[20] On the question of when an impugned statement will be regarded
as defamatory, the Defendant referred this Court to Hisham bin Tan Sri
Halim v Teh Faridah bt Ahmad Norizan & Anor [2021] 6 CLJ 56; [2021] 10
MLJ 683, where it was explained that a statement is defamatory if it: (a)
tends to lower the Plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of
society generally, (b) causes the Plaintiff to be shunned or avoided; (c)
exposes the Plaintiff to hatred, contempt or ridicule; or (d) imputes to the
plaintiff any dishonorable or discreditable conduct or motives or a lack of
integrity on his part.
[21] The crux of the Defendant’s case can be distilled into the following,
namely, (a) that the Plaintiff has failed to prove his case against the
Defendant “by failing to satisfactorily prove at all that the Defendant had
even uttered the Offending Statements at all against the Plaintiff” as
mandated by section 101 of the Evidence Act 1950; and (b) that the
Plaintiff’s witnesses, including the Plaintiff himself, are not credible
The Trial and the Witnesses
[22] The trial took place over two days, that is, on the 8th and 9th of May,
2023. A total of 4 Witnesses testified.
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[23] The Plaintiff called 3 witnesses, namely,
i. Chin Felix (PW1), the Plaintiff;
ii. Suah Char Bou @ Chua Soon Tee (PW2), the Plaintiff’s
mother; and
iii. Mohamad Azlan Ezuddin bin Jumari (PW3), the Plaintiff’s
business partner.
[24] The only witness that testified for the Defendant, Geraldine S Bigar
(DW1), was the Defendant herself.
This Court’s Findings and Decision
[25] At the outset, it is this Court’s finding that the three impugned
statements, on their own, would have a tendency to lower the standing of
the person referred to in the estimation of right-thinking members of
society generally and/or would cause the person referred to in the
statements to be shunned or avoided and/or would expose the person
referred in the statements to hatred, contempt or ridicule and/or would
impute to the person referred in the statements a lack of integrity. Hence,
the impugned statements are defamatory.
[26] The issue that follows is whether the three impugned statements
referred to the Plaintiff. This is a prerequisite element that must be present
in an action for slander. That the three impugned statements are made in
reference to the Plaintiff is neither challenged nor denied.
[27] Thus, this leaves us with the remaining crucial poser of whether
there was indeed publication of the three impugned statements.
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[28] On this important element of publication, the Plaintiff had submitted
before this Court that, and as noted in para [10] above, the Defendant
“gossips and utters the Offending Statements amongst her friends, the
Plaintiff’s friends, neighbours, and their family members” and that “the
poisonous allegations” have been “spreading like wildfire”.
[29] From all these friends of both the Plaintiff and the Defendant,
neighbours and their family members, the Plaintiff only chose to call three
witnesses, including himself.
[30] As for PW1, the Defendant’s contention that PW1 was evasive in
his answer is not totally without basis. PW1 had on numerous occasions
refused to answer questions posed to him, responding with the usual “get
it from my lawyer” or “refer it to my lawyer”. While, questions such as
evidence on the conferment of the Plaintiff’s Dato Sriship title/award are
irrelevant and have been disregarded by this Court, this Court finds that
PW1 was not forthright in his answers.
[31] Although PW2 appeared feeble, she was upfront with her answers.
She very ably summed up this entire dreadful episode between the
Plaintiff and the Defendant, as nothing more than usual squabbles
between spouses and that one should not read too much into these tiffs.
In other words, PW2 has outright disregarded the impugned statements,
if at all these statements were uttered to her, as mere grievances by a
spouse undergoing a difficult period in a relationship.
[32] PW3 is the Plaintiff’s business partner. In the examination-in-chief,
he testified that the Defendant had uttered the three impugned statements
when they met on two separate occasions at two separate restaurants at
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the Tropicana Gardens Mall. However, PW3 did not adduce any evidence
to corroborate his testimony.
[33] Based on the balance of probabilities, the Plaintiff has failed to
discharge the burden of proving that the Defendant had uttered the
impugned statements to any third party.
[34] In view of the above findings, it is not necessary for this Court to
consider the defence of absolute privilege. However, in the event that the
Plaintiff appeals against this decision and the Court of Appeal disagrees
with this finding, this Court is of the considered view that the impugned
statements are indeed statements found in two police reports lodged by
the Defendant. Be that as it may, based on the decision of the Federal
Court in Noor Azman bin Azemi v Zahida binti Mohamed Rafik (supra),
the defence of absolute privilege does not apply to the present case.
[35] This brings us to the issue of the quantum of damages (if the two
earlier issues outlined in paragraphs [4] and [5] above are answered in
the affirmative). The Plaintiff is not seeking any damages against the
Defendant. What the Plaintiff seeks are the following prayers:
(f) Satu perintah bahawa Defendan menerbitkan satu permintaan
maaf bertulis di dalam akhbar-akhbar dan majalah-majalah
dalam bentuk dan terma-terma yang akan ditentukan oleh
Mahkamah yang Mulia ini; dan
(g) Satu perintah bahawa Defendan membaca penarikan balik dan
permintaan maaf tersebut dalam Mahkamah terbuka dengan
kehadiran Plaintif.
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[36] In the event that the Appellate Court disagrees with the findings
made by this Court on the issue of liability, this Court is of the considered
view that a nominal damages of RM100.00 is appropriate and prayers (f)
and (g) as outlined in the preceding paragraph are to be disallowed. This
is based on the fact that the there was very “limited publication”.
[37] On the issue of costs, as the prayers sought by the Plaintiff was well
within the jurisdiction of the Sessions Court, the costs of the proceedings
in this Court is to be borne by the Plaintiffs, on an indemnity basis.
Dated: 31 October, 2023
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Shah Alam
Andrew Ewe with Nickson Yew for the Plaintiff
(Messrs. Ewe Chong & Khoo)
Jazzmine Khoo with Rasika Dharmasena and Ho Shu Ping for the
(Messrs. Jazzmine Khoo & Associates)
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| 13,574 | Tika 2.6.0 |
MA-A52NCC-68-10/2020 | PLAINTIF HAP SENG CREDIT SDN. BHD. DEFENDAN 1. ) Makmur Agrofuture Sdn. Bhd. 2. ) Mohd Zukime Bin Mat Junoh 3. ) Muhamad Annas Bin Mohamad Anuar | I) Permohonan untuk mengenepikan penghakiman ingkar yang dibuat setelah hampir 3 tahun masa berlalu selepas penghakiman tersebut diperolehi tanpa diberikan sebab yang munasabah adalah selayaknya ditolak oleh Mahkamah ini.II) Writ Saman dan Pernyataan Tuntutan telah diserahkan kepada Defendan Ketiga berdasarkan klausa 9 perjanjian secara pos biasa berbayar dahulu "prepaid ordinary mail” diikuti oleh bukti pengeposan “certificate of posting”, manakala serahan sempurna telah berlaku pada 1.11.2020 iaitu 48 jam selepas tarikh pengeposan. Oleh itu Mahkamah mendapati bahawa serahan Writ dan Pernyataan Tuntutan bertarikh 27.10.2020 tersebut adalah serahan yang sempurna, teratur dan sah di sisi undang-undang mahu pun sah berdasarkan kontrak perjanjian jaminan yang telah ditandatangani. | 03/11/2023 | Tuan Mohd Sabri Bin Ismail | |
03/11/2023 10:05:53
MA-A52NCC-68-10/2020 Kand. 29
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m\—As2m:c—5a—1u/2020 Kand. 29
cam/zen 1u:n5-E3
(No SVARIKAT 2ov5o1ou7144m3z477,T)
(No KIP 760525-as-5173) DEFENDAN KEDUA
(N0 K/F asu4zs~u2-5:45) DEFENDAN KETIGA
(1) lm aazxan Alasan Penghaklman berhubung penoxakan
Mahkamah dengan kos RM1 sou lerhadnp permohanan Defendan
xenga yang mnuax melamn Mans Pevmahonan (Kandungan 9; berlankn
12 Jun 2023 flan Afudavnl Sokangan yang dnkvarkan men Muhamad
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Anna: am Mohamed Anuar pada 9 Jun 2023 un|uk lanjman masa
mamhllkan permohonan an Vamplran 9 lulebul din mengeneplkan
Perakuan Kemiakhudlran benankh 25112020 sena Penghakxman
mgkar benankh 2711 2020
m nokumemoxumen benkut yang Ielah aranxan m Mahkamah
Yang Mulla ml mam dnmjuk sehagaumana benkul
wm saman benankh 2710 202:) (salepas Im muqux
sebaglx -wm Saman tersehul“|,
Pumyallan Tnn|uLIn bedlnkh 21102020 (wens um
dnuwk sebagal “Pernya(aan Tumlnan Imsehut‘)
Afidavll Pinynmpalin Mohd Hanafiah Bin Suboh yang
dukrarkan pad: 2112020 (selepla ml duujuk sebagm
‘Almavn Penyimpalan lersebufl.
Fsiikuin Kemaknaauan beninkh 25 11 2020 (mega; ml
dlflquk sehagan ‘Perakuan xemzxnzawan xevseum“;
Panghaklmnn wunxn 2-mzczo (sewspas Im dvuwk
sehagal “Penghakxman nenebun
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
rnelahu pus buasa berbayar dahulu “ptepaid ordinary man" dukulv oleh
mm. pengepasan iiemficate o1 pus1mg' atau dvlmggalkan dw alamat
(evakmr Derenaan yang mxevarnn
us] Pada masa yang sama klausa lersehul .uga menyilakan
banawa api-Ina nan: Iumutan wnn saman alau pun prose: Slman
Femma yang amanm melalul pas axan dxanggap dnenma secala
xonklnswalen Delenaan Kemga aaram nempon empal pnlun lapan may
1am selepas tankh pengepasan walau pun levdapal mm. yang
[111 D1 dmam has In: wm Saman dan Pemyalaan Tunnnan le\ah
ulserahkan kapaaa unvenaan Kehga berdasarkan Mania 9 (ersebm
mu paaa aomzozo secara pas masa bemayar aahulu "plepmd
nrdmary man‘ mm men mom pengeposan -cenmcaue ov posting”
nuanakaxa serahan sempuma (e\ah nenaku pada 1 11 2020 Iallu 45
[am selepas tankh pengeposan.
[13] Namun‘ se(e\ah wm saman dan Pemyalaan Tunlutan
sempurnz mseyankan, Defendan Kenya masm gaga\ un|uk
mamasukkan xenaauan dalim lampoh 14 Ma din Kankh 1 112020
Izrsecul menyebabkan P\amm |elah memramun Ferzkuan
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. snnnw .. LAIQ4 w my n. annmun mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max
Keudakhadwran pada 26112020 flan se\erusnya Penghaklman
berlankh 27 10 2020 (ersebul
[I9] Eerdasalkan dl alas Mahkamah mendavau bzhiwa serihan
Wnl flan Femyalaan Tunlutan beflankh 27 102020 Izrsebul adauh
sevahan yang sempuma, |era('ur dan sah an 515: undangamdang manu
pun sah berdusarkan kumrak Derjinuan ‘amlnin yang lelah
:20] Nalmm sebahknya pma‘ Deaenaan Kenya feluh gagal
mnmqumn mahu pun rnemhuklwkan mengapi sarihan lersabul
max mlznma a|au 'Invuke“ Idausa 9 Paqanjuan Jamman “Jmn| a.
Seveval Guarantee 5 mdsmmly‘ herlankh zsezow tenebul
Ma\ahan Mahkamah ma pevcaya semngqa nan ml Delendan Kenya
masm lagr menelan din menggunakan alamax-axamac yang
dmyaxakan an dalam wm Saman flan Pemyslnn Tunlulan lelsebul
ma dapat sumac menalm Amavn Sokangan dan Afidavlt Jiwapan yang
(e\ah dukrzrkan oleh Defendan Keuga an fla\am pelmohonan vm
se\an;u(ny:‘ sehmgga hzn Im ma nuns mlkmman pevpmdahan
a{ama| dllenma aleh wamm flanpada Deiendxn Kehg: hank secala
hsm mahu pun berluls
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[211 Mahkamah Vang Mulxa rm merwuk kepada Atumn 1o Kasdah 3
mm) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 yang menyalakan sepem
Service nlwm m Duvsuance M mmmu to ID‘ .31
3 1n Where
my 11!: ounlracl pmvbflas mm n. (he even! M any .|o:Mm m mu-u
Mme mnIm:1 bemn begun mg umczs by wmm 4: . begun
may be served on ma nae-nun: av M such mnn person on
hm hem" .. mly be suecvfni m ms mn|r:n . Inch manmr
ov a« such pvaca {whamarvnmln ur on! Mme junsmuwn} as
my be 5m wecmod.
Then nan mm m maven arm mmmcl ‘s mm m live mmm live WM
1,, mm m E bagun 5 served m Iumdnnce mm ma mNr:L1.lhI Wm mu,
slmed m Dirlfirlfih 171 be deemsd In have been dulv sewed on me
[21] DI dalam kas Wire 8. Wire/ass S417! Bhd vs Mohd Tslb Bm Hassan
a Ors[10Z3] MLJU me m mans Ham Mahkamah Tmggl dw dmam
menclak permnhonan Devenaan unluk mengenepwkan penghaklman
mgkar |e\ah menya|akan sepem henkut
[us] The mods or mm: .3 agrccd h, Lhc mm m thus: 9 m m:
oumm H pmnma by the Rulz< 0} Cam 2012. ms .5 upmssxy
prmided m Onler in rule s« | uh) nflhz Rum m (‘nun zmz Sen/1::
sm uumam sm sane:-nu
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
ofwril in pursuan<eol‘mn\n(I ism ascrrplafierxceqmnn m the am
gmeml mndcs prescnbcd vn om. ll) me 1 «rm: mes ofC<wn
zmz Once it has been dcmnnmcd by me pmm as 1:: like spcclfic
mod: vn Much seine: 0! a uni I: I0 be effected. me ml: which
kquums a vml to be served m persmam, or an :1, parnnld A :1
regxsmvd pas! addrrssed w ms Lu know! addmss. or mm b; means
ummm...c comnmnlmuon ... acnonluncewlh ..., pmcum-dIv¢c|Inn
1ssu:d lonlm purpuse mu no Longer Bppl)
[23] Malahan, Panel Hakwm Mahkamah Pe¢seku(uan di dalam kes
Amanah Merchant Bank BM vs Lrm Taw cnoonI1994]1 MLJ M3
damn membenarkan rayuan Ferayu mm: memutuskan sepem benkut
xx, am :1 Ma: ma»/,«I.ud mm the mm of dummy] uuv rem
Ihramzh me mu m an enrelnpe arldresml to the 1.“: mm. ylane ../
addrerra/I/Ia defendant <'1I7nppImd mm rwlnecvsmrv my me
appe/[um 10 mo» mm m» 413 mu ma rm. rammed my
atlrnmnledgn-<1/nr mm In hovz haw 4/gum SZVWA? of my rrolwu 0/
Sama add Perakuin Kulidalllladiran boflirikh 26.11.2020 adalah
mm mating, um ssh, um belkuafimasa dan wa/at amuaprkan
[24] neveman Kelnga ‘uga an da\am avmawmya Ie\ah menyatakan
bahawa dusehabkan uevenaan Keuga udak menenma wm saman dan
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Pemyalaan Tunlulan rnaka Ferikuan Kanaaknaa-ran benankh
25 1 v 2020 yang uun-asumn adbtah pta mung, udak szh flan hdzk
mien mxuztxuasakan
[251 Namun dermklan Mihkamah manflapall bahawa
memandingkan seralun Wm saman dun Fenyalaan Tunlman sena
kenasrkenas kausa |e\ah dlserahkan kepada Delendan Keuga
berdasarkan klausa 9 penanuan yanunan ‘Jam! 5. sever.-an Guaranlee
5 lndemmry berlankh 2aa2u1s lersebm dun merupakan sarahin
yang sempuma dun ugn unaong-unaang, maka Ferakuan
Kemakhaduran yang lelan mmxan selepas lempoh 14 han mbenkan
kepada Defendan Iupm, Ianya ada\ah sam Pevakuan Keudakhzdnran
yang xemur (vagmar) malang dan bmeh dlkuulkuasakan Plamm
sewmsnya bemujah bahawa amsan-ahsan yang dubenkan olan
weman Keuga Iersebul adalah Ianpa mem flan gagax dubukllkan
olen Defendan Kehga dl dalam Afldavn Jawavannya
[251 Mahkamah yang Mulla Am meruyux kepafla Kes CVMB Bank and
vs Camsa Layer Fanns Sdn BM 5 Anor [2011] 2 MLJ 113 an man:
Yang Am Pesururyaya Kenakunan JWS Ko dalam menahk rlyuan
palayu man menymakan sepem benkul
m mlnam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smnw .. LAIQ4 m mm he mm-y mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm!
/ mm WES am. no mcvvl m the Vcrvmd <left'rrdanI « mnlcrvmm
(Int/mlmw Ia serve Ihe wt! .2: m regmzr2dadd.rexx um hm Br cl 5
.2; we guarantee agrvemwvt me /im nlejtruhml mt been conmtuml
as the xewnd defendanflx agent /0 actepl Aervre and since nu.»
plumnff mu II/fllilrd mw...- 0/ my my IN! my fin: xlejumluru X
nwnw In/IUVJA‘ an n-rvm» L:”z‘L.‘ltK UN .1" mum: LIL/(‘Ill/llfll mu
regular mm mm AM good \I:n!«- H/I'M’ an: m Ihv «wad
dcfendanlx mmm oddrvrx or pvmam 071729 or rt/In/malwelv
zlxmugh an firxnlq/endan! (1: I/!( Axgnnl/orrhescmnd agmim The
mime aha reerned m xwporl the mm um: um second defendant
Mm aworc u/M5 wnl mt lhe/lulgmenl m dq/i1uIlIhaIjnlIawed(::c
pmw msuw
[211 Selaluutnyi Plamm oalah menunzuxm bahawl sstelah
penghakvmin berunkh 2711 2020 aupemem Plavmw |ug| tam: pun
menghanvar sesallnan Fenghakwnan xusebm kepada Delenuan
Kemg. melam sural beflankh 27 11 mm mm penyenhan henankh
1 12 2020 wga Ielah meksmbnkan an dalam eksmm “P'I'T—I” Afidavll
Ba\as.In Pnamnv ylng flukmrkan pm 26s2a2a Namun. Deiendan
Kehga guga msm gagal menulankan nulm yang man dlkunukakan
[2a1 men yang uemman, m sebahk luduhan nevenuan Kenna
banawa behau gags! mensnma wm dan Pemyalaan Tunmcan yang
vehh dmamar bamzsaman Idausa 9 “Jam! a Seveval Guaramee &
maamury benankh 2a 5 2019 yung man: with smxukun Blah ma-um
mu ierahannyl adalan temlur (regular) dan 5.57: a. sum us. undangr
undang melalul anuavmafiuavn wng dnaulkan, Defender: Kenga juga
gagal membukhkan sebahknya flan hehau ‘uga gagal memhuklvkan
banawa beliau mempunyar men! mahuvun vambelaan yanu Davlu
dubscavlkan dx dam» amavnnya
[291 on dalam kes Bank Bum/pulm Malaysia BM vs Ma//Is Amanah
Rakyal [1979] 1 MLJ 23, Pane! Ham Mahkamah Persekuluan dalam
menclak psrmohonan Perayu le\ah menyacakan sepem benkui
n a~ axmmalic mm n‘ ma Jlnlgmcnl ., Irgu|nr.1h<lHlI< an mfleiqhle
mlnhal (hem mustIx-an:|fl1dmIloIm:nls.malIs. m\amdzv.ix slzmng
mm mm“; m -ls-Vans’: an mcril»
(so) Selamulnya di daiam xaa Tarsma Mama 3 are Insurance Ca
LTD v Wang Pan Peng & Ors (197611 MLJ 7s Hakim Mohamed Axmi
relah menalak pemmhnnan unluk mengenepllran penghaauman
dengan alasan sepem benkut
(1; the upphcanl had no! shown 3 pnma ram mm: on lhc mtnls
m law or m [an and therefore an applicnlvun mum hr dummed
m umam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. saw .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Sum: ada dakwaan Dcilndan K-riga lidak mnganali snimy Tm
Choc monq dun lnnamngan yang mm 0‘! mm 1. sum:
Eulranku zunarvkn 25.1.2019 wan dip-Iluhln momplkln nlu
1:1) Selaruulnya Defendan Keuga m dalam Ahdavn Sukungannya
yzng dukmrkan ma 9 5 2023 Juan man msnvyalakan bahawa hellau
Inak mengenah Shmey ran Choc Hanng dzn landatangan yang
uanm a. dull!!! Jam! 5. Sevelal Guarantee benlnkh 25 a 2019 man
[:21 Namun. Mahkarnah mendapalv bahawa hada mum yang
msnyokong pengaxaan neoenaan Kanga lelsebm Mmahan Nada
undakan yang mamml clan Detenaan xeuga oagx membuktlkan
bahawa Iandalangan benau Ielah dlvalsukan Sebagaw lambahan
Deiendan Kehgl Jug: gagax rnenumukkan sebnrans usana (elah
mam: hag: menmawa perkara lersebm ke pemaman Plamm ssbelum
nous pennononan uu dlfaflkan bagl membukukan fandahngan an
dalam Penanuan Jamman Jam! 5 Several Guarantea a. Inflemrmy
berlankh zsezms ada\ah benar—benar \anda|angan yang palsu
sedangkan Ianyz adauan suanu luduhan yang sangal senusdan P\aImw‘
bemak dumaldumkan mengenalnya sesegeva yang rmmgkln
m uumam SE21-Nsdnax-nu
ma saw n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 m mm he mm-y mm: dun-mm wa mum v-max
13:1 Mahkamah |uga bevpelldapal bahawa pengallan wenaan
Kahga larsebul hanyabah semala-mall aluin unluk mengenepvkln
Penghaklman bedankh 2711 zozu Innpa dnsnkong men asas mm
yang kukuh Sepalumya hndakan Vebm |egas din senus (elah mamml
pka lunar-benanandalangan (emebm adalah pa\3u Defendan Kenya
nanya mengambll lmdakan apanua lakla ml dlllmhulkan man
peguuncara Ptalnw an dnlam Andavul s-man yang aumman pm
13 7 2023 (nquk pacla pevenggan s Afldavn aalasan my Puamm warm
an man: Decendan Kenga semnpnnya Ie\ah membua| sam laporan
puns pads: 25 7 2023 bag: mengavakan buhawa (Indalangan bellau
hellh dlvalnukan tmmk Eksmbn MAA-2 AfldIv\lJIwlpan(2yD:1=rvdan
mg; yang unkrzrkan paua 2e 7 2023
[:4] Jews pemualan Defendan Ketm lariebul adalah sehagxl salu
lac!/cl! manoewlv (mun mushhll) yang am: amalsuknn sehlgal
sam penyzxangunaan moses Mahkamah Vang Muha ml Jlka henav
candarangan Delendan Kenya (e\ah mparsukan, maka beuau
sepamlnya mengamm hndakan dan awal unmk mendiuavlkan buklw»
mu yang pedu. mengalankan nmnan Iaruul mahupun mambuat
Vapour: pans leblh awn! agar undakan segue dapai mamml
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[351 Berkenain dengan isu Inn. Mahkamah Vang Muha ml rmrmuk
ksvada kes Dllo’ Tun Hang cnaw vs Tan xun Hora. Dr: [2005] 7 ML!
154 a. man Haldm Ana-n Mnllk J dalam msmhenarkan layuan Flamm
telah menyalakan sepeni benkul
m m mun fisund that m pmywsed amzndmenls to an vlatemenl
ofclnlm wzs naming more Khan . Lm.1iu|manocuvn.- which could he
mmlrurd Is an nbuw arm: pnxess arm» coun lT=I\un Tamung
Tmas & 0:5 vs Tetuzn Syn Tai Hung Trading son and [anus] 4 vu :
465 The pmpnvsed unenunmns w m: mnmenuorcmn. would hm:
the ma cl‘ nullifymg nn.n...1 tnnucmunx and ...1nn..anns mm the
pamts had mad: in the ‘statement ofagmd rm: and wauld also
mvdcr [ht exams: of secunng nu» ‘hgtcd issucs n. n: mad‘
meflbclual or uulas. Th: coun also found that m: proposed
mnendmunu m mg Vlalunzvll 0} claim Imghl be conslruui as an
allempt to have n second but at the proverbial then) especially afier
havmg Lhc Ln-nus. uf hunng Ihu suhmN\Iun~' n! ma Ieamrd munsael
for me defendants befon lh: (rial gudgqsee pan Say,
[:51 sewarqumya, Mahkarnah Jug: memmuskan banawa heban
pembukuan (burden nfproo/7 Dig: membukukan dokumen Jomr 5
Several Guarantee 5 lrldsmmly beflalikh 25 9 2019 mm mpnlsukan
sebagaumana yang dmakwa mg: Ieflelak pada Devenann Kenya
Namun‘ nan: buktl-bukll sedenuklan dleksmhukln an dalam Anaavu
n Nah: Permnhnnan Benznkh 12 s 202: (seleoas 4m dlvujuk
sebagal ‘Nous Permohonan le:sebu(“)‘
gu Anasvu Snkonqan yang mmsmsn oleh Munanua Annas
Em Mohamad Anuar pads 9 s 202: (wlepu ml dvrupnk
sebagat -Anuavn Sokongan Deleudan Kenya nersenum
ny Armavu Bikaaan Pnamm y-ng dnkurkln oleh Flong wk
Yaa pada 2s 3 2023 (selepas Im mrumk sebagax Amavu
Barassn Pwaunmersebmw
up Afndavn Jswapan uevsnaan Ksnga yang mxrsmsn men
Muhamad Annas Em Mahamad Anuar pada 912323
tselepai Im dvumk ssoagm “Aidan Jawapan De{end-In
Kehga magnum darn
.) Hujahan Berlulls nsvenaan Kehga berlankh 132023
(sehpis m. dnruluk saoagm “Hwamn Benulls Def-mam
Kednga |evsehuI'D
m mum simmsanax-nu
mm. s.n.\ nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nrW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Sukurlgan mahupun Afidavn Jawapan Plainm msumun rapan pulls
yang album pad: 25 72023 an anti! kapada paklr mum Inngan
wga yang hanya dnbual pads 57 2:12: unluk membual pamenksaan
ke alas Iandavangan Delendan Keuga yang masm bemm dlpisllkan
kepumsannya (m;\.I( Exsmm MAA-1 dan MAAVZ Afldavn Jawapan 12)
Defandan Kenya yang uukrarkan pm 25 7 may Sukysn 101 Akla
Katsmngan 1950 memperumukan sepem berkul
Burden av mac
mi m Vvmoever dares any mmm glvejuflgmum me any \e9a\ mm
Cu lnlbxlly depend! on m. axrslwu cl um Much he assefls mus!
p/we mm Imse lam em!
L2; way. : pnrwn Is buund m prove the existence amy rm :1 Vs
gum the human ad prwl Hts on ma! pevwn
[371 on dz\am kes Lelchumanan ChemaIAlagappan @ L Allagappan
(sahagar pelaknna Wasml/Exsculor Kvpada SL Mame/no Achr A/Ia:
Sana Lana A/amen; Ache. Sr Man; 5 Ancr vs seem P/amanoa sun
am: [2011] MLJU :79 Nam Mankamah Femekuluan sehulal sham
mecwyalakan sepem hevlkul
-> An action a..(m.d mus! nu|]mlplunlx~im|1\:graremuu that fraud
ts alleged but zlso me specific basis arm: allegxuon. 1 .- me rm;
uhed upon an Swan » S:ddon [2011] I WLR mo :1 pamgmph
as an n gen=:1|ru|e.Ih: more serious me alltgarion nrnnseonann.
me grnlrr .5 me nerd fur n.n.en1.n In be givrvl which rxphms Ih:
basis for me auegannn. ms Is expemm. so when zh: nfleganon mm
is bring mndz is uf and mm or dtslmilut) me pom! ts wzfl
established by zulhonly .n me case offnud“ mnee Rhus Duslricl
cnnneu V Guvemor xnfl Company nvme Bank of Enghnd mo 3)
[20423] 2 AC In pm 51 per Loni Hope, Lard Slcyn and Human .n
agmmenn ‘The rms must be so smed as In show msuncny max
fund is chatgedqciuden Neplunc v. Om|dtnxn|[l98*1] \ L|yml‘« Rn,
xosaox: Davy \ <1»-emxm 7 mu 473 n oxen" usunena Luke
se lambs supra n sun r
[:31 Du di\am kes Umred Asran Bank and vs Ta» Soon Hang
Cansln/ctron Sdn Blvd 11993) 1 ML! uaz naxnn Mamunnan
Pcvsekuman man sebulzn mm menolak rayuan Perayu dengzn
menyalakan sepem benkur
(4) Th: mu: Mmher . stgnzmm on . dmnmml ms been men ix’
a qu:sIIon 0! cm I! Is a malwr for :h: nm court m aewnnne me:
mns\d:1ing|hL- en-dab.m_» onne mlmssfls n ms sun and hard nnn
uking into account my exp:I\ evidence on me paml.
45: |n e cnil use Ind mom 53 n .e e min]! em me cvidxnc: nrnn
expert on handwriting nnsuppanea by mgem am showing me
pmccss by which >n- um: 10 ms condusiun us wnnnn-ee and . y
reliant: upon such evidmcc would commute 3 serious mnsduecinm
~Aarmn||ng inredercnce by an nppenne mbmml“
sm numm Sim Sdndznufi
“Nana snn be n... n vsfly ne mmnuuly mum: m.n.n VI mum Wm!
[19] man yang demvklan bevdasirkan kes-kes yang dmyalikan an
anas sena peruelasan yang mbenkan Mahkamah W berpendapal
bahawa tandatangan pa\su {forgery} ada\an suatu xsu yang sangal
senus dan ndak mnen dlnandang remeh dengan hanya menyalakan
hahawa hnflalangnn (ersehm adalah (andnlangbn palw dengln
nanya aam Iaporan pans d\bua| mahupun swat bag: memenksa
tandalangan (ersebul Ia nams datanq aangan buklv-bukll padat,
(ervenncv dan manaalam bag: menpelaskzn kesahhan memalsuknn
landalangan Iersehmdan bukan nanya sekanarsebman atau muuhan
iebagavnana Kenyalaan De4endan Kebga Izersebul Oleh nu. beban
pembuknan yang xanecax kepada uevanaan Kehga lersebut mas-n
hdak Ienepasmevahn kepada Plamm semngga xun
lsu bukailan tindnkan Plainlil mamong nlrlng»bnnnq uengan
nilai yang manuan, nunggulung xynnknlnnyn pldl 1a.11.2uz1
dan mm; mendadlnkan human Ielongan.
[Mn Semvuulnya Delendzn Keuga jugs le\ah memmbulkan -su-nu
bahawa xsaranflarangan xelan a-Iaxong dengin Mal yang lelendlh
Iaflu pada hzvga RM25e7212, P\a|rml udak mevualankan aue
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
ma s.nn n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 m mm a. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm y.. .num v-max
amgenoe (kajlan mam) remadap Dembeli‘ Plamm beruvusan aengan
Mahd A1 Km: Em Znmal Pllmm nanya menggulung syankal pana
«a 1 1 mm nunnaukan hndikan kubunklupun paua I910 2022 flan
mg: um menamnun buuran Ialongin mam yang amuax selepas
penggulungarl syankal pads 18 1x 2021
[411 Berkenzzn semua Isu yang mbangkilkan dr atas‘ adalah
dlperhahkan nanzwa semua Ian tersebul hdak pernan dmlmkan atau
dlumhulkan dldalam marwmana Afldavn Sokongan mahupun Amavu
Jawavan uevenmn xemg. oxen nu Mzhkamah Vang Mull: .
memvunyau kuasa dun mm: mean unluk max meng-n-an ma mu-Iw
tenehul Dada lamp mu flan Ianya lug: um keperluzn bag: P\aInIIl
unmk maruawabny:
[421 D\ da\am kes Kuan Pek Sang @ Alan Kuan v Ruben Duran 3
on and other appeals [2013] 2 MLJ 174 Hakim Mahkamah Raynan
vehh menyaiakan sepem benkut
rs; Ilc mun could mvl wmmn me orders aglmsx the mm
drfmdanrs. not only becaus: oflhe mu olmc pleadings and ptxyens
and KM absence ofpmnfof 1.»; oocassvoned by each and ever} other
dtftndlnl. but also bmm um findings or Ihe cuurl heluw an
dtslmnest asslsslance IEH slum om: reqmxemcnls of Law The mun
m uumam simmsannx-nu
mm. smm .. U... w my me DVWMIWY mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
nlso am no. supply an nn.i.<son nHh: cmul below, in fund dishonest
nssiunnoe Gvvm ma mm were no pludzd bus upon which Ih:
alleylion ofdnshoncsty was foundlsd and no vleudm has upon wmcn
rvllancrwuplaeedlo demonslmluhal|hcnbi:cuvc\(-st was aalisfizd.
and goon um n was not sansfncmrul) shown: um um sum and 13rd
defendznu wen n. a msnonen sure of mmnl when may zmamd nno
me am ma. or sale mu mm-u deeds nfv:sa1e.Ih:I: vus no reason
In supply me ammmn of mp cuurl below cu furlher mu
mm was no pnx1fu{Ih= Iussuccasslnlvrd on mos: mm: A‘k-pdsofsalc
and three de:d$ 01' mayo. the cnnn um no reason wlnxsnver (n
suppcruhc mun brlsvw in MS 11...: mm agnmsllhe nxm, ism. mm.
nun and 23 defrndanus. Thane was nu pwuuca lius upon which me
unngnnnn nraimonesy was {minded and no p|e1d:d facts upon Much
reliance was pump to demonsnm that Ihc wjzcllv: res: W13 sausfied.
In no mun. mm «are no finding: offncls upon wnm. an allegation
or aisnpnesn, was [waded and upon Whlch rcllnnte wns placed to
demonstrate Lhmlheohjecliwlesi \~assax|sfizd{s¢: pm; 93, 247-xx)"
[43] D. dalam mnahan Phvnnf. Plalrmf nemum bahawu semul mu-
Isu yang mo-npxmn elm nevenaan xemga 4. am udak pemnh
dlphdkln nan dmmhulkan plan Plamm an dalam Wm saman flan
Pemwtaan Vunuucan, mahu pun Midavn Jawnpanamavn Jawapan
mamm lnv adaxan kemna pada misa wm saman a-n Pemyalaan
Tunlman dflalkan. F\aIImfIe\Ih gagll mam nubnn unluk mengamhll
semma hakmmk kendevaan tersebuf
sm pomm sap fidndz-nu
“Nana s.nn lunhnrwm n. med n mm o. nrW\n|H|Y MIMI dnuamnl VI muua vmm
[u] Plavrmf hanyi berjayz nuengamw semura mwkin xenaeraan
\ersehu| smepas Penghaklman mpemxem flan man melelang
kendeqan Ievsebul nagx mengurangkan punlan yang Ievhmang an
mana haml juI\an belsnh uawangan man anenma pad: 2952022
sehanyak RM25,e7212 Plamhl wga wan memulakan llndakan
peusyan venggulungan (erhadap Defendan Panama ham
mendzpalkan keseluruhan ‘umhh yang havhmang ubagmmani
Penghaklman yang (elan dlpemlenl paaa 2711 2020
[451 Se\:n]u|nya, mam yuga bemujah mnawa xemua unaaxan
pehksanaan sepem Peusyen Penggulungan dzn Nuns Kehankrapan
yang mamnn Ierhadap Defendan Penama flan Delendan xeuga
auamh berdaurkln Kevan: Penghalumin henankh 27 I1 znzn an
mana Fkamm layak «emaaapnya yememelah semngga klm oaua
pennlah pengganlungan pelaksanan mbenxan oleh Mahkamah Yang
Muna um lelhadap Piaxnhl
[As] Darlpada hwahan Fhlnnf ml hmbul persnman lenlzng
bagalmanzkah Delandnn Kehga boloh mendapilkin kesemul
mlklurrul ax alas sedangkan semua kejmflan yang msebm an alas
benaku weom awal dan asas pelmohanln Detenaan xenga umuk
mengenepnkan Pengnaknnan henankh 21 11 202a adalan Defendan
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
ma sanaw .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: m.n.n VII mum Wm!
Kenya wax msnenma wm samm flan Pevnyataan Tunlulan sen:
tandalangan nmenuan Kahgl man mpmuxan lwny: a. mu adalah
“Pengslahuaw nevenuan mempunyan pengehtman Iemaoap semua
mdakan an azas namun mengambll pendekalan unmx «max mengamml
2pa—apa mdakan lanpn pad: waklu Wu
[An ma seluranya Defendzn Keuga tzelah mengelahm semna
maklumal dw alas weom awal‘ mengapz Defendan Keuga lldzk
mengxmbn unumn mam sanus dengzn mengalanksn smsalan
terpenncl paua waklu nevsenux bagalmana Iandalangannya aupassukan
mahunun mengnaxzng F\a|nN flan meneruskan tmdakan pewaksanaan
mama: xemaaap Delendan Kanya flan msmmhmn lmdakan |emadav
pmak yang man mavwu unaanngannyz mahu pun memfzflkin
pevmnhanan un|uk mengeneplkan Penghakvman mw dan iwal Iago lm
pus manuruukkan Deaenaan Kellga mempunyaw mushhat hulk (tactical
manoeuvre; bersehndung an seballk pemwhonan mu mahupun
seugma mereka-Ieka masan lair Penghakxman berlsnkn 27 11 202::
dnkelepxkan dan Defendan Keuga memapan meM<ma1I habuan dan
tmdakan lersebul Seballknya Plamm m da\am kes ml yang akan
menga\amI keruglan zkIba| turlnaikan rmlanfl max herbayir flan
dlprepudwlakan Iermdlp wmakan Detemzn Keuga ml
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[u] Berkenaan Isu .n.. Mahkamah Vang Mull: .... ma msnuuk e.
um... kss Man smg Pmnemes Sdn an.../so Pvsslrgs 5.1.. smzozu
a MLJ so: a. man: Hzknm Mahkamah nngg. am... monolak rayuan
necennan unwk memlnda pembelaannyi (em. msnyllllun seperll
m 1).: an... M15 on (he ..W........ m Furmsh a reasonxwbk
e<..1a..a .o.. m explain mg dfla) ... mm; 2.. zppliczvim. and ...z.
. we .0 do 5.. would .c...1. ... lhc ...,...u.i.... hcing disallowed. An
ayplkauan would also be dxsnllowcd .r i. was made as 2. Limits}
nunutuwe I. was zxmhfishrd ma. mg Fedrral Court ... Hung Leong
Bhd » 1...». mm Hoe and Anmher Appeal [ms] . MU ml rm.
.4.s....c:a mz pnnclplts enuncmwd ... Yamaha Motor Co Lxd .
Vamaha (M) s.1.. mm [.933] . \1L12n 0.. .....c...1....... nfpludmgs,
.4 sun. application was mad: at . me. mg: of pmoecdmgs. was
imp:nuve ...z. me xpphcalian .0 mm .....s. be ........ .. an ally
mg. 9. mg proceedmgi and when .1»: apphmlion was made at a lane:
suge mm .....s. be wgem and mliunahlv £\phuu:\|un v... ma dzlny
L52: pans mm ur-
[491 Eerdasarkan masanalasan dan L7lorIlH)|onlI yang mnyalakin d.
akas. Moms Permohonan hag. Varyulan masa .1a.. bag. mengeneplkan
sm uumam Sim s.m...u
«mm. 5.... .......w... .. ...... m may .. ..«....u.. mm: dnuamnl VI mum pm...
Penghakvman benankh 2711 2020 (Lampvan 9) adalah drlalak
dangan has DI dalam permahanan Im Delanflan Kemga gagal
mernbarlkan alasan yang munasabah aan menumukkan wujudnya Isu
yang perm dlblcarakan nag. mengenepwkan Penghaklman beaankn
2711 2020 lelsebul Dmenaan Kenga hanya mewwudkan wsu fraud
xanpa membulmknnnyz hevsamrsama alasan lam samau-Mala bag:
mengeuukkan prosndmg pellksinaan dnlevuskan Iemadapnyl
Ham Sesyen
Mahkamah Sesyen Melzka
Bag: mm mamm
cm Numl Sahswah mrm Vsmafl
Teluan Andrew T 5 Goh & Knam
75000 Melaka
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Bagl pmak Defendan kelnga
cm Mehgala Mumgawa
Teluan Mengnxa 3. Campany
12100 Eunarworlh
4am words
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
m Dl alas pemllnlzzn oelanuan Panama. Plalnllllelah memasukl
salu Pefllmlan Sewn Bell benarlkh 233 2019 G1 man. Plalnm lelnrl
laen.elu;u nnluk menyewa kepada Delendan Panama salu (1 l unn Dam
“0WDiarmlraz:toIs ctwlnelollawlng slnnaam acoemnes al Lavvelllng
Buckzt ls) Grin sunken :1 also plaugn up Ply dlsc nannw, e) Rolarvy
llller, 0 Fuvmwev ridge! g) Dlsc nagers M Cassava p|an|er (selepas
VIII mnnux sebagal Peqannan Sew: Bell lsrsebm).
[4] Manakala Dalenaan Kellga bersama-sums aengan Delenaan
Kedua adalan penlamnuaenlamln melalul Sam Jam .5 Several
enaunlee 5. lndemnlly yang lelan dnanditarlgarll pads 22 52mg
Delandarl Kauga bersem Detendan man. man bellelulu umuk
rllerljamln pembayalarl pada lepal masa kesgmua lumlall yang kerla
dnhayzr kepada Plalnm an nawan Peqannan Sewa Bell lersebul aan
lzeraemu umuk merlarlggung rugl lemaaap segala keluglarl yirlg
dlzlaml .Iklba| kemgkararl Delendan Fenama
[5] Mamandangkarl uelendan Panama Delenuan Kedua darl
wenaan Kehga man gagal unluk rnemlmal bayararl nnaulan bulanarl
an nawan Penanllarl Sewn Bell lelsebul‘ maka Plalnllllelzn munlallxan
m uulrml SE21-Nsdndx-nu
ma s.n.l a. med w my n. mn.ny mm: dnuuvlnnl wa nFluNG vtmxl
wm Samin aan Punyaxaan Tunluun berlinkh 27102020 sanavan
Wm Samar: dan Pemyalaan runxman benankh 27 to 2020 sempuma
duserahkan kepada semua Detendan Iermasuk Delerman Keoga
nmngm kamrak din uaua kehadlran dlmasukkan uleh Defendan
xeng. «eusnm, maka Plamm (sun mamvauuan um Ferakunn
xemaknaavan berlankh 25112020 selemsnya memrauxan
Pengnaxunan herunkh 27 11 2020
[51 Maka mm 52121571 namwuga (3) [shun nenam Deleman Kama
Ielah memasukkzu Nuns Permnhonan hellankh 12e2c2a unmk
mengenepwkan Penghalumnn bedankh 27 11 2D20(eIsebu1
m Undangflndzng yang memhzngunkzn nnnssp manganepman
Pengnamman mgka: aaanan sam pvuseduv undangundang yang (elah
mmapxan Penmnenan un|uk mengenepwkan Pengnaxunan yang
mpemlahl mesmah dIbna| dalzm lempuh Hg: puluh (30)harI dan lankh
Penghaklman lersebul dlperulehl Proms! yang berkanan dengannya
bdeh dwdzpali dw dalam Aturan 42 Kaedah 13 KaedaIv—Ka2L1ah
Mahka/nan 2012 Yhng men‘/a|akan sepem henkm
m uumam szzamsanax-nu
ma saw nmhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w may he nrW\nnH|:I mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
s-«inn ui
oi univlfi iniumumx ...u nvdus(a.A2‘:.1:|!
13 sm as ulharwlse pvwlded m was Rule: whzta Wmumnx are
mad: .n mesa mm for saflmg am a. vzrymg at my mdernv pmgmenly
. pm, mllndmq m ml ...a. 5. u; vzry Mn ntdav nv judgmelll mu mm
In Ivvhcnlmn to Ian cam and saw: u on In: nmy whu nu Mmnvad me
nmev nuudgvIerI|ww)Il1 my my: my me mm<p\ A1101: ulde<unungmenl
[n1 Pevkalaan ‘she/V" yang dmyalakan m atas merujuk kepaua
nevbuaun yang mew muxukan nan mm Oleh nu nemmmn
pnnswp undangmndang yang dmyalakan an alas aapauan dlslmpmkan
nanawa nermanonan umuk mengenemkan Pengnakunan Ingkir
mesman dlhual dzlam Iempch Ivga puluh mo; han dan lankh
Pengnakm-an Ingkir larsehul dnanma uleh bemoan Kehga D1 omen:
us an Penghaknman Ingkav telzh pun dnsevahkan kepada Devenaan
Kehg: seem: Ieralur pad: 1 122020 (mjuk Ekslbxt PTT~1 Andavu
aalasan Plamlfl yang dukravkan pada 26 s 202:) Semenjak dan lankh
lavsebul, Delendan Kama (elah gags‘ memlaflkan apa-apa
pevmuhcnan bag: mempanuuuxan xeasanan Penqnaxnnan benankh
2711 2020 Ievsebul mahu pun membeukan alasan yang munasabah
mengapa heflaku kewewanan dz\am mamlallkan nemmhunan IN Olen
mu, Defendan Kama Idalah dwmahg unmk memvemkanan
Penghaklman lngkal (ersehm pafla kelnka nu
m mum SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my me nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[91 Du dalam kes Chmg Wk Deve/opmervr Sdn End 8. Anor vs
Wardwarv Drslnbulols (M) Sdn and 5 Anor now] 10 ML! :11 Hakim
Mlhknmah Tmggn dfllm menolak pemmhonzn un|uk mengenepwkan
penghaklman Ingkav Dadendan man menyalakan sepem oenxux
-11) ..In addinun. ahhnugh um fimldefrndanlclmmedlI1al|l1v\Ighl
m be allowed m file ‘us ddence. no proposed dcfcnrr rm bccn
nma ur anachcd m m: nlfidzvik m wppml The rm ddendznl
had also ml gn/an any mm; m c‘<plam me am; in making
In nppllcalmn In 5:! aside me man]: judguwnl. In me
nrcuznslances me scram JudgJIIcn| nugm not m be $4! mm:
45:: mm Wm. M“
m1 Delendan Keuga new. berhujah barwwa Mahkamah yang Mull:
lFIIII16fYIDLlHyI|h\di|1g kuan unluk membenkan \an‘u|an mama‘ namun
saya berpendapal bahawa Mahkamah hzmslah mama! wuwdnya
zlasan yang kukuh nan menelm dangln lerpennev sebemm sesuatu
Vamulan man dubenkan Iemzdip kahdakpaluhan kaedah-kaaaah
Mahkamuh nmenm agar wanya mu memam asas ken-Ida
penyalahgunaan moan bag: menelang pengnamman yang lelah
dlmasukkan secan san dan Ieraluv Mengenax perkara mu m dalam kes
Malayan Eankmg Bhd vs Mahmoud zunm Hg Molvd No: [2001] 5 Mu
209, Yang Am Ham Sunyadu «em. mmyalakan sepem benkul
12/ A) fivnu /haw. Mu umcerncd vegavdlam «nae qua/rlymu
an order be u n vmllug or .1 mm Irregular awe the cam: could :61
um :u4.h/udgment men lhongh om 0/mm» am .1 1: my mm
new mm lo mmke mm Inherent pvwer. the mun mm strulmwe
the matter mm afivmtoolhed comb Lrpeuullv W mum /m the
adma application Nolhmg mu/a be Amplartted m we mm 0/a
demulnng lmgnrn ma: exploumg We m>,mm xermltvtlux L] a
nudge mud circumvent mamlulorv xmlumrv pm!/mom W 1)
[11] Oleh nu. permnhnnan unmk mengenecikan pengnamman Ingkar
yang olbufl ma lahap Im flan suenan Mmplr 3 mum mm wmu
selepas penghakxman (arsenal mpernlem (anpa dlbenkan sehah yang
munasaban adalah selayiknya dmolax Mel! Mankamah nun Mulu mu
bavoasarkan pvmso lelsebul an ans
[121 Anlzva Iswsu yang dlhangkrlkan uleh nevenuan Ke1Iga unluk
manganennkan Penghakvnan henankn 2711202DIeue|:u( nu nh
sepem benkul
. Sevahan Wm Saman dan Pemyalaan TunIu|an benankh
27102020 aualah uaak sempuma kerana can-nan
Kenga max menenmn Wm am Femyalnn Tunluun
n Perakuan Kemaknamran berlankh 20112020 adalah
uaak mung um san, mm: berkunlkuua man went
In. wenuan mg: um mengenall sn-my Tan Choo
Huang din Iandllmgln yang Ienera a. Jam! 5. Several
Guaranlee benankh 25 e 2019 lelah aupasuknn, an
w Memang baring-baring dengzn mu. yang lerenflzh
menggulung syankal hznya yada 10 H 2021 dan max
mendedahkan human Vebngin
[13]Se1e|ah menelm Nous Permomnan Ietsebul flan
mempemmbangk-In kesamua xeuera:-gun afidavn yang laluh
miamukakan serla menehh manan benuhs dan keauama plhak
m uumam sizamsanax-nu
mm. smm .. 0... 0 may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
maka an alas xmbangan keharangkahan Mahkzmah memmuskan
bahawa permohonan xersenux anolax dengan keg. rm1.5OD
sum: and: smnan Writ s-nun dun Pumyman Tunluluv
bcrunkn 27.10.2020 nan:-n lldik umnumu kmm flelundln
Kellga mm menedrna wm dan Pemyahan Tunmlan lusnbul.
[141 uelman Kenya .1: dalam alfidavn pwapannya «evan
menglukan bahrwa heluu man psmah menenma semnan Wm
saman flan Femyanaan Tunlman berlankh 27 10 2020 mahu pun apa-
zpa kertas kausa den Afuizvn Penyampalan Plamm yang dukrarkan
Nah Mohd Hanaflah am Suboh (Lamwan 4) nm mengexsn-mkan
sebaung perakuan penanmaan olah behau
[151 Eerdasarkan an ztas adalah maruzdl hupahan Plamm‘ bzhawa
Lmdakan lerhadap Delenflan mug: aualah hamnsarkln Kevan:
Feqarman Janunan ‘Jam! 5- sevem Guarantee 5 lndemmrf benankn
2a a 1D19yangtelah umamacangam Berdasarxan Hausa 9 peqarulan
|amman lersebut sebarang nous am mnlutan undangmndang m
biwah Darmulan Aanunan lafsebul hendikluh flnserahkan xeuaaa
Devenaan Kehgz sama aaa secara serzhan Kadln alau umznlar
m uumam SE21-Nsdndx-nu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 3,895 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
KA-41LB-12-11/2022 | PERAYU Pendakwa Raya [TIMBALAN PENDAKWA RAYA ] RESPONDEN MUHAMD RASHID BIN ABD RAOUF | Rayuan terhadap keputusan lepas dan bebas di akhir kes pembelaan. Rayuan atas isu 'revisiting of finding of prima facie' dan isu pemilikan terhadap barang-barang larangan. | 03/11/2023 | YA Puan Evawani Farisyta binti Mohammad | |
(NO KP : 840106-02-5911) …RESPONDEN
(Di dalam perkara Mahkamah Majistret Jitra, Kedah
No: KC-83-117-07/2019)
Pendakwa Raya
Muhamd Rashid Bin Abd Raouf)
[1] Rayuan Perayu ini adalah terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Majistret
yang telah melepas dan membebaskan Responden di akhir kes
pembelaan bagi satu kesalahan di bawah perenggan 135(1)(d) Akta
03/11/2023 17:41:01
KA-41LB-12-11/2022 Kand. 30
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Kastam 1967 [Akta 235] dan boleh dihukum di bawah
subperenggan 135(1)(v)(aa) Akta yang sama.
[2] Pertuduhan terhadap Responden adalah seperti berikut:
“BAHAWA KAMU pada 26.06.2019 kira-kira jam 9.15 malam di
sebuah premis perniagaan yang beralamat di Jalan Megat Dewa,
Pekan Megat Dewa, Dalam Mukim Putat, 06100 Kodiang, Dalam
Negeri Kedah dengan disedari mempunyai dalam milikan kamu
barang-barang larangan iaitu:
i. 36 paket x 20 batang Rokok John D/blend;
ii. 65 paket x 20 batang Rokok John British;
iii. 29 paket x 20 batang Rokok Gudang Garam 20’s;
iv. 78 paket x 20 batang Rokok John Limited;
v. 91 paket x 20 batang Rokok John Black;
vi. 346 paket x 20 batang Rokok John Kelabu;
vii. 62 paket x 20 batang Rokok John D/blend;
viii. 4 paket x 20 batang Rokok John White; dan
ix. 8 paket x 16 Rokok Surya Gudang Garam 16’s
yang kesemuanya ditaksirkan bernilai RM1,791.60 yang mana
barang-barang tersebut adalah barang yang dilarang
pengimportannya di bawah Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai
Import) 2017 dan dengan demikian kamu telah melakukan suatu
kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 135(1)(d) Akta Kastam 1967 yang
boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 135(1)(v)(aa) Akta yang sama.”.
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[3] Setelah mendengar rayuan ini, Mahkamah ini telah menolak rayuan
Perayu dan mengekalkan keputusan Mahkamah Majistret. Terkilan
dengan keputusan Mahkamah ini, Perayu telah mengemukakan
rayuan selanjutnya ke Mahkamah Rayuan.
[4] Pada 26.6.2019, SP5 telah menerima maklumat berkaitan aktiviti
penjualan rokok di sebuah premis perniagaan di Pekan Megat
Dewa, Kodiang, Kedah (“premis tersebut”) yang dipercayai dan
disyaki menjual rokok-rokok yang tidak sah. Hasil maklumat
tersebut, SP5 bersama sepasukan anggota daripada Jabatan
Kastam DiRaja Malaysia (“JKDM”) telah pergi ke premis tersebut
untuk menjalankan pemeriksaan.
[5] Sampai di premis tersebut, SP5 telah memperkenalkan diri kepada
seorang lelaki Melayu yang berada di kaunter di dalam premis
tersebut yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Responden. SP5 telah
mengarahkan anggota JKDM untuk membuat pemeriksaan ke atas
premis tersebut dengan kehadiran Responden. Hasil pemeriksaan,
anggota JKDM telah menemui beberapa jumlah rokok pelbagai
jenama yang disorokkan di dua tempat berasingan di dalam premis
tersebut iaitu di kaunter dan di dalam bilik tidur ruang rehat. Rokok-
rokok tersebut didapati tidak mempunyai setem cukai yang
diluluskan dan beberapa rokok mempunyai label MDNP (Malaysian
Duty Not Paid) yang merupakan barang-barang larangan.
Responden juga telah gagal mengemukakan sebarang dokumen
berkenaan rokok-rokok tersebut apabila diminta oleh SP5.
Responden berserta rokok-rokok yang dirampas telah dibawa
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
pulang ke pejabat Cawangan Penguatkuasaan Bukit Kayu Hitam
untuk siasatan lanjut.
[6] Di akhir kes Pendakwaan, Mahkamah Majistret telah memutuskan
bahawa pihak Pendakwaan (Perayu) telah gagal membuktikan satu
kes prima facie terhadap Responden dan telah melepas dan
membebaskan Responden daripada pertuduhan.
[7] Rayuan Perayu ke Mahkamah Tinggi telah dibenarkan pada mana
Mahkamah Tinggi telah mengetepikan keputusan Mahkamah
Majistret dan memutuskan bahawa satu kes prima facie telah
berjaya dibuktikan oleh Perayu dan Mahkamah Tinggi telah
memerintahkan Responden membela diri. Perbicaraan di peringkat
pembelaan telah didengar di hadapan Majistret yang lain.
[8] Pada peringkat pembelaan, Responden telah memberi keterangan
bersumpah dan menegaskan bahawa perniagaan di premis
tersebut bukan milik Responden sebaliknya merupakan perniagaan
yang didaftarkan atas nama ibu Responden, Intan binti Goi.
Menurut Responden lagi, ibu dan ayah Responden turut tinggal
dalam premis tersebut, dan pada tarikh kejadian, Responden telah
singgah bersama-sama isteri ke premis tersebut untuk melawat ibu
dan ayah Responden.
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[9] Semasa Responden berada di hadapan premis tersebut,
sepasukan pegawai Kastam telah menyerbu premis tersebut dan
menjumpai sejumlah rokok di bawah kaunter juruwang dan di dalam
bilik tidur di dalam premis tersebut. Ketika serbuan, isteri, ibu dan
ayah Responden serta beberapa jiran ibu Responden turut berada
di bahagian belakang rumah di premis tersebut.
[10] Responden telah memberitahu pihak Kastam bahawa perniagaan
runcit tersebut milik ibu beliau dan beliau menjalankan perniagaan
menjual kredit pra-bayar telefon dan aksesori atas nama Freetel
Northern Enterprise yang didaftarkan atas alamat yang sama
dengan premis tersebut. Responden telah mengemukakan dua (2)
salinan pendaftaran syarikat dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat
Malaysia bagi premis tersebut iaitu eksibit D11 (pendaftaran
perniagaan premis tersebut atas nama Intan binti Goi) dan D12
(pendaftaran syarikat Responden atas nama Freetel Northern
Enterprise). Kedua-dua eksibit D11 dan D12 menunjukkan alamat
pendaftaran perniagaan yang sama iaitu di alamat premis tersebut
sebagaimana dalam pertuduhan.
[11] Di akhir kes pembelaan, Mahkamah Majistret telah memutuskan
bahawa Responden telah berjaya menimbulkan keraguan
munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan dan memutuskan bahawa
Perayu telah gagal membuktikan kes pada tahap melampaui
keraguan yang munasabah dan memerintahkan Responden dilepas
dan dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan.
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[12] Rayuan Perayu memfokuskan kepada 2 isu utama seperti berikut:
a) Majistret telah khilaf dari segi fakta dan undang-undang apabila
‘revisit the finding of prima facie’ yang telah diputuskan oleh
Mahkamah Tinggi; dan
b) Majistret telah khilaf dari segi undang-undang dan fakta apabila
hanya menilai keterangan Responden semata-mata dan gagal
membuat penilaian maksimum terhadap keseluruhan keterangan
saksi-saksi pendakwaan (Perayu).
[13] Dalam melaksanakan bidangkuasa rayuannya, Mahkamah ini
mengambil maklum tugas dan fungsi Mahkamah yang mendengar
rayuan dan prinsip bahawa Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan
tidak akan mengganggu atau mengubah keputusan fakta
mahkamah yang membicarakan kecuali jika mahkamah yang
membicarakan telah membuat keputusan yang bertentangan
dengan undang-undang atau dapatan faktanya adalah jelas salah
(“plainly or blatantly wrong”) (rujuk kes Low Kian Boon & Anor v
Public Prosecutor [2010] 4 MLJ 425 and Public Prosecutor v Mohd
Radzi bin Abu Bakar [2005] 6 MLJ 393).
Isu (a) : Puan Majistret khilaf dari segi fakta dan undang-undang
apabila ‘revisit the finding of prima facie’ yang telah diputuskan oleh
Mahkamah Tinggi
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[14] Berhubung isu ini, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Mahkamah
Majistret telahpun membuat penilaian semula terhadap elemen-
elemen pertuduhan yang perlu dibuktikan oleh Perayu iaitu yang
berkaitan dengan elemen pemilikan dan pengetahuan. Mahkamah
ini berpendapat bahawa apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Mahkamah
Majistret di peringkat pembelaan ini adalah ‘revisiting the finding of
prima facie’ di mana berdasarkan prinsip undang-undang yang
mantap dan juga prinsip stare decisis, bahawa setelah Mahkamah
Tinggi memutuskan wujudnya kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan
terhadap Responden dan Responden diperintahkan membela diri,
keputusan tersebut hendaklah dipatuhi oleh Mahkamah Majistret.
[15] Sebagaimana yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan di
dalam kes NwiteIkechukwu Ogbonnaya lwn PP [2018] 1 LNS 674:
“[14] Pada pandangan kami, pendekatan yang diambil oleh hakim
bicara adalah betul di sisi undang-undang. Adalah menjadi
undang-undang mantap bahawa apabila Mahkamah Rayuan
telah mengakaskan keputusan hakim bicara dan
memerintahkan agar Perayu dipanggil membela diri terhadap
pertuduhan yang dikemukakan terhadapnya, tugas hakim
bicara ialah untuk memutuskan sama ada pembelaan Perayu
telah berjaya menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah
terhadap kes pendakwaan, dan jika apa-apa anggapan
statutory telah digunapakai, sama ada anggapan tersebut telah
dipatahkan atas imbangan kebarangkalian.
[15] Hakim bicara adalah tidak dikehendaki untuk
mengulangkaji keputusan yang dibuat oleh Mahkamah Rayuan
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
bagi menentukan sama ada satu kes prima facie telah berjaya
dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan…” [penekanan ditambah]
[16] Dalam keadaan kes rayuan ini, apa yang patut dilakukan oleh
Mahkamah Majistret adalah untuk menilai keterangan Responden
di peringkat pembelaan dan sama ada keterangan Responden
tersebut berjaya membuktikan suatu keraguan yang munasabah
atau tidak terhadap kes pihak Pendakwaan (Perayu).
[17] Ini selaras dengan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Norol
Rojik Jun v PP [2018] 8 CLJ 186 yang telah memutuskan seperti
“[11] We found no merit in this ground of appeal. First of all, the
calling of the appellant’s defence to the original murder charge was
on the order of this court, which must be taken as if it was made by
the trial judge himself. It was therefore not open to the succeeding
judge to reopen the issue of whether a prima facie case had been
established by the prosecution. Nor was it open to us, being a court
of co-ordinate jurisdiction, to do so.
[12] The trial judge’s duty after the order was made by this court
was only to consider whether the appellant’s explanation, if
any, had cast a reasonable doubt in the prosecution case. But
of course in doing so, the learned judge was bound by s.
182A(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code (“the CPC”) to
consider all the evidence adduced before the court, which
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necessarily includes evidence adduced by the prosecution at
its stage of the case.” [penekanan ditambah]
[18] Namun begitu, walaupun dalam keadaan di mana Mahkamah
Majistret telah ‘revisit the finding of prima facie’ yang telah
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi, ia tidaklah secara langsung
boleh mengakibatkan sesuatu keputusan Mahkamah Majistret
tersebut (sama ada sabitan ataupun lepas dan bebas) sebagai tidak
sah. Apa yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya oleh Mahkamah yang
mendengar rayuan adalah meneliti dan menilai sama ada
keputusan Mahkamah Majitret tersebut adalah selamat dan
berlandaskan kepada prinsip undang-undang yang betul.
Isu (b) : Puan Majistret khilaf dari segi undang-undang dan fakta
apabila gagal mengambil kira keterangan SD1 yang mengakui
mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaan penjualan rokok seludup di
kedai; dan hanya menilai keterangan Responden semata-mata dan
gagal membuat penilaian maksimum terhadap keseluruhan
keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan (Perayu)
[19] Responden dalam rayuan hari ini telah memilih untuk memberikan
keterangan bersumpah dan hanya Responden sahaja yang telah
memberikan keterangan bagi pihak pembelaan.
[20] Asas pembelaan Responden adalah bahawa barang-barang
larangan yang dijumpai di premis tersebut adalah kepunyaan ibu
beliau. Dalam erti kata lain, pembelaan yang hendak diketengahkan
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oleh Rerponden adalah beliau tiada milikan atas barang-barang
larangan tersebut.
[21] Pihak Perayu telah menghujahkan bahawa keterangan Responden
bahawa perniagaan di premis tersebut milik ibu Responden adalah
suatu afterthought kerana isu tersebut tidak dibangkitkan oleh
pembelaan semasa kes pendakwaan. Perayu juga membangkitkan
bahawa Mahkamah Majistret gagal mengambil kira pengakuan
Responden semasa pemeriksaan balas yang Responden
mengetahui penjualan rokok seludup tersebut.
[22] Dalam pertuduhan bagi kesalahan seperti yang dipertuduhkan
terhadap Responden, salah satu elemen yang perlu dibuktikan
adalah elemen pemilikan. Pemilikan bererti jagaan atau kawalan
terhadap barang-barang larangan tersebut dan juga pengetahuan
terhadap barang-barang larangan tersebut.
[23] Fakta bahawa Responden mengakui yang beliau mengetahui wujud
penjualan rokok seludup di premis tersebut, hanya membuktikan
bahawa Responden mempunyai pengetahuan. Mahkamah ini
bersetuju dengan hujahan Responden bahawa hanya dengan
pengetahuan tidak cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa Responden
telah melakukakan kesalahan seperti dipertuduhkan. Elemen
pemilikan perlu dibuktikan iaitu bahawa Responden mempunyai
jagaan atau kawalan ke atas barang-barang larangan tersebut dan
Responden mempunyai pengetahuan bahawa barang-barang
tersebut adalah barang-barang larangan.
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[24] Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v Denish
a/l Madhavan [2009] 2 MLJ 194 telah merujuk kepada kes Chan
Pean Leon v Public Prosecutor [1956] 1 MLJ 237 dan memutuskan
seperti berikut:
“[18] Thomson J in Chan Pean Leon v Public Prosecutor [1956]
MLJ 237, said that 'possession' for the purposes of criminal law
involves possession itself — which some authorities term 'custody'
or 'control' — and knowledge of the nature of the thing possessed.
As to possession itself he cited the following definition in Stephen's
Digest (9th Ed), at p 304), in which the exclusive element
mentioned by Taylor J appears:
A moveable thing is said to be in the possession of a person
when he is so situated with respect to it that he has the
power to deal with it as owner to the exclusion of all other
persons, and when the circumstances are such that he may
be presumed to intend to do so in case of need.”
[25] Di dalam kes Chan Pean Leon v Public Prosecutor (supra) di atas
Mahkamah telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
“To put it otherwise, there is a physical element and a mental
element which must both be present before possession is
made out. The accused must not only be so situated that he
can deal with the thing as if it belonged to him, for example
have it in his pocket or have it lying in front of him on a table.
It must also be shewn that he had the intention of dealing with
it as if it belonged to him should he see any occasion to do so,
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in other words, that he had some animus possidendi. Intention
is a matter of fact which in the nature of things cannot be proved by
direct evidence. It can only be proved by inference from the
surrounding circumstances. Whether these surrounding
circumstances make out such intention is a question of fact in each
individual case. If a watch is in my pocket then in the absence of
anything else the inference will be clear that I intend to deal with it
as if it were my own and accordingly I am in possession of it. On the
other hand, if it is lying on a table in a room in which I am but
which is also frequently used by other people then the mere
fact that I am in physical proximity to it does not give rise to the
inference that I intend to deal with it as if it belonged to me.
There must be some evidence that I am doing or having done
something with it that shews such an intention. Or it must be
clear that the circumstances in which it is found shew such an
intention.” [penekanan ditambah]
[26] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dapatan fakta oleh Mahkamah
Majistret bahawa Responden telah berjaya menimbulkan keraguan
munasabah terhadap elemen pemilikan berdasarkan faktor
kehadiran individu-individu lain di premis tersebut dan bahawa
pemilik perniagaan di premis tersebut adalah ibu Responden
(disokong oleh keterangan eksibit D11) adalah satu dapatan fakta
yang betul.
[27] Mahkamah ini mengakui bahawa hakmilik (ownership) ke atas
perniagaan di premis tersebut tidak secara langsung membuktikan
pemilikan ke atas barang-barang larangan tersebut (rujuk kes Leow
Nghee Lim v Reg [1956] MLJ 28). Namun begitu, merujuk
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keputusan di dalam kes Chan Pean Leon (supra) di atas, walaupun
Responden telah ditahan semasa berada di kaunter premis tersebut
di mana sebahagian barang-barang larangan ditemui di bawah
kaunter, fakta tersebut semata-mata tidak membuktikan bahawa
Responden mempunyai jagaan atau kawalan atas barang-barang
larangan tersebut. Tiada keterangan menunjukkan bahawa
Responden telah berurusan dengan barang-barang larangan
tersebut yang membolehkan elemen pemilikan dipenuhi.
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Mahkamah Majistret telah
membuat dapatan yang betul dalam memutuskan bahawa ‘tiada
bukti atau dokumen yang menunjukkan Responden mampunyai
kuasa dalam menentukan, mengetahui mahupun memiliki apa-apa
jenis barang yang hendak dijual di kedai runcit yang dimiliki ibunya’.
[28] Dalam rayuan ini, Mahkamah Majistret telah turut memutuskan
bahawa setelah meneliti keterangan secara menyeluruh dan
dibandingkan dengan kes pendakwaan dan pembelaan serta
merujuk prinsip dalam kes Mat v Public Prosecutor [1963] 1 MLJ
263, Majistret telah mendapati bahawa pembelaan Responden
adalah bukan afterthought. Keterangan Responden adalah bersifat
penjelasan dan Majistret menerima penjelasan tersebut.
[29] Dalam hujahannya, Responden telah menegaskan bahawa
pemilikan perniagaan di premis tersebut bukanlah perniagaan
beliau sebaliknya adalah perniagaan milik ibu beliau. Responden
telah mengemukakan dokumen sokongan eksibit D11 dan D12
daripada Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (“SSM”) di mana eksibit
D11 mengesahkan bahawa perniagaan ibu Responden di premis
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tersebut telahpun mula didaftarkan sejak 5.12.2006 dan masih lagi
berstatus aktif.
[30] Mahkamah ini turut mendapati bahawa Mahkamah Majistret telah
membuat dapatan yang betul bahawa pihak pembelaan telah
berjaya membuktikan keraguan yang munasabah atas kes
pendakwaan dan telah melepas dan membebaskan Responden
daripada pertuduhan.
[31] Perayu turut mengetengahkan peruntukan seksyen 119 Akta 235
yang secara ringkas meletakkan beban pembuktian kepada
Responden sekiranya wujud pertikaian (dispute) tentang sama ada
duti kastam bagi sesuatu barangan itu telah dibayar ataupun tidak
atau sama ada barangan tersebut telah diimport mengikut undang-
undang ataupun tidak.
[32] Apa yang ingin ditegaskan oleh Perayu adalah bahawa beban
pembuktian Responden di peringkat pembelaan adalah di atas
imbangan kebarangkalian dan bukannya sekadar menimbulkan
keraguan yang munasabah, sebagaimana yang telah diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Majistret.
[33] Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah ini tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan Perayu
kerana asas pembelaan Responden adalah Responden tiada
pemilikan atas barang-barang sebagaimana dalam pertuduhan.
Responden tidak pernah menimbulkan pembelaan bahawa
Responden percaya yang barang-barang larangan tersebut telah
dibayar duti kastam yang mana boleh membangkitkan peruntukan
seksyen 119 Akta 235. Sehubungan itu, Mahkamah ini berpendapat
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bahawa beban pembuktian Responden di peringkat pembelaan
sebagaimana dapatan oleh Mahkamah Majistret adalah betul, iaitu
Responden hanya perlu menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah
atas elemen pemilikan Responden terhadap barang-barang
larangan tersebut.
[34] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa tiada kekhilafan di pihak
Mahkamah Majistret dalam dapatan beliau terhadap keterangan
pembelaan Responden. Mahkamah ini juga mendapati bahawa
Mahkamah Majistret telah menggunapakai prinsip undang-undang
yang betul dalam penerimaan keterangan pembelaan Responden.
Sehubungan itu, Mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa keputusan
Mahkamah Majistret yang telah melepas dan membebaskan
Responden di akhir kes pembelaan adalah dikekalkan. Dengan ini,
rayuan Perayu adalah ditolak.
(Evawani Farisyta binti Mohammad)
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah (2)
Alor Setar, Kedah
3 November 2023
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
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Bagi pihak Perayu:
Gayathri a/p Sambath
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia
Bagi pihak Responden:
Siti Salwa binti Ja’afar
Tetuan Khairul Suhail Salwa & Co.
S/N Yu/0VynejUeejZjR7UZ3iw
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| 22,698 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22IP-42-07/2020 | null | Plaintiff's claim against the Defendants for:(i) breach of confidentiality; (ii) breach of fiduciary duty and/or duty of fidelity; (iii) breach of confidence;(iv) unlawful interference with the Plaintiff’s trade/business; and (v) conspiracy to injure the Plaintiff’s trade/business by unlawful means. Application dismissed. | 03/11/2023 | YA Tuan Azlan bin Sulaiman | | 9-.~<-'ve I-".bs-’.~.-
CIVIL sun NO‘ WA»22|F 42 a7/znzo
[F mum’ Aapllualion (Enclosurv 361)]
The FVETHUNS ave pan 0! (ha OAG Group wmch specmllzes In
oflshure and nnshuva works m pnpelme flew pm caaung servncss
and wakimg Sarvmes
Vega ) 6’ ll
TPle1“.2"‘.4"‘ and 5“ nelendanvs were previously employed by lne
Plainlifis Alier leaving the employ or me 1*‘ Plainlili in Nuvember
2017, me 1' Delendam lonineo U18 3” Defendam in Apdl 2018, in
lne same lnduslry as llie Flalntlfis, and me 2*. 4'" and 5“
Defendants supsequenlly mined him there
in July zozoi the Plainiius brought lnls actlon agalns1 me
Delendants. alleging lhal lney had used lhe Plalnllfls‘ ponfioeniial
inlonnanon (‘F'|aln|rfis‘ ln1urvnaIion")lo runner Ike 3"’ Delsndanls
buslnass Oonsequenlly, ineir claims ageinsl llie nelenpanls were
ii) breach or conndenlielily;
(ill breach olriouclery duly and/ov duly olfide|l\Yi
lilil meecn ol confidence:
(iv) unlawful inlerlerenoe wiln ine Plainlirrs lrade/business: and
Iv) conspiracy in iniuie ole Plainiilrs nape/business by unlewlul
siniunaneously wiln filing ine wnl, lrie Pleiniins also applies: ex—
pane lei vanaus imerlm reliel, lrlcludlng lei an Anlnn Pillei Order
and umlectlve oioeis (coliecllvely. “the APO“)Io lelrlerve and pieces:
the Plalrllifls‘ lnlornialion alleged to be in me Delenpenls
possession lion: iurlher use and disclosure. ano to preserve any of
n or des|ruc1lon max would lhwarl lne Plainiirrs
aonon agalrlsl inem (“the Plaln(lWs' Application“)
il lmni alsseinin
PI]: 2 a1 1:
Pmper execuuon olan Amen Prller Order l$ rml ||A$| confined to the
search and exlracllon plvcess at me deslgnaled premises, but also
extends lo oover all sols lheleafler when the lruws om-al search and
exlraclion are lnspefieds examlned and recorded Thus‘ ll ls
lmperalrve lhal superwsmg solve-tors must be Invulvad m all slages
ol the execullon or an Anion Plller Order
In my vlevw loo, me lactlhallhe APOcalled lot three Iawfirms lo acl
as supervlslng sullcltors also indlcales lhal supervlsing snllcllnvs
mus| he mvulveu in me execullon aflhs APO al all Ilmes One would
ordinarily play lhe predamlnarll role wm. the other Mo slendmg by
In case cl unavallahlllly or lncapaclly ol lhe main player so, an all
limes there would be supsrvlsing sollcllcrs on hand
Funher, lha presence .21 supervising sollenor sl all stages of lhe
execullan olarl Anlnn Plller Order ls not msna ensure lhal me rlghls
M me aelsnaanl are pmlecled and honoured. but also (hal M me
plamllff. ll lhe Plamms. me Plalnhifs Sohulors and VL Cunsulling
are allowed m lnsped the APO DBVWBS or APO Documems al will
oulsme ullne walchlul eye ol me Sunervlslng Sollcilor, lhen il l5 nnl
dlmoull Io rmagine allegallona M abuse and wrongdoing levelled
againsl Ihem lnspeenuns belure me supemslng Sollcllor are
deslgned and lnlended |o be saleguam agsmsl lhal ll ls therefore
9 espec-ally lor lhe Plemms salialms. no he so
readlly mlllng lo dlsparlse mm lhat saleguard
rather surprl
-..e n at u
tn eamttert «the Ptaintrtvs truty behaved that wha| it IS asking for In
the P|atrmf1s‘App|tca(torI was already provided for m paragraph 9 of
me APO, it would rrut have men the Ptatrtttrve Appttcztiun In the first
ptace. It would have lake a cusmdy of the APO names which the
APO was executed at the Defendanls’ premises to August znzu.
U\ltma|e\y. in my view. the orders soughl by the Ptatntm W the
Ptetr-tirrs Apphcalton tau aulstde ptthe custody, analysts, Inspedtan
and search prpteeets expressly prescribed WI lhe APO, arm
eonetrtute an attempt bythe Ptatnhrt |o vary the terms at the APO
That the orders sought by the Plairnrrr VII the Platrrtnrs Appltcattort
cunsmute an attempt by the Ptatrttirr to vary the terms at the APO ts
a teed-in to the second reasnn fnrreieciing the Ptarnhws Apphcatten.
The Pluinturs Applicatian does net lall within the pcrmlltnd
exceptions to vary g Ihn terms ohm APO
As I had notnled em earner‘ paragraph 10 (r) at the APO expreesty
‘any such tiara mated, exlmcfed down/oadvd nhototzmphed and/DI
recotded as wdeo must be kept m the custody at the Sullsrvnsmg
Sotlcunvs at an rrrrres mm? the final arsposat emauer nerem ~
As the Ptatntm IS new apptytrug, rrrter al/at tor the APO Devtoes and
the APO Documents to be reteasea to the Ptatnmrs Sulicflors, and
tar them, the Ptamtin and VL ocnsmtamsy |u have M! and
unpundnronet access to them. then whatttre Ptatr-tirrs Apphcatton IS
Ian :2 at 1|
really seekmg lo do ws Io amend lhe APO by dexenng paragnapn 10
(up onne APO and replacing it with me orders it seeks in me F\aInM‘s
It \s Inte law man‘ once a Court order ar ‘udgmenl has been drawn-
up‘ there an only a llmvled number o1 ways in which ms terms can
be varied or amended
In sxonn World Sdn Bhd v Enganh (M) Sdn Bhd [mo] 12 MLJ
237. Namm Falmanalhan FCJ sans, .n paragraphs my, (171 and [151
at Her Lidysmps Judgment
-n rs settled law me: one: 3 mm! has pmnocmeed a final arm! 1: ans:
nu! mmss me aullvomy to reopen, alter amend and supplement the
final order am1;udgmenl mlnlmg m the mspura n has admdrcalsd upon
7!:/5 rule, known .5 ma docmna av Iurvau: n/nan, sham: Irom Ina
pnnnnnn nl/m-My n Vmgnlroll
Thar: would be great uneenamry and mm rf courts warn psnnmw ta
revrew andmwnsmcl final mtsrx anamgmenu ~
'YIIern are nmrlsd and dvscmls smusuan: when M: cmm may Inch: 3
lumps: mm sucsaquarll m Ms pmvloas sealed order These suuaumvs
(a) an alnernfmsnl of a plvvruus omnr to reuse! mo ongma! mtenbon
ac‘ me court wmch .5 ewaent fmm me pm»-ws and Myrna! mm.
at the bow al memigment a/me olrgmal mm
an arms: mn sup rule 0 2:; r u 0! III: Ruins 5/ com 2912 (ms
Ruins] as name: 5 mncar em)! or 5 nmtw (arm alum‘
(0) me zanficalrun, sapwplumsrvllny av av arrmvd/nan! or a prewuus
ardmsa as to we ma (0 me mgmal aniernndelthe lvbevly m
apply‘ pmvvsmvvs‘ ma
(4; mm 1: pmvrs/on rn mo Rmss in mm ... nngrnalomar m as
w anluyn me Ibccmsd V
‘These ans wul/-Iucoymssd and amspted catewnes where the
prmcvale nl finahty as re/feast! m the (me or mnms amau If not
In my v\ew, me orders sougm m |he F\amu(V‘s Appncanen do not fall
wumn any ollhese low nmnea and dvscrele svluallons lor amending
me APO n is nu! In! many dUec|mns, mu to amend me APO to
remove me cuslndy of me APO Devices and APO Documems from
me supervising sanuwrs. Al me nsk nl repelmon, me APO had
always Amended ior me supemsmg sohcuors |a have cusmdy and
mum! cl lhe APO Dewoes and me APO Documents
Yhe grounds emu by me Pmnnmvorm. FI:|nuNs' Applicaunn
do not justify cm anion/nllu suughl
Al me |an—end 01 me Plamfifls‘ Application, ma Plamnfls said:
my swunda m support HIE a5 Dnzvvded for m um mmmrs mam: m
Suppod Much has been I:/ea Imnm
The grounds m support [arms P|aIn|n1s' Appflcahun can be gleaned
rrom paragraphs ts-an arm: Flzlrmfls‘ Amaaw m suppun, and may
be summanzeu Is fu|lL7ws'
(r) en dune Devendancs‘ appncanons and appeals to challenge
we APO snows (hat Ihey had been gain; over and oeyond
and atlemptmg every means (D deny me PVamW‘s access lo
(he APO Devroes and the APO Documents‘
tn) me APO Devroes and me APO Documents lafl wunrn me APO,
(Hi) the Defendants nad wMuHy refused to enend me win!
rnspecmons of me APO Devmes and the APO Documerflsr
(rv) desone the P\errmas' request the
Supervlsmg Sohcllor having custody oi lhe APO Devroes and
the APO Documenls reiused Io rerease Ihem:
sorrcnors wnnen
M the APO Devxces and me APO Documents uught to oe
released to the Plalnhfis and la VL consunanoy, and more
shnuld no longer be rssmcted access ln menu,
(vr) the undarlakmgs pmwded by the me Ptarrrufls and to VL
censunancy are sufiicienl safeguards‘ and
(mu) wrmom that unresmcned access, the Ptamnfis win not be able
to properly and ruuy dresenn cneir case at me max
In my vrew. none onnese grounds eulher srngulany or ooHecIrve\y »
even iv they were true — juemy Ine Supervising Snhcllnrs being
ordered In reirnqursmng ::us|ody or the APO Deyrces and me APO
Inronnauon and Iermem |o be released In me I=\ain1irr,:ne Plarnmrs
Sollcllovs and VL ceneunaney wun MI and uncendmonal access
m. 15 .r n
34. In pamcular
The Delendams had eyery nghl ln law In anernpl ld challenge
the APO, and just because all bnnerr appllcahons and appeals
to do so lallea does rml deprive them ol that righl,
A vallure or refusal cl lhe Delendarrls ID allervd a imm-
lnspealcn ls lmmalerlah as paragraph won) allows the
lnspecuan |o proceed in men absence. whlch ls what had
acmally happened WI 2020 and 2021:
The Supervlsing sellcnar had acted correctly in reluslng to
release the APO Dances and the APO Dacuments to lhe
Plalrllifls and lhe Plernlllrs sblicilnrs. even r1 lhe Detendanls‘
sollcilors had nal oblectsd to ll.
The Plalnllfls have lalled In Show In any way whatsoever thal
lhe Supervlslng Snhdlnrs have acted Impmperly or W
derellcuen In lhe dlscharge ul Ihelr dlnles. ln lne absence 0!
any clear evldenoe :2! that. (ms ceun lakes excapllan lo any
suggeshcn that they have. more sn when he Supervislrlg
Scllcllors are ms! and loremasl rlfflcers of the Court desplle
hi!/lrlg been lnlllally rmmlnafed by the Flalntlflsz
Even in a scenario where supervlslng eblmlene have ecled
wrongly or lrnbreperly on lhe exeemidn cl an APO, (which ls
cerullnly ncl lhe case here). lhe allernauve would be to
appclnl clher supervislng sdllclcors ln (heir slead and non do
away or dlsnense wnh supervlslng sollcllors enogelher.
me ls .l n
(Vl) Under me terms 0! lhs APO‘ lhe Plernllusr lrre Plalnhfis‘
Snllclmrs and lo VL Consultancy are rrbl entllied lo
unreslncled or unsupervlsrsd access lo the APO Devices and
me APO Documenls;
(yu) The urvdervaklngs prumea by me the Plalnllffsr me Plilrlllfls‘
Suhcilors and VL Oorlsuflancy under paragraph 1.1 1 m1 1 3
cl lhe APO are nn|sumclenlsz1eguandsIo abuse by them in
me absence of me Supervislrlg sblrclrors:
lvlul Tbe Plalnllfls had already conduded lnspeclluns of ma APO
Devices and me APO Dbeumems ln mm and 2021 W they
had ncl lully eonauelea lnsnecllans allbe APO Del/lees and
the APO Documenle urrlil now, same 2 years on‘ man lhal is
Ihelr own lolly Glven «be harsh nalule blarr APO, plalnllrrs
who oblaln one are expeeled lb lake (lmely and reasonable
steps arm acllurra to carry oul rrrspeclicns ol me lrulls of lne
search and axlranmrr, and oenairrly cannot vlsrl lhelr own
lrlactlvlly or laokadaisrcal oonducl or push lhe blame lorrl onlo
me De1arrdarr1s. and
(ix) Timely inspeclloni ol lhe APO Delllces and APO Documents
under me walchiul gaze and supervislon bl supervlsmg
ebllcrlors enuld just as easily have enabled lhe Plamms 1o
pmperly and fully prasenl [hair case al are lrral If may ave
unable to do swam lheirawn delay, lrIactIvi|y or lackadalslcal
cmducl, men may have unly merrrselues I0 blame.
but u .1 n
35 I\ \s Io: lhese reasons ma| I msnussea me Plamlrfis‘ Appllca n wilh
costs 01 RM7.500 uo. suhjecl la aflocatov
Dated one 3"‘ day of Dznaber 2023
Lumpur Hlgh Coun
mg Hua Keong mgemer wmh Teh zm Yuan (Messrs Ling 5 Mok) for the
Foong Chang Lsong mgalher wllh Law m cm (Menu Foong cmg
Leong 4 Co) (or me Delendanls.
Arlhur Anderson 5 co. v lmsrfund Sdn am [2005] 6 MLJ 239
Makonka Elecxromc Sdn Bhd v Ebclrlcal lnuuslry Workers‘ Umon & 078
[1997] MLJU 93
Stone wand Sdn Bhd v ErIgareh1M)Sdn am1[2o2o] 17 MLJ 237
Universal Themmsensors L\d v Hnbben [1992]1 WLR 540
Pu: u u! n
on 5.23.2020, tms ceurt atteued tne Ptaintiffs‘ Annlrcatron ex-pane.
Tne APO was trrerr exeuned tnar same mentn by the seercn Party
whase members are expressry tdenhfied rn the APO They mclude
me tnree raw ttnns apparnted as the Sttpervtstng Sohciturs
tcollecllvetyr “Supervtstng setrertersm and up to 12 otner persons
«rent the Plaintiffs‘ 5 ms. trre Ptarntrtvs and representattve ot lhe
tr oompany engaged by the Matnttfls eaued vrrdos Lrma
consultancy (M) sdn Bhd (“VL cpnsuttarreyt AH oflhe devrdes
aueged to euntam tne Platnlifis‘ trrtorrrretrpn (collecllvstyr “APO
Davrcaef) setzed hum the premises al wrucn the APO was executed
have been rn the cttsmdy ottrre supervtsrng sdtrcrtdrs since tnen.
on 25 3 2020, tms courttnen made an adrnrerrrn ordertertne APO
Io eennnue unlll the drsposet at PIam|tfis' Apptrcatron rrrter panes
on 21 s 2023‘ after being heard rnrer panes‘ tne Platnlrfls‘
Appllcallon was eltewed teuowrng the inter panes nearing e1 me
Pternttns‘ Applrcatron. with tne APO and PO ordered to conunus end
remam rn ptaee unit! the drsposat dnnis actrdn
In that trme red. tne Defendants rrad med severat apphcaltons and
appears to essentiany chenenge tne grantrrrg and executron of me
APO‘ but all 01 lhern Jetted Further. rrdm I4 9 202a td ta 3 2021,
from 4,11 2020 to 6 4 2921. and from 19 4 2023 to we 5 2023, the
APO Devrces (drsputed and nowdtsputed) and the rntormetren and
documents gleaned lmm tndee rnspeetrdns (“altegedly APO
Documents") were rnspeeted. atwaye tn tne presence or me
Supervising sottcttors, and wrtndut tne APO Devtces or tne APO
Documents Iver teavrng me custody o1|he supervrsing Soltctlors
a... ; at u
Aflev changing sollellors on 15 5 2023 and WM! me full lnal new
learning in Iale October and early Nnvember, under the guise of
applying lor lurlner mrecuons, an 20 July 2023 lhe Plainlm applied
for ordeis, inler alia
(ll Forme Supervising solicitors In release lne APO Deviees and
(he APO Documenls in me Plamms' sallcnors, and
i) upnn lnal release‘ lhat lhe Plainlills‘ Sallcllars and/or VL
Consullancy be allowed in lake. pmcess and/nr analyse
and/or review arm/or make necessary mpies oi lne APO
Devices and APO Dacumenls lor the purpose ollrlalz
(ml The Plainln1s' expert, vl. be allowed lull and uneendiluonal
access le me said APO Devices and APO Documerllsl
(N) VL be permilled lo carry em all lne necessary keywnrd
eearenesrlnecessa .
lv) A copy oi all data sxlracleu lmm the APO and me APO
Documents Davloes by VL In be given lo ms Delendants‘
I dismissed me Plalnlllfs Anplirallan on me lollev-mg lniee main
4.) The lens 0! the APO require me Supervising sallcilers lo
retain custody olthe APO Devices and APO Docunienls an all
limes and do not perrnil lneir release or me relinauisnmeni cf
Page 4 al ll
mm custody |o «he P\aIn|IWs' saluumrs or to me Plamlwi or In
VL Consultancy:
("J The PIainm1s' Apphcatlon amoums xo an allemm la amend me
APO‘ yet the gmunds (or rx no not van vmhm me perrmned
exoemmns (or varymg Ihe terms more APO, and
(m) The gmunds cried by me Plammsvorms Pla|nm1s' Appllcallan
do not justify the ovders/relief saugm.
The [arms of the APO wquin mu Suporvislng solicitor: to
' custody omm Dcvioss Ind do not pormn their nlnw or
the nlinquismmm of max custody
For me purpose or me Plainufls Appncauor. me relevant «arms nf
me APO are paragraphs 9 and 10 Paragraph 9 exprasary pmvides
as loI!L7ws'
"That the oerenaarrn andhrarvynnrsonls) wvromay appealmbe m
mrmr 0/ ma Frvrmsss rrum rmmedvalery hsndawav m ma P/srnhfls
somzm awd/bv thew reprmrmws‘ any and/or all al the Lzsled
Hams m the Second Schecmle v/mm M: m rm possestron cuamy.
cunlml um‘!/bl povmr or me Delendanls and/or such parsonfsj Mm
may sppllr ra Ln In mnlrvl arm Pvsmvsa: sava Ialarvy um um
rmgrar to any oompultr Any rum. and/or documarvlshwv mm‘ M
man In drsmne am mm»: meyare pan ofme Lxsted /Isms rrr
ma Second Scwedufie mus! rmmedraraly be handed owl am/or
mm muama for me mu amt dwect 5:22;: B’ In: Supervising
salvation lav se/akeepmg or ma same, pemimg delemunanan olws
Court as lo ms drsptlte um‘!/ui any /m-Inn Omar or me saw: no
hp 5 ar u
Thu shall no wvmoulpvuiudrce no me Search Paw bema Demwmed
and hem: Dmvned run and mm.-1 access (or m- P¢l’D0s¢s of
mspmm at any Pelsoms), any ve/-ude(:) and/or any storage /
apaaa /memum D: Ilpnysacafly and/or IIaL1rurvca!/y, Icavmg am/or
atlsmphng to wave ms Prlwuxes, ror ma purpose: or 1». Lame
Ham: m In: Second Schsdulf
rha Plnmmh supmn ma| the hm whence 01 paragraph 9 of the
APO emme ma Wairmfis‘ Solialcvs to lake cuslady M the APO
Devices and APO Dccumenls. They oomenu max a reading at that
firs! sennenaa wrnh me mam semenpe means mar nnly any narha
and/ordocumenlahan mar aradxspuled omy need lobe handad war
(0 the supervisrng Solnzwtursr and thawlura any uems and/or
documenlahon me: are nn| dlsouled can be handed over to me
F\amhWs' Salvcilors.
ldxsagree. Frrscry, lhal paragraph 9 0! lbs APO p In remron lo Ihe
execulmn oflhe APO an lhe Devunaahcs‘ arumraea by (he Seamh
Panyg and must na read In oamunchon wuh and cannot overvide or
lake precedence over paragraph 10 a! me APO. The handover mm
paragraph 9 speaks or Is nm custody arm oonrrox at mass Lwslad
Under paragraph 10 of lhe APO, the dsla contained In Llsled IIBMS
in the Second Schedule (Which would mcmde APO Devmes Ind Ihe
flP0 Docurnenlsh was (0 have been "Isad, dawn/nadsd, axvamad,
copmd. phooographad and/or recanted as video by the Search
Parry". That was done when he APO was execmed In August 2020‘
Ind lhal dava is mnrainaa In «ha APO De»/Vcaa. Sulraaragrauh h) 0!
paragraph mm of the APO Ihan expressly provvdes.
‘any such data wooed exiracled, awn/puma ;7h0f0s7ViD"W and/or
recoruni as me must he Are»: In the cuxmdy ofthn Supurvisirrq
Solicitors at all mm my me am disposal al malls! harem '
(amohasws aaaam
l| \s not m dxspule Ihal the APO Demos: and APO Dvx:umen|s have
at all (miss vmm me execulmn or me APO up will now been kepl \n
ma ousmdy av ma Supervising soncners.
Suhparagraphs my and
and APO Ducumenls
\. ma Delendanvs must pemm me Seamh Party |o analyse,
mspeol and/or search 5H such data copied‘ extracted,
downloaded‘ photographed and/or recorded as wdeo, at
VL consunancy (A-3~3 Tropicana Avenue, Fersnaran
Tropicana, Tmpxcana sue a Country Reson, «mu
Pelahng Jaya, Semngor Dam Ensan, Mmayssa), oratsuch
Iocauon / venue and/or ume agreed he as behueen the
Derenaama am one supemsing soncwors.
In any event, we Supervxslng saluumrs mus| pelrml we
search, mspecllon and/or anmyzalinn :2! any such data
copied. exuacled downloaded. phclugraphed and/or
renamed as video‘ In pluceed m we absence oi the
Defendants should me Delendanl Ian, revuse and/or
Hue 1 a! n
) M pavaglaph 10 111 me APO men
expvessly prcv\desVar|nspec1mn of man dale m the APO Dewoes
neglect lo be present wllhln a reasonable perlod ol lime
upon sennce of (ms Ordev on me Delenasnls.
My reading of lhese provlsions le lhls‘
any analyse, lnspecllnn or searen :71 me am in me APO
Devlces and APO Documenls can only lake place at lne
premises on/L Consultancy‘ Ihe Plalnlllrs ll> Expen. unless
we Delendanl and me supennslng sullcllms agvee on anolner
venue or llmel
lne Defendanls shall be Dermlltad to be present al such
analysis, Inspection or seven unless lney lall. refuse and/or
neglecl 10 be presenl ll :0, lnen me Supsrvlslng Sallclmrs
nave me dlscrvllon lo allow lnal analysls, lnspediun or seansn
to proceed in may absence‘ and
me APO envlsages that all me lnms nf me APO execullnn
(wnleh would lnclude lne APO Devlces and me APO
Documents) must be kepl IVI lne cuslody ol lhe supemslng
Sollcilors al all llmes unlil lhe final dlsvosal oflhe men, and
mere is no provlslon whalsosuer WI me APO rm me
supennslng Sollcltors la release av relinqulsh custody onne
APO Devices nr APO Documerusl espee-ally in me Plalnuff.
lne Plainlllrs Sollcflms or lo vl. consullensy.
same. ole aeeepled pmomls ler iVla1ySlS.¥HSDeI:1iflH nl Search nf
aevlces or data omailled llum an APO search do nut permit Ihe
appointed supervislng sallcnols lo release nv lellnqulan custody of
me APO Devices or APO Documenls, especially to the plallmn
lll AnlmrAnuelson a. co. v lmorfoud Sdn Bhd [2005] n ML! 231
the Calm of Aapeal noted one cl me many nbservallons o1 slr
Donald Nlcnelas vc ln llnivursal Tlmmosonsor: Ltd v Klbbcn
[1992] 1 WLR unl namely-
‘Anton PMS! amsrs lnvanably plwlae lar sxarvlae In by mum by a
sallcllol The mun rallss Ilsavlly orl me sollcllol as an Dmlner al the
owl, lo see that the my IS pmpzdy execmad '
In AIIhlArAnn1sIsan, supm, the calm ol Appeal also agreed mall the
lollawlng obselvallulls of Abdul Wahab J ln Mlkonka Eleermnic
sun am v Electrical lndumy Worker!‘ Union a. On man 93
we Arlllwl-Plllw mm L; . valuable pvocedum and am: (L1 be
pmsovmd m olficicy Imwavv, cl mu mall PI/lei pvocsdum
dvpends vmrlmll an all lll. DJIIVW-I semlg a "H0 balance In pmlficl
mall IE-wettlve VHIEOEMS and "VIII! A wlm acfwq rel an apoilranl
mus! lemamoel at all llmes Ina! he ls Sn almzv cl llle mm and to
EVISWIE that the appllcanoll my /5 mung forward mnlallls aaequale
slegllams el me D3311? IVQMS of Me OMIV parry. /t ls llor that as ls
alwgod [D m Inf the emel Barty but mal Ila II DDIAHU In onsum Ills
mm.” is not abuser! He must pm Iarwud . mmem. upallcallvfl
fflls In a mlmlllaa Na snoulalel example arlsun
Pig: 5 M n
The! mere u MI and hank drsdoium oia/I mmm mI'nrmal»on
ma Uwdlnce musnry me [me afllre enter
me am muslbs drawn sum an.m.xu»a; no mnnsllnan mo
mlmmum Muauatylo acwm Am prlnrvnuorv 0/uwdanzu much
my bu ummm nmavad a. dulmy-I1.
me apvbcslrun rnduocs firs! anernanve played in! mien‘ to
pvoduae anaaeumspecmc nwdwwo omyupmmemsponaw.:s'
Iarlurs lo Pmvuce and «am such evidence wuuld rm ufhev
was sung Anton F‘/her order are to mm mm Meet ‘Du: mm
alter . ‘loss dramnlun mun: nsussuy“ approach‘ and by
Ipaafymg ma swarm.‘ m In pmdumd mm mm umodilpons
and wmoeesslry mvaszan mm ummua mromunon
ma: me applicelvon cnnlams um and specmc umenakmgs ma!
supply a nanny um-e upmmn .Im1II/ amdavls and aocunhams
put bdfow lho judge m mamg III: nppllmllon, alplum as mm
mm In M: Imlpmriovvl, odwu mm 1» ant: rnwmdmlo luau
rnmms app/Hztron oamam. clear undedulrmgx Inrdumlsgss. and
mat the ewdenc: oblalrmi wfll not be used In any other
pmcesdlngs wnhaul the mnsan! of mo com
A: . nmm uayum. to have . capstan mm. to “mm
ma -xvcuhon by me nppflconh‘ go/futon, and 90731711: wha m
to auamllinrvy mm an In bu named m the my mmatmey may
be rflenmed by Me raspon¢unI'
p... m M .-
| 22,617 | Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] TERTUDUH Kogila A/p Krishnan | i) Kes melibatkan penyeludupan migran kanak-kanak warganegara Sri Lanka untuk ke Paris oleh tertuduh dari Malaysia.ii) Tertuduh membawa kanak-kanak migran menaiki pesawat ke Oman Air dengan mengemukakan boarding pass atas nama SP3 tetapi dapat dipatahkan apabila ditahan di Muscat Oman dan dihantar balik ke Malaysia.iii) Rakaman cctv pergerakan tertuduh serta SP3 di KLIA telah dikemukakan di mahkamah. | 03/11/2023 | YA Puan Julia binti Ibrahim | |
AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 1
[NO. KP : 850805-01-6788]
[ 1 ] Seorang kanak-kanak, Jeyarajasingam Piramilan (“kanak-kanak
migran”) berumur 13 tahun dan berasal dari Sri Lanka telah memulakan
perjalanan menaiki penerbangan Malindo Air dari Sri Lanka ke Malaysia
pada 24 September 2019. Migran ini akan menukar penerbangan Oman
Air dari Malaysia ke Muscat, Oman dan meneruskan perjalanan ke Paris
pula. Dia ditemani seorang ejen bernama Selvarajani (“fasilitator”) yang
akan menemani kanak-kanak migran ini sehingga ke Malaysia. Tugas
menemani kanak-kanak migran ke Muscat, Oman dan Paris akan diambil
alih oleh seorang warganegara Malaysia bernama Kogila. Kanak-kanak
03/11/2023 15:02:14
BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 Kand. 164
S/N vbPzr8xdxkGvTLbyIDRn8A
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 2
migran ini hanya menurut urusan perjalanan yang diatur untuk memenuhi
hasrat bapanya agar dia dapat meneruskan pelajaran di Paris yang akan
diuruskan oleh bapa saudaranya di sana.
[ 2 ] Tiada masalah untuk kanak-kanak migran ini daftar masuk dan
menaiki penerbangan ke Malaysia menggunakan pasportnya sendiri. Di
KLIA, Malaysia kanak-kanak migran dikenalkan kepada Kogila a/p
Krishnan (“Tertuduh”), yang akan menemaninya ke Muscat, Oman dan
Paris. Kedua-dua mereka telah menaiki pesawat Oman Air menuju ke
Muscat, Oman pada 25.9.2019 tanpa masalah. Walau bagaimanapun,
harapan kanak-kanak migran ini dihampakan di lapangan terbang
Muscat, Oman semasa menunggu penerbangan ke Paris. Kakitangan
yang membuat pemeriksaan terhadap pasport yang dikemukakan oleh
Tertuduh dan membandingkan dengan wajah kanak-kanak migran
beberapa kali telah mengatakan ada masalah.
[ 3 ] Kanak-kanak migran yang merasa tidak sedap hati telah
memaklumkan perkara sebenar kepada kakitangan bertugas bahawa
pasport Malaysia itu bukan miliknya serta sejarah pergerakannya dari Sri
Lanka. Akibatnya, kanak-kanak migran dan Tertuduh dihantar pulang ke
KLIA untuk disiasat dan kanak-kanak migran itu kemudiannya dihantar
balik ke Sri Lanka.
[ 4 ] Pihak Imigresen Malaysia telah menjalankan siasatan ke atas
kejadian ini dan hasil siasatan, Tertuduh telah berdepan pertuduhan di
bawah Seksyen 26C Akta Antipemerdagangan Orang Dan
Antipenyeludupan Migran 2007 (“ATIPSOM”) seperti berikut –
S/N vbPzr8xdxkGvTLbyIDRn8A
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AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 3
“Bahawa kamu pada 25.9.2019 di antara jam 8.30 pagi sehingga 9.00 pagi di
pintu berlepas C3, Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA),
di dalam daerah Sepang, di dalam negeri Selangor telah membawa dalam
transit seorang migran yang diseludup iaitu Jeyarajasingam Piramilan
(L/12.4.2006/No. Pasport: Tiada) menerusi Malaysia melalui udara dan
dengan demikian kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh
dihukum di bawah Seksyen 26C Akta Antipemerdagangan Orang Dan
Antipenyeludupan Migran 2007.
Hukuman: Pemenjaraan tidak melebihi 7 tahun, denda atau kedua-duanya.”
[ 5 ] Tertuduh telah melalui perbicaraan penuh dan disabitkan dengan
pertuduhan di atas pada 14 Julai 2023 dan dihukum penjara empat tahun
bermula dari tarikh keputusan. Permohonan Tertuduh untuk
penggantungan hukuman dibenarkan sementara rayuannya ke
Mahkamah Rayuan didengar.
[ 6 ] Pada 26.9.2019 lebih kurang jam 1100hrs, di Pejabat Imigresen
Bahagian Operasi, Aras 3, Main Terminal Building KLIA kakitangan Oman
Air (SP5) telah menyerahkan satu (1) orang kanak-kanak lelaki dan satu
(1) orang wanita berbangsa India pemegang pasport Malaysia yang
merupakan deportee dari Muscat, Oman yang tiba dengan pesawat
WY821. Pegawai Imigresen SP4 telah menahan kedua-dua penumpang
tersebut untuk tindakan lanjut. Wanita tersebut adalah Kogila a/p Krishnan
(Tertuduh) menggunakan Pasport Malaysia: A36098892 dan kanak-
kanak lelaki itu menggunakan pasport Malaysia atas nama Diviyan a/l
Magendaran (Pasport Malaysia: A34812845).
S/N vbPzr8xdxkGvTLbyIDRn8A
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AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 4
[ 7 ] Siasatan pihak Imigresen mendapati kanak-kanak lelaki tersebut
adalah seorang migran warganegara Sri Lanka bernama Jeyarajasingam
Piramilan yang menyamar sebagai pemegang pasport Malaysia bernama
Diviyan a/l Magendaran (SP3) semasa menaiki penerbangan dari KLIA
ke Muscat, Oman. Siasatan selanjutnya mendapati Tertuduh telah daftar
masuk penerbangan ke Oman untuk dirinya dan SP3 di kaunter daftar
masuk tetapi hanya Tertuduh yang memasuki balai berlepas. Pasport dan
boarding pass atas nama SP3 dipegang oleh Tertuduh. SP3 hanya
dibawa ke kaunter daftar masuk dan setelah Tertuduh memasuki balai
berlepas SP3 dihantar pulang oleh rakan Tertuduh dikenali sebagai
Meera. Setelah menemui kanak-kanak migran di pintu 2, balai pelepasan
antarabangsa dengan fasilitator, Tertuduh memberi sehelai baju T yang
mirip dengan baju yang dipakai oleh SP3 dan membawa kanak-kanak
migran itu menaiki pesawat ke Oman dengan mengemukakan boarding
pass atas nama SP3. Tertuduh tidak dapat meneruskan perjalanan
apabila ditahan di Muscat, Oman dan dihantar balik ke KLIA, Malaysia.
[ 8 ] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, mahkamah perlu memutuskan sama
ada pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie atas
pertuduhan terhadap Tertuduh. Dalam membuat keputusan ini,
mahkamah hendaklah membuat penilaian maksima semua keterangan
yang telah dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan
semua elemen pertuduhan terhadap Tertuduh. Lihat kes-kes PP v Mohd
Radzi Abu Bakar [2005] 6 MLJ 393; Looi Kow Chai & Anor v. PP [2003]
2 MLJ 65; Balachandran v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 85.
S/N vbPzr8xdxkGvTLbyIDRn8A
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AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 5
[ 9 ] Seksyen 26C ATIPSOM memperuntukkan seperti berikut –
“Kesalahan berhubung dengan migran yang diseludup dalam transit
26c. Mana-mana orang yang membawa dalam transit seorang migran yang
diseludup menerusi Malaysia melalui darat, laut atau udara atau selainnya
mengaturkan atau memudahkan perbuatan itu melakukan suatu kesalahan
dan hendaklah, apabila disabitkan, dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama
tempoh tidak melebihi tujuh tahun, dan boleh juga dikenakan denda, atau
[ 10 ] Elemen-elemen pertuduhan yang perlu dibuktikan oleh pihak
pendakwaan adalah –
a. Tertuduh telah membawa seorang migran yang diseludup;
b. Tertuduh telah membawa dalam transit satu (1) orang
migran yang diseludup menerusi Malaysia melalui udara;
c. Tertuduh telah mengaturkan atau memudahkan perbuatan
membawa dalam transit bagi satu (1) orang migran yang
diseludup tersebut.
[ 11 ] Bagi tujuan analisis keterangan, beberapa terma dalam
peruntukan kesalahan telah diberi tafsiran dalam undang-undang.
Penyeludupan migran di bawah seksyen 2, ATIPSOM sebagai –
S/N vbPzr8xdxkGvTLbyIDRn8A
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AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 6
“penyeludupan migran” ertinya—
(a) mengatur, memudahkan atau merancang, secara langsung atau tidak
langsung, kemasukan seseorang secara tidak sah ke dalam atau melalui,
atau pengeluaran seseorang secara tidak sah dari mana-mana negara
yang orang itu bukan warganegara atau pemastautin tetap sama ada
dengan mengetahui atau mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa
kemasukan atau pengeluaran orang itu adalah tidak sah; dan
(b) merekrut, mengangkut, memindahkan, menyembunyikan, melindungi
atau menyediakan apa-apa bantuan atau perkhidmatan bagi tujuan
melaksanakan perbuatan yang disebut dalam perenggan (a);”.
“migran yang diseludup” ertinya seseorang yang menjadi objek perbuatan
penyeludupan migran, tidak kira sama ada orang itu turut serta dalam
perbuatan penyeludupan migran itu;”.
[ 12 ] Berkaitan pemakaian peruntukan ATIPSOM pula, seksyen 3 Akta
menyatakan –
“Ruang lingkup pemakaian
3. Kesalahan di bawah Akta ini terpakai, tidak kira sama ada perbuatan
memulakan kesalahan itu berlaku di dalam atau di luar Malaysia dan apa jua
kerakyatan atau kewarganegaraan pesalah itu, dalam hal keadaan yang
(a) jika Malaysia ialah negara penerima atau negara transit atau
pengeksploitasian berlaku di dalam Malaysia; atau
(b) jika negara penerima atau negara transit ialah negara asing tetapi
pemerdagangan orang atau penyeludupan migran bermula di dalam Malaysia
atau transit di Malaysia.”.
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Keterangan-keterangan yang membuktikan elemen-elemen
[ 13 ] Terlebih dahulu, mahkamah menegaskan bahawa kesemua
elemen-elemen pertuduhan telah dibuktikan atas penilaian maksima
melalui keterangan lisan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, keterangan bertulis
saksi, rakaman percakapan kanak-kanak migran dan Tertuduh,
keterangan dokumentasi serta rakaman kamera litar tertutup (“cctv”) yang
menunjukkan pergerakan Tertuduh, Diviyan a/l Magendaran (SP3),
Tertuduh dan penama Meera ketika sampai di KLIA dan kaunter daftar
masuk sehingga pertemuan Tertuduh dengan kanak-kanak migran serta
fasilitator di dalam balai berlepas KLIA dan rakaman pergerakan Tertuduh
dan kanak-kanak migran menaiki pesawat ke Muscat, Oman.
[ 14 ] Rakaman-rakaman cctv yang diperolehi oleh pegawai siasatan
(SP15) menunjukkan kronologi pergerakan Tertuduh bersama penama
Meera, memperalatkan SP3 di kaunter daftar masuk penerbangan untuk
mendapatkan boarding pass, kemasukan Tertuduh seorang diri ke balai
berlepas melalui pemeriksaan polis bantuan dengan membawa pasport
dan boarding pass milik SP3 sehingga pertemuan dengan kanak-kanak
migran dan fasilitator di dalam zon penerbangan antarabangsa
diringkaskan seperti di bawah –
Pergerakan kanak-kanak migran
dan fasilitator
Pergerakan Tertuduh dan SP3,
pergerakan kanak-kanak migran
dan Tertuduh
25.9.2019 - cctv
25.9.2019 cctv
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P50(1)(a) Folder 1
Subfolder 1 @ 6:52:34 am –
menunjukkan fasilitator
(Kanesalingam) dan kanak-kanak
migran sampai ke KLIA di gate 8
P50(1)(a) Folder 2
Subfolder 1 @ 6:58:16:309 am,
menunjukkan jalan di luar lobi
pelepasan KLIA – kereta grand
livina silver sampai menurunkan
Tertuduh, Meera dan Diviyan
Subfolder 2 - @ 7:33:59 –
tunjukkan Tertuduh diiringi wanita
berbaju biru dikenali sebagai
Meera. Di depannya berbaju
kelabu/hitam ialah SP3. Selepas
daftar masuk, Tertuduh bergerak
ke arah pemeriksaan polis.
Subfolder 3 - @ 7:39:12:239 am,
menunjukkan Tertuduh berbaris
melepasi pemeriksaan polis
berseorangan hingga escalator.
Subfolder 4 - @ 7:42:51:049 am,
menunjukkan Tertuduh
bersendirian untuk pemeriksaan
imgresen di kaunter 3 untuk
pelepasan antarabangsa tanpa
kanak-kanak SP3.
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Subfolder 2 - @ 8:09:46:744 am.
Menunjukkan kanak-kanak migran
bersama fasilitator bergerak
menuju central hub i.e. G1 – G10
iaitu ruang tengah ke earotrain
Subfolder 3 - @
Menunjukkan fasilitator bersama
kanak-kanak migran menuju ke
aerotrain atau ke pintu keluar
imigresen – kaunter ketibaan, tapi
tidak keluar dari KLIA
Subfolder 4 - @ 8:24:50:361 am,
menunjukkan kanak-kanak migran
dan fasilitator tidak keluar dari
pintu kaunter imigresen (tidak
keluar dari KLIA ke luar – masih
dalam KLIA)
Subfolder 5 - @ 7:46:08:531 –
Tertuduh berbaju hijau ambil beg
setelah melepasi pemeriksaan
kastam menuju ruang ke pintu
antarabangsa (arrival/departure).
Subfolder 6 - @ 8:31:21:474 am,
menunjukkan Tertuduh masih
seorang diri menuju laluan gate G
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(ketibaan/pelepasan) – di kawasan
centre hub pier.
Subfolder 7 - @ 8:32:14:506 am,
menunjukkan Tertuduh bergerak
seorang diri ke tempat duduk
berdekatan dengan jam di gate
Di situ Tertuduh bertemu fasilitator
dan kanak-kanak migran.
Selepas 4 minit, Tertuduh
meninggalkan kawasan itu
bersama kanak-kanak migran
tanpa fasilitator (8:37:27:984 am).
Mereka menuju ke aerotrain untuk
ke bangunan satelit bagi
penerbangan antarabangsa.
Subfolder 8 - @ 8:41:37:783 am,
menunjukkan Tertuduh dan kanak-
kanak migran menuju aerotrain ke
pelepasan antarabangsa C3 di
bangunan satelit (8:41:41:465 am).
Subfolder 9 - @ 8:46:14:104 am,
menunjukkan Tertuduh dan kanak-
kanak migran tiba dengan aero
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train di ruang perhentian aerotrain
di bangunan satelit.
Rakaman cctv
P50(2)(J)] dan P149(A)(1)
Menunjukkan pergerakan
Tertuduh dan kanak-kanak migran
yang diseludup menuju masuk ke
pesawat untuk penerbangan ke
[ 15 ] Terdapat keterangan dari SP3 dan SP2 (ibu SP3) yang rakan
Tertuduh dikenali “CK” telah membeli 2 baju T yang kelihatan hampir
sama dari segi warna, corak dan tulisan (P11 dan P67) di mana sehelai
baju tersebut diberikan kepada SP3 untuk dipakai semasa ke KLIA dan
keterangan menunjukkan sehelai lagi dibawa oleh Tertuduh untuk
diberikan kepada kanak-kanak migran untuk dipakai bagi penerbangan
dari KLIA ke Muscat, Oman. Dapat disimpulkan tujuan perbuatan
Tertuduh ialah supaya pihak-pihak berwajib dapat dikelirukan dengan
memastikan kedua-dua kanak-kanak migran dan SP3 memakai baju yang
kelihatan hampir sama.
[ 16 ] Menurut SP2, pasport SP3 telah diuruskan oleh CK. Lebih kurang
pada 25.9.2019, SP2 telah diminta membawa pasport tersebut bersama
SP3 ke KLIA dan keterangan menunjukkan pasport SP3 (P7) ada
bersama Tertuduh dan digunakan oleh kanak-kanak migran untuk
menaiki pesawat ke Muscat, Oman.
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[ 17 ] Deposisi kanak-kanak migran telah diambil dan dikemukakan
sebagai P83. Deposisi ini menerangkan urusan perjalanannya dari Sri
Lanka ke Malaysia ditemani fasilitator dan bertemu dengan Tertuduh di
Malaysia untuk penerbangan ke Oman di mana dia dan Tertuduh telah
ditahan. Kanak-kanak migran telah mengakui kepada kakitangan di
Muscat, Oman bahawa dia bukan orang yang dinyatakan dalam pasport
milik SP3. Alasan bagi perjalanan kanak-kanak migran menuju Paris
bukanlah kerana dia kononnya didera, tetapi untuk tinggal bersama bapa
saudaranya bagi tujuan belajar.
[ 18 ] Ekstrak imej dan teks daripada telefon bimbit Tertuduh yang
dikemukakan (P12) yang dimuat naik dalam satu pendrive (P75)
merupakan cetakan gambar yang dipilih oleh SP15 [eksibit P75A(1- 36)]
antaranya gambar 24 dan 35 menunjukkan gambar Tertuduh bersama
kanak-kanak migran di dalam penerbangan dari KLIA ke Oman.
[ 19 ] Tertuduh telah memudahkan perbuatan membawa dalam transit
kanak-kanak migran yang diseludup tersebut. Peranan Tertuduh
membawa pasport dan boarding pass milik SP3 untuk digunakan kanak-
kanak migran menaiki penerbangan ke Muscat, Oman tanpa melalui apa-
apa pemeriksaan imigresen di KLIA, memberi kanak-kanak migran baju
yang hampir serupa dari segi warna dan tulisan yang telah dipakai oleh
SP3 semasa di kaunter daftar masuk adalah cubaan mengelirukan pihak
berkuasa supaya kanak-kanak migran dapat dibawa dalam transit seperti
[ 20 ] Perancangan Tertuduh dan penama lain tidak berjaya
disempurnakan. SP1 telah menerima emel dari Oman Air disertai dengan
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borang-borang P15, P15A, P16 dan P16A iaitu borang Inadmissible
passenger and deportee information (“INAD”) mengenai tahanan kanak-
kanak migran dan Tertuduh yang akan dihantar balik ke KLIA. Ketua
Pramugari penerbangan Oman Air di KLIA telah menyerahkan dua (2)
pasport Malaysia atas nama Diviyan Magendaran (SP3) dan Kogila
Krishnan (Tertuduh). SP1 kemudian telah menyerahkan senarai
penumpang penerbangan WY0822 KL-Muscat dan WY0821 dari Muscat-
KL (Eksibit P9) ke pejabat imigresen. Dokumen menunjukkan penumpang
bernama Diviyan Magendaran (SP3) dan Tertuduh duduk di kerusi 25A
dan 25B dalam penerbangan KL-Muscat dan kerusi 34E dan 34D untuk
penerbangan balik Muscat-KL.
[ 21 ] Pemeriksaan imigresen mendapati kanak-kanak migran telah
menggunakan pasport orang lain iaitu milik SP3 bagi penerbangan dari
KLIA ke Muscat, Oman. SP12 mengesahkan tiada pergerakan keluar
negara berkaitan SP3 pada tarikh material (P47). Kanak-kanak migran
telah dikeluarkan Perintah Penahanan di bawah seksyen 34(1) Akta
Imigresen 1959/63 dan dikeluarkan Perintah Pengusiran di bawah
seksyen 31 Akta Imigresen 1959/63 pada 10.10.2019 (Ekshibit P84).
Rakaman Deposisi Migran di bawah seksyen 61A ATIPSOM 2007 juga
telah dirakam (Ekshibit P83).
[ 22 ] Percakapan Tertuduh turut dikemukakan sebagai P77 dan di
dalam percakapan itu, Tertuduh mengakui telah membawa kanak-kanak
migran dari KLIA ke Muscat, Oman. Walau bagaimanapun, Tertuduh
meletakkan segala kesalahan mengatur urusan perjalanan itu ke atas
bahu orang lain seperti CK, Meera, Ramesh dan fasilitator di KLIA.
Tertuduh mendakwa dimaklumkan tujuan membawa kanak-kanak migran
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ke Paris adalah untuk menyelamatkannya dari didera. Tetapi alasan ini
berbeza pula dengan kata-katanya kepada SP4 bahawa kanak-kanak
migran itu adalah anak tirinya. Kata-kata Tertuduh ini yang tidak benar
menunjukkan pengetahuan Tertuduh bahawa perbuatannya membawa
kanak-kanak migran transit melalui KLIA ke Muscat, Oman adalah salah.
Tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan OKT telah dipaksa melakukan
perbuatan tersebut. Tiada juga usaha ditunjukkan oleh Tertuduh untuk
memastikan alasan sebenar perjalanan kanak-kanak migran selain
menerima bulat-bulat dakwaan pihak lain. Kejahilan yang disengajakan
(Willfull ignorance) dan kelalaian Tertuduh mendapatkan kepastian
bukanlah satu pembelaan.
[ 23 ] Hakikat bahawa Tertuduh menyimpan pasport dan boarding pass
SP3 untuk digunakan oleh kanak-kanak migran menunjukkan Tertuduh
bukanlah seorang yang naïve dan mudah ditipu. Malah, peranannya amat
penting kerana kesalahan itu tidak boleh dilaksanankan tanpa Tertuduh
menjadi pemudahcara kepada pihak-pihak lain yang terlibat. Semua
elemen pertuduhan telah dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
Isu berbangkit – penglibatan penama lain dan kredibiliti saksi
[ 24 ] Tertuduh membangkitkan isu penglibatan lain-lain pihak seperti
penama CK, Meera, Ramesh dan lain-lain yang tidak dituduh. SP15 telah
mengesahkan siasatan masih berjalan berkaitan penama-penama lain
yang terlibat dan walaupun siasatan belum selesai perkara ini tidak
menidakkan peranan dan perbuatan Tertuduh sendiri. Sementara itu,
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mahkamah mendapati saksi-saksi pendawaan adalah kredibel dan
keterangan mereka tidak tercabar sepanjang kes pendakwaan.
[ 25 ] Setelah meneliti keterangan yang disampaikan melalui saksi-saksi
pendakwaan, kesemua 85 ekshibit yang dikemukakan, menimbang
penghujahan yang telah disampaikan oleh kedua-dua pihak, serta setelah
diaplikasikan penilaian maksima terhadap kesemua keterangan langsung
dan mengikut keadaan yang dikemukakan, mahkamah memutuskan yang
pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes ‘prima facie’
terhadap Tertuduh sepertimana pertuduhan. Sehubungan itu Tertuduh
diperintahkan untuk membela diri.
[ 26 ] Tertuduh memberi keterangan bersumpah (SD1) dan
mengemukakan Pernyataan Saksi (PSD1). Ringkasnya, Tertuduh tidak
mencabar dan tidak menafikan kronologi dan fakta kes pendawaan.
Pembelaan Tertuduh adalah menafikan pengetahuan bahawa
perbuatannya membawa kanak-kanak migran transit melalui KLIA adalah
satu kesalahan. Tertuduh hanya ingin membantu seorang kanak-kanak
yang dimaklumkan sebagai telah didera kepada keluarga sebenarnya di
Paris. Tertuduh mendasarkan persetujuannya untuk membantu kanak-
kanak migran tersebut kepada latar belakang Tertuduh yang juga pernah
mengalami penderaan dalam hubungan dengan pasangannya. Keadaan
mental dan emosi Tertuduh yang tertekan mendorong Tertuduh
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menerima tawaran CK untuk membantu membawa kanak-kanak migran
ke Paris sambil turut menenangkan dirinya.
[ 27 ] Di akhir kes pembelaan tugas mahkamah ialah untuk
menimbangkan pembelaan Tertuduh dengan keterangan pihak
pendakwaan dan kredibiliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan juga pembelaan
serta keseluruhan keterangan sebelum memutuskan sama ada pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kesnya melampaui keraguan
yang munasabah mengikut seksyen 182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (KTJ)
seperti berikut –
Procedure at the conclusion of the trial.
(1) At the conclusion of the trial, the Court shall consider all the
evidence adduced before it and decide whether the prosecution has
proved its case beyond reasonable doubt.
(2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has proved its case
beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall find the accused guilty and
he may be convicted on it.
(3) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not proved its case
beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall record an order of
[ 28 ] Di peringkat pembelaan Tertuduh memikul beban untuk
membangkitkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan untuk
membolehkan Tertuduh mendapat perintah pelepasan dan pembebasan.
Dalam menimbangkan pembelaan Tertuduh, mahkamah dibimbing oleh
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prinsip yang dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes
Ganapathy a/l Rengasamy v PP [1998] 2 MLJ 577 –
“It needs to be remembered that however weak a defence may be,
trial judges being judges of both fact and law should not just brush
aside the defence on the basis that the prosecution witnesses are to
be believed and not the defence. Where the law casts the onus of
giving an explanation upon an accused person, and the explanation
is given, which is consistent with innocence, the court is duty bound
to consider whether it might reasonably be true, although not
convinced of its truth. On the issue of the court’s duty to consider the
defence, the age-old decision in Mat v. PP [1963] MLJ 263 is still
good law as it was then. This is followed by the Supreme Court in
Mohamad Radhi bin Yaakob v. PP [1991] 3 MLJ 169”.
[ 29 ] Penafian Tertuduh yang dia tiada pengetahuan tentang status
kanak-kanak migran yang diseludup ataupun penafian pengetahuan
perbuatannya adalah memudahkan transit kanak-kanak migran tidak
disokong oleh keterangan yang ada di hadapan mahkamah. Tertuduh
mendakwa tidak tahu tentang SP3 dan pasportnya didaftar masuk kerana
semua urusan daftar masuk dibuat oleh Meera. Tetapi fakta yang pasport
dan boarding pass SP3 yang berada dalam miliknya sehingga ditahan
tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan memuaskan.
[ 30 ] Tertuduh sendiri menyatakan dalam PSD1 (para 84 dan 87)
setelah urusan daftar masuk oleh Meera, dia menyerahkan pasport
Tertuduh dan SP3 serta boarding pass kepada Tertuduh yang diletakkan
dalam beg tangan Tertuduh. Ini menunjukkan Tertuduh mengetahui
bahawa pasport dan boarding pass SP3 ada bersamanya dan disimpan
kerana SP3 sendiri tidak ikut bersama ke balai berlepas.
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[ 31 ] SP3 semasa memberi keterangan menyatakan nampak Meera
menunjukkan pasport yang kelihatan seperti pasport miliknya di kaunter
daftar masuk. Tetapi apabila ditanya, Meera menafikan dan mengatakan
pasport milik SP3 telah hilang. SP3 kemudian nampak Meera
menyerahkan pasport tersebut dengan boarding pass kepada Tertuduh.
[ 32 ] Mahkamah juga mendapati adalah tidak munasabah nama
sebenar kanak-kanak migran tidak dimaklumkan kepada Tertuduh
semasa pertemuan di dalam KLIA dengan fasilitator dan dalam
penerbangan. Jika Tertuduh tidak bertanya butiran ini, perbuatan itu
merupakan sikap kejahilan yang disengajakan Tertuduh – suatu kecuaian
yang tidak diterima sebagai pembelaan. Sifat tawaran ke Paris yang
diberikan oleh CK diakui oleh Tertuduh sebagai “last minute” sepatutnya
meningkatkan sikap berhati-hati Tertuduh untuk memastikan tiada
sesuatu yang di luar aturan berlaku.
[ 33 ] Tertuduh tidak menyatakan dia telah menerima dari fasilitator
pasport dan boarding pass asal kanak-kanak migran semasa di balai
berlepas. Juga tiada penjelasan dari Tertuduh kenapa pasport dan
boarding pass untuk kanak-kanak migran (jika betul dia menyangka
pasport SP3 adalah pasport kanak-kanak migran) ada bersamanya di
kaunter daftar masuk penerbangan sedangkan diberitahu kanak-kanak
migran telahpun berada di dalam Terminal.
[ 34 ] Pembelaan ini juga tidak menyangkal keterangan kes
pendakwaan (SP4) tentang alasan yang diberikan Tertuduh bahawa
kanak-kanak migran adalah anak tirinya semasa ditahan oleh pihak
berkuasa. Berkaitan dakwaan tidak cam perbezaan wajah SP3 dan
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kanak-kanak migran kerana pertama kali berjumpa; keterangan
menunjukkan SP3 berada berdekatan dengan Tertuduh ketika proses
daftar masuk di dalam KLIA dengan keadaan cahaya yang terang. Begitu
juga kanak-kanak migran dijumpai dalam terminal yang terang bercahaya
dan bersama Tertuduh dalam tempoh masa yang lama dalam
penerbangan. Kenyataan Tertuduh ini amat tidak munasabah.
[ 35 ] Mengenai hujah bahawa kanak-kanak migran melepasi
pemeriksaan pasport dan boarding pass di pintu berlepas – ia adalah
munasabah, mahkamah mengambil notis kehakiman (judicial notice) dari
urusan lazim menaiki pesawat bahawa petugas hanya ada waktu yang
sangat singkat saja berdepan dengan kanak-kanak migran sebelum
mengendalikan penumpang lain. Malah, similarities atau persamaan
antara SP3 dan kanak-kanak migran dari segi umur, bangsa dan pakaian
itulah the point or the reason penggunaan pasport SP3 supaya transit
kanak-kanak migran yang diseludup ini tidak mudah dikesan pihak
berkuasa. Ditambah dengan penggunaan baju yang hampir serupa yang
dipakai oleh SP3 pada malam itu dan baju yang Tertuduh serahkan
kepada kanak-kanak migran di dalam terminal; semua menjurus kepada
tujuan untuk mengaburi pihak berkuasa KLIA dan pihak penerbangan.
Hakikatnya Tertuduh berjaya melakukan kesalahan ini sehingga ke
Muscat, Oman.
[ 36 ] Pembelaan Tertuduh kononnya dia tidak tahu tentang rancangan
dan situasi sebenar tidak menyakinkan kerana peranannya amat spesifik
untuk membantu kejayaan transit kanak-kanak diseludup itu iaitu dengan
membawa pasport dan boarding pass SP3, berjumpa kanak-kanak
migran di dalam terminal KLIA, memberikan baju yang hampir serupa
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dengan baju SP3 untuk dipakai dan menggunakan pasport dan boarding
pass SP3 itu untuk membolehkan kanak-kanak migran menaiki
penerbangan ke Muscat, Oman.
[ 37 ] Tentang alasan Tertuduh kononnya baju diberikan kepada kanak-
kanak migran kerana bajunya koyak tidak dipercayai kerana dakwaan ini
hanya timbul semasa kes pembelaan. Ia merupakan suatu pemikiran
semula (afterthought) yang jelas direka.
[ 38 ] Penglibatan lain-lain penama seperti CK, Meera dan Ramesh
yang didakwa Tertuduh menguruskan segala urusan penerbangannya,
daftar masuk dan lain-lain; perkara ini tidak dinafikan oleh pihak
pendakwaan. Mahkamah juga menerima bahawa kesalahan ini
memerlukan kerjasama orang-orang lain dan tidak dapat diuruskan oleh
Tertuduh sahaja. Walau bagaimanapun, keujudan penama lain tidak
mengurangkan kepentingan peranan Tertuduh dalam rantaian kesalahan
ini. Tanpa Tertuduh yang membawa pasport serta boarding pass SP3,
kanak-kanak migran ini tidak dapat dibawa hingga ke Muscat, Oman
melalui penerbangan.
[ 39 ] Mahkamah telah menilai kes pembelaan terhadap kes
pendakwaan dan menimbangkan secara keseluruhan semua keterangan
yang dikemukakan. Mahkamah mendapati keterangan pembelaan adalah
bersifat penafian pengetahuan Tertuduh semata-mata dan juga
berbentuk pemikiran semula. Pembelaan Tertuduh telah gagal
menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan.
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AP/BA-45SOM-25-10/2019 (uo) 21
[ 40 ] Kredibiliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan tidak berjaya dicabar oleh
pihak pembelaan sehingga ke akhir kes. Mahkamah mendapati pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes mereka melampaui
keraguan yang munasabah. Oleh itu, Tertuduh dengan ini disabitkan di
atas kesalahan seperti mana pertuduhan.
[ 41 ] Hukuman yang diperuntukkan bagi kesalahan ini ialah
pemenjaraan tidak melebihi tujuh (7) tahun, denda atau kedua-duanya.
Dalam mitigasinya peguam Tertuduh menyatakan bahawa –
• Tertuduh terdesak melakukan kesalahan ini akibat penderaan
yang dihadapinya dan mencari ketenangan dengan pergi jauh
dari negara;
• Belajar hanya sehingga darjah 6;
• Tertuduh bukan dari keluarga berada, dia menanggung 2
orang anaknya bersendirian;
• Tertuduh memohon hukuman yang wajar kerana Tertuduh
tidak lagi bekerja setelah dipanggil membela diri;
• Kesalahan penyeludupan dipatahkan sebelum sempurna;
• Tiada harm ke atas mana-mana pihak kerana kesalahan
dipatahkan dan kanak-kanak migran dihantar pulang ke
negara asal.
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| 33,133 | Tika 2.6.0 |
J-01(IM)(NCvC)-113-03/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) Krishnasamy A/l Kuppusamy 2. ) Nagesvari A/p Kayamboo RESPONDEN 1. ) PENGARAH HOSPITAL SULTANAH AMINAH JOHOR BAHRU 2. ) Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri (JKN) 3. ) KETUA PENGARAH KESIHATAN KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA 4. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | A fire broke out on 25.10.2016 (Fire) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Johore Bahru (Hospital). Six patients in the Hospital’s ICU perished in the Fire (6 Deceased Persons). The plaintiffs (Plaintiffs) in the above three suits (3 Suits) are the parents and dependents of three out of the 6 Deceased Persons. The first defendant is the Hospital’s Director while the third defendant is the Director-General of the Ministry of Health (MOH). This judgment shall refer to all the defendants collectively in these 3 Appeals as the “Defendants”. | 03/11/2023 | YA Datuk Wong Kian KheongKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Sri Mariana binti Haji YahyaYA Datuk Wong Kian Kheong | |
03/11/2023 14:51:28
J-01(IM)(NCvC)-113-03/2022 Kand. 45
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J—n1(m) mcvc)—113—u3/2022 Kand. 45
as/mm: 1:1 51-224
m we coon on an ur muvsumrrsmuuumsmcnum
1 Knlsxmsmv um xuppusmmmc Mu.un:<1«.mm
z massvmurumaaumuxncuo mm-zusup .. nrmum:
1. mmun mswm suI.n>4n< Altman
1 rsuauux xssumm usssrwunux‘
uamm Kssmnnu Msesm mm
;. mu. mum «mum. xsusmsmm xamm muvsm
4. «swam mum nss»-ounsms
(mm. maumm. >< Juhorsmlu Jamr. Maw!-
Cm! Sun Nu ¢A.2< NCvc.2§-03/2o2n
Knuxruszvvyn/1 Kuwunmy(NR\C Nu s2oaw.uunaa>
2 Nluewun up Kiynmbon we Na. a7n:u4.u&56361 Vmnum
1 Few -n Hasumlsunumnwnun
2 mm» Kecmaian Nagen lehov Jab-nan Km-nan Nogamlohur
a ma Fensarah xesmmn, >< xmm way»
A Karalaanmalnyfia Dd-Mimi]
sw qULrv<mxaUKaEuAn:><K0G
menu: magma»: wvmy
an we com of mm or mmm uwaurs .mIusm|:1|oN)
g 3, am pm J-AH myncyc , aw;
:. woo NENG vuusowc no we-mmexay
2 cm slaw mm mm: Mn. mun-1n£n<I) .. mamas
1. vinamm nnsvlul nuunuu mm
2. mama xssmmu uscem man
mm» mmm NEEEI man
: mm vznsuun xsumm, xsusmsmm xsalxnnu muvsln
. mum mm» . ass-mans
[M the miter .11 me Nah cam m Jew am, Jaw Mahyfii
gnu ; ‘ Nu wcvc mmzn
cm. Hang Vang wmcuu smun-m.55B3;
2 Chm Sxaw Hm («me No ssaslznosum mm.
mam awn-1 Sunur-In Amman
my-.n xgmm mm mm Jabalan mm Jana
Kelul Pwvnn Keswmrzn‘ Knrmnunan x.m.y. mum
«gm-an Man-ysu o4m.nu1
sw qULrv<mxaUKaEuAn:><K0G
m. my» cum can nlwung Nong Yoy 5 Mar v
mu: Pwloemorflsasj 1 um 55; .: 557. La! Klw mm
mm |nll0n1Ivl1 lull am arm. than slnnapar-‘s mm of
me supremo cum umm: [slngspnnll ~-mm.“ III:
mu...:..:y nu. mms: m. aumsmn cl nnrsay
evidovvcc‘ omm my. 5 Rsc zsmgapm; :; unum In nur
may 41 ru): 4 ac
om: 4v rulc am Inn 4:; ac mm. 4 lxzupllmu whlnln
... mum: my cormlln heuny evwdenca, nunery when
moms an -pm-nan alllra Voflowmg.
1.; Omar Vlrure 212; RC
my Orusrvlru/s 6(2]RD
In) Ora-rum!-SIZJRC and
«:1 3 Court may has new mm Md" own as m». 341;
(emphasis added), and
(2) me nemaanxs 3 smug om Appucauans are “tnlstiocumry
proceedings“ within the muamng 010 41 ( 5(2) no Then 3
Appeals emznah from me Defendants‘ 3 smkmg om
Appucauons Consequenfly, premued on Ten! Corporation
we may apwy o 41 v 5(2) ac read mm 1 4 an m lake lulu
account lhe mmenls cl Dr senanudaaan-s amdavh m mesa 3
Appeals We furlher my an ma voumnq mdgmenls m we HC -
1;) m Daluk Amlr Kahnr bin run Haj‘ Musunha v Tun
Mohd Said hi Knnuk 5 on [1994] 3 Mm 737, to
dalsvmina In Ippluznnn «a nuke em a mm Ahdu!Kan1Iv
Sulamun J (as he man wa57 had adrmllsd an mam
pursuant to o 41 r 5(2) RC According to Daluk Amlv
Kahlv, zip 741 In 742-
“Thu ddilndnnu‘ mm-nan r: umtw a u r 1910(1),
in mud Id] mm mm. at m NM: cam mu rm.
mac) and undu mu mnmnuumatczvon ur me cowl.
n. ppllclflan ls suppanod by an Mdnvlr cl Wong
Klan Knoorly nllmmd an 7 sop:-mu mu rm um
nfidlvil mnrsiy nfuu In mm I/fidnvvll-In-nply of
ma dofond-wt: mm as room: In rat nmmm mlln
npnlitnllon m the on'grn.n'»a summons. Ensed on
mos: nmamwm-Mn Inn mom: mvry bolrcvu
am 291- angmunn summam of me pmmm discloses
no ruionahh cm. 4:! Action mm: all or my or Inn
uofnndanu, and/or 1: mum-m, rmrm, vexukm:
an!/oi I: an abusl n! ma Pious: M m. court. In
oppaamun to ma uprlcnuen ol an dclnndanls. tn-
plalnllll mun u. .-maul: m nppalltlnn amrlmd on n
son:-mm an In 29.. aflldnvll In annosruan at m-
vl-mmr, ne an-mm Me prvpwy or man
nmmmamply nicrvld to hy 2». dlponlnl of m-
mmn m supp-m or w: lPnU¢a1lon, smu mun
nlfidnviu .2 mm M m. mi!/having cl ma
anulnaung summns wan am Mon mm for
nanny. 5:, the mvmedme issue which all: Io: .
doclsfan ls wnunu ma apuuuuon on an dtlondamls
Hui-can 1.. um um of mu nnmn al an .«mm In
sum»-x. am: 45 I 1: am not mu out mu
ruqulrvmlnt u! my .m4.m ». support 91 an
nppflcallnn rm: )5 m/mu: hum an apphcfllrm main
mm o :4 mm by r 2m memo! m. applmutmn mus!
be men by Kwnmons nuppc-mu by an amdawl Simflafllf
wun an uwlnrulron mIflIrO 51, mm: by mm mlluufl an
arrmm >5 rsawwd for me annmuon Agam, an
Buphcaban undov a 49 r 2 m rammed In he supamlaa or
an amdavu Svmdaw wnn an apmmalrnn under o 50 r J.
wlvzle 1n. apalvcmmn mm. sIl|7D01lzdbyunsRaavIl ra
cuts ye: anolhsrinrm uiapohcanon rs an apohcahum under
o 23 r 1r2/ at m. Rn: V/Md! must be suwaned by an
nmanm mum um o is I 19, 11 merely rsqwn-as an
mu/cmn to be made There .5 rm mautrumsnt m ms ml:
al an amdavfl ieeompenymp ma awmoamn An
npphcllton by summvnulwchlmbuu :. nn mm .n
rnrenoculorv brueetdtny nna a :1 r :12; Mormon: nn
.m.m mm m m p-«rpm vi mm: and "-
Mtemaemofr mmamvs. Bun /rv Mt nbuvlce curvy
..p.... riqm min! of .n lifidlwl la ...p.m fin
-amnuon In a 1: r 19, 71!: my vhw mu lor In
lnnlkllian undev the Ink, me -mama rn support cl
mu nanlrcmn u not mnmory. In Mo mcumunm
ma nmmu M Wong mnn xmnn In suvmn of mi:
wucauon arm: m.n.:.m rs ofno unmuono. or
lfynlllcmcl n my ounl. m nmvnvnl In hnldlny man
an nmdavll If not a pm-qmux. for an -wnomn
nmmn Iwnm for mu pumou ul helm: and In
mhrluullory procndmy: nuy cnnllm nnmn-rm al
Infomullon or new Mm m «mm mm gwundn
mmn m ml hum, m. llfidlvvt 1:! Wang x..n Kllncmg
In ml: an r. rm dolocuve noun.“ arm . n-rmnn
in mm: Ilrdnviu. ha dxpusad mm bum an on
nlnmnld amdavls. nu vvnly MIMI: that nu
urrglnlllng summon: n! m. plllnllfl nilcrm-.1 nu
vnsaruhh mm Al aeflon against all or any of un.
syn quurmxauk-EuAn:»<Knn
an-nu-nu mm 1. 15-min/nus, mare»-, v-nttaus
And/or A: In was. all" pmcou armu m m-
cmumsmms, mepmnmrs om-man has no mean"
(emphasus adaed)‘ and
my me above wdgment m Datuk Amlr Knhnr has been
apphed m Knrllun Mnlayuia v mm: Englnauina a.
Cnnllruclinn Bhd[2D19]MLJU 1aB0,at[§].
E. wmn can Iummeviaunc
bu aamimm in on
19 Fuulfy. “Ium:sr9wdunca" in 5 6511)lc(3)C.JA.1 1(1), 42;. m and
(SA) RCA (R mm sututory Provl-Ionl) mean: ewuence which
no nol been adfluned m me HC av submdmale mun
[NC/Subordlnlln Cmm)
2n Semnd\y_ mvae calequnes av ‘further evrdsncs' can be mammm m
the Rmavam Slammry Provimns, namely.
(1; “Iurthsr svtdem:s' much u mended to he used by in appucann
mapllcnmp m -menocunory appucanons m me CA [Funhnv
Evidence (lnlaerloculary on Applicniunll‘
(2) “lunher evidence‘ which mended tn be when an by an
Apphcanl in me heanng m an apueal m the CA [rumm-
Evldencl (Appum but me Funhfl Emence (Appeal) my
name we being me: me heanng m me H!)/Subordinale Conn
(Subuquanl Evldence). and
13) Fwlhsr Ewdenee mppeax) was avaflahle la me Appficanl at me
(ulna af me heamvg m we HC/Submdinatz Cuun bu| was nut
adduced m me HO/Subordinate com (Exitllnl Evldonco)
21 we 1(3A)RCA my a|lnws“(uI1Ils/avrdem>e'(o be admmed al Ihe
“Ilssrmg 0/ ms appear -1 me «duawmg Mo wndmcns are samsned
cumulamexy by me Apphaaln (2 Condition: [r 10;“)
(1) me mm olthe 2 Condmuns [r 7(3A)] (1-- (land an 1: mm)» 15
provided m r7(3A)(a) RC and has Ivm aksmalwe nmbs, namew
43) the -runner ewde:-ca’ wit not muame Io me Apphcam ac
the Ilearmq In me Hcrsuomdmane Cmm [1-I All-rnalivu
Llmh (1-- condmnnu The 1-‘ Ahemahvs I7 11"
Cnnduiunj concams Subsequent Evmence‘ or
my me 'Iurmsr awdsnmr exmsa ac me nunng In and
HC/Subordinate Cmm but was na| avaflable |a the
Appllcanl despite me exemse av veasanahle dfligenoa by
me Apphnant {2'- All-nutiu Limb (1-I Condlflonll The
2~ Ahemalwe Limb A1“ Cundmnnl men In Exnslsnt
Evidence. Ind
(2; r vmxm RC pmudes «or the second of me 2 cdnduidns [r
mm] (W Confllllon [r 1(:Ay]) There ave Mo ahemznve
hmbs of me 2* canduidn [: 713A)] namaxy, me “Iu/mar
evidence‘, Mme —
(a) would nave mm a delerrmmng influence upon me demsnn
cl me HE/Subcrdmam com {1-' Altnrnnllvn Limb (zm
cunaluenn. or
my wemu have been I\ke\y «e have a ueaenmmna unnuenoe
upon me decxslan on me nusmnmnme Court [zu-
Altunniva Limb (2"‘ Cnnd an]]
Rifle 7(3A) RCA amy apphes la Fullhev Ewdence (Appeal) and N7!
In Funher Evidanca tlntarluculaly CA Applucalmn) Aceordlngw. [ha
nnn pen of 5 sea; cu and (he flrsl pen at r 7(2) RCA allaw an
Appncenc (a use Furmer Emence (Incenccmmy CA Apphcauon)
wxlhoul any leave cl CA
II is cleav mm 1 713A) non applies to Existenl Evldanoe and an
Apphcam can unly dvschsrge me burden N persuade the CA «a
gram leave to aflmn me Exlslenl Evidence at me hearing at me
eppeew -n CA v we 2 Commons [r 1(3An ave saueneu cumulzuuexy
The quesunn man arises Is wnamer 1 ma) RCA awhe: m
sunsequem Ewaance nu ma CA case or Sin Hnp Ln-Mmmonx
Sdn Bhd v Ylp shou sum [2005] I MLJ 515 »
(1) Mnkhlar Sidln JCA dewerad the 2-1 mmonly aecmon [M:JmlIy
Judgrmm [sun Hun Lu-Maruhoni]] as «cums, al [101 |u [121
ma [:5] la [is] 7
‘[142] m my In: an lpplinllmn to n .uuw.4 m.
Jpplltant mm m may m. madman: .. mm In pm
424;. Thu: .1 na mm In my mm that mm m- ippvflinl
nlkmplod m produce wu . hlpglnlng mu nu. ma
m; At mm mm urlllr, 2». lppufllnl zurrcldad
m.: an ..a.:.»c- Irnandad to be zdduced my not nuur
won tho ma! 12/ away mu mat. n uccwnd rung arnlrllu
mr In an mun Cam my my. concluded. u I: clear In me
mn ma avldlncc rnxumu 2.: n. aflduud m In mm: a!
In mumm tang um: um lncldlnl and if!!! m. mu.
TN: nwvencu was m. aullablllxy oi-Iv Allnmlllvu um.
road tn 1):: responmrs ram: long arm mu Mal Ialmocl
my yen: mu m rupwldcnt nu illod mu pnunt Imun).
I: vs char in ms nu: evklmce was not my not ayauanu al
ml Yhe second nu: u muted by Dar: «A; Is that m.
Hm mam. r1lnll.WuuIH n. . m or vmuld luv: bun
llnly to my: . ummrnrny Influence upon me decision or
m my» com
1751 1: Is cloarlmm the um um me mm evidence
that m. appallant nmnm 1.: mm mum m an m.
anumpfion mu m- nmmd loyal or an mm mum bv
brought down nu: ma. wn nu .ua...;. um um um m.
This -numpdon was hand on em rm mil mu. wu-
sum: umwum on ma ritpnnuynllx ma Ind m.
Idlmnirrs land. may those oarmwonts, mo HFBN/an!
ulumod that ran mpmom llrvd amid a. «mum
the olive: nelvhhauriuv hifiaininv lot which was to be
muapea mm In y-rx ma 2»: rupovd-m n-'1 fil-d
am: mm. an my vinw, mos: has my: naming u: do mm
m aamay-s mm--1 by rm mponom To mm In
.u.m.m. mud to Ms mm was the respamenrs my
nation In mm ma upun-um am 4:! N5 ma not In
urlgmll mm mu! M Dunn dulroyud
[151 m lgpnfllrn m mu! .mu.m m ugly nfflrmld
ny smug cmn Chem on 1: Juryma cormrmod. my vm.
mu! 1». ipplmlnun m ndducl Iruh mam. val my in
mike an lssummion andassenwn as mm «mm «ax
m; m my mtnisis nun-wanna: um anlyln
nmmmton wen rm -up-um mm mm: «my me
am. n. my vlaw, mm 1.1 no hull evtdmcz m m:
[151 1;. my vluw, m. .,.p::=.u.». am not lllsly the
condmoni /mm-.1 by r 7 IRCAI. For In: rulun, or
mujnflfy dnclllnn, wu dlsmlssld m. lppllclllan ny tin
(mar-asas added)‘ and
12) Abdul Aziz Mohamad JCA (as he men was) delivered me
foHA7wmg dlssenlmg magmem [Dlunmlng Judgment (Sin
Hun L Mnvuhonl)L at [73] to {as}-
‘mr mu -pnunmn -nun:-.1. an Hour: olmucfun, Inr
mm ‘In in: mm ma! luv: u nu--ury: lo mmu
rum-r avmnnzi n. my .pp..:. 11.. lunn-I .w.1em was
as to 4 mam! mu mama arm mu m- or 1». mmon or
m. fllgh Cuun nu tar: as. nnmlly, tvldancn HI .x2...;m
emnwolks that won army canm out on m- mpermm
um um. n wn cl ma, wauld bnnp down an ‘plntlwm
1:-my M the mm. The mam pumon oltne tvhimcn was
to plvw mm mm would nu Inngav n. lny nu-d 2.;
conumcl - rat-Wnv war! 2.: nublrrn the wake of mu
rnpnnflant’: mm an Inn :1 . mlllnmg will m. um
uaulmd, mm In ms! muld M av-my Induced ‘due In mu
ol rum manna: 4w-rum ol sail)’. so nu ma
rnmmnutafi dimJ9\I would mzw nntbu .. much .u my
Rum mmmn In-1 wns mama
1741 m mpumm appluld m. -lppllrltlun. In his
.mum: n. mx-nu-4, nmcnn mm tniws, that m. r-com
urmwoflti am not mm III: n-Inn: Ind canngmuan a!
ma um, um it i: not nemlissfhle to ask ma meuau
cam w rusun fllmlgu mu n. . bun pruplriy
nuussd .: mg my um um. In my mm, the evidence
mm to nmry um um cnndmnru far It: rlzupfiun
lundusload m. mm candlflons 2» be mm that may be
drawn mm Ir nw Ru)
1751 w. mm: m flnllnllnn mm commenclnv to
hair mu mm: It wu alunnua by . mnjmvry dnclslun
wvllmm 1: mn: mmod cmmnl Io! ma nsnondunl. r was
mm vm, mu nurlng m. mbmllslun aim: .pp.::.m
rumm zclmsnl m: not mm: the ommmny to Mar mu
submission of ma nsponaonxk ll-mad mu-un mu m.
nsl rnn cannon oi me am»: Amt nc-puan av
Iunnu Iwdoncc for clvflappllls (a m. Cuurt nrappur f1
dull mm In . HIE./AI
my I: 15 um fmm mm 12: um u m. mum
lwdmzl 7: u 2., mum mum um occumd um me
mlsron -malea from, n my a. glvnn 1;. my an my
luv: u rvquma. m. glvvny nliurmuv uvidmze .5 to put-
declxlon mmen‘ rs a mam! ur rlghl u vs -1.14: c u mm.
m. ward: m. u m mltlurs muq...m ..
ma 1:; ma: mo rldulnnmm or lpocul wo-um um ar
luv: mu down ny rm sub-5 do nazappty Ia Dos!-chclslon
ma; am: an m. was ‘Appeals to ma cm: or
App r mu o. By way at rvnunng, Ind m million In
such lypIllS' in nab-5 m, the whoh ol 5 u, .u m m
n4b—uv.1(oru 1:! re. Inn, mm my ulgnz nmmmm
dvWu:rvce.1, rrvmlund in r wzcu. mu five sub-sections
mommy um Ilvn pm; on». rm: 1;. um. um: urdur. m
urm air 1 wt: Mzourse the same u em or: :9. 45 hr
.u putdvemnn mm... ... mmm-a, m. qwmq of
man: wldcncn Is: mule! arm:
pa: mm a provision of .n An 12! p.m.m.m mm
nal bu rt-omclud In subsldllry liwslallcn, because me re
onasmunx will a. mm, ... um, um nu rm nrlnoncu, M.
u tum oflls own. Runovo IL and mu law A: still mm in
an Act Furtmr, n m. Io-nnn¢1manH.I mm nmamauan.
m. mafltlicntinn Vs um: vlns and lnolhcuvn D-cauu n
-vekr 2.; Huh mudlilclfinn m m. law tnmugll .uammy
lrqislntfnn in In no. that Pamam-nx has «mm: iol,
mu... m pawn In mnmiy 1. lxprnnly glvnn Dy
Flrmmunl. The modiflc-fion mu mmnvy am arms
mu m menmln-nt mllv nrmpugnnnl m m. pmvu/an .-
nnntlud by Pmlnmenl. and subzfdmy /eylsmvon Is
mam». or dn/ng mu
/ea} mm :9 any .u can bonus: In nu r 1 ms
Jmervdod bylnlmfluclng m. Iulmwmg par: {u}:
M rm .. Inc pmynnh mu Vmsminnod arm: in
mmmm mm mu mm sandman: in 9. 112111114 1:
Impolu rllmzlmru m... m. uutnd mm. mum.
mo rrqulremem In pm 11:; mu am now evmnnco woufd
(awn roosmzn wmu
IN mi mum nr APPEAL or umvsn u nun-s musuucnam
clvn. u-
4 Muulmov All. mmuuvxmuc Nu I1n1a:-02515!)
2 mumuum ms smmme mm: no Izmmluw) .. »9sLLmvs
4. rzueam uosP1nL mum
z new-um xaumuu «scam moon
mum Kismnnu Miami JONDR
:. mu. psmm xzsmmu, xzmamzmn K£amAm4 Iuuvsu
¢ xsmmu uumm xsspouusxts
[M m: mallswfllaa Hm cm m Jmmrfiivm mm Mahm-
cmxsunna mr2uNcv<>2sasI2n2n
Munundylll K:m1uamHNR\c Na a7aw:—Dz—57M7)
2 MunumnuhlIpS.In1MuvW(NR\C Nu 7:nz1Ms»5s1a1 Fmnmli
Pewavuw ms»-m Swan-h mm
Plrwavah Keswnatan Ntgay1.!nMv,1ahzIan mum" N-9-«mu
KIN: Famgaran Knmmzn Kuvventnmn Kumntznm-Ways:
Knralaan mum Devendnnbl
sw qULrr4vxaUKaEuAn:><Kur2
LEE swzz szma, .mA
mmnu mm mm. Jan
wens mm xuzous, JCA
nave ms: or would Mu bun Iflroly to um nm a
dntxrmfninytnflunnci on the decnslon um was mad-. mm
mm ma 4-» ‘aura mpg-st max nmnu wrdonu would
-mly he Allowed :5 to mmers rn exlslonu mm 2»-
d-cmon, mama P'W‘ou:1.Y mm... maam u M pun-
dlnlalon mutton was nl)owed,:m1u mmuua
1:21 ma mwu mug:-v mm by pm mu MV-
not am. mm (9 s 61 Since pm «A; seeks to am to r 7.
and um: 1 has no lxl.:l4n:n,II1- mm. nUL| own, um
I: m-rlly an am or 5 n, r (W 75 ncrnlny mare mu M
ulelvlbl by -unaramy V-glslltlnn In mnfllly . 5:. ma
lflumpl u ulln vlns hocausn subsidiary I-gmamm I5 rm
aapawa nl mndlfylny in Au 1:! Pnmamlnl. Ilrclpl Dy
«mu numarily on-amamm, wnrcn am not ammu-
Iaaj I war :3! ma mw. mmrm, ma: 1 as 1: mil
nfiedad ny Dan M and further mama. as to pen-
docmon mum my mm B: gnrul, And a. of right.
rnamm, mevely 1.1 . rmamy in distal my -man, Vuvo
mum 175 Man lo mu lPpI4I-rm to 9.... ma mm»
moans. ml! may mm 2.: give. me quamm :2! ns
warm and a col mum DI minors to M carllrdund m m.
(emnham added!
25 m mu mew, leave oi CA IS um req-men lav Subsequenl Evidence
because Ihe secann pan of 5 69(2) CJA (z~- Pan 1- 59(1) cm)
sud me second pan L71 r 7(2) RCA (2"- rare [r 712) RCA]) havn
expIess\y auuwea smasequam Emanoe us be used an me neanng
ol appezk wvlhnut any weave MCA In Hus vegans-
(1) me Mamrily Judgment (Sm Huap Leememnenu had memxssea
me avnlmauon lor weeve or c»: to addnoe “(urfhsr emencr on
me around nu: ma ippficahon vms based on an “essumpIIan'
and (here was nu ‘further evidence’ «.2 be adduced at lhe
hearing 0! me apyaa m mal can Furmemme. me Mammy
Judgmunl (Sm Heap Lee-Maruhem) am not discuss me 2"‘ Pen
[5 6912) cm em 2'»! Pan [r n2) RCA]: and
12) we take the Dnwrwmly la appnws me Dlssenlmg Judgment
(Sm Heap Lee.Memeem) men can be suppmled by me
«euewmg reasons »
(a) awarding In 5 2(1)(e) ov me Inmvpretanon Acls 1943 and
1967 (IA). Pan x IA avnhes la RCA neceuse RCA are
made me: 31.121963 pursuant Ia CJA when has been
vevised under me Rewsxan cl Laws MI was seeuen
23(1) VA on Pam IA) Dmvvdas M the uocmne 01 um wres
“Any subsidiary agar-rm’. mu 1- mmmm with
m At! rumuwng Inc 4.: urvdur men n. mum",
Vngulnnon was me.) man e. vent tn rm nmm cl
(emphasis added)
The apphnallun L715 23(1) IA has been exwamed by Mohd.
Zawawi Salleh FCJ m we Federal Cuurl we) use ov
Pihak serkum Tauhnib Majlit Porbamurun
sobcnng Perai a. Anor V Muxildi Illukhhr [mu] 1 cu
“[511 m: cm: matsubsrdlary or H-Voyuml rogmanan
mu not be bruder man in: onabllrrg logluallnn.
YNI glnural pnnctyll u! nllulary intorpnallon I5
eodmod m s 2: nu "
lempnlsls added), and
an RCA are made under s 17 CJA I! r 713A) RCA apphet to
Subsequent Emuenoa, Hus means r may RCA Is
\ncons\s|en| mm the 2"“ PIr1[5 69(2) CJA] and lay Wine 01
1 23(1) vx, r mm RCA us van in the extent 0| such an
As explamed m the nave paragraph 25‘ by reason arms 2'“ Pan [5
s9(2) CJA] and 2"‘ Pan [r 712) RCA], me Plamnm do not lemme
reave of the CA \a use Dr sawahuadeenrs amaavn m these 3
Should CA gum nu Igr Pliméffs Io Inc Dr. selanuddnrn
yflgnvlt in a Aggalfi
Nodwwhsmnmng our apmnn w my above paragviph 25. we are 5!
me mew mac ma vuamxma have sansnaa me 2 Commons [r 7(3A)]
as (allows
(1; me 1-1 Anemame Limb 11“ Common) 15 (umuea because Dv.
salanuaueervs amdavn was not avafluble to me Plamums mmng
me heanng ov me Delendams‘ 3 sm mg OmApp|IcaI\ons‘ and
12) as sxmamed wn parigrinh as helm me comsms M Dr
Se\ahuddeen‘s amaavn would have been llkely |a have a
dalermlnmg mauem an we 3 HC nacismns In mhev wmds‘
me 2"‘ Allernanve Limb 12"‘ Cundmon) has been taxisfled by
me Plainmfs
Franused on me above reasons, ma F'|ImMIs' 3 Leave Apphcahons
(Dr. SeIahuddeen's alfidavfl) an answer: by ms cmm wnnom any
ovdsv as to costs
wh-um noun can Igglx guitzhle enoggl doclrinn with
Egzrd In Thne-Vur Linn Ian Furiod
The Tmse»Vaav Lmmanon Period us vrwldad In s 21:) PAPA wmen
reads as lollows
-2 wnm, mu m. coming Ame fart: nrmu AL: lny MIL
acllvll Drosszutron or om-r pmcudlng :. cnnlmuvcud in m.
Fnd-ntiun -mm myneuon an: my m dune rn Wnunnce or
cxecumzn or Irmmua lxocullnn a1 Iny mm». law III 1:! my
puhlrr my a. numurify or m mam alnny «mm mm or
datum m the mcuuon of any such mm... 1..., may or
mm mm rmwmg pravlslnns sin!/luv: mm
(3) me man. zctlom Prowcunovv or pvumamg mu not 1.. nr
o. .mm.a unlsu n u cammnncnd mm. 70-57::
moms nu! -rm M: an, Mylar! or ac!-uu comnllmod 1:!
or, m me use pr . mnnnuunce a/mju/Y ar mum wvlnm
mmw manllvs net! am: my clnsmg (h¢Iunl'
(emphasis added)
29 In Alma Yamplnlon a. On v Law Val Hnldings Sdn Ehd a. Ann:
[1999] 2 ML.) 202 Edgar Joseph Jr J (as he man was) has
exnlained m me HC man a defendant may be snapped lrom remng
on a nmmon devenoe pvovlued by me umnanon Ad 1953 (LA), n
\s dec ed m Allmd Tnmplulon‘ al p 244 M7 245‘ as lulluws
~: mint lully zcnsrdu um." ..n. In ulnp an-ull um 11! m.
Llmltutmn m
m xou Nanny V was cmng Kmflw mm Lmmu1Ac u
may Mu 45, . name” 1:! Inc pm Cuuncll Imm m. mm
Federal Court of Marayxla. m a ran av mmyvmms, mm
Lon1.IMp.I um
mm an statute: which, vrouyh dwlarfnfl
m..cum m 1.. .4.....;.»a...:. nr .,.,..:, ...
nevennelass rm! .m:-my pmmouory and so do nu!
pncludu .m,,...r. On mm. a: 1:... .. m. smut-
»: mm I-we Mlmphrru V Numnrmes mm 2 KB
5:1 :4 m wmm .: ma nu mm conndlnd mu
the shunt om: m n. mm: as regular/W
pmcldun, rml .. ...m..g .2 usnntlll vnlldllm .. .
mun am: 1:51 u. may Is to :5): mm.’ m. raw
m.:....m.m. me wanna an n. am. .. ,.,.,.....x.
mm puucy 2.: which m. noun mutt pm rm: In 2».
.m.«..: :1 m. Wm punlufly 9. lam! nzrlnn .7: 2».
Dublin, mun. any rules or ovmcnco if mm...
u.......m. mu m. pnmu mly a... cum by m...
canducl or oumwm
mu wold: arv wmuly arm. Ind Juggul mu m Lmumlon
Ac! run 31!! vny la oslogpel. rmma, mm tn mm In
fumuvmn y Wu! Nlm CorpnrItmrl[1D5(7]2 KB M507 2 K5 209
wnlcn uyye-x mu . 44...... will rm! :2. mm in My M. .
mm. ofllmv Hon Imls acts arslatomoms during m. mmm
alum puma nnw lndu-:11 m. plllnflfltu u.:.y pmmamg.
And, rn amm... 1 Anal v Mo:-1197212 ML.I15s any c4 um
suuuu al mnnmm M...» an 1». ..:m....m 01
. ngm ny action ..a me: of Dmcednm only: see 24
Nusaury. Llws at 5...... ma Eu; P m . right
which meme. unenfemubfe merely by recson al
unm.m... u... no! [pun hm parish ar mm. Inln
mm .11. a. helmet v cmnu mm] 1 wm ass
whom n m. mm mm .41....» um... . ms; .1 m.
Llmlnauon Au 1m, mum of mum. llmnsl
mntllndlrvg 1.. man u... .1. yams ... :...m...m.
by action. m. munmors mu or-ry ommod la n.
uzumou rvmufly .1 mampuon pruvvd-d that my
am .0 uvenrs or marvyaw lrmrvn, wnunu mm
blmd or ..L N, .. m mu 5..., .q.n.u. rvynl: am
not new.» by mass. or rrmmzvan, can 015 Sam:
name. a. ..: up n... n. my 2». am. at .
o...emI.r own! to be granted Ms mm to me /29:4
so 1.. .s mly n. necsniy. I mum mm: m: baled an Mes:
mu. m. Llmlollan Act :. pululy pruzodunl: ... um»... um
Amar V ma mm] 2 ML1 15: um ulwcholl v mm: Ewlnoulnv
Co Ltd mm 2 us my 1m. And, mm“, 1.. cunln
urcumxtlncls, an. an eslap Mosul! om mm mum. Act
by curmuzt "
(emphasis added)
The abave declswon m mm: Tlmpllmn has been appnwed by the
FE m the lollawlng judgment dehvered by Gopal sn Ram JCA (as
na men mu) m Eoulund Tmilng usns) Sdn Bhd v Arab-
Mnmann Morchnm Bunk and 1199514 cu 253‘ n: 294
"saw mu». n. 1, 1-: M an-n ms) In In ruunmunv
/udymlnl In Ylmlllltun y. Law m flnldlrrgt sun. and. [ass] 2
mm 201 m apmm mg doclnm In . mm nnu mun: inman
lo pmrtnl a fluhndnnt rmn rulylrlg upnn ma pmvlsluru aim!
ILA] '
femvhasxs added)
The Phrase my person lorany act done In pursuance oraxeeuwn
ur Intended sxscufiorv 0/ any wrmen w ar 0/ any puzm duly nr
numonzy m m rsspecl or any alleged rveglanl or aerau/r In the
execurmn many such wnnsn /aw, my maumont;/' In 5 2(3) PAPA
rere-s to any person we perlorms a wnllen lnw. public duty and/or
public aumamy For ease ol convenience‘ .n this ‘udgmem we wvll
describe me pelsun envisaged m s 2(a) PAPA as 2 ‘uublic oflrcsf
We are unable (:7 «no any prevxoui Malaysian case much has
decided on me appncauon ol me docmne of sq-nnahxe esficphm m a
puhm: omcer who has relveu on me Three-Yes! Llmnahon Penna m
s 2137 PAPA
u is our view mac —
(1) a publsc alfiner (X), and
(2) me Fedara\ Govemmcm, sme Government or pumu: aulhmm’
Aulhomy) whn ts vu:aneus\y liable for
x‘: am. umlsslnn and/arconducl
may be esmpped by any 5\a|emeM and/ov conduct by —
(a) X,
on a pubhc offioer nlhsr man x (V), and/ur
(c) suuemmem/wumn: Aulhorw
lvam re\ymg on me Three«Year Lmmamon Penud
The abwe mum suvnoned by me Mlawmg reasons’
(I) ma Three-Year Llmflahon Penod is a procedural delanm and
no! a subsuarmvs ans There may be a slatsmenl and/nv
mndud by x‘ v and/or Government/Publvz: Authomy whrch
makes m meqmtable «or x and/or Gavarnmanl/Publu: Aumorky
(o rely on me ThreeVear Limnanon Period.
on Alma nmpmon Ind aousmn mama have recugmaed
me appmauan ai me dncmne mi equuame eslnppe\ «a bar a
panys vshanoe an 2 Ivmtatiun defence pmsuam |n LA Theve is
nu veasun m prmclyla and palm, why aqmcable e5lopp€\
doclnne cannot be Invukarl agfimst Public amcau and/or
sovemmenr/Puonc Amhonlv m rewecl of the Tme-year
Ltmllahon Pemd: am
(m m acwldanue mm good uubhc governance‘ puhluz Mfioers and
Gevernmen|IPuhhc Aumamy should not mike smemems
and/av canduct |hemse\ves m a manner wmah may cause any
person to he mepmmy plqudwced
Was man a lrilbln um. um Dclsndznli wm ulnggd bx
Summontl Dr. solahuaalnlnr. Aman vrom nl u on num-
Llmltlllon ad?
m these 3 sum, mars Is a (mole mus ragummg whe1her me
Defendnms are eslupped by Statements (Dr Sslahuddm/DI Aman)
«mm rerying on me maawear Ltmllafian Penod (mam. Inn")
The Tnable Issue xi mpponsd by the Vullnwmg evxdenoe and
(1) me nc was lonned by MOH and was headed ray 3 rained JCA
The Plamtifls knew al ms rarmanon N no am as mqmry,
at the maIeria\ lime. Dv Se\ahudmn and Dr Amun were the
Jnhnre State Nsamw Dlremm and Haspnars vector
rssps1:|rva?y. In mher mm‘ Dr sawammuin and Dr Aman hs¥d
man was m MOH an meume ollhe maxmg enne Smemem:
my Sela)-mddm/Dv Amnn),
me Smamanls my Selahuddin/D7 Aman) weve made In the
ramny Members (6 Deceased Persons) 3| me Meelings
Minutes (Meetings) had been prepared by MOH n \s merevme
dear me: me Statements 10: Sehhuddxn/Dr Aman) weve
made In me course of mg empluymem or Dv Selahuddm and
up Aman The slalamenls (Dr Selanuddlrllflr Aman) were no:
made w9Hhe—cufl wimnul any lrllarltlnrl by me Delendanls Io be
no-um by Ike slalamanu (Dr Salahuddln/Dr Amanl and
(4) any reasonable clalmalll ln me woman oflha Plalnlllls who had
been Informed M me smemenls (Dr Selanudliln/Dr. Amanbl
would be lulled mm a lalsa pl onmplarerlcy la llle a sull -«er
ma pruparatmrl 01 ma ll<:'s Repon and aller me lapse 01 me
Thre>Vear Llmilatlorl Plrloli In mm won1I,Ihs Plalmiffs did
not file me 3 Suns WI m the was-vear Llmllallon Period
because ma vlamulls had yelled on me slalen-ems (Dr
Selahuddlrl/Dr Aman). ln lms sense‘ n ls alguable that the
nelemams are eslopbad by ma Statemenls lm
Selahuddlrl/Dr. Amanl [ram lelylug on me Thrac-:»Vaal
nanorl Parlod lo supper! me Deiendnnls' 3 Slrlkmg oul
Appllcancrlt consequenlly. me oumenls ol DY 5a\aVluddeen's
alfiuavn would have been hkaly up have a “deIumll'rllrlg
Influence’ on me 3 HC neclslona wllmn me meanlng of me 2"‘
Allematlve p lzw Corldillan)
as ln vlew arms maple lssue —
(1) n ls up: a plain and Dbvlnus case luv me H!) to strike om Ihe 3
Sulls - please refer lo we Judgmenl M me Supreme Cowl
uelwem by Mom Dzaluam SCJ la: he man was) in Bandar
aulluu sun arm a. on v Unlnd Malayan Banking
Carper-lion and 11993} 3 ML] 35, an -as,
l2) ma 3 sulls are neflher hlvalnus nor valiuous wnlun me
maanlng pro 18 r19(1)(|7)RC, and
cwounns or JUDGMENT
ma above mree appeals (3 Appelll) use a navel queshon av
whether me Federa\ eovemmm um Duf-lldlnl) may he emppea
by stalamenls made by‘ among amers‘ Johore Stale Hem Dvectur
mi Dolundanv.) hem re\ymg on me lmse~yeav «mnamm period
(mm-vur Llmitalion Plrind) pmweed m s 212) 01 me Public
Aumevmes Pmtzclmn Am 194: wrap.
we shah relarlo palllas as they wave m ms Hugh com me)
A we hvake out on 25 10 2016 (Fin) In me Vnlenuve can Uml
ucu) arsuuanan Ammah Haspna1,.Ienare Bahru moapnal)
sux panams m the HaspI|al's mu perished m me Fire (6 naeund
The plmmms (Plainlilfij m me above three tuils (3 sulm are me
panams and dependenls anhrae cute! me e Deceased Person:
The firs! defendant is me Hospital‘: wecoov wvme me we
dedandanl Is the Dweclnr-General 0! me Mmuscry av Heaun (MON)
Tm: wdgment snau uelena all me delendans cnI\ec|lva\y m mese 3
Apvfials as me “D¢fendanh"
Ana: the rue, MOH lnrmed a sevelunemher 'lm29psndsrlIlm1uIry
Camrnmes" In mqulre m|u me cause 0! the Fire arm to make me
(3; me 3 Sulls do um cL7ns|llule abuse: cl cwrl proceas as
underslood in 0 1K r 19M ml) and o 92 r 4 no
|| is lo be born: m mm I1la|evanlVa pleaded clalm IS weak and ls
nal llxely to succeed, the us nol a ground m usell |l: s1nks am the
clalnl ~ sumraulla-r sun slm, al p 44 In any evenl, me Trlable
Issue can urlly be les/ah/ed at a vial and me: by way cl affidavll
I Shuuld Plan «in: In allowed up lmend me Blahmant: :1!
cl m soon
37 0 ‘K o 2 r l(z) and 0 15 v 95(1) RC Dmvlde as lulluws
‘o M In aanumu-my mm Rulcs, mo Cowl nr .
Judge mu nun mm to me nvomvlrlv lnlonrt ollusm nnd
nnl only (-2 m. lncnnlcnl nan-carnplllnzu mm mun Ruin
c 2, 1121 rm. mm are a Droeedlml made me subleu
in ma onmdlny an/mm cl emu"; m. Court to dual mm
uni /my m Plrvlts m Iwulm: to users: the Cam! in
mum mu uvlmdmq afljiclun
o 18r1P(7I me Cour! my u my sure am. mmalm
nrdlr tn 1:. mm nut ur umm any prualng M M:
uldornnmlz or any wm ln me mm, nr anyway in my
pl-ndmn arln rm .m:m.m.n; an m. gmurrd MIL
la; H melons no Iuasonabln cause of lclmn W nclsnce, as
Illa saw may De,
la; it is aundalous, Ilivolous or vezuuous,
vs; rrmay are/um, embarrass or near me mu m/ .1 me mm
(a; n I: om-rwiu In mu: 0! um mm. cl um com
um mly mun! um. mm. In a. mm or aumrma nrludgmuvl
to an mxenunccomrngrx as In use m-y an
(emphasis added)
as n Is deemed by me He m vup Ch Koong Halrllnna sun Bhd v
Buamupulllan Amu. Sdn ams{2o221e cm 754‘ an [ea], mat the
com net ma lalluwmg fiva dmcrellonaly powers under 0 1a rI9(1)
‘(:91 m courl nu ma vouowlng live mmemn-rr
P°we:i Dursunnl In a m am RC
11; the cam! my am. am a nlsndmy, nmdarsumsm‘ an n plnamlvg,
an um ur counlomratm.
:2; m. mun mly um... . pm, 2.: um; . pludlng
endorse/vvanlon apisadmy. um armunlovdarm‘
13/ the mun may say an mm orcuummclnml‘
N we cam may mmmn aclmn anmmmm W
15} we court may emer aludamont m an anlmn ar wunlemmm ‘
(emphasws added)
as In accordance mm 0 1A and o 2 r 142) Re, HC's discrefianaly
Dcvwers nummu to c 15 r 19(1) RC should be axamsea mm
regard Io Ihe ovemamg mbevesl ouusuce In me dusposal nf ma 3
Appeals, by vlrlue cf 5 6911) cm, lne CA has all the powers 0! lne
. in View ol lne Slzlamems (Dr selannanln/Dr. Amanl and lne
Tnable lsenel n la only just lor in-a coun lo gran! leave under 0 15 r
19(1) no rend wnn o \A and o 2 r 1(2) RC lei lne Plainlllvs Io
amend ma soon so as M: include a plea g that me Delendanls
are sslnpped by me slanemenle lo: Selahulidlrl/Dr Amen) from
lelylng on me Three-Year Llmllal-on Period 1EIIoppIl Finding)
Nu lniushce ls owasianefl |c lne uelenanms by allowing me
Plaimms in amend me soc: be se —
in lna neiennancs are enlilied lo amend lnen neaenoe Ill me 3
Sims wnn legard Io lne Esioppel Pleading‘ and
in lrresvscilve cl lne Esloppel Pleading‘ lne Delenuanlx ale at
lmeny in aelanu themselves al lne lnnl M me 3 sun: as may
see rn
n I inn
Plemlsed on me above leasnns nnn on Selahuddeerfs alrnnvil
ma 3 Appeals aia allowed will. lna lullawinu nldel.
(1; me 3 HC‘s Decisions iv! sex asidal
(2; ma 3 suns are remilled in me H0 |u be mad belnm anumer
Judge lzr JO.
(3) leave ll gramed In me 3 Plalnlllla |n amend meir secs In
lnciuue lne Eslanpel Pleading wilnin 14 dlys lrom me date at
the me: «:1 ms com lwlm leave to me Delenaancs ca amenu
men Delenoe m we 3 suns in respunaa la me amended
la; coals ol the 3 Appeals and Defendants’ 3 Slllklng om
Appllcallorls will follow me evenl ol me |rial ul me 3 Suits
com at Appeal, Malaysia
For the Appellants {3Appea1s) M: s Gunassgamn 4 Ms Tall PoAu
(Messrs Zamsn & Amcleles)
For me Rsspondsnls (3 Appsah) Pm Zahllah 52. Mohammad Yusofl
(SenlarFsdamI Courlss/) .5
Push Syezana Bl. Abdul Lufls
(Johan: Stale Legalncmors crime;
necessary lecornmerldallmls lo me 4'" uelanuant (Ilc) Ths llc was
headed by a relllad Judge cl Conn ol Appaal (JIM). mm‘ San
Mohd. Hllhamuflln am Mahd Vunus
a. In June 2019, IIC handed us report (lIC’: RlpuII)Io MOH unlllme
dale al lm: wnnen llldgmem, IlC's Report has ml baerl released co
Ihe pubhc
c. Lggll Emcacdingi
cm. 3 5
9 The Plaimms med the 3 suns ln me no on 2 9 2020
ID The Delendarus med wee awllcatlorls to strike am the 3 Sims on
ma glvund |ha( me 3 Sulls had been lnsmuled aflellhe axplry olme
Three-Veal Llmlla|iL7rI Perlod on 25.10 mm (Dal-nnanw J
Striklnu om App||::l|onI)
11 On 1522022 lhe learned lualclal Commlssloner (JD) nu ma HC
allaweu me Defendants‘ 3 Slliklng om Appllcamms mm ousls n1
Rn/l2.5uu.oo Io Ihe Delendams «or each ml the 3 sum; (3 no
Doclslonlj The Plalrmfls hava filed ms 3 Avnaals lo ma com or
Appeal (CA) agalnsl me cl HE Declalurls
:2 The Plairlliflx have applled to CA and obtained an aide! lor these :4
Appeals |n be heard logelher [Jolnl Hurlng (J AppulI)]
0(2). Joirn Nearing aggmlx
13 For (he vumose or me Joml Heanrrg rs Appeals), me Plamulfs man
was names of rrrouaa for weave or ca m adduoe an amaayn
arrrrrrraa an 54202: by Dr serarruaaeerr Em Abdm Am (Dr.
semruddurr) «or the purpose ol the rreanng or these 3 Appeals
[Flaintmf z um Applluuom (Dr. Sa\Ihudfle:n'1 -ma-yum
14 Dr selanuausaru amaavn surea as Iouows, among others‘
(1) Dr Selahufldaen was Juhcre srare Heallh Drrecmr from
February 2019 urml 0c1ober 2019‘
(2) belween February 2913 and Oclubav 2:219. Dr Salahuddeen
(as nrra man Johcre sure Heanrr Drrector) mer wrlh ranuxy
members or me 6 Deceased Persons Uncludmg me Prarnrws;
[Family mambm (s Dccaand Parsunlll mm or Aman Em
Rahu (Dr. Amln) (me Hasprcars Director ar mar me)
mleourrqs) Al me Meenngs »
(a) Dr selarwduoerr urevmaa uwanea to ma F.|mHY Members
16 Deceased Persons) regarmng me scams M lIC‘s mqmry
41:) Dr sarrrrruaaeerr and Dr Aman had mlmrned me Famfly
Members rs Deceased Pelsuns) man nor Report was nor
ready arm ma qaarcrorr or campsnsaung ma Farrriry
Members (5 Daueasad Ferrous) warm nmy be cnrwldared
by me 4'" Dersrruam arcer ma corrrprerrorr of use Repcn
[Slat-mlnh (Dr. Salahuddnnnlbr. Arnarrn and
1c) mmulss 01 me Mamas were Drupared by MOH [mu-nu
(Moslingl)] but oy Selarmddsen eie rm! have Iocess In
me Mmulss lMseIings) as he had retired «mm public
service m Oclnber 2019‘
13) belore Dr Selahuddeerfs reuremem, he mended a MOH
meelmg cnmrea by me when Mmuoer ul Health and was
meermea eime fnHuwmg makers —
(3) me we Repurl had been prepaved and submmad xe
my me use Rspnrl coma nut be released 1» me publwc
becaun (he cums: had yet so spams :1: rebase, and
147 Dr Selnhuddsan coma not moo-m me ramw Members (6
Deceased Pars/ans) men me we Rzpun had been prepalvd
because he had already revnred
cm. Dnfundant e "an"
scuhuane nu ulllunvll
15 we lepruduee below me relevam parts 01 5 69 of me ceum av
Jumcaxure Ad 1964 (cu), : 7 :2! the was ol me com on Appeal
I9941RCA)and o 41 r 5 anhe Rules ev Cour! 2012018)
“S 522 cu Haring ereeeur.
m Au.»-us in m. Cnun a1Apa-nl mu .. by my aim-
nanny. and In Marlon to ma appeals the Caurl of Axum!
may run .u m. pawn! and mums, -Is to Imervdrrwrv! at
omeme ol the ma com. Rosana with ma cfisrrouon-rv
powlr lo mcuvu mun.’ Iwdunu by bra! aummulmn in mm or
lnmuwh a romule cammumcanorl ncnnmoyx by -mam: or by
nsposumn 1am Dsfum in lxarmnsr nrmmrmssnmar
/21 The tunnel evmeucn mly be won wanna: luv: an
Vrmfloculury zppllcltiunl, M m lrvy El . u Io mntor which
hm nccumd arm the am av mn dvcltlnrv mam wnrcn mu
lppullx hmuglll
(3; Upon appult hvm - Iudvm-In, me: am or holnrvg of
my own annmu upon m. mm, m. Iuvlnnrnvldmce, an
n to mums subuvu-nl as afannlfl, mu an flmmud an
Ipnclnl ground: my, Am! mzl v/imam my. cl m. cum of
mm Fuwwoiflaurl la amend admit Iurlmr tvltlmco
or dmw rnlsmnpee mm
m rn. Conn so-u nm ll! mu pawn: and mm 5: m
amendment or annwnse, emu -ppuwovm my» Court, lnylmnr
mm M: flfluullunlry pawn 4.. mcnvl Iunll-I vwdlnct by oral
sxammarmn m Cowl. by umvn or by debosmon taken bsfuvw .n
127 Such mm: nvldcnn my be glv-n wlllmm luv: an
mmvuuwry lF|)H:Ittun.I, at In Iny cu: . :2 muen which
Iv-n occurred mu m: can or can .1-c/unn mm mm,-n In-
appul :. bruuym
vs; I/Plan mum lmm ummom, am: may or Manny o!
my mm or nutkr upun m. mlnfl. mn Iurlnar wldmco,
m. u to mums suhzequenl Is -rmnm. mm M mntm
on men! ymunas onry. -nu nut wmum um aim: Court
(am at m. mung mm Appnl /man mm» mu not
be nlmllled umus m Cour! 1: mmm mm
vs; at an manna won an mgr: com! ar 1» subontmala
court. u m. can mly n. m. nnw .wa.m ms nu!
ma 1.: mi pm suklnfl in us. n, or max masonahh
«my-nu would nu! am ma. :2 so .
my m. rww .m.m, yr Inn, would Ivavn had ol would flaw
Dom may to but my . fllilrmlnlng nnnum. upon m.
declsinn clme mm. com or um suhordlnm court, as M:
can man.
a u r5RC comanu mmmn
m sun/-cc to am Vt. Mu 1(1) and 4(2), 2.; pmgr-pn
(2) a! mu ml: ma 2.; my my mnde anal: cum 1:, rule 5, M
mmm may cumm unly such fun! as rm a-par-an us my av
nu awn krmwlldgl la mm
42; An amdivll mm for ma purpau al D-my uud In
mtuflaculury pmzlldingl mny mm» um-maul: of
Womluion u bullllwtm m. mumu Ind ground: nmnr
(emphasis named)
15 The xeamea semor Fedam Cumin‘ mm: renrerented me
Delandzrns m mass 3 Apnealsr has opnosed the Plaxntflfs‘ 3 Leave
Apphcaticns (Dr Salahurideerfs amewn an the lolbwlng two
(1; me cements ol Dv Se\ammdeen‘s amam cnnsmuled hearsay
evidence and were not admissible m me 3 Appaaxs zwmding
men ysmac, and
(2; even il Dv. Selahuddeerfs aifmawt am not oonlam muay
evmence, me coun should nut auaw me mainms In use Dr
Selahuddeerfs amdawl m m 3 Appeals Tm
wmems of D: Se\ahudr1aen's amdavfl um um ounssm the
Llmnahon Penna and wouhi not have a
because we
'delemww1g Influence’ on me 3 Hr: necisms wilmn me
meanmg ol r 1(3A)(b) RCA
mgm 0 41 r gm RC um zdmisrion ul Dr. Sc|ahudd«n's
RCA are sum regavdmg use or swam [or me menu; or appsah
m CA Conseuuenfly. r 4 RCA prev-ues that ac “shall apply munalts
I-numndIs' mm regard m Ihe questim at whether CA can take ima
aocounl me mmems ul Dr Sa\:huddoan'I amaavn In these 3
rt Dr sewanuaasauu amaawe Is admwssime as ‘h1rtnsrevIdsrme' m
me 3 Apnsaxs (blaase reler to Fans E and F below). we are or me
mew mat me cnnlenls av ny 5e\ahuddeen‘s amdawl may be
wnsldered by me CA The kmowmg masons support mus damsmn
(1) m Iukzi Corporlliun v DKSH lhlaynia sun Ehd [2016]
MLJU 521, at [16(2)]. mo HC has explumefl me scape at o 41 r
5(1) and (2) RC as lollaws -
“nsau omm mil 5(1) ac pmwflu In-1 .n -Mann
may contain my sue» has n m. HIPM-m 1.1! m.
nmm r. .m. :71 m. at my own Anawtudan m wave In
| 4,441 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCC-433-08/2022 | PLAINTIF Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Syarif Bendahara Perlis Dato' Seri Diraja Syed Badarudin Jamalullail Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail DEFENDAN 1. ) Zaqrul & Associates Sdn. Bhd. 2. ) Mohd Zaqrul Razmal bin Mohd Podzi 3. ) Mohd Eddy Hamzani bin Mohd PodziPIHAK TERKILAN1. ) Stella Healthcare Holdings Sdn Bhd 2. ) Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn Bhd | "application by the Plaintiff for an interlocutory Mareva injunction- The applicant (plaintiff) must have a strong arguable case-The defendant has assets within the jurisdiction of the Court-There is a real risk of the assets being dissipated or removed before the judgment or the full and final disposal of this action-Breach of contract-Misrepresentation and fraud against all the Defendants-Conspiracy to injure by fraudulent misrepresentation-Creation of a constructive trust". | 03/11/2023 | YA Tuan Wan Muhammad Amin Bin Wan Yahya | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO.: WA-24NCC-551-12/2021
(NO. K/P: 450101-09-5079) … PLAINTIF
(NO. SYARIKAT: 201001000146 (884712-V)
(NO. K/P: 771208-04-5423)
(NO. K/P: 820618-03-5947)
(Enclosure 3)
[1] This was an application by the Plaintiff for an interlocutory Mareva
injunction in Enclosure 3 (“this Application”).
[2] The 2nd Defendant had been declared bankrupt and as such the
Plaintiff only proceeded with this Application against the 1st and 3rd
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[3] The Plaintiff’s case against the Defendants is based on the
following causes of action:
i) Breach of contract against the 1st Defendant;
ii) Misrepresentation and fraud against all the Defendants;
iii) Conspiracy to injure by fraudulent misrepresentation against
all the Defendants; and
iv) Creation of a constructive trust in respect of all the Defendants
and for the relief of tracing.
[4] The 2nd Defendant was a director of the 1st Defendant from
6.9.2010. The 3rd Defendants was a director of the 1st Defendant
from 1.9.2016 until 21.09.2020. The 2nd Defendant is the majority
shareholder of the 1st Defendant holding 99,999 shares in the 1st
Defendant out of 100,000 shares. The 2nd and 3rd Defendants are
[5] The 1st Defendant, through the 2nd and 3rd Defendants, represented
to the Plaintiff as follows:
i) That the 1st Defendant, through its agents, employees and/or
contractors including specifically the 2nd and 3rd Defendant,
would set up a facility known as Hospital Pakar Wanita &
Kanak-kanak Kasih Putrajaya at Putrajaya, Wilayah
ii) Through Form 2 dated 7.3.2017 issued by the Director
General of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (“Ministry of
Health”) entitled “Kelulusan untuk Menubuhkan atau
Menyenggarakan Kemudahan atau Perkhidmatan Jagaan
Kesihatan Swasta”, that the 1st Defendant was given a valid
approval by the Ministry of Health (“the Approval”) and the
Approval would be used by the 1st Defendant to set up the
hospital (which would be known as “Hospital Pakar Wanita &
Kanak-kanak Kasih Putrajaya”) (“the Hospital”);
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iii) That the 1st Defendant only needs RM3,750,000.00 for it to
execute the setting up/incorporation and the operation of the
Hospital and that after the 1st Defendant receives the
RM3,750,000.00 the 1st Defendant, including the 2nd and 3rd
Defendants, would set up/incorporate and/or operate the
Hospital on or before 22.2.2022.
[6] In support of the Representations the 2nd Defendant had given to
the Plaintiff the document entitled “Kelulusan untuk Menubuhkan
atau Menyenggarakan Kemudahan atau Perkhidmatan Jagaan
Kesihatan Swasta” dated 7.3.2017 with the Serial No. 001703.
[7] Relying on the Representations the Plaintiff paid a total of
RM3,750,000.00 to the 1st Defendant and thereafter entered into a
“Investment Agreement” dated 1.3.2019 with the 1st Defendant
(“Agreement”). Preamble A of the Agreement states as follows:
“Prior to the execution of this Agreement a total sum of RM3,750,000/-
(Investment Amount) was paid by the Investor to the Hospital Operator for
the purpose of setting up a new specialist hospital for women and children at
Putrajaya with the breakdown and conditions as follows:
(i) RM1,750,000/- is designated as a soft loan without any security or interest
but subject to a repayment as follows:
RM100,000/- every 3 months commencing January 2019 until full
(ii) RM2,000,000/- designated for investment for a 20% equity to be given to
the Investor in the Hospital (as stipulated in Recital B)”
[8] The Plaintiff later discovered that the Representations were not
true in that:
i) Despite that the 1st Defendant had received the
RM3,750,000.00, the 1st Defendant, through its agents,
employees and/or contractor including specifically 2nd
Defendant and 3rd Defendant, did not set up the Hospital in
Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan on or before 22.02.2020 or at
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ii) The 1st Defendant, through its agents, employees and/or
contractor including specifically the 2nd and 3rd Defendants,
allowed the Approval to expire and that it is no longer valid for
the Hospital to be set up by the 1st Defendant.
iii) Through a Facebook page entitled “Hospital Pakar Wanita &
Kanak-kanak KASIH, Putrajaya”, it was advertised that
“Hospital Kanak-kanak dan Wanita Kasih” would purportedly
soon be set up but by “Kasih Holdings” (instead of the 1st
iv) The Facebook page is owned and/or administered by the 2nd
and 3rd Defendants as:
a) It contains a video posted by the 2nd Defendant on
5.5.2020; and
b) The company Kasih Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (Company
No.: 1238784X), which was incorporated on 14.7.2017
was owned by the 3rd Defendant who is also its director.
[9] The Defendants Defence (also contained in their Affidavit In Reply
to this Application (Enclosure 11)) can be summarised as follows:
i) The Plaintiff had handed the 1st Defendant RM1,750,000.00 in
2017 without any written agreement.
ii) The Plaintiff then signed the Agreement on 1.3.2019 and
increased his investment by RM2,000,000.00.
iii) The fact that the Plaintiff increased his investment by another
RM2,000,000.00 (totalling RM3,750,000.00) shows that the
Plaintiff is aware that there is no misrepresentation and fraud
and that the documents regarding the investment and Hospital
are true.
iv) The Plaintiff’s action is premature as there is no breach of the
Agreement by the 1st Defendant. Under Clause 5 of the
Agreement, the 1st Defendant’s obligation to pay only arises
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when the “Hospital is formally operational” and the Hospital is
not yet formally operational.
v) The Plaintiff entered into the Agreement willingly and without
any force by the Defendants.
vi) The Defendants deny all the Plaintiff’s allegations of fraud,
misrepresentation or breach of contract.
[10] The principles and law governing a Mareva injunction application
is trite. For the grant of a Mareva injunction the Plaintiff has to
satisfy 3 main criteria as laid out in the Supreme Court case of
Aspatra Sdn Bhd & 21 Others v. Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd
& Anor [1988] 1 MLJ 97 (see also Creative Furnishing Sdn Bhd
v. Wong Koi [1989] 2 MLJ 153; Leisure Farm Corporation Sdn
Bhd v. Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu & Ors [2013] 10 CLJ 401; SRC
International Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Dato Sri Mohd Najib bin Hj
Abd Razak [2022] 5 CLJ 949) and they are as follows:
i) The applicant (plaintiff) must have a strong arguable case;
ii) The defendant has assets within the jurisdiction of the Court;
iii) There is a real risk of the assets being dissipated or removed
before the judgment or the full and final disposal of this action.
[11] In this regard the Court of Appeal in Menk Sdn Bhd v. Joerg Hugo
Schmidt [2009] 4 CLJ 795 held as follows:
“[19] In order to succeed in satisfying the above requirements of a good
arguable case, much depends on the circumstances of the case, and
invariably will depend on the available evidence, normally gleaned from the
affidavits. Whether there is any asset within the jurisdiction likewise will
depend very much on factual evidence, though more often than not,
defendants are more co-operative on this matter. The issue of risk of whether
the assets will be removed from the Malaysian jurisdiction before judgment is
satisfied, is more difficult to prove, and issues of probity may arise. It may
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touch on the conduct of the defendant, the clandestine manner the assets are
being removed and the like. …..”
(own emphasis added)
[12] The definition and application of what constitutes “a good arguable
case” were decided in the following cases:
i) S&F International Limited v. Trans-Con Engineering Sdn
Bhd [1985] 1 MLJ 62 where the Supreme Court held:
“Mustill J held in Ninemia Maritime Corporation v. Trave
Schiffahrtsgesellschaft m.b.H. UND CO. K.G. [1984] 1 All ER 398 that: (1)
Before a Mareva injunction will be granted, a plaintiff must show first that
he has a good arguable case, which is more than being barely capable
of serious argument, but not necessarily one that the Judge believes
has got more than a fifty per cent chance of success;”
(own emphasis added)
ii) Biasamas Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Kan Yan Heng & Anor [1998]
4 CLJ 754 where the Court of Appeal held:
"What is a good arguable case is difficult to define. The respondents
need not show that they have a case so strong as to warrant summary
judgment nor even a strong prima facie case. It would generally be
sufficient if the respondents can show on the evidence available,
there is a fair chance that they will obtain judgment against the
appellants (see Ninemia Maritime Corporation v. Trave
Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG:; The Nieder Sachsen [1984] 1 All
ER 398, on appeal to CA [1984] 1 All ER 413: [1983] 1 WLR 1412)".
(own emphasis added)
[13] Therefore, to establish a good arguable case, it is sufficient for the
Plaintiff to show that, based on the evidence available, there is a
fair chance that it will obtain judgment against the Defendants. The
Plaintiff is not required to show that it has a case that is so strong
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to warrant summary judgment nor even a strong prima facie case
(Biasamas (supra)).
[14] In the present case, having considered the submissions of counsel
for the Plaintiff and that of the 1st and 3rd Defendants and after
examining the affidavit evidence, I am of the considered view that
the Plaintiff has met the threshold of a good arguable case based
on the following causes of action against the 1st and 3rd
i) Breach of contract against the 1st Defendant;
ii) Misrepresentation and fraud against all the Defendants;
iii) Conspiracy to injure by fraudulent misrepresentation against
all he Defendants; and
iv) Creation of a constructive trust in respect of all the Defendant
and for the relief of tracing.
[15] In arriving at the decision that the Plaintiff has a good arguable
case, I have taken into consideration, inter alia, that:
i) The Defendants do not dispute that the Plaintiff has paid a total
RM3,750,000.00 to the 1st Defendant;
ii) The Defendants do not dispute and also rely on the Agreement
which contains, inter alia, the payment terms in Preamble A of
the Agreement (reproduced in paragraph 7 above);
iii) No monies have been repaid to the Plaintiff by the 1st
Defendant to-date;
iv) That there was no specific and clear explanation provided by
the Defendants regarding:
a) the current status of the construction or operation of the
Hospital; and
b) the reason as to why the Hospital was not constructed
or set up by 22.2.2020.
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v) The averments made by the Defendants or documents which
the Defendants have exhibited to show that:
a) A joint venture agreement was entered between the
owner of the 1st Defendant, Kasih Holdings Sdn Bhd,
and two companies known as Stella Healthcare
Holdings Sdn Bhd dan Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn.
Bhd. (“the Stella Companies Joint Venture
b) Based on the Stella Companies Joint Venture
Agreement, the Ministry of Health amended the
Approval which approval was now given to Stella
Healthcare Holdings Sdn Bhd to construct/maintain
the Hospital, valid from 18.3.2021 to 22.2.2022.
c) The Approval involving the 1st Defendant was amended.
vi) The Plaintiff’s averment that he had no knowledge of the Stella
Companies Joint Venture Agreement and matters that
transpired between the Stella Companies and the 1st
Defendant, and that there were no documents to show that the
Plaintiff was notified of these matters by the 1st Defendant.
vii) Clauses 1 and 3 of the Agreement which states as follows:
All and any government approval and from time to time (including the
cost thereof) for the setting and running of the Hospital shall be the sole
responsibility of the Hospital Operator and which copies shall be
extended to the Investor within seven (7) working days from the receipt
thereof by the same.
Upon execution of this Agreement, the Hospital Operator shall deliver
the following documents to the Investor’s Solicitors:
(a) a certified true copy of the Hospital Operator’s Form 24, Form 44,
Form 49, the Memorandum & Articles of Association and the
resolution authorising the Hospital Operator to enter into this
Agreement upon the terms and conditions herein contained;
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(b) other relevant documents incumbent upon the Hospital Operator to
furnish to the relevant government authority which are necessary for
the completion of this Agreement.”
[16] Thus, the main issues in this action involve, inter alia, the
interpretation of the Agreement and the Defendants’ conduct in
respect of the Agreement, the status of the construction and
operation of the Hospital and how the RM3,750,000.00 was applied
by the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd and 3rd Defendants.
[17] The 1st Defendant is a company incorporated under the laws of
Malaysia with its registered and business address in Malaysia. It
was granted the original Approval by the Ministry of Health to
construct/manage the Hospital. Meanwhile the 3rd Defendants is a
Malaysian citizen residing in Malaysia.
[18] Based on the search reports issued by the Companies
Commission of Malaysia on the 1st Defendant and Kasih Holdings
Sdn Bhd, it is evident that:
i) the 1st Defendant has assets in Malaysia;
ii) the 3rd Defendant is the sole shareholder of Kasih Holdings
Sdn Bhd and owns 2,000,000 shares in the said company.
[19] In any event, there is no specific denial by the 1st and 3rd
Defendants that they do not have assets within the jurisdiction of
this Court.
[20] Hence, I concluded that the 1st and 3rd Defendants have assets
within the Court’s jurisdiction.
[21] The lack of probity and honesty is a consideration in assessing the
risk of dissipation in a Mareva injunction application. The Court of
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Appeal in Ang Chee Huat v. Engelbach Thomas Joseph [1995]
2 MLJ 83 held as follows:
“Having considered the evidence, I am of the view that the conduct of the
appellant in this matter is lacking in probity and honesty. In the
circumstances, I conclude that there is a real risk that the assets of the
appellant will dissipate should the respondent succeed at the trial. I feel that I
am justified in arriving at this conclusion in the light of the decisions in the
following two cases: in Petowa Jaya Sdn Bhd v Binaan Nasional Sdn Bhd [1988]
2 MLJ 261, Peh Swee Chin J (as he then was) said at p 264:
The second condition laid down by Mustill J [in Ninemia Maritime Corp
v Trave SGmbH & Co KG [1984] 1 All ER 398], duly approved by the
Federal Court [in S & F International Ltd v Trans-Con Engineering Sdn
Bhd [1985] 1 MLJ 62 ], was also satisfied, ie there was solid evidence
that the probity of the defendant could not be relied on. The
undisputed detention and use of the plaintiff's equipment, without the
consent of plaintiff, and above all, the undisputed detention of 98% of
progress payments No 22 and 23, without paying the same to the
plaintiff, would indicate that the probity of the defendant could not be
relied on with regard to the agreed retention sum with which the Mareva
injunction was concerned; in other words, the defendant would, far
more probably than not, dissipate the agreed retention sum in
question without paying it to the plaintiff, or dealing with it not for
the purpose that was intended. The risk of dissipation was not just
a mere possibility, but almost a certainty.
In Amixco Asia Pte Ltd v Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 [1992] 1 SLR 703, the
Singapore Court of Appeal decided that there was overwhelming objective
evidence of prima facie dishonest conduct on the part of
Amixco/Kosen/Quek, and in the full circumstances of the case, a real risk
of Amixco dissipating their assets to avoid satisfying BNI's judgment.”
(own emphasis added)
[22] The Court is entitled to draw inferences from the surrounding
circumstances. In the High Court case of Robert Doran & Ors v.
Kuan Pek Seng & Ors [2010] 6 CLJ 105 it was held as follows:
“[11] As in most cases, the most difficult area relates to the examination of
the available evidence to ascertain whether there is a risk that the assets
would be dissipated so as to justify the granting of the Mareva injunction.
The difficulty arises because invariably a dishonest defendant will cover his/her
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tracks, making it difficult for the plaintiff to produce the necessary relevant
evidence. It is for this reason that the courts have over a period of time
pronounced that when determining the risk of dissipation, the court is
entitled to draw inferences from the defendant's previous action which
show that his probity is not to be relied upon or that the corporate
structure of the defendant is not to be relied upon. Of course, in
considering the probity of the defendant or the lack of it, the court should
also examine closely the evidence raised by way of rebuttal by the
(own emphasis added)
[23] In allowing this Application I had taken into account the 1st and 3rd
Defendants lack of probity, inter alia, as follows:
i) There is no record before the Court of any financial returns
submitted by the 1st Defendant after 3.6.2014. In EHQ
Projects Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. v. Equipro Sdn. Bhd. & Ors
[2008] 7 CLJ 343 the High Court had considered the non-
filling of financial or profit and loss statements in the context of
the risk of dissipation, and held, inter alia, as follows:
“[28] The purpose of their application at this stage is only to arrest the
money which MIDF had released to the first defendant and which the
second and third defendants (who were signatories of the first
defendants bank account), had taken out. Given that the RM 1.5m were
so hurriedly and surreptitiously withdrawn from the bank account of the
first defendant by the second and third defendants and given that the
search conducted by the plaintiffs at the Registry of Companies had
disclosed that the first defendant had not filed any financial nor any
profit and loss statements since it was incorporated on 2 September
2005, the risk of dissipation is therefore real and not improbable.”
(own emphasis added)
ii) The 2nd Defendant, who held about 99% shares in the 1st
Defendant, was adjudged bankrupt on 13.11.2019 about 8
months after the Agreement was entered but this was not
disclosed to the Plaintiff.
iii) The 2nd and 3rd Defendants are brothers and the 3rd Defendant
is the sole director and shareholder of Kasih Holdings Sdn
Bhd, the company which entered the Stella Companies Joint
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Venture Agreement. This then led to the Approval for the
construction/management of the Hospital to be given by the
Ministry of Heath to Stella Healthcare Holdings Sdn Bhd.
iv) The licence holder of the Approval was originally the 1st
Defendant. However, it was then changed to Stella Kasih
Healthcare Sdn Bhd. The Plaintiff was not informed of this
change or the Stella Companies Joint Venture Agreement.
v) Under the Agreement the 1st Defendant was responsible for
the construction/maintenance of the Hospital and the change
to Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn Bhd ought to have been
disclosed to the Plaintiff. This is because it has the effect of
removing the 1st Defendant’s interest/right in the Hospital.
Clause 4 of the Agreement provides for the right for the
Plaintiff or his nominee to a permanent seat on the Board of
Governance for the day to day running of the Hospital. The
change of the Approval to Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn Bhd
could deprive the Plaintiff of this right.
[24] Therefore, there is a real risk that if the Mareva injunction sought
in this Application is not granted the 1st and 3rd Defendants would
likely dissipate their assets before this action is decided.
[25] For the reasons stated above, I allowed this Application against the
1st and 3rd Defendant, prayers I, IV and V with some changes and
prayers VI and VII as prayer for.
Dated this 30th day of October, 2023
High Court of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur
(Commercial Division (NCC 3))
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Nizam Bashir
Messrs Nizam Bashir & Associates
C3-2-5, No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1
Solaris Dutamas
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-6413 5545
Muhamad Ilyasa Iqbal Abu Bakar
Messrs Shahrul Hamidi & Haziq
Suite 36A, Level 36 (PO Box No. 79)
Menara Dato’ Onn (PWTC)
Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-4050 3330
1. Ang Chee Huat v. Engelbach Thomas Joseph [1995] 2 MLJ 83
2. Aspatra Sdn Bhd & 21 Others v. Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd &
Anor [1988] 1 MLJ 97
3. Biasamas Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Kan Yan Heng & Anor [1998] 4 CLJ 754
4. Creative Furnishing Sdn Bhd v. Wong Koi [1989] 2 MLJ 153
5. EHQ Projects Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. v. Equipro Sdn. Bhd. & Ors [2008] 7
CLJ 343
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6. Leisure Farm Corporation Sdn Bhd v. Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu & Ors
[2013] 10 CLJ 401
7. Menk Sdn Bhd v. Joerg Hugo Schmidt [2009] 4 CLJ 795
8. Robert Doran & Ors v. Kuan Pek Seng & Ors [2010] 6 CLJ 105
9. S&F International Limited v. Trans-Con Engineering Sdn Bhd [1985]
1 MLJ 62
10. SRC International Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Dato Sri Mohd Najib bin Hj Abd
Razak [2022] 5 CLJ 949
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| 24,686 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-433-08/2022 | PLAINTIF Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Syarif Bendahara Perlis Dato' Seri Diraja Syed Badarudin Jamalullail Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail DEFENDAN 1. ) Zaqrul & Associates Sdn. Bhd. 2. ) Mohd Zaqrul Razmal bin Mohd Podzi 3. ) Mohd Eddy Hamzani bin Mohd PodziPIHAK TERKILAN1. ) Stella Healthcare Holdings Sdn Bhd 2. ) Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn Bhd | "application by the Plaintiff for an interlocutory Mareva injunction- The applicant (plaintiff) must have a strong arguable case-The defendant has assets within the jurisdiction of the Court-There is a real risk of the assets being dissipated or removed before the judgment or the full and final disposal of this action-Breach of contract-Misrepresentation and fraud against all the Defendants-Conspiracy to injure by fraudulent misrepresentation-Creation of a constructive trust". | 03/11/2023 | YA Tuan Wan Muhammad Amin Bin Wan Yahya | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO.: WA-24NCC-551-12/2021
(NO. K/P: 450101-09-5079) … PLAINTIF
(NO. SYARIKAT: 201001000146 (884712-V)
(NO. K/P: 771208-04-5423)
(NO. K/P: 820618-03-5947)
(Enclosure 3)
[1] This was an application by the Plaintiff for an interlocutory Mareva
injunction in Enclosure 3 (“this Application”).
[2] The 2nd Defendant had been declared bankrupt and as such the
Plaintiff only proceeded with this Application against the 1st and 3rd
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[3] The Plaintiff’s case against the Defendants is based on the
following causes of action:
i) Breach of contract against the 1st Defendant;
ii) Misrepresentation and fraud against all the Defendants;
iii) Conspiracy to injure by fraudulent misrepresentation against
all the Defendants; and
iv) Creation of a constructive trust in respect of all the Defendants
and for the relief of tracing.
[4] The 2nd Defendant was a director of the 1st Defendant from
6.9.2010. The 3rd Defendants was a director of the 1st Defendant
from 1.9.2016 until 21.09.2020. The 2nd Defendant is the majority
shareholder of the 1st Defendant holding 99,999 shares in the 1st
Defendant out of 100,000 shares. The 2nd and 3rd Defendants are
[5] The 1st Defendant, through the 2nd and 3rd Defendants, represented
to the Plaintiff as follows:
i) That the 1st Defendant, through its agents, employees and/or
contractors including specifically the 2nd and 3rd Defendant,
would set up a facility known as Hospital Pakar Wanita &
Kanak-kanak Kasih Putrajaya at Putrajaya, Wilayah
ii) Through Form 2 dated 7.3.2017 issued by the Director
General of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (“Ministry of
Health”) entitled “Kelulusan untuk Menubuhkan atau
Menyenggarakan Kemudahan atau Perkhidmatan Jagaan
Kesihatan Swasta”, that the 1st Defendant was given a valid
approval by the Ministry of Health (“the Approval”) and the
Approval would be used by the 1st Defendant to set up the
hospital (which would be known as “Hospital Pakar Wanita &
Kanak-kanak Kasih Putrajaya”) (“the Hospital”);
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iii) That the 1st Defendant only needs RM3,750,000.00 for it to
execute the setting up/incorporation and the operation of the
Hospital and that after the 1st Defendant receives the
RM3,750,000.00 the 1st Defendant, including the 2nd and 3rd
Defendants, would set up/incorporate and/or operate the
Hospital on or before 22.2.2022.
[6] In support of the Representations the 2nd Defendant had given to
the Plaintiff the document entitled “Kelulusan untuk Menubuhkan
atau Menyenggarakan Kemudahan atau Perkhidmatan Jagaan
Kesihatan Swasta” dated 7.3.2017 with the Serial No. 001703.
[7] Relying on the Representations the Plaintiff paid a total of
RM3,750,000.00 to the 1st Defendant and thereafter entered into a
“Investment Agreement” dated 1.3.2019 with the 1st Defendant
(“Agreement”). Preamble A of the Agreement states as follows:
“Prior to the execution of this Agreement a total sum of RM3,750,000/-
(Investment Amount) was paid by the Investor to the Hospital Operator for
the purpose of setting up a new specialist hospital for women and children at
Putrajaya with the breakdown and conditions as follows:
(i) RM1,750,000/- is designated as a soft loan without any security or interest
but subject to a repayment as follows:
RM100,000/- every 3 months commencing January 2019 until full
(ii) RM2,000,000/- designated for investment for a 20% equity to be given to
the Investor in the Hospital (as stipulated in Recital B)”
[8] The Plaintiff later discovered that the Representations were not
true in that:
i) Despite that the 1st Defendant had received the
RM3,750,000.00, the 1st Defendant, through its agents,
employees and/or contractor including specifically 2nd
Defendant and 3rd Defendant, did not set up the Hospital in
Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan on or before 22.02.2020 or at
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ii) The 1st Defendant, through its agents, employees and/or
contractor including specifically the 2nd and 3rd Defendants,
allowed the Approval to expire and that it is no longer valid for
the Hospital to be set up by the 1st Defendant.
iii) Through a Facebook page entitled “Hospital Pakar Wanita &
Kanak-kanak KASIH, Putrajaya”, it was advertised that
“Hospital Kanak-kanak dan Wanita Kasih” would purportedly
soon be set up but by “Kasih Holdings” (instead of the 1st
iv) The Facebook page is owned and/or administered by the 2nd
and 3rd Defendants as:
a) It contains a video posted by the 2nd Defendant on
5.5.2020; and
b) The company Kasih Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (Company
No.: 1238784X), which was incorporated on 14.7.2017
was owned by the 3rd Defendant who is also its director.
[9] The Defendants Defence (also contained in their Affidavit In Reply
to this Application (Enclosure 11)) can be summarised as follows:
i) The Plaintiff had handed the 1st Defendant RM1,750,000.00 in
2017 without any written agreement.
ii) The Plaintiff then signed the Agreement on 1.3.2019 and
increased his investment by RM2,000,000.00.
iii) The fact that the Plaintiff increased his investment by another
RM2,000,000.00 (totalling RM3,750,000.00) shows that the
Plaintiff is aware that there is no misrepresentation and fraud
and that the documents regarding the investment and Hospital
are true.
iv) The Plaintiff’s action is premature as there is no breach of the
Agreement by the 1st Defendant. Under Clause 5 of the
Agreement, the 1st Defendant’s obligation to pay only arises
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when the “Hospital is formally operational” and the Hospital is
not yet formally operational.
v) The Plaintiff entered into the Agreement willingly and without
any force by the Defendants.
vi) The Defendants deny all the Plaintiff’s allegations of fraud,
misrepresentation or breach of contract.
[10] The principles and law governing a Mareva injunction application
is trite. For the grant of a Mareva injunction the Plaintiff has to
satisfy 3 main criteria as laid out in the Supreme Court case of
Aspatra Sdn Bhd & 21 Others v. Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd
& Anor [1988] 1 MLJ 97 (see also Creative Furnishing Sdn Bhd
v. Wong Koi [1989] 2 MLJ 153; Leisure Farm Corporation Sdn
Bhd v. Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu & Ors [2013] 10 CLJ 401; SRC
International Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Dato Sri Mohd Najib bin Hj
Abd Razak [2022] 5 CLJ 949) and they are as follows:
i) The applicant (plaintiff) must have a strong arguable case;
ii) The defendant has assets within the jurisdiction of the Court;
iii) There is a real risk of the assets being dissipated or removed
before the judgment or the full and final disposal of this action.
[11] In this regard the Court of Appeal in Menk Sdn Bhd v. Joerg Hugo
Schmidt [2009] 4 CLJ 795 held as follows:
“[19] In order to succeed in satisfying the above requirements of a good
arguable case, much depends on the circumstances of the case, and
invariably will depend on the available evidence, normally gleaned from the
affidavits. Whether there is any asset within the jurisdiction likewise will
depend very much on factual evidence, though more often than not,
defendants are more co-operative on this matter. The issue of risk of whether
the assets will be removed from the Malaysian jurisdiction before judgment is
satisfied, is more difficult to prove, and issues of probity may arise. It may
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touch on the conduct of the defendant, the clandestine manner the assets are
being removed and the like. …..”
(own emphasis added)
[12] The definition and application of what constitutes “a good arguable
case” were decided in the following cases:
i) S&F International Limited v. Trans-Con Engineering Sdn
Bhd [1985] 1 MLJ 62 where the Supreme Court held:
“Mustill J held in Ninemia Maritime Corporation v. Trave
Schiffahrtsgesellschaft m.b.H. UND CO. K.G. [1984] 1 All ER 398 that: (1)
Before a Mareva injunction will be granted, a plaintiff must show first that
he has a good arguable case, which is more than being barely capable
of serious argument, but not necessarily one that the Judge believes
has got more than a fifty per cent chance of success;”
(own emphasis added)
ii) Biasamas Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Kan Yan Heng & Anor [1998]
4 CLJ 754 where the Court of Appeal held:
"What is a good arguable case is difficult to define. The respondents
need not show that they have a case so strong as to warrant summary
judgment nor even a strong prima facie case. It would generally be
sufficient if the respondents can show on the evidence available,
there is a fair chance that they will obtain judgment against the
appellants (see Ninemia Maritime Corporation v. Trave
Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG:; The Nieder Sachsen [1984] 1 All
ER 398, on appeal to CA [1984] 1 All ER 413: [1983] 1 WLR 1412)".
(own emphasis added)
[13] Therefore, to establish a good arguable case, it is sufficient for the
Plaintiff to show that, based on the evidence available, there is a
fair chance that it will obtain judgment against the Defendants. The
Plaintiff is not required to show that it has a case that is so strong
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to warrant summary judgment nor even a strong prima facie case
(Biasamas (supra)).
[14] In the present case, having considered the submissions of counsel
for the Plaintiff and that of the 1st and 3rd Defendants and after
examining the affidavit evidence, I am of the considered view that
the Plaintiff has met the threshold of a good arguable case based
on the following causes of action against the 1st and 3rd
i) Breach of contract against the 1st Defendant;
ii) Misrepresentation and fraud against all the Defendants;
iii) Conspiracy to injure by fraudulent misrepresentation against
all he Defendants; and
iv) Creation of a constructive trust in respect of all the Defendant
and for the relief of tracing.
[15] In arriving at the decision that the Plaintiff has a good arguable
case, I have taken into consideration, inter alia, that:
i) The Defendants do not dispute that the Plaintiff has paid a total
RM3,750,000.00 to the 1st Defendant;
ii) The Defendants do not dispute and also rely on the Agreement
which contains, inter alia, the payment terms in Preamble A of
the Agreement (reproduced in paragraph 7 above);
iii) No monies have been repaid to the Plaintiff by the 1st
Defendant to-date;
iv) That there was no specific and clear explanation provided by
the Defendants regarding:
a) the current status of the construction or operation of the
Hospital; and
b) the reason as to why the Hospital was not constructed
or set up by 22.2.2020.
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v) The averments made by the Defendants or documents which
the Defendants have exhibited to show that:
a) A joint venture agreement was entered between the
owner of the 1st Defendant, Kasih Holdings Sdn Bhd,
and two companies known as Stella Healthcare
Holdings Sdn Bhd dan Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn.
Bhd. (“the Stella Companies Joint Venture
b) Based on the Stella Companies Joint Venture
Agreement, the Ministry of Health amended the
Approval which approval was now given to Stella
Healthcare Holdings Sdn Bhd to construct/maintain
the Hospital, valid from 18.3.2021 to 22.2.2022.
c) The Approval involving the 1st Defendant was amended.
vi) The Plaintiff’s averment that he had no knowledge of the Stella
Companies Joint Venture Agreement and matters that
transpired between the Stella Companies and the 1st
Defendant, and that there were no documents to show that the
Plaintiff was notified of these matters by the 1st Defendant.
vii) Clauses 1 and 3 of the Agreement which states as follows:
All and any government approval and from time to time (including the
cost thereof) for the setting and running of the Hospital shall be the sole
responsibility of the Hospital Operator and which copies shall be
extended to the Investor within seven (7) working days from the receipt
thereof by the same.
Upon execution of this Agreement, the Hospital Operator shall deliver
the following documents to the Investor’s Solicitors:
(a) a certified true copy of the Hospital Operator’s Form 24, Form 44,
Form 49, the Memorandum & Articles of Association and the
resolution authorising the Hospital Operator to enter into this
Agreement upon the terms and conditions herein contained;
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(b) other relevant documents incumbent upon the Hospital Operator to
furnish to the relevant government authority which are necessary for
the completion of this Agreement.”
[16] Thus, the main issues in this action involve, inter alia, the
interpretation of the Agreement and the Defendants’ conduct in
respect of the Agreement, the status of the construction and
operation of the Hospital and how the RM3,750,000.00 was applied
by the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd and 3rd Defendants.
[17] The 1st Defendant is a company incorporated under the laws of
Malaysia with its registered and business address in Malaysia. It
was granted the original Approval by the Ministry of Health to
construct/manage the Hospital. Meanwhile the 3rd Defendants is a
Malaysian citizen residing in Malaysia.
[18] Based on the search reports issued by the Companies
Commission of Malaysia on the 1st Defendant and Kasih Holdings
Sdn Bhd, it is evident that:
i) the 1st Defendant has assets in Malaysia;
ii) the 3rd Defendant is the sole shareholder of Kasih Holdings
Sdn Bhd and owns 2,000,000 shares in the said company.
[19] In any event, there is no specific denial by the 1st and 3rd
Defendants that they do not have assets within the jurisdiction of
this Court.
[20] Hence, I concluded that the 1st and 3rd Defendants have assets
within the Court’s jurisdiction.
[21] The lack of probity and honesty is a consideration in assessing the
risk of dissipation in a Mareva injunction application. The Court of
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Appeal in Ang Chee Huat v. Engelbach Thomas Joseph [1995]
2 MLJ 83 held as follows:
“Having considered the evidence, I am of the view that the conduct of the
appellant in this matter is lacking in probity and honesty. In the
circumstances, I conclude that there is a real risk that the assets of the
appellant will dissipate should the respondent succeed at the trial. I feel that I
am justified in arriving at this conclusion in the light of the decisions in the
following two cases: in Petowa Jaya Sdn Bhd v Binaan Nasional Sdn Bhd [1988]
2 MLJ 261, Peh Swee Chin J (as he then was) said at p 264:
The second condition laid down by Mustill J [in Ninemia Maritime Corp
v Trave SGmbH & Co KG [1984] 1 All ER 398], duly approved by the
Federal Court [in S & F International Ltd v Trans-Con Engineering Sdn
Bhd [1985] 1 MLJ 62 ], was also satisfied, ie there was solid evidence
that the probity of the defendant could not be relied on. The
undisputed detention and use of the plaintiff's equipment, without the
consent of plaintiff, and above all, the undisputed detention of 98% of
progress payments No 22 and 23, without paying the same to the
plaintiff, would indicate that the probity of the defendant could not be
relied on with regard to the agreed retention sum with which the Mareva
injunction was concerned; in other words, the defendant would, far
more probably than not, dissipate the agreed retention sum in
question without paying it to the plaintiff, or dealing with it not for
the purpose that was intended. The risk of dissipation was not just
a mere possibility, but almost a certainty.
In Amixco Asia Pte Ltd v Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 [1992] 1 SLR 703, the
Singapore Court of Appeal decided that there was overwhelming objective
evidence of prima facie dishonest conduct on the part of
Amixco/Kosen/Quek, and in the full circumstances of the case, a real risk
of Amixco dissipating their assets to avoid satisfying BNI's judgment.”
(own emphasis added)
[22] The Court is entitled to draw inferences from the surrounding
circumstances. In the High Court case of Robert Doran & Ors v.
Kuan Pek Seng & Ors [2010] 6 CLJ 105 it was held as follows:
“[11] As in most cases, the most difficult area relates to the examination of
the available evidence to ascertain whether there is a risk that the assets
would be dissipated so as to justify the granting of the Mareva injunction.
The difficulty arises because invariably a dishonest defendant will cover his/her
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tracks, making it difficult for the plaintiff to produce the necessary relevant
evidence. It is for this reason that the courts have over a period of time
pronounced that when determining the risk of dissipation, the court is
entitled to draw inferences from the defendant's previous action which
show that his probity is not to be relied upon or that the corporate
structure of the defendant is not to be relied upon. Of course, in
considering the probity of the defendant or the lack of it, the court should
also examine closely the evidence raised by way of rebuttal by the
(own emphasis added)
[23] In allowing this Application I had taken into account the 1st and 3rd
Defendants lack of probity, inter alia, as follows:
i) There is no record before the Court of any financial returns
submitted by the 1st Defendant after 3.6.2014. In EHQ
Projects Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. v. Equipro Sdn. Bhd. & Ors
[2008] 7 CLJ 343 the High Court had considered the non-
filling of financial or profit and loss statements in the context of
the risk of dissipation, and held, inter alia, as follows:
“[28] The purpose of their application at this stage is only to arrest the
money which MIDF had released to the first defendant and which the
second and third defendants (who were signatories of the first
defendants bank account), had taken out. Given that the RM 1.5m were
so hurriedly and surreptitiously withdrawn from the bank account of the
first defendant by the second and third defendants and given that the
search conducted by the plaintiffs at the Registry of Companies had
disclosed that the first defendant had not filed any financial nor any
profit and loss statements since it was incorporated on 2 September
2005, the risk of dissipation is therefore real and not improbable.”
(own emphasis added)
ii) The 2nd Defendant, who held about 99% shares in the 1st
Defendant, was adjudged bankrupt on 13.11.2019 about 8
months after the Agreement was entered but this was not
disclosed to the Plaintiff.
iii) The 2nd and 3rd Defendants are brothers and the 3rd Defendant
is the sole director and shareholder of Kasih Holdings Sdn
Bhd, the company which entered the Stella Companies Joint
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Page 12 of 14
Venture Agreement. This then led to the Approval for the
construction/management of the Hospital to be given by the
Ministry of Heath to Stella Healthcare Holdings Sdn Bhd.
iv) The licence holder of the Approval was originally the 1st
Defendant. However, it was then changed to Stella Kasih
Healthcare Sdn Bhd. The Plaintiff was not informed of this
change or the Stella Companies Joint Venture Agreement.
v) Under the Agreement the 1st Defendant was responsible for
the construction/maintenance of the Hospital and the change
to Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn Bhd ought to have been
disclosed to the Plaintiff. This is because it has the effect of
removing the 1st Defendant’s interest/right in the Hospital.
Clause 4 of the Agreement provides for the right for the
Plaintiff or his nominee to a permanent seat on the Board of
Governance for the day to day running of the Hospital. The
change of the Approval to Stella Kasih Healthcare Sdn Bhd
could deprive the Plaintiff of this right.
[24] Therefore, there is a real risk that if the Mareva injunction sought
in this Application is not granted the 1st and 3rd Defendants would
likely dissipate their assets before this action is decided.
[25] For the reasons stated above, I allowed this Application against the
1st and 3rd Defendant, prayers I, IV and V with some changes and
prayers VI and VII as prayer for.
Dated this 30th day of October, 2023
High Court of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur
(Commercial Division (NCC 3))
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Nizam Bashir
Messrs Nizam Bashir & Associates
C3-2-5, No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1
Solaris Dutamas
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-6413 5545
Muhamad Ilyasa Iqbal Abu Bakar
Messrs Shahrul Hamidi & Haziq
Suite 36A, Level 36 (PO Box No. 79)
Menara Dato’ Onn (PWTC)
Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-4050 3330
1. Ang Chee Huat v. Engelbach Thomas Joseph [1995] 2 MLJ 83
2. Aspatra Sdn Bhd & 21 Others v. Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd &
Anor [1988] 1 MLJ 97
3. Biasamas Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Kan Yan Heng & Anor [1998] 4 CLJ 754
4. Creative Furnishing Sdn Bhd v. Wong Koi [1989] 2 MLJ 153
5. EHQ Projects Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. v. Equipro Sdn. Bhd. & Ors [2008] 7
CLJ 343
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6. Leisure Farm Corporation Sdn Bhd v. Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu & Ors
[2013] 10 CLJ 401
7. Menk Sdn Bhd v. Joerg Hugo Schmidt [2009] 4 CLJ 795
8. Robert Doran & Ors v. Kuan Pek Seng & Ors [2010] 6 CLJ 105
9. S&F International Limited v. Trans-Con Engineering Sdn Bhd [1985]
1 MLJ 62
10. SRC International Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Dato Sri Mohd Najib bin Hj Abd
Razak [2022] 5 CLJ 949
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| 24,686 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-25-502-09/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) SHASHI KUMAR A/L SHANMUGAM 2. ) NG KIM HO 3. ) BOBBY ANAK WILLIAM 4. ) CHAN TUCK LOONG 5. ) SRI RAMESH A/L V.KANNAN RESPONDEN 1. ) KETUA POLIS NEGARA, MALAYSIA 2. ) Peguam Negara Malaysia | Leave to commence judicial review - Order for certiorari to quash the Respondents' decision that no action shall be taken against Ustaz Mohd Syakir Nasoha in relation to a talk held by him in 2017 at Masjid Abu Bakar,Bakar Arang,Sg Petani, Kedah - Order for Mandamus to instruct the Respondents to take action against Ustaz Nasoha - Whether leave should be granted - The threshold for leave stage will be subjected to a higher standard of review. | 03/11/2023 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
03/11/2023 15:27:03
WA-25-502-09/2022 Kand. 22
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w.\—25—5o2—o9/2022 Kand. 22
£2/Juznza 15:21-as
mum umxmm nussn uuum m KUALA wurun
nu»: wruvm renszxuvum KLIALA LLIMPIIR
IBANAGIAN KuAsu<uA5A sous)
pzmonomu umux ssmxm KENAKIMAN Nu w»2ssa2—uu/zozz
Da\am pmy. umvnn-Law:-n Pun:
lemadap um: Mnhd Syaiur am «mas,
Dalam Pemam Kzpmusan Fahs Dun]:
Malaysm banankh was-znzz suviyi
udak menaamun Hnaakan xemadap Llsuz
Muhd Syaluv Em Nasohl
Dawam Pemiva Muvan 5: Kasaanxaeaan
Mnhklmah 2m 2
Dilam Fzrkara Ahkel a den us
Flnnmhagxan Parwb<u|uan‘
Dalam Fenkara Seksysn 41 Am Ram
Damn: Felxava Arman 92 Kasdah 4
»<m.n.x..m Mahk-mm zmz
sm momM.spm.:uszu
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
(No.K/F 731m1u5iza9)
1Fresideri Global Human Rigms Faderaimi1GHRF\)
2 NG KVM no
mo K/P 6104041351977
meme" Slrlwak Auocilwn Fur Pecpla 5
[No KIP amumsum
(Pverudsn Pam Bans: Dayak Sarawak (P505)!
I cum mcx LOONG
1No.K/P 610904105891)
main Prsndan Falsnluln am. Painplr
Barpendidikan Sekniah Ema Malaysia)
(Na K/P‘ vmazsmsssii
{Pruflan Penubumn M.i.y.i. Ylmiiavr
Munnllfi Kaiasiam) PEMOHOMPEMOHON
nous i=irwA MALAvsiA
1 On 15 Semember 2022, me Applicants filed a notice at applicauen
Var leave «or Judicial IEVIBW (En-;i-aum I) under Order 53 oi me
miss of Com 2012 (ROE) seeking |he ioiiowmg reliala‘
mew :4
sm mu-/Fhramspfiniiclvsin
“Nair s.n.i navihnrwm .. UIQG w may he nflninnflly mm: mm. VI nFiuNa Wm!
11121 Amnle msm L71 Ina so mo»/Mes me AGIPP mm a vode mwrellon tn
Vnsulula. mnducl M dnconllnua Iny pmcammg (or . nnmvm oflamx
ms wade msuemn mean: (ha AGIFP has sale and excmswe dvscremn
m Ihsl umy he/BM can emcm such pumsv. uawmr, ma AG/PP noes
not have absmule ar unlelversd uucmm. under an145(31 As minded
to m m pruedmg mscuusxan and mnwng «mm n, m ‘s an wdglwnl
mu m avumpnlm ram and axatplmrul mu Inch dllcvvllon u
amenzbie ca mun revlsw.
{us} In an dIaHenge5 aa-Inn ms dscmons 01 me AG/PP enercxsmg ms
pmaers nndevarII45(3)a1lhe rc‘ me pomm u Iha| ms ducmnns ave
cloaked wnh Ihe nresunphan mmmy The oneruui Dwain Iivs nnlhe
nmflengng pany m xwelmme the slmng pnsumpuuu av legamy mm
eamplflmq pflml Ilene nidsnca M grmma: m rsvltw my AG/FF:
aeasxan wwlhwn (M ruwgmsed reasons lorjudncnar vevxew
[1141 Ezsed an mmmam mrmonlles‘ vlcan be surmsod mn|nnyI:h.IllarIqi
muflmsvefiore pass 2 Iwwslepmrshold mm mus| be sausnea anhe
luv: mg. on any awhuluun (Ur wdxcml vwnw
[H5] Fwslly. ll» burden av pvooi Has on me appHcaI\( The npp\IcIn|w1l\ nm
in shawlhavl he hit a legal bins to maflenge ma aeam. D7015 AG/PP
rm wiars to me nammmx glmmdi av mama! review am other bmes
wmplwcmy mwnrused try an un vpudnmcnls an ml: mm‘ Including
hux nol Imnad lo.
a) meaalny‘
In) nmsaurax xmmwnsry re 3 brush mm: rule! ofna1ura\pus1Ace!‘
(C) milaonahly Vconlpdenng umavm mnmamons or unonng Mavam
and mahuna|:ormdera1\ans): and
re» ma»: ms.
[1 16] Once In above new ground) av any at mm m clearly sal aux, Inn
apvhcam wm men have In addune wmuung and pnmaoaoe prom mat
the daemon nr nnusuon of Ina AGIFF mu wvtmn man grounds or my
one anmm m umalwoms me mun; mete nrssums. haw-g rsgam to
the doclnne at seunrnlnun ur powers, that an or any av me grounds mg
rm made out mum ma wmnoe ulany lands m an mmnve
oundusnun ma (hey we been mafia -
39 Danny the submnsswon, me weamea Senior Federa\ Counsel (src)
submilled that the Aophcams have cause (u cross the plesumpbon
M legihly Vn Ihe exercise OI prosecuwrm dlscramon of the AGIFF.
The learned Chief Jusuee m Sundr: Rajoo (supra) had made m
Page :1 am
sm mwma..s.smv.msea
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
clear lrial lne Applicarils rnusr preseril compelling prinia ipcie
evidence lo rebut lrie preeurnpliori oi legalily
40, the learned SFC iunner subrnilleo lrial ecl oi exhi ing |hs police
repone aria qubleo excarpl ol lrie speeones lall shun cl lne
requirerrienr lo provioe compelling pnrne facle evidence wlncn is
required to challenge Ihe seoorio Respondenfs prosecucpnal
A1 Triis Court is ol me View man the Applicarlls rvlus1 come wllh mote
lnen police repons and quoted exeerp| cl lne speeches. wilrioul
compelling prime lecie evldence lo rebullhe urssumpllon nl legalily,
lliis mun does riol lieye lne pwer lo intervene me conslilulipnal
oiscrelior. M are AG/PP solely based on me Said police repons and
ouoieo excerpl ol me speecries oblaineo lrorn social media. The
Applicanls rriusl al leasl eslablisn mala fide on lhe pan bl me
42 luexe oogriisarioe lnal me leller dplec 17 June zozl showed lnel
irivesligalioris lieu been carried out by me PDRM The rnaner was
relerreo 10 0|! AGC lor its irislruclion. upori oorisioerelipri pl rne
outcome or the invesligaliori. lrie AGIPP liao exerciseo lls
oonslilulional proseculorial discreliori urlderArul:le145(3)olme FC
and decided nol lo preler s crierge eoeirisl uslaz Mohd Syaklr nie
AG/PP‘: inslruciiori was no lunhsr actmn lo be iaken because lne
yiral pans of me presclies were eoileo lrorn rlie original rmxxrdlng
Aflsr considering lrio enlire oorilexl cf lbe video. lne AG/FF was oi
llie view lnal lnere were no any slalernenl iouclied upon religious
eerisiliuiry in Malaysia.
as C0rlS4derIng lrie presiirripnori or legaliry. rl is reasonable lb assume
that me AG/PF wrieri making me impugned oecision. look inro
eooounl nol iusl me polroe reporis erio excerp| onrie speeches but
also olner releveril lacwrs The Iacl or this rnaner relaleo to
issue on religion eno race wnicli ooulo cause dlshafmony
ario orsunily in niulli-religious Malaysia Ageiri, wilri lne presuinplion
oi legalny, lne AG/FP‘s oecision musl be given me benem oi ooubl
lriel it is legal, raiional, reasonable, proporuonale, pmoedural
propnely and bone fide unlil rebuneo by oornpe ng prime lacie
euioence to prove olrierwise.
rm n ai ll
ru muwfhr3~4ASvRn‘1lCL75EG
“Nair Smll mmhnrwlll .. UIQG e may i... brwlrullly MVMI dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNfl Wm!
44 \n the exemse or the AG/PF‘: dusorahan not m pmsecule Usxaz
Mom Syakw, me AG/PP be-ng me guarman o1 pubhc meresn, n Vs
veascnabw assume Ina! may had considered other wmpunam facials
which are run awilame to me Applmants nor the court As mdrcaled
by Ihe learned cmei Jusuoe, «ms mun. by cunsuImiuna\ design‘
aces not have me same henefil
45. An apphcaliun lur iud\cIa\ review M me decnsxon of me AG/PP ws
sumectla mgnersoandard or review as decided bylhe Fedsra\ Court
m Sundra Rajuo (supra)
as Fmmwmg me decwsion pisumm R:1oo(supra),lhe exemse onhe
pmseemonax powerolme AG/PP unaemmcue 14513) of me so Vs
evoakea wun me preaumphun at uegamy
47 wnh praumplron cl legality, :1 Is presumed me: me AG/PP acted
Vegafly m making me decwsmn pv “Nu Furlhar Ac|ion“ to be |aken
against usxaz Mahd syaku
48. In order to succeed in (ms appllcahorl '01 ]ud1CIi\ review‘ "'13
Apphcams have In rebul me slrong presumpllnn of legality with
oompemng pnma lame ewdence o1 grounds w-«run me recognised
reasons fnrjud\c\a\ revwerw.
49 The Apphcams must pruwde move man pohee repons em excervts
av speeches |o cnauenge me strong presumpflon eneg ly. Fahos
reports and edmed wens uploaded on social meme, wimaun more,
do nu| consume aompallung pnma vacie or oonvlncmg ewdence |u
rebut me urasumnlion ol Iegemy
so. Anolher way lo rebuuhe presumption uflhe Vegalny ollhe AG/PP m
exercvsmg ms dwscraflun under AmcIel4§13) of me so We |o
demonslrale that me AG/PP ecvea mm mala when making such a
decision However. Ihe Apphcams have em IaHed to snow lhal Iha
AG/PP meue the aecem wnh mane we
51. As «ms nature 01 appncauan vequlres a rugner svandard 01 rewew. m
Is my waw max me Auphcanls have lalled to cross the rugn
van is .m
m muwrhrs«4mSpRnfiK:L7sEG
«me sew .. H... e may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum we
52 In admfiun, me Applrcarrre have named me improper parly m mrs
epplreanrorr The Frrsr Respondent vs nal me deocsmn maker a! me
rmpugrred aeersron In me wim me decision in Arrrblun up
sre-nevasarr (supra), (here Is no decision by me Fvrst Respondent
man that re sumecl to review by we mm! on «me basis mane, Hus
ipphcanon ougm to he struck out
53 Hence, this leave appllzzaucn ro commence me guducual revrew
pmeeearrrgs ougm \o be refused wflh no order as |n arms.
Dated 12} November 2023
Ahmad Kamal bin Mu Sham!
Hugh coun Kuaxa Lumpur
For me Apphaarrr. Err. Gunaseelan Thambmalhan
(Dk Uma Gunasee\an wrm mm)
Tetuan Gunassslln A Associates
Paguimbela den Feguamcara
Unit B-24, VIVA,
No: :75, Jalan lpah‘
51 zuu Kuala Lumpur
(Ru; Tuan: Te/2:04/22/L)
For the Honourable
Arromey Gannral En. Ahmad Hanir hm Hambaly mm.
Samar Federa\ Counsel (crx Noar Amqah bl
Zama\ A): n, Federal Oorunsei wmr mm)
Jabalan Peguam Negara.
Bahagran Guzman.
No 45. Persraran F-eruena.
Fresml A
szmu Pmvajaya
9... u .4 u
m muwrhramspknfinznsin
“Nana Snr1|\nanhnrw\HI>e U... m may r... mmnnuly mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-max
(ii That Applicants be allowed ena glven exlenslon onlme to file
judlclal revrew applleellon under Order 53 me am who ROG
(lr needed):
(II) All order at eenlorari be granted by Ihls Honourable COM?! (0
quash lne Respondenls' oeclslon nol lo lake acllon agalnsl
Uslaz Molld Syaklr bin Nasaha (usuz Mono Syaklr) m
relallon la a talk held by mm m zon in Maspd Arm aexar,
aeksrmng, Sg Pelenl. Keoen,
(ml An order or mandamus be granlsd by lnls Hpnoumble Cnurl
lo lnslrucl lne Respondents to lake ecnon agemel uslez Mohd
(IV) A declarallcn lnel lne oeclslpn pr lne Rssponaenls nulla lake
echo" age-nsl uslez Mahd Syaklr VI relahon lo a talk held by
mm ln 2ol7 at Masllcx Abu Baker, Eakar Amrlg, Sg pelanl,
Kedah VS Invalid in law and an abuse or power or me
(y) Any lunnev order lnis Harlow-able Ccun deems HI, lust and/or
appmpnale: em
on) Cam. in the cause
2. Afler the nearing. I dlsrnlssoe lne Appllcanls appllcahen rm leave
ror luoloal revlew (Enclosure 1). Thus luogmenl slales lne reasons
ler my decislnn
3 me ml Appllcanl 15 one preslaenl 0! Global Human Rlgnls
Faderallunl The Second Appllcant K5 {he Presldenl L11 Sarawak
Assuclaliorl ror People‘: Asompn The Third Applicant ls lne
Presxienl or Party esnss Dayak Sarawak The Fuunh Applicant 15
me Fvasldenl or Ferszluan Bakns Pulllar Barparldldlklrl Sakolih
CW3 Malays and the Mn Aypllcanl lslhe Preslden(MPenuhuhan
Malaysla Ta rr Munnetra Kslagsm.
la... s s: u
m muwrhramspknfilcnsin
woe Smnl luvlhnrwlll s. UIQG e may he nflnlnnllly sun. dnuavlml VI .rluNa we
4 The First Respondent ls me lrrspeelor General of Police, Royal
Malaysla Pam‘: and the Second Respondent is the Attorney
General of Maleysra lac)
Faclual aackqraurrd
5 The Appllcarrls Iodgea aolree reporls ag rusraz Mahd Syaklrnn
lnree separale occaslons 3 ocmher 2021, 9 Oclohev 2021 and 10
October 2021. These reports were made due In uslaz Mend
syexrra alleged lnsull and delamnllan of lzuaahrsm, Hinduismr
Dayak ocmmunrty and mner ncmlslamlc hellels ln Malaysla durrng
lrrs preaches al lne mosque. The sala preaches warn subsequently
uploaded la vanous soeral meme planarrna and wan| viral
5 During nls preaenrngr uslaz Mom: Syakir allegedly spread hatred
and lnsullad lo alner numlslamlc believers ln Malaysra
7 In a lener dated 17 June 24:22, me PDRM lrllcrrned lne Human
Rlghls carnrnreeran av Malaysia lnlor alra lnnl lne lnvesllgahon
repon had been larwarded lo the Allorney General‘: cnarnaers
(AGC)on13 December 2o2l Tne AGC‘s Insvucllon was to lake no
lunharacllun on me case Thus declslorl was made because me vrral
parts of lne preaches had been edlted lmm lne anglnal reenrarng,
and II was found lhatlhew were no slalenrenls louchrng on relrgrous
eensr lvlly in Malaysla
a. Dlssausfied wrln xhal declsronr lrre Applrcanls an ls seplernber
2022 me: an applrcalron ler leave la commence ludlclal rel/law
proueedlrlgs pursuant to Order 53 of the ROC. The Applicant; seek
to revlew lne dsclslon 01 me AG under Anrcle 145 of me Federal
Conlllluilcrl (FC), which decllrled to lrulala proceodlngs igelnsl
UsLa1 Mona Syaklr for an allegedly eurllanllous talk held by mm In
2017 at Maslld Abu Baker, aakar Arena, 59. Felanl. Kedah
Grounds cor Judlclal Review
9. In me irrslarrl case belore the noun, lne Applrcanna are seekrrrg
reliefs 07 an order of cemorarl |o quash ma Respondenw declslon
Ihal no aclren snall be laken againsi Uslaz Mona Syaklr, an urderur
rn muwrhrsmspkafiltznsia
“Nana s.n.l nuvlharwm rs. UIQG a may r... anrnnlrr mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nane war
mandamus to inslrumlte Respondents to lake actton agatnst Uslaz
Mohd Syaklft and a declaratmn tnaune declston oltne Respondents
not In lake actton against Uslax Mona Syaklr IS invalid in law and an
abuse ol power
to In the statement (Enclosure 2) glven oyme Appltcants, the reasons
are based on the lollowlng grounds.
11 Fuel, there were poltce reports lodged agalllsl uslaz Mahd Syaklr
lor Insulllrlg and delarnt Buddhlsm. Hlndutsm, Dayak eommumty
and olher nomlstarntc bellels tn Malaysta dunng ms preacnes at the
l2 secondly. the satd preaches were reoarded and uploaded to vanous
saclal rnedla plalforms, where they went vlral. Usllz Mona syaktr
was alleged to be spreadlng natred and tnsultlng otner non-lslsmlc
bellevers ln Malaysta.
13. Tntrdly, uslaz Mohd syaktr IS alleged to nave committed several
13 1 under secllorl 298 ol tne Penal Code tor uttenng words etc ,
wilh deltlaerale lrl|erl| to wound lne rell nus leelmgs ot any
132 under secmon 298A ot me Penal code tor can 9, etc,
drsharrnony, dnunuy. orleettngs n1artmtty,ha|led or m w ll or
orejudtctng, etc., the rnairnenanee ot hamlorty or uruly, on
grounds olreltglo :
13.3 under sectton 505 (c) o1 lhe Penal code (or statements
eonductng to publlc rmscmel; and
13 A under section 233 ol the connnontcattons and Mullimedla Act
1995 lor trnproper use ol nemork tactlt res or network SE?‘/met
14. Lastly, dssplle pnlloe vepons were lodged agalnsl the sand preacher
suppnnad by reoordmoe of me commverslal preaches‘ me
Respondents nod woe lls letter dated 17 June 2021 decided Ihal no
furllter auion would be Iaken agatnet the preacher
me s cl 1:
rn muwrhramspknfilclvsin
“None amt luvtherwm be .r.... a may r... ntwlrullly -mm: dnunvtnrtl VI erluNa vtmxl
In paragmph 4 pl Enclosure 2, the Respondents slaled that ihe
aeaisian M no lunhei aciion ip be iaiien against Uslax Mohd sya r
made on 17 June 2021 (impugned decision) il lainled wiiti
lrrallanallly, iinieaspnatzieness and male tides
in paragraph 5 at Enclosure 2. ihe Reepanaenls eiaied itial itie
impugned decision contravenes Article 3 Mine FC and is arbitiary.
In paragraph 3 or Enclosure 2, the Respondents luiiner slated trial
the Second Respondent the AG has failed to cany out his aiity
olovlded under Article 145 pl itie FC when he aeciaea no ltlrmer
nation io he |akan againsi ustaz Mahd syaliir
The Applicants submitted inai the impugned ilec’ ion ol lhe
AG/Pubilc Proseculor (FF) is irraiianal, uniaasanaole Ind iainiea
wiiti rnala (ides ior the AGIPP's nail decided not to take tpnner
action against ustaz Motto Syaklrdesplle ihelact trial police reports
were rnaae and recordings oi the conlmiverslal weechee had gone
viral on social media piatiarrns.
Ii is to be emphasized here that this iupieiel review applicalian is to
shailerige the decision made byme second Responi1eni.Therelure,
ihe low lhrestiald lest set out in variaus case laws is na longer
applicable to ltiis application The inresnpla forlhis leave application
will be sub]ec1ed|o a higher eleman: pl review. This tiigri standard
ol review has been piscuseea in me lollawing cases pelow.
a) Rpsli Dahlarl V Tan sri Abdul sani Detail 5. Dis l 2014]
MLRHU :49; [2014] 1| MLJ 48‘! [2019] 9CL.l 2254
at Psguam Negam Malaysia V. cnin Chee Kcw (as secreiary ol
Persaluarl Kebajlkarl dsn Amal Liam Hood Thong Char Serig
Thuan) aria anamerapueal [2019] 3 MLRA1S3:[2I7i913 MLJ
443; [2019] 4 cm 561. [2019] 3 AMR 525,
ct Sundm Raioo Nadareiah v Menlen Liiar Negeri. Malaysia 5.
Ors [will 5 MLRA1: [20Z1]5 MLJ 209; [2021] 6 Cu 199
us.. 5 nl II
N muwfhm4MSvRn‘1lCL7SEG
“Nair a.i.i nuvihnrwiii a. ii... In may i... pflninnilly mi. m.i.n Vfl nFit.INfl Wm!
d) sivakuniar all Sockialirigam ai Anor v. Vang aerhorniai
Feguam Negara, Malaysia [2023] 2 MLRH am [2022] MLJU
Arlicle i45(3l onne FC provide: lrie power onne AG io rrislilular
oondud. or discontinue any proceedings ior an oflenoe Anicle
145(3) oi lhe Fc reads as loilows:
-irie Altnmey General sriaii have power exercisable ai his drscrmian. in
inslllme. mriducl pr disooniiniia any proceedings ior an oiienoe. airer inan
proceedings were . sy.n.n mun, n naliva opiiri or. peunmrirai i
Tne law concerning irie power 0! AG rias undergone sorne
davelanmenl Fvavinuslyr irie ooun wrislanily neid inai ine decision
of AG under Article 14513) oi irie FC in lnsllluler eonduci, or
diseoniiriue erirn al proceedings is noi amenable io judicial review.
l-ioweirer. ine ooiiri sraried lo recognise inai euen power oi AG i3
ieviewabie in zzerlaln exoeplianai clmumslanoes. This position allaw
can be illusireied in several cues irienlioned in paragrapn 19
nia epuri was el irie yiew iiiei only in appropriare. rare and
exoepiional cases supli disereaiori is amenable lo iudipial review
The decision made by Ina AG is doakad by me preeurnpiien ol
iegaliiy rnerelora, irie burden has on ilie eriallenging pariy io repui
me vresumplion oi iegalily by addueing a earnpelling prima facle
euidenoe Al ine leave siege lor any challenge oi inis kind, ine
Applieeni rnuiii lrllilrfy ine Mu-slap iriresnoid as volume-
a. Firsi slep threshold’ The Applicanl needs no snow lie rias me
legal oasii. ro cnallenge Ihe decision at ine AGIPP on lrie
iradiiionai grounds o1 judicial review wriicn among oiners
includes iliegaucy. procedural implopnelyi lnallonalily and
male ndes Thu burden oi prooi lie: on ine Applicanl.
1) Second step threshold The Applicant needs I0 adduce 5
compelling and prima lacie proof that Lhe decision or omission
M irre new falls wiiriin one of lhe grounds or any one of
them Once, the threshold is crossed, the burden lies on me
AGIPP In justify his anions ar Irilclioris in court
l>:|e7 .m
ru uiDwfh7aM\SvRflYlCL75EG
“None s.n.i luvihnrwiii rs. UIQG a may i... inrin.iiir MIMI dnuaviml VI .riuno mi
From me judgments above, n 15 apparent that me AG's power under
Amcle 145(3) at me FC mcugh reviewable n. sumem |u a men
mresnold of scrulmy, Tne Respondenxs must rebul me presumplmn
01 me Vegahly ov the AG‘s demsxon mm oonnpellmg prima vaeie
the AGC nad objected lo mu. eppncauon on me ground me: me
Appncanxs leaned |o sa|isiyme1wb~sIep|hresho|d sec cul m me casa
o1SImdra RI[oo(supra) m ordeno chaflenge me decision made by
Ina AG.
From the Judgments sel oul m Roall Dahlan, Chin Chen Kaw.
