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Keywords:ARBITRATION: Stay of proceedings – Application under s. 10 of Arbitration Act 2005 – Whether the dispute between the parties fall within the scope of the arbitration agreement
YA Puan Adlin Binti Abdul Majid
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI KUALA LUMPUR DALAM NEGERI WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (BAHAGIAN DAGANG) RAYUAN NO. WA-12ANCC-118-10/2022 ANTARA E & D ASSET SDN BHD [NO. SYARIKAT.: 201301036296 (1066125-T)] … PERAYU DAN TAI WENG CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING SDN BHD [NO. SYARIKAT.: 201501043544 (1168865-X)] … RESPONDEN (DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI KUALA LUMPUR DALAM WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, MALAYSIA GUAMAN NO: WA-A52NCvC-457-06/2022 ANTARA TAI WENG CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING SDN BHD [NO. SYARIKAT.: 201501043544 (1168865-X)] … PLAINTIF DAN 16/11/2023 07:48:29 WA-12ANCC-118-10/2022 Kand. 26 S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 E & D ASSET SDN BHD [NO. SYARIKAT.: 201301036296 (1066125-T)] … DEFENDAN JUDGMENT A. Introduction [1] This is an appeal against the decision of the Sessions Court, dismissing the appellant’s application to stay further proceedings in the Sessions Court, pending reference of the dispute to arbitration (“Stay Application”). [2] The court allowed the appeal, for the reasons set out below. B. Background Facts [3] By a letter of award dated 29 August 2019 (“Letter of Award”), the appellant as the employer appointed the respondent as the main contractor to develop a condominium on Lot PT 8803, Jalan Pintar, Mukim Kajang, Hulu Langat, Selangor (“Project”). [4] Paragraph 1 of the Letter of Award provides that: “The scope of works shall be in accordance with the Tender Documents, Agreement and Conditions of PAM Contract 2006 (Without Quantities), Tender Drawings, Specifications, Schedule of Rates and Post-Tender Addendum and Correspondences.” S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [5] In the course of the works for the Project, the respondent claimed it had purchased a tunnel form for works for Block B of the Project. Payment for the tunnel form, in the amount of RM820,000, was initially made by the appellant. The amount was later reimbursed by the respondent to the appellant. [6] The appellant subsequently terminated the contract with the respondent on 3 June 2022. [7] The respondent claimed that since it had reimbursed the appellant for the purchase of the tunnel form, it is the owner of the tunnel form. However, it was alleged that the appellant did not return the tunnel form to the respondent. [8] Thus the respondent commenced the action in the Sessions Court, seeking a refund of the amount of RM820,000 that was paid for the tunnel form. The respondent claimed the appellant was unjustly enriched, as it had not returned the tunnel form. [9] In the course of the proceedings, the appellant filed the Stay Application. The learned Sessions Court judge dismissed the application. The appellant appealed. C. Considerations and Findings The Stay Application [10] The Stay Application is made under section 10(1) of the Arbitration Act 2005, which provides as follows: S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 “A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed.” [11] It is not in dispute that the following requirements under section 10(1) of the AA must be met, in order for the appellant to stay the proceedings in the Sessions Court: a. There is an arbitration agreement between the parties; b. The proceedings are in respect of a matter that is subject to the arbitration agreement; c. The appellant has not taken any other steps in the proceedings; and d. The arbitration agreement is not null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. [12] The parties also accepted that once the requirements under section 10(1) of the AA have been met, it is mandatory for the court to grant a stay of the proceedings and to refer the matter to arbitration (see Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 and Tindak Murni Sdn Bhd v Juang Setia Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020] 3 MLJ 545). S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Have the requirements under section 10(1) of the AA been met? [13] Thus, in determining whether the Sessions Court was correct to dismiss the Stay Application, the main issue for the court’s consideration is whether the requirements under section 10(1) of the AA have been met. [14] Three out of the four requirements are not in dispute, namely, there is an arbitration agreement between the parties, the appellant has not taken any other steps in the proceeding, and the arbitration agreement is not null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. The parties agreed that they had been met. [15] The arbitration agreement is set out in clause 34.5 of the Agreement and Conditions of PAM Contract 2006 (Without Quantities) (“PAM COC”), which provides that: “In the event that any dispute or difference arises between the Employer and Contractor, either during the progress or after completion or abandonment of the Works regarding: 34.5(a) any matter of whatsoever nature arising under or in connection with the Contract; … then such disputes or differences shall be referred to arbitration.” (emphasis added) S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 “[27] Mahkamah walau bagaimanapun mendapati bahawa tuntutan Plaintif bagi wang berjumlah RM 820,000 in bukanlah satu pertikaian atau perbezaan di bawah Surat Awad [28] Menurut pihak Defendan, pembelian "tunnel form" yang merupakan perkara yang menjadi subjek kepada tindakan Plaintif di sini timbul daripada Surat Awad dan/atau Kontrak tersebut. Are the proceedings in the Sessions Court suit in respect of a matter that is subject to the arbitration agreement? [16] proceedings in the Sessions Court are in respect of a matter that is subject to the arbitration agreement. [17] a return of the sum of RM820,000 that it had paid for the tunnel form does not fall within the scope of the arbitration agreement. The respondent claimed its position is fortified by the fact that the Sessions Court suit is a claim for unjust enrichment. [18] dismissed the Stay Application. [19] of judgment of the Sessions Court, the learned Sessions Court judge found that the respondent’s claim fell outside the scope of the arbitration agreement: dan/atau Kontrak yang perlu dirujuk kepada timbang tara. For reasons explained in the following paragraphs in the grounds The Sessions Court agreed with the respondent’s position, and The respondent’s case is that its claim in the Sessions Court for The only requirement that the parties disagree on is whether the S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 Pembelian “tunnel form” tersebut adalah bertujuan untuk melaksanakan dan menyiapkan keria-kerja Projek terlibat. [29] Mahkamah sebenarnya tidak melihat kepada tujuan "tunnel form" tersebut dibeli tetapi melihat kepada fakta bahawa Plaintif telah membuat bayaran yang sepatutnya kepada pihak Defendan berkaitan "tunnel form" tersebut dan Defendan telah gagal untuk menyerahkan "tunnel form" tersebut kepada pihak Plaintif.” (emphasis added) [20] I am unable to agree with this reasoning. In my view, the respondent’s claim falls within the scope of the arbitration agreement. [21] In reaching this finding, I first assessed the respondent’s statement of claim in the Sessions Court. The relevant paragraph states: “4. Plaintif telah memulakan kerja-keria untuk Projek tersebut dibawah Letter of Award tersebut sejak tahun 2019. 5. Untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja tersebut untuk Blok B, Plaintif memerlukan set tambahan Tunnel Form untuk Blok B dan telah menulis surat kepada Defendan bertarikh 15/7/2020 untuk menyatakan hasrat Plaintif untuk membeli Tunnel Form tambahan dan Plaintif telah memberikan sebut harga (“quotation”) kepada Defendan yang berharga RM820,000.00 untuk S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 purchase of the tunnel form. The respondent’s letter dated 13 July 2020 issued to the appellant which attached a quotation for the purchase of the tunnel form, referred to the Project. Similarly, a purchase order dated 15 July 2020, issued by the appellant to the respondent for the purchase of directly to the Project, and as such, the dispute regarding the purchase of the tunnel form is a matter arising from the contract between the parties, committed an error in fact and in law in assessing the issue of the respondent’s payment for the tunnel form and the appellant’s failure to return the tunnel form separately from the purpose of the purchase of the failed to assess the dispute between the parties in its entirety. Such a narrow approach in the consideration of the nature of the dispute and in “soft fit panel & vertical panel” termasuk “working platform, wing nut, stop end and all the necessary accessories”. (emphasis added) [22] It is clear from paragraph 5 that the requirement for an additional tunnel form arises from works to be completed for Block B of the Project. [23] I also considered documents issued by the parties for the the tunnel form also referred to the Project. [24] It is therefore clear that the purchase of the tunnel form relates and is subject to the arbitration agreement. [25] In this regard, I find that the learned Sessions Court judge tunnel form for the Project. [26] In adopting such reasoning, the learned Sessions Court judge S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 agreement. This includes flexibility, privacy, and control over the dispute an arbitration agreement is entered into, the purpose of the parties would necessarily be to ensure that the benefits of arbitration would apply to the entirety of the matter which is subject to the arbitration agreement. The approach adopted by the learned Sessions Court judge is inconsistent Clause 34.5(a) of the PAM COC requires any dispute or difference arising encompass all possible nature of causes of action, as this would give the full commercial and practical effect to the arbitration agreement (see KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd v Missions Biofuels Sdn Bhd [2013] 1 CLJ view, lacks commercial sense. [27] There are various reasons why parties enter into an arbitration resolution process, including the selection of the arbitrator(s). Thus, when with such purpose. [28] The construction of the arbitration agreement is also of guidance. between an employer and a contractor regarding: “any matter of whatsoever nature arising under or in connection with the Contract”, to be referred to arbitration. [29] The provision ought to be given a wide interpretation, taking into account commercial reality and the intention of the parties (see Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd (supra)). Further, the linking words (“… arising 993). the interpretation of the provisions of the arbitration agreement, in my under or in connection with the Contract”) ought to be interpreted to S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 based on unjust enrichment does not place the dispute outside the scope [2018] 5 CLJ 299, where the Court Appeal considered whether the arbitration agreement would cover causes of action of conspiracy to defraud / injure and the imposition of constructive trust. The provisions of the arbitration agreement in that case (i.e. “… any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement... shall be referred to and finally interpreted widely, and that the claims premised on allegations of conspiracy and the imposition of a constructive trust fall within the arbitration clause. The following passages of the judgment are instructive: [30] Finally, I am of the view that the respondent’s cause of action of the arbitration agreement. [31] I am guided by Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee & another appeal settled by arbitration ...”) are similar to the present case. [32] The Court of Appeal ruled that the arbitration agreement must be “[59] The position is even clearer in Malaysia by reason of s. 10 which grants a mandatory stay of court proceedings so as to give effect to the arbitration agreement. Applying Fiona Trusts, it follows that Protasco and PT ASU as rational business people would have wanted the entirety of their dispute determined by an arbitral tribunal and not just that part relating to a dispute arising out of the contract. In other words, both the conspiracy to injure/defraud and the imposition of a constructive trust dispute would be dealt with in any putative arbitration. [60] Our conclusion is fortified, and we are indeed bound by the decision of the Federal Court in Press Metal Sarawak Sdn S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 Bhd v. Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 9 CLJ 1; [2016] 5 MLJ 417 in this respect. In that case, the apex court held that in determining the scope or precise nature of the dispute intended to be submitted to arbitration, the clause ought to be interpreted widely. The commercial purpose was of primary importance. In arriving at this decision, it was held that the approach adopted in the case of KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd v. Mission Biofuels Sdn Bhd [2013] 1 CLJ 993 by Mohamad Ariff Yusof J (later JCA) was correct and approved accordingly.” (emphasis added) [33] As such, I found that the dispute in the Sessions Court between the parties falls within the scope of the arbitration agreement. D. Decision [34] As the following requirements in section 10(1) of the AA have been met, namely: a. There is an arbitration agreement between the parties, in the form of clause 34.5 of the PAM COC; b. The proceedings in the Sessions Court are in respect of a matter that is subject to an arbitration agreement; c. The appellant has not taken any other steps in the proceedings; and S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 d. The arbitration agreement is not null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed, it is therefore mandatory for the Sessions Court to grant a stay of the proceedings and to refer the matter to arbitration. [35] I am of the considered view that the learned Sessions Court judge had committed an error in finding that the dispute between the respondent and the appellant on the purchase of the tunnel form did not fall within the scope of the arbitration agreement, and in dismissing the Stay Application. As such, appellate intervention is justified in this case. [36] The appeal is allowed, with costs. Dated 30 September 2023 - sgd - ADLIN ABDUL MAJID Judge High Court of Malaya Commercial Division (NCC6) Kuala Lumpur Counsel: Appellant: Susan Tan (together with Noor Sumaeya Sofea Shamsudin) of Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners Respondent: Siti Zubaidah Jemadi of Messrs. Gary Wong & Co S/N xAoEcVd/a0Wp467rCOruCA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PLAINTIF 1. ) HAZELIN NOR BINTI ZAINAL ABIDIN ( Menuntut sebagai Isteri dan Anak-Anak Yang Sah serta Orang Tanggungan Simati, MUHAMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS ) 2. ) DANNIS AL' HAFIZ ( Menuntut sebagai Isteri dan Anak-Anak Yang Sah serta Orang Tanggungan Simati, MUHAMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS ) 3. ) SHAZRYN DANISHA BINTI MUHAMAD HAZRI ( Menuntut sebagai Isteri dan Anak-Anak Yang Sah serta Orang Tanggungan Simati, MUHAMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS ) DEFENDAN 1. ) HASANUDDIN BIN RENTA 2. ) E BROTHERS TRADING SDN BHD
Burden of proof-section 101 Evidence Act- ‘balance of probabilities’ as ‘more probable than not’ and which is ‘not so high as required in a criminal case…but if the probabilities are equal, it is not discharged-Charged and plead guilty-an admission established by a guilty plea-subsection 43(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for careless and inconsiderate driving-contributory negligence-rule 13 of the Highway Code -level of intoxication. - lose focus and ability to ride carefully -entitled to be compensated for the loss of his employer’s contribution to the Employee’s Provident Fund-loss of support -living expenses-multiplier-proviso in paragraph (iv) (d) to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956-funeral expenses
Puan Mazni binti Nawi
IN THE SESSIONS COURT AT SEREMBAN IN THE STATE OF NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KHUSUS, MALAYSIA CASE NO.NA-A53KJ-300-09/2022 BETWEEN HAZELIN NOR BINTI ZAINAL ABIDIN … PLAINTIFFS DANNIS AL ‘HAFIZ SHAZRYN DANISHA BINTI MUHAMAD HAZRI (as the lawful widow and dependents of the deceased, MUHAMMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS) AND HASANUDDIN BIN RENTA EBROTHERS TRADING SDN. BHD … DEFENDANTS 16/11/2023 21:30:40 NA-A53KJ-300-09/2022 Kand. 27 S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 GROUNDS OF JUDGEMENT Introduction [1] An appeal was filed dated 15 September 2023 by both Plaintiffs and Defendants on the issues of liability and quantum decided by this Court on 8 September 2023. The factual background [2] The proceedings at the Sessions Court originated from an accident that occurred on 10 February 2022, involving a motorcycle NCY 8731 ridden by the deceased and a Lorry MAJ 3371 driven by the First Defendant at Desa Kasia, Nilai. [3] To prove her case, the Plaintiffs had called 3 witnesses while the First Defendant himself had testified. Plaintiffs’ witnesses were as follows: (a) Inspector Nor Fadzilah bin Mohd Zainuddin-The Investigation Officer (“SP1”); (b) Mrs. Hazelin bin Zainal Abidin -The widow of the deceased-The First Plaintiff ("SP2"); and (c) Tunku Nazruddin in Tunku Yahya - Representative of the deceased’s Employer (“SP3”). S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [4] I apportioned liability at 20:80 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. Both parties appealed against such a decision, with the Plaintiffs contending that the Defendants should have been made 100% liable. On the other hand, the Defendants contended that the apportioned liability should be at 40:60 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. On the issue of quantum, both parties were dissatisfied with my decision and appealed against such an award. Liability [5] At this juncture, Plaintiffs had the legal burden of proof as prescribed by section 101 of the Evidence Act which reads: “Burden of proof 101. (1) Whoever desires any court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability, dependent on the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts exist. (2) When a person is bound to prove the existence of any fact, it is said that the burden of proof lies on that person.”. [6] This reminder was also administered by the Federal Court in Wong Thin Yit v. Mohamed Ali [1971] 1 LNS 151 in the words of Ong CJ: “In a negligence action the onus of proof rests wholly on the plaintiff, whether or not the defendant gives evidence. The plaintiff cannot S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 succeed without proof of the defendant’s negligence. Evidence is the foundation of proof, with which it must not be confounded. Proof is that which leads to a conclusion as to the truth or falsity of alleged facts which are the subject of inquiry. Evidence, if accepted and believed, may result in proof, but it is not necessarily proof of itself.” [7] Evrol Mariette Peters, J in Sabri Abdul Talib and Vt Logistics (M) Sdn. Bhd. V. Tiong Mee Kooi [2021] 1 LNS 2275 also emphasised that - “The standard of proof on the Plaintiff to prove his claim was on a balance of probabilities. The term ‘balance of probabilities’ was described in Miller v. Minister of Pensions [1947] 2 All ER 372 by Denning J (as he then was) as ‘more probable than not’ and which is ‘not so high as required in a criminal case…but if the probabilities are equal, it is not discharged’. The standard, therefore, does not allow for any guesswork, speculation, surmise or conjecture. Miller v. Minister of Pensions has been assimilated into Malaysian jurisprudence through several cases including Inas Faiqah bt Mohd Helmi (an infant suing through her father and next friend, Mohd Helmi bin Abdul Aziz) v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2016] 2 MLJ 1.”. [8] The Plaintiffs had contended that this was a case where the Defendant should have been held 100% liable as it was a case where the Defendant had admitted that he attempted to make a U-turn. The Defendant was also charged under subsection 43(1) of the Road S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Transport Act 1987 of careless and inconsiderate driving and he pleaded guilty. [9] However, the Defendants contended that the liability should be apportioned at 40:60 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. The Defendants testified that there was no signage that disallowed him to make a U-turn. [10] Furthermore, the Plaintiffs should also be held liable and contributed 40% negligence as the deceased had lacked focus and was able to avoid the collision. Court’s finding [11] Both the deceased and the First Defendant were traveling in the same direction. The First Defendant attempted to make a U-turn when the deceased who was riding a motorcycle collided with the lorry. Charged and Plead Guilty [12] The First Defendant was charged under subsection 43(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for careless and inconsiderate driving. He then pleaded guilty and was fined RM 7000. His driving license was also endorsed. [13] The issue of liability when one party was charged in Court was discussed by the Court of Appeal in the case of Annamalay Retnam Vs S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Mah Chong Peng & Anor [2010] 6 CLJ 487- at page 499 which quoted as follows: “[26] In Lim Ah Toh, supra, the pertinent of the judgement at p. 196 reads: The plea of guilty by the first defendant to a charge of inconsiderate driving is an admissible admission that further supports the plaintiff's case, and which weighs against the defendants see Noor Mohamed Vs Palanivelu [1956] MLJ 11; EA Long Vs Wong Chin Wah [1975] MLJ 165.”. [14] Relying on that case, that an admission by the First Defendant was established by a guilty plea, therefore on the balance of probabilities, I found that the Defendants should be held liable for negligence while the Second Defendant was vicariously liable for negligence. Contributory Negligence [15] Hence, the issue was whether the deceased contributed to the negligence. The term “contributory negligence” was highlighted by the Supreme Court in Lai Yew Seong Vs Chan Kim Sang [1987] CLJ Rep 151; [1987] 1 CLJ 352 as follows: “.. negligent as used in the expression 'contributory negligence' does not mean breach of duty. It means the failure by the person to S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 use reasonable care for the safety of himself or his property so that he becomes the author of his own wrong. The test of contributory negligent is based entirely on the conduct of the plaintiff in the accident or case”. [16] Despite the guilty plea, from SP1, it was revealed that the deceased was riding at the fastest lane and not as required by rule 13 of the Highway Code which states as follows: “Keep to the left 13. Vehicles should at all times be driven on the lefthand side of the road, the slower the speed the closer to the edge of the road.”. [17] Furthermore, SP1 also testified that from the postmortem report, there was alcohol in the blood of the deceased indicating some level of intoxication. [18] Moreover, it was a clear sunny day, and the deceased should have been able to avoid the collision when approaching the motor lorry. However, due to the intoxication level, the deceased might lose focus and ability to ride carefully and collide with the motor lorry. [19] I refer to the words of Nantha Balan, J in the case of Wan Mohd Afzainizam bin Wan Ahmad & Anor Vs Tan Sew Yong (suing as lawful widow and dependant of Chin Wai Loy, deceased) & Ors [2017] 11 MLJ 1, quoted by the Defendant as follows: S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 “[53] Hence, counsel for the defendants submitted (quite rightly) that as a matter of common sense, the inference to be drawn is that the said motorcar had been speeding and crashed into the stationary vehicles. This therefore raises the question as to whether the deceased was keeping a proper look-out and finally, losing control over the said motorcar when he realized that the fast lane was blocked. The fact that there was alcohol in the blood and urine of the deceased indicates that there was some level of intoxication, and this may have played a role in the ability (or inability) of the deceased to drive carefully along the road and to have proper control of the said motorcar”. [20] In this case, based on the facts and evidence, I found on the balance of probabilities that the accident was also contributed by the deceased. [21] Therefore, I apportioned liability at 20:80 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. Quantum Loss of support as USIM’s employee [22] It was submitted that the Deceased was working at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (“USIM”) as a driver, earning an average sum of RM2525.30 per month. His pay slips were tendered in Court through his employer’s representative as exhibits and were marked as P3. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [23] The defendants objected and submitted that the calculation for the loss of support should be based on the disease’s net income with reference to section 7 of the Civil Law Act 1955 which provided as follows: “Compensation to persons entitled for loss occasioned by death 7. (1) Whenever the death of a person is caused by wrongful act, neglect or default, and the act, neglect or default is such as would, if death had not ensued, have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof , the party who would have been liable if death had not ensued shall be liable to an action for damages, notwithstanding the death of the person injured, and although the death has been caused under such circumstances as an amount in law to an offence under the Penal Code [Act 574]. (2) Every such action shall be for the benefit of the wife, husband, parent, child and any person with disabilities under the care, if any, of the person whose death has been so caused and shall be brought by and in the name of the executor of the person deceased. (3) The damages which the party who shall be liable under subsection (1) to pay to the party for whom and for whose benefit the action is brought shall, subject to this section, be such as will compensate the party for whom and for whose benefit the action is S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 brought for any loss of support suffered together with any reasonable expenses incurred as a result of the wrongful act, neglect or default of the party liable under subsection (1): Provided that— (i) in assessing the damages there shall not be taken into account— (a) any sum paid or payable on the death of the person deceased under any contract of assurance or insurance, whether made before or after the coming into force of this Act; (b) any sum payable, as a result of the death, under any written law relating to employees’ provident fund; (c) any pension or gratuity, which has been or will or may be paid as a result of the death; or (d) any sum which has been or will or may be paid under any written law relating to the payment of any benefit or compensation whatsoever, in respect of the death; (ii) damages may be awarded in respect of the funeral expenses of the person deceased if such expenses have been incurred by the party for whose benefit the action is brought; (iii) no damages shall be awarded to a parent on the ground only of his having been deprived of the services of a child; and no damages shall be awarded to a husband on the ground only S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 of his having been deprived of the services or society of his wife; and (iv) in assessing the loss of earnings in respect of any period after the death of a person where such earnings provide for or contribute to the damages under this section the Court shall— (a) take into account that where the person deceased has attained the age of sixty years at the time of his death, his loss of earnings for any period after his death shall not be taken into consideration; and in the case of any other person deceased, his loss of earnings for any period after his death shall be taken into consideration if it is proved or admitted that the person deceased was receiving earnings by his own labour or other gainful activity prior to his death; (b) take into account only the amount relating to the earnings as aforesaid and the Court shall not take into account any prospect of the earnings as aforesaid being increased at any period after the person’s death; (c) take into account any diminution of any such amount as aforesaid by such sum as is proved or admitted to be the living expenses of the person deceased at the time of his death; (d) take into account that in the case of a person who was of the age of thirty years and below at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be 16; and in the case S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 of any other person who was of the age range extending between thirty one years and fifty-nine years at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be calculated by using the figure 60, minus the age of the person at the time of death and dividing the remainder by the figure 2. (3A) Any action under this section may consist of or include a claim for damages for bereavement and, subject to subsection (3D), the sum to be awarded as damages under this subsection shall be thirty thousand ringgit. (3B) A claim for damages for bereavement shall only be for the benefit of — (a) the spouse of the person deceased; (b) the child of the person deceased; and (c) the parents of the person deceased. (3C) Where there is a claim for damages under subsection (3B), the sum awarded shall be divided equally between them subject to any deduction likely to be made in respect of all costs and expenses including costs not recovered from the defendant. (3D) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may from time to time by order published in the Gazette vary the sum specified in subsection (3A). S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (3E) An order made under subsection (3D) shall be published in the Gazette and as soon as possible thereafter, shall be laid before the Dewan Rakyat; and if the Dewan Rakyat passes a resolution annulling the order, it shall be void but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder or to the making of a new order as from the date of notification in the Gazette of the passing of the resolution. (4) The amount, other than the amount awarded under proviso (iii) to subsection (3) and the amount recovered under subsection (3B), so recovered after deducting all costs and expenses, including the costs not recovered from the defendant, shall be divided amongst the before-mentioned parties, or any of them in such shares as the Court by its judgment or decree directs. (5) Not more than one action shall be brought for and in respect of the same subject matter of complaint, and every such action shall be brought within three years after the death of the person deceased. (6) In any such action the executor of the deceased may insert a claim for and recover any pecuniary loss to the estate of the deceased occasioned by the wrongful act, neglect, or default, which sum when recovered shall be deemed part of the assets of the estate of the deceased. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 (7) The plaint or writ or summons in any such action shall give full particulars of the person or persons for whom or on whose behalf the action is brought, and of the nature of the claim in respect of which damages are sought to be recovered. (8) If there is no executor of the person deceased or there being an executor no action as in this section mentioned has, within six calendar months after the death of the person deceased, been brought by the executor, the action may be brought by all or any of the persons, if more than one, for whose benefit the action would have been brought if it had been brought by the executor, and every action so to be brought shall be for the benefit of the same person or persons and shall be subject to the same procedure as nearly as may be as if it was brought by the executor. (9) It shall be sufficient for any defendant in any action brought under this section to pay any money, he is advised to pay into Court as a compensation, in one sum to all persons entitled under this section for his wrongful act, neglect or default without specifying the shares into which it is to be divided. (10) If the said sum is not accepted and an issue is taken by the plaintiff as to its sufficiency and the Court thinks the same sufficient, the defendant shall be entitled to judgment upon that issue. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 (11) In this section unless the context otherwise requires— “child” includes son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson and stepdaughter; “parent” includes father, mother, grandfather and grandmother; “pension” includes a return of contributions and any payment of a lump sum in respect of a person’s employment: Provided that in deducing any relationship referred to in this subsection any illegitimate person or any person who has been adopted, or whose adoption has been registered, in accordance with any written law shall be treated as being or as having been the legitimate offspring of his mother and reputed father or, as the case may be, of his adopters.”. [24] For this issue, I refer to the words of Mohamad Abazafree Mohd Abbas, J in the case of Nagenthiran Thangarajoo Vs Muhammad Azwan Mohd Afandi & Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1180 that stated as follows: “…Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa Tuan HMS KB telah terkhilaf di dalam penentuan jumlah ganti apabila mengecualikan pengiraan S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 sumbangan caruman KWSP. Ini adalah kerana ia adalah turut merupakan pendapatan yang diperolehi oleh Perayu yang akan dikumpulkan sehingga Perayu bersara kelak. Jumlah yang terkumpul ini akan diterima secara terkumpul selepas Perayu bersara.” [25] Mohamad Abazafree Mohd Abbas, J also quoted the High Court’s decision in the case Lau Kung Kai Vs. Abu Serah bin Bol (M) [2008] MLJU that stated as follows: “The complaint that the EPF contribution must not be taken into account has no merits when the purpose was to access a suitable multiplicand in a dependency claim. Courts have even considered EPF contribution in cases other than dependency claim…. To my mind the plaintiff is entitled to be compensated for the loss of his employer’s contribution to the Employee’s Provident Fund…”. [26] Therefore, in my view, the calculation for the loss of support should be based on the deceased salary of RM 2525.30 as per the deceased’s pay slips. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 Loss of support - as a mechanic [27] The Plaintiffs through SP2 testified that the deceased received additional income from his workshop. SP2 submitted the deceased’s bank statements that showed the monthly income he had been receiving from his workshop. [28] However, the Defendants claimed that the source of that income was not proven. Besides, that income was from an illegal source and therefore not claimable as decided by the Federal Court in the case of Chua Kim Suan and Teoh Teik Nam (suing as Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of Teoh Tek Lee, deceased) Vs Government of Malaysia & Anor [1994] 1 CLJ 321 that stated as follows: “The learned Chief Justice of Singapore also reviewed a case in the South African Court of Appeal of five Judges in Dhlamini v. Protea Assurance [1974] (4) SA 906 (A) in which it is said to have been held that plaintiff, an unlicensed hawker for 20 years had her claim for damages based on the loss of earnings from unlicensed hawking disallowed on the ground of such claims being against public policy. We have decided after most anxious consideration that any claim for loss of earnings from any illegal source should not be allowed on the ground that it is against public policy. We think that we would also follow, on this point, the decisions of Ooi Han Sun; Burns; Lebagge and Dhlamini, supra and approve the dictum in question in S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Yaacob. We therefore uphold the decision of the learned Judge in the Court below and that of the learned Registrar at the first instance that the claim for that part of damages as related to earnings from the illegal operation of the taxi should be disallowed; because ex turpi causa non oritur actio or in other words, such claim would be against public policy. We would like to emphasize the timely caution of the learned Chief Justice of Singapore in Ooi’s case, supra that the maxim has a limited application in tort. The maxim’s principal role lies mainly and almost exclusively in actions on contract.”. [29] The issue before me was whether that income was from an illegal source. The Defendant alleged that the part-time income was from an illegal sources in para 25.15 the Defendant's written submission is as follows: “25.15 Kami menghujahkan di sini bahawa jika Si Mati sebenarnya bekerja “part time” di bengkel, pendapatan yang diperoleh daripada aktiviti yang tidak sah (pekerjaan di bengkel yang berkemungkinan tidak wujud) adalah bercanggah dengan polisi awam”. [30] On the other hand, the Plaintiffs through SP2 had testified that the deceased had been working at his workshop and presented the statement of account of his part-time income. [31] In my view, it is pertinent to note that there is no hard and fast rule that a person’s income must be proved by documentary evidence only. In S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 Lee Thiam v. Fatimah Bte Salleh [1981] 1 MLJ 285, loss of dependency was proved, despite the absence of documentary evidence of the deceased’s income. The court in that case relied on the evidence of the deceased’s wife and considering the average income of a rubber-tapper which the Federal Court endorsed that amount. In this case, the Plaintiffs had adduced evidence of the Deceased’s earnings through SP2. [32] With reference to the Minimum Wage Policy and considering the evidence of the deceased’s statement of account, I allowed RM 1500 as a reasonable and fair one as the deceased part-time salary. Living expenses [33] The learned counsel for the defendants argued that living expenses ought to be deducted from the actual earnings lost. However, Counsel for the Plaintiffs did not rebut nor submit any authorities against the Defendants’ proponent. [34] For this matter, I refer to the case of Marappan Nallan Koundar v. Siti Rahmah Ibrahim [1990] 1 CLJ (Rep) 174 which states as follows: “[3] The court should not make any deduction for living expenses under the subsection of s. 28A CLA as there was no proof or admission in this case as to what the actual living expenses of the plaintiff were at the time when she was injured.” S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 [35] Besides that, I also refer to the words of Mohamad Abazafree, J in the case of Nagenthiran Thangarajoo Vs Muhammad Azwan Mohd Afandi & Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1180 that stated as follows: “[25] Berkaitan pemotongan kos sara hidup, Mahkamah Agung di dalam kes Marappan Nallan Koundar v. Siti Rahmah Ibrahim [1990] 1 CLJ (Rep) 174 telah menyatakan seperti berikut; [3] The court should not make any deduction for living expenses under the subsection of s. 28A CLA as there was no proof or admission in this case as to what the actual living expenses of the plaintiff were at the time when she was injured. (rujuk; Lau Lee Ching & anor v. Muhammad Faiz Md Yusof [2019] 1 LNS 2109). [2023] 1 LNS [26] Sehubungan dengan itu, menggunakan pendekatan yang sama, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa Tuan HMS adalah tidak terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa jumlah ganti rugi kehilangan pendapatan adalah tertakluk kepada pemotongan sebanyak 1/3. Oleh itu jumlah RM1,143,857.00 hendaklah dipotong sebanyak 1/3 menjadikan jumlah yang sewajarnya diawardkan adalah sebanyak RM862,571.40”. [36] In this case, SP2 had testified that part of the deceased salary was used to pay for the utility bill of their matrimonial home and his workshop. Besides that, the deceased also purchased spare parts for his workshops. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 [37] Therefore, based on that evidence, I allowed a deduction of one-third from the deceased total salary. Multiplier [38] For the multiplier, I refer to the proviso in paragraph (iv) (d) to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956 as follows: “(d) take into account that in the case of a person who was of the age of thirty years and below at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be 16; and in the case of any other person who was of the age range extending between thirty one years and fifty-nine years at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be calculated by using the figure 60, minus the age of the person at the time of death and dividing the remainder by the figure 2.”. [39] To interpret the application of the proviso to subsection 7(3) I refer to the Court of Appeal’s decision Cheng Bee Teik & Ors V. Peter Selvaraj & Another Court Of Appeal, Putrajaya [Civil Appeal No: P- 04-93-2002] as follows: “The issue before us is, what is the proper interpretation that ought to be given to the proviso to s. 7(3) of the CLA, which reads: (iv) in assessing the loss of earnings in respect of any period after the death of a person where such earnings provide for or contribute to the damages under this section the Court shall: (d) take into account S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 that in the case of a person who was of the age of thirty years and below at the time of his death, the number of years' purchase shall be 16; and in the case of any other person who was of the age range extending between thirty one years and fifty four years at the time of his death, the number of years' purchase shall be calculated by using the figure 55, minus the age of the person at the time of death and dividing the remainder by the figure..” [40] By virtue of the proviso in paragraph (iv) (d) to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956, loss of support is calculated as follows: [RM2525.30 (deceased salary at USIM) + RM 1500 (minimum pay as a mechanic] = RM4025.30 x 13 [60-43 (age of the deceased] x 12 = RM 627,946.8-1/3(209,315.6) = RM418,631.20. Bereavement [41] With reference to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956, I awarded RM 30,000.00 for bereavement. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 Funeral expenses and documentation cost [42] I also awarded RM 3,000.00 for funeral expenses and RM 148.00 for documentation’s costs. Cost and interest [43] All interest as per paragraphs (c) to (e) of the Statement of Claim was also allowed as follows: (a) interest rate of 5% per annum on the general damages from the date of the issuance of writ to the date of the judgment; (b) interest rate of 2.5% per annum on the special damages from the date of the accident to the date of the judgment; and (c) interest rate of 5% per annum on the whole judgment from the date of judgment until full payment. [44] Plaintiffs’ claim was allowed with fixed costs pursuant to Order 59 rule 23(1) of the Rules of Court. Conclusion [45] To recapitulate, based on the aforesaid reasons, and after scrutiny and consideration of all the evidence before this Court, including the written and submissions of both parties, I found that liability at 20:80 S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants and the amount awarded was fair and reasonable. (MAZNI BINTI NAWI) Session Judge Session Court (4) Seremban Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus 16 November 2023 For the Plaintiffs: Messrs Sivaruben & Co 8-12-13, Menara Mutiara Bangsar; Jalan Liku Off Riong 59100 Bangsar Kuala Lumpur For the Defendants: Messrs Francis Pereira & Shan No.7, Jalan Mawar, Suit 8a, Wisma TCT, 516-1, 3rd mile, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PLAINTIF 1. ) HAZELIN NOR BINTI ZAINAL ABIDIN ( Menuntut sebagai Isteri dan Anak-Anak Yang Sah serta Orang Tanggungan Simati, MUHAMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS ) 2. ) DANNIS AL' HAFIZ ( Menuntut sebagai Isteri dan Anak-Anak Yang Sah serta Orang Tanggungan Simati, MUHAMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS ) 3. ) SHAZRYN DANISHA BINTI MUHAMAD HAZRI ( Menuntut sebagai Isteri dan Anak-Anak Yang Sah serta Orang Tanggungan Simati, MUHAMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS ) DEFENDAN 1. ) HASANUDDIN BIN RENTA 2. ) E BROTHERS TRADING SDN BHD
Burden of proof-section 101 Evidence Act- ‘balance of probabilities’ as ‘more probable than not’ and which is ‘not so high as required in a criminal case…but if the probabilities are equal, it is not discharged-Charged and plead guilty-an admission established by a guilty plea-subsection 43(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for careless and inconsiderate driving-contributory negligence-rule 13 of the Highway Code -level of intoxication. - lose focus and ability to ride carefully -entitled to be compensated for the loss of his employer’s contribution to the Employee’s Provident Fund-loss of support -living expenses-multiplier-proviso in paragraph (iv) (d) to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956-funeral expenses
Puan Mazni binti Nawi
IN THE SESSIONS COURT AT SEREMBAN IN THE STATE OF NEGERI SEMBILAN DARUL KHUSUS, MALAYSIA CASE NO.NA-A53KJ-300-09/2022 BETWEEN HAZELIN NOR BINTI ZAINAL ABIDIN … PLAINTIFFS DANNIS AL ‘HAFIZ SHAZRYN DANISHA BINTI MUHAMAD HAZRI (as the lawful widow and dependents of the deceased, MUHAMMAD HAZRI BIN ASLIYAS) AND HASANUDDIN BIN RENTA EBROTHERS TRADING SDN. BHD … DEFENDANTS 16/11/2023 21:30:40 NA-A53KJ-300-09/2022 Kand. 27 S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 GROUNDS OF JUDGEMENT Introduction [1] An appeal was filed dated 15 September 2023 by both Plaintiffs and Defendants on the issues of liability and quantum decided by this Court on 8 September 2023. The factual background [2] The proceedings at the Sessions Court originated from an accident that occurred on 10 February 2022, involving a motorcycle NCY 8731 ridden by the deceased and a Lorry MAJ 3371 driven by the First Defendant at Desa Kasia, Nilai. [3] To prove her case, the Plaintiffs had called 3 witnesses while the First Defendant himself had testified. Plaintiffs’ witnesses were as follows: (a) Inspector Nor Fadzilah bin Mohd Zainuddin-The Investigation Officer (“SP1”); (b) Mrs. Hazelin bin Zainal Abidin -The widow of the deceased-The First Plaintiff ("SP2"); and (c) Tunku Nazruddin in Tunku Yahya - Representative of the deceased’s Employer (“SP3”). S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [4] I apportioned liability at 20:80 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. Both parties appealed against such a decision, with the Plaintiffs contending that the Defendants should have been made 100% liable. On the other hand, the Defendants contended that the apportioned liability should be at 40:60 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. On the issue of quantum, both parties were dissatisfied with my decision and appealed against such an award. Liability [5] At this juncture, Plaintiffs had the legal burden of proof as prescribed by section 101 of the Evidence Act which reads: “Burden of proof 101. (1) Whoever desires any court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability, dependent on the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts exist. (2) When a person is bound to prove the existence of any fact, it is said that the burden of proof lies on that person.”. [6] This reminder was also administered by the Federal Court in Wong Thin Yit v. Mohamed Ali [1971] 1 LNS 151 in the words of Ong CJ: “In a negligence action the onus of proof rests wholly on the plaintiff, whether or not the defendant gives evidence. The plaintiff cannot S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 succeed without proof of the defendant’s negligence. Evidence is the foundation of proof, with which it must not be confounded. Proof is that which leads to a conclusion as to the truth or falsity of alleged facts which are the subject of inquiry. Evidence, if accepted and believed, may result in proof, but it is not necessarily proof of itself.” [7] Evrol Mariette Peters, J in Sabri Abdul Talib and Vt Logistics (M) Sdn. Bhd. V. Tiong Mee Kooi [2021] 1 LNS 2275 also emphasised that - “The standard of proof on the Plaintiff to prove his claim was on a balance of probabilities. The term ‘balance of probabilities’ was described in Miller v. Minister of Pensions [1947] 2 All ER 372 by Denning J (as he then was) as ‘more probable than not’ and which is ‘not so high as required in a criminal case…but if the probabilities are equal, it is not discharged’. The standard, therefore, does not allow for any guesswork, speculation, surmise or conjecture. Miller v. Minister of Pensions has been assimilated into Malaysian jurisprudence through several cases including Inas Faiqah bt Mohd Helmi (an infant suing through her father and next friend, Mohd Helmi bin Abdul Aziz) v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2016] 2 MLJ 1.”. [8] The Plaintiffs had contended that this was a case where the Defendant should have been held 100% liable as it was a case where the Defendant had admitted that he attempted to make a U-turn. The Defendant was also charged under subsection 43(1) of the Road S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Transport Act 1987 of careless and inconsiderate driving and he pleaded guilty. [9] However, the Defendants contended that the liability should be apportioned at 40:60 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. The Defendants testified that there was no signage that disallowed him to make a U-turn. [10] Furthermore, the Plaintiffs should also be held liable and contributed 40% negligence as the deceased had lacked focus and was able to avoid the collision. Court’s finding [11] Both the deceased and the First Defendant were traveling in the same direction. The First Defendant attempted to make a U-turn when the deceased who was riding a motorcycle collided with the lorry. Charged and Plead Guilty [12] The First Defendant was charged under subsection 43(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for careless and inconsiderate driving. He then pleaded guilty and was fined RM 7000. His driving license was also endorsed. [13] The issue of liability when one party was charged in Court was discussed by the Court of Appeal in the case of Annamalay Retnam Vs S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Mah Chong Peng & Anor [2010] 6 CLJ 487- at page 499 which quoted as follows: “[26] In Lim Ah Toh, supra, the pertinent of the judgement at p. 196 reads: The plea of guilty by the first defendant to a charge of inconsiderate driving is an admissible admission that further supports the plaintiff's case, and which weighs against the defendants see Noor Mohamed Vs Palanivelu [1956] MLJ 11; EA Long Vs Wong Chin Wah [1975] MLJ 165.”. [14] Relying on that case, that an admission by the First Defendant was established by a guilty plea, therefore on the balance of probabilities, I found that the Defendants should be held liable for negligence while the Second Defendant was vicariously liable for negligence. Contributory Negligence [15] Hence, the issue was whether the deceased contributed to the negligence. The term “contributory negligence” was highlighted by the Supreme Court in Lai Yew Seong Vs Chan Kim Sang [1987] CLJ Rep 151; [1987] 1 CLJ 352 as follows: “.. negligent as used in the expression 'contributory negligence' does not mean breach of duty. It means the failure by the person to S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 use reasonable care for the safety of himself or his property so that he becomes the author of his own wrong. The test of contributory negligent is based entirely on the conduct of the plaintiff in the accident or case”. [16] Despite the guilty plea, from SP1, it was revealed that the deceased was riding at the fastest lane and not as required by rule 13 of the Highway Code which states as follows: “Keep to the left 13. Vehicles should at all times be driven on the lefthand side of the road, the slower the speed the closer to the edge of the road.”. [17] Furthermore, SP1 also testified that from the postmortem report, there was alcohol in the blood of the deceased indicating some level of intoxication. [18] Moreover, it was a clear sunny day, and the deceased should have been able to avoid the collision when approaching the motor lorry. However, due to the intoxication level, the deceased might lose focus and ability to ride carefully and collide with the motor lorry. [19] I refer to the words of Nantha Balan, J in the case of Wan Mohd Afzainizam bin Wan Ahmad & Anor Vs Tan Sew Yong (suing as lawful widow and dependant of Chin Wai Loy, deceased) & Ors [2017] 11 MLJ 1, quoted by the Defendant as follows: S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 “[53] Hence, counsel for the defendants submitted (quite rightly) that as a matter of common sense, the inference to be drawn is that the said motorcar had been speeding and crashed into the stationary vehicles. This therefore raises the question as to whether the deceased was keeping a proper look-out and finally, losing control over the said motorcar when he realized that the fast lane was blocked. The fact that there was alcohol in the blood and urine of the deceased indicates that there was some level of intoxication, and this may have played a role in the ability (or inability) of the deceased to drive carefully along the road and to have proper control of the said motorcar”. [20] In this case, based on the facts and evidence, I found on the balance of probabilities that the accident was also contributed by the deceased. [21] Therefore, I apportioned liability at 20:80 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants. Quantum Loss of support as USIM’s employee [22] It was submitted that the Deceased was working at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (“USIM”) as a driver, earning an average sum of RM2525.30 per month. His pay slips were tendered in Court through his employer’s representative as exhibits and were marked as P3. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [23] The defendants objected and submitted that the calculation for the loss of support should be based on the disease’s net income with reference to section 7 of the Civil Law Act 1955 which provided as follows: “Compensation to persons entitled for loss occasioned by death 7. (1) Whenever the death of a person is caused by wrongful act, neglect or default, and the act, neglect or default is such as would, if death had not ensued, have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof , the party who would have been liable if death had not ensued shall be liable to an action for damages, notwithstanding the death of the person injured, and although the death has been caused under such circumstances as an amount in law to an offence under the Penal Code [Act 574]. (2) Every such action shall be for the benefit of the wife, husband, parent, child and any person with disabilities under the care, if any, of the person whose death has been so caused and shall be brought by and in the name of the executor of the person deceased. (3) The damages which the party who shall be liable under subsection (1) to pay to the party for whom and for whose benefit the action is brought shall, subject to this section, be such as will compensate the party for whom and for whose benefit the action is S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 brought for any loss of support suffered together with any reasonable expenses incurred as a result of the wrongful act, neglect or default of the party liable under subsection (1): Provided that— (i) in assessing the damages there shall not be taken into account— (a) any sum paid or payable on the death of the person deceased under any contract of assurance or insurance, whether made before or after the coming into force of this Act; (b) any sum payable, as a result of the death, under any written law relating to employees’ provident fund; (c) any pension or gratuity, which has been or will or may be paid as a result of the death; or (d) any sum which has been or will or may be paid under any written law relating to the payment of any benefit or compensation whatsoever, in respect of the death; (ii) damages may be awarded in respect of the funeral expenses of the person deceased if such expenses have been incurred by the party for whose benefit the action is brought; (iii) no damages shall be awarded to a parent on the ground only of his having been deprived of the services of a child; and no damages shall be awarded to a husband on the ground only S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 of his having been deprived of the services or society of his wife; and (iv) in assessing the loss of earnings in respect of any period after the death of a person where such earnings provide for or contribute to the damages under this section the Court shall— (a) take into account that where the person deceased has attained the age of sixty years at the time of his death, his loss of earnings for any period after his death shall not be taken into consideration; and in the case of any other person deceased, his loss of earnings for any period after his death shall be taken into consideration if it is proved or admitted that the person deceased was receiving earnings by his own labour or other gainful activity prior to his death; (b) take into account only the amount relating to the earnings as aforesaid and the Court shall not take into account any prospect of the earnings as aforesaid being increased at any period after the person’s death; (c) take into account any diminution of any such amount as aforesaid by such sum as is proved or admitted to be the living expenses of the person deceased at the time of his death; (d) take into account that in the case of a person who was of the age of thirty years and below at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be 16; and in the case S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 of any other person who was of the age range extending between thirty one years and fifty-nine years at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be calculated by using the figure 60, minus the age of the person at the time of death and dividing the remainder by the figure 2. (3A) Any action under this section may consist of or include a claim for damages for bereavement and, subject to subsection (3D), the sum to be awarded as damages under this subsection shall be thirty thousand ringgit. (3B) A claim for damages for bereavement shall only be for the benefit of — (a) the spouse of the person deceased; (b) the child of the person deceased; and (c) the parents of the person deceased. (3C) Where there is a claim for damages under subsection (3B), the sum awarded shall be divided equally between them subject to any deduction likely to be made in respect of all costs and expenses including costs not recovered from the defendant. (3D) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may from time to time by order published in the Gazette vary the sum specified in subsection (3A). S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (3E) An order made under subsection (3D) shall be published in the Gazette and as soon as possible thereafter, shall be laid before the Dewan Rakyat; and if the Dewan Rakyat passes a resolution annulling the order, it shall be void but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder or to the making of a new order as from the date of notification in the Gazette of the passing of the resolution. (4) The amount, other than the amount awarded under proviso (iii) to subsection (3) and the amount recovered under subsection (3B), so recovered after deducting all costs and expenses, including the costs not recovered from the defendant, shall be divided amongst the before-mentioned parties, or any of them in such shares as the Court by its judgment or decree directs. (5) Not more than one action shall be brought for and in respect of the same subject matter of complaint, and every such action shall be brought within three years after the death of the person deceased. (6) In any such action the executor of the deceased may insert a claim for and recover any pecuniary loss to the estate of the deceased occasioned by the wrongful act, neglect, or default, which sum when recovered shall be deemed part of the assets of the estate of the deceased. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 (7) The plaint or writ or summons in any such action shall give full particulars of the person or persons for whom or on whose behalf the action is brought, and of the nature of the claim in respect of which damages are sought to be recovered. (8) If there is no executor of the person deceased or there being an executor no action as in this section mentioned has, within six calendar months after the death of the person deceased, been brought by the executor, the action may be brought by all or any of the persons, if more than one, for whose benefit the action would have been brought if it had been brought by the executor, and every action so to be brought shall be for the benefit of the same person or persons and shall be subject to the same procedure as nearly as may be as if it was brought by the executor. (9) It shall be sufficient for any defendant in any action brought under this section to pay any money, he is advised to pay into Court as a compensation, in one sum to all persons entitled under this section for his wrongful act, neglect or default without specifying the shares into which it is to be divided. (10) If the said sum is not accepted and an issue is taken by the plaintiff as to its sufficiency and the Court thinks the same sufficient, the defendant shall be entitled to judgment upon that issue. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 (11) In this section unless the context otherwise requires— “child” includes son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson and stepdaughter; “parent” includes father, mother, grandfather and grandmother; “pension” includes a return of contributions and any payment of a lump sum in respect of a person’s employment: Provided that in deducing any relationship referred to in this subsection any illegitimate person or any person who has been adopted, or whose adoption has been registered, in accordance with any written law shall be treated as being or as having been the legitimate offspring of his mother and reputed father or, as the case may be, of his adopters.”. [24] For this issue, I refer to the words of Mohamad Abazafree Mohd Abbas, J in the case of Nagenthiran Thangarajoo Vs Muhammad Azwan Mohd Afandi & Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1180 that stated as follows: “…Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa Tuan HMS KB telah terkhilaf di dalam penentuan jumlah ganti apabila mengecualikan pengiraan S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 sumbangan caruman KWSP. Ini adalah kerana ia adalah turut merupakan pendapatan yang diperolehi oleh Perayu yang akan dikumpulkan sehingga Perayu bersara kelak. Jumlah yang terkumpul ini akan diterima secara terkumpul selepas Perayu bersara.” [25] Mohamad Abazafree Mohd Abbas, J also quoted the High Court’s decision in the case Lau Kung Kai Vs. Abu Serah bin Bol (M) [2008] MLJU that stated as follows: “The complaint that the EPF contribution must not be taken into account has no merits when the purpose was to access a suitable multiplicand in a dependency claim. Courts have even considered EPF contribution in cases other than dependency claim…. To my mind the plaintiff is entitled to be compensated for the loss of his employer’s contribution to the Employee’s Provident Fund…”. [26] Therefore, in my view, the calculation for the loss of support should be based on the deceased salary of RM 2525.30 as per the deceased’s pay slips. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 Loss of support - as a mechanic [27] The Plaintiffs through SP2 testified that the deceased received additional income from his workshop. SP2 submitted the deceased’s bank statements that showed the monthly income he had been receiving from his workshop. [28] However, the Defendants claimed that the source of that income was not proven. Besides, that income was from an illegal source and therefore not claimable as decided by the Federal Court in the case of Chua Kim Suan and Teoh Teik Nam (suing as Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of Teoh Tek Lee, deceased) Vs Government of Malaysia & Anor [1994] 1 CLJ 321 that stated as follows: “The learned Chief Justice of Singapore also reviewed a case in the South African Court of Appeal of five Judges in Dhlamini v. Protea Assurance [1974] (4) SA 906 (A) in which it is said to have been held that plaintiff, an unlicensed hawker for 20 years had her claim for damages based on the loss of earnings from unlicensed hawking disallowed on the ground of such claims being against public policy. We have decided after most anxious consideration that any claim for loss of earnings from any illegal source should not be allowed on the ground that it is against public policy. We think that we would also follow, on this point, the decisions of Ooi Han Sun; Burns; Lebagge and Dhlamini, supra and approve the dictum in question in S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Yaacob. We therefore uphold the decision of the learned Judge in the Court below and that of the learned Registrar at the first instance that the claim for that part of damages as related to earnings from the illegal operation of the taxi should be disallowed; because ex turpi causa non oritur actio or in other words, such claim would be against public policy. We would like to emphasize the timely caution of the learned Chief Justice of Singapore in Ooi’s case, supra that the maxim has a limited application in tort. The maxim’s principal role lies mainly and almost exclusively in actions on contract.”. [29] The issue before me was whether that income was from an illegal source. The Defendant alleged that the part-time income was from an illegal sources in para 25.15 the Defendant's written submission is as follows: “25.15 Kami menghujahkan di sini bahawa jika Si Mati sebenarnya bekerja “part time” di bengkel, pendapatan yang diperoleh daripada aktiviti yang tidak sah (pekerjaan di bengkel yang berkemungkinan tidak wujud) adalah bercanggah dengan polisi awam”. [30] On the other hand, the Plaintiffs through SP2 had testified that the deceased had been working at his workshop and presented the statement of account of his part-time income. [31] In my view, it is pertinent to note that there is no hard and fast rule that a person’s income must be proved by documentary evidence only. In S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 Lee Thiam v. Fatimah Bte Salleh [1981] 1 MLJ 285, loss of dependency was proved, despite the absence of documentary evidence of the deceased’s income. The court in that case relied on the evidence of the deceased’s wife and considering the average income of a rubber-tapper which the Federal Court endorsed that amount. In this case, the Plaintiffs had adduced evidence of the Deceased’s earnings through SP2. [32] With reference to the Minimum Wage Policy and considering the evidence of the deceased’s statement of account, I allowed RM 1500 as a reasonable and fair one as the deceased part-time salary. Living expenses [33] The learned counsel for the defendants argued that living expenses ought to be deducted from the actual earnings lost. However, Counsel for the Plaintiffs did not rebut nor submit any authorities against the Defendants’ proponent. [34] For this matter, I refer to the case of Marappan Nallan Koundar v. Siti Rahmah Ibrahim [1990] 1 CLJ (Rep) 174 which states as follows: “[3] The court should not make any deduction for living expenses under the subsection of s. 28A CLA as there was no proof or admission in this case as to what the actual living expenses of the plaintiff were at the time when she was injured.” S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 [35] Besides that, I also refer to the words of Mohamad Abazafree, J in the case of Nagenthiran Thangarajoo Vs Muhammad Azwan Mohd Afandi & Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1180 that stated as follows: “[25] Berkaitan pemotongan kos sara hidup, Mahkamah Agung di dalam kes Marappan Nallan Koundar v. Siti Rahmah Ibrahim [1990] 1 CLJ (Rep) 174 telah menyatakan seperti berikut; [3] The court should not make any deduction for living expenses under the subsection of s. 28A CLA as there was no proof or admission in this case as to what the actual living expenses of the plaintiff were at the time when she was injured. (rujuk; Lau Lee Ching & anor v. Muhammad Faiz Md Yusof [2019] 1 LNS 2109). [2023] 1 LNS [26] Sehubungan dengan itu, menggunakan pendekatan yang sama, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa Tuan HMS adalah tidak terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa jumlah ganti rugi kehilangan pendapatan adalah tertakluk kepada pemotongan sebanyak 1/3. Oleh itu jumlah RM1,143,857.00 hendaklah dipotong sebanyak 1/3 menjadikan jumlah yang sewajarnya diawardkan adalah sebanyak RM862,571.40”. [36] In this case, SP2 had testified that part of the deceased salary was used to pay for the utility bill of their matrimonial home and his workshop. Besides that, the deceased also purchased spare parts for his workshops. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 [37] Therefore, based on that evidence, I allowed a deduction of one-third from the deceased total salary. Multiplier [38] For the multiplier, I refer to the proviso in paragraph (iv) (d) to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956 as follows: “(d) take into account that in the case of a person who was of the age of thirty years and below at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be 16; and in the case of any other person who was of the age range extending between thirty one years and fifty-nine years at the time of his death, the number of years’ purchase shall be calculated by using the figure 60, minus the age of the person at the time of death and dividing the remainder by the figure 2.”. [39] To interpret the application of the proviso to subsection 7(3) I refer to the Court of Appeal’s decision Cheng Bee Teik & Ors V. Peter Selvaraj & Another Court Of Appeal, Putrajaya [Civil Appeal No: P- 04-93-2002] as follows: “The issue before us is, what is the proper interpretation that ought to be given to the proviso to s. 7(3) of the CLA, which reads: (iv) in assessing the loss of earnings in respect of any period after the death of a person where such earnings provide for or contribute to the damages under this section the Court shall: (d) take into account S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 that in the case of a person who was of the age of thirty years and below at the time of his death, the number of years' purchase shall be 16; and in the case of any other person who was of the age range extending between thirty one years and fifty four years at the time of his death, the number of years' purchase shall be calculated by using the figure 55, minus the age of the person at the time of death and dividing the remainder by the figure..” [40] By virtue of the proviso in paragraph (iv) (d) to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956, loss of support is calculated as follows: [RM2525.30 (deceased salary at USIM) + RM 1500 (minimum pay as a mechanic] = RM4025.30 x 13 [60-43 (age of the deceased] x 12 = RM 627,946.8-1/3(209,315.6) = RM418,631.20. Bereavement [41] With reference to subsection 7(3) Civil Law Act 1956, I awarded RM 30,000.00 for bereavement. S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 Funeral expenses and documentation cost [42] I also awarded RM 3,000.00 for funeral expenses and RM 148.00 for documentation’s costs. Cost and interest [43] All interest as per paragraphs (c) to (e) of the Statement of Claim was also allowed as follows: (a) interest rate of 5% per annum on the general damages from the date of the issuance of writ to the date of the judgment; (b) interest rate of 2.5% per annum on the special damages from the date of the accident to the date of the judgment; and (c) interest rate of 5% per annum on the whole judgment from the date of judgment until full payment. [44] Plaintiffs’ claim was allowed with fixed costs pursuant to Order 59 rule 23(1) of the Rules of Court. Conclusion [45] To recapitulate, based on the aforesaid reasons, and after scrutiny and consideration of all the evidence before this Court, including the written and submissions of both parties, I found that liability at 20:80 S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 between the Plaintiffs and the Defendants and the amount awarded was fair and reasonable. (MAZNI BINTI NAWI) Session Judge Session Court (4) Seremban Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus 16 November 2023 For the Plaintiffs: Messrs Sivaruben & Co 8-12-13, Menara Mutiara Bangsar; Jalan Liku Off Riong 59100 Bangsar Kuala Lumpur For the Defendants: Messrs Francis Pereira & Shan No.7, Jalan Mawar, Suit 8a, Wisma TCT, 516-1, 3rd mile, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur S/N MPoDIbl00Kyl14s8dWxdg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Family law - Respondent Husband's application to vary previous court order - Petitioner Wife utilising spousal maintenance to fund her legal fees in proceedings against Respondent - Whether spousal maintenance for Petitioner such legal fees - Whether allowed by court order - Whether just and equitable for Petitioner to do so - Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 sections 83 and 96Family law - Respondent Husband's application to vary previous court order - Whether there was procedural non-compliance by the Respondent - Whether such non-compliance had prejudiced the Petitioner wife - Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 rules 61, 63, 65
YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters
WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY, MALAYSIA DIVORCE PETITION NO: WA-33-546-09/2018 In the matter of sections 53, 54(1)(a) & (b), 58 and 59 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164)) BETWEEN YOGITHA KISHANCHAND JETHWANI …PETITIONER AND ASHVIN JETHANAND VALLIRAM … RESPONDENT SHERINA LACHMAN MAHTANI …1ST CO-RESPONDENT HARVINDER KAUR A/P HARCHAND SINGH …2ND CO-RESPONDENT GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT 16/11/2023 09:10:21 WA-33-546-09/2018 Kand. 467 S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Introduction [1] This was an application (“this Application”) by the Respondent Husband in enclosure 405, seeking to vary certain terms of a court order dated 9 December 2019 (“the Court Order”), granted pursuant to an application by the Petitioner Wife for interim relief. The factual background [2] The Petitioner and Respondent (collectively “the Parties”) were aged 50 and 52 respectively at the time of the hearing. The Petitioner is a permanent resident of Malaysia, while the Respondent, a Malaysian citizen, is an entrepreneur. They were married in July 1999, and are blessed with two children, a son and a daughter, who were 22 and 19 years old, respectively, at the time of the hearing. [3] At the outset of their marriage, the Parties established their residence in the Respondent’s family home in Sentul, where they resided for the initial decade. In 2009, they relocated to a condominium known as Sri Penaga. [4] Over the years, the marital relationship underwent a gradual decline marked by frequent arguments and conflicts. The situation reached a turning point in October 2017, when the Respondent vacated Sri Penaga. The Petitioner, however, has chosen to remain at Sri Penaga. [5] In September 2018, the Petitioner commenced divorce proceedings by filing a divorce petition (“the Divorce Petition”). Two weeks later, she filed an application for interim relief in enclosure 8, and in December S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 2019, the Court granted various forms of relief (“the Court Order”), encompassing provisions for spousal maintenance, a car, a domestic helper, and a driver. [6] In December 2018, the Respondent filed a cross-petition (“the Cross- Petition”) in response to the Divorce Petition. Hearing of the Divorce Petition and Cross-Petition commenced only in December 2022. [7] In June 2023, while the hearing of the Divorce Petition and Cross- Petition was ongoing, the Respondent filed this Application to vary specific terms of the Court Order in the following manner: A. One (1) full-time driver for the family who will be available 7 days in a week (“the driver”) employed in accordance with the Malaysian Employment Act 1955 (Amendment 2022) and the labour laws. B. One (1) car which is a Mercedes-Benz model (“the said car”) which will be available 7 days in a week and in the event the said car has broken down, the Respondent will provide a replacement car of any model, temporarily, within a short period of time until the said car is fixed. … D. The Respondent provides The Petitioner shall apply, on her own one (1) full-time domestic helper (“the domestic helper”) selected by the Respondent in accordance with the Malaysian Employment Act 1955 (Amendment 2022) and the Respondent to reimburse the expense incurred. … G. The Respondent provides the Petitioner with one (1) supplementary credit card with a credit limit of RM100,00.00 (“the credit card”) where the Petitioner’s monthly usage is capped at RM30,000 RM20,000 each month save and except for the medical expenses of the Petitioner not covered by the medical insurance and the OTP to be S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 sent to the Petitioner’s number directly, of which the Petitioner shall utilise the same to pay only for her means and needs with the express PROHIBITION of the following: (a) Fund legal fees and/ or any fees in respect of any suits and/ or legal matters and/ or any action arising thereof involving the Respondent as a party; (b) Subsequent withdrawals of case and/ or cash equivalent after transferring, topping up, and/ or reloading cash or cash equivalents; store value, vis the app or whatsoever, (for eg, TNG, E-wallet, Grab Pay, apply Pay, by using the credit card); (c) Fund any other expense not stated here Save and except for the medical expenses of the Petitioner not covered by the medical insurance and the OTP to be sent to the Petitioner’s number directly, 1.2 That the Petitioner reimburses the Respondent any such payments made by the Petitioner previously in contradiction to the amended 1G within 14 days from the date of this Order. [8] This Application was allowed only with regard to the driver and car, and to some extent, the domestic helper, but not with regard to spousal maintenance. The following were my reasons. The issues [9] The issues to be considered by this Court, were as follows: (a) Whether there was procedural non-compliance by the Respondent; and S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 (b) Whether Respondent had established that there was misrepresentation, mistake of fact, or material change in circumstances. The further issue that the Court had to address was whether spousal maintenance for the Petitioner included her legal fees in the proceedings against the Respondent. Contentions, evaluation, and findings Whether there was procedural non-compliance by the Respondent [10] At the outset, the Petitioner argued that this Application was flawed due to the Respondent’s failure to adhere to the provisions outlined in the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 ("the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules"), namely rules 61, 63, and 65, all of which read: Rule 61 - General provisions as to evidence etc. on application for ancillary relief (1) A petitioner or respondent who has applied for ancillary relief in his petition or answer and who intends to proceed with the application before a registrar shall, subject to Rule 84, file a notice in Form 12 and within four days after doing so serve a copy on the other spouse. (2) Where a respondent or a petitioner is served with a notice in Form 11 or 13 in respect of an application for ancillary relief, not being an application to which Rule 62 or 63 applies then, unless the parties are agreed upon the terms of the proposed order, he shall, within 14 days after service of the notice, file an affidavit in answer to the application containing full particulars of his property and income, and if does not do so, the court may order him to file an affidavit containing such particulars. (3) Within 14 days after service of any affidavit under paragraph (2) or within such other time as the court may fix, the applicant shall file an affidavit in reply containing full particulars of his property and income. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 ***** Rule 63 - Evidence on application for variation order (1) An application for a variation order shall be supported by an affidavit by the applicant setting out full particulars of his property and income and the grounds on which the application is made. (2) The respondent to the application may, within 14 days after service of the affidavit, file an affidavit in answer. [Emphasis added.] ***** Rule 65 - Investigation by Registrar of application for ancillary relief. (1) On or after the filing of a notice in Form 11 or 13 an appointment shall be fixed for the hearing of the application by the registrar. (2) An application for an avoidance of disposition order shall, if practicable, be heard at the same time as any related application for financial relief: (3) Notice of the appointment, unless given in Form 11 or 13 (as the case may be) shall be given by the registrar to every party to the application. (4) Any party to an application for ancillary relief may by letter require any other party to give further information concerning any matter contained in any affidavit filed by or on behalf of that other party or any other relevant matter, or to furnish a list of relevant documents or to allow inspection of any such document, and may, in default of compliance by such other party, apply to the registrar for directions. (5) At the hearing of an application for ancillary relief the registrar shall, subject to Rules 66, 68, and 69, investigate the allegations made in support of and in answer to the application and may take evidence orally and may order the attendance of any person for the purpose of being examined or cross-examined, and may at any stage of the proceedings order the discovery and production of any document or require further affidavit. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 (6) The registrar may at any stage of the proceedings give directions as to the filling and service of pleadings and as to the further conduct of the proceedings. (7) Where any party to such an application intends on the day appointed for the hearing to apply only for directions, he shall file and serve on every other party a notice to that effect. [Emphasis added.] [11] As this Application sought ancillary relief to vary the Court Order, it consequently activated the provisions stipulated in Rules 61, 63, and 65 of the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules. These rules essentially mandate the Respondent to file an affidavit in support of this Application, containing full particulars of his property and income. [12] It was undisputed that the Respondent had not adhered to the abovementioned rules, albeit his persistent claim of substantial financial standing. [13] Although I agreed with the Petitioner that there was indeed non- compliance with rules 61, 63, and 65 of the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules, I was unable to endorse the Petitioner’s view that this Application should be dismissed altogether on such grounds, for the following reasons. [14] First and foremost, the Respondent, from the very outset, expressly indicated that he had filed this Application not only on his assertion of a material change in circumstances, but also on his claims of misrepresentation and mistake of fact. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 [15] Secondly, this Application was filed amidst the ongoing proceedings of the Divorce Petition and Cross-Petition, specifically during the Respondent’s case, subsequent to the Petitioner’s conclusion of her case. The Petitioner herself had repeatedly asserted her personal knowledge regarding the Respondent’s financial situation and wealth. Consequently, the absence of compliance with rules 61, 63, and 65 of the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules had not resulted in any prejudice to the Petitioner. [16] At this juncture, it was incumbent upon this Court to underscore the importance of rule 102 of the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules, which reads: Rule 102 - Irregularities (1) Non-compliance with these Rules or any rule of practice in force shall not render the proceedings void unless the Court shall so order but the Court may of its own motion or on application of any party set aside any proceedings wholly or in part as irregular or order amendment on such terms as may be just. (2) Any such application may be dismissed unless made within a reasonable time and before the applicant has taken any step in the proceedings with knowledge of the irregularity. [Emphasis added.] [17] Moreover, the Petitioner had not suffered any prejudice, as this was simply an irregularity that also squarely aligned with the provisions of Order 1A, Order 2 rule 3, and Order 92 rule 4 of the Rules of Court 2012 (“Rules of Court”), all of which read: S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Order 1A - Court or judge shall have regard to justice Regard shall be to justice In administering these Rules, the Court or a Judge shall have regard to the overriding interest of justice and not only to the technical non- compliance with these Rules ***** Order 2 - Effect of non-compliance Rule 3 - Preliminary objection for non-compliance of rules not allowed A Court or Judge shall not allow any preliminary objection by any party to any cause or matter or proceedings only on the ground of non-compliance of any provision of these Rules unless the Court or Judge is of the opinion that such non-compliance has occasioned a substantial miscarriage of justice or occasioned prejudice that cannot be cured either by amendment or an appropriate order for costs or both. ***** Order 92 - Miscellaneous Rule 4 - Inherent powers of the Court For the removal of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in these Rules shall be deemed to limit or affect the inherent powers of the Court to make any order as may be necessary to prevent injustice or to prevent an abuse of the process of the Court. [Emphasis added.] S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 [18] In light of the objections raised, it was essential to emphasise that raising non-prejudicial issues was unwise as it ultimately leads to a needless consumption of judicial time. [19] Furthermore, it was important to bear in mind that the rules of practice should serve as a supportive tool rather than an overriding authority in the pursuit of justice. As aptly expressed by Lord Collins MR in the case of Re Coles and Ravenshear [1907] 1 KB 1, the Court should not be excessively constrained by rules. Therefore, there was no justification for raising technicalities that had no relevance to the substance of this Application. [20] It has also been said that 'procedural skirmishes ought not to prevail, to defeat substantive justice' (per Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JCA in Reebok (M) Sdn Bhd v. CIMB Bank Bhd [2019] 9 CLJ 230). Consequently, I could not consider the Petitioner’s contention on any of the procedural defects since, in my view, such defects did not pose any actual prejudice to her. Whether Respondent had established misrepresentation, mistake of fact, or material change in circumstances [21] One of the issues before this Court was whether a material change in circumstances, as defined in section 96 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 (“Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act”), had indeed taken place. This provision reads: S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Section 96 – Power for court to vary orders for custody or maintenance The court may at any time and from time to time vary, or may rescind, any order for the custody or maintenance of a child on the application of any interested person, where it is satisfied that the order was based on any misrepresentation or mistake of fact or where there has been any material change in the circumstances. [Emphasis added.] [22] The words "material change" has been emphasised in the case of Sivajothi a/p K Suppiah v. Kunathasan a/l Chelliah [2006] 5 CLJ 318; [2006] 3 MLJ 184 to mean not simply any change, as the operative word is ‘material’. [23] The phrase ‘material change in circumstances’ has also been explained by George Seah SCJ in the Supreme Court case of Gisela Gertrud Abe v Tan Wee Kiat [1986] 2 MLJ 297, in the following passage: In our opinion, when an application is made to the court to vary an existing order for maintenance, the proper approach is to start from the original order and see what changes financial or otherwise, have taken place since that date including any changes which the court is required to have regard to under s 78 of the Act as well as any increase or decrease in the means of either of the parties to the marriage and make adjustments roughly in proportion to the changes, if that is possible. [Emphasis added.] S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 [24] Further elaboration of ‘material change in circumstances’ may be found in Lim Hong Bee v. Mah Teck Oon [2010] 8 CLJ 473, [2010] MLJU 264, where it was stated by Suraya Othman J (as she then was) that ‘the change in question must be material and not any change. It means a change in a crucial and vital part. In considering whether there has been any "material change" within the meaning of this section, all the relevant circumstances must be taken into account.’ [25] Hence, in examining the question of material change in circumstances, the inquiry is not simply whether there has been any material change per se since the Court Order was granted. The change must be sufficiently material, such that expecting the status quo to remain would not be justified. [26] It was also crucial to note that the question of whether there was a material change in circumstances is a question of fact, as decided in the High Court case of Anna Tay Siew Hong v Joseph Ng Tiong Yong [1995] 3 CLJ 717, [1995] MLJU 257. Reference was made also to the case of Navarajan a/l Subramaniam v Rajeswary a/p Muniandy [2019] MLJU 715, where it was stated by Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz J, in the following passage: The legal definition of material change in circumstances is not cast in stone. It is ultimately dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each case. No one case is like the other. [Emphasis added.] S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 [27] The Respondent, therefore, had the legal burden to prove the material change of circumstances on a balance of probabilities: YCC v. LSY [2007] 7 CLJ 207; Ng Say Chuan v Lim Szu Ling [2010] 10 CLJ 37. [28] It was undisputed that the Court Order was granted approximately four years ago, at a time when the Children were residing with the Petitioner. The current situation differs significantly from that time, as the Children have since departed from Sri Penaga to pursue their further studies. Furthermore, the Petitioner herself had asserted that the reliefs concerning the driver, car, and domestic helper were primarily intended for the benefit of the Children. [29] The material change in circumstances, therefore, arose from the fact that the Children no longer reside with the Petitioner. Therefore, the need for a driver to be available around the clock, seven days a week, is no longer justified. In light of this, I allowed a variation for the driver to be employed in compliance with the Employment Act 1955 (”Employment Act”), and the applicable labour laws. Nevertheless, should the Petitioner need the driver’s assistance outside regular working hours, she is free to coordinate directly with the driver for such additional services. It is important to note that any overtime wages arising from such arrangements will be the sole responsibility of the Petitioner. [30] With regard to the car (“the Mercedes Benz”), it was undisputed that since the Court Order was granted, it had experienced multiple breakdowns. In an effort to permanently address this issue, the S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Respondent had not only suggested to the Petitioner an alternative vehicle model as a replacement, but had also offered to purchase for the Petitioner, a new Tesla car valued at approximately MYR200,000. However, this proposal was rejected by the Petitioner. Nonetheless, each time the Mercedes Benz experienced a breakdown, the Petitioner remained steadfast in her insistence that the replacement car should bear the same brand and model as the Mercedes Benz. [31] It was crucial to note that four years had passed since the Court Order was granted back in 2019, and during that time, the Parties had not foreseen such a delay in the proceedings. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the Mercedes Benz, which was already not a new car when it was provided in 2019, experienced multiple breakdowns. [32] I was also of the view that it would be unjust for the Petitioner to persistently demand the exact brand and model of the Mercedes Benz as a replacement car. This demand, in my opinion, was unreasonable, especially since the Mercedes Benz was no longer intended for the Children but for the Petitioner herself. I have to also add at this juncture that the variation pertaining to the Mercedes Benz was fundamental to prevent any form of abuse by the Petitioner of the reliefs provided by the Court, at the expense of the Respondent. [33] Hence, I concluded that material change in the circumstances had transpired over time. This change had rendered the car less roadworthy than it was originally, leading to frequent trips to the mechanic. Additionally, the absence of the Children as a constant S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 presence in Sri Penaga reinforced my view that the Respondent was entitled to vary the clause concerning the Mercedes Benz, that is, in the event of a breakdown, the Respondent should be allowed to provide a temporary replacement car of any model, until the Mercedes Benz is repaired. [34] With regard to the domestic helper, the Respondent asserted that the Petitioner should personally apply for a domestic helper, who will be selected by the Respondent and subject to the regulations outlined in the Employment Act. The Respondent also asserted that he will continue to bear the costs associated with such application and the domestic helper. [35] The Respondent’s contention was predicated on his submission that any domestic helper employed must reside with the individual requesting such services. In this particular scenario, if the Respondent was the one applying for the domestic helper, then such domestic helper would be obliged to reside at the Respondent’s abode rather than the Petitioner’s. Consequently, the Respondent contended that the onus of applying for the domestic helper should fall on the Petitioner. [36] I had to disagree with the Respondent on this point as he had failed to provide any supporting literature or legal precedent indicating that a domestic helper secured by the Respondent necessitates residing with the Respondent as the applicant. Therefore, there was no factual basis for the assertion that it must be the Petitioner who should initiate the application for the domestic helper. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 [37] Secondly, the Court Order pertaining to the domestic helper had stipulated that the Respondent was responsible for procuring a full- time domestic helper, as selected by the Respondent. It was crucial to note that the Court Order specified ‘full-time’ and not ‘live-in’, implying that there was no express requirement for the domestic helper to reside with the Petitioner. Instead, the domestic helper was solely mandated to work full-time at the Petitioner’s residence and may, therefore, reside at the Respondent’s residence. As such, there was no basis for the Petitioner to undertake the application for the domestic helper. [38] However, I agreed with the Respondent’s contention that, given the full-time nature of the domestic helper’s role at the Petitioner’s residence, it was appropriate for her employment to be regulated by the provisions of the Employment Act. Whether spousal maintenance for Petitioner included legal fees in proceedings against Respondent [39] The Respondent had additionally sought to vary the terms of the Court Order concerning spousal maintenance in accordance with the provisions of section 83 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act, which reads: Section 83 – Power for court to vary orders for maintenance The court may at any time and from time to time vary, or rescind, any subsisting order for maintenance, whether secured or unsecured, on the application of the person in whose favour or of the person against whom the order was made, or, in respect of secured maintenance, of the legal personal representatives of the latter, where it is satisfied that the order was S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 based on any misrepresentation or mistake of fact or where there has been any material change in the circumstances. [Emphasis added.] [40] The motivation for seeking this modification stemmed from the Petitioner’s utilisation of the maintenance funds, notably her allocation of spousal maintenance to cover her legal expenses incurred during these proceedings against the Respondent. [41] The Respondent asserted that the Petitioner’s actions, during the hearing of the interim application, amounted to misrepresentation to Court, which led to the granting of the Court Order. The Respondent argued that the Court was influenced by false information, and there had in fact been material change in circumstances since the Children were no longer residing with the Petitioner. Consequently, the Respondent contended that the Petitioner’s maintenance should be reduced. [42] I found the Respondent’s contention untenable for several reasons. First and foremost, the maintenance granted under the Court Order was specifically designated as spousal maintenance, irrespective of the Children’s needs, making their current residence status irrelevant. [43] Secondly, the Court Order, had already provided for child maintenance, reinforcing the distinction between spousal and child maintenance. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 [44] I must emphasise that the Court Order had expressly stated that the Petitioner's monthly spending is capped at MYR30,000 each month. This term made it clear that the MYR30,000 is not exclusively intended for the Petitioner’s daily expenses, as no other exceptions were made by the previous judge in the Court Order, save for medical expenses. [45] The Respondent’s primary contention revolved around the Petitioner’s usage of the maintenance funds to cover her legal fees for the divorce proceedings, which meant that the Respondent was funding the Petitioner’s litigation against him, This, the Respondent asserted, was wrong and an abuse of the utilisation of such funds meant for spousal maintenance. [46] The Respondent’s contention was untenable as there was no indication that the Petitioner could not use the funds for spousal maintenance for legal fees when the Court Order was obtained in December 2019, as the divorce proceedings were anticipated to be complex and lengthy. Furthermore, spousal maintenance is inherently subjective and depends on the individual needs of the applicant, with the court exercising discretion in each case. [47] While I acknowledged the Respondent’s concerns regarding funding the Petitioner’s litigation against him, I must disagree with the Respondent’s argument that misrepresentation of fact had occurred. There was no indication that the Petitioner was not going to use the maintenance money for her legal fees. In fact, when the Court Order was obtained in December 2019, it was foreseeable that the Petitioner would incur legal expenses due to the intricate nature of the divorce S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 proceedings. Therefore, I maintained the view that misrepresentation had not been substantiated. [48] Furthermore, considering that spousal maintenance is contingent upon an applicant’s specific requirements, it is well-established that the evaluation of these needs can vary from one case to another. This principle is not rigidly prescribed by law, allowing the Court to exercise discretion in its determination. [49] The Respondent’s reliance on the case of Gurbachan Singh a/l Wazir Singh v Amarjit Kaur a/p Atma Singh and another appeal [2018] MLJU 341 was misplaced, as that case pertained to a fresh maintenance order, based on the means and needs test in sections 77 and 78 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act, whereas the present case involved an application to vary spousal maintenance under sections 83 and 96 of the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act. [50] My view was fortified by the analogy that if the Petitioner possessed the freedom to acquire valuable items worth MYR30,000 and to subsequently sell them to cover her legal expense, then she should likewise be entitled to utilise a portion of the spousal maintenance for legal fees, as long as the total amount does not surpass MYR30,000. [51] I additionally emphasised to the Respondent that any allocation the Petitioner made from the MYR30,000 to pay for the legal expenses would inevitably reduce the funds available for the Petitioner’s other financial obligations. The overarching constraint was clear, that is, the total expenditure could not surpass the designated limit of MYR30,000. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 [52] Moreover, supporting a spouse’s legal costs during divorce proceedings is not without precedent, as exemplified in the New Zealand High Court ruling in Clayton v Clayton [2015] NZHC 550. This decision emphasised that a maintenance award can encompass the necessity for one party to cover accounting or legal expenses when there is ongoing litigation, facilitating the party’s journey towards self- sufficiency. Therefore, I took the view that unless expressly excluded from the Court Order, the Petitioner’s legal costs are included. [53] The Respondent further implored the Court to invoke its inherent jurisdiction as outlined in Order 92 rule 4 of the Rules of Court. The aim was to ensure that justice prevails in this case, as it was, according to the Respondent, fundamentally inappropriate in any conceivable scenario to employ funds earmarked for spousal maintenance to cover legal expenses incurred in proceedings against the Respondent. The provision reads: Order 92 – Miscellaneous Rule 4 – Inherent powers of the Court For the removal of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in these Rules shall be deemed to limit or affect the inherent powers of the Court to make any order as may be necessary to prevent injustice or to prevent an abuse of the process of the Court. [Emphasis added.] [54] In my view, justice is not a unilateral concept, exclusively concerned with the rights and interests of a single party. Instead, it is a dynamic S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 interplay of rights and interests of all parties involved. In the specific context of this case, dictating the manner in which the Petitioner could spend the maximum amount of MYR30,000 which had already been awarded to her as spousal maintenance, would inherently undermine the principles of justice. [55] It is essential to note that in January 2020, the Respondent had lodged an appeal against the Court Order, which was subsequently dismissed. Undeterred, in April 2021, the Respondent pursued another legal avenue by filing an application to vary the Court Order. In that application, the Respondent cited, among other factors, the Petitioner’s alleged unwarranted expenditures. However, such an attempt was unsuccessful, as that application was dismissed in May 2022. Now, in June 2023, this Application was filed. [56] It, therefore, became unmistakably clear that the Respondent was resolute in controlling the Petitioner’s expenditures, aiming to curtail her entitlement to spousal maintenance. This behaviour, in my view, flagrantly violated fundamental principles of justice and fairness. The situation was further aggravated by the Respondent’s consistent insistence on his considerable wealth in justifying why he should have been exempt from disclosing his income and assets to the Court. Given the undisputed fact of the Respondent’s substantial wealth, it fortified my view that reducing the Petitioner’s interim spousal maintenance at this stage would be a stark contradiction to principles of justice and equity. S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 [57] Consequently, the prayer to vary the terms of maintenance was not allowed. Conclusion [58] In the upshot, based on the aforesaid reasons, and after careful scrutiny and judicious consideration of all the evidence before this Court, both oral and documentary, and submissions of both Parties, this Application was allowed only with respect to the driver, car, and to some extent, the domestic helper. Dated: 16 November 2023 SIGNED …………………………………………. (EVROL MARIETTE PETERS) Judge High Court, Kuala Lumpur Counsel: For the Petitioner – S Vasanthi and Subathra KS Nathan; Messrs K Sugu & Associates S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 For the Respondent – Chris Lim Su Heng, Sumita Gnanarajah, Tan Chee Yen, and Hirasini S Mahandran; Messrs Chris Lim Su Heng For the First Co-Respondent – Alex Tan Jee Hian; Messrs Jublin Tan & Tey For the Second Co-Respondent – Yoges M Verasuntharam; Messrs Chambers of Yoges Cases referred to: ➢ Anna Tay Siew Hong v Joseph Ng Tiong Yong [1995] 3 CLJ 717, [1995] MLJU 257 ➢ Clayton v Clayton [2015] NZHC 550 ➢ Gisela Gertrud Abe v Tan Wee Kiat [1986] 2 MLJ 58, [1986] CLJ (Rep) 133 ➢ Gurbachan Singh a/l Wazir Singh v Amarjit Kaur a/p Atma Singh and another appeal [2018] MLJU 341 ➢ Lim Hong Bee v Mah Teck Oon [2010] 8 CLJ 473, [2010] MLJU 264 ➢ Navarajan a/l Subramaniam v Rajeswary a/p Muniandy [2019] MLJU 715 ➢ Ng Say Chuan v Lim Szu Ling [2010] 10 CLJ 37 ➢ Re Coles and Ravenshear [1907] 1 KB 1 ➢ Reebok (M) Sdn Bhd v. CIMB Bank Bhd [2019] 9 CLJ 230 ➢ Sivajothi a/p K Suppiah v Kunathasan a/l Chelliah [2006] 5 CLJ 318; [2006] 3 MLJ 184 ➢ YCC v LSY [2007] 7 CLJ 207 S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-33-546-09/2018 16 November 2023 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Legislation referred to: ➢ Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 – rules 61, 63, 65, 102 ➢ Employment Act 1955 ➢ Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 – sections 77, 78, 83, 96, 97 ➢ Rules of Court 2012 – Orders 1A, 3, 92 S/N 3wiYD0Jnu05I3fjTY6L5A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
YA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyKorumYA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahDato' Dr. Choo Kah Sing
1 | P a g e IN THE COURT OF APPEAL MALAYSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) CIVIL APPEAL NO: W-02(NCC)(A)-1925-10/2021 BETWEEN LOW EAN NEE (NRIC NO: 750316-07-5408) …APPELLANT AND SNE MARKETING SDN BHD (COMPANY NO: 237161-U) …RESPONDENT [In the matter of In the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur In the Federal Territory, Malaysia (Commercial Division) Originating Summons No: WA-24NCC-164-04/2021 In the matter of SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd (Company No: 237161-U) [the “COMPANY”] And In the matter of section 245 of the Companies Act, 2016 And In the matter of the inspection of the various accounting documents or records of the Company by a Director of the Company And In the matter of the inherent powers of this Honourable Court 16/11/2023 15:46:07 W-02(NCC)(A)-1925-10/2021 Kand. 66 S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 | P a g e Between Low Ean Nee (NRIC No: 750316-07-5408) …Plaintiff And SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd (Company No: 237161-U) …Defendant] CORAM: S. NANTHA BALAN, JCA, HASHIM BIN HAMZAH, JCA, CHOO KAH SING, JCA JUDGMENT OF THE COURT Introduction [1] This is an appeal against the decision of the Learned Judicial Commissioner dated 28 September 2021 dismissing an application by the Appellant made under s.254 of the Companies Act 2016 (“the Application”) that she be allowed to inspect the accounting and other records of the Respondent for the financial years 2015 - 2019. The decision of the High Court which gave rise to the present appeal is reported as Low Ean Nee v SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd [2022] 4 AMR 843, [2022] MLJU 1002, [2022] 1 LNS 981 (HC). S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 | P a g e [2] The Respondent is a multi-level direct marketing company which supplies food supplements, nutritional supplements, and dietetic substances for medicinal use that bear the trademark SNE and its variants thereof. At the material time when the Application was made, the Appellant was a shareholder and a director of the Respondent. She is still a shareholder of the Respondent. [3] The Appellant was “removed” as a director of the Respondent on 9 December 2021. Her removal as a director was done via a directors’ resolution. As such, after the High Court had delivered its decision and after Notice of Appeal in respect of the instant appeal was filed, the Appellant “ceased” to be a director. The first question in this appeal pertains to the merits of the Application and the issue is whether, as contended by the Appellant, the Learned Commissioner had erred in law in dismissing the Application. The second question arises out of the Appellant’s removal as a director post the High Court’s decision. The question is whether by reason of the principle that was enunciated by the Singapore Court of Appeal in the case of Haw Par Bros (Pte) Ltd. v Dato Aw Kow [1973] 2 MLJ 169 (SGCA), the Appellant, being an “ex- director” (with effect from 9 December 2021), is not entitled to seek the statutory right of inspection under s.254 of the Companies Act 2016. Background [4] At all material times, the Appellant was, and still, is a shareholder of the Respondent. She has been a director of the Respondent since 22 May 2003. The Respondent’s shareholders and directors (as at 24 March 2021), are as follows: S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 | P a g e (i) Low Ean Nee (the Appellant) - 50% (Director) (ii) Low Cheng Teik (“LCT”)* - 39.7% (Director/Chairman) (iii) Low Hock Boon (son of LCT)** - 10% (Director) (iv) Lau See Yoong - 0.3% (Director) * LCT is the Appellant’s paternal uncle ** Low Hock Boon is the Appellant’s cousin [5] The Appellant sent letters requesting the Respondent to allow her to inspect the Respondent’s accounting documents or records as particularized in Annexure A to the Originating Summons dated 7 April 2021 (“the Documents”). [6] The Appellant’s request for inspection was made against the backdrop of various actions which she had earlier taken vis-à-vis LCT and/or the other directors and shareholders of the Respondent. On or about January 2019, the Appellant visited the office of the Respondent’s company secretary. She searched and made copies of the Respondent’s documents, including documents that are (allegedly) the subject matter of the Application. [7] On 12 March 2019, the Appellant lodged a police report against LCT and alleged, inter alia that he had wrongfully transferred a trademark belonging to the Respondent to SNE Global Sdn Bhd (“SNE-G”). LCT’s daughter, Low Poh Ling (“LPL”) is a shareholder and director of SNE- G. The Appellant further alleged that her signature had been forged on several directors’ resolutions and that there was defalcation of funds of the Respondent by the other directors of the Respondent. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 | P a g e [8] Following the police report, on 16 April 2019, the Respondent’s premises was raided by the police, and documents were confiscated. LCT was charged with criminal breach of trust (“CBT”) under s.409 of the penal Code. His daughter, LPL, was subsequently charged with abetting him in the offence of CBT. On 14 December 2020, LCT and LPL were both discharged and acquitted by the Sessions Court at the end of the prosecution’s case. The prosecution’s appeal to the High Court was subsequently dismissed on 9 August 2021. [9] In the meanwhile, on 14 October 2019, the Appellant filed an action under s.346 of the Companies Act 2016 (“the Oppression Suit”) via Kuala Lumpur High Court Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-536- 10/2019 against LCT and the other directors and shareholders, alleging oppressive conduct towards her. [10] In the Oppression Suit, the Appellant claimed, inter alia, that the affairs of the Respondent were not conducted in accordance with its Articles of Association, that the Respondent had failed to secure a reasonable or better price for disposal of the Respondent’s assets, that there had been mismanagement in the Respondent and that the funds of the Respondent were not properly utilised. One of the key complaints in the Oppression Suit was the assignment of the Respondent’s trademark to SNE-G for a mere RM10.00. The Appellant also alleged that her signature which appeared in 32 board of directors’ resolutions, was forged. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 | P a g e [11] On 13 July 2020, the High Court dismissed the Oppression Suit. The Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal via Court of Appeal Civil Appeal No: W-02 (NCC)(A)-909-07/2020. On 13 September 2022, the Appellant’s appeal was allowed (See: [2023] 2 CLJ 19). The Court of Appeal agreed with the Appellant’s contention that the assignment of the SNE Trademark to SNE-G was a manifestation of oppressive conduct. The Court of Appeal held [35], “the actions of the first to third respondents were calculated to benefit them indirectly via other corporate entities controlled and/or related by them to the prejudice of the appellant being a substantial 50% shareholder of the fourth respondent. The assignment of the trademark at the consideration of RM10 is unquestionably dubious here. This smacks of non-compliance of norms of fair dealing and violation of conditions of fair play and hence oppressive. Consequently, we find the learned High Court Judge has committed a misdirection by finding there was no oppression on the appellant by the first to third respondents. In other words, there was failure to appreciate that majority of the directors failed to act in the best interest of the appellant vis-à-vis fourth respondent. The affairs of the company were conducted effectively to side-line and exclude the appellant's interest as shareholder and director. [12] The respondents in the Oppression Suit filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court. On 28 March 2023 the Federal Court granted leave to appeal on certain questions of law. The substantive appeal (per Federal Court Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-30-04/2023) is yet to be disposed. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 | P a g e [13] Back to the issue of the Appellant’s request for inspection of documents. By a letter dated 27 October 2020, the Appellant requested the Respondent to provide her the Documents for inspection. By a letter dated 11 November 2020 the Respondent took the position that they were unable to provide the Documents. They gave various reasons. [14] On 2 December 2020, the Appellant replied to the Respondent’s letter dated 11 November 2020 and again requested the Respondent to provide the Documents for her inspection. The Appellant claimed that the Respondent failed to reply to the Appellant’s letter dated 2 December 2020. [15] On 3 March 2021, the Appellant wrote to the Respondent and reminded the Respondent on her request for the Documents. By letter dated 5 March 2021, the Respondent replied to the Appellant’s said letter and alleged as follows: (a) The Respondent alleged that it had sent a letter dated 9 December 2020 to the Appellant and the Appellant failed to respond to paragraph 6 of the Respondent’s said letter; (b) The Respondent is willing to allow the Appellant to inspect the Documents upon receiving the Appellant’s reply to the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020; and (c) The Appellant has copies of most of the Documents in view of the Oppression Suit initiated by the Appellant in the Kuala Lumpur High Court and the pending appeal to the Court of Appeal at the material time. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 | P a g e [16] The Appellant maintained that she did not receive the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020 and requested for a copy of the same via her letter dated 8 March 2021. Thereafter, the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020 was forwarded to the Appellant on 10 March 2021. In essence, via paragraph 6 of the Respondent’s letter, the Appellant was asked to justify her request for the Documents and to provide a covenant that she will not use the Documents for any ulterior and/or improper purpose that is detrimental to the interest of the Respondent. Paragraph 6 of the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020 is significant as it was an integral part of the High Court’s decision to dismiss the Application. The Respondent’s stance in refusing to grant the Appellant the right to inspect and to take copies of the relevant documents may be seen from paragraphs 4-6 of their letter dated 9 December 2020 which reads as follows: 4. Instead, you have made copies of some of the documents and wrongfully exposed the Company and Its other directors to unnecessary litigation. This is evident in your alleged oppression action (Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit No. WA-24NCC-536- 10/2019) which has been dismissed by the Honourable Court and the criminal proceedings against Dato' Seri Low Cheng Teik vide Sessions Court Case No. WA-62K-56-07/2019. Your actions thus far has been detrimental to the Company, its officers and other shareholders, and exposed the Company and its directors to unnecessary litigation costs when they (the Company and its officers) should be focussing on developing its business, more so in these challenging times. Suffice it to say that whilst we have no objections to your request, we have reason to be sceptical of your intentions and demands. 5. We also note that there is no urgency in providing you access to all the documents requested and we will in due course make available the documents for your inspection. The time period stated in your letter is unfair and unreasonable. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 | P a g e 6. While the Company acknowledges a director's right to inspect certain documents of the Company, in light of your actions described in Item 4 above, perhaps you could explain the reason you require these voluminous documents now, after so many years when these documents have always been available to you and you never expressed any interest in any of them. Please include in your response a covenant that you will not use the information obtained will not be used for any ulterior and/or an improper purpose that is detrimental to the interest of the Company. [Emphasis added] [17] We may now examine the Respondent’s reasons for refusing inspection. In the Affidavit in Reply by Low Hock Boon, affirmed on 2 August 2021, it was stated as follows: 3. In reply to paragraph 12 of the Plaintiff's AIR, the Defendant states that the Plaintiff has never shown any interest in the business nor affairs of the Defendant. This is also apparent from the fact that despite the Plaintiff having full and unrestricted access to all the Defendant's records, including accounting records, the Plaintiff chose never to do so. In light of the Plaintiff's past mischiefs, it is apparent that the Plaintiff's objective in purportedly exercising her rights vide this suit as a Director is tainted with mala-fides as can be seen from the events leading from the police report to the Criminal Suit against the Managing Director of the Defendant and the Oppression Suit against the shareholders and the Defendant/Company, both of which have been dismissed by the respective Honourable Courts. 4. In the circumstances, the Defendant had for good reason denied the Plaintiff's request and demands unless the Plaintiff complies with the Defendant's request in their letter dated 09.12.2020 (Exhibit LBH 14). The Defendant is merely acting in the best interest of the Company/Defendant and wish to avoid being continuously engaged with the Plaintiff in futile litigation exercises which drains their resources, time and energies and therefore prejudicial to the reputation, business and affairs of the Defendant. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 | P a g e 5. In the circumstances, the Plaintiff's allegation in paragraph 15 (ii) and 15 (ii) of the Plaintiff's AIR of being accountable under the law to manage the Company as a Director is also misconceived and or misplaced as none of the Directors nor the shareholders nor the Defendant have ever held the Plaintiff accountable as a Director nor shareholder of the Company, particularly since the Plaintiff has never expressed any interest in the management, business, activities nor affairs of the Defendant. In addition the Plaintiff also failed in her duties as a Director in refusing to execute the letter of offer from Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad as referred to in paragraph 15(iv) of the Plaintiff's AIR. 6. In reply to paragraph 15(iv) of the Plaintiff's AIR, the Defendant states that the request for the Plaintiff as a signatory/guarantor was imposed by Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad as the Plaintiff was one of the directors of the Defendant. 6.1 In order to justify the acquisition of the property, details of the need for the property to capitalize on the current market trends of a "buyers' market' were also shared with the Plaintiff vide a power point presentation. However, the Plaintiff refused to sign the Letter of Offer although the Defendant had responded to the Plaintiff's queries in her letter of 13.04.2021 vide a power point presentation. A copy of the Plaintiff's email dated 20.04.2021 enclosing the power point presentation is now produced herewith and marked as Exhibit LHB-19. Clearly the reasons stated in paragraph 15(v) of the Plaintiff's AIR is an after- thought to now justify her wrongful refusal to sign as a guarantor. The Plaintiff must surely be aware that it is part of a Director's duty and responsibility to also execute guarantees as may necessarily be required by a financial institution(s) for the benefit of the Company, especially since the Defendant has explained the logical and commercial reasons and need for the Defendant to acquire its own business premises. 6.2 The Plaintiff has also refused to fulfill her responsibility and duty as a Director of the Defendant when she failed to attend a Directors meeting on 14.04.2021 despite appropriate notice being given in accordance with the with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, which required seven (7) Notice in advance of a Directors meeting. On the contrary, and in response, the Plaintiff made an unreasonable demand that she required at least 3-4 weeks' notice for the same. A copy of the Defendant's Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Plaintiff's email of 27.04.2021 is now produced herewith and marked as Exhibit LHB-20 and LBH 21 respectively. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 | P a g e 7. Clearly, the Plaintiff has not expressed any interest in the management, operations and affairs of the Defendant nor expressed any intention to participate fruitfully or productively to carry out her duties as a Director. Instead, the Plaintiff has only been disruptive to the business of the Defendant. In the circumstance, the only honourable thing that the Plaintiff should do is to resign as a Director and allow the Defendant to grow and progress. 7.1 The Plaintiff's conduct of continuously harassing the Defendant and its active directors with numerous demands, which demands could well have been answered at Directors' meeting(s), is prejudicial to the Defendant's growth and progress. PLAINTIFF NEVER PERFORMED HER DUTIES AS A DIRECTOR 8. The Plaintiff's allegation in paragraph 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Plaintiff's AIR that she owes a statutory and fiduciary duty towards the Defendant, clearly contradicts her actions from the outset. The Plaintiff's continued conduct of harassing the Defendant and its Directors clearly show that she (the Plaintiff) never had the best interest of the Company at heart. ..... 9. Premised on the Plaintiff's actions/conduct, her refusal to participate in the Director's meeting for frivolous reasons and the continued harassment, the only and sole purpose of the inspection must be to use the Requested Documents to launch unfounded attacks on the Defendant and its Directors in the management of the affairs of the Defendant (as done before in the Oppression Suit) to the detriment of the Defendant and the lodging of a police report which led to the Criminal Suit. 10. I re-emphasize that the Defendant has never before restrained the Plaintiff from coming into the Defendant's office and inspecting any of its records, including making copies of the same. The breakdown of the relationship with the Plaintiff was purely attributed to the Plaintiff's wrongful actions/misconduct and lack of bona-fides which actions are detrimental to the Defendant's business and reputation in the multi-level marketing industry. 11. The Plaintiff has repeatedly shown impropriety in the purpose of seeking the reliefs prayed for which are unrelated to the discharge of her duties as a non- performing Director. Therefore the inspection of the documents, and requests for copies of such documents ought not to be allowed unconditionally especially since the Plaintiff is a Director without any functions or duties. [Emphasis added] S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 | P a g e [18] The Appellant’s response per her Affidavit in Reply affirmed on 18 August 2021 is relevant. In her Affidavit in Reply she stated (at paragraph [15] the following: I reiterate that:- (i) the right to inspect documents and to take copies of them is essential to the proper performance of a director's duties; (ii) even though I do rely upon other directors including Dato Seri Low Cheng Teik and Low Hock Boon in the conduct of the Defendant's affairs, I am accountable under the law to manage the company I serve as a director; iii) hence, I must be at liberty to satisfy myself in relation to all matters relating to the company's business, without which, I would not be able to discharge my duty with care, skill and diligence; (iv) for example, I was included as one of the signatories (without my express consent) to sign and to be one of the guarantors for the banking facility vide the Defendant's letter dated 10.05.2021 which enclosed an offer from Maybank Islamic Berhad to obtain a loan facility for the purchase of a Defendant's property; and (v) in the above instant, I was unwilling to execute the said loan facility as I do not have a full or complete view of the Defendant's financial state of affairs and I have been denied access to the Defendant's books and records ie. the Requested Documents. ..... 21. Paragraphs 20 to 24 of AIR No.1 are unfounded. I state that:- (i) for so long as I remain a director of the Defendant, I retain a right of inspection of the accounting and other records of the Defendant and to take copies of them; (ii) the Defendant's mere allegations that I am hostile, the possibility of abuse or misuse of the right of inspection does not afford any ground for its denial or restriction. Further, the Requested Documents are common accounting records of the Defendant. I fail to understand how, if the Defendant's accounting records are properly prepared and kept, a director's inspection of the same could amount to an 'abuse'; S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 | P a g e (iii) the recent breakdown of the relationship between the other directors of the Defendant and myself makes this application for inspection more so crucial given the lack of co-operation by the rest of the Defendant’s directors; A Director’s Right to Inspect the Documents – Companies Act 2016 [19] The following statutory provisions are relevant to the director’s right of inspection. Section 245(1) Companies Act 2016: (1) A company, the directors and managers of a company shall- (a) cause to be kept the accounting and other records to sufficiently explain the transactions and financial position of the company and enable true and fair profit and loss accounts and balance sheets and any documents required to be attached thereto to be prepared; and (b) cause the accounting and other records to be kept in a manner as to enable the accounting and other records to be conveniently and properly audited.” Section 245(4) Companies Act 2016: “(4) The records referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the registered office of the company or at such other place as the directors think fit, and shall at all times be open for inspection by the directors.” Section 245(8) Companies Act 2016: “(8) The Court may, in any particular case, order that the accounting and other records of a company be open to inspection by an approved company auditor acting for a director, subject to a written undertaking given to the Court that information acquired by the auditor during his inspection shall not be disclosed by him except to that director.” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 | P a g e Section 245(9) Companies Act 2016: “(9) The company and every officer who contravene this section commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.” [20] It is relevant to mention that some of the case laws referred to on this subject are based on the provisions under the Companies Act 1965. In this regard, s.167(3), (6) and (7) of the Companies Act 1965 are the same as s.245(4), (8) and (9) Companies Act 2016 except for s.245(9) of the Companies Act 2016, wherein a fine of RM5,000.00 or a term of imprisonment of six months or both as provided for in s.167(7) Companies Act 1965 has been increased to a maximum fine of RM500,000.00, or a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or to both. Director’s Right to Inspect – The Contentions [21] The Appellant took position that, as a director, she has the absolute right to inspect the Documents and she is not required to provide any covenant or reason to do so. The Appellant relied on the case of Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) (per Low Hop Bing, JCA) which laid down the principles as follows: “[16] The relevant established principles have been succinctly stated by the Singapore Court of Appeal in Wuu Khek Chiang George. There, the appellant, a director of the respondent, took out an application under s. 199 of the Singapore Companies Act (equipollent to our s. 167) for an order requiring the respondent to inspect its accounting and financial records. The High Court judge dismissed the application. After reviewing a long line of authorities, the Court of Appeal allowed the appellant’s appeal and held, inter alia, that: S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 | P a g e (1) the right of a director of a company to inspect its accounting and other records is a right existing at common law and is recognized in s. 199 of the Companies Act. Such right is a concomitant of the fiduciary duties of good faith, care, skill and diligence which the director owes to the company, and as such, like other rights and powers, must be exercised for the benefit of the company. The obligation of the company to allow inspection by its director is mandatory. (2) this right has been described as being “absolute”. A director is prima facie entitled to inspection and is not required to demonstrate any particular ground or ‘need to know’ as a basis: Molomby. So long as the right is exercised for the proper performance of the director’s duties to the company and not with a view to causing any detriment to the company, it is in that sense ‘absolute’:…… (3) there is no residual discretion in the court to refuse inspection. Where the court bars a director from exercising his right of inspection, it is not in fact exercising a residual discretion, but is in such an event satisfied on the basis of the evidence before it that the director’s intention is to use the information obtained for ulterior purposes such as with a view to causing detriment to the company and that the director is thus abusing the confidence reposed in him;......” (4) the right of a director to inspect the books and records of the company flows from his office as a director and enables him to perform his duties as a director. The corollary of this is that the right will be lost where it is exercised not to advance the interests of the company but some other ulterior purpose to injure the company…” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 | P a g e [22] In so far as giving reasons for the inspection, counsel for the Appellant referred to the case of Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC), where the High Court opined that the applicant (director) “was not obliged under the law to justify his request to inspect the accounts of the company”. In Ho Yee Chin v Ho Min Hao & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 728 (HC), the High Court had held that, “the plaintiff was still a director at the time she requested for the company's records, she was not obliged to provide a reason for her request. The onus was on the defendants to prove mala fides and unless the burden was discharged, it must be assumed that the plaintiff would exercise the right for the benefit of the company.” [23] As mentioned earlier, the Respondent had indicated that they would only allow inspection on condition that the Appellant gives a covenant that she will not use the information obtained for any ulterior purpose and/or an improper purpose that is detrimental to the interest of the Respondent. In response, Counsel for the Appellant referred Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC), where the High Court held as follows: “[26] The Court of Appeal in Tan Kim Hor & Ors v. Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd also made clear that a director's right to inspect the accounting records is absolute in the sense that he is entitled to inspection without subject to any requirement to provide any reason for the inspection. The courts do not even have any residual discretion to refuse inspection by a director. A director’s statutory right of inspection may only be refused if the director is exercising his right of inspection for some ulterior purpose or to injure the company. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 | P a g e [27] It would be a complete misconception of the true meaning of the directors' inspection rights if the company seeks to qualify the exercise of such inspection right. It would thus be wholly unwarranted for a company to demand as a condition permitting inspection for the requesting director to execute a non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement precisely by reason of the trite legal position that the director's fiduciary duties to the company already impose strict duties against any infringement of confidentiality or injury to the company.” [Emphasis added] [24] In opposing the Application, the Respondent said that the Appellant had engaged in “mischief” (see: paragraph [17] of this judgment). In this regard, the Respondent has described the Appellant’s past conduct, inter alia, in lodging a police report against LCT and mounting the Oppression Suit as mischief. [25] In response, it was argued for the Appellant that it was her constitutional right to commence legal actions in Court for her transgressed rights using the accounting records of the Respondent against the relevant parties. Counsel said commencement of legal actions in Court to ventilate grievances and vindicate personal rights is certainly not and cannot by any stretch, be an ulterior or improper motive. [26] According to Counsel for the Appellant, the commencement of the Oppression Suit and the lodging of the police report (which complained of the unlawful transfer of the Respondent’s property, i.e. its trademark “SNE”, by one of the Respondent’s directors) which led to LCT and his daughter being charged for CBT are also not, and cannot by any stretch be an ulterior or improper motive on the part of the Appellant against the Respondent itself. It may have been against others, but certainly not the Respondent itself. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 | P a g e [27] Hence, Counsel’s complaint was that the Learned Judicial Commissioner failed to appreciate that the ulterior or improper motive referred to in the case of Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) or Liaw Yeou Huah v Wong Kee Kian & Ors [2016] MLJU 1589 (HC) are confined to motives against the company, not others like directors or shareholders of the company. The Oppression Suit and the CBT charge merely show hostility towards the other directors and shareholders of the Respondent and not the Respondent itself. [28] In conclusion, it was submitted that the Appellant cannot be precluded from exercising her rights of inspection of the Documents as a director of the Respondent, even if there is a possibility that future litigation may ensue from the inspection of the Documents in furtherance of the ongoing hostility between the directors and shareholders of the Respondent. Counsel referred to the High Court’s decision in Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC), at [11] where the Court said relevantly: “[11] When these competing contentions are considered it is evident that: (i) The real hostility is between Mirza and the other directors and shareholders of the company, not between Mirza and the company per se. The fact that further litigation may ensue means that there is a possibility that there will be further litigation between Mirza and the other directors and shareholders of the company. In Welch & Anor v. Britannia Industries Pte Ltd [1993] 1 SLR 673 it was held inter alia, that an intention to wrest control of the company from other shareholders cannot be regarded as synonymous with an intention to injure the company. Even if this extends to an intention to force control of the company to one party, that intention will not deprive that same party of the right of inspection. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 | P a g e The exercise of the directors' right of inspection is not extortion or oppression, nor is an intention to remove any person from the management of a company per se an improper purpose. Given the wide compass of a director's right of inspection, and as s. 167(6) is an adjunct to this right, it does not follow that simply because there is a possibility that future litigation may ensue from an inspection in furtherance of the ongoing hostility between the directors and shareholders of the company, that Mirza should be precluded from exercising his rights of inspection as a director.” [Emphasis added] [29] And in Loh Teck Wah v Lim Pang Kiam & Ors [2022] 6 CLJ 549 (HC), the Court opined that the fact that parties were at loggerheads was of little relevance and was no bar to an application under s. 245 of the Companies Act 2016. Indeed, the Court went further to say that, “hostility might often be the explanation for the application in the first place.” In Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC), the High Court touched on the same point and opined [93], “that a director may be hostile towards the company or its staff does not limit the inspection right and the right to take copies. The mere possibility of abuse or misuse of the right does not afford any ground for its denial or restriction. A director retains this right of inspection (inclusive of the right to be supplied with copies of documents so inspected), despite mere allegations that he is hostile, adverse or a competitor of the corporation, for as long as he remains a director of the company.” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 | P a g e The High Court’s Decision [30] On 28 September 2021, the Learned Judicial Commissioner dismissed the Application. The Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal against the decision of the High Court via Notice of Appeal dated 14 October 2021. It is germane to note here that the Appellant was a director of the Respondent when she filed the Application on 7 April 2021, and later when she filed the Notice of Appeal on 14 October 2021. In dismissing the Application, the High Court was of the view that the Appellant is not entitled to exercise her statutory right of inspection of the Documents, inter alia, because she was effectively a non-participating director of the Respondent (See: paragraph [24] of the Grounds of Judgment). [31] The Learned Judicial Commissioner concluded that the Appellant was actuated by mala fides and that the Documents are not necessary and the Appellant did not need them in carrying out her duties as a director of the Respondent (See: paragraph [27] of the Grounds of Judgment). [32] The Learned Judicial Commissioner’s reasons for dismissing the Application may be gathered from the following paragraphs of the Grounds of Judgment which read as follows; [17] There are a few reasons which led the court to this finding. Firstly, the defendant had on multiple occasions enquired with the plaintiff on the reason why she requires access to the Documents. The defendant issued letters dated 9 December 2020 and 19 March 2021, and in the letters, raised the fact that when the plaintiff was given access to the defendant's documents, she had used them to expose the defendant to unnecessary litigation. Further, the defendant highlighted that the Documents were available to the plaintiff at all times, but the plaintiff had never shown any interest in the Documents or in the business of the defendant. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 | P a g e [18] The defendant also requested for an undertaking that the plaintiff will not use the Documents for any ulterior and/or improper purpose that would be detrimental to the interest of the defendant. [19] The plaintiff did not respond to the letters, and did not provide any reason why she required the Documents. The undertaking requested by the defendant was also not forthcoming. [20] The failure to provide reasons and to provide the undertaking, together with the plaintiff's previous action in using the defendant's documents to which she was given access, to lodge a police report against Dato' Seri Low Cheng Teik and to initiate the Oppression Action, have led the court to find that the defendant has proven that the plaintiff's request for inspection of the Documents is made in bad faith and with an ulterior, improper or collateral purpose. …. [22] In this instance, I find that there is more than mere allegations of hostility or adversity against the plaintiff. This is a case where there is clear evidence that would warrant refusal to allow her access to the Documents. Her past acts in using the defendant's documents to initiate actions against other directors and the defendant (which actions have proven to be frivolous), raise serious questions on whether the request for access is in fact made in good faith. [23] Her previous actions notwithstanding, the court acknowledges that as a director, it is well within the plaintiff's rights to question the management and conduct of the defendant, and to take the necessary actions in the event of mismanagement or misconduct. But what strengthens the defendant's position is the plaintiff's refusal to provide an undertaking that she will not use the Documents for any ulterior and/or improper purpose that would be detrimental to the interest of the defendant. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 | P a g e [24] Finally, a fact raised by the defendant that remains largely unrebutted by the plaintiff is that the plaintiff had never been interested in the management or affairs of the defendant. The defendant was managed by Dato' Seri Low Cheng Teik, Lau See Yoong and Low Hock Boon, and the plaintiff played no role or part the in management of the defendant. The plaintiff did not express any interest to participate in management, she did not visit the defendant's office, and she did not attend any event organised by the defendant. She was effectively a non- participating director of the defendant. …. [27] A similar situation arises in this instant case. Considering the lack of interest of the plaintiff in the management of the defendant, and the fact that she was hardly involved or engaged in the business of the defendant, the court finds it inconceivable that the Documents are required to assist the plaintiff in undertaking her duties as a director. E. Decision [28] In the circumstances, the court finds that the defendant has provided sufficient evidence to prove that the request for the Documents is unrelated to the discharge of the plaintiff's duties as a director, and is actuated by an ulterior motive, which would be detrimental to the interest of the defendant. [29] It is on this basis that the court dismissed the originating summons, with costs. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 | P a g e Our Decision [33] There is no denial that historically, the Appellant has had a stormy relationship with the other directors. She had previously lodged a police report against LCT alleging that he had committed CBT in connection with the Respondent’s “SNE” trademark which was purportedly assigned for a nominal consideration of RM10 to SNE-G. LCT’s daughter, LPL is a director and shareholder of SNE-G. Consequently, LCT was charged in the Sessions Court for the offence of CBT under s. 409 of the Penal Code. LPL was charged with having abetted LCT in the CBT offence. [34] On 14 December 2020 LCT and LPL were both acquitted and discharged without their defence being called as the Sessions Court held that prosecution had failed to establish a prima facie case against both the accused persons. The Prosecutor’s appeal to the High Court was later dismissed. [35] In the meanwhile, on 14 October 2019 the Appellant commenced the Oppression Suit. The Appellant raised a plethora of complaints in support of the Oppression Suit. On 13 July 2020 the High Court dismissed the Oppression Suit. The Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal via Civil Appeal No. W-02(NCC)(A)-909-07/2020. On 13 September 2022, the Court of Appeal allowed the Appellant’s appeal. The Court of Appeal’s decision is reported as [2023] 2 CLJ 19. The matter is now pending in the Federal Court via Federal Court Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-30-04/2023. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 | P a g e [36] As mentioned earlier, the Appellant’s attempt to inspect the Respondent’s accounting and financial records was vehemently resisted by the Respondent. The Respondent’s unyielding position was that the Appellant was guilty of mischief and was using the statutory right under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 to gain access to the Respondent’s documents, and to use them to injure the Respondent. [37] It was also contended that the Appellant was not interested in the affairs of the Respondent and not involved in the day to day management of the business of the Respondent. The Respondent wanted to extract a covenant from the Appellant that the documents would not be misused. The Appellant was not prepared to give any such covenant. [38] As far as the Appellant was concerned, she was a director and was entitled to inspect the documents as of right. She conceded that she was not involved in the day to day management of the Respondent. But she asserted that as a director she was entitled to inspect the accounting and financial records as these are relevant in terms of her liability as a director. She said that in light of the hostility between the directors it becomes all the more imperative that inspection be allowed. [39] We have carefully examined the Appeal Record and in particular, the rival contentions as stated in the respective affidavits that were filed by the parties. We have also studied the cases that were relied upon by the parties. From the several case laws that were read to us, we find it to be quite well settled that the Appellant, as a director of the Respondent has the absolute right to inspect the documents and the Appellant is not required to provide any covenant or reasons for the inspection. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 | P a g e [40] In amplification, we are compelled to state here that it is trite that the right of a director of a company to inspect the Company’s accounting and other records is a right existing at common law. Thus, s. 254 of the Companies Act 2016 is declaratory of the director’s common law right. According to the cases, a director’s right to inspect accounting and financial records is a concomitant of the fiduciary duties of good faith, care, skill and diligence which the director owes to the company, and as such, like other rights and powers, must be exercised for the benefit of the company. [41] Thus, the obligation of the company to allow inspection by its director is regarded as mandatory. And, being an “absolute” right, a director is prima facie entitled to inspection and is not required to demonstrate any particular ground or ‘need to know’ as a basis. As such, the right to inspect remains extant so long as the right is exercised for the proper performance of the director’s duties to the company and not with a view to causing any detriment to the company. [42] According to established jurisprudence, there is no residual discretion in the court to refuse inspection. The principle is that where the court bars a director from exercising his right of inspection, it is not in fact exercising a residual discretion, but is in such an event, satisfied on the basis of the evidence before it that the director’s intention is to use the information obtained for ulterior purposes such as with a view to causing detriment to the company and that the director is thus abusing the confidence reposed in him. Thus, in those circumstances, the right will be lost where it is exercised not to advance the interests of the company but some other ulterior purpose to injure the company. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 | P a g e [43] We agree with the submissions that were made by counsel for the Appellant that the commencement of the Oppression Suit and the lodging of the police report (pertaining to the unlawful assignment of the trade mark to SNE-G) which led to LCT and his daughter being charged for CBT cannot be construed as an ulterior or improper motive on the part of the Appellant against the Respondent itself. The Appellant may well have had ulterior motives against others e.g. directors and shareholders, but not the Respondent itself. [44] Indeed, on the issue of the unlawful assignment of the Respondent’s trademark to SNE-G, the Appellant was quite obviously vindicated by virtue of the Court of Appeal’s judgment (see: [2023] 2 CLJ 19 at paragraph [35]). [45] In the circumstances, it appears to be the case that the Learned Judicial Commissioner did not properly appreciate that the ulterior or improper motive referred to in the case of Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) or Liaw Yeou Huah v Wong Kee Kian & Ors [2016] MLJU 1589 (HC) are confined to motives against the company, not others like directors or shareholders of the company. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 | P a g e [46] As correctly pointed out by Counsel for the Appellant, the Oppression Suit and the CBT charge merely demonstrate hostility towards the other directors and shareholders of the Respondent and not the Respondent itself. But, it was contended by the Respondent in its affidavits that the Appellant was seeking to obtain the Respondent’s financial records and documents so as to launch further attacks and was a launch-pad to injure the Respondent. With respect, we see no evidence of intention by the Appellant to injure the Respondent. She may well have an intention to commence other legal proceedings against the directors and shareholders but that is her right. The germane question here is whether there was any evidence that she was intending to injure the Respondent. The answer is – no. [47] Here, it is important to emphasize that it requires a strong case to disentitle a director from the statutory right of inspection under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 and the burden is on the Respondent to establish positively by convincing evidence (and not just by making bald assertions or speculation) that in making the application under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 the Appellant was actuated by improper motives vis- à-vis the Respondent. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 | P a g e [48] Clearly, it is unlikely that the Appellant will sit still. She will possibly continue her crusade against the other directors and shareholders. But the key point here is that the Appellant cannot be precluded from exercising her statutory right of inspection of the Documents as a director of the Respondent, even if there is a possibility that future litigation may ensue from the inspection of the documents in furtherance of the ongoing hostility between the directors and shareholders of the Respondent. See: Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC) at paragraph [11]. [49] Thus, applying the principles of law that are derived from the cases that were read to us, we are satisfied that the Learned Judicial Commissioner had misdirected herself in holding at [26] that “the failure to provide reasons and to provide the undertaking, together with the plaintiff's previous action in using the defendant's documents to which she was given access, to lodge a police report against [LCT] and to initiate the Oppression [Suit], have led the court to find that the defendant has proven that the plaintiff's request for inspection of the Documents is made in bad faith and with an ulterior, improper or collateral purpose.”. [50] Having due regard to the factual matrix of facts and the conduct of the parties and the exchange of correspondence and affidavits, we are of the considered view that the Respondent’s position in refusing to allow the Appellant to inspect the Documents was untenable, to say the Least. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 | P a g e [51] It is important to emphasize that a director’s non-participation of the day- to-day affairs of the company does not extinguish the director’s right to inspect the company’s documents. In Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC), the Court said at [54]: “[54] As such, the defendant's suggestion that the plaintiff is not entitled to encl. 1 because he is a foreign national who resides overseas, or that the plaintiff is non-executive and also merely a corporate representative of NSSB is entirely devoid of merit. The law, as so clearly encapsulated in ss. 131B and 132 of the CA does not make a distinction on the powers and duties of company directors on the basis of nationality, residence, or whether the director is performing an executive role or otherwise, or whether the director is a nominee or a corporate representative of a shareholder. It is a fundamental principle of company law that the right to inspect emanates from the plaintiff's office as a director of the defendant company. Directors of a company enjoy the same right of inspection under the law. The law admits of no distinction between the statutory and fiduciary duties owed by different categories of directors.” [52] The same point was also made to the case of Ho Yee Chin v Ho Min Hao & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 728 (HC), where the Court held that, “There was no merit in the contention by the first and second defendants that the fact that the plaintiff had never run or managed the business from the day it was incorporated until this application was made suggested that the plaintiff sought inspection, not to discharge her duties as director. The right of inspection by a director is an inalienable right and is not restricted in any way.” [53] We are therefore unable to agree with the Learned Judicial Commissioner who opined that the Appellant’s actions in lodging the police report and the Oppression Suit and the fact that she was not actively involved in the management of the Respondent, can be construed as suggesting that the Appellant was actuated by improper motives, or that she was likely to injure the Respondent, or that she had no need for the Documents. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 | P a g e [54] The Appellant’s past actions in lodging the police report which resulted in LCT and his daughter being prosecuted and in filing the Oppression Suit are in our view, manifestations of the Appellant’s right as a shareholder/director of the Respondent to protect and preserve the assets of the Respondent – the trade mark which LCT had assigned to his daughter’s company for a mere RM10.00. As we said earlier, the Appellant was justified in mounting the Oppression Suit as the Court of Appeal found in her favour and granted the requisite reliefs. [55] As for the Appellant’s hostility towards her co-directors, we do not see this as a disqualification for an application under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016. The fact that the Appellant is an inactive director is also irrelevant. In fact, her hostility towards her co-directors and her passiveness as a director of the Respondent makes it all the more compelling that she should be given the right to inspect the Documents, which in law, is an “absolute right”. We are thus satisfied that the decision of the Learned Judicial Commissioner in refusing to make the order under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 was in all the circumstances, plainly wrong and warranted appellate intervention on our part. [56] As such, we are constrained to hold that the Learned Judicial Commissioner erred in dismissing the Originating Summons. Thus, appellate intervention is warranted. Ordinarily we would have allowed the appeal. However, is necessary for us to consider the impact of the post High Court event, namely, the Appellant’s removal as director. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 | P a g e [57] The next part of our judgment deals with the Appellant’s removal as a director of the Respondent with effect from 9 December 2021. It may be noted here that when the Originating Summons was filed on 7 April 2021, and later dismissed on 28 September 2021, the Appellant was still a director of the Respondent. The Appellant filed the Notice of Appeal on 14 October 2021. She was a director as at the date of filing of the Notice of Appeal. However, by a directors’ resolution dated 9 December 2021, the Appellant was removed as a director of the Respondent. [58] As such, we now proceed to deal with the next issue – whether the Appellant is entitled to obtain an order for inspection in light of the decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal in Haw Par Bros (Pte) Ltd v Dato Aw Kow [1973] 2 MLJ 169 (SGCA) (“Haw Par”). The question before the Singapore Court of Appeal was – whether an order for inspection which had been made by a court under s.167(5) of the Companies Act continues in full force and effect after the director of a company ceases to be a director? The case is highly relevant as s.167(5) of the Singapore Companies Act is in pari materia with our previous s.167(6) of the Companies Act 1965 and the present s.245(8) of the Companies Act 2016. [59] In that case, on 17 December 1971, the respondent director (Dato Aw Kow) filed an Originating Summons (“the OS”) under s. 167(5) of the Singapore Companies Act seeking an order to inspect the accounting and other records of the company by his auditor, a Mr Curran. On 22 December 1971, the order was made by the Singapore High Court (“the Inspection Order”). S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 | P a g e [60] The Inspection Order did not appear to specify a time limit during which the accounting and other records of the company should be kept open for the inspection of Mr Curran, nor also the period of the accounting and other records to be inspected, including whether it related to the period within which the respondent was a director. The company did not appeal the Inspection Order. Mr Curran commenced inspection of the accounting and other records of the company shortly after the Inspection Order and continued until 22 June 1972, approximately six months into the Inspection Order, when he (Mr Curran) left Singapore on leave. On 20 July 1972, the respondent was removed as a director of the company. On 17 August 1972, the solicitors for the company informed the solicitors for the respondent that the Inspection Order had lapsed upon the respondent ceasing to be a director and hence Mr Curran was no longer free to inspect the accounting and other records of the company. [61] Thereafter, the respondent commenced a fresh civil suit on 18 August 1972, at a time when he was no longer a director of the company, claiming a declaration that the Inspection Order remained in full force and for orders to restrain the company from preventing or obstructing Mr Curran from inspecting, and pending the same obtained an ex parte interim injunction in those terms, which was upheld by Choor Singh J inter partes (“Injunction Order”) on the basis that the respondent had made out a strong prima facie case for his inspection to continue and the balance of convenience lay in favour of the Injunction Order to continue. (See: [1972] 2 MLJ 225). S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 | P a g e [62] Justice Choor Singh was of the opinion that the right expressly conferred by s.167(3) on a director to inspect the accounts and other records of a company would be illusory and would lead to unreasonableness and injustice if s. 167(3) were to be construed to confer the right to inspect on a director only so long as he is and continues to remain a director of the company. We may add that the same point was made here by Counsel for the Appellant. For completeness, we reproduce here the relevant passage from Justice Choor Singh’s judgment (230 MLJ) where he said, “Parliament having conferred on a director the right to inspect, the court ought not so to construe the statute as to make the right conferred illusory, for that would be the result if the court were to hold that the inspection must cease upon removal of the director. On such an interpretation the court would in effect be rendering the statute of no avail in the case of an honest director who obtains an inspection order under section 167(5), if his fellow directors, who are dishonest, can by causing him to be removed the very next day, nullify the said order. In my opinion the right of a director, who has obtained an inspection order under section 167(5), to continue to inspect after he ceases to be a director, cannot be denied without examining what his interest is in such inspection and whether further inspection is reasonably necessary for the protection of that interest. To deny him further inspection without such enquiry would render the right to inspect practically useless. In my opinion, the interpretation which the defendants have put forward, would lead to unreasonableness and injustice, and must therefore be rejected because the court must presume against any intention on the part of the Legislature to cause injustice. For these reasons I hold that an inspection order obtained by a director under section 167(5) of the Act does not, ipso facto, lapse upon his ceasing to be director. It remains in full force until it is discharged, rescinded or varied by the court upon the application of either party. On such application, the court has a discretion to allow the inspection to continue, notwithstanding the fact that the director has been removed, if the circumstances of the case so warrant. If further inspection is reasonably necessary for the protection of the applicant's legitimate interest, the court must do justice in the matter and allow further inspection, for a reasonable period, of the accounts and other records of the company for the period during which the applicant was a director.” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 | P a g e [63] On appeal by the company against the Injunction Order, the Singapore Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and set-aside the Injunction Order holding that (a) an ex-director cannot successfully invoke the right of inspection under s. 167 of the Singapore Companies Act (Cap 185); (b) the director’s right of inspection granted by the Inspection Order ceases once he is no longer a director, unless there was a prima facie case that the shareholders had no power to remove the said director to support the injunction applied for, of which there was none in that case; and (c) the Inspection Order in that case did not amount to a true injunction either interim or perpetual as it did not specify any time limit within which the accounting and other records of the company were to be open for inspection. [64] According to Haw Par, a director’s right to inspect and, if necessary, take copies of documents belonging to a company are due to “the nature of a director's duties and to enable him to properly perform his duties as a director”. The Singapore Court of Appeal disagreed with Justice Choor Singh’s interpretation of the statutory provision and were very much influenced by the decision of Jacobs J. in Funerals of Distinction Pty Ltd [1963] NSWR 614 where the Learned Judge had referred to the almost equivalent Australian statutory provision and said that once a director ceases to hold that office, then the statutory right of inspection also ceases. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 | P a g e [65] The Singapore Court of Appeal then went on to state the principle at p.170 MLJ as follows: It seems to us clear that section 167(3) gives an absolute right to inspect the accounting and other records required to be kept by a company and its directors under section 167(1) only to persons who are the then directors of the company. It is clear that section 167(3) cannot be successfully invoked by an ex-director. In our opinion where an ex- director wishes to inspect such accounting and other records of a company he cannot rely on section 167(3) and must rely on other grounds because it is clear law that an ex-director, as such, has no proprietary, managerial or other similar interest in the accounting and other records of a company. It seems to us clear also that section 167(5) is in aid of the right to inspection which is given to a director by section 167(3) and therefore the court has no power under section 167(5) to order that the accounting and other records of a company should be open for inspection on behalf of an ex-director of that company. [66] Since the decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal in Haw Par, the Courts in Malaysia have consistently applied the principle alluded to earlier (p.170 MLJ) - an ex-director is not entitled to seek the aid of the court for an order of inspection. It was argued for the Appellant that in this case, the Appellant was a director of the Respondent when she moved the High Court, and also when she filed her Notice of Appeal. It was also argued that the Appellant is only seeking to inspect the accounting and financial records of the Respondent for the period from 2015-2019 and this was well within the period when she was a director of the Respondent. It was also argued that the Appellant’s removal was not valid as she was here removed by a director’s resolution whereas under the Respondent’s Constitution and pursuant to s.206(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, she can only be removed by a resolution of the shareholders at a general meeting. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 | P a g e [67] In our view, the present appeal is not the proper forum to deal with the issue of the alleged invalidity of the Appellant’s removal as a director of the Respondent. That has to be taken up by way of separate proceedings. If and when the Appellant succeeds in impugning her removal as a director of the Respondent, then she can make a fresh application under s.245(8) of the Companies Act 2016 for inspection. But until that happens, as far as we are concerned, the Haw Par principle applies to the facts of the present case, with the result that the appeal fails. We must add that but for the Appellant’s removal as a director, and the Haw Par principle, we would have allowed the appeal and granted order in terms of the Originating Summons. We conclude by stating that s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 exists for the benefit of a director in the performance of his/her duties as a director. [68] Hence, as the Court of Appeal had clearly enunciated in Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA), at paragraph [16](4), “the right of a director to inspect the books and records of the company flows from his office as a director and enables him to perform his duties as a director …”. As such, upon the Appellant ceasing to be a director, she is no longer entitled to seek relief under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016. It is also relevant for us to refer to Walter Woon on Company Law (3rd ed.) at page 415 (paragraph 10.47) where the learned authors had opined that, “This right of inspection may be exercised only by directors and not ex-directors, and any order of court authorising an auditor to inspect such records on behalf of a director will be ineffective after the director’s removal”. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 | P a g e [69] For completeness we would add that the same view was articulated by the learned authors, Lau Zhong Yan and Sebastian Liew Tzen Jue in their Article, “A Director’s Absolute and Unqualified Right to Inspection: Section 245 of the Companies Act 2016, a Statutory Mandate” - [2021] 3 MLJ clxix, where the issue at hand is discussed at p. clxxii under the heading “Do retired or former directors retain the right to inspect the accounting or other records of a company?”. [70] We now deal with costs. The following matters are relevant to the issue of costs of this appeal. In this regard, we take cognisance of the fact that the issue of the Appellant’s removal as a director and the Haw Par principle were not taken up in the Respondent’s original submissions before this Court. These matters came up during the course of oral submissions and questions posed by this Court on 16 August 2023. In the circumstances, although the appeal stands dismissed, it is necessary to note that the Respondent failed in so far as the merits of the appeal are concerned. The outcome of this appeal is based on the Appellant’s removal and the application of the Haw Par principle. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 | P a g e Outcome [71] The appeal is dismissed. We did not think that the Respondent should be granted any costs. As such, we exercised our discretion under Order 59 r.2(2) Rules of Court 2012 and declined to award costs to the Respondent. As such, the order of this Court is that for the reasons mentioned above, the appeal is dismissed with no order as to costs. We also order that the costs awarded by the High Court be set aside, and if it has been paid, to be refunded to the Appellant. S. Nantha Balan, Judge, Court of Appeal, Putrajaya, Malaysia Date: 25 October 2023 Legal Representation For the Appellant: Conrad Young Wye King Alfred Lai Choong Wui Cheng Xin Yan Messrs Alfred Lai & Partners 36-2, Jalan 1/116B Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park 58200 Kuala Lumpur [Ref No: ALF/278/2021] S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 | P a g e For the Respondent: Arjan Pursumal Vasdev G Bakshani Messrs Vasdev Bakhsani & Associates 35-5, The Boulevard Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur [Ref: VBA/AP/L/4857/20/SNEMSB] Legislation: Order 59 Rule 2 (2) Rules of Court 2012 Section 167(6) Companies Act 1965 Section 206(1)(a) Companies Act 2016 Section 245 Companies Act 2016 Section 245(1) Companies Act 2016 Section 245(4) Companies Act 2016 Section 245(8) Companies Act 2016 Section 245(9) Companies Act 2016 Section 167 Singapore Companies Act (Cap 185) Reference Material Walter Woon on Company Law (3rd ed.), p. 415 (paragraph 10.47) Article by Lau Zhong Yan and Sebastian Liew Tzen Jue - A Director’s Absolute and Unqualified Right to Inspection: Section 245 of the Companies Act 2016, a Statutory Mandate - [2021] 3 MLJ clxix S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 | P a g e Cases: Low Ean Nee v SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd [2022] 4 AMR 843, [2022] MLJU 1002, [2022] 1 LNS 981 (HC) Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC) Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC) Ho Yee Chin v Ho Min Hao & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 728 (HC) Liaw Yeou Huah v Wong Kee Kian & Ors [2016] MLJU 1589 (HC) Loh Teck Wah v Lim Pang Kiam & Ors [2022] 6 CLJ 549 (HC), Welch v Britannia Industries Pte Ltd [1992] 3 SLR (R) 64 Haw Par Bros (Pte) Ltd v Dato Aw Kow [1973] 2 MLJ 169 (SGCA) Funerals of Distinction Pty Ltd [1963] NSWR 614 S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
YA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyKorumYA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahDato' Dr. Choo Kah Sing
1 | P a g e IN THE COURT OF APPEAL MALAYSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) CIVIL APPEAL NO: W-02(NCC)(A)-1925-10/2021 BETWEEN LOW EAN NEE (NRIC NO: 750316-07-5408) …APPELLANT AND SNE MARKETING SDN BHD (COMPANY NO: 237161-U) …RESPONDENT [In the matter of In the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur In the Federal Territory, Malaysia (Commercial Division) Originating Summons No: WA-24NCC-164-04/2021 In the matter of SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd (Company No: 237161-U) [the “COMPANY”] And In the matter of section 245 of the Companies Act, 2016 And In the matter of the inspection of the various accounting documents or records of the Company by a Director of the Company And In the matter of the inherent powers of this Honourable Court 16/11/2023 15:46:07 W-02(NCC)(A)-1925-10/2021 Kand. 66 S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 | P a g e Between Low Ean Nee (NRIC No: 750316-07-5408) …Plaintiff And SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd (Company No: 237161-U) …Defendant] CORAM: S. NANTHA BALAN, JCA, HASHIM BIN HAMZAH, JCA, CHOO KAH SING, JCA JUDGMENT OF THE COURT Introduction [1] This is an appeal against the decision of the Learned Judicial Commissioner dated 28 September 2021 dismissing an application by the Appellant made under s.254 of the Companies Act 2016 (“the Application”) that she be allowed to inspect the accounting and other records of the Respondent for the financial years 2015 - 2019. The decision of the High Court which gave rise to the present appeal is reported as Low Ean Nee v SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd [2022] 4 AMR 843, [2022] MLJU 1002, [2022] 1 LNS 981 (HC). S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 | P a g e [2] The Respondent is a multi-level direct marketing company which supplies food supplements, nutritional supplements, and dietetic substances for medicinal use that bear the trademark SNE and its variants thereof. At the material time when the Application was made, the Appellant was a shareholder and a director of the Respondent. She is still a shareholder of the Respondent. [3] The Appellant was “removed” as a director of the Respondent on 9 December 2021. Her removal as a director was done via a directors’ resolution. As such, after the High Court had delivered its decision and after Notice of Appeal in respect of the instant appeal was filed, the Appellant “ceased” to be a director. The first question in this appeal pertains to the merits of the Application and the issue is whether, as contended by the Appellant, the Learned Commissioner had erred in law in dismissing the Application. The second question arises out of the Appellant’s removal as a director post the High Court’s decision. The question is whether by reason of the principle that was enunciated by the Singapore Court of Appeal in the case of Haw Par Bros (Pte) Ltd. v Dato Aw Kow [1973] 2 MLJ 169 (SGCA), the Appellant, being an “ex- director” (with effect from 9 December 2021), is not entitled to seek the statutory right of inspection under s.254 of the Companies Act 2016. Background [4] At all material times, the Appellant was, and still, is a shareholder of the Respondent. She has been a director of the Respondent since 22 May 2003. The Respondent’s shareholders and directors (as at 24 March 2021), are as follows: S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 | P a g e (i) Low Ean Nee (the Appellant) - 50% (Director) (ii) Low Cheng Teik (“LCT”)* - 39.7% (Director/Chairman) (iii) Low Hock Boon (son of LCT)** - 10% (Director) (iv) Lau See Yoong - 0.3% (Director) * LCT is the Appellant’s paternal uncle ** Low Hock Boon is the Appellant’s cousin [5] The Appellant sent letters requesting the Respondent to allow her to inspect the Respondent’s accounting documents or records as particularized in Annexure A to the Originating Summons dated 7 April 2021 (“the Documents”). [6] The Appellant’s request for inspection was made against the backdrop of various actions which she had earlier taken vis-à-vis LCT and/or the other directors and shareholders of the Respondent. On or about January 2019, the Appellant visited the office of the Respondent’s company secretary. She searched and made copies of the Respondent’s documents, including documents that are (allegedly) the subject matter of the Application. [7] On 12 March 2019, the Appellant lodged a police report against LCT and alleged, inter alia that he had wrongfully transferred a trademark belonging to the Respondent to SNE Global Sdn Bhd (“SNE-G”). LCT’s daughter, Low Poh Ling (“LPL”) is a shareholder and director of SNE- G. The Appellant further alleged that her signature had been forged on several directors’ resolutions and that there was defalcation of funds of the Respondent by the other directors of the Respondent. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 | P a g e [8] Following the police report, on 16 April 2019, the Respondent’s premises was raided by the police, and documents were confiscated. LCT was charged with criminal breach of trust (“CBT”) under s.409 of the penal Code. His daughter, LPL, was subsequently charged with abetting him in the offence of CBT. On 14 December 2020, LCT and LPL were both discharged and acquitted by the Sessions Court at the end of the prosecution’s case. The prosecution’s appeal to the High Court was subsequently dismissed on 9 August 2021. [9] In the meanwhile, on 14 October 2019, the Appellant filed an action under s.346 of the Companies Act 2016 (“the Oppression Suit”) via Kuala Lumpur High Court Originating Summons No. WA-24NCC-536- 10/2019 against LCT and the other directors and shareholders, alleging oppressive conduct towards her. [10] In the Oppression Suit, the Appellant claimed, inter alia, that the affairs of the Respondent were not conducted in accordance with its Articles of Association, that the Respondent had failed to secure a reasonable or better price for disposal of the Respondent’s assets, that there had been mismanagement in the Respondent and that the funds of the Respondent were not properly utilised. One of the key complaints in the Oppression Suit was the assignment of the Respondent’s trademark to SNE-G for a mere RM10.00. The Appellant also alleged that her signature which appeared in 32 board of directors’ resolutions, was forged. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 | P a g e [11] On 13 July 2020, the High Court dismissed the Oppression Suit. The Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal via Court of Appeal Civil Appeal No: W-02 (NCC)(A)-909-07/2020. On 13 September 2022, the Appellant’s appeal was allowed (See: [2023] 2 CLJ 19). The Court of Appeal agreed with the Appellant’s contention that the assignment of the SNE Trademark to SNE-G was a manifestation of oppressive conduct. The Court of Appeal held [35], “the actions of the first to third respondents were calculated to benefit them indirectly via other corporate entities controlled and/or related by them to the prejudice of the appellant being a substantial 50% shareholder of the fourth respondent. The assignment of the trademark at the consideration of RM10 is unquestionably dubious here. This smacks of non-compliance of norms of fair dealing and violation of conditions of fair play and hence oppressive. Consequently, we find the learned High Court Judge has committed a misdirection by finding there was no oppression on the appellant by the first to third respondents. In other words, there was failure to appreciate that majority of the directors failed to act in the best interest of the appellant vis-à-vis fourth respondent. The affairs of the company were conducted effectively to side-line and exclude the appellant's interest as shareholder and director. [12] The respondents in the Oppression Suit filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court. On 28 March 2023 the Federal Court granted leave to appeal on certain questions of law. The substantive appeal (per Federal Court Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-30-04/2023) is yet to be disposed. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 | P a g e [13] Back to the issue of the Appellant’s request for inspection of documents. By a letter dated 27 October 2020, the Appellant requested the Respondent to provide her the Documents for inspection. By a letter dated 11 November 2020 the Respondent took the position that they were unable to provide the Documents. They gave various reasons. [14] On 2 December 2020, the Appellant replied to the Respondent’s letter dated 11 November 2020 and again requested the Respondent to provide the Documents for her inspection. The Appellant claimed that the Respondent failed to reply to the Appellant’s letter dated 2 December 2020. [15] On 3 March 2021, the Appellant wrote to the Respondent and reminded the Respondent on her request for the Documents. By letter dated 5 March 2021, the Respondent replied to the Appellant’s said letter and alleged as follows: (a) The Respondent alleged that it had sent a letter dated 9 December 2020 to the Appellant and the Appellant failed to respond to paragraph 6 of the Respondent’s said letter; (b) The Respondent is willing to allow the Appellant to inspect the Documents upon receiving the Appellant’s reply to the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020; and (c) The Appellant has copies of most of the Documents in view of the Oppression Suit initiated by the Appellant in the Kuala Lumpur High Court and the pending appeal to the Court of Appeal at the material time. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 | P a g e [16] The Appellant maintained that she did not receive the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020 and requested for a copy of the same via her letter dated 8 March 2021. Thereafter, the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020 was forwarded to the Appellant on 10 March 2021. In essence, via paragraph 6 of the Respondent’s letter, the Appellant was asked to justify her request for the Documents and to provide a covenant that she will not use the Documents for any ulterior and/or improper purpose that is detrimental to the interest of the Respondent. Paragraph 6 of the Respondent’s letter dated 9 December 2020 is significant as it was an integral part of the High Court’s decision to dismiss the Application. The Respondent’s stance in refusing to grant the Appellant the right to inspect and to take copies of the relevant documents may be seen from paragraphs 4-6 of their letter dated 9 December 2020 which reads as follows: 4. Instead, you have made copies of some of the documents and wrongfully exposed the Company and Its other directors to unnecessary litigation. This is evident in your alleged oppression action (Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit No. WA-24NCC-536- 10/2019) which has been dismissed by the Honourable Court and the criminal proceedings against Dato' Seri Low Cheng Teik vide Sessions Court Case No. WA-62K-56-07/2019. Your actions thus far has been detrimental to the Company, its officers and other shareholders, and exposed the Company and its directors to unnecessary litigation costs when they (the Company and its officers) should be focussing on developing its business, more so in these challenging times. Suffice it to say that whilst we have no objections to your request, we have reason to be sceptical of your intentions and demands. 5. We also note that there is no urgency in providing you access to all the documents requested and we will in due course make available the documents for your inspection. The time period stated in your letter is unfair and unreasonable. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 | P a g e 6. While the Company acknowledges a director's right to inspect certain documents of the Company, in light of your actions described in Item 4 above, perhaps you could explain the reason you require these voluminous documents now, after so many years when these documents have always been available to you and you never expressed any interest in any of them. Please include in your response a covenant that you will not use the information obtained will not be used for any ulterior and/or an improper purpose that is detrimental to the interest of the Company. [Emphasis added] [17] We may now examine the Respondent’s reasons for refusing inspection. In the Affidavit in Reply by Low Hock Boon, affirmed on 2 August 2021, it was stated as follows: 3. In reply to paragraph 12 of the Plaintiff's AIR, the Defendant states that the Plaintiff has never shown any interest in the business nor affairs of the Defendant. This is also apparent from the fact that despite the Plaintiff having full and unrestricted access to all the Defendant's records, including accounting records, the Plaintiff chose never to do so. In light of the Plaintiff's past mischiefs, it is apparent that the Plaintiff's objective in purportedly exercising her rights vide this suit as a Director is tainted with mala-fides as can be seen from the events leading from the police report to the Criminal Suit against the Managing Director of the Defendant and the Oppression Suit against the shareholders and the Defendant/Company, both of which have been dismissed by the respective Honourable Courts. 4. In the circumstances, the Defendant had for good reason denied the Plaintiff's request and demands unless the Plaintiff complies with the Defendant's request in their letter dated 09.12.2020 (Exhibit LBH 14). The Defendant is merely acting in the best interest of the Company/Defendant and wish to avoid being continuously engaged with the Plaintiff in futile litigation exercises which drains their resources, time and energies and therefore prejudicial to the reputation, business and affairs of the Defendant. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 | P a g e 5. In the circumstances, the Plaintiff's allegation in paragraph 15 (ii) and 15 (ii) of the Plaintiff's AIR of being accountable under the law to manage the Company as a Director is also misconceived and or misplaced as none of the Directors nor the shareholders nor the Defendant have ever held the Plaintiff accountable as a Director nor shareholder of the Company, particularly since the Plaintiff has never expressed any interest in the management, business, activities nor affairs of the Defendant. In addition the Plaintiff also failed in her duties as a Director in refusing to execute the letter of offer from Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad as referred to in paragraph 15(iv) of the Plaintiff's AIR. 6. In reply to paragraph 15(iv) of the Plaintiff's AIR, the Defendant states that the request for the Plaintiff as a signatory/guarantor was imposed by Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad as the Plaintiff was one of the directors of the Defendant. 6.1 In order to justify the acquisition of the property, details of the need for the property to capitalize on the current market trends of a "buyers' market' were also shared with the Plaintiff vide a power point presentation. However, the Plaintiff refused to sign the Letter of Offer although the Defendant had responded to the Plaintiff's queries in her letter of 13.04.2021 vide a power point presentation. A copy of the Plaintiff's email dated 20.04.2021 enclosing the power point presentation is now produced herewith and marked as Exhibit LHB-19. Clearly the reasons stated in paragraph 15(v) of the Plaintiff's AIR is an after- thought to now justify her wrongful refusal to sign as a guarantor. The Plaintiff must surely be aware that it is part of a Director's duty and responsibility to also execute guarantees as may necessarily be required by a financial institution(s) for the benefit of the Company, especially since the Defendant has explained the logical and commercial reasons and need for the Defendant to acquire its own business premises. 6.2 The Plaintiff has also refused to fulfill her responsibility and duty as a Director of the Defendant when she failed to attend a Directors meeting on 14.04.2021 despite appropriate notice being given in accordance with the with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, which required seven (7) Notice in advance of a Directors meeting. On the contrary, and in response, the Plaintiff made an unreasonable demand that she required at least 3-4 weeks' notice for the same. A copy of the Defendant's Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Plaintiff's email of 27.04.2021 is now produced herewith and marked as Exhibit LHB-20 and LBH 21 respectively. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 | P a g e 7. Clearly, the Plaintiff has not expressed any interest in the management, operations and affairs of the Defendant nor expressed any intention to participate fruitfully or productively to carry out her duties as a Director. Instead, the Plaintiff has only been disruptive to the business of the Defendant. In the circumstance, the only honourable thing that the Plaintiff should do is to resign as a Director and allow the Defendant to grow and progress. 7.1 The Plaintiff's conduct of continuously harassing the Defendant and its active directors with numerous demands, which demands could well have been answered at Directors' meeting(s), is prejudicial to the Defendant's growth and progress. PLAINTIFF NEVER PERFORMED HER DUTIES AS A DIRECTOR 8. The Plaintiff's allegation in paragraph 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Plaintiff's AIR that she owes a statutory and fiduciary duty towards the Defendant, clearly contradicts her actions from the outset. The Plaintiff's continued conduct of harassing the Defendant and its Directors clearly show that she (the Plaintiff) never had the best interest of the Company at heart. ..... 9. Premised on the Plaintiff's actions/conduct, her refusal to participate in the Director's meeting for frivolous reasons and the continued harassment, the only and sole purpose of the inspection must be to use the Requested Documents to launch unfounded attacks on the Defendant and its Directors in the management of the affairs of the Defendant (as done before in the Oppression Suit) to the detriment of the Defendant and the lodging of a police report which led to the Criminal Suit. 10. I re-emphasize that the Defendant has never before restrained the Plaintiff from coming into the Defendant's office and inspecting any of its records, including making copies of the same. The breakdown of the relationship with the Plaintiff was purely attributed to the Plaintiff's wrongful actions/misconduct and lack of bona-fides which actions are detrimental to the Defendant's business and reputation in the multi-level marketing industry. 11. The Plaintiff has repeatedly shown impropriety in the purpose of seeking the reliefs prayed for which are unrelated to the discharge of her duties as a non- performing Director. Therefore the inspection of the documents, and requests for copies of such documents ought not to be allowed unconditionally especially since the Plaintiff is a Director without any functions or duties. [Emphasis added] S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 | P a g e [18] The Appellant’s response per her Affidavit in Reply affirmed on 18 August 2021 is relevant. In her Affidavit in Reply she stated (at paragraph [15] the following: I reiterate that:- (i) the right to inspect documents and to take copies of them is essential to the proper performance of a director's duties; (ii) even though I do rely upon other directors including Dato Seri Low Cheng Teik and Low Hock Boon in the conduct of the Defendant's affairs, I am accountable under the law to manage the company I serve as a director; iii) hence, I must be at liberty to satisfy myself in relation to all matters relating to the company's business, without which, I would not be able to discharge my duty with care, skill and diligence; (iv) for example, I was included as one of the signatories (without my express consent) to sign and to be one of the guarantors for the banking facility vide the Defendant's letter dated 10.05.2021 which enclosed an offer from Maybank Islamic Berhad to obtain a loan facility for the purchase of a Defendant's property; and (v) in the above instant, I was unwilling to execute the said loan facility as I do not have a full or complete view of the Defendant's financial state of affairs and I have been denied access to the Defendant's books and records ie. the Requested Documents. ..... 21. Paragraphs 20 to 24 of AIR No.1 are unfounded. I state that:- (i) for so long as I remain a director of the Defendant, I retain a right of inspection of the accounting and other records of the Defendant and to take copies of them; (ii) the Defendant's mere allegations that I am hostile, the possibility of abuse or misuse of the right of inspection does not afford any ground for its denial or restriction. Further, the Requested Documents are common accounting records of the Defendant. I fail to understand how, if the Defendant's accounting records are properly prepared and kept, a director's inspection of the same could amount to an 'abuse'; S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 | P a g e (iii) the recent breakdown of the relationship between the other directors of the Defendant and myself makes this application for inspection more so crucial given the lack of co-operation by the rest of the Defendant’s directors; A Director’s Right to Inspect the Documents – Companies Act 2016 [19] The following statutory provisions are relevant to the director’s right of inspection. Section 245(1) Companies Act 2016: (1) A company, the directors and managers of a company shall- (a) cause to be kept the accounting and other records to sufficiently explain the transactions and financial position of the company and enable true and fair profit and loss accounts and balance sheets and any documents required to be attached thereto to be prepared; and (b) cause the accounting and other records to be kept in a manner as to enable the accounting and other records to be conveniently and properly audited.” Section 245(4) Companies Act 2016: “(4) The records referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the registered office of the company or at such other place as the directors think fit, and shall at all times be open for inspection by the directors.” Section 245(8) Companies Act 2016: “(8) The Court may, in any particular case, order that the accounting and other records of a company be open to inspection by an approved company auditor acting for a director, subject to a written undertaking given to the Court that information acquired by the auditor during his inspection shall not be disclosed by him except to that director.” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 | P a g e Section 245(9) Companies Act 2016: “(9) The company and every officer who contravene this section commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.” [20] It is relevant to mention that some of the case laws referred to on this subject are based on the provisions under the Companies Act 1965. In this regard, s.167(3), (6) and (7) of the Companies Act 1965 are the same as s.245(4), (8) and (9) Companies Act 2016 except for s.245(9) of the Companies Act 2016, wherein a fine of RM5,000.00 or a term of imprisonment of six months or both as provided for in s.167(7) Companies Act 1965 has been increased to a maximum fine of RM500,000.00, or a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or to both. Director’s Right to Inspect – The Contentions [21] The Appellant took position that, as a director, she has the absolute right to inspect the Documents and she is not required to provide any covenant or reason to do so. The Appellant relied on the case of Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) (per Low Hop Bing, JCA) which laid down the principles as follows: “[16] The relevant established principles have been succinctly stated by the Singapore Court of Appeal in Wuu Khek Chiang George. There, the appellant, a director of the respondent, took out an application under s. 199 of the Singapore Companies Act (equipollent to our s. 167) for an order requiring the respondent to inspect its accounting and financial records. The High Court judge dismissed the application. After reviewing a long line of authorities, the Court of Appeal allowed the appellant’s appeal and held, inter alia, that: S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 | P a g e (1) the right of a director of a company to inspect its accounting and other records is a right existing at common law and is recognized in s. 199 of the Companies Act. Such right is a concomitant of the fiduciary duties of good faith, care, skill and diligence which the director owes to the company, and as such, like other rights and powers, must be exercised for the benefit of the company. The obligation of the company to allow inspection by its director is mandatory. (2) this right has been described as being “absolute”. A director is prima facie entitled to inspection and is not required to demonstrate any particular ground or ‘need to know’ as a basis: Molomby. So long as the right is exercised for the proper performance of the director’s duties to the company and not with a view to causing any detriment to the company, it is in that sense ‘absolute’:…… (3) there is no residual discretion in the court to refuse inspection. Where the court bars a director from exercising his right of inspection, it is not in fact exercising a residual discretion, but is in such an event satisfied on the basis of the evidence before it that the director’s intention is to use the information obtained for ulterior purposes such as with a view to causing detriment to the company and that the director is thus abusing the confidence reposed in him;......” (4) the right of a director to inspect the books and records of the company flows from his office as a director and enables him to perform his duties as a director. The corollary of this is that the right will be lost where it is exercised not to advance the interests of the company but some other ulterior purpose to injure the company…” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 | P a g e [22] In so far as giving reasons for the inspection, counsel for the Appellant referred to the case of Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC), where the High Court opined that the applicant (director) “was not obliged under the law to justify his request to inspect the accounts of the company”. In Ho Yee Chin v Ho Min Hao & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 728 (HC), the High Court had held that, “the plaintiff was still a director at the time she requested for the company's records, she was not obliged to provide a reason for her request. The onus was on the defendants to prove mala fides and unless the burden was discharged, it must be assumed that the plaintiff would exercise the right for the benefit of the company.” [23] As mentioned earlier, the Respondent had indicated that they would only allow inspection on condition that the Appellant gives a covenant that she will not use the information obtained for any ulterior purpose and/or an improper purpose that is detrimental to the interest of the Respondent. In response, Counsel for the Appellant referred Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC), where the High Court held as follows: “[26] The Court of Appeal in Tan Kim Hor & Ors v. Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd also made clear that a director's right to inspect the accounting records is absolute in the sense that he is entitled to inspection without subject to any requirement to provide any reason for the inspection. The courts do not even have any residual discretion to refuse inspection by a director. A director’s statutory right of inspection may only be refused if the director is exercising his right of inspection for some ulterior purpose or to injure the company. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 | P a g e [27] It would be a complete misconception of the true meaning of the directors' inspection rights if the company seeks to qualify the exercise of such inspection right. It would thus be wholly unwarranted for a company to demand as a condition permitting inspection for the requesting director to execute a non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement precisely by reason of the trite legal position that the director's fiduciary duties to the company already impose strict duties against any infringement of confidentiality or injury to the company.” [Emphasis added] [24] In opposing the Application, the Respondent said that the Appellant had engaged in “mischief” (see: paragraph [17] of this judgment). In this regard, the Respondent has described the Appellant’s past conduct, inter alia, in lodging a police report against LCT and mounting the Oppression Suit as mischief. [25] In response, it was argued for the Appellant that it was her constitutional right to commence legal actions in Court for her transgressed rights using the accounting records of the Respondent against the relevant parties. Counsel said commencement of legal actions in Court to ventilate grievances and vindicate personal rights is certainly not and cannot by any stretch, be an ulterior or improper motive. [26] According to Counsel for the Appellant, the commencement of the Oppression Suit and the lodging of the police report (which complained of the unlawful transfer of the Respondent’s property, i.e. its trademark “SNE”, by one of the Respondent’s directors) which led to LCT and his daughter being charged for CBT are also not, and cannot by any stretch be an ulterior or improper motive on the part of the Appellant against the Respondent itself. It may have been against others, but certainly not the Respondent itself. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 | P a g e [27] Hence, Counsel’s complaint was that the Learned Judicial Commissioner failed to appreciate that the ulterior or improper motive referred to in the case of Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) or Liaw Yeou Huah v Wong Kee Kian & Ors [2016] MLJU 1589 (HC) are confined to motives against the company, not others like directors or shareholders of the company. The Oppression Suit and the CBT charge merely show hostility towards the other directors and shareholders of the Respondent and not the Respondent itself. [28] In conclusion, it was submitted that the Appellant cannot be precluded from exercising her rights of inspection of the Documents as a director of the Respondent, even if there is a possibility that future litigation may ensue from the inspection of the Documents in furtherance of the ongoing hostility between the directors and shareholders of the Respondent. Counsel referred to the High Court’s decision in Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC), at [11] where the Court said relevantly: “[11] When these competing contentions are considered it is evident that: (i) The real hostility is between Mirza and the other directors and shareholders of the company, not between Mirza and the company per se. The fact that further litigation may ensue means that there is a possibility that there will be further litigation between Mirza and the other directors and shareholders of the company. In Welch & Anor v. Britannia Industries Pte Ltd [1993] 1 SLR 673 it was held inter alia, that an intention to wrest control of the company from other shareholders cannot be regarded as synonymous with an intention to injure the company. Even if this extends to an intention to force control of the company to one party, that intention will not deprive that same party of the right of inspection. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 | P a g e The exercise of the directors' right of inspection is not extortion or oppression, nor is an intention to remove any person from the management of a company per se an improper purpose. Given the wide compass of a director's right of inspection, and as s. 167(6) is an adjunct to this right, it does not follow that simply because there is a possibility that future litigation may ensue from an inspection in furtherance of the ongoing hostility between the directors and shareholders of the company, that Mirza should be precluded from exercising his rights of inspection as a director.” [Emphasis added] [29] And in Loh Teck Wah v Lim Pang Kiam & Ors [2022] 6 CLJ 549 (HC), the Court opined that the fact that parties were at loggerheads was of little relevance and was no bar to an application under s. 245 of the Companies Act 2016. Indeed, the Court went further to say that, “hostility might often be the explanation for the application in the first place.” In Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC), the High Court touched on the same point and opined [93], “that a director may be hostile towards the company or its staff does not limit the inspection right and the right to take copies. The mere possibility of abuse or misuse of the right does not afford any ground for its denial or restriction. A director retains this right of inspection (inclusive of the right to be supplied with copies of documents so inspected), despite mere allegations that he is hostile, adverse or a competitor of the corporation, for as long as he remains a director of the company.” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 | P a g e The High Court’s Decision [30] On 28 September 2021, the Learned Judicial Commissioner dismissed the Application. The Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal against the decision of the High Court via Notice of Appeal dated 14 October 2021. It is germane to note here that the Appellant was a director of the Respondent when she filed the Application on 7 April 2021, and later when she filed the Notice of Appeal on 14 October 2021. In dismissing the Application, the High Court was of the view that the Appellant is not entitled to exercise her statutory right of inspection of the Documents, inter alia, because she was effectively a non-participating director of the Respondent (See: paragraph [24] of the Grounds of Judgment). [31] The Learned Judicial Commissioner concluded that the Appellant was actuated by mala fides and that the Documents are not necessary and the Appellant did not need them in carrying out her duties as a director of the Respondent (See: paragraph [27] of the Grounds of Judgment). [32] The Learned Judicial Commissioner’s reasons for dismissing the Application may be gathered from the following paragraphs of the Grounds of Judgment which read as follows; [17] There are a few reasons which led the court to this finding. Firstly, the defendant had on multiple occasions enquired with the plaintiff on the reason why she requires access to the Documents. The defendant issued letters dated 9 December 2020 and 19 March 2021, and in the letters, raised the fact that when the plaintiff was given access to the defendant's documents, she had used them to expose the defendant to unnecessary litigation. Further, the defendant highlighted that the Documents were available to the plaintiff at all times, but the plaintiff had never shown any interest in the Documents or in the business of the defendant. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 | P a g e [18] The defendant also requested for an undertaking that the plaintiff will not use the Documents for any ulterior and/or improper purpose that would be detrimental to the interest of the defendant. [19] The plaintiff did not respond to the letters, and did not provide any reason why she required the Documents. The undertaking requested by the defendant was also not forthcoming. [20] The failure to provide reasons and to provide the undertaking, together with the plaintiff's previous action in using the defendant's documents to which she was given access, to lodge a police report against Dato' Seri Low Cheng Teik and to initiate the Oppression Action, have led the court to find that the defendant has proven that the plaintiff's request for inspection of the Documents is made in bad faith and with an ulterior, improper or collateral purpose. …. [22] In this instance, I find that there is more than mere allegations of hostility or adversity against the plaintiff. This is a case where there is clear evidence that would warrant refusal to allow her access to the Documents. Her past acts in using the defendant's documents to initiate actions against other directors and the defendant (which actions have proven to be frivolous), raise serious questions on whether the request for access is in fact made in good faith. [23] Her previous actions notwithstanding, the court acknowledges that as a director, it is well within the plaintiff's rights to question the management and conduct of the defendant, and to take the necessary actions in the event of mismanagement or misconduct. But what strengthens the defendant's position is the plaintiff's refusal to provide an undertaking that she will not use the Documents for any ulterior and/or improper purpose that would be detrimental to the interest of the defendant. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 | P a g e [24] Finally, a fact raised by the defendant that remains largely unrebutted by the plaintiff is that the plaintiff had never been interested in the management or affairs of the defendant. The defendant was managed by Dato' Seri Low Cheng Teik, Lau See Yoong and Low Hock Boon, and the plaintiff played no role or part the in management of the defendant. The plaintiff did not express any interest to participate in management, she did not visit the defendant's office, and she did not attend any event organised by the defendant. She was effectively a non- participating director of the defendant. …. [27] A similar situation arises in this instant case. Considering the lack of interest of the plaintiff in the management of the defendant, and the fact that she was hardly involved or engaged in the business of the defendant, the court finds it inconceivable that the Documents are required to assist the plaintiff in undertaking her duties as a director. E. Decision [28] In the circumstances, the court finds that the defendant has provided sufficient evidence to prove that the request for the Documents is unrelated to the discharge of the plaintiff's duties as a director, and is actuated by an ulterior motive, which would be detrimental to the interest of the defendant. [29] It is on this basis that the court dismissed the originating summons, with costs. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 | P a g e Our Decision [33] There is no denial that historically, the Appellant has had a stormy relationship with the other directors. She had previously lodged a police report against LCT alleging that he had committed CBT in connection with the Respondent’s “SNE” trademark which was purportedly assigned for a nominal consideration of RM10 to SNE-G. LCT’s daughter, LPL is a director and shareholder of SNE-G. Consequently, LCT was charged in the Sessions Court for the offence of CBT under s. 409 of the Penal Code. LPL was charged with having abetted LCT in the CBT offence. [34] On 14 December 2020 LCT and LPL were both acquitted and discharged without their defence being called as the Sessions Court held that prosecution had failed to establish a prima facie case against both the accused persons. The Prosecutor’s appeal to the High Court was later dismissed. [35] In the meanwhile, on 14 October 2019 the Appellant commenced the Oppression Suit. The Appellant raised a plethora of complaints in support of the Oppression Suit. On 13 July 2020 the High Court dismissed the Oppression Suit. The Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal via Civil Appeal No. W-02(NCC)(A)-909-07/2020. On 13 September 2022, the Court of Appeal allowed the Appellant’s appeal. The Court of Appeal’s decision is reported as [2023] 2 CLJ 19. The matter is now pending in the Federal Court via Federal Court Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-30-04/2023. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 | P a g e [36] As mentioned earlier, the Appellant’s attempt to inspect the Respondent’s accounting and financial records was vehemently resisted by the Respondent. The Respondent’s unyielding position was that the Appellant was guilty of mischief and was using the statutory right under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 to gain access to the Respondent’s documents, and to use them to injure the Respondent. [37] It was also contended that the Appellant was not interested in the affairs of the Respondent and not involved in the day to day management of the business of the Respondent. The Respondent wanted to extract a covenant from the Appellant that the documents would not be misused. The Appellant was not prepared to give any such covenant. [38] As far as the Appellant was concerned, she was a director and was entitled to inspect the documents as of right. She conceded that she was not involved in the day to day management of the Respondent. But she asserted that as a director she was entitled to inspect the accounting and financial records as these are relevant in terms of her liability as a director. She said that in light of the hostility between the directors it becomes all the more imperative that inspection be allowed. [39] We have carefully examined the Appeal Record and in particular, the rival contentions as stated in the respective affidavits that were filed by the parties. We have also studied the cases that were relied upon by the parties. From the several case laws that were read to us, we find it to be quite well settled that the Appellant, as a director of the Respondent has the absolute right to inspect the documents and the Appellant is not required to provide any covenant or reasons for the inspection. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 | P a g e [40] In amplification, we are compelled to state here that it is trite that the right of a director of a company to inspect the Company’s accounting and other records is a right existing at common law. Thus, s. 254 of the Companies Act 2016 is declaratory of the director’s common law right. According to the cases, a director’s right to inspect accounting and financial records is a concomitant of the fiduciary duties of good faith, care, skill and diligence which the director owes to the company, and as such, like other rights and powers, must be exercised for the benefit of the company. [41] Thus, the obligation of the company to allow inspection by its director is regarded as mandatory. And, being an “absolute” right, a director is prima facie entitled to inspection and is not required to demonstrate any particular ground or ‘need to know’ as a basis. As such, the right to inspect remains extant so long as the right is exercised for the proper performance of the director’s duties to the company and not with a view to causing any detriment to the company. [42] According to established jurisprudence, there is no residual discretion in the court to refuse inspection. The principle is that where the court bars a director from exercising his right of inspection, it is not in fact exercising a residual discretion, but is in such an event, satisfied on the basis of the evidence before it that the director’s intention is to use the information obtained for ulterior purposes such as with a view to causing detriment to the company and that the director is thus abusing the confidence reposed in him. Thus, in those circumstances, the right will be lost where it is exercised not to advance the interests of the company but some other ulterior purpose to injure the company. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 | P a g e [43] We agree with the submissions that were made by counsel for the Appellant that the commencement of the Oppression Suit and the lodging of the police report (pertaining to the unlawful assignment of the trade mark to SNE-G) which led to LCT and his daughter being charged for CBT cannot be construed as an ulterior or improper motive on the part of the Appellant against the Respondent itself. The Appellant may well have had ulterior motives against others e.g. directors and shareholders, but not the Respondent itself. [44] Indeed, on the issue of the unlawful assignment of the Respondent’s trademark to SNE-G, the Appellant was quite obviously vindicated by virtue of the Court of Appeal’s judgment (see: [2023] 2 CLJ 19 at paragraph [35]). [45] In the circumstances, it appears to be the case that the Learned Judicial Commissioner did not properly appreciate that the ulterior or improper motive referred to in the case of Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) or Liaw Yeou Huah v Wong Kee Kian & Ors [2016] MLJU 1589 (HC) are confined to motives against the company, not others like directors or shareholders of the company. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 | P a g e [46] As correctly pointed out by Counsel for the Appellant, the Oppression Suit and the CBT charge merely demonstrate hostility towards the other directors and shareholders of the Respondent and not the Respondent itself. But, it was contended by the Respondent in its affidavits that the Appellant was seeking to obtain the Respondent’s financial records and documents so as to launch further attacks and was a launch-pad to injure the Respondent. With respect, we see no evidence of intention by the Appellant to injure the Respondent. She may well have an intention to commence other legal proceedings against the directors and shareholders but that is her right. The germane question here is whether there was any evidence that she was intending to injure the Respondent. The answer is – no. [47] Here, it is important to emphasize that it requires a strong case to disentitle a director from the statutory right of inspection under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 and the burden is on the Respondent to establish positively by convincing evidence (and not just by making bald assertions or speculation) that in making the application under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 the Appellant was actuated by improper motives vis- à-vis the Respondent. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 | P a g e [48] Clearly, it is unlikely that the Appellant will sit still. She will possibly continue her crusade against the other directors and shareholders. But the key point here is that the Appellant cannot be precluded from exercising her statutory right of inspection of the Documents as a director of the Respondent, even if there is a possibility that future litigation may ensue from the inspection of the documents in furtherance of the ongoing hostility between the directors and shareholders of the Respondent. See: Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC) at paragraph [11]. [49] Thus, applying the principles of law that are derived from the cases that were read to us, we are satisfied that the Learned Judicial Commissioner had misdirected herself in holding at [26] that “the failure to provide reasons and to provide the undertaking, together with the plaintiff's previous action in using the defendant's documents to which she was given access, to lodge a police report against [LCT] and to initiate the Oppression [Suit], have led the court to find that the defendant has proven that the plaintiff's request for inspection of the Documents is made in bad faith and with an ulterior, improper or collateral purpose.”. [50] Having due regard to the factual matrix of facts and the conduct of the parties and the exchange of correspondence and affidavits, we are of the considered view that the Respondent’s position in refusing to allow the Appellant to inspect the Documents was untenable, to say the Least. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 | P a g e [51] It is important to emphasize that a director’s non-participation of the day- to-day affairs of the company does not extinguish the director’s right to inspect the company’s documents. In Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC), the Court said at [54]: “[54] As such, the defendant's suggestion that the plaintiff is not entitled to encl. 1 because he is a foreign national who resides overseas, or that the plaintiff is non-executive and also merely a corporate representative of NSSB is entirely devoid of merit. The law, as so clearly encapsulated in ss. 131B and 132 of the CA does not make a distinction on the powers and duties of company directors on the basis of nationality, residence, or whether the director is performing an executive role or otherwise, or whether the director is a nominee or a corporate representative of a shareholder. It is a fundamental principle of company law that the right to inspect emanates from the plaintiff's office as a director of the defendant company. Directors of a company enjoy the same right of inspection under the law. The law admits of no distinction between the statutory and fiduciary duties owed by different categories of directors.” [52] The same point was also made to the case of Ho Yee Chin v Ho Min Hao & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 728 (HC), where the Court held that, “There was no merit in the contention by the first and second defendants that the fact that the plaintiff had never run or managed the business from the day it was incorporated until this application was made suggested that the plaintiff sought inspection, not to discharge her duties as director. The right of inspection by a director is an inalienable right and is not restricted in any way.” [53] We are therefore unable to agree with the Learned Judicial Commissioner who opined that the Appellant’s actions in lodging the police report and the Oppression Suit and the fact that she was not actively involved in the management of the Respondent, can be construed as suggesting that the Appellant was actuated by improper motives, or that she was likely to injure the Respondent, or that she had no need for the Documents. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 | P a g e [54] The Appellant’s past actions in lodging the police report which resulted in LCT and his daughter being prosecuted and in filing the Oppression Suit are in our view, manifestations of the Appellant’s right as a shareholder/director of the Respondent to protect and preserve the assets of the Respondent – the trade mark which LCT had assigned to his daughter’s company for a mere RM10.00. As we said earlier, the Appellant was justified in mounting the Oppression Suit as the Court of Appeal found in her favour and granted the requisite reliefs. [55] As for the Appellant’s hostility towards her co-directors, we do not see this as a disqualification for an application under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016. The fact that the Appellant is an inactive director is also irrelevant. In fact, her hostility towards her co-directors and her passiveness as a director of the Respondent makes it all the more compelling that she should be given the right to inspect the Documents, which in law, is an “absolute right”. We are thus satisfied that the decision of the Learned Judicial Commissioner in refusing to make the order under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 was in all the circumstances, plainly wrong and warranted appellate intervention on our part. [56] As such, we are constrained to hold that the Learned Judicial Commissioner erred in dismissing the Originating Summons. Thus, appellate intervention is warranted. Ordinarily we would have allowed the appeal. However, is necessary for us to consider the impact of the post High Court event, namely, the Appellant’s removal as director. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 | P a g e [57] The next part of our judgment deals with the Appellant’s removal as a director of the Respondent with effect from 9 December 2021. It may be noted here that when the Originating Summons was filed on 7 April 2021, and later dismissed on 28 September 2021, the Appellant was still a director of the Respondent. The Appellant filed the Notice of Appeal on 14 October 2021. She was a director as at the date of filing of the Notice of Appeal. However, by a directors’ resolution dated 9 December 2021, the Appellant was removed as a director of the Respondent. [58] As such, we now proceed to deal with the next issue – whether the Appellant is entitled to obtain an order for inspection in light of the decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal in Haw Par Bros (Pte) Ltd v Dato Aw Kow [1973] 2 MLJ 169 (SGCA) (“Haw Par”). The question before the Singapore Court of Appeal was – whether an order for inspection which had been made by a court under s.167(5) of the Companies Act continues in full force and effect after the director of a company ceases to be a director? The case is highly relevant as s.167(5) of the Singapore Companies Act is in pari materia with our previous s.167(6) of the Companies Act 1965 and the present s.245(8) of the Companies Act 2016. [59] In that case, on 17 December 1971, the respondent director (Dato Aw Kow) filed an Originating Summons (“the OS”) under s. 167(5) of the Singapore Companies Act seeking an order to inspect the accounting and other records of the company by his auditor, a Mr Curran. On 22 December 1971, the order was made by the Singapore High Court (“the Inspection Order”). S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 | P a g e [60] The Inspection Order did not appear to specify a time limit during which the accounting and other records of the company should be kept open for the inspection of Mr Curran, nor also the period of the accounting and other records to be inspected, including whether it related to the period within which the respondent was a director. The company did not appeal the Inspection Order. Mr Curran commenced inspection of the accounting and other records of the company shortly after the Inspection Order and continued until 22 June 1972, approximately six months into the Inspection Order, when he (Mr Curran) left Singapore on leave. On 20 July 1972, the respondent was removed as a director of the company. On 17 August 1972, the solicitors for the company informed the solicitors for the respondent that the Inspection Order had lapsed upon the respondent ceasing to be a director and hence Mr Curran was no longer free to inspect the accounting and other records of the company. [61] Thereafter, the respondent commenced a fresh civil suit on 18 August 1972, at a time when he was no longer a director of the company, claiming a declaration that the Inspection Order remained in full force and for orders to restrain the company from preventing or obstructing Mr Curran from inspecting, and pending the same obtained an ex parte interim injunction in those terms, which was upheld by Choor Singh J inter partes (“Injunction Order”) on the basis that the respondent had made out a strong prima facie case for his inspection to continue and the balance of convenience lay in favour of the Injunction Order to continue. (See: [1972] 2 MLJ 225). S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 | P a g e [62] Justice Choor Singh was of the opinion that the right expressly conferred by s.167(3) on a director to inspect the accounts and other records of a company would be illusory and would lead to unreasonableness and injustice if s. 167(3) were to be construed to confer the right to inspect on a director only so long as he is and continues to remain a director of the company. We may add that the same point was made here by Counsel for the Appellant. For completeness, we reproduce here the relevant passage from Justice Choor Singh’s judgment (230 MLJ) where he said, “Parliament having conferred on a director the right to inspect, the court ought not so to construe the statute as to make the right conferred illusory, for that would be the result if the court were to hold that the inspection must cease upon removal of the director. On such an interpretation the court would in effect be rendering the statute of no avail in the case of an honest director who obtains an inspection order under section 167(5), if his fellow directors, who are dishonest, can by causing him to be removed the very next day, nullify the said order. In my opinion the right of a director, who has obtained an inspection order under section 167(5), to continue to inspect after he ceases to be a director, cannot be denied without examining what his interest is in such inspection and whether further inspection is reasonably necessary for the protection of that interest. To deny him further inspection without such enquiry would render the right to inspect practically useless. In my opinion, the interpretation which the defendants have put forward, would lead to unreasonableness and injustice, and must therefore be rejected because the court must presume against any intention on the part of the Legislature to cause injustice. For these reasons I hold that an inspection order obtained by a director under section 167(5) of the Act does not, ipso facto, lapse upon his ceasing to be director. It remains in full force until it is discharged, rescinded or varied by the court upon the application of either party. On such application, the court has a discretion to allow the inspection to continue, notwithstanding the fact that the director has been removed, if the circumstances of the case so warrant. If further inspection is reasonably necessary for the protection of the applicant's legitimate interest, the court must do justice in the matter and allow further inspection, for a reasonable period, of the accounts and other records of the company for the period during which the applicant was a director.” S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 | P a g e [63] On appeal by the company against the Injunction Order, the Singapore Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and set-aside the Injunction Order holding that (a) an ex-director cannot successfully invoke the right of inspection under s. 167 of the Singapore Companies Act (Cap 185); (b) the director’s right of inspection granted by the Inspection Order ceases once he is no longer a director, unless there was a prima facie case that the shareholders had no power to remove the said director to support the injunction applied for, of which there was none in that case; and (c) the Inspection Order in that case did not amount to a true injunction either interim or perpetual as it did not specify any time limit within which the accounting and other records of the company were to be open for inspection. [64] According to Haw Par, a director’s right to inspect and, if necessary, take copies of documents belonging to a company are due to “the nature of a director's duties and to enable him to properly perform his duties as a director”. The Singapore Court of Appeal disagreed with Justice Choor Singh’s interpretation of the statutory provision and were very much influenced by the decision of Jacobs J. in Funerals of Distinction Pty Ltd [1963] NSWR 614 where the Learned Judge had referred to the almost equivalent Australian statutory provision and said that once a director ceases to hold that office, then the statutory right of inspection also ceases. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 | P a g e [65] The Singapore Court of Appeal then went on to state the principle at p.170 MLJ as follows: It seems to us clear that section 167(3) gives an absolute right to inspect the accounting and other records required to be kept by a company and its directors under section 167(1) only to persons who are the then directors of the company. It is clear that section 167(3) cannot be successfully invoked by an ex-director. In our opinion where an ex- director wishes to inspect such accounting and other records of a company he cannot rely on section 167(3) and must rely on other grounds because it is clear law that an ex-director, as such, has no proprietary, managerial or other similar interest in the accounting and other records of a company. It seems to us clear also that section 167(5) is in aid of the right to inspection which is given to a director by section 167(3) and therefore the court has no power under section 167(5) to order that the accounting and other records of a company should be open for inspection on behalf of an ex-director of that company. [66] Since the decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal in Haw Par, the Courts in Malaysia have consistently applied the principle alluded to earlier (p.170 MLJ) - an ex-director is not entitled to seek the aid of the court for an order of inspection. It was argued for the Appellant that in this case, the Appellant was a director of the Respondent when she moved the High Court, and also when she filed her Notice of Appeal. It was also argued that the Appellant is only seeking to inspect the accounting and financial records of the Respondent for the period from 2015-2019 and this was well within the period when she was a director of the Respondent. It was also argued that the Appellant’s removal was not valid as she was here removed by a director’s resolution whereas under the Respondent’s Constitution and pursuant to s.206(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016, she can only be removed by a resolution of the shareholders at a general meeting. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 | P a g e [67] In our view, the present appeal is not the proper forum to deal with the issue of the alleged invalidity of the Appellant’s removal as a director of the Respondent. That has to be taken up by way of separate proceedings. If and when the Appellant succeeds in impugning her removal as a director of the Respondent, then she can make a fresh application under s.245(8) of the Companies Act 2016 for inspection. But until that happens, as far as we are concerned, the Haw Par principle applies to the facts of the present case, with the result that the appeal fails. We must add that but for the Appellant’s removal as a director, and the Haw Par principle, we would have allowed the appeal and granted order in terms of the Originating Summons. We conclude by stating that s.245 of the Companies Act 2016 exists for the benefit of a director in the performance of his/her duties as a director. [68] Hence, as the Court of Appeal had clearly enunciated in Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA), at paragraph [16](4), “the right of a director to inspect the books and records of the company flows from his office as a director and enables him to perform his duties as a director …”. As such, upon the Appellant ceasing to be a director, she is no longer entitled to seek relief under s.245 of the Companies Act 2016. It is also relevant for us to refer to Walter Woon on Company Law (3rd ed.) at page 415 (paragraph 10.47) where the learned authors had opined that, “This right of inspection may be exercised only by directors and not ex-directors, and any order of court authorising an auditor to inspect such records on behalf of a director will be ineffective after the director’s removal”. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 | P a g e [69] For completeness we would add that the same view was articulated by the learned authors, Lau Zhong Yan and Sebastian Liew Tzen Jue in their Article, “A Director’s Absolute and Unqualified Right to Inspection: Section 245 of the Companies Act 2016, a Statutory Mandate” - [2021] 3 MLJ clxix, where the issue at hand is discussed at p. clxxii under the heading “Do retired or former directors retain the right to inspect the accounting or other records of a company?”. [70] We now deal with costs. The following matters are relevant to the issue of costs of this appeal. In this regard, we take cognisance of the fact that the issue of the Appellant’s removal as a director and the Haw Par principle were not taken up in the Respondent’s original submissions before this Court. These matters came up during the course of oral submissions and questions posed by this Court on 16 August 2023. In the circumstances, although the appeal stands dismissed, it is necessary to note that the Respondent failed in so far as the merits of the appeal are concerned. The outcome of this appeal is based on the Appellant’s removal and the application of the Haw Par principle. S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 | P a g e Outcome [71] The appeal is dismissed. We did not think that the Respondent should be granted any costs. As such, we exercised our discretion under Order 59 r.2(2) Rules of Court 2012 and declined to award costs to the Respondent. As such, the order of this Court is that for the reasons mentioned above, the appeal is dismissed with no order as to costs. We also order that the costs awarded by the High Court be set aside, and if it has been paid, to be refunded to the Appellant. S. Nantha Balan, Judge, Court of Appeal, Putrajaya, Malaysia Date: 25 October 2023 Legal Representation For the Appellant: Conrad Young Wye King Alfred Lai Choong Wui Cheng Xin Yan Messrs Alfred Lai & Partners 36-2, Jalan 1/116B Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park 58200 Kuala Lumpur [Ref No: ALF/278/2021] S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 | P a g e For the Respondent: Arjan Pursumal Vasdev G Bakshani Messrs Vasdev Bakhsani & Associates 35-5, The Boulevard Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur [Ref: VBA/AP/L/4857/20/SNEMSB] Legislation: Order 59 Rule 2 (2) Rules of Court 2012 Section 167(6) Companies Act 1965 Section 206(1)(a) Companies Act 2016 Section 245 Companies Act 2016 Section 245(1) Companies Act 2016 Section 245(4) Companies Act 2016 Section 245(8) Companies Act 2016 Section 245(9) Companies Act 2016 Section 167 Singapore Companies Act (Cap 185) Reference Material Walter Woon on Company Law (3rd ed.), p. 415 (paragraph 10.47) Article by Lau Zhong Yan and Sebastian Liew Tzen Jue - A Director’s Absolute and Unqualified Right to Inspection: Section 245 of the Companies Act 2016, a Statutory Mandate - [2021] 3 MLJ clxix S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 | P a g e Cases: Low Ean Nee v SNE Marketing Sdn Bhd [2022] 4 AMR 843, [2022] MLJU 1002, [2022] 1 LNS 981 (HC) Dato’ Tan Kim Hor & Ors v Tan Chong Consolidated Sdn Bhd [2009] 2 MLJ 527 (CA) Mirza Mohamed Tariq Beg Mirza HH Beg v Perunding Pakarmedia Sdn Bhd [2009] 10 CLJ 273 (HC) Dato' Seri Timor Shah Rafiq v. Nautilus Tug & Towage Sdn Bhd [2018] 2 CLJ 103 (HC) Ho Yee Chin v Ho Min Hao & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 728 (HC) Liaw Yeou Huah v Wong Kee Kian & Ors [2016] MLJU 1589 (HC) Loh Teck Wah v Lim Pang Kiam & Ors [2022] 6 CLJ 549 (HC), Welch v Britannia Industries Pte Ltd [1992] 3 SLR (R) 64 Haw Par Bros (Pte) Ltd v Dato Aw Kow [1973] 2 MLJ 169 (SGCA) Funerals of Distinction Pty Ltd [1963] NSWR 614 S/N yZEv7dbfmk62D7FqSQARjg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
-land acquisition -Land Acquisition Act 1960 -compensation -land injury -compensation -built structure -concrete drain -objection -Land Administrator -Form N -objection reasons -Court permission -strict legal requirements -hardware business - business licensing - Local Government Act - premises and business affairs - land use categories and conditions -pengambilan tanah -Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960 -pampasan -kecederaan tanah -ganti rugi -struktur binaan -longkang konkrit -bantahan -Pentadbir Tanah -Borang N -alasan-alasan bantahan -kebenaran Mahkamah -kehendak ketat undang-undang -perniagaan ‘hardware’ -pelesenan perniagaan -Akta Kerajaan Tempatan -premis dan hal ehwal perniagaan -kategori dan syarat penggunaan tanah
YA Dato' Che Mohd Ruzima Bin GhazaliKorumYA Dato' Has Zanah Binti MehatYA Dato' Che Mohd Ruzima Bin GhazaliYA Datuk See Mee Chun
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA (BIDANG KUASA RAYUAN) RAYUAN SIVIL NO: K-01(A)-697-11/2021 ANTARA YUSRI BIN AHMAD (NO. K/P: 641105-02-5379) … PERAYU DAN PENTADBIR TANAH DAERAH KOTA SETAR … RESPONDEN (Dalam Perkara Mengenai Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Alor Setar Rujukan Tanah No.: KA-15-16-07/2020 Antara Yusri Bin Ahmad (No. K/P: 641105-02-5379) ... Pemohon Dan Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Kota Setar ... Responden) KORAM HAS ZANAH BINTI MEHAT, HMR CHE MOHD RUZIMA BIN GHAZALI, HMR SEE MEE CHUN, HMR 16/11/2023 14:58:52 K-01(A)-697-11/2021 Kand. 26 S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan [1] Yusri bin Ahmad (perayu), telah terkilan dengan sebahagian daripada keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi (HMT) yang diputuskan pada 25.10.2021 berbangkit daripada satu bantahan dalam prosiding Rujukan Tanah. Secara spesifiknya, rayuan yang difailkan perayu adalah terhadap keputusan HMT yang memutuskan untuk menolak tuntutan pampasan ke atas sebuah bangunan kepunyaannya (Bangunan tersebut) yang didakwa turut terlibat dalam pengambilan tanah milik perayu. Jumlah pampasan yang munasabah menurut perayu untuk Bangunan tersebut adalah dianggarkan sebanyak RM1,890,795.00. Latar Belakang Bantahan [2] Perayu memiliki 1/3 bahagian tanah yang dikenali sebagai Lot 1250, GM 129 Pekan Gunung, Daerah Kota Setar, Negeri Kedah (tanah Lot 1250). Pemilik 2/3 bahagian tanah Lot 1250 ialah Hamdan bin Ismail. Sebahagian daripada tanah Lot 1250 terlibat dengan pengambilan tanah di bawah perenggan 3(1)(a) Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960 (APT 1960) untuk tujuan pembinaan Projek Rancangan Tebatan Banjir Sungai Kedah/Anak Bukit (Lencongan Banjir Sungai Baharu) Tambahan 4, Mukim Gunung, Pekan Gunung, Daerah Kota Setar. [3] Tanah Lot 1250 berkeluasan 0.1836 hektar (19,762 kaki persegi) dan sebahagian 0.0404 hektar (4,348.62 kaki persegi) terlibat dengan pengambilan tanah meninggalkan baki seluas 0.1432 hektar (15,413.92 kaki persegi). Setelah satu inkuiri penuh diadakan di bawah s 12 APT 1960 pada 2.2.2020, Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Kota Setar (responden) memutuskan bahawa nilaian tanah Lot 1250 adalah RM1,540,000.00 sehektar (RM14.79 sekaki persegi) dan jumlah award bagi 1/3 bahagian S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 perayu adalah sebanyak RM20,738.67. Responden juga membenarkan pampasan lain kepada perayu, iaitu pampasan bagi kecederaan tanah bagi baki tanah Lot 1250 berjumlah RM5,880.75, kos pengukuran semula sebanyak RM1,500.00 dan ganti rugi untuk struktur binaan, iaitu longkang konkrit, bernilai RM500.00. [4] Tidak berpuas hati dengan award yang diberikan responden, perayu memfailkan bantahan bertarikh 11.3.2020 melalui Borang N, APT 1960, untuk meminta responden merujuk bantahan perayu ke Mahkamah Tinggi. Alasan bantahan yang dikemukakan perayu dalam Borang N adalah, “Jumlah pampasan sepertimana Borang H bertarikh 2.2.2020 adalah tidak mencukupi”. Responden telah merujuk bantahan perayu ke Mahkamah Tinggi melalui Borang O, APT 1960, bertarikh 28.6.2020. Keputusan HMT [5] Subseksyen 38(1) dan (2) APT 1960 menetapkan bahawa setiap bantahan terhadap award yang diberikan hendaklah dibuat secara bertulis kepada Pentadbir Tanah melalui Borang N dan Pentadbir Tanah kemudiannya akan merujuk bantahan tersebut kepada Mahkamah untuk penentuan. Dalam Borang N tersebut hendaklah dinyatakan secara spesifik alasan bantahan. Peruntukan subseksyen 38(1) dan (2) APT 1960 bersifat mandatori dan perlulah dipatuhi secara ketat kerana penggunaan perkataan “shall”. Sekiranya kehendak peruntukan tersebut tidak dipatuhi, maka Mahkamah tidak boleh mempertimbangkan bantahan yang dibuat dan jika hendak dibangkitkan sebarang alasan bantahan yang baharu semasa perbicaraan, kebenaran daripada Mahkamah seharusnya diperolehi terlebih dahulu. Permohonan untuk mendapatkan kebenaran Mahkamah tersebut boleh dibuat melalui suatu notis permohonan yang disokong oleh suatu afidavit dan pihak yang satu lagi bolehlah memfailkan suatu afidavit jawapan, jika perlu. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [6] Dalam rujukan tanah ini, perayu hanya menyatakan satu alasan bantahan sahaja dalam Borang N iaitu “Jumlah pampasan sepertimana Borang H bertarikh 2.2.2020 adalah tidak mencukupi.” Sedangkan award yang diberikan oleh Pentadbir Tanah hanyalah berkenaan dengan pampasan bagi nilai tanah, kecederaan tanah, kos pengukuran dan struktur binaan, iaitu longkang konkrit, sahaja. Tiada disebut mengenai pampasan bagi Bangunan tersebut. Memandangkan perayu gagal mematuhi kehendak mandatori di bawah undang-undang, maka tuntutan perayu untuk mendapatkan pampasan bagi Bangunan tersebut tidak bermerit. Rayuan Perayu [7] Perayu menyenaraikan lima alasan rayuan sepertimana berikut dalam Memorandum Rayuan: 1. Bahawa Memorandum Rayuan ini disediakan tanpa Perayu mendapatkan manfaat untuk merujuk kepada Alasan Penghakiman dan Perayu merizabkan hak untuk memfailkan Memorandum Rayuan Terpinda setelah Alasan Penghakiman diperolehi. 2. Yang Arif Hakim yang terpelajar telah terkhilaf dari segi undang-undang apabila memutuskan permohonan Perayu bagi tuntutan pampasan terhadap Bangunan sebanyak RM1,890,795.00 juta yang terkandung dalam Lot 1250, GM129, Pekan Gunung, Daerah Kota Setar, Negeri Kedah Darul Aman tidak (“Bangunan tersebut”) dibenarkan. 3. Yang Arif Hakim yang terpelajar telah terkhilaf dari segi undang-undang apabila gagal mempertimbangkan bahawa tuntutan pampasan terhadap Bangunan tersebut adalah termasuk struktur kediaman. 4. Yang Arif Hakim yang terpelajar telah terkhilaf dari segi undang-undang apabila memutuskan tuntutan pampasan terhadap Bangunan tersebut tidak diplidkan di dalam Borang N. 5. Oleh yang sedemikian Perayu dengan rendah diri memohon supaya Rayuan ini dibenarkan dan keputusan Yang Arif Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi di Alor Setar yang tidak membenarkan Pampasan bagi Bangunan sebanyak RM1,890,795.00 diketepikan. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Tiada sebarang Memorandum Rayuan Terpinda dikemukakan walaupun setelah perayu menerima alasan penghakiman daripada HMT. Dengan itu, alasan rayuan perayu kekal sepertimana dalam Memorandum Rayuan sedia ada yang mana fokusnya adalah terhadap isu penolakan tuntutan pampasan bagi Bangunan tersebut oleh HMT. Semasa berhujah di hadapan kami sama ada dalam hujahan bertulis mahupun hujahan secara lisan, peguam perayu juga hanya fokus kepada satu isu sahaja iaitu berkaitan dengan hak perayu ke atas pampasan bagi Bangunan tersebut di bawah APT 1960. Pertimbangan Kami [8] Persoalan permulaan yang perlu diberikan pertimbangan adalah, sama ada satu-satunya isu yang dibangkitkan perayu berhubung dengan tuntutan pampasan Bangunan tersebut merupakan persoalan undang- undang yang dibenarkan di bawah subseksyen 40D(3) dan subseksyen 49(1) APT 1960. Ini kerana, peruntukan undang-undang tersebut menghalang rayuan ke atas jumlah pampasan yang diputuskan Mahkamah Tinggi di peringkat Rujukan Tanah. Keputusan duluan Mahkamah tertinggi juga menunjukkan bahawa Mahkamah perlulah mengambil pendekatan yang ketat ke atas persoalan undang-undang yang boleh dibawa perayu ke peringkat rayuan di Mahkamah Rayuan. Lihat perbahasan undang-undang yang diutarakan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat and another case [2017] 3 MLJ 561; Amitabha Guha (as beneficiary for the estate of Madhabendra Mohan Guha) v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat [2021] 4 MLJ 1 dan Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Johor v Nusantara Daya Sdn Bhd [2021] 4 MLJ 570. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [9] Setelah diteliti, kami mendapati bahawa rayuan perayu tidak terhalang di bawah subseksyen 40D(3) dan subseksyen 49(1) APT 1960. Persoalan undang-undang yang dibangkitkan adalah mengenai hak perayu untuk mendapatkan pampasan ke atas Bangunan tersebut yang mana dinafikan oleh responden di peringkat siasatan di bawah s 12 APT 1960. HMT kemudiannya telah mengesahkan keputusan responden di peringkat Bantahan Rujukan Tanah di bawah s 40D APT 1960. Justeru itu, isu undang-undang yang perlu diputuskan di peringkat rayuan adalah, sama ada perayu berhak dipampas berdasarkan fakta yang menunjukkan bahawa Bangunan tersebut turut terlibat dalam pengambilan tanah Lot 1250. Isu tersebut melibatkan persoalan undang-undang yang perlu diputuskan di peringkat rayuan dan ianya tidak tergolong dalam keputusan berkenaan jumlah pampasan yang dihalang di bawah subseksyen 40D(3) APT 1960 sepertimana diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Calamas Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir Tanah Batang Padang [2011] 5 CLJ 125 dan Syed Hussain Syed Junid & Ors v. Pentadbir Tanah Negeri Perlis [2013] 9 CLJ 152; [2013] 6 MLJ 626. Dapatan Kami [10] Hak untuk memiliki harta, termasuklah tanah, adalah hak asasi yang memberikan pemilikan dan kenikmatan kepada pemilik harta. Perkara kecil 13(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa tiada seorang pun boleh dilucutkan hartanya kecuali mengikut undang-undang. Sementara itu, Perkara kecil 13(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan pula memperuntukkan bahawa tiada undang-undang boleh memperuntukkan pengambilan atau penggunaan harta dengan paksa tanpa pampasan yang memadai. Dengan itu, hak untuk memiliki tanah tidaklah mutlak kerana ia tertakluk kepada kuasa pihak berkuasa negeri untuk mengambil tanah milik persendirian di bawah undang-undang, iaitu APT 1960. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 Pengambilan tanah, seperti yang dinyatakan pada istilahnya, adalah kuasa yang diberikan kepada pihak berkuasa negeri untuk mengambil mana-mana tanah milik persendirian bagi tujuan tertentu sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah subseksyen 3(1) APT 1960. Pengambilan tanah tersebut perlulah dipampas dengan pampasan yang mencukupi, selaras dengan peruntukan Perkara kecil 13(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. [11] Bagi tuan tanah ataupun pihak yang membuat pengambilan yang tidak berpuas hati dengan perkara-perkara tertentu berkaitan dengan pengambilan tanah, bolehlah mengemukakan bantahan ke Mahkamah Tinggi. Bantahan bolehlah dibuat di bawah s 37 APT 1960 yang mana peruntukannya adalah sepertimana berikut: Application to Court 37. (1) Any person interested in any scheduled land who, pursuant to any notice under section 10 or 11, has made a claim to the Land Administrator in due time and who has not accepted the Land Administrator’s award thereon, or has accepted payment of the amount of such award under protest as to the sufficiency thereof, may, subject to this section, make objection to - (a) the measurement of the land; (b) the amount of the compensation; (c) the persons to whom it is payable; (d) the apportionment of the compensation. (2) Where the total amount awarded in compensation in respect of any interest in any scheduled land does not exceed three thousand ringgit the written award of the Land Administrator shall be final with regard to both the measurement of the land and the amount of compensation awarded, and no objection may be made under subsection (1) in respect thereof. (3) Where the total amount of any award in respect of any scheduled land exceeds fifteen thousand ringgit any Government or any person or corporation undertaking a work which in the opinion of the State Authority is of public utility, and on whose behalf such land was acquired pursuant to section 3, shall be deemed to be a person interested in any scheduled land under subsection (1), and may make objections on any of the grounds specified in subsection (1). S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Namun begitu, pihak yang membuat bantahan perlulah mematuhi prosedur yang telah ditetapkan undang-undang sepertimana tertera di bawah s 38 APT 1960. Antara perkara yang perlu dipatuhi adalah seperti berikut: Form and content of application, etc. 38. (1) Any objection made under section 37 shall be made by a written application in Form N to the Land Administrator requiring that he refer the matter to the Court for its determination, and a copy thereof shall be forwarded by the Land Administrator to the Registrar of the Court. (2) Every application under subsection (1) shall state fully the grounds on which objection to the award is taken, and at any hearing in Court no other grounds shall be given in argument, without leave of the Court. ... [12] Jelasnya, sebarang bantahan yang dikemukakan dalam bentuk permohonan kepada Pentadbir Tanah hendaklah menggunakan Borang N dan setiap permohonan hendaklah menyatakan secara penuh alasan- alasan bantahan. Semasa pendengaran bantahan di Mahkamah Tinggi, tiada sebarang alasan lain yang boleh dibangkitkan selain daripada apa yang dinyatakan dalam Borang N kecuali dengan kebenaran Mahkamah. [13] Berbalik kepada rayuan di hadapan kami, HMT telah mendapati dan memutuskan bahawa perayu gagal mematuhi kehendak ketat undang- undang apabila tidak dinyatakan secara jelas alasan untuk menuntut pampasan ke atas Bangunan tersebut dalam Borang N. Ini adalah satu- satunya alasan yang diberikan oleh HMT untuk menolak bantahan perayu dalam Rujukan Tanah. Sandaran kuat HMT adalah ke atas keputusan Mahkamah Agong dalam kes Damansara Jaya Sdn Bhd v. Pemungut Hasil Tanah Petaling [1992] 4 CLJ 2208; [1992] 2 MLJ 660 dan keputusan majoriti Mahkamah ini dalam kes Pentadbir Tanah Seremban V. Inisiatif Jaya Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal [2017] 9 CLJ 1. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [14] Dalam keputusannya, HMT melihat kepada alasan yang diberikan perayu di Borang N yang hanya menyatakan “Jumlah pampasan sepertimana Borang H bertarikh 2.2.2020 adalah tidak mencukupi”. HMT kemudiannya merujuk kepada award yang diberikan Pentadbir Tanah dalam Borang H lalu membuat pemerhatian bahawa award yang diberikan adalah berkenaan dengan pampasan untuk nilai tanah, kecederaan tanah, kos pengukuran dan struktur binaan iaitu untuk longkang konkrit sahaja, dan tidak ada sebarang pampasan yang diberikan untuk Bangunan tersebut. HMT seterusnya memutuskan: [23] Berdasarkan nas-nas undang-undang di atas adalah menjadi dapatan Mahkamah ini bahawa peruntukan seksyen 38(2) Akta Pengambilan Tanah adalah bersifat mandatori kerana terdapat penggunaan perkataan "shall' dalam peruntukan itu. Oleh itu, kegagalan Pemohon dalam kes ini menyatakan alasan bantahan bagi bangunan tersebut secara spesifik dan nyata dalam Borang N KTN tersebut dan kegagalan Pemohon memohon kebenaran Mahkamah ini, untuk memasukkan alasan bantahan baharu mengenai pampasan bagi bangunan tersebut semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah menyebabkan bantahan Pemohon terhadap award yang diberikan oleh Pentadbir Tanah tersebut tidak bermerit dan tidak teratur dari segi undang-undang, dan hendaklah ditolak oleh Mahkamah ini. [15] Setelah diteliti alasan bantahan perayu yang dinyatakan dalam Borang N yang mana diasaskan kepada award Pentadbir Tanah dalam Borang H, kami mendapati bahawa tiada silapnya dapatan yang dicapai HMT. Nyatanya, dalam award Borang H, Pentadbir Tanah tidak memberikan sebarang award untuk Bangunan tersebut. Oleh itu, perayu perlulah menyatakan secara jelas dalam Borang N bantahannya terhadap award Pentadbir Tanah bagi mematuhi peruntukan jelas undang-undang yang menyatakan perayu “shall state fully the grounds on which objection to the award is taken”. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 [16] Pada pandangan kami, rasionalnya mudah. Perayu sepatutnya memaklumkan kepada Mahkamah dan juga pihak yang satu lagi akan alasan bantahannya melalui bantahan di Borang N. Namun begitu, pintu untuk perayu mengemukakan alasan lain selain yang dinyatakan dalam Borang N tidaklah tertutup rapat. Perayu masih boleh memohon kebenaran Mahkamah di bawah subseksyen 38(2) APT 1960 dengan mengemukakan alasan permohonan melalui satu afidavit sokongan yang mana boleh dijawab oleh pihak yang satu lagi. Dalam tindakan ini, perayu memilih untuk tidak berbuat demikian dan masih meneruskan bantahannya untuk mendapatkan pampasan bagi Bangunan tersebut walaupun alasan rayuan tersebut secara hakikinya tidak ada di hadapan Mahkamah. Itulah jalan yang dipilih sendiri oleh perayu dan perayu perlulah menanggung risiko bantahannya ditolak Mahkamah. [17] Persoalannya, apakah memadai untuk perayu mengemukakan alasan bantahan secara umum iaitu “Jumlah pampasan sepertimana Borang H bertarikh 2.2.2020 adalah tidak mencukupi” bagi meminta Mahkamah mempertimbangkan pampasan tambahan, sedangkan pampasan bagi Bangunan tersebut tidak dinyatakan dalam award di Borang H. Kami berpandangan bahawa perayu perlulah menyatakan alasan yang spesifik dalam Borang N untuk membolehkan Mahkamah membuat pertimbangan ke atas hasrat perayu untuk menuntut pampasan ke atas Bangunan tersebut bagi mematuhi kehendak di bawah subseksyen 38(2) APT 1960. Kegagalan perayu berbuat demikian adalah memudaratkan. Oleh itu, kami mendapati tiada silapnya keputusan HMT menolak bantahan perayu. [18] Walaupun demikian, pertimbangan kami tidak terhenti setakat itu sahaja. Kami mendapati ada satu lagi perkara lain yang perlu diberikan pertimbangan bagi mencapai suatu keputusan yang menyeluruh ke atas S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 isu yang sama. Perkara tersebut adalah berpaksikan kepada fakta yang dinyatakan secara khusus di perenggan kecil 15.2 Laporan Penilaian yang dikemukakan Pegawai Penilai Kanan, Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH), Alor Setar, Kedah yang dapat dilihat di muka surat 48-49 Kandungan 5, Rekod Rayuan (RR) sepertimana berikut: 15.2 Nilai Bangunan (Perenggan 2(a), Jadual Pertama, Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960) Terdapat sebuah bangunan kedai 'hardware' separuh kekal dan gerai sementara yang terlibat di atas harta tanah subjek. Nilaian bangunan tidak dicadangkan memandangkan nilaian tanah adalah nilaian bagi tanah potensi bukan tanah pertanian tulen. Nilai tanah potensi adalah nilaian yang lebih tinggi dari tanah pertanian. Bangunan kedai 'hardware' dan gerai ini juga tidak diambil kira kerana melanggar syarat kegunaan tanah yang khusus untuk Pertanian 'Bendang' sahaja. Ini berdasarkan Perenggan 1 3(A) Jadual Pertama, Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960. [19] Dalam perkara ini, peguam perayu dan juga Penolong Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri (PPUN) yang mewakili responden turut mengemukakan hujahan masing-masing. Menurut hujah peguam perayu, Bangunan tersebut adalah sebahagian daripada rumah kediaman yang secara sah dibina di atas tanah yang diambil dan ianya bertepatan dengan peruntukan Kanun Tanah Negara (KTN). Oleh itu, perayu sewajarnya dibayar pampasan kerana kegunaan tanah adalah dikawal di bawah s 115 KTN yang perlu dibaca bersama dengan peruntukan subseksyen 53(1) dan (2) KTN. Lagipun, tanah perayu telah diberi milik pada 13.11.1955, sebelum berkuat kuasanya KTN. Selain itu, pemberian lesen oleh Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar kepada perayu untuk berniaga di Bangunan tersebut menunjukkan adanya ‘implied authorisation’ daripada pihak berkuasa berkenaan. Ini membuktikan bahawa Bangunan tersebut adalah sah dan perayu wajar diberikan pampasan. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [20] Sebaliknya, PPUN berhujah bahawa Bangunan tersebut yang digunakan sebagai bangunan perniagaan atas nama “Teras Hardware Sdn Bhd” jelas telah melanggar syarat kegunaan tanah yang dikategorikan sebagai tanah pertanian. Seksyen 115 KTN hanya membenarkan bangunan yang berkaitan dengan pertanian serta satu bangunan kediaman sahaja dibina di atas tanah pertanian. Bersandarkan keputusan Mahkamah ini dalam kes Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Petaling v Swee Lin Sdn Bhd [1999] 3 MLJ 489, PPUN berhujah bahawa perayu tidak berhak diberikan pampasan ke atas Bangunan tersebut. [21] Sebelum kami meneruskan perbincangan mengenai pematuhan perayu di bawah s 115 KTN oleh perayu, kami berpandangan bahawa ada satu fakta lain yang perlu diberikan pertimbangan terlebih dahulu berkaitan tuntutan pampasan perayu ke atas Bangunan tersebut. Berasaskan keterangan daripada Laporan Penilaian JPPH, ada fakta yang menunjukkan bahawa tidak kesemua bahagian Bangunan tersebut terlibat dengan pengambilan tanah Lot 1250. Kedai ‘hardware’ milik perayu yang terlibat dalam jajaran pengambilan hanyalah di bahagian hadapan kedai atau ‘teres’ yang menempatkan stor kayu sahaja dan tidak melibatkan bahagian utama Bangunan tersebut. Fakta tersebut tidak dinyatakan dalam dua Laporan Penilaian penilai perayu. Namun begitu, pihak perayu tidak pernah mempertikaikan fakta yang dinyatakan penilai JPPH berkaitan dengan jajaran pengambilan tanah Lot 1250 tersebut. Dengan itu, pernyataan oleh penilai JPPH dalam laporan penilaiannya berhubung fakta tersebut perlulah diterima sebagai keterangan yang tidak dipertikaikan. [22] Keterangan berkaitan jajaran pengambilan sebahagian Bangunan tersebut bertentangan sama sekali dengan apa yang dituntut perayu dalam bantahannya. Perayu telah menuntut sejumlah RM1,890,795.00 S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 yang didakwa sebagai suatu pampasan yang munasabah. Hakikatnya, jumlah tersebut adalah nilaian bagi keseluruhan Bangunan tersebut yang mana termasuklah tuntutan ke atas struktur yang tidak terlibat dalam pengambilan. Selain itu, perayu juga menuntut kerosakan/susut nilai barang perniagaan, ganti rugi bagi pekerja seramai 10 orang termasuk perayu, kos untuk mencari premis perniagaan alternatif dan juga kos pindah. Lihat tuntutan perayu dalam Jadual di perenggan 14 Laporan Penilaian Kedua penilai perayu di muka surat 92-93 Kandungan 5 RR. [23] Persoalannya, apakah tuntutan perayu sebanyak RM1,890,795.00 tersebut wajar dan munasabah? Kami berpandangan bahawa jawapannya sudah tentulah negatif. Ini kerana, perkara yang boleh diambil kira dalam menentukan jumlah pampasan telah ditetapkan undang-undang. Perenggan 2(d) Jadual Pertama APT 1960 jelas memperuntukkan bahawa hanya kerosakan kepada harta lain pemilik tanah akibat daripada pengambilan tanah sahaja sekiranya ada, yang boleh dipampas. Berkaitan tuntutan yang dikemukakan perayu, tiada keterangan dalam dua Laporan Penilaian perayu menyangkal fakta yang menunjukkan hanya bahagian hadapan Bangunan tersebut yang menempatkan stor kayu sahaja terlibat dalam pengambilan. Berhubungan dengan kehilangan keseluruhan perniagaan perayu akibat pengambilan tanah Lot 1250 pula, tiada sekelumit keterangan yang dikemukakan perayu berkaitan dengan perkara tersebut. Perayu tidak memfailkan sebarang afidavit untuk menyatakan bahawa perniagaan ‘hardware’ yang dijalankannya perlu ditutup dan berpindah ke premis lain. Natijahnya, perayu gagal menunjukkan bahawa jumlah kerugian yang dituntut sebanyak RM1,890,795.00 adalah wajar dan munasabah. [24] Sekiranya dilihat kepada Jadual Tuntutan Pampasan dalam Laporan Penilaian Kedua perayu di muka surat 93 Kandungan 5 RR, ada S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 dinyatakan bahawa “Bangunan Ansilari – Teres” seluas 2,437 kaki persegi nilainya adalah sebanyak RM182,775.00. Itulah jumlah yang sepatutnya dituntut perayu sekiranya perayu layak menuntut pampasan ke atas Bangunan tersebut. Kami mendapati bahawa tiada sebarang asas atau justifikasi untuk perayu menuntut nilaian keseluruhan Bangunan tersebut ataupun apa-apa kehilangan berkaitan perniagaan perayu. Atas alasan tersebut sahaja tuntutan perayu bagi mendapatkan pampasan berjumlah RM1,890,795.00 seharusnya ditolak. [25] Persoalan seterusnya, wajarkah perayu dibayar pampasan sebanyak RM182,775.00 sepertimana dinilai penilai perayu untuk sebahagian Bangunan tersebut yang terlibat dengan pengambilan? Kami berpandangan bahawa jawapan kami masih lagi negatif. Walaupun tiada nilaian lain yang dikemukakan pihak responden bagi menyangkal penilaian penilai perayu dan nilaian tersebut seharusnya diterima Mahkamah, kewujudan dan keberadaan Bangunan tersebut yang bertentangan dengan peruntukan perenggan 115(1)(a) dan perenggan 115(4)(a) atau (b) KTN menimbulkan persoalan sama ada perayu berhak ke atas pampasan akibat daripada pengambilan tanah Lot 1250. [26] Bagi membuat pertimbangan ke atas persoalan yang berbangkit tersebut, kami mulakannya dengan melihat kepada status tanah Lot 1250. Tidak dipertikaikan bahawa kategori kegunaan tanah untuk tanah Lot 1250 adalah ‘Pertanian’ dan syarat nyata yang tertera di atas dokumen hak milik adalah ‘Bendang’ atau sawah padi. Daripada status tanah Lot 1250 yang jelas tersebut, kami berpandangan bahawa tiada lagi keperluan untuk merujuk kepada peruntukan di bawah s 53 KTN. Ini kerana, ketetapan kategori pengunaan dan syarat nyata tanah bagi tanah Lot 1250 telah pun dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam dokumen hak milik. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Oleh itu, hujahan peguam perayu berkaitan dengan perkara tersebut perlulah kami tolak. [27] Selain itu, fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan juga menunjukkan bahawa ada rumah kediaman, kedai ‘hardware’ dan gerai makan di atas tanah Lot 1250. Berdasarkan maklumat yang diterima daripada Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Negeri Kedah, tanah Lot 1250 telah dizonkan untuk kegunaan Institusi dan rekod menunjukkan bahawa tiada sebarang permohonan dibuat untuk membangunkan tanah Lot 1250. Lihat keterangan di perenggan 8 dan 10 Laporan Penilaian penilai JPPH di muka surat 41-42 Kandungan 5 dan di perenggan 9 Laporan Penilaian Pertama penilai perayu bertarikh 15.1.2020 di muka surat 59, juga di Kandungan 5. [28] Berhubung dengan keterangan yang diberikan mengenai Bangunan tersebut, penilai JPPH dalam Laporan Penilaian ada menyatakan sepertimana berikut: 8.3 Bangunan Terdapat sebuah kedai binaan separuh kekal ‘Teras Hardware Sdn Bhd’ yang menjalankan perniagaan bahan binaan, kepunyaan En. Yusri bin Ahmad dan Gerai makan sementara kepunyaan En. Hamdan bin Ismail yang terlibat dengan pengambilan ini. Berdasarkan jajaran pengambilan, bahagian kedai ‘hardware’ yang terlibat adalah bahagian hadapan kedai (teres) yang menempatkan stor kayu sahaja dan tidak melibatkan bahagian bangunan utama. Bagi gerai makan pula, bahagian yang terlibat adalah sebahagian gerai yang berhadapan jalan. Sementara itu, penilai perayu dalam Laporan Penilaian Kedua bertarikh 24.1.2020 telah menyatakan sepertimana berikut: 10.0 STATUS PENDUDUK Bangunan dan struktur-struktur lain yang terlibat diduduki oleh Encik Yusri bin Ahmad mengusahakan kedai bahan/barangan binaan dan berniaga atas nama S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 ‘Teras Hardware Sdn Bhd’ bersama isteri serta pekerja-pekerja dan dilesenkan oleh pihak Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar. [29] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan tersebut, tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa tanah Lot 1250 adalah tanah pertanian dengan syarat nyatanya adalah untuk bendang atau sawah padi. Tidak juga boleh dinafikan bahawa perayu menjalankan perniagaan ‘hardware’ di Bangunan tersebut tanpa dibuat ubah syarat ke atas syarat penggunaan tanah dan tidak ada keterangan yang dapat menunjukkan perayu diberikan kebenaran untuk mendirikan Bangunan tersebut untuk tujuan perniagaan ‘hardware’. [30] Undang-undang berhubung dengan pembinaan bangunan atas tanah pertanian adalah jelas. Perenggan 115(1)(a) KTN memperuntukkan: Implied conditions affecting land subject to the category "agriculture" 115 (1) Where any alienated land is subject by virtue of any provision of this Act to the category "agriculture", the following implied conditions shall, subject to subsection (3), apply thereto: (a) that no building shall be erected on the land other than a building or buildings to be used for one or more of the purposes specified or referred to in subsection (4); ... (4) The purposes referred to in paragraph (1)(a) are the following: (a) the purposes of a dwelling house for the proprietor of the land or any other person lawfully in occupation thereof; or for the servants of, or any persons employed for agricultural purposes by, the proprietor or any other such person: Provided that the dwelling house for the proprietor of the land or any other person lawfully in occupation thereof shall not occupy more than one-fifth of the whole area of the land or two hectares, whichever is the lesser; (b) the purposes of agriculture; (c) the purpose of extracting or processing raw material from any agricultural produce of such land; S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 (d) the purpose of preparing for distribution any such material or produce, or any honey-bees, livestock or reptiles kept or bred on such land, or the produce of such livestock or aquaculture on such land; (e) the purposes of providing educational, medical, sanitary or other welfare facilities, including (so far as they are provided primarily for use by persons employed on the land) facilities for the purchase of goods and other commodities; (f) any purpose which the State Authority may prescribe for the purposes of this section by rules under section 14; (g) any purpose which the State Authority may think fit to authorize in the circumstances of any particular case; (h) any purpose incidental to a purpose falling within any of the preceding paragraphs. Berdasarkan peruntukan perenggan 115(1)(a) KTN, tidak dibenarkan dibina bangunan atas tanah pertanian melainkan ianya dibenarkan di bawah subseksyen 115(4) KTN. [31] Sepertimana keterangan, tanah Lot 1250 adalah tanah pertanian dengan syarat nyatanya adalah untuk bendang atau sawah padi. Hanya sebuah bangunan kediaman yang didiami perayu atau pekerjanya yang mengerjakan bendang ataupun bangunan yang ada kaitan dengan kerja- kerja di bendang sahaja dibenarkan didirikan dan Bangunan tersebut tidaklah boleh meliputi lebih daripada satu perlima keseluruhan keluasan tanah itu menurut peruntukan proviso di perenggan 115(4)(a) KTN. Tidak juga dipertikaikan bahawa keterangan menunjukkan perayu menjalankan perniagaan ‘hardware’ di Bangunan tersebut. Premis perniagaan sudah tentulah bukan premis kediaman dan perniagaan ‘hardware’ tidaklah ada kaitan dengan kerja-kerja di sawah padi. Penggunaan Bangunan tersebut sebagai tempat perniagaan ‘hardware’ jelas bercanggah dengan kategori kegunaan tanah Lot 1250 iaitu ‘Pertanian’ dan juga syarat nyata tanah, iaitu ‘Bendang’. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 [32] Berhubung dengan tuntutan pampasan oleh perayu ke atas Bangunan tersebut pula, perenggan 1(3A) Jadual Pertama APT 1960 secara spesifiknya memperuntukkan: (3A) The value of any building on any land to be acquired shall be disregarded if that building is not permitted by virtue of - (a) the category of land use; or (b) an express or implied condition or restriction, to which the land is subject or deemed to be subject under the State land law. Daripada penggunaan perkataan yang sangat jelas dalam peruntukan tersebut, iaitu “The value of any building on any land to be acquired shall be disregarded”, maka perayu dihalang daripada membuat tuntutan bagi mendapatkan pampasan ke atas Bangunan tersebut yang nyata telah melanggar bukan sahaja kategori kegunaan tanah, malahan juga syarat nyata tanah. Dalam hal ini, kami merujuk kepada keputusan terkini Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes MMC Tepat Teknik Sdn Bhd v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Klang & Anor and other appeals [2023] 5 MLJ 520. Semasa mempertimbangkan isu yang sama, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah membuat ketetapan sepertimana berikut: [44] It is evident from para 1(3A) that while the existence of buildings on any acquired land is acknowledged, their value however shall be disregarded where the buildings are not permitted to be on those lands in the circumstances set out in para 1(3A) (a) and (b). In such cases, the clear intent of Act 486 is that there will be no compensation for such buildings and by necessary extension, any losses related to the use of these same buildings. In our opinion, this must be correct under the principle of adequate compensation, that compensation is only fairly and reasonably ordered for the proper and valid use of the lands acquired. Surely, it cannot be awarded for a wrongful or invalid use as that would be encouraging furtherance of wrongdoings; quite contrary to principles of justice. [33] Walaupun ada keterangan dalam Laporan Penilaian Kedua perayu yang menyebut bahawa perniagaan ‘hardware’ perayu telah dilesenkan oleh pihak Majlis Bandaraya Alor Setar, kami berpandangan bahawa isu S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 pelesenan perniagaan dan isu perlanggaran syarat kategori penggunaan tanah adalah dua isu yang berbeza di bawah dua undang-undang yang berbeza. Pemerolehan lesen perniagaan oleh perayu adalah bagi mematuhi kehendak pelesenan perniagaan di bawah s 70 Akta Kerajaan Tempatan dan juga undang-undang kecil yang digubal bagi mengawal premis dan hal ehwal perniagaan. Pelesenan perniagaan tersebut tidak sekali-kali mengatasi keperluan perayu untuk mematuhi kehendak KTN berkaitan dengan kategori dan syarat penggunaan tanah. Dengan kata lain, lesen perniagaan yang diperoleh perayu tidak dapat mengesahkan perlanggaran syarat penggunaan tanah Lot 1250 di bawah s 115 KTN. [34] Hakikatnya, pembinaan atau penggunaan Bangunan tersebut sebagai premis perniagaan ‘hardware’ oleh perayu adalah berlawanan dengan kategori serta syarat penggunaan tanah Lot 1250 di bawah s 115 KTN. Natijahnya, pembinaan atau penggunaan Bangunan tersebut adalah berlawanan dan tidak sah di sisi undang-undang. Oleh itu, tiada pampasan yang boleh dipertimbangkan untuk diberikan kepada perayu selaras dengan kehendak perenggan 1(3A) Jadual Pertama APT 1960. Kesimpulan [35] Berdasarkan alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan tersebut, kami sebulat suara mendapati dan seterusnya memutuskan bahawa tiada merit dalam rayuan yang dikemukakan perayu. Rayuan perayu ditolak dan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi dikekalkan. Kami menggunakan budi bicara untuk tidak membuat sebarang perintah ke atas kos. Pihak-pihak menanggung kos masing-masing. S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 Tarikh: 15 November 2023 t.t. CHE MOHD RUZIMA BIN GHAZALI Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia Peguamcara bagi pihak Perayu : Muhammad Irham bin Redzuan [M.S Nizam & Co] Peguamcara bagi pihak Responden : Norhayati binti Ibrahim [Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Kedah] S/N Eu4YWsVFUSNnJVOFgC0Fw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Defamation – four of the Facebook postings alleged to be defamatory were classified as Part A documents and therefore are deemed to be true as to their contents and therefore justified Defamation – action dismissed as several of the offending statements were not pleaded ad verbatim with all not referring to any of the plaintiffs and no independent evidence was led to prove that persons acquainted with the claimant could identify any of the words used when read referred to the plaintiffs Civil procedure – although the action was dismissed, nominal costs was awarded to the defendant for having lied on oath