Sundrn nujoo and slvakumor (supra), .1 us clear mat one power 01
Iha AG us reviewihle In apnmpnate, rare and exoepmonal oases
Apmying Sundra Rude (supra) .n lha present case. n is to be noned
thal at this leave Sings. the (esl apphcalfle V5 no Veneer law but
sumea ll) a hwghersvandard 0! revwew The AG‘: decwsxon ws cloaked
wvlh {he presumpuon M legahly. Hence, the Apphcanvs needs IO
salisfy |he two-slap threshold in overcome (his pfesumplron and ID
chavenge lhfi decxsion M the AG
In order to satisfy me firsl step lhreshold, me Applicants nad based
meirjudiciax rewew eppncenon on Ihegmunds cl unreasonameness
and procedural vmpmpnety Fur me second slep Ihreshold, me
Apphcams need to pmmde a oompeumg pnm: fame ewdance in
suppon Mlhewr gmunds v1 judmal rewew.
Iwfll fivsl deal wilh the wssue of nammg |ha improper parly The AGE
nad objected this appwceuon on me ground that n was Draught
agamsl lhe wrong party as the First Respondent named In ums
application IS not the dacismn maker cl Ihe Vmpugned decwsinn.
Having perused me muse papers, n Is ewdenl that mus applmalmn
pnmarily chaflengas me nmpugned decnuon made by me second
Respondent. 1 e. the AG The Fvrsl Respondent, being me
mvesugecwe body, dud net make me impugned dectswon There \s no
apparerfl purpose In name me Fvsl Respondent as u party W1 W3
eppucaupn. Furthermore. the amdavn m suppan does not pmvide a
m dvuwrhrs«mspRd‘1:::L7sEG
«nu. Snr1|\nuuhnrwH\I>e med u may he mn.u-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-ms!
reason ldr this inuuslori. Gwen lrial this is a judicial review
applicalierii ii is sumcleril to only name we second Respondent,
wrid exercises his public euly regarding whelner lp prosecute or not
under Arliele 145(3) of the FC
31 This applicalidri is made under order 53 of iris not; The provision
ei ordersa rule 2(4)d1lhe ROC IS as follows
'Ariy narwn Mia is adnruly xlhclld by RM dncllinn, -man nr omlllion
in nlnllml mum -relu aim: Dublin duty nrhrrmroii sriali be erilillee in
"ink: me lvhllcaliun -
(emphasis added)
32. This court is allhe View lhal lhe Appireanls musl acwraleiy identify
lhe party responsible ldr me impugned decision er in relalidn id lne
exa e or his public du|y er funnioni which is being challenged. in
rhis case, the impugned decision is made by lhe AG/PP el ‘No
l=unherAelion“ in he laken againsl usrax Mdhd Syakll. As lhe Firsl
Respcndenl is rial llie decis n rriaker el me impugned decision
iudicial review does rim apply There is no decision by lrie First
Respunderil mar is supiecl lo review by lriis ceun
33 in Amhiga elp sreenevasan v. Kmire Fengarah lrnigresen.
Illllylll 5. on [Z|1I2] 1 ull..l 92 I201!) 9 MLRH 572, [20:21 7
cu 170.01: Applicanl rriade an applicalian ldr leave id vevlew me
decision oi the Perigarah lrnigresen Sarawak (the secarid
Reeporideriri which denied her enlry inlo lne slale el Sarawak The
Resporidenl obiecled mar lhe Firsl Respandam (Kelua Perigaraii
lrriigreseri Malaysia) and Third Respendenl (Keliua Merileri
Sarawak) were no: me proper panies Io lriis appliealidn since «he
Second Respandenlwas me one acling under me aulhorily ollrie
svale aulhorlty and not the nrsl and Third Respondent.
34. Roheria Vusuf J [as she lheri was) in dismissing rhis leave
application liad s\a|ed as lollowsz
'[H] H was submmad by Elwik nmimy THOMZI rhal even IV lriis nppilcahon
cried wrung panies ll could he saved by Viflua L71 015 r s dune RHC
Urvflu o is r 5, no cause or mm. mill [:5 deiuied because or
rriispnider ai pariies and me cam musl sr. deemime iilua alleclirid
ma pvopel my rmwever, inn eanierirpri canml hmd good because
lhe Federal Cam in Maiiis Mama isiani Selarvgar V aang eeen Oman
4. or: [2009] 5 MN aw rzooele cl.J4u§ haihald rriaro is reiziuees
riol appiy lo epaiieeien mndl irmu o 5: easing on me mixlm
IN uluwfhranmsvknfilcnsid
“Nair Semi luvlhnrwiii .. UIQG a may i... nflmnniily mi. dnuavlml VI eFluNfl Wm!
generalwa speclalmus no aevogsnr Aomrmng In me Fsdum Cowl M
ml use 0 I5 vem carmm be ‘Invoked m ovaman meme pm»/man m
an o 53 awhcamn
[12| Thus, slnn an firs! n wndonl and mm mm nipondcnl in not
me a ' on makus er the lmvuumd aeensxen. ludlct-I nvllrw
clnno -wnmn-m. Yo pumain-mmy, llura in nu duklon nu
ma ms! um xlcnnd nlvnnd-III: mm Ls mm lhls mum to mam.
On ml: wound Ilunl, nu ppllcnlnn want In In Ilmck om."
(emphasis added)
35 As can be observed m Amhiua up Sralnevasan (supra), only me
aeason makev 0! the impugned decision . e we Second
Raspondsrfl ms), mound have been made as the only Respondent
in HHS avhllcanon lorjudlmal revwew
38 Ba max as V! may‘ ms courl should nevertheless process to
delermme vmether wwlh both the sand pence reports and quoted
excerpt ov speeches cumemeu m me relevant cause paper oomd
cross the m her standard 13! FEVIBW vn (DIS avnhoulxon. To succeed
In lhvs application luv wdicia\ revvew‘ the Applicants must provide
nompewng prima lacie proof IO rebut the AGS consumlionm
presecumnal dlscrehnn which us Masked wmn pvesumplwon ol
31. It Is crystal clear that me oommuuanel pmsecmcfial dlscrmmn
undevAmc|e (4513)aHhe FC belongs m me AG/PP and me AGIPP
has sole and excluswe mscreuen m that omy he can exercxse such
power The provision or Article 14513) :2! me FC Vs pmwdaa as
"rm Alhmny emu: um: um paw, . maul. a nu uhcnllon. In
mum-, cnmiucl or dlllmnllnun any mmamgs my an onem olher
Ihan pvuneadmgs bciors a Syariah mun. . Mhve mun ov . wulwnamal.‘
(emphasws addedh
as The Federal Cmm m Suudr: Rnioo (supra) held lhal wme me
AGlPF‘s powers are revlewable‘ me exercwse nl prusewtonal
dvacrelion under A.-me msm or me PC. as a maner of policy‘
remems sumecl In a higher threshold of scrutiny Tengku Mawmun
(:4, m flelwenng|he1udgmenlaHhe apsx marl, he\d mar
me u M u
sm mmrMspm.:usea
«mm. smm be H... e may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
| 1,876 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
J-01(IM)(NCvC)-115-03/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) Muniandy A/l Kandasamy 2. ) Muniammah A/p Santhiavoo RESPONDEN 1. ) PENGARAH HOSPITAL SULTANAH AMINAH JOHOR BAHRU 2. ) Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri (JKN) 3. ) KETUA PENGARAH KESIHATAN KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA 4. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | A fire broke out on 25.10.2016 (Fire) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Johore Bahru (Hospital). Six patients in the Hospital’s ICU perished in the Fire (6 Deceased Persons). The plaintiffs (Plaintiffs) in the above three suits (3 Suits) are the parents and dependents of three out of the 6 Deceased Persons. The first defendant is the Hospital’s Director while the third defendant is the Director-General of the Ministry of Health (MOH). This judgment shall refer to all the defendants collectively in these 3 Appeals as the “Defendants”. | 03/11/2023 | YA Datuk Wong Kian KheongKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Sri Mariana binti Haji YahyaYA Datuk Wong Kian Kheong | |
03/11/2023 15:09:25
J-01(IM)(NCvC)-115-03/2022 Kand. 18
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J—n1(m) (ncvc)—115—u3/2022 Kand. 18
as/mm: 15:09-23
m we coon or A an ur muvsu (APFEu.AYE Jumsmcnuur
1 Knlsxmsmv um xuppusmmmc Mu.un:<1«.mm
z massvm Mr summon we no mm-zusup . . nrmum:
1. mmun mswm suI.n>4n< Altman
1 rsuauux xssumm usssrwunux‘
uamm Kssmnnu Msesm mm
;. mu. mum «mum. xsusmsmm xamm muvsm
4. «swam mum nss»-ounsms
(mm. maumm. >< Juhorsmlu Jamr. Maw!-
Cm! Sun Nu ¢A.2< NCvc.2§-03/2o2n
Knuxruszvvyn/1 Kuwunmy(NR\C Nu s2oaw.uunaa>
2 Nluewun up Kiynmbon we Na. a7n:u4.u&56361 Vmnum
1 Few -n Hasumlsunumnwnun
2 mm» Kecmaian Nagen lehov Jab-nan Km-nan Nogamlohur
a ma Fensarah xesmmn, >< xmm way»
A Karalaanmalnyfia Dd-Mimi]
sw LzxGcu5mEowNc1:wMv¢n.A
menu: magma»: wvmy
an we com of mm or mmm uwaurs .mIusm|:1|oN)
g 3, am pm J-AH myncyc , aw;
:. woo NENG vuusowc no we-mmexay
2 cm slaw mm mm: Mn. mun-1n£n<I) .. mamas
1. vinamm nnsvlul nuunuu mm
2. mama xssmmu uscem man
mm» mmm NEEEI man
: mm vznsuun xsumm, xsusmsmm xsalxnnu muvsln
. mum mm» . ass-mans
[M the miter .11 me Nah cam m Jew am, Jaw Mahyfii
gnu ; ‘ Nu wcvc mmzn
cm. Hang Vang wmcuu smun-m.55B3;
2 Chm Sxaw Hm («me No ssaslznosum mm.
mam awn-1 Sunur-In Amman
my-.n xgmm mm mm Jabalan mm Jana
Kelul Pwvnn Keswmrzn‘ Knrmnunan x.m.y. mum
«gm-an Man-ysu o4m.nu1
sw LzxGcu5mEowNc1:wMv¢n.A
m. my» cum can nlwung Nong Yoy 5 Mar v
mu: Pwloemorflsasj 1 um 55; .: 557. La! Klw mm
mm |nll0n1Ivl1 lull am arm. than slnnapar-‘s mm of
me supremo cum umm: [slngspnnll ~-mm.“ III:
mu...:..:y nu. mms: m. aumsmn cl nnrsay
evidovvcc‘ omm my. 5 Rsc zsmgapm; :; unum In nur
may 41 ru): 4 ac
om: 4v rulc am Inn 4:; ac mm. 4 lxzupllmu whlnln
... mum: my cormlln heuny evwdenca, nunery when
moms an -pm-nan alllra Voflowmg.
1.; Omar Vlrure 212; RC
my Orusrvlru/s 6(2]RD
In) Ora-rum!-SIZJRC and
«:1 3 Court may has new mm Md" own as m». 341;
(emphasis added), and
(2) me nemaanxs 3 smug om Appucauans are “tnlstiocumry
proceedings“ within the muamng 010 41 ( 5(2) no Then 3
Appeals emznah from me Defendants‘ 3 smkmg om
Appucauons Consequenfly, premued on Ten! Corporation
we may apwy o 41 v 5(2) ac read mm 1 4 an m lake lulu
account lhe mmenls cl Dr senanudaaan-s amdavh m mesa 3
Appeals We furlher my an ma voumnq mdgmenls m we HC -
1;) m Daluk Amlr Kahnr bin run Haj‘ Musunha v Tun
Mohd Said hi Knnuk 5 on [1994] 3 Mm 737, to
mm Sum In-nhnv WW he .15.. m van; M m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum puns!
dalsvmina In Ipplllznnn «a nuke em a mm Abdu!Kan1Ir
Sulamun J (as he man wa57 had adrmllsd an mam
pmsuam to o 41 7 5(2) RC According to Daluk Amlv
Kahlv, zip 741 In 742-
“Thu mmamu‘ mu:-nan »g .....s« a u r 1910(1),
in mud Id] mm mm. at m my» cum mu rm.
RNC‘) and undu mu mnmnuumatczvon ur me cowl.
n. ppllclflan ls suppanod by rm Mdnvlr cl Wong
Klan Knoorly nflmmd an 7 sop:-mu mu rm um
nfidlvil mnrsiy nfuu In mm lffidnvvll-In-nply of
mu dofond-wt: mm as room: In rat nmmm mlln
.pnrmuo.. m M: on'grn.n'»a summons. Ensed on
non nmamwm-Mn Inn mom: vnflly bolnvu
am 291- anmmunn summam of me pmmm diuroses
no ruionahh cm. 4:! Action mmu all or my or Inn
uofnndanu, and/or 1: sandal-nus, Mvnlous, vexuhlu
an!/oi I: an anus: n! ma Pious: M m. court. In
oppaamun to ma Appllnllcn ol an dchndanls. mu
plalrmll mun u. .-maul: m nppnlltlnn amrlmd on 22
son:-mm an In 29.. mum In annomlan at m-
Mammr. ne 4-mama we prvpwy or man
./nmns.«mpIy nhnld to hy 2». dlponlnl of m-
mmn m supp-m or w: lPnU¢a1lon, smu mun
lflidnvili .2 mm m m. mi!/hearing cl ma
cflfllnadny sumnm wan am Mon mm for
nanny. 5:, the hnmedme issue which all: Iol .
doclsfan ls wnunu ma apurmuon on an dtlond-Imu
dli-clln 1.. ma ugm of mu nntun al an zrlldnvir In
supporl. om: 45 r 1: am not mu out mu
ruqulrvmlnt u! my -muum ». support 91 an
nppflcallnn rm: )5 m/mu: hum an apphcfllrm madu
mm o :4 mm by r 2m memo! m. apphcuimrl mus!
be men by Kwnmons nuppc-mu by an amdawl Simflafllf
wun an uwlnrulron mIflIrO 51, mm: by mm mlluufl an
arrmm >5 rsawwd for me annmuon Agam, an
Buphcaban undov a 49 r 2 m rammed In he supamlaa or
an amdavu Svmdaw wnn an apmmalrnn under o 50 r J.
wlvzle 1n. apalvcmmn mm. sIl|7D01lzdbyunsRaavIl ra
cuts ye: anolhsrinrm uiapohcanon rs an apohcahum under
o 23 r 1r2/ at m. Rn: V/Md! must be suwaned by an
nmanm mum um o is I 19, 11 merely rsqwn-as an
mu/cmn to be made There .5 rm mautrumsnt m ms ml:
al an amdavfl ieeompenymp ma awmoamn An
npphcllton by summvnulwchlmbuu :. nn mm .n
rnrenoculorv brueetdtny nna a :1 r :12; Mormon: nn
.m.m mm m m p-«rpm vi mm: and "-
Mtemaemofr mmamvs. Bun /rv Mt nbuvlce curvy
..p.... riqm min! of .n lifidlwl la ...p.m fin
-amnuon In a 1: r 19, 71!: my vhw mu lor In
lnnlkllian undev the Ink, me -mama rn support cl
mu nanlrcmn u not mnmory. In Mo mcumunm
ma nmmu M Wong mnn xmnn In suvmn of mi:
wucauon arm: m.n.:.m rs ofno unmuono. or
lfynlllcmcl n my ounl. m nmvnvnl In hnldlny man
an nmdavll If not a pm-qmux. for an -wnomn
nmmn Iwnm for mu pumou ul helm: and In
mhrluullory procndmy: nuy cnnllm nnmn-rm al
Infomullon or new Mm m «mm mm gwundn
mmn m ml hum, m. llfidlvvt 1:! Wang x..n Kllncmg
In ml: an r. rm dolocuve noun.“ arm . n-rmnn
in mm: Ilrdnviu. ha dxpusad mm bum an on
nlnmnld amdavls. nu vvnly MIMI: that nu
urrglnlllng summon: n! m. plllnllfl nilcrm-.1 nu
vnsaruhh mm Al aeflon against all or any of un.
an-nu-nu mm 1. 15-min/nus, mare»-, v-nttaus
And/or A: In was. all" pmcou armu m m-
cmumsmms, mepmnmrs om-man has no mean"
(emphasus adaed)‘ and
my me above wdgment m Datuk Amlr Knhnr has been
apphed m Knrllun Mnlayuia v mm: Englnauina a.
Cnnllruclinn Bhd[2D19]MLJU 1aB0,at[§].
E. wmn can Iummeviaunc
bu aamimm in on
19 Fuulfy. “Ium:sr9wdunca" in 5 6511)lc(3)C.JA.1 1(1), 42;. m and
(SA) RCA (R mm sututory Provl-Ionl) mean: ewuence which
no nol been adfluned m me HC av submdmale mun
[NC/Subordlnlln Cmm)
2n Semnd\y_ mvae calequnes av ‘further evrdsncs' can be mammm m
the Rmavanl Slammry Proviuons, namary.
(1; “Iurthsr svtdem:s' much u mended to he used by in appucann
mapllcnmp m -menocunory appucanons m me CA [Funhnv
Evidence (lnlaerloculary on Applicniunll‘
(2) “lunher evidence‘ which mended tn be when an by an
Apphcanl in me heanng m an apueal m the CA [rumm-
Evldencl (Appum but me Funhfl Emence (Appeal) my
name we being me: me heanng m me H!)/Subordinale Conn
(Subuquanl Evldence). and
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
13) Fwlhsr Ewdenee mppeax) was avaflahle la me Appficanl at me
(ulna af me heamvg m we HC/Submdinatz Cuun bu| was nut
adduced m me HO/Subordinate com (Exitllnl Evldonco)
21 we 1(3A)RCA my a|lnws“(uI1Ils/avrdem>e'(o be admmed al Ihe
“Ilssrmg 0/ ms appear -1 me «duawmg Mo wndmcns are samsned
cumulamexy by me Apphaaln (2 Condition: [r 10;“)
(1) me mm olthe 2 Condmuns [r 7(3A)] (1-- (land an 1: mm)» 15
provided m r7(3A)(a) RC and has Ivm aksmalwe nmbs, namew
43) the -runner ewde:-ca’ wit not muame Io me Apphcam ac
the Ilearmq In me Hcrsuomdmane Cmm [1-I All-rnalivu
Llmh (1-- condmnnu The 1-‘ Ahemahvs I7 11"
Cnnduiunj concams Subsequent Evmence‘ or
my me 'Iurmsr awdsnmr exmsa ac me nunng In and
HC/Subordinate Cmm but was na| avaflable |a the
Appllcanl despite me exemse av veasanahle dfligenoa by
me Apphnant {2'- All-nutiu Limb (1-I Condlflonll The
2~ Ahemalwe Limb A1“ Cundmnnl men In Exnslsnt
Evidence. Ind
(2; r vmxm RC pmudes «or the second of me 2 cdnduidns [r
mm] (W Confllllon [r 1(:Ay]) There ave Mo ahemznve
hmbs of me 2* canduidn [: 713A)] namaxy, me “Iu/mar
evidence‘, Mme —
-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
(a) would have had a aalan-mnlng influence upon ma declslon
cl ma no/sulmmlnala own [I'' Altnrnnllvn Limb lz"-1
Cundlflom]. or
lb) would have been Ilxely Co have a uelenn-nlng lnlluanoe
upon lne aeclslpn el me HOSubamlna(e Court [zu-
Altunniva Limb la" Cnnd an]]
22 Rule mix) RCA only apphes |a Flmhev Evldence (Appeal) and ml
to Funher Evidanca1lntarIL7cu|uly CA Appllcallon) Aceonllngly. lna
llnsl pen of a selzl cu am (he flrsl pan or r 7(2) RCA allpw an
Appllcanl lp use runner Evidence (lnlevlcculary CA Appllcauon)
wllhoul any leave cl CA
2: ll is cleav lnal Y 713A) non applies la Existeru Evlpenpe and an
Apphcanl can unly dlschsrge lhe burden lo pelauaae lne CA (L:
glam leave lo aflmn lne Exlslenl Evidence al ma hearing 01 me
appeal -n CA v me 2 cenalllans [r 1(3A)] ale aallalleu cunullzllualy
24 rue quesunn lnal anaea I5 wnemar Y ma) RCA apphes la
sllpaeqllenl Evldance ln me CA case or sln Hnp Ln-Mmnenl
St!!! and v vlp shou slun [2005] l MLJ 515 »
(1) Mnkhlar Sidln JCA deflverad the 2-l malonly aeclslon [MnJmlIy
Judslrmnt lsln Hun Lie-Maruhonij] as lpllewa al [10] |u [12]
nnd [15] la [la] 7
‘[142] m am, In! In: lpplinllmn to n nllnwnd ill:
Jpplliant had m may m. Lumillmns -1 mm In pm
lw. rnu. l.I na mm In my nl/mt that mm m- wvllam
umnploa to nroducc Wu . fllPDlnIng an.’ m. mu
ln L2lGCu5vDEDrNC1:wMvdmA
‘Nata s.n.l pm be used m mm a. nllmruflly MIN; dun-mm wa arlum Wm!
m; At mm mm urlllr, 2». lppufllnl zurrcldad
m.: an ..a.:.»c- Irnandad to be zdduced my not nuur
won tho ma! 12/ away mu mat. n uccwnd rung arnlrllu
mr In an mun Cam my my. concluded. u I: clear In me
mn ma avldlncc rnxumu 2.: n. aflduud m In mm: a!
In mumm tang um: um lncldlnl and if!!! m. mu.
TN: nwvencu was m. aullablllxy oi-Iv Allnmlllvu um.
road tn 1):: responmrs ram: long arm mu Mal Ialmocl
my yen: mu m rupwldcnt nu illod mu pnunt Imun).
I: vs char in ms nu: evklmce was not my not ayauanu al
ml Yhe second nu: u muted by Dar: «A; Is that m.
Hm mam. r1lnll.WuuIH n. . m or vmuld luv: bun
llnly to my: . ummrnrny Influence upon me decision or
m my» com
1751 1: Is cloarlmm the um um me mm evidence
that m. appallant nmnm 1.: mm mum m an m.
anumpfion mu m- nmmd loyal or an mm mum bv
brought down nu: ma. wn nu .ua...;. um um um m.
This -numpdon was hand on em rm mil mu. wu-
sum: umwum on ma ritpnnuynllx ma Ind m.
Idlmnirrs land. may those oarmwonts, mo HFBN/an!
ulumod that ran mpmom llrvd amid a. «mum
the olive: nelvhhauriuv hifiaininv lot which was to be
muapea mm In y-rx ma 2»: rupovd-m n-'1 fil-d
am: mm. an my vinw, mos: has my: naming u: do mm
m aamay-s mm--1 by rm mponom To mm In
.u.m.m. mud to Ms mm was the respamenrs my
nation In mm ma upun-um am 4:! N5 ma not In
urlgmll mm mu! M Dunn dulroyud
[151 m lgpnfllrn m mu! .mu.m m ugly nfflrmld
ny smug cmn Chem on 1: Juryma cormrmod. my vm.
mu! 1». ipplmlnun m ndducl Iruh mam. val my in
mike an lssummion andassenwn as mm «mm «ax
m; m my mtnisis nun-wanna: um anlyln
nmmmton wen rm -up-um mm mm: «my me
am. n. my vlaw, mm 1.1 no hull evtdmcz m m:
[151 1;. my vluw, m. .,.p::=.u.». am not lllsly the
condmoni /mm-.1 by r 7 IRCAI. For In: rulun, or
mujnflfy dnclllnn, wu dlsmlssld m. lppllclllan ny tin
(mar-asas added)‘ and
12) Abdul Aziz Mohamad JCA (as he men was) delivered me
foHA7wmg dlssenlmg magmem [Dlunmlng Judgment (Sin
Hun L Mnvuhonl)L at [73] to {as}-
‘mr mu -pnunmn -nun:-.1. an Hour: olmucfun, Inr
mm ‘In in: mm ma! luv: u nu--ury: lo mmu
rum-r avmnnzi n. my .pp..:. 11.. lunn-I .w.1em was
as to 4 mam! mu mama arm mu m- or 1». mmon or
m. fllgh Cuun nu tar: as. nnmlly, tvldancn HI .x2...;m
emnwolks that won army canm out on m- mpermm
um um. n wn cl ma, wauld bnnp down an ‘plntlwm
1:-my M the mm. The mam pumon oltne tvhimcn was
to plvw mm mm would nu Inngav n. lny nu-d 2.;
conumcl - rat-Wnv war! 2.: nublrrn the wake of mu
rnpnnflant’: mm an Inn :1 . mlllnmg will m. um
uaulmd, mm In ms! muld M av-my Induced ‘due In mu
ol rum manna: 4w-rum ol sail)’. so nu ma
rnmmnutafi dimJ9\I would mzw nntbu .. much .u my
Rum mmmn In-1 wns mama
1741 m mpumm appluld m. -lppllrltlun. In his
.mum: n. mx-nu-4, nmcnn mm tniws, that m. r-com
urmwoflti am not mm III: n-Inn: Ind canngmuan a!
ma um, um it i: not nemlissfhle to ask ma meuau
cam w rusun fllmlgu mu n. . bun pruplriy
nuussd .: mg my um um. In my mm, the evidence
mm to nmry um um cnndmnru far It: rlzupfiun
lundusload m. mm candlflons 2» be mm that may be
drawn mm Ir nw Ru)
1751 w. mm: m flnllnllnn mm commenclnv to
hair mu mm: It wu alunnua by . mnjmvry dnclslun
wvllmm 1: mn: mmod cmmnl Io! ma nsnondunl. r was
mm vm, mu nurlng m. mbmllslun aim: .pp.::.m
rumm zclmsnl m: not mm: the ommmny to Mar mu
submission of ma nsponaonxk ll-mad mu-un mu m.
nsl rnn cannon oi me am»: Amt nc-puan av
Iunnu Iwdoncc for clvflappllls (a m. Cuurt nrappur f1
dull mm In . HIE./AI
my I: 15 um fmm mm 12: um u m. mum
lwdmzl 7: u 2., mum mum um occumd um me
mlsron -malea from, n my a. glvnn 1;. my an my
luv: u rvquma. m. glvvny nliurmuv uvidmze .5 to put-
declxlon mmen‘ rs a mam! ur rlghl u vs -1.14: c u mm.
m. ward: m. u m mltlurs muq...m ..
ma 1:; ma: mo rldulnnmm or lpocul wo-um um ar
luv: mu down ny rm sub-5 do nazappty Ia Dos!-chclslon
ma; am: an m. was ‘Appeals to ma cm: or
App r mu o. By way at rvnunng, Ind m million In
such lypIllS' in nab-5 m, the whoh ol 5 u, .u m m
n4b—uv.1(oru 1:! re. Inn, mm my ulgnz nmmmm
dvWu:rvce.1, rrvmlund in r wzcu. mu five sub-sections
mommy um Ilvn pm; on». rm: 1;. um. um: urdur. m
urm air 1 wt: Mzourse the same u em or: :9. 45 hr
.u putdvemnn mm... ... mmm-a, m. qwmq of
man: wldcncn Is: mule! arm:
pa: mm a provision of .n An 12! p.m.m.m mm
nal bu rt-omclud In subsldllry liwslallcn, because me re
onasmunx will a. mm, ... um, um nu rm nrlnoncu, M.
u tum oflls own. Runovo IL and mu law A: still mm in
an Act Furtmr, n m. Io-nnn¢1manH.I mm nmamauan.
m. mafltlicntinn Vs um: vlns and lnolhcuvn D-cauu n
-vekr 2.; Huh mudlilclfinn m m. law tnmugll .uammy
lrqislntfnn in In no. that Pamam-nx has «mm: iol,
mu... m pawn In mnmiy 1. lxprnnly glvnn Dy
Flrmmunl. The modiflc-fion mu mmnvy am arms
mu m menmln-nt mllv nrmpugnnnl m m. pmvu/an .-
nnntlud by Pmlnmenl. and subzfdmy /eylsmvon Is
mam». or dn/ng mu
/ea} mm :9 any .u can bonus: In nu r 1 ms
Jmervdod bylnlmfluclng m. Iulmwmg par: {u}:
M rm .. Inc pmynnh mu Vmsminnod arm: in
mmmm mm mu mm sandman: in 9. 112111114 1:
Impolu rllmzlmru m... m. uutnd mm. mum.
mo rrqulremem In pm 11:; mu am now evmnnco woufd
(awn roosmzn wmu
IN mi mum nr APPEAL or umvsn u nun-s musuucnam
clvn. u-
4 Muulmov All. mmuuvxmuc Nu I1n1a:-02515!)
2 mumuum ms smmme mm: no Izmmluw) .. »9sLLmvs
4. rzueam uosP1nL mum
z new-um xaumuu «scam moon
mum Kismnnu Miami JONDR
:. mu. psmm xzsmmu, xzmamzmn K£amAm4 Iuuvsu
¢ xsmmu uumm xsspouusxts
[M m: mallswfllaa Hm cm m Jmmrfiivm mm Mahm-
cmxsunna mr2uNcv<>2sasI2n2n
Munundylll K:m1uamHNR\c Na a7aw:—Dz—57M7)
2 MunumnuhlIpS.In1MuvW(NR\C Nu 7:nz1Ms»5s1a1 Fmnmli
Pewavuw ms»-m Swan-h mm
Plrwavah Keswnatan Ntgay1.!nMv,1ahzIan mum" N-9-«mu
KIN: Famgaran Knmmzn Kuvventnmn Kumntznm-Ways:
Knralaan mum Devendnnbl
LEE swzz szma, .mA
mmnu mm mm. Jan
wens mm xuzous, JCA
sw LzxGcu5mEmNc1:wMv¢n.A
nave ms: or would Mu bun Iflroly to um nm a
dntxrmfninytnflunnci on the decnslon um was mad-. mm
mm ma 4-» ‘aura mpg-st max nmnu wrdonu would
-mly he Allowed :5 to mmers rn exlslonu mm 2»-
d-cmon, mama P'W‘ou:1.Y mm... maam u M pun-
dlnlalon mutton was nl)owed,:m1u mmuua
1:21 ma mwu mug:-v mm by pm mu MV-
not am. mm (9 s 61 Since pm «A; seeks to am to r 7.
and um: 1 has no lxl.:l4n:n,II1- mm. nUL| own, um
I: m-rlly an am or 5 n, r (W 75 ncrnlny mare mu M
ulelvlbl by -unaramy V-glslltlnn In mnfllly . 5:. ma
lflumpl u ulln vlns hocausn subsidiary I-gmamm I5 rm
aapawa nl mndlfylny in Au 1:! Pnmamlnl. Ilrclpl Dy
«mu numarily on-amamm, wnrcn am not ammu-
Iaaj I war :3! ma mw. mmrm, ma: 1 as 1: mil
nfiedad ny Dan M and further mama. as to pen-
docmon mum my mm B: gnrul, And a. of right.
rnamm, mevely 1.1 . rmamy in distal my -man, Vuvo
mum 175 Man lo mu lPpI4I-rm to 9.... ma mm»
moans. ml! may mm 2.: give. me quamm :2! ns
warm and a col mum DI minors to M carllrdund m m.
-aneu Itself “
(emnham added!
25 m mu mew, leave oi CA IS um req-men lav Subsequenl Evidence
because Ihe secann pan of 5 69(2) CJA (z~- Pan 1- 59(1) cm)
sud me second pan L71 r 7(2) RCA (2"- rare [r 712) RCA]) havn
expIess\y auuwea smasequam Emanoe us be used an me neanng
ol appezk wvlhnut any weave MCA In Hus vegans-
Nab! Sum In-nhnv WW he used .a mm a. nvwhuflly MIN; dun-mm VII mum pm
(1) me Mamrily Judgment (Sm Huap Leememnenu had memxssea
me avnlmauon lor weeve or c»: to addnoe “(urfhsr emencr on
me around nu: ma ippficahon vms based on an “essumpIIan'
and (here was nu ‘further evidence’ «.2 be adduced at lhe
hearing 0! me apyaa m mal can Furmemme. me Mammy
Judgmunl (Sm Heap Lee-Maruhem) am not discuss me 2"‘ Pen
[5 6912) cm em 2'»! Pan [r n2) RCA]: and
12) we take the Dnwrwmly la appnws me Dlssenlmg Judgment
(Sm Heap Lee.Memeem) men can be suppmled by me
«euewmg reasons »
(a) awarding In 5 2(1)(e) ov me Inmvpretanon Acls 1943 and
1967 (IA). Pan x IA avnhes la RCA neceuse RCA are
made me: 31.121963 pursuant Ia CJA when has been
vevised under me Rewsxan cl Laws MI was seeuen
23(1) VA on Pam IA) Dmvvdas M the uocmne 01 um wres
“Any subsidiary agar-rm’. mu 1- mmmm with
m At! rumuwng Inc 4.: urvdur men n. mum",
Vngulnnon was me.) man e. vent tn rm nmm cl
(emphasis added)
The apphnallun L715 23(1) IA has been exwamed by Mohd.
Zawawi Salleh FCJ m we Federal Cuurl we) use ov
Pihak serkum Tauhnib Majlit Porbamurun
IN LzxGcu5mEowNc1:wMvan.A
we sew be used m mm ms mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
sobcnng Perai a. Anor V Muxildi Illukhhr [mu] 1 cu
“[511 m: cm: matsubsrdlary or H-Voyuml rogmanan
mu not be bruder man in: onabllrrg Iogluallnn.
YNI glnural pnnclyll u! nllulary intorpnallon I5
eodmod m s 2: nu "
lempnlsls added), and
an RCA are made under s 17 CJA I! r 713A) RCA apphet to
Subsequent Emuenoa, Hus means r may RCA Is
\ncons\s|an| mm the 2"“ PIr1[5 69(2) CJA] and lay Wine 01
1 23(1) vx, r mm RCA us van in the extent 0| such an
26 As explamed m the suave paragraph 25, by reason arms 2'“ Pan [5
s9(2) CJA] and 2"‘ Pan [r 712) RCA], me Plamnm do not lemme
reave of the CA \a use Dr sawahuadeenrs amaavn m these 3
F. Should CA gum “X, 19: Pliméffs to Ina Dr. Se|ihuddnon'I
yngavn in a Aggalfi
27 Noawnnscanumg om apmpn m my above parigviph 25. we are 5!
me mew mac ma Plaintifls have sansnaa me 2 commons [r 7(3A)]
as (allows
(1; me 1-1 Anemame Limb 11“ Common) 15 (umuea because Dv.
salanuaueervs amdavn was not avafluble to me Plamums mmng
me heanng ov me Delendams‘ 3 sm mg OmApp|IcaI\ons‘ and
-ma saw be pg... m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
12) as sxmamed wn parigrinh as helm me comsms M Dr
Se\ahuddeen‘s amaavn would have been llkely |a have a
dalermlnmg mauem an we 3 HC nacismns In mhev wmds‘
me 2"‘ Allernanve Limb 12"‘ Cundmon) has been taxisfled by
me Plainmfs
Franused on me above reasons, ma F'|ImMIs' 3 Leave Apphcahons
(Dr. SeIahuddeen's alfidavfl) an answer: by ms cmm wnnom any
ovdsv as to costs
5. wh-um noun can Igglx guitzhle enoggl doctrino with
Egzrd In Thne-Vur Linn Ian Furiod
28 The Tmse»Vaav Lmmanon Pernod us vrwldad In s 21:) PAPA wmen
reads as lollows
-2 wnm, mu m. coming Ame fart: nrmu AL: lny MIL
acllvll Drosszutron or om-r pmcudlng :. cnnlmuvcud in m.
Fnd-ntiun -mm myneuon an: my m dune rn Wnunnce or
cxecumzn or Irmmua lxocullnn a1 Iny mm». law III 1:! my
puhlrr my a. numurify or m mam alnny «mm mm or
datum m the mcuuon of any such mm... 1..., may or
mm mm rmwmg pravlslnns sin!/luv: mm
(3) me man. man, Prowcunorv or pmuedmg mu not 1.. nr
o. .mm.a unlsu n u cammnncnd mm. 70-57::
moms nu! -rm rm cu. Mglurt or ac!-uu comnllmod 1:!
or, m me use pr . mnnnuunce a/mju/Y ar mum wvlnm
mmw manllvs net! am: my clnsmg (h¢Iunl'
(emphasis added)
um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
29 In Alma Yamplnlon a. On v Law Val Hnldings Sdn Ehd a. Ann:
[1999] 2 ML.) 202 Edgar Joseph Jr J (as he man was) has
exnlained m me HC man a defendant may be snapped lrom remng
on a nmmon devenoe pvovlued by me umnanon Ad 1953 (LA), n
\s dec ed m Allmd Tnmplulon‘ al p 244 M7 245‘ as lulluws
~: mint lully zcnsrdu um." ..n. In ulnp an-ull um 11! m.
Llmltutmn m
m xou Nanny V was cmng Kmflw mm Lmmu1Ac u
may Mu 45, . name” 1:! Inc pm Cuuncll Imm m. mm
Federal Court of Marayxla. m a ran av mmyvmms, mm
Lon1.IMp.I um
mm an statute: which, vrouyh dwlarfnfl
m..cum m 1.. .4.....;.»a...:. nr .,.,..:, ...
nevennelass rm! .m:-my pmmouory and so do nu!
pncludu .m,,...r. On mm. a: 1:... .. m. smut-
»: mm I-we Mlmphrru V Numnrmes mm 2 KB
5:1 :4 m wmm .: ma nu mm conndlnd mu
the shunt om: m n. mm: as regular/W
pmcldun, rml .. ...m..g .2 usnntlll vnlldllm .. .
mun am: 1:51 u. may Is to :5): mm.’ m. raw
m.:....m.m. me wanna an n. am. .. ,.,.,.....x.
mm puucy 2.: which m. noun mutt pm rm: In 2».
.m.«..: :1 m. Wm punlufly 9. lam! nzrlnn .7: 2».
Dublin, mun. any rules or ovmcnco if mm...
u.......m. mu m. pnmu mly a... cum by m...
canducl or oumwm
mu wold: arv wmuly arm. Ind Juggul mu m Lmumlon
Ac! run 31!! vny la oslogpel. rmma, mm tn mm In
fumuvmn y Wu! Nlm CorpnrItmrl[1D5(7]2 KB M507 2 K5 209
ma Sum In-nhnv M“ be used m mm ua nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
which uyye-x mu . an!-mtlnl mu rm! :2. mm tn My an .
mm. ofltmv Hon Imls acts arslatomoms during m. mmm
nllhopulod nnw mam. m. plllnflfltu u.:.y pmmamg.
And, rn amm... 1 Anal v Mo:-1197212 ML.I15s any c4 um
sumo: al mnnmm M...» an 1». ..:m....m 01
. ngm ny action ..a me: of Dmcednm only: see 24
Nusaury. Llws at 5...... my Eu; P m . right
which meme. unenfemubfe merely ny recson ul
Unmatlan u... no! [pun hm parish ar mm. Inln
mm .11. a. helmet v cmnu mm] 1 wm ass
whom n nu. mm mm .41....» um... . ms; .1 m.
ummuon Act 1m, aman of mum. lnm-st
mntllndlrvg 1.. man u... .1. yams ... :...m...m.
by um, um manmws mu or-ry ommod la n.
uzumou rvmufly .1 mdumpllon pruvvd-d that my
am .0 uvenrs or mnyay: mm.-., wmnu mm
blmd or m N, .. m mu 5..., .q.n.u. rvynl: am
not new.» by mass. or nmmmm, an 015 Sam:
floluncn n. ..: up n... n. my 2». am. at .
honeflclar own! to be granted Ms mm to me /29»!
so 1.. .s mly n. Maury. I mum mm: m: baled an Mes:
mu. m. Llmllallan Act :. pululy pruzodunl: ... um»... um
Amar V ma 119721 2 ML1 15: um uIMVcholl v mm: smnunnv
Co Ltd mm 2 us my 1m. And, mm“, 1.. an...
urcumxtlncls, an. an eslap Mosul! om mm mum. Act
by conduit "
(emphasis added)
an The abave uecusmn m mm: Tlmpllmn has been appnwed by the
FE m the lollawlng judgment dehvered by Gopal sn Ram JCA (as
na men mu) m Eoulund Tmilng usns) Sdn Bhd v Arab-
Mnmann Morchnm Bunk and 1199514 cu 253‘ n: 294
"saw mu». n. 1, 1-: M an-n ms) In In ruunmunv
/udymlnl In Ylmlllltun y. Law m flnldlrrgt sun. and. [ass] 2
mm 201 m apmm mg doclnm In . mm nnu mun: inman
lo pmrtnl a fluhndnnt rmn rulylrlg upnn ma pmvlsluru aim!
ILA] '
femvhasxs added)
31. The Dhrase my person lorany act done In pursuance oraxeeuwn
ur Intended sxscufiorv 0/ any wrmen w ar 0/ any puzm duly nr
numonzy m m rsspecl or any alleged rveglanl or aerau/r In the
execurmn many such wnnsn /aw, my maumont;/' In 5 2(3) PAPA
rere-s to any person we perlorms a wnllen lnw. public duty and/or
public aumamy For ease ol convenience‘ .n this ‘udgmem we wvll
describe me pelsun envisaged m s 2(a) PAPA as 2 ‘uublic oflrcsf
32 We are unable (:7 «no any prevxoui Malaysian case much has
decided on me appncauon ol me docmne of sq-nnahxe esficphm m a
puhm: omcer who has relveu on me Three-Yes! Llmnahon Penna m
s 2137 PAPA
33 u is our view mac —
(1) a publsc alfiner (X), and
Nuns snnnw n-nhnrwm be used m yaw n. nrwhuflly mm: m.n.n VI] .nuNG pm
(2) me Fedara\ Govemmcm, sme Government or pumu: aulhmm’
Aulhomy) whn ts vu:aneus\y liable for
x‘: am. umlsslnn and/arconducl
may be esmpped by any 5\a|emeM and/ov conduct by —
(a) X,
on a pubhc offioer nlhsr man x (V), and/ur
(c) suuemmem/wumn: Aulhorw
lvam re\ymg on me Three«Year Lmmamon Penud
The abwe mum suvnoned by me Mlawmg reasons’
(I) ma Three-Year Llmflahon Penod is a procedural delanm and
no! a subsuarmvs ans There may be a slatsmenl and/nv
mndud by x‘ v and/or Government/Publvz: Authomy whrch
makes m meqmtable «or x and/or Gavarnmanl/Publu: Aumorky
(o rely on me ThreeVear Limnanon Period.
on Alma nmpmon Ind aousmn mama have recugmaed
me appmauan ai me dncmne mi equuame eslnppe\ «a bar a
panys vshanoe an 2 Ivmtatiun defence pmsuam |n LA Theve is
nu veasun m prmclyla and palm, why aqmcable e5lopp€\
doclnne cannot be Invukarl agfimst Public amcau and/or
sovemmenr/Puonc Amhonlv m rewecl of the Tme-year
Ltmllahon Pemd: am
(m m acwldanue mm good uubhc governance‘ puhluz Mfioers and
Gevernmen|IPuhhc Aumamy should not mike smemems
and/av canduct |hemse\ves m a manner wmah may cause any
person to he mepmmy plqudwced
H. Was man a lrilbln um. um Dclsndznli wm ulnggd bx
Summontl Dr. solahuaalnlnr. Aman vrom nl u on num-
Llmltlllon ad?
34 m these 3 sum, mars Is a (mole mus ragummg whe1her me
Defendnms are eslupped by Statements (Dr Sslahuddm/DI Aman)
«mm rerying on me maawear Ltmllafian Penod (mam. Inn")
35 The Tnable Issue xi mpponsd by the Vullnwmg evxdenoe and
(1) me nc was lonned by MOH and was headed ray 3 rained JCA
The Plamtifls knew al ms rarmanon N no am as mqmry,
(2) at the maIeria\ lime. Dv Se\ahudmn and Dr Amun were the
Jnhnre State Nsamw Dlremm and Haspnars vector
rssps1:|rva?y. In mher mm‘ Dr sawammuin and Dr Aman hs¥d
man was m MOH an meume ollhe maxmg enne Smemem:
my Sela)-mddm/Dv Amnn),
(3; me S(alamanIs1Dv Selahuddin/D7 Aman) weve made In the
ramny Members (6 Deceased Persons) 3| me Meelings
Minutes (Meetings) had been prepared by MOH n \s merevme
dear me: me Statements 10: Sehhuddxn/Dr Aman) weve
made In me course of mg empluymem or Dv Selahuddm and
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
up Aman The slalamenls (Dr Selanuddlrllflr Aman) were no:
made w9Hhe—cufl wimnul any lrllarltlnrl by me Delendanls Io be
no-um by Ike slalamanu (Dr Salahuddln/Dr Amanl and
(4) any reasonable clalmalll ln me woman oflha Plalnlllls who had
been Informed M me smemenls (Dr Selanudliln/Dr. Amanbl
would be lulled mm a lalsa pl onmplarerlcy la llle a sull -«er
ma pruparatmrl 01 ma ll<:'s Repon and aller me lapse 01 me
Thre>Vear Llmilatlorl Plrloli In mm won1I,Ihs Plalmiffs did
not file me 3 Suns WI m the was-vear Llmllallon Period
because ma vlamulls had yelled on me slalen-ems (Dr
Selahuddlrl/Dr Aman). ln lms sense‘ n ls alguable that the
nelemams are eslopbad by ma Statemenls lm
Selahuddlrl/Dr. Amanl [ram lelylug on me Thrac-:»Vaal
nanorl Parlod lo supper! me Deiendnnls' 3 Slrlkmg oul
Appllcancrlt consequenlly. me oumenls ol DY 5a\aVluddeen's
alfiuavn would have been hkaly up have a “deIumll'rllrlg
Influence’ on me 3 HC neclslona wllmn me meanlng of me 2"‘
Allematlve p lzw Corldillan)
as ln vlew arms maple lssue —
(1) n ls up: a plain and Dbvlnus case luv me H!) to strike om Ihe 3
Sulls - please refer lo we Judgmenl M me Supreme Cowl
uelwem by Mom Dzaluam SCJ la: he man was) in Bandar
aulluu sun arm a. on v Unlnd Malayan Banking
Carper-lion and 11993} 3 ML] 35, an -as,
l2) ma 3 sulls are neflher hlvalnus nor valiuous wnlun me
maanlng pro 18 r19(1)(|1)RC, and
-mp s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be up... w mm ms mm-y MIN: flan-mm VI] arlum pm
cwounns or JUDGMENT
A. Imvodunllgn
1 Tha above mree appeals (3 Appelln) use a navel queshon 01
whether me Federa\ eovemmm um Duf-lldlnl) may he emppea
by stalamenls made by‘ among amers‘ Johore Stale Hem Dvectur
mi Dolundanv.) hem re\ymg on me lmse~yeav «mnamm period
(mm-vur Llmitalion Plrind) pmweed m s 212) 01 me Public
Aumevmes Pmtzclmn Am 194: wrap.
a. Elclxground
2 we shah relarlo palllas as they wave nu ma Hugh com me)
3 A me luck: out on 25102016 (Fin) In me Vnlenuve Cale Uml
ucu) arsuuanan Ammah Haspna1,.Ienare Bahru moapnal)
4 sux pananls m me HaspI|al's mu perished m me Fire (6 naeund
5 The plmmms (Plainlilfih m the above three mils (3 sum) are me
panams and dependenls anhrae cute! me e Deceased Persons
5 The firs! defendant is me Hospital‘: wecoov wvme me we
dedandanl Is the Dweclnr-General 0! me Mmuscry av Heaun (MON)
Tm: wdgment snau uelena all me delendans cnI\ec|lva\y m mese 3
Apvfials as me “D¢fendanh"
7. Ana: the Fwe‘ MOH lnrmed a sevelunemher Vmiepsndsrll Inquiry
Camrnmes" In mqulre m|u me cause 0! the Fire arm to make me
IN LzxGcu5mEmNc1:wMvan.A
‘Nata Sum ...m.. M“ be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum ma
(3; me 3 Sulls do um cL7ns|llule abuse: cl cwrl proceas as
underslood in 0 1K r 19M ml) and o 92 r 4 no
|| is lo be born: m mm I1la|evanlVa pleaded clalm IS weak and ls
nal llxely to succeed, the us nol a ground m usell |l: s1nks am the
clalnl ~ sumraulla-r sun slm, al p 44 In any evenl, me Trlable
Issue can urlly be les/ah/ed at a vial and me: by way cl affidavll
I Shuuld Plan «in: In allowed up lmend me Blahmant: :1!
cl m soon
37 0 ‘K o 2 r l(z) and 0 15 v 95(1) RC Dmvlde as lulluws
‘o M In aanumu-my mm Rulcs, mo Cowl nr .
Judge mu nun mm to me nvomvlrlv lnlonrt ollusm nnd
nnl only (-2 m. lncnnlcnl nan-carnplllnzu mm mun Ruin
c 2, 1121 rm. mm are a Droeedlml made me subleu
in ma onmdlny an/mm cl emu"; m. Court to dual mm
uni /my m Plrvlts m Iwulm: to users: the Cam! in
mum mu uvlmdmq afljiclun
o 18r1P(7I me Cour! my u my sure am. mmalm
nrdlr tn 1:. mm nut ur umm any prualng M M:
uldornnmlz or any wm ln me mm, nr anyway in my
pl-ndmn arln rm .m:m.m.n; an m. gmurrd MIL
la; H melons no Iuasonabln cause of lclmn W nclsnce, as
Illa saw may De,
la; it is aundalous, Ilivolous or vezuuous,
N LZlGCu5vDEDrNC1:wMvdmA
we Sum mm. WW he HSQG m mm we nllmrullly MIN; dun-mm VII .mm mm
vs; 1: may are/um‘ embarrass or delay the mu m/ .1 me mm
(a; 1: la otmrwiu nu mm of um pm»: cl um com
um mly until u. Lllun In a. sum or aumrma nrludgmuvl
to an mxenunccomrngrx as In use my an
(emphasis added)
as n Is deemed by the HC m Yup Ch Koong Halrllnna sun Bhd v
Buamupulllan Avcnul Sdn ams{2o221e cm 754‘ an [ea], mat the
court he: ma lalluwmg fiva dmcrehcnaly powers under 0 1a rI9(1)
‘(:91 m courl nu ma vouowlng live dluravan-W
P°we:i Dursunnl In a m am Re
411 the cam! my am am a granny, nmdarsumsm‘ an . pumg,
in man ur eosmlwcralm.
:2; m. mun mly lllmv . pm, 1.: um; . pludlng
endotsemsnlon apisadmf. union arwunlscdarm‘
13/ me mun may slay an mm m.mmu.m.,
14) ms court may dlamrssun aclmn arcaunlerdarm W
15} I115 court may em aludamont m an amen ar munlemmm ‘
(emphasws added)
as In aowrdanoe mm 0 1A and o 2 r 142) Re, HC's discrefianaly
Dcvwers nummu to c 15 r «em RC should be axamsea mm
regm Io lhe ovemdmg waves: 0! msuce In me disposal nf ma 3
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
Appeals, by vlrlue cf 5 6911) cm, lne CA has all me powers 0! lne
M3. in View oi me slaiemenla (Dr selanuamn/Dr. many and lne
Tnable lseuel II is only ml lor in-a calm in grant leave under 0 15 V
will no rend wnn o \A and o 2 r 1(2) RC la: lne Plainlllvs Io
amend ma some so as M: include a plea g that me Delendanls
are aslnpped by me sialemenle lo: Salahulidlrl/Dr Amen) lmm
ielylng on me Three-Year Llmllalion Period 1EIIoppIl Finding)
Nu lnlusoce is owes-mien |c lne Deienannts by allowing me
Plaimms in amend me soc: be se —
in ma neienuancs are enlilied lo amend lnelr neaenoe Ill me 3
Suits wlln vegard lo the Esioppel Pleading‘ and
in lrresvscilve cl (he Esloppel Pleading‘ lne Delenuanlx ale at
lmeny in aelanu themselves al me lnal M me 3 sun: as may
see in
J. n I inn
41 Plemlsed on me above lessons and DY Selahuddeerfs amduvll
ma 3 Appeals aia allowed will. lna lullawinu nldel.
(1; me 3 HC‘s Decisions ale sex asidai
(2; ma 3 Suns are remilled in me H0 |a be mad belnm anumer
Judge at JC.
(3) leave if gramed In me 3 Plalnllila |n amend meir secs In
inciuue ine Eslanpel Pleading wilmn 14 dnys lrom liie date at
IN LZlGCu5vDEDfiNC1:wMvdmA
‘Nata s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be flied m mm ms nflfllnnflly MVMS dun-mm VI] .nune mm
the me: at mus com lwlm leave in me Delenaancs ca amenu
men Delenoe m we 3 suns in respunaa la me amended
la; coals ol the 3 Avbeals and Defendants‘ 3 Slllklllg om
Appllcallorls will follow me evenl ol me lrial ul me 3 Suits
com at Appeal, Malaysia
For me Appellants (3 Appeals) M: s Gunassgamn 4 Ms Tall PoAu
(Messrs Zamsn & Auocleles)
For me Rsspondsnls (3 Appsah) Puul Zahllah BI. Mohammad man
(SenlarFsdemI comer; A
Pusn Syezana Bl. Abdul Lufls
(Johan Stale Legalnamors crime;
IN l_2lGCu5vDEDlNEl zlwlvama
-we Smnl be flied m mm .. mm-y MIN: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
necessary lecornmerldallmls lo me 4'" uelanuant (Ilc) Ths llc was
headed by a relllad Judge cl Conn ol Appaal (JIM). mm‘ San
Mohd. Hllhamuflln am Mahd Vunus
a. In June 2019, IIC handed us report (lIC’: RlpuII)Io MOH unlllme
dale al lm: wnnen llldgmem, IlC's Report has ml baerl released co
Ihe pubhc
c. Lggll Emcacdingi
cm. 3 5
9 The Plaimms med the 3 suns ln me no on 2 9 2020
ID The Delendarus med wee awllcatlorls to strike am the 3 Sims on
ma glvund |ha( me 3 Sulls had been lnsmuled aflellhe axplry olme
Three-Veal Llmlla|iL7rI Perlod on 25.10 mm (Dal-nnanw J
Striklnu om App||::l|onI)
11 On 1522022 lhe learned lualclal Commlssloner (JD) nu ma HC
allaweu me Defendants‘ 3 Slliklng om Appllcamms mm ousls n1
Rn/l2.5uu.oo Io Ihe Delendams «or each ml the 3 sum; (3 no
Doclslonlj The Plalrmfls hava filed ms 3 Avnaals lo ma com or
Appeal (CA) agalnsl me cl HE Declalurls
:2 The Plairlliflx have applled to CA and obtained an aide! lor these :4
Appeals |n be heard logelher [Jolnl Hurlng (J AppulI)]
IN L2lGCu5vDEDrNE13wMvdmA
-um Sum ...m.. WW be HSQG M van; M nllglrullly MIN; dun-mm VIZ nrlum Wm
0(2). Joirn Nearing aggmlx
13 For (he vumose or me Joml Heanrrg rs Appeals), me Plamulfs man
was names of rrrouaa for weave or ca m adduoe an amaayn
arrrrrrraa an 54202: by Dr serarruaaeerr Em Abdm Am (Dr.
semruddurr) «or the purpose ol the rreanng or these 3 Appeals
[Flaintmf z um Applluuom (Dr. Sa\Ihudfle:n'1 -ma-yum
14 Dr selanuausaru amaavn surea as Iouows, among others‘
(1) Dr Selahufldaen was Juhcre srare Heallh Drrecmr from
February 2019 urml 0c1ober 2019‘
(2) belween February 2913 and Oclubav 2:219. Dr Salahuddeen
(as nrra man Johcre sure Heanrr Drrector) mer wrlh ranuxy
members or me 6 Deceased Persons Uncludmg me Prarnrws;
[Family mambm (s Dccaand Parsunlll mm or Aman Em
Rahu (Dr. Amln) (me Hasprcars Director ar mar me)
mleourrqs) Al me Meenngs »
(a) Dr selarwduoerr urevmaa uwanea to ma F.|mHY Members
16 Deceased Persons) regarmng me scams M lIC‘s mqmry
41:) Dr sarrrrruaaeerr and Dr Aman had mlmrned me Famfly
Members rs Deceased Pelsuns) man nor Report was nor
ready arm ma qaarcrorr or campsnsaung ma Farrriry
Members (5 Daueasad Ferrous) warm nmy be cnrwldared
by me 4'" Dersrruam arcer ma corrrprerrorr of use Repcn
[Slat-mlnh (Dr. Salahuddnnnlbr. Arnarrn and
rn LzrGcu5vDEDrNc1:wMvarrrA
-aaa sarm I-rrhnr M“ be used a mm a. nrVn\ruH|Y mm; dun-mrrl wa afluNG wrm
1c) mmulss 01 me Mamas were Drupared by MOH [mu-nu
(Moslingl)] but oy Selarmddsen eie rm! have Iocess In
me Mmulss lMseIings) as he had retired «mm public
service m Oclnber 2019‘
13) belore Dr Selahuddeerfs reuremem, he mended a MOH
meelmg cnmrea by me when Mmuoer ul Health and was
meermea eime fnHuwmg makers —
(3) me we Repurl had been prepaved and submmad xe
my me use Rspnrl coma nut be released 1» me publwc
becaun (he cums: had yet so spams :1: rebase, and
147 Dr Selnhuddsan coma not moo-m me ramw Members (6
Deceased Pars/ans) men me we Rzpun had been prepalvd
because he had already revnred
cm. Dnfundant e "an"
scuhuane nu ulllunvll
15 we lepruduee below me relevam parts 01 5 69 of me ceum av
Jumcaxure Ad 1964 (cu), : 7 :2! the was ol me com on Appeal
I9941RCA)and o 41 r 5 anhe Rules ev Cour! 2012018)
“S 522 cu Haring ereeeur.
m Au.»-us in m. Cnun a1Apa-nl mu .. by my aim-
nanny. and In Marlon to ma appeals the Caurl of Axum!
may run .u m. pawn! and mums, -Is to Imervdrrwrv! at
omeme ol the ma com. Rosana with ma cfisrrouon-rv
-we Sum ...m.. M“ be used m mm we nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG Wm
powlr lo mcuvu mun.’ Iwdunu by bra! aummulmn in mm or
lnmuwh a romule cammumcanorl ncnnmoyx by -mam: or by
nsposumn 1am Dsfum in lxarmnsr nrmmrmssnmar
/21 The tunnel evmeucn mly be won wanna: luv: an
Vrmfloculury zppllcltiunl, M m lrvy El . u Io mntor which
hm nccumd arm the am av mn dvcltlnrv mam wnrcn mu
lppullx hmuglll
(3; Upon appult hvm - Iudvm-In, me: am or holnrvg of
my own annmu upon m. mm, m. Iuvlnnrnvldmce, an
n to mums subuvu-nl as afannlfl, mu an flmmud an
Ipnclnl ground: my, Am! mzl v/imam my. cl m. cum of
mm Fuwwoiflaurl la amend admit Iurlmr tvltlmco
or dmw rnlsmnpee mm
m rn. Conn so-u nm ll! mu pawn: and mm 5: m
amendment or annwnse, emu -ppuwovm my» Court, lnylmnr
mm M: flfluullunlry pawn 4.. mcnvl Iunll-I vwdlnct by oral
sxammarmn m Cowl. by umvn or by debosmon taken bsfuvw .n
127 Such mm: nvldcnn my be glv-n wlllmm luv: an
mmvuuwry lF|)H:Ittun.I, at In Iny cu: . :2 muen which
Iv-n occurred mu m: can or can .1-c/unn mm mm,-n In-
appul :. bruuym
vs; I/Plan mum lmm ummom, am: may or Manny o!
my mm or nutkr upun m. mlnfl. mn Iurlnar wldmco,
m. u to mums suhzequenl Is -rmnm. mm M mntm
on men! ymunas onry. -nu nut wmum um aim: Court
(am at m. mung mm Appnl /man mm» mu not
be nlmllled umus m Cour! 1: mmm mm
vs; at an manna won an mgr: com! ar 1» subontmala
court. u m. can mly n. m. nnw .wa.m ms nu!
ma 1.: mi pm suklnfl in us. n, or max masonahh
«my-nu would nu! am ma. :2 so .
my m. rww .m.m, yr Inn, would Ivavn had ol would flaw
Dom may to but my . fllilrmlnlng nnnum. upon m.
declsinn clme mm. com or um suhordlnm court, as M:
can man.
a u r5RC comanu mmmn
m sun/-cc to am Vt. Mu 1(1) and 4(2), 2.; pmgr-pn
(2) a! mu ml: ma 2.; my my mnde anal: cum 1:, rule 5, M
mmm may cumm unly such fun! as rm a-par-an us my av
nu awn krmwlldgl la mm
42; An amdivll mm for ma purpau al D-my uud In
mtuflaculury pmzlldingl mny mm» um-maul: of
Womluion u bullllwtm m. mumu Ind ground: nmnr
(emphasis named)
15 The xeamea semor Fedam Cumin‘ mm: renrerented me
Delandzrns m mass 3 Apnealsr has opnosed the Plaxntflfs‘ 3 Leave
Apphcaticns (Dr Salahurideerfs amewn an the lolbwlng two
(1; me cements ol Dv Se\ammdeen‘s amam cnnsmuled hearsay
evidence and were not admissible m me 3 Appaaxs zwmding
men ysmac, and
mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
(2; even il Dv. Selahuddeerfs aifmawt am not oonlam muay
evmence, me coun should nut auaw me mainms In use Dr
Selahuddeerfs amdawl m m 3 Appeals Tm
wmems of D: Se\ahudr1aen's amdavfl um um ounssm the
Thraa»Yaar Llmnahon Penna and woum not have a
because we
'delemww1g Influence’ on me 3 Hr: necisms wilmn me
meanmg ol r 1(3A)(b) RCA
D. mgm 0 41 r gm RC um zdmiuion ul Dr. Sc|ahudd«n'I
17 RCA are sum regavdmg use or swam [or me menu; or appsah
m CA Conseuuenfly. r 4 RCA prev-ues that ac “shall apply munalts
I-numndIs' mm regard m Ihe questim at whether CA can take ima
aocounl me mmems ul Dr Sa\:huddoan'I amaavn In these 3
we H Dr sewamaasa-u amaawe Is admwssime as ‘h1rtnsrevIdsrme' m
me 3 Apnsaxs (blaase reler to Fans E and F below). we are or me
mew mat me cnnlenls av ny 5e\ahuddeen‘s amdawl may be
wnsldered by me CA The kmowmg masons support mus damsmn
(1) m Iukzi Corporlliun v DKSH lhlaynia sun Ehd [2016]
MLJU 521, at [16(2)]. mo HC has explumefl me scape at o 41 r
5(1) and (2) RC as lollaws -
“nsau omm mil 5(1) ac pmwflu In-1 m -ma-vln
may contain my such has n m. fllpmvlnl 1.1! m.
nmm r. .m. :71 m. at my own Anawtudan m wave In
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
| 4,441 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
TA-B52NCvC-10-11/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) KHAIROL ANUAR BIN SULONG 2. ) NURUL FARHANA BINTI YAHYA DEFENDAN 1. ) AHMAD NAUFAL BIN SA'ARI 2. ) SA'ARI BIN ABDULLAH | 1.Permohonan pihak plaintif untuk penghakiman terus ditolak. 2. Terdapat isu-isu untuk dibicarakan di dalam kes ini. 3. Saksi-saksi perlu dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan di Mahkamah.4. Oleh itu kes Plaintif bukan satu kes yg jelas bagi membolehkan penghakiman terus dimasukkan terhadap pihak Defendan-Defandan. | 02/11/2023 | Puan Norashima Bt Khalid | |
02/11/2023 09:45:30
TA-B52NCvC-10-11/2022 Kand. 34
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m—a52m:vc—1u—11/2022. Kand. :4
12,11/222129-4: an
mum MAHKAMAN §§svEN nl xunun gnzmssnuu
nnuu usazm mnsnrsmnu DARQL IMA'N unuvsu
smm N0 : YA-E52N§VC-10-1'/TANUN mg
1. KHAIROL ANUAR am summs
mo K/P: uwmmmszss)
(No K/P:un7au-1Msu; ...pumnr4=uuum=
mo KIP: 900321-11-5053)
(Pnmllik Tunggal P-mbagun nu a-mm Nlma
can Guy: Fzlnaron Emma“)
(No P-manaun ssm: znommnzs [rRmm+1s—1)>
(N0 Kl .s4as2u1-sorry ...nEFEMDAM-DEFEDIDAN
m In: Idalah rayuan yang dukemukakan om. pthek perayu P\aInM-plainlw
yang max berpuas nan dengan kepumsan Mihkamah pada 3 Okmber
202: yang mnnalak parmohonln pihak mam plamlil unmk
nanghlkmun Imus mamuul mm... m. Kaaflnh 1, Kaedzh-kaudah
Mnhkamah zmz sepemmana Kandungan 12 aengan kos sehanyak
RMZGDD on kepada pihzk Defendin-delendan.
{2} News permuhonzn vlhik F\amIil—p|aIrml upenmznz Kandungun I2
mamomn pennlah Mahkarnah rm saptm benkui
1 Daktatasn bahawa Plalnlw-plalnm selaku pemwk baldaflar znalan
bevhak kepada tamh mg dvkanah sabagar us»: 1317 PT232EEP
Dusunfiaiav. Muklm Kuala N-nus, Kuam Na'u:,Tenngg:nuDaN7
lman sun. mun" kcsangnvya
2 Ftnghuman Delendan-dehndan an Ianah Iersehul adalan szlah
nan mcruoskan sa|u penwobonan ke atas man rmllk Flamm-
3. Defsndandefondun hnmizklah dnlam tumor: :0 nan dinpldl
(ankh pangnsmmm mambah‘ mngalmnn samua suuklur hmaln
din mengnsongkan Ianah l.ersebu|
N Nv7wv2I«.aokRznpWLnZa
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
4. Daiundumelendan memblyar KnrugLs_n dan ganu rug!
peranlaraan mm: mm my aunanu men Pln1nm~p7zAn1il amm
penghuman salan din nenoembahzn oiah pmak Defendan-
deiendan m alas mnah |ersabul pm: kgdur RM2,0I7n.W sahulan
danuaaa mm. a Man 2022 snhmggl (mikn pengvvaluman flan
nlapts rlu samngga lankh Delendan-defendan mengalvhkan dan
mengnsnngkan sImk|u1 .1. was lanah tersehm
5. Dafemandefendan membayav ram»: ma kadar 5-/. mam» Iva
alas pumllh av (4) dan (ankh wm Saman semngga larllm
punghukmun pemm am muklamun.
6 Kosbagrpermahonan wudan:
7 Lam-Warn pennlahlrahel lam yang aunggap wan! flan rum
munanan olth Mihkamah
Amara alasan hag? permohonan pmak Plawml-p|aInI|lnda¥m'
1 Melahn saw panama Juzl Bail benankh 5 Men 2022, PIaIrml-
Plairmllelah memneti snhldang hnah yang oikenan sebanal us»:
1377 Pl'23Z96P Dusun Elszr, Mukwm Kuara News, Kuala Nerus.
Temngganu namx lman danplda penaml Puln Lujan bum Ismail
[pen1uaHe:sebu|)aengIn hnrga Dalian sebanyak amuommou
fl 5'“ “'£":”5"“‘§“"’W'"“" vamInsnr1g\nnHIyM1Ms W
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2 Hum dinpada lawman Plzlnlfl-p nm kg Iaplk unah lmsabul
mnaapan hahnwa leruapalsebuah Iumahdan prerms permigazn
yang dmunl am d’uz\anK3n oxen Demnaan Kedua (anpi mendapat
keoenaran aanpaaa nmak nenml «menu: den iuwa Flamm-
plamm '
3. Plamnf-y nwmmnuxunum men pnnwil tersehui hahuwa halmu
Mak parnah munyawakan am member! kabenaran axau
memzsulu sebarang peqanusn dengaan Delendarmetendan bagl
membenzrkan Danendarmeveman me«'n=ma stmkmv mmah dan
man than memsnyz mongmmi Ianah lnrsebu|
Komsauna. nun yllly dlruiuk
a. Non: permohnnan Kandungan 12.
a mum iokonuan Kandungan 11.
a Afidsvn ;awapan Kindungan 13
a Amm baluan Kandungln vs.
e AfidavI|balisan Kandungan16
¢. Afidavll lambnhnn Kandunnan :7
N.m..m,. Y‘/l
9 Hnuahan bemllss Flamfil Kamlungnn 19
n mnahan bemms Def Kandmgan 20.
. mnarnn berluhs Dalandnn Karvdungln 21
i Hmahan ba\asan mamm Kanflungln 23.
mngkmn lalarbelakang m
PIa.nu1»pIa.nurnannn msmbdl |anIh yang alkenali sebagal usm m7
PTZSZSEF Dusun Basal, Mmm Kuila News. Kua\a News, rmnggann
Darul lman danpada panama Puzn Lnan bum: Ismau (psniuzl cersanmy
melalul saw Penanuan Jual Eel: bcnankh 5 Mev 2022 flangan nary!
am some on
Slllruulnyua Plamul mendupuu llnnn (arsehm (zlah dmuduku clah
Dafundln-defendan yang «um maniaranuan nemlagaan a. pramis yang
dlhma an em Ianah lelsemn.
Mas alasanl . pmak Flam-plamnnaxan menunmldanpada newsman-
devenunn pmyuanan mllikan koiong Ianah Cevwbul kuplda mardna
bersam: pomhaylvan ganu mg: uaranlaman mosm yam am
an Nvvwvzimoknmptvlula
"Nuns am n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. annmun mm: dun-mm wa .num v-mm
nenghunian sahh am penmvobuhan Dulandanvéefendan a. Mu mm
mm PIamIAl-plmnul lersebul
Dnpllln Manklmlh
[51 Setelnn menellln kmawcenas kausa sane‘ n ma kadua-duz whak.
Mulknmuh mtmuluskan pgmmman pmak Ha-um-nnamm unluk
penghaiumln terns Iemldap pmx Delenda»-deiandzn auouk dengan
kos arebanyak RM3000 av.
Alasan-alasan Mahkarmh:
1 Bardusarknn rm. km, Mnhkamnn berpsgldapal Imdakan plhlk
planar-pl:-nmmmaan Delenuan-delenda-n um bukanlah saw kes
yang lelas bag: membmehkan penqhaklman Ierus menmul Away.
on Kaeda»-kaedah Mahkamah fiendah mmnukkan ke mar mhak
2 Daupada taxman: yang dinyzlakan m dalzm Afidavu-afvdawt
pmak P:am«n—mam«n clan Delendan-delennan‘ lardaml M-Vin
yang pm dwpmuskln um: ptmlngnllan salts:-saksu. Anllllnya
adnlah pefllud um um. panama Pn Lm nmn Ismall yang
dmyaukan uleh pmuk PIamM~plamuf kzanawa bellau (paws!
Imflkflm Y‘/l
lersehulj max psmah nlembanlvkun Dclendan-defnndzn
mendudulu unah larsebm mlnukala pmak Delsndan-dsfendan
pula menyalakan bahawa pequax Iavsehm mempunyai
pengennuan bsrkenzzn kedudukan newsman-cam-«an an alas
unah lersebu|
saw seunjumya yang peflu doanggi! adalah penama Mansor hm
Alv yang dmyavakan men phak Dnfendarmeiecudnn sebagax
pemlllk mu lanah Iunehm yuna man dkaleprkan kcpsnnngannyl
Ilas mam lnrsebm uk:ha| bnvllkunya /mm samua pembahagwan
lanah umsenux
Sekirinya sates:-uksw m. dapal membnvvkm klleringan semasa
plrmcavann penuh um. bolan d\sm\ ba\aI clan keduu-dun pm
P1aInm—p\mn(Il dan Defanann-dnfendan‘ Mahkamah skan
mendaua| gambaran secam nun jelas berlunlan >su yang Iimbul aw
datam findakan W.
a. Temanal Isu-M umuk a mrakan a. dllim kes mi mu. zmamnya
‘ Samaria plnlull u nu larnblfl vunu Puan Lush him:
lsmau mempunyaw pengslahuan (znlang muuukan
Delendan-dedemian flu alas um wersebm semasz
rnawd lanah uussbm kepada mhak FIamw.pmnm
sw Nv7nrv2I«.0okRznpWLnZa
«-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
sw mnmzmmmpm
u sa-um pcniuul l. in lug: msnganall Mansor um AH
yang ddakwa ael. plhak Delsndan-defendall «neg.-ll
pem herlifislal laruh lnrsebul din selemsnya
rnemberlkavl kebenaran kevada Defenflandaierldan
lmluk manauauklam marullzrlkan pemiagl n :1 ms
lunar: ms-nul
m sum. kebmaran yang allnrlnun aleh Mansor hm N1
ml kepada plhak Defendan-delendan Dig! mandudukl
(shah lersehul selak Juli: 2003 adalah ssh slau
iv. Samzda knduwkun nalanaammmman dl Ila: Ianah
yang dlhell oieh Plenum» plallfll adllan dlanglgan
senagnl psncsrohan a
v Ssmada Plainlllmlalnlfl bal_a_h merlunlul mesrre pm
dznpad: plhak Defendarvdelendan Jalam llndakan lni.
mm Sum! be flied M mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII .mm mm
4 Dengan aflnnya Isu-vsu -mm dlbmarlkln damn Hndakan .
Mahkamln herpe«flapa| hahawa lunlulan pmak PIa|n|\Ha|aHIlW
bemadap pxhak perzyu narenaan-ueveman bukanleh sua|u
nndskan yang was yang dapal mewapruan pmak mainm.pvamm
unmk memasukkan penghikiman mus nairma-p p m DailndIn-
dalenflnn dalum llnflakan um
Hanyz dalam ksskes yang Mas sens kelvadaan isu-xsu dan
pzmbslaan be<mevI( unluk dmlcarukan, maka mnyn an: n salu
m ylng sesuai unluk panghaklman mus
m Mahkamah mm manquk kes nus sum. M-mun: Sunken and vs
ran 5»: Dlln‘1lng nu Khllng [No 02004 suu 315 mu» mm 335
(flengan mm IP-I Ab-Mupuk J;
“The Fmnun case ag-Inn the deflndanr was clear cm and
mm was no Mum an an murits. lnflnd mi: wu : summi-
cu: Ilzr rltmmlryludgtrnon
N Nvmrvzlcnomm m
Nuns smm n-nhnrwmplxe m;'§’;: M, .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII .n.m pm.‘
[cs] Bemasarkan asasamassun .1: ares, Mnhkamah man mznulak
permomnan pmak Flamm ssoaqalminz Kandungnn 12 dangan kos
manyak RMC!0fl0.fl0
Tankh ma oxmw 2u23
(Norumma nu xmua;
Haldm Mlhkanuh Sesysn swu.
Kuau Terangganu
sw Nvvwvmommprmza
% mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 1,398 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 | PLAINTIF 1. ) Ryan Koh Yue Loong @ Koh Teck Loong 2. ) Tan Guat Lian DEFENDAN 1. ) Koh Shing Yee 2. ) Cheong Ali SinPIHAK KETIGAKOH CHING KEW | 1. The suits before this Court, pertains to competing claims by the parties (alleged survivors from three families) over the estate of the Kor Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew (the Deceased) who died intestate on 23.03.2019.2. After full trial, I find that the Plaintiffs and the intervener have failed to prove their case and it was dismissed with costs. 3 The Defendants counterclaim is allowed with costs and for damages to be assessed. | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Hayatul Akmal binti Abdul Aziz | |
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: WA-22NCVC-649-09/2019
(No. K/P: 640306-10-6365) … PENCELAH 20
Digabungkan dan dibicarakan dengan
SAMAN PEMULA No.: WA-31NCVC-702-04/2019
Dalam perkara harta pusaka Koh 25
Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew
(No. K/P: 430719-10-5509) (“Si Mati”)
Di dalam perkara Akta Probet dan
Pentadbiran 1959 30
Di dalam perkara Aturan 71 Kaedah 5
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
02/11/2023 16:23:54
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 Kand. 258
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WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
The suits before this Court, pertains to competing claims by the parties
(alleged survivors from three families) over the estate of the Kor Seng Kar
@ Koh Hai Sew (the Deceased) who died intestate on 23.03.2019. 45
[1] There are two suits to be heard and determined together, i.e.:
(a) Civil Suit No: WA-22NCVC-649-09/2019 (Suit 649); and
(b) Ex-parte Originating Summons No: WA-31NCVC-702-04/2019 (OS 50
Parties are as follows:
1.1 The First Plaintiff (P1) and Second Plaintiff (P2), [referred as the Ps,
collectively] claim to be the biological son and the lawful widow from
the Deceased’s 2nd marriage (customary) on 19.02.1988 that was 55
never registered in the Republic of Singapore.
1.2 The First Defendant (D1) and Second Defendant (D2) [referred as the
Ds, collectively] claim to be the lawful biological daughter and the
lawful widow from the Deceased's monogamous marriage registered
under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 on 04.05.1979 in Malaysia. 60
1.3 The Intervener claims to be the biological son from the Deceased's 1st
purported customary marriage to Ho Ah Nya @ Ho Cheng Bak (Ho Ah
Nya) in 1962-1963.
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WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
[2] The parties filed two (2) separate suits, as follows: 65
2.1 Civil Suit No: WA-22NCVC-649-09/2019 (Suit 649) filed by the Ps on
03.09.2019, seeking a declaration that P1 is the issue of the Deceased
and P2 as the lawful wife of the said Deceased and other prayers.
2.2 Ex-Parte Originating Summons No: WA-31NCVC-702-04/2019 (OS
702) filed by D1 on 16.04.2019 for a Letter of Administration (LA) of 70
the Deceased estate and P1 as the caveator.
2.3 Under a Consent Order dated 24.07.2020, OS 702 was consolidated
and to be heard together with Suit 649.
2.4 Under the Court Order dated 28.04.2021, the Intervener was granted
leave to intervene in the combined Suit of Writ 649 and OS 702. 75
2.5 For completeness, it is to be noted that the Defendants had in their
counter claim referred to another suit Originating Summons No: WA-
31NCVC-901-05/2019 (OS 901) filed by the Ps seeking a Letter of
Administration for the estate of the Deceased. However, this OS was
later withdrawn by them on 06.09.2019 with costs of RM2,120.88 paid 80
to the Ds.
Suit 649: 22NCVC-649-09/2019
[3] The Ps case:
3.1 Is anchored on the claim by P2 that she and the Deceased had allegedly 85
conducted a customary marriage ceremony on 19.02.1988 in the
Republic of Singapore.
However, it is to be noted that the evidence at the trial could not
definitively evince the supposed marriage. That said, the purported
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WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
customary marriage was never registered under the Women’s Charter 90
of Singapore as legally required, rendering it invalid.
3.2 Since that purported customary marriage, it is claimed that they
allegedly lived together in Singapore as husband and wife for over 30
years until the Deceased’s demise.
Again, evidence at the trial places substantial doubt on this claim. 95
3.3 P1 claimed to be the child/biological son of the Deceased from that
supposed customary marital union, though his birth certificate named
the Deceased’s adopted brother (Koh Seng Lee/PW1) who worked for
the Deceased, as his father.
Evidence at the trial is merely speculative, with no definitive evidence 100
that P1 is the biological offspring of the Deceased.
3.4 In defending the position he’s taken and to facilitate his case in insisting
that the Deceased was his biological father, one (1) month before he
filed Suit 649, P1 took out a suit in the High Court of Kuala Lumpur (No.
WA-22NCVC-543-08/2019 (Suit 543) against Koh Seng Lee (his uncle). 105
P1 secured an Order of the High Court on 10.12.2019 that:
(a) Declared Koh Seng Lee was not his father, and P1 is not the child
of Koh Seng Lee.
(b) Koh Seng Lee is to deliver within fourteen days from the order a
statutory declaration that he is not the father of P1. 110
(c) A mandatory injunction was granted to compel Koh Seng Lee to
remove his name from the birth certificate of P1 within fourteen
days of the Order, complying with all requirements of the
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore and
(d) Koh Seng Lee is to take a DNA test. 115
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WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
3.5 The Court records show that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) did not appeal
the findings of the High Court of Kuala Lumpur to the Court of
Appeal as an aggrieved party:
(i) I do take cognisance that throughout the course of the present trial, no
replacement/rectified Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births 120
from the relevant Singaporean Authority was adduced by P1 since the
Kuala Lumpur High Court Order was granted three years ago. The
Original Birth Certificate with Koh Seng Lee as the father remains on
official record in Singapore and herein in this proceeding. It has not
been proven otherwise with persuasive evidence. 125
(ii) This is a matter within the domain of the Singaporean Government. The
Order of the High Court of Kuala Lumpur on 10.12.2019 cannot be taken
to alter that position since P1’s Certificate of Extract from Register of
Births is an official document of the Government of the Republic of
Singapore. This legal issue must necessarily involve the reciprocal 130
enforcement of foreign judgments (Kuala Lumpur High Court Order) in
(iii) There is no evidence that it was done. It cannot be that the High Court
Order was merely taken for the purpose of the present proceeding and
was never intended to be ultimately taken up with the Singaporean 135
Authority for whatever reason. If so, that can amount to an abuse of
process, as it reflects poorly on the intent of P1 and Koh Seng Lee. If
the findings in Suit 543 are to stand legal scrutiny. It must be ultimately
addressed and determined by the relevant Singaporean Authority on
the matter leading to the rectification of the Register of Births concerning 140
(iv) There is no convincing evidence before me during the trial.
(v) It begs the question:
Why was this legal issue that is serious in nature in attempting to vary
an official document issued by the Government of Singapore, not raised 145
in the High Court in the Republic of Singapore?
(vi) Notwithstanding the said High Court of Kuala Lumpur Order dated
10.12.2019, as it stands, on the official record, Koh Seng Lee remains
the father as named in the Certificate of Extract from Register of Births
(No: S8908403B, Enclosure 95, p.440) of P1 issued by the Registrar of 150
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Birth unless a new rectified Certificate of Extract from Register of Births
by the relevant Singaporean Authority is produced to state expressly
(vii) Consequently, it is my considered view that even the self-serving
Statutory Declaration by P1 on 18.04.2019 (enclosure 92, p.31) that the 155
Deceased was his biological father cannot alter the Certificate of Extract
from Register of Births No: S8908403B by the Singaporean
Government. To take a legal position that it has would be a grave error
in judgment. In the circumstances, it has no probative value for the
purpose. 160
3.6 In OS 702, P1, as the caveator in opposing D1’s application for the LA,
he alleged that the Ds had acted oppressively and unfairly against the
Ps by depriving their rights to be the administrators of the Deceased’s
3.7 P1 and the Deceased had allegedly lived together as father and son for 165
more than 30 years (unproven at trial) since P1 was born until the
Deceased’s demise on 23.03.2019.
[4] Briefly, the Ps in Suit 649 claims in the Writ of Summons and
Statement of Claim as follows: 170
“a) Perintah deklarasi bahawa Seksyen 5 Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang
(Perkahwinan dan Perceraian) 1976 yang melanjutkan bidang kuasanya di luar
Malaysia adalah diluar bidang kuasanya dan adalah salah dan tidak boleh
dikuatkuasakan ke atas Plaintif Kedua yang pada setiap masa material adalah
diluar bidang kuasa; 175
b) Perintah deklarasi bahawa undang-undang yang menyekat, menghalang
dan/atau melucutkan hak waris seseorang anak luar nikah atas alasan beliau
adalah anak di luar nikah adalah menindas ("oppressive"), tidak adil
("injustice"), diskriminasi, salah, bercanggahan dan bertentangan dengan Artikel
8 Perlembagaan Malaysia, adalah undang-undang buruk ("bad law') dan 180
bertentangan dengan keadilan asasi ("against natural justice")·dan adalah
terbatal dan tidak boleh dikuatkuasakan ("null and void'');
c) Perintah deklarasi bahawa Akta Pembahagian 1958, terutamanya Seksyen 3 dan
6, tidak boleh ditafsirkan bagi maksud menyekat, menghalang dan/atau
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melucutkan hak waris seseorang anak berdasarkan status undang-undang atau 185
klasifikasi/golongan anak tersebut dan tafsiran tersebut adalah menindas
.("oppressive"), tidak adil ("injustice"), diskriminasi, salah, bercanggahan dan
bertentangan dengan Artikel 8 Perlembagaan Malaysia, adalah undang-undang
buruk ("bad law') dan bertentangan dengan keadilan asasi ("against natural
justice") dan adalah terbatal dan tidak boleh dikuatkuasakan ("null and void''); 190
d) Perintah deklarasi bahawa perkahwinan antara Si Mati dan Defendan Ke.2
telahpun dibubarkan apabila Si Mati meninggal dunia pada 23.03.2019;
e) Perintah deklarasi bahawa setelah perkahwinan antara Si Mati dan Defendan
Ke-2 dibubarkan apabila Si Mati meninggal dunia pada 23.03.2019, Defendan-
Defendan tiada hak untuk mewaris atau memohon surat kuasa wakil bagi harta 195
pusaka Si Mati;
f) Perintah deklarasi bahawa perkahwinan di antara Si Mati, dan Plaintif Ke-2
adalah sah mengikut kepercayaan, adat istiadat dan/atau budaya mereka yang
terpakai pada masa itu·
g) Perintah deklarasi bahawa Plaintif Ke-2 adalah isteri sah kepada Si Mati; 200
h) Perintah Deklarasi bahawa Plaintif Pertama adalah anak (kandung lelaki
dan/atau zuriat dan/atau keturunan dan/atau baka dan/atau "issue" kepada
kepada Si Mati;
i) Surat Kuasa Mentadbir bagi harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew (No.
K/P: 430719-10-5509) yang tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif secara 205
j) Plaintif-Plaintif diiktirafkan sebagai benefisiari dan waris kadim bagi harta pusaka
Koh Seng Kar @ Koh·Hai Sew (No. KIP: 430719-10-5509), Si Mati yang
dinamakan di atas, dan nama Plaintif-Plaintif dimasukkan dan dinyatakan
sebagai benefisiari dalam senarai benefisiari bagi harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ 210
Koh Hai Sew (No. KIP: 430719- 10-5509), Si Mati;
k) kos; dan.
l) apa-apa relif dan perintah lain yang dianggap sesuai dan patut oleh Mahkamah
Yang Mulia ini.”
4.1 The witnesses for the plaintiffs are as follows:
PW1 - Koh Seng Lee;
PW2 - Tan Beng Kiow;
PW3 - Cheng Chin Yong;
PW4 - Tan Guat Lian (P2); and 220
PW5 - Ryan Koh Yue Loong @ Koh Teck Loong (P1).
4.2 The witnesses for the defendants are as follows:
DW1 - Cheong Lai Sin (D2);
DW2 - Koh Shing Yee (D1);
DW3 - Teo Siok Khoong; and 225
DW4 - Poonam Lachman Michandani.
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WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
4.3 The witnesses for the Intervener are as follows:
IW1 - Ho Hock Keong;
IW2 - Koh Ching Kew;
IW3 - Koh Sing Puck; and 230
IW4 - Koi Ah Long.
[5] After perusing and considering all the evidence, relevant cause papers
and the respective written submissions/replies by the learned counsels on
07.09.2023, I find that: 235
5.1 The Ps and the intervener failed to discharge their burden to establish
their case with compelling evidence.
5.2 Their claims were dismissed with costs:
(i) as against P1-P2: global costs of RM100,000.00 to be paid to
D1- D2 within 30 days; and 240
(ii) against the intervener RM15,000.00 to be paid to D1-D2 within
30 days.
5.3 The Ds counterclaim is allowed with costs and for damages to be
assessed. Prayer (c) interest at 5%. However, prayers d, e, and f are
disallowed (no appeal was filed by the Defendants). 245
5.4 D1’s application for the Grant of LA in OS 702 is allowed with costs.
[6] Dissatisfied with the above decisions, the plaintiffs and the intervener
are appealing against the said decisions. Since both suits were jointly tried
and to avoid duplicity, I will only prepare a single judgment and my reasons 250
are as follows:
[7] The brief facts are as follows:
7.1 From the parties' cause papers, it has been discerned that: 255
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WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
(a) The Deceased, born in Pulau Ketam in 1943, was a Malaysian
citizen and domiciled in Malaysia. The Intervener claims that
sometime in 1962-1963, the Deceased and one Ho Ah Nya
underwent a customary marriage in Pulau Ketam (1st Marriage). 260
This purported union resulted in the alleged birth of the Intervener
on 06.03.1964 (Intervener’s Birth Certificate at PDF 5, pg.2,
Enclosure 179). Sometime in 1968, the Deceased left Ho Ah Nya
and Pulau Ketam and never returned.
(b) The Deceased married D2 in 1973 in a customary Chinese tea
ceremony in Singapore (PDF 48-49, pp 459-460, Enclosure 95).
Six years later, on 04.05.1979, this 2nd marriage was registered in
Malaysia under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 (The Marriage
Certificate: PDF6, pg.417, Enclosure 95). D1 was later born on 270
27.07.1980 from this marital union (Birth certificate: PDF7,
pg.418, Enclosure 95), with the Deceased confirmed as the father.
(c) The Ps took the position that sometimes on 19.02.1988, the
Deceased allegedly took a 3rd marriage when he and P2 275
underwent a purported customary tea ceremony in Singapore (Ps
Statutory Declaration: PDF43-86, pp.34-78, Enclosure 92). On
08.05.1989, P1 was born, but his Certificate of Extract from the
Register of Births indicates that Koh Seng Lee (the uncle) is his
father (Certificate of Extract from Register of Births No: 280
S8908403B: PDF29, pg.440, Enclosure 95).
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I take cognisance, as pointed out by the learned counsel for the
Ds, that:
(i) The deponents of the Statutory Declarations (witnesses listed
by the Ps) to support the alleged 3rd customary marriage 285
between the Deceased and P2 were not called by the Ps.
(ii) I also take cognisance that the witness who claimed to be the
photographer who allegedly took photos of the purported 3rd
marriage was also not called.
(iii) The witnesses listed by the Ps, supposedly the interpreters 290
who prepared the translation and transcripts of the recordings
in the CDs marked as IDP1-6, were also not called.
In the circumstances, those issues above in this trial remained
unproven for the Ps case.
(d) The crux of the suit before the Court, therefore, pertains to 295
competing claims by these three families over the estate of the
(i) 1st purported customary marriage in Pulau Ketam Malaysia,
1962-1963, being pursued by the Intervener.
(ii) 2nd customary marriage in Singapore in 1973, but registered 300
on 04.05.1979 under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 in
Malaysia being pursued by Ds, and
(iii) 3rd purported customary marriage in Singapore, 19.02.1988,
that was not registered under the Women's Charter of
Singapore being pursued by the Ps. 305
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7.2 During the course of the proceeding, the Federal Court ruled in Tan
Kah Fatt & Anor on the position of an illegitimate issue in the estate of
the deceased’s father. I had then instructed parties to examine how
the Federal Court ruling in Tan Kah Fatt & Anor v Tan Ying [2023] 2
MLJ 583, FC could impact the outcome of the present proceeding. In 310
that case, the FC observed:
(i) That an illegitimate issue is entitled to inherit from the deceased parent’s
estate under sections 3 and 6 of the Distribution Act 1958.
(ii) It further observed that accepting the testimonies of the illegitimate issue’s
mother and paternal grandparents that the mother had a reasonable belief 315
(at the time of the solemnisation of the marriage) that the marriage was valid,
the issue was a legitimate child who was entitled to inherit under her
deceased father’s estate. Applying s.75 LRA 1976.
(iii) The FC overruled the HC and CA’s determination that the Child was
illegitimate because her parents’ Chinese customary marriage was not a 320
valid marriage under the LRA 1976 and, as such, was not entitled to inherit
under sections 3 and 6 of the Distribution Act 1958.
(iv) The FC opined that the “issue” concerning the deceased did not depend on
the legitimacy of the issue or the descendant of the deceased. The Court
adopted the purposive approach to interpretation over a literal interpretation 325
of the Distribution Act 1958.
(v) It reasoned that the word ‘includes’ in the definition of ‘issue’ suggests an
enlarging or non-exhaustive definition and is intended to “expand or enlarge
the category of persons who may succeed or inherit, consonant with the
purpose” of the DA 1958. In contrast, the more definitive or comprehensive 330
word ‘means’ is used in the definition of ‘child’. The Court concluded from its
survey of the respective dictionary definitions of ‘issue’ in relation to the
deceased that the term ‘issue’ “suggests descendants by blood lineage, not
dependent on the matter of legitimacy of the descendant”. The DA 1958 does
not, whether expressly or by implication, state that only legitimate children 335
may inherit in the case of intestacy.
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7.3 The position taken by the learned counsels of the parties herein on
Tan Kah Fatt & Anor, FC, on the outcome of this present proceeding
are as follows: 340
(a) The Ps:
(i) The learned counsel argued that the FC had clarified the inheritance
rights of children born in void marriages. It will benefit many children of
void marriages. It would protect children’s rights and not be
discriminated against simply because their parents were not legally 345
(ii) It is a positive development for the law of succession in Malaysia.
(iii) The FC ruling in Tan Kah Fatt & Anor is binding on this Court since the
Ps case is closely like it. Stare decisis applies.
(b) The Intervener:
(i) As with the position the Ps took, the learned counsel for the Intervener
submitted that stare decisis applies to this Court.
(c) The Ds: 355
(i) The learned counsel for the Ds took the legal position and strongly
argued that Tan Kah Fatt & Anor does not apply to the facts of the
present case, whose views provided some valuable food for thought
and interesting insights from the legal perspective of a senior legal
practitioner in family matters, and its continuing development 360
notwithstanding the binding effect of the FC ruling.
(ii) The learned counsel, in distinguishing facts, in a nutshell, respectfully
argued that:
(a) The per-incuriam decision by the FC goes against legislation
precisely placed to deal with the issue of succession rights of 365
illegitimate children.
(b) There is no ambiguity in Sections 3 and 6 of the Distribution Act
1958. The word "issue" in Section 6 must be read together with
Section 3 of the Distribution Act provides:
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"child" means a legitimate child, and where the deceased is 370
permitted by his personal law, a plurality of wives includes a child
by any of such wives but does not include an adopted child other
than a child adopted under the provisions of the Adoption Act
1952 [Act 257].
"Issue" includes children and the descendants of deceased 375
She cited Re Tan Cheng Siong Deed; Charles Clement
Dunman v Tan Seng Hwee; Tan Chin Tuan [1937] 1 MLJ 87,
per McElwain CJ said that there is no doubt that the ordinary 380
meaning of "child" is a person born by a woman to her lawful
husband. A bastard, annulus filius, is not a son….as said by
Arden M.R. in Godfrey v Davis 6 Ves Jun 43 noted that "Such
persons only could be intended, who could entitle themselves as
children by the strict rule of law; and no illegitimate child can claim 385
under such a description unless particularly pointed out by the
(c) The term “issue”, as it is, already had a more comprehensive
application than “children”. It includes all lineal descendants of the
legitimate child(ren), i.e., children, grandchildren, and great-390
grandchildren. Because it does not include illegitimate children, it
would not be rendered ‘otiose and redundant’.
(d) The Distribution Act 1958 contemplates a situation where the
deceased and the person they leave behind were married. The
references to "child," "children", and "issue" must necessarily refer 395
to the legitimate daughter or son of that marriage and their
descendants. The context would militate against reading the word
"issue" to include an illegitimate child of the deceased with another
woman or man to whom the deceased was never married. Under
common law, reference in a statute to "child" or "children" would 400
prima facie mean a legitimate child or legitimate children: see
Galloway v Galloway [1956] AC 299 at 316 (per Lord Oaksey), at
318 (per Lord Radcliffe and at 323 (per Lord Tucker).
(e) The learned counsel argued further that the position taken by the
FC in Tan Kah Fatt on the interpretation of “issue” and/or “children” 405
would render redundant other legislation in the country. When a
child is illegitimate, its mother would be the sole guardian to the
exclusion of the father. Section 11 of the Legitimacy Act 1961
allowed an illegitimate child to inherit from the mother's estate, but
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only if the mother did not have other legitimate children. Section 6 410
of the Legitimacy Act 1961 was to legitimise a person so that they
may inherit under their parents’ estate. In this premise, if an
illegitimate child is permitted to inherit without being legitimised,
section 6 would be redundant.
(f) Section 13 of the Births and Death Registration Act 1957 only 415
permits a father to be named on an illegitimate child’s certificate if
it is at the joint request of the mother.
(g) Section 1 of the Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 distinguished
between guardians of legitimate and illegitimate children. In this
case, the former is the father, and the latter is the mother. 420
(h) To date, illegitimate children cannot be conferred citizenship by
their father because of this: CTEB & Anor v Ketua Pengarah
Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia & Ors [2021] 4 MLJ 237, FC.
(i) The learned counsel also argued that in the context of the inter
vivo transfer of immovable properties from a parent to a child, the 425
exemption of stamp duty under the Stamp Duty (Exemption)(No.3)
order 2023 might only benefit legitimate children, stepchildren, or
legally adopted children. Notably, illegitimate children are excluded
from such exemption of stamp duty.
(j) It was further argued that Article 8 of the Federal Constitution of 430
Malaysia deals with equality, which was amended to prohibit
discrimination. It has no application concerning personal law. Article
8(5)(a) clarifies that the Article does not invalidate or prohibit any
provision regulating personal law.
(k) By Article 8(5)(a), any provisions regulating personal law, including 435
questions of marriage, divorce, and succession, even if
discriminatory, are not invalidated or prohibited. As the issues
of marriage and succession fall within areas of personal law,
Article 8 has no part to play in the matter. Article 8(2) of the
Federal Constitution further permits discrimination against non-440
citizens. Thus, there is no breach of any of the Ps' constitutional rights
as alleged.
(l) In children born out of wedlock, the father is under a limited legal duty
to an illegitimate child. He must only provide maintenance by Section
3 of the Married Women and Children (Maintenance) Act 1950. 445
(m) The learned counsel made her argument that applications by
illegitimate children competing with the claims of legitimate
children, whether under a will or intestacy, unnecessarily burdens
the courts and causes profound injustice to the legal expectations
of the legal wife and legitimate offspring by rendering the 450
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succession law uncertain, particularly if they may not know any
other illegitimate dependants who might still make succession
(n) In Singapore, the default position is still that illegitimate children
are not entitled to inherit in respect of their parent's estate. 455
However, the High Court and Court of Appeal have called upon
Parliament to consider changes to be made to the distinction
between legitimate and illegitimate children: AAG v Estate of
AAH [201O] 1 SLR 769 at [41]-[43].
(o) The learned counsel went further to point out that in other 460
jurisdictions, the entitlement of illegitimate children to inherit has
explicitly been legislated for, like in the United Kingdom (UK)
via the Family Law Reform Act 1987, Hong Kong via the
Intestates' Estates Ordinance (IEO). It was also noted that
the UK and Hong Kong laws especially provide that the rights 465
under the intestacy of a person dying before the relevant sections
come into force remain unaffected.
(p) It was also argued that some of our laws have already been
amended. Section 75 of the LRA 1976 recognises an otherwise
illegitimate child to be legitimate if the parents were under a 470
reasonable belief that their marriage was valid. Its wording is like
Section 1 of the UK's Legitimacy Act 1976.
(q) Tan Kah Fatt & Anor, in paragraphs [97] to [100], considered
and applied Section 75(2) to find the second appellant to be a
legitimate child and entitled to inherit. This was not the case in 475
the present proceeding.
(r) Section 18 (2A) UK Family Law Reform Act 1987 even makes
special provisions for children born of surrogacy and artificial
insemination, who would otherwise be entitled to inherit from their
biological parents' estates. However, this was not considered in 480
Tan Kah Fatt (supra). As it stands now, even a child born from a
surrogacy arrangement or sperm/egg donors will have a right to
inherit from their unknowing / unsuspecting parents.
(s) In her closing arguments, the learned counsel emphasised that the
separation of powers should be fortified. The Court's powers are 485
confined to interpreting legislative and constitutional provisions. It
ought not to encroach into legislative powers within the strict
purview of Parliament. Though Tan Kah Fatt & Anor is a Federal
Court decision, it may be revisited in future cases with similar facts
as the plethora of authorities had shown: PP v Kok Wah Kuan 490
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[2008] 1 MLJ 1, FC; Asean Security Paper Mills Sdn Bhd v.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (Malaysia) Bhd [2008] 6 CLJ 1, FC.
(t) The learned counsel asks that the Ps and the Intervener’s claim of
inheritance under the deceased’s estate in Suit 649 ought to be
dismissed, and D1’s application for the LA in OS 702 is allowed. 495
[8] I observed the Ps' arguments in canvassing and ventilating for their
position in Suit 649 and OS 702 as follows:
8.1 It is the position of P1 that the Deceased and P2 married customarily 500
on 19.02.1998 and have cohabited as husband and wife for more than
thirty years since then in the Republic of Singapore. P1 was born a
year after the marriage on 05.03.1989 (Certificate of Extract from
Register of Births: L95, pg.440). P1 claims that the Ds has denied his
right to be the administrator of the Deceased's estate. The Ps seek an 505
order from the Court to place and cement their position in the
Deceased's estate.
However, as I have observed and addressed in paragraph 3.4 hereof:
(a) The Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births stated that
Koh Seng Lee (PW1) is the father of P1. Notwithstanding the 510
10.12.2019 High Court of Kuala Lumpur Order finding that Koh
Seng Lee is not the father, nothing has been done by either P1 or
Koh Seng Lee to rectify the Singaporean Certificate of Extract
from Register of Births or to bring up this matter with the relevant
Singaporean Authority. There is no evidence from either party that 515
it had been done.
(b) For all intent and purpose, Koh Seng Lee remains on Singapore's
official record as the father of P1. It is my view that fact cannot be
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ignored. That the said Koh Seng Lee has been complicit in the
Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births of P1 debacle for 520
the past thirty-plus years, and necessarily with the knowledge of
P2 as the mother of P1, gives me grounds for concern about the
veracity of their evidence.
(c) The High Court Order of 10.12.2019 was explicit in ordering
(mandatory injunction) that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) must remove his 525
name from the Register of Births in Singapore within fourteen days
from the date of that Order, and P1 has done nothing about it since
more than three years ago.
(d) In his evidence, P1 said that he did not know of the contents of his
Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births, that he doesn’t 530
know Kho Seng Lee was named as his father. I find the evidence
too far-fetched to be believed. The Certificate of Birth is an
essential, primary document you must use as you grow up in
Singapore or Malaysia for education, work, etc.
(e) Claiming complete ignorance of Koh Seng Lee being the named 535
father for over thirty years in the birth certificate, premised on the
facts before me, is just so improbable. This outright denial does
not assist, nor does it augur well for the credibility of P1.
(f) This does not augur well for their credibility, nor does it instil
confidence in the truth of their evidence before me. In the 540
circumstances, I read the facts against P1 and Koh Seng Lee
(PW1), who appear to be acting in concert. I will regard the official
document of the Government of Singapore (the Certificate of
Extract from Register of Births No: S8908403B, in Enclosure 95,
p.440) as still valid and subsisting unless official evidence from the 545
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Singaporean Authority to the contrary is produced.
(g) It is my considered judgment that the Kuala Lumpur High Court
order of 10.12.2019, though valid and enforceable in Malaysia,
unless it is set aside, varied, or stayed, it cannot, however,
invalidate an official governmental document of a foreign 550
sovereign nation.
(h) Save for the Intervener; all other parties (the Ps and the Ds) are
Singaporean nationals in this proceeding.
(i) As for the customary marriage of P2 to the Deceased, it is
irrefutable at the trial that the said union was never registered 555
under the Singaporean Women’s Charter as required by the law
in the Republic of Singapore. DW4: Ms Poonam Mirchandani (an
Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore), an
expert from Singapore, gave evidence that the purported
customary union of P2 and the Deceased is void since it was never 560
registered under the Women’s Charter. I find this evidence to be
relevant to this proceeding and admit the evidence of the said
expert. I see no basis for the objection by the Ps to exclude it. In
the circumstances, irrespective of the duration (alleged over thirty
years) that the Deceased cohabited with P2 in the customary 565
union, it was still not sanctioned by the law in Singapore for failure
to register.
(j) With the unregistered status of the purported customary marriage
of P2 to the Deceased confirmed, any child born from such a
marriage in the circumstances would not be legitimate in 570
Singapore, just as it is in Malaysia under section 22(4) LRA where
it says expressly that every marriage purported to be solemnised
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in Malaysia shall be void unless a certificate for marriage or a
license has been issued by the Registrar or Chief Minister or a
statutory declaration under sub-section (3) has been delivered to 575
the Registrar or Assistant registrar, as the case may be.
(k) However, it must be pointed out that, illegitimate or not, when there
is doubt about the child's lineage, it would be required to be
satisfactorily proven that the child is the biological offspring of the
Deceased. This doubt is created by the official Singaporean 580
Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births, which clearly says
that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) is the father of P1. To date, there is no
other official document from the Singaporean Authorities to state
otherwise as it involves their national. The Kuala Lumpur High
Court order of 10.12.2019 cannot officially or unofficially alter that 585
official Singaporean position. If that biological connection (the
illegitimate biological offspring of the Deceased) cannot be
conclusively established, Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra) would not
(l) As I have addressed the position of the Intervener in this 590
proceeding, there is no other definitive evidence to establish P1
as a lineal descendant (biological offspring) of the Deceased than
a relationship DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) report that would
constitute compelling evidence for genetic or hereditary
information (paternity/ancestry testing): 595
(i) But there is none in this proceeding.
(ii) Talking about or being willing to do is not sufficient.
(iii) It is the Ps suit, and P1 must manage how best to do it. The Court will
not conduct his case for him.
(iv) As the cumulative evidence stands in this proceeding, I am in doubt 600
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as to the lineage of P1 to the Deceased. Irrespective of how much time
the Deceased spends with P1 (that remains unproven), as alleged, it
is inconsequential if the biological link cannot be established for
succession purposes.
(v) What the Ps have offered thus far is fundamentally speculative 605
evidence at best in the hope that it is sufficient to tilt the scale of
evidence. Well, legally, it doesn’t for this proceeding.
(vi) I agree with the learned counsel for the Ds that the burden lies on the
Ps to prove their assertion that P1 is the biological offspring of the
Deceased (s.101 Evidence Act 1950). 610
(vii) The Ps could have applied for a Court Order to compel the DNA test
by the parties, but that was not done.
(viii) Adverse inference against the Ds is unjustified in the circumstances.
(ix) The burden of proof lies on the Ps throughout the proceedings.
(m) That said, there is also no evidence that the Deceased had lawfully
adopted P1 to protect the interest of P1 considering the status of
an unregistered customary marriage in Singapore, there is no
conclusive evidence save for bare assertions of any purported
gifts of property (movable or immovable) before death to P1 by the 620
Deceased, and there is no convincing evidence to show that the
Deceased expressly brought P1 into his life and his work, as the
Deceased did with D1 and D2. It is sad to say, but those are the
facts which cannot be denied.
8.2 During the trial, I directed the parties to submit on the admissibility of
the audio-video recording (IDP1-IDP6) tendered by P1 to support his
case. P1 argued:
(i) Cited s.3 Evidence Act 1950 that the audio-video recording
constitutes a document under the EA 1950. Therefore, s.90A EA 630
applies to IDP1-IDP6, where a certificate under s.90A had been
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submitted as Exhibit P8, enclosure 202. Tan Guat Lian (P2) was
called to testify as she did the recording using her mobile phone.
(ii) The phone was produced in Court for inspection but could not be
powered on. The original contents have been lost for examination. 635
The Ps argued that IDP1-IDP6 should nevertheless be admitted
as secondary evidence under s.65(1)(c) EA 1950.
(iii) Therefore, the objections the Ds raised should be denied.
(iv) The transcripts for the video recordings in IDP1-IDP6 were agreed
to be placed in Part B Documents, which would still require its 640
contents to be proven. IDP1-IDP6 are recordings purportedly of
P1 and the Deceased.
(v) Though the video recordings were referred to during the trial, it
has not been admitted as exhibits for this proceeding. The Ps pray
that IDP1-IDP6 be admitted. 645
I observed:
(a) The video recordings were edited into IDP1-6 segments when it
was evident that it was a continuous recording. The Ds learned
counsel pointed out that the recording was for a continuous
recording on the same day, while IDP5 appears to have been 650
taken on a different day. The Ps have yet to offer a plausible
explanation for why the recordings were edited into five segments.
The Ds’ counsel further pointed out that IDP1-6 were placed in
Part C Documents in 2020, which require proof of both source and
content. But on 09.03.2023, on the 7th day of the trial, the Ps 655
informed the Court that the device could no longer be powered on.
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(b) The learned counsel for the Ds argued that notwithstanding the
s.90A certificate by P2, the edited recordings should not be
admitted because they do not provide complete, accurate or
reliable evidence. She cited: Dato Kanalingam a/l Vellupillai v 660
Majlis Peguam Malaysia [2022] 3 MLJ 699, CA said that it is
authentic as in a precise reproduction of the event and the
relevant contents have not been tampered with unless the
appellant is saying that the part not produced would exonerate
him. In Mohd Ali Jaafar v PP [1998] 4 CLJ SUPP 208, HC, it 665
was noted that the tapes' integrity, accuracy, and continuity were
relevant and admissible. There must be no tampering. In Lim
Peng Hock & Anor v Chuah Peng San & Anor [2021] 1 LNS
119, CA, it was ruled that the Court cannot take it lightly as to
digital evidence. It is very fragile and could be easily altered. 670
Therefore, the issue of authenticity and reliability are essential for
digital evidence. The plaintiffs had not proved the issue of non-
(c) The learned counsel of the Ds further drew the Court’s attention
to the fact that there is no proof adduced to confirm the identity of 675
the voice recorded in IDP1-6 was that of the Deceased. Citing Lim
Peng Hock & Anor (supra), the law requires the voice of the
speaker to be duly identified, and since the 1st defendant disputes,
strict proof is necessary to determine the identity of the speaker
(PP v Zul Hassan & Anor [2013] 7 CLJ 141). It was said in Mohd 680
Ali Jaafar (supra) that proof of identity of the conversation is the
most crucial element to be established when introducing evidence
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of a tape recording. Therefore, it was argued that IDP1-IDP6
should not be admitted as exhibits.
(d) Considering the arguments and respective positions taken by the 685
parties, I believe the integrity of the IDP1-IDP6 is suspect. Without
the original continuous recording, it would be impossible to
compare and ascertain its authenticity and degree of tempering, if
any. When the continuous recording has been cut/edited into six
parts, it would have involved some element of editing, no matter 690
how you argue it. Without editing works, it cannot be segmented
into six pieces. As the Court of Appeal in Lim Peng Hock (supra)
said, the Court must exercise caution when dealing with digital
evidence as it is susceptible and prone to digital alteration. I
observed that with today's sophisticated equipment and 695
technology, once the audio-video recordings are digitised, they
can be edited and altered to angle support to any proposed issue
or purpose.
(e) Therefore, it is my considered judgment that IDP1-IDP6
documents in Part C should not be admitted as exhibits in this 700
proceeding. Their integrity is suspect without the original
recording to confirm their contents and the part that had been
excluded, if at all. The duty to preserve the integrity of the said
evidence falls squarely on the Ps. In the circumstances, the Ps
failed to observe that duty if IDP1-6 is fundamental to their case. 705
There is no one to be faulted but the Ps themselves.
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8.3 P2 submitted laboriously on the customary wedding of P2 and the
Deceased, as shown in the various pictures in enclosure 93, and many
repetitive pages in their arguments.
(a) I find no evidence to definitively support the alleged customary 710
marriage of P2 and the Deceased. What has been produced is
highly speculative evidence suggesting an alleged customary
(b) Even if the alleged customary wedding took place, it does not
change the fact that it was not registered under the Women’s 715
Charter 1961 as required by the law in Singapore, rendering it
void. Since it had been rendered invalid, P2 would not derive any
rights under it, and there is no arguing out of it. That is the law as
it stands. Legislation supersedes customs and practises save
where it is excepted. 720
(c) The legal consequences of that incompliance have been stated in
the preceding paragraph. It is my observation that Ps submission
places so much emphasis and time on the peripherals and
unsupported suppositions rather than on the fundamental root
issue that would ultimately determine the entitlement of the Ps in 725
this suit.
(d) From the facts before me, it is irrefutable that:
(i) The Deceased took a 2nd customary marriage to D2 in 1973 in
Singapore. Six years later, in 1979, they registered the marriage in
Malaysia under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 (CMO). 730
(ii) Section 4(1) CMO disallows a subsequent marriage to be contracted
while the subsisting marriage subsists.
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(iii) A subsequent marriage in default of that prohibition, the women and
any issue from that prohibited union shall not have any succession
rights of the man if he dies intestate. 735
(iv) LRA 1976, which superseded the CMO under section 5(1), which also
extended such prohibition as in s.4 of CMO. Section 6 (1) and (2) void
such marriages in contravention of the prohibition in s.5, and no rights
of succession or inheritance shall be granted to the women or any issue
from such a prohibited union. 740
(v) In 1978, the Deceased purportedly took a 3rd customary marriage with
P2 in Singapore but did not register the said marriage under the
Women’s Charter in Singapore. SEDW4: Ms Poonam Mirchandani, an
expert from Singapore, gave evidence that the purported customary
union of P2 and the Deceased is void since it was never registered 745
under the Women’s Charter. Evidently, P2 cannot claim any inheritance
right in the Deceased's estate by law.
8.4 The P1 claimed to have:
(i) The original title deed of the property held under HS(D) No. 13953, PT No. 750
MLO 8301, Mukim Plentong, Daerah Johor Baru, Negeri Johor; (pg 371 –
375 of Enclosure 94).
(ii) The property held under Geran Hakmilik No. 92354, Lot No. Lot 1544, Mukim
Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (pg 356-359 of Enclosure 94)
(under WSI). 755
(iii) The property held under Title No. 6994, Presentation No. 168055, Lot
No.1545, Mukim Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (pg 385-387 of
Enclosure 94) (under WSI).
(iv) The property held under Title No. 6995, Presentation No. 168056, Lot No.
1546, Mukim Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (pg 388-390 of 760
Enclosure 94) (under WSI.
(v) The original Share Certificates of the 500,001 unit of shares in the company
named WSI Sdn Bhd; (pg 392, 394 of Enclosure 94), and
(vi) The original Share Certificates of the 10,000 units of shares in the company
named Herald Heights Sdn Bhd (pg 395 of Enclosure 94). 765
He claimed that the Deceased handed them over to him during his
lifetime. Other than that, and bare assertions, no cogent evidence is
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adduced that it was intended as a gift (inter vivos) to him. The Ps
referred to the video recordings with the transcripts that had been 770
disallowed. It was also argued that the Ds never challenged his
evidence on the properties being gifted to him, and therefore, they
ought to be taken out or excluded from the list of the Deceased assets.
My attention has been drawn to the fact:
(a) The assets in paragraphs (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) above were never 775
pleaded by the Ps (O.18. r.12.RC 2012).
(b) In the circumstances, I believe these four assets are to be excluded
from the Ps claim on gifts inter-vivos.
(c) Save for self-serving unsupported statements by the Ps, I find no
compelling or persuasive evidence to support the Ps' claim that the 780
Deceased had intended the assets pleaded by the Ps as gifts inter-
8.5 The Ps cited section 34 LRA 1976, that says nothing in the Act, or the
rules made thereunder shall be construed to render valid or invalid any 785
marriage which otherwise is invalid or invalid merely because it has
been or is not registered. I observed:
(a) This argument is wholly misplaced and unnecessary since LRA is
applicable in Malaysia. The purported customary marriage that is
the subject matter of this proceeding is in the Republic of 790
Singapore, where the Singapore Women’s Charter applies for
marriages solemnised and registered there. Evidence has been
produced that if at all it took place (the 3rd customary wedding), it
is void for failure to register.
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(b) It would be too farfetched for the Ps to suggest or imply that the 795
provisions of the LRA apply in the Republic of Singapore. If it is
rendered invalid for legal incompliance in Singapore, it could not
be validated by the LRA provision in Malaysia under the LRA.
(c) There is no evidence that this 3rd customary marriage by the
Deceased with P2 was intended to be registered in Malaysia as 800
the Deceased did with the customary marriage with D2.
(d) Because of the registration of the 2nd marriage to D2 under the
Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 on 04.05.1979 (L.95, pg.417), the
Deceased would not be able to lawfully take a 3rd marriage as he
did with P2 as the CMO 1952 expressly prohibits it. 805
(e) The purported 3rd marriage would not receive any legal
recognition while the 2nd marriage subsists to ensure monogamy
in civil marriages.
8.6 On the issue of OS 901 that had been withdrawn, an issue in the
counterclaim by the Ds, the Ps argued that it is no longer a relevant 810
issue to be considered since it is no longer before the parties after it
was withdrawn by the Ps with cost already paid to the Ds. Therefore,
it should no longer be an issue with the Ds. OS 901 and Suit 649 were
not taken for any collateral purpose as alleged by the Ds to constitute
an abuse of process. Any purported technical incompliance should not 815
be taken to impair the proceedings.
The Ps had no choice but to file OS 901 after the Defendants had
excluded the Ps from claiming their right to administer and inherit the
Deceased’s estate by filing the ex-parte OS 702. The sole purpose of
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filing OS 901 was to include both the Ps and the Defendants (without 820
having the Intervener, whose existence at the material time was not
within the knowledge of the Plaintiffs) to ensure that all relevant parties
would be heard. The Plaintiffs also filed applications to consolidate and
transfer OS 702 and OS 901 to expedite the process.
These applications were later withdrawn with OS 901 by the Plaintiffs 825
on 06.09.2019 due to the filing of the current suit 649 on 03.09.2019.
The Ds have failed to prove what damage they have suffered because
of it to justify their claim for damages as a result thereof.
8.7 On the issue of the Intervener, the Ps took the position that it is
incumbent on the Intervener to prove that he was the legitimate son of 830
the Deceased. Shanmugam v Pappah [1994] 1MLJ 144, HC held
that the plaintiff had the burden of establishing that he was the
legitimate son of the deceased to establish his right to succeed to the
estate of the deceased who died intestate, the plaintiff must not only
prove that he was the son of the deceased but must, because of the 835
Distribution Act 1958, also prove that he was the legitimate son of the
deceased. However, this issue is now rendered academic due to the
ruling in Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra).
8.8 The Ps asks:
(i) A declaration that s.5 LRA (Disability to contract marriages 840
otherwise than under the Act) does not apply to P2, a Singaporean
and has never been within the local jurisdiction of this Court.
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(ii) An Order declaring any law restricting and preventing an
illegitimate child from claiming contradicts Article 8 of the Federal
Constitution. 845
(iii) An Order declaring s.3 and 6 of the Distribution Act cannot be
construed to deprive a child of their entitlement based on their
legal status.
(iv) An Order declaring the marriage by the Deceased to D2 is null
and void. The Ds has no right to claim over the estate of the 850
Deceased. D1 is not the lawful child of the Deceased.
(v) The customary marriage between P2 and the Deceased is valid,
and P1 is the lawful heir of the Deceased. The Ps will be granted
the Letter of Administration to administer the Deceased's estate.
(vi) An Order declaring that the Deceased had given all his shares, 855
interest, and title in WSI Sdn Bhd, Isotank Container Services Sdn
Bhd, and the property held under the deed title H.S.(D) No. 13953,
PT No. MLO 8301, Mukim Plentong, Daerah Johor Baru, Negeri
Johor, to the Plaintiffs as gifts inter vivos, and an Order giving
effect for the ownership in those assets to vest in the Ps. 860
In the premise, the Ps pray for order in terms of their prayers and cost.
[9] I observed the Ds' arguments in canvassing and ventilating for their
position in Suit 649 and OS 702 as follows: 865
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9.1 It was submitted that:
(a) It is the Ds contentions that:
(i) the Deceased had lived with them at all material times.
Sometime in 1987, they resided at No.52 Bayshore Road, 870
Ruby Tower# 06-01, Bayshore Park, Singapore 469978.
(ii) But from 2009 until his passing, they lived at No. 53, Jalan
Awan Cina, Taman Yarl, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, while D1
continued to reside at the Bayshore Residence in
Singapore. 875
(iii) On 23.03.2019, the Deceased passed away at the
Taman Yarl Residence in Kuala Lumpur (Death
Certificate: PDF4, pg.1, Enclosure 91).
(b) During his lifetime, the Deceased:
(i) Named D2 as his wife in his tax returns/statements (Tax 880
Statement: PDF12-23, pp.423-43, Enclosure 95).
(ii) His official documents were sent to the Bayshore residence
in Singapore or the Taman Yarl residence in Kuala Lumpur.
(iii) D2 was named his sole beneficiary in his Great Eastern
Insurance Policy (PDF40-41, pp.451-452, Enclosure 95). 885
9.2 In opposing Suit 649 by the Ps, the Ds argued that:
(a) The inheritance rights are governed under s.6 of the Distribution
Act 1958.
(b) The late Ho Ah Nya of the purported 1st customary marriage 890
(1968) in Malaysia to the deceased would be disentitled to make
any claim on his estate by predeceasing the Deceased. In the
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circumstances, she would not be entitled to claim even if her
purported customary marriage was valid at the time.
(c) As for D2, the lawfully registered spouse in the Deceased’s 2nd 895
customary marriage (1973 in the Republic of Singapore) but
subsequently, six years later, registered it under the Civil Marriage
Ordinance 1952 (CMO) in Malaysia on 04.05.1979 (L.95, pg.417).
(d) Under section 4(1) CMO, the Deceased could not take a
subsequent marriage lawfully for so long as the 2nd marriage 900
subsists. S.4(1) says that a male person married by the provisions
of this Ordinance shall be incapable of contracting a valid
marriage with any third person, whether as a principal or
secondary marriage.
(e) The learned counsel also drew my attention to s.5(1) CMO, which 905
makes clear the inheritance position of the Ps in this suit:
"(1) If any male person lawfully married under this Ordinance shall thereafter
during the continuance of such marriage contract a union with a woman
which but for such marriage would confer rights of succession or
inheritance upon such woman or upon the issue of such union, no 910
issue of such union shall be legitimate or have any right of inheritance
in or succession to the estate of such male person, and no such woman
shall have any right by reason of the death intestate of such male
(f) Subsequently, the LRA 1976 came into force on 01.03.1982. 915
(g) The 3rd customary marriage to P2 was on 18.02.1988 in
Singapore, six years after the LRA came into force, which would
have certainly rendered it void (s.5(1) LRA 1976). Section 5(1)
"(1) Every person who on the appointed date is lawfully married under
any law, religion, custom or usage to one or more spouses shall be
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incapable, during the continuance of such marriage or marriages, of
contracting a valid marriage under any law, religion, custom or usage
with any other person. Whether the first-mentioned marriage or the 925
second-mentioned marriage is contracted within Malaysia or outside
Section 6(1) and (2) LRA says:
(1) Every marriage contracted in contravention of section 5 shall be void.
(2) If any male person lawfully married under any law, religion, custom, or 930
usage shall during the continuance of such marriage contract another
union with any woman, such woman shall have no right of succession
or inheritance on the death intestate of such male person.
(h) Evidently, P2 cannot claim any inheritance right in the Deceased's
estate by law. 935
9.3 Of the three, P1, the Intervener and D1, only D1, the legitimate child
of the Deceased from a lawfully registered 2nd customary marriage, is
entitled to a claim in the Deceased's estate. The Deceased is named
the father in her Birth Certificate (PDF7, pg.418, L.95). 940
9.4 At this juncture, I agree with the arguments of the Ds that the Birth
Certificate of the Intervener is indeterminable, as I had addressed in
my observation in the Intervener’s submissions. For P1, as I observed,
Koh Seng Lee is named the father in the official Certificate of Extract
from the Register of Births in Singapore. Till now, no rectified certificate 945
has been produced from the relevant Singaporean authority to say
9.5 During the trial, P2 agreed that because the Deceased was married to
D2, he refused to put his name on P1’s birth certificate.
9.6 Tan Kah Fatt was distinguished in that, even though the 1st customary 950
marriage, in that case, could not be proven with photographs, evidence
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from the relevant family members shows that the 2nd appellant was
accepted into the Deceased’s family as a grandchild. Therefore, it was
argued that even if Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra) did not determine the
issue of an illegitimate child, s.75 LRA would have stepped in and 955
saved the 2nd appellant as a legitimate child and eligible for inheritance.
Section 75 (2) says:
"(2) Subject to the provisions of this section, the child of a void marriage shall
be treated as the legitimate child of his parent if, at the time of the
solemnisation of the marriage, both or either of the parties reasonably 960
believed that the marriage was valid."
9.7 There is no compelling evidence produced by either P1 or the
Intervener that they had at any time been accepted into the family of
the Deceased, nor were they treated as part of the Deceased’s family. 965
During the trial:
(a) P2 admitted she had never met the Deceased’s mother.
(b) P1 admitted he had never met the Deceased’s family or Koh Seng
Lee before the Deceased's passing.
(c) P1 agreed that the Deceased did not live with him and P2 seven 970
days a week.
(d) P2 admitted that she and P1 did not participate in the Deceased’s
funeral rite ceremony on 26.03.2019.
(e) P2 admitted that she only told Koh Seng Lee at the Deceased’s
funeral that P1 was the Deceased’s son. 975
(f) P2 agree that she was not introduced as Mrs Koh at the
Deceased’s funeral,
(g) P2 agreed that the Ps never celebrated Chinese New Year with
the Deceased’s family in Malaysia.
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(h) P1 admitted that the Deceased never spent Chinese New Year’s 980
Eve with the Ps.
(i) P2 admitted that she did not attend the Deceased’s mother’s
funeral on 08.11.2004.
(j) The Ps were not named as family members in the Deceased’s late
mother’s obituaries. 985
(k) P1 admitted that he never went to pay any respects to the
Deceased’s ancestors in Malaysia.
(l) The intervener also admitted that he was never accepted as part
of the Deceased’s family.
(m) The intervener admitted that he did not attend the Deceased’s 990
funeral, and he and his mother, Ho Ah Nya, were not named in
the obituaries.
(n) The Intervener admitted that he had never met the Ds or the Ps
before this proceeding.
(o) The Intervener admitted he never celebrated Chinese New Year 995
with the Deceased’s family.
(p) The Intervener did not attend the Deceased’s mother’s funeral.
(q) The Intervener could not produce any supporting document on the
claim that the Deceased had given to the late mother, Ho Ah Nya,
RM100,000.00 to rebuild their house after it burnt down. 1000
9.8 The Intervener could not produce compelling evidence of the
purported 1st customary marriage between his mother, Ho Ah Nya, and
the Deceased. He merely relied on the unsupported evidence of:
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(i) Ho Hock Keong (IW1) was not even familiar with the name of the 1005
Deceased, nor has he ever met the deceased’s family, and nor has
he attended his funeral.
(ii) Koh Sing Puck (IW3) could not prove his relationship with the
Deceased and had not met him for over twenty years.
(iii) Koi Ai Long (IW4) provided untrue evidence of his alleged 1010
relationship with the late Ho Ah Nya or the Deceased
9.9 The purported 1st customary marriage either did not exist or was not
consensual. The Deceased had left Pulau Ketam and never returned.
He never took the late Ho Ah Nya as part of his family. 1015
9.10 Regarding the purported 3rd customary marriage, the Ps rely primarily
on the Statutory Declarations from P2’s brother, sister, and in-laws.
None were affirmed by the Deceased’s family (SD at PDF 42-86,
pp.34-78, enclosure 92). None of the deponents of the Statutory 1020
Declarations were called to own up to their SDs during the trial. P2
admitted that none of the Deceased’s family members attended the
purported 3rd customary marriage. The photographic evidence could
not prove definitively that there was a customary marriage. P2
admitted in evidence that she did not serve tea to the Deceased’s 1025
mother or D2.
9.11 The Ps family knew that the Deceased could not marry P2, and such
a union was invalid. The evidence Ps witnesses:
(i) P2’s bother, Tan Beng Kiow (PW2): 1030
(a) admitted he knew the 3rd customary marriage was not
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(b) He knew that the Deceased was not named as the father of
P1 in the birth certificate.
(c) He also agreed that the Deceased did not live or stay with the 1035
(d) He also knew that the Deceased and P2 could not register
the purported customary union as required under
Singaporean law.
(e) The Deceased did not spend Chinese New Year's Eve with 1040
the plaintiff or their family:
(ii) Koh Seng Lee (PW1) is a witness with a vested interest in the
outcome of this proceeding:
(a) He is a director and shareholder of K Seng Seng Corporation 1045
Berhad, founded by the Deceased.
(b) His evidence is contrary to other evidence adduced in Court:
(i) He pleaded ignorance of his name on the birth certificate
of P1, which I find improbable.
(ii) The Intervener informed the Court on 20.4.2021 that he 1050
was told about this proceeding by Koh Seng Lee, though
Koh Seng Lee denied that he did.
(iii) He claimed that he could not remember when the
Deceased left Pulau Ketam but could remember that the
late adoptive mother allegedly told him that the Intervener 1055
was the deceased’s son.
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(iv) In preparing the obituaries of the Deceased and the
deceased’s mother, he did not name Ho Ah Nya or the
9.12 It is highly improbable, given the circumstances, that P1 did not know 1060
throughout his growing up years that Koh Seng Lee was the named
father in his birth certificate until this proceeding began, as he is an
educated person (Degree in Accountancy and a Degree in Business).
He only sought a declaratory order from the Kuala Lumpur High Court
that Koh Seng Lee was not his father on 10.12.2019, nine months after 1065
the Deceased’s passing.
9.13 The evidence of P2 that she did not know that the Deceased was a
married man when she was working as his administrative assistant in
Singapore (1983-2012) is also highly improbable in the circumstances. 1070
9.14 While there is clear evidence that the Deceased did not include the Ps
and the Intervener in his life and businesses when he did not make
them directors or shareholders in his companies, he made the Ds
directors and shareholders of KSK Realty Sdn Bhd (PDF 62, pg.575, 1075
enclosure 101) as the Deceased intended to transfer all immovable
assets under KSK Realty Sdn Bhd where D2 would be a shareholder.
9.15 Regarding the inter-vivos claim by the Ps. The Ds argued that:
(a) The Ps relied fundamentally on IDP1-IDP6 to support their 1080
arguments on the purported gifts inter-vivos by the Deceased.
Since I have disallowed the said recordings, it would not be
necessary to address these recordings as their evidence.
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(b) The Deceased did not take steps to realise and/or perfect the
alleged inter-vivo gifts. Therefore, it is incomplete and ineffective: 1085
Tan Chong Kiat v Kwan Ah Soh & Anor [1998] 3 MLJ 884, HC.
In this regard:
(i) WSI Sdn Bhd: The Ps were not made directors or
shareholders of the company. There is no evidence that he 1090
had taken any steps to do so (PDF 66-71, pp.579-584,
enclosure 101).
(ii) Isotank Container Services Sdn Bhd: The Ps were not made
directors and shareholders of the company, and neither is
there any evidence that the Deceased has taken steps to do 1095
so (PDF 4-9, pp.639-644, enclosure 105).
(iii) Property H.S.(D) No.13953, PT No. MLO 8301, Mukim
Plentong, Daerah Johor Bharu (GRN 485717, Lot 9625,
Mukim Plentong, Daerah Johor Bharu). This property was not
gifted to the Ps but was transferred to D1 (PDF 78-79, 1100
pp.591-592, enclosure 101).
It is trite that the Court will not perfect an imperfect gift: Milroy v Lord
(1862) 45 ER 1185; Re Rose (deceased) Midland Bank Executor
and Trustee Co Ltd v Rose and Others [1948] 2 All ER 971; Kwan 1105
Teck Meng & Ors v Liew Sam Lee [1963] 1 MLJ 333; Kumarappa
Chettiar Son of Raman Chettiar of Klang v the Federated Malay
States [1938] 1 MU 9.
9.16 On the Ds counterclaim against the Ps, it was argued by the Ds that: 1110
(a) At the time the Ps filed their several suits against the Ds, it was
before the Federal Court decided Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra). It was
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a time when the Ps had no right to interfere and intervene in the
Ds' succession rights in the Deceased’s estate.
(b) Those action taken by the Ps was an abuse of process designed 1115
to extort or oppress the Ds to secure an outcome for which they
had not but for Tan Kah Fatt (supra). Provided the conditions can
be proven; otherwise, the P1 would not be entitled.
Malaysian Building Society Berhad v Tan Sri Ungku
Nazruddin Bin Ungku Mohamed [1998] 2 MLJ 425, CA cited 1120
Lord Denning in Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd & Ors [1977] 1
WLR that it is abused when it is diverted from its true course to
serve extortion or oppression: or to exert pressure to achieve an
improper end. When it is so abused, it is a tort, a wrong known to
the law. The judges can and will intervene to stop it. They will stay 1125
the legal process they can before any harm is done. If they cannot
stop it in time, and harm is done, they will give damages against
the wrongdoer. Neither malice nor the termination of the
proceedings in the plaintiff’s favour are necessary elements of this
tortuous wrong. It is only upon proof of the elements that make up 1130
the tort of collateral abuse of process that a plaintiff is entitled to
an award of damage:
(i) The process complained of must have been initiated.
(ii) The dominant purpose for initiating that process must be for
some other purpose than to obtain genuine redress, and 1135
(iii) The plaintiff has suffered damage or injury in consequence.
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(c) I have examined the chronology of events (OS 901 and Suit 649)
meant to suppress the Ds in claiming their rights of succession to
the Deceased’s estate initiated by the Ps as set out in the Ds 1140
arguments, from April 2019 – 01.08.2022.
(d) The Ps has no right or legitimate interest in the Deceased’s estate
to protect. To date, P2 still has no such right. As a result of the Ps
action, the Ds have (1) suffered mental stress and a waste of time 1145
and energy, (2) cost and expenses incurred of approximately
RM86,183.26 (breakdown given) as at the date of their defence and
Counterclaim in Suit 649 on 10.10.2019.
(e) Therefore, the Ds in their counterclaim asks for: 1150
(a) Damages to be assessed.
(b) General Damages.
(c) Interest at the rate of 8% from the date of defence and
counterclaim to the date of full realisation.
(d) An injunction against the Ps from dealing with any media and 1155
K Seng Seng until the final disposal of OS 702 and Suit 649.
(e) The Ps are declared vexatious litigants under clause 17 of
the Schedule to Section 25(2) of the Court of Judicature Act
(f) The Ps are prohibited from filing and proceedings in any 1160
Court without the Court’s permission against the Ps and the
Ps solicitors, and such an Order must be gazetted before
such proceedings can be filed.
(g) The Ps is subject to committal in default thereof.
(h) Costs for the Counterclaim. 1165
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9.17 In the circumstances, the Ds pray that:
(a) Suit 649 be dismissed with costs.
(b) The Grant of Letters of Administration in Enclosure 1 of OS 702 1170
is allowed with costs and
(c) The Ds counterclaim is allowed with costs.
[10] I observed the Intervener canvassing his position as follows: 1175
10.1 To support the alleged purported customary marriage of his mother
(Ho Ah Nya) with the Deceased, he argued that section 4 LRA Act
1976 stipulating that the Act shall not affect the validity of any marriage
solemnised under any law, religion, custom or usage before the 1180
appointed date. That such marriage, if valid under the law, religion,
custom or usage under which it was solemnised, shall be deemed to
be registered under the act. In his Counterclaim, the Intervener is
asking for the following:
“(i) Perintah deklarasi bahawa perkahwinan antara Si Mati dan ibu Pencelah
iaitu Ho Ah Nya@ Ho Cheng Bak adalah sah mengikut kepercayaan,
adat istiadat dan/atau budaya Cina;
(ii) Perintah Deklarasi bahawa Pencelah iaitu Koh Ching Kew NO.
K/P:640306-10-6365) adalah anak kandungan lelaki dan /atau zuriat 1190
kepada Si Mati;
(iii) Pencelah, Koh Ching Kew (NO. K/P:640306-10-6365) diiktirafkan
sebagai benefisiari dan waris kadim harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ Koh
Hai Sew (NO. K/P: 430719-10-5509), Si Mati yang dinamakan di atas
dan nama Pencelah, Koh Ching Kew (NO.K/P:640306-10-6365) 1195
dimasukkan dan dinyatakan sebagai benefisiari dalam senarai
benefisiari bagi harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew (NO.K/P:
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(iv) Kos; dan
(v) Apa-apa relif lain yang dianggap sesuai dan patut oleh Mahkamah Yang 1200
Mulia ini.”
(a) I observe that s.4 LRA would not validate an invalid or void
marriage. The reading of the said section is obvious. It only
applies to valid marriages. In a legal article by Mr Balwant Singh 1205
Sidhu: Married or Not married? -That is the Question [2002] 3
MLJ xxix, the learned author pointed out that by s.4 LRA,
subsisting valid marriages are deemed to be registered under the
Act. However, these marriages are still open to challenge as to
their validity according to the law, religion, custom or usage under 1210
which they were solemnised. In addition, in the absence of actual
registration, subsisting customary marriages would still have to be
proven. Parties to any marriage solemnised prior to the appointed
date of the LRA may apply to the Registrar for the registration of
the marriage. 1215
(b) To demonstrate the workings of s.4, in Sabrina Loo Cheng Suan
v Eugene Khoo Oon Jin [1995] 1 CLJ 875, the High Court in
Penang had to determine the legality of a second marriage under
Chinese custom while the man was still married to his first wife.
The Chinese customary marriage was in 1973, before the 1220
enforcement of the Act. The Court held that in 1973, there was no
legal impediment against the plaintiff and the defendant entering
a Chinese customary marriage between themselves while the
defendant was married to one Dorothy Khoo, thus making the
latter the principal wife and the plaintiff the second wife. Although 1225
polygamous, Chinese customary marriages entered before March
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1, 1982, were valid. Therefore, the plaintiff’s marriage to the
defendant was valid under sections 4(1) and (2) of the Act.
(c) After the Act comes into force, a second marriage contracted while
a first marriage is still in subsistence is invalid under s.5(1). 1230
Section 34 of the LRA says that nothing in the Act or the rules
made thereunder shall be construed to render valid or invalid any
marriage which otherwise is invalid or invalid merely because it
has been or is not registered. The decision by the Court of Appeal
in Chai Siew Yin v Leong Wee Shing [2004] 1 CLJ 752 was 1235
reversed in the Federal Court Appeal No: 02-10-2003(W) when
the FC ruled that s.34 must not be read in isolation but must be
construed in harmony with other provisions of the Act which
encapsulates the overall intention of the legislature. To do
otherwise would defeat the intent and purpose of the Act, which is 1240
to provide for monogamous marriages and the solemnisation and
registration of such marriages.
(d) Therefore, s.4 cannot be read in isolation but must be in
tandem/harmoniously with other relevant provisions of the Act.
One must do more than angled it to support an 1245
unsustainable/unproven position. That would not be tenable and
most certainly be a misplaced effort.
(e) In the present case, it must be pointed out that the alleged
customary marriage between the Deceased and Ho Ah Nya had
yet to be proven or established by the Intervener to the satisfaction 1250
of the Court. There is no compelling evidence save for
unsupported and sweeping hearsay oral evidence that is vague
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on the existence of the alleged marriage. It is neither here nor
there with no definitive value.
10.2 The Intervener had exhibited his Birth Certificate (Enclosure 179, part
B, pg.5 PDF) to prove that he is the biological son of the Deceased.
However, as pointed out by the learned counsel for the Ds, I observed
that the details of the Deceased had not been correctly stated. It says
the Deceased is not a Malaysian, the Deceased is a permanent 1260
resident, and the Deceased has been identified as Hokkien, which
does not accord with the present information in the Deceased’s death
certificate adduced by the Intervener in Enclosure 179, pg.4 PDF. that
he was just Chinese. No evidence was found at the trial to prove the
information on the Birth Certificate. This is a ground for concern on 1265
the integrity of the information stated that can only be resolved by the
Registration Department. But unfortunately, no officer from the said
department was called to clarify the discrepancies in the details
concerning the alleged Deceased.
(a) It is my legitimate concern that if it can happen in the Certificate 1270
of Extract from Register of Births for P1, it can also occur with the
Intervener. A common person in these two issues is Koh Seng
Lee (PW1), who appears to have played a covert role in both
(b) The Intervener’s Birth Certificate is a Part B Document that 1275
requires the contents to be proven, though the authenticity is not
disputed. As it stands, I am not persuaded by the contents, which
require clarification from the appropriate party/authority on the
discrepancies. To reiterate, no officer from the Registration
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Department was called to clarify those discrepancies. It is not for 1280
the Court to conduct the Intervener’s case, but it is entirely up to
him to manage it and do what is necessary to persuade the Court
with cogent evidence.
(c) Any attempt at evidence by implication would not be sufficient in
the premise. Other than the said Birth Certificate with 1285
discrepancies in the details that have not been clarified, there is
no other evidence to establish the Intervener as a lineal
descendant (blood relation) with the Deceased, such as a
relationship DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) report that would
constitute a definitive prove for genetic or hereditary information 1290
(paternity/ancestry testing). What was produced before the Court
was merely unsupported postulation or evidence by implication
and uncorroborated oral hearsay evidence. What matters most is
that a definitive piece of evidence (DNA Report) that would have
tilted the scale of evidence in his favour was never produced. 1295
Therefore, even before the Court can consider the issue of
legitimacy or otherwise, a blood relation with the Deceased must
be satisfactorily established before the Court.
(d) DNA test by the Department of Chemistry Malaysia:
Paternity testing simply means establishing fatherhood. Paternity is done to 1300
confirm or exclude the biological father of a child. The DNA test is accurate,
rapid, and affordable, with a power of discrimination (accuracy) as high
as 99.9999%. DNA paternity tests can be performed on individuals of any
age. It has become the most accepted method to determine identity within
the legal scientific communities. 1305
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(e) As it is, there is no convincing evidence of the purported
customary marriage between the Deceased and the mother of the
Intervener, rendering the claim by the Intervener highly
speculative. The legal position is trite that the Court does not act 1310
on mere speculation or supposition.
10.3 The Intervener relied fundamentally on the oral hearsay evidence of
his witnesses, saying the Deceased and the late Ho Ah Nya were
purportedly married in 1968 and cohabited as husband and wife. Other 1315
than that, no definitive or persuasive evidence was adduced to
corroborate that contention. The intervener claimed that there was no
photograph to evince the tea ceremony to indicate the wedding as a
fire in Pulau Ketam had destroyed a shophouse owned by Ho Ah Nya
that the Intervener currently occupies. He cited Seow Beng Hay v 1320
Seow Soon Quee [1933] 11 MLJ, which held that such customary
marriage could be established by oral or circumstantial evidence.
(a) It is my observation that it cannot be any oral or circumstantial
evidence but must be cogent or persuasive oral evidence for the 1325
Court to make a favourable finding. At this point of the proceeding,
I find no compelling evidence to favour the Intervener. Oral
hearsay evidence is never good evidence to establish a fact.
(b) Ho Hock Keong (IW1), the younger brother to Ho Ah Nya, gave
evidence that Ho Ah Nya told him that she and the Deceased were 1330
married. No corroboration was provided.
(c) Koi Ah Long (IW4) gave a sweeping statement that the Deceased
and Ho Ah Nya were married to each other. All seniors in Pulau
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Ketam know they were married. But no relevant seniors were
called to corroborate that statement. 1335
(d) Koh Seng Lee (PW1) said that the Deceased had never
mentioned to him that the deceased was married in Pulau Ketam.
Only that their mother and father allegedly informed him. No
tangible evidence was adduced to corroborate the position taken.
To reiterate, I am unpersuaded with the foregoing unsupported
10.4 The Intervener further claimed that the Deceased had presented a
payment of RM100,000.00 to the late mother, but he could not prove 1345
it since the mother had passed away long ago. Maybank does not want
to disclose any financial information, though requested by his solicitor
due to secrecy provisions under the Financial Services Act 2013.
10.5 He relied fundamentally on the testimony of Koh Seng Lee (PW1), the 1350
adopted brother of the Deceased, who was complicit in the Certificate
of Extract from Register of Births of P1 debacle addressed in the
foregoing paragraph 3.4 herein. It was claimed that Koh Seng Lee had
notified the Intervener for whatever reason that the Deceased was
married in Pulau Ketam. There was no cogent evidence to corroborate 1355
that statement.
(a) I observed that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) seems to have played a role
everywhere in this proceeding. The fact that the said Koh Seng
Lee (PW1) has been complicit in the Certificate of Extract from the 1360
Register of Births of P1 debacle for the past thirty-plus years, and
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necessarily with the knowledge of P2 as the mother of P1, gives
me grounds for concern about the veracity of his unsupported oral
(b) The very debacle that has yet to be addressed and resolved by 1365
the relevant Singaporean Authorities and what action is to be
taken, if any, on the Kuala Lumpur High Court Order that had
made some findings on the details of the P1 Certificate of Extract
from Register of Births.
(c) The deafening silence by both P1 and Koh Seng Lee (PW1) on 1370
the matter can only mean that the issue had not been raised with
the relevant Singaporean Authority since the day the Order was
granted (more than three years ago) for whatever reason that only
they know and do not wish to be forthcoming about it.
(d) The High Court Order of 10.12.2019 was explicit in ordering 1375
(mandatory injunction) that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) must remove his
name from the Register of Births in Singapore within fourteen days
from the date of that Order. This does not augur well for their
credibility in this Court.
In those foregoing circumstances, the Intervener prays for order in terms of 1380
his counterclaim.
[11] It is trite in law that all cases are decided on the legal burden of proof
being discharged: 1385
11.1 It is the acid test applied in any particular case.
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(a) Lord Brandon in Rhesa Shipping Co.SA v Edmunds [1985] 1
WLR 948 at 955 said: 1390
“No judge likes to decide cases on the burden of proof if he can legitimately
avoid having to do so. There are cases, however, in which, owing to the
unsatisfactory state of the evidence or otherwise, deciding on the burden of
proof is the only just course to take.”
(b) In Britestone Pte Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East, Ltd
[2007] 4 SLR(R) 855 it was said that:
“The Court’s decision in every case will depend on whether the party
concerned has satisfied the particular burden and standard of proof imposed
on him. Since the terms ‘proved’, ‘disproved’, and ‘not proved’ are statutory 1400
definitions contained in the Evidence Act (Cap 9), 1997 Rev Ed), the term
‘proof’. Wherever it appears in the Evidence Act and unless the context
otherwise suggests, means the burden to satisfy the Court of the existence
or non-existence of some fact, that is, the legal burden of proof”.
(c) The burden of proof in establishing its case is on the plaintiff. It is
not the Ds' duty to disprove it. The evidentiary burden is trite that
those who allege a fact are duty-bound to prove it (see s.101, 102,
and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950).
(d) In Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254 (CA) held:
"The burden of proof under section 102 of the Evidence Enactment is upon
the person who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side, and
accordingly, the plaintiff must establish his case. If he fails to do so, it will not
avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. 1415
The defendant can say it is wholly immaterial whether I prove my case or not.
You have not proved yours".
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(e) In Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v. Lawrence Lam Kwok
Fou & Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, held: 1420
"It was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has
discharged the onus on her to prove her case on a balance of probabilities,
the burden did not shift to the defendant, and no matter if the defendant's
case was completely unbelievable, the claim against him must in these
circumstances be dismissed. With respect, we agree with this judicial 1425
11.2 Distribution Act 1958 (Act 300):
Section 3.
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires— 1430
"child" means a legitimate child and where the deceased is permitted
by his personal law a plurality of wives includes a child by any of such
wives but does not include an adopted child other than a child adopted
under the provisions of the Adoption Act 1952 [Act 257].
"issue" includes children and the descendants of deceased children;
"parent" means the natural mother or father of a child, or the lawful
mother or father of a child under the Adoption Act 1952; "Peninsular
Malaysia" has the meaning assigned thereto in section 3 of the
Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 [Act 388] and includes the Federal 1440
Section 4
(1) The distribution of the movable property of a person deceased
shall be regulated by the law of the country in which he was 1445
domiciled at the time of his death.
(2) The distribution of the immovable property of a person deceased
intestate shall be regulated by this Act wherever he may have
been domiciled at the time of his death.
Persons held to be similarly related to deceased. 1450
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Section 6
(1) After the commencement of this Act, if any person shall die intestate
as to any property to which he is beneficially entitled to an interest
which does not cease on his death, such property Distribution 7 or
the proceeds thereof after payment thereout of the expenses of due 1455
administration shall, subject to the provisions of section 4, be
distributed in the manner or be held on the trusts mentioned in this
section, namely--
(a) if an intestate die leaving a spouse and no issue and no parent
or parents, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to the whole 1460
of the estate;
(b) if an intestate die leaving no issue but a spouse and a parent
or parents, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-half of
the estate and the parent or parents shall be entitled to the
remaining one-half; 1465
(c) if an intestate die leaving issue but no spouse and no parent or
parents, the surviving issue shall be entitled to the whole of the
(d) if an intestate die leaving no spouse and no issue but a parent
or parents, the surviving parent or parents shall be entitled to 1470
the whole of the estate;
(e) if an intestate die leaving a spouse and issue but no parent or
parents, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-third of
the estate and the issue the remaining two-thirds;
(f) if an intestate die leaving no spouse but issue and a parent or 1475
parents, the surviving issue shall be entitled to two-thirds of
the estate and the parent or parents the remaining one-third;
(g) if an intestate die leaving a spouse, issue and parent or parents,
the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-quarter of the
estate, the issue shall be entitled to one-half of the estate and 1480
the parent or parents the remaining one-quarter;
(h) subject to the rights of a surviving spouse or a parent or
parents, as the case may be, the estate of an intestate who
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leaves issue shall be held on the trusts set out in section 7 for
the issue; 1485
(i) if an intestate die leaving no spouse, issue, parent or parents,
the whole of the estate of the intestate shall be held on trusts
for the following persons living at the death of the intestate and
in the following order and manner, namely:
Firstly, on the trusts set out in section 7 for the brothers and 1490
sisters of the intestate in equal shares; but if no person takes
an absolutely vested interest under such trusts, then
Secondly, for the grandparents of the intestate, and if more than
one survives the intestate in equal shares absolutely; but if
there are no grandparents surviving, then 1495
Thirdly, on the trusts set out in section 7 for the uncles and aunts
of the intestate in equal shares; but if no person takes an
absolutely vested interest under such trusts, then Fourthly, for
the great grandparents of the intestate and if more than one
survives the intestate in equal shares absolutely; but if there are 1500
no such great grandparents surviving, then
Fifthly, on the trusts set out in section 7 for the great grand
uncles and great grand aunts of the intestate in equal shares.
(j) In default of any person taking an absolute interest under the
foregoing provisions the Government shall be entitled to the 1505
whole of the estate except insofar as the same consists of land.
(2) If any person so dying intestate be permitted by his personal law a
plurality of wives and shall leave surviving him more wives than one,
such wives shall share among them equally the share which the wife
of the intestate would have been entitled to, had such intestate left 1510
one wife only surviving him.
(3) When the intestate and the intestate's husband or wife have died in
circumstances rendering it uncertain which of them survived the
other, this section shall, notwithstanding any rule of law to the
contrary, have effect as regards the intestate as if the husband or 1515
wife had not survived the intestate.
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11.3 Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952:
Section 4:
(1) A male person married in accordance with the provisions of this 1520
Ordinance, shall be incapable during the continuance of such
marriage, of contracting a valid marriage with any third person.
whether as principal or secondary wife.
Section 5: 1525
(1) If any male person lawfully married under this Ordinance shall
thereafter during the continuance of such marriage contract a
union with a woman which but for such marriage would confer
rights of succession or inheritance upon such woman or upon
the issue of such union, no issue of such union shall be 1530
legitimate or have any right of inheritance in or succession to the
estate of such male person, and no such woman shall have any
right by reason of the death intestate of such male person.
11.4 The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (LRA) 1535
Section 4:
(1) Nothing in this Act shall affect the validity of any marriage
solemnized under any law, religion, custom or usage prior to the
appointed date.
(2) Such marriage, if valid under the law, religion, custom or usage 1540
under which it was solemnized, shall be deemed to be registered
under this Act.
(3) Every such marriage, unless void under the law, religion, custom
or usage under which it was solemnized, shall continue until
dissolved— 1545
(a) by the death of one of the parties;
(b) by order of a court of competent jurisdiction; or
(c) by a decree of nullity made by a court of competent
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Section 5:
(1) Every person who on the appointed date is lawfully married under
any law, religion, custom or usage to one or more spouses shall
be incapable, during the continuance of such marriage or
marriages, of contracting a valid marriage under any law, religion, 1555
custom or usage with any other person, whether the first
mentioned marriage or the purported second mentioned marriage
is contracted within Malaysia or outside Malaysia.
(2) Every person who on the appointed date is lawfully married under
any law, religion, custom or usage to one or more spouses and 1560
who subsequently ceases to be married to such spouse or all such
spouses, shall, if he thereafter marries again, be incapable during
the continuance of that marriage of contracting a valid marriage
with any other person under any law, religion, custom or usage,
whether the second mentioned marriage or purported third 1565
mentioned marriage is contracted within Malaysia or outside
(3) Every person who on the appointed date is unmarried and who
after that date marries under any law, religion, custom or usage
shall be incapable during the continuance of such marriage of 1570
contracting a valid marriage with any other person under any law,
religion, custom or usage, whether the first mentioned marriage or
the purported second mentioned marriage is contracted within
Malaysia or outside Malaysia.
(4) After the appointed date, no marriage under any law, religion, 1575
custom or usage may be solemnized except as provided in Part
Section 6:
(1) Every marriage contracted in contravention of section 5 shall be 1580
(2) If any male person lawfully married under any law, religion,
custom or usage shall during the continuance of such marriage
contract another union with any woman, such woman shall have
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no right of succession or inheritance on the death intestate of such 1585
male person.
(3) Nothing in this section shall affect the liability of any person to pay
such maintenance as may be directed to be paid by him under this
Act or any other written law.
Section 22:
(1) Every marriage under this Act shall be solemnized—
(a) in the office of a Registrar with open doors within the
hours of six in the morning and seven in the evening;
(b) in such place other than in the office of a Registrar at such 1595
time as may be authorized by a valid licence issued under
subsection 21(3); or
(c) in a church or temple or at any place of marriage in
accordance with section 24 at any such time as may be
permitted by the religion, custom or usage which the 1600
parties to the marriage or either of them profess or
(2) A valid marriage may be solemnized under paragraph (1)(a) or (b)
by a Registrar if a certificate for the marriage issued by the
Registrar or Registrar concerned or a licence authorizing the 1605
marriage is delivered to him.
(3) A valid marriage may be solemnized under paragraph (1)(c) by an
Assistant Registrar if he is satisfied by statutory declaration that—
(a) either—
(i) each of the parties is twenty-one years of age or over, 1610
or, if not, is a widower or widow, as the case may be,
(ii) if either party is a minor who has not been previously
married and the female party not under the age of
sixteen years that the consent of the appropriate 1615
person mentioned in section 12 has been given in
writing, or has been dispensed with, or has been
given by a court in accordance with section 12;
(b) there is no lawful impediment to the marriage;
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(c) neither of the parties to the intended marriage is married 1620
under any law, religion, custom or usage to any person
other than the person with whom such marriage is
proposed to be contracted; and
(d) in so far as the intended marriage is a Christian marriage
and is to be solemnized in accordance with the rites, 1625
ceremonies or usages of a Christian religious
denomination, the provisions of the canons of such
religious denomination relating to the publication of
banns or the giving notice of the intended marriage have
been complied with or lawfully dispensed with in 1630
accordance with such canons.
(4) Every marriage purported to be solemnized in Malaysia shall be
void unless a certificate for marriage or a licence has been issued
by the Registrar or Chief Minister or a statutory declaration under
subsection (3) has been delivered to the Registrar or Assistant 1635
Registrar, as the case may be.
(5) Every marriage shall be solemnized in the presence of at least two
credible witnesses besides the Registrar.
(6) No marriage shall be solemnized unless the Registrar is satisfied
that both the parties to the marriage freely consent to the 1640
Section 75:
(2) Subject to the provisions of this section, the child of a void
marriage shall be treated as the legitimate child of his parent if, 1645
at the time of the solemnisation of the marriage, both or either
of the parties reasonably believed that the marriage was valid.
[12] I have examined all-cause papers, the evidence and/or the lack thereof 1650
at the trial, and the parties' respective submissions in canvassing for their
position in the present suit. Considering my observation in paragraph [3] 3.4
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and my observations in the parties' respective arguments in paragraphs [8]
8.1-8.8, [9] 9.1-9.18, and [10] 10.1-10.5 hereof, and in addition to, it is my
considered determination that: 1655
12.1 The Ps and the Intervener have failed to discharge their burden of
proof to establish their respective claim of entitlement to the estate of
the Deceased under ss 101-103 Evidence Act 1950: Britestone Pte
Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East, Ltd [2007] 4 SLR(R) 855. 1660
12.2 Evidently, the Ps and the Intervener failed to adduce the required
compelling evidence to tilt the scale of evidence in their favour. The
arguments and assertions by the Ps and the Intervener are simply
speculative at best, and the Court will not act on speculation. As 1665
observed by the Federal Court in Guan Soon Tin Mining Co v Wong
Fook Kum [1969] 1 MLJ 99, FC, that there was no positive proof, but
only a possibility. In the circumstances, it is not good enough.
12.3 It is trite in law that the burden of proof in establishing its case is on 1670
the Ps and the Intervener. It is not the Ds' duty to disprove it. The
evidentiary burden is that those who allege a fact are duty-bound to
prove it (see s.101, 102, and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950).
[13] It is an established foundation that in Malaysia, marriage under the 1675
Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164) (LRA) anchors on
registration for legal recognition of marital union. A similar position would
apply under the Women’s Charter 1961 in the Republic of Singapore. It is
trite; a customary wedding does not constitute, nor does it satisfy, the legal
requirement of a valid registration under the LRA. In our present case, the 1680
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Deceased elected to register his customary marriage to D2 in Malaysia
under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1954 on 4.5.1979 (L.95, pg.417) before
the LRA superseded it. It is trite that registration is to facilitate monogamy in
civil unions and that is the basic principle behind it. It is my considered
judgment that the 2nd customary marriage by the Deceased to D2 is a lawful 1685
marriage under the CMO. Consequently, the birth of D1 (PDF7, pg.418, L95)
under this lawful marriage cements her succession rights to the Deceased's
estate with her mother (D2). The Ds are, undoubtedly, the lawful heirs (lawful
daughter and widow) from the duly registered marriage of the Deceased:
13.1 I find the Intervener’s claim to be entitled as the supposed son of the 1690
purported 1st customary marriage of the Deceased in the 1960s
fundamentally flawed with no compelling evidence to establish his
claim save for hearsay evidence and utter speculation as I had
observed in paragraph [10] hereof.
13.2 The Ps claim to be the lawful son and widow of the Deceased arising 1695
from an unproven customary marriage (19.02.1988) that was not
registered under the Women’s Charter 1961, as legally required in
Singapore, is unsustainable. I have addressed this in paragraph [9]
13.3 Among others, the plaintiffs alleged that the Deceased had gifted 1700
specific properties inter-vivo (gifts before death) to them, but no
evidence was adduced that the said gifts had been duly completed or
perfected during the Deceased's life. No evidence of the Deceased’s
intention was produced save for self-serving assertions by the Ps. I
observed that this claim by the Ps had been entirely negated by the Ds 1705
arguments in paragraph [9] 9.6 hereof.
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13.4 From the entirety of the evidence before, it is evident that:
(a) No rectified Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births for P1
from the relevant Singaporean Authority exists. Koh Seng Lee
remains the named father on the official record. There are no 1710
definitive materials other than suggestive/speculative materials
that the Deceased is the biological father of P1. In failing to
establish factually that P1 is the natural offspring of the Deceased
(legitimate or illegitimate), P1 has no claim on the Deceased's
estate. Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra), is distinguished and is of no 1715
assistance in the circumstances.
(b) Grounding her claim on the Deceased’s estate on an invalid
customary marriage (non-registration under the Women’s Charter
1961) provides P2 with no right to succession. Otherwise, an
Order from the Singaporean High Court would have been sought 1720
for reciprocal enforcement in Malaysia. The Ps objection to the
expert evidence from Singapore on the legal status of the
purported customary marriage of D2 to the Deceased is
dismissed. The Ps did not offer an expert of their own to say
otherwise. This invalid marriage cannot be used to premise a 1725
claim for succession in Malaysia as well. This invalidity caused by
the non-registration of the customary marriage would sever her
claim for succession to the estate of the Deceased. Even if the
Deceased and P2 elect to register this 3rd customary marriage,
they could not do so. At the same time, there is evidence of an 1730
existing 2nd customary marriage to D2 that had been registered
under the CMO in Malaysia at the time. The said 2nd customary
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marriage is still subsisting. A will or perfected gifts inter-vivos
would have assisted her, but there is none to be proven in this
case. 1735
(c) The Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952, the Law Reform (Marriage &
Divorce) Act 1976 in Malaysia, and the Women’s Charter 1961 in
Singapore are predicated on promoting and maintaining
monogamy in civil marriages and the protection of women’s rights
and interests as well as their valid offsprings. Customary rites 1740
personal to the parties cannot be used to override legislative
requirements for validity.
(d) The owners of the self-serving Statutory Declaration (SDs’ at PDF
42-86, pp.34-78, enclosure 92) were not called to verify the
contents of their respective SD to support the Ps position on the 1745
existence of the alleged 3rd customary marriage. It renders the
contents unproven. Though the SDs’ are Part B documents, their
contents must still be proven. However, it cannot alter nor
exculpate the 3rd customary marriage for invalidity due to non-
registration. 1750
(e) IDP1-IDP6 (the video recording) is disallowed. It cannot be
referred to or used to support the claim and arguments of the Ps
in this proceeding. As a Part C Document, its authenticity and
contents need to be satisfactorily proven, and it wasn’t. Editing the
recording into six segments is an indication to it being edited in 1755
one way or another. The Ps are to be blamed for not ensuring the
integrity of the evidence as required by law since it is fundamental
to their case. The interpreter who carried out the transcript was
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not called to verify the proposed evidence and its contents. The
transcript may have been placed in Part B Documents, but the 1760
contents still need to be proven to the satisfaction of the Court.
Without IDP1-IDP6 and the transcript, the Ps have lost a
fundamental part of their supposed evidence to support their
claim. Without fundamental supporting evidence, their claim must
naturally fail. 1765
(f) Concerning the Ds counterclaim on the tort of collateral abuse of
process against the Ps. It is my considered judgment that after
considering the facts and the relevant law, the Ds has proven the
requirements for the alleged tortious wrong by the Ps:
(i) The process complained of must have been initiated: 1770
OS 901 and Suit 649 were started much before the FC’s decision in
Tan Kah Fatt was delivered.
(ii) The dominant purpose for initiating that process must be for some
other purpose than to obtain genuine redress:
At the time the action was taken, the Ps had no succession rights over 1775
the estate of the Deceased, and from the facts of proceedings herein,
still, today has none that can be proven in this proceeding.
(i) The plaintiff has suffered damage or injury in consequence:
(ii) Tabulated by the Ds in paragraph 139, enclosure 233 from April 2019
– 01.08.2022, with expenses incurred as tabulated in enclosure 233, 1780
Malaysian Building Society Berhad v Tan Sri Ungku
Nazruddin Bin Ungku Mohamed [1998] 2 MLJ 425, CA cited
Lord Denning in Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd & Ors [1977] 1
WLR, made it clear that neither malice nor the termination of the 1785
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proceedings (OS 901) in the plaintiff’s favour (with costs ordered
to be paid to the Ds) are necessary elements of this tortuous
wrong. Only upon proof of the elements that make up the tort of
collateral abuse of process is a plaintiff entitled to an award of
damage. 1790
(g) Concerning the Intervener claiming to be the lawful natural
offspring of the Deceased by his purported 1st customary marriage
to Ho Ah Nya, no compelling evidence was adduced to establish
the marriage or that the Deceased was his biological father. The
Birth Certificate he produced in Court at trial is indeterminable due 1795
to discrepancies in its information. The Intervener failed to call the
officer from the Registration Department to clarify the ambiguity
and doubt. In such circumstances, no DNA Report was produced
to establish that he is the biological offspring of the Deceased for
Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra) to apply. Just like P1, he did not pursue 1800
for an Order from the Court to compel a DNA test to be carried
out. For want of convincing evidence, the Intervener’s claim must
be dismissed with costs. The Court will not act on speculative
(h) It is a cardinal rule in litigation that parties cannot conduct nor 1805
pursue their respective cases by instalments.
[14] It is my considered judgment that the Ps and the Intervener have failed
to establish their claim. To cite Lord Brandon in Rhesa Shipping Co.SA v
Edmunds [1985] 1 WLR 948 at 955, that no judge likes to decide cases on 1810
the burden of proof if he can legitimately avoid having to do so. There are
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cases, however, in which, owing to the unsatisfactory state of the evidence
or otherwise, deciding on the burden of proof is the only just course to take.
Accordingly, the respective claims by the Ps and the Intervener are
dismissed with costs. 1815
[15] In light of the foregoing and after closely scrutinising and examining all
evidence adduced before me, it is my considered judgment that:
15.1 On the balance of probability, I find that the scale of evidence had tilted 1820
in the Ds' Favor.
15.2 I hold that the Ps and the Intervener failed to discharge their burden
and prove their case.
15.3 Their claims (Ps and the Intervener) were dismissed with cost:
(a) Against P1-P2: Global costs of RM100,000.00 to be paid to 1825
D1-D2 within 30 days, and
(b) Against the Intervener: RM15,000.00 to be paid to D1-D2
within 30 days.
15.4 After considering the parties’ arguments for the tort of collateral abuse
of process, I find for the Ds. The Ds’ counterclaim: 1830
(a) Prayer (a) and (b) are allowed with costs and for damages to
be assessed.
(b) Prayer (c) interest at 5%.
(c) Prayers (d), (e), and (f) are disallowed.
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15.5 Grounded on the facts in present Suit 649 and its appropriate dismissal
thereof, there is no more impediment to OS 702 for the Grant of the
letter of Administration to the Deceased’s estate. Consequently, it is
granted to D1 as prayed with costs. 1840
Dated 02.11.2023.
Mr. Trevor George De Silva, together with Mr. Beh Chee Wei and
Ms. Peyton Yap
Messrs. Beh & Co.
Counsels for the plaintiffs
Ms. Goh Siu Lin, together with Ms. Denise Lim Hsui Yen
Messrs. Kee Sern, Siu & Huey.
Counsels for the defendants
Mr. Wong Kok Yih 1865
Messrs. Gary Wong & Co.
Counsel for the intervener
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| 120,165 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-01(A)-347-06/2021 | PERAYU KETUA PENGARAH HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA RESPONDEN SYARIKAT TAN CHANG YONG HOLDINGS SDN BHD | -Aggrieved -additional assessment -Director General of Inland Revenue -Year of Assessment -Special Commissioners of Income Tax -section 99 -Income Tax Act 1967-testimonies of witnesses -obligation -no error -questions of law -warrant intervention-incorrect returns -tax audit-timber concession -license fee -extract the timber -prohibited -deduction -ignorance of the law is no defence -ignorantia juris non excusat-clear provision of law | 02/11/2023 | YA Dato' Che Mohd Ruzima Bin GhazaliKorumYA Datuk Abdul Karim Bin Abdul JalilYA Dato' Che Mohd Ruzima Bin GhazaliYA Datuk See Mee Chun | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO: W-01(A)-347-06/2021
(Sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Syarikat Tan Chang Yong Holding Sdn Bhd)
(Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur
Bahagian Kuasa-Kuasa Khas
Rayuan Sivil No. WA-14-36-07/2020
Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri … Perayu
TCY Jaya Sdn Bhd … Responden
(Sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Syarikat Tan Chang Yong Holding Sdn Bhd)
(Kes Dinyatakan oleh Pesuruhjaya Khas Cukai Pendapatan
Bagi Pendapat Mahkamah Tinggi
Menurut Perenggan 34 Jadual 5, Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967
Dalam perkara Pesuruhjaya Khas Cukai Pendapatan
Rayuan No. PKCP(R) 23/2010
Rayuan No. PKCP(R) 84/2010
02/11/2023 14:31:34
W-01(A)-347-06/2021 Kand. 34
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Syarikat Tan Chang Yong Holding Sdn Bhd … Perayu
Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri … Responden)
[1] Aggrieved by the additional assessment made by the Director
General of Inland Revenue (DGIR) in respect of Year of Assessment (YA)
2004 and 2005 in the amount of RM186,636.11 and RM295,818.85
respectively, TCY Jaya Sdn Bhd (TCY) appealed to the Special
Commissioners of Income Tax (SCIT) pursuant to section 99 of the
Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967). By a majority decision, SCIT allowed
TCY’s appeal. Dissatisfied with the decision, DGIR appealed to the High
Court. At the High Court, the learned High Court Judge (LHCJ) found that
the SCIT had considered the testimonies of witnesses and all documents
tendered in deciding the obligation of TCY to pay the additional
assessments and there was no error in its determination on the questions
of law based on the evidence before it and in its application to the facts to
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warrant intervention by the court. The LHCJ dismissed the DGIR appeal
with cost. Aggrieved by the said decision, the DGIR appealed to this court.
Brief Facts
[2] TCY is a taxpayer. The principal business activity of TCY is
connected with logging and the buying and selling of timber logs. It has
business premises in Segamat, Johor. From 5.11.2007 to 7.11.2007, the
DGIR conducted a tax audit at TCY’s business premises.
[3] As a consequence of the tax audit, DGIR issued an additional Notice
of Assessment dated 16.7.2009 which disallowed TCY’s claim for the
deduction in the sums of RM1,148,000.00 for the payment made to Keck
Eng Timber (KET) in YA 2004, and the additional assessment and penalty
charged against TCY was RM186,636.11.
[4] For the same reason, the DGIR issued another additional Notice of
Assessment dated 25.3.2010 against TCY for the amount of
RM896,000.00 for YA 2005, and the additional assessment and penalty
charged was RM295,818.85.
[5] Dissatisfied with the additional assessments, TCY filed Notices of
Appeal in Form Q to SCIT dated 16.7.2009 and 25.3.2010 respectively.
Both TCY’s appeals were heard together on 1.4.2012, 23.8.2012,
19.9.2012 and 19.10.2012, and the decision of the SCIT was delivered on
[6] The findings of facts by the SCIT as mentioned in paragraph 8 of
the Case Stated dated 29.6.2020 are as follows:
(i) Responden telah menjalankan audit di tempat perniagaan Perayu di
Segamat pada 5.11.2007 sehingga 7.11.2007.
(ii) Semasa audit dijalankan Responden dimaklumkan oleh Perayu bahawa
tiada perjanjian bertulis diantara Perayu untuk membeli balak dengan
Keck Eng Timber.
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(iii) Perayu mendakwa bahawa perbelanjaan berjumlah RM1,148,000.00
pada tahun TT 2004 dan RM896,000.00 pada tahun TT 2005 adalah kos
pembelian balak daripada Keck Eng Timber.
(iv) Perayu mendakwa bahawa ujudnya perjanjian lisan untuk membeli
balak daripada Keck Eng Timber atas dasar persahabatan dalam
(v) Perayu telah menjadikan perjanjian lisan untuk membeli balak dengan
Keck Eng Timber kepada perjanjian bertulis yang telah dimatikan setem
(vi) Keck Eng Timber memperolehi hak untuk memotong balak daripada
konsesi balak kepunyaan KDYMM Sultan Pahang.
(vii) Perayu memasuki perjanjian lisan untuk membeli balak daripada Keck
Eng Timber.
(viii) Perayu telah mengupah kontraktor Kemajuan Sinar Trading Sdn. Bhd.
untuk memasuki kawasan konsesi balak untuk memotong balak.
(ix) Perayu tidak mempunyai konsesi balak dan untuk menjual balak Perayu
telah membeli konsesi balak daripada Keck Eng Timber.
(x) Saksi Responden bersetuju ujudnya kos untuk membeli balak dan
mengatakan anggaran yang diberikan ialah RM7,000.00 seekar adalah
terlalu tinggi.
(xi) Peguam Responden telah menggugurkan isu sama ada bayaran adalah
berbentuk modal dan tidak dibenarkan di bawah seksyen 39(1) Akta.
The SCIT Decision
[7] By majority, the SCIT held that TCY has proved that it is entitled to
tax deductions under S. 33(1) of the ITA 1967 for expenses incurred for
the purchase of timber and allowed TCY’s appeal. The Deciding Order
dated 22.8.2014, inter alia, was as follows:
untuk mendapatkan konsesi balak sebanyak RM1,148,000.00 bagi Tahun
Taksiran 2004 dan berjumlah RM896,000.00 bagi Tahun Taksiran 2005 boleh
dibenarkan sebagai perbelanjaan di bawah subseksyen 33(1) Akta Cukai
Pendapatan 1967;
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ADALAH DIPUTUSKAN SECARA MAJORITI bahawa penalti yang dikenakan
di bawah seksyen 113(2) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 bagi Tahun-Tahun
Taksiran 2004 dan 2005 berkaitan dengan rayuan ini diketepikan;
bahawa rayuan ini dibenarkan;
[8] However, by way of a minority decision, the learned panel chair held
that TCY’s substantive appeal should not be allowed because TCY had
only made payments to KET in 2010 and 2011 and is entitled to deduct
the disputed expenses in the YA 2010 and 2011, not as part of its
expenditure for the YA 2004 and 2005. In relation to the issue of
imposition of penalty under subsection 113(2) of the ITA 1967, the learned
panel chair agreed with the majority that no penalty should be imposed.
[9] Aggrieved by the decision of the SCIT, the DGIR filed a notice of
appeal to the High Court.
The High Court Decision
[10] The SCIT had considered the testimonies of the witnesses and the
relevant documents in determining the obligation of TCY to pay tax for the
payments made to KET in YA 2004 and 2005. There was no error in the
SCIT’s majority decision on the questions of law based on the evidence
before it and in its application to the facts to warrant intervention by the
[11] As for the minority decision of the learned panel chair, there is an
error of law in the decision. The word incurred does not only mean paid,
an expenditure can be incurred without actually being disbursed.
Therefore, it is irrelevant that TCY had only paid off the amount due under
the merchantable timber purchase agreement in 2010 and 2011 since the
crucial date is the date of the expenditure incurred, that is in 2004 and
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[12] As regard to the penalty under subsection 113(2) of the ITA 1967,
the SCIT is correct in determining that TCY should not be subject to any
penalty in circumstances where the DGIR had mechanically imputed the
penalty without proper consideration of relevant circumstances of the case
and had been changing its basis in raising assessments thereby causing
hardship to TCY. In addition, subsection 113(1) and (2) of the ITA 1967
does not cover situations where there is a difference of opinion on the
interpretation of a particular provision of the act even where the Court
ultimately finds in favour of the Appellant.
The Appeal
[13] Being dissatisfied with the decision of the High Court, DGIR
appealed to this court. Fourteen grounds of appeal were listed in the
Memorandum of Appeal. However, the learned Senior Revenue Counsel
(SRC) in his submission condensed all issues into one, that is, whether
based on the facts found and stated by the SCIT, the decision of the High
Court is correct in law. Meanwhile, the learned counsel for TCY submitted
that the main issue for determination in this appeal is whether the High
Court and the SCIT were wrong in law to determine that the disputed
expenses claimed by TCY as its cost of producing its gross income should
be allowed under subsection 33(1) of the ITA 1967.
Our Decision
[14] The law on appeal from the SCIT to the High Court is trite.
Paragraph 34 of Schedule 5 of the ITA 1967 stipulates that:
34. Either party to proceedings before the Special Commissioners may
appeal on a question of law against a deciding order made in those proceedings
(including a deciding order made pursuant to paragraph 26(b) or (c) by requiring
the Special Commissioners to state a case for the opinion of the High Court
and by paying to the Clerk at the time of making the requisition such fee as may
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be prescribed from time to time by the Minister in respect of each deciding order
against which he seeks to appeal.
[15] In Chua Lip Kong v Director General of Inland Revenue [1982] 1
MLJ 235 the Privy Council dealt with the question of whether the appellate
court can interfere with the primary facts found by the SCIT. At p 236,
Lord Diplock held as follows:
Their Lordships cannot stress too strongly how important it is that, in every
Case Stated for the opinion of the High Court, the Special Commissioners
should state clearly and explicitly what are the findings of fact upon which their
decision is based and not the evidence upon which those findings, so far as
they consist of primary facts, are founded. Findings of primary facts by the
Special Commissioners are unassailable. They can be neither overruled nor
supplemented by the High Court itself; occasionally they may be insufficient to
enable the High Court to decide the question of law sought to be raised by the
Case Stated, but in that event, it will be necessary for the Case to be remitted
to the Commissioners themselves for further findings. It is the primary facts so
found by the Commissioners that they should set out in the Case Stated as
having been "admitted or proved".
In Director-General of Inland Revenue v Khoo Ewe Aik Realty Sdn. Bhd.
[1990] 2 MLJ 415, Gunn Chit Tuan SCJ delivering the decision of the
Supreme Court held that:
It is hardly necessary for any lawyer to be reminded that under our Income Tax
Act 1967(paras 34, 39, 41 and 42 of Schedule 5 of the Income Tax Act 1967)
one may only appeal to the High Court and thence to the Supreme Court on a
question of law. The decision of the Special Commissioners of Income Tax as
to the facts is therefore conclusive. In this connection, it is interesting to note
the following statement by Lord Denning on the powers of the High Court on
appeal in Griffiths v JP Harrison, (Watford) Ltd [1962] 1 All ER 909 at p 916:
Now the powers of the High Court on an appeal are very limited. The judge
cannot reverse the commissioners on their findings of fact. He can only reverse
their decision if it is 'erroneous in point of law'. Now here the primary facts were
all found by the commissioners. They were stated in the case. They cannot be
disputed. What is disputed is their conclusion from them. It is now settled, as
well as anything can be, that their conclusion cannot be challenged unless it
was unreasonable, so unreasonable that it can be dismissed as one which
could not reasonably be entertained by them. It is not sufficient that the judge
would himself have come to a different conclusion. Reasonable people on the
same facts may reasonably come to different conclusions: and often do. Juries
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do. So do judges. And are they not all reasonable men? But there comes a
point when a judge can say that no reasonable man could reasonably come to
that conclusion. Then, but not till then, he is entitled to interfere.
A court would not therefore disturb findings of fact by the Special
Commissioners unless it considers that the only reasonable conclusion on the
evidence contradicts the determination of the Special Commissioners (see
Edwards v Bairstow 36 TC 207, Director-General of Inland Revenue v LCW
[1975] 1 MLJ 250 at p 251 and Kota Kinabalu Industries Sdn Bhd v Director-
General of Inland Revenue [1981] 2 MLJ 186 at p 190).
[16] Back to the appeal before us, the primary finding of facts made by
the SCIT can be seen in paragraph 8 of the Case Stated, see pp 73 and
74 Common Core Bundle (CCB) in Enclosure 14, and is reproduced in
paragraph [6] above. To determine whether the TCY’s disputed payments
to KET in YA 2004 and 2005 were payments of all outgoings and expenses
wholly and exclusively incurred in the production of gross income to
enable TCY to make a deduction as provided under subsection 33(1) of
the ITA 1967, the facts finding by the SCIT is pertinent. For ease of
reference, the provision under subsection 33(1) of the ITA 1967 is as
Adjusted income generally
33. (1) Subject to this Act, the adjusted income of a person from a source for
the basis period for a year of assessment shall be an amount ascertained by
deducting from the gross income of that person from that source for that period
all outgoings and expenses wholly and exclusively incurred during that period
by that person in the production of gross income from that source, including –
[17] Upon perusing the facts found by the SCIT, we are of the view that
there are inconsistencies in the said finding. At subparagraph 8 (vii) of
the finding of facts, the SCIT found that TCY entered into an oral
agreement to purchase timber from KET, a transaction that involved
payment of outgoings and expenses incurred in the production of gross
income that enabled TCY to make a deduction under subsection 33(1) of
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the ITA 1967. However, in the same finding of facts in subparagraph 8
(ix), the SCIT made a contradictory finding that TCY does not have any
timber concession to sell timber and it had purchased the timber
concession from KET, a transaction involved payment that would
constitute either payment for the use of licence or permit to extract timber
which the deduction from the gross income is disallowed under paragraph
39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967. Again, for ease of reference, the provision under
paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967 is as follows:
Deductions not allowed
39. (1) Subject to any express provision of this Act, in ascertaining the adjusted
income of any person from any source for the basis period for a year of
assessment no deduction from the gross income from that source for that
period shall be allowed in respect of –
(g) any sum, by whatever name called, payable (otherwise than to a
State Government or with the approval of the Minister, a statutory
authority, or other body the capital or fund of which is wholly or
substantially owned by a State Government or a statutory
authority) for the use of a licence or permit to extract timber from
a forest in Malaysia;
[18] Obviously, from the finding of facts as listed in the Case Stated, we
observed that the SCIT itself is not certain of the status of the disputed
payments made by TCY to KET in YA 2004 and 2005. Based on the
uncertainty in the finding of facts, we are of the view that the SCIT is
incapable of making a correct decision in addressing the issue at hand.
From the grounds of judgment (GOJ), the LHCJ failed to address his mind
on the said uncertainty.
[19] Besides that, we also observed and considered the submission
raised by the learned SRC that there is another glaring error of law
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committed by the SCIT as reflected in the Deciding Order where the SCIT
stated as follows:
untuk mendapatkan konsesi balak sebanyak RM1,148,000.00 bagi Tahun
Taksiran 2004 dan berjumlah RM896,000.00 bagi Tahun Taksiran 2005 boleh
dibenarkan sebagai perbelanjaan di bawah subseksyen 33(1) Akta Cukai
Pendapatan 1967.
The learned SRC submitted that since the SCIT found that the disputed
payments were for the purchase of timber concession as opposed to the
purchase of timber or standing logs, the decision that such payments are
allowable under subsection 33(1) ITA 1967 is manifestly wrong in law.
This is because the effect of the finding that the payments were for the
purchase of timber concession is, the payments would then constitute
either payments for the use of a licence or permit to extract timber in which
the deduction is disallowed under paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967.
[20] From the above observations, we find that there are two main
questions of law that need to be addressed and decided by the High Court.
Firstly, on the issue of the status of the disputed payments made by TCY
to KET in YA 2204 dan 2005, and secondly, if the disputed payments are
allowable under subsection 33(1) ITA 1967, whether the said disputed
payments are subject to the restriction under paragraph 39(1)(g) of the
ITA 1967.
First Issue – Status of the Disputed Payments
[21] It is an undisputed fact that TCY entered into an agreement with
KET to extract and remove the timber from the concession owned by
KDYMM Sultan of Pahang. In the beginning, there was only an oral
agreement between TCY and KET. Then, TCY turned the oral agreement
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to a written agreement dated 3.3.2004 and was stamped on 12.3.2004
(the said Agreement). See CCB at pp 140-142 in Enclosure 14.
[22] TCY claimed that the said Agreement was entered into to buy timber
or standing logs from KET, not the timber concession. Therefore, the
disputed payments were the cost of producing gross income and they
were deductible under subsection 33(1) of the ITA 1967. In contrast, the
DGIR took a different stand. It was argued that the tax audit shows that
TCY acquired a timber concession from KET.
[23] As mentioned before, the LHCJ did not address this issue in his
GOJ. To determine the dispute, we need to sieve through the appeal
records. Unfortunately, no notes of evidence before the SCIT were
produced in the appeal records even though the Case Stated clearly
mentioned that two witnesses, each one witness from TCY and the DGIR
had given oral testimony before the SCIT. Be that as it may, there are
other documents and numerous correspondences between TCY and the
DGIR in the appeal records that can be taken into consideration when it
comes to a judicial fact-finding process. Those relevant documents and
correspondences were listed in the CCB Enclosure 15, and can be
considered as contemporaneous evidence in determining the status of the
disputed payments.
[24] To begin with, we refer to said Agreement. In Recital (A), it is stated
that KET has secured the exclusive right to extract and remove all
merchantable timber from the concession area in Compartments 96-A and
97-A. In Recital (B), KET agreed to sell and TCY agreed to purchase all
merchantable timber found at the concession area subject to the terms
and conditions, among others, as follows:
1. In consideration of the sum of Ringgit Malaysia: Two Million Forty-four
Thousand Only (RM2,044,000.00), (hereinafter referred to as “the
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Purchase Price”). The 1st Party hereby agrees to sell and the 2nd Party
hereby agrees to Purchase all merchantable timber found at the
Concession Area subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter
2. All expenses payable to Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang stated in
the Letter of Award dated 29th April 2003 and 13th June 2003, necessary
for issuance of logging license for all the compartments and the
Concession Area shall be the responsibility of the 2nd Party.
3. Any increase in the payment of the above expenses as stated in clause
2, especially payment of premium shall be borne by the 2nd Party.
4. The 2nd Party shall have the exclusive right to manage all matters relating
to logging activities at the Concession Area especially concerning
extraction and selling of timber logs.
5. All timber logs extracted from the said Concession Area shall be sold by
the 2nd Party and all proceeds of sale shall belong to 2nd Party absolutely.
6. The 2nd Party shall perform the logging activities strictly in accordance
withal the rules and regulations set by Jabatan Perhutanan.
From the terms and conditions of the said Agreement, we conclude that it
reveals the following facts:
i. TCY secured the exclusive right from KET to manage all
matters relating to logging activities at the concession area;
ii. TCY own all the extracted timber and has the right of disposal
and all proceeds thereto absolutely belong to TCY; and
iii. TCY is to bear all the expenses payable to Jabatan
Perhutanan Negeri Pahang as stated in the Letter of Award
dated 29.4.2003 and 13.6.2003.
[25] The other contemporaneous evidence that needs to be taken into
consideration is the correspondence between the parties. We observed
that the earlier correspondences from TCY’s tax agent to the DGIR
alluded that the disputed payments are for the purchase of timber
concession, and not for timber or standing logs. Via a letter dated
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9.4.2008, see CCB at pp 295-297 in Enclosure 15, TCY’s tax agent in its
appeal to the DGIR inter alia, submitted as follows:
Tahun taksiran 2004
(a) Perjanjian jual beli konsesi
Untuk makluman tuan, pelanggan kami telah memasuki satu urusniaga
berkaitan pembelian kawasan balak dengan pihak penjual, Keck Eng
Timber. Kawasan balak berkenaan adalah berkaitan dengan kawasan
kurniaan KDYMM Sultan Pahang di daerah Lipis, Pahang Darul Makmur.
Kawasan Konsesi balak berkenaan meliputi kompartmen 96-A dan 97-A,
Hutan Simpan Ulu Jelai, daerah Lipis, Pahang Darul Makmur.
Bersama-sama ini kami kemukakan dokumen-dokumen berikut berkaitan
dengan urusniaga berkenaan seperti berikut untuk tindakan pihak tuan
(a) Perjanjian pembelian kawasan konsesi balak di antara Keck
Eng Timber (penjual) dan Tan Chang Yong Holding Sdn Bhd
(b) Surat kelulusan daripada Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang
berhubung kelulusan kawasan pembalakan di atas kompartmen
96-A, Hutan Simpan Ulu Jelai, daerah Lipis, Pahang Darul
Makmur bertarikh 29 April 2003; dan
(c) Surat kelulusan daripada Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang
berhubung kelulusan kawasan pembalakan di atas kompartmen
97-A, Hutan Simpan Ulu Jelai, daerah Lipis, Pahang Darul
Makmur bertarikh 13 Jun 2003. (emphasis added)
Subsequent correspondences from TCY’s tax agent to DGIR dated
7.7.2008 (see CCB at pp 175-177 in Enclosure 15), 11.12.2008 (see CCB
at pp 203-205 in Enclosure 15), 22.12.2008 (see CCB at pp 206-209 in
Enclosure 15) and 6.1.2009 (see CCB at pp 211-217 in Enclosure 15) also
clearly show that TCY had admitted to the fact that the said Agreement is
for the purchase of the timber concession and not for buying timber or
standing logs from KET.
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[26] Then, by a letter dated 26.2.2009 (see CCB at pp 219 in Enclosure
15) the DGIR responded to TCY’s tax agent letter dated 6.1.2009. In the
said letter, the DGIR expresses his view on TCY’s expenses in relation to
the disputed payments as follows:
2. Adalah dimaklumkan, berdasarkan kepada fakta-fakta kes yang diterima
perbelanjaan yang dilakukan adalah perbelanjaan untuk mendapatkan hak
penebangan balak dan bukan pembelian kayu balak dari Keck Eng Timber.
3. Oleh itu Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia berpendapat
perbelanjaan yang dibayar kepada Keck Eng Timber tidak layak mendapat
potongan cukai di bawah seksyen 39(1)(g) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
Consequent to that, TCY changed its stance. Thereafter, the
correspondence sent by TCY’s tax agent to the DGIR no longer refers to
the purchase of timber concessions. Instead, the said Agreement is said
to be for the purchase of timber or standing logs, see TCY’s tax agent
letter dated 23.3.2009 at pp 221-225 CCB, 11.5.2009 at pp 227-229 CCB,
8.6.2009 at pp 230-236 CCB and 16.6.2009 at pp 238-246 CCB, all in
Enclosure 15.
[27] Apart from those contemporaneous evidence, there is another
relevant fact that is not disputed by TCY. The fact is that TCY had paid
all expenses under the said Agreement. First and foremost, TCY admitted
that it paid the royalty and the premium for 164 acres of the concession
area at RM7,000.00 per acre in the amount of RM1,148,000.00. Other
than that, TCY also admitted that it had paid the concession license and
road permit to the forestry department. All receipts of payments were
acknowledged by TCY. See TCY’s tax agent letter dated 11.12.2008 at p
204 CCB, 22.12.2008 at p 208 CCB and 6.1.2009 at pp 213 and 216 CCB,
and 23.3.2009 at p 222 CCB, all in Enclosure 15.
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[28] Finally, we also look at the Journal Voucher dated 31.8.2004 which
can be seen at p 291 CCB in Enclosure 15. As documented in the Journal
Voucher, it is crystal clear that the payment made is for the purchase of
timber concession, not for timber or standing logs. For ease of reference,
the Journal Voucher is as follows:
[29] Looking at the contemporaneous evidence, we are of the
considered view that the SCIT’s finding of fact in subparagraph 8 (ix) of
the Case Stated is correct as compared to the facts found in subparagraph
8 (vii), that is, TCY had purchased the timber concession from KET. Our
view is in line with the nature of the right given to TCY in the said
Agreement. The exclusivity of the right given to TCY to extract and
remove all merchantable timber from the concession area is akin to the
right of a concessionaire. Coupled with the fact that the amount to be paid
by TCY to KET is in a fixed sum regardless of the number of the standing
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logs available in the concession area, negates the proposition that the
said Agreement is for the purchase of timber or standing logs.
[30] Moreover, the condition that TCY must bear all expenses for the
logging license issued by the State Forestry Department, and the fact that
TCY did pay for all the expenses including the royalty and the premium
for the concession area, the concession licence and road permit further
strengthen our view that TCY had purchased the timber concession and
not merely purchasing the standing logs from KET. Above all, the Journal
Voucher issued in the transaction clearly stated that the payment was a
provision for the purchase of the timber concession.
[31] Besides that, TCY through its tax agent had lucidly admitted that the
said Agreement is to purchase the timber concession. This can be seen
in TCY’s tax agent's earlier letters of appeal to the DGIR. Only after
knowing that the payment to purchase a timber concession is not
allowable for deduction under the tax law did TCY change its stand. On
this matter, the legal maxim of law on estoppel - Allegans contraria non
est audiendus or ‘he who alleges contradictory things is not to be heard’
shall apply. In the case of Yamamori (Hong Kong) Ltd v Davidson [1992]
2 MLJ 410 at 418, Ian HC Chin JC (as he then was) refers to Broom’s
Legal Maxims (1st Ed) at p 103 where it is stated as follows:
This elementary rule of logic, which is frequently applied in our courts of justice,
will receive occasional illustration in the course of this work. We may for the
present observe that it expresses, in other language, the trite saying of Lord
Kenyon, that a man shall not be permitted to ‘blow hot and cold’ with reference
to the same transaction, or insist, at different times, on the truth of each of two
conflicting allegations, according to the promptings of his private interest.
Halsbury's Laws of England (4th edition) at paragraph 1507 stated that:
Approbation and reprobation. On the principle that a person may not
approbate and reprobate, a species of estoppel has arisen which seems to be
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intermediate between estoppel by record and estoppel in pais. The principle
that a person may not approbate and reprobate expresses two proposition: (1)
that the person in question, having a choice between two courses of conduct,
is to be treated as having made an election from which he cannot resile; and
(2) that he will not be granted, in general at any rate, as having so elected
unless he has taken a benefit under or arising out of the course of conduct
which he has first pursued and with which his subsequent conduct is
In Bato Bagi & Ors v. Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak & Another Appeal [2011]
8 CLJ 766; [2011] 6 MLJ 297 the Federal Court cited with approval the
English Court of Appeal's decision in Verschures Creameries, Limited v.
Hull and Netherlands Steamship Company, Limited [1921] 2 KB 608
wherein Scrutton LJ held:
A plaintiff is not permitted to "approbate and reprobate." The phrase is
apparently borrowed from the Scotch law, where it is used to express the
principle embodied in our doctrine of election - namely, that no party can accept
and reject the same instrument: Ker v. Wauchope (1); Dougias-Menzies v.
Umphelby (2). The doctrine of election is not however confined to instruments.
A person cannot say at one time that a transaction is valid and thereby obtain
some advantage, to which he could only be entitled on the footing that it is valid,
and then turn round and say it is void for the purpose of securing some other
advantage. That is to approbate and reprobate the transaction.
Therefore, TCY shall not be permitted to ‘blow hot and cold’ or ‘approbate
and reprobate’ to suit its own private interest, that is, to escape from
paying tax.
[32] Based on the said reasons, we reiterate that the SCIT’s finding of
fact in subparagraph 8 (ix) is perfectly correct. TCY had purchased the
timber concession from KET and not the timber or the standing logs.
Thus, even though the disputed payments can be considered as
outgoings and expenses wholly and exclusively incurred in the production
of gross income, and claimable for deduction of tax under subsection
33(1) of the ITA 1967, regard must be made to the restriction as stipulated
under paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967.
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Second Issue - the Restriction Under Paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA
[33] The SCIT’s finding of fact in subparagraph 8 (xi) of the Case Stated
shows that the learned SRC who represents the DGIR had dropped the
issue of whether the disputed payments are capital in nature and therefore
was not allowed under paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967. In other words,
the learned SRC had abandoned the issue on the applicability of
paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967 in TCY’s appeal before the SCIT. In
his submission before us, the learned counsel for TCY had specifically
stressed that the DGIR could not revisit the issue that had been
abandoned before the SCIT and was not argued before the High Court.
The learned SRC admitted and acknowledged the said fact. However, the
learned SRC did submit before us that paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967
shall apply to the disputed payments. Therefore, the question before us
is whether the principle of estoppel apply against DGIR in such a situation.
[34] The law on estoppel in pais, that is estoppel by words or conduct
against the statutory provision is well settled. There are numerous high
authorities decided on this matter. Among others, in Puran Singh v Kehar
Singh; Bahadur Singh [1939] 1 MLJ 71, Thomas CJ held as follows:
The main question argued at the appeal was that the learned trial Judge having
held that the registration of Kehar Singh as proprietor of certain lands had been
obtained by means of an insufficient or void instrument, viz., an invalid power
of attorney, and that it was in consequence void under section 42 (iii) of the
Land Code, he was wrong in holding that the plaintiff was estopped by his
conduct from objecting to the registration. In support of this contention, he cited
Borrow's case (1880) 14 ChD 432 in which it is stated by Bacon, V.C., in the
course of his judgment that:
"… the doctrine of estoppel cannot be applied to an Act of Parliament.
Estoppel only applies to a contract inter partes and it is not competent to
parties to a contract to estop themselves or anybody else in the face of
an Act of Parliament."
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This view is followed in the case of Abdul Aziz v Kanthen Mallik 38 ILR Cal 512
515 in which at page 515 a long list of authorities has been set out. The Court
there decided that it was not prepared to accede to the argument that the
principle of estoppel overrides the provisions of either section 78 of the Land
Registration Act or section 60 of the Bengal Tenancy Act.
In Kok Hoong v Leong Cheong Kweng Mines Ltd [1964] 1 All ER 300;
[1964] MLJ 49, the Privy Council had considered the plea of estoppel in
the face of a statute and held as follows:
The respondent has invoked in support of its defence a principle which appears
in our law in many forms, that a party cannot set up an estoppel in the face of
a statute. Thus, a corporation on which there is imposed a statutory duty to
carry out certain acts in the interest of the public cannot preclude itself by
estoppel in pais from performing its duty and asserting legal rights accordingly.
See Maritime Electric Co Ltd v General Dairies Ltd and Southend-on-Sea
Corpn v Hodgson (Wickford) Ltd. Given a “statutory obligation of an
unconditional character” it is not open to the court to allow the party bound by
that obligation to be barred from carrying it out by the operation of an estoppel.
Similarly, there is, in most cases, no estoppel against a defendant who wishes
to set up the statutory invalidity of some contract or transaction on which he is
being sued, despite the fact that by conduct or other means he would otherwise
be bound by estoppel; see Re a Bankruptcy Notice, in particular per Atkin LJ
([1924] 2 Ch at p 96).
Supreme Court in Hotel Ambassador (M) Sdn Bhd v Seapower (M) Sdn
Bhd [1991] 1 MLJ 404 at p 407; [1991] 1 CLJ Rep 174 at p 179, held that:
On the question of issue estoppel, we agree with the learned judge that on the
facts of this case the appellants cannot invoke the doctrine of issue estoppel.
There can be no estoppel as against statutory provisions. …
In Teruntum Theatre Sdn Bhd v Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri
[2006] 4 MLJ 685, commenting on the same issue, the Court of Appeal
had this to say:
[18] Estoppel is a rule of evidence which can only be invoked in special
circumstances. The estoppel relied upon by the taxpayer against Revenue in
this case is that of estoppel in pais, i.e. estoppel by words or conduct. In our
view, the Special Commissioners were not wrong to reject the suggestion that
the assessment by the respondent of a taxpayer under the RPGT was an
irrevocable act. Estoppel cannot be invoked against the Director General of
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Income Tax when he is put to notice that an incorrect assessment has been
made under the RPGT. The Director General cannot raise an estoppel against
himself from discharging his statutory duty to raise a correct assessment under
the appropriate law if the basis of treating the gain as a capital gain was not
within the meaning ascribed to it by the RPGT and no real property gains tax is
payable. In such a situation, the Director General is not absolved from
discharging his duty of raising the correct assessment in accordance with the
relevant law. No person can raise an estoppel against himself so as to defeat a
positive duty imposed upon him by a statute (Maritime Electric Co Ltd v General
Diaries Ltd [1937] AC 610 at pp 620–621), The duty of both parties, the Director
General and the taxpayer, is to obey the law.
Guided by the clear settled principle of law enunciated in those authorities,
we find that the learned SRC who represented DGIR is not estopped from
raising the issue of the restriction stipulated under paragraph 39(1)(g) of
the ITA 1967 even though the matter was abandoned before the SCIT and
also not argued before the High Court.
[35] Based on our reasoned finding that the SCIT had made a correct
finding of fact in subparagraph 8 (ix) of the Case stated, the disputed
payments fall under the category of any sum paid for the use of a licence
or permit to extract timber from the concession area. Thus, TCY is
prohibited from claiming deduction under subsection 33(1) of the ITA 1967
by virtue of paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967.
[36] In such a situation, we find that the LHCJ had failed to exercise his
appellate function to consider and decide on the question of law, that is,
whether the SCIT had correctly addressed the law in determining whether
TCY is entitled to deduct the disputed payments as its cost of producing
gross income under subsection 33(1) of the ITA 1967 by virtue of the
restriction under paragraph 39(1)(g) of the ITA 1967. We agree with the
learned SRC’s contention that both the SCIT and the High Court had erred
in law by arriving at a conclusion not supported by the facts found and
thereby, applying the wrong provision of law in determining the appeal.
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Penalty Under Section 113 of the ITA 1967
[37] Finally, we will address the issue of the penalty imposed by the
DGIR against TCY. The law on the penalty imposed on the incorrect
returns sent by the taxpayer to the DGIR is trite. Section 113 of the ITA
1967 provides as follows:
Incorrect returns
113. (1) Any person who -
(a) makes an incorrect return by omitting or understating any
income of which he is required by this Act to make a return
on behalf of himself or another person; or
(b) gives any incorrect information in relation to any matter
affecting his own chargeability to tax or the chargeability to
tax of any other person,
shall, unless he satisfies the court that the incorrect return or incorrect
information was made or given in good faith, be guilty of an offence and
shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than one thousand
ringgit and not more than ten thousand ringgit and shall pay a special
penalty of double the amount of tax which has been undercharged in
consequence of the incorrect return or incorrect information or which
would have been undercharged if the return or information had been
accepted as correct.
(2) Where a person -
(a) makes an incorrect return by omitting or understating any
income of which he is required by this Act to make a return
on behalf of himself or another person; or
(b) gives any incorrect information in relation to any matter
affecting his own chargeability to tax or the chargeability to
tax of any other person,
then, if no prosecution under subsection (1) has been instituted in
respect of the incorrect return or incorrect information, the Director
General may require that person to pay a penalty equal to the amount of
tax which has been undercharged in consequence of the incorrect return
or incorrect information or which would have been undercharged if the
return or information had been accepted as correct; and, if that person
pays that penalty (or, where the penalty is abated or remitted under
subsection 124(3), so much, if any, of the penalty as has not been abated
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or remitted), he shall not be liable to be charged on the same facts with
an offence under subsection (1).
Under subsection 113(2), if a taxpayer is not prosecuted, the DGIR may
require the taxpayer to pay a penalty equal to the amount of tax that was
undercharged due to the incorrect returns. In other words, the DGIR has
discretionary power to impose penalty up to 100% of the amount of tax
due, a discretion that cannot be exercised at whim and fancy. See
Supreme Court decision in Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri v Kim
Thye & Co [1992] 2 MLJ 708.
[38] From the facts, it is not disputed that the filing of incorrect returns by
TCY in YA 2004 and 2005 was discovered during the tax audit by the
DGIR at TCY’s business premises in Segamat, Johor which was held from
5.11.2007 to 7.11.2007. By the nature of the business transaction with
KET, that is, TCY had bought the timber concession and was under
obligation to pay all expenses including the licence fee to extract the
timber, TCY should have known that the disputed payments were
prohibited from claiming deduction as provided under paragraph 39(1)(g)
of the ITA 1967. It is a general legal principle that ignorance of the law is
no defence - ignorantia juris non excusat. TCY cannot claim ignorance of
the clear provision of law.
[39] Furthermore, good faith is not a defence against the imposition of
penalty under subsection 113(2) of the ITA 1967. The Court of Appeal
decision in Syarikat Ibraco-Peremba Sdn Bhd v Ketua Pengarah Hasil
Dalam Negeri [2017] 2 MLJ 120 at p 139 held that:
[38] It is without doubt that s 113(2) of the Act gives a discretion to the
respondent to impose a penalty on a person who has failed to observe the
requirements of the law as provided in para 2(a) or (b) of s 113. Hence the use
of the phrase ‘the Director General may require that person to pay a penalty’.
There is a clear distinction between sub-s 113(1) and sub-s 113(2). Although
paras 113(1)(a) and (b) and paras 113(2)(a) and (b) are almost identical, but
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the effect of sub-s 113(1) is different from sub-s 113(2). Sub-section 113(1)
provides for an offence being committed in the circumstance provided for in
para (a) or (b) unless that person ‘satisfies the court that the incorrect return or
incorrect information was made or given in food faith’. Whereas sub-s 113(2)
provides for a situation where there is no prosecution under sub-s 113(1) has
been instituted in the circumstances provided for in para 113(2)(a) or (b), the
Director General may require that person to pay a penalty. That being the case,
the defence of ‘good faith’ as found in sub-s 113(1), and not found in sub-s
113(2), does not apply to the Director General’s discretion under sub-s 113(2).
We therefore disagree with the appellant’s submission on this score.
See also the Court of Appeal decision in Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam
Negeri v Classic Japan (M) Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ 894 at pp 916-917.
[40] Having considered the facts and the applicable law on this issue, we
find that the DGIR had correctly exercised his discretion pursuant to
subsection 113(2) of the ITA 1967. We do not find any reason to disturb
the DGIR's discretion in imposing a penalty of 45% for incorrect returns,
instead of 100% allowable under the law.
[41] For the above reasons, we are unanimous in our decision that there
are merits in the DGIR’s appeal which warrant appellate intervention. We
therefore allow the DGIR’s appeal and set aside both the judgment of the
High Court and the decision of the SCIT with cost of RM20,000.00 here
and below to be awarded to DGIR subject to the allocator.
Dated: 01.11.2023
Court of Appeal Malaysia
S/N eu5A56nZJ0yG9gJwHTCBGA
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For The Appellant : Ahmad Isyak bin Mohd Hassan
(Together with Syazana Safiah
[Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri
(LHDN), Cyberjaya]
For The Respondent : Francis Tan Leh Kiah
(Together with Brandon Shen
Shi Han)
[Azman Davidson & Co.]
S/N eu5A56nZJ0yG9gJwHTCBGA
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| 48,003 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PB-44-6-05/2023 | PEMOHON SUKDEV SINGH A/L KERTHA SINGH RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Permohonan jenayah - Bidang kuasa – Permohonan untuk relif – Sama ada permohonan mengikut kehendak undang-undang – kepentingan menyatakan Tajuk perkara atau ‘intitulement’ dalam permohonan – Sama ada mahkamah mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk mendengar permohonan berkenaan permohonan relif-relif – sama ada Kuasa-kuasa tambahan di bawah s. 25(2) Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964 terpakai – sama ada menamakan pendakwa raya sebagai responden teratur. | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Fathiyah Binti Idris | |
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Dalam perkara Mahkamah
Majistret Bukit Mertajam,
Seberang Perai Tengah No. Kes:
Dalam perkara mengenai
Laporan Polis No Report
Seberang Jaya 001787/23,
No. Report Seberang Jaya
002043/23, No. Report Seberang
Jaya 002044/23, dan No. Report
Seberang Jaya 002190/23
Dalam perkara Akta Mahkamah
Kehakiman 1964
Dalam perkara Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah (Akta 593)
Dalam perkara Akta Imegresen
1959 / 1963
Dalam perkara Bidang Kuasa
Sedia Ada Mahkamah Tinggi
Malaya di Butterworth
02/11/2023 22:35:35
PB-44-6-05/2023 Kand. 16
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(No. K/P: 811114-08-5719) …PEMOHON
[1] Melalui satu Notis Usul bertarikh 28.5.2023, Pemohon telah
memohon untuk mendapatkan perintah-perintah seperti berikut: -
a) Penama Jaspreet Kaur (pemegang Pasport India No: V
3554652) ditahan di Depot Imigresen Juru dan / atau dihalang
daripada diusir ke negara asalnya sehingga kes PC-83-322-
04/2023 dan semua siasatan berkaitan 4 laporan polis oleh
Pemohon dan isteri Pemohon diselesaikan.
b) Pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Jabatan Imigresen
Malaysia tidak memohon dan / atau mengeluarkan Perintah
Pengusiran ke atas Jaspreet Kaur (pemegang Pasport India
No: V 3554652) sehingga kes PC-83-322-04/2023 dan semua
siasatan berkaitan 4 laporan polis oleh Pemohon dan isteri
Pemohon diselesaikan.
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[2] Di dalam Afidavit Sokongan (Kandungan 2) yang diikrarkan oleh
Pemohon telah menyatakan antara lain fakta-fakta seperti berikut: -
a) Sukdev Singh a/l Kertha Singh, K/P: 811114-08-5719
(Pemohon) telah dituduh di Mahkamah Majistret Bukit
Mertajam di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan, dengan
nombor kes PC-83-22-04/2023.
b) Mangsa yang dinyatakan di dalam pertuduhan tersebut ialah
pembantu rumahnya iaitu Jaspreet Kaur, pemegang Pasport
India No: V 3554652 (selepas ini dikenali sebagai Jaspreet).
Pada 17.3.2023 Pemohon telah membuat satu laporan polis
No: Seberang Jaya 001787/23) ke atas Jaspreet, di mana
Pemohon melaporkan bahawa Jaspreet telah melarikan diri
dari rumah Pemohon bersama-sama dengan barang kemas
dan duit Pemohon, anggaran kerugian yang dialami oleh
Pemohon adalah sebanyak RM3850.00.
c) Selanjutnya pada 28.3.2023, Pemohon dan isterinya telah
membuat dua laporan polis ke atas Jaspreet, iaitu Laporan
Polis Seberang Jaya 002043/23 dan 002044/23.
d) Di dalam Laporan Polis Seberang Jaya 002043/23, Pemohon
menyatakan bahawa pada 17.3.2023, Jaspreet telah mencuri
barang kemas dan duit perniagaannya. Jaspreet juga telah
melarikan diri daripada rumah Pemohon dan dipercayai
tinggal dengan 1 lelaki India bernama Sathiasilan a/l Ravi.
e) Di dalam Laporan Polis Seberang Jaya 002044/23, isteri
Pemohon yang bernama Sandeep Kaur menyatakan bahawa
Jaspreet telah melarikan diri bersama barang-barang kemas
yang dicurinya. Sandeep Kaur percaya bahawa Jaspreet
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telah membuat satu laporan polis yang menafikan beliau
mencuri barang-barang kemas. Sandeep Kaur juga percaya
bahawa Jaspreet telah ditahan di rumah perlindungan dan
akan dihantar pulang ke negara asal.
f) Seterusnya pada 3.4.2023, Sandeep Kaur telah membuat
satu lagi laporan polis ke atas Jaspreet, iaitu laporan polis
Seberang Jaya 002190/23. Sandeep Kaur melaporkan
bahawa sekitar bulan Mac 2023, dua orang anaknya sering
didera dan dibuli oleh Jaspreet. Kedua-dua anak tersebut
telah mendapat rawatan di klinik atas kecederaan yang
dialami. Sandeep Kaur juga percaya bahawa Jaspreet telah
membuat satu laporan polis yang menyatakan bahawa
Jaspreet telah didera oleh Sukdev (Pemohon) dan Sandeep
g) Selanjutnya Pemohon menyatakan bahawa setelah Pemohon
membuat laporan polis bertarikh 17.3.2023, pihak polis tidak
mengambil apa-apa tindakan terhadap Jaspreet. Pada
18.3.2023, Jaspreet telah membuat laporan polis dan pada
hari yang sama Pemohon telah ditangkap dan direman
selama tujuh (7) hari. Pada 25.3.2023, Pemohon telah dituduh
di Mahkamah Majistret Bukit Mertajam di bawah seksyen 323
Kanun Keseksaan.
h) Pada 18.4.2023, pihak Imigresen telah menyoal siasat
Pemohon mengenai maklumat pekerjaan, permit dan pasport
Jaspreet. Pemohon telah dimaklumkan bahawa Jaspreet
telah dihantar ke Depot Imigresen Juru dan dalam proses
untuk dihantar balik ke negara asal.
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i) Pada 3.5.2023, Pemohon melalui peguambela telah
menghantar surat kepada Pegawai Penyiasat dan pada
16.5.2023 Pemohon melalui peguambela telah menghantar
surat kepada Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Mahkamah Majistret
Bukit Mertajam, Pengarah Pendakwaan Negeri Pulau Pinang
dan Jabatan Peguam Negara Malaysia, untuk mendapatkan
status siasatan mengenai laporan-laporan polis yang telah
dibuat oleh pemohon dan isterinya Sandeep Kaur.
j) Sehingga permohonan ini difailkan, pemohon masih belum
mendapat sebarang keputusan dan jawapan terhadap
persoalan yang dikemukakan dalam surat / e-mel tersebut.
Pemohon kemudiannya mendapat maklumat bahawa
prosiding deposisi sedang dijalankan ke atas Jaspreet.
k) Pada 19.5.2023, Pemohon telah menghantar surat kepada
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Pulau Pinang dan bertanyakan
sebab-sebab penahanan Jaspreet di Depot Imigresen Juru.
Pihak pemohon tidak menerima apa-apa jawapan berkaitan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam surat tersebut.
[3] Terdapat dua lagi Afidavit iaitu Kandungan (6) dan (7) yang telah
difailkan oleh pihak pemohon, yang mana pemohon memberi
penjelasan, penafian dan jawapan-jawapan kepada Afidavit
Responden (Kandungan 5).
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Hujahan Responden
[4] Responden dalam membantah permohonan ini menghujahkan
seperti berikut:-
i) Notis Usul yang difailkan oleh Pemohon ini merupakan suatu
penyalahgunaan proses Mahkamah. Ini kerana cabaran
terhadap tindakan Responden yang merupakan pihak
berkuasa awam yang menjalankan tugas-tugas awam hanya
boleh dimulakan melalui Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman di
bawah Aturan 53 Keadah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
ii) Pemohon juga tidak mempunyai apa-apa kausa tindakan
terhadap Responden. Ini kerana Responden bukan pihak yang
sepatutnya dinamakan sebagai pihak di dalam tindakan ini dan
Responden tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk memutuskan
perkara berkenaan dengan pengusiran penama tersebut.
iii) Berdasarkan Perkara 145(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan
Seksyen 376(1) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, perkara berkaitan
dengan urusan di dalam prosiding di Mahkamah adalah kuasa
prerogative Pendakwa Raya untuk menentukan siapa yang
akan dipanggil sebagai saksi.
Hujahan Pemohon
[5] Peguam pemohon di dalam hujahannya telah membangkitkan
semula perkara-perkara yang dinyatakan oleh pemohon di dalam
afidavitnya seperti yang telah dinyatakan di awal tadi. Secara
ringkasnya, hujahan peguam pemohon seperti berikut: -
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i) Pengarah Pendakwaan Negeri (PPN) boleh memberi arahan
terus, tetapi PPN telah memohon untuk mendapatkan Kertas
Siasatan daripada pihak polis.
ii) Selanjutnya deposisi telah diambil oleh Pegawai Penyiasat
berdasarkan arahan PPN. Jika penama (Jaspreet) diusir
setelah deposisi diambil, maka pihak pendakwaan tidak boleh
mengambil tindakan untuk mendakwa Jaspreet.
iii) Tindakan pihak Imigresen adalah bergantung kepada arahan
Analisa Dan Dapatan Mahkamah
[6] Berdasarkan relif-relif yang dipohon di dalam Notis Usul ini,
Mahkamah mendapati ianya termasuk dalam kategori mandamus,
injunksi/perintah larangan.
[7] Oleh itu, isu yang mesti ditentukan terlebih dahulu adalah
berkenaan dengan bidang kuasa Mahkamah berhubung dengan
permohonan dan relif yang dipohon.
[8] Bidang kuasa Mahkamah Tinggi telah dinyatakan dalam
Perlembagaan Persekutuan iaitu di bawah Perkara 121(1)
Perlembagaan Persekutuan seperti berikut: -
“Perkara 121, Kuasa Kehakiman Persekutuan
(1) Maka hendaklah ada dua Mahkamah Tinggi yang setara
bidang kuasa dan tarafnya iaitu: -
(a) satu di Negeri-Negeri Tanah Melayu, yang dikenali
sebagai Mahkamah Tinggi di Malaya dan yang
mempunyai pejabat pendaftarannya yang utama di
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mana-mana tempat di Negeri-Negeri Tanah Melayu
yang ditentukan oleh Yang Di-Pertuan Agong; dan
(b) satu di negeri Sabah dan Sarawak, yang dikenali
sebagai Mahkamah Tinggi di Sabah dan Sarawak dan
yang mempunyai pejabat pendaftarannya yang utama di
mana-mana tempat di Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak yang
ditentukan oleh Yang Di-Pertuan Agong;
(c) (dimansuhkan)
Dan mana-mana mahkamah bawahan yang diperuntukan oleh
undang-undang persekutuan dan Mahkamah Tinggi dan
mahkamah bawahan itu hendaklah mempunyai apa-apa
bidang kuasa dan kuasa yang diberikan oleh atau di bawah
undang-undang persekutuan.”
[9] Di dalam kes PP v. Kok Wah Kuan [2007] 6 CLJ 341; [2008] 1 MLJ
1 diputuskan seperti berikut: -
"If we want to know the jurisdiction and powers of the two High
Courts, we will have to look at the Federal law. If we want to
call those powers ‘judicial powers’, we are perfectly entitled to.
But, to what extent such judicial powers are vested in the two
High Courts depend on what Federal law provides, not on the
interpretation the term judicial power as prior to the
[10] Maka dapatlah difahami bahawa berdasarkan Perkara 121(1)
Perlembagaan Persekutan, bidang kuasa Mahkamah Tinggi dalam
perkara jenayah adalah diberikan oleh undang-undang
Persekutuan di bawah Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964, Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah dan kuasa sedia ada Mahkamah Tinggi.
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[11] Kuasa Mahkamah Tinggi yang diberikan di bawah Akta Mahkamah
Kehakiman 1964 dapat dilihat dalam seksyen 22 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut: -
“(1) The High Court shall have jurisdiction to try:
(a) all offences committed:
(i) within its local jurisdiction;
(ii) on the high seas on board any ship or on any
registered in Malaysia;
(iii) by any citizen or any permanent resident on the
high seas on board any ship or on any aircraft;
(iv) by any person on the high seas where the
offences in piracy by the law of nations; and
(b) Offences under Chapters VI and VI A of the Panel Code,
and under any of the written specified in the Schedule
to the Extraterritorial Offences Act 1976, or offences
under any other written law the commission of which is
certified by the Attorney General to the affect the
security of Malaysia committed, as the case may be:
(i) on the high seas on board any ship or on any
aircraft registered in Malaysia;
(ii) by any citizen or any permanent resident on the
high seas onboard any ship or on any aircraft;
(iii) by any citizen or any permanent resident in any
place without and beyond the limits of Malaysia;
(iv) by any person against a citizen of Malaysia;
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(v) by any person against property belonging to the
Government of Malaysia or the Government of
any State in Malaysia located outside Malaysia,
including diplomatic or consular premises of
(vi) by any person to compel the Government of
Malaysia or the Government of any State in
Malaysia to do or refrain from doing any act;
(vii) by any stateless person who has his habitual
residence in Malaysia;
(viii) by any person against or on board a fixed
platform while it is located on the continental shelf
of Malaysia; or
(ix) by any person who after the commission of the
offence is present in Malaysia.
(2) The High Court may pass any sentence allowed by law”
[12] Di dalam Notis Usul di hadapan Mahkamah ini, relif yang dipohon
sepertimana yang dinyatakan di awal tadi bahawa pemohon hendak
menghalang pihak Imigresen dari mengambil tindakan menghantar
Jaspreet Kaur pulang ke negara asalnya iaitu India, sehingga
perbicaraan terhadap pertuduhan yang dihadapi oleh pemohon dan
siasatan pihak polis dalam empat laporan polis yang dibuat oleh
pemohon selesai disiasat.
[13] Berdasarkan relif yang dipohon, saya berpendapat bahawa
mahkamah ini tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk memberikan
relif-relif tersebut kerana tidak terdapat peruntukan di bawah Akta
Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964 atau Kanun Tatacara Jenayah yang
memberi kuasa kepada mahkamah ini untuk berbuat demikian.
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[14] Secara khususnya relif-relif yang dipohon, adalah untuk mencabar
kuasa Ketua Pengarah Imigresen mengeluarkan Perintah
Pengusiran di bawah seksyen 33 Akta Imigresen. Mahkamah ini
merujuk kepada seksyen 33 Akta Imigresen 1959/63 yang
“Removal of Persons unlawfully remaining in Malaysia
(1) Where the presence of any person in Malaysia is unlawful
by reason of section 9, 15 or 60 the person shall, whether or
not any proceedings are taken against him in respect of any
offence against this Act, be removed from Malaysia by order of
the Director General.”
[15] Berdasarkan seksyen 33 yang tersebut, hanya Ketua Pengarah
Imigresen Malaysia yang mempunyai kuasa untuk mengusir
seseorang ke negara asalnya.
[16] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak Responden bahawa
apa-apa permohonan untuk mencabar keputusan, tindakan atau
peninggalan oleh penjawat awam hanya boleh dimulakan dengan
permohonan Semakan Kehakiman di bawah Aturan 53 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dan bukannya melalui Notis Usul
(Permohonan Jenayah pelbagai).
[17] Oleh kerana pihak Imigresen merupakan pihak berkuasa awam,
maka sebarang cabaran kepada keputusan, tindakan atau
peninggalan oleh pihak berkuasa awam hanya boleh dimulakan
melalui Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman di bawah Aturan 53
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
[18] Mahkamah ini merujuk keputusan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam
kes Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia vs Heng Peo (2007) 2 CLJ
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111, yang memutuskan secara muktamad bahawa untuk mencabar
tindakan / keputusan pihak berkuasa awam adalah melalui
Semakan Kehakiman.
[19] Jelasnya dari permohonan yang dibuat oleh Pemohon dalam kes
ini, adalah tidak mematuhi Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
berkaitan perkara-perkara yang dipohon seperti Aturan 53 bagi
permohonan untuk mandamus atau seksyen 44 dan 45 Akta Relif
Spesifik 1950.
Tajuk-tajuk perkara atau "intitulements" yang dinyatakan adalah
tidak mencukupi
[20] Mengenai ‘intitulement’ atau tajuk-tajuk perkara, di dalam Notis Usul
ini Pemohon telah menyatakan intitulement seperti berikut: -
“Dalam perkara Mahkamah Majistret Bukit Mertajam, Seberang
Perai Tengah No. Kes: PC-83-322-04/2023
Dalam perkara mengenai Laporan Polis No Report Seberang
Jaya 001787/23, 002043/23, 002044/23 dan 002190/23
Dalam Perkara Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964
Dalam Perkara Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (Akta 593)
Dalam perkara Akta Imegresen 1959 / 1963
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Dalam perkara Bidang Kuasa Sedia Ada Mahkamah Tinggi
Malaya di Butterworth”.
[21] Intitulement ini hanya menyatakan secara umum di bawah undang-
undang atau kaedah-kaedah mana permohonan ini disandarkan
bagi menyokong permohonan Pemohon. Tajuk-tajuk perkara
tersebut tidak menyatakan peruntukan undang-undang yang betul
dan bersesuaian yang mana permohonan tersebut dibuat atau
dibenarkan dibuat.
[22] Dalam perkara ini, Mahkamah ini sekali lagi merujuk dan
bersandarkan kepada keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes
Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia lwn. Heng Peo (2007) 2 CLJ
111, di mana Zulkefli Makinudin (HMR pada ketika itu)
menyampaikan penghakiman Mahkamah menyatakan:
“[14] Sungguhpun salah satu daripada tajuk-tajuk perkara
kepada permohonan tersebut ada menyatakan Kanun Acara
Jenayah ("KAJ"), persoalannya adalah di bawah peruntukan
mana KAJ ianya dibuat. Sesuatu permohonan jenayah yang
boleh dibuat adalah terhad kepada apa yang dibenarkan
dipohon di bawah KAJ tersebut dan atas bidang perkara
tertentu sahaja antara lainnya seperti berikut:
(i) Permohonan untuk suatu bon kehadiran orang kena
tuduh di mahkamah di bawah s. 49.
(ii) Permohonan untuk suatu bon kehadiran pengadu dan
saksi-saksi di bawah s. 118.
(iii) Permohonan untuk mengemukakan harta benda atau
dokumen di mahkamah di bawah s. 51.
(iv) Prosedur permohonan oleh pihak polis berkenaan
rampasan harta benda di bawah s. 413.
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(v) Permohonan untuk tahanan di bawah s. 117.
(vi) Permohonan oleh seseorang yang bercadang untuk
merayu di mana ianya dilarang berbuat demikian
melainkan dibenarkan oleh Hakim atas kepentingan
keadilan di bawah s. 310.
(vii) Permohonan untuk suatu penggantungan penghakiman
sementara menanti rayuan di bawah s. 311.
(viii) Permohonan untuk suatu writ habeas corpus di bawah
ss. 365 dan 366.
[15] Di dalam kes ini apa yang dapat dilihat daripada perintah
atau relif yang dipohon oleh pemohon adalah ianya tidak
tergolong langsung dalam bidang perkara yang dibenarkan di
bawah KAJ, tetapi ianya pada pandangan kami sepatutnya
dibuat dan dipohon di bawah undang-undang yang lain. Relif
yang dipohon oleh pemohon adalah berbentuk suatu perintah
mandamus dan dalam hal perkara ini pemohon sepatutnya
memulakan prosiding permohonan semakan kehakiman untuk
relif tersebut melalui tatacara yang ditetapkan di bawah A. 53
Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1980 ("KMT 1980").
Mengikut peruntukan A. 53 k. 2 KMT 1980 sesuatu
permohonan untuk semakan kehakiman hendaklah dalam
bentuk Borang 111A dan ini tidak dilakukan oleh pemohon.
Mengikut peruntukan A. 53 k. 3 KMT 1980 pemohon
hendaklah memperolehi kebenaran mahkamah terlebih
dahulu untuk suatu permohonan semakan kehakiman difailkan
dan kehendak ini juga tidak patuhi oleh pemohon. Sekiranya
tiada kebenaran terlebih dahulu diperolehi oleh pemohon
dalam kes sekarang ini maka mahkamah dianggap telah
bertindak tanpa bidangkuasa dalam membenarkan pemohon
untuk memohon suatu perintah mandamus. (Sila lihat kes
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Mersing Omnibus Co. Sdn. Bhd. v. Minister of Labour &
Manpower and Anor. [1983] 2 CLJ 7; [1983] CLJ (Rep) 266).
[16] Perintah mandamus juga boleh dipohon oleh pemohon
terhadap pengkhidmat awam untuk melaksanakan sesuatu
tindakan melalui kaedah permohonan yang diperuntukkan di
bawah ss. 44 dan 45 Akta Relif Spesifik 1950 (Akta 137). Tiada
kebenaran ("leave") diperlukan diperolehi terlebih dahulu
sebelum permohonan untuk relif atau remedinya dipohon
melalui kaedah yang diperuntukkan di bawah ss. 44 dan 45
Akta 137. (Sila lihat kes Metro Pacific Sdn. Bhd. v. Ketua
Pengarah Kesatuan Sekerja & Anor. [2002] 8 CLJ 660) Di
dalam kes sekarang ini pemohon tidak berbuat demikian dan
tidak ada menyatakan peruntukan berkenaan sebagai tajuk
perkara kepada permohonan yang difailkan.”
[23] Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan
yang disampaikan oleh YA Tengku Maimun bt Tuan Mat (pada
masa itu HMR) yang telah mengesahkan keputusan Mahkamah
Tinggi dalam kes Uthayakumar Ponnusamy v. YAB Dato’ Sri Najib
Tun Razak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia & Ors (2017) 6 CLJ 297 yang
memutuskan seperti berikut: -
"Tajuk-tajuk perkara ini bukan sahaja penting kepada
responden-responden antara lain untuk menyediakan hujahan
undang-undang berkenaan dengan berkesan tetapi juga
penting kepada mahkamah antaranya untuk
mempertimbangkan keesahan permohonan berdasarkan
undang-undang termasuk kaedah-kaedah yang dinyatakan.
Kepentingan tajuk-tajuk perkara ini telah dijelaskan dalam kes
Mahkamah Rayuan Cheow Chew Khoon v. Abdul Johari Abdul
Rahman [1995] 4 CLJ 127; [1995] 1 MLJ 457 di ms. 142 (CLJ);
ms. 477 (MLJ) seperti berikut: The plaintiff, as noted earlier,
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says that if one were to undertake a careful scrutiny of the
originating summons and the affidavit in support, one would
come to the conclusion that it is not an application made under
O. 89. The summons does not, as I observed very early in this
judgment, state any particular rule of court in its intitulement.
Now, I think that that is not only the court to determine which
rule of court the plaintiff is invoking unless he explicitly
specifies it? If a defendant and the court should have not to
conduct a close examination of the supporting affidavit in each
case in order to determine the particular jurisdiction or power
that is being invoked by an originating summons or other
originating process that requires an intitulement, then a plaintiff
will be at liberty to shift from one rule to another or indeed from
one statute to another as it pleases him without any warning
whatsoever to his opponent or the court. It would make a
mockery of the principle that there must be no surprise in civil
litigation. If the’ submission of counsel be the law, then it is
wrong. But I am firmly of the view that it is not. In my judgment,
this matter, which is a point of practice and procedure, is to be
resolved by reference to the fundamental principle that a party
must not take his opponent or the court by surprise. It is my
opinion that an originating process requiring an intitulement
must state, with sufficient particularity, either in its heading or
in its body, the statute of rule of court under which the court is
being moved: otherwise it would be an embarrassing pleading
and be may be liable to be struck out, unless sooner
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Kuasa Tambahan - Seksyen 25 (2) Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964
[24] Di dalam intitulement, pemohon juga ingin bergantung kepada
seksyen 25(2) Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman apabila pemohon
menyatakan “bidang kuasa sedia ada Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya
di Butterworth.”
[25] Kuasa tambahan di dalam Seksyen 25(2) yang memperuntukkan
seperti berikut: -
“25. Powers of the High Court:
(1) ...
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) the
High Court shall have additional powers set out in the
Provided that all such powers shall be exercised in accordance
with any written law or rules of court relating to the same.
(Section 25(2))
Additional Powers Of High Court
1. Prerogative writs
Power to issue to any person or authority directions, orders or
writs of the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition,
quo warrants and certiorari, or any others, for the enforcement
of the rights conferred by part II of the Constitution, or any of
them or for any purpose.”
[26] Kuasa tambahan ini boleh digunakan selaras dengan undang-
undang bertulis atau Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 berhubung
perkara yang sama, sepertimana yang telah diputuskan oleh
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Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia
lwn. Heng Peo (supra) seperti berikut: -
"[19] Persoalannya sekarang adalah sama ada remedi-remedi
yang dipohon oleh pemohon boleh diperolehi melalui sesuatu
Permohonan Jenayah Pelbagai dengan adanya rujukan
kepada peruntukan seksyen 25(2) dan perenggan 1 Jadual
kepada Akta 91 tersebut sebagai tajuk perkara atau
‘intitulement’ kepada permohonan tersebut. Kami berpendapat
kuasa-kuasa tambahan yang diberi kepada mahkamah oleh
seksyen 25(2) Akta 91 seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah
perenggan 1 Jadual tersebut hendaklah dilaksanakan
mengikut kehendak undang-undang bertulis atau kaedah-
kaedah mahkamah mengenainya. Kehendak undang-undang
bertulis atau kaedah-kaedah mahkamah yang dimaksudkan
dan terpakai dalam hal perkara ini adalah A. 53 KMT (sila lihat
kes Pahang South Union Omnibus Co Bhd v. Minister of
Labour and Manpower & Anor [1981] 2 MLJ 199). Di dalam
kes rayuan sekarang ini pemohon telah menggunakan
prosedur melalui Permohonan Jenayah Pelbagai untuk
bertindak dan meyakinkan Mahkamah Tinggi melaksanakan
kuasa-kuasa tambahannya seperti yang diperuntukkan di
bawah seksyen 25(2) dan perenggan 1 Jadual kepada Akta
91. Kami berpendapat oleh kerana prosedur permohonan
yang digunakan oleh pemohon adalah salah maka Mahkamah
Tinggi dalam memberi perintah yang dipohon oleh pemohon
adalah dengan ini bertindak tanpa bidang kuasa dan perintah
yang diberi adalah dianggap tidak sah."
[27] Prinsip undang-undang dalam kes ini seharusnya terpakai bagi
permohonan jenayah seperti dalam permohonan di hadapan
Mahkamah ini.
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[28] Oleh itu, kuasa tambahan di bawah seksyen 25(2) Akta Mahkamah
Kehakiman 1964 juga tidak terpakai, kerana prosedur permohonan
yang digunakan oleh pemohon adalah salah, maka mahkamah
tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa dalam permohonan ini.
Pemohon telah salah menamakan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya sebagai
[29] Dalam isu ini, pihak Pemohon di dalam Afidavit sokongannya
(Kandungan 2) telah menyebut mengenai tindakan yang berkaitan
dengan dua pihak, iaitu tindakan oleh pihak Imigresen dan tindakan
oleh pihak Polis (PDRM).
[30] Maka pihak yang patut dinamakan sebagai Responden ialah Ketua
Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia (Ketua Pengarah) jika Pemohon ingin
menghalang pengusiran dilakukan ke atas Jaspreet.
[31] Seperti yang telah dibincangkan di awal tadi bahawa seksyen 33
Akta Imigresen 1959/63, memberi kuasa kepada Ketua Pengarah
Imigresen untuk mengusir mana-mana orang ke negara asalnya.
Maka sewajarnya Pemohon memohon perintah untuk menghalang
Ketua Pengarah Imigresen daripada menggunakan kuasanya di
bawah seksyen 33 Akta Imigresen 1959/63.
[32] Kuasa Pendakwa Raya adalah dalam perkara yang berkaitan
dengan urusan di dalam prosiding Mahkamah (conduct of
prosecution) sebagaimana yang diperuntukan dalam Perkara
145(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Seksyen 376(1) Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah. Adalah kuasa prerogative Pendakwa Raya
untuk menentukan siapa yang akan dipanggil sebagai saksi.
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[33] Berdasarkan huraian di atas, Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa
alasan permohonan dan hujahan yang dikemukakan oleh Pemohon
adalah tidak bermerit, maka dengan ini Mahkamah menolak
Permohonan di dalam Notis Usul (Kandungan 1) tersebut.
Bertarikh: 2 November 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Butterworth
Pulau Pinang
Bagi pihak Responden:
Mohd Azhar bin Hamzah
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Pulau Pinang
Bagi pihak Pemohon:
Hari Prassad Rao a/l Chandra Segaran
Peguam Bela dan Peguam Cara
Tetuan Chandra Segaran
Butterworth, Pulau Pinang.
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| 29,469 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CB-62D-238-10/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH SAUFI ZULFIKAR BIN OMAR | PROSEDUR JENAYAH : Mengaku salah – sabitan ke atas 3 pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952-sama ada sabitan teratur.RAYUAN : Rayuan atas hukuman – memasukkan dadah ke dalam badan sendiri – kesalahan berulang – sama ada hukuman setimpal dengan kesalahan. HUKUMAN : Hukuman di bawah seksyen 39C(1) Akta Dadah Berbahaya – sama ada hukuman penjara dan sebatan melampau – sama ada mitigasi tertuduh telah dipertimbangkan. | 02/11/2023 | Tuan Haji Jamaludin Bin Haji Mat | |
Alasan Penghakiman 238.pdf
02/11/2023 08:50:38
CB-62D-238-10/2023 Kand. 12
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CB—62D—238—1D/2023 Kand. 12
12,11/2:21 :2-uy :3
DALAM MIAHKAMAH sssvsn m rememon.
DALAM Macaw PAHANG rmzun. uumun, MALAVSIA
KES ND: cs.s2u—2:s-1n/202:
sAuFI zumxm am own: ...YERYUDUN
YARIKH HUKUMAN: 4 omaaan ma
ALASAN vsmsuxumnu
sw snrrzrnvuzawrvessznwu
5» mm Sum M... M“ be used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
1 Aiasan penghaklmsn W mssdxakan nenmm. danpadi uyuan
Tertuduh yang hdak bemuas nan lerhaaap kepulusan saya yang
5 mhenxan paaa 4.10.202: at many say: |:lah mensabflkan
Yenuduh dw hzwan Seluyen vsmuy Am um». Eerhahnyn
am dzn dlhukum penhn Ialaml 5 mum mulal danpadl
laukh 253.202: dan 3 mu-an an bawah Soksyon ascmun
Akla mam Eerhahay: 1252 an mpanmankan menizlam
m pengawisan AADK selama : mum sevepas malualam hukuman
m bawah Seksyen us An. Dnduh Bevb:hay:1B§2
2 Rayuan aaamh lerhadap hukuman sanap
us 3 Peumah pemeruavaanmakdltawakmkan
o Fad: M02023, Tenumm (elah dmadapkan ke Mahkamah
za Sesyen Temerlnh dengan perluduhzn sepem henkm
(gunman; >1W!7M,Fn/LIIVDKIHUIAI .‘.,..., mm......; W;
N surrzrnvuzawvmescumvu
um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
25 say: mem1ana|I mMIgas4 yang enkan oven Temmuh hdak
bermenl sama sekaln
25 say: Ma rnengamrm kna parlgakuan sa\zh Terluduh yang Iebh
menjlmatkan mm flan kc: pmaminax mg nenmau
27 Walau bagalmanapun pengakuan saxan Yerluduh hdzk huleh
m meruadv «mar mmgasv yang kuat (Mam kezdaan .1. mm
Terluduh memang (mak mempunyaw apa~apa pembelaan nka ken
za Mahkamah ml mengzmhsl pendeluun yang szmz senagzmana
Is dalam kes 17: An Lung v. Public Pruae:ulor|2UD4] 4 cu 77 m
mzna VA Mnkmal smm HMR rnenya|akzn
m mmmn m 1: an acoepled rule 04 Wm» (ml In accumd
person um plead: nuflvy In an nllence wnn wmcn ha his ham
:4» mmm . snmna be own a mswum an In: sanlnnna my
wumd mnmm have been Ampwed an mm nan n. Men
calwxcled ma . mal yet there ave mm-.x exuepuanx m um:
g:n:la\ Ma mam ms aflerux: “mun. Dangerous Drugs
AI:11§§2 are exclpnnns ln1husrule'
:.m..,.,, . uwnzn/wruw9<nM4I ...,.,, nvzxmnnvwz mu.
N smzruvuawmessxmm
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
29. Mahkamah In: semnjuhwyi mslwuk kes PF y. Abdul Halim
Ishak 4 saw Lag! [2013] 5 cu 559 di mzna YA Muhd Zawawl
Salleh HMR (elah menramvkzn pzndzngannya sebagalmana
5 1211 Hank dapal dxperlwkawan buhnw: knalahan yzng
hurkawzn dangan dadan aaawah memplkin aam kculahan
yang mm yang wen merlfilnclm kauiamatzn nan
Ivalenlualmn ngava sen; kcsmilin umum Daflzh Isiah
dufllmalkan ncagav nwsuh namlwrsllu naglm ahh Kmqaan
m pad: umm was Juam, nu mlhkamah mnmmuhkzn
hukuman yang Imgin kevudn xilu kculahzn yang dweupkan
melahn Pathmen sehugiv sews Audah lenlu psmndungan
sewapamya max flaps! mama" mam: mug vamaw Dahm
kn: Yusmann Samsmim y as (sums) mahkzmah mengaikan
we The sevenly at unlanoe can omy he to IeV|«l
Parhamenls mlnnlmn Ihal mrmwon rm mm, m
posueumn av a law: amuum at any law: at pvummled
drugs must mmmsmuvzh will the semenue to be
pissed an Imnnnmavlzns a!eachcase'
pasnun YEGAR
so saya wga mempemmbangkan cam bahawa szhwan kalu ml
hukanlah kesalahan panama nmmun Rekad sabwan Vamplu
as Temmuh (P5) yang dikemukakan m Mahkamah menunwkkan
bahawa Terluduh mempunyaw 3 saman Xe: Aenayah yang
belkauzn dengan daaah ssbemnl W
?jc.._,..,., ,,.a.u'y.ya_.m .m.. .,.,..., ym,..y.,.,. Pagell
aw sowzrnvuia vvnesaxmvfl
«ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. mm-y mm: dun-mm y.. mum v-max
31 Rekod sarmn lampau renuuun manunjukkan bahawa Terluduh
mempakzn pesalah (egav, masm balum msal dan masm hemm
senkwmzupun (elah bending mu keluarmasuk peruava Semua
kesalahan yang dflakukan wgz adalah henkausn dengan dadah
32 men yang demlhzn, sewmamya Tenuduh mkenakan lmkuman
yzng berzt
33 Bemasark-In kepada nasms m ans, say: bemuas nan bahawa
m hukuman peruara 5 |ahun dzn 3 sebalan yang dvksnakan uleh
Mallkamah Ini admah selau dengan kapulusan Mahkamah
Aiasan aw alas yang menghendzkr Mzhkaman mengsnakan
rmkuman yang mam hag! kes-kes yang mehhilkin kepenhngan
avwam Hukuman penjzla 5 tamm aflalah mempikan hukumzn
vi pemara panng rmmma yang hcleh mahkamzh kenzkan
Hukumzn sebatan sebanyak 3 xan adalah mm memandzngkan
on mempunyal rekod sahnan lampau mellhaxkin kesa\ahan—
kesabhan yang sama
In TIADA nAsA INSAF mu asxnusn
34 Dz\am mmgaumy; Yanuduh (idak langslmg menunyukxan rlsa
bersalah alau ma!
:5 as Sekirznya hellau hens!-benar Insafl sudah |en(u nenau max
akan mengmangl kesalahan yang sama bemlang xau
cIu:2 -mm: rvuwnuu-wlmrwluumxl -vmn:| \vrw.\nIvv»' P.vgeI.4
N smzruvuawmessxmm
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
as Mahkamah WU mevumk kes PP v. ron Ah Chang [1976] 2 MLJ
was an mane YA Alanna! Cidar H le\zh menyalakan sepsm
s ‘The Ivspnndenl mm pull mmm m ms Mel n mmglnnn m.
ta-:1 am he u Imphyad and iuppofls .n Igld mamu znd
ilenbrelheu H: mama La! aomse have Ihaughl at um. mm
oamrmmw m. aflalvoes and MI arm. n. u m van nlsadmg
harashv mmn mm m eonsazuem-2: no ms mm id: and 1
H: mm Iedevala what 1 ma umsm nvewnmw m uhgervs m
analher am that an uneuder snoma nut lune!-1m nuts or
humus my xymnzmy on in mm mm Dy um"; Ihal slams :7
the uupemm mm who kmefl hr: nnrerm mm zn am and men
welded m mmganon man he W: .n nmhan
37 Say: percaya. kepenhngan awam akan mum |evpe|Ihara uka
Tenuduh diasmgkzn danpada masyarakat da\zm suzm lempoh
:0 yang panyang
as Tempoh pemenfiraan yang paruang Juga dmarapkzn dapal
memnanm Tenuduh umuk melupakan naps dadah yang mungkwn
sudah meruadl dzmh dzgmg Terwduh
..s....,.....m w..4m_..,..m.,. umn; mm.».w Pzgnu
«-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
39 Tempah pemeruaraan yang paruang mga dmarapkan davzt
memumskan hubungan Terluduh dengan rakamvakzn
seperuenayah yang lain dan Tenuduh dapal marualanl pmgrzrw
pmgvam pemulman dengan inlet:
40 Semugz 5e\epas menglkuu pvvgrzlwpmglam yang wan msusun
semasa m pennra nann dapzl mengmsauun Tenuduh dzn
memben pehlang kepzda Tenuduh umuk hemluhasabah am an
berubah kepzda semng mm yang Iebih hawk flan dapal
In menmggzxkan dadah sepenuhnya.
41 says Anya bevharap bellau mangamw pemang semasa
menmam hukuman pengam mm mempeman pelhagiw
kemimvan Denaedah yang buleh mgunakan nmuk mencan
I5 vezekl yang max kenka dxbebaskan danpafla peluara mm.
42 Sunny: dengzn lempoh pemenjarzan mg mm: W member!
an pemang kepafla Tenuduh unluk bemhzh aan memperbmkv dm
menjadl seorang wavganegalz yang bevguna flan menukzv cam
mflup kepada yang lebm hawk
43 D1 pemara mg; Termduh hevpeluzng uniuk Delmar Hmu-Hmu
:5 zkzdermk dan Ilmu—1|mu kemamvan kendm secara Ievsusun
bevsama pegawzrpegawaw yang berlauhah
EAAXLLHIH/1B1) nuwsn muurnnul «myth xlxuulzvwu mus
N smzruvuawmessxmm
gm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
44 Adam dmalapkan‘ serepas dwbebaskan flavvpada peruava nanln
Terluduh -mu mm mm a new rear flan membahaskan dm
danpads ms dadah serla menyafll seorang Insan ham yang
Vehnh proaukm, menyayangl darn msayang: men anggola
.s masyarakal
45 Du mm anahsws‘ saya berpendapat hukuman yang (ehh
m dualuhkan mm mengukut \mdang—undzng wapr flan
munasabah sen: senmpax dengzn kesalahan yang dllakukan
oven renumm
Eovurikh had: cmm Clktnber 2023.
Mankanuh Suyen Tlmerloh.
Parung mm: Makmuv.
¢..m...,.,,, r:,wusA.rKum$-uznnnvnr umvr: \)wu w|u) mu.
N surrzrnvuzawvmescumvu
mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
[eh ASP suvaka: .1: Munlnndy,
Punt-aw: Ray: dlwak
5 um Pejabal Polis Daerlh Temevloh,
m.‘ .7
N mrrzrnvuiaxvrpesazmvu
mm Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
amnu «mu 1'/ma mm mu 1021 m4 LEBIH xmms n 5:
mum in mum rwan mmoum smsnn muuu
s Mncurlk Iuur:JAuAr vous mum; on mum u.«I:kAu
mmuon on mm»: Nzcckl mums mm wxkmuk. mm
DIDAPAII um.:.u~w./m mom: nmmuu uzms Mom-um:
u ml AM mm/H KAMU nnvcm cm. \4r.NvAL«m nmmw V
mum; mm mm nmuum mm mm vxmxuxm
m srsA|AHAr~ m saw/«II stksvm mum um mum
anumwA ms:
mu mum; mm scam»: muxumx MSALAHAN smxu
nl AYAS mm Dis/\aInu\' nmom nm a: swim)»
s xrs/mam m am./m sgksvm vwu um om mu.
nF\4Ixm.‘~4. man aoLn4 umuxum uumuu msvw sum)
AKT/\ mm sAw\ mm umu uumm mmzx xxsm AHA
an nuxuumz
mama scum rmpou wvmx xurmr. m mum mm
nmx MELUHHI m nlum mu HrNnA\<IA1I mm muwwm
umcuw uuxumw sew rum Lsmu mrumm mm snwm
us um PDVCAWASAN nmx xux,«~«, ummn L1) uuw mm
nmk MLLLEIHI mm m mew
...,.,.,.....,. .“w.m..,..».,.... W... m.......... mu
sm sowzruvuialvvn-saxmvu
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
5 Ferluduhan .1‘ 11:: le\ah dvbacakan dengan (erzng dan films
kepada Terluduh dalam Bahasa Mauyswa yang mcanam oxen
s Tenuduh dengan sukareh mengaku Dersalan ke alas
penuduhan (ersebut
m 7 Mahkamah selevusnya menemngkan Mal am akmax pangakuan
salah (evsehm dan pemnlukan hukuman yang men dlkenakzn
kc alas Terluduh.
s Tanuduh memahaml penerangan Mahkamah din maslh
ts mengaku sa\ah K2 was penuduhan‘ flan vanam sovan uan akmm
pengakuannya mu
:0 5 Sztemsnya, Pegawaw Pendaxwa xerpexaw mengemukakan
nngkasan lakta kes pendakwaan
1D Rmgkasan fzkta kes man mbacakan den dnevangkan kzpada
Termdun melzhu wrubahasa Mahkamah flan dmahkan iebagaw
:5 helm
;..T,.m.,+ 7:0’-V-54-A/MYJ\ um... n1n x>«m.\ ...: W4
N sowzruvuiawvvnessxmvu
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
‘H Rlngkaszn (aha kes kemudlzrmya dnandakan sebagaw eksmm
12 Sehzrusnyz, Pegam: Pendzkwz lemelajar mengemukakan
eksmmreksmbu sepem benkm
(3) Temenoh Report Na 3121/2023 sabagaw P2
In (:2) Lanchang Raven Nu 509/2023 sabanav F3.
Ac) Lzpovan vzmln ' hzgat P4 — mlurqukkan darn mam
(.1) Rekud Pusax Permanaran Feruenayzh sehagaw s-5 —
fllbacakan din mam.
As) 4 kapmg Qambar halal um! uh-Iaav PEA-D - dnuruukkan
1: dan
mwunu mmunun
13 Mahkamah selerusllya mendengar raynan danpada Tanufluh
<4 Temmuh damn: myuarmya menyalakan
(mp Fahon hukuman am. flan mm. (angknp
(b) on berusna as «am.
(:1 on sudah bevkahwi
1x (:1) on hekena szbagaw pemandu Von
(e) on mennnggung seorang Ibu
ad: anak
.....,,...n.., .....~..‘..‘.‘.,...m...n <v1runnvm mu
N smzruvuawmessxmm
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
15 Pegaml Pendakwz memohnn Sam hukuman yang se|\mpa\ dan
bemaxman wxenaxan ks axis on
15 Se|eIah mendengzv pengakuan smah Tenumm lanpa syarzt‘
menganausa «am kes. menem. akshubw-eksmbul yang (ehh
m muemuxakan .1‘ hadapan Mahkamah Mahkamah menenma
pengakuan saxan Terludull ks aizs penuduhzn din mensabvlkin
Tenudtm sebagzwmana perludunan
17 Selehh memmbang rzyuzrl Terludun man pemberalan
nmnaxan Pendakwa Raya‘ Mahkamah menghuknm Temmuh
dengan hukuman sepem benkul
an on dllwkum Penjzva selama 5 am... mmzw 2s.s.2oz3 nan 3
sehaun an lzawah Saksyan aocuum Aklz Dadall Bemahaya
nsz dzn dlvennlahkan men;a\am pengnwnsan AADK se\ama :1
uhun sebpas memaum hukuman a; hawah semen us Aku
nmh Euvbahaya 1952
¢..m,..m.., ...m..u.m......¢... I/VHKH nvcmmuvmx hers
N surrzrnvuiawvmessxmvvl
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
1a Frmsvw undang—undang bemubung hukuman Ielah ‘ems dan
mzmap Pemmhzngan mama mengenm hukuman W sewn
laklarfaklor Yam aaavan lakkor kepenhngan iwnm n. sampmg
Mu‘ lakmr kepenungan awam ml perm flumbangx dengan Vaklnr
mmgasv Tenuduh
19 Eenepaian an sun unmk a. Imhas kemhah panduan mengnukum
yang dnnyihkan ualam kes rubric Ploucutor v. Loo cnoon
Fm [1975] 2 MLJ 259 my meruelaskan sepem benknl
‘On: 1:! m. mxm onnxvfluvzmns m m. asnnmem ac nzrnenaa
m m mun: me quuuun Mpubuc Inlarul an m pumu nend
my Qua : passion mm on uudgmnm M Hwlbary 4 m Rex V
Ksnmm ./arm em as numm,
:0 1" decudmg me awmam summon 2 mun shamd
army: bd Ruined hy oerum cnnswdstauuns the hrsl ind
«mm: .. In. public mines: The cnrmnm ‘aw we mm,
erfloraed mzl emy my. me obyecl oi Dumsmng cflme ma
aha m m. have M we-vetmng u A planed semzersce‘
2: passed m pubhc suvei we nubhc Vnlevevsl n Iwo ways u
may aw alums Mm mwgm be tempted to m, came as
seem; holler uiymoney Br: the suvpusmm, um me
ollenflel »s cauahl and bmuwm m Ausnoe‘ me Dumsmnen|
val! be nevhv-we Such a senlenm may Msn new In:
L..m..‘,,.,, m.WW,.u...u... A-mu) lwxunmwn mu
plmculzv cmmnal mm commmmg a cum; zgam u.
wanna mm In (um cm a cnmum to an hanesx nu. ma
nuhlwc mxemsx ‘s new um, and mu sauna u (M
nllumav .. mduaad In Ium Vvom Minna! ways m hams!
5 my Om law does mil me/Mom, fix we we-wlencs can
Damcmzr crime‘ bun /has a maxdmum semenm and
Veavgs n In me mm in mm: mm .s‘ mm the
maxdmum‘ ma appmpna» sanhnc: let each cummai m
the pankulat cucumslancas an nah use Not cmy m
In regard xa each mme‘ M m mg“: (9 each cnmm, Ihe
cam! has In: mm am: me duly to deem: mm: to an
Vamem :1! mm’
Pnesxdenls and Mmmugs me Mien mchned mm: mm»; In
he wmympaxnemc In the accusm ms .5 a nonma\
us nsvcnalvmc.-V relcwm la the smulmn m mm me [anew
accused rs seen many in my mum. mm nulnunly In:
mmqlaan Auhrmfltd by . cnrmdzd pumm WM alm
me up warm... at hmwly rurdalnn nu ma mm usual
pmmm at fivmg In inch . :nu.I1mn ma mun: mmm ncmups
20 mm n amcuu In mm. as In mm aanlelma mum be Imvoled
m on: live cunvwclefi Dlrsan may nm a. mm-r num.:a mm
mnmx Ivamsmp Ym: 5 myvww wsxwvmg zppmxnlv
Yb: mm: appmm us an sink: 2 bahncq as fiav as annual:
human 4». wntamns at (M Dublwc and ma m 0..
:5 ancumd Lava Guddavd LCJ m Fax v Gronokowrla on-nu
mm: quad ammx when a. rain.
m wage mus! aonswder the mberesls alpmme as M11 as
m. mm-:5 at we wlxonnrs VI Vs we wen M-mmayfi
mmghl‘ or mm In be Ilwughl that \he Inxerefis at
m ms!-as mean: my Ihe mm oi we Prisoners"
....,.,....... m....,...,.m.......a.... ..x.. 5:-cmmm-52 mun
sm sowzruvuialvvn-saxmvu
mm. smm ...m WW .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
zn Se\zm nu, saya ]uga meng.-mm: maklum hahawa unaang~
mm mambenkan bud: btcarz sepemmnya xepaua ham
moat: umuk meneniukan hukuman yang sepatmnya myaluhkan
ke alas Desalzh letzpw kuzsz ml hemiaklzh dflzksanzkzn secava
mm dun saksama sews: dengan pmmp undang-undang
bemuhung hukuman
24 Frmswp nu umyuakan denflan Mas dalam kes PP v. J-I: bin
Daud [ween 1 ms 23. men 1 MLJ ms‘ av mana Hakim
Mohamed Azmv (nae: mm M) mengganskan pnnsrp-plinsrp
hukuman yang sewflmnya sebagavmlnl benkul
.5 ‘A 'nzmem>e acmrdlna m um main: may the mnlama mm!
mm only be wnlmn we mm: M uh: pumshahle mu-an, hm a
mum am: he znanad and passed m anrmdanoe wwlh
asubhshed ,mm prlnflplfi In ilsusmw senleme‘ one cl
Ins mzln lxlms m be mrmdared .; mum me aunmcled
zu person V5 3 Hm o«e..a.: u V5 for (ms pwpnsa mm belote
Hissmg sentence. a Magklrate ‘s requued lo cal lot emdenoe
av mlalmilmrl mummy me blckqmunfl anleeedenl ma
characm oi Ih: muses Wheve me uumded Demon Ms
prevmus recavas arm adrwls them is mm the noun mus|
uorvsxder wnethev the mm m uflznces wmmmad Wevmusfl
rnnnauvlun u~V§A1F\1u>FI0RI«:hAl mans: ixvzmuzlwn mm
sm sowzrnvuia vvn-scumvu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
were u! mm nmum u the one mlh man he rs Drzsenlw
«men we own mm men sounder we senlemx: vrvlpoien
n. [he pvevmus camm; Io! mm. memes «.7 flelzml .
wnelnerlhey Valve had any denerventeflen an mm Whats he \s
s Vanna in in : parxmnm oflendev kl . ma. we 01 allenou
man u 15 n. ma mlatau M mm mm a delenem semen:
snuuld he Dunn and ‘I1 mu 3 cm. unless than an.
e)@plmru\ cvcumnzruxs. Ihe quinuly, nahne ur vilua m 0..
subject-m:ne( M 0.. mm my. mum he \s cuvmnfly chavwfl
Io cm: very vzvmycontlwluvea mihgmmw hclar lemhhmnx mear
22 Kemhalw kepada kes Iemadzp Tenuduh m, say: mengambfl
us mikhml bahawa k:sa\ahan yang anaxum oleh Tenuduh adalan
suatu kesalahan yang senus flan mpanaang beret men Fammen
yang menecapxan hukuman peruarz mimmz 5 Damn mngg. 7
(ahun den sebaun holsh sampil 3 sebalzn
:0 23 Fenmtukan hukumzn yang beva| nu menunjukkan hanzwz
kasahahan yang rmakukan o\eh Tenuduh zdalah senus
15 2o DI sampmg nu saya guga memperumbangkan nlmgzsl Temmun
Wzlzu bagaumanapun, snya udak nimpak sebarang alaszn yang
munasabah dnkemukakan bag! memhenarkan Terlufluh tam:
mengulangw kesalanzn yang sama hermang kah
=.m.‘.,.m ...w..; Wm WW..«,. ragnn
«-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
| 2,289 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
CA-21NCvC-4-03/2019 | PLAINTIF Zamri bin Omar DEFENDAN 1. ) Kerajaan Malaysia 2. ) Dr Sri Dthuruga Devi A/p Krishnamoorthy 3. ) Dr Muhammad Hafiz Bin Abdul Rasid 4. ) Nashrul Syiddik bin Mohd Salleh | Plaintif memfailkan tindakan terhadap Defendan-Defendan berasaskan dakwaan kecuaian semasa Plaintif mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Pekan yang mana telah menyebabkan Plaintif mengalami stroke. Pihak Defendan-Defendan telah mengaku akan kecuaian di pihak mereka dan dengan itu perbicaraan di Mahkamah hanyalah tertumpu bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi Am. Mahkamah telah mengawadkan gantirugi sepertimana yang telah ditaksirkan oleh kerana Plaintif telahpun mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan yang credible untuk membuktikan tuntutan-tuntutan yang dikemukakan ke Mahkamah yang disokong oleh pengemukaan resit-resit dan bil-bil yang gagal disangkal oleh pihak Defendan. Bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Am pula, Mahkamah telah menimbangkan segala kerugian yang dipohon dan dengan itu telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif tersebut. | 02/11/2023 | YA Dato' Haji Zainal Azman Bin Ab. Aziz | |
Microsoft Word - AP CA-21NCVC-4-03-2019 BP KER.MSIA V ZAMRI 25.10
[NO. K/P : 640516-06-5047]
1. Plaintif memfailkan tindakan terhadap Defendan-Defendan
berasaskan dakwaan kecuaian semasa Plaintif mendapatkan
02/11/2023 15:38:00
CA-21NCvC-4-03/2019 Kand. 101
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rawatan di Hospital Pekan yang mana telah menyebabkan Plaintif
mengalami stroke.
2. Pihak Defendan-Defendan telah mengaku akan kecuaian di pihak
mereka dan dengan itu perbicaraan di Mahkamah hanyalah
tertumpu bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi Am.
3. Setelah mendengar keterangan daripada kesemua pihak,
Mahkamah telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif sepertimana
Perintah Mahkamah bertarikh 27 Disember 2022.
4. Berkaitan dengan fakta kes akan tuntutan ini, faktanya adalah
seperti berikut :
i. Pada 08 Mac 2016 jam 7.13 petang, Plaintif telah hadir ke
Jabatan Kecemasan di Hospital Pekan dengan aduan
kekebasan pada anggota badan. Plaintif telah didiagnos
dengan hipertensi yang tidak terkawal dan dinasihatkan
supaya pulang dan mengawasi tekanan darah secara harian.
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ii. Pada jam 10.43 malam, Plaintif telah pergi sekali lagi ke
Jabatan Kecemasan di hospital yang sama di mana Plaintif
telah disuntik dengan ubat Stemetil dan dinasihatkan supaya
pulang ke rumah.
iii. Pada 09 Mac 2016, Plaintif telah mengalami hipertensi dan
telah dimasukkan ke Kuantan Medical Centre dan didiagnos
menghidap Cerebrovascular dengan Hemiparesis.
5. Hanya satu isu untuk dibicarakan di Mahkamah ini adalah sama
ada Plaintif berhak terhadap tuntutan Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi
Am sepertimana yang dituntut.
6. Gantirugi Khas adalah seperti berikut :
Plaintiff Court
No. Item RM RM
A. Special Damages
(March 2016 to March 2019
= 36 months)
1. Hospital and medical
61,000.00 61,000.00
2. The cost of physiotherapy. 2,000.00 2,000.00
3. Travel, accommodation and
incidental expenses.
5,000.00 5,000.00
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4. The cost of obtaining pre-
action discovery of medical
8,480.00 8,480.00
5. Fee for medical report. 500.00 500.00
6. The cost of assistive
5,000.00 5,000.00
7. The cost of a hospital bed 3,000.00 3,000.00
8. The cost of a multi-purpose
191,000.00 170,000.00
9. The cost of modifications to
Encik Zamri’s home.
15,000.00 15,000.00
10. Loss of income. 223,212.72
[9,300 x 12 months
x 2 years (55-51
divided by 2)]
Subtotal 514,192.72 493,192.72
B. Pre-Trial Damages
(April 2019 to November
2022 = 44 months)
11. Hospital and medical
30,000.00 20,000.00
12. The cost of physiotherapy. 10,000.00 10,000.00
13. Travel, accommodation and
incidental expenses.
7,000.00 7,000.00
14. The cost of assistive
equipment and devices.
10,000.00 10,000.00
Subtotal 57,000.00 47,000.00
C. Life Expectancy 68
65 + 3 (life
expectancy +
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economics point)
D. Multiplier 10
68 – 58 (life
expectancy minus
current age)
E. Future Damages
(Assistive Equipment and
15. Manual lightweight
(25,000.00 with 1
16. Tilt-in-space commode
shower chair.
2,400.00 2,400.00
17. Electric hospital bed 8,000.00 8,000.00
18. Powered wheelchair 36,00.00
(18,000.00 with 1
(12,000.00 x
19. Walking frame 400.00
(200.00 with1
20. Portable hoist 14,000.00
(7,000.00 with 1
21. Pressure relief cushion 12,000.00
(3,000.00 with 3
Subtotal 122,800.00 81,800.00
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F. Future Damages (Medical
and Hospital)
22. The cost of hospital
(30,000.00 twice a
year x 10 years)
(10,000 x 2 x
23. The cost of consultations
with a Rehabilitation
medicine physician
(280.00 x 6 times a
month x 12 months
x 10 years)
(280.00 x 12 x
24. The cost of consultation with
a Clinical psychologist.
(250.00 x 2 times a
month for 1 year)
25. The cost of consultations
with a Nutrition Specialist
(2,000.00 per year
x 10 years)
26. The cost of consultations
with a Neurologist
(280.00 x 2 times a
year x 10 years)
27. The cost of consultations
with a Neurosurgeon /
(235.00 x 2 times a
year x 10 years)
Subtotal 857,900.00 251,900.00
G. Future Damages
(Therapies and
28. The cost of physiotherapy 76,800.00
(160.00 per month
x 12 months x 10
(130.00 x 4 x
12 x 10)
29. The cost of occupational
86,400.00 62,400.00
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(180.00 per month
x 12 months x 10
(130.00 x 4 x
12 x 10)
30. The cost of inpatient
(14,000.00 every 2
years for 10 years)
31. The cost of home
(180.00 twice a
month x 12 months
x 10 years)
32. The cost medications 84,000.00
(700.00 per month
x 12 months x 10
33. The cost of botulinum toxin
(1,600.00 x 3
Subtotal 365,800.00 257,400.00
H. Future Damages
34. The cost prima facie hiring
(2,000.00 per
month x 12 months
x 10 + 20,000.00
various fees and
35. The cost of a multi-purpose
200,000.00 0
36. Petrol, insurance, road tax,
accommodation & incidental
(300.00 per month
x 12 months x 10)
Subtotal 496,000.00 236,000.00
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37. General Damages for Loss
of Earning Capacity (From
the Plaintiff’s age of 55 to
(9,300.53 per
month x 12 months
x 5 years) +
(7,000.00 per
month x 12 months
x 5 years)
38. General damages for pain
and suffering and the loss
of amenities of life
300,000.00 200,000.00
I. General Damages for the
Value of case provided by
Encik Zamri’s family
39. During the Special Damages
period (March 2016 to March
2019) (36 months)
(1,200.00 Perayu
month x 36
40. During the Pre-Trial
Damages period (April 2019
to November 2020) (19
(1,200.00 per
month x 19
41. During the Future Damages
period (10 years)
(1,200.00 per
month x 12 months
x 10 years)
Subtotal 210,000.00 968,031.80
42. Aggravated Damages 500,000.00 300,000.00
43. Party-and-party costs 250,000.00 250,000.00
44. Out of pocket expenses 17,514.90 17,514.90
Grand Total 4,249,239.42 2,902,839.42
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J. Interest
45. Interest on Special
Damages from date of
incident, 8 March 2016 up to
date of judgment.
46. Interest on pre-trial
damages, general damages
and aggravated damages
from date of service of writ, 5
March 2019 to date of
47. Interest on judgment sum,
including costs from of
judgment to date prima facie
7. Bagi tuntutan gantirugi, sebagai pampasan Mahkamah merujuk
kepada kes Ong Ah Long v Dr S Underwood [1983] 2 MLJ 324
di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa :
“…It has to be borne in mind that damages for personal
injuries are not punitive and still less a reward. They are
simply compensation that will give the injured party reparation
for the wrongful act and for all the natural and direct
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consequences of the wrongful act, so far as money can
8. Di dalam kes Yang Salbiah & Anor v Jamil bin Harun [1981] 1
MLJ 292 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa :
“It must be remembered that the purpose of damages is to try,
so far as humanly possible, to put the victim back to the
position he would have been in but for the accident. The
damages must be fair, adequate and not excessive…”
9. Juga, di dalam kes Bekalan Sains P&C Sdn Bhd v Bank
Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd [2011] 5 MLJ 1 di mana Mahkamah
Rayuan menyatakan antara lain :
“[185] Every day, damages are awarded by the courts to
claimants in order to compensate them for loss and damage.
But before damages can be recovered in an action there must
firstly be a wrong committed, whether the wrong be a tort or a
breach of contract. If a loss has been incurred by the claimant,
no damages can be awarded unless there is a wrong…
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[189] The person who is claiming damages must prove his
case. Thus, the claimant in order to justify an award of
substantial damages he must satisfy the court as to the fact
of damage and as to its quantum (Senate Electrical
Wholesalers Ltd v Alcatel Submarine Networks Ltd (Formerly
STC Submarine Systems Ltd) [1999] 2 Lloyd's Law Reports
423 (CA)). If the claimant fails to satisfy the court on the fact
of damage and quantum, then his action must fail or at the very
least he would be awarded nominal damages where his right
has been infringed.
[190] Put in another way, the claimant must show actual
loss and evidence must be led in that direction. It is
submitted that the appellant has failed to prove damages with
precise evidence (Sony Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd v Direct
Interest Sdn Bhd [2007] 2 MLJ 229; [2007] 1 CLJ 611, (CA);
and Ban Chuan Trading Co Sdn Bhd & Ors v Ng Bak
Guan [2004] 1 MLJ 411; [2003] 4 CLJ 785, (CA)) and that the
appellant has also failed to lead evidence to show actual loss.”
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10. Berkaitan dengan tuntutan gantirugi tersebut, pampasan yang
diberi adalah semoga mangsa telah kembali ke kedudukan asal
sebelum kemalangan tersebut berlaku.
11. Berkaitan dengan Gantirugi Khas, Mahkamah juga merujuk
kepada kes Ong Ah Long v Dr S Underwood [1983] 2 MLJ 324
di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa :
“It is a well-established principle that special damages in
contrast to general damages, have to be specifically
pleaded and strictly proved. They are recoverable only
where they can be included in the proper measure of damages
and are not too remote (see Halsbury's Laws of England 4th
edition, volume 11 page 218 para 386). That in our view is the
cardinal principle adopted by all courts both in England and
this country. The same principle was adopted by Ong Hock
Thye, F.J. (as he then was) in Yee Hup Transport & Co and
Anor v Wong Kong [1967] 2 MLJ 93 which was an appeal on
quantum of damages. Quoting an excerpt from the judgment
of Wilmer L.J. in Ilkiw v Samuels [1963] 1 WLR 991; [1963] 2
All ER 879 he held that the general damages should not be
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awarded as though they were special damages properly
pleaded and proved. Similarly Chang Min Tat, F.J.(as he then
was) in Murtadza bin Mohamed Hassan v Chong Swee
Pian [1980] 1 MLJ 216 applied the principle in Ilkiw v.
Samuels( supra) that special damages if pleaded as in that
case could be recovered. The principle was also adopted by
Mohamed Azmi, J. (as he then was) in Sam Wun Hoong v
Kader Ibramshah [1981] 1 MLJ 295 in the Federal Court.”
12. Juga, di dalam Yeap Cheng Hock v Kajima-Taisel Joint Venture
[1973] 1 MLJ 230 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa :
“The general principle is that the plaintiff must be
prepared to prove his special damages unless it has been
agreed. It is not enough for him to write down the
particulars and leave them for the court to decide. It is for
him to prove them. (See Sum Kum v Devaki Nair &
Anor [1964] MLJ 74 74, and Khoo See Moi v Tay Teik
Chang [1970] 2 MLJ 249 250). No doubt, the plaintiff gave
evidence that he had purchased the extra nourishing food
when he was in the hospital, but in the absence of medical
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evidence that they were necessary in the light of hospital food
and nourishment prescribed, I am not prepared in the
circumstances to allow the claim on the three items.”
13. Oleh itu, dengan menggunapakai nas-nas di atas, Mahkamah telah
mengawadkan gantirugi sepertimana yang telah ditaksirkan oleh
kerana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa Plaintif telahpun
mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan yang credible untuk
membuktikan tuntutan-tuntutan yang dikemukakan ke Mahkamah.
14. Mahkamah juga mendapati Plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan
jumlah kerugian bagi Gantirugi Khas dengan pengemukaan resit-
resit dan bil-bil yang telah dikemukakan ke Mahkamah semasa
perbicaraan dan tuntutan-tuntutan tersebut telah gagal disangkal
oleh pihak Defendan.
15. Bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Am pula, Mahkamah telah menimbangkan
segala kerugian yang dipohon dan dengan itu telah membenarkan
tuntutan Plaintif tersebut.
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16. Di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah dengan ini
mendapati dan memutuskan bahawa Plaintif telah berjaya
mengasaskan tuntutan mereka bagi Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi
Am sepertimana yang dipohon.
17. Dengan itu, Tuntutan Plaintif bagi kerugian yang dialami akibat
kecuaian Defendan-Defendan telah diasaskan dan dibenarkan
sepertimana jumlah Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi Am yang telah
diawadkan oleh Mahkamah beserta faedah dan kos.
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Peguam Plaintif :
Encik Desmond Mun Ching Yong
Tetuan P S Ranjan & Co.
Tingkat 17, Wisma Lee Rubber
No. 1 Jalan Melaka, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Ruj. : 3444/ZO/MMS/DM/iza
Emel :
Peguam Defendan-Defendan :
Tuan Vesvanathan a/l Jeevaji (Peguam Persekutuan)
Pejabat Penasihat UndangUndang Negeri Pahang
Tingkat 3, Wisma Sri Pahang
25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur
Ruj. : PN/PG/SFC/21/1/2019
Emel :
S/N DuaoCq/jd0qLidk3rnRuXA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
| 16,621 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-24NCvC-56-01/2023 | PEMOHON SELVI A/P M.RAMAN RESPONDEN SKF SOLUTION SDN BHD | Pembatalan Kaveat Persendirian perlu rujuk kepada 4 persoalan iaitu sama ada Pengkaveat mempunyai kepentingan, Pengkaveat mendedahkan isu-isu serius untuk dibicarakan, imbangan keselesaan memihak bahawa Kaveat tersebut dikekalkan dan terdapat keadaan istimewa dipihak Pemohon yang melayakkan status quo diubah. | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Zaharah Binti Hussain | |
02/11/2023 15:34:46
BA-24NCvC-56-01/2023 Kand. 42
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
an-2mcvc—5s—u1/2023 Kand. 42
:2, mm: 15»3a:ae
SAIIIAN PEMLILA N amzaucvcse-0112023
Dalam perxara seksymsaxsyan
32111) man 12)‘ 329 (1; dan 417
Kanun Tanah Negarn, 1955
Dalam Devkara Hananah yang
mpegang dv aawan GRN 309392‘ Lm
2555, Pekzn Pucnung Pamana,
Duran Pa! mg. Negerl Sallngnv
dengzn kemasan sebanyak
2D4meIev pelsegw dan dengan
alamal paa ua 45‘ Jalan PU 9/5.
Pucmnn Ulzma‘ «ma Pucnang.
serangm Daml Ehsan
Dalam perkara Kaveal Pevsevahzn
No 275:3/2023 yang mdaflavkan
paaa 25 Jun2023padn jam 09 24 34
Dalam nevka-a Amvan 7 dan Aluran
92 Kaedah 4 K.aeaan—><aauan
Mahkzmah 2012
m nwxuruamrzmakvu
«ma. sm.‘ runblrwwfl .. man a my ». am.m -mm; flwumunl via IVMNG wn-1
SELVI up M. swam
(uo.KP: svnm-uxnswu)
(nbapai Pnntzdb Han: Punk: Lmnummn
nu Pnriasamy, Simzli (Nn.KP: woos-1nsn11) MFLAINTIF
SKF soumou sun sun
(No. SYARIKAT: 4654324) ...DEFENDAN
[11 Padz 9 0305 2112:, Mahkamah ml Ie\ah memhenarknn pevmohnnan
P\am|i1da\am saman Pemula im unmk pennlah sepem benkuc
(a) Bahzwz Kaveal Persendman yang dnmzsukkan u\eh
ue4-enaan kc am Hananah yang dlpaging m am» can
309592, Lot 2655, Fekan Puclmng Pemana. Daevah Pelzlmg,
Negevi Selangur dengan kemasan sehanyak 2114 meter
persegw dan dengan alamal pas No As, .la\an PU 9/5‘
Puchong uvama, mm Puchang Semvgov om: Ehnn
(“Hansnah levsebuf) memm Kiveal Fersendman No
1\nA‘Am_\'4:s 5, m2;
/N n
[25] Mahkamah Rayuzn an dalam kes Luggage Dinribulars (M) san
Ehd V4 1... Mar Tcny [M195] .1 cu szn; mm 1 m..: m lelah
mengganskzn uuanmjlan yang hams digunauakzl a. dalam menemukan
sesualu pevmuhonan unluk membatalkan kav , Mshkamah Rayuan
lelah menymakan bank-n.
-m coruldorlrrfl In lfinlicnklnn fur the rumovll or - "Vat, an
pnmaun to D: ndopmt should be . Iimplo ma rmnmaly am. A:
on: Itzyl, me court wm axsmiru rm ground: cxpnssod in m.
lppficatron for me caven ra sn wiutmr my Shaw 3 cmmnp.
inmur, cm the court I: san'sn..1 ma: me cmamrs cum.
nmaunts in law ha a canamble lmlrul. it must men ya on to
canlldnr wnun-rem claim uucmua-unou: quullon mulling:
m I Am: mm two mm »m can emund, ml cowl mm
mm. mm on: nmm alcunvinllnca"
An: Mahkamah
[251 Deiendan mendakwa man membeukan plmaman kapnda s. Man
lelapw Ianpa pengecanuan Islen s. Man Iamu Plamm (yang ktm walah
Pemaamr Hana Pusaka S! Man)
[211 Pla\rmI menyalakan bahawa mernandangkan lunlulan Delend
adalan dalam henlnk Kewangan, men nu Delendan hdak mempunyll apa—
apa keven||ngan benensm flalam Hananah «ersenm yang membenkan
hak kepzda Delendan untuk memawkkan salu Kaveal Persenmnan kc
a|as (anal: |evs:hu|
lI\aA21N,'/( 52 u1r1uz3
5/N umxaruao.rm.xvu
«mm. sm.‘ , .. mad w my ». mmm -mm; fluumlnl n. IHLING Wm!
gm mmm-n vnlah menahu sama ad: Penman Pmjirnan wu|ud
anlara Delendan dan 5. Man mm unluk jnmlah sebanyak Rmzomxm no.
Eerdasarkan Penanj n l.elsebu1lah.Dsfendan1e\ah memulakan lmdakan
Guaman |emadap S! Man an memnya temadap wamm ubauai
Fenladbn Hana Fusak: SA Man
[29] Mahkamah mm menerm kepada perscalan panama. sarvn ada
Pengkavem mampunyiv keuermngan Kavaawarhadap hananah nmenm
Deiandin telah mamasukkan Kaveal alas pmiaman sehanyak
RM2oo,Duo no. Sebenzmya Defenflan amen menunm iumlan pimaman
(ems dan hukarmya memasukkan mam alas harlanzh tevsehm
[so] Farsoalan kedun saml ma kepanhngzn berkaveal lersebul
menimhmkan alau mendedahkan Isu»Isu senus unmk dwbxcatakan
Mahkamah berpendapal hzham uaak (Imbul ISIHSU yang senus unluk
diblcarakan kevzni Deiendan mnya manunhll jumlah pmjaman uhila
[:11 Persoalan Kenga sama ada Imbangan Keselesaan memmak
bahawa Kavea| Aevsebul dlkekakan Mahkanah nerpemtapac bahawa
a|as mange" keselesaan bahawa iapalulnya Plalnm yang man helm
memhayar plnllman daupada RHB dapa| menehus hank gadalan dzn
mu 1-mzv: as ax/201:
SM n xaruamfemwvn
RHB Bank Kaveal persendlnan uleh Delendan Ie\ah menggagnlkan
Flalrmldanpndz belbual demlknan
[22] Persoalan xeempan sama adz temapal keadaan mmewa dx pmak
Pemohon yang mmayakkzn slams qua drgangau/dlubah Mahkamah
hupennapnx xememangny: levdapal kezdnn mnmmu dlpmak mmmw
yang meuiyakkan Kaveat pevsemman ml dwbalalkan
my Sepeni yang dmyalaksn nu a|as bahawa ma m yznu ielah
mehngsawkan pllulman pemmaharmya danqan ma Bank Eemad perlu
menemskan unluk menebus bank gadalan dan RI-ca Bank Eevhafl
Kegagalan Plalnw berhual demkian kevana Ierdapamya Kaveac
pelsendman nersew. mamhuakan mam lavpaksa menangfiung «Va
penalh din bsyarsn Vain yang lebm hanyak
[341 Berdnarkan vakmakva dan undang-undang yang dmyitikin di
am Mahkaman berpandapal bahawa Delendan parlu membualiunlmzn
alas pvuaman 5. Man sepemminl dalam mnmlannya as Mamcanuan
Sesyen sekarang.
um 2<>«(v/( as nnrznu
5/N nwxurUaL7:feNnwvn
“Nun: sum .. mad n my n. unvmuhlv -mm: fluuununl n. IVMNG wrm
[55] Mahkamah membenalkan dan mtmberikan Penman mam yang
diwhan dalzm Saman Femula WI! Ianu Kavenl Parsendlllan yang
dwmasukkan blah Delendan dIhala\kan nan fllpolong seuamunnya
Penlanblv Hakmlllk man mernhalal dan memalcmg Kaveel Ielsebul
Delendan am: wakilnya nnak lrdak mi memasukkan Kaveal
Persendinan m mm akan dalang Dangan um Iebnnyik mama nu
lenakluk Kepadi u zkzkamr
aenarim 25 Oklober 2023
Pssurumaya Kehakunan
Mahkaman ‘finggl NCVC 2
Shah Alam
um J-1V(\/L 7b u; mu
SM n xaruamfemkvu
Peguamcara Plalnfll/Runonden
Teluan Szlvmder K &AssocIa(es
Na 3, Jalan Hujan Ema: m
Overseas Union Gzvden
sazuu Kuana Lumpur
No rm awesome
Email saMndevkna@gma\l com, kzsnnnzaflgmawl cam
Ru]. smznaromzuzz
Fleuuncaru Fulvulbckmln :
Tmuzn Amrr 5 Rajpal Ghsi
sum 2:212. Plaza Pengkamn
wan raw. on Jalan sum Allan Shah
smm Kuala Lumpur
Na Tel'D3-271341311
Emu nffice@zvg~\zw com
Ru: ARG/SEUU336/2022/R:
man mu“ ,5 uniu/4
5/N IM/XuIUaL7:reN.Rvu
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; flwulnlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
RUJ My 5;
Km: Ah Soon v Dumaga sun and (199512 on 215, [1996] 2 ML! 121
Luggage Dnsmbulurs (My Sun arm V Yan HorTeng 1199513 cu 520;
[1995]1MLJ 719
mu Hum: as muuzx
/N n xaruamfemkvu
zvsaarzozs yang dtdallarkan pada 26 Jun 2023 pada [am
us 29:34 pig! mbalalkan dun dlpmong‘
(n) Bahawa Pzmaablr Hakmllxk danlalau Fenladmv ram dan
Gahan Selangar di Shah Alam fllperlnlahkan unmk
membavtalkan dan mernmung xmsc Pelsenflwian No
2153:/2023 yang dmanarkan pafla 25 Jun 202: pldl pm
as 25 :4 pay! dvdalzm uanaman memaklumkan an dalamnya
a\asan unluk pembalahn lersebm den lanklvlya dalam
Iempoh Dua 12) nan darn masa dlserzhkan dengzn pennlah
(cu Banawa Delendan‘ samada seazva sendln nan/alau ejen‘
pekena, penganih dan/a|au seharang pmak Yam yang
berkavlan dengan Delendan flflarang din cflhalang flan
mamasukkan mu rnandallnlkan apa-ipi Kaveul lervrlaiuk
Kaveal Pevsendman ke anas Haflanah pada bxlrblla mas:
Dengan kos sehanyak RM3,uou.ou terlakmk kepada Fx Alukamv
Lalarbelakang Kc:
[21 Suam|PIamAi1|axm Leldmrnanan all Penasamy(No KP 65100610
sum zdzlzh Psnullk namanar tebxdlnn hinanah an hawah Germ
Hakmnlk No ansaaz, Lo! Nozaaa Fekan Puchang Pemana, Daevan
nu zmuu :. A van
5/N uwxurUaL7:feN.Rvu
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; flwulnlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
Peialma‘ Negen Selangnr dengzn kemasan sebanyak 204 male! pevsegl
dengan Ihmal pus Nu 4e‘ Jam PU 9/5, Fucmmg mama, mm
Puchmg Selangav Darul Ehsan (“Hannah leIsebul’7
[21 lelchuminan an Perfaianvylelah meninggal dunla pad: me 2015.
pm 28122021 wamm um dulanuk sabugm Punm1h\rHanu Fuuka
Snmall mehlul Ge(an Surat Kuasa Menladmv yang dlkeluarksn oxen
Mankaman TmggA Kuala Lumpur melalul Saman Pemula No wA—24—
31Ncvc—1s9s—1 mm:
[4] Paris zaazma, Deiendan wan memlallkan Wm Saman dan
Pernyataan Tumulan (evhadap sy Man an Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam
melahm wm Samar: No5AA5zN<:c4sa—as/zowa (Gunman No 353)
Malalm Gunman Mam lmsehul‘ Dafenuan amar: mm mendakwi
bahawa s. Man telsn menqmgkan sua|u Peqanuan Plmaman beclankh
2272ms dan bemmang kepafla Defender! ssbanyak RM245,000 no
selakai 25 6 2013 bersama laadah xebanyak ms ssxahun
[5] Pada :1 1 2019, De4endanle\ah memasukkan Pengnamman Ingkar
kenaauan Kemadap 31 Man Pada 2 mzms, Pkamlfl lelah memrauxan
pelmohonan umuk mengenepikzn penghalw-nan mgur luuebm. namun
permohonzn unluk mengeneplkan penghaknman |ngkar1evsebu|(elah
Mu 2+m<v< se cxunzh
m IM/xaIUaL7:feN.wvn
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm: flwulnlnl n. IVMNG wrm
dnolak men Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Nam pad: 27 11 2019
[5] Fan: 5122019, wamm 121:» memlallkan Nuns Rayuan ke
Mahkaman Tmggl Shah Nam unluk merayu Iemadap kepulusan
Mahkamih Sewer: benankh 2711 ms (ersebm Rayuan leuebm «em.
amanaukan mag-1 Mahkamah Tlnqgl Shah Alam Rayum sun Na sa-
IZANCC-I7-12/2021 1-Ray-nan N017‘) Pada 11320211 Mshkamah
Tmggn 1eIan membenalkan vayuan Plamul dan oleh 111. penghaklman
mgkav berlavikh :11 112019 man mkelepikan denuan kus sebanwk
Ru12,o1m no a1nay.1am1 note:-can xepsdu Plalrlm
m Delenflan 1-aak mengambvl findakan semi-nnya wen Mu,
Mank.-man sesyen lelah memhatalkan wm Srnan Delendan dihm
Gunman No 363 |aIubII1 pad: a 4 m1
[131 Paris 1752021. wenuan |elah memfailkzn nnaakan barn
(emadap nan: Pusaka :1 Mali .1. Mahkamah Sesyen Pelawlu ma nan
zmumn \:r:ebu| man dldaflafxan sebagm wm No BB»B52NCD»37-
11321721 1-euaman No 37-1. Pada 25.3 2022, Defendan tahh memlaflkan
suaw Dermohonan m ham»: Aluran 15 Kaedah an Kaedan-kaedah
Mihkamah 2012 unluk melanuk Plamm sebagal wak1l «am: hana
puiika 51 Man Pads 15 sznzz, Delendun leluh mampelmeh penmah
s1n1m1:1< 55 M mu
m I1wxaruaL71feNnwvn
“um 5.1.1 ....1..m11 .. mad 1: mm .. 11111.11-1 mm. flwulnlnl n. -r1u>1G wrm
umux menamakan Wavnlxf sebagav wakll kenadi Hana Pusaka S1 Mali
am him menemskzn dangan mmam :1. Dawn?! Guaman No.37 lenabul
[91 Guzman No 37 letsebut wga Deveman mendakwz hahawa sx Man
lelah memlluim wang dan Demman Gan bemulang kepafli meraka
sehanynk Rwnzunoooo mum 2572021 Pan: 2 11 mm, mm
(elah memiawtan Pembelaan dan Tun|u|an Bales (emadap mnnman
Delenflan dslam Guaman Na 37 lersebm dan menaflkan apaapa
kebemulangan yang maakwa wumd amira s. Man din Deiundan
[1471 5. Man lelah mengambll plnnman flan RHE Bank Bemad umuk
membwzyaw harlanah Iersebut Plsmm bsvsama anak sulongnya |elah
menyelesilkan hakl Dmlaman German pmak RHB Bank Berhad Dengin
pengesahln nan nus Bank Bemad banzwa mmaman |ersehu| Ielah
salesal dlbayav. Plamuhelah mengavahkan peguamcavanya Tamar: Am»
5. Raina! Ghai umuk mengamnn lmdakan menebus balik Haflanah
tersebm am gaaa-an dengan RHE Bank Eemad
[14] Pada 20 non yam n2-20-14 peung, Peguamcala mzmm «max
dapaf melakukan prvses penebusan balik Hananah Ievsebm den
melepiskan gaaamn cleh RHE Bank Eemad meiklpun buyarsn pmnman
ielah diselesalkan dangan penuh um adalah kevsna Delendan man
Mu zaN:vL 5s m mu
5/N uwxurUaL7:feN-Rvu
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; flwulnlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
memasukkan suauu Kzveal Persendinan ke mas nananan oenehm Dada
20 7 2022mm 02.20.14 umzng
[121 Pada 1511 2022 Peguamcara F'Ii\nt\Hze\ah memben Nuns Berluhs
kepadz Delendan unluk msmmong dan mengeluarkan Kaveal
Periandmin |evsehu( di\am H. am lanehul sens memben nkujnnjl
berlulls mink a<an memasuklcan ipa—apa kavez! pevsendman ke alas
Harlanah an masa hidapan
[131 Namun navenuan enggan memmuhl uumuvan lartebul dun
menegiskan bahawa max zkan memhual apa-apa dan (slap dengan
Kepumsan un|uk Aidak memalong dan memnnamn K.avea| Peisendlnan
[14] Nasal: Delendan bahawa rnereka rnempImya1kepen|mgan kaveal
din/anau benefisnal ke alas Hananah Defiemiin yang memmzkan
Guzman No 363 an lam Guaman No 37 mambua| lunnnan hsrbenluk
kewanuan 'monu(Iry cxamr din bukan Iemzrlap Hananah (ersebul
[151 Plainm menyalakan hahawa Defendan lanqsung hdzk mempunyal
apa—apa keoanlmgin yang ba\eh dikavumkan alas Tznah msenux, mans
knvem pewandlvian Delendan hrsebm pamIdIhn1a\kan
7|nA znmvn Sb «mm
“Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm: flwulnlnl n. IVMNG wrm
[151 Ymdakzn Gunman No :7 mm Dulendin manunlm RM32o,ooo oo
selzagal plnjaman yang dvbenkan uleh Delenflan kepada 5: Man.
[111 uerenaan menyztilkzn hahawa Plimm sebauai Penladbw Hana
Punk: s. Mah sememanqnyu max mempunyav pengahnuzn Vzngsung
mange:-an plnjaman |er:ebul
[131 Delendan sememangnya zdalzh Pemeginu Laser:
Mm usmumnzoazap
. bawah Akla Penman Puuamnn Wang 1951
dun memberi kemuflahan pxnjaman kepada pewanggan jugs Iermasuk 5:
[111 seeaga. ballnn bag: Fenarman mums" lanebut. Sw Mzh |elnh
menyelihkan kepzda Defender: salu cagann yang dikenali sehagal
Hakmi|i< Gavan 309592, Lot No. zesa‘ Pekan Fuchong Femana, Daerah
Pelahng, Negevi Selangov yang mempunyaw :\ama| penyampaiannya ax
No 45, man PU 2/5‘ Puchmg mama. 47170 Puchung, Samngavflalul
Ehsan (-Hamanan (ersebul“|.
[av] sv Mali mu: Ma?! metnlzekillan uesllinan Penanjian Jual Bell
benankh zsmmom bag: Hunanlh Iersebul yang dilaksanaknn an anlara
mm xuum so amnzx
5/N u xuvuamfemwvn
su Mali dan Fzvid hm Abdullah (No KP 7oo4m1a.55m unluk Mum
rm Se\an]u(nya Dedendan yang dahulunya dlkenah sehagal Alcadna
emu sun Bhd (ND Syalikal 455432-x) Ievah mzmalukkan salu Kaveal
Persendlmn alas nnan kn ah: Hannah wsrsebul pad: 25/7/zme
melalul Nombov Pelsevznan 36344/zms (“Kaveal Pemnauian ms“;
[221 Memandangkan Kaveat Periendinan zma (ersebul akin Lamal
pads 24/m/2022, oevenaan Isiah mernasukkan KavenIPeuendir\.In bavu
pzaa 20/n7/2022 memm Nombor Persevahan aaassizozz (“Kaveal
Fersendman Z022”)
Umiang-nndanu Mung. .| Ponnahmun Fambnlnlnn Knvanl
m] Pnnup undang-undang berkailan pevmahonan unmk membalalkan
kaveauaaalan jelai Dw uzram sesualu purmohonan untuk membzlalkan
men, Mahkamuh Mndakrah menevnlu dan rnampemmbangkan
pals/aa\an»pelsoa!an benkul
. tama ada pengkaveal mempuny-ax kepenlmgan helkaveat
mhzdap mun-n ceuenux
gm “mu ,5 H1021
SM n xaruamfemkvu
u eama ada kepenlmgan berkaveal «enema me ‘
mendedzhkan Asu-Isu mus unluk dmlcavzkan
m sama ada wmbangan xeaeweaaaan memmak hahawa kaveal
levsebm dvkekarkan
Iv sama aua lzrdapal keadzan wslwmewa an pmak pemuhun yang
mulayakkan slams qua mganggu/dlub-h
m1 D1 dalam kes Kilo An Soon v. Dunlngn Sdn Bhd[199£] 2 cm
219,- mm] 2 MLJ m, Mahkaman Persekuman lelah sekah lam
manekankan berkznaan pmuip nndangrurvdanq dl dalam pembalalan
kaveal di mana Pen Swee Chin. HMP (e\ah menyananan m muka max
«ea seven: benkm
-n Is mum Inn in . mzmr vl mnom on man as bulniln .
cavearor and cavnatce, M in ma instant appeal, mega an
my meamm sansvy Me Coun am hi: evidence does rats: a
serious qulstron to be Med 15 nglrds me claim to an mrelesiln me
nana rn auesaan, -nu Invlng don: so ne mun snnw me; on
a hllancn or canvnnlnnct :1 would a. honor to nulnnln lln mm.
41:40 until ma mun: ma nation by puvonling tin cnvnlu Irnrn
dispa-ingofnlx/und, m.maownoyLama;pIecx:ns_ng_n1g_mu
; [1379] 3 "U 772' "W by
lnllngy indnecrry to Amencan cy-nnmiu on v. Emicon [ms] AC
399 as indicated by Lara Dlplock, ma urious question for ma!
nlurrud on above could mean a quulion rm! being vexatious or
mm 11mm 5h 11 '01.‘
am nnnxaruao.rm.xvu
«em. sun runblrwwfl n. mad w my n. unvmuhlv mm; flwulnlnl n. muno wrm
| 2,069 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-24NCvC-1898-11/2022 | PEMOHON CHONG BOON HENG RESPONDEN HANSON BUILDING MATERIALS MALAYSIA SDN BHD | Civil procedure – action for order to send original document for forensic examination – document is used or being used in a pending court case in the Sessions Court – whether applicant can leapfrog to the High Court for such order of forensic examination of document – whether applicant who is dissatisfied with the Sessions Court’s refusal to order forensic examination can file a separate suit in the High Court for such examination order – whether multiplicity of proceedings – whether attempt to re-litigate the same issue – whether applicant’s proper remedy is to raise the issue in an appeal against the Sessions Court’s final decision. | 02/11/2023 | YA Tuan Tee Geok Hock | |
02/11/2023 11:25:27
BA-24NCvC-1898-11/2022 Kand. 17
S/N 6ua36/241UiYvzaxCEaOZg
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EA-ZINCVC-1593-11/2022 Kand, 17
‘ :2/11/2023 11:25-2*
‘ nu me man coum or MALAYA IN SHAH ALAM
IN ms sun: or ssumeon DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA
ORIGINAHNG summons No.: an-zmcvc-155:-11/znzz
EERYARIKH 29.oa.2nn5
[IDENTITV cum M0,: s2n1z4—1n—s1ss] PLAINTIFF
xcaupmv no. : 327637-K] nzrzunnms
IN suaamnuwvuxczaazw
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vecly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
gnouuos or JUDGMENT
(0.5. for lemme Iumlnnlon)
The P\amIwl/EH Chang's apphcauon in «ms ow Summons
seals an 07:12! In mm the DalendamlHansDn m Dmduce me
unginal 01 may av suarame and lndemmly dated 29 s 2005. pan
of me sutuecl maltev m anamer Sesswons Conn sum, far Imensm
Exammahan by me Chermslry Depanmenla1Ma\ays\a regarding me
uulhenlnuly nf me mgnalure Ihevein sad to he aw Chong'5
2 TN: us not 3 Iresh npplicalmn befove the cnmmenoemen| av a mun
suil am a oollalem ar cllculluus way av cvcumvsmmg me remanx
Sessions Conn m appwmg for an umer wmch us ancmuy to me
Sussmns Conn sun and which is well within the junsdivinon oi the
relevam Sessvons Cnun
3 On 29 sapnemner 2023 nus Court aisnussea me P m ms
ongluanng Summons with most:
4 Dxssmisfied, Ihe Plamuw has apaealed so me Conn o1Appea\
Lcgal prin an
5 n In barbie and alemenlavy pnnclple M procedural law mm when a
hhganl m 3 noun case mlends m make an zp
on «m Inspection
or examlnalvun at an mginzx aocumemwmcu m used or baing used
as ewdenoe in a pending own case, me mlganl applies cm the
sm nu-zmnuuwuxciaazg
-W. sum rumhzv MU ... M In M, m. .mw., MW: nnumgnl VI mung W.‘
necessary urdar tar Inspuclton ur exannnatton tn the same cmm
case Where he neeessny tor such apphcahun anm tn n
suhomlnme mun case, such apphcahnn I310 be made to tne same
sundrdtnate cowl wmen Is hearing the case. as n is wet wtlhin me
powers and nmsdtettdn aitne sumrdtnata court to make suen mder
Tne law dees nnl eountenanee a teeptmggtng process of
clmumvenltng the aubamtnale cowl by pavachuttng te tne High
Cowl en eppttcettdn my mdav 01 Inspectton e« examlnzlmn at
docuntenu used 0! to be used tn tne pendtng subardmam court
As this pmceduval maltev ts ED paste and etententnry, thus Cmm
does not prepdse ta one any case precedent except to say mat must
the Plainlflf has done here etsp censtnutee mu¥lp|\I:Ify ol
pmceedings wnten ts intended tn be prevented by paragraph 11 at
the senedute In tne Owns at Judtcalule Am 1964 wnten pnwmes
tor “Power to drsmtss . . proceedings .
mump/my ol proceedings tn any court or court: the ploaasdmgs
ought not In be eon:rnued-
. whats by nmon 41/
Analysis and Findings
In me snan Atem Sessions com Sm! No BA—B52<;37-11/2021
(‘the Slutons Cowl SuI| No art, Hanson sued an Chang and CP
Se! is euetenm for me unpaid value 01 guode edtd by Hansen In
Syzlikal eenetest Ntlwana Sdn and a company In Much an cncng
and op Serwere Dtrsclurs. EH Chang and or Serwas sued In tne
Sesstons cddn Sutl Ne 37 as me guarznlurs :17 syanxat Generast
sm ad-zmnutvvuxciaozg
-we Sum nuvthzv wm ... U544 no my me .nnn.n., MW: mm... VI ertuus pom!
Nirwanz Sdn Bhd pulsuanl to the Guaraniee and Iridemnfly da|ad
29 e 2005
9. The issue on ugnaiuie in me Guaraniae and Indemnity dated
29 a.2ua5 was me oi ms issue: In the Sessions Cnuil sun No.37
whereby sessm. Com has reyeaea an Chung‘: argumeni on
signature and than pvnceeded In glam summary iudgemen| in
favour oi Hanson une rviaimwi in ma smions Cum Sun Na :7).
see paragraphs 1502) and Ac) 01 me wenuanrs Aflidavil in Reply
(Enclosure 5) These paragraphs I5(hj and |::)a1|he Deiena-nrs
Aniaavii In Reply are um denied by in: Piainim. see parigmph in
urine Piamiim Ania n Reply (Ericlnsure an
10 wiiaieyu dissaiisiaciion that a parry has isgaidmg me Sessions
cuurrs due’ on ineiuamg pvocadural DY eymenuui rulings, cum in
be vaised In an uppeai against me Sessions Dnun‘s ducision and
mi by filing a fresh and npsiaie sun in respeci olane nuns Iuues
11 huh and sepziaie sun Ilka [ms we-Ad resin: in munipiiciiy M
pvuceedlngs, at 2 miismeni anempn In rehufizln the same issue if!
a neparatelarum
12 In the premises, the Onginahng Summens have is iiivoious and an
abuse ui process in terms M pmceduru audio! mode at
IN nu-zmnuivvuxciaazg
Wale sum runny M“ be us« In May i... migiruuly mm. mm... VI griuns poflli
12 In noncmsxan, ms Crawl on 29 September 2023 msmlssed me
Onglnafing Summons mm costs
14 Afler me msmissal al the Ongmalmg Summons on the ground 0!
aupncuy of proceeding and abuse a! process, K \s unnecessary to
look at me rnems at me appllcalmn
15. As the merits anne spphcaxion lawns pan cf anumer mun sun and
It has become unnecessary var «ms Court (0 decxde on m, mus coun
wm reflaxn from making any comment an the mencs
Dazed «ms 26"’ Oanber 202:5
VA... " ma Ts:fiJ:DoGKEHocK
""“"“ ' men coum or MALAVA AT sum ALAM
(NCVC 10)
m M-uaawuuvmxciaazg
Wale sum runhnv Mu e. um law may he .ngn.ny mm dnutmnl «. muus mm
To me pames' snhciluls.
1 For me Flamlm Ahmad Zayd Ahmad Zuber
Messrs Fmsal A Zayd
(Pevalm Jays)
2 For me Respmdanl . Fanmr selvam :10 Narawnasamy
Messrs N Selvam. Jay ma Company
(Kuz\a Lumpur)
m M-uaawuuvmxciaazg
Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. .m.u-y mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
| 855 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCvC-445-08/2022 | PLAINTIF JOHAN SHAH BIN AMIN SHAH DEFENDAN 1. ) STEMEY (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. 2. ) EDMUND CHUAH CHOONG ENG HUAT | The grounds for both applications are basically the same.(a) no reasonable cause of action against the 2nd Defendant who was not a party to the Membership Form (case of Abu Bakar Rajudin (from Abu Bakar Rajudin & Co acting as receiver and manager for Sykt Usahasama Km-Ldah Sdn Bhd) v Sykt Perumahan Negara Bhd [2017] 1 MLJ 115).(b) The 1st Defendant is a duly registered company and has a legal personality separate from that of its members including the 2nd Defendant (Section 20 (a) of the Companies Act 2016, Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [1896] UKHL 1, [1897] AC 22) The 2nd Defendant acted in his capacity as the director of the 1st Defendant which does not make the 2nd Defendant a party to the Membership Form signed between the Plaintiff and the 1st Defendant.(c) The allegation of fraud in the Statement of Claim was not sufficiently pleaded. The Statement of Claim discloses no facts or evidence showing any special circumstances which justifies the lifting of the corporate veil of the 1st Defendant (the cases of Ong Leong Chiou & Anor v Keller (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 39, Adams v Cape Industries Plc [1991]1 ALL ER 929, Gurbachan Singh s/o Bagawan Singh & Ors v Vellasamy s/o Ponnusamy & Ors [2015] 1 MLJ 773).(d) In addition, under Enclosure 18, the 3rd Party relied on the High Court case of Lim Sze Way v Allianz General Insurance Company (M) Bhd (Supreme Power Auto Sdn Bhd & Ors, third parties) [2020] MLJU 2089, whereby Ong Chee Kwan JC held that in a claim for indemnity, there must first exist a legal relationship between parties. This Court agrees that there was non-existence of a legal relationship between the Plaintiff (Defendant in the counterclaim) and the 2nd Defendant (3rd party).In short, the above findings warrant for striking out under Order 18 Rule 19 of ROC.CONCLUSIONEnclosures 11 and 18 are allowed with cost. | 02/11/2023 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
CIVIL SUIT NO.: WA-22NCVC-445-08/2022
(I/C NO.: 870716-89-5019)
(Previously known as Aphrozone (Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.)
(Company Registration No.: 201601035195)
(I/C NO.: 620214-10-6271)
02/11/2023 11:16:06
WA-22NCvC-445-08/2022 Kand. 59
S/N 4bkLHuW4DE6qSivfPR3gVw
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[1] This is a decision in relation to two applications, namely Enclosures
11 and 18. Enclosure 11 was filed by the 2nd Defendant to strike out the
Plaintiff’s claims under Order 18 rule 19(1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) of the Rules
of Court 2012 (ROC) (Enclosure 11). Subsequently, the 1st Defendant
filed a counterclaim against the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff named the 2nd
Defendant as a 3rd party in the counterclaim. Thus, the 2nd Defendant (as
a 3rd party in the counterclaim) filed Enclosure 18 to strike out the 3rd party
claim against him under Order 18 rule 19(1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) of the ROC
(Enclosure 18).
[2] Consequently, this Court allowed both applications to strike out in
Enclosure 11 and 18 with cost. The reasons for the decision as set out
[3] The 1st Defendant runs a multi-level network marketing business
and deals with skincare products, cosmetics and toiletries. The 2nd
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Defendant is the director and shareholder of the 1st Defendant. A
company, Wealthexcel Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (Wealthexcel) is also a
shareholder of the 1st Defendant where the 2nd Defendant is a director and
shareholder of Wealthexcel.
[4] The Plaintiff applied to join the 1st Defendant as its member and
executed a Membership Application Form (Membership Form) which the
plaintiff agreed to, inter alia, promote and sell the 1st Defendant's
products, either by himself or through his "downliners".
[5] On 20.06.2022, the 1st Defendant issued a show-cause letter to the
Plaintiff and suspended his membership.
[6] On 10.08.2022, the Plaintiff commenced an action against the 1st
Defendant for damages following the suspension of the Plaintiff’s
membership by the 1st Defendant. The 1st Defendant then counter-claimed
for RM 1,099,880.00, being the outstanding amount for the pre-registration
of sales.
[7] The Plaintiff contended that the 2nd Defendant is the controlling mind
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of the 1st Defendant and the acts of the 1st Defendant are the acts of the
2nd Defendant and/or vice versa.
[8] The 2nd Defendant contended that prior to the filing of this Suit, the
Plaintiff had not pledged any wrongdoing or fraud of the 2nd Defendant.
Further, the contracting parties to the Membership Form were the Plaintiff
and the 1st Defendant, not the 2nd Defendant.
Striking Out
[9] The law on Order 18 Rule 19 of ROC is trite (Bandar Builder Sdn
Bhd & Ors v United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd [1993] 3 MLJ
36). Thus, this Court took note of the followings-
Enclosure 11 & Enclosure 18
[10] The grounds for both applications are basically the same.
(a) no reasonable cause of action against the 2nd Defendant who was
not a party to the Membership Form (case of Abu Bakar Rajudin (from
Abu Bakar Rajudin & Co acting as receiver and manager for Sykt
S/N 4bkLHuW4DE6qSivfPR3gVw
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Usahasama Km-Ldah Sdn Bhd) v Sykt Perumahan Negara Bhd [2017]
1 MLJ 115).
(b) The 1st Defendant is a duly registered company and has a legal
personality separate from that of its members including the 2nd Defendant
(Section 20 (a) of the Companies Act 2016, Salomon v Salomon & Co
Ltd [1896] UKHL 1, [1897] AC 22) The 2nd Defendant acted in his capacity
as the director of the 1st Defendant which does not make the 2
Defendant a party to the Membership Form signed between the Plaintiff
and the 1st Defendant.
(c) The allegation of fraud in the Statement of Claim was not sufficiently
pleaded. The Statement of Claim discloses no facts or evidence showing
any special circumstances which justifies the lifting of the corporate veil of
the 1st Defendant (the cases of Ong Leong Chiou & Anor v Keller (M)
Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 39, Adams v Cape Industries Plc [1991]
1 ALL ER 929, Gurbachan Singh s/o Bagawan Singh & Ors v
Vellasamy s/o Ponnusamy & Ors [2015] 1 MLJ 773).
(d) In addition, under Enclosure 18, the 3rd Party relied on the High
Court case of Lim Sze Way v Allianz General Insurance Company
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(M) Bhd (Supreme Power Auto Sdn Bhd & Ors, third parties) [2020]
MLJU 2089, whereby Ong Chee Kwan JC held that in a claim for
indemnity, there must first exist a legal relationship between parties.
This Court agrees that there was non-existence of a legal relationship
between the Plaintiff (Defendant in the counterclaim) and the 2nd
Defendant (3rd party).
[11] In short, the above findings warrant for striking out under Order 18
Rule 19 of ROC.
[12] Enclosures 11 and 18 are allowed with cost.
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
Date 31 October 2023
S/N 4bkLHuW4DE6qSivfPR3gVw
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For the Plaintiff
Messrs Goh Wong Pereira
Advocates & Solicitors
8 Chancery
No. 8, Jalan Tualang
Taman Bukit Bandaraya
Bangsar, 59100
Kuala Lumpur
For the Defendants
Messrs Vin Cheng & Co
Advocates & Solicitors
20-1 dan 20-2, Oval Damansara
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000
Kuala Lumpur
S/N 4bkLHuW4DE6qSivfPR3gVw
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cw sun N NCVC-445-GE/2022
JOHAN sum am AMIN smm
we NO.:87D716-B9-5019)
I. STEMEY (MALAVSIA) sun. arm.
(Pvevlously known as Aphroznne (Malaysla sun. arm.)
(Company fieglslratlon No.: 2915»: 035195)
(I/C NO.: 620214-1a-6271)
sw 4nkLMuw4DEansw=RJqvw
-mm Sum -nvhgvwm nausea mmm-.wm.mmmmm.m..m4c varw
[I] ms Is a uemsm m re\aman m we apphcaunns, name\y Enclosmes
11 am 15 Encmsure 11 was mad by \he 2"“ Delendant m smke nu! ma
Plammrs dams undev0rder1Bvule19{1)(a).(b)‘ (c) or (:1) cl me Rmes
ac com 2012 mac) (Enclosure I1) sunsequenuy, me 15‘ Delendant
men a cnunterdaxm agamst |he P\a|nMl and me F\amIM named \he 2"“
Delendam as a 3'“ parly m me caun\erc\axm Thus‘ we 2~= Deiendanl (as
a 3'4 pany m we coun|evc\a|m) men Encmsure 15 m smke aux me 3“ pany
mam aga|ns| mm under 0n1er15 me «away. (h), m or my ac me HOG
(Enclosure I8)
[2] Cansequemly, ms cam allowed mm apphcahans |a smke mu m
Encmsuve 11 am 18 mm cost. The reasons rm me aemsmn as se| am
[:1 The W Deiendanl runs a mu\u—|eve\ network marketmg busmess
and deals wuh skmcare pmaucus, cosmehcs and umemes. The 2"‘
N 4nkLMuw4DEanswwRJqvw
we Sam M... M“ be used m mm we nvwvufilv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
Delendant Is |he director and shavehnlder m the Is| Deiendam A
cempany.Wea\|hexce\ Hmdmgs sun Bhd ¢wea\mexceh ws alsna
sharehmder 0! \he 1“ Devehuam where we 2"“ Devehuahn \s a chrecmr aha
sharehmder av weauhexcel.
[4] The Plamml apphed m jam the 1-‘ Derehuahn as us membev aha
execmed a Membersmp Apphcalmn Farm (Membershlp Form) wmch lhe
plamhn agreed to, Inter aha, pmmole aha sen \he 1“ Devenaahrs
products‘ euher by hxmsefl or mmugh ms "c1awhhhers".
[5] On 20 us.2o22, me I“Delent1anI\ssued a show-cause letiev |o the
Plalnhll and Suspended his memhevshu
[s] On m as 2u22, the Plalnhll commenced an acllnn against (he 15*
Delendant lav damages folmwmg the suspensmn av the mamhrrs
membevshup by me 1:‘ Deiendanl The 1:‘ Deiendanl (hen coumev-claimed
lav HM huasgaaa nu. being the outstanding amounnnr me pre-regwstvalwon
av sales.
[7] The F\amIM cnhnenaeu uhauhe 2"“ Delendam ws me canlrcmmg mmd
N anxmuwwzanswwfiflqvw
mm Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nflmrufllv mm; “Mm. VII mum pm
nu ma 1“ Deiendam aha \he ans 0! me 1:‘ Delendam ave me am: cl me
2"“ Deiendanl and/or wee versa
[5] The 2"“ DeiendamcanlendedU1a|pr|ovInIhelH|ng of ms sum. the
Plalnhll had ha: pledged any wmhgueuhg or hand 0! the 2"" Delendanl.
Furlhen the cnmractmg names In me Memnersmp Form were the P\am(W
and me 15‘ Derendam nanhe 2nd Derendam
Smkmg om
[9] The law an omey 18 we we nVF|OCTs\n(e(BanI1ar Builder Sdn
Em‘! 5 Dr: v United Malayan sankmg carparauan 51:11 119911 .1 ML!
35) Thus. ms cam took nme or me rauawmgs
Enclosure 1: Ac Enclosure 1!?
[m] The gvcmnds tor bcnh appheahohs are basically |he same.
(a) no reasahame cause ac achon agamst the 2'" Deiendanl who was
not a party m the Memhersmp Farm (case 0! Abu Baku R:]udln (Imm
Abu aakar Rajudln 5 Co acllng as receiver and manager Ia: Sykt
usanasama Km-Ldan sun Ehd) v Sykl Perumahan Negar: sn:1[2a171
1 ML] 115).
pevsonahly separate Item that of us members Inchmmg \he 2"“ Devenaam
The 1“ Delendanl 15 a duly vegwsleved company and has a Vega!
(secunn 20 (a; of [he Companies Ac! 2015, Salomon v Salomon .1 Co
LId[1E96] LIKHL 1, (1a9nAc2a The 2“ Devenaam acled m ms capacny
as me dvecmr av \he 1s\ Devenaam wmcn does nm make me 2"“
Devenaam a pany m we Membersmp Farm sxgned between lhe Wamtm
and me 15‘ Delendant
meaded The Slatemem av mam dxscmses no iacls or ewuence shawmg
The aHegamn omaua m we Slatemem av mam was not summemly
any spews! cncumsxances wmcn MSNIES lhe Mung av the corporate van nu
ma <s| Devenaam (me cases ac Ong Leang Chlou 5 Anal v Keller (M)
Sun and A on 121121) MLJU :19, Adams 1/ cape Induslrles Plc [12191]
1 ALL ER gas, Gurbacnan Slngn s/n aagawan Slngh a on v
Vellasamy 5/a Fannusamy a am [21115] 1 ML] 77.1).
own case al Llnl Sze way 1/ Amanz General Insurance Campany
In aaamon. undev Enclosure 15. me am Fany rehed on me Hugh
syn 4m<LMuw4nEm1swwRJqvw
warn sum 1|-nhnv WW he .15.. m mm 1.. nvVfl\ruU|y mm; m.n.n VII .mm mm
(M) sun (Supreme Power Auto San Ehd 3. am, Ihlrdpalfles) (202471
MLJU 2039. whereby Ong Ghee Kwan JG new mm m a mam var
mdemnuy, Iheve must wan exxst a Vega! relamnsmp belween pames
ms Com! agrees mat there was nonexxslence at a Vega! relauonsmp
belween me P\amull (Delendam m the caunlermaxm) and me 2"“
Deiendanl (cw pany)
[11] In sham me above nmmgs wanam lav sinkmg out under Ordev IE
Rme 19 of Roc.
[12] Enclosures 11 and 18 are allowed Mm cost.
(suumx mn MUHAMAD sun)
.mdu:\a\ Commissioner
Hugh Coun oi Malaya
Kuala Lumpm
Date :1 ocmber 202:
am 4nxLMuw4DE6nswwRJqvw
-ma Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm ua nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
Far lhe Flnlnlllf
Messrs Gnh Wang Pevexra
Advocates a scmcnms
5 Chancery
No. 5, Ja\an Tua\ang
Taman Eukll Bandaraya
Eangsav, 59100
Kuala Lumpur
Far lhe Devan-ants
Messrs Vm Cheng a. Ca
Advocates a scmcnms
204 dan 2ur2. ouax Damansava
Taman Tun Dr Vsmanl eoouu
Kua\a Lumpur
| 6,623 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
CA-22NCvC-58-10/2018 | PLAINTIF GAS MALAYSIA VIRTUAL PIPELINE SDN BHD DEFENDAN INTERGATE STEEL MILL SDN BHD | Plaintif memfailkan tindakan terhadap Defendan di atas kegagalan Defendan mengambil bekalan gas mampat (CNG) daripada Plaintif setelah kedua-dua pihak memasuki suatu perjanjian yang dipanggil sebagai Pre-Supply Agreement (PSA) bertarikh 23 Oktober 2014 di mana tarikh pengambilan gas tersebut bermula pada Jun 2015. Melalui keterangan SP2, jelas bahawa tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan telahpun diasaskan di mana pihak Plaintif telahpun mengambil langkah-langkah mitigasi untuk mengurangkan kerugian dan seterusnya mengurangkan tuntutan asal Plaintif terhadap Defendan. Keterangan saksi-saksi Defendan di Mahkamah gagal untuk mencabar pengiraan Plaintif tersebut dan apa yang dinyatakan hanyalah mereka perlu perlanjutan masa untuk mengambil bekalan CNG daripada Plaintif. Mahkamah mendapati dan memutuskan bahawa pihak Plaintif telah berjaya mengasaskan tuntutan mereka dan dengan itu tuntutan Plaintif telah dibenarkan dengan kos | 02/11/2023 | YA Dato' Haji Zainal Azman Bin Ab. Aziz | |
02/11/2023 16:06:12
CA-22NCvC-58-10/2018 Kand. 102
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c.\—22ncvc—5eA1n/2013 Kand. 102
az/mm: 16:06-12
(No svanuoxr mama)
INYERGAYE swan mu sou am: ...DEFENDAN
(No. SVARIKAT: 421465-K)
1 Plain“! memtanxan undakan Kemadap Derenaan dx alas
kegzgalan Defendan menqambll bakalan gas mampat qcmsp
danpadl Flmmfl nlnlah kedua-flu: mm melnaslm sumu
peqirulan yang mpanggn sebngau Pu;-Supmy Agreemenl 1;-sa)
m DuA:mwmE-nauvukaznu
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
bellankh 23 Okmber mu m man: Iankh pengambflan gu
larsebul bumula pad: Jun am
2 same» msudangar ksterangan danpada keduadua mhak dan
setelih memmbangxan penghuphin‘ Mahkamuh mendauim dan
rnamululkln mm. mh-k mum mm bculya mengaumn
nmlutan meveka din dengnn mu lunlman Plamm Ielnh moemmn
uenuan kos
nxn KE§
3 Menuvul peqanpan psx benankh 23 Oklober 2014, keduadua
k telah mencapal salu peusemuan bag! Pblmwmenbekalkan
cm; kenada Delandan dl warms Daisndan m Kuaman
4 m amava Iermadermn yang relevan an dulum PSA Ievsebm
u Bnclun I warm 0 rnanyalnkan bnhnwu Ialu -.y.’ |
pembuknl mug-' (anelgy suFP’F company) mam.
aunmuman clan Gas Mflaysna Bamad flan IEV Energy Sdn
Bbd saleuu PSA luuaouh unluk mnyumam bekalan cm;
m uuaamwmmaumaznu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flmumnl VI mum Wm!
amour wen difihsl an mukasulsl 1 hmggfl 30
Uurnn Dukuman Bcrumn Tnmbnnnrv (man
Selaras nengan Psrjanflan JV, syankal usaha same
mg drlubuhkan dtnamakan sebaga: Gas Malaysaa
IEV Sdn aw Gas Mnlnysra rev Sdn Bhd
dvperbodnnkln pm 21 mzzm, upom ylng
dabufimkan oleh Perakuan Pememadanan Syarika!
sonaman .1; mukasural 12 Ikaran comm
Bcrsama (ms! “
19 semusnya, sm rnenyatakan sepeni benknl
-su ISM dr‘ dnmn nvnyalnn pemnotunnya cam.
memmbulkan rsu bshawa GMVP buknnluh Illhuk ow
an/am PSA Apuawapun anda temadap tsu M
J /m adalah sam ml my lumen an Ildnk berusas
Adnlnlv mm was «mad: dokumon-ookumsn
yang Isl.-an say. kamukakarl bamwa EMVP mm.
mam yang dllmnall sebapa: may 0 m dalam
Kllusu IPSA oemmn Ptnaloplllak semomewrvya
m uuaamwmmaumamu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w my .. mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
Isiah mangsu-hm bahaws GMVP akan men/ad:
max kspada PSA Iurxomll sebatk mun uny-
says mga pmaya bahawa ISM max pemah
mxmu um mongolahm bahnwa GMVP
semamangnya pmak yang Ielan rncngnmmlamu dun
dtseralmak men ems dun IEV Enelgy
Tambnhan lag! momm rmdnkan gu-mm
oamulnkln obi: GMVF, rsu man borulus sum!
aengnn GMVP tsnoa spnpa pmles alau
banllhan rm dapanfillhuldr rmlkasurul s ningga 10
an 44 me man flu, In [In ndal-Iv Hanyn m. yang
dmmbulkan unluk melengalman mm dan msncnn
.541 untuk Irdak mange/akkan dm flan menalvgglmg
lmrupmn mm: kamungkmsn rsu ssndm ~
20 Swemmanl yang dmyalakan men sm, Delenflan mm
belkumumkasl dengan F\a|nlWdan Defendzn sememanunyalahu
bahawn Plalnm away. Plny c .1. a m PSA tenohul Mnhhun
m uuaamwmmaumaznu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
kahenngln suz Mu mewlkm bahnwa P
Idllih P-ny C ynna unumuk-n mnbul
n samemananyl
snz ma bummu
bnmwa mun bommnn cural demon Flilntfl an mum Flamm
adalah Party C da\am PSA neusazun an mana snz mwyefiakan
199671! beri(u|
? nVuEskepada
SHAIKH Plafrmf mm (353 MBEYSFG VMIIBI Pfpiflne
‘ sun Blvd, seIu,u7
142 ‘snow s'sam,u aruu Ink setwu, aulam aural rm
‘ sHAu<H mukasursl 5 can 9, Em om ad. was
‘ an Ma/mu Vrmnl Pvnolme Sdn BM?
as “ SD2 J‘; San lulu kcpaaa dm
m 3 ENCVK s‘ Laps: nu mmsura: 44 pan daflfladu Gas
‘SHA/KH Ma/Iys»a V/III/H! PIPGIV/'5 SUI! B01 X51171
‘ \ Sltujcfl ‘
145 Vsuz J‘ sitwu ' ’ W‘
145. ism:/K ‘s Faniesdah Iullskepsde P(amln7 ‘
ismlxu \ l
5 Y: ‘
x _, ,
us ‘ENC/K s Says cadungkan luspadu Enoak ongx
l SHA/KN ‘ sobe/mm:/I rsm em up: 6.: my-ysm
Vmual Fmlrm San am, map. uluu rum
149. ism J soosmm nu.
15a ENCIK ,5 om, sum/u mu fiduksetujvfiuhaja 1
‘ 151 'sn'2 m sutuju ’ "’ ” W’
1 152. sucm s Dan ssbenamya Gas Malaym \/mush
srwxn Baolmo sun any mm Parry c dolam
P’!-suwiy aalumnnlnu, ulrlll/"
'15: “S02 J"seoanParryc—
7% ’s-Tnqu slau blink zak .393 mm.’ M Wong
wsrwm nlun tcnyl balik unmk you axploin om
] 1 Dcnvon sayn, selwu mu um
‘ 155 sm ‘.1 Tuk seluill
156 ‘ENC/K 5 Dan Eaya bmangxan mum /SM
srmxn slbanamyu am pemlh rnambanruh mu‘
Dual vanyu MM Gas Mataysm vmuu
Fmenne L15/Am semua sum menyural
dunqun Plafrrlifl
157. 5132 J scnqu m Ink mm Ipa-op: bnnlomn -
21. Danpaaa memngan SD2 a. anas, Mas nanm plhak Demaun
wuarmngnya mangatzhul Plalnhl aauxan sebennmya Plny c
.1... dmgln Nu Plamm puny: «om mm unluk mengambfl
llndikln w Ksmadip Demaan oengan memuruskan kepaaa
Karma-turn! Yang menumukkin nal sepem benku|
a n=mak—pmax some mwum buhawn
kin Ids Flny c
selepas PSA dvlandmangunl.
a mmmw mampnun Pnny c a« sum PSA lenebul dun
Pmnul ndaluh syankal usahuurnn anuna Gas Malayna
Bemad tr-any 3.1) an IEV Energy Sdn em: (Party 32; d1
datam PSA |em:bul. dan
c necemnn lelah berulus sum man man pernah memmmn
mahumm memnrme: yamasa masa mainnal bahawa
Plaumfl memvikan plhzk yang sapahllnyz menjadl pmlk a.
damn undalun ml
22 semusnya menulul Innna—terma di dzlam PSA, behan unluk
menafikan lunmian kefuwnn yang ax alarm clan P|aInm mam
m DuAamwmE-nauvukaznu
mm. sm-1 .. U... a may he mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
kepada Delandan lm zdalah berdztarkan kenadz Klaus: em»
ynng rnenyzmkan upeni benknfl
“(b) me aezaus aims Reimbursable Casts may be mmpaled
by Ptfiy 5 and lwwnldod to Parry A m Rem-nwsaale
Costs so mmpufnd by Fury 5 sm save lormlminslerrm,
as concmwa, mm and mnamg an Parry A and Party a “
Z3 Adalah ‘alas hahzwa Defendan perm unluk manuruukkan koi
man .1. mm samulu tnmnpal kamlapan an mum penglvaarmya
Jwka Delendln Qiflhl unluk menumukkan saarzng kesllapanalau
mamlssl mm pengmn Phmm adahn dmnggap sebagaw
mukhmad din menglkzl Delendarl
2o. Muhkamah mevuwk kapada kes cum: Bank EM] (pnviuully
km-um u aumipmn-oommcm Bank arm) v Ziml vropmiu
sun am I 01: {ms} 1 um 14 m min: Mahkamah Riyuan
memuluskun bonus
1151 wm raspecz rm subm/ss/on onsamed wullsellollhe
rupofldcnls Wu: bars]! ol mm It in lxiomnfic mu 1
m DuAamwmE-nauvuxaznu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
comnc-on or xmamont luuod pursuant to n conclusive
lvrdonzc cllwn II, in ma «cum. 1:! n-um or nunirm
umar an an an 0! en. mun:-c-, dlronnlncflvo oi tbs
-mount du
nBecho&Co(LondnI'I)LtdvBir|<7ua Vames
av cammercw De Psn's[1973I 2 Lloyd’: Rap
437 (Sachs) Lord Dummy MR sun: My 440
I won»: only Add ms ws commomlll primed to!
innmng 'concIuIin widoncf mum; is only
nmpmn Mann en. banku: at bmkon who
mm mm m known wbtnonosrundmlllblamnn
or nusrnm who m moat nnmmty to mm a
mist): Thu» standing rs so hrwh mu: man ward .5 In
o. Inmod S1: much so Inn! .5 name omavnnn given by
a bank or 5 molar mus! be honoured 1: ranks as
equumiem to .1 not Iugher man. me osmficats of an
nmrrrurororengrnosrm 5 building canlracl As we mm
mpsnlod/y held, such 5 certificate must be hormulad
/aavmy any crussclarms to be settled later by an
ammazar Sa :1 a banker or mom was a Home al
aornun m pursuance of n bone/uxmy uvvdsnca’ clause
m DuA:m.wmE-nauvukaznu
mm. sm-w .. U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
me guaranmr mus! humour :1, leaving any cmsstlalnu
by me cuuomr to ca Adjusted In uplrnfo procsedmg:
1151 ‘Die abovo arficullfion arm rafionile undulylnq
an Inga! accufiunct or cnnclusivv widvncn cliuus
wu npmnam mo Fldorulcoun um olclflbonk mu
v oomoon Loony A on man 1 ML] 231 Ind cm-gm
Financa and v Nu Lai Yiny (trading as KN Trading) A
Anorrzoosl 2 ML! £15.-12005): Cu 544. no arms:
cowl of me mm mm dmaou mar - camfc-to av
mdeblsdlless operates m the held or udpclnml law, and :1
excuses me Dank (mm adducmg Me pmaro/new 1: .s Imlhe
bonownr lo dvspmve me amount clarmnd *
25 Juga an damn kes ocsc Bank (M) v Omogu noumn sun and
3 On [ms] 1 Mu 15: an mans Mahkamah Tmgg. memmuskan
‘23 m me cucumszances Dims mslsnl case, me uevammus
are cuslamers ol Ine P/amt!!! wmch pmwded [hem with an
avwdrull‘ Iacmty subjscl to mo (arms and sandman:
m DuA:mwmE-nauvukaznu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
conlmnedtn (ho fur/rty leflsrnndlscrmy ngmemenl Swslyfl
the flufundanlx um In/yfng on IM Inc: ma! my wnnr-«Ia
Dlymunts because my man my my Ictsd on ms mm
pmlmsss ind assurances or ma p/amnll wuuld :1 no: be
reasonable Io: me delelvdanrs as Prudent businessmen Io
mm». m slatsmolvl olaaoounls wnnn In this case they and
not In my apmlon m the mnlaxtafa aarlkmg rmnucnon an
In ma mslanl case‘ me esmficala or wmebtsdnsss dauw
meal: the naqmnnnenr ofthe rvqwous last or a dear and
unnnumgnm pmnmn as alluded m by Ms Fnw Cauncu
m Ta: Hmg canon Mm ua mu rt is to on bomo rn mind
mm mm Is 2 cormlcnt or Indtboodnou cllun In It»:
ncinr, ngmmun and on gnmnm (ell 13 and 11
ruapicllvulyhvhlch wouldnndonhv lrmwnl cunlflrdby
tin Nalmlfl u concmuv. um-nu unlcss mm 1:
nlanilnl tmar. my conduct ol mo asrsnusnes speak
volumes lor (MW nmdmnny m the ngm an on
canlompnmnoous documents produced by m. p/nnmn '
Z6 Adalah ‘alas hahavm behan Ienetak a. was mun Deaenaan nnmk
menunlukhn ma-pow: kunapm an a-um oflnwlrun Fhmm
m uwmwnmaumaznu
‘Nan: sm-w llmhnrwm .. HIQG n my .. mmun mum: flnunmnl VI .HuNa Wm!
Melalul sum pegu-m cars Plalnm benankn 14 September 2n1a‘
Fhnlfl Inllhpun mlumpmn pmyau knrnn kamguln ylng
dillamn nlah P1-nm mm nahnnynk RM2,sea,4se 24 an Im um
dlnahlvolah Ddlendan.
27 Wllulngltmlnlpun‘ perbiuruln kel ml «emu dilnnpumgknn
mmpiu lahun selapas dun um. nualbevsehm dun PI Mleluh
mulgihml kelwiin Nlnlun begun, Plalnlfl oelnh menglmbfl
larvgkaluangkah Immk memmgnnkan keruglannyz
25 Pl um and"! mom. kawrangun SP2 man manhunt penmmn
lervermcl menoana. mumun Plalnm seven: benkul
Engmavmg »..;.=m...:
1». molar-9-ma 1
[Er-m»-any Pvummmm aamao v IIEJGSIJO
,"......," [
M. Pm-an Mm
Mn». Mum
{Hull ham: mA :14 nuiknsau 59 Hwy: (2 /DB}
m nu.mwmz.nauv..mznu
‘Mm: sm-1 nmmrmu .. U...» v-viymu nr1n\nIV|Y mm. u....m m .HuNa WM
kepoau Dulendan uan syankat vembexal (snag: tersebm
hendnklah dlsnrzhlukkan kn dalam PSA narunm Dawn hal
IN, sylnkm Delennun lalah mlubuhkan menglkul pammukan
PSA (eaehul,
b Eocnn xv Ikocmr /V) mnymakan bahawu mg. Mulrl
membakalkan one kevid: Delendan‘ Plawmn lelah
rnenlillnkan Deflblnaan din pemasangan kemuflahan
slzsan mu tmunm smmn Iscvmres) wen: xemua ken: lawn
yang periu Ilnu umnlng-n unluk pambeklhn cm: nlah
F\z|n|fl kepada Daiandan (Knmudahan cue),
c Klausa 1(z){x) menyzhkzn hahawz mum pembekzlan cue
lellh am-pk-n um: Jun 2015‘
:1. Kllusa Stallu) menyavakan bahawa Iankh pembekalan one
mum duannmn aungun poueuunan bersamu semua pmuk
kapadl vsa Dalnm mu ml‘ unkh Dembeknlnn m um» PSA
ken-ua-annya dwluuulkan dengan perselujuan belsama pahak
keuaua Julaw zma mnkn Lanmin Bekalan) (Extended
supply Dali). din
m uuaamwmmaumaznu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
Em-«ma. pmmmm
n. m-um... ~.m« cm
saw cm Pm.-a u s .
Nu: naumsuan
vcunaoovuuma H0011
1 mmm
n m an m
:2-1+9 7» s an
rm-wk bunk ammmmmm
rmm‘ scary I
ammo:-w av ms
‘ Cormmsw Ina Yum Ad Post
>. H van»
a mum: Ovhnlzvl 57 me:
Comm: Ia Lame Samoa
Iwm won 2:71: we
mm... mm 4:7 mm
tom» Tmhv nmmuo x 2
ms ~«,
was (Fvuunrnn/Rand my
puszwow ~ rn-420 . 2 mil —
on-n nmiunnnm
mm 2:
mm 2::
sm nu.mwmz.nauv..mmu
“Nut: sun-1 .. H...» mm. nfli\nIV|YI>OINn u....m m .r\uNa WM!
ca¢4i:Kowu-v-'nWu m-an dnrwduwuvmm 25553757‘»x..-.;a.nn»..y..s...... ' mu.n4.AuIt
zs Wlllubuglvmlnapun. spa man manuvunknu jumlnh levsebm
keoada RM1,675.595 37 saasian Plamm mermlak wmlah
RM1‘1l8,87D93 wm adalih Kenna mm Tuba Skrd talah
dlnunikan aleh mammumuk pram mg Inm
so mamcn ‘uga lelah bersemju unluk mengurangkun lagv hag:
PRU500 an maul Mum. amlnyo RM498.9vJ no yang man dibeli
khan oleh wnmmaan kemudmmy: mum mm. mungurlngkln
lunluten (enebm nun-In pnralanan udak dapal mgunzkan antam
hulan Julau zms semngga Januan 2021 Kelanngnn ml
menuruukkln mm Plmnw mun menuamzm Imdakan unm
mnngurlngkan mnumn hqw PRUSOD mm bernamaln
RM249.4se so (RMa,:s1e as x 30 bulanl
3: Mia‘ bum Mother sum am one comwmor, Pianm mun
mangenaknn peviluun 5 am. flavlpada mmluh basal kos
punhlnaan dan pembexaxanyang an exam uleh Plalnm yang mm
Ianya mm. selarus um.» PSA «man:
m uuaamwmmaumamu
‘Nan: sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
32 Akhnrsekai. bag has bgisnk yang le\ah dnznggung duh Pleinm
Iklhnlklfllfiihn Manama. man my: cum hevdnsurxun ma
:7 bulan mm aemnggn Dumber zms m mm: lrariavleruabul
lelah dapa(d>gunzkan kemha jak D|serrbev2fl19 sepemmaru
kevgranqan SP2
3: Smalulny mg. (unlmzn ubanyak RM2G5‘537.51 mu. bagl D4-
ca; kmranuan yang dw alarm obeh Plamm unluk penguaan mm
yang dlkanikun oleh maunm, kefierinuan SP2 mum sepam
*sa4 Bagalmalvakall ,umIan RM2ss,5a7 51 bay: mm,
x-wangnn Im dodapaffl
./ C31-ca; kewangan ml muruplku pamocymn
mm aleh GMVP bagr pmpman-pm/nmln yang
mbsnksn c/eh HSEC Bank Malaysia [HSBC] dan
kqmudlsnnyn RHB Esmad /FHE] melalm Gus
Mnlaysrl Enmu1[GMB] keplda aw» Dam mluln
pembmaan nan pemasangan Kalnudahan GAM
m uuaamwmmaumaznu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
m uuaumwmmaumamu
Bag] prmanmn danu-ads nssc, GMVP fa/ah
msmmjam prmwpul ssbanyuk RM11,960 we an
an zwmnn man: my term dxbaynr an amp
den Janunn am Imgga Dssemcar 2015 -as/nn
RM969,320 73 Purnle mash Md: 3 10%
Bnytptlvamnn an-pada RNA melalm GME, GM!/P
lalah momm/am plllmpal sebnnylk
RM9.000,00000 dun jam/ah Iaedah yang lelalv
dvblylr den umn-our my mama Jam 2020
adaiah RM1,2:m2oo1v Punt: ludalv pede-
D-ma-auunuan pnmpalyang dlpmpm Alon GMVP
mm RMZINSIZUOIJ 00 (RM11,980,l)oo on .
RM9,DDO am 00; :1-In ,um/m moan
RMZ200 520 .94 (RM969 320 73 .
RM1,2.'H zoo 11; yang am away.’ alsh GMVP,
nahagrsn yang ma mg-rm mgr men ISM udalnh
Wiuru fuedah name 10 50% alau RM2fl5‘557 57
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w my me mmuny mum: flnunmnl y. .HuNa Wm!
uann-saalun-Ian pelaoumn yang mom cam GMVP
our Kamumn-n GAM wmm RM2.52l,92U 2:1
s w
1: as
n: so
34 Obit flu. sellru ding!!! DIno|ak:n llullulln bum Tllflnl Tube
sx-1 din FWU500 yang ielah aapal dsgunakan semula. mnnmn
Plainnl udahh sebanyak RMI,380.6€5 22 Iapemmana
um-nu-n swz mm benkul
-sm Apmn ;uml.3n Iumman Isrpmda wen GMVP
at man’
.1 mm.» GMVP my kon yang mpnkn
dubs/Amaknn mm ponyeauan selaras dengan PSA
lnlsh dirumuskan sewn berikur
Fasamu Roaucnon um: - RM249,m so
Momarsrzuon - RM332,477 43
cm; can-pressw — RM307,l83 44
Log/soc sqmcn Pmwanr - RM255,570 2:
m nu.mwmz.nauv..mnu 1*
‘Mm: sm-1 nmwmu .. “mm vary .. mwny mm. flmanmnl vs muua WM
flu bequmhn RM1,115‘127 55
samnya drcampur amgnn us fine/Icmg sehnnyzk
mass, 517 51 /um/an mmum moruad:
35 cu.» nu. mmm kalnrungInSP2 Am mu blhawl mrmnan M-mm
Iemadap Delendnn lelahpun masunn an mana pihak mzmm
felahnun mengambtl Iangxan-xangkan mmgasl untuk
manguringkan kerugian dan saerusnya mengurannkun mmman
um Pumm xamaao Defendin
36 Seballknyu kebarangan saksu-caksr Defendan an Mahkamah gagal
-mm rnencabir pengmn Piallml larsebul um spa yang
dmyauknn mnyun mevaka mu pemnmn m-H unmk
mcngambll neman cue dmpada Plannul
:7 om nu, lunhnan kzrplndz Plalnm sebanyak RMn3w.ss5 22
mun mm-m. nun Deiendnn gm: umuk mencabuv plmlnh
m uunamwmz-nauvukamu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
3a Dnnpooa k urangon my ad: dv ruazpan Mahkam
Mlhkumnh dengin ml menaapam can mamu|un(an nanm plhnk
Plamlfl Ielah benavya mengemukikan kemangan yang mm:
darn dengan I|u an alas wrnbangan kebaraugkalxan‘ PVIMIW telah
ban-ya mug--man ummun mun (umadip Deicnnnn
bequmlah nm,:au,aa5 22
39 Eng» meruiwab wsu-wsu yang Ialah dlharvgkhkan di perenagan
tau) mnggl 11:), Jlwlpirmyi mun ya bug: hang:-(I93
pueII¢§an 15 (3) hmgg: 1:) lersebul
4o Dengan nu (umuun Plalrml mun dlbenarkzn banana dengnn
indah am km Munnkaln mum. gum: mgl am am
vmma mam. MAKIIIJR
m DuAamwmE-nauvuxaznu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Poglum can Fulu
Enck Shzvkh Abd Snbem hetslml Enclk Mlh D-ck San
mum snnnm Dame .5 co
AI-9~§ Noon: Mom Knara, No 10 Jalan mm
50450 Kuala Lumpul
Emel «momma-moo mm my
Nu R-qukan SDC/SAS/PS/15001705
Pcuuam cm Dmnaan :
Encvk Wang Funk Vang bnruml Fuln Am: - mun Mahlmld sn-a
Taluzn Wang Law 5 n
Nn A—23. Tlngkil 1. 2 a. 3. Larong Sen Kuaman 2
Sn Kua-nan sq-ma, Jam Teluk snuu
25500 Kn-man. Pu lug
Emel wmaw_a@yanoo cam
No. Rlllukan WFV/Em/I8/S:/Fa
m nunamwmznnauvukaznu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
e Khusa s menyilakan bchawa Deleudan hevxdaklah member:
Dlmnuan keoaau .>na...m umuk am... n. has dun
Demewuun mg nnlngguna um. Phlmwunwk umun km:
yang dualankan barman nengzn pembmaan dan penyapzn
Kemuaarm. CNG (Km Eolen Dmayar sa.....m
(Reimbursable Goals’) ukirnnyn Deiandnn 9.9.. .......x
menglmbn cm; pudl Iankh pumbelman don/sun Yankh
Lannmn aekaun.
5 saw... PSI mmlwku I>I....m lalnh mnmulnk-n ken:-ken] unluk
mnnyedukm .n:v.unrukmr mg. memulnknn pemhekllan one
kepada Devanaa...
5 Pin: 2a Mo: 2013. Dofamnn lalnh marnnhm kanlfla .>.....m
supuyi 1a..xn Lamulnn aeman dwhnlmkan wag. kepafla Januan
2019 Malangnya, Detenuan seiepas memahon umuk oanema
perlzruulan muss Inluh gagzl .......k mangimbfl hekalan cm;
danpaflu Plamm
7 >\m...n..1ak bersenqu denuan pennomnan larssbul dan belan
momaklumknn up-as Dafandln mulllui -nu. benankh 12 4....
m DuA:rl.w.nE-nauvukaznu
1.... 5.... ......m... .. ...... w my .. .n........ mm: .m...... VI mum pm...
201: yang man: kelemnan Ielah benevusan selana new
salzhun sstangzh nan mum pcnylupin kemudahin one an pmlk
Dom-an umuk monalmhnl manna cm: mrnbul
3 Defennan lelah um: um: msnglmbwi one tenebul mengm
n-nkn beknlln Inrwlnn dun dnngln nu nan.» mulnmm FSA
larsehm meng1kulK|ausn sm yang menylukln sepem benkul
'5 (e) In one mm mm=.nyA mu lailtn lake cm; by -
(U 1». Supply D
{H} such axtanded Supply am me Supply oars rs
exronoed pursuant In Clause 5{.!I(u), or
(in) 2». new ol Iurmmulinn of (ms Aglvslmnf ns
lurmmaled pursuant In cm. 515;")
Pxrw A shall compensate Pam B for all less, 00:1:
and -xpanm manned by Party a for all ma won:
curled out /mm m mmnon with me commmmn
and completion ollna cm; Fucnlmex 9; authorized by
Pay A m Clause 2 (Mrsmansr Iafenpd to as
'Rormnumz:/- Costs’! pmvidud that :1 the cm;
m uuaamwmmaumamu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
resumes ale not and or menace to be um for me
so): purpou of mummy the suppoy ul cm (0 ma
Prumtsos‘ ma Rwmbursabh Costs vhurgud my be
such pomon or the ram: lees, wsls and expenses as
Parry is man defermvrre '
2 Aklbal dnnunda Dlfllnggllun PSA mar. Defandan, Planmfl
hendaklah amen pampaszn uleh Delendan urmk Kns amen
Dwbuynr Semula belkiilan dengan punbinann din penyiapan
kemudnmn CNGInnsbu1
ID Melahn sura| peguam ra Plzmm benankh 14 Ssmember 2n1a.
Pmnuv «elm manggluukan sural Iunlmnn unluk Km Belch
Dvbaylr s-mum unmk amcy-r own Pumm Nohs ml amanm
dangan knun xelam dengan Klausa am) FSA neruhul yang
1») no dtfmls onno Retmburseblo con: man be compulod by
Pmys and rammed to Party A. rm Rambursnble Cost:
so compared by Party 5 shafl save /up mamflzsl am)! he
eoncmsm. finululld omdmg on Part;/A and Fairy 9 "
m uuaamwmmaumaznu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
11 Dnlam nan ,Kus amen nmayaraanx lemulang nan peril: dxhayal
olah Delanflan beljumlzh RM2 596.493 24 Wlluupun Pumm
am/um pogunmcivanyl mun memmu pambayunn KM Boleh
nmayar Semula. Delendan danlalau zgermyz lelah gagax, aba1
am. ea-ggan umux menyelasaikan zumlan lavsebul mg."
12 Kos amen Dlbcyar Blhk tersebul pana nan pemncaraan IEVII1
d\‘(|lfflfIflk1H dengan iukllell oleh P\amIfl kspada
rm1.s75,595 n7 Selim: amgm kalanngln wan spa lumuun
Am man unurunkan sekall lag: kepafla m1‘aeo.ss5 22
Igygy guy; 9 alguwuu
13 D: dallm m m Isu—Isu unluk dlbuzvllun Idallh wpam bankm
a Sam: ad: Plamm id: lows unmk mengambl Imdakan 1m
larhaaap Dakndan ow. kanna naaa pnvm amm
In Sama ada Defendln lalah memungkm nnnannau PSA
bennnkh 2: omw 2014
m DuA:rl.wmEnnauvukazDAA
mm. s.n.1...m.m11... HIQG w my 1... mmnuuly mum: flnunmnl VI mum v-max
c Sama aaa Plamof bemak mendapal pampasan danpada
Plalnm unluk kesemua oi, hos din perbelaruun yang
dwkeluavkln ohh Flalnul berkman amm. pemhmnn am
pengunan kamudanan msngvkul lama-Isms PSA Izamabul
14 Deienuan aw dnlam pamehsanya rnenyzlzkan hahawa Pumlfl mm
Gas Malaysia Vmual Pmelune sun arm bukanlnn pmak yang mun
berkunllzk m dalam PSA dan dengan nu ma: mus szmm unluk
mongunbll unum im larhadlo Defandan
15 Menunn Pmmn. PSA nemnm lellh mas menyihkan bahawa
wzmm mu dlpelbadankzn selapai PSA lenabul dnlaknnakan
Kuemua pm‘ mm uk Delandnn mangclnhm umw. mum
aauan pmlk yung akan meugamhn hmiakan lersebm
15 Pmak asal as Hakim PSA (ersabm mam. Gas Mahyln somua
an ax dalun vs: dun IEV Energy Sun and lcvmlluk pvhlk a.
damn PSA xlauu pendihuluan ax vs: menynum sepem
m uuaamwmmaumamu
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
"1 lmarpals SIsaIMfllSdn.Bnd.1CcmpanyNumber 421455-
K] a private limnud Ixanmy company fmzorpamled m
Malaysm mm rm rugrsremd ulficl at Lot 147, Kuwusun
Pcnndusman Semambu‘ Ma/-ysoa tr-emmunar to 3: ‘Party
/17 ohm Wm pan.
2 Gus Ma/uysu Bemnd (Company Number 240409) 2
private ltmvred company Jmzorparxlad rn Malaysia mm as
rngrsturad am at No 5. Jalan Sersndah 26/17. Ssksyelv
26. 40732 Shah Alum‘ Se/Inger, Mmysm (htmnaller
Ialenud to as Party an aim: soczmdparl, and
3 IEV Energy Sdn sh-1 (Company Numbol 7l)BDG2—K), a
pm/an limited company mcotpotlfsd in Malnyma war: II:
Icglxnsrud olfics .1 my mac, 4- Floor, I/Wsma comm/,
man Ampm. 50450 Kuala Lumpur {hsrsmancr rllanad to
as P-ny B—2)o1lne ofhslpun
Parlyfl-1 ma Party 52 shall collectively Ialenad to as Ferry
m uuaamwmmaumaznu
‘Nan: sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
17 Sehrusnya. Plalntfl yang flmamakan -1. alas adalah Pany c an
dalam PEA larslbul dun umynuan sepom boriut
1 PattyAandPsvtyBIIaveagmadmpnncq1/aunmsmamal
us sellarm below rslalmg to me future me by Purl A ofme
Eomprlsxas Natural Gas (hnrufnnlfur Ivlonvd to as c/vs;
mm mu bu prov-aw by on energy supwy company due to
be ssnb/Med by Party 5 at a me: flan: lltammallermlerred
In as Party c whldv snanmmy established as Party $113-
2; and comqmuy Pnny c mu usrgn We (ms Pu-suupcy
Agmmam. "
I8 Kelaranqnn svu menqesahkan hahawa Phmm auulah many 0 a
mom PSA teaobul a nun. kohunuun sm mum upom
“sva Apmn psnghbalan GM\/Pdangun PSA Iurxabufl
.1 amp sabunnmya mam: syanknl uuna xnmn
antara we din /EV E/Ievgy yang mmxmk-n
selaras dengan salu Psryanjtun llsaha Same
bulunkh 24 2 arm (Pmcrman JV) Paqanpnn .lV
m uuA=mwmz.naumam.A
mm. sm-1 .. HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm!
| 3,668 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AA-A52NCvC-41-04/2023 | PLAINTIF PRISTAR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD DEFENDAN SUCCESS INPUT SDN BHD | Aturan 18 Kaedah 19 KKM 2012 - prinsip res judicata dan kausa tindakan di luar had masa di bawah seksyen 6(1) Akta Had Masa 1953 | 02/11/2023 | Puan Nor Hasniah binti Ab Razak | |
02/11/2023 12:03:07
AA-A52NCvC-41-04/2023 Kand. 22
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AA—1A52NCvC—d1—0l/2023 Kand. 22
u2,n,2n2s was 07
GUAMAN SIBIL NO: AA-Aszucvc-41-n4/1023
(ND. SVARIKAT: sen22:«.n
succsss INPUT son, sun. DEFENDAN
(NO. SVARIKAT: 1033509-T)
m Dslandan Ielah menrauxan Nuns Permahunan dx bawah Aluran 1s
Kaedah 19 (1) (a). (la) flan (-1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mshksmah 2012 (‘KKM
2012') Ilamplran 5] unluk perlntah-pennlah berikut
1 Sam Penman bannwa wm flan Pamyalaan Tunlman yang
m an Ierhadap naienaan mnacarxan:
2 K05 Dsrmohunan dw swnl dibayar olen P\ainIW kepada Deiendan
3. Lam-lam oenman yang dmkirkan sesuan dsn palulnleh Mankaman
Vang Mulla mi
[2] Fada 1 September 2023. Mahkamah im am Imbangan
kebarangkahan lelih msmben kepulusan flengsn msmbenarkan
permononan Dsfendan di Lampvran a. mak berpuas nan dengan
kepulusan Mzhkamah nu, P\amli1 |e|ah menfauxan rayuan me Mums
Rayuan bensnkh 7 September 202: ke Mshkamzh Twnggi
[31 Bag: pannohanan Im, Manknmah Im telsh nuenexin kerKas—kenas
kausa yang hevikm.
(a) Wri| Saman [Lampvran 1] dan Pemyataan ‘runmxan bsnarikh
7 4.2023 [Lampiran 2];
(by Memmandum Kehaduran Defender: benankh I7 4 2u23
[Lamwran 5],
m 4EzmFK7uuus41 mma
«mm. saw .. U... a may he anmn.u-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
[35] Lampirsn e dimasukkan Defendan un|uk penn|ah—perinfah
sebagavnana dx peranggan 1 ca. a|as
[39] Nasanalasan permahonsn sda\ah sspem henkur
15] wm dan Femyalaan Tun(u|an F\a|nM max mendedahkan kausa
lvndakan yang munasabah,
my Wm dan Pernyataan Tunlulan Flam adalah bersflal
mengamkan. msnyusahkan dan remzh, den
14:) Wm! dan Pemya|aan Tunnman Plalnui msnyabahkan pmswding
bevulang-ulang Imumpllcmy ol pmceedmgs);
my Tumman Plairml lerhadap Delendan dlfallkan m mar had masa
yang dweupxan an bawah seksysn s Akla Had Masa 1953‘ dan
(e) la smalnnya adalah Sam penyawangunaan prosas Mahkamsh dan
hams dibatalkan.
[40] Sahagaw mwkan, Aluran 13 Kaedsh 19 KKM 2012 mempemnlukkan
bahawa —
‘Slrikinl ourpreaamgs and endorsam-ms la. 19. r. 1:1;
19 (1; The Cam may 3! any 51399 of ms pmwsmngs we: to ba
struck out or amandsd any Neadmg ar me endorsement‘ afnrly mu m ms
m mmw
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
man, or anymmg rn any praaamg at m ma enrlorsemsnl, on the ground
{3} 1: dingy; Hg gagging cause aramm or defense 1;
ma case may De’
(la) n is scandalous mmmua or mam g/
(c; A‘ may wmnae embarrass or gm! 5; M mg pl me
%‘ or
(.1) 1: .g g mg. an sbusa suns mcaaa aims Cam
and may order ma nclforv to D: stayud ml msmrssed M /urlgmenl In as
smsrud acmldrngfl/, as the case may be
(2; No ewdenos man be admrsslbis on an agp/matron under
subparagraph may
¢3) rm nus man, as far as Eflbhcable, apply to an oagmslmg
summons as yr :1 were a Dlearlmg -
[penekanan awamnah]
my Tzrdapat hanyak ownu yang te\ah memhincangkan den memmuskan
pnnwprunsup pemzkaian kuasa mm. blnara mahkamah da\am
permohunan pembzualan umnman .1. bawah Aluvan I8 Kaedah 19 KKM
2012 Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan Vwaganlh
Sanmavasilan v Pubhc Bank am: [2019] 1 cm 505 hahawa —
“Striking Oul Proust Under 0. nr. 15 or rm no; 24711
[91 umrg La 5 19 at me was 2912 me caun‘ has the pews! la arms
out ma wnara or part may plindirvy wmm drsdoses no reasonable cause
or a¢11on. at which rs scandalous, invo/nus or vsxatfons, or wmch may
pzsmma, embarrass or dalay ma (arr lnal or the aclmrl, ar winch rs
am Azzmrxvuuusn mwa
«mm. sm-w .. U... a may he mam-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
otherwise an abuse am» places: aims man. The process ofsrvrkrng out
praamngs under nns nu/s rs summary m nature
[‘1l7]The Mqmng gnncms um wmcn the mud act: m exerdxlng E
summgq gawer: oismkmg g mgggg; an Wq// settled and maansnea
rn the an-mu tension onne men Supreme Court In Banner Eullder $11!!
and (supra)
m The mm-rs paws! olstnkmg oarp/sadrngs rs sxemsamn only In pham
and obvious cases and wnere no reasonable amendment would cum
ma defect.
my The court In Ixamismg M: yoswrs should not mnducl a rmnute
exammalran onne dacwmenls andlects aims cuss m ovderm ascsrtsm
whethar ms party nss a cam olaclrom
(m; If ma pomlrlqmns sunstanlrz! algumenl and barely! consmeralmn,
rtmay be more apwapflare to sat a down for ma! wow 0, as r. 2 DHIIH
noc zmz
(iv) nu court must bv samea that there 1: no reasonable cause of
man M Mal ms c/arms an invoinus cl vexanous In the sense ma! ms
plar'n7y svfdsnl‘ that the statement my alarm as .1 stands 1; Inwfficiulvf.
even Wpmved, m entfllu ms plamn/Ha wnarns am; and
M So long as m. p/ssdfngs disc/9.59 some cause 9/ aclmn or miss
sums qusstnm /mo be mvasa by Ma/udgs, the mm «ac: Marthe ms
1: weak and nor may to suuvad at the ma! IS no ground for me
plsadfrvgs to be sum out “
lpenskanan dnambsh]
[421 Plainlii |e\ah mengrmzankan hahawa numunannya mdak d\ha\ang di
bavrm res mmcsoa ksmna kausa findakan unluk keria reukulasx
pembenlungan dalam kes im adalah bsrbeza dsngan |un|u|an balss P\a|m\l
di da\am ke: Guzman Nu. AAVAEZNCVCVZMJZ/2019 Tunknan Pmmw
adalah hurkenaan mnunan LAD manakam mmman balas Puamm dw da\am
sm Azzmrxvuu-an mm.
«mm. Snr1I\nanhnrw\HI>e U... n my n. nrW\n|H|Y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
kes Guaman No AA-A52NCvCr24rD2/2019 adalah berdasarkan kegagalan
Dslandan untuk me!-akukan pemenksaan cow sehelum dan selepas
kenakeqa remikasx serta menyemakan 1apman cow unluk prmek lersebui
yang menyebabkan 1=1a1nn1 Ierpaksa ms1an111< puhak keliga 1aiIu syarikal
Ker1lL1k Sdn Bhd umux melaksanskannya
[431 Hlqahan kedua Plalnm adalah mmuvannya bukan di mar mase
menurm muse 13 Perjannan Iersehut Pengxraan unluk LAD aaaxan dxkira
dan Oklnber 2015 iawu lankh Xena reklmkasx dmapkan sehmgga Iarikh
keua-kena nsmbetungan msahkan slap apabfla 1w1< mslepaskan Jannnan
Bank senem di dalam sural benankh 25.10.2019 Olen 111.‘ kausa Imdakan
Plamtif ada\ah (erakm pads 25102019 Had mas: enam lahun unluk
Plelnm menlailkan luntuvannya man sebelum 2e.1u 2n25 mainm
nnenoairkan mmucan IN pada 7 42m Oleh nu, nunmun P\a1r1m1m masm
dalam had mass yang duecapkan as bawah sexsyen e (1)Ak1a Had Mass
1953 [Akta 254
[441 1:-evenuan pula mengnujahkan bahawa Flainm adalah meswp clan
pnnnp /as jutncals unluk rnenIm|IM LAD kerana lakls ks: mshupun 1su—isu
dalam kes 1111 ada\ah sama dsngin kas yang telah dipumskan m Mahkamah
sesyen Taming 1anu aa1am Guzman AA-ASZNCVC-24-D2/2019 dan
Guaman AA—A52NCvC-153-D9/2019 Sscara nngkas lak|a kes dalam
Guaman AA-A52NCvC-24—n2/2019 dan Gunman AA-ASZNCVC-I53»
os/2019, selam Penanjian Iersebul. Flamm dsn Defendan ‘uga |elah
memasukl salu penannan Vain 1aw.u perianjian pembmaan henarikh :1 5.2015
tsalspss dsripada ‘
isebm sebagal ‘Ferjanflan Fembmaan“) yang mana
m 4EzmFK7uuum mww
«mm. Sm|\nav1hnrwH\I>e 1.... 1: may 1... nrW\ruH|y -mm: dnuamnl VI .r1uNa v-max
Devan-aan Ielah anannx oxen P\amlW sebagar konlxakmr unluk rnewaksanakan
pembmasn 205 mil rumah bag: Frujek lersebul Alas kegagalan Delendan
maflepaskan 5% Wang Iahanan dw bawah Perjanpsn Pemhinaan \ersebu(.
necenaan telah menfailkan 2 mnmnan m Mahkamah sesyen sehagaimsna
yang mnyaxakan dalam perenggan 22 den 23 an axaa yang mana Guaman
AA-A52NCvC-24—U2/2019 den suaman AA-Aszncvc-155—ue/2019 «swan
dnsalukan unluk dimcaraxan secara bersama. D1 dalam Guaman AA-
A52Ncvc-24-oz/2a1a, F lelah menfaflkan mmman bales
sebsgavmana yang dinyalakan dalam pevenggan 24 m acas. P\ainIW lurul
mempfidkan mu berkenaan dengan Langgungiawab Delendan
melaksanakan pemenksaan ccw.
[45] Ham Mahkamah Sesyen yang mendengar Guaman AA-A52Ncyc—
2442/2019 dan Guaman AA—A52NC\/C-153-09/2019 telah membuat
kepulusan unluk menolak Tuntulan Bales Plainlil Nasarl Denghakvman
belusu ada\ah yang benkul
(a) kesemrunan kena pembehmgan lelah swap pada Julaw 2017,
(n) sun Perakuan Swap dan Pemaluhsn (-ccc') umuk kesehlruhan
prujek Iermasuk perumahan Ie\ah dnkemarkan Dada 14 1 2u17;
1:) Delandan man menuumi ssga\a kawajipannya an bawah
Peqaniian larssbul den hanyalah seklranya levdapat keqa
devem dalam Iempoh new Lxabvmy Feriud, maka Defendan
my mengxkul Fananilan Ievsebul. Ddendan hanya mbayav unmk
malaksanakan laporan ccw sebanyak 2 kan sahajs unmk
m Azzmwxvuuum mum
«mm. saw .. U... a may he nrwhuflly -mm: dnuamnl y. nF\uNa Wm!
mendapal sum sukongan dari VWK Terflapat kenarangan Saks»
saksv hahawa Delendan (e\ahpun mdaksanzkan lapman CCTV
sekurang-kursngnya 2 kaw,
ta) (erdapat wga kelerangan bahawa Delaksanaan Iapuran CCTV
unluk menaapaman bihk wang Jamxnan Bank aan VWK aaaxan
syaral mxenakan kepada P\aIrmi sahaje sehagau pamaw dam is
uada kailan dengan Deleman sshagai kunlrakmr: den
(0 Flam gagax msngemukakan sebarang kelerangan bebas dam
VWK un|uk mernbukllkan lsrdapal kerja pembelungan yang
deiekm nleh Defendan
[45] Devenuan mengmuahxan lagi bahawa Plainui max memheri
sebarang Juslifwkasi mengapa lunlulan LAD seJak Dklober 2u1e dalam kes
im Iidak dimmuc dalam Guaman AA»A52NCvCr2A—02/2019 dan Guaman
AA-A52NCvC»153»n9/2019 an Sekivanya Lamplran e tmalak, ia selfish-
mah msmben peluang kepada P\aIn1\f unluk Cuba re Agate wsu-xsu yang
Ielah dipuluskan oleh Ham Mahkamah Sesyen lersehul. Va ;uga
msrupakan salu penyamhgunaan prose: Mahkamah
[471 Hwshsn Delendan selerusnya adalah Undakan mainur dalam kes ml
adalah di mar had masa menumt seksyen s Akla 254 Memandangkan
P\aInuf mendakwa Delendan (e\ah gags! msnywapkan keua—kena pada
OkIuber2D16, kiusahndakan Plamlii da\am kesini lemhpunlamalnada
m 4EzmFK7uuum mmw
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Oklnber 2022. selsyen s Akla 254 memperumukkan naham —
-s Lumeanan ofnrnans uleonnam and lot! and oeflnm other acne»:
(1) Save as hsrsma/I9! prowaed me In//gwfgg gctrorvs snarl nu! be may.
aner ms aqmrm g(§r'x figs (mm me dale on which m g Lg olaclran
amygg. mm m Ear
ts) icmms hzunded an a mung ar an ran.
my actions In sniorce a recognrsancs,
(:1 achons m enforce an award,‘
(L1)a:Imns to rsoaver any sum Iscovslabls by vrrma or any written
law amar than . pmI/ly or rorrenm or of: sum by way ofpsnally or
[nenekanan dnambah]
[48] Selelah menalm Pens . n |ersehuI yang diekslmtkan dalam GVL-1
dan Alasan Fsngha
dalam GVL6 di Lumpm 7, «aka kes mahupun xsu-mu ds\am kes mi
admah sama dengan kes yang celan dvpumsksn di Mahkamah Sesyen nu
yang mana penglraan mmuxan LAD meh Plainlil hendaklsh bermma davi
lankh kemungklran knmtrak uleh Delendan karsns (idak menyiapkan karm-
kena pada Oktober 2016 dan bukannya pada 2a to 2019 aekelah Jamman
Bank lsrssbut dlkanma man IWK seperli dakwaan Plsmlil
an Hakim Mahkamah Sssyen yang dweksibwkan
[49] Selaruulnys dalam membua| kepumsan, Mshksmah W Ielah merwuk
kepsda kes panama wallu kes Mankaman Agung Asxa Commermal Finance
am Azzmwxvuuum mwa
«mm. sm-1 .. U... a may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
(M) Bemad v Kawal Te
sebagsxmsna nerikuc
san Bhd [1995] 3 Cu 153 yang menyalakan
‘Them .5 ans school ollhaughr that mm Bafoppel app/ms only to Issue:
acfuafly ammo: ny ms Cour! m me prewaus proceeding: and not :9 Issue:
which nugm have been and which were not bmugm fnrward, either
dv/rbsrataly or due to mg/rgme or mamnme, while n I school of
mm: M; mg mum g’ K ma! such 1&5; wfi'g[1 mght hag mn
n yon were /1 m rum described mm. n aclu
deems Court am an ersdb e is arms u my
g_q;mg' o/emggg/mum udrcslum
ollhe vn mallhe elm 1: w wr‘ lei-rad n
replesents lul one wag, n corrsct even though broads! auprnach m the
snaps cums eslopae/. n rs warranted by the weagm L7! sulhonlrss to on
rrluslrslad lalsl. I: IS mnmtemy m amen: or resonant wan (he rsltorwss
bshrml ms clacbina ofrss judlnars, m olher words. wrrll lhe donlllne
afsafoppsl per mm mimrum. 2: rs panmwany imporlan! to bear in mm
the quesnan ml the pub/rc nolrcy Ma! mm smwld be firm/lfy rn /mgalmn m
conjunclrbrv wan me explcdmg pupmauan, Ms mm-aasmg aaphislrcanbrv or
me popurm with ma law and mm N1: ixpanmng resource: arms Calms
aerng Iound arwm one step Dsnmd ms ms-u/tmg /Ivuuase m /flrgation
2: rs lunher nammy gr lnrs stage to urmerslarld ma Impofl .21 ms wants m
the semi /smm statement .5 2 . every now warm pmperry belonged Io ms
swam or lnlgatfan. - wmm Somsrvsfl u explained m Gresrmalgh V.
M5/7an.1I1947]2 All ER 255, 257 as follows‘
. rujudrcam lat mi: purpose rs no! confined to the Ltsue! wmcn me
cm .5 adual/y aaked In dacids but 11 mag §' §uss or ram mm
clear ssu cum 7 ms/msllann an
muld been 7.31: mwoum be H seoune rose
common anew 99' obeavanr Ia!
[penekanan dflambsh]
sm Azzmrxvuuuan mm.
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
[501 K85 kadua ada\ah kes Mahxamah Tinggw shah Nam Top Fresh
Foods (M) Sdn Bhd v Parbadanan Fengurusan Palm Spring @ Damansara
A Anor [2020] s MLJ :05 yang memuluskan bahawa —
wrhough mere may bu smrar »5§ues that may as mnsrdsred amamm
and Ihg gig; :/I had m me gram: gag mma fur a dfllererlt ranergmms
azmarawma ' ' sofms udmala has anth / srtstood
me ‘n and mm /rca h would srals m ma hr
scsnano m ma wrdgg sunse som suns shared 3 §gml set of racg
SM ' same we llawmalnave been/fl
adudrcated o m whose declsmn h affirmed n the
ear. Hence Ins nmfill nanaurmm n '
Ia/nlgahng ms /swam; ma menhanme same “
[penekanan anamnah]
[51] Berdasarkan kepada has-nil: undang di alas‘ memandangkan pm
[as judrcata aaaxah (erpakav dan Iuntulan LAD Pramm dl luar had masa
menurul seksyen 6 w (3) Am 254 dalam kss an hadapan Mahkamah Im,
Mahkamah ml berpanflangan bshawa cuhmm Plaxhhf gagax mendedahkan
sualu kausa Knndakan yang munasabah dan merupakan sualu
penyalahgunaan pruses Mahkamah yang mewajarkan permuhunan
Delendan dv Lampwan s dibenarkan
[52] Eerdasarkan kepada alasan-sflasan yang d\u|arakarv dx alas,
elah mengambnl kira kesemua kenas kausa narkaman,
am Azzmwxvuuuan mwa
«mm. sm-1 .. U... a may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
mqahan berluhs clan mqahan bales plhak-plhak umuk msmbenken pennlah
yang dmyaxakan an perenggan 2 di alas
NOR mswum awn AB max
Ham Mahkamah Sesyen
Eenankh 1 Nnvembev2D23
EagipvhakF|am|i1 En Skanda a/1 Vagassna dan En Rnbm
Feguambeli den Peguamcara
Teluan char. 5 Msocufles
Eagi pmak Delendan Pn sun Axshsn nmn Mohamed Azahan
Peguambela dan Peguamcava
Teluan BH Koh‘ soong, Zarin & Fanners
m mmw
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
(c) Lammran 6‘
(.1) Afidavil Sokongan Goh Yong Leng yang dmuaman pads
23 4.2023 (Lampnran 7);
(e) Psmyataan Pemnexaan Delendan benankh 25 A 2023
[Lampvan 3];
(0 Jawapan kepada Pamnevaan berlarikh 3 5.2023 [Lanman 9}‘
(g) Afldavll Ealasan Chew Hui Gwap yang dukrarkan Dada a 52023
[Lampiran 1
my Amawc Balasan can Yong Lang yang dnkrarkan pada
22.6 2o23[Lampvan11}
Fakca kes sebagaxmana Larnplran 2 adalah seperll benkul.
[4] F\a<nM admah syankal pamaju perumahan yang dflubuhkan an
Malaysia dv bawah Akla Syankal 1955 den beralamal di Na 27‘ Ja\zn
Medan Sauiana 2. Medan Saujana Kamuming. 34600 Kamummg‘ Perak
[5] Defendan adalah syankal kanttaklor pambinaan yang anummkan an
Malayswa an bawah Am syarikaz 1565 flan beralamal an Lot 3035, .IaIan
aam Kurau, Ulu Sepelang‘ 34010 Taipmg. Ferak.
[5] Memu. penaruian bznarikh 2332015 (smepas danpada im msebun
sabagax “Peqan]Ian"), P\aInIW telah me\an|xk Defendan sebagai konlraklur
m azzamqumn mwa
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. med a M, .. nflmnuflly -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
umuk Keqa Relikmasl Paip Pembetungan (sewerage Relwculalion Works) an
alias lanah Keraman. Mukim swam, Daerah aaxang Padang‘ Perak (smepas
danpada IN msenzm senagai “Frmek”|.
[7] Menunfl pelenggan E Penanpan |arsebu|, Delendan perm
memmakin Prmsk lsrsebul pada bulan April zone dan menyempunlakan
Prujak Iersebul pada bu\an Oklober 2015. Jumlah halga Projek Iersebm
adexan RM‘/50 mm.
[5] Msnuml klausa 13 Perja ]an levsebm. sskwanya Defendan gage!
unluk menyempumakan Prwsk |srsebuA da\am masa yang duexapkan.
Pkunlxi bemak unluk menumm Sam: Rugi remu (1L\qu\dulefl Aacanaineu
Damages) se\epas daripada im dlsebul sabagax ‘LAD“| daripada Defendan
[9] Mengm Peqannan Ievsebu|. Deiendan bananggunmawah untuk
membekalkan Ienaga kena, memmesm dan peralauin-peralatan
pembmaan unluk kena—k2na pemmnaan unmk Pmyek tsrsebul.
[10] Hausa 5.2 Perjanjian |ersebu( dengan iewasnya menyalakan hahawa
Delendan mempurmi «anggungewab un|uk kevja—kenz pembinaan,
mambual pemenksaan ccw darn kena-kena penlaulnahan |emIasuk
pemenksaan JPP a(au lndah Walsr Konsumum (selepas daripada Im
dlsabul sabagsw 'IWK“).
m Azzmwxvuuum mww
«mm. saw .. H... a may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
[11] Plamm menvauuan mnman mi berdasarkan Klauss 13 Penanuan
(ersebul yang menyalakan hahawa —
-1: LAD calcmalsd mm day to day a| me me oi 10% per annum 0!
«ha canuau Pnce «mm the expxry ov me r:0mp\e|\cn date until receipt
.11 wvilten mnfirmauon on work compleled Falfing which, ws shall
deduct ameurn lmm retenunn sum‘
[12] Pvmek «ersenu: sapamnnya dilengkapkan pada [man Okluber 2016
Im lsrmasuk pemenksaan ccrv dan laporan ccrv yang menyalskan
bahawa keqa-kena pembmaan |evsebu| ada\ah sempuma (samceable
conamom den bebas danpada sebarang xacacaxan Urea (mm deled)
[13] Laporan ccrv mempakan satu keperluan yang dflelapkan oleh ‘WK
flan Ielah mnyanakan aalam klausa e 2 Perjanzian lersebu| umuk
memas|Ikan kena-kena pemblnaan «ersebm berada dalam keadaan yang
ham (semcaame cundmonl
[141 Wa\au bagawmanapun‘ xena-xena psmbmaan Ievsebm hanya mm
sempuma apazma IWK mengembalikan ;am\nan bank (bank guarantee)
(selepas danpsda ml uisebm sebagax ‘Jsmman Bank“) kepada Flamld wavlu
pada 25102019 Pangsmbalian Jamman Bank (ersabul memmjukkan
bahawa VWK berpuas nan dengan kena-kaus psmbmaan tevsehm.
[151 Eerdasarkan suran danpada IWK benankh 23102019. Pmax
IaIsEbu| hanya dlanggap sempuma disrapkan pada bulan Okmber 2019
P\aIrmf menyacakan hahawa Devendan max menyelesaikan kena-Kerja
m azzamquwm mmw
"Nair saw .. 0.... a may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
reukuvssx umuk Fmjek |ersebu( damn: masa yang drlemukan dalsm
Feqanjian lsrsebul
[15] Delendzm (s\ah gagal unmk mengemukskan lapuramlaparsn CCTV
urnuk membukmkan banawa kana—keq‘a pembmaan |ersebu( adalah bebas
flanpada apn-apa kecacalan
[171 Delendan le\ah gaga\ ngkar den/zlau enggan umuk melaksanakan
ublwgasx-obllgasmya sepem yang uinyacakan dalam Perianjlan lersebm
ma] Plainhl melalul peguamcayanya, cnan a. Assaciakes benarikh
17.5 2013 man menunca Delendan unluk me\akukan pem ' aan cow
unluk mernawxan naaa apa-apa kecacatan beflaku pada Xena-Kena
pembmasn Ievsebu|
[19] selam nu, .-uunera Plalnnf |e\ah membenkan penngalan beherapa kah
unluk melakukan ksna pemenksaan cow Iersebul levapx Defendan masih
enggan, mgkav, gagax dan/acau cuai un|uk nemuan aeaernman
[20] Oleh ssbsb nevenaan gagal umuk memsnulv Feqamian lersebm‘
Pram Ielah melanluk pmak kemga yam; syavikal Kent LAk Sdn and untuk
melakukan pemenksaan ccw sebelum dan selepas kena-Xena reliflkasw
sena manyemakan Vaporan ccrv unluk prmek Cevsehul.
[211 Psmeriksaan ccrv yang zmakuxan o\eh syankal Kent Lik sdn aha
man mengesankan kecacatan da\am kerja pawp pembenlungan yang
m azzamquwm mmw
«mm. saw .. U... a may he nVW‘Hl‘W -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
uuaxukan oleh oavanuan Flamlil (erpaksa mensnggung kas yang Vebih
banyak unluk melakukan Kane rsufikasi dan selerusnya pemeriksaan ccw
aan selsmsnya Dsmenksaan ccrv mervgikul keperluan IWK.
[22] Delendan lelsh mamailkan sa|u Hndakan an Mahkamah semen
Taming di bawah nombor Guamsn AA-A52NCvCv2A—D2/2019 dan AA-
A52Ncvc-15:H)9/201e unluk menunlm wang Iahanan 1re1ermon sum)
uannsaa Pvamm
[23] Tmdakan m Ixawah Guaman No. AA-ASZNCVC-24-O2/Z019 telah
difaflkan nleh Delendin untuk menunIu| 25% Wang Iahanzn berjumlah
RM270.7D1 cs dan (indakan dw bawah Guarnan No. ASZNCVC-I53—09.’2l)1 9
difaflkan unluk menunIu| man 25% Wang lahanan berjumlah
RM270.‘/D1 19
[2A] Piamlfl jugs (e\ah menlanlkan Tun|uvan Balas di dalam unaakan AA-
lk52NCvC»24—02/2019 kerane Deiendun «swan gsgah cuau. enggan dan/a|au
mgker unluk mewangkapxan keua—kena reukmasi paw: pembenlungan umuk
Frajek Isrmbut.
[251 Gann rugx yang dilunnn di bawah Guamsn Nu AA4x52Ncyc»24—
oz/2019 adalah yumlan yang panu dlbayav kepada pmak keflga, syankat
Kent Lxk Sdn Ehd unluk membuzt kerja-kena reukmasl pawp psmbenlungan
unluk Fmyak Iersebm an bawah Ferjanjuan ksvsehut dan kos-kus
pemerlksaan ccrv yang dflakukan
m Azzmwxvuuum mwa
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... a may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl y. mum v-ma!
[25] Pada 5.11.2022, Mahkamah sesyen Vvoh lelsh menalak mmman
Delendan (Success lnpu| Sdn Bhd) an bawah Guaman No AA-ASZNCVC»
24-02/2019 dan Guamsn No. A52Ncvc—1 5109/2019
[27] Pada Iarikh yang aama, Mahkamah Sesyen lpnh |eKeh menulak
nmxman baraa Mam (pnaxar Housing Developmenl Sdn Bhd) di bawah
Guaman Nu AA-A52NCvC—24-D2/2019.
[25] Kedua—dua pmnk lelah menlaflkan rayuan 4» Mahkamah finggl lpah
yang maanarxan di bawah number Gunman —
(a) AA-12BNCvC-B—11/2022 (rayuan Pmnm lemadap penmakan
Iun|u|an balas dx bawah Guaman Nu. AA—A52Mcvo24~n2/20(9).
(ta) AA-12BNCvC-9-11/2022 (rayuan Delendan Iamsdap psnmakan
tunlulan 2 5°/. wang (ahanan an hawah Guaman Nn AA-
ASZNCVC-24-D2/2019), den
(op AA»12ENCvC—10—1Il20221rayuarI Dsfendan 1emauap penolakarl
mmuuan 25'/n bakx Wang vahanan an bawah Guaman No Mr
[291 Oleh nu, Plsmm manegaskan bahawa Imdakan im bukanlah res
mmcala dan mak lenkal dx bawah Iindakan Guaman No AA-ASZNCVC-24»
0712019 znaunun Unflskan Guaman No. AA- A52NCvC-153-U9/2019
m Azzmrxvuuusn mwa
«mm. sm-1 .. U... a may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
[30] lm mempaksn hndakan hem unluk menunlul LAD alas kegagalan
Delendan unluk melakukan alau menyempumakan obhgasmya m hawah
Penaniian Iersebul.
[31] Plainul juga manegaskan bahawa Plamnl berhak unluk rnambzwa
mmakan bsrdasarkan ldausa berbeu yang Ierdapil (imam Perjarulan
levsehul. oven Nu, wn| saman ml max buleh terikal m‘ bawah res pmmaca
alas sebab |erdspaI klausa Hndakan yang barbeza
(321 Pada 2.12.2022. Puamm melalm peguamcaranya Teluan Chan 3.
Assoclsles (e?ah menghamarsam nuns Iunmlan bsnankh 2.12 2022 unluk
menumm LAD (erssbul yang bsnuman RM195,DuU.0D
[33] Pengiraan RM1§5,D00 so adaiah sebagalmsna benkur
K Perkava Perams ‘ Marge (RM) Jumlah (RM)
‘ Harga Konlrak 150,000 00
\ LAD 10%
tdlkim dan danpada 7s,aoo.uo 7s,ouo no x 3
Dktober 2n1s — Jumlah selahun tahun =
23 Oklobsr Harga 234‘ooo.oa
2u19| Kunhak
‘ 5% aanpada
Wang Tahanan Jumah 39.000 on 234,000 no 7
(Rslemmn Sumb Harga 39,000 on =
W3.''‘9 \
m Azzmrxvuuuan mm.
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Jurmah bayaran
1 195000 00
[34] Pads 1312 2022‘ Delsndan melaml peguamcaranya Teluan EH mm
Snong‘ Zann .1. Farmers te\ah memnaxas Nous Tunlu|an Flamlil
menya\akan bahavwa hndakan Im ada\ah res judicava
[35] Pada 41202:, Plamlll lelah membalas sural Delendan unluk
meruelaskan bahawa lindakan im merupakan suam undekan bsru dan
bukannya res mmcaza bag: menunm LAD dan bukan berkenaan Wang
pa] Walau bagalmanspun Defendan masm enggan‘ Ingkar aanraxau
gagax un|uk membayar numman Plamm yang dinyavakan da\am Nous
Tunlman |ersebuL
[37] Flairmflelah menfiailkanlxndskanmidxMaI1kamah bagi menun(ul-
(a) Delendan membayar jurmah Wang sebanyak RMW5.D00.UD‘
(n) Faedah pada kadzr 5°/. seuhun ke ans jurmah RM195,ouo no
bermura darn Lankh wm saman mserahkan sehingga mrikn
psnyelssansn penuh;
(c) Kusnndakanmuaan
(at Lam-xam rem yang dmkvkan am: darn vmyar sens suswmanfaal
Mahkamah yang Mulia ml
m Azzmwxvuuuan mww
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
| 2,626 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 | PLAINTIF 1. ) Ryan Koh Yue Loong @ Koh Teck Loong 2. ) Tan Guat Lian DEFENDAN 1. ) Koh Shing Yee 2. ) Cheong Ali SinPIHAK KETIGAKOH CHING KEW | 1. The suits before this Court, pertains to competing claims by the parties (alleged survivors from three families) over the estate of the Kor Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew (the Deceased) who died intestate on 23.03.2019.2. After full trial, I find that the Plaintiffs and the intervener have failed to prove their case and it was dismissed with costs. 3 The Defendants counterclaim is allowed with costs and for damages to be assessed. | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Hayatul Akmal binti Abdul Aziz | |
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: WA-22NCVC-649-09/2019
(No. K/P: 640306-10-6365) … PENCELAH 20
Digabungkan dan dibicarakan dengan
SAMAN PEMULA No.: WA-31NCVC-702-04/2019
Dalam perkara harta pusaka Koh 25
Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew
(No. K/P: 430719-10-5509) (“Si Mati”)
Di dalam perkara Akta Probet dan
Pentadbiran 1959 30
Di dalam perkara Aturan 71 Kaedah 5
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
02/11/2023 16:23:54
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 Kand. 258
S/N U0xpmyeXkGTxirzeGEfUw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
The suits before this Court, pertains to competing claims by the parties
(alleged survivors from three families) over the estate of the Kor Seng Kar
@ Koh Hai Sew (the Deceased) who died intestate on 23.03.2019. 45
[1] There are two suits to be heard and determined together, i.e.:
(a) Civil Suit No: WA-22NCVC-649-09/2019 (Suit 649); and
(b) Ex-parte Originating Summons No: WA-31NCVC-702-04/2019 (OS 50
Parties are as follows:
1.1 The First Plaintiff (P1) and Second Plaintiff (P2), [referred as the Ps,
collectively] claim to be the biological son and the lawful widow from
the Deceased’s 2nd marriage (customary) on 19.02.1988 that was 55
never registered in the Republic of Singapore.
1.2 The First Defendant (D1) and Second Defendant (D2) [referred as the
Ds, collectively] claim to be the lawful biological daughter and the
lawful widow from the Deceased's monogamous marriage registered
under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 on 04.05.1979 in Malaysia. 60
1.3 The Intervener claims to be the biological son from the Deceased's 1st
purported customary marriage to Ho Ah Nya @ Ho Cheng Bak (Ho Ah
Nya) in 1962-1963.
S/N U0xpmyeXkGTxirzeGEfUw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
[2] The parties filed two (2) separate suits, as follows: 65
2.1 Civil Suit No: WA-22NCVC-649-09/2019 (Suit 649) filed by the Ps on
03.09.2019, seeking a declaration that P1 is the issue of the Deceased
and P2 as the lawful wife of the said Deceased and other prayers.
2.2 Ex-Parte Originating Summons No: WA-31NCVC-702-04/2019 (OS
702) filed by D1 on 16.04.2019 for a Letter of Administration (LA) of 70
the Deceased estate and P1 as the caveator.
2.3 Under a Consent Order dated 24.07.2020, OS 702 was consolidated
and to be heard together with Suit 649.
2.4 Under the Court Order dated 28.04.2021, the Intervener was granted
leave to intervene in the combined Suit of Writ 649 and OS 702. 75
2.5 For completeness, it is to be noted that the Defendants had in their
counter claim referred to another suit Originating Summons No: WA-
31NCVC-901-05/2019 (OS 901) filed by the Ps seeking a Letter of
Administration for the estate of the Deceased. However, this OS was
later withdrawn by them on 06.09.2019 with costs of RM2,120.88 paid 80
to the Ds.
Suit 649: 22NCVC-649-09/2019
[3] The Ps case:
3.1 Is anchored on the claim by P2 that she and the Deceased had allegedly 85
conducted a customary marriage ceremony on 19.02.1988 in the
Republic of Singapore.
However, it is to be noted that the evidence at the trial could not
definitively evince the supposed marriage. That said, the purported
S/N U0xpmyeXkGTxirzeGEfUw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
WA-22NCvC-649-09/2019 & WA-31NCvC-702-04/2019
customary marriage was never registered under the Women’s Charter 90
of Singapore as legally required, rendering it invalid.
3.2 Since that purported customary marriage, it is claimed that they
allegedly lived together in Singapore as husband and wife for over 30
years until the Deceased’s demise.
Again, evidence at the trial places substantial doubt on this claim. 95
3.3 P1 claimed to be the child/biological son of the Deceased from that
supposed customary marital union, though his birth certificate named
the Deceased’s adopted brother (Koh Seng Lee/PW1) who worked for
the Deceased, as his father.
Evidence at the trial is merely speculative, with no definitive evidence 100
that P1 is the biological offspring of the Deceased.
3.4 In defending the position he’s taken and to facilitate his case in insisting
that the Deceased was his biological father, one (1) month before he
filed Suit 649, P1 took out a suit in the High Court of Kuala Lumpur (No.
WA-22NCVC-543-08/2019 (Suit 543) against Koh Seng Lee (his uncle). 105
P1 secured an Order of the High Court on 10.12.2019 that:
(a) Declared Koh Seng Lee was not his father, and P1 is not the child
of Koh Seng Lee.
(b) Koh Seng Lee is to deliver within fourteen days from the order a
statutory declaration that he is not the father of P1. 110
(c) A mandatory injunction was granted to compel Koh Seng Lee to
remove his name from the birth certificate of P1 within fourteen
days of the Order, complying with all requirements of the
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore and
(d) Koh Seng Lee is to take a DNA test. 115
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3.5 The Court records show that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) did not appeal
the findings of the High Court of Kuala Lumpur to the Court of
Appeal as an aggrieved party:
(i) I do take cognisance that throughout the course of the present trial, no
replacement/rectified Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births 120
from the relevant Singaporean Authority was adduced by P1 since the
Kuala Lumpur High Court Order was granted three years ago. The
Original Birth Certificate with Koh Seng Lee as the father remains on
official record in Singapore and herein in this proceeding. It has not
been proven otherwise with persuasive evidence. 125
(ii) This is a matter within the domain of the Singaporean Government. The
Order of the High Court of Kuala Lumpur on 10.12.2019 cannot be taken
to alter that position since P1’s Certificate of Extract from Register of
Births is an official document of the Government of the Republic of
Singapore. This legal issue must necessarily involve the reciprocal 130
enforcement of foreign judgments (Kuala Lumpur High Court Order) in
(iii) There is no evidence that it was done. It cannot be that the High Court
Order was merely taken for the purpose of the present proceeding and
was never intended to be ultimately taken up with the Singaporean 135
Authority for whatever reason. If so, that can amount to an abuse of
process, as it reflects poorly on the intent of P1 and Koh Seng Lee. If
the findings in Suit 543 are to stand legal scrutiny. It must be ultimately
addressed and determined by the relevant Singaporean Authority on
the matter leading to the rectification of the Register of Births concerning 140
(iv) There is no convincing evidence before me during the trial.
(v) It begs the question:
Why was this legal issue that is serious in nature in attempting to vary
an official document issued by the Government of Singapore, not raised 145
in the High Court in the Republic of Singapore?
(vi) Notwithstanding the said High Court of Kuala Lumpur Order dated
10.12.2019, as it stands, on the official record, Koh Seng Lee remains
the father as named in the Certificate of Extract from Register of Births
(No: S8908403B, Enclosure 95, p.440) of P1 issued by the Registrar of 150
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Birth unless a new rectified Certificate of Extract from Register of Births
by the relevant Singaporean Authority is produced to state expressly
(vii) Consequently, it is my considered view that even the self-serving
Statutory Declaration by P1 on 18.04.2019 (enclosure 92, p.31) that the 155
Deceased was his biological father cannot alter the Certificate of Extract
from Register of Births No: S8908403B by the Singaporean
Government. To take a legal position that it has would be a grave error
in judgment. In the circumstances, it has no probative value for the
purpose. 160
3.6 In OS 702, P1, as the caveator in opposing D1’s application for the LA,
he alleged that the Ds had acted oppressively and unfairly against the
Ps by depriving their rights to be the administrators of the Deceased’s
3.7 P1 and the Deceased had allegedly lived together as father and son for 165
more than 30 years (unproven at trial) since P1 was born until the
Deceased’s demise on 23.03.2019.
[4] Briefly, the Ps in Suit 649 claims in the Writ of Summons and
Statement of Claim as follows: 170
“a) Perintah deklarasi bahawa Seksyen 5 Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang
(Perkahwinan dan Perceraian) 1976 yang melanjutkan bidang kuasanya di luar
Malaysia adalah diluar bidang kuasanya dan adalah salah dan tidak boleh
dikuatkuasakan ke atas Plaintif Kedua yang pada setiap masa material adalah
diluar bidang kuasa; 175
b) Perintah deklarasi bahawa undang-undang yang menyekat, menghalang
dan/atau melucutkan hak waris seseorang anak luar nikah atas alasan beliau
adalah anak di luar nikah adalah menindas ("oppressive"), tidak adil
("injustice"), diskriminasi, salah, bercanggahan dan bertentangan dengan Artikel
8 Perlembagaan Malaysia, adalah undang-undang buruk ("bad law') dan 180
bertentangan dengan keadilan asasi ("against natural justice")·dan adalah
terbatal dan tidak boleh dikuatkuasakan ("null and void'');
c) Perintah deklarasi bahawa Akta Pembahagian 1958, terutamanya Seksyen 3 dan
6, tidak boleh ditafsirkan bagi maksud menyekat, menghalang dan/atau
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melucutkan hak waris seseorang anak berdasarkan status undang-undang atau 185
klasifikasi/golongan anak tersebut dan tafsiran tersebut adalah menindas
.("oppressive"), tidak adil ("injustice"), diskriminasi, salah, bercanggahan dan
bertentangan dengan Artikel 8 Perlembagaan Malaysia, adalah undang-undang
buruk ("bad law') dan bertentangan dengan keadilan asasi ("against natural
justice") dan adalah terbatal dan tidak boleh dikuatkuasakan ("null and void''); 190
d) Perintah deklarasi bahawa perkahwinan antara Si Mati dan Defendan Ke.2
telahpun dibubarkan apabila Si Mati meninggal dunia pada 23.03.2019;
e) Perintah deklarasi bahawa setelah perkahwinan antara Si Mati dan Defendan
Ke-2 dibubarkan apabila Si Mati meninggal dunia pada 23.03.2019, Defendan-
Defendan tiada hak untuk mewaris atau memohon surat kuasa wakil bagi harta 195
pusaka Si Mati;
f) Perintah deklarasi bahawa perkahwinan di antara Si Mati, dan Plaintif Ke-2
adalah sah mengikut kepercayaan, adat istiadat dan/atau budaya mereka yang
terpakai pada masa itu·
g) Perintah deklarasi bahawa Plaintif Ke-2 adalah isteri sah kepada Si Mati; 200
h) Perintah Deklarasi bahawa Plaintif Pertama adalah anak (kandung lelaki
dan/atau zuriat dan/atau keturunan dan/atau baka dan/atau "issue" kepada
kepada Si Mati;
i) Surat Kuasa Mentadbir bagi harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew (No.
K/P: 430719-10-5509) yang tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif secara 205
j) Plaintif-Plaintif diiktirafkan sebagai benefisiari dan waris kadim bagi harta pusaka
Koh Seng Kar @ Koh·Hai Sew (No. KIP: 430719-10-5509), Si Mati yang
dinamakan di atas, dan nama Plaintif-Plaintif dimasukkan dan dinyatakan
sebagai benefisiari dalam senarai benefisiari bagi harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ 210
Koh Hai Sew (No. KIP: 430719- 10-5509), Si Mati;
k) kos; dan.
l) apa-apa relif dan perintah lain yang dianggap sesuai dan patut oleh Mahkamah
Yang Mulia ini.”
4.1 The witnesses for the plaintiffs are as follows:
PW1 - Koh Seng Lee;
PW2 - Tan Beng Kiow;
PW3 - Cheng Chin Yong;
PW4 - Tan Guat Lian (P2); and 220
PW5 - Ryan Koh Yue Loong @ Koh Teck Loong (P1).
4.2 The witnesses for the defendants are as follows:
DW1 - Cheong Lai Sin (D2);
DW2 - Koh Shing Yee (D1);
DW3 - Teo Siok Khoong; and 225
DW4 - Poonam Lachman Michandani.
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4.3 The witnesses for the Intervener are as follows:
IW1 - Ho Hock Keong;
IW2 - Koh Ching Kew;
IW3 - Koh Sing Puck; and 230
IW4 - Koi Ah Long.
[5] After perusing and considering all the evidence, relevant cause papers
and the respective written submissions/replies by the learned counsels on
07.09.2023, I find that: 235
5.1 The Ps and the intervener failed to discharge their burden to establish
their case with compelling evidence.
5.2 Their claims were dismissed with costs:
(i) as against P1-P2: global costs of RM100,000.00 to be paid to
D1- D2 within 30 days; and 240
(ii) against the intervener RM15,000.00 to be paid to D1-D2 within
30 days.
5.3 The Ds counterclaim is allowed with costs and for damages to be
assessed. Prayer (c) interest at 5%. However, prayers d, e, and f are
disallowed (no appeal was filed by the Defendants). 245
5.4 D1’s application for the Grant of LA in OS 702 is allowed with costs.
[6] Dissatisfied with the above decisions, the plaintiffs and the intervener
are appealing against the said decisions. Since both suits were jointly tried
and to avoid duplicity, I will only prepare a single judgment and my reasons 250
are as follows:
[7] The brief facts are as follows:
7.1 From the parties' cause papers, it has been discerned that: 255
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(a) The Deceased, born in Pulau Ketam in 1943, was a Malaysian
citizen and domiciled in Malaysia. The Intervener claims that
sometime in 1962-1963, the Deceased and one Ho Ah Nya
underwent a customary marriage in Pulau Ketam (1st Marriage). 260
This purported union resulted in the alleged birth of the Intervener
on 06.03.1964 (Intervener’s Birth Certificate at PDF 5, pg.2,
Enclosure 179). Sometime in 1968, the Deceased left Ho Ah Nya
and Pulau Ketam and never returned.
(b) The Deceased married D2 in 1973 in a customary Chinese tea
ceremony in Singapore (PDF 48-49, pp 459-460, Enclosure 95).
Six years later, on 04.05.1979, this 2nd marriage was registered in
Malaysia under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 (The Marriage
Certificate: PDF6, pg.417, Enclosure 95). D1 was later born on 270
27.07.1980 from this marital union (Birth certificate: PDF7,
pg.418, Enclosure 95), with the Deceased confirmed as the father.
(c) The Ps took the position that sometimes on 19.02.1988, the
Deceased allegedly took a 3rd marriage when he and P2 275
underwent a purported customary tea ceremony in Singapore (Ps
Statutory Declaration: PDF43-86, pp.34-78, Enclosure 92). On
08.05.1989, P1 was born, but his Certificate of Extract from the
Register of Births indicates that Koh Seng Lee (the uncle) is his
father (Certificate of Extract from Register of Births No: 280
S8908403B: PDF29, pg.440, Enclosure 95).
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I take cognisance, as pointed out by the learned counsel for the
Ds, that:
(i) The deponents of the Statutory Declarations (witnesses listed
by the Ps) to support the alleged 3rd customary marriage 285
between the Deceased and P2 were not called by the Ps.
(ii) I also take cognisance that the witness who claimed to be the
photographer who allegedly took photos of the purported 3rd
marriage was also not called.
(iii) The witnesses listed by the Ps, supposedly the interpreters 290
who prepared the translation and transcripts of the recordings
in the CDs marked as IDP1-6, were also not called.
In the circumstances, those issues above in this trial remained
unproven for the Ps case.
(d) The crux of the suit before the Court, therefore, pertains to 295
competing claims by these three families over the estate of the
(i) 1st purported customary marriage in Pulau Ketam Malaysia,
1962-1963, being pursued by the Intervener.
(ii) 2nd customary marriage in Singapore in 1973, but registered 300
on 04.05.1979 under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 in
Malaysia being pursued by Ds, and
(iii) 3rd purported customary marriage in Singapore, 19.02.1988,
that was not registered under the Women's Charter of
Singapore being pursued by the Ps. 305
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7.2 During the course of the proceeding, the Federal Court ruled in Tan
Kah Fatt & Anor on the position of an illegitimate issue in the estate of
the deceased’s father. I had then instructed parties to examine how
the Federal Court ruling in Tan Kah Fatt & Anor v Tan Ying [2023] 2
MLJ 583, FC could impact the outcome of the present proceeding. In 310
that case, the FC observed:
(i) That an illegitimate issue is entitled to inherit from the deceased parent’s
estate under sections 3 and 6 of the Distribution Act 1958.
(ii) It further observed that accepting the testimonies of the illegitimate issue’s
mother and paternal grandparents that the mother had a reasonable belief 315
(at the time of the solemnisation of the marriage) that the marriage was valid,
the issue was a legitimate child who was entitled to inherit under her
deceased father’s estate. Applying s.75 LRA 1976.
(iii) The FC overruled the HC and CA’s determination that the Child was
illegitimate because her parents’ Chinese customary marriage was not a 320
valid marriage under the LRA 1976 and, as such, was not entitled to inherit
under sections 3 and 6 of the Distribution Act 1958.
(iv) The FC opined that the “issue” concerning the deceased did not depend on
the legitimacy of the issue or the descendant of the deceased. The Court
adopted the purposive approach to interpretation over a literal interpretation 325
of the Distribution Act 1958.
(v) It reasoned that the word ‘includes’ in the definition of ‘issue’ suggests an
enlarging or non-exhaustive definition and is intended to “expand or enlarge
the category of persons who may succeed or inherit, consonant with the
purpose” of the DA 1958. In contrast, the more definitive or comprehensive 330
word ‘means’ is used in the definition of ‘child’. The Court concluded from its
survey of the respective dictionary definitions of ‘issue’ in relation to the
deceased that the term ‘issue’ “suggests descendants by blood lineage, not
dependent on the matter of legitimacy of the descendant”. The DA 1958 does
not, whether expressly or by implication, state that only legitimate children 335
may inherit in the case of intestacy.
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7.3 The position taken by the learned counsels of the parties herein on
Tan Kah Fatt & Anor, FC, on the outcome of this present proceeding
are as follows: 340
(a) The Ps:
(i) The learned counsel argued that the FC had clarified the inheritance
rights of children born in void marriages. It will benefit many children of
void marriages. It would protect children’s rights and not be
discriminated against simply because their parents were not legally 345
(ii) It is a positive development for the law of succession in Malaysia.
(iii) The FC ruling in Tan Kah Fatt & Anor is binding on this Court since the
Ps case is closely like it. Stare decisis applies.
(b) The Intervener:
(i) As with the position the Ps took, the learned counsel for the Intervener
submitted that stare decisis applies to this Court.
(c) The Ds: 355
(i) The learned counsel for the Ds took the legal position and strongly
argued that Tan Kah Fatt & Anor does not apply to the facts of the
present case, whose views provided some valuable food for thought
and interesting insights from the legal perspective of a senior legal
practitioner in family matters, and its continuing development 360
notwithstanding the binding effect of the FC ruling.
(ii) The learned counsel, in distinguishing facts, in a nutshell, respectfully
argued that:
(a) The per-incuriam decision by the FC goes against legislation
precisely placed to deal with the issue of succession rights of 365
illegitimate children.
(b) There is no ambiguity in Sections 3 and 6 of the Distribution Act
1958. The word "issue" in Section 6 must be read together with
Section 3 of the Distribution Act provides:
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"child" means a legitimate child, and where the deceased is 370
permitted by his personal law, a plurality of wives includes a child
by any of such wives but does not include an adopted child other
than a child adopted under the provisions of the Adoption Act
1952 [Act 257].
"Issue" includes children and the descendants of deceased 375
She cited Re Tan Cheng Siong Deed; Charles Clement
Dunman v Tan Seng Hwee; Tan Chin Tuan [1937] 1 MLJ 87,
per McElwain CJ said that there is no doubt that the ordinary 380
meaning of "child" is a person born by a woman to her lawful
husband. A bastard, annulus filius, is not a son….as said by
Arden M.R. in Godfrey v Davis 6 Ves Jun 43 noted that "Such
persons only could be intended, who could entitle themselves as
children by the strict rule of law; and no illegitimate child can claim 385
under such a description unless particularly pointed out by the
(c) The term “issue”, as it is, already had a more comprehensive
application than “children”. It includes all lineal descendants of the
legitimate child(ren), i.e., children, grandchildren, and great-390
grandchildren. Because it does not include illegitimate children, it
would not be rendered ‘otiose and redundant’.
(d) The Distribution Act 1958 contemplates a situation where the
deceased and the person they leave behind were married. The
references to "child," "children", and "issue" must necessarily refer 395
to the legitimate daughter or son of that marriage and their
descendants. The context would militate against reading the word
"issue" to include an illegitimate child of the deceased with another
woman or man to whom the deceased was never married. Under
common law, reference in a statute to "child" or "children" would 400
prima facie mean a legitimate child or legitimate children: see
Galloway v Galloway [1956] AC 299 at 316 (per Lord Oaksey), at
318 (per Lord Radcliffe and at 323 (per Lord Tucker).
(e) The learned counsel argued further that the position taken by the
FC in Tan Kah Fatt on the interpretation of “issue” and/or “children” 405
would render redundant other legislation in the country. When a
child is illegitimate, its mother would be the sole guardian to the
exclusion of the father. Section 11 of the Legitimacy Act 1961
allowed an illegitimate child to inherit from the mother's estate, but
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only if the mother did not have other legitimate children. Section 6 410
of the Legitimacy Act 1961 was to legitimise a person so that they
may inherit under their parents’ estate. In this premise, if an
illegitimate child is permitted to inherit without being legitimised,
section 6 would be redundant.
(f) Section 13 of the Births and Death Registration Act 1957 only 415
permits a father to be named on an illegitimate child’s certificate if
it is at the joint request of the mother.
(g) Section 1 of the Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 distinguished
between guardians of legitimate and illegitimate children. In this
case, the former is the father, and the latter is the mother. 420
(h) To date, illegitimate children cannot be conferred citizenship by
their father because of this: CTEB & Anor v Ketua Pengarah
Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia & Ors [2021] 4 MLJ 237, FC.
(i) The learned counsel also argued that in the context of the inter
vivo transfer of immovable properties from a parent to a child, the 425
exemption of stamp duty under the Stamp Duty (Exemption)(No.3)
order 2023 might only benefit legitimate children, stepchildren, or
legally adopted children. Notably, illegitimate children are excluded
from such exemption of stamp duty.
(j) It was further argued that Article 8 of the Federal Constitution of 430
Malaysia deals with equality, which was amended to prohibit
discrimination. It has no application concerning personal law. Article
8(5)(a) clarifies that the Article does not invalidate or prohibit any
provision regulating personal law.
(k) By Article 8(5)(a), any provisions regulating personal law, including 435
questions of marriage, divorce, and succession, even if
discriminatory, are not invalidated or prohibited. As the issues
of marriage and succession fall within areas of personal law,
Article 8 has no part to play in the matter. Article 8(2) of the
Federal Constitution further permits discrimination against non-440
citizens. Thus, there is no breach of any of the Ps' constitutional rights
as alleged.
(l) In children born out of wedlock, the father is under a limited legal duty
to an illegitimate child. He must only provide maintenance by Section
3 of the Married Women and Children (Maintenance) Act 1950. 445
(m) The learned counsel made her argument that applications by
illegitimate children competing with the claims of legitimate
children, whether under a will or intestacy, unnecessarily burdens
the courts and causes profound injustice to the legal expectations
of the legal wife and legitimate offspring by rendering the 450
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succession law uncertain, particularly if they may not know any
other illegitimate dependants who might still make succession
(n) In Singapore, the default position is still that illegitimate children
are not entitled to inherit in respect of their parent's estate. 455
However, the High Court and Court of Appeal have called upon
Parliament to consider changes to be made to the distinction
between legitimate and illegitimate children: AAG v Estate of
AAH [201O] 1 SLR 769 at [41]-[43].
(o) The learned counsel went further to point out that in other 460
jurisdictions, the entitlement of illegitimate children to inherit has
explicitly been legislated for, like in the United Kingdom (UK)
via the Family Law Reform Act 1987, Hong Kong via the
Intestates' Estates Ordinance (IEO). It was also noted that
the UK and Hong Kong laws especially provide that the rights 465
under the intestacy of a person dying before the relevant sections
come into force remain unaffected.
(p) It was also argued that some of our laws have already been
amended. Section 75 of the LRA 1976 recognises an otherwise
illegitimate child to be legitimate if the parents were under a 470
reasonable belief that their marriage was valid. Its wording is like
Section 1 of the UK's Legitimacy Act 1976.
(q) Tan Kah Fatt & Anor, in paragraphs [97] to [100], considered
and applied Section 75(2) to find the second appellant to be a
legitimate child and entitled to inherit. This was not the case in 475
the present proceeding.
(r) Section 18 (2A) UK Family Law Reform Act 1987 even makes
special provisions for children born of surrogacy and artificial
insemination, who would otherwise be entitled to inherit from their
biological parents' estates. However, this was not considered in 480
Tan Kah Fatt (supra). As it stands now, even a child born from a
surrogacy arrangement or sperm/egg donors will have a right to
inherit from their unknowing / unsuspecting parents.
(s) In her closing arguments, the learned counsel emphasised that the
separation of powers should be fortified. The Court's powers are 485
confined to interpreting legislative and constitutional provisions. It
ought not to encroach into legislative powers within the strict
purview of Parliament. Though Tan Kah Fatt & Anor is a Federal
Court decision, it may be revisited in future cases with similar facts
as the plethora of authorities had shown: PP v Kok Wah Kuan 490
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[2008] 1 MLJ 1, FC; Asean Security Paper Mills Sdn Bhd v.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (Malaysia) Bhd [2008] 6 CLJ 1, FC.
(t) The learned counsel asks that the Ps and the Intervener’s claim of
inheritance under the deceased’s estate in Suit 649 ought to be
dismissed, and D1’s application for the LA in OS 702 is allowed. 495
[8] I observed the Ps' arguments in canvassing and ventilating for their
position in Suit 649 and OS 702 as follows:
8.1 It is the position of P1 that the Deceased and P2 married customarily 500
on 19.02.1998 and have cohabited as husband and wife for more than
thirty years since then in the Republic of Singapore. P1 was born a
year after the marriage on 05.03.1989 (Certificate of Extract from
Register of Births: L95, pg.440). P1 claims that the Ds has denied his
right to be the administrator of the Deceased's estate. The Ps seek an 505
order from the Court to place and cement their position in the
Deceased's estate.
However, as I have observed and addressed in paragraph 3.4 hereof:
(a) The Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births stated that
Koh Seng Lee (PW1) is the father of P1. Notwithstanding the 510
10.12.2019 High Court of Kuala Lumpur Order finding that Koh
Seng Lee is not the father, nothing has been done by either P1 or
Koh Seng Lee to rectify the Singaporean Certificate of Extract
from Register of Births or to bring up this matter with the relevant
Singaporean Authority. There is no evidence from either party that 515
it had been done.
(b) For all intent and purpose, Koh Seng Lee remains on Singapore's
official record as the father of P1. It is my view that fact cannot be
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ignored. That the said Koh Seng Lee has been complicit in the
Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births of P1 debacle for 520
the past thirty-plus years, and necessarily with the knowledge of
P2 as the mother of P1, gives me grounds for concern about the
veracity of their evidence.
(c) The High Court Order of 10.12.2019 was explicit in ordering
(mandatory injunction) that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) must remove his 525
name from the Register of Births in Singapore within fourteen days
from the date of that Order, and P1 has done nothing about it since
more than three years ago.
(d) In his evidence, P1 said that he did not know of the contents of his
Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births, that he doesn’t 530
know Kho Seng Lee was named as his father. I find the evidence
too far-fetched to be believed. The Certificate of Birth is an
essential, primary document you must use as you grow up in
Singapore or Malaysia for education, work, etc.
(e) Claiming complete ignorance of Koh Seng Lee being the named 535
father for over thirty years in the birth certificate, premised on the
facts before me, is just so improbable. This outright denial does
not assist, nor does it augur well for the credibility of P1.
(f) This does not augur well for their credibility, nor does it instil
confidence in the truth of their evidence before me. In the 540
circumstances, I read the facts against P1 and Koh Seng Lee
(PW1), who appear to be acting in concert. I will regard the official
document of the Government of Singapore (the Certificate of
Extract from Register of Births No: S8908403B, in Enclosure 95,
p.440) as still valid and subsisting unless official evidence from the 545
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Singaporean Authority to the contrary is produced.
(g) It is my considered judgment that the Kuala Lumpur High Court
order of 10.12.2019, though valid and enforceable in Malaysia,
unless it is set aside, varied, or stayed, it cannot, however,
invalidate an official governmental document of a foreign 550
sovereign nation.
(h) Save for the Intervener; all other parties (the Ps and the Ds) are
Singaporean nationals in this proceeding.
(i) As for the customary marriage of P2 to the Deceased, it is
irrefutable at the trial that the said union was never registered 555
under the Singaporean Women’s Charter as required by the law
in the Republic of Singapore. DW4: Ms Poonam Mirchandani (an
Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore), an
expert from Singapore, gave evidence that the purported
customary union of P2 and the Deceased is void since it was never 560
registered under the Women’s Charter. I find this evidence to be
relevant to this proceeding and admit the evidence of the said
expert. I see no basis for the objection by the Ps to exclude it. In
the circumstances, irrespective of the duration (alleged over thirty
years) that the Deceased cohabited with P2 in the customary 565
union, it was still not sanctioned by the law in Singapore for failure
to register.
(j) With the unregistered status of the purported customary marriage
of P2 to the Deceased confirmed, any child born from such a
marriage in the circumstances would not be legitimate in 570
Singapore, just as it is in Malaysia under section 22(4) LRA where
it says expressly that every marriage purported to be solemnised
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in Malaysia shall be void unless a certificate for marriage or a
license has been issued by the Registrar or Chief Minister or a
statutory declaration under sub-section (3) has been delivered to 575
the Registrar or Assistant registrar, as the case may be.
(k) However, it must be pointed out that, illegitimate or not, when there
is doubt about the child's lineage, it would be required to be
satisfactorily proven that the child is the biological offspring of the
Deceased. This doubt is created by the official Singaporean 580
Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births, which clearly says
that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) is the father of P1. To date, there is no
other official document from the Singaporean Authorities to state
otherwise as it involves their national. The Kuala Lumpur High
Court order of 10.12.2019 cannot officially or unofficially alter that 585
official Singaporean position. If that biological connection (the
illegitimate biological offspring of the Deceased) cannot be
conclusively established, Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra) would not
(l) As I have addressed the position of the Intervener in this 590
proceeding, there is no other definitive evidence to establish P1
as a lineal descendant (biological offspring) of the Deceased than
a relationship DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) report that would
constitute compelling evidence for genetic or hereditary
information (paternity/ancestry testing): 595
(i) But there is none in this proceeding.
(ii) Talking about or being willing to do is not sufficient.
(iii) It is the Ps suit, and P1 must manage how best to do it. The Court will
not conduct his case for him.
(iv) As the cumulative evidence stands in this proceeding, I am in doubt 600
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as to the lineage of P1 to the Deceased. Irrespective of how much time
the Deceased spends with P1 (that remains unproven), as alleged, it
is inconsequential if the biological link cannot be established for
succession purposes.
(v) What the Ps have offered thus far is fundamentally speculative 605
evidence at best in the hope that it is sufficient to tilt the scale of
evidence. Well, legally, it doesn’t for this proceeding.
(vi) I agree with the learned counsel for the Ds that the burden lies on the
Ps to prove their assertion that P1 is the biological offspring of the
Deceased (s.101 Evidence Act 1950). 610
(vii) The Ps could have applied for a Court Order to compel the DNA test
by the parties, but that was not done.
(viii) Adverse inference against the Ds is unjustified in the circumstances.
(ix) The burden of proof lies on the Ps throughout the proceedings.
(m) That said, there is also no evidence that the Deceased had lawfully
adopted P1 to protect the interest of P1 considering the status of
an unregistered customary marriage in Singapore, there is no
conclusive evidence save for bare assertions of any purported
gifts of property (movable or immovable) before death to P1 by the 620
Deceased, and there is no convincing evidence to show that the
Deceased expressly brought P1 into his life and his work, as the
Deceased did with D1 and D2. It is sad to say, but those are the
facts which cannot be denied.
8.2 During the trial, I directed the parties to submit on the admissibility of
the audio-video recording (IDP1-IDP6) tendered by P1 to support his
case. P1 argued:
(i) Cited s.3 Evidence Act 1950 that the audio-video recording
constitutes a document under the EA 1950. Therefore, s.90A EA 630
applies to IDP1-IDP6, where a certificate under s.90A had been
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submitted as Exhibit P8, enclosure 202. Tan Guat Lian (P2) was
called to testify as she did the recording using her mobile phone.
(ii) The phone was produced in Court for inspection but could not be
powered on. The original contents have been lost for examination. 635
The Ps argued that IDP1-IDP6 should nevertheless be admitted
as secondary evidence under s.65(1)(c) EA 1950.
(iii) Therefore, the objections the Ds raised should be denied.
(iv) The transcripts for the video recordings in IDP1-IDP6 were agreed
to be placed in Part B Documents, which would still require its 640
contents to be proven. IDP1-IDP6 are recordings purportedly of
P1 and the Deceased.
(v) Though the video recordings were referred to during the trial, it
has not been admitted as exhibits for this proceeding. The Ps pray
that IDP1-IDP6 be admitted. 645
I observed:
(a) The video recordings were edited into IDP1-6 segments when it
was evident that it was a continuous recording. The Ds learned
counsel pointed out that the recording was for a continuous
recording on the same day, while IDP5 appears to have been 650
taken on a different day. The Ps have yet to offer a plausible
explanation for why the recordings were edited into five segments.
The Ds’ counsel further pointed out that IDP1-6 were placed in
Part C Documents in 2020, which require proof of both source and
content. But on 09.03.2023, on the 7th day of the trial, the Ps 655
informed the Court that the device could no longer be powered on.
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(b) The learned counsel for the Ds argued that notwithstanding the
s.90A certificate by P2, the edited recordings should not be
admitted because they do not provide complete, accurate or
reliable evidence. She cited: Dato Kanalingam a/l Vellupillai v 660
Majlis Peguam Malaysia [2022] 3 MLJ 699, CA said that it is
authentic as in a precise reproduction of the event and the
relevant contents have not been tampered with unless the
appellant is saying that the part not produced would exonerate
him. In Mohd Ali Jaafar v PP [1998] 4 CLJ SUPP 208, HC, it 665
was noted that the tapes' integrity, accuracy, and continuity were
relevant and admissible. There must be no tampering. In Lim
Peng Hock & Anor v Chuah Peng San & Anor [2021] 1 LNS
119, CA, it was ruled that the Court cannot take it lightly as to
digital evidence. It is very fragile and could be easily altered. 670
Therefore, the issue of authenticity and reliability are essential for
digital evidence. The plaintiffs had not proved the issue of non-
(c) The learned counsel of the Ds further drew the Court’s attention
to the fact that there is no proof adduced to confirm the identity of 675
the voice recorded in IDP1-6 was that of the Deceased. Citing Lim
Peng Hock & Anor (supra), the law requires the voice of the
speaker to be duly identified, and since the 1st defendant disputes,
strict proof is necessary to determine the identity of the speaker
(PP v Zul Hassan & Anor [2013] 7 CLJ 141). It was said in Mohd 680
Ali Jaafar (supra) that proof of identity of the conversation is the
most crucial element to be established when introducing evidence
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of a tape recording. Therefore, it was argued that IDP1-IDP6
should not be admitted as exhibits.
(d) Considering the arguments and respective positions taken by the 685
parties, I believe the integrity of the IDP1-IDP6 is suspect. Without
the original continuous recording, it would be impossible to
compare and ascertain its authenticity and degree of tempering, if
any. When the continuous recording has been cut/edited into six
parts, it would have involved some element of editing, no matter 690
how you argue it. Without editing works, it cannot be segmented
into six pieces. As the Court of Appeal in Lim Peng Hock (supra)
said, the Court must exercise caution when dealing with digital
evidence as it is susceptible and prone to digital alteration. I
observed that with today's sophisticated equipment and 695
technology, once the audio-video recordings are digitised, they
can be edited and altered to angle support to any proposed issue
or purpose.
(e) Therefore, it is my considered judgment that IDP1-IDP6
documents in Part C should not be admitted as exhibits in this 700
proceeding. Their integrity is suspect without the original
recording to confirm their contents and the part that had been
excluded, if at all. The duty to preserve the integrity of the said
evidence falls squarely on the Ps. In the circumstances, the Ps
failed to observe that duty if IDP1-6 is fundamental to their case. 705
There is no one to be faulted but the Ps themselves.
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8.3 P2 submitted laboriously on the customary wedding of P2 and the
Deceased, as shown in the various pictures in enclosure 93, and many
repetitive pages in their arguments.
(a) I find no evidence to definitively support the alleged customary 710
marriage of P2 and the Deceased. What has been produced is
highly speculative evidence suggesting an alleged customary
(b) Even if the alleged customary wedding took place, it does not
change the fact that it was not registered under the Women’s 715
Charter 1961 as required by the law in Singapore, rendering it
void. Since it had been rendered invalid, P2 would not derive any
rights under it, and there is no arguing out of it. That is the law as
it stands. Legislation supersedes customs and practises save
where it is excepted. 720
(c) The legal consequences of that incompliance have been stated in
the preceding paragraph. It is my observation that Ps submission
places so much emphasis and time on the peripherals and
unsupported suppositions rather than on the fundamental root
issue that would ultimately determine the entitlement of the Ps in 725
this suit.
(d) From the facts before me, it is irrefutable that:
(i) The Deceased took a 2nd customary marriage to D2 in 1973 in
Singapore. Six years later, in 1979, they registered the marriage in
Malaysia under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 (CMO). 730
(ii) Section 4(1) CMO disallows a subsequent marriage to be contracted
while the subsisting marriage subsists.
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(iii) A subsequent marriage in default of that prohibition, the women and
any issue from that prohibited union shall not have any succession
rights of the man if he dies intestate. 735
(iv) LRA 1976, which superseded the CMO under section 5(1), which also
extended such prohibition as in s.4 of CMO. Section 6 (1) and (2) void
such marriages in contravention of the prohibition in s.5, and no rights
of succession or inheritance shall be granted to the women or any issue
from such a prohibited union. 740
(v) In 1978, the Deceased purportedly took a 3rd customary marriage with
P2 in Singapore but did not register the said marriage under the
Women’s Charter in Singapore. SEDW4: Ms Poonam Mirchandani, an
expert from Singapore, gave evidence that the purported customary
union of P2 and the Deceased is void since it was never registered 745
under the Women’s Charter. Evidently, P2 cannot claim any inheritance
right in the Deceased's estate by law.
8.4 The P1 claimed to have:
(i) The original title deed of the property held under HS(D) No. 13953, PT No. 750
MLO 8301, Mukim Plentong, Daerah Johor Baru, Negeri Johor; (pg 371 –
375 of Enclosure 94).
(ii) The property held under Geran Hakmilik No. 92354, Lot No. Lot 1544, Mukim
Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (pg 356-359 of Enclosure 94)
(under WSI). 755
(iii) The property held under Title No. 6994, Presentation No. 168055, Lot
No.1545, Mukim Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (pg 385-387 of
Enclosure 94) (under WSI).
(iv) The property held under Title No. 6995, Presentation No. 168056, Lot No.
1546, Mukim Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (pg 388-390 of 760
Enclosure 94) (under WSI.
(v) The original Share Certificates of the 500,001 unit of shares in the company
named WSI Sdn Bhd; (pg 392, 394 of Enclosure 94), and
(vi) The original Share Certificates of the 10,000 units of shares in the company
named Herald Heights Sdn Bhd (pg 395 of Enclosure 94). 765
He claimed that the Deceased handed them over to him during his
lifetime. Other than that, and bare assertions, no cogent evidence is
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adduced that it was intended as a gift (inter vivos) to him. The Ps
referred to the video recordings with the transcripts that had been 770
disallowed. It was also argued that the Ds never challenged his
evidence on the properties being gifted to him, and therefore, they
ought to be taken out or excluded from the list of the Deceased assets.
My attention has been drawn to the fact:
(a) The assets in paragraphs (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) above were never 775
pleaded by the Ps (O.18. r.12.RC 2012).
(b) In the circumstances, I believe these four assets are to be excluded
from the Ps claim on gifts inter-vivos.
(c) Save for self-serving unsupported statements by the Ps, I find no
compelling or persuasive evidence to support the Ps' claim that the 780
Deceased had intended the assets pleaded by the Ps as gifts inter-
8.5 The Ps cited section 34 LRA 1976, that says nothing in the Act, or the
rules made thereunder shall be construed to render valid or invalid any 785
marriage which otherwise is invalid or invalid merely because it has
been or is not registered. I observed:
(a) This argument is wholly misplaced and unnecessary since LRA is
applicable in Malaysia. The purported customary marriage that is
the subject matter of this proceeding is in the Republic of 790
Singapore, where the Singapore Women’s Charter applies for
marriages solemnised and registered there. Evidence has been
produced that if at all it took place (the 3rd customary wedding), it
is void for failure to register.
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(b) It would be too farfetched for the Ps to suggest or imply that the 795
provisions of the LRA apply in the Republic of Singapore. If it is
rendered invalid for legal incompliance in Singapore, it could not
be validated by the LRA provision in Malaysia under the LRA.
(c) There is no evidence that this 3rd customary marriage by the
Deceased with P2 was intended to be registered in Malaysia as 800
the Deceased did with the customary marriage with D2.
(d) Because of the registration of the 2nd marriage to D2 under the
Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952 on 04.05.1979 (L.95, pg.417), the
Deceased would not be able to lawfully take a 3rd marriage as he
did with P2 as the CMO 1952 expressly prohibits it. 805
(e) The purported 3rd marriage would not receive any legal
recognition while the 2nd marriage subsists to ensure monogamy
in civil marriages.
8.6 On the issue of OS 901 that had been withdrawn, an issue in the
counterclaim by the Ds, the Ps argued that it is no longer a relevant 810
issue to be considered since it is no longer before the parties after it
was withdrawn by the Ps with cost already paid to the Ds. Therefore,
it should no longer be an issue with the Ds. OS 901 and Suit 649 were
not taken for any collateral purpose as alleged by the Ds to constitute
an abuse of process. Any purported technical incompliance should not 815
be taken to impair the proceedings.
The Ps had no choice but to file OS 901 after the Defendants had
excluded the Ps from claiming their right to administer and inherit the
Deceased’s estate by filing the ex-parte OS 702. The sole purpose of
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filing OS 901 was to include both the Ps and the Defendants (without 820
having the Intervener, whose existence at the material time was not
within the knowledge of the Plaintiffs) to ensure that all relevant parties
would be heard. The Plaintiffs also filed applications to consolidate and
transfer OS 702 and OS 901 to expedite the process.
These applications were later withdrawn with OS 901 by the Plaintiffs 825
on 06.09.2019 due to the filing of the current suit 649 on 03.09.2019.
The Ds have failed to prove what damage they have suffered because
of it to justify their claim for damages as a result thereof.
8.7 On the issue of the Intervener, the Ps took the position that it is
incumbent on the Intervener to prove that he was the legitimate son of 830
the Deceased. Shanmugam v Pappah [1994] 1MLJ 144, HC held
that the plaintiff had the burden of establishing that he was the
legitimate son of the deceased to establish his right to succeed to the
estate of the deceased who died intestate, the plaintiff must not only
prove that he was the son of the deceased but must, because of the 835
Distribution Act 1958, also prove that he was the legitimate son of the
deceased. However, this issue is now rendered academic due to the
ruling in Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra).
8.8 The Ps asks:
(i) A declaration that s.5 LRA (Disability to contract marriages 840
otherwise than under the Act) does not apply to P2, a Singaporean
and has never been within the local jurisdiction of this Court.
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(ii) An Order declaring any law restricting and preventing an
illegitimate child from claiming contradicts Article 8 of the Federal
Constitution. 845
(iii) An Order declaring s.3 and 6 of the Distribution Act cannot be
construed to deprive a child of their entitlement based on their
legal status.
(iv) An Order declaring the marriage by the Deceased to D2 is null
and void. The Ds has no right to claim over the estate of the 850
Deceased. D1 is not the lawful child of the Deceased.
(v) The customary marriage between P2 and the Deceased is valid,
and P1 is the lawful heir of the Deceased. The Ps will be granted
the Letter of Administration to administer the Deceased's estate.
(vi) An Order declaring that the Deceased had given all his shares, 855
interest, and title in WSI Sdn Bhd, Isotank Container Services Sdn
Bhd, and the property held under the deed title H.S.(D) No. 13953,
PT No. MLO 8301, Mukim Plentong, Daerah Johor Baru, Negeri
Johor, to the Plaintiffs as gifts inter vivos, and an Order giving
effect for the ownership in those assets to vest in the Ps. 860
In the premise, the Ps pray for order in terms of their prayers and cost.
[9] I observed the Ds' arguments in canvassing and ventilating for their
position in Suit 649 and OS 702 as follows: 865
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9.1 It was submitted that:
(a) It is the Ds contentions that:
(i) the Deceased had lived with them at all material times.
Sometime in 1987, they resided at No.52 Bayshore Road, 870
Ruby Tower# 06-01, Bayshore Park, Singapore 469978.
(ii) But from 2009 until his passing, they lived at No. 53, Jalan
Awan Cina, Taman Yarl, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, while D1
continued to reside at the Bayshore Residence in
Singapore. 875
(iii) On 23.03.2019, the Deceased passed away at the
Taman Yarl Residence in Kuala Lumpur (Death
Certificate: PDF4, pg.1, Enclosure 91).
(b) During his lifetime, the Deceased:
(i) Named D2 as his wife in his tax returns/statements (Tax 880
Statement: PDF12-23, pp.423-43, Enclosure 95).
(ii) His official documents were sent to the Bayshore residence
in Singapore or the Taman Yarl residence in Kuala Lumpur.
(iii) D2 was named his sole beneficiary in his Great Eastern
Insurance Policy (PDF40-41, pp.451-452, Enclosure 95). 885
9.2 In opposing Suit 649 by the Ps, the Ds argued that:
(a) The inheritance rights are governed under s.6 of the Distribution
Act 1958.
(b) The late Ho Ah Nya of the purported 1st customary marriage 890
(1968) in Malaysia to the deceased would be disentitled to make
any claim on his estate by predeceasing the Deceased. In the
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circumstances, she would not be entitled to claim even if her
purported customary marriage was valid at the time.
(c) As for D2, the lawfully registered spouse in the Deceased’s 2nd 895
customary marriage (1973 in the Republic of Singapore) but
subsequently, six years later, registered it under the Civil Marriage
Ordinance 1952 (CMO) in Malaysia on 04.05.1979 (L.95, pg.417).
(d) Under section 4(1) CMO, the Deceased could not take a
subsequent marriage lawfully for so long as the 2nd marriage 900
subsists. S.4(1) says that a male person married by the provisions
of this Ordinance shall be incapable of contracting a valid
marriage with any third person, whether as a principal or
secondary marriage.
(e) The learned counsel also drew my attention to s.5(1) CMO, which 905
makes clear the inheritance position of the Ps in this suit:
"(1) If any male person lawfully married under this Ordinance shall thereafter
during the continuance of such marriage contract a union with a woman
which but for such marriage would confer rights of succession or
inheritance upon such woman or upon the issue of such union, no 910
issue of such union shall be legitimate or have any right of inheritance
in or succession to the estate of such male person, and no such woman
shall have any right by reason of the death intestate of such male
(f) Subsequently, the LRA 1976 came into force on 01.03.1982. 915
(g) The 3rd customary marriage to P2 was on 18.02.1988 in
Singapore, six years after the LRA came into force, which would
have certainly rendered it void (s.5(1) LRA 1976). Section 5(1)
"(1) Every person who on the appointed date is lawfully married under
any law, religion, custom or usage to one or more spouses shall be
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incapable, during the continuance of such marriage or marriages, of
contracting a valid marriage under any law, religion, custom or usage
with any other person. Whether the first-mentioned marriage or the 925
second-mentioned marriage is contracted within Malaysia or outside
Section 6(1) and (2) LRA says:
(1) Every marriage contracted in contravention of section 5 shall be void.
(2) If any male person lawfully married under any law, religion, custom, or 930
usage shall during the continuance of such marriage contract another
union with any woman, such woman shall have no right of succession
or inheritance on the death intestate of such male person.
(h) Evidently, P2 cannot claim any inheritance right in the Deceased's
estate by law. 935
9.3 Of the three, P1, the Intervener and D1, only D1, the legitimate child
of the Deceased from a lawfully registered 2nd customary marriage, is
entitled to a claim in the Deceased's estate. The Deceased is named
the father in her Birth Certificate (PDF7, pg.418, L.95). 940
9.4 At this juncture, I agree with the arguments of the Ds that the Birth
Certificate of the Intervener is indeterminable, as I had addressed in
my observation in the Intervener’s submissions. For P1, as I observed,
Koh Seng Lee is named the father in the official Certificate of Extract
from the Register of Births in Singapore. Till now, no rectified certificate 945
has been produced from the relevant Singaporean authority to say
9.5 During the trial, P2 agreed that because the Deceased was married to
D2, he refused to put his name on P1’s birth certificate.
9.6 Tan Kah Fatt was distinguished in that, even though the 1st customary 950
marriage, in that case, could not be proven with photographs, evidence
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from the relevant family members shows that the 2nd appellant was
accepted into the Deceased’s family as a grandchild. Therefore, it was
argued that even if Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra) did not determine the
issue of an illegitimate child, s.75 LRA would have stepped in and 955
saved the 2nd appellant as a legitimate child and eligible for inheritance.
Section 75 (2) says:
"(2) Subject to the provisions of this section, the child of a void marriage shall
be treated as the legitimate child of his parent if, at the time of the
solemnisation of the marriage, both or either of the parties reasonably 960
believed that the marriage was valid."
9.7 There is no compelling evidence produced by either P1 or the
Intervener that they had at any time been accepted into the family of
the Deceased, nor were they treated as part of the Deceased’s family. 965
During the trial:
(a) P2 admitted she had never met the Deceased’s mother.
(b) P1 admitted he had never met the Deceased’s family or Koh Seng
Lee before the Deceased's passing.
(c) P1 agreed that the Deceased did not live with him and P2 seven 970
days a week.
(d) P2 admitted that she and P1 did not participate in the Deceased’s
funeral rite ceremony on 26.03.2019.
(e) P2 admitted that she only told Koh Seng Lee at the Deceased’s
funeral that P1 was the Deceased’s son. 975
(f) P2 agree that she was not introduced as Mrs Koh at the
Deceased’s funeral,
(g) P2 agreed that the Ps never celebrated Chinese New Year with
the Deceased’s family in Malaysia.
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(h) P1 admitted that the Deceased never spent Chinese New Year’s 980
Eve with the Ps.
(i) P2 admitted that she did not attend the Deceased’s mother’s
funeral on 08.11.2004.
(j) The Ps were not named as family members in the Deceased’s late
mother’s obituaries. 985
(k) P1 admitted that he never went to pay any respects to the
Deceased’s ancestors in Malaysia.
(l) The intervener also admitted that he was never accepted as part
of the Deceased’s family.
(m) The intervener admitted that he did not attend the Deceased’s 990
funeral, and he and his mother, Ho Ah Nya, were not named in
the obituaries.
(n) The Intervener admitted that he had never met the Ds or the Ps
before this proceeding.
(o) The Intervener admitted he never celebrated Chinese New Year 995
with the Deceased’s family.
(p) The Intervener did not attend the Deceased’s mother’s funeral.
(q) The Intervener could not produce any supporting document on the
claim that the Deceased had given to the late mother, Ho Ah Nya,
RM100,000.00 to rebuild their house after it burnt down. 1000
9.8 The Intervener could not produce compelling evidence of the
purported 1st customary marriage between his mother, Ho Ah Nya, and
the Deceased. He merely relied on the unsupported evidence of:
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(i) Ho Hock Keong (IW1) was not even familiar with the name of the 1005
Deceased, nor has he ever met the deceased’s family, and nor has
he attended his funeral.
(ii) Koh Sing Puck (IW3) could not prove his relationship with the
Deceased and had not met him for over twenty years.
(iii) Koi Ai Long (IW4) provided untrue evidence of his alleged 1010
relationship with the late Ho Ah Nya or the Deceased
9.9 The purported 1st customary marriage either did not exist or was not
consensual. The Deceased had left Pulau Ketam and never returned.
He never took the late Ho Ah Nya as part of his family. 1015
9.10 Regarding the purported 3rd customary marriage, the Ps rely primarily
on the Statutory Declarations from P2’s brother, sister, and in-laws.
None were affirmed by the Deceased’s family (SD at PDF 42-86,
pp.34-78, enclosure 92). None of the deponents of the Statutory 1020
Declarations were called to own up to their SDs during the trial. P2
admitted that none of the Deceased’s family members attended the
purported 3rd customary marriage. The photographic evidence could
not prove definitively that there was a customary marriage. P2
admitted in evidence that she did not serve tea to the Deceased’s 1025
mother or D2.
9.11 The Ps family knew that the Deceased could not marry P2, and such
a union was invalid. The evidence Ps witnesses:
(i) P2’s bother, Tan Beng Kiow (PW2): 1030
(a) admitted he knew the 3rd customary marriage was not
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(b) He knew that the Deceased was not named as the father of
P1 in the birth certificate.
(c) He also agreed that the Deceased did not live or stay with the 1035
(d) He also knew that the Deceased and P2 could not register
the purported customary union as required under
Singaporean law.
(e) The Deceased did not spend Chinese New Year's Eve with 1040
the plaintiff or their family:
(ii) Koh Seng Lee (PW1) is a witness with a vested interest in the
outcome of this proceeding:
(a) He is a director and shareholder of K Seng Seng Corporation 1045
Berhad, founded by the Deceased.
(b) His evidence is contrary to other evidence adduced in Court:
(i) He pleaded ignorance of his name on the birth certificate
of P1, which I find improbable.
(ii) The Intervener informed the Court on 20.4.2021 that he 1050
was told about this proceeding by Koh Seng Lee, though
Koh Seng Lee denied that he did.
(iii) He claimed that he could not remember when the
Deceased left Pulau Ketam but could remember that the
late adoptive mother allegedly told him that the Intervener 1055
was the deceased’s son.
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(iv) In preparing the obituaries of the Deceased and the
deceased’s mother, he did not name Ho Ah Nya or the
9.12 It is highly improbable, given the circumstances, that P1 did not know 1060
throughout his growing up years that Koh Seng Lee was the named
father in his birth certificate until this proceeding began, as he is an
educated person (Degree in Accountancy and a Degree in Business).
He only sought a declaratory order from the Kuala Lumpur High Court
that Koh Seng Lee was not his father on 10.12.2019, nine months after 1065
the Deceased’s passing.
9.13 The evidence of P2 that she did not know that the Deceased was a
married man when she was working as his administrative assistant in
Singapore (1983-2012) is also highly improbable in the circumstances. 1070
9.14 While there is clear evidence that the Deceased did not include the Ps
and the Intervener in his life and businesses when he did not make
them directors or shareholders in his companies, he made the Ds
directors and shareholders of KSK Realty Sdn Bhd (PDF 62, pg.575, 1075
enclosure 101) as the Deceased intended to transfer all immovable
assets under KSK Realty Sdn Bhd where D2 would be a shareholder.
9.15 Regarding the inter-vivos claim by the Ps. The Ds argued that:
(a) The Ps relied fundamentally on IDP1-IDP6 to support their 1080
arguments on the purported gifts inter-vivos by the Deceased.
Since I have disallowed the said recordings, it would not be
necessary to address these recordings as their evidence.
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(b) The Deceased did not take steps to realise and/or perfect the
alleged inter-vivo gifts. Therefore, it is incomplete and ineffective: 1085
Tan Chong Kiat v Kwan Ah Soh & Anor [1998] 3 MLJ 884, HC.
In this regard:
(i) WSI Sdn Bhd: The Ps were not made directors or
shareholders of the company. There is no evidence that he 1090
had taken any steps to do so (PDF 66-71, pp.579-584,
enclosure 101).
(ii) Isotank Container Services Sdn Bhd: The Ps were not made
directors and shareholders of the company, and neither is
there any evidence that the Deceased has taken steps to do 1095
so (PDF 4-9, pp.639-644, enclosure 105).
(iii) Property H.S.(D) No.13953, PT No. MLO 8301, Mukim
Plentong, Daerah Johor Bharu (GRN 485717, Lot 9625,
Mukim Plentong, Daerah Johor Bharu). This property was not
gifted to the Ps but was transferred to D1 (PDF 78-79, 1100
pp.591-592, enclosure 101).
It is trite that the Court will not perfect an imperfect gift: Milroy v Lord
(1862) 45 ER 1185; Re Rose (deceased) Midland Bank Executor
and Trustee Co Ltd v Rose and Others [1948] 2 All ER 971; Kwan 1105
Teck Meng & Ors v Liew Sam Lee [1963] 1 MLJ 333; Kumarappa
Chettiar Son of Raman Chettiar of Klang v the Federated Malay
States [1938] 1 MU 9.
9.16 On the Ds counterclaim against the Ps, it was argued by the Ds that: 1110
(a) At the time the Ps filed their several suits against the Ds, it was
before the Federal Court decided Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra). It was
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a time when the Ps had no right to interfere and intervene in the
Ds' succession rights in the Deceased’s estate.
(b) Those action taken by the Ps was an abuse of process designed 1115
to extort or oppress the Ds to secure an outcome for which they
had not but for Tan Kah Fatt (supra). Provided the conditions can
be proven; otherwise, the P1 would not be entitled.
Malaysian Building Society Berhad v Tan Sri Ungku
Nazruddin Bin Ungku Mohamed [1998] 2 MLJ 425, CA cited 1120
Lord Denning in Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd & Ors [1977] 1
WLR that it is abused when it is diverted from its true course to
serve extortion or oppression: or to exert pressure to achieve an
improper end. When it is so abused, it is a tort, a wrong known to
the law. The judges can and will intervene to stop it. They will stay 1125
the legal process they can before any harm is done. If they cannot
stop it in time, and harm is done, they will give damages against
the wrongdoer. Neither malice nor the termination of the
proceedings in the plaintiff’s favour are necessary elements of this
tortuous wrong. It is only upon proof of the elements that make up 1130
the tort of collateral abuse of process that a plaintiff is entitled to
an award of damage:
(i) The process complained of must have been initiated.
(ii) The dominant purpose for initiating that process must be for
some other purpose than to obtain genuine redress, and 1135
(iii) The plaintiff has suffered damage or injury in consequence.
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(c) I have examined the chronology of events (OS 901 and Suit 649)
meant to suppress the Ds in claiming their rights of succession to
the Deceased’s estate initiated by the Ps as set out in the Ds 1140
arguments, from April 2019 – 01.08.2022.
(d) The Ps has no right or legitimate interest in the Deceased’s estate
to protect. To date, P2 still has no such right. As a result of the Ps
action, the Ds have (1) suffered mental stress and a waste of time 1145
and energy, (2) cost and expenses incurred of approximately
RM86,183.26 (breakdown given) as at the date of their defence and
Counterclaim in Suit 649 on 10.10.2019.
(e) Therefore, the Ds in their counterclaim asks for: 1150
(a) Damages to be assessed.
(b) General Damages.
(c) Interest at the rate of 8% from the date of defence and
counterclaim to the date of full realisation.
(d) An injunction against the Ps from dealing with any media and 1155
K Seng Seng until the final disposal of OS 702 and Suit 649.
(e) The Ps are declared vexatious litigants under clause 17 of
the Schedule to Section 25(2) of the Court of Judicature Act
(f) The Ps are prohibited from filing and proceedings in any 1160
Court without the Court’s permission against the Ps and the
Ps solicitors, and such an Order must be gazetted before
such proceedings can be filed.
(g) The Ps is subject to committal in default thereof.
(h) Costs for the Counterclaim. 1165
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9.17 In the circumstances, the Ds pray that:
(a) Suit 649 be dismissed with costs.
(b) The Grant of Letters of Administration in Enclosure 1 of OS 702 1170
is allowed with costs and
(c) The Ds counterclaim is allowed with costs.
[10] I observed the Intervener canvassing his position as follows: 1175
10.1 To support the alleged purported customary marriage of his mother
(Ho Ah Nya) with the Deceased, he argued that section 4 LRA Act
1976 stipulating that the Act shall not affect the validity of any marriage
solemnised under any law, religion, custom or usage before the 1180
appointed date. That such marriage, if valid under the law, religion,
custom or usage under which it was solemnised, shall be deemed to
be registered under the act. In his Counterclaim, the Intervener is
asking for the following:
“(i) Perintah deklarasi bahawa perkahwinan antara Si Mati dan ibu Pencelah
iaitu Ho Ah Nya@ Ho Cheng Bak adalah sah mengikut kepercayaan,
adat istiadat dan/atau budaya Cina;
(ii) Perintah Deklarasi bahawa Pencelah iaitu Koh Ching Kew NO.
K/P:640306-10-6365) adalah anak kandungan lelaki dan /atau zuriat 1190
kepada Si Mati;
(iii) Pencelah, Koh Ching Kew (NO. K/P:640306-10-6365) diiktirafkan
sebagai benefisiari dan waris kadim harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ Koh
Hai Sew (NO. K/P: 430719-10-5509), Si Mati yang dinamakan di atas
dan nama Pencelah, Koh Ching Kew (NO.K/P:640306-10-6365) 1195
dimasukkan dan dinyatakan sebagai benefisiari dalam senarai
benefisiari bagi harta pusaka Koh Seng Kar @ Koh Hai Sew (NO.K/P:
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(iv) Kos; dan
(v) Apa-apa relif lain yang dianggap sesuai dan patut oleh Mahkamah Yang 1200
Mulia ini.”
(a) I observe that s.4 LRA would not validate an invalid or void
marriage. The reading of the said section is obvious. It only
applies to valid marriages. In a legal article by Mr Balwant Singh 1205
Sidhu: Married or Not married? -That is the Question [2002] 3
MLJ xxix, the learned author pointed out that by s.4 LRA,
subsisting valid marriages are deemed to be registered under the
Act. However, these marriages are still open to challenge as to
their validity according to the law, religion, custom or usage under 1210
which they were solemnised. In addition, in the absence of actual
registration, subsisting customary marriages would still have to be
proven. Parties to any marriage solemnised prior to the appointed
date of the LRA may apply to the Registrar for the registration of
the marriage. 1215
(b) To demonstrate the workings of s.4, in Sabrina Loo Cheng Suan
v Eugene Khoo Oon Jin [1995] 1 CLJ 875, the High Court in
Penang had to determine the legality of a second marriage under
Chinese custom while the man was still married to his first wife.
The Chinese customary marriage was in 1973, before the 1220
enforcement of the Act. The Court held that in 1973, there was no
legal impediment against the plaintiff and the defendant entering
a Chinese customary marriage between themselves while the
defendant was married to one Dorothy Khoo, thus making the
latter the principal wife and the plaintiff the second wife. Although 1225
polygamous, Chinese customary marriages entered before March
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1, 1982, were valid. Therefore, the plaintiff’s marriage to the
defendant was valid under sections 4(1) and (2) of the Act.
(c) After the Act comes into force, a second marriage contracted while
a first marriage is still in subsistence is invalid under s.5(1). 1230
Section 34 of the LRA says that nothing in the Act or the rules
made thereunder shall be construed to render valid or invalid any
marriage which otherwise is invalid or invalid merely because it
has been or is not registered. The decision by the Court of Appeal
in Chai Siew Yin v Leong Wee Shing [2004] 1 CLJ 752 was 1235
reversed in the Federal Court Appeal No: 02-10-2003(W) when
the FC ruled that s.34 must not be read in isolation but must be
construed in harmony with other provisions of the Act which
encapsulates the overall intention of the legislature. To do
otherwise would defeat the intent and purpose of the Act, which is 1240
to provide for monogamous marriages and the solemnisation and
registration of such marriages.
(d) Therefore, s.4 cannot be read in isolation but must be in
tandem/harmoniously with other relevant provisions of the Act.
One must do more than angled it to support an 1245
unsustainable/unproven position. That would not be tenable and
most certainly be a misplaced effort.
(e) In the present case, it must be pointed out that the alleged
customary marriage between the Deceased and Ho Ah Nya had
yet to be proven or established by the Intervener to the satisfaction 1250
of the Court. There is no compelling evidence save for
unsupported and sweeping hearsay oral evidence that is vague
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on the existence of the alleged marriage. It is neither here nor
there with no definitive value.
10.2 The Intervener had exhibited his Birth Certificate (Enclosure 179, part
B, pg.5 PDF) to prove that he is the biological son of the Deceased.
However, as pointed out by the learned counsel for the Ds, I observed
that the details of the Deceased had not been correctly stated. It says
the Deceased is not a Malaysian, the Deceased is a permanent 1260
resident, and the Deceased has been identified as Hokkien, which
does not accord with the present information in the Deceased’s death
certificate adduced by the Intervener in Enclosure 179, pg.4 PDF. that
he was just Chinese. No evidence was found at the trial to prove the
information on the Birth Certificate. This is a ground for concern on 1265
the integrity of the information stated that can only be resolved by the
Registration Department. But unfortunately, no officer from the said
department was called to clarify the discrepancies in the details
concerning the alleged Deceased.
(a) It is my legitimate concern that if it can happen in the Certificate 1270
of Extract from Register of Births for P1, it can also occur with the
Intervener. A common person in these two issues is Koh Seng
Lee (PW1), who appears to have played a covert role in both
(b) The Intervener’s Birth Certificate is a Part B Document that 1275
requires the contents to be proven, though the authenticity is not
disputed. As it stands, I am not persuaded by the contents, which
require clarification from the appropriate party/authority on the
discrepancies. To reiterate, no officer from the Registration
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Department was called to clarify those discrepancies. It is not for 1280
the Court to conduct the Intervener’s case, but it is entirely up to
him to manage it and do what is necessary to persuade the Court
with cogent evidence.
(c) Any attempt at evidence by implication would not be sufficient in
the premise. Other than the said Birth Certificate with 1285
discrepancies in the details that have not been clarified, there is
no other evidence to establish the Intervener as a lineal
descendant (blood relation) with the Deceased, such as a
relationship DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) report that would
constitute a definitive prove for genetic or hereditary information 1290
(paternity/ancestry testing). What was produced before the Court
was merely unsupported postulation or evidence by implication
and uncorroborated oral hearsay evidence. What matters most is
that a definitive piece of evidence (DNA Report) that would have
tilted the scale of evidence in his favour was never produced. 1295
Therefore, even before the Court can consider the issue of
legitimacy or otherwise, a blood relation with the Deceased must
be satisfactorily established before the Court.
(d) DNA test by the Department of Chemistry Malaysia:
Paternity testing simply means establishing fatherhood. Paternity is done to 1300
confirm or exclude the biological father of a child. The DNA test is accurate,
rapid, and affordable, with a power of discrimination (accuracy) as high
as 99.9999%. DNA paternity tests can be performed on individuals of any
age. It has become the most accepted method to determine identity within
the legal scientific communities. 1305
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(e) As it is, there is no convincing evidence of the purported
customary marriage between the Deceased and the mother of the
Intervener, rendering the claim by the Intervener highly
speculative. The legal position is trite that the Court does not act 1310
on mere speculation or supposition.
10.3 The Intervener relied fundamentally on the oral hearsay evidence of
his witnesses, saying the Deceased and the late Ho Ah Nya were
purportedly married in 1968 and cohabited as husband and wife. Other 1315
than that, no definitive or persuasive evidence was adduced to
corroborate that contention. The intervener claimed that there was no
photograph to evince the tea ceremony to indicate the wedding as a
fire in Pulau Ketam had destroyed a shophouse owned by Ho Ah Nya
that the Intervener currently occupies. He cited Seow Beng Hay v 1320
Seow Soon Quee [1933] 11 MLJ, which held that such customary
marriage could be established by oral or circumstantial evidence.
(a) It is my observation that it cannot be any oral or circumstantial
evidence but must be cogent or persuasive oral evidence for the 1325
Court to make a favourable finding. At this point of the proceeding,
I find no compelling evidence to favour the Intervener. Oral
hearsay evidence is never good evidence to establish a fact.
(b) Ho Hock Keong (IW1), the younger brother to Ho Ah Nya, gave
evidence that Ho Ah Nya told him that she and the Deceased were 1330
married. No corroboration was provided.
(c) Koi Ah Long (IW4) gave a sweeping statement that the Deceased
and Ho Ah Nya were married to each other. All seniors in Pulau
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Ketam know they were married. But no relevant seniors were
called to corroborate that statement. 1335
(d) Koh Seng Lee (PW1) said that the Deceased had never
mentioned to him that the deceased was married in Pulau Ketam.
Only that their mother and father allegedly informed him. No
tangible evidence was adduced to corroborate the position taken.
To reiterate, I am unpersuaded with the foregoing unsupported
10.4 The Intervener further claimed that the Deceased had presented a
payment of RM100,000.00 to the late mother, but he could not prove 1345
it since the mother had passed away long ago. Maybank does not want
to disclose any financial information, though requested by his solicitor
due to secrecy provisions under the Financial Services Act 2013.
10.5 He relied fundamentally on the testimony of Koh Seng Lee (PW1), the 1350
adopted brother of the Deceased, who was complicit in the Certificate
of Extract from Register of Births of P1 debacle addressed in the
foregoing paragraph 3.4 herein. It was claimed that Koh Seng Lee had
notified the Intervener for whatever reason that the Deceased was
married in Pulau Ketam. There was no cogent evidence to corroborate 1355
that statement.
(a) I observed that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) seems to have played a role
everywhere in this proceeding. The fact that the said Koh Seng
Lee (PW1) has been complicit in the Certificate of Extract from the 1360
Register of Births of P1 debacle for the past thirty-plus years, and
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necessarily with the knowledge of P2 as the mother of P1, gives
me grounds for concern about the veracity of his unsupported oral
(b) The very debacle that has yet to be addressed and resolved by 1365
the relevant Singaporean Authorities and what action is to be
taken, if any, on the Kuala Lumpur High Court Order that had
made some findings on the details of the P1 Certificate of Extract
from Register of Births.
(c) The deafening silence by both P1 and Koh Seng Lee (PW1) on 1370
the matter can only mean that the issue had not been raised with
the relevant Singaporean Authority since the day the Order was
granted (more than three years ago) for whatever reason that only
they know and do not wish to be forthcoming about it.
(d) The High Court Order of 10.12.2019 was explicit in ordering 1375
(mandatory injunction) that Koh Seng Lee (PW1) must remove his
name from the Register of Births in Singapore within fourteen days
from the date of that Order. This does not augur well for their
credibility in this Court.
In those foregoing circumstances, the Intervener prays for order in terms of 1380
his counterclaim.
[11] It is trite in law that all cases are decided on the legal burden of proof
being discharged: 1385
11.1 It is the acid test applied in any particular case.
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(a) Lord Brandon in Rhesa Shipping Co.SA v Edmunds [1985] 1
WLR 948 at 955 said: 1390
“No judge likes to decide cases on the burden of proof if he can legitimately
avoid having to do so. There are cases, however, in which, owing to the
unsatisfactory state of the evidence or otherwise, deciding on the burden of
proof is the only just course to take.”
(b) In Britestone Pte Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East, Ltd
[2007] 4 SLR(R) 855 it was said that:
“The Court’s decision in every case will depend on whether the party
concerned has satisfied the particular burden and standard of proof imposed
on him. Since the terms ‘proved’, ‘disproved’, and ‘not proved’ are statutory 1400
definitions contained in the Evidence Act (Cap 9), 1997 Rev Ed), the term
‘proof’. Wherever it appears in the Evidence Act and unless the context
otherwise suggests, means the burden to satisfy the Court of the existence
or non-existence of some fact, that is, the legal burden of proof”.
(c) The burden of proof in establishing its case is on the plaintiff. It is
not the Ds' duty to disprove it. The evidentiary burden is trite that
those who allege a fact are duty-bound to prove it (see s.101, 102,
and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950).
(d) In Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254 (CA) held:
"The burden of proof under section 102 of the Evidence Enactment is upon
the person who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side, and
accordingly, the plaintiff must establish his case. If he fails to do so, it will not
avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. 1415
The defendant can say it is wholly immaterial whether I prove my case or not.
You have not proved yours".
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(e) In Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v. Lawrence Lam Kwok
Fou & Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, held: 1420
"It was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has
discharged the onus on her to prove her case on a balance of probabilities,
the burden did not shift to the defendant, and no matter if the defendant's
case was completely unbelievable, the claim against him must in these
circumstances be dismissed. With respect, we agree with this judicial 1425
11.2 Distribution Act 1958 (Act 300):
Section 3.
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires— 1430
"child" means a legitimate child and where the deceased is permitted
by his personal law a plurality of wives includes a child by any of such
wives but does not include an adopted child other than a child adopted
under the provisions of the Adoption Act 1952 [Act 257].
"issue" includes children and the descendants of deceased children;
"parent" means the natural mother or father of a child, or the lawful
mother or father of a child under the Adoption Act 1952; "Peninsular
Malaysia" has the meaning assigned thereto in section 3 of the
Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 [Act 388] and includes the Federal 1440
Section 4
(1) The distribution of the movable property of a person deceased
shall be regulated by the law of the country in which he was 1445
domiciled at the time of his death.
(2) The distribution of the immovable property of a person deceased
intestate shall be regulated by this Act wherever he may have
been domiciled at the time of his death.
Persons held to be similarly related to deceased. 1450
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Section 6
(1) After the commencement of this Act, if any person shall die intestate
as to any property to which he is beneficially entitled to an interest
which does not cease on his death, such property Distribution 7 or
the proceeds thereof after payment thereout of the expenses of due 1455
administration shall, subject to the provisions of section 4, be
distributed in the manner or be held on the trusts mentioned in this
section, namely--
(a) if an intestate die leaving a spouse and no issue and no parent
or parents, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to the whole 1460
of the estate;
(b) if an intestate die leaving no issue but a spouse and a parent
or parents, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-half of
the estate and the parent or parents shall be entitled to the
remaining one-half; 1465
(c) if an intestate die leaving issue but no spouse and no parent or
parents, the surviving issue shall be entitled to the whole of the
(d) if an intestate die leaving no spouse and no issue but a parent
or parents, the surviving parent or parents shall be entitled to 1470
the whole of the estate;
(e) if an intestate die leaving a spouse and issue but no parent or
parents, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-third of
the estate and the issue the remaining two-thirds;
(f) if an intestate die leaving no spouse but issue and a parent or 1475
parents, the surviving issue shall be entitled to two-thirds of
the estate and the parent or parents the remaining one-third;
(g) if an intestate die leaving a spouse, issue and parent or parents,
the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-quarter of the
estate, the issue shall be entitled to one-half of the estate and 1480
the parent or parents the remaining one-quarter;
(h) subject to the rights of a surviving spouse or a parent or
parents, as the case may be, the estate of an intestate who
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leaves issue shall be held on the trusts set out in section 7 for
the issue; 1485
(i) if an intestate die leaving no spouse, issue, parent or parents,
the whole of the estate of the intestate shall be held on trusts
for the following persons living at the death of the intestate and
in the following order and manner, namely:
Firstly, on the trusts set out in section 7 for the brothers and 1490
sisters of the intestate in equal shares; but if no person takes
an absolutely vested interest under such trusts, then
Secondly, for the grandparents of the intestate, and if more than
one survives the intestate in equal shares absolutely; but if
there are no grandparents surviving, then 1495
Thirdly, on the trusts set out in section 7 for the uncles and aunts
of the intestate in equal shares; but if no person takes an
absolutely vested interest under such trusts, then Fourthly, for
the great grandparents of the intestate and if more than one
survives the intestate in equal shares absolutely; but if there are 1500
no such great grandparents surviving, then
Fifthly, on the trusts set out in section 7 for the great grand
uncles and great grand aunts of the intestate in equal shares.
(j) In default of any person taking an absolute interest under the
foregoing provisions the Government shall be entitled to the 1505
whole of the estate except insofar as the same consists of land.
(2) If any person so dying intestate be permitted by his personal law a
plurality of wives and shall leave surviving him more wives than one,
such wives shall share among them equally the share which the wife
of the intestate would have been entitled to, had such intestate left 1510
one wife only surviving him.
(3) When the intestate and the intestate's husband or wife have died in
circumstances rendering it uncertain which of them survived the
other, this section shall, notwithstanding any rule of law to the
contrary, have effect as regards the intestate as if the husband or 1515
wife had not survived the intestate.
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11.3 Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952:
Section 4:
(1) A male person married in accordance with the provisions of this 1520
Ordinance, shall be incapable during the continuance of such
marriage, of contracting a valid marriage with any third person.
whether as principal or secondary wife.
Section 5: 1525
(1) If any male person lawfully married under this Ordinance shall
thereafter during the continuance of such marriage contract a
union with a woman which but for such marriage would confer
rights of succession or inheritance upon such woman or upon
the issue of such union, no issue of such union shall be 1530
legitimate or have any right of inheritance in or succession to the
estate of such male person, and no such woman shall have any
right by reason of the death intestate of such male person.
11.4 The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (LRA) 1535
Section 4:
(1) Nothing in this Act shall affect the validity of any marriage
solemnized under any law, religion, custom or usage prior to the
appointed date.
(2) Such marriage, if valid under the law, religion, custom or usage 1540
under which it was solemnized, shall be deemed to be registered
under this Act.
(3) Every such marriage, unless void under the law, religion, custom
or usage under which it was solemnized, shall continue until
dissolved— 1545
(a) by the death of one of the parties;
(b) by order of a court of competent jurisdiction; or
(c) by a decree of nullity made by a court of competent
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Section 5:
(1) Every person who on the appointed date is lawfully married under
any law, religion, custom or usage to one or more spouses shall
be incapable, during the continuance of such marriage or
marriages, of contracting a valid marriage under any law, religion, 1555
custom or usage with any other person, whether the first
mentioned marriage or the purported second mentioned marriage
is contracted within Malaysia or outside Malaysia.
(2) Every person who on the appointed date is lawfully married under
any law, religion, custom or usage to one or more spouses and 1560
who subsequently ceases to be married to such spouse or all such
spouses, shall, if he thereafter marries again, be incapable during
the continuance of that marriage of contracting a valid marriage
with any other person under any law, religion, custom or usage,
whether the second mentioned marriage or purported third 1565
mentioned marriage is contracted within Malaysia or outside
(3) Every person who on the appointed date is unmarried and who
after that date marries under any law, religion, custom or usage
shall be incapable during the continuance of such marriage of 1570
contracting a valid marriage with any other person under any law,
religion, custom or usage, whether the first mentioned marriage or
the purported second mentioned marriage is contracted within
Malaysia or outside Malaysia.
(4) After the appointed date, no marriage under any law, religion, 1575
custom or usage may be solemnized except as provided in Part
Section 6:
(1) Every marriage contracted in contravention of section 5 shall be 1580
(2) If any male person lawfully married under any law, religion,
custom or usage shall during the continuance of such marriage
contract another union with any woman, such woman shall have
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no right of succession or inheritance on the death intestate of such 1585
male person.
(3) Nothing in this section shall affect the liability of any person to pay
such maintenance as may be directed to be paid by him under this
Act or any other written law.
Section 22:
(1) Every marriage under this Act shall be solemnized—
(a) in the office of a Registrar with open doors within the
hours of six in the morning and seven in the evening;
(b) in such place other than in the office of a Registrar at such 1595
time as may be authorized by a valid licence issued under
subsection 21(3); or
(c) in a church or temple or at any place of marriage in
accordance with section 24 at any such time as may be
permitted by the religion, custom or usage which the 1600
parties to the marriage or either of them profess or
(2) A valid marriage may be solemnized under paragraph (1)(a) or (b)
by a Registrar if a certificate for the marriage issued by the
Registrar or Registrar concerned or a licence authorizing the 1605
marriage is delivered to him.
(3) A valid marriage may be solemnized under paragraph (1)(c) by an
Assistant Registrar if he is satisfied by statutory declaration that—
(a) either—
(i) each of the parties is twenty-one years of age or over, 1610
or, if not, is a widower or widow, as the case may be,
(ii) if either party is a minor who has not been previously
married and the female party not under the age of
sixteen years that the consent of the appropriate 1615
person mentioned in section 12 has been given in
writing, or has been dispensed with, or has been
given by a court in accordance with section 12;
(b) there is no lawful impediment to the marriage;
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(c) neither of the parties to the intended marriage is married 1620
under any law, religion, custom or usage to any person
other than the person with whom such marriage is
proposed to be contracted; and
(d) in so far as the intended marriage is a Christian marriage
and is to be solemnized in accordance with the rites, 1625
ceremonies or usages of a Christian religious
denomination, the provisions of the canons of such
religious denomination relating to the publication of
banns or the giving notice of the intended marriage have
been complied with or lawfully dispensed with in 1630
accordance with such canons.
(4) Every marriage purported to be solemnized in Malaysia shall be
void unless a certificate for marriage or a licence has been issued
by the Registrar or Chief Minister or a statutory declaration under
subsection (3) has been delivered to the Registrar or Assistant 1635
Registrar, as the case may be.
(5) Every marriage shall be solemnized in the presence of at least two
credible witnesses besides the Registrar.
(6) No marriage shall be solemnized unless the Registrar is satisfied
that both the parties to the marriage freely consent to the 1640
Section 75:
(2) Subject to the provisions of this section, the child of a void
marriage shall be treated as the legitimate child of his parent if, 1645
at the time of the solemnisation of the marriage, both or either
of the parties reasonably believed that the marriage was valid.
[12] I have examined all-cause papers, the evidence and/or the lack thereof 1650
at the trial, and the parties' respective submissions in canvassing for their
position in the present suit. Considering my observation in paragraph [3] 3.4
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and my observations in the parties' respective arguments in paragraphs [8]
8.1-8.8, [9] 9.1-9.18, and [10] 10.1-10.5 hereof, and in addition to, it is my
considered determination that: 1655
12.1 The Ps and the Intervener have failed to discharge their burden of
proof to establish their respective claim of entitlement to the estate of
the Deceased under ss 101-103 Evidence Act 1950: Britestone Pte
Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East, Ltd [2007] 4 SLR(R) 855. 1660
12.2 Evidently, the Ps and the Intervener failed to adduce the required
compelling evidence to tilt the scale of evidence in their favour. The
arguments and assertions by the Ps and the Intervener are simply
speculative at best, and the Court will not act on speculation. As 1665
observed by the Federal Court in Guan Soon Tin Mining Co v Wong
Fook Kum [1969] 1 MLJ 99, FC, that there was no positive proof, but
only a possibility. In the circumstances, it is not good enough.
12.3 It is trite in law that the burden of proof in establishing its case is on 1670
the Ps and the Intervener. It is not the Ds' duty to disprove it. The
evidentiary burden is that those who allege a fact are duty-bound to
prove it (see s.101, 102, and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950).
[13] It is an established foundation that in Malaysia, marriage under the 1675
Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164) (LRA) anchors on
registration for legal recognition of marital union. A similar position would
apply under the Women’s Charter 1961 in the Republic of Singapore. It is
trite; a customary wedding does not constitute, nor does it satisfy, the legal
requirement of a valid registration under the LRA. In our present case, the 1680
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Deceased elected to register his customary marriage to D2 in Malaysia
under the Civil Marriage Ordinance 1954 on 4.5.1979 (L.95, pg.417) before
the LRA superseded it. It is trite that registration is to facilitate monogamy in
civil unions and that is the basic principle behind it. It is my considered
judgment that the 2nd customary marriage by the Deceased to D2 is a lawful 1685
marriage under the CMO. Consequently, the birth of D1 (PDF7, pg.418, L95)
under this lawful marriage cements her succession rights to the Deceased's
estate with her mother (D2). The Ds are, undoubtedly, the lawful heirs (lawful
daughter and widow) from the duly registered marriage of the Deceased:
13.1 I find the Intervener’s claim to be entitled as the supposed son of the 1690
purported 1st customary marriage of the Deceased in the 1960s
fundamentally flawed with no compelling evidence to establish his
claim save for hearsay evidence and utter speculation as I had
observed in paragraph [10] hereof.
13.2 The Ps claim to be the lawful son and widow of the Deceased arising 1695
from an unproven customary marriage (19.02.1988) that was not
registered under the Women’s Charter 1961, as legally required in
Singapore, is unsustainable. I have addressed this in paragraph [9]
13.3 Among others, the plaintiffs alleged that the Deceased had gifted 1700
specific properties inter-vivo (gifts before death) to them, but no
evidence was adduced that the said gifts had been duly completed or
perfected during the Deceased's life. No evidence of the Deceased’s
intention was produced save for self-serving assertions by the Ps. I
observed that this claim by the Ps had been entirely negated by the Ds 1705
arguments in paragraph [9] 9.6 hereof.
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13.4 From the entirety of the evidence before, it is evident that:
(a) No rectified Certificate of Extract from the Register of Births for P1
from the relevant Singaporean Authority exists. Koh Seng Lee
remains the named father on the official record. There are no 1710
definitive materials other than suggestive/speculative materials
that the Deceased is the biological father of P1. In failing to
establish factually that P1 is the natural offspring of the Deceased
(legitimate or illegitimate), P1 has no claim on the Deceased's
estate. Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra), is distinguished and is of no 1715
assistance in the circumstances.
(b) Grounding her claim on the Deceased’s estate on an invalid
customary marriage (non-registration under the Women’s Charter
1961) provides P2 with no right to succession. Otherwise, an
Order from the Singaporean High Court would have been sought 1720
for reciprocal enforcement in Malaysia. The Ps objection to the
expert evidence from Singapore on the legal status of the
purported customary marriage of D2 to the Deceased is
dismissed. The Ps did not offer an expert of their own to say
otherwise. This invalid marriage cannot be used to premise a 1725
claim for succession in Malaysia as well. This invalidity caused by
the non-registration of the customary marriage would sever her
claim for succession to the estate of the Deceased. Even if the
Deceased and P2 elect to register this 3rd customary marriage,
they could not do so. At the same time, there is evidence of an 1730
existing 2nd customary marriage to D2 that had been registered
under the CMO in Malaysia at the time. The said 2nd customary
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marriage is still subsisting. A will or perfected gifts inter-vivos
would have assisted her, but there is none to be proven in this
case. 1735
(c) The Civil Marriage Ordinance 1952, the Law Reform (Marriage &
Divorce) Act 1976 in Malaysia, and the Women’s Charter 1961 in
Singapore are predicated on promoting and maintaining
monogamy in civil marriages and the protection of women’s rights
and interests as well as their valid offsprings. Customary rites 1740
personal to the parties cannot be used to override legislative
requirements for validity.
(d) The owners of the self-serving Statutory Declaration (SDs’ at PDF
42-86, pp.34-78, enclosure 92) were not called to verify the
contents of their respective SD to support the Ps position on the 1745
existence of the alleged 3rd customary marriage. It renders the
contents unproven. Though the SDs’ are Part B documents, their
contents must still be proven. However, it cannot alter nor
exculpate the 3rd customary marriage for invalidity due to non-
registration. 1750
(e) IDP1-IDP6 (the video recording) is disallowed. It cannot be
referred to or used to support the claim and arguments of the Ps
in this proceeding. As a Part C Document, its authenticity and
contents need to be satisfactorily proven, and it wasn’t. Editing the
recording into six segments is an indication to it being edited in 1755
one way or another. The Ps are to be blamed for not ensuring the
integrity of the evidence as required by law since it is fundamental
to their case. The interpreter who carried out the transcript was
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not called to verify the proposed evidence and its contents. The
transcript may have been placed in Part B Documents, but the 1760
contents still need to be proven to the satisfaction of the Court.
Without IDP1-IDP6 and the transcript, the Ps have lost a
fundamental part of their supposed evidence to support their
claim. Without fundamental supporting evidence, their claim must
naturally fail. 1765
(f) Concerning the Ds counterclaim on the tort of collateral abuse of
process against the Ps. It is my considered judgment that after
considering the facts and the relevant law, the Ds has proven the
requirements for the alleged tortious wrong by the Ps:
(i) The process complained of must have been initiated: 1770
OS 901 and Suit 649 were started much before the FC’s decision in
Tan Kah Fatt was delivered.
(ii) The dominant purpose for initiating that process must be for some
other purpose than to obtain genuine redress:
At the time the action was taken, the Ps had no succession rights over 1775
the estate of the Deceased, and from the facts of proceedings herein,
still, today has none that can be proven in this proceeding.
(i) The plaintiff has suffered damage or injury in consequence:
(ii) Tabulated by the Ds in paragraph 139, enclosure 233 from April 2019
– 01.08.2022, with expenses incurred as tabulated in enclosure 233, 1780
Malaysian Building Society Berhad v Tan Sri Ungku
Nazruddin Bin Ungku Mohamed [1998] 2 MLJ 425, CA cited
Lord Denning in Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd & Ors [1977] 1
WLR, made it clear that neither malice nor the termination of the 1785
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proceedings (OS 901) in the plaintiff’s favour (with costs ordered
to be paid to the Ds) are necessary elements of this tortuous
wrong. Only upon proof of the elements that make up the tort of
collateral abuse of process is a plaintiff entitled to an award of
damage. 1790
(g) Concerning the Intervener claiming to be the lawful natural
offspring of the Deceased by his purported 1st customary marriage
to Ho Ah Nya, no compelling evidence was adduced to establish
the marriage or that the Deceased was his biological father. The
Birth Certificate he produced in Court at trial is indeterminable due 1795
to discrepancies in its information. The Intervener failed to call the
officer from the Registration Department to clarify the ambiguity
and doubt. In such circumstances, no DNA Report was produced
to establish that he is the biological offspring of the Deceased for
Tan Kah Fatt, FC (supra) to apply. Just like P1, he did not pursue 1800
for an Order from the Court to compel a DNA test to be carried
out. For want of convincing evidence, the Intervener’s claim must
be dismissed with costs. The Court will not act on speculative
(h) It is a cardinal rule in litigation that parties cannot conduct nor 1805
pursue their respective cases by instalments.
[14] It is my considered judgment that the Ps and the Intervener have failed
to establish their claim. To cite Lord Brandon in Rhesa Shipping Co.SA v
Edmunds [1985] 1 WLR 948 at 955, that no judge likes to decide cases on 1810
the burden of proof if he can legitimately avoid having to do so. There are
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cases, however, in which, owing to the unsatisfactory state of the evidence
or otherwise, deciding on the burden of proof is the only just course to take.
Accordingly, the respective claims by the Ps and the Intervener are
dismissed with costs. 1815
[15] In light of the foregoing and after closely scrutinising and examining all
evidence adduced before me, it is my considered judgment that:
15.1 On the balance of probability, I find that the scale of evidence had tilted 1820
in the Ds' Favor.
15.2 I hold that the Ps and the Intervener failed to discharge their burden
and prove their case.
15.3 Their claims (Ps and the Intervener) were dismissed with cost:
(a) Against P1-P2: Global costs of RM100,000.00 to be paid to 1825
D1-D2 within 30 days, and
(b) Against the Intervener: RM15,000.00 to be paid to D1-D2
within 30 days.
15.4 After considering the parties’ arguments for the tort of collateral abuse
of process, I find for the Ds. The Ds’ counterclaim: 1830
(a) Prayer (a) and (b) are allowed with costs and for damages to
be assessed.
(b) Prayer (c) interest at 5%.
(c) Prayers (d), (e), and (f) are disallowed.
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15.5 Grounded on the facts in present Suit 649 and its appropriate dismissal
thereof, there is no more impediment to OS 702 for the Grant of the
letter of Administration to the Deceased’s estate. Consequently, it is
granted to D1 as prayed with costs. 1840
Dated 02.11.2023.
Mr. Trevor George De Silva, together with Mr. Beh Chee Wei and
Ms. Peyton Yap
Messrs. Beh & Co.
Counsels for the plaintiffs
Ms. Goh Siu Lin, together with Ms. Denise Lim Hsui Yen
Messrs. Kee Sern, Siu & Huey.
Counsels for the defendants
Mr. Wong Kok Yih 1865
Messrs. Gary Wong & Co.
Counsel for the intervener
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| 120,165 | Tika 2.6.0 |
KLHC WA-22NCC-159-04/2021 | PLAINTIF GAN KOK HWA [ IDENTITY CARD NO.: 750124055445 ] [ MESSRS EWE CHONG & KHOO (KUALA LUMPUR) ] DEFENDAN LOO CHOOI TING [ IDENTITY CARD NO.: 610620015480 ] [ MESSRS AMAR SYIIMIR IZZAT & SHAM (KUALA LUMPUR) ] | Companies — Sale of shares — Whether there is oral understanding that shareholders fund the expenses of the Company — Defendant failed to testify to support her Counterclaim — Whether adverse inference should be drawn — Whether breakdown of Company expenses contained in 2 sheets of paper is admissible as evidence — Whether Defendant has satisfied court as to fact of the oral understanding and quantum of Company expenses — Whether Defendant on balance of probabilities proved her Counterclaim | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
CIVIL SUIT NO.: WA-22NCC-159-04/2021
GAN KOK HWA (NRIC No.: 750124-05-5445) … PLAINTIFF
LOO CHOOI TING (NRIC No.: 610620-01-5480) … DEFENDANT
[1] In this action, the Plaintiff sought to recover from the Defendant
a balance sum of RM1,700,000 in respect of shares sold to the
Defendant in a company known as Builtamont Development Sdn Bhd
(“the Company”).
[2] The trial however only concerns the Defendant’s counterclaim for
a sum of RM643,494.65 being allegedly the Plaintiff’s 25% share of
debts/expenses of RM2,573,978.58 incurred by the Company for the
years 2015 to 2020. According to the Defendant, there was an oral
understanding between the parties that both were to bear the expenses
of the Company during their tenure as shareholders.
[3] The Plaintiff denied there was such an oral understanding and
pleaded further that when the 25% block was sold to the Defendant, it was
a term of sale that the Plaintiff shall cease to be responsible for all
outstanding payments or debts of the Company.
[4] During trial of the counterclaim, the Plaintiff testified in person
whilst the Defendant called 2 witnesses to adduce evidence i.e. DW1
(Chan Moi Fong, instructed by Defendant to work on the Company’s
accounts) and DW2 (Noraini binti Rashid) in support of the counterclaim.
[5] I had on 14.8.2023 dismissed the Defendant’s counterclaim and
given broad grounds as to why. This judgment contains the full reasons
for my decision.
[6] The Plaintiff and Pembinaan Makmur Teguh Sdn Bhd (“PMTSB”)
together held 25% or 250,000 units of the ordinary shares in the Company
whilst the other 75% was held by the Defendant.
[7] On 25.8.2020, the Defendant wrote to the Plaintiff and PMTSB
expressing her interest to purchase the 25% shares for a sum of RM2.2
million and proposed that upon receipt of duly executed blank and
undated Transfer Forms for the shares and the Plaintiff’s resignation as a
director of the Company, the Defendant shall deliver 2 postdated cheques
as follows:
(i) a cheque for the sum of RM500,000.00 dated 3 weeks after
the date of receipt of the Transfer Forms and Resignation
Letter; and
(ii) a cheque for the balance sum of RM1,700,000.00 dated 6
months after the date of the first cheque.
[8] On 28.08.2020, Messrs. Tee, Ooi & Partners wrote to the
(a) confirming that they represent the Plaintiff and PMTSB;
(b) that they were preparing the Transfer Forms and
Resignation Letter;
(c) counter proposed the following terms:
(i) a simultaneous exchange of the blank and undated
Transfer Forms and Resignation Letter and the post-
dated cheques in favour of the Plaintiff only; and
(ii) that the Plaintiff shall cease to be responsible for all
outstanding payments or debts of the Company (if
[9] On 02.09.2020, Messrs. Y.C. Wong (“Messrs. YC Wong”) acting
for the Defendant wrote, inter-alia, to expressly confirm the Defendant’s
agreement to the terms including that the Plaintiff shall cease to be
responsible for all outstanding payments or debts of the Company.
[10] Pursuant to the terms of sale as agreed, Plaintiff did handover
the blank and undated Transfer Forms and Resignation Letter as well as
the relevant board and shareholders’ resolutions of PMTSB for the
purposes of effecting the transfer of the cumulative 250,000 ordinary
shares to the Defendant and the Defendant did issue 2 Hong Leong Bank
cheques to the Plaintiff as follows:
(i) Cheque No. 469176 dated 26.9.2020 for a sum of
RM500,000; and
(ii) Cheque No. 469178 postdated to 27.3.2021 for a sum of
[11] The 1st cheque was good for payment.
[12] On 9.3.2021, about 2 weeks before the 2nd cheque was due for
payment, the Defendant’s new solicitors, namely Messrs Amar Syiimir
Izzat & Sham wrote to the Plaintiff as follows:
(a) informed that an alleged recent audit on the accounts of
the Company for the period of 2015 and 2020, reveal that
there were various expenses incurred by the Company
amounting to RM2,573,978.58;
(b) the Plaintiff is to be responsible for 25% of the expenses
incurred by the Company:
(i) stating that the Defendant “has agreed to set off the
amount of RM643,494.65” from the “amount of
RM1,700,000.00 being the second tranche of the
purchase price of the shares. As such the remaining
amount to be paid by our client after the setting off is
RM1,056,505.35”; and
(ii) sought the Plaintiff’s return of the post-dated cheque
of RM1,700,000 within seven (7) days.
[13] The Plaintiff’s solicitors responded to the said letter, reminding
that the Defendant had agreed that the Plaintiff will not be liable for all
outstanding payments or debts of the Company.
[14] The 2nd cheque for RM1,700,000 when presented for payment
was countermanded; hence this suit and the counterclaim.
[15] On 15.9.2021, summary judgment was entered against the
Defendant. The reasons for allowing the summary judgment application
has been set out in my first grounds of judgment – see Gan Kok Hwa v
Loo Chooi Ting [2021] MLJU 2336; [2021] 1 LNS 1922. The Defendant’s
appeal to the Court of Appeal against the entry of summary judgment was
not successful.
[16] The issues to be tried in my view boil down to 3 as follows:
16.1 Whether there is an oral understanding or agreement
between the Plaintiff and the Defendant to jointly bear the
expenses of the Company, Builtamont Development Sdn.
Bhd. from 2015 to 2020?
16.2 Whether the Company, Builtamont Development Sdn.
Bhd. incurred expenses of RM2,573,978.58 from 2015 to
16.3 If so, whether the Plaintiff owes the Defendant the sum of
RM643,494.65 being his 25% share of the expenses?
Burden of proof
[17] The Defendant in the counterclaim bears the legal and evidential
burden to prove on a balance of probabilities of establishing a case
against the Plaintiff throughout the trial. In the case of Dr
Shanmuganathan v Periasamy s/o Sithambaram Pillai [1997] 3 MLJ 61,
the Federal Court held:
“Sections 101, 102, 103 and 106 of the Evidence Act 1950 deal with the
burden of proof. Under s 101, it is provided that whoever desires any
court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability, dependent on
the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts
exist. Under s 102 the burden of proof lies on that person who would
fail if no evidence at all were given on either side. Under s 103, the
burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that person who wishes the
court to believe in its existence, unless it is provided by any law that the
proof of that fact shall lie on any particular person. Under s 106, when any
fact is especially within the knowledge of any person the burden of proving
that fact is upon him.”
[18] In Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L Allagappan (as
executor to SL Alameloo Achi alias Sona Lena Alamelo Acho, deceased)
& Anor v Secure Plantation Sdn Bhd [2017] 4 MLJ 697, Jeffrey Tan FCJ
elucidated as follows:
“[56] Thus, a plaintiff has both the burden of proof as well as the initial
onus of proof. In Britestone Pte Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East,
Ltd [2007] 4 SLR 855, the Singapore Court of Appeal per VK Rajah JCA,
delivering the judgment of the court, explained that at the start of the
plaintiff’s case the burden of proof and the onus of proof coincide:
… at the start of the plaintiff’s case, the legal burden of proving the
existence of any relevant fact that the plaintiff must prove and the
evidential burden of some (not inherently incredible) evidence of the
existence of such fact coincide. Upon adduction of that evidence, the
evidential burden shifts to the defendant, as the case may be, to
adduce some evidence in rebuttal. If no evidence in rebuttal is
adduced, the court may conclude from the evidence of the defendant.
If, on the other hand, evidence in rebuttal is adduced, the evidential
burden shifts back to the plaintiff. If, ultimately, the evidential burden
comes to rest on the defendant, the legal burden of proof of the
relevant fact would have been discharged by the plaintiff. The
legal burden of proof — a permanent and enduring burden — does not
shift. A party who has the legal burden of proof on any issue must
discharge it throughout. Sometimes, the legal burden is spoken of,
inaccurately, as ‘shifting’; but what is truly meant is that another issue
has been engaged, on which the opposite party hears the legal burden
of proof.
[57] The rule is that ‘the onus of proof of any particular fact lies on the
party who alleges it, not on him who denies it; et incumbit probation qui
decit, non qui negat, Actori incibit probation … The plaintiff is bound in the
first instance, to show a prima facie case, and if he leaves it imperfect,
the court will not assist him. Hence the maxim Potior est condition
defendantis. A plaintiff cannot obviously advantage himself by the weakness
of the defence. A plaintiff’s case must stand or fall upon the evidence
adduced by him. When, however, the defendant, or either litigant party,
instead of denying what is alleged against him, relies on some new matter
which, if true, is an answer to it, the burden of proof changes sides; and he,
in his turn, is bound to show a prima facie case at least and, if he leaves it
imperfect, the court will not assist him. Reus excipendo fit actor’ (Woodroffe
and Amir Ali, Vol 3 at pp 3190-3191). (Emphasis added)
[19] I would thus remind myself that if the Defendant does not
discharge her burden, the counterclaim would be dismissed
notwithstanding whether the defence is or is not established. I now deal
with the issues.
Evaluations and Findings
Whether there is an oral understanding or agreement between the Plaintiff
and the Defendant to jointly bear the expenses of the Company from 2015
to 2020?
[20] Having heard the evidence of the 2 witnesses called for the
Defendant and the Plaintiff who testified in person, examined and read the
relevant documents and submission of the parties, I am of the respectful
view that the Defendant has not proven her counterclaim on a balance of
[21] Firstly, there were no contemporaneous documents at all
between Plaintiff and the Defendant from 2015 – 2020 to support the
alleged understanding pertaining to the Plaintiff being responsible to pay
25% of the Company’s expenses. Both DW-1 and DW-2 have no
personal knowledge of the relevant fact in dispute namely that of oral
agreement/understanding. Their evidence is pure hearsay and is
worthless as evidence and no court can be expected to pay the slightest
attention to it.
[22] The date of the oral understanding or agreement in the instant
case is unknown. In Tan Poh Yee v Tan Boon Thien & Other Appeals
[2017] 3 CLJ 569 at 571, the Court of Appeal held that where an oral
agreement is pleaded, it is incumbent on the person asserting on the
existence of said oral agreement to pleaded the precise date upon which
the oral agreement was entered into:
“It was the respondent’s obligation to ensure that all the material particulars
and facts necessary to establish his case had been acquired before the filing
of the claim. The respondent had failed to establish the existence of
such purported 2004 agreement when the respondent could not
provide or specify the precise date upon which it was entered into. The
date for the conclusion of a valid contract, especially an oral one in the
instant appeal, was pertinent and must be specific to achieve certainty.
A party intending to rely on the oral agreement could not make an
assumption of any date and failure to provide the precise date
necessarily meant that the plaintiff had failed to prove the existence of
the same. The respondent therefore had failed to plead and provide the
material particulars to the exact date of the purported 2004 agreement at
this preliminary stage which was highly prejudicial to the appellants and
fatal to the respondent’s case.”
[23] Second, the evidence when properly analysed will lead to a
finding that the fate of the counterclaim was sealed by the Defendant’s
failure to testify. In the face of denial by the Plaintiff that the understanding
was ever made, there is as such a controversy of fact pertaining to the
truth of the allegation of fact of the alleged understanding and breach
which can only be resolved by viva voce evidence. It would be critical to
ascertain the true state of affairs by resort to cross-examination. The
Defendant however undermined her position by not testifying. I can be
forgiven for concluding that she was trying to avoid cross examination.
Her not testifying is significant as here is a case where she alleged there
was an oral agreement /understanding for the Plaintiff to bear 25% of the
Company’s s expenses. It behoves her to give evidence to prove her case.
[24] In Takako Sakao (f) v Ng Pek Yuen (f) Anor (2009) 6 MLJ 751,
the Federal Court speaking through Gopal Sri Ram FCJ, provided a useful
guide when there is no evidence put forth by a party in a civil case:
“[4] In our judgment, two consequences inevitably followed when the first
respondent who was fully conversant with the facts studiously refrained from
giving evidence. In the first place, the evidence given by the appellant
ought to have been presumed to be true. As Elphinstone CJ said
inWasakah Singh v Bachan Singh (1931) 1 MC 125 at p 128:
If the party on whom the burden of proof lies gives or calls evidence
which, if it is believed, is sufficient to prove his case, then the judge is
bound to call upon the other party, and has no power to hold that the
first party has failed to prove his case merely because the judge does
not believe his evidence. At this stage, the truth or falsity of the evidence
is immaterial. For the purpose of testing whether there is a case to
answer, all the evidence given must be presumed to be true.
Now, what the trial judge did in the present case is precisely what he
ought not to have done. He expressed dissatisfaction with the
appellant's evidence without asking himself that most vital question:
does the first defendant/respondent have a case to answer? This failure
on the part of the trial judge is a serious non-direction amounting to a
misdirection which occasioned a miscarriage of justice. The trial judge
was at that stage not concerned with his belief of the appellant's
evidence. She had given her explanation as to the discrepancies in the
figures. And her evidence does not appear to be either inherently
incredible or inherently improbable. In these circumstances it was the
duty of the judge to have accepted her evidence as true in the
absence of any evidence from the first respondent going the other
way. He however failed to direct himself in this fashion thereby
occasioning a serious miscarriage of justice.
[5] The second consequence is that the court ought to have drawn an
adverse inference against the first respondent on the amount of the
appellant's contribution to the purchase price as well as the existence
and the terms of the mutual understanding or agreement that she had
with the first respondent. Where, as here, the first respondent being a
party to the action provides no reasons as to why she did not care to give
evidence the court will normally draw an adverse inference. SeeGuthrie Sdn
Bhd v Trans-Malaysian Leasing Corp Bhd [1991] 1 MLJ 33. See alsoJaafar
bin Shaari & Anor (suing as Administrators of the Estate of Shofiah bte
Ahmad, deceased) v Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 693 where Peh
Swee Chin FCJ said: 'The respondents had chosen to close the case at the
end of the appellants' case. Although they were entitled to do so, they would
be in peril of not having the evidence of their most important witness and of
having an adverse inference drawn against them for failing to call such
evidence should the circumstances demand it.' …..
The other case isCrawford v Financial Institutions Services Ltd
(Jamaica) [2005] UKPC 40, where Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe when
delivering the advice of the Privy Council said:
It is well settled that in civil proceedings the court may draw adverse
inferences from a defendant's decision not to give or call evidence as to
matters within the knowledge of himself or his employees.
[5] Sarkar on Evidence (16th Ed) at p 1837 states:
It is the bounden duty of a party personally knowing the whole
circumstances to give evidence and to submit to cross-examination.
Non-appearance as a witness would be the strongest possible
circumstance to discredit the truth of his case Gurbakhsh v Gurdial AIR
1927 PC 230.
[6] In the present instance, there is no doubt that the first respondent had
intimate knowledge of the material facts relevant to the dispute and that she
was privy to the several steps through which the transaction had proceeded.
Based on the authorities already cited, it is patently clear that the trial
judge in the present case ought to have held that the failure of the first
respondent to give evidence apart from discrediting her case
strengthened the appellant's case on those vital points that lay at the
axis of the dispute between the parties. This, the trial judge clearly
omitted to do. Instead, he treated the first respondent's failure to appear and
give evidence as a matter of no apparent consequence. His non-direction
upon such a crucial point as this certainly amounts to a misdirection which
has occasioned a miscarriage of justice. To conclude the first issue, it is our
judgment that there was no judicial appreciation of the appellant's evidence.
A reasonable tribunal correctly directing itself on the facts and the relevant
law would have held that the appellant had indeed contributed RM194,610
towards the purchase price of the building; that there was a mutual
understanding between the appellant and the first respondent that they shall
be beneficial co owners of the property in question in equal shares; and that
the first respondent had acted in breach of that understanding.”
[25] As such, this court is entitled to draw an adverse inference
against the Defendant where, as here, she provided no reasons as to why
she did not care to give evidence. This court is entitled to have the best
evidence before it, bearing in mind that the burden to prove the
counterclaim rests, all along, with the Defendant. Her evidence is highly
relevant and pivotal as her cause of action is based on her oral
understanding with the Plaintiff.
[26] Without proving the oral agreement or understanding, the
counterclaim imploded and I need not go into other issues which I will for
completeness' sake, address.
Whether the company incurred expenses of RM2,573,978.58 from 2015
to 2020?
[27] There are no supporting documents to prove the Company had
incurred expenses of RM2,573,978.58 from 2015 to 2020 to show that the
Defendant had made shareholder advances of like amount to the
Company. The fact that the Defendant pleaded she funded the expenses
for the Company does not equate that the sum of RM2,573,978.58 was
expended or incurred. In this case, it was just writing down the figures or
items which will simply not do. The breakdown of RM2,573,978.58
prepared by DW-1 is on 2 sheets of paper at pp. 22-23 of CBD-1. This in
my view has no probative value - it does not prove anything without
supporting documents such as invoices, payment vouchers, receipts. As
stated in the Court of Appeal case of Sampo Materials (M) Sdn Bhd v
Tenaga Nasional Bhd [2016] 1 MLJ 375, the mere fact that the summary
of the particulars were made could never be taken as proving that the
contents were correct.
[28] Another Court of Appeal case of Sony Electronics (M) SdnBhd v
Direct Interest Sdn Bhd [2007] 2 MLJ 229 is instructive. The Defendant
must produce all necessary supporting documents. In Sony’s case the
plaintiff failed to produce the documents to support the audited statements
of account. This proved to be fatal. Sony’s case also held that a summary
of particulars or sheet of calculations or summary of accounts do not prove
the contents. They are nothing more than conclusions. They must be
proven by calling the maker to explain the facts and basis of calculation.
In addition, the books to support the calculation must be in evidence. The
failure of the respondent to produce or tender the account books or the
necessary support documents upon which the audited statements of
account were based was fatal to his claim for damages. Thus, the audited
statements of account and the respondent's oral evidence in connection
therewith were inadmissible (see para 55 of the judgment).
[29] The Defendant’s counsel nevertheless submitted that each
particular or item in the table of expenses was not challenged in detail by
the Plaintiff’s counsel. He argued that none of the Defendant’s witnesses
were referred to each of the particulars to the summary of the expenses
incurred by the Defendant for the Company for the year 2015 - 2020 in
detail during trial to scrutinize its content and validity. As the table of
summary remains unchallenged, it was submitted that the counterclaim of
RM643,494.65 remains valid.
[30] The Defendant’s counsel’s arguments with respect, are
absolutely misconceived and wide off the mark. There is no duty to
challenge the evidence when the evidence is inadmissible: see Sony
“[35] According to the appellant the respondent made much of the
appellant's failure to object to the audited statements of account.
[36] It is the appellant's case that the fact that the appellant's counsel did
not object to the audited statements of account does not render the said
document admissible or relevant per Edger Joseph Jr J in Popular
Industries Limited v Eastern Garment Manufacturing Sdn Bhd [1989] 3 MLJ
[66] Edger Joseph Jr J in Popular Industries Ltd v Eastern Garment
Manufacturing [1989] 3 MLJ 360 cited Sarkar on Laws of Evidenceas
… An erroneous omission to object to evidence not admissible or
relevant under the Act does not make it admissible. It is the duty of the
court to exclude all irrelevant or inadmissible evidence even if no
objection is taken to its admissibility by the parties
[68] By the same token we find that the appellant was not obliged to
cross-examine Ramlan on his oral evidence thereon, when it is clear
that the said audited statements of account and oral evidence were
irrelevant and insufficient to establish the respondent's claim to
[69] We might add that the mere fact that the audited statements were
marked as exhibits in no way formalize their existence in the absence of
correct and proper tendering thereof. This is especially true when the
respondent had failed to discharge their duty to properly tender or prove the
said audited statements”.
[31] Just as in this case, the fact that the Plaintiff’s counsel did not
object to the 2 sheets of paper setting out the amounts incurred does not
render the said document admissible or relevant per Edger Joseph Jr J in
Popular Industries Limited v Eastern Garment Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
[1989] 3 MLJ 360. Paragraphs 68 and 69 of Sony’s case alluded in the
preceding paragraph nail the point.
[32] How the Court of Appeal in Sony’s case dealt with such evidence
offers guidance here to me on the breakdown as contained in the 2 sheets
of paper produced in this case:
"[55] The respondent's failure to produce or tender the account books or the
necessary support documents upon which the audited statements of
account were based is fatal to his claim for damages. Thus, we find that the
audited statements of account and Ramlan's oral evidence in connection
therewith are inadmissible.
[56] The case of Johnson v Kershaw 63 ER 1059 which was followed in
Popular Industries Limited v Eastern Garment Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
[1989] 3 MLJ 360 illustrates the above position. The Vice-Chancellor in
Johnson v Kershaw had observed: If the account books had been in
evidence, the accountant's statement of the results of his examination of
those books, as the evidence of a person of skill might be receivable; but,
inasmuch as the books were not in evidence, I must decline to receive the
deposition of Mr Seet as to their contents.
[59] Even if Ramlan had in fact been the maker of the audited statements of
account, it is still incumbent upon him to produce the books of account upon
which the audited statements were based (see KPM Khidmat Sdn Bhd v
Tey Kim Suie [1994] 2 MLJ 627 and Popular Industries Ltd v Eastern
Garment [1989] 3 MLJ 360).”
[33] The former Suprreme Court in KPM Khidmat Sdn Bhd v Tev Kim
Suie [1994] 2 MLJ 627 observed thus (at p 631):
… when documentary evidence is tendered, primary evidence of the said
document must be adduced except in the cases under s 65 of the Evidence
Act 1950. '
… The mere fact that the summary of the particulars were made could never
be taken as proving that the contents were correct. It has to be proved by
calling the maker to explain the facts and the basis of the calculation of the
amount claimed. Moreover the record book upon which the maker based
her summary must be in evidence… '
[34] The instant case is even weaker as audited statements were not
even produced. The fact that the Defendant pleaded that she funded the
expenses does not ipso facto dispense with proof by acceptable and
precise evidence of the amounts expended. Although DW1 testified that
because the Company was sold to a new purchaser, so she does not have
the documents to show because all the documents had handed over to
the new company is unacceptable as there is no effort shown to retrieve
the documents; neither was a subpoena issued for such documents to be
produced. Sans supporting documents, the Defendant has not proven
quantum on a balance of probability.
[35] In any case, I also find that it is a term of sale of shares by the
Plaintiff to the Defendant that the Plaintiff shall cease to be responsible for
all outstanding payments or debts of the Company. It had also crossed
my mind when deciding this case that as the expenses were allegedly
incurred by the Company, it called into question whether the Defendant is
the proper person to make such a claim and caught by the rule in Foss v
Harbottle (1843) 67 ER 189 but this does not concern the court as it was
not raised in the Plaintiff’s defence, and I shall say no more.
[36] Both the 2nd and 3rd issues are answered in the negative.
[37] On the facts and circumstances, the Defendant failed to satisfy
the court on the fact of the oral understanding and the quantum of
expenses. I find that the Defendant has not on a balance of probability
proven her counterclaim. The counterclaim is thus dismissed with costs to
the Plaintiff subject to allocator.
Dated 2nd November 2023
- signed -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Nickson Yew Ka Hui
Messrs Ewe Chong & Khoo
For the Defendant : Ahmad Syiimir Suffian (together with Mohd
Shahrysham and Muhammad Danish)
Messrs Amar Syiimir Izzat & Sham
Tan Poh Yee v Tan Boon Thien & Other Appeals [2017] 3 CLJ 569
Takako Sakao (f) v Ng Pek Yuen (f) Anor (2009) 6 MLJ 751
Sampo Materials (M) Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Nasional Bhd [2016] 1 MLJ 375
Sony Electronics (M) SdnBhd v Direct Interest Sdn Bhd [2007] 2 MLJ 229
KPM Khidmat Sdn Bhd v Tev Kim Suie [1994] 2 MLJ 627
Foss v Harbottle (1843) 67 ER 189
| 28,930 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CA-21NCvC-4-03/2019 | PLAINTIF Zamri bin Omar DEFENDAN 1. ) Kerajaan Malaysia 2. ) Dr Sri Dthuruga Devi A/p Krishnamoorthy 3. ) Dr Muhammad Hafiz Bin Abdul Rasid 4. ) Nashrul Syiddik bin Mohd Salleh | Plaintif memfailkan tindakan terhadap Defendan-Defendan berasaskan dakwaan kecuaian semasa Plaintif mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Pekan yang mana telah menyebabkan Plaintif mengalami stroke. Pihak Defendan-Defendan telah mengaku akan kecuaian di pihak mereka dan dengan itu perbicaraan di Mahkamah hanyalah tertumpu bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi Am. Mahkamah telah mengawadkan gantirugi sepertimana yang telah ditaksirkan oleh kerana Plaintif telahpun mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan yang credible untuk membuktikan tuntutan-tuntutan yang dikemukakan ke Mahkamah yang disokong oleh pengemukaan resit-resit dan bil-bil yang gagal disangkal oleh pihak Defendan. Bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Am pula, Mahkamah telah menimbangkan segala kerugian yang dipohon dan dengan itu telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif tersebut. | 02/11/2023 | YA Dato' Haji Zainal Azman Bin Ab. Aziz | |
Microsoft Word - AP CA-21NCVC-4-03-2019 BP KER.MSIA V ZAMRI 25.10
[NO. K/P : 640516-06-5047]
1. Plaintif memfailkan tindakan terhadap Defendan-Defendan
berasaskan dakwaan kecuaian semasa Plaintif mendapatkan
02/11/2023 15:38:00
CA-21NCvC-4-03/2019 Kand. 101
S/N DuaoCq/jd0qLidk3rnRuXA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
rawatan di Hospital Pekan yang mana telah menyebabkan Plaintif
mengalami stroke.
2. Pihak Defendan-Defendan telah mengaku akan kecuaian di pihak
mereka dan dengan itu perbicaraan di Mahkamah hanyalah
tertumpu bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi Am.
3. Setelah mendengar keterangan daripada kesemua pihak,
Mahkamah telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif sepertimana
Perintah Mahkamah bertarikh 27 Disember 2022.
4. Berkaitan dengan fakta kes akan tuntutan ini, faktanya adalah
seperti berikut :
i. Pada 08 Mac 2016 jam 7.13 petang, Plaintif telah hadir ke
Jabatan Kecemasan di Hospital Pekan dengan aduan
kekebasan pada anggota badan. Plaintif telah didiagnos
dengan hipertensi yang tidak terkawal dan dinasihatkan
supaya pulang dan mengawasi tekanan darah secara harian.
S/N DuaoCq/jd0qLidk3rnRuXA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
ii. Pada jam 10.43 malam, Plaintif telah pergi sekali lagi ke
Jabatan Kecemasan di hospital yang sama di mana Plaintif
telah disuntik dengan ubat Stemetil dan dinasihatkan supaya
pulang ke rumah.
iii. Pada 09 Mac 2016, Plaintif telah mengalami hipertensi dan
telah dimasukkan ke Kuantan Medical Centre dan didiagnos
menghidap Cerebrovascular dengan Hemiparesis.
5. Hanya satu isu untuk dibicarakan di Mahkamah ini adalah sama
ada Plaintif berhak terhadap tuntutan Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi
Am sepertimana yang dituntut.
6. Gantirugi Khas adalah seperti berikut :
Plaintiff Court
No. Item RM RM
A. Special Damages
(March 2016 to March 2019
= 36 months)
1. Hospital and medical
61,000.00 61,000.00
2. The cost of physiotherapy. 2,000.00 2,000.00
3. Travel, accommodation and
incidental expenses.
5,000.00 5,000.00
S/N DuaoCq/jd0qLidk3rnRuXA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
4. The cost of obtaining pre-
action discovery of medical
8,480.00 8,480.00
5. Fee for medical report. 500.00 500.00
6. The cost of assistive
5,000.00 5,000.00
7. The cost of a hospital bed 3,000.00 3,000.00
8. The cost of a multi-purpose
191,000.00 170,000.00
9. The cost of modifications to
Encik Zamri’s home.
15,000.00 15,000.00
10. Loss of income. 223,212.72
[9,300 x 12 months
x 2 years (55-51
divided by 2)]
Subtotal 514,192.72 493,192.72
B. Pre-Trial Damages
(April 2019 to November
2022 = 44 months)
11. Hospital and medical
30,000.00 20,000.00
12. The cost of physiotherapy. 10,000.00 10,000.00
13. Travel, accommodation and
incidental expenses.
7,000.00 7,000.00
14. The cost of assistive
equipment and devices.
10,000.00 10,000.00
Subtotal 57,000.00 47,000.00
C. Life Expectancy 68
65 + 3 (life
expectancy +
S/N DuaoCq/jd0qLidk3rnRuXA
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economics point)
D. Multiplier 10
68 – 58 (life
expectancy minus
current age)
E. Future Damages
(Assistive Equipment and
15. Manual lightweight
(25,000.00 with 1
16. Tilt-in-space commode
shower chair.
2,400.00 2,400.00
17. Electric hospital bed 8,000.00 8,000.00
18. Powered wheelchair 36,00.00
(18,000.00 with 1
(12,000.00 x
19. Walking frame 400.00
(200.00 with1
20. Portable hoist 14,000.00
(7,000.00 with 1
21. Pressure relief cushion 12,000.00
(3,000.00 with 3
Subtotal 122,800.00 81,800.00
S/N DuaoCq/jd0qLidk3rnRuXA
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F. Future Damages (Medical
and Hospital)
22. The cost of hospital
(30,000.00 twice a
year x 10 years)
(10,000 x 2 x
23. The cost of consultations
with a Rehabilitation
medicine physician
(280.00 x 6 times a
month x 12 months
x 10 years)
(280.00 x 12 x
24. The cost of consultation with
a Clinical psychologist.
(250.00 x 2 times a
month for 1 year)
25. The cost of consultations
with a Nutrition Specialist
(2,000.00 per year
x 10 years)
26. The cost of consultations
with a Neurologist
(280.00 x 2 times a
year x 10 years)
27. The cost of consultations
with a Neurosurgeon /
(235.00 x 2 times a
year x 10 years)
Subtotal 857,900.00 251,900.00
G. Future Damages
(Therapies and
28. The cost of physiotherapy 76,800.00
(160.00 per month
x 12 months x 10
(130.00 x 4 x
12 x 10)
29. The cost of occupational
86,400.00 62,400.00
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(180.00 per month
x 12 months x 10
(130.00 x 4 x
12 x 10)
30. The cost of inpatient
(14,000.00 every 2
years for 10 years)
31. The cost of home
(180.00 twice a
month x 12 months
x 10 years)
32. The cost medications 84,000.00
(700.00 per month
x 12 months x 10
33. The cost of botulinum toxin
(1,600.00 x 3
Subtotal 365,800.00 257,400.00
H. Future Damages
34. The cost prima facie hiring
(2,000.00 per
month x 12 months
x 10 + 20,000.00
various fees and
35. The cost of a multi-purpose
200,000.00 0
36. Petrol, insurance, road tax,
accommodation & incidental
(300.00 per month
x 12 months x 10)
Subtotal 496,000.00 236,000.00
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37. General Damages for Loss
of Earning Capacity (From
the Plaintiff’s age of 55 to
(9,300.53 per
month x 12 months
x 5 years) +
(7,000.00 per
month x 12 months
x 5 years)
38. General damages for pain
and suffering and the loss
of amenities of life
300,000.00 200,000.00
I. General Damages for the
Value of case provided by
Encik Zamri’s family
39. During the Special Damages
period (March 2016 to March
2019) (36 months)
(1,200.00 Perayu
month x 36
40. During the Pre-Trial
Damages period (April 2019
to November 2020) (19
(1,200.00 per
month x 19
41. During the Future Damages
period (10 years)
(1,200.00 per
month x 12 months
x 10 years)
Subtotal 210,000.00 968,031.80
42. Aggravated Damages 500,000.00 300,000.00
43. Party-and-party costs 250,000.00 250,000.00
44. Out of pocket expenses 17,514.90 17,514.90
Grand Total 4,249,239.42 2,902,839.42
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J. Interest
45. Interest on Special
Damages from date of
incident, 8 March 2016 up to
date of judgment.