YA Tuan Su Tiang Joo
15/11/2023 14:09:40 WA-23CY-50-10/2018 Kand. 62 S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N GDK5fOzuxEelyzucwkZv5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal HA—23CY—5D—1D/2018 Kand. 52 15/11/2023 Jazas-an IN THE HIGH COURT IN IMLAVA A'r KUALA LUMFUR IN THE sTATE or WILAVAN PERSEKUTUAN BETWEEN 1. THIAGARAJAN AIL s. RENGASAMY [IC No.: 711z14.n1-5575] 2. K-PINTAR SDN BHD [COMPANY NO. u1:us»x] 3. TALENT DEVELOPMENT (M) SDN BHD [COMPANY NO. 14299-w] 4. ASIAN RAIL ACADEMY SDN EHD [COMFANV NO. 210310-vv] PLAINTIFFS AND SRI GAMES A/L FALANIAPAN [Ic Mo.: 781206-055111] DEFENDANT Q ggupggr LJDGMENT (Enclosure!) A document classified as a Fan A docmmnt is admitted as lo its -um-nvcny -nu conhnls resulllrlg in ma unnn am: conlenfs being conceded, and mus an aclion for defamation growvdod on such cements ls like a writ on wam. sw Guwsiuxuxisyxupmzvsa mg an.‘ be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm INTRODUCTION [:1 Tms .s an almon mmated by me plamlms sgamst Ihe aecenosnc gmunded on devanumon. [2] The «net plamm was at the relevann me a board member av me Human Resources Devekwmenl Fund (“HRDF') wnmn 15 managed by ane Humln Resources Deverepmenc Corpovauun which H: mm 15 an Igancy under me purview of the Mlmslly 0! Human Resauroes Malaysa The HRDF Is governed by me Pembangunan Sumber Manusua aemau Act 2001. [3] The wet plavmlfl we also the chued Execulwe oafiuer (CEO) av the second, mm: and vounn plavmffs The second‘ third and leunh plmnmis um prwale nnncen companies Incorporated m Mahayana [4] The dedendsnl on me other hand Is a lacebook user who has ansamte we and ounlml uvav ms Mo accounts under me names 01 “SH Ganes“ and ‘Data’ Sn Garles“ m GDK5IDzuxEI'yxwmZv5Q “Nun: sum .. med u may he nrW\ruH|Y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! /1 IS necessary to {aim mlo cansxdermion, not only the actual words used, nu: (he wnzexr ol the words I! renew: from the fact that the context and umumezsnces of me Dub/[canon must be taken mlu account, ma: the Appellant cenner pmk and choose pans of me puencermn wmcrv, standmg alone, wuum be aeremetary ms or that sentence may he cansrdered defamatory. but (here may be ether pussnges wmcn take away the slmg ' [13] It \s, mus, selllad law that to succeed m an amen var defarnatwurl‘ the pnammvs have to wave the rollawmg 3 elements‘ namely that (I) me enenmng slatemems are delamalmy‘ on me aflendlng statemems refer Io me p\amlMs; and my that me urrenamg statements have been puenenea wnemer me alleged olfulding suumonu Ire aennmory [191 This com takes note mm all the offendmg sevamatory smemems contained In I719 Fanebnck posts have been clasmfied II Part A documems (see Bundle an ppt I013) u m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvso «we. sen-1 lunhnrwm .. H... e may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! my When azssnyung dncumenls tn pmparan-on our Inal M I! emctat Var a unganx to lake min accuunl mg prams-ans of cum :4 rule 2(1) (:1) Ind (e) onne Rules 4:! com 2012 men I5 (epmduoed beta»: '2 Pm-mm case management when auscrad by the Com! (0 34: 2) (a) the contents ottne bundre of the documents referred to In subparsgraph (0) shall be mud on mm-n nu plrtlet 1: hr aspasslblc and lhl: bundlo orngrood uocmnems shall be filed by [he plainm and matted as A.- (e) nmepani-s am unable to Agree on cemin documents, those docurmmls on wmcn sgraemam‘ cannot be reaclvsd shall be Included In ups/aka bun-ilas and each such bundle slva/lbs Wed by Ina pratnrnranu marked as Inflows n) Fun 5 - dncumenls mm. rm aulntntlclly I: nut disputed bill me contents are dtsputed, nu Part C - dacumnnts when on aumenllclly Ind contents are displnod, [Emphasis Dddad) IN Guxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu «mm. s.n.t .. U... M my me nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! [21] The quesrian Ihen anssa, what rs me lega¥ efled when a urmumenr Is classvfiad as a Part A aacurnenw ms was decuiad rn "flow wnng Thaong v Mallwangl san an-1[2n1s]2 cu 555 (‘mm Weng Theong") where the Court of Apnea! speaking through Nallrni Pammanathan JCA (nuw FCJ) at paragrapns [as], [:49] and [731 mu. 73a] What then rs me consuucrron m be placed on a Pen A document’ /I follows Iogrcalry Ma! rf Far! 5 duals mm a snuatron when; the contsnl onhe ducument IS 77! drspule and Pan c dssls w/th a snuanun where both me aurnenrmry and umlenf are In dispute, than 018! can only leave F!!! A II zamprlalng document: what: no!!! nu numonllclfy and the content A)! 0!: documenl Ire Mal In dlsputa Any arner cvlvsrructron would render Ills categonsahun awarded (0 Fans 5 and c nugslory. /39} What rs ms meaning to be aflurded lo we phrase me wnzenr omre document is agreed ornor In dispute’ 1: mam: lhll MI word: comprixing tho cunlunl ufl dazumlnl nu ma! disputed. It mans 01:! me words comprising ma camurr ol tho dacumenr an: agreed 1: m Guxsmzuxiiyxwmzvsa “Nana s.n.r .. U... m may r... mruu-r mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max I76]Forlhs reasons med abava, we conclude Mal ms learned judge and m holding mar ma aacumsms Ill Plan A raqulmd pmolol ms lmlll cl me conlenls o/the clocumems As we have concluded that no such ploolis necessary, in rollows me: me dslsrlca onusllllcallon ls made out In mm: want: my megonmlan al the email In Part A eirccvivcly moans mar lha cant-ms an not in dispute ar are ngreed. As the column in squad to ay (M pl.lmll-l he llhclivuly iccopts win! I: slnled in the amlll. Agreeing and ncceptlnfl the convent: oi on -mails mans mat ma plainfifl accepts the truth of the mm. nus In mm can only load (9 the legal ccnsoqutnco mar /unlllcallun ls made our " rEmlallasls added) [221 The declswon or me Court cl Appeal In new Wang Tlwonq was Vateroverlumed by me Fsdeval com, see Melzwmgl sun arm v Tlnw Wang Thong [2u2u14 cu 1 However, n IS v\la\ Io nuls mat n was ovsrlurned on the ground Iha\ me Conn 01 Appeal hadla::1uaHy erred In huldvng mac me lingaling party had agreed for the oflendmg statement m an emafl (0 he mated m Pan A man the mgaung pany had repeatedly sougm hr .1 ta be moved In Pan 3 To laclmanc reading, I set out :4 m Guxsluzuxi-tyxwmzvsa «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa Wm! hereunder the lullowlng passages 0! the tuctgment of me Feoerel coun dehvered by Hts Lnrdshlp. Azahar Monlmed CJ (Mllaya) -122} Prmcipally, me decision or tne Caun ol Appeal was prumlsed on me Issue ol the /egat effect or consequence of tnduatng the e~ma1I tn F-en A or me agrued ounctte of documents rne Cour! ol Appeal nald tnet tne Htgn com enea tn raw and tact wnen nokttng me: document in Part A (in ms instant cuss the wnntt dlled 13 octooer 2006) rsquneot plan! or me llulh onne contents al tne otocument The Court of Appea/ hefid me: (Its empteoement of me emett In Part A rastmeci III the oerenoe onusnfioauon being made out In one word: ottne coutt oIAppea/ [75] For the masons ctted above, we conclude met me Ieamedfudge erred tn notamg tnet the documents m Part A rsqutred pmof or [he tnnn ol the contents at me dtwumsnls As we nave conctuaea met no such prool A: necessary, tt Io/mws tnez the delanoe ol tusmtcanon Is made out In olherwnrds, me categonsatton of me omettin PM A olfocnvlfy means that the contents in not In drspule or are agreed As the oontents ere agraed to by me ptemttrt IN Gnxfimzuxiliyxuvmzvfifl «we. s.n.t nmhnrwm .. med u my t... nflmnnflly mum: flnuamnl VI muue vmm ts he elrecmely accept: what 75 sleredln the smell Agreeing and aocspllng me mrlmnls of me email means that me plammlaceepls me truth olrne same ms ln (um can only lead to me legelconeequenee rnequslulcelmn IS made oul [25] ll is mslenal In porn! out at ”7ISjllIPC1ll!$ Ihal me Coull af Appeal anchorad ne /udgmerl! on me pnmnry gruund me: me plemmnea agreed in place me 9-mafl m Part A allhe agreed bundle oldocumems As we shall see later me has a Isl- rsachlng lmpllcarioll As a consequence, ll was marked In me course 0! evldenm wlmoll! reservallon and summed mm evidence. me ls made dear by me folfnwlng exoerpl ul me judgment or me cuun Appea/' (241 me IS me pnmaly gmund 0! me appeal ll relates la the enyecwal m law m relation to me classfllcaflorl cl documenls mm separate calsgonss, now usually uemnoea m plume as Part: A, a and c or pamcule: concern here 15 the meaning 1:: be ascrmed Ia, and the legal consequences afplaclng documents In Peru! m Guxslnzuxi-tyxuamzvsa «we. Smul nmhnrwm .. med e may he mm-y MIMI flnuamnl VI .mla vtmxl [25] In tnls context, If is nut 77! dlsplne that Ms lmganng palms agrsad (0 plane the amlsl/ m Pal! A cl [he Agreed Bundle ol Documents As a wnsequenoe, It was marked ln tns course ofsvldence wllnout reset-/anon and allnmted mla svldencs [25] As I! was so marked /eamed counsel fnrthe delenclanl malrlfalned mar it amounted m elect to [he plainlllr udmifling or concedlng that U] The ematl sxlstau andwas not lluerelore rabncaled. tn) The Smell had bsan autnonza by me maker stated m the Email. and (m) The plumlill admitted mar me mntants of lne documents were true /27) lr IS the last ol the three pmposirtons that gave nse to annoy: dtspula In [his and am.’ appeals By admitting that tn. cnnlsnls of the documents were true, mete would efieclrvs/y be 5 mncasslon mar me very slalements that the plalnmr had challenged as being delumatary were m lacl tnla. nus In tum would have me legal wllsequerrce m Guxsluzuxi-tyxuamzvsa «mu. mu .. med u may t... mmuu mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! that me dc/snce al ,usnrcamn had been pmven or conceded lo by me plamml The p/ammv would mm/am have no funherbasxs for us clam: m deramaoon. Crucmlly, at snollwrp/Me ohrs/uclgmsnl‘ the com al/Ippea! anserved 125} I: Is imparts!!! In pom! an! that (ha option was given to (he plaml/II (mmugn /ts counsel) to IEIIEDI or Is/nova ms Ie)eI/amdocumant mm the category krwwn as Pam and for rt m be placed m Pan 5 during ms course 0/ ms mm Hawevsr, ms plamull mlused was any and msrsred on me small mmammg m Parr A (an) Evldcnrly, mo judqmnm at cm cam ol Applal Impllld mu m pmnun lgreed in plus: the 0-mall In Pun A and max :1 was the nlaintifl who insimd ma 0-mlil to rvmain in Pm A. This pm of thijudqmtntul the Cum! 0!‘ Appeal Is not in: (mm dlfflculty; ll rllus sarluus prublems. Was the coun o!Appoal comet in concmaing war the I yuing puma: agreed to place um mail in Part A of mo ngnsd bundln L1! :.1acumInl.l7 m Guxsmzuxintyxwmzvso «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! [27] In me cirrumsllncos, an: own koy quoslions for us to umnnlnn I: mam-r me plnlnml Ind tweed nu pm: me emau In Fan A n! ma agmd bundle nrdocumcnns. /251 The answer to rms racmal question mus! be approached on me basrs or what was precisely agnsa In by me rmgaung pames All rm: came out durmg me proceedings berore me /eamed ./C and meticulously rsoomsd m me notes of pmceemngs that formed part aims sppeallacurds ('AR‘) At an healing won us, In responding 20 the quasfiuns posed by us, Ieamed counsel for the plainfifl tank us rimzugh mo rllovlnlplrts‘ of mo mm: olpmct dlnas to support III: contention am the plaintiff mm «mud to place we e-mail in Part A and am in mun ma plninrirr wumd lo mnaw the rmzil hum Fun A and tr: man it to Part 5 0! lln lgnod nundln oldocumenm On the basis or the teams: msmx «n ma present case, In our opmmn, this /me olaryumenrhas men"! [29] W9 mslelore need (0 mm aw ansnmzn to ma notes or proceedings and look more wisely and carerulty smmmse what actually franswsd mmng me course oi the Mg): Court m Guwsmxuxintyxwmzvso «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! proceedings To (ms and, we have rsad ll-vs AR In rls entirety In Ims regard, we Iulevanl pages wmch have a slmng baanng on me maner can be seen at pp 17010 175 uf ./md 2(2) Eahagnan B 0! me AR These re/ale In nolss olpmceedmgs at my sum ollhe Ina! oeiona me mam/realism us wrmsss The maven: parts are sel out belaw nun (courull Ior an p:.:nw).~... m m nowpmpaulng thedocummtln PanA m be movodto Puts. msym objecting. So Inumhly requestlly Lonrs ruling on war It to Vlhclhel no may Ill pormillldtu mavl it to PURE bonus: 1: bus rial sun. The Mal nun‘! slannd. rm witnesses are here. The makerol an documsnl is also him. So if WE In allowod I0 do Iflll, My Lord, (hell I will humbly nquosr Io! cm: to mow lo Fm 5. VA Procrssry what document” DNR' My Lord ms document at page 75 m 79 ll! /kalan Dokumen Belsama Bund/s B Page 73, My Lord YA An emar/, ngm’ DNR vss, My Loni no) 1: must be med um die e-mail relarrwd to by the lnmodlc is (Ila um. I-mlil lhutis an subjnctmnflor of 2a m Guwsmxuxi-iyxwmzvsu «mm. smm .. U... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! BACKGROUND FACTS [51 Fouv Faoeboak pubbcallons rm poets“) men were punnsnea an anverem umes were reriea upnn by me eremmrsm ground men aevameuon aclmn and m :21 out below [51 The mm; posl was made an 36 May 2017‘ whereby me aevenaam through ms Fieebook account nzmsd “Sn Gauss‘ pooled the fouowlng auegea defamalmy statemem m me form as ytesuea In paragraph 9 of me saecemem of Claim (-soc") mea by me plalntrfls and Is sea om hereunder ‘1Dfl§ nl mnhuns cl pubhc «mus mlshantfled so easily" ‘. Th! exchange 01 gflw are ‘us! not about handbnga or watches. n has a\so mvewea nmeuueusny expenswe Iangxble assets (or clasmg mg unvaur deaxsfl every evidence I gamer Is slmngly pmmmg to me obvious mmhnndhngs wn many ways‘. . m Vooks like 1 was uemea my ngms lav Val! busmess because some unetrucar deavs ov me pames emruscea to penmm Ihevr fiduciary dunes‘ and m Gnxsnuzuxi-tyxumaz-450 «we. mu nmhnrwm s. med e mm s. nflmnlflly -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-ms! ma pnstnt appeal. subsequently, nnemsaring submissions imm both sides, 5! p 177 ms mgr: court made me Ioi/owing older VA Pages 73 and 7y driven A IS maintained But parties are allawsd Ia cmssexamme [:11 in whiclvcvur way on. were to look at it. it is not -ccunta In any that ma migaung panm agmd to pin: me email in Pan A of the agreed bundle of documents. More significant still, and most pmblomalically, in our opinion, cm oimmdon 4:! ma Court at App--I mat on plaintiff "ln.IIsled on ma e-mall remaining In Pan A” is a mismen reading at live we stand men by me pllintifl mmugn his counui The key point rim is ma; as m II-V: seen eafllor, mo pi-inmnii aiang wnmad Io nnmva ma 9-Innilfmm me canegoiyknown as PanA andlorit to no placed in Pan 5. mi: is inlfut-M2. (.121 rna mare closely m Iookod .1 ma non» of pmcudinqs the more lpparenl It became maia principal arm! of ma Cour! al Appual was its finding um um phlnllfl agmd to pile: mo unaii in Put A. mm was IN GDK5IuxuxEI'yxw4mZv5Q mm. an.‘ .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! lailuu on am pm of ms com o! Appeal to spplscms Ind cansldtl ms: «nu plllnlilf dispufod ln. plnslng n! m. mail in Pan A. rnls rnllm led the court of Appeal rm em». The calm oIAppoaI should luvs clllsmd in mind to rlu mm mm: men by tin plairlfiflat trial in relsllon to ma pllcing of ma e-mail ln Pm A. rm com o! Appul filled to accord ma sland of tho pl-Ilnllff me lmponnnce it dasmscl. The [udgmenr or the calm of Aupeal was mmlm basod upon - wrung pmniso of hens. nu being the use. Eh: undedylng lmls Io! ma Calm or Appeal to /uszily lls zppollnle Inlenreutlan ms, mm nspocl, wnolly unlennble. nus is in itself sllflicienl‘ ta wzrnnt nppollma irlllrvnrltian on our pm nnd dispou of me pruonl lppenl. " lsmphasls added) [23] Yhevelove, the law remalns sewed mat a document classmed as a Part A document I5 summed as In as allmemlcny and contents resulmg in me mun pl ns contents bemg amended, and mus an achun [or devamanm grounded on such mnlems ls hke a mu on water m GDK5IuxuxEI'yxw4mZv5Q «mm. s.n.l lnmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl wa AFMNG pm [14] Unlike me rams In Tiow w-ug Theo:-g, m me pveient me If one maaa lmough the nmes av pvoceedmg m as emery. in cm on onmma um mere were no altempts nor roquask by learned coumel for the plaintiffs to hmnhe slloqm ofllndinu delamawry shumunh in ma Facubook put: much nu bun cluuiuud on Part A ducumunu moved from PanA to Pan 5 Instead‘ seamen munsel for the puamms had [only] sought «or the Part C uocumems to be re-classified as Pan 5 uacumems (see names of proceeding (snclasuva 52; ex page 402 Hues 26 Ind 36, and page ma lines 1710 19; whom any attempt made to have the onenumg Faeebouk posts m Part A racwassmea as Pan E documems [251 In fact, when PW1 was me: Iled as a mess on 2 May 2023, lime was xaken so have me documents referved to by PW1 marked as exvubrts Despfle that, It the nsk ol rapeulmn‘ no allempl was made by Vearned euunse\ In! the plalnmfls to have an me alleged defamatory statements dassmed as Pan A documems redassvfied as Pan 5 documems. [25] Anmher opponunny presented nsau car the redassvficaonn at the impugned Funebuak posts when Veamsd munse\ In! the defendant opened the defannanrs case ny reamng om ms Opening Slalement (F) filed on |4ApVI| 2023 wherevn an paragraph 15 mereot, he specifically sand 23 m Guxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu «mm. Sum! nmhnrwm .. U... a may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-ma! that as the iour nllemmg [Faoeboak paanngs] statements are praced m Pan A of ma Gammon Bundle av Documents (-caon“), me aonxenxs cannot be taken as being defamatory The defenuams Iearncd caunsel had even referred to the court oi Appeal case of Tlow weng Theong Daspna Khrs red nag nawng been hoIs|ed‘ learned counsel lovlha phinnfls an nor allempl In nave these rrnpugnaa documents recrmmaa [27] Yet another nppurtumty presemed nseli when «ms was also rarsed In the dosing wrmen submvsslans or raarnea counsel car the aarenaanc (Enclnsuve 49; bmalasr Igam no mamm wla made to have me offending statements rn me FarlA category maven to Part B We what was done m 1'low Wang Theong [25] Thererora, me plamxms are my much aware that me Illeged aetamamry svacemems ave slassmed as Part A documents from an eany axaga onna aazan right up to dosing subrnrssuons but made no anernvts to have me aocumarns re-chssfited as Pan 8 uocurnanra so that marr contents can be mallenged [29] Tnus, under me dacmne ofstare deasrs_ lhrs Ccurl Is mum by me pnncrpm 94 law ammea and I dawn by mm the Cuurl n1Appeal and ms 24 r~ Guxsmzuxi-Iyxumazvsa «mm. sanaw nanharwm .. U... a my r... mm-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum war Federal court tn Tiow wnng thong as elaborated above‘ tnat ts, Pan A document: nre agreed as to men extstenee, atnttenttcny and contents [301 Wherefore. prerrttsed upon the factual tnalnx altltts case, on lhts graund Ilonet tne Fanebnnk busts alleged lo contatn allendtrtg delsrnatbry slalemenls hflvlng been deesmen as Pan A docurneme are deemed H) be true as lo ttrett cnntenls, and by law, an actton lbr delernatton pterntsed on wltat ts true smnds dlsrrttssed sutmtents m-do nl In: Town H-ll ulurtlng and me umcc utadls conlerertee [31] With regards to me alleged cffanlilrlg delatnatery slllemerlls made dunng ttte Town Hell Meeltng, a copy wflhe statement lvanscribed tmrn a med taken dunng tne event, can be leund in the bundle of dneuntents marked as as and elesstfied es 3 Fan E document The alleged detematoty statement ts reproduced as lnllaws are you wave that one at your Board Members ts a lre ng nrmllder as well and desertbe tttmselt as e represternattve et mlrty tretntrtg provlders which I am no| ‘me pusniarl epperently eonltta el tntetest allmos me 25 ru GDK5IDzuxEI'yxuvmZv5Q “Nair narthnrwlll .. med e may t... bnnlnullly MVMI m.t.n. vn .nutta vtmxl Board Member to cnannet wntmms in NI! awn mmpantes. you know It I! not an unknown ttnng Everyone knows about t You know rum can a board Member gel 3 contract, you know? Board membet can form oemparttes and get contract ~ [32] Am: the tnctdentaune MACC Medta cuntztsnu on 12 June 2018‘ a cow Mme statement ttanssnbed tvotn the Video taken during tne event can be tcuna tn the I:und\e of documents marked as S5 and classtfted as 2 Pan B document The alleged defamatory statement is repvodueed as touows 'Adakih ceo HRDF W max mehhal bahawa palanlikan ant. Lembaga pangslah lersebul sudan semslmw membuka pemang untuk penyetewengan Kenn tetan menevlka saatkn makturnut bihawa ahll pengirlh lersabm dart can telah pun mengumumkan swat yawatan la Saya ma bebelapa sakst yang lam akan menyevahluan dokumen pettllng unluk merupakan buklt penyelewengan meltbalkan Iebttt dari sun dam kerttlangan. Rmaoa tuna dana HRDF tan yang kahanyakannya dana yang hllang, Ida Lernbega psngavah yang tenmat din sebagalnya ' m Guxstnzuxi-tyxwmzvso “Nair s.n.t .. U... n my t... nnnu-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum vtmxt [33] The defendznl assened that «he alleged defamatury statements made by Ina delendanl al me Town Han Meeung and me MACC Medvl Conference wev5.hcwevev,no1p\eaded ad vemanm m me pla|nmfs' soc ‘nus wesdmg palm will he mseussed In delafl beluw Pleading point [34] The Vaw has been eemea that m e 0! paramount unponanoe man «or an amen grounded on defameuen to be pmpeny deflermmed‘ the whale slatemem and me em: wards alleged Io be ewenswa and defamatory must he pleaded, see Keluavgi Commumcaman sen arm (supra) Hus Lordshvp Gunalan Mumandy JCA smmg m me Cowl onxppeal m the case of Clww Hock .nn v Lim Jlnn Shiah [2021] 1 LNS 114 Much us a deremauon adnon‘ expressed Ims pilnclpb as ceuoms ‘[49] Mavmg on to the Fl? Posts me crumaliacr to as natedts met the whole FE Posts and me exact words sun: In be ollenslvs were nol pleaded On nus pc-mt, we have duly noted the aoservermns and Imdmgs aims LHC.I m Appeal No 210 wan wmcn we assocrale nursah/as me LNCJ had m our wow. eon-act/y pm caraful anennun to me words actually uttered and mose that were plssdsd In essence, me LHCJ ngmly 27 m eexsmmz-ummsa «me. am .. H... e may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! took mm account the Iacr me: ms word: D/ended were only part a! ma stulamlnts pubIAshsd1n me Manaann Language on 2.09 2015 and v 12 2015 wnrcn me Harnms cnaea nut to plaaam rota Hence, the Calm, In confimlvg rrsemo me words pleaded, was not In a position la aezemrma the context In wmcn may wara uttered [50] Lrkemsa, me LHCJ was no! salislrsd wnn accuracy or ma translation wnrch was nor creamed in its anr-rezy and mo expressed doubts as to wnemer ma trans/anon rn Iacr gave an accwulfl picrm or what was pub/rshsd m Manaann rn ma FE Posts [51] Hrs Lordship was enurery correct rn explassmg me posmon under me /aw al defsmabon to be that In order to properly aerarmina wnamer the words are defamatory or ntllerwnse and vmeznar they refer ra rna F'(ainli!I, ma exact words and ma whole anrcra must be p/eaaaa (521 In ma msmnl case, me whole rranuanan ol me impugned :5 Amcle was mu preaaaa as summed ny PW 1, the Interpreter [asked with translating me arridc hum Mandarin lo 5 Malaysia. PW.1 saidtnal sh: merely braked and chosdpans onna amcle 2a r~ Gnxsmzuxi-tyxuarazvsa «ma. snn-w nmhnrwm a. U... a may he mm-r mm. flnunmnl VI mum v-max as mstmcted by me /awyer ior me Ptamulr whmas some rmpominl pans m Iavour ol ma Appefllnr wars not manslarad. Hence, the uansranon was In doubt and mud nol nn me swdenca before mm sustam the Pramrmmr. chews dawn (531 /n suppon of the pnnmp/9 that m a daramanan suit me actual wants used and the mnlaxl ul me words are al palamaunl Importance, me Respondent MI. um med me Court omapeal case oIKeIuarga cammumcanon v Nolmala samsudm (200612 CL! 45, 1200612 ML] 700 wmch held that “[15] Al fhfi outset. we wamd slsfe Ihal Ills tefl ta be applied when cmmdanng wnsma: a statement I3 defamatory of a plamml Is well sell/ed In that II is an on/ectrve one m winch a must be men 3 meaning a Isasonslz/e man wowd understand if and my lhataulpass, ME! 15. V7 oonsrdermg whether Ills wonis complamsd of contained any defamatory rmputatiarv, n rs necessary to aansuenne whole article Gs!/sy on Libel A SIander(1Drh Ed) on Mrs palm 8! pp 105 and 110, mm! aim, slates as Iduows m Guxsmzuxi-Oyxuamzvsa «mm. smuw .. U... a may he mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! 29 1: rs necessary In take mm consrderatiarn rial only me actual words used, but me aamaxr om» words It lo!/ows from me ram [hat the context and c/Icumslsncvs or me pubncsnan musk bu fakan mla aocnunl. that the Flainmfcannol wok and choose pan of me puolicanon wmcn, slandmg alone, would be defamatory ms or my sentence may be considered defamatory, but [here may be other passages wmcn take away me smug (Emphasis added )- [351 In the pvesen! case, from a perusal at me aflendlng stmarnems -s pleaded In the sat: in me aunme of Pleading my wow-) and me documenn themselves m me Common Eund\e01Documenls (marked as 31 |, mm Conn: mum mat the aHagad delamnlnry Faaeboak posts daled 31 May 2917 (soc paragraph 9) and 9 June 2015 (soc paragmpn 17), and me afleged datamamry smemems made durmg the Town Hall Meeung on 7 June zma and the MACC Media Conlaranoa held an :2 June 201a were run pleaded ad vemaum Hence, wwmuul pbading me exam words and an we statements auegea to be defamatory m mu, ems Ooun cannot pmpeny datarmine whether ma smamsms am Indeed aeumscmy On this gmurld, the aa-on premised on me afleged raeexmk so m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxuamzvsa «mm. smuw .. U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! ‘so CALL SECTORIAL COMMTTEES AND THE EOARD MEMBER (ULTIMATE FROXV AND GATE KEEPER) mechanisms In swindle m Ions memes which was supposed to be used to bmld powerful workforce which wmfld he me many pillar a1awnomy"7‘ m The second In post was made onIheda1sndarn'sFawbook amount “Sn Games" on 6 June 2018. whare the delendanl shared in alleged defamatory past made by another Faeexmox user by me name av ‘David Marshel' The post as pleaded m paragrapn 12 Dflhe soc Is repruduwd as (allows 'Pawer abuse" covmpm Salzh salu Ann Iambiga HRDF korup menelnn mum. um: nnggfl dengan mengunakan pevsaluan yang dnubuhkan hanya umuk mene\an dun rakyanv Dengan kuasa Iembaga pengarah konhk valusan Juli dan HRDF dltelan Tweak cakut «spam Kalanya asarkan oagu menlen EN manang xax. kcrup inl holeh nemanarqelav Slapalnan dalang awmtar rralam atuexus Swapa Arm Lembnga HDRF ma’ m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w my me mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! posts ol 31 May mm and 9 June zuls. and the alleged delamalnry slalemenls made durlng me Tuwn Hall Meenng on 7 June zols and ma MACC Media conlererrce held on l2 June 2015 slands dismissed as well [36] Although me Faoebnnk posts dated 6 June 201:! aan 1 June 2015 wave pleaded ad verbaumr nus Court llnas lrm me statamems do me make any relerenee to any mule plalnlrlls On the need for there lo be a relerence to me plalnnlls, «ms element will be dealt mm in greitev delail below Referenu In mo pllinlllfs [37] As menlloned above, lorlhe p|alrmfVs' clarmlu sunoeed, me plalnmls must prove mal me alleged statements made by me aelenclnnl are defamatory wllh relarence II.) we plamllrls [38] In Knalrul Azwan bin Harun v Maud Rafzi bin Ramli [2017] 9 MLJ 2u5 (HC)‘ Hls Lurdsmp s Nanllra Bal-rl J (now JCA) stated. "[95] The issue flare is wnemar ma plal/llm‘ was delenled by lne press release on ma MARA property purchase scandal that was Issued by the defendant on 6 July 2015. The firs! task at hand is {or this court to deeermlne whether me 31 m Guxsluzuxi-tyxuamzvsu “Nana Smnl luvlhnrwlll .. U... a may r... nflnlrullly -mm: mm. VI .mla ml impugnod wants In cupablo at buriny . dolnmnory muning lndlfso mmnu mag In In In: an-mmg or lhc pl WI(as psrpa/s 9 ofms slalemsnl alclatm) As may be g/eaned /mm me varmus case autlvorirres referred to above. the gurdmg prmc/p/as (0 [he determmallon of (he meaning to be ascnbed to M8 impugned Wallis are, inter Alla, an tntarpretallan (ha! IS reasonable and not smamea orpervevse ovurrerfy unreasonable The wlpugned amc/e has ta be read as .3 whole and anything contained wilhm the amcle which m/was DI neulna/rsas any dslsmaluly suggestion is to be taken We account as WEN Last but I10! Ieasl, an over elaborate ans/yxrs is to be avoided ~ (Emphasrs added; [391 Themore‘ the -mponam quesnm Is whethev me s1aI.emenIs made by the devendsm at me Tawn Hall Meenng and the MACC Mama canmenee bear any defamatory Impuvzlinns mm rafarenca to ma plammfs. [AD] Azumah Omar JCA m Abdul Ann Bin Abdul Rmim v Gum Eng [2023] MLJU 1349 (CA7 appned me Chase Lama o1 imputation lo dassfly defamatory sulemenhs Her Ladysmp sealed :2 m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! '13:} In brief n is nor unconmmn m deran-anon emu-s lha! me oerenaenr wauhi slnvs Ia nnpmss upon me Cnun that [ha defamatory statements are capab)e of: veseer and more "rrmowous" Lucas-box meaning man that ol me higher and mom ssnaus meamng me: me P/amml nngm suppose And :1 me Dalandanl were successful (0 do so, men he needs only pmve me Derenee ol/ustrlmarran to me lnreshwd of/ushfymg the publrcatlon 0! me lame! Lucas-Bax meaning or me defamatory slalsmsnls 1:41 This Lucas-Box pnnclp/a was Iunhar expanded and given more clarity by me England and Wales coun ol Appulrn the case nlchass 1/ News Group Newspapers Lm[2au2] EWCA ON 1772 by c/ass!/ymg delamaroly statements mm 3 ‘Chase Leve/s"ohInp4Itatron' [:7] Under modem nae/pr-acme a derenaanx must set out In ms/her slsremsnl ol case we flefamalmy msamng he/she soaks mprovs 10 as assermally alsubslarmally (ms nu: rs now known as me Lucas- Box meamng, lollowmg me leading case olumas Bax v News Gmun LM(19B6] ANER 177. 1 [1986] 1 WLR 147 Ey mm mauns ma m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxuamzvsa «mm. snn nmhnrwm .. H... e my me nflmnnflly MIMI flnuamnl VI mum Wm! o/armarvl (and the caur!) wr/I know urlellurvocally wiva! ms derendam IS saskmg Io/usmy 145171» sfing or. libel maybe capable nlmeanlng that a clamlant hasin Iutcommmcdsamo suious act such as murder Altemafivsgy, u may be suggested Ina! me words mean (natmere are msamm ggundi lg sugflnname/we has ccmmilladsucll an act A mini gssibilig is (M! may may mean man (here are grounds Iorlnv/arm‘ sling wnemenwm has been rssponsmlslar sum an act (Emphasrs added ) [35] Crow 10 hams, ms mad-unatron of [hrs classfcalmn was recently digested by (he Hgh Com m the case o!MoIIamedApam11 bm An v um K1! Slang [2a22111 MLJ 655 For ease of reference, the relevant excerpts or ma! decision are reproduced below ‘I361 The colounbh and mam mun: arm ‘sting of nudr ms bun nddrulod In an I-ndmuk commonwoaltn dcclulon olchase v Newsgmup Newspapers Lld[2002] EWCA Crv 1772(‘Chase1In m GDK5IGxuxEiyxuvdmZv5Q «mm. Sum! .. d... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! wnich ms com-2 (here has pmpoundsd the Chase Levels pnncrple me court m Chase assenaa//y propoundsd mar a aslsmalory slalemenl may cany mm rt rmee oelamalory unpmaoans or vnrymg dsgrsss Level 1 being me exlrame Imgutallnn that me gt-mm hu lndood commllled 2 serious act Level 2 being me milder i ' ‘us ' I nds su§ge_ct um the gllintlfl nu commltud um um. Act and my Level 1 my me mu: Imgulallon mm mm are gmunds mg; mg glam" my" gym; [Q [E I. [37] The mnmcauon of me pmpar Chase Level /5 pemnem as amsrsnz Chase Levels w:II /am an ms sacond my ollhe exercrse) determme the degree ur rmesnam ar lush/matron Vsquuvd lor ms defendant to succeed In a dele/vce or /us!/Ircatmn me anlrre pmmple and macnmamn orme Chase Level pnncrple has been astute/y mgsszad by s Nanlha Balarv J {now ./ca) m me case 11/ Khalrul Azwan mn Halun 1/ Mohd Ralrzt hm Rsml: 12m 71 9 ML] 205 m Guwsmxuxi-iyxwmzvsu «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! 195/ Followlng ma case L7! Chase rt :5 now settled ma: 1a)wan.1s may be capable al moanlrlg me claimant has rrr fact commmed some serrous act (‘Chase /eve] 1 rns.arrmg'), (nmemarlve/y. ms word: may mean (ha! Mere are reasonable grounds to suspect me: me claimant has oorllmlttad such an acr (‘Chase level 2 meamrlg‘), and (c)a mrru possiormy ls that me wold: may mean me: [here are grounds for lnvestlgatmg wnerrrer ms clarmarrz is responsible lar such an (Chase level 3 msanlng), " (Emphasls added) [411 Axlmah Omar (now JCA) when Her Ladyship salt In me Hugh com m rammed Apm Ali v Lim Klt Slang [2022] 11 MLJ 655 also exprema the lollowlng “[471 Slmllll to an prison! an, en. pl-mu ms spazmcnlly nnmed ma bockonod to mu Illmsoll to explain his disposilion And his zlleged cave!-up ol the was scandal am as Kllarly ./amsluddin was specrllcally as r~ Gnxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu «mm. Sum nmhnrwm .. U... m may r... mmuny mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa mm called out loi an explanaiion or ms allegeq pioxlinny and mvn/vsmsnl in a scandal ilivo/Why uwvo) ‘Mus, li I: equally possible no ascribe the Issuer munlng um men an rusanlhle grounds my investigations is be curidllctod and to: in. pl-inliiv lo coml ronli and gin his uplnnarlon on ma in-mi [43] 0! 0011759 INS calm is niiimoo llial ii AS exlromely ilnsavoiiiy to a person’: consrilinion and iepliiaxion to merely be /inked lo me gioiesquo mos scandal, laul not all zoininenui-y In that arm: lutomflicllly com/uys ma ermine manning um me person so llnked Is gullly onn afience aigiiiny arm: 52! so alleged. Alemier iiiiouldsiicii coinnioninry lulomlficllly In an miannlaln doflmnion. Espcclnlly in cases what: im summon: calls for and gives iooni lot on explanation, than me mreniem is not or all In urlshaknlbl: an unwavering srarunioni 47! fact. and Iquully cln bu u all for inqiiliy OI Vnvutlgnlon. 1491 rims, wiin ine ‘ac!’ llsell appmprialely idelvll/led and me appropriate ciiase Level imputation deiennineit this oauir is IN Guwsluxuxinimmmzvsa “Nair s.i.i I-uvihnrwm be LAIQ4 m min i... niwiiinflly mi. mm. VII nF\uNG Wm! or the Dre/Immany findmg ma: ma impugned stalsmenf rs at most capabla or me Iassar delzimatoly meaning 5! There are reasonable grounds for me p/amnw to be mvasngazea /07 ms schons or msctruns mmng m [cm as Attorney General, which may have pmvtdsd a can/ar—up Iar me mus scandal and me suspsaedpersons involved in me same scandal [50] Is me lesser meanmg ascnbed above defamatory 50/]? ms mun answsls nu ma posnrvelhamls aeramamry Indeed ms slatemsnrsh//names wtfmrahbsllaus my albertalssssr one (although dollmls/y nu! ma cammtsston nr gum cl 5 cnmmal offence me plaimirnnsists if to be) " (Emphasis aoded) [42] Thus, based on me law derived tram me anlhanues and me evidence adduced by the ma-nmls, (ms coun finds that Ihe alleged defamatory sulemerus made al In: Tawn Hall Meeting and the MACC Media Conference. are aanabse oHJ1e Veaser aeaamamry meamng 1 e a Chase level 3 meamng for mvesmganons In be earned am on mac person .n.g.a In he . board member 01 HRDF and a training pmvlfler who Is charwelmg commas Io ms own companies mm were being 33 m scum“:-mumzvsa «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! misapprapnahon ormnes af RM300 mlllmn Hnwever‘ unlrke me varxs mat omlm rn Morrnrnoa Ar-anal eirr Ali (supra) none or me plarmnrs In mrs case were emrer named m the Tawn Han Meetrng or at me MACC Medra Conference Ir was me fim prermrn himself who look :1 upon mmself to inform (ha euarence present artrre MACC Medra Conference that he was me person mar was bemg referred no In me Irghl or me above has Ind arrrnurnies, me prermms have larled to prove me seoono rrrenaarory element M defamation, whrcn rs. met me statements made dunng me Town Hair Meexrng and MACC Media conrerenoe referred to any onrrenr [43] Alrnougn the Faoebook pests eeteo 6 June 2013 den 7 June 2018 were preaaea no veroatrnr. «hrs coun finds Ihat me smemenrs rravnrg been classmed as FanA documents‘ are meretore nm oeranrutory ano rn any even: they do not make any reverence In any cl me prernrms [44] The test an wnerner a aerarrrexory slalemenl rafurs lo . prarnrrrr Is an abpclrve one we sraremenr rnusr be grven a meamng rner wnen rr re prrorrsnear a reasonable man ro whom cne pubhcalrun was made would he likely to understand rr In a libelous sense egeinn rne p4aInnfls ms Is sum rn Ayorl s-uu (Iup1I),lndlhe ordlnlry and nerurar manning may 39 m Guxsruzuxi-tyxwmzvsa “None snnur mnmrwm .. med e may r... anmneuly mm: dnuamnl VI .rruNa WM mcmde by wmpllcannn or Inference max win Vead a reasuname reader wnh ganeul knowiadga to understand me words In a defamatory sense [45] His Lordsmp Syed Ahmad Helmy B Syed Ahmad .1 in cum: saw Khlnn @ Chi-w Hun sung v sunnbocy Mona lsmlll [20:72] 1 LNS 333 (HO) a| page 6, stated 2 ways to pmve me nmsclwe tsp name\y ‘me »ssue on whether or not me rmpugned amue refers In Me Pier:-Mfrs a quastnzn oilaw Ins (ma law live: an esssnlm/Ingredient la lound an swan lor dslamanan Is that me was mmattercomplamed chefs! to me ptainmr Unless n rs al/sged and puma Ina! Ins subpct matter 0/ the semen was publrsned or and concammg ma Plamlrfl Me 6660!‘! IS bound (0 fall - Cans!-Ruck on Libel and Slander - page 54 In derervnmmg Me Assue ohdenmy, me test IS an objectrvaomz As was stated oy Lord Guest m Morgan v, Odhams Press ua 1137111 wm 1239 at pugs 1251» "In my waw, a somewhat more exacmg test should be predrcatsd where me question rs one of rdenmy n Is not sumclsnt Inllhs nzadsrm say "I wandorifme ammo Ialurs m Johnny Morgan’ nor rs pure specuranon slmcrent. Nor m scum“:-mumzvsa «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! 40 [:1 The thvrd 1:: past was made on 7 June 2018 by me defendlnl ma upnoaeea a men on ms Faueboek aoeaunn, ‘Dale’ Sn Ganes“ wmcn me plammfs puaauea m paragraph 14 thew soc as cnmamlng the fouowing iHaged devamancry statement “Daspna a legal name much was darned m a pubhc verum and mums alhamte I managed to rarse my concerns me Mlmslev VB Kura Segamn behaves rn IranspalenI:y' we have me ngm man «or the raw HRDF — Human Resources Development Fund." [91 For Ihe lourlh and final lb pas: made on 9 June 2915, me aeoenaam using his Fzcabook account ‘SH Gangs’ mafia another alleged aevamamry svalemem wmm rs pueaaea m paragraph 17 m ma soc aa volluws '. .Meanwh\ler me head :11 K—Prmar sun arm, RA Thiigaram resrgnea from me HRDF buard on Fndzy morning — nevore me man: be removed as pmmised by the mmsver There were wmpxarms man ms appointment was a conduct of mtareec because he was also a lvammg pmvraer .. m Guxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu “Nana Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e met! a may r... aflmnuflly -mm: dnuamnl VI mum war is N sulficfanl that a raasonama person be/raves M3! the words refer to [I19 Plamltll‘ The test rs an obpcllve one. The ordinary reader must be ran nunaea and not avrd for scandal He must nor be unduly suspacmus ms onimary reader must have ranonsl grounds fat ms as/ml ms: ma words me; lo ms p(am!rfl. ‘ Than Ma Ma ways olpmvmg ntannry namely’ a) by M: cnmng of wflnouu lo many mu rudon of 0!: Impugned Irllclo would undusmod ms word: apunring themin Ia ruler lo the Flalntm; or n) nn on.1lmry mud-r rulding lhu arficlo would rouonnbly understand me mm to refer lo Mm " (Erflflhasls added} [46] In mus Present use, no wmesses were caued by me plaintiffs to usury that readers cl cne Impugned smernems as M11 is any persons having heard me aatemencs made aunng me Town Hall Meeting and me MACC Modll Conference would Imdershnd the words In the offending statements In refer to any cf me plamllffs Thus, «ms coun 15 tasked m lake on the role of me ominary reader readmg me amcie to ascertain 41 m Guxsmzuxinfiyxupmzvsu «mu. sun-1 nmhnrwm .. med u may he nrwhuflly -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! wnemer lne amcle would reasonably understand me Fauebtmk posts, the lmpuwned elnervlants made at me Town Hall Meerrng, and at me MACC Medla cunlerenee In relerro any onhe plalnnlls. [471 The emsenoe auduueu Item the sole wrmess cl me plalmlfis, PWI, who ls me firs! plammr, was man at me Ilme me allegatlans were made agalnst hlm, he was oocupylng a fiduclaly posmnn In the HRDF carporalrun and mature alleged delamalory s1al.ernenls had inrured ms credit and repmeuon, causing his buslnese operatrane lo be enacted Ind Ihls had caused lhe buslness cl ms other companies nlmeiy lne secom, mud and lnunh plamtllla to slow amrn (see Plarntllls‘ submresrnne at Enclosure sa paragraphs 26 and 29) [45] Ana: havlng gone through me emence lea wrtn uare. mus Ccun ls unable In (rm any impugned statement trrat made reference to the plalnnfls by name lns1eaa, ll was PW1‘ who look In upon himself durmg the mac Madlz cunlerenua on 12 June zols la say «no impugned statement wmcn was pleaded ln an ealtea term m paragraph 22 of me soc was m reference to him I agree wrnn me submission made by me delendent that the impugned statements am not expressly name or refer to any al the plalnnffs‘ ena ln pamcular, me nrsr plamtrll 42 IN Guxsluzuxi-Oyxuamzvsc “Nana sen-l luvlhnrwm be met! a my r... nflnlnullly mum: dnunvlnnl VI mum p-mxl [49] Proof that adelamatury statement nes made relerenoeloa clarnanc must be clear mm the statement Ilse" av from anyone aoquuinled wrm me clamram wnu wu\d idenmy nun lvam me words used n Is nm for me clmmanl In essen mar n re4ers in mm wmhnuc any wndependenl evxdenoe. me I: e manner a! logic and mmlnun sense If n weve olherwnse, anyone can dawn man a ueremeuery statement revere (0 mm even if mere Is no reference to me dalmam at an See Galley on Libel And Slander (zxevemh Ednmn pamglaph 7 3 page 214 wnere me wearnea ‘arm editors earu '5IaIamenIcnD£ib)e one/emng to me uennent The Issue 0/ iden!/ficahon rs Ia be dsadsd on the same pnncopras as those which govern the questron urwnemerzna words a/B capaore ofa dslamalory meaning (mrenea Imm ma spaeenes In Morgan v odnerns Press [1571] 1 WLR 12.19 at up V243, 1264, 1269 to 1270; where me clsrmsnl is exprass/y /denfified by name, :1 rs not nscescary tn produce ewdsncs that anyone whom me statement was publrsned ma rdenrify me claimant rna qusslion is no! wnemar anyone did mnlfiy M5 clarmant but wivathsl M9 person who wars acquainted Will! the olamvant cuu/dldenli/yhim /mm NIB warns used (cfFreer yzen [2008] EWHC 212 QED st (471) " 43 m Guxsmzuxi-iyxumazvsa “Nana sen-1 lunhnrwm .. H... e my r... nflmnnflly mum: flnunmnl VI mum em [50] On Ihe face 07 the statements In the Farmbook posts. illhuugh Ipmtar, and ¢Ha\efll ware used‘ bu! If both the wovds nre liken on their mm, they are not summent In speomcally refer to any parly. In my mnsmerea mew, “pmcar is a Ma\ay adjeclive for smarn crewer or fBSD|Jll1MU|‘%EF6IS"lQWG7'd '1aIent"Ls a noun for nihflll lphlude orskvll None of these wnms by thelmewes can be sand to pmnl uuewy ov veler lathe second and mud plammis respectwew [51] Learned amuse! vonne plamml aunng me man med In link me mum p4sinmv thmugh us mmolvemem wnh a pruiecl called "nexus", However, from Ihe evidence lad. I find that the plainmfs have filled to prove such a Imk on a balance 0! pmhanumes In clher warns, «mm me ofleudlng statements as mended. in my ounsneuea mew, any reasananxe reader wm not be able to unaerscanu men (he warns refened In the (cum! p\amfIW al [521 Tnetefove, by me reascnlnps set out ahme, I ma that the wamlifis huve tuned (0 MW: um case on a hnlanoe ul pmhabllmas [53] Although the plaimms sansfied the lasl element «at the \aw ol dafamalion 1 a that ofpublscanan bacausa the respective sulemenls were punnenea mmugh social media ma Faoebuok as wen as navmg been 44 m scum“:-mumzvsa «mm. Snr1I\nanhnrw\HI>e H... e may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! uttered during the Town Han Meeling and me MACC Media conierenca respeawely, however, szhslying «his element alone IS msu1fc4enl «or me plamllfls‘ dawn to succeed [54] For me masons slalsd above, xrus claim Is devem 01 men! Aocovdmgly, me p1amttffs‘cla\m1s dismissed [551 To ocvav every aspect, this wan notes man there was anmhev msue mused m Ihe gflawnulfs‘ suumussuans, mat is, wnema: nww who Is me aetenaam mmsen uughl (a be impeached as ms Iesumony on main eonlradlas the evldenca In the farm at an axchanga DI WharsApp messages «enaerea by PW1 [551 The testimony of aw: as per the notes of proceeding Is sex om hereunder 45 m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxuamzvso «mm. sm-1 .. U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! 502 1 m uuw-vuwm . IV! w»..,,.ua..,.m.~.u..n..m....q..4.»...1. .« - so »., 1 mix ltvnuwl-:uI‘nII4mnmxIzulynuar:nna-mwsnc-‘M! - »..,m...»n.y.....,u....n......w.._«...».».....;.n 2 ncnmsmsnmn ., 14: novanwm ;; wx new,.u....,..‘,w 4; am yxvuL\mu<v=pe&AI>1:undvu«AIndiywwInIvw n... .. mzoynvlzncunusurfl .. ........w...‘... . M... ....w. .......m.. .‘..«....a ...‘.. 505 n.m.‘...,.¢¢..m¢c..»«.».~.,.v-.7 zvmmyvuna vu-man ;zdm7 .,»..m.,, m m. 4:: sm Guxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsa mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! 2, war mew... » 26 m..u..~¢e..:.e»...mwn.e;.., xv PnnImmdIr¢Kyuena4c1unnt\!v'IlVY'>HyVu~|n-ygnl 2; as Nnimnvanuhw )1 m ‘...m....,wu..«...e...m».w»..4.,.=...~....M... ;; mannumrmzfirun-vuvnnnwzmvan-mnemwsvuu xx Wuhan- ;4 )5 n \nmnmn.aemlw:YIngMW [57] Here, DW1 claimed me: ha had new eommumcaled norhld pnor daahngs mm me lwsl plaimm, Thlaglrajan own. However, ewaenee fmm me WhatsApp messages between DW1 and pm at Enclosure As Much was lalov admmed Ind marked as P1 shnwad mharwvsa P1 shows me WhatsApp Iexl meseegee exchanged belween raw: and am on Mar plan to meet up we was mm to me alleged defamatory Salements being puhhshed [53] This cuun accepted PW1‘s ewdence that after the exmange ov WhalsApp messages, he and DW1 and meet up at me Dame Restaurant at Eangsar Showing came In Kunla Lumpur pnor Io me aHaged deaamauon. whe<e4me, we Court at the end av man lound max DW1, Sri Ganes AIL Palamapan had had on oath. Tme findmg dues not aesm me plemms‘ defumauen sun In any way ms demsuan was made in show me 41 m Guxsmzuxi-tyxuamzvsa «we. smuw be H... e may he mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI .r\uNa Wm! cums dlspleasuve Mm parties who came to court to perm: me due admmlslmliun cl wince despwe navmg taken me mm In (ail the mm, the wVIc\e truth, and nmmng but me mm: [55] By Vymg. me act of me delendanl pervens the due admnvslratnon of juslma and amounts in contempt m the lace M me coun. Pursuant lo me pmwsmns oforder 52A rules (1) and (2) Rule: oIcnun2n1zDw1 was grven an oppmunny to purge his contempt This he dud an 27 September 2023 when he luck we wurness stand and under cam, apologized unraservsdly our havmg nea that he had nevev wmmuniunted wum Pwt and had never me! mm pevare ‘rm: caun aoeemea ms unraerved apology and excused mm [so] Be that as u may, we parly aflecled may wish to take me mailer further premised upon me guxdante gwen by me comm Appeal m Shim V|li GIII V Dlylnfl Mnturlh BtSIhIli [2023] MLJU 2262 at paragraphs [117] and [1 13] where Hus Lordship Lee swee sang JCA sad -my Genera//y sfalslmznts made m [udmrsl pmceedings cannot be a marlerala separate ran ovirwnous ralssnooa or delamarmn /n dsssrwng cases where much of ccmrs {me has been dlsslpaled Itstemng to allegations that muld not be m sumpmz-,m.msa «mu. Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e med u may he mm-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum v-NM subslarmnled or supported by raczs, the cam shall not has/(ale Io mum a party mm costs /1151». . use lluatjuslilles pmsncullon for pojury thc Com! Wllllld diner the parfies lffecled ta make a police upon at fumlsh .1 copy 1:! ma nabs alpmcoldings to ma Attorney General as the Public Fmsoculor ' (Empnasrs added) [61] In me upshot, me pmnmrs‘ dam .5 msnussed 1 Under normal wcumszances, me ddemant augm to be enlmed to sulmnnual coals‘ See Khllld Bln Abd Slmld V Dato Slfl Yljudfllll Abdul Rallman [2023] 1 ms 2131 where Hts Lomsmp s Nanlna Balan JCA aflar rewewmg the jurisprudence on casts cued mm appmvaw 3 palsaga from the Malayswa Civil Pluusduru (2021) (Vol 1) (El 855) «rm I suooesslul patty VS always enmled I0 c0515 exoept where I! Is shawn Ihaf me successful pany had nusmnauctea mmself av was neglvgenl ov gmky at maternal mmssmn. A9 m Guxsmzuxintyxwmzvso «mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! [53] As xhus court has laund ms! the deoendunt has expressty had on mm. a nommal sum olccss av RM5,ooo.oo subject In aflanalor fees >3 awarded to me defendant (0 be pawd by me plaumms to me defendant, Dan : 15 Novambel 2013 su TIA Judicial Comm ssionlr High Court Kunla Lnmpur For Plamliffs amaneswary Knshnamoenhy together um Ramesh Sivakumar NL Ramavelco and Calvm Lum Sin Guan Messrs Goik Ramesh & Lon For Defendant . Harvmdar Slngh AIL Saran smgn Messrs Harvmdav Slngh 5. Co [Nome' ms Gmunds or Judgment IS subjeclsd lo amoral sdttarralmwslonj m Guxsmzuxi-iyxwmzvsu «mm. smm nmhnrwm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! [10] All me (our lb pvsls above wvll hereinafter be referred to mngawely as “me F-uh-oak Dosh” [11] aesmesche Fauebouk posts, the plimmfs have also wounded thew aclmn (or daramu n on the defendlm havmg on Me other Inslanms made dedamatory statements agamst the p1ammvs The ms: msanue was said to have been made dunng a Town Han Meehng on 7 June 2018, caflod by the then Mmmer 01 Human Resources ('1ho ‘lawn mu Meeting‘) Trus Instance Va pleaded Vfl paragvaph 2a of the soc The second unaanee was lhal M a media eunverenoe heki on 12 June 2015 In «mm av the once hulldmg oi the Malaysia Anti-Cormpllnn Commissxan or MAC!) In shun, and hevemzflev referred In as ‘III: uIAcc Medi- oohcerency The aneged aehmexory statements made during the Town Han Meehng and at the MACC Mema Conference are meaded m paragraphs 20 In 22 ohm soc es «allows. “Z0 Tambahan Yigl. pad: 07D620|E pmak HRDF lellh mengsmurkan satu mesyuarat Dewan Eandar (‘Town Han Meeting‘) yang dlhadm nleh Manleri Sumber Msnusua. VB Tuan M Kul-eegernn um Kelua Seilausaha Sumner Manusxa‘ Damk Dr Mohd Gazah Abas, dvmana Defendan telah melnbual kenyataan- m Grzxsmzuxi-tyxumaz-450 «mm. saw .. U... a may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI aF\uNa v-max Headnnkcs Defamanun — lour av me Faoebonk postings aneged ca be defamatory were clissfied as Fan A mcuments and therefore are deemed It: be true :5 to [hair ocmlan|s and mamave wsufied Defamation — aamn dismxssed as several of the aflendmg statements were not pleased -a verbatim wm. an not ravamng in any of me plamllfls and nu Independent emanoe was wed lu move that persons aequaumad wnn me claimanl could idaumy any al the worn: used when read referred In the mamnws cwu pmaeaure — although the aaoon was dismissed‘ numIrIa\ costs was awarded to the uevendam var hawlg \ed on cam m Guxsmzuxi-Iyxuamzvsa «mm. Snr1|\nanhnrwH\I>e U... a may a. nrwhuflly -mm: dnuamnl VI mum am kenyataan Fflnah Ierhadap Plalnni Panama, Plamm Kedue Flamlw Kenya dan Pnamm Keumpal mkhalnyak orang ramax danlatau pmak-pmak yang mempunyax hubungan dengan HRDF Defendan (elah membual kenyllaln ylng d|lu]ukan kapada vnamuv Panama bahawa peVan!\kan Plalnui Panama sebagal ahh Lembaga HRDF mempakan sam komllk kepermngan (canon: 01 Newest‘) kemna Phmm Panama jugi merupakan cso kepada Plamlif Kedua‘ Plamlfl Keuga dan Plaunm Keempat yang rnerupakan syankabsyarlkal yam mambekaxkan kursus din/alau seminar lanhan danlalau mempakan penyedla Lanhan (‘Training Prowder) 2: Lebm-lemh lagl, Delendan Juga mengsynmaman denaan kenyilasn yang amum olen behau flu mesyuaral 1-menu: banawa mmm Panama Ielah menyamrkan kanln »konlrak dan mans kepada syankal-syankatnya sendln (Plalmif Keaua, Keliga flan Keempan dan Marvlan Sumner Manusla hams memculkan dan/alau mengaluarkun P\a|nu1Penama sebagai Ahln Lembaga HRDF. Inl merupakan satu Fnnah yang hdak berasas m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsu «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! kavana Va man «must alas saiu andalan Sahqa tanpa sebarang bukln yang bemax 22 Sslain danpadu nu. pm 12 06 mm, Deranaan telah menyadakan sam persxdangan mama dw nanapan bangunan pe]abat Suruharuaya Penuegih Rasuah (Malaysian Arm-Carruvtwon Cnmmlssxanj (moo; dv mana Delendan man memhuat xenyaxaamcenyacaan Fnnah dengan membemahu pmak mema baham salah seorana Ahli Lembaga HRDF yang Isiah maletakkan ]awnIan bannaaru Im sebagll Ann Lsmblgl HRDF mempunyal kaltan dengan penyelswengan wang sebanyak RM an (Rmggot Malaysia figs Ram: Juli) aun din: HRDF Kanyataan levsabut dengan [ems lerang henkanan dengan Plalnm Perlama Kerana pada masa nu, Plaxmif Panama mampakan Ahli Lembani HRDF yang baru sum: mebtak fiwalan - [121 Aggneved by the Faoebook pass, me stalemems made during the Town Hall Meeting and at me wxcc Medva Dunlerenue all saw to have been made by me amendlnl as Hated above‘ the p\aIn|Ifls cummenrnd «ms acuon agamst the defendant (or devamaliun m Gnxsmzuxi-tyxwmzvsa «mm. Snr1I\nauhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa Wm! [13] The defendant admmed lhalsucll statements were made However, he dentes tnet tne statements were detamatmy er tetened to I11: pla-nttns [14] During the course at tner, tne ptatnms canted only ene wttneee namety, Tntagaman -11 s Rengasamy‘ wne ls me firs! ptatmnt himself (Pwt) The defendant, Sn Genes e/1 Pelantapan tnwty, was the sale wvlness for tne deienee PWI gave emdent=e—IrH;me4 by way of two wttness statements morxed as FWS1lA)& (at and DWI gave evtdenee- In-chvef vta one witness statement marked as Dwst Beth o1 tne wllnesses were Subjecled td cvossexemtnatton uw nn defamation [15] Hntstzurye uw 01 England wt ed) gwes the den tidn as to what amounts to a detematmy statement as lulluws “A defamatory sfalemenf Is a statement wnien tends to lower 5 person M the ssfrm-Brion ofnghr rhmkmg members Dfsoclely generally ar to cause him [0 be shunned or avotood 0! IO sxposs mm to hatred, contempt or name, or In convsy an tmputanon on m dlspalagmg ur mjullnlls ta ms ameet pmfessron, car/mg, made tzrbusinvss ' m Guxstuzuxi-tyxtmmzvsa «mm. s.n.t .. tn... e may he nrwtnuflly mum: dnuavtml VI mum Wm! [us] In Ayah sand n. rs Sambunmamunhi [1999] 1 cu 152, 1 cu 1Rep)321‘ [19a9]MLJ 315) (HO) His Lordship, Mohamed Dzalddlnl (Vale! DJ) set out succmuly me e\emenLs anne Ian M aetamanm as loflows ‘In our/aw on libel, wmch IS govemsd by me Delamabon Act 1957. ma Dunian arpnmlnas on ma [1/BIHIIWIII show (1) ma words are delamatory, (2; me words rslsno me plaintiff, and (3) the words wan: punusnau " m] In xamarga Cmnmunlcallon Sdn and v. Normlll Sumsudln A Anonner Appeal [2006] 2 cm as (CA) ms Lordsmp zmuam Maklnudm JCA (later PCAL held ‘A: the W159! we would stale mar ma tssrla be appnsa wnan aonsmenng wnamar a statement rs aeramamry ol an Apps//an! Is weusamad m the! rt rs an objective me In much n must be given a rnaanmg a rsasonable man would understand rt and lot mar pulpose, (ha! IS, in aonsmerrng wnamer me wards cnrnprarrred afconramed any defamatory nnnmanon, n Is necessary to consfderrhe wnola arm:/e Galley on Lrbel L s/anaor, mm adrv on (ms pom! at pp ms and no mcar a/la states as fullaws rn Guxsmzuxi-tyxuamzvso «mm. sanaw nmhnrwm a. U... a my a. nrW\n|U|y am. dnuamnl vn mum v-max
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Permohonan Plaintif di bawah Aturan 52 Kaedah 4, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012-Perintah Komital-Perlanggaran kepada terma-terma persetujuan di dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan -Kegagalan Defendan membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap adakah merupakan penghinaan Mahkamah kerana tidak termasuk dalam terma Penghakiman Persetujuan-Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut juga tidak diendorskan dengan Notis Keseksaan-Adakah menjadi ketidakpatuhan kepada Aturan 45 Kaedah 7 (4) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
Tuan Ahmad Rizki Bin Abdul Jalil
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: CB-A52NCvC-7-06/2021 ANTARA BORHAN BIN MOHAMAD (NO. K/P: 670217-06-5001) .......PLAINTIF DAN MEGABINA TRADING (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H) .....DEFENDAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN 1. Pada 9 Ogos 2023, Mahkamah ini setelah membaca Notis Permohonan Plaintif (Lampiran 42), afidavit-afidavit yang difailkan oleh Plaintif dan Defendan serta setelah mempertimbangkan hujahan- hujahan yang dikenukakan oleh pihak-pihak, Mahkamah ini menolak permohonan Plaintif di Lampiran 42. Lampiran 42 adalah permohonan Plaintif di bawah Aturan 52 Kaedah 4, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 untuk perintah-perintah berikut: a. Perintah pengkomitan diberikan terhadap Megabina Trading (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H) kerana menghina Mahkamah; b. Megabina Trading (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H) diperintahkan untuk membayar denda secara serta merta untuk suatu jumlah 15/11/2023 09:49:32 CB-A52NCvC-7-06/2021 Kand. 69 S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; c. Kos permohonan dibayar oleh Megabina Trading (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H); d. Suatu perintah pengkomitan diberikan terhadap Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) iaitu salah seorang rakan kongsi kepada Defendan; e. Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) diperintahkan untuk membayar denda secara serta merta untuk suatu jumlah yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; f. Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) dipenjarakan untuk tempoh masa yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; g. Kos permohonan ini dibayar oleh Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) kepada Plaintif; h. Suatu perintah pengkomitan diberikan terhadap Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 910924-06-5326) iaitu salah seorang rakan kongsi kepada Defendan dengan alamat rumah di No. 861, Lorong Bentong Makmur 22, Taman Bentong Makmur, 28700 Bentong, Pahang; i. Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 910924-06-5326) diperintahkan untuk membayar denda secara serta merta untuk suatu jumlah yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah. j. Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 910924-06-5326) dipenjarakan untuk tempoh masa yang difikirkan sesuai oleh S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; k. Kos permohonan ini dibayar oleh Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) kepada Plaintif; dan l. Perintah-perintah untuk manfaat Plaintif yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah. KERTAS-KERTAS KAUSA YANG BERKAITAN BAGI PERMOHONAN DI LAMPIRAN 42 2.Kertas-kertas kausa yang berkaitan dengan permohonan di Lampiran 42: i. Penghakiman Persetujuan bertarikh 30.3.2022; ii. Pernyataan menurut Aturan 52 Kaedah 3 (2), Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 bertarikh 16.1.2023; iii. Notis Permohonan (Ex-Parte) bertarikh 18.1.2023 yang difailkan oleh Plaintif bagi mendapatkan kebenaran untuk memfailkan permohonan bagi suatu perintah pengkomitan terhadap Defendan; iv. Afidavit bagi menentusahkan fakta yang telah diikrarkan oleh Borhan bin Mohamad pada 17.1.2023; v. Perintah bertarikh 20.2.2023 yang membenarkan Plaintif untuk memfailkan permohonan bagi suatu perinth pengkomitan terhadap Defendan; vi. Notis Permohonan bertarikh 9.3.2023 yang difailkan oleh Plaintif; vii. Afidavit Sokongan Plaintif yang diikrrakan oleh Borhan bin Mohamad pada 9.3.2023; viii. Afidavit Jawapan Defendan yang diikrarkan oleh Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab pada 27.3.2023; ix. Afidavit balasan Plaintif yang diikrarkan oleh Borhan bin Mohamad S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 pada 11.4.2023; 3.Mahkamah meneliti beberapa perkara di dalam menentukan sama ada Defendan telah melakukan perlanggaran kepada terma-terma persetujuan di dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan yang telah direkodkan pada 30.3.2022. Adalah jelas bahawa terma-terma yang perlu diteliti oleh Mahkamah adalah seperti di dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan adalah seperti berikut: DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR GUAMAN SIVIL NO: CB-A52NCVC-7-06/2021 ANTARA BORHAN BIN MOHAMAD (No. K/P: 670217-06-5001) … PLAINTIF DAN MEGABINA TRADING (No. Pendaftaran Perniagaan: CA0126634-H) … DEFENDAN DI HADAPAN HAKIM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DATO' CHE WAN ZAIDI BIN CHE WAN IBRAHIM PADA 30 MAC 2022 MAHKAMAH TERBUKA (TELEKOMUNIKASI JARAK JAUH SECARA E-REVIEW) PENGHAKIMAN PERSETUJUAN TINDAKAN INI setelah ditetapkan pada hari ini untuk bicara di hadapan Dato' Che Wan Zaidi Bin Che Wan Ibrahim, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Temerloh, dalam kehadiran Dato’ Zailan bin Mohamed dan Nur Amyra binti Zailan, peguamcara bagi Plaintif dan dalam kehadiran S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 peguamcara Defendan, Shamin binti Shahril Ridzwan Wan dan Najwa Wajihah binti Husin, MAKA ADALAH PADA HARI INI DIHAKIMI SECARA PENGHAKIMAN PERSETUJUAN bahawa:- 1. Plaintif dan Defendan bersetuju bahawa Agihan Keuntungan dan Kerugian adalah sebanyak 80% kepada Defendan dan 20% kepada Plaintif. 2. Plaintif dan Defendan perlu melantik auditor bebas di mana hasil audit yang dipersetujui bersama tersebut akan mengikat kedua-dua pihak. 3. Plaintif dan Defendan perlu bertanggungjawab ke atas keuntungan atau kerugian mengikut kadar 80% dan 20% seperti yang dipersetujui. Bertarikh pada 30 Mac 2022 tt. ..………………...........……… Penolong Pendaftar Mahkamah Sesyen Temerloh 4.Setelah mempertimbangkan Notis Permohonan di Lampiran 42 , afidavit- afidavit yang difailkan dan hujahan-hujahan kedua-dua belah pihak, Mahkamah ini pada 9 Ogos 2023 telah menolak permohonan Plaintif bagi perintah komital terhadap Defendan. ALASAN-ALASAN MAHKAMAH 5.Berikut adalah alasan-alasan Mahkamah dalam menolak permohonan Plaintif di Lampiran 42: 5.1 Berdasarkan kepada perenggan 2 Penghakiman tersebut, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa kedua-dua Plaintif dan Defendan perlu melantik auditor bebas di mana hasil audit yang dipersetujui bersama tersebut akan mengikat kedua-dua pihak. Mahkamah setelah meneliti afidavit-afidavit yang difailkan S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 oleh Plaintif dan Defendan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa auditor bebas yang dilantik adalah secara berasingan atau sepihak seperti yang dinyatakan dalam afidavit jawapan Defendan. Tiada pelantikan auditor bebas secara bersesama di antara pihak-pihak. 5.2. Selain itu, berdasarkan afidavit sokongan Plaintif menyatakan bahawa Defendan telah gagal membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap berkaitan projek, telah mengakibatkan Plaintif tidak dapat melantik juruaudit bebas yang lain untuk semakan ke atas penyata akaun projek. Plaintif menyatakan kegagalan Defendan membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap merupakan penghinaan Mahkamah dan pemecahan Penghakiman Persetujuan. Mahkamah mendapati keperluan untuk membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap berkaitan projek bukanlah terma dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut. Maka dengan itu, Mahkamah mendapati adalah tidak selamat bagi Mahkamah mengenakan Perintah Komital kerana penghinaan Mahkamah terhadap Defendan kerana membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap berkaitan projek ianya bukan terma yang dipersetujui dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut 5.3. Selain itu, Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut tidak menyatakan sebarang tempoh masa bagi pematuhan terma-terma Penghakiman tersebut. Mahkamah juga mengambil kira, langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh Defendan dengan memberikan Laporan Audit Pertama kepada Plaintif. Namun begitu, Plaintif telah menolak Laporan Audit Pertama atas alasan ianya tidak disahkan oleh juruaudit yang bertauliah. Selanjutnya Defendan telah melantik auditor yang kedua untuk menyediakan Laporan Audit tersebut. Defendan juga telah melantik firma Zambran & Associates S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 yang telah mengeluarkan sesalinan Penyata Untung Rugi dan ianya telah diserahkan kepada peguamcara Plaintif. Namun begitu, ianya telah ditolak oleh Plaintif. Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa, Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut tidak memperuntukkan jangka masa untuk Laporan Akaun tersebut perlu disiapkan. Di peringkat ini, Mahkamah tidak dapat menentukan sebarang bentuk perlanggaran kepada terma Penghakiman Persetujuan memandangkan tiadanya sebarang tempoh masa ditetapkan oleh pihak- pihak untuk Laporan Akaun tersebut perlu disiapkan. 4.2 Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut juga tidak diendorskan dengan Notis Keseksaan. Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut tidak mengandungi Notis Keseksaan bagi tujuan memaklumkan kepada Defendan-Defendan berkenaan kesan ketidakpatuhan terhadap Penghakiman tersebut. Mahkamah merujuk Aturan 45 Kaedah 7 (4) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 : (4) Maka hendaklah diendorskan pada salinan suatu perintah yang disampaikan di bawah kaedah ini suatu notis dalam Borang 83 memberitahu orang yang kepadanya salinan itu disampaikan- (a) dalam hal penyampaian di bawah perenggan (2), sekiranya dia abai dalam mematuhi perintah itu dalam masa yang dinyatakan di dalamnya, atau, sekiranya perintah itu bertujuan menjauhi daripada melakukan suatu perbuatan, bahawa sekiranya dia tidak mematuhi perintah itu, dia boleh dikenakan proses pelaksanaan bagi memaksanya mematuhi perintah itu; dan S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 (b) dalam hal penyampaian di bawah perenggan (3), bahawa sekiranya pertubuhan perbadanan abai mematuhi perintah itu dalam masa yang dinyatakan sedemikian atau, sekiranya perintah itu adalah untuk menjauhi daripada melakukan suatu perbuatan, bahawa sekiranya pertubuhan perbadanan itu tidak mematuhi perintah itu, pertubuhan itu boleh dikenakan proses pelaksanaan bagi memaksa pertubuhan tersebut mematuhi perintah itu. Mahkamah juga merujuk kes OSSG Management Sdn Bhd. V Platinum Eden Asset Management Sdn. Bhd & Anor; Platinum Eden Asset Management Sdn Bhd & Ors (Respondents) [2021] 7 CLJ 809: [54] Penal indorsement in the consent judgment is a mandatory precondition as the same requires the parties to do certain act within a specified time. In Loh Eng Leong & Anor v. Lo Mun Sen & Sons Sdn Bhd & Anor [2003] 4 CLJ 743, the Court of Appeal ruled, inter alia, the followings: Rule 7(4) provides that it is only where the order of court is one that must specify the time period within which an act must be done that can be indorsed with the penal notice. Rule 7(2)(b) provides that an order shall not be enforced under r. 5 unless a copy of the order requiring a person to do an act has been served on him before the expiration of the time within which he was required to do the act. Rule 7(4) deals with the indorsement of the penal notice in the case of service under r. 7(2) informing the person on whom the order is served that if he neglects to obey the order within the time specified therein then he is liable to process of execution to compel him to obey it. S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 It is therefore clear that where an order of court to do an act must specify the time within which an act is to be done then such time must be specified. It is only in such cases that there can be indorsement with the penal notice. As the indorsement with the penal notice is a prerequisite to the making of a committal order which involves the liberty of the subject it is particularly important that the relevant rules are duly complied with (see Nicholls v. Nicholls [1977] 147 NLJ 61; Allport Alfred James v. Wong Soon Lan [1989] 1 CLJ 271; [1989] 2 CLJ (Rep) 852). (emphasis added) 5. Maka, atas alasan-alasan yang di atas, Mahkamah ini menolak permohonan Defendan di Lampiran 42 dengan kos RM3000.00 AHMAD RIZKI BIN ABDUL JALIL Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen 2 Temerloh Pahang. 6 November 2023. S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 Peguam Plaintif: Zailan Hj Mohamed, Nur Nadjwa Amiera Binti Azman & Amyra binti Zailan Tetuan Zailan & Associates Peguam Defendan: Megat Abdul Munir & Mohd Shahir Bin Md Tahir Tetuan Zain Megat & Murad S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Permohonan Plaintif di bawah Aturan 52 Kaedah 4, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012-Perintah Komital-Perlanggaran kepada terma-terma persetujuan di dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan -Kegagalan Defendan membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap adakah merupakan penghinaan Mahkamah kerana tidak termasuk dalam terma Penghakiman Persetujuan-Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut juga tidak diendorskan dengan Notis Keseksaan-Adakah menjadi ketidakpatuhan kepada Aturan 45 Kaedah 7 (4) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
Tuan Ahmad Rizki Bin Abdul Jalil
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: CB-A52NCvC-7-06/2021 ANTARA BORHAN BIN MOHAMAD (NO. K/P: 670217-06-5001) .......PLAINTIF DAN MEGABINA TRADING (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H) .....DEFENDAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN 1. Pada 9 Ogos 2023, Mahkamah ini setelah membaca Notis Permohonan Plaintif (Lampiran 42), afidavit-afidavit yang difailkan oleh Plaintif dan Defendan serta setelah mempertimbangkan hujahan- hujahan yang dikenukakan oleh pihak-pihak, Mahkamah ini menolak permohonan Plaintif di Lampiran 42. Lampiran 42 adalah permohonan Plaintif di bawah Aturan 52 Kaedah 4, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 untuk perintah-perintah berikut: a. Perintah pengkomitan diberikan terhadap Megabina Trading (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H) kerana menghina Mahkamah; b. Megabina Trading (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H) diperintahkan untuk membayar denda secara serta merta untuk suatu jumlah 15/11/2023 09:49:32 CB-A52NCvC-7-06/2021 Kand. 69 S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; c. Kos permohonan dibayar oleh Megabina Trading (No. Syarikat: CA0126634-H); d. Suatu perintah pengkomitan diberikan terhadap Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) iaitu salah seorang rakan kongsi kepada Defendan; e. Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) diperintahkan untuk membayar denda secara serta merta untuk suatu jumlah yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; f. Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) dipenjarakan untuk tempoh masa yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; g. Kos permohonan ini dibayar oleh Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) kepada Plaintif; h. Suatu perintah pengkomitan diberikan terhadap Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 910924-06-5326) iaitu salah seorang rakan kongsi kepada Defendan dengan alamat rumah di No. 861, Lorong Bentong Makmur 22, Taman Bentong Makmur, 28700 Bentong, Pahang; i. Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 910924-06-5326) diperintahkan untuk membayar denda secara serta merta untuk suatu jumlah yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah. j. Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 910924-06-5326) dipenjarakan untuk tempoh masa yang difikirkan sesuai oleh S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Mahkamah kerana menghina Mahkamah; k. Kos permohonan ini dibayar oleh Izyan Balqis binti Abdul Wahab (No. K/P: 890401-11-5392) kepada Plaintif; dan l. Perintah-perintah untuk manfaat Plaintif yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Mahkamah. KERTAS-KERTAS KAUSA YANG BERKAITAN BAGI PERMOHONAN DI LAMPIRAN 42 2.Kertas-kertas kausa yang berkaitan dengan permohonan di Lampiran 42: i. Penghakiman Persetujuan bertarikh 30.3.2022; ii. Pernyataan menurut Aturan 52 Kaedah 3 (2), Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 bertarikh 16.1.2023; iii. Notis Permohonan (Ex-Parte) bertarikh 18.1.2023 yang difailkan oleh Plaintif bagi mendapatkan kebenaran untuk memfailkan permohonan bagi suatu perintah pengkomitan terhadap Defendan; iv. Afidavit bagi menentusahkan fakta yang telah diikrarkan oleh Borhan bin Mohamad pada 17.1.2023; v. Perintah bertarikh 20.2.2023 yang membenarkan Plaintif untuk memfailkan permohonan bagi suatu perinth pengkomitan terhadap Defendan; vi. Notis Permohonan bertarikh 9.3.2023 yang difailkan oleh Plaintif; vii. Afidavit Sokongan Plaintif yang diikrrakan oleh Borhan bin Mohamad pada 9.3.2023; viii. Afidavit Jawapan Defendan yang diikrarkan oleh Siti Noriddayu binti Abdul Wahab pada 27.3.2023; ix. Afidavit balasan Plaintif yang diikrarkan oleh Borhan bin Mohamad S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 pada 11.4.2023; 3.Mahkamah meneliti beberapa perkara di dalam menentukan sama ada Defendan telah melakukan perlanggaran kepada terma-terma persetujuan di dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan yang telah direkodkan pada 30.3.2022. Adalah jelas bahawa terma-terma yang perlu diteliti oleh Mahkamah adalah seperti di dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan adalah seperti berikut: DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR GUAMAN SIVIL NO: CB-A52NCVC-7-06/2021 ANTARA BORHAN BIN MOHAMAD (No. K/P: 670217-06-5001) … PLAINTIF DAN MEGABINA TRADING (No. Pendaftaran Perniagaan: CA0126634-H) … DEFENDAN DI HADAPAN HAKIM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DATO' CHE WAN ZAIDI BIN CHE WAN IBRAHIM PADA 30 MAC 2022 MAHKAMAH TERBUKA (TELEKOMUNIKASI JARAK JAUH SECARA E-REVIEW) PENGHAKIMAN PERSETUJUAN TINDAKAN INI setelah ditetapkan pada hari ini untuk bicara di hadapan Dato' Che Wan Zaidi Bin Che Wan Ibrahim, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Temerloh, dalam kehadiran Dato’ Zailan bin Mohamed dan Nur Amyra binti Zailan, peguamcara bagi Plaintif dan dalam kehadiran S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 peguamcara Defendan, Shamin binti Shahril Ridzwan Wan dan Najwa Wajihah binti Husin, MAKA ADALAH PADA HARI INI DIHAKIMI SECARA PENGHAKIMAN PERSETUJUAN bahawa:- 1. Plaintif dan Defendan bersetuju bahawa Agihan Keuntungan dan Kerugian adalah sebanyak 80% kepada Defendan dan 20% kepada Plaintif. 2. Plaintif dan Defendan perlu melantik auditor bebas di mana hasil audit yang dipersetujui bersama tersebut akan mengikat kedua-dua pihak. 3. Plaintif dan Defendan perlu bertanggungjawab ke atas keuntungan atau kerugian mengikut kadar 80% dan 20% seperti yang dipersetujui. Bertarikh pada 30 Mac 2022 tt. ..………………...........……… Penolong Pendaftar Mahkamah Sesyen Temerloh 4.Setelah mempertimbangkan Notis Permohonan di Lampiran 42 , afidavit- afidavit yang difailkan dan hujahan-hujahan kedua-dua belah pihak, Mahkamah ini pada 9 Ogos 2023 telah menolak permohonan Plaintif bagi perintah komital terhadap Defendan. ALASAN-ALASAN MAHKAMAH 5.Berikut adalah alasan-alasan Mahkamah dalam menolak permohonan Plaintif di Lampiran 42: 5.1 Berdasarkan kepada perenggan 2 Penghakiman tersebut, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa kedua-dua Plaintif dan Defendan perlu melantik auditor bebas di mana hasil audit yang dipersetujui bersama tersebut akan mengikat kedua-dua pihak. Mahkamah setelah meneliti afidavit-afidavit yang difailkan S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 oleh Plaintif dan Defendan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa auditor bebas yang dilantik adalah secara berasingan atau sepihak seperti yang dinyatakan dalam afidavit jawapan Defendan. Tiada pelantikan auditor bebas secara bersesama di antara pihak-pihak. 5.2. Selain itu, berdasarkan afidavit sokongan Plaintif menyatakan bahawa Defendan telah gagal membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap berkaitan projek, telah mengakibatkan Plaintif tidak dapat melantik juruaudit bebas yang lain untuk semakan ke atas penyata akaun projek. Plaintif menyatakan kegagalan Defendan membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap merupakan penghinaan Mahkamah dan pemecahan Penghakiman Persetujuan. Mahkamah mendapati keperluan untuk membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap berkaitan projek bukanlah terma dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut. Maka dengan itu, Mahkamah mendapati adalah tidak selamat bagi Mahkamah mengenakan Perintah Komital kerana penghinaan Mahkamah terhadap Defendan kerana membekalkan dokumen-dokumen yang lengkap berkaitan projek ianya bukan terma yang dipersetujui dalam Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut 5.3. Selain itu, Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut tidak menyatakan sebarang tempoh masa bagi pematuhan terma-terma Penghakiman tersebut. Mahkamah juga mengambil kira, langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh Defendan dengan memberikan Laporan Audit Pertama kepada Plaintif. Namun begitu, Plaintif telah menolak Laporan Audit Pertama atas alasan ianya tidak disahkan oleh juruaudit yang bertauliah. Selanjutnya Defendan telah melantik auditor yang kedua untuk menyediakan Laporan Audit tersebut. Defendan juga telah melantik firma Zambran & Associates S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 yang telah mengeluarkan sesalinan Penyata Untung Rugi dan ianya telah diserahkan kepada peguamcara Plaintif. Namun begitu, ianya telah ditolak oleh Plaintif. Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa, Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut tidak memperuntukkan jangka masa untuk Laporan Akaun tersebut perlu disiapkan. Di peringkat ini, Mahkamah tidak dapat menentukan sebarang bentuk perlanggaran kepada terma Penghakiman Persetujuan memandangkan tiadanya sebarang tempoh masa ditetapkan oleh pihak- pihak untuk Laporan Akaun tersebut perlu disiapkan. 4.2 Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut juga tidak diendorskan dengan Notis Keseksaan. Penghakiman Persetujuan tersebut tidak mengandungi Notis Keseksaan bagi tujuan memaklumkan kepada Defendan-Defendan berkenaan kesan ketidakpatuhan terhadap Penghakiman tersebut. Mahkamah merujuk Aturan 45 Kaedah 7 (4) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 : (4) Maka hendaklah diendorskan pada salinan suatu perintah yang disampaikan di bawah kaedah ini suatu notis dalam Borang 83 memberitahu orang yang kepadanya salinan itu disampaikan- (a) dalam hal penyampaian di bawah perenggan (2), sekiranya dia abai dalam mematuhi perintah itu dalam masa yang dinyatakan di dalamnya, atau, sekiranya perintah itu bertujuan menjauhi daripada melakukan suatu perbuatan, bahawa sekiranya dia tidak mematuhi perintah itu, dia boleh dikenakan proses pelaksanaan bagi memaksanya mematuhi perintah itu; dan S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 (b) dalam hal penyampaian di bawah perenggan (3), bahawa sekiranya pertubuhan perbadanan abai mematuhi perintah itu dalam masa yang dinyatakan sedemikian atau, sekiranya perintah itu adalah untuk menjauhi daripada melakukan suatu perbuatan, bahawa sekiranya pertubuhan perbadanan itu tidak mematuhi perintah itu, pertubuhan itu boleh dikenakan proses pelaksanaan bagi memaksa pertubuhan tersebut mematuhi perintah itu. Mahkamah juga merujuk kes OSSG Management Sdn Bhd. V Platinum Eden Asset Management Sdn. Bhd & Anor; Platinum Eden Asset Management Sdn Bhd & Ors (Respondents) [2021] 7 CLJ 809: [54] Penal indorsement in the consent judgment is a mandatory precondition as the same requires the parties to do certain act within a specified time. In Loh Eng Leong & Anor v. Lo Mun Sen & Sons Sdn Bhd & Anor [2003] 4 CLJ 743, the Court of Appeal ruled, inter alia, the followings: Rule 7(4) provides that it is only where the order of court is one that must specify the time period within which an act must be done that can be indorsed with the penal notice. Rule 7(2)(b) provides that an order shall not be enforced under r. 5 unless a copy of the order requiring a person to do an act has been served on him before the expiration of the time within which he was required to do the act. Rule 7(4) deals with the indorsement of the penal notice in the case of service under r. 7(2) informing the person on whom the order is served that if he neglects to obey the order within the time specified therein then he is liable to process of execution to compel him to obey it. S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 It is therefore clear that where an order of court to do an act must specify the time within which an act is to be done then such time must be specified. It is only in such cases that there can be indorsement with the penal notice. As the indorsement with the penal notice is a prerequisite to the making of a committal order which involves the liberty of the subject it is particularly important that the relevant rules are duly complied with (see Nicholls v. Nicholls [1977] 147 NLJ 61; Allport Alfred James v. Wong Soon Lan [1989] 1 CLJ 271; [1989] 2 CLJ (Rep) 852). (emphasis added) 5. Maka, atas alasan-alasan yang di atas, Mahkamah ini menolak permohonan Defendan di Lampiran 42 dengan kos RM3000.00 AHMAD RIZKI BIN ABDUL JALIL Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen 2 Temerloh Pahang. 6 November 2023. S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 Peguam Plaintif: Zailan Hj Mohamed, Nur Nadjwa Amiera Binti Azman & Amyra binti Zailan Tetuan Zailan & Associates Peguam Defendan: Megat Abdul Munir & Mohd Shahir Bin Md Tahir Tetuan Zain Megat & Murad S/N MXYSsfsgE2othZzpdj74w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil Procedure - Stay of Proceedings pending Arbitration —Dispute involving numerous third parties who are not party to arbitration agreement — disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court — Whether split litigation should be avoided — legitimate concern of inconsistent decisions — multiplicity of proceedings — Whether dispute ought to be referred to arbitration
YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) CIVIL SUIT No: WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 BETWEEN KHONG YOON LOONG & 161 OTHERS … PLAINTIFFS AND 1. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 200923801D] 2. AGARWOOD ORIGINALS MALAYSIA BERHAD [COMPANY NO.: 201201041978 (908988-U)] 3. APC PLANTATIONS SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201501022437 (1147766-P)] 4. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO. LTD [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105555134940] 5. ASIA PLANTATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 201106988E] 6. APS ASIA PLANTATION BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201201011055 (984575-T)] 7. FORESTRY FIRST SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201401032121 (1108205-D)] 8. BARRY ALLAN RAWLINSON [UK PASSPORT NO.: 503255583] 9. STEVEN MALCOLM WATTS [UK PASSPORT NO.: 536667844] 10. MARK RICHARD LAMB [SINGAPORE NRIC NO.: G5742846K] 15/11/2023 09:33:18 WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 Kand. 221 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 11. CHOO CHIN THYE [NRIC NO.: 620712-10-5159] 12. LIM SIEW PENG [NRIC NO.: 761106-01-5048] 13. NEILSON NAVIN A/L ANTHONY ALOYSIUS [NRIC NO.: 710917-10-5135] 14. CHONG WAI CHEE [NRIC NO.: 790405-14-5574] 15. KODI ISPARAN A/L KANDASAMY [NRIC NO.: 620709-08-5011] 16. NG OOI SHIN @ IRENE NG [NRIC NO.: 740510-01-5848] 17. TAN SEE SANG [NRIC NO.: 500717-06-5065] 18. LIM SEE FWANG [NRIC NO.: 501020-10-5703] 19. CHONG WEI KIONG [NRIC NO.: 800520-01-5165] 20. SURAYA BINTI ALI [NRIC NO.: 780112-14-6312] 21. POH WEE HON [NRIC NO.: 790911-04-5111] 22. SYED MOHD AIZAT BIN SYED MOHD ZAINI [NRIC NO.: 780521-01-6041] 23. TUNKU NAQUIYUDDIN IBNI TUANKU JA’AFAR YAM [NRIC NO.: 470308-05-5259] 24. CTCHOO CAPITAL ADVISOR SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 199501031068 (360274-T)] S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 25. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105554054616] ... DEFENDANTS GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There were 9 applications before the Court for stay of proceedings pending arbitration pursuant to Section 10 of the Arbitration Act, 2005 (“AA 2005”): 1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 18: filed by 2nd Defendant (D2); 1.2 Enc.21: filed by 3rd Defendant (D3) 1.3 Enc. 24: filed by 9th Defendant (D9) 1.4 Enc.26: filed by 23rd Defendant (D23) 1.5 Enc.28: filed by 15th Defendant (D15) 1.6 Enc.37: filed by 5th, 10th and 16th Defendants (D5, D10 and D16) 1.7 Enc.50: filed by 13th Defendant (D13) 1.8 Enc.81: filed by 14th Defendant (D14); and 1.9 Enc.131: filed by 21st Defendant (D21) [2] On 19.9.2023, I had dismissed all the applications with costs, and given broad grounds as to why. Out of the 11 applicants who applied for a stay, 5 applicants, D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 being dissatisfied with my decision, has S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 filed their respective appeals to the Court of Appeal. This judgment contains the reasons for my decision. As the matters were related and all heard on the same day, it is convenient to deal with all 5 applications made respectively by D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 in one judgment. Background [3] The background facts are culled from the pleadings, cause papers and submissions of the parties. [4] At all material times: 4.1 the 162 Plaintiffs, are members of the public who have respectively purchased an investment scheme for Agarwood trees and have entered into various written agreements with the 1st to 4th Defendants (the “Contracting Defendants); 4.2 D1 is a foreign company incorporated in and having its place of business in Singapore; 4.3 D2 and D3 are Malaysian companies having their place of business in Malaysia; 4.4 D4 is a foreign company registered in and has its place of business in Thailand; 4.5 The Contracting Defendants were managed by D8 and D9 who are both British nationals. D8 whom the Plaintiffs allege to be the “Ultimate Controller” of the APC Group, has his place of residence in Thailand; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 4.6 The D2, D5 to D7 (“Recipients”), were appointed by the Contracting Defendants to receive the Investment Sums from the Plaintiffs on behalf of the Contracting Defendants; 4.7 D8 to D24 (collectively the “Controllers”), are alleged by the Plaintiffs to be: (a) Directors (including shadow directors), officers and/or controllers of the Contracting Defendants and/or Recipients; and/or (b) Organisers, promotors, orchestrators, designers and/or facilitators of the Investment Scheme. 4.8 D25 is the ultimate holding company of the Contracting Defendants. [5] The Plaintiffs claim amongst others that: 5.1 In reliance on the Defendants’ representations, they had cumulatively invested a sum of RM 24,322,763.00 in the Agarwood scheme; 5.2 Under the Agreements, the Plaintiffs were allegedly promised ‘Guaranteed’ or ‘Investment’ returns; 5.3 The Defendants had intentionally designed the Agarwood scheme to amongst others, contravene statutory provisions and ensure that the Plaintiffs’ returns were channelled beyond their reach; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 5.4 As at the date of commencement of this action, they have not received any of their ‘Investment Returns; 5.5 The Plaintiffs discovered inter alia: (a) that the Investment Schemes sold to the Plaintiffs were in fact unregistered and not approved by CCM; (b) D6 has been listed on Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Financial Consumer Alert List since in or around 28.03.2013. BNM regards D6 as: (i) an unlicensed entity; or (ii) an entity which offers an unlicensed scheme in Malaysia; 5.6 The Plaintiffs are victims of fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy by unlawful means and unjust enrichment. [6] The Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, the following relief: 6.1 A declaration that the Agreements are void ab initio as a result of the Defendants’ various breaches of statutory and legal provisions; 6.2 A declaration that the Agreements are voidable on grounds of fraud and/or misrepresentation; 6.3 A declaration that there has been a total failure of consideration in so far as the Agreements are concerned; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 6.4 An Order that the Defendants jointly and severally make restitution to the Plaintiffs for the sum of RM 24,322,763.00. D2 and D3’s case for a stay pending arbitration. [7] D2’s stay application cited the following reasons: 7.1 D2 has entered into a Sublease Agreement where clause 14 contains an arbitration agreement and Sale & Purchase Agreement where clause 15 contains the arbitration agreement (collectively the “D2 Agreements”) with the Plaintiffs which are valid and binding whereby the parties have agreed that any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection to the D2 Agreements shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the Asian International Arbitration Centre located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (“AIAC”) in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC; the misnomer in describing the AIAC as, “Malaysia International Arbitration Centre” is not a proper ground for finding that the arbitration agreements incapable of being performed. It does not render the arbitration clauses null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. The main intention of the arbitration clauses is for disputes to be determined by arbitration in Malaysia which is none other then the Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”); the Court has no discretion, bound by stare decisis and must stay the action as s. 10 of AA 2005 is couched in mandatory terms, citing Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 FC in support; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 7.2 The dispute with the Plaintiffs concern matters within the scope of the arbitration clauses; even if there are third parties who are not involved in the arbitration agreement ought not to stop the Court from ordering a stay pending the outcome of the arbitration; 7.3 D2 who was also named in other suits has successfully obtained a stay of proceedings to refer the disputes to arbitration: (i) WA-22NCvC-848-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 24/9/2021; (ii) WA-B52NCVC-485-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022; (iii) WA-A52NCVC-1009-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022. [8] D3’s basis for a stay pending arbitration is that the Managing Agent Agreement entered into with the Plaintiffs contains in clause 48 a valid and binding arbitration agreement whereby the parties have agreed that any disputes or differences between the parties arising out of or in connection to the Managing Agent Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the AIAC in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC. [9] D2 however candidly admitted that: (i) “There are difficulties in locating all the D2 Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.”; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) “There are possibilities that a certain number of Plaintiffs may not have entered any agreements with the 2nd Defendant.”; whilst D3 admits to being able to “extract some of the Managing Agent Agreements entered with some of the Plaintiffs ranging from 20/9/2016 – 10/5/2018” and “There are difficulties in locating all the Managing Agent Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.” D9, D15 and D23‘s basis for a stay of proceedings pending arbitration [10] D9, D15 and D23 took a broad-brush approach that the D2 agreements and Managing Agent Agreements contain valid and binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs. D9 and D15 are not parties to any of the D2 agreements nor party to any Managing Agent Agreement although D23 did sign a Lease Agreement dated 18.3.2016 and a Managing Agent agreement of same date with D3, at enc 27 pg. 75 and 86 respectively. The agreements exhibited by D9, D15 and D23 DO NOT show any of the Plaintiffs were parties to them. Plaintiffs’ case in opposing Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [11] The Plaintiffs in essence contend that: 11.1 each applicant failed to discharge the burden that there exists a valid and binding agreement to arbitrate between them and each of the Plaintiff pursuant to ss. 9 & 10 of AA 2005; 11.2 even if there exists any arbitration agreements between the Plaintiffs and the 1st to 4th Defendants (which is denied), D5 to D25 are third parties to such arbitration agreements and do not S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 have any binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs within the meaning of ss 9 and 10 of AA 2005; non-parties to an arbitration agreement may only ventilate claims through civil proceedings in Court - Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395. 11.3 Where a dispute involves a party and non-party to the arbitration agreement (in this case, D5 to D25), and the subject matter of the claims overlap, it is best that the dispute be dealt with by the court – Jaya Sudhir at [59]. Findings and decision on Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [12] The burden is on the applicants to show there is a valid arbitration agreement. [13] The applicants have relied on ss. 9 and 10 AA 2005 which state: “9 Definition and form of arbitration agreement (1) In this Act, ‘arbitration agreement’ means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. (2) An arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in an agreement or in the form of a separate agreement. (3) An arbitration agreement shall be in writing. (4) An arbitration agreement is in writing — S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) if its content is recorded in any form, whether or not the arbitration agreement or contract has been concluded orally, by conduct, or by other means; or (b) if it is contained in an exchange of statement of claim and defence in which the existence of an agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by the other. (4A) The requirement that an arbitration agreement be in writing is met by any electronic communication that the parties make by means of data message if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. (5) A reference in an agreement to a document containing an arbitration clause shall constitute an arbitration agreement, provided that the agreement is in writing and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the agreement. (6) For the purpose of this section, ‘data message’ means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means, including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange, electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy. s 10 Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court (1) A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. (2) The court, in granting a stay of proceedings pursuant to subsection (1), may impose any conditions as it deems fit. (2A) Where admiralty proceedings are stayed pursuant to subsection (1), the court granting the stay may, if in those proceedings property has been arrested or bail or other security has been given to prevent or obtain release from arrest— S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (a) order that the property arrested be retained as security for the satisfaction of any award given in the arbitration in respect of that dispute; or (b) order that the stay of those proceedings be conditional on the provision of equivalent security for the satisfaction of any such award. (2B) Subject to any rules of court and to any necessary modifications, the same law and practice shall apply in relation to property retained in pursuance of an order under subsection (2A) as would apply if it were held for the purposes of proceedings in the court making the order. (2C) For the purpose of this section, admiralty proceedings refer to admiralty proceedings under Order 70 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 and proceedings commenced pursuant to paragraph 24(b) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. (3) Where the proceedings referred to in subsection (1) have been brought, arbitral proceedings may be commenced or continued, and an award may be made, while the issue is pending before the court. (4) This section shall also apply in respect of an international arbitration, where the seat of arbitration is not in Malaysia.” [14] I begin with D2 and D3’s application. The points discussed are applicable to the other applicants in so far as they are common issues. [15] In dealing with the applications, I have considered the case of Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) at [90] held: "… the court is bound to strike a balance between the following considerations: (a) The plaintiff’s right to choose whom it wants to sue and where; (b) The court’s desire to prevent a plaintiff from circumventing the operation of an arbitration clause; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (c) The court’s inherent power to manage its processes to prevent an abuse of process and ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes. (d) The balance that is achieved should be just in all the circumstances of the case." [16] Firstly, on the materials adduced, it can be readily appreciated that D2, D3 are not able to show that each Plaintiff has an arbitration agreement with them at the hearing and this was almost 9 months after the suit was filed except for Sublease Agreements and Sale & Purchase Agreements signed between P1, P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P17 and P152. D9, D15 and D23 were also not able to adduce evidence to show each Plaintiff had an arbitration agreement with each of them. The Plaintiffs in my respectful view are not obliged to assist the applicants to discharge their burden. [17] Secondly, the pivotal issue in this case is that D5 to D25 in the Plaintiffs’ suit are non parties to the arbitration agreements. Thus, the arbitration agreements as well as s.10 AA2005 cannot apply to them. [18] In this regard, in Protasco’s case (supra), where Tey Por Yee and one other were not parties to the arbitration agreement, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) decided as follows: [6] The crux of these appeals turns on the law governing a stay of proceedings in relation to non-parties to an arbitration agreement. In the instant case, only Protasco and PT ASU are bound by the arbitration agreement. The other two defendants are not so bound. They fall outside the scope of the agreement. … “ S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [19] The decision in Protasco was affirmed by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir (supra): [74] In its decision, the Court of Appeal in Protasco, held that s 10 of the AA was inapplicable and did not come into play as the second and third defendants were non-parties to the arbitration agreement. The court’s power to grant a stay is derived from its inherent power to stay court proceedings pending arbitration in the interests of the justice of the case. The decision in Protasco is instructive and the finding it made that s 10 of the AA is inapplicable to the third parties accords well with our decision in this appeal. … [91] The language of AA in particular ss 8 and 10 is clear and unambiguous. It does not apply to the third party such as the appellant. … When AA does not apply to a non-party to arbitral proceedings, a logical proposition that follows is that it would be manifestly wrong to extend its policy to the said non-party. … (Emphasis added.) [20] Following the decisions in Protasco and Jaya Sudhir, D5 to D25 including D2 and D3 cannot rely on s. 10 AA 2005. In any case, as stated earlier, D2 and D3, D9, D15 and D23 have not discharged the burden to show each of the 162 Plaintiffs had arbitration agreements with them. [21] Of legitimate concern to this Court is that the nature of the Plaintiffs claim is such that it involves similar or substantially similar underlying facts and issues vis-à-vis the applicants and the other Defendants, so much so that it would not be possible to segregate or isolate the Plaintiffs’ claim against the applicants from the Plaintiffs’ claim against the others. Whilst it would not be possible to compel non parties to the arbitration agreements to take part in arbitration proceedings involving a breach of the various lease, sale and purchase and management agreements, it would however be possible for this S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Court to exercise its jurisdiction over all the Defendants in relation to the Plaintiffs’ claims against them. [22] In any event, given the nature of the Plaintiffs' claim against the Defendants, in my view it would, be wrong in law to sever/isolate the Plaintiffs' claim for breach of the Agreements and have the claim against some defendants stayed pending arbitration, whilst the same claim continues against the other defendants in this Court. The stay of the entire claim against D2, D3 and the other applicants pending arbitration would invite the possibility of conflicting or inconsistent findings and/or decisions being made by the Court and the arbitrator which is manifestly not desirable. [23] Granting the stay sought will in my respectful view serve only to complicate and delay the just, expeditious and economical disposal of this action. [24] In the circumstances, as the dispute involves parties and a non-parties to the arbitration agreements, in my judgment, it is just that the dispute be dealt with by this Court to avoid split litigation as explained by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir in the following words: ‘[59] We shall next focus on the argument with respect to multiplicity of proceedings and risk of inconsistent findings. The Court of Appeal held that the issue of multiplicity of proceedings and possibility of inconsistent findings as expounded in Bina Jati, supra, are no longer material factors to oust the jurisdiction of an arbitrator under Act 646 in view of the decision in J. Jarvis. The High Court in J. Jarvis, we apprehend, said that all of those observations relating to concurrent proceedings and the risk of inconsistent findings were true but it was an inevitable consequence of the mandatory language of s. 9 of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 that from time to time there would be concurrent proceedings in court and before an arbitrator. The decision of the Court of Appeal in the instant action, in our view, S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 effectively sets to naught the principles laid down by the same court in the case of Bina Jati, supra and as affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 that where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court and that disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court. In short, what the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court in both cases are trying to emphasise is that the risks inherent in split litigation ought to be avoided.” [25] In Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71, the Court of Appeal on the same issue said this: ‘Where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court. In The 'Eastern Saga'; Oxford Shipping Co Ltd v Nippon Yusen Kaisha [1984] 3 All ER 835, the court held: Since arbitration is a private procedure it is an implied term of an arbitration agreement that strangers to the agreement are excluded from the hearing and conduct of an arbitration under the agreement. In the absence of the consent of all parties an arbitrator has no power to order that a dispute referred to arbitration under the agreement be heard or determined with another dispute involving a stranger which has been referred to arbitration under a different agreement, even though the two disputes are closely related and a consolidated hearing would be convenient' (see also Bauer (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Daewoo Corporation [1999] 4 MLJ 545 at p 561 (CA); The 'Vimeira'; Interbulk Ltd v Aiden Shipping Co Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep 66 at p 75). Moreover, disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court’. [26] As alluded to at paragraph 23 of this judgment, Bina Jati was affirmed by the Federal Court in Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677. Bina Jati and Jaya Sudhir on the principle that there should not be SPLIT LITIGATION was followed by the Court S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 of Appeal recently in IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 in a judgment delivered by Nordin Hassan JCA (now FCJ). [27] That is not all. I am of the considered view that if the applicants are allowed to have their way, there would be multiplicity of proceedings which itself is an abuse of court process. Case laws on this is legion. On the facts and circumstances of this case, this Court can exercise the power under its inherent jurisdiction to prevent abuse of process by refusing a stay and for the suit to be dealt with by this Court. [28] I must declare that I have no quarrel with the Press Metal principles cited by the applicants’ respective counsel. However, Press Metal was decided before Jaya Sudhir. In addition, Press Metal did not consider the issue of non- parties to the arbitration agreement. [29] I note the respective applicants’ counsel have cited in support of their arguments, Paragraph 17 of the case of Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 where the Court of Appeal held: “The action as between Inokom, Quasar and the alleged co-conspirators (Tan Chong & TC Euro, who were not parties to the arbitration clause) can be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration.” [30] However, it is clear to me paragraph [17] of the judgment in Inokom was rendered per incuriam as there was already the Federal Court decision of Chase Perdana to be given its due weight. Additionally, Inokom was decided almost a decade before Jaya Sudhir was determined by the Federal Court. [31] D2 and D3 have also cited in support of their arguments my decision in Lineclear Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd V Measat Broadcast Network Systems S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 1826; [2021] 1 LNS 1506. I must at once make clear that Lineclear was decided by me without considering Jaya Sudhir as unfortunately, neither the appellant nor the respondent’s counsel had drawn my attention to the case. The Federal Court decisions of Jaya Sudhir and Chase Perdana Bhd on no split litigation are binding on this Court. [32] As for D2’ posit that it has obtained a stay in a few other suits, I will state that the facts and the arguments raised in those suits are not before this Court. With all due respect, each case must necessarily be decided on its own peculiar facts. Further, one was a subordinate court decision whilst the others, being decisions of a court of co-ordinate jurisdiction, although deserving the respect and deference that is due to them, are not binding on this Court. I decline to follow those decisions. [33] For reasons given, to avoid split litigation and multiplicity of proceedings, Enc 18,21,24,26 and 28 are each dismissed with costs of RM3,000 subject to allocator. Dated this 5th day of November 2023 - signed - ……………………….. Liza Chan Sow Keng Judge High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur COUNSEL: For the Plaintiffs : Shaun Paulian (together with him, Melvin Ng, Rahul Farhan and Loh Shi Ying) Messrs David & Paulian S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 For the 2nd and 3rd Defendants : K F Ee (together with him, Marcus Chong) Messrs K.F. Ee & Co. For the 9th, 15th and 23rd Defendants : Arun Ganesh Boopalan Messrs Kamil Hashim Raj & Lim CASES CITED: Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395 Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993 Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71 Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 STATUTE/LEGISLATION REFERRED: Section 9, 10 of the Arbitration Act 2005 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil Procedure - Stay of Proceedings pending Arbitration —Dispute involving numerous third parties who are not party to arbitration agreement — disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court — Whether split litigation should be avoided — legitimate concern of inconsistent decisions — multiplicity of proceedings — Whether dispute ought to be referred to arbitration
YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) CIVIL SUIT No: WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 BETWEEN KHONG YOON LOONG & 161 OTHERS … PLAINTIFFS AND 1. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 200923801D] 2. AGARWOOD ORIGINALS MALAYSIA BERHAD [COMPANY NO.: 201201041978 (908988-U)] 3. APC PLANTATIONS SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201501022437 (1147766-P)] 4. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO. LTD [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105555134940] 5. ASIA PLANTATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 201106988E] 6. APS ASIA PLANTATION BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201201011055 (984575-T)] 7. FORESTRY FIRST SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201401032121 (1108205-D)] 8. BARRY ALLAN RAWLINSON [UK PASSPORT NO.: 503255583] 9. STEVEN MALCOLM WATTS [UK PASSPORT NO.: 536667844] 10. MARK RICHARD LAMB [SINGAPORE NRIC NO.: G5742846K] 15/11/2023 09:33:18 WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 Kand. 221 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 11. CHOO CHIN THYE [NRIC NO.: 620712-10-5159] 12. LIM SIEW PENG [NRIC NO.: 761106-01-5048] 13. NEILSON NAVIN A/L ANTHONY ALOYSIUS [NRIC NO.: 710917-10-5135] 14. CHONG WAI CHEE [NRIC NO.: 790405-14-5574] 15. KODI ISPARAN A/L KANDASAMY [NRIC NO.: 620709-08-5011] 16. NG OOI SHIN @ IRENE NG [NRIC NO.: 740510-01-5848] 17. TAN SEE SANG [NRIC NO.: 500717-06-5065] 18. LIM SEE FWANG [NRIC NO.: 501020-10-5703] 19. CHONG WEI KIONG [NRIC NO.: 800520-01-5165] 20. SURAYA BINTI ALI [NRIC NO.: 780112-14-6312] 21. POH WEE HON [NRIC NO.: 790911-04-5111] 22. SYED MOHD AIZAT BIN SYED MOHD ZAINI [NRIC NO.: 780521-01-6041] 23. TUNKU NAQUIYUDDIN IBNI TUANKU JA’AFAR YAM [NRIC NO.: 470308-05-5259] 24. CTCHOO CAPITAL ADVISOR SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 199501031068 (360274-T)] S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 25. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105554054616] ... DEFENDANTS GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There were 9 applications before the Court for stay of proceedings pending arbitration pursuant to Section 10 of the Arbitration Act, 2005 (“AA 2005”): 1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 18: filed by 2nd Defendant (D2); 1.2 Enc.21: filed by 3rd Defendant (D3) 1.3 Enc. 24: filed by 9th Defendant (D9) 1.4 Enc.26: filed by 23rd Defendant (D23) 1.5 Enc.28: filed by 15th Defendant (D15) 1.6 Enc.37: filed by 5th, 10th and 16th Defendants (D5, D10 and D16) 1.7 Enc.50: filed by 13th Defendant (D13) 1.8 Enc.81: filed by 14th Defendant (D14); and 1.9 Enc.131: filed by 21st Defendant (D21) [2] On 19.9.2023, I had dismissed all the applications with costs, and given broad grounds as to why. Out of the 11 applicants who applied for a stay, 5 applicants, D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 being dissatisfied with my decision, has S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 filed their respective appeals to the Court of Appeal. This judgment contains the reasons for my decision. As the matters were related and all heard on the same day, it is convenient to deal with all 5 applications made respectively by D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 in one judgment. Background [3] The background facts are culled from the pleadings, cause papers and submissions of the parties. [4] At all material times: 4.1 the 162 Plaintiffs, are members of the public who have respectively purchased an investment scheme for Agarwood trees and have entered into various written agreements with the 1st to 4th Defendants (the “Contracting Defendants); 4.2 D1 is a foreign company incorporated in and having its place of business in Singapore; 4.3 D2 and D3 are Malaysian companies having their place of business in Malaysia; 4.4 D4 is a foreign company registered in and has its place of business in Thailand; 4.5 The Contracting Defendants were managed by D8 and D9 who are both British nationals. D8 whom the Plaintiffs allege to be the “Ultimate Controller” of the APC Group, has his place of residence in Thailand; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 4.6 The D2, D5 to D7 (“Recipients”), were appointed by the Contracting Defendants to receive the Investment Sums from the Plaintiffs on behalf of the Contracting Defendants; 4.7 D8 to D24 (collectively the “Controllers”), are alleged by the Plaintiffs to be: (a) Directors (including shadow directors), officers and/or controllers of the Contracting Defendants and/or Recipients; and/or (b) Organisers, promotors, orchestrators, designers and/or facilitators of the Investment Scheme. 4.8 D25 is the ultimate holding company of the Contracting Defendants. [5] The Plaintiffs claim amongst others that: 5.1 In reliance on the Defendants’ representations, they had cumulatively invested a sum of RM 24,322,763.00 in the Agarwood scheme; 5.2 Under the Agreements, the Plaintiffs were allegedly promised ‘Guaranteed’ or ‘Investment’ returns; 5.3 The Defendants had intentionally designed the Agarwood scheme to amongst others, contravene statutory provisions and ensure that the Plaintiffs’ returns were channelled beyond their reach; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 5.4 As at the date of commencement of this action, they have not received any of their ‘Investment Returns; 5.5 The Plaintiffs discovered inter alia: (a) that the Investment Schemes sold to the Plaintiffs were in fact unregistered and not approved by CCM; (b) D6 has been listed on Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Financial Consumer Alert List since in or around 28.03.2013. BNM regards D6 as: (i) an unlicensed entity; or (ii) an entity which offers an unlicensed scheme in Malaysia; 5.6 The Plaintiffs are victims of fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy by unlawful means and unjust enrichment. [6] The Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, the following relief: 6.1 A declaration that the Agreements are void ab initio as a result of the Defendants’ various breaches of statutory and legal provisions; 6.2 A declaration that the Agreements are voidable on grounds of fraud and/or misrepresentation; 6.3 A declaration that there has been a total failure of consideration in so far as the Agreements are concerned; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 6.4 An Order that the Defendants jointly and severally make restitution to the Plaintiffs for the sum of RM 24,322,763.00. D2 and D3’s case for a stay pending arbitration. [7] D2’s stay application cited the following reasons: 7.1 D2 has entered into a Sublease Agreement where clause 14 contains an arbitration agreement and Sale & Purchase Agreement where clause 15 contains the arbitration agreement (collectively the “D2 Agreements”) with the Plaintiffs which are valid and binding whereby the parties have agreed that any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection to the D2 Agreements shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the Asian International Arbitration Centre located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (“AIAC”) in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC; the misnomer in describing the AIAC as, “Malaysia International Arbitration Centre” is not a proper ground for finding that the arbitration agreements incapable of being performed. It does not render the arbitration clauses null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. The main intention of the arbitration clauses is for disputes to be determined by arbitration in Malaysia which is none other then the Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”); the Court has no discretion, bound by stare decisis and must stay the action as s. 10 of AA 2005 is couched in mandatory terms, citing Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 FC in support; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 7.2 The dispute with the Plaintiffs concern matters within the scope of the arbitration clauses; even if there are third parties who are not involved in the arbitration agreement ought not to stop the Court from ordering a stay pending the outcome of the arbitration; 7.3 D2 who was also named in other suits has successfully obtained a stay of proceedings to refer the disputes to arbitration: (i) WA-22NCvC-848-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 24/9/2021; (ii) WA-B52NCVC-485-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022; (iii) WA-A52NCVC-1009-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022. [8] D3’s basis for a stay pending arbitration is that the Managing Agent Agreement entered into with the Plaintiffs contains in clause 48 a valid and binding arbitration agreement whereby the parties have agreed that any disputes or differences between the parties arising out of or in connection to the Managing Agent Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the AIAC in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC. [9] D2 however candidly admitted that: (i) “There are difficulties in locating all the D2 Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.”; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) “There are possibilities that a certain number of Plaintiffs may not have entered any agreements with the 2nd Defendant.”; whilst D3 admits to being able to “extract some of the Managing Agent Agreements entered with some of the Plaintiffs ranging from 20/9/2016 – 10/5/2018” and “There are difficulties in locating all the Managing Agent Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.” D9, D15 and D23‘s basis for a stay of proceedings pending arbitration [10] D9, D15 and D23 took a broad-brush approach that the D2 agreements and Managing Agent Agreements contain valid and binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs. D9 and D15 are not parties to any of the D2 agreements nor party to any Managing Agent Agreement although D23 did sign a Lease Agreement dated 18.3.2016 and a Managing Agent agreement of same date with D3, at enc 27 pg. 75 and 86 respectively. The agreements exhibited by D9, D15 and D23 DO NOT show any of the Plaintiffs were parties to them. Plaintiffs’ case in opposing Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [11] The Plaintiffs in essence contend that: 11.1 each applicant failed to discharge the burden that there exists a valid and binding agreement to arbitrate between them and each of the Plaintiff pursuant to ss. 9 & 10 of AA 2005; 11.2 even if there exists any arbitration agreements between the Plaintiffs and the 1st to 4th Defendants (which is denied), D5 to D25 are third parties to such arbitration agreements and do not S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 have any binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs within the meaning of ss 9 and 10 of AA 2005; non-parties to an arbitration agreement may only ventilate claims through civil proceedings in Court - Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395. 11.3 Where a dispute involves a party and non-party to the arbitration agreement (in this case, D5 to D25), and the subject matter of the claims overlap, it is best that the dispute be dealt with by the court – Jaya Sudhir at [59]. Findings and decision on Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [12] The burden is on the applicants to show there is a valid arbitration agreement. [13] The applicants have relied on ss. 9 and 10 AA 2005 which state: “9 Definition and form of arbitration agreement (1) In this Act, ‘arbitration agreement’ means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. (2) An arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in an agreement or in the form of a separate agreement. (3) An arbitration agreement shall be in writing. (4) An arbitration agreement is in writing — S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) if its content is recorded in any form, whether or not the arbitration agreement or contract has been concluded orally, by conduct, or by other means; or (b) if it is contained in an exchange of statement of claim and defence in which the existence of an agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by the other. (4A) The requirement that an arbitration agreement be in writing is met by any electronic communication that the parties make by means of data message if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. (5) A reference in an agreement to a document containing an arbitration clause shall constitute an arbitration agreement, provided that the agreement is in writing and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the agreement. (6) For the purpose of this section, ‘data message’ means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means, including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange, electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy. s 10 Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court (1) A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. (2) The court, in granting a stay of proceedings pursuant to subsection (1), may impose any conditions as it deems fit. (2A) Where admiralty proceedings are stayed pursuant to subsection (1), the court granting the stay may, if in those proceedings property has been arrested or bail or other security has been given to prevent or obtain release from arrest— S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (a) order that the property arrested be retained as security for the satisfaction of any award given in the arbitration in respect of that dispute; or (b) order that the stay of those proceedings be conditional on the provision of equivalent security for the satisfaction of any such award. (2B) Subject to any rules of court and to any necessary modifications, the same law and practice shall apply in relation to property retained in pursuance of an order under subsection (2A) as would apply if it were held for the purposes of proceedings in the court making the order. (2C) For the purpose of this section, admiralty proceedings refer to admiralty proceedings under Order 70 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 and proceedings commenced pursuant to paragraph 24(b) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. (3) Where the proceedings referred to in subsection (1) have been brought, arbitral proceedings may be commenced or continued, and an award may be made, while the issue is pending before the court. (4) This section shall also apply in respect of an international arbitration, where the seat of arbitration is not in Malaysia.” [14] I begin with D2 and D3’s application. The points discussed are applicable to the other applicants in so far as they are common issues. [15] In dealing with the applications, I have considered the case of Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) at [90] held: "… the court is bound to strike a balance between the following considerations: (a) The plaintiff’s right to choose whom it wants to sue and where; (b) The court’s desire to prevent a plaintiff from circumventing the operation of an arbitration clause; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (c) The court’s inherent power to manage its processes to prevent an abuse of process and ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes. (d) The balance that is achieved should be just in all the circumstances of the case." [16] Firstly, on the materials adduced, it can be readily appreciated that D2, D3 are not able to show that each Plaintiff has an arbitration agreement with them at the hearing and this was almost 9 months after the suit was filed except for Sublease Agreements and Sale & Purchase Agreements signed between P1, P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P17 and P152. D9, D15 and D23 were also not able to adduce evidence to show each Plaintiff had an arbitration agreement with each of them. The Plaintiffs in my respectful view are not obliged to assist the applicants to discharge their burden. [17] Secondly, the pivotal issue in this case is that D5 to D25 in the Plaintiffs’ suit are non parties to the arbitration agreements. Thus, the arbitration agreements as well as s.10 AA2005 cannot apply to them. [18] In this regard, in Protasco’s case (supra), where Tey Por Yee and one other were not parties to the arbitration agreement, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) decided as follows: [6] The crux of these appeals turns on the law governing a stay of proceedings in relation to non-parties to an arbitration agreement. In the instant case, only Protasco and PT ASU are bound by the arbitration agreement. The other two defendants are not so bound. They fall outside the scope of the agreement. … “ S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [19] The decision in Protasco was affirmed by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir (supra): [74] In its decision, the Court of Appeal in Protasco, held that s 10 of the AA was inapplicable and did not come into play as the second and third defendants were non-parties to the arbitration agreement. The court’s power to grant a stay is derived from its inherent power to stay court proceedings pending arbitration in the interests of the justice of the case. The decision in Protasco is instructive and the finding it made that s 10 of the AA is inapplicable to the third parties accords well with our decision in this appeal. … [91] The language of AA in particular ss 8 and 10 is clear and unambiguous. It does not apply to the third party such as the appellant. … When AA does not apply to a non-party to arbitral proceedings, a logical proposition that follows is that it would be manifestly wrong to extend its policy to the said non-party. … (Emphasis added.) [20] Following the decisions in Protasco and Jaya Sudhir, D5 to D25 including D2 and D3 cannot rely on s. 10 AA 2005. In any case, as stated earlier, D2 and D3, D9, D15 and D23 have not discharged the burden to show each of the 162 Plaintiffs had arbitration agreements with them. [21] Of legitimate concern to this Court is that the nature of the Plaintiffs claim is such that it involves similar or substantially similar underlying facts and issues vis-à-vis the applicants and the other Defendants, so much so that it would not be possible to segregate or isolate the Plaintiffs’ claim against the applicants from the Plaintiffs’ claim against the others. Whilst it would not be possible to compel non parties to the arbitration agreements to take part in arbitration proceedings involving a breach of the various lease, sale and purchase and management agreements, it would however be possible for this S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Court to exercise its jurisdiction over all the Defendants in relation to the Plaintiffs’ claims against them. [22] In any event, given the nature of the Plaintiffs' claim against the Defendants, in my view it would, be wrong in law to sever/isolate the Plaintiffs' claim for breach of the Agreements and have the claim against some defendants stayed pending arbitration, whilst the same claim continues against the other defendants in this Court. The stay of the entire claim against D2, D3 and the other applicants pending arbitration would invite the possibility of conflicting or inconsistent findings and/or decisions being made by the Court and the arbitrator which is manifestly not desirable. [23] Granting the stay sought will in my respectful view serve only to complicate and delay the just, expeditious and economical disposal of this action. [24] In the circumstances, as the dispute involves parties and a non-parties to the arbitration agreements, in my judgment, it is just that the dispute be dealt with by this Court to avoid split litigation as explained by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir in the following words: ‘[59] We shall next focus on the argument with respect to multiplicity of proceedings and risk of inconsistent findings. The Court of Appeal held that the issue of multiplicity of proceedings and possibility of inconsistent findings as expounded in Bina Jati, supra, are no longer material factors to oust the jurisdiction of an arbitrator under Act 646 in view of the decision in J. Jarvis. The High Court in J. Jarvis, we apprehend, said that all of those observations relating to concurrent proceedings and the risk of inconsistent findings were true but it was an inevitable consequence of the mandatory language of s. 9 of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 that from time to time there would be concurrent proceedings in court and before an arbitrator. The decision of the Court of Appeal in the instant action, in our view, S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 effectively sets to naught the principles laid down by the same court in the case of Bina Jati, supra and as affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 that where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court and that disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court. In short, what the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court in both cases are trying to emphasise is that the risks inherent in split litigation ought to be avoided.” [25] In Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71, the Court of Appeal on the same issue said this: ‘Where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court. In The 'Eastern Saga'; Oxford Shipping Co Ltd v Nippon Yusen Kaisha [1984] 3 All ER 835, the court held: Since arbitration is a private procedure it is an implied term of an arbitration agreement that strangers to the agreement are excluded from the hearing and conduct of an arbitration under the agreement. In the absence of the consent of all parties an arbitrator has no power to order that a dispute referred to arbitration under the agreement be heard or determined with another dispute involving a stranger which has been referred to arbitration under a different agreement, even though the two disputes are closely related and a consolidated hearing would be convenient' (see also Bauer (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Daewoo Corporation [1999] 4 MLJ 545 at p 561 (CA); The 'Vimeira'; Interbulk Ltd v Aiden Shipping Co Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep 66 at p 75). Moreover, disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court’. [26] As alluded to at paragraph 23 of this judgment, Bina Jati was affirmed by the Federal Court in Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677. Bina Jati and Jaya Sudhir on the principle that there should not be SPLIT LITIGATION was followed by the Court S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 of Appeal recently in IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 in a judgment delivered by Nordin Hassan JCA (now FCJ). [27] That is not all. I am of the considered view that if the applicants are allowed to have their way, there would be multiplicity of proceedings which itself is an abuse of court process. Case laws on this is legion. On the facts and circumstances of this case, this Court can exercise the power under its inherent jurisdiction to prevent abuse of process by refusing a stay and for the suit to be dealt with by this Court. [28] I must declare that I have no quarrel with the Press Metal principles cited by the applicants’ respective counsel. However, Press Metal was decided before Jaya Sudhir. In addition, Press Metal did not consider the issue of non- parties to the arbitration agreement. [29] I note the respective applicants’ counsel have cited in support of their arguments, Paragraph 17 of the case of Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 where the Court of Appeal held: “The action as between Inokom, Quasar and the alleged co-conspirators (Tan Chong & TC Euro, who were not parties to the arbitration clause) can be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration.” [30] However, it is clear to me paragraph [17] of the judgment in Inokom was rendered per incuriam as there was already the Federal Court decision of Chase Perdana to be given its due weight. Additionally, Inokom was decided almost a decade before Jaya Sudhir was determined by the Federal Court. [31] D2 and D3 have also cited in support of their arguments my decision in Lineclear Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd V Measat Broadcast Network Systems S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 1826; [2021] 1 LNS 1506. I must at once make clear that Lineclear was decided by me without considering Jaya Sudhir as unfortunately, neither the appellant nor the respondent’s counsel had drawn my attention to the case. The Federal Court decisions of Jaya Sudhir and Chase Perdana Bhd on no split litigation are binding on this Court. [32] As for D2’ posit that it has obtained a stay in a few other suits, I will state that the facts and the arguments raised in those suits are not before this Court. With all due respect, each case must necessarily be decided on its own peculiar facts. Further, one was a subordinate court decision whilst the others, being decisions of a court of co-ordinate jurisdiction, although deserving the respect and deference that is due to them, are not binding on this Court. I decline to follow those decisions. [33] For reasons given, to avoid split litigation and multiplicity of proceedings, Enc 18,21,24,26 and 28 are each dismissed with costs of RM3,000 subject to allocator. Dated this 5th day of November 2023 - signed - ……………………….. Liza Chan Sow Keng Judge High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur COUNSEL: For the Plaintiffs : Shaun Paulian (together with him, Melvin Ng, Rahul Farhan and Loh Shi Ying) Messrs David & Paulian S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 For the 2nd and 3rd Defendants : K F Ee (together with him, Marcus Chong) Messrs K.F. Ee & Co. For the 9th, 15th and 23rd Defendants : Arun Ganesh Boopalan Messrs Kamil Hashim Raj & Lim CASES CITED: Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395 Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993 Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71 Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 STATUTE/LEGISLATION REFERRED: Section 9, 10 of the Arbitration Act 2005 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil Procedure - Stay of Proceedings pending Arbitration —Dispute involving numerous third parties who are not party to arbitration agreement — disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court — Whether split litigation should be avoided — legitimate concern of inconsistent decisions — multiplicity of proceedings — Whether dispute ought to be referred to arbitration
YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) CIVIL SUIT No: WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 BETWEEN KHONG YOON LOONG & 161 OTHERS … PLAINTIFFS AND 1. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 200923801D] 2. AGARWOOD ORIGINALS MALAYSIA BERHAD [COMPANY NO.: 201201041978 (908988-U)] 3. APC PLANTATIONS SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201501022437 (1147766-P)] 4. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO. LTD [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105555134940] 5. ASIA PLANTATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 201106988E] 6. APS ASIA PLANTATION BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201201011055 (984575-T)] 7. FORESTRY FIRST SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201401032121 (1108205-D)] 8. BARRY ALLAN RAWLINSON [UK PASSPORT NO.: 503255583] 9. STEVEN MALCOLM WATTS [UK PASSPORT NO.: 536667844] 10. MARK RICHARD LAMB [SINGAPORE NRIC NO.: G5742846K] 15/11/2023 09:33:18 WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 Kand. 221 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 11. CHOO CHIN THYE [NRIC NO.: 620712-10-5159] 12. LIM SIEW PENG [NRIC NO.: 761106-01-5048] 13. NEILSON NAVIN A/L ANTHONY ALOYSIUS [NRIC NO.: 710917-10-5135] 14. CHONG WAI CHEE [NRIC NO.: 790405-14-5574] 15. KODI ISPARAN A/L KANDASAMY [NRIC NO.: 620709-08-5011] 16. NG OOI SHIN @ IRENE NG [NRIC NO.: 740510-01-5848] 17. TAN SEE SANG [NRIC NO.: 500717-06-5065] 18. LIM SEE FWANG [NRIC NO.: 501020-10-5703] 19. CHONG WEI KIONG [NRIC NO.: 800520-01-5165] 20. SURAYA BINTI ALI [NRIC NO.: 780112-14-6312] 21. POH WEE HON [NRIC NO.: 790911-04-5111] 22. SYED MOHD AIZAT BIN SYED MOHD ZAINI [NRIC NO.: 780521-01-6041] 23. TUNKU NAQUIYUDDIN IBNI TUANKU JA’AFAR YAM [NRIC NO.: 470308-05-5259] 24. CTCHOO CAPITAL ADVISOR SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 199501031068 (360274-T)] S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 25. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105554054616] ... DEFENDANTS GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There were 9 applications before the Court for stay of proceedings pending arbitration pursuant to Section 10 of the Arbitration Act, 2005 (“AA 2005”): 1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 18: filed by 2nd Defendant (D2); 1.2 Enc.21: filed by 3rd Defendant (D3) 1.3 Enc. 24: filed by 9th Defendant (D9) 1.4 Enc.26: filed by 23rd Defendant (D23) 1.5 Enc.28: filed by 15th Defendant (D15) 1.6 Enc.37: filed by 5th, 10th and 16th Defendants (D5, D10 and D16) 1.7 Enc.50: filed by 13th Defendant (D13) 1.8 Enc.81: filed by 14th Defendant (D14); and 1.9 Enc.131: filed by 21st Defendant (D21) [2] On 19.9.2023, I had dismissed all the applications with costs, and given broad grounds as to why. Out of the 11 applicants who applied for a stay, 5 applicants, D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 being dissatisfied with my decision, has S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 filed their respective appeals to the Court of Appeal. This judgment contains the reasons for my decision. As the matters were related and all heard on the same day, it is convenient to deal with all 5 applications made respectively by D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 in one judgment. Background [3] The background facts are culled from the pleadings, cause papers and submissions of the parties. [4] At all material times: 4.1 the 162 Plaintiffs, are members of the public who have respectively purchased an investment scheme for Agarwood trees and have entered into various written agreements with the 1st to 4th Defendants (the “Contracting Defendants); 4.2 D1 is a foreign company incorporated in and having its place of business in Singapore; 4.3 D2 and D3 are Malaysian companies having their place of business in Malaysia; 4.4 D4 is a foreign company registered in and has its place of business in Thailand; 4.5 The Contracting Defendants were managed by D8 and D9 who are both British nationals. D8 whom the Plaintiffs allege to be the “Ultimate Controller” of the APC Group, has his place of residence in Thailand; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 4.6 The D2, D5 to D7 (“Recipients”), were appointed by the Contracting Defendants to receive the Investment Sums from the Plaintiffs on behalf of the Contracting Defendants; 4.7 D8 to D24 (collectively the “Controllers”), are alleged by the Plaintiffs to be: (a) Directors (including shadow directors), officers and/or controllers of the Contracting Defendants and/or Recipients; and/or (b) Organisers, promotors, orchestrators, designers and/or facilitators of the Investment Scheme. 4.8 D25 is the ultimate holding company of the Contracting Defendants. [5] The Plaintiffs claim amongst others that: 5.1 In reliance on the Defendants’ representations, they had cumulatively invested a sum of RM 24,322,763.00 in the Agarwood scheme; 5.2 Under the Agreements, the Plaintiffs were allegedly promised ‘Guaranteed’ or ‘Investment’ returns; 5.3 The Defendants had intentionally designed the Agarwood scheme to amongst others, contravene statutory provisions and ensure that the Plaintiffs’ returns were channelled beyond their reach; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 5.4 As at the date of commencement of this action, they have not received any of their ‘Investment Returns; 5.5 The Plaintiffs discovered inter alia: (a) that the Investment Schemes sold to the Plaintiffs were in fact unregistered and not approved by CCM; (b) D6 has been listed on Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Financial Consumer Alert List since in or around 28.03.2013. BNM regards D6 as: (i) an unlicensed entity; or (ii) an entity which offers an unlicensed scheme in Malaysia; 5.6 The Plaintiffs are victims of fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy by unlawful means and unjust enrichment. [6] The Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, the following relief: 6.1 A declaration that the Agreements are void ab initio as a result of the Defendants’ various breaches of statutory and legal provisions; 6.2 A declaration that the Agreements are voidable on grounds of fraud and/or misrepresentation; 6.3 A declaration that there has been a total failure of consideration in so far as the Agreements are concerned; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 6.4 An Order that the Defendants jointly and severally make restitution to the Plaintiffs for the sum of RM 24,322,763.00. D2 and D3’s case for a stay pending arbitration. [7] D2’s stay application cited the following reasons: 7.1 D2 has entered into a Sublease Agreement where clause 14 contains an arbitration agreement and Sale & Purchase Agreement where clause 15 contains the arbitration agreement (collectively the “D2 Agreements”) with the Plaintiffs which are valid and binding whereby the parties have agreed that any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection to the D2 Agreements shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the Asian International Arbitration Centre located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (“AIAC”) in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC; the misnomer in describing the AIAC as, “Malaysia International Arbitration Centre” is not a proper ground for finding that the arbitration agreements incapable of being performed. It does not render the arbitration clauses null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. The main intention of the arbitration clauses is for disputes to be determined by arbitration in Malaysia which is none other then the Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”); the Court has no discretion, bound by stare decisis and must stay the action as s. 10 of AA 2005 is couched in mandatory terms, citing Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 FC in support; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 7.2 The dispute with the Plaintiffs concern matters within the scope of the arbitration clauses; even if there are third parties who are not involved in the arbitration agreement ought not to stop the Court from ordering a stay pending the outcome of the arbitration; 7.3 D2 who was also named in other suits has successfully obtained a stay of proceedings to refer the disputes to arbitration: (i) WA-22NCvC-848-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 24/9/2021; (ii) WA-B52NCVC-485-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022; (iii) WA-A52NCVC-1009-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022. [8] D3’s basis for a stay pending arbitration is that the Managing Agent Agreement entered into with the Plaintiffs contains in clause 48 a valid and binding arbitration agreement whereby the parties have agreed that any disputes or differences between the parties arising out of or in connection to the Managing Agent Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the AIAC in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC. [9] D2 however candidly admitted that: (i) “There are difficulties in locating all the D2 Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.”; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) “There are possibilities that a certain number of Plaintiffs may not have entered any agreements with the 2nd Defendant.”; whilst D3 admits to being able to “extract some of the Managing Agent Agreements entered with some of the Plaintiffs ranging from 20/9/2016 – 10/5/2018” and “There are difficulties in locating all the Managing Agent Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.” D9, D15 and D23‘s basis for a stay of proceedings pending arbitration [10] D9, D15 and D23 took a broad-brush approach that the D2 agreements and Managing Agent Agreements contain valid and binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs. D9 and D15 are not parties to any of the D2 agreements nor party to any Managing Agent Agreement although D23 did sign a Lease Agreement dated 18.3.2016 and a Managing Agent agreement of same date with D3, at enc 27 pg. 75 and 86 respectively. The agreements exhibited by D9, D15 and D23 DO NOT show any of the Plaintiffs were parties to them. Plaintiffs’ case in opposing Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [11] The Plaintiffs in essence contend that: 11.1 each applicant failed to discharge the burden that there exists a valid and binding agreement to arbitrate between them and each of the Plaintiff pursuant to ss. 9 & 10 of AA 2005; 11.2 even if there exists any arbitration agreements between the Plaintiffs and the 1st to 4th Defendants (which is denied), D5 to D25 are third parties to such arbitration agreements and do not S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 have any binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs within the meaning of ss 9 and 10 of AA 2005; non-parties to an arbitration agreement may only ventilate claims through civil proceedings in Court - Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395. 11.3 Where a dispute involves a party and non-party to the arbitration agreement (in this case, D5 to D25), and the subject matter of the claims overlap, it is best that the dispute be dealt with by the court – Jaya Sudhir at [59]. Findings and decision on Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [12] The burden is on the applicants to show there is a valid arbitration agreement. [13] The applicants have relied on ss. 9 and 10 AA 2005 which state: “9 Definition and form of arbitration agreement (1) In this Act, ‘arbitration agreement’ means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. (2) An arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in an agreement or in the form of a separate agreement. (3) An arbitration agreement shall be in writing. (4) An arbitration agreement is in writing — S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) if its content is recorded in any form, whether or not the arbitration agreement or contract has been concluded orally, by conduct, or by other means; or (b) if it is contained in an exchange of statement of claim and defence in which the existence of an agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by the other. (4A) The requirement that an arbitration agreement be in writing is met by any electronic communication that the parties make by means of data message if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. (5) A reference in an agreement to a document containing an arbitration clause shall constitute an arbitration agreement, provided that the agreement is in writing and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the agreement. (6) For the purpose of this section, ‘data message’ means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means, including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange, electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy. s 10 Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court (1) A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. (2) The court, in granting a stay of proceedings pursuant to subsection (1), may impose any conditions as it deems fit. (2A) Where admiralty proceedings are stayed pursuant to subsection (1), the court granting the stay may, if in those proceedings property has been arrested or bail or other security has been given to prevent or obtain release from arrest— S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (a) order that the property arrested be retained as security for the satisfaction of any award given in the arbitration in respect of that dispute; or (b) order that the stay of those proceedings be conditional on the provision of equivalent security for the satisfaction of any such award. (2B) Subject to any rules of court and to any necessary modifications, the same law and practice shall apply in relation to property retained in pursuance of an order under subsection (2A) as would apply if it were held for the purposes of proceedings in the court making the order. (2C) For the purpose of this section, admiralty proceedings refer to admiralty proceedings under Order 70 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 and proceedings commenced pursuant to paragraph 24(b) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. (3) Where the proceedings referred to in subsection (1) have been brought, arbitral proceedings may be commenced or continued, and an award may be made, while the issue is pending before the court. (4) This section shall also apply in respect of an international arbitration, where the seat of arbitration is not in Malaysia.” [14] I begin with D2 and D3’s application. The points discussed are applicable to the other applicants in so far as they are common issues. [15] In dealing with the applications, I have considered the case of Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) at [90] held: "… the court is bound to strike a balance between the following considerations: (a) The plaintiff’s right to choose whom it wants to sue and where; (b) The court’s desire to prevent a plaintiff from circumventing the operation of an arbitration clause; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (c) The court’s inherent power to manage its processes to prevent an abuse of process and ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes. (d) The balance that is achieved should be just in all the circumstances of the case." [16] Firstly, on the materials adduced, it can be readily appreciated that D2, D3 are not able to show that each Plaintiff has an arbitration agreement with them at the hearing and this was almost 9 months after the suit was filed except for Sublease Agreements and Sale & Purchase Agreements signed between P1, P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P17 and P152. D9, D15 and D23 were also not able to adduce evidence to show each Plaintiff had an arbitration agreement with each of them. The Plaintiffs in my respectful view are not obliged to assist the applicants to discharge their burden. [17] Secondly, the pivotal issue in this case is that D5 to D25 in the Plaintiffs’ suit are non parties to the arbitration agreements. Thus, the arbitration agreements as well as s.10 AA2005 cannot apply to them. [18] In this regard, in Protasco’s case (supra), where Tey Por Yee and one other were not parties to the arbitration agreement, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) decided as follows: [6] The crux of these appeals turns on the law governing a stay of proceedings in relation to non-parties to an arbitration agreement. In the instant case, only Protasco and PT ASU are bound by the arbitration agreement. The other two defendants are not so bound. They fall outside the scope of the agreement. … “ S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [19] The decision in Protasco was affirmed by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir (supra): [74] In its decision, the Court of Appeal in Protasco, held that s 10 of the AA was inapplicable and did not come into play as the second and third defendants were non-parties to the arbitration agreement. The court’s power to grant a stay is derived from its inherent power to stay court proceedings pending arbitration in the interests of the justice of the case. The decision in Protasco is instructive and the finding it made that s 10 of the AA is inapplicable to the third parties accords well with our decision in this appeal. … [91] The language of AA in particular ss 8 and 10 is clear and unambiguous. It does not apply to the third party such as the appellant. … When AA does not apply to a non-party to arbitral proceedings, a logical proposition that follows is that it would be manifestly wrong to extend its policy to the said non-party. … (Emphasis added.) [20] Following the decisions in Protasco and Jaya Sudhir, D5 to D25 including D2 and D3 cannot rely on s. 10 AA 2005. In any case, as stated earlier, D2 and D3, D9, D15 and D23 have not discharged the burden to show each of the 162 Plaintiffs had arbitration agreements with them. [21] Of legitimate concern to this Court is that the nature of the Plaintiffs claim is such that it involves similar or substantially similar underlying facts and issues vis-à-vis the applicants and the other Defendants, so much so that it would not be possible to segregate or isolate the Plaintiffs’ claim against the applicants from the Plaintiffs’ claim against the others. Whilst it would not be possible to compel non parties to the arbitration agreements to take part in arbitration proceedings involving a breach of the various lease, sale and purchase and management agreements, it would however be possible for this S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Court to exercise its jurisdiction over all the Defendants in relation to the Plaintiffs’ claims against them. [22] In any event, given the nature of the Plaintiffs' claim against the Defendants, in my view it would, be wrong in law to sever/isolate the Plaintiffs' claim for breach of the Agreements and have the claim against some defendants stayed pending arbitration, whilst the same claim continues against the other defendants in this Court. The stay of the entire claim against D2, D3 and the other applicants pending arbitration would invite the possibility of conflicting or inconsistent findings and/or decisions being made by the Court and the arbitrator which is manifestly not desirable. [23] Granting the stay sought will in my respectful view serve only to complicate and delay the just, expeditious and economical disposal of this action. [24] In the circumstances, as the dispute involves parties and a non-parties to the arbitration agreements, in my judgment, it is just that the dispute be dealt with by this Court to avoid split litigation as explained by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir in the following words: ‘[59] We shall next focus on the argument with respect to multiplicity of proceedings and risk of inconsistent findings. The Court of Appeal held that the issue of multiplicity of proceedings and possibility of inconsistent findings as expounded in Bina Jati, supra, are no longer material factors to oust the jurisdiction of an arbitrator under Act 646 in view of the decision in J. Jarvis. The High Court in J. Jarvis, we apprehend, said that all of those observations relating to concurrent proceedings and the risk of inconsistent findings were true but it was an inevitable consequence of the mandatory language of s. 9 of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 that from time to time there would be concurrent proceedings in court and before an arbitrator. The decision of the Court of Appeal in the instant action, in our view, S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 effectively sets to naught the principles laid down by the same court in the case of Bina Jati, supra and as affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 that where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court and that disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court. In short, what the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court in both cases are trying to emphasise is that the risks inherent in split litigation ought to be avoided.” [25] In Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71, the Court of Appeal on the same issue said this: ‘Where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court. In The 'Eastern Saga'; Oxford Shipping Co Ltd v Nippon Yusen Kaisha [1984] 3 All ER 835, the court held: Since arbitration is a private procedure it is an implied term of an arbitration agreement that strangers to the agreement are excluded from the hearing and conduct of an arbitration under the agreement. In the absence of the consent of all parties an arbitrator has no power to order that a dispute referred to arbitration under the agreement be heard or determined with another dispute involving a stranger which has been referred to arbitration under a different agreement, even though the two disputes are closely related and a consolidated hearing would be convenient' (see also Bauer (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Daewoo Corporation [1999] 4 MLJ 545 at p 561 (CA); The 'Vimeira'; Interbulk Ltd v Aiden Shipping Co Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep 66 at p 75). Moreover, disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court’. [26] As alluded to at paragraph 23 of this judgment, Bina Jati was affirmed by the Federal Court in Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677. Bina Jati and Jaya Sudhir on the principle that there should not be SPLIT LITIGATION was followed by the Court S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 of Appeal recently in IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 in a judgment delivered by Nordin Hassan JCA (now FCJ). [27] That is not all. I am of the considered view that if the applicants are allowed to have their way, there would be multiplicity of proceedings which itself is an abuse of court process. Case laws on this is legion. On the facts and circumstances of this case, this Court can exercise the power under its inherent jurisdiction to prevent abuse of process by refusing a stay and for the suit to be dealt with by this Court. [28] I must declare that I have no quarrel with the Press Metal principles cited by the applicants’ respective counsel. However, Press Metal was decided before Jaya Sudhir. In addition, Press Metal did not consider the issue of non- parties to the arbitration agreement. [29] I note the respective applicants’ counsel have cited in support of their arguments, Paragraph 17 of the case of Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 where the Court of Appeal held: “The action as between Inokom, Quasar and the alleged co-conspirators (Tan Chong & TC Euro, who were not parties to the arbitration clause) can be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration.” [30] However, it is clear to me paragraph [17] of the judgment in Inokom was rendered per incuriam as there was already the Federal Court decision of Chase Perdana to be given its due weight. Additionally, Inokom was decided almost a decade before Jaya Sudhir was determined by the Federal Court. [31] D2 and D3 have also cited in support of their arguments my decision in Lineclear Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd V Measat Broadcast Network Systems S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 1826; [2021] 1 LNS 1506. I must at once make clear that Lineclear was decided by me without considering Jaya Sudhir as unfortunately, neither the appellant nor the respondent’s counsel had drawn my attention to the case. The Federal Court decisions of Jaya Sudhir and Chase Perdana Bhd on no split litigation are binding on this Court. [32] As for D2’ posit that it has obtained a stay in a few other suits, I will state that the facts and the arguments raised in those suits are not before this Court. With all due respect, each case must necessarily be decided on its own peculiar facts. Further, one was a subordinate court decision whilst the others, being decisions of a court of co-ordinate jurisdiction, although deserving the respect and deference that is due to them, are not binding on this Court. I decline to follow those decisions. [33] For reasons given, to avoid split litigation and multiplicity of proceedings, Enc 18,21,24,26 and 28 are each dismissed with costs of RM3,000 subject to allocator. Dated this 5th day of November 2023 - signed - ……………………….. Liza Chan Sow Keng Judge High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur COUNSEL: For the Plaintiffs : Shaun Paulian (together with him, Melvin Ng, Rahul Farhan and Loh Shi Ying) Messrs David & Paulian S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 For the 2nd and 3rd Defendants : K F Ee (together with him, Marcus Chong) Messrs K.F. Ee & Co. For the 9th, 15th and 23rd Defendants : Arun Ganesh Boopalan Messrs Kamil Hashim Raj & Lim CASES CITED: Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395 Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993 Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71 Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 STATUTE/LEGISLATION REFERRED: Section 9, 10 of the Arbitration Act 2005 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil Procedure - Stay of Proceedings pending Arbitration —Dispute involving numerous third parties who are not party to arbitration agreement — disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court — Whether split litigation should be avoided — legitimate concern of inconsistent decisions — multiplicity of proceedings — Whether dispute ought to be referred to arbitration
YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) CIVIL SUIT No: WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 BETWEEN KHONG YOON LOONG & 161 OTHERS … PLAINTIFFS AND 1. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 200923801D] 2. AGARWOOD ORIGINALS MALAYSIA BERHAD [COMPANY NO.: 201201041978 (908988-U)] 3. APC PLANTATIONS SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201501022437 (1147766-P)] 4. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO. LTD [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105555134940] 5. ASIA PLANTATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 201106988E] 6. APS ASIA PLANTATION BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201201011055 (984575-T)] 7. FORESTRY FIRST SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201401032121 (1108205-D)] 8. BARRY ALLAN RAWLINSON [UK PASSPORT NO.: 503255583] 9. STEVEN MALCOLM WATTS [UK PASSPORT NO.: 536667844] 10. MARK RICHARD LAMB [SINGAPORE NRIC NO.: G5742846K] 15/11/2023 09:33:18 WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 Kand. 221 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 11. CHOO CHIN THYE [NRIC NO.: 620712-10-5159] 12. LIM SIEW PENG [NRIC NO.: 761106-01-5048] 13. NEILSON NAVIN A/L ANTHONY ALOYSIUS [NRIC NO.: 710917-10-5135] 14. CHONG WAI CHEE [NRIC NO.: 790405-14-5574] 15. KODI ISPARAN A/L KANDASAMY [NRIC NO.: 620709-08-5011] 16. NG OOI SHIN @ IRENE NG [NRIC NO.: 740510-01-5848] 17. TAN SEE SANG [NRIC NO.: 500717-06-5065] 18. LIM SEE FWANG [NRIC NO.: 501020-10-5703] 19. CHONG WEI KIONG [NRIC NO.: 800520-01-5165] 20. SURAYA BINTI ALI [NRIC NO.: 780112-14-6312] 21. POH WEE HON [NRIC NO.: 790911-04-5111] 22. SYED MOHD AIZAT BIN SYED MOHD ZAINI [NRIC NO.: 780521-01-6041] 23. TUNKU NAQUIYUDDIN IBNI TUANKU JA’AFAR YAM [NRIC NO.: 470308-05-5259] 24. CTCHOO CAPITAL ADVISOR SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 199501031068 (360274-T)] S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 25. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105554054616] ... DEFENDANTS GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There were 9 applications before the Court for stay of proceedings pending arbitration pursuant to Section 10 of the Arbitration Act, 2005 (“AA 2005”): 1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 18: filed by 2nd Defendant (D2); 1.2 Enc.21: filed by 3rd Defendant (D3) 1.3 Enc. 24: filed by 9th Defendant (D9) 1.4 Enc.26: filed by 23rd Defendant (D23) 1.5 Enc.28: filed by 15th Defendant (D15) 1.6 Enc.37: filed by 5th, 10th and 16th Defendants (D5, D10 and D16) 1.7 Enc.50: filed by 13th Defendant (D13) 1.8 Enc.81: filed by 14th Defendant (D14); and 1.9 Enc.131: filed by 21st Defendant (D21) [2] On 19.9.2023, I had dismissed all the applications with costs, and given broad grounds as to why. Out of the 11 applicants who applied for a stay, 5 applicants, D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 being dissatisfied with my decision, has S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 filed their respective appeals to the Court of Appeal. This judgment contains the reasons for my decision. As the matters were related and all heard on the same day, it is convenient to deal with all 5 applications made respectively by D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 in one judgment. Background [3] The background facts are culled from the pleadings, cause papers and submissions of the parties. [4] At all material times: 4.1 the 162 Plaintiffs, are members of the public who have respectively purchased an investment scheme for Agarwood trees and have entered into various written agreements with the 1st to 4th Defendants (the “Contracting Defendants); 4.2 D1 is a foreign company incorporated in and having its place of business in Singapore; 4.3 D2 and D3 are Malaysian companies having their place of business in Malaysia; 4.4 D4 is a foreign company registered in and has its place of business in Thailand; 4.5 The Contracting Defendants were managed by D8 and D9 who are both British nationals. D8 whom the Plaintiffs allege to be the “Ultimate Controller” of the APC Group, has his place of residence in Thailand; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 4.6 The D2, D5 to D7 (“Recipients”), were appointed by the Contracting Defendants to receive the Investment Sums from the Plaintiffs on behalf of the Contracting Defendants; 4.7 D8 to D24 (collectively the “Controllers”), are alleged by the Plaintiffs to be: (a) Directors (including shadow directors), officers and/or controllers of the Contracting Defendants and/or Recipients; and/or (b) Organisers, promotors, orchestrators, designers and/or facilitators of the Investment Scheme. 4.8 D25 is the ultimate holding company of the Contracting Defendants. [5] The Plaintiffs claim amongst others that: 5.1 In reliance on the Defendants’ representations, they had cumulatively invested a sum of RM 24,322,763.00 in the Agarwood scheme; 5.2 Under the Agreements, the Plaintiffs were allegedly promised ‘Guaranteed’ or ‘Investment’ returns; 5.3 The Defendants had intentionally designed the Agarwood scheme to amongst others, contravene statutory provisions and ensure that the Plaintiffs’ returns were channelled beyond their reach; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 5.4 As at the date of commencement of this action, they have not received any of their ‘Investment Returns; 5.5 The Plaintiffs discovered inter alia: (a) that the Investment Schemes sold to the Plaintiffs were in fact unregistered and not approved by CCM; (b) D6 has been listed on Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Financial Consumer Alert List since in or around 28.03.2013. BNM regards D6 as: (i) an unlicensed entity; or (ii) an entity which offers an unlicensed scheme in Malaysia; 5.6 The Plaintiffs are victims of fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy by unlawful means and unjust enrichment. [6] The Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, the following relief: 6.1 A declaration that the Agreements are void ab initio as a result of the Defendants’ various breaches of statutory and legal provisions; 6.2 A declaration that the Agreements are voidable on grounds of fraud and/or misrepresentation; 6.3 A declaration that there has been a total failure of consideration in so far as the Agreements are concerned; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 6.4 An Order that the Defendants jointly and severally make restitution to the Plaintiffs for the sum of RM 24,322,763.00. D2 and D3’s case for a stay pending arbitration. [7] D2’s stay application cited the following reasons: 7.1 D2 has entered into a Sublease Agreement where clause 14 contains an arbitration agreement and Sale & Purchase Agreement where clause 15 contains the arbitration agreement (collectively the “D2 Agreements”) with the Plaintiffs which are valid and binding whereby the parties have agreed that any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection to the D2 Agreements shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the Asian International Arbitration Centre located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (“AIAC”) in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC; the misnomer in describing the AIAC as, “Malaysia International Arbitration Centre” is not a proper ground for finding that the arbitration agreements incapable of being performed. It does not render the arbitration clauses null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. The main intention of the arbitration clauses is for disputes to be determined by arbitration in Malaysia which is none other then the Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”); the Court has no discretion, bound by stare decisis and must stay the action as s. 10 of AA 2005 is couched in mandatory terms, citing Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 FC in support; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 7.2 The dispute with the Plaintiffs concern matters within the scope of the arbitration clauses; even if there are third parties who are not involved in the arbitration agreement ought not to stop the Court from ordering a stay pending the outcome of the arbitration; 7.3 D2 who was also named in other suits has successfully obtained a stay of proceedings to refer the disputes to arbitration: (i) WA-22NCvC-848-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 24/9/2021; (ii) WA-B52NCVC-485-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022; (iii) WA-A52NCVC-1009-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022. [8] D3’s basis for a stay pending arbitration is that the Managing Agent Agreement entered into with the Plaintiffs contains in clause 48 a valid and binding arbitration agreement whereby the parties have agreed that any disputes or differences between the parties arising out of or in connection to the Managing Agent Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the AIAC in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC. [9] D2 however candidly admitted that: (i) “There are difficulties in locating all the D2 Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.”; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) “There are possibilities that a certain number of Plaintiffs may not have entered any agreements with the 2nd Defendant.”; whilst D3 admits to being able to “extract some of the Managing Agent Agreements entered with some of the Plaintiffs ranging from 20/9/2016 – 10/5/2018” and “There are difficulties in locating all the Managing Agent Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.” D9, D15 and D23‘s basis for a stay of proceedings pending arbitration [10] D9, D15 and D23 took a broad-brush approach that the D2 agreements and Managing Agent Agreements contain valid and binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs. D9 and D15 are not parties to any of the D2 agreements nor party to any Managing Agent Agreement although D23 did sign a Lease Agreement dated 18.3.2016 and a Managing Agent agreement of same date with D3, at enc 27 pg. 75 and 86 respectively. The agreements exhibited by D9, D15 and D23 DO NOT show any of the Plaintiffs were parties to them. Plaintiffs’ case in opposing Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [11] The Plaintiffs in essence contend that: 11.1 each applicant failed to discharge the burden that there exists a valid and binding agreement to arbitrate between them and each of the Plaintiff pursuant to ss. 9 & 10 of AA 2005; 11.2 even if there exists any arbitration agreements between the Plaintiffs and the 1st to 4th Defendants (which is denied), D5 to D25 are third parties to such arbitration agreements and do not S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 have any binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs within the meaning of ss 9 and 10 of AA 2005; non-parties to an arbitration agreement may only ventilate claims through civil proceedings in Court - Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395. 11.3 Where a dispute involves a party and non-party to the arbitration agreement (in this case, D5 to D25), and the subject matter of the claims overlap, it is best that the dispute be dealt with by the court – Jaya Sudhir at [59]. Findings and decision on Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [12] The burden is on the applicants to show there is a valid arbitration agreement. [13] The applicants have relied on ss. 9 and 10 AA 2005 which state: “9 Definition and form of arbitration agreement (1) In this Act, ‘arbitration agreement’ means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. (2) An arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in an agreement or in the form of a separate agreement. (3) An arbitration agreement shall be in writing. (4) An arbitration agreement is in writing — S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) if its content is recorded in any form, whether or not the arbitration agreement or contract has been concluded orally, by conduct, or by other means; or (b) if it is contained in an exchange of statement of claim and defence in which the existence of an agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by the other. (4A) The requirement that an arbitration agreement be in writing is met by any electronic communication that the parties make by means of data message if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. (5) A reference in an agreement to a document containing an arbitration clause shall constitute an arbitration agreement, provided that the agreement is in writing and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the agreement. (6) For the purpose of this section, ‘data message’ means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means, including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange, electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy. s 10 Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court (1) A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. (2) The court, in granting a stay of proceedings pursuant to subsection (1), may impose any conditions as it deems fit. (2A) Where admiralty proceedings are stayed pursuant to subsection (1), the court granting the stay may, if in those proceedings property has been arrested or bail or other security has been given to prevent or obtain release from arrest— S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (a) order that the property arrested be retained as security for the satisfaction of any award given in the arbitration in respect of that dispute; or (b) order that the stay of those proceedings be conditional on the provision of equivalent security for the satisfaction of any such award. (2B) Subject to any rules of court and to any necessary modifications, the same law and practice shall apply in relation to property retained in pursuance of an order under subsection (2A) as would apply if it were held for the purposes of proceedings in the court making the order. (2C) For the purpose of this section, admiralty proceedings refer to admiralty proceedings under Order 70 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 and proceedings commenced pursuant to paragraph 24(b) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. (3) Where the proceedings referred to in subsection (1) have been brought, arbitral proceedings may be commenced or continued, and an award may be made, while the issue is pending before the court. (4) This section shall also apply in respect of an international arbitration, where the seat of arbitration is not in Malaysia.” [14] I begin with D2 and D3’s application. The points discussed are applicable to the other applicants in so far as they are common issues. [15] In dealing with the applications, I have considered the case of Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) at [90] held: "… the court is bound to strike a balance between the following considerations: (a) The plaintiff’s right to choose whom it wants to sue and where; (b) The court’s desire to prevent a plaintiff from circumventing the operation of an arbitration clause; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (c) The court’s inherent power to manage its processes to prevent an abuse of process and ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes. (d) The balance that is achieved should be just in all the circumstances of the case." [16] Firstly, on the materials adduced, it can be readily appreciated that D2, D3 are not able to show that each Plaintiff has an arbitration agreement with them at the hearing and this was almost 9 months after the suit was filed except for Sublease Agreements and Sale & Purchase Agreements signed between P1, P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P17 and P152. D9, D15 and D23 were also not able to adduce evidence to show each Plaintiff had an arbitration agreement with each of them. The Plaintiffs in my respectful view are not obliged to assist the applicants to discharge their burden. [17] Secondly, the pivotal issue in this case is that D5 to D25 in the Plaintiffs’ suit are non parties to the arbitration agreements. Thus, the arbitration agreements as well as s.10 AA2005 cannot apply to them. [18] In this regard, in Protasco’s case (supra), where Tey Por Yee and one other were not parties to the arbitration agreement, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) decided as follows: [6] The crux of these appeals turns on the law governing a stay of proceedings in relation to non-parties to an arbitration agreement. In the instant case, only Protasco and PT ASU are bound by the arbitration agreement. The other two defendants are not so bound. They fall outside the scope of the agreement. … “ S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [19] The decision in Protasco was affirmed by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir (supra): [74] In its decision, the Court of Appeal in Protasco, held that s 10 of the AA was inapplicable and did not come into play as the second and third defendants were non-parties to the arbitration agreement. The court’s power to grant a stay is derived from its inherent power to stay court proceedings pending arbitration in the interests of the justice of the case. The decision in Protasco is instructive and the finding it made that s 10 of the AA is inapplicable to the third parties accords well with our decision in this appeal. … [91] The language of AA in particular ss 8 and 10 is clear and unambiguous. It does not apply to the third party such as the appellant. … When AA does not apply to a non-party to arbitral proceedings, a logical proposition that follows is that it would be manifestly wrong to extend its policy to the said non-party. … (Emphasis added.) [20] Following the decisions in Protasco and Jaya Sudhir, D5 to D25 including D2 and D3 cannot rely on s. 10 AA 2005. In any case, as stated earlier, D2 and D3, D9, D15 and D23 have not discharged the burden to show each of the 162 Plaintiffs had arbitration agreements with them. [21] Of legitimate concern to this Court is that the nature of the Plaintiffs claim is such that it involves similar or substantially similar underlying facts and issues vis-à-vis the applicants and the other Defendants, so much so that it would not be possible to segregate or isolate the Plaintiffs’ claim against the applicants from the Plaintiffs’ claim against the others. Whilst it would not be possible to compel non parties to the arbitration agreements to take part in arbitration proceedings involving a breach of the various lease, sale and purchase and management agreements, it would however be possible for this S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Court to exercise its jurisdiction over all the Defendants in relation to the Plaintiffs’ claims against them. [22] In any event, given the nature of the Plaintiffs' claim against the Defendants, in my view it would, be wrong in law to sever/isolate the Plaintiffs' claim for breach of the Agreements and have the claim against some defendants stayed pending arbitration, whilst the same claim continues against the other defendants in this Court. The stay of the entire claim against D2, D3 and the other applicants pending arbitration would invite the possibility of conflicting or inconsistent findings and/or decisions being made by the Court and the arbitrator which is manifestly not desirable. [23] Granting the stay sought will in my respectful view serve only to complicate and delay the just, expeditious and economical disposal of this action. [24] In the circumstances, as the dispute involves parties and a non-parties to the arbitration agreements, in my judgment, it is just that the dispute be dealt with by this Court to avoid split litigation as explained by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir in the following words: ‘[59] We shall next focus on the argument with respect to multiplicity of proceedings and risk of inconsistent findings. The Court of Appeal held that the issue of multiplicity of proceedings and possibility of inconsistent findings as expounded in Bina Jati, supra, are no longer material factors to oust the jurisdiction of an arbitrator under Act 646 in view of the decision in J. Jarvis. The High Court in J. Jarvis, we apprehend, said that all of those observations relating to concurrent proceedings and the risk of inconsistent findings were true but it was an inevitable consequence of the mandatory language of s. 9 of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 that from time to time there would be concurrent proceedings in court and before an arbitrator. The decision of the Court of Appeal in the instant action, in our view, S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 effectively sets to naught the principles laid down by the same court in the case of Bina Jati, supra and as affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 that where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court and that disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court. In short, what the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court in both cases are trying to emphasise is that the risks inherent in split litigation ought to be avoided.” [25] In Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71, the Court of Appeal on the same issue said this: ‘Where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court. In The 'Eastern Saga'; Oxford Shipping Co Ltd v Nippon Yusen Kaisha [1984] 3 All ER 835, the court held: Since arbitration is a private procedure it is an implied term of an arbitration agreement that strangers to the agreement are excluded from the hearing and conduct of an arbitration under the agreement. In the absence of the consent of all parties an arbitrator has no power to order that a dispute referred to arbitration under the agreement be heard or determined with another dispute involving a stranger which has been referred to arbitration under a different agreement, even though the two disputes are closely related and a consolidated hearing would be convenient' (see also Bauer (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Daewoo Corporation [1999] 4 MLJ 545 at p 561 (CA); The 'Vimeira'; Interbulk Ltd v Aiden Shipping Co Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep 66 at p 75). Moreover, disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court’. [26] As alluded to at paragraph 23 of this judgment, Bina Jati was affirmed by the Federal Court in Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677. Bina Jati and Jaya Sudhir on the principle that there should not be SPLIT LITIGATION was followed by the Court S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 of Appeal recently in IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 in a judgment delivered by Nordin Hassan JCA (now FCJ). [27] That is not all. I am of the considered view that if the applicants are allowed to have their way, there would be multiplicity of proceedings which itself is an abuse of court process. Case laws on this is legion. On the facts and circumstances of this case, this Court can exercise the power under its inherent jurisdiction to prevent abuse of process by refusing a stay and for the suit to be dealt with by this Court. [28] I must declare that I have no quarrel with the Press Metal principles cited by the applicants’ respective counsel. However, Press Metal was decided before Jaya Sudhir. In addition, Press Metal did not consider the issue of non- parties to the arbitration agreement. [29] I note the respective applicants’ counsel have cited in support of their arguments, Paragraph 17 of the case of Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 where the Court of Appeal held: “The action as between Inokom, Quasar and the alleged co-conspirators (Tan Chong & TC Euro, who were not parties to the arbitration clause) can be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration.” [30] However, it is clear to me paragraph [17] of the judgment in Inokom was rendered per incuriam as there was already the Federal Court decision of Chase Perdana to be given its due weight. Additionally, Inokom was decided almost a decade before Jaya Sudhir was determined by the Federal Court. [31] D2 and D3 have also cited in support of their arguments my decision in Lineclear Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd V Measat Broadcast Network Systems S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 1826; [2021] 1 LNS 1506. I must at once make clear that Lineclear was decided by me without considering Jaya Sudhir as unfortunately, neither the appellant nor the respondent’s counsel had drawn my attention to the case. The Federal Court decisions of Jaya Sudhir and Chase Perdana Bhd on no split litigation are binding on this Court. [32] As for D2’ posit that it has obtained a stay in a few other suits, I will state that the facts and the arguments raised in those suits are not before this Court. With all due respect, each case must necessarily be decided on its own peculiar facts. Further, one was a subordinate court decision whilst the others, being decisions of a court of co-ordinate jurisdiction, although deserving the respect and deference that is due to them, are not binding on this Court. I decline to follow those decisions. [33] For reasons given, to avoid split litigation and multiplicity of proceedings, Enc 18,21,24,26 and 28 are each dismissed with costs of RM3,000 subject to allocator. Dated this 5th day of November 2023 - signed - ……………………….. Liza Chan Sow Keng Judge High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur COUNSEL: For the Plaintiffs : Shaun Paulian (together with him, Melvin Ng, Rahul Farhan and Loh Shi Ying) Messrs David & Paulian S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 For the 2nd and 3rd Defendants : K F Ee (together with him, Marcus Chong) Messrs K.F. Ee & Co. For the 9th, 15th and 23rd Defendants : Arun Ganesh Boopalan Messrs Kamil Hashim Raj & Lim CASES CITED: Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395 Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993 Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71 Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 STATUTE/LEGISLATION REFERRED: Section 9, 10 of the Arbitration Act 2005 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil Procedure - Stay of Proceedings pending Arbitration —Dispute involving numerous third parties who are not party to arbitration agreement — disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court — Whether split litigation should be avoided — legitimate concern of inconsistent decisions — multiplicity of proceedings — Whether dispute ought to be referred to arbitration
YA Puan Liza Chan Sow Keng
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) CIVIL SUIT No: WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 BETWEEN KHONG YOON LOONG & 161 OTHERS … PLAINTIFFS AND 1. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 200923801D] 2. AGARWOOD ORIGINALS MALAYSIA BERHAD [COMPANY NO.: 201201041978 (908988-U)] 3. APC PLANTATIONS SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201501022437 (1147766-P)] 4. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO. LTD [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105555134940] 5. ASIA PLANTATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD [SINGAPORE UEN: 201106988E] 6. APS ASIA PLANTATION BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201201011055 (984575-T)] 7. FORESTRY FIRST SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 201401032121 (1108205-D)] 8. BARRY ALLAN RAWLINSON [UK PASSPORT NO.: 503255583] 9. STEVEN MALCOLM WATTS [UK PASSPORT NO.: 536667844] 10. MARK RICHARD LAMB [SINGAPORE NRIC NO.: G5742846K] 15/11/2023 09:33:18 WA-22NCC-627-11/2022 Kand. 221 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 11. CHOO CHIN THYE [NRIC NO.: 620712-10-5159] 12. LIM SIEW PENG [NRIC NO.: 761106-01-5048] 13. NEILSON NAVIN A/L ANTHONY ALOYSIUS [NRIC NO.: 710917-10-5135] 14. CHONG WAI CHEE [NRIC NO.: 790405-14-5574] 15. KODI ISPARAN A/L KANDASAMY [NRIC NO.: 620709-08-5011] 16. NG OOI SHIN @ IRENE NG [NRIC NO.: 740510-01-5848] 17. TAN SEE SANG [NRIC NO.: 500717-06-5065] 18. LIM SEE FWANG [NRIC NO.: 501020-10-5703] 19. CHONG WEI KIONG [NRIC NO.: 800520-01-5165] 20. SURAYA BINTI ALI [NRIC NO.: 780112-14-6312] 21. POH WEE HON [NRIC NO.: 790911-04-5111] 22. SYED MOHD AIZAT BIN SYED MOHD ZAINI [NRIC NO.: 780521-01-6041] 23. TUNKU NAQUIYUDDIN IBNI TUANKU JA’AFAR YAM [NRIC NO.: 470308-05-5259] 24. CTCHOO CAPITAL ADVISOR SDN BHD [COMPANY NO.: 199501031068 (360274-T)] S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 25. ASIA PLANTATION CAPITAL HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED [THAILAND REGISTRATION NO.: 0105554054616] ... DEFENDANTS GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There were 9 applications before the Court for stay of proceedings pending arbitration pursuant to Section 10 of the Arbitration Act, 2005 (“AA 2005”): 1.1 Enclosure (“Enc.”) 18: filed by 2nd Defendant (D2); 1.2 Enc.21: filed by 3rd Defendant (D3) 1.3 Enc. 24: filed by 9th Defendant (D9) 1.4 Enc.26: filed by 23rd Defendant (D23) 1.5 Enc.28: filed by 15th Defendant (D15) 1.6 Enc.37: filed by 5th, 10th and 16th Defendants (D5, D10 and D16) 1.7 Enc.50: filed by 13th Defendant (D13) 1.8 Enc.81: filed by 14th Defendant (D14); and 1.9 Enc.131: filed by 21st Defendant (D21) [2] On 19.9.2023, I had dismissed all the applications with costs, and given broad grounds as to why. Out of the 11 applicants who applied for a stay, 5 applicants, D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 being dissatisfied with my decision, has S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 filed their respective appeals to the Court of Appeal. This judgment contains the reasons for my decision. As the matters were related and all heard on the same day, it is convenient to deal with all 5 applications made respectively by D2, D3 D9, D15 and D23 in one judgment. Background [3] The background facts are culled from the pleadings, cause papers and submissions of the parties. [4] At all material times: 4.1 the 162 Plaintiffs, are members of the public who have respectively purchased an investment scheme for Agarwood trees and have entered into various written agreements with the 1st to 4th Defendants (the “Contracting Defendants); 4.2 D1 is a foreign company incorporated in and having its place of business in Singapore; 4.3 D2 and D3 are Malaysian companies having their place of business in Malaysia; 4.4 D4 is a foreign company registered in and has its place of business in Thailand; 4.5 The Contracting Defendants were managed by D8 and D9 who are both British nationals. D8 whom the Plaintiffs allege to be the “Ultimate Controller” of the APC Group, has his place of residence in Thailand; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 4.6 The D2, D5 to D7 (“Recipients”), were appointed by the Contracting Defendants to receive the Investment Sums from the Plaintiffs on behalf of the Contracting Defendants; 4.7 D8 to D24 (collectively the “Controllers”), are alleged by the Plaintiffs to be: (a) Directors (including shadow directors), officers and/or controllers of the Contracting Defendants and/or Recipients; and/or (b) Organisers, promotors, orchestrators, designers and/or facilitators of the Investment Scheme. 4.8 D25 is the ultimate holding company of the Contracting Defendants. [5] The Plaintiffs claim amongst others that: 5.1 In reliance on the Defendants’ representations, they had cumulatively invested a sum of RM 24,322,763.00 in the Agarwood scheme; 5.2 Under the Agreements, the Plaintiffs were allegedly promised ‘Guaranteed’ or ‘Investment’ returns; 5.3 The Defendants had intentionally designed the Agarwood scheme to amongst others, contravene statutory provisions and ensure that the Plaintiffs’ returns were channelled beyond their reach; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 5.4 As at the date of commencement of this action, they have not received any of their ‘Investment Returns; 5.5 The Plaintiffs discovered inter alia: (a) that the Investment Schemes sold to the Plaintiffs were in fact unregistered and not approved by CCM; (b) D6 has been listed on Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Financial Consumer Alert List since in or around 28.03.2013. BNM regards D6 as: (i) an unlicensed entity; or (ii) an entity which offers an unlicensed scheme in Malaysia; 5.6 The Plaintiffs are victims of fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy by unlawful means and unjust enrichment. [6] The Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, the following relief: 6.1 A declaration that the Agreements are void ab initio as a result of the Defendants’ various breaches of statutory and legal provisions; 6.2 A declaration that the Agreements are voidable on grounds of fraud and/or misrepresentation; 6.3 A declaration that there has been a total failure of consideration in so far as the Agreements are concerned; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 6.4 An Order that the Defendants jointly and severally make restitution to the Plaintiffs for the sum of RM 24,322,763.00. D2 and D3’s case for a stay pending arbitration. [7] D2’s stay application cited the following reasons: 7.1 D2 has entered into a Sublease Agreement where clause 14 contains an arbitration agreement and Sale & Purchase Agreement where clause 15 contains the arbitration agreement (collectively the “D2 Agreements”) with the Plaintiffs which are valid and binding whereby the parties have agreed that any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection to the D2 Agreements shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the Asian International Arbitration Centre located at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (“AIAC”) in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC; the misnomer in describing the AIAC as, “Malaysia International Arbitration Centre” is not a proper ground for finding that the arbitration agreements incapable of being performed. It does not render the arbitration clauses null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. The main intention of the arbitration clauses is for disputes to be determined by arbitration in Malaysia which is none other then the Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”); the Court has no discretion, bound by stare decisis and must stay the action as s. 10 of AA 2005 is couched in mandatory terms, citing Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 FC in support; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 7.2 The dispute with the Plaintiffs concern matters within the scope of the arbitration clauses; even if there are third parties who are not involved in the arbitration agreement ought not to stop the Court from ordering a stay pending the outcome of the arbitration; 7.3 D2 who was also named in other suits has successfully obtained a stay of proceedings to refer the disputes to arbitration: (i) WA-22NCvC-848-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 24/9/2021; (ii) WA-B52NCVC-485-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022; (iii) WA-A52NCVC-1009-12/2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 9/2/2022. [8] D3’s basis for a stay pending arbitration is that the Managing Agent Agreement entered into with the Plaintiffs contains in clause 48 a valid and binding arbitration agreement whereby the parties have agreed that any disputes or differences between the parties arising out of or in connection to the Managing Agent Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by the AIAC in accordance with the Rules of the AIAC. [9] D2 however candidly admitted that: (i) “There are difficulties in locating all the D2 Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.”; S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) “There are possibilities that a certain number of Plaintiffs may not have entered any agreements with the 2nd Defendant.”; whilst D3 admits to being able to “extract some of the Managing Agent Agreements entered with some of the Plaintiffs ranging from 20/9/2016 – 10/5/2018” and “There are difficulties in locating all the Managing Agent Agreements entered specifically with the Plaintiffs due to the sheer number of contracts.” D9, D15 and D23‘s basis for a stay of proceedings pending arbitration [10] D9, D15 and D23 took a broad-brush approach that the D2 agreements and Managing Agent Agreements contain valid and binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs. D9 and D15 are not parties to any of the D2 agreements nor party to any Managing Agent Agreement although D23 did sign a Lease Agreement dated 18.3.2016 and a Managing Agent agreement of same date with D3, at enc 27 pg. 75 and 86 respectively. The agreements exhibited by D9, D15 and D23 DO NOT show any of the Plaintiffs were parties to them. Plaintiffs’ case in opposing Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [11] The Plaintiffs in essence contend that: 11.1 each applicant failed to discharge the burden that there exists a valid and binding agreement to arbitrate between them and each of the Plaintiff pursuant to ss. 9 & 10 of AA 2005; 11.2 even if there exists any arbitration agreements between the Plaintiffs and the 1st to 4th Defendants (which is denied), D5 to D25 are third parties to such arbitration agreements and do not S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 have any binding arbitration agreements with the Plaintiffs within the meaning of ss 9 and 10 of AA 2005; non-parties to an arbitration agreement may only ventilate claims through civil proceedings in Court - Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395. 11.3 Where a dispute involves a party and non-party to the arbitration agreement (in this case, D5 to D25), and the subject matter of the claims overlap, it is best that the dispute be dealt with by the court – Jaya Sudhir at [59]. Findings and decision on Enc. 18, 21, 24, 26 & 28 [12] The burden is on the applicants to show there is a valid arbitration agreement. [13] The applicants have relied on ss. 9 and 10 AA 2005 which state: “9 Definition and form of arbitration agreement (1) In this Act, ‘arbitration agreement’ means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. (2) An arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in an agreement or in the form of a separate agreement. (3) An arbitration agreement shall be in writing. (4) An arbitration agreement is in writing — S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) if its content is recorded in any form, whether or not the arbitration agreement or contract has been concluded orally, by conduct, or by other means; or (b) if it is contained in an exchange of statement of claim and defence in which the existence of an agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by the other. (4A) The requirement that an arbitration agreement be in writing is met by any electronic communication that the parties make by means of data message if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. (5) A reference in an agreement to a document containing an arbitration clause shall constitute an arbitration agreement, provided that the agreement is in writing and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the agreement. (6) For the purpose of this section, ‘data message’ means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means, including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange, electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy. s 10 Arbitration agreement and substantive claim before court (1) A court before which proceedings are brought in respect of a matter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, where a party makes an application before taking any other steps in the proceedings, stay those proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that the agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of being performed. (2) The court, in granting a stay of proceedings pursuant to subsection (1), may impose any conditions as it deems fit. (2A) Where admiralty proceedings are stayed pursuant to subsection (1), the court granting the stay may, if in those proceedings property has been arrested or bail or other security has been given to prevent or obtain release from arrest— S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (a) order that the property arrested be retained as security for the satisfaction of any award given in the arbitration in respect of that dispute; or (b) order that the stay of those proceedings be conditional on the provision of equivalent security for the satisfaction of any such award. (2B) Subject to any rules of court and to any necessary modifications, the same law and practice shall apply in relation to property retained in pursuance of an order under subsection (2A) as would apply if it were held for the purposes of proceedings in the court making the order. (2C) For the purpose of this section, admiralty proceedings refer to admiralty proceedings under Order 70 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 and proceedings commenced pursuant to paragraph 24(b) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. (3) Where the proceedings referred to in subsection (1) have been brought, arbitral proceedings may be commenced or continued, and an award may be made, while the issue is pending before the court. (4) This section shall also apply in respect of an international arbitration, where the seat of arbitration is not in Malaysia.” [14] I begin with D2 and D3’s application. The points discussed are applicable to the other applicants in so far as they are common issues. [15] In dealing with the applications, I have considered the case of Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) at [90] held: "… the court is bound to strike a balance between the following considerations: (a) The plaintiff’s right to choose whom it wants to sue and where; (b) The court’s desire to prevent a plaintiff from circumventing the operation of an arbitration clause; and S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (c) The court’s inherent power to manage its processes to prevent an abuse of process and ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes. (d) The balance that is achieved should be just in all the circumstances of the case." [16] Firstly, on the materials adduced, it can be readily appreciated that D2, D3 are not able to show that each Plaintiff has an arbitration agreement with them at the hearing and this was almost 9 months after the suit was filed except for Sublease Agreements and Sale & Purchase Agreements signed between P1, P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P17 and P152. D9, D15 and D23 were also not able to adduce evidence to show each Plaintiff had an arbitration agreement with each of them. The Plaintiffs in my respectful view are not obliged to assist the applicants to discharge their burden. [17] Secondly, the pivotal issue in this case is that D5 to D25 in the Plaintiffs’ suit are non parties to the arbitration agreements. Thus, the arbitration agreements as well as s.10 AA2005 cannot apply to them. [18] In this regard, in Protasco’s case (supra), where Tey Por Yee and one other were not parties to the arbitration agreement, Nallini Pathmanathan JCA (as she then was) decided as follows: [6] The crux of these appeals turns on the law governing a stay of proceedings in relation to non-parties to an arbitration agreement. In the instant case, only Protasco and PT ASU are bound by the arbitration agreement. The other two defendants are not so bound. They fall outside the scope of the agreement. … “ S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [19] The decision in Protasco was affirmed by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir (supra): [74] In its decision, the Court of Appeal in Protasco, held that s 10 of the AA was inapplicable and did not come into play as the second and third defendants were non-parties to the arbitration agreement. The court’s power to grant a stay is derived from its inherent power to stay court proceedings pending arbitration in the interests of the justice of the case. The decision in Protasco is instructive and the finding it made that s 10 of the AA is inapplicable to the third parties accords well with our decision in this appeal. … [91] The language of AA in particular ss 8 and 10 is clear and unambiguous. It does not apply to the third party such as the appellant. … When AA does not apply to a non-party to arbitral proceedings, a logical proposition that follows is that it would be manifestly wrong to extend its policy to the said non-party. … (Emphasis added.) [20] Following the decisions in Protasco and Jaya Sudhir, D5 to D25 including D2 and D3 cannot rely on s. 10 AA 2005. In any case, as stated earlier, D2 and D3, D9, D15 and D23 have not discharged the burden to show each of the 162 Plaintiffs had arbitration agreements with them. [21] Of legitimate concern to this Court is that the nature of the Plaintiffs claim is such that it involves similar or substantially similar underlying facts and issues vis-à-vis the applicants and the other Defendants, so much so that it would not be possible to segregate or isolate the Plaintiffs’ claim against the applicants from the Plaintiffs’ claim against the others. Whilst it would not be possible to compel non parties to the arbitration agreements to take part in arbitration proceedings involving a breach of the various lease, sale and purchase and management agreements, it would however be possible for this S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Court to exercise its jurisdiction over all the Defendants in relation to the Plaintiffs’ claims against them. [22] In any event, given the nature of the Plaintiffs' claim against the Defendants, in my view it would, be wrong in law to sever/isolate the Plaintiffs' claim for breach of the Agreements and have the claim against some defendants stayed pending arbitration, whilst the same claim continues against the other defendants in this Court. The stay of the entire claim against D2, D3 and the other applicants pending arbitration would invite the possibility of conflicting or inconsistent findings and/or decisions being made by the Court and the arbitrator which is manifestly not desirable. [23] Granting the stay sought will in my respectful view serve only to complicate and delay the just, expeditious and economical disposal of this action. [24] In the circumstances, as the dispute involves parties and a non-parties to the arbitration agreements, in my judgment, it is just that the dispute be dealt with by this Court to avoid split litigation as explained by the Federal Court in Jaya Sudhir in the following words: ‘[59] We shall next focus on the argument with respect to multiplicity of proceedings and risk of inconsistent findings. The Court of Appeal held that the issue of multiplicity of proceedings and possibility of inconsistent findings as expounded in Bina Jati, supra, are no longer material factors to oust the jurisdiction of an arbitrator under Act 646 in view of the decision in J. Jarvis. The High Court in J. Jarvis, we apprehend, said that all of those observations relating to concurrent proceedings and the risk of inconsistent findings were true but it was an inevitable consequence of the mandatory language of s. 9 of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 that from time to time there would be concurrent proceedings in court and before an arbitrator. The decision of the Court of Appeal in the instant action, in our view, S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 effectively sets to naught the principles laid down by the same court in the case of Bina Jati, supra and as affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 that where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court and that disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court. In short, what the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court in both cases are trying to emphasise is that the risks inherent in split litigation ought to be avoided.” [25] In Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71, the Court of Appeal on the same issue said this: ‘Where some are parties and others are not parties to the arbitration it is best that their disputes be dealt with by the court. In The 'Eastern Saga'; Oxford Shipping Co Ltd v Nippon Yusen Kaisha [1984] 3 All ER 835, the court held: Since arbitration is a private procedure it is an implied term of an arbitration agreement that strangers to the agreement are excluded from the hearing and conduct of an arbitration under the agreement. In the absence of the consent of all parties an arbitrator has no power to order that a dispute referred to arbitration under the agreement be heard or determined with another dispute involving a stranger which has been referred to arbitration under a different agreement, even though the two disputes are closely related and a consolidated hearing would be convenient' (see also Bauer (M) Sdn. Bhd. v Daewoo Corporation [1999] 4 MLJ 545 at p 561 (CA); The 'Vimeira'; Interbulk Ltd v Aiden Shipping Co Ltd [1984] 2 Lloyd's Rep 66 at p 75). Moreover, disputes between parties cannot be divided so that part is dealt with by arbitration and another part in court’. [26] As alluded to at paragraph 23 of this judgment, Bina Jati was affirmed by the Federal Court in Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677. Bina Jati and Jaya Sudhir on the principle that there should not be SPLIT LITIGATION was followed by the Court S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 of Appeal recently in IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 in a judgment delivered by Nordin Hassan JCA (now FCJ). [27] That is not all. I am of the considered view that if the applicants are allowed to have their way, there would be multiplicity of proceedings which itself is an abuse of court process. Case laws on this is legion. On the facts and circumstances of this case, this Court can exercise the power under its inherent jurisdiction to prevent abuse of process by refusing a stay and for the suit to be dealt with by this Court. [28] I must declare that I have no quarrel with the Press Metal principles cited by the applicants’ respective counsel. However, Press Metal was decided before Jaya Sudhir. In addition, Press Metal did not consider the issue of non- parties to the arbitration agreement. [29] I note the respective applicants’ counsel have cited in support of their arguments, Paragraph 17 of the case of Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 where the Court of Appeal held: “The action as between Inokom, Quasar and the alleged co-conspirators (Tan Chong & TC Euro, who were not parties to the arbitration clause) can be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration.” [30] However, it is clear to me paragraph [17] of the judgment in Inokom was rendered per incuriam as there was already the Federal Court decision of Chase Perdana to be given its due weight. Additionally, Inokom was decided almost a decade before Jaya Sudhir was determined by the Federal Court. [31] D2 and D3 have also cited in support of their arguments my decision in Lineclear Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd V Measat Broadcast Network Systems S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 1826; [2021] 1 LNS 1506. I must at once make clear that Lineclear was decided by me without considering Jaya Sudhir as unfortunately, neither the appellant nor the respondent’s counsel had drawn my attention to the case. The Federal Court decisions of Jaya Sudhir and Chase Perdana Bhd on no split litigation are binding on this Court. [32] As for D2’ posit that it has obtained a stay in a few other suits, I will state that the facts and the arguments raised in those suits are not before this Court. With all due respect, each case must necessarily be decided on its own peculiar facts. Further, one was a subordinate court decision whilst the others, being decisions of a court of co-ordinate jurisdiction, although deserving the respect and deference that is due to them, are not binding on this Court. I decline to follow those decisions. [33] For reasons given, to avoid split litigation and multiplicity of proceedings, Enc 18,21,24,26 and 28 are each dismissed with costs of RM3,000 subject to allocator. Dated this 5th day of November 2023 - signed - ……………………….. Liza Chan Sow Keng Judge High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur COUNSEL: For the Plaintiffs : Shaun Paulian (together with him, Melvin Ng, Rahul Farhan and Loh Shi Ying) Messrs David & Paulian S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 For the 2nd and 3rd Defendants : K F Ee (together with him, Marcus Chong) Messrs K.F. Ee & Co. For the 9th, 15th and 23rd Defendants : Arun Ganesh Boopalan Messrs Kamil Hashim Raj & Lim CASES CITED: Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd v Etiqa Takaful Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 417 Jaya Sudhir al Jayaram v Nautical Supreme Sdn Bhd & Ors [2019] 5 MLJ 1; [2019] 7 CLJ 395 Protasco Bhd v Tey Por Yee and another appeal [2018] 5 CLJ 299; [2018] MLJU 993 Bina Jati Sdn Bhd v Sum-Projects (Bros) Sdn Bhd [2002] 2 MLJ 71 Chase Perdana Bhd. v Pekeliling Triangle Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2008] CLJ 313; [2007] 7 MLJ 677 IFCI Limited v Archipelago Insurance Limited [2021] MLJU 2644 Renault SA v Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394 STATUTE/LEGISLATION REFERRED: Section 9, 10 of the Arbitration Act 2005 S/N ex0EpyASVUCrqk2C9cMw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Full trial – Setting aside consent judgment – Consent judgment recorded by plaintiff’s solicitor – Whether the consent judgment was recorded without plaintiff’s knowledge and authority – Whether lack of mandate of the solicitor is ground to set aside the consent judgment – Whether the solicitor is agent of the plaintiff in relation to the suit where the consent judgment was recorded – Suit was filed against a law firm and its partners – Whether the plaintiff as a partner of the law firm is jointly and severally liable.
YA Dato' Quay Chew Soon
15/11/2023 15:17:29 PA-22NCvC-135-09/2022 Kand. 67 S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N fNKPSqjp80ivBKPHW2Q/HA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal PA-ZZNCVC-135-09/2022 Kand. 67 15/11/2022 13:17:29 IN THE HIGH COURT or MALAYA AY PENANG IN THE sun: or PENANG CIVIL su NO A may 11: gnI2n22 Between AZURA EINTV MASRV .. Plannhfl And PERDA vemuaes wconponmen sou BHD .. Delendanl GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction 1 T ’ .5 an adion by me P\a\nlifl(‘F') to set aside a ecnsent judgment Mler a mu Inah I msnussea P's sull Here are me gmunds ov my judgmem. Tho Irial 2 The mal look 2 days nn15.5 2023 and15.6 2023. The witnesses who lesflfied at the ma! were w :55 Name Descn an FM __A_xura nmumasn _ _ _, FW 2 Muhsmzfl lmvan am We saucuam change mm Sam Sun lmm ‘ Manamaa Farok Messrs Rash lsman 5. Go ‘ (sunwana wllness} wws Sardalulmuzahna The A“' aacanuam m the Sam sum mrm Muscapa (suumena wnlnessl ,7rarflg.4a..a.m ii, ‘Fagawal Undang , unaang, Lambaga J Kamapan Wwlayah Pmau Pmang (PERM) fiwt Background ram 3. F \s an ad\mca|e 5. sallworcnhe Hugh Cmmof Malaya. At an mslsna\ Ixmes, she was a parlner at ma law firm ul Messrs SailAri1& Rahawzal (‘Said Law ' "p m mxvsunsn-vaKPww2o/HA «mm. san-1 nmhnrwm be met! a my a. nflmnlflly mum: flnuamnl VI mum v-max A The Defendant (‘D’) is a whu||y—subsidiary company oi Lembaga Kemaiuan wiiayah Fulau Pmang (PERDA), a svammry body established under lhe Lemaaga Kemaiuan wiiayah Fulau Pinang Aclfl-183 5 On 27 B 2019‘ D had filed a SIM In Fenarig High Conn Civii SIM N0. PA»22NCVC-156476/2019 against in me Sald Law Firm as me 1" defendant, (H) P as the 2-1 aeienaam. (HI) Nasdrul Urllul bin Shamsu! Huda as me 3"’ deferida and (iv) Saidslui Muzalma birili Mus|apa as the 4"‘ aeienaam (“sald s ) s in the Said sun, D soughi iunheieiiewing relieve -s Fsmuinngari kepada Paid: Vanluves inampmaiea kesemua dukumun hakmfllk, noiana plrldahmllik yang ieiah a. sempumakan dill kesemua dokumell lam yang aenaiiah denfian lrznsaksi peniwian hananah I hananah bunku|yIng1eI1e1ak ai Mukim 12, Damn Subemng weiai Ulara, Pulau Pinang , LaiNo 277D.GM 539 Lo|Nn 2171. GM 540 Lot No 2172. SM 541 L01 No 2773 am 542 Lm Na 21mg“ su Lm Na 2117, GM 545 . LoINu znwsaranua was I) Psmulamgan semula hayaran yurari guaman dam haynran mm selem dan penuahmn haknuiix yang hsnumlah RM1.499‘BS3 79' 7 D initiated me Said Suitln pm|ec1 I|S interest In reiaiion \o me various iands purmased by ii to: a \u|a| pumhass price 04 was nnuiun Where the min purchase price had been semen, but me regieh-anon anhe was of the said lands In as (avour was not carried am by me said Law Firm 8. On 3!} ID 2019, Ihe delendanls in the Said Suit (which Included P herein) entered iniu a oensenl iudgmem with the p VI ihe Said Suit (LB D herein) (“Conant Judgment‘). The canseni Judgment was recorded belnre (he ‘earned iudge In wen noun, Al the maienai lime, ||‘|e defendants In lhe Said Suil (excep| For the 4"‘ dekandanl), were represemsd by Messrs Rosli isniaii 5. Co |'S|ld sun Sol rs“) The Consent Judgmuit dnud 3o.1o.2n1n 9 The Cunsenl Judgmem dated so in 2019 reads: m rNKPsupenwaKPMw20/HA «ma s.n.i nmihnrwm a. HIGH m mm .. nflginlflly snn. dnuuvinnl VI nFiuNG puns! him $30 the ms at Suulham Empava Duvalopmonl Sdn any V mun Shnhmuddrn 5 Farm! 4 Dr: [2005] ML./U an m ma mural! af lnnbrlrly DI a Danneyshm for a /aw Mn vi:- ws lmbvlny and the 0352 olA1an Mrchsel Rnasno v Merbak MDF say. and 12-71 1] 1 cu 439 were me Com amnpsar held mat me amatmn the! one Dimer was rm! an scurry banner arms mam branch or me Iega/ rm anamam nan no krmwladga arms manu dots not ebsolw mm in law al ms ltabtlrry as a plllrvar on». am.- nu Law an F uipal . Again as From the laclum matrix 0! this case and me testimony at me witnesses. I uonsxder that P was me principal And bo|h her soncuor (PW 3) am Rohaxzat were her agama m ralauan to ma Sam sun man by D agamsl the Said Law Firm and as partners :7 AI waw, a prinmpal Is bound by ma am: and omissms at ms agem Regardless whelherlhe prin al has actual oi constructive knowledge In racn. me krwmedge ollhe agem is imputed |o me pnncypax, 35. The Federal Caurl m I’ swam Thsrams/mgam v Pub/Ic Bank End [2013] 5 cm 1 a| 24 - 25 observed: -159; To answer nu‘: key queslfan, we have to ass» me general/aw afmvnupal and agam m the actual (am aims pmssnl case: 1: La esmuany a aueanon oi agency /aw. As slaved by amnaaa 4 Reynolds an mm 20» edn al p. 1. lverwr m m. maary rornlronsmn much was bemoan two persons, on: at whom axpwssvy or .mp»..ny mlmfusls auun! mu MI Omar svvouht Icl on ms behalf sa .s )9 Elisa! M mmlmn: mm mm Parties, and ma amnr of wham wmlar/y menfleslsassenlsolo aclorm acts pursuant m the mamasaam. The was on whom bonamhe act or acla are m be none .s called the prmcmal. The arm wvnorsm ac!/5 cafledlhe mm /50] ona ultllu Vavirnonuquurvces ms: /allow mm. (Ins fiduaaryr laltonsllrp rs me! as M: agirvl .s an fntamredmry, me knawhdgl 9:... .g.m 5... ...a must samntirnu bl imbuk-d m lnIpIin:IPlI Tm: .s a mu through an agent The concept ol mauled knowledge need In be Mp! separate «mm the concept av oarrsmwllvs mawaaage. Imoulea mowmdgs. were u wsrates, deems ma I-"lnc1Pi!Io have ma actual mawreago, wmm 1». mm has [599 Eowsioad s Faynolds On Agnncy, p 54:; Conshucttvo nonu vs “a ma oirvolrce wlum mo bowls ma mlurvfid agamsl . person Imm his wviiufly .w..m»g from mukmg mawy 0. mspamng ducumirvls" um Fvy 4 m xamawau V Watson [1852] 2v on ass; The »aw ml/not a/flaws person In my knawfledae mam that In: agent knew An exylalned by the authors omgsncy Law m Commercfial Praclme, 21716 9:17! alp. 202 the prams o//mpulabovv Imals krmwrsvva hard by ma am: as m. knowradws arms 0/ mzrpnncvfllr 1: am. s whom mwvaaga rs mm": m III: raga: ulahonsmu Dnrwaon Mo PM-Ivrvs our .s mm only w an agent Smea :1 rs tn: duty al m. nganl la canvry such /am Ia m. prmcwzll, (ha law presumes sm mxvsunsn-vakwwzo/HA “ «mm. Snr1I\nanhnrw\HI>e HIGH a my .. mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI .r\uNa Wm! tne egenthas uone so wttnoutptaang upon any one the ansmus umlsnakmg 5/ aatoany astaonanmg II 1511 II it tnullmma tnat tne nlulonslllp bvlwoon ma our-naanx anu me mutant.» was mat on pnnetaal ano Ivan! [sad caoaaya Law Ratanng Ta sonotou stn aun. o. 144; TIM soltcrlav was an agent ama oerenaent, Nam tooka at ma matter as a ouasmn olpnrmnka, H V! wsl/—5smm1 law as natd by me Federal Cowl In noun V veon Ttong Lay mat me knowlodgn an mlimlarls rounded by Mw u an. knawhdgv n! we event, so tnatms not open to me men: In say not me sulvcnoldrd notdlsdosa me into lam lo nnn me mph Cum! olAusa7aMa tn Slum V Kingston /12321 32 cm my nero mat ma Know/mg: of ma whale!/5 to be Ivoatudas xnowtaoga olhva onent. tn sraotny v Rrchos[V87B] 9 on n 152 In axplzlmmg ma nne that me knuwlidyc ul ma sohcrlm IS ma nnpuuo xnomoga onne extent Fry 4 said mna amumslarwes onna use us auan as m ma mimary cuursa omuonass bsrwsen sonata: and men! they are men ma sormvlal must Dc anumpd to have oommunrcsrudml Inn to ht: anant, and me krvowloags ofme agent ta ta nae tn. language a(Lan1 one/maven: m Esom V Plmbeflon, tne nnouxeu knomaoga oune die!!! n apoaaas In n». to my deer that tnatmaumooon or Wnulatrovv V: a lnmg wnton ma wan! manna! he allowed to rebut - as 1! us my findmg that P is bound by the actions taken Dy noun Rohaizal and her sohcnor PW 3, Even w P had wrongly napoeed her|rus\un|I1em, ens cannot now |ake advantage or her own wrong by seekmg to set aswde me valid and encoroeatzle Corvsenl Judgment 40 tn Pelmnas Csngs/I Sdn Bhd v Acelimur Dlilhng Sdn and [2020] 1 LNS 866. the Htgn ooun sand: "rm III: mu tnatno man nan lake am/arvlsga ollus awn wrong and slvouldnot benzfit Imm ht: own mrslaks Thu onnnptn waa lard out tn Hack Nua Bank (Sabsh) and V Lam Ta! May a 0rsI1995I1LNS an M9514 MLJ 325 at :44 wmeh aan: “ln any awn! ms me law mat no man can an ndvnntagu onna awn mong out we may atata tne plmctple upon wnmn me Court mvanably amo, namaty, met me auma among, wno naaam a person In a posrlton M wmch he Hzsno ngnt to put nnn, snatt name aote to Ian adv/anlagc onnaown mega! act av, M otner words, anon no4 avail mmsalfo/Ins own wrong - Tm Law in upocl o4 smlng Aside a Consult Judgment 41. The courts have expounded a stud: appruach m deanng wmn appltcattans to sel aside a vain: and tegat consent tudgment. u n. omy snlenamsd in very lvmted circumstances am rN><PsuoenauaKPww2a/HA ‘1 “Nair s.nn nmhnrwm a. .n... m my a. annnnn mm: dnuumnl Vfl .nann v-mat 42 The court otaopeat in Macquarts (Me/aysta) sdh arid VHSEC Bank Ma/aysta and 5 Arm and another appaat[2ot17] 5 cm as at 188 - 139 held V451 Hawuvw, mass thre. tsulhurtltas ham also mafltmted that the jurisdiction me. me. am liudgmnnti: not In bu exucfsed as a matter or mm, "kl day Iohawml rrranr. but mly be exemfsed In rirrrtted erreirrrisrarrees orrty ad where mere is la] areaori om. rutes orriaturatrdstiaa tot Vick alllmsdtchofli 1:} riregairiy ie cmtlrsvenlron Ms sirnsiaririve statutory Dim/mall, Id) serious detect or ts; rraud [45] TM NIVVIW rriirst drsmrtrs tn. ourdsn ul proving that tn. t/V|P“9IrsL1 appticatiori carries mthrri Im ambtl otariy at these Itmttufl zrwcumslarmvs - 43 Once a oonsent iudgment had been perteoted, the parltes are bound by it. And the own is duty bound to entoree the agreed terms otthe same. (see the court 0! Appeal case at Abdul Razak sheixn Marirriood & ors V Arnanah Rays Bhd ts. ore and another appeat [2013] 5 cu 273) 44. Fremtsed on the above authan et a consent iudgrnent is rarety disturbed unless there are axoeptienai circumstances that warrants it. The burden ot proat ties an the apphcanl ahattenging the oonsant iudgnieht The juttsdtcliun to set aside a eonsent Judgment is not ta ha exerctsed as a matter ofoourse but in tirriited wcumslances It is dntyto be used where tor instance there is Dteach o1 haturat iustice. tack ot turisd’ ' n, iitegatity or traud. 45 P‘s case here does not come under any or the established exoeptions tn the premises, there is no vahd ground to set aside the consent Judgment Alleged lack M ninndttu 45 P wmplatns that her solicitor, t=w 3. has recorded the consent Judgment without any approval trdm her. However, a lack at mandate ol the tawyer is not a yaiid gmtmd to have a oansent ittdgrnant set aside. it is wen established that the s tut retained in an aotiun has an imptiad authority as between hirnsett and his etient to cumprom se the suit Thus, oaunse\’s alleged tack ot authority is not a valid ground to set aside a consent iudgnient. SIN rN><PSuD6DwBKPww2o/HA '3 “Nate Smut luvthnrwm i. u... a may he nflmruflly MIMI dnuavtml VI aFiuNfl vlmxi 47 it is aignttioant to note that the athdavits aitirrned oy F atter the consent Judgment was recorded, had explained the naps taken to execule the consent Judgment. Thus. F cannot say that she did not agree to enter into the consent Judgment In any case, by way other conduct in ettirnitng the amdauits, P had rattfied theact oi her sotioitors in reoording the consent Judgment I oonetude that F cannot set aside the consent Judgment based on the argument that she never gave a mandate to her soticitors to enter into the consent Judgment 48. P haros on the tact that Rohaizat is no tonger an advocate 5 solicitor and was not a partner or the said Law Firm at the matertat time. having been struck o« the runs. on that basis. P oontends that Rohaizat has no authority |a enter into any consent Judgment taut that misses the point, The consent Judgmen| was entered into by the said Law Firm and its partners, who were the detertdants in the said suit Not by Rohatzat. Ruhatlat‘s rote was as P's agent in relation to the said suit and in corweytn ' |mc1tun to the said suttsoticitors. 49. P pointed out that the consent Judgment was recorded heiore the tearned iudga without her presence. But it is not a requirement that the etient nttJs| be present as such The sorieitors representing F tn the said Sutl was present. and that sutiioes so D had appctlmsd the said Law Firm t omptete the purchase and registration or tands tn its iavour. Towards thi D had paid tegat tees and disbursements amounting to RMt.49s,a9a 79. The said Law Firm had varied to discharge its du|y to D This ted to D (ting the said sun against the said Law Ftvm and its partners, which tnctuded P The said suit cutmtnated in the recording oi the consent Judgment D shoutd not be denied oi their rights under the consent Judgment, tor no Iautt v1 theirs conclusion 51 For the reasons aoove, I itnd that P has iatted to prove her case on a oatanoe of probabilities. I thereiore dismissed P‘: action. I ordered P lo oay oosts D1 Rtvtt 5,000 to D Dated 25 septemoei 2023 X Quay Chvw soon rn 7NKPSup6niwBKPHW20/HA “Nair s.n.i nuvthnrwm be u... M van; i... nflgtrilflly MVMI dnuumnl vn .riuite porut Judge mgr. Cuurl or Mawaya, Fenang cm: Diviswon NCVC 1 V Mohammid mu; hm Zamm Ahlmn (Messrs Hafiz mm .: Rezafl let me P\arrml1 Amux Faveed Mn mm eavoavana Faun NabILIh hmu smnanmun (Messrs Emliw Hm; rmme wenuam zmanw-.4 Toh Fang Chang 5 Dr: V Pang Choon ma! 5 Or: and anolhur E17993/[2020] MLJU ms 1 s.V.m Tharamaflngam V PVMV am am1[2o1e} s on I Patrons: Cangak Sun and V /wcflmm omvmg Slim and [mm] 1 ms use Maaquane [Ma/aysu) Sun and V Nsac am Ma/aysua am 4 mm and mm. span! [2007] 6 cu 1 75 Abdul Razak shun: Mnhmood 4 (its Vmmn Ray; and 5 Or: and another appeal pm; 5 cm 273 Lg slahan ma seam 114[g)o/Ills 5V.ame Act 195:: sm mxfisupennakvwwza/HA ‘5 «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwHH>e V... In vsfly V. WWVHIUIY mum: V.m.V.V. VI .HuNa Wm! sw vN»<PsuDWwaK>>Mw2n/HA -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm -1 nacanaan Penama. Keaaa flan Kanga hendak Van memasukkan adpudukasx aanam unmk Borang mnaannnnx an Kanun ranan Nvfiava unluk ketumh —|unm nu nananan yang mamam sublskun nawarnnnaaun Im klpldi plhak Lembaga Han: Da\am Nagan (mum da¥am man nnan 47) nan dinpnda lankh psvmlah 1 2 navenuen Perumn. Kaaaa gen Kanga heuflak wan menwsmukakan Kepada wanmv alau Peg-aamaa.a nya sesalman Nana Takslvan yang u. kduarkan men mun umuk aanmnan dawn Wmrlwan 1. 3 Saw: nya yumhh bayaun yang a. kenaksn dzflnm Nolm manan flan! atau panawn yang dw nanmn pwhak mun unluk ke1ujuh—Iuyuhlm nananan ying memndv suhpek flw aannn lmdakan W melehem nnman Rmnogaassse yaw |e\ah .1. aayar auen manna «apaaa nevanuan Penama. make uevenaan r-enama. Kedua can Kauga nanuan Van nuenyexasnan Nmlah wanw yang bellehman yang dw nanmn mshlul Nana rananan umuk aannmau aanam pa.en9Qan 1 a. ma. 4 Fembiynmn hiyman mm aeuem menurm Nous rasanan pmak won henflak Van aw aaananan Deflendan Panama, Kedua den Kauna Imam -nasa 21 (due vuhm salu) nan darvpada Denumuazn Mom Takwan uanpaua h‘hakLHDN1 5 wenaananan Buvlng my Kamm nnan Nagnri umukme\en.askan gaaaaan din aanang ma Kannn nanan uagena unluk Pmdahmmk hendaklah dw kemukakan kevada pmak PenIaflhnvTanenlFem1aiIav Hanannk bmallan Hahn: (emwh 3 may nan aanpaaa lankh pemamnaan sum sanam unluk «amen da\am Davaflflslan 4 dl a«an a sakna ny: leldipnl ipz|- aga blynvin din /a-an penann umuk pendallaran damn verenqgan 5 El! mas mebbxhx nmnen RM17952311 yang an bays! ole“ mnan Pmvnnl napaaa Delendan Panama, maka Delsndan Panama‘ Kenna den Kenna hemiak nan membayav ape ~ aoa mnuan wang yang nanamnan yarn: d1 kanakan uarsanun 1 Pmak Flammaknn menank semua aeaan yang .1. hual uamaaan Delendnn Kenna, Kenga dnn Muflurih mnn zaunn. nepaaa Lemhaga Tzlalemb Pefiuam V Peguam sebnaa vmses pmaannnnn kemnh 4-nun Vol nananan yang menial}! aumaxm oa\am tmdakan W an anaa nama Dafanuan Panama an samnurnanan, a maunm menank bank keseluruhan (mdakan «ammo nerenaan Kaempax. a ham Dennlah berkenaan ms “ Daemon 10 In the msxam acnony P seeks to set aside |he Consent Judgment recuvded me Said Suil P aHeges mat the 5 sun senators, and m SIN INKPSIDGDIVEKPKWZQ/HA 3 «nae ann,.n a. a... e vsfly .. anmnauly mum: flnuamnl vn .nnna W panlcular the sotrodor tn charge FW 3. had recorded the consent Judgment wrzhout her knawledge and aumonly. The present aclmn was med atter D had commenced execulmn pnmeedrngr. tn the Sand sun 11 eased on the evrdenee and the testtmumes nf P's own wrtnesees, I oonsrder P‘s actrdn nerern |o be an enenhought and an unmented anemp| to tree hersetv Yrom oornptyrng wtth the terms unhe Cnnsent Judgment Here are my reasons flu testimony of Ihu Plaintm 12 From F‘s uwn evtdenoe‘ upan reoewmg the Wm under me Said Suilr she had entrusted and left Ihe mallet In be handled by Enclk Rohalzal hm othrnan (“kohnlzll”) In olher words, r= had apparnted Rahalzal as her agent |o handle maners penainmg (L) We Said Sun. 13 P had chosen |o reuose her trust on Roharzat, the vdrrner pennerov the sand Law Frrrn. Roharzat was struck omrorn the voH at advocates & sohctturs due In enrbezztement 0! chants‘ awcum rnonra P had on her own accord acknowledged Roharzat as the owner or the sad Law Frnn when as a matter at tact and taw, Rohatzat Is not so 14 under cross exammalton, P admitted rt was no| wrrecl to do so -0 seruru saya mangalaknn bahzwa dengan mengetakan hnhau xebagal seoreng perrmnr films. vanyn sebenamya mervyalam peluntukin Legal Fmiesxmn Act tnrtah penmdangan Fuan aderah psguam den Puan petiu mu. A Va“ 15. P also adnrmed that she was one or the partners at the Satd Law Ftmt at the nretenal Mme ol the wand purchase transactron. ‘o Jam Puan iendm yang ms menpadl r-Ikzm kaflgst Dada waklu mu" A Reta meruadl Iakan knngst ' 15 crucrany, P had taued to subpoena Rahaizat to testrty tmnosmmg ms rote tn retauon hi the land purchase trsnsacltcn and the matters teadrng up to me consent Judgmem. '9 our unluk mangalakan behiu sehagm vakan kangst ataupurr pammk Vwma tarsubul, xdiknh Puan Ielah nrengseptrra En Rohalzat mentldl my pads kt: mm A Trdak “ srn rws...ed.rem«w2mr. ‘ «rt... smut nnmhnrwm .. u... m mm .. nrW\rr|U|Y sun. dnuumrrl vn muhc W 17 Hmnk an adverse mvarencs under seeuon 114(9) cnhe Ewaence Acl 1950 can be drawn agamst P (or her failure to do sn. Especially smce P m her pleading had afleged that n was Rohavzal who had dean with D and would produce ewdenue av me same dunng |naL However, P lanes: to produce any such evidence. “a saya msngalakan hahawa memandaflgkan «mu l:n4\uny ad: um my menu-qukxan nevenaan us-uman aeugan En Ruhiwzat oxen ||u Puzm (Idak a-pan mangemukalun sebamng kelemngnn tenung nerkam luslhul A Ya“ 1a A! paragraph 6 0! her Statsmem ov Clam P meaden: '5 Aflenhe PLIIMM recerved a may ohhe WrIlolSummons and suanememov mam tneremaner reiemd m as The wm ov Summons), ma Plalnllll cenunkd me ownlr M Mum. serum 5 noruxm, my wonuuz :- Omman Mvevs ms mamm was merely . sahnsd winner at mm mm Pln‘ * wu mu. Inlomud hy umm.’ IBin Dlhmln who ma mm m undulnkmn «e um um mum with ma nmmmu wlmaux xmemnn mum’ 19. At paragraphs 3 and 4 a! he! Repuy, P pleaded: ‘a On Paragraph 3 or Ihe Delendams Slalemenl av Defence‘ ma Halnlfl avers man at an mammal mm me oevenaam haul xmwweage, know and am: naa uaau wnh Mv Rohllul, wk x cm mm: M Mum. Slit Am A nonmu ugavunva Du puvchlm |rlnsi1:lmn no me iuflnwmg pmnemes Locmad m Mnkxm ‘2 Dnemh Sebemng Perm um um... Pmang as lollows . Lul No 2170, GM539 u Lol No 2771,GM54D . Lol No 2772. cm 541 w Ln| No 2773. en su V Lol No 2m. SM 544 w Lowe 2117. 5»: ms vn LoINa 2450‘ Geran No 40495 4 The Plainlm will pnaducn m.4.~c. mu slninm-mx in um um wlll Ihuw that en. Dnfuudlm wu ...u..u .suu...g with Mr Rahnnt Em Olhman and have knowledge .egamm Mr Rnnauan Em Omman where every uamenm and swans regar-dmg me was menlnoned m Pavaarapn 2 ahnve was made beflore me wamm had nomad Mews Saw. An! 1. Rnhawzal As a matter 0! Van, ma mamw had me: doafl wnh Inn Daiendam regarding moss uansacmm 5 sm mxvsunsn-vaKPww2a/HA «mm. smuw .. U... a may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! 20. thterestrngly, P tn her pteadtngs reters to Rdhaizat as the owner at the sard Law Finn, although Rohatzal had been stmek act the retts. Further, P pleaded that she rehed on Rohetzats assurance that he wdutd ‘settle the matter wtth D wrthout inydmng 9'. Well, the matter was tndeed semed‘ in a rnahner at speaking, by way at the Consent .ludgmert| taut now‘ P edrnptarna about the setttentent and the cdnsent Judgment 2t F had tett rt [0 Rdharzat to engage satrcrtore and sort out matters pen hung to the Satd sutt Yet. P conceded that as a detendant in the 5 d suit. she had to drhgentty detend the said surt. However. the evtdence show that P had taken a tackaderereat atttuda and ten the conduct at the sand sutt Io Rdhatzat. worst, P admitted that she dtd not tmther to find out about the pmgress oi the Satd Sutt o ox. Iak apa, Puart rwm tam n at that. Jam‘ seltttu say: tatmn hahawa Puatt tatan manyevahknn hutarbulal kapada En Roltitzat wdtaupdn aettau bukan ptgulm ands tettta an dan wan adatan mkart kangst nnna yang tent. dtsnman dteh pthak Dshndan‘ taetuw va Puan adatan swung pegusm va Bttkin my person, Puan tak vsmalt unyn ndakah En trnran tetan turtun nemhetaanr vak parnah tanyaa A Fembelaavtr malt‘ ODD > 22 F contrrnted that she had amrmed 3 attrdayrta at the request at her eotrcttor, FW 3 one afltdavtl was sworn by her on 3 9.2019, betme the reoordtng at the Oonserfl Judgment Notably, two more affidavtls dated 2 32020 were sworn by P atter the reeordtng ot the consent Judgment. Ao Ttdak wan, setsmstvya Ptmh says mpuk kepada psvanggatt ‘H mm D: datarn parsnggitr '11 mt. senate nngkas Pttavr mnngatakan hahawa Puavt tatan msnglkvirknn andavn tetsabut atas pvmtnlnan dteh Eh Muhanrad nrnan, helm’! seeara rtnakasnyav A vs hetut 23 P adnntted that she had amrrned all the 3 athdayits wtthodt any duatrne. And wrthout any protest that PW 3 was on record representtng her ‘Q ox Soalah saya seluju atd.yrtterset=utd.sedratan man How nntartacav Seluttt va Yang pad: wnkm m: an meow umuk psguim sebngat veduarn Fuatt, octuw Vn. belul D) SIN rNt<Psupet'hyaKPww2t:t/HA S «ma a.r.r ...n.ryn .. d... w my .. annnn an. dnuuvtmt Vfl .nuna v-mat Din selum hahawa se\epns Puan mama Msdnvul mrsebm pnhak Rush lsmaxl a Ca lelah memianlkan aflflawl lzrsebul new mm Puan sum semu oanawa anaam ml yang Fuan mama" Am mu.» dukmriun stbemm plnghaluman ps...:..,u.n pad: so/mzzmm am: o>c>o Dan semm hahawe Puan max Demah Dmlesl mmadan Pe"'4akIIan mm. lsmml a. Ca memaknl vmak Puan alauvlm penysdlaan afidavll terxabuh ss1uJu7 A samu- 24 What Is sfarlling .s P’: adrmsswon ul herwllliul blmdness m lesvmg me affairs of lhe Sand Law Fm |o Ruhaiza\ In shun, P \s the author of her own preducamem “o ox, selemsnya‘ Fuarv says mm wan, apawa Puan mangmakan Eu Rohalzat swan pemnk mm: |eI:ebu\ pada mau Puan mam: mm kangsl. secali Imk lzmgsung Fuzm lelnh memhenalknn semang yang um belkelnynkan .m mengm Ann Punn dakwn semarw yang udak nemewayaxan. an unaulhansed person unluk mengendahkan musan mma. Pm semllfl Saluiu Jam Im mlrupakzn wumx m.m..m- mlknany: pm mm» mm. spa am nakbual mu.» sew... ke mu Bonus: Puan pun semhksn bu\n|—hu\a| men. seoranfi yang udak bemelayakan un|u|( mengenflalnkan uruszn mm mm: sedamkan Puan aflalah rakan knmzsw yanw memvunyax Isabmu Puan cenan msnumv setmah Mala‘ Puan mamanapa my ma mm. mm mu IIdak7 A Balm‘ or 25 F candwdly summed mac maltars between herand nersanumrs m the Said sun ws unrelated to D And lhal he! grievance m relalmn to the Consent Judgmenl should be dwected to her sol urs Ie the 5 sum soncuars. -o ox. Puan, says ada lew more uueshnns mmadap Puan. Panama, ray! mefiwalakan urusan venunaxmn rekod unluk mevekndkan vsnahuuman Davsalujuan adalah mus... dl smara mum Gan was anak guam. um mallbalkzn Dufwdan ublgaw Pmak K , selupfl Sehqu 0 Dan saya menualakan seknanya Puan mempunyaw smrana kemnsn umupun lmdakan, Puan pun. mangamnu lmdakan Iemadap vefillam Fuln. En Muhamad lmnn dam ma firma mu man a. Co A Va‘ 7 sm mxwsunsnnakwwzo/HA «mm. Snr1I\nauhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! Thu unnnmny of PW 3. me sonclnuv In charm at the Said sun 25. PW a was me sohcinuv who ease «or F In me said suin He ennended com on 30 10.2019 no record nne Consent Judgmenn. 27 n=w 3 Ieshfisd «nan he had umy dean wim and taken nnsnrueniuns lmm Rohanzal and me send Law Firm. on beneI1oH=.And non «mm P dnrecnly -n Soalan snya, ednen En Imran kemukzkan xvi-ans wnran Varmkan danpad-I pnhik Planmwsendnrfl Pmuk plamhl denen kes W A Danpada pmak Flamm sendnli. lndak ada Apa yang saya pdnyen danpada En nananzen pads kelnka nnu, because pmak raya ad. nnnnne dannada behau ram salnnan Mam pulnh unnux menuvuukkan bahuwa plhak fivma darn nun: riksn-mkean nmngsn nevisbul ad: nnenennnn plhlk siyn darn pmak says nenen dnsenaman dengavn Salli writ Iinukxn yang dneenxen onenn En Fuhinznl kepada pnhak ray: 0 on Jim. nepe yang membayar yuran guamin kepada En lmmrn unnuk mengendalnkan guman (arsenal? En Rnha\za|' 28. PW 3 nesnined man an Ihe day 0! me recordnng 0! me Consenl Judgment, Rohalzal gave mm a wetter msndalmg sememenn PW 3 had rehed on me said Weller and me reprasematnon made by Ronenzen a an snapakah never-den-Denende» ylng hmnrsemasa nankh penghaknman pelseluman nsvsshumwekadkan fll hadapan Vang Am rnenmn A Pada nankh purvghaklman persemjuan nu mvekodkan, nuemenmeneman mam ya. ml Ame Emu Main din Nasdml umen mak nemn secava swam merela nenepn pmak saya mampunyal saw En Rohanzan new man darn En nnmanzan lelah mengemukakan kepzda nay. um suml aeneeda fimna guamlnnyi sekah Wag! yang mevvyanakan bahiwa me mampunyan Manda! nm|uk bemndak bag: pmak rnmne dan was nevenuan wennenne den Deflendan Kez an dalam negennennenn umuk Ines lersabul 0 Ads kamu menda en eeeepe persemguan danpaoa me n unluk merekodkan wen. min venseluthan nersebul" A Pads mu. merekndkan penqhaklman paviaiunuan Ianebul serndm, plhak nay. M-nk mendepaflnan, ltdak wnen bamnkap alaupun mendapankan pellflujuan danpada Flawml mere kendmnnya memandangkan uyi rely kepadu swan darn jugs nepvexemasl yenn annual onen En Rnhanznliersebul kepada plhak s.Iya' 29 The abcve—menInonet1 Ieuer was nendened as evidence m me course nuns: and marked as exhnhnn P1‘ In was a Iennevdened 2210 2019 on me Iennernead 0! me send Law Firm whnen reeds. “Leam pmceedlnqs agims| M/s sen AM! 5. Rohanzat med :1 e nnnnn SIN rN><PsupenwaKPww2a/HA B “Nana Snr1|\nuvnhnrw\HI>e med e mm .. nnun em. dnuumnl Vfl mnma we Ar-nomnmem o1Roh.mza(b 01hm.m as repvesemaxlve 1:! M/s Saul Am a. Rohawzat wun reverence «.2 me above we we to Amorm you that uurfirm neuey Iypaxm Ronalzat n Olvuman Nmc nnsmovsws as our raousuntatwe came abevelznd pvuosedmgs and I or meauuun pmcledmgs and been auxhonzed in make any aeauun Daflimmg to me name‘ 30. N50 tendered as evidence m the course e! ml was a Iener dated 10 7 2019 en me Ienemeaa e1 me Sam Law Firm addressed to the Sand sun Sullmlors‘ when was marked as exhibit ‘D2’ The sad wetter reads 'LsIIeIoVAw0\mmam m cm: Sun Fanalla mgr. Cour! Nu FA-12NCvC-15s- 06/21:13 Ferd: vemme. mempemea SIM and V 1 M/s SmlAnN& Ranmzal, 2 Azure en men, 3 Nasdrm Llmurb smmem Huda 4 San1axulMuzaIman mmuslava wnn reverence ya me abuva we hereby wunm Hka to avflemt yum gund nflica In veDeun|1“,2"‘ and 3'“ Delendam wnh mmmana eweex A:|md no me needim larlhe anavesam pmnesdmgs and lens hnve upaexe abaunhe stains ewe same ' 31. FW 3 (eenfisd that P never raised any Issue about being represented by mm m me sex: sun P had amrmee all the affidavns he had prepared hr her when he reqmred her tn do so. -n Adaksh sebnmnq pmiex dnnpafl: PM hum — mea Dan behau Iemh eengan ma mengwkrarxan amavn |9rsehm7 Ya. Vang anaevmyang kedui mm Dan mum yang kemn yewnh perkarn tersehul hermula nan pmak suya lelah cubs un|u|( bevjumpa eengau En Ranaua: dzn pmak say: lalah menymakan bemywa mam nenumna denwan Pn Azure mam can say: |e|an nenun-De denaan r-n Alum den Fn Alma (mall mengmamn afidavll lerwbm sendm So‘ mam kedua ml, Fn Azuva men mengmman aeepes beuumna dnngln En Inn...» A eem smea- >9. mg» 32. PW 3 also lsslmed that P had never queshoned his apnuinnmem as her eouenm: nor me ceneem Judgment reoordsd by mm o Adakzh um kehka mu n=.. Mm: memvenukaxkan Delannkan En Res» sorvy En mm sebagav peg-am’? A Tmak 9 sm mxvsunsn-vakvwwzo/HA «we. see lunhnrwm a. med e may he nflmnlflly mum: flnuamnl VI .r\uNa we e um Dan mam behau mempersoalkan (envsng Dellghzkmvan pevselugunn Ieuehufi xerana afiflavd «mam memm kevada penghnkumian Dersetuluan A va 0 Adakah buhau mrmpelsnaflmn |en|ang pmnamm... persemuan |arsabul’7 A, Fan: kehkn mu Imak a max. ya Makuh sebarang swat danpada Fn Azura yang, ataupun mm; lensehul sand mm, :95 ml. S-Ifl AM nnnauzax, yang mampemkmkan lenlang penghu man pel::1u;uan(eISebu('7 A: naus- nu Law an Pamm-ship Lllblllly 33. As a parlnev arms Sam Law Firm at me ma|ena| «me, P 15 ;oInIly and ssvemlly llable towards Ihe Sswd Law Fm‘: awairs 34. In this msunnce, F Iesmfied man she had left me avvaivs nflhe sam Law mm to Rahalzzn. uespme knuwmg that he was struck o« from me roHs due m emhszz\smen| av cl\en1s' mo s Having mmwn caubon a» me wmd, P cannot now cry com and attempt |o deny D's right In me Cunsem Judgment. 35 The com u1Appsa\ m Ton Fong Cheng & Ors v Pang Chocn Kia! 5 Or: and another appeal [2020] MLJU 1476 said “[136] Sactron 11 nfme F.snneIshwAc11F51nvakesamM pannm cum rm hams /mnlly or an «am and uohgalrorvs am. am rnmned whne he :5 . pm:-er as mmm mmm o/pamms u Evury partner m a my 1.5 hams pmny mm the omerparmers for an dams and ablrgallms ollha mm mcunad mm. A. rs a paflnen and a/Iarlus naam hr: estate rs also xewrallylmmu m a we caurse oladrrumsbatrorv for such mm and nohgalrons, so law as may mmam unsauavrsa but subject m the Dnarnaymenl or ms uplmlz debts V [L17]Ns!msr wow! the ma olpanrmsllm hers ma: ah: salamd pmmvm or us, make my ammm Wham lmbmly rs ooncsrmd n rs lor on m get me nsoessary mdemmry from me pdncuzal parlml Mmm FL no in ma mm or bsmg ma, ma. maaaa me had as can be sun .: page 472 RR Endoruru 1 m ha: empmyman: as a sa/amt: pannov aflnctvw from a 5 2019 Na Imuun! of nmsngamsnls between ma psmmrs Intense whether as ralansd, oonlmtuvun or eqully partners m chug: a/mama prwscls or assrgnrnervls arbrsnches wowd mlucnm woddnl fiarge that deals wvlh ms panrvsrsnw ls . wnms Hem us and as war: sand 1.: be partners on me Kulla Lumnm mam or ma Lard Fwm wmnus: oz and D4 wow paflrmls m tho Pals/mg ./aye mm a: my milnnnl 1 SIN rN><PsupenwaKPww2a/HA D «W. smw nunhnrwmbeuledlx:vuIV1ltnenrW\n|H|)/IMMI aaa.".m..n_.Na W
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Enclosure 73. The Defendant has via its Notice of Application in enclosure 73 (Enclosure 73) applied for various orders in accordance with Order 14 A and/or Order 33 rule 5 and/or Order 18 rule 19 (1)(a), (b), (c) and/or (d) of the Rules of Court 2012 on inter alia whether res judicata exists in the Civil Suit (“CS”) before this court and specifically on the Questions of law.