46. Interest on pre-trial
damages, general damages
and aggravated damages
from date of service of writ, 5
March 2019 to date of
47. Interest on judgment sum,
including costs from of
judgment to date prima facie
7. Bagi tuntutan gantirugi, sebagai pampasan Mahkamah merujuk
kepada kes Ong Ah Long v Dr S Underwood [1983] 2 MLJ 324
di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa :
“…It has to be borne in mind that damages for personal
injuries are not punitive and still less a reward. They are
simply compensation that will give the injured party reparation
for the wrongful act and for all the natural and direct
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consequences of the wrongful act, so far as money can
8. Di dalam kes Yang Salbiah & Anor v Jamil bin Harun [1981] 1
MLJ 292 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa :
“It must be remembered that the purpose of damages is to try,
so far as humanly possible, to put the victim back to the
position he would have been in but for the accident. The
damages must be fair, adequate and not excessive…”
9. Juga, di dalam kes Bekalan Sains P&C Sdn Bhd v Bank
Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd [2011] 5 MLJ 1 di mana Mahkamah
Rayuan menyatakan antara lain :
“[185] Every day, damages are awarded by the courts to
claimants in order to compensate them for loss and damage.
But before damages can be recovered in an action there must
firstly be a wrong committed, whether the wrong be a tort or a
breach of contract. If a loss has been incurred by the claimant,
no damages can be awarded unless there is a wrong…
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[189] The person who is claiming damages must prove his
case. Thus, the claimant in order to justify an award of
substantial damages he must satisfy the court as to the fact
of damage and as to its quantum (Senate Electrical
Wholesalers Ltd v Alcatel Submarine Networks Ltd (Formerly
STC Submarine Systems Ltd) [1999] 2 Lloyd's Law Reports
423 (CA)). If the claimant fails to satisfy the court on the fact
of damage and quantum, then his action must fail or at the very
least he would be awarded nominal damages where his right
has been infringed.
[190] Put in another way, the claimant must show actual
loss and evidence must be led in that direction. It is
submitted that the appellant has failed to prove damages with
precise evidence (Sony Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd v Direct
Interest Sdn Bhd [2007] 2 MLJ 229; [2007] 1 CLJ 611, (CA);
and Ban Chuan Trading Co Sdn Bhd & Ors v Ng Bak
Guan [2004] 1 MLJ 411; [2003] 4 CLJ 785, (CA)) and that the
appellant has also failed to lead evidence to show actual loss.”
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10. Berkaitan dengan tuntutan gantirugi tersebut, pampasan yang
diberi adalah semoga mangsa telah kembali ke kedudukan asal
sebelum kemalangan tersebut berlaku.
11. Berkaitan dengan Gantirugi Khas, Mahkamah juga merujuk
kepada kes Ong Ah Long v Dr S Underwood [1983] 2 MLJ 324
di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa :
“It is a well-established principle that special damages in
contrast to general damages, have to be specifically
pleaded and strictly proved. They are recoverable only
where they can be included in the proper measure of damages
and are not too remote (see Halsbury's Laws of England 4th
edition, volume 11 page 218 para 386). That in our view is the
cardinal principle adopted by all courts both in England and
this country. The same principle was adopted by Ong Hock
Thye, F.J. (as he then was) in Yee Hup Transport & Co and
Anor v Wong Kong [1967] 2 MLJ 93 which was an appeal on
quantum of damages. Quoting an excerpt from the judgment
of Wilmer L.J. in Ilkiw v Samuels [1963] 1 WLR 991; [1963] 2
All ER 879 he held that the general damages should not be
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awarded as though they were special damages properly
pleaded and proved. Similarly Chang Min Tat, F.J.(as he then
was) in Murtadza bin Mohamed Hassan v Chong Swee
Pian [1980] 1 MLJ 216 applied the principle in Ilkiw v.
Samuels( supra) that special damages if pleaded as in that
case could be recovered. The principle was also adopted by
Mohamed Azmi, J. (as he then was) in Sam Wun Hoong v
Kader Ibramshah [1981] 1 MLJ 295 in the Federal Court.”
12. Juga, di dalam Yeap Cheng Hock v Kajima-Taisel Joint Venture
[1973] 1 MLJ 230 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa :
“The general principle is that the plaintiff must be
prepared to prove his special damages unless it has been
agreed. It is not enough for him to write down the
particulars and leave them for the court to decide. It is for
him to prove them. (See Sum Kum v Devaki Nair &
Anor [1964] MLJ 74 74, and Khoo See Moi v Tay Teik
Chang [1970] 2 MLJ 249 250). No doubt, the plaintiff gave
evidence that he had purchased the extra nourishing food
when he was in the hospital, but in the absence of medical
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evidence that they were necessary in the light of hospital food
and nourishment prescribed, I am not prepared in the
circumstances to allow the claim on the three items.”
13. Oleh itu, dengan menggunapakai nas-nas di atas, Mahkamah telah
mengawadkan gantirugi sepertimana yang telah ditaksirkan oleh
kerana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa Plaintif telahpun
mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan yang credible untuk
membuktikan tuntutan-tuntutan yang dikemukakan ke Mahkamah.
14. Mahkamah juga mendapati Plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan
jumlah kerugian bagi Gantirugi Khas dengan pengemukaan resit-
resit dan bil-bil yang telah dikemukakan ke Mahkamah semasa
perbicaraan dan tuntutan-tuntutan tersebut telah gagal disangkal
oleh pihak Defendan.
15. Bagi tuntutan Gantirugi Am pula, Mahkamah telah menimbangkan
segala kerugian yang dipohon dan dengan itu telah membenarkan
tuntutan Plaintif tersebut.
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16. Di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah dengan ini
mendapati dan memutuskan bahawa Plaintif telah berjaya
mengasaskan tuntutan mereka bagi Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi
Am sepertimana yang dipohon.
17. Dengan itu, Tuntutan Plaintif bagi kerugian yang dialami akibat
kecuaian Defendan-Defendan telah diasaskan dan dibenarkan
sepertimana jumlah Gantirugi Khas dan Gantirugi Am yang telah
diawadkan oleh Mahkamah beserta faedah dan kos.
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Peguam Plaintif :
Encik Desmond Mun Ching Yong
Tetuan P S Ranjan & Co.
Tingkat 17, Wisma Lee Rubber
No. 1 Jalan Melaka, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Ruj. : 3444/ZO/MMS/DM/iza
Emel :
Peguam Defendan-Defendan :
Tuan Vesvanathan a/l Jeevaji (Peguam Persekutuan)
Pejabat Penasihat UndangUndang Negeri Pahang
Tingkat 3, Wisma Sri Pahang
25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur
Ruj. : PN/PG/SFC/21/1/2019
Emel :
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| 16,621 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CG-83-152-10/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH CHEAH BOON KAI | Rayuan terhadap hukuman- Pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 43 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan Raya-rayuan terhadap hukuman penjara-Majistret menjatuhkan hukuman penjara dan denda atas kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 43 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan Raya 1987-[11] Walau bagaimanapun, pengurangan hukuman atau diskaun tersebut bukanlah suatu yang automatik memandangkan hukuman bagi sesuatu kesalahan tersebut adalah masih di bawah budibicara Majistret yang mendengar pertuduhannya setelah menilai keseriusan kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan serta faktor-faktor lain yang menjadi aras pertimbangannya- | 02/11/2023 | Puan Nadhratun Naiem binti Zainan | |
KES JENAYAH NO. CG-83-152-10/2023
Latar belakang
[1] Cheah Boon Kai (Tertuduh) dalam kes ini telah dituduh di bawah seksyen
41(1) yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen yang sama atau di bawah
pertuduhan pilihan Seksyen 43(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 yang boleh
dihukum di bawah seksyen yang sama. Tertuduh yang berada dalam jaminan
Mahkamah telah hadir ke Mahkamah ini pada 12 Oktober 2023 dan telah
membuat pengakuan bersalah bagi pertuduhan pilihan setelah pertuduhan asal
dan pertuduhan pilihan dibacakan kali pertama di hadapan beliau. Tertuduh telah
dijatuhkan hukuman 4 bulan penjara dari tarikh tangkap iaitu 12 Oktober 2023
dan denda RM6,000.00 gagal bayar 3 bulan penjara.Dalam kes ini, Tertuduh
telah melunaskan pembayaran denda sebanyak RM6,000.00.
[2] Pertuduhan asal dan pertuduhan pilihan terhadap Tertuduh adalah seperti
Pertuduhan asal
“Bahawa kamu pada 18/07/2022 jam lebih kurang 09.00 pagi, bertempat, di
KM66 Jalan Besar Brinchang, di dalam daerah Cameron Highlands, di negeri
02/11/2023 13:28:26
CG-83-152-10/2023 Kand. 15
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Pahang, sebagai pemandu pacuan 4 roda no. VIP 9368 jenis Toyota Hilux
telah didapati memandu kenderaan tersebut di atas jalan raya dengan cara
melulu kepada orang awam, setelah mengambil perhatian tentang segala hal
keadaan (termasuk jenis, keadaan, saiz jalan dan kesesakan lalu lintas yang
dijangka yang ada atau mungkin ada dijalan tersebut) sehingga
menyebabkan kematian kepada Md Shomes (lelaki) no. passport
EJ0249859, oleh yang demikian itu kamu telah melakuan satu kesalahan
yang boleh dihukum dibawah seksyen 41 (1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987
(Akta 333)”
Pertuduhan pilihan
“Bahawa kamu pada 18/07/2022 jam lebih kurang 09.00 pagi, bertempat,
di KM66 Jalan Besar Brinchang, di dalam daerah Cameron Highlands, di
negeri Pahang, sebagai pemandu pacuan 4 roda no. VIP9368 jenis toyota
hilux telah didapati semasa memandu kenderaan tersebut di atas jalan raya
tanpa kecermatan dan perhatian yang sepatutnya terhadap orang lain yang
menggunakan jalan tersebut, oleh yang demikian itu kamu telah melakukan
satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum dibawah seksyen 43(1) Akta
Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 (Akta 333).”
Fakta kes
[3] Pada 18.07.2022, jam lebih kurang 9.00 pagi, Tertuduh sedang memandu
M/4X4 jenis Toyota Hilux nombor pendaftaran VIP 9368 dari Jalan Besar Kea
Farm menuju ke SG. Menson. Semasa sampai di KM66 jalan besar, Tertuduh
telah memotong sebuah motosikal no. Pendaftaran ACC3014 yang ada di
[4] Semasa memotong motosikal tersebut, Tertuduh telah terdengar bunyi
motosikal tersebut terjatuh dari arah kiri kenderaan Tertuduh.
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[5] Berdasarkan Laporan Bedah Siasat terhadap mangsa, punca kematian
mangsa iaitu penunggang motosikal tersebut adalah kecederaan otak akibat
daripada kemalangan jalan raya.
Mitigasi tertuduh
[6] Tertuduh memaklumkan kepada Mahkamah bahawa Tertuduh berumur 27
tahun, mempunyai ladang sendiri, mempunyai anggaran pendapatan tidak tetap
bergantung kepada jualan sayur iaitu lingkungan RM1,800.00 sehingga
RM2,300.00, mempunyai tanggungan ibu bapa dan 4 orang adik
beradik.Tertuduh memohon untuk diberikan hukuman denda sahaja.
Hujahan pemberatan pihak pendakwaan
[7] Pihak pendakwaan memohon hukuman setimpal dan sewajarnya dikenakan ke
atas Tertuduh sebagai pengajaran kepada mereka dan juga masyarakat di luar sana.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya terpelajar juga memohon Mahkamah mengambil kira fakta
kes yang diperakui Tertuduh dan kekerapan berlakunya kes-kes seumpama ini.
Dapatan Mahkamah
[8] Seksyen 43 (1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 memperuntukkan bahawa;
Memandu dengan tidak cermat dan tidak bertimbang rasa
43. (1) Seseorang yang memandu suatu kenderaan motor di jalan tanpa kecermatan
dan perhatian yang sepatutnya atau tanpa pertimbangan yang munasabah terhadap
orang lain yang menggunakan jalan itu melakukan suatu kesalahan dan apabila
disabitkan hendaklah dihukum denda tidak kurang daripada empat ribu ringgit dan
tidak lebih daripada sepuluh ribu ringgit dan boleh juga dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak melebihi dua belas bulan.
[9] Dari segi perundangan, hukuman yang diperuntukkan bagi kesalahan di bawah
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S.43(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 adalah denda tidak kurang daripada empat
ribu ringgit dan tidak lebih daripada sepuluh ribu ringgit dan boleh juga dipenjarakan
selama tempoh tidak melebihi dua belas bulan.
Pengakuan salah
[10] Tertuduh mengaku salah terhadap pertuduhan pilihan dan mengetahui sebab dan
akibat daripada pengakuan tersebut. Secara asasnya, jika Tertuduh mengaku
bersalah, Mahkamah wajar untuk mengambil kira pengakuan tersebut dan
memberikan pengurangan atau diskaun atas hukuman yang bakal dijatuhkan kerana
pengakuan salah Tertuduh tersebut bukan sahaja menjimatkan masa pihak
Mahkamah malah juga masa pihak pendakwaan.
[11] Walau bagaimanapun, pengurangan hukuman atau diskaun tersebut bukanlah suatu
yang automatik memandangkan hukuman bagi sesuatu kesalahan tersebut adalah
masih di bawah budibicara Majistret yang mendengar pertuduhannya setelah menilai
keseriusan kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan serta faktor-faktor lain yang menjadi aras
[12] Augustine Paul, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan dalam Bachik Bin
Abdul Rahman V. Pendakwa Raya [2004] 2 MLJ 534, [2004] 2 CLJ 572, seperti
“One of the principles in sentencing is that a convicted person should be given a
discount for pleading guilty. A reduction of about one third of the sentence that would
otherwise have been imposed is normally given. This, however, is not a strict rule and
the court may, in the exercise of its discretion, refuse to grant any discount. The
severity of the offence or the existence of a previous conviction may outweigh the
mitigating effect of the guilty plea; so, may the demands of public interest for a
deterrent sentence as well as the absence of a good defence or of other mitigating
factors. The guilty plea does not automatically entitle the convict to a lesser
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[13] Selanjutnya Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada prinsip yang digariskan dalam kes Public
Prosecutor V Kamaruzaman Bin Mahmud &Anor [2007] 1 MLJ 750 di mana
mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
"[68] Ordinarily a plea of guilty has been treated as a mitigating factor since it saves
judicial time in conducting a lengthy trial but it also saves time and inconvenience of
many, particularly the witnesses (see Melvani v Public Prosecutor [1971] 1 MLJ 137,
Sau Soo Kim v Public Prosecutor [1975] 2 MLJ 134, Loh Hock Seng & Anor v Public
Prosecutor [1980] 2 MLJ 13, Public Prosecutor v Leo Say & 2 Ors [1985] 2 CLJ 155,
Mohamed Abdullah Ang Swee Kang v Public Prosecutor [1988] 1 MLJ 167, Public
Prosecutor v Ravindran a/l N Rethinam & 5 Ors [1992] 4 CLJ 2043, Tan Lay Chen v
Public Prosecutor [2001] 1 MLJ 135). The court has recognized that a plea of guilty
is ordinarily a consideration to be taken into account in mitigation of punishment but
it must be made clear that it is not the law that a sentencing judge must exercise a
discretion to provide a non-custodial sentence in every case of plea of guilty as each
case is dealt with on its own individual merits and should not be assumed
mechanically that it will be spared the custodial sentence. A plea advanced on
counsel's advice late in the day because a conviction is almost inevitable, will be
given less weight than one advanced from arrest or committal, on the first day he is
charged in court to save witnesses from the trauma of a trial or to reduce court delays,
(see R Lawrence [1980] 1 NSWLR 122,) Laurentiu [1992] 63 A Crim R 402)."
[14] Mahkamah ini dalam melaksanakan budi bicara ketika menjatuhkan hukuman telah
mengambil kira pelbagai faktor sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam kes PP v. Morah
Chekwube Chukwudi [2017] 1 LNS 864 yang memutuskan seperti berikut: -
“Jurisprudence relating to sentence
(5)It is well established that there are a number of factors that courts take into
consideration before sentencing. Some of them are as follows: (a) the gravity or
severity of the facts constituting the offence; (b) the circumstances in which it was
committed; (c) the rampancy of such offence in the area; (d) the offender's previous
record; (e) the offender's contribution and support to his family members; (f) the
offenders means; (g) the effect of conviction and sentence on his job opportunities;
(h) the age and health of the accused; (i) whether it is his first offence; (j) whether the
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accused had cooperated with the police after the commission of the offence; (k)
whether the accused had pleaded guilty; (i) status of the accused; (m) whether there
was violence during the crime; (n) public interest, etc.
(6)All these factors where applicable need to be addressed by the defence to secure
a just sentence. It is equally important for the prosecution to rebut the facts adduced
by the accused if they are not bona fide, as ultimately the power to sentence is placed
on the trial judge and the judge had to rely on the facts adduced in court...”
[15] Oleh yang demikian, walaupun Tertuduh mengaku bersalah, Mahkamah juga
mengambil kira-kira faktor-faktor berikut;
(i) Keadaan di mana kejadian tersebut berlaku
[16] Berdasarkan fakta kes yang diakui oleh Tertuduh, kejadian tersebut berlaku akibat
daripada Tertuduh memotong motosikal yang dipandu mangsa di laluan Cameron
Highlands yang umumnya diketahui oleh orang ramai sebagai jalan yang berbahaya
dan sering berlaku kemalangan.
[17] Oleh yang demikian, dengan mengambil kira keadaan jalan di kawasan kejadian,
tindakan Tertuduh yang memandu dalam keadaan yang berbahaya walaupun
mengetahui bahawa jalan tersebut adalah berbahaya serta mengambil kira fakta
bahawa Tertuduh adalah warga tempatan di Cameron Highlands, Mahkamah
berpendapat bahawa satu hukuman yang setimpal harus diberikan kepada Tertuduh
agar menjadi pengajaran bukan sahaja buat Tertuduh tetapi juga kepada pemandu-
pemandu lain untuk mengambil langkah yang lebih berjaga-jaga dan lebih cermat
semasa memandu di kawasan tersebut.
(ii) Kekerapan berlaku kesalahan tersebut di kawasan Cameron Highlands
[18] Melihat kepada kekerapan berlakunya kesalahan Seksyen 41 dan Seksyen 43 Akta
Pengangkutan Jalan Raya 1987 yang mana disebabkan kesalahan tersebut, ada
nyawa yang melayang, maka, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa hukuman yang
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diberikan oleh Mahkamah dalam kes ini adalah berpatutan untuk dijadikan
pengajaran kepada kesemua pengguna jalan raya di kawasan tersebut dan juga
memastikan pengguna-pengguna jalan raya lebih peka semasa memandu di
kawasan tersebut.
(iii) Kemampuan Tertuduh
[19] Semasa mitigasi, Tertuduh memaklumkan bahawa Tertuduh bekerja sendiri dan
mempunyai ladang sendiri. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah merasakan bahawa
hukuman denda tidak mencukupi untuk menjadi pengajaran kepada Tertuduh. Oleh
itu, Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara disamping hukuman denda terhadap
Tertuduh dengan harapan agar hukuman tersebut menjadi satu pengajaran agar
Tertuduh lebih berwaspada di kemudian hari.
[20] Berdasarkan kepada alasan-alasan yang diberikan di atas, Mahkamah ini yakin
bahawa hukuman yang telah diberikan terhadap Tertuduh adalah setimpal dengan
mengambil kira fakta kes, rayuan Tertuduh dan juga faktor pemberat yang diberikan
oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya terpelajar.
Bertarikh: 2 November 2023
Nadhratun Naiem binti Zainan
Mahkamah Cameron Highlands
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CA-24NCvC-128-07/2022 | PEMOHON SITI NUR AIN BINTI SULAIMAN RESPONDEN 1. ) Majlis Ugama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang 2. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | Plaintiff telah memfailkan Saman Pemula untuk satu deklarasi bahawa Plaintif bukan seorang yang menganut agama Islam,satu deklarasi bahawa perkataan ‘ibu bapa’ dalam perenggan (b) dalam tafsiran ‘orang Islam’ di Seksyen 2 Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam 1991 (Pahang) (Enakmen 3 Tahun 1991) hanya merujuk kepada ibu bapa kepada seorang anak yang sah taraf, satu deklarasi bahawa Plaintif mempunyai hak untuk mengamalkan dan menganut adat dan kepercayaan beliau sendiri sebagai seorang orang asli dari suku kaum Jakun tanpa sebarang campur tangan dari Defendan-Defendan. Permohonan Plaintif adalah di luar bidang kuasa Mahkamah Tinggi memandangkan Plaintif adalah beragam Islam dan oleh kerana permohonan Plaintif menjurus kepada keluar daripada agama Islam, maka ianya terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah. Plaintif selaku anak tidak sah taraf adalah terletak di bawah jagaan ibunya dan apabila ibunya memeluk agama Islam ketika Plaintif berumur 2 tahun, maka dengan itu Plaintif adalah menurut agama ibunya sebagaimana yang diperuntukan di bawah Seksyen 103 Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam 1991 (Pahang). Oleh kerana kes ini menjurus kepada renunciation, maka Mahkamah Sivil ini tidak mempunyai apa-apa bidang kuasa untuk menentukan isu tersebut kerana ianya terletak khusus di dalam bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah. Mahkamah menolak permohonan Plaintif dengan kos. | 02/11/2023 | YA Dato' Haji Zainal Azman Bin Ab. Aziz | |
Microsoft Word - AP CA-24NCVC-128-07-2022 SITINUR AIN V MUIP
SAMAN PEMULA NO. CA-24NCVC-128-07/2022
Dalam perkara Perkara 5, 8, 10, 11,
12 dan/atau 121 Perlembagaan
Dalam perkara seksyen 5 dan 11 Akta
Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak 1961
Dalam perkara Aturan 5 Kaedah 4,
Aturan 7, Aturan 15 Kaedah 16,
Kaedah 16 dan/atau bidang kuasa
sedia ada Mahkamah Dan Dalam
perkara Seksyen 41, Akta Relief
Spesifik 1950 (Disemak 1974)
Dalam perkara Enakmen Pentadbiran
Undang-Undang Islam 1991
02/11/2023 14:56:06
CA-24NCvC-128-07/2022 Kand. 41
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[NO. K/P : 930127-06-5938]
1. Plaintif memfailkan satu permohonan melalui Saman Pemula
untuk mendapatkan perintah atau relif seperti berikut :
a. Satu deklarasi bahawa Plaintif bukan seorang yang
menganut agama Islam;
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b. Satu deklarasi bahawa perkataan ‘ibu bapa’ dalam
perenggan (b) dalam tafsiran ‘orang Islam’ di Seksyen 2
Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam 1991
(Pahang) (Enakmen 3 Tahun 1991) hanya merujuk kepada
ibu bapa kepada seorang anak yang sah taraf;
c. Satu deklarasi bahawa Plaintif mempunyai hak untuk
mengamalkan dan menganut adat dan kepercayaan beliau
sendiri sebagai seorang orang asli dari suku kaum Jakun
tanpa sebarang campur tangan dari Defendan-Defendan;
d. Kos ditanggung oleh Defendan-Defendan; dan/atau
e. Sebarang perintah selanjutnya dan/atau lain-lain yang
difikirkan sesuai dan/atau sebaliknya wajar oleh Mahkamah.
2. Setelah menelitikan kertas-kertas kausa yang difailkan dan
setelah menimbangkan penghujahan kedua-dua pihak,
Mahkamah telah menolak permohonan Plaintif tersebut.
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3. Plaintif merupakan seorang orang asli dari suku kaum Jakun yang
lahir di luar nikah kepada Sofiah a/p Denting dan Sulaiman pada
27 November 1993.
4. Pada 14 November 1995, ibu Plaintif telah memeluk agama Islam
dan diberikan satu kad memeluk Islam oleh Defendan Pertama
dan nama baru ibu Plaintif adalah Sofiah binti Denting.
5. Ibu dan bapa Plaintif tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa memberi
persetujuan untuk Plaintif memeluk agama Islam.
6. Namun begitu, status Plaintif dalam kad pengenalan adalah Islam
dan diberi nama Islam walaupun nama panggilannya adalah
Anne. Defendan Pertama dengan itu mengambil kedudukan
bahawa Plaintif telahpun memeluk agama Islam pada 14
November 1995.
7. Plaintif memohon kepada Mahkamah agar deklarasi kepadanya
oleh kerana :
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i. Plaintif tidak pernah memeluk agama Islam pada 14
November 1995 oleh kerana pada masa Plaintif berumur 2
tahun dan tidak pernah mengucap Kalimah Syahadah;
ii. Kebenaran atau persetujuan ibu dan bapa Plaintif tidak
pernah diperolehi; dan
iii. Plaintif lahir sebagai seorang orang asli dan pada setiap
masa material mengamalkan adat dan kepercayaan orang
asli suku kaum Jakun.
8. Defendan Pertama melalui surat bertarikh 16 Julai 2018 telah
mengesahkan bahawa Plaintif telah memeluk agama Islam pada
14 November 1995 menurut Daftar Rekod Mualaf Negeri Pahang
Tahun 1996/1999.
9. Defendan Pertama dengan itu berpendapat bahawa Plaintif
adalah seorang Islam atas sebab seperti berikut :
i. Peruntukan Seksyen 2(d) Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-
Undang Islam 1991 (Pahang) menakrifkan orang Islam
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ertinya seseorang yang telah memeluk agama Islam
menurut peruntukan Seksyen 101 atau Seksyen 102 dan
Seksyen 103;
ii. Peruntukan Seksyen 103 Enakmen tersebut
memperuntukan mengenai status agama anak mualaf yang
berumur di bawah 18 tahun adalah mengikut agama
iii. Seksyen 86 Enakmen Keluarga Islam 2005 telah
menggariskan penjagaan bagi kanak-kanak tidak sah taraf
dan mengiktirafkan hak penjagaan adalah terletak kepada
ibunya; dan
iv. Melalui Fatwa Negeri Pahang bagi status agama anak
bawah umur 18 tahun selepas salah seorang pasangan
memeluk Islam yang diwartakan pada September 2013
menyatakan bahawa anak bawah umur akan mengikut
agama ibu atau bapa yang memeluk agama Islam.
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10. Oleh itu, permohonan Plaintif adalah di luar bidang kuasa
Mahkamah ini memandangkan Plaintif adalah beragam Islam dan
oleh kerana permohonan Plaintif menjurus kepada keluar
daripada agama Islam, maka ianya terletak di bawah bidang
kuasa Mahkamah Syariah.
11. Defendan Kedua juga telah berhujah dan menggunapakai
penyataan-penyataan sepertimana yang telah dikemukakan oleh
pihak Defendan Pertama.
12. Berdasarkan kepada permohonan Plaintif tersebut dan jawapan-
jawapan yang dikemukakan oleh Defendan Pertama dan
Defendan Kedua, maka isu-isu yang berbangkit adalah seperti
berikut :
i. Sama ada Plaintif adalah seorang yang beragama Islam di
bawah peruntukan undang-undang yang terpakai;
ii. Sama ada kebenaran daripada ibu dan bapa Plaintif adalah
diperlukan; dan
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iii. Sama ada Mahkamah ini mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk
memberikan deklarasi yang dipohon oleh Plaintif.
13. Berkaitan dengan isu pertama iaitu sama ada Plaintif seorang
yang beragam Islam atau tidak, Defendan-Defendan telah
merujuk kepada peruntukan Seksyen 2 Enakmen Pentadbiran
Undang-Undang Islam 1991 (Pahang) yang memperuntukan
seperti berikut:
“2.(1) Dalam Enakmen ini, melainkan konteksnya
menghendaki makna yang lain-
“orang Islam” ertinya-
(a) seseorang yang menganut agama Islam;
(b) seseorang yang sama ada kedua-dua ibu bapa
atau salah seorang daripadanya pada masa
kelahiran orang itu adalah seorang Islam;
(c) seseorang yang sejak lahir dididik atau telah dididik
oleh orang Islam atau dengan cara yang diterima
oleh Islam;
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(d) seseorang yang telah memeluk agama Islam
menurut seksyen 101 atau menurut kuasa Seksyen
102 dan 103;
(e) seseorang yang lazimnya dikenali sebagai seorang
Islam; atau
(f) seseorang yang menyebut, dalam keadaan di mana
ia terikat dengan undang-undang berkata benar,
bahawa dia adalah seorang Islam, sama ada
kenyataan itu dibuat secara lisan atau bertulis;”
14. Dengan menggunapakai peruntukan di atas, Defendan Kedua
menyatakan bahawa Plaintif seorang yang beragama Islam
sebagaimana yang ditakrifkan di bawah Seksyen 2(1)(d)
Enakmen tersebut iaitu Plaintif telah memeluk agama Islam
menurut kuasa Seksyen 103 yang memperuntukan seperti
“103. Jika pada saat dia memeluk agama Islam, seseorang
muallaf sama ada lelaki atau perempuan, ada mempunyai
anak yang belum mencapai umur lapan belas tahun, dan
anak itu telah diperintahkan oleh Mahkamah, selain
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daripada Mahkamah Syariah, supaya diletakkan di bawah
penjagaan muallaf itu, dan muallaf itu menetapkan supaya
anak itu memeluk agama Islam, maka anak tersebut adalah
memeluk agama Islam pada masa penjagaan diberi.”
15. Plaintif adalah anak tidak sah taraf yang dilahirkan pada 27
November 1993 dan ibu Plaintif adalah seorang yang bukan
beragama Islam semasa Plaintif dilahirkan. Manakala bapa
Plaintif (Sulaiman) adalah seorang Muslim.
16. Ibu Plaintif telah memeluk agama Islam pada 14 November 1995
ketika Plaintif berumur 2 tahun dan telah diberikan kad penukaran
agama. Kad tersebut telah diberikan sebagai gentian yang mana
kad lama telah hilang. Permohonan ibu Plaintif pada 05 Julai 1998
telah didaftarkan di dalam Daftar Rekod Mualaf Negeri Pahang
1996/1999 sebagaimana yang terdapat di ekshibit MUIP-2.
Menurut ekshibit tersebut, Daftar Rekod Mualaf telah mencatitkan
bahawa Siti Nur Ain binti Sulaiman dan ini menunjukkan bahawa
nama Islam Plaintif telah diberikan sejak Plaintif masih kecil lagi.
Oleh itu, keterangan Plaintif bahawa ibunya telah memberikan
nama Siti Nur Ain yang dibuat di bawah tekanan semasa ingin
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mendaftarkan kad pengenalan beliau semasa berumur 13 tahun
tersebut adalah tidak selari dan bercanggah sepertimana di
kandungan ekshibit MUIP-2 tersebut.
17. Oleh kerana Plaintif telah mengesahkan bahawa beliau telah
dijaga oleh ibunya sejak beliau dilahirkan, maka hak penjagaan
Plaintif adalah terletak sepenuhnya di bawah ibunya dan hak
penjagaan ini adalah tidak dipertikaikan berdasarkan kepada
keterangan-keterangan yang telah dikemukakan ke Mahkamah.
18. Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada peruntukan Seksyen 86
Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam 2005 yang
menggariskan bahawa penjagaan bagi kanak-kanak tidak sah
taraf adalah terletak kepada ibunya. Peruntukan tersebut adalah
seperti berikut :
“Penjagaan anak-anak tak sahtaraf
86. Penjagaan anak-anak tak sahtaraf adalah semata-mata
pada ibu dan ibu saudara mara ibu.”
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19. Kerajaan Negeri Pahang juga telah mengeluarkan Fatwa Negeri
Pahang bagi status agama anak di bawah umur 18 tahun selepas
salah seorang pasangan memeluk agama Islam yang telah
diwartakan pada 12 September 2013 yang mana menyatakan
bahawa anak bawah umur akan mengikut agama ibu atau bapa
yang telah memeluk agama Islam.
20. Oleh itu, fatwa tersebut boleh digunakan oleh Mahkamah ini bagi
menentukan deklarasi yang dipohon oleh kerana ianya adalah
relevan dan fatwa tersebut juga telah diwartakan di dalam Warta
Kerajaan Negeri Pahang.
21. Mahkamah dengan itu merujuk kepada kes Rosliza bt Ibrahim v
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor [2021] 2 MLJ 181 di mana
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan bahawa :
“[131] … I respectfully consider that before granting the
relevant remedies the appellant sought, we should first
request for the opinion of the Fatwa Committee of the State of
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[151] The question pertaining to the religious status of the
appellant at the time of birth transgresses into the realm of
Islamic law, which needs serious consideration, proper
scrutiny and proper interpretation of such law.
Unquestionably, when the legal question of religious status is
concerned, it bears spiritual and theological undertones. In my
opinion, the civil court on its own is not qualified to determine
this issue. It bears emphasizing that Islamic law is derived
from the primary sources ie the Holy Quran and the Hadith. In
addition, there are other secondary sources of Islamic law, for
example the consensus of the religious scholars (ijma) and
the authoritative rulings (fatwa)…
[156] …The point I want to make is this: while we are
competent to adjudicate the matter and to rule on this
foundational issue, it must not be without the assistance of
Islamic jurists after consideration of Islamic law. With this in
perspective, in my opinion, the expert opinion given by a
Fatwa Committee is relevant evidence to be considered in
deciding with certainty the issue before us…
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[162] … It is with all the above principles in mind that before
granting prayers (b) and (c) sought by the appellant, the
opinion of the Fatwa Committee should first be obtained. …”
22. Juga, di dalam kes Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara & Ors v A
Child & Ors (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor, Intervener)
[2020] 2 MLJ 277 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan
seperti berikut :
“[73] Typically under the state legislation on the
administration of Islamic laws, there is always a provision that
allows a fatwa to be made or deliberated on an unsettled or
controversial issue. Such a ruling or opinion, generally
speaking, becomes law and binding, upon it
been gazetted (see as an example s 34 of the Administration
of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993).
[75] The opinion of the National Fatwa Committee or
a fatwa becomes law in the State of Johore and would be
legally binding only if it is gazetted in the State Gazette under
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s 49 of the Administration of the Religion of Islam (State of
Johor) Enactment 2003 (Enactment No 16 of 2003). …”
23. Berpandukan kepada nas-nas di atas, adalah diputuskan bahawa
fatwa tersebut adalah mengikat (binding) bagi setiap orang Islam
yang menetap di Negeri Pahang apabila ianya diwartakan di
dalam Warta Negeri menurut peruntukan Seksyen 36(3)
Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam 1991 (Pahang)
yang memperuntukan seperti berikut :
“36.(3) Sebaik sahaja dibuat oleh Mufti, sesuatu fatwa
hendaklah mengikat setiap orang Islam yang tinggal di Negeri
Pahang sebagai ajaran agamanya dan hendaklah menjadi
kewajipannya mengikuti dan berpegang kepada fatwa itu,
kecuali dia dibenarkan oleh Hukum Syarak menyimpang
daripada fatwa itu dalam hal kewajipan peribadi, kepercayaan
atau pendapat.”
24. Oleh itu, hak penjagaan Plaintif selaku anak tidak sah taraf adalah
terletak di bawah jagaan ibunya dan apabila ibunya memeluk
agama Islam ketika Plaintif berumur 2 tahun, maka dengan itu
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Plaintif adalah menurut agama ibunya sebagaimana yang
diperuntukan di bawah Seksyen 103 enakmen tersebut.
25. Oleh itu, bagi menjawab isu pertama, Mahkamah ini memutuskan
bahawa Plaintif adalah seorang yang beragama Islam
sebagaimana yang ditakrifkan menurut peruntukan Seksyen
2(1)(d) Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam 1991
(Pahang) yang dibaca bersama-sama Seksyen 103 enakmen
yang sama dan juga Seksyen 86 Enakmen Undang-Undang
Keluarga Islam 2005.
26. Berkaitan dengan isu kedua pual iaitu sama ada Plaintif
memerlukan kebenaran ibu bapa dengan merujuk kepada
peruntukan Perkara 12(4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang
memperuntukan seperti berikut :
“12. Hak-hak berkenaan dengan pelajaran.
(4) Bagi maksud Fasal (3), ugama bagi seseorang yang
berumur kurang daripada lapan belas tahun adalah
ditetapkan oleh ibu bapa atau penjaganya.”
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27. Defendan Pertama menyatakan bahawa bapa Plaintif adalah
seorang Islam manakala ibu Plaintif telah memeluk agama Islam
ketika Plaintif berumur 2 tahun. Menurut catatan di ekshibit MUIP-
2, Plaintif telah dicatatkan sebagai memeluk agama Islam
bersama ibunya dan telah dicatatkan sebagai seorang Islam oleh
Pegawai Daftar Mualad di dalam Daftar Rekod Mualaf di atas
maklumat yang diberikan oleh ibu Plaintif sendiri.
28. Nama Siti Nur Ain binti Sulaiman yang dicatatkan di ekshibit MUIP-
2 tersebut adalah sama dengan nama Plaintif sewaktu kad
pengenalan beliau didaftarkan yang mana juga adalah sama
dengan nama Plaintif di dalam tindakan ini.
29. Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa nama Siti Nur Ain binti Sulaiman
telah diberikan oleh ibu Plaintif sendiri dan bukannya ketika Plaintif
berumur 13 tahun semasa ibunya ingin mendaftarkan kad
pengenalan di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara. Tiada apa-apa
keterangan lain yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif bahawa nama
sebenarnya adalah Anne sepertimana yang didakwa.
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30. Oleh itu, berdasarkan kepada rekod ekshibit MUIPS-2, ibu
Plaintiflah yang telah memberikan persetujuan untuk Plaintif
memeluk agama Islam bersama-samanya dan ibu Plaintif jugalah
yang telah memberi persetujuan untuk memeluk agama Islam
pada ketika itu.
31. Oleh itu, dakwaan ibu Plaintif bahawa beliau tidak pernah
memberikan apa-apa persetujuan untuk Plaintif memeluk agama
Islam tidak disokong oleh apa-apa keterangan bebas yang lain
tanpa maklumat daripada ibu Plaintif sendiri. Adalah mustahil bagi
Pegawai Daftar Mualaf untuk memberikan nama Siti Nur Ain binti
Sulaiman sepertimana yang tercatat di dalam Daftar Rekod
Mualaf tersebut.
32. Oleh itu, isu persetujuan daripada ibu bapa Plaintif adalah tidak
relevan oleh kerana bapa Plaintif adalah seorang muslim
manakala Plaintif juga adalah di bawah jagaan ibu Plaintif dan juga
seorang yang beragama Islam.
33. Mahkamah dengan ini merujuk kepada kes Indira Ghandi a/p
Mutho v Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak & Ors and
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Other Appeals [2018] 1 MLJ 545 di mana Mahkamah
Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa persetujuan kedua-dua ibu
dan bapa adalah diperlukan bagi penukaran status agama anak
kepada agama Islam menurut Perkara 12(4) Perlembagaan
Persekutuan yang dibaca bersama-sama dengan Seksyen 5 dan
Seksyen 11 Akta Penjagaan Budak 1991.
34. Fakta kes di atas adalah berbeza di dalam kes di hadapan
Mahkamah ini di mana kedua-dua pasangan suami isteri adalah
beragam Hindu dan telah mendaftarkan perkahwinan mereka di
bawah Akta Undang-Undang Pembaharuan (Perkahwinan dan
Perceraian) 1976. Selepas itu si suami telah memeluk agama
Islam dan telah menukarkan agama anak-anak mereka kepada
agama Islam tanpa persetujuan si isteri. Oleh itu, isu berkenaan
persetujuan kedua-dua ibu bapa adalah relevan di dalam kes
tersebut memandangkan salah seorang daripada penjaga adalah
bukan beragama Islam.
35. Berbeza dengan kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Plaintif telah
dilahirkan sebagai anak tidak sah taraf dan bapa Plaintif adalah
seorang muslim pada ketika kelahirannya, manakala ibu Plaintif
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telah memeluk agama Islam ketika Plaintif berumur 2 tahun iaitu
semasa Plaintif di bawah umur 18 tahun. Oleh itu, keputusan kes
Indira Ghandi a/p Mutho tersebut adalah tidak relevan dan tidak
terpakai bagi kes Plaintif ini.
36. Oleh itu, persetujuan ibu atau bapa adalah tidak terpakai di sini.
37. Berkaitan dengan isu ketiga iaitu sama ada Mahkamah ini punya
bidang kuasa untuk membuat perintah deklarasi sebagaimana
yang dipohon oleh Plaintif. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan
bahawa Plaintif sebenarnya adalah seorang yang beragama Islam
sepertimana yang telah diputuskan melalui isu pertama.
38. Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Rosliza bt Ibrahim v
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor (supra) di mana di dalam
penghakimanya, Tengku Maimun, Ketua Hakim Negara
menyatakan seperti berikut:
“[108] ... At the risk of repetition, if a matter concerns an ab
initio case, that is, the question whether a person is in the
first place a ‘person professing the religion of Islam’ it
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necessarily concerns a question regarding one’s identity
under the FC which in turn necessitates constitutional
interpretation. This is because the phrase ‘persons
professing the religion of Islam’ is a constitutional term.
Accordingly, the civil courts are empowered, indeed, duty-
bound to adjudicate the matter. It is only in renunciation
cases where one already professes or proclaims to profess
the religion of Islam (irrespective of whether they actually
practise the faith) with the subsequent decision to change
what they profess, that the matter is removed to the
jurisdiction of the Syariah Court. The distinction drawn from
the cases of Lina Joy and Azmi illustrates the difference.
Whether it is an ab initio case or a renunciation case will
require a careful examination of the factual matrix of the
[112] The respondents and the amicus curiae, the attorney
general, argued that this is a renunciation case and
accordingly, this court has no jurisdiction to determine the
religion of the plaintiff under art 121(1A) of the FC. It is thus
necessary to now examine the factual matrix of the case to
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determine whether the plaintiff is, on the evidence, a Muslim
to begin with. If she is not, then in accordance with the
principles established earlier, this court can grant her the
declaration she seeks. If she is a Muslim by original faith,
then the matter will be for the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court
and this court would not have the jurisdiction to grant her the
reliefs sought to the extent that they relate to renunciation.”
39. Mahkamah Persekutuan juga telah membuat analisis fakta seperti
berikut :
“[121] Again, determining whether the plaintiff is
constitutionally a person ‘professing the religion of Islam’
requires proof. The force of the evidence on record suggests
to the contrary. To assume that Ibrahim may have raised the
plaintiff as a Muslim without proof, with respect, is merely a
conjecture. The logical conclusion ought to have been that
taking the evidence as it stands, s 2(c) of the ARIE 2003 does
not apply to the plaintiff.
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[122] In the circumstances, as none of the provisions of s 2
of the ARIE 2003 apply to the plaintiff’s case, the natural
conclusion one is compelled to draw is that the plaintiff is not,
as a matter of fact, a person ‘professing the religion of Islam’
as per Item 1 of the State List. This is because there is no
proof that she is a Muslim by original faith.
[123] Accordingly, the concurrent decisions of the High
Court and the Court of Appeal cannot stand as they were
made on the erroneous premise that the plaintiff was
originally a Muslim seeking to renounce her faith. This is an
ab initio case and not a renunciation case.”
40. Berdasarkan kepada keputusan kes di atas, permohonan
deklarasi yang dipohon oleh Plaintif di sini adalah an initio dan
bukannya kes penolakan (renunciation) memandangkan tidak ada
bukti bahawa beliau beragama Islam pada asalnya.
41. Kes Rosliza bt Ibrahim adalah berbeza dengan kes di hadapan
Mahkamah ini kerana ibu Rosliza adalah beragama Buddha dan
beliau telah dibesarkan di dalam kepercayaan Buddha.
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Permohonan kad pengenalan Rosliza telah dibuat oleh bapanya
yang menyatakan Rosliza adalah beragama Islam.
42. Berbeza dengan kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, ibu Plaintif telah
memeluk agama Islam ketika Plaintif berusia 2 tahun dan ibu
Plaintif jugalah yang telah memberikan nama Islam kepada Plaintif
menurut Daftar Rekod Mualaf dan nama itu jugalah yang telah
digunakan oleh ibunya ketika membuat permohonan kad
pengenalan Plaintif.
43. Juga, Plaintif sejak lahir telah dijaga oleh ibunya yang merupakan
seorang Muslim dan Plaintif hanya berkahwin ketika berumur 19
tahun pada 2012. Plaintif juga mempunyai 2 orang adik beradik
yang beragama Islam sebagaimana Sijil Kelahiran di ekshibit
44. Plaintif telah gagal memberikan apa-apa keterangan bahawa
Plaintif telah dibesarkan mengikut adat dan kepercayaan orang
asli. Oleh itu, beban pembuktian bagi sesuatu fakta adalah
terletak kepada pihak yang menuntut hak tersebut menurut
Seksyen 41 Akta Relif Spesifik 1950.
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45. Daripada keterangan-keterangan yang ada di hadapan
Mahkamah, adalah jelas bahawa Plaintif adalah seorang yang
beragama Islam sejak asal dan ia dibesarkan menurut agama
tersebut oleh ibunya apabila ibunya memeluk agama Islam. Oleh
itu, permohonan Plaintif yang menjurus kepada permohonan
Plaintif untuk keluar daripada agama Islam adalah terletak di
bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah sepertimana yang
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Rosliza bt
Ibrahim tersebut.
46. Di dalam kes Rosliza bt Ibrahim, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah
membuat observation seperti berikut :
“[87] Administratively, once one becomes a Muslim, and
becomes subject to the jurisdiction of the Syariah Courts, the
procedure to ‘leave’ the religion also becomes subject to
Islamic law. In this context, almost all States in Malaysia have
a presumption provision and in Selangor it is s 74(2) of the
ARIE 2003 which provides:
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For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that a
Muslim shall at all times be acknowledged and treated
as a Muslim unless a declaration has been made by a
Syariah Court that he is no longer a Muslim.
[88] Summarising the above, one cannot unilaterally on his
own accord renounce the religion of Islam. Doing so would
amount to an offence against the precepts of Islam. In such
an instance, the Syariah Court would have both
jurisdictions ratione personae and ratione materiae. This has
long been canvassed and explained by the Federal Court
in Kamariah bte Ali dan lain-lain lwn Kerajaan Negeri
Kelantan dan satu lagi [2005] 1 MLJ 197.”
47. Seterusnya, oleh kerana kes ini menjurus kepada renunciation,
maka Mahkamah Sivil ini tidak mempunyai apa-apa bidang kuasa
untuk menentukan isu tersebut kerana ianya terletak khusus di
dalam bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah.
48. Juga, merujuk kepada Enakmen A82 iaitu Enakmen Pentadbiran
Undang-Undang Islam (Pindaan) (No. 2) 2020 yang telah
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disiarkan dalam Warta Kerajaan pada 11 Februari 2021 dan
berkuatkuasa pada 12 Februari 2021 selaras dengan kehendak
subseksyen 19(1) Akta Tafsiran 1948 dan 1967 (Akta 388).
49. Dalam undang-undang yang terkini dan berkuatkuasa sekarang,
Ketua Pendaftar Mualaf juga merupakan Ketua Pendaftar
Penentuan Status Muslim sebagaimana yang diperuntukan dalam
seksyen baharu Seksyen 111E Enakmen N0.3/1991. Tambahan
pula, diperuntukan juga di bawah Seksyen 111H misalan-misalan
yang menjelaskan hal situasi di mana Ketua Pendaftar
mempunyai kuasa untuk memperakukan bahawa seseorang
Pemohon itu bukan Islam sebagaimana dalam Subseksyen
111H(3). DIperhatikan bahawa terdapat misalan yang hampir
serupa faktanya tetapi tidak sama dengan kes Plaintif ini seperti
berikut :
(a) …
(c) C adalah anak tak sah taraf yang salah seorang ibu atau
bapanya adalah seorang Islam. C meragui sama ada
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dia seorang Islam atau bukan kerana dia tinggal
bersama ibu, bapa atau penjaga yang bukan beragama
Islam. C dibesarkan sebagai bukan Islam dan
mengamalkan cara hidup bukan Islam. C merujuk
kepada Ketua Pendaftar untuk diperakukan bahawa dia
bukan seorang Islam. Ketua Pendaftar itu hendaklah
memperakukan bahawa C pada setiap masa yang
material bukan seorang Islam selepas Jawatankuasa
Penasihat Akidah membuat penentuan bahawa C bukan
seorang Islam.”
50. Oleh itu, Mahkamah Syariah mempunyai bidang kuasa
sepenuhnya di dalam kes-kes berkaitan dengan renunciation dan
dengan itu Mahkamah Sivil tidak punya apa-apa bidang kuasa
bagi memutuskan relif-relif yang dipohon oleh Plaintif tersebut.
51. Dengan mengambilkira hujahan-hujahan di atas, Mahkamah
dengan ini mendapati dan memutuskan bahawa permohonan
Plaintif adalah tidak bermerit dan dengan itu permohonan Plaintif
adalah ditolak dengan kos.
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Peguam Plaintif :
Encik Surendra Ananth bersama Cik New Sin Yew dan Nur Izni Syazwani
binti Ahmad (Pelatih Dalam Kamar)
Tetuan AmerBon
D3-5-1 Solaris Dutamas
No.1 Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
No. Rujukan : 2022000713 NSY/NIS/nj [CALR]
Emel : /
Peguam Defendan Pertama:
Dato’ Haji Mohd Najid bin Hussain bersama Encik Mohd Rosli bin Yusoff
dan Puan Nornajihah binti Ahmad Nadjemudin
Tetuan Mohd Najid & Partners
B-30, Tingkat Bawah & Tingkat 1
Jalan Bukit Sekilau, PO BOX 400
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25200 Kuantan, Pahang
No. Rujukan : MNP/L/CV/IND/719/08/2022/MNH/NAN/noor
Emel :
Peguam Defendan Kedua:
Puan Dorah binti Abd Kadir
(Penolong Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Pahang)
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Pahang
Tingkat 3, Blok B, Wisma Sri Pahang
25000 Kuantan, Pahang
No. Rujukan : PUH/PHG.F/100/38/1/44/2022 (MT)
Emel :
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| 31,561 | Tika 2.6.0 |
22NCC-362-09/2014 | PLAINTIF PROTASCO BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) PT ANGLO SLAVIC UTAMA 2. ) TEY POR YEE 3. ) OOI KOCK AUN | Company Law — Companies — Directors — Claim by company against ex-directors — Breach of statutory duties – Breach of fiduciary duties —Whether ex-directors acted in breach of fiduciary and statutory duties — Whether there was a conspiracy to injure the company by the ex-directors — Whether company suffered loss | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
SUIT NO. WA-22NCC-362-09/2014
[ Company No.: 548078-H] …. PLAINTIFF
[Company Registration No.:
[ NRIC No.: 760202-14-5147]
[ NRIC No.: 670307-07-5561] …. DEFENDANTS
“Harap pagar, pagar makan padi.”
[1] In this action, the Plaintiff claims against the 2nd and 3rd
Defendants (respectively, “Larry” and “Adrian”) as former directors of the
Plaintiff, among others, to recover the sum of USD27million paid to the
1st Defendant (“PT ASU”) and PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia (“PT ASI”). The
Plaintiff alleged that Larry and Adrian had fraudulently caused the Plaintiff
to enter into a transaction to acquire shares in PT ASI, a company that
purportedly owned oil exploration rights in Indonesia from PT ASU, the 1st
Defendant. The Plaintiff further alleged that Larry and Adrian had personal
interests in (among others) PT ASU, which they failed to disclose to the
Plaintiff in breach of their statutory and fiduciary duties as directors.
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22NCC-362-09/2014 Kand. 743
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Plaintiff’s case
[2] The Plaintiff’s case in summary is that Larry and Adrian:
2.1 acted in breach of their fiduciary and statutory duties owed
to Protasco as Directors, in particular breach of Section 132
and 131 of the CA 1965;
2.2 deception, fraud, conspiracy to defraud, utilising PT ASU
as a vehicle to defraud Protasco, and PT ASU is the
signatory to SPA 1 and SPA 2.
[3] The Plaintiff claimed that Larry on or about November 2012 had
introduced an investment opportunity in the oil and gas industry in
Indonesia to Protasco. The proposed investment involved the purchase of
76% of the total issued share capital of PT ASI from PT ASU. PT ASI at
that material time owned and controlled 49% of a company PT Firman
Andalan Sakti (“PT FAS”) which in turn owned and controlled 70% of PT
Hase Bumou Aceh (“PT Haseba”). PT Haseba had entered into a
production management partnerhip agreement (“PMPA”) with PT
Pertamina (Persero) (“Pertamina”) wherein PT Haseba was granted rights
by Pertamina to develop and produce oil and gas in the Kuala Simpang
Timur (“KST”) oil field located in Aceh, Indonesia.
[4] The proposed investment was done through 2 agreements
executed between Protasco and PT ASU. The 1st agreement (“SPA 1”)
was executed on 28.12.2012 for a purchase consideration of
USD55million. Due to subsequent material discoveries which were
discovered through a due diligence, Protasco and PT ASU executed an
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amended sale and purchase agreement on 29.01.2014 (“SPA 2”). SPA 2
reduced the purchase consideration to USD22million with a further
payment of USD5million made as a shareholders’ advance to PT ASI
(“Shareholder’s Advance”).
[5] In total, a sum of USD27million was paid by Protasco to PT ASU
and PT ASI. This payment of USD27million was secured by shares in a
company known as PT Inovisi Infracom TBK (“PT Inovisi”) given by a 3rd
party, namely Acclaim Investments Limited (“Acclaim”), a company
incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (“Blocked Inovisi Shares”).
[6] According to Protasco, the securities in the form of Blocked
Innovisi shares provided was part of the inducement for Protasco to make
the aforesaid payments.
[7] It is also Protasco’s case that it was deceived into paying:
(a) the differential sum of USD5,659,437.00 to PT ASU
pursuant to SPA 2 on the representation of Adrian that the
Conditions Subsequent contained in SPA 2 was attainable;
(b) the Shareholder’s Advance of USD5million to PT ASI
pursuant to SPA 2 on the representation of Adrian that the
USD5million was needed for inter-alia wells re-activation in
order to facilitate the process of securing a 10-year
extension to the PMPA with Pertamina.
[8] Protasco contends that:
(a) it had discovered that it has become a victim of deception
and fraud as Larry and Adrian are in fact the effective
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beneficial owners of PT ASU, PT ASI, Acclaim, PT Inovisi
and PT Green Pine (single largest shareholder of PT
(b) Larry and Adrian breached their fiduciary and statutory
duties to Protasco including but not limited to the following:
(i) that Larry and Adrian failed to disclose their interest in
PT ASU, PT ASI, Acclaim and PT Inovisi to Protasco;
(ii) that Larry and Adrian had induced Protasco to make
payment of a sum of USD22million without Protasco’s
knowledge of their personal interest in PT ASU;
(iii) that Larry and Adrian had induced Protasco to make
the Shareholder’s Advance of USD5million to PT ASI
for works that was supposed to be undertaken to assist
in the application to Pertamina in order to secure an
extension of the PMPA;
(iv) that Larry and Adrian had appropriated a total sum of
USD27million for the benefit of themselves using
various corporate vehicles, fronts and nominees;
(v) that Larry and Adrian had induced Protasco to accept
as security provided by Acclaim for payment of the
consideration sum for SPA 1 and SPA 2 and the
Shareholder’s Advance in which Protasco was
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purportedly able to dispose of and recover the
purchase price and the Shareholder’s Advance.
Protasco was unable to recover the purchase
consideration and the Shareholder’s Advance through
the security provided;
(vi) that Larry and Adrian either by themselves or through
their agents, servants and/or nominees have with
fraudulent design and through forgery caused the
issuance of the PT ASU’s letters dated 21.07.2014 and
(c) SPA 1 and SPA 2 were entered into in breach of Section
132E of the Companies Act 1965 due to the non-disclosure
of interest by Larry and Adriani in the transaction;
(d) that Larry and Adrian have wrongfully and with intent to
injure Protasco and/or cause loss to Protasco by unlawful
means conspired and combined together to defraud
Protasco and to conceal such fraud and the proceeds of
such fraud from Protasco;
(e) The elements of conspiracy include:
(i) causing Protasco to make payment of USD27million to
PT ASU and PT ASI with full knowledge that the
transaction was nothing more than a scam to defraud
Protasco and/or unjustly enriched Larry and Adrian
with the payments made by Protasco;
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(ii) the receipt by Larry and Adrian of the USD27million via
PT ASU and PT ASI is in breach of their fiduciary,
equitable and statutory duties; and
(iii) causing and/or authoring the issuance of letters by PT
ASU in an attempt to deprive Protasco of its rights to
unilaterally terminate SPA 2 and deprive Protasco a
refund of the purchase consideration and the
Shareholder’s Advance.
[9] Premised on facts and events narrated above, the Plaintiff
asserts it has suffered loss and damage. The reliefs claimed against Larry
and Adrian as particularized in paragraph 76 of the SOC is for payment of
the sum of USD27million to Protasco and a declaration that Larry and
Adrian had acted in breach of their duties set out in paragraphs 60 to 62
of the SOC.
[10] As against PT ASU, Protasco’s claim is grounded on conspiracy
to injure/defraud and the relief claimed is:
(a) a declaration that all monies received by it through the
defrauding of Protasco are held by it as a constructive
(b) damages for breach of contract;
(c) damages for conspiracy and fraud;
(d) declaration that SPA1 and SPA2 are null and void for breach
of s. 132 of the CA or breach of public policy;
(e) a payment of USD22 million.
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[11] The claim against PT ASU was stayed pending arbitration
pursuant to section 10(1), Arbitration Act 2005 (“AA 2005”). Protasco
subsequently obtained an order to stay the arbitration pending the
determination of the action herein.
Larry and Adrian’s defence
[12] Larry and Adrian ‘s defence in gist is that:
12.1 It was Dato’ Sri Chong Ket Pen (“DSC or “CKP”) who was
the executive vice chairman of the Plaintiff that had
approached Global Capital Limited (“Global Cap” or “GCL”)
to procure a purchaser for a controlling stake in Protasco;
12.2 It was promised to Global Cap that in return, the purchaser
would be given equal board representation in Protasco and
Protasco would jointly develop the oil and gas project in
KST Aceh, Indonesia with purchaser;
12.3 DSC and Global Cap entered into the Investment
Agreement (“IA”) intending to jointly develop the oil and gas
project and a master agreement was supposed to be
entered into. SPA1 was entered into by Protasco and PT
ASU in furtherance of the IA, namely to enable Protasco to
diversify its business into oil and gas in
Indonesia vide related companies;
12.4 That Adrian was not involved in the negotiations and
execution of the IA, and that he only became aware of the
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said agreement after this suit was filed by Protasco;
12.5 That due to time constraints, Global Cap was unable to
secure sufficient investors and Larry opted to participate in
the deal to purchase the 27.11% of total share capital in
Protasco via his corporate vehicle, Kingdom Seekers;
12.6 That both Larry and Adrian were not involved in the
discussions and negotiations between Protasco and PT
ASU leading up to the execution of the SPA 1 and SPA 2;
12.7 that there was no misrepresentation nor inducement by
Adrian and Larry towards Protasco vis-à- vis SPA 1 and
SPA 2 and the payments made thereunder;
12.8 That at all material times:
(i) the board of directors of Protasco was under the
control of DSC; DSC did not disclose the IA of 3
November 2012 to the Board of Protasco. As such it
is contended by Larry and Adrian that it was DSC
who was in breach of his fiduciary duties in failing to
disclose the terms of the IA;
(ii) Dedi Francis was the commissioner and owner of PT
(iii) the director of PT ASU was one Tjoe Yudhis, who is
answerable to the said Dedi Francis.
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12.10 Protasco had appointed several professional parties to
conduct due diligence; that in light of the exhaustive due
diligence conducted by DSC and his son Kenny Chong,
the principal officers acting for and on behalf of Protasco,
who actively conducted negotiations with PT ASU and
entry into SPA1 and SPA2, they had full knowledge and
had participated in the preparation of SPA2 as made
evident from correspondence and emails. The entire
transaction between Protasco and PT ASU has been
undertaken at the behest of, and with the full knowledge
and consent of DSC and Kenny Chong. Therefore there
could be no inducement, misrepresentation, deception
and/or cheating by Larry and Adrian which caused the
payment of the said USD27million or any part thereof to
12.11 Protasco was represented by a lawyer while PT ASU was
not. Protasco knew that the concession was only until
14.12. 2014. SPA2 reduced the purchase price to USD22
million but sought to extend the tenure by ten years while
knowing full well that Pertamina’s policy is to grant a
contract for only two or three years.
12.12 That Protasco had failed to perform its obligations to
reactivate the oilfields or provide a business duration and
drilling program for the oil field to facilitate any extension
sought, thus prevented PT ASU from carrying out its
obligations to secure the 10-year extension from
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12.13 That at all material times, Larry and Adrian are not the
beneficial owners of PT ASU, PT Inovisi, Acclaim, or PT
Green Pine;
12.14 The investigations by the Investigation Committee (“IC”)
was a sham, no investigation report was produced, no
report of its findings were made to the board of directors,
nor any queries put to Larry and Adrian at all;
12.15 Contend the claim was filed at the behest of DSC after a
board meeting convened to ratify his unilateral action;
12.16 That DSC, Kenny Chong and the senior management of
Protasco and its subsidiaries have financially benefited
through illegal financial gains of RM10million via an entity
named RS Maha Niaga Sdn Bhd.
[13] As gleaned from the parties’ cases, the substantive issues before
the court are whether Larry and Adrian:
13.1 breached their fiduciary or statutory duties as directors;
13.2 conspired to defraud the Plaintiff;
13.3 if found liable to have acted in breach of their fiduciary or
statutory duties as directors, and/or for conspiracy to
defraud the Plaintiff, is the Plaintiff entitled to the relief
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The Trial
[14] During a protracted trial which first opened before Azizul J (now
JCA) pre-pandemic in 2019, and then conducted virtually online by me
commencing 2021, using the Zoom video conferencing platform lasting
42 non-consecutive days, the Plaintiff called 14 witnesses whilst Larry and
Adrian called a total of 4 witnesses including themselves to give evidence.
14.1 The Plaintiff’s witnesses were:
(i) Ho Chun Fuat [PW-1]
(ii) Mea Fak Sin [PW-2]
(iii) Dato’ Sri Chong Ket Pen [PW-3]
(iv) Lim Yok Chaw [PW-4]
(v) Tjoe Yudhis Gathrie [PW-5]
(vi) Manpreet Kaur [PW-6]
(vii) Hendra Setiawan [PW-7]
(viii) Heriyanto [PW-8]
(ix) Johnny Situwanda [PW-9]
(x) Aida Zurina binti Mat Yassin @ Adnan [PW-10]
(xi) Tan Yee Boon [PW-11]
(xii) Mohammad Zahir Talib [PW-12]
(xiii) Norliza Harun [PW-13]
(xiv) Rachel a/p Dason [PW-14]
14.2 Larry and Adrian’s witnesses:
(i) Andy Yong Siew Vui [DW-1]
(ii) Dedi Francis [DW-2]
(iii) Larry Tey [DW-3]
(iv) Adrian Ooi [DW-4]
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[15] Having looked the matter entirely, considered the numerous
documents and notes of evidence, and having carefully considered the
submissions of the parties, I find on a balance of probabilities, that the
claim by the Plaintiff has been proven and had on 30.8.2023 allowed the
Plaintiff’s claim with costs, and gave broad grounds as to why. This
judgment contains the reasons for my decision. At the outset, I ought to
say that on the facts of the present case, I am in accord with the
arguments canvassed by the Plaintiff’s counsel and adopt his
submissions in these grounds.
Preliminary Issues
[16] It is observed that in post trial submissions, Larry and Adrian
contended that as the claim centres on alleged deception by the
Defendants, and thus fraud, the pleading lacks specificity, is fatally
deficient and thus have caused prejudice to Larry and Adrian in
understanding the case they have to meet.
[17] In addition, during the course of trial, various objections were
taken by Larry and Adrian on evidence led as being outside the pleaded
case and on the inadmissibility of documents which are:
17.1 In respect of DSC’s witness statement, Q&A 52A, 60,
second paragraph of the answer to 78, the amendments to
the third paragraph of Q&A129, 129A (premised on Order
18 rule 12 of ROC 2012) , Q&A 199, 200, 201 and 205
(which mentioned PT NRR, Fast Global and Telecity being
entities that were connected or related to Larry and Adrian
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whereas the pleaded case of Protasco had cited only the
companies of PT ASU, PT ASI, Acclaim and PT Green
17.2 Q&A 39 to 51, 59 to 71, 94 to 122 of Tjoe Yudhis’s witness
statement for contravening Order 18 rule 7(2) of ROC 2012
in that these were material facts which ought to have been
17.3 Audio Recordings i.e. IDP82-A and IDP 82-B are not
admissible for not having satisfied the law for admission;
17.4 Transcripts by Scribe – Exhibit P83 and P84 are
inadmissible as there were conversations in Bahasa
Indonesia that were not transcribed, and that some parts
were inaudible;
17.5 forgery of Tjoe Yudhis’s signatures in the PT ASU Letters
dated 09.05.2013, 25.09.2013, 10.01.2014, 21.07.2014,
04.08.2014, 05.08.2014 and signature in the supplemental
SPA dated 28.06.2013 cannot be raised as these
documents had been included in the bundles marked as
Part B;
17.6 Q&A14 to 19 of the witness statement of Johnny Situwanda
(PW9) and the entirety of Enclosure 649, which was a
report titled ‘Report of Duties to Protasco Bhd’ dated
22.12.2021 prepared by Johnny Situwanda being a belated
attempt to address deficiencies in the Plaintiff’s case that
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came to light during the cross-examination of DSC and
further, constitute hearsay evidence;
17.7 Exhibits P45, P46, P47, P48, P104 - no certificate under
Section 90A (2) of EA 1950 was tendered by Protasco and
Exhibit P105 bank statements, objection was on the
weight of the said document as it was not available earlier
for the cross-examination of DSC; IDP12, IDP13, IDP103
and IDP112 as the originals were not available; and
17.8 Printout from PT Inovisi website.
[18] These preliminary issue ought to be disposed of before I turn to
the substantive issues before me.
Pleading is fatally deficient and caused prejudice to Larry and Adrian?
[19] The basis for this complaint is that as the Protasco’s claim
ultimately centres on deception and thus, broadly put, fraud, (i) the failure
to plead particulars essential to informing the Defendants the specific
basis of the claim against each of them is fatal; (ii) that such deficiencies
have caused prejudice to Larry and Adrian in understanding the case
that they would need to respond to; and (iii) that the evidence led at trial
is an expansion of the pleaded case.
[20] I do not agree. At the outset of the trial, I had conveyed my
preliminary view that the pleading as it stands was sufficient but
nevertheless, informed parties that it would be open to them to ventilate
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the point at the close of trial so that I could consider the matter in a more
detailed manner. Having done so, I confirm my preliminary view.
[21] To begin with, the trite principles on pleadings are:
21.1 ‘The function of pleading is to give fair notice of the case
which has to be met: Rosita bte Baharom (an infant) v
Sabedin bin Salleh [1993] 1 MLJ 393, Perniagaan Kinabalu
(S) Sdn Bhd v Sua Ah Yoke & Ham Jon See [2002] MLJU
601. This is to prevent the opposing party from being taken
by surprise by evidence which departs from pleaded
material facts, for such evidence if allowed, will prejudice
and embarrass or mislead the opposing party:
see Superintendent of Lands and Surveys (4th Div) & Anor
v Hamit bin Matusin & Ors [1994] 3 MLJ 185; [1994] 3 CLJ
567; Raja Abdul Malek Muzaffar Shah bin Raja
Shahruzzaman v Setiausaha Suruhanjaya Pasukan Polis
& Ors [1995] 1 MLJ 308. A good pleading should contain a
statement of: (1) facts, not law, (2) material facts only, (3)
facts, not evidence, and (4) facts stated in a summary form:
see Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed, Reissue), para
13’ - Iftikar Ahmed Khan (as the executor of the estate for
Sardar Mohd Roshan Khan, deceased) v Perwira Affin
Bank Bhd (previously known as Perwira Habib Bank
Malaysia Bhd) [2018] 2 MLJ 292 FC at [22];
21.2 A party should not be put to surprise. 'Under our adversary
system of procedure, for a judge to disregard the rule by
which counsel are bound, has the effect of depriving the
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parties to the action of the benefit of one of the most
fundamental rules of natural justice, the right of each to be
informed of any point adverse to him that is going to be
relied upon by the judge, and to be given the opportunity of
stating what his answer to it is …' - Hadmor Productions
Ltd v Hamilton [1983] 1 AC 191 per Lord Diplock, cited with
approval by the former Supreme Court in Lee Ah Chor v
Southern Bank Bhd [1991] 1 MLJ 428;
21.3 ‘It is settled law that parties are bound by their pleadings
and are not allowed to adduce facts and issues which they
have not pleaded: Samuel Naik Siang Ting v Public Bank
Bhd [2015] 6 MLJ 1, State Government of Perak v
Muniandy [1986] 1 MLJ 490, Veronica Lee Ha Ling & Ors
v Maxisegar Sdn Bhd [2011] 2 MLJ 141; [2009] 6 CLJ 232.
In Lee Ah Chor v Southern Bank Bhd [1991] 1 MLJ
428; [1991] 1 CLJ Rep 239 it was held that where a vital
issue was not raised in the pleadings, it could not be
allowed to be argued and to succeed on appeal. A decision
based on an issue which was not raised by the parties in
their pleadings is liable to be set aside: Yew Wan Leong v
Lai Kok Chye [1990] 2 MLJ 152. In The Chartered Bank v
Yong Chan [1974] 1 MLJ 157 the Federal Court set aside
the judgment of the trial judge as it was decided on an issue
not raised on the pleadings. In that case the trial judge
erred in concluding that the pleadings included a claim for
breach of contract as well as a claim for libel.’ - Iftikar
Ahmed Khan (supra) at [27];
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21.4 ‘In a case where the matter or material facts are not
pleaded but evidence is led without objections at trial, the
court is duty bound to consider such evidence although it
may be a departure from the pleading. It has the effect of
curing defect in the pleading. In such a case the opposite
party is not taken by surprise, prejudiced, embarrassed or
misled. The exception is where the evidence represents
a radical departure from the pleading and is not just a
variation, modification or development of what has been
alleged in the pleading. Dato’ Hamzah bin Abdul Majid v
Omega Securities Sdn Bhd [2015] 6 MLJ 725; [2015] 9 CLJ
677 is an illustration of a case where there was a radical
departure from the pleading. In that case, loan, which was
not a pleaded defence but evidence of it was adduced
without objection was rejected as a defence as it was
a radical departure from pleading, not just a variation,
modification or development of what had been alleged in
the pleading.’ - Iftikar Ahmed Khan (supra) at [36];
21.5 ‘The primary function of the statement of claim is to plead
reasonable cause of action against the defendant.
Therefore, it must contain all material facts on which the
plaintiff relies for his claim. It must also disclose the legal
liability of the defendant. By this, it is essential to establish
a linkage between material facts pleaded in the statement
of claim and the substantive right which the plaintiff claims
or seeks to enforce against the defendant. Thus, in a case
where breach of duty is alleged, the facts upon which the
alleged duty is founded must be pleaded, and where there
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is an allegation of negligence, facts must set out showing
the existence of a duty to take reasonable care owed to the
particular person or class of person and that the duty was
disregarded.' (Metroplex Development Sdn Bhd v Mohd
Mastana bin Makaddas & anor [1995] 2 MLJ 276, at p 284
per James Foong J, as he then was).
21.6 Pursuant to Order 18 rule 7 of the Rules of Court 2012
(“ROC 2012”) only material facts, and not evidence, must
be pleaded in summary form:
“7. (1) Subject to the provisions of this rule and rules 10, 11 and 12,
every pleading shall contain, and contain only, a statement in
summary form of the material facts on which the party pleading
relies on for his claim or defence, as the case may be, but not the
evidence by which those facts are to be proved, and the
statement shall be as brief as the nature of the case allows.”
[22] The former Supreme Court in Government of Malaysia v Lim Kit
Siang [1988] 2 MLJ 12, explained what constitutes ‘a cause of action’, as
“What then is the meaning of "a cause of action"? "A cause of action" is a
statement of facts alleging that a plaintiff's right, either at law or by statute,
has, in some way or another, been adversely affected or prejudiced by the
act of a defendant in an action. Lord Diplock in Letang v Cooper [1965] 1
QB 232 at P 242 defined "a cause of action" to mean "a factual situation,
the existence of which entitles one person to obtain from the court a
remedy against another person". In my view the factual situation spoken
of by Lord Diplock must consist of a statement alleging that, first, the
respondent/plaintiff has a right either at law or by statute and that, secondly,
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such right has been affected or prejudicated by the appellant/defendant's
[23] The UK Court of Appeal in Bruce v Odhams Press Limited [1936]
1 All ER 287 at p.294-295 defined ‘material facts’ as follows:
“The cardinal provision in rule 4 is that the statement of claim must state the
material facts. The word “material” means necessary for the purpose of
formulating a complete cause of action; and if any one “material”
statement is omitted, the statement of claim is bad; it is “demurrable” in the
old phraseology, and in the new is liable to be “struck out” under RSC Ord
XXV, r 4 (see Philipps v Philipps); or “a further and better statement of claim”
may be ordered under rule 7.” (Emphasis added)
[24] Bearing the above principles in mind, I find that Protasco has
pleaded distinct causes of action for breach of fiduciary duties, breach of
Section 132E of the Companies Act 1965, fraud and conspiracy to defraud
on the part of Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi. The claim for deception, for fraud
and conspiracy to defraud, has been set out in paragraphs 45 to 59, and
66 to 67 of the SOC. The claim for breach of fiduciary duties being a
separate claim is set out in paragraphs 60 to 62 of the SOC with loss and
damage of USD27million arising from such breach of fiduciary duties set
out at paragraph 63. As regards breach of Section 132E of Companies
Act 1965, this was set out in paragraph 65 of the SOC that Protasco’s
shareholders’ approval at a general meeting was never obtained; and at
any material time, there was no disclosure by Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi of
their interest in PT ASU to the shareholders of Protasco.
[25] For the reasons and apt authorities cited by Prostasco’s counsel,
I agree with him that the above paragraphs in the SOC setting out the
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various causes of action do not stand alone as the SOC should be read
as a whole, even if the ingredients that form each cause of action are not
set out in consecutive paragraphs in the SOC. As for the pleading on
fraud, in Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L Allagappan (as executor
to SL Alameloo Achi alias Sona Lena Alamelo Acho, deceased) & Anor v
Secure Plantation Sdn Bhd [2017] 4 MLJ 697, Jeffrey Tan delivering
judgment of the Federal Court after an extensive survey of cases on the
subject of how fraud is to be pleaded, held that ‘whether the word ‘fraud’
was specifically pleaded was a semantic detail of no significance
whatsoever from the standpoint of pleadings, as the correct test for a valid
plea of fraud is whether or not the facts which make the conduct fraudulent
were pleaded.’
[26] ‘It is an elementary rule in pleading that, when a state of facts is
relied on, it is enough to allege it simply without setting out the subordinate
facts which are the means of producing it or the evidence sustaining the
allegation.’ - Williams v Wilcox and another [1835] All ER Rep 25 at p.27-
28 per Lord Denman CJ cited with approval by Suffian J (later Lord
President) in Jusoh v Ng Ah Sooi & Anor [1963] 1 MLJ 92.
[27] Larry and Adrian have both failed to persuade me as to how they
can now honestly argue that Protasco’s claim being “broadly put, for
fraud” is fatally deficient and that prejudice was caused to them as
contended. I therefore dismissed this argument premised on the
preceding paragraphs and also due to the fact that:
27.1 Protasco has pleaded:
27.1.1 it was deceived into:
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(a) paying the deposit of RM50million pursuant to
SPA 1, and the differential sum pursuant to
SPA 2, as it was led to believe by Adrian that
the conditions precedent in SPA 1 and
conditions subsequent in SPA 2 were
(b) making payment of the Shareholders’
Advance on Larry and/or Adrian’s
misrepresentation that the said USD5million
was needed for the oil wells reactivation,
and/or construction of wells to facilitate the
process of securing the 10-years extension to
the PMPA;
27.1.2 that Larry and Adrian :
(a) induced Protasco to accept as security of the
PT Inovisi shares for payment of the purchase
consideration and Shareholders’ Advance, on
the premise that Protasco would be able to
dispose of the said PT Inovisi shares and
recover the purchase consideration and
Shareholders’ Advance, and that the same
was good security;
(b) had knowledge that both the SPA 1 and SPA
2 were nothing more than a scam to defraud
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(c) had induced Protasco into paying the
purchase consideration without disclosing
their personal interest in PT ASU;
(d) are the beneficial owners and control PT
ASU, PT ASI, PT Inovisi and PT Green Pine;
(e) have appropriated the total sum of
USD27million using various corporate
vehicles, fronts, and nominees; and they
have received the purchase consideration
and Shareholders’ Advance in breach of their
fiduciary, equitable and statutory duties;
27.1.3 that Tjoe Yudhis acted as a nominee of Larry and
Adrian at all material times, (ii) that Tjoe Yudhis
takes instructions from both Larry and Adrian (iii)
Tjoe Yudhis did not issue nor signed any of the PT
ASU Letters and other letters attributed to him, (iv)
that his purported signatures on the said letters
are forgeries; (noting too that ‘Forgery’ is a specific
method of fraud - Letchumanan Chettiar
Alagappan supra at [31]).
27.2 it was demonstrably obvious to me that Larry and Adrian
were able to at the outset respond to the SOC and HAD
FILED THEIR DEFENCE contending amongst others, that
the entire oil & gas acquisition was an arms-length
transaction, SPA 1 and SPA 2 were negotiated without their
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involvement; there was no misrepresentation or
inducement by them towards Protasco, all payments,
including the Shareholders’ Advance made by Protasco
pursuant to SPA 1 and SPA 2 were made pursuant to
decisions of the board of directors or management of
Protasco after negotiations, discussions and/or
consultations with PT ASU; they merely acted as an
introducer. Larry Tey’s position is that apart from the IA with
DSC and introducing PT ASU to Protasco, he was not
involved in any manner whatsoever in relation to the
transaction and as for Adrian, he avers that he merely was
requested by Protasco to follow up with the status of
negotiation of SPA 2 for purposes of expediting the matter,
he was not privy to discussions between DSC and
Augustone who represented PT ASU;
27.3 Both Larry and Adrian DID NOT make any application at all
to seek further and/or better particulars in respect of any of
the matters in the SOC;
Objections to Q&A 52A, 60, second paragraph of the answer to 78, the
amendments to the third paragraph of Q&A129, 129A of DSC’s witness
[28] The objections to these questions were premised on Order 18
rule 12 of ROC 2012 on insufficient particulars. These questions and
answers relate to the representations made by Larry and Adrian pertaining
to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent in SPA 1, the fulfilment of
conditions subsequent in SPA 2, the involvement of Larry and Adrian in
the negotiation process, the inducement by the provision of securities to
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guarantee the payments made towards the transaction which led Protasco
to believe that it would be able to dispose of the securities and recover the
purchase consideration and Shareholders’ Advance. I find no merits to the
objection as the material facts necessary for the purpose of formulating
Protasco’s cause of action in relation to these questions have been
pleaded in the Statement of Claim at paragraphs 45, 46, 47, 57, 62(a), and
(e), 67(c) and (e). There is no reason why evidence on facts relied upon
to support the material facts should not be allowed.
Objections to Q&A 199, 200, 201 and 205 of DSC’s witness statement
[29] These questions and answers allude to PT NRR, Fast Global and
Telecity as entities that were connected or related to Larry and Adrian
whereas the pleaded case of Protasco refer only PT ASU, PT ASI,
Acclaim and PT Green Pine as the entities under control of and/or related
to and/or being the alter ego of Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi.
[30] The objection is untenable as I find the evidence sought to be
adduced in these questions and answers are relevant and will throw light
on where the money which emanated from Protasco’s payments to PT
ASU flowed to - facts to support the material facts already pleaded in
paragraphs 51(e), 59, 62(b) and (f), and 67(g) that: (i) the money went
to various other entities; (ii) were utilized for the benefit of Larry Tey and
Adrian Ooi, (iii) that they are in fact the beneficial owners of, amongst
others, PT ASU and PT ASI, PT Inovisi and PT Green Pine; and (iv) they
have misappropriated the USD27million in breach of their of their
fiduciary, equitable and statutory duties.
[31] It ought to be mentioned that in Protasco Bhd v PT Anglo Slavic
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Utama & Ors [2019] 9 MLJ 417, at [45], [46], [49] and [50], Azizul J (now
JCA) held that the BBEA documents to the pleaded case of Protasco are
relevant as it shows the money trail to Larry and Adrian’s account and this
decision was upheld by the Federal Court in Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee
& Anor and other appeals [2021] 6 MLJ 1 as follows:
“Of course, as rightly found by the learned High Court judge, the general
rule of evidence, that is relevancy, is the cornerstone of s 7 and all other
discovery applications. His Lordship was equally right when he
considered that from the pleaded claim of the plaintiff, the money trail
is relevant to prove or disprove its allegation of the flow of funds to the
[32] I accept Protasco’s argument that it does not lie in Larry and
Adrian’s mouths to posit that the matters covered by the Q&As objected
to are not pleaded and thus they were caught by surprise when: (i) Larry
himself at a press conference on 28.10.2014 had revealed the purported
money flow through, amongst others, Fast Global, PT NRR and Telecity;
(ii) Larry and Adrian’s own witness statement in enc 691 and 688 in
evidence in chief sought to attempt to explain some of the very
transactions in the money trail that was disclosed pursuant to the BBEA
Objections to Q&A 39 to 51, 59 to 71, 94 to 122 of Tjoe Yudhis’s witness
[33] The objections to Q&A39 to 51, and 59 to 71 were premised on
Order 18 7(2) of ROC 2012 in that these were material facts which ought
to have been pleaded. I do not agree. The SOC at paragraphs 50 and 51
had already pleaded that: (i) Tjoe Yudhis had acted as a nominee of Larry
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and Adrian at all material times, (ii) that Tjoe takes instructions from both
Larry and Adrian, (iii) Tjoe neither issued nor signed any of the PT ASU
Letters and other letters attributed to him, (iv) that his purported signatures
on the said letters are forgeries, and (v) that Larry and Adrian are, at all
material times, the beneficial owners and/or controllers of PT ASU, PT
Inovisi, Acclaim, and PT Green Pine. IC had attained the said information
are further subordinate facts to be proven at trial. How the IC obtained the
statutory declarations from Tjoe Yudhis, the meetings in Jakarta after this
suit was filed are subordinate facts and/or are evidence to establish the
material facts already pleaded.
[34] Besides, it is my respectful view that Order 18 rule 7(2) ROC 2012
is not a stand alone rule. It reads:
“(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1), the effect of any document or the
purport of any conversation referred to in the pleading shall, if material, be
briefly stated, and the precise words of the document or conversation shall
not be stated, except in so far as those words are themselves material.”
[35] Read together with Order 18 rule 7(1), it means if one pleads the
existence of a document or conversation, the material effect of the
document, or purport of the conversation should also be pleaded briefly.
The precise words of the document or conversation shall not be pleaded
unless those words are themselves material.
Objections to Q&A 94 to 122 of Tjoe Yudhis’s witness statement
Audio Recordings i.e. IDP82-A and IDP 82-B not admissible?
Transcripts by Scribe – Exhibit P83 and P84 inadmissible?
[36] Q&A 94 to 122 concern the audio recordings and the transcripts
by Scribe of the audio recordings which Larry and Adrian assert are not
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[37] The recordings being documents within the definition set out in s.
3 Evidence Act, are governed by ss 61 to 66 of the same Act pursuant to
which the recordings must be proved by being produced for the
inspection/viewing of the court. I have heard the audio recordings which
were played in the course of trial on 02.03.2022 and 03.03.2022. Tjoe
Yudhis who made the recordings testified in Q&A 94 to 123 that:
37.1 he utilized his iPhone 5 to make the recordings;
37.2 he was satisfied that his iPhone 5 was in proper working
order at all material times when the recordings were
37.3 after making the recordings, he played the recordings
again after synchronizing the same to his MacBook Pro
Apple Laptop;
37.4 He was satisfied that his laptop was in good working
order when he synchronized the recordings;
37.5 That he had unfortunately traded in his iPhone 5 several
years ago;
37.6 that at the end of each evening when he recorded the
conversation, he then saved the recordings in his
external hard disk from his MacBook Pro Apple laptop;
37.7 the recordings in his laptop were then burned into a DVD-
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37.8 before burning the recordings into the DVD-R from his
laptop, Tjoe Yudhis listened to the recordings from his
laptop to ensure that the contents are completed and the
voices in the recordings are clear;
37.9 that after the recordings were moved into his hard disk at
the end of the night, he would then delete the recordings
from his said laptop to conserve storage space;
37.10 he had not tampered with the recordings in any manner;
37.11 he is still in possession of his original MacBook Pro Apple
laptop and the external hard disk originally used to store
the recordings;
37.12 that he had replayed the two recordings and read through
the two transcripts of the recordings by Scribe Synergy
Sdn Bhd (“Scribe”) and confirmed that the two transcripts
are an accurate reflection of the two recordings.
[38] I find from Tjoe Yudhis’s evidence that the criterias as set out by
Augustine Paul J (as he then was) in Mohd Ali Jaafar v Public Prosecutor
[1998] 4 MLJ 210 have been satisfied:
“It is perhaps appropriate at this stage to consider the matters that must be
established when introducing evidence of a tape recording. They are as
(a) the tape was run through and found to be clean before the recording
was made;
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(b) the machine was in proper working order;
(c) the tape was not tampered with or altered in any way — it should be
established in whose possession the tape was at all times;
(d) the officers (or other witnesses) played the tape over after making the
recording and heard voices which they can identify;
(e) a transcript was prepared of the voices; if it was just taken down in
shorthand and the typed transcript prepared from the shorthand notes
then the notes should be saved;
(f) the officers (or other witnesses) played over the recording and checked
it with the transcript as to the identity of the voices and as to the
conversation. (See Canadian Criminal Evidence (3rd Ed) by PK
McWilliams QC at pp 7-10).
In addition, the following precautionary steps taken by PW5 ought to be
(1) uttering of the introductory and closing words;
(2) breaking of the safety tabs after the recording; and
(3) placing identification marks on the tapes.
Proof of identity of the conversation which comes within the ambit of
item (f) above is the most important element to be established when
introducing evidence of a tape recording. In ZB Bulkhari v BR Mehra AIR
1973 SC 1788, it was held that the accuracy of what was actually recorded
had to be proved by the maker of the record (see also Maqsud Ali). It is
desirable that a witness who participated in a conversation that has
been recorded gives an oral account of it. He may refer to the taped
conversation to refresh his memory (see R v Mills [1962] 3 All ER 298).
Alternatively, he must at least confirm that the tape recording is of a
conversation which occurred if for some reason or other he is unable to give
an oral account of the conversation. If there is no evidence to show that it is
an accurate account of a conversation that occurred, then it is not
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admissible. In my opinion, the absence of such proof means that the tape
recording sought to be admitted in evidence is in the same position as a
document being tendered in evidence without proper proof of execution. In
R v Chen, the Supreme Court of Victoria considered the evidence that must
be led in introducing a tape recording and said that it depends on the
circumstances of each case. Marks, Southwell and Harper JJ in delivering
the judgment of the court added at p 150:
The test is whether there is sufficient material before the court to
allow the tribunal of fact acting reasonably to conclude that the
recorded sounds reproduce those originally made by the persons
identified by the evidence. In other words, there must be evidence,
which the tribunal of fact is entitled to accept, that the recording is of a
conversation which occurred and which would be admissible if proved
by oral testimony. In our opinion, admissibility does not depend on
the party tendering the tapes having removed absolutely any
chance that they are inaccurate. (Emphasis added.)
I agree with this view as evidence to show that the recording tendered is an
accurate reproduction of a conversation which occurred would remove any
doubt that the recording is inaccurate due to failure to fully establish the other
matters that are required to be proved.”
[39] The English case of R v Maqsud Ali [1966] 1 QB 688 was
referred to in Mohd Ali Jaafar. In Maqsud Ali, the accused was convicted
of murder. What was sought to be admitted was a tape-recorded
conversation of two suspects talking to each other about the murder in a
bugged office before they were charged. The conversation of such words
as could be made make out, for not all that was said was clearly audible
was first made in Urdu, and then a translation of it into English and
transcripts of it were made. The tape had a number of imperfections: first,
the microphone did not always clearly pick up all that was being said;
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secondly, from time to time the recording was overlaid by street noises
from the open window, in particular those resulting from the bus stop just
under the window. Further, the recording had to be translated into English
to be of any use. Some inaudible portions of the recording were not
translated. Some translations were not even made directly from the tape.
The Court of Appeal agreed with the court below that much of the
recording was transcribed and admissible. Marshall J delivering judgment
of the Court of Appeal said:
“For many years now photographs have been admissible in evidence on
proof that they are relevant to the issues involved in the case and that the
prints are taken from negatives that are untouched. The prints as seen
represent situations that have been reproduced by means of mechanical
and chemical devices. Evidence of things seen through telescopes or
binoculars which otherwise could not be picked up by the naked eye have
been admitted, and now there are devices for picking up, transmitting, and
recording, conversations. We can see no difference in principle between a
tape recording and a photograph. In saying this we must not be taken as
saying that such recordings are admissible whatever the
circumstances, but it does appear to this court wrong to deny to the
law of evidence advantages to be gained by new techniques and new
devices, provided the accuracy of the recording can be proved and the
voices recorded properly identified; provided also that the evidence is
relevant and otherwise admissible, we are satisfied that a tape
recording is admissible in evidence. Such evidence should always be
regarded with some caution and assessed in the light of all the
circumstances of each case. There can be no question of laying down any
exhaustive set of rules by which the admissibility of such evidence should
be judged.”
On the admissibility of the tape recording, the court held:
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“It is next said that the recording was a bad one, overlaid in places by street
and other noises. This obviously was so and as a result much of the
conversation was inaudible or undecipherable. In so far as that was so,
much of the conversation was never transcribed but there still remained
much that was transcribed, and the judge after full argument ruled that what
was deciphered should be left for the jury to assess. We think that he was
right. Lastly, it was said that the difficulties of language were such as to
make any transcription unreliable and misleading. This argument the judge
treated with great care and circumspection.
[His Lordship then referred to the warning given by the trial judge in his
summing-up and set out the facts above in respect of those passages
common to the translations and continued:] The court does not feel it
necessary to go in detail into the common passages. Suffice it to say that if
they are accurate, there are phrases on the tape recording in which words
said by both of these appellants on their face value amount to, or come very
near to, a confession of guilt. In the matter of the transcripts the court desires
only to say this. Having a transcript of a tape recording is, on any view, a
most obvious convenience and a great aid to the jury, otherwise a recording
would have to be played over and over again. Provided that a jury is guided
by what they hear themselves and upon that they base their ultimate
decision, we see no objection to a copy of a transcript, properly proved,
being put before them. Here all the translations were submitted to detailed
and searching cross- examination, and it is to be stated also that one of the
translators called on behalf of the defence in the final part of his evidence
came very close, if not completely, to agreeing with Rahmet Khan's
translation and Changuz's translation, particularly on the one sentence that
involved the appellant Maqsud in respect of this matter.”
[40] Being satisfied that there is sufficient material before the court to
warrant a conclusion that the recorded sounds reproduce those originally
made by the persons identified by the evidence, that it was not suggested
that the recordings had been interfered with in any way, that the defence
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has also not put to Tjoe Yudhis or the transcriber from Scribe, Manpreet
Kaur, in cross examination that the recordings have been tampered with;
and there being no independent expert called by Larry and Adrian to
challenge the accuracy and authenticity of the recordings, that the
recordings are relevant to the pleaded case, I thus reject the attempt
made Larry and Adrian’s counsel to persuade this court to exclude the
audio recordings and the transcript. I have no hesitation to state that I
cannot see any reason why the recordings IDP82-A and IDP 82-B are not
admissible. They are thus marked as exhibits P82-A and P 82-B. To be
clear, there is also no question here that Larry and Adrian had disavowed
their presence in the recordings.
[41] As for the trnscripts of the recordings, the complaints by Larry
and Adrian were that there were conversations in Bahasa Indonesia in the
recordings that were not transcribed, and that some parts were inaudible.
However, much of the recordings made by Tjoe Yudhis were in fact
audible and spoken in the English language. Only some parts in the
Indonesian language were not transcribed. Bearing in mind that the
transcript was not tampered with and is only a means of assisting the court
in the appreciation and understanding of the evidence tendered by playing
over of the recording, just as in Maqsud Ali, I fail to see any reason why
the transcript is inadmissible once the recordings themselves have been
made admissible.
Forgery of Tjoe Yudhis’s signatures in the PT ASU Letters and
supplemental SPA
[42] The PT ASU Letters dated 09.05.2013, 25.09.2013, 10.01.2014,
21.07.2014, 04.08.2014, 05.08.2014 and the supplemental SPA dated
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28.06.2013 were included in the bundles marked as Part B. Larry and
Adrian contend that as these documents having been included in Part B,
pursuant to Order 34 rule 2(2)(e)(i), ROC 2012, they ought not to be relied
on as evidence of facts to prove alleged forgery.
[43] Order 34 rule 2 (2) (e) ROC 2012 reads:
“(e) if the parties are unable to agree on certain documents, those
documents on which agreement cannot be reached shall be included in
separate bundles and each such bundle shall be filed by the plaintiff and
marked as follows:
(i) Part B – documents where the authenticity is not disputed but the
contents are disputed;
(ii) Part C – documents where the authenticity and contents are
[44] In Jaafar Bin Shaari & Anor (suing as administrators of the estate
of Shofiah Bte Ahmad, deceased) v Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
693, the former Supreme Court in a judgment by Peh Swee Chin FCJ
“First and foremost, the agreed bundle of documents means that the
documents therein are authentic and they do exist, therefore they
require no proof of their authenticity by calling, e.g. their makers.
Secondly, the truth of contents of any of the documents in the agreed bundle
of documents is always not admitted unless the contrary is indicated directly
or indirectly and such truth of such contents is liable to be challenged in
court at the instance of either of the parties.
Thirdly, such documents therein do not form automatically a part of the
evidence of the case in question ipso facto, but any of such documents does
become part of such evidence if it is read or referred to by either of the
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parties, wholly or partly, at length or in a briefest of mention, either in
examination of any witness, in submission at any stage or even on any
unilateral drawing of court's attention to it by either of the parties at any time
before the conclusion of the case.
Fourthly, at the end of the whole case, the truth of the contents of any
of the document is up to the court to determine, regard being had, inter
alia, to any absence of challenge by either of the parties on any part of
the document and similarly, the question of weight, e.g. either great or
no weight to be given to any part of any document is also a matter for
the trial court, which considers the documents including any 'written
hearsay' contained therein. The court may refuse to give any weight at all to
any document, but then it is accountable like in other matters, to the parties
and to the appellate court for reasons for such refusal.”
[45] It is manifestly clear to me that, when these impugned
documents are placed in Part B, irrefragably, it means that there is no
dispute to the existence and authenticity of the documents but only the
contents may be disputed. They are not fake or fictitious, in which case
they would have been placed in part C where the originals have to be
produced, maker called and to have them marked as exhibits. If they
remain in Part C, the evidence is not admissible – see Damansara Realty
(Pahang) Sdn Bhd v Om Cahaya Mineral Asia Bhd [2021] 5 MLJ 1 CA.
Here, Protasco is not disputing that the documents do not exist or are not
authentic;l but Protasco is disputing that the signature of Tjoe Yudhis in
the documents are forged. As was the case in Beh Sui Loon & anor v
Murugesu Kuppusamy & Ors [2022] 1 LNS 774, it is my view that these
documents are correctly placed in Part B of the common bundles. And
having been placed in Part B, there is no room to reclassify them as Part
C fake documents. Protasco is entitled to dispute Tjoe Yudhis’s signature
in these documents.
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Admissibility of Q&A14 to 19 of Johnny Situwanda (PW9)’s witness
statement and the report in Enclosure 649
[46] Johnny Situwanda is an Indonesian solicitor engaged by
Protasco in September 2014 to attend the office of PT Brent. His
testimony relates to:
46.1 his efforts to procure Ricky Chaniadi or an officer of PT
Brent to provide evidence in the trial before the court;
46.2 that he was informed by the said Ricky Chaniadi that:
46.2.1 he was not willing to be a witness in this trial nor
would he provide a written testimonial for Protasco
in respect of the events which took place in
September 2014;
46.2.2 Lim Sue Fern had informed him (Ricky) that she
did not sign the blocking letter, and therefore PT
Brent was not going to act on the said instruction
46.3 his attempts to enforce the letter of instruction and the
unblocking letter on PT Brent to cause the sale of the
blocked PT Inovisi shares; and
46.4 that the financial services authority of Indonesia had, on
13.02.2018, revoked the business license of PT Brent and
that PT Brent securities was declared bankrupt on
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22.03.2021 pursuant to a decision of the central Jakarta
Commercial Court.
[47] The objection taken was that PT Brent’s status was not relevant
in the sense that Protasco chose not to take action against PT Brent to
compel the liquidation of the blocked PT Inovisi shares at the material
time. DSC was cross-examined on this aspect of the case; that Johnny
Situwanda’s evidence was hearsay evidence and it was also contended
that the report by Johnny Situwanda besides being late, was intended to
address deficiencies in Protasco’s case arising from the cross
examination of DSC.
[48] I reject these arguments. I instead agree with Protasco’s counsel
that Johnny Situwanda‘s evidence is admissible and relevant to show
Protasco did try and has taken reasonable steps to secure the attendance
of Ricky Chaniadi to testify and his attendance could not be procured
without an unreasonable amount of delay or expense. Johnny
Situwanda’s oral evidence of having seen and read the email exchange
between Mr Ricky Chaniadi and Ms Lim Sue Fern is thus admissible under
Section 63(e) of the EA 1950 read together with Section 65(1)(c) as
secondary evidence of the contents of the email received by Ricky
Chaniadi. At any rate, learned counsel for Larry and Adrian had utilized
Enclosure 649 in their attempt to discredit Tan Yee Boon (PW11). This
amounts to a waiver of the original objection to the report.
No s. 90A certificate for Exhibits P45, P46, P47, P48, P104 and P105
[49] The objections to Exhibits P45, P46, P47, P48, and P104 being
documents obtained pursuant to the BBEA order are made on grounds
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that there was no certificate under s. 90A(2) of EA 1950 tendered by
Protasco and to Exhibit P105 bank statements on the weight of the said
documents as they were not available earlier for the cross-examination of
DSC. These objections were withdrawn during clarification/decision on
30.8.23. In any event, I find the objections have no merit as PW2 and/or
PW14, both subpoenaed witnesses have testified that these documents
were produced by computers in good working order and operating
properly at the material time when they were printed. As such the s. 90A
certificate is not necessary.
Printout from PT Inovisi website
[50] The objection taken was that there was there was no s. 90A EA
1950 certificate. Tjoe Yudhis however gave evidence that the said
document was produced by a computer in the course of its ordinary use
and that the said device was in good working order at the material time
when the document was printed. I therefore see no reason why the print
out is not admissible.
Burden of proof
[51] In Dato’ Pardip Kumar Kukreja & Anor v Vell Paari a/l Samy Vellu
[2016] 4 MLJ 649; [2015] 1 LNS 1482 CA, Vernon Ong JCA (later FCJ)
succinctly explained:
[24] It is settled law that the party who desires the court to give judgment as
to any legal right or liability bears the burden of proof (s 101(1) of the
Evidence Act 1950). The burden of proof is on that party is twofold: (a) the
burden of establishing a case; and (b) the burden of introducing evidence.
The burden of proof lies on the party throughout the trial. The standard of
proof required of the plaintiff is on the balance of probabilities. The evidential
burden of proof is only shifted to the other party once that party has
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discharged its burden of proof. If that party fails to discharge the original
burden of proof, then the other party need not adduce any evidence. In this
respect it is the plaintiff who must establish his case.
If he fails to do so, it will not do for the plaintiffs to say that the defendants
have not established their defence (Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ
253 (CA); s 102 of the Evidence Act 1950). On the effect of the burden of
proof not being discharged, Terrell Ag CJ in Selvaduray v Chinniah,
adopting the position stated by the Court of Appeal in Abrath v North Eastern
Railway Co [1883] 11 QBD 440 said:
In such a case as the present the position has been clearly stated in the
judgment of Brett MR in Abrath v North Eastern Railway Co [1883] 11
QBD 440 at p 452:
But then it is contended (I think fallaciously), that if the plaintiff has
given prima facie evidence, which, unless it be answered, will entitle
him to have the question decided in his favour, the burden of proof is
shifted on to the defendant as the decision of the question itself. This
contention seems to be the real ground of the decision in the Queen’s
Bench Division. I cannot assent to this.
It seems to me that the propositions ought to be stated thus: the plaintiff may
give prima facie evidence which, unless it be answered either by
contradictory evidence or by the evidence of additional facts, ought to lead
the jury to find the question in his favour: the defendant may give evidence
either by contradicting the plaintiff’s evidence or by proving other facts:
the jury have to consider upon the evidence given upon both sides,
whether they are satisfied in favour of the plaintiff with respect to the
question which he calls them to answer; if they are, they must find for
the plaintiff;
but if upon consideration of the facts they come clearly to the opinion
that the question ought to be answered against the plaintiff; they must
find for the defendant.
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Then comes this difficulty — suppose that the jury, after considering the
evidence, are left in real doubt as to which way they are to answer the
question put to them on behalf of the plaintiff: in that case also the burden
of proof lies upon the plaintiff, and if the defendant has been able by the
additional facts which he has adduced to bring the minds of the whole
jury to a real state of doubt, the plaintiff has failed to satisfy the burden
of proof which lies upon him.
[52] The Federal Court in Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L
Allagappan (as executor to SL Alameloo Achi alias Sona Lena Alamelo
Acho, deceased) & Anor v Secure Plantation Sdn Bhd [2017] 4 MLJ 697;
[2017] 5 CLJ 418 FC speaking through Jeffrey Tan FCJ at [48] to [63]
offers valuable guidance on this subject. See also [17] of Yeohata
Machineries Sdn Bhd & Anor v Coil Master Sdn Bhd & Ors [2015] 6 MLJ
810 CA, also a judgment of Vernon Ong JCA (later FCJ) that “… there
must be some preponderance in the plaintiffs’ favour at the conclusion of
the whole case. Even if the plaintiffs had established a prima facie case,
but if at the conclusion of the trial the court finds that the position was
exactly even, then any preponderance in favour of the plaintiffs has
ceased to exist. If that happens, then the plaintiffs have failed to discharge
the burden of proof which is upon it, and the plaintiffs must necessarily fail
(Abrath v The North Eastern Railway Co (1883) 11 QBD 440, at p 452).”
The Facts and Evidence
[53] The Plaintiff, Protasco is a public limited company whose shares
are traded on the main board of Bursa Malaysia with its core business in
road and/or infrastructure related works, education, and property
development, road maintenance and other related business. It is an
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investment holding company with its various s businesses run through its
subsidiaries which together with Protasco generally known as the Protasco
[54] The 1st Defendant, PT ASU is a company incorporated in the
Republic of Indonesia on 06.09.2012.
[55] The 2nd Defendant, Larry is a Malaysian citizen. Larry on or about
26.11.2012, became a substantial shareholder of Protasco through his
acquisition of 27.11% shares in Protasco using his corporate vehicle,
Kingdom Seekers Ventures Sdn Bhd (“Kingdom Seeker”). Larry was a
director of Protasco from 10.03.2014 to 27.11.2014. The 3rd Defendant,
Adrian is a Malaysian citizen. Adrian was a director of Protasco from
10.12.2012 to 27.11.2014. Adrian Ooi was also a shareholder of Protasco.
Events leading to SPA1 and SPA2
[56] To determine whether Larry and Adrian’s nature of relationship
with Protasco was one which fell within the settled categories giving rise
to fiduciary obligations, it is necessary to unravel the roles they played in
the entire episode. Counsel for Protasco, Mr. Peter Skelchy deftly took
the court through the copious documents and evidence which reveal the
[57] On 19.09.2012 as reflected in Vincent Tan’s email to Andy Yong,
there was a search for a passive investor to purchase 80,429,515 of the
ordinary shares in Protasco, representing 27.11% of its issued share
capital (“27.11% block”), from two of its then existing shareholders, Dream
Cruiser Sdn Bhd and FNQ Advanced Materials Sdn Bhd which will cost
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approximately RM100million.
[58] In September 2012, DSC was informed by Andy Yong that Larry
was interested to purchase Protasco’s shares from the previous
substantial shareholders. In late September 2012, Larry proposed oil and
gas project injection into Protasco in meetings with Andy Yong and DSC
as a condition for his purchase of 27.11% block.
[59] Following discussions on the terms of the Investment Agreement
via email exchanges involving NS Cheng of Fairfield, Andy Yong, Larry,
Adrian and DSC, on 03.11.2012, an Investment Agreement (“IA”) was
executed between Global Capital Limited and DSC. Larry executed the IA
on behalf of Global Cap in his capacity as ‘co-founder’. The recitals stated
that Global Cap, through its ‘affiliates/nominees’, had been granted rights
to develop and produce oil and gas in Kuala Simpang Timur, Aceh,
Indonesia. The recitals of the IA disclosed that the parties had intended
to develop the oil and gas project in Indonesia via Protasco and that
Protasco would, in turn, enter into a master agreement with Global Cap
towards that end. It was expressed to be in furtherance of that intention
that DSC had entered into the IA in consideration for Global Cap’s offer
to purchase the 27.11% block.
[60] On 26.11.2012, Larry via his corporate vehicle, Kingdom Seekers
became a substantial shareholder of Protasco through his acquisition of
the 27.11% block. As a consequence, Larry wanted and obtained
representation on the board. His nominee for this purpose was Adrian Ooi
who 2 weeks after the acquisition, became a director of Protasco on
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[61] Larry introduced Augustone Cheong (‘Augustone’) to Protasco.
Augustone held a power of attorney (“PA”) for PT ASU dated 15.10.2012.
Vide this PA executed by PT ASU’s then President Director, Tjoe Yudhis,
Augustone was authorised to deal with all negotiations on behalf of PT
ASU for the purchase of the PT ASI shares.
[62] On 14.12.2012, Acclaim wrote to PT Brent Securities (“PT Brent”)
to block 25,200,000 shares of PT Inovisi on behalf of Acclaim. On
24.12.2012, Messrs Risman Hutabarat & Rekan issued a legal opinion on
the blocked shares of PT Inovisi and securities for RM50million deposit.
On 25.12.2012, Adrian Ooi emailed Lim Yew Ting of Protasco enclosing
the legal opinion from the Indonesia lawyer on the blocking of PT Inovisi
shares. On 27.12.2012, Acclaim issued a letter to PT Brent in respect of
its application for shares blocking in PT Inovisi [“Blocked Letter”].
[63] On 28.12.2012, Protasco’s Board of Directors (“Protasco’s
Board) by a circular resolution (“DCR”) approved the entry into SPA 1 with
PT ASU. On the same day:
63.1 SPA 1 was entered between Protasco and PT ASU to
acquire 76% share capital of PT ASI for a purchase
consideration USD55million; and
63.2 a deposit of RM50million was paid by Protasco to PT
ASU via cheque.
[64] Having considered the evidence and submissions before me, I
find that Larry had made the oil and gas project in KST Aceh injection
into Protasco as a pre-condition for his purchase of 27.11% shares as
made evident from the various exchanges of email flowing between the
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parties between September 2011 and November 2011 starting from
Vincent Tan’s email to Andy Yong on 19.09.2012 informing Andy Yong of
DSC’s intention to find a purchaser to purchase the 27.11% block of
Protasco shares, belonging to the previous substantial shareholders
culminating in:
64.1 the signing of the IA;
64.2 Larry via his corporate vehicle, Kingdom Seekers
becoming a substantial shareholder of Protasco through
his acquisition of the 27.11% block on 26.11.2012; and
64.3 the signing of SPA1 on 28.12.2012 with a simultaneous
payment of a deposit of RM50million by Protasco to PT
ASU on the same day.
[65] Protasco asserts that when Larry introduced the potential
investment opportunity to DSC he represented himself as the principal of
Global Cap, a private equity management firm with expertise in identifying
growth and start up companies with regional reach in the Asia Pacific
region. Larry disputes this vehemently. He postulates that Global Cap was
to procure an investor to acquire the 27.11% block of Protasco. Global
Cap was unable to secure sufficient investors due to time constraints and
so he via his corporate vehicle, Kingdom Seekers then acquired the
27.11% block.
[66] That there is no shadow of a doubt that Larry is the principal of
Global Cap is evident from (i) his own corporate profile provided to
Protasco at the material time, where it is expressly stated that in the year
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2008, he founded the private equity firm Global Capital Limited to focus
on emerging markets; (ii) the engagement letter dated 02.11.2012 by
Fairfield to Global Cap where Fairfield as an advisor was engaged by
Global Cap to assist Kingdom Seekers (Larry ’s corporate vehicle) to sell
the oil and gas asset and business to Protasco and in this letter, Larry had
confirmed the engagement terms in the capacity as ‘Co- Founder’ of
Global Cap; (iii) Global Cap’s company profile produced by Larry and
Adrian at trial made no mention of one Kan Ding Yau who was alleged by
Larry to be the only shareholder and director of Global Cap; (iv) the
position taken by Larry in Global Cap Suit 465 that Global Cap through
its representative had acquired the 27.11% block in Protasco; effectively
meaning, Larry, Kingdom Seekers and Global Cap are one and the same.
[67] Despite Adrian’s stand that DSC offered him the position of Non-
Executive Director in Protasco in view of his business and corporate
experience and expertise in Indonesia, I find that it was Larry that caused
Adrian to be appointed to Protasco’s Board on 10.12.2012 which was 2
weeks before SPA1 was signed. This is borne out by Larry’s witness
statement filed in Suit 465, where Larry states “Pursuant to the Investment
Guarantee Agreement, the Plaintiff nominated Ooi Kock Aun (“Dato’ Ooi”)
as a director of Protasco. Dato’ Ooi was appointed to the Board of
Protasco on 10.12.2012.”
[68] Adrian pleaded that he was not involved in the negotiations and
execution of the IA and that he only became aware of the IA after this suit
was filed by Protasco. I find however he was being economical with the
truth as the email exchanges between Adrian and Dr Cheng on
01.11.2012 show unequivocally that he was in the loop in the email
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exchanges concerning the terms of the IA, and he provided his comments
on the terms to be included therein.
[69] Both Larry and Adrian deny Protasco’s contentions that they
were involved in the negotiations involving the terms of the purchase of
PT ASI’s shares and have made representations that inter- alia the deal
would satisfy the due diligence to be conducted and the conditions set in
the agreement and that adequate security would be provided by PT ASU
towards the deposit paid by Protasco. Larry contends that he was not
involved at all in the negotiations and signing/execution of SPA 1 whilst
Adrian’s evidence that he was apparently informed that Protasco had
entered into negotiation with PT ASU in relation to SPA 1 after he was
appointed as a director of Protasco (which was 10.12.2012). These
contentions by Larry and Adrian are easily debunked by the fact that SPA1
was only signed some 18 days after Adrian Ooi became a director and
by the contents of contemporaneous email exchanges involving YY Chin
of Global Cap (who acts under the advice of Adrian ), Lim Yew Ting, Hooi
Ling, Dr Cheng, Augustone Cheong, Jason Minos, Larry and Adrian from
08.11.2012 to late November 2012 which explicitly show both Larry and
Adrian were actively involved in the discussions on the terms for SPA 1.
This excerpt when Adrian Ooi was under cross-examination is telling:
NOP Pg. 65 enc 700
“PJS Thank you. And by this email, would you agree Larry is asking you
to insert these terms into the draft SPA?
OOI Yes.”
[70] Tjoe Yudhis testified that he was instructed to sign SPA 1 by
Adrian Ooi, as well as SPA 2 and the PA . He was also instructed by one
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Lim Chye Guan, an employee of Larry and Adrian, to sign documents in
relation to the opening of the bank account on behalf PT ASU with CIMB
Bank Berhad’s Plaza Damansara branch. From the email found in
En.555/p7-17, Adrian had given instructions to staff of PT Inovisi and
Global Cap to arrange for Tjoe Yudhis’s trip to Kuala Lumpur for him to
sign SPA 1, including to give him cash allowance for the trip and arranged
for Tjoe Yudhis’s flight and hotel accommodation.
[71] Although the diligence process was being conducted by
Protasco’s professional advisors appointed by Protasco, the evidence
show backstage, Adrian and Larry instructed PT ASU on the due diligence
requirements requested by Protasco despite Larry’s protestation that he
was not a director and therefore not involved; Adrian although a director
protested he was not involved. Adrian’s protestations are imploded by his
own email for e.g. on 23.04.2013, in response to Protasco’s solicitors
Messrs Makarim & Taira requesting for office lease agreement of PT ASU
for due diligence, Adrian had instructed Deny of PT Inovisi that “PT ASU’s
office lease agreement is not relevant for their DD process. Inform them
that PT ASU is now waiting for the new office to be ready in Patra Jasa
sometime in June 2013 and by then we will get the new office lease
agreement with the landlord. For now, PT ASU is only temporarily using
Anugrah office, which we had already informed them last week.” Then on
30.07.2013, in response to Protasco’s solicitors Messrs Makarim & Taira’s
request for power of attorney to be executed for Protasco to conduct court
searches, Adrian had instructed Tjoe Yudhis to proceed with the signing
of the power of attorney forwarded to him by Deny via email dated
29.07.2013. It is observed that the day before, Tjoe Yudhis had via email
sent on 29.07.2013 requested for Larry and Adrian’s instructions.
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[72] Protasco’s position is that the Blocked Shares forming the
security were part of the inducement for Protasco to make the payments
to PT ASU pursuant to SPA 1 and the Shareholder’s Advance to PT ASI
pursuant to SPA 2. The evidence lead at trial show that:
72.1 Adrian under cross- examination admitted that the
securities and the legal opinion on enforceability and
validity of the security is needed in order for Protasco to
make payment of the deposit and was critical to Protasco
making payment as payment was made even prior to the
conduct of the due diligence;
72.2 It was Adrian who:
72.2.1 instructed the Indonesian legal firm Messrs
Risman Hutabarat & Rekan to provide the legal
opinion to Protasco that the enforceability and
dealing in the Blocked shares comply with the
laws of Indonesia. The legal opinion expressly
provides that the Instruction Letter would be good
instructions to PT Brent for Protasco to deal with
the shares provided it is signed by Acclaim;
72.2.2 3 days prior the signing of SPA1 and prior to the
payment of RM50million deposit on SPA1, on
25.12.2012 provided to the board of Protasco and
solicitors of Protasco, the aforesaid legal opinions
obtained from Indonesian solicitors;
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72.3 admitted under cross-examination, that both he and Larry
had procured Acclaim to provide the securities.
[73] It is most puzzling that Dedi Francis, the purported owner of
Acclaim when asked if he had heard of a company called Acclaim said “I
think I’ve heard of it.” The answer was not a but of course, I am the owner!
Yet more puzzling still, he testified under cross-examination, that he was
informed by Larry and Adrian that Acclaim provided the securities in the
form of PT Inovisi shares for the transaction. Probed further, an admission
was squeezed out from him that he was not the owner of Acclaim. I find
that the evidence lead by Protasco has established, or at the very least,
it is inherently probable that it only executed SPA 1 and SPA 2 as it was
armed with the legal opinion that it would be able to call upon the securities
if the payments made towards SPA 1 and SPA 2 were not returned
pursuant to termination by Protasco. I have not overlooked that the
securities were not mentioned in SPA 1 but only in SPA 2, but by even
Adrian’s own evidence, the procurement of the securities was
fundamental towards the payment of the RM50million deposit made by
Protasco to PT ASU. This is underscored by: (i) Clause 1.4 of SPA 2,
where PT ASU confirmed that the Blocking Letter shall continue to serve
as the security and PT ASU agrees, undertook to cause the Security
Provider Acclaim to sign, seal and deliver further documentation in the
form of a share charge to protect Protasco’s interest under the agreement;
the same clause provide that the Secured Shares in the form of PT
Inovisi were to be set aside as security for the repayment back of the
purchase price by PT ASU to Protasco in the event of termination of SPA
2 pending the fulfillment of Conditions Subsequent as set out in Clause
3.1; (ii) the repayment back of the Shareholder’s Advance of USD5million
made by Protasco to PT ASI as set out in Clause 4.3(b); and (iii) the
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fulfilment of the Profit Guarantee as set out in Clause 8. There is more -
by Clause 4.3(b) of SPA 2, it was agreed that a Shareholder’s Advance of
USD5million provided by Protasco to PT ASI for the reactivation of the
wells is secured by securities of such number of additional shares
provided by Acclaim equivalent to 130% of the value of the advance made
by Protasco.
[74] Pursuant to SPA1, the conditions precedent therein were to be
fulfilled by 28.06.2013. Protasco by letter to PT ASU on 08.05.2013
informed that it would be unlikely that all the Conditions Precedent in
Clause 3 of the SPA 1 would be met by 28.06.2013 and requested from
PT ASU a revised timetable on when the Conditions Precedent could be
fulfilled. PT ASU by letter the very next day on 09.05.2013 acknowledged
the delay and requested for Protasco’s indulgence and consent to extend
the due diligence period to 31.07.2013 and the fulfillment of the Conditions
Precedent to 30.09.2013. Protasco and PT ASU then entered into the
Supplemental Sale and Purchase Agreement on 28.06.2013
(“Supplemental Agreement”) extending the time for compliance of the
Conditions Precedent to 30.09.2013 and the due diligence period to
31.07.2013 (“1st Extension”). Later, PT ASU by letter dated 25.09.2013
sought another extension from 30.09.2013 to 31.03.2014 for all condition
precedents and due diligence to be fulfilled (“2nd Extension”).
[75] Tjoe Yudhis testified that he did not execute PT ASU’s letter
dated 09.05.2013, the Supplemental Agreement dated 28.06.2013 and
PT ASU’s letter dated 25.09.2013. He testified that the signatures on
these documents (“disputed signatures”) were not his. The Forensic
Document Examiner, Lim Yok Chaw [“PW-4”] who had prepared an expert
report after his examination and comparison of the disputed signatures in
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these documents with the specimen signatures of Tjoe Yudhis, had
opined that the disputed signatures and the specimen signatures of Tjoe
Yudhis are of different authorship. PW-4’s opinion are relevant facts
pursuant to Section 45 of the Evidence Act 1950. Larry and Adrian did not
adduce any expert opinion to rebut PW-4’s opinion . Despite being cross-
examined extensively by learned counsel for Larry and Adrian, PW-4 had
maintained and stood by his opinion. I do not find his opinion ‘obviously
lacking in defensibility’ and accept PW-4 ‘s opinion.
[76] In regard to the extensions of time sought by PT ASU, Dedi
Francis’s evidence was most curious. In respect of PT ASU’s letter dated
09.05.2013 relating to the 1st extension, in Q&A 41 of his witness
statement, he testified that he had instructed Augustone to prepare the
letter and Tjoe to sign the letter but in cross-examination, testified that he
was informed about this letter by Larry and Adrian and that he instructed
Tjoe Yudhis to execute PT ASU’s letter through Larry and Adrian. When
questioned on whether he has any evidence instructing Larry and
Adrian, his answer was they met frequently in Jakarta at that time. Adding
to the mystery, his testimony under cross examination show he did not
have a clue why the 2 extensions were needed, nor why the Supplemental
Agreement was signed. His testimony under cross-examination is that the
delay was caused by the revision in the purchase consideration and the
number of shares to be purchased! His understanding of the Supplement
Agreement was based on what was presented to him by Larry apparently
via Larry’s laptop. Dedi Francis testified under cross- examination, that he
instructed Global Cap to instruct Tjoe Yudhis to execute the Supplemental
Agreement. This evidence is in conflict with his evidence given in chief in
Q&A 44 where he says he instructed Tjoe Yudhis to sign the
Supplemental Agreement on behalf of PT ASU. These are only 2
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examples of his testimony showing that he does not even have a passing
familiarity with the contents of his own witness statement. On the 2nd
extension sought by PT ASU’s letter dated 25.09.2013, Dedi Francis gave
the same answer that all the information he obtained in relation to
extension was obtained from Global Cap and the instructions to execute
the PT ASU letter was given through Global Cap. Dedi Francis further
testified that all discussions and instructions to Global Cap were all done
verbally without any written correspondences. Learned Counsel for
Protasco was quick to point out that it betrays common sense for Dedi
Francis who is based in Jakarta to be giving instructions to Tjoe Yudhis
who is also based in Jakarta verbally via Larry and Adrian who are both
based in Kuala Lumpur. There is also an appreciable absence of any
written instructions at all from Dedi Francis whether to Tjoe Yudhis or for
that matter Larry and Adrian from the inception of the transaction till it
ended. Watching Dedi Francis give evidence throughout the trial, he
appeared to me to be making up stories as he goes along. As manifested
under cross-examination, his evidence through out the trial which follow
which way the wind blows is to be taken with a pinch of salt. Juxtaposing
Dedi Francis’s evidence with (i) Larry’s denial of any knowledge of the
events in relation to the transaction prior to him being made a director on
10.03.2014 and (ii) Adrian’s position that sometime in or around June
2013, he was ‘belatedly informed by the Plaintiff that the 1st Defendant
had sought for an extension of the Due Diligence’ and for an extension to
fulfil the Conditions Precedent, all 3 persons’ evidence stretches credulity.
[77] Whilst on the subject of the Supplemental Agreement, prior its
signing, DSC at a board of directors meeting on 27.05.2013, updated the
board on the progress of the deal and had informed the board of the
following: -
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77.1 that the deal would be called off if the extension of the oil
and gas concession which expires on 14.12.2014 could
not be procured by PT ASU;
77.2 that the Indonesian authority would normally grant an
extension of up to a further 10 years for the concession;
77.3 that the application for an extension of the concession was
in progress;
77.4 that there were about 30 wells at the site at that time and
it would require 1 to 1 ½ months to reactive the wells for
oil extraction.
[78] DSC testified under cross-examination that he had informed the
board of the matters in the preceding paragraph as he had been advised
by Larry and Adrian that the extension would be granted normally for 10
[79] At this juncture it is to be noted that the PMPA provided for a
duration of 10 years from 14.12.2004 to 14.12.2014. When SPA 1 was
executed, the PMPA had only 2 years more to go, and the due diligence
was undertaken after the execution of SPA 1. The Supplemental
Agreement signed on 28.6.2013 provides that the extension is granted for
the compliance of the due diligence to be completed by 30.09.2013 and
PT ASU shall use its best endeavours to secure an extension of the PMPA
on the best terms possible.
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[80] Before SPA2 was signed on 29.01.2014, the following events are
80.1 Adrian Ooi had by 2 email to Kenny Chong, dated
03.09.2013 and 11.12.2013 respectively enclosed PT
Haseba’s application to Pertamina for an extension of 10
years, thus conveying the application for a 10-year
extension was being made and the later mail enclosing
Pertamina’s field report where Pertamina states that they
would extend the time period beyond 2014 as long as
there is compliance with Pertamina’s work requirements.
Whilst he did not expressly in his emails say so, he
appeared to give the impression that the 10-year
extension will be obtained provided the wells are being
reworked in accordance with Pertamina’s work
80.2 RISC in its report prepared in December 2013 was of the
opinion that on the assumption of the purchase of the oil
field could be completed by the end of 2013, then first
production from the redeveloped KST field can be
expected only in early 2016. This entire process could only
take place after the redevelopment of the oil wells;
80.3 At the board of directors’ meeting on 18.12.2013, KPMG
informed the board that the KST oil field might generate
revenue in 3 to 5 years but the recovery of the investment
cost might take a longer period; and
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80.4 Adrian admitted under cross-examination that at the
material time of December 2013, the extension of 10 years
was critical to proceed with the acquisition.
[81] Hence, Clause 3.1(a) of SPA 2 signed the next month on
29.2.2014 expressly provides that the agreement was conditional upon
the extension of the PMPA beyond its expiry on 14.12.2014 for a further
10 years to 14.12.2024.
[82] Dedi Francis, held out to be owner of PT ASU, states in his
evidence in chief that he was informed by Augustone Cheong that the
insertion of Clause 3.1(a) in SPA 2 was insisted upon by DSC even though
this clause was not included in the original SPA.
[83] Adrian’s evidence in chief stated that he has no knowledge of any
specific reasoning for the insertion of Clause 3.1(a) into SPA 2 as he was
not privy to the negotiations between PT ASU and Protasco is
confounding when viewed against the matters stated in paragraphs 80.1
and 80.4. I agree with the Plaintiff that such evidence was designed to
downplay his having made representations in relation to 10-year
extension for the PMPA.
[84] Larry and Adrian took the position that the terms of SPA 1 and
SPA 2 were negotiated between Kenny Chong and Augustone Cheong
without their involvement. Adrian contends that he was merely instructed
by Protasco after he became director to facilitate the deal in terms of
communication with PT ASU based in Indonesia and that since the
beginning of 2014, Protasco apparently gave less instructions for him to
facilitate communication with PT ASU. He apparently had the impression
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that Protasco had meetings with PT ASU without his assistance. The
evidence however says otherwise and points ot his active involvement:
84.1 Besides the email between Adrain and Kenny alluded in
paragraph 80.1, on 23.12.2013 by letter to PT ASU,
Protasco requested for rectification on material issues,
informed of instances of non-compliance and due
diligence queries raised by the consultants.
84.2 On 10.01.2014, Adrian emailed DSC enclosing PT ASU’s
letter dated 10.01.2014 responding to Protasco’s letter
dated 23.12.2013. The email speaks of the letter of PT
ASU setting out the revised structure of the entire deal,
including the new purchase price, the loan to PT ASI for
USD5million and the revised profit guarantee. Adrian
ends the email by stating that he would like to call for a
board of directors’ meeting for ‘the approval of this new
deal structure and bring to the closure of this long
protracted transaction’;
84.3 On 14.01.2014, Adrian writes to DSC and enclosed a
Protasco board paper for the revised deal for his review
and circulation. Adrian then informed DSC of the need to
have a Protasco ‘BOD meeting early next week to
approve’ the revised deal before the CNY holidays;
84.4 On 16.01.2014, Kenny Chong emailed Adrian and Larry
with a summary of the outstanding matters in relation to
the revised deal.
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84.5 On 21.01.2014, Adrian emailed Kenny Chong informing
that as agreed, Protasco is to circulate the board
resolution for all the members to approve it by the coming
Thursday. Adrian encloses Protasco’s draft board
resolution. Adrian ends the email by informing Kenny
Chong, ‘Let’s close this chapter before the CNY…’.
84.6 On 22.01.2014, Kenny Chong emailed Adrian and Larry
informing that DSC had gotten the green light on the value
of the deal from the members of the board. Kenny Chong
then requests Larry and Adrian to grant them some time
to get the paperwork in order.
[85] From the various mail, it is demonstrably clear that DSC and
Kenny Chong treated Adrian as if he was representing Protasco in dealing
with PT ASU and he was not merely facilitating communication between
Protasco’s personnel and PT ASU as claimed by him. The revised
structure of the oil and gas acquisition leading to the execution of SPA 2
was clearly the result of Adrian’s dealing with PT ASU and he admits
under cross-examination at the very least, that as far as the board of
Protasco is concerned, he was the one dealing with the vendor, PT ASU.
[86] Dedi Francis’s evidence in chief which attempts to prop Adrian’s
position by positing that PT ASU contacted the late Ho Chun Fuat and
Kenny Chong in relation to settling the terms of SPA 2 went up in smoke
when evaluated: (i) the late Ho Chun Fuat only joined Protasco on
07.01.2014 and SPA 2 was signed on 26.1.2014, 3 weeks later; (ii) there
was zilch correspondence between PT ASU and Ho Chun Fuat; (iii) the
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email show it was Adrian who was dealing with PT ASU in settling the
terms in SPA 2; (iv) Dedi Francis was not involved personally at all in the
negotiations leading up to the execution of SPA 2.He testified that it was
Tjoe Yudhis and Global Cap who was dealing with the late Ho Chun Fuat
and Kenny Chong leading up to the execution of SPA 2 and that Tjoe
Yudhis had reported the product of the negotiations to Larry and Adrian
who then report to him. According to Dedi Francis, his instructions were
given to Global Cap (which is Larry and Adrian) and then it was Global Cap
who instructed Tjoe Yudhis.
[87] Larry’s position in his evidence in chief is essentially that: -
87.1 only after he was made a director of Protasco
(10.03.2014), he discovered the manner of approval of
SPA 1;
87.2 he became aware that the transaction was discussed at
previous meeting;
87.3 he was left out of the discussions with regard to SPA 2 and
hence not privy;
87.4 he only found out subsequently after joining the board
about SPA 2 and its peculiar terms regarding the condition
87.5 apparently, after he was appointed as a director, he
‘observed the interactions of the directors present at the
various board meetings and concluded that the
negotiations were solely handled by CKP on behalf of the
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Plaintiff’s board’.
[88] Larry’s postulations however were shot to smithereens as the
emails on SPA2 were copied to him, and all he could then muster under
cross-examination was a feeble answer that he did not read the emails
that were copied to him which I find does not beggar belief.
Was Protasco hoodwinked into making a Shareholder’s Advance of
USD5million to PT ASI?
[89] Prior signing of SPA2, the following events transpired :
89.1 the representative of RISC Operations Pty Ltd (“RISC”)
had briefed the board at a board of directors’ meeting on
18.12.2013, that based on the information gathered the oil
wells had been abandoned for over 20 years since the last
production in 1990/1991. RISC noted that about
USD3million would be required in order to reactive the
existing well whereas a new well would cost approximately
89.2 On 10.01.2014, Adrian forwarded PT ASU’s letter dated
10.01.2014 setting out the proposed revised structure to
the entire deal. In the said letter, PT ASU had structured
the revised total purchase consideration to USD27million
paid by Protasco to PT ASU from which PT ASU would
extend the shareholder loan to PT ASI for USD5million.
This was then revised in SPA 2 for the purchase
consideration to be USD22million with Protasco
advancing USD5million to PT ASI to be utilized for the
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purpose of wells reactivation and construction of new wells
(if necessary) for the purpose of extending the PMPA
89.3 Adrian represented that PT ASI requires USD5million for
the reactivation of the wells. As shown in paragraph 84
above, Adrian highlighted the urgency of the matter by
informing in his email that he would like to call for a BOD
meeting the following week for the approval of a new
structured deal.
[90] Adrian under cross-examination was vehement that the
USD5million did not emanate from him but was based on the proposal
from RISC. That is not true as RISC estimated approximately
USD3million for reactivation of the existing wells whereas new wells would
cost approximately USD4million. In the letter by PT ASU dated
10.01.2014 forwarded by Adrian, it was stated expressly that USD5million
advance was needed for well reactivation and constructions of new wells
for the sole purpose of extending the PMPA Agreement.
[91] There is more. Dedi Francis the supposed owner of PT ASU
under cross- examination did not even know what the USD5million was
for. When questioned on PT ASU’s letter dated 10.1.2014 which was
forwarded by Adrian to Protasco, he curiously testifies that ‘As far as I
remember, that USD5million sum was required or was needed by
Protasco to purchase or to arrange the majority sales, shares. That’s what
I remember.’
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[92] Protasco’s Board had acted upon PT ASU’s purported request
as represented by Adrian. At Protasco’s board of directors’ meeting on
23.01.2014, the board agreed to the revised proposed acquisition which
included the granting of the advance of USD5million to PT ASI. which is
to be utilized by PT ASI solely for the purpose of exploration, wells
reactivation and/or construction of wells. But this was not to be.
[93] The Shareholder’s Advance of USD5million was paid by
Protasco to PT ASI’s CIMB Bank account on 04.02.2014. Unbeknownst
to Protasco, Adrian made himself a sole cheque signatory of PT ASI’s
CIMB Bank account on 27.01.2014, 2 days prior to the execution of SPA
2 on 29.01.2014.
[94] On 10.02.2014, 6 days after USD5million was paid to PT ASI by
Protasco on 04.02.2014, Adrian transferred the exact sum of USD5million
(equivalent to RM16,250,000.00) from PT ASI’s CIMB Bank account to
PT ASI’s Permata Bank Account in Indonesia. He signed the remittance
form himself. Adrian in his evidence in chief attempted to explain away
his appointment as cheque signatory as follows:
94.1 As he was absent from the board meeting on 23.01.2014,
he later learned from Mohd Farid (another director
nominated by Larry) that Protasco’s board had agreed to
authorize him to manage, monitor and supervise the oil
and gas business in Indonesia;
94.2 He was later told verbally by the late Ho Chun Fuat that he
would be handling PT ASI’s financial portfolio when the
time came;
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94.3 Hence in anticipation of the same, he was instructed by
Protasco’s board to make a request to PT ASI through PT
ASU to allow him to be the authorized signatory of PT
ASI’s CIMB Bank account.
[95] Protasco’s learned counsel pointed out that Adrian had instructed
his solicitors to amend his draft witness statement from “I was later told by
the Plaintiff that I would be handling PT ASI’s financial portfolio when the
time comes” to “I was later told verbally by the late Ho Chun Fuat from
the Plaintiff that I would be handling PT ASI’s financial portfolio when the
time comes.” Protasco’s counsel thus submitted that the amended witness
statement was filed after the passing of the late Ho Chun Fuat and was
clearly designed to ensure that the late Ho Chun Fuat was not able to
challenge his assertion in Court. I tend to agree as Adrian’s evidence
could not be reconciled with the total body of evidence including as
[96] Firstly, the minutes of Protasco’s board meeting on 23.01.2014
do not reflect that the Adrian was to be appointed as a signatory of PT
ASI’s bank account to receive the USD5million. When questioned on this,
Adrian Ooi was evasive.
“OOI: I am not aware.
PJS: And you would agree that these minutes do not reflect that you were
authorised to be a signatory of PT ASI’s bank account to receive this
USD5 million?
OOI: I was authorised at PT ASI’s board resolution.
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PJS: But not, but the money came from Protasco, Dato'. You were not
authorised by Protasco, agree or disagree?
OOI: Disagree.
PJS: And you just told this Court, that’s why I asked you and I took it down
very carefully, that you were not able to take this role because you
were not appointed as an officer in PT ASI –
OOI: I was appointed –
PJS: You were not able to take this role.
OOI: I saw my appointment at PT ASI to be the signatory, that one I saw.
PJS: Dato', did you disclose PT ASI’s resolution authorising you to
be a signatory to Protasco?
OOI: No, to the bank account.
PJS: Dato', you need to answer my questions. Did you disclose PT ASI’s
resolution appointing you to be a signatory of their own bank account
to Protasco?
OOI: I didn’t get the question. I don’t get your question. PJS: Did you
OOI: To who?
PJS: To Protasco that you were appointed as a signatory to PT ASI’s
bank account?
OOI: It was Ho Chun Fuat, who is a management of Protasco, who
asked me to be the signatory. It came from Protasco because
Ho Chun Fuat represented Protasco.
PJS: Dato', what you are saying, agree or disagree, is not reflected in the
minutes of meetings, is not reflected in any documents before this
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OOI: I told you I disagree. I told you that.
PJS: Now, this whole thing about Ho Chun Fuat telling you, can I
suggest to you is an afterthought?
OOI: No.
PJS: And you are only bringing Mr Ho Chun Fuat in this after his death,
am I right?
OOI: No.”
[97] Secondly, Adrian did not produce any evidence to back his claim
that the instructions for him to be the cheque signatory came from
Protasco’s board of directors. Conversely, Tan Yee Boon a member of the
board, gave evidence that Adrian was never authorized to be a cheque
signatory of PT ASI’s bank account.
[98] Thirdly, in Adrian’s s.112 statement to the police made in January
2015, Adrian undertook to provide the police the minutes of meeting
where the board had authorized him to become a cheque signatory of PT
ASI’s bank account. No such minutes in existence were produced.
[99] When confronted as such, Adrian vacillated by stating that as
informed by the late Ho Chun Fuat at the board of directors’ meeting on
24.02.2014, he had assumed that PT ASI had already been controlled by
the management of Protasco. He testified:
“So I assumed that PT ASI had already been controlled by him and the
management of this Protasco. So when the change of the, for the
cheque signatory comes from PT ASI’s management, which I assumed
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at that time is already under the control of Protasco. That’s why I went
[100] I find Adrian’s explanation to be eye-brow raising, self-serving
and a disingenuous opportunistic posturing for when he made himself a
cheque signatory on 27.01.2014, he could not have gazed into the crystal
ball or consulted an astrologer on what the late Ho Chun Fuat will inform
him at Protasco’s board meeting a month later on 24.02.2014 that
Protasco has taken control of PT ASI. Thus, Adrian’s allegation on what
the late Ho Chun Fuat informed him remained just that – an allegation,
and a bare one at that.
[101] What in fact transpired was, at the Board meeting on 24.02.2014,
the late Ho Chun Fuat had informed the board the following: -
101.1 that the advance of USD5million from Protasco to PT ASI
for wells reactivation was to show commitment to
Pertamina in granting the extension of the PMPA;
101.2 that Dato’ Hanif and DSC would be appointed as
members of the Board of Commissioners of PT ASI
overseeing the function of the Board of Directors of PT
101.3 that the proposed PT ASI’s Board would comprise of
Adrian, Kenny Chong and a representative of PT ASU;
101.4 that the authorized signatories for PT ASI would also be
changed accordingly in due course.
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[102] Adrian was present at this Board meeting. He kept quiet and did
not disclose he had made himself a cheque signatory 2 days before SPA2
was signed and that he had on 10.2.2014 already transferred away the
USD5million. In any case, common sense dictates that there was no need
for a change of authorized signatory as what was informed to the board
by the late Ho Chun Fuat if it was within the board’s knowledge that
Adrian was already the cheque signatory of PT ASI’s account.
[103] Adrian’s testimony that he was never made a signatory to PT
ASI’s bank account in Indonesia and therefore according to him he had
no control over the USD5million and that Protasco was in control of PT
ASI pursuant to SPA 2 is not credible at all for firstly his testimony raised
the burning question why would he transfer the USD5million of Protasco’s
fund to another account outside Malaysia which he has no control over?
Second, his testimony blithely ignored the fact Protasco was not in control
of PT ASI pursuant to SPA 2 as the transfer of shares from PT ASI to
Protasco only took place on 24.03.2014 by which time, the USD5M had
long disappeared through Adrian’s very own action.
[104] That to the knowledge of the board of Protasco, the signatories
to PT ASI’s account were never changed was also made clear at the board
of directors’ meeting on 25.07.2014 where Adrian was present as well as
the late Ho Chun Fuat (by invitation). In respect of the USD5million, the
following statements were made by board members:
104.1 2 board members, Dato’ Mohd Bin Ibrahim bin Mohd Noor
and Dato’ Hanif had expressed deep concern over the
USD5million Shareholder’s Advance granted to PT ASI;
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104.2 DSC informed the board that due to KITAS (Indonesian
working visa) problem, Protasco was not able to effect the
change of bank signatories for PT ASI and thus not able
to manage the USD5million advance. DSC had demanded
for a detailed report on the utilization of the USD5million
[105] Adrian kept up the pretense and did not see it fit to rebut DSC
and remind him of his alleged appointment as signatory since it was his
stand that he was instructed by the board to become a bank signatory of
PT ASI. Neither did Adrian see it fit to remind the late Ho Chun Fuat that
he had instructed Adrian to handle PT ASI’s financial portfolio.
[106] The weight and effect of the sum total of the evidence points to
only one obvious conclusion - that Protasco was deceived into making
the USD5million Shareholder’s Advance .
Larry and Adrian’s actions from the time Protasco sought to terminate
SPA1 and SPA2 and to seek a refund of the Purchase Consideration and
[107] A revisit of the salient terms of SPA 2 include the following: -
107.1 Clause 1.1 – instead of the initial acquisition of 76% of PT
ASI, Protasco now acquire 63% of PT ASI from PT ASU
for a reduced consideration of USD22million instead of
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107.2 Clause 2.1 – the revised purchase consideration will be
satisfied by setting off the deposit of RM50million paid by
Protasco pursuant to SPA 1 as part payment towards the
purchase consideration under SPA 2. Pursuant to Clause
2.1(ii), a sum of USD5,659,437.00 (equivalent to
RM18,393,170.00) was paid to PT ASU on 29.01.2014
and 30.01.2014 being the difference between the
purchase price of USD22million and RM50million deposit
107.3 Clause 4.3(b) – a Shareholder’s Advance of USD5million
(equivalent to RM16,250,000.00) was paid to PT ASI on
04.02.2014 to be utilized solely for purposes of exploration
works, well-reactivation and/or construction of wells;
107.4 Clauses 1.4, 1.5, 4.3(b) and Recital F – payments made
by Protasco to PT ASU and PT ASI are to be securitized.
PT ASU to procure Acclaim, the security provider to
provide security in the form of blocked shares in PT Inovisi.
PT ASU agrees, undertakes and covenants to sign, seal
and deliver and cause the security provider, Acclaim to
sign, seal and deliver the share charge in order to give rise
to protection of Protasco’s interest;
107.5 Clause 3.1 (a), Clause 3 – the agreement was conditional
upon the extension of the PMPA beyond its expiry on
14.12.2014 for a further 10 years to 14.12.2024; the
conditions subsequent are to be fulfilled within 6 months
of its execution i.e. by 28.07.2014;
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107.6 Clause 3.6 - Protasco was entitled to terminate SPA 2 by
delivery of notice of termination to PT ASU whereupon PT
ASU was obliged to refund the full purchase price to
Protasco within 14 days from the date of the issuance of
the notice of termination in default of which Protasco is
entitled to deal with the Blocked Inovisi Shares at its
absolute discretion by requesting the escrow agent/broker
to dispose of the secured shares and the sale proceeds
therefore be released and paid to Protasco as refund to
the purchase price.
[108] It is common ground that the conditions subsequent were not
fulfilled by 28.07.2014. That Protasco was thus entitled to terminate the
agreement and to recover the purchase consideration of USD22million
was agreed by Adrian during cross-examination.
[109] On 04.08.2014:
109.1 at Protasco’s board of directors’ meeting, the board
deliberated PT ASU’s numerous requests for extension of
time and instructed Management to issue a letter informing
PT ASU that Protasco agrees to extend provided PT ASU
and Acclaim fulfilled 2 key conditions and requested PT
ASU to revert by 4.00pm on the same day. The board
meeting adjourned at 10.00am to resume at 4.00pm to
discuss on PT ASU’s reply letter;
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109.2 Larry (at 3.01pm) emailed Augustone and Lim Chye Guan
and copied Adrian and instructed on the contents of PT
ASU’s letter in reply to Protasco’s letter dated 04.08.2014;
109.3 At Protasco’s resumed board meeting at 4.25pm to
discuss the contents of PT ASU’s reply letter dated
04.08.2014 proposing 2 options i.e. (i) Option 1 was further
extension of time to expire on 30.11.2014 subject to the
PT ASU’s agreement to perfecting the charge document
on the PT Inovisi’s blocked shares; (ii) Option 2 was the
immediate termination of SPA 2 with PT ASU having a call
option to buy back the Blocked Shares at a fixed value of
USD 27 million within 24 months from the date of
termination. The Board deliberated, found that the
proposals from PT ASU were not acceptable and, resolved
to terminate the deal and instructed Management to issue
a termination letter to PT ASU;
109.4 Protasco exercised its right to terminate SPA 2 via Notice
of Termination and demanded for a full refund of
USD22million; with a copy emailed to Tjoe Yudhis by
Chow Siew Meng (Protasco’s Corporate Affairs Director)
at 7.38pm;
109.5 Larry (at 11.15pm) emailed Adrian instructing on the
contents of PT ASU’s letter in reply to Protasco’s Notice of
Termination dated 04.08.2014;
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109.6 Adrian (at 11.25pm) emailed Augustone and Larry,
copied to Lim Chye Guan to instruct Augustone to
prepare a reply to Protasco.
[110] On 05.08.2014:
110.1 Protasco emailed Tjoe Yudhis (at his real email address)
all the previous correspondences between Protasco and
110.2 PT ASU wrote to Protasco rejecting unilateral termination
from Protasco and will only accept mutual termination
based on Option 2 as proposed by PT ASU via letter dated
[111] On 07.08.2014, Tjoe Yudhis visited Protasco’s office. Tjoe
Yudhis signed a statutory declaration in Kuala Lumpur.
[112] On 11.08.2014 at Protasco’s IC meeting an Investigation Report
No.IR 1/110814 dated 11.08.2014 prepared by the Management was
circulated and deliberated by the IC.
[113] On 14.08.2014, Protasco issued a revised termination letter to
PT ASU attentioned to Tjoe Yudhis’s real email address and the same
was acknowledged by Tjoe Yudhis on 19.08.2014 (“Revised Termination
[114] Prior the termination events of 4.8.2014 and 14.8.2014, on
16.07.2014, Protasco wrote to PT ASU for the attention of Tjoe Yudhis
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reminding PT ASU on the expiry date of the fulfilment of the conditions
subsequent and enquired on the status of the extension of the PMPA.
Chow Siew Meng as Protasco’s Corporate Affairs Director at that material
time emailed the letter of 16.7.2014 to Augustone Cheong, with the
message that ‘We seek a written reply from PT ASU on matters raised in
the attached letter’.
[115] As the evidence unfolded:
115.1 Augustone the same day emailed Larry and Adrian for
instructions on how to respond to the said letter. On the
same day, Larry emailed Adrian and Augustone giving his
instructions for PT ASU to reply to Protasco’s letter dated
16.07.2014 and to state that it was Protasco’s own fault for
the delay:
“You may add and tune the dates etc, the tone has to be clear -
it’s Protasco’s own fault for their own delay, and ASI shall stay
strong to take legal action if new contract is not obtained.
…Reply and slap on the company face as we wish. If want paper,
this is paper. Else we do as we plan on corporate:
Get my ass into listco Exec Directorship… Key points in the reply.
1st …It is the delay of Protasco in honoring the contract
transaction process, and delay of funding to implement Pertamina
approved work plan, that all the plan has been delayed until
precedence condition are met, and upon met, have to be
2nd. In oil & gas industry, oil contracts are awarded, traded, and
financed, usually within days or weeks without much Due
Diligence to be made, as most oil field are pre Due Diligence done
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by Pertamina before awarded. Haseba and Pertamina despite
Protasco lack of experience in this industry, have tolerated
repeatedly delayed such industry practice, and questioned
Pertamina’s integrity in awarding oil contract. Such distrust to
Pertamina’s contract practice is rare and Pertamina has no
obligation in giving priority to fasten the new work plan approval.
5th. In Pertamina perspective, the contract is valid until 31 Dec
2014. It is Protasco’s own stupidity/self-proclaimed- commercial-
call in setting own deal line in hope of Pertamina or vendor/ASI to
fit Protasco’s own perceived time line. Legally Pertamina and nor
the vendor/ASI, would need to entertain Protasco own deadline..”
115.2 On 17.07.2014, Adrian emailed Augustone Cheong (Enc
555 p 198) as follows:
Reply as per his points mentioned below, but in a lighter tone and
business like. We will run through it together when your draft is out.”
115.3 PT ASU then issued a letter dated 21.07.2014 to Protasco
adopting all the key points given by Larry as set out above.
The letter asserted it is Protasco’s fault for the delay/failure
in the fulfilment of the Conditions Subsequent, in particular
the extension of the PMPA. In the said letter, PT ASU
according to Protasco for the first time informed Protasco
that Pertamina will only grant a maximum of 3 years’
extension. PT ASU also requested for a further extension
of time until 14.12.2014 to comply with the Conditions
Subsequent. PT ASU further stated that they were
confident that the Conditions Subsequent can be met
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before 14.12.2014 particularly with the impending
conclusion of the Indonesian Presidential election.
[116] It is pivotal to note:
116.1 Tjoe Yudhis testified he did not sign the letter and has
testified that the signature on the said letter is not his;
116.2 Dedi Francis as purported owner of PT ASU was not party
to all the email exchanges; he testified that he has
delegated Augustone Cheong to take care of PT ASU’s
letter dated 21.07.2014 and that he has no personal
knowledge of what is set out in the said letter;
116.3 Larry during cross-examination on Protasco’s letter dated
16.07.2014, at the outset completely denied knowledge of
the letter and that the letter was not sent over to him. When
confronted with his email on the same day Protasco’s
letter was received giving instructions on how to reply to
the said letter, Larry gave 2 inconsistent answers. First,
Larry said that he asked the owner, then the owner asked
him to reply, so he gave his comments. He said he was
angry when he replied to the letter because according to
him he was cheated by DSC. He then said Augustone told
him that there was a letter from Protasco and they wanted
to terminate. Clearly, Larry was economical with the truth
as the letter did not mention anything about termination but
rather asked about the status of the compliance of the
Conditions Subsequent. Larry then incredulously said that
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he did not read the letter but only gave his advice to
Augustone, and then Augustone and “his boss” responded
to the letter.
116.4 Adrian when cross-examined on his email giving
instructions to Augustone Cheong on how to reply to
Protasco’s letter, distanced himself, that he was not the
author of the letter. He also testified:
“Until today, I just want to clarify, whatever, I don’t know why Dato’
Larry sent an email to me which I am not privy of. Whatever that
he said to me, until today, I couldn’t fully comprehend what he is
saying – “
[117] Inescapably, the evidence adduced show that Larry and Adrian
either through themselves or through their agents, servants and/or
nominees were in fact the real authors of PT ASU’s letter dated
[118] The charade continued. Adrian then attended the AC meeting on
25.07.2014 as a member of the AC. At this meeting, the AC was informed
that the SC and Bursa had made numerous enquiries to the management
with regard to the proposed acquisition, in particular whether there was in
existence a related party transaction between the directors and the
proposed acquisition. Bursa had requested information on the vendor PT
ASU and the details of the security provider for the block securities and its
relationship with PT ASU. Bursa further demanded information on when
the proposed acquisition was to be completed, the status of the conditions
for completion, and whether it was Larry who brought the deal to Protasco.
SC had advised that in order to ensure compliance with good corporate
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governance, Protasco should secure statutory declarations from all
directors declaring that they were not connected with the proposed
acquisition. To this, Adrian had suggested that Larry and Dato’ Mohd
Ibrahim bin Mohd Nor should be exempted from executing the statutory
declaration since both of them were only appointed after the proposed
acquisition was brought into Protasco.
[119] The AC meeting discussed PT ASU’s letter dated 21.07.2014.
Tan Sri Hadenan and Dato’ Hanif had requested that the meeting record
their dissatisfaction over the contents of the said letter which was deemed
to be untrue and issued in bad faith and demanded that PT ASU retract
the said letter. Adrian informed the meeting that the vendor had been
actively looking for the extension of the PMPA from Pertamina since the
execution of SPA 2. Adrian further informed the meeting that it was very
common for Indonesian to put the blame on others and shared the view
of the meeting over the contents of the letter. The AC including Adrian as
reflected by the minutes resolved to recommend to Protasco’s board of
directors inter-alia the following: -
• to form an IC to conduct the investigation on the
parties/companies related to the proposed acquisition and
submit the audit report to SC and Bursa;
• that all board members execute a statutory declaration
declaring their interest, if any, in the proposed oil and gas
• that management shall provide no further extensions to the
proposed acquisition;
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• to insist that the vendor retract the letter dated 21.07.2014
which the AC was of the view that the said letter was untrue
and issued in bad faith.
[120] On account of Larry and Adrian’s involvement in the very
issuance of PT ASU’s letter of 21.07.2014, no clearer picture of deceit or
at the very least, dishonesty can be described of Larry and Adrian’s
conduct behind the scenes and Adrian’s conduct at the said AC meeting.
The contemporaneous documentary evidence points conclusively that
both Larry and Adrian’s conduct is completely at odds with the duties
expected of them as directors of Protasco. More of this same conduct as
concerns PT ASU’s letter dated 04.08.2014 to Protasco later.
[121] I should say a few words about dishonesty and on the tort of
[122] The essence of a tort of deceit was set out in the landmark House
of Lords case William Derry, J. C. Wakefield, M. M. Moore, J. Pethick, And
S. J. Wilde Appellants; And Sir Henry William Peek, Baronet Respondent.
(1889) 14 App.Cas. 337:
“In an action of deceit the plaintiff must prove actual fraud. Fraud is proved
when it is shewn that a false representation has been made knowingly, or
without belief in its truth, or recklessly, without caring whether it be true or
[123] LP Thean JCA in Panatron Pte Ltd & Anor v Lee Cheow Lee &
Anor [2001] 3 SLR 405, at [14] explained the tort requires the Plaintiff to
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(i) there must be a representation of fact made by words or
(ii) the representation must be made with the intention that it
should be acted upon by the Plaintiff;
(iii) the Plaintiff had acted upon the false statement;
(iv) the Plaintiff suffered damage by so doing; and
(v) the representation must be made with knowledge that it is
false; it must be wilfully false, or at least made in the
absence of any genuine belief that it is true.
[124] The Court of Appeal in Victor Cham & Anor v Loh Bee Tuan
[2006] 5 MLJ 359 cited Panatron with approval:
“[13] Fraudulent misrepresentation comes under the tort of deceit. To
succeed in his claim, the respondent in this case need to establish that he
had acted in reliance on the fraudulent misrepresentation and that the
representation was false. He further needs to establish that the first
appellant had made those statements knowingly or recklessly without caring
whether it was true or false. And that as a result of reliance on such
representation, the respondent had suffered damage. For the elements of
the tort of deceit, see Panatron Pte Ltd v Lee Cheow Lee [2001] 3 SLR 405.”
[125] As for what constitutes dishonesty, this is set out in the judgment
of Lord Nicholls in the decision of the Privy Council in Royal Brunei Airlines
Sdn Bhd v Tan [1995] 2 AC 378; [1995] 3 All ER 97; [1995] 3 WLR 64
where he said:
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“…Honesty, indeed, does have a strong subjective element in that it is
a description of a type of conduct assessed in the light of what a
person actually knew at the time, as distinct from what a reasonable
person would have known or appreciated. Further, honesty and its
counterpart dishonesty are mostly concerned with advertent
conduct, not inadvertent conduct. Carelessness is not dishonesty.
Thus for the most part dishonesty is to be equated with conscious
However, these subjective characteristics of honesty do not mean that
individuals are free to set their own standards of honesty in particular
circumstances. The standard of what constitutes honest conduct is not
subjective. Honesty is not an optional scale, with higher or lower values
according to the moral standards of each individual. …
“All investment involves risk. Imprudence is not dishonesty, although
imprudence may be carried recklessly to lengths which call into
question the honesty of the person making the decision. This is
especially so if the transaction serves another purpose in which that person
has an interest of his own.”
“…Ultimately, in most cases, an honest person should have little
difficulty in knowing whether a proposed transaction, or his
participation in it, would offend the normally accepted standards of
honest conduct.”
[126] It is also useful to refer to s. 17 of the Contracts Act 1950 (“the
Act”) where it defines ‘fraud’ as follows:
“Fraud’ includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract
or with his connivance, or by his agent, with intent to deceive another party
thereto or his agent, or to induce him to enter into the contracts:
(a) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true by one who does
not believe it to be true;
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(b) the active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of
the fact;
(c) a promise made without any intention of performing it;
(d) any other act fitted to deceive; and
(e) any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be
[127] Case laws suggest that the evidence required to prove an
allegation of dishonesty, stands on the same footing as an allegation of
fraud, which in most cases, would depend on circumstantial evidence to
prove the allegation. In Ng Pak Cheong v Global Insurance Co Sdn Bhd
[1995] 1 CLJ 223; [1995] 1 MLJ 60; [1994] 3 AMR 2663 (HC), Mohamed
Dzaiddin J (as he then was) dealt with the reception of circumstantial
evidence in proving fraud. The learned judge said, “ is not the law of
evidence that every step in the allegation of fraud had to be proved by
calling live and admissible evidence nor is it the law that fraud cannot be
inferred in the appropriate case. The inference, however, should not be
made lightly; the circumstantial evidence must be so compelling and
convincing that bearing in mind the high standard of proof the inference
is nevertheless justified...”.
[128] In CGU Insurance Berhad v Asean Security Paper Mills Sdn Bhd
[2006] 3 MLJ 1; [2006] 2 CLJ 409 (CA) Gopal Sri Ram JCA said,
“…While mere suspicion is insufficient, it is not the law that a litigant who
alleges fraud must unravel each and every act of the person accused of
fraud. Like any other fact, fraud may be inferred from circumstantial
evidence with the added proviso that there must be a foundation of
evidence and not mere suspicion.” (Emphasis added)
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[129] Larry and Adrian’s conduct throughout the entire saga will give
good clues as to whether they are acting honestly and transparently or in
a dishonest fashion. Lord Blackburn in Brogden v Metropolitan Railway
Company (1876–77) LR 2 App Cas 666 HL(E) had occasion to say:
“…is trite law that the thought of man is not triable, for even the devil does
not know what the thought of man is...
Board of Directors’ Meetings on 25.07.2014 and 04.08.2014
[130] At the board of directors’ meeting on 25.07.2014 following the AC
meeting, the board (including Larry and Adrian) had accepted the
recommendation from the AC set out in paragraph 119 above with no
objection. Consequently, all the directors had executed statutory
declarations affirming that inter-alia:
130.1 PT ASU is not a party related (as defined under the Main
Market Listing Requirement) to them or any person
connected to them (as defined under CA);
130.2 None of the director of PT ASU or its shareholders
(including ultimate shareholders) is a party related (as
defined under the Main Market Listing Requirement) to
them or any person connected to them (as defined under
130.3 that they are not aware of any matter which require the
transaction to be approved by the shareholders of
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[131] The minutes of the board of directors’ meeting on 25.07.2014
reflect that:
131.1 the board had deliberated on PT ASU’s letter dated
21.07.2014 and had without exception ‘expressed its
dissatisfaction over the content of the letter which was
deemed to be untrue and issued in bad faith and
demanded the Vendor to retract the letter’;
131.2 Larry had made the following statements to the board: -
131.2.1 that he was disappointed on the delay in
completing the proposed acquisition and the
manner the deal was managed;
131.2.2 that had he joined the board earlier, the deal
would have been already completed;
131.2.3 that issues relating to oil and gas are national
issues in the Republic of Indonesia;
131.2.4 that if it was Pertamina’s practice and / or policy
to grant a 2 to 3 years contract, and that was
good and acceptable to him; that Protasco
should notwithstanding the terms of the SPA 2,
not make demands that was outside the norm of
131.2.5 that the proposed acquisition was a good deal
for Protasco;
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131.2.6 that Protasco should be putting in a concerted
effort to salvage the acquisition rather than
attempting to call it off;
131.2.7 that from Pertamina’s perspective, the proposed
acquisition was considered completed; and
131.2.8 that Protasco should not be insisting on the
completion of the Conditions Subsequent as set
out in SPA 2.
[132] Protasco’s counsel submitted that Larry’s vigorous defence of PT
ASU’s position was clearly not in good faith and in the best interest of
Protasco as Protasco was entitled to terminate SPA 2 for the reasons
aforementioned. I agree.
[133] Protasco’s counsel further argued that whilst it is the pleaded
case of Larry and Adrian that Pertamina could not have granted the
extension sought as Protasco had failed to perform its obligations and
prevented PT ASU from carrying out its obligation to secure the extension,
no evidence was led by Larry and Adrian during the trial to establish their
pleaded defence. This point he asserted, was not put to Protasco’s
directors who gave evidence at the trial. Protasco’s counsel suggested
not without basis that the reason for this is quite simple:
133.1 Pursuant to SPA 2, Protasco had paid USD5million to PT
ASI for the reactivation of the oil wells.
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133.2 Adrian unknown to Protasco, had made himself a sole
cheque signatory to PT ASI’s bank account which
received the said USD5million as testified by himself.
133.3 Surely Adrian would be in the best position to inform this
Court as to what happened to the USD5million.
[134] Larry when he was questioned during cross-examination that he
was aware prior to the 25.7.2014 Board meeting that PT ASU had failed
to comply with the terms of SPA 2, he simply responded “I do not know”.
When Protasco’s counsel challenged him that he had however expressed
his disappointment in the delay in completing the proposed acquisition
and the manner in which the deal was managed, he answered “I totally
cannot remember. I was very disappointed at that time…I was very
shocked. How can they mismanage this project in such a way…”.
[135] Viewed against what he and Adrian did behind the scene as
alluded earlier, both Larry and Adrian’s testimony are not honest.
[136] The minutes of meeting minuted that DSC expressed that he and
the board had been advised and relied on Adrian who possessed local
knowledge in Indonesia in dealing with matters relating to the deal. Adrian
did not at the Board meeting rebut this statement. Adrian testified during
cross-examination that he did not interject as there was an argument
going on between DSC and Larry at the meeting. When challenged that
Adrian had in fact the opportunity during the meeting to rebut DSC’s
statement, his evidence was as follows:
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“JUDGE: You have opportunity then to rebut, right. And what’s the
OOI: It was not necessary for me to rebut to that statement, My Lady.”
[137] The Board minutes reflect that at the end of the meeting, DSC
proposed that PT ASU and Acclaim to perfect the charge documents and
return the USD5million advance with Adrian being instructed to
communicate the same to PT ASU and revert to the board accordingly. In
this regard, Adrian testified that he allegedly had a teleconference with
Dedi Francis and was told that they were unable to issue any official
response to Protasco’s request for the perfection of the charge
documents and the refund of the Shareholder’s Advance due to the
festive season in Indonesia. However, Dedi Francis under cross-
examination testified that he did not have any conversation with Adrian in
respect of Protasco’s demand for a refund of USD5million. Dedi Francis
testified that he has no knowledge of the USD5million.
[138] At Protasco’s board of directors’ meeting on 04.08.2014, Adrian
informed the board that he was told by PT ASU that they were still
pursuing the application for the extension and therefore PT ASU had
requested for extension of time for getting the concession extended. He
also informed the board that in view of the festive season in Indonesia,
the board of PT ASU was not able to meet and to issue any official letter
in response to Protasco’s request on the refund of USD5million and the
perfection of charge document.
[139] In this regard, Prostaco’s counsel was not wrong to argue that
Adrian had simply lied to Protasco’s board and continued his deception
as the evidence adduced at trial revealed that there was never any
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previous need for a board meeting by PT ASU to deliberate on issues
pertaining to the transaction since the board of PT ASU consisted of Dedi
Francis as Commissioner (Komisaris) and Tjoe Yudhis as the President
Director. As adverted earlier, Dedi Francis did not receive any call from
Adrian, and Tjoe Yudhis was not in the loop.
[140] Larry at this board said meeting stated that he has no objection
to the termination of the deal but advised the board not to make any rush
decision before PT ASU had responded to the company. Larry proposed
for a mutual termination to be done amicably.
[141] The board meeting was then adjourned for Protasco to issue a
letter to PT ASU.
[142] Protasco then by letter dated 04.08.2014 issued to PT ASU
informed that Protasco is willing to consider an extension of time for PT
ASU to fulfil the Conditions Subsequent conditional upon PT ASU
agreeing and undertaking to sign, seal and deliver and cause Acclaim to
sign, seal and deliver the charge on the secured shares and to procure
PT ASI to refund the USD5million advance.
[143] Pausing here, it is to be noted that the charge on the secured
shares was in fact a term of SPA 2 which PT ASU had yet to comply as
at the date of the letter, i.e. 04.08.2014.
[144] After the board had adjourned and Protasco had issued the letter
of 4.8.2014, unbeknownst to the board, Larry emails Augustone Cheong
and Lim Chye Guan and copied Adrian Ooi at 3.01pm with instructions on
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how to respond to Protasco’s letter. PT ASU then by way of letter dated
04.08.2014 on the instructions of Larry responded as follows: -
144.1 PT ASU proposed the following 2 options.
(a) The first option is that PT ASU be granted an
extension of time till 30.11.2014 in order to meet
Clause 3.1(a) of SPA 2 in consideration of PT ASU
causing Acclaim to sign, seal and deliver the third-
party charge on the PT Invoisi secured shares; OR
(b) The second option is immediate termination of SPA
2. PT ASI’s 67% shares to be transferred back to PT
ASU or its assignee. PT ASU shall have a call option
to buy back the secured PT Inovisi shares at a fixed
value of USD27million within 24 months of the
termination date. In return, PT ASU shall provide
and/or procure Acclaim to charge the secured PT
Inovisi shares as third party security for Protasco’s
benefit. In the event the call option expired without it
being exercised, the secured PT Inovisi shares shall
be automatically transferred to Protasco;
(c) Protasco shall be provided with a call option
exercisable within 24 months of the termination of
SPA 2 to buy back PT ASI shares at USD27million in
the event PT ASU is unable to obtain a new contract
with Pertamina for a further period of 10 years.
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144.2 If Option 2 is accepted, PT ASU undertakes to forgo any
claims to recover the opportunity losses due to the delay.
[145] Protasco’s counsel postulated that PT ASU’s letter dated
04.08.2014 issued on the instructions of Larry reveals the breadth of the
fraud committed on Protasco by Larry and Adrian. Learned counsel
correctly pointed out:
145.1 Under Option 1, Protasco was to grant an extension of
time to PT ASU and in return PT ASU is to perform what
it was already obligated to do under SPA 2 without any
refund of the USD5million advance;
145.2 Under Option 2(a) and (b), Protasco had already paid
USD27million towards the transaction but USD22million
was for the purchase consideration for PT ASI’s shares
and USD5million was paid as Shareholder’s Advance for
the reactivation of the wells. If the Advance has not been
spent to reactivate the wells, then the USD5million should
be returned to Protasco in any event. It should not have
been lumped in with the purchase consideration for PT
ASI’s shares;
145.3 This letter also debunks Adrian’s entire evidence that he
did not know what happened to the USD5million because
Protasco had control over PT ASI. If indeed Protasco had
control of PT ASI and had control over the USD5million,
then the burning question is why is PT ASU agreeing to
refund the USD5million together with the purchase
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consideration of USD22million? Clearly Larry and Adrian
had control over the USD5million and the same was never
spent on any reactivation of the wells as represented;
145.4 Under Option 2, it sets out should Protasco terminate SPA
2 and Protasco transfer back the shares of PT ASI to PT
ASU, PT ASU will have a call option to buy back the
secured PT Inovisi shares for USD27million within 24
months from the date of termination. Which means,
Protasco transfers the PT ASI’s shares back to PT ASU,
Protasco in the meantime cannot deal with the secured PT
Inovisi shares and PT ASU is given a call option which it
may or may not exercise to buy back the secured shares
within 24 months. And in return, PT ASU will cause
Acclaim to charge the secured PT Inovisi shares (which in
any event it was obligated to do under SPA 2). In the event
the call option expires without exercise, apparently the
secured PT Inovisi shares will be automatically transferred
to Protasco (which is after 24 months);
145.5 Finally, Protasco upon termination is given a call option
exercisable within 24 months to buy back PT ASI’s shares
at USD27million in the event PT ASU is able to secure the
extension to the PMPA with Pertamina. The purchase
consideration which Protasco paid was USD22million.
The USD5million was paid as an advance for wells
reactivation. Under this option, should Protasco exercise
the call option, Protasco will be paying a USD5million
premium for the purchase PT ASI’s shares!
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[146] Learned Counsel for Protasco drew this Court’s attention to
Black’s Law Dictionary (9th Edition) which defined a call option as “an
option to buy something (esp. securities) at a fixed price even if the market
rises; the right to require another to sell.” A call option operates as an
‘option’ but not an obligation. Meaning PT ASU under option 2, has the
option if it chooses to exercise it, to buy back the secured PT Inovisi
shares for USD27million.
[147] Weighed objectively, these terms could not be said to be in
Protasco’s interest at all.
[148] Tjoe Yudhis has testified that he did not sign PT ASU’s letter
dated 04.08.2014 and the signature on the said letter was not his. He has
no knowledge of the same.
[149] Larry when cross-examined on his email instructing on the
contents of PT ASU’s letter dated 04.08.2014, answered inter alia as
follows: -
149.1 that “Of course, I have to think on behalf of my friend’s
company. One side is my friend’s oil and gas company
and another side is my company”;
149.2 that “I was acting on good intention to protect my company
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149.3 that “This is the responsibility as the investor and also
director of Protasco. Also for the responsibility as
introducer of the oil and gas company”;
149.4 that “I’m the advisor for Chong Ket Pen and also advisor
for the oil and gas company”.
[150] Protasco’s counsel’s argument was not unattractive when he
postulated that:
150.1 Larry in his own words has admitted that he was acting in
breach of his fiduciary duties inter-alia in acting in bad faith
and not in the best interest of Protasco and had permitted
his personal interest to conflict with his duties to Protasco.
No disclosure was made by Larry to Protasco that he was
instructing PT ASU’s response to Protasco’s letters. In any
event his evidence is at variance with his own testimony:
(i) Q&A32 where he testifies that “In any event, CKP cut
me off from advising both himself and the 1st
Defendant in relation to the PT ASI share deal right
after I bought over the Stake in the Plaintiff. Hence I
limited my advisory role to purely secretarial and non-
deal matters”; and
(ii) Q&A53 where he testifies that “No, because after I
bought over the Stake in the Plaintiff, CKP instructed
me not to advice both himself and the 1st Defendant
in relation to the Plaintiff’s proposed share acquisition
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in PT ASI…I did not advise the 1st Defendant on both
SPA 1 and SPA 2.”
150.2 Consel therefore submits that Larry was clearly willing to
tailor his answers to suit any given situation.
[151] As for Adrian, under cross-examination he distanced himself by
saying he was not the author of the letter, but he was unsure as he may
or may not have contributed to the contents of the letter.
[152] Dedi Francis confirmed under cross-examination that there were
no discussions with him on the contents prior to the issuance of the said
letter dated 04.08.2014.
[153] Protasco’s board found that the proposal by PT ASU was not
acceptable. The minutes reflect that Adrian attempted to stall the
termination by advising Management to seek advice from an external
auditor on the financial impact to Protasco following termination.
[154] Protasco’s board at the said meeting resolved to terminate the
deal with PT ASU and management was instructed to send the
termination letter to PT ASU accordingly. It bears mention that Larry and
Adrian were party to the decision of the board to terminate the deal with
[155] Protasco by letter dated 04.08.2014 informed PT ASU that the
proposal provided in PT ASU’s letter dated 04.08.2014 was not
acceptable. Pursuant to the terms of SPA 2, Protasco terminated SPA 2
with immediate effect and demanded a refund of the purchase
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consideration of USD22million within 14 days from the date of issuance
of the said notice of termination. Protasco’s letter dated 04.08.2014 was
emailed by Chow Siew Meng to Tjoe Yudhis’s email address on the same
day at 7.38pm.
[156] On the same day at 11.15pm, unbeknownst to Protasco, Larry
emailed Adrian setting out his instructions on PT ASU’s response to the
said notice of termination. Adrian, 10 minutes later at 11.25pm emailed
Augustone Cheong and instructs him to prepare a response to Protasco
stating that the termination between the two parties can only be based on
the exact conditions stipulated under Option 2 of PT ASU’s letter dated
04.08.2014. Adrian instructed that PT ASU is not acceptable to unilateral
termination as set out in Protasco’s letter.
[157] Premised on Larry and Adrian’s instructions, PT ASU by letter
dated 05.08.2014 to Protasco rejected any unilateral termination by
Protasco and informed that they were only able to accept a mutual
termination based on the exact terms as proposed under Option 2 of PT
ASU’s letter dated 04.08.2014.
[158] It must be mentioned that Dedi Francis in his evidence in chief
states that he had instructed Augustone Cheong to prepare the letter
dated 05.08.2014 but the email exchange as alluded above show that it
was Larry and Adrian who instructed Augustone Cheong. Dedi Francis
was not even in the email loop. When queried about these email
exchange, Larry simply avoided answering the question whilst Adrian
maintained that he was merely communicating the decision of PT ASU to
Augustone Cheong which plainly conflicted with Dedi Francis’s evidence
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that he was the one who instructed Augustone Cheong to issue the said
[159] Tjoe Yudhis testified that he did not sign PT ASU’s letter dated
05.08.2014 and the signature on the said letter was not his. He has no
knowledge of the same.
[160] Protasco posits that the actions of Larry and Adrian as detailed
above had denied and deprived Protasco of its rights to recover the
purchase consideration and the Shareholder’s Advance paid pursuant to
SPA 1 and SPA 2; and that these acts alone committed by Larry and
Adrian are sufficient by themselves to make both of them liable in respect
of the USD27million paid by Protasco towards the transaction.
[161] Protasco had by letter dated 14.08.2014 issued a revised notice
of termination to PT ASU demanding for a return of a total sum of
USD27million and setting out the Conditions Subsequent that were not
fulfilled by PT ASU.
[162] PT ASU did not respond to Protasco’s revised termination letter
dated 14.08.2014. In this regard,
162.1 Despite Dedi Francis’s testimony in relation to PT ASU’s
earlier letters dated 09.05.2013, 25.09.2013, 10.01.2014,
21.07.2014, 04.08.2014 and 05.08.2014, he did not seem
to be able to remember Protasco’s said letter dated
14.08.2014 when shown the same under cross-
examination as he said it was addressed to Tjoe Yudhis
and not him. But Protasco’s previous letters 08.05.2013,
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31.07.2013, 30.09.2013, 23.12.2013, 16.07.2014,
24.07.2014, 04.08.2014, 05.08.2014, 14.08.2014, to PT
ASU were also addressed to Tjoe Yudhis!
162.2 Dedi Francis also appeared at sea on the sum demanded
by Protasco. He testified to his knowledge, only the
purchase consideration of USD22mililion was demanded
by Protasco and not the USD5million Shareholder’s
Advance. He was not able to shed any light on the
utilization and the whereabouts of the USD5million apart
from insisting that it was Protasco’s duty to reactive the oil
Larry and Adrian’s Further Actions that were not in the interest of Protasco
[163] Clause 3.6 of SPA 2 provides that should PT ASU fail to refund
the purchase consideration within 14 days from the date of issuance of
the notice of termination, Protasco is entitled to deal with the secured PT
Inovisi shares at its absolute discretion by requesting the broker to
dispose the secured shares and the sales proceed to be released and
paid to Protasco as refund of the purchase price.
[164] Protasco by letter dated 29.08.2014 to PT Brent effected the
Instruction Letter on 29.08.2014 which was purportedly signed by Lim Sue
Fern of Acclaim to cancel the Blocked Inovisi Shares and to sell the said
shares and to remit the proceeds to Protasco. This was exercised in
accordance with Protasco’s right pursuant to Clause 3.6(ii) of SPA 2.
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[165] Protaso’s management led by the late Ho Chun Fuat had visited
PT Brent’s office on 29.08.2014 to attempt to effect the sale of the Blocked
Inovisi Shares pursuant to the duly executed Instruction Letter which was
signed by Acclaim and Protasco. However, Protasco’s management was
unable to reach one Mr Riky Chainadi of PT Brent despite numerous
attempts. The management could only leave a photocopy of the
Instruction Letter at PT Brent’s office on 29.08.2014. Protasco did not
receive any response from PT Brent on the Instruction Letter dated
[166] Protaso also attempted to notify Acclaim on its intention to
exercise its rights to deal with the blocked PT Inovisi secured shares
(“Notice to Acclaim”). However, the Notice to Acclaim was returned by the
courier service company as the location of Acclaim was unknown.
[167] Protasco then appointed solicitors in Jakarta, Messrs Johnny
Situwanda & Partners to serve the original copy of the Instruction Letter
to PT Brent and to follow up with PT Brent with regard to the dealing of
the blocked securities in the form of PT Inovisi shares.
[168] Mr Johnny Situwanda, Protasco’s appointed solicitors in Jakarta,
testified at the trial [PW-9] that he had on 22.09.2014 attended to the office
of PT Brent and met with the director of PT Brent, one Mr Riky Chaniadi.
168.1 Mr Johnny Situwanda handed over a copy of the
Instruction Letter to Mr Riky Chaniadi and requested him
to sign and acknowledge the receipt of the said letter from
Protasco to PT Brent for the sale of the 297,142,900
shares in PT Inovisi dated 29.08.2014 and the Instruction
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Letter for Cancellation of Blocking of Shares in PT Inovisi
dated 29.08.2014.
168.2 Mr Riky Chaniadi was willing to accept the letter from
Protasco dated 29.08.2014 and acknowledged receipt of
the same by signing on the said letter. However, Mr Riky
Chaniadi refused to sign the Instruction Letter for
Cancellation of Blocking of Shares in PT Inovisi dated
168.3 Mr Riky Chaniadi revealed his email communications on
09.09.2014 with Lim Sue Fern who purportedly had
requested PT Brent not to effect the sale on the Blocked
Inovisi Shares as Lim Sue Fern had purportedly claimed
that she did not sign any Instruction Letter and that the
signature on the said Instruction Letter was not hers.
[169] Protasco’s unsuccessful attempt through Johnny Situwanda to
get Mr Riky Chaniadi to testify at this trial, that the Financial Services
Authority (OJK) had on 13.02.2018 revoked the business license of PT
Brent; that PT Brent was declared bankrupt on 22.03.2021 pursuant to a
decision of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court; and PT Brent is no
longer listed as a member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has
been adverted to earlier.
[170] Counsel for Larry and Adrian had suggested during the cross-
examination of Mr Johnny Situwanda that the duly executed Instruction
Letter provides that once the said letter is signed by Acclaim (Lim Sue
Fern) and counter-signed by Protasco (DSC) constitutes good instruction
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to PT Brent to cancel the blocking and effect the sale of the Blocked
Inovisi Shares without further reference to Acclaim. This contention as
was pointed out by Protasco’s counsel ignores: (i) the fact that according
to Mr Riky Chaniadi, Lim Sue Fern had expressly denied executing the
Instruction Letter in the first place; and (ii) Messrs Risman Hutubarat &
Rekan who provided the legal opinion on the validity of the Instruction
Letter had opined that the Instruction Letter would be good instructions to
PT Brent for Protasco to deal with the shares provided it is signed by
Acclaim. The dispute by Acclaim of not having executed the Instruction
Letter in the first place drew the spotlight on the validity and enforceability
of the said Instruction Letter that was procured by Larry and Adrian.
[171] Lim Sue Fern was at all material times a sole director of Acclaim
who was the 3rd party that provided the securities in the form of PT Inovisi
shares for the transaction between Protasco and PT ASU. Lim Sue Fern
is the wife of one, See Poh Yee (also known as “Andrew See”) who is a
long time partner and associate of Larry. Protasco’s attempt to serve the
subpoena and secure the attendance of Lim Sue Fern of Acclaim to testify
at this trial were unsuccessful.
[172] The evidence adduced show that again behind the scenes, Larry
and Adrian acted to prevent Protasco from selling the secured PT Inovisi
172.1 Augustone Cheong on 19.09.2014 at 10.37am emailed
Larry and copied Adrian, Lim Chye Guan, On Yong Chieh
and Aida. In the said email, Augustone Cheong attached
a draft PT ASU’s response letter dated 19.09.2014 that
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was requested by Larry. The said letter drafted on Larry’s
instructions expressly states as follows:
“We are writing to reiterate that we reject any unilateral
termination from Protasco and reserve our rights to take further
action, including legal redress to protect our interest.”
“We noted that you have made attempts to sell the Blocked Shares
provided by the Security Provider, Acclaim Investments Ltd. You
have no right to sell the Blocked Shares and we shall continue to
take steps to prevent such sale and/or to procure the Security
Provider to do so, in order to protect our interest.”
[173] When cross-examined on the draft letter that was prepared
based on Larry’s instructions as suggested in Augustone Cheong’s email
dated 19.09.2014, Larry claimed that the email was apparently sent to him
for his comments after Augustone Cheong had purportedly discussed with
his boss presumably the said Dedi Francis. According to Larry, he was
not able to give his comments to him. Larry evaded answering by simply
stating that “I cannot answer the question because I do not know about
the details.”
[174] Plainly, Larry was not truthful as Larry did in fact respond in his
email to Augustone Cheong sent on the same day, 19.09.2014 at 5pm
which was copied to Adrian Ooi, Lim Chye Guan and Aida. Larry expressly
instructed Augustone Cheong as follows:
“Hi Augus,
As per my points given, I need this letter to be “peaceful”, seeking proper
departure options, while due to force major which DIRECT RELATES to
ASU being all the while fulfilled all agreement terms”. Means indirectly hinted
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P is the one that break agreement putting up public information defame ASU
of “not fulfilling precedence/terms”.
ASU is not going to “transfer to P’s name the 3rd party charged asset,
means stays is it in 3rd party charges. Else DSC will do like he’s doing
now – on his own decision, bang the wall selling shares.
Alternatively if no answer from P in a peaceful discharge, ASU shall not seek
3rd party charges to provide such security.
Highlight that “P already OWNED the ASI shares (which is “legally owned
the asset”), there is no need for 3rd party charge. Which means this is only
ASU’s generous courtesy to offer P good discharge.
And, word it as ASI shares which “belongs to P already”, if wanted to
find new investor, ASU shall provide assistance.
… Meaning:
Either option 1 above, or option 2 above, shows that ASU is being “KIND
AND GENEROUS” to help P flip and contain/retain as much customers
as possible, and highlight P actually “owned ASI shares already,
dealcompleted, accounting wise has no problem to record as
intrinsic/goodwill value/asset”.
Tune again and standby the weapon – wait for either ME or Adrian’s
instruction to strike. We do not send to P, just wait until P’s BOD
meeting is done next week. Anytime next week onward we will send this.
… Conclusion:
Looking at P’s self-closed actions, it’s rude and reckless without even
negotiate. We need these weapons ready ASAP by coming Monday,
before P’s BOD meeting next week. Anytime, if needed, may need to
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Send both drafts to me & Adrian these 2 days. TQ.
[175] In the same email, Larry attached a draft press release to
Augustone Cheong for the issuance by PT ASU. Larry in his email
explained that the press release is meant to inter-alia explain that:
“3. And stress that ASU being an experience industry player,
ALREADY SPENT all their money to 2 new projects, and in the midth of
raising new funding of just US$5mil likely from Australia stock exchange
(above will slap on P’s face of seeking cash-back from ASU, and ASU
being an exploration company, buy/sell oil block is “industry norm”)”
[176] Protasco’s counsel pointed out that the draft press release that
was attached by Larry to Augustone Cheong contained several false
statements in relation to the oil and gas transaction between PT ASU and
Protasco. They include inter-alia the following:
176.1 “PT ASU being new to market is ran by reputable and
experience retirees in the industry”;
176.2 “We are unaware of sudden request by Malaysia group to
ask for early issuance of new contract”;
176.3 “we could not remember who introduce us to Malaysia
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176.4 “During Aldilfiltri, we were told the Malaysia group has
some complication in giving such letter”;
176.5 “We do not want to take opportunity to simply terminate
our agreement, we try to hold on our guarantor and awaits
malaysia group reply”;
176.6 “At least we fulfill as per agreement by giving Malaysia
group time to slowly digest.”;
176.7 “we were advised to terminate the SPA as Pertamina
latest changes may alter SPA terms even though deem
force majeure due to policy changes risk, we still awaits
amicable reply from Malaysia group”.
[177] Confronted with such clear evidence of his instructions to
Augustone Cheong in relation to the letter to be issued by PT ASU and
the press release, Larry evaded providing any explanation to the court on
the contents of his email and press release and maintained his
unconvincing position that he was merely providing general comments.
[178] It is not difficult to conclude from PT ASU’s letter which was
drafted upon Larry’s instructions and Larry’s own email on 19.09.2014,
that Larry and Adrian were aware that Protasco was attempting at the
material time to unblock the secured PT Inovisi shares and to sell off the
same. The PT ASU’s draft letter and email further reveal that Larry and
Adrian were actively at the material time preventing Protasco from doing
the same.
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Board of Directors’ Meeting on 22.09.2014
[179] The IC that was set up by Protasco to investigate the transaction
presented its findings of the investigation and its investigation reports to
Protasco’s board of director meeting on 22.09.2014. The board at this
meeting resolved to proceed with legal action against PT ASU, Larry and
Adrian to recover the purchase price of USD22million and the
Shareholder’s Advance of USD5million.
[180] Larry’s own email on 19.09.2014 shows that he was anticipating
Protasco’s directors meeting on 22.09.2014, and both he and Adrian had
expected that Protasco were going to take legal action against the both of
them in relation to the total sum of USD27milion paid towards the oil and
gas acquisition and instructed Augustone Cheong to prepare PT ASU’s
letter and press release to be used as a response to outcome of the Board
meeting. Their contending at trial that the board meeting was conducted
despite their absence as they were away on a family vacation and that
they were belatedly informed of the outcome of the Board meeting do not
add to their defence at all.
The IC Investigation
[181] As alluded earlier at paragraph 115 and 125, the IC was formed
by the board on 25.07.2014 after the board accepted the recommendation
of the AC to form an investigation committee to investigate the parties
related to the proposed acquisition. It bears repetition that Adrian was a
party to the decision of the AC and both Larry and Adrian were members
of the board that agreed to form the IC. As shown above, the premise of
the IC investigation was to address the queries made by the Securities
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Commission and Bursa which are listed out in the AC minutes itself which
include inter-alia:
181.1 Whether the proposed acquisition has been completed. If
not, when will it be expected to complete as it was coming
to two years;
181.2 What are the status of the conditions that had yet to be
met for completion? What will happen if the Proposed
Acquisition would be called off?
181.3 Who is Acclaim Investments Ltd that provided the security
to Protasco for the Acquisition and why?
181.4 Will the oil concession be extended?
181.5 Did Tey Por Yee bring in the deal to Protasco?
181.6 What is Tey Por Yee’s position/role in Protasco?
181.7 Why was the revised purchase consideration being
reduced from the original USD55million?
[182] The IC found inter alia the following:
(i) Larry had brought the proposal for this transaction to
Protasco through his vehicle Global Capital Limited;
(ii) The President Director of PT ASU, Tjoe Yudhis , had acted
at all times as a nominee of Larry and Adrian ; he had taken
instructions from them in respect of all matters pertaining
to PT ASU; Tjoe Yudhis had only signed SPA 1 and SPA
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2 in relation to the proposed acquisition. The other
correspondences to Protasco by PT ASU purportedly
signed by Tjoe Yudhis did not in actual fact bear his
(iii) TjoeYudhis had not received any of Protasco’s letters
during the negotiations leading up to the execution of SPA1
and SPA2; the purported email address of the Tjoe Yudhis
which was used by management to correspond with him
was not his real email address and hence never reached
(iv) Larry and Adrian were and remain the effective beneficial
owners of PT ASU, PT Inovisi, Acclaim Investment Limited
etc. Notwithstanding this, they had not disclosed their
personal interests in PT ASI to Protasco as required by law;
(v) Tjoe Yudhis had not received the letters issued or
transmitted to him vide email because the email address
given was the same as the address for another company
known as Nextnation Communication Berhad where Larry
and Adrian are the substantial shareholders;
(vi) Larry and Adrian or through their agents had authored and
forged the signatures of Tjoe Yudhis on the PT ASU letters
issued in reply to Protasco’s letters;
(vii) Lim Sue Fern the director of Acclaim, as the third party that
had provided security for the repayment of the deposit of
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RM50 million who signed the Letter of Instruction is the
spouse of Andrew See Poh Yee. See is a director and
shareholder in 24 companies linked to Larry;
(viii) See, Larry and Adrian are the partners of Global Capital
Limited that had first introduced the transaction to
(ix) PT ASU, PT ASI, Acclaim, PT Green Pine and PT
Goldchild and PT Inovisi are owned, related or the alter-
ego of Larry and Adrian.
[183] Larry and Adrian’s position is that the entire IC investigation was
a sham, with no proper investigation, no minutes of meetings nor inquiry
being conducted by the IC.
Larry and Adrian’s web of companies
[184] I next deal with the companies PT ASU, PT ASI, Acclaim, PT
Inovisi, and PT Green Pine said to be controlled or beneficially owned by
Larry and Adrian.
[185] Pursuant to s .122A of Companies Act 1965 (s. 197 CA 2016), a
body corporate is deemed to be connected with a director if it, or its
directors, are accustomed to act in accordance with the directions,
instructions or wishes of that director or that director and persons
connected with him, are entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, not
less than fifteen percent of the votes attached to voting shares in the body
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Tjoe Yudhis acted at all material times as a nominee of Larry Tey and
Adrian Ooi
[186] Tjoe Yudhis testified that:
186.1 he was appointed as the President Director of PT ASU
by Larry;
186.2 Larry and Adrian were his bosses in respect of PT ASU
and other entities known as PT Goldchild Indonesia
Sukes (“PT Goldchild”);
186.3 Larry and Adrian were to his knowledge, owners of PT
ASU, PT ASI, PT Goldchild, PT Inovisi, PT Green Pine
and PT Nusantara Rising Rich (“PT NRR”);
186.4 he takes instructions from Larry and/or Adrian on all
matters concerning PT ASU and PT Goldchild;
186.5 he was instructed by Larry and/or Adrian to sign SPA 1,
SPA 2 and the Power of Attorney;
186.6 he was also instructed by one Lim Chye Guan, an
employee of Larry and Adrian to sign documents in
relation to the opening of the bank account on behalf of
PT ASU with CIMB Bank Berhad’s Plaza Damansara
186.7 he was not involved in any negotiations leading to the
signing of SPA 1 and SPA 2;
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186.8 he was not kept informed or briefed on matters related to
SPA 1 and SPA 2;
186.9 he did not sign the letters dated 09.05.2013, 25.09.2013
and 10.01.2014 issued by PT ASU. He did not issue
these letters and the signatures contained therein are not
186.10 he did not sign the Supplement Sale and Purchase
Agreement dated 28.06.2013;
186.11 he did not open any bank account on behalf of PT ASI.
[187] Tjoe Yudhis had affirmed statutory declarations on 07.08.2014,
18.08.2014, 29.08.2014 and 26.09.2014 in Kuala Lumpur alluding to the
matters set out in the preceding paragraph. As proof that Tjoe Yudhis had
at all times taken instructions from Larry and Adrian with regards to PT
ASU, he exhibited email exchanges in his statutory declaration dated
26.09.2014 (Exhibit P75).
[188] Tjoe Yudhis’s testimony as set out above is consistent with and
is corroborated by the other evidence adduced at trial.
Tjoe Yudhis’s role in PT ASU
[189] Tjoe Yudhis was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
PT Fantasi Artis Media Entertainment (“FAME”) by Larry. Tjoe Yudhis was
requested to sign a Confidentiality Agreement in respect of his
appointment as CEO of FAME.
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[190] Sometime in the year 2012, Tjoe Yudhis was approached by
Larry and offered a position to source for business opportunity and project
in the oil and gas industry for Larry. This was due to Tjoe Yudhis’s
purported contacts within the Indonesian administration.
[191] On the instructions of Larry, Tjoe Yudhis was instructed to sign a
Consultancy & Service Agreement which purportedly appointed him as a
consultant to help secure business in Indonesia. The said agreement was
emailed to Tjoe Yudhis with Larry’s instructions for him to execute the
same. The said Consultancy & Service Agreement was executed on
27.06.2012 between Tjoe Yudhis as the Consultant and PT Goldchild
represented by its Managing Partner, Tey Por Yee (Larry) and Partner,
Ooi Kock Aun (Adrian).
[192] The said Consultancy & Service Agreement expressly provides
that Tjoe Yudhis (Consultant) ‘shall report directly to the Client’s top
management including Managing Partner (Advisor) Larry Tey, followed by
Partner (Group CEO) Adrian Ooi, or any Client’s assigned reporting
person subject to project needs, on a regular basis. Day to day project
progress reporting, Buyer or Seller or Suppliers or Consultant contacts
shall be directly to Adrian Ooi on timely basis, project filtering and
selecting process shall be discussed with Larry OR Adrian Ooi directly’.
[193] In the email exchange between Tjoe Yudhis, Jason Minos who
has a Global Cap email domain, Suriany who also has a Global Cap email
domain and Larry using a risingrich email domain on 06.09.2012, which
is the same day PT ASU was incorporated, reveals that Tjoe Yudhis was
instructed to execute several documents in relation to incorporation of an
entity called Whisperdusk Finance Corporation which was purportedly
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incorporated for purposes of being involved in the oil and gas industry.
The documents Tjoe Yudhis was asked to sign included his consent to
act as director and resolution approving the change of name and
authorized capital.
[194] Tjoe Yudhis had expressed hesitancy in executing the
documents as he was unaware of what the documents were related to
until being instructed to do so by Larry in his email sent on 06.09.2012 at
5.59pm. Larry explains to him that the company in question was for an oil
and gas project and once the project was secured, it was to be transferred
to a listed company and Tjoe Yudhis will be discharged. Larry further
informed him that he will forward his data to Dedi Francis to process. Prior
to Larry’s instructions, Tjoe Yudhis had expressed thanks to Larry and
referred to him as ‘THE CEO of the group’.
[195] PT ASU was incorporated under the laws of Indonesia on
06.09.2012. As of 06.09.2012, Dedi Francis was the Commissioner
(Komisaris) and Tjoe Yudhis was the President Director of PT ASU. Dedi
Francis holds 1,249,999,999 shares of Rupiah 100 each in paid up capital
of PT ASU whereas Tjoe Yudhis holds 1 share. As of 28.12.2012, PT
ASU holds 99.99% of the equity interest in PT ASI. As of 24.03.2014, the
Director of PT ASI is one, Edward Farolan.
[196] On 07.09.2012, Larry writes to Dedi Francis and instructs him
that Tjoe Yudhis’s salary will be paid from PT NRR. Dedi Francis was
instructed to transfer Rupiah 10million monthly to Tjoe Yudhis. Larry
further instructed Dedi Francis that Tjoe Yudhis will be handling ‘2 project
nominee now, 1 in batu 1 in oil field bidding’. Larry had also instructed
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Dedi Francis to let Tjoe Yudhis use the office at Bellagio Jakarta
[197] The abovementioned email conversation does not suggest as
contended by Larry in his evidence in chief that the email was sent in
relation to the advisory services that he was providing to PT ASU. The
drift of the email were clearly in the form of instructions. Larry’s assertion
that this email sent in September 2012 were advisory services he
provided to PT ASU is in conflict with his s. 112 statement given to the
police dated 27.01.2015 where Larry said he only knew about PT ASU
after the agreement between PT ASU and Protasco was executed. Larry
made no mention at all in his s. 112 statement to the police about his
purported advisory role as a consultant to Dedi Francis and his prior
relationship with PT ASU and PT ASI which were raised at the trial.
[198] In a later email on 25.10.2012, Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis that
his KTP (Indonesian Identity Card) had expired. Tjoe Yudhis was
instructed to email an updated copy to Larry. Tjoe Yudhis was reminded
by Larry Tey that “We are holding new migas company shares under 2
persons name – you and Dedi. Focus.”
[199] On 26.10.2012, Tjoe Yudhis was also instructed by Larry Tey to
provide information requested for the oil and gas project (migas) as the
project needed the profile of “real person” and not anyone “on the street”.
In response to Tjoe Yudhis’s email, Larry Tey had on 27.10.2012 informed
Tjoe Yudhis “No dangerous”, Tjoe Yudhis is “holding my $” in the
companies just like how corporate did in which Larry named Adrian and
Dedi Francis. According to Larry, he had only appointed 10 people as
nominees in corporate.
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[200] It can irresistibly inferred that Larry’s emails to Tjoe Yudhis and
Dedi Francis were in the form of instructions and not advice and that they
treat Larry as a superior in the organization.
[201] Tjoe Yudhis testified that he was instructed by Larry and Adrian
to execute SPA 1, that he flew down to Kuala Lumpur to execute SPA 1
at the end of November 2012 and he subsequently flew down to Kuala
Lumpur again to open a bank account on behalf of PT ASU.
[202] Although SPA 1 is dated 28.12.2012, DSC testified that in order
to show good faith to Larry Tey as per his request, DSC had signed SPA
1 in advance before 28.12.2012. This is corroborated by the email sent
by Messrs Teh & Lee on 29.11.2012 where the solicitors of Protasco
states that DSC intends to sign the SPA 1 the next day at 11am.
[203] The email exchange from 17.04.2013 to 23.04.2013 and
10.06.2013 between Adrian, Deny, Augustone Cheong, Larry and Tjoe
Yudhis, reveals that Tjoe Yudhis and Dedi Francis were not involved in
giving instructions on the due diligence involving PT ASU undertaken
under SPA 1. The instructions emanated from Adrian.
[204] Tjoe Yudhis’s position as a nominee is manifestly evident in the
email exchange between Deny, Larry, Lauren Gunawan and Tjoe Yudhis
on 04.04.2013:
204.1 Tjoe Yudhis informed Deny that Larry told him that before
he signs any documents, those documents should be
copied to Larry.
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204.2 Deny responded to Tjoe Yudhis on the same day
informing him that the group never intends to harm
nominees (‘grup tidak pernah bermaksud
membahayakan nominee’).
204.3 Deny further informs Tjoe Yudhis that there are 2
principles, firstly, group need nominees and nominees
need group (‘grup butuh nominee dan nominee butuh
grup’) and secondly, group trust nominees and nominees
trust the group (‘grup percaya nominee dan nominee
percaya grup’).
204.4 It is manifestly obvious from this email exchange that Tjoe
Yudhis is a nominee for Larry and Adrian and not Dedi
Francis as Dedi Francis was not even in the email loop.
[205] The email exchanges between 29.07.2013 and 30.07.2013
between Adrian, Larry, Deny and Tjoe Yudhis, shows that Tjoe Yudhis
had emailed Larry and Adrian to request their consent for him to execute
a power of attorney to Messrs Makarim & Taira granting them authority to
check on court cases involving PT ASU. As is obvious in the email
exchange, Adrian on 30.07.2013 at 4.32am instructed Tjoe Yudhis that it
was “Ok to proceed”.
[206] Tjoe Yudhis’s testimony that he did not sign the letters dated
09.05.2013, 25.09.2013, 10.01.2014, 21.07.2014, 04.08.2014 and
05.08.2014 issued by PT ASU and did not sign the Supplement Sale and
Purchase Agreement dated 28.06.2013 is corroborated by the evidence
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given by the Forensic Document Examiner, Lim Yok Chaw [PW-4] who
had opined that the signature in the aforesaid documents is of different
authorship from the specimen signatures of Tjoe Yudhis.
[207] On 30.10.2013, Larry instructed Tjoe Yudhis via email sent at
11.34am to “Come office before 12 noon, finish up this part today. Project
is waiting.”
[208] On 23.04.2013, Deny (PT Inovisi’s staff) had emailed Tjoe
Yudhis, copied to Larry and Adrian, to inform Tjoe Yudhis that his
signature was needed for the execution of office lease agreement of PT
ASI and PT PIL. The email exchange between Qimie (also known as
Faizatul Ikmi binti Abdul Razak) of Global Cap and other personnel of
Global Cap on 18.12.2013 reveals that flight arrangements were made for
Tjoe Yudhis to fly down to Kuala Lumpur on Adrian’s instructions in
relation to the opening of PT ASU’s bank account in Kuala Lumpur. Qimie
is an employee within the Nexgram group of companies. According to
Aida (PW10) who works as a legal officer in the Nexgram group together
with Qimie, Qimie reports to Larry.
[209] Tjoe Yudhis apart from being instructed to execute the power of
attorney, SPA 1 and SPA 2, was not involved at all at any stage of the
transaction between Protasco and PT ASU. He was not involved in the
correspondence between PT ASU and Protasco leading up to termination
of SPA 2 and thereafter. Tjoe Yudhis just like Dedi Francis was not in the
email loop between Larry Tey, Adrian Ooi and Augustone Cheong in
drafting PT ASU’s response letters dated 21.07.2014, 04.08.2014 and
05.08.2014. Tjoe Yudhis testified he only became aware of the said PT
ASU’s letters dated 21.07.2014, 04.08.2014 and 05.08.2014 when he
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came down to Kuala Lumpur to meet with Protasco’s personnel on
[210] After Tjoe Yudhis’s visit to Kuala Lumpur and having received
the revised termination letter dated 14.08.2014 from Protasco, Tjoe
Yudhis had called Larry to inform him that he had in his possession
Protasco’s termination letter. Larry had instructed Tjoe Yudhis to give the
said letter to Adrian for Adrian to handle the rest of the matter. Tjoe Yudhis
then emailed the letter to Adrian via email on 24.08.2014. In the said
email, Tjoe Yudhis stated clearly that he has no idea and no information
of what has happened between PT ASU and Protasco. As pointed out by
Protasco’s counsel, Adrian’s response is telling when he states, “We are
expecting this letter already”.
[211] At a meeting on 09.10.2014 held at Ritz Carlton Hotel Jakarta,
Indonesia between Larry, Adrian, Dedi Francis, Tjoe Yudhis, Hendra
Setiawan (Tjoe Yudhis’s brother-in-law) and 2 of Hendra’s friends who
were also lawyers. The following transpired.
211.1 Adrian told Tjoe Yudhis:
(i) that he is only a nominee director and no way they
(means Protasco) can touch him personally. Adrian
further told Tjoe Yudhis that both he and Larry were
friends with Tjoe Yudhis for so long and will not put
Tjoe Yudhis in a position that will jeopardise him.
(ii) that he is supposed to be a side player but has
become a main player by signing all the statutory
declarations in Kuala Lumpur.
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211.2 Adrian and Larry wanted Tjoe Yudhis to unwind what he
had declared and then he can come down as a director.
Larry also said that they will put a very strong man as a
director to replace Tjoe Yudhis.
211.3 Larry when asked by Hendra Setiawan as to who he was,
he replied that he is Tjoe Yudhis’s “boss”.
211.4 Hendra Setiawan had raised the issue, whether Tjoe
Yudhis’s signature had been forged in company
documentation. Larry’s response was that it did not
matter as Tjoe Yudhis was just a nominee in the
company, like an actor who signed up who should just
follow the scripts.
211.5 Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis that if he wanted to resign as
a nominee, he could go ahead and Larry will get
somebody much smarter .
211.6 Larry further told Tjoe Yudhis that Tjoe Yudhis had a
script to follow, and he had already agreed to everything
and because Tjoe Yudhis was not a “good actor”, Larry
will find another “actor” to replace Tjoe Yudhis. Adrian
also said that they do not simply put someone from the
street. The reason why they put Tjoe Yudhis is because
they trust him.
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211.7 When Hendra Setiawan raised the issue as to whether
Tjoe Yudhis’s signature had been forged, Larry said that
all the bosses in Indonesia use nominees.
211.8 Tjoe Yudhis told Larry and Adrian that he just wanted to
resign from all the companies including Anglo Slavic
Petrogas, PT ASU and Green Pine. Tjoe Yudhis
reminded Larry and Adrian that they still owe him Rupiah
200million or 250million as reimbursement for his
expenses incurred for work done by Tjoe Yudhis as
director of Anglo Slavic Petrogas.
[212] It is pertinent to observe that although Dedi Francis was present
at the meeting, Tjoe Yudhis was requesting for reimbursement for
expenses incurred as a director of Anglo Slavic Petrogas from Larry and
Adrian, but not from Dedi Francis.
[213] After the meeting on 09.10.2014, Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis that
he would like to meet Tjoe Yudhis personally. Both Larry and Tjoe Yudhis
then met on 15.10.2014 at the JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia. The
following transpired:
213.1 At the said meeting, Larry explained to Tjoe Yudhis for
the first time his version of events leading up to the
transaction between PT ASU and Protasco. Larry’s
version of events to Tjoe Yudhis shows that Larry was
desirous to get this deal completed as quickly as possible
and he felt cheated by DSC for stalling the deal.
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213.2 Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis that he put Tjoe Yudhis’s
name as a director and nominee for his companies. Larry
also referred to his email to Dedi Francis on 07.09.2012
which was copied to Tjoe Yudhis where Dedi Francis was
instructed by Larry to pay Tjoe Yudhis a consultancy fee
of Rupiah 10million for handling 2 projects as a nominee.
213.3 Larry further informed Tjoe Yudhis that Tjoe Yudhis is just
a nominee and as a nominee, the company can always
get even a driver (supir) to sign documents for Tjoe
213.4 Larry also informed Tjoe Yudhis that once Tjoe Yudhis
became a nominee, he already surrendered his rights and
being a nominee is ok for other people to sign on his
behalf as even an office boy and driver (supir) can sign
for Tjoe Yudhis.
213.5 To Tjoe Yudhis’s question on why Larry gave orders to
fake his signature, Larry did not deny the same but
instead tried to explain to Tjoe Yudhis why his signature
was forged. Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis that he was
always not contactable and “because no time”.
213.6 When Larry was asked by Tjoe Yudhis as to why Larry
did not tell Tjoe Yudhis anything about the transaction
between Protasco and PT ASU, Larry said because Tjoe
Yudhis never read what he signed. Larry further said that
because Tjoe Yudhis is just a nominee, Tjoe Yudhis is not
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supposed to know every detail as it is secret. When asked
by Tjoe Yudhis as to why he forged his signature, Larry
tried to justify that he can do that because Tjoe Yudhis is
just a nominee.
213.7 Larry said that he was the one who asked Tjoe Yudhis to
run FAME.
213.8 Larry also said he will instruct Dedi Francis to be present
at the time when Tjoe Yudhis will revoke the statutory
declaration the following day. Counsel for Protasco was
quick to point out that by this statement made by Larry
Tey, it is clear that Dedi Francis act under Larry’s
direction and/or instruction.
[214] The audio recordings are consonant with the fact that Tjoe Yudhis
is a mere nominee of Laryy and Adrian. When cross-examined on the
transcript of the meetings on 09.10.2014 and 15.10.2014, Larry was
mainly evasive. When asked a simple question whether Larry would agree
that in the conversation with Tjoe Yudhis, he was asking Tjoe Yudhis to
revoke his statutory declaration, he answered:
“TEY: I shall reiterate, at that point of time, I do not even know what is this
legal SD is. So, suddenly Yudhis went and make up a fake SD. For
the corporate knowledge that I know, this is company’s matter. He
doesn’t want to suffer then there’s no need for him to suffer all these
lame things. Because when I talked to Dedi, Dedi can also appoint
a professional to just replace him. Like TikTok US also engaged a
very clever CEO to go and fight US Government.
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How did I know Chong Ket Pen can only catch this only Tjoe Yudhis
to use his mouth only to create all these things, and then can use
this legal case to drag on until now?...
PJS: Dato’ Tey, you are not answering my questions. You’re going here,
there and everywhere, and that is why we’re taking up so much
time with this. If you carry on like this, I cannot finish today. And
there is no email in the bundle of documents before this Court
where Tjoe Yudhis emails Dedi Francis. All the conversations are
with you, you understand?
TEY: Stop twisting the facts. I’m saying in email, he knows that he reports
to Dedi Francis. I didn,t say he, don’t twist the fact and say that he
wrote the letter to Dedi Francis. I shall reiterate again, Teh Hong
Piow will never reply your email, even though he’s the owner of
Public Bank. The question you asked me just now was a twist of
fact, therefore, I don’t know how to answer you.
PJS: …He is your employee. He is your nominee. That’s why you say,
“I’m his boss”. Correct?
TEY: Totally wrong. Company engaged me as advisor, the people down
there of course I say they are the boss. Public Bank engaged me
as consultant, so it is very common for me to say the people down
there are my bosses.”
PJS: …Now, Dato’ Tey, basically, you were complaining to Tjoe Yudhis
that Dato’ Sri had stalled the injection of the oil and gas project into
Protasco, that is your complaint. That was your complaint to Tjoe
TEY: I disagree.
PJS: Why you disagree, Dato’?
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TEY: Firstly, I cannot remember whether I said all this to Tjoe Yudhis.
Secondly, Chong doesn’t even allow me to go inside Protasco, how
do I know how does the deal work? So, if I’m in Protasco, then
maybe he doesn’t need to hurt me, hurt Protasco or hurt
Indonesian anymore. Chong Ket Pen only thinks of himself,
therefore he had drag me in, drag Indonesian and also drag the
Protasco in. The contents of this transcript is a fact. But however,
whether I mentioned all this to Tjoe Yudhis or not, I cannot
PJS: Again this shows, what I’ve just highlighted to you here, this shows
that you were the one pushing this deal through. That’s why you
said, “Then come January 2014, I was very angry.” And, “I said,
come on, you promise us to finish up. Why you take so long? Ok?”
You were pushing this deal through. You were insisting that this deal
be completed and you were very well aware of the progress of this
TEY Totally disagree. I pushed him is because I was wondering why he
doesn’t want to make me the director.
PJS: …But this shows, and whatever I’ve shown you, this meeting
shows that you are Tjoe Yudhis’ boss. You are the one that instructs
him in PT ASU.
TEY Luckily, I have read the entire transcript. When did I instructed him?
I’m just merely telling him the things which I know, if I know. And
you conveniently said that I gave instruction, so which paragraph
shows the instruction? I’m not even having the power and authority.
If I can give instruction, would have given him instruction not to meet
Chong Ket Pen in August.
[215] Adrian under cross-examination on the transcript of the meetings
merely disagreed and repeatedly answered, “I cannot confirm”. When
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asked about Tjoe Yudhis’s statutory declaration which set out the events
that took place at the said meetings, Adrian merely responded that he was
not very sure, and he disagreed. When asked if he had gone through the
statutory declarations affirmed by Tjoe Yudhis in 2014 which Adrian had
knowledge of since November 2014 as committal proceedings were
commenced against Gideon Tan, Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi, Adrian
merely replied “I wouldn’t say I’ve gone through it”.
[216] Whilst in the main, Adrian and Larry’s responses under cross-
examination were that they disagreed or could not confirm the statements
attributed to them at the meetings, Larry under re-examination attempted
to provide an explanation of his own of what was said in the recordings
but did not attempt to clarify the answers given by him under cross-
[217] As alluded earlier in this judgment, it bears repetition that the
accuracy of the transcripts that were transcribed by the transcriber, Ms
Manpreet Kaur [PW-6], was never challenged by Larry and Adrian and
there is no issue of tampering of the audio recordings being raised by
Larry and Adrian.
[218] Tjoe Yudhis had contemporaneously signed a statutory
declaration in relation to the events that transpired at the meetings on
09.10.2014 and 15.10.2014 in Jakarta. His statutory declaration also set
out in summary:
218.1 Larry and Adrian requested Tjoe Yudhis to reverse his
earlier statements signed in Kuala Lumpur by signing a
new statutory declaration which was given to him through
Pak Jan Adam Tangkilisan at the Sushi Tei Restaurant
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on 16.10.2014;
218.2 Larry and Adrian assured Tjoe Yudhis that they will get
him out from this problem provided Tjoe Yudhis revoke
the statutory declarations he made in Kuala Lumpur;
218.3 Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis that if Tjoe Yudhis were to
sign a statutory declaration that Larry was comfortable
with, then Larry will let Tjoe Yudhis resign from PT ASU,
Anglo Slavic Petrogas and PT Green Pine;
218.4 At the meeting on 17.10.2014, Larry disagreed with the
draft prepared by Tjoe Yudhis together with Hendra
Setiawan and Heriyanto. Larry asked Tjoe Yudhis to just
sign the draft statutory declaration that was given to him
at the Sushi Tei Restaurant. Larry informed Tjoe Yudhis
that if he did not execute the statutory declaration Larry
wanted, Larry will come after Tjoe Yudhis and sue him.
[219] Tjoe Yudhis’s testimony of events that took place at the meetings
on 16.10.2014 and 17.10.2014 were corroborated by Hendra Setiawan
(PW7) and Heriyanto (PW8), both are lawyers practicing in Indonesia.
Hendra Setiawan is the brother in law of Tjoe Yudhis and Heriyanto was
at the material time a partner of Hendra Setiawan.
PT ASU and PT ASI’s Addresses
[220] Protasco adduced evidence at the trial to show PT ASU and PT
ASI shared a common address with, Global Cap, PT NRR, PT Inovisi, PT
Green Pine, PT Goldchild, Telecity Investments Limited (“Telecity”),
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Nutox Limited (“Nutox”) and Fast Global Investments Limited (“Fast
Global”) as follows:
220.1 Global Cap and PT NRR have the same address as PT
ASU and PT ASI at Menara Anugrah, 19th Floor, Kantor
Taman E3.3, Lot 8.6-8.7, Kawasan Mega Kuningan,
220.2 PT Inovisi, PT Green Pine and PT Goldchild have the
same address as PT ASU at Patrajasa Office Tower, 21st
Floor, Kuningan Timur Setiabudi, Jl Gatot Subroto, Kav
32-34 Jakarta;
220.3 PT NRR, Telecity, Fast Global and Nutox have the same
address as PT ASU at 18, Jalan Bayu Segar 4, Bayu
Segar, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur.
Ownership of PT Inovisi / PT Green Pine / Acclaim
[221] The corporate and shareholding structure of PT Inovisi at the
material time in 2012 and 2013 were as follows: -
221.1 PT Green Pine owns 60.25% shares in PT Inovisi;
221.2 Acclaim owns 8.3% shares in PT Inovisi;
221.3 PT Inovisi owns 60.0% shares in PT Goldchild;
221.4 PT Inovisi owns 100% shares in Code Wireless Pte Ltd.
Code Wireless Pte Ltd owns 100% shares in Abamon
Technology Sdn Bhd;
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221.5 PT Inovisi owns 100% shares in PT Cakra Daya Energy.
[222] When Adrian became a director of Protasco on 10.12.2012, it was
announced by Protasco that Adrian was the Finance Director/Chief
Finance Officer of PT Inovisi. Adrian’s wife, one Adeline Teoh Geok Poh
was at all material times the Commissioner of PT Inovisi.
[223] The pleaded defence of Larry and Adrian was that they are not
the beneficial owners of PT Inovisi, PT Green Pine and Acclaim. They
pleaded that “It is ludicrous” for Protasco to allege that Larry and Adrian
are owners of PT Inovisi which is a public listed company in the Indonesian
stock exchange with a market cap close to USD1billion.
[224] Under cross-examination, Adrian testified that Dedi Francis and
his friend, one, Anton partly own PT Inovisi. Larry under cross-
examination testified that PT Inovisi is a public listed company and it was
absurd to say that Adrian and himself were in control of PT Inovisi. Dedi
Francis however disputed he had control over PT Inovisi. He said “I
purchased this share but it’s a public listed company in Jakarta” and he
does not have control over PT Inovisi.
[225] As for Acclaim, Adrian testified in his evidence in chief that he was
told by Dedi Francis that Acclaim was controlled by him and his local
Indonesian business associates. Larry in his evidence in chief testified that
Acclaim is owned by Dedi and Dedi’s associate. Under cross-examination
Larry and Adrian maintained that they do not own, and control Acclaim
and Acclaim was Dedi Francis’s company.
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[226] Both Larry and Adrian had repeatedly maintained under cross-
examination that there was no need at all material times during the
pendency of the transaction for them to declare any interest in PT ASU,
PT ASI and Acclaim as the said entities were not related parties to them.
But the evidence adduced at trial however revealed that Larry and Adrian
were in fact the controlling shareholders of Acclaim, PT Inovisi and PT
Green Pine.
[227] On 04.11.2013 at 11.49am, Qimie emailed Grace Chin, the
Assistant Manager of Vistra Corporate Services (SEA) Pte Ltd (“Vistra”)
(‘Subject: Transfer of shares – Green Pine Holdings Ltd and Acclaim
Investments Limited’) instructing for the transfer of the shares of Acclaim
and Green Pine Holdings Limited to Larry and Adrian. When questioned
under cross- examination, Adrian admitted that the transfer of shares in
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Acclaim and Green Pine Holdings were for himself and Larry in November
2013. In the said email, Grace Chin was requested to:
227.1 transfer the current shareholding of Green Pine Holdings
Limited to:-
(i) Existing shareholder will hold 45%
(ii) Mr Tey Por Yee – 30%
(iii) Mr Ooi Kock Aun – 25%
227.2 Transfer the current shareholding of Acclaim
Investments Limited to:
(i) Mr Tey Por Yee 85% (transfer from Lim Sue Fern)
(ii) Mr Ooi Kock Aun – 15%
[228] On 08.11.2013 at 4.40pm, Grace Chin wrote to Qimie informing
her that they have updated the Register and proceeded with the request
(by Qimie) to procure the Certificate of Incumbency (COI) and Certificate
of Good Standing (COGS).
[229] On 12.11.2013 at 2.04pm, Qimie wrote to Grace Chin requesting
for a copy of the COI and COGS to be provided urgently as she has been
chased for the same by the Management.
[230] On 12.11.2013 at 2.50pm, Qimie wrote to Adrian informing him
that she has yet to receive the COI and COGS from the registered
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[231] On 12.11.2013 at 3.09pm, Adrian Ooi in reply to the same email
thread with the title ‘Subject: Transfer of shares – Green Pine Holdings Ltd
and Acclaim Investments Limited’ instructed Qimie to get the COI and
COGS out by tomorrow as the documents were needed “very urgently for
submission to our bank”. Adrian admitted that he was instructing Qimie to
get the transfer of shares documents of Acclaim and Green Pine Holdings
urgently for the purpose of submission to the bank.
[232] On 13.11.2013 at 2.37pm, Lim Hui Ting from Vistra emailed
Qimie and copied Adrian Ooi and Grace Chin, enclosing a certified copy
of COI, COGS, Register of Directors and Register of Members of Acclaim
Investments Limited. A perusal of the COI enclosed in the said email
shows that Acclaim is 100% owned by Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi holding
85% and 15% respectively. A perusal of the Register of Director attached
in the email showed that Lim Sue Fern is a director of Acclaim. The
Registers of Member attached showed that Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi are
shareholders of Acclaim holding 85% and 15% respectively in November
2013 as transferred from Lim Sue Fern.
[233] Aida [PW-10] was an ex-employee of the Nexgram Group of
companies handling legal matters for Larry and Adrian and she reported to
Larry and Adrian whom she referred to as her “bosses”.
[234] On 28.01.2014 at 10.37pm, Adrian Ooi instructs Aida to
immediately remove himself and Larry Tey as shareholders of Acclaim.
Adrian Ooi instructed Aida that all 100% shares are to be transferred to
Lim Sue Fern and the said share transfer is to be backdated to
13.01.2014. Clearly this instruction was issued because SPA 2 was to be
executed the very next day (29.01.2014). Adrian Ooi plainly was aware of
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the prohibition of related party transactions because in the said email
he informed Aida that “As Acclaim is providing the collateral INVS shares
to Protasco, we do not want it to be an RPT transaction”.
[235] Protasco’s counsel pointed out that Dedi Francis the purported
owner of Acclaim was not involved in the instructions given to change the
shareholdings of Acclaim. Neither was the purported nominee of Dedi
Francis, the said Lim Sue Fern’s consent sought for the transfer of shares.
Lim Sue Fern was not involved in the email loop for the change of
shareholdings in Acclaim.
[236] Whilst Larry and Adrian had attempted to explain away the
instruction for the change of shareholding from Lim Sue Fern to them on
12.11.2013 and then back to Lim Sue Fern on 28.01.2014 (backdated to
13.01.2014) by claiming that there was a request by Dedi Francis for a
fund raising exercise, there was no explanation proffered for the change
in Green Pine Holdings’ shareholdings which appeared in the same email
thread from 04.11.2013 to 13.11.2013 (which Adrian Ooi was copied).
There was no explanation as to why the emails record that Green Pine
Holdings is 55% owned by Larry (controlling 30%) and Adrian (controlling
[237] Adrian when confronted with these emails under cross-
examination merely responded that “I was not privy to this email”. However,
Adrian Ooi forgot that his email sent to Qimie on 12.11.2013 at 3.09pm
(which is in relation to transfer of shares in Green Pine Holdings Ltd and
Acclaim Investments Limited) is in response to the email thread starting
from 04.11.2013 bearing the same title “Re: transfer of shares – Green
Pine Holdings Ltd and Acclaim Investments Limited”.
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[238] Adrian testified in his evidence in chief that on or about the
beginning of 2013, Dedi Francis had apparently informed him that the sole
shareholder and director of Acclaim at the time was Lim Sue Fern, who
held the share on trust for Dedi Francis. Adrian knew Lim Sue Fern as the
wife of his colleague in Global Cap, Andrew See Poh Yee. Adrian did not
disclose the fact of this relationship to Protasco as he purportedly was
informed that Dedi Francis is the beneficial owner of Acclaim.
[239] SPA 1 was dated 28.12.2012. Adrian testified he had procured
the securities and the blocking letters in December 2012 itself. Protasco’s
counsel posed a striking question: If Dedi Francis had only informed Adrian
in the beginning of 2013 that he in fact is the owner of Acclaim, it does beg
the question who did Adrian think own Acclaim when he procured the
securities and the blocking letters in December 2012?
[240] Adrian and Larry in an attempt to explain away themselves as
registered shareholders of Acclaim as evident from the above email
exchange, testified that the reason for them appearing as registered
shareholders of Acclaim is that they were apparently requested to be
nominee shareholders of Acclaim for the sole reason of raising funds from
an International Financial Institution using PT Inovisi’s shares that were
owned by Acclaim at the material time. According to Adrian due to his
professional qualification and regional financial experience, “it would be
more effective for him (rather than Dedi Francis who was a businessman
without much corporate and banking exposure) to approach the regional
financial institutions and private equity firms to raise funds for Acclaim
using PT Inovisi shares. According to Adrian, these funds were raised in
both Singapore and Hong Kong”. Larry and Adrian further testified that
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after the fund-raising exercise for Acclaim completed, their names were
removed as shareholders of Acclaim. But there are material
inconsistencies in the evidence led by Adrian and Larry in respect of the
purported fund-raising exercise for Acclaim:
240.1 Under examination in chief, Adrian testified that his name
was removed as the shareholder of Acclaim after the
fundraising exercise was successful.
240.2 Under examination in chief, Larry testified that he had
declined to provide his services to Dedi Francis for the
fundraising to avoid the potential conflict of interest with
his other client, DSC.
240.3 However, under cross-examination Larry Tey testified that
he became a shareholder to raise financing but the
fundraising was not successful.
[241] Dedi Francis in his evidence in chief in his witness statements
said that he is the beneficial owner of the shares in Acclaim and Lim Sue
Fern was holding the shares on his behalf but testified under cross-
examination that he was in actual fact not the owner of Acclaim. Dedi
Francis further stated under cross-examination that he would not be able
to testify on the business dealings of Acclaim from 2012 to 2014. In re-
examination, he was not asked to explain the inconsistencies between his
evidence in chief and the answer he gave in his cross-examination when
he unequivocally stated that he is not the owner of Acclaim.
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[242] An email exchange between one Jan Adam Tangkilisan (also
known as Pak Jan, a Non-Affiliated Director in PT Inovisi), Jerry, Adrian
and Larry from 23.05.2014 to 26.05.2014 relate to a legal case involving
PT Green Pine, which is PT Inovisi’s largest shareholder. The email
shows Adrian instructing PT Inovisi’s personnel on the conduct of the legal
suit and Adrian setting the amount of fees payable to the expert witnesses.
Adrian by email on 04.06.2014 sent at 5.30pm by him to Lim Chye Guan
and On Yong Chieh, Adrian records the advance of Rupiah 200million
personally made by him to PT Green Pine for the legal fees to be incurred
by PT Green Pine for the legal case. Adrian was also entrusted with pre-
signed blank cheques in relation to PT Green Pine’s funds as made
evident by an email exchange on 20.06.2014 between Adrian and Jerry.
Another email exchange between Adrian, Jerry, Pak Jan Adam
Tangkilisan, Lim Chye Guan and Tyty on 02.06.2014 and 03.06.2014
further revealed that Adrian was in control of the finances of PT Green
Pine. These evidence suggest Larry and Adrian had control over PT
Green Pine and PT Inovisi.
PT Goldchild
[243] Besides the Consultancy & Service Agreement which provides
that Tjoe Yudhis is to report directly to Managing Partner (Advisor) Larry,
followed by Partner (Group CEO) Adrian, Adrian being a cheque signatory
of PT Goldchild, there are also email showing Larry and Adrian giving
instructions on PT Goldchild’s coal project and Larry instructing of what
the commission would be for a successful project involving PT Goldchild
that suggest plainly both Larry and Adrian had control over PT Goldchild.
PT Goldchild also shares the same address as Global Cap, PT Inovisi and
PT Green Pine.
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Evidence of Dedi Francis (DW-2)
[244] Larry and Adrian’s pleaded case contend that they do not have
any interest in PT ASU, PT ASI and/or Acclaim. Larry and Adrian plead
that Dedi Francis is the owner of PT ASU and at all material times, Tjoe
Yudhis is answerable to Dedi Francis as the Commissioner (Komisaris) of
PT ASU. Tjoe Yudhi’s evidene has debunked this.
[245] Larry and Adrian contend that Dedi Francis is the owner of
Acclaim. Lim Sue Fern is Dedi Francis’s nominee in Acclaim. Acclaim
owns 8.3% in PT Inovisi; that PT Green Pine is controlled by Dedi Francis
and his local Indonesian associates. PT Green Pine owns 60.25% in PT
Inovisi; Dedi Francis as such owns approximately 68.55% of PT Inovisi;
and Fast Global is one of Dedi Francis’s investment companies.
[246] Dedi Francis however testified under cross-examination that he
does not own Acclaim. He also testified that PT Green Pine is not one of
his companies and he does not control PT Inovisi which conflict with Larry
and Adrian’s evidence.
[247] Pursuant to the decision of the Court of Appeal in Lim Guan Eng
v Public Prosecutor [1998] 3 MLJ 14 at p 47; [1998] 3 CLJ 769 at p 788,
it is well established that a party is bound by the evidence of witnesses
whom he calls in proof of his case and this rule is enforced with full rigour
in civil cases.
[248] In Kheam Huat Holdings Sdn Bhd v The Indian Association,
Penang [2000] 7 MLJ 74; [2000] 1 LNS 355, Abdull Hamid Embong J (as
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His Lordship then was) applied the principle in Lim Guan Eng’s case and
held that the plaintiff was bound by the evidence of its witness, even if it
is damning in some parts.
[249] In my opinion, the evidence of Dedi Francis when analysed and
weighed up show he does not seem to have much of a clue about SPA1,
SPA2, why the Supplemental Agreement dated 28.06.2013 was entered
into, why the purchase price for PT ASI shares was reduced, why the
USD5million advance was needed from Protasco, what happened to this
advance, he does not even know PT ASU and PT ASI had a bank account
in Kuala Lumpur, does not know sum of USD5million was transferred from
PT ASI’s CIMB Bank account in Kuala Lumpur to PT ASI’s account with
Permata Bank in Jakarta; does not remember whether PT ASI had a bank
account at Permata Bank in Jakarta; does not know why the transaction
was terminated and how much Protasco was demanding as refund. He
had a proclavity to contradict himself and for the most part, his answers
were either liberally peppered with “I left it to Global Cap”, “I was advised
by Global Cap”, “I left it to Augustone Cheong”, “I left it to Larry Tey and
Adrian Ooi”, “I don’t remember” or was unintelligible. His evidence I find
in fact does not assist Larry and Adrian one whit. Far from it.
The money flow on the USD27million paid by Protasco
[250] Protasco has proven that it has paid USD27million to PT ASU
and PT ASI as follows:
250.1 deposit amount of RM50million to PT ASU ASU’s
Account No. 14610001187109 with CIMB Bank Berhad
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on 28.12.2012 via Protasco’s RHB Bank Berhad cheque
no. 884012 (“1st Tranche”);
250.2 the balance purchase consideration of USD5,659,437
(equivalent to RM18,393,170.00) into PT ASU’s account
with CIMB Bank Berhad (Account No. 14610001363109-
i) on 29.01.2014 and 30.01.2014 (“2nd Tranche”); and
250.3 the amount of USD5,000,000.00 (equivalent to
RM16,250,000.00) into PT ASI’s account with CIMB Bank
Berhad (Account No. 8600288860) on 04.02.2014 (“3rd
[251] On 27.10.2014, Larry via his corporate vehicle, Kingdom Seekers
commenced an action in Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit No.22NCC-407-
10/2014 against DSC, Kenny Chong, RS Maha Niaga and its directors and
Protasco [“Derivative Action or “Suit 407”]. Protasco was the 7th Defendant
in the suit. In paragraph 27 of the said Amended Statement of Claim, Larry
pleaded inter alia that PT ASU, PT NRR, Fast Global and Telecity are all
related and associate companies accustomed to dealing with each other.
[252] Larry was hoisted by his own petard when at a press conference
on 28.10.2014, in a press statement annexed with a chart showing the
money trail of RM50million paid by Protasco to PT ASU and from PT ASU
to PT NRR, Fast Global and onwards to Telecity, ultimately with
RM10million paid to RS Maha Niaga. The chart exhibited by Larry Tey
further details that a sum of RM16million paid by Protasco’s subsidiary to
PT Goldchild thereafter flowed to PT NRR, Fast Global and ultimately to
Telecity. Larry revealed and provided some supporting documentation of
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the following: -
252.1 Protasco’s RM50million paid via Protasco’s RHB Bank
Berhad cheque no. 884012 was deposited into PT ASU’s
CIMB Bank’s account;
252.2 from the RM50million deposited with PT ASU, a sum of
RM9,868,000.00 was paid out to an entity called Fast
252.3 from the RM50million deposited with PT ASU, a sum of
RM5,642,000.00 was paid out to an entity called PT NRR;
252.4 that from Protasco’s monies of RM5,642,000.00 that was
received by PT NRR from PT ASU, a sum of
RM4,980,000.00 was paid out to an entity called Telecity.
[253] As regards the money trail chart, Adrian despite having made a
police report on 27.10.2014 stating that he was informed by PT ASU of
the payments made as detailed in the chart changed his position under
cross-examination to say that he got the information from his previous
counsel, Gideon Tan and Larry who obtained the same from PT ASU.
[254] Larry testified that it was Dedi Francis that provided the chart
showing the money trail to him for his use in the press statement.
According to Larry, the chart was created by Augustone Cheong who was
Dedi Francis’s advisor. Larry later back tracked to say he did not know
who created the chart but it was Dedi Francis who have given him the
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money trail chart. Dedi Francis when cross-examined on the chart
attached to Larry’s press statement testified that he did not make the chart
and did not supply all the information contained in the chart to Larry and
Adrian. According to Dedi Francis, he only supplied information in relation
to PT ASU and PT NRR. Dedi Francis had no clue as to why PT ASU,
Fast Global, PT NRR and Telecity are related and associated companies
and the purpose of the various payments made between entities that are
supposedly owned by him. In any case, the money trail in the chart is
completely at odds with Dedi Francis’s statement to the police that the
USD22million was used to pay off suppliers and investors and he left the
payments of monies out of PT ASU totaling USD22million to Tjoe Yudhis.
This exceprt when he was under cross-examination is revealing:
“JUDGE: If you don’t mind, I just want to clarify something.
PJS: Sorry.
JUDGE: Is it usual in Indonesia that they give instructions, multi-
million dollar instructions orally? Biasanya?
PJS: Pak Dedi, Judge is asking you a question.
DEDI: My Lady let me answer you, since we already have a
contract with Global Cap, wherein I believe in Global Cap, I
fully believe in Global Cap to run a proper transaction, to
run a proper company. Usually, I don’t like have a
discussion using emails. I prefer to meet in person
because all have been based on contract. That’s why I did
that orally, verbally My Lady.
PJS: So if the instructions to the consultants are verbal, how does he
keep a record?
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DEDI: I have a small note myself wherein I have my own staff who
can get me help.
PJS: So-
DEDI: I was questioned by Your Lady just now whether it is
normal to do transaction verbally, I am not saying, in fact
in Indonesia it is not normal but here my case, because I
have trusted my consultant, any communication, verbal
communication I gave I made a small note for own self.
Here to answer the question raised by Pak Peter, how can
I can trace, record or keep I have a small note and assisted
by my staff.
PJS: So he says he makes his own notes, is it?
JUDGE: Mr Peter, he said at least two times, he makes a small note
and he’s got a staff to assist him.
PJS: Alright. I heard that.
JUDGE: Dua kali, he said.
PJS: He makes a small note and he’s got a staff to assist him. Is he
able to produce any of those notes for us? Very important, Pak
DEDI: My staff held the small note and it had been long time, and I
don’t know where my staff is now. This business has been
done. I don’t have any records with me because share has
been paid, has been transferred so I don’t have any record
with me anymore.”
Payments by PT ASU to PT NRR
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[255] Based on the documents given by Larry during press conference,
it was revealed that PT NRR received a sum of RM5,642,000.00 from PT
ASU after Protasco made the payment of RM50million on 28.12.2012.
The breakdown is as follows:
255.1 On 02.01.2013, PT ASU paid RM1,300,000.00 to PT
NRR [En.554/p324]. The exact sum of RM1,300,000.00
was paid out by PT NRR to Larry ’s margin account with
JF Apex Securities [En.554/p323]. Dedi Francis does not
remember the purpose of making such payment to JF
Apex but testified that he was involving in giving
instructions for such payment as he signed it.
255.2 On 29.01.2013, PT ASU paid RM792,000.00 to PT NRR
[En.554/p742]. The exact sum was paid out by PT NRR
to CIMB Investment Bank Berhad. Dedi Francis does not
remember the purpose of such payment to CIMB
Investment Bank . Larry denied that this payment was
made to CIMB Investment Bank under the instructions
and for the benefit of himself and Adrian.
255.3 On 04.02.2013, PT ASU paid RM2,050,000.00 to PT
NRR [En.554/p329]. The exact sum was paid out by PT
NRR to CIMB Investment Bank Berhad [En.554/p14].
Dedi Francis testifies that this payment was made for
share investment but he does not remember which
shares were bought at that time . The said sum was made
to CIMB Investment Bank Berhad to purchase Hytex
Integrated Berhad’s (“Hytex”) shares by Dedi Francis/PT
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NRR wherein Larry Tey was a substantial shareholder of
Hytex at the material time.
255.4 On 06.02.2013, PT ASU paid RM1,500,000.00 to PT
255.5 When questioned on the purpose of each payment paid
out by PT NRR, Dedi Francis brandished the same banal
answers ‘I don’t remember’, ‘I really forgot, it’s been along
time’, ‘I forgot, I don’t remember’.
[256] Based on the documents given by Larry during the press
conference, PT NRR received a sum of RM4,980,000.00 from PT
Goldchild on 06.02.2013. This payment made by PT Goldchild originated
from the payment made by Protasco’s subsidiary on 05.02.2013. The
exact sum received by PT NRR was paid out to Telecity on 07.02.2013.
256.1 When questioned as to why PT Goldchild (a company not
owned by Dedi Francis) transferred RM4,980,000.00 to
PT NRR, Dedi Francis answered, ‘I forgot this. I don’t
know’. Dedi Francis agreed that he does not remember
because he was not involved in giving instructions for this
256.2 When questioned on the said payment by PT NRR to
Telecity, Dedi Francis at first said ‘It’s a form of the yield
of my investment to other company’ then he said he ‘may
not remember’. When pressed further as to why PT NRR
paid Telecity to make investment and why can’t PT NRR
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make the investment itself, Dedi Francis said ‘I may not
remember the detail of Telecity Investment for instance,
to Dato’ Chong, I may not remember the details’. When
questioned by me on what he meant, Dedi Francis said
‘Dato’ Chong investment is a pinjaman’. He further said
‘That is one of the examples if you ask me the form of the
investment. Because the money I lent to Dato’ Chong was
not from this money’. This is but one of the many
instances of Dedi Francis being incoherent in answering
relatively simple questions in the face of objective
evidence placed before the court and casts considerable
doubt in my mind as to the veracity of his evidence.
[257] PT ASU after receiving RM50million paid by Protasco on
28.12.2012, on 30.01.2014, transferred a sum of RM3million and
RM5million to PT NRR .
257.1 Dedi Francis under cross-examination testifies that he
‘may agree’ that this sum of RM8million originated from
Protasco’s monies.
257.2 The same exact sum of RM3million and RM5million was
then transferred by PT NRR to Telecity on 30.01.2014.
When questioned as to why PT NRR make such transfer
of RM8million in total to Telecity (which Dedi Francis said
is also his company), Dedi Francis said there is no certain
reason as to why can’t PT ASU pay directly to Telecity,
nothing wrong to transfer from one company to his
another company.
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Payment by PT ASU to Abamon
[258] On 28.12.2012 and 31.12.2012, PT ASU transferred a sum of
RM4.3million and RM4.6million respectively to Abamon [En.554/p498-
497]. This total sum of RM8.9million paid out by PT ASU to Abamon was
after PT ASU received the RM50million from Protasco on 28.12.2012.
258.1 Dedi Francis cannot remember and had no idea about
Abamon. When questioned as to why PT ASU transferred
RM8.9million to Abamon a company which he cannot
remember and has no idea about, Dedi Francis answered
‘I handed over PT ASU to my consultant, Augustone.
Augustone could collaborate with Yudhis. The signature
there was Yudhis, so whatever Augustone recommended
it was done by Yudhis. My purpose to invest was I put my
money, I trust it to the consultants, and I want to earn a
profit. Regarding the flow, all are provide for by my
258.2 When questioned would he agree that he has no
involvement in giving instructions for the payment of
funds from PT ASU to Abamon, Dedi Francis said ‘I was
informed by my consultant, and I would respond, I would
tell my consultant do the best as to how I could earn
258.3 When further questioned if the consultant informed him
the purpose of PT ASU making such payment to Abamon,
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Dedi Francis said ‘I cannot remember what the purpose
of the payment was, but I instructed them what to be paid
have to be paid.’
258.4 As to why Abamon paid RM8.9million to Telecity (which
he claims is his company), he admits that he was not
involved in the payment because Abamon is not his
258.5 Under cross-examination, Larry agreed that he heard of
Code Wireless Pte Ltd which was a subsidiary of
Nexgram before being sold to PT Inovisi. Code Wireless
Pte Ltd is the sole shareholder of Abamon.
258.6 However, when shown to Larry that Mohd Zamzuri bin
Zakaria (“Mohd Zamzuri”) is the husband of Qimie (who
reported to Larry according to Aida) was one of the
directors in Abamon as of July 2014, Larry replied ‘I am
not her wife. I don’t know, at which point of time which
people they want to use. I don’t know. Why ask me?’.
258.7 Mohd Zamzuri informed the police in his s.112 Statement
that he is not aware of Abamon’s bank account, not aware
of being appointed as the cheque signatory of Abamon,
never signed any cheque for Abamon except being
appointed as director of Abamon. Mohd Zamzuri further
informed the police in his s. 112 statement that he only
heard of the name Larry Tey Por Yee and Adrian Ooi
Kock Aun but has never dealt with them before. Mohd
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Zamzuri only dealt with Qimie on matters relating to
258.8 When shown to Larry the s.112 statement made by Mohd
Zamzuri to the police, Larry despite being the boss of
Qimie (according to Aida), denied strenuously that Qimie
is his subordinate who reported to him and that Abamon
is another entity owned and controlled by him through
Qimie. [NOP/En.699/p313]
[259] On 07.01.2013, Abamon transferred the exact sum of
RM8.9million to Telecity [En.554/p146,499,494].
259.1 Dedi Francis claims he is the owner of Telecity despite he
was never appointed as a director or cheque signatory for
Telecity. Dedi Francis have not met the 2 registered
account holders of Telecity namely, Mohd Ablynisyam bin
Abdullah (“Mohd Ablynisyam”) and Teh Yee Peng.
However, Dedi was kept informed of the movement of
funds of Telecity by his consultants, Larry and Adrian.
259.2 Dedi Francis do not have knowledge as to why Telecity
received RM8.9million from Abamon after Abamon
received the exact sum from PT ASU.
259.3 When asked as to how Dedi Francis give instruction to
Mohd Ablyhisham (whom he said he did not meet and
deal directly), he answered he received suggestions from
his consultants, Larry and Adrian.
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259.4 Protasco argued that Larry and Adrian have control over
the bank account of Telecity for reason as follows: -
(a) Dedi Francis does not seem to know the details of
the transactions and left it all to Larry and Adrian.
(b) Mohd Ablynisham in his s.112 statement
[En.584/648-649] informed the police that he works
in Nextnation Communication Berhad (now known as
Nexgram Holdings Berhad) and his boss is Larry.
(c) Mohd Ablynisham further informed the police that he
does not know about the bank account, transactions
of the account and the cheque signatory of Telecity’s
bank account.
259.5 There was a change of cheque signatory of Telecity to On
Yong Chieh in 2012 [En.554/p142-145]. On Yong Chieh
in his s.112 statement informed the police that he agreed
to be the cheque signatory of Telecity without getting paid
by Telecity however he received payment from Larry in
cash as his fees [En.583/p660- 661].
(a) When questioned on On Yong Chieh’s statement to
the police that he was paid by Larry as he does
freelance work to handle banking matters of Larry,
Larry agreed in part as he claimed that On Yong
Chieh also does provide some advisory services to
Dedi Francis.
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(b) When questioned that Larry was the one who paid
On Yong Chieh for being cheque signatory of
Telecity, Larry replied ‘I wish to reiterate here there
are two separate issues here. I indeed engaged him,
asked him to do some works to pay him. Pertaining
to the transaction of this company, he reported to Pak
Dedi. So, how Dedi pays his salary has got nothing
to do with me. This 112 statement was created by
you, a trap to trap him. You created this for the
(c) I tend to agree with Protasco that Larry’s contention
cannot be true as Dedi Francis had only heard of On
Yong Chieh (as On but not the full name). Dedi
Francis does not even remember instructing on the
change of cheque signatory of Telecity to On Yong
[260] The evidence adduced at trial revealed that after Telecity
received the sum of RM8.9million from Abamon on 07.01.2013, a sum of
RM191,715.00 was paid out by Telecity to Larry and Adrian respectively
on 15.01.2013. It is clear that the said sum of RM8.9million received by
Abamon was transferred by PT ASU on 28.12.2012 and 31.12.2012
which originated from the RM50million paid by Protasco on 28.12.2012.
[261] The evidence adduced also revealed that Telecity acquired
shares in Asdion Berhad where Larry was a major shareholder and Adrian
was holding a minority stake of 1.5million shares. Dedi Francis does not
know why Telecity purchased shares in Asdion Berhad. He does not know
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why PT NRR invested in Asdion Bhd. He does not remember details about
Asdion Bhd and did not know that Larry was a shareholder of Asdion
Payments from PT ASU to Telecity
[262] After Protasco made the payments of RM50million on
28.12.2012 and USD5,659,437.00 on 28.01.2014 and 30.01.2014 to PT
ASU, PT ASU then made the following payments to Telecity: -
262.1 the sum of RM8million on 30.01.2014 [En.554/p157-158]
262.2 the sum of RM2.3million on 30.01.2014 [En.554/p159-
262.3 the sum of RM90,000.00 on 05.06.2014 [En.554/p191-
[263] Dedi Francis had no clue of the aforementioned payments and
he said ‘it should be asked to my consultant’ which is Augustone. Dedi
Francis said Augustone will report the inflow of funds to him regularly. He
contradicted himself when he first testified on 31.05.2022 that all
instructions to Augustone was done through Larry and Adrian and he
never instructed Augustone directly. He changed his position to say that
‘for some cases I first informed or consulted Larry but for other cases, I
sometimes directly instruct Augustone.’
[264] According to Dedi Francis, “it is ok for me to transfer funds from
one company to my other own company.”
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“DEDI: I have no purpose because the flow of the 1 money should
be like that. I think it is something correct.
PJS: No, why should the flow of the money be like that? DEDI: There
was no certain reason.
PJS: Alright.
JUDGE: What was the last few words? No certain reason?
PJS: Certain reason, yes.
TRANSL: There was no –
JUDGE: No certain reason.”
Payments made by Telecity to other entities
[265] After receiving monies from PT ASU, Telecity then made the
following payments: -
265.1 The sum of RM4.6million to Nutox on 27.01.2014
265.2 The sum of RM1million to Nutox on 12.02.2014
265.3 The sum of RM4.05million to Kellminster Group Inc on
27.01.2014 [En.554/p150-151];
265.4 The sum of RM2.46million to Zoomic Technology (M)
Sdn Bhd on 27.01.2014 [En.554/p154];
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265.5 The sum of RM4.05million to Fast Global on 28.01.2014
265.6 The sum of RM7.3million to Active Run Securities
Limited on 30.01.2014 [En.554/p161-162];
265.7 The sum of RM11million to Active Run Securities
Limited on 30.01.2014 [En.554/p63-164];
265.8 The sum of RM509,430.00 to PT Green Pine on
05.02.2014 [En.554/p165];
265.9 The sum of RM4million to its own CIMB Bank Berhad’s
account on 17.02.2014. Telecity subsequently made a
payment of the same sum of RM4million to RHB
Investment Bank Bhd on 17.02.2014. [En.554/p168-
265.10 The sum of RM2,650,000.00 to Goodunited Limited on
24.02.2014. Goodunited Limited is a substantial
shareholder in Asdion holding 17.74% shares as at
August 2014 where Larry was also a major shareholder
in Asdion. [CBD36/En.677/p285]
265.11 cash in a sum of RM3.5million to Telecity’s own CIMB
Bank Berhad’s account on 24.02.2014 [En.554/p174-
175]. Telecity subsequently made a payment of the
same sum of RM3.5million to TA Securities Holdings
Bhd on 24.02.2014.
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265.12 cash in a sum of RM3million to Telecity’s own CIMB
Bank Berhad’s account on 14.03.2014. [En.554/p178-
179]. Telecity subsequently made a payment of the
same sum of RM3million to KAF Investment Bank Bhd
on 14.03.2014.
265.13 Telecity made a payment of RM2,300,000.00 to Fast
Global on 24.03.2014 [En.554/p183-184]
265.14 Telecity made a payment of RM3,680,000.00 to Fast
Global on 25.03.2014 [En.554/p185-186].
[266] Protaso submitted that the aforementioned payments from
Telecity to other entities were made under the instructions and for the
benefit of Larry and Adrian for reasons as follow: -
266.1 When asked why is PT NRR his investment holding
company incorporated in Indonesia but Telecity is
incorporated in BVI, Dedi Francis answered “I don’t know
why, because it did exist there.” He said he was advised
by Larry and Adrian to incorporate Telecity in BVI.
266.2 Telecity had made payments to Goodunited Limited for
purchase of shares in Asdion in which Larry was a major
shareholder. Goodunited Limited was also a shareholder
in Wintoni Group Berhad in which Larry was a
shareholder since May 2013.
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266.3 Telecity had made payments to KAF Investment Bank
Berhad, RHB Investment Bank Berhad and TA
Securities Holdings Berhad for the benefit of Larry and
266.4 When questioned as to why Dedi Francis transferred a
total sum of RM18.3million to Active Run Securities
Limited which he agreed to be a considerable sum of
money, Dedi Francis said he cannot remember and that
he left it to his consultant in Telecity, Adrian and Larry.
266.5 Dedi Francis testified that he has never heard of Nutox
266.6 Dedi Francis when asked as to why Telecity made
payments to Nutox (a company he never heard of), he
does not seem to remember the details and merely
disagreed that he was not involved in giving instructions
for these payments. When asked as to what is the
relationship between Telecity and Nutox, Dedi Francis
replied ‘I don’t remember, I really do not remember’.
266.7 Faizatul Ikmi (Qimie) has informed the police in her s.112
that she takes all instructions regarding the transaction,
the appointment of director and other matters relating to
Nutox from Dedi Francis. This statement cannot be true
as Dedi Francis testified that he does not remember
Faizatul Ikmi and there is also evidence of him giving
instructions to Faizatul Ikmi.
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266.8 The only conclusion that can be made is clearly Faizatul
Ikmi (Qimie) who reports to Larry has been handling
matters in relation to Nutox on the instructions and for
the benefit of Larry and Adrian.
[267] The evidence at trial revealed Larry was a substantial
shareholder in Asdion, Fast Global, Telecity, Nutox, PT NRR, Telecity,
Goodunited Limited, and Qimie was also a shareholder in Asdion.
Payments by Telecity to JF Apex Securities Berhad
[268] After receiving monies from PT ASU which originated from
Protasco’s monies paid to PT ASU, Telecity had since March 2014 till
June 2014 make the following payments in the sum of RM3,821,730.02
to JF Apex: -
268.1 The sum of RM190,352.20 was made by Telecity to JF
Apex for the purposes of Larry share trading
[En.554/p180]. This sum is reflected in Larry’s JF Apex
Statement of Accounts as at 31.03.2014 wherein the
sum of RM190,352.20 was paid on 25.03.2014
[En.584/p314]. Larry did not deny receiving the said sum
but insisted that he does not know the source of the
268.2 Telecity made a payment of RM2,650,000.00 to JF Apex.
This payment is made by Telecity to JF Apex for the
purposes of Larry’s share trading [En.554/p189- 190].
This sum is reflected in Larry’s JF Apex Statement of
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Accounts as at 31.05.2014 wherein the sum of
RM2,650,000.00 was paid on 28.05.2014 [En.584/p307].
268.3 Further payments were also made by Telecity to JF
(a) a sum of RM240,623.49 [En.554/p181]
(b) a sum of RM95,754.33 [En.554/p182]
(c) a sum of RM20,000.00 [En.554/p193]
(d) a sum of RM440,000.00 [En.554/p194]
(e) a sum of RM185,000.00 [En.554/p195]
[269] The aforementioned payments were made by Telecity to JF Apex
were clearly for the purposes of Larry’s share trading. Dedi Francis was
not involved in giving instructions for these payments to be made.
Payments by PTR ASU to Fast Global
[270] Larry’s own documents given during the press conference
revealed that Fast Global received a sum of RM9,868,000.00 from PT
ASU after Protasco made the payment of RM50million on 28.12.2012 as
follows: -
270.1 04.01.2013 – RM1.6million [En.554/p435]
270.2 09.01.2013 – RM2million [En.554/p436]
270.3 25.01.2013 – RM1.3million [En.554/p444-445]
270.4 29.01.2013 – RM2.04million [En.554/p446]
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270.5 06.02.2013 – RM2,928,000.00 [En.554/p448-449]
[271] The evidence adduced at trial reveals that:
271.1 The registered account holder of Fast Global is Faizatul
Ikmi (Qimie) She is the sole director and cheque
signatory of Fast Global ;
271.2 Faizatul Ikmi (Qimie) reports to Larry;
271.3 Whilst Dedi Francis claimed that Fast Global is his
company, the evidence clearly shows that he was not
involved in giving instructions on the payments relating
to Fast Global and he does not even remember Faizatul
271.4 When questioned on the said payment, Dedi Francis first
said that the payments were for three things, for supplier,
for purchase of shares and for return of investment. Dedi
Francis testified that Fast Global is not a supplier to PT
ASU, Fast Global did purchase some shares in Malaysia
and Fast Global is just one of the companies that do the
return of investment.
271.5 Clearly, Dedi Francis has very little to no knowledge of
the payments and was not seen to be involved in giving
instructions for these payments.
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271.6 Dedi Francis’s testimony that he has authorized his
consultant, Augustone to make payments and
Augustone was to collaborate with Tjoe Yudhis is
obviously untrue as the evidence led at trial revealed that
Tjoe Yudhis was never involved in PT ASU’s banking
Payments made by Fast Global to other entities
[272] After Fast Global received the sum of RM9,868,000.00 from PT
ASU, Fast Global paid:
272.1 RM6.08million to Nutox on 06.02.2013 [En.554/p450-
272.2 RM5.02million to Telecity on 07.02.2013
272.3 RM3.5million to Telecity on 18.02.2013 [En.554/p453-
272.4 RM1.5million to PT ASU on 27.02.2013 [En.554/p456-
[273] The aforesaid payments were clearly made under the
instructions and for the benefit of Larry and Adrian as made evident by
Dedi Francis’s testimony that he instructed his consultants, Larry and
Adrian on transactions in relation to Fast Global to Nutox or Fast Global
to Telecity.
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Payments made by Fast Global to CIMB Investment Bank
[274] After receiving monies from PT ASU, Fast Global had since
January 2013 till March 2013 make the following payments in the sum of
RM6,820,000.00 to CIMB Investment Bank: -
274.1 The sum of RM1,680,000.00 on 25.01.2013 for the
purposes of Larry’s share trading [En.554/p443] borne
out by the fact that Fast Global had on 25.01.2013
acquired 14million shares of Hytex Integrated Berhad in
which Larry was a substantial shareholder
274.2 a payment of RM1million on 09.01.2013 [En.554/p437];
274.3 a payment of RM1.5million on 11.01.2013 En.554/p441];
274.4 a payment of RM1,680,000.00 on 25.01.2013
274.5 a payment of RM2,040,000.00 on 29.01.2013
274.6 a payment of RM200,000.00 on 20.02.2013
274.7 a payment of RM400,000.00 on 28.03.2013
[275] Dedi Francis when questioned on the aforesaid payments simply
does not remember the purpose of such payments and stated that he
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instructed Larry and Adrian to make these payments but produced no
evidence showing his instructions to Larry and Adrian on these payments..
Other payments made by Fast Global
[276] From monies received from PT ASU, Fast Global also made the
following payments: -
276.1 a sum of RM13,440.00 to Adrian on 11.01.2013
[En.554/p440]. Adrian admits receiving the said sum;
276.2 a sum of RM22,720.00 to Jason Minos Anak Peter on
10.01.2013 [En.554/p438]. Dedi Francis testified that he
does not remember who is Jason Minos and does not
remember the purpose of the payment made to Jason
276.3 a sum of RM47,040.00 to Lim Chye Guan on 10.01.2013
[En.554/p439]. Dedi Francis testified that he does not
remember whether he has dealt with Lim Chye Guan and
does not remember the purpose of making such payment
to Lim Chye Guan;
276.4 a sum of RM500,000.00 to Faizatul Ikmi binti Abdul
Razak on 21.01.2013 [En.554/p442]. Dedi Francis
testified that he never dealt directly with Faizatul Ikmi.
When questioned why Fast Global paid RM500,000.00
to Faizatul Ikmi, he answered ‘All the communication
from Fast Global to any person whomsoever, all I have
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left it to Global Cap as my consultant…In reality Global
Cap suggested me it is I who made the decision whether
its ok or not’.
[277] Dedi’s evidence when analysed entirely reveal he hardly has any
knowledge or understanding of the transactions nor has control over the
companies involved in these transactions. His evidence appears to be
calculated to support Larry and Adrian’s case rather than provide this
court with frank disclosure. It is demonstrably clear that the central figures
were the bosses of Global Cap - Larry and Adrian. The payments were
obviously made for the benefit of Larry and Adrian. Dedi Francis‘s own
evidence in court nailed the lie in his s.112 statement that the
USD22milliion was used to pay off suppliers.
[278] Besides the above sums, evidence adduced further show of the
monies originating from Protasco, a total sum of RM9,931,715.00 was
paid directly into Larry’s personal margin and bank accounts and a sum
of RM205,155.00 was paid directly into Adrian’s personal bank account.
[279] Larry in his s.112 statement and under cross-examination admits
that he personally received a total sum of RM9,931,715.00 through
various entities namely, PT NRR, Nutox, Telecity, Fast Global, Firstlogix,
Evodus Mobility, Mikhail Euro and Abamon Technology with breakdown
as follows: -
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279.1 On 02.01.2013, PT ASU paid RM1,300,000.00 to PT
NRR. The exact sum was paid into Larry’s margin
account with JF Apex Securities [NOP/En.701/p283-
287]: Larry in his s. 112 statement when questioned,
admits receiving the sum of RM1,300,000.00 but he
informed the police that he did not know the source of
money. However, under cross- examination after being
shown his own statement of account with JF Apex
Securities which Larry admits is his, he attempted to
explain that apparently, he borrowed the fund from one
of Dedi Francis’s investors in order to invest in the
property market in Indonesia. According to Larry, he is
not aware as to where Dedi Francis’s investors have
taken the fund from. Larry testified that the monies used
by him to purchase the 27.11% block in Protasco was
apparently borrowed from Dedi Francis’s investors.
“PJS: Alright. Now, you will see you were questioned about, the
same cheque, 28.01.2012 for the sum of RM1.3 million.
And you told, your statement to the police was you
admitted that the sum of RM1.3 million was banked into
your JF Apex trading accounts. But you said you did not
know the source of the money.
TEY: Who said I did not know the source of money? Drop from...
because I got property in Indonesia invest to him, so I
asked Dedi’s investor, Dedi’s boss to borrow, to lend
me money. Of course, I know the origin of money. As a
businessman the funder gave me money, of course, I
receive, how do I know from where, how do I know they
contra in business. And in accounting we call it net off
and how do I know they net off in accounting. This is
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the daily doing of investment trading every day. And he
took it to create stories.
PJS: Dato’ Tey, what you just told us is not what you told the
police in your 112 statement, am I correct?
TEY: It’s entirely the same. It’s stated here I used the money for
investment, right? So, from where you obtained this 112
PJS: Dato' Tey, it’s in the affidavit which you have filed in Court.
You have filed in Court. “Saya tidak ingat sumber wang
yang masuk ke dalam akaun ini.” So, you are saying you do
not know the source of the funds for the RM1.3 million which
was paid into your account. You admit receiving it, but you
don’t know the source of the funds.
TEY: Absolutely disagree. You misinterpreted. I said, of course,
I know the origin of money my source. So, as far as that
cheque is concerned, that TT from which account was
it, I do not know. Full stop. This is exactly what I meant.”
279.2 On 29.01.2013, PT ASU paid RM2,040,000.00 toNutox
Limited. The exact sum was paid into Larry’s margin
account with JF Apex Securities [NOP/En.701/p369 –
373]: Larry in his s.112 statement when questioned,
admits receiving the sum of RM2,040,000.00 and he
informed the police that he used it for shares investment.
When shown his statement of account with JF Apex
Securities, he replied “How could I still remember,
where, from where did the investors pay me, how is it
possible for me to ask them?”. Larry repeats the same
story that he had borrowed money from investors, but he
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does not know from where the investors paid him. Under
cross-examination, Larry agreed that he utilized the
money for the purchase of shares but disagree the said
money was utilized for his own / personal investment:
“TEY: I have said it many times already and you keep on asking
the same question. I borrow money from Indonesian,
from whichever account they pay me as long as it is
the legitimate account, I just accept.
PJS: Mr Leong, we can’t hear you, Mr Leong, sorry.
TEY: I have my Rupiah money to pay them, lend off money,
accounting, do you understand? I have my Indonesian, I
have my Rupiah Indonesian account to net off the funder
in Ringgit. So where did the funders came from, I never
ask. No matter it is money changer, international trading,
they are all using net off. Do you understand? When I
deal with my funders, they use whichever account,
we will never ask one. The foreign investor in Bursa
Malaysia, they entirely come like that. Again, out of
context you are getting the facts wrong to fulfil your
theory of conspiracy. Your salary also Protasco paid,
Indonesian money.
PJS: So, now would you agree that you utilised the money,
the RM2,040,000 for your own investment, for your
personal investment.
TEY: I disagree entirely.
PJS: No, why do you disagree?
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TEY: If you are saying like that then I am also Chong Ket Pen’s
nominee, purchased Protasco’s shares. As investor I can
help people invest. Ok. Before I even know Chong Ket
Pen, I have already started trading shares. At that time
I invested a lot of shares. Some of them I purchased
myself, some of them are not. That time it was boom
market, at that point of time. Investor Indonesian asked
me to purchase some lot of shares on their behalf, you
know? In share transaction statement, there are so many
transactions statements, you are pulling out a little bit,
you are pulling out just one row in order to just fulfil your
conspiracy theory. Where is your duty of conduct?”
279.3 PT ASU paid RM2,600,000.000 to Mikhail Euro. The
exact sum was transferred to Larry’s Maybank Bank
account [NOP/En.701/p379-380]: Larry in his s.112
statement when questioned, admits receiving the said
sum from Mikhail Euro who might be one of his suppliers.
When asked during cross-examination as to what
business dealings he had with Mikhail Euro in 2013,
Larry simply answered he does not remember.
279.4 PT ASU paid RM2,200,000.00 to Evodus Mobility. The
exact sum was transferred to Larry’s Maybank Bank
account [NOP/En.701/p381]: Larry in his s. 112
statement when questioned, admits receiving the said
sum from Evodus Mobility but does not know the source
of the money. When asked during cross- examination as
to what business dealings he had with Evodus Mobility,
Larry said he dealt with Dedi and he does not know
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which associate Dedi Francis used to bank in the money
to him. Larry emphasized that he has clearly stated to
the police in his statement on his borrowing arrangement
with Dedi Francis. Dedi Francis testified that he has
never heard of Evodus Mobility.
279.5 PT ASU paid RM1,600,000.00 to Firstlogix. The exact
sum was transferred to Larry ’s Alliance Investment Bank
Bhd [NOP/En.701/p388]. Larry testified that he heard of
Firstlogix. Larry Tey when questioned by the police,
admitted receiving the said sum paid into his margin
account with Alliance Investment Bank which he used to
purchase shares. Larry does not remember what
business dealing he had with Firstlogix and the purpose
of the payment into his margin account. Dedi Francis
testified he does not know of Firstlogix.
279.6 Telecity paid RM191,715.00 to Larry. He attempted to
justify this payment of RM191,715.00 as part of his fees
for advisory work done. Larry produced a document
purportedly from Telecity dated 05.07.2012 purportedly
appointing him as a broker and advisor, purportedly
signed by one, Mohd Ablynisyam bin Abdullah for and
behalf of Telecity. Mohd Ablynisyam is listed as the
“nominee director” and Dedi Francis as “company
secretary”. Mohd Ablynisyam bin Abdullah however
informed the police in his s . 112 statement that he is
not familiar with Telecity. Dedi Francis (who claims that
Telecity is his company) under cross-examination
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testified that he has not met nor dealt directly with Mohd
Ablynisyam, that he did not instruct Mohd Ablynisyam to
sign the purported agreement and further denied that he
is the company secretary for Telecity; and he does not
remember what Larry has done for Telecity.
[280] From the evidence, for all these payments made into his personal
margin and bank accounts through PT NRR, Nutox, Telecity, Fast Global,
Firstlogix, Evodus Mobility, Mikhail Euro and Abamon Technology, Larry
repeats the story that all these funds were borrowed from Dedi Francis’s
investors who apparently originally funded his purchase of the 27.11%
block in Protasco. Dedi Francis however said he has never heard of these
[281] When Larry was asked that if indeed the monies was from Dedi
Francis and his investors, the monies could come straight from PT ASU
instead of going through several companies, he was evasive and simply
replied “Very good question. You need to go and ask Dedi.”
[282] Adrian in his evidence in chief admits receiving a total sum of
RM205,155.00 through various payments by Telecity and Fast Global,
allegedly as payment made by Dedi Francis for his consultancy services
and reimbursement.
282.1 Under cross-examination, Adrian claims that
RM191,715.00 was paid by Dedi Francis through
Telecity for the financial consultancy services rendered
by him to Telecity through A&A Associates. When
questioned as to why there is a need for Telecity since
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Adrian as advisor for Global Cap has been providing
advice to Dedi Francis, he simply replied “Global Cap is
not a legal entity that we use for billings, alright. So, all
the billings are done through Telecity or Fast
Global…Global Cap, I do not have a legal and official, I
told you from day one, I don’t derive any income or any
fees at all ever from Global Capital Limited”.
282.2 When shown his own s.112 statement given to the police
in which he informed the police that the payment of
RM191,715.00 was issued by Telecity to him as a loan
and there was no loan agreement was a different story
from what he testify now in Court, Adrian Ooi replied “I
made a mistake then”.
282.3 When questioned that he did not provide this loan
agreement with Telecity dated 01.06.2013 to the police
on 15.09.2015 and had told the police a different story
that it was a loan, Adrian Ooi again replied “I made a
mistake then”.
282.4 When questioned whether he knows On Yong Chieh
who was instructing on the banking transactions for
Telecity, Adrian replied he met On Yong Chieh and On
Yong Chieh takes advice from him. However, Adrian
denied instructing On Yong Chieh throughout all the
material time.
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282.5 Under cross-examination, Adrian claims that
RM13,440.00 was paid by Dedi Francis through Fast
Global for reimbursement of hotel, food and beverages.
282.6 When shown that Faizatul Ikmi binti Abd Razak (who
Adrian know as Qimie) is the sole director and cheque
signatory of Fast Global, Adrian testified that he was not
too sure at the time when he received the payment. He
is not sure of Qimie’s payroll but he know Qimie does
services for Larry . Adrian further testified that Qimie do
not take instructions but advice from him and Larry .
[283] On 16.04.2013, On Yong Chieh sent an email to Lim Chye Guan,
Adrian Ooi and Augustone Cheong. The email reads:
“[Private & Confidential]
Hi All,
Attached is the list of fund movement in ASU and GIA CIMB Bank.”
[284] On Yong Chieh in his s.112 statement to the police, states that
he takes instructions from Larry regarding Telecity, Fast Global, Nutox,
[285] Aida [PW-10] testified that On Yong Chieh works closely with Lim
Chye Guan and was always seen working in the same office as her in the
Nexgram group. Aida further testified that Lim Chye Guan is the Chief
Financial Controller of Nexgram.
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[286] Larry himself under cross-examination admitted that Lim Chye
Guan is his colleague and an employee within the Nexgram Group looking
after the accounts, who also reported and take instructions from himself.
[287] On Yong Chieh’s email details the flow of funds into and from PT
ASU which includes the sum of RM50million paid by Protasco as at
16.04.2013. The outflow of funds include the following sum: -
287.1 FLXT is Firstlogix Technology Sdn Bhd –
287.2 MEA is Mikhail Euro Associates Sdn Bhd – RM 2.6million
287.3 Evodus SB is Evodus Mobility Sdn
Bhd – RM2.2million
287.4 Abamon SB is Abamon Technology Sdn Bhd –
287.5 PT NRR is PT Nusantara Rising Rich –
287.6 TIL is Telecity Investments Limited –
287.7 FGIL is Fast Global Investments Limited
– RM13,691,000.00
287.8 NL is Nutox Limited – RM2,985,000.00
287.9 Kenanga Invest (For Heah) – RM5million
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287.10 Heah – Blank Cheque – RM1,537,500.00
287.11 PT CDE-Mandiri (USD1.5m) – RM4,679,250.00
287.12 Xu Yan, TM. Selvan, Lee Kong Toh – RM206,955.00
287.13 PT GP-Permata, ICBC (USD4.442m) –
287.14 Vision Eagle-CIMB – RM3.2mil.
[288] Larry under cross-examination when shown this email dated
16.04.2013 in particular on the exact same payments of RM1.6million by
Firstlogix, RM2.6million by Mikhail Euro and RM2.2million by Evodus
Mobility which he admitted receiving but Larry repeated the same banal
“I don’t know”, “How can I agree”.
[289] On Yong Chieh’s email also detailed the RM16million that was
paid to PT Goldchild by Protasco’s subsidiaries. The email further details
the payments out of PT Goldchild to Fast Global and PT NRR.
[290] Significantly, Dedi Francis as the purported owner of PT ASU
was not in this email loop in respect of the inflow and outflow of the funds.
The email revealed that the RM50million refundable deposit paid by
Protasco pursuant to SPA 1 in December 2012 was already paid out by
PT ASU to various entities as of date of the email in April 2013.
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[291] Adrian who at the material time was a director of Protasco,
admitted that he was aware that as of April 2013, the RM50million paid
by Protasco to PT ASU was already paid out to third parties but he
however explained that there was no need for him to disclose this fact to
Protasco as in his words “this money belongs to Dedi”. Unsurprisingly,
Larry feigns ignorance and testified that he had no idea about On Yong
Chieh’s email dated 16.04.2013. Larry simply states that Augustone
Cheong is engaged by Dedi Francis.
[292] On 17.05.2014, On Yong Chieh sent another email to Larry,
Adrian, Augustone Cheong and Lim Chye Guan. The email reads: -
“[Private & Confidential]
Hi all,
Enclosed the Cash Flow for Share A/C & Summary of fund usage @
[293] This May 2014 email sets out the outflow of fund from PT ASU
as at 16.05.2014 after SPA 2 was executed on 29.01.2014. The email
details the inflow of fund into PT ASU which includes the differential sum
of USD5,659,437.00 that was received by PT ASU from Protasco on
30.01.2014 pursuant to SPA 2. The email also set out that on 04.02.2014,
PT ASI received a sum of USD5million paid by Protasco pursuant to SPA
2 for the reactivation of the oil wells. The email show that on 10.02.2014,
PT ASI had transferred the USD5million to its own account with Permata
Bank in Jakarta. The email also set out the summary of the cash flow paid
out from 01.02.2014 to 15.05.2014 and revealed that PT ASU had paid
out the monies received from Protasco for the benefit of various third
parties including Larry and Adrian. Both Larry and Adrian at the material
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time were directors of Protasco but they did not reveal to Protasco that
these sums were already paid out to other parties including for their own
[294] Adrian as a recipient of the email attempted to distance himself
by testifying that: -
“PJS: So, why is Mr On sending this to you?
OOI: I don’t know. You got to ask him.
PJS: Dato’, you are saying you didn’t read this?
OOI: I didn’t analyse the details of the attachment, because it’s not
in my business to look at other people finances.
OOI: I did open up the email but I didn’t go through the analysis. It
was very detailed.
PJS: So, what exactly did you do then? When you opened up the email,
what exactly did you do?
OOI: I just disregard it.
PJS: So, you opened up the email and didn’t read the contents?
OOI: I didn’t read, I didn’t analyse the movement of funds.
PJS: How would you describe your perusal of the email then?
OOI: I just looked at the headings and also I glanced through the
PJS: So, you looked at the heading and then the attachment you glanced
OOI: Yes, that’s why there was no action from me.”
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[295] Larry when shown the email in which he was copied, was
completely evasive and merely responded that he did not know the details
stated in the email.
“PJS: And the email sets out the flow of funds from PT ASU as at
16/05/2014, would you agree?
TEY: How do I know? I cannot involve also. Chong Ket Pen’s son,
Kenny Chong sent us the pre-signed agreement. He cc’ed to me.
The presigned agreement for this Protasco deal, pre-signed. It’s –
PJS: Dato’, that’s a different issue lah. I am talking about this particular
email, let me finish. This particular email that shows the flow of
funds out of PT ASU as at 16/05/2014 which he is a recipient 1 of.
So, can we just discuss about this?
TEY: Correct, they have cc’ed to me. Protasco cc’ed to me. Dedi
Francis cc’ed to me but as I said, whatever issues touching on
Protasco, I will not go and read. That’s all. Period.
PJS: Dedi Francis is not involved in this email lah, Dato’ Tey, isn’t
TEY: Augustone Cheong work for him. Boss need to work meh? Is
it necessary for Chong Ket Pen himself to torture me? No
need. So he engaged Peter Skelchy to do it.”
[296] On Yong Chieh’s email of 17.5.2104 sets out amongst others:
296.1 Monies were paid to Adrian directly through A&A
Associates and through his margin account. When
payments were made to Adrian, they are listed as “AO”.
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296.2 Payments were also made for credit card expenditure of
Lim Sue Fern and for PT Green Pine;
296.3 Payments were also made to Kong Chin Lam who works
within Nexgram group/Global Cap and take instructions
from Larry;
296.4 Payments made to Larry’s margin account with JF Apex
Securities and to Nutox Limited’s margin account with
RHB/OSK for the purchase of Nexgram’s shares. Where
the payments were made to Larry, it is listed as “LT”;
296.5 Payments made to Larry’s margin account with Public
Investment Bank for the purchase of Nexgram’s shares.
The payment is listed as “LT-PIBB Top-up for N shares”;
296.6 Payments made to Andy Yong c/o Fairfield in relation to
the work done by Fairfield leading up to the execution of
Investment Agreement alluded to earlier were paid out
from the tranche of fund which included the monies
originated from Protasco;
296.7 Payments made to Larry ’s margin account with Alliance
Investment Bank Berhad for the purchase of Protasco’s
shares. The payment is listed as “LT AIBB Margin a/c-
cross P share”;
296.8 Payments made to Alliance Investment Bank Berhad to
serve interest on Larry ’s margin account with Alliance
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Investment Bank Berhad. The payment is listed as “LT
AIBB Margin Interest”;
296.9 Payments made to TA Securities Holdings Berhad for
Goodunited Limitied for private placement of Winsun
shares (now known as Wintoni);
296.10 Payments made to KAF Investment Bank Berhad for
private placement of R&A Telecommunication Berhad’s
shares in which Larry was a substantial shareholder;
296.11 Payments made to Asdion Berhad for increase of
authorised share capital where Larry was a substantial
296.12 Payments made to JF Apex Securities for Telecity, Nutox
and Fast Global’s purchase of MQ Technology Berhad’s
shares where Larry was a shareholder;
296.13 Payments made to JF Apex Securities for Telecity, Nutox
and Fast Global’s purchase of Nexgram’s shares where
Larry was a substantial shareholder;
296.14 Payments made to JF Apex Securities where Telecity
was servicing the interest payment of Larry ’s margin
account. The payment is listed as “LT-Margin Int
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296.15 Payments made to Larry ’s margin account with SJ
Securities for rollover fees payment. The payment is
listed as “LT SJ-1% rollover fees”;
297.16 Payments made to JF Apex Securities for Fast Global’s
purchase of Nexgram’s shares where Larry was a
substantial shareholder;
296.17 Payments were made to JF Apex Securities where Larry
used Telecity to serve interest and rollover fees due to
JF Apex Securities pursuant to RM10milllion loan by
DSC.The payment is listed as “DC JF margin interest
Jan 2014”;
296.18 Payments made to PT FAME for factoring interest and
for Dedi;
296.19 Payments made to PT Cakra Daya Energy (which is
subsidiary of PT Inovisi) for PT Cakra Daya Energy’s
March 2014 salary payment;
296.20 Payments made to Bidang Lagenda Sdn Bhd, a
substantial shareholder of Negxram while Larry was still
CEO and MD of Nexgram;
296.21 Payments made to PT Green Pine for factoring interest,
salary and others.
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[297] Adrian when cross-examined on 08.11.2022 agreed that
payments listed in the email that was paid to A&A Associates would relate
to him. During continued cross-examination the next day on 09.11.2022,
he recanted knowledge and repeated “I cannot confirm”.
[298] Larry was evasive in cross-examination on the details of
payments listed the email and repeatedly answered “don’t know”, “I don’t
know”, “how do I know”, interspersed sometimes with “I don’t know and I
also I disagree” and “don’t know, also cannot remember”.
[299] Apart from Larry’s own press statement, the evidence adduced
at trial laid bare that Larry and Adrian had personally benefited from the
money received by PT ASU and PT ASI from Protasco.
Did Larry and Adrian breach their fiduciary and statutory duties?
[300] The Federal Court in Board of Trustees of the Sabah Foundation
& Ors v Datuk Syed Kechik bin Syed Mohamed & Anor [2008] 5 MLJ 469
at [30] has adopted Millet LJ ‘s definition of a fiduciary in Bristol and West
Building Society v Mothew (t/a Stapley & Co) [1998] Ch 1 at p 11 as
A fiduciary is someone who has undertaken to act for or on behalf of another
in a particular matter in circumstances which give rise to a relationship of
trust and confidence. The distinguishing obligation of a fiduciary is the
obligation of loyalty. The principal is entitled to the single-minded loyalty of
his fiduciary. This core liability has several facets. A fiduciary must act in
good faith; he must not make a profit out of his trust; he must not place
himself in a position where his duty and his interest may conflict; he may not
act for his own benefit or the benefit of a third person without the informed
consent of his principal. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but it
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is sufficient to indicate the nature of fiduciary obligations. They are the
defining characteristics of the fiduciary.
[301] The law is clear that a director of a company is in fiduciary
relationship with his company and as such he is precluded from acting in
a manner which will bring his personal interest into conflict with that of his
company - per Saleh Abas LP in Avel Consultants Sdn Bhd & Anor v
Mohamed Zain Yusof & Ors [1985] 2 MLJ 209 SC.
[302] In Ford's Principles of Corporations Law in Chapter 8 at para
[8.050] at p 312, a director is subject to the fiduciary's duty of loyalty and
the duty to avoid conflicts of interest. Walter Woon on Company
Law states that:
Firstly, a director must act in what he honestly considers to be
the company’s interests and not in the interests of some other
person or body. This is a director’s main and overriding duty at
common law; Secondly, a director must employ the powers and
assets that he is entrusted with for proper purposes and not for
any collateral purpose; Thirdly, a director must not place himself
in a position whereby his duty to the company and his personal
interests may conflict.
[303] Sections 132(1) and 132(1A) of the Companies Act 1965 set out
the statutory duties owed by a director to a company. Section 132(1)
… A director of a company shall at all times exercise his powers for a proper
purpose and in good faith in the best interest of the company;
Section 132(1 A) provides:
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A director of a company shall exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
(a) The knowledge, skill and experience which may reasonably be
expected of a director having the same responsibilities; and
(b) Any additional knowledge, skill and experience which the director in
fact has.
[304] In Pioneer Haven Sdn Bhd v Ho Hup Construction Co Bhd & Anor
and other appeals [2012] 3 MLJ 616 at p 654 the Court of Appeal held that
ss 132(1) and 132(1A) do not alter the law in this area but enhance the
common law duty of care and equitable fidicuary duties. The Court of
Appeal said at para 233:
… The prior provision of s 132(1) requires a director to act honestly. The
current s 132(1) of the Act, requires a director to act in good faith in the best
interests of the company. It is accepted that for all intents and purposes, the
scope of the directors’ duties to act honestly under the old s 132(1) and the
new s 132(1) are the same. Thus the old case law relating to the duty to act
honestly continues to be relevant (see Cheam Tat Pang v Public
Prosecutor [1996] 1 SLR 541).It is also recognised that the duty to act in the
best interests of the company means different things, depending on the
factual circumstances.
[305] Section 131 of the CA 1965 mandates disclosure where a
director is in any way whether directly or indirectly interested in a
transaction with the company. The learned author Dato’ Loh Siew Cheang
in ‘Corporate Powers Accountability’ explained the no-conflict and
underlying fiduciary principle as follows:
“14-4 The no-conflict principle embodies two fundamental themes.
First, directors cannot engage in 'self-dealings' or enter into transactions
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with a company in which they are directly or indirectly interested. Second,
directors cannot make improper use of their office, company's property or
information to make profits for themselves directly or indirectly. This is
commonly known as the no-profit rule. There are many ways in which
directors may misuse their office to benefit themselves-from usurpation of
corporate opportunities, receiving bribes or commission and misapplying
company's property. The rule prohibiting undisclosed self-dealings and
secret profits is a positive rule.
14-5 The underlying fiduciary principle against the abuse of office is well
established. In Gurbachan Singh s/o Bagawan Singh & Ors v Vellasamy s/o
Pennusamy & Ors (on their behalf and for the 213 sub-purchasers of plots
of land known as PN35553, Lot 9108, Mukim Hutan Melintang, Hilir Perak)
and other appeals, the Federal Court said:
[69] It is trite law that a person in a fiduciary position is not
entitled to make a profit and he is not allowed to put himself in a
position where his interest and duty are in conflict. In Boardman
v Phipps [1966] 3 WLR 1009 Lord Hodson explained the rule as
Whether this aspect is properly to be regarded as part of the
trust assets is, in my judgment, immaterial. The appellants
obtained knowledge by reason of their fiduciary position and
they cannot escape liability by saying that they were acting for
themselves and not as agents of the trustees. Whether or not
the trust or the beneficiaries in their stead could have taken
advantage of the information is immaterial, as the authorities
clearly show. No doubt it was but a remote possibility that Mr
Boardman would ever be asked by the trustees to advice on the
desirability of an application to the Court in order that the
trustees might avail themselves of the information obtained.
Nevertheless, even if the possibility of conflict is present
between personal interest and the fiduciary position the rule of
equity must be applied. This appears from the observations of
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Lord Cranworth LC in Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaikie 1 Macq
461, 471.
In the later case of Bray v Ford [1896] AC 44 Lord Herschell ... said:
It is an inflexible rule of a Court of Equity that a person in a
fiduciary position, such as the respondent's is not, unless
otherwise expressly provided, entitled to make a profit; he is not
allowed to put himself in a position where his interest and duty
conflict. It does not appear to me that this rule is, as has been
said, founded upon principles of morality. I regard it rather as
based on the consideration that human nature being what it is,
there is danger, in such circumstances, of the person holding a
fiduciary position being swayed by interest rather than by duty,
and thus prejudicing those whom he was bound to protect. It
has, therefore, been deemed expedient to lay down this positive
rule. But I am satisfied that it might be departed from in many
cases, without any breach of morality, without any wrong being
inflicted, and without any consciousness of wrong-doing.
Indeed, it is obvious that it might sometimes be to the advantage
of the beneficiaries that their trustee should act for them
professionally rather than a stranger, even though the trustee
were paid for his services. [Emphasis added]
14-6 In Furs Ltd v Tomkies, the High Court of Australia explained the
rationale as follows:
No director shall obtain for himself a profit by means of a transaction
in which he is concerned on behalf of the company unless all the
material facts are disclosed to the shareholders and by resolution in
a general meeting approves of his doing so, or all the shareholders
acquiesce. An undisclosed profit which a director so derives from the
execution of his fiduciary duties belongs in equity to the company. It
is no answer to the application of the rule that the profit is of a kind
which the company could not itself have obtained, or that no loss is
caused to the company by the gain of the director. It is a principle
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resting upon the impossibility of allowing the conflict of duty and
interest which is involved in the pursuit of private advantage in the
course of dealing in a fiduciary capacity with the affairs of the
company. If, when it is his duty to safeguard and further the interests
of the company, he uses the occasion as a means of profit to himself,
he raises an opposition between the duty he has undertaken and his
own self interest, beyond which it is neither wise nor practicable for
the law to look for a criterion of liability. The consequences of such a
conflict are not discoverable. Both justice and policy are against their
investigation. [Emphasis added]”
[306] On related or connected party transactions, Section 132E of the
CA 1965 provides:
“132E. Substantial property transaction by director or substantial
(1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 132F, a company shall not carry
into effect any arrangement or transaction where a director or a
substantial shareholder of the company or its holding company, or a
person connected with such a director or substantial shareholders—
(a) acquires or is to acquire shares or non-cash assets of the requisite
value, from the company; or
(b) disposes of or is to dispose of shares or non-cash assets of the
requisite value, to the company.
(2) An arrangement or transaction which is carried into effect in
contravention of subsection (1) shall be void, unless there is prior
approval of the arrangement or transactions—
(a) by a resolution of the company at a general meeting; or
(b) by a resolution of the holding company at a general meeting, if the
arrangement or transaction is in favour of a director or substantial
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shareholder of its holding company or person connected with such
director or substantial shareholder.
(3) The resolution of the company or its holding company at the general
meeting of the company or its holding company to consider the
arrangement or transaction shall be subject to the director, substantial
shareholder or person connected with such director or substantial
shareholder, as the case may be, abstaining from voting on the
resolution whether or not to approve the arrangement or transaction.
(4) Where an arrangement or transaction is carried into effect by a
company in contravention of subsections (1) and (2) that director,
substantial shareholder or person connected with such director or
substantial shareholder and any director who knowingly authorized the
arrangement or transaction shall, in addition to any other liability, be
(a) to account to the company for any gain which he had made directly
or indirectly by the arrangement or transaction; and
(b) jointly and severally with any person liable under this subsection,
to indemnify the company for any loss or damage resulting from
the arrangement or transaction...
(7) For the purposes of subsection (1) –
"person connected with a substantial shareholder" shall have the same
meaning as that assigned to a "person connected with a director" in
section 122A save that all references therein to a director shall be read
as a reference to a substantial shareholder;..”
[307] Pursuant to s.122A of the CA 1965, a “person connected” in
relation to a director or major shareholder of a company means an
associate or partner of that person. Pursuant to s. 122A(3)(a), a body
corporate is associated with a director if inter alia the body corporate is
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accustomed or is under an obligation, whether formal or informal, or its
directors are accustomed, to act in accordance with the directions,
instructions or wishes of that director.
[308] In the instant case, Adrian served as a director of Protasco from
10.12.2012 to 27.11.2014. His statutory and fiduciary duties as a director
including his duties of disclosure under Section 131 of the CA 1965
existed throughout his tenure as a director. Larry on 26.11.2012 became
a substantial shareholder of Protasco by purchasing the 27.11% block
and he became a director of Protasco on 10.03.2014.
[309] Adrian’s duty to disclose his interest in the oil and gas transaction
is mandated by ss. 131, 132 and 132E as he was a director of Protasco
at the material times and further was a person connected with PT ASU.
The evidence adduced at trial suggest he and Larry are partners within
the definition of Section 122A of Companies Act 1965. Both Larry and
Adrian are persons connected. At all material times they were common
shareholders Nexgram, Asdion, Ire-Tex and Protasco.
[310] Larry’s duty to disclose his interest in the oil and gas transaction
is mandated by Sections 131 and 132E as he was at all material times a
substantial shareholder of Protasco, a person connected with PT ASU
and a director of Protasco from 10.03.2014.
[311] On the evidence adduced, PT ASU, PT ASI and Acclaim are body
corporates accustomed or under and obligation, formal or informal, or its
directors are accustomed to act in accordance with the directions, wishes
or instructions of Larry and Adrian. Larry and Adrian were also effectively
shadow directors of PT ASU, PT ASI and Acclaim within the definition of
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Section 132E read together with Section 4 of CA 1965. In this regard, Tjoe
Yudhis as the President Director of PT ASU acts under the instructions of
Larry and Adrian in relation to all corporate matters of PT ASU; he has
testified to his knowledge , Larry and Adrian were the owners of PT ASU,
PT ASI, PT Inovisi and PT Green Pine; email correspondences show
Larry and Adrian Ooi were the decision makers and superiors in PT ASU,
PT ASI, Acclaim, PT Green Pine and PT Inovisi ; Adrian , without the
knowledge of Dedi Francis was able to cause himself to be made a
cheque signatory of PT ASI and to cause a transfer of USD5million from
PT ASI’s CIMB Bank account in Malaysia to another PT ASI’s bank
account with Permata Bank in Jakarta; Adrian had the authority to instruct
for a change of shareholdings and Acclaim and PT Green Pine (Green
Pine Holdings) and his instructions were acted upon and carried out by
the relevant company’s personnel; Larry and Adrian were the ones
dictating the contents of PT ASU’s letters of response to Protasco; these
behind the scene conduct and machinations put together, are not
conduct loyal to Protasco when both of them were placed in a position of
confidence and trust. An intelligent and honest man in the positions of
either Larry and Adrian could not , in the whole of the existing
circumstances, have reasonably believed that what they did was acting
primarily in good faith, bona fide and would be in the best interest of the
company, Protasco. As fiduciaries, the foremost consequence is that both
would owe a duty of undivided loyalty to Protasco. There is sufficient
evidence and justification to support the conclusion or inference that
Larry and Adrian (either themselves or through their staff ) had caused the
transfer of the RM50million deposit, the differential sum and the
Shareholder’s Advance and they had direct knowledge of the transfer of
funds from PT ASU to a web of companies and had personally profited
from the transaction when some of the funds originating from Protasco
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ended up in their own accounts or were utilized to purchase shares on
their behalf in Malaysian public listed entities in which they had an interest
in. There was no credibility at all to their case that Dedi Francis is the
owner of inter-alia PT ASU, Acclaim, Telecity, Fast Global and PT Green
Pine. Dedi Francis being owner of these companies simply could not be
reconciled with the total body of evidence adduced.
[312] I have not overlooked Larry and Adrian’s case that DSC knew
and by extension Protasco had knowledge of the IA and of the
correspondence between DSC/Kenny Chong and Larry and Adrian that
Larry was linked to the oil and gas injection from the very outset up to the
point where SPA 2 being signed and as such. there could not have been
non-disclosure of interest in the oil and gas transaction. I find this
contention untenable as Larry himself under cross-examination had
consistently asserted that he had informed DSC that there was no need
for any declaration because he had no pecuniary interest in the oil and
gas project. Under cross-examination, Larry agreed that shareholders’
approval is needed if the oil and gas project is a related party transaction
but Larry had stated in cross-examination that “I’m not a related party, so
what should I be declaring for?” Larry is not “a babe in the woods” nor a
‘country yokel’, a term used in Abdol Mulok Awang Damit v Perdana
Industri Holdings Bhd [2003] 3 CLJ 497 at page 502 as Larry had
experience as a director in a few public listed companies such as
Nexgram and Wintoni and was aware of the requirements of disclosure.
The statutory declarations signed by both Larry and Adrian at the
25.7.2014 Board meeting are express representations to Protasco of their
non interest in the oil and gas transaction. In any case, Suit 446 against
Protasco was struck out by the High Court on 03.06.2015. There was no
appeal by Global Cap and Kingdom Seekers against the striking out
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decision. Thus the issue of Protasco having knowledge of the IA is caught
by the principles of res judicata and or issue estoppel as exposited in Asia
Commercial Finance (F) Bhd v Kawal Teliti Sdn Bhd [1995] 3 MLJ 189.
[313] Larry and Adrian in breach of their statutory duties and fiduciary
duties failed to disclose to Protasco that they were persons connected to
PT ASU, PT ASI and the security provider, Acclaim. They brazenly
affirmed statutory declarations declaring to Protasco that PT ASU is not a
party related or any person connected to them as defined under the
Companies Act. There was also ample evidence to show that whilst
breaching such duties, they had profited from their breach. Both of them
having acted in breach of Section 132E of the CA 1965 are liable under
the provisions of:
313.1 Section 132E(4)(a) to account to Protasco for any gain
which they had made directly or indirectly; and
313.2 Section 132E(4)(b) to indemnify Protasco for its damages
suffered resulting from the transaction entered into with
[314] In Acumen Scientific Sdn Bhd v Yeow Liang Ming [2020] 3 MLJ
82, the Court of Appeal said:
“[38] A company director holds a fiduciary relationship with his company and
the duty to avoid conflicts of interest and must at all times exercise his
powers bona fide and in the best interests of the company as a whole. The
essence of the fiduciary duty is a duty to act bona fide at all times in the
interests of the company and not for a collateral purpose. This the defendant
failed to exercise and his failure to do so is a blatant breach of his fiduciary
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[39] The law requires the defendant as a director of the plaintiff to do, act
and behave as follows:
(a) exercise the powers vested as a director in the interests of the
(b) must not exercise those powers as a director against the interests
of the company; and
(c) in exercising those powers by virtue of his position as a director he
must always do so for the general interests of the company and
nothing else.
[40] In the Privy Council case of Brickenden v London Loan & Savings
Co [1934] 3 DLR 465 a solicitor acting for the loan company had a personal
interest in certain loans made to a customer of the company which, in breach
of his fiduciary duty, he failed to disclose to the company. The trial judge
entered judgment for the company. The Court of Appeal of Ontario set aside
the judgment on the ground that no breach of duty had been proved, and
that in any event the company had suffered no loss. The Supreme Court of
Canada restored the judgment of the trial judge, and its decision was
affirmed by the [2020] 3 MLJ 82 at 100Privy Council. Giving the judgment
of the Privy Council, Lord Thankerton said this (at p 469):
When a party, holding a fiduciary relationship, commits a breach of his duty
by non-disclosure of material facts, which his constituent is entitled to know in
connection with the transaction, he cannot be heard to maintain that
disclosure would not have altered his decision to proceed with the transaction,
because the constituent’s action would be solely determined by some other
factor, such as the valuation by another party of the property proposed to be
mortgaged. Once the Court has determined that the non-disclosed facts were
material, speculation as to what course the constituent, on disclosure, would
have taken is not relevant.
[41] The defendant had breached not only both the agreements but
his fiduciary duties as a director of the plaintiff by failing to disclose and
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making use of the plaintiff’s confidential information. He had used the
company’s asset, the Dell laptop from 23 December 2014 until 12 January
2015 to communicate and receive emails with regards to Amcen’s business
operations through his personal email. The defendant had conducted
evaluation monitoring of Dynacraft Industries Sdn Bhd on 3 July 2014 and
4 July 2014 in his capacity as associate consultant of Amcen. There was
also evidence that whilst still under the employment of the plaintiff, the
defendant had registered the website of Amcen and that he was also the
[315] I find Larry and Adrian’s allegation that the board of directors
had greenlighted SPA 1 and the payment of the deposit even prior to due
diligence, the board of directors had granted extensions to PT ASU to
comply with its obligations under SPA 1, and that despite what their
learned counsel referred to as ‘red flags’ arising from the due diligence,
the board still proceeded to enter into SPA 2 with the payment of further
monies to PT ASU and PT ASI do not exonerate them from breach of
statutory and common law fiduciary duties. They had behind the scenes
in breach of their duty of good faith, worked against the very interest of
Protasco as alluded earlier in the judgment and the evidence is borne out
by the email exchanges.
[316] I am inclined to agree with Protasco’s counsel that the lack of
disclosure by Larry and Adrian as being related persons with PT ASU and
being in control of Acclaim and therefore correspondingly being in a
position of conflict, had a direct consequence on Protasco proceeding
with the transaction and making the necessary payments pursuant
thereto. The lack of disclosure had a direct consequence on the integrity
of announcement made by Protasco to Bursa and on the audit conducted
by Protasco’s auditors on the transaction.
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[317] Larry and Adrian had procured the securities from Acclaim
including the necessary Blocking Letters allegedly signed by Lim Sue
Fern which were relied upon by Protasco to justify the terms of the
acquisition as announced to Bursa and these securities were in fact an
inducement for Protasco to enter into the transactions with PT ASU and
make the payments thereunder. The terms of SPA 2 clearly sets out that
in the event of non-compliance of the Conditions Subsequent, Protasco
has a right to terminate and cause the sale of the blocked securities. As
reflected further in SPA 2, the securities were also central in causing
Protasco to provide the Shareholder’s Advance to PT ASI and the terms
of SPA 2 provides that a charge be created over the securities. After
Protasco terminated SPA 2 with PT ASU as it was entitled, behind the
scenes and without the knowledge of the board, both Larry and Adrian
acted to deprive Protasco of its right to a refund of the purchase
consideration and the Shareholder’s Advance. Acclaim, a company under
their control through their nominee director Lim Sue Fern denied
executing the Blocking Letters thereby preventing Protasco from effecting
the sale through PT Brent.
[318] I find from the emails sent by On Yong Chieh, it has been clearly
established that both Larry and Adrian had knowledge of the transfer of
funds, part of which ended up in their personal share margin and bank
accounts and they had appropriated the sum of USD27million for the
benefit of themselves using various corporate vehicles, fronts and
[319] From the evidence adduced, there is no escaping that Larry and
Adrian have indubitably breached their duty to act in good faith and in the
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best interest of Protasco, breached their duty of permitting their interest to
conflict with that of Protasco and breached their duty not to make a secret
profit. In my respectful view, there is ample evidence that Protasco’s
losses are causally connected to their failure of duties to Protasco.
[320] It is trite that the remedy imposed on the wrongdoers for breach
of fiduciary duties would be compensation in equity. The measure of
compensation is to put the Plaintiff in the position he would have been
had the breach not been committed, see Newacres Sdn Bhd v Sri Alam
Sdn Bhd [2000] 2 MLJ 353 (FC) at p 378.
Fraud and Conspiracy to defraud
[321] On the facts and evidence adduced, given the probabilities, the
reasonable result is my finding that fraud has also been proven against
Larry and Adrian. In respect of the securities they both caused to be
provided to Protasco, Protasco was in fact induced to enter into SPA 1
and SPA 2 by Larry and Adrian on their representation that the securities
could be sold should there be a breach by PT ASU of SPA 2. Both of
them knew that Protasco will rely on their representation and towards this
end, Adrian instructed the Indonesian legal firm Messrs Risman Hutabarat
& Rekan to provide the legal opinion to Protasco that the enforceability
and dealing in the Blocked shares comply with the laws of Indonesia.
Protasco had also made payment of the differential sum and the
shareholders’ advance pursuant to SPA 2 premised on Adrian’s
representations that the conditions subsequent contained in SPA 2,
including the extension to the PMPA, was attainable provided the wells
were reactivated. Protasco had made the payment of shareholders
advance on Adrian’s representations that the said advance was needed
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as working capital for wells reactivation. Both Larry and Adrian had
concealed from Protasco their control of PT ASU, PT ASI, Acclaim, their
involvement in the issuance of the letters on behalf of PT ASU denying
Protasco’s request for a return of USD27million, their knowledge of the
fact that the total USD27million was already paid out to various third
parties including themselves on their instructions and their secret profit
and benefit from the entire transaction. Yet at the Board meetings of
25.07.2014 and 04.08.2014, they continued their dishonest conduct. The
entire transaction in fact turned out to be a scam to defraud Protasco of
its money.
[322] The concatenation of circumstances and events, the acts and
conduct of Larry and Adrian, the totality of their dealings and the oral
evidence pieced together and weighed, I find that there is credible,
cogent, convincing, and compelling tangible evidence that Larry and
Adrian have combined together with a common purpose or intention to
defraud and injure and/or cause loss to Protasco by unlawful means. In
this regard, there is sufficient evidence from which a conspiracy could be
properly inferred, and their acts done in execution of that agreement had
resulted in damage to Protasco to the tune of USD 27million.
Evaluation and assessment of the credibility of the witnesses
[323] As “evidence” is not confined to documents and the Court is
enjoined by s. 3 of the Evidence Act to consider oral statements by
witnesses, the evaluation and assessment of the credibility (or otherwise),
of the witnesses were crucial to the present case. In assessing credibility
of the witnesses, I have taken note that credibility of a witness embraces
not only the concept of his truthfulness ie whether the evidence of the
witness is to be believed but also the objective reliability of the witness ie
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his ability to observe or remember facts and events about which the
witness is giving evidence and this court must pay attention to a number
of factors which, inter alia, include the following as exposited by Gillen J
in Sean Thornton (a minor by his mother and next friend) v Northern
Ireland Housing Executive [2010] NIQB 4:
(i) The inherent probability or improbability of representations
of fact;
(ii) The presence of independent evidence tending to
corroborate or undermine any given statement of fact;
(iii) The presence of contemporaneous records;
(iv) The demeanour of witnesses e.g., does he equivocate in
cross examination;
(v) The frailty of the population at large in accurately
recollecting and describing events in the distant past;
(vi) Does the witness take refuge in wild speculation or
uncorroborated allegations of fabrication;
(vii) Does the witness have a motive for misleading the court;
(viii) Weigh up one witness against another
[324] Sir George Farwell in the Privy Council case of Bombay Cotton
Manufacturing Company v Motilal Shivlal ILR 1915 39 Bom 386, PC, in
addressing the credit of a witness upon cross-examination, said that ‘it is
most relevant in a case where everything depends on the judge’s belief or
disbelief in the witness’ story.’
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[325] In deciding the matter, I have preferred the evidence of the Plaintiff’s
witnesses whom I viewed as ‘more credible’ in support of the Plaintiff’s
contentions, as compared to the Defendants’ witnesses whom I found
‘evasive’ when troubling questions were put to them, and were not
credible at all. The Defendants’ witnesses’ evidence were riddled with
contradictions and simply do not add up. Even if there were discrepancies
in the Plaintiff’s witnesses' evidence, if at all, were minor and not relevant,
and on the whole, their evidence was comprehensive, quite compelling,
convincing and consistent with the documents and the overall
probabilities. In the context of the entirety of the evidence before the court,
any lingering doubts that I have, I would resolve in favour of the Plaintiff.
I also find nothing sinister in the fact that Kenny Chong was not called to
give evidence by the Plaintiff or that any adverse inference should be
drawn against the Plaintiff for not calling him. There is no property in a
witness. If the Defendants deem him a material witness, they could have
called him instead.
Other matters - RM10million Loan Gratification
[326] Larry and Adrian as part of their pleaded case allege that DSC,
his son Kenny Chong and senior management of Protasco and/or its
subsidiaries have financially benefited through gratification, breach of
fiduciary duties and illegal financial gain from the agreements between
Protasco and PT ASU. Larry and Adrian contend that the financial gain of
RM10million was received via an entity named RS Maha Niaga. I find this
complaint is caught by the proper plaintiff rule in Foss v Harbottle and
does not concern this court. There is also no relief sought By Larry and
Adrain in the present proceedings against DSC personally.
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[327] In sum, based on the sum total of all the evidence adduced
herein, I am satisfied that Protasco has discharged its burden in
establishing its claim for breach of fiduciary duties, breach of Section 131
and 132E of the Companies Act, fraud, and conspiracy to defraud on the
part of the 2nd and 3rd Defendants on a balance of probabilities. In the
present case, I am of the ciew that it would not be inequitable or contrary
to conscience to grant the relief as sought by Protasco . So that there is
no overlap or double recovery, the claims in para 76 (a), (b), (k) & (l) are
allowed with costs of RM650,000 subject to allocator. In determining cost,
this court took into account the criterias in O59 r16 interalia, the trial took
42 days, documents involved are voluminous and this is not a run of the
mill case. In allowing pre judgment interest at 5% per annum from the date
of the writ, this court exercised its discretion under s.11 Civil Law Act.
1956. The USD27 million is coverted to its Ringgit equivalent as at date
of judgment.
[328] It remains for me to record my appreciation to learned counsel
for the respective parties for their efforts and industry expended in their
submissions. I do not propose to burden this judgment by citing at
length each of the arguments and authorities relied upon by learned
Dated: 29th October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
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For the Plaintiff : Peter Skelchy (together with him,
Joycelyn Teoh and Tan ZhiXin)
Messrs Cheah Teh & Su
For the 2nd & 3rd Defendants : Datuk Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (together
with him, Jayasingam, Lim Yvonne,
Khoo Suk Chyi, Ng Keng Yang, Chuo
Chung Cheng and Mahendran (Pdk))
Messrs B H Lawrence & Co.
Iftikar Ahmed Khan (as the executor of the estate for Sardar Mohd Roshan
Khan, deceased) v Perwira Affin Bank Bhd (previously known as Perwira
Habib Bank Malaysia Bhd) [2018] 2 MLJ 292
Hadmor Productions Ltd v Hamilton [1983] 1 AC 191
Metroplex Development Sdn Bhd v Mohd Mastana bin Makaddas & anor
[1995] 2 MLJ 276
Government of Malaysia v Lim Kit Siang [1988] 2 MLJ 12
Bruce v Odhams Press Limited [1936] 1 All ER 287
Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L Allagappan (as executor to SL
Alameloo Achi alias Sona Lena Alamelo Acho, deceased) & Anor v
Secure Plantation Sdn Bhd [2017] 4 MLJ 697; [2017] 5 CLJ 418
Jusoh v Ng Ah Sooi & Anor [1963] 1 MLJ 92
Protasco Bhd v PT Anglo Slavic Utama & Ors [2019] 9 MLJ 417
Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee & Anor and other appeals [2021] 6 MLJ 1
Mohd Ali Jaafar v Public Prosecutor [1998] 4 MLJ 210
R v Maqsud Ali [1966] 1 QB 688
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Jaafar Bin Shaari & Anor (suing as administrators of the estate of Shofiah
Bte Ahmad, deceased) v Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 693
Dato’ Pardip Kumar Kukreja & Anor v Vell Paari a/l Samy Vellu [2016] 4
MLJ 649; [2015] 1 LNS 1482
Yeohata Machineries Sdn Bhd & Anor v Coil Master Sdn Bhd & Ors [2015]
6 MLJ 810
William Derry, J. C. Wakefield, M. M. Moore, J. Pethick, And S. J. Wilde
Appellants; And Sir Henry William Peek, Baronet Respondent. (1889) 14
App.Cas. 337
Panatron Pte Ltd & Anor v Lee Cheow Lee & Anor [2001] 3 SLR 405
Victor Cham & Anor v Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359
Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan [1995] 2 AC 378; [1995] 3 All ER 97;
[1995] 3 WLR 64
Ng Pak Cheong v Global Insurance Co Sdn Bhd [1995] 1 CLJ 223; [1995]
1 MLJ 60; [1994] 3 AMR 2663
CGU Insurance Berhad v Asean Security Paper Mills Sdn Bhd [2006] 3
MLJ 1; [2006] 2 CLJ 409
Brogden v Metropolitan Railway Company (1876–77) LR 2 App Cas 666
Bristol and West Building Society v Mothew (t/a Stapley & Co) [1998] Ch
The Board of Trustees of the Sabah Foundation & Ors v Datuk Syed
Kechik bin Syed Mohamed & Anor [2008] 5 MLJ 469
Avel Consultants Sdn Bhd & Anor v Mohamed Zain Yusof & Ors [1985] 2
MLJ 209
Abdol Mulok Awang Damit v Perdana Industri Holdings Bhd [2003] 3 CLJ
Asia Commercial Finance (F) Bhd v Kawal Teliti Sdn Bhd [1995] 3 MLJ
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Acumen Scientific Sdn Bhd v Yeow Liang Ming [2020] 3 MLJ 82
Newacres Sdn Bhd v Sri Alam Sdn Bhd [2000] 2 MLJ 353
Sean Thornton (a minor by his mother and next friend) v Northern Ireland
Housing Executive [2010] NIQB 4
Order 18 rule 7, Order 34 rule 2 (2) (e) of the Rules of Court 2012
Section 45 of the Evidence Act 1950
Section 17 of the Contracts Act 1950
Sections 132(1), 132(1A), 122A and 132E of the Companies Act 1965
Section 197 of Companies Act 2016
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| 320,910 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-301-08/2020 | PLAINTIF IMEC JAYA SDN. BHD. DEFENDAN GREATEARTH APG SDN. BHD. | Permohonan kebenaran meminda penyata tuntutan - Perbicaraan penuh tamat - Sama ada "bona fide" - Pendirian defendan tiada kes untuk dijawab - Isu kelewatan - Isu prejudis terhadap defendan - Isu pendeposan afidavit jawapan oleh peguam defendan. | 02/11/2023 | YA Puan Indra Nehru Savandiah | |
NO. GUAMAN: BA-22NCVC-301-08/2020
[NO. PENDAFTARAN: 200101002680] (538436-A)]
[NO. PENDAFTARAN: 199301005180 (259917-W)]
1. Notis rayuan difailkan oleh pihak plaintif terhadap keputusan
Mahkamah menolak permohonan plaintif untuk meminda
penyata tuntutan selepas tamat perbicaraan penuh.
2. Pihak plaintif memfailkan permohonan untuk meminda penyata
tuntutan di bawah Aturan 20 Kaedah 5 dan Aturan 92 Kaedah 4
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
02/11/2023 15:34:55
BA-22NCvC-301-08/2020 Kand. 113
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Ringkasan Kes
3. Satu tuntutan terhadap defendan difailkan oleh plaintif bagi
jumlah sebanyak RM2,001,302.81.
4. Tuntutan plaintif berasaskan dakwaan pelanggaran kontrak oleh
defendan untuk perkhidmatan dan/atau barangan yang
dibekalkan oleh plaintif kepada defendan.
5. Adalah dakwaan plaintif bahawa pembekalan perkhidmatan
dan/atau barangan dibuat kepada defendan dari tahun 2002
hingga tahun 2017.
6. Kes telah habis dibicarakan dan ditetapkan untuk pemfailan
7. Pihak plaintif memfailkan permohonan meminda penyata
tuntutan atas alasan untuk membatalkan sejumlah besar invois-
invois sama yang difailkan berulangan.
8. Pemfailan invois-invois sama yang berulangan ini telah
menjadikan jumlah tuntutan plaintif sebanyak RM2,001,302.81.
Jumlah tuntutan yang betul adalah sebanyak RM1,690,232.41.
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9. Plaintif menyatakan permohonan ini dibuat secara “bona fide”,
tidak menukar fakta kes plaintif dan tidak memprejudiskan
10. Pihak defendan tidak setuju terhadap permohonan meminda
penyata tuntutan oleh plaintif atas sebab-sebab di antaranya,
pihak defendan telah mengemukakan keterangan kewujudan
invois-invois sama yang berulangan dalam perbicaraan penuh
melalui keterangan saksi plaintif sendiri.
11. Pengemukakan keterangan tersebut oleh defendan
membuktikan tuntutan plaintif tidak betul.
12. Pihak defendan berpendirian tidak ada kes untuk dijawab.
13. Pihak defendan tegas dengan pendirian sekiranya permohonan
plaintif dibenarkan, ianya akan memprejudiskan defendan
memandangkan defendan telah pun mengambil pendirian tiada
kes untuk dijawab.
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Prinsip Undang-Undang Berhubung Dengan Permohonan
Untuk Meminda Penyata Tuntutan
14. Prinsip undang-undang berkenaan permohonan untuk meminda
penyata tuntutan telah diputuskan di dalam kes Mahkamah
Persekutuan Yamaha Motor Co Ltd v Yamaha (M) Sdn Bhd &
Ors [1983] CLJ REP 428 seperti berikut:
“Under O. 20 of the Rules of the High Court 1980,
which is equivalent to O. 28 Rules of Supreme
Court, a judge has a discretion to allow leave to
amend pleadings. Like any other discretion, it
must of course be exercised judicially [see Kam
Hoy Trading v Kam Fatt Tin Mine [1963] MLJ 248].
The general principle is that the Court will allow
such amendments as will cause no injustice to
other parties. Three basic questions should be
considered to determine whether injustice would
or would not result, (1) whether the application is
bona fide; (2) whether prejudice caused to the
other side can be compensated by costs and (3)
whether the amendments would not in effect turn
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the suit from one character into a suit of another
and inconsistent character.”
15. Sehubungan dengan ini, seterusnya kes Mahkamah
Persekutuan, Hong Leong Finance Bhd v Low Thiam Hoe &
Another Appeal [2016] 1 MLJ 301 memutuskan seperti berikut:
“[18] It is pertinent to note that Yamaha Motor was
decided under the old RHC 1980. The civil
procedure has since then changed with the
introduction of the pre-trial case management in
the year 2000 under O.34 of the RHC 1980 (w.e.f.
22 September 2000) and now under O.34 of the
RC 2012 (w.e.f. 1 August 2012). Nowadays the
Court recognises especially under the new case
management regime that a different approach
needs to be taken to prevent delay in the progress
of a case to trial and for its completion. The
progress of the case is no longer left in the hands
of the litigants but with the court in the driver’s
seat. (See the case of Syed Omar Syed
Mohamed v Perbadanan Nasional Bhd [2012] 9
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CLJ 557). In particular when an application to
amend the pleading is made at a very late stage
as was done in the present case, the principles in
Yamaha Motor ought not to be the sole
consideration. This is because an order for
compensation by payment of costs in such a case
may not be adequate remedy and it would also
disrupt the administration of justice which affects
the courts, the parties and the other users of the
judicial process. (See the case of Conlay
Construction Sdn Bhd v Perembun (M) Sdn Bhd
[2013] 9 CLJ 828, [2014] 1 MLJ 80).”
[33] Having considered the facts and the
circumstances of the present case, our views are
as follows:
(a) When dealing with an application to
amend the pleadings, which introduce
a new case in the claim or defence, or
on the eve of the trial, the principles in
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Yamaha Motor are not the sole
(b) The principles in Yamaha Motor
applies to cases where the application
to amend the pleadings is made at an
early stage of the proceedings.
(c) That there has to be a cogent and
reasonable explanation in the
applicant’s affidavit as to why the
application was filed late.
(d) That the application to amend the
pleadings is not a tactical manoeuvre.
(e) That the proposed amendment must
disclose full particulars for the court to
ascertain if there is a real prospect of
success in proving the same.
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(f) That lateness in the application to
amend the pleadings cannot
necessarily be compensated by
payment of costs.”
Keputusan Mahkamah
16. Setelah meneliti dan mengkaji segala keterangan afidavit-
afidavit dan hujahan-hujahan peguam-peguam terpelajar, adalah
diputuskan permohonan kebenaran untuk meminda penyata
tuntutan ditolak berdasarkan alasan-alasan seperti berikut:
(a) Kes ini telah habis dijalankan selama 4 hari,
bermula 19.6.2023 hingga 22.6.2023. Pada
22.6.2023, arahan telah diberikan kepada pihak-
pihak berhubung dengan pemfailan hujahan.
Hujahan seharusnya difailkan pada atau sebelum
(b) Walau bagaimanapun, pada 21.7.2023 pihak
plaintif memfailkan permohonan kebenaran untuk
meminda penyata tuntutan.
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(c) Dalam mengambil kira prinsip kes Hong Leong
Finance Bhd v Low Thiam Hoe and Another
Appeal [2016] 1 MLJ 301, Mahkamah mendapati
permohonan plaintif dibuat lewat tanpa alasan-
alasan kukuh untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan
(d) Mahkamah ini mendapati ketika perbicaraan penuh
dijalankan, pihak defendan yang bertungkus lumus
mengemukakan bahan bukti kes berkait invois-
invois sama yang berulangan digunakan untuk
membuat tuntutan.
(e) Alasan plaintif ianya adalah tidak disengajakan
menunjukkan ketidaksungguhan plaintif dalam
mengendalikan kes yang dibicarakan.
(f) Jikalau fakta ini tidak dibawa kepada perhatian
Mahkamah oleh defendan, ianya tidak akan
diketahui pada bila-bila masa dan meninggalkan
kesan serius kerana melibatkan hak pihak-pihak
dalam kes.
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(g) Mahkamah mendapati kecacatan kes plaintif di
mana tuntutan dari jumlah sebanyak
RM2,001,302.81 dikurangkan kepada
RM1,690,232.41 bukanlah perkara remeh-temeh.
(h) Pada ketika perbicaraan kes dijalankan, pihak
defendan telah membuktikan pengemukaan invois-
invois sama yang berulangan mengakibatkan
jumlah tuntutan plaintif berbeza dengan jumlah
yang sewajarnya dituntut.
(i) Permohonan kebenaran untuk meminda penyata
tuntutan hanya difailkan pada 21.7.2023 iaitu lebih
kurang 29 hari dari tarikh tamat perbicaraan penuh.
(j) Plaintif gagal memberi penjelasan akan kelewatan
dalam memfailkan permohonan tersebut.
(k) Sehubungan dengan ini, Mahkamah merujuk
kepada keputusan kes Mah Sing Properties Sdn
Bhd v UTS Management Service Sdn Bhd [2020]
MLJ 2259 yang telah memutuskan penjelasan
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wajib diberikan apabila permohonan meminda
pliding tidak dibuat secepat mungkin.
(l) Plaintif bergantung kepada alasan “bona fide”.
Mahkamah tidak menerima alasan ini. Ini adalah
kerana kecacatan kes plaintif telah dikemukakan
oleh pihak defendan dan hanya disedari oleh pihak
plaintif ketika perbicaraan sedang berlangsung.
(m) Mahkamah juga memutuskan jikalau permohonan
kebenaran meminda penyata tuntutan ini
dibenarkan, ianya akan memprejudiskan defendan.
(n) Ini adalah kerana pihak defendan telah mengambil
pendirian bahawa tiada kes untuk dijawab yang
berakibat daripada kecacatan serius kes plaintif
17. Laungan plaintif yang bertemakan isu “bona fide” ditolak
oleh Mahkamah ini sebab plaintif seharusnya cakna
terhadap isi kandungan dokumen-dokumen yang bakal
dijadikan bahan bukti tuntutan kes plaintif.
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18. Sebaliknya, di dalam kes ini, pihak defendan yang telah
membuktikan akan kewujudan invois-invois sama yang
berulangan dijadikan bahan bukti dalam kes tuntutan
19. Di dalam konteks ini rujukan dibuat kepada kes Tenaga
Nasional Bhd v Ice Man Sdn Bhd [2020] 11 MLJ 584
yang memutuskan seperti berikut:
“The defendant’s application did not promote the
speedy disposal of the case and was more tactical
than anything else. The matters sought to be
included in the amendments were matters known
to the defendant all along and could have been
pleaded when the statement of defence was
drafted or even before the pleadings had closed.
Making the amendments at this late stage raised
doubts about the bona fide of the application. A
bona fide application would have explained the
reason for the delayed amendments and whether
the proposed amendments had any prospect of
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20. Seterusnya pihak plaintif telah membantah terhadap
afidavit jawapan yang dideposkan oleh peguamcara
defendan di dalam permohonan meminda penyata
tuntutan di hadapan Mahkamah ini.
21. Mahkamah ini sehaluan dengan hujahan pihak defendan
bahawa peguamcara defendan boleh mengikrarkan
afidavit berkenaan.
22. Rujukan dibuat kepada kes Tirumeniyar Singara Veloo
v Malaysia Motor Insurance Insurance Pool [2017] 8
CLJ 682 yang memutuskan seperti berikut:
“[11] We do not think the learned judge had stated
the correct principles of law on affidavits. (See
Janab’s Key to Civil Procedure, 5th edn, pp 329 to
336). It is well settled that a supporting affidavit in
an originating summons must be filed by the
plaintiff or his power of attorney or any person who
is entitled by law to do so. Order 28 r. 3C by itself
does not impose the same restriction in respect of
affidavit in reply by the defendant. However, the
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affidavit in reply if filed by any other authorised
person of the defendant who does not have
personal knowledge may not have probative force
as per O. 41 r. 5 (See Awaludin Sham Bokhari v
Public Prosecutor [2016] 1 LNS 2; [2016] 2 AMR
20). In Malayan Banking Berhad v Chaterefield
Corporation Sdn Bhd [2001] 6 CLJ 407; [2001] 3
AMR 3686, the point of debate of a litigant. Ramly
Ali JC (as he then was) took the view that: In
Malayan Banking Berhad v Chaterefield
Corportion Sdn Bhd [2001] 6 CLJ 407; [2001] 3
AMR 3686, the point of debate was whether a
solicitor may depose an affidavit on behalf of a
litigant, Ramly Ali JC (as he then was) took the
view that:
(a) There are no express provisions of law
relating to this matter, nor is there any
provision of law which specifically
states that an affidavit such as that in
the instant case cannot be accepted
by the court:
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(b) On the authorities, a solicitor may
depose an affidavit on behalf of the
litigant provided the following
conditions are fulfilled, ie:
(i) the facts to be deposed must
not be contentious or
disputed questions of fact;
(ii) the facts to be deposed must
be from his knowledge; and
(iii) the solicitors must have been
authorised by the litigant, to
depose the affidavit on his
23. Apabila dikaji fakta kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini,
peguam defendan yang telah membuktikan akan
kewujudan invois-invois sama secara berulangan ketika
saksi plaintif diperiksa balas.
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24. Oleh itu, fakta-fakta yang dideposkan adalah dalam
pengetahuan peribadi peguam defendan sendiri. Walhal
beliau adalah orang yang membuktikan fakta material ini
di hadapan Mahkamah.
25. Justeru, Mahkamah memutuskan syarat-syarat kes
Tirumeniyar Singara Veloo v Malaysia Motor
Insurance Insurance Pool [2017] 8 CLJ 682 telah
26. Berhubung dengan isu pemberian kuasa oleh anak guam
kepada pihak lain, rujukan dibuat kepada kes Nazlan bin
Hashim & Anor V Mohamad Akmal bin Mohd Rashid
(a patient and is suing through his father and
guardian Mohd Rashid bin Hamzah) [2015] MLJU
1805 yang memutuskan seperti berikut:
“[15] I must firstly state that there is no
requirement under O. 41 of the Rules of Court
2012, for a deponent of an affidavit to state that
he was duly authorised by the litigant to affirm
an affidavit on its behalf. I am also aware that
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there are precedents, where the courts have
either allowed the affidavit, or disregarded the
affidavit, where this phrase was not stated; see
Sabah Bank v Pemborong Keningau Sdn Bhd
[1991] 3 CLJ 2590, and Twenty First Century
Oils Sdn Bhd v Bank of Commerce (M) Sdn
Bhd [1993] 2 AMR 1963; cf Syarikat Ying Mui
Sdn Bhd v Muthusamy a/l Sellapan [1999] 6
MLJ 622 and Molop Corp Sdn Bhd v
Uniperkasa (M) Sdn Bhd [2003] 6 MLJ 311.”
“[17] In respect of authorisation, I would like to
think, that solicitors are impliedly authorised by
their client to affirm affidavits on its behalf. The
client after all instructs the solicitors. This
presumption is of course rebuttable, but it is for
the client to raise that objection, and not their
opponents, unless the latter has clear evidence
to base their objections on.”
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27. Prinsip kes tersebut diguna pakai dan dakwaan pihak
plaintif bahawa peguam defendan tidak boleh membuat
afidavit jawapan bagi pihak anak guam tidak diterima oleh
Mahkamah ini sebab tidak ada keterangan bahawa anak
guam defendan tidak mengizinkan peguam defendan
mengikrar dan memfailkan afidavit berkenaan.
28. Mahkamah ini memutuskan adalah adil dan wajar
permohonan plaintif untuk kebenaran meminda penyata
tuntutan ditolak dengan kos RM7,000.00 tertakluk fi
alokatur berdasarkan alasan-alasan yang telah
Tarikh: 2 November 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya
Shah Alam
Tarikh keputusan: 22 September 2023
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Bagi pihak plaintif: Gomathy Balasupramaniam [Tetuan Ganeson
Gomathy Fadzlin M. Nava & Co.]
Bagi pihak defendan: Habizan Rahman & Thevini Nayagam,
[Tetuan Rahman Rohaida]
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| 18,042 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CB-62D-233-10/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH AERYZUAN BIN RAHMAT | PROSEDUR JENAYAH : Mengaku salah – sabitan ke atas 3 pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952-sama ada sabitan teratur.RAYUAN : Rayuan atas hukuman – memasukkan dadah ke dalam badan sendiri – kesalahan berulang – sama ada hukuman setimpal dengan kesalahan. HUKUMAN : Hukuman di bawah seksyen 39C(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya – sama ada hukuman penjara dan sebatan melampau – sama ada mitigasi tertuduh telah | 01/11/2023 | Tuan Haji Jamaludin Bin Haji Mat | |
01/11/2023 16:30:38
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ca—s2D—233—1o/2023 Kand. 8
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1 Nasan pengmmman W dnsedmkan benkman danpida rayuan
Terluauh yang udak herpuas nan Ierhadap kepulusan say: yang
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2 Rayuan ada\ah Iemaflap hukuman sahaja
15 3 Penman pemenjavaanlwdakdwlawakulkan
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25 Saya menaapan mmgas: yang dlbenkan men ‘renunun udak
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26 Saya pnga mengamml ma pengakuan saxan Temmuh yang le\ah
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27. Walau uagannanapun, pengakuan saxan Tenudun uuak men
In memadl faktor mmgasx yang kuat da\am keadaan u. mana
Tenuduh memzng hdak mempunym apa»apa pembelaan jika kes
Im dubucarakzn
23 Mahkamah um mengambul pendekalan yang sama sebagamlana
15 da\am kss Tia Ah Long v. Public Prosecutor mom} 4 cu 77 an
mana VA Mukhlar smm HMR manyacakan-
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um smm n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mn.u.y mm: mmn VIZ mum puns!
29 Mahkamih ml selaruulnya menuuk kes PF’ v. Abdul Halim
lshak A San: Lagi [2013] 9 cm 559 m mana YA Mahd Zawam
Safleh HMR lelih menzamrkan pandangannya sebagalmana
s 12‘! hank flapnl mpemkankin mm kzsaman ma
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m Md: ram «sea Jusleru. uh mahkamah manlihmkan
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merupakan pssalah |egar masm helum unsaman masxh bemm
senk walaupurv le\ah bemlans; kah kemav masuk pemara
32, D\eh yang aennxuan, sewmamya Tenuduh dlkenakan hukuman
yang beral
3: Berdasavkan kzpada nas—nas an alas, aaya herpuas nan hahawa
nukuman veruari 5 (ahun dan 3 sehalan yang mkenakan meh
Mahkamah mu adalah se\ari dengan kepuiusan Mahkamah
Alasan <11 eras yang menghendakl Mahkamah mengenakan
hukuman yang beral bagx kes»kes yang mehbalkan kepennngan
awam Hukuman pemara 5 nanun adalan merupakan nukuman
pemava paling mwmma yang boleh mahkamah kenzkan
Hukuman sebalan sebanyak 3 kah ada\ah wmar memanaangxan
on mempunyal rekofl samlan Vampau memaaxkan kesa\ahan—
kesakahan yang sama
34 Dalam mmgasmya. Terluduh hdak langsung menuruukkan rasa
bsrsalah alau xnsav
35 Sekrranya bshau benar-benar unsaa sudah (emu bellau Iwdak
akan mengwangw kesalahan yang sarna berulang kah
.;.,.,.;....,....1 wxmqnszvlxuuluawwv ......,,, u.m.;.n.: mu:
N wonp7oza7uu2Em1m4yIA
ma s.n.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\ruU|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
as Mzhkamah ml meru]uk kes PP V. m: Ah Bhsng [1975] 2 Mm
155 m man: VA Ahdoa! Cadet H newsn menyalakan sepam
“rne resnandent am am: «mm m ms me. .n nnugumn the
(ad «run run 11 amwwyad and supports an agad mmhnv and
swnbvolhlrs He should or some have maugm ov mm more
aommnmnq me oilenaes and mi altev. he Vs vn lac! meadnni
namsn-p mm Imm une cunsequences oi ms mm acts and x
m wvuld mtedate whal u had accaslm Dvevmusly In nmerve m
anmhev case um an allendel shuuld nu|2lne:1 m exnle nr
n..nm any lympamy an an Ipsa mm hy Vzkmg mat stance av
me nnpauous yuulh wno men ms palenls wnn an axe and men
Headed m mmyaluzn that he was an -wnan “
31 Saya percaya‘ kepennngan awam akan lebm |erpelihara jlka
Tertuduh dlasmgkan danpada masyarakat dalam sualu Ismpoh
In yang panjang
as Tempoh pemenjaraan yang pamang mg: dlharapkan dapal
membanlu Tenuduh unluk melupakan naps dadah yang mungkln
sudah menjzdw darah daglng Tenuduh.
c..m,,W. ...,...m.....nn.....y umflvzt sV'rnAIwv‘>~x mm
N wonp7oZa7nu1Enum4yDA
Nuns smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
39 Tempch pemenjaraan yang panjang Jugs flmarapkan dapal
memumskan hubungan rammun dengan raxanaakan
sepemenayah yang Vain aan Tenuduh dapal menmanl pmgrarn-
pmgram pemulnhan dengan aman
40 Semoga se\epas mangumu progrzrmpragram yang (e\ah msusun
semasa an pwuara nanh dapal mangmsavxan Tsrluduh dan
member: peluang kepada Terluduh unluk bevmuhasabah dm dan
beruban kepaua seovang msan yang Vabrh bank flan decal
m memnggaxxan dadah sepenulvuya
41 saya jug: bemarzp behau mengambll peluang semasa
manyaram hukuman pemara unmx mempe| pemaga.
Kemzmran beflaedah yang man mgunakan unluk mencarl
ws rezekx yang haIa\ kenxa amebaskan danpada pemava nann
42 Semcga dengan (empuh pememaraan yang Vama ml memben
zo peluang kepada Terluduh unzuk oemban flan mampenaam dun
memam searing warganegara yang berguna dan menukar cave
mdup kepada yang Iemh balk
43 Du penjam jugay Tanuaun berpeluang unluk beIa]ar Ilmwlmu
akadenuk dan I|mu—I\mu kemahuan kendm secava (ersusun
bersama Degawax-pegawan yang berlaulnah
44 Adam! dmarapkan, selspas dxbsbasxan danpada pemara narm.
Terluduh "mu turn we a new leaf‘ dan memhebzskzn dun
darvvada naps dadah sena meruam seorang Insan barn yang
5 xenm pmaum menyayangl dan dlsayangl aleh anggala
H1 45. D1 akhlr anahsws‘ says bevpendapal hukuman yang te\ah
dijatuhkan ada\ah menglkm undang-undang‘ wayav flan
munasabah sen; selimpal dengzn kesa\ahan yang dflakukan
aleh Terluduh
VJ Bumlkh pldn 31|1b.OktabI1 2023.
Mahkamah Sesyan Temevloh,
Falung Darul Mzkmuv.
mm , ..Mm..w M...” “W, m Anna gas
IN wonp7oza7uu2Enum4yIA
-ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
Ponnukwa Raya diwzkill oleh ASP suukar all Inuniznuy,
mu Fejabal Poll: Duran Temevlnh.
Terluflnn mewa u
Allvlmukuwat; . mun :mmA|vaM.»x pm 17
sw wunp7oz.s7um2Enum4yIA
-ms Sum IHIWDIY WW be .15.. m van; M m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum puns!
mmwn xmu PADA 25/«M2 mm 1 mm mum cu m mu m
mum mm In) rwrmou. mum nAr.kAH nwmon.
s mum NIGER! m-mm. man mmmu MENGGUNAKAN Damn
acnmmva mms ‘\AOKPlIINE' om: ‘(AVG nzmvkuw mm
mm MELAKUMN s/nu K2:/\L,\H/«N um/mm sen usmm AKTA
mum-« m».kn/MAVA mi. mm wl an/mm KFNAIAHAN Mun
mu >41». mm m mm mm m.~/mITK/m mwm-W4 KAMU
no no: m mHuKuM nl mwm szksvm mm Axn vaaosama
mu msammw x:saun,«~ urn-naxm: nuunuwm pmmu
I5 scum rwrou nmx xukmo my mm mm mm Lmun
m mm mm nn<FNAKA\ saamw mm Leam mm m
s:sA|AN mm omnmnm Pr:NuA\»/xx/w 5H./\MA mayo»
ru».K mama ommn amx»-um I)/w nnax mm (3) mm
5 Perluduhan as alas Celin dlbacakin aaugan (evang din Jelis
kepada Tenuduh davam Eahasa Ma\aysia yang dflahami man
5 Tenuduh dengan auxarela mengaku nevsaxah ke ans
perluduhan Iersehm
...,m.., ..,wa.m.a...‘...a...y mam’: S!VI:l7AI:Iw3) ma;
am Ronp7ozn7nm1Enum4yIA
«ma am nmhnrwm a. med w my a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
7 Mahkamah selemsnya menerangkan swat flan akxbat pengakuzn
szlah lelsebm dzn pemrnukan hukuman yang wen dlkervakan
Ke alas Tenuduh
Temmuh memahamx penerangan Mahkamah den masnh
mengaku sa\ah ke alas penuu-man, dan vanam swfil can a|<vba|
penqakuannya nu
9 Selerusnya‘ Fegawan Pendakwa Ierpelqar mengemukakzn
rmgkasan «ma Kes penaaxwaan
10 Rlngkasan fakla kss «swan amacakan dan mterangkan kepaaa
I5 Terluduh me\aluI Jumbahasa Mahkamah dan disahkan sebagal
H. Rmgkasan Vakla kes kemudnannya zmandakan sebzgzw eksmbn
12. Selemsnya‘ Pegawal Fendakwa werpemar mengemuxakan
eksmbwt-ekshxbn sepem benkul
=..,m..m.. I-wauiavxmu-\u><wr uunxx )AOL‘)ADn|i§) ra,-,u
IN wonp7oz.s7uu1Enum4yIA
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
ta) Temenoh Report No 3677/2023 sehagav P2
(:2) K Klan Repan Nu 432/2023 sebagal F3
(c) Laparan pamog. sebagav P4 — dnumukkan din mam
my Rekod Pusal Penaanavan Pamenayah sebagaw P5 —
dmacakan dan duakm
(e) 4 kepmg gambav bmol unn sebagax P6A—D — dwuruukkan
flan mam
RAVUAN vsmuuuu
13 Mahkamah selerusnya mendengar rayuan dznpada Tenuduh
14 Terluduh da\am rayuannya menyafakan
Ia) Ponon hukuman dnknra dan tankh tangkap.
Is my on hemsla 45 tahun
1:) on man berkahwm, memnunyal 5 orang anak
my on bekena sebaga! bumh ladang ke\apa sewn
(e) on menanggung 5 erang nak‘ searang rsten uan ssnrang
15, Pegawax Pendakwa memohon saw nuxuman yang senmpal can
berpalman mxenaxan ke alas on
IN wonp7oz.s7uu1Enum4yIA
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
15 Selelah mzndengar pengakuan salah Tenufluh (anpa syavan
menganahsa vakca kes menemv eksmhneksmbn yang Ie\ah
dikemukakan dl hadapan Mahkamah. Mahkamah msnenma
pengakuan sa\ah Terluduh ke a|as perluduhan dan mansamxan
Terluduh sebagawmana penuaunan
17. Se(e\ah memmhang vayuan Tenuduh. man pemberalan
T|mha\an Pendakwa Raya‘ Mahkamah menghukum Terluduh
:5 dengan hukuman sepem benkut
on dmukum pemara mama 5 mum mule: 25.a.zn2: dan 3
snbntan m bawah Seksyen :9c(1)(b) Am u-um aenumyu
1952 den drpennlahkan menjalam pengawasan AADK selama 3
20 lahun selepas memaxam hukuman m bawah Seksyen 353 Am
mum Bnrbahaya 1552
me 5
IN fionp7oz.s7uu7Enum4yIA
-ma Sum In-nhnv M“ be used m mm a. nvwhuflly mm; flan-mm VII mum pm
1s Prlnsxp undang-undang bemubung hukuman (elah ]e\as dan
mamap Pemmbangan mama mengenax hukuman Im se\am
laklar-laklnr Vain adalah «am: kepemlngan awam Du sampmg
wlu‘ Vaklnr kepenlmgan swam ml perlu dnmhangl dengan ¢akmr
mmgasl Tenuauh
we Berlepalan ax sun unluk m xmbas kembah panduzn menghukum
yang dmyalakan dalam kes Public Prusecutor v. Lou Clmon
F1It[1976]2 MLJ 259 yang memexasxan seperll henkul
‘On: olme mam zzmwdalalmns m ma nsussmenl nisenkence
\s M course we queshon 09 publm Imalaxl On mus pm I need
amy qume a passage Ham the wdgment av um“, J m Rex V
Kermem mm Ball as vauaws —
2» ’\n demflmg me avhrcwlale sentence i own mama
aways ha gmdad Ivy uenzm mnsndemmnns me fuel and
m.=«.m« 1: me publm: mlzreu The cmuna\ law Vs pubhdy
emoum, not omy wwlh the uqea M vumxnlw crime am
:\so m me hope av preventmg n A umber senlence.
23 passai m pubhc. serves the pubhc mmm m Mn wlyx u
may am amen who mm be lempled nu Ity sum: as
xnemmg In offer exsy mmvey nu ma supnnsnm, max mm
onenuu 5 caught and hmugm In yuxnm me Dumshmenl
mu be neghgnme Such a antenna may mm meter he
m.m...,. P?\W>lA£iVLAA>-IWIKLHNAV u....., mm..u...: ma
N wonpvozavm-1Enum4yIA
um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
pamculav almmal lvom wmmmmg a cnm: agm av
mane: mm In mm lmm a :nmIna\ In in menu! Me The
new xmemst 1. mam sewed and best served‘ av ma
Mfendev u manned m Ium Imm cummal ways In honest
5 lmng Ouvlawfloss m:| m.«u..,mn.m.:=m:m.
Dimcular am, am fin: . maximum xsmsmx ma
leaves u m we ccufl tn demde man ws‘ mm. 0..
max-«um, m awopvme Semenoe my aim cnmma\ m
we Dan\r:u\av uvcumslances M each aase Ncl my In
In Vegxvd In men cnme. mu m mean: In each an mm me
mun ha: m. light and m. due, m mu: wlvemer In he
Vemenl 0! W515’
Presmenls and Magmnnas are men mdv-ed we naturally «a
be aver-syvnvilheuc to me accused This us a norms!
Is psychnbglcil lexcuan «a VI: mam m mm the Ianew
accused ‘. xeen um nu wiry ol wwlnesses mm authority The
mmgalum mmmm by a mlwlclnd parxnn um] um: numufiy
mm W nmnaems an vamuy hamimp and me mum Inna!
Dmblems M hvmg m such a suuauon we wan: nugm pfiflups
:0 find namcmn no same as to mm senlence should be wmposed
m that me mlwlclzd mm mxy rm! be mnnev burdened wuh
iddmunal hzldimp Tm: 5 my view .5 . wmng ippmflnh
The omen approacn ‘s In sum: 2 nzxam, as m as vwaxbh.
between me Inleresls 00 ms puzmc am In: mteruu av We
2; lccuxed mm Gaduard m In Rex v Gromkowskr orleved
me wood advme men he um —
‘The mag: musl wumm. mlenesn cl pane: is weH as
lhe Interest: A11 mu pnscmer: n .. [no men nawadiys
muugm, m seems In be llmughl mm the .ma...u av
30 Juslvae means my IA: mmesus or me Dnsonsvs"
cIu)n).|nu:: .m....m.m.w.. cumin ;mmm= mu;
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
2a Selam nu. saya juga mengamw maklum bahawa undang»
undang membenkan hum mama sepenuhnya kspaaa haknm
: bwcara unluk menenlukan hukuman yang sepamlnya duallmkan
ke a|as pesalah lelapl kuasa ml nendabdah cmaksanakan secara
am: dan saksama selaras dengan prmsvp undangmnflang
barhubung nuxuman
m 21 Prmslp Im dmyacakan dengan je\as dalam kes PF v. Jm bin
Dlud [1981] 1 ms 25‘ [1951] 1 MLJ 315, m mama Ham
Mnhamed Azml (pada mzsa nu) mengganskan pnnsuwr-nsyp
hukuman yang sspamnya sebagzlmzna henkm
“A 'senlence accommg |u W means mm the senlence mus:
I5 nul my be wmmn Ina amml no me mmmmg seam ml u
musl a\so be ass:ssed and passed m amumnnce wllh
esmbhshed ,u¢ pvmclplei M asisssmg semanue‘ fine 9!
me mm humus m be ccnsrdeved -; whemsr me eurwu:1ad
person u . fim uflenflev n .5 for ms wvpose that beinre
In passmg senlence, a Mamslm: .5 Iequwed la can In! evwdenee
av Imclmahon Iagavdmg me hlnkgmlmd, lnlecsdafl and
chaI:c\er ov me accused Wheve III: comm Derxnn has
Dlemaus yewms and aamus mm as wlvecl ma mull must
mnxldel whether we mm or oflences wmmmed prmuswy
W. 00 similar natmu n We owe mm mm». he Is pvexenoy
uunauvmmz ., Imnux) sx~(rAI>|w:x Page?
N wunp7oza7nu1EnLmuyiA
um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
charged The noun mus\ Ihen ounshiev me urvlences Imposed
nu ma pmvmu: cnrwlcmns fur swmflav allenoes m aamnuna
Mmslhsv Ihey have had any de|enen|el1ecl on mn. Wheve he \5
Iowa lo be a namslam uflemel ea. . svmflav «we av aflznues
s then u Vs .n ma mlevesl av juslwce that a dalavram aannanaa
anaum he passed ana, m such a Cate an»... met: me
exoeplmnll cncumslanaes me uuamvly nature ov ma at lite
xumscl-mminr of the Memes mm wmoh na Vs cuvrenfiy cnavged
can vary vamy mnsmulz a m\|\g.I|mu1nI:Im mnpnasxa added)‘
22 Kembah Kepada xas lemadap Terluduh ml saya manganmu
makmm bahawa kesalahan yang dflakukan oleh Tenuduh admah
Li suam kesa\aI1an yang senus flan dlpandang berat men Pammen
yang menelapkan hukuman peluava numma 5 |amm mngga 7
lahun dan sebatan holeh aampa. 3 sebalan
23 Perunmkan hukuman yang beral nu menuruukkan bahawa
zu kesamhan yang dllakukan oxen Tenuduh adalah senus
24 Du samplng nu saya Juga mempemmbangkan mmgas. Tenuduh
2: Walau baganmanapun, saya hdak nampak sebarang alasan yang
munasabah mkemuxaxan bag: membenarkan mmmm lerus
mengulangl kesdahan yang sama bevmang xan
uunznwnn ruw><A£rvAuI<uw<»«Av Arvuzum xylcm-\IzuM.»z Vagzm
N Runpvozmm-1Enum4yiA
Nuns Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; me nngwnauuy mums aaa.n.n. VIZ mum Wm!
| 2,258 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-16-35-08/2022 | PERAYU MAKAN-LAH (M) SENDIRIAN BERHAD RESPONDEN KAVITHA A/P SHANMUGAM | Rayuan yang difailkan oleh perayu, terhadap keputusan Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Bangi - Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang diarahkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia - Akta Kerja 1955 - Peraturan-Peraturan Kerja (Faedah-faedah Penamataan dan Pemberhentian Kerja Sementara) 1980. | 01/11/2023 | YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: BA-16-35-08/2022
(No. Syarikat: 647526-D) …PERAYU
(No. K/P: 791026-10-5630) …RESPONDEN
[Dalam Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Bangi
Kes Saman Ketua Pengarah Buruh No.: KBR/11004/2022/0456
(No. K/P: 791026-10-5630) …PENGADU
(No. Syarikat: 647526-D) …DEFENDAN]
01/11/2023 15:07:49
BA-16-35-08/2022 Kand. 12
S/N uG0DEz7Ytk6pzZhtSeEz/w
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] Ini adalah rayuan yang difailkan oleh perayu, Makan Lah Sdn Bhd
terhadap keputusan Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Bangi di dalam Negeri
Selangor bertarikh 18.08.2022.
Fakta Kes
[2] Fakta kes berdasarkan hujahan pihak perayu adalah seperti berikut.
Responden telah berkhidmat sebagai seorang juruwang (cashier)
dengan perayu sejak 02.08.2004.
[3] Sejak 18.03.2020 berdasarkan kepada Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan yang diarahkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia, responden
tidak hadir bekerja dengan perayu.
[4] Perayu telah membayar gaji responden sehingga bulan Mei 2020.
Bermula bulan Jun 2020, responden ada menerima bantuan
kerajaan atas inisiatif perayu sebanyak RM600.00 (Penjana
Perkeso) selama 10 bulan sehingga Mac 2021.
[5] Pada 11.04.2022, perayu telah memberikan notis kepada
responden memaklumkan responden bahawa responden telah
ditukarkan ke syarikat baru di Resource Department, Lim Kok Wing
University of Creative Technology International Sendirian Berhad
yang dikenali sebagai Lim Kok Wing University of Creative
Technology bermula 18.04.2022. Jawatan di Lim Kok Wing
University of Creative Technology adalah sebagai ‘general worker’.
S/N uG0DEz7Ytk6pzZhtSeEz/w
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[6] Menurut perayu, arahan penempatan baru ini adalah disebabkan
kafe yang dioperasikan oleh ‘Makanlah (M) Sendirian Berhad di
mana responden telah berkhidmat masih belum boleh beroperasi.
[7] Menurut perayu lagi, penempatan baru ini merupakan syarikat yang
mempunyai kerjasama dengan syarikat Makanlah (M) Sendirian
Berhad yang mana kedua-duanya merupakan syarikat dibawah Lim
Kok Wing Group of Companies.
[8] Walau bagaimanapun, responden enggan menerima arahan
pertukaran/penempatan yang dilakukan oleh perayu dan tidak
menghadirkan diri untuk bekerja. Responden menganggap dirinya
telah ditamatkan pekerjaannya. Perkara ini dinafikan oleh perayu.
[9] Penolong Pengarah Tenaga Kerja, Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Bangi
yang mendengar kes responden telah membuat keputusan
memihak kepada responden. Alasan Penolong Pengarah Tenaga
Kerja adalah bahawa perayu telah menamatkan perkhidmatan
[10] Tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan tersebut, perayu telah
memfailkan rayuan di mahkamah ini.
Analisa dan Dapatan Mahkamah
[11] Hujahan perayu adalah bahawa Penolong Pengarah Tenaga Kerja,
Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Bangi telah membuat dapatan bahawa tiada
terma secara nyata dan tersirat bagi melaksanakan
perpindahan/penempatan di dalam kontrak perkhidmatan di antara
S/N uG0DEz7Ytk6pzZhtSeEz/w
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[12] Menurut perayu, sebagai majikan kepada responden, perayu
mempunyai hak untuk mengarahkan perpindahan dan/atau
pertukaran dan/atau penempatan perkhidmatan responden
walaupun perkara tersebut tidak wujud di dalam kontrak
[13] Rujukan telah dibuat kepada kes Ladang Holyrood V. Ayasamy
Manikam & Ors [2004] 2 CLJ 697 di mana mahkamah telah
menyatakan seperti berikut:
“[2a] Nevertheless, an employer always has the implied right to
transfer its employees. As the right is one that is 'implied',
no express term in the contract of service is necessary.
The right to transfer exists even in the absence of a
contract of service unless there is a contract to the
contrary. The transfer, however, must not be actuated by
mala fide or any improper or indirect motive and must not
involve a change in the terms of employment to the
detriment of the employee.”
[14] Menurut perayu, pada sepanjang masa yang material perayu telah
bertindak secara ‘bona fide’ untuk memastikan responden terus
diberikan kerja.
[15] Berhubung perkara ini, perayu merujuk kepada kes Ngeow Voon
Yean v. Sungei Wang Plaza Sdn Bhd/Landmarks Holding Bhd
[2006] 3 ILR 1717 yang mana telah memutuskan bahawa:
“[34] The duty of an employee at common law is also similar in
that he is to comply with all lawful and reasonable orders
given by his employer with respect to the performance of
S/N uG0DEz7Ytk6pzZhtSeEz/w
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such functions within the scope of his employment. That
duty is one of the fundamental obligations which is deemed
to be impliedly undertaken in every contract of hiring. The
duty of obedience at common law is subject to two
qualifications, firstly that the employer may not order his
employee to do something illegal or secondly order his
employee to do anything dangerous.”
[16] Berdasarkan kes di atas perayu berhujah bahawa apabila
responden menulis tidak bersetuju untuk arahan perpindahan ini
maka responden enggan mematuhi arahan majikan dan telah
melakukan perlanggaran pada terma-terma perkhidmatan.
[17] Fakta kes yang tidak dipertikaikan adalah bahawa responden
bekerja dengan perayu. Fakta lain yang tidak dipertikai adalah
bahawa notis bertarikh 18.04.2022 dari perayu mengarahkan
responden untuk bertugas sebagai ‘general worker’ di Resources
Department bermula 18.04.2022. Akta Kerja 1955 adalah terpakai
kepada responden.
[18] Berhubung rayuan ini, mahkamah ini merujuk kepada perenggan
12(3)(e) Akta Kerja 1955 memperuntukkan:
“(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (2), where
the termination of service of the employee is attributable
wholly or mainly to the fact that—
(e) the employee has refused to accept his transfer to any
other place of employment, unless his contract of service
requires him to accept such transfer; or
S/N uG0DEz7Ytk6pzZhtSeEz/w
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the employee shall be entitled to, and the employer shall
give to the employee, notice of termination of service, and
the length of such notice shall be not less than that
provided under paragraph (2)(a), (b) or (c), as the case
may be, regardless of anything to the contrary contained
in the contract of service.”
[19] Sementara itu, perenggan 12(2)(a), (b) dan (c) Akta Kerja 1955 pula
“(2) The length of such notice shall be the same for both
employer and employee and shall be determined by a provision
made in writing for such notice in the terms of the contract of
service, or, in the absence of such provision in writing, shall not
be less than—
(a) four weeks’ notice if the employee has been so
employed for less than two years on the date on
which the notice is given;
(b) six weeks’ notice if he has been so employed for
two years or more but less than five years on such
(c) eight weeks’ notice if he has been so employed for
five years or more on such date: Provided that this
section shall not be taken to prevent either party
from waiving his right to a notice under this
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[20] Responden tidak bersetuju dengan perpindahan oleh perayu dan
enggan dipindahkan. Pada padangan mahkamah ini, perkara ini
diperuntukkan oleh perenggan 12(3)(e) Akta Kerja 1955. Menurut
perenggan 12(3)(e) Akta Kerja 1955, pekerja yang telah enggan
menerima pindahannya ke mana-mana tempat pekerjaan lain,
melainkan jika kontrak perkhidmatannya mengkehendaki beliau
menerima pindahan tersebut, berhak untuk, dan majikan hendaklah
memberikan kepada pekerja, notis penamatan perkhidmatan, dan
tempoh notis tersebut hendaklah tidak kurang daripada yang
disediakan di bawah perenggan (2)(a), (b), atau (c), seperti mana
yang berkenaan, tanpa mengira apa-apa yang bertentangan yang
terkandung dalam kontrak perkhidmatan.
[21] Tempoh notis pula diperuntukkan oleh perenggan 12(2)(a), (b) atau
(c) Akta Kerja 1955.
[22] Responden telah dengan jelas dan dari mula menyatakan ketidak
setujuan responden untuk dipindahkan. Dalam surat perpindahan
bertarikh 18.04.2022, responden telah menambah perkataan “not”
bagi menyatakan ketidak setujuan responden terhadap arahan
pertukaran. [Lihat: Metaldek Industries Sdn Bhd v. Kamaruddin bin
Tokiman [1998] 7 MLJ 342]
[23] Responden telah enggan untuk ditukarkan atau dipindahkan dan
mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan Penolong Pegawai Tenaga Kerja
bahawa kes responden ini terjumlah kepada penamatan di bawah
perenggan 12(3)(e) Akta Kerja 1955.
[24] Tiada bukti bahawa kontrak di antara perayu dan responden
memperuntukkan pertukaran atau perpindahan sebagai terma
kontrak. Oleh itu, responden mempunyai hak untuk menolak
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arahan pertukaran. Responden ditukarkan kepada pekerjaan baru
sebagai ‘general worker’ yang melibatkan skop kerja yang berbeza,
ini memerlukan persetujuan kedua pihak. Dalam rayuan ini, tiada
persetujuan oleh responden terhadap pertukaran.
[25] Memandangkan mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa responden telah
ditamatkan perkhidmatannya, maka mahkamah mendapati bahawa
responden berhak mendapat faedah penamatan sebagaimana
Perkara 4(1) Peraturan-Peraturan Kerja (Faedah-Faedah
Penamatan dan Pemberhentian Kerja Sementara) 1980.
[26] Responden bekerja dengan perayu sehingga 18.03.2020. Gaji
responden dibayar oleh perayu sehingga Mei 2020. Responden
juga mendapat sabsidi PERKESO sebanyak RM600.00 sebulan
untuk 10 bulan.
[27] Penamatan pekerjaan responden berlaku apabila perayu
mengarahkan responden bertukar tempat kerja yang mana tidak
dipersetujui oleh responden. Berdasarkan peraturan 6(1)(c)
Peraturan-Peraturan Kerja (Faedah-faedah Penamataan dan
Pemberhentian Kerja Sementara) 1980, responden berhak
mendapat upah untuk dua puluh hari bagi setiap tiap penggajian di
bawah kontrak perkhidmatan yang berterusan dengan majikan jika
ia diambil kerja untuk tempoh lima tahun atau lebih.
[28] Responden telah mula bekerja dengan perayu pada 2.08.2004 dan
tarikh akhir bekerja adalah 18.04.2022. Ini bererti tempoh pekerjaan
responden adalah 17 tahun 8 bulan. Gaji terakhir repsonden adalah
RM2,000.00 sebulan.
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[29] Berdasarakan perkiraan, responden berhak mendapat pampasan
sebanyak RM23,237.26 dari perayu.
[30] Berdasarakan sebab-sebab yang telah dinyatakan, mahkamah ini
menolak rayuan perayu. Keputusan Penolong Pengarah Tenaga
Kerja adalah disahkan dan dikekalkan. Kos sebanyak RM1,000.00
dibayar kepada responden, tertakluk kepada alokatur.
Tarikh: 1 November 2023
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya,
Shah Alam
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Pihak Pemohon: Mohamad Fauzi bin Abdul Samad, Rajinder
Singh a/l Uttam Singh
Tetuan The Law Chambers of Fauzi &
Advocates & Solicitors
No. 25-1, Jalan PUJ 3/5,
Taman Puncak Jalil,
Bandar Putra Permai,
43000 Seri Kembangan, Selangor
+6 03 8999 2062
Pihak Responden: Kavitha a/p Shanmugam
No. 25 Jalan 6,
Taman Gemilang,
43800 Dengkil, Selangor.
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| 12,770 | Tika 2.6.0 |
A-02(W)-1555-08/2022 | PERAYU ANNATHURAI A/L VENKIDASALM RESPONDEN Vani A/p Welluven | Section 76 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Distribution of matrimonial property – Division of the matrimonial house – the division is not an exercise of strict financial accounting but a fair and equitable distribution of the matrimonial property and assets - proceeds of the sale of the matrimonial house be distributed on 50%-50% basis - Section 92, 93 and 95 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Maintenance and tertiary education expenses of the Children. | 01/11/2023 | YA Dato' Lim Chong FongKorumYA Datuk Seri Kamaludin Bin Md. SaidYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahYA Dato' Lim Chong Fong | |
Microsoft Word - Alasan Penghakiman Muktamad Annathurai v Vani
CIVIL APPEAL NO: A-02(W)-1555-08/2022
(NRIC NO.: 720711-08-6257)
(NRIC NO.: 770208-08-6968)
In the High Court of Malaya at Taiping
In the State of Perak Darul Ridzuan,Malaysia
Divorce Petition No.: AB-33-29-07/2021
Annathurai a/l Venkidasalam …Petitioner Husband
(NRIC NO.: 720711-08-6257)
Vani a/p Welluven …Respondent Wife
(NRIC NO.: 770208-08-6968)
01/11/2023 13:33:51
A-02(W)-1555-08/2022 Kand. 27
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[1] This is an appeal against the distribution of matrimonial property as
well as children maintenance consequential to divorce.
[2] The appeal came before us on 21st August 2023 and we
unanimously allowed the appeal in part by only setting aside the High
Court’s order relating to the lump sum payment of RM37,500.00 for the
2nd child’s maintenance for her tertiary education. The rest of the High
Court order is maintained. No order as to costs.
[3] We now provide below the grounds of our decision.
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[4] The parties were married in 1992. The Appellant husband is
presently 51 years old and the Respondent wife is 46 years old.
[5] They have 3 children viz, 1st daughter (now 25 years), 2nd daughter
(now 21 years) and 3rd daughter (19 years in October 2023) (collectively
[6] The Appellant runs a scrap metal business whilst the Respondent
was a full-time housewife. They used to live together in the matrimonial
home (“House”) purchased by the Appellant after the marriage and
registered in his sole name.
[7] The parties were not compatible and the marriage got into serious
problems because of the Appellant’s extra-marital affairs as well as
harassment and abuse of the Respondent.
[8] As the result, the Respondent in 2009 left the House and lived
separately with the 3 children. She worked as a cashier in the supermarket
without maintenance of her and the Children by the Appellant. In times of
financial hardship, the Respondent’s brothers-in-law helped her out in the
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[9] By reason that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, the
Appellant commenced divorce proceedings in the High Court in July 2021.
[10] After trial that was not contested on the divorce (because the parties
have no wish to stay married to each other) but only contested on the
distribution of matrimonial property and children maintenance, the learned
High Court Judicial Commissioner on 2nd August 2022 ordered as follows
(a) Bahawa perkahwinan antara Pempetisyen Suami dan Responden Isteri
(b) Bahawa dekri pembubaran perkahwinan dijadikan mutlak dengan serta
(c) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami dikehendaki melantik penilai yang dipersetujui
oleh kedua-dua pihak untuk membuat penilaian rumah yang beralamat No.
5, Lorong Mewah 11, Taman Mewah, Kamunting, 34600 Perak yang
didirikan atas Lot 17034, Mukim Asam Kumbang, Daerah Larut & Matang,
Negeri Perak dan dipegang dibawah Pajakan Negeri No. Hakmilik 210291
(seterusnya dirujuk sebagai “rumah perkahwinan”) untuk memperolehi
harga pasaran rumah perkahwinan dalam tempoh 2 bulan dari tarikh ini;
(d) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami dikehendaki menjual rumah perkahwinan
pada harga yang tidak kurang dari nilai pasaran dalam tempoh 4 bulan dari
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tarikh laporan penilaian rumah perkahwinan diterima kecuali sekiranya
lanjutan masa dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua pihak;
(e) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami dikehendaki membayar Responden Isteri ½
bahagian harga jualan rumah perkahwinan dalam tempoh 3 minggu dari
tarikh harga jualan rumah perkahwinan diterima olehnya;
(f) Bahawa Responden Isteri dikehendaki menarikbalik Kaveat
Persendiriannya atas rumah perkahwinan supaya tiada halangan untuk
penjualan rumah perkahwinan;
(g) Bahawa ½ bahagian jumlah wang simpanan dalam akaun KWSP
Pempetisyen Suami setakat tarikh dekri mutlak diberi kepada Responden
(h) Bahawa Lembaga KWSP mengambil langkah-langkah yang sewajarnya
untuk memindahkan ½ bahagian jumlah caruman KWSP tersebut dari
akaun KWSP Pempetisyen Suami ke akaun KWSP Responden Isteri untuk
memberi kesan kepada penghakiman Mahkamah ini;
(i) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami dikehendaki membayar Responden Isteri fee
kursus bagi Leshani a/p Annathurai sebanyak RM 37,500.00 dalam tempoh
2 bulan dari tarikh ini;
(j) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami hendak menanggung kos pengajian
Uma Nandhinii a/p Annathurai dengan membuat bayaran sejumlah
RM 12,500.00 setiap tahun disepanjang tempoh pengajian tinggi Uma
Nandhinii mulai tarikh Uma Nandhinii masuk kursus pengajian tinggi
sehingga selesai pengajian tingginya di peringkat ijazah sarjana muda;
(k) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami hendaklah membayar Responden Isteri
RM 500.00 seorang setiap bulan sebagai nafkah Leshani a/p Annathurai
dan Uma Nandhinii a/p Annathurai mulai dari tarikh ini pada/atau sebelum
10 haribulan setiap bulan sehingga selesai pengajian tinggi masing-masing;
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(l) Bahawa Pempetisyen Suami membayar Responden Isteri dengan serta
merta RM 4,000.00 sebagai kos tindakan ini tertakluk kepada alocatur;
[11] The Appellant is dissatisfied with the Decision and have on 16th
August 2022 appealed to this Court.
[12] Before us, the parties have narrowed the appeal into 3 broad issues,
to wit:
(i) Division of the House;
(ii) Share of Appellant’s EPF; and
(iii) Maintenance and education expenses of the Children,
which we will deal with them seriatim.
[13] It is apposite that we reproduce here for purposes of this appeal the
relevant statutory provisions in ss. 76, 92, 93 and 95 of the Law Reform
(Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (“LRA”) as follows:
76. Power for court to order distribution of matrimonial asset
(1) The court shall have power, when granting a decree of divorce or judicial
separation, to order the division between the parties of any assets acquired by
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them during the marriage or the sale of any such assets and the division
between the parties of the proceeds of sale.
(2) In exercising the power conferred by subsection (1) the court shall have
regard to-
(a) the extent of the contributions made by each party in money, property
or work towards the acquiring of the assets or payment of expenses for
the benefit of the family;
(aa) the extent of the contributions made by the other party who did not
acquire the assets to the welfare of the family by looking after the home
or caring for the family;
(b) any debts owing by either party which were contracted for their joint
(c) the needs of the minor children, if any, of the marriage;
(d) the duration of the marriage,
and subject to those considerations, the court shall incline towards equality of
(3) (Deleted by Act A1546:s.6)
(4) (Deleted by Act A1546:s.6)
(5) For the purposes of this section, references to assets acquired during a
marriage include assets owned before the marriage by one party which have
been substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by their
joint efforts.
92. Duty to maintain children
Except where an agreement or order of court otherwise provides, it shall be the
duty of a parent to maintain or contribute to the maintenance of his or her
children, whether they are in his or her custody or the custody of any other
person, either by providing them with such accommodation, clothing, food and
education as may be reasonable having regard to his or her means and station
in life or by paying the cost thereof.
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93. Power of court to order maintenance for children
(1) The court may at any time order a man to pay maintenance for the benefit
of his child-
(a) if he has refused or neglected reasonably to provide for the child;
(b) if he has deserted his wife and the child is in her charge;
(c) during the pendency of any matrimonial proceedings; or
(d) when making or subsequent to the making of an order placing the
child in the custody of any other person.
(2) The court shall have the corresponding power to order a woman to pay or
contribute towards the maintenance of her child where it is satisfied that having
regard to her means it is reasonable so to order.
(3) An order under subsection (1) or (2) may direct payment to the person
having custody or care and control of the child or trustees for the child.
95. Duration for orders of custody and maintenance
Except where an order for custody or maintenance of a child is expressed to be
for any shorter period or where any such order has been rescinded, it shall
expire on the attainment by the child of the age of eighteen years or where the
child is under physical or mental disability, or is pursuing further or higher
education or training, on the ceasing of such disability or completion of such
further or higher education or training, whichever is the later.
Division of the House
[14] It is not in dispute that the House is the sole matrimonial property or
asset in issue between the parties.
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[15] This is governed by ss. 76(1) and (2) of the LRA which is now the
combined provision between the merger of ss. 76(1) and (2) LRA with the
repealed ss. 76(3) and (4) LRA via Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce)
Amendment Act 2017 that came into force on 15th December 2018. Prior
to the amendment, ss. 76(1) and (2) LRA dealt with matrimonial assets by
joint efforts and ss. 76(3) and (4) LRA via sole effort of the parties.
[16] Prior to the amendment, Abdul Hamid Mohamad JCA (later CJ)
generally held as follows in Sivanes Rajaratnam v. Usha Rani
Subramaniam [2002] 3 CLJ 300 CA with emphasis added by us:
“From the authorities referred to us by both learned counsel and from my
research, as far as I can ascertain, I am unable to find any decided case
in Malaysia and Singapore to support an accounting of all the assets
acquired or improved during the marriage and the income thereof and the
determination of who had benefitted more or less and awarding a shortfall
to the party who is found to have benefitted less. All the cases simply talk
about the "division" of the matrimonial assets, which necessarily means
the existing assets at the time of the divorce. Of course the question of
the size and nature of each spouse's contribution and who has enjoyed
the property to the exclusion of the other (for example, as in this case, where
only one party lived at the Crescent Court Apartment) and the reasons why,
are relevant in determining the portion that each spouse should get, but
not, in my view, for the purpose of calculating either spouse's share of
past income.
This view, in my opinion, is consistent with the wording and spirit of s. 76. That
section talks of "division" of assets acquired during the marriage and provides
the factors that should be taken into account when making the division.
Besides (I am speaking generally here) in a marriage, both spouses share
everything, both contribute towards the home and family in one way or another,
to a bigger or smaller extent. Where both spouses work and earn income, each
of them inevitably spends his or her own income for the family. Similarly, where
there is income from an asset purchased during the subsistence of the
marriage, say rent, even though it may be paid into the account of one spouse,
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eventually it will go to the family, may be all and may be part of it. No one keeps
an account, indeed no one should, as a marriage is not a business venture.
So, if and when the marriage breaks up, it is unreasonable that the court should
undertake an accounting of their income and expenditure during the period the
marriage subsists. The function of the court is to make a fair and equitable
division of the matrimonial assets that exist at the time of the divorce, taking
into account the factors provided by s. 76.”
[17] After the amendment of the LRA, Aliza Sulaiman JC (now J)
elegantly held as follows in Poonageswari a/p P. Krishnan v. Bailand
a/l Govindham [2019] MLJU 448 with emphasis added by us:
“[58] A perusal of the Bill (D.R. 33/2017) for Act A1546 and the Hansard when
the said Bill was debated in Parliament shows that a major part of the
amendments was necessitated in order to address the rights of a converted
spouse to initiate a divorce proceeding in the civil court and the issue of whether
the converted spouse can unilaterally convert the child of the marriage to Islam.
In so far as section 76 LRA 1976 is concerned, the objective of the
amendments was to provide better security to the position of wives and to give
due recognition to their contribution in kind by taking care of the home and its
members, some who may even had to give up their salaried employment and
whatever career advancements or opportunities they had in order to take care
of the family. In other words, the sacrifices made by the fairer sex for the well-
being of the family, especially the nuclear family unit, are not in vain.
[59] With the new section 76 LRA 1976, the Court is empowered to have regard
to the payment of expenses for the benefit of the family; the extent of the
contributions made by the other party who did not acquire the assets to the
welfare of the family by looking after the home or caring for the family; and the
duration of the marriage, for the purposes of equality of division of matrimonial
assets. Wives and mothers who are home makers from the inception of the
marriage or who intentionally choose to become full time home managers but
were deprived of any division of the assets acquired for the welfare of the family,
due to the inability to prove "joint effort " under the previous wordings of section
76 LRA 1976, are thus better protected. All assets acquired during the
subsistence of marriage are now considered as matrimonial property.
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[60] At a glance, the new section 76 LRA 1976 would lean more favorably
towards the Petitioner in the present case since her contribution by looking after
the home and the daily needs of the family are taken into account even though
the Petitioner was not able to contribute monetarily to the acquisition of the
Sentul property.
[65] In this context, one is reminded of the judgment of the Court of Appeal
in the case of Sivanes a/l Rajaratnam v. Usha Rani A/P Subramanian
[2002] 3 CLJ 300 that the function of the Court is to make fair and
equitable division of the matrimonial assets that exist at the time of the
divorce taking into consideration the factors laid down in section 76 LRA
1976 and it is not an assessment of damages. Although Sivanes was
decided before the amendments to section 76 LRA 1976 came into
operation, I would think that the general principle as laid down by the
Court of Appeal is still applicable whenever the said provision is being
[66] Before I conclude my analysis of the issue concerning the Sentul property,
for the sake of completeness I should mention my opinion on the applicability
of the decision in Yap Yen Piow v. Hee Wee Eng [2016] 1 LNS 1060; [2017] 1
MLJ 17 as cited by Ms. Sheela Devi. In that case, the Court of Appeal had
considered the pre-amended section 76 LRA 1976 and the general
jurisprudence relating to matrimonial assets. Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JCA, in
delivering the judgment of the Court, held as follows:
" Jurisprudence relating to matrimonial property and non-matrimonial
assets and provision for maintenance
Division of Assets
[11]Section 76 of LRA 1976 is the key statutory provision to deal with the
division of the property. In principle, it differentiates assets acquired
during the subsistence of marriage into three types. They are as follows:
(i) Any assets acquired by joint efforts which we have classified
as matrimonial property. In this category, the court has an
obligation to divide the assets. [See section 76(1) LRA 1976 ];
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(ii) Any assets acquired by one party by sole effort which we
classify as non-matrimonial property. In this category, the court is
not obliged to divide but may do so. [See section 76(3) LRA
1976 ]; and
(iii) Assets which were acquired before the marriage, but has
been substantially improved by the other party or by their joint
efforts. In this category, if there is no substantial improvement, the
property is not subjected to division at all. In addition, if the
property has been acquired before the marriage and subjected to
a loan, the said property may not fall in that category. [See section
76(5) LRA 1976 ].
[19] Division of assets for which one spouse has no immediate right
under the law to the asset such as the spouse, EPF or insurance or
pension will not fall within the definition of matrimonial property. The
assets which section 76(1) refers to are movable and/or immovable
property which can immediately be divided among the spouses....
[23] Whether the matrimonial assets fall under section 76(1) or (3) a
spouse who asserts his/her claim during the divorce petition over division
of the matrimonial property alleged to have been acquired by the other
spouse, must adduce evidence to prove that the same were acquired
during the subsistence of marriage and for purposes of continuing
resources of the spouses or their children or the family as a whole....".
[67] Following from the deletion of subsections 76(3) and 76(4) LRA 1976,
I am of the opinion that the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Yap Yen
Piow v. Hee Wee Eng [2016] 1 LNS 1060; [2017] 1 MLJ 17 is still good law
where subsection 76(1) (with the exception of any references to the
phrase "by their joint efforts " under the provision before the amendment
vide Act A1546) and subsection 76(5) LRA 1976, and division of assets for
which one spouse has no immediate right under the law to the asset such
as EPF monies, are concerned…”
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[18] In re-visiting s. 76 LRA, and we make the following observations:
(i) Albeit it is stated in s.76(2) LRA that the court shall incline
towards equality, it is however not mandatorily 50%-50% in
dividing the matrimonial property and assets;
(ii) The division is at the discretion of the court but the court must
take into account the factors listed in s. 76(2)(a) to (e) LRA;
(iii) There is no prohibition on the court to also take into account
other relevant or appropriate circumstances because the
aforesaid factors have not been expressly specified in s. 76(1)
and (2) LRA as exclusive and/or exhaustive, see Dean v.
Wiesengrund [1955] 2. Q.B. 120 and S (a minor) v. Special
Education Needs Tribunal [1996] 1 All ER 171; and
(iv) The division is not an exercise of strict financial accounting but
a fair and equitable distribution of the matrimonial property
and assets as determined by the court.
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[19] Therefore, there is no strait-jacket solution. Each and every case
has to be determined on its peculiar facts and circumstances.
[20] Before us, the Appellant contended that the Respondent is entitled
to only 30% of the House. On the other hand, the Respondent contended
that her entitlement is 50% of the House instead.
[21] The learned High Court Judicial Commissioner determined that the
House should be divided equally. She held as follows in her grounds of
judgment (“Judgment”):
“[31] The Court finds that the RW is in the same situation as the respondent in
the Koay Cheng Eng Case whereby the RW had been contributing to the family
by caregiving and making her own financial contributions after she had to leave
the matrimonial home in 2009. She became a single mother even before they
had divorced and she obtained a job to support her daughters. Despite not
contributing to the renovation costs after the house burned down, the Court
finds that RW was still taking care of the children as there is no other evidence
to the contrary. Therefore, the RW is entitled to half share of the value of the
matrimonial home. Pursuant to sections 76(2)(a), (aa) and (d) of the 1976 Act,
the Court orders 50% of the proceeds of the matrimonial home at the current
market price to be given to the RW after sale. A valuation will have to be carried
out accordingly no later than 2 months from the date of the decision. In respect
of the period to sell off the matrimonial home, it is to be within 4 months from
the date of receipt of the valuation report, unless agreed upon by both parties
and the proceeds of 50% to be given to RW within 21 days from the date
payment is received from the purchaser or financier (bank). The RW is to
withdraw the caveat before the matrimonial home is sold and ensure there will
be no encumbrances on her part in regard to the property.
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[32] From the facts, the Court finds that for 25 years of marriage the RW has
not benefitted personally from the PH, but any contribution from him was mainly
for the first daughter. The Court agrees that she has discharged her
responsibilities as a mother admirably, with 2 children attaining diploma level
education despite the irresponsible attitude of the PH. The contributions PH
made after they were separated were mainly for the first daughter and the Court
is puzzled why this was so and it has not been sufficiently explained in the
pleadings. The Court can only draw an inference that the PH did not want to
pay more because he considered that the pressing need at that stage was the
education of the first daughter. But the 2 younger girls also had gone to school
and the second daughter is now in college. The Court finds that at the present
time, the RW needs the EPF savings more than the PH as she is saddled with
more responsibilities on her hands in respect of the growing children. There is
no good reason to deny the RW this half share of the PH's EPF contributions
as the only issue to be decided is whether or not the RW is entitled to a share
and not merely what are the needs of the PH. The case laws cited earlier also
decided that the EPF savings of the husband is a matrimonial asset which could
be shared between them. Having said that and in view of the circumstances of
the case, the Court orders that the RW is entitled to 50% of the PH's EPF
savings and the statutory body is to give effect to the Court's order
accordingly. By this, the RW is to be given the amount of 50% from the PH's
EPF account to be transferred to the RW's EPF account by the EPF in
accordance with its procedures.
[33] Before she left him, she was a housewife. But she was not being
maintained and for more than 13 years she had been supporting herself and
her children (refer to Ikatan Pilding at paragraph 10). RW received maintenance
of RM500 per month from 2014-2018 and it was stopped after 7 years…”
[22] The Appellant did not seriously challenge the facts as found by the
learned in High Court Judicial Commissioner particularly that in paragraph
[31] of the Judgment. However, the Appellant contended that the House
was during the course of their marriage burnt down and the Appellant re-
built the House on his own without any financial assistance from the
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[23] Moreover, the Appellant added that the Respondent is the one who
walked out from the House and it was the Appellant that provided
maintenance for the family ever since.
[24] It is trite that we do not generally disturb the findings and exercise
of discretion of the learned High Court Judicial Commissioner in the
making of her Decision unless it is plainly wrong; see Iskandar Coast
Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2019] 7 CLJ 143.
[25] Upon our review of the Decision, we do not find that the learned
High Court Judicial Commissioner was wrong in any way either in her
findings of fact or exercise of discretion.
[26] In respect of the Appellant’s contention that he financed the re-
construction of the burnt down House and maintenance of the family, it
might have been different if the Appellant had maintained both the
Respondent as well as the Children. But as found by the learned High
Court Judicial Commissioner, the Appellant only mainly maintained his 1st
daughter’s education only. The other two daughters were maintained by
the Respondent.
[27] As to the Respondent having moved out from the House that
triggered the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, we are satisfied that
the fault was on the part of the Appellant due to his extra-marital affairs as
well as harassment and abuse of the Respondent. It might again have
been different otherwise.
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[28] In the premises, we are convinced that learned High Court Judicial
Commissioner rightly ordered that the proceeds of the sale of the House
be distributed on 50%-50% basis. There is no error here to warrant our
appellate intervention.
Share of Appellant’s EPF
[29] Before us, the Appellant has conceded to give 50% of his
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) savings to the Respondent. This aspect
of the appeal is hence deem withdrawn.
Maintenance and education expenses of the Children
[30] The Appellant is cognizant that he has the duty to maintain his
children pursuant to s. 95 LRA but primarily contended the lump sum of
RM37,500.00 and RM12,500.00/year for the 2nd daughter’s and 3rd
daughter’s tertiary educational expenses respectively as well as their
monthly subsistence expenses of RM500.00/month each ordered by the
learned High Court Judicial Commissioner are excessive.
[31] Furthermore, the Appellant contended that the amount ordered for
the 2nd daughter’s education expenses is premature and remote by reason
that she has neither decided nor been admitted into any tertiary education
institution to-date following UAP v UAQ [2018] 3 SLR 319.
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[32] The Respondent counter-contended that the aforementioned sums
ordered by the learned High Court Judicial Commissioner is fair and
[33] We have again reviewed the findings of fact and exercise of
discretion of the learned High Court Judicial Commissioner based on the
evidence adduced as well as judicial notice on the costs of living generally
and we find that the learned High Court Judicial Commissioner was not in
error save for the order of payment of RM37,500.00 for the 2nd daughter’s
tertiary educational expenses. This is because it is not in dispute that the
2nd daughter has received the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi
Nasional (PTPTN) loan to finance her entire course. As for the 3rd
daughter’s education expenses, we are mindful that she is due to pursue
her tertiary education soon, probably next year and the Appellant is
always at liberty to vary the order if there is a material change in
circumstance thereafter.
[34] In the premises, we find that that the only justification is for us to
set aside the order of payment of RM37,500.00 in respect of the 2nd
daughter’s tertiary educational expenses made by the learned Judicial
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[35] It is for the foregoing reasons that we allowed the appeal in part as
so ordered.
Dated this 23rd October 2023
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Counsels for Appellant 1. Ramachandran A.L Nala Pulle; and
2. Vithya Letchemy A/P Diagarajam
Solicitors for Appellant Messrs. Evelyn Shoba & Partners.
Advocates & Solicitors.
No.22,1st Floor,
Jalan Sultan Abdullah,
34000 Taiping, Perak
Perak Darul Ridzuan.
Counsels for Respondent Lalitha Menon
Solicitors for Respondent Messrs Lalitha Menon & Associates.
Advocates & Solicitors.
No. 90, 1st Floor,
Church Street,
10200 Penang.
s. 76,92,93 and 95 of the Law Reform Marriage Act 1976.
Sivanes Rajaratnam v. Usha Rani Subramaniam [2002] 3 CLJ;
Poonageswari a/p P. Krishnan v. Bailand a/l Govindham [2019] MLJU
Dean v. Wiesengrund [1955] 2. Q.B. 129;
S (a minor) v. Special Education Needs Tribunal [1996] 1 All ER 171;
Iskandar Coast Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2019] 7
CLJ 143; and
UAP v. UAQ [2018] 3 SLR 319.
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| 32,158 | Tika 2.6.0 |
KB-45-5-03/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MUHAMAD MUSHI FAIRUZ BIN ISKANAROS | Undang-undang Jenayah— Dadah Berbahaya— Tertuduh dituduh dengan dua pertuduhan di bawah sek 39B(1)(a) dan 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 — Sama suatu pendakwaan telah membuktikan suatu kes prima facie — Sama ada pembelaan Tertuduh menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan — Hukuman setimpal bagi kesalahan pemilikan dadah — Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 | 01/11/2023 | YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson | |
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n3—I5—5—D3/2021 Kand, 21
:1/11/2023 08:23-3:
1 Terluduh. Muhammad Mush! Falmz bin Iskandavus rrenuduh]
le\ah dmadapkan dv Mahkamah avas pemAduhan»pemAduhan
(1) Ke§ Nu Ka45A—m—u2/2021
“Bahawa Kamu, pada 31 1 2020, pm lebm kuvang 5 45
pslang. ax fem ja\an, susur keluar Herman Rama: dan Rawal
Gurun Arah mam, Lebuhvaya Lnayaseuaran, an dalam daerah
Kuala Muda‘ an dalam Negen Kedah Dam Aman, |e\ah
dldapafi mengedardadah berbahaya saw Herom seberat 52.2
gram Oleh yang devmkwan‘ kamu bersama-same dengan niat
hersama, IeVah me\akukan salu kesalahan cm bawah seksysn
39E(I)(a) Akla Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan bmeh dnhukum m
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!r22w5uwA 1
‘NEVA sum ...m., W1“ be mad p. vecly M mm.“-V M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
bawah seksyen 393(2) Akla yang sama“ [Pertuduhan
Femmll [Eksihfl 511. dan
K25 Nu Ka45—5—o3/2021
“Bahavm xamu, pm 31.12020, ‘am Veblh Kurang sA5
petang, a. lap! Jakan, susur ksmar Harman Rahal dun Rawat
Gurun Nah Ulara, Lebuhraya Utara—SeIatan‘ d1 dakam daarah
Kua\a Muda‘ di dalam Negen Kedah Daml Aman, le\ah ada
dalam mmkan kamu dadah bevbahaya Iawlu
Monoaceflyhuorphlnss saberal 13.2 gram O\eh yang
UEIYHKWEVI‘ kamu le\ah melakukan salu kesarahan dl bawah
seksyen 12(2) Akla Dadah Eerbahaya 1952 flan boleh
dihukum an bawih seksyen 39A(2) Akla yang sama"
[Fenuduhnn Kednn][Eks an
Kes Dwudakwazn
2 Fendakwaan «emu mengemukakan kelerangan melamv 9 Saks:
dan bolsh diringkaskan sepem bariknn
3 Pada 31 1 2020, Inspeklur G/Z2788 Theodore anak Peter Dlen,
pengadu 1SP5HeIiIh rnenenma maklumal bahawa lerdapal aktvvm
psngadaran hemln oleh seorang \e\aki Melayu menggunakan
matnsnkal Yamaha V15RZ E1 Herman Rahal flan Rekveasi GLIYWI
mengI1a\a ke arah Mara (RNR Gurun) SP5 telah mengalur suslu
pasukan serbuan yang mangguca. uleh 14 anggoca pahs termasuk
DISubinpeklov Raja an Govindasamy (SP6) SP5 telah member:
lakllmat dan mgasan umuk serbuan Iersebul
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA 2
W. sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
29 Mahkamah ini berpuas hali bahawa EKsm|l—Eks|h\I P6‘ P7‘ P3 den
F'I5(Aj — (F) yang dxrsmpas dw Iempat kejadran dawn kehadiran
Tenuduh adalah barang kes yang same yang dikemukakan an
30. Berdasarkan akasan-alasan . , Mahkamah . mendapao
pendakwaan le¥ah membukllkan dadah merbahaya yang menjam
halpelkara Perluduhan Perlami man neram seberat 52.2 gram
dan halperkava Permdunan Kedua man monnacetylmarphmes
seberal 13 2 gram
Elemen kedua — milikan mm pangotalmln dndlh
31. Unluk e\amen W, Mahkamah my berpandukan amalan Thumscml
dakam kss cnan Pean Lean v PP 1956 1 MLJ 231 d! 239.
Penghakman telsebut telah mmjuk dan dxendus Nah Mahksman
Persekuruan dalam kes~kes PF‘ v Abdul Rahman bin Am 2007 5
0, PP v nemsn Madhavan 2009 2 MLJ194 2009 2 cu
209 2003] MLJU 771, Snsw Yoke Keang v PP 2013 3 MLJ 830
2012 MLJUZSS 2013 ACLJ MS 2013 23AMR 202‘ Ghasem
Huzuun Hassan v PF 2019 6 MLJ 231 8. Chan Wen Leon v PP
and another aggeal 2021 4 MLJ 560 2021 MLJU 770
32. Damn kss Panen Dadeh v PP 2009 1 CLJ 717, Auguslme Pam
FCJ memmuskan m7A1—
‘The Vaw is dear and wen settled P700101 knowledge us very urcen
a mailer u! mlerenee The matenal mm which the mference ol
xnowxsage can be drawn vanes (ram case In case 0 would be
IN a7cPv2s5ucFnar2zw5uwA *1
W. sum ...m.., wm .. 0544 n mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus rmm
sumciemforme prosecuuon to woo! fscls (mm wmch il wuld be
pmpeny moaned max «he accused had the necessary knumedge '
Mod laba Hoaaemzaaan Ma m v PP and another a al 2015 2 ‘
ML] 254 at gm & Ggnalgn gm Ramachandran & Ors v PF 2004 ‘
4 MLJ 489 at 506 2006 1CLJ 357 (eunaxanb)
as Eerdasarkan mamka cam kes um, sws dan sws memnen 1
keterangan yang kunsIs1en dan sahng sokcngmenyukong bahawa ‘
kah penama mereka mehhal Tenuduh, Tenuduh duduk
berssmang an alas Molasxkm (ersebut dan ssdang merokok.
Apabnla spa mengenaxxan am sebagal pegawal polns, Tenuduh
berlmdak agresur dan ma melankan dm Termduh beuaya
dilahan Eks1bi| P6 duumpal dalam raga Mmosikal (evsebul
Tsnuduh boleh meIIha(Eks1bIl P6 dalam raga Molasxkal levsebul
Vanya huxan dmam keadaan lersellndung auau tersembunyl
34 Tenuduh bukan permhk Motusvkax Ievsebul Molosxkal i|u mllik
spa Mahkamah menenma sebahagian keterangan SP9 bahawa
hanya ma den Tenuduh menggunakin Muloslkal Iersebm. Paaa
|ankh kqsman, SP9 msnggunakan Motos\ka\ (erssbul ssmngga
pukul 5 no pelang spa lwdak swmpan apa—apa pada Molus|ka\ mu
Kemudian Mulusxkal ilu mgunaxan o\eh Tenuuun.
35 Keterangan spa rm dlsakung oleh keterangan SP5 dan spa
bahawa Mctasxkm [Ekslbll F7] telah dlrampas m (empat xqaman
dari Terluduh
W. sum ...m.., wm .. wed Ix: my me nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus rmm
as Danpada keterangan pendakwaan berhubung kedudukan dekat
ream-m kepada Ekslbll P6 yang mengandungl uaaan, Mahkimah
im membual danatan nasmv bavang kes dadah adalah dalam
kawalan dan Jagaan Tenuduh.
37 Pengetahuan berkenaan dadah Iersebut haven dvbual inlerens
berdasarkan unsur kedekatan tbroxwmityj Terluduh kepada dadah
lersebul dan (mdakan Tenuduh cubs ms\arIkan am semasa SP5
mengenalkan am sebagax pegawav pohs
33 Dengan kelerangan yang ada, Mahkamah berpuas mm Tenuduh
mempunyal mmkan dan pengenahuan berkenaan dadah lersebut
Elemen keriga Ferluduharv Pertama — nengedaran dadah
39 Seksyan 3‘/(dab ADE mempevunmkkan —
“any persnn whu Is lmmd m possessiun av —
u) 15 grammas or more m wewghl of harm,
uthelwwse «mu m accardanoe wnh me aumomy or «ms Au or any
other wvillen law, shall be presumed, unlll me contrary is proved,
to be mamckmg in the sam dmfl‘ ..
40 Memandangkan uerac hsmm sebanyak 52 2 gram yang dwpermehl
darn Eksuhxl P15(A)— (F) melebmn had staluton mmuum tanggapan
pengedaran dw bawah seksyen 37(da) ADE |erpaka\
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Kobnlehpercayaan saksrlsaksi pendukwman
41 Dakam kes Anwar Ibramm Na 3 (supra), Augustine Paul H (kem ‘
mu), telah menyalakan an 293 - \
“The Pvivy councu has s1.a\edlI1atII1e lea! tests Var erlher accemmg
or rejenmng Ihe evwdence at a wmness are how conswslem the slnry
Is mm Nself, how u stands the test at cross-exammamn, and how
var it ms in mm me rest :1! me evidence and the circumstances at
me case (see Elmira] v sitaram AIR [1935] PC 60) M musn,
huwevev, be observed that being unshaken m crass-examinauon
Is um per 52 an an-summem and test or crembuny The mherent
pruhab|'ly of a «an m wssue must be me pnme ccmsmeranon
(see Mun/'andy& Drs v PP[1965]1LNS110‘[1966]1MLJ 257)
It has been held that vi a wimess demonslvably tells hes, ms
evmenee must be Vooked upon wwth suspwcwun and xreaxea with
camm bufln say that wt should he evmrely repeated would be to go
too lar (see Khamv Chye Hm v PP[1961] 1 LNS 41‘ [1961] MLJ
A2 Berpandukan saranan um, Mahkamah ml lelah mempemmbangkan
keterangan kes pendakwaan secara keselumhan flan
kebirangkalian kes unluk menflaw kebolehpercayaan saksxsavsx
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed Ix: my me nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Mahkamah im berpeluang mama: dan mendangar Saks!-Saks!
psndakwaan member: Keterangan Secara keseluruhannya Saks!-
saksx pendakwaan khasnya SP5 lelah memben ke|erangan yang
konsIs|en dan Iwdak Iergugal semasa pemsnksaan bzlas
Kelerangan mereka jugs swan dengan barang kes clan dokumen
yang dikemukakan.
untuk Mahkamah Inl
Tlada sebarang alasan yang munasabah
Iwdak mempercayav mu menenma
kelerangan rneveki.
Kelsrangan SP9 berkenaan pemmkan Mnloswkm dan penukarin
wama kansIs1en dengan kelerangan penaakwaan yang lam.
Bahagian kelerangan vu wajar dnerima da\am pemmhangan
Walau baganmanapun, kecarangan spa dmam kandang saksi yang
uskanaams, menunggang Mulos\k.a\ nu pads mass kmadlan lslah
dimdas Men keleringan spa. Keterangan nu ;e\as suatu
kelerangan yang lldak disokrmg men aparapa kelerangan ‘am dan
Muslim‘ (Inherslmy Improbable) Ks.-(erangan flu wajar dilmak dan
pemmbangan Mahkamah
Lebm-lebih lagi memandangkan Kalerangan rebuttal SP5 ada1ah
bahawa sspanjang temper: 19 H 2019 semngga bman Novembev
2021‘ lskandams berada dalam tahanan Olen nu, uada
kemungklnan dwa terhbat damn kejadlan pads 31.1 2020
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA *5
-Na. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; nnumeul VI arwuus NM!
Mahkamah ml mendapau lak|a~lakIa malerm yang dlsandarkan
bag! Iwuan membukukan seliap e\emen permduhanrpemmlman
Iemndap Tenuduh sena ism-vaxxa samplngan Vam yang retevan
menunjukksn xqaman yang herlaku. sepem yang dwrungkalkan
melalm saksxsaksl penaakwaan, adnlah semar dengan
kebarangkahan kes
Mahkamah Inl (elah membual pemlawan makslma ke alas
keterangan pendakwaan darn berpuas hali
pendakwaaan lelah beuaya membukxikan sualu kss pnma lame
Ierhadap Tenuduh bagl kedua-dua pertuduhan lersehut
Benkman dengan kepulusan Mahkamah mu. Tenuduh dlpanggil
membela dm untuk keduwua penuduhan Iersebm
Mahkamah melalul mubahasa eelah menerangkan plhhawpllman
mamhuat pembe\aan kepada Tefluduh dan Tenuduh memmh
unmk member! kelerangan bzrsumpah dan kandang saksi
Punlullln Turmduh
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA
Terluduh bempa saksl tunggal pembexaan. Tenuduh «emu
mengemukakan pemyalaan berluhs dl bawah seksyen 4023 KTJ
berwikh 5 5.2023 [Psu-1}
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
52 Kewrarlgannya buleh dinngkaskam sepeni berikut —
u) pads lankh xejaman pukul 2 cu penang, ma lelah flmubnngl
aleh Venom seurang yang Iwdak dnkenahnya, untuk
membanhmya menghanlar nauang ke Pendang unluk upah
RM 200 00.
(n) venm berkata ma kenalan bapa Terluduh dan (e\ah mm
Terluduh membanlu menghamav barang kepaaa Kawannya di
fol Pendang:
Tefluduh le\ah bequmpa Venut pzda pukul sno pelang a.
kedaw vwo, di hadapan Pacmc, Pulau Plnang dan lelah
diberikan beg ga\as [Eksibil P6] umuk mserarman kepada
kawannya :1! Col Pendang,
(xv) Terluduh nemenm dx henhan RNR Gumn unluk memkuk dan
Ie\ah drlahan.
(V) Termduh bergelm kenka dilahan kerana manyangka amnya
(wt Tenuduh ndak pemah mehha! banana kes dadah dahm
Eksnbm P6 sehingga dwtunjukkan oleh penis, aan
(vnjdxa sanggup memnanm menghantar barang mu Keranz
memenukan dwl
W. sum ...u.., M“ .. wed In mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Semasa perneviksaan balas, Tenuduh menyalakan ma ida
cerilakan pembemannyi kepada pegawaw pens letapx udak dapal
mengenalpasu maps pagawax berkenaan Tenuduh juga le\ah
makmmkan peguambela cemanulunya, lelapl peguam mak
menyoa\ SF4 atau SF5 berkenann wsu-Isu yang umangkukannya
dmam Pembekiinnyi
Hu[ahan di akhir kes
Ringkasan Imiahan Pendakwaan
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA
Pendakwaan menghujahkan mereka xeran benaya membukhkan
sualu kes melampam keraguan munasabah Mereka menqux
Mahkamah semula kepada inn-pan kedua-Hus Derluduhan din
menyowl kelevangan saksisaksx pendakwaan khasny: sps‘ swe‘
SP7‘ SP8 Gan SP4
Pendakwaan bemujah pembelaan Terluduh max mempen-kaman
wmpani Jems dan beral dadah manupun langgapan seamen di
bamh seksyen 37(da) ADE. Pembelaan Tanuduh (enumpu
Kepada mnpan mlllkan dan pengecahuan dadah
Tertuduh Ivdak membangkmn 15»; im di penngkal kes
nendakwaan dengan memenksa was SP5, SP6, SP7 atau SP8
Noanlara Ambrass Anthony v PP 1596 1 cu 705 :11 hsadnole
1 — 4’ 1996 1 MLJ zus, PPV Hemna Pumama San 2016 1
LNS1855d|Era 42 2017 1 MLRA499)
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. mwgmuly MW; mm. VI muus wvm
57 Pendakwaan bemumu pembelaan Teduduh im bahawa dis adiflah
pembawa udak bersa\ah (mnocem carrier) was suam yang
dnfiknrkan kemudran (anenhaugmy dan mreka hanya smapas ma
aupanggulmemnexaaun An A nz v P n n r
2019 5CLJ 730 d\ 800 30:1 2019 4 Mu 1)
Rmgmn. nujalun points .1.
53. Pembelaam zelan bemulah berkenaan Ianggungjawab Mahkamah
unluk menflax kesemruhan kelerangan yang man mxemuxakan
uleh kedua pmak man menquk Mahkamah kepafla psnghamman
dalam kes Ma V PP (supra)
59 Pemhewaan wga menuuk kepada kes PP v saw-in 1. Drs 1971 2
MLJ 15 d1 mans Sharmi J memumxan di17—
-rnuunumm urmcmru am not my iound hulweH rewurused an puma —
41; we arms at plm/mg everything msmx «a me eluhhlhvtem :71 me
chama agmnsl ma Etllllssd has on ma pvasemman,
(21 The emdence mus| be such as (0 exchme «o a mans! cenamly every
reasonable douhl ml the gum ov me accused,
13; In mailer: uldnubl n u safer In acqunthan m cammn
A Mme» mnnm be suslamed even w (he now! vs sansfled Ihm me
Dvosecunon story “maYbel1ue" umess and mm n wslolmdmalma Pmsecunon
story “must b. nus" the human av pmav mam on me pmlewllun
ihmughum Ihe mnl n he ‘earned mngmmue Wm! um sihshed mm me cu:
m we msemmon Ilwas ms my la mum and msmarse me wmsm ac me
dnse av me Dvoeacnmon case The many oime delence does not veheve me
pmuculmn «mm wanting nu pmsaculmn case bcynnd varliunabh mum m
burden ulpmvmg gum ln . cnmmal charge wsmwnyx an we plmecnman
sm a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA *9
-W. sum ...u.., M“ .. wed In mm m. nngmuly MW; m.m. VI muus wvm
(Nor Azman hm Ammn v PP 12013 MLJU 703 m gara 12,
sucmma Okayev PP 1995 MA 5;§ gumgp
Pm: mu dun d-pmn Mlhlumlh an nkhlr kn
Seksyen 182 KTJ mempemnlukkan —
‘Pmueduva .1 Iha rmnnlusmn Mme (ml
11) At my conclusmn oa me man «m cm man came: an we emanoe
xddurad he1me4|-Ind am. Wnrlhsr nu pmlsumnn has pvuvad .1;
use beymld miwmbla am:
12> 11 the calm «nu; ms: the Drosecmmn has proved as case be‘/and
Iuscnime mm, the Com! mu am we accused gum and he may he
mmllcind an n
12; um Caullfnds vmme pmseanlmn 11.. um plmed its use heyund
reasnname mm the cm shafl vsenm an order MaNumal'
Diflam kes Mohamnd Radhi bin Yaakob v. PP 1991 1 CLJ Reg
311du315 1991 3 CL! 2073* 1991 3MLJ1S9,MohdAzm1HMA
-1: Is a we\leslabI1sIved Dummle oa Malaysian cummal ‘aw man we general
human 0! wow I165 mruughuul his man on me pmewnan lo Pmve beynnd
reasnnahle mm»: m gui\|aHl1e accused cm the mm W101 wmch be u
mama mm 1: no 317111151 burden waned an (he acmsed Ia vmve ms
mnaaence He Is nvesumed mnooem mum woven qmuy To earn an a<>«:-my
ms duly u meve\Y to out a Icasuruble mum m In: pmmumm case 1n me
some of me pmleculmn case, «.2 pm.cmim. may M sauna new on
mums smmary nvesumnlmns |a mm nne ev more 01 Ihe exsenlml
Ingredients Mme shame When man oecurs. me Damcmar burden alvmolas
UPPUIMI In my gen-m1 burden. mm: to ma aeveuca w rebut such
sm a7cPv2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA 20
mm. S:H|Hh:v1h:vw\Hb¢ uud In mm m. mV§\nIH|Y MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm
4 Pasukan serbuan telah tuba RNR Gumn pada seknar ;am 545
palang RNR Gurun ada medan makan den 2 slesen mmyak‘
Petmn and Shell Pads kehka nu, keadaan pencahayaan an |empa|
Iersehul masm lerang‘ cuaca balk Gan Valuhmaa agak smuk
5 Kelikl kenderaan Toyota Avanza yang ainam SP5 berhampwan
Slesen Mmyak Shell, behau telah mehhal semang \e\ak\ Me\ayu
sedang duduk alas sualu mmosmax Vamaha WSRZ wama mru
dengan no pendaflaran PNVB364(Mn|us\kaI)[EksIbIlF7] Jarak
m ancara merexa pads mesa nu lebm kurang 150 me|er dan beluau
mellhal Velakl Ma\ayu nu sedang memkok
5 Apsbna sps menghampm le\ak\ Me\ayu yang dlcsm ssbagal
Terluduh dan mengenaxkan dlnnya sebagav sebagaw pegawax pom.
Tertuduh flu benindak aglesxi Lian cubs melankan dm DlKp|
Zulkmee um Kamarudln benaya menaharmya SP5 kemuwannya
memaxankan pemerlksaan ks atas Tertudun lelapx nada apa-apa
baring yang menya\ahi undangmndang dqumpax
7 xemuman, dalam kehadivan Terluduh dan D/Kpl Zmkmee‘ SP5
memenksa Eksnbxl P7 5:25 menjumpai satu beg gaxas berzip
berwama mm Mam [Eksihil re] an mga Malosika\ xersebm
Da\arn beg galas tersebul. SP5 melwmpaw s hungkusan plaslnk
Msmar yang mengandungi bahan yang dwsyakl dadah hemln sps
merampas Moluslkal, anak Kunci Malnsiksfl [Eksibil Pa] dan beg
galas sena kandungsnnya
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA 3
W. sum runny WW ... U544 u. «my n.. nH§\mH|V mm mm. Vfl mun: NM‘
presumnlmvus an the ha\am>e M vmbahmlues whnzh harm the defiance pew m
vtewws mzwannanma burden Mcainna a masonams doubt bum wsoenamly
Immu man the burden oflha vvwewvion in mm beyond raawnable dam
Ya earn an mum: ax me dose of me use my me prcxeculmn unde¢s
mm or ; 180 al (he cnmmax Fmneduve Carley me Own must be silbfled
lhal no case agaIns| (he accused has been made cm which wt unrehufled
would wmm hrs oonwc1.un(Munusamy y FF’ man] 1 ms :2 n an-nee vs
caflsd, um duo, £71015 unused us cmly m cat a reasonable auum m an
pmleculmn case He 3 ml requwed m mm: mm mnmeme beymld
reasnname doubt
Tn earn an acqmnm. the am my not be convmued -11 lbs mm. ol Ihe
defer»: story or vumun Rmsmg a vaaionabll doubt m we quI\| av me ‘
accused wwll sulhaa n y. M haweunv, wvmlg {m n.. Com m 5. myma
mm the deience velsmn 5 (me m whmh cue me count mus| emer nn
anqulual m avhmnnate cases :1 .5 also um Wm m we own to emmude ‘
manna dalenoesluly mans: arm! convmolrw. mu m Ina! Instance‘ me Coull ‘
mushuol wnvwtl mm! m uk: . lmlhlv quulmn man -van am. cum dun nn|
n::::ep| ur helueve me delenue exolnnamm, does u nevenhebss, rune .
reasonable mm as -.7 ms mull? n \s by (ms rensan mm m dealmi mm the ‘
deflence my av exwananun, live mapoflly av mm numry mm m mm ‘
ymm away he Iagwy -smamsmu “maxmuhla mar um, rather m... lu
dew: m me -mmme and mrwmc\ng" my before appwmg Ihe "yensmunble
mm (est “
Ifiamchandran1suPFI)§fl_,Guna\arI(suI-Va)dxB6S 2204 mu
m & Md zaurumn bin Run an y. PF 2013 3 MLJ 77:. di 79:
2017.]ML.JU 314 gm: Acu 21 2013 aAMR4au).
52. Mahkamah um telah menlmbang dan menganalisa kesemua
ketevangan yang dikemukakan dalam new-caraan temadap
Terluduh umuk memmuskan sama ada pihak pendakwaan Isiah
membukukan Kes meteka ms\ampam keraguan munasabah
sm B7:7V2S5|JCFn!r2ZW5uWA 2‘
-my. sum I-mxhnv wm y. um In my m .m.u-y mm; uaammnl «. muws mum
sm a7:7v2s5ucFnar2zw5uwA
-W. sum runhnv Mu e. um In my me .ngn.u-y mm; e...n.n «. muns bum!
unzuk mlipan m kan dan pengelahuan bevkenaan dadah.
keterangan pendakwaan menunjukkan dadih duumpal dmarn beg
galae yang dlsimpan (mam raga mn(osIka\ yang dnunggang aleh
Tenuduh Apatma Terluduh dwahan‘ dla bemndak agrasxl dan Cuba
mewikan dxri
Pembelaan Tenuduh bahawa ma adalah pembawa lldak bersalah
barang kes dadah Keterangan Tsrtuduh ada\ah Venot
rnemberikarvlya Eksnbm P6 unluk dlhantar kepada kawannya dw mu
Pendang Tenuduh mbayarupan RM 200.00. Teduduh menafikan
pengecahuan berkenaan kandungan Exem P6 Dxa jugs mambsri
pemelesan hahawa ma mha melankan dm Karena sangka me
Pembe\aan pembawa Iidak bersa\ah im Ie\ah dlbincangkan dalam
Kes Munusamy Sundar Ra v. PF [guts e MLJ 214 an mans
sunyam FCJ memmuskan .1 219 —
“The delencs m Innocent camav us emu d¢1vwema|wu\d bl afluded to by
an auwm Ptrmn. and m lhu csxa «n. applflanl A plalhnla at can:
spnnkbl lhe legs! gnumms .n Mnlaysla and sumee m we merely veler la .
chosen ve-mo danfy «ms aevenoe wwhom me new «or wmvrehenswelumrzual
actmsm rne com -:1 Appaax m Venkatssan Cmrmasamt v Pvblrr:
Pm:sculorIZ011]1 ms 1735 pill n Ipfly n me 6uHawing terms
A den.-nee ohnnnoem narr\ene4evs m 3 slate ov nfiahs wheve an
accused Person acknwnedges narfvlnsl. lo! example 3 use on hnx‘ as
-n lhe case below: 0:, wmammq me dangewui drugs but ampules
nanng knuwxeagu unne drug: Whelhzu mu mum av no: menu vary
much depend on the «am 0! each case
M uld shave n n nnvmny. mat the success at me defiance Mmnooem
unier depends very mum on lhe fnclsufeach cane, : mmrnnannauns wnmn
the ream: of the unax wage Ignorance simphuher n na| sulfiuenl In let an
accused nevwn on «n. hook as olherwnse every omev aowsed pecsnn w\lI
afluda to ma daianoe n needs more than mal wumm any reason 70!
sulpwcnn, ur were .. no ngm av awanunny olexam\na1wn,mno::noe may in
a gm defence A hypoxhelnm scan-Inn mm ha men an awuled vmxon
veoewes a package which comams smut drugs «nnn My. Englnnd when ml n
smed oi menu could esxannsn nnn having heen awave M the
cwwmnanuascflha drugs being mum: nnn ovhavmg any naxustomm Pnov
to me paveel ippstnng it ms door she}: na would nut have had any mason my
suspnflon or me npnmmmy In Inspect the puma! heaving in mud (ml the
package was beyand ms reach Imm n reached hrs mag The n-1er:s1h.:|
avemmnu uepefldsou lha mm-
as Dalam konleks kes ml, dapalan iakta adamu bahawa »
0) kmerangan berkenaan \leno( ndak umangxmn semasa
pemenksaan ha\as saksrsaksx pendakwaan,
(u) keterangam SP5 tldak mcabar dengan pevscalan sums ada
wang upah RM 200.00 yang konnnnya mbenkan olsh Vsnol
atsu lemon blmbn Terluduh yang dugunakan Imtuk
bemuhung dengan Venm dvampas semasa serbuan pads
31 1 2020‘
(In) walaupun Tenuduh memberi kelerangan ma telah
makmmkan pegawan polns yang merakam percakapannya
naralfl pembemannya‘ Tenudun mdak dapal mengenalpasu
Degawaw Pens
sm B7:7\IZS5UCFn!r2ZW5uWA 23
-wn. sum ruvmnv Mu n. um n may m. nnnnnn Wm dnanmnl y. muus mm
(M percakapan beramaran Terlumm «max mxamuxakan dl
(V) liada cadangan olen Tenuduh Dahawa ma «emu membual
perlanyaan kepada venm, searang yang udak dwkenahnya‘
berkenaan Kandungan Eksmn P6,
(vx) bavang kes dadah [EkIIbIt P15[A} — (F)] yang mpaw
dalam Eksmm P6 dalam keadaan [max tersehndung‘ uan
(w) Temmuh mempunyai peluang yang uenm dan mencukupw
untuk memhuka Ekslbwl we den memenksa kandungannya
se\epas ianya dwserahkan kepadanya sehlnggalah dia
mcanan men pmak polls an kawasan RNR Gurun map.
Termduh sengma lvdak berbuat uemman
Kesernua fakla mu memmhmkan syak wasangka (emadap
kesanman ketevangan Tertudnm dan Mahkamah udak
Fade hemal Mahkamah um, pembelaan Tenumm bahawa dna
adaxah pembawa tidak hersalah ]e\as suatu penafian semala-mats
dan sualu yang a klrkan kemudlan Kqahflan srmphcltsryang
dnbangkllkan a\eh Tenuduh udak mampu menyokong pembelaan
pembawa mak bersakahnya, memalahkan dapaian iakla
permhkan dan pengelahuan alas Imhangan kebarangkahan man
merwmudkan sualu keraguan munasabah dalam kss pendakwaan
m a7:7v2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA 24
W. sum rumhnv Mu be us« w vetny m. nugmuly mm anuumnl m nrwuus W.‘
Selelih membual penilalan maksirna dan memmbang keseluruhan
kelerangan pmak pandakwaan flan psnubawaan Tenuduh, dengan
mengambulkura kredlhllm ssksrsaksl kedua pmak‘ Mahkamah W
mendapau —
m a7:7v2s5ucFnar2zw5uwA
Wale sum rumhnv Mu ». um n may m. .ngn.ny mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
kes pendakwaan lerhadap Tenuduh adalah kukuh dnn
msokung nleh xeqerangan sakswaksx pendakwaan‘
pembeman Terluduh 9a§a\ memalahkan aavman lakla
permllkan flan psngeunuan alas wmbangan kebarangknlian,
pembelaan Terluduh gage! memalahkan tanggapan sialutun
pengedavan dadah bawah seksyen a7(da) ADE atas
wmbangan kebamngkallan,
Mahkamah max mempercayax pembe\aan Tenuduh yang
benma Flembelaan yang dnf rkan semula,
pembelian Terluduh uagal menwmbmkan sebarang keraguan
rmmasabah Ierhadap kes pendakwaan mengikul pnnsxp yang
amyacakan dalam kes Mat y PP (supra); dan
pendakwaan Ie\ah benaya membukllkan kes temadap
Tenuduh unluk penuduhan di bawah seksyen 39511 Kat ADB
dan psrtuduhan dx bawah seksyen ¢2(2; ADE mewampaui
keraguan munasabah
70. Dengan nu, Terluduh amapau bersalah unluk kedua—dua
penuduhan lemadapnya.
Mmgasi Tertuduh
71 Tenuduh mengemukakan laklar—lak|ar mlllgasw benkul unluk
pemmbangan Mahkamah Dla uemmur 22 lahun dan bekerja
sehagav seuvang wlreman dengan gain bulanan RM wane no pada
masa kemdian ma lelihpun kahvwm dan ada seorang anak
berumur 3 lahun Tenuduh Ielah member! kenasama kepida
plhak palm flan berkelakuan hawk da\am (ananan. Terluduh Imah
msaf clan pohun dlben peluang untuk menyumbang Kepada
72 Alas dasar nu, Tsnudun memnhun ma hanya mxenaxan hukuman
pemara flan sebalan Dwa wga puhun agar hukuman peruara umuk
keduadua penuduhan bevymn seremak
rakmr pombmun
73 Pendakwaan berhuiah kepenlmgan awam perlu dmlamakan dalam
menmuhkan hukuman umuk kes dadah yang bempa musuh No.1
74 Eerdasarkan kelerangan dalam kes mu, Tenuduh (erhbal (imam
akum pengedaran dan hukuman yang mxenakan hams
mencermmkan pohsv dan usaha Negara menbanlers gema dadah
m a7cPv2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA 23
Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm
75. Pendakwaan memohon agar Mihkamah mengamml pengwklwrafan
kehakiman (|ud\c\a\ notice) bahawa kes dadah kvan berleluas
wakaupun kesaklhan tevsebut membawa hukuman man mandalon
sebelum Ana Pemansuhan Hukuman Man Mandalnn 2023 (Akla
S46) berkualkuasa
76 Pendakwaan Ie\ah memjuk Mahkamah kepada nas undangr
undang unluk menumukkan (rend hukuman unmk kesalahan m
bawah seksyen asnqzy ADE
77 Psndakwaan memohnn hukuman mam dlksnakan ke alas
79, Dengan berkualkuasanya Akla B46 mulax 4 72a2a, Mahkamah
kvm mempunyal budmlcara sepenuhnya unluk sama ada
mengenakan nukuman gamung sampaw man atau hukuman
penjara seumuv mdup dan sebacan «max kurang aan 12 sebatan
untuk Penuduhan Panama
79 Damn kes PP V Llma am: Ganesan oz: 9 cm 525 Mnhd
Radzx Abdul Harmd J Ielah membmcangkan pindaan lersebul
dengan memenk sebahagwan ucapan Tlmbalan Menlen unaang-
Undang semasa bacaan kedua darn ketiga Rang Undang—Undang
Iersehut pada n42u23 Befiau juga Ie\ah menuuk kepada
pengnamman mmarm Namm Pammanalhan HMP dawn kes Ly
m a7:7v2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA 27
Wale sum rumhnv wm ». M w vemy m. nflgvuuly mm dnuuvmnl 7. mm W.‘
Eosman v PP & Olhgr Aggeaws zgza 3 CLJ 147 a 235 E020 5
MLJ 277 dsn memumskan di 635 —
-raxmg mm mm mm cansuauauon, um mb at a cnnmcled accused m the
ipewum nflrflfsckwvg nc1M|\es mum mmqnhnq reawnslotlhem mus|now
be ucmxldzved by me mun In ememumnu wmm: me passm at a aun-
nemenee Vs eommensurala with ma M1: at an of «mrnckuvu =5 d-aimed
umlers 2 :11 me um That mm:-an um: new be «am as .u.
enmmaassmg and on: um in nu
In addman to man, we wewghl nr vnmme of Ihe dangeraus dnms mum m ma
pulseulm at me wnvmted accused wm be anvlher Key wnswderalian A
dnsimcuon shnula now be made hemeen am whave the ammmls L11
dangerous mug: mvolved uamy nun: ma rmnlmum threshold cm .
preiumvllm m namckmg undirs 37(di] ul me ovum muse mac are
gm xym exuss Mum mwmum An amaun|ma(bam\ymes1s me rrummum
«mama armereabnms should no(. mme ahsencemany heavy aggravming
Vncton Dnma time msmu ma duh untsncl
mu. navmg umudsmd an lhe pmmxe nggmvaflng Ind mmnaung factors
and kupmg m mm we saw“ me mien! m me an 345. m (ms mm mm,
we deem sentenne shumd only be vesarved lur ampuenany unuus canes
where me comm mum
up sawed a mapr mb m me an M uammnu (see Lem
Bcasmln (supmj, Mahnmad Faun Rmwan 5. Mar v PP Runs! 1 cu
us, [2006] 2 MU15)‘
my |ramr:ked m lame amount: av quanmy Lrfdangerom dmgl ur gmmly m
excess 0! the m an flveshnh fur me nvesummmn al lmmdung
undau ma.) Mme DDAAsee on N: Chum v PP Mean] « ms
131419511 1 mm 64; Muhammad Lukman Munamad V pp mm! 7
cu szuznzu MLJU «:15, PP V Sawfmnlnlum Mat um V vs:
|2u21]1 ms «nu, [2n21)5 MLJ 255),
(M) was uugm m the m M pmcessmg or manuiacmnng dangevous drugs
(:92 cm We< Loan v F'P& AnomerAppea\ R021] :3 cu 523. [2021]
¢ MLJ sen).
sm I7:7\IZS5UCFnSr2ZW5uWA 15
-mu. sum ...u..v wm ». M In «My m. .uw.y cum; “M... w. IFVLING Wu‘
(M trafficked dangemusdmgs lhamere Ioum1mdmduaHy padmd wn lame
amounts‘ [7131 miss: the Inferanbe Hwy were meant Var Isl]!!! Of
dwslrlbunon (I¢!.VP V Mohd Valelan Md Khuzeh [2015] 9 CL!
224. name} a MLJ sax),
M was caught in the ml 07 sewing Inge amoums oi dangemus dnlisy
my mu m ms nnsassmn lame uuarmfy of Pavabhamalna (51 me
Dlwessman manulacnmnu or admlmsltatlurv of dannlvuus drugs
(see Sawlmnlzam Mal Naur1wPri|.
(yup wucaughlswin nstmctmminmheu, ynpanyaynymynm mmeacl
vi P'“CBIII\q‘mnnMax.1urIruyse\lmg nrd\s|rIbu(mg dangaroui drugs‘
(ynu used swhnsmzled mmlmr to wnmu, man or |ranspoII dung-snnys
own: (See w/my gnmn. y up zune 3 cu 124 [znns] 5 Mu
Ms, Eehuu Am Ecurmmn Vwn as ygom 1 ms 511 mm MLJU
my «mu.-m In large quammar ul crmvucally pvuansd dangumus drugs
av deilarm «runs an Khuinl Anwal Aw n.n.n (.yp..y, ouggm
Emmgng Chukwunanu V vs we 1 ms was [mm] MLRHU
(X) mm m ms vnssessmn mega: arms mweawns man he was caught
«yo |ook I\le«mveataenmg msasuluto .-my Inuit
may had nnmvne Pnuv<:mwu:1mns,nnd/at
my; idea m cahanswnh mrmnlmembets cl any enluoemem aaenvl
Those iamu: are merew Examvles :17 axoevnanay aaarayanng (a:1or:|hl|
mny.In(h1s mrrsvmn nmny lha mm Immune Hwnuhi ha upmlhe cmnl
lo deubevile an am! wagh (hem tug: sl an mmgaung harms gmded by
arhbhshad um unsenymnyg [see Bhandummndalayamakev PF 1931
1LMs139 [1952] « MLJ 53) up y Ramakusnnin Suhvimamam son 3912
9 cm 443 [mm]? MU 549. 25 y M Mm um ygms 1 ms 1555 W .4
Lou gym an as 1 LNS1D2 (197511 MLA‘ and w y Shnhmmzuuan
Adguju g my m1: 2 cu 636 (201313 MLJ my and (a rum :1 any one 0!
them W a mnymnnnan 0! any number av lmwe mum |us|\VY ma cam
exerdse M ayweunn no Has: the mm sentence -
sm l7:7\I2S5lJCFn!r2ZW5uWA 29
"nun: sum I-mam wm ne um n my like .ngn.ny MIN: nnammnl «. mums Wm
no Penna-man Kadua membawa hukuman peruara saumur hldup
acau lempoh max Kurang darl 5 (ahun flan sebatan max kurang
davi 1a saua«an
51 Bsrdasarkan kelerangan yang dikemukakan dalam kes mi,
Tenuduh udak memamkan peranan yang hesav da\am pengsdaran
dadah atau dldapall memual atau mempmses dadah da\am
kuanlm yang bessr Sernasa dnangkap, ma max bemndak secara
ganas alau menggunakan senjsna dan membahayakan atau
mencederakan mana—mana anggma pahs Da\am Keadaan ml,
Mahkamah herpendapa| llada iakcmakcar pemberatan yang
mewajarkan Terluduh dikenakan hukuman ganlung sampaw man.
32 Walau hagamanapun, Mahkamah ml berpendapat apa-apa
hukuman yang mkanaxan ke alas Tertuduh hams mencermmkan
kesenusan Denuduhan/pertuduhan yang dlkenakan ke alasnya
dan mamberi keulamain kepida kepermngan awam.
53 lm kerana berdasarkan rnakmman yang mbankan oleh Tnmbalan
Kelua Pengarah (OperasI)Agens1AnI\ Dadah Kehangsaan, Datuk
Dr Muhamad Sade Monamaa Amm di program sammnan
Panngaoan Han Ann Dadah Tahun 2023 pada 192 2023. Nagen
Kati\maekndkan;um1ah ksspmryalahgunaan uaaamsmggm Nsgala
mas «anun 2021
an MahkamahImmengambnlmak|Jmkepemngar\awamt£:|a9ai\kaTe9mduh
yang mesh muda. when pemang mermmhkan am agar menpdl anak
bangsa yarg Ink
m B7:7\IZS5|JCFn!r2ZW5uWA 30
Wane sum IHIHDIV Mu a. um a may m. mtgmuly ma anuumnl y. AFVLING puvm
IN a7cPvzs5ucFnarzzw5uwA
‘Nate sum rumhzr wm ... M n «My Due anwn mm mm. Vfl mung NM!
Tenudun dan bavang kes yang dvampas telah dmawa ks um
Pejabal Puhs Daevah Kuala Muda av maria SP5 Ie\ah menlmbang
s bungkusan plasux Iulsmar (ersebuf [Ek:ibiI P15(A) — (F)] dan
mendapan beral xasamya aualan 271500 gram SP5 lelah
membual tandaan pada kesemua barang kes dadah sena
tandacangannya dan lankh
Pada jam xanm kurang em ma\am yang sama, SP5 lelah
menyevzhkan Tertuduh‘ Kesemua harang kes dan dokumen
berkanan kepada Vnspeklur G/25542 Nur Vzzan mm. Abdul
Rahman, pegawai penywasal (SP7)
SP1 memben kelerangan |xahawa—
my behau Ie\ah menylmpan Eksvlm P6 darn Eksibil P15(A) — (F)
ds\am a\min berkuncw behau sehingga 122020 mm 330
pelang dv mana barang Kes (e\ah mkeluarkan unluk diambil
gamhar sebelum dan sebpas unsung,
my liada sebanang kesan camari mnnul pada barang kes;
(nu) Emma mam — (F) dlmasukkan dalam suim kulak yang
d\sea\ dengan meleral PDRM 579 benanda 'E' [ambit F10]
dun an mpan semula da\am ahuan berkuncn belnau bersama
Ekslbn F6.
(xv) pada 1 2 2020 jam lehlh kurang 5 45 pelang. belwau bersama
SP1 Ie\ah pergl Ke lempat kepdlan dan mengarnbu gambar
sena semakan man kasar clan kuncl,
as Setelah memmbang segala fakla kes ml lermasuk mmgasl
Tefluduh dan laktor psmberalan hukuman psndskwaan dan
bemandukan nas undangundang dahuman‘ Mahkamall Im
msmuluskan Tenumm disabnkan kesalanan umuk kedua—dua
pertudlman dan mkenakan hukuman -
(1) pemara seumur mdup dan senacan 15 sebalan unluk
Fertuduhan Panama‘ dam
(H) Imkuman pemara 7 Iahun dan lankh tangkap aan hukuman
sebalan 12 sebacan unmk Pertuduhan Kedua
as Hukuman pememaraan akan bena\an eersmak
Bertankh 2s Oktuber 2023
Narkun Sun snn
Pesurumaya Kenamman
Mahkamah Tlnggx Mama dx Sungai Pelanl
TFR Nabila Huda bum Muhammad Nazxm
aagx pmak Pendakwaan
Pelabal Penasmal Undang-Undang Negen Kedah
m a7:7v2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA
Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. .m.u-y mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
Encik Rana: hm Mahamad
Peguam hagx puhak Pembelaan
Teluan Shamsudln Bahavi 5 Ram:
No 44-A, Tingkal 1, Jalan Todak 4, Bandar Seberang Jaya
13700 Peril Pmau Plnang
m a7:7v2s5ucFm!r2zw5uwA
Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. .m.u-y mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
(V) pane 222020 [am wenm Kurang E‘A5 pagx, bellau telah
mengarahkan SP1 unluk menganmu gambar Muluswkal
my pada nan yang sama,1am Vehlh kurang H 30 pagl behau Isiah
keluarkan Eksmn P10 den a\man berkuncx hehau unmk
dlhawa ke Jab:-nan Kirma Malayswa Cawangan Alur senar,
(vu) Eksmn P10 telsh dlsershkan Kepada SP4 yang mengeluarkan
resxt rasmv Janacan Kmua Malayswa dengan nu makmal 2o—
FR~K~0G751 [Eksibil P11],
(vun pads 12 2.2020‘ benau celah seran Eksmn-Ekslbn P6, P7 dan
P8 kepada SP2 unluk flvslmpan da\am star hamng kes an VPD
Kua\a Mud:-1 an bawah nu pendaflaran E11176/20,
(xx) wads 13.10.2020 Jam mm pagx, behau lekah menerima
laporan Kmua dan Eksibfl P10 dengan sea! Jabatan Knma
Mmaysla an no makmal 2l)FR—K—0D751l2U danpada SP4;
(x) Exsnaix Pm kemudiarmya dlsxmpan dalam almavi berk-ma
bsuau semngga mmzuzu dx mans Eksibwl Pm Isiah
dwssrahkan kepada spa Lmtuk msmxpan bsrsama barang Kes
Vain dw bawah nu pendaflaran ER176/20, dan
(xi) behau menaapaxkan pengesahin danpada Jabalan
Pengangxman Jalan Rays bahawa P7 adalah mllxk spa
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
Inspekmr G/24569 Snmta mm. Annual‘ pegawaw penyxasal ganh‘
(SP9! |e|ah mengambfl ahh kes im selepas SP7 dttukarkan Eeliau
memberi keterangan bahawa berdisarksn Eksxbll P23(B),
malaslkal Yamaha VISRZ dengan no psrmaflaran FNV 5:54
berwama merah dldaflarkan alas nama spa SP9 cenan
mengecam Emu F7 sebagal mmusmal mlliknya
Hashnda mm: Vsrnafl, arm xmua Kermaan (ss-4) telah memnen
Keterangan bahawa behau Qelah menenma Eks|b\tF-'10 danpada
SP7 dan Ie\ah kemarkan resll dalam Ekswbn P13 Pada mesa
menenma Eksxbn F10, sea! PDRM 579 damm keadaan bank
Eksmu P10 msngandungx Eksubn F15(A) — (F) den behau lelah
menandakan semma kesemua harang kes lersebut dengan nu
makmar 20—FR—K—DO751/20
SP4 memben kelerangan bahawa pads semasa barang kes dadah
da\am sunpanan benau, Ianya telah dmmpan da\am xamneq besl
berkuncw Semasa proses analwsa‘ harang kes dalam kawalan dan
pememaman sepemmnya nenau
SP4 ts\ah memmbang kesemua Exsmu F15(A) hmgga (F) nan
nasu anallsa belnau menunyukkan barang kes dadah Iersebm
mengandungw 522 hemin dan 132
gvam gvam
Hasu anahsa SF4 dmyalakan dakam Vaporan kmua behau benankh
7 7 2020 [Ekslbll F14] den telah mserahkan kepada SP7 pada
13 1a 2020]am1D0 pe|ang
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA 5
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
we Nansrah bmlr Saad, ibu Tertuduh (SP9) telah dlpanggn unmk
member: kelsrangan bsrkenaan Motos\ka\ Iersebul Berdasarkan
dakumenlasx pendaflaran‘ SP9 adalah pemlhk mu|os\ka\ Yamaha ‘
V15RZ belwama mevah dengan no Dendaharin PNV 3354
Molusxka! yang mrampas semasa serbuan pads 31 1 mm jam
545 petang [Eks|b|t FY] ada\a7I molosnkal Yamaha V15RZ
berwama mm dengan no pendaflaran PNV 21364 599 member;
keterangan wama Eksvmt F7 |eIah dilukav oxen suammya
rskanaaros bin Ismau tlskanaams) sws ts\ah mengenalpasli
Exsmn P7 ssbagax molcsxkal yang dldaftarkan avas namanya
17 ualam kelerangannya dan kandang saksi, SP9 menyalakan
bahawa Dada Iarikh kejamannya, Vskandaras menggunakan
Matosika\ (ersebul den (Idak pulsng semngga lewal maxam
Keterangan Im bercanggah dengan rakaman percakapannya
kepada plhak polls pada Iahun 2020
15. Dalam percakapan Iersehul, $99 menyatakan hanya dia uan
Tenuduh menggunakan Mo(os|ka\ lersebut Pads tankh keyaman,
ma nampak Terluduh menggunakan mulosxkm tersebul pada
sebe\a7I Dehang
19 Fendakwaan lalah memanggu semma SP5 untuk memben
kelerangan Iamut berkenaan Mutosnkal tersebut Eelxau
mengesahkan uada swasalan dualankan he alas panama
Vskandaws kerana namanya ndak peman disebul separuang
IN a7cPv2s5ucFm!rzzw5uwA A
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
20 Larwtan danpada Kelerangan SP9‘ spa (elah membuat semakan
dan mendapall maklumat panawa szpanyang lempcm 19 11 2019
semngga bman Npvernber 2021, Vskandarcs berada dzlam
Peru Ian dan dapacan Mzhkamah dl akhir urea pend-kwaan
Prinsip kos prima fatio
21 Tugas Mahkamah 0. akmr kes pendakwaan Ialah unmk mmakukan
pennaran mamrnra ke alas keseluruhan ketevangan pendakwaan
dan nremumskan sama ada pendakwaan (elah berjaya
membuknkan sualu kas prima vacre terhadap Termduh sepem
arpanmmkkan :1. bawah seksyen 160(1) Kanun Talacara Janayah
22 Damn kes PP v. Mchd Radzr bin Abu Baker 2006 1 CLJ A57 an
407 2005 s MLJ 393 an 400» 2004 2 MLRA 547 zoos 1 AMR
gr Mahkamah Persekutuan menyarankan Vangkamangkah yang
perlu aranmn men nakrm bmara ar akhvr kes pendakwaan —
'0; me dose arms praseculIon‘s case‘ subject me evidence wed by
me prosecution m rts cmamy la a maximum evaluatmn caramuy
scrullmse Ina credlbmly ol eacn ov me pmsecuuan's wwnesses
Take Into accmml aH reasnnable Inlerences that may be drawn
irom Ihal evrdence If the evraenae admils oi M0 or more
mferences‘ men draw me rnierence that is most vavourame In zne
(I1) ask yuursemhequeslnon IH now call upon the amused to make
ms delence and he ekects «o remam suent am I prepared cp convict
‘Nate sum runny wm be mad r. «My Due nflgmnfllv MW; nnuungnl Vfl mun: pmm
him on me swdenoe now before me? rune answenc mm quesucn
is "Ves", men apnma laofe case has been made um and me
delence should be caHed If the answer Is "No" then, apm-rm
lame case has not been made out and me accused shuuld be
(Hi) aner me «Manse :2. called, ma aewsed elems la remam snem,
than convict.
(my afler defence Is called, the accused eleas to gwe ewdence.
men go mrcugn me steps set an! In Mal v PP 1953 1 LNS 52.
195: MLJ 25: '
PP V Data‘ SSH Anwar hm Ibrahim No 3 1999 2 ML! I til 53
(Anwarlbramm No 3). L001 KowCI1a1 &Anurv PP 200; 1g;L.I
734 m 752 2003 2 MLJ as 2003 2 AM}? as, Balachandran v
PP 2005 2 MLJ 3431 ex 315- 2005 «cu as 2005 1AMR 321
[fialachandrany a. Magsrmran an Mnhan v PP 2011 1 cu aos
dl B24 2011 6 MLJ1)
E\emen-e\emen Perluduhan Panama adalah —
11) Jems den herat dadah yang memsm hal perkara psnuduhan
adalah dadah berhahaya seperll dllaknf a1 bawah ADE dan
dmyalakan damn penud-man tersebul.
111) Tarluduh memilm dadah berbahaya dan mempunyal
pengelahuarl mengenal mllnkan mu‘ den
(:11) Terluduh mengedardadah bevbahaya 1m
W. sum ...u..1 MU .. wed In mm m. .1m1-y MW; mm. VI muus rum
Elemen perllml
Suatu kaa pnma faoie unluk Permduhan Kedua tememuk apabna
pendakwaan membukukan 2 elemen panama yang msenamkan
dw alas
ma dadnn dun hem! dadnn
spa telah menganalnsa kandungan Eksvbn P15[A) — qn dan
mendanan ianya mengandungx 52.2 gram helm" yang memadi ha!
perkara Penuduhan Panama dan 132 gmm
monuaceb/lmarphmes yang meruam ha! perkara Femmuhan
Kedua-dua neram nan mannacelyhnarphlnes dlsenaraxkan
sehagal dadah hsmahaya dalam Jadua\ Panama ADE
Berpandukan Penghakwman Augusvne Paul HMR (kehka nu)
dalam kes Balachandran 1su;2ra)\ Mahkamah my rnenenma
kelsfangan SP4 paaa Max zammya sebagax kelerangan yang
boleh mpemayau
Munusamy Vengadasalam v PP 1987 1 Mu A92 1957 1 on
250 1937 CLJ Reg) 221, PP v Lam san 1991 3 MLJ 425 3.
Khan Hlchxang v. PP 1994 IMLJ 265 1994 2 CLJ151)
Saksvsaksv pendakwaan le\ah mengemukakan keterangan
bevkenaarl Denemuan den pergeraxan baring kes dadzh dengan
Je1aS (anpa sebavang pemnggaxan
mengenaxpasn baring kes khasnya barang kes dadah
berdasarkan Iandaan mas\ng»masmg
Kesemua sakss Ie\ah
‘Nate sum rumhzr wm ... M a «My Due nH§\mH|V «ma anumgul Vfl muws rum
| 4,144 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
PA-22NCvC-100-07/2022 | PLAINTIF ACS SUN ENGINEERING SDN BHD DEFENDAN JFA JAYA SDN BHD | Full Trial – Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant for damages for breach of subcontract due to delay in completing works and abandonment of the project site. Part performance of the obligation under the subcontract.The Defendant mounted a counterclaim for the costs of materials/equipment supplied to the Plaintiff arising from an alleged new contract.Whether the Defendant breached the subcontract when it failed to complete the agreed subcontract works?Whether there was a substitution or variation of the subcontract when parties performed different obligations under the subcontract?Acceleration costs: whether the Plaintiff suffered a loss due to the Defendant’s breach by having to take over and complete the works thereby incurring additional costs and expenses including loss of profit?Whether the damages sought by the Plaintiff is too remote?The Court finds that there is a breach of the subcontract when the Defendant failed to complete the work within the stipulated key milestones date and the request for an increase of 50% from the original contract price unreasonable.The Court finds that there is ample evidence that the Defendant breached the subcontract when it abandoned the project site. There is no variation nor substitution of the subcontract and parties are still bound by the terms of the original subcontract.The Court is of the view that the Plaintiff’s claim ought to be allowed against the Defendant for breach of the subcontract. However, the Plaintiff is not entitled to all claims sought being losses allegedly suffered by the Plaintiff arising from the Defendant’s breach of the subcontract. Plaintiff awarded a total of RM1,698,503.55. The Defendant’s counterclaim is dismissed. | 01/11/2023 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
01/11/2023 14:45:44
PA-22NCvC-100-07/2022 Kand. 77
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| 10,968 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-44-189-12/2022 | PEMOHON YUSRAZIF BIN WAN YUSOH RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | section 165 of the Penal Code - section 4(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities 2001 (AMLATFPUAA) | 01/11/2023 | YA Datuk Noorin binti Badaruddin | |
01/11/2023 15:29:27
WA-44-189-12/2022 Kand. 20
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Kand. 20
£1/Juznu 15:29-27
Dahm Pelkara Burkanaan Dengan
Mahkamah Sesyen a. Kuala Lumpur. Kes
Jenzyah No WA61R—H)1l102l
Dawn Pemum ammnn Dengan
Mnnkamnh Sesyen m mm. Lumpur, Kn:
mum Na WAAHR-2-0172021
Dawn Ferkara Blrkanaavv nengan semm.
31 Akla Mahkamah Kehak|men1964
uamm Perxam Eerkenain Dengan
seksya»~Seksyen173 mm :25 can :21
Knnun Tatacara Jon-yin
Dahm Pemam sum Kuasa Seam Ma
[1] The apulucant was charged mm M: (5) charges under secnon 165
ov me Pena! Code and one (1) charge under sacmon m) at me Anu-
Money Laundenng. Anu—Termnsm Flnanung and Proceeds cl Unlawm
sm xnuzxtnwnacwc-Ezxwrw
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Achvmes 2001 (AMLATFPUAA) All the cnarges were reqvslerad as
Cnmmal Case Numbers wA4s1R—1 —u1r2u21 and WA«61F(—2-OI/2011
undev seamen 135 01 me Penal Code The anplrcam was acumen and
sentenced mm a fine ol RMw,ooo (or each charge under semen 165 at
the Penal code The change under sacnnn 4(1) oi AMLATFPUAA was
taken mm oonslderauon me) by me Veamed Sessmns Court Judge
(“sch pursuant In sec1Ion171A ov me Cnmmal Procedure Code (“crew
on 5 9 2021, me appncam meaded guilty to aH me we (5) charges
amongst others tor ms common and sennenee bequashed and se| as-de
on 27 12.2022, ms Apbheann mad the Present apphcamon seeking
and lor nus mum to order a rs«|na\ on me grounds was he was canviued
undera ‘quesxraname gmlly plea beiom me 5:34
1»: Amzlicunrs story
avers that araund September 2021 he was ssauoned as a team leader at
the unnngvauon davanmenl m KLIA Term-nal 2 Al the malaria! lime he
Vn ms amdavil m supparl o1 ms apphcalmn harem, cne applxmnl
was howlng the post as 'Trmba/an Pena/ong Pengarah Kanan /I-mgresen
(TPF'K)“ or 'Psno/ong Penguesa Kanan“.
that ne was approached by one ‘Pegawar Imigresen nnggr Monamad
Kamis bm Pakv Mawdm (‘PIT Kamis“) who was a senvur drfioer altached
lo me ann-human n-ammng dw Ian (AT|PSOM) wimm me Imrmgrallorl
depamnem through me wnavsApp Iext message aflenng mm a pasmon
as an agam pmvocaleur (“AP”) tor ATIPSOM Both PLT Kanus and ma
appficanl is said to have men me! m Negen Sembilan Ia dvscuss me offer
to won me applicam men agreed due to me trusl ne had m PH Kamws
Fnor la ms anacnment a1 me KLIA Temw\a\ 2. the applnmnl dawns
sm .nuzxmw;sscwc.s:swrw
«mm. sans! s. d... m my me nnmnmy mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum we
gurlly. ll ls very unlikely lhac lhe applicanl had misunderstood lne charges
and me consequences ol pleading guilty. The applicani do noi asserl as
such or Ihal he failed lo ocnrorehand any rnallera ounoemlllg lhe
proceedings oelore lhe sessions corrrl whlcll led lo his guilly plea. ln
lacl, lrorn lhe submlsslan on his behalf, in ls so clear |haI he underslood
whal he was charged wish rhe charges, and the consequences oi hrrn
pleadlng gurlly in me Sessions courl. Ncl only he had pleaded purlry to
me charges, lrrere rs nc denral llral lhe ap ' ni had admltlad lo lha
slaIamenloHac1s.Thls rs where lhe learned sca have ensured lhal lhe
aoeused lrrlerrds lo adrnli wlihour qualiflcalion
[35] lmpcrtalllly, ihe appllcanl was represenied by iwo murlsels ol
senlorseandlnps and he had pleaded gurlly lo (he allemallve charge under
seclrorr les olihe Penal code. Mlhgallan was conduelad on hrs oehan py
ihe counsel represenirng hrnr
[36] The brlnglng olclalnrs orallegallons after a firlallly ola mailer oelore
lhe eoun wllhoul rnore arnounr lo an abuse ollhe ouul1‘5 process more so
when «he elarrns er allegallorrs should have oeen ralsed in lhe eanrer
proeeedlngs. The quesuorr ls, rnusl lhe oourl be lashed or burdened Wllh
whal rransplred or agreed upon oerween lhe applloanl and any olrrer
parlies milslde the calm’ ls lhe ccurl lo be olanred lor nor ensurlng
saleguards in accordance wrlrr law when lhere rs rrolhrrrg belara lhe court
to show lhal me amused/appllcanl was coeroed or ihrealened lo make a
plea oi gul||y in calm? The applioanrs subrrlisslcrl rhal lhe “slgnal‘ gryen
lo hlrrr lo plead gumy by hls counsel oanncl be aard lo be an lndloallorr lo
the dorm lhel he gave hls plea oondilllanally The lad rernalns rhal rhe
applleanl was peldre rhe oourt or law He had pleaded gullry and had
lmered the plea. He had all me lloerly lo deny the charges prollered
rn .naaxrnwoaeyne.asswrw
“None s.n.l luvlhnrwlll rs. med a my r... pflnlrullly MVMI dnuavlnrll VI .rlune vtmxl
against ruin il Indeed he never Inlerlded Io Dleid guilty rnene was no one
to slap hint lrern doing W‘ not even his counsels nmwnrielanuing any
"signer was given to him (if there was any such signal lot that matter).
This oaurl ueelined to call let me recording of lhe proceeding tietere the
sessions court because It is at the considered View and at the risk 0!
repetition‘ (here was naming and no one D2401! the com in slop the
applicant lrein claiming trial.
[37] Any promises or oonaitiens made ie the applicant that lee him to
plead guilly are rnetleis trial transpired belweerl him and Ihe ether venies
pnor In him pleading guilty. The cenailiens or assumrlce or promises
wrieieuer Ihey may be are matters which are el no concealed oi the court
unless they are being raisea at the firs! inslanoe, reponed and tried.
[as] The applicant had pleaded guilty aritl whal could be gleaned liern
ms present application is that he is now unhappy lhai lha eonaiiians given
[0 him il he pleads gurliy were not lulhllea and with me condillnns nol
lullillea, his plea ol gullly is said |o be a mneilienal plea er unsala to be
accepted To qiioia wnal Muhd Nazlan Mnhd Ghazall J (as His Lordship
inen was) saia in Wong cnun Khuln v Pendakwa Ray: [2020] 1 ms
741} Fourthly, the critical pom! is Ihls. if then won the
rusans (never mind not PNVOGJ that had led the
applicant to pluid aullry. is It lht law than we court is
/uetmul on than rmana to find the guilty pm A:
ui-ism and new it an aside? Auaalinely not.
otherwise, mesa awailing lrlal would take me chance and
plead guilty in be released but much later seek toreirisll the
corlvfcllcn by way olreyrsian apnlrcauen and queslion his
sru xmExlNWxAECVHC-E3iWFw
“Nair s.n.i nuvlhnrwm be u... ie my i... nflmnnllly enii. dnuuvlml Vfl .nuue vtmxl
own olee by rslymg an some unsubstantiated anegerions
ofmsrtsrs that have nothing to do mm the me/ proceedings
especra//y when one sentence rs not as no expects "
[Ernphasws added]
[39] n woutd ha a mockery to or en abuse oa me oeuns pmoess In order
(or a men on the ground tha| the oondiuons offered to the aophcam uutsude
me noun or unono mm nleadmg gullly nas net been Mflllad resumng in
ms ores oi gmhly being oundmonaL Bemg e person of ms slandmg, an
enlomemenl affioer m the anal serwce no less, me apphcant ougnn nal to
have pleaded gullly In the firs\ place and whatever aneganons ne now
make agamsl the MACC oflioers can only be proven ii ne claims trial to
wfuch he dld not. He oughl to know that V1 VS "'18 couns H15! convml and
nass sencence and no one else can or oomd ofler when me senlenne
shown he or ought to be. So how could anyone else assured nr affered
the apphcam 3 (arm of semencs |haI could be meted out agamsl mm?
What was the reason for the MACC Io vnplnmle me eooncenrs sxslefl
Was she Involved m being an unregwslered AP mo’: Au the euegauons
rehed an by me apphcanl are unsubs|am\a|ed before «ms coon Mono
Nazlan .I (as His Lordship then was) m Wong Cllun Knuen v Pendakwa
Raye (supra) has stated
142] ms rs /57 from p/omolmg me due admrmslralion o/zne
cllmmal 1:./slrcs syslam m we country In my view them
must be creu no direct evidence or oppress/ve and
megmmaro pnssuus applied to an accused to plud
gu/Iry ms: can mm In nfllrmnllu response m an
sppncsuon to revise nd set aside . convlcllon mseo
on me pm a! gumy Dy nn accused rms IS not me case
sm .nusunw;.ecwc.zsswrw
“None ssnsw nmhnrwm e. LAIQ4 m mm s. nrW\nnU|Y mm: m.n.n VII munc Wm!
In niis applicarion before me 1'». alllgations am torlou:
and lacking in substantiation The plea is nor Qualified "
[Emphasis added]
[40] Tiiia noun agiaas wiln the iaspoiiaenrs oonieiilioii iiial this
applimlian is sameriow a lomi Ma back door‘ appeal, an attempt in invite
me coun lo allow a “re\ria\" before aiioiriei oourl Thls Kind Ofappllcallnrl
would only open a flood-gale wneie parlles can sli apply for inauais
finally determined to be re-heard 0! lelned. There musl be is finahly
reached in cniiiinal cases alnaiwisa qiialing mat Zawawl Salleh JCA (as
he then was) had slated in Public Prosecutor V Mollalmd
sliariariuaain Mohamed All a ois mlsl 1 ML: szn
./I would cause a ‘tsunami’ O/GDDGEIS and (I19 Court :3!
Appeal would be swamped '
[41] This mun is saiisnea Iha( liieia is nc ualacl in llie aanlicaiirs cuilly
plaa The plea was uiicaiiuixional and or unequivocal and U15 applicant
understood in: nature and aorlsaquerloes or his plea M giiilly There is no
men: in me iiislanl app|lca|il)n For me veasuns sal out in ma loregolngi
me appli::anl‘s annlicaliori was dismissed
Dal a lube! 2023
[N olim
High calm cl Malaya
Kuala Lurrlpuv
“Nana Smll nuvlhnrwlll be UIQG w my i... nflfllrinflly MVMI dnuuvlnril Vfl nFluNG Wm!
Caunsnl my on Applicant
Van H:nmba\ Llang bm Danval Lvang
Messrs Damn Chan, Hannibal a. N9 Chambers
Snnior Fodtr
I (ssc)
Mahamad Fadhly hm Menu zamry
Shahmm um um
am xnuEx1NwsLGcvHc-Euwrw
«ma Snr1n\nmhnrwH\I>e LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max
WT Kamis is nverred lo hive iepieeenieo Io ihe sppiicaril lhal he wduid
be registered as an AP oonimeneing iioin Auousi 202a and lhat ihe
applicant would be given immllmly and oioieeiion iioni any iegai
pioceeainge pursuant to the w ieioleweis Pmleclian Acl2D1U
[5] According to ihe aooiicani, his job scope invoiued handing over
iiiegai money or black money to PVT Kamis which would men he
chenneieo lo the Fedeiai Temlary Al the KLIA Temiinai 2 the applicant
had to ga undermver and had no aitemalive but to channel the iiiegal
money he received «uni the foreign agenis or the syndicate lo oihei
iinniigraiion omoeis in avoid Suspicion and blowing up his undercover.
The apoiicam adds iunhenhaiaii ihe whine. FIT Kamls aha anolheroffiner
by [I18 name M P! Rizal were aware that he was an AP PIT Kamis IS aiso
saio to have been awaie ihauhe applimni was in possession oi the iiiegai
oensisienuy pmuided inlurmalmn ioahd eoooeiaieo wiih FLT Kainis, being
his handiing erridei Thmughuu| the ooereiion, the apeiieaiii believed Ihal
he was a oroiecieo AP but, in his diwlliyi as at oaooei 2020, he has yet
In be iegisieieo as an AP oi Arii=soM amcieiiy and neiiheidid he iecewe
any omeiai docunienia eiaiing the same
the applicanl siaies ihai ihmughoui being an AP, he had
[5] on 16 11.2020. ihe apnlieaiii iogeihei wi|h a law eihei iinhiigieiion
omceis were arrested by the Malaysian Anii-coinioiion commission
[91 The apiziicani believes «he: the said anesi made by MACC was
conducled relying un the inioinieiion he heo piovided as an AP and wniisi
in cusiody he had iepeaieoiy iniomieo ihe MACC emoeis, in oanieuiai
SIN .oozxiuweaeunc.mwm
“None s.n.i nuvihnrwm a. met! a may i... nflfliruflly mi. dnuuviml Vfl .nuua Wm!
one Tiian Syukn. the Head el lnvestigatien Depariineiii c that he was an
AF «or ATIFSOM of the imrnigiation department.
[10] The Applicant flfllher avers that sueseqiiently, one Tuan Lnkmari,
the assistant inmtigaiing olfioar at ihe MACC inlenned him lhal there
was an application stlbmrlled to register the applicant as an AP lor
ATIPSOM rain the application was dismissed by the iininigraimn
[11] Despite all the above events, the applicant was charged taelere the
Sessions coiiri and the applicant avers that he had tmended Io claim trial
against the charges pieteired against him In pieve that he was indeed an
AP alA1li=soM in the immigration department.
[12] According to the applicant, he was faced with nurneieusttireats and
pmmlsas train the MACC dmeeis Yhe applicant claims that one of the
MACC investigation olficer by the name at Tiian shaleh had owered him
an imprisonment terms at I4 days and e rine i11RM1U.0DDlor each charge
if he pleads guilty to which he stated he had declined and remained
adamant Io cieiiri trial. The MACC is said to have also introduced the
applicant lie a solicitor to repieseni him to which he agreed as he was
without a lawyer er the malenal time.
[13] The applicant liirther stlbmlls that atter eennding to the sol Im at
his intention to claim trial, the said solicitor pmvlded a quote pl his retainer
fees tor hill trial In which the applwarit said he could not attend
[14] Then‘ the said Tuan shaieh was replaced by a new iniieatigaiing
omcerene Ptian siihaidah Towards the end willy 2o21,l=ti.-in suhaidaii
called the applicant to the MACE’: dance ae man Syukn is said In have
SN xmE)uNwxAEcvHc-E:kWPw
“Nate s.n.i mnlhnrwlu a. HIQG a vuny i... nflglnlllly MVMI dnuuvlml VI .niine pmul
intended to meet him The applicant adhered to the request whereby the
said Titan shulrn had then ehered theapplieant a new offer The aflerwas
that in the event the applicant pleads guilty he would only be imposed with
a fins without any imprisonment term Tuan Shukri is also alleged to have
threatened the applicant that in the event he dees net elead guilty to the
charges the Mlxcc would
I proseeute the applwanfs sister who was an
immigration ofioer based in Johor at the material time
despite the rtort-Involvement et his sister in his attairs;
ii. add more charges against the applicant
[15] According lo the applicant, in light at the grave threats, he was
pushed to the wall as he did not wish to implicate his innoeent sister and
as such he agreed to plead guilty
[16] ruan Shukrl is also said le have assured the applicant that he would
not be dismissed ner discharged hem the department upon his conviction
on the eondition that he pleads guilty as seen as pdssiple.
[17] The applicant sutmiits that at the time the charges were reread to
him the sollcilor representing him had given him a signal to plead gumy
Fearing the weH—being ot his sister and his livelihood. the applicant
pleaded guilty albeit under duress and threats
[16] Yheappllcanl paid the line imposed upon him by the sessions court
and despite the promises and conditions agreed upen belween him and
the MACC, the wrtdltlorts were not met and the applicant now avevs that
N xnuExlNwn5cvHc-Ezhwrw
«mu. s.n.i navlhnrwm r. u... a may i... eflmhnllly MIMI dnuavlnrtl VI hFlt.tNa Wm!
he was looled by the MACC and trial his plea ol uullly was noi
[19] Trle applicanl runner slates lnal rle was unable to lake lmmedlale
legal recourse lo really mailers as nis bank ecoaurlls were lrozerl
helwsen November 2o21ani1 early 2022 and was unable Iaappolnla new
solicllcl lo represenl rllrn.
[20] In oramurld Fennieiy 2u22, once he could saws: his oarlxaccaunl.
me applicarli appointed Messis. Kevin A Go who rlea ealrisaia rllni vs file
a iudiciel reuiew In reinslaie nis pusllmn in ine lmmlgl'a|i0H aepennlenl.
Hnwavel‘ lrie High ceun had dismissed |he appllcan|'s iimieiel review
[211 lrlareaiier, llla aaallcanl appolmed me present solieller and hence
the Present avullcatlan wal filed In December 2022
summary ollhe AppI|canl's Comemlons
[22] II is me epplicenla Donlenunn men since all ms eiremlenls In his
elfiaevil in support ol me piesenl appllilaii are not rammed by lrle
respondent, liis ellegeuens slleuld illerelere be admmed and me lnslanl
eppllcaiion ougrii to be allowed
[23] Secondlyi me appllcanl oonlenas «rial riis plea was cundltlunal
because lie was all lne wrllle isliiclanl lo plead gullly and me soliuller
repieeenilng lilnl lien in signal |a rlim la plead It IS oonlended illal me
learned SCJ uuglll In nave exercised caullun belere eeeepiirlg rlls plea
wlilcri was no! done as ine acl ol me sollcllol signaling lrle apallnarll lo
plead gulliy ougnl (0 walranl lunner inquiry and lrerlncaliorl liem ine
learned SCJ.
srn .nezxinw;aecuae.zaawnw
“Nair nmlhnrwm a. med a my l... aililn.ll-y MIMI dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNfl Wm!
[24] The applicanl irnplaras upon lnis counlo call up ma recording in the
sessions coun lo assess the physical acl of ihe splipilor and that me
sellcllor was never his choice in «he lirst place
[25] The applicani uonlends that his plea ol gumy can never be
unequivocal because he was pushed is me wall by me ihreais andlor
blackmail by me MACC.
[251 Arising lrom me above, me apphcanlennlends lhai il was unsale lor
the learned SCJ lo accepl his gulliy plea and that ihere was a imscamage
cl yusuce and me eerwicilori oughl lo be quashed and we own oughl lo
alder tor a lnal oelore a dillareni Sessions ooun
Evaluaiion znd Fin has
[271 ll is lrile law lhal there are saleguards which rnusi be oomplled wilh
aelore a calm can accept a plea ol guilty as valid and unequivocal,
Fnremnsl, lhe court rnusl ensure ihal ii is lhe accused hlmulfwha wishes
In plead gullly and me accused muel plead guiliy by his own rnoulh and
nol lhiough his counsel. saearidly. me eaurl rnual ascerlam me accused
undersiands lhe naiure and consequences olhia plea. Thirdlyl lne couri
musl ensure ihai lhe accused amends la adniil mhoui qualmcauan the
alrence alleged against him This is done by me disclosure oi lhe laols via
lhe slaleineni ol facts lenderad by the araseculian disclosing all the
necessary eleinanls pl inc aflsrloa (see L wang Tuck d. Anor v FF
(198912 MLJ 14:)
[26] It is appasile lo nole lne provision in secllon 305 ollhe CFC which
prevents an accused person lrorn appealing againsi his corwlcllan if he
had plead guiny lelhe charge. A oonvlcled person may however appeal
in me exienl ar legalily of ihe semenpe By pleading guilty lo the charge,
ru .aazxmw;.acync.aaawru
«nu. a.n.i navlhnrwm be UIQG a may i... aflmnallly MVMI dnuavlml VI .nuna Wm!
the accused is deemed lo have wawed ms rich! to quesudn me Iegahty ol
the conwcuon. Section 305 cnhe CPC smes:
when plea oi gumy Irm/led me ngh! olappeal
305. wnen an accused person has pleaded gumy and been
canwcled by e Magtsrrals on mar plea, mere shall be no
appeal except as (a the extent at /ega/My 0/ me semenee "
[291 There n. e fmahly in me maner by me (act me: me app:-cam nas
meaded gumy, cemnmed and semenoed So in mhev wordeu ‘i there Is
anyming Ien ws rm lhe appIir:an| In zppelfl agams| me senxenee imposed
on rum
[:0] However‘ more me count. mslead 0! sppeahng agamsl me
sentence oessed by me Sessnns caun. me applncanl by way 0! mduon
var rewsion, ws seeking larlms ooun to exercise us rewsuonery power under
sectvons 323 end 325 of me cvc wtnen read.
‘Paws: la call In: records ofsubonimate cduds
323 (1) A Judge may call In! and examme [he record of
any proceeding befule any subacdfrrale cnmnel coun [or
me purpose or safisfymg nunsen as re me corvedness.
)egaIIry or pmpnery at any lmdmg, sentence or order
rsoon1sn1 or passed, and es to live rsgulsmy cl any
pmceedmgs dune: subordinate Com
(2) Orders made under sections 97 and 95' are not
prooeedmgs wirmn me meaning oi th/s seeoon
Powers of Judge on rm/rsrorl
325 (1) A Judge may, m any case me record ol ms
pvaceedmgs al wnrcn has been ceued rd, by hunself DI
sm .neexmw;.ecwc.mwpn
«mu. sum nmhnrwm .. med e may he mmnnflly em. m.n.n Vfl mum v-ms!
w/nan olhsrwrse comes to no knowledge, rn his drscmtmn‘
exercise any ofme powers canfelred by sections 311 315
315 and 317 ohms Code
(2) No order under Ihrs sec!/‘on shall be made In ma
pre/mm ol the accused unless he has had an opponunny
ofbemg Ilssnt arthsv psvsana!/y or by advocate, m ms own
(3! ’\Iarhmv In this secnon sI1a// be deemed lo aulhonza a
Judge lo convert a findmg of acqwtts! rate one of
[311 n .s clear that may seamen 325 or me cpc, the vevisxunary power
of a Judge Vs hmwed within the penme|ers or the runes av pmceedings
recorded by1heIHa\ cour(,Tms Is amplmea by me pronsion under section
35 (2) or me couns ofludlcalure Ad 1954 whrch 5121125:
35 (2; Upon on High coun calling [or any rtcord as
aloresam all pmceeamgs In the subonzimals noun m ms matter
or pwceedmg In quesuon shall as slsyed pendmg lunhsr 011131
or me Hrgh Court.’
[32] The com 01 Appem -n Publlc wmuomor v Audroy Koonu u-I
cnln mm 3 MLJ 411 had made «ms Dimcmar oosewsnen as (c In:
usage of amaavu announce m a roman. Tna Com of Appaav obsarved.
‘Before leaving the subject. we would «me la make one other
observation. owing ma pmcudlngs bclon rm mgh
com, a number of amd-ms were filed both by me
prosecution as well as by the respondent for me
consideration of the learned judge. In uremising his
sm .msunw;.acwc.znwpw
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmnnuly mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa Wm!
powers under s 125 al in: cue, the ieamedflidgo In:
to satisfy ninmir as 21.7 the sommnoss, legality or
pmplinry (.1! any finding, slnturicl or until recorded or
passod, and as to the rwulariry of any Pmcudfnvs of
in. interior com: in order to do inis, In has In examin-
cm raconi ofiht meanings of which has bun cnllnd
my by niinsoir or, .s in this sass, which aincmin
corms to his knowlodn-. in gums‘ "M ms" d'§i:rnlian
ma Iumud [ugqe ougm to confine ninmrf mix lg mg
ncord or flu swings and naming -In Ag
aggimian rm mision twig nsscnlilliz - crimlnnl
u i 1 vidcrica nssno
ifi ‘(Emphasis added]
[33] in the presem mane! it is me applicanfs contention mal Since an his
avermenls in ms affidavit W7 suwon or me Dresenl application EVE not
rebuiled by ins respondeni, his allegations should therefore be admilled
and me inslanl apphcation ougni to be anawea. Prernised on the authority
oi Public Prosecutor v Audrly Kcong uni Chin (supra) «ms Court |$ oi
the considered view that ail the unrehlmed avermenls on the Dafl of lhe
respondent via alfidaviis are nai deinmeniai and do noi ermlied |h5
allegations made by the applicant admissible in warrant hIS insiani
apphcaiion to be allowed as me court‘: xask In revision is oniy mnfined to
me record 01 me proceedings and nothing else. This coun formal malter
has never instructed for any alfidavits in be filed.
[:4] There is naming on record or In his submission for max matter to
show ihal the apphcanl ma rini undeisland ihe charges pruierved agamsi
mm and that he an: noi know me naiure and consequences ni pleading
SIN xnuExiNwskGcvHc-Ezkwrw
“Nair s.n.i n-nhnrwm be LAIQ4 m may he nflninnflly mm: m.n.n n. nrium WM!
| 2,004 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
KB-45A-10-02/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] TERTUDUH MUHAMAD MUSHI FAIRUZ BIN ISKANAROS | Undang-undang Jenayah— Dadah Berbahaya— Tertuduh dituduh dengan dua pertuduhan di bawah sek 39B(1)(a) dan 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 — Sama suatu pendakwaan telah membuktikan suatu kes prima facie — Sama ada pembelaan Tertuduh menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan — Hukuman setimpal bagi kesalahan pemilikan dadah — Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 | 01/11/2023 | YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson | |
01/11/2023 08:05:19
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ma-45n—1o-02/2021 Kand. 1A4
:1/11/2023 92:25-19
1 Terluduh. Muhammad Mush! Falmz bin Iskandavus rrenuduh]
le\ah dmadapkan dv Mahkamah avas pemAduhan»pemAduhan
(1) Ke§ Nu Ka45A—m—u2/2021
“Bahawa Kamu, pada 31 1 2020, pm lebm kuvang 5 45
pslang. ax fem ja\an, susur keluar Herman Rama: dan Rawal
Gurun Arah mam, Lebuhvaya Lnayaseuaran, an dalam daerah
Kuala Muda‘ an dalam Negen Kedah Dam Aman, |e\ah
dldapafi mengedardadah berbahaya saw Herom seberat 52.2
gram Oleh yang devmkwan‘ kamu bersama-same dengan niat
hersama, IeVah me\akukan salu kesalahan cm bawah seksysn
39E(I)(a) Akla Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan bmeh dnhukum m
IN Eupwna£snK:Amsuzsau 1
‘NEVA sum ...m., W1“ be mad p. vecly M mm.“-V M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
bawah seksyen 393(2) Akla yang sama“ [Pertuduhan
Femmll [Eksihfl 511. dan
K25 Nu Ka45—5—o3/2021
“Bahavm xamu, pm 31.12020, ‘am Veblh Kurang sA5
petang, a. lap! Jakan, susur ksmar Harman Rahal dun Rawat
Gurun Nah Ulara, Lebuhraya Utara—SeIatan‘ d1 dakam daarah
Kua\a Muda‘ di dalam Negen Kedah Daml Aman, le\ah ada
dalam mmkan kamu dadah bevbahaya Iawlu
Monoaceflyhuorphlnss saberal 13.2 gram O\eh yang
UEIYHKWEVI‘ kamu le\ah melakukan salu kesarahan dl bawah
seksyen 12(2) Akla Dadah Eerbahaya 1952 flan boleh
dihukum an bawih seksyen 39A(2) Akla yang sama"
[Fenuduhnn Kednn][Eks an
Kes Dwudakwazn
2 Fendakwaan «emu mengemukakan kelerangan melamv 9 Saks:
dan bolsh diringkaskan sepem bariknn
3 Pada 31 1 2020, Inspeklur G/Z2788 Theodore anak Peter Dlen,
pengadu 1SP5HeIiIh rnenenma maklumal bahawa lerdapal aktvvm
psngadaran hemln oleh seorang \e\aki Melayu menggunakan
matnsnkal Yamaha V15RZ E1 Herman Rahal flan Rekveasi GLIYWI
mengI1a\a ke arah Mara (RNR Gurun) SP5 telah mengalur suslu
pasukan serbuan yang mangguca. uleh 14 anggoca pahs termasuk
DISubinpeklov Raja an Govindasamy (SP6) SP5 telah member:
lakllmat dan mgasan umuk serbuan Iersebul
IN Eupmkiisnxumsuzsau 2
W. sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
29 Mahkamah ini berpuas hali bahawa EKsm|l—Eks|h\I P6‘ P7‘ P3 den
F'I5(Aj — (F) yang dxrsmpas dw Iempat kejadran dawn kehadiran
Tenuduh adalah barang kes yang same yang dikemukakan an
30. Berdasarkan akasan-alasan . , Mahkamah . mendapao
pendakwaan le¥ah membukllkan dadah merbahaya yang menjam
halpelkara Perluduhan Perlami man neram seberat 52.2 gram
dan halperkava Permdunan Kedua man monnacetylmarphmes
seberal 13 2 gram
Elemen kedua — milikan mm pangotalmln dndlh
31. Unluk e\amen W, Mahkamah my berpandukan amalan Thumscml
dakam kss cnan Pean Lean v PP 1956 1 MLJ 231 d! 239.
Penghakman telsebut telah mmjuk dan dxendus Nah Mahksman
Persekuruan dalam kes~kes PF‘ v Abdul Rahman bin Am 2007 5
0, PP v nemsn Madhavan 2009 2 MLJ194 2009 2 cu
209 2003] MLJU 771, Snsw Yoke Keang v PP 2013 3 MLJ 830
2012 MLJUZSS 2013 ACLJ MS 2013 23AMR 202‘ Ghasem
Huzuun Hassan v PF 2019 6 MLJ 231 8. Chan Wen Leon v PP
and another aggeal 2021 4 MLJ 560 2021 MLJU 770
32. Damn kss Panen Dadeh v PP 2009 1 CLJ 717, Auguslme Pam
FCJ memmuskan m7A1—
‘The Vaw is dear and wen settled P700101 knowledge us very urcen
a mailer u! mlerenee The matenal mm which the mference ol
xnowxsage can be drawn vanes (ram case In case 0 would be
IN Euyvmuzsnxumsuzsau “
W. sum ...m.., wm .. 0544 n mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus rmm
sumciemforme prosecuuon to woo! fscls (mm wmch il wuld be
pmpeny moaned max «he accused had the necessary knumedge '
Mod laba Hoaaemzaaan Ma m v PP and another a al 2015 2 ‘
ML] 254 at gm & Ggnalgn gm Ramachandran & Ors v PF 2004 ‘
4 MLJ 489 at 506 2006 1CLJ 357 (eunaxanb)
as Eerdasarkan mamka cam kes um, sws dan sws memnen 1
keterangan yang kunsIs1en dan sahng sokcngmenyukong bahawa ‘
kah penama mereka mehhal Tenuduh, Tenuduh duduk
berssmang an alas Molasxkm (ersebut dan ssdang merokok.
Apabnla spa mengenaxxan am sebagal pegawal polns, Tenuduh
berlmdak agresur dan ma melankan dm Termduh beuaya
dilahan Eks1bi| P6 duumpal dalam raga Mmosikal (evsebul
Tsnuduh boleh meIIha(Eks1bIl P6 dalam raga Molasxkal levsebul
Vanya huxan dmam keadaan lersellndung auau tersembunyl
34 Tenuduh bukan permhk Motusvkax Ievsebul Molosxkal i|u mllik
spa Mahkamah menenma sebahagian keterangan SP9 bahawa
hanya ma den Tenuduh menggunakin Muloslkal Iersebm. Paaa
|ankh kqsman, SP9 msnggunakan Motos\ka\ (erssbul ssmngga
pukul 5 no pelang spa lwdak swmpan apa—apa pada Molus|ka\ mu
Kemudian Mulusxkal ilu mgunaxan o\eh Tenuuun.
35 Keterangan spa rm dlsakung oleh keterangan SP5 dan spa
bahawa Mctasxkm [Ekslbll F7] telah dlrampas m (empat xqaman
dari Terluduh
IN Eumwzsnxumsuzsau 12
W. sum ...m.., wm .. wed Ix: my me nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus rmm
as Danpada keterangan pendakwaan berhubung kedudukan dekat
ream-m kepada Ekslbll P6 yang mengandungl uaaan, Mahkimah
im membual danatan nasmv bavang kes dadah adalah dalam
kawalan dan Jagaan Tenuduh.
37 Pengetahuan berkenaan dadah Iersebut haven dvbual inlerens
berdasarkan unsur kedekatan tbroxwmityj Terluduh kepada dadah
lersebul dan (mdakan Tenuduh cubs ms\arIkan am semasa SP5
mengenalkan am sebagax pegawav pohs
33 Dengan kelerangan yang ada, Mahkamah berpuas mm Tenuduh
mempunyal mmkan dan pengenahuan berkenaan dadah lersebut
Elemen keriga Ferluduharv Pertama — nengedaran dadah
39 Seksyan 3‘/(dab ADE mempevunmkkan —
“any persnn whu Is lmmd m possessiun av —
u) 15 grammas or more m wewghl of harm,
uthelwwse «mu m accardanoe wnh me aumomy or «ms Au or any
other wvillen law, shall be presumed, unlll me contrary is proved,
to be mamckmg in the sam dmfl‘ ..
40 Memandangkan uerac hsmm sebanyak 52 2 gram yang dwpermehl
darn Eksuhxl P15(A)— (F) melebmn had staluton mmuum tanggapan
pengedaran dw bawah seksyen 37(da) ADE |erpaka\
IN Eumwzsnxumsuzsau '3
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Kobnlehpercayaan saksrlsaksi pendukwman
41 Dakam kes Anwar Ibramm Na 3 (supra), Augustine Paul H (kem ‘
mu), telah menyalakan an 293 - \
“The Pvivy councu has s1.a\edlI1atII1e lea! tests Var erlher accemmg
or rejenmng Ihe evwdence at a wmness are how conswslem the slnry
Is mm Nself, how u stands the test at cross-exammamn, and how
var it ms in mm me rest :1! me evidence and the circumstances at
me case (see Elmira] v sitaram AIR [1935] PC 60) M musn,
huwevev, be observed that being unshaken m crass-examinauon
Is um per 52 an an-summem and test or crembuny The mherent
pruhab|'ly of a «an m wssue must be me pnme ccmsmeranon
(see Mun/'andy& Drs v PP[1965]1LNS110‘[1966]1MLJ 257)
It has been held that vi a wimess demonslvably tells hes, ms
evmenee must be Vooked upon wwth suspwcwun and xreaxea with
camm bufln say that wt should he evmrely repeated would be to go
too lar (see Khamv Chye Hm v PP[1961] 1 LNS 41‘ [1961] MLJ
A2 Berpandukan saranan um, Mahkamah ml lelah mempemmbangkan
keterangan kes pendakwaan secara keselumhan flan
kebirangkalian kes unluk menflaw kebolehpercayaan saksxsavsx
IN Eumwzsnxumsuzsau "
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed Ix: my me nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Mahkamah im berpeluang mama: dan mendangar Saks!-Saks!
psndakwaan member: Keterangan Secara keseluruhannya Saks!-
saksx pendakwaan khasnya SP5 lelah memben ke|erangan yang
konsIs|en dan Iwdak Iergugal semasa pemsnksaan bzlas
Kelerangan mereka jugs swan dengan barang kes clan dokumen
yang dikemukakan.
untuk Mahkamah Inl
Tlada sebarang alasan yang munasabah
Iwdak mempercayav mu menenma
kelerangan rneveki.
Kelsrangan SP9 berkenaan pemmkan Mnloswkm dan penukarin
wama kansIs1en dengan kelerangan penaakwaan yang lam.
Bahagian kelerangan vu wajar dnerima da\am pemmhangan
Walau baganmanapun, kecarangan spa dmam kandang saksi yang
uskanaams, menunggang Mulos\k.a\ nu pads mass kmadlan lslah
dimdas Men keleringan spa. Keterangan nu ;e\as suatu
kelerangan yang lldak disokrmg men aparapa kelerangan ‘am dan
Muslim‘ (Inherslmy Improbable) Ks.-(erangan flu wajar dilmak dan
pemmbangan Mahkamah
Lebm-lebih lagi memandangkan Kalerangan rebuttal SP5 ada1ah
bahawa sspanjang temper: 19 H 2019 semngga bman Novembev
2021‘ lskandams berada dalam tahanan Olen nu, uada
kemungklnan dwa terhbat damn kejadlan pads 31.1 2020
IN Euyvmuzsnxumsuzsau ‘5
-Na. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; nnumeul VI arwuus NM!
Mahkamah ml mendapau lak|a~lakIa malerm yang dlsandarkan
bag! Iwuan membukukan seliap e\emen permduhanrpemmlman
Iemndap Tenuduh sena ism-vaxxa samplngan Vam yang retevan
menunjukksn xqaman yang herlaku. sepem yang dwrungkalkan
melalm saksxsaksl penaakwaan, adnlah semar dengan
kebarangkahan kes
Mahkamah Inl (elah membual pemlawan makslma ke alas
keterangan pendakwaan darn berpuas hali
pendakwaaan lelah beuaya membukxikan sualu kss pnma lame
Ierhadap Tenuduh bagl kedua-dua pertuduhan lersehut
Benkman dengan kepulusan Mahkamah mu. Tenuduh dlpanggil
membela dm untuk keduwua penuduhan Iersebm
Mahkamah melalul mubahasa eelah menerangkan plhhawpllman
mamhuat pembe\aan kepada Tefluduh dan Tenuduh memmh
unmk member! kelerangan bzrsumpah dan kandang saksi
Punlullln Turmduh
IN Euyvmuzsnxumsuzsau
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
Terluduh bempa saksl tunggal pembexaan. Tenuduh «emu
mengemukakan pemyalaan berluhs dl bawah seksyen 4023 KTJ
berwikh 5 5.2023 [Psu-1}
52 Kewrarlgannya buleh dinngkaskam sepeni berikut —
u) pads lankh xejaman pukul 2 cu penang, ma lelah flmubnngl
aleh Venom seurang yang Iwdak dnkenahnya, untuk
membanhmya menghanlar nauang ke Pendang unluk upah
RM 200 00.
(n) venm berkata ma kenalan bapa Terluduh dan (e\ah mm
Terluduh membanlu menghamav barang kepaaa Kawannya di
fol Pendang:
Tefluduh le\ah bequmpa Venut pzda pukul sno pelang a.
kedaw vwo, di hadapan Pacmc, Pulau Plnang dan lelah
diberikan beg ga\as [Eksibil P6] umuk mserarman kepada
kawannya :1! Col Pendang,
(xv) Terluduh nemenm dx henhan RNR Gumn unluk memkuk dan
Ie\ah drlahan.
(V) Termduh bergelm kenka dilahan kerana manyangka amnya
(wt Tenuduh ndak pemah mehha! banana kes dadah dahm
Eksnbm P6 sehingga dwtunjukkan oleh penis, aan
(vnjdxa sanggup memnanm menghantar barang mu Keranz
memenukan dwl
IN Eumwzsnxumsuzsau '7
W. sum ...u.., M“ .. wed In mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Semasa perneviksaan balas, Tenuduh menyalakan ma ida
cerilakan pembemannyi kepada pegawaw pens letapx udak dapal
mengenalpasu maps pagawax berkenaan Tenuduh juga le\ah
makmmkan peguambela cemanulunya, lelapl peguam mak
menyoa\ SF4 atau SF5 berkenann wsu-Isu yang umangkukannya
dmam Pembekiinnyi
Hu[ahan di akhir kes
Ringkasan Imiahan Pendakwaan
IN Eumwzsnxumsuzsau
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. mwgmuly MW; mm. VI muus wvm
Pendakwaan menghujahkan mereka xeran benaya membukhkan
sualu kes melampam keraguan munasabah Mereka menqux
Mahkamah semula kepada inn-pan kedua-Hus Derluduhan din
menyowl kelevangan saksisaksx pendakwaan khasny: sps‘ swe‘
SP7‘ SP8 Gan SP4
Pendakwaan bemujah pembelaan Terluduh max mempen-kaman
wmpani Jems dan beral dadah manupun langgapan seamen di
bamh seksyen 37(da) ADE. Pembelaan Tanuduh (enumpu
Kepada mnpan mlllkan dan pengecahuan dadah
Tertuduh Ivdak membangkmn 15»; im di penngkal kes
nendakwaan dengan memenksa was SP5, SP6, SP7 atau SP8
Noanlara Ambrass Anthony v PP 1596 1 cu 705 :11 hsadnole
1 — 4’ 1996 1 MLJ zus, PPV Hemna Pumama San 2016 1
LNS1855d|Era 42 2017 1 MLRA499)
57 Pendakwaan bemumu pembelaan Teduduh im bahawa dis adiflah
pembawa udak bersa\ah (mnocem carrier) was suam yang
dnfiknrkan kemudran (anenhaugmy dan mreka hanya smapas ma
aupanggulmemnexaaun An A nz v P n n r
2019 5CLJ 730 d\ 800 30:1 2019 4 Mu 1)
Rmgmn. nujalun points .1.
53. Pembelaam zelan bemulah berkenaan Ianggungjawab Mahkamah
unluk menflax kesemruhan kelerangan yang man mxemuxakan
uleh kedua pmak man menquk Mahkamah kepafla psnghamman
dalam kes Ma V PP (supra)
59 Pemhewaan wga menuuk kepada kes PP v saw-in 1. Drs 1971 2
MLJ 15 d1 mans Sharmi J memumxan di17—
-rnuunumm urmcmru am not my iound hulweH rewurused an puma —
41; we arms at plm/mg everything msmx «a me eluhhlhvtem :71 me
chama agmnsl ma Etllllssd has on ma pvasemman,
(21 The emdence mus| be such as (0 exchme «o a mans! cenamly every
reasonable douhl ml the gum ov me accused,
13; In mailer: uldnubl n u safer In acqunthan m cammn
A Mme» mnnm be suslamed even w (he now! vs sansfled Ihm me
Dvosecunon story “maYbel1ue" umess and mm n wslolmdmalma Pmsecunon
story “must b. nus" the human av pmav mam on me pmlewllun
ihmughum Ihe mnl n he ‘earned mngmmue Wm! um sihshed mm me cu:
m we msemmon Ilwas ms my la mum and msmarse me wmsm ac me
dnse av me Dvoeacnmon case The many oime delence does not veheve me
pmuculmn «mm wanting nu pmsaculmn case bcynnd varliunabh mum m
burden ulpmvmg gum ln . cnmmal charge wsmwnyx an we plmecnman
sm Euymklisnxumsuzsau ‘9
-W. sum ...u.., M“ .. wed In mm m. nngmuly MW; m.m. VI muus wvm
(Nor Azman hm Ammn v PP gma MLJU 703 m gara 12,
sucmma Okayev PP 1995 1M 5;§ gumgp
Pnm mm mm d-pmn M-mum-n an nkhlr kn
so Seksyen 182 KTJ mempemnlukkan —
‘Pmueduva .1 Iha rmnnlusmn Mme (ml
H) At my wnclusmn oa ms mat «m cm man came: an we emanoe
xddurad he1me4|-Ind am. Wnrlhsr nu pmlsumnn has pvuvad .1;
use beymld miwmbla am:
12> w the calm «nu; ms: the Drosecmmn has proved as case be‘/and
-usoname mm, the Com! mu am we accused gum and he may he
mrwlcind an n
12; um Caullfnds vmme pmseanlmn has um plmed its use heyund
reasnname mm the cm shafl vsenm an order MaNumaI'
51 Diflam kes Mohamnd Radhi bin Yaakob v. PP 1991 1 CLJ Reg
311d|315 1991 3CL.l2073* 1991 3MLJ1S9,MohdAzm\HMA
-u Is a wen eslablwshed pmcme oa Malaysian cummal xaw man we general
human 0! wow has mruughuul his man on me pmewnan lo Pmve beynnd
reasnnahle mm»: m gum no the accused cm the mm wwm wmch be u
mama mm x: no swmuhal burden waned an (he acmsed Ia vmve ms
mmmence He Is nvesumed mnooem mum woven gum To earn an a<>\1umaI«
ms duly u -mew to out a Icasuruble mum m In: pmmumm case m me
some of me pmleculmn case, «.2 pm.cmim. may M sauna new on
avmlnble smmary nvesumnlmns |a mm nne ev more 01 Ihe exsenlml
Ingredients Mme shame When man oecurs. me Damcmar burden alvmolas
UPPUIMI In my gen-raw burden. mm: to ma aeveuca w rebut such
sm Euymklisnxumsuzsau 20
mm. sum lhlhhfl wm be uud In mm m. mwgmuly MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm
Pasukan semuan telah hba RNR Gumn pada seknar ;am 545
palang RNR Gurun ada medan makan den 2 slesen mmyak‘
Petmn and Shell Pads kehka nu, keadaan pencahayaan an |empa|
Iersehul masm lerang‘ cuaca balk Gan Valuhmaa agak smuk
Kelikl kenderaan Tayo|a Avanza yang ainam SP5 berhampvan
Slesen Mmyak Shell, behau telah mehhal semang \e\ak\ Me\ayu
sedang duduk alas sualu mmosmax Vamaha WSRZ wama mru
dengan no pendaflaran PNVB364(Mn|us\kaI)[EksIbIlF7] Jarak
m ancara merexa pads mesa nu lebm kurang 150 me|er dan beluau
mellhal Velakl Ma\ayu nu sedang memkok
Apsnna sps menghampm le\ak\ Me\ayu yang dlcsm ssbagal
Terluduh dan mengenaxkan dlnnya sebagav sebagaw pegawax pom.
Tertuduh flu benindak aglesxi Lian cubs melankan dm DlKp|
Zulkmee um Kamarudln benaya menaharmya SP5 kemuwannya
memaxankan pemerlksaan ks atas Tertudun lelapx nada apa-apa
baring yang menya\ahi undangmndang dqumpax
xemuman, dalam kehadivan Terluduh dan D/Kpl Zmklflee‘ SP5
memenksa Eksnbxl P7 5:25 menjumpai satu beg gaxas berzip
berwama mm Mam [Eksihil re] an mga Malosika\ xersebm
Da\arn beg galas tersebul. SP5 melwmpaw s hungkusan plaslnk
Msmar yang mengandungi bahan yang dwsyakl dadah hemln sps
merampas Moluslkal, anak Kunci Malnsiksfl [Eksibil Pa] dan beg
galas sena kandungsnnya
presumnlmvus an the ha\am>e M vmbahmlues whnzh harm the defiance pew m
vtewws mzwannanma burden Mcainna a masonams doubt bum wsoenamly
Immu man the burden oflha vvwewvion in mm beyond raawnable dam
Ya earn an mum: ax me dose of me use my me prcxeculmn unde¢s
mm or ; 180 al (he cnmmax Fmneduve Carley me Own must be silbfled
lhal no case agaIns| (he accused has been made cm which wt unrehufled
would wmm hrs oonwc1.un(Munusamy y FF’ man] 1 ms :2 n an-nee vs
caflsd, um duo, £71015 unused us cmly m cat a reasonable auum m an
pmleculmn case He 3 ml requwed m mm: mm mnmeme beymld
reasnname doubt
Tn earn an acqmnm. the am my not be convmued -11 lbs mm. ol Ihe
defer»: story or vumun Rmsmg a vaaionabll doubt m we quI\| av me ‘
accused wwll sulhaa n y. M haweunv, wvmlg {m n.. Com m 5. myma
mm the deience velsmn 5 (me m whmh cue me count mus| emer nn
anqulual m avhmnnate cases :1 .5 also um Wm m we own to emmude ‘
manna dalenoesluly mans: arm! convmolrw. mu m Ina! Instance‘ me Coull ‘
mushuol wnvwtl mm! m uk: . lmlhlv quulmn man -van am. cum dun nn|
n::::ep| ur helueve me delenue exolnnamm, does u nevenhebss, rune .
reasonable mm as -.7 ms mull? n \s by (ms rensan mm m dealmi mm the ‘
deflence my av exwananun, live mapoflly av mm numry mm m mm ‘
ymm away he Iagwy -smamsmu “maxmuhla mar um, rather m... lu
dew: m me -mmme and mrwmc\ng" my before appwmg Ihe "yensmunble
mm (est “
Ifiamchandran1suPFI)§fl_,Guna\arI(suI-Va)dxB6S 2204 mu
m & Md zaurumn bin Run an y. PF 2013 3 MLJ 77:. di 79:
2017.]ML.JU 314 gm: Acu 21 2013 aAMR4au).
52. Mahkamah um telah menlmbang dan menganalisa kesemua
ketevangan yang dikemukakan dalam new-caraan temadap
Terluduh umuk memmuskan sama ada pihak pendakwaan Isiah
membukukan Kes meteka ms\ampam keraguan munasabah
sm Euywuisnxumsuzsau 2'
-my. sum I-mxhnv wm y. um In my m .m.u-y mm; uaammnl «. muws mum
sm Euywuisnxumsuzsau
-W. sum runhnv Mu e. um In my me .ngn.u-y mm; e...n.n «. muns bum!
unzuk mlipan m kan dan pengelahuan bevkenaan dadah.
keterangan pendakwaan menunjukkan dadih duumpal dmarn beg
galae yang dlsimpan (mam raga mn(osIka\ yang dnunggang aleh
Tenuduh Apatma Terluduh dwahan‘ dla bemndak agrasxl dan Cuba
mewikan dxri
Pembelaan Tenuduh bahawa ma adalah pembawa lldak bersalah
barang kes dadah Keterangan Tsrtuduh ada\ah Venot
rnemberikarvlya Eksnbm P6 unluk dlhantar kepada kawannya dw mu
Pendang Tenuduh mbayarupan RM 200.00. Teduduh menafikan
pengecahuan berkenaan kandungan Exem P6 Dxa jugs mambsri
pemelesan hahawa ma mha melankan dm Karena sangka me
Pembe\aan pembawa Iidak bersa\ah im Ie\ah dlbincangkan dalam
Kes Munusamy Sundar Ra v. PF [guts e MLJ 214 an mans
sunyam FCJ memmuskan .1 219 —
“The delencs m Innocent camav us emu d¢1vwema|wu\d bl afluded to by
an auwm Ptrmn. and m lhu csxa «n. applflanl A plalhnla at can:
spnnkbl lhe legs! gnumms .n Mnlaysla and sumee m we merely veler la .
chosen ve-mo danfy «ms aevenoe wwhom me new «or wmvrehenswelumrzual
actmsm rne com -:1 Appaax m Venkatssan Cmrmasamt v Pvblrr:
Pm:sculorIZ011]1 ms 1735 pill n Ipfly n me 6uHawing terms
A den.-nee ohnnnoem narr\ene4evs m 3 slate ov nfiahs wheve an
accused Person acknwnedges narfvlnsl. lo! example 3 use on hnx‘ as
-n lhe case below: 0:, wmammq me dangewui drugs but ampules
nanng knuwxeagu unne drug: Whelhzu mu mum av no: menu vary
much depend on the «am 0! each case
M uld shave n n nnvmny. mat the success at me defiance Mmnooem
unier depends very mum on lhe fnclsufeach cane, : mmrnnannauns wnmn
the ream: of the unax wage Ignorance simphuher n na| sulfiuenl In let an
accused nevwn on «n. hook as olherwnse every omev aowsed pecsnn w\lI
afluda to ma daianoe n needs more than mal wumm any reason 70!
sulpwcnn, ur were .. no ngm av awanunny olexam\na1wn,mno::noe may in
a gm defence A hypoxhelnm scan-Inn mm ha men an awuled vmxon
veoewes a package which comams smut drugs «nnn My. Englnnd when ml n
smed oi menu could esxannsn nnn having heen awave M the
cwwmnanuascflha drugs being mum: nnn ovhavmg any naxustomm Pnov
to me paveel ippstnng it ms door she}: na would nut have had any mason my
suspnflon or me npnmmmy In Inspect the puma! heaving in mud (ml the
package was beyand ms reach Imm n reached hrs mag The n-1er:s1h.:|
avemmnu uepefldsou lha mm-
as Dalam konleks kes ml, dapalan iakta adamu bahawa »
0) kmerangan berkenaan \leno( ndak umangxmn semasa
pemenksaan ha\as saksrsaksx pendakwaan,
(u) keterangam SP5 tldak mcabar dengan pevscalan sums ada
wang upah RM 200.00 yang konnnnya mbenkan olsh Vsnol
atsu lemon blmbn Terluduh yang dugunakan Imtuk
bemuhung dengan Venm dvampas semasa serbuan pads
31 1 2020‘
(In) walaupun Tenuduh memberi kelerangan ma telah
makmmkan pegawan polns yang merakam percakapannya
naralfl pembemannya‘ Tenudun mdak dapal mengenalpasu
Degawaw Pens
sm Euywuisnxumsuzsau 23
-wn. sum ruvmnv Mu n. um n may m. nnnnnn Wm dnanmnl y. muus mm
(M percakapan beramaran Terlumm «max mxamuxakan dl
(V) liada cadangan olen Tenuduh Dahawa ma «emu membual
perlanyaan kepada venm, searang yang udak dwkenahnya‘
berkenaan Kandungan Eksmn P6,
(vx) bavang kes dadah [EkIIbIt P15[A} — (F)] yang mpaw
dalam Eksmm P6 dalam keadaan [max tersehndung‘ uan
(w) Temmuh mempunyai peluang yang uenm dan mencukupw
untuk memhuka Ekslbwl we den memenksa kandungannya
se\epas ianya dwserahkan kepadanya sehlnggalah dia
mcanan men pmak polls an kawasan RNR Gurun map.
Termduh sengma lvdak berbuat uemman
Kesernua fakla mu memmhmkan syak wasangka (emadap
kesanman ketevangan Tertudnm dan Mahkamah udak
Fade hemal Mahkamah um, pembelaan Tenumm bahawa dna
adaxah pembawa tidak hersalah ]e\as suatu penafian semala-mats
dan sualu yang a klrkan kemudlan Kqahflan srmphcltsryang
dnbangkllkan a\eh Tenuduh udak mampu menyokong pembelaan
pembawa mak bersakahnya, memalahkan dapaian iakla
permhkan dan pengelahuan alas Imhangan kebarangkahan man
merwmudkan sualu keraguan munasabah dalam kss pendakwaan
m Eupmuzsnxumsuzsau 24
W. sum rumhnv Mu be us« w vetny m. nugmuly mm anuumnl m nrwuus W.‘
Selelih membual penilalan maksirna dan memmbang keseluruhan
kelerangan pmak pandakwaan flan psnubawaan Tenuduh, dengan
mengambulkura kredlhllm ssksrsaksl kedua pmak‘ Mahkamah W
mendapau —
m Euvmuzsnxumsuzsau
Wale sum rumhnv Mu ». um n may m. .ngn.ny mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
kes pendakwaan lerhadap Tenuduh adalah kukuh dnn
msokung nleh xeqerangan sakswaksx pendakwaan‘
pembeman Terluduh 9a§a\ memalahkan aavman lakla
permllkan flan psngeunuan alas wmbangan kebarangknlian,
pembelaan Terluduh gage! memalahkan tanggapan sialutun
pengedavan dadah bawah seksyen a7(da) ADE atas
wmbangan kebamngkallan,
Mahkamah max mempercayax pembe\aan Tenuduh yang
benma Flembelaan yang dnf rkan semula,
pembelian Terluduh uagal menwmbmkan sebarang keraguan
rmmasabah Ierhadap kes pendakwaan mengikul pnnsxp yang
amyacakan dalam kes Mat y PP (supra); dan
pendakwaan Ie\ah benaya membukllkan kes temadap
Tenuduh unluk penuduhan di bawah seksyen 39511 Kat ADB
dan psrtuduhan dx bawah seksyen ¢2(2; ADE mewampaui
keraguan munasabah
70. Dengan nu, Terluduh amapau bersalah unluk kedua—dua
penuduhan lemadapnya.
Mmgasi Tertuduh
71 Tenuduh mengemukakan laklar—lak|ar mlllgasw benkul unluk
pemmbangan Mahkamah Dla uemmur 22 lahun dan bekerja
sehagav seuvang wlreman dengan gain bulanan RM wane no pada
masa kemdian ma lelihpun kahvwm dan ada seorang anak
berumur 3 lahun Tenuduh Ielah member! kenasama kepida
plhak palm flan berkelakuan hawk da\am (ananan. Terluduh Imah
msaf clan pohun dlben peluang untuk menyumbang Kepada
72 Alas dasar nu, Tsnudun memnhun ma hanya mxenaxan hukuman
pemara flan sebalan Dwa wga puhun agar hukuman peruara umuk
keduadua penuduhan bevymn seremak
rakmr pombmun
73 Pendakwaan berhuiah kepenlmgan awam perlu dmlamakan dalam
menmuhkan hukuman umuk kes dadah yang bempa musuh No.1
74 Eerdasarkan kelerangan dalam kes mu, Tenuduh (erhbal (imam
akum pengedaran dan hukuman yang mxenakan hams
mencermmkan pohsv dan usaha Negara menbanlers gema dadah
m Eupmuisnxumsuzsau 25
Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm
75. Pendakwaan memohon agar Mihkamah mengamml pengwklwrafan
kehakiman (|ud\c\a\ notice) bahawa kes dadah kvan berleluas
wakaupun kesaklhan tevsebut membawa hukuman man mandalon
sebelum Ana Pemansuhan Hukuman Man Mandalnn 2023 (Akla
S46) berkualkuasa
76 Pendakwaan Ie\ah memjuk Mahkamah kepada nas undangr
undang unluk menumukkan (rend hukuman unmk kesalahan m
bawah seksyen asnqzy ADE
77 Psndakwaan memohnn hukuman mam dlksnakan ke alas
79, Dengan berkualkuasanya Akla B46 mulax 4 72a2a, Mahkamah
kvm mempunyal budmlcara sepenuhnya unluk sama ada
mengenakan hukuman gamung sampaw man atau hukuman
penjara seumuv mdup dan sebacan «max kurang aan 12 sebatan
untuk Penuduhan Panama
79 Damn kes PP v Llma am: Ganesan 023 9 cm 525 Mnhd
Radzx Abdul Harmd J Ielah membmcangkan pindaan lersebul
dengan memenk sebahagwan ucapan Tlmbalan Menlen unaang-
Undang semasa bacaan kedua dan ketiga Rang Undangrundang
Iersehut pada 1142023 Befiau juga Ie\ah menuuk kepada
pengnamman mmurm Namm Pammanalhan HMP dawn kes Ly
m Eupmuzsnxumsuzsau 27
W. sum rumhnv Mu be us« w vetny m. .mw., mm anuumnl 7. nrwuus W.‘
Eosman v PP & Olhgr Aggeaws zgza 3 CLJ 147 a 235 E020 5
MLJ 277 dsn memumskan di 635 —
-raxmg mm mm mm cansuauauon, um mb at a cnnmcled accused m the
ipewum nflrflfsckwvg nc1M|\es mum mmqnhnq reawnslotlhem mus|now
be ucmxldzved by me mun In ememumnu wmm: me passm at a aun-
nemenee Vs eommensurala with ma M1: at an of «mrnckuvu =5 d-aimed
umlers 2 :11 me um That mm:-an um: new be «am as .u.
enmmaassmg and on: um in nu
In addman to man, we wewghl nr vnmme of Ihe dangeraus dnms mum m ma
pulseulm at me wnvmted accused wm be anvlher Key wnswderalian A
dnsimcuon shnula now be made hemeen am whave the ammmls L11
dangerous mug: mvolved uamy nun: ma rmnlmum threshold cm .
preiumvllm m namckmg undirs 37(di] ul me ovum muse mac are
gm xym exuss Mum mwmum An amaun|ma(bam\ymes1s me rrummum
«mama armereabnms should no(. mme ahsencemany heavy aggravming
Vncton Dnma time msmu ma duh untsncl
mu. navmg umudsmd an lhe pmmxe nggmvaflng Ind mmnaung factors
and kupmg m mm we saw“ me mien! m me an 345. m (ms mm mm,
we deem sentenne shumd only be vesarved lur ampuenany unuus canes
where me comm mum
up sawed a mapr mb m me an M uammnu (see Lem
Bcasmln (supmj, Mahnmad Faun Rmwan 5. Mar v PP Runs! 1 cu
us, [2006] 2 MU15)‘
my |ramr:ked m lame amount: av quanmy Lrfdangerom dmgl ur gmmly m
excess 0! the m an flveshnh fur me nvesummmn al lmmdung
undau ma.) Mme DDAAsee on N: Chum v PP Mean] « ms
131419511 1 mm 64; Muhammad Lukman Munamad V pp mm! 7
cu szuznzu MLJU «:15, PP V Sawfmnlnlum Mat um V vs:
|2u21]1 ms «nu, [2n21)5 MLJ 255),
(M) was uugm m the m M pmcessmg or manuiacmnng dangevous drugs
(:92 cm We< Loan v F'P& AnomerAppea\ R021] :3 cu 523. [2021]
¢ MLJ sen).
sm EDpw|lE5flKa4M1Su1SED 15
-mu. sum ...u..v wm ». M In «My m. .uw.y cum; “M... w. IFVLING Wu‘
(M trafficked dangemusdmgs lhamere Ioum1mdmduaHy padmd wn lame
amounts‘ [7131 miss: the Inferanbe Hwy were meant Var Isl]!!! Of
dwslrlbunon (I¢!.VP V Mohd Valelan Md Khuzeh [2015] 9 CL!
224. name} a MLJ sax),
M was caught in the ml 07 sewing Inge amoums oi dangemus dnlisy
my mu m ms nnsassmn lame uuarmfy of Pavabhamalna (51 me
Dlwessman manulacnmnu or admlmsltatlurv of dannlvuus drugs
(see Sawlmnlzam Mal Naur1wPri|.
(yup wucaughlswin nstmctmminmheu, ynpanyaynymynm mmeacl
vi P'“CBIII\q‘mnnMax.1urIruyse\lmg nrd\s|rIbu(mg dangaroui drugs‘
(ynu used swhnsmzled mmlmr to wnmu, man or |ranspoII dung-snnys
own: (See w/my gnmn. y up zune 3 cu 124 [znns] 5 Mu
Ms, Eehuu Am Ecurmmn Vwn as ygom 1 ms 511 mm MLJU
my «mu.-m In large quammar ul crmvucally pvuansd dangumus drugs
av deilarm «runs an Khuinl Anwal Aw n.n.n (.yp..y, ouggm
Emmgng Chukwunanu V vs we 1 ms was [mm] MLRHU
(X) mm m ms vnssessmn mega: arms mweawns man he was caught
«yo |ook I\le«mveataenmg msasuluto .-my Inuit
may had nnmvne Pnuv<:mwu:1mns,nnd/at
my; idea m cahanswnh mrmnlmembets cl any enluoemem aaenvl
Those iamu: are merew Examvles :17 axoevnanay aaarayanng (a:1or:|hl|
mny.In(h1s mrrsvmn nmny lha mm Immune Hwnuhi ha upmlhe cmnl
lo deubevile an am! wagh (hem tug: sl an mmgaung harms gmded by
arhbhshad um unsenymnyg [see Bhandummndalayamakev PF 1931
1LMs139 [1952] « MLJ 53) up y Ramakusnnin Suhvimamam son 3912
9 cm 443 [mm]? MU 549. 25 y M Mm um ygms 1 ms 1555 W .4
Lou gym an as 1 LNS1D2 (197511 MLA‘ and w y Shnhmmzuuan
Adguju g my m1: 2 cu 636 (201313 MLJ my and (a rum :1 any one 0!
them W a mnymnnnan 0! any number av lmwe mum |us|\VY ma cam
exerdse M ayweunn no Has: the mm sentence -
sm Euymuzsnxumsy/zsau 29
"nun: sum I-mam wm ne um n my like .ngn.ny MIN: nnammnl «. mums Wm
no Penna-man Kadua membawa hukuman peruara saumur hldup
acau lempoh max Kurang darl 5 (ahun flan sebatan max kurang
davi 1a saua«an
51 Bsrdasarkan kelerangan yang dikemukakan dalam kes mi,
Tenuduh udak memamkan peranan yang hesav da\am pengsdaran
dadah atau dldapall memual atau mempmses dadah da\am
kuanlm yang bessr Sernasa dnangkap, ma max bemndak secara
ganas alau menggunakan senjsna dan membahayakan atau
mencederakan mana—mana anggma pahs Da\am Keadaan ml,
Mahkamah herpendapa| llada iakcmakcar pemberatan yang
mewajarkan Terluduh dikenakan hukuman ganlung sampaw man.
32 Walau hagamanapun, Mahkamah ml berpendapat apa-apa
hukuman yang mkanaxan ke alas Tertuduh hams mencermmkan
kesenusan Denuduhan/pertuduhan yang dlkenakan ke alasnya
dan mamberi keulamain kepida kepermngan awam.
53 lm kerana berdasarkan rnakmman yang mbankan oleh Tnmbalan
Kelua Pengarah (OperasI)Agens1AnI\ Dadah Kehangsaan, Datuk
Dr Muhamad Sade Monamaa Amm di program sammnan
Panngaoan Han Ann Dadah Tahun 2023 pada 192 2023. Nagen
Kati\maekndkan;um1ah ksspmryalahgunaan uaaamsmggm Nsgala
mas «anun 2021
an MahkamahImmengambnlmak|Jmkepemngar\awamt£:|a9ai\kaTe9mduh
yang mesh muda. when pemang mermmhkan am agar menpdl anak
bangsa yarg Ink
m Eupmuisnxumsuzsau 30
Wane sum IHIHDIV Mu a. um a may m. mtgmuly ma anuumnl y. AFVLING puvm
IN Eumuisnxumsuzsau
‘Nate sum rumhzr wm ... M n «My Due anwn mm mm. Vfl mung NM!
Tenudun dan bavang kes yang dvampas telah dmawa ks um
Pejabal Puhs Daevah Kuala Muda av maria SP5 Ie\ah menlmbang
s bungkusan plasux Iulsmar (ersebuf [Ek:ibiI P15(A) — (F)] dan
mendapan beral xasamya aualan 271500 gram SP5 lelah
membual tandaan pada kesemua barang kes dadah sena
tandacangannya dan lankh
Pada jam xanm kurang em ma\am yang sama, SP5 lelah
menyevzhkan Tertuduh‘ Kesemua harang kes dan dokumen
berkanan kepada Vnspeklur G/25542 Nur Vzzan mm. Abdul
Rahman, pegawai penywasal (SP7)
SP1 memben kelerangan |xahawa—
my behau Ie\ah menylmpan Eksvlm P6 darn Eksibil P15(A) — (F)
ds\am a\min berkuncw behau sehingga 122020 mm 330
pelang dv mana barang Kes (e\ah mkeluarkan unluk diambil
gamhar sebelum dan sebpas unsung,
my liada sebanang kesan camari mnnul pada barang kes;
(nu) Emma mam — (F) dlmasukkan dalam suim kulak yang
d\sea\ dengan meleral PDRM 579 benanda 'E' [ambit F10]
dun an mpan semula da\am ahuan berkuncn belnau bersama
Ekslbn F6.
(xv) pada 1 2 2020 jam lehlh kurang 5 45 pelang. belwau bersama
SP1 Ie\ah pergl Ke lempat kepdlan dan mengarnbu gambar
sena semakan man kasar clan kuncl,
as Setelah memmbang segala fakla kes ml lermasuk mmgasl
Tefluduh dan laktor psmberalan hukuman psndskwaan dan
bemandukan nas undangundang dahuman‘ Mahkamall Im
msmuluskan Tenumm disabnkan kesalanan umuk kedua—dua
pertudlman dan mkenakan hukuman -
(1) pemara seumur mdup dan senacan 15 sebalan unluk
Fertuduhan Panama‘ dam
(H) Imkuman pemara 7 Iahun dan lankh tangkap aan hukuman
sebalan 12 sebacan unmk Pertuduhan Kedua
as Hukuman pememaraan akan bena\an eersmak
Bertankh 2s Oktuber 2023
Narkun Sun snn
Pesurumaya Kenamman
Mahkamah Tlnggx Mama dx Sungai Pelanl
TFR Nabila Huda bum Muhammad Nazxm
aagx pmak Pendakwaan
Pelabal Penasmal Undang-Undang Negen Kedah
m Eupmuzsnxumsuzsau
Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. .m.u-y mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
Encik Rana: hm Mahamad
Peguam hagx puhak Pembelaan
Teluan Shamsudln Bahavi 5 Ram:
No 44-A, Tingkal 1, Jalan Todak 4, Bandar Seberang Jaya
13700 Peril Pmau Plnang
m Eupmuisnxumsuzsau
Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. .m.u-y mm dnunvmnl «. muus mm
(V) pane 222020 [am wenm Kurang E‘A5 pagx, bellau telah
mengarahkan SP1 unluk menganmu gambar Muluswkal
my pada nan yang sama,1am Vehlh kurang H 30 pagl behau Isiah
keluarkan Eksmn P10 den a\man berkuncx hehau unmk
dlhawa ke Jab:-nan Kirma Malayswa Cawangan Alur senar,
(vu) Eksmn P10 telsh dlsershkan Kepada SP4 yang mengeluarkan
resxt rasmv Janacan Kmua Malayswa dengan nu makmal 2o—
FR~K~0G751 [Eksibil P11],
(vun pads 12 2.2020‘ benau celah seran Eksmn-Ekslbn P6, P7 dan
P8 kepada SP2 unluk flvslmpan da\am star hamng kes an VPD
Kua\a Mud:-1 an bawah nu pendaflaran E11176/20,
(xx) wads 13.10.2020 Jam mm pagx, behau lekah menerima
laporan Kmua dan Eksibfl P10 dengan sea! Jabatan Knma
Mmaysla an no makmal 2l)FR—K—0D751l2U danpada SP4;
(x) Exsnaix Pm kemudiarmya dlsxmpan dalam almavi berk-ma
bsuau semngga mmzuzu dx mans Eksibwl Pm Isiah
dwssrahkan kepada spa Lmtuk msmxpan bsrsama barang Kes
Vain dw bawah nu pendaflaran ER176/20, dan
(xi) behau menaapaxkan pengesahin danpada Jabalan
Pengangxman Jalan Rays bahawa P7 adalah mllxk spa
Inspekmr G/24569 Snmta mm. Annual‘ pegawaw penyxasal ganh‘
(SP9! |e|ah mengambfl ahh kes im selepas SP7 dttukarkan Eeliau
memberi keterangan bahawa berdisarksn Eksxbll P23(B),
malaslkal Yamaha VISRZ dengan no psrmaflaran FNV 5:54
berwama merah dldaflarkan alas nama spa SP9 cenan
mengecam Emu F7 sebagal mmusmal mlliknya
Hashnda mm: Vsrnafl, arm xmua Kermaan (ss-4) telah memnen
Keterangan bahawa behau Qelah menenma Eks|b\tF-'10 danpada
SP7 dan Ie\ah kemarkan resll dalam Ekswbn P13 Pada mesa
menenma Eksxbn F10, sea! PDRM 579 damm keadaan bank
Eksmu P10 msngandungx Eksubn F15(A) — (F) den behau lelah
menandakan semma kesemua harang kes lersebut dengan nu
makmar 20—FR—K—DO751/20
SP4 memben kelerangan bahawa pads semasa barang kes dadah
da\am sunpanan benau, Ianya telah dmmpan da\am xamneq besl
berkuncw Semasa proses analwsa‘ harang kes dalam kawalan dan
pememaman sepemmnya nenau
SP4 ts\ah memmbang kesemua Exsmu F15(A) hmgga (F) nan
nasu anallsa belnau menunyukkan barang kes dadah Iersebm
mengandungw 522 hemin dan 132
gvam gvam
Hasu anahsa SF4 dmyalakan dakam Vaporan kmua behau benankh
7 7 2020 [Ekslbll F14] den telah mserahkan kepada SP7 pada
13 1a 2020]am1D0 pe|ang
IN Eumuisnxumsuzsau 5
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
we Nansrah bmlr Saad, ibu Tertuduh (SP9) telah dlpanggn unmk
member: kelsrangan bsrkenaan Motos\ka\ Iersebul Berdasarkan
dakumenlasx pendaflaran‘ SP9 adalah pemlhk mu|os\ka\ Yamaha ‘
V15RZ belwama mevah dengan no Dendaharin PNV 3354
Molusxka! yang mrampas semasa serbuan pads 31 1 mm jam
545 petang [Eks|b|t FY] ada\a7I molosnkal Yamaha V15RZ
berwama mm dengan no pendaflaran PNV 21364 599 member;
keterangan wama Eksvmt F7 |eIah dilukav oxen suammya
rskanaaros bin Ismau tlskanaams) sws ts\ah mengenalpasli
Exsmn P7 ssbagax molcsxkal yang dldaftarkan avas namanya
17 ualam kelerangannya dan kandang saksi, SP9 menyalakan
bahawa Dada Iarikh kejamannya, Vskandaras menggunakan
Matosika\ (ersebul den (Idak pulsng semngga lewal maxam
Keterangan Im bercanggah dengan rakaman percakapannya
kepada plhak polls pada Iahun 2020
15. Dalam percakapan Iersehul, $99 menyatakan hanya dia uan
Tenuduh menggunakan Mo(os|ka\ lersebut Pads tankh keyaman,
ma nampak Terluduh menggunakan mulosxkm tersebul pada
sebe\a7I Dehang
19 Fendakwaan lalah memanggu semma SP5 untuk memben
kelerangan Iamut berkenaan Mutosnkal tersebut Eelxau
mengesahkan uada swasalan dualankan he alas panama
Vskandaws kerana namanya ndak peman disebul separuang
IN Eumwisnxumsuzsau A
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
20 Larwtan danpada Kelerangan SP9‘ spa (elah membuat semakan
dan mendapall maklumat panawa szpanyang lempcm 19 11 2019
semngga bman Npvernber 2021, Vskandarcs berada dzlam
Peru Ian dan dapacan Mzhkamah dl akhir urea pend-kwaan
Prinsip kos prima fatio
21 Tugas Mahkamah 0. akmr kes pendakwaan Ialah unmk mmakukan
pennaran mamrnra ke alas keseluruhan ketevangan pendakwaan
dan nremumskan sama ada pendakwaan (elah berjaya
membuknkan sualu kas prima vacre terhadap Termduh sepem
arpanmmkkan :1. bawah seksyen 160(1) Kanun Talacara Janayah
22 Damn kes PP v. Mchd Radzr bin Abu Baker 2006 1 CLJ A57 an
407 2005 s MLJ 393 an 400» 2004 2 MLRA 547 zoos 1 AMR
gr Mahkamah Persekutuan menyarankan Vangkamangkah yang
perlu aranmn men nakrm bmara ar akhvr kes pendakwaan —
'0; me dose arms praseculIon‘s case‘ subject me evidence wed by
me prosecution m rts cmamy la a maximum evaluatmn caramuy
scrullmse Ina credlbmly ol eacn ov me pmsecuuan's wwnesses
Take Into accmml aH reasnnable Inlerences that may be drawn
irom Ihal evrdence If the evraenae admils oi M0 or more
mferences‘ men draw me rnierence that is most vavourame In zne
(I1) ask yuursemhequeslnon IH now call upon the amused to make
ms delence and he ekects «o remam suent am I prepared cp convict
rn zumuzspmmsuzsau 5
‘Nate sum runny wm be mad r. «My Due nflgmnfllv MW; nnuungnl Vfl mun: pmm
him on me swdenoe now before me? rune answenc mm quesucn
is "Ves", men apnma laofe case has been made um and me
delence should be caHed If the answer Is "No" then, apm-rm
lame case has not been made out and me accused shuuld be
(Hi) aner me «Manse :2. called, ma aewsed elems la remam snem,
than convict.