YA Tuan Nadzarin Bin Wok Nordin
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Malaysian Bio X Cell.O14A - appeal (1) 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY, MALAYSIA CIVIL SUIT NO.: WA-22C-87-08/2017 BETWEEN MALAYSIAN BIO-XCELL SDN BHD (Company No.: 877135-M) [In Liquidation] …PLAINTIFF AND LEBAS TECHNOLOGIES SDN BHD (Company No.: 909169-V) …DEFENDANT GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT (Enclosure 73) Introduction [1] The Defendant has via its Notice of Application in enclosure 73 (Enclosure 73) applied for various orders in accordance with Order 14 A and/or Order 33 rule 5 and/or Order 18 rule 19 (1)(a), (b), (c) and/or (d) of the Rules of Court 2012 on inter alia whether res judicata exists in the Civil Suit (“CS”) before this court and specifically on the following Questions of law:- 1.1 Question 1 15/11/2023 12:26:32 WA-22C-87-08/2017 Kand. 102 S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Whether the Final Award under the 1st Arbitration create any obligation on the Defendant to deliver the Equipment to the Plaintiff upon the payment of the Arbitration Sum awarded? And if this Honorable Court answers Question 1 in the negative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be Struct Out. 1.2 Question 2 Whether the Plaintiff is estopped of and/or waived and/or abandoned its rights to pursue this action? 1.3 Question 3 Whether the Defendant is entitled to rely on the defence of Laches under Section 32 of the Limitation Act 1953? 1.4 Question 4 Whether the Defendant is entitled to rely on the Doctrine of Election and the Principles of Res Judicata? 1.5 Question 5 Whether this is a fit and proper case to be dismissed for want of prosecution in light of the Plaintiff’s inordinate and inexcusable delay (to prosecute) which has gravely prejudiced the Defendant in the conduct of its defence? 1.6 Question 6 Whether this is a fit and proper case to be dismissed for want of prosecution in light of the Plaintiff’s contumelious conduct of abusing court process? S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 And if this Honorable Court answers Questions 2 to 6 in the affirmative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff's Writ and Statement of Claim be Struck Out. [2] The grounds in support of Enclosure 73 are as follows:- a) Grounds in Support of the Application for Disposal of Case on Point of Law i. The questions posed are suitable for determination without full trial of the action; and ii. Such determination will finally determine or dispose of the entire cause or matter of any claim or issue in the Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant. b) Grounds in Support of the Application to Strike out the Pleadings i. The Plaintiff has no reasonable cause of action against the Defendant; ii. The Plaintiff’s conduct / suit is frivolous and/or vexatious to the Defendant; iii. The Plaintiff’s action / suit was intentionally filed and maintained to prejudice and embarrass the Defendant; and iv. The Plaintiff’s action / suit is an abuse of the Court process. Brief Background [3] The Plaintiff and MetEx had entered into a Build, Lease and Transfer Agreement dated 01.11.2010 (“the BLT Agreement”). S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [4] Pursuant to the BLT Agreement, the Plaintiff was to design, build, equip, test and commission facility for the production of propanediol (“PDO”) for MetEx on a parcel of the Plaintiff’s land held under PTD 171839, Mukim Jelutong, Daerah Johor Bharu. [5] Pursuant to the BLT Agreement, the Plaintiff had appointed the Defendant as the main contractor under the EPCC Contract dated 21.06.2011 (“Engineering, procurement, Construction and Commissioning Contract”) [“the EPCC Contract”] to carry out the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of a biotechnology facility to produce PDO (“the Project”). [6] In accordance to the provisions of the EPCC Contract, MetEx was appointed as the Project Manager and as the Plaintiff’s representative to supervise and manage the Project. [7] Premised upon the terms and conditions of the EPCC Contract, the Project Manager acting within its authority had on 06.02.2013 issued 2 Notices of Correct (“the Notice to Correct”) to the Defendant requiring the Defendant to perform its obligations under the EPCC Contract within 14 days. [8] Upon of the Defendant’s failure and/or refusal to comply with both of the Notice to Correct, the plaintiff had on 15.03.2013 terminated the EPCC Contract. [9] The Defendant had disputed the termination of the EPCC Contract and referred the matter of the termination of the EPCC Contract by the Plaintiff for arbitration. S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [10] In the arbitration proceedings, the Defendant had claimed against the Plaintiff, amongst others, the cost of the equipment ordered by the Defendant from suppliers abroad under the EPCC Contract for the purposes of the Project. [11] The particulars of the said equipment are as follows:- (a) Process Control System from ABB France amounting to RM2,564,669.31; (b) Salts Removal process from Buss SMS Canzler Gmbh amounting to RM8,480,850.00; and (c) Water Removal Process from GEA Wiegand Gmbh amounting to RM6,672,750.00. ( “the Equipment”). [12] Throughout the arbitration proceedings, the Defendant asserted that the Defendant was ready, willing and able to perform its obligations under the EPCC Contract and was able to supply the Equipment. [13] The Learned Arbitrators had rendered an Arbitration Award dated 02.02.2015 (“the Arbitration Award”) and held that the Equipment which were to be supplied and/or ordered by the Defendant for the Project should be given full value as claimed by the Defendant and the Plaintiff was required to make payment to the Defendant for the said Equipment. S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [14] The Defendant had, amongst others, claimed in the arbitration proceedings the full value of the Equipment amounting to RM18,162,321.45. [15] The Arbitration Award allowed the Defendant’s claim for the price of the Equipment and held that upon on the final account, the Plaintiff was liable to pay the Defendant:- (a) RM6,559,440.37 (“the Arbitration Sum Awarded”) after deducting an amount of RM32,798,505.64 which had already been paid to the Defendant as “milestone payments” under the EPCC Contract; (b) Interest on the sum of RM6,559,440.37 at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the Arbitration Award until the dated of full payment; and (c) the cost of arbitration in the sum of RM601,850.00. Findings Law [16] This court has the power under Order 14 A of the Rules of Court 2012 to dispose a case on appoint of law so long as it will determine the entire claim. The said Order provides: (1) The court may, upon the application of a party or of its own motion, determine any question of law or construction of any document arising in any cause or matter at any stage of the proceedings where it appears to the court that: S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (a) such question is suitable for determination without the full trial of the action; and (b) such determination will finally determine the entire cause or matter or any claim or issue therein. Questions Posed [17] The questions posed to this court are as follows:- (a) Question 1: Whether the Final Award under the 1st Arbitration crate any obligation on the Defendant to deliver the Equipment to the Plaintiff upon the payment of the Arbitration Sum awarded: And if this Honourable Court answers this question in the negative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be struck out. (b) Question 2: Whether the Plaintiff is estopped or and/or waived and/or abandoned its rights to pursue this action? And if this Honourable Court answers this question in the affirmative against the plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be struck out. (c) Question 3: Whether the Defendant is entitled to rely on the Defence of Laches under Section 32 of the Limitations Act 1953? S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 And if this Honourable Court answers this question in the affirmative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be struck out. (d) Question 4: Whether the Defendant is entitled to rely on the Doctrine of Election and the Principles of Res Judicata? And if this Honourable Court answers this question in the affirmative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be struck out. (e) Question 5: Whether this is a fit and proper case to be dismissed for want of prosecution in light of the Plaintiff’s inordinate and inexcusable delay (to prosecute) which has gravely prejudiced the Defendant in the conduct of its defence? And if this Honourable Court answers this question in the affirmative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- i. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be struck out. (f) Question 6: Whether this is a fit and proper case to be dismissed for want of prosecution in light of the Plaintiff’s contumelious conduct of abusing court process? S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 And if this Honourable Court answers this question in the affirmative against the Plaintiff and in favour of the Defendant, that the following order be granted:- ii. That the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim be struck out. [18] Looking at the questions posed by the Defendant in Enclosure 73, I find that the 6 questions posed are clear and precise and would at the end of the day determine or dispose the Plaintiff’s claim in the CS. Substantive Issues [19] In essence the Defendant states the claim in the CS should have been raised or done in the 1st Arbitration and referred this Court to the Statement of Claim at enclosure 2 hereof at prayers 47 onwards. [20] I have perused the said Statement of Claim wherein verbatim had prayed as follows:- (a) that the Defendant is ordered to deliver and/or to transfer ownership of the Equipment to the Plaintiff and/or cause the Equipment to be delivered and/or transferred to the Plaintiff within 60 days from the payment of the sum of RM6,559,440.37 (“the Arbitration Sum Awarded”) as awarded in the arbitration proceedings between the Plaintiff and the Defendant; (b) in relation to paragraph (a) above, that the Plaintiff is at liberty to make payment of the Arbitration Sum Awarded to a stakeholder or otherwise as directed by this Honourable Court: S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 (c) that in the event that the Defendant shall fail to deliver and/or to transfer ownership of the equipment for Salts Removal Process from Buss SMS Canzler Gmbh under the EPCC Contract dated 21.6.2011 within the period specified in paragraph (a) above, the Defendant shall then pay to the Plaintiff the sum of RM8,480,850.00; (d) that in the event that the Defendant shall fail to deliver and/or to transfer ownership of the equipment for Watr Removal Process from GEA Wiegand GMBH under the EPCC Contract dated 21.06.2011 within the period specified in paragraph (a) above, the Defendant shall then pa to the Plaintiff the sum of RM6,672,750.00; (e) further and/or in the alternative, that damages be assessed and paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff; (f) pre-judgment interest at the rate and period which is deemed just and proper by this Honourable Court; (g) post-judgment interest at the rate of 5% from the date of judgment until the date of full settlement; (h) that the Plaintiff be given liberty to apply; [21] The Plaintiff in its opposition to Enclosure 73 has in return argued that: (i) their pleadings in the Statement of Claim are on the primary question of the validity of the termination of contracts and the secondary issue therein is as to quantum as well as whether the Defendant is liable to deliver the Equipment, S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (ii) their CS was filed subsequent to the findings in the Arbitration, and which questions were never an issue nor canvassed and/or dealt with in the 1st Arbitration. (iii) it has never been the situation where the Plaintiff has attempted to stifle the matter as they have actively sought to determine the dispute since the year 2017 (iv) the issues could not have arisen during the 1st Arbitration as they were not live issues then. [22] In reading paragraphs 22 to 24 and 26 to 32 of the Statement of Claim I have found that the said paragraphs related to inter alia 22.1 the Arbitration Award dated 2.2.2015 and the sum awarded therein which was RM6,559,440.37 after deducting RM32,798,505.64 which had been paid to the Defendant plus an award for interest and costs 22.2 the issue of the delivery of possession of the Equipment [23] I have also perused the Award in exhibit A of enclosure 74, and find that: (i) the primary question in the Arbitration was the validity of the termination of the contract between the parties where the Defendant undertook to carry out engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning works for the Plaintiff in respect of a facility known for the production of PDO in a bio technology park in the Mukim of Jelutong in the district of Johor Bahru for a contract sum of RM106,931,000 (originally RM 106,169,000) S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (ii) the Plaintiff had never pleaded nor claimed for the transfer of the ownership of the Equipment (iii) this is a point which is undisputed by both parties (iv) consequently, that there is no actual decision on this point in the Award there is a finding by the Tribunal that the Plaintiff had failed to accept the delivery of the Equipment and that it was e (v) entirely the Plaintiff’s fault for the failure of delivery Res Judicata & Estoppel [24] The main issue before this Court in disposing Enclosure 73 is in my view whether the causes of action or issues raised in the CS could have been raised in the 1st Arbitration with reasonable diligence. To this I was referred to and have looked at Agensi Pekerjaan DZH Sdn Bhd & Anor v Genting Development Sdn Bhd & Ors [2022] MLJU 2289 which was decided by Justice Mohd Arief Emran Ariffin JC (as he then was) who had held as follows: “C. Applicable Law on Res Judicata [22] I have dealt with the principles applicable when a Court of law must deal with the issue of whether a party is barred from relitigating the claim due to the doctrine of Res Judicata in Aminah binti Abdullah v Nur Anis binti Jamaludin (Writ of Summons No: 22NCVC-381- 05/2021). I summarise the applicable as follows: - (i)“When a matter between two parties has been adjudicated by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the parties and their privies are not permitted to litigate once more the res judicata, because the judgment becomes the truth between such parties, or in other S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 words, the parties should accept it as the truth” – please refer Asia Commercial Finance v Kawal Teliti Sdn Bhd [1995] 3 CLJ 783. (ii)“The plea of res judicata applies, except in special cases, not only to points upon which the Court was actually required by the parties to form an opinion and pronounce a judgment, but to every point which properly belonged to the subject of litigation and which the parties, exercising reasonable diligence might have brought forward at the time.” – the could have and should have principle as laid down by Wigram, V.C., in the case of Henderson v. Henderson [1843] 3 Hare 100 115 (emphasis mine). (iii)The purpose of the Res Judicata principle is to prevent abuse of process. – please refer to Loh Holdings Sdn Bhd v Peglin Development Sdn Bhd & Anor [1984] 1 CLJ Rep 211 and Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited v Zodiac Seats [2013] UKSC 46. (iv)This principle is not limited to only to the parties appearing in the earlier suit. They could also be applicable to parties who are so closely connected to the litigants in the earlier trial, that they could be “privies” to the aforesaid litigants – please refer to Dr Aishah Tul Radziah L Hussain v Dr Suresh Kumarasamy & ors [2015] 10 CLJ 222. [23] I am reminded that when this Court Order 18 rule 19 (1)(a) (b), (c) and/or (d) of the Rules of Court 2012is tasked with determining whether the matter has been litigated or should have been litigated or asserted in the original action, it is the duty of this Court to “undertake a minute examination of the history of the prior litigation”. See Chung Khiaw Bank (Malaysia) Berhad v Tio Chee Hing [2004] 3 CLJ 59. I also refer to Tractors Malaysia Bhd v Tio Chee Hing [1975] 2 MLJ 1, Raja Zainal Abidin v British American Life & S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 General Insurance Bhd [1993] 3 CLJ 606 and Ho Hup Construction Company Berhad v Zen Courts Sdn Bhd & Ors [2018] 1 LNS 340.” [24] I also refer to the decision of the Court of Appeal in Metreco Industries Sdn Bhd v Low Peck Lim & Ors [2019] 12 MLJ 164, where Zabariah Mohd Yusof JCA (as she then was) held: - “[40] The fact that the second suit involves other defendants is not a basis to say that the second suit against the third defendant is different from the first suit. Regardless, the principle of res judicata is not affected by the absence of the other parties in the first suit. What is clear is that the second suit without doubt, involves the same facts, the fact that the parties are different from the first suit does not disentitle the third defendant from invoking the doctrine of issue estoppel to bar the plaintiff from relitigating a specific issue that had been litigated in the first suit. Here, the third defendant was a party in the first suit and also a party in the second suit, except that he is being sued with other defendants. The doctrine seeks to prevent abuse of the process of court by attempting to take a second bite of the cherry by relitigating the same issues and reliefs based on the same subject matter for which judgment had been given.” [25] I can go no further than to respectfully, accept the above as being the law in respect of res judicata which has been so succinctly stated by my learned brother in the above case. [26] I have further perused the case of Barbara Lim Cheng Sim v Uptown Alliance (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2013] 10 MLJ 1 where Justice Su Geok Yiam J held: S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 “[81] The law on res judicata is founded on the rationale that it would be unjust to allow a party a second bite of the cherry”. [27] From the facts before me, I have observed that the same set of facts and the same parties were existing in the Arbitration Proceedings as is in the CS before this Court. [28] After carefully considering the issues, facts and documents before me, as well as the respective submissions advanced by learned counsels for the respective parties, I find that the issue of the ownership of the Equipment could and should have been brought up in the Arbitration Proceedings had the Plaintiff herein exercised reasonable diligence at the said Arbitration Proceedings. [29] This specific issue belongs to and should have been litigated in the 1st Arbitration Proceedings and is now, in my view, an attempt to relitigate this point in this CS apart from being an attempt to litigate in instalments. [30] Thus, I hold that the subject of the litigation between the parties herein, i.e the ownership of the Equipment, is bound by the doctrine of res judicata and that the issue cannot and should not be reopened in the CS as per Hunter v Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police and Ors [1982] AC 529 at page 542 per Lord Diplock which was quoted with approval by our then Supreme Court in Superintendent of Pudu Prison & Ors v Sim Kie Chon [1986] 1 MLJ 494; [1986] CLJ 256 where it was stated: S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 “…. 11] The attempt by way of the instant proceedings to relitigate and re-open the earlier action is a clear instance of an abuse of the process of the court.” [31] This principle was further explained and expounded by Eusoffe Abdoolcader SCJ who delivered the judgment of the Supreme Court in Superintendent of Pudu Prison & Ors (supra) where His Lordship: “The earlier action instituted by the respondent on 2 July 1985 and which was struck out sought relief on the ground of discrimination in breach of article 8 of the Constitution but in the present proceedings the grounds for relief have been augmented and declarations sought to the effect we have indicated earlier. The appellants plead res judicata in this regard and we think the point is well taken and is supported by authority, and we would refer to the pronouncement of the Privy Council in Hoystead & Ors v Commissioner of Taxation [1926] AC 155(at pp 165–166) and a catenation of cases to the like effect, namely, that the plea of res judicata applies, except perhaps where special circumstances may conceivably arise of sufficient merit to exclude its operation, not only to points upon which the court was actually required by the parties to form an opinion and pronounce a judgment, but to every point which properly belonged to the subject of litigation, and which the parties, exercising reasonable diligence, might have brought forward at the time. There is moreover the inherent jurisdiction of the court in cases where res judicata is not strictly established, and where estoppel per rem judicatam has not been sufficiently pleaded, or made out, but nevertheless the circumstances are such as to render any reagitation of the questions formally adjudicated upon a scandal S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 and an abuse, the court will not hesitate to dismiss the action, or stay proceedings therein, or strike out the defence thereto, as the case may require. It would suffice in this regard to refer to the judgment of the Privy Council delivered by Lord Wilberforce in Brisbane City Council and Myer Shopping Centres Pty Ltd v Attorney-General for Queensland [1979] AC 411 (at p 425): The second defence is one of 'res judicata'. There has, of course, been no actual decision in litigation between these parties as to the issue involved in the present case, but the appellants invoke this defence in its wider sense, according to which a party may be shut out from raising in a subsequent action an issue which he could, and should, have raised in earlier proceedings. The classic statement of this doctrine is contained in the judgment of Wigram V-C in Henderson v Henderson [1843] 3 Hare 100 and its existence has been reaffirmed by this Board in Hoystead & Ors v Commissioner of Taxation [1926] AC 155. A recent application of it is to be found in the decision of the Board in Yat Tung Investment Co Ltd v Dao Heng Bank Ltd [1975] AC 581. It was, in the judgment of the board, there described in these words: … there is a wider sense in which the doctrine may be appealed to, so that it becomes an abuse of process to raise In subsequent proceedings, matters which could and therefore should have been litigated in earlier proceeding (p 590.) (Emphasis added.) The attempt by way of the instant proceedings to relitigate and re- open the earlier action clearly reflects the appositeness of the caption suggested for this matter in the prelude to this judgment and would appear to us to be as clear an instance of an abuse of the process of the court as one can find within the connotation S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 thereof enunciated in the speech of Lord Diplock in Hunter v Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police and Ors [1982] AC 529 (at p 542).” [32] In light of the above I further hold that the doctrine of issue estoppel is equally applicable to bar the Plaintiff from relitigating a specific issue that could and should have been litigated in the 1st Arbitration. [33] Consequently, this Court also holds that the Plaintiff should not be allowed to take advantage of the issue of the ownership of the Equipment at the CS, as this election should have been done in the 1st Arbitration itself. Laches & Want of Prosecution [34] As to the issue of laches as contended by the Plaintiff, I agree with the learned counsel for the Defendant that the Plaintiff did not institute its claim for delivery of the Equipment as in my findings on this herein above in my written grounds. [35] The Plaintiff only instituted this CS on 8.8.2017 i.e more than 2 years after the Award in the 1st Arbitration was delivered on 2.2.2015 and the re instatement of the CS was only done on 28.1.2022 eventhough they could have done so after the 2nd Arbitration was terminated on 18.6.2019, being a period of again more than 2 years. [36] I also agree with the Defendant, from the facts before me, that the CS was only reinstated when the Plaintiff received a letter of demand dated 25.1.2022 from the Defendant. S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 [37] From the above I hold that there has been an inordinate delay in to initiate the Plaintiff’s claim and thus the Plaintiff is guilty of laches. [38] Such delay by the Plaintiff is in my opinion prejudicial to the Defendant as the Defendant would have difficulty in preparing their defence to the CS when the relevant documents and witnesses may no longer be available due to the delay stated. [39] Following from this, it is also my decision that there has been no legitimate explanation as to the inordinate delay in filing the CS and re instating the same. Hence, the contention of there being a Want of Prosecution is thus justified when the Plaintiff had sat on its rights. [40] My other reason for deciding that there is a Want of Prosecution is there the Equipment was designed specifically for the MetEx Project and it would now not be possible for the Plaintiff to utilise these Equipment. Abuse of Process [41] All in after examining and deciding on all of the above, I find that the CS is thus an abuse of court process, which was filed to delay and frustrate payment of the sum awarded under the Arbitration, more so when the Plaintiff has to-date failed to pay the Defendant the sum awarded under the Award. S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 Decision [42] In the circumstances I answer the questions posed as follows:- Question 1 Whether the final Award under the 1st Arbitration create any obligation on the Defendant to deliver the Equipment to the Plaintiff upon the payment of the Arbitration Sum awarded? The answer is no. Question 2 Whether the Plaintiff is estopped and/or waived and/or abandoned its rights to pursue this action? The answer is yes. Question 3 Whether the Defendant is entitled to rely on the defence of laches under section 32 of the Limitations Act 1953? The answer is yes. Question 4 Whether the Defendant is entitled to rely on the Doctrine of Election and the Principles of res judicata? The answer is yes. Question 5 Whether this is a fit and proper case to be dismissed for want of prosecution in light of the Plaintiff’s inordinate delay (to prosecute) S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 which has gravely prejudiced the Defendant in the conduct of its Defence? The answer is yes. Question 6 Whether this is a fit and proper case for want of prosecution in light of the Plaintiff’s contumelious conduct of abusing court process? The answer is yes. [43] I therefore order that the Plaintiff’s Civil Suit (“CS”) herein be struck out Order 18 rule 19 (1) (d) of the Rules of Court 2012 with no liberty to file afresh and that costs be awarded to the Defendant. Dated: 08th day of September 2023 sgd. NADZARIN WOK NORDIN HIGH COURT JUDGE CONSTRUCTION COURT 1 COUNSEL FOR THE PLAINTIFF: Gavin Jay Anand and Sivanandini Sreegantham [Messrs Gavin Jayapal] COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENDANT: Leonard Raj and Sivabalan Sankaran [Messrs Tan Swee Im, Siva & Partners] S/N 2V0b8/N6NEGhfOYcoqQB3A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
COMPANY LAW: Security for costs - Test to be applied - Matters to be consideredCIVIL PROCEDURE – Costs-Security for costs-Foreign plaintiff-Failure to disclose permanent address-No property within the jurisdiction- Whether plaintiff able to pay costs if claim dismissed and costs ordered against plaintiff -Whether sufficient plaintiff is a citizen of a participant’s country listed in the First Schedule, Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958-Absolute discretion of Court- Rules of Court 2012, O. 23 r.1(1)(a)
YA Puan Jamhirah binti Ali
GOJ-BA-22ncc-61-05-2022-LIM SIM EE 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM IN THE STATE OF SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN WRIT NO.: BA-22NCC-61-05/2022 BETWEEN LIM SIM EE … PLAINTIFF (Singapore Passport No. K0123592R) AND 1. DSI NORTHERN SOURCE SDN BHD (Company No.: 201501044273 (1169594-X)) 2. LOO SAY HOCK (NRIC No.: 811129-10-5313) 3. DATUK NG KWOK SIONG (NRIC No.: 700528-10-5087) … DEFENDANTS GROUNDS OF JUDGEMENT INTRODUCTION 1. The Defendants filed enclosure 67, which is an application pursuant to Order 23 rule 1(1)(a) of Rules of Court 2012 (ROC 2012), for an order that the Plaintiff be required to provide security for costs amounting to RM100,000.00 or such other sum as is deemed fit. 15/11/2023 17:53:24 BA-22NCC-61-05/2022 Kand. 112 S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 2. The current legal action initiated by the Plaintiff is premised on allegations of oppressive conduct of the 2nd and 3rd Defendants against the Plaintiff in their management of the 1st Defendant and its subsidiaries. 3. The Plaintiff seeks remedies and relief for purported losses incurred as a minority shareholder in the 1st Defendant and its subsidiaries due to the alleged oppressive conduct of the 2nd and 3rd Defendants in their management of these entities. These remedies include orders for declarations, transfer of shares in various companies, and claims for damages. 4. It is important to note that the issues raised by the Plaintiff involve not only the Defendants but also extend to other companies not explicitly named in this action, namely Bumi Segar Indah Sdn. Bhd. and Salam Murni Holdings Sdn. Bhd. THE LAW 5. The Court holds the absolute discretion to determine whether to order security for costs, having regard to all the circumstances of the case. Order 23 rule 1 of the ROC 2012 grants this Court the power to order security for costs against the Plaintiff and the said Order states as follows: “(1) Where, on the application of a defendant to an action or other proceedings in the Court, it appears to the Court— S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 (a) that the plaintiff is ordinarily resident out of the jurisdiction; (b) that the plaintiff (not being a plaintiff who is suing in a representative capacity) is a nominal plaintiff who is suing for the benefit of some other person and that there is reason to believe that he will be unable to pay the costs of the defendant if ordered to do so; (c) subject to paragraph (2), that the plaintiff’s address is not stated in the writ or originating summons or is incorrectly stated therein; or (d) that the plaintiff has changed his address during the course of the proceedings with a view to evading the consequences of the litigation, then, if, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, the Court thinks it just to do, it may order the plaintiff to give such security for the defendant’s costs of the action or other proceedings as it thinks just.” 6. In the case of Adarsh Pandit v Viking Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (1996) 1 LNS 350, Zainun Ali J (as Her Ladyship then was) referred to an illustration from renowned Judge, Lord Denning M.R., in the case of Aeronave S P A & Westland Charters [1971] 1 WLR 1146 where it was expressed: "It is the usual practice of the Courts to make a foreign plaintiff give security for costs. But it does so, as a matter of discretion, because it is just to do so. After all, if the S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 defendant succeeds and gets an order for his costs, it is not right that he should have to go to a foreign country to enforce the order." Even assuming the plaintiff has property within jurisdiction, it is not sufficient ground for this Court to disallow security. Moreover, the mere fact of Plaintiff owning property in a country which has reciprocal enforcement of judgment agreement with Malaysia, is not also a ground for the Court refusing to order security, since the enforcement is not automatic." [emphasis added] 7. The legal principles in this particular area of the law align with and have remained in accordance with those in other jurisdictions, as evidenced by the English House of Lords case of Porzelack KG v Porzelack (UK) Ltd. (1987) 1 ALL ER 1074, where Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V-C stated on page 1076: “The purpose of ordering security for costs against a plaintiff ordinarily resident outside the jurisdiction is to ensure that a successful defendant will have a fund available within the jurisdiction of this court against which it can enforce the judgment for costs. It is not, in the ordinary case, in any sense designed to provide a defendant with security for costs against a plaintiff who lacks funds. The risk of defending a case brought by a penurious plaintiff is as applicable to plaintiffs coming from outside the jurisdiction as it is to plaintiff’s resident within the jurisdiction.” [emphasis added] S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 8. In relation to the recent case of Nandine-Erdene Khoskhulug v Hazrul Hizham Ghazali & Satu Lagi (2021) 1 LNS 421, Azimah Omar J (as Her Ladyship then was) stated the following: “[39] Dengan kedudukan Plaintif seorang warga Mongolia yang langsung tidak mempunyai sebarang aset dalam bidang kuasa Mahkamah ini, maka pemakaian prinsip dalam kes New Malaya Co. Ltd. v. Abu Bakar [1961] 1 LNS 72; [1961] 1 MLJ 151 adalah jelas. Mahkamah dalam kes New Malaya Co. Ltd di muka surat 152 telah memutuskan berikut: Since therefore it has been established that the Plaintiff is resident in Singapore out of the jurisdiction and since the normal practice where the plaintiff is resident abroad is to order the plaintiff to give the defendant security for costs. The application must be granted and the plaintiff must pay the costs”. [emphasis added] 9. Further in the case of Raju Rajaram Pillai (t/a Dhanveer Enterprise) v MMC Power Sdn. Bhd. & Anor (2000) 6 MLJ 551 Abdul Malik Ishak J (as His Lordship then was) held: “My research shows that the case of Pray v. Edie [1786] 1 TR 267, 99 ER 1087 was the first case of its kind where the practice of requiring foreign litigants to provide security was first mooted. This basically was due to the enormous difficulties of enforcing orders of the English courts in foreign jurisdictions. In Crozat v. Brogden, the plaintiff S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 tirelessly sought to enforce a judgment which he had obtained in France. Despite the existence of that judgment, the plaintiff was still required to relitigate the matter once again. To confound the matter further, Davey LJ refused to examine the merits of the case and forthwith ordered the plaintiff to provide security. The law developed with the time. Eventually in England a practice was evolved which require a litigant who was resident abroad to provide security unless the litigant had fixed and permanent assets within the jurisdiction or was a co-plaintiff. In Re Alabama Portland Cement Co. Ltd [1909] WN 157, the court was of the view that a litigant residing abroad was considered not to be within the jurisdiction in order to be governed by the procedure for costs and so the litigant must provide security. … Pure and simple, the plaintiff was outside jurisdiction. Not only that the plaintiff too had no assets in Malaysia and this fact was not disputed at all. It would simply be a matter of pure discretion nay to be exercised judicially, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, to decide whether to order security for costs or otherwise. In the words of Hill JA in Shaik Ali v. Shaik Mohamed [1963] MLJ 300 at p 301: It is quite clear that the court has a discretion in the matter. It is also clear that in the case of a plaintiff, and the applicant should be treated as a plaintiff in the present circumstances, who is out of the jurisdiction and who has no property or assets in the country, that the discretion seems to be invariably S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 exercised in favour of making an order for security for costs. and I share the sentiments expressed by his Lordship and, accordingly, the plaintiff here should be ordered to pay security for costs. This was a case of a foreign plaintiff with no property at all in Malaysia (Hudson Strumpffabrik G.m.b.H. v. Bentley Engineering Co. Ltd [1962] 3 All ER 460; [1962] 2 QB 587; and Mavani v. Ralli Bros Ltd [1973] 1 WLR 468). … Zainun Ali JC (now judge) in Adarsh Pandit v. Viking Engineering Sdn Bhd [1998] 2 AMR 1009 had occasion to address the issue of security for costs and there her Ladyship ordered the foreign plaintiff to pay RM45,000 as security for costs, approximately about 1/4 of the plaintiff's claim of RM200,000. At p. 1016 to p. 1017 of the report, her Ladyship examined the relevant authorities and said: Thus following the principles as are found in authorities such as Lek Swee Hua v. American Express [1991] 2 MLJ 151 and Slazenger v. Seaspeed Ferries [1987] 1 WLR 1197, the court has a discretion to order security for costs to be furnished by a foreigner plaintiff even where there are co-plaintiffs resident within the jurisdiction. In the present case, there is not even the presence of a co-plaintiff resident in these parts, who could be relied upon should the need arise to meet claims, if any. It is undisputed that the plaintiff has no property within jurisdiction. As case laws such as Shaik Ali v. S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Shaik Mohamed [1983] MLJ 310 and Ace King Pte. Ltd. v. Circus Americano Ltd. & Ors. [1985] 2 MLJ 75 have shown, courts are more likely to order security for costs to be given to the defendant in such circumstances, since it is clear as illustrated by Lord Denning M.R. in Aeronave S P A & Westland Charters [1971] 1 WLR 1146 that: ‘It is the usual practice of the courts to make a foreign plaintiff give security for costs. But it does so, as a matter of discretion, because it is just to do so. After all, if the defendant succeeds and gets an order for his costs, it is not right that he should have to go to a foreign country to enforce the order’ Even assuming that the plaintiff has property within jurisdiction, it is not sufficient ground for this court to allow security. Moreover the mere fact of the plaintiff owning property in a country which has reciprocal enforcement of judgment agreement with Malaysia, is not also a ground for the court refusing to order security, since the enforcement is not automatic. This point is illustrated in the case of Faridah Begum [1995] 2 MLJ 404 and Ng Hui Lip [1951] MLJ 57, which is distinguished from Coldham v. Raub Australian Gold Mining Co Ltd [1940] MLJ 50. At p. 1018 of the report, her Ladyship continued in serious vein: The plaintiff made much also of the nature of this application, stating that it is oppressive to him and S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 would suppress his claim which is said to be genuine. This question though relevant, does not arise here. In any case, the question of oppression alone even if it exists, is not sufficient reason not to grant the order. The Plaintiff made much also of the likelihood of the plaintiff’s success in this matter. The Plaintiff submitted that this is based as it were, on the plaintiff’s success in O14 application both before the registrar and before the Judge in Chambers. The Plaintiff argued that the Federal Court did not hear the merits of the case but proceeded to grant conditional leave to the defendant. I will say this here and now, that it is not in every application such as this that the merits of the case will be examined. As clearly illustrated in the case of Porzelack KG v Porzelack UK (Ltd) [1987] 1 All ER 1074, parties should not attempt to go into the merits of the case unless it can clearly be demonstrated one way or another that there is a high degree of probability of success”. THE PARTIES CONTENTION 10. The Defendants’ application was solely under Order 23 rule 1(1)(a) ROC 2012. S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 11. The Defendants contended that the Plaintiff is a Singaporean citizen, and he has acknowledged that he possesses no real estate or movable assets within Malaysia, except for the shares he holds in the 1st Defendant in this action. 12. The Plaintiff has initiated previous legal actions against the Defendants herein, among others, BA-24NCC-77-07/2020 (Previous Action). 13. In the Plaintiff’s Previous Action, a court order dated 30.04.2021, mandated the Plaintiff to pay RM1,000.00 to the Defendants. Despite a demand for this sum, as communicated in a letter from the Defendants’ solicitor dated 31.05.2021, the Plaintiff failed to fulfill this obligation. 14. Additionally, in the Plaintiff’s Previous Action, an order issued on 20.05.2021 required the Plaintiff to provide security for costs amounting to RM20,000.00 to the Court within 14 days from the date of the order. However, the Plaintiff did not adhere to this order, even though the Defendants' solicitors have delivered the said order to the Plaintiff's solicitors through a letter dated 21.07.2021. 15. The Plaintiff’s residential address, No. 2, Jalan Sungai Kelubi 32/106a, Kemuning Greenhills, 40460 Shah Alam, differed from the address previously stated in the affidavits affirmed by the Plaintiff on 16.07.2020 (Affidavit in Support of the Originating Summons ex- parte) and 23.11.2020 (Plaintiff's Affidavit in Reply to the application to set aside the ex-parte Order) in the Plaintiff's prior legal action. S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 16. Additionally, the Plaintiff's Malaysian Resident Pass was valid only from 04.11.2022, until 27.08.2023, without specifying the type of resident pass he held - whether it pertained to family relations with a Malaysian citizen, permanent residency, or former Malaysian citizenship. 17. Moreover, the Plaintiff only provided details about his employment position, along with the address and phone number of his employer in Singapore but omitted such details for his employment in Malaysia (exhibit LSE-2). Furthermore, the Plaintiff has not disclosed any information about his permanent residence in either Singapore or Malaysia. The omission appeared intentional to hinder potential execution proceedings, if necessary. 18. In support of the Defendants’ submission, the learned counsel for the Defendants referred to the case of Kasturi Palm Products v Palmex Industries Sdn. Bhd. [1986] 2 MLJ 310, which held as follows: "The plaintiff firm carries on business in Bangalore, India. Its managing partner, an Indian national, also resides there. The plaintiff seeks to enforce the award of Arbitration No. 1917 dated January 28, 1980 adjudicated by the Arbitrators in London. The defendants are contesting the legality of the Arbitration award and are applying for an order requiring the plaintiff to furnish security for costs before the main application is heard. The question is whether it is just to order security for costs.” S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 In his decision, Mohamed Dzaiddin J. (as he then was) stated as follows on page 311, “… Order 23 Rule 1(i) provides that the Court may order security for costs "if, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, the Court thinks it just to do so." "These words have the effect of conferring upon the Court the real discretion and indeed the Court is bound, by virtue thereof, to consider the circumstances of each case, and in the light thereof to determine whether and to what extent or for what amount a plaintiff may be ordered to provide security for costs. It is no longer, for example, an inflexible or rigid rule that a plaintiff resident abroad should provide security for costs." (Supreme Court Practice 1985 Vol. 1 p.384). In exercising its discretion, it is clear that the Court will have regard to all the circumstances of the case. For the circumstances, see per Lord Denning M.R. in Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Co Ltd v Triplan Ltd [1973] 2 All ER 273. … In the present case, the question is simply whether or not it is just to order security for costs? In my opinion, two major considerations clearly merit my attention. The first consideration is of course the fact that the plaintiff is ordinarily resident out of this jurisdiction. Admittedly, under Rule 1(i), security for costs cannot now be ordered as of right from a foreign plaintiff, but only if the Court thinks it just to order depending on the circumstances of the case. Secondly, it is material to consider one of the grounds of the defendants in disputing the plaintiff's main application. It is deposed by Mr. Chan that the enforcement of the award is contrary to public policy and the laws of Malaysia. Here, it is pertinent to ask S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 whether or not the plaintiff has complied with Order 69 Rule 6 of the Rules of the High Court 1980. … The inference here is that the plaintiff may not have complied with Order 69 Rule 6. Undoubtedly, this is, of course, one of the issues to be contested in the main application as being contrary to the laws of Malaysia. …” [emphasis added] 19. On the contrary, the Plaintiff argued that, despite being a Singaporean citizen, he has consistently maintained ordinary residency in Malaysia ever since the incorporation of the 1st Defendant. At the time of initiating this action, the Plaintiff clearly communicated his place of ordinary residence as No.2, Jalan Sungai Kelubi 32/106a, Kemuning Greenhills, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor. 20. Furthermore, the Plaintiff holds dual roles as the Leader for South East Asia and the General Manager for Sales and Commercial Excellence in South East Asia within the Johnson Controls group of companies. In these capacities, he oversees business operations in South East Asia, including Malaysia. 21. The Plaintiff has presented his Malaysia Residence Pass (No. AA0829187) issued by the Immigration of Malaysia as attached in exhibit LSE-1. He also affirmed that, throughout the relevant periods, he was a taxpayer in Malaysia, with his income tax account registered under number SG2389238070. S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 22. Additionally, the Plaintiff asserted that, aside from the shares he holds in the 1st Defendant, he maintains two active banking accounts in Malaysia with account numbers 164481219400 at Malayan Banking Berhad and 7072385313 at OCBC Bank Malaysia. 23. In support of the Plaintiff’s contention, the learned counsel for the Plaintiff referred to the High Court decision in the case of Abdul Fattah Mogawan & Anor v MMC Power Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [1997] 5 CLJ 1. FINDINGS OF THE COURT 24. After a thorough examination of the case documents, the filed affidavits, submissions from both parties, and after hearing their arguments, I granted the Defendants' application. Here are my reasons. 25. It is undisputed that the Plaintiff is a Singaporean citizen. 26. The Plaintiff has not provided any permanent addresses in either Singapore or Malaysia. Affidavits filed for both this application and the Previous Action revealed different addresses in Malaysia. 27. The Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate his financial capacity to cover potential costs awarded by this Court. He has not declared ownership of any assets within the country, except for the shares in the 1st Defendant involved in this dispute. While he mentioned having two (2) active bank accounts, he has not furnished any documentary proof of their existence and the balance in each S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 account. In short, the Plaintiff has not presented any documentary evidence supporting his financial stability to pursue this claim. 28. The Plaintiff has not presented any cogent evidence that he is ordinarily resident in Malaysia. The residence pass provided by the Plaintiff was only valid till 27.08.2023, which was close to expiration when this application was heard and decided. The extended Residence Pass, Appendix A, attached in the Plaintiff’s Submission in Reply is not acceptable as evidence, as it lacks credibility. 29. No evidence has been presented to confirm that the Plaintiff is indeed a taxpayer in Malaysia, as claimed. Besides mere assertions, the Plaintiff has not produced any supporting documents to prove his contention. 30. Additionally, the business card exhibited indicates that the Plaintiff is employed by a company in Singapore. There is no evidence to substantiate his ordinary residence in Malaysia while carrying out his roles as Leader for South East Asia and General Manager for Sales & Commercial Excellence in South East Asia, as asserted by the Plaintiff. 31. I am guided by the precedent in the decided cases, which I have discussed above. It is a usual practice of the Court to make a foreign Plaintiff give security for costs if it is just to do so. Given the circumstances of this case, I find it just to order the Plaintiff to provide security for costs, taking into consideration the potential prejudice to the Defendants, as there is no evidence supporting the Plaintiff’s ordinary residency in Malaysia. S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 32. Based on the circumstances of this case, it is my considered view that if this application is disallowed, it would be prejudicial to the Defendants, as there is a risk that if the Defendants succeed, they may face difficulties in enforcing the judgment for costs. Though Singapore is named as a participant in the list of the Reciprocal Enforcement Judgement Act 1958, nevertheless, the enforcement is not automatic. 33. Therefore, based on the circumstances of this case, I find the amount of RM40,000.00 as security for costs is justified. The said amount is to be paid within 21 days from the date of this order. Failure to do so will result in the dismissal of the Plaintiff’s suit (as per Prayer (b) enclosure 67). 34. For the reasons above, I ordered that the Defendants' application for security for costs in enclosure 67 be allowed on the abovementioned terms, with costs of RM5,000.00. Dated: 15th November 2023 -sgd- JAMHIRAH ALI JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER High Court of Malaya at Shah Alam (NCVC 1) S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 To the parties’ solicitors: For the Plaintiff : Teoh Bi Shan (Messrs. Bishan & Partners) For the Defendants : Loo Say Hock (Messrs. K.H. Wong, Chin & Cheah) S/N CPBYwHRyPE2WthVxOjgqA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Plaintiff engaged Defendant to develop a social lifestyle mobile application-contract sum agreed upon at RM 2.3 million-App to be developed in 2 phases-Defendant claims in the course of developing app, change requests caused the contract sum to be increased by another RM 980,000-Plaintiff claims that when app delivered, it was not functional-denies increase in contract sum-claims for refund of monies paid for failure of consideration-Defendant claims app delivered in accordance with contractual obligations but could not proceed further with second phase due to Plaintiff’s refusal to pay towards progress of work-issues-whether the app was delivered in accordance with contract obligations-whether increased contract sum acknowledged by Plaintiff through its conduct in making payment towards invoice-whether Defendant entitled to be paid for work done in developing app.
YA Puan Alice Loke Yee Ching
Skyworld Holdings v Neurogine Sdn Bhd 1 DALAM PERKARA MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA GUAMAN NO: BA-22NCC-163-11/2019 ANTARA SKYWORLD HOLDINGS SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: 1220848-T) …PLAINTIF DAN NEUROGINE SDN BHD (NO SYARIKAT: 1096643-U) …DEFENDAN DIGABUNG DAN DIDENGAR BERSAMA DALAM PERKARA MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA GUAMAN NO: BA-22NCC-174-12/2019 ANTARA NEUROGINE SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: 10964943-U) …PLANTIF DAN SKYWORLD HOLDINGS SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: 1220848-T) …DEFENDAN 15/11/2023 15:24:08 BA-22NCC-163-11/2019 Kand. 94 S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] The claims of the parties were filed in two suits, which have been consolidated in these proceedings. Skyworld Holdings Sdn. Bhd.(“Skyworld”) filed Civil Suit: BA-22NCC-163-11/2019 (“Suit 163”), whereas Neurogine Sdn. Bhd. (“Neurogine”) filed BA- 22NCC-174-12/2019 (“Suit 174”). [2] Skyworld engaged Neurogine to develop a social lifestyle mobile application system (“the app”) for Skyworld’s use. The app was intended for the use of Skyworld’s customers by allowing them to interact with one another through an electronic messaging platform and also to make payment online. The app was to be developed in 2 phases. Skyworld was billed during the progress of the app development, to which it made part payments. [3] The dispute between parties was triggered when Neurogine requested for further payments for work done. Several invoices were issued demanding payment. Skyworld refused to make payment towards the invoices. Instead it alleged that the app Neurogine developed failed to fulfill the specification parties agreed upon. It further claimed that the app could not be used and requested for refund of the monies paid thus far to Neurogine. [4] Skyworld then filed the instant suit to claim for a refund. Neurogine on the other hand, sued for the balance sum owing for developing the app, which had yet to be paid by Skyworld. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Skyworld’s claim in Suit 163 [5] Sometime in early 2018, Skyworld requested the services of Neurogine to develop an app titled Design & Development Of Sky Chat, Wallet & Payment Gateway with Cloud Base Project. (“the Project”). Pursuant thereto, on 5.2.2018, Neurogine issued a quotation to the Skyworld detailing the specifications of the Project and the costing involved. The total cost of the Project stipulated in the quotation was RM 2,316,100.00. [6] The Project comprised of two phases, the development of the SkyChat module and the e-wallet and Red Packet function module. The Project was to be completed and delivered to the Plaintiff within 6 months. [7] Between March 2018 and October 2018, Skyworld made various payments to Neurogine totaling RM 1,666,050.00, towards the total cost of the Project. [8] As Skyworld did not have the necessary expertise on the development of applications, it appointed iNetSOHO as its technical adviser and consultant. The representatives of iNetSOHO were responsible in engaging with Neurogine in the development of the app. [9] On 2.7.2018, when the design and development of the app was handed over by Neurogine to be tested by iNetSOHO, it was found to be not functional, and failed to meet the specifications of the Project. Thereafter, in spite of several requests by iNetSOHO to S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 improve on the app, Neurogine still failed to deliver a fully functional app. [10] In this action, Skyworld claims that Neurogine’s failure was a breach of its obligations under the contract. It thereupon seeks a refund of the amount of RM 1,666,050.00, which had been paid to Neurogine. The delivery of a non-functioning app resulted in a total failure of consideration and Neurogine is obliged to refund the amount paid thus far. To allow Neurogine to retain the monies would be tantamount to an unjust enrichment. Neurogine’s defence to Suit 163 and its claim in Suit 174 [11] Neurogine denies Skyworld’s claim that the app was not functional. It also denies that there was a time line of six months for completion. The app was delivered in several stages from August 2018 to December 2018. [12] The first phase of the Project comprising the SkyChat module, had been completed. It had undergone several User Acceptance Tests and Functional Acceptance Tests which was eventually signed off by iNetSOHO. What remained to be attended to were merely bug fixes, which did not affect the functioning of the Skychat module. [13] However, Neurogine then encountered problems with the second phase of the Project involving the development of the e-wallet and Red Packet. Skyworld refused to make further payment. Although Neurogine was the app developer, it was denied user access to S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Google Play Store by iNetSOHO sometime in February 2019. In view of this, it could not proceed to develop the app further. [14] The Project cost of RM 2,316,100.00 represented by Neurogine’s quotation issued on 5.2.2018 (“first quotation”), is not disputed by the parties. Neurogine’s case is that the Project cost was increased subsequently when Skyworld requested for additional services and changes to be made to the Project. These changes were outside the scope parties agreed upon when the first quotation was issued. Pursuant thereto, Neurogine issued another invoice on 1.8.2018 for the sum of RM 980,000.00 (“second quotation”), which was acknowledged and accepted by Skyworld. Skyworld even made part payment of RM 490,000.00 towards this invoice. [15] As work progressed, Neurogine issued several invoices for payment of the work done. The details of the invoices issued are as follows:- Invoice No. Invoice Date Total I-000051 5.2.2018 RM 300,000.00 I-000055 1.6.2018 RM 876,050.00 I-000062 1.8.2018 RM 490,000.00 I-000075 12.2.2019 RM 1,087,487.00 I-000080 1.5.2019 RM 144,690.00 I-000091 1.10.2019 RM 374,710.00 TOTAL RM 3,272,937.00 S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [16] The first three invoices issued in 2018 totaling RM 1,666,050.00 have been settled by Skyworld. However, no payment was issued for the invoices issued in 2019 totalling RM 1,606,887.00. This amount forms the basis of Neurogine’s claim in Suit 174. Skyworld’s Defence in Suit 174 [17] Neurogine’s claim for RM 1,606,887.00 as outstanding payment for the Project is resisted by Skyworld. Apart from contending that the app was not functional, Skyworld also contends that it had no knowledge of the second quotation issued by Neurogine for the amount of RM 980,000.00. [18] The Plaintiff denies requesting for additional changes which were outside the scope of work agreed upon by parties. It also denies acknowledging the second quotation by making a part payment of RM 490,000. It contends that this payment was in fact towards the contract sum of RM 2,316,100.00 stated in the first quotation. [19] Skyworld further contends that Neurogine’s claim is without basis as the contract sum parties agreed upon was only RM 2,316,100.00. The claim of RM 1,606,887.00 in Suit 174 is unreasonable as Skyworld had already paid RM 1,666,050.00 for the Project. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 Issues in this case [20] Two issues arise for this court’s determination. The first is whether the Neurogine failed to deliver a functional app in breach of its obligations under the contract, which would entitle Skyworld to a refund of the sums paid towards the Project as claimed in Suit 163. If it is proven otherwise, whether Neurogine is entitled to be paid the value of the work done for the Project, billed at RM 1,606,887.00. Analysis and decision of this court [21] At the outset, I observed that the issues for determination are factual issues rather than questions of law, requiring an evaluation of the oral evidence and documentary evidence adduced at the trial. [22] It is trite law that the burden of proof lies throughout on the party who asserts that the facts exists. It is only when the party on whom the burden of proof lies has discharged that burden that the evidential burden shifts to the other party (See: Section 101 of the Evidence Act, 1950, Hong Yik Trading v Liziz Plantation Sdn. Bhd. [2017] 8 CLJ 491, Federal Court). [23] As both Skyworld and Neurogine are Plaintiffs in Suits 163 and Suits 174 respectively, the burden lies on them to establish some preponderance of evidence in their favour if their claims are to succeed. I shall now deal with the issues arising from both suits. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Whether Neurogine failed to deliver a functional app [24] PW1, a director and shareholder of Skyworld stated in his evidence that the parties had agreed that the Project was to be completed and the app delivered within 6 months from the issuance of the quotation dated 5.2.2018. However, notwithstanding that RM 1,666,050.00 had been paid, Neurogine failed to deliver a functional app within the stipulated time frame as per the specification agreed upon. [25] In support of its claim that Neurogine failed to deliver a functional app, Skyworld called PW2 and PW3 to testify on this fact. Both were in the employment of iNetSOHO at the material time. iNetSOHO has since ceased operations. [26] PW3 was involved with the Project from its development stage until October 2018. PW3 stated in his evidence that by October 2018, Neurogine yet to revert to Skyworld with a working app together with its source code. At the time he left the employment of iNetSOHO in October 2018, PW3 had yet to see the app published in Google Play or Apple Store. [27] PW2 who employed by iNetSOHO from November 2018, took over the handling of the Project from PW3. He testified that when he was assigned to the Project, it was at the User Acceptance Test stage as the product features were found to be still problematic during testing. Some of the intended features were not in a deliverable stage, and the Project had exceeded its timeline for completion. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [28] To counter the allegations of Skyworld, Neurogine called DW1 who was the solution architect and the subject matter expert for the Project. DW1 stated that the Project was intended as a mobile app supported by Android and IOS operating system. There were 3 components to be developed, i.e the SkyChat Module, the cloud hosting service and the e-wallet. He added that the Project was to be completed in two phases. The SkyChat Module was in Phase 1, whereas the e-wallet and Red Packet was in Phase 2. Phase 1 was completed when two User Acceptance Tests on 2.7.2018 and 23.7.2018 were signed off by iNetSOHO, with only minor bugs fixes to be attended to. iNetSOHO also signed off the Functional Acceptance Test on 8.10.2018. The SkyChat Module was then published on Google Play Store and Apple App Store on 30.1.2019. [29] Upon completion of the SkyChat Module, Neurogine proceeded to Phase 2 of the Project, which involved the development and implementation of the e-wallet and Red Packet. However, upon completion of the user interface for e-wallet and Red Packet, Skyworld refused to make further payment as invoiced. To compound matters, Neurogine’s access as the mobile application developer to Google Play Store was removed by iNetSOHO on February 2019. As a result of this, Neurogine could not proceed to implement the e-wallet features into the Project. [30] Notwithstanding that it was denied access by iNetSOHO, Neurogine continued with its services of bug fixes, updating the SkyChat module version and also maintenance work of the S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 Project, for which the invoices in 2019 were issued to Skyworld. No payment was made towards these invoices. [31] In his evidence, he also stated that there were additional change requests made by the iNetSOHO team which led to the issuance of the second quotation on 1.8.2018. [32] In addition to DW1, Neurogine called DW2, its Business Development Manager. She was directly involved in the Project. She explained that contrary to Skyworld’s claim, there was no deadline stipulated for completion of the Project. The quotation issued by Neurogine dated 5.2.2018 did not specify the completion date. However, there was an internal timeline set by iNetSOHO which was subject to change as the Project progressed due to change requests and the need to secure registration with the relevant authorities. [33] She confirmed the evidence of DW1 that Neurogine’s part in the Project was completed as the SkyChat Module had gone live on Google Play Store and Apple App Store on 30.1.2019. As for the e-wallet and Red Packet module, specification documents for e- wallet was signed off by iNetSOHO on 9.8.2018. Thereafter, specification documents for e-wallet & Red Packet API was signed off on 18.12.2018. The SNS Top-Up API allowing for transfer and top-up points for the Project was made ready on 16.1.2019. [34] As for the change request referred to in the second quotation, the latest version of the SkyChat module had incorporated the requested features and presented to iNetSOHO on 23.4.2019. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [35] In the course of developing the app, the relationship between the parties had become less than amicable as a dispute arose on the non-payment of Neurogine’s fees. Several letters were exchanged between their solicitors. DW2 stated that as payments were not forthcoming after February 2019, it became impossible for Neurogine to continue rendering their services for free. [36] Having considered the evidence by both parties on the question whether the app was functional, I find that Neurogine had performed its part of the contract. The oral assertion of Neurogine’s witnesses as to the progress of work was supported by the documentary evidence referred to in the evidence of DW1 and DW2. There is documentary evidence showing the signing off by iNetSOHO after the User Acceptance Test and the Functional Test. The SkyChat module was also shown to have been published on Google Play Store Apple App Store. In addition, the specification documents for the e-wallet module were signed off by iNetSOHO. [37] There was no credible challenge by Skyworld to the contents of these documentary evidence. Skyworld’s claim that the app was not functioning relies on the mere oral assertion of its witnesses. In contrast, Neurogine’s defence as to the progress of its work for the Project is borne out by documentary evidence. I therefore find Neurogine’s evidence to be more convincing and plausible. [38] With regard to the timeline of six months for the completion of the Project, I accept the evidence of DW2. She explained that there was no timeline specified in the quotation. Further the evidence S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 shows that the parties were in constant communication on the progress of the app until early 2019. This supports DW2’s evidence that the timeline was revised as work progressed and parties adopted a flexible approach with regard to the timeline for completion. [39] Skyworld relied on the evidence of PW3 that the app was not functional as the source code was not given by Neurogine for the app to be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. However, in cross examination, he conceded that the requirement as to source code was not mentioned in the quotation. When pressed further, he agreed that the contract sum of RM 2,316,100.00 did not include the source code for the app. [40] PW3 was then asked as to the User Acceptance Test conducted in October 2018. He admitted that based on the test, the majority of the functions for the Project fulfill the specification documents. What was left to attend to, were merely bug fixes. [41] PW2 who subsequently took over from PW3 in handling the Project, conceded in cross examination that on 17.12.2018, he sent an email to DW2 to arrange for the app to be uploaded on the Apple App Store. He further admitted that bug fixes could be dealt with even after the app was uploaded. [42] The evidence viewed in its entirety, clearly substantiates Neurogine’s case that they had done all that was required on their part to launch the app. The failure to complete the Project particularly the e-wallet and Red Packet module was not due to S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 any breach on their part. Rather, it was consequent upon iNetSOHO’s actions in denying access to Google Play Store due to payment issues. [43] On a balance of probabilities, I find that Neurogine had fulfilled its part in developing the app. It was only when Skyworld failed to make further payment towards the Project that the dispute as to the functionality of the app was raised. I note that it was Neurogine’s solicitors who first issued a demand for payment for payment in January 2019. The demand was resisted by Skyworld. A series of discussion ensued thereafter in an attempt to resolve matters so that work could progress. Unfortunately, these efforts were unsuccessful. Sometime in October 2019, Neurogine made another demand for payment. It would appear that Skyworld’s response was to commence Suit 163. [44] Upon duly evaluating the evidence, I am not convinced of the congency of the evidence in support of Skyworld’s allegation that a non-functioning app was delivered due to Neurogine’s failure. It was more probable that Neurogine had fulfilled their obligations under the contract but could not progress further due to Skyworld’s default. Consequently, Skyworld’s claim for a refund of RM 1,666,050.00 due to a total failure of consideration must fail. Whether Neurogine is entitled to the value work done [45] Having dealt with the first issue, I shall now consider the merits of Neurogine’s claim in Suit 174. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [46] Neurogine contends that after work had commenced on the Project, there were change requests made by Skyworld. This entailed additional costs on its part for which the second quotation was issued. Skyworld made part payment, acknowledging the increased contract sum. Neurogine therefore claims that Skyworld is liable to pay towards the total value of the work done of RM 3,272,937.00. As Skyworld had paid RM 1,666,050.00, an amount of RM 1,606,887.00 is still outstanding. [47] Skyworld on the other hand, denies knowledge nor any agreement to the additional contract sum of RM 980,000.00. It maintains that the contract sum was at all material times, only RM 2,316,100.00. [48] In support of Neurogine’s contention, it referred to various change requests made by Skyworld for additional services. They were chat enhancements on the Chat Module which included broadcast, multimedia attachment, voice recording, mute, search keywords, hide contract and share function. These requests were made in writing. [49] Work pertaining to the change requests were completed when Neurogine released the Chat Module version 3.1.6. The relevant reports were also tendered in evidence. [50] I have also examined the various documents titled “Change Request” referred to by Neurogine’s witnesses, and find them to substantiate Neurogine’s claim that the requests were at the instance of Skyworld. However, Skyworld claims that these S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 requests were within the scope of the original works for the contract sum of RM 2,316,100.00. [51] Neurogine on the other hand, contends that the change requests were additional work done beyond the scope of the first quotation, for which it issued the second quotation. Skyworld’s conduct in making payment towards the second quotation is relevant. [52] Having examined the documentary evidence as to payment made by Skyworld, I find it to establish the following facts. The terms of the first quotation stipulated the payment term as “50% upon receipt of PO and 50% upon UAT signed off within 30 days from the invoice date.” The fact that there was no Purchase Order is not an issue in this case. Neurogine issued the first 2 invoices namely no. I-000051 and no. I-000055 on 5.2.2018 and 1.6.2018 for a total amount of RM 1,176,050.00. Skyworld paid this sum. [53] Subsequent to the abovementioned invoices, a third invoice no. I- 000062 was issued for the amount of RM 490,000.00. The date of the invoice was the same date of the second quotation stating an amount of RM 980,000. Again, the same payment terms were stated wherein 50% was payable upon receipt of the Purchase Order. Subsequent to the third invoice, Skyworld issued a cheque for the sum of RM 490,000.00 on 3.10.2018, an amount equivalent to 50% of the additional contract sum. It is by no means a coincidence that the amount paid was consistent with the payment terms of the second quotation. S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [54] Skyworld’s defence to Neurogine’s contention was given through the evidence of PW1, its director and also shareholder. He denied any knowledge of the second quotation. He claimed that the amount of RM 490,000.00 could not possibly be payment towards the second quotation as the cheque was issued earlier on 10.3.2018. [55] However, when he was challenged in cross-examination, he admitted that the date on the cheque was in fact 3.10.2018. The cheque was tendered in evidence. Having examined CIMB cheque no. 000192 for the amount of RM 490,000.00, I find it to be clearly issued on 3.10.2018. It was probably issued towards the second quotation. This fortifies Neurogine’s contention that Skyworld acknowledged the increased cost of the Project. [56] The evidence relating to the cheque is material evidence, one which I would not expect PW1 to have made a mistake about, particularly where it would have an impact on his credibility. [57] PW1’s oral evidence is thus inconsistent with the documentary evidence. In this regard, I am guided by the oft quoted judgment of the Federal Court in Tindok Besar Estate Sdn Bhd v Tinjar Co [1979] 2 MLJ 229, which held that it is safer to rely on the evidence of documents which are contemporaneous with the event, than the recollection of a witness. [58] In the circumstances, I am convinced that the payment of RM 490,000.00 was towards the second quotation. This would demolish the Skyworld’s claim that it had no knowledge of the S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 second quotation. This in turn renders plausible Neurogine’s case that the contract sum had been increased by RM 980,000.00. [59] This leaves me to consider if Neurogine has succeeded in proving its claim for work done to the value of RM 3,272,937.00 of which RM 1,606,887.00 remains unpaid. [60] Neurogine’s claim is based on three invoices issued in 2019. There is ample documentary evidence that work continued to be done in 2019. Parties were still in communication on the development of the app. [61] Apart from denying that it agreed to the second quotation, Skyworld adduced no evidence to rebut the value of the work done. This is not surprising in view of its stance that the contract sum was only RM 2,316,100.00. In the absence of any credible challenge as to the claim based on the three invoices, the evidence therefore weighs in favour of Neurogine. I therefore find its claim based on the invoices to be proven. Conclusion [62] Premised on the foregoing reasons, the following orders are made:- (i) Skyworld’s claim in Suit 163 is dismissed; Payatu t S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 (ii) Neurogine’s claim in Suit 174 for the amount of RM 1,606,887.00 is allowed, with interest at the rate of 5% from the date of judgment until realization; (iii) Skyworld is to pay Neurogine costs of RM 30,000 in respect of Suit 163 and Suit 174. Dated : 14th November 2023 -sgd- ...………………..….... Alice Loke Yee Ching Judge High Court of Malaya at Shah Alam Counsel for the Plaintiff : Mr. Bani Prakash (Miss S. Shanti and Miss Deva Premila Devadasan with him) Messrs S.San & Co Counsel for the Defendants : Mr. Alex Anton Netto (Mr. Heng Kian Tee with him) Messrs Anton & Chen S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 S/N 0tV3WiTRlUqibfvS36FOLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH TAN CAR CHUN
Perbicaraan penuh - Pertuduhan di bawah s. 39B, 12 (2) ADB 1952 - Dadah ditemui dalam bilik hotel - Terdapat CCTV yang menunjukkan terdapat beberapa orang individu - Saksi penting yang ada bersama OKT1 ketika membawa beg yang dikatakan terdapat dadah - OKT2 ditangkap beberapa jam selepas kejadian ketika OKT1 berada dalam bilik - OKT1 dan OKT2 dibebaskan dan dilepaskan di akhir kes pendakwaan - Pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes prima facie
YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor
Microsoft Word - CB-45A-4-09-2019 PP v TAN CAR CHUN & OOI ZHE XIAN edited 1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR PERBICARAAN JENAYAH NO: CB-45A-4-09/2019, CB-45-6-7-09/2019 DAN CB-45-7-09/2019 ANTARA PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN 1. TAN CAR CHUN (NO. K/P: 831018146655) 2. OOI ZHE XIAN (NO. K/P: 871130025171) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan [1] Kes ini adalah berkaitan dengan pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya (ADB) 1952 terhadap kedua-dua Orang Kena Tuduh (OKT), seksyen 12(2) ADB 1952 dan seksyen 9(1) Akta Racun 1952. Pertuduhan-pertuduhan adalah seperti berikut: 15/11/2023 17:02:52 CB-45-7-09/2019 Kand. 14 S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Kes No. CB-45A-4-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati mengedar dadah berbahaya berat bersih 103.77 gram methamphetamine, dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B (1) (a) Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B (2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Kes No. CB-45-7-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya berat bersih 0.44 gram ketamine dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 12(3) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Kes No. CB-45-6-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu racun jenis Etizolam seberat 169.11 gram dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 9(1) Akta Racun 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 32(2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. [2] Pertuduhan-pertuduhan telah dibacakan pertama kalinya pada 05.11.2019. Setelah beberapa kali pengurusan kes dijalankan, akhirnya kes ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan pada 17 hingga 22.10.2020. [3] Selepas daripada tarikh tersebut, perbicaraan kes ini tidak dapat dijalankan dengan lancar ekoran daripada Pandemik Covid-19. Di samping itu, terdapat penangguhan disebabkan oleh peguam OKT yang telah menghidapi Covid-19 serta tidak dapat hadir ke mahkamah. Pada masa yang sama OKT1 dan OKT2 juga terpaksa menjalankan perintah kuarantin di penjara dan tidak dapat hadir ke mahkamah. Ini telah menyebabkan kes ini hanya dapat dimulakan pada 24.03.2022. [4] Perjalanan kes ini dari tarikh OKT-OKT dikemukakan di mahkamah, perbicaraan dimulakan dan berakhir tidak sewajarnya mempengaruhi mahkamah dan penentuan kes ini. Mahkamah hendaklah memutuskan kes ini berdasarkan kepada keterangan- keterangan saksi-saksi, eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan dan prinsip undang-undang dan pemakaiannya dalam kes ini. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [5] Adalah sesuatu yang penting ditekankan bahawa keghairahan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu kes yang lama seperti ini tidak boleh mengenepikan prinsip undang-undang dengan semata-mata untuk menggambarkan penampilan statistik penyelesaian yang meyakinkan. Begitu juga mahkamah tidak boleh memanggil OKT-OKT untuk membela diri semata-mata bagi mendengar versi pembelaan sedangkan satu kes prima facie telah tidak berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Ini adalah merupakan tonggak utama dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah yang perlu ditegakkan dan dilaksanakan dengan sepenuhnya. Keterangan [6] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan 9 orang saksi sebelum menutup kes pendakwaan. Ia melibatkan para pegawai dan anggota polis, ahli kimia dan saksi-saksi awam. Di samping itu, rakaman CCTV iaitu P39A juga dikemukakan sebagai keterangan pendakwaan. Mahkamah ini dipertontonkan dengan rakaman CCTV tersebut. Keterangan menunjukkan bahawa kejadian ini berlaku di dalam bilik sebuah hotel. [7] Pada 28.10.2018, bilik nombor 20963 Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands telah didaftarkan atas nama Tan Car Chun iaitu OKT1. SP4 mengesahkan catatan check out date adalah pada 29.10.2018. SP4 juga menyatakan bahawa bilik tersebut juga dikongsi dengan seorang yang bernama Low Siew Yuen, (eksibit S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 P28A). Namun SP4 tidak pasti sama ada Low Siew Yuen mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. SP6 mengesahkannya. [8] Pada 29.10.2018, SP5 telah membuat pemeriksaan di bilik nombor 20963 Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands. Setelah SP4 dan pengurus hotel mengetuk pintu bilik tersebut, ia telah dibuka oleh Tan Car Chun yang dicamkan sebagai OKT1. [9] SP5 menyatakan bahawa semasa memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai pegawai polis, OKT1 telah cuba menutup pintu. SP5 telah membuat laporan polis berkenaan insiden tersebut seperti di eksibit P29. SP5 juga semasa ditunjukkan gambarajah kasar iaitu eksibit P36 dan telah menandakan “X2” adalah tempat di mana sebuah beg merah hitam jenama Mayflower, eksibit P14A(1) yang di dalamnya terdapat dadah. [10] SP7 pegawai keselamatan hotel tersebut telah mengemukakan rakaman CCTV berkenaan pergerakan di bilik 20963. Rakaman CCTV tersebut telah ditayangkan di mahkamah. Ia menunjukkan pergerakan beberapa orang individu keluar dan masuk ke bilik tersebut. Ringkasan rakaman CCTV itu dinyatakan dalam penyataan saksi SP7 (PSSP7) di muka surat 6 hingga 8. [11] SP8 seorang saksi awam, dia telah menginap di bilik nombor 20962. Dia hadir ke situ atas panggilan ibu saudaranya, Normalis. SP8 saksikan OKT1 telah keluar dari bilik 20963 untuk membantu SP8 S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 membuka pintu bilik 20962. SP8 sahkan seorang yang bernama Lim Yee Chuan adalah kekasih Normalis. Lim Yee Chuan tidak dikemukakan di mahkamah. [12] P29 iaitu laporan polis oleh SP5 yang turut menyatakan kenyataan kata-kata amaran OKT1 dan OKT2 kepada SP5 yang telah diputuskan ditandakan sebagai P28B. Dalam P28B tertera seperti berikut: S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 [13] SP2 ahli kimia dalam keterangannya telah mengesahkan menerima barang-barang kes dari pegawai rampasan di eksibit P16 yang menurut beliau barang-barang kes itu adalah dadah berbahaya jenis Heroin, Methamphetamine, Ketamin dan Etizolam. [14] SP9 pegawai penyiasat telah mengambil tindakan yang dilakukan semasa siasatan, iaitu lawatan ke tempat kejadian, pemperolehan barang-barang kes, mengemukakan barang-barang kes kepada Jabatan Kimia dan penggeledahan. SP9 sahkan bahawa Ooi Zhe Xian iaitu OKT2 telah ditangkap melalui laporan polis P30. [15] SP9 juga mengesahkan dia telah berusaha mengesan penama Lim Yee Chuan tetapi gagal. SP9 telah ditayangkan dengan rakaman CCTV. SP9 menyatakan siasatan menunjukkan bahawa bilik 20963 adalah didaftarkan atas nama OKT1. SP9 juga nyatakan siasatan terhadap rakaman CCTV menunjukkan SP5 telah mengetuk pintu bilik 20963. OKT1 membuka pintu bilik diiringi oleh Lim Yee Chuan. [16] Keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa kesan cap jari telah diambil gambar di eksibit P21(1-12). Laporan hasil pemeriksaan cap jari adalah tidak boleh dibuat perbandingan kerana tidak cukup sifat seperti yang dinyatakan di P41. [17] Ujian acupakai pakaian yang dijumpai di tempat kejadian telah dimaklumkan pakaian itu diambil dari beg hitam merah yang dijumpai dalam beg tersebut. Ia dapat di lihat 8 keping gambar di P46(1-8). S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 Analisa [18] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang mantap bahawa di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah menjadi tugas pendakwaan untuk membuktikan satu kes prima facie. Frasa prima facie telah dijelaskan di bawah seksyen 180 KPJ seperti berikut: "180 Procedure after conclusion of case for prosecution (1) When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court shall consider whether the prosecution has made out a prima facie case against the accused. (2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not made out a prima facie case against the accused, the Court shall record an order of acquittal. (3) If the Court finds that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused on the offence charged the Court shall call upon the accused to enter on his defence. (4) For the purpose of this section, a prima facie case is made out against the accused where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction." [19] Pendekatan yang perlu digunakan oleh mahkamah ketika memutuskan sama ada terdapatnya satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan telah dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Abdullah Atan v. PP & Other Appeals [2020] 9 CLJ 151 yang menyatakan bagi tujuan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat kes prima facie mahkamah perlu menggunakan anggapan inferen, S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 selain daripada itu keterangan langsung bagi membuktikan satu kes prima facie. Ini dinyatakan seperti berikut: “[42] The purpose of s. 180(4) CPC was thus not to exclude the use of presumptions, inferences, or anything other than direct evidence, to establish a prima facie case. On the contrary: (i) the Privy Council in Haw Tua Tau itself expressly envisaged that inferences may be drawn from the primary facts adduced, and the court must presume such inferences to be true at the close of the prosecution's case; and (ii) statutory presumptions have often been invoked by the prosecution in order to establish a prima facie case of drug trafficking in previous cases. No concern was raised in Parliament as to the use of presumptions when considering amendments to s. 180 of the CPC (see Mohamad Radhi Yaakob v. PP [1991] 3 CLJ 2073; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 311; [1991] 3 MLJ 169; and Tan Boon Kean v. PP [1995] 4 CLJ 456; [1995] 3 MLJ 514). [43] Section 180(4) of the CPC must be read in light of its context and legislative purpose. By so doing, the phrase "credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence" in s. 180(4) means that the prosecution may prove each ingredient of the offence either: (i) by adducing credible direct evidence of that ingredient; (ii) by drawing inferences of fact, ie, adducing credible circumstantial evidence, from which the ingredient can be inferred; or (iii) by invoking presumptions of law, ie, adducing credible evidence of the relevant basic facts, to invoke a statutory presumption that the ingredient exists. [44] As to what constitutes 'a prima facie' case, the judgment of Vincent Ng J (as he then was) in PP v. Ong Cheng Heong S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [1998] 4 CLJ 209 is instructive. Although Ong Cheng Heong (supra) was decided prior to the amendment in 2006, we respectfully endorse His Lordship's views, at p. 225: What then constitutes a 'prima facie case'? 'Prima facie' means on the face of it or at first glance.... perhaps the most appropriate definition of 'a prima facie case' could be found in the Oxford Companion of Law (p. 987), which has it as: "A case which is sufficient for an answer. While prima facie evidence is evidence which is sufficient to establish a fact in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, but is not conclusive". It would follow that there should be credible evidence on each and every ingredient of the offence. Credible evidence is evidence which has been filtered and which has gone through the process of evaluation. Any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon, should be rejected. (emphasis added) At p. 224, His Lordship said: ... to me, maximum evaluation simply means evaluation, on a prima facie basis, of each and every essential ingredient of the charge as tested in cross-examination. In other words, maximum evaluation connotes quantitative rather than qualitative evaluation of the evidence; with focus more on the evidential burden in terms of evidence led, rather than the persuasive burden in terms of qualitative degree of proof." Elemen Kesalahan (a) Dadah yang dijumpai adalah dadah berbahaya [20] Dalam kes ini fakta bahawa dadah-dadah yang ditemui di bilik tersebut adalah merupakan dadah merbahaya sudah terang lagi bersuluh berdasarkan kepada laporan kimia yang disediakan oleh ahli S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 kimia. Dalam laporan tersebut dinyatakan bahawa dadah-dadah yang diperiksanya setelah dihantar oleh pegawai penyiasat adalah merupakan dadah berbahaya yang dijadualkan di bawah ADB 1952. Ini bermakna elemen pertama bagi kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2 telah dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. [21] Pada masa yang sama mahkamah juga mengambil perhatian kepada soalan-soalan balas yang dikemukakan oleh peguam OKT-OKT terhadap ahli kimia yang mencadangkan bahawa ujian yang dilakukan oleh beliau adalah tidak tepat. Oleh itu laporan yang disediakan oleh ahli kimia tersebut adalah cacat dan tidak tepat. Namun demikian mahkamah berpendapat soalan-soalan sedemikian tidak dapat menggoyahkan keterangan ahli kimia. Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa ujian yang dijalankan adalah teratur dan keputusan yang dikeluarkan melalui laporan kimia tersebut dan keterangan ahli kimia diterima oleh mahkamah ini. Oleh itu Pendakwa Raya telah membuktikan elemen pertama pertuduhan-pertuduhan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. (b) Pemilikan dadah Adakah dadah-dadah tersebut dalam pemilikan OKT1 dan OKT2 [22] Keterangan SP5 menunjukkan bahawa semasa serbuan dibuat di bilik 20963, OKT1 berada dalam bilik tersebut di mana dadah-dadah dijumpai. SP5 menyatakan bahawa OKT1 cuba menghalang pintu itu dari dibuka. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 [23] Selain daripada itu imej dalam rakaman CCTV, eksibit P39A(2) juga telah disahkan oleh SP5 dan SP7 serta SP9 mendapati OKT1 dilihat ada memasuki bilik tersebut. Kali terakhir OKT1 dilihat memasuki bilik tersebut pada 29.10.2018, 0728-0729 hours. Ini ditambah pula dengan keterangan SP5 yang mengesahkan dadah-dadah tersebut ditemui berdekatan dengan OKT1 seperti gambarajah kasar, P36. [24] Seterusnya keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa acupakai pakaian yang ditemui dalam bilik tersebut adalah berjaya dilakukan ke atas OKT1 dan OKT2. [25] Selain daripada itu SP4 mengesahkan kunci bilik 20963 itu diberikan kepada OKT1. Ini turut disahkan oleh SP8 yang menyatakan orang yang membantunya untuk membuka pintu bilik 20962 adalah OKT1 yang keluar dari bilik 20963. [26] Keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut berada di tempat dalam gambarajah kasar semasa OKT1 dijumpai berada dalam bilik tersebut. [27] Namun begitu, laporan cap jari tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa cap jari OKT1 ada para barang kes tersebut bagi menyokong OKT1 mempunyai kawalan atau milikan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut. [28] Sementara bagi OKT2 pula, keterangan SP5 menyatakan bahawa OKT2 ditangkap pada jam 10.30 pagi seperti yang dinyatakan S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 dalam laporan polis Genting Highlands/005252/18, eksibit P30. OKT1 telah ditangkap pada jam 9.50 pagi seperti di P29. [29] Dalam kes ini tayangan CCTV di mahkamah menunjukkan imej beberapa orang lelaki yang telah dicamkan oleh SP7, SP5 dan SP6. Imej tersebut menunjukkan ada di antara mereka yang masuk ke bilik 20963 ada yang membawa beg. Ini menunjukkan bahawa selain daripada OKT1 dan OKT2 salah seorang individu yang dilihat melalui CCTV itu ialah Lim Yee Chuan dan menurut keterangan pegawai penyiasat penama Lim Yee Chuan mengiringi OKT1 membuka pintu bilik tersebut yang dapat dilihat daripada rakaman CCTV. SP9 menyatakan: S : Kita pergi ke klip yang pertama 28.10.2018 pada jam 2228 hours. Boleh Inspektor terangkan kepada mahkamah klip ini berkenaan apa? J : Pada tarikh 28.10.2018 masa 2228 hours di mana suspek Tan Car Chun dan Lim Yee Chuan telah masuk ke bilik 20963 dan Tan Car Chun membawa beg sandang warna hitam merah dan beg silang warna kuning coklat. S : Melalui rakaman ini boleh Inspektor terangkan yang mana satu penama Tan Car Chun dan yang mana satu penama Lim Yee Chuan? S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 J : Tan Car Chun iaitu yang sedang menggalas beg dan Lim Yee Chuan yang berada di sebelah yang menggalas beg tersebut. S : Kita pergi kepada klip yang kedua ini. Okay boleh berhenti. Untuk rakaman klip yang seterusnya apa keterangan rakaman tersebut? J : Rakaman tersebut dilihat Lim Yee Chuan telah keluar dari bilik 20963. S : Seterusnya saya pohon dimainkan rakaman 0025 hours. Apa keterangan rakaman? Boleh Inspektor terangkan berkenaan rakaman tersebut? J : Rakaman tersebut telah dilihat 4 individu iaitu Tan Car Chun yang telah keluar dari bilik 20963. Turut kelihatan di depan bilik tersebut adalah penama Syawal Rizal, penama Alif iaitu rakan kepada Rizal dan juga penama Yasir, kawan kepada Rizal juga. [30] Keterangan yang juga menunjukkan SP9 hanya cuba mengesan Lim Yee Chuan pada tahun 2023 melalui laporan polis Gemencheh 373/23, eksibit P43. Sementara itu carian daripada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dibuat pada 05.05.2023. Pada tahun 2019, SP9 sahkan dia tidak mencari Lim Yee Chuan. Adalah didapati tiada keterangan sebelum 2023 usaha pengesanan Lim Yee Chuan. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [31] SP9 mengesahkan bahawa di bilik 20963 pintunya dibuka oleh OKT1. SP9 menyatakan Lim Yee Chuan mengiringi OKT1 tetapi OKT1 yang membawa beg merah di mana dadah-dadah itu ditemui. Ketiadaan Lim Yee Chuan menyebabkan tiada kepastian bahawa beg merah itu adalah kepunyaan OKT1 atau Lim Yee Chuan. Keterangan yang menunjukkan OKT1 membawa beg merah tersebut pada hemat mahkamah tidak dapat menolak kemungkinan dadah-dadah itu berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan Lim Yee Chuan. Keterangan menunjukkan OKT2 tidak berada dalam bilik tersebut semasa serbuan dan hanya ditahan kemudian. [32] Mahkamah juga perlu meneliti kenyataan OKT1 dalam P28B yang menyatakan bahawa dadah itu bukan kepunyaannya tetapi hanya dadah di atas meja sahaja. OKT1 juga mengesahkan bahawa bilik tersebut disewa olehnya. Adakah dengan kenyataan OKT1 ini telah mengesahkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah dalam milikan OKT1. Dalam kes ini mahkamah perlu membezakan di antara hakmilik dadah-dadah tersebut dengan dadah-dadah itu berada dalam milikan OKT1 dan OKT2. Mahkamah merujuk PP v Denish Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 dan Chan Pean Leon v PP [1956] MLJ 237. [33] Mahkamah ini juga perlu meneliti kenyataan OKT1 melalui eksibit P28B apabila dikemukakan soalan-soalan seperti berikut: S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 [34] SP5 semasa pemeriksaan balas berkenaan isu ini iaitu berkaitan dengan perkataan dadah yang dilihat ditambah masuk dalam kenyataan tersebut telah menjelaskan seperti berikut: S : Sekarang lihat kepada dokumen kata-kata amaran yang telah kamu kemukakan sebagai eksibit P28B. If I may read soalan 1, lihat kepada soalan 1. Soalan: Adakah awak ada simpan barang salah dadah di dalam bilik? Jawapan: Barang itu bukan saya punya. Perkataan yang mustahak di sini adalah itu. Itu maksudnya barang sudah dijumpa. That barang. J : Bukan maksud itu Yang Arif. S : Jadi mengapa ada perkataan itu di sini? J : Tertuduh pada masa itu Tertuduh tahu ada sesuatu barang di simpan di dalam bilik. S : Don’t explain to much into this. Jawab soalan ini sahaja. Tidak ada soalan tentang tentang pengetahuan Tertuduh. Just soalan ini, Adakah awak ada simpan barang salah S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 dadah di dalam bilik? Jawapan dia adalah barang itu bukan saya punya which means that things is not mine, yang membawa maksud pada masa soalan ini ditanya barang kes dadah sudahpun dijumpai? J : Tidak setuju. S : Now soalan kedua, dimanakah barang kes dadah awak simpan jawapan saya punya barang dan ada tambahan perkataan dadah, nampak tak ada tambahan, is an addition, betul? J : Betul. S : Perkataan dadah tersebut merupakan satu tambahan ya? Lihat pada dokumen itu? J : Apa maksud tambahan? S : Additionlah, maksud dia, it is not in the same line? J : Dadah itu yang ditulis saya … S : Merupakan satu tambahan kepada ayat yang asal? J : Sebelum … Ayat tidak lengkap saya telah tambah semula. S : Soalan saya perkataan dadah di jawapan kedua merupakan satu tambahan kepada jawapan yang telah diberi? S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 J : Ini adalah jawapan yang Tertuduh bagi dan saya tuliskan. S : Boleh tolong jawab soalan saya tak? I think you understand my question. Please answer my question and don’t play around like a fool. Soalan saya adalah perkataan dadah yang terdapat di jawapan nombor 2 merupakan satu tambahan kepada jawapan yang telah diberi mula-mula oleh Tertuduh? J : Bukan. S : Bukan tambahan? J : Bukan tambahan. S : So maksud dia kalau bukan tambahan Tertuduh perkataan asal telah menyatakan saya punya barang dadah simpan atas meja sahaja. Is it? J : Tertuduh yang nyatakan. S : Dan mengapa ada dadah tidak selari atau tidak sama dengan perkataan-perkataan lain dalam ayat tersebut? J : Maksudnya masa saya tulis, saya mahu tulis dadah, terus tulis simpan maksudnya tercicir dadah. S : Tercicir okay. Saya mencadangkan kepada kamu perkataan dadah yang terdapat pada ayat pada jawapan S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 nombor 2 adalah satu tambahan yang dibuat terkemudian? J : Tidak setuju. [35] Mahkamah ini juga meneliti salinan asal penyataan tersebut mendapati tiada sebarang tandatangan ringkas bagi mengesahkan siapakah yang telah meletakkan perkataan dadah dalam penyataan tersebut. Adakah ia dibuat oleh SP5 atau dibuat sendiri oleh SP5 atau ditulis atas penyataan yang dibuat oleh OKT1. [36] Pada hemat mahkamah kenyataan yang dibuat di bawah P28B adalah keterangan mustahak untuk mengaitkan dadah-dadah tersebut dengan OKT1. Ini bermakna sekiranya mahkamah menerima eksibit P28B itu maka ia sudah menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya hubungan di antara OKT1 dengan dadah-dadah tersebut, sekurang-kurangnya dadah-dadah yang dikatakan berada di atas meja. Oleh yang demikian mahkamah perlu berhati-hati dan memastikan bahawa tiada terdapat sebarang kecurigaan terhadap kandungan kenyataan tersebut. [37] Mahkamah tidak boleh dengan sewenang-wenangnya menerima kenyataan di P28B tersebut. Ia boleh dilakukan sedemikian sekiranya tiada sebarang petanda yang boleh menimbulkan kecurigaan kepada kesahihan kenyataan yang dinyatakan dalam P28B tersebut terutamanya penambahan perkataan dadah di situ. Mahkamah perlu berhati-hati dan memberikan sebarang faedah kesangsian (benefit of doubt) terhadap P28B ini kepada OKT1. Dalam kes ini mahkamah berpendapat P28B tidak menunjukkan bahawa OKT1 mempunyai S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut. Mahkamah ini tidak boleh bersandarkan kepada P28B untuk memutuskan bahawa OKT1 mempunyai pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan dadah-dadah tersebut. [38] Begitu juga dengan kenyataan yang diberikan oleh OKT2. Mahkamah ini berpendapat seperti yang dinyatakan terhadap kenyataan OKT1, mahkamah harus berhati-hati dalam menerima keterangan ini terhadap OKT2. Mahkamah mendapati terdapat keraguan terhadap dokumen dan isi kandungannya yang dikemukakan sebagai P28B tersebut. Oleh itu pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 dengan bersandarkan kepada dokumen P28B. Adakah kegagalan pihak pendakwaan memanggil saksi-saksi terutamanya Lim Yee Chuan adalah membolehkan pemakaian seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai [39] Adalah tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa budi bicara untuk memanggil seseorang saksi adalah terletak kepada pihak pendakwaan. Pihak pendakwaan boleh menimbangkan saksi yang difikirkan perlu dikemukakan di mahkamah. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes Khoon Chye Hin v PP [1961] 1 MLJ 105 di mana Yang Amat Arif Thomson, Ketua Hakim Negara menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 “It is, of course, well settled that in a criminal case prosecuting counsel, provided there is no wrong motive, has a discretion as to whether or not to call any particular witness and in particular has a discretion not to call in support of his case a witness whom he does not believe to be a witness of truth.” [40] Ini juga telah dinyatakan terlebih dahulu dalam kes Adel Muhammed El Dabbah v A-G for Palestine [1944] AC 156 di mana Lord Thankerton menyatakan seperti berikut: “While their Lordships agree that there was no obligation on the prosecution to tender these witnesses, and, therefore, this contention of the present appellant fails, their Lordships doubt whether the rule of practice as expressed by the Court of Criminal Appeal sufficiently recognizes that the prosecutor has a discretion as to what witnesses should be called for the prosecution, and the court will not interfere with the exercise of that discretion, unless, perhaps, it can be shown that the prosecutor has been influenced by some oblique motive.” [41] Ia juga telah dinyatakan juga oleh Mahkamah Agong dalam kes Ti Chuee Hiang v PP [1995] 2 MLJ 433 yang menjelaskan budi bicara pihak pendakwaan untuk memanggil saksi perlu dilakukan bagi kepentingan keadilan. Ini dinyatakan oleh YA Hakim Edgar Joseph JR seperti berikut: “We recognize that the function of the prosecution is to prosecute, and that does not mean that it must discharge the functions both of the prosecution and the defence. On the other hand, it is clear law that the prosecution must have in court all witnesses from whom statements have been taken, but they have a discretion whether to call them or not. (See Teh Lee Tong v PP [1956] MLJ 194.) That discretion, S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 however, must be exercised having regard to the interests of justice, which includes being fair to the accused (per Lord Parker CJ in R v Oliva [1965] 3 All ER 116 at p 122; [1965] 2 WLR 1028 at p 1035), and to call witnesses essential to the unfolding of the narrative on which the prosecution case is based, whether the effect of their testimony is for or against the prosecution (per Lord Roche in the Ceylon Privy Council case of Seneviratne v R [1936] 3 All ER 36 at p 49, applied in R v Nugent [1977] 3 All ER 662; [1977] 1 WLR 789).” [42] Malahan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Rosli bin Yusof v PP [2021] 4 MLJ 479 telah menyatakan budi bicara pihak pendakwaan untuk memanggil saksi dengan tanggungjawab pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan kes pendakwaan seperti berikut: “[38] In our view, it is settled law based on the authorities cited to us by the learned counsel for the appellant in his submission that the prosecution has discretion whether to call any particular witness, but such discretion is subject to two limitations, vis: (a) the discretion must be exercised with due regard to considerations of fairness and good faith; and (b) the witnesses who had been investigated by the police and from whom the statements have been recorded must be offered to the defence.” [43] Adalah jelas dan nyata bahawa budi bicara memanggil saksi- saksi adalah dalam ruang lingkup budi bicara pendakwaan. Namun ia tertakluk kepada tanggungjawab Pendakwa Raya untuk membuktikan kesnya dan apa yang lebih penting ialah sama ada kegagalan memanggil saksi tersebut juga perlu dikaitkan dengan kepentingan keadilan. Sekiranya kegagalan memanggil saksi tersebut S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 menyebabkan keadilan tidak dapat ditegakkan ia boleh mengatasi budi bicara Pendakwa Raya mengemukakan saksi. [44] Dalam kes ini Lim Yee Chuan adalah saksi yang terlibat langsung dalam kejadian ini. Ia dapat dilihat melalui keterangan saksi-saksi yang melihat Lim Yee Chuan masuk bersama-sama ke dalam bilik di mana OKT1 ditahan dan OKT2 ditangkap selepas itu. Ini bermakna kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan adalah penting kepada kes pendakwaan bagi menunjukkan dadah-dadah tersebut di dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1, OKT2 atau berada dalam milikan, pengetahuan dan kawalan Lim Yee Chuan. Ia adalah berkaitan langsung dengan isu yang seterusnya iaitu akses kepada bilik tersebut yang akan dinyatakan selepas ini. [45] Keterangan menunjukkan bahawa SP9 telah membuat percubaan untuk mengesan Lim Yee Chuan hanya pada tahun 2023. Pegawai penyiasat dalam keterangan menyatakan beliau tidak mengesan pada tahun 2018, 2019 2020, 2021 dan 2022. Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa tiada alasan yang memuaskan diberikan oleh pegawai penyiasat berkenaan kegagalan beliau mengesan saksi ini lebih awal. [46] Persoalannya ialah adakah mahkamah ini boleh menerima alasan kegagalan mengemukakan Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi adalah sesuatu yang wajar. Mahkamah berpendapat berdasarkan keterangan dan usaha pengesanan Lim Yee Chuan serta kedudukannya sebagai saksi penting dalam kes ini tidak membolehkan ketidakhadiran saksi S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 tersebut dipandang enteng disebabkan ia akan menimbulkan ketidakadilan kepada OKT-OKT berkenaan milikan, pengetahuan dan kawalan dadah-dadah tersebut serta berkait dengan isu askes kepada bilik tersebut. [47] Selain daripada itu tiada juga keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa Lim Yee Chuan adalah seorang pemberi maklumat (informer) yang tertakluk kepada peruntukan di bawah seksyen 40 ADB 1952. Namun begitu mahkamah juga perlu menimbangkan bahawa kegagalan Pendakwa Raya memanggil saksi-saksi bukanlah semestinya faktor yang akan menjejaskan kes pendakwaan. Misalnya dalam kes (1) Namasiyiam (2) Rajindran (3) Goh Chin Peng and (4) Ng Ah Kiat v PP [1987] 2 MLJ 336 salah seorang saksi yang dikatakan rakan sejenayah telah tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi dalam kes tersebut. Namun demikian Mahkamah Agong berpendapat ianya tidak menjejaskan kes pendakwaan disebabkan terdapatnya keterangan- keterangan lain di mana ketiadaan saksi tersebut tidak membawa apa- apa perbezaan. “Clearly, Francis was a particeps criminis, an accomplice in the true sense of the word. It was submitted that the absence of Francis at the trial would raise the presumption under section 114(g) of the Evidence Act unfavourable to the prosecution. Be that as it may, in the light of overwhelming prosecution evidence as stated earlier, we do not think that the presence of Francis, had he been available, would have made any difference.” S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 [48] Sebaliknya dalam kes ini kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi akan mengubah keadaan kes ini dan mahkamah dapat menentukan sama ada milikan dadah-dadah tersebut adalah OKT1, OKT2 atau orang lain iaitu Lim Yee Chuan. Sekiranya tiada keterangan daripada rakaman CCTV yang menunjukkan keberadaan Lim Yee Chuan maka ketiadaan Lim Yee Chuan tidak akan menjejaskan kes pendakwaan. Namun begitu dalam kes ini kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan dan beberapa orang saksi lain yang disahkan oleh pegawai penyiasat yang tidak dirakam percakapan mereka adalah sesuatu yang mustahak diberikan perhatian oleh mahkamah dalam menentukan sama ada dadah-dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 atau OKT2. [49] Oleh itu mahkamah ini berpendapat kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi penting dalam kes ini adalah mewajarkan pemakaian anggapan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950. Mahkamah sedar bahawa pemakaian seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya digunakan terhadap pendakwaan seperti yang dinyatakan dalam kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492 seperti berikut: “Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but material document by a party in his possession, or for non-production of not just any witness but an important and material witness to the case.” S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 [50] Dalam kes Munusamy (supra) keterangan menunjukkan bahawa seorang ahli kimia yang tidak dapat mengemukakan perakuan ujian ketepatan alat sukatan daripada Merinyu (Inspektor) Timbang dan Sukat. Ini adalah disebabkan ahli kimia tersebut mengesahkan bahawa dia tidak mempunyai butiran berkenaan alatan tersebut sebelum tahun 1985. Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak terpakai dapat kes tersebut. [51] Sebaliknya, Lim Yee Chuan adalah saksi penting dalam kes ini. Dia telah diketahui oleh pegawai penyiasat dan imejnya dapat dilihat melalui rakaman CCTV semenjak 2018 dan hanya dikesan pada 2023. Ia jelas menunjukkan bahawa keterangan Lim Yee Chuan tidak diketengahkan untuk penelitian mahkamah ini bagi membantu mahkamah meneliti keterangan Lim Yee Chuan bersama-sama dengan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan yang lain. Oleh itu mahkamah mendapati seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai kepada pihak pendakwaan. Akses [52] Dalam kes ini keterangan yang ada ialah OKT1 diserahkan kad kunci bilik tersebut, OKT1 berada dalam bilik tersebut semasa serbuan dibuat, OKT1 bersama seorang Lim Yee Chuan. OKT2 hanya bersama- sama OKT1 di bilik tersebut. Rakaman CCTV menunjukkan pergerakan keluar masuk bilik tersebut oleh beberapa orang individu lain. Individu- individu yang dikenalpasti itu ada yang tidak dapat dikesan dan ada yang tidak diambil keterangannya. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [53] Adakah keterangan OKT1 di P28B itu dapat menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah itu dalam milikan OKT1? Hakikat yang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa bilik tersebut dapat diakses oleh individu- individu yang lain sepanjang rakaman CCTV sebelum bilik tersebut diserbu oleh pihak polis. Ini adalah seperti apa yang berlaku dalam kes Lee Chee Meng v PP [1992] 1 MLJ 322 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan: “The totality of the evidence did not support the justification. Firstly, it is to be stressed that the burden on the appellant was merely to cast a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case. Where the presumption under s 37(da) is invoked the burden on the defence was only on the balance of probabilities. The other aspect of the evidence in this case must be examined. It would seem that the learned trial judge did not consider the evidence that the said Yoong Thien Soong (tenant of room A) was also arrested at the same time with four packets of drugs found in the room. Although the learned judge recognized the evidence relating to the contention that the door to room B could not be locked with the key at the material time, yet he did not give sufficient consideration to that evidence. In fact contrary to the evidence, the learned trial judge made a number of speculations to justify his conclusion, namely, that the padlock (exh P28) could be used to padlock room B, and that the appellant could have purchased another padlock and holding that the air-cooler and the mini-compo were valuable items and that the shoe boxes were meant for storage of drugs. In fact, the doubt as to exclusive use of room B by the appellant alone could be sufficient ground to allow the appeal.” S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 [54] Sementara itu dalam kes Abdullah Zawawi bin Yusoff v PP [1993] 3 MLJ 1 kewujudan orang lain yang berkemungkinan mempunyai akses kepada kawasan pembinaan yang belum siap telah diputuskan sebagai keadaan yang menunjukkan terdapatnya kemungkinan akses oleh pihak lain. “The judge was of the view that though the house was still under construction there was no evidence to show that there had been access to the house through the uncompleted part. With respect, given the fact that this was a case where the police were acting on a tip-off, undoubtedly by an informer, who might have been a paid informer, and the further fact that the house was still under construction, the onus was not on the defence to prove possibility of access by others but on the prosecution to exclude such possibility. Of course, the defence could besides taking advantage of infirmities in the prosecution case in this regard, have gone further, and shown the possibility of access by others, but this they were not, in law, obliged to do. To return to the judgment, in fairness to the judge, he did pursue the point about the possibility of a plant. What he said was this: Counsel also makes a faint insinuation of the possible involvement of Mohammad bin Mohd Amin in the commission of the alleged offence, and that could be the reason why he is scared to come to court. I have given a thorough thought to such a possibility but am unable to accept it as I find there is no conceivable reason for Mohammad to frame the first accused. Most of the time when he was in Gua Musang, he stayed with the first accused. He even worked for him and more or less regarded himself as part of the family. I cannot by any stretch of imagination think of him having a plan to implicate the person who had been more than a friend to him. There is nothing to show that he would stand to gain S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 by it. The insinuation without more remains only an insinuation, without any evidence to link Mohammad with the alleged offence. We recognize the force of the judge's reasoning, but motive is not always an easy matter to prove, and there was the testimony of ASP Haji Hamzah bin Awang (PW10), who took over investigations in the case, that he had attempted to secure the attendance of Mohammad at the trial but failed because Mohammad, who was by then living in Kampong Dusun Nyior, Narathiwat, Thailand, did not dare to come to Malaysia. There was also evidence that most of the time when he was in Gua Musang, Mohammad stayed with the appellant. In other words, he had liberal access to the house. Then, again, there was the evidence of his presence in the house at the time of the police raid and his arrest by the police. These are matters upon which we did not place undue stress and we therefore mention it, only in passing, to show that Mohammad was a possible suspect. But there was more substance in the point (not raised by counsel or considered by the judge) that the wife of the appellant might have concealed the drugs in the box without the appellant being a party to such act even though he might have known about it. The charge, be it noted, was trafficking in dangerous drugs and it will be recalled, that it was the conduct of the wife which led to the discovery of the drugs, and certainly the case for the prosecution was that she was involved, for why else was she prosecuted jointly with the appellant? Indeed, the judge ruled, at the close of the case for the prosecution, that she had a case to answer though, admittedly, at the close of the case for the defence, he did acquit her saying in the final part of his judgment: However, I am satisfied the second accused has succeeded in rebutting the presumptions, thereby creating a doubt on the case against her. I therefore acquit and discharge her. There is no appeal against her acquittal. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 He did not, however, give any reasons for that conclusion and we note that the wife did not implicate the appellant in any way, nor was there any evidence that they were acting in concert.” [55] Seterusnya dalam kes Gooi Loo Seng v PP [1993] 2 MLJ 137 Mahkamah Agong memutuskan bahawa kehadiran teman wanita Tertuduh yang mempunyai kunci telah menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya akses kepada bilik tidur tersebut oleh orang lain menyebabkan sabitan telah diketepikan. “Had the trial judge approached the prosecution case in the manner we have indicated, we cannot confidently say that he would or must inevitably have rejected the appellant's version that he had no knowledge of the presence of the heroin in the bedroom and that it could have been hidden there by others having access to the bedroom in his absence. We need hardly add, that even if the appellant had known of the presence of the heroin in his bedroom, that by itself would not have been sufficient to establish that he was in possession or in control of it given the fact that others too, and certainly his girlfriend Tan Ah Kwai, had access to the bedroom and could have concealed the heroin there. At the end of the day, this was a case of the proverbial cap which might have fitted not just the head of the appellant but that of others as well.” [56] Dalam kes ini tindakan beberapa orang individu-individu keluar masuk bilik tersebut menunjukkan bahawa bilik tersebut boleh diakses oleh orang lain selain daripada OKT1 dan OKT2. Namun mahkamah juga tidak sewajarnya secara automatik menyatakan bahawa orang lain mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. Ini adalah disebabkan kad bilik tersebut diserahkan kepada OKT1 dan OKT2 juga menjadi penghuni di S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 bilik tersebut. Ini ditambah pula dengan tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa semasa keluar masuk bilik tersebut oleh individu- individu tersebut beg yang mana dadah-dadah itu ditemui telah juga dibawa keluar oleh mana-mana individu tersebut semasa keluar masuk dari bilik tersebut. [57] Selain daripada itu tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan berkenaan apakah yang berlaku dalam bilik tersebut semasa individu- individu tersebut dikatakan berada dalam bilik tersebut. Oleh yang demikian keterangan individu-individu yang dilihat memasuki bilik tersebut adalah mustahak untuk mengesahkan bahawa dadah tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan saksi-saksi tersebut melainkan ianya adalah berkaitan dengan OKT1 dan OKT2 sahaja. [58] Hakikatnya ialah terdapatnya beberapa orang yang mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. Ketiadaan individu-individu sebagai saksi telah menyebabkan terdapat kemungkinan dadah-dadah tersebut bukannya berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2. Ini ditambah pula dengan laporan cap jari dan DNA yang tidak dapat menunjukkan kaitan OKT1 dan OKT2 dengan dadah tersebut. Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa ketidaaan pengemukakan laporan cap jari dan DNA tidak sewajarnya dijadikan alasan untuk menyatakan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan kes prima facie. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Mansor Md. Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233 seperti berikut: S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 “We also find ourselves in agreement with the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor that the learned trial Judge had erred in law when he faulted PW13 the investigating officer for not lifting the finger prints off the wrappings of the cannabis and for not taking photographs of the street light in front of the house No. 129. Where the identity of a culprit is in question or required to be proved, fingerprint evidence would be of great significance and immense value. In the present case under appeal, however, the charge alleged trafficking in the form of sale and there is evidence indicating the identities of the alleged offenders and the sale transaction. Fingerprint evidence on the newspaper wrapping, white plastic and the loytape, therefore, assumes little value or significance.” [59] Namun demikian dalam kes tersebut keterangan pendakwaan ialah terdapatnya urus niaga pembelian dan penjualan dadah-dadah di mana identiti Tertuduh tidak menjadi isu dalam kes tersebut. Prinsip dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Mansor Md. Rashid & Anor (supra) telah diikuti oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes PP v Ebrahim Mirzaie Hj Ebrahim Deh Mokhtar [2017] 1 CLJ 575 dan PP v Rosli Rikidin [2023] 1 LNS 1849. [60] Dalam kes ini mahkamah mendapati bahawa kegagalan untuk memanggil saksi-saksi yang mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut menyebabkan pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat membuktikan bahawa OKT-OKT mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan kepada dadah-dadah tersebut. Ini adalah disebabkan persoalan berikut akan timbul iaitu: S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 (a) Adakah dadah-dadah tersebut dimiliki oleh individu-individu yang dilihat dalam rakaman CCTV tersebut yang telah masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut; dan (b) Adakah dadah-dadah itu dibawa masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut bersama-sama dengan beg yang dibawa oleh OKT1 seperti yang tertera dalam rakaman CCTV atau dibawa oleh individu lain. [61] Ia boleh menyebabkan mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut tidak dibuktikan berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 sebaliknya dadah-dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan individu-individu lain yang tertera imej mereka dalam rakaman CCTV tersebut. Oleh itu kehadiran saksi-saksi tersebut adalah penting bagi bagi menyokong kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan dan membuktikan elemen pemilikan dadah-dadah tersebut. [62] Oleh itu penelitian kepada keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan mahkamah berpendapat pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan OKT1 dan OKT2 mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut di akhir kes pendakwaan. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 (c) Pengedaran Dadah [63] Setelah mahkamah ini meneliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan mahkamah berpendapat pendakwaan gagal membuktikan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut berada di dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 maka anggapan pengedaran dadah- dadah tersebut di bawah seksyen 37 (da) ADB 1952 tidak dapat digunakan oleh mahkamah ini bagi membuktikan pengedaran dadah berbahaya seperti pertuduhan. Seksyen 37 (da) ADB 1952 seperti berikut: “(da) any person who is found in possession of- (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin; (ii) 15 grammes or more in weight of morphine; (iii) 15 grammes or more in weight of monoacetylmorphines; (iiia) a total of 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin, morphine and monoacetylmorphines or a total of 15 grammes or more in weight of any two of the said dangerous drugs; (iv) 1,000 grammes or more in weight of prepared opium; (v) 1,000 grammes or more in weight of raw opium; (va) a total of 1,000 grammes or more in weight of prepared opium and raw opium; (vi) 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis, (vii) 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis resin; S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 (viii) a total of 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis and cannabis resin; (ix) 40 grammes or more in weight of cocaine; (x) 2,000 grammes or more in weight of cocoa leaves; (xi) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2-Amino-1-(2, 5- dimethoxy-4-methyl) phenylpropane; (xii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Amphetamine; (xiii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2, 5- Dimethoxyamphetamine (DMA); (xiv) 50 grammes or more in weight of Dimethoxybromoamphetamine (DOB); (xv) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4- ethylamphetamine (DOET); (xvi) 50 grammes or more in weight of Methamphetamine; (xvii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 5-Methoxy-3, 4- Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MMDA); (xviii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA); (xix) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-ethyl MDA; (xx) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-hydroxy MDA; (xxi) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-methyl-l-(3, 4- methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine; (xxii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); (xxiii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA); S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 (xxiv) 50 grammes or more in weight of 3,4,5- Trimethoxyamphetamine (3, 4, 5-TMA); or (xxv) a total of 50 grammes or more in weight of any combination of the dangerous drugs listed in subparagraphs (xi) to (xxiv), otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug” [64] Namun begitu mahkamah ini perlu meneliti sama ada terdapat keterangan yang ada dapat menunjukkan terdapatnya pengedaran seperti yang ditafsirkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952 seperti berikut: “"trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority of this Act or the regulations made under the Act” [65] Ini adalah disebabkan terdapat keterangan daripada SP5 dan imej daripada rakaman CCTV yang dipertontonkan di dalam mahkamah terbuka terdapat individu yang membawa sebuah beg di mana beg tersebut dikatakan dadah-dadah tersebut dijumpai. Ia membawa maksud adakah tindakan individu tersebut yang didakwa sebagai OKT1 dalam kes ini telah membawa (carrying) dadah-dadah tersebut. Ini juga perlu dipertimbangkan bersesuaian dengan keterangan yang menyatakan dadah-dadah itu telah berada dalam bilik tersebut. Apakah ianya tergolong dalam tindakan menyimpan dadah-dadah tersebut yang S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 boleh termasuk dalam takrifan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [66] Mahkamah ini dalam meneliti keterangan bagi maksud penggunaan seksyen 2 ADB 1952 dipandu oleh keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Teh Geok Hock v PP [1989] 3 MLJ 162 seperti berikut: “It is quite clear then that although the learned judge accepted the evidence that the appellant was a drug addict, he rejected his explanation of the ten packets of heroin found on his person. He was satisfied that the appellant was trafficking in the drugs as charged and convicted the appellant. 'Trafficking' is defined in the Act as follows: 'Trafficking' includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug. True, the definition in the Act sounds artificial and not according to the ordinary meaning of the word 'trafficking' which is normally understood to mean to trade in, buy or sell, any commodity, albeit often with sinister implication. See also the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. The definition of 'trafficking' in the Act is wide and includes not only buying and selling, but also carrying, concealing and keeping. It is totally different from the definition of the word 'traffic' in the Singapore Misuse of Drugs Act. In the Singapore provision to 'traffic' in a controlled drug so as to constitute an offence of trafficking involves something more than passive possession or self-administration of the drug. See Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 64.” S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 [67] Namun demikian Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Chow Kok Keong v Public Prosecutor [1998] 2 MLJ 337 telah menyatakan perbezaan pandangan dengan keputusan dalam kes Teh Geok Hock (supra) seperti berikut: “In our view, both Cohen and Ng Chai Kem, have severely watered down Teh Geok Hock in so far as it implies that passive possession or self-administration can never be a defence to a charge of trafficking under s 39B of our Act. Having considered this point afresh, we preferred the views expressed in Cohen and Ng Chai Kem to those in Teh Geok Hock which we regarded as oversimplistic. We would add that apart from the general consideration that the drugs legislation is a piece of highly penal legislation and therefore any ambiguity in it should be resolved in favour of the subject, in accordance with long established canons of construction, it is pertinent to note that the definition of 'trafficking' aforesaid comes under s 2 of the Act, the very first line of which reads: In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires …. In our view the context of s 37(da)(i) which says: any person who is found in possession of — (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin; … otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug; does 'otherwise require' (italics supplied). If this were not so, the provisions of s 37(da) which specifically confer upon the accused the right to rebut the presumption of trafficking arising from being found in possession of dangerous drugs in excess of the statutory minimum, would be an empty hypocrisy.” S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 [68] Di samping itu mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Ong Ah Chuan v PP [1981] 1 MLJ 64 yang memutuskan bahawa pengedaran dalam konteks seksyen 2 ADB 1952 itu perlu diteliti tujuan perbuatan- perbuatan tersebut dilakukan. Ia tidak hanya sekadar menunjukkan bahawa seseorang itu melakukan salah satu daripada 18 perkara yang dinyatakan di bawah takrifan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Di samping itu mahkamah juga perlu melihat jumlah dadah-dadah yang terlibat bagi menyatakan bahawa ianya bukan untuk tujuan penggunaan sendiri melainkan semata-mata untuk tujuan pengedaran. Ini dinyatakan oleh Lord Diplock seperti berikut: “This is a very wide descriptionof acts that may be treated as equivalent to the substantive offence of trafficking; nevertheless, in their Lordships' view, it is clear from the structure of the Drugs Act and the distinction drawn between the offence of having a controlled drug in one'spossession and the offence of trafficking in it, that mere possession of itself is not to be treated as an act preparatory to or in furtherance of or for the purpose of trafficking so as to permit the conviction of the possessor of the substantive offence. Tobring the provisions of sections 10 and 3(c) into operation some further step or overt act by the accused is needed, directed to transferring possession of the drug to some other person; and it is a consequence of the clandestine nature of the drug trade andthe means adopted for the detection of those engaged in it, that the further step that the prosecution is most likely to be able to prove in evidence is the act of the accused in transporting the drug to some place where he intends to deliver it to someone else,whether it be the actual consumer or a distributor or another dealer. Proof of the purpose for which an act is done, where such purpose is a necessary ingredient of the offence with which an accused is charged, presents a problem with whichcriminal S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 courts are very familiar. Generally, in the absence of an express admission by the accused, the purpose with which he did an act is a matter of inference from what he did. Thus, in the case of an accused caught in the act of conveying from one placeto another controlled drugs in a quantity much larger than is likely to be needed for his own consumption the inference that he was transporting them for the purpose of trafficking in them would, in the absence of any plausible explanationby him, be irresistible — even if there were no statutory presumption such as is contained in section 15 of the Drugs Act. As a matter of common sense the larger the quantity of drugs involved the stronger the inference thatthey were not intended for the personal consumption of the person carrying them, and the more convincing the evidence needed to rebut it. All that section 15 does is to lay down the minimum quantity of each of the five drugs with which it deals at which theinference arises from the quantity involved alone that they were being transported for the purpose of transferring possession of them to another person and not solely for the transporter's own consumption. There may be other facts which justify the inferenceeven where the quantity of drugs involved is lower than the minimum which attracts the statutory presumption under section 15. In the instant cases, however, the quantities involved were respectively one hundred times and six hundred times the statutory minimum. Whether the quantities involved be large or small, however, the inference is always rebuttable. The accused himself best knows why he was conveying the drugs from one place to another and, if he can satisfy the court, upon the balance of probabilitiesonly, that they were destined for his own consumption he is entitled to be acquitted of the offence of trafficking under section 3.” [69] Ia juga telah dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Johar bin Mustapha v Public Prosecutor [2009] 6 MLJ 593 yang S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 menjelaskan berkenaan pemakaian pendekatan tujuan yang diutarakan dalam kes Ong Ah Chuan (supra) seperti berikut: “[44] We feel it is appropriate at this juncture to refer to the 'purpose approach' in the judgment of Lord Diplock in the celebrated case of Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor; Koh Chai Cheng v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 64 where it was held (at p 69) as follows: Proof of the purpose for which an act is done, where such purpose is a necessary ingredient of the offence with which an accused is charged, presents a problem with which criminal courts are very familiar. Generally, in the absence of an express admission by the accused, the purpose with which he did an act is a matter of inference from what he did. Thus, in the case of an accused caught in the act of conveying from one place to another controlled drugs in a quantity much larger than is likely to be needed for his own consumption the inference that he was transporting them for the purpose of trafficking in them would, in the absence of any plausible explanation by him, be irresistible — even if there were no statutory presumption such as is contained in s 15 of the Drugs Act (see alsoPublic Prosecutor v Ouseng sama-Ae [2008] 1 CLJ 337). (Emphasis added.)” [70] Mahkamah juga dapat melihat bagaimana keterangan yang mencukupi untuk menyatakan bahawa OKT-OKT telah membawa dadah seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Ini dapat dilihat dalam kes Sathya Vello v. PP [2022] 5 CLJ 659 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan fakta kes tersebut seperti berikut: “[4] The facts are straightforward and may be summarised as follows. At the time and place specified in the two charges, the S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 43 appellant and the second accused had just arrived from Chennai, India by AirAsia flight AK1258. The appellant was seen pushing a trolley and heading towards the customs clearance area with the second accused beside him. On the trolley were two luggage bags. [5] As the appellant and the second accused were behaving suspiciously, Corporal Pannir Selvam a/l Subramaniam (PW3) who was on duty at the airport together with ASP Mohideen bin Ismail (PW2) stopped them and requested them to have their bags scanned at the scanning machine. This was done and the scan showed suspicious images on the monitor screen even after the contents of the bags were emptied. When PW2 lifted the empty bags, he found them to be exceptionally heavy. He also noticed that the fabric at the bottom of the bags were bulging. He then decided to carry out a physical examination on the two bags in the presence of the appellant and the second accused.” [71] Berdasarkan fakta tersebut Mahkamah Persekutuan telah memutuskan bahawa ia adalah memadai untuk membuktikan OKT membawa dadah-dadah tersebut bagi maksud seksyen 2 ADB 1952 dengan menyatakan seperti berikut: “[15] The appellant's act of carrying the drugs was clearly an act of trafficking by definition: See s. 2 of the DDA, which reads: 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: "trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority of this Act or the regulations made under the Act; S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 44 [16] Since "trafficking" is statutorily defined, which definition is to be applied unless the context otherwise requires, there is no necessity for the court to look for its common law meaning, if there is any. If the appellant could prove, in rebuttal of the presumption under s. 37(d) of the DDA, that he had no knowledge of the presence and of the nature of the drugs, he would of course be acquitted outrightly of the trafficking charges despite being in physical possession of the drugs, because without proof of knowledge, he committed no offence under the DDA, not even the lesser offence of possession under s. 12(2).” [72] Dalam kes ini mahkamah mendapati bahawa keterangan yang menyatakan bahawa individu yang dikatakan OKT1 telah membawa beg tersebut tanpa keterangan yang menyatakan apakah tujuan beg itu dibawa masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut di samping terdapat individu- individu lain yang bersama OKT1 semasa memasuki bilik tersebut tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa tindakan membawa beg tersebut oleh OKT1 adalah termasuk dalam takrifan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Begitu juga tiada keterangan yang dapat menyatakan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut disimpan atau disembunyikan dalam bilik tersebut bagi memenuhi takrifan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [73] Oleh yang demikian mahkamah ini berpendapat pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan pengedaran seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [74] Ini bermakna mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan satu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952 terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 45 Pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 bagi dadah jenis Ketamin dan seksyen 9 (1) Akta Racun 1952 untuk Etizolam [75] Penelitian kepada keterangan yang dikemukakan di mahkamah adalah didapati bahawa dadah ketamin yang menjadi asas kepada pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 adakah dikatakan dijumpai dalam bilik yang sama dengan dadah-dadah yang dipertuduhkan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952. Ini bermakna dapatan mahkamah ini berkenaan pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan dadah- dadah tersebut adalah sama dengan dapatan bagi pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan bagi dadah-dadah yang dituduh di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952. Mahkamah ini berpendapat tiada sebarang keterangan lain yang boleh dinilai oleh mahkamah melainkan keterangan- keterangan yang sama yang dikemukakan oleh pendakwaan. Ia akan membawa kepada satu kesimpulan yang sama iaitu pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. Ianya mungkin berbeza sekrianya dadah-dadah bagi pertuduhan seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 itu ditemui di tempat lain dan terdapat keterangan- keterangan lain yang berbeza dengan keterangan bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952 tersebut. [76] Akhirnya mahkamah berpendapat bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2 di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 dan seksyen 9 (1) Akta Racun 1952. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 46 Penutup [77] Adalah satu fakta yang perlu diakui oleh mahkamah bahawa kesungguhan untuk mengatasi masalah pengedaran dan pemilikan dadah adalah sesuatu yang berterusan. Ia dapat dilihat melalui penambahbaikan peruntukan undang-undang di bawah ADB 1952 semenjak penggubalannya sehingga kini. Misalnya pengenalan hukuman mati mandatori yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1983 walaupun telah dimansuhkan melalui Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023. Ia juga dapat dilihat kepada peningkatan hukuman yang boleh dikenakan bagi kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah ADB 1952 serta undang-undang yang berkaitan. Ini semua dilakukan bagi membolehkan kegiatan pengedaran dadah dapat dibanteras dan dilumpuhkan bagi menghalang kegiatan jenayah lain yang berkaitan dengan dadah. [78] Oleh itu adalah penting bagi siasatan yang melibatkan kes pengedaran dadah dilakukan dengan professional, berhati-hati dan sentiasa mematuhi peruntukan undang-undang. Ini bagi membolehkan keterangan-keterangan tersebut dikemukakan mengikut undang- undang semasa perbicaraan kelak. Sebarang ketidakpatuhan atau kecuaian dalam penyiasatan akan membawa padah kepada kegagalan pengemukaan keterangan yang dikehendaki oleh undang-undang semasa perbicaraan kelak. Pada masa yang sama pendakwaan berkaitan dengan kes-kes dadah perlu dilakukan dengan mematuhi prinsip undang-undang yang dinyatakan dalam Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah dan Akta Keterangan 1950 di samping S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 47 dipandu arah oleh keputusan-keputusan mahkamah atasan berkenaan kes-kes dadah. Di samping itu para peguam yang mewakili anak guam juga hendaklah membela anak guam mereka berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang bagi memastikan keadilan yang wajar dinikmati oleh anak guam mereka dapat dipertahankan. [79] Pada masa yang sama mahkamah yang mendengar kes-kes pengedaran dadah-dadah juga perlu memastikan keterangan- keterangan dikemukakan berdasarkan kepada Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah dan Akta Keterangan 1950 dan mematuhi kepada keputusan mahkamah atasan berkenaan dengan kes-kes dadah. Sesungguhnya kesepaduan di antara proses siasatan, pendakwaan, pembelaan dan perbicaraan serta penghakiman yang dilakukan dengan professional dan mengikut jalur undang-undang akan memastikan hasrat untuk membanteras aktiviti pengedaran dadah yang menjadi penyakit dalam masyarakat akan dapat dilaksanakan tanpa menggadaikan prinsip keadilan yang wajar dinikmati oleh seseorang yang dituduh di bawah ADB 1952. [80] Dalam konteks ini Pendakwa Raya dan peguambela seharusnya membantu mahkamah dengan mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan dan pembelaan yang wajar bagi membolehkan mahkamah jenayah yang mengendalikan perbicaraan kes-kes di bawah ADB 1952 dapat melaksanakan tugas dan amanahnya dengan sempurna. [81] Sebagai pelengkap adalah wajar untuk mahkamah meneliti pandangan yang dikemukakan berkenaan dengan tanggungjawab dan S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 48 amanah yang perlu dilakukan mahkamah jenayah seperti yang diutarakan dalam artikel The Need for a Criminal Division of the High Court oleh David Ormerod, Current Legal Problems Vol. XX (2023) 1, halaman 2 walaupun artikel tersebut berkaitan dengan sistem mahkamah tinggi jenayah di United Kingdom namun ia menarik untuk direnungkan. David Ormerod menyatakan seperti berikut: “There is no obvious reason to assume that judging criminal cases is any easier than judging in any other branch of law. It requires the same skills of statutory interpretation; indeed, it is arguably more challenging in this respect given the volume and frequency of legislative amendment. It demands agility in applying the sometimes radically and frequently changing core common law principles, affecting the gravest offences of murder and manslaughter. Criminal trials also give rise to their share of constitutional issues and Human Rights Act challenges. There may be nothing special in these respects, but there are, I suggest, other matters that do render ‘criminal judgecraft’ truly distinctive.” Perintah Akhir [82] Akhirnya OKT1 dan OKT2 dibebaskan tanpa dipanggil membela diri bagi kesemua pertuduhan. S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 49 Bertarikh: 15hb. November 2023 (ROSLAN MAT NOR) HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA TEMERLOH, PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR PIHAK-PIHAK: Bagi Pihak Pendakwaan Ain-Nur ‘Amiyerra Awod Abdullah Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur Bagi Pihak OKT1 G Ravishankar Tetuan R Shankar Gandhi & Associates Kuala Lumpur Bagi Pihak OKT2 Mohd Taufik Md Tahir Tetuan Rizal Hashim Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur S/N Xm8LCXyrC0WGg/8ygDHb5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Plaintif-Plaintif memfailkan satu Notis Permohonan (Lampiran 27) bagi satu perlanjutan masa selama tujuh (7) hari untuk memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan kepada Afidavit Sokongan Defendan-Defendan yang difailkan untuk menyokong Notis Permohonan Defendan-Defendan di Lampiran 13 dan Lampiran 14.Antara faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah adalah bergantung kepada tempoh kelewatan, sebab-sebab kelewatan dan juga prejudis kepada pihak yang lain. Lampiran 27 difailkan pada 08 Julai 2023 dan kelewatan yang berlaku adalah selama lima (5) bulan iaitu selepas tamat tempoh masa yang telah diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif iaitu 31 Januari 2023. Mahkamah memutuskan untuk menolak KM27 kerana terdapat kelewatan yang melampau oleh Plaintif-Plaintif di dalam memfailkan Notis Permohonan ini (Lampiran 27) dan Plaintif-Plaintif juga gagal memberikan alasan-alasan yang munasabah kenapa ianya berlaku dan kelewatan ini jelas memprejudiskan kesemua Defendan-Defendan.