(my afler defence Is called, the accused eleas to gwe ewdence.
men go mrcugn me steps set an! In Mal v PP 1953 1 LNS 52.
195: MLJ 25: '
PP V Data‘ SSH Anwar hm Ibrahim No 3 1999 2 ML! I til 53
(Anwarlbramm No 3). L001 KowCI1a1 &Anurv PP 200; 1g;L.I
734 m 752 2003 2 MLJ as 2003 2 AM}? as, Balachandran v
PP 2005 2 MLJ 3431 ex 315- 2005 «cu as 2005 1AMR 321
[fialachandrany a. Magsrmran an Mnhan v PP 2011 1 cu aos
dl B24 2011 6 MLJ1)
E\emen-e\emen Perluduhan Panama adalah —
11) Jems den herat dadah yang memsm hal perkara psnuduhan
adalah dadah berhahaya seperll dllaknf a1 bawah ADE dan
dmyalakan damn penud-man tersebul.
111) Tarluduh memilm dadah berbahaya dan mempunyal
pengelahuarl mengenal mllnkan mu‘ den
(:11) Terluduh mengedardadah bevbahaya 1m
IN Eumklzsnxumsuzsau 9
W. sum ...u..1 MU .. wed In mm m. .1m1-y MW; mm. VI muus rum
Elemen perllml
IN Eumuzsnxumsuzsau
‘Nate sum rumhzr wm ... M a «My Due nH§\mH|V «ma anumgul Vfl muws rum
Suatu kaa pnma faoie unluk Permduhan Kedua tememuk apabna
pendakwaan membukukan 2 elemen panama yang msenamkan
dw alas
ma dadnn dun hem! dadnn
spa telah menganalnsa kandungan Eksvbn P15[A) — qn dan
mendanan ianya mengandungx 52.2 gram helm" yang memadi ha!
perkara Penuduhan Panama dan 132 gmm
monuaceb/lmarphmes yang meruam ha! perkara Femmuhan
Kedua-dua neram nan mannacelyhnarphlnes dlsenaraxkan
sehagal dadah hsmahaya dalam Jadua\ Panama ADE
Berpandukan Penghakwman Augusvne Paul HMR (kehka nu)
dalam kes Balachandran 1su;2ra)\ Mahkamah my rnenenma
kelsfangan SP4 paaa Max zammya sebagax kelerangan yang
boleh mpemayau
Munusamy Vengadasalam v PP 1987 1 Mu A92 1957 1 on
250 1937 CLJ Reg) 221, PP v Lam san 1991 3 MLJ 425 3.
Khan Hlchxang v. PP 1994 IMLJ 265 1994 2 CLJ151)
Saksvsaksv pendakwaan le\ah mengemukakan keterangan
bevkenaarl Denemuan den pergeraxan baring kes dadzh dengan
Je1aS (anpa sebavang pemnggaxan
mengenaxpasn baring kes khasnya barang kes dadah
berdasarkan Iandaan mas\ng»masmg
Kesemua sakss Ie\ah
| 4,179 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
CA-A72NCC-138-04/2023 | PLAINTIF ARTINI BINTI AB RASHID DEFENDAN ENRICH GARDEN CITY SDN BHD | PENGHAKIMAN TERUS - Samada melebihi had batas masa waktu - Seksyen 26 dan 27 Akta Had Masa 1953 - Samada surat lanjutan masa untuk membayar telah memperbaharui kausa tindakan Plaintif - Samada ianya satu isu yang patut dibicarakan. | 31/10/2023 | Puan Nor Izzati binti Zakaria | |
GUAMAN SIVIL: CA-A72NCC-138-04/2023
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 740707-03-5666] ... PLAINTIF
[NO. SYARIKAT: 200601-03-0514] ...DEFENDAN
[1] Ini adalah permohonan (“KM5”) pihak Plaintif untuk memasukkan
Penghakiman Terus menurut Aturan 14 Kaedah-Kedah Mahkamah 2012
terhadap Defendan. Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah membenarkan KM5
dengan kos sebanyak RM1500 dibayar kepada Plaintif. Alasan ringkas
adalah seperti berikut.
31/10/2023 16:18:37
CA-A72NCC-138-04/2023 Kand. 26
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Latar Belakang Kes
[2] Plaintif adalah seorang individu dengan alamat penyampaian di No.
8, Lorong Promenade Villa 3, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
[3] Defendan adalah sebuah syarikat yang diperbadankan di Malaysia
bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 dengan alamat berdaftar di B-38, Tingkat 1
Lorong Seri Teruntum 139, Jalan Bukit Ubi, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang Darul
[4] Defendan merupakan sebuah syarikat pemaju yang
membangunkan satu projek yang dikenali sebagai Promenade Villa di
atas sebidang tanah yang diterangkan dibawah HS(D) 854 PT 6509,
Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur seluas
14.2753 hektar.
[5] Melalui Perjanjian Jual Beli bertarikh 26.06.2013 (“Perjanjian
Tersebut”), Plaintif telah bersetuju untuk membeli dan Defendan telah
bersetuju untuk menjual hartanah yang dikenali sebagai Sub-Lot 107 di
Promenade Villa berserta sebuah rumah 2 tingkat berteres yang akan
didirikan diatasnya pada harga RM350,000-00.
[6] Defendan telah mengingkari syarat-syarat Perjanjian dimana
Defendan telah gagal menyerahkan milikan kosong bangunan dan
hartanah tersebut kepada Plaintif pada atau sebelum 26.06.2015.
Malahan, milikan kosong tersebut hanya diserahkan melalui Sijil
Perakuan Siap dan Pematuhan (Borang F) yang dikeluarkan pada
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
11.08.2016 dan oleh itu jumlah yang perlu dibayar menurut Fasal 22(2)
perjanjian tersebut adalah sebanyak RM27,125-48.
Isu Yang Dipertikaikan
[7] Mahkamah telah meneliti hujahan bertulis yang disediakan oleh
pihak-pihak dan mendapati hanya terdapat satu isu yang dipertikaikan
secara bersama oleh kedua-dua pihak. Maka, adalah lebih mudah
sekiranya Mahkamah ini menyatukan hujahan kedua-dua pihak untuk
mencerminkan isu yang diperdebatkan.
[8] Mahkamah mendapati satu-satunya isu yang menjadi pertikaian
bagi kedua-dua pihak adalah berkenaan dengan isu masa. Kausa
tindakan yang terakru adalah pada 11.08.2016 dimana pada tarikh
penyerahan milikan kosong hartanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif.
Berdasarkan undang-undang, tuntutan Plaintif hendaklah dibuat dalam
tempoh masa 6 tahun daripada tarikh kausa tindakan terakru tamat iaitu
pada 11.08.2022.
[9] Defendan di dalam hujahnya berpendapat bahawa tuntutan Plaintif
bertarikh 06.04.2023 adalah telah tamat tempoh kerana ianya telah
melepasi had batasan waktu pemfailan yang telah berakhir pada
11.08.2022. Manakala, Plaintif berhujah bahawa Defendan melalui
suratnya bertarikh 26.04.2017 yang dialamatkan kepada Plaintif telah
mengakui liabiltinya tetapi memohon 70% diskaun atas jumlah terhutang
merupakan satu pengakuan liabiliti yang boleh memperbaharui kausa
tindakan tuntutan Plaintif.
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
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Dapatan Mahkamah
[10] Mahkamah telah meneliti hujahan kedua-dua pihak dan Mahkamah
ini berpendapat kes ini merupakan satu kes yang “straightforward”.
Adalah menjadi fakta yang dipersetujui oleh pihak-pihak bahawa terdapat
satu surat daripada Defendan bertarikh 26.04.2017 yang mana
kandungan surat tersebut adalah berkenaan dengan permohonan 70%
diskaun atas jumlah terhutang.
[11] Yang menjadi pertikaikan di hadapan Mahkamah ini adalah samada
surat daripada Defendan bertarikh 26.04.2017 memperbaharui kausa
tindakan di hadapan Mahkamah ini. Untuk menjawab persoalan ini,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada niat asal Defendan menghantar surat
permohonan diskaun tersebut kepada Plaintif. Mengapakah surat
tersebut dihantar? Pada hemat Mahkamah, sekiranya Defendan tidak
terhutang kepada jumlah yang dituntut oleh Plaintif tersebut, Defendan
tidak perlu untuk menghantar apa-apa surat permohonan diskaun kepada
[12] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada Seksyen 26 Akta Had Masa 1953
yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Fresh accrual of action on acknowledgment
26. (1)...
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
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(2) Where any right of action has accrued to recover any debt or
other liquidated pecuniary claim, or any claim to the personal estate
of a deceased person or to any share or interest therein, and the
person liable or accountable therefor acknowledges the claim
or makes any payment in respect thereof, the right shall be
deemed to have accrued on and not before the date of the
acknowledgment or the last payment:
Provided that a payment of a part of the rent or interest due at any
time shall not extend the period for claiming the remainder of the
rent or interest then due, but any payment of interest shall have
effect, for the purposes of this subsection only, as if it were a
payment in respect of the principal debt.”
[13] Mahkamah ini seterusnya merujuk kepada syarat-syarat yang perlu
dipatuhi di bawah Section 27 Akta Had Masa 1953 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“Formal provisions as to acknowledgments and part
(1) Every such acknowledgment as is referred to in section 26
or in the proviso to section 16 of this Act shall be in writing and
signed by the person making the acknowledgment.
(2) Any such acknowledgment or payment as is referred to in
section 26 or the proviso to section 16 of this Act may be made by
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
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the agent of the person by whom it is required to be made
under that section, and shall be made to the person, or to an
agent of the person, whose title or claim is being
acknowledged or, as the case may be, in respect of whose
claim the payment is being made.”
[14] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di
dalam kes WEE TIANG TENG V. ONG CHONG HOOI & ANOR [1978] 1
LNS 234; [1978] 2 MLJ 54, 56 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
"There are three kinds of acknowledgments:
(1) an acknowledgment by the debtor that a debt subsisted in the
past but not at the time of the acknowledgment;
(2) an acknowledgment that it subsists at the time of the
acknowledgment; and
(3) an acknowledgment that it may subsist in the future but not at
the time of the acknowledgment".
[89] The Federal Court referred to and relied on the English
Court of Appeal decision in Good v. Parry [1963] 2 All ER 59.
Lord Denning M.R. speaking for the Court of Appeal said:
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
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"A person may acknowledge that a claim has been made
against him without acknowledging any indebtedness. It is
clear that what the Limitation Act, 1939, means is 'acknowledges
the debt or other liquidated amount',... there must be an
admission that there is a debt or other liquidated amount
outstanding and unpaid. Even though the debtor says in the
same writing that he will never pay it, nevertheless it is a
good acknowledgment. In order to be an acknowledgment,
however, the debt must be quantified in figures, or, at all events,
it must be liquidated in this sense that it is capable of
ascertainment by calculation, or by extrinsic evidence, without
further agreement of the parties...
No doubt a promise in writing by a debtor to pay whatever sum
is found due on taking an account is a good acknowledgment
today... provided always that the amount is a mere calculation
from vouchers, or can be ascertained by extrinsic evidence, and
is not dependent on the further agreement of the debtor".
[15] Manakala di dalam kes Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur
1 LNS 1237; [2015] MLJU 1124, di mana Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Mary
Lim, pada ketika itu menyatakan bahawa:
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“[57] Therefore, for an acknowledgment to be valid, sections 26
and 27 require the acknowledgment of the right of action or the
right to claim upon the debt must be:
i. in writing;
ii. signed by the person making the acknowledgment; and
iii. made to the person whose "title or claim is being
[58] This means that the acknowledgment of the debt which is a
promise to pay the debt due must be in a written form and it must
be by the person who owes the obligation in the first place. That
acknowledgment must then be made to the person who has the
right of action or to whom the debt is owed. This exchange is
usually kept within the immediate parties. But there may be
instances where third parties are involved. In such a situation,
can there still be a valid acknowledgment if it is made by a third
person to a third person.”
[16] Bagi mencerminkan prinsip yang diketengahkan di dalam kes
tersebut, Mahkamah ini menyelusuri semula kepada surat Defendan
bertarikh 26.04.2017 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
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[17] Melihat kepada surat ini, ianya tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa:
i) Pengakuan pengakuan liabilti tersebut telah dibuat secara
bertulis iaitu surat bertarikh 26.04.2017 di KM6 (Eksibit C);
ii) Surat tersebut telah ditandatangani oleh Defendan sendiri iaitu
Pengurus Projek yang bernama Mr. KS Wong daripada
Enrich Garden City Sdn Bhd; dan
iii) Surat tersebut dihantar dan ditujukan kepada Plaintif iaitu Artini
binti Ab Rashid.
[18] Menggunapakai prinsip di dalam kes tersebut di atas, Mahkamah
ini bersetuju dengan hujahan Plaintif bahawa surat Defendan bertarikh
26.04.2017 merupakan satu pengakuan liabiliti yang telah
memperbaharui kausa tindakan tuntutan Plaintif di sini. Maka, tuntutan
Plaintif di dalam kes ini adalah di dalam tempoh had batas masa yang
dibenarkan. Mahkamah ini mendapati Defendan telah melemahkan
pembelaannya sendiri dengan mengemukakan hujah ini sebagai satu-
satunya alasan untuk kes ini tidak diberikan penghakiman terus.
[19] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang mantap di Mahkamah
Persekutuan di dalam kes CEMPAKA FINANCE BHD V HO LAI YING
(TRADING AS KH TRADING) [2006] 2 MLJ 685 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut:
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“Quite clearly, the Court of Appeal has put the burden on the plaintiff
to prove his case in an O. 14 application. With respect, that cannot
be the correct proposition of law. In an application under O. 14, the
burden is on the plaintiff to establish the following conditions: that
the defendant must have entered appearance; that the statement
of claim must have been served on the defendant; that the
affidavit in support must comply with r. 2 of O. 14 in that it must
verify the facts on which the claim is based and must state the
deponent's belief that there is no defence to the claim.
ORS [1989] 1 LNS 144; [1990] 2 MLJ 36.) Once those conditions
are fulfilled, the burden then shifts to the defendant to raise
triable issues. The law on this is trite.”
[20] Pada hemat saya, Plaintif telah mematuhi semua syarat-syarat
yang terkandung di dalam kes tersebut di atas, dan kes ini merupakan
satu kes yang biasa dan yang jelas yang menjadikan ianya satu kes yang
wajar dan sesuai untuk diperintahkan penghakiman terus. Tambahan
pula, Defendan tidak sesekali mempertikaikan keberhutangannya
terhadap Plaintif.
[21] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam
[1998] 1 CLJ 1045 SHAIK DAUD ISMAIL JCA di m/s 1048 menyatakan:
"It is well settled that if a defendant in an O. 14 application succeeds
in raising even a single triable issue, it will not be a fit case and
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proper case to order summary judgment. It is only in plain and
obvious cases where there are no issues to be tried should
recourse be had to O. 14."
[22] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat isu-isu yang perlu
dibicarakan dan Mahkamah ini percaya Defendan telah gagal
menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah bahawa terdapatnya sebab lain untuk
kes ini dibicarakan. Justeru atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah
membenarkan KM5 dengan kos sebanyak RM1500 dibayar kepada
Mahkamah Majistret
Kuantan, Pahang
Plaintif: Gainneos Jacob Goldie daripada Tetuan Jacob Goldie S.S. Chew
Defendan: Aiman As' Ad Bin Mohd Ghani daripada Tetuan Irfan Aiman
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
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Seksyen 26 dan 27 Akta Had Masa 1953
Kes yang dirujuk:
1) Wee Tiang Teng v. Ong Chong Hooi & Anor [1978] 1 LNS 234; [1978]
2 Mlj 54, 56;
2) Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co Ltd v. Tridant Engineering
(M) Sdn Bhd And Another Case [2015] 1 Lns 1237; [2015] MLJU 1124;
3) Cempaka Finance Bhd v. Ho Lai Ying (Trading As Kh Trading) [2006]
2 MLJ 685; Dan
4) South East Asia Insurance Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia [1998] 1 CLJ
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| 15,286 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CA-A72NCC-55-02/2023 | PLAINTIF CHIN HAN SIONG DEFENDAN ENRICH GARDEN CITY SDN. BHD. | PENGHAKIMAN TERUS - Samada melebihi had batas masa waktu - Seksyen 26 dan 27 Akta Had Masa 1953 - Samada surat lanjutan masa untuk membayar telah memperbaharui kausa tindakan Plaintif - Samada ianya satu isu yang patut dibicarakan. | 31/10/2023 | Puan Nor Izzati binti Zakaria | |
GUAMAN SIVIL: CA-A72NCC-55-02/2023
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 700930-06-5335] ... PLAINTIF
[NO. SYARIKAT: 200601-03-0514] ...DEFENDAN
[1] Ini adalah permohonan (“KM7”) pihak Plaintif untuk memasukkan
Penghakiman Terus menurut Aturan 14 Kaedah-Kedah Mahkamah 2012
terhadap Defendan. Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah membenarkan KM7
dengan kos sebanyak RM1500 dibayar kepada Plaintif. Alasan ringkas
adalah seperti berikut.
31/10/2023 15:20:58
CA-A72NCC-55-02/2023 Kand. 42
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Latar Belakang Kes
[2] Plaintif adalah wakil kepada Chin Han Siong (“si mati”) yang
merupakan individu dengan alamat penyampaian di No. 22, Lorong IM
11/3, Taman Mahkota Height, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
[3] Defendan adalah sebuah syarikat yang diperbadankan di Malaysia
bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 dengan alamat berdaftar di B-38, Tingkat 1
Lorong Seri Teruntum 139, Jalan Bukit Ubi, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang Darul
[4] Defendan merupakan sebuah syarikat pemaju yang
membangunkan satu projek yang dikenali sebagai Promenade Villa di
atas sebidang tanah yang diterangkan dibawah HS(D) 854 PT 6509,
Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur seluas
14.2753 hektar.
[5] Melalui Perjanjian Jual Beli bertarikh 05.02.2013 (“Perjanjian
Tersebut”), si mati telah bersetuju untuk membeli dan Defendan telah
bersetuju untuk menjual hartanah yang dikenali sebagai Sub-Lot 419 di
Promenade Villa berserta sebuah rumah 2 tingkat berteres yang akan
didirikan diatasnya pada harga RM280,000-00.
[6] Defendan telah mengingkari syarat-syarat Perjanjian dimana
Defendan telah gagal menyerahkan milikan kosong bangunan dan
hartanah tersebut kepada simati pada atau sebelum 05.02.2015.
Malahan, milikan kosong tersebut hanya diserahkan melalui Sijil
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Perakuan Siap dan Pematuhan (Borang F) yang dikeluarkan pada
04.11.2015 dan oleh itu jumlah yang perlu dibayar menurut Fasal 22(2)
perjanjian tersebut adalah sebanyak RM27,125-48.
Isu Yang Dipertikaikan
[7] Mahkamah telah meneliti hujahan bertulis yang disediakan oleh
pihak-pihak dan mendapati hanya terdapat satu isu yang dipertikaikan
secara bersama oleh kedua-dua pihak. Maka, adalah lebih mudah
sekiranya Mahkamah ini menyatukan hujahan kedua-dua pihak untuk
mencerminkan isu yang diperdebatkan.
[8] Mahkamah mendapati satu-satunya isu yang menjadi pertikaian
bagi kedua-dua pihak adalah berkenaan dengan isu masa. Kausa
tindakan yang terakru adalah pada 04.11.2015 dimana pada tarikh
penyerahan milikan kosong hartanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif.
Berdasarkan undang-undang, tuntutan Plaintif hendaklah dibuat dalam
tempoh masa 6 tahun daripada tarikh kausa tindakan terakru tamat iaitu
pada 04.11.2021.
[9] Defendan di dalam hujahnya berpendapat bahawa tuntutan Plaintif
bertarikh 11.02.2023 adalah telah tamat tempoh kerana ianya telah
melepasi had batasan waktu pemfailan yang telah berakhir pada
04.11.2021. Manakala, Plaintif berhujah bahawa Defendan melalui
suratnya bertarikh 13.02.2017 yang dialamatkan kepada Plaintif telah
mengakui liabiltinya tetapi memohon sedikit masa untuk menyelesaikan
perkara tersebut dan surat Defendan bertarikh 13.02.2017 tersebut
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merupakan satu pengakuan liabiliti yang boleh memperbaharui kausa
tindakan tuntutan Plaintif.
Dapatan Mahkamah
[10] Mahkamah telah meneliti hujahan kedua-dua pihak dan Mahkamah
ini berpendapat kes ini merupakan satu kes yang “straightforward”.
Adalah menjadi fakta yang dipersetujui oleh pihak-pihak bahawa terdapat
satu surat daripada Defendan bertarikh 13.02.2017 yang mana
kandungan surat tersebut adalah berkenaan dengan permohonan
lanjutan masa Defendan untuk membuat bayaran yang terhutang kepada
[11] Yang menjadi pertikaikan di hadapan Mahkamah ini adalah samada
surat daripada Defendan bertarikh 13.02.2017 memperbaharui kausa
tindakan di hadapan Mahkamah ini. Untuk menjawab persoalan ini,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada niat asal Defendan menghantar surat
perlanjutan tempoh masa tersebut kepada Plaintif. Mengapakah surat
tersebut dihantar? Pada hemat Mahkamah, sekiranya Defendan tidak
terhutang kepada jumlah yang dituntut oleh Plaintif tersebut, Defendan
tidak perlu untuk menghantar apa-apa surat permohonan lanjutan masa
tersebut kepada Plaintif.
[12] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada Seksyen 26 Akta Had Masa 1953
yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Fresh accrual of action on acknowledgment
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26. (1)...
(2) Where any right of action has accrued to recover any debt or
other liquidated pecuniary claim, or any claim to the personal estate
of a deceased person or to any share or interest therein, and the
person liable or accountable therefor acknowledges the claim
or makes any payment in respect thereof, the right shall be
deemed to have accrued on and not before the date of the
acknowledgment or the last payment:
Provided that a payment of a part of the rent or interest due at any
time shall not extend the period for claiming the remainder of the
rent or interest then due, but any payment of interest shall have
effect, for the purposes of this subsection only, as if it were a
payment in respect of the principal debt.”
[13] Mahkamah ini seterusnya merujuk kepada syarat-syarat yang perlu
dipatuhi di bawah Section 27 Akta Had Masa 1953 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“Formal provisions as to acknowledgments and part
(1) Every such acknowledgment as is referred to in section 26
or in the proviso to section 16 of this Act shall be in writing and
signed by the person making the acknowledgment.
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(2) Any such acknowledgment or payment as is referred to in
section 26 or the proviso to section 16 of this Act may be made by
the agent of the person by whom it is required to be made
under that section, and shall be made to the person, or to an
agent of the person, whose title or claim is being
acknowledged or, as the case may be, in respect of whose
claim the payment is being made.”
[14] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di
dalam kes WEE TIANG TENG V. ONG CHONG HOOI & ANOR [1978] 1
LNS 234; [1978] 2 MLJ 54, 56 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
"There are three kinds of acknowledgments:
(1) an acknowledgment by the debtor that a debt subsisted in the
past but not at the time of the acknowledgment;
(2) an acknowledgment that it subsists at the time of the
acknowledgment; and
(3) an acknowledgment that it may subsist in the future but not at
the time of the acknowledgment".
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[89] The Federal Court referred to and relied on the English
Court of Appeal decision in Good v. Parry [1963] 2 All ER 59.
Lord Denning M.R. speaking for the Court of Appeal said:
"A person may acknowledge that a claim has been made
against him without acknowledging any indebtedness. It is
clear that what the Limitation Act, 1939, means is 'acknowledges
the debt or other liquidated amount',... there must be an
admission that there is a debt or other liquidated amount
outstanding and unpaid. Even though the debtor says in the
same writing that he will never pay it, nevertheless it is a
good acknowledgment. In order to be an acknowledgment,
however, the debt must be quantified in figures, or, at all events,
it must be liquidated in this sense that it is capable of
ascertainment by calculation, or by extrinsic evidence, without
further agreement of the parties...
No doubt a promise in writing by a debtor to pay whatever sum
is found due on taking an account is a good acknowledgment
today... provided always that the amount is a mere calculation
from vouchers, or can be ascertained by extrinsic evidence, and
is not dependent on the further agreement of the debtor".
[15] Manakala di dalam kes Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur
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1 LNS 1237; [2015] MLJU 1124, di mana Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Mary
Lim, pada ketika itu menyatakan bahawa:
“[57] Therefore, for an acknowledgment to be valid, sections 26
and 27 require the acknowledgment of the right of action or the
right to claim upon the debt must be:
i. in writing;
ii. signed by the person making the acknowledgment; and
iii. made to the person whose "title or claim is being
[58] This means that the acknowledgment of the debt which is a
promise to pay the debt due must be in a written form and it must
be by the person who owes the obligation in the first place. That
acknowledgment must then be made to the person who has the
right of action or to whom the debt is owed. This exchange is
usually kept within the immediate parties. But there may be
instances where third parties are involved. In such a situation,
can there still be a valid acknowledgment if it is made by a third
person to a third person.”
[16] Bagi mencerminkan prinsip yang diketengahkan di dalam kes
tersebut, Mahkamah ini menyelusuri semula kepada surat Defendan
bertarikh 13.02.2017 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
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[17] Melihat kepada surat ini, ianya tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa:
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i) Pengakuan pengakuan liabilti tersebut telah dibuat secara
bertulis iaitu surat bertarikh 13.02.2017 di KM8 (Eksibit D);
ii) Surat tersebut telah ditandatangani oleh Defendan sendiri iaitu
Pengurus Projek yang bernama Mr. KS Wong daripada
Enrich Garden City Sdn Bhd; dan
iii) Surat tersebut dihantar dan ditujukan kepada Plaintif iaitu Encik
Chin Han Siong.
[18] Menggunapakai prinsip di dalam kes tersebut di atas, Mahkamah
ini bersetuju dengan hujahan Plaintif bahawa surat Defendan bertarikh
13.02.2017 merupakan satu pengakuan liabiliti yang telah
memperbaharui kausa tindakan tuntutan Plaintif di sini. Maka, tuntutan
Plaintif di dalam kes ini adalah di dalam tempoh had batas masa yang
dibenarkan. Mahkamah ini mendapati Defendan telah melemahkan
pembelaannya sendiri dengan mengemukakan hujah ini sebagai satu-
satunya alasan untuk kes ini tidak diberikan penghakiman terus.
[19] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang mantap di Mahkamah
Persekutuan di dalam kes CEMPAKA FINANCE BHD V HO LAI YING
(TRADING AS KH TRADING) [2006] 2 MLJ 685 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“Quite clearly, the Court of Appeal has put the burden on the plaintiff
to prove his case in an O. 14 application. With respect, that cannot
be the correct proposition of law. In an application under O. 14, the
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burden is on the plaintiff to establish the following conditions: that
the defendant must have entered appearance; that the statement
of claim must have been served on the defendant; that the
affidavit in support must comply with r. 2 of O. 14 in that it must
verify the facts on which the claim is based and must state the
deponent's belief that there is no defence to the claim.
ORS [1989] 1 LNS 144; [1990] 2 MLJ 36.) Once those conditions
are fulfilled, the burden then shifts to the defendant to raise
triable issues. The law on this is trite.”
[20] Pada hemat saya, Plaintif telah mematuhi semua syarat-syarat
yang terkandung di dalam kes tersebut di atas, dan kes ini merupakan
satu kes yang biasa dan yang jelas yang menjadikan ianya satu kes yang
wajar dan sesuai untuk diperintahkan penghakiman terus. Tambahan
pula, Defendan tidak sesekali mempertikaikan keberhutangannya
terhadap Plaintif.
[21] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam
[1998] 1 CLJ 1045 SHAIK DAUD ISMAIL JCA di m/s 1048 menyatakan:
"It is well settled that if a defendant in an O. 14 application succeeds
in raising even a single triable issue, it will not be a fit case and
proper case to order summary judgment. It is only in plain and
obvious cases where there are no issues to be tried should
recourse be had to O. 14."
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[22] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat isu-isu yang perlu
dibicarakan dan Mahkamah ini percaya Defendan telah gagal
menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah bahawa terdapatnya sebab lain untuk
kes ini dibicarakan. Justeru atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah
membenarkan KM7 dengan kos sebanyak RM1500 dibayar kepada
Mahkamah Majistret
Kuantan, Pahang
Plaintif: Gainneos Jacob Goldie daripada Tetuan Jacob Goldie S.S. Chew
Defendan: Aiman As' Ad Bin Mohd Ghani daripada Tetuan Irfan Aiman
Seksyen 26 dan 27 Akta Had Masa 1953
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Kes yang dirujuk:
1) Wee Tiang Teng v. Ong Chong Hooi & Anor [1978] 1 LNS 234; [1978]
2 Mlj 54, 56;
2) Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co Ltd v. Tridant Engineering
(M) Sdn Bhd And Another Case [2015] 1 Lns 1237; [2015] MLJU 1124;
3) Cempaka Finance Bhd v. Ho Lai Ying (Trading As Kh Trading) [2006]
2 MLJ 685; Dan
4) South East Asia Insurance Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia [1998] 1 CLJ
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| 15,451 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24F-154-05/2023 | PEMOHON TAN YING SHI RESPONDEN 1. ) KUMPULAN WANG SIMPANAN PEKERJA 2. ) LIM TSOO SIN | Application to withdraw EPF monies pertaining to Court Order - Whether order to withdraw EPF monies fell within section 53A of the EPF Act - Whether nomination made by Deceased subsequent to Court Order prevails | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters | |
WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
Di Dalam Perkara Aturan 7, 15, 28, 29
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
Di Dalam Perkara Seksyen 53A Akta KWSP 1991
Di Dalam Perkara Seksyen 50, 51 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950
Di Dalam perkara mengenai, TAN TZE PEI (Si Mati)
Nombor Kad Pengenalan *************
31/10/2023 14:25:35
WA-24F-154-05/2023 Kand. 39
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
[1] This was an application (“this Application”) by the Plaintiff for a
declaration, pursuant to a Court Order dated 22 October 2021, that
she was entitled to receive a certain amount of monies from the
Employees Provident Fund (“EPF”) Account (“the EPF Monies”) of one
Tan Tze Pei (“the Deceased”), and that, consequently, the First
Defendant is prohibited from releasing the EPF Monies to the Second
Defendant, who is the mother of the Deceased.
The factual background
[2] The Plaintiff is the former wife of the Deceased, whose mother is now
the Second Defendant. The Plaintiff and the Deceased finalised their
divorce in December 2017, and obtained a Court Order dated 15
December 2017 (“the December 2017 Order”), which includes
pertinent clauses that read:
7. Responden Suami hendaklah membayar jumlah wang sebanyak
MYR1,500 (Ringgit Malaysia Seribu Lima Ratus Sahaja) sebulan
sebagai nafkah (“maintenance”) kepada Pemptisyen isteri untuk tiga
(3) tahun berturut-turut, bermula daripada Januari 2018.
10. Pempetisyen isteri di beri tiga puluh peratus (30%) daripada jumlah
simpanan Responden Suami di Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
(KWSP) setakat tarikh perintah dekri nisi ini di mana jumlah tersebut
akan dibayar kepada Pempetisyen Isteri apabila Responden Suami
berumur lima puluh lima (55) tahun dan pembayaran wang simpanan
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
sebanyak 30% tersebut adalah termasuk faedah ke atas 30% yang
diperuntukkan oleh KWSP untuk tahun-tahun berkenaan.
[3] The Deceased had failed to meet the payment obligations outlined in
the December 2017 Order. Consequently, the Plaintiff initiated
committal proceedings, leading to the Court granting an order on 22
October 2021 (“the October 2021 Order”), with the pertinent portion
(c) Responden Suami telah bersetuju dan diperintahkan oleh
Mahkamah yang Mulia untuk mengeluarkan jumlah wang sebanyak
MYR 75,000 (Ringgit Malaysia Tujuh Puluh Lima Ribu Sahaja)
daripada Akaun 1, KWSP dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari dari
Tarikh Perintah ini dan harus dibayar kepada Pemohon Isteri dalam
tempoh empat belas (14) hari sebagai penyelesaian sebahagian
daripada tunggakan nafkah berjumlah MYR84,099.95 (Ringgit
Malaysia Lapan Puluh Empat Ribu Sembilan Puluh Sembilan dan
Sembilan Puluh Lima Sen) seperti di lampiran 67, Dekri Nisi
bertarikh 15 Disember 2017.
[Emphasis added.]
[4] The Deceased had failed to adhere to the provisions of paragraph (c)
in the October 2021 Order. Instead, in September 2022, he designated
his mother, the Second Defendant, as his nominee. In November 2022,
the Deceased passed away.
[5] The Plaintiff subsequently visited the EPF office to claim the funds
purportedly owed to her in accordance with the October 2021 Order.
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
However, she was informed that the funds could not be disbursed to
her because the Deceased had named his mother as the nominee.
[6] Consequently, in May 2023, the Plaintiff filed this Application, which
was dismissed for the following reasons.
[7] The issues for consideration were (a) whether delay on the part of the
Plaintiff in filing this Application was satisfactorily explained; and (b)
the interpretation of section 53A of the Employees Provident Fund Act
1991 (“EPF Act”), particularly, whether the Plaintiff’s claim for the EPF
monies fell within ‘matrimonial asset’ in section 53A of the EPF Act.
Contentions, evaluation, and findings
Whether delay was satisfactorily explained
[8] The Plaintiff’s filing of this Application 18 months after the Deceased’s
non-compliance with the October 2021 Order raised the issue of delay,
a matter that necessitated the Court’s attention.
[9] It was imperative, at this juncture, to emphasise to the Plaintiff that the
element of delay holds significant importance in considering any
application filed by a litigant. In Khor Cheng Wah v. Sungai Way
Leasing Sdn Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 396; [1996] 1 MLJ 223, the following
remarks by Gopal Sri Ram JCA bear relevance:
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
It is a cardinal principle of law, that when a litigant seeks the intervention of
the court in a matter that affects his rights, he must do so timeously. The
maxim vigilantibus, non dormientibus, jura subveniunt, though having its
origins in the Court of Chancery, is of universal application. Even in cases
where a right is exercisable ex debito justitiae, a court may refuse relief to
an indolent litigant.
In all cases in which delay in approaching the court is in issue, the burden
is upon the litigant who has delayed to render a satisfactory explanation for
[Emphasis added.]
[10] In the present case, the Plaintiff sought to attribute the lack of prompt
action following the Deceased’s non-compliance with the October 2021
Order to her former solicitors. I found her explanation to be
unsustainable, considering that her previous solicitors were not
present in Court to provide their account, and furthermore, any
interactions between the Plaintiff and her previous solicitors were not
within the purview of this Court’s consideration.
[11] As such, this Application should not be entertained by this Court.
Nevertheless, in the pursuit of comprehensive consideration, I
proceeded to examine the merits of this Application and provided the
reasons for dismissing it.
Whether the Plaintiff’s claim for the EPF Monies fell within ‘matrimonial
[12] Given that this Application was based on section 53A of the
EPF Act, it was essential to commence by scrutinising the said
provision, as follows:
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Section 53A – Transfer of credit of a member of the Fund in accordance
with the division of matrimonial assets order
(1) Notwithstanding section 51, when an order is issued by a court that part
of the sums of money standing to the credit of a member of the Fund is
matrimonial asset, the Board may, after being served with the sealed order,
transfer the sum of money as ordered by the court from the account of a
member of the Fund into the account of the receiver named in the order
subject to any terms and conditions as prescribed by the Board.
[Emphasis added.]
[13] It is a well-established principle, as evidenced by a multitude
of cases, including Koay Cheng Eng v Linda Herawati Santoso
[2008] 4 CLJ 105, that funds held in EPF accounts are considered part
of matrimonial assets. This concept is further reinforced by the
provisions outlined in section 53A of the EPF Act.
[14] However, section 53A of the EPF Act introduces a noteworthy
aspect with the use of the term ‘may’, granting the EPF Board
discretion to transfer funds, as per an order of the court, from
the account of a member of the EPF Fund into the account of the
receiver named in the order.
[15] Additionally, this provision specifies that such a transfer is
subject to the terms and conditions outlined by the EPF Board.
It is important to note that this section does not compel the
EPF Board to execute the transfer.
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[16] In fact, the EPF Board had highlighted the challenges associated with
these transfers, as documented in Circular No 113/2021, titled
Matrimonial Assets Claims Pursuant to Section 53A of the Employees
Provident Fund Act 1991 dated 26 March 2021. In this circular, the
Legal Division of the EPF Board had communicated to members of the
Malaysian Bar, the difficulties encountered in specific circumstances
when implementing transfers stipulated by court orders, pursuant to
section 53A of the EPF Act.
[17] The further observation to make regarding this Application is
that the October 2021 Order expressly states that the
responsibility for withdrawing the funds rested with the
Deceased, within a timeframe of 14 days after the date of the
Order. There was no condition contingent upon the
Deceased’s failure to comply, and it would be untenable for
this Court to imply any such condition.
[18] The October 2021 Order, dated 22 October 2021, placed the
Deceased in breach of such order as of 5 November 2021.
Given that the responsibility for withdrawal of the EPF funds
rested with the Deceased, his failure to act necessitated
action by the Plaintiff, which she had not undertaken.
[19] Regrettably, not only did the Deceased fail to comply with the October
2021 Order, but he also proceeded to designate his mother as
nominee, thereby further obstructing the implementation of the October
2021 Order.
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[20] Furthermore, it was essential to acknowledge that the October 2021
Order expressly stated that the EPF funds were to be withdrawn as
arrears for maintenance, rather than as matrimonial asset.
Consequently, section 53A of the EPF Act could not be applicable as
it pertains to matrimonial asset.
[21] The Plaintiff cited the case of Leow Kooi Wah v Philip Ng Kok Seng &
Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 133 to argue that the nomination of the Deceased’s
mother should not be used to undermine her legal rights. The Plaintiff
referred to the following passage by Mahadev Shankar J (as he then
Regulation 16(2) of the EPF Regulations 1991 recognizes that upon the
death of a Muslim member of the Fund, a nominee does not receive the
money as a beneficiary but only as an executor in accordance with Islamic
No parallel provisions have been made in the EPF legislation for non-
Muslims, but the philosophy of the EPF legislation is clear. The nomination
cannot be utilized to defeat the legal rights of the next of kin to the extent
that the member's testamentary capacity has been restricted by law.
[Emphasis added.]
[22] It was, however, important to emphasise that Leow Kooi Wah v Philip
Ng Kok Seng & Anor was decided in 1997, whilst the EPF Act was
amended vide EPF (Amendment) Act 2007 to include section 53A with
effect from 1 July 2008. Therefore, Leow Kooi Wah v Philip Ng Kok
Seng & Anor was not a relevant precedent for the application of section
53A of the EPF Act.
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[23] This would mean that the Plaintiff’s claim was contrary to section 51 of
the EPF Act, which reads:
Section 51 – Contributions and deposits not to be assigned or attached
(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other written
(a) no sum deducted from the wages of a member of the Fund under
section 48;
(b) no amount payable by the employer as his contribution; and
(c) no amount standing to the credit of a member of the Fund,
shall be assignable, transferable, liable to be attached, sequestered,
levied upon, for, or in respect of, any debt or claim whatsoever, nor shall
the Official Assignee be entitled to or have any claim on any such sum or
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the amount standing to the credit of a
member of the Fund under paragraph (1)(c) may be forfeited if the amount
standing to the credit of such member is subject to an order of forfeiture by
a court under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and
Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.
[Emphasis added.]
[24] In the upshot, based on the aforesaid reasons, and after careful
scrutiny of all the evidence before this Court, both oral and
documentary, and submissions of all parties, this Application was
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
Dated: 31 October 2023
High Court, Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff – S Sakhty Vell and Premalosani Arivananthan;
Messrs Chambers of Ari
For the First Defendant – Nur Zahirah Badarudin and Nor Asfalla
Mohamed Arsad; Jabatan Undang-Undang, Lembaga Kumpulan
Wang Simpanan Pekerja
For the Second Defendant – Poon Choong Yiew; Messrs James Liew
& Kong
Cases referred to:
➢ Khor Cheng Wah v. Sungai Way Leasing Sdn Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 396;
[1996] 1 MLJ 223
➢ Koay Cheng Eng v Linda Herawati Santoso [2008] 4 CLJ 105
➢ Leow Kooi Wah v Philip Ng Kok Seng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 133
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Legislation referred to:
➢ Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 – sections 51, 53A
➢ Employees Provident Fund (Amendment) Act 2007
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| 15,993 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-A53KJ-334-05/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) CALVIN THOMAS A/L RAYAPPAN 2. ) NAGENTHERAN A/L VELU DEFENDAN 1. ) LOH KA LIN 2. ) CHAN WAN ZHEN | Ini adalah rayuan Perayu/Plaintif-Plaintif melalui Notis Rayuan di Lampiran 22 terhadap sebahagian keputusan Mahkamah ini yang diberikan pada 12/9/2023 iaitu atas isu kuantum sahaja. | 31/10/2023 | Puan Sazlina binti Safie | |
WRIT SAMAN NO – JA-A53KJ-334-05/2022
[Identity Card No.: 010409011733]
[Identity Card No.: 981120088889]
[Identity Card No.: 960822235078]
[Identity Card No.: 910723016173]
31/10/2023 07:59:36
JA-A53KJ-334-05/2022 Kand. 26
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[1] Ini adalah rayuan Perayu/Plaintif-Plaintif melalui Notis Rayuan di
Lampiran 22 terhadap sebahagian keputusan Mahkamah ini yang
diberikan pada 12/9/2023 iaitu atas isu kuantum sahaja.
[2] Tiada rayuan balas oleh Responden/Defendan-Defendan dalam
tindakan ini.
Pihak-pihak telah merekodkan persetujuan atas isu liability pada
12/4/2023 di mana Defendan bertanggungan cuai 50% manakala Plaintif
sumbangcuai 50%.
Atas dasar 100%, Defendan-Defendan hendaklah membayar kepada
Plaintif-Plaintif kuantum bagi gantirugi seperti berikut:
Pihak-pihak telah merekodkan persetujuan bagi gantirugi seperti berikut:
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a Laporan polis RM20.00
b Laporan JPJ RM30.00
c Gambar-gambar kemalangan RM24.00
d Laporan perubatan Hospital Kulai RM40.00
e Laporan perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia
Hospital Iskandar Puteri
f Laporan perubatan Pakar Hospital Columbia Asia
Hospital Iskandar Puteri
i Tambang bagi keluarga melawat Plaintif di
Hospital Kulai RM50.00 pergi balik untuk 1 kali
J Tambang bagi keluarga melawat Plaintif di
Hospital Columbia Asia Hospital Iskandar Puteri
K Tambang bagi keluarga melawat Plaintif di
Hospital Columbia Asia Hospital Iskandar Puteri
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bagi rawatan pesakit luar
t Kehilangan pendapatan basic selama 7 bulan
u Kehilangan pendapatan allowance/overtime
selama 9 bulan MC
a Bil repair motorsikal RM1,000.00
l Bil hospital sewaktu hospitalization =
m Bil hospital outpatient = RM867.72
Bagi item l dan m – Mahkamah benarkan 1/3 x
RM25,294.81 = RM8,431.60
Bagi kedua-dua item ini, Plaintif berhujah satu
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jumlah penuh diberikan.
Defendan berhujah hanya 1/3 dibenarkan dari
jumlah keseluruhan iaitu RM8,431.60.
Mahkamah membenarkan jumlah RM8,431.60.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Dalam tindakan ini, jika dilihat sejarah
perubatan Plaintif, beliau pada awalnya
menerima rawatan pertama di Hospital
Temenggong Seri Marahaja Tun Ibrahim
Kulai, Johor.
2) Kemalangan berlaku pada 24/3/2021.
Plaintif telah dimasukkan ke hospital
berkenaan dan keluar (discharged) pada
tarikh yang sama.
3) Dalam laporan perubatan di nyatakan
“Patient took at own risk discharge to go to
private hospital for further management.”
4) Dalam keterangan Plaintif, beliau sedia
menerima rawatan di Hospital Kulai tetapi
semasa di bahagian Kecemasan, beliau
menyatakan tiada apa-apa rawatan yang
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telah diberikan kepada beliau dan setelah
lama menunggu, beliau mengambil
keputusan untuk ke Columbia Asia.
5) Defendan berhujah Plaintif tidak berhak
menuntut bayaran penuh bagi bil perubatan
yang telah dibayar oleh insurans melalui
“medical card.”
6) Defendan merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah
Rayuan iaitu kes MUHAMMAD YASSEIN
MALAYSIA & ANOR [2018] 1 MLJU 2185
yang mengambilkira keputusan Mahkamah
Persekutuan dalam kes DR. KOK
7) Plaintif bergantung kepada kes YA Pn Evrol
Marriette Peters dalam kes KIM LIN CHAN
V LEE HUA SING [2019] MLJU 1229 di
mana diputuskan tiada peraturan yang
memaksa Plaintif hanya untuk mendapat
rawatan di hospital kerajaan.
8) Mahkamah setuju dengan hujahan Plaintif
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dan apa yang dinyatakan oleh YA Pn Evrol.
Walaupun begitu, terdapat 2 keadaan
dalam menentukan isu ini.
9) Satu adalah kes Mahkamah Persekutuan
10 CLJ 529 yang mana ini adalah
melibatkan satu kes kecuaian professional
seorang doktor terhadap pesakit yang
mana diputuskan:
(11) Kaedah am untuk mengawardkan
ganti rugi, adalah, plaintif hanya boleh
mendapatkan semula apa yang hilang, dan
apa-apa jumlah yang diterima dalam
mitigasi kerugiannya perlu diambil kira
dalam pengurangan ganti rugi. Kaedah am
ini mempunyai pengecualian yang matan,
di mana ganti rugi diawardkan walaupun
plaintif secara teknikalnya tidak mengalami
kerugian dari segi kewangan. Faedah
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insurans yang diterima menurut polisi
insurans, yang baginya plaintif telah
membayar premium, adalah pengecualian
tetap bagi kaedah am tersebut. Tiada
perbezaan dari segi prinsip sama ada pihak
yang tercedera menerima haknya bawah
polisi insurans daripada syarikat insurans
dalam bentuk wang, atau menerima faedah
daripadanya melalui syarikat insurans
membuat bayaran bagi pihaknya. Dengan
itu, hak tindakan plaintif terhadap defendan
bagi jumlah kerugian keseluruhan tidak
berkurangan atau lenyap di mana kerugian
tersebut dibayar oleh syarikat insurans,
sama ada atau tidak syarikat insurans
memilih untuk melaksanakan hak untuk
10) Dalam keadaan kes kemalangan seperti ini,
terdapat kes di peringkat Mahkamah Rayuan
yang memutuskan seperti berikut:
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[4] Setiap orang berhak untuk mendapatkan
rawatan perubatan di hospital pilihannya, sama
ada di hospital kerajaan mahu pun swasta.
Berkaitan pemberian award bagi rawatan
sedemikian, sekiranya rawatan yang dibuat
adalah di hospital kerajaan, jumlah yang
ditanggung dan dibayar oleh orang berkenaan
harus berikan award sepenuhnya. Jika orang
tersebut mendapatkan rawatan di hospital
swasta, ia harus membuktikan, pertama, bahawa
ia mempunyai justifikasi untuk mendapatkan
rawatan di situ, dan kedua, bahawa jumlah yang
ditanggungnya adalah munasabah. Berhubung
dengan halangan pertama, ia harus
membuktikan: (a) bahawa rawatan yang beliau
perlukan itu tidak terdapat di hospital kerajaan
disebabkan ketiadaan peralatan-peralatan perlu
atau doktor-doktor yang berkelayakan ataupun
sebab-sebab lain yang memadai; (b) bahawa
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walaupun rawatan itu terdapat di hospital
kerajaan, ia tidak dapat diperoleh dalam waktu
yang munasabah mengambilkira kecemasan
yang wujud bagi mendapatkan rawatan. Ini
mungkin disebabkan oleh kesesakan di hospital
kerajaan atau pun lain-lain sebab yang memadai;
atau (c) bahawa rawatan di hospital kerajaan,
walaupun ada, adalah sangat-sangat tidak
[5] Sekiranya mahkamah tidak berpuas hati
bahawa seorang plaintif mempunyai justifikasi
untuk mendapatkan rawatan di hospital swasta,
maka, bergantung kepada fakta kes dan butiran-
butiran perbelanjaan, mahkamah harus sama
ada menolak tuntutan atau mengawardkan satu
jumlah yang tidak melebihi sepertiga
perbelanjaan. Prinsip sepertiga tidak ditetapkan
oleh undang-undang. Ia sebaliknya adalah satu
perkara amalan. Jika sepertiga juga terlampau
banyak maka jumlah yang kurang dari itu boleh
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11) Kes diatas adalah melibatkan kemalangan di
tempat kerja. Ia harus dibezakan dengan kes di
Mahkamah Persekutuan di atas yang mana itu
adalah kes kecuaian professional seorang doctor
di hospital swasta.
12) Dalam kes kita sekarang, ia melibatkan satu
kes kemalangan jalanraya. Secara normalnya,
apabila kemalangan berlaku, ambulans akan
datang dan membawa mangsa ke hospital
kerajaan terdekat.
13) Rawatan awal dan seterusnya diberikan
kepada mangsa. Jika seterusnya mangsa
memilih untuk keluar hospital (discharge), ia
adalah atas risiko sendiri.
14) Walaupun begitu, jika tindakan pesakit
(Plaintif di sini) untuk “discharged” mempunyai
asas atau bersebab sebagaimana dinyatakan
dalam kes CHAI YEE CHONG di atas,
Mahkamah perlu berpuashati dan boleh samada
menolak atau hanya membenarkan 1/3 daripada
kos yang dibayar tersebut.
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15) Plaintif dalam hujahan mereka menyatakan
bahawa dalam kes ini, Plaintif risaukan akan
kesihatan dan keadaan beliau dan telah
mendapatkan rawatan segera di hospital di mana
beliau telah mendapat rawatan pembedahan dan
telah keluar hospital (discharged) pada 29/3/2021
iaitu dalam tempoh masa 5 hari selepas
16) Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah ingin nyatakan
bahawa sebenarnya Plaintif tidak pernah
memberi keterangan di Mahkamah. Ini adalah
bicara taksiran gantirugi dan hujahan
berdasarkan dokumen sahaja.
17) Oleh itu tidak ada keterangan kenapa Plaintif
memilih untuk “discharged” dari Hospital Kulai
dan tidak ada bukti sebagaimana dihujahkan
bahawa tiada apa-apa rawatan diberikan kepada
18) Walaupun begitu, Plaintif telah pergi
mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Columbia Asia
dan mendapatkan pembedahan. Pada tahap ini,
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Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa adalah
wajar hanya 1/3 dibenarkan dari kos rawatan
yang telah dikeluarkan bagi tujuan perubatan
Plaintif di sini dan bukan satu jumlah penuh
n Kos Scar Reducing Steroid Injection -
Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ini.
Plaintif berhujah jumlah RM2,500.00.
Defendan berhujah ia ditolak.
Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ini.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Dalam laporan perubatan hanya dinyatakan
satu “scar” iaitu “2cm, 2cm, 1cm, 1cm dan
5cm scar on the right leg”.
2) Plaintif bersandarkan kepada laporan
perubatan dari Hospital Columbia Asia
yang menyatakan “Scars: The operative
scars contracted as a result of the accident
and the surgery. These will remain
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permanent. The scars may be reduced with
steroid injection and laser therapy. This
may cost RM2,500.00.”
3) Dalam laporan doktor pakar Defendan pula
menyatakan seperti berikut “There is no
keloid scar on right leg. There is no
requirement for steroid injection or laser
therapy. The procedure will lead to skin
thinning and ulceration.”
4) Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa
memandangkan Plaintif sendiri tidak
memberi keterangan bagaimana kesan
parut kepada dirinya dan dengan 2
pandangan pakar yang berbeza,
Mahkamah mengambilkira keadaan terkini
Plaintif iaitu daripada hasil pemeriksaan
pakar Defendan.
5) Tambahan pula doctor pakar defendan
sendiri nyatakan tiada “Keloid scar” dan
rawatan yang dicadangkan akan lebih
membawa kemudaratan daripada
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6) Oleh demikian, tuntutan bagi item ini
o Kos physiotherapy RM100.00 x 20 RM2,000.00
Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ini.
Plaintif berhujah jumlah jumlah RM100 x 20 sesi
= RM2,000.00.
Defendan berhujah ia ditolak.
Mahkamah menolak tuntutan ini.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Plaintif bersandarkan kepada laporan pakar
Plaintif dari Columbia Asia yang
menyatakan seperti berikut “A short course
of physiotherapy will help improve the
muscle bulk, muscle power and possibility
the range of motion of a joint. Currently this
will cost RM2,000.00 (Twenty 1 hour visits
costing RM100.00 per visit).”
2) Pakar Defendan pula membuat penelitian
dan mendapati bahawa “Physiotherapy is
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not necessary now as the injury is already
more than one and a half years.
Physiotherapy if ever required should be
done early during the recovery period.
There is no muscle wasting of right lower
limb and no muscle weakness of right lower
limb. The joint movements of the right lower
limbs are within normal range. In general, a
person will require about 10 sessions of
physiotherapy. He will be taught self-
exercise regime which he will practice at
home. Physiotherapy will involve all region
of body that needs attention and all perform
at the same time during a session.
Physiotherapy is available in the
government hospital at a cost of RM5 per
3) Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah menolak
tuntutan Plaintif untuk kos physiotherapy
memandangkan tiadka keperluan bagi kos
ini memandangkan keadaan terkini Plaintif
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sudah sembuh dari kecederaan muscle.
4) Plaintif mungkin berhujah bahawa
Mahkamah telah benarkan gantirugi bagi
“muscle wasting” tetapi kenapa tidak
benarkan physiotherapy?
5) Mahkamah benarkan gantirugi bagi
“muscle wasting” kerana akibat
kemalangan, Plaintif mengalaminya tetapi
setakat keadaan terkini Plaintif, keilatan
terebut sudah sembuh dan tiada lagi.
6) Mahkamah juga setuju dan telah
mendengar keterangan umum doctor-
doktor perubatan bahawa physiotherapy
adalah penting dijalankan diawal
kecederaan dan apabila telah lebih satu
tahun, ia tidak membawa significant atau
perubahan besar.
7) Tambahan pula, tidak ada keterangan
bahawa Plaintif sejak awal telah menjalani
physiotherapy kerana jika ini dibuat sejak
awal dahulu, sesi-sesi seterusnya boleh
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dibuat hanya melalui latihan sendiri di
rumah sahaja.
8) Oleh demikian, kos tuntutan ini ditolak.
s Kos pembedahan Removal of Metallic Implant =
Mahkamah benarkan 1/3 x RM10,000.00 =
RM3,333,00 – tanpa faedah .
Plaintif berhujah jumlah RM10,000.00.
Defendan berhujah RM500.00.
Mahkamah benarkan RM3,333.00.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Doktor pakar ada mencadangkan “Right
tibia implant need not be removed if there is
no complication.”
2) Mahkamah setuju bahawa ini adalah bagi
keperluan pada masa akan datang. Jika
terdapat komplikasi, Plaintif perlulah
menjalani pembedahan mengeluarkan
implant ini.
3) Oleh demikian, ia akan melibatkan kos.
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4) Dalam laporan pakar Plaintif, kos
pembedahan ini dinyatakan sebanyak
5) Pakar Defendan pula menyatakan
“Removal of implant operation is available
at the government hospital at a minimal
cost. The cost of removal in the private
medical centre will be RM7,000.00.
6) Untuk kos pembedahan ini, pihak Defendan
berhujah jumlah RM500.00 dibenarkan.
7) Mahkamah dalam mempertimbangkan
tuntutan ini dengan mengambilkira prinsip
1/3 dari kos rawatan swasta dan membuat
dapatan bahawa ia adalah kos yang wajar
dan berpatutan memandangkan jika ingin
dapatkan rawatan di hospital kerajaan,
mungkin mengambil masa dan Defendan
sendiri setuju jika ia di buat di hospital
swasta kos mungkin mencapai
8) Mahkamah mengambil prinsip 1/3 dan
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bukan memberikan satu award penuh
memandangkan ini adalah satu
pembedahan yang dicadangkan pada
masa akan datang hanya sekiranya perlu
dan Plaintif ada plihan samada akan
menjalankan pembedahan di hospital
swasta atau dengan memitigasikan
kerugiannya dengan pergi mendapatkan
rawatan/pembedahan di hospital kerajaan.
9) Oleh demikian, Mahkamah dapati jumlah ini
adil dan berpatutan.
1 Multiple abrasion wounds over both upper and RM5,000.00
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lower limbs
Plaintif berhujah RM10,000.00.
Defendan berhujah RM3,000.00.
Mahkamah benarkan RM5,000.00.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Dalam Laporan perubatan Plaintif dari
Hospital Sultanah Kulai dan Hospital
Columbia Asia Iskandar Puteri, doctor ada
menyatakan bahawa Plaintif mengalami
kecederaan “multiple abrasion wounds over
both upper and lower limbs.”
2) Dalam Revised Compedium of Personal
Injury Awards 2018, award yang disyorkan
adalah antara RM1,300.00 – RM5,000.00.
3) Mahkamah dapati kecederaan Plaintif ini
adalah tidak serius dan hanya di 2 bahagian.
4) Jumlah yang diberikan Mahkamah juga
adalah jumlah maksima dalam garispanduan
di bawah Revised Compedium of Personal
Injury Awards 2018.
5) Walaupun ada kes-kes yang dirujuk pihak
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Plaintif award boleh capai sehingga
RM12,000.00, ia harus dibezakan dengan
keadaan Plaintif di sini.
6) Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa
jumlah yang diberikana dalah adil dan wajar
dan sekiranya satu jumlah yang tinggi
ditetapkan bagi jenis kecederaan ini dan
Mahkamah perlu lari dari garis panduan
yang ada, jumlah award bagi kecederaan
lain yang lebih serius seharusnya dikaji
semula dan diberikan satu garis panduan
lain bagi mengimbangi keseriusan sesuatu
kecederaan dan berdasarkan sesautu fakta
kes itu sendiri.
2 Distal 1/3 right tibial and fibula fracture
Plaintif berhujah RM35,000.00.
Defendan berhujah RM25,000.00.
Mahkamah benarkan RM30,000.00.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Terdapat kecederaan pada “Distal 3rd right
tibia dan fibula fracture” yang dinyatakan
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oleh doktor dalam laporan perubatan.
2) Plaintif berhujah mengikut Revised
Compedium of Personal Injury Awards 2018,
jumlah yang dibenarkan adalah antara
RM21,500.00 – RM42,000.00.
3) Plaintif berhujah mengikut 2 kes yang telah
diputuskan, jumlah award yang dibenarkan
adalah RM40,000.00 iaitu kes SUNIL
1 PIR [57] dan RATNAM AL/ N
DESNAWI [2018] 1 PIR [40].
4) Defendan pula merujuk kepada 1 kes yang
membenarkan award RM25,000.00 dan 1
kes lagi membenarkan award RM30,000.00.
5) Mahkamah dalam menentukan award,
bukan sekadar memilih kes-kes terdahulu
untuk diikuti tetapi perlu berdasarkan
laporan perubatan dan kesannya kepada
Plaintif dalam sesuatu kes.
6) Mahkamah merujuk semula kepada laporan
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perubatan terkini Plaintif dari Hospital
Columbia Asia bertarikh 22/2/2022 di mana
doctor ada menyatakan bahawa Plaintif
telah kembali bekerja (dalam bidang kerja
lain), “healed fracture of the right tibia and
fibula”, “he will have residual pain on the
right leg.”
7) Oleh demikian, mengambil kira keadaan
Plaintif dalam kes ini, Mahkamah membuat
dapatan bahawa jumlah RM30,000.00
adalah munasabah dan adil dan masih
dalam lingkungan yang dibenarkan.
3 Scarring
Plaintif berhujah RM10,000.00.
Defendan berhujah RM3,000.00.
Mahkamah benarkan RM5,000.00.
Alasan Mahkamah:
1) Plaintif mengalami kecederaan dan
meninggalkan parut hanya disatu bahagian
iaitu “2cm, 2cm, 1cm, 1cm dan 5cm scar on
the right leg” seperti dinyatakan dalam
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laporan perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia.
2) Plaintif merujuk Revised Compedium of
Personal Injury Awards 2018 antara jumlah
RM9,500.00 – RM18,000.00.
3) Plaintif sebenarnya mengambil julat award
bagi “extensive scarring to leg”.
4) Defendan memberikan cadangan Award
bagi “Operation scars antara RM2,750.00 –
5) Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah dapati parut
hanya di satu bahagian iaitu kaki, ia tidak
serius, tiada gambar dikemukakan
menunjukkan keseriusan parut tersebut,
doktor pakar Defendan tidak ada
mencadangkan apa-apa krim atau ubat
untuk parut ini dan tidak ada doktor
membuat komen berhubung parut ini
samada dari kesan pembedahan dan
menjadi serius atau nampak
jelas/mencacatkan atau ia cuma “minor
scarring to the leg”.
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6) Doktor pakar Defendan juga ada membuat
komen bahawa “There is no keloid scar on
right leg. There is no requirement for steroid
injection or laser therapy. The procedure will
lead to skin thinning and ulceration.”
7) Mahkamah juga tidak membenarkan kos
untuk “Scar Reducing Steroid Injection”
sebagaimana di mohon oleh Plaintif di atas.
Ini adalah selari dengan keadaan
kecederaan parut yang dialami oleh Plaintif
dan hasil dari pemeriksaan doktor/doktor
pakar, ia bukanlah satu keilatan serius dan
perlukan rawatan susulan.
8) Oleh demikian, Mahkamah membuat
dapatan jumlah RM3,000.00 adalah
munasabah dan wajar bagi keilatan ini dan
jumlah yang dicadangkan oleh pihak Plaintif
adalah terlalu tinggi bagi keadaan ini.
4 Muscle wasting
Plaintif berhujah RM10,000.00.
Defendan berhujah ditolak dan tidak dibenarkan.
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Mahkamah membenarkan jumlah RM5,000.00.
1) Defendan berhujah ia ditolak kerana dalam
laporan perubatan orthopedic Defendan iaitu
laporan terkini, pada bahagian diagnosis
jelas menyatakan “No muscle wasting of
right thigh and and right calf” sedangkan
Plaintif menyatakan bahawa dalam laporan
perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia terdapat
“Lower limbs muscle bulk – there is muscle
wasting of the right thigh and the right calf.”
2) Dalam keadaan ini, Mahkamah berpendapat
bahawa dari peringkat awal, kecederaan
yang dialami Plaintif telah memberi kesan
dan wujud keadaan “muscle wasting”.
3) Walaupun dalam laporan terkini, keadaan ini
sudah tidak wujud, Mahkamah
berpandangan satu jumlah minima boleh
diberikan kepada Plaintif berdasarkan
keadaan dan kesakitan beliau kesan
daripada kemalangan dan sepanjang proses
untuk sembuh.
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4) Tambahan pula pihak Defendan tidak
memfailkan hujahan balas atas perkara ini
dan Mahkamah berpendapat award yang
diberikan Mahkamah adalah wajar dan
keilatan ini telah Mahkamah pertimbangkan.
5 Pain and suffering for future surgery
Plaintif berhujah RM5,000.00.
Defendan berhujah ia ditolak.
Mahkamah benarkan jumlah RM5,000.00.
Dalam tindakan ini, pihak Defendan tidak
memfailkan Rayuan Balas. Oleh itu, Mahkamah
berpendapat, item ini bukanlah satu isu dalam
rayuan di sini.
JUMLAH RM50,000.00
C – faedah
1. faedah atas gantirugi khas ialah 2.5% setahun dari tarikh
kemalangan ke tarikh penghakiman
2. faedah ke atas gantirugi am ialah 5% setahun dari tarikh
penyampaian writ saman hingga penghakiman
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3. faedah ke atas jumlah penghakiman ialah 5% setahun dari tarikh
penghakiman sehingga pembayaran jumlah penuh penghakiman.
D – kos seperti dalam skala
Jumlah penghakiman dimasukkan ke dalam akaun klien peguamcara
Plaintif sebagai pemegang amanah untuk di bayar kepada Plaintif.
Disediakan oleh:
TARIKH: 26/10/2023.
Peguamcara Plaintif:
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Peguamcara Defendan:
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| 26,598 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-41S-7-05/2023 | PERAYU AW YU HUI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Criminal Justice - appeal by accused against sentence - plea of guilty - offences under section 420 Penal Code and 468 Penal Code - application of section 172G Criminal Procedure Code - stands independent of section 172D (2) and (3) Criminal Procedure Code - penal provisions to be interpreted strictly in favour of the accused - reduction of sentence allowed. | 31/10/2023 | YA Tuan Muniandy a/l Kannyappan | |
(NO K/P: 820409-06-5381)
31/10/2023 06:19:44
WA-41S-7-05/2023 Kand. 16
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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Untuk Pengurusan Kes
Perayu adalah OKT
Akan mengendalikan rayuan secara sendiri
1. Sentence passed is 20 months imprisonment - for two cases.
2. One charge - section 468 PC - 8 months imprisonment and fine
RM2000, in default of payment of fine, 3 months’ imprisonment
3. Another charge - section 420 PC - 12 months and 1 stroke of the whip
and fine RM3000, in default of payment of fine, 5 months’ imprisonment.
4. Learnt lesson well.
5. Want to be beneficial to the society.
6. Family needs me very much.
7. Parents are unwell.
8. Pray for a concurrent sentence.
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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Prays for another date to submit.
To - 7.8.2023 for Hearing of Appeal.
For Hearing of Appeal
Appellant present.
1. Hukuman serentak tidak wajar.
2. Dua kesalahan yang berbeza - Kesalahan pertama - 420 KK - setahun
penjara dan denda RM3000 (denda telah dibayar dan hukuman sebatan
satu kali.
2. Kesalahan kedua - pertuduhan dibawah seksyen 468 KK - 8 bulan
penjara dan denda RM2000 (denda telah dibayar).
3. Pengakuan salah terhadap kedua-dua kesalahan.
Telah berada di dalam penjara selama 3 bulan.
4. Kepentingan awam perlu dipelihara.
5. Hukuman seharusnya berasingan.
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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1. I have learned my lesson.
2. Pray for a concurrent sentence.
After having considered the case in its entirety, and the fact that the
accused had paid the fines for both cases, this court decides to reduce
the sentence of imprisonment imposed.
For the first charge - 3 months imprisonment.
For the second charge - 3 months imprisonment.
Sentence to run from the date of arrest - 6.5.2023.
Sentence of imprisonment to run consecutively for case no. WA-41S-6-
05/2023 and WA-41S-7-05/2023.
Sentence of whipping of one stroke remains - section 288 (4) applies.
No effect on the sentence of fine, as it has been paid.
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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[1] An appeal was lodged by the Public Prosecutor against the above
sentence meted out by this court on appeal by the accused person.
[2] Accused, who is the appellant to this appeal has to endure two
different sentences for two different criminal cases of arrest against
him, namely, case no. WA-41S-6-05/2023 and WA-41S-7-05/2023.
The sentences are to take effect consecutively from the date of
arrest on 6.5.2023.
[3] Case no. 6 – 05/2023 pertains an offence of cheating pursuant to
section 420 of the Penal Code (PC/Act 574), while case no. 7 –
05/2023 relates to an offence of forgery for the purpose of cheating
pursuant to section 468 PC.
[4] Both the charges against the accused are:
Charge of forgery
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 06/05/2023 di 18-09 DMajestic Jalan Pudu, Pudu
55100 di dalam Daerah Dang Wangi, Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur di dapati
dengan curangnya telah memalsukan Kad Pengenalan Malaysia yang mana telah
diubah suai bagi tujuan penipuan pinjaman secara atas talian, dengan niat supaya
dokumen palsu tersebut digunakan bagi tujuan hendak menipu. Oleh yang demikian
kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 468 Kanun
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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Keseksaan dan boleh dihukum di bawah peruntukan yang sama dan dibacakan
bersama Seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan hendaklah dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama
tempoh yang boleh sampai tujuh tahun, dan hendaklah juga dikenakan denda.”
Charge of cheating
“Bahawa kamu bersama seorang lagi yang masih bebas, pada 19/05/2018 jam 1.20
petang di Mc’ Donalds Suria KLCC, Jalan Ampang, Dalam Daerah Dang Wangi,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, dalam mencapai niat bersama telah menipu
Muhammad Syafiq Bin Sidin (930503-14-6185) dengan memperdayakan beliau dalam
urusan jual beli telefon bimbit dan dengan itu kamu dengan curangnya telah
mendorong beliau untuk menyerahkan (2) unit telefon bimbit berjenama Samsung
Galaxy S9 dengan harga berjumlah keseluruhan RM 6,000 yang mana beliau tidak
akan serahkan telefon bimbit tersebut sekiranya tidak diperdayakan sedemikian dan
dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum dibawah
seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibacakan bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
Hukuman: Penjara tidak kurang dari satu tahun dan tidak lebih dari sepuluh tahun dan
dengan sebat dan bolehlah juga dikenakan denda.”
[5] As for the offence under section 468 PC, he has to endure a period
of eight (8) months’ imprisonment and to pay a fine of RM2000, and
if he does not pay the fine imposed, he has to suffer a further three
(3) months’ period of imprisonment. For the charge for an offence
under section 420 PC, he has to suffer a period of twelve (12)
months’ imprisonment and 1 stroke of the whip (see section 288 (4)
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC/Act 593) and fine of RM3000,
in default of payment of fine, 5 months’ imprisonment.
[6] On the date of appeal, this court was informed that the accused had
paid the fines imposed, thus left is only for him to suffer the period
of incarceration, adding up to 20 months’ and one stroke of the whip.
[7] After having heard the plea by accused on his appeal and the
responding submission by the deputy public prosecutor (DPP), I
have decided to allow his appeal on the sentence meted out by the
magistrate. With that, the sentence of imprisonment for both
offences of cheating and forgery for the purpose of cheating was
reduced to a period of three (3) months’ imprisonment respectively.
It has to take effect consecutively from the date of arrest on
6.5.2023. Since the sentence of whipping passed is legal in
accordance with section 420 PC, it stays.
[8] The Public Prosecutor (PP) vide notice of appeal dated 18.8.2023
had appealed against the reduction of sentence for both offences of
cheating as well as forgery for the purpose of cheating, which reads
as the following:
“… Pendakwa Raya Malaysia merayu kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap
keputusan … yang mana Yang Arif Hakim telah membenarkan rayuan Responden dan
mengurangkan hukuman penjara 1 tahun bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 420
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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Kanun Keseksaan kepada 3 bulan penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap (06.05.2023).
Rayuan ini adalah terhadap hukuman tersebut.”
“… Pendakwa Raya Malaysia merayu kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap
keputusan … yang mana Yang Arif Hakim telah membenarkan rayuan Responden dan
mengurangkan hukuman penjara 8 bulan bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 468
Kanun Keseksaan kepada 3 bulan penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap (06.05.2023).
Rayuan ini adalah terhadap hukuman tersebut.”
[9] Hence, the appeal by PP is only on reduction of the sentence of
imprisonment to a period of 3 months’ by this court, for both offences
committed by the accused.
The cheating charge
[10] Essentially, the basis for reduction of sentence of imprisonment
from a period of 12 months to 3 months is because the sentence
meted out by the magistrate is found to be manifestly excessive.
Viewing the circumstance of the case whereby the accused had
pleaded guilty to the charge for an offence of cheating pursuant to
section 420 PC, it ought to be considered as a strong mitigating
factor as he has the legitimate expectation under the law to have his
sentence reduced accordingly. The plea of guilty came about
immediately when the case was called up at the magistrate’s court.
[11] Presumably (as it is not stipulated in the Notice of Appeal), the PP
is dissatisfied with the reduction of sentence as section 420 PC
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provides for a minimum period of one year or 12 months
imprisonment on conviction of the accused. Therefore, both the
court of first instance and this court on appeal are left without an
alternative but to impose a period of 12 months imprisonment. The
sole question, would that be so?
[12] Reading the penal provision, it renders the following:
Whoever cheats …, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall
not be less than one year and not more than ten years and with whipping and
shall also be liable to fine. (emphasis is mine)
[13] Thus, it provides for a minimum term of 12 months imprisonment,
and the court of first instance had imposed such term of
imprisonment on the accused. However, this court on appeal had
reduced it to a period of only 3 months imprisonment, since the 12
months’ imprisonment is found to be manifestly excessive,
considering the salient fact the accused had pleaded guilty at once
when the case was called up for determination by the magistrate. Is
that reduction of sentence illegal?
[14] This court opines the reduction of sentence from a period of 12
months imprisonment to 3 months imprisonment is not illegal but
legal and proper as it is sanctioned by section 172G of the Criminal
Procedure Code (CPC/Act 593), which renders the following:
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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Where an accused pleads guilty at any time before the commencement of his
trial, the Court shall sentence the accused in accordance with subparagraph
Section 172D (1) (c) (ii) reads as:
(ii) subject to subsection (2) and (3), sentence the accused to not more than half
of the maximum punishment of imprisonment provided under the law for the
offence for which the accused has been convicted. (emphasis is mine)
Reading both the provisions, it is apparent the accused who had
pleaded guilty to a charge for an offence under section 420 PC, is
entitled in law to be treated leniently. He has only to be sentenced
to a period of imprisonment not more than half of the maximum
punishment of imprisonment provided under the law for the offence
of cheating for which he has been convicted. Section 420 PC caters
for a maximum period of 10 years imprisonment. Therefore,
pursuant to section 172G CPC, the maximum period of
imprisonment allowed under the law against the accused is only 5
years imprisonment and not anything more than that. As such, the
accused in the present case has to suffer a period of only 5 years
imprisonment, and anything more than that period of imprisonment
would be illegal. But, in the present case, this court had reduced the
sentence of imprisonment to a period of 3 months, which of course
falls squarely within the 5 years period of imprisonment.
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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[15] However, an argument could be advanced, that section 172D (1) (c)
(ii) has to be read subject to subsections (2) and (3) of section 172D
CPC. That would mean, pursuant to subsection (2) of section 172D
CPC, where there is a minimum term of imprisonment provided
under the law for the offence, no accused shall be sentenced to a
lesser term of imprisonment than that of the minimum term. That
means, in the present case, the accused has to suffer a period of 12
months imprisonment, as it is the minimum period of imprisonment
provided for under section 420 PC. Needless to refer and discuss
subsection 172D (3), as it is inapplicable to the present case.
[16] This court opines subsection 172D (2) is inapplicable vis a vis
section 172G CPC, as the scheme of section 172D pertains a plea
bargaining process, which means, where a satisfactory disposition
of the case has been agreed upon by the accused and the PP under
section 172C CPC, the court shall, in accordance with law, dispose
of the case in the manner provided for in section 172D (1) (a), (b)
and (c) CPC and if that situation arises, section 172D (1) (c) (ii) CPC
is subject to subsection 172D (2) and (3) CPC. In the present case,
there has been no plea bargaining, thus there is no satisfactory
disposition of the case between the accused and PP in order for
section 172D CPC to be operable. It is salutary to note, the accused
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had pleaded guilty at the court of first instance, voluntarily at once
without having to go through a trial. There has been no plea
bargaining process as envisaged under section 172C CPC and
therefore needless to proceed with section 172C (7) CPC, which
provides that where a satisfactory disposition of the case has been
agreed upon by the accused and the PP, the satisfactory disposition
shall be put into writing and signed by the accused, his advocate if
the accused is represented, and the PP, and the court shall give
effect to the satisfactory disposition as agreed upon by the accused
and the PP.
[17] In the premise, section 172G CPC operates independently of
section 172D CPC and has to be read as it stands so as give its
fullest effect. Therefore, when the accused pleads guilty, like in the
present case, he is entitled in law to be sentenced to half of the
maximum term of imprisonment provided for by section 420 PC. It
is also needless for this court to be strayed by the other part of
section 172D (c) (ii) CPC, as the precursor to 172D (c) CPC
provides “where the satisfactory disposition is in relation to a
plea bargaining of the sentence, find the accused guilty on the
charge and …”. (emphasis is mine)
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[18] It is axiomatic, if there is a doubt in the reading and interpretation of
section 172G CPC, which is a penal provision, benefit of it has to go
to the accused. He cannot be denied of his right and legitimate
expectation to be sentenced only to half of the maximum term of
imprisonment as stipulated in section 420 PC. To reiterate, he has
only to suffer a period of 5 years imprisonment or less after taking
into consideration all factors, plea in mitigation included. Ensuing
from that, the sentence of 3 months imprisonment meted out by this
court on appeal against the accused is legal and not
disproportionate to his case, wherein he has also to suffer another
3 months period of imprisonment for the offence of forgery for the
purpose of cheating pursuant to section 468 PC. As support,
reliance is on the dictum of Lord Esher MR in Tuck & Sons v Priester
(1887) 19 QBD 629 at page 638:
If there is a reasonable interpretation which will avoid the penalty in any particular case,
we must adopt that construction. If there are two reasonable constructions we must
give the more lenient one. That is the settled rule for the construction of penal sections.
Further, reference is also made to persuasive case authorities from
the Supreme Court of India in Tolaram Relumal and another v The
State of Bombay (1954 SC) and State of West Bengal v Swapan
Kumar Guha (1982 SC) which had in effect decided the following:
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When there are two possible construction, the court must lean towards that
construction which exempts the subject from penalty, rather than one which imposes
penalty. Where an ambiguity exists and it has not been possible for the legislature to
express itself clearly, the court exhibits a preference for the liberty of the subject and
resolves the doubt in favour of a subject. The court is not competent to stretch the
meaning of an expression and include the situation which would not have come under
the reasonable interpretation of the provision.
[19] Aside the above, it is also appropriate to comment on the
submission by DPP responding to the plea by accused as appellant
to this appeal. She did not raise any submission on the legality of
sentence pursuant to section 420 PC, if there is a reduction, but
merely implored this court not to disturb the consecutive effect of the
sentence meted out by the magistrate, and nothing more. She did
not contend with support, to state any form of reduction of sentence
for the offence of cheating under section 420 PC, cannot be
anything less than 12 months imprisonment. In that respect, this
appeal by the PP on reduction of the sentence to a period of 3
months’ imprisonment is an afterthought. Be that as it is, this court
opines the reduction of sentence for the offence under section 420
PC is legal and justifiable under the law.
The charge of forgery for the purpose of cheating
[20] As for the offence of forgery for the purpose of cheating, this court
had also reduced the sentence meted out from a period of 8 months
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imprisonment to 3 months imprisonment. It is also anchored on the
basis, the sentence meted out by the magistrate was manifestly
excessive as it was disproportionate to the commission of the
offence by accused. He has to be sentenced to what he deserves
and nothing more, so as to be in conformity with the principle of
justice and fairness. Sentences passed or meted out should express
abhorrence to the conduct of accused, which has to be
proportionate to the seriousness of the offence. Rehabilitation, as
an aim of sentencing should be pursued only within the confines of
proportionate sentences. In the present case, viewing the sentence
meted out which is a composite sentence as it embodies both
imprisonment and fine, it sufficiently punishes the accused. On that
score, the 8 months period of imprisonment is disproportionate to
the commission of offence by the accused as a fine of RM2000 had
been imposed.
[21] Perusing the record of proceeding at the subordinate court (as
below) it is apparent that the prosecution did not tender facts of the
case to support its case against the accused, when he pleaded
guilty. What has evolved, is that the facts tendered is as per the
charge. If commission of the offence of forgery for the purpose of
cheating by the accused is viewed seriously by the prosecution, it
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would have advanced facts of the case to support the charge in
order to demonstrate to the court, his conduct when committing the
said offence as well as his degree of involvement and deliberation.
Likewise, is for the offence of cheating. With the brief facts the court
may form an opinion on his conduct when assessing to mete out an
appropriate sentence. (See: Abdul Kadir bin Abdul Rahman v PP
(1984) 1 MLJ 80). Sadly, in the present case, for both the charges,
there was none, other than the prosecution merely informing the
court, facts of the case are as per the charges against the accused.
Charge of cheating:
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(Emphasis is mine)
Charge of Forgery for the purpose of cheating:
‘ …
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(Emphasis is mine – B2 is the accused/appellant in the present case).
[22] Except in a case where the facts are straight forward without any
complexity involved and the offence is embodied in the charge itself,
then it would be easier for the accused to say yes or no to a plea of
guilty. But when the law applicable to those facts, beyond doubt
seems impossible to expect an accused person unversed in the law
and undefended to be able to say, whether he is or not guilty of the
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offence charged, then facts of the case is pivotal. (See the case of
Low Hiong Boon v PP (1948-49) MLJ Supp. 135). In the present
case, it is apparent in the charge against the accused for the offence
of forgery for the purpose of cheating is “dengan curangnya telah
memalsukan Kad Pengenalan Malaysia yang mana telah diubah
suai bagi tujuan penipuan pinjaman secara atas talian, dengan niat
supaya dokumen palsu tersebut digunakan bagi tujuan hendak
menipu.” Since the charge does not disclose if the said loan was in
fact approved and disbursed to the accused, it could be deduced
that the loan and disbursement did not eventually go through.
Therefore, the actus reus involved is only falsification of the identity
card, used to apply for a loan online, but thwarted as it was
discovered. Therefore, the sentence of 3 months imprisonment and
the fine imposed, which was not altered by this court, commensurate
with the offence committed by him.
[23] Likewise for the offence of cheating, the accused had pleaded guilty
to the charge which contains his actus reus “dalam mencapai niat
bersama telah menipu Muhammad Syafiq Bin Sidin (930503-14-
6185) dengan memperdayakan beliau dalam urusan jual beli telefon
bimbit dan dengan itu kamu dengan curangnya telah mendorong
beliau untuk menyerahkan (2) unit telefon bimbit berjenama
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Samsung Galaxy S9 dengan harga berjumlah keseluruhan RM
6,000 yang mana beliau tidak akan serahkan telefon bimbit tersebut
sekiranya tidak diperdayakan sedemikian”. It is a fact, he was not
alone in the said commission of the offence of cheating, but with
others, thus the use of common intention as mode of his
participation in the commission of crime. In the absence of the facts
disclosing his degree of involvement and premised on the charge
itself, a punishment of 3 months imprisonment with the imposition of
fine is sufficient punishment for the accused to suffer. What more,
he has also to suffer a stroke of the whip, adding on to the severity
of punishment against him.
[24] After having considered all factors against accused, cumulatively
and being mindful of the settled principle of sentencing in the
administration of criminal justice, that punishment in proportion to
the seriousness of the crime is one of many objectives in sentencing
and also the principal focus for a sentence, and the accused has not
committed a violent crime but crimes against property, where on the
face of the charge, it is inferred was actuated by greed for money,
the punishment imposed of 3 months imprisonment for each of the
offences he has committed with the imposition of fine and also a
stroke of the whip for the offence of cheating, is appropriate,
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proportional and sufficient punishment he has to suffer. Adding on,
imposition of the fines has also served as deterrence for the
offences committed. (See cases like Rex v Teo Woo Tin (1932) MLJ
124; Zakariya bin Musa v PP (1985) 2 MLJ 221) Moreover, it is also
a fact to be mindful of, that the offence of cheating was committed
in the year 2018, as opposed to the offence of forgery for the
purpose of cheating which took place in the year 2023, thus raising
an argument for it tantamount to a stale offence which was only
brought against the accused when he was charged for the offence
of forgery. The accused has also repented by pleading guilty to both
the charges. In the premise the plea of guilty by accused is a
predominant and pivotal factor considered by this court when
reducing the sentence meted out by the magistrate. (See: Melvani
v PP (1971) 1 MLJ 137; Sau Soo Kim v PP (1975) 2 MLJ 134;
Ravindran & Ors v PP (1992) 4 CLJ 2043). In the upshot, appeal by
the accused is allowed and sentences of imprisonment meted out
against him is reduced accordingly.
Appeal allowed. Sentence reduced to three months imprisonment.
S/N QHVq4xk4Pk2TpMOadGeu9g
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Dated 30 October 2023
Muniandy Kannyappan
Judge, High Court 2 (Criminal) Kuala Lumpur.
Accused in person.
DPP Aqilah Ishak for the respondent.
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| 28,562 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AB-12BNCvC-6-03/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) Abdul Majid Bin Othman 2. ) Jamilah Binti Hashim RESPONDEN Ong Jia Hao | Civil procedure - Appeal from Sessions Court - Liability and quantum - Plaintiff 80% and Defendants 20% - Whether the SCJ was plainly wrong in arriving at the decision - Whether Plaintiff contributorily negligent - Hemipelvectomy as a result of crush injury to right lower limb - Whether damages proved - Whether the Plaintiff qualifies for a "microprocessor leg" - Appeal of Plaintiff partly allowed - Appeal of Defendants dismissed | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
31/10/2023 15:24:23
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1us—12ancvc—s—n3/2022 Kand. 57
smmnzs Jsvzu-A
RAVUAN slvn. N
[NO. K/F’: 49u92o»u7-52591
[NO. K/P 47013108-5347] .. FERAYU-FERAVU
[No K/P. 010331-as-05191 RESFONDEN
m GUAMAN NO.: AB«A53KJ-IE6-II/2019)
[NO. K/P: moaaw-on-0519] ..PLA\NT|F
[NO K/P'49l792D—07-5239]
[No. KIP: 470131-oe-5347] "DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
5w wcvFZuFmWna:xxmPxmv
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
[1] Some say that a mp to Kuala sepetang, about 20 mtrtules‘ drtve
fmm Talptng, wouta not he r:ontple|a wtlhaut lrytng rte tanrous local tare oi
Mes Udsng. others say the prawn noodles are yusl overrated. expertstve
and net worth eernrng back «or. A5 rt happened an that tatetut nrght of
19 3 2013, this was exaatty what Ahrtrrt Majid Btn othrnan (‘the 15‘
Delendanf as he was at the sessiens Cowl) and hrs tarnrty had tn mind.
They came an the way trorn Eukit Mertaranr to try the famuus prawn
nooates, Little dtd they krtuw what was going In happen on the way there
and that they rnrght not even gel to taste the supposedly oetieious rare.
[2] The nrghtweatherhne put the mad was wet and Itnsred wttn tanen
teayee ane nrtaereh. The streteh of road at KM 2 «mm Kuala sepetang to
Tarprng which was near a river, was net hr at an and rt was very dark. The
69 yearsetrt 1" De1endanI and his wrte tthe 2"‘ nerenuant Mm was the
owner of the car], and 1hetr gvandchtldran were tn the ear. They were
travettrng to Keats Sepelang to have lhetr dtlvtev at about Baflpm when
suooenty out at nowhere. |he‘/ heard a “hoorn' and they felt therr car being
htt by something on the rtght srde. Allegedlyr a rnotoreyetist hart hit the car
and the rtdsr was flung rnto a erarn on the oopestte see of the road due
te the trnpaet at the oolltstort.
Plairtltlf‘ as he was at the sessiens court) As fate woutd have tl, the
The nder ot the rnotercycte was 17—yaars ald Ong Jta Han ("the
Ptaintrttwas ontha way to Tatptnglo meet hrs girflrtend atterttnrshrng work
at Koala seperang. A ‘date' that merauy changed s we fovevev [no pun
srn wevF2uFwWn::xxrnP>uav
‘Nuns s.n.r In-vthnrwm re used m mm ms nflmnaflly sun. dun-mm vta aflt.ING wnxt
never be able lo walk and hewill nave tn learn in wrlle and eat
with lhs leu hand
[19] As ean be seen lrl me medlcal reports. the injurles sullered were
nonllyrng and rnoelly pennananr ln nalure, Some or lne lnlurles on me
ngnl upper llmb could sllll be lrealeo wrln surgery and Improve nre ngnl
hand lunctlon lo at laael enable the Plalnm to nolo a walking lrerne
properly wrrn both hands, oe able to walk and dn personal eneres eucn as
c1eaning.ea|Irlg and preparing loudlorhimsel|(aslI1lswas larer explained
by rene lallon exrnens). Hence, the claims were very imDurlan| to enable
me Plainliflto be able to rerurn 10 ms normal Me VI some aspects 2:! least
rl nor all. It was ellclled (l'la| llre Plairluff rm nor have a valid lrcenee lo ride
a rnlolreyele. He em nor have money lo ablalrl a lleenee. He lolrl rne ooun
man he slapped selroolrng early eno worked er me age 01 14 so mar he
would have an lnoorne. He had been worklng as a general worker ln Kuala
Sepelang only for a week and earned Rmalmo per day prmr lo llra
amtldenl. According In rne Plainlllf, his grnlnene nee sinee lelr him ellar
the eeeidenr Tne rnelercyele was burmwed rrern nis menu and ll are not
nave a valid roadlax and insurenee, The Plalntlfl was basically ner
covered lo rlde lhe motorcycle
lzal cornrng back re rne aoclderll, rne Plalnnfi was eaarnenl that me «-
Deleneenra had encmachsd lnlo ms lawlul earn [hereby eausrng lhe
accldenl N Ihal pol!!! M llme, bath vehicle dlslanoe (0 each other were
already (am dose to avuid the aocldent desplle NS efforts |o swerve to me
lell slde ol the reed, The motorcycle grazed the rigln from side ul me
rnorurcer and me Plalmlff lesr ocnlml unne rnororeycle Tne motorcycle
Iulched larwaru ln ns lewml pscn marked as Azuu WI rne sketch plan
(Exhlblt P1). He had rnen pressed en rne brakes which len 21 long scrawh
slN wevF2uFwWn:axxrnP>uall
-use s.n.l In-vlhnrwlll es used e mm ms nflnlrrallly mm: dun-mm Va mane we
mark en me read irem D in D1 as marked in Pi. The meiorcycie ended ai
ihe point marked as N en ihe side ei ihe road.
[21] The 1“ Deiendani stand his gmund in orussexa
ihe Pieiniiii who had suddenly encroached inm his righiiui pain marked as
AAAS in F1 when iis iarrip no| iii an all, ‘i unexpected aeiion caused the
1" Deiendani io iurn his sieering io ihe right side 0! his pam in an eiion to
avoid ihe nieioreyeie However, he ieo ieiied and ihe mmercyeie crashed
inie ihe rightlmnl deer in his mi.
anon ihai iiwae
[22] The evidence eiihe lnvesligalion oiiieer, sin. RF 100957 Easksran
A/L Francis (SP1) was ihai ihe acoideni was caused by his meiercar
encroaching into the pain oi ihe Pieiniiii when the 1" izeienearii overlook
eneiher moiorcycle in ironi oi his 1'2! at ihai lime The 1=~ Defendant was
summoned under Ruie 10 oi ihe Road Traffic Rules 1959 (LN iseisiz)
which provides “Na driver oia vehicle moving aiong zi load shiiii sieep dr
eiherwise negieei in exercise due eoninoi over the mavemenis oi ihe
vehicle". The 1-‘ Deiendani did no: edmii iieoiiiiy by paying ihe fine bui
evenhiaiiy he paid in en 24.9 2019 oniy because he was asked by ins
police In dd so This became a mini oi eemeniidn hyihe panies and lwlll
eiaboreie on ihis issue iaier
[23] si=i gave evidence on is 5.2020 and 24 5 202m where his wiinese
ciaiemenis were med on ihe day oi iriai (PSSP1) some bundles ul
dommeriis were siiii being filed on ihai day Dy ihe Piainiiirs soiieiiors. in
paragraphs 19 and 20 er me SCJ's greunds oi iudgnieni, she made
speoiai nieniion ol ihe iaie iiiing cil wiiness siaisnienis and mmdies er
dcoimiene io he reierred in during inai. Hawever, ihe Piairififf iried id
iusiiiy the deiay Hm was due |o ine inipienieniauen oi ihe Meveiiieni
sin wcVF2uFWWn::XxniP>u£v
-use s.n.i iuvihnrwm es used is vaiw me nflnihnfily MVMS dun-vinril wa .riiwe WM!
Comm! Order zozc SP1 went lp the spens at me accident al 9 25 pm
with police photographer Kpl RF 1704431 Mazwan am Arman (SP2) who
look me photographs in Email l>2(a) — ll) al pages 59 pl Eundle A
[24] SP1 confirmed lnal mere was no street Hghnng all me stretch olraad
al KM2 which was an the smaollne mad heading towards Taiplng. There
was a JKR milestone about 100-200 metres (mm the accident site The
Slgnhnald usnpung the speed linm of Bflkm/hour was located on the side
0| the mad heading |clrWards Kuala Sepe|ang He had mavked an the
sketch DIEVI which he drew‘ the dlvemiuns cfl both vefilclej T
impcrlanl because Ihe 1“ Defendarlfs counsel in cmssvexa
suggeslea man (he sergeant had wrongly marked me uiramipns 0! me
vehicles, which SP1 denied vehemently. This pain: was also argued
during the appeal oaiora rne. SP1 oanfirmed (here were glass lragmenls
on the lane A3/-X4. Na glaas lragmenls or make marks were found on the
lane A4A§. The man was ws| because a! the occurrence a! rising (Ade
along me said mad. SP1 further uanflmlsd that this caused rubbish in
uverfllvw un|n both sides of the mad although he did nm indicate the
presence of lubhlsh in his skelcll plan but could be seen in F2(e) Must
imponanlly, both me Plaintifi and 9* Defendant admitted In sm Ihal their
vshlcle was lravellirlg closer lo the while dividing line (0 avoid ms mppisn
on the mad
125] The damage: to bath vehicles can be seen In pholographs marked
as P2(g)—|i) and |aHc)respec1lvely.Thefrnnlpart of ma molarcycle was
complelely damaged I galhered lnal ll ouuld no: he sent in PUSPAKOM
for lnspeulion in delermine ll ms neadlignl was working at all The
molcrcar was also damaged rnpslly fin melrcrn right Side and the driver‘:
door and glass screen were cracked. Tnerelare. based on ms
SN wcvF2uFM0WnnxxmP>uav
Nuns s.n.i In-vlhnrwm be used m mm r.. mn.u-y sum. dun-mm wa aFluNG pm
Invssligahon and swam ewdsnca wmch were more conswstent with ms
F\zvmlf‘s panes report. SP1 concluded that the aocxdenl was caused by
and mumrcar encroaching mm the Mawnnffs law1u\ pam
5 EVALUATION Ago rmnmss or ms couwr
A. on lhe i§§5ge 91 Izabm
[251 There were numerous grounds dv aDDea\ pleaded m ms
Memorandum of Appea\ (pages 15-30 of RRJ1) hut durmg me hearing of
ma appeal ma names subrnmed on\y on a law xssues wmcn ac|uaHy
ID mvered me Ispuls over ma uammy appomonsd and quanmrn dc
damages sd we have 2 conlhcimg vsrsxans or new the acumen!
happened. me markings on ma sketch pvan was my contested by bum
pames. that me SCJ was uunfused mm ma markings un me sketch plan
and (here was a comment Ihal me sca dud not aflaw an unpaaanman:
:5 procsedmg against me 1“ Defendant and awsowbemer ma summuns paid
byme 1-‘ De!endan| indwcaled ms Viabmfy at an All mesa weresummarissd
mm 3 Issues (or me cum to deems as vaucws:
i dlrecllnns ol bavsx of the parties,
n. whe|hsrthe1“De1em1anlancmanhed mo pam onne Flam!
m and
whemer there was ountnbulury neghgsnce dn ma part at ma
[211 u 15 «me Vaw that me burden 0! met in an acuun for negligence was
15 with me plalnmf: Mg Chnl 5|: v. Mnlman B: All [1933] 1 MLJ 11a. The
may at me sour! us m deterrmne wmch versmn Is mnrs innerenuy pmbable
based on avaflahle evmanoa: Noorlaml blfl Zzlnol Abldln & on v Tang
L ' 92 [1990] 2 MLI 212.
syn wcVF2uFWWn::XXmP>u£v
. -ma sand n-nhnrwm be used m mm s. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
[231 1 naya perused me SC.|‘s as pages olgrmmds of judgment mm,
Encl (3) to see whether me oompkamls raised were subslanhated. V1 is
necessary at mus palm m reproduce parts cl me SCJ‘s grounds 0!
judgment m paragraph: 118 — 126 (pages 61 — 69 of RRT, Encl 13) as
5 she had made findings aHaL1 based on the evidence avaflable as Inflows:
‘ma! mtpak neruesaran mmnuka\ weum omen mangasankan Flamlfl
yang nnarrg kawalan psngandahan mo1us4ka\nya yang Dalksmunuklnantsflapak
kl n-aapan akmar mmnggang m um had lam alau am yang mask
1» sebnhigian gngal membememnun nrmamu dw landaan 'x‘ mahuvun an
lmldnzm rrr walaunun bmk mnlnslkal amaxwa dilekan an ranaaan D‘ an renuan
laman ASAA. Brek mnmsxkal yang gagal hemmasl msmbememlkan
mahoslkalnya memnngalkan wasan rarserar Nngsa memim ks Izndaan ‘nr
sebelum laluh |emenn a. Iandaan ‘N‘ m kawasan narumpm Aw.
my] Apt yang Ma: mlah kunn implhan ham .1: mm. ABAA am.» kelnn
pecihan kaca ram.» hadnpan melaknr mzaav, heokzmungbdnan sebpas
beflaku Detlemhungen an Iandaan x Kelensnian genysv rnx June
herkeharangkallan nranunmxkan mulukar P.l|.2DD7 yawn arranrpun olan
2n nrmasrxar an x msnlnflg-3\kan kesan seruman ‘cw waves Iandaan n Ksmna
mswfv wanaan Panama y-nu rnamurar sunny kn kanan nrananasr ka Muan
AJA6 salspas plnunhungan dx Xdln kamudllnnya kamhill masuk ke Hum»
AME Imluk marnbamannm mmakamya m Landaan V [AM7l
1; may aamaaaman nerunmnan marangarnrararangan spa, kredxmlm sm
(amahar o\eh Dequam Delandan-deiendan mamandanwkan percanggahan
keleramlan sm ada\ah marllurui kspida asvsk rnananal kaa dv naaapan
Mahkamah wanu burksnaan bigalmana kamalangan nu berkemungkmnn
ranmr Dahm [MI W, Mahkimnn mlluwk kspada kars G|malunRamu:IIam1ran
:0 4 Or: y PPIZMHI 2 ML.) 191: [ms] t on 551, panel 2 Ann 465 flw rnana
Mahkamnh Pelsekuluan memuluskan hahaw .
-wnar new to be considered Is wnamar ms drsaapindes mlatn lo rnazanar
a-SW61: er the saw or omuwtso. Ax sfatsd m Samavan Evrdenns 15m min. a
as 142
Mmur dfsulnandns an Dmnvizln lwn m the version 1:! truthful
mmaaaaa and am. mmor disuepencies on/y add .-.2 ma mmriu/ness al
then evidence (Srdhan y sma a{K2Iala [1956] on u 410, 475 rxar».
am mmpanuar In ena araramarru av wrmassar an matenal pomts
on snama not be may passer: over, as may ssnoll-W alfnt rm yarua or
any wcvF2uFwWna:xxnrP>uav
«ma a.n.r n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm r... nrwhrnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum may
Ins)! zaanmanyqsm Lal V. Kurvwar, as A 157.18 cwrv 549 A 1914 PC
35) In. mlm thing In a. aaam 1: wnllhovlnn mcansvslnncus gm nu ma
max anna matter DI pmam la umgmnaam: 5512201: mere av -
1121) Damn keadnan im, aekah lam pevkum um Hdak aapan menen|uk|n
denyan mmlak maamama kemalangan vm harlaku, mm sama aaa Flalrm
mewru masuk Gan mananugar mukzkar navanaan-aaranaan tsrubm xecara
«manna alan umeman Panama yam; msnwonon masuk kn Iaman sah
mo<wkaxwsum yang flnunggang ulsh Pimmnf as laman AJAA
1122; Selemsnya, Mahkamzh aknn menllal kelerungan Delendarmeflendnn
dalam kes m. Delendan Pen.amaASD2)memher1 kmerangan aaaawa hellau
memamu mamkar P.n.2m77 semasa kemalanuan pads 19.092015 ax KM2
.la\zn Kua\z Ssoelanwtzvpm Menunn snz, Flawnnlsecava l1ba—l1I:a marvanah
maiuk ks Vaiuan ms dan mmamav lwdak memasang Vampu haflzpannya lam
mammmm Dada bahigxan hndipan um karun mumkzr amnm flu Ishtar!
ms [lzrvdmm x ma. :1 dwbunmleh mama
[1221 Menuml kmeraman Deflendandeflsndanm aaaa hafl kejzman, mereka
aaauan penaaana Lalan yama Dam aanama ka\I manngunakan Valuan menum be
Kuala Savelarlv Imluk makan maa udavm Anemia tuba m mz, kaadaan lilan
naax dnanngw Vamnu ‘awn danhha-1i>a xahuah mwmmkal datxwg ml Iqlh aam
amh aamamamgam dw hadapan mnmknr mum yang a.aa»aa eleh namaam
mama Deflenflan Panama Husk sempat menekan latex flan hsnya sampax
memmar sieving ke kanan bay mengelakkan penemhungan cenaax dank
herjaya Mutokar mznm dmenukan aau dlperklrm bahu Jalau dw Kmudukan
«r d\ km Ialuanrvya lm A5A7J
[my Sa|a\ah asks: a. pmak Flavmfl aam n.4amaam.a.4amaam mam mamaam
uamamgam, Mamman uaau aarauaa ham bahawa kemamnaan m1 aaaxan
aem-ma aaupana kzcuman mhak Deflendan Panama semalaanzlam
berdasarkan vemavn aanm —
an Wmpakdankesan ksrusakan aaaa smuamam kaduaduakundsnan hdak
menyoktwu Dumlatazn oven Flamm mm P: my [alas membukmkan
plmmbmvgnn Imxk haflaku slum blmidapln ktvinn mnlnkzr dihnggir
aaa. bahanian az mas kanan maaaam mnmkar munm yang mask xemk aan
aaa keaan damh aauam ekmbu P2 my.
12) Kelevanuan «om Pam adabh kstaranaau pnma Vania nanawa max
hemamzn oven mnloswkal wanm zdmah tenumpu an bahaglan ssbahn swsl
Kanan muwkaryina mpandu clan naoamuan Panama
am wcvF2uFwWna:xxmP>u£v
«ma. ama n-nhnrwm a. a... a my a. nrW\nnU|:I mm: flan-mm VII .mm mm
(3) Nlolakar FJLZDLW yaw masuk ks hluan aagalan kanan yang
nananrangan arnh wavas bemsmbuns manaaan x max mangnanang Iihlin
mmasAka\ yang man Inllamun semula a. Iahnan ABM Ian. |efla]ak kc hadnpan
ann k: may P1 bemasarkun mam sw yang memkiskan kasan max um
adnmh ke man mas P1 Anaxa ks manna).
m Dalam kn: Im vamapax ksnn u\arYi'!§ dnandakan sabagal ‘n ‘nleh
sr-1 dawn PI aanagax canaaan pannulaan kasan bnk mubuslkfl yang
ununggang man P\a\’nM yang mungsku mngaxak ks km aan band: .1. \euglII
hluln mu sm mtnqmakan xaann nu ifl2|LIh kasnn mlar hrek semasn
mmas\kn\ wsmva (emh hsnambunu aengan motokar mzmxv Ielavl
beldasnlknn akuan Pwnul lamn malnslkm benamhunu aenann malokzv an
landasn x. Smaln dadpafla kesan brek yanamnuanunan moIos\kzIFlam1flyenfl
d1larx1akan‘D‘dHnn§Iah Iahun nu, ma-nua s-rpman kaci yang dflamakan
‘CK’ am F1 ma bend: av Ialuan Flamlflylna rnanghala ks avih rannng
(5; Wnlaupun aw melukuskan kexnn brak men mmnsnkxl ynng cfllunggang
meh Pmlnlfl amnan bammm an xangah uavnan AC-IAA caaaa. molosman wEL7a7a
uaak dlbemennkan my oananan u zlau x1 sehahknw mnlaslkai wEL7373 Isiah
Iznatskl leranlak ks hudapan al nnnnn ASM aangan malskmn Ilemabas ks km
ssbelum |emenndv(andaan m alas MA2 Kaaan bmk n ksD1Ia\ah aan. mm.
ssrwip nanawa husk mokwkal wELn73 naau nannngaa demgzm mix (man.
kosllumhnn / nbnhagmn) nun perwnggang mah memmggnnq flengan
kamiunn yang Mag! aan gagal memhual kamman yang can akiba| (emedem
pads ama-a sebelah kannn semase menempuh hahsulan kanzn molokar ax
laluan ms
(5; snbanknya sm melvdnkwl punt: kemahngnn adnlah herpumm
aanpaoa kowailn mmokir mzom yang Ierblbn memnmng salu mamsikm
lam Nngga mamasuki hluan berlznvaangan wnlaupm pengamn P\aml\l adalah
|1dak dlsaknng clan mana—/nana ketemngan spa Man memkam pangacaan
bahawe semasa kemzlanwany Vzmpu moloslkefl mak dlnyalakan a1au 9-isle!
aannngsx aan mmrmkzl yam sebenamyi masuk dahum ka laman
lzsruntanairl yam manuvxa ram kaadzan yang msnuemaskln anma msmlu
yam ma-ampun pads bahasiln kamn mm.ukzrPJL2Dn7
41) Justnlu Snman yang dfisu olsh pemlong negawm peny1nsa1|PD mm
mung nu man sama sflan dlkanakan Iemadav Deiendan Panama
Wmauvun seman menurm Kaedah m Pemuran Lanmnnas Tvaflk 1959
was/59 nu wan mangaap aanaga: asai umnk dwsrsaxanxan ates lull
keL:Ia\ar\ yaw msncann kapada nanarnnungan kadua-dua kendenaan dalam
kamalznaan. Hablmr yang akzn dnaglhkzn man. mam holah mslebwm 50%
ma-unbxan, anvana lam, kaouahn yang mannmnngxan .11 pihuk wainnv yang
gagnl memasuknn kendecaan yang flnunggangnya her-ads dnlam keadaan
any wcvF2uFwWnaaxxnuP>u£v
«ma snnnw n-nhnrwm a. med m yaw n. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm y.. mum Wm!
yang Vayak bend: Stu pr... riyn [mad wunhmess], my kememnn
dwlelvggirnkzm gay. men mgun. dawn kandmn kecemasan. Flamlfl jugs
mm memulikan kecmeruan am man man flan amnam nous! Vnsnvans
yana sun sebelum ma memmlam mocosmau an run an ssnmn aaanan sscrinn
Yansl bemamwtsn sen‘: ad: Imn yam: sen unmk menu-vagana
kandsrzan was ‘an...
my wan. kn an., Imgkah mm M nn: yang mammggang kememan
belmulnrlinpl Imn yang .an .1... udnk . mum meh pnusiimmanssemasa
beflaku kemalanaan ilu, mm" sanap umam yang menymam nMarW'
undanulelam salu nernumeuaxan yam] avsmnnangkanoxan Pnanxn. sw udak
Vsu iamzn kevada Fralnmyinfllelar msnumang muiuilkzlianpa lawn yang
my Llmnunn dilams zamnm Pengnngkman Jamn 19:31 [Akin
331!]memperunlukk£lI bahnwn lidak ads yang flwhznalkan mavmndu
kender-nan hermotnr an lahan rayfl kscuau ma memmmyel Vegan yam san.
Seswana yang may rnempunm men Hdak wen mamandu kamaraan
bermmov Da\am kas -n-. Plammsama ueI<a\I(Idak mampunyav men nmnanuu
yang san unluk mamandu my manunggang .1 ahn ray;
(Ia) Pemnmkln . 90 Am 333. semnang mm mamvunm mm Vnsurans
yaw ssh unmk mallnduml dla semasa ma mnmandu alau manungaang
ksmuraan belmolor dv man aye Clan kamna saiaurana yang
membanawkan mrmya atau omng nan. kalina kmadaan men mamandu yang
rah umuk memandu alau manunaoang ax man rays, fldik uharusnya dwa
man; ax plan my. :. mawan palm Mn nnsm yang carvmnkan mn
maksu-1 Pnmmsn mn. :23 .1... 590 Am 333. Hngkah um memmmanfi
mam... bermmorianvalasan yang snhllu semm merunakanundakan yang
meflyalam undaw-umani I ma: vemmaan 3 dzlam K35 Muhammad /‘loo!
Rsdzuan hm Mwun vMunammaL1AImvuIH-sfizbm Knattulazum [max in MU
(11) Unmk mambsusrkln Flamnf malavskknn babnn kemahn 100%
dnzmggmlg alsh nmnagmmenaan mun barsnmnan mannnan
penghamsan mm Plamul kerana max memamhl unaanmmang. alau
lebm humklaai unluk mannen ianlamn Ksnadaflya alas panama-an umaw
mam: wzlaunun P\a\nl\l manlmbulkan sua|u keadaan yang banaya ham
dmrwi wndm din Vamh venom‘ ktavada pa-manna 1a\an ray: lam yaw
mamamm undang-ulvdann Undallz-undamz Vldlkdlpatmehrldunglolang yang
ndak msngarnbn kn; ullilng-undamg dun pnhsv swim ying barusnha
mengilurpengendihln lam hnu: dun paugarvgkmml dw man mya
sm wcvF2uFwWna:xxmP>u£v
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nrmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
(12) Damn kes ml, pemunya betvawar mowsnax wzum Ia-vgsu-9 «mu
avpanmu man sm unluk manguahkln mmnmksl wEL73'r3 dunmlw dnmm
ksadaan yang membenalkan mnya hemda Mn: mm mm wodhmess], emu
dun am: an SP1 gagnl nmnanggn permmya beraamr nwlnslkm umuk hamr
mammn katamngnn, sums nan mams\|<a\nya yang xldak Eda cukal man yang
san, adahh sam muluslkal yann msak mu mmsakkan‘ Sam: ad: ssbanasllan
man kssnmmhzn alau Vayak umuk dlaunakan alarman llrl forms vuvvnul
(13) D. dalam kaadaarl kamllangan ying mum fix wlklu mzflam,
penLm9!!in9 Mowslal mm. hemnggungan dan ugx mun: kerane
mnunggang malusiksl dewgnn membahayakan am sens penggunajalzn yang
Yam, Llnpfi menyavmn Vumpu hadapan mu membawa motoslkm dsnuan
Lamvn haamn yang msak alau max yam: fldak bemmasl denuan hawk Anya
ndak mambenarkan ve¢\uawa\arI/venwsndahan aengan bavk ada\am saiu luau
kasmahan mx yang Vam yang mangundang (angquflgan mum
(M) lRuJuk ks; um snannv urn Amm Rahman V Ahmad Zuflendl Mn
Am.»a'[2D2l] 12 ML! an bedmit keg mm: yang memmguanu Vanna Vesen
ma uh!
(<5) Kaswvulan nman benuhs pewuam Dufendaruieiaman banam manna
a-man ssndm man n..n:an- puma kamahngnn pad: mazma memmpa
dmnya devlgan Lllvggungan sumhang cuan an-z. mnnaknla Delendarmelendan
lehh cum “mm znwanam menyehabkan kzmmangzn dslam kes mu
hm Kemrangan senyav yam: rmmakm bulah mumbamu unruk mambuil 3.-nu
uapavan. yang unggaw adahh bsrdasarkan kumlakzn kzyida kaduadun
kenderaan‘ FN; bslkab-Ilarngkahan mlnyukcmg um dihm mwmn pmil aver.
Daiamnn mum. herlnnkh was mm, mm kegs» kzrmakan nmuomn
wznzn yang Ienumpu ax hahaghan haflapan sflmzh se\ar1 dengan Vmpak
henlnman men mmnsmax aw slsl nanan nmmm PJLZDOY
[1261 Panelmzn (emadap man kasar bersama-iima dangan man-vgan
nemeauan lawn sepem nambiv-gambar din kamiakzn-Memsakxn kapadn
ksrvfllvaan-kalvdamxn yang lamhal dllim kivulangin wlu‘ Mahkamah
mummuskan vem mg new. bememungkman Man veni damn Vapman pohs
men Daflendan Permmzn ymvg mbual beberspn jam selepas kemzlungan padz
maazmsiam u m ma\am[\lhaID7J
[1271 on nlhzk umenaan Fedama sebagal vemandu an man ray! yang
mempunyax kawanpan Im|uk se-mas: osnagaaasa pan: kmwumnan mas:
kavanalahn mm nwam maxan mnpnnunmm mnnmxmmng mm mm
hdak hemnh-h ’ hanyn kemm: um bah-mwa is adamn man yang sunyi emu
sm wcvF2uFwWna:xxnuP>unv
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm
pads mua Vnln nnua adauan .andan Dalam kt: Khmmn Nfzmi bm Daud a
Armr v.IupIV‘n Fau![2D18] a um 32 -1| m s.38‘Pe1uruhJaya Kemammnn (pads
maaa M memuluskan bahawa —
‘([321 ram In admemsn: Mal mam rs away: a am an road users 10 remam
Wgrlam at all time: as public roads am arways a vcnua ror dlrvgor, wmdvavv
(rm. n/ma flay nnamndn, wnm on. an rvlvirb nnnm in (ski n any and
be UN-guard because :1 IS a qmet snawn olmads or a me a( me day where
kslfic vamme .s law
[33] Then rs sdmsmnas 3/50 a smbbam amlmie (:1 some dnvsvs rd aonsrdal
that wnen they nawa rvghl o/way‘ ms roams mans wnsm any I/me mtsnuplmn
ormtemranca mm their ‘right 01 way‘ would be sumac! Io arvnoyanov, Imlahon
and a randancy In mud man ground‘ and natgn/1 way us n rs man ‘lnga7'ngM
away They ml/Ivsv: sulfiuenl presence afmind and Lune Ia aannd bheirllom,
gasmrsur afhmwise indnxle m ms Human A7/Ibuding sgamst man nahl al way,
but not to new dmm or ylerd — wh/an rn ms mafier old ssmnd at Ma, would
have been surflmsnt to muss ms incident to mine to pass. -
[12!l$ala\ah menelm segaua kalarangamkmnriugan yang dukemukakzn
danam kg: ml, Mzhkamlh memperumbzmgkan, maxi blngan kebnmngknhan,
bahawa Flamlil gagnx memhukliun kzcuaian adaxan semalamala di phwak
oavandanaarandan sacadax pdnaa yang mellyehzbkan venemhunuan kedua—
flua kandavaan danam kemakangan my nadaxu paaa «ms zms Mahkamah
mandapam Deiemiarvdslsndan naman-nu 20°/. cual sebauaw panyanan
kamavangan Iru dan mun. yam: Vamh uvaumkan kspida Flalrmf adahh so-n
panyumlnng cuil sahlgaw pancams klmllangan yang mannnpanya pad:
19 as 2013 and -
[29] Having gone through the grounds aljudgmenl and aompanng n with
the News of Emdancs, I did rml find that the SCJ was confused by Ike
malkmgs on ma sketch plan as alleged by me Plammv The durecnons
drawn by SP1 on the skecth plan were afsu curred. I am mostly tn
agreemem wmn me $CJ's nndings and reasunings in vegard In the hamlwty
oi the Puaimm and ma: ne was wnmbmomy negngem. n was the
appomonmenl ovnabumy whwch I did not agree. The SCJ Iound tl1aI(he1sI
Defendanfs velsmn was more Dmhame and he had wedged a police report
sham 2 hours after the aoddenl. The 1:! Difemllm admmad (III! duo
lslon, his car had gone [Mn mo lam AJA4 In
to ma impm :11 mo c
syn wcVF2uFWWna:XxmP>u£v
"Nuns saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm vu mum v-max
lhlendeal. Ha loal lhe whole ol hla nghl leg and suflered other homfylng
injuries || was very llagle lndeed
[4] The Sessluns calm eh 9.3.2022 lound lhe Plalnlmle be 210% le
fur the accldenl and hence. this appeal al me Hlgh calm was against
llab‘l|l(‘I and euanlum The names are relenea la as they were al me
Sssslorls calm as mm have apuesleu egainsl my aeasloh uelwerea on
23 5.2023. The learned sesslons com Judge (SCJ) had wrlllen a very
long and qul|e cnmprehenslve grounds al ludgmenl Nevertheless, wnlle
I agreed wl|h some al her findlngs. I hurld (ha| lmm lhe lame eslabllshed
ln me ease lmln Ewes were alnmsl egually llanle for the aocldenl and
emaned liablli at 40°. and so"/.
Qgfzndams resgslztlvely. I had ihlenelad wllh lne laalual findings 01 me
lrlal judge because it was 'plalhly wrong'ln me sense lhel II could run
raasanahly be explained or lusflflsd and Due whlch nu reasonable luaga
could have reached: rengku nets Ibrahim Pena Tnnqku Indra Falra v
Pena Perdzna aemad 1. Ann! Appeal pm} 2 l:L.l 541
a alhsl lhe Plalhllw and
[5] It is Irlte law me: an appellale mun would he slaw Ia disturb me
nhdlngs of the lrlal eoun unless it ls convinced lhal there have been
subslarlllal mlsalreelmn ol fads and law whlah nleriled anpellale
lntervsntlcn The appellale mun wlll delermlns whelher or not me lnal
calm arrlveti at he aaelelen orflmilng correctly on the basis ollhe relevant
law andlur the established e enee ll will examlhe the pmcess el
evaluallnn ollne evldence by the mal court. A aeelslon arrived al by a lnal
emm wllnem or lhsumelehl ludlelal appreclallorl el lhe evldenea may be
set aslae on appeal The IS ennslslenl wlth ma eslabllshed 'plalnly wrung‘
SN wevF2uF»W’n::xxmP>uall
-we Smnl In-vlhnrwlll be flied a yaw me nflnlnnllly ml. glam. wa nFluNG Wflxl
ms ouons lo nvoid mo meaorcyele She also round that sP1's evidence
oomd not supporl me F\ainuN‘s version 0! everus. She cued a case law
max mere were bound in be minor discrepancies and than she said the
minor duscrepancxes nu ma F\amulTs case cuuld na| dslenmne who
ancroached man whose path am (see pa.-egrpan 121).
[30] The SCJ had alsu shied that she did not consider SP1 to be a
wmness who had lied in ocurl and she had aocepled ewuenoe in so car
as it was consis|en1w\Ih me silem ewoenoe. In paragranhs ms — 109. I
lound ma. lhe sea r.aa oonsiderea why .1 was unneooesary to unoeaa.
sun and I agreed mm her findmgs as loHaws:
[‘1UE)Da1gan mwgimbil kw: kelelangan SP1 dam SP2 yang memhsn
kelernngnn belsumpah ax... lekah diuenksa hulls a\=h pegunm Deceme...
delendan. says msnemua kelerenuen sm den svz selakal mane kelersngsn
mereka ada\ah se\an denuan keteranwarr serryan mewena. kemsakan kepadz
Ksduadua Kendavaan. kaian brek am Klan darn Iaporarr vans roamoua
pmak, big: .......:...ksr. sagala kalnrangan bqlkau nap: yang
msnyabnhkan bermkunyn kemalangan pm wakm .....xa... jam 9 .1. ma 1.1....
Kuaxa Sena1ar19~YaVDlrW was 19.na1ma ilu dun mamuluxkan vars‘ nihak
mm yam wemr. hsmabarawkaflan
mm m adalah kerina 5-wan: ksmawan mu dlkemukakan man sm yam
«oak selan man how seblhh am. am om. sskall pun, hdak mewatavkan
knalumhsn katsnngan sm dnmak lazuli da\am ....o..sp. kaadsan u... ulu
cnnlall ndalah cahanan kepada kamoswa... kzsnkxian ( paachmam)
Iemndav s». Ar... cahsran Unlnaachmsml in‘ herjaya, kaelumhan
kalavanwan sm Iazlmnya mhusng alau dlkelsplkau om. Mahkamah [mam
keadzan nu |)urI.|\ka ads keteranwan kesan orek. semman kaca atasialarr nan
kaian karoiikan kevada keduadua ksnderaan dalam kss ...r yang oonsn bagl msnvmukan namlm pmak-pm: Mzhkzmlh akan mangammlkwa
kvhrangan knan bvak, me ans 1...... .4... kaszn kamaakzn kapadi
k.a....u... kenderxnn dllam ke: .... yang borer. mpsrseys. nu
[ma] Prtnsrv Denaflmaa/I keleaam-an lam dawn keadaan sesemanfi saks\
hevhahonu (saya max Dmuskan sedemudan dalam kes mu arqansxer. onen
kei rwoarv cw: HW v PUBLIC PROSECUTORIw61l| ML! ms, or «or
srr. wcvF2uFw\MmxxmP>uav
«u... so... nnnhnrwm .. ..... .. my .. .n....u-y mm: dun-mm vu murm pm...
‘Na witness rlemanalrabfy ierh /re. en one or two now: than ill: ciesr
me: he 15 nor a Mlhab/9 witness and as a rnaner o/prudence me new or
his swdsnzw rrnm D9 Rwlmninzd mm grea: earn and indand wnn
xvipiworv Ta ery. howmn Ihalbaalusa e witness has new prawns
her an out 0! Mo painls men we whale er his ewaenee ‘must in Mw be
IE/:c.‘:d'::tuga ton Island]: wrung <
has} Dalam kas ini, save davan ape yang mkavakan Dembohungan iaiah
kesvepian mernanenn soaien den memhen rawapan kepadz seaien yang «eiah
urreiah lalsirkan oieh yam: aerrunan, ray: nerpanaengan new-awe sm tidak
bubommg new rwavennya (Idak «eeax kapada eeaien ylng dillnyi ~
[31] However, I «mine that despite aeeephng «he evidence 01 SP1, me
SCJ stated his evidence did not suppori the Plainlflfs version or euerus,
i e. how ihe accident happened I\ was eiear men me: she awegled mat
the is: Deieneani had encroached inio «he Fla mrs Iewiul galh but due
to his “nghgeneer ior wanl of a hener word In riding wiihnui e iieence
and uninsured to ride etc. «hereiere she eenciuaed thsl me Plarmm was
30% Mable At the same me she had slated thal lhs Deiendanie should
have been mare eeremi driving In those eonunien that nighi and
cummenled mat they were uniemmerwirh the piece Th is where Hound
mallhe SCJ had uomradided hereeii and was 'g|am\y wrung“ n naming
to the conciusion 0:; she gig In my view, the 1s\ Defendant made a
wrong judgment call when he swerved ngm im the path unhe Fiernnirr
when he should have swerved to the lefl and avoided the rnomrcycle
enogeiher. He nrosi hkely hea been eaughi on guard when he sudaeniy
saw the P1amm‘l‘s motorcycle In the dark 0! the night. Meenwhiie, Ihe
Pieinm was eise wrong |o have been riding his nreiorcyeie almcst near
me whne divider line where he shouiri have anticipated his eaiene may
endanger me driver at any vehieie err the uppusile side enhe while hue
[32] in paragraph 124(1)-I15}. |hescJ sieved why shecould nolfind the
Deiendanis In be 100% Iiebie and she almbuled 30% Iiabuiixy to the
n mvrmrwwmnxxnmr
nae s.n.i n-vihnrwm re used m mm ms nflmnnflly MVMS dun-mm VI] .nune wnxi
Flamhfl because he moauy contributed towards me accident when he was
not ncenoau to me a mnlarcyda, the mexomyae was not covered by
insurance and mm: not have a madlax. he endangered hrmaexfanu others
when me rode the mumrcycls wilhaut me headlight an and he was
neghgem «or nnl ensuring ils me madwanhinass. The owner n! ma
motorcycle was alsu not called In Iesnfy an rs madwarlhmsss The SCJ
[33] 1 have rererrea to me case Vaws cued by Iha SCJ wmch aH were at
me High com level and ms appanaxs noun found against me unmsured
rider For msxanca, In Muhammad Noar R-dlunn am Mlmm v
Muhammad Amlrul Ham Bin Khalruluuln 12020} 1n MLI 2:5, the
inuesugamg aflicer found that ma appauam was wmmm a yam dnvmg
hoence or road tax ur covering msurance when he rude me molnrcyde.
ma High Calm dwsmlssed the appeal
[34] However, this Conn‘ ' dined to fofluw and agrees
0! me Vearned Hugh Caurl Judge m sm Rohnul an new Shah a. Ors v
Ha]! Z.IlnI| am Snlflu 4. On [2001] 5 MLJ 5 where n was new mac-
me decismn
-9) n I: wry Izloanhal mung or aflvlniwnhom avalld llmncnpdlsu Is
Ml nlnlhannlu Ramur, n I. ma mlnnlv M m rldlng or drum; ind/or
conduct on or ln wanna to flu mad mu conmhuu to 1». cluu of:
mum! nccldnnl av cnllixinn.Tha¢ac11hnl\ha!\rs|nvDE|I£M wnx mg ma
mnvmcylfle mhumaualhd um carmawr-nam. saVa\yha\melzmd even Mm
.1 piuian «den cnuld ml and am not enter into me cause oi the eomsrer. The
lack ouna matmvwas Ina! anlhe ha\am>e own-omnuma.»-., ms rm zppeuamua
nu| cause or wnmbms to me cause nuns acmiem N50. me am app-auam am
not canlnhms «a mu Innmas ax she and not xuslaln any need Injunas. and cm
welrwvg ah: safely he\me1wou\d ml have reduced her wmmies -
[Emphasis added]
N wcvF2uFwWn::xxmP>u£v
we saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm has mrmu-y mm: dun-mm VI] anum Wm
[35] The com alae applled lne Drlrlclple rn lne case cl Goh Bong Song
v Dol bin Dolan [1970] 2 MLJ 95 where snarrna J slaled
‘More can in ne (emmni! nr geenleuaeel divlslnrl el lne reed The cemm llne
rern rlsa gulda and e rarnlnderenly one-s duly V3 in ensure selelylerenesell
nnd for mhal: ‘Hm am-lde el mlnd lhal bacansc me drive: cominu mm.
me HPDOEKI dlncllon ls enmaenlnu av-w lnchu Milly me ohm road.
I can nut Mm as a umpmusna wound on my nalretlru mad as i c
was my excluilvo domain and ma: l am tvully Immunn mm. Illb Iy I
drive wnhlu mu xx-.1I|m|ls of man -man mu Ihnugll I know mu en
Iccldull nllylhnnhy h-Ippln on my sldn mm. n1:d,ls1hn milude Man
mpenelele and In ln-mm: bcmg. I ew duty in mere on me read
just.“ mm: em a duty In rne.
[Emphasls added]
[as] ln decldmg whether the 1" Deiendarll had encroached lnla pm at
me Plalnlm and liablllly lo he appomoned. lne coun lound ll to be ln lne
afflrma|ive as ne adrnlned ll mo and based on me glass lragrnenle an lne
road ln A3A4l Ifme1“Delendant's clalrn that me Plalnufr enereaened lnle
r-is paln llrsl was true, men x would nave mare likely been lower lnarl
where he rnamed lion lne sketch plan They would have mm been very
near to me middle of me Ioad,1Ile Plalnlllv ml lrre car and ms rnulurcycle
was dragged lo X which lne Plalnllrl rnarked ie where rnosl 0! me glass
rragrnenls were and Iherl me momrcycle was pushed/skidded from D lo
D1. The 1“ Delandanl submmed me car was eemlng from lap to bcdorn
(el lne 5ke(m plan] but me Plalnllu eneuld be dragged lo lne bollnrvl and
net le lne (up an N. But mls calm ldund ll was probable, due Ia (he glass
lragrnenls belng rrlasvlyz-1lX,|Ile pan: of irnpam was mere on me Plainmrs
side ol the road The 2"“ Delerldanl dld not see me lrnpael when ll
happened‘ so her evidence was not reliable In me Prlvy Cuu
vahaya aln Mahmud v cmn Tum Murn [1915] 2 MLJ 111, i| was neld
thalwhsn mere IS derllllenng evldsnce‘ lnerl lne coun wlll have lo rely on
case at
lne ulnar evidence r.e sllenl evlderlee
SW wevF2uFM0WnnxxrnP>u£v
-we Sum nu be used m mm ea nllmruflly MIN; dun-mm wa aFluNG we
[37] On the lssue cl‘ eahtrtbutary negllgenoe dtthe Ptatntm, he adnntted
he had been rldlrlg near the nttddte et the mad te avetd the rubbteh.
Judging trbrn the tntpaet at the eetltetbn on both vehicles‘ as seen in the
phbtogrephs, thts court obtned that beth at them mus| have been getng
tnsterthen the so km/hour speed ltrntz. The Ptairttttt claimed he was ndlng
at so km/hnurand the 1" Detendent between ewe lrrnthour. Despite the
finding by the SCJ that the ntotmycte dld nol have its headltghl on, t was
of the new thte was unltkely because the area was very dark They should
have eent the ntetereyele te FUSFAKDM as the tnepectten eeutd have
gleaned some tnterrnatton te help the Platntttre ease. The ewnerwes also
net called te Iesllfy 7 ' erably weakened the Pl 'nlifi‘s case
to obtatn 100°/. compehsattort. Moreover, being about 17 years old and
not having a licence. he was not tested tquatmed to rlde a motorcycle
although he clatrned that he knew the road rules very well. He may have
been careless tn that sense the way he chose to ride almost In the middle
at the read to avetd the rubbtsh rather than riding elewty at the nsarstde
at the road to keep hlrneeltaway tram eneontlng Ualllc. But as elated by
the teamed Hlgh court Judge in Sm Ramnl ate Mohd snatrs Cue.
in cm. K|m stng a. Anew Abdul Rank bln Amin [1 we] a MLJ 43: the
nder succeeded tn his clalm, even thuugh he was wtthbut a valtd ltbenee.
The High court Judge t:ulIIlnued'
had een '
‘Now In aruwer Mlse tat, the law etmun-.e deee rtnlsanclbon a nelson wttheut
a valld Hcanoe to be ndlw ordrlvtrla a vemde on the man. But that Darsnh re
net, as wnuld seam to have been suggested by Mtu Lat tetr same. wtth nu
rtgms Kn ls ntttt unllllufl to ma urn. duty at can ptchd at In bu
Iccnrdnd tn all an and Id‘ ennt in ms man sbr an In umhriying
pnne bln ollhn Ilw rmhn htwly thnutt mtnllhnw mulull nsplclnnd
furbenrnncn tm seen. v VI/:lIhnnk[1D47l AC :41 II putt. Yhe only
mnedy, or nenalty ttyou tttre, ts that presenbed tn the an the remedy
Is not an actionable wrend
[Enrpheete added]
n wcvF7uFWWn::xxmP>u£v
nee s.n.t n-vlhnrwlll be used m mm the nflfllhhllly MIME dun-mm n. mum Wml
[35] Thereforei while I agree with uiescwe decision lriellrie Pleirilrfi was
alse liable, I wauld revise are Fl rims llabfllty to Mr/.. aria me
Delendanls' lo snss. Trie sllenl eviderioe were clear llial llie gleee
iragrrienrs were on «re Plainlllrs side el me mad and lrie 1" Delenrlaril
had negligently encroached inro riis Iawtul pami
E. on llie issue oi guanluln
[39] Trie mriesees were me Plamlifli SP1, SP4. SP3 lrrie Plainlilrs
graridlalrier wrio cared lor liiiri), SP5 (medical evidence), sws (lne
Plairilnrs employer)‘ spa lreliapilrlalleri sxpel1)and SF9(prcstl1ells(and
orrliorier speeialiel). On rlie Delendarile elder me wilrieeeee were sm
(reriaailiraliori expert). SD2 (pmslhellst arid orlriorisl speelalisl), sna
(nurse) l had also revised some ol me quanlum awarded by lrie sou
based ori acceptable arineiples when I luund iriere were eiriissiorins) nr
[ml Trie crux oi llie Pleinlilrs eerrinlairil ageiriel ||’le quanlurri was
Dscauss me SCJ did rial award llie Gsnium proellierie leg ooslirig aaeul
RMA riiilrieri and «or zmlure surgeries trial were rieoeeeary lerlrie F\a'ln|lH
lo undergo From my underelaridirig cf me rriedieal evidence in mi: case,
a crusri injury on rrie lower rigrir lirrie pl lrie l=lairirir1 reedllerl iri il hsmg
unable to be saved and ir had in be arripuiared Therefnre‘ me impad or
me collision rriusl riave been very loreelul and we would likely id have
been due to me riigri sneer: of orie or borri vehicles prior lo rlie accldenl.
Luflklng a| me exleril oldsmages oi bolri veriiclee in prielograpris P2, riie
silerilevideriee was compelling iri llial both ollnerii riiusl have been doing
riiere marl so km/hour at lriar lime. The wlairiarr was “cNShed' by me car
arrrie lrorir riglir panarid liie mood eeirld be seen an lrie ear in prielogrepri
SN wevF2um0WnnxxriiP>uail
‘Nuns s.r.i In-vlhnrwm i. used m mm i.. nflninaflly MIME m.i.ii wa aFiuNG WM!
P2(c). The exterrawe rmpaet was seen tn photograph Pztat If both were
not gaing cast, the impact wrtrr the cafs rrghthorrt etde weuttt have thruwn
the Ptarrrtrfl an the mad but the In]un9s might nn| have been as severe
[41] m the case or Laksamarra Reatty sdn Bhd [mas] 4 cu an, the
court there reterred 1073!! Kuan van v SulIint1rirvIarIiAlIensarI\)/[I955]
1 cm 429 where the Feaerat Ccurl held
‘The nrmetme that mutt guide (Ms noun tr. deterrrrrrurra wnetrrer rr should
mterrere wrtrr trre quarrturrr urdarrtades vi crystar clear What rs area cleans trrat
mum depsnds ar. the umumxlancas at aaur :25: n pzmculzrme ammml at
the award |n . palllculnv can Ihnnfmu II I: tar th. lppl tmm no
cmtsmurwmlmrln flu Ilnhloflhn nlmumsnncn anhat can at rs ta an
ermmous estlmaln onm iIlIB1flIlOfI'|I damage In malcllmr tum was
an omiislon an IM run mm Judi: lo culnldnrsomv nluvanl matnrtars
err tn ma ldmillud tar purpou nl ..a.urrr.r.t soul: I nnl
comitiernliam. tr the cam rs saustred arearmraeu lhal lhe Judge has aetau
uparr wrung Mnctnles er rm men tr lsluslmsd trr reverstrra: trrueeu n ts rts duty
to reverse the nrrurrrq ortrre trra: Judge-
[Emphasts added]
[42] The SCJ in her gmunds at judgmen ' paragraphs 129 drrwards
discussed the rssue ul quantum where she stated that she agreed with
' ‘err in Exm|>t| D41 ovsm, Dr. Mchd lzmt am Ahmad @
Iammm, who was me rehabilitalion expert trom Hdsprtat Renabrmasr
Cheras. wt was submilled that the quantum 0! damages awarded to the
Plamltlf was on the lower sute. Upon perusat at her grounds at Judgment,
I luund that me scu had taken the correct approach hr dealing wrth me
issue of quantum and edmpehsatran as wen as appnett the rrght ease laws
and arse gurued by the zma Revised Cumpen m at Persanal hrruries.
The SCJ had also iducmea cuvrenl trends as decided by omev courts ul
doardrrrate turisdrdtmrr and trre supenor courts. To say that she had not
given adequate reasons var the awards rrr respect at the miunes would be
wrong. Based on her assessment onhe evidence, thrs court agreed wrth
most at the findmgs of the SCJ on the rssue ai quantum Htmeuer, 1 had
the medrcal a
N wcvF2uFMW’nnxxmP>uav
Nuns Sam In-vthnrwm re used m mm has aflmrraflly arm. dun-mm Va .rruua wrut
levlsed some or me awards where I round lha quanlum were not gweh
due la same emlaslen er mlslake
[43] For mslance, me SCJ am not allclw lor casls nfsluma bag: which
spa stated in heroral emuence as belhg necessary lunhe Plalhllll (pages
170472 of lhe Nales of Evlaence). Coming back Io P17. me medical
reporl stated that “me rlghl lower limb had been amputated at the pelvis.
The nghl hemwelvls and sacral ala have been ampulaled. Tognal-rwllh
ml: ampumloh, (hl rlgm ucul IIIWII wauld llso have b In
oxclsol1.ThuI. he wauld not be Iblo In haw normal control of lhe
anal sphlncter Ind mo collmomy lor the dlverslon of laeces wlll be
penhanemr The sc.l may nal have prupevly appreclaled lhls fact The
plalhllrl alsu had given evidence an «ms and «he estlmale (or a supply av
41 years was RM5:l1,:sso on He nestled a halter quality stoma bag lo
avold leakages Therefore, although me Defendants submllled that lhls
had not been pleaded‘ nevenheless. lnis llem l5 a lnelong neeesslzy lor
me Plalnllll as he would no: be able lo amply hls bowels like more.
[44] ll la not unreasonable far me calms la aeeepl anal laallmeny la
support such expenses clalmea: Numl Husnl Muhammad H:fiz&Anor
v. Karajazn Malaysia 5. Drs [2nl5] l cu n25. lh the E52 of Nur
syararma nl Sz'ari v xerajaan Malaysia A or: 11019] 12 MLJ 741. me
Hlgh Courl allowed some speca damages where the plalhlllr dld hm
'(1) ll was lmlsallslm m experx a clalmahl |o uollecl arlfl file all hllls and lecelvls
wllh a wewla nnhglng a slam As long as here was oval leallmohylo supwl
lhe expense aha me sxpa-us eeula he rsasorlablv axpsnsd In as -helm ans
lo we eheumslaheas em-e case‘ «he wall: have allowed me dalm cm spsclal
damages (sea pm 2»-
sh wevF2uFM0WnnxxmP>u£ll
-we Sum ...h.. MU be used m mm me nllnlrullly MIN; dnunvlnnl VI] nFluNG we
[45] Muving err in eirier issues, regarding iiie decision nmie SCJ iri rim
greriiirig me award for future surgeries, me cairn was guided by irie
principles in me case A)! Chui vee ciiarig V. Lew Yhai izniui 2 cu m
wriere iria Federai Calm rieid:
‘Ta siiriiriieriee my view all lhe issun. every perseri hii e riurii m seek
medi1z|lIea(n\sri|a(a msvlmlolhs crime be ii an a iiaveirirrierii huspnai
av si e Drlvale riespnai siii wneri ii carries in awarding u-riieees fur sirai
irearirierir. ii mu hiatmam is emigrii er . gnvemmem riiaspiiai, rrie riiii
amounl expended mid paid by iiie pelsmi srimiia be ewereeu ELAL ii rie
seeks lrefilflielil 1| a prime mspilai, he riss In pieve, llm rriei rie is iiisrinea
la seek ireerriierii si 3 nrivsre iwsnital em, seeamiy. me i7!IK)UlI|iHI1|lFVM
is reasmabie. Renard/W i.-ie mi mar. irier rie rise to cross:
(ei He rriuei vruve iriei max pallicuiarinatmvit is riui aviliabie ei me
eiweirimrii hmpnal allhsr GUI In me iirimrieiriirry cl irie
rieeessnry equiniiierir er eiusiiiiea dnclms er eirier eiiriieieiii
reesoru: er
(bi He riiiisi prove iiisirmugri me ireemieriz is evziiaue at: aerierai
riaepiiei. ii is riei avaiiahls wrrriiri a raawnabla perm eorisiaeririg
me urgency mine ireeiiri-rii. rriis may in dun in iri. Dnngalflun
ei iri. govemmavfl riosiiiiei uriuruI1Ierxn11iueri| lenlmus, or
re; Ha rriiisi pmvl mnl M5101: rruirrierii ei irie gnvemmenl Ilnspilni
mew» sveiisnie, is gmssly irisaeci-iere. rriis may be due io lack
er lrulned aemors iri iriei DHI1iCIAYaY field av inr SDNVB eirier uuei:
reesoris. At peiriien am by RK Neirian JD iii crierw miss my
(supra) wiiri wrierii I agree we are wrieerriea wiiri traztmami rial
[46] From me eviaeriee available, irie couri iouria irisii irie 2 surgeries
would be avai abie ei goverrimerii riespneie eriu lherelare, die riei award
iiie RM4D.DO0 no and RMA,(}0D.Dfl prayed iar iiiie were or irie surgeries
iii priveie riuspnais as esiirrieieii by Dr. Mosesi
[41] i have drswri up a table In sricw me awards made by the SCJ End
«his couri's awri decision and iriereiare do rivi wish in corrirrierii uri each
at me ewards. siimee e law examples here |o derricrisiraie me exierii ci
SN wevF2uFwWna:xxriiP>u£v
“Nate Smni In-vihnrwiii re vied m mm re nrwiriniily MIME mm. VII nFiuNG Wflxi
oonsideraficn given by the scJy sum as In paragraph 135wI1ere sne had
35] Vsu nemunakn bawH|em1M)~kus memparmah anmma (man:
(1; saumn. msmbankan kepmuszm yang nan, perlimhlngan yangwajaruna
pinilixan yang belul nanaanan am. herdnsarkan pnwdnngan vakm mm
mama-mun bnhawa Dsrsaalin Ialah Ierjawah dengnn sepatmnya bagi
memnermeh Eanfian anagmn uman ma pm my mngsx dan swat
[channel] adulah hsvsasualan danaan nan ksadzan Plamul Menurul
aanaangan vakzr. Dv Izml Deluandangan hahzva kakx nanu wanu
‘ullobock C-lay 4 Mvcrupmcuwr wntruflad Dmnhnu: knun‘ yang
dtcadanqkan man cpo Sanlash Kumar Fraud adalih fldik dllimnlwn
umuk dlguna pakm nlsh pnnnn yang d\ni\n|sehagaiK1~K1 Maxnnny xayax
Mammn Dr lzmn, Immk membenkan kesebsaan flan keslabflan yang
.nkh\myE mamnmmumkan vmnns\ mahllm wavnm, we term sesual
dlpe|<a\kan aanann ‘madam pmsmanc mp mint’ Yang dvrska bemuk umuk
dlpaszng secan harmurn uangan komvonan Ollnb-ask yang a-reka sum
padan dalvsan Pangguna kflegon ‘hEmIpe|v:4:1umy‘ dengzm grad naznny
m «2 uwu manm.
(1|Bngi mnksud nu N93, msmluk Kavada slasan sabag ans Yinfl
mvuluskan dalam kes Lmmnanmsagar s Karupp/an v Dr Thomas Yau
Fak cn.nksAno«|zuue1acLJ; [ms] '|AMR ass yam menyabmnanawa
'M5mIlI9 man diva! dmafikan nan.» xesenlarlg nu bemnk un|uk
-n-naapamn assuam yang mu uahvya wnan dwnlkmlhnyi, lam
slfllsang kakn yaw semvwna dz-n Pllmg kumm; adzflah yang lzrdekai
kepuda keadaan nsal. nnnu dengan mendapalkan gallkian kakx pa\su‘
Namun Dada mass yam same: man Isu kas yam new dhadlkan
Demandrnuan Ape yam: smmzmya admah lungs! dzn swat/charactet kakw
nanu my hendak mbenalkzn ada\ah belsasualan den paaan ua-san nan
kaadaan Plawmf.
my Dahm ken | , say: bcryamu dnngan spa yang duthskan nigh Dr lzmx
bnhawl yang mrbaik mm. pnnmr yang muauagonuan ‘hem\ne\veanm)/
danaan grsa «mum K1, selaln membeflkan keselesaan, walah xesnaxnnan
mu akmmya msmakslmumkzn punenn molmm Plamm
1:) Sahubungan u-ngan nu, sayi msndlpatv bstdasaflun ktwangan pakar-
pakan kldua-Gus kam aaran dangsn um: hangs yang yaun bemazn nan
leg! nflawnyi nu ssbarmmyn bsmpnyn berpemnan msmbzmm mama flalam
melakukan verwanakan yang sewajamya Teiaph yang lahlh saints! aenuan
sm wcvF2uFwWna:xxmP>u£v
«ma s.nn n-uhnrwm be mad m mm he annnnuy mm: dun-mm y.. mum WM
(es! Gan Vuok Chlrl 5 Or: v Lee in; clrin a. Ors [mu] CLI am; (Fcj
Hence, regardless pi any number pl grounds raised in me Memorandum
of Appeal, me duly pl me eppeliale cuurl in a appeal is to determine
whelhsr me appellanl nae pmved ins case on a balarlae ol propeblllues.
advantage oi seeing and hearing me wllnessee and me epportunfly to
assess liieir demeanoun Rnsldln Elli Pannki v lrrsaarialr Kill [1915] 2
MLJ 214. He or she would have had firshhand pppprlwrilylp evaluate and
appraise lire evidence pl me wllrresses However, in the lrrslanl case. In
varying me apporllonrrrenl ni llebillry made by the SCJ. I iourld there was
judicial rrrrsapprscrallpn at are fans‘ parlicuiarly in regard up we porn: or
irnpapl pr me pplllalen and that me l=lalnlr« and nor have a valid licence to
ride a mnlurcycle, which led the sm up conclude mar me Plelnlrn was
aw. liable (or me accident This Grounds M Jupgrnerrl panlain my
I am rrwlului mac me mar 01 «am would have had ins berlelli and
reasoning: lur aepamng lmm me eslabllshea principle
m There were 2 appeals in mis case al are High Cuurl i e Appeal No:
AB-12BNC\/C-4-D3/2022 and AB-12ENCVC—6-D3/2022 filed by me
l=lalnlrii aria nelenaenls. reslfivtlvelyr againsl me whole declslon of lhe
sessipna Cuurl in Talplng I have prepared me Grounds onluugnrenl |o
encompass mm appeals which were heard lpgemer on 2.5.2023 By a
ouun urder da|ed 7.2.2023, both appeals were ordered la be heard
together and heanng was vixen on 27 4.2023 Howsvsr, me Flalnlllre
eellcller filed a lecler «also 21 2023 WI respeel of Appeal Nu AB’
l2aNcw:—6-oz/2022 giving notice pl a Preliminary Otljscliun (Po) re me
Defendants‘ spllcilar pursuanno Rule 11 04 ollhe Bar Council Rulings lpr
[ls lailure lo adhere lo 0.55 r.4(4)o1fl1e Rules oi coun 2012 (R00) when
rl am rmlservs a pppy more wall index of me Record in! Appeal upon the
SIN wcvF2uFMW’nnxxmP>u£v
Nuns s.n.l nnvlhnrwm be used m mm ms nflnlnallly MIN: dun-mm VI] nF\uNG wrui
keadaan Flawmi walah 'mudu\ar mp punt: aengan kumponan Vunn yang
barsewaxzn eengan keupayaan mam ying dlkalsganknn
namIDslv|1:mmy‘d:ng.In glad muhlhh m.»<2 Sayn was hevseluiu hahawa
mhap kagmm enema. yam eenam belakannkan camp nend\fl\kan Darjah
s an kmaw Demahaman modul dawn aenase Vnwens, bail menguasa.
kawalan flan penlacaan vemnn uenan anwma «man mu dan den sea.
mmmen Demakzlan my palsu pugs penu dlamml we bagl mamawkun
nah nausu yam: havvdak dvbanarkan mu memausnnumkan wtavvsv mobflm
[43] I nae read me Notes of Ewdenee and nexee in page 152 (End. 15)
almuugn counse\ for me Plaimm wnsisted that me F\am|iW wamd he
smtxble for the bmnic Veg as he nad a K15 mommy. that ne was qune aclive
and could hop up me smirs,SD1d\d not agree and gave his reasens sm
‘csughf nnenn when caunse\ stated me P\ain\if1 womd need a portable
mamneea wneslchav because he womd not be abie Io wa\k long mevance
even with me Gemum \eg.SD1 slated me P\am(\fi would none be needing
it i! ma c\aIm {or Ihe eenmm leg was auwea. Moreover, in order In be
awe m use a motarlsad whss\chair. Ms abode must be In a mania «or
the mnvemenl af the whae\chair as emenmse mere was no point gemng
il. The survuundmg enwunmanl uncmmng umdnnr) where me memw
womd be spending must nf ms unne would also he a lamnrto eensnser.
[491 overeu, HoundIha1SD1‘s evidence and SP8 complemenled each
mher, «meat in regard to mamcauon needed and me enouce of same
memcan and neueenem equnpment wmch soc expxamee why those were
unnaaxasry. Thsrehre. 1 agree: wnn the SCJ’s findmgs Ihal SDI's
evidence was the mast rename and usenn guidance for the cam In
delermimng whiuh snmtiun would he Mable lur the P\am|if1 wnen
compared with SP5 and SP9
syn wevF2uFwWnnxxmP>u£v
"Mme em.‘ nnnhnrwm be used m mm ms enmnmy mm: dun-mm vu .nuNG v-mm
[50] On me correctness of the SCJ’s decision not |o aflow an award fur
[he Gemum prosthetic leg, «ms Cnurl agreed wilh hev mionane and me
lauowmg cam of Appea\ case av cm-a Kay Hook 5 Armor v La. Hnan
Pol [2022] 6 MLJ 38 where I! was stated:
[40] In uurcnnlldllld viaw, ilwu nolermmous nrhaseleu venue LII:
In mudm - . him‘ nrusmesxs wuem be anwen nomnemuu. loss 01
fulun mm-gs, llwnuld umeawnahly sot a mceuem In! an vlammva m
slmllav nlrcumslanns In claim M a mum: pronh lnshad M a
"mum, ma-onaulrnrxeae nyauaunc Pvoilhuvs line uwoula he lair cm
us In nbnrvl man In: much morn -auonanry Pvimd muchxmc-ll
man... had any ulnsvl an: hzzn -vtnrdzd a. uumpzns on [or
Impuhllnn cm: .A: hlgh nghud mm. nsnondenun us anamen mu:
lctmml by ma uc, (ht hydrl leg I5 used widely In me puhlllz
nmeelnwemmmsmor and known to be popular m Manama worlln
yours. um lmvunanlly. ma snphllllcilnd mu nlmu an blank la. a. not
wisely um In Inn country and known In lack fa nu luv auananu
urviu or npalv M n max. duwn. Admnnnzlbq n a (ma pnnmple ma: 3
p|am|il1 xeekmg mmpensntnly dnmuges a required in mmgale ma ma and 5
enhlisd my (a mssaname compensation and not exnmMan| awards save on
gmund: av nemssily wn exoenlionm cimumswnnes when 2 masoname
aflemallve vs wmw unavaflahls or mannvapnaxe. mam mun be smmaam
lus|mr.awn shown by me mm For ms awam olwmvsnsalmn furwnfl abnvi
me Irena or wmamporavv awavds
{as} Prermsed an we lmeaomg gmun-1:‘ we womd mnchme man we aweflanl
had «am In demmslnale In us me: the us had «awed lo nuumauy avhrmaaua
the Ialalwly ov Ihe evidence m cmredly saw me Drindnlss apnncame m mm
In damages m neqnaencs amuzns vm personal mwnss and mam lnues. In
ow cansldered View and mgmem, me we had no! amvsd at a dsusmn men
was ervorvmus m pnnclpll ur rm m wanxm appnflmn Inlellevence m lhis
Insiance as velevam mnsidemlmns and «mm rm been Inked! mla am:mm| Vn
amvmg alike sawd decismn
I411 we, mererme, mm mm was 29063! Is deafly devmd a¢ mums, and
hasmess m law and vac: Accomxnanyv we dismiss lms apveal and slim the
aemsmn cl ms us As we appenam was an awaam m:1Im who had slflnrad
semus Imunas, wt mm-sea our mmeuan m nmer me Danie! m bear mar
vwn wsu dssvwe me apneum havwvg \n:| mu appen|'
[Emphass added]
sw wevF2um0Wn:axxmP>uav
we saw be used m mm me mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
[51] slill an lne issue of me pmslhsliu leg, n was subrrlllled by me
Plainlm Ihal snz was nul presenl ld exarrllne nirn and lake ms
measurements‘ and lherefove lhelr quolallon was false. I have considered
(he evidence orsm and so: and round lhsllnls allegallon was baseless.
olner lssues rslsed an qusnlurn were lhsl lne SCJ did no: provlde any
reason my she gave an award ol RMeu, ler nurslng care 5 years‘
la lmm zma — 2023. The Dalendanls submlrled lnal lne Plainmrs
grandlamer agreed lnere was no less ler Iwn lcl dare lnr mm In my view.
RM5D.fl00 on lur 5 years «or nursing care ls an apprdprlsle snrounl lo
oornpensale the caregivers (includlng ms sisler and uncle) lcr lnelr full-
Ilmz dare dl lne Plalnms needs.
[52] The olher Issue was lnal lne award ldr loss cl samlng capaclty was
nol pleadsd There was awdence fmm spa lnal lhe P|aln|lfl nad worked
lar nrrn cnly leoenlly pnarlo lne accldenl and mat ne would ml be able ld
corlllnus lha emplaymenl dus la ma Flainllffs physical dlsablllly Again.
we sc.l nad covered ms In me grounds ol judgnnenn as follows
‘um lsu bemarlgkll mlrlflsrlal new ml helkall ‘lass aleamlng mnacnll
ul Perllmbangml alen Mnhkamnh Agung damn kl: Vang Yap Fang 5
Anal v. Leona Psk Noon &Anar [1987] 1 cm 311‘ nsancu(l2ep):1s,
bar\<al|l>€msmz1lall YA Syed Aarl Barzkhah scl hahawa
‘TM lwunar lesl ru es applea ls wnelllsr some ma ln me mum, due in me
[that aim: lmullls suvslntdby mm. ma plamrlflwlfl lice a waslarllla/Ilsk
ole/mar mslngnrspa nlgsmrlg s lusspald anrplayrnanl lraou notmamv
worm... ln. pl-linfilf wl: in lmpluymank lzr nut n m. nm at mu trill
so long I: Own L1 snrlsllerl nnnr evident: that thin I: . ml or
subslznrlnlrlsk rn-nus earning unlolly wlll he unmu in MI rurur. -
[Empnasrs added}
N wevfzurluwmnxxmmuav
was Smnl luvlhnrwlll as used m mm me nflnlnnllly mm: dun-mm wa nFluNG wnxl
[53] Here Is the comparison table anhe awards man have oomplied for
ease of rsference:
TL au'nrw< Kscsnsum AWAIDDMNKAMM1 Kinuvusm
szsva: umumm
u Br:\nI::ummc\IIluv:/Klmlnfhialhumnvil-lat Rmsamm nuzmnnn
man med)
2 Lwamim mm m-rnnanfl um mm. Ruimnun kununuu
5 Avumunir-11nuM¢vlu\nr.r:nuntI¢Ivrn mzamom nu:<.sa-mu
Dmxmm ulnl mu .. Ian M ham: ...1 Ian
nan-unhn»gn. ¢» —Imbw\
rdwus wal dkluabtd mm mu .n.., kn kn-aaazan mm .4."
unwk new an n 1:) mm“ ms pmmm. ukflu m awn".
ya-1. Denlnmun
A man man mu ma Am ...a an Hmz um In rzmzmnn nu
mmam Mm mummu -16 mm mm
an m mm“ .. ml
5 cm mm... Dmxnxd mm»-< mm lwflax um Hmsmm In Ruumnn on
mlddb mm
s Lmm1wwmMA7vevIVhnrIVu\m\=aurn1\Ivl Rmmunaoa Rulmnomoa
m n-«mum ma mm.
1 am mm r-QM sunenuv Ind mlsmv pm Numuno no n*%uw.wo M
a Cuuunwrvwfnwlv-mwnn-n(wdvd»-awn n».mu.nauan Rulmumaon
rum mmwv-mm)
~.: Slzrltr-yMIm lwa Icm snuvumxvmvmn mmw no Rulzapuwn
an yrs‘
mm vuraum Vrln erlgml rm. um um sun
mu mm mam -puumm. tum Ind M
unallv mm.
Aw «mm m (alarm v mp» Ia mu
..m um mnlnumg .9 luv: -16 Sun, mu
lmunn mm-cum an 1cm Mn um ncar.
nun: ya. at W. smmn
Imam mnmm vmm: aim ulnar
m min gar,
wan mm an-zscm um um Mwul mar
11: Skn M ammo ac num.oom
n ma. mm mama nu RuIs‘uno.w
(in: mm. m an A no ‘as ca-4.
<2 Famnnd mflmw mmnm nu kmunpnuun
mm nuuo4nou.ou x>ms.soouu
sm wcwziurwwnnxxmvxdn
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
mum «um Kmns
dnlun mm 31 uh bemmnm
Rum 5n on
.1 KB! ummn we amumm nndn mu
nmssu nu ymnaunnnum unaoz mun
drum mm ea an new-um
am_mn on
my. kin DIIV I-um
—mv-pom umma
nium mun «saw.
nu mm mm
wumvvvwlwli flcrvnm
am mm-y Kw:
omtncx mm mm
ma dun mumnkflmak-w
Dmlr-4 ....mmy mum
.yrmI kn uh-D koamm
avnrun Awum mmm Ksvurus-:4
sasvzu wwxnlm-1
. Dckmuecv M1: was an Rmzma
a.....n pIn4'"N|n
n uparan m vlmwlhax
: L-mu mu.» N-pm mm
.1 m........ Pamanmnnm man no Iumnoau
. Mlkinm Bum mm M: mum
1 P.-mm Ullrlalhk an Kul 5»-um Rusnun x :u: am,m.oo
K: umom T-MW mm.» mm «man
u Lms-Mummy handy nhvns Ruaunam mm» an
kunilrwln ......n my. hi-uman
mu." xsm mm
um nmmu mm."
mg .n ma
mImn1uV.vv tnmr flan
5-vmum nus! ylnv
,¢m umau has 1
Mun «mm: mm
n Lapovan mm mm an mu-rluw
‘ M... nun». RMs‘ Ruwoom
1 Km my-am seam sum: Pmmnnk, am: am no nu:‘
>....u-mm Twin Emu!‘ Sen and
x Puku Guru max I Caumelk smvw Nmmm no auu.m.un
¢ ms mmmn 'uBr mm mm —Yumawk umm .
n-mvwvonwvw 112:! mu m-mm wwm m
Dembeduhln mun
m Kn: munwum m. mm mm ‘sac no bum rzumsuuu
Imumruhln um mm.
H Kn: wlurn mid: mwmm um: um —v-mmrnrvzm cum (xummzoo .
mm nu my-mam. uh-uzumm >.m...m mm: nu:-.smm
sm wcvfliurrmwnnxxmvxdn
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
[54] cempensauon must be lav, reasonable and adequale but not
5 exeesawe. Vang salblan a. Anor v Jumll Bln Hnnm [19:11 1 MLJ 292;
Ina: Faiqan Mahd Halml (1 child aulng Ihrough n-rmnor Ind noxl
friund: uond mlnu Abdul Aux v Kmlaan Malaysia .1. Dr: [znls] 2
cm :55‘ Wang Li Fan wn am (an hlI()v Haidawull a sulnen 5
Anar[1en41 2 MLJ Am. The Court nas Ozken lntn cunslderztlun bl bath
m penis‘ submissions and uerused lne grounds uliudgmenlanne sc.I and
concluded lhatlheloval amounl below was lalr, reasonable and adeduale
lo compensate me Plalrmmor ma Injurles, losses and mmre expenses:
1 General damages awarded RM4os,5oo.un
15 la speclal damages awarded RMn13,1w5 no
in ma: damages awarded RM1,:l1a,das.nn.
sw wcvF2uFwW|mxxmP>uav
«me s.n.l be used m mm ms mm-y mm. dun-mm VII nFluNG Wm!
l -mm unlub. dlmzsukkan HI
V Amunnh nay-
Knfilfinadn ma kadad Ruzsvnnnumlan lommn ms dmw,
Ruwlow no
a m dmmr pad. mm M mauwkm . ma mvw
mg am... an d.m..m. :..m.l.«w. mww on X12
man: hm: momhi
= ammo an
Mulllnly by
an yum
‘ IM§:l.1¢
Kewsl Foul mmsoo an ml.son.w
ram mm-u an nMs1:.las.w
sssvzu umxmm
. me mm mm Yldzk amam Gmummorll
hvlpw In wwly
b Gullvwl km: dluluvknrl met-M amlruh Dlbzrurkzn xehahlwlln Ya m. Plnnlws
an hem-fl kanzdsvlllnlfl/Puvzyu my iunanyik mhwlui dl-nl
nnzmanz 4n nwmml
[551 During a diannaaiidn session on 310.2023, the ioudwing was
(a) mtereston general damages amie me of 5% Dsrannum iron.
the date aiming do me Wm on mm: me daie of iudgmani an
5 23 5.202
(D) interest on special damages at me raia at 2 5% per anflum
from me dale at me incident unm ma dale di iudgmem loday
23 3.2023‘ and
(c) mtalest an ma judgmam sum at me race a! 5% per annum mm
In da\e or iudgmenl until lull sememeni,
[55] Premlsed upon me above cdnsideiaiidn, me cdun iodnd that
IS appauaia misrvaniidn was juslified and acddrdingiy varied ma dec an
and quanium awarded by me iaamed SCJ The appsai VI Case Na. 4
against iiauimy and quanmm was allowed padiy wim ms1s cf
RM1u,DGD.DD (in saver the ws|s here and beiowu The apnea! in Case
ND 3 againsi quanmm and iiammy was dismissed win no order as io
2n ddsis
Dated 31 ember 202:
Judlclal commisslnnu
High court M Maluyai Tuning
sw wcVF7IIFWWn3IXXmP>uEv
Nuns Sum Illflhlv M“ be .5... M mm as nvVmruH|y MW; dnunmnl VI] muNG ma
For mu Agullnm:
Ms. Shumma Guha Tnakum with Mr. Mak Xhlr Vin
Mum. Munllt 5 Co‘, Bum Marlajam
5 For the Resgundem:
Ms. Ron-Iu D-vl smllnqam with ML Mend. Amin Bin segu Alavudin
Messrs. Arnold Andrew .1. co.. upon
5w mvm.mwp..xxmmy
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum pm
Plainolrs solicitor. There was no application idrexlensiori ol time to serve
lne Dvafl Index. Meanwhile. tne Delendanls’ solieiter med a letler dated
3 4.2023 cl
nlenfiun to raise a F0 on me ldlldwlng issues:
lailure In adhere to 0, 55 r.4 ol the R00. Aifidavfls and
exriipits in relation to interlocutory application snpuld not be
included as pan ol lhe records ol appeal;
appeal on me dsclslnn ol tne interlocutory application med al
sessions ceun under Enclosures AB and 115 were out ol time
under order 55 r. 5 onne R00; and
iresri evldence is inadmissible on appeal under 0 55 r 7 ortne
R00. Evidence not marked as Exnipitcan rieitner be included
lll the Record cl Appeal nor tendered in coun.
[3] At lne healing of the PC on 21.4 2023. among lne complaints were
trial we nelendanls ed to include a Hospital Talplng A&E repon and an
OKU card ol lne Plaintirt (maflxed as an exnioitl, out nad included a
witness statement or a person who was not called lo testiiy in eoun In
response to ttie Plaimilrs P0, tne lnelendants solicilersuomitled lnallney
merely overlooked to serve the Drafl lrldex bul nad served me Records or
Appeal wiinin lime and trial tnere was no iriiustiee caused II was also
submllted trial the PO did not menlion anylhlrlg about documents belng
included or exeluded in tne Record of Appeal our only on teennioality oi
ndneomplianoe with 0.55 r.4(4). Tne Delsndanls’ solicitor stated that it
tney were inlormed abnul lne Reoord el Appeal earlier, triey would have
witndrawn me filed reoords and reclined the lssue(s) immediately.
SW wcVF2lIFWWn3IXXmP>u£v
-we s.n.i In-nhnrwlll re used m mm a. nflnlriallly mi. dun-vlnril wa nFluNG Wflxl
[9] On 25.5 2023, line Cmm delivered ils decision on me 2 P05 nled
where in regard to me lzlainiitrs PO,1lle Calm dismissed ii and lnvuked
0 1A ollrie ROC, having regard to me overriding
nol only lo lire leonnical non-compliance wiiln lire Rules. However, ine
oosls aflhe Polo be oome by lne Delerldams lo compensaie iorlne Dmfl
index rial nled in accordance wilri 0.55 r.4. The Court applied 0.2 r.3 in
resolving inis PO raised py lne Plamlili. in regard lo lire Deiendanls‘ PD,
lne courr siaied Ihzl inal doiarmems and wioiessas musi oe managed at
eresi of luslica and
me PTCMS properly so as nol In surprise me opponent and also ilia courl.
lilne Plainiiii really believed lnal lne documenis would alieci ine de
or «no ouwcms oi ine trial. they should nave proceeded wiin ine appeal
wnion iney med earlier. «ms is one oi ine suoleol-mailers oi the preseni
appeal helore lne coun of Appeal i.e. on Eneis. 4a and 115 iriai were
dismissed by the SCJ. Tney would have argued «rial inere was finality in
ma inierlorariory decisions.
[in] Briefly. Encl. 45 was an applioaiion at lne sessions couri lo amend
the sielemenl of claim In include medical cosis, inerapy oasis and
medical equipnienl recommended oy a doclor. Encl. 115 was an
apnlicalion by the Plainiiii io include in me bundle oi documenis a CD
wliicn snowed lrie Plainmfs condition aiier lne aocidenl as well as ine
alildavlis and submissions med in respect oi ine ippllcallon. The
l)e1eridanis'suldmliiedinailiie Flainiiii mad a Noiioa oi Appeal pursuanl
is lira de on or me sessions coon lo dismiss Enol. as and men
wiiridrewine nolloe, but in oils appeal may did nai indisale may would be
appealing on lnal decision They also submined ine iniraduciion or a CD
and a wilness al a laie siege of trial, wnicri lney would nol nave an
oooorlunny lo cross—exarnine me wilness. would be a miscarriage oi
iueiioe ii ine ooun allowed ii
SN wcVF2lIFWWn3IXXmP>u£v
None s.r.i In-vlhnrwm as used a mm s. snni.ii-i Mimi dun-mm w. nFiuNG WM!
[11] The lzlarhmrs sallellerargueu may um nel appeal because ll was an
rnlehm deersrph. Hence, they havs rheluderl lhe CD and doeumenl rn lhe
Reunrd :11 Appeal The Delehdahls suhmlltefl lhal the CD was nol lresh
evidence as ll was hroughl ln lhe sesslens Cuurfs lrlal hul was run
allowed. on the issue cl lhe Plalnhlrs apneal helhg hnreparrea, rhey
submilled lhal lhe prwenl Nplloe ol Appeal sleled he was appeallrrg
agalhsl lhe whale ol lhe Sessions Conn deelslon and lhe hence have
oaversd lhe appeal agarnsl lhe rrrlennr declslnns also. Please reler (0 lhe
GOJ ln Enel. 13 al page lu, paragraphs 23.2 and 2: 3 and al page la in
paragraph 24.3 larlhe rallonale aflhe SCJ ln rlrsmlsslhg lhe appllcauons.
order as w eosts. The Ccurl proceeded lu glue dlreehuhs ln preparallurl
larlhe hearlng ol lhe appeals and urged panles la move farwardln ensure
The courl generally eooepled lhe PC at the uelendanle wllh nu
ma! lhe appeals could be dlspcsed orexpedlhcusly, hearing In mlnd lhe
aeelsenl happened on l9.a.2o1e. The Grounds or Judgment pllhis Caurl
rh respeel of lhe Pos ls as per Encl 55 el Appeal No. ABel2BNCV-4-
D3/2022 daled 31.7.2023 bscause lhe Plalnllfi had Ned a Nnllce of Appeal
agalnsl the d an on lhe F05 an 7.6 2023 Thls Caun oplnes that the
declslon In dismiss Ends. 18 and 115 Is more ln the nature cf a rullrlg
which dos npmhally dlspuse rhe rlghls pnhe parlles and ls therelore nnl
appealable. on the lssue of lhe yrdep being 'lresh evidence“ as clalmed
by lhe Plalnlill. lhe cdurl lpund than il dld not sallsfy the 3 oandnimls lrl
Lndd v Mmhall [1954] 3 AER 745.
[13] There was also an applreellon for a slay of pmeeedlngs penalng
appeal (cl lhe cpurl uf Appeal agalnsl lhe ueelsron an lhe Poe whleh was
drsppsed plan 2 8.2023[u5I pelore lhe appeals were heard. I did holallew
the eppllcalldh for slay of proceedlngs as I did no: see ll fit re ppslpehe
SW wevF2uFM0Wn:axxmP>u£v
-use s.n.l In-vlhnrwlll as used a yaw has pflnlhhllly sun. dun-vlnhl Va maue wnxl
the appeais. stnce there were nu specrat drcumstanoes to grant the stay,
more so when more than a year had passed aher the appeats were
regtetered tn March 2022.
A. on the tseue at liahtltly
[141 On the tssue of tiabttty. the witnases were the Flatntm htrnsett
(SP7), SP1, SP2 and the Ftathtttrs uncte Ortg Ah Eng (SPA) who arrived
at the scene at 9.10 pm The wrthesses tor the Detenaante were the 1*‘
Detendent (sue; the 2“ De1ertdan||SD5) whd was seated rtex| to mm In
the car and Melvtn an Swamtvajau (sm) and tnsuranoe adhtster.
[15] The Detendants‘ version dnhe accident was as setbut in paragraph
2 above The 1“ Detendant tn hrs paltce repdn tadged apprdxtmatety 2
hours afisttl happened stated that the mutomychst (the Ptatntiif) suddenty
encmachsd rnte hts terre and htt the from part 01 ms car beartng
registrattdn number FJL 2007 The motomyctes headlight was not err
The1"De1ertt1antbraKed and trred to svotd the molomycle but failed. The
damages to his car was tasted In Exhtbtt D7, and they were mostly an the
tront right e enhe Atza
[151 Meanwhtle, the t>taintm'verston dtthe acctdent was as par ms police
report tn Exhtbll P6. The pohce report was todged an 27 2 2019‘ abmn 5
months aflsr the aectdent trr F6, me Ptatnrrtt stated that he was rtdtng a
mbtdrcycte beartng regrstraherr number WFL 7373 awards Tatutng when
are carouming trdrh the ebpoatte dtrectidn dvenoox another motorcycle tn
from of II and hit hrs mdtoreydte The carwas driven tast and erroroeched
tnto hts tame and he cdutd rret remember the number at the mher
rnotorcycte The Pterntm sus|atned severe injunes td ms head and nght
SIN wevrzuruowpnxxmmutty
‘Nuns s.n.r In-vthnrwm re used m van; me mrmrrry sun. dun-mm VIZ mum: Mr
limbs and ne tainted eiteiwards. He was taken to Talplrlg Haspnal His
right middle fingerwas ampulalsd due to the accident.
E ii .
[171 The civil suit was In claim tor the iniunes that he surtered as slated
in the the medical report at tne Emergenuy a. Surgery Department or
‘leaping Hospital marked as P10, the Tai ng Hospital medical report
dated ts ti zuta marked as P11. the clarification report at the Taiplrlg
l-ldspilal dated 21.11 2019 marked as P12, the medical report of Dale‘ Dr
R eunasagian lmm Guna Plastic a. cosmetic Surgery, Guna Laser
centre marked as P15 and the medical report at Dr T Moses lrom
orthopaedic specialist Sdn. End. marked as F17. The maidr iniuries
I have summarised lrdm the medical reports were
u ntum
i a crush injury dver ngm ldwar limb which resulted in a right
tiemipelvectorny (am:-ulation).
avulsion fracture right olecmndn (elbow) which resulted in it
becoming wobbly and halzilly unstable:
right wrist doreillexlen and pslmarllexien losing its llexlbilliytn 12-
au degrees (normal is 0-90 degrees);
eldse lracture right hand 4'” and 5'" melaeanaals, open lraeture
pruximal phalanx right index and middle fingers which resulted
in 1) the right middle iinger being amputated, 2; the ngtiit lndalt,
ring and little fingers becoming fixed in a slawed position with no
movement at all;
shortening ol the right ulna by 1 cm,
multiple sears over the right limbs which were extensive and
permanent, and
deglaving iniury over right elbow.
sin vrevF2uFwWnnxxmP>uall
-use s.ii.i In-vlhnrwfll as used M mm ms sitiimii-v eiiii. dnunvlnrrl vta nFluNG WM!
[18] The medical repon P17 oonoluded lhar—
lhe rlghl lower limb had been ampulaled al the pelvis The
rlghl herhrbelvis and sacral ala have been arnbulaled.
Togelher wllh lhis ernuulallon lhe righl saeral nerves would
also have been excised Thus, he would nol be able id have
normal carllml ol lhe anal sphincter and the ooloelomy lor (he
diversion ollaecee will be permrlent;
an uloer al lhe anipulaled slump due lo relalned sulure
malerlall This should be explored and removed so lhal lhe
ulcer can heal surgery in we private sector will cosl
uroslhesls lor me rlghl lower limb would have lo be assessed
and mled by a preslhellsl/orlhollsl:
the pallenl was nghl hand dolnlnanl and me nghl hand had no
lunehdh al all:
me ngnl ulna had hserl shenened by mm and me nghl radius
ncalad nut onhe nghl eloow ioinl;
the nghl index, ring and llhle lingers had beemne fixed in a
clawed poslhon with no movernenl an all.
he should undergo surgery In luse the rlghl elbow loin: in
extension lo slabllise lhe rlghl elbow jolnl and allow lhe rlghl
lhumb lo punch me rlghl index finger. ‘Mlh lhls, he would be
able lo eland an lhe lefl loot and hop wllh lhe and al a walking
lrame being held wilh bolh hands Surgery In me prlvale
SBC1DfWl" cosl RMw, and
in his bresenl slate, he ls dependern on anolher person to
Flush his wheelchair. lllhe righl elbow lsfused ln uexiun he will
never be able lo asslsl in holding a walking lrorne and he will
sin wcVF2IIFWWn3:XXmP>u£v
None s.n.l nnvlhnrwlll be used m mm r.. nflnlnnllly MIME dun-vlnrll VI] nFluNG Wflxl
| 4,949 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AA-42LB-5-11/2022 | PERAYU Pendakwa Raya RESPONDEN P.MANIVANNAN A/L PANJIAH | RAYUAN JENAYAH: Kesalahan dibawah 307 Kanun Keseksaan – Percubaan Membunuh- Rayuan TPR terhadap keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen melepaskan dan membebaskan Responden- Sama ada pertuduhan cacat di bawah seksyen 422 KAJ memandangkan pertuduhan tidak dinyatakan OKT telah melanggar pengadu dengan menggunakan kereta – Sama ada HMS terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa elemen kedua pertuduhan iaitu niat untuk membunuh (mens rea) gagal dibuktikan. | 31/10/2023 | YA Dato' Abdul Wahab Bin Mohamed | |
31/10/2023 09:18:50
AA-42LB-5-11/2022 Kand. 31
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=, 10/22::
DALAM uunmuumra meal MALAVA an IPGH
KES mvunu JENAVAN no ; uu2La.§11/znzz
13 :0
[Da|arn perkara Mahkamah sesyen (3) lpoh‘ Pecak
Kas Jenayah No AA-€268-OB/2022]
Pug; n
[1] P Manwannan all Pinush yang msmpakan Responden (selepas
mi dlkenall sebagal “ow; aalam vayuan ml telah dnuduh dengan
panuduhan dv biwah dw bawah seksyan 307 Kanun Keseksaan lselepas
ml mkenah sebagax “KK“) Dy aklur kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah Sesyen
(3) Ipoh Ie\ah me\epaskan din membebaskan on lanpa mpanggn
umuk membe\a dlri dan perluduhan lesebm Terknan dengan kepmusan
m pmak Psndakwa Raya Iselepas ml dnkenall sebagav “Pemyif Ielah
memfallkan rayuan xe Mahkamah Im
[21 Fenuduhan yang mkenakan ks acas OKT adalah sepem benkm
'sanawa kalrm pads 24 ./u/ar 2020, [am Iebm Kurang 1 an
pefalrg berfsmpaf m lap!/s/an bemampfran oengan kuhur
Mslayu, Jalsn Eendalvara, 31550 Ipoh m dalam daerah
Kmla, m ds/am Negen Perak, drdapalt tslah melanggar
dan dengan psngelahuan kamu‘ bahawa dsngsn
perbuatan nu msyebabkan kecsderaan kepada
Rsguphali a/1 Jayamm, KPT. 550516.05-5m, adalah
ms/akukan mencuba msmbunuh olang olen yang
demrklan, ks/ml rem melakukan kssalshan yang Doe/Iv
dihukum dl bwah ssksysn 301 Kanun Kesrksssn '
n Tnar sucn death was attempted to be
caused by‘ or /n conssquenca of. the so! 0/
me accuse
in That such M‘! was done mm me mtenriulv
oi causing death, or [hat rt was dune wnn ma
mtsrman of causmg such bodrly Injury as (a;
deal)! or, (DJ sucn many nuury 8515 /rke/y (0
cause death, ms accused having no excuse
for Incumng me rrsk al causing sucn death
or rmury
That the accused arzennusa to cause such
daam by dnmg an EL‘! known In mm to be SO
imminemly dangerous ma! :1 mus! in all
probability cause (5) dcazn, or (D) such
bod:/y rruury as IS likely to cause death, the
accused having Ivg excuse for mcurrmg me
nsk of causing such death or Iruury ~
[19] Daham membual kepuzusan, Tuan Hakim Mallkamah
Sesyen berucap sepem benkul.
Pu! srmply ma abava preposmons onne /aw pronounced
by Zamam A Ram!" J can be understood as to denote
mun me element: 0/ scrus mus and mans res must be
sufdent/y and clearly Indicated ll! mo charge
If snhar one Is absent or not suffiroient/,v indicated, the
charge is [hen rendered asrscms The defect is not
curable under S 422 of the Cnmlnal Pmcedule Coda
(cpc). Now, lstusvisit the charge In me mslanrcase -
H says c/eany 'denyan penyszanuan Kamu, bahawa
dsngsn psmuatalv rru menyebabkan kecederaan kepada
Ragupalm s/I Jsyaramsn, KPT 550515 - as - 5157 «
find M5! the mens res slemanl ;s sulFc1srmy Indicated
We should men sxamrns whether the charge has
sI11TcrenfIy Indicated the anus runs In (hrs case, ms
prosecution sought to Pnzvs me accussd aflsmptsd Io
mumer me comp/imam‘ by mmrvg me camplamam Ilsmg
ms car. Hrmng by car is the slelm-ml of Horus lens in ms
case nus mus! II-version; be mmcalsd clssrry and
summenrly m Ihs marge
Alter dose/y scrutinizing one charge. I luund out that me
charge slapped mu 5! mt wrmom mdicatmg further we
manner me complainant was In: For olanty, ms rs/svan!
Portion oune charye rs Iewoducsd bslaw »
-. .1: mam nsgsn‘ Psmk, drdapen‘ man me/anygnr
den dengan pengatshusn ksmu
I! the charge rs In be mad s/one wtrhour Ioakmg at me
ewdervce, a qusslmn wm any /7! ma follawrng fashion .
The accused was hr: by whafi
wnarn mrs kmd alquesnorr arrsss, :1 can man be sard that
the accused was not given snmiclsnt and specrnc notice
as to what kind a! cnmmal ac! he has been a/(aged to
have commuted mat consmule me ofience.
secmm 152 1)! the CPC makes rr marrdarury mat the
charge mus! oleariy indicate the oircrrcs The sccussd
must he told deany, suifmsnlly arm pracrse», ma crrma
wmcn he rs alleged n: have comrmlted mar colvsmule me
av-reuse Imus is rm! dune, than the charge cannot stand
agamst the accused
Cnmmg back to this case, the charge Iailsd I0 indicate
summarmy ma cnrmnal ed wmr wrrrcr: me accused was
charged The manner me complainsnr was being rm had
not been indicated m ma charge The accused was [nus
not told sulfrmsnfly cl lh: Enme he was a//eged to have
committed The charge was marsrora defective and no!
curable under 5 422 of me cs-c ms charge rs tainted
with r/regariry
[20] Mahkamah ml bersexuju dengan dapavan Tuan Hakml Mahkamah
Sesyen dv alas d1 mans perlakuan rnemrlggar yang dmyalakan dl dalam
kenas penuduhan max dapat menurwkkan keadaan yang
memungklnkan akan menyebabkan kemauan ke alas mangsa kerana
Ianya bu\eh unarsmn on hanya melinggar dengan anggma
hadanrwa sahaja lanpa mengunakan spa-apa omsk aknbat danpada
kenadaan pennuan lemadnp penakuan mskanggar eevsebun
[211 seram nu, peneln-an Ierhadap P17 wailu Laporan Pembalan yang
dlsedlakan oleh Dr N9 Kom Hilng (yang max mpanggu untuk member!
kelerangan) menuruukkan bahsw: Fengadu memaklumkan beluau
hanya terlnhat dengan kemawangan plan raya Me\a\m Vapulan perubacan
lersebul Juga menurwkkan Pengadu telah bemndak nulang flan hospna\
manna menenma apa-apa rawalan yang sepalulnya bag: xeeeaeraan
yang dlalaml Ma\ahsn‘ Pegawaw Fembaaan yang mpanggul memben
kelerangan (semasa pemeriksaan mama oleh pmak Perayu) jug:
merlyalakan bnhavm kecederaan mangsa mak baleh menyebahkan
[22] Mahkamah merujuk kepeda kes Pundakwa Rnyu Mn onm
Slujll Awoyll Shukh mm uuu ass‘ yang mempermukan elemen
dlbawah Seksyen 307 Kanun Keseksaarv»
[251 Bagr pambukltan an canap kes puma [acre bagr
kesalahan dr bawah Seksyen 307 Kamm Ksseksea/1, prhsk
pendakwaan penu membuktrkan kesemua s/amsn benkul
(5) SP2 mengs/am: ‘bodily paw’ atau nun sepemmana
dsfinasr diperuntukkalv df bahawa Seksyen 319 Ksmm
(b) aaduy pam Ierselm! naleh membawa kemanan
(c) Bodily pam (srsshut ls/ah allskukan dsngan mat untuk
cube menyebsbkan kamahsn kspada 55-2
(.1) Bod!/y pain telsebul Ielah dllskukan dslvgna niat urvtuk
cubs menysbsbkan ksmalisn kspads SP2
[231 Sehubungan dengan nu, Mahkamah nn berpendapal bahawa
Tuan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen (elah menepatv kehendak undam-
undang berkzllan danger! penuduhan yang dthadapkan ke alas OKT
eaewen canal aan Ivdak dapal uupemaun m bawah Semyen 422 KTJ
[24] Pmak Perayu setemsnya nemuyen banawa befdasarkan
kaerangan saksi-saksl pendakwaan dw Mahkamah, wanya dengan yexes
membukukan bahswa wujud pemuauan Cuban" unluk rnenmunun SP3
dalam kes Inn Fakla kes pendakwaan yang kukuh menyalakan bahawa
OKT |e|ah PI-In memnggar ssa menggunakan kenderaan yang mpandu
sendm olehnya sexelan pelanggaran kall penama, on cenen membual
puemgan u dan kemball memuu ke avan SP3 unluk mmanggamya bual
kalu yang Kedua Psrbuatan on Ini lelah pun menyebabkarl
kecederaan retak pace mang xam kanan SP3 yang lurul msenxen men
Dakar perubman wawtu SP1
[25] Plhak Perayu saterusnya bemujen bahawa walaupun kecederaan
yang d\a\am\ glen SP3 bukamah sualu keesderaan yang membawa
rnem, namun psrbualan melanggav atau merempuh spa sebanyak 2
Kah adalah mancukupl unmk menumukkan nial on un|uk membunuh
spay atau sekurangrkurangnya menkamen be\eh membull Merens
baharwa on sudah |en(u mengevahul bahawa pemualannya nu bmeh
menyebahkan keoederaan yang amen menyebabkan kemalian oxen
yang aemuuan, Tuan Hakwm Mahkamah Sesyen tetan terktmav apabua
memuluskan bahawa elemen kedua tam; mans Isa (elah gagal
dlbukukan oxen pmak psndakwaan walaupun keterangan kes
pendakwaan aaanan was flan kukuh dawn membuknkan mat on
[25] Dalam menangkls mtzanan pmak Perzyu, peguambeka DKT
barman binawa perrakuan on boner: menuruukkan mfarens bahawa
bellau mak mempunyaw mat alau pengelahun untuk menyehabkzn
xemaman ke alas mangs Ssbagatmana mpumskan an dalam kes Abd.
Khalid Ahd Hamid [1:95] 1 cm 49. mat seseorang perm dunuxuxan
malalui Derbuatan atau amaakannya dan iuga mekaluu xeterangan Ikul
D-gum: Mnhlumlh
[271 Dalam menenlukan on man dtsabttkan dengan kesaxatuan
pernubaan membunuh, elemen-e\emen yang perm wujua adalah
sebagiirnana yang dvpumskan da\am kes sauwu: Plnmee (20211
MLJU upon! benku|
a That the death al a human being was
b That such death was attempted to as caused
by, or m consequence of, the act ol the
c That such act was cane wvln me Infsnllon or
causmg death, or that tt was done wrth the
Intention of csusmg such bamly /n/my as (a)
ma accucca knew to be likely la cause deem,
or an was sulfate!!! In [he ordinary course oi
nature rc cause me: on that me accused
anempvca to cause death by doing an as!
Known to mm to be sa rmmmenf/y dangemus
Mal (hat rt must In all pmbnmliry cause (a)
doam or, (1)) such bod:/y In/my as Is nxsly (0
cause death, ms accused nawng no excuse
my mcumng me n's»< of oausmg sucn oenrn or
mjuzy. me: me accused attempted to Dause
sucn asam by aomg an act known to mm to be
cc rmmmenlly dangsmus that u musr In all
pmbab:/ny cause (5) cream, or (n) such ccuuy
/Iv/my as is liksfy to cause mean, one accused
nawng no excuse Iar mcumng the risk uf
csusmg such death armjmy "
[251 Pmak Ferayu pedu bukukan Bolus reus Iallu on (elm: Cuba
membunuh pengadu dengan cara me\anggar pengadu dengan
manggunakan Karena dan mans ma wzllu pcmuatan nnelanggar pengadu
dengan menggunakan kerela dllakukan dengan ma! unluk
mendalangkan keeedevaan pad: Iubuh badan pengadu yang mane on
warm ianyi akan mengaxmaxkan kemauan
pg] Mankaman memjuk kepada Ralamal 5 nmranal, The Inman Pena!
Code [34Ih Edmun] dx muka 725 yang mengatxkan sepem benkuz
The secrran makes a drsrinctron Delween me so! ol ma
accused and ms rssun, yr any. The com has m sea
whether [he scl, mmspecllvs af IFS result, was done with
[he mlenhon or krlawledge and under crrcumstances
menltonsd m we section Tlverslars, an accused charysd
under sec!/on 307 /PC cannot be acquitted merely
because the iryunes mmclsd an ma mam were m name
afa srmpls mm The mjuly caused is an the vrta/pan and
dangerous ro Me as slated by PW5 doctor, as such the
ma! court has nghlly held accused Dsrban Smgh gm/ty ol
charge or affsnce punishable under s 307 IPC (lrhal
Darban slngn v, sun, 2013 cru em (um.
[:01 E\emen panama yang perm duhuknkan aleh pmak Perayu adalah
dalzm percubaannya untuk memhunuh Ie\ah meiarvggar pengadu
dengan nvensxiunakan kevefa Mahkamah berpendanat bahawa elemen
panama benaya dvbuktikan aleh pihak Penayu
[31] Bag: e\emen kedua, dan kelerangan yang mkamukakan, adamh
jelas pengadu hanya dllanggav olsh on dsngan kevela sekali sahma.
Mahkamah merwuk kepada kelerangan sun seperli benkut
s Eerdssarkan ksoederaan mu patah mnang «ma
tersebm. bole?! tak Dv cerangkan apakah lahap
kasenusan keeederaan Dada mangsa/peaam
J’ Kaxau kna bercakap tentang kesenusan kecederaan
tzrsebul, ka\au lidak mrawac boleh menyebabkan
xecacacan. Kalau kna befcakap lentang senus
samada boleh menyebabkan kernltian mu lrdak‘
max sehab ma hanya cadeva pads bahaglan kaku
[321 Sehubungan dengan Wu‘ Mahkamah ml berselwu dsngan dapatan
Tuin HMS yang mengatakan bahawa sekiranya wujud mat on untuk
cubs membunuh pengaau, maka on berkeupayaan untuk melanggar
pengadu beberapa kah Sekxrsnya pengadu (erlanlar an aeas ranah atau
man, om akan ambnl peluang . unzuk Ierus me\anggar pengadu
Walau begalmanapun, perbualan ini Ildak dllakukan alah on
Mahkamah Im memenk dapacan Tuan HMS sepem henkul
Intarmon ns anen infermd from me surrnumirng
It is drmcu/1, 1 not rmpasslme, In pmcure direct ewdence
to pmvs me lnmman afar! mdlwdual, in most cases :1 has
to be mlaned lvom ms act or conduct ar other rslsvant
crrcumstanoes or the case [per Zslshs Zahan JC (as she
then was) In ABD. KHALID ABD. HAMID [1995] 1 CL]
The camp/amen! was rm ance I! ma accused really
Intended to mum ms comp/amam, he wowd mt me
comp/ainanr several muss The moment we comp/swam
was brought In the ground he/p/essvys me mused would
take ems chance to run over mm mercilessly
The accused, :1 ms mlsnhan to murder the cammarnanr
existed on ms part, wuuld make sum the complainant um
flatly under me Iiles 0! ms car me moment me
comp/amanl was nmugm down m me gluund
Bu!/nsleadoldomg man, he let /case ms camp/email! Ha
mt ms mmpnnnanr only once He and no! can!/Hue Ntlmg
ms comp/amanl
Tnamrme, me surmundmg mmnmszanoes are msnmcxenx
to tempt ms to draw an mlersnoe agamsr me accused
that he has an nnsnnon to commit murder on the
[33] Dan keterangan yang ads, pengadu senam mengalakan bahawa
benau nanya auanggar sekah sahaja Iallu selepas helnau benmdak
mrun dan kerela Perbualan nn menuruukkan bahawa OKT naak bemlal
unluk melsnggar pengadu mu secava Iidak sengaji xenanggar
pengadu kerana sexnanya on msmpunyai mat unluk membunuh
pengadu‘ sudan past: on akan (ems melanggarnya berka\H<al: bag:
mencapaw malnya nu Namun‘ kefizrangan Ikul keadaan Mas
menuruukkan bahawa se\eu|s nu om’ lerus mernnggaxkan pengadu dx
(empat ke]adIan
[34] Melalui kelerangan-kelerinsan yang Ielah dwkemukakarh
kssnnpnxan dapal dihual bahawa eleman-elemen venuduhan naak
benaya an buktxkan uleh plhak Ferayu ssmasa penngkat Kes
pendakwaan Kepunnsan Tuan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen yang
melepaskan den membebaskan OKT dari perluduhan Ianpa dxcanggll
untuk membela am «max pam dlubah atau mcabar
F kl: Rlngkas Koe
[31 Pm 24 Jma: 2020, Jan! lehm kuring 1 30pm. semasa pengadu
lam: Ragupnan a/I Jsyaram memandu kereta ]ems Toyota was dengan
ksrawan 30km-40km sewn, pengadu mensyakl bahawa pengadu
dwkqzr o\eh on yang pads keuka Itu memandu kerela Jams Vulvu
wama kelabu Setelah mengelahm banawa pengadu dxkejar men on
pangadu telah belhenlukan kerela dx bahu ;aIan dan kemsr flan kerela
[4] Pengadu mernbemerm kereta den Keluar dan kareca kevana
pengadu hendak bersemuka dan benanya kapada OKT avas sebab apa
on mengefir ksnata pengadu
[51 Pada kelika nu, on |e\an mamolung kerevta pengadu.
Kemudnannya, OKT te\ah membuat puslngan U dan memandu (ems Xe
zrah pengadu yang pada kellki nu sedang Denim mseneuan kerela
pengadu on setevuskan melanggar bahaglan kakw pengadu Pengadu
mun dan mengalarm keoederaan an bahaguan kakl melan Kanan
[5] Pengadu dan on mengenau dv anlara sam same lain dan mak
bevmusuhan Pekeuaan on adalah mekanlk kerata Pengadu pernah
menghanlar kerela pengadu untuk mpenksa dan d-pemam aleh OKT
sabevum .n. Setelah menialankan upan “x-ray“, pegawal pembalan
(SP1) mendapau ma" kanan pengadu telah paoah dan mendapal
vawa|an pakar ortncpedu:
[35] Sehuhungan dengan nu‘ rayuan Perayu Ke alas keculusan Tuan
Hakxm Mahkamah Sesyen yang lelah mebpaskan aan membebaskan
om’ an akmr pendakwaan adalah udak bermem dan dwtolak
Tankh 24 10.2023
Pggunmc Ponxu
Pendakwa Ray:
Kamar Peguin Magirl
Am 5‘ Lat am‘ No 45 Persunran Fenian:
szma wumaya
Ian-n T-ngku $na1uan 5 Do
Peguamcnn din Paguambeh
P1777 Lm name
Tmgkat 4‘ Seksyen 21
Jllun Kabun Sultan
«seen Km: snam
Tel ua 7:952:32
Fan on 7455252
Emal mgmgamneaggman mm
sw Vmknuasuymmvaivlww
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[7] Terdapat 2 wsu yang dibangknkan aleh plhak Perayu mm
a) Sauna ada pertuduhan cam m bawah seksyen A22
Kamm Tatscara Jenayah 1‘KT.I‘| memandangkan
penuduhan «max dlnyahkan on Ielah mewanggar
pengadu dgflggn msnggunakan Ingmar
M Sama ada Tuan Hakvm Mahkamah Sesyen (sekepas Inn
dlkenali sebagal “HMS“) terkhflaf dam segi undang—
undang dan lakla apabula msmuluskan bahawa elemen
kedua penufluhan Iillu mat untuk membunuh (mens tea)
gagal dlbuknkan
[a] Bag: «em (a) Pevayu berhujah xnmawa dv dalam Kenas penuduhan
dw muka sural 5 Rakcd Rayuan June 1, Ianya menyatakan “te\ah
melanggar flan dengan pengemanuan kamu ' D\eh yang demwkwan‘
pefluduhan yang mxenaxan (emidap on aflalah naak weak dan Ianya
aaalan ‘cuIab(e'di bawah seksyen 422 KTJ
[9] Pihak Perayu selanjulnya benlwah bahawa dl dalam kes W,
ubyektil pemmunan yang dxkenakan lemadav oxr adalah untuk
member: amamn lenlang penuduhan yang perlu duawab oxen ow ianu
perbuatan on yang melanggar pengadu dengan kerela man man
danpada perbuatan om tersebut bnleh menyebabkan kamallan kepada
spa. Sehubungan dengan am, Tuan HMS (en<m\a( apibfla memhuat
dapatan bahavm penuduhan Ks ates on adalah case! an aetmw
kevann H1 dalam peduduhan udak dwnyatnkan pengadu dtlanggar dengan
no] Perayu selerusnya msnegaskan bahawa kennggaxan untuk
rnenyalakan an da\am perluduhan bahawa SP3 (elah dlllnggiv dengan
ape udik Vangsung menunjukkan kemakamlan berlaku |emadap on
[11] IN ada\aI1 kerana plhak peguambma yang mewakm OKT di dalam
patbicaraan Vnl mempunyal peluang unmk menyoal halas saks\»saks|
lermasukhan pengadu semasa dv penngkat pendakwaan
[12] Manakaxa Peguambela on berhugah hahawa kerlas psnudunan
yang unangka (erhadap on menyalakan on Ielah ‘dldapah
me\angga|’ pengadu Wa\au bagaimanapun pevnyazaan ‘melanggaf
lidak dlpermukan menyebebkan seslapa saha1a yang membaca kanas
penuuunan Iersabul Iidak mendapal gambaran bagannana perbualan
“melanggaf lersebut mlakuxan sehmgga bcleh menyehabkan
kecedetaan Pmak on seterusnya bemuyah banawa HMS Iidak knuav
dan segl undangrundang dan «ma apabfla memmuskan penuduhan
yang cacal Ivdak bolen dwsembuhkan dlbarwan Seksyen 422 KTJ Karina
Kesan kecacalan um lelah manyebabkan xmakamlan kepada on
Dagalnn an
[131 Pnnswp asas dalam memnen pemmbangan ke atas sesuam riayuan
adalah Mahkamah yang mendengardan member! pemmbangan ke mas
sesualu rayuan perm hem-.m—r-an darn sukar membual penmanan ke
alas kapulusan berdasarkan «axes yang amuac o\eh mahkamah yang
melualankan pelolcavaan penuh. Mahkamah an peringkal rayuan plga
ndak sepalnlnyi mengganggu dapalan fakia Hakim olcala melalnkan
wuludnya kesllapan yang keqara lelan dvlakukan oxen Hakim ocala
Prinsip VII telah dllekankan dalam kes Ping Hun sun v. Data’ Yip V00
Foo [ma] 1 |.NS :20. apamla Mankaman Rayuan menyalakan
"When ma findmg onlla lnalludge IS lactual, however, was
lad Iindefs VJECASVDIV calmer be alarmed on appeal unless
ma aeclslon ol me locl finder VS plalnly wrong (see cmna
Almne Llu v Mallmrl All colp son and A Anolnsl Appeal
[1996] 2 cu 163), Zallarah or A Kadlr v Rarmlrla same
Pro Lid 5 Anal [2011] 1 ms 1015, Kyms lnlemallonal
sun and v. Kslus Pangaran Hasll Dalam Negen 120131 1
LNS 1;. The findlngs nf fact ol me me! [udgs can only be
reversed when ll ls posmvely demonslraled to the
appellate court rnnl -
(a) by lesson of same non-dlrecrlbrl or mlx-dlnacllon or
mnalwlaa ma [udge ensd ln accepllng ms awaenca which
he or she an: accept. or
la) in sssessmg and evaluanng ms svldence msludgs has
lakan lnlo accounl some male: which na or she ougnr nor
(0 have taken mm accaurlt, or raved [0 like mm account
some manor W/lid! he Lu sne ought to have taken mlo
account, or
(o) rt ummsraxenly appears imm me evidence nselt a,
from me unsansracmry reasons given by me /udge /or
aocsplmg rt, ma: he or she cannot have taken proper
advantage 0/ ms or her havmg seen and heard me‘or
(d) in so far awe judge has mnsa on manner and
dsmsanour, men; are other crmumsfances which mdrcale
mar me evrdenca of ms wrtnssses wmch he or she
acceprsd /s not cream/9, as an Inslanca, where moss
wtlnsssss have on some wllatsral matter delrbemre/y
grven an untrue answer “
(141 Dalam kss Duo‘ suri Anwar Ibrahim v. PF 5 Annlhnr Appm
[znm] 3 CLJ 131‘ Mshkamah Persekuman |e\ah menyavakan sepem
"clemy, an appewam cowl dues nut and should no! pm
3 mm and mat gorng any /urmer me moment n sees
that me ma: /udgs says that rs ms /mding 01 lacs It
should go further and sxamms the evidence and ms
circumstances under winch that Imdmg rs made (a see
wnemsr, la barmw me words or Hr my (0.1 Malaya) m
Hamhun Smgh‘s case (supra) “mm are substantial and
compel/mg Ieasans for drsagreemg mm the nmxmg. “
ornsrwrss, no /udgmelvt would ever be reversed an
quesmm alias: and ms pmwsmn cls 57 cm 1964 that
an appeal may he no! only an 5 question al/aw out also
on a quastlolv cl lacl or on a qusstlon nf mixed lac: and
law would be mea/vmg/ass. '
[15] nalam slmasl (enenltu, Manuaman yang melmengar rayuim beleh
campur langan atau mengubah kepulussn yang dlbuak ulen Mankaman
yang melualankan pevbicaraan seklranya kepulusan yang dlbual
herdasarkan anggapan alau andalan yang rnana Tan Cmarw Tnung J
lelan membenkan panduan yang bower: dnkuu aalarn kes PP v Mung
Abdul Rahman[I9B1]1 LNS 169 sepem henkul
"rne learned Mal maglstrate ln ms /udgmsrll gave no
lnmcallon that he dlsbe/ievsd PW5 and PW6, and he
made no finding cl Isl)! on ma malanal dlsputed matters
rslened (0 above canalnly, he compared lne lsspecln/9
learlmonlaa all PW5 and PI/I/6‘ and me Isspalldarll and.
because ‘FW6 unaer cross-examlnaaan admlfted Mal
anymmg in English ls dss/t mm by ms employees“ na
found that ' ms court can see no way 77! whlch PW5 can
accepl me chequs as settlement ol me sccusetfs debt"
The lean-lad Mal maglstrale did not say ln hls judgment
rnal he dlsbellsved PW5 and PW6 As seams to be the
casa me DBSIS ol lms mmlng was the drswlng af
In/Erelwes from the raleuanl evldsnce m me lnal
However, for ma masons a/ready given, (hrs nasls is not
legally sauna, and an appellate mun can ce/lam/y
lnlsrfers with (NS imdlrlg based on lnlbrenoes. Evan af
matters or last, an appellale court can interfere WI
appmpnala cases, but such cases ala not common and
an appellale mum belora rsschlng us cone/uslon upon
malts/s a/Iact, shuuld and will always give pmpsr wmgm
and mnsrdembbn to such mailers as (1) ma wew a ol the
Ina! [udge as to be credrb//ily or me wunassas, (2) ma
presumption or Innocence m Iavuur :1! me accused, a
presumption certainly naz weakened by ma fact (ha! ne
nas been aoqumed at his mat, (3) ma ngnl ofme accused
to ma nenenr of any doubt, and (4) ma slowness or an
apps//aza cam m dlsfurhmg a nnmng orlacz arrived at by
a wage who had me am/anrsgs olsssmg ma wunasses "
[16] Bevasaskan kepada pnnswp undang-undang yang dlnyatakan
dalam kes—kes yang dxrujuk dw ans, maka aaalah peming unluk
Mahkamah memberl perllmbangan semula ke acas alasan-alasan
kepulusan yang (elah mhuat aleh Tuan HMS ke alas Isu-rsu yang
dlbangknkan meh pmak Perayu dalam rayuan ini saxuanya wuyud
kemlapan kelara yang Ie\ah mlakuxan ouen Tuan HMS semngga boVeh
menyebabkan suilu xewakaauan yang senus herlaku da\am kepulusan
carsenux, maka Mahkamah um adalah berkewaupan unmk msngganggu
kepulusan yang mbuat aleh Tuan HMS nu
[17] Ada\ah wajav umuk Mahkamsh mememk bemuk pemndunan di
bawah seksyen 152 KTJ wauu
(1; Tlagrnaptuduhan dibawah Kanun Im hendalda
menevangkan kesalahan lenuduh
(2) Juakau undang—undang yang menevlapkzn
kesaVahIn Ilu ads mernnen nama yang speswlwk
make keseflahan nu amen dlsebmkan dalam
Iuduhan dangan nama nu sahaja
¢3) Jxkalau unuangamuang yang menetapkan
keseflahan mu ridak member! nama yang spasm
make seberiva nengeniun kesmahan nu hendaklah
mnyalakan hmgga dapai member: kenyartaan
keepaua Ierluduh berkenaan dengan perkara yang
14) umangamuang dan seksyennya lerhadap
kesalahan dnakukan nu nendakran msebutkan Juga
da\am (uduhan mu
(5; Fakta bahawa perluduhan flu mhuat adalah
bersamaan aengan Dem‘/ataan bahawa uapaaap
syar-at perundangan yang dvkehendakl oleh unam-
undang meruamkan kssalahin nu lelah mpsnum
dalam kes yang «enamu
ma] Bagx memenuhl beban pernw
dw bawah Ssksyen 307 Kanun Keseksaan pmak Perayu mat! mememml
heberapa e\emen an da\am penuduhan. Mahkamah merujuk kepsda
naoanlal a. on Ial's. um of crimes, 2;». Edlllnn Volume 2, an
muka suval 2221 sepem benkul
' n Pnma Fame unluk perwduhan
“The pmsacunan must prove‘
:1 The! ma aaam or a human Dsmg was
| 2,876 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
CA-A72NCC-138-04/2023 | PLAINTIF ARTINI BINTI AB RASHID DEFENDAN ENRICH GARDEN CITY SDN BHD | PENGHAKIMAN TERUS - Samada melebihi had batas masa waktu - Seksyen 26 dan 27 Akta Had Masa 1953 - Samada surat lanjutan masa untuk membayar telah memperbaharui kausa tindakan Plaintif - Samada ianya satu isu yang patut dibicarakan. | 31/10/2023 | Puan Nor Izzati binti Zakaria | |
GUAMAN SIVIL: CA-A72NCC-138-04/2023
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 740707-03-5666] ... PLAINTIF
[NO. SYARIKAT: 200601-03-0514] ...DEFENDAN
[1] Ini adalah permohonan (“KM5”) pihak Plaintif untuk memasukkan
Penghakiman Terus menurut Aturan 14 Kaedah-Kedah Mahkamah 2012
terhadap Defendan. Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah membenarkan KM5
dengan kos sebanyak RM1500 dibayar kepada Plaintif. Alasan ringkas
adalah seperti berikut.
31/10/2023 16:18:37
CA-A72NCC-138-04/2023 Kand. 26
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Latar Belakang Kes
[2] Plaintif adalah seorang individu dengan alamat penyampaian di No.
8, Lorong Promenade Villa 3, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
[3] Defendan adalah sebuah syarikat yang diperbadankan di Malaysia
bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 dengan alamat berdaftar di B-38, Tingkat 1
Lorong Seri Teruntum 139, Jalan Bukit Ubi, 25100 Kuantan, Pahang Darul
[4] Defendan merupakan sebuah syarikat pemaju yang
membangunkan satu projek yang dikenali sebagai Promenade Villa di
atas sebidang tanah yang diterangkan dibawah HS(D) 854 PT 6509,
Mukim Kuala Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur seluas
14.2753 hektar.
[5] Melalui Perjanjian Jual Beli bertarikh 26.06.2013 (“Perjanjian
Tersebut”), Plaintif telah bersetuju untuk membeli dan Defendan telah
bersetuju untuk menjual hartanah yang dikenali sebagai Sub-Lot 107 di
Promenade Villa berserta sebuah rumah 2 tingkat berteres yang akan
didirikan diatasnya pada harga RM350,000-00.
[6] Defendan telah mengingkari syarat-syarat Perjanjian dimana
Defendan telah gagal menyerahkan milikan kosong bangunan dan
hartanah tersebut kepada Plaintif pada atau sebelum 26.06.2015.
Malahan, milikan kosong tersebut hanya diserahkan melalui Sijil
Perakuan Siap dan Pematuhan (Borang F) yang dikeluarkan pada
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11.08.2016 dan oleh itu jumlah yang perlu dibayar menurut Fasal 22(2)
perjanjian tersebut adalah sebanyak RM27,125-48.
Isu Yang Dipertikaikan
[7] Mahkamah telah meneliti hujahan bertulis yang disediakan oleh
pihak-pihak dan mendapati hanya terdapat satu isu yang dipertikaikan
secara bersama oleh kedua-dua pihak. Maka, adalah lebih mudah
sekiranya Mahkamah ini menyatukan hujahan kedua-dua pihak untuk
mencerminkan isu yang diperdebatkan.
[8] Mahkamah mendapati satu-satunya isu yang menjadi pertikaian
bagi kedua-dua pihak adalah berkenaan dengan isu masa. Kausa
tindakan yang terakru adalah pada 11.08.2016 dimana pada tarikh
penyerahan milikan kosong hartanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif.
Berdasarkan undang-undang, tuntutan Plaintif hendaklah dibuat dalam
tempoh masa 6 tahun daripada tarikh kausa tindakan terakru tamat iaitu
pada 11.08.2022.
[9] Defendan di dalam hujahnya berpendapat bahawa tuntutan Plaintif
bertarikh 06.04.2023 adalah telah tamat tempoh kerana ianya telah
melepasi had batasan waktu pemfailan yang telah berakhir pada
11.08.2022. Manakala, Plaintif berhujah bahawa Defendan melalui
suratnya bertarikh 26.04.2017 yang dialamatkan kepada Plaintif telah
mengakui liabiltinya tetapi memohon 70% diskaun atas jumlah terhutang
merupakan satu pengakuan liabiliti yang boleh memperbaharui kausa
tindakan tuntutan Plaintif.
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Dapatan Mahkamah
[10] Mahkamah telah meneliti hujahan kedua-dua pihak dan Mahkamah
ini berpendapat kes ini merupakan satu kes yang “straightforward”.
Adalah menjadi fakta yang dipersetujui oleh pihak-pihak bahawa terdapat
satu surat daripada Defendan bertarikh 26.04.2017 yang mana
kandungan surat tersebut adalah berkenaan dengan permohonan 70%
diskaun atas jumlah terhutang.
[11] Yang menjadi pertikaikan di hadapan Mahkamah ini adalah samada
surat daripada Defendan bertarikh 26.04.2017 memperbaharui kausa
tindakan di hadapan Mahkamah ini. Untuk menjawab persoalan ini,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada niat asal Defendan menghantar surat
permohonan diskaun tersebut kepada Plaintif. Mengapakah surat
tersebut dihantar? Pada hemat Mahkamah, sekiranya Defendan tidak
terhutang kepada jumlah yang dituntut oleh Plaintif tersebut, Defendan
tidak perlu untuk menghantar apa-apa surat permohonan diskaun kepada
[12] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada Seksyen 26 Akta Had Masa 1953
yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Fresh accrual of action on acknowledgment
26. (1)...
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(2) Where any right of action has accrued to recover any debt or
other liquidated pecuniary claim, or any claim to the personal estate
of a deceased person or to any share or interest therein, and the
person liable or accountable therefor acknowledges the claim
or makes any payment in respect thereof, the right shall be
deemed to have accrued on and not before the date of the
acknowledgment or the last payment:
Provided that a payment of a part of the rent or interest due at any
time shall not extend the period for claiming the remainder of the
rent or interest then due, but any payment of interest shall have
effect, for the purposes of this subsection only, as if it were a
payment in respect of the principal debt.”
[13] Mahkamah ini seterusnya merujuk kepada syarat-syarat yang perlu
dipatuhi di bawah Section 27 Akta Had Masa 1953 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“Formal provisions as to acknowledgments and part
(1) Every such acknowledgment as is referred to in section 26
or in the proviso to section 16 of this Act shall be in writing and
signed by the person making the acknowledgment.
(2) Any such acknowledgment or payment as is referred to in
section 26 or the proviso to section 16 of this Act may be made by
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the agent of the person by whom it is required to be made
under that section, and shall be made to the person, or to an
agent of the person, whose title or claim is being
acknowledged or, as the case may be, in respect of whose
claim the payment is being made.”
[14] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di
dalam kes WEE TIANG TENG V. ONG CHONG HOOI & ANOR [1978] 1
LNS 234; [1978] 2 MLJ 54, 56 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
"There are three kinds of acknowledgments:
(1) an acknowledgment by the debtor that a debt subsisted in the
past but not at the time of the acknowledgment;
(2) an acknowledgment that it subsists at the time of the
acknowledgment; and
(3) an acknowledgment that it may subsist in the future but not at
the time of the acknowledgment".
[89] The Federal Court referred to and relied on the English
Court of Appeal decision in Good v. Parry [1963] 2 All ER 59.
Lord Denning M.R. speaking for the Court of Appeal said:
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"A person may acknowledge that a claim has been made
against him without acknowledging any indebtedness. It is
clear that what the Limitation Act, 1939, means is 'acknowledges
the debt or other liquidated amount',... there must be an
admission that there is a debt or other liquidated amount
outstanding and unpaid. Even though the debtor says in the
same writing that he will never pay it, nevertheless it is a
good acknowledgment. In order to be an acknowledgment,
however, the debt must be quantified in figures, or, at all events,
it must be liquidated in this sense that it is capable of
ascertainment by calculation, or by extrinsic evidence, without
further agreement of the parties...
No doubt a promise in writing by a debtor to pay whatever sum
is found due on taking an account is a good acknowledgment
today... provided always that the amount is a mere calculation
from vouchers, or can be ascertained by extrinsic evidence, and
is not dependent on the further agreement of the debtor".
[15] Manakala di dalam kes Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur
1 LNS 1237; [2015] MLJU 1124, di mana Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Mary
Lim, pada ketika itu menyatakan bahawa:
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“[57] Therefore, for an acknowledgment to be valid, sections 26
and 27 require the acknowledgment of the right of action or the
right to claim upon the debt must be:
i. in writing;
ii. signed by the person making the acknowledgment; and
iii. made to the person whose "title or claim is being
[58] This means that the acknowledgment of the debt which is a
promise to pay the debt due must be in a written form and it must
be by the person who owes the obligation in the first place. That
acknowledgment must then be made to the person who has the
right of action or to whom the debt is owed. This exchange is
usually kept within the immediate parties. But there may be
instances where third parties are involved. In such a situation,
can there still be a valid acknowledgment if it is made by a third
person to a third person.”
[16] Bagi mencerminkan prinsip yang diketengahkan di dalam kes
tersebut, Mahkamah ini menyelusuri semula kepada surat Defendan
bertarikh 26.04.2017 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
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[17] Melihat kepada surat ini, ianya tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa:
i) Pengakuan pengakuan liabilti tersebut telah dibuat secara
bertulis iaitu surat bertarikh 26.04.2017 di KM6 (Eksibit C);
ii) Surat tersebut telah ditandatangani oleh Defendan sendiri iaitu
Pengurus Projek yang bernama Mr. KS Wong daripada
Enrich Garden City Sdn Bhd; dan
iii) Surat tersebut dihantar dan ditujukan kepada Plaintif iaitu Artini
binti Ab Rashid.
[18] Menggunapakai prinsip di dalam kes tersebut di atas, Mahkamah
ini bersetuju dengan hujahan Plaintif bahawa surat Defendan bertarikh
26.04.2017 merupakan satu pengakuan liabiliti yang telah
memperbaharui kausa tindakan tuntutan Plaintif di sini. Maka, tuntutan
Plaintif di dalam kes ini adalah di dalam tempoh had batas masa yang
dibenarkan. Mahkamah ini mendapati Defendan telah melemahkan
pembelaannya sendiri dengan mengemukakan hujah ini sebagai satu-
satunya alasan untuk kes ini tidak diberikan penghakiman terus.
[19] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang mantap di Mahkamah
Persekutuan di dalam kes CEMPAKA FINANCE BHD V HO LAI YING
(TRADING AS KH TRADING) [2006] 2 MLJ 685 yang menyatakan
seperti berikut:
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“Quite clearly, the Court of Appeal has put the burden on the plaintiff
to prove his case in an O. 14 application. With respect, that cannot
be the correct proposition of law. In an application under O. 14, the
burden is on the plaintiff to establish the following conditions: that
the defendant must have entered appearance; that the statement
of claim must have been served on the defendant; that the
affidavit in support must comply with r. 2 of O. 14 in that it must
verify the facts on which the claim is based and must state the
deponent's belief that there is no defence to the claim.
ORS [1989] 1 LNS 144; [1990] 2 MLJ 36.) Once those conditions
are fulfilled, the burden then shifts to the defendant to raise
triable issues. The law on this is trite.”
[20] Pada hemat saya, Plaintif telah mematuhi semua syarat-syarat
yang terkandung di dalam kes tersebut di atas, dan kes ini merupakan
satu kes yang biasa dan yang jelas yang menjadikan ianya satu kes yang
wajar dan sesuai untuk diperintahkan penghakiman terus. Tambahan
pula, Defendan tidak sesekali mempertikaikan keberhutangannya
terhadap Plaintif.
[21] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam
[1998] 1 CLJ 1045 SHAIK DAUD ISMAIL JCA di m/s 1048 menyatakan:
"It is well settled that if a defendant in an O. 14 application succeeds
in raising even a single triable issue, it will not be a fit case and
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proper case to order summary judgment. It is only in plain and
obvious cases where there are no issues to be tried should
recourse be had to O. 14."
[22] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat isu-isu yang perlu
dibicarakan dan Mahkamah ini percaya Defendan telah gagal
menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah bahawa terdapatnya sebab lain untuk
kes ini dibicarakan. Justeru atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah
membenarkan KM5 dengan kos sebanyak RM1500 dibayar kepada
Mahkamah Majistret
Kuantan, Pahang
Plaintif: Gainneos Jacob Goldie daripada Tetuan Jacob Goldie S.S. Chew
Defendan: Aiman As' Ad Bin Mohd Ghani daripada Tetuan Irfan Aiman
S/N I1LxssSALUOIZh1QgkS8eg
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Seksyen 26 dan 27 Akta Had Masa 1953
Kes yang dirujuk:
1) Wee Tiang Teng v. Ong Chong Hooi & Anor [1978] 1 LNS 234; [1978]
2 Mlj 54, 56;
2) Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co Ltd v. Tridant Engineering
(M) Sdn Bhd And Another Case [2015] 1 Lns 1237; [2015] MLJU 1124;
3) Cempaka Finance Bhd v. Ho Lai Ying (Trading As Kh Trading) [2006]
2 MLJ 685; Dan
4) South East Asia Insurance Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia [1998] 1 CLJ
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| 15,286 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-25-63-09/2022 | PEMOHON SUN HAOTIAN RESPONDEN JABATAN IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA | Permohonan semakan kehakiman oleh pemohon terhadap keputusan responden-responden untuk menahan pemohon dengan tujuan pengusiran dari Malaysia - memohon dan telah mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia bagi Social Visit Pass (“PLS”) menerusi program Malaysia My Second Home (“MM2H”) - Akta Imigresen 1959/63 (“Akta 155”) | 31/10/2023 | YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman | |
Dalam perkara mengenai suatu
permohonan untuk kebenaran/Perintah-
Perintah mandamus berkenaan satu
tangkapan pada 23.8.2022 di KLIA di
bawah Seksyen 6(1)(c) Akta Imigresen
Dalam perkara Aturan 53, Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam perkara Jadual 1 Akta Mahkamah
Kehakiman 1964
Dalam perkara Seksyen 6(1)(c) Akta
Imigresen 1959/63
Dalam perkara Seksyen 12, 13, 15 dan 19
Akta Ekstradisi 1992.
(No. Passport: EB 3535664) …PEMOHON
31/10/2023 09:34:47
BA-25-63-09/2022 Kand. 36
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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[1] Ini adalah satu permohonan semakan kehakiman oleh pemohon,
Sun Haotian terhadap keputusan responden-responden untuk
menahan pemohon dengan tujuan pengusiran dari Malaysia.
Relif yang dipohon
[2] Dalam permohonan semakan kehakiman ini, pemohon telah
memohon relif seperti berikut:
“(a) Perintah mandamus terhadap responden kedua dan
ketiga untuk membebaskan pemohon daripada tahanan.
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(b) Perintah mandamus terhadap responden kedua dan
ketiga untuk membebaskan pemohon dan tidak
menyerahkan pemohon kepada pihak imigresen ataupun
penguatkuasa negara asing dengan tujuan pengusiran.
(c) Satu perintah penggantungan segala prosiding
pengusiran terhadap responden 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 sehingga
permohonan pihak pemohon di bawah Aturan 53 Kaedah
3(2) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 didengar dan
dilupuskan oleh mahkamah yang Mulia ini.
(d) Kos permohonan ini.
(e) Perintah lain dan relif selanjutnya yang difikirkan sesuai
dan adil oleh mahkamah yang Mulia ini diberi atau dibuat.”
[3] Berhubung perintah penggantungan yang dipohon di perenggan (c)
tersebut, mahkamah ini telah pada 5.9.2022 membenarkan perintah
penggantungan sementara sehingga permohonan pemohon untuk
semakan kehakiman di bawah Aturan 53 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012 didengar dan dilupuskan.
Fakta Kes
[4] Fakta kes diperolehi daripada affidavit dan hujahan bertulis yang
telah difailkan oleh pihak-pihak.
[5] Pemohon merupakan seorang warganegara People’s Republic of
China (“PRC”) yang, telah memohon dan telah mendapatkan
kelulusan daripada Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia bagi Social Visit
Pass (“PLS”) menerusi program Malaysia My Second Home
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(“MM2H”) pada 26.6.2019. Pemohon telah menetap di Malaysia
sejak tahun 2019 dan telah membayar wang deposit sebanyak RM
300,000.00 sebagaimana yang telah disyaratkan oleh Kerajaan
Malaysia untuk Visa Malaysia My Second Home.
[6] Responden pertama telah menerima maklumat daripada Exit-Entry
Administration Bureau of Weihai Municipal Public Security Bureau,
bahawa Passport People’s Republic of China pemohon bernombor
EB3535664 telah pun dibatalkan oleh Kedutaan China melalui surat
bertarikh 2.3.2023.
[7] Bertindak di atas maklumat yang diterima tersebut, responden
pertama telah mengarahkan Pegawai Penyiasat Kanan Ibu Pejabat
Polis Daerah KL International Airport untuk menahan pemohon di
hadapan pintu pelepasan KLIA 2.
[8] Pada 23.8.2022, pemohon telah ditangkap di bawah seksyen
6(1)(c) Akta Imigresen 1959/63 (“Akta 155”) dan ditahan selama 14
hari mulai 23.8.2022 di Lokap Balai Polis Aeropolis menurut
peruntukan seksyen 35 Akta 155.
[9] Selanjutnya pada 1.9.2022, pemohon telah diserahkan kepada
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia untuk tindakan lanjut.
[10] Satu Notice of Cancellation of Pass menurut seksyen 9(3) Akta 155
telah dikeluarkan pada 8.9.2022 kepada pemohon yang memegang
PLS MM2H dan pasport nombor EB3535664. Notis ini telah diakui
terima oleh pemohon pada 20.9.2022.
[11] Pada 20.9.2022, satu Order of Removal menurut seksyen 56(2)
Akta 155 telah dikemukakan dan diserahkan kepada pemohon.
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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[12] Pada 20.9.2022 juga satu Order of Detention menurut seksyen
34(1) Akta 155 dan peraturan 32 Peraturan-peraturan Imigresen
1963 telah dikemukakan dan diserahkan kepada pemohon.
[13] Perintah-perintah penahanan di bawah seksyen 51(5)(b) Akta 155
telah diperolehi sehingga 20.1.2023.
[14] Tidak berpuashati dengan penahanan yang dibuat tersebut,
pemohon telah memfailkan prosiding semakan kehakiman ini.
Alasan untuk Semakan Kehakiman
[15] Pemohon dalam permohonan semakan kehakiman ini telah
membangkitkan alasan-alasan berikut untuk menyokong
permohonan semakan kehakiman pemohon:
“(a) Pemohon seorang warganegara People's Republic of
China (PRC) telah memohon untuk mendapatkan
kelulusan daripada Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia di mana
pemohon diberikan Pas Lawatan Sosial menerusi program
Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H). Pemohon telah
tinggal di Malaysia sejak tahun 2019 dan telah membayar
wang deposit sebanyak RM300,000.00 sebagaimana
yang disyaratkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia untuk MM2H;
(b) Tangkapan pemohon di bawah perenggan 6(1)(c) Akta
155 adalah tidak sah kerana pemohon pada semua masa
yang material memegang visa dan paspot yang sah;
(c) Responden 1, 2 dan 3 telah gagal/enggan dan/atau cuai
mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan menurut Seksyen
12(1) hingga (3) Akta Ekstradisi 1992 memandangkan
Kerajaan China telah gagal membuat sebarang
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permohonan diplomatik dan cuma mengeluarkan satu Red
Notice kepada pihak Interpol;
(d) Responden 1, 2, dan 3 telah gagal/enggan dan/atau cuai
untuk mengikuti Seksyen 15 Akta Ekstradisi 1992 dan ini
telah mengakibatkan satu ketidakwajaran prosedur
memandangkan pemohon dinafikan satu prosedur penting
di mana Mahkamah Majistret akan memberikan perintah
untuk memindahkan kes ke Mahkamah Sesyen.
(f) Responden 1, 2 dan 3 telah menafikan hak pihak pemohon
untuk mendapatkan satu perbicaraan yang adil di hadapan
seorang Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen yang diperuntukan
dengan jelas menurut seksyen 19(1), (4) dan (5) Akta
Ekstradisi 1992.
(g) Tindakan responden 1, 2 dan 3 menahan pemohon
menerusi seksyen 6(1)(c) Akta Imigresen 1959 dengan
tujuan untuk menyerahkan pemohon kepada pihak polis
People's Republic of China tanpa mengikut undang-
undang Malaysia adalah satu tindakan yang tidak sah.”
Prinsip Undang-Undang Berhubung Semakan Kehakiman
[16] Prinsip undang-undang berhubung semakan kehakiman telah
dinyatakan oleh Lord Diplock dalam kes Council of Civil Service
Unions & Ors v Minister of Civil Service [1985] AC 374 yang mana
telah diguna pakai oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes R Rama
Chandran v The Industrial Court of Malaysia & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ
145 seperti berikut:
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“In this context, it is useful to note how Lord Diplock (at pp 410–
411) defined the three grounds of review, to wit, (i) illegality, (ii)
irrationality, and (iii) procedural impropriety. This is how he put it:
By 'illegality' as a ground for Judicial Review I mean that the
decision maker must understand directly the law that
regulates his decision making power and must give effect to
it. Whether he has or not is par excellence a justiciable
question to be decided, in the event of a dispute, by those
persons, the judges, by whom the judicial power of the state
is exerciseable.
By 'irrationality' I mean what can by now be succinctly
referred to as 'Wednesbury unreasonableness' (see
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury
Corp [1948] 1 KB 223). It applies to a decision which is so
outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral
standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind
to the question to be decided could have arrived at it.
Whether a decision falls within this category is a question
that judges by their training and experience should be well
equipped to answer, or else there would be something badly
wrong with our judicial system. To justify the courts' exercise
of this role, resort I think is today no longer needed to
Viscount Radcliffe's ingenious explanation in Edwards v
Bairstow [1956] AC 14, of irrationality as a ground for a
court's reversal of a decision by ascribing it to an inferred
though undefinable mistake of law by the decision maker.
'Irrationality' by now can stand on its own feet as an accepted
ground on which a decision may be attacked by Judicial
I have described the third head as 'procedural impropriety'
rather than failure to observe basic rules of natural justice or
failing to act with procedural fairness towards the person
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who will be affected by the decision. This is because
susceptibility to Judicial Review under this head covers also
failure by an administrative tribunal to observe procedural
rules that are expressly laid down in the legislative
instrument by which its jurisdiction is conferred, even where
such failure does not involve any denial of natural justice.
Lord Diplock also mentioned 'proportionality' as a possible fourth
ground of review which called for development.”
[17] Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Ranjit Kaur a/p S Gopal Singh
v. Hotel Excelsior (M) Sdn Bhd [2010] 6 MLJ 1 menyatakan seperti
“[16] The Rama Chandran decision has been regarded or
interpreted as giving the reviewing court a license to review
without restrain decisions for substance even when the
said decision is based on finding of facts. However, post
Rama Chandran cases have applied some brakes to the
courts’ liberal approach in Rama Chandran. The Federal
Court in the case of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd
v Zaid Noh [1997] 1 MLJ 789; [1997] 2 CLJ 11 after
affirming the Rama Chandran decision held that there may
be cases in which for reason of public policy, national
interest, public safety or national security the principle in
Rama Chandran may be wholly inappropriate.
[17] The Federal Court, in Petroliam National Bhd v Nik Ramli
Nik Hassan [2004] 2 MLJ 288; [2003] 4 CLJ 625, again
held that the reviewing court may scrutinise a decision on
its merits but only in the most appropriate of cases and not
every case is amenable to the Rama Chandran approach.
Further, it was held that a reviewing judge ought not to
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disturb findings of the Industrial Court unless they were
grounded on illegality or plain irrationality, even where the
reviewing judge might not have come to the same
Analisa dan Dapatan
[18] Berlandaskan prinsip undang-undang berhubung semakan
kehakiman, mahkamah ini akan meneliti isu-isu yang telah
dibangkitkan oleh pemohon dalam kes ini.
(i) Pemohon diberikan Pas Lawatan Sosial menerusi program
Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) oleh Imigresen Malaysia
dan pemohon telah tinggal di Malaysia sejak tahun 2019
[19] Menurut pemohon, beliau tidak boleh ditahan menurut perenggan
6(1)(c) Akta 155 oleh kerana pemohon telah pun mendapat
kelulusan bagi Pas Lawatan Sosial melalui program MM2H.
[20] Bagi kelulusan MM2H, kelulusan yang telah diberikan adalah
tertakluk kepada beberapa perkara sepertimana surat kelulusan
PLS MM2H bertarikh 31.10.2019 di bawah ini:
“2. Please be inform that your application for Malaysia My Second
Home (MM2H) Social Visit Pas has been APPROVED by the YB
Minister of Home Affairs No. 08/2019 dated 26.06.2019,
subjected to the following terms and conditions;
2.1 …
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2.2 The duration of 10 years of MM2H Social Visit Pass is
granted as per below:
2.2.1 Subject to the validity period of the applicant’s
[21] Berdasarkan syarat yang telah dinyatakan, pemohon dikehendaki
mempunyai pasport yang sah. Menurut fakta kes ini, pasport
pemohon telah pun dibatalkan oleh negara PRC. Oleh kerana
tindakan negara PRC tersebut, pemohon tidak lagi mempunyai
pasport yang sah. Memandangkan pemohon tidak lagi mempunyai
pasport yang sah, maka ini bererti pemohon tidak lagi memenuhi
syarat yang telah ditetapkan bagi PLS MM2H.
(ii) Tangkapan pemohon di bawah perenggan 6(1)(c) Akta 155
adalah tidak sah kerana pemohon pada semua masa yang
material memegang visa dan pasport yang sah
[22] Bagi hujahan ini, pemohon berhujah bahawa tangkapan pemohon
di bawah perenggan 6(1)(c) Akta 155 adalah tidak sah kerana
pemohon pada semua masa yang material memegang visa dan
pasport yang sah.
[23] Mahkamah telah pun dapati bahawa pasport pemohon telah
dibatalkan oleh negara PRC dan oleh itu, pemohon tidak lagi
mempunyai satu pasport yang sah. Bagi pemilikan visa yang sah
pula, Peraturan 11 Peraturan-Peraturan Imigresen 1963
memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
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“Regulation 11. Visit Pass
(1) – (2) …
(3) A Visit Pass shall no be issued otherwise than prior to his
embarkation to an unberthed passenger traveling to
Malaya unless he is –
(a) – (b)
(c) in possession of a valid passport which permits
his return to his place of embarkation.”
[Penekanan ditambah]
[24] Berdasarkan peruntukkan peraturan 11 Peraturan-Peraturan
Imigresen 1963, bagi mengeluarkan pas lawatan, seseorang
hendaklah mempunyai pasport yang sah. Dalam kes ini,
mahkamah ini telah pun mendapati pemohon tidak mempunyai
pasport yang sah apabila negara PRC telah membatalkan pasport
pemohon. Sekiranya pemohon tidak lagi mempunyai pasport yang
sah, maka dengan demikian pemohon tidak boleh mempunyai pas
lawatan yang sah tanpa adanya pasport yang sah.
[25] Memandangkan pemohon tidak lagi mempunyai pas lawatan yang
sah, maka pemohon telah pun ditangkap. Berhubung perkara ini,
seksyen 35 Akta 155 memperuntukkan:
“35. Any person reasonably believed to be a person liable to
removal from Malaysia under this Act may be arrested without
warrant by any immigration officer generally or specially
authorized by the Director General in that behalf or by a senior
police officer, and may be detained in any prison, police station or
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immigration depot for a period not exceeding thirty days pending
a decision as to whether an order for his removal should be
[26] Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan fakta kes dan peruntukkan
seksyen 35 Akta 155, semasa pemohon ditangkap, pemohon tidak
mempunyai pasport atau PLS yang sah.
(iii) Responden 1, 2 dan 3 telah gagal/enggan dan/atau cuai
mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan menurut seksyen 12(1)
hingga (3) Akta Ekstradisi 1992 memandangkan Kerajaan
China telah gagal membuat sebarang permohonan diplomatik
dan cuma mengeluarkan satu Red Notice kepada pihak
(iv) Responden 1, 2, dan 3 telah gagal/enggan dan/atau cuai
untuk mengikuti seksyen 15 Akta Ekstradisi 1992 dan ini telah
mengakibatkan satu ketidakwajaran prosedur
memandangkan pemohon dinafikan satu prosedur penting di
mana Mahkamah Majistret akan memberikan perintah untuk
memindahkan kes ke Mahkamah Sesyen.
(v) Responden 1, 2 dan 3 telah menafikan hak pihak pemohon
untuk mendapatkan satu perbicaraan yang adil di hadapan
seorang Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen yang diperuntukan
dengan jelas menurut seksyen 19(1), (4) dan (5) Akta
Ekstradisi 1992.
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[27] Mahkamah ini akan meneliti ketiga-tiga isu ini bersekali
memandangkan ianya melibatkan peruntukan Akta Ekstradisi 1992.
[28] Menurut subseksyen 1(2) Akta Ekstradisi 1992, Akta Ekstradisi
1992 adalah terpakai bagi negara-negara berikut:
(a) negara yang berkenaan dengannya suatu perintah telah
dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di bawah seksyen 2;
(b) negara yang berkenaan dengannya suatu arahan khas telah
dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di bawah seksyen 3; dan
(c) Brunei Darussalam dan Republik Singapura.
[29] Seksysen 12 Akta Ekstradisi juga memperuntukkan:
“12. (1) Sesuatu permintaan oleh mana-mana negara bagi
pemulangan seseorang penjenayah buruan yang berada di
Malaysia hendaklah dibuat kepada Menteri melalui wakil
diplomatic negara itu.”
[30] Berdasarkan peruntukan-peruntukan yang dirujuk di atas,
mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa Akta Ekstradisi 1992 tidak
terpakai dalam kes di sini kerana:
(a) tiada perintah yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di bawah
seksyen 2 Akta Ekstradisi 1992 oleh itu peruntukan
subseksyen 1(2) perenggan (a) Akta Ekstradisi 1992 adalah
tidak terpakai;
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(b) tiada permintaan ekstradisi telah dibuat oleh negara PRC
menurut peruntukan seksyen 3 Akta Ekstradisi 1992 dan tiada
arahan khas telah dikeluarkan oleh Menteri di bawah seksyen
3 Akta Ekstradisi 1992. Oleh itu, peruntukan subseksyen 1(2)
perenggan (b) Akta Ekstradisi 1992 adalah tidak terpakai; dan
(c) tiada sebarang permintaan (requisition) dibuat oleh negara
PRC menurut peruntukan seksyen 12 Akta Ekstradisi 1992.
(vi) Tindakan responden 1, 2 dan 3 menahan pemohon menerusi
seksyen 6(1)(c) Akta Imigresen 1959 dengan tujuan untuk
menyerahkan pemohon kepada pihak polis People's Republic
of China tanpa mengikut undang-undang Malaysia adalah
satu tindakan yang tidak sah.
[31] Menurut peruntukan seksyen 35 Akta 155, seseorang yang
dipercayai dengan munasabah boleh dikenakan pengusiran dari
Malaysia, boleh ditahan oleh seorang pegawai polis kanan antara
lain di balai polis bagi tempoh tidak melebihi 30 hari sementara
menunggu keputusan sama ada perintah pengusiran perlu dibuat.
Dalam hal ini, pemohon telah ditahan di lokap balai polis Aeropolis
daripada 23.8.2022 sehingga 1.9.2022. Pemohon kemudiannya
telah diserahkan kepada Jabatan Imigresen untuk tahanan pada
1.9.2022 sementara menunggu keputusan berkenaan pengusiran
pemohon. Mahkamah ini mendapati penahanan pemohon di antara
23.8.2022 sehingga 1.9.2022 di lokap Aeropolis ini adalah tidak
melebihi tempoh 30 hari yang diperuntukkan menurut seksyen 35
Akta 155.
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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[32] Berhubung tempoh penahanan pemohon oleh Jabatan Imigresen
Malaysia yang bermula pada 1.9.2022:
(a) Notis Pembatalan Pas telah dikeluarkan pada 8.9.2022
menurut seksyen 9(1)(b) Akta 155;
(b) Perintah Pengusiran telah dikeluarkan pada 20.9.2022
menurut seksyen 56(2) Akta 155; dan
(c) Perintah Penahanan telah dikeluarkan pada 20.9.2022
menurut seksyen 34(1) Akta 155.
[33] Fakta kes adalah bahawa pemohon telah diwakili peguam seawal
20.9.2022. Pemohon berhujah mendakwa bahawa tiada peluang
diberikan kepada pemohon untuk membuat rayuan selepas Notis
Pembatalan Pas bertarikh 8.9.2022 diserahkan kepada pemohon
pada 20.9.2022. Pemohon juga menyatakan bahawa pemohon
tidak dimaklumkan mengenai proses rayuan tersebut.
[34] Fakta kes juga menunjukkan bahawa tujuan penanahan pemohon
adalah bagi menyerahkan pemohon kepada pihak negara PRC.
[35] Mahkamah juga telah merujuk kepada perenggan 9(1)(b) Akta 155
yang memperuntukkan bahawa Ketua Pengarah Imigresen
mempunyai budi bicara untuk membatalkan pas lawatan pada bila-
bila masa. Bagi maksud ini, perenggan 9(1)(b) Akta 155 menyebut:
“9. (1)(b) in his absolute discretion cancel any Pass at any time
by writing under his hand.”
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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[36] Oleh yang demikian, pembatalan pas bertarikh 8.9.2022, pada
pandangan mahkamah ini adalah teratur dan dilaksanakan
mengikut undang-undang.
[37] Berhubung perintah pengusiran pula, subseksyen 56(2) Akta 155
“56. (2) Any person who is not a citizen unlawfully entering or re-
entering or attempting unlawfully to enter or re-enter Malaysia or
unlawfully remaining in Malaysia shall whether or not any
proceedings are taken against him in respect of the offence be
liable to be removed from Malaysia by order of the Director
[38] Oleh itu, mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa walaupun pemohon
bukan merupakan prohibited immigrant di bawah subseksyen 8(3)
perenggan (d) Akta 155 tetapi pemohon masih merupakan
prohibited immigrant di bawah subseksyen 8(3) perenggan (h) Akta
155. Dalam hal ini, beban pembuktian bahawa pemohon bukanlah
prohibited immigrant adalah terletak kepada pemohon.
[39] Bagi maksud ini, subseksyen 8(4) Akta 155 memperentukkan
seperti berikut:
“(4) The burden of proof that any person seeking to enter
Malaysia is not a prohibited immigrant shall lie upon that person.”
[40] Selanjutnya adalah dihujahkan sekiranya sekalipun Perintah
Pengusiran tersebut tidak wajar dikeluarkan menurut subseksyen
56(2) Akta 155, dalam keadaan pemohon tidak boleh lagi memasuki
Malaysia kerana tiada dokumen yang sah, tiada peruntukan
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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undang-undang khususnya di bawah Akta 155 yang membolehkan
pemohon dibenarkan bebas untuk pergi ke mana sahaja di dalam
Malaysia tanpa diserahkan kepada pihak imigresen ataupun diusir
keluar dari Malaysia.
[41] Dalam keadaan ini, tindakan di bawah undang-undang hanyalah
mengeluarkan Perintah Pengusiran. Tambahan pula, PLS MM2H
pemohon telah dibatalkan menurut seksyen 9(1)(b) Akta 155.
[42] Berhubung perintah penahanan, sementara menunggu pengusiran
keluar dari Malaysia, pemohon telah ditahan di bawah peruntukkan
subseksyen 34(1) Akta 155. Oleh yang demikian, mahkamah ini
mendapati penahanan pemohon adalah berlandaskan peruntukkan
undang-undang yang sedia ada.
[43] Berdasarkan alasan-alasan yang telah dinyatakan, mahkamah ini
mendapati tiada illegality, irrationality atau procedural impropriety
yang membolehkan mahkamah ini membenarkan permohonan
semakan kehakiman ini. Sehubungan itu, permohonan semakan
kehakiman ini ditolak tanpa perintah terhadap kos.
Tarikh: 30 Oktober 2023
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya,
Shah Alam
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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Bagi Pihak Pemohon: Edwin Navis, Muniandy
Tetuan Edwin Navis & Associates
Advocates & Solicitors
A-3-9, Avenue 8,
Jalan 8/1, Seksyen 8,
46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
+6 03 7962 7052
Bagi Pihak Responden: Noerazlim binti Saidil
Kamar Penasihat Undang-Undang,
Bahagian Guaman,
Tingkat 4, Podium Utara,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz
40512 Shah Alam, Selangor.
S/N uhvuMNr3UmcQhvcuFxP1g
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| 24,955 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CC-62D-107-09/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH KHAIRUL NIZAM BIN ARIF | Rayuan di atas hukuman di bawah Seksyen 39(2) ADB 1952, Hukuman panjara 8 tahun, sebatan rotan 3 kali dan pengawasan polis 2 tahun, OKT telah mengaku salah, mempunyai 10 sabitan lampau. | 31/10/2023 | Puan Noor Aisah binti Mohamed | |
31/10/2023 09:55:05
CC-62D-107-09/2023 Kand. 11
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cc—s2D—1u7—u9/2023 Kand. 11
:,,m/22:; 29-35 as
KES JENAVAH Mg cc—a2D-1n7-on/202:
[NO.KP: 130901.05-M47]
1 Orang Kena Tuduh mm Khairul Ninm Bin Mil, Mn. KP:
7uauu1—nn—u47, Ialah an-mun dan mengaku balsshh m bawah
sualu penuduhan m bawah Seksyan 15mm ma Dzdah
Earhzhaya sebagamllna benkul
‘Bahawa ksmu pads 24/05202: my mun kurang 515 pagi, m
P9/aha! Rtsikarl, Opens! am Tahanan Nsrkunk /PD Raul: Fansng,
dslam Dns/sh Raub, da/am Nsgen Pahang, term drdapstr
membsfikan kepada dm ksmu ssndfn dadah berbahaya mus
Amphetamine Han Methamphetamine dun Kamu msmyunysr (1;
szbilan Ierdalvulu ctr bswah seksysn 390(1) Akfa Dada]! Eelbahaya
1952 Iulru pads 12/12/2018 Iii Mahkamih Sasysrl Raul: Oleh rlu
kamu Is/an mslakuksn kesalahan dl Dawalv Seksyen 15(1[(a) Akts
Dadah Bertwlvaya 1952 1137! bolsh dlhukum dr bawah Seksyen
seem Aklu nmn berbahays 1952 dart drbacn bsrsama saksyen
365 AH: Dadah Bamshaya 1352 “
Huluman :
Pamela selsma Ivmpoh Iiduk kurang 7 Iamm (slap! mm ms/Harm‘
1: (shun, dsrv Ivsndak/ah [uga aucenaxan dengnn hukuman Saba?
mink kursrlg daripada 3 mam um mm mm dalvpads 6 sebaian
dim dikshsndakr msnjulam per-gawmn Irdak kurang 2 tahun, tidsk
/sbm .7 tanun munum! Seksyen 355 Am Dadan Esllzahayu 1952
on lelah mengzku hersahah temidap punuduhan mu‘ ranam
man dzn akibat perlummin salami dileringkan olah Mahknmuh
Mahkamah selelan semevan barnuas had 1:) on memahurm axan
sllal din ak-net pengakuan salalmya Ievsebuf sena (in) on
msngasahkan benar akan lakta kes sen: kasemuz eksim (puny
yang mkemukakan men pmak pendakwaan, mensrima pengakuan
salah OKT
3 Semah mandengiv rayuan mmgaa. dan pemberalan yang
mkemukakan, Mahkamahlelah mensanmn on den meapuunkan
Hukuman pemala selamu a lahun um! am. as 2023, iubalan
rotan sahanyzk liga an 13 kah) sena membenkan pennlah
pengawasan pom selama 2 |ah\m selelah «amac mecualam
hukuman penjava sebagalmana pewnnukan uy bawsh Seksyen ass
ADE 1952
4 Temvan dangan hukuman caysem on melalm pmak Pennva
la¥ah mamvailkan Naais Rnyuan oenamkn 26.10 202: agav
hukuman tevsebul dapst dmngankan.
5 on m da\am layman penngannnnya (ehh memonon mahkamah
unluk mengenakan hukuman umnganxan kelana on bemm-"45
(ahun, memvakan searing duua, dan mananggung seurzng amk
OKT yang bekeua sebagal hmuh raaang, mempunym gap manyax
RM Lsou hinggn RM2.nuu sebulan om memakvumkan kepida
mahkamsh hlhlwa on mempunyai masa\ah samv ma|a yang
memenuxan rawalan pakar komea dan mas». dz\am tampon
Pnhak pendakwlan lrlsrrmhon agav hukurnan yang I7era| uan
senmpal mkenakan ke was on mangambll kvra keszwanan lampau
on as mafia samrsn lampau menmuukkan OKTMAK mu! Pmak
Psndakwian se\anMnya mamuhnn hukuman sewnpal yang dipavt
membenkan psngafavan kepada om’.
Terdapii banyak nas undang undarlg berkaulan pnnswp unusua-
undang yang mamap daham msrualtmkan hukuman sens lzkIur—
cam pennqanan dzn pemoeram Mlsalannya R v. Ball 119511 .15
Dr App R. 154, pp Iwn. Abdul Hnllm ls-hak a. mu Lagi[?l713] 9
cu 559. R v. Ipul [zen] 1 SCR us, PPIwrl. Ynganaman
Bay Kuppu @ umim-n (201511 ms 1485, Pendakwz Ray: mm
Mohd F-uzr /mb-I/J bln Ahdullall mm] 1 LNS 107,- mas} s ML]
Nukuman yang urpcrumumm clan undangdlndang.
Di dalam kes W hukuman yang lmlsh mkenikan ke alas on an
bawah pemnlukan Seksyen 390(2) ADE 1952, adi\ah pamara
salami lempoh mak kurang 7 Iahun Ierapi tidzk melebmi 1: mum,
dan hendzklah yuga mksnakan dengan hukuman sebm Milk kurnng
davlpada 3 saoaoan dan hdak lehm davlpuda s sebalan dan
dikehendakl merua¥am pengawasan mak kumng 2 (shun, man
Islam 3 tahun menurm Seksyen 385 me Dldah Earbahaya 1552
Maka hukuman yang duuluhkan oleh mahkamah Im adaxzn dalam
mang lmgkup yang dvbenarkan men Imdang—undang
Fvnylkuln nlah on
Elarpun on «em. mengaku man‘ namun im hdak belmaksud
swam dlskaun aces hukuman secara aummalik waiar dwbenkan
kepada on atas pengzkuan berszhahnya Lenmenm Yagx
sekwanya kepenfingan awam menunm hukuman yang delaren
(Raj: Inudaln Shah V. Public Pmsocmol mm 4 ms 155;
(19791 1 Mu zm, hidon mn Shnrlfrv. Public Frc.:ocutor[1.V§6l
4cL./u1,- (1996) mm 159, lsmni/bin Ruidv. Pummm Ray:
(1599) 4 cu A02; mm MLIU us (mo) I cu 402, Public
Froncutor y. Md Rashid Harun mm} :4 cu u2;(zm1 J MLJ
503,- Kesavzn ./I Bzskzmn -/. wane Prosecutor 1209:) 5 cu
290,- pm] 5 ML] Ju; [zany] 1 AW? rm Dengan pallgakuan
salah hehau, on Ielah menlmbulkan sualu laklnr mmgasw yang
bole?! mengumngkan hukuman ks alas behau (Iujuk m snu soo
Klm v, Pub/lc Prunculor 119151 1 ms 15:, {ms} 2 ML./ 114)
wavau baqzwmanapun‘ uengurangzn hukuman kepada pesalah
yang lelah mlngaku salah bukan sesumu yang aulomauk. la
nerganuung kapadz fak|a flan keadian my map kes Pasummaya
makiman Augusuns Paul (kanka nu) dalzrn kzs up v. Gnvlnflnan
Chinden M|lr[195I1Z ML! 131 ada menyalaknn
"1: Is generally accepted max an Iccused pmon mum be
given crew: or dlIcmm| [or pneamng gudty (see PF v
Rawnman A on [1593] 1 MLJ 45) However, as 1 had me
occaslan xa abserve m Zaldon Sham! u PP[19SB) 4 cu on
at p 445
Be mac as u may, this rule u nm a flncl rule as me
cowl may‘ m me exercue of ma cflscreliun. ruins: In
gram any ducoum Vn appropnala cases (see PP v Lee
Say A Ors[198§]2 cm 155).