YA Dato' Haji Zainal Azman Bin Ab. Aziz
Microsoft Word - AP CA-21NCVC-7-06-2023 HARUN KM27 25.10 1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI KUANTAN DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR GUAMAN SIVIL NO : CA-21NCVC-7-06/2023 ANTARA (1) HARUN BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 610619-06-5173) (2) AMINUDDIN BIN SHAFEI (NO. K/P: 751218-06-5993) (3) KALSUM BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 521218-06-5354) (4) DAUD BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 530619-06-5085) (5) HALIMAH BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 531218-03-5496) (6) SALMAH BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 541218-03-5532) (7) LIJAH BINTI AHMAD (NO. K/P: 560728-03-5448) (8) IDRIS BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 601218-03-5665) (9) MARIAM BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 641218-06-5468) (10) MAIMUNAH BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 6121218-03-5698) (11) AMIRULLAH BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 631218-06-5263) (12) MARIAM BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 641218-03-5442) (13) BIBAH A/P ADAN (NO. K/P: 650924-06-5520) (14) MAK SIAH BINTI CANTIK (NO. K/P: 651129-03-5220) (15) SITI ZULAIHA BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 651218-03-5556) (16) AKOB BIN ABAS (NO. K/P: 661218-03-5459) (17) FAUZI BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 700619-06-5201) 15/11/2023 13:05:20 CA-21NCvC-7-06/2023 Kand. 81 S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 (18) MOHD AMIN BIN IBRAHIM (NO. K/P: 720619-06-5269) (19) AMIR BIN SHAFEI (NO. K/P: 720619-06-5277) (20) BAHAROM BIN TAHIR (NO. K/P: 730619-06-5065) (21) TIJAH A/P SELAMAT (NO. K/P: 740926-06-5646) (22) ADI A/L MAN (NO. K/P: 750619-06-5629) (23) ROHAYA BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 751218-03-5992) (24) SALINA BINTI SALLEH (NO. K/P: 751218-06-5534) (25) ALOK A/L BERAHIM (NO. K/P: 760619-03-5023) (26) SABARUDIN BIN SHAFEI (NO. K/P: 781218-06-5777) (27) SHAMSUDDIN BIN HARUN (NO. K/P: 781218-06-5785) (28) OMAR BIN MOHD TAHIR (NO. K/P: 791218-06-5629) (29) LATIPAH BINTI OSMAN (NO. K/P: 801130-06-5874) (30) ABDUL HASSAN BIN ABDUL GHANI (NO. K/P: 801231-06-6067) (31) HALIM BIN AMAN (NO. K/P: 801231-06-6075) (32) HUSIN BIN ISMAIL (NO. K/P: 811218-06-5771) (33) ASIAH BINTI KAMARULZAMAN (NO. K/P: 811218-06-5974) (34) ABDUL LATIF BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 821218-06-5615) (35) SITI FATIMAH BINTI AYUB (NO. K/P: 821218-06-5754) (36) HALIMAH BINTI ABDUL GHANI (NO. K/P: 821231-06-5708) (37) HASMAH BINTI KAMARULZAMAN (NO. K/P: 831130-06-5644) (38) KAMARUDDIN BIN AMIRULLAH (NO. K/P: 831130-06-5847) (39) DOLLAH BIN YUNUS (NO. K/P: 831130-06-5855) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 (40) LIHA BINTI YUNUS (NO. K/P: 841231-06-5896) (41) JALI BIN BUSU (NO. K/P: 841231-06-6127) (42) SAUFI BIN AMAN (NO. K/P: 851130-06-5837) (43) ALI BIN ABDUL GHANI (NO. K/P: 851230-06-5623) (44) KHAIRI BIN ISMAIL (NO. K/P: 851231-06-5633) (45) RAMLAN BIN AYUB (NO. K/P: 851231-06-6525) (46) MAZIAH BINTI HASHIM (NO. K/P: 861130-06-5078) (47) ROSLAN BIN SALLEH (NO. K/P: 861231-06-5149) (48) UGI BINTI AMAN (NO. K/P: 871231-06-7274) (49) ZAHARAH BINTI ABDUL GHANI (NO. K/P: 881120-06-6120) (50) HASIN BIN YUNUS (NO. K/P: 881231-06-6975) (51) NORWATI A/P KARIM (NO. K/P: 910709-06-5606) (52) TIPAH BINTI ISMAIL (NO. K/P: 911030-06-6076) (53) MUHAMAD LUDIN BIN AMAN (NO. K/P: 911231-06-7411) (54) AZMAN BIN OSMAN (NO. K/P: 911231-06-7489) (55) SAID BIN YUNUS (NO. K/P: 921230-06-6061) (56) HASNAH BINTI IDRIS (NO. K/P: 921231-06-7146) (57) NUR AISYAH BINTI AYUB (NO. K/P: 930702-06-6188) (58) ISKANDAR A/L HARUN (NO. K/P: 931231-06-6409) (59) MINAH BINTI YUNUS (NO. K/P: 940425-06-5732) (60) LINA BINTI ALOK (NO. K/P: 960616-06-5872) (61) AHMAD FAUZIE BIN AZMI (NO. K/P: 960623-06-5387) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 (62) ROOKIAH BINTI BUSU (NO. K/P: 961119-06-5550) (63) ABDUL WAHID BIN HARUN (NO. K/P: 970512-03-5109) (64) MOHAMAD ARIF BIN ABU BAKAR (NO. K/P: 970706-33-5089) (65) KHAIRUDIN BIN IDRIS (NO. K/P: 971010-33-5157) (66) TIARA BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 980101-06-6022) (67) KAMAL A/L ADI (NO. K/P: 980330-06-5517) (68) SITI AISYAH BINTI AYUB (NO. K/P: 981007-06-5458) (69) ROSLAN BIN AKOB (NO. K/P: 990101-06-6187) (70) MHD. KHAIRUDDIN BIN AMIRULLAH (NO. K/P: 990325-03-6323) (71) ABDUL MALIK BIN MOHD AMIN (NO. K/P: 990721-06-6217) (72) ABDUL SYUKUR BIN YUNUS (NO. K/P: 990912-06-6471) (73) ZULKIFLI BIN IDRIS (NO. K/P: 000217-06-0347) (74) ZAITON BINTI ABU BAKAR (NO. K/P: 001115-06-0906) (75) SALMIAH BINTI SABARUDIN (NO. K/P: 010104-03-0052) (76) ANI BINTI AKOB (NO. K/P: 010320-06-0520) (77) NUR AINI BINTI ADI (NO. K/P: 010928-06-0094) (78) ABDUL KADIR BIN OMAR (NO. K/P: 011107-03-0431) (79) NUR SYAFIKAH BINTI ALOK (NO. K/P: 011211-06-0584) (80) MINAH BINTI AMIRULLAH (NO. K/P: 011222-06-0732) (81) NOR HANIM BINTI IDRIS (NO. K/P: 020609-03-0372) (82) TIMAH BINTI ABU BAKAR (NO. K/P: 020703-03-0112) (83) SITI HAJAR BINTI ABDUL LATIF (NO. K/P: 021116-03-0440) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 (84) LUT BIN SABARUDIN (NO. K/P: 030817-06-0161) (85) ZULKIFLI BIN ADI (NO. K/P: 040113-06-0453) (86) IBRAHIM BIN IDRIS (NO. K/P: 040405-03-0969) (87) MOHAMAD FAIRUL BIN AKOB (NO. K/P: 040912-06-0839) (88) ISHAK BIN MOHD AMIN (NO. K/P: 050116-06-0343) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Mohd Amin Bin Ibrahim wakil litigasinya) (89) SITI MARIAM BINTI OMAR (NO. K/P: 060118-06-0178) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Omar Bin Mohd Tahir wakil litigasinya) (90) NORIZAH BINTI ABDUL LATIF (NO. K/P: 060212-06-0158) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Abdul Latif Bin Abdullah wakil litigasinya) (91) ROGAYAH BINTI ALOK (NO. K/P: 060418-06-0444) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Alok a/l Berahim wakil litigasinya) (92) AHMAD ALIFF BIN ABU BAKAR (NO. K/P: 060508-06-0333) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Halimah Binti Abdul Ghani wakil litigasinya) (93) SABRI BIN ADI (NO. K/P: 061014-06-0207) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Adi a/l Man wakil litigasinya) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 (94) SALIMA BINTI SABARUDIN (NO. K/P: 061124-06-0144) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Sabarudin Bin Shafei wakil litigasinya) (95) MUHAMMAD SUKRI BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 061118-06-0869) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Maziah Binti Hashim wakil litigasinya) (96) KARIM BIN MOHD AMIN (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Mohd Amin Bin Ibrahim wakil litigasinya) (97) FAIN (NO. K/P: 080106-06-0667) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Saufi Bin Aman wakil litigasinya) (98) MUHAMMAD ASROL BIN AKOB (NO. K/P: 080112-06-0183) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Akob Bin Abas wakil litigasinya) (99) ADNAN BIN ADI (NO. K/P: 080820-06-0715) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Adi a/l Man wakil litigasinya) (100) MUHAMMAD ZAKI BIN SHAMSUDDIN (NO. K/P: 090311-03-1093) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Shamsuddin Bin Harun wakil litigasinya) (101) NORYAHATI BINTI ALOK (NO. K/P: 090509-06-0172) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Alok a/l Berahim wakil litigasinya) (102) MUHAMMAD ZAKI BIN ABDUL LATIF (NO. K/P: 090531-03-0375) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Abdul Latif Bin Abdullah wakil litigasinya) (103) MOHAMAD HAFIZ BIN SABARUDIN (NO. K/P: 090610-03-0525) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Sabarudin Bin Shafei wakil litigasinya) (104) MELI BIN MOHD AMIN (NO. K/P: 090711-06-0723) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Mohd Amin Bin Ibrahim wakil litigasinya) (105) MUHAMAD ROSTAM BIN OMAR (NO. K/P: 090728-06-0957) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Omar Bin Mohd Tahir wakil litigasinya) (106) SULIMAN BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 090807-06-0947) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Maziah Binti Hashim wakil litigasinya) (107) JOHARI BIN AKOB (NO. K/P: 100718-06-0263) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Akob Bin Abas wakil litigasinya) (108) MOHAMAD DAFI BIN KHAIRI (NO. K/P: 110718-03-0469) (seorang kanak-kanak yang S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 mendakwa melalui Khairi Bin Ismail wakil litigasinya) (109) SITI RAIHAN BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 110523-03-0960) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Maziah Binti Hashim wakil litigasinya) (110) IZUAN BIN HASIN (NO. K/P: 120209-03-0347) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Hasin Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (111) SUHAIMI BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 120425-06-4095) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Iskandar Bin Harun wakil litigasinya) (112) ZAKARIA BIN ABDUL LATIF (NO. K/P: 121006-06-0158) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Abdul Latif Bin Abdullah wakil litigasinya) (113) SITI NIKMAH BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 130119-06-5676) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Maziah Binti Hashim wakil litigasinya) (114) AMEER BIN HASIN (NO. K/P: 130707-03-1069) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Hasin Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (115) MOHAMAD SYAWAL BIN SHAMSUDDIN (NO. K/P: 130818-06-0591) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Shamsuddin Bin Harun wakil litigasinya) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (116) ANIS BINTI OMAR (NO. K/P: 131016-06-0746) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Omar Bin Mohd Tahir wakil litigasinya) (117) RIZQ BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 140403-03-1237) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Rokiah Binti Busu wakil litigasinya) (118) MOHAMAD HAIKAL BIN KHAIRI (NO. K/P: 140723-06-0483) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Khairi Bin Ismail wakil litigasinya) (119) NOR DIANA BINTI ISKANDAR (NO. K/P: 150425-03-0154) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Iskandar A/L Harun wakil litigasinya) (120) MUHAMMAD HAIQAL BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 150428-06-0797) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Maziah Binti Hashim wakil litigasinya) (121) LIZAWATI BINTI HASIN (NO. K/P: 150714-06-0368) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Hasin Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (122) SAKINA BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 160609-03-1118) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Roslan Bin Akob wakil litigasinya) (123) MOHAMAD SHAHFITRY BIN KHAIRI S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 (NO. K/P: 160609-06-0023) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Khairi Bin Ismail wakil litigasinya) (124) EMMA BINTI SHAMSUDDIN (NO. K/P: 161119-06-0850) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Shamsuddin Bin Harun wakil litigasinya) (125) AIDIL BIN ISKANDAR (NO. K/P: 170729-06-0393) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Iskandar a/l Harun wakil litigasinya) (126) RISZUAN BIN ABDUL RAAFI (NO. K/P: 171214-06-0655) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Dollah Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (127) MOHAMAD FAISAL BIN KHAIRI (NO. K/P: 180701-03-0415) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui khairi bin ismail wakil litigasinya) (128) NASMI BIN HASIN (NO. K/P: 180819-06-0441) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Hasin Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (129) NIZAM BIN ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 180914-06-0941) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Muhamad Ludin Bin Aman wakil litigasinya) (130) NURUL SYAFIKAH BINTI DOLLAH (NO. K/P: 190719-06-0240) (seorang kanak-kanak S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 yang mendakwa melalui Dollah Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (131) SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL LATIF (NO. K/P: 190913-06-1095) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Abdul Latif Bin Abdullah wakil litigasinya) (132) MUHAMMAD NISHAM BIN KHAIRUDIN (NO. K/P: 191227-06-0441) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Khairudin Bin Idris wakil litigasinya) (133) NURWATI BINTI ABDULLAH (NO. K/P: 200130-06-06-0586) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Zulkifli Bin Idris wakil litigasinya) (134) ZAKIRA BINTI ROSLAN (NO. K/P: 200713-06-0094) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Roslan Bin Akob wakil litigasinya) (135) NAZRI BIN DOLLAH (NO. K/P: 210317-06-0585) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Dollah Bin Yunus wakil litigasinya) (136) ELYANA BINTI KHAIRI (NO. K/P: 210613-06-0520) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Khairi Bin Ismail wakil litigasinya) (137) ZULAIKHA BINTI ISKANDAR (NO. K/P: 210806-06-0754) (seorang kanak-kanak yang mendakwa melalui Iskandar a/l Harun wakil litigasinya) …PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 DAN (1) BAKAR BIN UNUS (2) KETUA PENGARAH ORANG ASLI (3) JABATAN KEMAJUAN ORANG ASLI (4) MAJLIS UGAMA ISLAM DAN ADAT RESAM MELAYU PAHANG (5) KERAJAAN PAHANG (6) KERAJAAN MALAYSIA …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PENGENALAN 1. Plaintif-Plaintif memfailkan satu Notis Permohonan (Lampiran 27) bagi satu perlanjutan masa selama tujuh (7) hari untuk memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan kepada Afidavit Sokongan Defendan-Defendan yang difailkan untuk menyokong Notis Permohonan Defendan- Defendan di Lampiran 13 dan Lampiran 14. 2. Setelah menelitikam kertas-kertas kausa yang difailkan dan setelah menimbangkan penghujahan kesemua pihak, Mahkamah telah menolak Notis Permohonan Perlanjutan Masa Plaintif-Plaintif tersebut. S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 FAKTA KES 3. Pada 28 September 2022, Plaintif-Plaintif telah memfailkan tindakan terhadap Defendan-Defendan melalui Writ Saman di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur melalui Guaman Sivil No: WA- 21NCVC-104-09/2022. Di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, Defendan Keempat telah memfailkan Notis Permohonan (Lampiran 13) yang mencabar bidang kuasa Mahkamah. Manakala Defendan Pertama, Kedua, Ketiga dan Keenam memfailkan Notis Permohonan di Lampiran 14 untuk membatalkan tindakan Plaintif- Plaintif ini. 4. Semasa Pengurusan Kes (e-Review) pada 13 Disember 2022 di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, pihak Mahkamah telahpun mengarahkan Plaintif-Plaintif untuk memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan kepada Afidavit Sokongan bagi Lampiran 13 dan Lampiran 14 pada atau sebelum 31 Januari 2023. Arahan tersebut telah diberikan dengan kehadiran Encik Fahri Azzat yang mewakili Plaintif-Plaintif. 5. Semasa Pengurusan Kes (e-Review) pada 09 Mac 2023 di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, Defendan Pertama, Kedua, Ketiga dan Keenam dan juga Defendan Keempat telah diberitahu S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 bahawa Plaintif-Plaintif tidak memfailkan apa-apa Afidavit Jawapan. Defendan-Defendan telah mengemukakan bantahan tersebut yang mana dibuat di hadapan Encik Fahri Azzat yang mewakili Plaintif-Plaintif. 6. Seterusnya, di atas permohonan pihak Plaintif-Plaintif, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur telah mengarahkan bahawa tindakan ini dipindahkan ke Mahkamah Tinggi Kuantan pada 20 Mei 2023. 7. Semasa Pengurusan Kes (e-Review) pada 04 Julai 2023, Defendan Pertama, Kedua, Ketiga dan Keenam dan juga Defendan Keempat memberitahu bahawa Plaintif-Plaintif masih belum lagi memfailkan apa-apa Afidavit Balasan dan peguam cara Plaintif- Plaintif juga tidak hadir semasa sesi Pengurusan Kes (e-Review) tersebut. 8. Pada 08 Julai 2023, Plaintif-Plaintif telah memfailkan Notis Permohonan ini (Lampiran 27) bagi satu perlanjutan masa untuk memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan berkaitan dengan Lampiran 13 dan Lampiran 14. S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 PERTIMBANGAN DAN PENILAIAN MAHKAMAH 9. Berhubung dengan kuasa Mahkamah untuk memberi perlanjutan masa adalah dengan merujuk kepada Aturan 3 Kaedah 5(1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 yang berbunyi seperti berikut: “Lanjutan masa (A. 3, k. 5) 5. (1) Mahkamah boleh, atas apa-apa terma sebagaimana yang difikirkannya adil, melalui perintah melanjutkan atau menyingkatkan tempoh yang di dalamnya seseorang itu dikehendaki atau diberi kuasa oleh Kaedah-Kaedah ini atau oleh manamana penghakiman, perintah atau arahan, untuk melakukan apa-apa perbuatan dalam mana-mana prosiding.” 10. Kuasa bagi Mahkamah untuk memberikan perlanjutan masa adalah di atas budi bicara dan beban terletak di bahu Pemohon untuk memberikan sebab-sebab kenapa Mahkamah harus memberikan perintah seperti yang dipohon. 11. Di dalam kes Ratnam v Cumarasamy & Anor [1965] 1 MLJ 228 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa : S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 “The Rules of Court must prima facie be obeyed, and in order to justify a court in extending the time during which some step in procedure requires to be taken there must be some material upon which the court can exercise its discretion. If the law were otherwise, a party in breach would have an unqualified right to an extension of time which would defeat the purpose of the rules which is to provide a time table for the conduct of litigation…” 12. Juga di dalam kes Ong Guan Teck & Ors v Hijjas [1982] 1 MLJ 105 di Mahkamah menyatakan bahawa : “It is trite law that the court has an unfettered discretion to grant or refuse an extension of time. The first principle is that the rules of court must prima facie be obeyed and in order to justify an extension of time, there must be some material on which the court can exercise its discretion in favour of the applicant. For otherwise the party in breach of the rules would have an unfettered right to extension of time which would defeat the very purpose and object of the rules on limitation of period.” S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 13. Juga, di dalam kes Asia Commercial Finance (M) Bhd v Pasadena Properties Development Sdn Bhd & Ors [1991] 1 MLJ 111 di mana Mahkamah menyatakan antara lain bahawa : “In my view it is left to the discretion of the court whether or not to extend the time under the above rule. The discretion to be exercised by the court is a judicial discretion. See The Supreme Court Practice 1985 Vol 1, p 15; and Mallal's Supreme Court Practice (2nd Ed) Vol 1, p 14. For the court to exercise its discretion whether or not to enlarge the time, there must be an affidavit to give reasons or to explain why the court should make an order to enlarge the time…” 14. Adalah jelas bahawa di antara faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah adalah bergantung kepada tempoh kelewatan, sebab-sebab kelewatan dan juga prejudis kepada pihak yang lain. Ini jelas dengan merujuk kepada kes Ong Guan Teck & Ors v Hijjas [1982] 1 MJ 105 di mana Mahkamah menyatakan antara lain: S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 “In considering whether to grant or refuse extension of time the length of time that has lapsed is always a material factor to be considered by the court exercising the discretion. On the facts of this case I was not able to honestly say that there was any valid ground for the delay and therefore refused the application for extension of time.” 15. Juga di dalam kes Punca Klasik Sdn Bhd v Seok Kim Leow [1996] 5 MLJ 241 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa : “In practice, an application to extend time is generally allowed provided no injustice is caused and the other party can be compensated by costs. However, there must always be before the court cogent material to satisfactorily explain the delay before the court will exercise its discretion to extend time: Thamboo Ratnam v Thamboo Cumarasamy & Anor [1965] 1 WLR 8. Thus, when an applicant failed to advance any reason as to why the writ was not served during the period of its validity, the court would not readily exercise its discretion in favour of extending time to renew the writ: Lloyd Triestino Societa v Chocolate Products (M) Sdn S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 Bhd [1976] 2 MLJ 27, FC. From the authorities both foreign and local, two distinct principles can be garnered. The first principle is the time honoured principle that the rules of court and the associated rules of practice, devised by the Rules Committee and developed by the courts over the years to promote the expeditious despatch of litigation, must be rigidly observed. The prescribed time limits are not targets to be aimed at or expressions of pious hope but rather requirements set which should be met rigidly by the parties thereto. This time honoured principle is reflected in a series of rules giving the court a discretion to dismiss on failure to comply with a time limit. Thus, O 19 r 1 of the RHC (default in service of statement of claim), O 24 r 16(1) of the RHC (failure to comply with requirement for discovery etc), O 25 r 1 (4) of the RHC (failure of plaintiff to take out summons for directions, then the defendant may apply to dismiss the action), O 28 r 10(1) of the RHC (failure to prosecute proceedings with despatch), and O 34 r 2 (2) of the RHC (failure of the plaintiff to set down action for trial, the defendant may set down the action for trial or may apply to the court to dismiss the action for want of prosecution) are some examples set by the Rules Committee. S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 This principles is also reflected in the court's inherent juris diction to dismiss for want of prosecution. The second principle is that a plaintiff should not in the ordinary way be denied an adjudication of his claim on its merits because of procedural default, unless the default causes prejudice to his opponent for which an award of costs cannot compensate. This principle is clearly reflected in the general discretion to extend time conferred by O 3 r 5 (1) of the RHC as reproduced earlier on, and this discretion is to be exercised in accordance with the requirements of justice in the particular case. Broadly stated this principle is also reflected in the liberal approach generally adopted in relation to the amendment of pleadings. In my judgment, these two principles expounded earlier are not absolute. If the first principle were rigidly and vigorously enforced, procedural default would lead to dismissal of actions without any considerations of whether the plaintiff's default had caused prejudice to the defendant. But the court's approach and practice has been S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 and it will continue to be so in that it would treat the existence of such prejudice as a crucial, and often a decisive, matter. On the other hand, if the second principle were followed rigidly without exception, a wealthy plaintiff willing and able to meet orders for costs made against him could flout the rules with impunity, confident that he would not suffer any penalty until and unless the defendant could demonstrate the presence of prejudice. And if this happens it would certainly circumscribe the very general discretion conferred by O 3 r 5 of the RHC; indeed it would involve a substantial rewriting of the rule to the dislike of the Rules Committee.” 16. Adalah jelas di sini bahawa terdapat kelewatan yang melampau apabila Plaintif-Plaintif memfailkan permohonan (Lampiran 27) ini dan juga tiada apa-apa sebab yang munasabah kenapa kelewatan tersebut berlaku. Kelewatan ini berlaku adakah menjejaskan atau memprejudiskan kesemua Plaintif-Plaintif. 17. Lampiran 27 difailkan pada 08 Julai 2023 dan kelewatan yang berlaku adalah selama lima (5) bulan iaitu selepas tamat tempoh S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 masa yang telah diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif iaitu 31 Januari 2023. Oleh itu, kelewatan selama lima (5) bulan tersebut adalah sesuatu yang amat tidak munasabah. 18. Menurut Plaintif-Plaintif, kelewatan tersebut berlaku akibat kekeliruan bahawa Afidavit Jawapan tersebut telahpun difailkan dan hanya menyedari sewaktu Pengurusan Kes pada 24 Julai 2023 bahawa Afidavit Jawapan tersebut masih belum difailkan. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa kelewatan yang berlaku adalah disebabkan oleh kelalaian Plaintif-Plaintif sendiri dan tidak harus dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah ini. 19. Peguam Plaintif juga telah memilih untuk tidak hadir semasa sesi Pengurusan Kes pada 04 Julai 2023 dan dengan itu alegasi oleh peguam cara Plaintif bahawa beliau hanya menyedari tentang kegagalan memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan tersebut pada sesi Pengurusan Kes pada 04 Julai 2023 adalah tidak benar. 20. Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Gurdev Kaur Bhag Singh v BSN Commercial Bank (M) Bhd [2003] 1 CLJ 429 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan menyatakan bahawa : S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 “In any event we did consider the grounds advanced in support of the two applications and we found no merit in them. In the first motion the explanation given for the delay in filing the proper notice of appeal against the order for sale is squarely put to the former solicitor of the applicant in that it was alleged that he did not do his work and did not keep the applicant informed of the status of the case. That is not a good reason for us to exercise our discretion and grant leave. The applicant can always seek remedy elsewhere if she has any grievance against her former solicitor. It is settled law that mistake of one's solicitor is not necessarily a good excuse. (See: Sinnathamby & Anor v. Lee Chooi Ying [1987] 1 CLJ 157; [1987] CLJ (Rep) 336; Brijkishore & Anor v. Lee Chooi Ying [1987] 1 MLJ 110). As for the delay in the second motion we are also of the view that the reason given is unsatisfactory. Her solicitor should have been more acquainted with the procedural aspect of applying for an adjournment instead of merely writing a letter to the court. Due diligence should have been shown to enquire on the status of the application instead of waiting S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 for a few months to make a search. Such mistake or omission is not ipso facto a reason for us to exercise our discretion in favour of the applicant.” 21. Juga, di dalam kes Saeed U Khan v Lee Kok Hooi [2001] 5 MLJ 416 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan antara lain : “It is a settled principle that for the court to exercise its discretion under O 3 r 5(1) of the RHC, there must be cogent reasons before the court to justify an extension of time. In his affidavit, the defendant merely states that he did not take steps earlier as he was unaware that the judgment of the Singapore High Court was null and void and that the registration of the judgment was bad in law (para 17 of encl 33). I am of the view that the defendant's mistake or lack of awareness on a point of law cannot constitute sufficient grounds for granting an extension of time.” 22. Kesemua Defendan Pertama, Kedua, Ketiga, Keempat dan Kelima menyatakan bahawa mereka diprejudiskan bagi pendengaran Lampiran 13 dan Lampiran 14 oleh sebab kelewatan pihak Plaintif S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 -Plaintif memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan tersebut. Oleh itu, permohonan perlanjutan masa yang dipohon oleh Plaintif-Plaintif tidak harus dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah. KEPUTUSAN 23. Di atas alasan-alasan tersebut di atas, Mahkamah dengan ini mendapati dan memutuskan bahawa terdapat kelewatan yang melampau oleh Plaintif-Plaintif di dalam memfailkan Notis Permohonan ini (Lampiran 27) dan Plaintif-Plaintif juga gagal memberikan alasan-alasan yang munasabah kenapa ianya berlaku dan kelewatan ini jelas memprejudiskan kesemua Defendan- Defendan. 24. Oleh itu, Notis Permohonan Lampiran 27 adalah ditolak dengan kos. t.t ZAINAL AZMAN BIN AB AZIZ HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA KUANTAN PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR BERTARIKH : 11 OKTOBER 2023 S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 Peguam Plaintif-Plaintif : Encik Fahri Azzat bersama Encik Ivan Teng Tetuan Fahri Azzat & Co 15, Jalan PJU 7/16A Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Email : Ruj. : 0.77/FA.IT Peguam Defendan Pertama, Kedua, Ketiga dan Keenam : Tuan Mohammad Sallehuddin bin Md. Ali (Peguam Persekutuan) Jabatan Peguam Negara Bahagian Guaman No. 45, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4 62100 Putrajaya Ruj. : PN/WKL/HQ/01/70/2022 Peguam Defendan Keempat : Puan Syahidah Hanum binti Mohd Ghazali Tetuan Syahidah Sharul & Marsyara No. 30A, Aras 1, Persiaran Georgetown 1 Pusat Perdagangan Greentown S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 30350 Ipoh, Perak Email : Ruj. : SSM/SH/0121/2022(SA) Peguam Defendan Kelima : Tuan Abdul Hafiz bin Razat (Penolong Penasihat Undang-Undang) Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Pahang Tingkat 3, Blok B, Wisma Sri Pahang 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Email : Ruj. : PUN.PHG.F/100/32/2/67/2022(MT) S/N llRlDmyBr0GCs8XF4KClPg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PEMOHON Technoltic Engineering Sdn Bhd RESPONDEN 1. ) Kerajaan Malaysia 2. ) Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri 3. ) Pesuruhjaya Khas Cukai Pendapatan
Revenue Law — Income tax — Appellant Deciding order of Special Commissioners — Applicant failed to file appeal to the Special Commissioners of Income Tax (“SCIT”) within 30 days of receipt – Application for extension of time (“EOT”) to Director General of Income Tax (“DGIR”) in Form “N” Revenue Law – Income Tax – Income Tax Act 1967 (“ITA”) – section 100 – No reasonable explanation given – DGIR forwarded Form “N” to SCIT – SCIT refused to grant EOT Judicial Review – Certiorari – Deciding Order made by SCIT – Whether Assessments served on the applicant – ITA – Section 96(1) of the ITA – Whether delay inordinate - Whether there was cogent reason for court to grant extension of time
YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh
15/11/2023 10:56:57 WA-25-377-05/2022 Kand. 34 S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N zXxz5ASN7UeUq6F9cYBJYw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—25—377—05/2022 Kand. 34 15/11/2013 ]D:Sb'57 DALAM MANKAMAH TINGGI MALAVA DI KUALA LUMPUR (BAHAGIAN RAVUAN DAN KIIASA-KUASA KNAS) Pgnuononm SEIIIAKAN K§flAKIMAN N0 WA.«25»377-0511022 Dahm pemara Demmmnan am Txscrmomc Evvumeermg Sdn End unmkwfluponmah umuk Samakan Kehakman um Dam Derkara mengenaw Rayuan kepaaa Pasumnayz Khas cum Pendnpaun No‘ mo; PKCP mu-7/2/43s.MoF won: 700 7/2/um‘ MOF PKCP voomzmo MDF. wxcv 7007/2/M1‘ MOF vxcw mn- 7/2/uz, MOF PKCP 100.7/2/us. MDF vxcp 1no.7/mu x. MOF was 7oo— 7/2/us Dan Dalam pm.“ mung P-nnun Fnmulua henankh 1522022 yang mtenma pada uzuzz Dan Dahm pemam mmgenax Alma» sz Kaedarr x..a.n M-hlamah 2012 m ANTARA TECHNOLYIC ENGINEERING SDN. EHD. ...PEMOHON DAN 1. KERAJAAN MALAVSIA 2. KETUA PENGARAH HASIL DALAM NEGERI ...RESPONDEN 3. PESURUHJAVA KHAS CUKAI PENDAPATAN —RESPONDEN J_u_EGMENT IN xxxzsAsM7u-uuuFm:vaJvw -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm lnlmducllun U] [2] [3] [4] [5] The Director General o1 income Tax ('DG\R') nad raised an assessment under s 9013) at lhe Income Tax Act 1967 (“mm against tne applicant oompany tor the Years at Msessment rvw) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. zuts and 2016. Aggneved by me satd Assessments, me applicant med an appltcaliurt under s tuutt) oi ttte ITA tor an extenston oi time to me an sweat under s 99 omre ITA. The apptication, wttion was in Form N dated t.7.zu2t. was duly received by the Inland Revenue Board (“lha Revenue") After reviewing Form N, tne Revenue retecled ttre application ioren extension of lime since the Ipphcanl Failed In provide a masonalsle ground «or isiirng to me tne ieturn in Fofm c witnin the stipulated time as nmwdeti under 5 77 of the ITA. In its Slatementuf Reasons under s t00(2)(b)o1thelTA addressed to tire secretary oi the special commissioners of tneome Tax (‘scum dated 23.12 2012, the Revenue look cogmsartoe tnat tttere was a delay of 7 years and seven montns in tna tiling of Form N trorn tne date of Assessment. The Revenue asserted that tor YA 2W9! tne notice or assessment was dated 11 1 2013, but the Revenue aniy received Foirrt N on 27.7.2u21. rtte statement at Reasons expisined tire Revertue's dissatistectron witti tne reasons oioiteied by tne appiicarrt In short. seeming to me Revenue. tnere was no reesdnaeie cause tnat prevented tne applicard trorn giving the rtotiee or appeal witntn tne approprtale period as stipulated under s 99 :71 the ITA. The statement 0! Reasons oenetuded as tunows: sepettiniana testes iayuan yang latfli Reniaiien oertu memlztlkan mus rnyuan JCKVRIIYB lndak beivuns hull dung!!! ukurun yang dlbangkllkarl oien KPHDN dart huksnnya insnuttadtr M euien t1 tsnun 1 ouisni unluk mencabar tahiran Iersebtn otei yang aernittran, hatdasmkan tetereiigen ai atasi Dthak KPHDN bumlndapal bahitwa pertmtioiun oerierriutan tnasa tzetmnan ini uitrustr den riiernenan tug. oitiet PKCP tm|uk lsdak membenarkarl oerrriononan peiatvuien m:aaPemnhon IN xxn5ASN7u-Ll$F‘J:YBNw «nu. s.ii.i nuvthnrwm r. t... M mm r... nflntnaflly MVMI dnumtnril v.. .riuiie Wm! [6] After the Issuance ottne statement olRaisons. the applicant made another representation lo the SCIY dated 11.1 2022 Lelter of Represertlahon“). The grounds put lorward by the applicant can be suniinanseit as lollows: (a) The Nahnes pl Assessmenl (“NAs') were served and detivereo to the applicant's former tax agent, Priisewatemauseooepers Taxaliorl Services sun aha (“PWC'). They were not server: personally on the appllcam (b) There were a lot at movements on the members at the applicants start that net: anecteo the preparatien and tinalisnlion of the audited accounts oi the applicant company (1:) The me are irierety assessments anp were not meet: on the ac1uat income or the applicant. [7] The sclr had rejected the applicants Form N by way eta Deciding Order dated 152.2022. which was received by the applicant on t. 21122 According w the Deciding Order. the SCIT arvived at Its oonotusion alter nainng read the application dated 1 72021. the statement oi Reasons aria tne Letter ol Representation. The Application for Judicial Review [3] Aggneved by me Deciding Order. the applicant oorninericeo an application tor judicial review for inter a/la the lollowiiig ieliels ta) An order to quash the Declaing oroer, which repeated the applicants application tor an extension o1 time to file the Notice or Appeal. (bl An order in the lonn ol mandamus tu compel the DGIR and the scrr to delttierate and accept the applicants euttit report and subsequently prepare a tax computation based on the applicant’: audit report and tax return [9] Leave to wnimenoe iuiticial review was gmrtlad by this court on 1.3.2022. IN xxxz5ASN7u-Llt:§F‘fl:YBtVw “Nair s.n.i nurlhnrwm be u... M may i... nrwlrraflly MW: dnumlnrrl y.. nFluNG WVM [10] This application lor iudicial review is supported by the affidavfl or Part Sertg Liam in Encl 2 (-Als—2") Encik Poti is the director of the applicant company in his NS—2t the applicant reiterated the grounds as stated in Ihe Letter cl Representation saua lor an additional gmtmd on the effect at the COVlD»I9 pandemic on ltie Business operation otttie applicant company. [ill This additional ground was not mentioned ln the l.etter cl Represarttahort, which was dated ll «.2022, although the applicant could have raised it since the Moyanient contml order was nrst lrltruduoed on 18 3.2020. one could be lcrgiuan in opnuudtng that this addruonat gmurld is an elterttiougrit. [12] I would ttieretore ignore this ground since it is patently untair to dsllberalz on a pDIn| that was not canvassed before the son, whose Deciding order is nuw lhe suoiect rnnttar 01 Challenge Thu Arialynlu and Fin in: [13] laelore ine, teamed counsel tor the appliaint suhmllled that the Notices of Assssrnent were sent and delivered to the applicants lonrler lax agent, PWC. Learned ommsel tor the applicant pontended that the service was detective He reterred rne to s 96(1) at the ITA which provides that: M soon as mny an alter an assenrl-let\|i other tnsn an assessment under supseetons 9011) Ind uutrtl, has been made, tn. Dlmcluv General shall cause a notice or asessmerlt to pa 599496 on me person in lupsa omiani the assessment was made The applicants position is that the Notices niust pe served personally on the taxpayer tor the taxpayer lo be liable tor the assusrtient. [14] In its amdavit in reply through Lirn ctiiat stiin in Encl 13 (“AiR—t3'l, the Revenue asserted that as late as 16 3 2020. the applicant was still using PWC Is their tax agent in para I4(b) ptAlR-13, Puan Lim relerred to a letter dated IGE corporation Beltlad ("I65") tn the said letter. IGB stated that it was writing on behall at the applirznl since the applicant company is its “aw. owned associate company or I ru xXxz5ASN7uILlu§F‘flcYBNw «ma s.n.i tuvlhnrwlll be u... M mm r... nflfllnnllly enri. dnuuvlnrll VII aFlt.ING vtmxl tea’ The ietter conciuded that n the Revenue required any clarifications, they oouid contact the representattves oi PWC. [15] in any even ri AIR-13, Puen Lim turther alfirmed esioiiowr (at The Notices dtAssessnienttor VA: 2009 In 20I6 were served on the test known address oi the applicant. [tit The aopiiosnt did not iniorrn the Revenue of any change oi address as ieq ed bye 89 ettne ITA (ct There was no notice at change at its tax agent from the apoiieant. (d) aased on the record at discussion between the appiidant and the Revenuei the avpltcant was still engaging PWC in 2021 [is] Aooording In Eriuk Poh, the aooiieent ooutd have submitted its tax returns on time had they reoeived the Notices cl Assessment. vtnth respect, I have my reservation in the aforesaid assemon. it has been estatztishad that the apoiicant is a habitual detautter who had tailed |:) submit their tax returns tar many years. Pare 7.3 7 at the statement at Reasons states as tattuws. Msriqikul Ruknd LNDNM Femomri lug; nierupaiiaii habitual deaimers Pemtmon daaai nieiiiatiirii penintutraii stmlaklyln mm ACF 1957 dan lwkari sanaia le-wat mengulwkakari BNCF oegi llllllrl llkslllfl yang dirayu ietepi tuna llnlllk Lllttm Vzkurati 2009‘ auto, ztm. 2m, zuitdaii 2m [in First, I find that there IS no reason tn disbelieve the assenion rhade oy t=uan Lim that the Notioes at Assessment were sent to the test known address at the aopiicant seooridty. even if I were to aooept lhe applicants assertion that the Notices were sen| to Pwc, there is no evidence hetore me that the appiicant had iniormed the Revenue that il had changed its tax agsn| It is into that, in the absence oi traud, an agent's knowledge witi be attnoined to the piinaipai. T stvarri nieremaurigam v Public Bank and [2013] a cut FC. [15] I theretoie hold that the Notices o1Assessrneiit were duty served on the dominant rn xxn5AsN7u-Ll$F‘z:vBtvw “Nair s.n.i nuriherwiii be ii... m may i... eniimiiiy sun. dnuuvinnt VII eFit.tNG Wm! [191 [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] On the second and third grounds, I do not find mat the stattlurnuver could nave attected the ability oi ttie applicant to submll its tax return. ‘(here is nothing in Als-2 wnere Encllt Pen ex biiao any letter from me applicants accountant tnat they could not prepare tne audited accounts due to lack at intonnation tiom tne merrlbets oi the applicants slafl with respect, i no not accept ttie assertion tnat tne alleged staft turnover contributed to the delay in the preparation ot the aDpKK‘.artt's auitiiett aoeounts The oelay is inoioinate. Tne applicant nas tailed to protter any oogerit reason to justfly uie rtelay This application for judicial review is tneretore dismisses: witn a global costs of RM5,a0o suoiect to altocatur. The applicant is a company. it stioula nave known tnat under s 77A of the WA, rt snail every year submit to the DGIR a remm in the prescribed torrn witnin seven months trorn |he date lollowing tne close ol the accounting penoo, wnicn oonstitutes the basis panea tor ttie year oi assessment. in tne final analysis, I oo nut find tnat lhe Deciding order is lalrltted witn Anisminic error or weonsslmry unreasonaoleness to make it amenable to yuaicial review. Tne applicant was given every opportunity to present its ass to ttie Revenue and SCIT inrougn me application ter extension at time arm the Letter at Representation. There is ne breach of ttie principles ct natural iustioe 5 November 202: LA (WAN AHMAD FARID BIN WAN SALLEH) Hakim Mankaman Tinggi Kuala Lumpur. ru xxxz5ASN7u-Uu§F‘JcYBtVw «wit. s.n.i mmhnrwm be t... M mm i... nflfllriaflly MVMI dnuuvlnril v.. .nuvo Wm! Plnak-pmak Bag! Pnak remmn Muhamad lzwzn hm AM mmn. mm Fnuan am Oman muan Falzan a. Go. Big! Pmak Rasnonden Rnhauzs mm: Hamzlh sn: 1 a. 3 Jabatan Pegusm Magma Kunla Lumpur Eagw Pmak nesponaen 2 Ahmad Isyak hm Mum Nassau sac Lamblgs H151! naum mm, Cybenlyn sm xxn5ASN ubmnvmvw «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
The Plaintiff claimed that the Defendants had committed an infringement of the Plaintiff’s trade mark for their acts of selling counterfeits of the Plaintiff’s Product at lower prices (“Infringing Product”), and in so doing the Defendants committed the tort of passing off. Based on the findings of the court, D1 had counterfeited the Plaintiff’s Product at its own volition. In that process, D1 had infringed the Plaintiff’s PLK trademark, having applied the said trademark emblazoned on the Infringing Product. The corporate veil of D1 having been lifted, D2 and D3 being the alter ego of D1 must be held liable for the wrongful acts of D1 as they have full control and responsibility over D1. Thus, the Plaintiff’s claim is allowed and the Defendant’s counterclaim is dismissed with cost.
YA Dato' Mohd Radzi bin Harun
15/11/2023 09:50:26 WA-22IP-63-10/2019 Kand. 153 S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N E6tjrOvWNkcE51pha0zzA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—22IPA53—1D/2019 Kand. 153 15/11/2223 29:30-25 IN ms HIGN coum or MALAVA Av KUALA LUMPUR CIVIL sun NO.WA-ZZIP-E3-1012015 EEYWEEN PLK sxscmcu. Accsssomzs umuucrunsns sun arm (No. syanm : z1noa‘x) mwunuvnrr AND 1. SUASA DAMAI (on) son arm (Nu. sy-rikn IB|l54I-T) 2. minus YEE sm (Nu. KIF : 5405164116969) 1. cnouo KER Pl (Nu. KIP : MOE2IvM»5069) WDEFENDANIS AND I. LIEW mu HOD (No. KW : 71fl022-1|)-5111) 2. Vans KEK llIN(Nn. KIP : c1n1o1.1n.1sz7) MTHIRD nan cnoum: NT INTRODUCTION m M. uuhpect mm: m wssue \s u prvducl called ‘law vaflaga cm on luse swncn dwsmnnectov“ neanng me PI.-mums 'PLK' nae mark wlamnrrs Pvodua“) The Plalnnfl dalmed max me Delendanm had mmmlltad an Ininnnemenl at me vlamurrs mas mark can mm: acls 91 ullmg mun|eflmI: 5‘! ma Pwnmfs ma-m II laws! pnw! (‘mlnngmg sm ElunDvWNk:E5IpnanuA «mm. smm .. HIGH m M, .. mmm, mmh dnumml VI mum pom! PIoduc1'). and In so com me Dalandants cummmed me can M pmmg an R2] Pvodumi hut auegea that me we mamnacmnng was «one oomequem In The Defendants zdmnled mzllhey ma manmamuea the Infrngmg mus nude by Law Wu Nan (“LWH') Ind Yang Kak Mm (“YKM'), mm nlwnom were mwcm by Form Swee Yen rrsw). me Pmnmr: mream and man sharehmoer name on «ma alleganon‘ the Devemsams eoumarcmmea iuamsl the Pmrmn in! a declavunon (hat the Plnimllh Iclnon agmnu cm nemaam m In mm 01 me Conn‘: prom; Yhoy also bmugm m LWH and VKM mm me pvooaedmg :1 mm mm Fmy, |a mnemmry me Delenuams for any renew remedy ordered m hvouvolme Phmlm mm 1»: Demmm [31 me Pmmnrs dawns and asnussmg me Delenaams‘ ooomevclawrl and me "12 Defendants appealed zgam the dsclsmn 0! W5 Cowl allawmg novanaam-' damn aoamu mm mm P-ny BACKGROUND [4] Fm we! on yum um Phmhfrscorv mmnen u mo mnnulanunng and wading al ahnlncal compunenfl Mnny ov me Plamlvlh pmducls sm Elluovwnxnsslpn-nun “Nat: Snr1I\lIlv1hnrw\HI>e me In mm :2. mm-y m-I11. flnumml VI muwa perm ma Delendams‘ vevslan mu me manufauunng 01 me Infringing Products ml uonwllmnl In ovdan menu by LWH and vm‘ bum ul mom wave Inslvunad by Havnlwh dlmctav and mum smvahwdav Fsv m flood ma mamemm cheaper znemames, 5 an anenmugm Inmnwnem arm Plllnlllfn PLK mnem--ax [27] The eunem legal position as k: when ounslmle a lrademark mmngemem Is as set om by me Fedem Cowl m Low cm yang v. Low cm may 5 an mm 1 cu 217»: In flunchy Foodlndunmu sun BM v Huuln Food lnduunu Sdn BndI2D11l 10 cu :29 m assenne. trademark Inlnngemenl s an unaulhunzed use at a sign mat Is smvannalry uenueal mm or dauuplrvuly mum in‘ a ragmarud maemm A lrademnvk u ukan to he dnocphvew Imular In uncmur trademark n n an nezlty resembles me me: trademark mm m .2. likely m deoewe cw cause common nu me come Mlmde Thus‘ «um: Plammw Iuousudm\lI|mdImlvkIn1rIlIgemInlc|I\m mm: s as ohm TMA1976‘ n mus! establish mat 4‘) m mmenhm at a valsd my-can-am tu) me trademark was used m we come o1 craae wmom eonunh Ind sm Elumvwnxnislm-nun «mm. M nanhnrwmbeuledlx:vulV1DnenrW\n|H|}/MI”: W my me unIaMu\ usage cl me «raaen-ark uwned by the Plamlm mu mum datzapuan/coniussun In on pubkc who u Imung ma pwspeclwe cuuomm 01 me proaum on much (he impugned lrademark was applied So: also commx s4 VTCL u-mung sun Bhd[2MH] 3 cu 444, as Brv'I ' mnuonor mm rm Sdn Bhd v. Loony Chonn Loy tndlny u Nillwiy am Ltd 1/. Sim An Be A Ors 1100513 cu 39.1. rumor: Tool works. Inn y. Plndnfhr cu mgu-yu, M ya/A mm J cu ur, Yang Sn Fun 5 Anal M Pom-rtuttrl Am-mu c Mimmurl laying-Lawng) v. syuvmzuunnq mum S60 and 5 Anor[1011] 4 nu us [251 It Is um mu m detervmmru: Ihu uxmunue ur ulhelwsa cl ms ‘hkallhoud ov «mm-m an (be pin 04 me public“ u .5 one ol pamaphon and um scnence wapmm. Ltd V cm Cantu Reslaunnlc P1419951 FSR m. A clean 4 co Pu ma Anorvfhyl Toba Sdn sacrum] 1 cu 239, No Tick st-n 4 on v Ram Rlu.ln:h Lzbarnlurturn SpA 5 Anor[2015] 4 cm 20. Yo make such delarmmahun this Cmm would lheveiave assess me enllre emence avaname before :1 and make up us own mm onmrmy and nol soiew mymg on me emenoe L11 any an: smgla laihmuny :1! any wflnassas, mzrkd survey or marka| vanarnh Elactmlux Ltd c Em.-mx Ltd [1954] 11 npc, sum canmuuw (supn), wnmr vw: Hltvy Duty Pumps Sdn BM v Pump Mnrix Enginc-my Sdn Bhdflflfl] 11: um 99 sm sun-ummzsumnnn “Nair s.n.‘...u..,wm.,.u.....,.1mm.m.“.y.,~aa.m.u.n._.n.MW [291 Hamna done such an exemse. and having considered the arm: evidence before mu com. pamunany nu wmm an 191 out In me eavhav plrxgrnphl‘ u - my nnamg max me Dedenannls ma monuhcluted me Imnngmg Fmdun bearing me wamwrs PLK nme mark The Inmngmg Product mm lhaumde mamm uied try the Darenaanu m me warm M mm! (min wnrmut ma Plalnulfn mnnm Due nu ma phymcal smulanly btlwaeu me Imnnnmg Product am: we Plammfs Product, me unlawful wage of me trademark owned by me Plalnml on ma lmnngmg Pmam rm caused decaphun and confunon to ma public who are nmoocm cuntomen on me P\am|WTs Product Thou customer: womd mum max me lnmngmg Product was me Pia-nuns Product. [301 new on ma finding‘ I concluds mm [M F-‘mum! ma xucoaulwly proven cm me Dcfennanu nu Imvmged mu Pmmm Irnda mm mung our [:41] II iunmnmhe uwot Dllmno on wt - mu wmcn uun Ivy moms cl some sun av mvnm M the Phmmr: gcoawm -sooawur II An amaam {arse wmch brmgs m wswm Tho comminium-s ollnlind Ravonuo v. Manor A On’: uuprim udmov) AC 217 Gooawm u nllncbld In - mmnm xnd nol m I mark ov nut-up A6 sp-ralnv sm Elumvwnxnislm-nun «mm. s.n.‘...n..,.m.,,~..\am,." W anmm-a v. AW Gamlyi, Ltd mu. may All ER Roy (47 Thus, poeflwill unh|r.crapmn11an um um am on ms own om mun! In menu: «a a busmes cm. Natal: Vnnurnoflorul Ltd v. Ponlluc Ihrlna no Lm [ma] 2 sue 550 [:21 In Surlndu-[rill Co Ltd (Riding u my suannauuml ca; v, Vlp Kwol KaI[197U]FSR nu, ma muse ol Lovds hold A plumg-1/Vlctran u . rim-dy R» m. mvlsum al . nghl auwapaly III}! In ma mm mm orgll-Am rrwmplrly ma bulm my Dusmass nvgoodwvli hksty lo M In/mid by PM mun:-a.m.m mud: uy Dn.L¢l"9vIVan0 Pusan’: was as In: yands urmmu sooamw arllvesllb/Iu1olP'|?P'¥945'VnW1s .a mczpaots ulsuasmmg ay um! VIM: nu mDIPMrdnn4 null!!! up-n Imm m. busmus; in man u a amen-d ms mfcmvl am ». murlurisdntx D4: 9000: In steal my mum: a rsuunnbfy Iovaseoame con saunas olma mmeomsenmmu matlneplmnalrs omm ar wodvnlt wilt n. lmlgld [33] Due case :4 Room A Cnlmln Prowczs Ln: V4 aomn Inc. IHIWI1 WLR m mu down ma wcauaa mmry ulcmnnl In In mam Var ma Ion ol mung on m be mud: on! nnmeiy ma existence 0! goaaanl. raqmremenls nfm|svep1esema|K)rI and damage orlnss caused Thelnmly cmeru Is many exmmaa as lollmvs (2) ma auaimm has goodwill m vapmzlmn zlxxcllad In ma gama or same; which me plamml supplies m the mud olme purcnasmg pubkc by ammanm mm ma gel-up. mm name‘ trade am flluovwnxnislpn-nun «ma a.n.‘...n..,.m.,,~.Maaa.m._.a..Na W description orfealures of Vabeflmg or packaging. aH (A! Much Vs dllhncuve or me pmmm good: or survteu (la) me defendant has mmpcesenaea |o me pubhc Much leads M \s nkeiy to lead me Dubll: to behave that ma defendarvrs gmds or services are me gnod: av iamcas al ma pmmm mm (c) me plenum musl prove man he mus. ur m 2 qma nmeracmn‘ he 5 hknly to sum umaga Dry mason u «no dafandanra mm-pmununon [:41 Ta delermvm whelhav lfie Plnmlm mu aoqmvad goudwm m my may husmess, «ms Coun appled me pvlncplesz setwl \n the aumcrihes mu m ma preceding naragmpm am mime ma gundehnes as land dawn by mu cam :71 Anpazl m Yong Sn Fun A Annril/I Pcrindulniln Mlkln-n .4 Mlrmm-n L.lylng<LAy:ng) v. sy-um Zlmlnl ~/ Tlmln Sdn End 5 AnoI(ZD1V]1 LNS 1m.-(291211 ML] 505' (a) mat goodwm m the bsnafil added In the business Ihrmmh extensive mamg operations wmw ulllads custom, sm Elunumnxnislm-nun ‘,“NnIn M ...u..Mm .. U... ..: my .. mm-y m-NI flnunmnl VI .n..Na W 1:2) mm lvadcmark M gec up ws me badge Md mic: that sigmfies. mum ma mnnm mo gooamu and me hmmou. (:7 that goodwnl us crealed mvuugh and by means 01 nadlng zclrvllas. and my mu me more exlenswe mg ma-ng acvvmea avg, vnuch must necessarily Include sales and pmmaluou, me more value that would be amnea (0 me goodwill {as} mere Is no vsqmremenflora Irade mark In be renowned mm Ihe user may he sand to have amuims busmess gcodwfll. as dznfied m the com of Aonoal an ac skywom: oovolonmonr sun End a Ma: y. snymna Noldlngs Sdn BM 5 on [ma] v LNS 15,- (am) 1 ML] m [36] Nawng permod the av-an-we boron ma, \ rouna nm was Plumnw run acquired xubsmmzal gooawuu ma tspulahon n numae Ihrough me Plamows I-roaum oeunng me PLK trademark The public as wen as me relevant mmmumty had Idermfiad 'PLK‘ excl-mvery wrlh ma Phmlm‘ The Plamofl ma dumovllhuladmllil mu -can--ad ma aeoomu mm bus-neu of the Plalnhlfs Product Ihraugh exlenswe trading operzmns which sm Enunumnxnzslm-nun ‘,“NnIn sm-1 lunhnrwm .. H... w my .. mmuny mm flnuamnl VI .r\uNa W amaas mslmn The PLK Iladamalk clearly signifies. wndxzl and lflnnlfiel Ina gooamll Ind um mm...“ of mu Plnmml The oommuon. endolsemlnu mm uporvm: m mom om. Pm-um Frodual by me. sum and wee‘ among others, had resufled m the extensive trading lemma: 0! me Pnammrs Proauas, wmch mauao uh: and prwnmm and mum momvlhn no me nooownll ularvnruornatiou [37] In dalatrmmng wmm mam wu Imunpruenlalson by me neoenuams, I named on In Me declsacn of the Sunveme Conn m sm Chum Song I Am)! V‘ TOO vn Jil Fuodt Manuhcmring PEI LM mu; 3 cu 1mm) 2 Am m. wnava Gum: cm: Turn ((2.: (lbliyl) u ha than w hold m own an mm . ma cm. Mime" Vlvposwlqofl mu. must be a mmlpwnwmllron made Dy . m.« m m. mm. at me. lo pmpmva cuslamon ntmxnvummuln aarlsunlurlzlgmzdsarxavtcn mum by mm winch m camumm m mm me mamas M goomwl oi mm: rrmur my mum clund usual mm In . Damnrn mgmmcay man 1». when .. Drmgm ma kayo Jud 9!!-up mm mm. mama». a/MC man:-an-rs pmducts Ind m. an by m. nppllllnlx wls Mr-ly to drum at cm. ooaunon to a p¢0InIIa¢DAlV9'orw.xlnmlr - [331 I mln mun Inc Plumnll hm mcuulully pmvon mmprounzanon by the antenna-us mm mm am-om m ma goodwnll M In Plnmmrs business mrougn an unlawful amcimn creamed by me Defendants, and sm Enurumnxnsslm-mm «mm. M nnvuhnrwmlxuuIedIx:wvlV1ltnnrW\n|H|}/Mil‘ W Iha| me Plamnws have thereby sunered damage as a result 0! ma Da1endams' mmenvosanlnnon [as] Baxed m the above finomgs. I snow the F-Iamm. davm fm ma km momma on Plnnflnulllfllng nfcolpoilbl vI|l [do] In China! v mmnlz Intnmndonlr sun Bhd A. on and cum can mm 5 cu 5:1 Wang Klan Khecnq J 125 he man was) elcquenvy summarised me mdgmenls al Ihree nllazlled declsnns :1! me Fedem Conn of Solid Invuononr Lm v Arum Luccnl (Ill Sun and mu] 3 cu 71 Gurhachan Singh yo aagawan Sirlyn A Dr: V VIIILI-my I/a Flnnuumy x on 120151 1 Mu m, and Glyn Engmmng 5 Comtrucllon sun Ehd v vrp can song A Son: sun Bhd A Am-.1r[20l5] 9 cu 531 on ma Issue 01 mug and pwemmg nflhe mrpamle well :5 [allows (a) ma plarclng ul mung 01 a oolpome vewl a am m ma mmeu av msmce, and am auummaumm ‘,“NnIn M lunhnrwm .. U... a my .. mm-y m-M flnunmnl VI mum v-max my a rs oone when were em soecial mmumsnannes to warm or In ma ucvpovuh val inch u up mm has been comrmsslon oi mun frlud or common law fund. in) equnnbse lruud or oonauuctm haua rm been eummnled. am) to prevent mm: M h-hilily_ nv (IV) m pvevent an abuse olecrpolale pmonamy [ac] Hawng com um: D1 had mmmiltad me excl :11 infringement and pnung W m. Pianrmffs cmoamam \ mm . mum: nnamg um um spam! clmumsl-mu m m m‘: enlparnla ml In plevenl me evnion at habilny and abuse en D1's eotporule pemnamy by D2 and on Having done we‘ I am nlssfied that D2 and on are the alter ego and commflmg mind: M D II (mm: mm D2 mu D3 anon no name memerwnn D1 CONCLUSION [42] m use coumenma um Plalnmh Product I| nu wm vulunun 1.. man pvoeess, m nan mmugea ma Plamulrs FLK uademark, navmg applsed me an trademark emblaznned an the Infringing Product In ma mum at me comm-won 0! me uaaemam mvnugsmem, :31 had wmmmud me not M puwng on to ma uommem om: Plnmmv sm Enunumnxnsslm-nun ‘,“NnIn M nmhnrwm .. HIQG ..: my .. mm-y m-Ali flnunmnl VI .n..Na W [431 The corpomte van or D1 rrzvrrrp been lmed. D2 and D3 blmg Ihe Innings: M m muslbe ham lublo var rm wrougfulactt arm Illhvy have run mmml and resporrarprmy we! D1 (441 The Pmmrvrs muons agaman me Defendams am not an abuse cl me Cowl prooen [451 The Plarrrmvs mm agarnu me Deiandzms vurrelreis «or damages n enumaraxad m paragraprrs 54 (r), ), (rm). cosh m pmgrapm 54 (IX). ‘XL Ive Ilkmad wan quarrmrrr xa bodulrmmld nr : uparzna lsses:Inen| pmmedmg Interests as mind In paragraph 54 mn) Lsallowad Flamolfs prayer rn paragraph 64 (M rs auawed Plammn prayars m Darzgmphs 54 mm) zrvd (rm) zra allowed me In in oompind win! by ma Damn-nu wnhln so any: lmm me am at daemon rm oavarruarrcs cnuntecclmms um dalms agarrm ma nrrm Pan; are dismissed wnn costs‘ wan quarrrurrr M posrs m be delemunefl ax me amuruern prpaeedmg Dane 1 November 2023 (MOMD rumzl am nunuu) .mp- Hlpn norm llllnyu sm Elumvwnxnislm-nun ‘,“NnIze Snr1I\nauhnrw\HI>e H... In my r. nflmnuflly Mlbwflnunmnl VI murm W veoawsd me aowval of Tenant N nal and (“ms”) for cnnsumev unn- {5} Defendant: (D2 arm D3) to conduct mu bnsmass m ssllinn Indus(II:\ The 1-‘ Detenmm (on was eslabhshsd by me 2" and 3" wmponom: -na Imls nu mm D: Im on dwaclon war: we av ma Pmnmrs dlslrbulms [5] Reusing the need no prmafl Its products pameuuny la mm mm: wnlornen would purcnm TNE-umfiad um um mgr. summ awacmau mmponenls pmducls‘ me Flalmmlegsstened ms ‘PLK' inane mark m 199:: max would be apphed an those pmauas I71 Plalrmlf vms zaponled at. was ueansea summer 0! eleclncal fuse box m nu. In me rehnhillly and mgn mnnm cl me said nvodudl, the 2003 13] In ms the Flnnnm manuvmmaa me Pummvs Pmfluzmwhtch 5 a new vemon of luse boxes arm camng mus pioducl ‘low wonage out Ml luse tmlch auwannamr Tms new versuzn fuse boxes bom m 'PLK' (ride mnrk sm Enunumnknislpn-nun “Nat: Snr1I\lIlv1hnrw\HI>e we in my me nrVg\nIHIy m-M. flnulmnl VI mum Wm PAR1|§§ Counsal for ma Plalnllfl: Mr Chrmnhel Yeo Wee Chum together wm Ms Angle Tan vs Chum Messrs Chnslopher Yes 5 KP cnang. Um! 9.03‘ Menara MBMR‘ No «man Syed Puma. 55000 Kuala Lumpur. Rer. cc/cw/1997/2n Email genavahgoclswcom my Tel 0527091605 coma: for ma Dal-milnuz MI. Plvecmeep Slngh mg-me: mm M. Hnnm mm. Emu Hallun Mmu Pavan a co um(Nn.26-6101f-co sum mum 1 Mom Km: Na 1 Jllln mu Mm Kurl‘ wen Kunla Lurnyur Rn! PC/LIPLKASDSB)/157I2U|9 Emu pawenusapapuvenca my Tel 055410 3119 Cnunul com. man may: Mr cnnsxanu ‘(:0 Was Chem menlnn on ma»: Thnd Party Mesws Hung Chambem No 22—1.Ja|:n USJ \/1C.RegaIu Buslntss Cenne 47s2n sunang Jays. Selangnr Rel LIT/|20V0243/LWH&Y|0JI/1TPPj Email km\ng@hIngr.hambeI$ com rex ua-aoza 4560 sm Elsumvwnknislpmnnn «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e UIQG m M», .. mmm, .m.Im.u.m VI mum pom! I9] m May 2015 u manly roaavaoa mm; meowed SIRIM cemficmon nun The vlammrs Pmdur.1 which was launched lm consumer purchases mm mm ma aponmu ma P||mml‘: Pmdud lo! an 0! TNB's pmjncls Iuqumng fuse boxes The Phmmfs Pmducts also anamsd eanmcamn lrom ma memamnan EV:-aarutechnical Commission mac-) no; Mound zun me Plunlm renewed mmplalnls mm (H: Plmnlflfs mam was sane ulelpev at various shops sellrng eledncul items mm; on me oomnlllnh. on 19/10/2017 Pu-nmrs mprmnuum went to ma Ddonnlnls‘ pramaa Md cauna ma Daiandlnlu aamng aaumanam :1! ma Pnammra Product henna me Ftalnhfls 'PLK' trade mam (‘lnmngmg Pmaucr) n :1 nm ma Pllmml I: ma raglllarod uwnav av ma 'PLK' ma. mnrk \- nm dnwulnd The ueeenanms a\so am not dIs9u|elhaHhe1" Defendant had In adua\fac1manmaI:mved\he|nVnngIng Product BIMIM Defendants Illeaud mu ma manmlclunng (:1 ma Inmngmg Pvudncl war oona when m rammed mam lmm vm am LWH bmn cl vnmm aand an ma msuuamn ol the P\amm'fs mrecnx mu snarenclaev, Fsv The Dar.=.«-dams iwued that me whale pulpwse cf on: planned ouumenen uemme wu Io make lvnllahls In coniumlri ma dweflvur vamon av ma F‘|.ImMl': Fmducl am Elluovwnxnislpn-nun “Nair Snr1I\lIlnhnrw\HI>e med In vsfly he mm-y m-A. flnunmnl VI muwa perm [12] The Defendanu aHe9ed mat D2 met mm FSY an 1511/2015 and n on meeung FSV navur denied man he gm mslructmm rm ma pmucnm al me lnfnnging Fmducl FINDING [1 :1 As um: case was film In ocxooer 2019, pnor «a me ca-rung mlo em: 0701: Trademarks Am 2:119 l‘TMA 2am"), and mm the cause of anions walnut mu wemants are for an alleged ms commuted prior co me coming ml Mind (11 my rm 2019. mu a non u govnrnsd by (ho nom- repealed name Mam A01 I976 Thu Infringing Pmducu wu mnnnuctund ccnuqulnl to «am and. by lln Plnhullfl uuougn Fav who gave Irmluctlon to LWH ma wan to an: wllh D1 [14] The Defendants’ cu. m mm Irmmd May 2017‘ me mm saw me! mm nu: mm oz and mvonm um FSY win not happy man no mum was not mamg momy (er the sa\e cl me Plamorr Pmdum due in me smngenl qualny control by ma Based on nus ladlh: mm Pam/. at me behul ovssv. um 01 we produce on-up-r illamallvun In ma Pummrs Pmduct nespme Delenn.-mu‘ velusal‘ me Imnngmg Product was sm Elsumvwnknislpn-nun ¢,“Nnne sum nanhnrwm be wed in my me nrVg\nIHIy m-R. flnuamnl VI mum Wm manufactured by DI upon the mslslnnoe at the mm Pam, Around October mm. on Tm Pony came lo ooflncl sama al the tntnnging Pmdud On t1/mate nu pmme was raided by Inc Mtmslry on Domestic nude [151 The Da1and:nIi‘wtlnau,DW1 mama tmt he an nave: mm FSY mom um mg day when KPDNKK raned the oavenaanrs puma Ano|her mlness M |he Detennants, DW2 tastmea that he has new me! rsv at all tntenstingty mm DW1 and DW2 teamed mat [hey ware uncemm about rsv gmng tnilmmnns la D1 In mlnuhclura me lnfvlngtng Pmdums Lr4II1'nnn‘mnny' A7 oumzun Ind mw mu, umun Han xmgn an m lay, smnu uyx, mm uallm ymg an-um ktpada mm Kndg: clung mu. aunpca. is»: won In My Sun: Van, m Yhll II My Inlwv, mm-:7 cuonc - an AV van. WilInunwIewIthmemaIyou:rIrIo!.IunrmdhIrFuny3\nc nu max an my. um Inumurun mum A oat. sum mg». uyl, Endlt udlkgnl nmna. rung Swot Vim. mom - sm pm (It pm AV. vn, mpauummmng mm Vnnmsmnnnnmanbanlal-Inn sobowhfl CNONG . Yhllldowthnuw. A7 : You mt: mm CNDNG :Now can Iknulrfl IT: You m mum"? mp-an cmme nu paswan. r mg. um, um umomang, sm Elsutuwvuknistpn-nun “Nair smut luvthnrwm be we In my me nr1g\nIHIy mtfi. flnuamnl VI mum Wm DWI’: mrnmy. AT:Ma. can ywusdimtwounnnotsur-wn-InvFunvSIvnVonactunNV gm wch In Inmucmn: Joann avuymma you hair from omvpoopk ux ; You an uy mu. nun m. Nam umomangl us} Not only lhll ww< lulmad mm (M Delenfllnls manurocnuma mo lnfnngmg Products to he\p mm M the num Parly Mmply because ‘may have no busmess' n.- Mo Jnanny mmm mom; . mn Mom mom. cuorm :I ..n mm n... my lay may you no baalmu. not com: ....yna.....m..c...».ncn,o...u..<. u. in yuu .. mum: no mm... mu you aidnatneclva .mn.m s... ».......m....... niuuzounmv-irprnduamynurnnmiui cnoun p... us. Not: an-..,...¢-nu: [171 mm and LWH ms ml :1 -u wblon or when: my mun. Thoy nu ma mumnmg Igenlx 01 um Pmnm u would plapastemusln suggast Ihal they are um paid an cany mu me task as mamenmg agsms M a oompunymal are mmwmd lhrouuhom me ooumry as me new ruse boxes mIrm1a:lwavwI|h RM5 mmm — ma nnmcn An annual nmnue for me pevmd 20152019 [us] Even :1 this Court Ior I n-omen: agrees mm the Delendanls‘ ounmrmun nun rsv ha-1 pm lhn Pmnw .1 KM Vaughn! nsk hnvmu umructeu Ks own wmpany‘s star pmduclm becounxmma by at, «nm sm Elulummnislm-nun “Nair Snr1I\nanhnrw\HI>e med In mm :2. nnmn.u-y m-M. flnulmnl n. .r\uNa p-um was no avsdance bacon «ms own mm anyone lrom me Defendants‘ side look my mount: to venfy wan mo Pummt mm inch in wmpeflnnl msnmcoen acmally came from Fsv ma umhonm by me Flimull. [19] The ne«endan:s' slnry abour D1 having man-nauursa the Inlrmglng Product: at Inc Plamulfs mean mvuugh LWN and mm mm: ad uomramuea by me De9er\d|nt1'awn(eslImomes dunng the uni when uwz Ieshfied man me mmngmg Produci was Imea m me Defendants‘ neck-ueapmg system mo 57 lhe Defendanu sales at the ma Imnngmg Pmnuu DW2 mum in Inlmws ; 'MnnywmuutIul,Ioowooyuuluun?Nowdoynucod¢7Vwryp¢. ImllflwyuutyyI7 ux mu nowmmusmwunu. A Shawlstlnru ux u,PLJ(cm!unullML A SaroutypnPI.K¢od1o¢IL LJK.Plo,jus1sMshPLKcodIo0Lh\~fllcomlnuL pmzoo 21fl,Mo1uu1Pvocnvmn) [2n] rm Conn Igmes mm the Plmnlflfs suggesnon based on my; emenoe man n ma Defendant: merely manuvaauve me Inmngmg Product. (hen why would mesa prodmns be avmhbln M an and we mnncnom would be uoovuod nu ma Dafundlnts nymmv sm Enunumnkrislpn-nun “Nair Snr1I\lIlv1hnrw\HI>e we in my me nrVg\nIHIy m-A flnulmnl VI mum Wm [213 ow: gave lwdanee um one (1) sample o1 me fimmed Inirmglng Producl wn urven m YKM DW1 umphnusd Ihillhlls impb wnl gwan um nu! mld in vm When mvu wax ukad ms quullmn n that was so, my was a sale Invoice Issued uwc answered n was requested by YKM tn be wven tn Fsv 1:11 F5Y‘s reference [22] In IMI\ucnIradr.1mn. D2‘: pulvea vepurl, vmich was bdgad some :4 monms afler me KPDNKK‘s an at nrs plemse stated that VKM name to D1 5 premise to purchase 1 um 00 me lnfr Produa News an Bundle ac, Enclmura 7:) [231 Havng sclulmlsed the emenoem DW1 and nwz. I am mlsausfied wm ma vmeny M the Dstenaanw wnneuu Ind men emenee at um: um evldanu up-my n ma wnh ms Defundlrllf comampmsnmu documentary evidence I would leel safer In rule! In and my on me am and was on wmsn which are eannsmporansou: wan me evsnland be dmw iha ranwnnhle nvsmnws hum lbem man co mm m mzmqusnx raomlettlinn mvalsmn at n, pamcuuny w he m n wnnan mm a purpose at rm own to serve. pa] n ws (me law mu ‘udscml veoomion ommsnu raquilu lhi| me oril owdcnca be umuuy mm ngauul the men. :1! ms mus. uvxdanuu and sm Elunumnxnislm-mm «W. s.n.\..m..,.m.,.u......sWm.WWma.m.n._.m W me arcumslances oi me se Flauslhilny shuuld nave! be mrstaken for varanny rn Luytlllcn Sdn and v m um. Sdn and I on non) ML!!! 1 77.1, CA [251 FSV who awaited ume1‘wAlrvassol|he Pnammmam-a man we Dafund-mu’ uunummn mu Ihe mlnmnclunng or the Iniungvd Pmum was at 715 Ins|mcImn 5 almcmus as u would not bemg any good «:2 mm nur me Plalnhfl oomvany The Pmmwrs Pmoucz Is an zleancal Item My lam! cf oomvvomrva nu ma strmgenl mammcnunng madam could cause man And havm lo consumer: and wnuld bung nt-mm 1. ralcnmg consequences to me Plamml and me PLK bmnfl name FSV‘s lesnmony was :5 Mlows F|lNG'Arn1Iho rmlrllvpruuflon -no raw.-m.a.m...a. Arrduncu may I: wu 01114-II-ed no r». clufiy nu. mnaum-nan Ind : ¢¢''‘P'Ihunfl :. : mm.nym.r. rm-numnrmulynatm-it-rogunima maflr. am: mu-uy don’! my mun. n M mmm min, I Annun-1 mum in pm-m to mom um countomll p-cams. mm. an Inn: naming it am no goodlu muullt. lldou nnlbunflrmnI|Il.l1InkInytodyumu flu My mmomnproaum rlarvrlnlnv hvwlns. mu n-.::».pp... 2., mm: mm :. axm. mu A. -4.:-nu: um. Ind n MM 1: um cun- flu. vanuAm,1wmmumomn nmwmmummmnmcnmu mmmm m Pmnmn camp-ly um um to hurt no mm m punk. locluu rr ml cum ilru And! will mu 69 mm, Ylng my. lhlvn mm suppon-nyoodyunnaumms-nmm (Pm H, mm nlhuaodlngl [26] Having scrulmlsed me evidence as eel out above, and navmg oonIsdemd(ha1YKM ma LWH was bmuanl in hylhe De1endanlszsTh|rd Party mu not rsv, mu coun agmoi mm mm vmnmn plapulmun mm sm Eluluvvmxnislpn-nun «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mm flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH 1. ) TAN CAR CHUN 2. ) OOI ZHE XIAN
Perbicaraan penuh - Pertuduhan di bawah s. 39B, 12 (2) ADB 1952 - Dadah ditemui dalam bilik hotel - Terdapat CCTV yang menunjukkan terdapat beberapa orang individu - Saksi penting yang ada bersama OKT1 ketika membawa beg yang dikatakan terdapat dadah - OKT2 ditangkap beberapa jam selepas kejadian ketika OKT1 berada dalam bilik - OKT1 dan OKT2 dibebaskan dan dilepaskan di akhir kes pendakwaan - Pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes prima facie
YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor
Microsoft Word - CB-45A-4-09-2019 PP v TAN CAR CHUN & OOI ZHE XIAN edited 1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR PERBICARAAN JENAYAH NO: CB-45A-4-09/2019, CB-45-6-7-09/2019 DAN CB-45-7-09/2019 ANTARA PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN 1. TAN CAR CHUN (NO. K/P: 831018146655) 2. OOI ZHE XIAN (NO. K/P: 871130025171) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan [1] Kes ini adalah berkaitan dengan pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya (ADB) 1952 terhadap kedua-dua Orang Kena Tuduh (OKT), seksyen 12(2) ADB 1952 dan seksyen 9(1) Akta Racun 1952. Pertuduhan-pertuduhan adalah seperti berikut: 15/11/2023 17:00:46 CB-45-6-09/2019 Kand. 16 S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Kes No. CB-45A-4-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati mengedar dadah berbahaya berat bersih 103.77 gram methamphetamine, dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B (1) (a) Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B (2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Kes No. CB-45-7-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya berat bersih 0.44 gram ketamine dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 12(3) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Kes No. CB-45-6-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu racun jenis Etizolam seberat 169.11 gram dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 9(1) Akta Racun 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 32(2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. [2] Pertuduhan-pertuduhan telah dibacakan pertama kalinya pada 05.11.2019. Setelah beberapa kali pengurusan kes dijalankan, akhirnya kes ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan pada 17 hingga 22.10.2020. [3] Selepas daripada tarikh tersebut, perbicaraan kes ini tidak dapat dijalankan dengan lancar ekoran daripada Pandemik Covid-19. Di samping itu, terdapat penangguhan disebabkan oleh peguam OKT yang telah menghidapi Covid-19 serta tidak dapat hadir ke mahkamah. Pada masa yang sama OKT1 dan OKT2 juga terpaksa menjalankan perintah kuarantin di penjara dan tidak dapat hadir ke mahkamah. Ini telah menyebabkan kes ini hanya dapat dimulakan pada 24.03.2022. [4] Perjalanan kes ini dari tarikh OKT-OKT dikemukakan di mahkamah, perbicaraan dimulakan dan berakhir tidak sewajarnya mempengaruhi mahkamah dan penentuan kes ini. Mahkamah hendaklah memutuskan kes ini berdasarkan kepada keterangan- keterangan saksi-saksi, eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan dan prinsip undang-undang dan pemakaiannya dalam kes ini. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [5] Adalah sesuatu yang penting ditekankan bahawa keghairahan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu kes yang lama seperti ini tidak boleh mengenepikan prinsip undang-undang dengan semata-mata untuk menggambarkan penampilan statistik penyelesaian yang meyakinkan. Begitu juga mahkamah tidak boleh memanggil OKT-OKT untuk membela diri semata-mata bagi mendengar versi pembelaan sedangkan satu kes prima facie telah tidak berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Ini adalah merupakan tonggak utama dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah yang perlu ditegakkan dan dilaksanakan dengan sepenuhnya. Keterangan [6] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan 9 orang saksi sebelum menutup kes pendakwaan. Ia melibatkan para pegawai dan anggota polis, ahli kimia dan saksi-saksi awam. Di samping itu, rakaman CCTV iaitu P39A juga dikemukakan sebagai keterangan pendakwaan. Mahkamah ini dipertontonkan dengan rakaman CCTV tersebut. Keterangan menunjukkan bahawa kejadian ini berlaku di dalam bilik sebuah hotel. [7] Pada 28.10.2018, bilik nombor 20963 Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands telah didaftarkan atas nama Tan Car Chun iaitu OKT1. SP4 mengesahkan catatan check out date adalah pada 29.10.2018. SP4 juga menyatakan bahawa bilik tersebut juga dikongsi dengan seorang yang bernama Low Siew Yuen, (eksibit S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 P28A). Namun SP4 tidak pasti sama ada Low Siew Yuen mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. SP6 mengesahkannya. [8] Pada 29.10.2018, SP5 telah membuat pemeriksaan di bilik nombor 20963 Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands. Setelah SP4 dan pengurus hotel mengetuk pintu bilik tersebut, ia telah dibuka oleh Tan Car Chun yang dicamkan sebagai OKT1. [9] SP5 menyatakan bahawa semasa memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai pegawai polis, OKT1 telah cuba menutup pintu. SP5 telah membuat laporan polis berkenaan insiden tersebut seperti di eksibit P29. SP5 juga semasa ditunjukkan gambarajah kasar iaitu eksibit P36 dan telah menandakan “X2” adalah tempat di mana sebuah beg merah hitam jenama Mayflower, eksibit P14A(1) yang di dalamnya terdapat dadah. [10] SP7 pegawai keselamatan hotel tersebut telah mengemukakan rakaman CCTV berkenaan pergerakan di bilik 20963. Rakaman CCTV tersebut telah ditayangkan di mahkamah. Ia menunjukkan pergerakan beberapa orang individu keluar dan masuk ke bilik tersebut. Ringkasan rakaman CCTV itu dinyatakan dalam penyataan saksi SP7 (PSSP7) di muka surat 6 hingga 8. [11] SP8 seorang saksi awam, dia telah menginap di bilik nombor 20962. Dia hadir ke situ atas panggilan ibu saudaranya, Normalis. SP8 saksikan OKT1 telah keluar dari bilik 20963 untuk membantu SP8 S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 membuka pintu bilik 20962. SP8 sahkan seorang yang bernama Lim Yee Chuan adalah kekasih Normalis. Lim Yee Chuan tidak dikemukakan di mahkamah. [12] P29 iaitu laporan polis oleh SP5 yang turut menyatakan kenyataan kata-kata amaran OKT1 dan OKT2 kepada SP5 yang telah diputuskan ditandakan sebagai P28B. Dalam P28B tertera seperti berikut: S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 [13] SP2 ahli kimia dalam keterangannya telah mengesahkan menerima barang-barang kes dari pegawai rampasan di eksibit P16 yang menurut beliau barang-barang kes itu adalah dadah berbahaya jenis Heroin, Methamphetamine, Ketamin dan Etizolam. [14] SP9 pegawai penyiasat telah mengambil tindakan yang dilakukan semasa siasatan, iaitu lawatan ke tempat kejadian, pemperolehan barang-barang kes, mengemukakan barang-barang kes kepada Jabatan Kimia dan penggeledahan. SP9 sahkan bahawa Ooi Zhe Xian iaitu OKT2 telah ditangkap melalui laporan polis P30. [15] SP9 juga mengesahkan dia telah berusaha mengesan penama Lim Yee Chuan tetapi gagal. SP9 telah ditayangkan dengan rakaman CCTV. SP9 menyatakan siasatan menunjukkan bahawa bilik 20963 adalah didaftarkan atas nama OKT1. SP9 juga nyatakan siasatan terhadap rakaman CCTV menunjukkan SP5 telah mengetuk pintu bilik 20963. OKT1 membuka pintu bilik diiringi oleh Lim Yee Chuan. [16] Keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa kesan cap jari telah diambil gambar di eksibit P21(1-12). Laporan hasil pemeriksaan cap jari adalah tidak boleh dibuat perbandingan kerana tidak cukup sifat seperti yang dinyatakan di P41. [17] Ujian acupakai pakaian yang dijumpai di tempat kejadian telah dimaklumkan pakaian itu diambil dari beg hitam merah yang dijumpai dalam beg tersebut. Ia dapat di lihat 8 keping gambar di P46(1-8). S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 Analisa [18] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang mantap bahawa di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah menjadi tugas pendakwaan untuk membuktikan satu kes prima facie. Frasa prima facie telah dijelaskan di bawah seksyen 180 KPJ seperti berikut: "180 Procedure after conclusion of case for prosecution (1) When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court shall consider whether the prosecution has made out a prima facie case against the accused. (2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not made out a prima facie case against the accused, the Court shall record an order of acquittal. (3) If the Court finds that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused on the offence charged the Court shall call upon the accused to enter on his defence. (4) For the purpose of this section, a prima facie case is made out against the accused where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction." [19] Pendekatan yang perlu digunakan oleh mahkamah ketika memutuskan sama ada terdapatnya satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan telah dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Abdullah Atan v. PP & Other Appeals [2020] 9 CLJ 151 yang menyatakan bagi tujuan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat kes prima facie mahkamah perlu menggunakan anggapan inferen, S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 selain daripada itu keterangan langsung bagi membuktikan satu kes prima facie. Ini dinyatakan seperti berikut: “[42] The purpose of s. 180(4) CPC was thus not to exclude the use of presumptions, inferences, or anything other than direct evidence, to establish a prima facie case. On the contrary: (i) the Privy Council in Haw Tua Tau itself expressly envisaged that inferences may be drawn from the primary facts adduced, and the court must presume such inferences to be true at the close of the prosecution's case; and (ii) statutory presumptions have often been invoked by the prosecution in order to establish a prima facie case of drug trafficking in previous cases. No concern was raised in Parliament as to the use of presumptions when considering amendments to s. 180 of the CPC (see Mohamad Radhi Yaakob v. PP [1991] 3 CLJ 2073; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 311; [1991] 3 MLJ 169; and Tan Boon Kean v. PP [1995] 4 CLJ 456; [1995] 3 MLJ 514). [43] Section 180(4) of the CPC must be read in light of its context and legislative purpose. By so doing, the phrase "credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence" in s. 180(4) means that the prosecution may prove each ingredient of the offence either: (i) by adducing credible direct evidence of that ingredient; (ii) by drawing inferences of fact, ie, adducing credible circumstantial evidence, from which the ingredient can be inferred; or (iii) by invoking presumptions of law, ie, adducing credible evidence of the relevant basic facts, to invoke a statutory presumption that the ingredient exists. [44] As to what constitutes 'a prima facie' case, the judgment of Vincent Ng J (as he then was) in PP v. Ong Cheng Heong S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [1998] 4 CLJ 209 is instructive. Although Ong Cheng Heong (supra) was decided prior to the amendment in 2006, we respectfully endorse His Lordship's views, at p. 225: What then constitutes a 'prima facie case'? 'Prima facie' means on the face of it or at first glance.... perhaps the most appropriate definition of 'a prima facie case' could be found in the Oxford Companion of Law (p. 987), which has it as: "A case which is sufficient for an answer. While prima facie evidence is evidence which is sufficient to establish a fact in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, but is not conclusive". It would follow that there should be credible evidence on each and every ingredient of the offence. Credible evidence is evidence which has been filtered and which has gone through the process of evaluation. Any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon, should be rejected. (emphasis added) At p. 224, His Lordship said: ... to me, maximum evaluation simply means evaluation, on a prima facie basis, of each and every essential ingredient of the charge as tested in cross-examination. In other words, maximum evaluation connotes quantitative rather than qualitative evaluation of the evidence; with focus more on the evidential burden in terms of evidence led, rather than the persuasive burden in terms of qualitative degree of proof." Elemen Kesalahan (a) Dadah yang dijumpai adalah dadah berbahaya [20] Dalam kes ini fakta bahawa dadah-dadah yang ditemui di bilik tersebut adalah merupakan dadah merbahaya sudah terang lagi bersuluh berdasarkan kepada laporan kimia yang disediakan oleh ahli S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 kimia. Dalam laporan tersebut dinyatakan bahawa dadah-dadah yang diperiksanya setelah dihantar oleh pegawai penyiasat adalah merupakan dadah berbahaya yang dijadualkan di bawah ADB 1952. Ini bermakna elemen pertama bagi kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2 telah dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. [21] Pada masa yang sama mahkamah juga mengambil perhatian kepada soalan-soalan balas yang dikemukakan oleh peguam OKT-OKT terhadap ahli kimia yang mencadangkan bahawa ujian yang dilakukan oleh beliau adalah tidak tepat. Oleh itu laporan yang disediakan oleh ahli kimia tersebut adalah cacat dan tidak tepat. Namun demikian mahkamah berpendapat soalan-soalan sedemikian tidak dapat menggoyahkan keterangan ahli kimia. Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa ujian yang dijalankan adalah teratur dan keputusan yang dikeluarkan melalui laporan kimia tersebut dan keterangan ahli kimia diterima oleh mahkamah ini. Oleh itu Pendakwa Raya telah membuktikan elemen pertama pertuduhan-pertuduhan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. (b) Pemilikan dadah Adakah dadah-dadah tersebut dalam pemilikan OKT1 dan OKT2 [22] Keterangan SP5 menunjukkan bahawa semasa serbuan dibuat di bilik 20963, OKT1 berada dalam bilik tersebut di mana dadah-dadah dijumpai. SP5 menyatakan bahawa OKT1 cuba menghalang pintu itu dari dibuka. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 [23] Selain daripada itu imej dalam rakaman CCTV, eksibit P39A(2) juga telah disahkan oleh SP5 dan SP7 serta SP9 mendapati OKT1 dilihat ada memasuki bilik tersebut. Kali terakhir OKT1 dilihat memasuki bilik tersebut pada 29.10.2018, 0728-0729 hours. Ini ditambah pula dengan keterangan SP5 yang mengesahkan dadah-dadah tersebut ditemui berdekatan dengan OKT1 seperti gambarajah kasar, P36. [24] Seterusnya keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa acupakai pakaian yang ditemui dalam bilik tersebut adalah berjaya dilakukan ke atas OKT1 dan OKT2. [25] Selain daripada itu SP4 mengesahkan kunci bilik 20963 itu diberikan kepada OKT1. Ini turut disahkan oleh SP8 yang menyatakan orang yang membantunya untuk membuka pintu bilik 20962 adalah OKT1 yang keluar dari bilik 20963. [26] Keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut berada di tempat dalam gambarajah kasar semasa OKT1 dijumpai berada dalam bilik tersebut. [27] Namun begitu, laporan cap jari tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa cap jari OKT1 ada para barang kes tersebut bagi menyokong OKT1 mempunyai kawalan atau milikan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut. [28] Sementara bagi OKT2 pula, keterangan SP5 menyatakan bahawa OKT2 ditangkap pada jam 10.30 pagi seperti yang dinyatakan S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 dalam laporan polis Genting Highlands/005252/18, eksibit P30. OKT1 telah ditangkap pada jam 9.50 pagi seperti di P29. [29] Dalam kes ini tayangan CCTV di mahkamah menunjukkan imej beberapa orang lelaki yang telah dicamkan oleh SP7, SP5 dan SP6. Imej tersebut menunjukkan ada di antara mereka yang masuk ke bilik 20963 ada yang membawa beg. Ini menunjukkan bahawa selain daripada OKT1 dan OKT2 salah seorang individu yang dilihat melalui CCTV itu ialah Lim Yee Chuan dan menurut keterangan pegawai penyiasat penama Lim Yee Chuan mengiringi OKT1 membuka pintu bilik tersebut yang dapat dilihat daripada rakaman CCTV. SP9 menyatakan: S : Kita pergi ke klip yang pertama 28.10.2018 pada jam 2228 hours. Boleh Inspektor terangkan kepada mahkamah klip ini berkenaan apa? J : Pada tarikh 28.10.2018 masa 2228 hours di mana suspek Tan Car Chun dan Lim Yee Chuan telah masuk ke bilik 20963 dan Tan Car Chun membawa beg sandang warna hitam merah dan beg silang warna kuning coklat. S : Melalui rakaman ini boleh Inspektor terangkan yang mana satu penama Tan Car Chun dan yang mana satu penama Lim Yee Chuan? S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 J : Tan Car Chun iaitu yang sedang menggalas beg dan Lim Yee Chuan yang berada di sebelah yang menggalas beg tersebut. S : Kita pergi kepada klip yang kedua ini. Okay boleh berhenti. Untuk rakaman klip yang seterusnya apa keterangan rakaman tersebut? J : Rakaman tersebut dilihat Lim Yee Chuan telah keluar dari bilik 20963. S : Seterusnya saya pohon dimainkan rakaman 0025 hours. Apa keterangan rakaman? Boleh Inspektor terangkan berkenaan rakaman tersebut? J : Rakaman tersebut telah dilihat 4 individu iaitu Tan Car Chun yang telah keluar dari bilik 20963. Turut kelihatan di depan bilik tersebut adalah penama Syawal Rizal, penama Alif iaitu rakan kepada Rizal dan juga penama Yasir, kawan kepada Rizal juga. [30] Keterangan yang juga menunjukkan SP9 hanya cuba mengesan Lim Yee Chuan pada tahun 2023 melalui laporan polis Gemencheh 373/23, eksibit P43. Sementara itu carian daripada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dibuat pada 05.05.2023. Pada tahun 2019, SP9 sahkan dia tidak mencari Lim Yee Chuan. Adalah didapati tiada keterangan sebelum 2023 usaha pengesanan Lim Yee Chuan. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [31] SP9 mengesahkan bahawa di bilik 20963 pintunya dibuka oleh OKT1. SP9 menyatakan Lim Yee Chuan mengiringi OKT1 tetapi OKT1 yang membawa beg merah di mana dadah-dadah itu ditemui. Ketiadaan Lim Yee Chuan menyebabkan tiada kepastian bahawa beg merah itu adalah kepunyaan OKT1 atau Lim Yee Chuan. Keterangan yang menunjukkan OKT1 membawa beg merah tersebut pada hemat mahkamah tidak dapat menolak kemungkinan dadah-dadah itu berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan Lim Yee Chuan. Keterangan menunjukkan OKT2 tidak berada dalam bilik tersebut semasa serbuan dan hanya ditahan kemudian. [32] Mahkamah juga perlu meneliti kenyataan OKT1 dalam P28B yang menyatakan bahawa dadah itu bukan kepunyaannya tetapi hanya dadah di atas meja sahaja. OKT1 juga mengesahkan bahawa bilik tersebut disewa olehnya. Adakah dengan kenyataan OKT1 ini telah mengesahkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah dalam milikan OKT1. Dalam kes ini mahkamah perlu membezakan di antara hakmilik dadah-dadah tersebut dengan dadah-dadah itu berada dalam milikan OKT1 dan OKT2. Mahkamah merujuk PP v Denish Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 dan Chan Pean Leon v PP [1956] MLJ 237. [33] Mahkamah ini juga perlu meneliti kenyataan OKT1 melalui eksibit P28B apabila dikemukakan soalan-soalan seperti berikut: S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 [34] SP5 semasa pemeriksaan balas berkenaan isu ini iaitu berkaitan dengan perkataan dadah yang dilihat ditambah masuk dalam kenyataan tersebut telah menjelaskan seperti berikut: S : Sekarang lihat kepada dokumen kata-kata amaran yang telah kamu kemukakan sebagai eksibit P28B. If I may read soalan 1, lihat kepada soalan 1. Soalan: Adakah awak ada simpan barang salah dadah di dalam bilik? Jawapan: Barang itu bukan saya punya. Perkataan yang mustahak di sini adalah itu. Itu maksudnya barang sudah dijumpa. That barang. J : Bukan maksud itu Yang Arif. S : Jadi mengapa ada perkataan itu di sini? J : Tertuduh pada masa itu Tertuduh tahu ada sesuatu barang di simpan di dalam bilik. S : Don’t explain to much into this. Jawab soalan ini sahaja. Tidak ada soalan tentang tentang pengetahuan Tertuduh. Just soalan ini, Adakah awak ada simpan barang salah S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 dadah di dalam bilik? Jawapan dia adalah barang itu bukan saya punya which means that things is not mine, yang membawa maksud pada masa soalan ini ditanya barang kes dadah sudahpun dijumpai? J : Tidak setuju. S : Now soalan kedua, dimanakah barang kes dadah awak simpan jawapan saya punya barang dan ada tambahan perkataan dadah, nampak tak ada tambahan, is an addition, betul? J : Betul. S : Perkataan dadah tersebut merupakan satu tambahan ya? Lihat pada dokumen itu? J : Apa maksud tambahan? S : Additionlah, maksud dia, it is not in the same line? J : Dadah itu yang ditulis saya … S : Merupakan satu tambahan kepada ayat yang asal? J : Sebelum … Ayat tidak lengkap saya telah tambah semula. S : Soalan saya perkataan dadah di jawapan kedua merupakan satu tambahan kepada jawapan yang telah diberi? S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 J : Ini adalah jawapan yang Tertuduh bagi dan saya tuliskan. S : Boleh tolong jawab soalan saya tak? I think you understand my question. Please answer my question and don’t play around like a fool. Soalan saya adalah perkataan dadah yang terdapat di jawapan nombor 2 merupakan satu tambahan kepada jawapan yang telah diberi mula-mula oleh Tertuduh? J : Bukan. S : Bukan tambahan? J : Bukan tambahan. S : So maksud dia kalau bukan tambahan Tertuduh perkataan asal telah menyatakan saya punya barang dadah simpan atas meja sahaja. Is it? J : Tertuduh yang nyatakan. S : Dan mengapa ada dadah tidak selari atau tidak sama dengan perkataan-perkataan lain dalam ayat tersebut? J : Maksudnya masa saya tulis, saya mahu tulis dadah, terus tulis simpan maksudnya tercicir dadah. S : Tercicir okay. Saya mencadangkan kepada kamu perkataan dadah yang terdapat pada ayat pada jawapan S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 nombor 2 adalah satu tambahan yang dibuat terkemudian? J : Tidak setuju. [35] Mahkamah ini juga meneliti salinan asal penyataan tersebut mendapati tiada sebarang tandatangan ringkas bagi mengesahkan siapakah yang telah meletakkan perkataan dadah dalam penyataan tersebut. Adakah ia dibuat oleh SP5 atau dibuat sendiri oleh SP5 atau ditulis atas penyataan yang dibuat oleh OKT1. [36] Pada hemat mahkamah kenyataan yang dibuat di bawah P28B adalah keterangan mustahak untuk mengaitkan dadah-dadah tersebut dengan OKT1. Ini bermakna sekiranya mahkamah menerima eksibit P28B itu maka ia sudah menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya hubungan di antara OKT1 dengan dadah-dadah tersebut, sekurang-kurangnya dadah-dadah yang dikatakan berada di atas meja. Oleh yang demikian mahkamah perlu berhati-hati dan memastikan bahawa tiada terdapat sebarang kecurigaan terhadap kandungan kenyataan tersebut. [37] Mahkamah tidak boleh dengan sewenang-wenangnya menerima kenyataan di P28B tersebut. Ia boleh dilakukan sedemikian sekiranya tiada sebarang petanda yang boleh menimbulkan kecurigaan kepada kesahihan kenyataan yang dinyatakan dalam P28B tersebut terutamanya penambahan perkataan dadah di situ. Mahkamah perlu berhati-hati dan memberikan sebarang faedah kesangsian (benefit of doubt) terhadap P28B ini kepada OKT1. Dalam kes ini mahkamah berpendapat P28B tidak menunjukkan bahawa OKT1 mempunyai S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut. Mahkamah ini tidak boleh bersandarkan kepada P28B untuk memutuskan bahawa OKT1 mempunyai pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan dadah-dadah tersebut. [38] Begitu juga dengan kenyataan yang diberikan oleh OKT2. Mahkamah ini berpendapat seperti yang dinyatakan terhadap kenyataan OKT1, mahkamah harus berhati-hati dalam menerima keterangan ini terhadap OKT2. Mahkamah mendapati terdapat keraguan terhadap dokumen dan isi kandungannya yang dikemukakan sebagai P28B tersebut. Oleh itu pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 dengan bersandarkan kepada dokumen P28B. Adakah kegagalan pihak pendakwaan memanggil saksi-saksi terutamanya Lim Yee Chuan adalah membolehkan pemakaian seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai [39] Adalah tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa budi bicara untuk memanggil seseorang saksi adalah terletak kepada pihak pendakwaan. Pihak pendakwaan boleh menimbangkan saksi yang difikirkan perlu dikemukakan di mahkamah. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes Khoon Chye Hin v PP [1961] 1 MLJ 105 di mana Yang Amat Arif Thomson, Ketua Hakim Negara menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 “It is, of course, well settled that in a criminal case prosecuting counsel, provided there is no wrong motive, has a discretion as to whether or not to call any particular witness and in particular has a discretion not to call in support of his case a witness whom he does not believe to be a witness of truth.” [40] Ini juga telah dinyatakan terlebih dahulu dalam kes Adel Muhammed El Dabbah v A-G for Palestine [1944] AC 156 di mana Lord Thankerton menyatakan seperti berikut: “While their Lordships agree that there was no obligation on the prosecution to tender these witnesses, and, therefore, this contention of the present appellant fails, their Lordships doubt whether the rule of practice as expressed by the Court of Criminal Appeal sufficiently recognizes that the prosecutor has a discretion as to what witnesses should be called for the prosecution, and the court will not interfere with the exercise of that discretion, unless, perhaps, it can be shown that the prosecutor has been influenced by some oblique motive.” [41] Ia juga telah dinyatakan juga oleh Mahkamah Agong dalam kes Ti Chuee Hiang v PP [1995] 2 MLJ 433 yang menjelaskan budi bicara pihak pendakwaan untuk memanggil saksi perlu dilakukan bagi kepentingan keadilan. Ini dinyatakan oleh YA Hakim Edgar Joseph JR seperti berikut: “We recognize that the function of the prosecution is to prosecute, and that does not mean that it must discharge the functions both of the prosecution and the defence. On the other hand, it is clear law that the prosecution must have in court all witnesses from whom statements have been taken, but they have a discretion whether to call them or not. (See Teh Lee Tong v PP [1956] MLJ 194.) That discretion, S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 however, must be exercised having regard to the interests of justice, which includes being fair to the accused (per Lord Parker CJ in R v Oliva [1965] 3 All ER 116 at p 122; [1965] 2 WLR 1028 at p 1035), and to call witnesses essential to the unfolding of the narrative on which the prosecution case is based, whether the effect of their testimony is for or against the prosecution (per Lord Roche in the Ceylon Privy Council case of Seneviratne v R [1936] 3 All ER 36 at p 49, applied in R v Nugent [1977] 3 All ER 662; [1977] 1 WLR 789).” [42] Malahan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Rosli bin Yusof v PP [2021] 4 MLJ 479 telah menyatakan budi bicara pihak pendakwaan untuk memanggil saksi dengan tanggungjawab pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan kes pendakwaan seperti berikut: “[38] In our view, it is settled law based on the authorities cited to us by the learned counsel for the appellant in his submission that the prosecution has discretion whether to call any particular witness, but such discretion is subject to two limitations, vis: (a) the discretion must be exercised with due regard to considerations of fairness and good faith; and (b) the witnesses who had been investigated by the police and from whom the statements have been recorded must be offered to the defence.” [43] Adalah jelas dan nyata bahawa budi bicara memanggil saksi- saksi adalah dalam ruang lingkup budi bicara pendakwaan. Namun ia tertakluk kepada tanggungjawab Pendakwa Raya untuk membuktikan kesnya dan apa yang lebih penting ialah sama ada kegagalan memanggil saksi tersebut juga perlu dikaitkan dengan kepentingan keadilan. Sekiranya kegagalan memanggil saksi tersebut S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 menyebabkan keadilan tidak dapat ditegakkan ia boleh mengatasi budi bicara Pendakwa Raya mengemukakan saksi. [44] Dalam kes ini Lim Yee Chuan adalah saksi yang terlibat langsung dalam kejadian ini. Ia dapat dilihat melalui keterangan saksi-saksi yang melihat Lim Yee Chuan masuk bersama-sama ke dalam bilik di mana OKT1 ditahan dan OKT2 ditangkap selepas itu. Ini bermakna kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan adalah penting kepada kes pendakwaan bagi menunjukkan dadah-dadah tersebut di dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1, OKT2 atau berada dalam milikan, pengetahuan dan kawalan Lim Yee Chuan. Ia adalah berkaitan langsung dengan isu yang seterusnya iaitu akses kepada bilik tersebut yang akan dinyatakan selepas ini. [45] Keterangan menunjukkan bahawa SP9 telah membuat percubaan untuk mengesan Lim Yee Chuan hanya pada tahun 2023. Pegawai penyiasat dalam keterangan menyatakan beliau tidak mengesan pada tahun 2018, 2019 2020, 2021 dan 2022. Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa tiada alasan yang memuaskan diberikan oleh pegawai penyiasat berkenaan kegagalan beliau mengesan saksi ini lebih awal. [46] Persoalannya ialah adakah mahkamah ini boleh menerima alasan kegagalan mengemukakan Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi adalah sesuatu yang wajar. Mahkamah berpendapat berdasarkan keterangan dan usaha pengesanan Lim Yee Chuan serta kedudukannya sebagai saksi penting dalam kes ini tidak membolehkan ketidakhadiran saksi S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 tersebut dipandang enteng disebabkan ia akan menimbulkan ketidakadilan kepada OKT-OKT berkenaan milikan, pengetahuan dan kawalan dadah-dadah tersebut serta berkait dengan isu askes kepada bilik tersebut. [47] Selain daripada itu tiada juga keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa Lim Yee Chuan adalah seorang pemberi maklumat (informer) yang tertakluk kepada peruntukan di bawah seksyen 40 ADB 1952. Namun begitu mahkamah juga perlu menimbangkan bahawa kegagalan Pendakwa Raya memanggil saksi-saksi bukanlah semestinya faktor yang akan menjejaskan kes pendakwaan. Misalnya dalam kes (1) Namasiyiam (2) Rajindran (3) Goh Chin Peng and (4) Ng Ah Kiat v PP [1987] 2 MLJ 336 salah seorang saksi yang dikatakan rakan sejenayah telah tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi dalam kes tersebut. Namun demikian Mahkamah Agong berpendapat ianya tidak menjejaskan kes pendakwaan disebabkan terdapatnya keterangan- keterangan lain di mana ketiadaan saksi tersebut tidak membawa apa- apa perbezaan. “Clearly, Francis was a particeps criminis, an accomplice in the true sense of the word. It was submitted that the absence of Francis at the trial would raise the presumption under section 114(g) of the Evidence Act unfavourable to the prosecution. Be that as it may, in the light of overwhelming prosecution evidence as stated earlier, we do not think that the presence of Francis, had he been available, would have made any difference.” S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 [48] Sebaliknya dalam kes ini kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi akan mengubah keadaan kes ini dan mahkamah dapat menentukan sama ada milikan dadah-dadah tersebut adalah OKT1, OKT2 atau orang lain iaitu Lim Yee Chuan. Sekiranya tiada keterangan daripada rakaman CCTV yang menunjukkan keberadaan Lim Yee Chuan maka ketiadaan Lim Yee Chuan tidak akan menjejaskan kes pendakwaan. Namun begitu dalam kes ini kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan dan beberapa orang saksi lain yang disahkan oleh pegawai penyiasat yang tidak dirakam percakapan mereka adalah sesuatu yang mustahak diberikan perhatian oleh mahkamah dalam menentukan sama ada dadah-dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 atau OKT2. [49] Oleh itu mahkamah ini berpendapat kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi penting dalam kes ini adalah mewajarkan pemakaian anggapan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950. Mahkamah sedar bahawa pemakaian seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya digunakan terhadap pendakwaan seperti yang dinyatakan dalam kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492 seperti berikut: “Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but material document by a party in his possession, or for non-production of not just any witness but an important and material witness to the case.” S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 [50] Dalam kes Munusamy (supra) keterangan menunjukkan bahawa seorang ahli kimia yang tidak dapat mengemukakan perakuan ujian ketepatan alat sukatan daripada Merinyu (Inspektor) Timbang dan Sukat. Ini adalah disebabkan ahli kimia tersebut mengesahkan bahawa dia tidak mempunyai butiran berkenaan alatan tersebut sebelum tahun 1985. Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak terpakai dapat kes tersebut. [51] Sebaliknya, Lim Yee Chuan adalah saksi penting dalam kes ini. Dia telah diketahui oleh pegawai penyiasat dan imejnya dapat dilihat melalui rakaman CCTV semenjak 2018 dan hanya dikesan pada 2023. Ia jelas menunjukkan bahawa keterangan Lim Yee Chuan tidak diketengahkan untuk penelitian mahkamah ini bagi membantu mahkamah meneliti keterangan Lim Yee Chuan bersama-sama dengan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan yang lain. Oleh itu mahkamah mendapati seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai kepada pihak pendakwaan. Akses [52] Dalam kes ini keterangan yang ada ialah OKT1 diserahkan kad kunci bilik tersebut, OKT1 berada dalam bilik tersebut semasa serbuan dibuat, OKT1 bersama seorang Lim Yee Chuan. OKT2 hanya bersama- sama OKT1 di bilik tersebut. Rakaman CCTV menunjukkan pergerakan keluar masuk bilik tersebut oleh beberapa orang individu lain. Individu- individu yang dikenalpasti itu ada yang tidak dapat dikesan dan ada yang tidak diambil keterangannya. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [53] Adakah keterangan OKT1 di P28B itu dapat menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah itu dalam milikan OKT1? Hakikat yang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa bilik tersebut dapat diakses oleh individu- individu yang lain sepanjang rakaman CCTV sebelum bilik tersebut diserbu oleh pihak polis. Ini adalah seperti apa yang berlaku dalam kes Lee Chee Meng v PP [1992] 1 MLJ 322 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan: “The totality of the evidence did not support the justification. Firstly, it is to be stressed that the burden on the appellant was merely to cast a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case. Where the presumption under s 37(da) is invoked the burden on the defence was only on the balance of probabilities. The other aspect of the evidence in this case must be examined. It would seem that the learned trial judge did not consider the evidence that the said Yoong Thien Soong (tenant of room A) was also arrested at the same time with four packets of drugs found in the room. Although the learned judge recognized the evidence relating to the contention that the door to room B could not be locked with the key at the material time, yet he did not give sufficient consideration to that evidence. In fact contrary to the evidence, the learned trial judge made a number of speculations to justify his conclusion, namely, that the padlock (exh P28) could be used to padlock room B, and that the appellant could have purchased another padlock and holding that the air-cooler and the mini-compo were valuable items and that the shoe boxes were meant for storage of drugs. In fact, the doubt as to exclusive use of room B by the appellant alone could be sufficient ground to allow the appeal.” S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 [54] Sementara itu dalam kes Abdullah Zawawi bin Yusoff v PP [1993] 3 MLJ 1 kewujudan orang lain yang berkemungkinan mempunyai akses kepada kawasan pembinaan yang belum siap telah diputuskan sebagai keadaan yang menunjukkan terdapatnya kemungkinan akses oleh pihak lain. “The judge was of the view that though the house was still under construction there was no evidence to show that there had been access to the house through the uncompleted part. With respect, given the fact that this was a case where the police were acting on a tip-off, undoubtedly by an informer, who might have been a paid informer, and the further fact that the house was still under construction, the onus was not on the defence to prove possibility of access by others but on the prosecution to exclude such possibility. Of course, the defence could besides taking advantage of infirmities in the prosecution case in this regard, have gone further, and shown the possibility of access by others, but this they were not, in law, obliged to do. To return to the judgment, in fairness to the judge, he did pursue the point about the possibility of a plant. What he said was this: Counsel also makes a faint insinuation of the possible involvement of Mohammad bin Mohd Amin in the commission of the alleged offence, and that could be the reason why he is scared to come to court. I have given a thorough thought to such a possibility but am unable to accept it as I find there is no conceivable reason for Mohammad to frame the first accused. Most of the time when he was in Gua Musang, he stayed with the first accused. He even worked for him and more or less regarded himself as part of the family. I cannot by any stretch of imagination think of him having a plan to implicate the person who had been more than a friend to him. There is nothing to show that he would stand to gain S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 by it. The insinuation without more remains only an insinuation, without any evidence to link Mohammad with the alleged offence. We recognize the force of the judge's reasoning, but motive is not always an easy matter to prove, and there was the testimony of ASP Haji Hamzah bin Awang (PW10), who took over investigations in the case, that he had attempted to secure the attendance of Mohammad at the trial but failed because Mohammad, who was by then living in Kampong Dusun Nyior, Narathiwat, Thailand, did not dare to come to Malaysia. There was also evidence that most of the time when he was in Gua Musang, Mohammad stayed with the appellant. In other words, he had liberal access to the house. Then, again, there was the evidence of his presence in the house at the time of the police raid and his arrest by the police. These are matters upon which we did not place undue stress and we therefore mention it, only in passing, to show that Mohammad was a possible suspect. But there was more substance in the point (not raised by counsel or considered by the judge) that the wife of the appellant might have concealed the drugs in the box without the appellant being a party to such act even though he might have known about it. The charge, be it noted, was trafficking in dangerous drugs and it will be recalled, that it was the conduct of the wife which led to the discovery of the drugs, and certainly the case for the prosecution was that she was involved, for why else was she prosecuted jointly with the appellant? Indeed, the judge ruled, at the close of the case for the prosecution, that she had a case to answer though, admittedly, at the close of the case for the defence, he did acquit her saying in the final part of his judgment: However, I am satisfied the second accused has succeeded in rebutting the presumptions, thereby creating a doubt on the case against her. I therefore acquit and discharge her. There is no appeal against her acquittal. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 He did not, however, give any reasons for that conclusion and we note that the wife did not implicate the appellant in any way, nor was there any evidence that they were acting in concert.” [55] Seterusnya dalam kes Gooi Loo Seng v PP [1993] 2 MLJ 137 Mahkamah Agong memutuskan bahawa kehadiran teman wanita Tertuduh yang mempunyai kunci telah menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya akses kepada bilik tidur tersebut oleh orang lain menyebabkan sabitan telah diketepikan. “Had the trial judge approached the prosecution case in the manner we have indicated, we cannot confidently say that he would or must inevitably have rejected the appellant's version that he had no knowledge of the presence of the heroin in the bedroom and that it could have been hidden there by others having access to the bedroom in his absence. We need hardly add, that even if the appellant had known of the presence of the heroin in his bedroom, that by itself would not have been sufficient to establish that he was in possession or in control of it given the fact that others too, and certainly his girlfriend Tan Ah Kwai, had access to the bedroom and could have concealed the heroin there. At the end of the day, this was a case of the proverbial cap which might have fitted not just the head of the appellant but that of others as well.” [56] Dalam kes ini tindakan beberapa orang individu-individu keluar masuk bilik tersebut menunjukkan bahawa bilik tersebut boleh diakses oleh orang lain selain daripada OKT1 dan OKT2. Namun mahkamah juga tidak sewajarnya secara automatik menyatakan bahawa orang lain mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. Ini adalah disebabkan kad bilik tersebut diserahkan kepada OKT1 dan OKT2 juga menjadi penghuni di S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 bilik tersebut. Ini ditambah pula dengan tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa semasa keluar masuk bilik tersebut oleh individu- individu tersebut beg yang mana dadah-dadah itu ditemui telah juga dibawa keluar oleh mana-mana individu tersebut semasa keluar masuk dari bilik tersebut. [57] Selain daripada itu tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan berkenaan apakah yang berlaku dalam bilik tersebut semasa individu- individu tersebut dikatakan berada dalam bilik tersebut. Oleh yang demikian keterangan individu-individu yang dilihat memasuki bilik tersebut adalah mustahak untuk mengesahkan bahawa dadah tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan saksi-saksi tersebut melainkan ianya adalah berkaitan dengan OKT1 dan OKT2 sahaja. [58] Hakikatnya ialah terdapatnya beberapa orang yang mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. Ketiadaan individu-individu sebagai saksi telah menyebabkan terdapat kemungkinan dadah-dadah tersebut bukannya berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2. Ini ditambah pula dengan laporan cap jari dan DNA yang tidak dapat menunjukkan kaitan OKT1 dan OKT2 dengan dadah tersebut. Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa ketidaaan pengemukakan laporan cap jari dan DNA tidak sewajarnya dijadikan alasan untuk menyatakan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan kes prima facie. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Mansor Md. Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233 seperti berikut: S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 “We also find ourselves in agreement with the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor that the learned trial Judge had erred in law when he faulted PW13 the investigating officer for not lifting the finger prints off the wrappings of the cannabis and for not taking photographs of the street light in front of the house No. 129. Where the identity of a culprit is in question or required to be proved, fingerprint evidence would be of great significance and immense value. In the present case under appeal, however, the charge alleged trafficking in the form of sale and there is evidence indicating the identities of the alleged offenders and the sale transaction. Fingerprint evidence on the newspaper wrapping, white plastic and the loytape, therefore, assumes little value or significance.” [59] Namun demikian dalam kes tersebut keterangan pendakwaan ialah terdapatnya urus niaga pembelian dan penjualan dadah-dadah di mana identiti Tertuduh tidak menjadi isu dalam kes tersebut. Prinsip dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Mansor Md. Rashid & Anor (supra) telah diikuti oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes PP v Ebrahim Mirzaie Hj Ebrahim Deh Mokhtar [2017] 1 CLJ 575 dan PP v Rosli Rikidin [2023] 1 LNS 1849. [60] Dalam kes ini mahkamah mendapati bahawa kegagalan untuk memanggil saksi-saksi yang mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut menyebabkan pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat membuktikan bahawa OKT-OKT mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan kepada dadah-dadah tersebut. Ini adalah disebabkan persoalan berikut akan timbul iaitu: S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 (a) Adakah dadah-dadah tersebut dimiliki oleh individu-individu yang dilihat dalam rakaman CCTV tersebut yang telah masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut; dan (b) Adakah dadah-dadah itu dibawa masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut bersama-sama dengan beg yang dibawa oleh OKT1 seperti yang tertera dalam rakaman CCTV atau dibawa oleh individu lain. [61] Ia boleh menyebabkan mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut tidak dibuktikan berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 sebaliknya dadah-dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan individu-individu lain yang tertera imej mereka dalam rakaman CCTV tersebut. Oleh itu kehadiran saksi-saksi tersebut adalah penting bagi bagi menyokong kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan dan membuktikan elemen pemilikan dadah-dadah tersebut. [62] Oleh itu penelitian kepada keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan mahkamah berpendapat pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan OKT1 dan OKT2 mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut di akhir kes pendakwaan. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 (c) Pengedaran Dadah [63] Setelah mahkamah ini meneliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan mahkamah berpendapat pendakwaan gagal membuktikan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut berada di dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 maka anggapan pengedaran dadah- dadah tersebut di bawah seksyen 37 (da) ADB 1952 tidak dapat digunakan oleh mahkamah ini bagi membuktikan pengedaran dadah berbahaya seperti pertuduhan. Seksyen 37 (da) ADB 1952 seperti berikut: “(da) any person who is found in possession of- (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin; (ii) 15 grammes or more in weight of morphine; (iii) 15 grammes or more in weight of monoacetylmorphines; (iiia) a total of 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin, morphine and monoacetylmorphines or a total of 15 grammes or more in weight of any two of the said dangerous drugs; (iv) 1,000 grammes or more in weight of prepared opium; (v) 1,000 grammes or more in weight of raw opium; (va) a total of 1,000 grammes or more in weight of prepared opium and raw opium; (vi) 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis, (vii) 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis resin; S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 (viii) a total of 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis and cannabis resin; (ix) 40 grammes or more in weight of cocaine; (x) 2,000 grammes or more in weight of cocoa leaves; (xi) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2-Amino-1-(2, 5- dimethoxy-4-methyl) phenylpropane; (xii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Amphetamine; (xiii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2, 5- Dimethoxyamphetamine (DMA); (xiv) 50 grammes or more in weight of Dimethoxybromoamphetamine (DOB); (xv) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4- ethylamphetamine (DOET); (xvi) 50 grammes or more in weight of Methamphetamine; (xvii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 5-Methoxy-3, 4- Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MMDA); (xviii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA); (xix) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-ethyl MDA; (xx) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-hydroxy MDA; (xxi) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-methyl-l-(3, 4- methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine; (xxii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); (xxiii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA); S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 (xxiv) 50 grammes or more in weight of 3,4,5- Trimethoxyamphetamine (3, 4, 5-TMA); or (xxv) a total of 50 grammes or more in weight of any combination of the dangerous drugs listed in subparagraphs (xi) to (xxiv), otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug” [64] Namun begitu mahkamah ini perlu meneliti sama ada terdapat keterangan yang ada dapat menunjukkan terdapatnya pengedaran seperti yang ditafsirkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952 seperti berikut: “"trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority of this Act or the regulations made under the Act” [65] Ini adalah disebabkan terdapat keterangan daripada SP5 dan imej daripada rakaman CCTV yang dipertontonkan di dalam mahkamah terbuka terdapat individu yang membawa sebuah beg di mana beg tersebut dikatakan dadah-dadah tersebut dijumpai. Ia membawa maksud adakah tindakan individu tersebut yang didakwa sebagai OKT1 dalam kes ini telah membawa (carrying) dadah-dadah tersebut. Ini juga perlu dipertimbangkan bersesuaian dengan keterangan yang menyatakan dadah-dadah itu telah berada dalam bilik tersebut. Apakah ianya tergolong dalam tindakan menyimpan dadah-dadah tersebut yang S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 boleh termasuk dalam takrifan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [66] Mahkamah ini dalam meneliti keterangan bagi maksud penggunaan seksyen 2 ADB 1952 dipandu oleh keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Teh Geok Hock v PP [1989] 3 MLJ 162 seperti berikut: “It is quite clear then that although the learned judge accepted the evidence that the appellant was a drug addict, he rejected his explanation of the ten packets of heroin found on his person. He was satisfied that the appellant was trafficking in the drugs as charged and convicted the appellant. 'Trafficking' is defined in the Act as follows: 'Trafficking' includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug. True, the definition in the Act sounds artificial and not according to the ordinary meaning of the word 'trafficking' which is normally understood to mean to trade in, buy or sell, any commodity, albeit often with sinister implication. See also the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. The definition of 'trafficking' in the Act is wide and includes not only buying and selling, but also carrying, concealing and keeping. It is totally different from the definition of the word 'traffic' in the Singapore Misuse of Drugs Act. In the Singapore provision to 'traffic' in a controlled drug so as to constitute an offence of trafficking involves something more than passive possession or self-administration of the drug. See Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 64.” S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 [67] Namun demikian Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Chow Kok Keong v Public Prosecutor [1998] 2 MLJ 337 telah menyatakan perbezaan pandangan dengan keputusan dalam kes Teh Geok Hock (supra) seperti berikut: “In our view, both Cohen and Ng Chai Kem, have severely watered down Teh Geok Hock in so far as it implies that passive possession or self-administration can never be a defence to a charge of trafficking under s 39B of our Act. Having considered this point afresh, we preferred the views expressed in Cohen and Ng Chai Kem to those in Teh Geok Hock which we regarded as oversimplistic. We would add that apart from the general consideration that the drugs legislation is a piece of highly penal legislation and therefore any ambiguity in it should be resolved in favour of the subject, in accordance with long established canons of construction, it is pertinent to note that the definition of 'trafficking' aforesaid comes under s 2 of the Act, the very first line of which reads: In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires …. In our view the context of s 37(da)(i) which says: any person who is found in possession of — (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin; … otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug; does 'otherwise require' (italics supplied). If this were not so, the provisions of s 37(da) which specifically confer upon the accused the right to rebut the presumption of trafficking arising from being found in possession of dangerous drugs in excess of the statutory minimum, would be an empty hypocrisy.” S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 [68] Di samping itu mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Ong Ah Chuan v PP [1981] 1 MLJ 64 yang memutuskan bahawa pengedaran dalam konteks seksyen 2 ADB 1952 itu perlu diteliti tujuan perbuatan- perbuatan tersebut dilakukan. Ia tidak hanya sekadar menunjukkan bahawa seseorang itu melakukan salah satu daripada 18 perkara yang dinyatakan di bawah takrifan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Di samping itu mahkamah juga perlu melihat jumlah dadah-dadah yang terlibat bagi menyatakan bahawa ianya bukan untuk tujuan penggunaan sendiri melainkan semata-mata untuk tujuan pengedaran. Ini dinyatakan oleh Lord Diplock seperti berikut: “This is a very wide descriptionof acts that may be treated as equivalent to the substantive offence of trafficking; nevertheless, in their Lordships' view, it is clear from the structure of the Drugs Act and the distinction drawn between the offence of having a controlled drug in one'spossession and the offence of trafficking in it, that mere possession of itself is not to be treated as an act preparatory to or in furtherance of or for the purpose of trafficking so as to permit the conviction of the possessor of the substantive offence. Tobring the provisions of sections 10 and 3(c) into operation some further step or overt act by the accused is needed, directed to transferring possession of the drug to some other person; and it is a consequence of the clandestine nature of the drug trade andthe means adopted for the detection of those engaged in it, that the further step that the prosecution is most likely to be able to prove in evidence is the act of the accused in transporting the drug to some place where he intends to deliver it to someone else,whether it be the actual consumer or a distributor or another dealer. Proof of the purpose for which an act is done, where such purpose is a necessary ingredient of the offence with which an accused is charged, presents a problem with whichcriminal S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 courts are very familiar. Generally, in the absence of an express admission by the accused, the purpose with which he did an act is a matter of inference from what he did. Thus, in the case of an accused caught in the act of conveying from one placeto another controlled drugs in a quantity much larger than is likely to be needed for his own consumption the inference that he was transporting them for the purpose of trafficking in them would, in the absence of any plausible explanationby him, be irresistible — even if there were no statutory presumption such as is contained in section 15 of the Drugs Act. As a matter of common sense the larger the quantity of drugs involved the stronger the inference thatthey were not intended for the personal consumption of the person carrying them, and the more convincing the evidence needed to rebut it. All that section 15 does is to lay down the minimum quantity of each of the five drugs with which it deals at which theinference arises from the quantity involved alone that they were being transported for the purpose of transferring possession of them to another person and not solely for the transporter's own consumption. There may be other facts which justify the inferenceeven where the quantity of drugs involved is lower than the minimum which attracts the statutory presumption under section 15. In the instant cases, however, the quantities involved were respectively one hundred times and six hundred times the statutory minimum. Whether the quantities involved be large or small, however, the inference is always rebuttable. The accused himself best knows why he was conveying the drugs from one place to another and, if he can satisfy the court, upon the balance of probabilitiesonly, that they were destined for his own consumption he is entitled to be acquitted of the offence of trafficking under section 3.” [69] Ia juga telah dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Johar bin Mustapha v Public Prosecutor [2009] 6 MLJ 593 yang S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 menjelaskan berkenaan pemakaian pendekatan tujuan yang diutarakan dalam kes Ong Ah Chuan (supra) seperti berikut: “[44] We feel it is appropriate at this juncture to refer to the 'purpose approach' in the judgment of Lord Diplock in the celebrated case of Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor; Koh Chai Cheng v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 64 where it was held (at p 69) as follows: Proof of the purpose for which an act is done, where such purpose is a necessary ingredient of the offence with which an accused is charged, presents a problem with which criminal courts are very familiar. Generally, in the absence of an express admission by the accused, the purpose with which he did an act is a matter of inference from what he did. Thus, in the case of an accused caught in the act of conveying from one place to another controlled drugs in a quantity much larger than is likely to be needed for his own consumption the inference that he was transporting them for the purpose of trafficking in them would, in the absence of any plausible explanation by him, be irresistible — even if there were no statutory presumption such as is contained in s 15 of the Drugs Act (see alsoPublic Prosecutor v Ouseng sama-Ae [2008] 1 CLJ 337). (Emphasis added.)” [70] Mahkamah juga dapat melihat bagaimana keterangan yang mencukupi untuk menyatakan bahawa OKT-OKT telah membawa dadah seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Ini dapat dilihat dalam kes Sathya Vello v. PP [2022] 5 CLJ 659 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan fakta kes tersebut seperti berikut: “[4] The facts are straightforward and may be summarised as follows. At the time and place specified in the two charges, the S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 43 appellant and the second accused had just arrived from Chennai, India by AirAsia flight AK1258. The appellant was seen pushing a trolley and heading towards the customs clearance area with the second accused beside him. On the trolley were two luggage bags. [5] As the appellant and the second accused were behaving suspiciously, Corporal Pannir Selvam a/l Subramaniam (PW3) who was on duty at the airport together with ASP Mohideen bin Ismail (PW2) stopped them and requested them to have their bags scanned at the scanning machine. This was done and the scan showed suspicious images on the monitor screen even after the contents of the bags were emptied. When PW2 lifted the empty bags, he found them to be exceptionally heavy. He also noticed that the fabric at the bottom of the bags were bulging. He then decided to carry out a physical examination on the two bags in the presence of the appellant and the second accused.” [71] Berdasarkan fakta tersebut Mahkamah Persekutuan telah memutuskan bahawa ia adalah memadai untuk membuktikan OKT membawa dadah-dadah tersebut bagi maksud seksyen 2 ADB 1952 dengan menyatakan seperti berikut: “[15] The appellant's act of carrying the drugs was clearly an act of trafficking by definition: See s. 2 of the DDA, which reads: 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: "trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority of this Act or the regulations made under the Act; S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 44 [16] Since "trafficking" is statutorily defined, which definition is to be applied unless the context otherwise requires, there is no necessity for the court to look for its common law meaning, if there is any. If the appellant could prove, in rebuttal of the presumption under s. 37(d) of the DDA, that he had no knowledge of the presence and of the nature of the drugs, he would of course be acquitted outrightly of the trafficking charges despite being in physical possession of the drugs, because without proof of knowledge, he committed no offence under the DDA, not even the lesser offence of possession under s. 12(2).” [72] Dalam kes ini mahkamah mendapati bahawa keterangan yang menyatakan bahawa individu yang dikatakan OKT1 telah membawa beg tersebut tanpa keterangan yang menyatakan apakah tujuan beg itu dibawa masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut di samping terdapat individu- individu lain yang bersama OKT1 semasa memasuki bilik tersebut tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa tindakan membawa beg tersebut oleh OKT1 adalah termasuk dalam takrifan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Begitu juga tiada keterangan yang dapat menyatakan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut disimpan atau disembunyikan dalam bilik tersebut bagi memenuhi takrifan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [73] Oleh yang demikian mahkamah ini berpendapat pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan pengedaran seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [74] Ini bermakna mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan satu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952 terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 45 Pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 bagi dadah jenis Ketamin dan seksyen 9 (1) Akta Racun 1952 untuk Etizolam [75] Penelitian kepada keterangan yang dikemukakan di mahkamah adalah didapati bahawa dadah ketamin yang menjadi asas kepada pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 adakah dikatakan dijumpai dalam bilik yang sama dengan dadah-dadah yang dipertuduhkan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952. Ini bermakna dapatan mahkamah ini berkenaan pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan dadah- dadah tersebut adalah sama dengan dapatan bagi pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan bagi dadah-dadah yang dituduh di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952. Mahkamah ini berpendapat tiada sebarang keterangan lain yang boleh dinilai oleh mahkamah melainkan keterangan- keterangan yang sama yang dikemukakan oleh pendakwaan. Ia akan membawa kepada satu kesimpulan yang sama iaitu pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. Ianya mungkin berbeza sekrianya dadah-dadah bagi pertuduhan seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 itu ditemui di tempat lain dan terdapat keterangan- keterangan lain yang berbeza dengan keterangan bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952 tersebut. [76] Akhirnya mahkamah berpendapat bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2 di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 dan seksyen 9 (1) Akta Racun 1952. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 46 Penutup [77] Adalah satu fakta yang perlu diakui oleh mahkamah bahawa kesungguhan untuk mengatasi masalah pengedaran dan pemilikan dadah adalah sesuatu yang berterusan. Ia dapat dilihat melalui penambahbaikan peruntukan undang-undang di bawah ADB 1952 semenjak penggubalannya sehingga kini. Misalnya pengenalan hukuman mati mandatori yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1983 walaupun telah dimansuhkan melalui Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023. Ia juga dapat dilihat kepada peningkatan hukuman yang boleh dikenakan bagi kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah ADB 1952 serta undang-undang yang berkaitan. Ini semua dilakukan bagi membolehkan kegiatan pengedaran dadah dapat dibanteras dan dilumpuhkan bagi menghalang kegiatan jenayah lain yang berkaitan dengan dadah. [78] Oleh itu adalah penting bagi siasatan yang melibatkan kes pengedaran dadah dilakukan dengan professional, berhati-hati dan sentiasa mematuhi peruntukan undang-undang. Ini bagi membolehkan keterangan-keterangan tersebut dikemukakan mengikut undang- undang semasa perbicaraan kelak. Sebarang ketidakpatuhan atau kecuaian dalam penyiasatan akan membawa padah kepada kegagalan pengemukaan keterangan yang dikehendaki oleh undang-undang semasa perbicaraan kelak. Pada masa yang sama pendakwaan berkaitan dengan kes-kes dadah perlu dilakukan dengan mematuhi prinsip undang-undang yang dinyatakan dalam Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah dan Akta Keterangan 1950 di samping S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 47 dipandu arah oleh keputusan-keputusan mahkamah atasan berkenaan kes-kes dadah. Di samping itu para peguam yang mewakili anak guam juga hendaklah membela anak guam mereka berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang bagi memastikan keadilan yang wajar dinikmati oleh anak guam mereka dapat dipertahankan. [79] Pada masa yang sama mahkamah yang mendengar kes-kes pengedaran dadah-dadah juga perlu memastikan keterangan- keterangan dikemukakan berdasarkan kepada Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah dan Akta Keterangan 1950 dan mematuhi kepada keputusan mahkamah atasan berkenaan dengan kes-kes dadah. Sesungguhnya kesepaduan di antara proses siasatan, pendakwaan, pembelaan dan perbicaraan serta penghakiman yang dilakukan dengan professional dan mengikut jalur undang-undang akan memastikan hasrat untuk membanteras aktiviti pengedaran dadah yang menjadi penyakit dalam masyarakat akan dapat dilaksanakan tanpa menggadaikan prinsip keadilan yang wajar dinikmati oleh seseorang yang dituduh di bawah ADB 1952. [80] Dalam konteks ini Pendakwa Raya dan peguambela seharusnya membantu mahkamah dengan mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan dan pembelaan yang wajar bagi membolehkan mahkamah jenayah yang mengendalikan perbicaraan kes-kes di bawah ADB 1952 dapat melaksanakan tugas dan amanahnya dengan sempurna. [81] Sebagai pelengkap adalah wajar untuk mahkamah meneliti pandangan yang dikemukakan berkenaan dengan tanggungjawab dan S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 48 amanah yang perlu dilakukan mahkamah jenayah seperti yang diutarakan dalam artikel The Need for a Criminal Division of the High Court oleh David Ormerod, Current Legal Problems Vol. XX (2023) 1, halaman 2 walaupun artikel tersebut berkaitan dengan sistem mahkamah tinggi jenayah di United Kingdom namun ia menarik untuk direnungkan. David Ormerod menyatakan seperti berikut: “There is no obvious reason to assume that judging criminal cases is any easier than judging in any other branch of law. It requires the same skills of statutory interpretation; indeed, it is arguably more challenging in this respect given the volume and frequency of legislative amendment. It demands agility in applying the sometimes radically and frequently changing core common law principles, affecting the gravest offences of murder and manslaughter. Criminal trials also give rise to their share of constitutional issues and Human Rights Act challenges. There may be nothing special in these respects, but there are, I suggest, other matters that do render ‘criminal judgecraft’ truly distinctive.” Perintah Akhir [82] Akhirnya OKT1 dan OKT2 dibebaskan tanpa dipanggil membela diri bagi kesemua pertuduhan. S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 49 Bertarikh: 15hb. November 2023 (ROSLAN MAT NOR) HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA TEMERLOH, PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR PIHAK-PIHAK: Bagi Pihak Pendakwaan Ain-Nur ‘Amiyerra Awod Abdullah Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur Bagi Pihak OKT1 G Ravishankar Tetuan R Shankar Gandhi & Associates Kuala Lumpur Bagi Pihak OKT2 Mohd Taufik Md Tahir Tetuan Rizal Hashim Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur S/N hmqwGoBOp0CSdYznNr8FMQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH 1. ) TAN CAR CHUN 2. ) OOI ZHE XIAN