In my apmiun, a guncy pba nugm m be considered wn lzwnur 5! ma
accused anly when aH ulharlamols and clmumslanoes surmundlng
ma commission av me Mlence .usuvy men a consmeuauon. us
applmauou m vavour or me accused depends un ma cvcumsfanoes
01 each case
an (mam km a. hadapan mzhkamah mu mahkzmah manaapau
bahawa pengakuan salah on ma»: lergulong di dalam kalegon
yang palm mpenunnangkan hukuman yang nngan secara amomallk
mengamw ma lakm kes secira kusaluruhan yang mbemangkan
dx hadinan Mahkaman pad: oankn pengakuan saran lersehm
rum: klplmirvyan lwlm
Mahkarnah Im mengunznl ma bahawa kesakahnn yang menbaxkan
uaaan auaxau mpanuang sews ale?! Parhmen Mahkamah nnnujuk
kepida Public Frulanutor v. Abdul mum [link 5 Sam Lagi
(supra) yang menyenluh lenlang an dadah dvisylmarkzn sebagai
musuh nambor saw negara wkah Karayaan pads (shun 1933,
Rulukan .uga dibual aleh Muhkamah kepada Sekxyen sec ADE
4952 yang telah dimasukkan ks dalam Akla levsebul benkuian ma
Dadah aemanayn (Pmdian) 2on2 [Akla A1157] yang
mamperunmkkan nukmnan yang wemn bum mkanakan (emadap
seswspa yang drluduh dv hawah seksyen 15(1) ADE 1952 sekimnya
«emgax 2 saman reknd m hzwuh kesilahan yung same we
mahkamah udak men}a|uhkan hukuman yang semngau gangan
xesavanan yang uuaxuxan ranya max dznal maruzga dan
meflndungw kagennngan awam yang memmlul supeyi nukun-an
yang mkenaknn wen mahklmah adalan sekarl flengan hasrat
kemjaan ma\alui perlggubalan undang-undang yang Iablh heval
da\am lnembanteras penyakahgunaan uauan
S-Ibihn Iimpau nxr
P7 mm Rekod saman Lampau he\ah dlluvuukkin kspada on dan
salarusnya mam henar oleh cxr. Rekod samun lampau on
menunjukkan on mempunyaw m vekod samlan yung
memnamucan xeuxanan di hawah Ak|a naaan aamanaya dan kal-
|eraKmrsab1lIn nu bswan Seksyerl zacm ADE paaa (ahun we
yang mana nalan diialuhkzn hukuman 5 lahun permits. 1 my
sabarzn mtan dan 2 mun pangawaaan. Im menuruukkan on
melupzkan seomng pesauan bsmlang yang max pamzh znsavakan
kasaxanan yang dnakukan Kemar masuk peruara hampw den
separuh umur on msaoankan kesalahan mehbnlkan
panyalangunaan dadah memhukfikan hahawa on adslah pesalah
|agar yang lidzk pernah senk menguung: kesflahsn yang iama.
oxen yang demlklany hukuman penjara n tahun, 1 kah sebalan mlan
adalah wajzr dzn saampal dengan kesmahnn yang dllakukan
sebagal hukuman bersnfal pencsgahan kepada many awam den
on aenmn Ianya wga bagw msmenuhi hasral panggubaw mang-
undang dzn mg; demi kepentmgan awam
navan. menjaluhkan hukumun. says Ie\sh menlmblnflkan semua
raxnor d4 alas dan kapemingan on |erma:uK Iaktvv mmgam yang
wujud bag: max on oan ma fakmv kepemmgan awzm Saya ;uga
Ielah meruluk xenada ape yang dinyalikan men Hakim Abdul
Wahab dalam kes Public Pm-cucor v. Soh Son Vang A Anor
mac] 1 LNS 196; mm] 5 MLJ :55 di muk: rural :51 mo
"fhe puono Weiss! 1: served by balancing mo ilvksrsxl olme
ncousso unzn (he mlelusf 0/ mo public In see not only Mu!
serious offences are punished upplupliunsly and mm 5 wsw
lo deterrence not only o/me gm/Aypsnon not also cmsrs rnwn
commmmg a 5-rm//M offence. but also that me Dumshmsrvl fin
fawundmst ncconnng In the cnme U/limalely, the ilvfsmsls til
we accused person is om ssrvsd if submissions on than
amt; am not only with me personal cancems af mo
accused, bu! a/su show me: it rs balanced mm me lagtlfnmta
concerns ol pub/rc mtslssh mch./dmg me rsoognmon mar
1:/shoe rs dons, not snnp/y mom 2 vaguo Isfsrslvca In pom
intsrssl, am also by brmgrng n mlu «om by den/mg with ms
nu: mncsms al 5 wcllm and ms dependants II mo pubbc,
mc/udmg ms wchms and lhsrrdspandsnls do no! res//um.
rs dam: accarniflrg Io Me aims, Isspect lb: and reliance upon
me law wt‘/Ibe eroded "
15. Berdasavkan kapsda ismua cam: yang dmyalalcan dv am dan
setebn suya mempemmnanguum semua pmmp dan gzris panduan
penghukuman maka pad: hemal saya hukuman penjari selama 5
tahun, 3 kall sebalan rolan dzn 2 tahun pengawasan pofls auavah
suaw hukuman yang waiar. advl dan san an as‘ undangmndang
Eanankh pada an OkIober2D23
Disedlaknn oleh
NoorArsaWE'_'M'mI\ ohamed
Haium Mahkamah Sesyen
Mahkamah Sesyen Rania‘ Pahing
Pmak—Fihzk :
Psndnkwa Riya Fuan Fumma AIP Slnnapan
Orarlg Ksna Tudull max drwaklli
| 1,343 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-41S-6-05/2023 | PERAYU AW YU HUI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Criminal Justice - appeal by accused against sentence - plea of guilty - offences under section 420 Penal Code and 468 Penal Code - application of section 172G Criminal Procedure Code - stands independent of section 172D (2) and (3) Criminal Procedure Code - penal provisions to be interpreted strictly in favour of the accused - reduction of sentence allowed. | 31/10/2023 | YA Tuan Muniandy a/l Kannyappan | |
(NO K/P: 820409-06-5381)
31/10/2023 06:17:37
WA-41S-6-05/2023 Kand. 23
S/N 1HZkPAcJW0iyEqFiKJ86vQ
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Untuk Pengurusan Kes
Perayu adalah OKT
Akan mengendalikan rayuan secara sendiri
1. Sentence passed is 20 months imprisonment - for two cases.
2. One charge - section 468 PC - 8 months imprisonment and fine
RM2000, in default of payment of fine, 3 months’ imprisonment
3. Another charge - section 420 PC - 12 months and 1 stroke of the whip
and fine RM3000, in default of payment of fine, 5 months’ imprisonment.
4. Learnt lesson well.
5. Want to be beneficial to the society.
6. Family needs me very much.
7. Parents are unwell.
8. Pray for a concurrent sentence.
S/N 1HZkPAcJW0iyEqFiKJ86vQ
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Prays for another date to submit.
To - 7.8.2023 for Hearing of Appeal.
For Hearing of Appeal
Appellant present.
1. Hukuman serentak tidak wajar.
2. Dua kesalahan yang berbeza - Kesalahan pertama - 420 KK - setahun
penjara dan denda RM3000 (denda telah dibayar dan hukuman sebatan
satu kali.
2. Kesalahan kedua - pertuduhan dibawah seksyen 468 KK - 8 bulan
penjara dan denda RM2000 (denda telah dibayar).
3. Pengakuan salah terhadap kedua-dua kesalahan.
Telah berada di dalam penjara selama 3 bulan.
4. Kepentingan awam perlu dipelihara.
5. Hukuman seharusnya berasingan.
S/N 1HZkPAcJW0iyEqFiKJ86vQ
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1. I have learned my lesson.
2. Pray for a concurrent sentence.
After having considered the case in its entirety, and the fact that the
accused had paid the fines for both cases, this court decides to reduce
the sentence of imprisonment imposed.
For the first charge - 3 months imprisonment.
For the second charge - 3 months imprisonment.
Sentence to run from the date of arrest - 6.5.2023.
Sentence of imprisonment to run consecutively for case no. WA-41S-6-
05/2023 and WA-41S-7-05/2023.
Sentence of whipping of one stroke remains - section 288 (4) applies.
No effect on the sentence of fine, as it has been paid.
S/N 1HZkPAcJW0iyEqFiKJ86vQ
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[1] An appeal was lodged by the Public Prosecutor against the above
sentence meted out by this court on appeal by the accused person.
[2] Accused, who is the appellant to this appeal has to endure two
different sentences for two different criminal cases of arrest against
him, namely, case no. WA-41S-6-05/2023 and WA-41S-7-05/2023.
The sentences are to take effect consecutively from the date of
arrest on 6.5.2023.
[3] Case no. 6 – 05/2023 pertains an offence of cheating pursuant to
section 420 of the Penal Code (PC/Act 574), while case no. 7 –
05/2023 relates to an offence of forgery for the purpose of cheating
pursuant to section 468 PC.
[4] Both the charges against the accused are:
Charge of forgery
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 06/05/2023 di 18-09 DMajestic Jalan Pudu, Pudu
55100 di dalam Daerah Dang Wangi, Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur di dapati
dengan curangnya telah memalsukan Kad Pengenalan Malaysia yang mana telah
diubah suai bagi tujuan penipuan pinjaman secara atas talian, dengan niat supaya
dokumen palsu tersebut digunakan bagi tujuan hendak menipu. Oleh yang demikian
kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 468 Kanun
S/N 1HZkPAcJW0iyEqFiKJ86vQ
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Keseksaan dan boleh dihukum di bawah peruntukan yang sama dan dibacakan
bersama Seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan hendaklah dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama
tempoh yang boleh sampai tujuh tahun, dan hendaklah juga dikenakan denda.”
Charge of cheating
“Bahawa kamu bersama seorang lagi yang masih bebas, pada 19/05/2018 jam 1.20
petang di Mc’ Donalds Suria KLCC, Jalan Ampang, Dalam Daerah Dang Wangi,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, dalam mencapai niat bersama telah menipu
Muhammad Syafiq Bin Sidin (930503-14-6185) dengan memperdayakan beliau dalam
urusan jual beli telefon bimbit dan dengan itu kamu dengan curangnya telah
mendorong beliau untuk menyerahkan (2) unit telefon bimbit berjenama Samsung
Galaxy S9 dengan harga berjumlah keseluruhan RM 6,000 yang mana beliau tidak
akan serahkan telefon bimbit tersebut sekiranya tidak diperdayakan sedemikian dan
dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum dibawah
seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibacakan bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
Hukuman: Penjara tidak kurang dari satu tahun dan tidak lebih dari sepuluh tahun dan
dengan sebat dan bolehlah juga dikenakan denda.”
[5] As for the offence under section 468 PC, he has to endure a period
of eight (8) months’ imprisonment and to pay a fine of RM2000, and
if he does not pay the fine imposed, he has to suffer a further three
(3) months’ period of imprisonment. For the charge for an offence
under section 420 PC, he has to suffer a period of twelve (12)
months’ imprisonment and 1 stroke of the whip (see section 288 (4)
S/N 1HZkPAcJW0iyEqFiKJ86vQ
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of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC/Act 593) and fine of RM3000,
in default of payment of fine, 5 months’ imprisonment.
[6] On the date of appeal, this court was informed that the accused had
paid the fines imposed, thus left is only for him to suffer the period
of incarceration, adding up to 20 months’ and one stroke of the whip.
[7] After having heard the plea by accused on his appeal and the
responding submission by the deputy public prosecutor (DPP), I
have decided to allow his appeal on the sentence meted out by the
magistrate. With that, the sentence of imprisonment for both
offences of cheating and forgery for the purpose of cheating was
reduced to a period of three (3) months’ imprisonment respectively.
It has to take effect consecutively from the date of arrest on
6.5.2023. Since the sentence of whipping passed is legal in
accordance with section 420 PC, it stays.
[8] The Public Prosecutor (PP) vide notice of appeal dated 18.8.2023
had appealed against the reduction of sentence for both offences of
cheating as well as forgery for the purpose of cheating, which reads
as the following:
“… Pendakwa Raya Malaysia merayu kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap
keputusan … yang mana Yang Arif Hakim telah membenarkan rayuan Responden dan
mengurangkan hukuman penjara 1 tahun bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 420
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Kanun Keseksaan kepada 3 bulan penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap (06.05.2023).
Rayuan ini adalah terhadap hukuman tersebut.”
“… Pendakwa Raya Malaysia merayu kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap
keputusan … yang mana Yang Arif Hakim telah membenarkan rayuan Responden dan
mengurangkan hukuman penjara 8 bulan bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 468
Kanun Keseksaan kepada 3 bulan penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap (06.05.2023).
Rayuan ini adalah terhadap hukuman tersebut.”
[9] Hence, the appeal by PP is only on reduction of the sentence of
imprisonment to a period of 3 months’ by this court, for both offences
committed by the accused.
The cheating charge
[10] Essentially, the basis for reduction of sentence of imprisonment
from a period of 12 months to 3 months is because the sentence
meted out by the magistrate is found to be manifestly excessive.
Viewing the circumstance of the case whereby the accused had
pleaded guilty to the charge for an offence of cheating pursuant to
section 420 PC, it ought to be considered as a strong mitigating
factor as he has the legitimate expectation under the law to have his
sentence reduced accordingly. The plea of guilty came about
immediately when the case was called up at the magistrate’s court.
[11] Presumably (as it is not stipulated in the Notice of Appeal), the PP
is dissatisfied with the reduction of sentence as section 420 PC
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provides for a minimum period of one year or 12 months
imprisonment on conviction of the accused. Therefore, both the
court of first instance and this court on appeal are left without an
alternative but to impose a period of 12 months imprisonment. The
sole question, would that be so?
[12] Reading the penal provision, it renders the following:
Whoever cheats …, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall
not be less than one year and not more than ten years and with whipping and
shall also be liable to fine. (emphasis is mine)
[13] Thus, it provides for a minimum term of 12 months imprisonment,
and the court of first instance had imposed such term of
imprisonment on the accused. However, this court on appeal had
reduced it to a period of only 3 months imprisonment, since the 12
months’ imprisonment is found to be manifestly excessive,
considering the salient fact the accused had pleaded guilty at once
when the case was called up for determination by the magistrate. Is
that reduction of sentence illegal?
[14] This court opines the reduction of sentence from a period of 12
months imprisonment to 3 months imprisonment is not illegal but
legal and proper as it is sanctioned by section 172G of the Criminal
Procedure Code (CPC/Act 593), which renders the following:
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Where an accused pleads guilty at any time before the commencement of his
trial, the Court shall sentence the accused in accordance with subparagraph
Section 172D (1) (c) (ii) reads as:
(ii) subject to subsection (2) and (3), sentence the accused to not more than half
of the maximum punishment of imprisonment provided under the law for the
offence for which the accused has been convicted. (emphasis is mine)
Reading both the provisions, it is apparent the accused who had
pleaded guilty to a charge for an offence under section 420 PC, is
entitled in law to be treated leniently. He has only to be sentenced
to a period of imprisonment not more than half of the maximum
punishment of imprisonment provided under the law for the offence
of cheating for which he has been convicted. Section 420 PC caters
for a maximum period of 10 years imprisonment. Therefore,
pursuant to section 172G CPC, the maximum period of
imprisonment allowed under the law against the accused is only 5
years imprisonment and not anything more than that. As such, the
accused in the present case has to suffer a period of only 5 years
imprisonment, and anything more than that period of imprisonment
would be illegal. But, in the present case, this court had reduced the
sentence of imprisonment to a period of 3 months, which of course
falls squarely within the 5 years period of imprisonment.
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[15] However, an argument could be advanced, that section 172D (1) (c)
(ii) has to be read subject to subsections (2) and (3) of section 172D
CPC. That would mean, pursuant to subsection (2) of section 172D
CPC, where there is a minimum term of imprisonment provided
under the law for the offence, no accused shall be sentenced to a
lesser term of imprisonment than that of the minimum term. That
means, in the present case, the accused has to suffer a period of 12
months imprisonment, as it is the minimum period of imprisonment
provided for under section 420 PC. Needless to refer and discuss
subsection 172D (3), as it is inapplicable to the present case.
[16] This court opines subsection 172D (2) is inapplicable vis a vis
section 172G CPC, as the scheme of section 172D pertains a plea
bargaining process, which means, where a satisfactory disposition
of the case has been agreed upon by the accused and the PP under
section 172C CPC, the court shall, in accordance with law, dispose
of the case in the manner provided for in section 172D (1) (a), (b)
and (c) CPC and if that situation arises, section 172D (1) (c) (ii) CPC
is subject to subsection 172D (2) and (3) CPC. In the present case,
there has been no plea bargaining, thus there is no satisfactory
disposition of the case between the accused and PP in order for
section 172D CPC to be operable. It is salutary to note, the accused
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had pleaded guilty at the court of first instance, voluntarily at once
without having to go through a trial. There has been no plea
bargaining process as envisaged under section 172C CPC and
therefore needless to proceed with section 172C (7) CPC, which
provides that where a satisfactory disposition of the case has been
agreed upon by the accused and the PP, the satisfactory disposition
shall be put into writing and signed by the accused, his advocate if
the accused is represented, and the PP, and the court shall give
effect to the satisfactory disposition as agreed upon by the accused
and the PP.
[17] In the premise, section 172G CPC operates independently of
section 172D CPC and has to be read as it stands so as give its
fullest effect. Therefore, when the accused pleads guilty, like in the
present case, he is entitled in law to be sentenced to half of the
maximum term of imprisonment provided for by section 420 PC. It
is also needless for this court to be strayed by the other part of
section 172D (c) (ii) CPC, as the precursor to 172D (c) CPC
provides “where the satisfactory disposition is in relation to a
plea bargaining of the sentence, find the accused guilty on the
charge and …”. (emphasis is mine)
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[18] It is axiomatic, if there is a doubt in the reading and interpretation of
section 172G CPC, which is a penal provision, benefit of it has to go
to the accused. He cannot be denied of his right and legitimate
expectation to be sentenced only to half of the maximum term of
imprisonment as stipulated in section 420 PC. To reiterate, he has
only to suffer a period of 5 years imprisonment or less after taking
into consideration all factors, plea in mitigation included. Ensuing
from that, the sentence of 3 months imprisonment meted out by this
court on appeal against the accused is legal and not
disproportionate to his case, wherein he has also to suffer another
3 months period of imprisonment for the offence of forgery for the
purpose of cheating pursuant to section 468 PC. As support,
reliance is on the dictum of Lord Esher MR in Tuck & Sons v Priester
(1887) 19 QBD 629 at page 638:
If there is a reasonable interpretation which will avoid the penalty in any particular case,
we must adopt that construction. If there are two reasonable constructions we must
give the more lenient one. That is the settled rule for the construction of penal sections.
Further, reference is also made to persuasive case authorities from
the Supreme Court of India in Tolaram Relumal and another v The
State of Bombay (1954 SC) and State of West Bengal v Swapan
Kumar Guha (1982 SC) which had in effect decided the following:
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When there are two possible construction, the court must lean towards that
construction which exempts the subject from penalty, rather than one which imposes
penalty. Where an ambiguity exists and it has not been possible for the legislature to
express itself clearly, the court exhibits a preference for the liberty of the subject and
resolves the doubt in favour of a subject. The court is not competent to stretch the
meaning of an expression and include the situation which would not have come under
the reasonable interpretation of the provision.
[19] Aside the above, it is also appropriate to comment on the
submission by DPP responding to the plea by accused as appellant
to this appeal. She did not raise any submission on the legality of
sentence pursuant to section 420 PC, if there is a reduction, but
merely implored this court not to disturb the consecutive effect of the
sentence meted out by the magistrate, and nothing more. She did
not contend with support, to state any form of reduction of sentence
for the offence of cheating under section 420 PC, cannot be
anything less than 12 months imprisonment. In that respect, this
appeal by the PP on reduction of the sentence to a period of 3
months’ imprisonment is an afterthought. Be that as it is, this court
opines the reduction of sentence for the offence under section 420
PC is legal and justifiable under the law.
The charge of forgery for the purpose of cheating
[20] As for the offence of forgery for the purpose of cheating, this court
had also reduced the sentence meted out from a period of 8 months
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imprisonment to 3 months imprisonment. It is also anchored on the
basis, the sentence meted out by the magistrate was manifestly
excessive as it was disproportionate to the commission of the
offence by accused. He has to be sentenced to what he deserves
and nothing more, so as to be in conformity with the principle of
justice and fairness. Sentences passed or meted out should express
abhorrence to the conduct of accused, which has to be
proportionate to the seriousness of the offence. Rehabilitation, as
an aim of sentencing should be pursued only within the confines of
proportionate sentences. In the present case, viewing the sentence
meted out which is a composite sentence as it embodies both
imprisonment and fine, it sufficiently punishes the accused. On that
score, the 8 months period of imprisonment is disproportionate to
the commission of offence by the accused as a fine of RM2000 had
been imposed.
[21] Perusing the record of proceeding at the subordinate court (as
below) it is apparent that the prosecution did not tender facts of the
case to support its case against the accused, when he pleaded
guilty. What has evolved, is that the facts tendered is as per the
charge. If commission of the offence of forgery for the purpose of
cheating by the accused is viewed seriously by the prosecution, it
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would have advanced facts of the case to support the charge in
order to demonstrate to the court, his conduct when committing the
said offence as well as his degree of involvement and deliberation.
Likewise, is for the offence of cheating. With the brief facts the court
may form an opinion on his conduct when assessing to mete out an
appropriate sentence. (See: Abdul Kadir bin Abdul Rahman v PP
(1984) 1 MLJ 80). Sadly, in the present case, for both the charges,
there was none, other than the prosecution merely informing the
court, facts of the case are as per the charges against the accused.
Charge of cheating:
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(Emphasis is mine)
Charge of Forgery for the purpose of cheating:
‘ …
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(Emphasis is mine – B2 is the accused/appellant in the present case).
[22] Except in a case where the facts are straight forward without any
complexity involved and the offence is embodied in the charge itself,
then it would be easier for the accused to say yes or no to a plea of
guilty. But when the law applicable to those facts, beyond doubt
seems impossible to expect an accused person unversed in the law
and undefended to be able to say, whether he is or not guilty of the
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offence charged, then facts of the case is pivotal. (See the case of
Low Hiong Boon v PP (1948-49) MLJ Supp. 135). In the present
case, it is apparent in the charge against the accused for the offence
of forgery for the purpose of cheating is “dengan curangnya telah
memalsukan Kad Pengenalan Malaysia yang mana telah diubah
suai bagi tujuan penipuan pinjaman secara atas talian, dengan niat
supaya dokumen palsu tersebut digunakan bagi tujuan hendak
menipu.” Since the charge does not disclose if the said loan was in
fact approved and disbursed to the accused, it could be deduced
that the loan and disbursement did not eventually go through.
Therefore, the actus reus involved is only falsification of the identity
card, used to apply for a loan online, but thwarted as it was
discovered. Therefore, the sentence of 3 months imprisonment and
the fine imposed, which was not altered by this court, commensurate
with the offence committed by him.
[23] Likewise for the offence of cheating, the accused had pleaded guilty
to the charge which contains his actus reus “dalam mencapai niat
bersama telah menipu Muhammad Syafiq Bin Sidin (930503-14-
6185) dengan memperdayakan beliau dalam urusan jual beli telefon
bimbit dan dengan itu kamu dengan curangnya telah mendorong
beliau untuk menyerahkan (2) unit telefon bimbit berjenama
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Samsung Galaxy S9 dengan harga berjumlah keseluruhan RM
6,000 yang mana beliau tidak akan serahkan telefon bimbit tersebut
sekiranya tidak diperdayakan sedemikian”. It is a fact, he was not
alone in the said commission of the offence of cheating, but with
others, thus the use of common intention as mode of his
participation in the commission of crime. In the absence of the facts
disclosing his degree of involvement and premised on the charge
itself, a punishment of 3 months imprisonment with the imposition of
fine is sufficient punishment for the accused to suffer. What more,
he has also to suffer a stroke of the whip, adding on to the severity
of punishment against him.
[24] After having considered all factors against accused, cumulatively
and being mindful of the settled principle of sentencing in the
administration of criminal justice, that punishment in proportion to
the seriousness of the crime is one of many objectives in sentencing
and also the principal focus for a sentence, and the accused has not
committed a violent crime but crimes against property, where on the
face of the charge, it is inferred was actuated by greed for money,
the punishment imposed of 3 months imprisonment for each of the
offences he has committed with the imposition of fine and also a
stroke of the whip for the offence of cheating, is appropriate,
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proportional and sufficient punishment he has to suffer. Adding on,
imposition of the fines has also served as deterrence for the
offences committed. (See cases like Rex v Teo Woo Tin (1932) MLJ
124; Zakariya bin Musa v PP (1985) 2 MLJ 221) Moreover, it is also
a fact to be mindful of, that the offence of cheating was committed
in the year 2018, as opposed to the offence of forgery for the
purpose of cheating which took place in the year 2023, thus raising
an argument for it tantamount to a stale offence which was only
brought against the accused when he was charged for the offence
of forgery. The accused has also repented by pleading guilty to both
the charges. In the premise the plea of guilty by accused is a
predominant and pivotal factor considered by this court when
reducing the sentence meted out by the magistrate. (See: Melvani
v PP (1971) 1 MLJ 137; Sau Soo Kim v PP (1975) 2 MLJ 134;
Ravindran & Ors v PP (1992) 4 CLJ 2043). In the upshot, appeal by
the accused is allowed and sentences of imprisonment meted out
against him is reduced accordingly.
Appeal allowed. Sentence reduced to three months imprisonment.
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Dated 30 October 2023
Muniandy Kannyappan
Judge, High Court 2 (Criminal) Kuala Lumpur.
Accused in person.
DPP Aqilah Ishak for the respondent.
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| 28,562 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-27NCC-36-07/2023 | PLAINTIF DESERT OASIS PETROCHEMICAL TRADING L.L.C DEFENDAN PEMILIK DAN/ATAU PENCARTER DEMIS KAPAL ATAU VESEL ALPINE MATHILDE (NO IMO 9740471) DARI PELABUHAN HONG KONG | Setting Aside Writ in Rem and Warrant of Arrest - Admiralty jurisdiction of Court not invoked - Effect of US Sanctions on cargo on board vessel - Sales of cargo a sham transaction - Arrest an abuse of process - Damages for wrongful arrest of vessel | 31/10/2023 | YA Tuan Ong Chee Kwan | |
WA-27NCC-36-07-2023 Desert Oasis (Final).pdf
[Company No.: 1895567]
[Company No.: 9740471]
[1] Sanctions are political trade restrictions that are imposed to
maintain or restore international peace and security or to further a
OFAC partment of
Treasury have imposed sanctions on countries, individuals, vessels
and legal entities and on various commercial activities.
31/10/2023 15:44:15
WA-27NCC-36-07/2023 Kand. 53
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[2] The US sanctions can generally be divided into 2 categories.
hich is
defined as U.S citizens and permanent residents, entities
incorporated under the laws of the United States and persons
physically located in the United States. Primary sanctions also apply
to transactions in US dollars, which transit through the U.S financial
apply to non-U.S Persons. The aim is to prevent the non-U.S
Persons from engaging in transactions against the U.S national
security and foreign policy interest by threatening access to U.S
[3] Whether economic or political in nature, sanctions have a real
impact and can affect the interest of those engaged in international
shipping. This is one such case where one Unicious Energy Pte Ltd
Unicious the voyage charterer of the
vessel on route from Singapore to Japan, was designated by OFAC
List, making it subject to the U.S Sanctions.
[4] Unicious then entered into a sales contract purporting to transfer
ownership and or title in the cargo to the Plaintiff.
[5] Based on the purported sales contract and asserting that it has
possession of the original bills of lading (which were issued prior to
the sales contract), the Plaintiff sought and demanded delivery of
the cargo from the Defendant as the registered owner of the vessel.
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[6] Notwithstanding notice of the fact that the Defendant is a U.S person
and with Unicious being designated as an SDN and the cargo
to arrest the vessel.
[7] This judgment deals with the application by the Defendant under
Enclosure 18 to set aside the Writ in Rem and the Warrant
of Arrest and for an order that the Plaintiff do pay the Defendant
damages for wrongful arrest.
[8] purported sales contract is a sham
and that in any event, the Plaintiff has not suffered any damages to
justify invoking the admiralty jurisdiction of this Court.
Background Facts
[9] Heroic
the Vessel
[10] The Plaintiff, Desert Oasis purports to be the owner of the cargo of
approximately 36 MT Naphtha the
[11] The Plaintiff asserted that it had acquired the aforesaid rights
pursuant to an unsigned sales contract dated 6.4.2023 with
Unicious and is in possession of the original Bills of Lading dated
9.2.2023 issued by the Defendant in respect of the Cargo.
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[12] The events leading to the Plaintiff becoming t
Cargo from Unicious are relevant and it is necessary to allude to the
history on the sale of the Cargo
History of the Cargo
[13] On 25.1.2023, Unicious as Sellers entered into a sales contract with
one Idemitsu
sale of the Cargo.
[14] For carriage of the Cargo to Idemitsu from Singapore to Japan,
Unicious entered into a voyage charterparty with the Defendant on
the Voyage Charter Party
[15] Significantly, the Voyage Charter Party contained the following
clauses with the provisions thereunder:
(a) BIMCO Sanctions Clause for Voyage Charter Parties 2020;
(b) Compliance with Laws and Sanctions Clause.
the Sanctions Clause
[16] The Sanctions Clause is intended to address 2 scenarios, namely
(1) where the owners or charterers (or the third parties they are
responsible for under the clause) are listed by a sanctioning
authority or government and become subject to sanctions
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restrictions, the innocent party has the right to terminate the charter
party and claim damages and (2) where the trade or activity itself is
or become subject to sanctions restrictions, the owners have the
right to refuse to perform.
[17] is defined in the Sanctions Clause to
include United States of America or any other applicable competent
[18] It is not in dispute that the relevant authority or government in the
present case is the United States of America acting through its
FAC which is the agency charged
with administering the United States economic sanctions programs
implemented through Executive Orders issued by the President of
the United States.
[19] OFAC has authority under the Executive Orders to impose
Blocking Sanctions on individuals and entities who have engaged
in certain sanctionable conduct (e.g., contributions to terrorism,
narcotics trafficking, nuclear weapons proliferation, and other
security threats) by designating them on the Specially Designated
Nationals and Blocked Persons List SDN List
[20] The Blocking Sanctions that accompany designation on the SDN
List have the following three principal consequences:
(a) First, the party designated on the SDN List, as well as any
entity that owned 50% or more by the party designated on the
SDN List are considered Blocked Parties which means that
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all of their property and property interests within U.S.
jurisdiction or in the custody or control of a U.S. person (
is defined below), are considered Blocked
(available at, that when
property is blocked/frozen, title to the Blocked Property
remains with the Blocked Property owner, however, the owner
loses the powers and privileges normally associated with
ownership of the property, unless authorization from OFAC is
obtained (i.e., the Blocked Property cannot be sold,
purchased, transferred, or otherwise dealt with unless OFAC
grants a license to do so);
(b) Second, U.S. Persons are strictly prohibited from all dealings
with Blocked Parties and their Blocked Property. Violations of
this prohibition are subject to civil and criminal penalties.
(c) Third, non-U.S. persons can be targeted with Blocking
Sanctions for engaging in certain transactions with parties on
the SDN List.
[21] Put it in another way, the Sanctions Clause gives rise to a mutual
warranty that Unicious, as well as the Defendant, would not become
a sanctioned party during the pendency of that Voyage Charter
Party. In the event either party i.e Unicious or the Defendant, were
to become a sanctioned party (including, but not limited to,
becoming an SDN under the U.S. OFAC Sanctions) (i) the party
designated would be in breach of the Voyage Charter Party, (ii) the
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non-breaching party would have the right to terminate the Charter
Party and (iii) the non-breaching party would have the right and legal
obligation to comply with any and all laws and sanctions
requirements (including U.S. laws and sanctions regulations).
Unicious designated SDN
[22] Coming back to the carriage of the Cargo under the Voyage Charter
Party, sometime on 9.2.2023 the Cargo was loaded on board the
Vessel and the original Bill of Lading No. E 11109 in 3 sets were
the Bills of Lading
[23] However, about 6 hours after the Vessel departed Singapore on
9.2.2023 and began her voyage towards Japan to deliver the Cargo
to Idemitsu, Unicious was designated by OFAC as an SDN. As a
Voyage Charter Parties 2020 and Compliance with Laws and
Sanctions Clause were invoked.
Idemitsu decided to cancel their 25.1.2023 sales contract and
and Regulations, the designation of Unicious as an SDN caused the
Cargo to automatically become Blocked Property and owing to the
Blocking Sanctions imposed on Unicious, all property in which
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Unicious, its property, or its property interests.
[26] On 14.2.2023, the Defendant received a letter via Norden, from law
firm Messrs. Oon & Bazul, LLP Singapore, in association with TS
Oon & Partners, Malaysia , advising that it was acting
for Unicious and claiming Unicious as the owners of the Cargo. Oon
Law further stated that Unicious had provided clear instructions to
discharge the Cargo back to Horizon Terminal in Singapore and
claiming potential damages if the Cargo was not discharged by noon
Singapore time 15.2.2023. Oon Law also threatened to arrest the
instructions and instead treated Unicious to be in breach of the
Voyage Charter Party. The Defendant (who was left with no choice
but to comply with any and all sanctions laws) terminated the
Notice of Termination
Unicious on notice for any and all damages the Defendant would
[28] On 19.4.2023, Oon Law, again on behalf of Unicious demanded that
the Defendant discharge the Cargo at Horizon Terminal in
Singapore, with a deadline for discharge to be completed by close
of business on 21.4.2023, otherwise Oon Law would commence
legal proceedings against the Defendant to compel discharge,
including the arrest of the Vessel or associated vessels.
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[29] de no reference to or
stated in any way that Unicious had already, allegedly, entered into
the sales contract for the Cargo with Desert Oasis on 6.4.2023,
which is dated some 13 days earlier than the 19.4.2023 letter and
some 15 days prior to the purported deadline of 21.4.2023 for the
Defendant to discharge the Cargo at Horizon Terminal to Unicious.
LLP reminded Oon Law that under the Voyage Charter Party with
Unicious, Unicious was in breach of the warranty not to become an
SDN and that the Voyage Charter Party required the Defendant to
comply with U.S. laws and regulations, including, and particularly,
Sanctions Laws and Regulations. As such, the Defendant could not
violate U.S. law by delivering the Cargo to Unicious (an SDN), as
managers, Norden, received an inquiry from Idemitsu regarding the
original Bills of Lading. In this communication, Idemitsu confirmed
that the original Bills of Lading remained with Unicious and that
Unicious had asked Idemitsu to endorse the Bills of Lading to a third
party. It is common ground that Idemitsu never endorsed the original
Bills of Lading.
Appearance of Plaintiff
[32] Despite the Plaintiff purportedly entering into the sales contract with
Unicious on 6.4.2023 the Sales Contract , the Plaintiff only
surfaced in this matter more than a month after the date. This was
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Norden, on 10.5.2023 to claim entitlement to the Cargo.
[33] Vide the said email of 10.5.2023, the Plaintiff simply stated that it
had purchased the Cargo, that it was demanding the Defendant to
deliver the Cargo to the Plaintiff and that it was
[34] In response, the Defendant, via its commercial managers, Norden,
stated on 10.5.2023 [time zone difference - 09.05.2023] as follows:
MATHILDE to be blocked property. Even if Unicious sold the
cargo to Desert Oasis, the cargo would remain blocked until
OFAC granted a petition to unblock this property. In such
circumstances, OFAC will not permit Owners to transfer or
sell the Cargo to a third party unless the sale proceeds are
deposited into a blocked account
[35] No additional or further communications were received directly from
the Plaintiff until nearly two months later, on 30.6.2023, when Hong
Kong counsel, acting on behalf of the Plaintiff, wrote to the
the Cargo, asserting potential
losses in the amount of US$25,085,476.26, demanding immediate
discharge of the Cargo and threatening legal action to seek security
in the total sum of US$32,404,188.12 [the potential losses noted
above, plus an exorbitant amount of costs, fees and interest] if the
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[36] explanation, in detail, of the
reasons why Unicious was not capable of selling the Blocked
Property (two months after being designated an SDN and the
property becoming blocked), as well as why the Defendant could not
deliver Blocked Property to any third party without a license or
permission from OFAC and also challenging the veracity of the
Plaintiff nor its Hong Kong counsel responded.
[37] Instead, the Plaintiff proceeded with the filing of an associated
vessel arrest in the High Court Durban, South Africa against the
vessel M/T ALPINE MYSTERY in early July 2023.
Proceeding in Africa
[38] On 4.7.2023, the Plaintiff commenced an admiralty arrest action
before the High Court of South Africa in Durban for the arrest order
of an associated vessel of the Plaintiff, the M/T ALPINE MYSTERY,
arrest procedure.
[39] The Defendant immediately challenged the order issued in South
ALPINE MYSTERY, by filing an application for reconsideration of
the issuance of the arrest order in the first instance on 6.7.2023.
[40] On 7.7.2023, the Durban High Court held an urgent hearing, which
concluded with the Court setting aside the original 4.7.2023 order
for the arrest of M/T ALPINE MYSTERY. The South African High
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Court at Durban issued an order vacating the security arrest of the
M/V ALPINE MYSTERY, immediately releasing the vessel and
ordering the Plaintiff to pay the
for reconsideration, including the costs consequent upon the
for the owners of the associated
Action In Rem and Arrest of Vessel in this action
in the Durban High Court, the Plaintiff commenced this action in rem
on 31.7.2023 and on the same day
at the PTP anchorage, Johor.
[42] im against the Defendant as endorsed in the
he Plaintiff as lawful owners
having title and/or persons entitled to possession of and/or having
other legal or equitable interests in respect of a cargo of
approximately 36,259.858 MT of Naphtha shipped onboard the
Vessel for carriage from Singapore to Japan under Bill of Lading No.
E11109, claim against the Defendant as carriers and/or persons
being in physical possession of the Cargo, damages for failure to
deliver and/or unlawful detention and/or conversion of the Cargo,
[43] As can be seen, the Plaintiff in effect is seeking enforcement of
Vessel as security on the basis of a claim for damages against the
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Defendant for a cause of action in conversion of the Cargo on board
the Vessel.
[44] It is not disputed that the V
by the Sheriff from the Vessel during the arrest of the Vessel on
31.7.2023 for safe keeping, pending release.
[45] The Defendant entered an appearance in this action on 2.8.2023 in
accordance with the Malaysian Rules of Court, 2012. The entry of
appearance is strictly without
or liberties to challenge the admiralty jurisdiction and the issue of
validity or regularity of the Writ in Action in rem and or Warrant of
Plaintiff or its solicitors to accept alternative security by way of a
letter of undertaking issued by a reputable international surety
subject to OFAC approval, for the release of the Vessel from arrest,
the Plaintiff or its solicitors have not responded todate.
(i.e from the date of arrest on 31.07.2023 and continuing).
Application under Enclosure 18
[48] Vide Notice of Application dated 8.8.2023 (Enclosure 18) pursuant
to Order 12 Rule 10, Rules of Court 2012 and or the inherent
jurisdiction of this Court, the Defendant is seeking for the following
orders and or reliefs:
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(a) the Writ in rem and Warrant of Arrest both dated 31.07.2023
be set aside in this action;
(b) the vessel
registered at the Port of Hong Kong be immediately released
from arrest in this action;
(c) a declaration that in the circumstances of the case, this Court
has no in rem jurisdiction over the Defendant in respect of the
subject matter of this suit and/or the relief or remedy sought in
this action;
(d) any alternative security (if any) given by the Defendant to the
Plaintiff shall be returned to the solicitors for the Defendant
within 2 days from the date of the Order to be made herein;
Plaintiff/Sheriff from the vessel during the arrest of the vessel
on 31.7.2023 for safe keeping, shall be returned to the
solicitors for the Defendant within 24 hours from the date of the
Order to be made herein;
(f) the Plaintiff do pay to the Defendant damages for wrongful
vessel together with damages for wasted expenses, such to
be assessed by the High Court Deputy Registrar;
(g) all other applications by the Plaintiff or hearing thereof in
relation to the vessel or cargo on board the vessel shall be
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stayed pending the hearing and final determination of this
(h) the costs of the application and including incidental to this
application be paid by the Plaintiff to the Defendant on an
indemnity basis; and
(i) further Orders and/or such other reliefs as this Honourable
Court deems fit, just and equitable in the circumstances of the
[49] The Defendant has adduced its expert evidence pertaining to the
U.S. Sanctions Laws. The Plaintiff has not challenged or disputed
expert opinion in this application.
[50] The Plaintiff is also not disputing that Unicious is designated on the
and or
or that the Cargo is a Blocked Property subject to the Blocked
[51] In the present in rem action, the Plaintiff based its right to bring the
action in rem against the Vessel on the claims that:
(a) the Plaintiff is the lawful owner having title and or persons
entitled to possession of and or having other legal or equitable
interests in respect of Cargo shipped onboard the Vessel;
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(b) the Plaintiff has sustained damages for failure
to deliver and or unlawful detention and or conversion of the
[52] In respect of the claims as lawful owner of the Cargo, the Plaintiff
has abandoned its reliance as holder of the original Bills of Lading,
conceding that the Bills of Ladings were never endorsed by Idemitsu
[53] Instead the Plaintiff is claiming that it has acquired ownership of the
Cargo from the former owner, Unicious, by virtue of the unsigned
Sales Contract dated 6.4.2023 between them.
[54] The Plaintiff claimed that it is entitled to the delivery of the Cargo
from the Defendant because it is now the owner of the Cargo and
the Defendant cannot refuse delivery even if Unicious (the seller of
contended that there is no legal basis to refuse based upon the US
sanctions law. The Plaintiff further contended that the determination
arising from the same alleged cause of action by the
Durban High Court is irrelevant in this action.
Sales Contract dated 6.4.2023
[55] With respect to the Plaintiff, I find the Sales Contract to be nothing
more than a sham, entered into between the Plaintiff and Unicious
an as attempt to circumvent the U.S Sanctions Laws and
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Regulations as administered by OFAC. I accept the D
contention that the Sales Contract is in fact a pretext for Unicious to
recover the Cargo or its value by using the Plaintiff as a proxy.
[56] Unicious makes clear by its own Affidavit vide Sabil Affidavit (Encl.
10 at Paragraph 14) that Unicious had approached the Plaintiff
about entering into this contract because it was not possible to
procure a buyer given Unicious was subject to US OFAC
Sanctions . Yet, no reasons have been proffered by the Plaintiff as
to why it agreed to buy the Cargo that it knows is subject to the U.S
Sanctions and is a Blocked Property.
[57] The Sales Contract itself displays many features which are
suspicious and unconventional. In particular:
(a) the Sales Contract is unsigned;
(b) under the payment provision, the Plaintiff is not required to
make any payment until after receipt of the Cargo;
(c) notwithstanding the aforesaid, Unicious is said to have
conveyed the title to the Cargo without any payment
whatsoever which is most unusual and is not in keeping with
any practice of commodity sales;
(d) there is no provision regulating what happens if the Cargo is
delivered to the Plaintiff but the Plaintiff fails to pay Unicious;
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(e) the Sales Contract omits to state a discharge location for the
(f) the Sales Contract makes no provisions or reference to the
fact that the Cargo is subject to the U.S Sanctions, more
specifically, the fact that under the Sanctions Clause, Unicious
is unable to deal with the Cargo and to transfer the title in the
Cargo to the Plaintiff;
(g) there is no obligation on the part of Unicious to hand over to
the Plaintiff the duly endorsed Bills of Lading to take delivery
of the Cargo on board the Vessel.
[58] Apart from the aforesaid strange and curious terms of the Sales
Contract, the circumstances surrounding the same also bear
(a) although the Sales Contract was entered into on 6.4.2023,
Unicious had on 19.4.2023 continued to assert ownership of
the Cargo demanding the Defendant to discharge the same
by 21.4.2023 without any mention of the Sales Contract;
(b) the Plaintiff only surfaced to make a claim for the Cargo on
10.5.2023, after more than a month from the Sales Contract
and after
been met. Vide email of 10.5.2023, the Plaintiff simply stated
that it had purchased the Cargo, that it was demanding the
Defendant delivery of the Cargo to the Plaintiff and that it was
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This was despite the fact that the Plaintiff
knew that it did not have the Bills of Lading duly endorsed by
(c) the Plaintiff did not produce any documentary evidence of any
bona fide
notwithstanding what appears as unusual haste in the
conclusion of the Sales Contract. Given the well-publicized
relationship between Unicious and the Plaintiff that Unicious
has regularly purchased oil from the Plaintiff for which
Unicious is accused of
petroleum-related payments for other companies within the
, in circumvention of U.S.
Sanctions Regulations, such documentary evidence on the
negotiations become all the more pressing;
(d) both Unicious and the Plaintiff are represented by the same
counsel and law firm at all times.
[59] Notwithstanding the many suspicious and questionable points
raised on the Sales Contract, the Plaintiff conspicuously failed to
respond to the same to demonstrate the bone fide of the transaction.
[60] Accordingly, I accept the submission of learned counsel for the
Defendant, Mr Mathew Kurien that the aforesaid can only lead to
one explanation i.e., this is not a legitimate transaction and is
against public policy and that the Plaintiff is conspiring with Unicious
to perpetrate a deception on this Court. Thus, based on the principle
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of ex turpi causa non oritur action, no Court should lend its aid to a
party who found his cause of action upon an illegitimate act.
[61] The locus classicus definition of a sham transaction is found in the
speech of Diplock LJ in the case of Snook v London and West
Riding Investments Ltd [1967] 2 QB 786:
As regards the contention of the plaintiff that the transactions
between himself, Auto Finance and the defendants were a
"sham," it is, I think, necessary to consider what, if any, legal
concept is involved in the use of this popular and pejorative word.
I apprehend that, if it has any meaning in law, it means acts
done or documents executed by the parties to the "sham"
which are intended by them to give to third parties or to the
court the appearance of creating between the parties legal
rights and obligations different from the actual legal rights
and obligations (if any) which the parties intend to create.
But one thing, I think, is clear in legal principle, morality and the
authorities (see Yorkshire Railway Wagon Co. v. Maclure15 and
Stoneleigh Finance Ltd. v. Phillips),16 that for acts or documents
to be a "sham," with whatever legal consequences follow from
this, all the parties thereto must have a common intention
that the acts or documents are not to create the legal rights
and obligations which they give the appearance of creating.
No unexpressed intentions of a "shammer" affect the rights
of a party whom he deceived.
[emphasis added]
[62] A claim that a transaction is a sham is a serious allegation. Sham
however does not mean fraud. The standard of proof for sham
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transaction was explained by the High Court Judge in
[2002] 6 MLJ 433 case as follows:
The plaintiff had always maintained that the purported transfer
of beneficial ownership was a sham and nowhere in plaintiff's
affidavits or submission of counsel had the plaintiff alleged fraud.
Contrary to the contention by both, the defendant and Pan
Ocean, 'sham' did not mean 'fraud' and hence, the plaintiff
had to only prove sham on a balance of probabilities and not
beyond reasonable doubt. Sham transactions in the context
of the present case meant that the sale was not genuine, for
example, a sale of convenience. In the instant case, the
defendant's sale of the said vessel for USD3m smacked of a
sham because the defendant continued to retain the mortgage
debt of USD9.5m on the said vessel
[emphasis added]
[63] In Jemix Co Ltd & Anor v. Jemix Heat Treatment (M) Sdn Bhd [2019]
the conclusion of sale and purchase agreement for shares entered
between the defendants in question in finding that it was a sham
agreement. Wong Kian Kheong J (as he then was) stated:
I find as a fact that the SPA is a sham agreement for the
following reasons -
(i) the "unholy haste" in the conclusion of the SPA (17
days after the 2nd Defendant's Denial) shows a lack of
bona tides on the part of the 2nd Defendant;
(ii) there is no documentary evidence of any bona fide
negotiation at arm's length between the 2nd and 4th
Defendants prior to the conclusion of the SPA;
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(iii) there is no written proof regarding PCS's valuation fee and
its payment by the 2nd and/or 3rd Defendants;
(iv) no evidence of offer and acceptance by the 2nd and 4th
Defendants (which led to the SPA) has been tendered in
this case;
(v) the SPA had been prepared by Messr BPL and yet, no
draft SPA has been exchanged and discussed between
Messrs BPL (acting for the 2nd Defendant) and the 4th
(vi) after the execution of the SPA, there was no
correspondence between the 2nd and 4th Defendants
regarding the completion of the SPA;
(vii) clause 3.1 of the SPA provided that the consideration for
the 4th Defendant's purchase of the 2nd Defendant's
Shares was RM2,000,000.00 (Purchase Consideration)
which was "payable wholly in cash The 2nd
Defendant did not tender any evidence that the 4th
Defendant had paid the Purchase Consideration and
yet, the 2nd Defendant's Shares had been transferred
to the 4th Defendant! The SPA is clearly a sham contract
because the 2nd Defendant's Shares had been transferred
to the 4th Defendant despite a breach of Clauses 3.2 and
5.1 (4th Defendant's Breach). The 4th Defendant even
received interim dividends amounting to RM156,800.00
[emphasis added]
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[64] Accordingly, based on the authorities and the factual circumstances
of this case as enumerated above, it is my judgment that the Sales
Contract is a sham and by reason thereof, the Plaintiff has not
shown that it is the lawful owner having title and or is a person
entitled to possession of and or having other legal or equitable
interests in respect of Cargo shipped onboard the Vessel.
Plaintiff sustained no loss
[65] Further, quite apart from the issue of ownership and title to the
Cargo under the Sales Contract, I also agree with the findings of the
Honourable Justice Bedderson of the Durban High Court that the
claim as the Plaintiff has not suffered any loss and or damages to
justify a claim against the Defendant.
with Unicious allows no basis for liability because the Plaintiff
currently owes no money to Unicious and any failure to perform
resulting from the embargo would be excused pursuant to the Sales
force majeure clause. The Plaintiff had entered into the
Sales Contract with knowledge of the U.S Sanctions, which means
that the Plaintiff knew that the Defendant would not be able to deliver
the Cargo. This explains the reason the Plaintiff is not obliged to pay
Unicious until after delivery.
[67] The Durban High Court explicitly concluded that
contract of sale that [Desert Oasis] only became liable for payment
of the purchase price of the cargo three working days after
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In other words, if the Cargo is never
delivered, the Plaintiff simply suffers no loss or damages, period.
Accordingly, the Plaintiff admits (there in
Durban High Court and here), as it must, that it has not paid for the
[68] Even if liability could arise under the Sales Contract, the Plaintiff has
no way to quantify its damages, where, as aptly noted by the Durban
High Court, purchase price for the cargo was subject to inter
alia the quality and quantity being mutually agreed upon as per the
published selling rate which was still to be determined as set out in
The Plaintiff cannot seek
security for unquantifiable and non-existent damages, which it never
is misplaced, and inconsistent with the terms of its Sales Contract
with Unicious.
[69] The Durban High Court agreed that
cargo in question, which in turn has a direct bearing on the amount
of security i Simply put, without a
damages in support of its application for security and the arrest of
the Vessel in this action is illusory and smacks of mala fide.
[70] If the Plaintiff never takes delivery, it never has an obligation to pay
for the Cargo and therefore Plaintiff has no basis upon which it can
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suffer or claim damages for which it now wrongfully seeks security,
of which it previously sought security (unsuccessfully) in the Durban
High Court.
Ingredients for Admiralty Jurisdiction of High Court not satisfied
[71] For the Plaintiff to come within the admiralty jurisdiction of this Court
and to arrest the Vessel, the Plaintiff must satisfy in the Affidavit
Leading to Warrant of Arrest, five essential steps succinctly set out
by the Singapore Court of Appeal in [2012] 4
SLR 546]:
(a) show that it has a claim under Section 20 (2) of the UK Senior
(b) show that the claim
(c) identify the person who would be liable on the claim in an
action in personam (ie, the in personam liability requirement)
(d) show that the relevant person was, when the cause of action
arose, the owner or charterer of, or in possession or in control
(e) show that the relevant person was, at the time when the action
was brought: (i) the beneficial owner of the offending ship in
respect of all the shares in it or the charterer of that ship under
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a demise charter or (ii) the beneficial owner of the sister ship
[72] The Bunga Melati 5 tests have been cited approvingly even in the
in [2015]
Vol 2 175. This was also accepted and applied in the Malaysian
context in the case of Vitol Asia Pte Ltd v Owners of the Ship or
Vessel Malik Al Ashtar [2017] 1 CLJ 236.
[73] It is not disputed that this Court is entitled by virtue of Order 12 Rule
10 of the Rules of Court 2012 and or under its own inherent
jurisdiction and power,
Warrant of Arrest if there is no reasonable cause of action or if the
action is vexatious or an
action is plainly or obviously unsustainable.
[74] In the present case, the Plaintiff has not shown that it has a claim in
personam against the Defendant. The admiralty jurisdiction of this
Court cannot be brought or enforced where there is clear evidence
that the Defendant is not liable in personam See:
[1999] SGHC 274:
where there is clear evidence before the court that the
defendant sued is not liable in personam because he is not a
party to the contract sued on, the admiralty jurisdiction of the
court cannot be invoked
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[75] As the Plaintiff does not have title or entitled to immediate use and
possession or any legitimate basis to demand the Cargo, a claim of
conversion is simply impossible and non-existent.
[76] Further, according to the Sales Contract between Unicious and the
Plaintiff, the Plaintiff has no obligation to pay for the Cargo until after
the Cargo is delivered to the Plaintiff. Therefore, a failure to deliver
the Cargo to the Plaintiff actually prevents any claim whatsoever by
Unicious against Plaintiff for payment. The Plaintiff has not, and will
not, suffer any damages whatsoever until, or unless, the Cargo is
delivered to it.
[77] This means that the admiralty in rem jurisdiction of the Court has
been wrongly brought by the Plaintiff because the Defendant is not
the relevant person
action in personam under section 21 of the UK SCA 1981. It
should be set aside as the Plaintiff has failed to satisfy the
requirement under section 21.
Damages for Wrongful Arrest
[78] The Defendant has prayed for damages against the Plaintiff for the
arrest of the Vessel on the ground that it is wrongful and an abuse
of Court process given that the Plaintiff does not have a good faith
claim against the Defendant.
[79] It is trite that the Defendant is entitled to damages for a wrongful
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this Court finds that the arrest is brought with so little color or with
so little foundation, that it implies malice or gross negligence.
[80] The test to be applied in deciding whether or not to order an inquiry
as to damages for the wrongful arrest of a ship is succinctly
encapsulated by the Privy Council in The Evangelismos [1858] 12
Moo PC 352:
unwarrantedly brought, or brought with so little colour, or so little
foundation, that it rather implies malice on the part of the plaintiff,
[81] This was also reaffirmed in The Dong Nai [1996] 4 MLJ 454 where
Abdul Malik Ishak J in the High Court found as follows:
rant of arrest meant that the
defendants were alleging wrongful arrest and wrongful
continuance of the arrest their ship. Therefore, the appropriate
test to be applied was whether there was mala fides or crassa
negligentia implying malice on the part of the plaintiffs. On the
evidence tendered, the court found that malice had been
established against the plaintiffs. Hence, the arrest of the Dong
Nai was in fact wrongful (see p 466A D; The Evangelismos
(1858) 12 Moo PC 352 and The Euroexpress [1988] 3 MLJ 367
[82] In the case of [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep 22, the
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"Two types of cases are thus envisaged. Firstly, there are cases
of mala fides, which must be taken to mean those cases where
on the primary evidence the arresting party has no honest belief
in his entitlement to arrest the vessel. Secondly, there are those
cases in which objectively there is so little basis for the
arrest that it may be inferred that the arresting party did not
believe in his entitlement to arrest the vessel. It is, as I
understand the judgment, in the latter sense that such
phrases "crassa negligentia" and "gross negligence" are
used and are described as implying malice or being
[emphasis added]
[83] It should be noted that the remedy of arrest is not something that
can simply be invoked without consequence. The case of the
[2008] 4 SLR(R) 994 is particularly instructive in
this regard:
The arrest of a vessel is never a trifling matter. Arrest is a very
powerful invasive remedy. An arrest of a ship can lead to
tremendous inconvenience, financial distress and severe
commercial embarrassment. Even the briefest of delays can
sometimes cause significant losses. It can also in certain
commercial fortunes of the shipowner. Maritime arrests can,
when improperly executed, sometimes be as destructive as
Anton PIller orders an even as potentially ruinous as Mareva
injunctions, the two nuclear weapons of civil litigation.
[emphasis added]
[84] In the present case, the unsigned Sales Contract between the
Plaintiff and Unicious was entered into well after the parties were
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aware that Unicious was a designated SDN and the Cargo on board
the Vessel was Blocked Property. It was clearly a sham transaction
to circumvent the U.S Sanctions.
[85] The Plaintiff was already on notice that a competent Durban High
Court in exercising its admiralty jurisdiction saw through this sham
and yet the Plaintiff proceeded again before this Court on the exact
same facts. In fact, its specious claims are a blatant attempt to
mislead this Court, after having unsuccessfully tried this very same
thing in South Africa High Court at Durban.
[86] The Plaintiff asserted in this Court, like in the Durban High Court,
that it would be in a position to present the original Bills of Lading
and went further to claim that mere possession was sufficient to
establish title, because, in its circular logic,
bills of lading is the party which is entitled to delivery of the cargo as
it holds title by virtue of being the holder of the bills of lading
[87] In this regard, the Plaintiff has intentionally provided an illegible copy
of the Bills of Lading, but now admits that the Bills of Lading are not
in Pla .
[88] Although at the hearing of Enclosure 18, the Plaintiff has refrained
from asserting the position that mere possession of a Bills of Lading
alone, without being named or endorsed therein, is sufficient to
entitle a party to delivery, this was stated and relied upon as a basis
in the arrest of the Vessel.
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[89] Steven Chong J (as he then was) in the Singapore High Court case
of [2015] SGHC 308 observed the policy and
the principles of law relating to damages for wrongful arrest of
vessel, as follows:
The law on wrongful arrest was developed to protect
of the arresting party.
2 Proof of actual malice is often difficult to establish,
especially at the interlocutory stage, where most applications for
wrongful arrest are pursued. However, the malice threshold can
be satisfied by inference in circumstances where the case is so
hopelessly bereft of merit that it warrants a finding that the claim
colour foundation
3 Ship arrest is an extremely draconian remedy. It can be
very disruptive and may inflict severe economic hardship on the
against this draconian measure to be meaningful and effective,
the judicial threshold should not be set too high so as to render
the right to damages practically illusory.
4 In appropriate cases, where the threshold has been
crossed, the court should express its opprobrium towards the
damages occasioned by its wrongful arrest. Indeed, our courts
have in a number of cases held the arresting party accountable
for wrongful arrest.
Principles governing the law on wrongful arrest
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27 In The Vasiliy Golovnin at [134], the Court of Appeal
affirmed the long-standing test set out in The Evangelismos
The Evangelismos
Undoubtedly there may be cases in which there is
either mala fides, or that crassa negligentia, which
implies malice, which would justify a Court of
Admiralty giving damages, as in an action brought at
The real questi
or is there not, reason to say, that the action was so
unwarrantably brought, or brought with so little colour,
or so little foundation, that it rather implies malice on
the part of the Plaintiff, or that gross negligence which
is equivalent to it?
[emphasis added]
under the two parts to The Evangelismos test, the Court of
Appeal held at [137]:
first part
mean that the inquiry would be both an objective and
a subjective one into the
time of the arrest as there would be a need to establish
if the plaintiff had a genuine and honest belief that the
arrest was legitimate then. On the other hand, if the
focus is on the second part of the passage, this would
mean a more objective inquiry into the circumstances
prevailing and the evidence available at the time of the
arrest, so as to determine if the action and the arrest
were so unwarrantably brought, or brought with so
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little colour, or so little foundation, as to imply that they
were brought with malice or gross negligence
[emphasis added]
29 The court then held that the inquiry should generally be
focused on the second part of The Evangelismos test, ie,
brought, or brought with so little colour, or so little foundation, as
to imply malic The
Vasiliy Golovnin at [137]).
30 It thus appears that the test is ultimately premised on a
finding of malice (see also, The Kiku Pacific at [30]). Malice may
be found on the basis of direct evidence of t
mind at the time of the arrest, or it can be inferred if the claim is
so unmeritorious that the arresting party could not have honestly
believed that he had an entitlement to arrest the vessel (or at
least recklessly disregarded whether he had grounds to do so).
31 Specifically, the action or arrest may be considered to
inter alia -
disclosure in the affidavit in supp
The Vasiliy Golovnin at [138]). Given that the
defendant has, in the present case, relied on both these grounds
to seek damages for wrongful arrest, it is helpful to consider them
in some detail.
37 Notwithstanding the high threshold of The Evangelismos
test, it can be seen that our courts would not be slow to find
wrongful arrest and to award damages in appropriate
circumstances. Indeed, this sentiment was expressed by the
Court of Appeal in The Vasiliy Golovnin at [135]. From the above
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cases, it is clear that the court will pay particular attention to what
the arresting party knew, or must have known, at the time of the
arrest (see [34] and [36] above). Where facts which clearly
arrest are known or must have been known to the plaintiff at the
time of the arrest, the courts will be more inclined to award
damages for wrongful arrest.
38 In this regard, the question as to how weak a claim must
be before malice can be inferred is perhaps a question that
cannot be comprehensively answered in every case by a single
threshold test. While the courts have held that malice may be
inferred if the claim is without colour or foundation, what that
means in practice is inevitably a matter of judgment, and can only
be determined by the court on the facts of each case.
39 I would add at this juncture that because the focus of the
inquiry is on malice of the arresting party, special attention should
be paid to what the arresting party knew or must have known at
the time of the arrest. While this is not the only factor the court
should consider, it is certainly an important one in evaluating the
merits of the claim for wrongful arrest. If, based on the
information available, the court finds that the arresting party knew
or must have known that it had no reasonable or probable cause
to arrest the vessel, the court may well be justified in awarding
damages for wrongful arrest. By contrast, if the court only arrives
at the finding that the arresting party had no reasonable or
probable cause to arrest the vessel after a legal analysis of the
jurisdictional basis of the claim (as in the case of The Inai
Selasih), or based on documents or information which were not
available to the arresting party at the time of the arrest, the
judicial finding in such circumstances may not be a sufficient
basis for an award of damages.
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40 While The Kiku Pacific did reject the use of the phrase
a reasonable or probable cause alone can be sufficient to give
rise to an inference of malice (see The Kiku Pacific at [18]). I
accept that the absence of a reasonable or probable cause alone
would not normally be sufficient to give rise to a finding of malice.
However, if the court finds not only that there was no reasonable
or probable cause for the arrest, but also that the arresting party
knew or must have known that it did not have reasonable or
probable cause at the time of the arrest, malice may be inferred
and damages for wrongful arrest accordingly awarded.
42 Thus, to conclude, a claim
may alone be sufficient to justify a finding of malice, regardless
arrest. The finding of malice would be made even more
compelling in circumstances where the court determines that the
arresting party knew or must have known that it had no
reasonable cause of action when arresting the vessel. Malice,
however, remains the centrepiece of the inquiry, and a finding of
malice is ultimately a fact-
[90] Based on the aforesaid governing principles on the law of wrongful
arrest and based on the facts and circumstances as stated above,
it is the judgment of this Court that the Plaintiff has acted with mala
fides and or crassa negligentia (gross negligent) in obtaining the
Warrant of Arrest and arrested and continued to arrest the
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[91] I would add that the Plaintiff has persisted with the arrest of the
the Defendant on a strictly without
prejudice basis had offered to provide alternative security via an
international surety. The Plaintiff was unreasonable and had acted
in mala fide in reje
security to secure immediate release of vessel from arrest; delay in
providing information on the amount of security required for the
release of the Vessel and excessive demand of quantum security
by the Plaintiff for release of the Vessel, all of which had prolonged
the wrongful continued arrest of the Vessel at Port of Tanjung
Pelepas, Johor to the detriment of the Defendant (for nearly two
[92] In the The Evmar [1989] 2 MLJ 460, it was held that a refusal to
accept a Protection and Indemnity Club undertaking to release of
vessel from arrest tantamounted to malicious negligence:
agreed to gave
the plaintiffs a reasonable cause not to release the vessel. It
seems to me that that expression meant, in the context, no more
than that the defendants were reserving their rights, which they
were entitled to do. In my opinion since alternative security had
been furnished to the plaintiffs in terms which the plaintiffs had
asked for, the plaintiffs had no further reasons not to release the
vessel. The test to be applied to determine whether there was
wrongful continuance of an arrest is the same as that applicable
to wrongful arrest, ie mala fides or crassa negligentia implying
malice: see The Margaret Jane (1869) LR 2 A & E 345. In my
the letter of undertaking amounted to at least malicious
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negligence. The arrest was clearly continued unnecessarily.
The plaintiffs are therefore liable for damages for the continued
[emphasis added]
[93] I accept that t so little
foundation in fact no foundation
it is a case which the Plaintiff knew or ought to have known was
based on a false foundation and a second bite of the cherry after it
failed in the Durban High Court.
[94] In the premises, it is the judgment of this Court that the Plaintiff
should be ordered to pay for the damages occasioned by the
[95] In the light of my findings and conclusions above, I hereby grant to
the Defendant the following orders:
(a) the Writ in rem and Warrant of Arrest both dated 31.7.2023 be
set aside in this action;
(b) the vessel
registered at the Port of Hong Kong be immediately released
from arrest in this action;
(c) a declaration that in the circumstances of the case, this Court
has no in rem jurisdiction over the Defendant in respect of the
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subject matter of this suit and or the relief or remedy sought in
this action;
or Sheriff from the vessel during the arrest of the vessel on
31.7.2023 for safe keeping, shall be returned to the solicitors
for the Defendant within 24 hours from the date of the Order to
be made herein;
(e) the Plaintiff do pay to the Defendant damages for wrongful
arrest and or wrongful
vessel together with damages for wasted expenses, such to
be assessed by the High Court Deputy Registrar;
(f) the Plaintiff to pay the Defendant costs fixed at RM 25,000.00
subject to payment of allocator.
Dated the 27th day of October 2023
Judge of the High Court of Malaya
High Court of Kuala Lumpur, NCC2
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1. Mr. Oon Thian Seng together with Lionel Noel for Plaintiff
Messrs. T S Oon & Partners (Kuala Lumpur)
2. Mr. Mathew Kurien for Defendant
Messrs. Sativale Mathew Arun (Subang Jaya)
Case Reference:
1. Snook v London and West Riding Investments Ltd [1967] 2 QB 786
2. [2002] 6 MLJ 433
3. Jemix Co Ltd & Anor v. Jemix Heat Treatment (M) Sdn Bhd [2019]
2 MLRH 276
4. [2012] 4 SLR 546
5. [2015]
Vol 2 175
6. Vitol Asia Pte Ltd v Owners of the Ship or Vessel Malik Al Ashtar
[2017] 1 CLJ 236
7. [1999] SGHC 274
8. The Evangelismos [1858] 12 Moo PC 352
9. The Dong Nai [1996] 4 MLJ 454
10. [1997] 1 Lloyd's Rep 22
11. [2008] 4 SLR(R) 994
12. [2015] SGHC 308
13. The Evmar [1989] 2 MLJ 460
Legislation Reference:
1. Order 12 Rule 10, Rules of Court 2012
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| 55,481 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-11BNCvC-65-11/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) MOHAMAD AMIN BIN MD HASHIM 2. ) AMIN-TAN & CO. RESPONDEN 1. ) TAN BING HUA 2. ) HUA YANG BERHAD 3. ) DAYA NIAGA SDN. BHD. 4. ) AGRO-MOD INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD. | It was undisputed that the cause of action in relation to the billing or unbilled legal work occurred between the years 2000 to 2002. However, this Court finds that the Plaintiffs have failed to act with reasonable diligence to discover the fraud, if any.Thus, this Court finds that the issue on limitation raised by the Plaintiffs does not come under section 29. The delay/latches of diligent actions by the Plaintiffs did not give rise to stop time from running as there was an inordinate delay which the Court could not find any evidence of fact for a reasonable explanation in regards to the delay.In conclusion, after careful scrutiny and judicious consideration of all the evidence before this Court, including the written and oral submissions of both parties, the appeal is dismissed with costs. | 31/10/2023 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
CIVIL APPEAL NO.: WA-11BNCvC-65-11/2022
(No. K/P: 520909-02-5533)
(suing as a firm) … APPELLANTS
(No. K/P: 440702-08-5241)
(No. Syarikat: 44094-M)
(No. Syarikat: 14034-M)
(No. Syarikat: 1444430-W) … RESPONDENTS
31/10/2023 10:09:21
WA-11BNCvC-65-11/2022 Kand. 29
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In the matter of the Magistrate Court at Kuala Lumpur
In The Federal Territory Of Kuala Lumpur
Civil Suit No.: WA-A72NCvC-13237-12/2020
1. Dato’ Mohamad Amin Bin Md Hashim
(No. K/P: 520909-02-5533)
2, Tetuan Amin-Tan & Co
(suing as a firm) …Plaintiffs
1. Dato’ Tan Bing Hua
(No. K/P: 440702-08-5241)
2. Hua Yang Berhad
(No. Syarikat: 44094-M)
3. Daya Niaga Sdn Bhd
(No. Syarikat: 14034-M)
4. Agro-Mod Industries Sdn Bhd
(No. Syarikat: 1444430-W) …Defendants
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[1] This is an appeal against the decision of the learned Magistrate that
dismissed the Plaintiffs Writ and Statement of Claim with cost, after a full
[2] The Plaintiffs claim was for the outstanding bills amounting to
RM97,302.65 with interest and damages as follows-
(a) Jumlah wang keseluruhan bil tertunggak berjumlah
(b) Faedah ke atas bil tertunggak berjumlah RM97,302.65 dikira
dan tarikh pemfailan saman ini sehingga penyelesaian penuh;
(c) Faedah dan kos atas atas dasar ganti rugi berdasarkan bil-bil
yang telah diisukan;
(d) Ganti Rugi Teladan berasaskan daripada:-
(i) Defendan Pertama melanggar dan mengingkari
kewajipan beliau sebagai Rakan Kongsi Pengurusan
dan/atau Legal Asssociate yang berkhidmat untuk
Plaintif Kedua pada waktu yang material; dan
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(ii) Bahawa penipuan dan konspirasi untuk menipu yang
dilakukan oleh Defendan-Defendan adalah bertujuan
untuk menyebabkan kerugian kepada Plaintif Kedua
pada waktu yang material.
(e) Suatu Akuan bahawa semua bayaran yang telah dibuat oleh
Defendan Kedua dan/atau Defendan Ketiga dan/atau
Defendan Keempat kepada Defendan Pertama untuk fail-fail
dibawah kendalian Defendan Pertama merupakan amanah
konstruktif terhadap Plaintif Kedua pada waktu yang material;
(f) Segala bayaran yang dibuat oleh Defendan Kedua dan/atau
Defendan Ketiga dan/atau Defendan Keempat kepada
Defendan Pertama diberikan kepada Plaintif Kedua bersama
(g) Taksiran Ganti Rugi Am (akan ditaksirkan oleh Mahkamah);
(h) Lain-lain relif yang dianggap sesuai oleh Mahkamah yang
Mulia ini.
[3] This Court dismissed the appeal with cost.
[4] For ease of reference, the respective parties shall be referred to as
they appear in the Magistrate’s Court.
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Brief facts of the case
[5] The First Plaintiff (P1) and the First Defendant (D1) were founders
and partners of the Second Plaintiff (P2). D1 had been the Managing
Partner of P2 from 1997 until 2005 and thereafter as a legal assistant until
2012 while P1 became the Managing Partner of P2 in 2005. The Second
Defendant (D2), Third Defendant (D3) and Fourth Defendant (D4) were
clients of P2 managed by D1. D3 and D4 are subsidiaries of D2.
[6] An internal audit was conducted in 2017 (audit exercise) pursuant
to a ‘hostile take-over’ of P2 from 27 December 2016 - 30 December by
two (2) partners namely Dato’ Yong Lay Keow and Susie Lim Chuan Tin
at which time, P1 was on leave. Both the partners have resigned since
[7] Accordingly, through the audit exercise, the Plaintiffs discovered
discrepancies in the financial records of P2’s clients files where fraudulent
activities occurred in the management for the files of BH-15940-00-HY-
WCF, BH-15940-00-HYWCF, BH-16037-2001-SPA-SV and BH-16082-
2001-SPA-SV (Files) which were the basis of the Plaintiffs’ claim in this
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[8] Subsequently, demand letters were sent to D2, D3 and D4
demanding payments for the Files which they replied that ‘all payments
had been fully settled as agreed by the firm’ (referring to P2). These
payments were disputed by the Plaintiffs. Details of the relevant bills of
the Files are listed under paragraph 27 of the Statement of Claim as
Jadual A, B, C and D.
[9] During the trial, four (4) witnesses were called by the Plaintiffs and
five (5) witnesses by the Defendants.
Plaintiffs’ Contentions
[10] It was the Plaintiff’s contention that the fraud and conspiracy to
defraud were only discovered in 2017, after a hostile take-over by the 2
former partners. Hence the Plaintiffs employed section 29 of the Limitation
Act 1953 (Act 254) that time does not run until they discovered the
conspiracy to defraud.
Defendants’ Contentions
[11] The Defendants contended that the occasioned claimed by the
Plaintiffs happened 20 years ago. As the Writ was filed on 31/12/2020,
this action which was founded on tort was clearly time-barred by the
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statutory 6 years limitation period under section 6(1)(a) of Act 254 which
prescribed such limitation.
[12] There were various issues raised by both parties apart from
limitation including whether P2 has locus standi, conspiracy to defraud by
the Defendants and that D1 has breached his fiduciary duties.
[13] Having read the cause papers and parties' written submissions and
having heard and considered the oral submissions by both the learned
Counsels on all the issues raised, this Court is of the view that the one
issue that will determine and dispose off the appeal is whether the
Plaintiffs' case was caught by the statute of limitation.
[14] As such, this Court will only deliberate on the issue of limitation as
this was the sole ground that this appeal was dismissed.
Analysis and Findings
Whether the claim was time barred?
[15] Section 29 of Act 254 provides that the limitation period might be
postponed if the cause of action is-
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i) based on fraud of the defendant;
ii) concealed by the defendant; or
iii) an action for relief from the consequences of a mistake.
[16] Section 29 of the Limitation Act provides-
“29. Where, in the case of any action for which a period of
limitation is prescribed by this Act, either:
(a) the action is based upon the fraud of the defendant or his
agent or of any person through whom he claims or his agent; or
(b) the right of action is concealed by the fraud of any such
person as aforesaid; or
(c) the action is for relief from the consequences of a mistake,
the period of limitation shall not begin to run until the plaintiff has
discovered the fraud or the mistake, as the case may be, or
could with reasonable diligence have discovered it.”.
[17] In Thameez Nisha Hasseem v. Maybank Allied Bank
Berhad [2023] 4 MLRA 492; [2023] 4 MLJ 145 (FC), it was held-
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“[32] The LA 1953 is therefore a law of general application,
regulating the limitation period for commencing a cause of
action - generally at either six or twelve years. It actually was
actuated by the desire of the government at that time, "to sweep
aside this vast compilation of various types of action leading to
interminable argument and in many cases gross injustice by
substituting it with a simple and uniform system which can be
understood" by all and sundry.”.
[18] In the case of Credit Corp (M) Bhd v. Fong Tak Sin [1991] 1 MLRA
293; [1991] 1 MLJ 409, the Supreme Court elaborated on section 29 of
the Limitation Act and held-
“[18] This provision was inserted to protect a plaintiff who was
ignorant of his right of action in the special case of fraudulent
concealment, and to overcome the difficulty that time would
otherwise be running against him, unknown to him. As a
general rule as stated in the notes in Halsbury's Statutes of
England and Wales (4th Edn) Vol 24 to s 32 of the English
Limitation Act 1980 (which is in pari materia with s 26 of the
English Limitation Act 1939 which is in turn in pari materia with
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s 29 of our Limitation Act 1953) it is stated that s 29(1)(c)
applied "to an action at common law to recover money paid
under a mistake of fact or to an analogous claim in equity for
money paid under a mistake of fact or law".
[20] In RB Policies at Lloyd's v. Butler [1950] 1 KBD 76
Streatfield J explained the rationale of s 26 of the English Act
as follows:
This section was inserted to protect a plaintiff who was ignorant
of his right of action in the special case of fraudulent
concealment, and to overcome the difficulty that time would
otherwise have been running against him, unknown to himself.
But for the section, time would have run against him from the
accrual of his right of action, for it is to be noted that the section,
even in the case of fraudulent concealment, does not say that
the cause of action shall not accrue until the fraud is discovered,
but simply that "time shall not "begin to run" until that event.
[31] The doctrine of limitation is said to be based on two broad
considerations. Firstly there is a presumption that a right not
exercised for a long time is non-existent. The other
consideration is that it is necessary that matters of right in
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general should not be left too long in a state of uncertainty or
doubt or suspense.
[32] The limitation law is promulgated for the primary object of
discouraging plaintiffs from sleeping on their actions and more
importantly, to have a definite end to litigation. This is in accord
with the maxim interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium that in the
interest of the State there must be an end to litigation. The
rationale of the limitation law should be appreciated and
enforced by the Courts.”
[19] In this context, the Plaintiffs must provide a sufficient explanation of
the delay particularly as to why the audit was only conducted at a much
later time (2017) when it could have been done earlier (2000-2002).
Further, it is only logical that in order to operate, a legal firm needs to
renew its licence which requires an annual audit exercise.
[20] In this regard, the case of Tenaga Nasional Berhad v SM
Pembinaan Sdn Bhd [2000] MLJU 600 which was cited by the
Defendants counsels, held that the phrase “reasonable diligence” means
“diligently do something as common people”. Reasonable diligence
"bermakna membuat sesuatu dengan tekun atau rajin oleh orang biasa
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(lihat Peco Arts Inc. v. Hazlitt Gallery Ltd [1983] 3 All ER 193).”. It is the
level of care and effort that a person of ordinary prudence would take in a
given situation.
[21] In the case of Sa'adi Ibrahim & Anor v. Liew Han Sin & Anor
[2006] 2 MLRH 310 (CA) it was held-
“[10] Halsbury's Laws of England, 4th edn, vol. 28 at p. 314, para.
694 states as follows:
694. Court's power to override time-limits. If it appears to
the court that it would be equitable to allow an action to
proceed having regard to the degree to which (1) the
provisions in respect of the time-limit for personal injury
actions or actions under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976
prejudice the plaintiff or any person whom he represents
and (2) any decision of the court would prejudice the
defendant or any person whom he represents, the court
may direct that those provisions are not to apply to the
action or are not to apply to any specified cause of action
to which the actions relates.
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In so acting, the court must have regard to all the
circumstances of the case and in particular to (a) the length
of and the reason for the delay on the plaintiff's part; (b) the
extent to which having regard to the delay, the evidence
adduced or likely to be adduced by the plaintiff or the
defendant is or is likely to be less cogent than if the action
had been brought within the time allowed; (c) the
defendant's conduct after the cause of action arose
including the extent, if any, to which he responded to
requests reasonably made by the plaintiff for information or
inspection for the purpose of ascertaining facts which were
or might be relevant to the plaintiff's cause of action against
the defendant; (d) the duration of any disability of the
plaintiff arising after the date of the accrual of the cause of
action; (e) the extent to which the plaintiff acted promptly
and reasonably once he knew whether or not the
defendant's act or omission to which the injury was
attributable might be capable at that time of giving rise to
an action for damages and (f) the steps, if any, taken by the
plaintiff to obtain medical, legal or other expert advice and
the nature of any such advice he may have received. In
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applying these principles the court's discretion is
[22] It was undisputed that the cause of action in relation to the billing or
unbilled legal work occurred between the years 2000 to 2002. However,
this Court finds that the Plaintiffs have failed to act with reasonable
diligence to discover the fraud, if any.
[23] Thus, this Court finds that the issue on limitation raised by the
Plaintiffs does not come under section 29. The delay/latches of diligent
actions by the Plaintiffs did not give rise to stop time from running as there
was an inordinate delay which the Court could not find any evidence of
fact for a reasonable explanation in regards to the delay.
[24] In conclusion, after careful scrutiny and judicious consideration of
all the evidence before this Court, including the written and oral
submissions of both parties, the appeal is dismissed with costs.
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
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Date 26 October 2023
Solicitors For The Appellant
Tetuan Amin-Tan & Co
No. 11, 11-1 & 11-2, Jalan Pantai Murni 6
Pantai Dalam
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Solicitors For The Respondent
Tetuan Ting Asiah & Co.
C-2-1 & C-2-2, Encorp Strand Garden Office,
No 12, Jalan Pju 5/1,
47810 Kota Damansara,
Petaling Jaya,
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| 16,664 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JC-A72NCvC-101-11/2021 | PLAINTIF Rong Cheng Casket & Funeral Services Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN Kong Sew Chu | Bicara Penuh- rayuan yang difailkan oleh Defendan yang tidak berpuashati dengan keputusan yang diberikan pada 24 Julai 2023 selepas Bicara Penuh di mana Mahkamah telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan dengan kos. Plaintif telah dilantik oleh Defendan untuk membekalkan perkhidmatan Pengebumian bagi suami defendanPlaintif memfailkan tuntutan terhadap Defendan berasaskan Prinsip kontrak di mana Defendan telah gagal serta enggan menjalankan tanggungjawab untuk membayar Plaintif bagi perkhimatan yang telah diberikan. | 31/10/2023 | Puan Nurasidah Binti A. Rahman | |
1 | P a g e
[Company No 202001010342/136662-A]
(NO K/P: 400914-10-5026) …DEFENDAN
31/10/2023 12:57:13
JC-A72NCvC-101-11/2021 Kand. 34
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2 | P a g e
[1] Ini merupakan rayuan yang difailkan oleh Defendan yang tidak berpuashati
dengan keputusan yang diberikan pada 24 Julai 2023 selepas Bicara Penuh di mana
Mahkamah telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan dengan kos.
[2] Plaintif dalam kes ini menuntut daripada Defendan seperti berikut:-
(i) Pengisytiharan bahawa Defendan dalam kemungkiran dan/atau mungkir
tanggungjawab kontrak dan/atau tanggungjawab kontrak dan/atau
tanggungjawan bayaran terhadap Plaintiff untuk Pakej Pengebumian yang telah
dibekalkan untuk Suami Mendiang Defendan;
(ii) jumlah wang sebanyak RM26,800 yang perlu dibayarkan oleh Defendan
terhadap Plaintif;
(iii) Faedah sebanyak 5% setahun keatas jumlah tuntutan sebanyak RM26,800
dari tarikh 17.1.2023 sehingga pemfailan Pernyataan Tuntutan seperti yang
dibenarkan dibawah Akta Undang-Undang Sivil 1956;
(iv) Faedah sebanyak 5% setahun ke atas jumlah sebanyak RM26,800 atau mana
jumlah penghakiman yang dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah yang perlu dibayar oleh
Defendan kepada Plaintif dari tarikh pemfailan pernyataab tuntutan sehingga
tarikh akhir penghakiman;
(v) Faedah sebanyak 5% ke atas jumlah RM26800 atau mana jumlah
penghakiman yang dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah yang perlu dibayar oleh Defendan
kepada Plaintif dari tarikh akhir Penghakiman sehingga penyelesaian penuh dan
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(vi) Gantirugi termasuk gantirugi am dan/atau gantirugi tambahan dan/atau
gantirugi teladan, untuk dinilai oleh pegawai yang dipilih oleh Mahkamah.
(vii) kos tindakan
(viii) kos berasaskan pada peguamcara-klien; dan
(ix) Apa-apa relief yang difikirkan perlu.
[3] Sepanjang Bicara penuh kertas-kertas kausa berikut telah dirujuk:-
Kertas-kertas Kausa Penandaan (mengikut sistem CMS 2)
Ikatan Pliding Lampiran 7
Kronologi kes Lampiran 8
Ringkasan Kes Lampiran 9
Fakta-fakta yang dipersetujui Lampiran 10
Isu-isu untuk dibicarakan Lampiran 11
Ikatan Dokumen bersama Lampiran 12
Pernyataan Saksi Pertama Plaintif Lampiran 13
Pernyataan Saksi kedua Plaintif Lampiran 14
Pernyataan Saksi Defendan Lampiran 15
Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan Plaintif Lampiran 17
Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan II Lampiran 20
[4] Keseluruhannya, seramai 3 orang saksi telah memberi keterangan bagi kes ini
yang merangkumi 2 orang saksi Plaintif dan 1 orang saksi defendan. Saksi- Saksi
tersebut adalah :-
i. Encik Lau Ching Siang (SP1) Pemilik syarikat Plaintif
ii. Encik Tang Hong Ngang (SP2 ) Kenalan Plaintif dan Defendan
iii. Puan Kong Sew Chu (SD1) Defendan
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Latar Belakang Kes
[5] Pada 14.1.2021 Suami Defendan yang merupakan seorang bekas Guru Besar
telah meninggal dunia. Plaintif telah dilantik oleh Defendan untuk membekalkan
perkhidmatan Pengebumian bagi suami defendan. Perkhidmatan semasa upacara
Pengebumian berlangsung dari 14.1.2021 sehingga 16.1.2021. Plaintif telah
menjalankan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan di dalam pakej pengebumian berjumlah
RM26,800.00 termasuk keranda, memoir peringatan buat mendiang suami Defendan
seperti video, foto dan slideshow. Kemudian Plaintif telah mengeluarkan invois No I-
000085 pada 17.1.2021 yang berjumlah sebanyak RM26,878.00. Namun pihak
Defendan engan membayar jumlah invois yang diterima. Maka Plaintif memfailkan
tuntutan terhadap Defendan berasaskam Prinsip kontrak di mana Defendan telah
gagal serta enggan menjalankan tanggungjawab untuk membayar Plaintif bagi
perkhimatan yang telah diberikan.
Hujahan Plaintif
[6] Plaintif menghujahkan berlaku tawar menawar di antara pihak-pihak dan
kemudian telah dijalankan oleh Plaintif pengebumian tersebut. Oleh itu Plaintif dengan
rendah diri merujuk kepada Seskyen 9 Akta Kontrak 1950 dimana ia menerangkan
akan kontrak perkhidmatan seperti:- “Promises, express and implied. Seksyen 9.So
far as the proposal or acceptance of any promise is made in words, the promise is
said to be express. So far as the proposal or acceptance is made otherwise in words,
the promise is said to be implied.”
[7] Plaintif merujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam kes Melaka
Farm Resorts (M) Sdn Bhd v Hong Wei Seng [2004] 6 MU 506 ‘dimana Mahkamah
telah menolak rayuan Defendan ke atas ketidakwujudan Kontrak Pekerjaan dimana
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suatu kontrak perkhidmatan boleh dilaksanakan secara lisan’. Selain daripada itu,
Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa berdasarkan fakta-fakta di dalam kes ini, telah
terhasilnya satu perjanjian rasmi di antara Defendan dan Plaintif selaras dengan
tuntutan Sesyen 10 Akta Kontrak 1950 dimana telah dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah
Rayuan dalam kes Mohd Shukri bin Mat (administrator to the estate of Wan Mek bt
Wan Abdullah @ Wan Eshah bin Wan Abdullah) v Wan Rahmah bt Wan Abdullah
(administrator to the estate of Wan Abdullah bin Wan Ahmad) [2018] 3 MLJ 89 dimana
It is clear from s10 of the Contracts Act 1950 that a contract can be entered into orally.
The three elements forming a contract namely, offer, acceptance and consideration”
[8] Plaintif juga menghujahkan bahawa pada setiap masa yang material Plaintif
telah menawarkan beberapa pakej pengebumian bersama harga-harga pakej kepada
Defendan dan Defendan telah memilih pakej pengebumian berjumlah RM26,800.00
Selepas persetujuan diberikan, Plaintif telah membekalkan perkhidmatan menuruti
pakej yang telah dipilih oleh Defendan dan Plaintif menegaskan tiada bantahan
dan/atau halangan yang telah dilakukan oleh Defendan bagi menghentikan kerja-kerja
pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan. Selain itu Plaintif menghujahkan dan
menyatakan bahawa pada hari kematian mendiang suami Defendan, Plaintif telah
dilantik oleh Defendan dalam menguruskan pengebumiannya . Pada 14.1.2021
sehingga 16.1.2021, Plaintif telah menjalankan dan membekalkan perkhidmatan
yang telah dipersetujui oleh Defendan. Sepanjang proses pengebumian, Defendan
tidak pernah membuat percubaan menghalang atau/ menghentikan perkhidmatan
pengebumian yang dijalankan oleh Plaintif sehingga urusan pengebumian mendiang
suami Defendan selesai.
[9] Plaintif juga percaya bahawa dengan perlantikan yang dibuat secara perlakuan
ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa keengganan dan/atau kelalaian dan/atau kegagalan
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Defendan untuk membayar perkhidmatan Plaintif menjurus kepada pengingkaran
kontrak dan/atau janji di mana Plaintif berhak menuntut jumlah RM26,800.00 tersebut
daripada Defendan. Plaintif menghujahkan berdasarkan perenggan 3 (b) pada
Jawapan Kepada Pembelaan dimana Plaintif menegaskan bahawa sepanjang waktu
yang material Defendan tidak pernah menolak/dan atau menghalang serta tidak
membenarkan Plaintif menguruskan urusan pengebumian Defendan. Plaintif juga
menghujahkan bahawa sebarang tuduhan Defendan terhadap Plaintif ini adalah tidak
berasas kerana sepanjang waktu yang material sehingga ke tarikh perbicaraan tiada
satu salinan Laporan Polis yang dimasukkan bagi menyokong segala kenyataan
Defendan dipaksa dan/atau paksaan seperti yang dinyatakan Defendan di dalam
Penyataan Pembelaan, sebaliknya Defendan yang telah gagal membayar harga pakej
pengebumian sepertimana yang telah dipersetujui oleh Plaintif dan Defendan
walaupun perkhidmatan pengebumian telah selesai.
[10] Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa akibat salah nyata ini Plaintif telah menanggung
kerugian sebanyak RM26,800.00 atas keengganan dan/atau kegagalan Defendan
untuk melangsaikan tanggungjawab pembayaran kepada Plaintif Defendan
mempunyai pengetahuan tentang perkhidmatan Plaintif dan pengakuan tentang
jumlah yang terhutang kepada Plaintif, Defendan masih gagal dan/atau enggan
melangsaikan bayaran perkhidmatan pengebumian Plaintif berjumlah RM26,800.00
adalah disebabkan ketidakpuashatian Defendan terhadap Plaintif seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam Pemeriksaan Semula Saksi Defendan :-
TRANSL Puan, dia kata, "Sebab saya tak nak bergaduh."
KONG Saya tak nak gaduh, Puan.
AM If I may, is it keadaan huru-hara?
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KONG Dalam keadaan senang
Judge Baik-baik lah orang kata.
KONG Ya, dalam keadaan yang senang, selesai. Duit banyak-banyak pun tak
guna. Saya ada duit tetapi saya tak puas hati.
[11] Justeru, Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa Defendan mengetahui
kewujudan dan menerima perkhidmatan yang telah dibekalkan oleh Plaintif bagi
mendiang suami Defendan. Selain itu, Defendan juga tidak pernah mengutarakan
apa-apa bantahan pada setiap masa yang material sepanjang proses pengebumian
dijalankan sehingga selesai. Plaintif juga menghujahkan bahawa pengakuan serta
bukti salinan cek berjumlah RM28,000.00 melalui Pemeriksaan Balas Defendan dan
ianya jelas menunjukkan bahawa Defendan menyetujui perkhidmatan yang
dibekalkan oleh Plaintif akan tetapi wang tidak pernah diserahkan kepada Plaintif.
[12] Selain itu, Defendan juga telah membuat pengakuan melalui Pemeriksaan
Balas SD dimana keengganan Defendan membayar jumlah yang terhutang kepada
Plaintif adalah berdasarkan ketidapuashatian justeru Defendan mempunyai
tanggungjawab untuk membayar perkhidmatan pengebumian mendiang suami
Defendan kepada Plaintif. Plaintif juga menghujahkan bahawa pengakuan serta bukti
salinan cek berjumlah RM28,000.00 melalui Pemeriksaan Balas Defendan dan ianya
jelas menunjukkan bahawa Defendan menyetujui perkhidmatan yang dibekalkan oleh
Plaintif akan tetapi wang tidak pernah diserahkan kepada Plaintif
[13] Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa berdasarkan syarat-syarat pada Seskyen 71
Akta Kontrak 1950 , bagi syarat pertama Plainitif yang dilantik secara perlakuan oleh
Defendan telah menjalankan perkhidmatan pengebumian ke atas mendiang suami
Defendan. Plaintif juga telah memenuhi syarat kedua di mana perkhidmatan itu adalah
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dilakukan untuk mendiang suami Defendan dan telah dinyatakan pada Perenggan 4
dalam Pernyataan Tuntutan bahawa Plaintif telah menawarkan beberapa pakej
pengebumian bersama harga dan Defendan telah memilih pakej pengebumian yang
berharga RM26,800.00 justeru memenuhi syarat ketiga dan bagi syarat keempat,
Defendan telah mendapatkan faedah atas perkhidmatan pengebumian yang
dilakukan oleh Plaintif dan sehingga ke tarikh tindakan ini Plaintif tidak menerima apa-
apa bayaran terhadap perkhidmatan pengebumian yang telah diberikan kepada
Defendan .
Hujahan Defendan
[14] Defendan menghujahkan bahawa tiada kewujudan terma kontrak yang jelas
antara Plaintif dan Defendan; serta terdapatnya salah nyata (“misrepresentation”)
mengenai lantikan pihak Plaintif oleh Defendan; serta Plaintif pada setiap masa tidak
pernah menyerahkan apa-apa Invois dan/atau sebut harga kepada pihak Defendan
bagi pengesahan perkhidmatan; selain itu, terdapat tekanan tidak wajar pihak Plaintif
terhadap Defendan (Undue Influence). Bagi hujahan pertama pihak Defendan, pihak
Defendan menghujahkan bahawa pada asasnya tiada kewujudan terma kontrak yang
nyata dan/atau jelas di antara pihak memandangkan pihak Plaintif juga akui tiada apa-
apa yang diberikan secara bertulis mengenai perkhidmatan pihak Plaintif kepada
pihak Defendan.
AM Ok. So, Mdm Kong ada terima ini invois?
LAU Terima.
AM Then, boleh bagi tahu kenapa dekat bawah itu dia tak sain? Ok, tak apa, Mr
Lau. Siapa yang bagi invois ini dekat Mdm Kong?
LAU Saya.
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AM You yang bagi. So, you bagi kat Mdm Kong, kat bawah itu dia tak sain, dia tak
mahu sain ke atau you bagi dia pakai pos?
LAU Biasa ini macam, kita cakap percaya punya lah. Kita Cina buat ini cakap
percaya punya lah. Saya bagi dia ini invois dulu lah.
[15] Merujuk kepada pemeriksaan balas di atas ke atas pihak Plaintif, adalah jelas
tiada perjanjian bertulis yang jelas wujud di antara pihak-pihak dan Invois yang
dinyatakan oleh pihak Plaintif ketika itu telah diisukan kepada pihak Defendan namun
tidak ditandatangani ataupun diterima oleh pihak Defendan. Perkara ini juga disahkan
oleh pihak Defendan (SD1) seperti dibawah:-
CEW Pn Kong, dengan rujukan pada muka surat 9 dan 10, adakah Pn Kong
pernah tengok dokumen-dokumen ini? Pn Kong, sekarang adakah Pn
Kong pernah tengok dokumen ini ataupun tidak?
KONG Saya tidak pernah.
CEW Pn Kong, merujuk kepada muka surat 11, ini merupakan satu invois
yang dikeluarkan oleh Rong Cheng Casket & Funeral Services.
KONG Tak pernah, Puan. Tak pernah kasi.
CEW Puan, dokumen ini tidak berada dengan saya sekarang, ia adalah
bersama dengan Plaintif, Witness Pertama. Yang telah hadir pada bicara yang lepas.
[16] Oleh yang demikian, Defendan menghujahkan bahawa tiada apa-apa dokumen
yang dapat menunjukkan Defendan bersetuju dengan sebut harga tersebut pada
awalannya dan Defendan menghujahkan bahawa Plaintif dikatakan telah mengambil
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kesempatan di dalam meletakkan harga perkhidmatannya. Malahan jika dilihat pula
kepada kenyataan SP2:-
AM Jadi saya katakan En Tang, En Tang lah yang memperkenalkan atau
perkhidmatan Plaintif kepada Defendan. Setuju?
TAN Ya, Puan.
[17] Ini adalah kenyataan SP2:-
AM Baik, ok. Puan, I think I rephrase a bit the question. Beginilah, En Tang. Saya
katakan begini. En Tang tahu ada tawar menawar dan kononnya ada perjanjian untuk
perkhidmatan ini disebabkan Plaintif memberitahu En Tang, setuju? I paraphrase. En
Tang, setuju atau tidak saya katakan Plaintif yang memaklumkan En Tang mengenai
persetujuan Defendan dan Plaintif untuk menguruskan pengebumian mendiang?
JUDGE Soalannya bagaimana?
AM Ya.
JUDGE Soalannya bagaimana. Bagaimana tahu?
TAN Puan, saya ada tanya Kong Sew Chu, Defendan. Saya ada tanya
Defendan sama ada beliau ingin mengambil Rong Cheng dan beliau kata boleh.
AM Tanya itu melalui panggilan ataupun perjumpaan?
TAN Melalui telefon.
[18] Adalah amat jelas bahawa pihak Defendan telah diambil kesempatan oleh
pihak Plaintif apabila terdapat pihak ketiga yang terlibat di dalam isu perlantikan
Plaintif sebagai perkhidmatan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan pada tarikh
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kematian suami Defendan. Pada masa yang material, Defendan juga menghujahkan
adalah pada pertimbangan kebarangkalian terdapat kemungkinan salah komunikasi
di antara pihak-pihak khususnya di dalam urusan perkhidmatan pengebumian
terutamanya pakej dan/atau sebut harga bagi perkhidmatan tersebut. Defendan
merujuk kepada S.30 Akta Spesifik Relief 1950 dan berikunya seperti berikut:-
30 When instrument may be rectified
“When, through fraud or a mutual mistake of the parties, a contract or other
instrument in writing does not truly express their intention, either party, or his
representative in interest, may institute a suit to have the instrument rectified: and if
the court find it clearly proved that there has been fraud or mistake in framing the
instrument, and ascertain the real intention of the parties in executing the same, the
court may in its discretion rectify the instrument so as to express that intention, so far
as this can be done without prejudice to rights acquired by third persons in good faith
and for value.”
[19] Melihat kepada tujuan asal kewujudan Invois dan perkhidmatan urusan
pengebumian tersebut dan seperti diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam
CLJ 1117, dan diputuskan:- (7) There can be no rectification if the plaintiff cannot show
the real intention of the parties. Evidence of what took place prior to execution of the
instrument is admissible and indeed essential to prove what intention was
communicated by one side to the other, and with what common intention and common
agreement they made their bargain. 'Some outward expression of accord" is evidence
of "continuing common intention'. Evidence of subjective intention is relevant to
ascertain the real intention of the parties. But the subjective intention as well as a
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subjective denial must be evaluated under the light of the intercommunication or that
which had 'crossed the line'
[20] Defendan juga menghujahkan bahwa Ketidakwujudan unsur Pertimbangan
(Consideration) di dalam Penawaran (Offer) dan Penerimaan
(Acceptance) tiada dan persoalannya adakah Kewujudan Tawaran Balas
(Counter Offer); Defendan kini merujuk kepada Seksyen 7 dan Seksyen 8
masing-masing di dalam Akta Kontrak 1950 di mana seperti berikut S.7
Acceptance must be absolute-. In order to convert a proposal into a
promise the acceptance must- be absolute and unqualified; be expressed in
some usual and reasonable manner, unless the proposal prescribes the
manner in which it is to be accepted. If the proposal prescribes a manner in
which it is to be accepted, and the acceptance is not made in that manner, the
proposer may, within a reasonable time after the acceptance is communicated
to him, insist that his proposal shall be accepted in the prescribed manner, and
not otherwise; but, if he fails to do so, he accepts the acceptance.”
[21] Defendan berhujah, bahawa hanya berlandaskan kepada Invois terbabit
semata-mata dan perlu dibandingkan dengan perkhidmatan yang diberikan yang jelas
mempunyai percanggahan dengan apa yang Defendan niatkan adalah jelas
percanggahan mengenai kewujudan kontrak antara pihak-pihak. Ini kerana merujuk
kepada kenyataan Plaintif melalui SP1:-
LAU Ok, Puan, Puan maaf ya, saya cerita. Biasa kalau ini invois, kita tak boleh kasi
customer dulu. Tapi kita tempat kecil macam Yong Peng, tempat kecil, kita biasa kasi
dia orang dulu.
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[22] Daripada kenyataan ini amatlah jelas, tindakan Plaintif adalah memaksa
“imposed” terhadap Defendan, dan adalah jika ada perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh
Plaintif secara paksa rela ianya adalah satu hubungan kontraktual yang tidak sah
(“tainted with illegality”) dan perkara ini diakui sendiri oleh pihak Plaintif.
AM Dan lepas itu, you bagi tahu Mdm Kong, tunggu ambulans.
AM Lepas itu, you bagi tahu jumlah total RM26,800.
LAU Itu masa belum kasi dia tahu.
[23] Maka dengan itu, Defendan menghujahkan tiada “consideration”/
“pertimbangan” yang masih wujud pada masa material urusan pengebumian
diuruskan pada adaan yang gentir, seperti disahkan oleh SD1:-
JUDGE Berkenaan dengan mayat yang diangkat daripada dewan,
terangkan pasal isu itu sahaja.
AM Ya.
KONG Puan, saksi tadi, Puan, Rong Cheng dan Rong Cheng telah
menghantar orangnya mengangkat mayat suami saya dan saya tak sempat nak
menghalang. Mereka macam perompak,.
[24] Malahan, kesemua masa yang material ketika itu, performing conditions atau
receiving conditions (as defined in S.8 of the Contracts Act 1950) tidak berlaku dan
secara mutlaknya, penerimaan tidak absolute (penerimaan pertimbangan ketika itu,
pembayaran caj tunggakan tidak dilakukan oleh Plaintif). Kewujudan tawar-menawar
termasuk pemilihan keranda bagi urusan pengebumian terbabit juga mencerminkan
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bahawa tindakan pihak-pihak ketika itu tidak menonjolkan suatu kontrak atau
perjanjian terhasil kerana Penerimaan adalah tidak mutlak sama sekali.,
CEW En Tang, tadi peguam Plaintif ada tanya sama ada En Tang mempunyai
pengetahuan tentang tawar menawar di antara Plaintif dengan Defendan. Adakah En
Tang berada di tempat tersebut apabila tawar menawar sedang dijalankan antara
Plaintif dengan Defendan
TRANSL Adakah dia berada di sana?
EW Adakah En Tang berada di sana.
TAN Semasa proses tawar menawar dijalankan saya berada di situ.
[25] Plaintif telah mengesahkan sememang terdapat pembayaran yang tidak
dilakukan oleh Defendan oleh yang demikian menunjukkan permasalahan terhadap
perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh pihak Plaintif.. menjawap persoalan mengenai
kewujudan kontrak tersebut, Defendan merujuk kepada kes Emas Kira Sdn. Bhd. v
Michael Joseph Monteiro & Ors [2017] 3 CLJ 605 (IOD1), m/s 100): -“Section 7 of
the Contracts Act 1950 provides that an acceptance must be absolute and unqualified
in order for a proposal to be converted into a promise. Thus, if a party purports to
accept an offer but introduces a new term in so doing, he would be in reality making a
counteroffer, the effect of which would be to destroy the original offer. Such a
counteroffer must thereafter be accepted before an agreement could be said to have
been put in place. See, for example, Hyde v. Wrench”
[26] Oleh yang demikian, Defendan dengan rendah diri memohon kepada
Mahkamah yang Mulia ini untuk mempertimbangkan keseluruhan surat-surat terbabit
dan menitik beratkan bahawasanya kontrak yang dikatakan wujud melalui 08.10.2010
telah secara khususnya ditawar balas (counter offer) dan melalui surat-surat ini tiada
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satu pun persetujuan mutlak di kecapi oleh Defendan dan Plaintif. Jika diambil semula
“contentious point” oleh Defendan di atas, Defendan ingin mengatakan jika sesuatu
kontrak dikatakan wujud tetapi mengambil kira tawaran balas yang juga diberikan oleh
Defendan, adalah terang bahawa Plaintif sendiri gagal di dalam menunaikan
tanggungjawabnya, iaitu menyerahkan apa-apa notis dan/atau invoice rasmi kepada
pihak Defendan dan/atau sebut harga yang dipersetujui oleh pihak-pihak sebelum
urusan pengebumian itu dijalankan terlebih dahulu. Menurut akta Kontrak sek S.66
Obligation of a person who has received advantage under void agreement, or contract
that becomes void “When an agreement is discovered to be void, or when a contract
becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under the agreement or
contract is bound to restore it, or to make compensation for it, to the person from whom
he received it.
(a) A pays B RM1,000 in consideration of B's promising to marry C, A's daughter.
C is dead at the time of the promise. The agreement is void, but B must repay A the
(b) A contracts with B to deliver to him 250 gantangs of rice before the 1st of May.
A delivers 130 gantangs only before that day, and none later. Bretains the 130
gantangs after the 1st of May. He is bound topay A for them.
(c) A, a singer, contracts with B, the manager of a theatre, to sing at his theatre for
two nights in every week during the next two months, and B engages to pay her RM100
for each night's performance. On the sixth night A wilfully absents herself from the
theatre, and B, in consequence, rescinds the contract. B must pay A for the five nights
on which she had sung.
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(d) A contract to sing for B at a concert for RM1,000, which are paid in advance. A
is too ill to sing. A is not bound to make compensation to B for the loss of the profits
which B would have made if A had been able to sing, but must refund to B the RM1,000
paid in advance.
[27] Mengikut konteks di atas, Defendan ingin mengulangi hujahan di atas jika
Kontrak atau perjanjian di atas adalah tidak sah (taint with illegality) adalah menjadi
khusus bahawasanya pihak yang telah menerima faedah daripada perjanjian itu untuk
memulangkan dan/atau memulihkan dan/atau memberi pampasan kepada kesemua
faedah-faedah yang telah diterima oleh Plaintif khususnya.
[28] Dengan mengambil konteks di dalam kes ini, pihak Plaintif pada setiap
masa yang material tidak pernah memberi gambaran tepat mengenai berapa jumlah
dan harga perkhidmatan yang dipersetujui melainkan dengan jumlah Invois yang
dikatakan telah diisu tiga (3) hari selepas urusan pengebumian. Walaubagaimanapun
tiada apa-apa bukti penerimaan mahupun persetujuan daripada pihak Defendan pada
setiap masa.
AM Tak setuju. Dan Mdm Kong pun tak setuju nak lantik you sebagai, you
punya servis mula-mula. Mula-mula, ya. Setuju, tak setuju?
LAU Setuju
AM Setuju, ya.
LAU Ya. Kalau Mdm Kong tak setuju, yang ada tiga hari punya masa, dia
boleh cerita kita.
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[29]. Merujuk kepada kenyataan di atas, melalui keterangan SP1 jelas Plaintif
menyedari bahawa pada awalnya Plaintif bukanlah wakil yang dirujuk oleh En Tang
yang dipersetujui untuk mengendalikan urusan pengebumian mendiang suami
Defendan, malahan jika diambil konteks keadaan yang material Plaintif tidak
seharusnya berada pada masa tersebut. Defendan berhujah tempoh tiga (3) hari yang
diguna pakai oleh Plaintif bagi urusan pengebumian juga mencerminkan kegagalan
Plaintif untuk:-
a) Mendapatkan apa-apa persetujuan secara bertulis dan/atau kata putus
mengenai harga perkhidmatan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan;
b) Gagal untuk menyerahkan apa-apa Invois dan/atau sebut harga kepada pihak
c) Gagal untuk mendapatkan arahan muktamad dan/atau untuk meneruskan
pengebumian terbabit
AM Ok, I repeat. Saya ulang balik. Saya cadangkan yang Mdm Kong atau
Defendan, sebab setelah kematian suami, tidak pasti untuk lantik you untuk uruskan
pengebumian Mr Ngo Kee Huat.
LAU Ok. Meninggal punya masa, betul bukan dia contact saya. Tapi, yang
itu Uncle Tang Hong Ngang contact saya. Tapi, saya sampai dia punya rumah, Tang
Hong Ngang uncle suruh saya tolong dia tengok sudah meninggal belum.
[30] Oleh yang demikian, Defendan berhujah apabila tiada kata putus yang
tepat maka tiada hubungan kontrak wujud di antara pihak-pihak walaupun kerja-kerja
tersebut telah dilakukan dan di dalam keadaan ini adalah tidak adil bagi Defendan
untuk membayar perkhidmatan Plaintif berlandaskan kepada arahan pihak ketiga iaitu
melalui En. Tan Hong Ngang.
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AM Jadi saya katakan En Tang, sejurus selepas Ngo Kee Huat meninggal dunia,
En Tang telah menghubungi satu syarikat yang menyediakan perkhidmatan
pengebumian. Setuju?
TAN Ya, Puan.
AM Jadi setuju atau tidak dengan saya, En Tang, bahawa Plaintif
ini diperkenalkan oleh En Tang dan bukan dicari oleh Defendan?
[31] Plaintif dikatakan telah mengambil kesempatan terhadap Defendan pada masa
material yang baru kehilangan suami dan mengaut kesempatan untuk perniagaan
terhadap pihak Defendan.
AM Ok. Maknanya, ini semua setuju cakap mulut sajalah, ya?
LAU Ya, betul.
AM Tak ada agreement, betul?
LAU Tak ada.
[32] Walaubagaimanapun, prinsip yang diketengahkan di sini merupakan prinsip
Pengkayaan secara tidak adil (unjust enrichment) dan khususnya diguna pakai oleh
Penuntut namun Defendan berhujah di dalam kes ini, Defendan telah bertindak secara
good faith basis apabila bertanya akan harga keranda sahaja dan tidak pernah pun
bersetuju bagi perkhidmatan pengurusan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan.
[33] Tindakan Plaintif yang juga menyerahkan “angpau” kepada En. Tang
Hong Ngang juga amat meprejudiskan dan ini adalah sama seperti “memaksa”
systematically coerced pihak Defendan untuk menerima perkhidmatan Plaintif secara
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CEW En Tang, tadi En Tang telah kata bahawa En Tang tidak berapa jelas
berkenaan jumlah yang angpau yang telah diberikan oleh Plaintif. Angpau
tersebut adakah En Tang telah simpan ataupun angpau
tersebut telah dibelanjakan?
TAN Saya masih tidak buka angpau lagi. Saya tidak tahu jumlah wang dalam
angpau tersebut. Dan saya simpan angpau tersebut dalam rumah.
AM Jadi En Tang, tiada apa-apa pembayaran komisen ataupun elaun
diberikan. Betul?
TAN Puan, dia tidak memberi saya elaun ataupun komisen tapi saya diberi
satu angpau, Puan.
AM Berapa itu, En Tang?
TAN Saya tidak berapa jelas berapa wang yang saya terima
sebagai angpau.
AM Jadi saya katakan En Tang memang ada bayaran diberikanlah.
Setuju atau tidak?
TAN Puan, saya masih katakan ialah saya hanya terima angpau sahaja.
[34] Maka bagi tujuan hujahan ini, Plaintif bersama En Tang boleh dikatakan telah
“intervene” di dalam urusan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan yang jelas telah
mengambil kesempatan kepada “insecurity” Defendan pada masa yang material baru
kehilangan suami. Defendan menghujahkan prinsip yang diketengahkan di dalam
Dream Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 MLJ 441 (IOD2, m/s 384),
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mengenai Pengkayaan Tidak Adil, Defendan memohon kepada Mahkamah yang
Mulia ini untuk mempertimbangkan isu yang dibangkitkan mengenai pengkayaan
secara tidak adil terhadap Defendan apabila Plaintif secara muslihat dan/atau berniat
dengan tipu daya telah mendapatkan faedah-faedah melalui “systematically coerced”
pihak Defendan di dalam menguruskan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan
yang telah diberikan kepada Plaintif dan selanjutnya mengenakan jumlah
perkhidmatan yang tidak munasabah.
“…As stated by Goff & Jones on The Law of Unjust Enrichment (8th Ed), (para 4-
01),'the law of unjust enrichment is concerned with transfers of value between
claimants and defendants, and a claim in unjust enrichment is 'not a claim for
compensation for loss, but for recovery of a benefit unjustly gained by a defendant at
the expense of the claimant''. In this way, the usage of the term 'restitution' should be
contrasted with the term 'compensation'. The second observation is that it appears the
majority of the Court of Appeal was persuaded by the dicta in Berjaya Times Squares
Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Berjaya Ditan Sdn Bhd) v M Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1
MLJ 597 to the effect that a contract-breaker should not benefit for his wrong. However
the majority of the Court of Appeal failed to take into consideration that in that case
the court also observed that first, acourt interpreting a private contract was not
confined to the fourcorners of the document. It was entitled to look at the factual matrix
forming the background to the transaction. Secondly, the factual matrix which formed
the background to the transaction included all material that was reasonably available
to the parties. Thirdly, the interpreting court must disregard any part of the background
that was declaratory of subjective intent only. Lastly, the court should adopt
anobjective approach when interpreting a private contract…”
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[35] Defendan berhujah prinsip yang diketengahkan di dalam Dream Property Sdn
Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 MLJ 441 (IOD2, m/s 384), mengenai
Pengkayaan Tidak Adil, Defendan memohon kepada Mahkamah yang Mulia ini untuk
mempertimbangkan isu yang dibangkitkan mengenai pengkayaan secara tidak adil
terhadap Defendan apabila Plaintif telah menikmati faedah-faedah yang telah
diberikan kepada Plaintif.
[36] Adalah penting untuk Mahkamah yang mulia iniuntuk mempertimbangkan
segala faktual matrik (Nexus) yang melibatkan keseluruhan dokumen yang telah di
hujahkan oleh Defendan sebelum ini seperti di atas bagi pembentukan, pengesahan
ataupun kewujudan suatu kontrak. Di dalam kes Yap Nyo Nyok v Bath Pharmacy Sdn.
Bhd. [1993] 2 MLJ 250 Mahkamah telah memutuskan bahawa sesuatu terma tidak
boleh tersirat kecuali kesemua pihak bersetuju membuat demikian. Di dalam kes
ketika ini, adalah jelas daripada kenyataan SP1, SP2 dan SD1 tiada kata putus
muktahir dicapai di dalam harga perkhidmatan pengebumian yang pernah di capai
oleh pihak-pihak. Justeru, apabila pihak Plaintif tidak menunjukkan apa-apa hubungan
kontrak secara bertulis melainkan hanya perkhidmatan yang diberikan, ini adalah
bercanggah dengan prinsip “contractual obligation” pihak-pihak. Oleh itu, Defendan
berhujah walaupun perkhidmatan diberikan nas kepada percanggahan terbabit adalah
sama ada Defendan bersetuju dengan intipati dan/atau kerja-kerja yang telah
dilakukan oleh pihak Plaintif.
CEW Pn Kong, jika merujuk kepada muka surat 3, Ikatan Dokumen Bersama, adakah
Pn Kong pernah lihat pakej pengebumian?
KONG Saya pada masa tersebut, semasa suami saya meninggal, saya tidak ditunjuk
muka surat 3 ini.
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[37} Dengan Izin Puan, satu-satunya fakta yang nyata di dalam perbicaraan ini
hanyalah apabila pihak-pihak mengesahkan terdapat perbincangan mengenai
keranda yang ingin ditempah oleh pihak Defendan daripada Plaintif yang juga tidak
mempunyai kata putus mengenai harga keranda terbabit.
CEW Ya. Ok, Pn Kong, Pn Kong telah mengatakan dalam pembelaan bahawa Pn
Kong telah dipaksa untuk mengambil pakej pengebumian oleh Plaintif.
KONG Puan, saya tidak tahu tentang pakej, Puan. Saya hanya diberitahu bahawa
keranda ini berapa harganya, keranda itu berapa harganya. Itu sahaja, Puan.
AM Ok. So, you ada bagi tahu Mdm Kong harga keranda berapa?
[38] Defendan merujuk kepada keterangan-keterangan saksi-saksi adalah jelas
bahawa tempoh masa transaksi dan/atau apa-apa hubungan kontraktual di dalam
urusan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan dilakukan sejurus dan/atau pada
hari mendiang Ng Kee Huat (suami Defendan) meninggal dunia. Jika diteliti
keseluruhan kenyataan saksi-saksi adalah jelas terdapat hubungan bagi
perkhidmatan diberikan namun itu tidak menghalang Plaintif dari memberi tekanan
yang tidak wajar untuk menanggung pembayaran yang masih boleh dianggap tidak
tepat itu dan/atau tidak dipersetujui itu. Defendan merujuk kepada S.16 Akta Kontrak
Seksyen 16 Akta Kontrak 1950 menyatakan bahawa;
“16(1) A contract is said to be induced by undue influence where the relations
subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to
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dominate the will of the other and uses the position to obtain and unfair advantage
over the other.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing principle, a
person is deemed to be in the position to dominate the will of another-
(a) where he holds a real or apparent authority over the other, or where he stands
in a fiduciary relation to the other; or
(b) where he makes a contract with a person whose mental capacity is temporarily
or permanently affected by reason of age, illness or mental or bodily distress.
(3) (a) Where a person who is in a position to dominate the will of another, enters
into a contract with him, and the transaction appears, on the face of it or on the
evidence adduced, to be unconscionable, the burden of proving that the contract was
not induced by undue influence shall lie upon the person in a position to dominate the
will of the other.
(b) Nothing in this subsection shall affect Section 111 of the Evidence Act 1950.”
[39] Pengaruh yang tidak wajar telah digunakan ke atas Defendan yang tidak
mempunyai pengetahuan penuh mengenai perkara tersebut memandangkan di dalam
tempoh perkhidmatan diberikan Defendan masih lagi berkabung, Plaintif tidak
memaklumkan kepada Defendan mengenai Invois-Invois itu. Di dalam kes TENGKU
2 MLJ 265 Mahkamah menyatakan bahawa; “Where a transaction is tainted with
undue influence, it is not only invalid as between the parties thereto and their privies,
but also as against any other person who seeks to enforce the transaction with
knowledge and notice, actual or constructive, that it was procured by undue influence
or any other vitiating element.”
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[2000] 4 MLJ 719, Mahkamah telah memutuskan bahawa terdapat unsur ‘undue
influence’ dan telah menolak permohonan penghakiman terus walaupun penjamin
dalam kes ini adalah seorang isteri yang memberi jaminan bagi suaminya. Mahkamah
yang mulia telah merujuk kepada analisa Lord Browne-Wilkinson yang menyatakan;
“Undue influence A person ho has been induced to enter into a transaction by the
undue influence of another (“the wrongdoer”) is entitled to set the transaction aside as
against the wrongdoer. Such undue influence is either actual or presumed. In Bank of
Credit and Commerce International S A v. Aboody [1990] 1 QB 923, 953, the Court of
Appeal helpfully adopted the following classification. Class 1: Actual Undue Influence
In these cases it is necessary for theclaimant to prove affirmatively that the wrongdoer
exerted undue influence on the complainant to enter into the particular transaction
which is impugned. Class 2: Presumed Undue Influence In these cases the
complainant only has to show, in the first instance, that there was a relationship of
trust and confidence between the complainant and the wrongdoer of such a nature
that it is fair to presume that the wrongdoer abused that relationship in procuring the
complainant to enter into the impugned transaction. In Class 2 cases therefore, there
is no need to produce evidence that actual undue influence was exerted in relation to
the particular transaction impugned once a confidential relationship has been proved,
the burden then shifts to the wrongdoer to prove that the complainant entered into the
impugned transaction freely, for example by showing that the complainant had
independent advice. Such a relationship can be established in two ways, viz: Class
2(A)Certain relationship (for example solicitor client, medical advisor and patient) as a
matter of law raise the presumption that undue influence has been exercised. Class
2(B) Even if there is no rlationship falling within Class 2(A), if the complainant proves
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that de facto existence of a relationship under which the complainant generally
reposed trust and confidence in the wrongdoer, the existence of such relationship
raises the presumption of undue influence. In Class 2(B) case therefore, in the
absence of evidence disproving undue influence, the complainant will succeed in
setting aside the impugned transaction merely by proof that the complainant reposed
trust and confidence in the wrongdoer without having to prove that the wrongdoer
exerted actual undue influence or otherwise abused such trust and confidence in
relation to the particular transaction impugned.”
[41] Sesungguhnya, Plaintif melalui tindakan ini telah mengenakan tekanan yang
tidak wajar bagi memaksa Defendan sama ada dengan muslihat atau tanpa
mengambil kira faktor keadaan mental Defendan ketika itu untuk mengambil pakej
yang tidak dinyatakan harga secara jelas ketika itu amat dipersoalkan mengenai
ketepatannya ini termasuk isu-isu berkenaan pembayaran yang dikenakan bagi
perkidhmatan yang nyata berbeza. Berdasarkan kes-kes di atas, Defendan ingin
menyatakan walaupun tekanan bukanlah berpunca daripada Plaintif sepenuhnya,
tuntutan Plaintif tetap akan terganggu oleh kerana mendiang telah pun dikebumikan
secara selamatnya namun perkhidmatan Plaintif yang amat tidak memuaskan. akan
[42] Defendan dengan ini menghujah secara keseluruhan bahawa tindakan Plaintif
di dalam kes ini setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor hujahan- hujahan Defendan di
atas, Pliding oleh kedua-dua pihak dan otoriti-otoriti yang dipetik dan/atau dinamakan
seperti di atas akan membawa kepada kesimpulan yang berikut: -Kewujudan Kontrak
yang jelas adalah tidak wujud dan jika ada adalah sangat diragui mengenai kewujudan
kontrak tersebut; Pihak Defendan tidak melanggar apa-apa perjanjian atau kontrak;
Plaintif telah gagal di dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan melaksanakan
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perkhidmatan yang diberikan; Maka dengan itu adalah jelas bahawa tindakan Plaintif
ini tidak membawa kausa tindakan yang kukuh.Rujukan kepada semua Ikatan-Ikatan
Dokumen dan Pliding tidak menunjukkan Defendan melanggari sebarang kontrak atau
bersetuju dengan jumlah perkhidmtana diberikan Plaintif dan Plaintif gagal
mengemukakan persoalan kewujudan suatu kontrak yang sahih dan kukuh
Analisis dan Dapatan Mahkamah.
[43] Mahkamah bersetuju dengan hujahan Plaintif yang merujuk kepada prinsip
undang-undang kontrak perkhidmatan adalah terpakai di dalam tindakan ini dengan
merujuk kepada Seksyen 9 Akta Kontrak 1950, dimana cadangan atau penerimaan
janji itu boleh dikatakan terpakai bukan sahaja melalui lisan tetapi melalui apa-apa
sahaja bentuk penerimaan dan merujuk kepada kes ini, Defendan telah menerima
perkhimatan Plaintif untuk terus menjalankan upacara pengebumian mendiang suami
Defendan adalah terpakai. Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan Defendan bahawa
pada asasnya tiada kewujudan yang jelas kontrak diantara Plaintif dan Defendan
kerana terdapatnya kewujudan kontrak yang nyata dan jelas diantara pihak- pihak
selaras dengan tuntutan di dalam Seskyen 10 Akta Kontrak dan sepertimana yang
dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes Mohd Shukri bin Mat (administrator
to the estate of Wan Mek bt Wan Abdullah @ Wan Eshah bin Wan Abdullah) v Wan
Rahmah bt Wan Abdullah (administrator to the estate of Wan Abdullah bin Wan
Ahmad) [2018] 3 MLJ 89 dimana sesuatu kontrak itu tidak semestinya terjadi melalui
perjanjian bertulis, kontrak boleh dimasuki melalui lisan. Kontrak yang sah adalah
apabila terdapat tawaran, penerimaan dan pertimbangan di antara pihak pihak.
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[44] Mahkamah juga bersetuju dengan Plaintif yang menyatakan bahawa ketiga-
tiga elemen teras yang diperuntukkan di dalam Seksyen 10 Akta Kontrak telah
dipenuhi dimana pada 14.01.2021 ketika kematian mendiang suami Defendan, telah
berlaku penawaran diantara Defendan dan Plaintif seperti yang disahkan oleh saksi
bernama Tang Hong Ngang dan wujudnya penerimaan melalui perlakuan Defendan
dengan membenarkan Plaintif untuk menjalankan perkhidmatan pengebumian dan
pada setiap masa yang material tidak pernah membantah, menghalang dan/atau
memberhentikan upacara pengebumian tersebut sehingga selesai serta
pertimbangan dimana setelah perkhidmatan pengebumian selesai jumlah pakej
berjumlah RM26,800.00 akan dibayar kepada Plaintif. Mahkamah juga mendapati
Defendan sendiri telah menyatakan bahawa dia telah meminta pertolongan bekas
pekerjanya iaitu Encik Tang Hong Ngang. Oleh itu jelaslah bahawa Plaintif ini telah
dihubungi oleh Encik Tang atas arahan Defendan. Selain itu, ia juga telah disahkan di
dalam perbicaraan dimana En Tang menyatakan bahawa Defendan sendiri yang
bersetuju untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan Plaintif.
[45] Berdasarkan keseluruhan kes, Mahkamah mendapati tiada terdapat sebarang
unsur penipuan dalam kes ini dan berdasarkan Invois yang diberikan oleh Plaintif ia
adalah sangat jelas bahawa niat Plaintif adalah untuk membekalkan perkhidmatan
pengebumian kepada Defendan di mana Defendan telah bersetuju dan menerima
perkhimatan tersebut. Mahkamah juga mendapati tiada sebarang paksaan untuk
Defendan menerima perkhidmatan Plaintif dan Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa tidak
terdapat percanggahan niat diantara Plaintif dan Defendan kerana semasa
perbicaraan Defendan telah mengakui bahawa beliau adalah bersedia untuk
membayar perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh Plaintif dengan tindakan Defendan
dalan menyediakan satu cek bertarikh 14.01.2021 seperti berikut:-
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EW Pn Kong, adakah Pn Kong telah berbincang berkenaan pakej
pengebumian tersebut ataupun telah tawar- menawar dengan wakil Plaintif?
KONG Puan, dia kata di Rong Cheng ada banyak shareholder. Dia kata banyak
shareholder, rakan kongsi. Lebih kurang 10 lebih orang dan ada seorang rakan kongsi
datang dan cakap dengan saya bahawa dia adalah anak murid saya. Puan, dia datang
beritahu saya ialah, Puan, pada mulanya dia minta RM24,000. Lepas itu, minta
RM26,000. Lepas itu, naik sampai RM28,000. Saya telah mengeluarkan sekeping
cek bernilai RM28,000, bagi kepadanya. Dia ambil balik cek tersebut, kemudian
dikembalikan kepada saya. Dia kata syarikat tak terima. Dia sekarang nak RM30,000
dan beliau memberitahu saya bahawa beliau akan menang kes ini.
[46] Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan Defendan yang telah berhujah bahawa
kewujudan tawar-menawar ini tidak menonjolkan suatu penghasilan kontrak kerana
tiada penerimaan yang mutlak dan sah. Sebaliknya Mahkamah bersetuju dengan
Plaintif yang menghujahkan bahawa terdapat pengakuan yang dilakukan oleh
Defendan pada Perenggan 19 Hujahan Bertulis Defendan dimana Defendan telah
menyatakan bahawas sememangnya terdapat pembayaran yang tidak dilakukan oleh
Defendan atas sebab permasalahan perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh Plaintif.
Perkara ini juga telah dihujahkan oleh Plaintif pada Perenggan 40 Hujahan Bertulis
Plaintif dimana secara amnya Defendan masih gagal dan/atau enggan untuk
membayar jumlah Pakej Perkhidmatan Plaintif bukanlah disebabkan paksaan atau
terdapat sebarang salah nyata tetapi adalah disebabkan ketidakpuashatian terhadap
kerja-kerja yang telah dibekalkan oleh Plaintif tidak mencapai tahap kepuasan
Defendan. Ketidakpuashatian ini hanya dikemukakan oleh Defendan apabila Plaintif
minta bayaran perkhidmatan daripada Defendan adalah suatu pemikiran semula
(“afterthought”), dan Defendan langsung tidak pernah membantah dan/atau
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menghalang Plaintif untuk menjalankan perkhidmatan sepanjang upacara
pengebumian dijalankan. Plaintif juga menghujahkan bahawa ketidakpuashatian
terhadap kerja-kerja yang telah dibekalkan bukanlah tiket untuk tidak membayar
perkhidmatan seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam kes Dua Residency Management
Corporation v Edisi Utama Sdn Bhd & Anor [2021] MLJU 140 di mana Mahkamah
Tinggi telah mengambil petikan-petikan di dalam kes Ruxley Electronics and
Construction Ltd v Forsyth [1996] AC 344 HL dimana ia menerangkan bahawa :-
“[167] Subsequently in the English House of Lords case of Ruxley Electronics
and Construction Ltd v Forsyth [1996] AC 344 HL, Lord Jauncey held as follows: “I
take the example suggested during argument by my noble and learned friend, Lord
Bridge of Harwich. A man contracts for the building of a house and specifies that one
of the lower courses of brick should be blue. The builder uses yellow brick instead. In
all other respects the house conforms to the contractual specification. To replace the
yellow bricks with blue would involve extensive demolition and reconstruction at a very
large cost. It would clearly be unreasonable to award to the owner the cost of
reconstructing because his loss was not the necessary cost of reconstruction of his
house, which was entirely adequate for its design purpose, but merely the lack of
aesthetic pleasure which he might have derived from the sight of blue bricks. Thus in
the present appeal the respondent has acquired a perfectly serviceable swimming
pool, albeit one lacking the specified depth. His loss is thus not the lack of a useable
pool with consequent need to construct a new one. Indeed were he to receive the cost
of building a new one and retain the existing one he would have recovered not
compensation for loss but a very substantial gratuitous benefit, something which
damages are not intended to provide.…
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It was submitted that where the objective of a building contract involved
satisfaction of a personal preference the only measure of damages available for a
breach involving failure to achieve such satisfaction was the cost of reinstatement. In
my view this is not the case. Personal preference may well be a factor in
reasonableness and hence in determining what loss has been suffered but it cannot
per se be determinative of what that loss is. My Lords, the trial judge found that it would
be unreasonable to incur the cost of demolishing the existing pool and building a new
and deeper one. In so doing he implicitly recognised that the respondent’s loss did not
extend to the cost of reinstatement. He was, in my view, entirely justified in reaching
that conclusion.” Merujuk kepada kes di atas, Mahkamah Tinggi mendapati bahawa
kecenderungan peribadi bukanlah ukuran semata-mata untuk bagi menentukan
kerugian suatu pihak. Ia perlulah berlandaskan sesuatu perkara yang lebih material.
Justeru, Plaintif sesungguhnya percaya bahawa kenyataan ketidakpuashatian
Defendan terhadap perkhidmatan yang telah diberikan hanyalah berdasarkan
kehendak peribadi Defendan dan bukanlah suatu kesalahan daripada Plaintif.
[47] Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan Defendan yang menyatakan
bahawa Plaintif telah diperkaya secara tidak adil dimana Defendan menyatakan
bahawa Plaintif telah mengaut kesempatan untuk perniagaannya. Sebaliknya
Mahkamah mendapati Defendan yang telah meminta En Tang untuk menghubungi
mana-mana peniaga yang membekalkan perkhidmatan pengebumian dan Encik Tang
telah menghubungi Plaintif di atas arahan tersebut. Mahkamah bersetuju dengan
hujahan Plaintif yang menyatakan bahawa sesuatu pengkayaan tidak adil (Unjust
Enrichment) itu berlaku apabila elemen-elemen yang diterangkan di dalam Dream
Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 MLJ 441 dipenuhi, dimana
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyenaraikan empat (4) elemen pengkayaan secara
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tidak adil seperti berikut:- [117] The above passages from the judgments of the House
of Lords are instructive and are significant contribution to the development of law of
unjust enrichment. The principle underlying the cases of Banque Financiere de la Cite
v Parc (Battersea) Ltd and Sempra Metals Ltd (formerly Metallgesellschaft Ltd) v IRC
is that, in the context of the present case, a cause of action in unjust enrichment can
give rise to a right to restitution where it can be established that:
(a) the plaintiff must have been enriched;
(b) the enrichment must be gained at the defendant's expense;
(c) that the retention of the benefit by the plaintiff was unjust; and
(d) there must be no defence available to extinguish or reduce the plaintiff's liability
to make restitution.
[48] Berdasarkan petikan di atas, Plaintif berhujah bahawa Defendan telah
diperkaya dengan pembekalan perkhidmatan pengebumian terhadap mendiang
suami Defendan. Seterusnya melalui perkhidmatan yang telah diberikan Defendan
sehingga ke hari ini tidak pernah membayar segala kos-kos perkhidmatan
pengebumian yang telah diberikan. Selain itu, Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa
perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepada Defendan tanpa pembayaran oleh Defendan
adalah tidak adil kepada Plaintif kerana Plaintif telah mengeluarkan kos bagi
menyempurnakan pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan termasuk dan tidak
terhad kepada keranda, perkhidmatan angpau, obituari, video dan kos-kos tenaga
pekerja malah tidak ada pada masa yang material menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif
mendapat apa-apa pengembalian mahupun faedah daripda perlakuan Defendan yang
tidak membayar perkhidamtan yang diberikan sesudah pengebumian mendiang
suami Defendan selesai. Plaintif juga menghujahkan dimana sesuatu kontrak itu tidak
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semestinya sah dengan hanya melalui perjanjian bertulis seperti yang dinyatakan di
dalam Seskyen 2(e) Akta Kontrak 1950 :-
“Interpretation- 2. In this Act the following words and expressions are used in the
following senses, unless a contrary intention appears from the context:… (e)
every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is
an agreement; Hal ini juga dinyatakan di dalam Seksyen 10 (1) Akta Kontrak dimana
:- “What agreements are contracts 10. (1) All agreements are contracts if they are
made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration
and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void” Mahkamah
bersetuju dengan hujahan Plaintif menyatakan berdasarkan seksyen-seksyen di atas
keperluan bagi sesuatu kontrak itu sah tidak diperlukan wajib secara bertulis dan
hanya perlu memenuhi elemen penawaran, penerimaan dan pertimbangan seperti
yang telah diterangkan di pada Perenggan 7 di atas.
[49] Mahkamah juga mendapati Defendan gagal membuktikan penyataannya,
Defendan telah menyatakan bahawa terdapat suatu pengaruh tidak wajar (undue
influence) yang dikenakan ke atas Defendan bagi menerima perkhidmatan
pengebumian yang dibekalkan oleh Plaintif. Kenyataan yang dinyatakan Defendan
adalah kenyataan yang tidak disokong oleh fakta-fakta di dalam tindakan ini.
Mahkamah bersetuju dengan Plaintif bahawa pada setiap masa yang material tiada
pengaruh tidak wajar diberikan ke atas Defendan dimana terdapat beberapa fakta-
fakta menyokong kenyataan defendan seperti berikut:- Pada Perenggan 6 (a) - (d) di
dalam Pernyataan Pembelaan dimana Defendan sendiri telah menyatakan bahawa
dia telah meminta pertolongan bekas pekerjanya iaitu Encik Tang Hong Ngang
menghubungi syarikat yang membekalkan perkhidmatan pengebumian; Pada setiap
masa yang material dan sepanjang upacara pengebumian yang mengambil masa tiga
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(3) hari, tiada apa-apa bantahan diberikan oleh Plaintif malah upacara pengebumian
telah diselesaikan dengan sempurna; Pada hari perbicaraan di mana pada
Pemeriksaan Semula Defendan ada menyatakan bahawa keadaan ketika upacara
pengebumian itu adalah dalam keadaan tenang :-
AM If I may, is it keadaan huru-hara?
KONG Dalam keadaan yang senang.
JUDGE Baik-baik lah orang kata.
KONG Ya, dalam keadaan yang senang, selesai. Duit banyak-banyak pun tak
guna. Saya ada duit tetapi saya tak puas hati.
AM Ok.
[50] Plaintif juga menghujahkan bahawa pada setiap masa yang material Defendan
mempunyai pengetahuan tentang harga pakej pengebumian tersebut, walaupun
dikatakan bahawa tiada jumlah tepat bagi perkhidmatan tersebut (tiada pengakuan
dibuat), Plaintif percaya Defendan mempunyai pengetahuan tentang julat harga pakej-
pakej pengebumian yang dibekalkan oleh Plaintif. Mahkamah bersetuju dengan
hujahan Plaintif yang menyatakan bahawa bagi sesuatu dakwaan pengaruh tidak
wajar (undue influence) itu berjaya dibuktikan ia perlu memenuhi kriteria-kriteria dan
beban pembuktian untuk membuktikan fakta tersebut pada keseimbangan
kebarangkalian terletak kepada pihak yang membangkitkannya dan di dalam tindakan
ini adalah Defendan dimana ia telah dinyatakan di dalam kes Sepang International
Circuit Sdn Bhd v M7 Racing Sdn Bhd [2020] 9 MLJ 577 dimana Mahkamah Tinggi
menyatakan :- “(4)Untuk mewujudkan pengaruh yang tidak semestinya, unsur-
unsurnya adalah: (a) salah satu pihak berada dalam posisi untuk menguasai
kehendak pihak lain; (b) pihak yang berada dalam posisi untuk menguasai telah
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menggunakan posisi itu untuk mempengaruhi pihak lain; dan (c) pihak yang dominan
memperoleh keuntungan tidak adil akibat kesan daripada perkara tersebut, mesti
terbukti. Tiada unsur-unsur tersebut dapat dibuktikan. Oleh kerana isu pengaruh yang
tidak semestinya dibangkitkan oleh defendan, pihaknya memiliki beban pembuktian
untuk membuktikan fakta tersebut pada keseimbangan kebarangkalian sebagaimana
yang diperuntukkan dalam pasal s 103 Akta Keterangan. Defendan gagal
mengemukakan bukti yang cukup untuk melepaskan beban pembuktian untuk
membuktikan faktor yang menyebabkan keseimbangan kebarangkalian (lihat
perenggan 46, 48, 50 & 52).”
[51] Mahkamah menerima hujahan Plaintif yang menegaskan dan akan
menegaskan pada setiap suratcara-suratcara tindakan ini mahupun di dalam Hujahan
Bertulis Defendan tiada suatu fakta kukuh yang menyokong kewujudan pengaruh
tidak wajar yang dikatakan dikenakan keatas Defendan oleh Plaintif malah telah
dinyatakan sendiri didalam Perenggan 51 Hujahan Bertulis Defendan dimana ia
mengatakan bahawa tekanan ataupun pengaruh tidak wajar bukanlah berpunca
daripada Plaintif sepenuhnya .
[51] Mahkamah bersetuju dengan Plaintif dengan merujuk kepada kes-kes dan
hujahan plaintif jelaslah bahawa terdapat kewujudan kontrak diantara Plaintif dan
Defendan melalui beberapa perlakuan dan tindakan oleh kedua-dua pihak dan
memenuhi segala aspek suatu kontrak yang sah seperti yang dinyatakan pada
Seksyen 9 dan Seksyen 10 (1) Akta Kontrak 1950; bahawa setiap masa yang material,
Invois telah diberikan kepada Defendan akan tetapi enggan diterima oleh Defendan
serta pengetahuan jumlah pembayaran yang perlu dibayar adalah dibuktikan dengan
kewujudan satu cek bertarikh 14.01.2021 berjumlah RM28,000.00 oleh Defendan;
Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa Defendan telah diperkaya secara tidak adil kerana
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sehingga ke tarikh tindakan ini Defendan masih belum membayar jumlah
perkhidmatan pengebumian berjumlah RM26,800.00 kepada Plaintif walaupun
pengebumian mendiang suami Defendan telah lama diselesaikan. Defendan setakat
ini masih gagal untuk mengemukakan sebarang pembelaan yang bermerit dalam
Hujahan Bertulis Defendan dan hanya penafian kosong (“bare denial”) yang tidak
berasas serta bersifat pemikiran semula (“afterthought”). Plaintif juga percaya bahawa
Defendan telah gagal membuktikan pada keseimbangan kebarangkalian ke atas isu
pengaruh tidak wajar yang dibangkitkan oleh Defendan justeru menjurus kepada
kegagalan dakwaan tersebut.
[52] Setelah meneliti pliding, mendengar keterangan bersumpah saksi-saksi Plaintif
dan saksi defendan, meneliti keterangan dokumen dan eksibit-eksibit, serta setelah
membaca hujahan Plaintif serta hujahan Defendan, di atas imbangan keberangkalian
Mahkamah berpuashati dan membuat keputusan bahawa Plaintif berjaya
membuktikan kesnya terhadap defendan, maka tuntutan plaintif dibenarkan.
Bertarikh 18 Oktober 2023
Peguamcara bagi pihak Plaintif : (Tetuan LOW & FONG])
Peguamcara bagi pihak Defendan: (Tetuan MUZHAFFAR RAZAK CHAMBERS)
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| 63,314 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PB-42JSKS(A)-1-09/2022 | PERAYU AIYOB BIN CHE MEH RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Rayuan atas Perintah Sabitan dan Hukuman.– Pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 14(a) Akta Kesalahan-Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak- Kanak 2017 dan dibaca bersama seksyen 16(1) Akta yang sama – Elemen-elemen kesalahan – Sama ada Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan wajar mengganggu dapatan oleh Hakim Bicara mengenai isu kredibilliti saksi – Sama ada Tertuduh boleh bergantung kepada pembelaan alibi – Sama ada pihak pembelaan berjaya membangkitkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Fathiyah Binti Idris | |
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[1] Di dalam kes ini, Perayu telah didapati bersalah dan disabitkan
kesalahannya oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Butterworth, Pulau
Pinang (Hakim Bicara) di bawah Seksyen 14(a) Akta Kesalahan-
Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 dan dibaca
bersama Seksyen 16(1) Akta yang sama. Hukuman yang telah
dijatuhi ke atas Perayu adalah 4 tahun penjara dari tarikh sabitan
(9.9.2022) dan hukuman tambahan iaitu 2 tahun penjara setelah
selesai menjalani hukuman utama dan 2 kali sebatan rotan.
[2] Pihak Perayu yang terkilan dengan keputusan tersebut, telah
merayu ke Mahkamah Tinggi atas sabitan dan hukuman tersebut.
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[3] Setelah meneliti Rekod Rayuan, hujahan bertulis dan hujahan lisan
oleh kedua-dua pihak, Mahkamah ini mendapati perintah sabitan
adalah selamat dan Mahkamah ini telah menolak rayuan Perayu
dan mengekalkan sabitan dan hukuman oleh Hakim Bicara. Berikut
adalah alasan Mahkamah ini yang menolak rayuan Perayu
terhadap sabitan dan hukuman.
Pertuduhan Pindaan
[4] "Bahawa kamu di antara 04.07.2020 sehingga 26.7.2020 di antara jam
10.00 pagi sehingga 5.00 petang di dalam Bilik Kaunseling, Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Kampong Selamat, Tasek Gelugor, dalam Daerah
Seberang Perai Utara, di dalam Negeri Pulau Pinang, telah melakukan
amang seksual fizikal ke atas seorang kanak-kanak perempuan bernama
XXXXXXXX binti XXXXXX (NO KP: XXXXXXX) berumur 17 tahun dengan
cara memeluk badan, meraba buah dada, mencium bahagian leher dan
memegang kemaluan mangsa. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan
kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 14(a) Akta Kesalahan-
Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 dan dibaca bersama
Seksyen 16 (1) Akta yang sama.”
Hukuman Seksyen 14(a)
[5] Dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama tempoh tidak melebihi dua
puluh tahun dan boleh juga dihukum dengan hukuman sebat.
Hukuman Seksyen 16(1)
[6] Sebagai tambahan kepada hukuman yang dia boleh dikenakan bagi
kesalahan itu, dihukum pemenjaraan selama tempoh tidak melebihi
lima tahun dan hendaklah juga dihukum dengan hukuman sebat
tidak kurang daripada dua sebatan.
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Tugas Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan
[7] Kewajipan Mahkamah ini dalam mendengar rayuan jenayah adalah
untuk memastikan bahawa sabitan terhadap Perayu adalah betul
dan selamat untuk dikekalkan. (Rujuk kes Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Hj
Abd Razak v. Public Prosecutor [2022] 1 MLJ 137).
[8] Pada lazimnya, Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan tidak akan
mengganggu dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara, namun jika Mahkamah
yang mendengar rayuan mendapati Hakim Bicara telah tersalah
arah atau jika terdapat alasan yang substantial dan kukuh dalam
dapatan Hakim Bicara, maka sewajarnya Mahkamah yang
mendengar rayuan campur tangan atau mengganggu penemuan
fakta oleh Hakim Bicara tersebut.
[9] Selain itu, adalah juga merupakan satu prinsip yang mantap,
bahawa dalam melaksanakan bidang kuasa rayuan, Mahkamah ini
boleh dan hendaklah menilai semula keseluruhan keterangan yang
dikemukakan di peringkat pendakwaan dan pembelaan.
Fakta Kes Pendakwaan
[10] Fakta kes ini adalah sepertimana yang telah dibentangkan oleh
Hakim Bicara di dalam Alasan Penghakimannya.
[11] Pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil seramai sepuluh (10) orang
saksi seperti berikut: -
(a) SP1, Koperal 160363 Mohamad Hazwan bin Mat Radzi
(b) SP2, Puan Rohaida binti Jamaluddin (ibu mangsa);
(c) SP3, Nuranalia Balqis binti Mohd Hizam (rakan mangsa);
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(d) SP4, XXXXXXX binti XXXXXXX (mangsa);
(e) SP5, ASP Mohd Yusof bin Haji Ibrahim (pegawai
(f) SP6, Nurien Aiesya binti Mohd Zaki (rakan baik mangsa);
(g) SP7, Puan Wan Amirnuriha binti Haji Hasbullah (guru
kelas mangsa);
(h) SP8, Puan Roslina binti Hasim (Pengetua SMK Kampung
(i) SP9, Puan Norafiza binti Abdullah (Guru Bimbingan dan
Kaunseling SMK Kampung Selamat); dan
(j) SP10, Inspektor Norma binti Abdul Razak (pegawai
penyiasat kes).
[12] Mangsa (SP4) ialah seorang kanak-kanak yang berumur 17 tahun
semasa tarikh kejadian. Pada masa itu beliau sedang belajar di
dalam tingkatan 5 Kemanusiaan Amanah, Sekolah Menengah
Kebangsaan Kampung Selamat, Tasek Gelugor, Pulau Pinang.
Sepanjang sesi persekolahan, SP4 tinggal di asrama sekolah
tersebut. Bapa SP4 telah meninggal dunia semasa beliau masih
kecil dan beliau dibesarkan oleh ibunya, iaitu SP2.
[13] Perayu ialah seorang guru kaunseling dan bimbingan yang
bertugas di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kampung Selamat,
Tasek Gelugor, Pulau Pinang semasa tarikh kejadian.
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Keterangan SP4
[14] Pada 4.7.2020 (hari Sabtu) sekitar jam 10.00 pagi, SP4 bersama
SP6 dan 3 lagi rakan yang lain telah pergi ke bilik kaunseling
sekolah tersebut untuk belajar berkumpulan. Mereka belajar di
bahagian ruang tamu bilik kaunseling tersebut. Perayu yang berada
di bilik kaunseling telah memanggil SP4 untuk masuk ke biliknya.
Apabila dipanggil, SP4 telah pergi dan masuk ke bilik Perayu.
[15] Semasa SP4 berada di dalam bilik Perayu, Perayu telah bertanya
kepada SP4 “Boleh tak ayah nak peluk adik?” SP4 telah
mengizinkan Perayu memeluknya atas alasan dia tidak pernah
merasa pelukan seorang ayah.
[16] Kejadian selanjutnya berlaku pada 5.7.2020 (hari Ahad), 11.7.2020
(hari Sabtu) dan 26.7.2020 (hari Ahad). Pada tarikh-tarikh yang
tersebut SP4 dan SP6 telah pergi ke bilik kaunseling untuk
mengulang kaji pelajaran. Semasa mereka sedang mengulang kaji
pelajaran, Perayu telah memanggil SP4 untuk masuk ke biliknya.
SP4 telah pergi ke bilik Perayu dan masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut.
[17] Kejadian pada 5.7.2020 (hari Ahad), semasa SP4 masuk ke bilik
tersebut, Perayu terus memeluk SP4 dari arah belakang. Perayu
juga telah meraba buah dada SP4 dari luar baju.
[18] Kejadian pada 11.7.2020 (hari Sabtu), apabila SP4 masuk ke bilik
Perayu, lantas Perayu memeluk, menyelak tudung kepala SP4
serta mencium bahagian leher kanan SP4. Perayu juga pada masa
yang sama telah meraba kemaluan SP4 dari bahagian luar seluar
yang dipakai oleh SP4. Menurut SP4, pada ketika itu dia berasa
keliru dengan perlakuan Perayu terhadapnya dan tertanya-tanya
betulkah seorang ayah sanggup meraba kemaluan anaknya.
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[19] SP4 telah mengelak supaya Perayu melepaskannya dan berkata
kepada Perayu bahawa dia akan memberitahu ibunya mengenai
perlakuan Perayu terhadapnya. Perayu telah mengingatkan SP4
supaya tidak memberitahu hal tersebut kepada sesiapa pun.
[20] Kejadian seterusnya pada 26.7.2022 (hari Ahad) sekitar jam 2.00
petang, seperti kejadian-kejadian sebelumnya, Perayu yang berada
di dalam bilik kaunseling telah memanggil SP4 untuk masuk ke
biliknya. Apabila SP4 masuk ke bilik Perayu, Perayu terus memeluk
SP4 dari arah belakang dan menyentuh bahagian kemaluan SP4
dari luar seluar yang dipakai oleh SP4. Perayu juga telah mencium
leher kanan SP4 dan meraba buah dada SP4 dari luar pakaiannya.
SP4 cuba mengelak supaya Perayu melepaskannya, tetapi Perayu
tidak melepaskannya.
[21] Pada 29.7.2020 (hari Rabu), Perayu telah menghantar SP4 dan
SP6 untuk pulang bercuti di rumah masing-masing sempena cuti
Hari Raya Aidil Adha dengan menaiki kereta Perayu. Perayu telah
menghantar SP6 balik ke rumahnya terlebih dahulu dan
kemudiannya meneruskan perjalanan ke rumah SP4. Semasa
dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah SP4, Perayu telah bertindak
memegang tangan kanan SP4 dan telah menyelak seluar serta
memegang betis SP4.
Keterangan SP3
[22] SP3 ialah rakan sekelas SP4. Dalam keterangannya beliau
menyatakan bahawa semasa beliau dan rakan-rakan yang lain
menghadiri kelas prep malam di dewan makan, SP3 melihat SP4
seakan-akan mempunyai masalah. SP3 telah bertanya kepada
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SP4 dan ketika itulah SP4 menceritakan kepadanya bahawa
Perayu telah mencabulnya di bilik kaunseling sekolah mereka. SP3
menasihati SP4 supaya tidak lagi pergi ke bilik kaunseling untuk
mengulang kaji pelajaran. SP3 kemudiannya telah menceritakan
kejadian tersebut kepada guru kelas mereka, Cikgu Wan
Amirnuriha (SP7).
Keterangan SP7
[23] SP7 dalam keterangannya menyatakan bahawa beliau mendapati
SP4 kurang semangat untuk belajar. SP7 mengesahkan bahawa
pada 29.7.2020 di waktu petang, SP3 telah memberitahunya
mengenai perbuatan Perayu yang mencabul SP4. Pada malam itu
SP7 telah menelefon SP4 untuk mengesahkan tentang apa yang
diceritakan oleh SP3 kepadanya. SP4 telah mengakui tentang
perkara yang diceritakan kepada SP3. Semasa SP4 menceritakan
kepada SP7, dia dalam keadaan menangis.
Keterangan SP2
[24] Berdasarkan keterangan SP2, pada 31.07.2020 SP4 telah
memberitahu SP2 bahawa Perayu telah cabul, peluk, raba dan cium
[25] SP2 berasa sangat sedih dengan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh
Perayu terhadap anaknya. SP2 tidak menyangka Perayu yang
merupakan seorang guru sanggup melakukan sedemikian terhadap
anaknya (SP4).
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[26] Pada 4.8.2020 (hari Selasa) SP2 telah membuat satu laporan polis
sepertimana Tasek Gelugor Report 2305/2020 (ekshibit P6).
Tangkapan ke atas Perayu
[27] Pada 11.8.2020 (hari Selasa), SP5 telah membuat tangkapan ke
atas Perayu sepertimana Kepala Batas Report 6056/2020 (ekshibit
P7). SP5 juga turut merampas telefon bimbit jenama Samsung
(exh. P9) milik Perayu. Satu laporan polis dibuat mengenai
rampasan telefon bimbit sepertimana Sg Dua Report 248/2021
(eksibit P10). Hasil siasatan yang dijalankan, Perayu telah dituduh
sepertimana pertuduhan di atas.
Kes Pembelaan
[28] Setelah Perayu dipanggil membela diri, dia telah diterangkan
dengan tiga pilihan dan Perayu telah memilih untuk memberi
keterangan secara bersumpah dari dalam kandang saksi.
[29] Selain Perayu (SD1), dua orang saksi telah memberi keterangan
dalam kes pembelaan, mereka ialah Mohamad Said bin Ibrahim,
Timbalan Pengarah Pendidikan, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pulau
Pinang (SD2) dan Amar Zulhadi bin Zulkifli, bekas pelajar SMK
Kampung Selamat (SD3).
[30] Perayu telah memberikan keterangan bersumpah dan telah
memberikan keterangan melalui pernyataan bertulis saksi yang
telah ditandakan sebagai WSD1. Secara ringkasnya, keterangan
Perayu berkisar mengenai latar belakang diri dan keluarga serta
latar belakang pendidikannya. Perayu mengesahkan bahawa dia
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mula bertugas di SMK Kampung Selamat mulai 1 Julai, 2019
sebagai Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling dan dia mendakwa
mempunyai rekod perkhidmatan yang amat baik.
[31] Di dalam pernyataan bertulisnya, Perayu telah menceritakan
mengenai fakta-fakta lain yang tidak berkaitan dengan pertuduhan
yang dihadapinya. Perayu juga telah mengemukakan perkara-
perkara yang telah berlaku semasa dan selepas siasatan dijalankan
terhadapnya. Perayu mendakwa bahawa dia telah dituduh kerana
wujudnya konspirasi sekumpulan orang yang hendak menjatuhkan
[32] Perayu juga menafikan dia hadir ke sekolah pada tarikh 4.7.2020,
5.7.2020, 11.7.2020 dan 26.7.2020 kerana kesemua tarikh tersebut
adalah hari Sabtu dan Ahad yang merupakan hari cuti persekolahan
dan ketika itu negara berada dalam tempoh Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan (PKP) Fasa Pertama.
[33] Perayu menyatakan bahawa sebagai seorang guru, dia terikat
dengan Garis Panduan Pengurusan Pembukaan Sekolah yang
dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan kehadiran
guru-guru perlu direkodkan dan kehadiran ke sekolah adalah
secara penggiliran.
[34] Perayu menafikan semua kejadian tersebut atas alasan dia tidak
berada di sekolah dan tidak dibenarkan memasuki kawasan
sekolah. Menurut Perayu, jika dia hadir sudah pasti pengetua
sekolah (SP8) mengemukakan bukti surat kebenaran bertulis
daripada pihak sekolah untuk Perayu memasuki sekolah pada
tarikh-tarikh tersebut.
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[35] Perayu juga mendakwa bahawa pergerakan keluar masuk ke bilik
kaunseling perlu direkodkan di dalam buku rekod pendaftaran.
Murid-murid tidak dibenarkan masuk ke bilik kaunseling sepanjang
tempoh tersebut dan sesi kaunseling dijalankan secara atas talian
[36] Perayu mengesahkan bahawa pada 29.7.2020, dia telah
menghantar SP4 dan SP6 balik ke rumah masing-masing dengan
menaiki keretanya. Perayu selanjutnya mendakwa bahawa selain
SP4 dan SP6, terdapat seorang lagi murid lelaki tingkatan 4 iaitu
SD3 di dalam kereta tersebut. Perayu menyatakan bahawa apabila
sampai di rumah SP4, dia telah berbual-bual dengan ibu SP4 (iaitu
SP2) dalam suasana yang muhibah.
[37] Di akhir keterangannya, Perayu menafikan melakukan perbuatan-
perbuatan seperti di dalam pertuduhan. Perayu menyatakan
bahawa jika dia hendak melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan seperti itu,
sudah pasti dia akan mencari perempuan yang lebih seksi dan
membawa ke mana-mana hotel yang lebih selesa.
Keterangan SD2
[38] SD2 dalam keterangannya mengesahkan mengenai Garis Panduan
Pengurusan Pembukaan Sekolah dalam tempoh Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan (PKP). Keterangan beliau adalah mengenai Standard
Operasi Prosedur (SOP) operasi pembukaan sekolah secara
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Keterangan SD3
[39] SD3 merupakan seorang bekas pelajar SMK Kampung Selamat
dan merupakan anak angkat kepada Perayu. SD3 mula tinggal di
rumah Perayu sebaik sahaja Perayu bertukar ke SMK Kampong
[40] SD3 menyatakan bahawa pada 29.7.2020, Perayu ada menghantar
dua lagi pelajar lain balik ke rumah masing-masing dan SD3 turut
berada bersama mereka di dalam kereta Perayu.
Keputusan di akhir kes pembelaan
[41] Di akhir kes pembelaan, Hakim Bicara mendapati pihak pembelaan
telah gagal menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes
pendakwaan, oleh itu Perayu didapati bersalah dan disabitkan
kesalahannya sepertimana pertuduhan pindaan.
Alasan Rayuan
[42] Pihak Perayu telah mengemukakan petisyen rayuan dan hujahan
bertulisnya yang boleh diringkaskan seperti berikut: -
a. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf kerana tidak mengambil kira
kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan surat kebenaran
pergerakan Perayu untuk hadir ke sekolah dalam tempoh
berkuatkuasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP), khususnya
pada tempoh yang dinyatakan dalam pertuduhan.
b. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf kerana tidak mengambil kira
kegagalan pihak pendakwaan untuk mengemukakan Buku
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Daftar Kehadiran Guru kaunseling dan murid-murid di bilik
kaunseling pada hari-hari kejadian.
c. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf kerana tidak mengambil kira
kewujudan Buku Rekod Pendaftaran Bilik Kaunseling. Ini
menyebabkan tanggapan bertentangan di bawah seksyen
114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 adalah terpakai.
d. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf dalam membuat kesimpulan bahawa
pembelaan Perayu sebagai rekaan dan pembelaan pemikiran
terkemudian (afterthought).
e. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf apabila tidak mengambil kira
keterangan SD2 bahawa dalam tempoh PKP, semua guru
adalah terikat dengan Garis Panduan Pembukaan Sekolah.
f. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf apabila gagal mengambil kira
bahawa tarikh-tarikh kejadian adalah pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad
iaitu hari cuti.
g. Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa pihak
pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan pertuduhan terhadap Perayu
melampaui keraguan yang munasabah.
Analisis dan dapatan Mahkamah ini
[43] Untuk membuktikan satu kes prima facie, adalah menjadi tugas
pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan semua elemen pertuduhan
di bawah seksyen 14(a) Akta Kesalahan-Kesalahan Seksual
Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017. Seksyen 14(a) menyatakan seperti
berikut: - 1
“Amang seksual fizikal atas kanak-kanak
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14. Mana-mana orang yang, bagi maksud seksual –
a. menyentuh mana-mana bahagian badan seseorang kanak-
b. ………..;
c. ………..; atau
d. …………
melakukan suatu kesalahan dan hendaklah apabila
disabitkan, dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama tempoh
tidak melebihi dua puluh tahun dan boleh juga dihukum
dengan hukuman sebatan.
Huraian 1
--Perbuatan menyentuh boleh melibatkan perbuatan
menyentuh dengan menggunakan mana-mana bahagian
badan atau dengan suatu objek dan boleh dilakukan melalui
apa-apa sahaja termasuk apa-apa sahaja yang dipakai oleh
orang yang menyentuh atau kanak-kanak yang disentuh.
Huraian 2
--Dalam menentukan apakah yang menjadi maksud seksual,
mahkamah boleh menimbangkan, antara lain, bahagian badan
yang disentuh, sifat dan takat perbuatan menyentuh atau
kontak fizikal dan semua hal keadaan lain yang berkenaan
dengan perlakuan itu….”
[44] Manakala Seksyen 16 pula memperuntukkan seperti berikut: -
“Orang yang mempunyai hubungan amanah
(1) Jika seseorang yang melakukan mana-mana kesalahan di
bawah Akta ini atau mana-mana kesalahan yang dinyatakan
dalam Jadual terhadap seseorang kanak-kanak, mempunyai
hubungan amanah dengan kanak-kanak itu, orang itu
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hendaklah sebagai tambahan kepada hukuman yang dia
boleh dikenakan bagi kesalahan itu, dihukum dengan
pemenjaraan selama tempoh tidak melebihi lima tahun dan
hendaklah juga dihukum dengan hukuman sebat tidak kurang
daripada dua sebatan.
(2) Dalam seksyen ini, seseorang dikatakan mempunyai
hubungan amanah dengan seseorang kanak-kanak jika
kanak-kanak itu berada di bawah pemeliharaan, pengawasan
atau kuasanya, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada –
(a) …….;
(b) …….;
(c) guru, pensyarah atau warden sesuatu tadika, sekolah,
institusi pengajian tinggi awam atau institusi pengajian
tinggi swasta;
(d) …..;
(e) ……; dan
(f) …
[45] Berdasarkan peruntukan tersebut di atas, elemen-elemen
pertuduhan yang mesti dibuktikan adalah seperti berikut: -
(a) Mangsa adalah seorang kanak-kanak;
(b) OKT telah menyentuh mana-mana bahagian badan mangsa
bagi maksud seksual;
(c) kontak fizikal itu tidak melibatkan apa-apa persetubuhan.
[46] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti Alasan Penghakiman oleh Hakim
Bicara, bagi memastikan sama ada terdapat kekhilafan di dalam
membuat keputusannya sebagaimana yang dihujahkan oleh pihak
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Kredibiliti saksi-saksi
[47] Hakim Bicara dalam alasan penghakimannya, bahawa beliau telah
menerima keterangan bersumpah SP4 tanpa menjalankan
preliminary inquiry di bawah Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950.
Ini kerana semasa SP4 memberikan keterangan di Mahkamah, SP4
telah berumur melebihi 18 tahun. Hakim Bicara mendapati SP4
merupakan seorang saksi yang kompeten untuk memberi
keterangan secara bersumpah.
[48] Hakim Bicara telah melihat kredibiliti SP4 semasa memberi
keterangan dan mendapati SP4 ini merupakan seorang saksi yang
jujur, credible dan keterangannya adalah 'unusually convincing'.
Keterangan SP4 ini boleh berdiri dengan sendirinya walaupun tanpa
apa-apa keterangan sokongan.
[49] SP4 telah menceritakan mengenai kejadian-kejadian yang berlaku
dengan jelas dan nyata walaupun dicabar oleh pihak pembelaan.
Hakim Bicara juga telah meneliti keterangan SP6 dan mendapati
keterangannya telah menyokong keterangan SP4. Selanjutnya
Hakim Bicara juga telah menilai keterangan dan demeanour SP6
dan mendapati SP6 merupakan seorang saksi yang jujur dan boleh
dipercayai. SP6 hanya menceritakan apa yang beliau dengar dan
lihat pada setiap tarikh-tarikh yang dinyatakan semasa beliau dan
SP4 belajar bersama-sama di bilik kaunseling tersebut. SP6
mengesahkan bahawa beliau tidak tahu apa yang berlaku ketika
SP4 berada di dalam bilik Perayu.
[50] Mahkamah ini berpendapat, sekiranya SP6 tidak jujur, beliau boleh
untuk mereka-reka cerita bagi menyokong keterangan SP4, tetapi
dalam kes ini SP6 tidak menokok tambah cerita. SP6 hanya
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memberi keterangan setakat apa yang ada di dalam pemerhatian
dan pengetahuannya sahaja berkaitan tarikh-tarikh kejadian
[51] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara tidak terkhilaf
apabila merumuskan bahawa SP6 tiada kecenderungan
memberikan keterangan yang berpihak atau menyokong
keterangan SP4.
[52] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati Hakim Bicara adalah betul apabila
memutuskan bahawa SP6 ialah saksi yang credible dan
keterangannya telah menyokong fakta mengenai keberadaan
mereka di bilik kaunseling pada tarikh-tarih tersebut dan
mengesahkan Perayu ada memanggil SP4 masuk ke dalam
[53] Hakim Bicara telah melihat dan menilai demeanour SP4 dan SP6
semasa memberi keterangan. Hakim Bicara telah berpeluang
melihat watak saksi dan meneliti kredibiliti saksi-saksi berdasarkan
pengamatannya sendiri.
[54] Dalam isu ini, sebagai panduan Mahkamah ini sekadar merujuk
kepada dua kes yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah
Persekutuan iaitu kes Tan Kim Ho & Anor v. PP [2009] 3 CLJ 236
yang memutuskan seperti berikut: -
“[29] It is an established principle of law that when dealing with
finding of facts, the trial judge is more often than not, in a better
position to decide. The appellate court must be reluctant to
interfere with such findings, unless the facts obviously disclose
the courts below had clearly and wrongly evaluated the facts.”
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[55] Selanjutnya di dalam kes Amri Ibrahim & Anor v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ
617 dinyatakan: -
“[51] It is trite law that the view of the trial judge as to the credibility
of a witness must be given proper weight and consideration. An
appellate court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact
arrived at by the trial judge, who had the advantage of seeing and
hearing the witness, unless there were substantial and
compelling reasons for disagreeing (see Herchun Singh & Ors v.
PP [1969] 1 LNS 52; [1969] 2 MLJ 209).”
[56] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara tidak terkhilaf
dalam mempertimbangkan kredibiliti semua saksi-saksi
pendakwaan dan Hakim Bicara telah dengan betul memutuskan
bahawa semua saksi pendakwaan khususnya SP4 dan SP6
merupakan saksi yang credible dan dipercayai serta menerima
keterangan mereka tanpa keraguan.
[57] Selanjutnya Mahkamah ini mendapati Hakim Bicara telah
mempertimbangkan setiap elemen kesalahan di bawah s. 14(a) dan
beliau mendapati ketiga-tiga elemen tersebut telah dibuktikan.
Elemen Pertama: SP4 ialah seorang kanak-kanak
[58] Hakim Bicara telah berpuas hati bahawa SP4 ialah seorang kanak-
kanak yang berumur 17 tahun semasa kejadian. Fakta ini telah
dibuktikan melalui Sijil Kelahiran SP4 yang dikemukakan sebagai
eksibit P5. Pihak pembelaan juga tidak mempertikaikan elemen ini.
Maka, Hakim Bicara mendapati elemen pertama telah berjaya
dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
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Elemen kedua dan ketiga; Perayu telah menyentuh mana-mana
bahagian badan mangsa (SP4) bagi maksud seksual tanpa
melakukan persetubuhan.
[59] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara telah meneliti dan
membuat penilaian yang maksimum terhadap keterangan saksi-
saksi dan mempertimbangkan kredibiliti saksi-saksi dalam
memutuskan bahawa Perayu telah menyentuh bahagian badan
[60] Hakim Bicara telah menerima keterangan SP4 mengenai kejadian-
kejadian yang berlaku terhadapnya pada tarikh 4.7.2020, 5.7.2020,
11.7.2020 dan 26.7.2020. Hakim Bicara mendapati keterangan
SP4 adalah konsisten, tidak teragak-agak dan amat meyakinkan.
SP4 dapat mengingati dengan jelas fakta-fakta berkenaan tarikh,
masa dan perkara-perkara yang dilakukan oleh Perayu
[61] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati, berdasarkan keterangan SP4 dan
SP6 bahawa pada setiap tarikh kejadian, mereka bersama-sama
pergi ke bilik kaunseling untuk belajar bersama-sama. SP6 telah
mengesahkan bahawa pada setiap tarikh yang dinyatakan tersebut,
semasa mereka sedang belajar, SP6 telah mendengar Perayu
memanggil SP4 untuk masuk ke bilik Perayu dan SP6 melihat SP4
telah pergi ke bilik Perayu dan masuk ke dalam bilik Perayu.
[62] Menurut SP6, bahawa SP4 telah berada di dalam bilik Perayu
selama lebih kurang 5 hingga 10 minit dan selepas SP4 keluar dari
bilik tersebut, SP4 terus sambung belajar bersama SP6 seperti
biasa. Keterangan SP6 bahawa beliau tidak tahu apa yang berlaku
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di antara SP4 dan Perayu di dalam bilik Perayu pada setiap tarikh-
tarikh tersebut.
[63] Apa yang berlaku semasa di dalam bilik Perayu hanya diketahui
oleh Perayu dan SP4. Menurut SP4, Perayu telah menyentuh
badannya dengan cara memeluk badan, meraba buah dada,
mencium leher kanan dan meraba kemaluan SP4. Semasa disoal
balas, SP4 tetap dengan jawapannya bahawa Perayu telah
melakukan sedemikian terhadap beliau pada tarikh-tarikh yang
[64] Di hadapan Mahkamah ini pihak Perayu berhujah bahawa terdapat
percanggahan dalam keterangan SP4 mengenai majlis sambutan
hari jadi SP4 pada 4.7.2020 di bilik kaunseling dan SP4 telah gagal
untuk mengingati nama rakan-rakan yang lain selain SP6 yang turut
belajar berkumpulan pada 4.7.2020.
[65] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara telah
mempertimbangkan mengenai percanggahan-percanggahan
tersebut dan memutuskan bahawa kegagalan SP4 untuk
mengingati nama semua rakannya bukanlah percanggahan yang
material dan langsung tidak menjejaskan pembuktian elemen-
elemen pertuduhan.
[66] Sebagai panduan dalam isu ini, Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada satu
kes Mahkamah Rayuan iaitu Tee Hock Keong v. Public Prosecutor
[2021] MLJU 566 yang menyatakan seperti berikut: -
“[53] The learned trial judge found both SP17 and SP18 to be
credible witnesses. However, learned counsel for the appellant
submits that there are irreconcilable and material discrepancies
in the evidence given by SP17 and SP18. We note that as in most
cases, there are bound to be some discrepancies in the evidence
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of the several witnesses, including SP17 and SP18. However,
these discrepancies are not material and do not affect the quality
of the testimony of these witnesses. In this respect, it would be
opportune to refer to the observation of Wan Yahya J (as he then
was) in Pie Chin v. PP [1983] 1 CLJ 316; [1983] CLJ (Rep) 703;
[1985] 1 MLJ 234 HC:
“Discrepancies are no doubt present in this case,
as they do ostensibly appear in most cases in
evidence of witnesses for the prosecution as well
as the defence. The transcripts of most evidence,
when thoroughly tooth combed by any able lawyer,
never failed to yield some form of inconsistencies,
discrepancies or contradictions but these do not
necessarily render the witness’s entire evidence
incredible. It is only when a witness’s evidence on
material and obvious matters in the case is so
irreconcilable, ambivalent or negational that his
whole evidence is to be disregarded. Forgetfulness
and failure to recall exactly certain events, which
did not seem to be important to the witness, do not
necessarily shake his credibility or render other
parts of his story unworthy of belief.”
Having examined the discrepancies alluded to by learned
counsel for the appellant, we find that they are not material to the
prosecution’s case, nor do they render the evidence of SP17 and
SP18 incredible. We find no reasons to disagree with the learned
judge’s characterisation of both SP17 and SP18 as credible
[67] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan dapatan Hakim Bicara bahawa
percanggahan yang dibangkitkan oleh pihak Perayu adalah tidak
material dan tidak menjejaskan kes Pendakwaan. Selanjutnya
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Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara tidak terkhilaf
apabila memutuskan bahawa Perayu telah menyentuh bahagian
badan SP4 dan sekaligus berjaya membuktikan elemen kedua dan
ketiga pertuduhan tersebut.
[68] Oleh yang demikian mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan elemen kedua iaitu Perayu
telah melakukan amang seksual fizikal terhadap SP4 dengan cara
memeluk badan, meraba buah dada, mencium bahagian leher dan
memegang kemaluan mangsa dan perbuatan tersebut telah
dilakukan dengan “maksud seksual”.
[69] Bagi “maksud seksual” ini telah dijelaskan dan dinyatakan di dalam
Huraian 2 kepada Seksyen 14, Akta Kesalahan-Kesalahan Seksual
Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 ini. Mahkamah ini berpendapat
perbuatan-perbuatan Perayu yang memeluk badan, meraba buah
dada, mencium bahagian leher serta memegang kemaluan SP4
telah memenuhi maksud seksual sepertimana yang dinyatakan di
dalam Huraian 2 tersebut.
[70] Selanjutnya pihak pendakwaan juga hendaklah membuktikan
elemen di dalam seksyen 16(2)(c) Akta Kesalahan-Kesalahan
Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 iaitu Perayu semasa
melakukan kesalahan tersebut merupakan seorang yang
mempunyai hubungan amanah iaitu guru kepada SP4.
[71] SP9, iaitu Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling SMK Kampong Selamat
dalam keterangannya telah mengesahkan bahawa Perayu ialah
Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling sekolah tersebut dengan skop
tugas seorang guru bimbingan dan kaunseling yang perlu
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membimbing pelajar dari segi kerjaya, pembangunan sahsiah,
kesihatan mental dan emosi pelajar-pelajar.
[72] Berdasarkan keterangan SP9 adalah jelas bahawa elemen di
bawah seksyen 16(2)(c) telah dipenuhi bahawa Perayu semasa
melakukan kesalahan tersebut merupakan seorang yang
mempunyai hubungan amanah iaitu guru kepada SP4.
Isu selanjutnya, adakah Hakim Bicara telah memberi pertimbangan
terhadap keseluruhan kes pembelaan?
[73] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara telah
mempertimbangkan keseluruhan keterangan saksi-saksi
pembelaan dan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan.
[74] Secara ringkasnya keterangan Perayu bahawa dia mempunyai
watak yang baik, dia telah memberi sumbangan yang banyak
kepada pelajar-pelajar di SMK Kampong Selamat dan masyarakat
luar. Perayu juga menafikan keberadaannya di bilik kaunseling
SMK Kampong Selamat pada 4.7.2020, 5.7.2020, 11.7.2020 dan
[75] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara tidak terkhilaf
apabila memutuskan bahawa pembelaan Perayu merupakan
penafian semata-mata, dan pembelaan yang dikemukakan oleh
Perayu tidak konsisten. Pembelaan Perayu yang menafikan
keberadaannya di bilik kaunseling SMK Kampong Selamat pada
4.7.2020, 5.7.2020, 11.7.2020 dan 26.7.2020 merupakan satu
pembelaan pemikiran terkemudian (afterthought) kerana
pembelaan tersebut langsung tidak dibangkitkan semasa kes
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[76] Hakim Bicara mendapati pihak Perayu tidak memberikan sebarang
notis alibi mengenai keberadaannya pada tarikh-tarikh yang
dinyatakan. Perayu juga tidak mengemukakan pembelaan ini
seawal pemeriksaan balas kepada saksi-saksi pihak pendakwaan
khususnya kepada SP4 dan SP6.
[77] Malahan pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan kepada SP4 dan
SP6 bahawa semasa SP4 dan SP6 belajar bersama-sama di bilik
kaunseling tersebut, Perayu turut berada bersama mereka di ruang
tamu bilik kaunseling tersebut dan pihak pembelaan mencadangkan
bahawa adalah mustahil bagi Perayu untuk melakukan perbuatan
amang seksual fizikal tersebut di hadapan pelajar lain.
[78] Mahkamah berpendapat cadangan Perayu tersebut menunjukkan
bahawa Perayu tidak menafikan beliau berada di bilik kaunseling
tersebut. Memandangkan Perayu sememangnya berada di bilik
kaunseling pada tarikh-tarikh tersebut maka Perayu dengan penuh
pengetahuan bahawa tidak perlu untuknya memasukkan notis alibi
bagi menafikan keberadaannya di tempat tersebut pada masa yang
[79] Keterangan SP4 dalam pemeriksaan balas yang menunjukkan
cadangan Perayu kepada SP4 mengenai keberadaannya dapat
dilihat di petikan di bawah sepertimana yang dirujuk oleh Hakim
Bicara dalam Alasan penghakimannya: -
S: Arahan saya, Cikgu Aiyob ada bersama study group
kamu dan tidak mungkin dia memanggil kamu untuk
masuk bilik.
J: Tidak setuju.
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S: Saya katakan cikgu sentiasa berada bersama kumpulan
study group kamu.
J: Ya.
[80] Mahkamah ini mendapati Hakim Bicara tidak terkhilaf apabila
memutuskan bahawa pihak pembelaan hendaklah meletakkan
landasan pembelaan di dalam kes pendakwaan bahawa Perayu
tidak berada di tempat kejadian, bukan semata-mata menafikan
Perayu berada di tempat kejadian pada peringkat kes pembelaan.
[81] Mahkamah ini ingin merujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan
di dalam kes Mr Losali v. PP [2011] 4 MLJ 694 yang menyatakan:
“[54] The learned trial judge rightly held that the defence of the
appellant was a bare denial. It is trite law that the defence of bare
denial is no defence. What this amount to is this. That the
appellant did not offer any explanation to the two charges and
merely denied the evidence advanced by the prosecution. That
was indeed a perilous course to undertake.
[55] The bare denial cannot in law raise a reasonable doubt and
the appellant must be convicted for both the charges. Raja Azlan
Shah CJ (Malaya) (as His Majesty then was) in DA Duncan v.
Public Prosecutor [1980] 2 MLJ 195, had this to say in regard to
the defence of simple denial:
The defence was, in effect, a simple denial of the
evidence connecting the appellant with the four
boxes. We cannot see any plausible ground for
saying that the four boxes were not his. In the
circumstances of the prosecution evidence, the
High Court came, in our view, to the correct
conclusion that this denial did not cast a doubt on
the prosecution case against the appellant.
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[82] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati bahawa Hakim Bicara telah meneliti
keterangan Perayu melalui penyata saksinya dan Hakim Bicara
tidak terkhilaf apabila merumuskan bahawa di dalam penyata saksi
Perayu hanya menceritakan mengenai peribadi Perayu,
sumbangan dan latar belakang Perayu tanpa mengaitkan dengan
pertuduhan kes ini.
[83] Pihak Perayu berhujah bahawa Perayu merupakan seorang guru
yang baik, popular dan disenangi di kalangan pelajar di SMK
Kampong Selamat serta sering terlibat dengan aktiviti masyarakat
sebagai bilal masjid dan penggali kubur di kawasannya. Mahkamah
ini bersetuju dengan dapatan oleh Hakim Bicara bahawa
pembelaan tersebut tidak berjaya menimbulkan keraguan yang
munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan.
[84] Mengenai sikap Perayu yang pernah membantu pelajar yang
memerlukan, perkara ini turut disahkan oleh keterangan SP4
bahawa Perayu pernah membantunya dan membantu pelajar-
pelajar yang lain dari segi kewangan. Mahkamah ini ingin
menegaskan bahawa sikap pemurah dan suka membantu yang
digambarkan oleh Perayu bukanlah satu pembelaan yang
menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes
[85] Walaupun Perayu merupakan seorang guru yang popular dan
disenangi oleh pelajar-pelajarnya, namun perbuatan amang seksual
yang dilakukannya terhadap SP4 adalah menyalahi undang-undang
dan kebaikan yang pernah dilakukan kepada SP4 dan pelajar yang
lain bukanlah tiket untuk Perayu melakukan perbuatan jenayah
seksual terhadap pelajarnya, khususnya kepada SP4 dalam kes ini.
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[86] Hakim Bicara juga telah meneliti keterangan saksi-saksi pembelaan
yang lain dan mendapati keterangan mereka juga tidak berjaya
untuk menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes
pendakwaan. Keterangan SD2 setakat mengesahkan bahawa
wujudnya garis panduan ataupun “Standard Operating Procedure”
(SOP) untuk pembukaan sekolah semasa tempoh PKP dan
mengesahkan tarikh-tarikh kejadian tersebut jatuh pada hari Sabtu
dan Ahad sahaja.
[87] Mengenai SD3, beliau ialah saksi yang hanya diperkenalkan dalam
pembelaan. Pihak Perayu tidak pernah mencadangkan kepada
mana-mana saksi pendakwaan khususnya kepada SP4 dan SP6
mengenai kewujudan SD3.
[88] Mahkamah ini mendapati Hakim Bicara tidak terkhilaf apabila beliau
telah meneliti keterangan SD3 secara berhati-hati kerana SD3
merupakan anak angkat kepada Perayu, ada kemungkinan SD3
merupakan saksi yang berkepentingan. Maka sewajarnya
keterangan SD3 diteliti dan dinilai dengan berhati-hati. Hakim
Bicara telah melihat watak SD3 semasa memberi keterangan dan
Hakim Bicara telah menilai demeanour SD3 dan mendapati SD3
bukanlah seorang saksi yang jujur dan boleh dipercayai.
[89] Mahkamah ini mendapati Hakim Bicara mempunyai kelebihan
audio-visual dan beliau adalah dalam kedudukan yang terbaik untuk
menilai kredibiliti saksi-saksi khususnya SD3 semasa memberi
keterangan di peringkat pembelaan. Mahkamah juga mendapati
Hakim Bicara telah mengingatkan dirinya untuk berhati-hati dalam
menerima keterangan SD3.
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[90] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Lai Kim Hon & Ors v. PP [1980]
1 LNS 197; [1981] 1 MLJ 84, di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan
memutuskan seperti berikut: -
"The principle of law governing appeals in criminal cases on
questions of fact is well established, in that the Appeal Court will
not interfere unless the balance of evidence is grossly against the
conviction especially upon a finding of a specific fact involving the
evaluation of the evidence of a witness founded on the credibility
of such witness.
In the instant case the learned trial judge very carefully analysed
all the available evidence before him and made specific finding of
fact founded upon that which he believed to be the truth. He also
drew certain inferences from facts specifically found. In this
respect we may form our independent view but we should only
do so where the fact upon which the inference was drawn was
either unwarranted or manifestly against the weight of evidence.
That was not the case here."
[91] Selanjutnya dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Wan Razali Kassim
[1970] 1 LNS 121; [1970] 2 MLJ 79 pula diputuskan:
"An appellate court should be slow to interfere with the finding of
fact by a lower court as an appellate court does not have the
advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses and therefore of
assessing their credibility.
[92] Berdasarkan nas undang-undang yang dirujuk di atas, Mahkamah
ini tidak akan mengganggu dapatan oleh Hakim Bicara mengenai
kredibilliti SD3.
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[93] Bersandarkan analisis dan dapatan di atas, Mahkamah ini
mendapati Hakim Bicara telah meneliti dan membuat penilaian yang
maksimum terhadap keterangan saksi-saksi, dan tiada alasan dan
hujahan yang kukuh oleh pihak Perayu di hadapan Mahkamah ini
yang dapat menunjukkan bahawa keputusan Hakim Bicara yang
tersebut adalah satu kekhilafan atau satu salah arah. Mahkamah
memutuskan bahawa rayuan Perayu terhadap sabitan tidak
bermerit, maka Mahkamah ini menolak rayuan Perayu terhadap
[94] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti hujahan kedua-dua pihak berkaitan
hukuman, Mahkamah berpendapat, tiada kekhilafan oleh Hakim
Bicara dalam memutuskan tempoh hukuman pemenjaraan selama
4 tahun penjara dari tarikh sabitan (9.9.2022) dan hukuman
tambahan iaitu 2 tahun penjara setelah selesai menjalani hukuman
utama dan 2 kali sebatan rotan. Ianya masih dalam lingkungan
yang dibenarkan undang-undang, Hakim Bicara juga telah
mengambil kira kepentingan awam dan kepentingan peribadi
[95] Mahkamah ini merujuk keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam
kes Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v. Public Prosecutor [2002] 3 MLJ
193 yang menyatakan: -
“It is of the upmost importance to stress here that the appellate
court will not normally alter the sentence unless it is satisfied that
the sentence passed by the lower court is manifestly inadequate
or excessive or illegal or otherwise not a proper sentence having
regard to all the facts disclosed or that the court has clearly erred
in applying correct principles in the assessment of sentence.
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[96] Selanjutnya di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Loo Choon Fatt
[1976] 1 LNS 102; [1976] 2 MLJ 256, adalah diputuskan seperti
“The principles to be applied in imposing sentence however are
the same in every case. The High Court sitting in exercise of its
revisionary powers will not normally alter the sentence unless it
is satisfied that the sentence of the lower court is either manifestly
inadequate or grossly excessive or to all the facts which the court
ought to take judicial notice of, that it is to say, that the lower court
clearly has erred in applying the correct principles in the
assessment of the sentence. It is a firmly established practice that
the court will not alter a sentence merely because it might have
passed a different sentence.”
[97] Mahkamah ini berpendapat hukuman yang dijatuhi ke atas tertuduh
adalah berpadanan dan tidaklah berlebihan. Mahkamah ini
menolak rayuan Perayu atas sabitan dan hukuman. Oleh itu
hukuman yang telah dijatuhi oleh Hakim Bicara terhadap Perayu
adalah dikekalkan dan sebagai tambahan Perayu diperintah untuk
menjalani pengawasan sebagaimana kehendak seksyen 27 Akta
Kesalahan-Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017.
Bertarikh: 31 Oktober 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Butterworth
Pulau Pinang
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Bagi pihak Responden:
Norafifah binti Mohd Shokri
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Pulau Pinang
Bagi pihak Perayu:
Raveentharan a/l Subramaniam
Peguam Bela dan Peguam Cara
Raveen Associates
Pulau Pinang
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| 45,931 | Tika 2.6.0 |
22IP-7-07/2014 | PLAINTIF Lee Jin Jong DEFENDAN 1. ) BOON WAI LEONG 2. ) BOON PIN CHOY | Appeal against the quantum of damages awarded by the Senior Assistant Registrar. Whether the learned Senior Assistant Registrar had acted on wrong principles or misapprehended the facts. | 31/10/2023 | YA Tuan Ahmad Murad Bin Abdul Aziz | |
CIVIL SUIT NO.: IP-22NCC-7-07/2014
[No. K/P: 640602-04-5587]
[Peniaga tunggal dan berdagang sebagai Jing Mi Enterprise
[No. Pendaftaran Perniagaan JM0425585-V0] … PLAINTIFF
[No. K/P: 910527-04-5241]
[Berdagang sebagai Fire Sandwood Enterprise
(No. Pendaftaran Perniagaan: JM0625109-A)]
[No. K/P: 641114-05-5019]
[Berdagang sebagai Fire Sandwood Enterprise
(No. Pendaftaran Perniagaan: JM0625109-A)] … DEFENDANTS
31/10/2023 13:51:47
22IP-7-07/2014 Kand. 236
S/N GuLzvBVluEKlFUI6ta0eXg
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[1] This is an appeal by the Defendant against the assessment of
damages by the Senior Assistant Registrar (“the Registrar”). This
assessment by the Registrar was commenced following the decision
of the Judicial Commissioner (“JC”) of the High Court delivered on
08.02.2018. The learned JC found in favour of the Plaintiff in his claim
against the Defendants for trademark infringement and passing off
and ordered damages to be assessed at a later date.
[2] On 28.02.2018, the Defendants filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal
(“COA”) against the decision of the High Court but withdrew the appeal
on the hearing date, on 20.03.2019. Thus, the only issue to be
decided in this appeal is the assessment of damages by the Registrar.
[3] On 02.02.2021, the Registrar awarded the Plaintiff damages in the
sum of RM1,085,180.00, interests thereon at the rate of 5% from
02.02.2021 until full settlement and costs of RM10,000.00.
[4] For appeals from a decision involving evaluation of evidence by
witnesses, the guiding principle is that judge should be slow to disturb
the findings of facts by the Registrar unless the Registrar’s decision
was plainly wrong, since the Registrar would have had the benefit of
evaluating the evidence first-hand.
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[5] This principle was enunciated in the case of Aeon Co (M) Bhd v Asia
Plywood Co Sdn Bhd and Another appeal [2021] 2 MLJ 102 (CA),
where the COA stated as follows:
“[34] It is trite law that specific finding of facts by the deputy registrar as a
trier of facts should not be disturbed by the High Court unless that finding
was plainly wrong in light of the facts in the assessment of damages, as
the deputy registrar had the benefit of an audio-visual advantage which the
High Court did not have (see Low Hop Bing JCA in Ting Sieh Chung v Hoc
Peng Realty Sdn Bhd [2013] 2 MLJ 90 at pp 93-94)…”
[6] The High Court in CE Resources Sdn Bhd v Owners of the Ship or
Vessel “Tanga 01” (Official no: 300397) of the Port of Zanzibar,
Tanzania [2019] MLJU 845 briefly sets out the function of the court in
its appellate capacity as follows:
“[12] In so far as appellate intervention is concerned, the Court of Appeal
in the case of Sambaga Valli a/p KR Ponnusamy v Datuk Bandar Kuala
Lumpur & Ors [2018] 1 MLJ 784 had this to say –
First, the Court of Appeal may interfere with the decision of a judge in
chambers (in relation to an appeal from the Registrar) but only on well-
established principles of appellate intervention (see C.M. Van Stillevoldt
BV v E L Carrier Inc [1983] 1 WLR 207 at 208-209). The Court of Appeal
may interfere with the quantum of damages awarded by the judge only
if it is shown that the latter –
(a) Acted on the wrong principles;
(b) Misapprehended the facts; and
(c) Had for these or other reasons made a wholly erroneous
estimate of [the] damages.”
[7] Lim Chong Fong, J (as he then was) in the case of Hew Chai Seng
(t/a Fertiland Trading Company) v Metronic Integrated System
Sdn Bhd & anor [2019] MJLU 348 (HC) held as follows:
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“Nonetheles, in the earlier Court of Appeal case of Amar Singh v Chin Kiew
[1960] 1 MLJ 77, Thomson CJ held as follows:
‘The latest statement of how and when a Court of Appeal will
interfere in a case of this nature is contained in the following
passage from the judgment of Morris L.J., in the case of Scott v
Musial [1959] 3 WLR 437 441:
‘Where there is an appeal from the decision of a Judge sitting
alone, the appeal is by way of rehearing. The rehearing
applies to the issue of damages as well as to other issues.
But it is recognised that the fixation of damages is so largely
a matter of opinion or of impression that differences of
calculation or assessment are to be expected. There is, to
some extent, an exercise of judicial discretion. It is for this
reason that, if three judges of the Court of Appeal consider
that the amount of general damages that they would have
awarded would have been a figure different from that decided
by the trial Judge, they will not, for that reason alone, give
preference to their own figure; they will only do so if satisfied
that the Judge has acted on a wrong principle of law or has
misapprehended the facts, or has, for those or other reasons,
made a wholly erroneous estimate of the damage suffered.”
[8] Applying the guiding principles enunciated by the above cases
notwithstanding that this appeal is by way of rehearing, this Court may
review the findings of fact and the decision by the Registrar to
determine if the Registrar has acted on wrong principles,
misapprehended the facts, and/or made a wholly erroneous estimate
of the damages which she eventually awarded the Plaintiff.
[9] The Plaintiff produced a report by an expert to prove the damages he
suffered as a result of the wrongful act of passing off and infringement
of trademark by the Defendants. In assessing damages due to the
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Plaintiff, the Registrar applied the principle of “loss of business profits”
attributable to the wrongful acts of the Defendants.
[10] The Defendants on the other hand did not provide any expert report
to rebut the evidence of the Plaintiff’s expert but only relied on their
counsel’s cross-examination of the Plaintiff’s expert witness to
challenge the correctness of the expert’s conclusion and findings.
[11] This Court finds that the Registrar applied the correct principle when
she applied the “loss of business profits” method to assess damages
payable to the Plaintiff. In Taiping Poly (M) Sdn Bhd v Wong Fook
Toh & Ors (2011) 3 CLJ 837, the Federal Court enunciated the test
applicable as follows:
“[19] Damages for the infringement of intellectual property rights are
tortious in nature. Their objective is to restore the claimant to the position
he would have been in had the defendant not infringed. Thus, where the
claimant is in the business of manufacturing goods, so that they are in
competition with the defendant, then the measure of damages will be lost
[12] The Court also went on to state that during the assessment of
damages, there are no fixed rules as to which principle is to be applied.
To determine how damages are calculated is dependent on the
individual facts of the case. Again, in the case of Taiping Poly above,
the Federal Court went on to explain:
“There is no hard and fast rule to follow which is foolproof and universally
accepted (see: Spalding (AG) & Bros v A W Gamage Ltd and Benetfink &
Co Ltd; Juggi Lal-Kamlapat and Juggilal-Kamlapat Mills of Cawnporev
Swadeshi Co Ltd (1928) 46 RPC 74). It depends on the facts of each case.
It is basically facts driven.”
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[13] Although there are no fixed rules to determine what principle is
applicable, the Federal Court in the Taiping Poly case held that the
most appropriate principle to be applied in an assessment of
damages, in relation to trade mark infringement and passing off, is
loss of business profits. This is the exact principle that was used by
the Plaintiff’s expert, Mr David Siew (“the Plaintiff’s expert”).
Therefore, I find that the Registrar did not act on a wrong principle in
applying the test of loss of business profits in her assessment of
[14] The Plaintiff submits that since there was no opposing expert report
from the Defendants, “the Plaintiffs expert’s” evidence should be given
considerable weight, and should not be disregarded just based on the
cross-examination by the Defendants’s counsel.
[15] This principle was propounded in the case of Majuikan Sdn Bhd v
Barclays Bank PLC [2015] 1 MLJ 171 (CA), where the Court of
Appeal stated:
“[35] We are in agreement with these principles and in our view, a judge
who is not an expert himself, should defer to expert opinion unless that
evidence is obviously indefensible and is not supported by the basic
facts of the case. Where there are conflicting expert opinions, the judge
is of course entitled to bring to bear his own judicial appreciation of the
matter, and choose one over the other, but where there is only one expert
opinion, he should not as a rule reject that opinion outright without
judiciously considering whether it is obviously indefensible and
unsupported by the basic facts of the case.”
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[16] The learned Registrar correctly applied this principle, which is shown
in paragraphs 22 to 25 of her Grounds of Decision. The learned
Registrar demonstrated that she used the Plaintiff’s report evidence to
assist her in awarding the quantum of damages that she decided on.
[17] The Defendants submits that the period of assessment used by the
Plaintiff’s expert to calculate damages was without basis. This
submission is without merit because the Registrar used the
registration date of the Defendant’s business as the commencement
date and the date of judgment on liability as the ending date to
calculate the period of assessment.
[18] I find the Registrar was not in error in choosing the period of
assessment on the above-mentioned basis as her decision on the
period is both reasonable and cannot be said to be unsupported by
the basic facts of the case. (See Majuikan Sdn Bhd v Barclays Bank
PLC (2015) 1 MLJ 171 (CA)).
[19] The Defendants submit that the Plaintiff failed to prove the calculation
of the unit price of the Plaintiff’s products, which the Plaintiff’s expert
used for his computation of loss of profits and additionally, the expert
was in error because the Plaintiff’s business was on a “loss trend”
instead of a “profit trend”.
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[20] In reply, the Plaintiff submits that the decrease in profits during the
period of assessment was attributed to the Defendants’ conduct in
selling similar items using the Plaintiff’s trademark, thus, diluting the
Plaintiff’s total sales during the period of assessment. Additionally,
the learned Judge Ahmad Kamal, J, in his decision on liability had
found as a fact that the Defendants had caused a diversion of the
Plaintiff’s business.
[21] Based on the above reasons, I find that the Registrar did not
misapprehend the facts in considering the Plaintiff’s expert evidence
and arriving at her award of damages. Therefore, the Registrar did
not make a wholly erroneous estimate of damages, since the award
was in fact based on the expert report of the Plaintiff’s witness, which
in turn was based on invoices and other documents including invoices
by the Plaintiff and his Profit and Loss accounts, which were in Part B
of the bundle of documents.
[22] The Defendant raised many other issues to discredit the findings and
award of damages by the Registrar. I find those issues to be not
pivotal to the decision by the Registrar but merely an attempt to “throw
everything but the kitchen sink” at her decision in order to convince
this Court to disturb or overturn her findings. In fact, in this case the
Defendant did not even spare the proverbial “kitchen sink”. Suffice for
this Court to deal with the pivotal issues for otherwise, this grounds
would run into many unnecessary pages.
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[23] I find the Registrar did not make any appealable error to warrant any
interference with her decision in making the award for damages. For
the aforesaid reasons, I dismiss the Defendants’s appeal with costs of
Dated 30th October 2023
Ahmad Murad Bin Abdul Aziz
High Court of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
S/N GuLzvBVluEKlFUI6ta0eXg
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Cases Referred to:
➢ Aeon Co (M) Bhd v Asia Plywood Co Sdn Bhd and Another appeal
[2021] 2 MLJ 102 (CA)
➢ CE Resources Sdn Bhd v Owners of the Ship or Vessel “Tanga 01”
(Official no: 300397) of the Port of Zanzibar, Tanzania [2019] MLJU
➢ Hew Chai Seng (t/a Fertiland Trading Company) v Metroni Integrated
System Sdn Bhd & anor [2019] MJLU 348 (HC)
➢ Taiping Poly (M) Sdn Bhd v Wong Fook Toh & Ors (2011) 3 CLJ 837
➢ Majuikan Sdn Bhd v Barclays Bank PLC (2015) 1 MLJ 171 (CA)
Legislation Referred to:
➢ Rules of Court 2012
Decision Date : 19.01.2023
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| 14,879 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-574-12/2019 | PLAINTIF PERBADANAN PENGURUSAN 3 TWO SQUARE DEFENDAN 3 TWO SQUARE SDN BHD | Permohonan Penggantungan Prosiding - menunggu pelupusan Guaman Lain - isu keadaan khas - kependuaan isu-isu kelewatan - isu sama ada perjudis terhadap plaintif. | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Indra Nehru Savandiah | |
GUAMAN NO.: BA-22NCVC-574-12/2019
[BRN: SEL2434/09]
[NO. SYKT: 617273-X]
1. Pihak plaintif merayu terhadap keputusan Mahkamah yang
membenarkan permohonan pihak defendan menggantungkan
segala prosiding selanjutnya di dalam guaman ini sementara
menunggu pelupusan muktamad Guaman Sivil Mahkamah
Tinggi Shah Alam dalam kes No.22NCVC-516-07/2013 dan juga
sebarang rayuan ke Mahkamah Atasan, jika ada, berhubung
dengan kes tersebut.
31/10/2023 11:58:31
BA-22NCvC-574-12/2019 Kand. 186
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Latar Belakang Kes
2. “3 Two Square” di Petaling Jaya, Selangor, merupakan satu
pembangunan komersial yang terdiri daripada beberapa pejabat,
kedai serta merangkumi petak tempat letak kereta dalam Blok A
hingga F sebanyak 1,370.
3. Pihak plaintif ialah badan statutori yang melaksanakan tugasan
selaku Perbadanan Pengurusan yang mendapat punca kuasa
sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Akta Hakmilik Strata
1985 dan Akta Pengurusan Strata 2013.
4. Pihak defendan adalah syarikat pemaju yang telah membangunkan
pusat komersial “3 Two Square”.
5. 17 Petak (Petak No. M1 – F/N3/251 hingga M1 – F/15/267) yang
terletak di Blok F (Crest Tower) adalah milikan berdaftar defendan
dengan jumlah unit-unit syer yang diperuntukkan sebanyak
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6. Petak No. 267 yang terletak di Aras 15, Blok F (Crest Tower)
diaksesori dengan antara lain 1,370 tempat letak kereta petak
aksesori yang terletak di Aras B2, B1, LG1 dan LG2 Blok F (Crest
Tower) dengan jumlah unit-unit syer yang diperuntukkan sebanyak
7. Pihak plaintif mengenakan dan membuat kutipan caj-caj
penyelenggaraan dan kumpulan wang penjelas ke atas Petak No.
267 (termasuk 1,370 tempat letak kereta petak aksesori).
8. Adalah fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan bahawa pihak plaintif dan
pihak defendan terlibat dalam Guaman Sivil Shah Alam No.
22NCVC-516-07/2013 (selepas ini dikenali “Guaman 516”).
9. “Guaman 516” adalah tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan bagi
tunggakan caj-caj penyelenggaraan dan kumpulan wang penjelas
tertunggak ke atas Petak defendan No. 267 dan 1,370 tempat letak
kereta petak aksesori bagi tempoh bermula dari 1.8.2008 hingga
31.07.2012, berjumlah sebanyak RM1,739,712.00.
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10. Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam telah menolak tuntutan pihak plaintif
bagi “Guaman 516” pada 20.9.2017.
11. Pada 7.10.2019 Mahkamah Rayuan telah mengetepikan
Penghakiman Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 20.9.2017.
12. Pihak plaintif berjaya di peringkat Mahkamah Rayuan bagi jumlah
tuntutan sebanyak RM1,739,712.00.
13. Seterusnya pihak defendan telah memfailkan rayuan ke Mahkamah
Persekutuan atas Perintah Mahkamah Rayuan.
14. Perintah Mahkamah Persekutuan adalah tuntutan “Guaman 516”
diremit balik ke Mahkamah Tinggi untuk dibicarakan semula bagi
menentukan isu sama ada terdapat pelanggaran Seksyen 4, 34 dan
69 Akta Hakmilik Strata 1985 atas pemilikan defendan terhadap
tempat letak kereta petak aksesori dan pengoperasian komersial
tempat letak kereta petak aksesori tersebut.
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15. Mahkamah Persekutuan juga memerintahkan pihak-pihak dalam
tuntutan “Guaman 516” meminda pliding masing-masing bagi
membolehkan isu-isu yang dikenalpasti oleh Mahkamah
Persekutuan dibicarakan secara adil dan berkesan di hadapan
Hakim asal yang mendengar kes tersebut di Mahkamah Tinggi.
16. Berhubung itu, pihak plaintif dalam tuntutan “Guaman 516” telah
meminda penyata tuntutan, antara lain, seperti berikut:
(i) Satu pengisytiharan bahawa pengaksesorian
kesemua 1,370 ruang tempat letak kereta kepada
Petak No. 267 batal dan tidak sah;
(ii) Satu pengisytiharan bahawa Petak No. 267 hanya
berhak mendapat 21 tempat letak kereta atau
bilangan petak letak kereta mengikut skala satu (1)
tempat letak kereta bagi setiap 500 kaki persegi;
(iii) Satu perintah bahawa 1,370 tempat letak kereta
petak aksesori di “3 Two Square” diklasifikasikan
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semula di mana 21 petak tempat letak kereta
diaksesori kepada Petak No. 267 manakala baki
1,349 tempat letak kereta adalah harta bersama di
bawah kawalan plaintif;
(iv) Satu perintah pentaksiran gantirugi untuk
menentukan jumlah hasil keuntungan yang telah
diperolehi oleh defendan daripada perniagaan
tempat letak kereta yang dijalankan di 1370 tempat
letak kereta di “3 Two Square” dan jumlah
keuntungan yang perlu disalurkan kepada plaintif
setelah mengambil kira caj-caj penyelenggaraan dan
kumpulan wang penjelas yang telah dan perlu
dibayar oleh defendan kepada plaintif.
Tuntuan Plaintif Dalam Guaman Semasa
17. Tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan adalah untuk caj-caj
penyelenggaraan dan kumpulan wang penjelas tertunggak bermula
dari 16.8.2012 hingga 31.10.2019 untuk 17 petak defendan
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termasuk Petak No. 267 dan 1,370 tempat letak kereta petak
aksesori berjumlah lebih kurang RM4,252,203.37.
18. Tuntutan plaintif dalam guaman semasa berasaskan fakta bahawa
defendan adalah pemilik sah dan benefisial Petak No. 267 dan
1,370 tempat letak kereta petak aksesori.
19. Pihak defendan memfailkan Permohonan Penggantungan
Prosiding dalam guaman semasa atas alasan menunggu
pelupusan muktamad “Guaman 516” dan sebarang rayuan selepas
itu berhubung kes tersebut.
Prinsip Undang-Undang Berhubung Penggantungan Prosiding
20. Kes Ambank (M) Bhd v Metal Reclamation (Industries) Sdn Bhd
& Ors [2016] 10 CLJ 205 telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
“[31] There is no previous precedent on how the
applicant may persuade the court to exercise its
discretion to stay a suit pending the outcome of a
specified event. I am inclined to follow the “special
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circumstances” test which is applicable to
applications for stay of execution of orders and
judgments pending disposal of appeals as well as
stay of proceedings pending disposal of appeals
(“stay pending appeal” applications). The adoption
of a similar test of “special circumstances” for stay of
proceedings pending the outcome of a certain event,
will ensure uniformity in the exercise of judicial
discretion in respect of stay applications irrespective
of whether there is a pending appeal or otherwise.”
21. Prinsip kes Ambank (M) Bhd v Mutual Reclamation (Industries)
Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] 10 CLJ 205 menggariskan ujian “keadaan-
keadaan khas” dalam menentukan sama ada penggantungan
prosiding harus dibenarkan dalam keadaan selain daripada
penggantungan prosiding sementara menungu keputusan rayuan.
22. Kes Board of Governors of Sekolah Menengah St Gabriel v
Ranjit Singh [1970] 1 MLJ 38 telah memutuskan adalah menjadi
tanggungjawab Mahkamah untuk mendekati permohonan
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penggantungan prosiding menggunakan budi bicara secara adil
dan munasabah.
Isu-Isu Untuk Diputuskan
23. Sama ada wujud keadaan-keadaan khas di dalam guaman semasa
bagi menggantung segala prosiding sementara menunggu
pelupusan muktamad “Guaman 516” dan sebarang rayuan ke
Mahkamah Atasan, jika ada.
24. Perkara berhubung kependuaan isu-isu dan kebarangkalian wujud
keputusan Mahkamah-Mahkamah yang bercanggah.
25. Isu kelewatan pemfailan notis permohonan penggantungan
prosiding oleh pihak defendan.
26. Isu sama ada permohonan penggantungan prosiding oleh
defendan mengakibatkan prejudis terhadap plaintif.
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Keputusan Mahkamah
27. Setelah meneliti dan mengkaji kesemua keterangan afidavit-afidavit
yang difailkan dan hujahan-hujahan peguam-peguam terpelajar,
maka diputuskan permohonan penggantungan prosiding oleh pihak
defendan dibenarkan dengan kos sebanyak RM5,000.00 tertakluk
fi alokatur berdasarkan sebab-sebab seperti berikut:
(i) Mahkamah ini memutuskan isu pemilikan
1,370 tempat letak kereta petak aksesori yang
akan diputuskan di dalam “Guaman 516”
dengan sendirinya merupakan keadaan khas
untuk perintah penggantungan prosiding
guaman semasa ini dibenarkan.
(ii) Ini adalah kerana tiada pertikaian pada bila-bila
masa bahawa tuntutan plaintif terhadap
defendan adalah bagi caj-caj penyelenggaraan
dan kumpulan wang penjelas yang dikenakan
ke atas tempat letak kereta petak aksesori
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defendan di Aras B1, B2, LG1 dan LG2
diaksesorikan kepada Petak No. 267.
(iii) Berhubung ini, status pemilikan tempat letak
kereta pada Aras B1, B2, LG1 dan LG2
merupakan hal perkara yang dibicarakan
semula dalam “Guaman 516”.
(iv) Mahkamah mendapati maklum balas pihak
plaintif kepada pihak defendan bahawa
bermula bulan April 2017, hanya satu invois
caj-caj penyelengaraan dan kumpulan wang
penjelas diisukan kepada pihak defendan bagi
kesemua 17 petak di blok F milik defendan
bersama tempat letak kereta mengiktirafkan
status defendan sebagai pemilik tempat letak
kereta tempat oleh plaintif sendiri.
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(v) Oleh yang demikian Mahkamah ini sehaluan
dengan hujahan pihak defendan bahawa apa
jua keputusan kes “Guaman 516” akan
membawa impak ketara terhadap pengiraan
dan tuntutan plaintif bagi caj-caj
penyelenggaraan tertunggak dan kumpulan
wang penjelas bagi Petak No. 267 dalam
guaman semasa ini.
(vi) Apabila dikaji penyata tuntutan terpinda
“Guaman 516”, didapati pihak plaintif
mendakwa tindakan pihak defendan
mengambil milik dan mengawal kesemua
tempat letak kereta di “3 Two Square” adalah
bertentangan dengan Akta Hakmilik Strata
(vii) Di dalam “Guaman 516” pihak plaintif telah
memohon pelantikan seorang akauntan untuk
membuat penilaian akaun berhubung dengan
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pengoperasian komersial defendan akan
tempat letak kereta tersebut dari tarikh
pemilikan kosong tempat letak kereta pada
(viii) Ini dengan jelas membuktikan apa jua
keputusan Mahkamah dalam “Guaman 516”
akan mempunyai kesan retrospektif.
(ix) Mahkamah ini mengguna pakai prinsip kes
Ling Peek Hoe & Anor v Golden Star & Ors
[2020] MLJU 1233 dan memutuskan bahawa
keputusan “Guaman 516” adalah termaktub
dalam kategori pemahaman sebagai suatu
kejadian pada masa hadapan yang akan
memberi kesan terhadap guaman semasa di
Mahkamah ini.
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(x) Perkara berhubung kependuaan isu-isu dan
kebarangkalian wujud keputusan Mahkamah-
Mahkamah yang bercanggah adalah
dipersetujui oleh Mahkamah ini sebagaimana
yang dihujahkan oleh pihak defendan dalam
mengambil kira fakta kes di Mahkamah ini.
(xi) Ini adalah kerana sekiranya Mahkamah Tinggi
di dalam “Guaman 516” memutuskan status
pemilikan 1,370 tempat letak kereta petak
aksesori adalah harta bersama, ia akan
membawa kesan pada setiap masa material
kepada cara pengiraan caj-caj
penyelenggaraan dan wang penjelas
tertunggak Petak No. 267 kerana unit syer
yang diperuntukkan akan berkurangan kepada
(xii) Dalam pada itu, Mahkamah ini mengguna
pakai prinsip kes Suruhanjaya Sekuriti v
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Datuk Ishak Ismail & Anor [2017] 9CLJ 63
yang memutuskan kesamaan isu-isu
hendaklah menjadi faktor yang perlu
dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah dalam
memberikan penggantungan prosiding.
(xiii) Dalam penilaian isu sama ada wujud
kelewatan oleh pihak defendan dalam
memfailkan permohonan penggantungan
prosiding, Mahkamah memutuskan tidak ada
(xiv) Perintah Mahkamah Persekutuan bertarikh
7.11.2022. Pliding di dalam “Guaman 516”
ditutup pada 15.5.2023.
(xv) Pihak defendan telah bertanya kepada pihak
plaintif sama ada pihak plaintif bersetuju akan
cadangan pemfailan permohonan
penggantungan prosiding pada 28.3.2023 dan
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hanya menerima maklum balas pada 5.5.2023
bahawa pihak plaintif tidak bersetuju terhadap
cadangan pihak defendan tersebut.
(xvi) Setelah mengkaji ikatan-ikatan dokumen dan
pernyataan saksi plaintif bagi “Guaman 516”
yang lengkap difailkan oleh pihak plaintif pada
25.6,2023, maka pihak defendan telah
memfailkan permohonan penggantungan
prosiding ini pada 3.7.2023 (Lampiran 162).
(xvii) Justeru aliran fakta jelas menunjukkan pihak
defendan tidak lewat atau leka dalam
pemfailan permohonan penggantungan
prosiding ini.
(xviii) Pihak plaintif berhujah penggantungan
prosiding dalam guaman semasa akan
mengakibatkan ketidakadilan kepada pihak
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plaintif mengambil kira guaman ini difailkan
pada tahun 2019.
(xix) Adalah keputusan Mahkamah ini, hujahan
pihak plaintif tidak bernas. Malahan
penggantungan prosiding guaman semasa
akan mengelakkan kebarangkalian wujud dua
keputusan bercanggah Mahkamah yang akan
memudaratkan penguatkuasaan penghakiman
kes-kes berkenaan.
(xx) Penggantungan prosiding guaman semasa
akan meletakkan kedudukan pihak pihak jelas
apabila keempunyaan hakmilik tempat letak
kereta diputuskan dalam “Guaman 516”.
(xxi) Dalam konteks ini rujukan dibuat kepada kes
Ang Sue Khoon v Majlis Bandaraya Pulau
Pinang [2016] 11 MLJ 516, yang memutuskan
penggantungan prosiding mesti diberikan jika
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ianya bercondong ke arah skala
keseimbangan keadilan terhadap perintah
sedemikian diberikan.
(xxii) Oleh yang demikian penggantungan prosiding
tidak mengakibatkan prejudis kepada pihak
28. Berdasarkan alasan-alasan yang dihuraikan di atas, Mahkamah ini
memutuskan adil dan wajar bagi perintah penggantungan prosiding
dibenarkan dengan kos RM5,000.00 tertakluk kepada fi alokatur.
Tarikh: 26 Oktober 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya
Shah Alam
Tarikh keputusan: 28 Ogos 2023
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Bagi pihak plaintif: David Samuel & Sheena Sebastian [Tetuan
Chambers of Firdaus]
Bagi pihak defendan: Raymond Mah, John Chan & Daphne
Rethual, [Tetuan Mah Weng Kwai &
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| 16,679 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-25-69-10/2022 | PEMOHON CHRISTINE LIM CHOY WAN RESPONDEN 1. ) Jabatan Peguam Negara 2. ) Pengarah Pendakwaan Negeri Selangor | This is an application seeking leave to commence judicial review proceedings by the applicant challenging the decisions of the respondents (“the Impugned Decisions”). - Discharge Not Amounting to Acquittal (“DNAA”) - Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution | 31/10/2023 | YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman | |
Dalam Pertuduhan bagi kes Bersabit No.
Repot: Klang Selatan/8744/19;
Dalam perkara ketidakmunasabahan
(‘unreasonableness’), ketidakwarasan
(‘irrationality’) atau ketidaksahihan
Keputusan Jabatan Peguam Negara dan
Pengarah Pendakwaan Negeri Selangor
dibuat dalam surat bertarikh 8.7.2022 dan
12.8.2022 bahawa Pertuduhan Bagi Kes
Bersabit No Repot: Klang Selatan/8744/19
tersebut diarahkan untuk Discharge Not
Amounting to Acquittal (DNAA);
Dalam Perkara Aturan 53 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam Perkara Kuasa-Kuasa Tersirat
Mahkamah Yang Mulia Ini Yang Sedia Ada
(No. K/P: 731026-10-5038) …PEMOHON
28/11/2023 15:46:41
BA-25-69-10/2022 Kand. 22
S/N IhxOuFcl0Euz3wegj0/jYg
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[1] This is an application seeking leave to commence judicial review
proceedings by the applicant, Christine Lim Choy Wan challenging
the decisions of the respondents dated 8.7.2022 and 12.8.2022
(“the Impugned Decisions”).
Reliefs Sought
[2] In this application, the applicant sought the following reliefs:
(a) declaration that the respondents’ decision dated 8.7.2022 and
12.8.2022 (“the Impugned Decisions”) for Discharge Not
Amounting to Acquittal (“DNAA”) of the suspect, Lim Kam
Cheen Peter (“the Suspect”) in Police Report No. Klang
Selatan 8744/19 (“the Police Report”) is unreasonable,
unsound (tidak waras) and invalid (tidak sahih);
(b) Certiorari to quash the Impugned Decisions; and
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(c) Mandamus to compel the respondents to institute criminal
proceedings against the suspect for the Police Report.
Factual Background
[3] The facts of this instant application are as derived from the
documents filed by parties are as follows.
[4] The applicant lodged a Police Report on 17.3.2019, outlining the
following grievances:
(i) The applicant had a dispute with her mother on the same day
and claimed that her mother physically assaulted her.
(ii) The suspect, who happens to be the applicant’s younger
brother, then confronted the applicant and attempted to record
the altercation.
(iii) In response, the applicant acknowledged in her affidavit in
support that she pushed the suspect’s mobile phone away
when he tried to record the incident. In retaliation, the suspect
allegedly lifted the applicant, threw her to the ground, and
proceeded to physically assault her by punching and kicking
(iv) Consequently, the applicant asserted that she sustained
significant injuries to her ribs, eyes, legs, and head and had to
seek medical treatment at Klang Hospital. She remained
hospitalized until 22.3.2019.
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[5] The applicant then obtained an Interim Protection Order against the
suspect from the Klang Magistrate's Court dated 17.4.2019 (“Interim
Protection Order”) in which, among other, states:-
“Perintah perlindungan interim ini hendaklah terhenti berkuat
kuasa –
(a) apabila orang dilindungi itu dimaklumkan secara bertulis
oleh Pegawai polis tentang penyiasatan yang telah selesai dan
bahawa tiada tindakan selanjutnya akan diambil terhadap orang
yang terhadapnya perintah ini dibuat;
(b) apabila prosiding jenayah dimulakan terhadap orang yang
terhadapnya perintah ini dibuat jika, apabila dimaklumkan secara
bertulis oleh pegawai polis bahawa prosiding jenayah yang
berhubungan dengan perlakuan suatu kesalahan yang
melibatkan keganasan rumah tangga akan dimulakan terhadap
orang yang terhadapnya perintah ini dibuat, tiada permohonan
bagi perintah perlindungan dibuat oleh orang dilindungi itu dalam
masa tujuh hari selepas dimaklumkan sedemikian; ….”
[6] The applicant sent an email on 18.4.2022, to the second
respondent, making reference to her prior email from 28.1.2021. In
the email dated 28.1.2021, the applicant conveyed the following
(i) On 31.7.2019, the investigation officer informed her that the
suspect would be charged in Klang Session Court on
(ii) However, on 25.8.2020, the Deputy Public Prosecutor
informed her that the suspect was discharged not amounting
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to an acquittal (DNAA) from the charges under section 325 or
326 of the Penal Code by the Klang Session Courts’ judge,
Dato' Ahmad Zamzani bin Haji Mohd Zain, due to the non-
attendance of witnesses during the criminal proceedings.
[7] In response to this, through an email dated 18.4.2022, the applicant
requested a reconsideration of the DNAA decision against the
suspect and asked for the suspect to face charges once more.
[8] In a letter dated 8.7.2022, the second respondent provided the
following explanations:
(i) The second respondent acknowledged that the suspect had
been discharged not amounting to an acquittal by the Session
Court due to the absence of a witness during the criminal
proceedings. However, the suspect was subsequently
recharged on 4.2.2021.
(ii) The suspect then submitted a Representation Letter dated
5.4.2021, which was referred to the Attorney General’s
(iii) After considering the investigation findings and the
circumstances of the case, the Attorney General’s Chambers
determined that the DNAA decision was warranted.
(iv) Following the applicant’s email dated 18.4.2022, the
investigation papers were sent back to the Attorney General’s
Chambers for a review.
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(v) Ultimately, the Attorney General’s Chambers decided to
uphold the DNAA decision against the suspect.
[9] The applicant again, via her solicitors sent a letter dated 8.8.2022
requested that the prosecution against the suspect to be reinstated.
[10] However, the second respondent through a letter dated 12.8.2022
once again stated that the previous DNAA against the suspect was
[11] Dissatisfied with the Impugned Decisions, the applicant filed this
application for leave to commence judicial review.
Test for Granting Leave
[12] The law of judicial review has been elucidated particularly to its
purpose and extent in the Federal Court’s decision in SIS Forum
(Malaysia) v. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor; Majlis Agama Islam
Selangor (Intervener) [2022] 3 MLRA 219 where Her Ladyship
Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat CJ stated:
“Judicial review is a core tenet of the rule of law which is
inextricably linked to the notion of constitutional supremacy in a
democratic form of Government. This was because a core feature
of the rule of law is the doctrine of separation of powers, a
corollary to which is the concept of check and balance. Judicial
review - whether constitutional review or statutory review - is a
fundamental aspect of check and balance and is the vehicle
through which the judicial branch of Government can perform its
constitutional function visa-vis the other branches of Government.
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The judicial power of the Federation which includes judicial review
(constitutional and statutory) is vested by constitutional design
solely in the two High Courts.”
[13] Pertaining to the test in granting leave for judicial review, the
Federal Court in WRP Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd v. Tenaga Nasional
Bhd [2012] MLRA 257 held that the test for leave to commence
judicial review are as follows:
“[12] …Without the need to go into depth of the abundant
authorities, suffice if we state that leave may be granted if
the leave application is not thought of as frivolous, and
if leave is granted, an arguable case in favour of
granting the relief sought at the substantive hearing
may be the resultant outcome. A rider must be attached
to the application though ie unless the matter for judicial
review is amenable to judicial review absolutely no
success may be envisaged.”
[Emphasis added]
[14] In Bandar Utama Development Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Lembaga
Lebuhraya & Anor [1998] 1 MLJ 224 His Lordship Visu Sinnadurai
J at page 225 held as follows:
“... The court, in exercising its discretion that an application for
leave be granted must be convinced by the applicants that
prima facie the application is genuine and that there is some
substance in the grounds supporting the application. The
test’s threshold is very low; a prima facie case of reasonable
suspicion, an arguable case must be shown, not a prima facie
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case. Additionally, an application must fail if it is frivolous,
vexatious, misconceived, made by busybodies with
misguided or trivial complaints of administrative errors,
groundless, where there are more appropriate alternative
remedies, and where the application for judicial remedies is
[Emphasis added]
[15] In summary, although the standard for granting permission is not
stringent, an applicant wishing to obtain permission must meet the
following requirements:
(i) demonstrate that the application is not frivolous;
(ii) prove that the application is not vexatious; and
(iii) establish that it warrants further consideration during the
substantive stage.
Objection by The Attorney General
[16] This application for leave was objected to by the Attorney
General. The Attorney General submitted that the application for
leave should be dismissed on the grounds that the impugned
decisions is not amenable for judicial review.
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[17] The applicant filed this application seeking leave to commence
judicial review proceedings against the respondents based on the
issue of impropriety, inadequacy, or invalidity concerning the
decisions of the Attorney General's Department and the Director of
Prosecution for the State of Selangor made in letters dated 8.7.2022
and 12.8.2022 that the charges for Case No. Report: Klang
Selatan/8744/19 are directed to Discharge Not Amounting to
Acquittal (DNAA).
[18] The Attorney General submitted that the applicant does not have an
arguable case and this application does not merit further arguments
at the substantive stage.
[19] In support of this contention, the Senior Federal Counsel cited
Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution which reads:
“The Attorney General shall have power, exercisable at his
discretion, to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for
an offence, other than proceedings before a Syariah court, a
native court or a court martial.”
[20] A consistent line of judicial decisions has thoroughly scrutinized the
interpretation and impact of this constitutional provision, and the
highest courts have consistently ruled that the Attorney General's
authority to initiate, oversee, or terminate criminal proceedings is
beyond the scope of judicial scrutiny. [See: Long Bin Samat & Ors
v. Public Prosecutor [1974] 2 MLJ 152, Teh Cheng Poh V Public
Prosecutor [1979] 1 MLJ 50, Public Prosecutor v. Zainuddin & Anor
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[1986] 2 MLJ 100, Karpal Singh & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [1991]
2 MLJ 544]
[21] In Repco Holdings Bhd v. Public Prosecutor (supra) Gopal Sri Ram
JCA (as His Lordship then was) had this to say:
“The importance of the propositions formulated by the learned
Lord President in these two cases is that, as a matter of public
law, the exercise of discretion by the Attorney General in the
context of art 145(3) is put beyond judicial review. In other words,
the exercise by the Attorney General of his discretion, in one way
or another, under art 145(3), cannot be questioned in the courts
by way of certiorari, declaration or other judicial review
proceedings. I think that the proposition is not only good law but
good policy. For, were it otherwise, upon each occasion that the
Attorney General decides not to institute or conduct or
discontinue a particular criminal proceedings, he will be called
upon to a court of law the reasons for his decision. It will then be
the court and not the Attorney General who will be exercising the
power under art 145(3). That was surely not the intent on our
founding fathers who framed our Constitution for us.”
[22] More recently, the Federal Court in the case of Sundra Rajoo a/l
Nadarajah v Menteri Luar Negeri, Malaysia & Ors [2021] 6 CLJ 199
then established the following guiding principles:
(i) Any challenge must meet a two-step threshold, which must be
satisfied during the leave stage of any judicial review
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(ii) The burden of proof rests on the applicant to demonstrate a
legal basis for challenging the decision of the Attorney
General or Public Prosecutor. This legal basis includes
grounds for judicial review such as illegality, procedural
impropriety, irrationality, and mala fide; and
(iii) The applicant must present compelling and prima facie
evidence that the Attorney General's or Public Prosecutor's
decision or omission falls within these grounds, or at least one
of them. The courts should presume, in consideration of the
doctrine of separation of powers, that none of the grounds
were established unless the evidence unequivocally leads to
the inevitable conclusion that they have indeed been
[23] In Sundra Rajoo (supra), Tengku Maimun CJ held as follows:
“[96] The AG/PP by constitutional design has access to the
police, investigation papers and other core decisive
material which ultimately factor into his decision to charge
or not to charge a person or to otherwise discontinue
proceedings. The AG/PP is the guardian of public interest
and so he factors not just the law and legal principles but
also matters relevant to public policy and national security.
The Courts, also by constitutional design, do not have the
same benefit. Such design is inherent in the mechanism of
our adversarial system which is grounded or rooted in the
doctrine of separation of powers. Some degree of judicial
deference to Executive discretion of the AG/PP is
necessary so as not to stymie our justice system.”
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[24] In this application for leave to commence judicial review, the
applicant based her case for the initiation of a criminal proceeding
against the suspect on the following pieces of evidence:
(i) the medical report dated 23.11.2021;
(ii) the Applicant’s Police Report dated 17.3.2019; and
(iii) the Interim Protection Order issued by the Klang Magistrate’s
Court on 17.4.2019.
[25] The medical report, in the view of this court, sets out the injury
suffered by the applicant. It does not, in the view of this court, in any
way, demonstrate that the Impugned Decision is unreasonable or
[26] With regard to the applicant’s police report. This court is of the view
it is just that. A police report. The Police Report lodged by the
applicant as a matter of fact only reflect the applicant’s version of
story of the alleged event, not the narrative by other witness. It is
the considered view of this court that by merely lodging a police
report does not render the police report to be the truth. The veracity
of the contents of the said police report is required to be established.
[27] Pertaining to the Interim Protection Order issued by the Klang
Magistrate’s Court on 17.4.2019, it was issued after a domestic
violence complaint had been lodged with the police and pending
investigations by the police. Section 4(4) of the Domestic Violence
Act 1994 explicitly states that the interim protection order will no
longer be valid once the investigations are concluded or when a
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criminal proceeding regarding an offense related to domestic
violence is initiated against the individual for whom the order was
[28] The applicant is relying on the above stated documents in this
application to challenge the decision of the Public
Prosecutor/Attorney General to halt the criminal proceedings
against the suspect. The decision to DNAA a case is the decision
of the Public Prosecutor/Attorney General.
[29] In this instant case, the applicant had failed to produce other
evidence. It could therefore be argued that the applicant had failed
to provide compelling prima facie evidence which is required to
challenge the Public Prosecutor’s/Attorney General’s prosecutorial
[30] In the considered view of this court that the medical report, the police
report and the Interim Protection Order are insufficient to be
considered as prima facie compelling evidence in this case.
[31] It is this note, this court can do no better than to reproduce the words
of Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh J in Sivakumar a/l Sockalingam &
Anor v. Yang Berhormat Peguam Negara, Malaysia [2022] MLJU
2946 as follows:
“(f) The applicants must come to Court with more than police
reports or exhibits of social media postings to overcome
the strong presumption of legality. Police reports and
social media postings, without more, are not compelling
and convincing evidence to rebut the presumption of
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[32] Moreover, in In Fazli bin Suboh v Public Prosecutor [2023] MLJU
353 this court had stated:
“[28] The Federal Court in Sundra Rajoo (supra) held that the
Attorney General does not have absolute or unfettered
discretion under Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution
and that it is appropriate, rare and exceptional cases, such
discretion is amenable to judicial review.
[29] The Federal Court stated that any challenge to the poser
of the Attorney General/Public Prosecutor must pass a
two-step threshold which must be satisfied at the leave
stage of any application for judicial review. The applicant
is first required to show that he has a legal basis to
challenge the decision of the Attorney General/Public
Prosecutor such as illegality; procedural impropriety;
irrationality and mala fide. The applicant will then have to
adduce compelling prima facie proof that he decision or
omission of the Attorney General/Public Prosecutor falls
within those grounds or any one of them.
[32] The applicant’s premise is based primarily on the Police
Report filed by his wife. This, in the considered view of this
court, is not a compelling prima facie evidence that could
on its own prove that the applicant is innocent. The veracity
of the Police Report has yet to be proven. This court is
therefore satisfied that it is insufficient to meet the
requirement to produce compelling prima facie evidence
which is required to challenge the respondent’s
prosecutorial power.”
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[33] For the abovementioned reasons, this court is satisfied there is
insufficient evidence before this court to meet the requirement of a
prima facie case which is necessary to challenge the respondent’s
prosecutorial powers. Hence, this court therefore dismissed this
application seeking leave to file a judicial review application with no
order as to costs.
Date: 31 October 2023
High Court of Malaya,
Shah Alam
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For The Applicant:
Yoges M Verasuntharam
Tetuan Chambers of Yoges,
Advocates & Solicitors
B-11-5, 1 Sentul Condominium
Jalan Sentul Ria,
51200 Kuala Lumpur.
+6 014 931 0198
For the Respondent:
Ahmad Hanir bin Hambaly @ Arwi, Noor Atiqah binti Zainal Abidin
Jabatan Peguam Negara Malaysia,
Bahagian Guaman,
No. 45, Persiaran Perdana,
Presint 4, 62100 Putrajaya.
+6 03 8872 2000
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| 22,169 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 | PEMOHON Datuk Kasi A/L K.L. Palaniappan RESPONDEN 1. ) Menara Embun Sdn Bhd 2. ) PB Trustee Services Berhad (Wasi Bagi Harta Pusaka Allahyarmah Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal Bin Haji Abu Bakar No. K/P: 490318-08-5599) 3. ) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal 4. ) MKN Holdings Sdn Bhd 5. ) Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd | Civil procedure — Affidavits — plaintiff sought leave to (i) file further affidavit; (ii) to cross examine deponent and non deponent on their affidavits / affirmed on their behalf — Whether filing of further affidavit should be allowed — Whether oral evidence through cross-examination should be taken — Whether court could order the attendance of non deponent for cross-examination under O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012 Rules of Court 2012 | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
In the matter of Menara Embun Sdn.
Bhd. (Company No.: 428618-M)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 428618-M)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
[Heard together with the following Originating Summons pursuant
to the Order dated 3.12.2019]
31/10/2023 11:47:31
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 Kand. 448
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In the matter of Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd. (Company No.: 623037-H)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 623037-H)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
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[1] There are 4 applications made by the Plaintiff before the court:
1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 290 in Originating Summons WA-
24NCC-410-09/2017 (“Menara Embun OS”) and Enc. 271
in Originating Summons WA-24NCC-411-09/2017
(“Modern Eden OS”) seeking for the Plaintiff’s further
Affidavit affirmed on 10.09.2021 (“P afft 7”) to adduce 12
volumes of documents be admitted in evidence for Both OS
(“Further Affidavit Application”); and
1.2 Enc. 286 in the Menara Embun OS and Enc. 272 in the
Modern Eden OS that the Plaintiff be granted leave to
cross-examine, through counsel, Farah Mahami Binti Tan
Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on her Affidavits and Felina
Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on the Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf (“Cross Examination Application”).
[2] I had allowed the applications on 5.9.2023. These are the
reasons for my decisions. As the applications were related, it is convenient
to deal with all 4 applications in one judgment.
[3] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were filed by the
Plaintiff, Datuk Kasi a/l Palaniappan (“DK”) pursuant to Section 346 of the
Companies Act, 2016 (“CA 2016”) complaining of minority oppression in
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respect of the affairs of Menara Embun Sdn Bhd and Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd respectively.
[4] DK together with one Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd also
commenced another minority oppression claim in respect of Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd vide Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-290-
07/2017 (“Setia Haruman OS”). In the Setia Haruman OS, DK was struck
out as a Plaintiff on 25.4.2018 as he was not a shareholder of Setia
Haruman. DK however owns 50% of the shares in Impresive Circuit. The
Setia Haruman OS was heard and eventually dismissed by me on
25.06.2021. The Court of Appeal had affirmed the decision on 20.1.2023.
Impresive Circuit’s leave application to appeal to the Federal Court was
dismissed by the Federal Court on 15.8.2023.
[5] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were converted
into writ actions by Wong Chee Lin J but both had reverted back to OS
actions after the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ appeals to the Court of Appeal was
allowed on 26.08.2021 and the Plaintiff’s applications for leave to appeal
to the Federal Court were dismissed on 21.2.2022.
[6] In each of the 3 OS Actions, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal (“TSMK”)
was named as the 2nd Defendant. The Plaintiff’s complaints in the 3 OS
Actions are that alleged oppressive acts were carried out in breach of an
alleged Understanding, New Board Understanding that DK allegedly had
with TSMK and DK’s legitimate expectation to participate in the
management of Setia Haruman, Menara Embun and Modern Eden.
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The Further Affidavit Applications
[7] Via P Afft 7, the Plaintiff seeks to adduce 12 volumes of
documents as follows:
a) Volumes 1 to 3 - documents exhibited in the earlier affidavits
in these proceedings;
b) Volume 4 - documents related to Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd;
c) Volumes 5 to 9 - documents pertaining to 15 other
companies and Setia Haruman;
d) Volume 10 - documents pertaining to the affairs of several
companies which existed before the incorporation of the 1st
e) Volume 11 - the notes of proceedings of the cross
examination of TSMK, Azmy and THP in the Setia Haruman
OS from 17th to 19th March 2021(which the 2nd to 4th
Defendants have no objection);
f) Volume 12 - document included by the 2nd to 4th Defendants
to rebut the documents filed by the Plaintiff in volumes 4 to
10 for purposes of trial.
[8] The documents sought to be adduced has since been narrowed
down to volumes 1 to 3, 5 to 9 (except 1 document in volume 8 being the
Certified True Copy of Form 13 A of MK Land by the Companies
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Commission of Malaysia, and volume 11 which was admitted by consent
as these notes of proceedings are relevant but were not available earlier.
[9] 2nd to 4th Defendants objections may be summarised as follows:
9.1 That the documents sought to be introduced concern other
companies/joint ventures and Setia Haruman which are
irrelevant documents;
9.2 These documents are sought to be adduced after the
dismissal of the Setia Haruman OS. It is a belated attempt
by the Plaintiff to cure the shortfalls of the Setia Haruman
OS and an attempt to have a 2nd bite at the cherry;
9.3 Prior to the conversion, the Plaintiff had filed 6 affidavits in
support of the Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS
(“the OSs”). These documents were available to the
Plaintiff at the time of filing of the OSs in 2017 and the
exchange of affidavits; There was no explanation as to
relevance and why these documents were not exhibited in
the earlier affidavits citing in support of their arguments L.K
Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn
Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 733:
“[10] At any rate the reason given is not cogent enough: that of
wanting to file a further affidavit. Generally only 3 affidavits are
allowed for an application: an affidavit in support, an affidavit in
opposition and a further affidavit in reply to that affidavit in opposition.
Unless there are cogent reasons for affirming a further affidavit
as in the documents that were sought to be referred to were not
available previously or that what has been referred to in the last
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affidavit filed is a lie, courts generally would not allow further
affidavits to be filed. Otherwise there would be no end to affidavits
filed because, human nature being what it is, everyone wants to have
the final and last word! Therefore if in an affidavit in reply there is
more than a reply to the affidavit filed in opposition, I would disregard
the new matters raised which should have been raised in the affidavit
in support.” (counsel’s emphasis)
[10] The Plaintiff argued that:
10.1 The Plaintiff had in its Affidavits (Afft 7 Para 12) and Afft 8
Para 7 explained the contents of the documents as well as
shown how these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs i.e. the
relationship between DK and TSMK, the Understanding,
the New Board Understanding as well as the breaches of
these understandings;
10.2 the documents relating to DK’s and TSMK’s various joint
ventures are necessary and relevant to the manner in
which DK and TSMK would run their joint ventures which
include Menara Embun and Menara Eden;
10.3 The documents relating to Setia Haruman are necessary
and relevant because the conduct at Setia Haruman
affected DK’s participation in Menara Embun and Menara
Eden. In this regard, the term “affairs of the company” in
Section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 is to be widely
construed such that it includes the affairs of various
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companies where such affairs are all closely connected
e.g. parent and subsidiary companies citing in support:
(i) Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA
“[42] We think that the approach adopted in the above cited cases
is sound and we also agree that, in the final analysis, the question
that must be answered in this regard is whether the affairs of the
subsidiary affect or impact the holding company: Lim Chee
Twang at [97]. Legitimate claims for relief from oppression
should not be defeated by technical and legalistic objections
relating to the company's shareholding structure; at the
same time the doctrine of separate legal personalities and
the strict words of the statute ("the affairs of the company"
[emphasis added]) must be respected. In our view, the
balance between these competing interests would be
properly drawn by a requirement that commercially unfair
conduct in the management of a subsidiary would be
relevant so long and to the extent that such conduct affected
or impacted the holding company whose member was the
party claiming relief from oppression. The purpose and policy
behind s 216 of the Companies Act is, above all, to grant relief
from the oppressive behaviour to shareholders who would
otherwise be unable to stop that abuse: see below at [49]. If the
affairs of the subsidiary do not affect or impact the holding
company, shareholders and members of the latter could hardly
complain that their interests were therefore prejudiced.”
(ii) Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU
“[50] I would respectfully follow this observation and rule that in
this country, similarly, the phrase ‘affairs of the company’
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found in Section 181(1) of the CA (and the new but identically
worded Section 346(1) of the Companies Act 2016) should be
construed widely, to encompass the affairs of entities which
are not themselves the subject of the oppression action, but
which affairs of those entities, affect the subject company in
the nature and to the extent which is beyond the
inconsequential, be it a parent or a subsidiary.
[54] This provide much support to a wide reading of ‘affairs
of the company’ which is wholly in line with the design of the
law to ensure that in circumstances where oppressive
conduct could be proven, legal redress to those unlawfully
aggrieved is available and not impeded by the artificiality or
in the complexity of corporate structures. Otherwise,
wrongdoers in corporate world would be encouraged to
strategize and build upon more complex conglomerate-like
structures and perpetuate such unlawful and oppressive
conduct in a fashion orchestrated to defeat the application
of Section 181 (1) (Section 346 (1) of the Companies Act
2016), and almost literally employing the section as an
engine of fraud. The law will fail in its true objective and the
ends of justice will be far from being served if such a grim
scenario is allowed to transpire, if not already manifest and
(iii) That this principle is applicable to Setia Haruman,
Menara Embun and Menara Eden was recognised by
Azizul Azmi J when he heard the striking out
applications in the Setia Haruman OS where DK was
struck out as a Plaintiff but Impresive Circuit was
allowed to continue pursuing the claim in Datuk Kasi
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Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors
[2019] 9 MLJ 32:
“[14] …Tob’s case established the principle that the
expression ‘affairs of the company’ in s 346(1)(a) is to be
construed widely, and would encompass oppressive
conduct that is conducted at a subsidiary or a holding
[15] While I fully agree with the ratio of the decision of Mohd
Nazlan J in Tob’s case…
[18] He (DK) would have been perfectly entitled to allege,
based on the principle in Tob’s case, that he was being
oppressed at Menara Embun or Modern Eden by virtue of
acts conducted at Setia Haruman. This is because the acts
carried out at the Setia Haruman would amount to affairs of
Menara Embun and/or Modern Eden. In my judgment, it
makes no difference that Setia Haruman is not a subsidiary
of either Menara Embun or Modern Eden. It suffices that
either company holds shares in Setia Haruman, for conduct
carried out at Setia Haruman to be the subject of a complaint
of oppression at either Menara Embun or Modern Eden.”
10.4 P Afft 7 seeks to produce documents comprised previously
in Part B of the Common Bundle of documents to enable
the Plaintiff to discharge its burden to prove the
Understanding, the New Board Understanding or the
breaches of these understandings which amounted to
oppressive acts against the Plaintiff; Having been
produced in the Common bundles for trial, there is no
surprise to the Defendants, the documents are admissible
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whether the matter is tried as a writ action or an originating
summons citing in support the case of Thavanathan a/l
Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401,
that all “evidence which is sufficiently relevant to the facts
in issue is admissible”;
10.5 Both OSs are oppression claims which concern various
complex factual and legal issues. To limit the Affidavits in
such a case to only an Affidavit in support by the Plaintiff,
one Affidavit in reply by the Defendant and then an Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff as suggested by the Defendants
would not lead to a just and effectual determination of both
OSs. This is more so when the Defendants themselves
have filed multiple Affidavits instead of subscribing to their
own contention of Defendants only filing a single Affidavit
in reply;
10.6 the Affidavits in respect of both OSs were still in the midst
of being exchanged prior to the Conversion and once the
Conversion was ordered, documents intended to be relied
on by parties had to be adduced through the CBODs
instead of further Affidavits; the Plaintiff had filed the
Further Affidavit in both OSs to adduce the documents
within 2 weeks of the Conversion being set aside by the
Court of Appeal and well in advance of any hearing date of
both OSs; L K Insulation Engineering relied upon by the
Defendants is distinguishable because it concerned a
summary judgment application for a debt recovery claim
and the party seeking to file the further Affidavit had only
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informed the Court of their intention to do so at the hearing
of the summary judgment application.
Court’s finding
[11] Having considered the cause papers and the parties’
submissions, I find the narrowed down documents sought to be adduced
are relevant and necessary to both OSs as they relate to the central issue
of the alleged Understanding, the New Board Understanding and the
purported breaches thereof.
[12] I am of the respectful view that the Plaintiff should be afforded
the opportunity to fully ventilate his case in both OSs. In this regard, the
Plaintiff had in his affidavits for the Further Affidavit Application explained
although not in great detail why these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs.
[13] The Defendants’ posit that the Further Affidavit Application is an
abuse of process because these documents ought to have been adduced
in the Plaintiff’s 6 Affidavits prior to the Conversion is untenable as I accept
the Plaintiff’s assertion that the affidavits in respect of both OSs were still
in the midst of being exchanged prior to the Conversion after which the
said documents (except for volume 11 which was not available then) were
produced in Part B in the common bundles for trial. Once the appeal
against the conversion to a writ action was allowed by the Court of Appeal
which ordered the matters to continue and disposed by OS, the Plaintiff
still wishing to rely on the said documents had no choice but to adduce
them through a further affidavit, in this case through P Afft 7.
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[14] In any case, I find there is no element of surprise nor prejudice
occasioned to the Defendants as they will have an opportunity to reply.
[15] I find it just and equitable and thus exercised my discretion to
grant leave to the Plaintiff to file P Afft 7 containing the narrowed down
documents only and volume 11 which was consented to.
Cross Examination Applications
[16] I ought to set out some basic principles on this subject.
[17] First, it is settled law that the court retains an absolute discretion
whether or not to allow cross-examination of a deponent on his affidavit –
see as mere examples, Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn
Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189; Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ
Rep 468; [1987] MLJU 3; Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo
& Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383. As such, each case is to be decided on its own
particular facts as “Exercises of judicial discretion are not judicial
precedent because they are only authority for the facts of the particular
case.” - Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1
CLJ 300, at 306 CA.
[18] Second, the applicant for leave to cross-examine a deponent
bears the legal burden to persuade the court to exercise its discretion to
grant leave - in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v
The Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487.
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[19] Third, the application has to be made bona fide or in good faith.
In Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189,
at 190, Salleh Abas FJ said:
“To allow or not to allow the respondent’s application to cross-examine the
appellant’s witnesses upon their affidavits, I take it, is a matter of court’s
discretion. In appropriate circumstances, there is no reason why such
application should be refused merely because the deponent is a foreigner
living outside the jurisdiction (Re Lucas [1952] 1 All ER 102); “otherwise
foreigners would have an advantage” (Strauss v Goldschmidt 8 SLR 239).
It is really a matter of common sense and an elementary legal principle that
a party who swears an affidavit much be prepared to stand up to it by cross-
examination unless the application to cross- examine him is without just
cause vexatious or motivated by desire to delay the proceedings (Allen v
Allen [1894] P 239). In view of the appellant’s application for judgment
under Order 32 Rule 6, I am not, however, prepared to hold the
respondent’s application to cross- examine the appellant’s witnesses
as being without just cause or motivated by desire to delay the
proceedings or without bona fide or sham or vexatious. (emphasis
[20] Fourth, relevancy as to disputes of the facts has to be shown to
warrant cross -examination. The Court of Appeal in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (supra) stated:
“[25] You can discern from the authorities referred by the parties that three
prime considerations would influence the court in the exercise of its
discretion to allow or disallow cross-examination on affidavit. Firstly, the
truth of the averment in the affidavit must be challenged or the issues of fact
identified. Secondly, cross-examination should only be allowed if the
disputed fact is relevant to the issue to be decided and must be limited to
that issue only. And thirdly, cross-examination would not advance the cause
of justice and should be refused if there is sufficient affidavit evidence or
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contemporaneous documents to enable the court to properly decide without
the need of cross-examination.
It is important to take into account all facts when considering an application
for cross-examination and if it has little relevance or little weight to the issue
which the judge has to decide, then cross-examination should not be
[21] Last but not least, as stated in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah &
Aishah (supra) cross-examination must advance the cause of justice.
When a conflict in affidavit evidence may be resolved by undisputed
contemporaneous document, the cause of justice is not advanced.
Defendants’ objections.
[22] The Defendants claim there is no basis for the cross-examination
of Farah on her Affidavits and Felina on the Affidavits affirmed on her
CA Order dated 26.8.2021 gave liberty to apply to cross-examine
[23] As for the Defendants’ 1st ground of objection that cross-
examination would go against the decision of the Court of Appeal setting
aside the Conversion, I find no merits in this contention for the simple
reason that in fact, the Court of Appeal on 26.8.2021 allowed the
Conversion Appeal with liberty to the Plaintiff to apply for cross-
examination. The Order reads: "1. Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 26.10.2018 yang menukarkan Saman
Pemula bertarikh 28 September 2017 kepada tindakan Writ diketepikan
dan perkara ini dikembalikan kepada Saman Pemula dengan kebebasan
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untuk memohon untuk memeriksa balas deponen.” This Order
appears at Enc. 324 p 23-25.
Viva voce evidence imperative
[24] As for the next ground that the Plaintiff had not identified the
disputes of material facts, I find that there is more than sufficient material
in the affidavits to form a basis for cross-examination. Here, the pith of the
Plaintiff’s claim lay in the alleged Understanding, the New Board
[25] Having considered the affidavits filed by the parties and the
exhibits annexed, and the submissions of the parties both oral and written,
I am of the firm view that anyhow once slices it, there are disputes of facts
in the Affidavits relating to the Understanding, the New Board
Understanding, the breaches of these understandings and the resolutions
being passed in Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without
DK’s knowledge, consent and/or approval so as to facilitate the said
breaches. All the Defendants have denied the existence of the said
Understandings and the alleged breaches thereof. In my respectful view,
the controversy of facts pertaining to the truth of the allegations of fact of
the alleged Understandings and breaches can only be resolved by viva
voce evidence. It would be critical to ascertain the true state of affairs by
resort to cross-examination. It is insufficient merely to rely on affidavits
evidence alone to make a definitive determination whether there is in fact
minority oppression inflicted on DK in respect of the conduct of affairs of
the 2 companies.
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[26] In my judgment, it would be wrong to ascribe no importance to
why cross-examination is necessary. If the Plaintiff is denied leave to
cross-examine Felina and Farar, as decided in Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay
Bok Choon [1985] 1 MLJ 58, this court has to ignore the disputed
averments in affidavits and, the Plaintiffs will run the risk of not being able
to prove its case. In fact in the Tay Bok Choon case, the former Supreme
Court held on the facts of that case, “in the face of the denial that the
agreement was ever made, the trial judge should have heard oral
evidence before deciding whether the alleged agreement was ever made”
and the court can hear oral evidence even if no application was made
under O 38 r 2(3):
“Order 38 rule 2(3) of the Rules of the High Court empowers the Court to
examine the deponents regardless of the absence of such application,
and we agree that in this instance it should have done so.”
[27] Just as in Tay Bok Choon, the Understandings and breaches
here were denied by the Defendants. This need to cross examine is
further exacerbated by the fact that the alleged Understanding, the New
Board Understanding are not in writing. I hence cannot with conviction say
that a decision can be made from the contemporaneous documents in the
court file in order to arrive at a decision on the matters in issue. In my
utmost respectful view, cross examination in this case would advance the
cause of justice.
[28] I find the case of Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn
Bhd & Ors and another application [1994] 2 MLJ 789 cited by the
Defendants is to be distinguished as the court there found the matter could
be decided on the undisputed contemporaneous documents in that case.
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Similarly, the case of Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v
Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd [2018] 5 CLJ 751 is also distinguishable as the
court there took the exceptional circumstances approach when
considering whether to permit cross-examination of a deponent in the
context of a winding up proceeding as:
(i) it is a primary rule that petitions for winding up are heard on
affidavit evidence;
(ii) the Companies Act 1965 and the Companies Winding-up
Rules 1972 do not expressly provide for a similar right to
apply for the cross-examination of the affidavits as found in
the RC 2012;
(iii) it is public policy that a winding up petition be heard
Cross-examination of non deponent
[29] As for cross-examination of Felina in respect of affidavits affirmed
on her behalf by TSMK, the Defendants contend the Plaintiff’s application
to cross - examine her as a non-deponent is irrational, vexatious,
misconceived and an abuse of process. The Defendants posited that
Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012 applies only to the cross examination of
deponents of affidavits. It was pointed out that the Court of Appeal in
Kumar Jaspal Quah did not agree with Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ
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[30] In Gomez v. Gomez, Raja Azlan Shah J (later Lord President and
HRH Sultan of Perak) allowed the cross-examination of a priest who had
given a letter which was annexed as an exhibit to the Wife’s custody
affidavit owing to conflicting evidence concerning the capability of either
parent to look after the welfare of the child based on religious ground. In
allowing the application, His Lordship stated:
“In the present case there is only 1 issue, that is, the issue in the pending
action which is whether the order can be varied. The matter raised in the
three affidavits are all matters relating to the action. The applicant complains
that the respondent is no longer a fit and proper person to have custody of
the child. The respondent says that she is still capable of looking after the
child’s religion and moral upbringing. The Rev Father wood supports her. It
is the same as if he has sworn an affidavit to that effect. It is only fair and
proper that the appellant be allowed to cross-examine them on their
[31] His Royal Highness considered:
31.1 O. 38 r. 1 of the then Rules of the Supreme Court 1957
(which is similar the present O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012)
“The power given by O. 38 r. 1 is obviously a matter of discretion to
be exercised in accordance with well known judicial principles.”
31.2 And approved the following passage from Leiserach v.
Schalit [1934] 2 KB 353 where leave was granted to 2
arbitrators, who were not parties nor had they affirmed any
affidavits, to be called as witnesses to assist the Court to
ascertain the facts of the case:
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“This is a case in which the Court has listened to numerous,
affidavits, statements in some of which directly contradict the
statements in others. It is also a case in which it is essential, in order
to do justice, that the Court should be enabled to make up its mind
as to the actual facts of the case. In the view of the Court this is an
exceptional case, and in this exceptional case the Court has arrived
at the conclusion that the only way in which it can satisfactorily deal
with the matter before it is by having the assistance of the evidence
of the arbitrators, who, being independent persons, can tell the Court
what it is to ascertain from a perusal of the affidavits on one side and
the other - namely, what are the essential facts of the case. On that
ground and on that ground only the Court accedes to the application
to call as witnesses both the gentlemen who acted as arbitrators in
the matter”.
[32] Gomez v. Gomez was cited with approval in the following cases:
32.1 In Balwant Singh Purba v. R. Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep
468; [1987] MLJU 3 by Lim Beng Choon J:
“In the circumstances Raja Azlan Shah J (as His Royal Highness
then was) quite rightly allowed cross-examination on the
respondent’s affidavit since the issue in the action before His
Lordship was whether the custody of the child should be given to the
applicant or the respondent in view of the conflicting evidence
concerning the capability of either parent to look after the welfare of
the child based on religious ground.”
32.2 In Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar
Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166 where R K Nathan J
“Azlan Shah J (as his Highness then was) in a short but erudite
judgment decided that O. 38 r. 2(3) of the RHC must be interpreted
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to also include the makers of the exhibits who would be subjected
to cross-examination.”
[33] In Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee
[2003] 5 MLJ 241, Mohd Hishamudin J (later JCA) however held that
under O. 38 r. 2(3) “A party to a proceeding cannot apply to cross-examine
a person if in the first place such person has not given any evidence either
in the form of oral evidence or in the form of affidavit evidence. For, in the
absence of such prior evidence, there is no material on which to cross-
[34] On a literal interpretation, Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012
empowers the Court to order the attendance for cross-examination of “the
person making any such affidavit.”
[35] With respect, here Felina’ has given evidence – the affidavits
affirmed by her now late father, were also affirmed by him also on her
behalf. She can be cross-examined when one applies the overriding
interest of justice concept to enable Courts to deal with cases justly. In
fact, Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1 of the ROC 2012 exhorts the court in
administering the Rules particularly here when the alleged
Understandings are not in writing, to have regard to the overriding interest
of justice and not only to the technical noncompliance with the Rules.
These 2 orders give the Court wide powers in order to do justice.
[36] I have also borne in mind the terse reminder of Mohtar Abdullah
FCJ in Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra
(M) Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385, at page 426:
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“… Rules are rules! They must be obeyed. Numerous judgments can be
cited in support of this firm stand on the necessity for a strict adherence of
the rules. I agree. However, a judge should not be so besotted by
the rules that his sense of justice and fairness becomes impaired
because of his blinkered fixation on technicalities of the law and the
cold letter of the law …” (emphasis added)
[37] Although the Court of Appeal in a separate case in Tetuan Kumar
Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative Central Bank
Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487 did not agree with Gomez v
Gomez, with respect, I find a close reading of the case shows the Court
of Appeal only disagreed with Gomez v Gomez on the aspect of the onus
– which is on the respondent to show why cross-examination should not
be allowed.
[38] On my part, I have decided to follow the Gomez v Gomez
principles on cross-examining a non deponent so that all relevant
evidence available is adduced before the court and for. In the present
case, it is also be noted TMSK has passed away and can no longer be
cross-examined on the 2 affidavits filed but which were adopted by Felina
as her evidence.
No delay
[39] In Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001]
4 MLJ 56; at 62, the application for cross-examination was dismissed
owing to delay. Here the Defendants argued that the present application
is filed for an improper purpose – that it is merely a strategy by DK to delay
the hearing of the OSs to its conclusion. Nevertheless, I find there is no
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delay here as the application here was made on 10.9.2021 i.e. 2 weeks
after the Court of Appeal allowed the Conversion appeal.
Res judicata?
[40] The Defendants’ final point of contention is that my findings in the
Setia Haruman OS that there was no Understanding and New Board
Understanding constitutes res judicata in respect of both OSs.
[41] In the Setia Haruman OS, in Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 1508, I stated:
“[38] I find that the said “Understanding” and/or “New Board
Understanding were made between two non-members of the
Company. As such DK’s complaint is not a complaint member qua member
pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement and/or the Articles of
[66] Moreover, the principle in Jet-Tech (supra) was affirmed by the Federal
Court in Looh Siong Chee…“Shareholder’s Agreement and breaches of the
same are clearly not matters pertaining to the affairs of the company. They
are private matters enforceable by the parties to the Shareholder’s
Agreement. “Following these cases, DK’s complaints that he was not
nominated by the 10th Defendant to be a director of the Company is
best addressed in suit KLHC WA-22NCC-500-08/2018.”
[42] Added to that, the Federal Court in dismissing Impressive
Circuit’s application for leave to appeal against my decision in the Setia
Haruman OS said, as evident from the minutes:
“Finally, we do not see merit in the contention that the findings in this suit
will prejudice the hearing of the remaining two suits.”
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[43] Thus, I do not feel disposed to adjudge on this point of res
judicata at this juncture; issues on the Understanding and New Board
Understanding which were personal to DK and TSMK are better pursued
in both OSs as DK and TSMK are registered members of Menara Embun
and Menara Eden. Whilst there is a common issue of the “Understanding”
and “New Board Understanding” between the Plaintiff and TMSK in all 3
Actions, Impresive Circuit as the plaintiff in the Setia Haruman OS is not
a party in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs, UEM Land Berhad
and Virtual Path Sdn Bhd who are the shareholders of Setia Haruman and
the four (4) Directors of Setia Haruman all named as defendants in the
Setia Haruman OS are not parties in the Menara Embun and Modern
Eden OSs. In my utmost respectful view, the complaint of oppression in
the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs should be heard and decided
separately on their own facts and evidence. Whether or not there was
oppression in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs was for DK to
prove; and any decision thereafter must be based strictly on the best
evidence presented by DK and the defence if any put up by the
[44] I thus conclude that on the facts of the OSs, in the interest of
doing substantive justice, it is appropriate to allow cross examination on
the issue of the Understanding, the New Board Understanding, the
breaches of these understandings and the resolutions being passed in
Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without DK’s knowledge,
consent and/or approval to facilitate the said breaches. I find DK ought to
be given the opportunity to fully ventilate his case and he has discharged
the onus on why cross-examination should be ordered.
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[45] Consequently, leave in enc. 286 (OS 410 ) and enc. 272 (OS
411) is given to DK to cross examine (1) Farah Mahami Binti Tan Sri Datuk
Haji Mustapha Kamal (NRIC No. 820512-14-5662) on the contents of the
two (2) Affidavits she had affirmed on 28.11.2017 and 25.4.2018 and filed
in these proceedings; (ii) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal
(NRIC No. 701201-10-6138) on the contents of the two (2) Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf on 25.4.2018 and 7.6.2018 and filed in these
proceedings, with costs subject to allocator.
Dated: 22nd October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mr Gopal Sreenevasan (together with him,
Shermaljit Singh)
Messrs Owee & Co
For the 1st & 5th : Eric Clement
Defendants Messrs Abd Halim Ushah & Assoc.
For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th : Dato M. Pathmanathan (together with him,
Defendants Shirin Pathmanathan and Fatin Muzfirah)
Messrs M Pathmanathan & Co.
L.K Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn Bhd [2017]
1 LNS 733
Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA 47
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU 1303
Datuk Kasi Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019]
9 MLJ 32
Thavanathan a/l Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401
Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189
Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep 468; [1987] MLJU
Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo & Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383
Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 300
Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative
Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487
Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay Bok Choon - [1985] 1 MLJ 58
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd & Ors and another
application [1994] 2 MLJ 789
Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd
[2018] 5 CLJ 751
Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ 228
Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166
Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra (M)
Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385
Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee [2003] 5
MLJ 241
Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001] 4 MLJ 56
Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU
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Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1, Order 38 rule 2(2) and 2(3) Rules of Court
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| 43,149 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 | PEMOHON Datuk Kasi A/L K.L. Palaniappan RESPONDEN 1. ) Menara Embun Sdn Bhd 2. ) PB Trustee Services Berhad (Wasi Bagi Harta Pusaka Allahyarmah Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal Bin Haji Abu Bakar No. K/P: 490318-08-5599) 3. ) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal 4. ) MKN Holdings Sdn Bhd 5. ) Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd | Civil procedure — Affidavits — plaintiff sought leave to (i) file further affidavit; (ii) to cross examine deponent and non deponent on their affidavits / affirmed on their behalf — Whether filing of further affidavit should be allowed — Whether oral evidence through cross-examination should be taken — Whether court could order the attendance of non deponent for cross-examination under O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012 Rules of Court 2012 | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
In the matter of Menara Embun Sdn.
Bhd. (Company No.: 428618-M)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 428618-M)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
[Heard together with the following Originating Summons pursuant
to the Order dated 3.12.2019]
31/10/2023 11:47:31
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 Kand. 448
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In the matter of Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd. (Company No.: 623037-H)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 623037-H)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
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[1] There are 4 applications made by the Plaintiff before the court:
1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 290 in Originating Summons WA-
24NCC-410-09/2017 (“Menara Embun OS”) and Enc. 271
in Originating Summons WA-24NCC-411-09/2017
(“Modern Eden OS”) seeking for the Plaintiff’s further
Affidavit affirmed on 10.09.2021 (“P afft 7”) to adduce 12
volumes of documents be admitted in evidence for Both OS
(“Further Affidavit Application”); and
1.2 Enc. 286 in the Menara Embun OS and Enc. 272 in the
Modern Eden OS that the Plaintiff be granted leave to
cross-examine, through counsel, Farah Mahami Binti Tan
Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on her Affidavits and Felina
Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on the Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf (“Cross Examination Application”).
[2] I had allowed the applications on 5.9.2023. These are the
reasons for my decisions. As the applications were related, it is convenient
to deal with all 4 applications in one judgment.
[3] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were filed by the
Plaintiff, Datuk Kasi a/l Palaniappan (“DK”) pursuant to Section 346 of the
Companies Act, 2016 (“CA 2016”) complaining of minority oppression in
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respect of the affairs of Menara Embun Sdn Bhd and Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd respectively.
[4] DK together with one Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd also
commenced another minority oppression claim in respect of Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd vide Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-290-
07/2017 (“Setia Haruman OS”). In the Setia Haruman OS, DK was struck
out as a Plaintiff on 25.4.2018 as he was not a shareholder of Setia
Haruman. DK however owns 50% of the shares in Impresive Circuit. The
Setia Haruman OS was heard and eventually dismissed by me on
25.06.2021. The Court of Appeal had affirmed the decision on 20.1.2023.
Impresive Circuit’s leave application to appeal to the Federal Court was
dismissed by the Federal Court on 15.8.2023.
[5] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were converted
into writ actions by Wong Chee Lin J but both had reverted back to OS
actions after the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ appeals to the Court of Appeal was
allowed on 26.08.2021 and the Plaintiff’s applications for leave to appeal
to the Federal Court were dismissed on 21.2.2022.
[6] In each of the 3 OS Actions, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal (“TSMK”)
was named as the 2nd Defendant. The Plaintiff’s complaints in the 3 OS
Actions are that alleged oppressive acts were carried out in breach of an
alleged Understanding, New Board Understanding that DK allegedly had
with TSMK and DK’s legitimate expectation to participate in the
management of Setia Haruman, Menara Embun and Modern Eden.
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The Further Affidavit Applications
[7] Via P Afft 7, the Plaintiff seeks to adduce 12 volumes of
documents as follows:
a) Volumes 1 to 3 - documents exhibited in the earlier affidavits
in these proceedings;
b) Volume 4 - documents related to Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd;
c) Volumes 5 to 9 - documents pertaining to 15 other
companies and Setia Haruman;
d) Volume 10 - documents pertaining to the affairs of several
companies which existed before the incorporation of the 1st
e) Volume 11 - the notes of proceedings of the cross
examination of TSMK, Azmy and THP in the Setia Haruman
OS from 17th to 19th March 2021(which the 2nd to 4th
Defendants have no objection);
f) Volume 12 - document included by the 2nd to 4th Defendants
to rebut the documents filed by the Plaintiff in volumes 4 to
10 for purposes of trial.
[8] The documents sought to be adduced has since been narrowed
down to volumes 1 to 3, 5 to 9 (except 1 document in volume 8 being the
Certified True Copy of Form 13 A of MK Land by the Companies
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Commission of Malaysia, and volume 11 which was admitted by consent
as these notes of proceedings are relevant but were not available earlier.
[9] 2nd to 4th Defendants objections may be summarised as follows:
9.1 That the documents sought to be introduced concern other
companies/joint ventures and Setia Haruman which are
irrelevant documents;
9.2 These documents are sought to be adduced after the
dismissal of the Setia Haruman OS. It is a belated attempt
by the Plaintiff to cure the shortfalls of the Setia Haruman
OS and an attempt to have a 2nd bite at the cherry;
9.3 Prior to the conversion, the Plaintiff had filed 6 affidavits in
support of the Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS
(“the OSs”). These documents were available to the
Plaintiff at the time of filing of the OSs in 2017 and the
exchange of affidavits; There was no explanation as to
relevance and why these documents were not exhibited in
the earlier affidavits citing in support of their arguments L.K
Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn
Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 733:
“[10] At any rate the reason given is not cogent enough: that of
wanting to file a further affidavit. Generally only 3 affidavits are
allowed for an application: an affidavit in support, an affidavit in
opposition and a further affidavit in reply to that affidavit in opposition.
Unless there are cogent reasons for affirming a further affidavit
as in the documents that were sought to be referred to were not
available previously or that what has been referred to in the last
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affidavit filed is a lie, courts generally would not allow further
affidavits to be filed. Otherwise there would be no end to affidavits
filed because, human nature being what it is, everyone wants to have
the final and last word! Therefore if in an affidavit in reply there is
more than a reply to the affidavit filed in opposition, I would disregard
the new matters raised which should have been raised in the affidavit
in support.” (counsel’s emphasis)
[10] The Plaintiff argued that:
10.1 The Plaintiff had in its Affidavits (Afft 7 Para 12) and Afft 8
Para 7 explained the contents of the documents as well as
shown how these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs i.e. the
relationship between DK and TSMK, the Understanding,
the New Board Understanding as well as the breaches of
these understandings;
10.2 the documents relating to DK’s and TSMK’s various joint
ventures are necessary and relevant to the manner in
which DK and TSMK would run their joint ventures which
include Menara Embun and Menara Eden;
10.3 The documents relating to Setia Haruman are necessary
and relevant because the conduct at Setia Haruman
affected DK’s participation in Menara Embun and Menara
Eden. In this regard, the term “affairs of the company” in
Section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 is to be widely
construed such that it includes the affairs of various
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companies where such affairs are all closely connected
e.g. parent and subsidiary companies citing in support:
(i) Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA
“[42] We think that the approach adopted in the above cited cases
is sound and we also agree that, in the final analysis, the question
that must be answered in this regard is whether the affairs of the
subsidiary affect or impact the holding company: Lim Chee
Twang at [97]. Legitimate claims for relief from oppression
should not be defeated by technical and legalistic objections
relating to the company's shareholding structure; at the
same time the doctrine of separate legal personalities and
the strict words of the statute ("the affairs of the company"
[emphasis added]) must be respected. In our view, the
balance between these competing interests would be
properly drawn by a requirement that commercially unfair
conduct in the management of a subsidiary would be
relevant so long and to the extent that such conduct affected
or impacted the holding company whose member was the
party claiming relief from oppression. The purpose and policy
behind s 216 of the Companies Act is, above all, to grant relief
from the oppressive behaviour to shareholders who would
otherwise be unable to stop that abuse: see below at [49]. If the
affairs of the subsidiary do not affect or impact the holding
company, shareholders and members of the latter could hardly
complain that their interests were therefore prejudiced.”
(ii) Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU
“[50] I would respectfully follow this observation and rule that in
this country, similarly, the phrase ‘affairs of the company’
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found in Section 181(1) of the CA (and the new but identically
worded Section 346(1) of the Companies Act 2016) should be
construed widely, to encompass the affairs of entities which
are not themselves the subject of the oppression action, but
which affairs of those entities, affect the subject company in
the nature and to the extent which is beyond the
inconsequential, be it a parent or a subsidiary.
[54] This provide much support to a wide reading of ‘affairs
of the company’ which is wholly in line with the design of the
law to ensure that in circumstances where oppressive
conduct could be proven, legal redress to those unlawfully
aggrieved is available and not impeded by the artificiality or
in the complexity of corporate structures. Otherwise,
wrongdoers in corporate world would be encouraged to
strategize and build upon more complex conglomerate-like
structures and perpetuate such unlawful and oppressive
conduct in a fashion orchestrated to defeat the application
of Section 181 (1) (Section 346 (1) of the Companies Act
2016), and almost literally employing the section as an
engine of fraud. The law will fail in its true objective and the
ends of justice will be far from being served if such a grim
scenario is allowed to transpire, if not already manifest and
(iii) That this principle is applicable to Setia Haruman,
Menara Embun and Menara Eden was recognised by
Azizul Azmi J when he heard the striking out
applications in the Setia Haruman OS where DK was
struck out as a Plaintiff but Impresive Circuit was
allowed to continue pursuing the claim in Datuk Kasi
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Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors
[2019] 9 MLJ 32:
“[14] …Tob’s case established the principle that the
expression ‘affairs of the company’ in s 346(1)(a) is to be
construed widely, and would encompass oppressive
conduct that is conducted at a subsidiary or a holding
[15] While I fully agree with the ratio of the decision of Mohd
Nazlan J in Tob’s case…
[18] He (DK) would have been perfectly entitled to allege,
based on the principle in Tob’s case, that he was being
oppressed at Menara Embun or Modern Eden by virtue of
acts conducted at Setia Haruman. This is because the acts
carried out at the Setia Haruman would amount to affairs of
Menara Embun and/or Modern Eden. In my judgment, it
makes no difference that Setia Haruman is not a subsidiary
of either Menara Embun or Modern Eden. It suffices that
either company holds shares in Setia Haruman, for conduct
carried out at Setia Haruman to be the subject of a complaint
of oppression at either Menara Embun or Modern Eden.”
10.4 P Afft 7 seeks to produce documents comprised previously
in Part B of the Common Bundle of documents to enable
the Plaintiff to discharge its burden to prove the
Understanding, the New Board Understanding or the
breaches of these understandings which amounted to
oppressive acts against the Plaintiff; Having been
produced in the Common bundles for trial, there is no
surprise to the Defendants, the documents are admissible
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whether the matter is tried as a writ action or an originating
summons citing in support the case of Thavanathan a/l
Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401,
that all “evidence which is sufficiently relevant to the facts
in issue is admissible”;
10.5 Both OSs are oppression claims which concern various
complex factual and legal issues. To limit the Affidavits in
such a case to only an Affidavit in support by the Plaintiff,
one Affidavit in reply by the Defendant and then an Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff as suggested by the Defendants
would not lead to a just and effectual determination of both
OSs. This is more so when the Defendants themselves
have filed multiple Affidavits instead of subscribing to their
own contention of Defendants only filing a single Affidavit
in reply;
10.6 the Affidavits in respect of both OSs were still in the midst
of being exchanged prior to the Conversion and once the
Conversion was ordered, documents intended to be relied
on by parties had to be adduced through the CBODs
instead of further Affidavits; the Plaintiff had filed the
Further Affidavit in both OSs to adduce the documents
within 2 weeks of the Conversion being set aside by the
Court of Appeal and well in advance of any hearing date of
both OSs; L K Insulation Engineering relied upon by the
Defendants is distinguishable because it concerned a
summary judgment application for a debt recovery claim
and the party seeking to file the further Affidavit had only
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informed the Court of their intention to do so at the hearing
of the summary judgment application.
Court’s finding
[11] Having considered the cause papers and the parties’
submissions, I find the narrowed down documents sought to be adduced
are relevant and necessary to both OSs as they relate to the central issue
of the alleged Understanding, the New Board Understanding and the
purported breaches thereof.
[12] I am of the respectful view that the Plaintiff should be afforded
the opportunity to fully ventilate his case in both OSs. In this regard, the
Plaintiff had in his affidavits for the Further Affidavit Application explained
although not in great detail why these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs.
[13] The Defendants’ posit that the Further Affidavit Application is an
abuse of process because these documents ought to have been adduced
in the Plaintiff’s 6 Affidavits prior to the Conversion is untenable as I accept
the Plaintiff’s assertion that the affidavits in respect of both OSs were still
in the midst of being exchanged prior to the Conversion after which the
said documents (except for volume 11 which was not available then) were
produced in Part B in the common bundles for trial. Once the appeal
against the conversion to a writ action was allowed by the Court of Appeal
which ordered the matters to continue and disposed by OS, the Plaintiff
still wishing to rely on the said documents had no choice but to adduce
them through a further affidavit, in this case through P Afft 7.
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[14] In any case, I find there is no element of surprise nor prejudice
occasioned to the Defendants as they will have an opportunity to reply.
[15] I find it just and equitable and thus exercised my discretion to
grant leave to the Plaintiff to file P Afft 7 containing the narrowed down
documents only and volume 11 which was consented to.
Cross Examination Applications
[16] I ought to set out some basic principles on this subject.
[17] First, it is settled law that the court retains an absolute discretion
whether or not to allow cross-examination of a deponent on his affidavit –
see as mere examples, Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn
Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189; Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ
Rep 468; [1987] MLJU 3; Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo
& Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383. As such, each case is to be decided on its own
particular facts as “Exercises of judicial discretion are not judicial
precedent because they are only authority for the facts of the particular
case.” - Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1
CLJ 300, at 306 CA.
[18] Second, the applicant for leave to cross-examine a deponent
bears the legal burden to persuade the court to exercise its discretion to
grant leave - in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v
The Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487.
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[19] Third, the application has to be made bona fide or in good faith.
In Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189,
at 190, Salleh Abas FJ said:
“To allow or not to allow the respondent’s application to cross-examine the
appellant’s witnesses upon their affidavits, I take it, is a matter of court’s
discretion. In appropriate circumstances, there is no reason why such
application should be refused merely because the deponent is a foreigner
living outside the jurisdiction (Re Lucas [1952] 1 All ER 102); “otherwise
foreigners would have an advantage” (Strauss v Goldschmidt 8 SLR 239).
It is really a matter of common sense and an elementary legal principle that
a party who swears an affidavit much be prepared to stand up to it by cross-
examination unless the application to cross- examine him is without just
cause vexatious or motivated by desire to delay the proceedings (Allen v
Allen [1894] P 239). In view of the appellant’s application for judgment
under Order 32 Rule 6, I am not, however, prepared to hold the
respondent’s application to cross- examine the appellant’s witnesses
as being without just cause or motivated by desire to delay the
proceedings or without bona fide or sham or vexatious. (emphasis
[20] Fourth, relevancy as to disputes of the facts has to be shown to
warrant cross -examination. The Court of Appeal in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (supra) stated:
“[25] You can discern from the authorities referred by the parties that three
prime considerations would influence the court in the exercise of its
discretion to allow or disallow cross-examination on affidavit. Firstly, the
truth of the averment in the affidavit must be challenged or the issues of fact
identified. Secondly, cross-examination should only be allowed if the
disputed fact is relevant to the issue to be decided and must be limited to
that issue only. And thirdly, cross-examination would not advance the cause
of justice and should be refused if there is sufficient affidavit evidence or
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contemporaneous documents to enable the court to properly decide without
the need of cross-examination.
It is important to take into account all facts when considering an application
for cross-examination and if it has little relevance or little weight to the issue
which the judge has to decide, then cross-examination should not be
[21] Last but not least, as stated in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah &
Aishah (supra) cross-examination must advance the cause of justice.
When a conflict in affidavit evidence may be resolved by undisputed
contemporaneous document, the cause of justice is not advanced.
Defendants’ objections.
[22] The Defendants claim there is no basis for the cross-examination
of Farah on her Affidavits and Felina on the Affidavits affirmed on her
CA Order dated 26.8.2021 gave liberty to apply to cross-examine
[23] As for the Defendants’ 1st ground of objection that cross-
examination would go against the decision of the Court of Appeal setting
aside the Conversion, I find no merits in this contention for the simple
reason that in fact, the Court of Appeal on 26.8.2021 allowed the
Conversion Appeal with liberty to the Plaintiff to apply for cross-
examination. The Order reads: "1. Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 26.10.2018 yang menukarkan Saman
Pemula bertarikh 28 September 2017 kepada tindakan Writ diketepikan
dan perkara ini dikembalikan kepada Saman Pemula dengan kebebasan
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untuk memohon untuk memeriksa balas deponen.” This Order
appears at Enc. 324 p 23-25.
Viva voce evidence imperative
[24] As for the next ground that the Plaintiff had not identified the
disputes of material facts, I find that there is more than sufficient material
in the affidavits to form a basis for cross-examination. Here, the pith of the
Plaintiff’s claim lay in the alleged Understanding, the New Board
[25] Having considered the affidavits filed by the parties and the
exhibits annexed, and the submissions of the parties both oral and written,
I am of the firm view that anyhow once slices it, there are disputes of facts
in the Affidavits relating to the Understanding, the New Board
Understanding, the breaches of these understandings and the resolutions
being passed in Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without
DK’s knowledge, consent and/or approval so as to facilitate the said
breaches. All the Defendants have denied the existence of the said
Understandings and the alleged breaches thereof. In my respectful view,
the controversy of facts pertaining to the truth of the allegations of fact of
the alleged Understandings and breaches can only be resolved by viva
voce evidence. It would be critical to ascertain the true state of affairs by
resort to cross-examination. It is insufficient merely to rely on affidavits
evidence alone to make a definitive determination whether there is in fact
minority oppression inflicted on DK in respect of the conduct of affairs of
the 2 companies.
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[26] In my judgment, it would be wrong to ascribe no importance to
why cross-examination is necessary. If the Plaintiff is denied leave to
cross-examine Felina and Farar, as decided in Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay
Bok Choon [1985] 1 MLJ 58, this court has to ignore the disputed
averments in affidavits and, the Plaintiffs will run the risk of not being able
to prove its case. In fact in the Tay Bok Choon case, the former Supreme
Court held on the facts of that case, “in the face of the denial that the
agreement was ever made, the trial judge should have heard oral
evidence before deciding whether the alleged agreement was ever made”
and the court can hear oral evidence even if no application was made
under O 38 r 2(3):
“Order 38 rule 2(3) of the Rules of the High Court empowers the Court to
examine the deponents regardless of the absence of such application,
and we agree that in this instance it should have done so.”
[27] Just as in Tay Bok Choon, the Understandings and breaches
here were denied by the Defendants. This need to cross examine is
further exacerbated by the fact that the alleged Understanding, the New
Board Understanding are not in writing. I hence cannot with conviction say
that a decision can be made from the contemporaneous documents in the
court file in order to arrive at a decision on the matters in issue. In my
utmost respectful view, cross examination in this case would advance the
cause of justice.
[28] I find the case of Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn
Bhd & Ors and another application [1994] 2 MLJ 789 cited by the
Defendants is to be distinguished as the court there found the matter could
be decided on the undisputed contemporaneous documents in that case.
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Similarly, the case of Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v
Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd [2018] 5 CLJ 751 is also distinguishable as the
court there took the exceptional circumstances approach when
considering whether to permit cross-examination of a deponent in the
context of a winding up proceeding as:
(i) it is a primary rule that petitions for winding up are heard on
affidavit evidence;
(ii) the Companies Act 1965 and the Companies Winding-up
Rules 1972 do not expressly provide for a similar right to
apply for the cross-examination of the affidavits as found in
the RC 2012;
(iii) it is public policy that a winding up petition be heard
Cross-examination of non deponent
[29] As for cross-examination of Felina in respect of affidavits affirmed
on her behalf by TSMK, the Defendants contend the Plaintiff’s application
to cross - examine her as a non-deponent is irrational, vexatious,
misconceived and an abuse of process. The Defendants posited that
Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012 applies only to the cross examination of
deponents of affidavits. It was pointed out that the Court of Appeal in
Kumar Jaspal Quah did not agree with Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ
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[30] In Gomez v. Gomez, Raja Azlan Shah J (later Lord President and
HRH Sultan of Perak) allowed the cross-examination of a priest who had
given a letter which was annexed as an exhibit to the Wife’s custody
affidavit owing to conflicting evidence concerning the capability of either
parent to look after the welfare of the child based on religious ground. In
allowing the application, His Lordship stated:
“In the present case there is only 1 issue, that is, the issue in the pending
action which is whether the order can be varied. The matter raised in the
three affidavits are all matters relating to the action. The applicant complains
that the respondent is no longer a fit and proper person to have custody of
the child. The respondent says that she is still capable of looking after the
child’s religion and moral upbringing. The Rev Father wood supports her. It
is the same as if he has sworn an affidavit to that effect. It is only fair and
proper that the appellant be allowed to cross-examine them on their
[31] His Royal Highness considered:
31.1 O. 38 r. 1 of the then Rules of the Supreme Court 1957
(which is similar the present O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012)
“The power given by O. 38 r. 1 is obviously a matter of discretion to
be exercised in accordance with well known judicial principles.”
31.2 And approved the following passage from Leiserach v.
Schalit [1934] 2 KB 353 where leave was granted to 2
arbitrators, who were not parties nor had they affirmed any
affidavits, to be called as witnesses to assist the Court to
ascertain the facts of the case:
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“This is a case in which the Court has listened to numerous,
affidavits, statements in some of which directly contradict the
statements in others. It is also a case in which it is essential, in order
to do justice, that the Court should be enabled to make up its mind
as to the actual facts of the case. In the view of the Court this is an
exceptional case, and in this exceptional case the Court has arrived
at the conclusion that the only way in which it can satisfactorily deal
with the matter before it is by having the assistance of the evidence
of the arbitrators, who, being independent persons, can tell the Court
what it is to ascertain from a perusal of the affidavits on one side and
the other - namely, what are the essential facts of the case. On that
ground and on that ground only the Court accedes to the application
to call as witnesses both the gentlemen who acted as arbitrators in
the matter”.
[32] Gomez v. Gomez was cited with approval in the following cases:
32.1 In Balwant Singh Purba v. R. Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep
468; [1987] MLJU 3 by Lim Beng Choon J:
“In the circumstances Raja Azlan Shah J (as His Royal Highness
then was) quite rightly allowed cross-examination on the
respondent’s affidavit since the issue in the action before His
Lordship was whether the custody of the child should be given to the
applicant or the respondent in view of the conflicting evidence
concerning the capability of either parent to look after the welfare of
the child based on religious ground.”
32.2 In Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar
Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166 where R K Nathan J
“Azlan Shah J (as his Highness then was) in a short but erudite
judgment decided that O. 38 r. 2(3) of the RHC must be interpreted
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to also include the makers of the exhibits who would be subjected
to cross-examination.”
[33] In Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee
[2003] 5 MLJ 241, Mohd Hishamudin J (later JCA) however held that
under O. 38 r. 2(3) “A party to a proceeding cannot apply to cross-examine
a person if in the first place such person has not given any evidence either
in the form of oral evidence or in the form of affidavit evidence. For, in the
absence of such prior evidence, there is no material on which to cross-
[34] On a literal interpretation, Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012
empowers the Court to order the attendance for cross-examination of “the
person making any such affidavit.”
[35] With respect, here Felina’ has given evidence – the affidavits
affirmed by her now late father, were also affirmed by him also on her
behalf. She can be cross-examined when one applies the overriding
interest of justice concept to enable Courts to deal with cases justly. In
fact, Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1 of the ROC 2012 exhorts the court in
administering the Rules particularly here when the alleged
Understandings are not in writing, to have regard to the overriding interest
of justice and not only to the technical noncompliance with the Rules.
These 2 orders give the Court wide powers in order to do justice.
[36] I have also borne in mind the terse reminder of Mohtar Abdullah
FCJ in Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra
(M) Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385, at page 426:
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“… Rules are rules! They must be obeyed. Numerous judgments can be
cited in support of this firm stand on the necessity for a strict adherence of
the rules. I agree. However, a judge should not be so besotted by
the rules that his sense of justice and fairness becomes impaired
because of his blinkered fixation on technicalities of the law and the
cold letter of the law …” (emphasis added)
[37] Although the Court of Appeal in a separate case in Tetuan Kumar
Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative Central Bank
Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487 did not agree with Gomez v
Gomez, with respect, I find a close reading of the case shows the Court
of Appeal only disagreed with Gomez v Gomez on the aspect of the onus
– which is on the respondent to show why cross-examination should not
be allowed.
[38] On my part, I have decided to follow the Gomez v Gomez
principles on cross-examining a non deponent so that all relevant
evidence available is adduced before the court and for. In the present
case, it is also be noted TMSK has passed away and can no longer be
cross-examined on the 2 affidavits filed but which were adopted by Felina
as her evidence.
No delay
[39] In Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001]
4 MLJ 56; at 62, the application for cross-examination was dismissed
owing to delay. Here the Defendants argued that the present application
is filed for an improper purpose – that it is merely a strategy by DK to delay
the hearing of the OSs to its conclusion. Nevertheless, I find there is no
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delay here as the application here was made on 10.9.2021 i.e. 2 weeks
after the Court of Appeal allowed the Conversion appeal.
Res judicata?
[40] The Defendants’ final point of contention is that my findings in the
Setia Haruman OS that there was no Understanding and New Board
Understanding constitutes res judicata in respect of both OSs.
[41] In the Setia Haruman OS, in Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 1508, I stated:
“[38] I find that the said “Understanding” and/or “New Board
Understanding were made between two non-members of the
Company. As such DK’s complaint is not a complaint member qua member
pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement and/or the Articles of
[66] Moreover, the principle in Jet-Tech (supra) was affirmed by the Federal
Court in Looh Siong Chee…“Shareholder’s Agreement and breaches of the
same are clearly not matters pertaining to the affairs of the company. They
are private matters enforceable by the parties to the Shareholder’s
Agreement. “Following these cases, DK’s complaints that he was not
nominated by the 10th Defendant to be a director of the Company is
best addressed in suit KLHC WA-22NCC-500-08/2018.”
[42] Added to that, the Federal Court in dismissing Impressive
Circuit’s application for leave to appeal against my decision in the Setia
Haruman OS said, as evident from the minutes:
“Finally, we do not see merit in the contention that the findings in this suit
will prejudice the hearing of the remaining two suits.”
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[43] Thus, I do not feel disposed to adjudge on this point of res
judicata at this juncture; issues on the Understanding and New Board
Understanding which were personal to DK and TSMK are better pursued
in both OSs as DK and TSMK are registered members of Menara Embun
and Menara Eden. Whilst there is a common issue of the “Understanding”
and “New Board Understanding” between the Plaintiff and TMSK in all 3
Actions, Impresive Circuit as the plaintiff in the Setia Haruman OS is not
a party in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs, UEM Land Berhad
and Virtual Path Sdn Bhd who are the shareholders of Setia Haruman and
the four (4) Directors of Setia Haruman all named as defendants in the
Setia Haruman OS are not parties in the Menara Embun and Modern
Eden OSs. In my utmost respectful view, the complaint of oppression in
the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs should be heard and decided
separately on their own facts and evidence. Whether or not there was
oppression in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs was for DK to
prove; and any decision thereafter must be based strictly on the best
evidence presented by DK and the defence if any put up by the
[44] I thus conclude that on the facts of the OSs, in the interest of
doing substantive justice, it is appropriate to allow cross examination on
the issue of the Understanding, the New Board Understanding, the
breaches of these understandings and the resolutions being passed in
Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without DK’s knowledge,
consent and/or approval to facilitate the said breaches. I find DK ought to
be given the opportunity to fully ventilate his case and he has discharged
the onus on why cross-examination should be ordered.
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[45] Consequently, leave in enc. 286 (OS 410 ) and enc. 272 (OS
411) is given to DK to cross examine (1) Farah Mahami Binti Tan Sri Datuk
Haji Mustapha Kamal (NRIC No. 820512-14-5662) on the contents of the
two (2) Affidavits she had affirmed on 28.11.2017 and 25.4.2018 and filed
in these proceedings; (ii) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal
(NRIC No. 701201-10-6138) on the contents of the two (2) Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf on 25.4.2018 and 7.6.2018 and filed in these
proceedings, with costs subject to allocator.
Dated: 22nd October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mr Gopal Sreenevasan (together with him,
Shermaljit Singh)
Messrs Owee & Co
For the 1st & 5th : Eric Clement
Defendants Messrs Abd Halim Ushah & Assoc.
For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th : Dato M. Pathmanathan (together with him,
Defendants Shirin Pathmanathan and Fatin Muzfirah)
Messrs M Pathmanathan & Co.
L.K Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn Bhd [2017]
1 LNS 733
Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA 47
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Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU 1303
Datuk Kasi Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019]
9 MLJ 32
Thavanathan a/l Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401
Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189
Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep 468; [1987] MLJU
Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo & Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383
Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 300
Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative
Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487
Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay Bok Choon - [1985] 1 MLJ 58
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd & Ors and another
application [1994] 2 MLJ 789
Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd
[2018] 5 CLJ 751
Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ 228
Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166
Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra (M)
Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385
Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee [2003] 5
MLJ 241
Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001] 4 MLJ 56
Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU
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Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1, Order 38 rule 2(2) and 2(3) Rules of Court
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| 43,149 | Tika 2.6.0 |
P-02(IM)(NCvC)-2008-10/2022 | PERAYU JKP SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN Anas Construction Sdn. Bhd. | Whether applying to strike out claim in Court is submitting and surrendering to jurisdiction of Court - whether a further step in the proceedings has been taken - whether stay under s 10 Arbitration Act 2005 should be dismissed.Refusal of one party to arbitration to pay further AIAC’s Deposit - whether breach of AIAC’s Arbitration Rules 2018- whether breach of arbitration agreement - whether arbitration agreement has become inoperative-whether the other party that has the option to pay is now obliged to pay- whether arbitrator may terminate arbitration-whether the other party may commence proceedings in Court. | 31/10/2023 | YA Dato' Lee Swee SengKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Che Mohd Ruzima Bin GhazaliYA Dato' Azizul Azmi Bin Adnan | |
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RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: P-02(IM)(NCVC)-2008-10/2022
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: PA-22NCVC-32-02/2022
31/10/2023 17:11:54
P-02(IM)(NCvC)-2008-10/2022 Kand. 25
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[1] An interesting problem has arisen in an arbitration which had
proceeded at the preliminary stage of settling the pleadings and when the
Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”) gave notice to the parties
for a further deposit of the arbitrator’s fees and the administrative costs of
AIAC (“AIAC’s Deposit”). The respondent there, who also had a
counterclaim, refused to pay its portion of the fees. The arbitrator then
proceeded to terminate the arbitration after consultation with the Director
of AIAC as provided for in the AIAC Arbitration Rules 2018 (“AIAC
Arbitration Rules”). The claimant then proceeded to file its claim in the
High Court.
[2] The defendant in the High Court objected on ground that the
arbitration agreement is still subsisting and is not abrogated on ground of
it not paying its portion of the AIAC’s Deposit. According to the defendant,
the recourse would be for the claimant to pay the defendant’s equal share
of the AIAC’s Deposit to continue with the arbitration and to then ask for
the Arbitrator to include in the final Award, the AIAC Deposit, paid on its
behalf by the claimant.
[3] The defendant in the High Court by way of Enclosure 6, applied
to have the writ and statement of claim struck out under O 18 r 19(1)(a),
(b), (c) and (d) of the Rules of Court 2012 (“ROC 2012”). Alternatively,
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the defendant prayed for a stay of the court proceedings under s 10
Arbitration Act 2005 [Act 646] (“AA 2005”) and for the matter to be referred
to arbitration.
[4] The claimant, on the other hand, argued that non-payment of the
AIAC Deposit as required under the rules of governing the arbitration, in
this case the AIAC Arbitration Rules, would amount to breach of the
arbitration agreement and as such the arbitrator is at liberty to terminate
the arbitration and the claimant is entitled to then commence the
proceedings in Court. Previously, the claimant had filed a suit in Court but
withdrew it because of the defendant’s insistence on the arbitration
At the High Court
[5] The High Court found that the non-payment of the AIAC’s further
deposit by the defendant did not render the arbitration agreement
inoperative or incapable of being performed.
[6] The plaintiff as the claimant in the arbitration could pay the
defendant’s share of the AIAC’s further deposit and recover the same from
the defendant in the final award of the arbitrator.
[7] The High Court, having found that principally the arbitration
agreement had not become inoperative, ordered a stay of the High Court
proceedings under s 10 of the AA 2005. The plaintiff, being dissatisfied
with the decision of the High Court, had appealed to the Court of Appeal.
The parties shall be referred to as they were in the High Court i.e. as
plaintiff and defendant respectively. In some instances, the defendant
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who refused to pay its portion of the AIAC’s Deposit would be referred to
as the “refusing party.”
Before the Court of Appeal
[8] The plaintiff as appellant, argued before us that had the High
Court followed the principle of law enunciated in Kebabangan Petroleum
Operating Co Sdn Bhd v Mikuni (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] 1 MLJ 693
with respect to when an arbitration agreement becomes inoperative, the
High Court would not have granted an unconditional stay of the Court
proceedings, only to refer the matter to arbitration again.
[9] The plaintiff further argued before us that had the High Court
followed the relevant principles of law as propounded by the full Bench of
the Singapore Court of Appeal in L Capital Jones Ltd And Another v
Maniach Pte Ltd [2017] SGCA 63; [2017] 1 SLR 312, the High Court
would have dismissed the defendant’s application for a stay of the court
[10] It was also submitted that the High Court had erred in not fully
appreciating that under Rule 14(7) of the AIAC Arbitration Rules, “the
arbitral tribunal may, after consultation with the Director, order the
suspension or termination of the arbitral proceedings or any part thereof.”
It was further argued that the learned High Court Judge failed to
appreciate that the learned Arbitrator's first Order, whereby he ordered
that the defendant could not proceed with its Counterclaim and its Third-
Party Proceedings was in fact not in accordance with Rule 14(7). The
relevant facts showed that he had not in fact consulted the Director when
he made his first Order.
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Whether in applying to strike out the High Court Suit brought by the
plaintiff, the defendant by so doing has invoked the jurisdiction of
the Court and taken fresh steps in the proceedings
[11] Under s 10(1) of the AA 2005, the Court would have no discretion
but to make an order staying the proceedings before it in a matter which
is the subject of an arbitration agreement unless the party making the stay
application has taken other steps in the proceedings or that on the
evidence before it, the Court finds that the arbitration agreement is null
and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed.
[12] Section 10(1) of the AA 2005 reads as follows:
“10 Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court
(1) A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter
which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes
an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay
those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the
agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed.”
(emphasis added)
[13] Thus, an application under s 10 of the AA 2005 cannot be a
hybrid application in combination with other provisions under the Rules of
Court 2012. This is precisely because the Court would have no business
to interfere or intervene in a matter which is the subject of an arbitration
agreement unless expressly provided for under the AA 2005 as stated
clearly in s 8 thereof as follows:
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“8 Extent of court intervention
No court shall intervene in matters governed by this Act, except where so
provided in this Act.”
[14] Here the main prayer is for a striking out of the plaintiff’s claim
under O 12 r 10(1)(a) and (g), O 18 r 19(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) ROC 2012
and under O 92 r 4 ROC 2012 and only in the alternative, a stay of the
proceedings in Court under s 10 AA 2005 and/or the inherent jurisdiction
of the Court.
[15] It should be stated at this juncture that O 12 r 10 is designed for
setting aside the writ or service of the writ in a case where under O 12 r 9
the writ or the service of the writ is irregular or in any order giving leave to
serve the writ out of jurisdiction or the extending the validity of the writ for
the purpose of service. It has no application in this case whatsoever.
[16] As can be seen the main prayer under paragraph 2 of the
Application is for the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim dated
15.2.2022 against the defendant in the action to be struck out. It is only
at paragraph 4 of the Application is there an alternative prayer for the stay
of the court proceedings under s 10 AA 2005 and a reference by the
plaintiff to arbitration until the arbitration is concluded and disposed of with
an arbitral award.
[17] Such an application to strike out the plaintiff’s action would be
tantamount to “taking any other steps in the proceedings” and thus the
applicant is disqualified from applying for a stay of the proceedings. It
does not matter that the Court did not agree with its striking out application
or that it dismisses the striking out application. Once the Court is invited
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to consider the application to strike out the suit before it, the applicant
would have invoked the jurisdiction of the Court and submitted to its
jurisdiction in “taking any other steps in the proceedings” and hence, can
no longer apply for a stay of the proceedings on ground that the matter
before the Court is the subject of an arbitration agreement.
[18] We agree with the plaintiff that the applicant in invoking O 12 r
10(1)(a) and (g) and O 18 r 19(1)(a),(b),(c) and (d) and the inherent
jurisdiction of the Court O 92 r 4, in the body of its application, the
defendant had invited the Court and hence invoked its jurisdiction, to
consider the merits of the plaintiff’s proceedings in Court with a view to
have them struck out on the grounds set out in its application.
[19] One of the grounds of the prayer to strike out the plaintiff’s claim
is contained in paragraph k of the application which reads as follows:
“k. The Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant is outside or in excess of
the Court’s jurisdiction, flawed, defective and without basis, frivolous and
vexatious and an abuse of the court’s process and has a serious effect on
the legal rights of the Defendant under the construction contract and should
be struck out in limine.”
[20] The merits of the plaintiff’s claim or the lack of it, would have to
be considered by the Court in hearing the application. Clearly by so doing
the defendant as applicant had taken “any other steps in the proceedings”
such that if the Court were to dismiss, disallow or even disregard the
application, the Court’s jurisdiction would have been invoked upon the
invitation being made before the Court by way of the prayers in the
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[21] The applicant in the defendant cannot submit itself to the Court’s
jurisdiction and surrender to it in applying to strike out the plaintiff’s claim
and yet at the same time apply for a stay of the proceedings should it not
succeed in the striking out. Having entered the door of the Court and
inviting it to decide on the matter on its merits, the applicant cannot now
exit from it and merely pray for a stay of the proceedings.
[22] The two are incompatible and having failed in striking out the
plaintiff’s claim, the applicant must be content to having to contest the
proceedings for in applying to strike out, the applicant must be taken to
have abandoned arbitration in favour of litigation in the Court.
[23] Consider for a moment that should the Court have allowed the
striking out, the plaintiff could no longer commence arbitration to
adjudicate on the matter for estoppel and res judicata would operate
against the plaintiff.
[24] The only recourse left for the plaintiff would be to appeal against
that decision to the Court of Appeal. By praying for both striking out and
alternatively for stay of proceedings, the applicant might think it was acting
on an abundance of caution or trying to have the best of both worlds.
However, in reality the applicant was making an irrevocable choice or
election to get the Court to decide on the merits or the lack of it of the
plaintiff’s claim. Having failed in doing so, it was too late to resile from it
as the Court’s jurisdiction, once invoked, cannot be revoked or resisted.
[25] Having submitted and surrendered to the Court’s jurisdiction, it
has succumbed to it under its spell; it can no longer escape from it but
must swim or sink within its system. It is unlike a fail-safe mechanism
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where in the event of a specific failure in striking out, there is the
alternative route of little impact in a stay of the proceedings.
[26] The problem is not new. As far back as 1999 under the previous
s 6 of the Arbitration Act 1952 [Act 93] (Repealed by the Arbitration Act
2005) (“AA 1952”), Abdul Malik Ishak J (later JCA) had the opportunity to
decide on the same issue in PP Persero Sdn Bhd v Bimacom Property
Development Sdn Bhd [1999] 6 MLJ 1. In that case, the defendant had
filed an application for a stay of proceedings pending a reference to
arbitration under s 6 of the AA 1952 which is the precursor to the present
s 10 of the AA 2005. The defendant had included in the application in
prayer (1) to Enclosure 17 a prayer for striking out the plaintiff’s writ. The
plaintiff raised a preliminary objection that the inclusion of the prayer in
the defendant’s application constituted a step in the proceedings and thus
the defendant was barred from applying for a stay of proceedings. The
High Court agreed with the senior assistant registrar who had allowed the
preliminary objection and struck out the defendant’s application.
[27] The High Court held as follows at p 22:
“(4) …By seeking to strike out the plaintiff respondent's claim, the
defendant appellant was submitting to the jurisdiction of this
court. This would be the only inference that can be drawn when
the defendant appellant incorporated prayer (1) to encl 17. It must
be emphasised that the court will not accede to an application to strike
out the writ or the pleading unless the case was wholly and clearly
unarguable… In my judgment, the defendant appellant must be
precluded from obtaining a stay and taking advantage of the
remedy of arbitration when they inserted prayer (1) in encl 17.
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(5) The conduct of the defendant appellant in seeking prayer (1) of encl
17 clearly demonstrated a desire to abandon the application for a
stay in favour of allowing the matter to proceed to trial. As I said
the very act of the defendant appellant have the classical effect
of invoking the jurisdiction of this court to proceed to hear the
case in open court and not to refer the matter to arbitration nor
to stay the matter. This was my judgment and I so hold accordingly.
(6) By seeking prayer (1) of encl 17, the defendant appellant had taken
the necessary steps in the proceedings thereby precluding a
stay and reference to arbitration. In my judgment, the defendant
appellant did not unequivocally elect to refer the matter to
arbitration. In the 'technical sense', the defendant appellant took a
step in the proceedings thereby barring resort to s 6 of the Arbitration
Act 1952. Clearly therefore the defendant appellant had no desire to
stay the proceedings nor to refer the matter to arbitration. Incidentally,
there was no bar for the defendant appellant to file a stay of
proceedings after entering a conditional appearance. Sadly, this was
not resorted to. Instead, the defendant appellant incorporated prayer
(1) to encl 17.”
(emphasis added)
[28] Our Court of Appeal had the occasion more recently to consider
the same issue in Kebabangan Petroleum Operating Company Sdn
Bhd v Mikuni (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] 1 MLJ 693 where it said:
“[43] The facts in our case are similar as in L Capital Jones (supra). The
respondents had first prayed for the civil suit to be struck out and in
the alternative, a prayer for a stay of proceedings of the court action
pending arbitration in encl. 24. The respondents in praying, first, for
the striking out of the civil suit on merits, and only when the striking
out prayer is rejected, a stay in favour of arbitration as an alternative,
had, by doing so, foreclosed any argument on their part that they had
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reserved their rights to arbitrate the matter. Again, it must be
emphasised that the respondents cannot, by their action, be equated
as reserving their rights to refer the matter for arbitration. We are of
the view that the respondents, (except the fourth respondent), by filing encl.
24 to strike out the appellant's writ on merits, or in the alternative, to stay
the court proceedings pending the disposal of the arbitration, had by their
conduct, taken steps in the court proceedings pursuant to s. 10(1) of
the Arbitration Act 2005. Their conduct had evinced or had signified
and affirmed their unequivocal intention and willingness to submit
and participate in the court's proceedings to adjudicate the dispute in
preference to arbitration. The respondents, cannot now, change their
stance to go for arbitration. The learned judge thus has erred in allowing
the proceedings to be stayed against the respondents pending the disposal
of the arbitration between the appellant and the first respondent.
[44] On perusal of encl. 7 on the stay application by the respondents
(except the fourth respondent), we noticed that again, the respondents in
their stay application which was premised under s. 10 of the Arbitration Act
2005, had prayed first, for the civil suit to be struck out or second the court
action be stayed pending the matter to be referred for arbitration (similar
prayers as in their striking out application in encl. 24). Again, we are of the
view that the first prayer made by the respondents in their stay application
is not in consonant with an application made under s. 10(1) of the Arbitration
Act 2005 and, respondents in doing so, had by their alternative prayers
foreclosed any argument on their part that they had reserved their rights to
arbitrate the matter."
(emphasis added)
[29] The learned Judge, when deciding to stay the court proceedings,
was fully conversant with the above principle enunciated in Kebabangan
Petroleum’s case (supra) when he referred to it in Golden Plus
Holdings Bhd & Ors v China Idea Development Limited & Ors [2021]
MLJU 2532 as follows:
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“[97] In a recent Court of Appeal judgment in Kebabangan Petroleum
Operating Co Sdn Bhd v Mikuni (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] 1 MLJ 693
Suraya Othman, JCA held that the filing of an application to strike out
constitutes a step in the proceedings and evidences an unequivocal
intention to submit to the jurisdiction of the Court to adjudicate on the
dispute, therefore the applicant was not entitled to a stay of proceedings to
arbitrate the matter:
[98] Further, it was held in Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd v. Owners Of The
Ship Or Vessel 'Able Lieutenant' [2002] 6 MLJ 433, that the applicant
therein was plainly wrong for:
(a) on one hand challenging the jurisdiction of the court (pursuant
to order 12, r 7, Rules of Court 1980); and
(b) on the other hand, seeking the court's jurisdiction to
investigate the merits of the plaintiff's claim as disclosed on
the writ (pursuant to order 18. r 19. Rules of Court 1980)
[99] The Court there held that the applicant was blowing hot and cold
when it failed to make an election as to whether to challenge the jurisdiction
or invoke the court's jurisdiction to hear the case on its merits. The
application was dismissed by the Court, and the judge emphasized that:
“If a party wishes for the Court to set aside a writ or strike out
the writ, it is incumbent upon that party to place before the
court in clear unambiguous terms the expectation.”
(emphasis added)
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[30] With the greatest of respect to the learned Judge we are of the
considered opinion that it was not open to him to say that in the application
for striking out the plaintiff’s claim was not an invitation to the Court to
determine the merits of the case but to enforce the arbitration agreement
unlike the facts in the case of Kebabangan Petroleum (supra). Such a
distinction is one without a difference as invariably under O 18 r 19(1)(b)
ROC 2012, when invoking the jurisdiction of the Court to strike out the
plaintiff’s claim on ground that it is scandalous, frivolous and vexatious,
“the court will certainly have to determine the merits of the appellant’s
claim in order to adjudicate on the veracity of the same.” See
Kebabangan Petroleum (supra) at para [39].
[31] The learned Judge was fully conscious of and conversant with
the principle expounded in Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd v Owners of the
Ship or Vessel ‘Able Lieutenant’ [2002] 6 MLJ 433 where the applicant
there was plainly wrong to on the one hand challenge the jurisdiction of
the court (pursuant to Order 12 r 7 Rules of Court 1980) and on the other
hand, seeking the court’s jurisdiction to investigate the merits of the
plaintiff’s claim as disclosed in the writ (pursuant to Order 18 r 19 Rules
of Court 1980).
[32] The learned Judge had in para [99] of his judgment in the
Golden Plus Holdings’ case (supra) commented that the Court there
held that the applicant was blowing hot and cold when it failed to make an
election as to whether to challenge the jurisdiction or invoke the court’s
jurisdiction to hear the case on its merits. All too often one cannot have
the cake and eat it. One cannot have the best of both worlds. One must
make a choice and live with the consequences of one’s choice.
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[33] The initiative of the defendant in making the application to strike
out the plaintiff’s claim is not innocuous but inimical to the defendant for a
greater consequence is at stake as fully appreciated by the Court of
Appeal in Kebabangan Petroleum’s case (supra) as follows:
“[40] ...In the event that encl. 24 [striking out] is allowed in favour of
the respondents, this would have created some form of estoppel or
res judicata which would preclude the appellant from bringing the
same claim against the respondents before the arbitral tribunal.
[41] Based on these reasons, we were of the view that the filing of encl.
24 [the striking out application] had clearly evinced an unequivocal intention
on the part of the respondents to submit to the court's jurisdiction and
proceed with the civil suit. The respondents' act or conduct in filing encl. 24
clearly indicated to us that they were willingly taking a step to participate
in the proceedings in preference to arbitration."
(emphasis added)
[34] Our Court of Appeal endorsed the approach taken by the full
bench in the Singapore Court of Appeal in the case of L Capital Jones
Ltd and another v Maniach Pte Ltd [2017] SGCA 3; [2017] 1 SLR 312
which was even more explicit in expounding the consequences that would
follow an application to strike out a plaintiff’s claim by a defendant on
ground that there is an arbitration clause on facts strikingly similar to the
present case as follows:
“78. An application to strike out proceedings on the basis that it is
unmeritorious is an act that signifies a submission to the court’s
jurisdiction to resolve the dispute on the merits (Carona Holdings at
[93]). Far from repudiating the court proceedings, an application to strike
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out a claim on its merits is an affirmation of the court’s jurisdiction to resolve
the matter. Further, …should the court have determined the striking-out
application in JtGGH’s favour, this would have created some form of
estoppel or res judicata, precluding the matter from being relitigated before
an arbitral tribunal. Thus, filing an application to strike out S 182/2015 on
its merits certainly evinces “an unequivocal intention to participate in the
court proceedings in preference to arbitration” (Carona Holdings at [55]).
80. It can be seen that one of the two grounds for striking out relied on by
JtGGH was, in essence, that the Respondent’s claim lacked merit (para 3
of the grounds of application). A stay in favour of arbitration was only
prayed for in the alternative. In our judgment, this forecloses any argument
that JtGGH had reserved its right to arbitrate the matter. SUM 998/2015
clearly prays first for a striking out on the merits, and, only if that was
rejected, a stay in favour of arbitration as an alternative. Therefore,
by filing SUM 998/2015, JtGGH had taken a step in the proceedings.
81. The Judge, however, found that because JtGGH never followed
through on its intention to strike out the suit, it did not ultimately take a step
in the proceedings. JtGGH did not in fact present oral arguments to the
court on the merits of the suit (the GD at [109]), and the part of the
application to strike out S 182/2015 under O 18 r 19 was never ultimately
heard or argued (the GD at [86]). On this basis, the Judge found that even
though JtGGH had filed SUM 998/2015, when viewed as a whole, it cannot
be treated as having taken a step in the proceedings.
82. In our respectful view, the Judge erred in finding that a step in the
proceedings had not been taken by JtGGH just because the striking out
application was not pursued at the oral hearing. We note, momentarily
leaving aside the issue of JtGGH’s striking out application in SUM
998/2015, that JtGGH had taken the following further steps to advance its
application to strike out S 182/2015 on its merits: …
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83. In this case, given the several steps that JtGGH took to advance its
striking out application on the merits, it cannot be said that JtGGH did not
take a step in the proceedings just because it decided not to pursue its
striking-out application at the last moment. But even assuming that
JtGGH had not yet filed any affidavits or submissions in support of its
striking out application, we would have been inclined to hold that the
very act of filing an application to strike out the suit on its merits
would have constituted a step in the proceedings because, as we have
noted at [78] above, this was an invocation of the court’s jurisdiction.
Once such a step is taken, it will generally be irrevocable. Even if the
application is subsequently withdrawn, or the party indicates that it
no longer wishes to prosecute the application, that cannot change the
fact that a step has been taken under s 6(1) of the IAA.”
(emphasis added)
[35] Clearly the defendant by its main prayer in applying to strike out
the plaintiff’s claim was inviting and invoking the jurisdiction of the Court
to hear the plaintiff’s claim on its merits. The defendant had filed an
affidavit in support of its application through its director MIHN dated
6.4.2022 and a further affidavit in reply dated 19.5.2022 giving reasons
why the suit should be struck out.
[36] The defendant had thus submitted and surrendered to the
jurisdiction of the Court and waived its right to arbitration. Having
succumbed to the Court’s jurisdiction the defendant cannot now switch to
arbitration to resolve the dispute between the parties.
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Whether the arbitration agreement has become inoperative within
the meaning of s 10 of the AA 2005
[37] Assuming for a moment that the defendant had not taken a
further step in the Court proceedings, we shall proceed to consider if the
arbitration agreement had nevertheless become inoperative by the
conduct of the defendant in refusing to pay its share of the AIAC Deposit
in the arbitration proceedings.
[38] It is now established without a doubt that in an application under
s 10(1) of the AA 2005 where no further step in the Court proceedings has
been taken, the Court has no discretion but to make an order staying the
proceedings once there is an arbitration agreement unless the proviso
applies i.e. “unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative
or incapable of being performed.” See the Federal Court case of Press
Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417.
[39] AIAC had by its letter dated 4.9.2020 to the solicitors for both the
parties to request under Rule 6 of the AIAC Arbitration Rules 2018 for
further deposits from the parties which shall be payable within 21 days
upon receipt of the said request. The further deposit was for
RM360,234.68 and that the plaintiff as claimant and the defendant as
respondent in the arbitration was each required to pay to AIAC the sum of
RM180,117.34. Both parties had earlier paid to AIAC a provisional
advance deposit of RM77,268.15 each. Plaintiff had paid the further
deposit of RM180,117.34 on 7.5.2021.
[40] The refusal of the defendant in making further deposit to the
arbitrator’s fees would amount to a breach of the arbitration rules in this
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case the AIAC Arbitration Rules. It is provided in Clause 66.3 of the PWD
203A (Rev.1/2-10) Contract dated 9.4.2015, used with relevant
modifications, that the arbitration shall be by an arbitrator appointed by
the Director of the AIAC (previously known as the Regional Centre for
Arbitration in Kuala Lumpur as was so referred to in the PWD 203A
Contract). It was further provided that the arbitration shall be conducted
in accordance with the rules for arbitration of the AIAC using the facilities
and the system available at the AIAC. The defaulting party would have to
take the consequences arising under the Rules as provided for in the
AIAC Arbitration Rules.
[41] Compliance with an arbitration agreement would include
compliance with the applicable AIAC Arbitration Rules that the parties
have agreed to abide by. A breach of the Rules would result in taking the
consequences that would ensue. Here the arbitrator is doing what is
allowed under the Rules which in this case, includes the Arbitrator
exercising his right to terminate the arbitration.
[42] The defendant cannot in all honesty say and indeed it would be
hollow, for it to say that it is committed to having the dispute that has arisen
between the parties to be resolved through arbitration and yet not be
willing to abide by the Rules governing the arbitration to pay its share of
the AIAC’s Deposit which includes the arbitrator’s fees.
[43] It becomes more disturbing when the argument for not paying
the AIAC’s Deposit is justified on the ground that it has a choice not to and
that there can be no adverse consequences that would befall it as its
commitment to the arbitration proceedings has always been firm and
remains unchanged.
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[44] The party refusing to pay its share of the arbitrator fees knows
fully well that there is no more effective way to tax the financial resources
of the other party than by compelling it to pay the refusing party’s share of
the AIAC’s Deposit if the other party is keen to have the arbitrator continue
with the hearing until an award is handed down.
[45] For as long as the arbitration proceedings continue under the
financing of the paying party, the refusing party would just have to ride on
the goodwill of the paying party. We can think of no more belligerent action
on the part of the refusing party to inflict suffering and punishment on the
paying party and to expose it to greater risk of inability to recover the fees
paid on its behalf in the award of costs.
[46] To say that such an action on the part of the refusing party is a
perfectly proper strategy to adopt in an arbitration with no fear of adverse
consequences would be to give applause and approval to such an
unsavoury act. We can imagine a scenario where both sides to the
disputes declared from the mountain top that they remain committed to
arbitration to resolve their dispute one with the other and yet both refuse
to contribute their share to the arbitrator’s fees.
[47] Would it not be a case where the arbitration would not even get
off the ground for no arbitrator would want to carve out time to arbitrate
with his fees not paid? Would it then be a case where one of the parties
who would not be able to endure longer without vindicating itself in proving
the genuineness and righteousness of its claim before limitation sets in,
be the one that have to pay both its share of the AIAC’s deposit as well
as that of the refusing party? If that be the case, a party who has no
defence or a bad case would be in a better position not to want to pay its
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share of the arbitrator’s fees simply because it has an option not to want
to pay and yet its action has to be interpreted as being consistent with its
stand that it is committed to the arbitration!
[48] We can think of no better strategy to adopt to bring the Arbitral
process and proceedings into disrepute. The refusing party’s action in not
wanting to pay its share of the AIAC’s Deposit simply by saying it is not
keen to and that it has a choice not to, must be exposed and excoriated
for what it truly is: a subtle but sly strategy to scuttle the arbitration with
impunity for the other party would have no choice but to pay the refusing
party’s share of the AIAC’s Deposit if it has more to lose by not continuing
with the arbitration.
[49] We do not have to trouble ourselves to determine if there has
been a repudiatory breach of the arbitration agreement by the resolute
refusal of one party to pay its share of the arbitrator’s fees. The
determinative factor is whether the parties insisting on arbitration because
there is an arbitration agreement has nevertheless evinced an intention to
waive arbitration in favour of litigation by taking a further step in the Court
proceedings and by making the arbitration agreement inoperative by its
action or inaction. Thus, even when a party files a suit in Court in spite of
an arbitration agreement, there is no need to determine if the other party
has repudiated the arbitration agreement but whether the other party has
forgone arbitration by for example taking further steps in the Court
[50] If the defendant applies for a stay before taking a further step in
the proceedings in Court, all it is doing is to enforce the arbitration
agreement and the Court would generally grant a stay of the court
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proceedings. If it has taken a step in the court proceedings then it is said
to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the Court and to have waived its
right to arbitrate. It would appear that the question of repudiation of an
arbitration agreement does not arise but more a question of whether the
party wanting to proceed with arbitration has abandoned or waived its right
to so proceed.
[51] It appears to us that it would be illusory to ask the question of
whether there has been a repudiation of the arbitration agreement before
the other party is at liberty to proceed with litigation once the arbitrator has
decided to terminate the arbitration. After all, the choice of arbitration is
merely a choice as to mode of resolving a dispute and Courts would
generally hold parties to the bargain once there is a binding arbitration
agreement and parties have not abandoned it by taking a further step in
proceedings before the Court.
[52] Little wonder that the expression “breach of the arbitration
agreement” is not used in s 10 of the AA 2005 or for that matter anywhere
in the AA 2005 but rather the arbitration agreement is “null and void,
inoperative or incapable of being performed.” It would be fair for us to
surmise that the test to be applied for the arbitrator to decide on whether
to stay or terminate the arbitral proceedings would be whether the
arbitration agreement has become inoperative through the refusal of one
party to pay its share of the arbitrator’s fees and that it has waived its right
to arbitration when it refuses to comply with the applicable AIAC
Arbitration Rules which has been incorporated as a term of the arbitration
agreement under Clause 66.3 of the PWD 203A Contract.
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[53] To compel the other party to pay the refusing party’s share of the
arbitrator’s fees cannot be right for it would be rewarding the
uncooperative and unfair party and punishing the party who would then
have no choice but to have to pay the belligerent party’s share of the
arbitrator’s fees and then hopefully to be able to claim it back later as part
of the final award of the arbitrator.
[54] There is no clearer means of rendering an arbitration agreement
inoperative than a simple but stubborn refusal of a party to pay its share
of the administrative body’s deposit for no other reason than it does not
want to, though couched euphemistically as a commercial decision. The
Court of Appeal in Kebabangan Petroleum’s case (supra) had no
difficulty in holding as follows:
“[35] We were of the view that the first respondent's conduct in
unreasonably and deliberately delaying the payment of its portion of the
provisional advance deposit or the first respondent's persistence in
refusing to pay and its sheer unresponsiveness and callous disregard
to the letters issued by the appellant and KLRCA, had rendered the
arbitration agreement between the appellant and the first respondent
inoperative. The conduct of the first respondent had indicated that it was
disinterested and is abandoning its intention to proceed with the
arbitration, thereby waiving its rights for arbitration under the Umbrella
(emphasis added)
[55] To refuse to pay its share of the arbitrator’s fees for no reason
other than it does not want to would be evincing a clear and unequivocal
intention not to abide by the arbitration process of resolving the disputes
and indeed to abandon it altogether. It is akin to stultifying the arbitration,
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if not to suffocate and even sabotage it. Its conduct, of a wilful and
unexplained refusal to pay the additional deposit to the arbitrator’s fees,
is found wanting and like the writing on the wall, it is a waiver of its right
to arbitration written in its body language of crossed arms, resisting every
encouragement that it should pay its share of the arbitrator’s fees.
[56] If one has to decide the matter on whether there has been a
repudiation of the arbitration agreement then we would say that we know
of no clearer repudiation of an arbitration agreement than to refuse to
abide by the Arbitration Rules with respect to paying its share of the
arbitrator’s fees or the administrative body’s deposit. The refusing party
knows full well that for it not to comply with the other Rules on filing of
Defence or Counterclaim or the directions of the Arbitrator, would have
dire consequences. The arbitral institution and the arbitrator appointed
must be equally zealous in sending the message that the refusing party
cannot avowedly affirm that it is still abiding by the arbitration agreement
when it has, with aloofness and apathy, acted to delay and derail the
process by its commitment not to pay its share of the arbitrator’s fees and
the arbitral institution’s administrative fees.
[57] The relevant AIAC Arbitration Rules read as follows:
“Rule 14
(1) After the arbitration has commenced in accordance with Rule 2, the
Director shall fix a provisional advance deposit in an amount
intended to cover the costs of the arbitration. Any such
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provisional advance deposit shall be paid by the Parties in equal
shares and will be considered as a partial payment by the Parties
of any deposits of costs fixed by the Director under Rule 14.
(2) Such provisional advance deposit shall be payable within 21
days upon receiving the request from the AIAC.
(3) In the event that any of the Parties fails to pay such deposit,
the Director shall give the other Party an opportunity to make
the required payment within a specified period of time. The
arbitral tribunal shall not proceed with the arbitral proceedings until
such provisional advance deposit is paid in full.
(4) Upon fixing of the fees of the arbitral tribunal and administrative
costs of arbitration, the Director shall prepare an estimate of the
fees and expenses of the arbitral tribunal and the
administrative costs of the arbitration which the Parties shall
bear in equal shares. Within 21 days of written notification by
the AlAC of such estimate, each Party shall deposit its share of the
estimate with the AIAC.
(5) During the course of the arbitral proceedings the AlAC may request
further deposits from the Parties which shall be payable within 21
days upon receiving the request from the AlAC.
(6) Notwithstanding Rule 14(4), where counterclaims are submitted by
the Respondent, the Director may fix separate advance deposits on
costs for the claims and counterclaims. When the Director has
fixed separate advance deposits on costs, each of the Parties shall
pay the advance deposit corresponding to its claims.
(7) If the required deposits are not paid in full, the Director shall
give the other Party an opportunity to make the required
payment within a specified period of time. If such payment is
not made, the arbitral tribunal may, after consultation with the
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Director, order the suspension or termination of the arbitral
proceedings or any part thereof.”
(emphasis added)
[58] Parties cannot agree to arbitration under the AIAC Arbitration
Rules and yet refuse to follow its rules on ground that it has an inherent
right not to abide by it with no consequences. The AIAC Arbitration Rules
have become incorporated into the arbitration agreement of the parties
such that the parties must take the consequences for its non-compliance
or breach.
[59] The mandatory language of “shall” with respect to Rule 14(1) and
(4) makes it an obligation of the parties to make payment of the deposit
towards the arbitrator’s fees and the administrative costs of AIAC in equal
shares to AIAC within 21 days of written notification from AIAC.
[60] If the obligation to pay is not discharged by the refusing party,
under Rule 14(7) of the AIAC Arbitration Rules, the Director of AIAC shall
give the other Party an opportunity to make the required payment within
a specified period of time. If such payment is not made, the arbitral
tribunal may, after consultation with the Director, order the suspension or
termination of the arbitral proceedings or any part thereof. Similar rules
are found in Rule 34.6 of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Arbitration Rules 2016, Rule 4 of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
Arbitration Rules 2012, Article 43 paragraph 4 of the UNCITRAL
Arbitration Rules 2021.
[61] Here the Arbitrator had, after such consultation with the Director
of AIAC, being the administrative body for the arbitration, ordered the
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termination of the arbitral proceedings. This comes as no surprise for
there was no mitigating factor put forward by the refusing party not to pay
its share of the deposit. The arbitrator wrote to the parties on 25.10.2021
as follows:
“I refer to the trail of emails in relation to payment of preliminary deposits
and the respective parties’ stand expressed in their email.
I have accordingly consulted with the Director of AIAC pursuant to Rule
14(7) of the AIAC Rules.
After consulting the Director, I hereby issue this Order to Terminate the
above arbitral proceedings. Parties are to take note that the Director has
determined and approved the sum of RM65,000.00 to be a reasonable sum
for the remuneration of the Arbitrator’s fees for the work done and further,
the Director has determined and approved the sum of RM16,559.76 to be
the total Administrative Fees, is reasonable for the remuneration of the
[62] One cannot read an obligation to pay one’s share of the deposit
as now being transposed onto the other party to pay once an opportunity
is given to the other party to pay. The opportunity given to the other party
is an option given to the other party to pay the refusing party’s equal share
of the deposit after the other party has already paid its equal share of the
deposit. Such an opportunity to exercise an option does not convert the
option into an obligation.
[63] Here the other party in the plaintiff chose not to exercise the
option for it does not make sense to incur further expenses in the AIAC’s
Deposit with no certainty of being able to recover it. Indeed, the refusal
to pay on the understanding that it has a right to do so would raise the
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suspicion as to whether it would be able to recover the deposit paid should
it succeed in the arbitration.
[64] Being a domestic arbitration, perhaps the benefits of arbitration
in terms of party autonomy and confidentiality are not prejudicially
subordinated to a trial in open court which would certainly be cheaper and
no less fast. A judge hearing the case is sworn by his judicial oath to
uphold the law and he cannot be less qualified or less independent than
an arbitrator. As for benefit of confidentiality, it may be more highly touted
than what it deserves for transparency of proceedings would be an equal
benefit as well. Moreover when appeals are pursued so much of what is
the dispute would have to be narrated by the Court as part of its reported
judgment. Granted where necessary the Court may anonymise and
“acronymise” the names of the parties and the construction project.
[65] As an option, it is given to the other party to decide whether or
not it wants to affirm the arbitration agreement in spite of its breach by the
refusing party. In the case of an international arbitration, a foreign party
unfamiliar with the court proceedings in a foreign State and the language
used in the Court, may elect to continue with the arbitration, in which
instance it may have to advance the refusing party’s share of the AIAC’s
deposit and claim back later in the final accounting in the Arbitral Award.
[66] It would in all probabilities, apply to the arbitrator for security for
costs under s 19(1) and under s 19(2)(e) of the AA 2005 of the arbitral
tribunal may require any party to provide appropriate security in
connection with such measures as may be ordered by the arbitral tribunal.
In default of the order to provide the amount as may be ordered for
security for costs, the arbitral tribunal may bar the refusing party from
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proceeding with its claim or defending the claim or proceeding with its
counterclaim. See also s 21(3)(d) and (i) of the AA 2005.
[67] The other party in the plaintiff, in the case before us, has no
compunction in proceeding to Court with the claim as it had previously
commenced a suit against the defendant, only to have it withdrawn
because of the defendant’s insistence to proceed with arbitration as there
was an arbitration agreement.
[68] The arbitration agreement had been rendered inoperative by the
refusal of the defendants to comply with the requirement of the AIAC
Arbitration Rules that each party shall contribute equally towards the
AIAC’s deposit or further deposit to cover the Arbitrator’s fees and the
AIAC’s administrative costs. It is an inconsistent and untenable position
for the defendant to take, that its refusal to pay its share of the AIAC’s
Deposit does not in any way affect the validity of the arbitration
[69] The non-payment of the arbitrator’s fees would have the effect
of scuttling the arbitration for there is no good reason not to pay equally
the AIAC’s Deposit and claim back from the losing party. The reason here
is simply that the defendant does not want to pay. We fail to see how that
is not calculated towards derailing the arbitration. Agreeing to arbitration
comes together with agreeing to comply with the Rules governing the
arbitration. Breach of the Rules would attract consequences.
[70] Such a breach is a material breach for the payment of the AIAC’s
Deposit is to facilitate the hearing of the arbitration and its non-payment
has the effect of frustrating the arbitration and depriving the other party of
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the benefit of their bargain. Such a breach would bar the defendant from
compelling arbitration when it has manifested no commitment to it and
indeed worked towards delaying and derailing it.
[71] In other words, the defendant is in effect saying that its breach
of the AIAC Arbitration Rules under which the arbitration is to be
conducted does not in any way affect the valid and binding agreement to
arbitrate. We do not agree. Breach of the Rules would in the
circumstances of this case result in the arbitrator having to exercise its
power under the Rules which would include the power to terminate the
arbitration proceedings.
[72] Clearly the defendant is not entitled to take advantage of its own
breach and insist on continuing with the arbitration. It would be a case of
the defendant not walking its talk. The practical effect of not paying one’s
share of the Arbitrator’s fees would be that the Arbitrator is not obliged to
continue with the hearing and may indeed terminate the arbitration before
him. Parties are then at liberty to pursue litigation in Court as the
arbitration agreement has been rendered inoperative. The refusing party
that has defaulted in the equally binding contractual obligation to pay its
share of the AIAC’s Deposit cannot insist in wanting the benefits of
arbitration without wanting to pay the costs that come with it.
[73] We need to go no further than to quote the Court of Appeal in
Dato' Abd Rahim Mohamad v. Abdul Farish Rashid [2009] 1 CLJ 395
where it was held as follows:
[6] We find it unnecessary to quote at length from the several authorities
cited to us. Suffice to say that there is a presumptive rule of construction
that a party is not to be permitted to take advantage of his own wrong. See
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Cheall v. Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer
Staff [1983] 1 All ER 1130; Alghussein Establishment v. Eton College
[1991] 1 All ER 267. And we consider the head note of the latter authority
to represent the law as it now stands on the point.
“The principle that in the absence of clear express provisions in a contract
to the contrary it was not to be presumed that the parties intended that a
party should be entitled to take advantage of his own breach as against the
other party was not limited to cases where a party was relying on his own
wrong to avoid his obligations under the contract but applied also where
a party sought to obtain a benefit under a continuing contract on
account of his breach.”
(emphasis added)
[74] We are not unaware of the case of BDMS Limited v Rafael
Advanced Defence Systems [2014] EWHC 451 (Comm) where the High
Court in England held that the failure of the respondent to pay its share of
the advance on costs in an ICC arbitration, did not in the circumstances
of the case, amount to a repudiatory breach of the arbitration agreement.
The High Court held at para [57] as follows:
“… (1) This is not a case in which the defendant was refusing to participate
in the arbitration. It was in fact actively participating in the arbitration, as
illustrated by its involvement in the settling of the TOR and in exchanges as
to the scope of the preliminary issue hearing. Its refusal to ‘play by the
rules’ was limited to the issue of payment of its advance share on
costs, a matter which was due to be addressed at the forthcoming
preliminary issue hearing. Further, the refusal was not absolute, but
was a refusal to pay unless security for costs was provided.”
(emphasis added)
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[75] Eamon and Holub in their article titled “See you in court!
Respondents’ failure to pay the advance in on arbitration costs”
(2009) Int ALR 168 have expressed the following view resonates with this
“The refusal by a party respondent to pay its share of advance costs,
where this places the arbitration in jeopardy of termination, should
give rise to an option in the non-defaulting party claimant to proceed
with a suit in the appropriate domestic court on the ground that the
arbitration agreement has been rendered inoperative. claimants [sic]
should not be compelled to post a defaulting party’s share of an
advance deposit, unless the applicable rules or arbitration agreement
clearly require it to do so.
The Resin court rightly concluded that a respondent who thumbs its nose
at its obligations under arbitration will not be entitled to paralyse the arbitral
process, force the innocent party, who wishes to avoid that state of limbo,
to pay amounts which the respondent promised to pay, or create delay and
uncertainty through litigation over the effect of non-payment.
The Resin remedy, if embraced, should encourage compliance with
international arbitration obligations and discourage dilatory tactics,
and in doing so, provide a greater measure of certainty and
predictability to the issue of the forum in which to pursue dispute
(emphasis added)
[76] The High Court in the case of Lion Pacific Sdn Bhd v Pestech
Technology Sdn Bhd [2022] 1 LNS 135 para [42] decided that in the
event the defendant refuses to pay its share of the AIAC’s deposit, the
plaintiff can advance the deposit and in that way the conundrum in the risk
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of the arbitration being stalled could be avoided and that the advance can
be recouped in the Arbitral Award subsequently if the claim is eventually
decided in favour of the plaintiff. The High Court did not appear to have
considered that under Rule 14(7) of the AIAC Arbitration Rules the
Director of AIAC would give an opportunity to the plaintiff to pay the AIAC
deposit but that option given is not an obligation and it is expressly
provided that if the payment is not made then the Arbitrator may, after
consultation with the Director, terminate the arbitration.
[77] The default position once the arbitration agreement has become
inoperative through the belligerent action and breach of it is that the
parties affected may continue with the court proceedings if it has been
stayed before under s 10 of the AA 2005 application or that a fresh action
in Court may be commenced as in this case. It must not be forgotten
thatarbitration is an exception to s 29 of the Contracts Act 1950 [Act 136]
(CA 1950) which provides as follows:
“29 Agreements in restraint of legal proceedings void
Every agreement, by which any party thereto is restricted absolutely from
enforcing his rights under or in respect of any contract, by the usual
legal proceedings in the ordinary tribunals, or which limits the time within
which he may thus enforce his rights, is void to that extent.
Saving of contract to refer to arbitration dispute that may arise
Exception 1 - This section shall not render illegal a contract by which two
or more persons agree that any dispute which may arise between them in
respect of any subject or class of subjects shall be referred to arbitration,
and that only the amount awarded in the arbitration shall be recoverable in
respect of the dispute so referred.”
(emphasis added)
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[78] The plaintiff would always be able to enforce its right under the
construction contract if the mode of arbitration previously agreed by the
parties has been rendered inoperative because of the defendant’s refusal
to abide by the AIAC Arbitration Rules.
[79] For so long as the Court has jurisdiction generally because the
cause of action has arisen within the local jurisdiction of the Court, the
Court would assume jurisdiction once its process is activated with the filing
of a claim. See the civil jurisdiction of the High Court under s 23 of the
Courts of Judicature Act 1964 [Act 91]. Thankfully there is no need for
any party to pay the Judge hearing the dispute his salary for that is taken
care of under the Judges Remuneration Act 1971 [Act 45] by the State.
[80] As the other party is prepared to proceed with litigation seeing
that the defendant is stalling arbitration by its stoic stand not to pay its
share of the arbitrator’s fees, it has no cause for complaint if it no longer
enjoys party autonomy and confidentiality of the arbitral process and
finality of the arbitral award. That is a detriment which the other party is
prepared to accept and so those living in glass houses must be careful
not to throw stones.
Whether a stay of the Court proceedings would be an exercise in
futility as the defendant had resolutely resolved not to pay the
arbitrator’s fees
[81] The stand of the defendant has not changed at the application
to strike out the plaintiff’s claim in Court or alternatively its application to
stay the proceedings in Court. If at all, its defensive position has escalated
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to become more entrenched in that it sees itself having an inalienable and
basic right not to pay the deposit towards the AIAC’s Deposit.
[82] What has started off as an obligation for both sides to pay their
equal share of the AIAC’s Deposit under the AIAC Arbitration Rules and
a further opportunity for one to make advance payment for the other with
a discretionary extension of time to do so as in an option to pay, has now
ossified into an obligation cast on the other party to pay if it is desirous of
continuing with the arbitration now at the stage of settling the pleadings.
[83] That being the case it is not too difficult to imagine what would
happen after the Court has given a stay of the proceedings in Court in
favour of the party referring the dispute to arbitration. The defendant
would predictably refuse to pay the AIAC’s Deposit leaving the newly
appointed arbitrator to terminate the arbitration.
[84] The defendant has not challenged the Arbitrator’s order to
terminate the arbitration. It is not open to the defendant to want to proceed
with another arbitration and to take the same stand of not wanting to pay
its share of the AIAC’s Deposit. The stand taken by the defendant would
result in the whole arbitration regime being ridiculed for the defendant is
in effect saying that if the next arbitrator still proceeds to terminate the
arbitral proceedings for the unchanging stand of the defendant not to pay
the AIAC’s Deposit, then the whole cycle would have to be repeated until
an arbitrator is found, who is prepared not to terminate the arbitral
proceedings but to make the plaintiff pay the defendant’s share of the
AIAC’s Deposit inclusive of the deposit to the arbitrator’s fees.
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[85] The plaintiff may apply to Court to reinstate the Court
proceedings previously stayed if there was one or to file a fresh suit in
Court as is the case here and the defendant would object to reinstating
the Court proceedings or apply for yet another stay on the ground that it
has always been faithful to keep his side of the bargain which is to proceed
to arbitration.
[86] It would be a case of the Court having acted in vain in granting
a stay of the Court proceedings until the plaintiff relents and pays the
defendant’s share of the AIAC’s Deposit so as to break the impasse. That
would be to allow the defendant to hold the plaintiff to the ransom of
having to pay the defendant’s share of the AIAC’s Deposit so that the
arbitration may proceed. The Court does not and must not act in vain —
a maxim attributed to Lord Wilberforce in Malloch v Aberdeen Corp
[1971] 1 WLR 1578 and quoted by Edgar Joseph Jr FCJ in Said
Dharmalingam bin Abdullah (formerly known as Dharmalingam a/l
Ranganathan v Malayan Breweries (Malaya) Sdn Bhd [1997] 1 MLJ
352 at page 360.
[87] It is not unlike a case of the fox chasing its own tail until it is
exhausted and decided to throw in the towel, in this case by paying the
defendant’s share of the AIAC’s fees. That would be rewriting the AIAC
Arbitration Rules, turning an option of the other party to pay into an
obligation to pay when it has no obligation to pay the defendant’s share of
the AIAC deposit.
[88] The doctrine of estoppel applies with equal force to the conduct
of parties before an arbitral tribunal such that the conduct of one party not
to comply with the requirements of the Rules may operate against its
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insistence that it nevertheless wants to proceed with arbitration as its non-
compliance is inconsequential to the arbitral proceedings continuing till
completion with the handing down of an award.
[89] The Court of Appeal in Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang v Kuala
Dimensi Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal [2010] 9 CLJ 532 made the
following observations in the context of estoppel operating to prevent
abuse of the arbitral proceedings:
“[31] As the parties, original intention to proceed by way of arbitration
had been subsequently abandoned, as expressed in cls. 2.4 and 4.4 in DA2
and DA3 respectively, neither of them should be allowed to go back on their
words. Hence, it would be unfair or unjust for KDSB to do so. In other words,
the doctrine of estoppel may be invoked. This doctrine of estoppel has
been succinctly stated by Lord Denning in the Amalgamated Investment v.
Texas Commerce [1981] 3 All ER 577 at 584 in the following words:
When the parties to a transaction proceed on the basis of an
underlying assumption (either in fact or of law, and whether due to
misrepresentation or mistake, makes no difference), on which they
have conducted the dealings between them, neither of them will be
allowed to go back on that assumption when it would be unfair or
unjust to allow him to do so. If one of them does seek to go back
on it, the courts will give the other such remedy as the equity of the
case demands.
[32] In Boustead Trading (1985) Sdn Bhd v. Arab-Malaysian Merchant
Bank Berhad [1995] 4 CLJ 283, [1995] 3 MLJ 331, 345F-H, the Federal
Court followed this estoppel principle. I would respectfully apply the same
principle here.
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[33] In my judgment, the arbitration clause has, by virtue of the
submission to the court jurisdiction clauses, been rendered null and
void, inoperative or incapable of being performed under s. 10(1)(a).
This is one of the exceptional circumstances in which eg, estoppel
may be appropriately invoked.”
(emphasis added)
[90] Taking the overall circumstances of the case into consideration,
the wilful refusal of the defendant to pay its share of the AIAC’s Deposits
of the Arbitrator’s fees and AIAC’s administrative costs would mean that
whilst the plaintiff as claimant in the arbitration has to foot and furnish to
AIAC all the Arbitrator’s fees and AIAC administrative costs including
bearing the defendant’s share of the fees and costs, the defendant would
not have to bear any expenses in defending its claim.
[91] That flies in the face of what the parties had agreed in the
arbitration agreement where the parties have an obligation and not an
option to comply with the AIAC Arbitration Rules. It would be undeniably
unconscionable of the defendant to insist on continuing with the arbitration
but now changing the Rules of the Arbitration.
[92] It is not a case of the plaintiff rewriting the arbitration agreement
when it opted for court proceedings after the defendant had obstinately
refused to pay its share of the AIAC Deposits but rather a case of the
defendant rewriting the Rules of the Arbitration in its attempt to obfuscate
its true intent of obstructing the arbitration by declaring that the arbitration
must be kept within its orbit.
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[93] We can see a case where the refusing party should be estopped
from acting unconscionably and unreasonably by the Court refusing a stay
of the proceedings. That being the case the problem which the defendant
refuses to admit but which it has tried to capitalise on in its resolute refusal
to pay the AIAC’s Deposits would have been solved. In as much as an
arbitration agreement is a term of the contract, a refusal to abide by it
would free the other party from its obligation to proceed with arbitration
and instead to opt for a proceeding in Court which ordinarily cannot be
restrained under s. 29 of the CA 1950.
[94] Both parties are local parties with the construction contract being
undertaken in Malaysia and subject to Malaysian law. The advantage of
party autonomy and confidentiality of the arbitral proceedings, touted
often as merits for preferring arbitration to litigation, must take a back seat
when the defendant is not prepared to cooperate to make the arbitration
work. We can see no serious prejudice that the defendant would suffer
when it has waived its right to arbitrate, if not repudiated the arbitration
agreement by its calculated refusal to pay its share of the AIAC’s Deposit
without any cogent reasons being proffered other than the professional
parlance of commercial reason.
[95] In fact the experience of counsel and judges in the litigation
before our Courts is that the disputes could be “expeditiously, efficiently
and economically prosecuted via the court process”, as was commented
by Justice Nantha Balan J (now JCA) in AMDAC (M) Sdn Bhd v BYD
Auto Industry Co Ltd [2020] 11 MLJ 281 at para [166] in a case where
the respondent had proposed that the disputes between the parties be
litigated rather than arbitrated which proposal if accepted, would have
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obviated the problem of the appellant’s impecuniosity and the inability to
pay the deposit towards arbitration costs.
[96] We echo the words of Lord Mustill in Government of Swaziland
Central Transport Administration and Alfko Aussenhandels
G.M.B.H. v Ljeila Maritime Co. Ltd An Mediterranean Shipping Co.
S.A. (The “Leila”) [1985] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 172 at page 180 as follows:
“... The question is not whether their standpoint is attractive, but whether it would
be conscionable if it were allowed to prevail. Considering the matter in this way
I have come to the conclusion that it would not in all the circumstances be
conscionable to allow the defendants to insist on the arbitration clause in
preference to the English jurisdiction clause.
… Leaving this aspect aside, however, I conclude for the reasons
previously stated that the defendants are estopped from relying on the
arbitration clause in the contract of carriage, and that their application for
a stay should be dismissed.”
(emphasis added)
[97] We did explore if we could vary the order of unconditional stay
of the Court proceedings by imposing some conditions that may be
deemed fit in the circumstances of this case as the Court is allowed to
when granting a stay under s 10(2) of the AA 2005. However, the dogged
determination of the defendant in not wanting to pay its share of the
AIAC’s Deposit even up to the hearing of the appeal before us, leaves us
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without a doubt that the defendant has taken a calculated stand consistent
with the strategy it has adopted.
[98] The defendant sees it as its right not to have to pay to AIAC the
deposit required under the AIAC Arbitration Rules and so gave no reason
for its stand. No further opportunity to pay would be necessary nor
appreciated in this case where the defendant by its action has waived its
right to arbitration.
[99] We were more than convinced that to stay the proceedings in
Court would be an exercise in futility and tantamount to the Court having
acted in vain and frustrating further the plaintiff’s attempt to have the
dispute heard and resolved with all due diligence and without further
[100] For the reasons given we find that the High Court had erred to
granting a stay of the Court proceedings in favour of a reference to
arbitration. The defendant had taken a further step in the proceedings in
Court and have submitted and surrendered to the jurisdiction of the Court
when it invited and invoked the Court’s jurisdiction in applying to strike out
the plaintiff’s claim under O 18 r 19(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) ROC 2012 and
under O 92 r 4 ROC 2012.
[101] Moreover, the arbitration agreement had become inoperative
when the defendant refused to pay its share of the AIAC’s Deposit under
the AIAC Arbitration Rules. The defendant by such an action has evinced
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an intention not to be bound by the arbitration agreement and the plaintiff
was perfectly entitled to proceed to Court for the hearing of the dispute
between the parties.
[102] We had therefore allowed the appeal and set aside the order of
the High Court in granting a stay of the High Court proceedings. The
appeal is allowed and the order of the High Court set aside. We awarded
costs of RM15,000,00 to the appellant/plaintiff here and below subject to
[103] The matter shall proceed to trial in the High Court and a Case
Management date was fixed.
Dated: 27 October 2023.
Lee Swee Seng
Court of Appeal
For the Appellant:
Dato’ Seri Mahinder Singh Dulku
Dato’ Abdul Fareed bin Abdul Gafoor
Farah Nabilah binti Shaharuddin
Messrs Ezrilaw Firm
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For the Respondent:
Ong Yu Shin
Lim Wooi Ying
The Chambers of Yu Shin Ong
Date of Decision: 2 August 2023.
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Legislations referred to:
AIAC Arbitration Rules 2018
Arbitration Act 2005 [Act 646]
Contracts Act 1950 [Act 136]
Courts of Judicature Act 1964 [Act 91]
Judges Remuneration Act 1971 [Act 45]
Permanent Court of Arbitration Arbitration Rules 2012
Rules of Court 2012
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
Cases referred to:
AMDAC (M) Sdn Bhd v BYD Auto Industry Co Ltd [2020] 11 MLJ 281
BDMS Limited v Rafael Advanced Defence Systems [2014] EWHC 451
Dato' Abd Rahim Mohamad v. Abdul Farish Rashid [2009] 1 CLJ 395
Golden Plus Holdings Bhd & Ors v China Idea Development Limited &
Ors [2021] MLJU 2532
Government of Swaziland Central Transport Administration and Alfko
Aussenhandels G.M.B.H. v Ljeila Maritime Co. Ltd An Mediterranean
Shipping Co. S.A. (The “Leila”) [1985] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 172
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd v Owners of the Ship or Vessel ‘Able
Lieutenant’ [2002] 6 MLJ 433
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Kebabangan Petroleum Operating Co Sdn Bhd v Mikuni (M) Sdn Bhd &
Ors [2021] 1 MLJ 693
L Capital Jones Ltd and another v Maniach Pte Ltd [2017] SGCA 63;
[2017] 1 SLR 312
Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang v Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd & Another
Appeal [2010] 9 CLJ 532
Lion Pacific Sdn Bhd v Pestech Technology Sdn Bhd [2022] 1 LNS 135
Malloch v Aberdeen Corp [1971] 1 WLR 1578
PP Persero Sdn Bhd v Bimacom Property Development Sdn Bhd [1999]
6 MLJ 1
Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417
Said Dharmalingam bin Abdullah (formerly known as Dharmalingam a/l
Ranganathan v Malayan Breweries (Malaya) Sdn Bhd [1997] 1 MLJ 352
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| 77,728 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-411-09/2017 | PEMOHON Datuk Kasi A/L K.L. Palaniappan RESPONDEN 1. ) Modern Eden Sdn Bhd 2. ) PB Trustee Services Berhad (Wasi Bagi Harta Pusaka Allahyarmah Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal Bin Haji Abu Bakar No. K/P: 490318-08-5599) 3. ) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal 4. ) MKN Holdings Sdn Bhd 5. ) Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd | Civil procedure — Affidavits — plaintiff sought leave to (i) file further affidavit; (ii) to cross examine deponent and non deponent on their affidavits / affirmed on their behalf — Whether filing of further affidavit should be allowed — Whether oral evidence through cross-examination should be taken — Whether court could order the attendance of non deponent for cross-examination under O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012 Rules of Court 2012 | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
In the matter of Menara Embun Sdn.
Bhd. (Company No.: 428618-M)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 428618-M)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
[Heard together with the following Originating Summons pursuant
to the Order dated 3.12.2019]
31/10/2023 11:57:39
WA-24NCC-411-09/2017 Kand. 421
S/N rHh1G9p6n0KozLRInuhcQQ
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In the matter of Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd. (Company No.: 623037-H)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 623037-H)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
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[1] There are 4 applications made by the Plaintiff before the court:
1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 290 in Originating Summons WA-
24NCC-410-09/2017 (“Menara Embun OS”) and Enc. 271
in Originating Summons WA-24NCC-411-09/2017
(“Modern Eden OS”) seeking for the Plaintiff’s further
Affidavit affirmed on 10.09.2021 (“P afft 7”) to adduce 12
volumes of documents be admitted in evidence for Both OS
(“Further Affidavit Application”); and
1.2 Enc. 286 in the Menara Embun OS and Enc. 272 in the
Modern Eden OS that the Plaintiff be granted leave to
cross-examine, through counsel, Farah Mahami Binti Tan
Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on her Affidavits and Felina
Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on the Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf (“Cross Examination Application”).
[2] I had allowed the applications on 5.9.2023. These are the
reasons for my decisions. As the applications were related, it is convenient
to deal with all 4 applications in one judgment.
[3] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were filed by the
Plaintiff, Datuk Kasi a/l Palaniappan (“DK”) pursuant to Section 346 of the
Companies Act, 2016 (“CA 2016”) complaining of minority oppression in
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respect of the affairs of Menara Embun Sdn Bhd and Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd respectively.
[4] DK together with one Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd also
commenced another minority oppression claim in respect of Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd vide Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-290-
07/2017 (“Setia Haruman OS”). In the Setia Haruman OS, DK was struck
out as a Plaintiff on 25.4.2018 as he was not a shareholder of Setia
Haruman. DK however owns 50% of the shares in Impresive Circuit. The
Setia Haruman OS was heard and eventually dismissed by me on
25.06.2021. The Court of Appeal had affirmed the decision on 20.1.2023.
Impresive Circuit’s leave application to appeal to the Federal Court was
dismissed by the Federal Court on 15.8.2023.
[5] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were converted
into writ actions by Wong Chee Lin J but both had reverted back to OS
actions after the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ appeals to the Court of Appeal was
allowed on 26.08.2021 and the Plaintiff’s applications for leave to appeal
to the Federal Court were dismissed on 21.2.2022.
[6] In each of the 3 OS Actions, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal (“TSMK”)
was named as the 2nd Defendant. The Plaintiff’s complaints in the 3 OS
Actions are that alleged oppressive acts were carried out in breach of an
alleged Understanding, New Board Understanding that DK allegedly had
with TSMK and DK’s legitimate expectation to participate in the
management of Setia Haruman, Menara Embun and Modern Eden.
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The Further Affidavit Applications
[7] Via P Afft 7, the Plaintiff seeks to adduce 12 volumes of
documents as follows:
a) Volumes 1 to 3 - documents exhibited in the earlier affidavits
in these proceedings;
b) Volume 4 - documents related to Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd;
c) Volumes 5 to 9 - documents pertaining to 15 other
companies and Setia Haruman;
d) Volume 10 - documents pertaining to the affairs of several
companies which existed before the incorporation of the 1st
e) Volume 11 - the notes of proceedings of the cross
examination of TSMK, Azmy and THP in the Setia Haruman
OS from 17th to 19th March 2021(which the 2nd to 4th
Defendants have no objection);
f) Volume 12 - document included by the 2nd to 4th Defendants
to rebut the documents filed by the Plaintiff in volumes 4 to
10 for purposes of trial.
[8] The documents sought to be adduced has since been narrowed
down to volumes 1 to 3, 5 to 9 (except 1 document in volume 8 being the
Certified True Copy of Form 13 A of MK Land by the Companies
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Commission of Malaysia, and volume 11 which was admitted by consent
as these notes of proceedings are relevant but were not available earlier.
[9] 2nd to 4th Defendants objections may be summarised as follows:
9.1 That the documents sought to be introduced concern other
companies/joint ventures and Setia Haruman which are
irrelevant documents;
9.2 These documents are sought to be adduced after the
dismissal of the Setia Haruman OS. It is a belated attempt
by the Plaintiff to cure the shortfalls of the Setia Haruman
OS and an attempt to have a 2nd bite at the cherry;
9.3 Prior to the conversion, the Plaintiff had filed 6 affidavits in
support of the Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS
(“the OSs”). These documents were available to the
Plaintiff at the time of filing of the OSs in 2017 and the
exchange of affidavits; There was no explanation as to
relevance and why these documents were not exhibited in
the earlier affidavits citing in support of their arguments L.K
Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn
Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 733:
“[10] At any rate the reason given is not cogent enough: that of
wanting to file a further affidavit. Generally only 3 affidavits are
allowed for an application: an affidavit in support, an affidavit in
opposition and a further affidavit in reply to that affidavit in opposition.
Unless there are cogent reasons for affirming a further affidavit
as in the documents that were sought to be referred to were not
available previously or that what has been referred to in the last
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affidavit filed is a lie, courts generally would not allow further
affidavits to be filed. Otherwise there would be no end to affidavits
filed because, human nature being what it is, everyone wants to have
the final and last word! Therefore if in an affidavit in reply there is
more than a reply to the affidavit filed in opposition, I would disregard
the new matters raised which should have been raised in the affidavit
in support.” (counsel’s emphasis)
[10] The Plaintiff argued that:
10.1 The Plaintiff had in its Affidavits (Afft 7 Para 12) and Afft 8
Para 7 explained the contents of the documents as well as
shown how these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs i.e. the
relationship between DK and TSMK, the Understanding,
the New Board Understanding as well as the breaches of
these understandings;
10.2 the documents relating to DK’s and TSMK’s various joint
ventures are necessary and relevant to the manner in
which DK and TSMK would run their joint ventures which
include Menara Embun and Menara Eden;
10.3 The documents relating to Setia Haruman are necessary
and relevant because the conduct at Setia Haruman
affected DK’s participation in Menara Embun and Menara
Eden. In this regard, the term “affairs of the company” in
Section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 is to be widely
construed such that it includes the affairs of various
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companies where such affairs are all closely connected
e.g. parent and subsidiary companies citing in support:
(i) Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA
“[42] We think that the approach adopted in the above cited cases
is sound and we also agree that, in the final analysis, the question
that must be answered in this regard is whether the affairs of the
subsidiary affect or impact the holding company: Lim Chee
Twang at [97]. Legitimate claims for relief from oppression
should not be defeated by technical and legalistic objections
relating to the company's shareholding structure; at the
same time the doctrine of separate legal personalities and
the strict words of the statute ("the affairs of the company"
[emphasis added]) must be respected. In our view, the
balance between these competing interests would be
properly drawn by a requirement that commercially unfair
conduct in the management of a subsidiary would be
relevant so long and to the extent that such conduct affected
or impacted the holding company whose member was the
party claiming relief from oppression. The purpose and policy
behind s 216 of the Companies Act is, above all, to grant relief
from the oppressive behaviour to shareholders who would
otherwise be unable to stop that abuse: see below at [49]. If the
affairs of the subsidiary do not affect or impact the holding
company, shareholders and members of the latter could hardly
complain that their interests were therefore prejudiced.”
(ii) Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU
“[50] I would respectfully follow this observation and rule that in
this country, similarly, the phrase ‘affairs of the company’
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found in Section 181(1) of the CA (and the new but identically
worded Section 346(1) of the Companies Act 2016) should be
construed widely, to encompass the affairs of entities which
are not themselves the subject of the oppression action, but
which affairs of those entities, affect the subject company in
the nature and to the extent which is beyond the
inconsequential, be it a parent or a subsidiary.
[54] This provide much support to a wide reading of ‘affairs
of the company’ which is wholly in line with the design of the
law to ensure that in circumstances where oppressive
conduct could be proven, legal redress to those unlawfully
aggrieved is available and not impeded by the artificiality or
in the complexity of corporate structures. Otherwise,
wrongdoers in corporate world would be encouraged to
strategize and build upon more complex conglomerate-like
structures and perpetuate such unlawful and oppressive
conduct in a fashion orchestrated to defeat the application
of Section 181 (1) (Section 346 (1) of the Companies Act
2016), and almost literally employing the section as an
engine of fraud. The law will fail in its true objective and the
ends of justice will be far from being served if such a grim
scenario is allowed to transpire, if not already manifest and
(iii) That this principle is applicable to Setia Haruman,
Menara Embun and Menara Eden was recognised by
Azizul Azmi J when he heard the striking out
applications in the Setia Haruman OS where DK was
struck out as a Plaintiff but Impresive Circuit was
allowed to continue pursuing the claim in Datuk Kasi
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Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors
[2019] 9 MLJ 32:
“[14] …Tob’s case established the principle that the
expression ‘affairs of the company’ in s 346(1)(a) is to be
construed widely, and would encompass oppressive
conduct that is conducted at a subsidiary or a holding
[15] While I fully agree with the ratio of the decision of Mohd
Nazlan J in Tob’s case…
[18] He (DK) would have been perfectly entitled to allege,
based on the principle in Tob’s case, that he was being
oppressed at Menara Embun or Modern Eden by virtue of
acts conducted at Setia Haruman. This is because the acts
carried out at the Setia Haruman would amount to affairs of
Menara Embun and/or Modern Eden. In my judgment, it
makes no difference that Setia Haruman is not a subsidiary
of either Menara Embun or Modern Eden. It suffices that
either company holds shares in Setia Haruman, for conduct
carried out at Setia Haruman to be the subject of a complaint
of oppression at either Menara Embun or Modern Eden.”
10.4 P Afft 7 seeks to produce documents comprised previously
in Part B of the Common Bundle of documents to enable
the Plaintiff to discharge its burden to prove the
Understanding, the New Board Understanding or the
breaches of these understandings which amounted to
oppressive acts against the Plaintiff; Having been
produced in the Common bundles for trial, there is no
surprise to the Defendants, the documents are admissible
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whether the matter is tried as a writ action or an originating
summons citing in support the case of Thavanathan a/l
Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401,
that all “evidence which is sufficiently relevant to the facts
in issue is admissible”;
10.5 Both OSs are oppression claims which concern various
complex factual and legal issues. To limit the Affidavits in
such a case to only an Affidavit in support by the Plaintiff,
one Affidavit in reply by the Defendant and then an Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff as suggested by the Defendants
would not lead to a just and effectual determination of both
OSs. This is more so when the Defendants themselves
have filed multiple Affidavits instead of subscribing to their
own contention of Defendants only filing a single Affidavit
in reply;
10.6 the Affidavits in respect of both OSs were still in the midst
of being exchanged prior to the Conversion and once the
Conversion was ordered, documents intended to be relied
on by parties had to be adduced through the CBODs
instead of further Affidavits; the Plaintiff had filed the
Further Affidavit in both OSs to adduce the documents
within 2 weeks of the Conversion being set aside by the
Court of Appeal and well in advance of any hearing date of
both OSs; L K Insulation Engineering relied upon by the
Defendants is distinguishable because it concerned a
summary judgment application for a debt recovery claim
and the party seeking to file the further Affidavit had only
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informed the Court of their intention to do so at the hearing
of the summary judgment application.
Court’s finding
[11] Having considered the cause papers and the parties’
submissions, I find the narrowed down documents sought to be adduced
are relevant and necessary to both OSs as they relate to the central issue
of the alleged Understanding, the New Board Understanding and the
purported breaches thereof.
[12] I am of the respectful view that the Plaintiff should be afforded
the opportunity to fully ventilate his case in both OSs. In this regard, the
Plaintiff had in his affidavits for the Further Affidavit Application explained
although not in great detail why these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs.
[13] The Defendants’ posit that the Further Affidavit Application is an
abuse of process because these documents ought to have been adduced
in the Plaintiff’s 6 Affidavits prior to the Conversion is untenable as I accept
the Plaintiff’s assertion that the affidavits in respect of both OSs were still
in the midst of being exchanged prior to the Conversion after which the
said documents (except for volume 11 which was not available then) were
produced in Part B in the common bundles for trial. Once the appeal
against the conversion to a writ action was allowed by the Court of Appeal
which ordered the matters to continue and disposed by OS, the Plaintiff
still wishing to rely on the said documents had no choice but to adduce
them through a further affidavit, in this case through P Afft 7.
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[14] In any case, I find there is no element of surprise nor prejudice
occasioned to the Defendants as they will have an opportunity to reply.
[15] I find it just and equitable and thus exercised my discretion to
grant leave to the Plaintiff to file P Afft 7 containing the narrowed down
documents only and volume 11 which was consented to.
Cross Examination Applications
[16] I ought to set out some basic principles on this subject.
[17] First, it is settled law that the court retains an absolute discretion
whether or not to allow cross-examination of a deponent on his affidavit –
see as mere examples, Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn
Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189; Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ
Rep 468; [1987] MLJU 3; Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo
& Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383. As such, each case is to be decided on its own
particular facts as “Exercises of judicial discretion are not judicial
precedent because they are only authority for the facts of the particular
case.” - Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1
CLJ 300, at 306 CA.
[18] Second, the applicant for leave to cross-examine a deponent
bears the legal burden to persuade the court to exercise its discretion to
grant leave - in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v
The Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487.
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[19] Third, the application has to be made bona fide or in good faith.
In Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189,
at 190, Salleh Abas FJ said:
“To allow or not to allow the respondent’s application to cross-examine the
appellant’s witnesses upon their affidavits, I take it, is a matter of court’s
discretion. In appropriate circumstances, there is no reason why such
application should be refused merely because the deponent is a foreigner
living outside the jurisdiction (Re Lucas [1952] 1 All ER 102); “otherwise
foreigners would have an advantage” (Strauss v Goldschmidt 8 SLR 239).
It is really a matter of common sense and an elementary legal principle that
a party who swears an affidavit much be prepared to stand up to it by cross-
examination unless the application to cross- examine him is without just
cause vexatious or motivated by desire to delay the proceedings (Allen v
Allen [1894] P 239). In view of the appellant’s application for judgment
under Order 32 Rule 6, I am not, however, prepared to hold the
respondent’s application to cross- examine the appellant’s witnesses
as being without just cause or motivated by desire to delay the
proceedings or without bona fide or sham or vexatious. (emphasis
[20] Fourth, relevancy as to disputes of the facts has to be shown to
warrant cross -examination. The Court of Appeal in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (supra) stated:
“[25] You can discern from the authorities referred by the parties that three
prime considerations would influence the court in the exercise of its
discretion to allow or disallow cross-examination on affidavit. Firstly, the
truth of the averment in the affidavit must be challenged or the issues of fact
identified. Secondly, cross-examination should only be allowed if the
disputed fact is relevant to the issue to be decided and must be limited to
that issue only. And thirdly, cross-examination would not advance the cause
of justice and should be refused if there is sufficient affidavit evidence or
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contemporaneous documents to enable the court to properly decide without
the need of cross-examination.
It is important to take into account all facts when considering an application
for cross-examination and if it has little relevance or little weight to the issue
which the judge has to decide, then cross-examination should not be
[21] Last but not least, as stated in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah &
Aishah (supra) cross-examination must advance the cause of justice.
When a conflict in affidavit evidence may be resolved by undisputed
contemporaneous document, the cause of justice is not advanced.
Defendants’ objections.
[22] The Defendants claim there is no basis for the cross-examination
of Farah on her Affidavits and Felina on the Affidavits affirmed on her
CA Order dated 26.8.2021 gave liberty to apply to cross-examine
[23] As for the Defendants’ 1st ground of objection that cross-
examination would go against the decision of the Court of Appeal setting
aside the Conversion, I find no merits in this contention for the simple
reason that in fact, the Court of Appeal on 26.8.2021 allowed the
Conversion Appeal with liberty to the Plaintiff to apply for cross-
examination. The Order reads: "1. Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 26.10.2018 yang menukarkan Saman
Pemula bertarikh 28 September 2017 kepada tindakan Writ diketepikan
dan perkara ini dikembalikan kepada Saman Pemula dengan kebebasan
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untuk memohon untuk memeriksa balas deponen.” This Order
appears at Enc. 324 p 23-25.
Viva voce evidence imperative
[24] As for the next ground that the Plaintiff had not identified the
disputes of material facts, I find that there is more than sufficient material
in the affidavits to form a basis for cross-examination. Here, the pith of the
Plaintiff’s claim lay in the alleged Understanding, the New Board
[25] Having considered the affidavits filed by the parties and the
exhibits annexed, and the submissions of the parties both oral and written,
I am of the firm view that anyhow once slices it, there are disputes of facts
in the Affidavits relating to the Understanding, the New Board
Understanding, the breaches of these understandings and the resolutions
being passed in Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without
DK’s knowledge, consent and/or approval so as to facilitate the said
breaches. All the Defendants have denied the existence of the said
Understandings and the alleged breaches thereof. In my respectful view,
the controversy of facts pertaining to the truth of the allegations of fact of
the alleged Understandings and breaches can only be resolved by viva
voce evidence. It would be critical to ascertain the true state of affairs by
resort to cross-examination. It is insufficient merely to rely on affidavits
evidence alone to make a definitive determination whether there is in fact
minority oppression inflicted on DK in respect of the conduct of affairs of
the 2 companies.
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[26] In my judgment, it would be wrong to ascribe no importance to
why cross-examination is necessary. If the Plaintiff is denied leave to
cross-examine Felina and Farar, as decided in Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay
Bok Choon [1985] 1 MLJ 58, this court has to ignore the disputed
averments in affidavits and, the Plaintiffs will run the risk of not being able
to prove its case. In fact in the Tay Bok Choon case, the former Supreme
Court held on the facts of that case, “in the face of the denial that the
agreement was ever made, the trial judge should have heard oral
evidence before deciding whether the alleged agreement was ever made”
and the court can hear oral evidence even if no application was made
under O 38 r 2(3):
“Order 38 rule 2(3) of the Rules of the High Court empowers the Court to
examine the deponents regardless of the absence of such application,
and we agree that in this instance it should have done so.”
[27] Just as in Tay Bok Choon, the Understandings and breaches
here were denied by the Defendants. This need to cross examine is
further exacerbated by the fact that the alleged Understanding, the New
Board Understanding are not in writing. I hence cannot with conviction say
that a decision can be made from the contemporaneous documents in the
court file in order to arrive at a decision on the matters in issue. In my
utmost respectful view, cross examination in this case would advance the
cause of justice.
[28] I find the case of Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn
Bhd & Ors and another application [1994] 2 MLJ 789 cited by the
Defendants is to be distinguished as the court there found the matter could
be decided on the undisputed contemporaneous documents in that case.
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Similarly, the case of Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v
Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd [2018] 5 CLJ 751 is also distinguishable as the
court there took the exceptional circumstances approach when
considering whether to permit cross-examination of a deponent in the
context of a winding up proceeding as:
(i) it is a primary rule that petitions for winding up are heard on
affidavit evidence;
(ii) the Companies Act 1965 and the Companies Winding-up
Rules 1972 do not expressly provide for a similar right to
apply for the cross-examination of the affidavits as found in
the RC 2012;
(iii) it is public policy that a winding up petition be heard
Cross-examination of non deponent
[29] As for cross-examination of Felina in respect of affidavits affirmed
on her behalf by TSMK, the Defendants contend the Plaintiff’s application
to cross - examine her as a non-deponent is irrational, vexatious,
misconceived and an abuse of process. The Defendants posited that
Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012 applies only to the cross examination of
deponents of affidavits. It was pointed out that the Court of Appeal in
Kumar Jaspal Quah did not agree with Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ
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[30] In Gomez v. Gomez, Raja Azlan Shah J (later Lord President and
HRH Sultan of Perak) allowed the cross-examination of a priest who had
given a letter which was annexed as an exhibit to the Wife’s custody
affidavit owing to conflicting evidence concerning the capability of either
parent to look after the welfare of the child based on religious ground. In
allowing the application, His Lordship stated:
“In the present case there is only 1 issue, that is, the issue in the pending
action which is whether the order can be varied. The matter raised in the
three affidavits are all matters relating to the action. The applicant complains
that the respondent is no longer a fit and proper person to have custody of
the child. The respondent says that she is still capable of looking after the
child’s religion and moral upbringing. The Rev Father wood supports her. It
is the same as if he has sworn an affidavit to that effect. It is only fair and
proper that the appellant be allowed to cross-examine them on their
[31] His Royal Highness considered:
31.1 O. 38 r. 1 of the then Rules of the Supreme Court 1957
(which is similar the present O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012)
“The power given by O. 38 r. 1 is obviously a matter of discretion to
be exercised in accordance with well known judicial principles.”
31.2 And approved the following passage from Leiserach v.
Schalit [1934] 2 KB 353 where leave was granted to 2
arbitrators, who were not parties nor had they affirmed any
affidavits, to be called as witnesses to assist the Court to
ascertain the facts of the case:
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“This is a case in which the Court has listened to numerous,
affidavits, statements in some of which directly contradict the
statements in others. It is also a case in which it is essential, in order
to do justice, that the Court should be enabled to make up its mind
as to the actual facts of the case. In the view of the Court this is an
exceptional case, and in this exceptional case the Court has arrived
at the conclusion that the only way in which it can satisfactorily deal
with the matter before it is by having the assistance of the evidence
of the arbitrators, who, being independent persons, can tell the Court
what it is to ascertain from a perusal of the affidavits on one side and
the other - namely, what are the essential facts of the case. On that
ground and on that ground only the Court accedes to the application
to call as witnesses both the gentlemen who acted as arbitrators in
the matter”.
[32] Gomez v. Gomez was cited with approval in the following cases:
32.1 In Balwant Singh Purba v. R. Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep
468; [1987] MLJU 3 by Lim Beng Choon J:
“In the circumstances Raja Azlan Shah J (as His Royal Highness
then was) quite rightly allowed cross-examination on the
respondent’s affidavit since the issue in the action before His
Lordship was whether the custody of the child should be given to the
applicant or the respondent in view of the conflicting evidence
concerning the capability of either parent to look after the welfare of
the child based on religious ground.”
32.2 In Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar
Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166 where R K Nathan J
“Azlan Shah J (as his Highness then was) in a short but erudite
judgment decided that O. 38 r. 2(3) of the RHC must be interpreted
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to also include the makers of the exhibits who would be subjected
to cross-examination.”
[33] In Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee
[2003] 5 MLJ 241, Mohd Hishamudin J (later JCA) however held that
under O. 38 r. 2(3) “A party to a proceeding cannot apply to cross-examine
a person if in the first place such person has not given any evidence either
in the form of oral evidence or in the form of affidavit evidence. For, in the
absence of such prior evidence, there is no material on which to cross-
[34] On a literal interpretation, Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012
empowers the Court to order the attendance for cross-examination of “the
person making any such affidavit.”
[35] With respect, here Felina’ has given evidence – the affidavits
affirmed by her now late father, were also affirmed by him also on her
behalf. She can be cross-examined when one applies the overriding
interest of justice concept to enable Courts to deal with cases justly. In
fact, Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1 of the ROC 2012 exhorts the court in
administering the Rules particularly here when the alleged
Understandings are not in writing, to have regard to the overriding interest
of justice and not only to the technical noncompliance with the Rules.
These 2 orders give the Court wide powers in order to do justice.
[36] I have also borne in mind the terse reminder of Mohtar Abdullah
FCJ in Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra
(M) Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385, at page 426:
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“… Rules are rules! They must be obeyed. Numerous judgments can be
cited in support of this firm stand on the necessity for a strict adherence of
the rules. I agree. However, a judge should not be so besotted by
the rules that his sense of justice and fairness becomes impaired
because of his blinkered fixation on technicalities of the law and the
cold letter of the law …” (emphasis added)
[37] Although the Court of Appeal in a separate case in Tetuan Kumar
Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative Central Bank
Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487 did not agree with Gomez v
Gomez, with respect, I find a close reading of the case shows the Court
of Appeal only disagreed with Gomez v Gomez on the aspect of the onus
– which is on the respondent to show why cross-examination should not
be allowed.
[38] On my part, I have decided to follow the Gomez v Gomez
principles on cross-examining a non deponent so that all relevant
evidence available is adduced before the court and for. In the present
case, it is also be noted TMSK has passed away and can no longer be
cross-examined on the 2 affidavits filed but which were adopted by Felina
as her evidence.
No delay
[39] In Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001]
4 MLJ 56; at 62, the application for cross-examination was dismissed
owing to delay. Here the Defendants argued that the present application
is filed for an improper purpose – that it is merely a strategy by DK to delay
the hearing of the OSs to its conclusion. Nevertheless, I find there is no
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delay here as the application here was made on 10.9.2021 i.e. 2 weeks
after the Court of Appeal allowed the Conversion appeal.
Res judicata?
[40] The Defendants’ final point of contention is that my findings in the
Setia Haruman OS that there was no Understanding and New Board
Understanding constitutes res judicata in respect of both OSs.
[41] In the Setia Haruman OS, in Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 1508, I stated:
“[38] I find that the said “Understanding” and/or “New Board
Understanding were made between two non-members of the
Company. As such DK’s complaint is not a complaint member qua member
pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement and/or the Articles of
[66] Moreover, the principle in Jet-Tech (supra) was affirmed by the Federal
Court in Looh Siong Chee…“Shareholder’s Agreement and breaches of the
same are clearly not matters pertaining to the affairs of the company. They
are private matters enforceable by the parties to the Shareholder’s
Agreement. “Following these cases, DK’s complaints that he was not
nominated by the 10th Defendant to be a director of the Company is
best addressed in suit KLHC WA-22NCC-500-08/2018.”
[42] Added to that, the Federal Court in dismissing Impressive
Circuit’s application for leave to appeal against my decision in the Setia
Haruman OS said, as evident from the minutes:
“Finally, we do not see merit in the contention that the findings in this suit
will prejudice the hearing of the remaining two suits.”
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[43] Thus, I do not feel disposed to adjudge on this point of res
judicata at this juncture; issues on the Understanding and New Board
Understanding which were personal to DK and TSMK are better pursued
in both OSs as DK and TSMK are registered members of Menara Embun
and Menara Eden. Whilst there is a common issue of the “Understanding”
and “New Board Understanding” between the Plaintiff and TMSK in all 3
Actions, Impresive Circuit as the plaintiff in the Setia Haruman OS is not
a party in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs, UEM Land Berhad
and Virtual Path Sdn Bhd who are the shareholders of Setia Haruman and
the four (4) Directors of Setia Haruman all named as defendants in the
Setia Haruman OS are not parties in the Menara Embun and Modern
Eden OSs. In my utmost respectful view, the complaint of oppression in
the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs should be heard and decided
separately on their own facts and evidence. Whether or not there was
oppression in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs was for DK to
prove; and any decision thereafter must be based strictly on the best
evidence presented by DK and the defence if any put up by the
[44] I thus conclude that on the facts of the OSs, in the interest of
doing substantive justice, it is appropriate to allow cross examination on
the issue of the Understanding, the New Board Understanding, the
breaches of these understandings and the resolutions being passed in
Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without DK’s knowledge,
consent and/or approval to facilitate the said breaches. I find DK ought to
be given the opportunity to fully ventilate his case and he has discharged
the onus on why cross-examination should be ordered.
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[45] Consequently, leave in enc. 286 (OS 410 ) and enc. 272 (OS
411) is given to DK to cross examine (1) Farah Mahami Binti Tan Sri Datuk
Haji Mustapha Kamal (NRIC No. 820512-14-5662) on the contents of the
two (2) Affidavits she had affirmed on 28.11.2017 and 25.4.2018 and filed
in these proceedings; (ii) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal
(NRIC No. 701201-10-6138) on the contents of the two (2) Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf on 25.4.2018 and 7.6.2018 and filed in these
proceedings, with costs subject to allocator.
Dated: 22nd October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mr Gopal Sreenevasan (together with him,
Shermaljit Singh)
Messrs Owee & Co
For the 1st & 5th : Eric Clement
Defendants Messrs Abd Halim Ushah & Assoc.
For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th : Dato M. Pathmanathan (together with him,
Defendants Shirin Pathmanathan and Fatin Muzfirah)
Messrs M Pathmanathan & Co.
L.K Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn Bhd [2017]
1 LNS 733
Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA 47
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Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU 1303
Datuk Kasi Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019]
9 MLJ 32
Thavanathan a/l Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401
Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189
Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep 468; [1987] MLJU
Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo & Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383
Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 300
Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative
Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487
Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay Bok Choon - [1985] 1 MLJ 58
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd & Ors and another
application [1994] 2 MLJ 789
Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd
[2018] 5 CLJ 751
Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ 228
Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166
Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra (M)
Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385
Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee [2003] 5
MLJ 241
Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001] 4 MLJ 56
Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU
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Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1, Order 38 rule 2(2) and 2(3) Rules of Court
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| 43,149 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-411-09/2017 | PEMOHON Datuk Kasi A/L K.L. Palaniappan RESPONDEN 1. ) Modern Eden Sdn Bhd 2. ) PB Trustee Services Berhad (Wasi Bagi Harta Pusaka Allahyarmah Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal Bin Haji Abu Bakar No. K/P: 490318-08-5599) 3. ) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal 4. ) MKN Holdings Sdn Bhd 5. ) Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd | Civil procedure — Affidavits — plaintiff sought leave to (i) file further affidavit; (ii) to cross examine deponent and non deponent on their affidavits / affirmed on their behalf — Whether filing of further affidavit should be allowed — Whether oral evidence through cross-examination should be taken — Whether court could order the attendance of non deponent for cross-examination under O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012 Rules of Court 2012 | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
In the matter of Menara Embun Sdn.
Bhd. (Company No.: 428618-M)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 428618-M)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
[Heard together with the following Originating Summons pursuant
to the Order dated 3.12.2019]
31/10/2023 11:57:39
WA-24NCC-411-09/2017 Kand. 421
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In the matter of Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd. (Company No.: 623037-H)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 623037-H)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
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[1] There are 4 applications made by the Plaintiff before the court:
1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 290 in Originating Summons WA-
24NCC-410-09/2017 (“Menara Embun OS”) and Enc. 271
in Originating Summons WA-24NCC-411-09/2017
(“Modern Eden OS”) seeking for the Plaintiff’s further
Affidavit affirmed on 10.09.2021 (“P afft 7”) to adduce 12
volumes of documents be admitted in evidence for Both OS
(“Further Affidavit Application”); and
1.2 Enc. 286 in the Menara Embun OS and Enc. 272 in the
Modern Eden OS that the Plaintiff be granted leave to
cross-examine, through counsel, Farah Mahami Binti Tan
Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on her Affidavits and Felina
Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on the Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf (“Cross Examination Application”).
[2] I had allowed the applications on 5.9.2023. These are the
reasons for my decisions. As the applications were related, it is convenient
to deal with all 4 applications in one judgment.
[3] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were filed by the
Plaintiff, Datuk Kasi a/l Palaniappan (“DK”) pursuant to Section 346 of the
Companies Act, 2016 (“CA 2016”) complaining of minority oppression in
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respect of the affairs of Menara Embun Sdn Bhd and Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd respectively.
[4] DK together with one Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd also
commenced another minority oppression claim in respect of Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd vide Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-290-
07/2017 (“Setia Haruman OS”). In the Setia Haruman OS, DK was struck
out as a Plaintiff on 25.4.2018 as he was not a shareholder of Setia
Haruman. DK however owns 50% of the shares in Impresive Circuit. The
Setia Haruman OS was heard and eventually dismissed by me on
25.06.2021. The Court of Appeal had affirmed the decision on 20.1.2023.
Impresive Circuit’s leave application to appeal to the Federal Court was
dismissed by the Federal Court on 15.8.2023.
[5] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were converted
into writ actions by Wong Chee Lin J but both had reverted back to OS
actions after the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ appeals to the Court of Appeal was
allowed on 26.08.2021 and the Plaintiff’s applications for leave to appeal
to the Federal Court were dismissed on 21.2.2022.
[6] In each of the 3 OS Actions, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal (“TSMK”)
was named as the 2nd Defendant. The Plaintiff’s complaints in the 3 OS
Actions are that alleged oppressive acts were carried out in breach of an
alleged Understanding, New Board Understanding that DK allegedly had
with TSMK and DK’s legitimate expectation to participate in the
management of Setia Haruman, Menara Embun and Modern Eden.
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The Further Affidavit Applications
[7] Via P Afft 7, the Plaintiff seeks to adduce 12 volumes of
documents as follows:
a) Volumes 1 to 3 - documents exhibited in the earlier affidavits
in these proceedings;
b) Volume 4 - documents related to Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd;
c) Volumes 5 to 9 - documents pertaining to 15 other
companies and Setia Haruman;
d) Volume 10 - documents pertaining to the affairs of several
companies which existed before the incorporation of the 1st
e) Volume 11 - the notes of proceedings of the cross
examination of TSMK, Azmy and THP in the Setia Haruman
OS from 17th to 19th March 2021(which the 2nd to 4th
Defendants have no objection);
f) Volume 12 - document included by the 2nd to 4th Defendants
to rebut the documents filed by the Plaintiff in volumes 4 to
10 for purposes of trial.
[8] The documents sought to be adduced has since been narrowed
down to volumes 1 to 3, 5 to 9 (except 1 document in volume 8 being the
Certified True Copy of Form 13 A of MK Land by the Companies
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Commission of Malaysia, and volume 11 which was admitted by consent
as these notes of proceedings are relevant but were not available earlier.
[9] 2nd to 4th Defendants objections may be summarised as follows:
9.1 That the documents sought to be introduced concern other
companies/joint ventures and Setia Haruman which are
irrelevant documents;
9.2 These documents are sought to be adduced after the
dismissal of the Setia Haruman OS. It is a belated attempt
by the Plaintiff to cure the shortfalls of the Setia Haruman
OS and an attempt to have a 2nd bite at the cherry;
9.3 Prior to the conversion, the Plaintiff had filed 6 affidavits in
support of the Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS
(“the OSs”). These documents were available to the
Plaintiff at the time of filing of the OSs in 2017 and the
exchange of affidavits; There was no explanation as to
relevance and why these documents were not exhibited in
the earlier affidavits citing in support of their arguments L.K
Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn
Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 733:
“[10] At any rate the reason given is not cogent enough: that of
wanting to file a further affidavit. Generally only 3 affidavits are
allowed for an application: an affidavit in support, an affidavit in
opposition and a further affidavit in reply to that affidavit in opposition.
Unless there are cogent reasons for affirming a further affidavit
as in the documents that were sought to be referred to were not
available previously or that what has been referred to in the last
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affidavit filed is a lie, courts generally would not allow further
affidavits to be filed. Otherwise there would be no end to affidavits
filed because, human nature being what it is, everyone wants to have
the final and last word! Therefore if in an affidavit in reply there is
more than a reply to the affidavit filed in opposition, I would disregard
the new matters raised which should have been raised in the affidavit
in support.” (counsel’s emphasis)
[10] The Plaintiff argued that:
10.1 The Plaintiff had in its Affidavits (Afft 7 Para 12) and Afft 8
Para 7 explained the contents of the documents as well as
shown how these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs i.e. the
relationship between DK and TSMK, the Understanding,
the New Board Understanding as well as the breaches of
these understandings;
10.2 the documents relating to DK’s and TSMK’s various joint
ventures are necessary and relevant to the manner in
which DK and TSMK would run their joint ventures which
include Menara Embun and Menara Eden;
10.3 The documents relating to Setia Haruman are necessary
and relevant because the conduct at Setia Haruman
affected DK’s participation in Menara Embun and Menara
Eden. In this regard, the term “affairs of the company” in
Section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 is to be widely
construed such that it includes the affairs of various
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companies where such affairs are all closely connected
e.g. parent and subsidiary companies citing in support:
(i) Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA
“[42] We think that the approach adopted in the above cited cases
is sound and we also agree that, in the final analysis, the question
that must be answered in this regard is whether the affairs of the
subsidiary affect or impact the holding company: Lim Chee
Twang at [97]. Legitimate claims for relief from oppression
should not be defeated by technical and legalistic objections
relating to the company's shareholding structure; at the
same time the doctrine of separate legal personalities and
the strict words of the statute ("the affairs of the company"
[emphasis added]) must be respected. In our view, the
balance between these competing interests would be
properly drawn by a requirement that commercially unfair
conduct in the management of a subsidiary would be
relevant so long and to the extent that such conduct affected
or impacted the holding company whose member was the
party claiming relief from oppression. The purpose and policy
behind s 216 of the Companies Act is, above all, to grant relief
from the oppressive behaviour to shareholders who would
otherwise be unable to stop that abuse: see below at [49]. If the
affairs of the subsidiary do not affect or impact the holding
company, shareholders and members of the latter could hardly
complain that their interests were therefore prejudiced.”
(ii) Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU
“[50] I would respectfully follow this observation and rule that in
this country, similarly, the phrase ‘affairs of the company’
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found in Section 181(1) of the CA (and the new but identically
worded Section 346(1) of the Companies Act 2016) should be
construed widely, to encompass the affairs of entities which
are not themselves the subject of the oppression action, but
which affairs of those entities, affect the subject company in
the nature and to the extent which is beyond the
inconsequential, be it a parent or a subsidiary.
[54] This provide much support to a wide reading of ‘affairs
of the company’ which is wholly in line with the design of the
law to ensure that in circumstances where oppressive
conduct could be proven, legal redress to those unlawfully
aggrieved is available and not impeded by the artificiality or
in the complexity of corporate structures. Otherwise,
wrongdoers in corporate world would be encouraged to
strategize and build upon more complex conglomerate-like
structures and perpetuate such unlawful and oppressive
conduct in a fashion orchestrated to defeat the application
of Section 181 (1) (Section 346 (1) of the Companies Act
2016), and almost literally employing the section as an
engine of fraud. The law will fail in its true objective and the
ends of justice will be far from being served if such a grim
scenario is allowed to transpire, if not already manifest and
(iii) That this principle is applicable to Setia Haruman,
Menara Embun and Menara Eden was recognised by
Azizul Azmi J when he heard the striking out
applications in the Setia Haruman OS where DK was
struck out as a Plaintiff but Impresive Circuit was
allowed to continue pursuing the claim in Datuk Kasi
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Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors
[2019] 9 MLJ 32:
“[14] …Tob’s case established the principle that the
expression ‘affairs of the company’ in s 346(1)(a) is to be
construed widely, and would encompass oppressive
conduct that is conducted at a subsidiary or a holding
[15] While I fully agree with the ratio of the decision of Mohd
Nazlan J in Tob’s case…
[18] He (DK) would have been perfectly entitled to allege,
based on the principle in Tob’s case, that he was being
oppressed at Menara Embun or Modern Eden by virtue of
acts conducted at Setia Haruman. This is because the acts
carried out at the Setia Haruman would amount to affairs of
Menara Embun and/or Modern Eden. In my judgment, it
makes no difference that Setia Haruman is not a subsidiary
of either Menara Embun or Modern Eden. It suffices that
either company holds shares in Setia Haruman, for conduct
carried out at Setia Haruman to be the subject of a complaint
of oppression at either Menara Embun or Modern Eden.”
10.4 P Afft 7 seeks to produce documents comprised previously
in Part B of the Common Bundle of documents to enable
the Plaintiff to discharge its burden to prove the
Understanding, the New Board Understanding or the
breaches of these understandings which amounted to
oppressive acts against the Plaintiff; Having been
produced in the Common bundles for trial, there is no
surprise to the Defendants, the documents are admissible
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whether the matter is tried as a writ action or an originating
summons citing in support the case of Thavanathan a/l
Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401,
that all “evidence which is sufficiently relevant to the facts
in issue is admissible”;
10.5 Both OSs are oppression claims which concern various
complex factual and legal issues. To limit the Affidavits in
such a case to only an Affidavit in support by the Plaintiff,
one Affidavit in reply by the Defendant and then an Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff as suggested by the Defendants
would not lead to a just and effectual determination of both
OSs. This is more so when the Defendants themselves
have filed multiple Affidavits instead of subscribing to their
own contention of Defendants only filing a single Affidavit
in reply;
10.6 the Affidavits in respect of both OSs were still in the midst
of being exchanged prior to the Conversion and once the
Conversion was ordered, documents intended to be relied
on by parties had to be adduced through the CBODs
instead of further Affidavits; the Plaintiff had filed the
Further Affidavit in both OSs to adduce the documents
within 2 weeks of the Conversion being set aside by the
Court of Appeal and well in advance of any hearing date of
both OSs; L K Insulation Engineering relied upon by the
Defendants is distinguishable because it concerned a
summary judgment application for a debt recovery claim
and the party seeking to file the further Affidavit had only
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informed the Court of their intention to do so at the hearing
of the summary judgment application.
Court’s finding
[11] Having considered the cause papers and the parties’
submissions, I find the narrowed down documents sought to be adduced
are relevant and necessary to both OSs as they relate to the central issue
of the alleged Understanding, the New Board Understanding and the
purported breaches thereof.
[12] I am of the respectful view that the Plaintiff should be afforded
the opportunity to fully ventilate his case in both OSs. In this regard, the
Plaintiff had in his affidavits for the Further Affidavit Application explained
although not in great detail why these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs.
[13] The Defendants’ posit that the Further Affidavit Application is an
abuse of process because these documents ought to have been adduced
in the Plaintiff’s 6 Affidavits prior to the Conversion is untenable as I accept
the Plaintiff’s assertion that the affidavits in respect of both OSs were still
in the midst of being exchanged prior to the Conversion after which the
said documents (except for volume 11 which was not available then) were
produced in Part B in the common bundles for trial. Once the appeal
against the conversion to a writ action was allowed by the Court of Appeal
which ordered the matters to continue and disposed by OS, the Plaintiff
still wishing to rely on the said documents had no choice but to adduce
them through a further affidavit, in this case through P Afft 7.
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[14] In any case, I find there is no element of surprise nor prejudice
occasioned to the Defendants as they will have an opportunity to reply.
[15] I find it just and equitable and thus exercised my discretion to
grant leave to the Plaintiff to file P Afft 7 containing the narrowed down
documents only and volume 11 which was consented to.
Cross Examination Applications
[16] I ought to set out some basic principles on this subject.
[17] First, it is settled law that the court retains an absolute discretion
whether or not to allow cross-examination of a deponent on his affidavit –
see as mere examples, Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn
Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189; Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ
Rep 468; [1987] MLJU 3; Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo
& Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383. As such, each case is to be decided on its own
particular facts as “Exercises of judicial discretion are not judicial
precedent because they are only authority for the facts of the particular
case.” - Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1
CLJ 300, at 306 CA.
[18] Second, the applicant for leave to cross-examine a deponent
bears the legal burden to persuade the court to exercise its discretion to
grant leave - in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v
The Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487.
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[19] Third, the application has to be made bona fide or in good faith.
In Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189,
at 190, Salleh Abas FJ said:
“To allow or not to allow the respondent’s application to cross-examine the
appellant’s witnesses upon their affidavits, I take it, is a matter of court’s
discretion. In appropriate circumstances, there is no reason why such
application should be refused merely because the deponent is a foreigner
living outside the jurisdiction (Re Lucas [1952] 1 All ER 102); “otherwise
foreigners would have an advantage” (Strauss v Goldschmidt 8 SLR 239).
It is really a matter of common sense and an elementary legal principle that
a party who swears an affidavit much be prepared to stand up to it by cross-
examination unless the application to cross- examine him is without just
cause vexatious or motivated by desire to delay the proceedings (Allen v
Allen [1894] P 239). In view of the appellant’s application for judgment
under Order 32 Rule 6, I am not, however, prepared to hold the
respondent’s application to cross- examine the appellant’s witnesses
as being without just cause or motivated by desire to delay the
proceedings or without bona fide or sham or vexatious. (emphasis
[20] Fourth, relevancy as to disputes of the facts has to be shown to
warrant cross -examination. The Court of Appeal in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (supra) stated:
“[25] You can discern from the authorities referred by the parties that three
prime considerations would influence the court in the exercise of its
discretion to allow or disallow cross-examination on affidavit. Firstly, the
truth of the averment in the affidavit must be challenged or the issues of fact
identified. Secondly, cross-examination should only be allowed if the
disputed fact is relevant to the issue to be decided and must be limited to
that issue only. And thirdly, cross-examination would not advance the cause
of justice and should be refused if there is sufficient affidavit evidence or
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contemporaneous documents to enable the court to properly decide without
the need of cross-examination.
It is important to take into account all facts when considering an application
for cross-examination and if it has little relevance or little weight to the issue
which the judge has to decide, then cross-examination should not be
[21] Last but not least, as stated in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah &
Aishah (supra) cross-examination must advance the cause of justice.
When a conflict in affidavit evidence may be resolved by undisputed
contemporaneous document, the cause of justice is not advanced.
Defendants’ objections.
[22] The Defendants claim there is no basis for the cross-examination
of Farah on her Affidavits and Felina on the Affidavits affirmed on her
CA Order dated 26.8.2021 gave liberty to apply to cross-examine
[23] As for the Defendants’ 1st ground of objection that cross-
examination would go against the decision of the Court of Appeal setting
aside the Conversion, I find no merits in this contention for the simple
reason that in fact, the Court of Appeal on 26.8.2021 allowed the
Conversion Appeal with liberty to the Plaintiff to apply for cross-
examination. The Order reads: "1. Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 26.10.2018 yang menukarkan Saman
Pemula bertarikh 28 September 2017 kepada tindakan Writ diketepikan
dan perkara ini dikembalikan kepada Saman Pemula dengan kebebasan
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untuk memohon untuk memeriksa balas deponen.” This Order
appears at Enc. 324 p 23-25.
Viva voce evidence imperative
[24] As for the next ground that the Plaintiff had not identified the
disputes of material facts, I find that there is more than sufficient material
in the affidavits to form a basis for cross-examination. Here, the pith of the
Plaintiff’s claim lay in the alleged Understanding, the New Board
[25] Having considered the affidavits filed by the parties and the
exhibits annexed, and the submissions of the parties both oral and written,
I am of the firm view that anyhow once slices it, there are disputes of facts
in the Affidavits relating to the Understanding, the New Board
Understanding, the breaches of these understandings and the resolutions
being passed in Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without
DK’s knowledge, consent and/or approval so as to facilitate the said
breaches. All the Defendants have denied the existence of the said
Understandings and the alleged breaches thereof. In my respectful view,
the controversy of facts pertaining to the truth of the allegations of fact of
the alleged Understandings and breaches can only be resolved by viva
voce evidence. It would be critical to ascertain the true state of affairs by
resort to cross-examination. It is insufficient merely to rely on affidavits
evidence alone to make a definitive determination whether there is in fact
minority oppression inflicted on DK in respect of the conduct of affairs of
the 2 companies.
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[26] In my judgment, it would be wrong to ascribe no importance to
why cross-examination is necessary. If the Plaintiff is denied leave to
cross-examine Felina and Farar, as decided in Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay
Bok Choon [1985] 1 MLJ 58, this court has to ignore the disputed
averments in affidavits and, the Plaintiffs will run the risk of not being able
to prove its case. In fact in the Tay Bok Choon case, the former Supreme
Court held on the facts of that case, “in the face of the denial that the
agreement was ever made, the trial judge should have heard oral
evidence before deciding whether the alleged agreement was ever made”
and the court can hear oral evidence even if no application was made
under O 38 r 2(3):
“Order 38 rule 2(3) of the Rules of the High Court empowers the Court to
examine the deponents regardless of the absence of such application,
and we agree that in this instance it should have done so.”
[27] Just as in Tay Bok Choon, the Understandings and breaches
here were denied by the Defendants. This need to cross examine is
further exacerbated by the fact that the alleged Understanding, the New
Board Understanding are not in writing. I hence cannot with conviction say
that a decision can be made from the contemporaneous documents in the
court file in order to arrive at a decision on the matters in issue. In my
utmost respectful view, cross examination in this case would advance the
cause of justice.
[28] I find the case of Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn
Bhd & Ors and another application [1994] 2 MLJ 789 cited by the
Defendants is to be distinguished as the court there found the matter could
be decided on the undisputed contemporaneous documents in that case.
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Similarly, the case of Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v
Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd [2018] 5 CLJ 751 is also distinguishable as the
court there took the exceptional circumstances approach when
considering whether to permit cross-examination of a deponent in the
context of a winding up proceeding as:
(i) it is a primary rule that petitions for winding up are heard on
affidavit evidence;
(ii) the Companies Act 1965 and the Companies Winding-up
Rules 1972 do not expressly provide for a similar right to
apply for the cross-examination of the affidavits as found in
the RC 2012;
(iii) it is public policy that a winding up petition be heard
Cross-examination of non deponent
[29] As for cross-examination of Felina in respect of affidavits affirmed
on her behalf by TSMK, the Defendants contend the Plaintiff’s application
to cross - examine her as a non-deponent is irrational, vexatious,
misconceived and an abuse of process. The Defendants posited that
Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012 applies only to the cross examination of
deponents of affidavits. It was pointed out that the Court of Appeal in
Kumar Jaspal Quah did not agree with Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ
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[30] In Gomez v. Gomez, Raja Azlan Shah J (later Lord President and
HRH Sultan of Perak) allowed the cross-examination of a priest who had
given a letter which was annexed as an exhibit to the Wife’s custody
affidavit owing to conflicting evidence concerning the capability of either
parent to look after the welfare of the child based on religious ground. In
allowing the application, His Lordship stated:
“In the present case there is only 1 issue, that is, the issue in the pending
action which is whether the order can be varied. The matter raised in the
three affidavits are all matters relating to the action. The applicant complains
that the respondent is no longer a fit and proper person to have custody of
the child. The respondent says that she is still capable of looking after the
child’s religion and moral upbringing. The Rev Father wood supports her. It
is the same as if he has sworn an affidavit to that effect. It is only fair and
proper that the appellant be allowed to cross-examine them on their
[31] His Royal Highness considered:
31.1 O. 38 r. 1 of the then Rules of the Supreme Court 1957
(which is similar the present O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012)
“The power given by O. 38 r. 1 is obviously a matter of discretion to
be exercised in accordance with well known judicial principles.”
31.2 And approved the following passage from Leiserach v.
Schalit [1934] 2 KB 353 where leave was granted to 2
arbitrators, who were not parties nor had they affirmed any
affidavits, to be called as witnesses to assist the Court to
ascertain the facts of the case:
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“This is a case in which the Court has listened to numerous,
affidavits, statements in some of which directly contradict the
statements in others. It is also a case in which it is essential, in order
to do justice, that the Court should be enabled to make up its mind
as to the actual facts of the case. In the view of the Court this is an
exceptional case, and in this exceptional case the Court has arrived
at the conclusion that the only way in which it can satisfactorily deal
with the matter before it is by having the assistance of the evidence
of the arbitrators, who, being independent persons, can tell the Court
what it is to ascertain from a perusal of the affidavits on one side and
the other - namely, what are the essential facts of the case. On that
ground and on that ground only the Court accedes to the application
to call as witnesses both the gentlemen who acted as arbitrators in
the matter”.
[32] Gomez v. Gomez was cited with approval in the following cases:
32.1 In Balwant Singh Purba v. R. Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep
468; [1987] MLJU 3 by Lim Beng Choon J:
“In the circumstances Raja Azlan Shah J (as His Royal Highness
then was) quite rightly allowed cross-examination on the
respondent’s affidavit since the issue in the action before His
Lordship was whether the custody of the child should be given to the
applicant or the respondent in view of the conflicting evidence
concerning the capability of either parent to look after the welfare of
the child based on religious ground.”
32.2 In Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar
Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166 where R K Nathan J
“Azlan Shah J (as his Highness then was) in a short but erudite
judgment decided that O. 38 r. 2(3) of the RHC must be interpreted
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to also include the makers of the exhibits who would be subjected
to cross-examination.”
[33] In Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee
[2003] 5 MLJ 241, Mohd Hishamudin J (later JCA) however held that
under O. 38 r. 2(3) “A party to a proceeding cannot apply to cross-examine
a person if in the first place such person has not given any evidence either
in the form of oral evidence or in the form of affidavit evidence. For, in the
absence of such prior evidence, there is no material on which to cross-
[34] On a literal interpretation, Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012
empowers the Court to order the attendance for cross-examination of “the
person making any such affidavit.”
[35] With respect, here Felina’ has given evidence – the affidavits
affirmed by her now late father, were also affirmed by him also on her
behalf. She can be cross-examined when one applies the overriding
interest of justice concept to enable Courts to deal with cases justly. In
fact, Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1 of the ROC 2012 exhorts the court in
administering the Rules particularly here when the alleged
Understandings are not in writing, to have regard to the overriding interest
of justice and not only to the technical noncompliance with the Rules.
These 2 orders give the Court wide powers in order to do justice.
[36] I have also borne in mind the terse reminder of Mohtar Abdullah
FCJ in Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra
(M) Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385, at page 426:
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“… Rules are rules! They must be obeyed. Numerous judgments can be
cited in support of this firm stand on the necessity for a strict adherence of
the rules. I agree. However, a judge should not be so besotted by
the rules that his sense of justice and fairness becomes impaired
because of his blinkered fixation on technicalities of the law and the
cold letter of the law …” (emphasis added)
[37] Although the Court of Appeal in a separate case in Tetuan Kumar
Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative Central Bank
Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487 did not agree with Gomez v
Gomez, with respect, I find a close reading of the case shows the Court
of Appeal only disagreed with Gomez v Gomez on the aspect of the onus
– which is on the respondent to show why cross-examination should not
be allowed.
[38] On my part, I have decided to follow the Gomez v Gomez
principles on cross-examining a non deponent so that all relevant
evidence available is adduced before the court and for. In the present
case, it is also be noted TMSK has passed away and can no longer be
cross-examined on the 2 affidavits filed but which were adopted by Felina
as her evidence.
No delay
[39] In Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001]
4 MLJ 56; at 62, the application for cross-examination was dismissed
owing to delay. Here the Defendants argued that the present application
is filed for an improper purpose – that it is merely a strategy by DK to delay
the hearing of the OSs to its conclusion. Nevertheless, I find there is no
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delay here as the application here was made on 10.9.2021 i.e. 2 weeks
after the Court of Appeal allowed the Conversion appeal.
Res judicata?
[40] The Defendants’ final point of contention is that my findings in the
Setia Haruman OS that there was no Understanding and New Board
Understanding constitutes res judicata in respect of both OSs.
[41] In the Setia Haruman OS, in Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 1508, I stated:
“[38] I find that the said “Understanding” and/or “New Board
Understanding were made between two non-members of the
Company. As such DK’s complaint is not a complaint member qua member
pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement and/or the Articles of
[66] Moreover, the principle in Jet-Tech (supra) was affirmed by the Federal
Court in Looh Siong Chee…“Shareholder’s Agreement and breaches of the
same are clearly not matters pertaining to the affairs of the company. They
are private matters enforceable by the parties to the Shareholder’s
Agreement. “Following these cases, DK’s complaints that he was not
nominated by the 10th Defendant to be a director of the Company is
best addressed in suit KLHC WA-22NCC-500-08/2018.”
[42] Added to that, the Federal Court in dismissing Impressive
Circuit’s application for leave to appeal against my decision in the Setia
Haruman OS said, as evident from the minutes:
“Finally, we do not see merit in the contention that the findings in this suit
will prejudice the hearing of the remaining two suits.”
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[43] Thus, I do not feel disposed to adjudge on this point of res
judicata at this juncture; issues on the Understanding and New Board
Understanding which were personal to DK and TSMK are better pursued
in both OSs as DK and TSMK are registered members of Menara Embun
and Menara Eden. Whilst there is a common issue of the “Understanding”
and “New Board Understanding” between the Plaintiff and TMSK in all 3
Actions, Impresive Circuit as the plaintiff in the Setia Haruman OS is not
a party in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs, UEM Land Berhad
and Virtual Path Sdn Bhd who are the shareholders of Setia Haruman and
the four (4) Directors of Setia Haruman all named as defendants in the
Setia Haruman OS are not parties in the Menara Embun and Modern
Eden OSs. In my utmost respectful view, the complaint of oppression in
the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs should be heard and decided
separately on their own facts and evidence. Whether or not there was
oppression in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs was for DK to
prove; and any decision thereafter must be based strictly on the best
evidence presented by DK and the defence if any put up by the
[44] I thus conclude that on the facts of the OSs, in the interest of
doing substantive justice, it is appropriate to allow cross examination on
the issue of the Understanding, the New Board Understanding, the
breaches of these understandings and the resolutions being passed in
Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without DK’s knowledge,
consent and/or approval to facilitate the said breaches. I find DK ought to
be given the opportunity to fully ventilate his case and he has discharged
the onus on why cross-examination should be ordered.
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[45] Consequently, leave in enc. 286 (OS 410 ) and enc. 272 (OS
411) is given to DK to cross examine (1) Farah Mahami Binti Tan Sri Datuk
Haji Mustapha Kamal (NRIC No. 820512-14-5662) on the contents of the
two (2) Affidavits she had affirmed on 28.11.2017 and 25.4.2018 and filed
in these proceedings; (ii) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal
(NRIC No. 701201-10-6138) on the contents of the two (2) Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf on 25.4.2018 and 7.6.2018 and filed in these
proceedings, with costs subject to allocator.
Dated: 22nd October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mr Gopal Sreenevasan (together with him,
Shermaljit Singh)
Messrs Owee & Co
For the 1st & 5th : Eric Clement
Defendants Messrs Abd Halim Ushah & Assoc.
For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th : Dato M. Pathmanathan (together with him,
Defendants Shirin Pathmanathan and Fatin Muzfirah)
Messrs M Pathmanathan & Co.
L.K Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn Bhd [2017]
1 LNS 733
Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA 47
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Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU 1303
Datuk Kasi Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019]
9 MLJ 32
Thavanathan a/l Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401
Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189
Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep 468; [1987] MLJU
Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo & Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383
Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 300
Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative
Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487
Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay Bok Choon - [1985] 1 MLJ 58
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd & Ors and another
application [1994] 2 MLJ 789
Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd
[2018] 5 CLJ 751
Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ 228
Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166
Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra (M)
Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385
Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee [2003] 5
MLJ 241
Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001] 4 MLJ 56
Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU
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Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1, Order 38 rule 2(2) and 2(3) Rules of Court
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| 43,149 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24F-154-05/2023 | PEMOHON TAN YING SHI RESPONDEN 1. ) KUMPULAN WANG SIMPANAN PEKERJA 2. ) LIM TSOO SIN | Application to withdraw EPF monies pertaining to Court Order - Whether order to withdraw EPF monies fell within section 53A of the EPF Act - Whether nomination made by Deceased subsequent to Court Order prevails | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters | |
WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
Di Dalam Perkara Aturan 7, 15, 28, 29
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
Di Dalam Perkara Seksyen 53A Akta KWSP 1991
Di Dalam Perkara Seksyen 50, 51 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950
Di Dalam perkara mengenai, TAN TZE PEI (Si Mati)
Nombor Kad Pengenalan *************
31/10/2023 14:25:35
WA-24F-154-05/2023 Kand. 39
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
[1] This was an application (“this Application”) by the Plaintiff for a
declaration, pursuant to a Court Order dated 22 October 2021, that
she was entitled to receive a certain amount of monies from the
Employees Provident Fund (“EPF”) Account (“the EPF Monies”) of one
Tan Tze Pei (“the Deceased”), and that, consequently, the First
Defendant is prohibited from releasing the EPF Monies to the Second
Defendant, who is the mother of the Deceased.
The factual background
[2] The Plaintiff is the former wife of the Deceased, whose mother is now
the Second Defendant. The Plaintiff and the Deceased finalised their
divorce in December 2017, and obtained a Court Order dated 15
December 2017 (“the December 2017 Order”), which includes
pertinent clauses that read:
7. Responden Suami hendaklah membayar jumlah wang sebanyak
MYR1,500 (Ringgit Malaysia Seribu Lima Ratus Sahaja) sebulan
sebagai nafkah (“maintenance”) kepada Pemptisyen isteri untuk tiga
(3) tahun berturut-turut, bermula daripada Januari 2018.
10. Pempetisyen isteri di beri tiga puluh peratus (30%) daripada jumlah
simpanan Responden Suami di Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
(KWSP) setakat tarikh perintah dekri nisi ini di mana jumlah tersebut
akan dibayar kepada Pempetisyen Isteri apabila Responden Suami
berumur lima puluh lima (55) tahun dan pembayaran wang simpanan
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
sebanyak 30% tersebut adalah termasuk faedah ke atas 30% yang
diperuntukkan oleh KWSP untuk tahun-tahun berkenaan.
[3] The Deceased had failed to meet the payment obligations outlined in
the December 2017 Order. Consequently, the Plaintiff initiated
committal proceedings, leading to the Court granting an order on 22
October 2021 (“the October 2021 Order”), with the pertinent portion
(c) Responden Suami telah bersetuju dan diperintahkan oleh
Mahkamah yang Mulia untuk mengeluarkan jumlah wang sebanyak
MYR 75,000 (Ringgit Malaysia Tujuh Puluh Lima Ribu Sahaja)
daripada Akaun 1, KWSP dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari dari
Tarikh Perintah ini dan harus dibayar kepada Pemohon Isteri dalam
tempoh empat belas (14) hari sebagai penyelesaian sebahagian
daripada tunggakan nafkah berjumlah MYR84,099.95 (Ringgit
Malaysia Lapan Puluh Empat Ribu Sembilan Puluh Sembilan dan
Sembilan Puluh Lima Sen) seperti di lampiran 67, Dekri Nisi
bertarikh 15 Disember 2017.
[Emphasis added.]
[4] The Deceased had failed to adhere to the provisions of paragraph (c)
in the October 2021 Order. Instead, in September 2022, he designated
his mother, the Second Defendant, as his nominee. In November 2022,
the Deceased passed away.
[5] The Plaintiff subsequently visited the EPF office to claim the funds
purportedly owed to her in accordance with the October 2021 Order.
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
However, she was informed that the funds could not be disbursed to
her because the Deceased had named his mother as the nominee.
[6] Consequently, in May 2023, the Plaintiff filed this Application, which
was dismissed for the following reasons.
[7] The issues for consideration were (a) whether delay on the part of the
Plaintiff in filing this Application was satisfactorily explained; and (b)
the interpretation of section 53A of the Employees Provident Fund Act
1991 (“EPF Act”), particularly, whether the Plaintiff’s claim for the EPF
monies fell within ‘matrimonial asset’ in section 53A of the EPF Act.
Contentions, evaluation, and findings
Whether delay was satisfactorily explained
[8] The Plaintiff’s filing of this Application 18 months after the Deceased’s
non-compliance with the October 2021 Order raised the issue of delay,
a matter that necessitated the Court’s attention.
[9] It was imperative, at this juncture, to emphasise to the Plaintiff that the
element of delay holds significant importance in considering any
application filed by a litigant. In Khor Cheng Wah v. Sungai Way
Leasing Sdn Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 396; [1996] 1 MLJ 223, the following
remarks by Gopal Sri Ram JCA bear relevance:
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
It is a cardinal principle of law, that when a litigant seeks the intervention of
the court in a matter that affects his rights, he must do so timeously. The
maxim vigilantibus, non dormientibus, jura subveniunt, though having its
origins in the Court of Chancery, is of universal application. Even in cases
where a right is exercisable ex debito justitiae, a court may refuse relief to
an indolent litigant.
In all cases in which delay in approaching the court is in issue, the burden
is upon the litigant who has delayed to render a satisfactory explanation for
[Emphasis added.]
[10] In the present case, the Plaintiff sought to attribute the lack of prompt
action following the Deceased’s non-compliance with the October 2021
Order to her former solicitors. I found her explanation to be
unsustainable, considering that her previous solicitors were not
present in Court to provide their account, and furthermore, any
interactions between the Plaintiff and her previous solicitors were not
within the purview of this Court’s consideration.
[11] As such, this Application should not be entertained by this Court.
Nevertheless, in the pursuit of comprehensive consideration, I
proceeded to examine the merits of this Application and provided the
reasons for dismissing it.
Whether the Plaintiff’s claim for the EPF Monies fell within ‘matrimonial
[12] Given that this Application was based on section 53A of the
EPF Act, it was essential to commence by scrutinising the said
provision, as follows:
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
Section 53A – Transfer of credit of a member of the Fund in accordance
with the division of matrimonial assets order
(1) Notwithstanding section 51, when an order is issued by a court that part
of the sums of money standing to the credit of a member of the Fund is
matrimonial asset, the Board may, after being served with the sealed order,
transfer the sum of money as ordered by the court from the account of a
member of the Fund into the account of the receiver named in the order
subject to any terms and conditions as prescribed by the Board.
[Emphasis added.]
[13] It is a well-established principle, as evidenced by a multitude
of cases, including Koay Cheng Eng v Linda Herawati Santoso
[2008] 4 CLJ 105, that funds held in EPF accounts are considered part
of matrimonial assets. This concept is further reinforced by the
provisions outlined in section 53A of the EPF Act.
[14] However, section 53A of the EPF Act introduces a noteworthy
aspect with the use of the term ‘may’, granting the EPF Board
discretion to transfer funds, as per an order of the court, from
the account of a member of the EPF Fund into the account of the
receiver named in the order.
[15] Additionally, this provision specifies that such a transfer is
subject to the terms and conditions outlined by the EPF Board.
It is important to note that this section does not compel the
EPF Board to execute the transfer.
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
[16] In fact, the EPF Board had highlighted the challenges associated with
these transfers, as documented in Circular No 113/2021, titled
Matrimonial Assets Claims Pursuant to Section 53A of the Employees
Provident Fund Act 1991 dated 26 March 2021. In this circular, the
Legal Division of the EPF Board had communicated to members of the
Malaysian Bar, the difficulties encountered in specific circumstances
when implementing transfers stipulated by court orders, pursuant to
section 53A of the EPF Act.
[17] The further observation to make regarding this Application is
that the October 2021 Order expressly states that the
responsibility for withdrawing the funds rested with the
Deceased, within a timeframe of 14 days after the date of the
Order. There was no condition contingent upon the
Deceased’s failure to comply, and it would be untenable for
this Court to imply any such condition.
[18] The October 2021 Order, dated 22 October 2021, placed the
Deceased in breach of such order as of 5 November 2021.
Given that the responsibility for withdrawal of the EPF funds
rested with the Deceased, his failure to act necessitated
action by the Plaintiff, which she had not undertaken.
[19] Regrettably, not only did the Deceased fail to comply with the October
2021 Order, but he also proceeded to designate his mother as
nominee, thereby further obstructing the implementation of the October
2021 Order.
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
[20] Furthermore, it was essential to acknowledge that the October 2021
Order expressly stated that the EPF funds were to be withdrawn as
arrears for maintenance, rather than as matrimonial asset.
Consequently, section 53A of the EPF Act could not be applicable as
it pertains to matrimonial asset.
[21] The Plaintiff cited the case of Leow Kooi Wah v Philip Ng Kok Seng &
Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 133 to argue that the nomination of the Deceased’s
mother should not be used to undermine her legal rights. The Plaintiff
referred to the following passage by Mahadev Shankar J (as he then
Regulation 16(2) of the EPF Regulations 1991 recognizes that upon the
death of a Muslim member of the Fund, a nominee does not receive the
money as a beneficiary but only as an executor in accordance with Islamic
No parallel provisions have been made in the EPF legislation for non-
Muslims, but the philosophy of the EPF legislation is clear. The nomination
cannot be utilized to defeat the legal rights of the next of kin to the extent
that the member's testamentary capacity has been restricted by law.
[Emphasis added.]
[22] It was, however, important to emphasise that Leow Kooi Wah v Philip
Ng Kok Seng & Anor was decided in 1997, whilst the EPF Act was
amended vide EPF (Amendment) Act 2007 to include section 53A with
effect from 1 July 2008. Therefore, Leow Kooi Wah v Philip Ng Kok
Seng & Anor was not a relevant precedent for the application of section
53A of the EPF Act.
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
[23] This would mean that the Plaintiff’s claim was contrary to section 51 of
the EPF Act, which reads:
Section 51 – Contributions and deposits not to be assigned or attached
(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other written
(a) no sum deducted from the wages of a member of the Fund under
section 48;
(b) no amount payable by the employer as his contribution; and
(c) no amount standing to the credit of a member of the Fund,
shall be assignable, transferable, liable to be attached, sequestered,
levied upon, for, or in respect of, any debt or claim whatsoever, nor shall
the Official Assignee be entitled to or have any claim on any such sum or
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the amount standing to the credit of a
member of the Fund under paragraph (1)(c) may be forfeited if the amount
standing to the credit of such member is subject to an order of forfeiture by
a court under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and
Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.
[Emphasis added.]
[24] In the upshot, based on the aforesaid reasons, and after careful
scrutiny of all the evidence before this Court, both oral and
documentary, and submissions of all parties, this Application was
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
Dated: 31 October 2023
High Court, Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff – S Sakhty Vell and Premalosani Arivananthan;
Messrs Chambers of Ari
For the First Defendant – Nur Zahirah Badarudin and Nor Asfalla
Mohamed Arsad; Jabatan Undang-Undang, Lembaga Kumpulan
Wang Simpanan Pekerja
For the Second Defendant – Poon Choong Yiew; Messrs James Liew
& Kong
Cases referred to:
➢ Khor Cheng Wah v. Sungai Way Leasing Sdn Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 396;
[1996] 1 MLJ 223
➢ Koay Cheng Eng v Linda Herawati Santoso [2008] 4 CLJ 105
➢ Leow Kooi Wah v Philip Ng Kok Seng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 133
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WA-24NCvC-359-02/2023 31 October 2023
Legislation referred to:
➢ Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 – sections 51, 53A
➢ Employees Provident Fund (Amendment) Act 2007
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| 15,993 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 | PEMOHON Datuk Kasi A/L K.L. Palaniappan RESPONDEN 1. ) Menara Embun Sdn Bhd 2. ) PB Trustee Services Berhad (Wasi Bagi Harta Pusaka Allahyarmah Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal Bin Haji Abu Bakar No. K/P: 490318-08-5599) 3. ) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal 4. ) MKN Holdings Sdn Bhd 5. ) Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd | Civil procedure — Affidavits — plaintiff sought leave to (i) file further affidavit; (ii) to cross examine deponent and non deponent on their affidavits / affirmed on their behalf — Whether filing of further affidavit should be allowed — Whether oral evidence through cross-examination should be taken — Whether court could order the attendance of non deponent for cross-examination under O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012 Rules of Court 2012 | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
In the matter of Menara Embun Sdn.
Bhd. (Company No.: 428618-M)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 428618-M)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
[Heard together with the following Originating Summons pursuant
to the Order dated 3.12.2019]
31/10/2023 11:47:31
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 Kand. 448
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In the matter of Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd. (Company No.: 623037-H)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 623037-H)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
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[1] There are 4 applications made by the Plaintiff before the court:
1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 290 in Originating Summons WA-
24NCC-410-09/2017 (“Menara Embun OS”) and Enc. 271
in Originating Summons WA-24NCC-411-09/2017
(“Modern Eden OS”) seeking for the Plaintiff’s further
Affidavit affirmed on 10.09.2021 (“P afft 7”) to adduce 12
volumes of documents be admitted in evidence for Both OS
(“Further Affidavit Application”); and
1.2 Enc. 286 in the Menara Embun OS and Enc. 272 in the
Modern Eden OS that the Plaintiff be granted leave to
cross-examine, through counsel, Farah Mahami Binti Tan
Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on her Affidavits and Felina
Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on the Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf (“Cross Examination Application”).
[2] I had allowed the applications on 5.9.2023. These are the
reasons for my decisions. As the applications were related, it is convenient
to deal with all 4 applications in one judgment.
[3] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were filed by the
Plaintiff, Datuk Kasi a/l Palaniappan (“DK”) pursuant to Section 346 of the
Companies Act, 2016 (“CA 2016”) complaining of minority oppression in
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respect of the affairs of Menara Embun Sdn Bhd and Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd respectively.
[4] DK together with one Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd also
commenced another minority oppression claim in respect of Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd vide Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-290-
07/2017 (“Setia Haruman OS”). In the Setia Haruman OS, DK was struck
out as a Plaintiff on 25.4.2018 as he was not a shareholder of Setia
Haruman. DK however owns 50% of the shares in Impresive Circuit. The
Setia Haruman OS was heard and eventually dismissed by me on
25.06.2021. The Court of Appeal had affirmed the decision on 20.1.2023.
Impresive Circuit’s leave application to appeal to the Federal Court was
dismissed by the Federal Court on 15.8.2023.
[5] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were converted
into writ actions by Wong Chee Lin J but both had reverted back to OS
actions after the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ appeals to the Court of Appeal was
allowed on 26.08.2021 and the Plaintiff’s applications for leave to appeal
to the Federal Court were dismissed on 21.2.2022.
[6] In each of the 3 OS Actions, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal (“TSMK”)
was named as the 2nd Defendant. The Plaintiff’s complaints in the 3 OS
Actions are that alleged oppressive acts were carried out in breach of an
alleged Understanding, New Board Understanding that DK allegedly had
with TSMK and DK’s legitimate expectation to participate in the
management of Setia Haruman, Menara Embun and Modern Eden.
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The Further Affidavit Applications
[7] Via P Afft 7, the Plaintiff seeks to adduce 12 volumes of
documents as follows:
a) Volumes 1 to 3 - documents exhibited in the earlier affidavits
in these proceedings;
b) Volume 4 - documents related to Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd;
c) Volumes 5 to 9 - documents pertaining to 15 other
companies and Setia Haruman;
d) Volume 10 - documents pertaining to the affairs of several
companies which existed before the incorporation of the 1st
e) Volume 11 - the notes of proceedings of the cross
examination of TSMK, Azmy and THP in the Setia Haruman
OS from 17th to 19th March 2021(which the 2nd to 4th
Defendants have no objection);
f) Volume 12 - document included by the 2nd to 4th Defendants
to rebut the documents filed by the Plaintiff in volumes 4 to
10 for purposes of trial.
[8] The documents sought to be adduced has since been narrowed
down to volumes 1 to 3, 5 to 9 (except 1 document in volume 8 being the
Certified True Copy of Form 13 A of MK Land by the Companies
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Commission of Malaysia, and volume 11 which was admitted by consent
as these notes of proceedings are relevant but were not available earlier.
[9] 2nd to 4th Defendants objections may be summarised as follows:
9.1 That the documents sought to be introduced concern other
companies/joint ventures and Setia Haruman which are
irrelevant documents;
9.2 These documents are sought to be adduced after the
dismissal of the Setia Haruman OS. It is a belated attempt
by the Plaintiff to cure the shortfalls of the Setia Haruman
OS and an attempt to have a 2nd bite at the cherry;
9.3 Prior to the conversion, the Plaintiff had filed 6 affidavits in
support of the Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS
(“the OSs”). These documents were available to the
Plaintiff at the time of filing of the OSs in 2017 and the
exchange of affidavits; There was no explanation as to
relevance and why these documents were not exhibited in
the earlier affidavits citing in support of their arguments L.K
Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn
Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 733:
“[10] At any rate the reason given is not cogent enough: that of
wanting to file a further affidavit. Generally only 3 affidavits are
allowed for an application: an affidavit in support, an affidavit in
opposition and a further affidavit in reply to that affidavit in opposition.
Unless there are cogent reasons for affirming a further affidavit
as in the documents that were sought to be referred to were not
available previously or that what has been referred to in the last
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affidavit filed is a lie, courts generally would not allow further
affidavits to be filed. Otherwise there would be no end to affidavits
filed because, human nature being what it is, everyone wants to have
the final and last word! Therefore if in an affidavit in reply there is
more than a reply to the affidavit filed in opposition, I would disregard
the new matters raised which should have been raised in the affidavit
in support.” (counsel’s emphasis)
[10] The Plaintiff argued that:
10.1 The Plaintiff had in its Affidavits (Afft 7 Para 12) and Afft 8
Para 7 explained the contents of the documents as well as
shown how these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs i.e. the
relationship between DK and TSMK, the Understanding,
the New Board Understanding as well as the breaches of
these understandings;
10.2 the documents relating to DK’s and TSMK’s various joint
ventures are necessary and relevant to the manner in
which DK and TSMK would run their joint ventures which
include Menara Embun and Menara Eden;
10.3 The documents relating to Setia Haruman are necessary
and relevant because the conduct at Setia Haruman
affected DK’s participation in Menara Embun and Menara
Eden. In this regard, the term “affairs of the company” in
Section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 is to be widely
construed such that it includes the affairs of various
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companies where such affairs are all closely connected
e.g. parent and subsidiary companies citing in support:
(i) Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA
“[42] We think that the approach adopted in the above cited cases
is sound and we also agree that, in the final analysis, the question
that must be answered in this regard is whether the affairs of the
subsidiary affect or impact the holding company: Lim Chee
Twang at [97]. Legitimate claims for relief from oppression
should not be defeated by technical and legalistic objections
relating to the company's shareholding structure; at the
same time the doctrine of separate legal personalities and
the strict words of the statute ("the affairs of the company"
[emphasis added]) must be respected. In our view, the
balance between these competing interests would be
properly drawn by a requirement that commercially unfair
conduct in the management of a subsidiary would be
relevant so long and to the extent that such conduct affected
or impacted the holding company whose member was the
party claiming relief from oppression. The purpose and policy
behind s 216 of the Companies Act is, above all, to grant relief
from the oppressive behaviour to shareholders who would
otherwise be unable to stop that abuse: see below at [49]. If the
affairs of the subsidiary do not affect or impact the holding
company, shareholders and members of the latter could hardly
complain that their interests were therefore prejudiced.”
(ii) Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU
“[50] I would respectfully follow this observation and rule that in
this country, similarly, the phrase ‘affairs of the company’
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found in Section 181(1) of the CA (and the new but identically
worded Section 346(1) of the Companies Act 2016) should be
construed widely, to encompass the affairs of entities which
are not themselves the subject of the oppression action, but
which affairs of those entities, affect the subject company in
the nature and to the extent which is beyond the
inconsequential, be it a parent or a subsidiary.
[54] This provide much support to a wide reading of ‘affairs
of the company’ which is wholly in line with the design of the
law to ensure that in circumstances where oppressive
conduct could be proven, legal redress to those unlawfully
aggrieved is available and not impeded by the artificiality or
in the complexity of corporate structures. Otherwise,
wrongdoers in corporate world would be encouraged to
strategize and build upon more complex conglomerate-like
structures and perpetuate such unlawful and oppressive
conduct in a fashion orchestrated to defeat the application
of Section 181 (1) (Section 346 (1) of the Companies Act
2016), and almost literally employing the section as an
engine of fraud. The law will fail in its true objective and the
ends of justice will be far from being served if such a grim
scenario is allowed to transpire, if not already manifest and
(iii) That this principle is applicable to Setia Haruman,
Menara Embun and Menara Eden was recognised by
Azizul Azmi J when he heard the striking out
applications in the Setia Haruman OS where DK was
struck out as a Plaintiff but Impresive Circuit was
allowed to continue pursuing the claim in Datuk Kasi
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Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors
[2019] 9 MLJ 32:
“[14] …Tob’s case established the principle that the
expression ‘affairs of the company’ in s 346(1)(a) is to be
construed widely, and would encompass oppressive
conduct that is conducted at a subsidiary or a holding
[15] While I fully agree with the ratio of the decision of Mohd
Nazlan J in Tob’s case…
[18] He (DK) would have been perfectly entitled to allege,
based on the principle in Tob’s case, that he was being
oppressed at Menara Embun or Modern Eden by virtue of
acts conducted at Setia Haruman. This is because the acts
carried out at the Setia Haruman would amount to affairs of
Menara Embun and/or Modern Eden. In my judgment, it
makes no difference that Setia Haruman is not a subsidiary
of either Menara Embun or Modern Eden. It suffices that
either company holds shares in Setia Haruman, for conduct
carried out at Setia Haruman to be the subject of a complaint
of oppression at either Menara Embun or Modern Eden.”
10.4 P Afft 7 seeks to produce documents comprised previously
in Part B of the Common Bundle of documents to enable
the Plaintiff to discharge its burden to prove the
Understanding, the New Board Understanding or the
breaches of these understandings which amounted to
oppressive acts against the Plaintiff; Having been
produced in the Common bundles for trial, there is no
surprise to the Defendants, the documents are admissible
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whether the matter is tried as a writ action or an originating
summons citing in support the case of Thavanathan a/l
Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401,
that all “evidence which is sufficiently relevant to the facts
in issue is admissible”;
10.5 Both OSs are oppression claims which concern various
complex factual and legal issues. To limit the Affidavits in
such a case to only an Affidavit in support by the Plaintiff,
one Affidavit in reply by the Defendant and then an Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff as suggested by the Defendants
would not lead to a just and effectual determination of both
OSs. This is more so when the Defendants themselves
have filed multiple Affidavits instead of subscribing to their
own contention of Defendants only filing a single Affidavit
in reply;
10.6 the Affidavits in respect of both OSs were still in the midst
of being exchanged prior to the Conversion and once the
Conversion was ordered, documents intended to be relied
on by parties had to be adduced through the CBODs
instead of further Affidavits; the Plaintiff had filed the
Further Affidavit in both OSs to adduce the documents
within 2 weeks of the Conversion being set aside by the
Court of Appeal and well in advance of any hearing date of
both OSs; L K Insulation Engineering relied upon by the
Defendants is distinguishable because it concerned a
summary judgment application for a debt recovery claim
and the party seeking to file the further Affidavit had only
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informed the Court of their intention to do so at the hearing
of the summary judgment application.
Court’s finding
[11] Having considered the cause papers and the parties’
submissions, I find the narrowed down documents sought to be adduced
are relevant and necessary to both OSs as they relate to the central issue
of the alleged Understanding, the New Board Understanding and the
purported breaches thereof.
[12] I am of the respectful view that the Plaintiff should be afforded
the opportunity to fully ventilate his case in both OSs. In this regard, the
Plaintiff had in his affidavits for the Further Affidavit Application explained
although not in great detail why these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs.
[13] The Defendants’ posit that the Further Affidavit Application is an
abuse of process because these documents ought to have been adduced
in the Plaintiff’s 6 Affidavits prior to the Conversion is untenable as I accept
the Plaintiff’s assertion that the affidavits in respect of both OSs were still
in the midst of being exchanged prior to the Conversion after which the
said documents (except for volume 11 which was not available then) were
produced in Part B in the common bundles for trial. Once the appeal
against the conversion to a writ action was allowed by the Court of Appeal
which ordered the matters to continue and disposed by OS, the Plaintiff
still wishing to rely on the said documents had no choice but to adduce
them through a further affidavit, in this case through P Afft 7.
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[14] In any case, I find there is no element of surprise nor prejudice
occasioned to the Defendants as they will have an opportunity to reply.
[15] I find it just and equitable and thus exercised my discretion to
grant leave to the Plaintiff to file P Afft 7 containing the narrowed down
documents only and volume 11 which was consented to.
Cross Examination Applications
[16] I ought to set out some basic principles on this subject.
[17] First, it is settled law that the court retains an absolute discretion
whether or not to allow cross-examination of a deponent on his affidavit –
see as mere examples, Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn
Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189; Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ
Rep 468; [1987] MLJU 3; Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo
& Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383. As such, each case is to be decided on its own
particular facts as “Exercises of judicial discretion are not judicial
precedent because they are only authority for the facts of the particular
case.” - Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1
CLJ 300, at 306 CA.
[18] Second, the applicant for leave to cross-examine a deponent
bears the legal burden to persuade the court to exercise its discretion to
grant leave - in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v
The Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487.
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[19] Third, the application has to be made bona fide or in good faith.
In Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189,
at 190, Salleh Abas FJ said:
“To allow or not to allow the respondent’s application to cross-examine the
appellant’s witnesses upon their affidavits, I take it, is a matter of court’s
discretion. In appropriate circumstances, there is no reason why such
application should be refused merely because the deponent is a foreigner
living outside the jurisdiction (Re Lucas [1952] 1 All ER 102); “otherwise
foreigners would have an advantage” (Strauss v Goldschmidt 8 SLR 239).
It is really a matter of common sense and an elementary legal principle that
a party who swears an affidavit much be prepared to stand up to it by cross-
examination unless the application to cross- examine him is without just
cause vexatious or motivated by desire to delay the proceedings (Allen v
Allen [1894] P 239). In view of the appellant’s application for judgment
under Order 32 Rule 6, I am not, however, prepared to hold the
respondent’s application to cross- examine the appellant’s witnesses
as being without just cause or motivated by desire to delay the
proceedings or without bona fide or sham or vexatious. (emphasis
[20] Fourth, relevancy as to disputes of the facts has to be shown to
warrant cross -examination. The Court of Appeal in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (supra) stated:
“[25] You can discern from the authorities referred by the parties that three
prime considerations would influence the court in the exercise of its
discretion to allow or disallow cross-examination on affidavit. Firstly, the
truth of the averment in the affidavit must be challenged or the issues of fact
identified. Secondly, cross-examination should only be allowed if the
disputed fact is relevant to the issue to be decided and must be limited to
that issue only. And thirdly, cross-examination would not advance the cause
of justice and should be refused if there is sufficient affidavit evidence or
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contemporaneous documents to enable the court to properly decide without
the need of cross-examination.
It is important to take into account all facts when considering an application
for cross-examination and if it has little relevance or little weight to the issue
which the judge has to decide, then cross-examination should not be
[21] Last but not least, as stated in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah &
Aishah (supra) cross-examination must advance the cause of justice.
When a conflict in affidavit evidence may be resolved by undisputed
contemporaneous document, the cause of justice is not advanced.
Defendants’ objections.
[22] The Defendants claim there is no basis for the cross-examination
of Farah on her Affidavits and Felina on the Affidavits affirmed on her
CA Order dated 26.8.2021 gave liberty to apply to cross-examine
[23] As for the Defendants’ 1st ground of objection that cross-
examination would go against the decision of the Court of Appeal setting
aside the Conversion, I find no merits in this contention for the simple
reason that in fact, the Court of Appeal on 26.8.2021 allowed the
Conversion Appeal with liberty to the Plaintiff to apply for cross-
examination. The Order reads: "1. Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 26.10.2018 yang menukarkan Saman
Pemula bertarikh 28 September 2017 kepada tindakan Writ diketepikan
dan perkara ini dikembalikan kepada Saman Pemula dengan kebebasan
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untuk memohon untuk memeriksa balas deponen.” This Order
appears at Enc. 324 p 23-25.
Viva voce evidence imperative
[24] As for the next ground that the Plaintiff had not identified the
disputes of material facts, I find that there is more than sufficient material
in the affidavits to form a basis for cross-examination. Here, the pith of the
Plaintiff’s claim lay in the alleged Understanding, the New Board
[25] Having considered the affidavits filed by the parties and the
exhibits annexed, and the submissions of the parties both oral and written,
I am of the firm view that anyhow once slices it, there are disputes of facts
in the Affidavits relating to the Understanding, the New Board
Understanding, the breaches of these understandings and the resolutions
being passed in Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without
DK’s knowledge, consent and/or approval so as to facilitate the said
breaches. All the Defendants have denied the existence of the said
Understandings and the alleged breaches thereof. In my respectful view,
the controversy of facts pertaining to the truth of the allegations of fact of
the alleged Understandings and breaches can only be resolved by viva
voce evidence. It would be critical to ascertain the true state of affairs by
resort to cross-examination. It is insufficient merely to rely on affidavits
evidence alone to make a definitive determination whether there is in fact
minority oppression inflicted on DK in respect of the conduct of affairs of
the 2 companies.
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[26] In my judgment, it would be wrong to ascribe no importance to
why cross-examination is necessary. If the Plaintiff is denied leave to
cross-examine Felina and Farar, as decided in Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay
Bok Choon [1985] 1 MLJ 58, this court has to ignore the disputed
averments in affidavits and, the Plaintiffs will run the risk of not being able
to prove its case. In fact in the Tay Bok Choon case, the former Supreme
Court held on the facts of that case, “in the face of the denial that the
agreement was ever made, the trial judge should have heard oral
evidence before deciding whether the alleged agreement was ever made”
and the court can hear oral evidence even if no application was made
under O 38 r 2(3):
“Order 38 rule 2(3) of the Rules of the High Court empowers the Court to
examine the deponents regardless of the absence of such application,
and we agree that in this instance it should have done so.”
[27] Just as in Tay Bok Choon, the Understandings and breaches
here were denied by the Defendants. This need to cross examine is
further exacerbated by the fact that the alleged Understanding, the New
Board Understanding are not in writing. I hence cannot with conviction say
that a decision can be made from the contemporaneous documents in the
court file in order to arrive at a decision on the matters in issue. In my
utmost respectful view, cross examination in this case would advance the
cause of justice.
[28] I find the case of Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn
Bhd & Ors and another application [1994] 2 MLJ 789 cited by the
Defendants is to be distinguished as the court there found the matter could
be decided on the undisputed contemporaneous documents in that case.
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Similarly, the case of Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v
Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd [2018] 5 CLJ 751 is also distinguishable as the
court there took the exceptional circumstances approach when
considering whether to permit cross-examination of a deponent in the
context of a winding up proceeding as:
(i) it is a primary rule that petitions for winding up are heard on
affidavit evidence;
(ii) the Companies Act 1965 and the Companies Winding-up
Rules 1972 do not expressly provide for a similar right to
apply for the cross-examination of the affidavits as found in
the RC 2012;
(iii) it is public policy that a winding up petition be heard
Cross-examination of non deponent
[29] As for cross-examination of Felina in respect of affidavits affirmed
on her behalf by TSMK, the Defendants contend the Plaintiff’s application
to cross - examine her as a non-deponent is irrational, vexatious,
misconceived and an abuse of process. The Defendants posited that
Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012 applies only to the cross examination of
deponents of affidavits. It was pointed out that the Court of Appeal in
Kumar Jaspal Quah did not agree with Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ
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[30] In Gomez v. Gomez, Raja Azlan Shah J (later Lord President and
HRH Sultan of Perak) allowed the cross-examination of a priest who had
given a letter which was annexed as an exhibit to the Wife’s custody
affidavit owing to conflicting evidence concerning the capability of either
parent to look after the welfare of the child based on religious ground. In
allowing the application, His Lordship stated:
“In the present case there is only 1 issue, that is, the issue in the pending
action which is whether the order can be varied. The matter raised in the
three affidavits are all matters relating to the action. The applicant complains
that the respondent is no longer a fit and proper person to have custody of
the child. The respondent says that she is still capable of looking after the
child’s religion and moral upbringing. The Rev Father wood supports her. It
is the same as if he has sworn an affidavit to that effect. It is only fair and
proper that the appellant be allowed to cross-examine them on their
[31] His Royal Highness considered:
31.1 O. 38 r. 1 of the then Rules of the Supreme Court 1957
(which is similar the present O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012)
“The power given by O. 38 r. 1 is obviously a matter of discretion to
be exercised in accordance with well known judicial principles.”
31.2 And approved the following passage from Leiserach v.
Schalit [1934] 2 KB 353 where leave was granted to 2
arbitrators, who were not parties nor had they affirmed any
affidavits, to be called as witnesses to assist the Court to
ascertain the facts of the case:
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“This is a case in which the Court has listened to numerous,
affidavits, statements in some of which directly contradict the
statements in others. It is also a case in which it is essential, in order
to do justice, that the Court should be enabled to make up its mind
as to the actual facts of the case. In the view of the Court this is an
exceptional case, and in this exceptional case the Court has arrived
at the conclusion that the only way in which it can satisfactorily deal
with the matter before it is by having the assistance of the evidence
of the arbitrators, who, being independent persons, can tell the Court
what it is to ascertain from a perusal of the affidavits on one side and
the other - namely, what are the essential facts of the case. On that
ground and on that ground only the Court accedes to the application
to call as witnesses both the gentlemen who acted as arbitrators in
the matter”.
[32] Gomez v. Gomez was cited with approval in the following cases:
32.1 In Balwant Singh Purba v. R. Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep
468; [1987] MLJU 3 by Lim Beng Choon J:
“In the circumstances Raja Azlan Shah J (as His Royal Highness
then was) quite rightly allowed cross-examination on the
respondent’s affidavit since the issue in the action before His
Lordship was whether the custody of the child should be given to the
applicant or the respondent in view of the conflicting evidence
concerning the capability of either parent to look after the welfare of
the child based on religious ground.”
32.2 In Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar
Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166 where R K Nathan J
“Azlan Shah J (as his Highness then was) in a short but erudite
judgment decided that O. 38 r. 2(3) of the RHC must be interpreted
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to also include the makers of the exhibits who would be subjected
to cross-examination.”
[33] In Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee
[2003] 5 MLJ 241, Mohd Hishamudin J (later JCA) however held that
under O. 38 r. 2(3) “A party to a proceeding cannot apply to cross-examine
a person if in the first place such person has not given any evidence either
in the form of oral evidence or in the form of affidavit evidence. For, in the
absence of such prior evidence, there is no material on which to cross-
[34] On a literal interpretation, Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012
empowers the Court to order the attendance for cross-examination of “the
person making any such affidavit.”
[35] With respect, here Felina’ has given evidence – the affidavits
affirmed by her now late father, were also affirmed by him also on her
behalf. She can be cross-examined when one applies the overriding
interest of justice concept to enable Courts to deal with cases justly. In
fact, Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1 of the ROC 2012 exhorts the court in
administering the Rules particularly here when the alleged
Understandings are not in writing, to have regard to the overriding interest
of justice and not only to the technical noncompliance with the Rules.
These 2 orders give the Court wide powers in order to do justice.
[36] I have also borne in mind the terse reminder of Mohtar Abdullah
FCJ in Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra
(M) Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385, at page 426:
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“… Rules are rules! They must be obeyed. Numerous judgments can be
cited in support of this firm stand on the necessity for a strict adherence of
the rules. I agree. However, a judge should not be so besotted by
the rules that his sense of justice and fairness becomes impaired
because of his blinkered fixation on technicalities of the law and the
cold letter of the law …” (emphasis added)
[37] Although the Court of Appeal in a separate case in Tetuan Kumar
Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative Central Bank
Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487 did not agree with Gomez v
Gomez, with respect, I find a close reading of the case shows the Court
of Appeal only disagreed with Gomez v Gomez on the aspect of the onus
– which is on the respondent to show why cross-examination should not
be allowed.
[38] On my part, I have decided to follow the Gomez v Gomez
principles on cross-examining a non deponent so that all relevant
evidence available is adduced before the court and for. In the present
case, it is also be noted TMSK has passed away and can no longer be
cross-examined on the 2 affidavits filed but which were adopted by Felina
as her evidence.
No delay
[39] In Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001]
4 MLJ 56; at 62, the application for cross-examination was dismissed
owing to delay. Here the Defendants argued that the present application
is filed for an improper purpose – that it is merely a strategy by DK to delay
the hearing of the OSs to its conclusion. Nevertheless, I find there is no
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delay here as the application here was made on 10.9.2021 i.e. 2 weeks
after the Court of Appeal allowed the Conversion appeal.
Res judicata?
[40] The Defendants’ final point of contention is that my findings in the
Setia Haruman OS that there was no Understanding and New Board
Understanding constitutes res judicata in respect of both OSs.
[41] In the Setia Haruman OS, in Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 1508, I stated:
“[38] I find that the said “Understanding” and/or “New Board
Understanding were made between two non-members of the
Company. As such DK’s complaint is not a complaint member qua member
pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement and/or the Articles of
[66] Moreover, the principle in Jet-Tech (supra) was affirmed by the Federal
Court in Looh Siong Chee…“Shareholder’s Agreement and breaches of the
same are clearly not matters pertaining to the affairs of the company. They
are private matters enforceable by the parties to the Shareholder’s
Agreement. “Following these cases, DK’s complaints that he was not
nominated by the 10th Defendant to be a director of the Company is
best addressed in suit KLHC WA-22NCC-500-08/2018.”
[42] Added to that, the Federal Court in dismissing Impressive
Circuit’s application for leave to appeal against my decision in the Setia
Haruman OS said, as evident from the minutes:
“Finally, we do not see merit in the contention that the findings in this suit
will prejudice the hearing of the remaining two suits.”
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[43] Thus, I do not feel disposed to adjudge on this point of res
judicata at this juncture; issues on the Understanding and New Board
Understanding which were personal to DK and TSMK are better pursued
in both OSs as DK and TSMK are registered members of Menara Embun
and Menara Eden. Whilst there is a common issue of the “Understanding”
and “New Board Understanding” between the Plaintiff and TMSK in all 3
Actions, Impresive Circuit as the plaintiff in the Setia Haruman OS is not
a party in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs, UEM Land Berhad
and Virtual Path Sdn Bhd who are the shareholders of Setia Haruman and
the four (4) Directors of Setia Haruman all named as defendants in the
Setia Haruman OS are not parties in the Menara Embun and Modern
Eden OSs. In my utmost respectful view, the complaint of oppression in
the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs should be heard and decided
separately on their own facts and evidence. Whether or not there was
oppression in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs was for DK to
prove; and any decision thereafter must be based strictly on the best
evidence presented by DK and the defence if any put up by the
[44] I thus conclude that on the facts of the OSs, in the interest of
doing substantive justice, it is appropriate to allow cross examination on
the issue of the Understanding, the New Board Understanding, the
breaches of these understandings and the resolutions being passed in
Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without DK’s knowledge,
consent and/or approval to facilitate the said breaches. I find DK ought to
be given the opportunity to fully ventilate his case and he has discharged
the onus on why cross-examination should be ordered.
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[45] Consequently, leave in enc. 286 (OS 410 ) and enc. 272 (OS
411) is given to DK to cross examine (1) Farah Mahami Binti Tan Sri Datuk
Haji Mustapha Kamal (NRIC No. 820512-14-5662) on the contents of the
two (2) Affidavits she had affirmed on 28.11.2017 and 25.4.2018 and filed
in these proceedings; (ii) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal
(NRIC No. 701201-10-6138) on the contents of the two (2) Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf on 25.4.2018 and 7.6.2018 and filed in these
proceedings, with costs subject to allocator.
Dated: 22nd October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mr Gopal Sreenevasan (together with him,
Shermaljit Singh)
Messrs Owee & Co
For the 1st & 5th : Eric Clement
Defendants Messrs Abd Halim Ushah & Assoc.
For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th : Dato M. Pathmanathan (together with him,
Defendants Shirin Pathmanathan and Fatin Muzfirah)
Messrs M Pathmanathan & Co.
L.K Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn Bhd [2017]
1 LNS 733
Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA 47
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU 1303
Datuk Kasi Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019]
9 MLJ 32
Thavanathan a/l Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401
Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189
Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep 468; [1987] MLJU
Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo & Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383
Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 300
Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative
Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487
Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay Bok Choon - [1985] 1 MLJ 58
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd & Ors and another
application [1994] 2 MLJ 789
Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd
[2018] 5 CLJ 751
Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ 228
Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166
Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra (M)
Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385
Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee [2003] 5
MLJ 241
Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001] 4 MLJ 56
Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU
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Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1, Order 38 rule 2(2) and 2(3) Rules of Court
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| 43,149 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 | PEMOHON Datuk Kasi A/L K.L. Palaniappan RESPONDEN 1. ) Menara Embun Sdn Bhd 2. ) PB Trustee Services Berhad (Wasi Bagi Harta Pusaka Allahyarmah Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal Bin Haji Abu Bakar No. K/P: 490318-08-5599) 3. ) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal 4. ) MKN Holdings Sdn Bhd 5. ) Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd | Civil procedure — Affidavits — plaintiff sought leave to (i) file further affidavit; (ii) to cross examine deponent and non deponent on their affidavits / affirmed on their behalf — Whether filing of further affidavit should be allowed — Whether oral evidence through cross-examination should be taken — Whether court could order the attendance of non deponent for cross-examination under O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012 Rules of Court 2012 | 31/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
In the matter of Menara Embun Sdn.
Bhd. (Company No.: 428618-M)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 428618-M)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
[Heard together with the following Originating Summons pursuant
to the Order dated 3.12.2019]
31/10/2023 11:47:31
WA-24NCC-410-09/2017 Kand. 448
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In the matter of Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd. (Company No.: 623037-H)
In the matter of Section 346 of the
Companies Act 2016
In the matter of Orders 7 and 88 of the
Rules of Court 2012
(I/C No.: 581025-10-6855) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 623037-H)
(Company No.: 196801000374 (7968-T))
(The Executor Of The Estate Of The Late
(I/C No.: 490318-08-5599))
(I/C No.: 701201-10-6138)
(Company No.: 91625-P)
(Company No.: 425145-U) … DEFENDANTS
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[1] There are 4 applications made by the Plaintiff before the court:
1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 290 in Originating Summons WA-
24NCC-410-09/2017 (“Menara Embun OS”) and Enc. 271
in Originating Summons WA-24NCC-411-09/2017
(“Modern Eden OS”) seeking for the Plaintiff’s further
Affidavit affirmed on 10.09.2021 (“P afft 7”) to adduce 12
volumes of documents be admitted in evidence for Both OS
(“Further Affidavit Application”); and
1.2 Enc. 286 in the Menara Embun OS and Enc. 272 in the
Modern Eden OS that the Plaintiff be granted leave to
cross-examine, through counsel, Farah Mahami Binti Tan
Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on her Affidavits and Felina
Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on the Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf (“Cross Examination Application”).
[2] I had allowed the applications on 5.9.2023. These are the
reasons for my decisions. As the applications were related, it is convenient
to deal with all 4 applications in one judgment.
[3] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were filed by the
Plaintiff, Datuk Kasi a/l Palaniappan (“DK”) pursuant to Section 346 of the
Companies Act, 2016 (“CA 2016”) complaining of minority oppression in
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respect of the affairs of Menara Embun Sdn Bhd and Modern Eden Sdn
Bhd respectively.
[4] DK together with one Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd also
commenced another minority oppression claim in respect of Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd vide Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-290-
07/2017 (“Setia Haruman OS”). In the Setia Haruman OS, DK was struck
out as a Plaintiff on 25.4.2018 as he was not a shareholder of Setia
Haruman. DK however owns 50% of the shares in Impresive Circuit. The
Setia Haruman OS was heard and eventually dismissed by me on
25.06.2021. The Court of Appeal had affirmed the decision on 20.1.2023.
Impresive Circuit’s leave application to appeal to the Federal Court was
dismissed by the Federal Court on 15.8.2023.
[5] The Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS were converted
into writ actions by Wong Chee Lin J but both had reverted back to OS
actions after the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ appeals to the Court of Appeal was
allowed on 26.08.2021 and the Plaintiff’s applications for leave to appeal
to the Federal Court were dismissed on 21.2.2022.
[6] In each of the 3 OS Actions, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal (“TSMK”)
was named as the 2nd Defendant. The Plaintiff’s complaints in the 3 OS
Actions are that alleged oppressive acts were carried out in breach of an
alleged Understanding, New Board Understanding that DK allegedly had
with TSMK and DK’s legitimate expectation to participate in the
management of Setia Haruman, Menara Embun and Modern Eden.
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The Further Affidavit Applications
[7] Via P Afft 7, the Plaintiff seeks to adduce 12 volumes of
documents as follows:
a) Volumes 1 to 3 - documents exhibited in the earlier affidavits
in these proceedings;
b) Volume 4 - documents related to Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd;
c) Volumes 5 to 9 - documents pertaining to 15 other
companies and Setia Haruman;
d) Volume 10 - documents pertaining to the affairs of several
companies which existed before the incorporation of the 1st
e) Volume 11 - the notes of proceedings of the cross
examination of TSMK, Azmy and THP in the Setia Haruman
OS from 17th to 19th March 2021(which the 2nd to 4th
Defendants have no objection);
f) Volume 12 - document included by the 2nd to 4th Defendants
to rebut the documents filed by the Plaintiff in volumes 4 to
10 for purposes of trial.
[8] The documents sought to be adduced has since been narrowed
down to volumes 1 to 3, 5 to 9 (except 1 document in volume 8 being the
Certified True Copy of Form 13 A of MK Land by the Companies
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Commission of Malaysia, and volume 11 which was admitted by consent
as these notes of proceedings are relevant but were not available earlier.
[9] 2nd to 4th Defendants objections may be summarised as follows:
9.1 That the documents sought to be introduced concern other
companies/joint ventures and Setia Haruman which are
irrelevant documents;
9.2 These documents are sought to be adduced after the
dismissal of the Setia Haruman OS. It is a belated attempt
by the Plaintiff to cure the shortfalls of the Setia Haruman
OS and an attempt to have a 2nd bite at the cherry;
9.3 Prior to the conversion, the Plaintiff had filed 6 affidavits in
support of the Menara Embun OS and Modern Eden OS
(“the OSs”). These documents were available to the
Plaintiff at the time of filing of the OSs in 2017 and the
exchange of affidavits; There was no explanation as to
relevance and why these documents were not exhibited in
the earlier affidavits citing in support of their arguments L.K
Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn
Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 733:
“[10] At any rate the reason given is not cogent enough: that of
wanting to file a further affidavit. Generally only 3 affidavits are
allowed for an application: an affidavit in support, an affidavit in
opposition and a further affidavit in reply to that affidavit in opposition.
Unless there are cogent reasons for affirming a further affidavit
as in the documents that were sought to be referred to were not
available previously or that what has been referred to in the last
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affidavit filed is a lie, courts generally would not allow further
affidavits to be filed. Otherwise there would be no end to affidavits
filed because, human nature being what it is, everyone wants to have
the final and last word! Therefore if in an affidavit in reply there is
more than a reply to the affidavit filed in opposition, I would disregard
the new matters raised which should have been raised in the affidavit
in support.” (counsel’s emphasis)
[10] The Plaintiff argued that:
10.1 The Plaintiff had in its Affidavits (Afft 7 Para 12) and Afft 8
Para 7 explained the contents of the documents as well as
shown how these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs i.e. the
relationship between DK and TSMK, the Understanding,
the New Board Understanding as well as the breaches of
these understandings;
10.2 the documents relating to DK’s and TSMK’s various joint
ventures are necessary and relevant to the manner in
which DK and TSMK would run their joint ventures which
include Menara Embun and Menara Eden;
10.3 The documents relating to Setia Haruman are necessary
and relevant because the conduct at Setia Haruman
affected DK’s participation in Menara Embun and Menara
Eden. In this regard, the term “affairs of the company” in
Section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 is to be widely
construed such that it includes the affairs of various
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companies where such affairs are all closely connected
e.g. parent and subsidiary companies citing in support:
(i) Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA
“[42] We think that the approach adopted in the above cited cases
is sound and we also agree that, in the final analysis, the question
that must be answered in this regard is whether the affairs of the
subsidiary affect or impact the holding company: Lim Chee
Twang at [97]. Legitimate claims for relief from oppression
should not be defeated by technical and legalistic objections
relating to the company's shareholding structure; at the
same time the doctrine of separate legal personalities and
the strict words of the statute ("the affairs of the company"
[emphasis added]) must be respected. In our view, the
balance between these competing interests would be
properly drawn by a requirement that commercially unfair
conduct in the management of a subsidiary would be
relevant so long and to the extent that such conduct affected
or impacted the holding company whose member was the
party claiming relief from oppression. The purpose and policy
behind s 216 of the Companies Act is, above all, to grant relief
from the oppressive behaviour to shareholders who would
otherwise be unable to stop that abuse: see below at [49]. If the
affairs of the subsidiary do not affect or impact the holding
company, shareholders and members of the latter could hardly
complain that their interests were therefore prejudiced.”
(ii) Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU
“[50] I would respectfully follow this observation and rule that in
this country, similarly, the phrase ‘affairs of the company’
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found in Section 181(1) of the CA (and the new but identically
worded Section 346(1) of the Companies Act 2016) should be
construed widely, to encompass the affairs of entities which
are not themselves the subject of the oppression action, but
which affairs of those entities, affect the subject company in
the nature and to the extent which is beyond the
inconsequential, be it a parent or a subsidiary.
[54] This provide much support to a wide reading of ‘affairs
of the company’ which is wholly in line with the design of the
law to ensure that in circumstances where oppressive
conduct could be proven, legal redress to those unlawfully
aggrieved is available and not impeded by the artificiality or
in the complexity of corporate structures. Otherwise,
wrongdoers in corporate world would be encouraged to
strategize and build upon more complex conglomerate-like
structures and perpetuate such unlawful and oppressive
conduct in a fashion orchestrated to defeat the application
of Section 181 (1) (Section 346 (1) of the Companies Act
2016), and almost literally employing the section as an
engine of fraud. The law will fail in its true objective and the
ends of justice will be far from being served if such a grim
scenario is allowed to transpire, if not already manifest and
(iii) That this principle is applicable to Setia Haruman,
Menara Embun and Menara Eden was recognised by
Azizul Azmi J when he heard the striking out
applications in the Setia Haruman OS where DK was
struck out as a Plaintiff but Impresive Circuit was
allowed to continue pursuing the claim in Datuk Kasi
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Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors
[2019] 9 MLJ 32:
“[14] …Tob’s case established the principle that the
expression ‘affairs of the company’ in s 346(1)(a) is to be
construed widely, and would encompass oppressive
conduct that is conducted at a subsidiary or a holding
[15] While I fully agree with the ratio of the decision of Mohd
Nazlan J in Tob’s case…
[18] He (DK) would have been perfectly entitled to allege,
based on the principle in Tob’s case, that he was being
oppressed at Menara Embun or Modern Eden by virtue of
acts conducted at Setia Haruman. This is because the acts
carried out at the Setia Haruman would amount to affairs of
Menara Embun and/or Modern Eden. In my judgment, it
makes no difference that Setia Haruman is not a subsidiary
of either Menara Embun or Modern Eden. It suffices that
either company holds shares in Setia Haruman, for conduct
carried out at Setia Haruman to be the subject of a complaint
of oppression at either Menara Embun or Modern Eden.”
10.4 P Afft 7 seeks to produce documents comprised previously
in Part B of the Common Bundle of documents to enable
the Plaintiff to discharge its burden to prove the
Understanding, the New Board Understanding or the
breaches of these understandings which amounted to
oppressive acts against the Plaintiff; Having been
produced in the Common bundles for trial, there is no
surprise to the Defendants, the documents are admissible
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whether the matter is tried as a writ action or an originating
summons citing in support the case of Thavanathan a/l
Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401,
that all “evidence which is sufficiently relevant to the facts
in issue is admissible”;
10.5 Both OSs are oppression claims which concern various
complex factual and legal issues. To limit the Affidavits in
such a case to only an Affidavit in support by the Plaintiff,
one Affidavit in reply by the Defendant and then an Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff as suggested by the Defendants
would not lead to a just and effectual determination of both
OSs. This is more so when the Defendants themselves
have filed multiple Affidavits instead of subscribing to their
own contention of Defendants only filing a single Affidavit
in reply;
10.6 the Affidavits in respect of both OSs were still in the midst
of being exchanged prior to the Conversion and once the
Conversion was ordered, documents intended to be relied
on by parties had to be adduced through the CBODs
instead of further Affidavits; the Plaintiff had filed the
Further Affidavit in both OSs to adduce the documents
within 2 weeks of the Conversion being set aside by the
Court of Appeal and well in advance of any hearing date of
both OSs; L K Insulation Engineering relied upon by the
Defendants is distinguishable because it concerned a
summary judgment application for a debt recovery claim
and the party seeking to file the further Affidavit had only
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informed the Court of their intention to do so at the hearing
of the summary judgment application.
Court’s finding
[11] Having considered the cause papers and the parties’
submissions, I find the narrowed down documents sought to be adduced
are relevant and necessary to both OSs as they relate to the central issue
of the alleged Understanding, the New Board Understanding and the
purported breaches thereof.
[12] I am of the respectful view that the Plaintiff should be afforded
the opportunity to fully ventilate his case in both OSs. In this regard, the
Plaintiff had in his affidavits for the Further Affidavit Application explained
although not in great detail why these documents are both relevant and
necessary to the core issues in both OSs.
[13] The Defendants’ posit that the Further Affidavit Application is an
abuse of process because these documents ought to have been adduced
in the Plaintiff’s 6 Affidavits prior to the Conversion is untenable as I accept
the Plaintiff’s assertion that the affidavits in respect of both OSs were still
in the midst of being exchanged prior to the Conversion after which the
said documents (except for volume 11 which was not available then) were
produced in Part B in the common bundles for trial. Once the appeal
against the conversion to a writ action was allowed by the Court of Appeal
which ordered the matters to continue and disposed by OS, the Plaintiff
still wishing to rely on the said documents had no choice but to adduce
them through a further affidavit, in this case through P Afft 7.
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[14] In any case, I find there is no element of surprise nor prejudice
occasioned to the Defendants as they will have an opportunity to reply.
[15] I find it just and equitable and thus exercised my discretion to
grant leave to the Plaintiff to file P Afft 7 containing the narrowed down
documents only and volume 11 which was consented to.
Cross Examination Applications
[16] I ought to set out some basic principles on this subject.
[17] First, it is settled law that the court retains an absolute discretion
whether or not to allow cross-examination of a deponent on his affidavit –
see as mere examples, Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn
Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189; Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ
Rep 468; [1987] MLJU 3; Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo
& Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383. As such, each case is to be decided on its own
particular facts as “Exercises of judicial discretion are not judicial
precedent because they are only authority for the facts of the particular
case.” - Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1
CLJ 300, at 306 CA.
[18] Second, the applicant for leave to cross-examine a deponent
bears the legal burden to persuade the court to exercise its discretion to
grant leave - in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v
The Co-Operative Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487.
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[19] Third, the application has to be made bona fide or in good faith.
In Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189,
at 190, Salleh Abas FJ said:
“To allow or not to allow the respondent’s application to cross-examine the
appellant’s witnesses upon their affidavits, I take it, is a matter of court’s
discretion. In appropriate circumstances, there is no reason why such
application should be refused merely because the deponent is a foreigner
living outside the jurisdiction (Re Lucas [1952] 1 All ER 102); “otherwise
foreigners would have an advantage” (Strauss v Goldschmidt 8 SLR 239).
It is really a matter of common sense and an elementary legal principle that
a party who swears an affidavit much be prepared to stand up to it by cross-
examination unless the application to cross- examine him is without just
cause vexatious or motivated by desire to delay the proceedings (Allen v
Allen [1894] P 239). In view of the appellant’s application for judgment
under Order 32 Rule 6, I am not, however, prepared to hold the
respondent’s application to cross- examine the appellant’s witnesses
as being without just cause or motivated by desire to delay the
proceedings or without bona fide or sham or vexatious. (emphasis
[20] Fourth, relevancy as to disputes of the facts has to be shown to
warrant cross -examination. The Court of Appeal in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (supra) stated:
“[25] You can discern from the authorities referred by the parties that three
prime considerations would influence the court in the exercise of its
discretion to allow or disallow cross-examination on affidavit. Firstly, the
truth of the averment in the affidavit must be challenged or the issues of fact
identified. Secondly, cross-examination should only be allowed if the
disputed fact is relevant to the issue to be decided and must be limited to
that issue only. And thirdly, cross-examination would not advance the cause
of justice and should be refused if there is sufficient affidavit evidence or
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contemporaneous documents to enable the court to properly decide without
the need of cross-examination.
It is important to take into account all facts when considering an application
for cross-examination and if it has little relevance or little weight to the issue
which the judge has to decide, then cross-examination should not be
[21] Last but not least, as stated in Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah &
Aishah (supra) cross-examination must advance the cause of justice.
When a conflict in affidavit evidence may be resolved by undisputed
contemporaneous document, the cause of justice is not advanced.
Defendants’ objections.
[22] The Defendants claim there is no basis for the cross-examination
of Farah on her Affidavits and Felina on the Affidavits affirmed on her
CA Order dated 26.8.2021 gave liberty to apply to cross-examine
[23] As for the Defendants’ 1st ground of objection that cross-
examination would go against the decision of the Court of Appeal setting
aside the Conversion, I find no merits in this contention for the simple
reason that in fact, the Court of Appeal on 26.8.2021 allowed the
Conversion Appeal with liberty to the Plaintiff to apply for cross-
examination. The Order reads: "1. Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 26.10.2018 yang menukarkan Saman
Pemula bertarikh 28 September 2017 kepada tindakan Writ diketepikan
dan perkara ini dikembalikan kepada Saman Pemula dengan kebebasan
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untuk memohon untuk memeriksa balas deponen.” This Order
appears at Enc. 324 p 23-25.
Viva voce evidence imperative
[24] As for the next ground that the Plaintiff had not identified the
disputes of material facts, I find that there is more than sufficient material
in the affidavits to form a basis for cross-examination. Here, the pith of the
Plaintiff’s claim lay in the alleged Understanding, the New Board
[25] Having considered the affidavits filed by the parties and the
exhibits annexed, and the submissions of the parties both oral and written,
I am of the firm view that anyhow once slices it, there are disputes of facts
in the Affidavits relating to the Understanding, the New Board
Understanding, the breaches of these understandings and the resolutions
being passed in Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without
DK’s knowledge, consent and/or approval so as to facilitate the said
breaches. All the Defendants have denied the existence of the said
Understandings and the alleged breaches thereof. In my respectful view,
the controversy of facts pertaining to the truth of the allegations of fact of
the alleged Understandings and breaches can only be resolved by viva
voce evidence. It would be critical to ascertain the true state of affairs by
resort to cross-examination. It is insufficient merely to rely on affidavits
evidence alone to make a definitive determination whether there is in fact
minority oppression inflicted on DK in respect of the conduct of affairs of
the 2 companies.
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[26] In my judgment, it would be wrong to ascribe no importance to
why cross-examination is necessary. If the Plaintiff is denied leave to
cross-examine Felina and Farar, as decided in Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay
Bok Choon [1985] 1 MLJ 58, this court has to ignore the disputed
averments in affidavits and, the Plaintiffs will run the risk of not being able
to prove its case. In fact in the Tay Bok Choon case, the former Supreme
Court held on the facts of that case, “in the face of the denial that the
agreement was ever made, the trial judge should have heard oral
evidence before deciding whether the alleged agreement was ever made”
and the court can hear oral evidence even if no application was made
under O 38 r 2(3):
“Order 38 rule 2(3) of the Rules of the High Court empowers the Court to
examine the deponents regardless of the absence of such application,
and we agree that in this instance it should have done so.”
[27] Just as in Tay Bok Choon, the Understandings and breaches
here were denied by the Defendants. This need to cross examine is
further exacerbated by the fact that the alleged Understanding, the New
Board Understanding are not in writing. I hence cannot with conviction say
that a decision can be made from the contemporaneous documents in the
court file in order to arrive at a decision on the matters in issue. In my
utmost respectful view, cross examination in this case would advance the
cause of justice.
[28] I find the case of Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn
Bhd & Ors and another application [1994] 2 MLJ 789 cited by the
Defendants is to be distinguished as the court there found the matter could
be decided on the undisputed contemporaneous documents in that case.
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Similarly, the case of Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v
Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd [2018] 5 CLJ 751 is also distinguishable as the
court there took the exceptional circumstances approach when
considering whether to permit cross-examination of a deponent in the
context of a winding up proceeding as:
(i) it is a primary rule that petitions for winding up are heard on
affidavit evidence;
(ii) the Companies Act 1965 and the Companies Winding-up
Rules 1972 do not expressly provide for a similar right to
apply for the cross-examination of the affidavits as found in
the RC 2012;
(iii) it is public policy that a winding up petition be heard
Cross-examination of non deponent
[29] As for cross-examination of Felina in respect of affidavits affirmed
on her behalf by TSMK, the Defendants contend the Plaintiff’s application
to cross - examine her as a non-deponent is irrational, vexatious,
misconceived and an abuse of process. The Defendants posited that
Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012 applies only to the cross examination of
deponents of affidavits. It was pointed out that the Court of Appeal in
Kumar Jaspal Quah did not agree with Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ
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[30] In Gomez v. Gomez, Raja Azlan Shah J (later Lord President and
HRH Sultan of Perak) allowed the cross-examination of a priest who had
given a letter which was annexed as an exhibit to the Wife’s custody
affidavit owing to conflicting evidence concerning the capability of either
parent to look after the welfare of the child based on religious ground. In
allowing the application, His Lordship stated:
“In the present case there is only 1 issue, that is, the issue in the pending
action which is whether the order can be varied. The matter raised in the
three affidavits are all matters relating to the action. The applicant complains
that the respondent is no longer a fit and proper person to have custody of
the child. The respondent says that she is still capable of looking after the
child’s religion and moral upbringing. The Rev Father wood supports her. It
is the same as if he has sworn an affidavit to that effect. It is only fair and
proper that the appellant be allowed to cross-examine them on their
[31] His Royal Highness considered:
31.1 O. 38 r. 1 of the then Rules of the Supreme Court 1957
(which is similar the present O. 38 r. 2(3) ROC 2012)
“The power given by O. 38 r. 1 is obviously a matter of discretion to
be exercised in accordance with well known judicial principles.”
31.2 And approved the following passage from Leiserach v.
Schalit [1934] 2 KB 353 where leave was granted to 2
arbitrators, who were not parties nor had they affirmed any
affidavits, to be called as witnesses to assist the Court to
ascertain the facts of the case:
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“This is a case in which the Court has listened to numerous,
affidavits, statements in some of which directly contradict the
statements in others. It is also a case in which it is essential, in order
to do justice, that the Court should be enabled to make up its mind
as to the actual facts of the case. In the view of the Court this is an
exceptional case, and in this exceptional case the Court has arrived
at the conclusion that the only way in which it can satisfactorily deal
with the matter before it is by having the assistance of the evidence
of the arbitrators, who, being independent persons, can tell the Court
what it is to ascertain from a perusal of the affidavits on one side and
the other - namely, what are the essential facts of the case. On that
ground and on that ground only the Court accedes to the application
to call as witnesses both the gentlemen who acted as arbitrators in
the matter”.
[32] Gomez v. Gomez was cited with approval in the following cases:
32.1 In Balwant Singh Purba v. R. Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep
468; [1987] MLJU 3 by Lim Beng Choon J:
“In the circumstances Raja Azlan Shah J (as His Royal Highness
then was) quite rightly allowed cross-examination on the
respondent’s affidavit since the issue in the action before His
Lordship was whether the custody of the child should be given to the
applicant or the respondent in view of the conflicting evidence
concerning the capability of either parent to look after the welfare of
the child based on religious ground.”
32.2 In Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar
Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166 where R K Nathan J
“Azlan Shah J (as his Highness then was) in a short but erudite
judgment decided that O. 38 r. 2(3) of the RHC must be interpreted
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to also include the makers of the exhibits who would be subjected
to cross-examination.”
[33] In Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee
[2003] 5 MLJ 241, Mohd Hishamudin J (later JCA) however held that
under O. 38 r. 2(3) “A party to a proceeding cannot apply to cross-examine
a person if in the first place such person has not given any evidence either
in the form of oral evidence or in the form of affidavit evidence. For, in the
absence of such prior evidence, there is no material on which to cross-
[34] On a literal interpretation, Order 38 rule 2(2) ROC 2012
empowers the Court to order the attendance for cross-examination of “the
person making any such affidavit.”
[35] With respect, here Felina’ has given evidence – the affidavits
affirmed by her now late father, were also affirmed by him also on her
behalf. She can be cross-examined when one applies the overriding
interest of justice concept to enable Courts to deal with cases justly. In
fact, Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1 of the ROC 2012 exhorts the court in
administering the Rules particularly here when the alleged
Understandings are not in writing, to have regard to the overriding interest
of justice and not only to the technical noncompliance with the Rules.
These 2 orders give the Court wide powers in order to do justice.
[36] I have also borne in mind the terse reminder of Mohtar Abdullah
FCJ in Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra
(M) Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385, at page 426:
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“… Rules are rules! They must be obeyed. Numerous judgments can be
cited in support of this firm stand on the necessity for a strict adherence of
the rules. I agree. However, a judge should not be so besotted by
the rules that his sense of justice and fairness becomes impaired
because of his blinkered fixation on technicalities of the law and the
cold letter of the law …” (emphasis added)
[37] Although the Court of Appeal in a separate case in Tetuan Kumar
Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative Central Bank
Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487 did not agree with Gomez v
Gomez, with respect, I find a close reading of the case shows the Court
of Appeal only disagreed with Gomez v Gomez on the aspect of the onus
– which is on the respondent to show why cross-examination should not
be allowed.
[38] On my part, I have decided to follow the Gomez v Gomez
principles on cross-examining a non deponent so that all relevant
evidence available is adduced before the court and for. In the present
case, it is also be noted TMSK has passed away and can no longer be
cross-examined on the 2 affidavits filed but which were adopted by Felina
as her evidence.
No delay
[39] In Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001]
4 MLJ 56; at 62, the application for cross-examination was dismissed
owing to delay. Here the Defendants argued that the present application
is filed for an improper purpose – that it is merely a strategy by DK to delay
the hearing of the OSs to its conclusion. Nevertheless, I find there is no
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delay here as the application here was made on 10.9.2021 i.e. 2 weeks
after the Court of Appeal allowed the Conversion appeal.
Res judicata?
[40] The Defendants’ final point of contention is that my findings in the
Setia Haruman OS that there was no Understanding and New Board
Understanding constitutes res judicata in respect of both OSs.
[41] In the Setia Haruman OS, in Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia
Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU 1508, I stated:
“[38] I find that the said “Understanding” and/or “New Board
Understanding were made between two non-members of the
Company. As such DK’s complaint is not a complaint member qua member
pursuant to the Shareholders’ Agreement and/or the Articles of
[66] Moreover, the principle in Jet-Tech (supra) was affirmed by the Federal
Court in Looh Siong Chee…“Shareholder’s Agreement and breaches of the
same are clearly not matters pertaining to the affairs of the company. They
are private matters enforceable by the parties to the Shareholder’s
Agreement. “Following these cases, DK’s complaints that he was not
nominated by the 10th Defendant to be a director of the Company is
best addressed in suit KLHC WA-22NCC-500-08/2018.”
[42] Added to that, the Federal Court in dismissing Impressive
Circuit’s application for leave to appeal against my decision in the Setia
Haruman OS said, as evident from the minutes:
“Finally, we do not see merit in the contention that the findings in this suit
will prejudice the hearing of the remaining two suits.”
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[43] Thus, I do not feel disposed to adjudge on this point of res
judicata at this juncture; issues on the Understanding and New Board
Understanding which were personal to DK and TSMK are better pursued
in both OSs as DK and TSMK are registered members of Menara Embun
and Menara Eden. Whilst there is a common issue of the “Understanding”
and “New Board Understanding” between the Plaintiff and TMSK in all 3
Actions, Impresive Circuit as the plaintiff in the Setia Haruman OS is not
a party in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs, UEM Land Berhad
and Virtual Path Sdn Bhd who are the shareholders of Setia Haruman and
the four (4) Directors of Setia Haruman all named as defendants in the
Setia Haruman OS are not parties in the Menara Embun and Modern
Eden OSs. In my utmost respectful view, the complaint of oppression in
the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs should be heard and decided
separately on their own facts and evidence. Whether or not there was
oppression in the Menara Embun and Modern Eden OSs was for DK to
prove; and any decision thereafter must be based strictly on the best
evidence presented by DK and the defence if any put up by the
[44] I thus conclude that on the facts of the OSs, in the interest of
doing substantive justice, it is appropriate to allow cross examination on
the issue of the Understanding, the New Board Understanding, the
breaches of these understandings and the resolutions being passed in
Menara Embun and Menara Eden purportedly without DK’s knowledge,
consent and/or approval to facilitate the said breaches. I find DK ought to
be given the opportunity to fully ventilate his case and he has discharged
the onus on why cross-examination should be ordered.
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[45] Consequently, leave in enc. 286 (OS 410 ) and enc. 272 (OS
411) is given to DK to cross examine (1) Farah Mahami Binti Tan Sri Datuk
Haji Mustapha Kamal (NRIC No. 820512-14-5662) on the contents of the
two (2) Affidavits she had affirmed on 28.11.2017 and 25.4.2018 and filed
in these proceedings; (ii) Felina Binti Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal
(NRIC No. 701201-10-6138) on the contents of the two (2) Affidavits
affirmed on her behalf on 25.4.2018 and 7.6.2018 and filed in these
proceedings, with costs subject to allocator.
Dated: 22nd October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mr Gopal Sreenevasan (together with him,
Shermaljit Singh)
Messrs Owee & Co
For the 1st & 5th : Eric Clement
Defendants Messrs Abd Halim Ushah & Assoc.
For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th : Dato M. Pathmanathan (together with him,
Defendants Shirin Pathmanathan and Fatin Muzfirah)
Messrs M Pathmanathan & Co.
L.K Insulation Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd v. Apex Energy Sdn Bhd [2017]
1 LNS 733
Ng Kek Wee v Sim City Technology Ltd [2014] SGCA 47
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Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong [2017] MLJU 1303
Datuk Kasi Palaniappan & Anor v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019]
9 MLJ 32
Thavanathan a/l Balasubramaniam v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 MLJ 401
Leisure & Allied Industries Pty Ltd v Udaria Sdn Bhd [1980] 1 MLJ 189
Balwant Singh Purba v R Rajasingam [1987] CLJ Rep 468; [1987] MLJU
Regional Centre for Arbitration v Ooi Beng Choo & Anor [1998] 2 MLJ 383
Structural Concrete Sdn Bhd v. Wing Tiek Holdings Bhd [1997] 1 CLJ 300
Tetuan Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) v The Co-Operative
Central Bank Ltd [2007] 4 MLJ 638; [2007] 4 CLJ 487
Tahansan Sdn Bhd v Tay Bok Choon - [1985] 1 MLJ 58
Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd v Zenecon-Kumagai Sdn Bhd & Ors and another
application [1994] 2 MLJ 789
Nasser Ali Azayez Maktoum Al Sheraifi & Ors v Affinity Heights Sdn Bhd
[2018] 5 CLJ 751
Gomez v Gomez [1969] 1 MLJ 228
Paul Raj Samy Anthony v. Annamalar Anthonysamy [2003] 3 CLJ 166
Megat Najmuddin bin Dato Seri (Dr) Megat Khas v Bank Bumiputra (M)
Bhd [2002] 1 MLJ 385
Messrs Kumar Jaspal Quah & Aishah v Dato’ Peh Teck Quee [2003] 5
MLJ 241
Indrani a/p Rajaratnam & Ors v Fairview Schools Bhd [2001] 4 MLJ 56
Impresive Circuit Sdn Bhd v Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] MLJU
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Order 1A and Order 2 Rule 1, Order 38 rule 2(2) and 2(3) Rules of Court
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| 43,149 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-11BNCvC-27-08/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) Thamarai A/P Perumal 2. ) Raju A/L Dorairaju RESPONDEN SKF SOLUTION SDN. BHD. (dahulunya dikenali sebagai ARCADIA GOLD SDN. BHD.) | Moneylending transaction – Whether lender a licensed moneylender – legal effect of a moneylending agreement that was not attested in the presence of a Commissioner of Oath – Whether copy of agreement duly stamped and delivered to the borrower – Moneylenders Act 1951, ss. 5, 15, 16 and 27 – Moneylenders (Control and Licensing) Regulations 2003, reg 10(3) – Rules of Court 2012, Order 18 rule 8, Order 18 rule 11. | 31/10/2023 | YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy | |
RAYUAN NO: BA-11BNCVC-27-08/2022
(NO. K/P: 721116-10-5876)
(NO. K/P: 710611-10-5749) … PERAYU-PERAYU
[Dalam Mahkamah Majistret Di Shah Alam
Dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Writ Saman No: BA-A72NCVC-1687-09/2017
Arcadia Gold Sdn Bhd
(No Syarikat 465432-X) ... Plaintif
1. Thamarai a/p Perumal
(No. K/P: 721116-10-5876)
2. Raju a/l Dorairaju
(No. K/P: 710611-10-5749) ... Defendan-Defendan
(Yang diputuskan oleh Puan Fatina Amyra binti Abdul Jalil, Majistret
Mahkamah Majistret Sivil Shah Alam pada 18 Julai 2022)]
07/02/2024 08:29:42
BA-11BNCvC-27-08/2022 Kand. 32
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[1] In this case, what is not disputed is the fact that the Appellants had
taken a loan from the Respondent. Unfortunately, essential questions
such as the exact sum of the loan that the Appellants had applied for, the
actual amount of the loan that had been approved by the Respondent and
the precise sum of the loan disbursed by the Respondent to the Appellants
are unclear. Both the Appellants and Respondent have provided
conflicting versions of circumstances surrounding this dispute.
[2] In addition to having to uncover the true factual situations leading to
the filing of the original action in the Magistrates Court, both the courts at
first instance and here had to grapple with a number of technical and legal
issues that had arisen in this dispute. These relate to the application of a
number of key provisions of the Moneylenders Act 1951.
The Overriding Issues
[3] There are two broad issues in this appeal.
[4] The first pertains to the technical issues of law. Under this first broad
issue, questions were raised as to –
(a) whether the Respondent/Lender in this appeal was a licensed
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(b) the legal effect of a moneylending agreement that was not
attested in the presence of a Commissioner of Oath; and
(c) whether a copy of the moneylending agreement had been duly
stamped and “delivered to the borrower by the moneylender
before the money is lent”.
[5] The second broad issue relates to the actual sum of the loan.
The Parties
[6] The First and Second Appellants, namely, Thamarai a/p Perumal
and Raju a/l Dorairaju respectively, were the First and Second Defendants
in the court below. They were the borrowers of the loan. The Appellants
are wife and husband.
[7] The Respondent, Arcadia Gold Sdn Bhd, the Plaintiff in the court of
first instance, is a company that is involved in the money lending business.
The Suit and Decision in the Magistrates Court
[8] The endorsement on the Respondent’s Writ was for the following
Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan-Defendan adalah untuk pinjaman
tertunggak sejumlah RM92,500.00 di bawah satu perjanjian pinjaman
yang diberi oleh Plaintif yang pada masa pemberian pinjaman adalah
pemberi pinjam wang berlesen di bawah Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang
1951 berserta faedah pada kadar 12% setahun dikira atas jumlah
tertunggak RM92,500.00 tersebut bermula dari 15/3/2017 sehingga
tarikh penyelesaian penuh.
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Dan RM508.00 (atau sekian banyak wang sebagaimana yang
dibenarkan setelah ditetapkan) untuk kos, dan juga, jika plaintif dapat
perintah untuk penyampaian ganti, jumlah wang selanjutnya sebanyak
RM (atau sekian banyak wang sebagaimana yang dibenarkan setelah
[9] The Respondent alleged that the Appellants had borrowed
RM100,000 from it and the amounts of RM45,500 and RM54,500 were
disbursed to the Appellants through a cheque and in cash respectively
and the loan had not been repaid in full.
[10] However, according to the Appellants, they had applied for a
RM70,000 loan but the amount approved by the Respondent was only
RM50,000. The amount disbursed by the Respondent to the Appellants,
as evident from a cheque issued by the Respondent, was only RM45,500.
The Appellants alleged that the Respondent “telah memanipulasikan dan
memalsukan dokumen-dokumen bagi menunjukkan bahawa jumlah
pinjaman adalah sebanyak RM100,000.00”.
[11] The learned Magistrate had allowed the claims by the Respondent
and concluded as follows:
l23l Berdasarkan keterangan dan dokumen-dokumen yang
dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan, Mahkamah atas imbangan
kebarangkalian mendapati bahawa Plaintif telah membuktikan tuntutan
mereka dan Mahkamah dengan ini membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif.
l24l Mahkamah mendapati bahawa Perjanjian Pinjaman tersebut
merupakan suatu Perjanjian yang berkuatkuasa antara Pihak-Pihak dan
sekiranya Defendan tidak bersetuju dengan terma-terma dalam
Perjanjian tersebut, Defendan mempunyai hak untuk tidak
menandatangani Perjanjian tersebut. Dakwaan Defendan bahawa telah
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menandatangani perjanjian yang telah diubah adalah tidak berasas dan
merupakan afterthought, Tiada bukti/keterangan di Mahkamah untuk
menunjukkan Defendan telah menandatangani perjanjian yang telah
[25] Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan pertimbangan-pertimbangan
yang telah diperjelaskan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa Plaintif telah
membuktikan tuntutan Plaintif di atas imbangan kebarangkalian dan
dengan itu Mahkamah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif dengan kos
The Applicable Law and the Arguments Before This Court
[12] On the issue of whether the Respondent in this appeal was a
licensed moneylender, it was the Appellants’ contention that the
Respondent is not a licensed moneylender and that the transaction was
carried out in breach of section 5 of the Moneylenders Act 1951. At the
time when the transaction was carried out, the Respondent was carrying
out its business under the name of Arcadia Gold Sdn Bhd. The name of
this company was later changed to SKF Solution Sdn Bhd.
[13] In addition to section 5, it should also be pointed out that there is
one other germane provision in the Moneylenders Act 1951 that relates to
this issue, namely, section 15.
[14] For purposes of expediency, these provisions are reproduced:
Licence to be taken out by moneylender
5. (1) No person shall conduct business as a moneylender unless he is
licensed under this Act.
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(2) Any person who carries on business as a moneylender without a
valid licence, or who continues to carry on such business after his licence
has expired or been suspended or revoked shall be guilty of an offence
under this Act and shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty thousand
ringgit but not more than one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years or to both, and in the case of a second
or subsequent offence shall also be liable to whipping in addition to such
Contract by unlicensed moneylender unenforceable
15. No moneylending agreement in respect of money lent after the
coming into force of this Act by an unlicensed moneylender shall be
[15] The Respondent’s reply to the above averment was twofold. First,
the Respondent referred this Court to paragraph 1 of the Appellants’
Defence (in the action at the Magistrates Court) whereby the Appellants
had admitted that “Plaintif adalah sebuah Syarikat pemberi pinjaman
wang berlesen yang berdaftar di bawah Akta Pemberi Pinjam Wang
1951”. Citing the Court of Appeal decision in Kerajaan Negeri Selangor &
Satu Lagi v Mach 8 Sdn Bhd [2022] 7 CLJ 26; [2022] MLJU 1005; [2022]
5 MLra 758, the submission of the Respondent was that the Appellants
are not allowed to approbate and reprobate on the issue of whether the
Respondent is a licensed moneylender.
[16] Second, the Respondent raised the issue that this point was never
pleaded by the Appellants. The learned Magistrate had upheld this
contention at para [21] in her grounds of judgment.
[17] On the legal effect of a moneylending agreement that was not
attested in the presence of a Commissioner of Oath, the Appellants placed
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reliance on section 27 of the Moneylenders Act 1951. Section 27 reads as
Attestation of moneylending agreement
27. (1) A moneylending agreement shall be attested by an Advocate and
Solicitor of the High Court, an officer of the Judicial and Legal Service, a
Commissioner for Oaths, District Officer, Justice of the Peace or such
other person as may be appointed by the Minister generally for such
(2) The attestor shall explain the terms of the moneylending
agreement to the borrower, and shall certify on the agreement that the
borrower appears to understand the meaning of the terms of the
(3) Any moneylending agreement which is not attested in accordance
with this section shall be void and have no effect and shall not be
[18] The reply by the Respondent to this point was simply that this was
never pleaded by the Appellants. The Respondent also relied on the
decision of the Federal Court in Iftikar Ahmed Khan v Perwira Affin Bank
Bhd [2018] 1 CLJ 415; [2018] 2 MLJ 292; [2018] 1 MLRA 202. The learned
Magistrate had also upheld this contention at para [22] in her grounds of
[19] On the issue of whether a copy of the moneylending agreement had
been duly stamped and “delivered to the borrower by the moneylender
before the money is lent”, the Appellants argued that there was non-
compliance with section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951. Section 16
provides as follows:
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Moneylending agreement to be given to the borrower
16. (1) No moneylending agreement shall be enforceable unless the
agreement has been signed by all the parties to the agreement and a
copy of the agreement duly stamped is delivered to the borrower by the
moneylender before the money is lent.
(2) A moneylender who executes a moneylending agreement which
does not comply with this section shall be guilty of an offence under this
Act and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or to both.
[20] The Appellants further maintained that section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951 must be read together with Regulation 10(3) of
the Moneylenders (Control and Licensing) Regulations 2003 (P.U.(A)
400/2003) which provides as follows:
10. Moneylending agreement
(3) A borrower shall be entitled, from a moneylender, to a complete set
of the moneylending agreement including all annexures, if any, for the
moneylender to execute the agreement with the borrower free of charge.
[21] The Appellants also urged this Court to take note of the observations
made by the Court of Appeal in Powernet Industries Sdn Bhd v Golden
Wheel Credit Sdn Bhd [2020] 7 AMR 657; [2020] 10 CLJ 374; [2020] 12
MLJ 412; [2020] MLRAU 250, relating to the rationale underlying the
provision in section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951.
[22] It was the Appellants’ contention that a copy of the said agreement
was only given to the First Appellant.
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[23] The essence of the Respondent’s reply to the above submission
was that there is only one agreement and thus only one copy was
available. The Respondent argued that the Moneylenders Act 1951 does
not require that a stamped copy of the moneylending agreement to be
delivered to every borrower. As the Second Appellant had authorized the
First Appellant to accept on his behalf, and the fact that both the First and
the Second Appellants are the wife and husband respectively, according
to the Respondent, the issue of non-compliance with section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951 does not arise.
[24] In relation to the second broad issue of the exact sum of the loan
that the Appellants had applied for, the actual amount of the loan that had
been approved by the Respondent and the precise sum of the loan
disbursed by the Respondent to the Appellants, there were conflicting
The Decision of This Court
[25] On the arguments advanced by the parties concerning the point that
the Respondent is allegedly an unlicensed moneylender but that this point
was never pleaded by the Appellants, the Appellants sought to rely on
Order 18 rule 11 of the Rules of Court 2012. If I understood the Appellants
correctly, they sought to convince me that “a point of law need not be
[26] This Court is perplexed as to how Order 18 rule 11 of the Rules of
Court 2012 can be of any assistance to the Appellants. Order 18 rule 11
provides as follows:
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Points of law may be pleaded (O. 18, r. 11)
11. A party may by his pleading raise any point of law.
[27] This provision is permissive in nature. While it is trite that parties are
only permitted to plead material facts and not the law or evidence, raising
a point of law is permitted. Accordingly, this Court is of the considered
view that reliance on Order 18 rule 11 of the Rules of Court 2012 by the
Appellants is flawed.
[28] In actual fact, the pertinent provision is Order 18 rule 8 of the Rules
of Court 2012. Order 18 rule 8 expressly provides for matters which shall
be specifically pleaded. For ease of reference, it states as follows:
Matters which shall be specifically pleaded (O. 18, r. 8)
8. (1) A party shall in any pleading subsequent to a statement of claim
plead specifically any matter, for example, performance, release, any
relevant statute of limitation, fraud or any fact showing illegality —
(a) which he alleges makes any claim or defence of the opposite
party not maintainable;
(b) which, if not specifically pleaded, might take the opposite party
by surprise; or
(c) which raises issues of fact not arising out of the preceding
[29] By virtue of the provision in Order 18 rule 8 of the Rules of Court
2012, the failure by the Appellants to plead the fact showing that the
Respondent was an unlicensed moneylender and thus rendering the
agreement as unenforceable and illegal was fatal to the Appellants’ case.
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[30] Likewise, this Court is in agreement with the learned Magistrate
who had rejected the Appellants’ defence based on a breach of section
27 of the Moneylenders Act 1951. At para [22], the learned Magistrate
l22l Bagi Seksyen 27 pula, Defendan-Defendan juga tidak pada bila-
bila masa telah plead mengenai isu ini. Defendan-Defendan mendakwa
bahawa Perjanjian Pinjaman tersebut adalah tidak sah kerana
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah telah membuat pengakuansaksi di luar Pejabat
berdaftar tanpa kebenaran Ketua Hakim Negara. Mahkamah
berpadangan pertamanya isu ini 'tidak pernah dipleadkan, kedua
sekiranya benar, ia ladalah satu kesalahan dari segi tatatertib sahaja dan
tidak menyebabkan Perjanjian Pinjaman tersebut tidak sah. Defendan-
Defendan juga tidak pada bila-bila masa sapina Pesufuhjaya Sumpah
tersebut untuk mengambil keterangan beliau.
[31] On the issue of whether there had been non-compliance with
section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the learned Magistrate had
answered this question in the negative. The learned Magistrate explained
as follows:
[17] Berdasarkan pembacaan kepada seksyen 16 tersebut, Mahkamah
berpadangan Plaintif telah pun menyerahkan Perjanjian Pinjaman
tersebut kepada Defendan-Defendan, Tiada keperluan dalam seksyen
16 yang menghendaki Plaintif menyerahkan Perjanjian Peminjam
tersebut kepada kesemua peminjam-peminjam. Tambahan, Pihak-Pihak
dalam kes ini adalah pasangan suami isteri. Oleh itu, bagi isu (b),
Mahkamah berpadangan bahawa Defendan-Defendan telah diserahkan
sesalinan Perjanjian Pinjaman tersebut.
[32] This Court is unable to agree with the above decision of the learned
Magistrate on this issue. Instead, this Court answers the question in the
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[33] The courts in this country have repeatedly said that the
Moneylenders Act 1951 is a piece of social legislation. (See for example,
the observation by Lee Swee Seng JCA in Mahmood Ooyub v Li Chee
Leong and Other Appeals [2020] 1 LNS 660; [2020] 6 MLJ 755; [2021] 1
MLJA 609.) Hence, the provisions in the said Act must be read in favour
of borrowers. While it is true that there is only one agreement in the instant
case, copies can be made for every borrower (when there is more than
one borrower). On this ground alone, the agreement becomes
unenforceable and the appeal is allowed.
[34] In view of the Court’s finding that there was a breach of section 16
of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the said loan agreement was thus
[35] The amount of RM84,750 allowed by learned Magistrate up to 14
December, 2020 together with interest at 5% from the date of Judgment
and costs of RM5,000 are hereby set aside.
[36] In the event that the Court of Appeal disagrees with the above
decision of this Court, it is this Court’s finding, based on the available
evidence and testimonies of the witnesses, that the actual amount of the
loan received by the Appellants was indeed RM45,500. If the amount of
the loan had indeed been RM100,000, it would have been prudent for an
experienced moneylender like the Respondent to issue a cheque for that
amount, instead of partly in the form of a cheque and partly in cash, as
allegedly made at the request of the Appellants.
[37] Henceforth, even if the above loan agreement were one that was
valid and enforceable, the Appellants had fully settled the loan. This is
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because as of 2 May, 2019, the Appellants had repaid a sum of RM69,900
to the Respondent.
[38] This appeal is allowed with Costs of RM10,000 (subject to allocator)
to be paid by the Respondent to the Appellants.
Dated: 31 October, 2023
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Shah Alam
B. Thinagaran for the Appellants
(Messrs. Thinagaran & Associates and R.B. Murali & Associates)
Kathiravan Raveenthran for the Respondent
(Messrs. Che Mokhtar & Ling)
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| 20,390 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-633-08/2023 | PLAINTIF XORIX SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) SMEB ASSET MANAGEMENT SDN BHD 2. ) ANDREW HENG 3. ) KUMARAKURU A/L JAI PRAKASH KRISHNAN 4. ) AZAHARIE SIMAN | Civil Procedure — Application for Injunction against Receiver and Manager – Jurisdiction to grant ad interim orders pending inter partes hearing — Powers of the High Court under s 25 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964 and para 6 of the Schedule to the same Act — Balance of convenience | 30/10/2023 | YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng | |
CIVIL SUIT NO. WA-22NCC-633-08/2023
(Company No. 200401020852 (659356-M) … PLAINTIFF
(Company No. 199901002270 (477170-A))
(NRIC No. 750225-71-5051)
(NRIC No. 820815-01-5371)
(NRIC No. 760724-04-5127) … DEFENDANTS
[1] In Enclosure (“Enc.”) 3, the Plaintiff sought an ex parte injunction
against the Defendants as follows:
(i) that the 2nd and 3rd Defendants be and is hereby restrained
from exercising any power as the Receivers and Managers of
the Plaintiff pending disposal of this proceeding herein;
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WA-22NCC-633-08/2023 Kand. 56
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(ii) that the 2nd and 3rd Defendants do forthwith return possession
and control of the assets and properties of the Plaintiff
pending disposal of this proceeding herein;
(iii) that the 1st to 3rd Defendant shall perform all acts, incidental
to and/or necessary to give effect to paragraph 1 and 2 above.
[2] I had directed that Enc. 3 to be served and fixed the same to be
heard inter partes on 14.9.2023.
[3] On 14.9.2023 Upon the Plaintiff’s undertaking to the court given
through learned counsel, to pay damages if the court is subsequently of the
view that the ad interim orders ought not to be made, I had granted the ad
interim orders sought on terms as in Enc. 3 with additional conditions that
the Plaintiff inform the Receivers and Managers (“R&Ms”) of the operations
of the company including the acquisition of assets and raw materials,
disposal of any inventory/trading stocks; with liberty to apply pending inter
partes hearing of Enc. 3.
[4] The Defendants have appealed against the grant of the ad interim
orders. This judgment contains the reasons for my decision.
[5] By a Facility Agreement dated 30.8.2006 between SME Bank
Berhad (“Bank”) and the Plaintiff, Bank agreed to provide various facilities
totalling RM7,000,000.00 to the Plaintiff on the terms and conditions stated
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therein. The facilities were secured by a Memorandum of Deposit dated
30.8.2006 on a fixed deposit for a sum of RM 500,000.00; a Debenture dated
30.8.2006 on a First Party Fixed and Floating Charge on all existing and
future assets of the Plaintiff and a Deed of Assignment dated 30.8.2006 of a
project account of the Plaintiff. The Facility Agreement was varied over the
years culminating in 3 Debentures dated 30.8.2006, 29.5.2009 and
14.10.2009 (“Debentures”) being created in favour of the Bank by the
[6] By a Vesting Order dated 26.1.2015, Bank sold and transferred the
rights and interest over the Plaintiff’s accounts to the 1st Defendant, SMEB
Asset Management Sdn Bhd (“D1”).
[7] On 3.11.2016 and 24.11.2016 respectively, SMEB Asset obtained
a judgement in default (“JID”) against Plaintiff in two separate suits in the
Sessions Court and the High Court at Kuala Lumpur in respect of amount
outstanding under the facility agreement.
[8] On 27.6.2023, D1 filed a separate application in the Sessions Court
and at the High Court respectively seeking leave of the Court to enforce the
[9] Whilst the leave applications were pending, D1 on 23.8.2023
appointed the 2nd and 3rd Defendants as the Receivers and Managers
(R&Ms) of the Plaintiff.
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[10] In support of the injunction application, amongst others, the Plaintiff
asserted that:
10.1 the appointment of R&M without any prior notice given to the
Plaintiff was invalid, null and void - prior notice to the Plaintiff
is a pre-requisite condition before D1 can exercise its power
to appoint the R&Ms;
10.2 the debt under the facility agreement has merged into the JIDs
in which case D1 ceased to have any enforcement rights upon
expiry of 6 years from the date the JIDs are obtained i.e. after
2.11.2022 and 23.11.2022 respectively.
10.3 The R&Ms have stationed security guards at and trespassed
the business address of the Plaintiff, frozen the Plaintiff’s bank
accounts rendering it unable to: (i) pay salaries, (ii) order raw
materials for the production of manufacture pharmaceutical
products to be supplied to the Ministry of Health for eventual
distribution to the hospitals, and (iii) causing the Plaintiff to be
unable to fulfil outstanding orders.
The issuance of the Ad interim Orders
[11] At the inter partes hearing on 14.9.2023, the Defendants sought
time to file their affidavits to respond to Enc. 3. That to me was logical and
time should be given for such a purpose as any submission on disputed facts
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from the Bar will not be entertained by this court - Ng Hee Thoong & Anor v
Public Bank Bhd [1995] 1 MLJ 281; [1995] 1 CLJ 609 (CA).
[12] The Court of Appeal in RIH Services (M) Sdn Bhd v Tanjung Tuan
Hotel Sdn Bhd [2002] 3 MLJ 1; [2002] 3 CLJ 83 held that the court has the
jurisdiction to grant an ad interim injunction in order to preserve the status
quo where the hearing and disposal of application for injunction is pending.
The Court of Appeal accepted that the grant of ad interim injunction pending
the disposal of an application for interlocutory injunction is consistent with
the powers of the High Court under s. 25(2) of the Court of Judicature Act
1964 and the additional powers under para 6 of the Schedule to the same
Act which include the power to grant an injunction in any manner whatsoever.
The provisions read:
“25 Powers of the High Court
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) the High Court shall
have the additional powers set out in the Schedule:
Provided that all such powers shall be exercised in accordance with any written
law or rules of court relating to the same.
Paragraph 6 Preservation of property
Power to provide for the interim preservation of property the subject matter of
any cause or matter by sale or by injunction or the appointment of a receiver or
the registration of a caveat or a lis pendens or in any other manner whatsoever”
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[13] Although the Defendants’ respective counsel had objected to the
Plaintiff’s counsel’s oral application for ad interim orders, RIH Services made
it plain that even if the Defendants do not agree to the ad interim order being
made, the court has the jurisdiction to make such an order. In the
circumstances of the instant case, I can, and I should exercise my discretion
to allow the ad interim orders sought by the Plaintiff.
[14] Firstly, in my view, the alleged steps taken by the R&Ms as asserted
by the Plaintiff whose appointments were disputed by the Plaintiff, made the
Plaintiff vulnerable and could cause it to suffer irreparable commercial
prejudice, damage and embarrassment to the Plaintiff’s business and
reputation if the ad interim orders were not granted. It is the considered
opinion of this court that it is equitable and just for this court to make the ad
interim orders to preserve the status quo to ensure the Plaintiff’s business is
not doomed pending the hearing and disposal inter partes of Enc. 3 and so
that parties can ventilate all issues, and their respective contentions fully.
[15] ‘Status quo’ is defined:
(i) by Lord Diplock in Garden Cottage Foods Ltd v Milk Marketing
Board 1984] AC 130; [1983] 3 WLR 143 at p. 148:
“…The status quo is the existing state of affairs; but since states of affairs
do not remain static this raises the query: existing when? In my opinion,
the relevant status quo to which reference was made in American
Cyanamid is the state of affairs existing during the period immediately
preceding the issue of the writ claiming the permanent injunction or, if
there be unreasonable delay between the issue of the writ and the motion
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for an interlocutory injunction, the period immediately preceding the
motion. The duration of that period since the state of affairs last changed
must be more than minimal, having regard to the total length of the
relationship between the parties in respect of which the injunction is
granted; otherwise the state of affairs before the last change would be the
relevant status quo.”
(ii) by Sir John Pennycuick in Fellowes & Son v Fisher [1976] QB
122, p 141:
“By the expression ‘status quo’ I understand to be meant the position
prevailing when the defendant embarked upon the activity sought to be
restrained. Different considerations might apply if the Plaintiff delays
unduly his application for relief.”
[16] Here, the status quo in my view is the state of affairs existing during
the period immediately preceding the issuance of the writ claiming the
injunction bearing on the impugned appointment of the R&Ms. That is the
status quo to be maintained, as provided for in the Ad Interim Injunction
Order until the disposal of Enc. 3 inter partes.
[17] Secondly, the Plaintiff had also given an undertaking for damages
so that in the event there are losses suffered by the Defendants, such losses
may be made good by the Plaintiff if determined ultimately when Enc. 3 is
heard on the merits, that the Plaintiff was not entitled to the ad interim orders.
[18] Thirdly, glaringly, it cannot be ignored that when the sudden
concerted push to apply for leave to enforce the JIDS and to appoint R&Ms,
D1 had already waited more than 6 years to enforce the JIDs, and much
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longer still from date of default of the facility agreement, to appoint R&Ms.
Hence I do not see how they could be irreparably harmed or severely
prejudiced by the grant of the ad interim orders whilst waiting for Enc. 3 to
be heard inter partes on its merits.
[19] For reasons given, this court exercised its discretion to allow the
Plaintiff’s oral application for the ad interim orders with additional conditions
as alluded to in paragraph 3 above for accountability and transparency in the
Plaintiff’s dealing with its assets and to ameliorate any risk of prejudice to the
Dated this: 20th day of October 2023
- sgd -
Liza Chan Sow Keng
High Court of Malaya at
Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff : Mak Lin Kum (together with him,
Sandra Tan)
Messrs Syed Ibrahim & Co.
For the 1st and 4th Defendants : Syafinaz Vani (together with her, Elani
Mazlan and Rakkshanaa
Messrs Rosli Dahlan Saravana
For the 2nd and 3rd Defendants : Sitti Salehah (together with her, Abu
Haziq and Nik Mahyiddin (Pdk))
Messrs Amelda Fuad Abi & Aidil
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Ng Hee Thoong & Anor v Public Bank Bhd [1995] 1 MLJ 281; [1995] 1 CLJ
RIH Services (M) Sdn Bhd v Tanjung Tuan Hotel Sdn Bhd [2002] 3 MLJ 1;
[2002] 3 CLJ 83
Garden Cottage Food Ltd v Milk Marketing Board [1983] 3 WLR 143; [1984]
AC 130
Fellowes & Son v Fisher [1976] QB 122
s. 25 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964 and schedule 6
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