Perbicaraan penuh - Pertuduhan di bawah s. 39B, 12 (2) ADB 1952 - Dadah ditemui dalam bilik hotel - Terdapat CCTV yang menunjukkan terdapat beberapa orang individu - Saksi penting yang ada bersama OKT1 ketika membawa beg yang dikatakan terdapat dadah - OKT2 ditangkap beberapa jam selepas kejadian ketika OKT1 berada dalam bilik - OKT1 dan OKT2 dibebaskan dan dilepaskan di akhir kes pendakwaan - Pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes prima facie
YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor
Microsoft Word - CB-45A-4-09-2019 PP v TAN CAR CHUN & OOI ZHE XIAN edited 1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI TEMERLOH DALAM NEGERI PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR PERBICARAAN JENAYAH NO: CB-45A-4-09/2019, CB-45-6-7-09/2019 DAN CB-45-7-09/2019 ANTARA PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN 1. TAN CAR CHUN (NO. K/P: 831018146655) 2. OOI ZHE XIAN (NO. K/P: 871130025171) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan [1] Kes ini adalah berkaitan dengan pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya (ADB) 1952 terhadap kedua-dua Orang Kena Tuduh (OKT), seksyen 12(2) ADB 1952 dan seksyen 9(1) Akta Racun 1952. Pertuduhan-pertuduhan adalah seperti berikut: 15/11/2023 16:44:08 CB-45A-4-09/2019 Kand. 211 S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Kes No. CB-45A-4-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati mengedar dadah berbahaya berat bersih 103.77 gram methamphetamine, dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B (1) (a) Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B (2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Kes No. CB-45-7-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya berat bersih 0.44 gram ketamine dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 12(3) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Kes No. CB-45-6-09/2019 Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29 Oktober 2018, jam lebih kurang 09.50 pagi bertempat di bilik No. 20963, Tingkat 20, Tower S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands, di dalam daerah Bentong, di dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur, dalam mencapai niat bersama kamu telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu racun jenis Etizolam seberat 169.11 gram dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 9(1) Akta Racun 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 32(2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. [2] Pertuduhan-pertuduhan telah dibacakan pertama kalinya pada 05.11.2019. Setelah beberapa kali pengurusan kes dijalankan, akhirnya kes ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan pada 17 hingga 22.10.2020. [3] Selepas daripada tarikh tersebut, perbicaraan kes ini tidak dapat dijalankan dengan lancar ekoran daripada Pandemik Covid-19. Di samping itu, terdapat penangguhan disebabkan oleh peguam OKT yang telah menghidapi Covid-19 serta tidak dapat hadir ke mahkamah. Pada masa yang sama OKT1 dan OKT2 juga terpaksa menjalankan perintah kuarantin di penjara dan tidak dapat hadir ke mahkamah. Ini telah menyebabkan kes ini hanya dapat dimulakan pada 24.03.2022. [4] Perjalanan kes ini dari tarikh OKT-OKT dikemukakan di mahkamah, perbicaraan dimulakan dan berakhir tidak sewajarnya mempengaruhi mahkamah dan penentuan kes ini. Mahkamah hendaklah memutuskan kes ini berdasarkan kepada keterangan- keterangan saksi-saksi, eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan dan prinsip undang-undang dan pemakaiannya dalam kes ini. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [5] Adalah sesuatu yang penting ditekankan bahawa keghairahan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu kes yang lama seperti ini tidak boleh mengenepikan prinsip undang-undang dengan semata-mata untuk menggambarkan penampilan statistik penyelesaian yang meyakinkan. Begitu juga mahkamah tidak boleh memanggil OKT-OKT untuk membela diri semata-mata bagi mendengar versi pembelaan sedangkan satu kes prima facie telah tidak berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Ini adalah merupakan tonggak utama dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah yang perlu ditegakkan dan dilaksanakan dengan sepenuhnya. Keterangan [6] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan 9 orang saksi sebelum menutup kes pendakwaan. Ia melibatkan para pegawai dan anggota polis, ahli kimia dan saksi-saksi awam. Di samping itu, rakaman CCTV iaitu P39A juga dikemukakan sebagai keterangan pendakwaan. Mahkamah ini dipertontonkan dengan rakaman CCTV tersebut. Keterangan menunjukkan bahawa kejadian ini berlaku di dalam bilik sebuah hotel. [7] Pada 28.10.2018, bilik nombor 20963 Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands telah didaftarkan atas nama Tan Car Chun iaitu OKT1. SP4 mengesahkan catatan check out date adalah pada 29.10.2018. SP4 juga menyatakan bahawa bilik tersebut juga dikongsi dengan seorang yang bernama Low Siew Yuen, (eksibit S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 P28A). Namun SP4 tidak pasti sama ada Low Siew Yuen mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. SP6 mengesahkannya. [8] Pada 29.10.2018, SP5 telah membuat pemeriksaan di bilik nombor 20963 Tingkat 20, Tower 3, First World Hotel, Genting Highlands. Setelah SP4 dan pengurus hotel mengetuk pintu bilik tersebut, ia telah dibuka oleh Tan Car Chun yang dicamkan sebagai OKT1. [9] SP5 menyatakan bahawa semasa memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai pegawai polis, OKT1 telah cuba menutup pintu. SP5 telah membuat laporan polis berkenaan insiden tersebut seperti di eksibit P29. SP5 juga semasa ditunjukkan gambarajah kasar iaitu eksibit P36 dan telah menandakan “X2” adalah tempat di mana sebuah beg merah hitam jenama Mayflower, eksibit P14A(1) yang di dalamnya terdapat dadah. [10] SP7 pegawai keselamatan hotel tersebut telah mengemukakan rakaman CCTV berkenaan pergerakan di bilik 20963. Rakaman CCTV tersebut telah ditayangkan di mahkamah. Ia menunjukkan pergerakan beberapa orang individu keluar dan masuk ke bilik tersebut. Ringkasan rakaman CCTV itu dinyatakan dalam penyataan saksi SP7 (PSSP7) di muka surat 6 hingga 8. [11] SP8 seorang saksi awam, dia telah menginap di bilik nombor 20962. Dia hadir ke situ atas panggilan ibu saudaranya, Normalis. SP8 saksikan OKT1 telah keluar dari bilik 20963 untuk membantu SP8 S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 membuka pintu bilik 20962. SP8 sahkan seorang yang bernama Lim Yee Chuan adalah kekasih Normalis. Lim Yee Chuan tidak dikemukakan di mahkamah. [12] P29 iaitu laporan polis oleh SP5 yang turut menyatakan kenyataan kata-kata amaran OKT1 dan OKT2 kepada SP5 yang telah diputuskan ditandakan sebagai P28B. Dalam P28B tertera seperti berikut: S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 [13] SP2 ahli kimia dalam keterangannya telah mengesahkan menerima barang-barang kes dari pegawai rampasan di eksibit P16 yang menurut beliau barang-barang kes itu adalah dadah berbahaya jenis Heroin, Methamphetamine, Ketamin dan Etizolam. [14] SP9 pegawai penyiasat telah mengambil tindakan yang dilakukan semasa siasatan, iaitu lawatan ke tempat kejadian, pemperolehan barang-barang kes, mengemukakan barang-barang kes kepada Jabatan Kimia dan penggeledahan. SP9 sahkan bahawa Ooi Zhe Xian iaitu OKT2 telah ditangkap melalui laporan polis P30. [15] SP9 juga mengesahkan dia telah berusaha mengesan penama Lim Yee Chuan tetapi gagal. SP9 telah ditayangkan dengan rakaman CCTV. SP9 menyatakan siasatan menunjukkan bahawa bilik 20963 adalah didaftarkan atas nama OKT1. SP9 juga nyatakan siasatan terhadap rakaman CCTV menunjukkan SP5 telah mengetuk pintu bilik 20963. OKT1 membuka pintu bilik diiringi oleh Lim Yee Chuan. [16] Keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa kesan cap jari telah diambil gambar di eksibit P21(1-12). Laporan hasil pemeriksaan cap jari adalah tidak boleh dibuat perbandingan kerana tidak cukup sifat seperti yang dinyatakan di P41. [17] Ujian acupakai pakaian yang dijumpai di tempat kejadian telah dimaklumkan pakaian itu diambil dari beg hitam merah yang dijumpai dalam beg tersebut. Ia dapat di lihat 8 keping gambar di P46(1-8). S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 Analisa [18] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang mantap bahawa di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah menjadi tugas pendakwaan untuk membuktikan satu kes prima facie. Frasa prima facie telah dijelaskan di bawah seksyen 180 KPJ seperti berikut: "180 Procedure after conclusion of case for prosecution (1) When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court shall consider whether the prosecution has made out a prima facie case against the accused. (2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not made out a prima facie case against the accused, the Court shall record an order of acquittal. (3) If the Court finds that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused on the offence charged the Court shall call upon the accused to enter on his defence. (4) For the purpose of this section, a prima facie case is made out against the accused where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction." [19] Pendekatan yang perlu digunakan oleh mahkamah ketika memutuskan sama ada terdapatnya satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan telah dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Abdullah Atan v. PP & Other Appeals [2020] 9 CLJ 151 yang menyatakan bagi tujuan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat kes prima facie mahkamah perlu menggunakan anggapan inferen, S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 selain daripada itu keterangan langsung bagi membuktikan satu kes prima facie. Ini dinyatakan seperti berikut: “[42] The purpose of s. 180(4) CPC was thus not to exclude the use of presumptions, inferences, or anything other than direct evidence, to establish a prima facie case. On the contrary: (i) the Privy Council in Haw Tua Tau itself expressly envisaged that inferences may be drawn from the primary facts adduced, and the court must presume such inferences to be true at the close of the prosecution's case; and (ii) statutory presumptions have often been invoked by the prosecution in order to establish a prima facie case of drug trafficking in previous cases. No concern was raised in Parliament as to the use of presumptions when considering amendments to s. 180 of the CPC (see Mohamad Radhi Yaakob v. PP [1991] 3 CLJ 2073; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 311; [1991] 3 MLJ 169; and Tan Boon Kean v. PP [1995] 4 CLJ 456; [1995] 3 MLJ 514). [43] Section 180(4) of the CPC must be read in light of its context and legislative purpose. By so doing, the phrase "credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence" in s. 180(4) means that the prosecution may prove each ingredient of the offence either: (i) by adducing credible direct evidence of that ingredient; (ii) by drawing inferences of fact, ie, adducing credible circumstantial evidence, from which the ingredient can be inferred; or (iii) by invoking presumptions of law, ie, adducing credible evidence of the relevant basic facts, to invoke a statutory presumption that the ingredient exists. [44] As to what constitutes 'a prima facie' case, the judgment of Vincent Ng J (as he then was) in PP v. Ong Cheng Heong S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [1998] 4 CLJ 209 is instructive. Although Ong Cheng Heong (supra) was decided prior to the amendment in 2006, we respectfully endorse His Lordship's views, at p. 225: What then constitutes a 'prima facie case'? 'Prima facie' means on the face of it or at first glance.... perhaps the most appropriate definition of 'a prima facie case' could be found in the Oxford Companion of Law (p. 987), which has it as: "A case which is sufficient for an answer. While prima facie evidence is evidence which is sufficient to establish a fact in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, but is not conclusive". It would follow that there should be credible evidence on each and every ingredient of the offence. Credible evidence is evidence which has been filtered and which has gone through the process of evaluation. Any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon, should be rejected. (emphasis added) At p. 224, His Lordship said: ... to me, maximum evaluation simply means evaluation, on a prima facie basis, of each and every essential ingredient of the charge as tested in cross-examination. In other words, maximum evaluation connotes quantitative rather than qualitative evaluation of the evidence; with focus more on the evidential burden in terms of evidence led, rather than the persuasive burden in terms of qualitative degree of proof." Elemen Kesalahan (a) Dadah yang dijumpai adalah dadah berbahaya [20] Dalam kes ini fakta bahawa dadah-dadah yang ditemui di bilik tersebut adalah merupakan dadah merbahaya sudah terang lagi bersuluh berdasarkan kepada laporan kimia yang disediakan oleh ahli S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 kimia. Dalam laporan tersebut dinyatakan bahawa dadah-dadah yang diperiksanya setelah dihantar oleh pegawai penyiasat adalah merupakan dadah berbahaya yang dijadualkan di bawah ADB 1952. Ini bermakna elemen pertama bagi kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2 telah dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. [21] Pada masa yang sama mahkamah juga mengambil perhatian kepada soalan-soalan balas yang dikemukakan oleh peguam OKT-OKT terhadap ahli kimia yang mencadangkan bahawa ujian yang dilakukan oleh beliau adalah tidak tepat. Oleh itu laporan yang disediakan oleh ahli kimia tersebut adalah cacat dan tidak tepat. Namun demikian mahkamah berpendapat soalan-soalan sedemikian tidak dapat menggoyahkan keterangan ahli kimia. Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa ujian yang dijalankan adalah teratur dan keputusan yang dikeluarkan melalui laporan kimia tersebut dan keterangan ahli kimia diterima oleh mahkamah ini. Oleh itu Pendakwa Raya telah membuktikan elemen pertama pertuduhan-pertuduhan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. (b) Pemilikan dadah Adakah dadah-dadah tersebut dalam pemilikan OKT1 dan OKT2 [22] Keterangan SP5 menunjukkan bahawa semasa serbuan dibuat di bilik 20963, OKT1 berada dalam bilik tersebut di mana dadah-dadah dijumpai. SP5 menyatakan bahawa OKT1 cuba menghalang pintu itu dari dibuka. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 [23] Selain daripada itu imej dalam rakaman CCTV, eksibit P39A(2) juga telah disahkan oleh SP5 dan SP7 serta SP9 mendapati OKT1 dilihat ada memasuki bilik tersebut. Kali terakhir OKT1 dilihat memasuki bilik tersebut pada 29.10.2018, 0728-0729 hours. Ini ditambah pula dengan keterangan SP5 yang mengesahkan dadah-dadah tersebut ditemui berdekatan dengan OKT1 seperti gambarajah kasar, P36. [24] Seterusnya keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa acupakai pakaian yang ditemui dalam bilik tersebut adalah berjaya dilakukan ke atas OKT1 dan OKT2. [25] Selain daripada itu SP4 mengesahkan kunci bilik 20963 itu diberikan kepada OKT1. Ini turut disahkan oleh SP8 yang menyatakan orang yang membantunya untuk membuka pintu bilik 20962 adalah OKT1 yang keluar dari bilik 20963. [26] Keterangan juga menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut berada di tempat dalam gambarajah kasar semasa OKT1 dijumpai berada dalam bilik tersebut. [27] Namun begitu, laporan cap jari tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa cap jari OKT1 ada para barang kes tersebut bagi menyokong OKT1 mempunyai kawalan atau milikan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut. [28] Sementara bagi OKT2 pula, keterangan SP5 menyatakan bahawa OKT2 ditangkap pada jam 10.30 pagi seperti yang dinyatakan S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 dalam laporan polis Genting Highlands/005252/18, eksibit P30. OKT1 telah ditangkap pada jam 9.50 pagi seperti di P29. [29] Dalam kes ini tayangan CCTV di mahkamah menunjukkan imej beberapa orang lelaki yang telah dicamkan oleh SP7, SP5 dan SP6. Imej tersebut menunjukkan ada di antara mereka yang masuk ke bilik 20963 ada yang membawa beg. Ini menunjukkan bahawa selain daripada OKT1 dan OKT2 salah seorang individu yang dilihat melalui CCTV itu ialah Lim Yee Chuan dan menurut keterangan pegawai penyiasat penama Lim Yee Chuan mengiringi OKT1 membuka pintu bilik tersebut yang dapat dilihat daripada rakaman CCTV. SP9 menyatakan: S : Kita pergi ke klip yang pertama 28.10.2018 pada jam 2228 hours. Boleh Inspektor terangkan kepada mahkamah klip ini berkenaan apa? J : Pada tarikh 28.10.2018 masa 2228 hours di mana suspek Tan Car Chun dan Lim Yee Chuan telah masuk ke bilik 20963 dan Tan Car Chun membawa beg sandang warna hitam merah dan beg silang warna kuning coklat. S : Melalui rakaman ini boleh Inspektor terangkan yang mana satu penama Tan Car Chun dan yang mana satu penama Lim Yee Chuan? S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 J : Tan Car Chun iaitu yang sedang menggalas beg dan Lim Yee Chuan yang berada di sebelah yang menggalas beg tersebut. S : Kita pergi kepada klip yang kedua ini. Okay boleh berhenti. Untuk rakaman klip yang seterusnya apa keterangan rakaman tersebut? J : Rakaman tersebut dilihat Lim Yee Chuan telah keluar dari bilik 20963. S : Seterusnya saya pohon dimainkan rakaman 0025 hours. Apa keterangan rakaman? Boleh Inspektor terangkan berkenaan rakaman tersebut? J : Rakaman tersebut telah dilihat 4 individu iaitu Tan Car Chun yang telah keluar dari bilik 20963. Turut kelihatan di depan bilik tersebut adalah penama Syawal Rizal, penama Alif iaitu rakan kepada Rizal dan juga penama Yasir, kawan kepada Rizal juga. [30] Keterangan yang juga menunjukkan SP9 hanya cuba mengesan Lim Yee Chuan pada tahun 2023 melalui laporan polis Gemencheh 373/23, eksibit P43. Sementara itu carian daripada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dibuat pada 05.05.2023. Pada tahun 2019, SP9 sahkan dia tidak mencari Lim Yee Chuan. Adalah didapati tiada keterangan sebelum 2023 usaha pengesanan Lim Yee Chuan. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [31] SP9 mengesahkan bahawa di bilik 20963 pintunya dibuka oleh OKT1. SP9 menyatakan Lim Yee Chuan mengiringi OKT1 tetapi OKT1 yang membawa beg merah di mana dadah-dadah itu ditemui. Ketiadaan Lim Yee Chuan menyebabkan tiada kepastian bahawa beg merah itu adalah kepunyaan OKT1 atau Lim Yee Chuan. Keterangan yang menunjukkan OKT1 membawa beg merah tersebut pada hemat mahkamah tidak dapat menolak kemungkinan dadah-dadah itu berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan Lim Yee Chuan. Keterangan menunjukkan OKT2 tidak berada dalam bilik tersebut semasa serbuan dan hanya ditahan kemudian. [32] Mahkamah juga perlu meneliti kenyataan OKT1 dalam P28B yang menyatakan bahawa dadah itu bukan kepunyaannya tetapi hanya dadah di atas meja sahaja. OKT1 juga mengesahkan bahawa bilik tersebut disewa olehnya. Adakah dengan kenyataan OKT1 ini telah mengesahkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah dalam milikan OKT1. Dalam kes ini mahkamah perlu membezakan di antara hakmilik dadah-dadah tersebut dengan dadah-dadah itu berada dalam milikan OKT1 dan OKT2. Mahkamah merujuk PP v Denish Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 dan Chan Pean Leon v PP [1956] MLJ 237. [33] Mahkamah ini juga perlu meneliti kenyataan OKT1 melalui eksibit P28B apabila dikemukakan soalan-soalan seperti berikut: S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 [34] SP5 semasa pemeriksaan balas berkenaan isu ini iaitu berkaitan dengan perkataan dadah yang dilihat ditambah masuk dalam kenyataan tersebut telah menjelaskan seperti berikut: S : Sekarang lihat kepada dokumen kata-kata amaran yang telah kamu kemukakan sebagai eksibit P28B. If I may read soalan 1, lihat kepada soalan 1. Soalan: Adakah awak ada simpan barang salah dadah di dalam bilik? Jawapan: Barang itu bukan saya punya. Perkataan yang mustahak di sini adalah itu. Itu maksudnya barang sudah dijumpa. That barang. J : Bukan maksud itu Yang Arif. S : Jadi mengapa ada perkataan itu di sini? J : Tertuduh pada masa itu Tertuduh tahu ada sesuatu barang di simpan di dalam bilik. S : Don’t explain to much into this. Jawab soalan ini sahaja. Tidak ada soalan tentang tentang pengetahuan Tertuduh. Just soalan ini, Adakah awak ada simpan barang salah S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 dadah di dalam bilik? Jawapan dia adalah barang itu bukan saya punya which means that things is not mine, yang membawa maksud pada masa soalan ini ditanya barang kes dadah sudahpun dijumpai? J : Tidak setuju. S : Now soalan kedua, dimanakah barang kes dadah awak simpan jawapan saya punya barang dan ada tambahan perkataan dadah, nampak tak ada tambahan, is an addition, betul? J : Betul. S : Perkataan dadah tersebut merupakan satu tambahan ya? Lihat pada dokumen itu? J : Apa maksud tambahan? S : Additionlah, maksud dia, it is not in the same line? J : Dadah itu yang ditulis saya … S : Merupakan satu tambahan kepada ayat yang asal? J : Sebelum … Ayat tidak lengkap saya telah tambah semula. S : Soalan saya perkataan dadah di jawapan kedua merupakan satu tambahan kepada jawapan yang telah diberi? S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 J : Ini adalah jawapan yang Tertuduh bagi dan saya tuliskan. S : Boleh tolong jawab soalan saya tak? I think you understand my question. Please answer my question and don’t play around like a fool. Soalan saya adalah perkataan dadah yang terdapat di jawapan nombor 2 merupakan satu tambahan kepada jawapan yang telah diberi mula-mula oleh Tertuduh? J : Bukan. S : Bukan tambahan? J : Bukan tambahan. S : So maksud dia kalau bukan tambahan Tertuduh perkataan asal telah menyatakan saya punya barang dadah simpan atas meja sahaja. Is it? J : Tertuduh yang nyatakan. S : Dan mengapa ada dadah tidak selari atau tidak sama dengan perkataan-perkataan lain dalam ayat tersebut? J : Maksudnya masa saya tulis, saya mahu tulis dadah, terus tulis simpan maksudnya tercicir dadah. S : Tercicir okay. Saya mencadangkan kepada kamu perkataan dadah yang terdapat pada ayat pada jawapan S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 nombor 2 adalah satu tambahan yang dibuat terkemudian? J : Tidak setuju. [35] Mahkamah ini juga meneliti salinan asal penyataan tersebut mendapati tiada sebarang tandatangan ringkas bagi mengesahkan siapakah yang telah meletakkan perkataan dadah dalam penyataan tersebut. Adakah ia dibuat oleh SP5 atau dibuat sendiri oleh SP5 atau ditulis atas penyataan yang dibuat oleh OKT1. [36] Pada hemat mahkamah kenyataan yang dibuat di bawah P28B adalah keterangan mustahak untuk mengaitkan dadah-dadah tersebut dengan OKT1. Ini bermakna sekiranya mahkamah menerima eksibit P28B itu maka ia sudah menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya hubungan di antara OKT1 dengan dadah-dadah tersebut, sekurang-kurangnya dadah-dadah yang dikatakan berada di atas meja. Oleh yang demikian mahkamah perlu berhati-hati dan memastikan bahawa tiada terdapat sebarang kecurigaan terhadap kandungan kenyataan tersebut. [37] Mahkamah tidak boleh dengan sewenang-wenangnya menerima kenyataan di P28B tersebut. Ia boleh dilakukan sedemikian sekiranya tiada sebarang petanda yang boleh menimbulkan kecurigaan kepada kesahihan kenyataan yang dinyatakan dalam P28B tersebut terutamanya penambahan perkataan dadah di situ. Mahkamah perlu berhati-hati dan memberikan sebarang faedah kesangsian (benefit of doubt) terhadap P28B ini kepada OKT1. Dalam kes ini mahkamah berpendapat P28B tidak menunjukkan bahawa OKT1 mempunyai S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut. Mahkamah ini tidak boleh bersandarkan kepada P28B untuk memutuskan bahawa OKT1 mempunyai pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan dadah-dadah tersebut. [38] Begitu juga dengan kenyataan yang diberikan oleh OKT2. Mahkamah ini berpendapat seperti yang dinyatakan terhadap kenyataan OKT1, mahkamah harus berhati-hati dalam menerima keterangan ini terhadap OKT2. Mahkamah mendapati terdapat keraguan terhadap dokumen dan isi kandungannya yang dikemukakan sebagai P28B tersebut. Oleh itu pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut adalah dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 dengan bersandarkan kepada dokumen P28B. Adakah kegagalan pihak pendakwaan memanggil saksi-saksi terutamanya Lim Yee Chuan adalah membolehkan pemakaian seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai [39] Adalah tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa budi bicara untuk memanggil seseorang saksi adalah terletak kepada pihak pendakwaan. Pihak pendakwaan boleh menimbangkan saksi yang difikirkan perlu dikemukakan di mahkamah. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes Khoon Chye Hin v PP [1961] 1 MLJ 105 di mana Yang Amat Arif Thomson, Ketua Hakim Negara menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 “It is, of course, well settled that in a criminal case prosecuting counsel, provided there is no wrong motive, has a discretion as to whether or not to call any particular witness and in particular has a discretion not to call in support of his case a witness whom he does not believe to be a witness of truth.” [40] Ini juga telah dinyatakan terlebih dahulu dalam kes Adel Muhammed El Dabbah v A-G for Palestine [1944] AC 156 di mana Lord Thankerton menyatakan seperti berikut: “While their Lordships agree that there was no obligation on the prosecution to tender these witnesses, and, therefore, this contention of the present appellant fails, their Lordships doubt whether the rule of practice as expressed by the Court of Criminal Appeal sufficiently recognizes that the prosecutor has a discretion as to what witnesses should be called for the prosecution, and the court will not interfere with the exercise of that discretion, unless, perhaps, it can be shown that the prosecutor has been influenced by some oblique motive.” [41] Ia juga telah dinyatakan juga oleh Mahkamah Agong dalam kes Ti Chuee Hiang v PP [1995] 2 MLJ 433 yang menjelaskan budi bicara pihak pendakwaan untuk memanggil saksi perlu dilakukan bagi kepentingan keadilan. Ini dinyatakan oleh YA Hakim Edgar Joseph JR seperti berikut: “We recognize that the function of the prosecution is to prosecute, and that does not mean that it must discharge the functions both of the prosecution and the defence. On the other hand, it is clear law that the prosecution must have in court all witnesses from whom statements have been taken, but they have a discretion whether to call them or not. (See Teh Lee Tong v PP [1956] MLJ 194.) That discretion, S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 however, must be exercised having regard to the interests of justice, which includes being fair to the accused (per Lord Parker CJ in R v Oliva [1965] 3 All ER 116 at p 122; [1965] 2 WLR 1028 at p 1035), and to call witnesses essential to the unfolding of the narrative on which the prosecution case is based, whether the effect of their testimony is for or against the prosecution (per Lord Roche in the Ceylon Privy Council case of Seneviratne v R [1936] 3 All ER 36 at p 49, applied in R v Nugent [1977] 3 All ER 662; [1977] 1 WLR 789).” [42] Malahan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Rosli bin Yusof v PP [2021] 4 MLJ 479 telah menyatakan budi bicara pihak pendakwaan untuk memanggil saksi dengan tanggungjawab pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan kes pendakwaan seperti berikut: “[38] In our view, it is settled law based on the authorities cited to us by the learned counsel for the appellant in his submission that the prosecution has discretion whether to call any particular witness, but such discretion is subject to two limitations, vis: (a) the discretion must be exercised with due regard to considerations of fairness and good faith; and (b) the witnesses who had been investigated by the police and from whom the statements have been recorded must be offered to the defence.” [43] Adalah jelas dan nyata bahawa budi bicara memanggil saksi- saksi adalah dalam ruang lingkup budi bicara pendakwaan. Namun ia tertakluk kepada tanggungjawab Pendakwa Raya untuk membuktikan kesnya dan apa yang lebih penting ialah sama ada kegagalan memanggil saksi tersebut juga perlu dikaitkan dengan kepentingan keadilan. Sekiranya kegagalan memanggil saksi tersebut S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 menyebabkan keadilan tidak dapat ditegakkan ia boleh mengatasi budi bicara Pendakwa Raya mengemukakan saksi. [44] Dalam kes ini Lim Yee Chuan adalah saksi yang terlibat langsung dalam kejadian ini. Ia dapat dilihat melalui keterangan saksi-saksi yang melihat Lim Yee Chuan masuk bersama-sama ke dalam bilik di mana OKT1 ditahan dan OKT2 ditangkap selepas itu. Ini bermakna kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan adalah penting kepada kes pendakwaan bagi menunjukkan dadah-dadah tersebut di dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1, OKT2 atau berada dalam milikan, pengetahuan dan kawalan Lim Yee Chuan. Ia adalah berkaitan langsung dengan isu yang seterusnya iaitu akses kepada bilik tersebut yang akan dinyatakan selepas ini. [45] Keterangan menunjukkan bahawa SP9 telah membuat percubaan untuk mengesan Lim Yee Chuan hanya pada tahun 2023. Pegawai penyiasat dalam keterangan menyatakan beliau tidak mengesan pada tahun 2018, 2019 2020, 2021 dan 2022. Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa tiada alasan yang memuaskan diberikan oleh pegawai penyiasat berkenaan kegagalan beliau mengesan saksi ini lebih awal. [46] Persoalannya ialah adakah mahkamah ini boleh menerima alasan kegagalan mengemukakan Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi adalah sesuatu yang wajar. Mahkamah berpendapat berdasarkan keterangan dan usaha pengesanan Lim Yee Chuan serta kedudukannya sebagai saksi penting dalam kes ini tidak membolehkan ketidakhadiran saksi S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 tersebut dipandang enteng disebabkan ia akan menimbulkan ketidakadilan kepada OKT-OKT berkenaan milikan, pengetahuan dan kawalan dadah-dadah tersebut serta berkait dengan isu askes kepada bilik tersebut. [47] Selain daripada itu tiada juga keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa Lim Yee Chuan adalah seorang pemberi maklumat (informer) yang tertakluk kepada peruntukan di bawah seksyen 40 ADB 1952. Namun begitu mahkamah juga perlu menimbangkan bahawa kegagalan Pendakwa Raya memanggil saksi-saksi bukanlah semestinya faktor yang akan menjejaskan kes pendakwaan. Misalnya dalam kes (1) Namasiyiam (2) Rajindran (3) Goh Chin Peng and (4) Ng Ah Kiat v PP [1987] 2 MLJ 336 salah seorang saksi yang dikatakan rakan sejenayah telah tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi dalam kes tersebut. Namun demikian Mahkamah Agong berpendapat ianya tidak menjejaskan kes pendakwaan disebabkan terdapatnya keterangan- keterangan lain di mana ketiadaan saksi tersebut tidak membawa apa- apa perbezaan. “Clearly, Francis was a particeps criminis, an accomplice in the true sense of the word. It was submitted that the absence of Francis at the trial would raise the presumption under section 114(g) of the Evidence Act unfavourable to the prosecution. Be that as it may, in the light of overwhelming prosecution evidence as stated earlier, we do not think that the presence of Francis, had he been available, would have made any difference.” S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 [48] Sebaliknya dalam kes ini kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi akan mengubah keadaan kes ini dan mahkamah dapat menentukan sama ada milikan dadah-dadah tersebut adalah OKT1, OKT2 atau orang lain iaitu Lim Yee Chuan. Sekiranya tiada keterangan daripada rakaman CCTV yang menunjukkan keberadaan Lim Yee Chuan maka ketiadaan Lim Yee Chuan tidak akan menjejaskan kes pendakwaan. Namun begitu dalam kes ini kehadiran Lim Yee Chuan dan beberapa orang saksi lain yang disahkan oleh pegawai penyiasat yang tidak dirakam percakapan mereka adalah sesuatu yang mustahak diberikan perhatian oleh mahkamah dalam menentukan sama ada dadah-dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 atau OKT2. [49] Oleh itu mahkamah ini berpendapat kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan Lim Yee Chuan sebagai saksi penting dalam kes ini adalah mewajarkan pemakaian anggapan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950. Mahkamah sedar bahawa pemakaian seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya digunakan terhadap pendakwaan seperti yang dinyatakan dalam kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492 seperti berikut: “Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but material document by a party in his possession, or for non-production of not just any witness but an important and material witness to the case.” S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 [50] Dalam kes Munusamy (supra) keterangan menunjukkan bahawa seorang ahli kimia yang tidak dapat mengemukakan perakuan ujian ketepatan alat sukatan daripada Merinyu (Inspektor) Timbang dan Sukat. Ini adalah disebabkan ahli kimia tersebut mengesahkan bahawa dia tidak mempunyai butiran berkenaan alatan tersebut sebelum tahun 1985. Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak terpakai dapat kes tersebut. [51] Sebaliknya, Lim Yee Chuan adalah saksi penting dalam kes ini. Dia telah diketahui oleh pegawai penyiasat dan imejnya dapat dilihat melalui rakaman CCTV semenjak 2018 dan hanya dikesan pada 2023. Ia jelas menunjukkan bahawa keterangan Lim Yee Chuan tidak diketengahkan untuk penelitian mahkamah ini bagi membantu mahkamah meneliti keterangan Lim Yee Chuan bersama-sama dengan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan yang lain. Oleh itu mahkamah mendapati seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai kepada pihak pendakwaan. Akses [52] Dalam kes ini keterangan yang ada ialah OKT1 diserahkan kad kunci bilik tersebut, OKT1 berada dalam bilik tersebut semasa serbuan dibuat, OKT1 bersama seorang Lim Yee Chuan. OKT2 hanya bersama- sama OKT1 di bilik tersebut. Rakaman CCTV menunjukkan pergerakan keluar masuk bilik tersebut oleh beberapa orang individu lain. Individu- individu yang dikenalpasti itu ada yang tidak dapat dikesan dan ada yang tidak diambil keterangannya. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [53] Adakah keterangan OKT1 di P28B itu dapat menunjukkan bahawa dadah-dadah itu dalam milikan OKT1? Hakikat yang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa bilik tersebut dapat diakses oleh individu- individu yang lain sepanjang rakaman CCTV sebelum bilik tersebut diserbu oleh pihak polis. Ini adalah seperti apa yang berlaku dalam kes Lee Chee Meng v PP [1992] 1 MLJ 322 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan: “The totality of the evidence did not support the justification. Firstly, it is to be stressed that the burden on the appellant was merely to cast a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case. Where the presumption under s 37(da) is invoked the burden on the defence was only on the balance of probabilities. The other aspect of the evidence in this case must be examined. It would seem that the learned trial judge did not consider the evidence that the said Yoong Thien Soong (tenant of room A) was also arrested at the same time with four packets of drugs found in the room. Although the learned judge recognized the evidence relating to the contention that the door to room B could not be locked with the key at the material time, yet he did not give sufficient consideration to that evidence. In fact contrary to the evidence, the learned trial judge made a number of speculations to justify his conclusion, namely, that the padlock (exh P28) could be used to padlock room B, and that the appellant could have purchased another padlock and holding that the air-cooler and the mini-compo were valuable items and that the shoe boxes were meant for storage of drugs. In fact, the doubt as to exclusive use of room B by the appellant alone could be sufficient ground to allow the appeal.” S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 [54] Sementara itu dalam kes Abdullah Zawawi bin Yusoff v PP [1993] 3 MLJ 1 kewujudan orang lain yang berkemungkinan mempunyai akses kepada kawasan pembinaan yang belum siap telah diputuskan sebagai keadaan yang menunjukkan terdapatnya kemungkinan akses oleh pihak lain. “The judge was of the view that though the house was still under construction there was no evidence to show that there had been access to the house through the uncompleted part. With respect, given the fact that this was a case where the police were acting on a tip-off, undoubtedly by an informer, who might have been a paid informer, and the further fact that the house was still under construction, the onus was not on the defence to prove possibility of access by others but on the prosecution to exclude such possibility. Of course, the defence could besides taking advantage of infirmities in the prosecution case in this regard, have gone further, and shown the possibility of access by others, but this they were not, in law, obliged to do. To return to the judgment, in fairness to the judge, he did pursue the point about the possibility of a plant. What he said was this: Counsel also makes a faint insinuation of the possible involvement of Mohammad bin Mohd Amin in the commission of the alleged offence, and that could be the reason why he is scared to come to court. I have given a thorough thought to such a possibility but am unable to accept it as I find there is no conceivable reason for Mohammad to frame the first accused. Most of the time when he was in Gua Musang, he stayed with the first accused. He even worked for him and more or less regarded himself as part of the family. I cannot by any stretch of imagination think of him having a plan to implicate the person who had been more than a friend to him. There is nothing to show that he would stand to gain S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 by it. The insinuation without more remains only an insinuation, without any evidence to link Mohammad with the alleged offence. We recognize the force of the judge's reasoning, but motive is not always an easy matter to prove, and there was the testimony of ASP Haji Hamzah bin Awang (PW10), who took over investigations in the case, that he had attempted to secure the attendance of Mohammad at the trial but failed because Mohammad, who was by then living in Kampong Dusun Nyior, Narathiwat, Thailand, did not dare to come to Malaysia. There was also evidence that most of the time when he was in Gua Musang, Mohammad stayed with the appellant. In other words, he had liberal access to the house. Then, again, there was the evidence of his presence in the house at the time of the police raid and his arrest by the police. These are matters upon which we did not place undue stress and we therefore mention it, only in passing, to show that Mohammad was a possible suspect. But there was more substance in the point (not raised by counsel or considered by the judge) that the wife of the appellant might have concealed the drugs in the box without the appellant being a party to such act even though he might have known about it. The charge, be it noted, was trafficking in dangerous drugs and it will be recalled, that it was the conduct of the wife which led to the discovery of the drugs, and certainly the case for the prosecution was that she was involved, for why else was she prosecuted jointly with the appellant? Indeed, the judge ruled, at the close of the case for the prosecution, that she had a case to answer though, admittedly, at the close of the case for the defence, he did acquit her saying in the final part of his judgment: However, I am satisfied the second accused has succeeded in rebutting the presumptions, thereby creating a doubt on the case against her. I therefore acquit and discharge her. There is no appeal against her acquittal. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 He did not, however, give any reasons for that conclusion and we note that the wife did not implicate the appellant in any way, nor was there any evidence that they were acting in concert.” [55] Seterusnya dalam kes Gooi Loo Seng v PP [1993] 2 MLJ 137 Mahkamah Agong memutuskan bahawa kehadiran teman wanita Tertuduh yang mempunyai kunci telah menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya akses kepada bilik tidur tersebut oleh orang lain menyebabkan sabitan telah diketepikan. “Had the trial judge approached the prosecution case in the manner we have indicated, we cannot confidently say that he would or must inevitably have rejected the appellant's version that he had no knowledge of the presence of the heroin in the bedroom and that it could have been hidden there by others having access to the bedroom in his absence. We need hardly add, that even if the appellant had known of the presence of the heroin in his bedroom, that by itself would not have been sufficient to establish that he was in possession or in control of it given the fact that others too, and certainly his girlfriend Tan Ah Kwai, had access to the bedroom and could have concealed the heroin there. At the end of the day, this was a case of the proverbial cap which might have fitted not just the head of the appellant but that of others as well.” [56] Dalam kes ini tindakan beberapa orang individu-individu keluar masuk bilik tersebut menunjukkan bahawa bilik tersebut boleh diakses oleh orang lain selain daripada OKT1 dan OKT2. Namun mahkamah juga tidak sewajarnya secara automatik menyatakan bahawa orang lain mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. Ini adalah disebabkan kad bilik tersebut diserahkan kepada OKT1 dan OKT2 juga menjadi penghuni di S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 bilik tersebut. Ini ditambah pula dengan tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa semasa keluar masuk bilik tersebut oleh individu- individu tersebut beg yang mana dadah-dadah itu ditemui telah juga dibawa keluar oleh mana-mana individu tersebut semasa keluar masuk dari bilik tersebut. [57] Selain daripada itu tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan berkenaan apakah yang berlaku dalam bilik tersebut semasa individu- individu tersebut dikatakan berada dalam bilik tersebut. Oleh yang demikian keterangan individu-individu yang dilihat memasuki bilik tersebut adalah mustahak untuk mengesahkan bahawa dadah tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan saksi-saksi tersebut melainkan ianya adalah berkaitan dengan OKT1 dan OKT2 sahaja. [58] Hakikatnya ialah terdapatnya beberapa orang yang mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut. Ketiadaan individu-individu sebagai saksi telah menyebabkan terdapat kemungkinan dadah-dadah tersebut bukannya berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2. Ini ditambah pula dengan laporan cap jari dan DNA yang tidak dapat menunjukkan kaitan OKT1 dan OKT2 dengan dadah tersebut. Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa ketidaaan pengemukakan laporan cap jari dan DNA tidak sewajarnya dijadikan alasan untuk menyatakan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan kes prima facie. Ini telah dinyatakan dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Mansor Md. Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233 seperti berikut: S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 “We also find ourselves in agreement with the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor that the learned trial Judge had erred in law when he faulted PW13 the investigating officer for not lifting the finger prints off the wrappings of the cannabis and for not taking photographs of the street light in front of the house No. 129. Where the identity of a culprit is in question or required to be proved, fingerprint evidence would be of great significance and immense value. In the present case under appeal, however, the charge alleged trafficking in the form of sale and there is evidence indicating the identities of the alleged offenders and the sale transaction. Fingerprint evidence on the newspaper wrapping, white plastic and the loytape, therefore, assumes little value or significance.” [59] Namun demikian dalam kes tersebut keterangan pendakwaan ialah terdapatnya urus niaga pembelian dan penjualan dadah-dadah di mana identiti Tertuduh tidak menjadi isu dalam kes tersebut. Prinsip dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Mansor Md. Rashid & Anor (supra) telah diikuti oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes PP v Ebrahim Mirzaie Hj Ebrahim Deh Mokhtar [2017] 1 CLJ 575 dan PP v Rosli Rikidin [2023] 1 LNS 1849. [60] Dalam kes ini mahkamah mendapati bahawa kegagalan untuk memanggil saksi-saksi yang mempunyai akses kepada bilik tersebut menyebabkan pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat membuktikan bahawa OKT-OKT mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan kepada dadah-dadah tersebut. Ini adalah disebabkan persoalan berikut akan timbul iaitu: S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 (a) Adakah dadah-dadah tersebut dimiliki oleh individu-individu yang dilihat dalam rakaman CCTV tersebut yang telah masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut; dan (b) Adakah dadah-dadah itu dibawa masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut bersama-sama dengan beg yang dibawa oleh OKT1 seperti yang tertera dalam rakaman CCTV atau dibawa oleh individu lain. [61] Ia boleh menyebabkan mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut tidak dibuktikan berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 sebaliknya dadah-dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan individu-individu lain yang tertera imej mereka dalam rakaman CCTV tersebut. Oleh itu kehadiran saksi-saksi tersebut adalah penting bagi bagi menyokong kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan dan membuktikan elemen pemilikan dadah-dadah tersebut. [62] Oleh itu penelitian kepada keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan mahkamah berpendapat pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan OKT1 dan OKT2 mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah-dadah tersebut di akhir kes pendakwaan. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 (c) Pengedaran Dadah [63] Setelah mahkamah ini meneliti saksi-saksi pendakwaan mahkamah berpendapat pendakwaan gagal membuktikan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut berada di dalam milikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan OKT1 dan OKT2 maka anggapan pengedaran dadah- dadah tersebut di bawah seksyen 37 (da) ADB 1952 tidak dapat digunakan oleh mahkamah ini bagi membuktikan pengedaran dadah berbahaya seperti pertuduhan. Seksyen 37 (da) ADB 1952 seperti berikut: “(da) any person who is found in possession of- (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin; (ii) 15 grammes or more in weight of morphine; (iii) 15 grammes or more in weight of monoacetylmorphines; (iiia) a total of 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin, morphine and monoacetylmorphines or a total of 15 grammes or more in weight of any two of the said dangerous drugs; (iv) 1,000 grammes or more in weight of prepared opium; (v) 1,000 grammes or more in weight of raw opium; (va) a total of 1,000 grammes or more in weight of prepared opium and raw opium; (vi) 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis, (vii) 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis resin; S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 (viii) a total of 200 grammes or more in weight of cannabis and cannabis resin; (ix) 40 grammes or more in weight of cocaine; (x) 2,000 grammes or more in weight of cocoa leaves; (xi) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2-Amino-1-(2, 5- dimethoxy-4-methyl) phenylpropane; (xii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Amphetamine; (xiii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2, 5- Dimethoxyamphetamine (DMA); (xiv) 50 grammes or more in weight of Dimethoxybromoamphetamine (DOB); (xv) 50 grammes or more in weight of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4- ethylamphetamine (DOET); (xvi) 50 grammes or more in weight of Methamphetamine; (xvii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 5-Methoxy-3, 4- Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MMDA); (xviii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA); (xix) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-ethyl MDA; (xx) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-hydroxy MDA; (xxi) 50 grammes or more in weight of N-methyl-l-(3, 4- methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine; (xxii) 50 grammes or more in weight of 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); (xxiii) 50 grammes or more in weight of Paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA); S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 (xxiv) 50 grammes or more in weight of 3,4,5- Trimethoxyamphetamine (3, 4, 5-TMA); or (xxv) a total of 50 grammes or more in weight of any combination of the dangerous drugs listed in subparagraphs (xi) to (xxiv), otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug” [64] Namun begitu mahkamah ini perlu meneliti sama ada terdapat keterangan yang ada dapat menunjukkan terdapatnya pengedaran seperti yang ditafsirkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952 seperti berikut: “"trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority of this Act or the regulations made under the Act” [65] Ini adalah disebabkan terdapat keterangan daripada SP5 dan imej daripada rakaman CCTV yang dipertontonkan di dalam mahkamah terbuka terdapat individu yang membawa sebuah beg di mana beg tersebut dikatakan dadah-dadah tersebut dijumpai. Ia membawa maksud adakah tindakan individu tersebut yang didakwa sebagai OKT1 dalam kes ini telah membawa (carrying) dadah-dadah tersebut. Ini juga perlu dipertimbangkan bersesuaian dengan keterangan yang menyatakan dadah-dadah itu telah berada dalam bilik tersebut. Apakah ianya tergolong dalam tindakan menyimpan dadah-dadah tersebut yang S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 boleh termasuk dalam takrifan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [66] Mahkamah ini dalam meneliti keterangan bagi maksud penggunaan seksyen 2 ADB 1952 dipandu oleh keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Teh Geok Hock v PP [1989] 3 MLJ 162 seperti berikut: “It is quite clear then that although the learned judge accepted the evidence that the appellant was a drug addict, he rejected his explanation of the ten packets of heroin found on his person. He was satisfied that the appellant was trafficking in the drugs as charged and convicted the appellant. 'Trafficking' is defined in the Act as follows: 'Trafficking' includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug. True, the definition in the Act sounds artificial and not according to the ordinary meaning of the word 'trafficking' which is normally understood to mean to trade in, buy or sell, any commodity, albeit often with sinister implication. See also the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. The definition of 'trafficking' in the Act is wide and includes not only buying and selling, but also carrying, concealing and keeping. It is totally different from the definition of the word 'traffic' in the Singapore Misuse of Drugs Act. In the Singapore provision to 'traffic' in a controlled drug so as to constitute an offence of trafficking involves something more than passive possession or self-administration of the drug. See Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 64.” S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 [67] Namun demikian Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Chow Kok Keong v Public Prosecutor [1998] 2 MLJ 337 telah menyatakan perbezaan pandangan dengan keputusan dalam kes Teh Geok Hock (supra) seperti berikut: “In our view, both Cohen and Ng Chai Kem, have severely watered down Teh Geok Hock in so far as it implies that passive possession or self-administration can never be a defence to a charge of trafficking under s 39B of our Act. Having considered this point afresh, we preferred the views expressed in Cohen and Ng Chai Kem to those in Teh Geok Hock which we regarded as oversimplistic. We would add that apart from the general consideration that the drugs legislation is a piece of highly penal legislation and therefore any ambiguity in it should be resolved in favour of the subject, in accordance with long established canons of construction, it is pertinent to note that the definition of 'trafficking' aforesaid comes under s 2 of the Act, the very first line of which reads: In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires …. In our view the context of s 37(da)(i) which says: any person who is found in possession of — (i) 15 grammes or more in weight of heroin; … otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any other written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be trafficking in the said drug; does 'otherwise require' (italics supplied). If this were not so, the provisions of s 37(da) which specifically confer upon the accused the right to rebut the presumption of trafficking arising from being found in possession of dangerous drugs in excess of the statutory minimum, would be an empty hypocrisy.” S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 [68] Di samping itu mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Ong Ah Chuan v PP [1981] 1 MLJ 64 yang memutuskan bahawa pengedaran dalam konteks seksyen 2 ADB 1952 itu perlu diteliti tujuan perbuatan- perbuatan tersebut dilakukan. Ia tidak hanya sekadar menunjukkan bahawa seseorang itu melakukan salah satu daripada 18 perkara yang dinyatakan di bawah takrifan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Di samping itu mahkamah juga perlu melihat jumlah dadah-dadah yang terlibat bagi menyatakan bahawa ianya bukan untuk tujuan penggunaan sendiri melainkan semata-mata untuk tujuan pengedaran. Ini dinyatakan oleh Lord Diplock seperti berikut: “This is a very wide descriptionof acts that may be treated as equivalent to the substantive offence of trafficking; nevertheless, in their Lordships' view, it is clear from the structure of the Drugs Act and the distinction drawn between the offence of having a controlled drug in one'spossession and the offence of trafficking in it, that mere possession of itself is not to be treated as an act preparatory to or in furtherance of or for the purpose of trafficking so as to permit the conviction of the possessor of the substantive offence. Tobring the provisions of sections 10 and 3(c) into operation some further step or overt act by the accused is needed, directed to transferring possession of the drug to some other person; and it is a consequence of the clandestine nature of the drug trade andthe means adopted for the detection of those engaged in it, that the further step that the prosecution is most likely to be able to prove in evidence is the act of the accused in transporting the drug to some place where he intends to deliver it to someone else,whether it be the actual consumer or a distributor or another dealer. Proof of the purpose for which an act is done, where such purpose is a necessary ingredient of the offence with which an accused is charged, presents a problem with whichcriminal S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 courts are very familiar. Generally, in the absence of an express admission by the accused, the purpose with which he did an act is a matter of inference from what he did. Thus, in the case of an accused caught in the act of conveying from one placeto another controlled drugs in a quantity much larger than is likely to be needed for his own consumption the inference that he was transporting them for the purpose of trafficking in them would, in the absence of any plausible explanationby him, be irresistible — even if there were no statutory presumption such as is contained in section 15 of the Drugs Act. As a matter of common sense the larger the quantity of drugs involved the stronger the inference thatthey were not intended for the personal consumption of the person carrying them, and the more convincing the evidence needed to rebut it. All that section 15 does is to lay down the minimum quantity of each of the five drugs with which it deals at which theinference arises from the quantity involved alone that they were being transported for the purpose of transferring possession of them to another person and not solely for the transporter's own consumption. There may be other facts which justify the inferenceeven where the quantity of drugs involved is lower than the minimum which attracts the statutory presumption under section 15. In the instant cases, however, the quantities involved were respectively one hundred times and six hundred times the statutory minimum. Whether the quantities involved be large or small, however, the inference is always rebuttable. The accused himself best knows why he was conveying the drugs from one place to another and, if he can satisfy the court, upon the balance of probabilitiesonly, that they were destined for his own consumption he is entitled to be acquitted of the offence of trafficking under section 3.” [69] Ia juga telah dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Johar bin Mustapha v Public Prosecutor [2009] 6 MLJ 593 yang S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 menjelaskan berkenaan pemakaian pendekatan tujuan yang diutarakan dalam kes Ong Ah Chuan (supra) seperti berikut: “[44] We feel it is appropriate at this juncture to refer to the 'purpose approach' in the judgment of Lord Diplock in the celebrated case of Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor; Koh Chai Cheng v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 64 where it was held (at p 69) as follows: Proof of the purpose for which an act is done, where such purpose is a necessary ingredient of the offence with which an accused is charged, presents a problem with which criminal courts are very familiar. Generally, in the absence of an express admission by the accused, the purpose with which he did an act is a matter of inference from what he did. Thus, in the case of an accused caught in the act of conveying from one place to another controlled drugs in a quantity much larger than is likely to be needed for his own consumption the inference that he was transporting them for the purpose of trafficking in them would, in the absence of any plausible explanation by him, be irresistible — even if there were no statutory presumption such as is contained in s 15 of the Drugs Act (see alsoPublic Prosecutor v Ouseng sama-Ae [2008] 1 CLJ 337). (Emphasis added.)” [70] Mahkamah juga dapat melihat bagaimana keterangan yang mencukupi untuk menyatakan bahawa OKT-OKT telah membawa dadah seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Ini dapat dilihat dalam kes Sathya Vello v. PP [2022] 5 CLJ 659 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan fakta kes tersebut seperti berikut: “[4] The facts are straightforward and may be summarised as follows. At the time and place specified in the two charges, the S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 43 appellant and the second accused had just arrived from Chennai, India by AirAsia flight AK1258. The appellant was seen pushing a trolley and heading towards the customs clearance area with the second accused beside him. On the trolley were two luggage bags. [5] As the appellant and the second accused were behaving suspiciously, Corporal Pannir Selvam a/l Subramaniam (PW3) who was on duty at the airport together with ASP Mohideen bin Ismail (PW2) stopped them and requested them to have their bags scanned at the scanning machine. This was done and the scan showed suspicious images on the monitor screen even after the contents of the bags were emptied. When PW2 lifted the empty bags, he found them to be exceptionally heavy. He also noticed that the fabric at the bottom of the bags were bulging. He then decided to carry out a physical examination on the two bags in the presence of the appellant and the second accused.” [71] Berdasarkan fakta tersebut Mahkamah Persekutuan telah memutuskan bahawa ia adalah memadai untuk membuktikan OKT membawa dadah-dadah tersebut bagi maksud seksyen 2 ADB 1952 dengan menyatakan seperti berikut: “[15] The appellant's act of carrying the drugs was clearly an act of trafficking by definition: See s. 2 of the DDA, which reads: 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: "trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing, buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering, transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority of this Act or the regulations made under the Act; S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 44 [16] Since "trafficking" is statutorily defined, which definition is to be applied unless the context otherwise requires, there is no necessity for the court to look for its common law meaning, if there is any. If the appellant could prove, in rebuttal of the presumption under s. 37(d) of the DDA, that he had no knowledge of the presence and of the nature of the drugs, he would of course be acquitted outrightly of the trafficking charges despite being in physical possession of the drugs, because without proof of knowledge, he committed no offence under the DDA, not even the lesser offence of possession under s. 12(2).” [72] Dalam kes ini mahkamah mendapati bahawa keterangan yang menyatakan bahawa individu yang dikatakan OKT1 telah membawa beg tersebut tanpa keterangan yang menyatakan apakah tujuan beg itu dibawa masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut di samping terdapat individu- individu lain yang bersama OKT1 semasa memasuki bilik tersebut tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa tindakan membawa beg tersebut oleh OKT1 adalah termasuk dalam takrifan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. Begitu juga tiada keterangan yang dapat menyatakan bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut disimpan atau disembunyikan dalam bilik tersebut bagi memenuhi takrifan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [73] Oleh yang demikian mahkamah ini berpendapat pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan pengedaran seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah seksyen 2 ADB 1952. [74] Ini bermakna mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan satu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952 terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 45 Pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 bagi dadah jenis Ketamin dan seksyen 9 (1) Akta Racun 1952 untuk Etizolam [75] Penelitian kepada keterangan yang dikemukakan di mahkamah adalah didapati bahawa dadah ketamin yang menjadi asas kepada pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 adakah dikatakan dijumpai dalam bilik yang sama dengan dadah-dadah yang dipertuduhkan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952. Ini bermakna dapatan mahkamah ini berkenaan pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan dadah- dadah tersebut adalah sama dengan dapatan bagi pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan bagi dadah-dadah yang dituduh di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952. Mahkamah ini berpendapat tiada sebarang keterangan lain yang boleh dinilai oleh mahkamah melainkan keterangan- keterangan yang sama yang dikemukakan oleh pendakwaan. Ia akan membawa kepada satu kesimpulan yang sama iaitu pihak pendakwaan tidak dapat membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2. Ianya mungkin berbeza sekrianya dadah-dadah bagi pertuduhan seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 itu ditemui di tempat lain dan terdapat keterangan- keterangan lain yang berbeza dengan keterangan bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB 1952 tersebut. [76] Akhirnya mahkamah berpendapat bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan terhadap OKT1 dan OKT2 di bawah seksyen 12 (2) ADB 1952 dan seksyen 9 (1) Akta Racun 1952. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 46 Penutup [77] Adalah satu fakta yang perlu diakui oleh mahkamah bahawa kesungguhan untuk mengatasi masalah pengedaran dan pemilikan dadah adalah sesuatu yang berterusan. Ia dapat dilihat melalui penambahbaikan peruntukan undang-undang di bawah ADB 1952 semenjak penggubalannya sehingga kini. Misalnya pengenalan hukuman mati mandatori yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1983 walaupun telah dimansuhkan melalui Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023. Ia juga dapat dilihat kepada peningkatan hukuman yang boleh dikenakan bagi kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah ADB 1952 serta undang-undang yang berkaitan. Ini semua dilakukan bagi membolehkan kegiatan pengedaran dadah dapat dibanteras dan dilumpuhkan bagi menghalang kegiatan jenayah lain yang berkaitan dengan dadah. [78] Oleh itu adalah penting bagi siasatan yang melibatkan kes pengedaran dadah dilakukan dengan professional, berhati-hati dan sentiasa mematuhi peruntukan undang-undang. Ini bagi membolehkan keterangan-keterangan tersebut dikemukakan mengikut undang- undang semasa perbicaraan kelak. Sebarang ketidakpatuhan atau kecuaian dalam penyiasatan akan membawa padah kepada kegagalan pengemukaan keterangan yang dikehendaki oleh undang-undang semasa perbicaraan kelak. Pada masa yang sama pendakwaan berkaitan dengan kes-kes dadah perlu dilakukan dengan mematuhi prinsip undang-undang yang dinyatakan dalam Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah dan Akta Keterangan 1950 di samping S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 47 dipandu arah oleh keputusan-keputusan mahkamah atasan berkenaan kes-kes dadah. Di samping itu para peguam yang mewakili anak guam juga hendaklah membela anak guam mereka berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang bagi memastikan keadilan yang wajar dinikmati oleh anak guam mereka dapat dipertahankan. [79] Pada masa yang sama mahkamah yang mendengar kes-kes pengedaran dadah-dadah juga perlu memastikan keterangan- keterangan dikemukakan berdasarkan kepada Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah dan Akta Keterangan 1950 dan mematuhi kepada keputusan mahkamah atasan berkenaan dengan kes-kes dadah. Sesungguhnya kesepaduan di antara proses siasatan, pendakwaan, pembelaan dan perbicaraan serta penghakiman yang dilakukan dengan professional dan mengikut jalur undang-undang akan memastikan hasrat untuk membanteras aktiviti pengedaran dadah yang menjadi penyakit dalam masyarakat akan dapat dilaksanakan tanpa menggadaikan prinsip keadilan yang wajar dinikmati oleh seseorang yang dituduh di bawah ADB 1952. [80] Dalam konteks ini Pendakwa Raya dan peguambela seharusnya membantu mahkamah dengan mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan dan pembelaan yang wajar bagi membolehkan mahkamah jenayah yang mengendalikan perbicaraan kes-kes di bawah ADB 1952 dapat melaksanakan tugas dan amanahnya dengan sempurna. [81] Sebagai pelengkap adalah wajar untuk mahkamah meneliti pandangan yang dikemukakan berkenaan dengan tanggungjawab dan S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 48 amanah yang perlu dilakukan mahkamah jenayah seperti yang diutarakan dalam artikel The Need for a Criminal Division of the High Court oleh David Ormerod, Current Legal Problems Vol. XX (2023) 1, halaman 2 walaupun artikel tersebut berkaitan dengan sistem mahkamah tinggi jenayah di United Kingdom namun ia menarik untuk direnungkan. David Ormerod menyatakan seperti berikut: “There is no obvious reason to assume that judging criminal cases is any easier than judging in any other branch of law. It requires the same skills of statutory interpretation; indeed, it is arguably more challenging in this respect given the volume and frequency of legislative amendment. It demands agility in applying the sometimes radically and frequently changing core common law principles, affecting the gravest offences of murder and manslaughter. Criminal trials also give rise to their share of constitutional issues and Human Rights Act challenges. There may be nothing special in these respects, but there are, I suggest, other matters that do render ‘criminal judgecraft’ truly distinctive.” Perintah Akhir [82] Akhirnya OKT1 dan OKT2 dibebaskan tanpa dipanggil membela diri bagi kesemua pertuduhan. S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 49 Bertarikh: 15hb. November 2023 (ROSLAN MAT NOR) HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA TEMERLOH, PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR PIHAK-PIHAK: Bagi Pihak Pendakwaan Ain-Nur ‘Amiyerra Awod Abdullah Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur Bagi Pihak OKT1 G Ravishankar Tetuan R Shankar Gandhi & Associates Kuala Lumpur Bagi Pihak OKT2 Mohd Taufik Md Tahir Tetuan Rizal Hashim Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur S/N SFVoRaqXrE6VxFlIjLmZA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PERAYU Chen Yuman RESPONDEN 1. ) Lim Len Tat 2. ) Bernard Lee Poh Heng 3. ) Wi Kian Yong 4. ) Woon Wee Yuen (Rakan Kongsi )
Prosedur – pindaan writ dan penyata tuntutan – pindaan hanya dicadangkan ketika sebahagian besar defendan telah menutup kes mereka - kelewatan yang tidak munasabah dan melampau – sama ada pindaan wajar dibenarkan Kontrak – frod dan representasi salah – kontrak boleh batal atas pilihan pihak yang mendakwa sebagai mangsa frod atau reperesentasi salahKeterangan – beban pembuktian - sama ada plaintif berjaya membuktikan elemen-elemen frod, representasi salah, niat jahat atau penipuan terancang telah dilakukan oleh defendan-defendan sama ada secara secara bersesama atau berasingan
YA Tuan Noor Hisham bin Ismail
JA-12B-20-07-2021 (Chen YuMan) 1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JOHOR BAHRU DALAM NEGERI JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM, MALAYSIA RAYUAN SIVIL NO: JA-12BNCVC-20-10/2021 ANTARA CHEN YUMAN ... PERAYU DAN 1. LIM LEN TAT 2. BERNARD LEE POH HENG 3. WI KIAN YONG 4. WOON WEE YUEN (Rakan Kongsi Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners yang beramal di atas nama Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners ... RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN (Digabung dan didengar bersama) DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JOHOR BAHRU DALAM NEGERI JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM, MALAYSIA RAYUAN SIVIL NO: JA-12ANCVC-66-07/2021 ANTARA CHEN YUMAN ... PERAYU DAN 1. LIM LEN TAT 2. BERNARD LEE POH HENG 3. WI KIAN YONG 4. WOON WEE YUEN (Rakan Kongsi Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners yang beramal di atas nama Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners ... RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN 15/11/2023 10:28:13 JA-12BNCvC-20-10/2021 Kand. 54 S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 (Dan) DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JOHOR BAHRU DALAM NEGERI JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM, MALAYSIA RAYUAN SIVIL NO: JA-12ANCVC-67-07/2021 ANTARA CHEN YUMAN ... PERAYU DAN 1. LIM LEN TAT 2. BERNARD LEE POH HENG 3. WI KIAN YONG 4. WOON WEE YUEN (Rakan Kongsi Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners yang beramal di atas nama Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners ... RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN [DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI JOHOR BAHRU DALAM NEGERI JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM, MALAYSIA GUAMAN SIVIL NO: JA-A5NCVC-185-10/2017 ANTARA CHEN YUMAN ... PERAYU DAN 1. LIM LEN TAT 2. BERNARD LEE POH HENG 3. WI KIAN YONG 4. WOON WEE YUEN (Rakan Kongsi Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners yang beramal di atas nama Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners ... DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan [1] Di hadapan Mahkamah ini, terdapat tiga (3) rayuan yang difailkan oleh perayu/plaintif terhadap keputusan-keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen (HMS) Johor Bahru dalam perkara ini, iaitu seperti berikut: - (a) JA-12ANCvC-67-07/2021 – rayuan terhadap keputusan HMS pada 19.7.2021 yang telah menolak notis permohonan interlokutori plaintif di Lampiran 76 untuk memangggil semula defendan pertama untuk memberikan keterangan dan mengemukakan dokumen-dokumen (“Rayuan Lamp. 76”); (b) JA-12ANCvC-66-07/2021 – rayuan terhadap keputusan HMS pada 19.7.2021 yang telah menolak notis permohonan interlokutori plaintif di Lampiran 79 untuk meminda Writ dan Penyataan Tuntutan Plaintif (“Rayuan Lamp.79”); dan (c) JA-12BNCvC-20-10/2021 – rayuan terhadap keputusan HMS pada 11.10.2023 selepas perbicaraan penuh yang telah menolak keseluruhan tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan- defendan dan membenarkan tuntutan balas defendan pertama dan defendan ketiga terhadap plaintif (“Rayuan Penuh”). [2] Ketiga-tiga rayuan di atas telah disatukan dan didengar secara bersama melalui perintah Mahkamah ini bertarikh 2.6.2022. [3] Pada 13.3.2023, Mahkamah ini telah memutuskan seperti berikut: - S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 (a) menolak Rayuan Lamp. 76; (b) membenarkan sebahagian Rayuan Lamp. 79; dan (d) menolak keseluruhan Rayuan Penuh. [4] Plaintif kemudiannya telah memfailkan rayuan ke Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap dua (2) daripada tiga (3) keputusan Mahkamah ini bertarikh 13.3.2023 yang tersebut, iaitu terhadap keputusan Rayuan Lamp. 79 dan Rayuan Penuh sahaja. [5] Maka, berikut merupakan alasan-alasan Mahkamah ini untuk keputusan Rayuan Lamp. 79 dan Rayuan Penuh. [6] Sebagai kemudahan, pihak-pihak akan dirujuk sebagai mana kedudukan asal masing-masing di Mahkamah Sesyen iaitu plaintif, defendan pertama (“D1”), defendan kedua (“D2”), defendan ketiga (“D3”) dan defendan keempat (“D4”). Fakta-fakta penting kes [7] Plaintif merupakan seorang individu warganegara China. [8] D1, D2, D3 masing-masingnya adalah individu warganegara Malaysia. D4 pula, selain seorang warganegara Malaysia juga merupakan seorang peguambela dan peguamcara dan pada masa material merupakan rakan kongsi di Tetuan Woon Wee Yuen & Partners, Johor Bahru. [9] Melalui Writ Saman dan Penyata Tuntutan (termasuk pindaan yang dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah ini di dalam Rayuan Lamp.79), plaintif S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 menuntut terhadap defendan-defendan, secara ringkasnya, untuk perintah-perintah berikut (tanpa mengikut kronologi di dalam pliding): - (a) satu deklarasi bahawa perjanjian jual beli bertarikh 14.5.2015 di antara plaintif dan D2 (“SPA 2015”) dan perjanjian jual beli bertarikh 29.1.2016 di antara plaintif dan D1 (“SPA 2016”) adalah tidak sah dan batal; (b) satu perintah mengarahkan D3 selaku pemilik berdaftar sebuah rumah teres 2 tingkat yang dipegang di bawah hakmilik individu HS(D) 506214 PTD 148687, Mukim Tebrau, Daerah Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor (“hartanah tersebut”) memindah milik hartanah tersebut kepada plaintif dengan serta merta; (c) sekiranya D3 enggan mematuhi perintah pindah milik, satu perintah supaya Timbalan Pendaftar dibenarkan untuk menandatangani segala kertas-kerta/dokumen- dikumen/surat-surat cara bagi maksud melaksanakan pindah milik hartanah tersebut kepada plaintif; (d) satu perintah mengarahkan D1 dan/atau D2 dan/atau D3 dan/atau D4 memulangkan suratan hakmilik individu asal hartanah tersebut kepada plaintif atau peguamcaranya dengan serta merta; (e) sekiranya D1, D2, D3 dan/atau D4 enggan atau gagal memulangkan hakmilik individu asal tersebut, maka Pentadbir Tanah Johor Bahru membatalkan suratan hakmilik individu asal tersebut dan mengeluarkan surat hakmilik individu yang baru bagi hartanah tersebut; S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 (d) perintah susulan supaya Pentadbir Tanah Johor Bahru memindah milik hartanah tersebut kepada nama plaintif; (e) perintah-perintah injunksi kekal yang melarang D1, D2, D3 atau D4 dan/atau wakil-wakil mereka daripada mengambil apa-apa tindakan memotong bekalan elektrik ke hartanah tersebut, dan jika tindakan telah diambil dan bekalan elektrik telah terpotong maka D1, D2, D3 dan/atau D4 hendaklah menyambungkan semula bekalan elektrik tersebut sehinggalah Writ di sini dilupuskan; (f) gantirugi, kos dan faedah. [10] Kes plaintif, secara ringkasnya, adalah seperti berikut: - 10.1 Plaintif adalah pemilik asal hartanah tersebut yang dibeli daripada pemaju pada tahun 2012 dan telah menyelesaikan keseluruhan bayaran harga pembelian kepada pemaju. 10.2 Pada 14.5.2015, plaintif telah memasuki perjanjian SPA 2015 dengan D2 bagi urusan jual beli hartanah tersebut dengan balasan harga sebanyak RM300,000.00. 10.3 Pada 29.1.2016, plaintif telah memasuki satu lagi perjanjian SPA 2016 yang juga untuk urusan jual beli hartanah tersebut, tetapi kali ini dengan D1 selaku pembeli. Balasan harga juga adalah sama iaitu sebanyak RM300,00.00. 10.4 Plaintif mendakwa bahawa kedua-dua perjanjian SPA 2015 dan SPA 2016 tersebut sebenarnya bukan perjanjian jual beli yang benar, tulin atau sah tetapi sebenarnya merupakan perjanjian pinjaman wang di antara plaintif dengan D1 dan D2 yang merupakan ceti haram (Ah Long). S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 10.5 Plaintif seterusnya mendakwa bahawa apa yang sebenarnya berlaku adalah, pada atau sekitar 1.2.2016, plaintif telah membuat pinjaman daripada seorang lelaki Cina yang hanya beliau kenali sebagai “Lee”, seorang ceti haram, untuk sejumlah RM300,000.00. Antara terma pinjaman adalah plaintif dikehendaki membayar balik wang pinjaman pokok RM300,000.00 tersebut pada bila-bila masa dalam masa setahun. Selagi pinjaman pokok tidak dibayar, plaintif dikehendaki membayar bunga atau faedah sebanyak RM9,000.00 sebulan. 10.6 Wang tersebut kemudiannya telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun plaintif pada 1.2.2016. 10.7 Plaintif hanya dapat membayar bunga untuk beberapa bulan sahaja kerana tidak cukup wang atau tidak dapat menghubungi Lee. 10.8 Pada 2.5.2017, plaintif telah pergi ke firma guaman D4 untuk bertanyakan tentang Lee tetapi telah diberitahu oleh D4 bahawa hartanah tersebut telah dipindahkan ke atas nama D1. 10.9 Pada sekitar bulan September atau Oktober 2017, plaintif telah menerima surat daripada syarikat TNB yang merupakan syarikat pembekal tenaga elektrik ke hartanah tersebut yang meminta plaintif membuat penutupan akuannya dengan TNB kerana hartanah tersebut telah bertukar milik. 10.10 Plaintif seterusnya mendakwa bahawa plaintif telah menyerahkan passport dan buku simpanan bank miliknya S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 serta menyerahkan suratan hakmilik hartanah tersebut kepada Lee dan telah menandatangani dokumen-dokumen pinjaman termasuklah Perjanjian SPA 2015 dan Perjanjian SPA 2016 tersebut di pejabat D4. 10.11 Plaintif selanjutnya mendakwa bahawa kedua-dua Perjanjian SPA 2015 dan Perjanjian SPA 2016 tersebut adalah disediakan oleh D4 yang merupakan seorang peguam dan telah meyakinkan plaintif bahawa SPA 2015 dan SPA 2016 dan dokumen-dokumen lain yang beliau tidak ketahui adalah dokumen pinjaman wang. Plaintif mendakwa beliau tidak boleh membaca, menulis atau bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu. 10.12 Plaintif kemudiannya mendapat tahu bahawa hartanah tersebut kini telah didaftarkan di atas nama D3 sejak 23.8.2017. 10.13 Plaintif akhir sekali mendakwa bahawa defendan-defendan secara bersesama atau berasingan telah melakukan misrepresentasi, frod, niat jahat dan penipuan terancang terhadapnya yang mengakibatkan hartanah tersebut akhirnya kini menjadi hakmilik D3. Plaintif turut mendakwa D4 telah melakukan kemungkaran fidusiari terhadap plaintif. [11] D1 dalam pembelaannya menafikan dakwaan-dakwaan plaintif mengenai misrepresentasi, frod, penipuan terancang dan niat jahat dan membangkitkan versi pembelaannya seperti berikut. 11.1 Melalui perjanjian SPA 2016, plaintif telah bersetuju untuk menjual hartanah tersebut kepada D1 dengan harga S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 RM300,000.00 dan plaintif telah menandatangani Borang pindah milik 14A dan dokumen-dokumen berkaitan selainnya. D1 telah membuat pembayaran penuh RM300,000.00 tersebut kepada plaintif melalui bankers cheque. 11.2 Pada sekitar 2017, D1 telah bersetuju untuk menjual hartanah tersebut kepada D3 dengan harga bayaran sebanyak RM900,000.00. 11.3 Bagi tujuan itu, D1 telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli dengan D3 pada 3.7.2017 dan juga menandatangani Borang 14A dan dokumen-dokumen berkaitan yang lain. Dalam transaksi tersebut, D1 telah diwakili oleh D4 selaku peguamcaranya manakala D3 diwakili oleh peguamcara yang lain iaitu Tetuan Lim Wong & Partners. 11.4 Hartanah tersebut kemudiannya telah dipindahmilik kepada D3 apabila D3 telah menyelesaikan bayaran penuh harga belian kepada D1 dan bayaran duti setem yang dikenakan. 11.5 Akhir sekali, D1 memohon supaya tuntutan plaintif terhadapnya ditolak. 11.6 D1 seterusnya juga telah mengemukakan tuntutan balas terhadap plaintif bagi mendapatkan deklarasi mahkamah bahawa perjanjian SPA 2016 di antara plaintif dan D1 adalah sah dan berkuatkuasa. Selain itu, D1 juga menuntut ganti rugi dan kos terhadap plaintif. [12] Manakala D2 pula selain menafikan dakwaan-dakwaan plaintif, telah membangkitkan versi pembelaannya seperti berikut. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 12.1 Pada sekitar bulan Mei 2015, plaintif telah bersetuju untuk menjual kepada D2 dan D2 telah bersetuju untuk membeli hartanah tersebut pada harga RM300,000.00. 12.2 Bagi tujuan itu, plaintif dan D2 telah mendatangani perjanjian SPA 2015, Borang 14A dan dokumen-dokumen relevan selainnya. D2 juga telah melantik D4 sebagai peguamcaranya bagi transaksi tersebut. D2 juga telah membuat pembayaran RN300,000.00 melalui banker’s cheque ke akaun bank plaintif. Selepas itu, D2 juga telah memasukkan kaveat persendirian ke atas hartanah tersebut pada 19.5.2015 melalui Perserahan No. 16399/2015. 12.3 D2 seterusnya mendakwa bahawa pada atau sekitar bulan November 2015, plaintif memaklumkan bahawa beliau ingin membatalkan perjanjian SPA 2015 tersebut. D2 bersetuju dengan permintaan plaintif tersebut tetapi dengan syarat plaintif memulangkan wang RM300,000.00 tersebut. 12.4 D2 seterusnya mendakwa bahawa plaintif telah pulangkan RM150,000.00 secara tunai kepada D2 dan baki RM150,000.00 secara bankers’ cheque atas nama firma D4. 12.5 Bagi tujuan pembatalan SPA 2015, D2 kemudiannya melalui D4 telah menyediakan Deed of Rescission and Revocation yang mana telah ditandatangani oleh plaintif dan D2 bertarikh 19.11.2015 (“DORR 2015”). D2 seterusnya telah menarik balik kaveat persendirian yang dimasukkannya atas hartanah tersebut. 12.6 D2 akhir sekali memohon supaya tuntutan plaintif terhadapnya ditolak. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [13] Manakala D3 pula selain menafikan dakwaan-dakwaan plaintif, telah membangkitkan versi pembelaannya seperti berikut. 13.1 Pada sekitar bukan Julai 2017, D1 setuju untuk menjual dan D3 setuju untuk membeli hartanah tersebut dengan balasan harga sebanyak RM900,000.00. 13.2 Satu perjanjian jual beli hartanah tersebut kemudiannya telah ditandatangani di antara D1 dan D3 pada 3.7.2017 (“SPA 2017”). Selain itu, D3 dan D1 turut mendatangani Borang 14A dan dokumen-dokumen berkaitan yang lain. Untuk transaksi tersebut, D3 diwakili oleh peguamnya sendiri dari Tetuan Lim Wong Partners. 13.3 D3 seterusnya memplid bahawa beliau telah menerima RM900,000.00 tersebut daripada D1 dan kini D3 telah didaftarkan sebagai pemilik berdaftar bagi hartanah tersebut. 13.4 D3 akhir sekali memohon supaya tuntutan plaintif terhadap D3 ditolak. 13.5 D3 seterusnya membuat tuntutan balas terhadap plaintif dan memohon perintah-perintah berikut: - (a) bahawa plaintif dan/atau penghuni yang menduduki premis hartanah tersebut menyerahkan hartanah tersebut kepada D3 dalam tempoh 7 hari dari tarikh perintah; (b) perintah larangan dikeluarkan ke atas plaintif dan/atau ejen-ejennya daripada memasukkan apa-apa kaveat persendirian ke atas hartanah tersebut dan Pentadbir Tanah diarah untuk memberi kesan serta merta kepada S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 perintah larangan ini di bawah seksyen 417 Kanun Tanah Negara 1965; dan (c) gantirugi, faedah dan kos. [14] Akhir sekali bagi D4 pula, selain menafikan dakwaan-dakwaan plaintif, telah memplid versi pembelaannya dalam Penyata Pembelaan D4 seperti berikut. 14.1 Pada atau sekitar Mei 2015, plaintif telah bersetuju untuk menjual dan D2 telah bersetuju untuk membeli hartanah tersebut dengan balasan harga sebanyak RM300,000.00. Bagi tujuan transaksi tersebut, D2 telah melantik D4 sebagai peguam untuk mewakili D2. 14.2 Seterusnya, plaintif dan D2 telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli bertarikh 14.5.2015, Borang Pindahmilik 14A dan dokumen-dokumen lain yang berkaitan. 14.3 D2 telah membuat bayaran penuh harga balasan jual beli sebanyak RM300,000.00 melalui banker’s cheque atas nama plaintif dan telah diterima oleh plaintif. 14.4 D4 seterusnya memplid bahawa semasa perjanjian di tandatangani dan banker’s cheque diterima oleh plaintif, seseorang yang bernama Chua Kian Cheel (No. KP. 500206-10-5803) ada hadir bersama-sama plaintif dan telah menerangkan dokumen-dokumen kepada plaintif. 14.5 Seterusnya, pada 19.5.2015, D2 telah memasukkan kaveat persendirian ke atas hartanah tersebut melalui perserahan No. 16399/2015 bertarikh 19.5.2015. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 14.6 Pada sekitar November 2015, plaintif ingin membatalkan perjanjian jual beli tersebut dan D2 telah bersetuju dengan cadangan plaintif dengan syarat plaintif memulangkan kesemua RM300,000.00 kepada D2. 14.7 Selepas plaintif membayar secara tunai sebanyak RM150,000.00 kepada D2 tunai dan banker’s cheque sejumlah RM150,000.00 atas nama D4, D2 kemudiannya menandatangani DORR 2015 bersama-sama plaintif pada 19.11.2015. 14.8 Seterusnya, D4 memplid bahawa pada atau sekitar Januari 2016, plaintif telah bersetuju untuk menjual dan D1 telah bersetuju untuk membeli hartanah tersebut dengan balasan harga sebanyak RM300,000.00. Bagi tujuan itu, D1 telah melantik D4 sebagai peguamcaranya untuk urusan dokumentasi. 14.9 D4 telah menjalankan tugasnya sehingga selesai dan nama D1 kemudiannya telah didaftarkan sebagai pemilik berdaftar hartanah tersebut. 14.10 Pada sekitar bulan Julai 2017, D1 telah bersetuju untuk menjual dan D3 telah bersetuju untuk membeli hartanah tersebut dengan harga balasan sebanyak RM900,000.00. 14.11 D1 telah melantik D4 sebagai peguamcaranya untuk mengendalikan urusan transaksi tersebut manakala D3 pula telah melantik peguamnya sendiri dari Tetuan Lim Wong Partners. Untuk transaksi tersebut, D1 dan D3 telah menandatangani SPA 2017, Borang 14A dan dokumen- dokumen lain yang berkaitan. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 14.12 Apabila semua urusan transaksi jual beli tersebut selesai, D3 telah didaftarkan sebagai pemilik berdaftar hartanah tersebut. 14.13 D4 akhir sekali memohon supaya tuntutan plaintif terhadap D4 ditolak dengan kos. Keputusan Mahkamah ini untuk Rayuan Lamp. 79 [15] Ketika perbicaraan sedang berlangsung, plaintif pada 3.5.2021 telah memfailkan Notis Permohonan untuk meminda Writ dan Penyata Tuntutannya (Lamp. 79). [16] Pada masa tersebut, perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen telah pun berada di peringkat kes defendan. Bahkan ketika itu juga, D1, D2 dan D3 telah pun menutup kes mereka manakala D4 hanya tinggal seorang saksi sahaja lagi untuk dipanggil memberikan keterangan. [17] HMS yang bijaksana, di dalam menolak Lamp. 79 telah memutuskan bahawa kelewatan plaintif memfailkan Lamp. 79 merupakan suatu kelewatan yang tidak munasabah dan melampau serta akan menimbulkan ketidakadilan dan prejudis yang serius kepada defendan-defendan sekiranya dibenarkan. Selain itu, HMS juga menolak Lamp. 79 atas alasan plaintif gagal memberikan alasan yang bona fide mengenai kelewatan tersebut. [18] Mahkamah ini memerhati bahawa pindaan yang dicadangkan oleh plaintif di dalam Lamp. 79 adalah untuk meminda pengindorsan “c” pada Writ Saman dan perenggan 37(c) Penyataan Tuntutan Plaintif. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Pindaan yang dicadangkan, secara ringkasnya, adalah seperti berikut: - (a) meminda tarikh SPA 2015 dari pliding asal yang diplidkan bertarikh ‘14.5.2017’ kepada tarikh ’14.5.2015’; dan (b) menambah dua lagi dokumen iaitu “SPA 2017” dan “DORR 2015” untuk turut diisytiharkan secara deklarasi oleh mahkamah sebagai tidak sah dan batal bersama-sama dengan SPA 2015 dan SPA 2016. [19] Selepas meneliti Lamp. 79, afidavit-afidavit dan hujah-hujah pihak- pihak serta keseluruhan hal keadaan kes, Mahkamah ini telah membenarkan sebahagian sahaja rayuan plaintif iaitu membenarkan plaintif untuk meminda tarikh perjanjian jual beli yang asalnya diplidkan pada pengindorsan “c” dalam Writ Saman dan dalam perenggan 37(c) Penyataan Tuntutan Plaintif sebagai bertarikh 14.5.2017 kepada tarikh 14.5.2015. Pada hemat Mahkamah, pindaan ini wajar dibenarkan kerana selain ia merupakan kesalahan menaip semata-mata, ia tidak akan memprejudiskan defendan-defendan dalam apa juga cara sekali pun kerana ia sememangnya merujuk kepada dokumen SPA 2015 sahaja. [20] Manakala terhadap permohonan plaintif untuk membuat pindaan dan penambahan selainnya iaitu untuk menambah dokumen “SPA 2017” dan “DORR 2015”, Mahkamah ini mengekalkan keputusan HMS yang telah menolak penambahan dokumen-dokumen tersebut di dalam Writ dan Penyata Tuntutan plaintif sebagai mana yang plaintif mohon. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [21] Dalam mengekalkan keputusan HMS yang tersebut, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan dapatan HMS bahawa kelewatan plaintif memfailkan Lamp. 79 merupakan satu kelewatan yang tidak munasabah dan melampau. Tambahan lagi, alasan yang dikemukakan dalam affidavit sokongan plaintif bahawa terdapat ketinggalan yang tidak disengajakan atau ‘terlepas pandang’ di pihaknya memang sukar untuk diterima jika dibandingkan dengan tempoh kelewatan yang berlaku iaitu selepas lebih kurang 6 bulan plaintif menutup kes dan selepas D1, D2 dan D3 menutup kes mereka. [22] Seterusnya, Mahkamah ini juga bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam defendan-defendan bahawa berikutan kedudukan D1, D2 dan D3 yang telah menutup kes mereka, maka permohonan plaintif untuk menambah “SPA 2017” dan “DORR 2015” pada peringkat yang selewat itu akan mewujudkan ketidakadilan dan kesan prejudis yang serius dan tidak mungkin boleh dipampas dengan kos terhadap D1, D2 dan D3. [23] Mahkamah ini seterusnya berpandangan, melalui sistem adversarial sedia ada, defendan-defendan seharusnya tidak disekat atau dihalang untuk mengketengahkan kes mereka masing-masing mengikut pliding-pliding yang telah mereka failkan. Ini bermaksud, mahkamah tidak boleh menghalang D1, D2 atau D3 untuk mengambil peluang di atas kealpaan plaintif yang tidak memplidkan bahawa dokumen “SPA 2017” dan “DORR 2015” juga patut diisytiharkan sebagai tidak sah dan batal bersama-sama dengan SPA 2015 dan SPA 2016 sejak dari perbicaraan bermula sehinggalah D1, D2 dan D3 menutup kes mereka. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 [24] Dalam hal ini juga, Mahkamah ini memperingatkan dirinya akan prinsip am mengenai kesan sesuatu pindaan pliding yang dibuat (selain pindaan menambah pihak baharu) adalah bermula bukan pada tarikh perintah pindaan dibenarkan tetapi bermula dari tarikh pliding tersebut mula-mula difailkan. Prinsip ini merupakan prinsip matan sebagai mana yang diperjelaskan di dalam kes Simetech (M) Sdn Bhd v Yeoh Cheng Liam Constructions Sdn Bhd [1992] 1 MLJ 11 yang mana pada m.s 18, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Lim Beng Choon menyatakan seperti berikut: - “(It is a) general principle that any subsequent amendments to the writ and statement of claim would relate back to or speak from the original date when such writ or statement of claim were filed.” [25] Sehubungan itu, jika Lamp. 79 dibenarkan, Mahkamah ini berpandangan ia akan memberikan kesan mudarat dan ketidakadilan yang serius kepada defendan-defendan terutamanya D1, D2 dan D3 kerana ia bersifat sebagai memperkenalkan kausa tindakan yang baharu terhadap defendan-defendan tersebut. Selain itu, Mahkamah juga tidak mungkin boleh memaksa D1, D2 atau D3 untuk membuka semula kes mereka hanya bagi tujuan untuk memenuhi kehendak plaintif atau untuk menampung kekurangan kes plaintif yang hanya timbul pada peringkat yang begitu lewat selepas D1, D2 dan D3 menutup kes mereka. [26] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini telah mengekalkan keputusan HMS selainnya yang telah menolak permohonan interlokutori plaintif di Lamp. 79 untuk memasukkan SPA 2017 dan DORR 2015 sebagai dokumen-dokumen yang juga patut diisytiharkan sebagai tidak sah dan batal. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Keputusan Mahkamah ini untuk Rayuan Penuh [27] Di dalam menolak keseluruhan tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan- defendan dan membenarkan tuntutan balas D1 dan D3 terhadap plaintif, HMS di dalam Alasan Penghakimannya telah membuat dapatan jelas bahawa plaintif melalui keterangan saksi-saksinya iaitu plaintif sendiri (SP1) dan suami plaintif iaitu Chua Kien Cheel (SP2) telah gagal untuk membuktikan di atas imbangan kebarangkalian mengenai isu-isu frod, misrepresentasi, niat jahat dan penipuan terancang sebagai mana yang diplidkan di dalam Penyataan Tuntutan plaintif terhadap kesemua defendan. [28] HMS juga turut merumuskan bahawa segala keterangan dan pengataan yang dikemukakan pihak plaintif semasa perbicaraan adalah cuma dakwaan kosong semata-mata, tanpa sebarang bukti yang kukuh, tanpa sebarang merit dan juga tanpa sebarang asas sama sekali. [29] HMS yang bijaksana, walau pun tidak memberikan analisis terperinci mengenai dapatan beliau yang tersebut, sudah tentu telah menilai keterangan saksi-saksi dan dokumen-dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh pihak-pihak secara keseluruhannya. Namun demikian, di peringkat rayuan ini, Mahkamah ini mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk meneliti semula keseluruhan keterangan dan hal keadaan kes secara rehearing bagi menentukan sama ada terdapatnya kekhilafan di pihak HMS dalam mencapai keputusan beliau yang sedemikian. [30] Mahkamah ini setelah meneliti semula keseluruhan keterangan SP1 dan SP2 mendapati keterangan SP1 dan SP2 yang cuba S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 menzahirkan satu keadaan bahawa keseluruhan transaksi di antara SP1 dan D1 dan di antara SP1 dan D2 adalah semata-mata merupakan transaksi pinjaman wang sebanyak RM300,000.00 ternyata tidak jelas, meragukan dan tidak selari dengan dokumen- dokumen contemporaneous yang dikemukakan di mahkamah terutamanya perjanjian SPA 2015, perjanjian SPA 2016, DORR 2015 dan borang-borang 14A yang berkaitan. [31] Keadaan menjadi lebih merumitkan apabila keterangan SP1 sendiri mendedahkan bahawa transaksi yang kononnya didakwa sebagai pinjaman wang tersebut sebenarnya bukan dibuat oleh SP1 sendiri tetapi dibuat oleh SP2 iaitu suami plaintif. Keterangan ini sahaja menunjukkan percanggahan ketara dengan pliding plaintif sendiri yang mengatakan bahawa SP1 adalah peminjam dan tidak apa-apa yang diplidkan bahawa peminjam sebenar adalah SP2. Dalam hal yang sedemikian, adalah bukan fungsi mahkamah untuk membantu kes plaintif yang tidak selaras dengan plidingnya sendiri (rujuk The Carbon Company Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Ng Lee Hoon (conducting under 'Forest Wood Flooring') [2017] 4 MLJ 791, di ms 811). [32] Selanjutnya, walau pun SP1 mengakui wang RM300,000.00 ada dimasukkan ke akaun Hong Leong Bank beliau pada 14.5.2015 (ms 8 Ikatan C) sebagai bukti pinjaman diberikan kepadanya, tetapi SP1 telah gagal memberikan naratif jelas mengenai cara bayaran balik pinjaman tersebut kepada pemberi pinjaman yang didakwanya sebagai ceti haram tersebut. Apa yang menjadi keterangan SP1 hanyalah bahawa bayaran balik pinjaman dibuat oleh SP2. [33] Namun demikian, SP1 dan SP2 telah gagal untuk mengemukakan apa-apa resit atau bukti bagi bayaran pinjaman tersebut ke S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 mahkamah bagi menyokong dakwaannya yang tersebut. Pada hemat Mahkamah ini, jika benar ada pinjaman sudah tentu perlulah ada bayaran. Jika bukti pinjaman RM300,000.00 ada, maka kegagalan membuktikan bayaran balik pinjaman dibuat oleh SP1 atau SP2 sudah tentu mewujudkan keraguan terhadap elemen pelengkap bagi transaksi pinjaman wang itu sendiri. [34] Seterusnya, keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh SP1 dan SP2 apabila dinilai secara keseluruhan, tidak menzahirkan apakah elemen-elemen representasi salah atau perlakuan- perlakuan frod atau niat jahat atau penipuan terancang yang telah dibuat oleh defendan-defendan terhadap plaintif sebagai mana yang diplidkan di dalam Penyata Tuntutan plaintif. [35] Satu perkara yang perlu diberikan perhatian adalah plaintif seolah- olah meletakkan kesalahan utama ke atas D4 sebagai peguam yang mana plaintif mendakwa D4 sepatutnya menasihatkan beliau dalam hal transaksi-transaksi tersebut. [36] Dakwaan ini ternyata tidak dapat dipertahankan kerana SP1 sendiri di dalam keterangannya mengakui tidak pernah berjumpa dengan D4 semasa beliau berada di pejabat D4 untuk mendatangani SPA 2015, SPA 2016 dan dokumen-dokumen lain. Tanpa berjumpa D4, mana mungkin D4 boleh dikatakan sebagai telah ‘meyakinkan’ plaintif untuk menandatangani dokumen-dokumen tersebut? [37] Frod dan representasi salah merupakan antara keadaan-keadaan yang boleh menafikan kewujudan persetujuan ad idem di antara pihak-pihak yang berkontrak. Malahan, seksyen 19 Akta Kontrak 1950 memperuntukkan bahawa di dalam ketiadaan persetujuan ad S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 idem akibat wujudnya frod atau representasi salah tersebut, pihak yang menjadi mangsa frod atau representasi salah tersebut mempunyai pilihan untuk membatalkan kontrak sedemikian. [38] Namun demikian, persoalan mengenai sama ada wujudnya frod atau representasi salah tetap kekal sebagai persoalan fakta yang perlu disokong dengan bukti serta keterangan yang mencukupi. Prinsip ini jelas sebagai mana yang diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam ALW Car Workshop Sdn Bhd v AXA Affin General Insurance Bhd [2019] 4 MLJ 561 seperti berikut: - “[45] On this point, we agree with the Court of Appeal in its findings, as stated in para 33 of its judgment, that: Whether any particular claim is tainted with fraudulent intent is a question of fact to be inferred from the surrounding circumstances. Making a false statement in the belief that it is true constitutes misrepresentation. However, making a false statement with the knowledge that it is false or not believing it to be true and the intention to deceive amounts to fraudulent misrepresentation. The test of fraudulent misrepresentation as enunciated by the Privy Council in Baron Akerheilm v Rolf De Marc [1959] AC 789 PC is as follows: The question was not whether the defendant in any given case honestly believed the representation to be true in the sense assigned to it by the court on an objective consideration of its truth or falsity, but whether he honestly believed the representation to be true in the sense which he understood it albeit erroneously, when it was made.” [39] Sehubungan dengan itu, kegagalan plaintif melalui saksi-saksinya membawa keterangan jelas mengenai apakah frod atau S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 representasi salah yang dibuat oleh defendan-defendan terhadapnya, maka HMS tidak boleh boleh dikatakan sebagai terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa plaintif telah gagal untuk membuktikan elemen-elemen frod, representasi, niat jahat dan penipuan terancang terhadap defendan-defendan sama ada secara bersesama atau secara berasingan. [40] Selain itu, khusus terhadap D4, memandangkan SP1 sendiri mengakui bahawa beliau tidak berjumpa D4, maka D4 tidak boleh dikatakan sebagai gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab fidusiari beliau selaku peguam. Lebih-lebih lagi kes plaintif sebagai mana diplidkan adalah spesifik terhadap D4 dan bukan terhadap atau termasuk ejen atau pengkhidmat D4. Maka sekali lagi, HMS tidak boleh dikatakan sebagai terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa dakwaan-dakwaan plaintif secara keseluruhannya terhadap D4 adalah tidak berasas dan tanpa bukti. [41] Seterusnya, Mahkamah ini turut memerhatikan bahawa plaintif di dalam plidingnya cuba bersandar kuat dengan kewujudan tiga kes lain di Mahkamah Tinggi Johor Bahru yang kononnya melibatkan skema (scheme) transaksi pinjaman wang haram yang serupa yang diberikan oleh D1 atau D2 melalui peguam D4 kepada peminjam- peminjam yang lain. [42] Kes-kes tersebut telah dirujuk sebagai JA-24NCVC-220-02/2017 yang merupakan tuntutan D1 terhadap seseorang yang bernama Tan Bok Eng, kes JA-22NCVC-2-01/2017 yang merupakan tuntutan saman seseorang terhadap D2 dan D4 dan kes JA-22NCVC-18- 02/2016 yang merupakan tuntutan seseorang terhadap D4 dan semua rakan kongsi firma D4. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 [43] Malangnya, di dalam keterangannya di mahkamah, SP1 menyatakan beliau tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai kes-kes tersebut. Tidak cukup dari situ, plaintif juga telah gagal untuk mengemukakan apa-apa rekod prosiding atau nota-nota keterangan atau keputusan kes-kes tersebut di hadapan HMS, atau memanggil mana-mana saksi dalam mana-mana kes tersebut untuk memberikan keterangan di hadapan HMS bagi membolehkan HMS membuat apa-apa penilaian atau dapatan yang jelas mengenai releven atau sebaliknya atau berat yang harus diberikan kepada keterangan- keterangan yang terkandung di dalam kes-kes tersebut yang boleh mempengaruhi keputusan HMS. [44] Maka, dengan ketiadaan keterangan jelas mengenai apakah representasi salah, frod, niat jahat atau penipuan terancang yang dilakukan oleh defendan-defendan terhadap plaintif dan dalam ketiadaan apa-apa keterangan daripada kes-kes lain bagi menunjukkan fakta yang sama (similar facts evidence), maka Mahkamah ini berpandangan HMS tidak boleh dikatakan sebagai terkhilaf apabila memutuskan bahawa plaintif telah gagal melepaskan beban bukti di atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa defendan-defendan sama ada secara bersesama atau berasingan telah melakukan frod, representasi salah, berniat jahat atau melakukan penipuan terancang terhadap plaintif. [45] Seterusnya, di dalam membenarkan tuntutan balas D1 dan D3 terhadap plaintif, HMS yang bijaksana telah membuat dapatan bahawa D1 dan D3 telah berjaya membuktikan bahawa SPA 2016 dan SPA 2017 adalah sah di sisi undang-undang atas alasan Borang Pindahmilik 14A yang telah ditandatangani oleh pihak-pihak dan dokumen-dokumen penyeteman yang lain merupakan bukti S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 yang mengukuhkan bahawa segala urusan pindah milik hartanah tersebut dari D1 kepada D3 adalah teratur. [46] Pada pengamatan Mahkamah ini sendiri, dengan termeterainya DORR 2015 di antara plaintif dan D2, maka SPA 2015 di antara plaintif dan D2 dengan sendirinya telah menjadi tamat dan batal. Lanjutan dari situ, tidak ada sebab untuk perjanjian SPA 2016 di antara plaintif dan D1 dikatakan sebagai batal atau tidak sah kerana selain SPA 2016, Borang 14A dan dokumen-dokumen penyeteman yang dikemukakan, terdapat satu surat yang ditandatangani oleh plaintif bertarikh 29.1.2016 yang mengesahkan telah menerima wang sejumlah RM300,000.00 melalui bankers’ cheque daripada D1 selaku pembeli sebagai bayaran penyelesaian keseluruhan harga jual beli hartanah tersebut sebagai mana menurut SPA 2016 (rujuk m.s 277 Rekod Rayuan Jilid 2A). [47] Di dalam kes AWC Berhad (Formerly known as AWC Facility Solutions Berhad) v Point-Euro Malaysia Sdn Bhd & Ors [2012] MLJU 474, Hakim Lee Swee Seng (Mahkamah Tinggi ketika itu) memutuskan bahawa: - “[25] The law is clear that a person is bound by what he has signed and it is no Defence to say that he did not read the agreement as he was in a rush or that the contents of an agreement was not explained to him. Were it not so it would be most convenient for anyone who wants to wriggle his way out of a contract to always adopt a busy lifestyle or at least create the impression of having to rush for another appointment and so did not have and could not have read the whole agreement in the 3 minutes or so that was spent in signing at the relevant pages. Neither is it a Defence to say that one does not understand the language in which the agreement was drafted or that the agreement was not explained before it was signed. The act of S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 signing has come to be taken to mean that one has agreed to be bound by the terms of the agreement.” [48] Berikutan dapatan HMS bahawa plaintif telah gagal mengemukan bukti-bukti di atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa defendan- defendan telah melakukan frod, represetasi salah, niat jahat dan/atau penipuan terancang terhadapnya, maka plaintif tidak dapat mengelak liabiliti terhadap dokumen-dokumen yang telah ditandatanganinya dalam perkara ini. [49] Di hadapan Mahkamah ini, SPA 2015, SPA 2016 dan DORR serta dokumen-dokumen selainnya jelas menunjukkan bahawa plaintif telah melaksanakan dua transaksi perjanjian jual beli atas hartanah yang sama tersebut – pertamanya dengan D2 pada tahun 2015 melalui SPA 2015 yang kemudiannya dibatalkan melalui DORR 2015, dan yang keduanya dengan D1 pada tahun 2016 melalui SPA 2016 yang mana plaintif tidak menafikan telah menerima balasan harga sepenuhnya sebanyak RM300,000.,00. [50] Lanjutan dari situ, apabila D1 telah menjualkan hartanah tersebut kepada D3 pada tahun 2017 melalui SPA 2017 dengan balasan harga RM900,000.00, maka plaintif tidak boleh sewenang- wenangnya menimbulkan isu bahawa SPA 2015 dan SPA 2016 yang dimasuki olehnya dengan D2 dan D1 masing-masing sebagai tidak sah dan batal tanpa alasan atau bukti kukuh bagi menyokong dakwaannya. [51] Perlu dinyatakan di sini sebagai pelengkap bahawa Mahkamah ini, selain perlu mendengar rayuan ini secara perbicaraan semula (rehearing), juga turut terikat dengan prinsip-prinsip asas rayuan S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 bahawa mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan hanya akan mengubah keputusan mahkamah bicara jika ditunjukkan bahawa keputusan hakim mahkamah bicara tersebut adalah secara terang- terangannya salah (plainly wrong). Prinsip ini seringkali diperingatkan oleh mahkamah tertinggi negara sebagai contoh di dalam Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng (administratix for the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) & Ors [2020] 12 MLJ 67, Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan di m.s 87 (para 37) dan m.s 96 (para 78) seperti berikut: - “[33] It was a long settled principle, stated and restated in domestic and wider common law jurisprudence, that an appellate court should not interfere with the trial Judge’s conclusions on primary facts unless satisfied that he was plainly wrong. (The Supreme Court of United Kingdom in Mc Graddie v Mc Graddie [2013] WLR 2472). …. [78] Hence following this court’s ruling in Tengku Dato’ Ibrahim Petra Tengku Indra Petra (supra) an appellate court should not interfere with the factual findings of a trial judge unless it was satisfied that the decision of the trial judge was “plainly wrong” where in arriving at the decision it could not reasonably be explained or justified and so was one which no reasonable judge could have reached. If the decision did not fall within any of the aforesaid category, it is irrelevant, even if the appellate court thinks that with whatever degree of certainty, it considered that it would have reached a different conclusion from the trial judge.” [52] Maka, berdasarkan penelitian dan pertimbangan keseluruhan terhadap keterangan dan bukti-bukti dokumentari yang terkandung di dalam rekod-rekod rayuan, Mahkamah ini berpuashati bahawa HMS tidak melakukan apa-apa kekhilafan undang-undang dalam S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 mencapai keputusannya menolak keseluruhan tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan-defendan dan membenarkan tuntutan balas D1 dan D3 terhadap plaintif. Penutup [53] Berdasarkan alasan-alasan seperti mana yang terkandung di atas, Mahkamah ini membenarkan sebahagian sahaja rayuan plaintif untuk Lamp. 79 dengan kos RM1,000.00 dibayar oleh perayu kepada setiap defendan dan telah menolak keseluruhan rayuan plaintif terhadap keputusan penuh HMS selepas perbicaraan dengan kos RM10,000.00 dibayar oleh perayu kepada setiap defendan. Sebagaimana kebiasaaan, kos adalah tertakluk kepada fi alokator. Tarikh: 13hb November 2023 …………………………………………. (NOOR HISHAM BIN ISMAIL) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi, Johor Bahru S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 Peguam bagi pihak Perayu/Plaintif: Pn. Sugania Govind bersama-sama En. P. Rajagunaseelan dan Pn. Khairunnisa (PDK) Tetuan G. K. Sritharan & Co. Johor Bahru Peguam bagi pihak Responden/Defendan Pertama, Kedua dan Keempat: En. David Leow Tetuan TNG, Liew, David Leow & Co. Johor Bahru Peguam bagi pihak Responden/Defendan Ketiga: Pn. Kenny Lo Jia Yi Tetuan K S Pang & Co. Johor Bahru. Kes-kes yang dirujuk: 1. Simetech (M) Sdn Bhd v Yeoh Cheng Liam Constructions Sdn Bhd [1992] 1 MLJ 11; 2. The Carbon Company Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Ng Lee Hoon (conducting under 'Forest Wood Flooring') [2017] 4 MLJ 791; 3. ALW Car Workshop Sdn Bhd v AXA Affin General Insurance Bhd [2019] 4 MLJ 561; 4. AWC Berhad (Formerly known as AWC Facility Solutions Berhad) v Point-Euro Malaysia Sdn Bhd & Ors [2012] MLJU 474; 5. Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng (administratix for the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) & Ors [2020] 12 MLJ 67. Undang-undang yang dirujuk: 1. Seksyen 19 Akta Kontrak 1950. S/N hCOvS5fuWUS9xBKcXzrLNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
1st Issue: Whether there is delay in the filing of the Stay Application and if so, whether this amounts to an abuse of the court’s process - 2nd Issue: Whether there are clear and unequivocal errors in the AD? - 3rd Issue: Whether the Defendant’s financial position is such that it will be unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff in the event the Plaintiff succeeds in the arbitration proceedings
YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman
1 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY OF KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO.: WA-24C-15-02/2023 BETWEEN SAMSUNG C&T CORPORATION UEM CONSTRUCTION JV SDN. BHD. (Company Registration No.: 59575-V) ... PLAINTIFF AND EVERSENDAI CONSTRUCTIONS (M) SDN BHD (Company Registration No.: 201201030507 / 1014994-T) ... DEFENDANT GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] This is an application by the Plaintiff pursuant to para 16(1)(b) of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 [Act 746] (‘CIPAA’) CIPAA, O. 69A, r. 4 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘RC 2012’) and/ or the inherent jurisdiction of the Court under O. 92, r. 4 RC 2012 to stay the Adjudication Decision dated 18.8.2022 (‘AD’) by the learned Adjudicator, Mr. Ivan Loo Yew Fook, and all execution proceedings, winding up proceedings, request for direct payment under s 30 CIPAA 15/11/2023 08:14:43 WA-24C-15-02/2023 Kand. 61 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 or Clause 20.8 of the Particular Conditions of the Main Contract between the Plaintiff and PNB Merdeka Ventures Sdn Bhd dated 28.3.2017 or suspension/ reduction in the rate of progress of the subcontract works pursuant to s 29 CIPAA pending final determination by way of arbitration (‘Stay Application’). [2] After having considered the cause papers and submissions by the parties, I had on 7.9.2023, allowed a conditional stay of the AD pending final determination of the dispute between the parties by way of arbitration. The Adjudicated Sum, which has been held by the Defendant's solicitors since 3.5.2023, shall continue to be so held in their stakeholders account until the disposal of the arbitration proceedings. No order was made as to cost. [3] The Defendant, being aggrieved with the aforesaid decision, has since appealed against the same and applied for an early hearing date at the Court of Appeal. The full grounds for the decision are set out in the succeeding part of this judgment. The Cause Papers [4] The cause papers for the Stay Application are as follows: (a) the Plaintiff’s Originating Summons (‘O.S.’) dated 10.2.2023 (encl. 1); S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 (b) the Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Deputy Project Director, Wan Nor Azman Bin Wan Salleh on 10.2.2023 (encls. 2 - 4); (c) the Plaintiff’s Supplementary Affidavit affirmed by the same deponent on 2.3.2023 (encls. 7 - 18); (d) the Defendant’s Affidavit in Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Director, Nathan a/l Elumalay on 8.3.2023 (encl. 19); (e) the Plaintiff’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 29.3.2023 (encls. 21 - 22); (f) the Defendant’s Notice of Intention to use Affidavit dated 3.5.2023 (encl. 25); (g) the Plaintiff’s Supplemental Affidavit (2) affirmed by the same deponent on 10.5.2023 (encl. 31); (h) the Defendant’s AIR (2) affirmed by the same deponent on 2.6.2023 (encl. 39); (i) the Plaintiff’s Expert Affidavit affirmed by the Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Sdn Bhd (‘PwC’), Lim Chee Teong (‘CT Lim’) on 3.7.2023 (encls. 41 - 43); S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 (j) the Plaintiff’s AIR (2) affirmed by its Project Manager, Sunggyeom Kim on 3.7.2023 (encls. 44 - 46); (k) the Defendant’s AIR (3) affirmed by the same deponent on 14.7.2023 (encl. 47); and (l) the Plaintiff’s AIR (3) affirmed by Wan Nor Azman on 9.8.2023 (encl. 49). Brief Facts [5] The background facts of this case have been outlined in Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd v Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2025, which is the judgment of this Court in O.S. No. WA-24C-156-08/2022 in allowing the Defendant’s application to restrain the Plaintiff from receiving the sum under a Bank Guarantee until final disposal of all disputes between the parties (‘Injunction Application’). [6] The salient background facts will not be repeated here and suffice for present purposes to state that – (a) on 18.8.2022, the Adjudicator determined, among others, that the Plaintiff shall pay the Defendant the sum of RM25,457,990.03 with simple interest at a rate of 6.4% per annum on the said sum from 1.3.2022 until full payment; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 (b) the Defendant filed an application pursuant to s 28 CIPAA on 25.8.2022 (O.S. No. WA-24C-163-08/2022; 'Enforcement Application') and the Plaintiff then filed its application under s 15 CIPAA on 8.9.2022 (O.S. No. WA-24C-174-09/2022; 'Setting Aside Application'); (c) the Defendant issued a Notice of Arbitration on 11.11.2022; (d) the Setting Aside Application and the Enforcement Application were heard together, with the agreement of the parties, on 13.2.2023 and 9.3.2023. The hearing of the Injunction Application took place on 7 and 14 April 2023. The decision for all three applications was pronounced on 20.4.2023 whereby the Setting Aside Application was dismissed, and the Enforcement Application and the Injunction Application were allowed; (e) the Plaintiff did not appeal against the decision of this Court for the Setting Aside Application and the Enforcement Application. The broad grounds of decision in relation to both Applications are set out in Eversendai Constructions (supra at para 35); and (f) the Stay Application was heard on 21.8.2023. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 The Stay Application [7] The Plaintiff’s grounds in support of the Stay Application as stated in the O.S. are as follows: (a) there are clear and manifest errors in the AD; and (b) in the event the adjudication sum is paid to the Defendant and the Plaintiff succeeds in the Stay Application, it will be difficult to recover the adjudication sum from the Defendant given that the Defendant is facing financial difficulties. [8] The Plaintiff argued that at the outset, the Plaintiff has met the threshold requirement for a stay pursuant to para 16(1)(b) of CIPAA, as this matter is pending final determination via arbitration which has commenced. To support this position, counsel for the Plaintiff cited the judgment in View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22 (FC) which held, among others at paras 82 and 84, that – (a) s 16 CIPAA allows some degree of flexibility to stay an adjudication decision where there are clear and unequivocal errors, or to meet the justice of the individual case; and (b) the correct approach under s 16 CIPAA is to evaluate each case on its merits where the financial capacity of the party concerned S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 to repay the adjudicated sum could be a factor in determining the outcome of the application. Analysis and Decision of the Court 1st Issue: Whether there is delay in the filing of the Stay Application and if so, whether this amounts to an abuse of the court’s process [9] The Defendant complained that there is undue delay in the filing of the Stay Application as the Plaintiff had filed the same three months after the issuance of the Notice of Arbitration (reference was made to Rules 5.1 and 7.5 of the Asian International Arbitration Centre Arbitration (‘AIAC’) Rules 2021) and one working day before the hearing of the Setting Aside Application and the Enforcement Application. [10] The Defendant alleged that the Plaintiff’s conduct amounts to an abuse of the court’s process as the Plaintiff wanted to ensure that the Stay Application will not be disposed together with the Enforcement Application and the Setting Aside Application, and to enable the Plaintiff to obtain, upon dismissal of the Setting Aside Application, an interim stay pending the disposal of the Stay Application. [11] The Plaintiff denied the Defendant’s allegation of delay (see para 6, encl. 21) on the grounds that – S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 (a) the Defendant had deliberately excluded the AD from the Notice of Arbitration and hence, the Plaintiff had to include the AD in its Response to the Notice of Arbitration which was submitted on 11.1.2023 (see exhibits “WNA-12” and “WNA-13”, encl. 4); and (b) the Defendant had only submitted the Registration Request to the AIAC to register the arbitration on 3.2.2023 (see exhibit “WNA-14”, encl. 4). [12] Having considered the parties’ averments and submissions on the issue of delay, I was inclined to agree with the Plaintiff that any allegations of mala fide intention on the part of the Plaintiff to delay matters are unfounded. [13] Moreover, on 14.9.2022, Lim Chong Fong J (now JCA) had granted an ad interim stay of the AD in terms of prayer 1 in encl. 4 of the Setting Aside Application until 27.9.2022 or such further order. After having heard the parties on 27.9.2022, His Lordship then granted a conditional stay of the AD in terms of the same prayer by ordering the Plaintiff to pay the principal adjudicated sum amounting to RM25,457,990.03 into an interest-bearing account held by Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners until the disposal of encl. 1 or further order within 14 days from the date of the Order. The Plaintiff’s oral application for a stay against the condition pending appeal was disallowed. The condition was subsequently fulfilled within the stipulated time and the Plaintiff’s appeal, which was filed on 17.10.2022, was withdrawn on 2.6.2023. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [14] In addition, the case authorities relied upon by the Defendant, namely, Haji Wan Habib Syed Mahmud v Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud & Anor [1986] 2 MLJ 198 and Hisham bin Halim v Maya bt Ahmad Fuaad & Ors [2021] MLJU 2293 can be distinguished on the facts as both cases do not concern an application pursuant to s 16 of the CIPAA and – (a) in Haji Wan Habib Syed Mahmud, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the High Court which found that the delay of two months before the appellant sought relief was, in the circumstances of the case, unreasonable and unexplained. The relief sought was an interlocutory injunction, which the Court said, being pre-eminently a discretionary remedy, is exceptional in its nature and shall not be made available to those who sleep on their rights. In the instant case, the Plaintiff has denied any delay on its part in filing the Stay Application and has offered its explanation as to why the Stay Application was filed on 10.2.2023. Furthermore, the passages from the judgment as cited by the Defendant do not discuss abuse of process; and (b) in Hisham bin Halim, the High Court held that there was a blatant abuse of the court’s process as the applicant had come to the civil court to injunct the Syariah Appeal Court from continuing with the proceeding without making any application to the Syariah Court for a stay of proceeding. The passage relied on by the Defendant merely sets out an example of an abuse of process which is trite i.e. “where a suit is duplicated or where a S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 party employs improper and perverse procedure to obtain an advantage undeservedly” whereas in the instant application, there is no duplicity or undeserved advantage emanating from the same. [15] Even assuming there is delay by the Defendant in filing the Stay Application, that alone cannot justify a dismissal of the Stay Application in limine as the CIPAA does not provide a timeline within which an application to stay an adjudication decision must be filed. Pursuant to O. 69A, r. 4 RC 2012, such an application may be made to the High Court by way of an O.S. or a notice of application in the pending action to set aside the adjudication decision, and the applicant must show that an application under s 15 CIPAA has been made or the subject matter of the adjudication decision is pending determination by arbitration or the court. 2nd Issue: Whether there are clear and unequivocal errors in the AD? [16] The Plaintiff alleged that there are 14 errors in the AD as follows: (a) despite the Defendant’s own admission that the design changes had taken place and varied the scope of the subcontract works, the Adjudicator erroneously awarded the Defendant based on the original sum or subcontract Price as if no variation had taken place; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (b) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed the Plaintiff is not entitled to the adjustment or reduction of the subcontract price despite the substitution of heavy steel members with lighter ones which reduced the tonnage and saved costs; (c) the Adjudicator erroneously placed the burden on the Plaintiff to provide evidence of the evaluation of the works; (d) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Plaintiff’s claims for an adjustment to the subcontract price due to variations and/ or design changes have been waived pursuant to Article 2.3 of the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 dated 5.11.2020 (‘SA No. 1’) and therefore, waived by the Plaintiff; (e) the Adjudicator erroneously found that Article 2.3.2 of SA No. 1 was not for the purpose of adjusting the subcontract price caused by design changes despite the fact that the saving provision of Article 2.3.2 proves that the issues of variation and/ or design changes have yet to be waived; (f) the Adjudicator erroneously found that it could not have been the parties’ intention when they entered into SA No. 1 that the entire Subcontract Agreement would be changed to a re-measurement contract when the Plaintiff never took this position in the adjudication; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (g) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that value engineering does not amount to subcontract variation because the Adjudicator had misconstrued provisions of the Subcontract such as Clause 13.1 of the Particular Conditions of Subcontract; (h) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that there is insufficient evidence to assess and conclude that the requirement for a valid subcontract variation has been complied with despite the fact the Plaintiff had provided evidence of the same; (i) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed the subcontract works to have been substantially completed by the Defendant despite the Defendant’s failure to notify the Plaintiff of the completion of the works in accordance with Clause 10.1 of the General Conditions of the Subcontract; (j) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the subcontract works to have been substantially completed by the Defendant despite the fact that the Defendant’s claim was pursuant to Clause 14.3 of the General Conditions of the Subcontract i.e. for an interim claim; (k) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the subcontract works to have been substantially completed by the Defendant despite the Defendant has not claimed for the first half of the retention monies pursuant to Clause 14.7 of the Particular Conditions of the Subcontract; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (l) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Defendant had completed the Roof Floor and Crown installation works and the Plaintiff was not entitled to withhold the sum of RM1.3 million when in fact the Plaintiff had issued numerous non-conformance reports to the Defendant which shows that the subcontract works had not been completed; (m) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Plaintiff is not entitled to claim or deduct liquidated damages against the Defendant unless the Plaintiff had given notice of decision pursuant to Clause 3.3 of the Subcontract; and (n) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Defendant is entitled to a further extension of time to complete the subcontract works without determining the extent of the extension of time to which the Defendant would be entitled. Further, the Defendant failed to comply with Clauses 8.4 and 20.2 of the Subcontract. [17] The Defendant submitted that the purported errors are essentially a repetition of the grounds raised by the Plaintiff in the Setting Aside Application, and the “errors” in subparas 16(a), (b) and (g) above were even withdrawn by the Plaintiff’s solicitors during the hearing of the Setting Aside Application on 13.2.2023. With regards to the “error” in subpara 16(h) above, the Adjudicator had decided in the Plaintiff’s favour. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [18] I have scrutinised the alleged errors and I agree with the Defendant’s contentions as aforesaid. As submitted by Mr. James Monteiro, the scenario is akin to the earlier cases which were decided by this Court, namely, JEKS Engineering Sdn Bhd v PALI PTP Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] 9 MLJ 541, Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v Jaks Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734 and Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another summon [2020] MLJU 1405 where the Court found that the applicants for a stay of the adjudication decision had put forth the same grounds as in the applications under 15 CIPAA, which had been considered and determined to be unmeritorious. [19] In the circumstances, the 2nd Issue is answered in the negative. 3rd Issue: Whether the Defendant’s financial position is such that it will be unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff in the event the Plaintiff succeeds in the arbitration proceedings [20] The Plaintiff relied mainly on the decision of the Court of Appeal in ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals [2023] 1 CLJ 1 (see in particular paras 53, 54, 59, 61 and 77) to support its arguments, among others, that there is lack of clarity in the Defendant’s true financial ability to pay back the Adjudicated Sum, if required and this amounts to a special circumstance that justifies a stay of the AD pending final determination of the dispute between the parties pursuant to the arbitration process (see too, paras 22, 26 and S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 30 - 33 of the judgment in Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852 which were quoted in the Plaintiff’s Submission In Reply). [21] The Defendant vehemently countered the Plaintiff’s arguments by insisting that it is an ongoing business concern and not one under financial distress for the reasons which were summarised as follows: (a) there is no evidence that the Defendant is unable to repay any debts; (b) the Defendant is not under any winding-up or threatened winding-up; (c) the Defendant has been suffering losses because of breaches by the Plaintiff; (d) the substantial portion of the Defendant’s liabilities are owed to Eversendai Corporation Berhad (‘ECB’; the Defendant’s holding company) and its other subsidiaries, and its directors, who are all supporting the Defendant; (e) despite being owed substantial amounts of money, the Defendant was able to finance the works and had completed the project, except for a few drawings that are being submitted. The Defendant pursued adjudication against the Plaintiff only after substantially completing the works; and S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 (f) the Plaintiff’s expert, CT Lim, is not qualified and he did not deny that the Defendant is a going concern. [22] I have duly considered the affidavit evidence and the submissions of the parties and I find that the Plaintiff has established the Defendant’s inability to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff, if required to do so after the arbitration. My reasons are as follows: (a) CT Lim’s Qualifications The Defendant submitted that, based on CT Lim’s curriculum vitae (‘CV’; see exhibit “LCT-1”, encl. 41), he is an accountant and not a qualified or licensed auditor or liquidator. Thus, CT Lim does not have the requisite expertise and qualifications to comment or opine on auditing matters, liquidity, solvency and capital adequacy. Furthermore, as compared to the Defendant’s experts, Dawin Tang Keng Wai and Marilyn Ngu Siow Ping (see the Expert Accountant Opinion On The Solvency Of Eversendai Corporation Berhad (‘PKF Report’) in exhibit “NT-19”, encl. 39 at pp 283 - 286), CT Lim is not proverbially peritus, with skill or knowledge on the matters of audit and liquidity. Hence, the Defendant urged the Court to take caution when considering the PwC Report and that its experts’ findings and views are to be preferred over that of CT Lim. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 Firstly, the issue as to CT Lim’s qualifications as compared to the Defendant’s experts was not mentioned at all in the Defendant’s AIR (3) (encl. 47). Therefore, there was no opportunity for CT Lim to respond to the statements which were made for the first time in the Defendant’s Reply Submissions. Secondly, CT Lim has affirmed that he is a chartered accountant with more than 17 years of experience in performing statutory audits, management accounting and financial reporting functions, and providing independent valuation advice. Upon perusal of his CV, I am unable to agree with the Defendant’s contention as to CT Lim’s purported lack of expertise and qualifications to carry out the task falling under the scope of instructions, namely, to provide an independent assessment of (i) the financial health and financial soundness of the Defendant; and (ii) the arguments and conclusions raised in the PKF Report. I am satisfied that CT Lim has the requisite peculiar skills and knowledge in analysing the Defendant’s audited financial statements and the PKF Report to arrive at his findings and conclusions. In my opinion, CT Lim qualifies as an expert (see Dato’ Mokhtar Bin Hashim & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 MLJ 232) and there is no justification for me to reject his evidence as being inadmissible or to give lesser weight to his report. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 (b) Ability to Repay the Adjudicated Sum The Defendant relied on para 26 in the judgment by Lim Chong Fong J (now JCA) in Kayangan Kemas Sdn Bhd v TMT Solutions Sdn Bhd [2019] MLJU 1277 where His Lordship had explained regarding project cash flow and corporate cash flow and said, among others, that “… the continuing subsistence and survival of the construction company as an ongoing concern to undertake projects is dependent on corporate cash flow. …” to support the submission that the Defendant remains a going concern and is not a PN17 company with no evidence of inability to repay debts. Based on the report prepared by CT Lim (‘PwC Report’), – (i) the expert had adopted the Capital Adequacy Test to indicate whether the Defendant has sufficient assets to meet all its liabilities, and the Liquidity Test to indicate whether the Defendant is able to pay its debts as and when they fall due. With regards to the Capital Adequacy Test, CT Lim found that the Defendant’s net liability was deteriorating to a deficit of RM66,126,000.00 at the end of financial year 2022 (‘FY22’) and this indicates that the Defendant does not have sufficient assets to meet its liabilities. The alarming decline from 2020 to 2022 where total liabilities exceeded total assets is “… a very strong indicator of the S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 Defendant’s increasingly insufficient capacity to meet its financial obligations.”. As for the Liquidity Test, it “… reveals a significant worsening in the Defendant’s financial position from a net current liability of RM5,495,727 in FY18 to a net current liability of RM56,096,360 in FY21, highlighting an acute inability to fulfil short-term debt repayments.”. CT Lim goes on to say that “Using the same tests applied by PKF in assessing solvency, it is evident that the Defendant would have consistently failed the Capital Adequacy Test and the Liquidity Test in each of the past four (4) financial years leading up to FY21”; (ii) apart from the two Tests as above mentioned, CT Lim had conducted further analysis on the Defendant’s profit and loss statements and cash and bank balances for financial year-end 31.12.2017 to 31.12.2021 and found that: (A) the Defendant has consistently suffered net losses in each of the four financial years up to FY21, with a net loss of RM41,410,672.00 recorded in FY21; (B) there is a pattern of consistent losses in escalating amounts from FY18 to FY21, resulting in the Defendant having to rely on intercompany financial S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 support. The Defendant owes its related companies a net total of RM55,741,194.00 as at 31 December 2021, mainly from trade transactions and payments on behalf which are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. Hence, these intercompany liabilities gives the lenders the right to request repayment of debt at any time without prior notice or a specific repayment schedule; (C) any surplus cash available to the Defendant by way of receipt of the Adjudication Sum may potentially be allocated towards repaying the intercompany liabilities; (D) the Defendant is heavily reliant on financial support from its immediate holding company to meet its obligations and carry on operations. Any failure on the part of the holding company to provide the necessary funds could have serious implications on the Defendant's operations and its ability to fulfil its legal and contractual commitments. (E) from FY17 to FY21, the Defendant had an average year-end cash balance of RM1,434,811.00 over the past five years. By the end of FY21, the cash balance held by the Defendant was RM210,563.00 which is insignificant when compared against the Adjudication Sum of RM25,457,990.03; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 (F) as an operating subsidiary, the Defendant does not hold substantial cash balance at any one point in time. Instead, any surplus cash balances held by the Defendant are either used to pay down external borrowings or intercompany liabilities based on observations on the accounts from FY17 to FY21. The PwC Report summarised that: “6.3.1. Based on Section 6.1 to Section 6.2.10 of this PwC Report, it is evident that the Defendant has been, and still is, facing severe solvency challenges. The Capital Adequacy Test reveals that the Defendant has consistently been in a net liability position over the past five (5) financial years, indicating an inability to meet its financial obligations. Similarly, the Liquidity Test demonstrates a significant deterioration in the Defendant’s net current liability position, further highlighting its insufficient capacity to fulfil short-term repayments. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 6.3.2. These solvency issues are exacerbated by the continued substantial losses incurred by the Defendant and its reliance on intercompany financial support, leading to a substantial amount of intercompany liabilities owed to related parties. The fact that these liabilities are repayable on demand raises concerns about the allocation of any available cash towards repayment, potentially further compromising the Defendant's financial stability. In light of these compelling facts, I believe that the Defendant’s is at high risk of being unable to repay the Adjudication Sum in the event the Plaintiff prevails in the Arbitration.”. In the light of the above excerpts from the PwC Report, there is uncertainty over the Defendant’s ability to carry on as a going concern. In fact, in Kayangan Kemas, the court concluded that “… since there is only possibility but no cogent evidence of actual insolvency balanced with the need for corporate cash flow, I am of the view that the just approach in the circumstances is to order part payment of the adjudicated sum to TMTS with the balance S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 of the other part of the adjudicated sum held in escrow pending the disposal of the Suit.”. In the instant suit, I was inclined to make the order as I did because the Plaintiff has proven, on a balance of probabilities, the precarious financial position of the Defendant and it is not a certainty that the Adjudicated Sum will be re-paid to the Plaintiff should the outcome of the arbitration be in the Plaintiff’s favor such that a conditional stay is appropriate in the circumstances of this case in the interest of justice. (c) The Defendant’s Financial Position Was Never An Issue? Mr. James Monteiro had submitted for the Defendant that the Plaintiff’s arguments on the Defendant’s finances are afterthoughts because of the following reasons: (i) The Defendant’s financial position was never previously a concern as the Plaintiff had executed SA No. 1 in 2020, which increased the subcontract price by RM36.293 million, despite full knowledge of the Defendant’s financial position being largely the same as it is now. However, there is no expert evidence to show that the Defendant’s financial position is the same as at the time of the Subcontract Agreement in 2016. In any event, the PwC Report shows significant worsening of the Defendant’s financial standing from 2018 to 2021. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 (ii) The Plaintiff is already holding ample monies or securities from the Defendant in the form of the Adjudicated Sum, retention sums in the amount of RM17,13,549.92 and monies secured pursuant to a Bank Guarantee in the amount of RM32,849,223.61. I agree with the Plaintiff that this factor has nothing to do with the Defendant’s ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum. The fact is that the Adjudicated Sum is being held by the Defendant’s solicitors and will be released to the Defendant if the Stay Application is dismissed. Meanwhile, the purpose of the retention sum is to ensure that the Defendant attends to any defective works during the Defects Notification Period. As for the Bank Guarantee, there is an injunction as a result of the Injunction Application and the matter is pending appeal (at the time of writing this judgment, the Court of Appeal has affirmed the decision of this Court on 24.10.2023). (iii) The Plaintiff returned the Defendant’s Advance Payment Bond in the sum of RM17,710,997.48 in early 2022 even though there were advance/ on-account payments that had not been recovered by the Plaintiff at the material time. However, it is my considered view that this fact does not prove the Defendant’s ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum. The Advance Payment Bond was issued for the purpose of guaranteeing the return of the sum which was S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 advanced to the Defendant. Once that has been recouped, the Advance Payment Bond must be returned to the Defendant (see para 36, encl. 21). (iv) The Plaintiff had consistently under-certified payments, caused late issuance of payment certificates, made late payments and underpayment and sudden design changes in the name of “value engineering”. However, this contention does not assist the Defendant’s case in establishing its ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum. Moreover, there is no expert evidence to show that the Defendant’s financial position is due to the Plaintiff’s failure in paying the Adjudicated Sum. (v) The Plaintiff or its affiliates had invited the Defendant or its affiliates to tender for steelworks in the project and had awarded the same to the Defendant; to tender for metal works in the project; to tender for projects in Qatar, Taiwan and Singapore; and to purchase steelworks for a Petronas project in Kuala Lumpur, all worth hundreds of Malaysian Ringgit (see paras 35 - 41 of the Defendant’s Written Submissions for the listing). Again, this does not show that the Defendant will be able to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff. In any event, the Plaintiff explained that “… the invitation to the Defendant to participate in the tender exercise was part of the competitive process. … the Defendant was invited to the tender exercise mostly S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 because the Defendant had already been present and mobilised on site-a fact the Plaintiff believed at the time could give the Defendant price advantage over other third party contractors, as there would be little to no preliminary and mobilisation costs. … the invitation to participate in the tenders do not in any way reflect the Plaintiff’s confidence in the Defendant's financial position at any moment.” (see para 34, encl. 21). (d) Alleged Attempt to Infer the Defendant’s Financial Impecuniosity vis-à-vis ECB’s Financial Statements The affirmations in the Defendant’s AIR (2) (encl. 39) are mainly to rebut the Plaintiff’s allegation that there exists significant doubt on the ECB Group’s and ECB’s ability to continue as going concerns. In particular, it was averred, among others, that – (i) the statement in ECB’s Financial Statements is a qualified view formed by ECB’s independent auditor, Messrs. Baker Tilly Monteiro Heng PLT (‘Baker Tilly’) without the benefit of perusing documents on ECB’s support from the financial institutions, ECB’s restructuring plans and borrowings and ECB generating adequate cash flows for its operating activities. The statement is also a common and generic statement by independent auditors and not to be taken to mean that ECB is insolvent or not a going concern; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 (ii) in the PKF Report, it was concluded that ECB and its individual companies are solvent and going concerns. ECB has sufficient assets to repay its liabilities, along with those of its subsidiaries including the Adjudicated Sum; (iii) ECB is a going concern and not under liquidation or dire distress, which is why it is not classified as PN17 by Bursa Malaysia; and (iv) ECB continues to receive funding and financial instruments from banks. ECB and its individual companies have been awarded large iconic projects worth approximately RM1.1 billion across India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Singapore and United Arab Emirates, which would not be the case if the companies are indeed in distress. At the outset, it must be emphasised that the PKF Report centres on the solvency of the ECB Group i.e. ECB and its 19 subsidiaries, one of which is the Defendant. The PKF Report did not consider the Defendant’s financial status and the key question on the Defendant’s ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff. No rebuttal expert report to the PwC Report was prepared and exhibited although there was ample opportunity for the Defendant to do so. In other words, the PwC Report stands unopposed by the Defendant. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 I am mindful that the court may not reject unopposed expert evidence unless the evidence is obviously lacking in defensibility (see paras 34 and 35 in the judgment of the Court of Appeal Majuikan Sdn Bhd v Barclays Bank Plc [2014] 9 CLJ 337). In this case, the PwC Report is not obviously indefensible. Therefore, the court not being an expert on financial matters in determining the financial health and financial soundness of the Defendant for purposes of the Stay Application, should defer to expert opinion as found in the PwC Report. The Plaintiff asserted that it has raised issues regarding the Defendant’s finances from the start and whatever evidence on ECB (see paras 3.10 - 3.30 and 7.1 - 7.7.1 of the PwC Report on CT Lim’s commentary on the PKF Report) is additional evidence to support the Plaintiff’s contention that the Defendant is not able to repay the Adjudicated Sum. CT Lim had concluded in the PwC Report that: “3.31. From my analysis above, the claims put forth by the Defendant and its expert, PKF, are first and foremost irrelevant as they focus exclusively on the Defendant's parent entity, ECB, instead of on the actual Defendant itself, ECMSB. 3.32. If the same assessments had been done on the Defendant as the relevant party, ECMSB would S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 have clearly failed both the solvency tests put forth by its own expert PKF, and the financial evidence I have presented based on the audited financial statements of the Defendant demonstrate that there is significant risk that it will not be able to repay the Adjudication Sum to the Plaintiff should the Plaintiff prevail in the Arbitration. 3.33. Even if one were to resort to relying on the financial strength of the parent entity of ECMSB, i.e. ECB, as a means to justify the ability of ECMSB to repay the Adjudicated Sum (which in any case is technically incorrect and conceptually unsupportable), there would still be a significant risk of the Adjudicated Sum not being recoverable by SUJV, based on ECB's own financial position.”. In my view, the Plaintiff had rebutted the Defendant’s averments as set out in subparas (i) - (iv) above whereby – • in respect of subpara (i), in the Reports And Financial Statements for the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2022 dated 26.4.2023 (‘2023 Report’), Baker Tilly had stated as follows: S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 “During the financial year ended 31 December 2022, the Group and the Company incurred net losses of RM366,861,000 and RM302,956,000 respectively, and as of that date, the Group's and the Company's current liabilities exceeded their current assets by RM168,333,000 and RM532,206,000 respectively. As disclosed in Note 28, the Group and the Company are in discussion with multiple financial institutions on restructuring plans for the Group's and the Company's borrowings. These conditions indicate material uncertainties exist that may cast significant doubt on the Group's and the Company's ability to continue as going concerns. The ability of the Group and the Company to operate as going concerns is dependent on: (i) The continuous support from the financial institutions and the discussion on restructuring plans for the Group's and the Company's borrowings be successfully concluded; and (ii) The Group and the Company to achieve sustainable and profitable operations or through the disposal of non-core assets to S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 generate adequate cash flows for their operating activities.” The Defendant has not shown that it is able to meet the matters in (i) and (ii) as quoted above. Further, Baker Tilly did not expressly state that they did not have the benefit of perusing documents in relation to the contingencies and the documents exhibited in encl. 39 pre- date the 2023 Report and should have been given or made available to Baker Tilly. As for the allegation that Baker Tilly’s statement is common and generic, the PwC Report makes reference to the International Standard on Auditing 570 which “… requires the auditor to make adequate disclosures, under a separate section with a heading that includes reference to the fact that a material uncertainty related to going concern exists, to alert users to this circumstance as it is a matter deemed important to the users’ understanding of the financial statements. It is important to note that a MUCG is only issued when events or conditions create significant doubt about a company’s ability to continue its operations or meet its financial obligations, and/ or the company may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.”. Hence, the statements S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 by Baker Tilly are not a “blanket” cautionary statement nor are they a common occurrence; • in respect of subparas (ii) and (iii), these were countered by paras 3.31 - 3.33 of the PwC Report as quoted earlier (see too, paras 7.1.1 - 7.7.1 of the PwC Report, especially paras 7.5.4 and 7.5.5). In para 7.7.1 of the PwC Report, it was opined that “Certain representations made by PKF in the PKF Report such as commenting on the success of ECB Group’s debt restructuring exercise and ECB Group’s potential to raise funds from the capital markets based on its status as a publicly listed company, are speculative in nature given no substantial evidence was provided to support the claims.”; and • in respect of subpara (iv), the loans and financing secured by other member companies of the ECB Group do not reflect the financial soundness of the Defendant which is a separate entity from the other members of the Group and ECB, which are located outside Malaysia. The Defendant did not exhibit any financial records of the other member companies of the ECB Group which have secured the facilities or the assets, and the collateral used to secure them. As for ECB being awarded projects across numerous countries, all the documents on the projects as exhibited S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 were issued in 2022 except for one Subcontract Agreement dated 2.3.2023. These project documents should have been made available to Baker Tilly for the purposes of the 2023 Report. In any case, these documents do not prove that ECB and its Group’s finances are healthy and do not mean that the Defendant is able to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff. (e) The Defendant and ECB Are Allegedly Financially Sound The Defendant submitted that the following behaviour of the markets, both domestically and abroad, towards itself and ECB do not support the various allegations made by the Plaintiff and its expert: (i) ECB’s principal bankers have continued to work with, and support, ECB and its individual companies on a day-to-day basis which includes the issuance of performance bonds on behalf of ECB and its individual companies as well as the granting of loan facilities (sees paras 9 and 10 and exhibits “NT-9” and “NT-10”, encl. 39 for the details). However, the performance bonds have nothing to do with the Defendant and the exact circumstances revolving around the issuance of these bonds are unclear. With regards to the loans and financing secured by other S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 member companies of the ECB Group, the Defendant did not exhibit the financial records of these other member companies and the collateral used to secure the loans and financing. Anyway, this fact does not reflect the financial soundness of the Defendant, which is separate entity. (ii) ECB’s clients have seen no issue in providing bank guarantees to ECB’s individual companies (see para 11 and exhibit “NT-11”, encl. 39). I am, however, inclined to agree with the Plaintiff that the Bank Guarantee by BUCG (M) Sdn Bhd to another ECB subsidiary, Eversendai Engineering Sdn Bhd does not advance the Defendant’s case in any way. The Defendant additionally presented that ECB’s Interim Financial Report for the Financial Year Ending 31 December 2023 – First Quarter Ended 31 March 2023 has shown a profit of RM1.432 million with assets exceeding liabilities (see para 16 and exhibit “NT-14”, encl. 39). However, in para 7.3.1 of the PwC Report, the expert opined that “… the translated profit of RM1,432,000 is insignificant when compared to the reclassified amount from the Syndicated Term Loan and Ijarah Facility to current liabilities outstanding (short term obligations) of RM707,06,000.”. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 (f) The Defendant Allegedly Financially Backed According to the Defendant, ECB as its holding company, is at all material times a going concern as confirmed in the PKF Report and will support the Defendant. RM89,525,168.00 out of the total liabilities in the sum of RM131,812,870.00 as stated in the Defendant’s Financial Statements 2021 are sums owed to related companies, an immediate holding company and a director, all of whom will support the Defendant. On this point, suffice to say that the PwC Report (see paras 3.33 and 6.2.4 - 6.2.10) casts doubt on the Defendant’s assertions on “support” as it is unlikely the Defendant will obtain financial assistance from ECB, and the substantial amounts owed to related companies, a holding company and a director is in fact indicative of the Defendant not being in a position to repay the Adjudicated Sum. [23] On a final note, the Defendant’s submissions pertaining to the Plaintiff’s financial health with reference to the Plaintiff’s Financial Statement 2022 which shows losses of RM84 million, and on the issue of balance of convenience, are not relevant considerations for the Stay Application. [24] The importance of upholding the intent of the CIPAA has been repeatedly emphasised in many cases on the CIPAA, two of which as cited by Mr. James Monteiro are Sime Darby Energy Solution Sdn. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 Bhd. (formerly known as Sime Darby Offshore Engineering Sdn Bhd) v RZH Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd. [2022] 1 MLJ 458 and IRDK Venture Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020] MLJU 939. I have also alluded to the intention and objective of the CIPAA in the context of s 16 CIPAA in several judgments to date (see among others, Syarikat TD Sdn Bhd v Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd and another case [2019] MLJU 1754 at para 129 and MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v Pembinaan Mitrajaya Sdn Bhd and another case [2023] MLJU 52 at para 90). [25] Nevertheless, in the final analysis of the present case, I am satisfied that the justice of the case warrants a stay of the AD pending final determination by way of arbitration as there is a real risk that the Adjudicated Sum, if released to the Defendant, would not be able to be re-paid to the Plaintiff in the event the Plaintiff finally succeeds in the arbitration proceedings (see CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1305 at paras 55 and 57; Zeta Letrik (supra) at paras 63 and 64; and RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and other cases [2023] MLJU 247 at para 37 for the discussion on the meaning of “justice of the case”). [26] In the premises, the 3rd Issue is answered in the affirmative. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 Conclusion [27] In view of largely the findings of the Court in respect of the the 3rd Issue above, the Stay Application in encl. 1 was allowed with no order as to costs. [28] I was of the further view that, in the circumstances of the case, a conditional stay is appropriate and hence, the Adjudicated Sum, which is currently held by the Defendant’s solicitors, shall continue to be so held in the stakeholder's account until the disposal of the arbitration proceedings. Dated: 31 October 2023 (ALIZA SULAIMAN) Judge Construction Court 2 High Court Kuala Lumpur S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 Counsels/ Solicitors: For the Plaintiff: Kuhendran Thanapalasingam (Daniel Lau Hsien Yuong and Agesh Krishendra Jeyaratnam with him) Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners Advocates & Solicitors D3-3-8, Solaris Dutamas No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur For the Defendant: James Monteiro (Vishal V Kumar and Ban Qiao Hui with him) Messrs. James Monteiro Advocates & Solicitors D4-6-1, Solaris Dutamas No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment: Cases: ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals [2023] 1 CLJ 1 Batu Kemas Industri Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Anor [2015] 7 CLJ 849 Bremer Handelsgesellschaft mbH v Vanden Avenne-Izegem PVBA [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 113 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1305 Dato’ Mokhtar Bin Hashim & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 MLJ 232 Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v Public Prosecutor and another appeal [2015] 2 MLJ 293 EA Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1851 Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd v ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd and another summons [2020] MLJU 1146 Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd v Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2025 Haji Wan Habib Syed Mahmud v Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud & Anor [1986] 2 MLJ 198 Henia Investments Inc v Beck Interiors Ltd [2015] EWHC 2433 (TCC) Hisham bin Halim v Maya bt Ahmad Fuaad & Ors [2021] MLJU 2293 IRDK Venture Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020] MLJU 939 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 Ireka Engineering and Construction Sdn. Bhd. v PWC Corp Sdn. Bhd. and another appeal [2019] MLJU 35 JEKS Engineering Sdn Bhd v PALI PTP Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] 9 MLJ 541 Junaidi Bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor [1993] 3 MLJ 217 Kayangan Kemas Sdn Bhd v TMT Solutions Sdn Bhd [2019] MLJU 1277 Majuikan Sdn Bhd v Barclays Bank Plc [2014] 9 CLJ 337 Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another summon [2020] MLJU 1405 MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v Pembinaan Mitrajaya Sdn Bhd and another case [2023] MLJU 52 Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852 RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting And Trading (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] 1 LNS 209; [2023] MLJU 247 Royal Brompton Hospital NHS Trust v Hammond (No. 3) 62 [2002] 1 WLR 1397 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 Sime Darby Energy Solution Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Sime Darby Offshore Engineering Sdn Bhd) v RZH Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd. [2022] 1 MLJ 458 Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818 Sun Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v Hejongkang Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 2066 Syarikat TD Sdn Bhd v Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd and another case [2019] MLJU 1754 Tecnicas Reunidas Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. v Petrovietnam Engineering Consultancy JSC (PVE) & Anor and other cases [2021] MLJU 2633 Terminal Perintis Sdn Bhd v Tan Ngee Hong Construction Sdn Bhd and another case [2017] MLJU 242 View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22 Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v Jaks Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734 Legislation: Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012, ss 15, 16, 28, 29 & 30 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 Rules of Court 2012, O. 69A r. 4 & O. 92 r. 4 Other sources referred to: Julian Bailey, Construction Law Volume II, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis, 2016 Stephen Furst & The Hon. Sir Vivian Ramsey, Keating on Construction Contracts, 9th edition, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 2015 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Criminal procedure - Appeal against conviction and sentence - Appellant was found guilty on 3 charges of possession of dangerous drugs - Whether Appellant had possession and knowledge of drugs - Whether prosecution evidence believable in light of contradicting evidence by Appellant's sister who was called to give evidence as a prosecution witness - Whether the Appellant's IC was found in the bag containing the drugs - Whether the Appellant's sister was an interested witness Proper findings of fact on a maximum evaluation of prosecution case - Whether defence properly considered by trial court - Appeal against conviction dismissed - Appeal against sentence - First offender - Appellant sentenced to 20 strokes of rotan in total - Reduced number of whippings imposed
YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin
15/11/2023 10:54:01 AB-42S-10-09/2022 Kand. 39 S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ltyZBMRU4Ea7RMirlJt1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal m 15 m m Aa—¢2s—1u—u9/2n22 Kand. ,5, 142023 ms DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAVA DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI FERAK DARUL RIDZUAN MALAYSIA RAVUAN JENAYAH NO: ABJZS-10-D9/2022 A As-42s-11-us/2022 [KES NO »Aa-szu-1oa—os/2020 5 A5620-121-owzozn SAHROL BIN SHAIIISUDIN mo. KIP.: 380311086465] . PERAVU v PENDAKWA RAVA ...REsPoNnEN GROUNDS or JUDGMENT m The Appeflam was charged in ms Sessions com for 3 offences ul passessmn mi dangevous drugs under 2 case numbers as lollows - fludu glndnn A3420-1a:H1s/zoza Bahawa uamu,pa.1=. 29/2/zazo Jam lebm kuranq 01.30 Pagw, benampm .1. tepi man war Kzmvung Sangkm. uek. Ham Kuvau Da\am Dasrah mm Mmang aan Sslam-n, dalam Negen Perak «even ada flalam mlhkan mu. m2 gram bahan kelman Gan semuk wama palang yang mengamungl Mannacelylmammnss O\eh yang dsrmklan kamu mam memkukan salu kesavahan a. hawah seksysn 12(2) Akin nmn Eenbahaya 1952 yang bolah dihukum m bawah Saksyen 39A zzum yang sama Agfizfl-521-In/2020 Bahawa kamu, pm 29/2/znza yam Vebm kurang 01,31: Pagl, befl2mna| a. law plan an Knmmmg Sangkm, Imk, aam Kumu Dahm Dauah Laml Mavsng den Sebma dzlam Megan Pevak |aIah afla dalam mmm mm. 34 gm Hemln onen yang demlkxan kamu lehh mehkukan mu kesalshan m hawan N \ mm Sum IHIVVDIY WW be .15.. m van; M m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum puns! 39 -m 15 saksyerl l2l2l Akla nadan Esrbahaya 1952 Yam: Doleh fllhukum dl aawan Seksyerl 59A lIlAk\a yar-9 sama Bahama Kamu. pada zwlzuzo ran. lehlh kumng 01 30 Pigl, herlzmpm dl Iepl lalin went Kammmg sanded um, aard Kunln oalarn Daersh Luml Malang dun Sslamn. dalarn Negarl Pemk lzlah ada dalarn mlllkan kamu U13 gram nlernanrnneranrrne. olen yang demlklan kamu relan melakukan salu kesalahan dl dawan sak5yen12(2)AkIa nedan Eemahaya msz yanp bulsfl dlmlknm dl bawah sensyen 3?/1(HA><Iz we iama.‘ [2] sum eases were neard logelner anne sessions Court ln Taiplng as lney involved me sarne wltnesses and same laa1s.l=or cunvenlenue, l will reler lo me 3 charges as me flrst charge, seoond cnarge and Ihlrd charge, raspeellvely. slanlng WM’! me cnarge in case No AE—62D—103—06/2020 Alter a lull lnal. me Appellant was lound gully on all charges by me sessrdns com Judge lsc.ll and on 2 9.2022 he was eonvieled and senleneed la 7 years’ rmpnsdnrnem end 10 elroxee Mme mlan ldrlne rrrel charge and Syears‘ lrnpnesnrnenl and 5 slrakes ellna rolan larlns second and third charges The imprlsanmenl «arms were lo edrnrnenee lronr lne dale elarresl un 29 2 2020 and In he served eansdrrenlly [3] Prior In lns neanng al Ihe appeal, are Appellant sedgnl lne cudrrs leave to Ne lne Fel on of Appeal um pl Ilme e. aboul 2 weeks after me deadline. The Court allowed me appllcallon slnoe me Denuly Public Pmssculor (DPP) dld nal oblect lo lne applicalron. [4] ladm appeals were neard logelher by one cam on 9.5 2023 on 1 9 2923, I amrrned the convicfians hm varled lne senlenees of me rdtan. Thu 5 nrekes dl man oalzh ler lne suumd and mini enarges were reduced lo 3 slrekas loraach charge The Appellant nas new appealed agalnsl lhe wnple declslorl pl Ihls Conn. This Grounds pl Judgment oonlaln my reasons lor dlsmissing poln appeal Nos. 10 and ll. Nl|yZBMRUAE:7RMIl.ll1D Mme a.n.l n-vlhnrwlll re used m mm ms nflnlrrallly sun. dun-mm wa mane wnxl to Zn 1; are other uugsnl evidence to establish its ease in perticuiar direct evidence soon as in the present case: Mahendren Arivetsn v PF [2020] 1 LNS 1213; man) ut..iu 1286 cam. [21] The SCJ iurther stated that what was out to the prcseertion witnesses without more cannot be accepted by the com as evidence per se: senieiirt Iain Tumln v PP (201115 ML! 353. she oonciuded that the evidence oi the prosecution witnesses in regard to the hnding oi the oriendine drugs were eredioie evidence. which it unrebutted by the deience wananted a conviction on the charges preierrett The main issue tor oonsideretien was whether the prosecution had proved that the Aopetient had possession eiihe black FVLA backpack (P14) which he held with his right haridius1 beiere SP1 arrested him SP1 admitted that the engine oi the car was still running but denied that PM was ever round in the car. The SCJ iound that the Aopeiient had ectuei pussessioit oi P14 which contained the drugs. By virtue oi the iaet that the 3 plastic|s in P14 were transparent and the ponies oouid cieeriy see the contents suspected to be dnrgs, the SCJ iounti that the Appellant had the requisite knawiedgs ot the opntents of the a transparent oiastie packets. The Appeiiant atse admitted that P14 was the bag that the pohce seized that night although he denied the bag and its contents were his. [22] The SCJ aiso addressed the issue oi the or prosecution witnesses in her grounds oiiudgrnerit The defence submitted there were inatenai oontredtottons among the prosecution witnesses and that they were bound by the testimonies of their own witnesses, to the ex1enI that there a ed two distinct interences and thereiore, the more favourable inierenoe should be drawn by the mun ior the deiense. The SCJ found that the discrepancies in the prosecution witnt§sas' evidenoe iNilyZBMRUAE:7RMIiJl1D “ -rise Smni In-vihnrwiii re used M mm ms nflnihaiily siiii. dun-vinirl v.. nFit.ING Wflxi ID zo were nor marenal conrrauiciions Ihat were fatal to me pvaseculiun case. The discrepancies only weni io showihauhe prosecution witnesses were noi mached Ia give evidence in mun They gave ewdenee based on meir ve::ollac.1ion ai events: Llm euan Enq v PP [1933] 3 MLJ 769; choarr Slang Guai v PP[1l'I69]2 ML! 53. some were able to give more cierails man oihers. Moreover, the preseouhan witnesses r.a ihe policeman Involved VI the arrest did nnl have any molive lo Ila: FF v shaabarr sin Abdul Rarrrrrrm [1 ans] 2 MLJ 313 aesiues, the SCJ funnel manhere was nothing mhereniiy rneredihle about the evidence man were glven by SP1 and SP4 In respect oi the llrldlng oi the drugs in P14: Moham-d Alias v PF[1lll]1 LN: zno. [23] The Appellant submllled that mere were serious oanlradicllons In the prusecutiun ease regarding «mm where his menmy card no) was lound/taken He claimed that ll’\ElE were 3 different versions in the prosecution case ilsell and Ihelefurs, the Appellant must be acquitted and discharged as me charges had nei heen proved, one versiun was it was iourm in «he middle part 0! P14(SP1 and spa), the second version was that SP1 asked ior the ic Mam rhe Appeiiani (SF'1)and me third vsrsiun was [hat spz look it our «mm the Appellanfs wallet and handed it over io SP1 (SP2). In the police report lodged by SPH, he stated it was found in We bag together with ma drugs. [24] The deienoe disputed the firsl version heoause It was illogical lnr someone Io put his II) VI a bag ooniarnrng drugs and walled fur me police to arrest him. The deienee subminau it was more iogical lorlhe Appellanl to rnrow away PM upon seeing me poliee ream as I| was dark where his car had stopped. Bul ihis coun none: in re-exsnunahon, SP1 ciariiied 'Ssmasa langkapsn drbual saya ieiah mam/nla kad pengsnaian darfpada !NllyZBMRUAE:7RMIlJl1D “ Nuns s.n.i In-vihnrwlll be used m mm ms nflfllhnllly sun. dnunmnl wa mum wnxi 15 OKT darl dia keluarkan darfpada beg damper die’. TNS showed that me Avbellarlt was not yel hahdcuwed when SP1 asked in! ms IC and the dormer look 1 oul lrom his wallet. [25] 9 12.2021. Hsr evldencs was hol vary lahglhy. she came lo me place where the Appellant was arrested at Na. 24 PPRT, which was all lapl rumah' around 3 as am. By the lime she amved mere, the Appellant was l will naw address lhe evldenee 0! SP2 who (esllfied lh court on already hanooulleo. she saw a lew polloemen there and she knew 2 ul them whom she called “Pak va' ano ‘Marl’ she pleaded wlzh the police no: lo arresl her brolher as she was gone to get marred soon (presumably he was la be her guardian al me ceremony or that she lusl wanted hlm lo be preeenl al her weddlrlg). In heroraasaxamlhallan, SP2 stated that she took out his wallet and gave the Appellant‘: III to the policeman. She also look his ilver bangle out from hls pocket. The Court also mined that she did not knew much about wha| happened that mght as she had been sleeping prlor tn the angst SP2 stated that her bmther came home In take 2 shower She said "Dia masuk ke Iumah iiu km Masa nu says udur, SH)/N (idsk lahu.. [251 ln ma evldenoe ol lhe Appellant, he stated lhel SP1 asked lur his IC The Appellant said he did not have his IC and than SP2 told them It was with her. Therefore‘ SP2 tank am the IC {mm NS wallet and gave It to SP1. Now, this Court ahservsd that SP2 was um an impnrlant wllnsss because she was nol there when me Appellanl was fllst oetalhed by the police she came laser and that too was aner she woke up lrom sleep; aner gemng a phone call lrom her omer brother. The Court noted man in her examlnatlon In chiet she was He! asked about her taking me la llyZBMRUAE:7RMIlJI1u -we s.n.l 1-vlhnrwfll be used m mm ms mm-y MIN: mm. wa nFluNG ma 10 15 25 Appsiianrs IC oul horn his waflet II was puzzling why me p e wuuld iec her handle ine Appellanfs Ic/millet it me had alveady been under anesi [271 The SCJ in ner grounds M iudgmerit eddisased inis issue by stating as follows. we» Dalam kes wenian V sun. ei Mnhmashlrsi min 7 sec 295. Mahkamah Agung indn mnh mamulusknn hnhawa nuhungari sama ada ari|am mei dengan mangsa nlau derigari Tammuh udax akan sena mena menoemarkari niin xeierangan saksi (ersebm isiapi sebaliknya kalararigari saxsi meshlan dneim secara havrialwiali Mankamah Agung India mzmflllllklfl semi yang Darlklll '|H7iaIravu1:m>e i. Vmmd In be cnnxis1enln»dlme.|1IeVac\ cl being a I=LI|we canml by nsen discredit ineii ewidenae. in einer WGIGS. me ie\a|mrish\p is nm a Vaclor In amen ine qediminy era wnnsss and the mun; have in scnmrilss men evidence rneuouiousiy WM a lime cam " [23] Neverlhelessi inis cum lound inai when SP1 was giving evidence, he was not cmssexamined about SP2 taking his walletoul drain the back pocket and handing over me it: io SP1, In «act, SP1 was uniy asked that SP2 was at me piaoe oi arrest and then me DPP re—examined mm as moms (in page :2 ol the Notes 0! Evidence dated 24.11.2021) “TFR' Semasa pemeriksaan dijaiankari kakak om’ ede hedir di siiu dan Koperai setuiu? SP1. Semasa pamanksaan dibuai, ada orang kampung yang telefon keiuarga om. Kakak OKT yang ieian dalang ke ienipai kajadlanf. [291 Mareover. ine aniy cnaiienge about ms is to SP1 was man i\ was nal «nine in me bag. SP1 denied inie suggsslinri. Upon lunher scnniny or {he cmss—m<amInal\on on this Issue, I bund [Hal counsel did no| 5|-19965! a| all that the IC was surrendered by SP2 to SP1. I lound (hal SF2's evidenoe must be scrulinised Galdully as she, admiltedly, was an A SIN \IyZBMRUAE:7RMIUI1D ‘ «-we e.n.i be used m mm s. nflmnnflly sun. dun-mm VII .num WM! 1m in 15 an mtalerstad wnness. sne pleaded wun me police not |o arrest her brother as sne was genmg mamas! Tnere men he a good or Imporlanl reason why sne said mat. Tne Cnun tonne met her ewuence about «akmg me Appellanvs \c from N5 wane: was an aitarlhuught and ply unbehevable as SP1 was nevererossexernuned abuullms wnen n was pm to sm mac lhe Appensnrs sister was present at the scene, sun msagreea In «nis suggestion. n was pm to SP4 that me Appeuenvs sister lock um the we and gave n to SP1 and ne darned n. SP4 was adsmam lhal the \c was taken out from F14. [30] The Oourl refers In cne ease of Lima Slow Long v PP[1n1o]1 ML! 40 and PP v Than-aaran A/L Mumgan [21111] 3 ML] 323. FarI\cu\ar1y in Llnw Slaw Lorry‘ was scaled‘ - u .s amen |n nccepl max suggesflon mu w a wnness Vs shown In be e relalmn enne deceased ms evidence Vslahvled Tesumorvy amuse re:-Vauons Vs nn xamlsd .r n Vs nthenwfse rehable n «ne sense ma| «ne wnnessee am oumpe«en( wrmesses we wake at one scene 0! me ueeunenee and eenxe have seen vmal had Happened. But n n n plvwd am "my an um -minly dlslnluul-d wilnlslnl, . lhny ... Iilhur er me complallunl M an In lny wny . . :1 to me nccuud, than men hatlmuny lllllnmd and raqnires conobornflon Inn be semen upnn [Emphasws added] [31] n was very dsarlhal PW2 was nm an snuraly msnxeresxee wnness. Tnerevene, her evidence must be treated wnn cannon and rsqmred corroboration we be aclem upnn. x fuund lhat SP2‘: evmence am not hold much Value The nun-dirsc1\anIhatSF2 was an interested wnneea did not resun in a tenure at the proseculvorv case because she had made the correct findings 01 (act that possession had been proved despne cnnmcflng evreenee gwen by sin, spa and en a certain extent SP2 N\|yZBMRUAE:7RMIUl1D *5 Nuns s.nn n-nhnrwm es used m mm s. nrwhuflly mm: dun-mm wa mum Wm 11] Zn zs [:21 SP1 and SP4 gave oonllicling evidence ahuul ins IC whether iiwas lakenlmm ihe bag or eisewhsrs. i found ihai SP4‘sevidenoein\I1is vegard was nnl so crucial such ihai in would iesiiii in ihe aoiispse ihe prusecmiun case. ii appeaieii ie nie imni me neies cl evidence ihsi SP4 gave evidence based an the paiiee report ‘Edged by SP1 lhal was (OH in him by SP1; In which il was stated the III was found In [he bag P14. And so, he would not ‘budge’ (turn his stand [:43] Esseniieuy, we point to note is mac n we evidence of SP1 ihai he asked ierihe IC «mm the Appeuani who men took il ouuicin his wallet‘ aha ihai iheie was no reason wriy SP1 woiiid frame him, the svldenzze slnad ihaiihe is was oiiiaineii bySP1.am1 not by SP2, lmm the Appeueni himseii. Daspiie me discrepancy of we piece of eviaeni-,e between SP1 and SP4. iiiis coiiii lound ihai iiie black FVLA backpack (F14) aanieining iris drugs was seized lrom ihe Appeiiani The coim agieea ihai with me findings of the SCJ that the pmseculiun had pmvsd upon a maximum einiiiieiien oiihe evidence iheiine Appellanl had adual pusssssirm DHIIG bag and iis conienis and ihsi he knew what they mnienis were, i.e. dangerous drugs [34] In [he uflen-cllsd case ul Chan Pun Mon v PF [1956] MLJ 237 whale Thumsnn J. saia iiiai "possessian“ lnr ins purposes of criniiriai iew imaives pnssessiun nsen — which seine aulhamies ierm "custody" or "conimi" — and knewisdge M019 iiaiiiie at ihe mmg possessed. As to possession iiseit he cued the loiiuwing deriiiiiipn in Stephen’; Digesf(9th edn, p 304), in which ihe exclusive eienieri: ineniiuned by Tayiar J appears: ‘A muveablelhmg is said (0 be mine possession eia person when he Is se sMuz|ed wiiri iespeai ia ii inni us has ins powdvlo ueai wiih ii as vwnur in \lyZBMRUAE:7RMIUl1D ‘“ Nuns s.n.i n-vihnrwm as used M vafli he eniiniiiy MIN: dnunmnl n. nF\uNG WM! s in in 15 an 15 in ms exciusxm 0? an umev DGISDHS, and when the simunismness sie such mas he may be pvesumnd is imam In flu sis in mse of need: [35] In the case oi shah lrwan run v. FF as Anochsr case [2013] 1 LNS :71‘ Balls Yuscf Hi Wahl JCA s|atedlhelnl|i1w|ng: -hue Khal ins evidence of spa and 5m, bath at wnem ass pmsesisish wimessea and both are nouns amceri. em me kaamsd JD was very I:2|veM in dealing wim mess Mo wrtnuiiss en lllalrmsllmnnias as is me me M me informal. AI pages 115- 115 OHHE sepesi seem in avnrsciaimw ins svidsnce in mass Iwu pmsaculinn wnnasseai Her Ladysmp has em a caution neon... aaaseune lheir evidence and sisied as mudws: ‘Bums?-A and smweie pence wilnesses and inenevidsnee wss naflnhammly imemeanie Fnllawlnw PP v Menainea Au n 3521 1 1- NS129,[(9€Z] MN 257 and appned in nninauimnan. Orig V an [army 3 cu guy [may] 1 LNS1130;|2n‘iD]7 MLJ 175, ca, such evidence snemd al his: insianss es accspled unless shaken in Doss-examnnamn ur cnnvnditled by ather evidence -nsess wssa conlvidlcdnnn In ms pmaseusisn use sa aiseusssd lbovn um I did um llndlhn sanissdicuona w serious as In shuns nl sach mhss sueh lhil ms psasecuuen was loll win: no "a1 |'burI was no suuulstlml that man had burn my csissiesuas. by snssa whmisasi ws no no! rind anylhmg mass with ms Ippwldl and ms Cuflcluliun ssssnaa by Ihe ieamsd .u:" [Emphasis added] [36] There is one ouher Issue whiuh was raised by the Appeilani mat it did not make sense (or him to just wait «hens in be anesied with a bag 0! dmgs and his ic VI it when he could have easily (hruwn me bag away to avoid anes1. The Court has considered this submissiun by the Appauani as against the weight a! evidence adduced by «he pmsecunun and delenoe In me case of isannpsihy all Rnngsaamy v PP [1993] 2 MLJ 577. the noun heid. -ii needs |o be Vemambarsd «nan hawaviv weak s devense may be, via: mam bulng ludgu ofholhllcl-n-1 Ilw shsssd sssxinamusn aside IM dlhllcu on Ch: esaia lhll me pmaseuuos wmiesses su to bc DI vud Ind nmlhl dflinbhwhen me iaw caeva IM onus nlulvlng N\lyZBMRUAE:7RMILAl1D " Nuns s.n.i IIIVVDIVWN be is... m mm s. nflmnsflly minis dun-mm VII snum WM! In uxplxnlilun liven .n Iccnued nelson. an the cxvlanalnon il glvnn. which in consimniwnn innmnu, in. com I: duty bnunn ha Dunaldlr vmelher ll inigm reasonably ha inn, xlmuuqh nut cmivlnctd of II: mm. on the issue 07 the cuur\‘s duly In mmidm me 5 i1elance.meage4>\d dacislon in Man up [may MLJ us i! am: gand iaw as ilwas men. This isvaiimu by the Suplema Court in Mflhamad Radm nin Yaakoh V PF[1991]3 MU iav. [Emphasis added] [37] This Coun Vuund mm the SCJ um nut misdllecl herseii in law and W! (am when she wnsidered me delence afisr applying ine aimvemenuoned cases wmai are still good law. The case of PP v. Mohd Radxl ain Abu Eakar [aims] 5 ML! 393 discussed ins meaning :2! prime rams case and I5 ii defence n. called, ins cinssic case oi Mal v PPI1963] 1 MLJ 25: is |o be apphed in that case. the Federal coun held: “in this connm:1inn,caunseHar|he apneiiani had mlevved in us me can .71 pp V Snimm & Dr: [1971] 2 MN 16 where5harmaJ nniainaninminiy ID a! line deience does mi reilsve me pmisculiun «mm waving |he umss|:u(inn‘s case beyond reasonania aaum w. an of in. V m um whlnlvll n criminal can dlcldud on in. buls oi in. mnh nflhe prasaculh-an‘: can as IV :1 en. mmy 9! in. dfllnu swam n vlal inane must in iccnvdnncn wllh an nrinelnln lilu down 25 ll! uni vppnmi i MLJ zna go om mp iumm boron convicting Ihn accund by nu due mnshiernllun as in why in. dnkncv slum though could not he belleved. did not Hill: a nasonabll dnum n in nnmciniun use. Thus. mn llwugh n Judgu dun nm nccem or bi lhn minus-s lxplanntiun, in. lccullfl must not be an mnvi-an: urml (M court in n mm in! lnfllclanl rl an um such nxvlanallom am not can nnlnnnbll doubl in in» pros-cuiinn am To x fy was it nnl an much (III woms um by «M |udgI but mhnnhe mun: npniic-non on». last to (M facts min. an that innnm. in this case, we found than (M nlmud man mg. as mama pncllcnlly nu Mum: why mu dnhnu. nolwllhxundlng ilx hlslty anu unconvincing nalun, nun mm lo cal ullanlhll duulm in ma pros-cinlnn can 01?!" Khan in xhll lay my in us «Me. {In duty pllcnd by in. law on Ihn dnhncl m Jul nn icqnlml.” ID [Emphasis added] n “‘ nan Sum ...n... wn be HSQG m mm in ninnin MVM5 dun-mm n. AFVLING mm .n IS 1. an [33] Tne Court also relerred to the case oi Ali Ian Bin Ahdullah v PP [zany 2 MLJ an which stated that prooi beyond reasonanie doubt does not mean proof beyond the shadow of doub| (see Mlllu v Minimr cl Pensions M471 2 All ER :72). Evan umugr. me benefit of evsry reascnabie doubt musi be given in me accused and cannot be wimheiu Irom him. me cuurl must nm, on the mher hand, enlenain ii on grounds which are ianciiui or VI me nalure oispecuiahun (see Public Fwsecutol v Salmin a. On [1911] 2 MLJ16). [39] In All mi sin Abdullln (supra), me appeiiaie coun heia: ‘[251 Ind .a. ...... .1... I u. wmmina 3 hue story of immunm. xuch .. ... I111 ollht vrcum us. e.......i ....a....i lo nasnnnblu duubi. the noun‘: acndnrtincn um. nxnlanation nmnu by ... ancunfl pmun must bu baud upon nasal! and conunen sen.-. and cannnl n. lllonlcal .. .....i.....i 11.. .. ....e. oi nuallalslu mm In dupundum up... Ihl mmllty ulttvl .. ...=. and on un . ....i...u.... mi: in. ..i.:...e. in Hair ...a missomble mnnner ...a rim .. lsolnlnn. In the pveserd case. ine learned Jc in hlsludwueni had very meflculausiy otmsiflered me delslwe at me appeiiani The learned J!) was sshsnea Ihal me apgeiiani had «aim in cast any reasonable cum on ma prosecution‘: case and that Ills charglr WIIB waved menu reamnahl: dnubl We are .n mnmiei. agreemelI|wllh ine lumed JG WE are salisfied |hn| lhe ieamed JC had um misiflreclefl ..........n in any way In occasion an ecmr mine. an lhe law av ine iznls In WEFYIM meiime inleflerenrxe We ..e unanlmnus [hat Ihe ieamsd .15 had nut made any wrong inferences on me «am. pen». him. we iuunu nu menis In this apneai We aeoeminniy dismissod ms appsai and avnnnea lhe ounviclions and sanlences an mm Ina =..=.g...- [Emphasis added] [40] The SCJ did no: believe his expianaiion and «ha: in did not raise a doubt in her mind as to his gum. she iouna that the defence was a bare deniai and an anennaugni. The sm had appiiea me cause: pnncipiej i e a maximum evaiuaiiun nflhe pmsscuiion case and delance case. and Donsidered Mn v PF (supra) and found that me defence am I9 N .4... Sum ....... M“ be .5... .. mm .. .n.i..u-y MVM5 dun-mm VI] munc pm... in 1D not raise a reasonable doupt on the prosecution case. Hence, the prosecution has proved its case peyond a reasonable doubt. on the whole‘ this court too did not believe the Appellants explanation and that explanation did not raise a reasonable doubt in my mind as to hra puilt. [41] The evidence were overwhelming agalnsl the Appellant and this court agreed with the llndings and rationale at the sc.l whom had the panent oi observing the derneanour oithe witnesses pelore hen Having said that, the court did not see it lit to disturb the flrldlrlg ol guilt against the Appellant. This court alllrmed the convicuoris recorded against the Appellant as proper and sale in tight at the evidence against hirri. The appeals EgalVI§|COVIVil71lD|'l were aooprdlngly dismissed. Appeal ana sg gin Q [42] on pehall oi the Appellant, it was submitted that the SCJ had used the wrong considerations in applying the pnneiptes at senlenclng The total sentence oi imprisonment was actually 7 years almmlgh there were 3 charges against the Appellant as they were made to run concurrently Thls court noted that he would he whipped a total at 16 stmkss oi the mtan ll the epnulctlons are upheld (reduced pylhta court item 20 stmkes). [43] The DPP replied that the sentences were apt and the SCJ had considered all lactprs and decided that public interest was the clveni ng oonstderaliorl in the prsenl case as against the interest of the Appellant The plea in mitigation was that the Appellant was a hrst ofiender, he was caring tor his elderly mother and that ha had repented while in prison. in llyZBMfiUAE:7RMIlJllD -use s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be used is mm has nflnlhhllly MIME flnunvllnl wa nFlt.lNG Wflxl I5 1:: THE APPEAL [51 ll is lrlle law me: an appellale own would be slow to dls1urb me llrmlngs or me xriel mun unless mere had been errors ol law or teen, mlsdlrectian or nan-dlrectinn or rnsumerenl luulplsl eppreclellen egelnsl me welgnl plme evidence adduced. Ths lnel paurl weulu have me benelll of seelng and hearing are wllnesses and iherelare of essesslng melr credi ty Lai Kim Han a. on v. PP [wall 1 ML! an (FC); Fubl|c Prosecutor v. wun Rauli Kusslrn [1970] 1 ms 121: (191012 MLJ 79. [6] Hence, an eppellale coun has to scrullnlse me grounds o1 appeal and delermlns whe|hermey are supporlsd py me evlderrpe in me rewms rrereur which wlH pe relerrsu lo lrl srren lorm es RRJ1, RRJ2, RRJ3 and RRJA The appeal agalnsl eerwrcllorr and senlence uanleureu a numper pl grounds es staked in me Pelilinn emppeel ln RRJ1. Haweuer, el me hearing. counsel ler lhe Appellant pursued appruxlmalsly 5 lssues mac ppuld be summarised es lolluws l. possession and opnlrol lol me drugs) u. the Drosecullon was bound by xnelesuruony or us own wurress lll lrreerrsrslerrclee in the Appellant’: evidence Iv. pcssesslorl olthe bag (P4) u. serzure plrhe car KBF 9139. [7] R! the Pflma fade Stage for a charge of possesslon cl drugs, the prosecution must prove the fullclwing ingredients .. that lhe Appellam had actual possesslon cflhe dings: u that me Appellenl had krmwledge olme drugs: and m. the drugs were pl lhe lypes listed lrl the Flrsl Schedule 01 me DDA 1952. ru llyzamwmiavfimuullu -use smsl n-vlhnrwm be used m mm s. mrmrr-r mm: dun-vlnrrl VI] urlum pm [44] In regard to me ‘one nransecnan rule“ prxncxme because the 3 charges salisfied me cntana 91 pmxArm|y 0! «me, praxnmny ov plans, ccn\ImMy ar ecnun and conllnmly of purpose or das\gn as scared m Bnchik Abdul Rahman v PF [2004] 2 cu 512, hence me SCJ imposed 5 concurrent terms The weamed Conn av Appeal Judge in that case he\d mevouuwmg A The exercise nhhe msmeuanmaenemme me date an x>ommencemsn| cl me sentence 0! Vmvllsonmem Vs aspenaam on the vaas and cwcumsmncas 0! each me. In a- Ifllnu whllhnv flu Iumu M m lmprlionmunl mum In oonuculivl or cumm-nu .1 ....m... an. 42.. Conn mu 5. nu .4 by m. unl Iunsucliun nu. mu m. lmnlily prInc|p|I.PulsunM|a me one uansaclmn rule whevelwaormme eflevmes are oummixled mm mmeeorasingue vansacunn an semencesm respeu oi lhese oneness shown he ooncunem rathevman wnseculwe (see R v .5 Se/eemI195¢lCnm LR 4e2- R v. we/sn [1 gas! Cnm LR 245) Far mm to In an. Iunsacuon tum - -ms mun bu pr-um. mm is m ..y, pmxmny M um-. pr-mmily vi mm, uznlinuily nl lcliun um cnmmuIlY ufvurpnu :1! design 1... Jlylrumln A Dr: VvPPH979l1 ms :1: [ma] 2 mu an; Amllu Ln! mm -1. Empemuz Ca| m 957; cm» Cnoy V. pp 119551 1 ms vr. [1:55] MLI zany. Yhe mve. mum, It not ibsoluh. As Yong Purvq How 54 and m Kanavasunmarim v. PF'[IvE2I1 sm 31 at p on Thu Engllxll com. um Mcogniud mm Ihu: ..e . men. whim connculivl ..m...m m neeunry m -fiscaurafle the 2; W of =.amm.| condnu helnfi Punished: see a v. F-ulknorllifll sa cups R sum V. Wheatle}/[RN15 crlnv R (51 417 and}? v. sumrnm) 5 Cr APII R (5) we. run awhllcablllly ul 2:. -xc-won vs ms in an-ma on m. mm M an nu and m. c umlhncu ullill .m...e.. u 15 xvatad m an broad and glnsvalmmzlnd ahhnugh may be mmmea «vague n \s meuanny \n such Isms m mder mm me senlenoer may muse an nvhmnfiale sentewe Vn each nsmcular case upon each Den\cu\aralfemeral the Dafllcmav Mme lhe case ws heavd -. [Emphasws added] [45] In one onermceu case of Govlndnan cmnden Nan v PP [1993] 2 cu am m respecl ml taking into aooounl punnc mleresl wnsmeyeuen in 21 N xlyzamwmzavfimuunu we Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm JD zu lhe principles oi seniencing and usinnn Bin Juinnsen v PP [201 51 MLIU 1352 me coun oi Appeai sinned: ‘In me exercise er nis discretionary Duwer ine senieneinu mace rnusi apniy nis mind In ine Vaclual malnx oi ine case In oiner words‘ me sentence Dassed mus! reieie Io me iac|s and circurnevanmaieecn case -. [45] uisnure e senience Passed by a lower court unies s maniiwiy Wrong In me sense ei being mega: or uneuiiabie Io ine proved Vials and eimurnsianees: PP v Moiiamoe Nor 5. Or: [ ma 2 ML! zoo in is (rile iaw inai an appeiiaie eeun weniu be slow lu inienere or [47] Having ucinsidsrsd an iaciors in me iniiigauen en eenieneei inns ceun viewed that me son had conducted a balancing exercise on me cumpefing inieiesi bemeen me pimiie and me Appeiianrs PF v Lee cimon Fm [1976] 1 ms 102 Annougn me 3 charges min bring a maximum oi 40 years, she imposed uoncurrsnt senieneee upon me Appenani which coma be considemd as being on me Iowerside given inai he had been ieuna in possession iii 3 types ei dangerous drugs and the case had gone on with iuii men and a ieiai ois piesecuiion wiinesses were called to iesmy in mm [45] ceun nduud iii. whipping Nevenneiees, given inai me Appeiiani was a nrsi crflender, the posed uynie SCJ in rlsplcl oniie second and mlrd onargu only. In nilecn ine minimum oi 3 strokes 01 Ch: mun uch. The punisnrneni at 10 snakes or me man for me iirsi cnarge is mainiained. The coun did nei inierieie wiin me irnpnsonrneni ienne of 7 years, 5 years and Syears to he served coneunenily Tne com nae aise mnsidsred ine principie in Pundxkwl Ray: v. Abdul mum lsllak a. saw Lagi [2011] 9 cu 559 where me ceun ei Appeal neie inai 22 in iIyZaMfiu4Ea7RMui.iIiu -nee s.n.i MU be used e mm we niimruflly MVM5 dun-mm via .nene WM! possessiurl nl a large ainuunl a! any lann of pmmmlea drugs must cammensuvale with me sanlanca in be passed on ma peculiar law; oi each case 5 cancluslun [491 Premlsed on me above, the Com did not lma any %nor of last or law such l|1alWDLl\d]IJS(WydlSlUlDlng|hel>0rNiC\I07l5 Vllhe 2 cases against ma Appellanl. Hawsver, ma Court had iaaucea Ihe number of wmppings by reducing the tale‘ number cf slmkes [ram 20 (0 V6 ID Appeal against cunvirliun dismissed. Appeal agalnal senlancs partly allowed, Dated 15 November 202: “ W / NOOR RUWENA EINYI MD. NURDIN Judicial Commissioner Hlgn com 0! Malaya. nlping Roms ta on 1; I-'arIhoAppcIlant: Ml. Varpnl slngli AIL Meilomier Slngh (VBGK) Varpal Q Assoclatn, Talplng an Fnr the Rnspondcnl: DPP Mend. wally Bin Ismail Pnllnm Tlmbalan Pulldakwa Raya Negeri Ferak. Taiping lNllyZBMRUAEa7RMlllJl1D -ma Sum IHIVVDIY will be HSQG m mm ua nllmrullly MIN; glam. VII mum mm In 1D 15 PRosEcu‘HON CASE [3] aomrdmg m ma pmeaeuuon werelhat me on 29 2.2020 al1.30am a team The prosecution caHsd s witnesses to prove W5 case The «acts of puhoe olfiuers namely FW1, FW4 and 2 others were making thew cnme prevermon rounds at PPRT Kampung Sangkul, ljck In Batu Kurau on their motorcyds when may saw me suspect (mm was later manunee as me Appeflankj behaving suspmmusly by me ruadsids aflsr gettmg out at his car WWI the engine stiH runmng SP1 saw the Appellant huldlng a black backpad( SP1 was the first I0 reach the Appellant He tnnk cut his authority card and menhfied Mmsefl as 8 poliueman tn the AppeHarIl. He did not ly tn run away. A physical many search was conducted an me Appeflant but wt was VIBgatlVB. As soon as the other policemen amved at lhe spot where they were mm standmg, they surrounded me Apoeuem and SP1 mspeclsd the b\ad< FILA backpaw whwch was seized (rum the Appeflant (P4). From mm" me middha part of ma black FILA backpack, SP1 Iound 3 transparent plastic packets ounlammg drugs suspected la be harem and melhamphetamme He iflsofuund the AppeHant's idsntwty card, a d\g|Ia|we1ghIng scale (P6), 5 mourned mass bottle fur drug eanaumpmn (P5) and a lighter m me sams bag (F7). The Appeuam and mgemer wwth ma items seized «mm hum were brougm back to me lbu Feiabat Pohs Daerah Selama, Perak UPD Smama). Throughout the attest and ioumey back to the \PD,SP1 had uustody oflhe drugs and other nerns seixed [91 At me ma, 5?: lodged a police report as per Rsdang Panjang Report 132-we/zo (marked as mm. The Appellant and the items seized were handed ever to (he Investlgahcn Offiuer Vnsp Kamarm Ariffin Bin Kamaruzaman qspa). spa weighed the drugs and recorded me gross weight as 500 grams cl herom and 25 grams of methamvhetamine. IN \IyZaMwu4E:7RMu\.mu ‘Nata Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; ..a mmmy MIME dun-mm VIZ nF\uNG wrm 15 Tespeclively. SP1 and SP5 marked the drugs and other items seized with lheir awn maI‘kH’I§S SP1 completed and signed the Borang aengkar and Eorarlg sersh Tenma Barang Kes. The Appellant disputed that he signed lhe Borang Eangkar which was later marked in earn as P1. The Edi-ang serah Teriiria Earang Kes was signed by SP5 and later markm in eaitrt as P2 [in] The SCJ was satisiied mat the chain oi evidence in regard to the exhibits had not been brvken where sl=i held on to the drugs irorri the lime they were seixed until they were handed over to spa, SP5 kept them under lack in his oinae until they were senl lo the chemistry Depanmerll In lpoh. There the Chemist, Faznur»Axllah Elnli Mahmud (SP3) received‘ kepland analysed the drugs and prepared the Laporari Kimla aooerdingly The Resil Klmia and Lapnran Kimia both had the same report number 2U— FR-Av01B9Q and were marked as P15 and P13, respecllvaly Nlhclugh SP3 was challenged Ihal the $<hibitS were not the same which she received irorri sl=5, she was consistent in her answer and identified the drugs positively. The drugs were iound lo eonlain 14.1: grams oi Melamnhelamlrie, 3.4 grams ei Herein and io.2 grams oi Menoaoetylniorhahines. The neh weight oiihe drugs lorrried the basis ier lhe 3 amended charges againsl Ihe Appellant [11] Upon a maximum evaluaiien ol me evidenoe helore ihe CCHAVL the SCJ iound mat the Appellant had aclual physical possession or the drugs in PM and knowledge oi the said drugs The ccurl was satisiied that the prosecution had proved a prirna iaeie case against lhe Appellant on all 3 charges and called lor his deiense. The Appellant was explained the 3 cholcss and he chose to give sworn evidenoa. He was the sale witness idr the deienee case and relied on the evidenoe at his sls|ar. spz iNllyZBMRUAE:7RMILlI1D 5 -we s.n.i n-vlhnrwm be used M mm as nflnlhnllly MIME aa..i.i. wa nFluNG WM! THE DEFENCE CA§E [12] The delence case can be summarised as 1u||l7ws' r. on me night allne srresl. al l1,:lo pm me Auuellanl went I»: s nls (nerld’s house ln Kampurlg Keriarlg. Hls menu was known as Farnan: at 1 so am l=arnan asked me Appellanl la lake ms car (KEF 91 39) and to go buy some load‘ me Appellanl told Faman ne wanted lo gu norna llrsl lo Oaks so a shower; IV. me Appellanl drove me car In his house and passed by a warurlg ksdal makan by me slde oflne mad: v. ns saw 2 policemen In urnlarrn an lns wan/ng kedal makan: VL ne drove on urml ma luncllon la hls kampurlg and saw 3 15 molorcyolas behlnd mm but did run know who were me momrcycllsls; allar auosoo rnelres, he saw (hey were sllll mowing him arm men ne knewlhey were policemen, he SVDPDSU the car wlthnul being asked and one L/Kpl Hafiz In came to the drivefs side bu! dld nnl ldenlfly himself as pohce, IX ma Appellanl sand ne wlll cooperate with Ihem: x spa came In me from passenger side, openeo me door and sat beslde hlml xi. SP1 arrwefl at the drivsfs side and lmmedralely handwfled 25 the APPfi||an\ without him knawlng the reasnn why he was belflg arvesled, Xli. ne was told (0 come oul of the car an slano beside the drivefs side: IN lIyZBMfiU4E:7RMuLlI1u -we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m mm .. nflnlnnllly MIN: glam. VI] .nunc pm so zn xiiw, L/Kpl Hamz cnnducled a physical check on me Appellamwmre SP4 searched ma passengev side; xw. enareaner LIKpl Harm lmmd a black FILA bag “a: alas lanlai belakzng alas kusyen belakang"; xv UKp| Hafiz gave me black bag to sun the Appellanfs sister (SP2) amved at IP15 scene and asked xvi wny he was being arremsd the Appsllanl replied he dud nnl know wh xvui. me watch and a silver bangle were taken and ms wallet remevad lmm me back pocket at his pants, xix SP1 and SP4mspec1edlhe cunlsnl ol the black FILA bag on me hamlet of lhe car wmnom snowing mm as content: xx A pohoe car cams and look mm |o me IPD [131 It was also me delenoe case, n eroaaexaminauan ollhs Appellant, mm when he smppsd me car, there was a house neamy, wmcn he referred to as Na. 2-1. He saw a woman known as Jone. a swslzr uf ms menu, Mao was playing with her handphone m lronl cl lhs house The police told Jane |o gal min the house, The mierenoe that the delenee Mshed the court to draw was that he was framed for the drugs lound H’! me car and me police did not warm any members nf lhe public In wuness what may were doing there The Appellanl alsa dispuled the pnmograpns Isndarsd by the police which showed the place where they conduclsd the mspecliun: the Appellant alleged ¢ha| none onne phoxograpns showed (he acme! place mare ne was arrested The Appenann sawd nis sisler earns ID know about his arvesl from men brmher. He Iold Ihe DDUVK that Fame?! has since lzfl lhe village to find wurk elsewhere and did ncl know where he was. He Sflld Che Car might belong lo Farhan‘s s\sIe( bu! he dld nut knaw me name ol Famens lather. 7 !NllyZBMRUAE:7RMIUl1D ‘Nata em be used m mm n. nflfllnnllly mm: dun-mm wa .nuNG wrm [141 After hearing and wevgmng his swasnca, the sm cancmded (ha! H18 delenoe was 3 bare denial 171 the pmsecmion case and did nm rinse any rsasnnalfls doubt at an. The Appellant at me usvsncs stage had suddenly given the names oi characters whom were not meumonea at an 5 dunng the pmseculiun case. Therelore. me sea «me that me names of Jcjle and Farhan were an aflenhoughl and envy brought up allhe defence stage an wave that he am rm! Know about the drugs and to dissociale him (mm the drugs lound m the black FlLA bampack max he was holdmg at [he ume 07 (he anest. These can be SBBI1 in the Una M quesliomng as m Inflows: ‘ pa Selevasinfl ow Ad!k say: henanyz keoada ssys 'iabab apa ahlng xsns |angk3p’l' Saw man says uaak lzhu.5=¥ilmuKuye<n[Znkm1.n flan Kane!-al us Hawulmanelah mlmarlksa hug gsxss Ienehm nu ma: benelhahaglun belakzng kaleta (sup: snyn mm apaapa yang ada dalam beg mssm we Kamu Mak lmal nsngsunm m on fidak mm Valvusuw can meruka pun Imnk lumuk spa dalnm 1799 Hu vs. sswspss mm on: sewspas nu Kaparal Havmlmal datanu kavada says dan msmmvs kad psngsnsxsn snya. Lalu seya memnsnuanu kad penganalan ssys Had: :5 9363 says Aflxk pemmpuan saya benlzhu yang kad pengunalan say: sas pads as man adlk pnvampuan saya huka hag dnmpal says din nsnkan no psngsnsxsn ssys kspada Knpef-ll Hailulmm :3 mm mm. km beg nu aux... mlhkkzmu lap! pans kala ma puagenamn kamu her-ada flalam ruann lsngah beg nm em; llu ssys Husk Iahu. Apa yang pssn asn belulnyu km panglnnhn s.ys (Man msuvahkan kepafla Kaps-sx Nmmlmal ole?! amx perempuan says as sendm mg usmsms Nov wssmsn mma Shamsudm Jika belul kad pervganalan uya hands dalam beg Iersebuh uasu muilalm kaa penganilan Iiyl dlleliklmn dxflam bag Lavsahulunluk meuguaflxan lag: msneka punya kes sw \IyzaMwu4E:7RMuLmu ‘ “Nuns smsw be used m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm y.. muNG pm .5 an [15] Ilwas «he defence case loo that SP4 had some lssuss wun nlm ln lne pas1 wnlon was alleged In be in mnnecliun wlm lne Appellanfs purporled drugs-relaled a a personal level, SP4 uld rlal nave any problems wiln nirn. He also agreed 5 However, me Appellant agreed cnal an that neimer lne elner 3 palloemen had any reason lo lrame him [16] The defence also tried lo Vales doubt on the proeeeulion ease by laklng me line or quesllunlng that me drugs were leuna IIV ma car and which was why me no oe selzed me car However, lne SCJ lmmd thal SP6 nad explalned me car was selzad a law days aflerlhe arrest and nut imrrledlalely as the drugs were lounu wilh me Aphellanl wna was holding me bag and nut ln lne ear. The wilnees also lolo me coumhal me car was sslzefl under lne Dangerous Drugs (Fcrlellure ol Propenyl An was based on lnlennalmn reeslveu max ll naa been used ln drugs-relaned amlvlnes ln the past; albell nol In connection wlm lne arves1 ol lne Appellant. SP5 lesllfied that the carwas nm selxed by SP1 because lrom nls lnvesllganon, l( had naming to do wiln me me l.S. lne drugs were not lnund In me tar as alleged by me Appellant, SP1 tasli Isd lnal vvlanurul ape yang dlpe/alarf. Ilka kereta /aun den" suspsk darl ksnela man balan disirisjlka lidak ada barallg kes myumpai da/am kerelaf. [17] finally, Ihe SCJ slalea ln lne gorunds 0! Judgment ner opservalion as follows. -[as] Selaln nu, xaya ma rnanuapall psmbalnarl yang dikemukakan nleh Tenuduh pemeamman Ferbezun luga hnleh alllnal damn xelerangan Yemduh bemuhurla lemval penemuarl baa sanaang hemp bslwama Hiram .enarna ‘FlLA' [ekslbll Fl] Tenuduvl msrlgatakarl hag binding blrzip berwarrla mum panama 'FI|A“ [Mulhll Palyang ulleukkan alaalanlamelakang alas xleyen Delakarla sedannkarl peguamhela mengulakarl hag sarldarlg lmakrlyfl alas lanlal Dada banaylarl Iempal duduk vsnurnpanu nsaapan el klrl telvluat duduk Dfimarldu n l:yzaMnu4:=rnn.unu Nuns Smal In-rlhnrwlll be used M mm ms nflnlnallly ml. dun-vlnrrl wa .nuna Wflxl zn an [90] Dalzm nal mi, dlpemallkzn psmbalaan yang dlhenkan elen Tammlm adalall hslbaza-bun dan benllnndeen mengikul kemaarl Pemhelsan secegilll membalenkarl Dlhak rllahkamah mambuai lmmen bahawa seherlamya lenudun llanz pemtzelaall ks alas eenudunan darl k2: ying dlkerlakarl kn alas bollau EVALUATION AND FINDINGS or THE COURT [18] The scws gmunds at ludgmsnl was qulle lengthy and Included chunks olcne notes eleyidenee as well as subm ns afths pmsecuhan and defence. From my perusal ollne sc.l's gmlmds unudgmam, ens had lnomugnly analysed me evidence adduced by me pmseeullen and cmss— axamlnallon onhe prnsecullml wllnsses in crderlo delennlne lne line all delenee el me Appellanl belore calllng upon me Appellenl to defend nlmsell agalrlst lne charges [19] Then she analysed the evldence glven by the Appellant‘ whlch was allegedly suppuflsd by the evldence of his sister, SP2. ln summary, (he SCJ dld not believe me defence case as can be seen ln her arlalysls ln pigfi 8410 116 of the grounds D? judgment (RRJ1). The SCJ had also addressed lne lssues raised by (he delenee as I have summarised earller In lnls Graunds euudgmenl. namely: l possssslm end conlml (dune drugs) pnssssslm el me bag (P4) lli seizure of the car KEF 9139 me pmseculinn baund by lne leslllneny ol lls own wllrless y. lncunsislencles in me Appellenrs evldanoe. [20] The sad had addressed lne Issue 0! nunexlslenee el DNA evldenoe on lne black FILA backpack and transparent plastlc packets wnlcn ene slated was nol lelel (0 me prosecullcn case as may are melely cormhoratlvs evldsnoe. The prosecullorl case does nm collapse ll lnere IN lIyZBMRUAE:7RMul.lIlu ‘° -we Smnl n-vlhnrwlll be used m mm ms nflmnnllly suns dnunvlnnl wa .nune wrul
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Criminal procedure - Appeal against conviction and sentence - Appellant was found guilty on 3 charges of possession of dangerous drugs - Whether Appellant had possession and knowledge of drugs - Whether prosecution evidence believable in light of contradicting evidence by Appellant's sister who was called to give evidence as a prosecution witness - Whether the Appellant's IC was found in the bag containing the drugs - Whether the Appellant's sister was an interested witness Proper findings of fact on a maximum evaluation of prosecution case - Whether defence properly considered by trial court - Appeal against conviction dismissed - Appeal against sentence - First offender - Appellant sentence to 20 strokes of rotan in total - Reduced number of whippings imposed
YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin
15/11/2023 11:03:15 AB-42S-11-09/2022 Kand. 41 S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Aa—¢2s—11—u9/2u22 Kand. 41 ,5, 142023 11vz”- 15 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAVA DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI FERAK DARUL RIDZUAN MALAYSIA RAVUAN JENAYAH NO: ABJZS-10-D9/2022 A As-42s-11-us/2022 [KES NO »Aa-szu-1oa—os/2020 5 A5620-121-owzozn SAHROL BIN SHAIIISUDIN mo. KIP.: 380311086465] . PERAVU v m PENDAKWA RAVA ...REsPoNnEN GROUNDS or JUDGMENT 15 m The Appauam was charged in ma Sessions com for 3 offences ul passessmn mi dangevous drugs under 2 case numbers as lollows - fludu glndnn m A3420-1a:H1s/zoza Bahawa uamu,pa.1a 29/2/zazo Jam lebm kuranq 01.30 Pagw, benampal .1. lepi man war Kzmvung Sangkm. uek. Ham Kuvau Da\am Dasrah Lam! Mmang aan sanama, dalam Negen Perak «even ada flalam mlhkan mu. m2 gram :5 bahan kelman aan semuk wama palang yang mengamungl Mannncelylmammnss O\eh yang dsrmklan kamu Iekah mehakukan salu kesavahan a. hawah saksysn 12(2) ma Dadah Eenbahaya 1952 yang bolah dihukum m bawah Saksyen 39A zzum yang sama In Agfizn-521-In/2020 Bahawa kamu, pm 29/2/znza an Vebm kurang 01,31: Pagl, bafl2mna| a. law ,a:an ppm Knmmmg Sangkm, Imk, aam Kumu Dahm Dauah Laml Mavsng den Sebma dzlam Megan Pevak |aIah ana dalam mmxan kamu 34 gm Hemln Olen yang demlkxan kamu lehh mehkukan saw kesalshan m hawan N Duzwrymxxztzlqwuaisu ma Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy MIN; dun-mm VII mum puns! 15 saksyerl l2l2l Akla nadan Esrbahaya 1952 Yam: Doleh fllhukum dl aawan Seksyerl 59A lIlAk\a yar-9 sama Bahama Kamu. pada zwlzuzo ran. lehlh kumng 01 30 Pigl, herlzmpm dl Iepl lalin went Kammmg sanded um, aard Kunln oalarn Daersh Luml Malang dun Sslamn. dalarn Negarl Pemk lzlah ada dalarn mlllkan kamu U13 gram nlernanrnneranrrne. olen yang demlklan kamu relan melakukan salu kesalahan dl dawan sak5yen12(2)AkIa nedan Eemahaya msz yanp bulsfl dlmlknm dl bawah sensyen 3?/1(HA><Iz we iama.‘ [2] sum eases were neard logelner anne sessions Court ln Taiplng as lney involved me sarne wltnesses and same laa1s.l=or cunvenlenue, l will reler lo me 3 charges as me flrst charge, seoond cnarge and Ihlrd charge, raspeellvely. slanlng WM’! me cnarge in case No AE—62D—103—06/2020 Alter a lull lnal. me Appellant was lound gully on all charges by me sessrdns com Judge lsc.ll and on 2 9.2022 he was eonvieled and senleneed la 7 years’ rmpnsdnrnem end 10 elroxee Mme mlan ldrlne rrrel charge and Syears‘ lrnpnesnrnenl and 5 slrakes ellna rolan larlns second and third charges The imprlsanmenl «arms were lo edrnrnenee lronr lne dale elarresl un 29 2 2020 and In he served eansdrrenlly [3] Prior In lns neanng al Ihe appeal, are Appellant sedgnl lne cudrrs leave to Ne lne Fel on of Appeal um pl Ilme e. aboul 2 weeks after me deadline. The Court allowed me appllcallon slnoe me Denuly Public Pmssculor (DPP) dld nal oblect lo lne applicalron. [4] ladm appeals were neard logelher by one cam on 9.5 2023 on 1 9 2923, I amrrned the convicfians hm varled lne senlenees of me rdtan. Thu 5 nrekes dl man oalzh ler lne suumd and mini enarges were reduced lo 3 slrekas loraach charge The Appellant nas new appealed agalnsl lhe wnple declslorl pl Ihls Conn. This Grounds pl Judgment oonlaln my reasons lor dlsmissing poln appeal Nos. 10 and ll. N euzwryunaunmsee Mme a.n.l n-vlhnrwlll re used m mm ms nflnlrrallly sun. dun-mm wa mane wnxl to Zn 1; % are other uugsnl evidence to establish its ease in perticuiar direct evidence soon as in the present case: Mahendren Arivetsn v PF [2020] 1 LNS 1213; man) ut..iu 1286 cam. [21] The SCJ iurther stated that what was out to the prcseertion witnesses without more cannot be accepted by the com as evidence per se: senieiirt Iain Tumln v PP (201115 ML! 353. she oonciuded that the evidence oi the prosecution witnesses in regard to the hnding oi the oriendine drugs were eredioie evidence. which it unrebutted by the deience wananted a conviction on the charges preierrett The main issue tor oonsideretien was whether the prosecution had proved that the Aopetient had possession eiihe black FVLA backpack (P14) which he held with his right haridius1 beiere SP1 arrested him SP1 admitted that the engine oi the car was still running but denied that PM was ever round in the car. The SCJ iound that the Aopeiient had ectuei pussessioit oi P14 which contained the drugs. By virtue oi the iaet that the 3 plastic|s in P14 were transparent and the ponies oouid cieeriy see the contents suspected to be dnrgs, the SCJ iounti that the Appellant had the requisite knawiedgs ot the opntents of the a transparent oiastie packets. The Appeiiant atse admitted that P14 was the bag that the pohce seized that night although he denied the bag and its contents were his. [22] The SCJ aiso addressed the issue oi the or prosecution witnesses in her grounds oiiudgrnerit The defence submitted there were inatenai oontredtottons among the prosecution witnesses and that they were bound by the testimonies of their own witnesses, to the ex1enI that there a ed two distinct interences and thereiore, the more favourable inierenoe should be drawn by the mun ior the deiense. The SCJ found that the discrepancies in the prosecution witnt§sas' evidenoe SIN D442|PFyMkKz1xlnvmed3u “ -use s.n.i In-vihnrwiii re used M mm me sriiiniiy MIME dun-vinirl v.. nFit.ING Wflxi ID zo % were nor marenal conrrauiciions Ihat were fatal to me pvaseculiun case. The discrepancies only weni io showihauhe prosecution witnesses were noi mached Ia give evidence in mun They gave ewdenee based on meir ve::ollac.1ion ai events: Llm euan Enq v PP [1933] 3 MLJ 769; choarr Slang Guai v PP[1l'I69]2 ML! 53. some were able to give more cierails man oihers. Moreover, the preseouhan witnesses r.a ihe policeman Involved VI the arrest did nnl have any molive lo Ila: FF v shaabarr sin Abdul Rarrrrrrm [1 ans] 2 MLJ 313 aesiues, the SCJ funnel manhere was nothing mhereniiy rneredihle about the evidence man were glven by SP1 and SP4 In respect oi the llrldlng oi the drugs in P14: Moham-d Alias v PF[1lll]1 LN: zno. [23] The Appellant submllled that mere were serious oanlradicllons In the prusecutiun ease regarding «mm where his menmy card no) was lound/taken He claimed that ll’\ElE were 3 different versions in the prosecution case ilsell and Ihelefurs, the Appellant must be acquitted and discharged as me charges had nei heen proved, one versiun was it was iourm in «he middle part 0! P14(SP1 and spa), the second version was that SP1 asked ior the ic Mam rhe Appeiiani (SF'1)and me third vsrsiun was [hat spz look it our «mm the Appellanfs wallet and handed it over io SP1 (SP2). In the police report lodged by SPH, he stated it was found in We bag together with ma drugs. [24] The deienoe disputed the firsl version heoause It was illogical lnr someone Io put his II) VI a bag ooniarnrng drugs and walled fur me police to arrest him. The deienee subminau it was more iogical lorlhe Appellanl to rnrow away PM upon seeing me poliee ream as I| was dark where his car had stopped. Bul ihis coun none: in re-exsnunahon, SP1 ciariiied 'Ssmasa langkapsn drbual saya ieiah mam/nla kad pengsnaian darfpada sw D«2iPryMhKzixn-mmansu “ Nuns s.n.i In-vihnrwlll be used m mm ms nflfllhnllly sun. dnunmnl wa mum wnxi 15 % OKT darl dia keluarkan darfpada beg damper die’. TNS showed that me Avbellarlt was not yel hahdcuwed when SP1 asked in! ms IC and the dormer look 1 oul lrom his wallet. [25] 9 12.2021. Hsr evldencs was hol vary lahglhy. she came lo me place where the Appellant was arrested at Na. 24 PPRT, which was all lapl rumah' around 3 as am. By the lime she amved mere, the Appellant was l will naw address lhe evldenee 0! SP2 who (esllfied lh court on already hanooulleo. she saw a lew polloemen there and she knew 2 ul them whom she called “Pak va' ano ‘Marl’ she pleaded wlzh the police no: lo arresl her brolher as she was gone to get marred soon (presumably he was la be her guardian al me ceremony or that she lusl wanted hlm lo be preeenl al her weddlrlg). In heroraasaxamlhallan, SP2 stated that she took out his wallet and gave the Appellant‘: III to the policeman. She also look his ilver bangle out from hls pocket. The Court also mined that she did not knew much about wha| happened that mght as she had been sleeping prlor tn the angst SP2 stated that her bmther came home In take 2 shower She said "Dia masuk ke Iumah iiu km Masa nu says udur, SH)/N (idsk lahu.. [251 ln ma evldenoe ol lhe Appellant, he stated lhel SP1 asked lur his IC The Appellant said he did not have his IC and than SP2 told them It was with her. Therefore‘ SP2 tank am the IC {mm NS wallet and gave It to SP1. Now, this Court ahservsd that SP2 was um an impnrlant wllnsss because she was nol there when me Appellanl was fllst oetalhed by the police she came laser and that too was aner she woke up lrom sleep; aner gemng a phone call lrom her omer brother. The Court noted man in her examlnatlon In chiet she was He! asked about her taking me am u«2lPryMkKzlxh1m4an3u '3 -we Smnl n-vlhnrwm be used m vafli .. nflmnallly MIN: dun-mm VII nFluNG WM! 10 15 25 as % Appsiianrs IC oul horn his waflet II was puzzling why me p e wuuld iec her handle ine Appellanfs Ic/millet it na had alveady been under anesi [271 The SCJ in ner grounds M iudgmerit addressed inis issue by stating as follows. we» naiam kes wenian V sun. ei Mnhmashlrsi min 7 sec 295. Mahkamah Agung indn mnh mamulusknn hnhawa nuhungari sama sda ari|am mei dengan mangsa nlau derigari Tammuh udax akan sena mena menoemarkari niin xeierangan saksi (ersebm isiapi sebaliknya kalararigari snxsi meshlan dneim secara havrialwiali Mankamah Agung India mzmflllllklfl semi yang Darlklll '|H7ieIravu1:me i. Vmmd In be cnnxis1enln»dlme.|1IeVac\ cl being a I=LI|we canml by nsen discredit ineii avlderiae. in einer WGIGS. me ie\a|mrish\p is nm a iaclor In amen ine qediminy era wnnsss and the mun; have in scnmrilss men evidence rneuauiousiy WM a lime cam " [23] Neverlhelessi inis cum lound inai when SP1 was giving evidence, he was not cmssexamined about SP2 taking his walletoul drain the back pocket and handing over me it: io SP1, In «act, SP1 was uniy asked that SP2 was at me piaoe oi arrest and then me DPP re—examined mm as moms (in page :2 ol the Notes 0! Evidence dated 24.11.2021) “TFR' Semasa pemeriksaan dijaiankari kakak om’ ede hedir di siiu dan Koperai setuiu? SP1. Semasa pamanksaan dibuai, ada orang kampung yang telefon keiuarga om. Kakak OKT yang ieian dalang ke ienipai kajadlanf. [291 Marewer. ins aniy cnaiiengs about ms is to SP1 was man i\ was nal «nine in me bag. SP1 denied inie suggsslinri. Upon lunher scnniny or {he cmss—m<amInal\on on this Issue, I bund [Hal counsel did no| 5|-19965! a| all that the IC was surrendered by SP2 to SP1. I lound (hal SF2's evidenoe must be scrulinised Galdully as she, admiltedly, was an A SIN e«2mum« ‘ "Mme e.n.i be used m mm .. nflmnnflly sun. dun-mm VII .nune WM! 1m in 15 an mtalerstad wnness. sne pleaded wun me police not |o arrest her brother as sne was genmg mamas! Tnere men he a good or Imporlanl reason why sne said mat. Tne Cnun tonne met her ewuence about «akmg me Appellanvs \c from N5 wane: was an aitarlhuught and ply unbehevable as SP1 was nevererossexernuned abuullms wnen n was pm to sm mac lhe Appensnrs sister was present at the scene, sun msagreea In «nis suggestion. n was pm to SP4 that me Appeuenvs sister lock um the we and gave n to SP1 and ne darned n. SP4 was adsmam lhal the \c was taken out from F14. [30] The Oourl refers In cne ease of Lima Slow Long v PP[1n1o]1 ML! 40 and PP v Than-aaran A/L Mumgan [21111] 3 ML] 323. FarI\cu\ar1y in Llnw Slaw Lorry‘ was scaled‘ - u .s amen |n nccepl max suggesflon mu w a wnness Vs shown In be e relalmn enne deceased ms evidence Vslahvled Tesumorvy amuse re:-Vauons Vs nn xamlsd .r n Vs nthenwfse rehable n «ne sense ma| «ne wnnessee am oumpe«en( wrmesses we wake at one scene 0! me ueeunenee and eenxe have seen vmal had Happened. But n n n plvwd am "my an um -minly dlslnluul-d wilnlslnl, . lhny ... Iilhur er me complallunl M an In lny wny . . :1 to me nccuud, than men hatlmuny lllllnmd and raqnires conobornflon Inn be semen upnn [Emphasws added] [31] n was very dsarlhal PW2 was nm an snuraly msnxeresxee wnness. Tnerevene, her evidence must be treated wnn cannon and rsqmred corroboration we be aclem upnn. x fuund lhat SP2‘: evmence am not hold much Value The nun-dirsc1\anIhatSF2 was an interested wnneea did not resun in a tenure at the proseculvorv case because she had made the correct findings 01 (act that possession had been proved despne cnnmcflng evreenee gwen by sin, spa and en a certain extent SP2 N n«2|PFyMxKz1xInm4an3u ‘‘ we snn ...n.Mn es used m vafli n. nnmnnuly mums dun-mm wa nnum Wm 11] Zn zs % [:21 SP1 and SP4 gave oonllicling evidence ahuul ins IC whether iiwas lakenlmm ihe bag or eisewhsrs. i found ihai SP4‘sevidenoein\I1is vegard was nnl so crucial such ihai in would iesiiii in ihe aoiispse ihe prusecmiun case. ii appeaieii ie nie imni me neies cl evidence ihsi SP4 gave evidence based an the paiiee report ‘Edged by SP1 lhal was (OH in him by SP1; In which il was stated the III was found In [he bag P14. And so, he would not ‘budge’ (turn his stand [:43] Esseniieuy, we point to note is mac n we evidence of SP1 ihai he asked ierihe IC «mm the Appeuani who men took il ouuicin his wallet‘ aha ihai iheie was no reason wriy SP1 woiiid frame him, the svldenzze slnad ihaiihe is was oiiiaineii bySP1.am1 not by SP2, lmm the Appeueni himseii. Daspiie me discrepancy of we piece of eviaeni-,e between SP1 and SP4. iiiis coiiii lound ihai iiie black FVLA backpack (F14) aanieining iris drugs was seized lrom ihe Appeiiani The coim agieea ihai with me findings of the SCJ that the pmseculiun had pmvsd upon a maximum einiiiieiien oiihe evidence iheiine Appellanl had adual pusssssirm DHIIG bag and iis conienis and ihsi he knew what they mnienis were, i.e. dangerous drugs [34] In [he uflen-cllsd case ul Chan Pun Mon v PF [1956] MLJ 237 whale Thumsnn J. saia iiiai "possessian“ lnr ins purposes of criniiriai iew imaives pnssessiun nsen — which seine aulhamies ierm "custody" or "conimi" — and knewisdge M019 iiaiiiie at ihe mmg possessed. As to possession iiseit he cued the loiiuwing deriiiiiipn in Stephen’; Digesf(9th edn, p 304), in which ihe exclusive eienieri: ineniiuned by Tayiar J appears: ‘A muveablelhmg is said (0 be mine possession eia person when he Is se sMuz|ed wiiri iespeai ia ii inni us has ins powdvlo ueai wiih ii as vwnur sin DM2|PFyMkKl1xlqviMafl3u ‘“ Nuns s.n.i n-vihnrwm as used M vafli he eniiniiiy MIN: dnunmnl n. nF\uNG WM! s in in 15 an 15 in ms exciusxm 0? an umev DGISDHS, and when the simunismness sie such mas he may be pvesumnd is imam In flu sis in mse of need: [35] In the case oi shah lrwan run v. FF as Anochsr case [2013] 1 LNS :71‘ Balls Yuscf Hi Wahl JCA s|atedlhelnl|i1w|ng: -hue Khal ins evidence of spa and 5m, bath at wnem ass pmsesisish wimessea and both are nouns amceri. em me kaamsd JD was very I:2|veM in dealing wim mess Mo wrtnuiiss en lllalrmsllmnnias as is me me M me informal. AI pages 115- 115 OHHE sepesi seem in avnrsciaimw ins svidsnce in mass Iwu pmsaculinn wnnasseai Her Ladysmp has em a caution neon... aaaseune lheir evidence and sisied as mudws: ‘Bums?-A and smweie pence wilnesses and inenevidsnee wss naflnhammly imemeanie Fnllawlnw PP v Menainea Au n 3521 1 1- NS129,[(9€Z] MN 257 and appned in nninauimnan. Orig V an [army 3 cu guy [may] 1 LNS1130;|2n‘iD]7 MLJ 175, ca, such evidence snemd al his: insianss es accspled unless shaken in Doss-examnnamn ur cnnvnditled by ather evidence -nsess wssa conlvidlcdnnn In ms pmaseusisn use sa aiseusssd lbovn um I did um llndlhn sanissdicuona w serious as In shuns nl sach mhss sueh lhil ms psasecuuen was loll win: no "a1 |'burI was no suuulstlml that man had burn my csissiesuas. by snssa whmisasi ws no no! rind anylhmg mass with ms Ippwldl and ms Cuflcluliun ssssnaa by Ihe ieamsd .u:" [Emphasis added] [36] There is one ouher Issue whiuh was raised by the Appeilani mat it did not make sense (or him to just wait «hens in be anesied with a bag 0! dmgs and his ic VI it when he could have easily (hruwn me bag away to avoid anes1. The Court has considered this submissiun by the Appauani as against the weight a! evidence adduced by «he pmsecunun and delenoe In me case of isannpsihy all Rnngsaamy v PP [1993] 2 MLJ 577. the noun heid. -ii needs |o be Vemambarsd «nan hawaviv weak s devense may be, via: mam bulng ludgu ofholhllcl-n-1 Ilw shsssd sssxinamusn aside IM dlhllcu on Ch: esaia lhll me pmaseuuos wmiesses su to bc DI vud Ind nmlhl dflinbhwhen me iaw caeva IM onus nlulvlng n DM2|PFyMkKl1xlqmAafl3u " Nuns s.n.i IIIVVDIVWN be is... m mm s. nflmnsflly minis dun-mm VII snum WM! ID In uxplxnlilun liven .n Iccnued nelson. ana me cxvlanalnon il glvnn. which in consimniwnn innmnu, IM com I: duty mninn ha Dunsldlr vmelher ll inigm reasonably ha um, xlmuuqh nut cmivlnctd of II: mm. on the issue 07 the cuur\‘s duly In mmidm me i1elance.meage4>id dacislon in Man up {may MLJ m i! am: gand iaw as ilwas men. This isvaiimu by the Suplema Court in Mflhamad Radm nin Yaakoh V PF[1991]3 MU iav. [Emphasis added] [37] This Coun Vuund mm the SCJ um nut misdllecl herseii in law and W! (am when she wnsidered me delence afisr applying ine aimvemenuoned cases wmai are still good law. The case of PP v. Mohd Radxl ain Abu Eakar [aims] 5 ML! 393 discussed ins meaning :2! prime rams case and ii aaiencs n. called, ins ciassic case oi Mal v PPI1963] 1 MLJ 25: is |o be apphed in that case. the Federal coun held: “in this oonnm:1inn,caunseHar0ie appeiiani had reienea (0 us me case .71 pp V Snimm & Dr: [1971] 2 MN 16 where5harmaJ naiainaninminiy a! line deience dues mi reiim me pmisculiun «mm waving |he umss|:u(inn‘s case beyond reasonania aaum w. an of in. V m um winnmi . cflmlnal can dlcldud on in. buls oi in. mnh nflhe prasaculh-an‘: can as Hg :1 en. mmy 9! in. dfllnu swam n vlal inane must in iccnvdnncn wllh an. nrinelnln lilu down ln mi vppnmi i mu m an om ilnp iumm boron convicting Ihn lacuna by nu an: mnshierlllun as In why an dnkncv slum though could not he belleved. did not Hill: a nuonabln dnum n in pnmciniun use. Thus. mn llwugh n Judgu dun nm nccem or bi lhn accin-H‘: lxplanniun, in. Icon:-d must not be mnvlnui unui on court in n mm in! Infllclanl a mu um such nxvlanallom am not can rinlnnnbll douhl in in» pros-cuiinn am To x fy was it nnl an much (III woms um by «M |udgI inn mhnnhe mu-i nppiic-non on». last to (M facts min. an that inmm. in this case, we found than (M nlmud man judg- imma pncllcnlly nu mun why in. amnu. nolwllhxundlng ils hlslty anu unconvincing nalun, nun mm lo cal ullanlhll duulm in ma pros-cinlnn can 01?!" Khan in xhll lay my in us «Me. {In duty pllcnd by in. law on Ihn dnhncl m Jul nn icqnlml.” [Emphasis added] n DM2|PFyMkKz1zlqwNaI3u “‘ nan Sum IHIWDIY wn be HSQG m mm n. ninmin MVM5 dun-mm VII AFVLING mm .n IS 1. an [33] Tne Court also relerred to the case oi Ali Ian Bin Ahdullah v PP [zany 2 MLJ an which stated that prooi beyond reasonanie doubt does not mean proof beyond the shadow of doub| (see Mlllu v Minimr cl Pensions M471 2 All ER :72). Evan umugr. me benefit of evsry reascnabie doubt musi be given in me accused and cannot be wimheiu Irom him. me cuurl must nm, on the mher hand, enlenain ii on grounds which are ianciiui or VI me nalure oispecuiahun (see Public Fwsecutol v Salmin a. On [1911] 2 MLJ16). [39] In All mi sin Abdullln (supra), me appeiiaie coun heia: ‘[251 Ind .a. ...... .1... I u. wmmina 3 hue story of immunm. xuch .. ... I111 ollht vrcum us. e.......i ....a....i lo nasnnnblu duubi. the noun‘: acndnrtincn um. nxnlanation nmnu by ... ancunfl pmun must bu baud upon nasal! and conunen sen.-. and cannnl n. lllonlcal .. .....i.....i 11.. .. ....e. oi nuallalslu mm In dupundum up... Ihl mmllty ulttvl .. ...=. and on un . ....i...u.... mi: in. ..i.:...e. in Hair ...a missomble mnnner ...a rim .. lsolnlnn. In the pveserd case. ine learned Jc in hlsludwueni had very meflculausiy otmsiflered me delslwe at me appeiiani The learned J!) was sshsnea Ihal me apgeiiani had «aim in cast any reasonable cum on ma prosecution‘: case and that Ills charglr WIIB waved menu reamnahl: dnubl We are .n mnmiei. agreemelI|wllh ine lumed JG WE are salisfied |hn| lhe ieamed JC had um misiflreclefl ..........n in any way In occasion an ecmr mine. an lhe law av ine iznls In WEFYIM meiime inleflerenrxe We ..e unanlmnus [hat Ihe ieamsd .15 had nut made any wrong inferences on me «am. pen». him. we iuunu nu menis In this apneai We aeoeminniy dismissod ms appsai and avnnnea lhe ounviclions and sanlences an mm Ina =..=.g...- [Emphasis added] [40] The SCJ did no: believe his expianaiion and «ha: in did not raise a doubt in her mind as to his gum. she iouna that the defence was a bare deniai and an anennaugni. The sm had appiiea me cause: pnncipiej i e a maximum evaiuaiiun nflhe pmsscuiion case and delance case. and Donsidered Mn v PF (supra) and found that me defence am I9 N D«2iPFyMnKz1xh1m4an3u .4... Sum ....... M“ be .5... .. mm .. .n.i..u-y MVM5 dun-mm VI] munc pm... in 1D % not raise a reasonable doupt on the prosecution case. Hence, the prosecution has proved its case peyond a reasonable doubt. on the whole‘ this court too did not believe the Appellants explanation and that explanation did not raise a reasonable doubt in my mind as to hra puilt. [41] The evidence were overwhelming agalnsl the Appellant and this court agreed with the llndings and rationale at the sc.l whom had the panent oi observing the derneanour oithe witnesses pelore hen Having said that, the court did not see it lit to disturb the flrldlrlg ol guilt against the Appellant. This court alllrmed the convicuoris recorded against the Appellant as proper and sale in tight at the evidence against hirri. The appeals EgalVI§|COVIVil71lD|'l were aooprdlngly dismissed. Appeal ana sg gin Q [42] on pehall oi the Appellant, it was submitted that the SCJ had used the wrong considerations in applying the pnneiptes at senlenclng The total sentence oi imprisonment was actually 7 years almmlgh there were 3 charges against the Appellant as they were made to run concurrently Thls court noted that he would he whipped a total at 16 stmkss oi the mtan ll the epnulctlons are upheld (reduced pylhta court item 20 stmkes). [43] The DPP replied that the sentences were apt and the SCJ had considered all lactprs and decided that public interest was the clveni ng oonstderaliorl in the prsenl case as against the interest of the Appellant The plea in mitigation was that the Appellant was a hrst ofiender, he was caring tor his elderly mother and that ha had repented while in prison. 10 SN Du2lPFyMkKztxluvmaA3u -use s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be used is mm has nflnlhhllly MIME flnunvllnl wa nFlt.lNG Wflxl 15 m % THE APPEAL [51 II is true lew me: an appenale own would be slow to dls1urb me llrmrngs or me xriel mun unless mere had been errors at law or teen, misdirection or nan-dlrectinn or rnsumerenl ruulplsl epprecrelren agalnsl me welgru ptme evidence adduced. Ths lnel mun weulu have me benelu of seelng and hearing are wilnesses and therefore of essesslng meir credi ty Lai Kim Han a. on v. PP man 1 ML! an (FC); FuhI|c Prosecutor v. wun Rauli Kusslrn [1970] 1 ms 121: (191012 MLJ 79. [6] Hence, an eppellale coun has to scrullnlse me grounds o1 appeal and delermms wneurermey are supporlsd py me evrderrpe ln me rewms rrereur which wlH pe relerrsu to m srren lorm es RRJ1, RRJ2, RRJ3 and RRJA The appeal against eerwrcuorr and seruence uanleureu a numper of grounds es staked in me Pelilinn emppeel ln RRJ1. Haweuer, el me hearing. counsel rer lhe Appellant pursued appruximalsly 5 lssues mac ppuld be summarised es «alums r. passesslon and ocmwl lol me drugs) the Drosecullon was bound by Xhslesnrnorly or us own wurress rrreerrsrslerrclee in the Appellant’: evlnenee pcssesslorl olthe bag (P4) serzure uflha car KBF 9139. [7] R! the Pflma fade Stage for a charge of possesslon cl drugs, the prosecution must prove the fulluwing ingredients .. that lhe Appellam had actual pclssesslon cflhe dings: that me Appellenl had krmwledge onne drugs: and the drugs were at he lypes llsted lrl the Flrsl Schedule 01 me DDA 1952. SW u«2lPryMlrl<z<xh1m4an3u 3 -use smsl n-vlhnrwm es used m my .. mrmr-r mm: dun-mm VIZ muue pm [44] In regard to me ‘one nransecnan rule“ prxncxme because the 3 charges salisfied me cntana 91 pmxArm|y 0! «me, praxnmny ov plans, ccn\ImMy ar ecnun and conllnmly of purpose or das\gn as scared m Bnchik Abdul Rahman v PF [2004] 2 cu 512, hence me SCJ imposed 5 concurrent terms The weamed Conn av Appeal Judge in that case he\d mevouuwmg A The exercise nhhe msmeuanmaenemme me date an x>ommencemsn| cl me sentence 0! Vmvllsonmem Vs aspenaam on the vaas and cwcumsmncas 0! each me. In a- Ifllnu whllhnv flu Iumu M m lmprlionmunl mum In oonuculivl or cumm-nu .1 ....m... an. 42.. Conn mu 5. nu .4 by m. unl Iunsucliun nu. mu m. lmnlily prInc|p|I.PulsunM|a me one uansaclmn rule whevelwaormme eflevmes are oummixled mm mmeeorasingue vansacunn an semencesm respeu oi lhese oneness shown he ooncunem rathevman wnseculwe (see R v .5 Se/eemI195¢lCnm LR 4e2- R v. we/sn [1 gas! Cnm LR 245) Far mm to In an. Iunsacuon tum - -ms mun bu pr-um. mm is m ..y, pmxmny M um-. pr-mmily vi mm, uznlinuily nl lcliun um cnmmuIlY ufvurpnu :1! design 1... Jlylrumln A Dr: VvPPH979l1 ms :1: [ma] 2 mu an; Amllu Ln! mm -1. Empemuz Ca| m 957; cm» Cnoy V. pp 119551 1 ms vr. [1:55] MLI zany. Yhe mve. mum, It not ibsoluh. As Yong Purvq How 54 and m Kanavasunmarim v. PF'[IvE2I1 sm 31 at p on Thu Engllxll com. um Mcogniud mm Ihu: ..e . men. whim connculivl ..m...m m neeunry m -fiscaurafle the 2; W of =.amm.| condnu helnfi Punished: see a v. F-ulknorllifll sa cups R sum V. Wheatle}/[RN15 crlnv R (51 417 and}? v. sumrnm) 5 Cr APII R (5) we. run awhllcablllly ul 2:. -xc-won vs ms in an-ma on m. mm M an nu and m. c umlhncu ullill .m...e.. u 15 xvatad m an broad and glnsvalmmzlnd ahhnugh may be mmmea «vague n \s meuanny \n such Isms m mder mm me senlenoer may muse an nvhmnfiale sentewe Vn each nsmcular case upon each Den\cu\aralfemeral the Dafllcmav Mme lhe case ws heavd -. [Emphasws added] [45] In one onermceu case of Govlndnan cmnden Nan v PP [1993] 2 cu am m respecl ml taking into aooounl punnc mleresl wnsmeyeuen in 21 N n«2|PFyMxKz1zIuwuan3u we Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm JD zu % irie principles oi seniencing and usinnn Bin Juinnsen v PP [201 51 MLIU 1352 me coun oi Appeai sinned: ‘In me exercise er nis discretionary Duwer ine senieneinu mace rniisi apniy nis mind In ine Vaclual malnx oi ine case In oiner wmdsi me sentence Dassed mus! reieie Io me iacns aria ciicurneianmaieecn case -. [45] uisnure e senience Passed by a lower court unies s maniiwiy Wrong in me sense ei being iiiegai or uneuiiabie Io ine proved Vials and eimurnsianees: PP v Moiiamoe Nor 5. Or: [ ma 2 ML! zoo in is nice iaw inai an appeiiaie eeun weniu be slow lu inienere or [47] Having lJ0nS¥dSrBd an iaciors in We niiiigauen en eenieneei iriis ceun viewed that uie son had conducted a balancing exercise on me cumpefing inieiesi bemeen me pimiie and me Appeiianrs PF v Lee Choon Fm [1976] 1 ms 102 Annougn me 3 charges min bring a maximum oi 40 years, she imposed uoncurrsnt senieneee upon me Appenani wriicn coma be consideied as being on me Iowerside given inai he had been ieuna in possession iii 3 types ei dangerous drugs and the case had gone on with iuii men and a ieiai ois piesecuiion wiinesses were called to iesmy in mm [45] ceun rnduud iii. whipping Nevenneiees, given iriai me Appeiiani was a nrsi crflender, the posed uynie SCJ in rlsplcl oniie second and mlrd onargu only. In nilecn irie minimum oi 3 strokes 01 Ch: mun ucii. The punisnrneni at 10 snakes or me man for me iirsi cnaige is niainiained. The coun did nei inierieie wiin me irnpnsonrneni ienne of 7 years, 5 years and Syears to he served coneunenily Trie com nae aise mnsidsred ine principie in Pundxkwl Ray: v. Abdul Hauni lsllak a. saw Lagi [2011] 9 cu 559 where Arie ceun ei Appeal rieie inai 22 sin D442|PFyMkKz1xlnmAaA3U -nee s.ii.i M“ be used e mm we niwiruflly MIN; dun-mm via nFiuNG WM! possessiurl nl a large ainuunl a! any lann of pmmmlea drugs must cammensuvale with me sanlanca in be passed on ma peculiar law; oi each case 5 cancluslun [491 Premlsed on me above, the Com did not lma any %nor of last or law such l|1alWDLl\d]IJS(WydlSlUlDlng|hel>0rNiC\I07l5 Vllhe 2 cases against ma Appellanl. Hawsver, ma Court had iaaucea Ihe number of wmppings by reducing the tale‘ number cf slmkes [ram 20 (0 V6 ID Appeal against cunvirliun dismissed. Appeal agalnal senlancs partly allowed, Dated 15 November 202: “ W / NOOR RUWENA EINYI MD. NURDIN Judicial Commissioner Hlgn com 0! Malaya. nlping Roms ta on 1; I-'arIhoAppcIlant: Ml. Varpnl slngli AIL Meilomier Slngh (VBGK) Varpal Q Assoclatn, Talplng an Fnr the Rnspondcnl: DPP Mend. wally Bin Ismail Pnllnm Tlmbalan Pulldakwa Raya Negeri Ferak. Taiping as 2 SN D442|PF‘/MkKl1xlflwNil3U 3 -ma Sum lhlflhll will .. is... w my ..a DVWVVVIWY MIN; mm. VIA nFlLING W In 1D 15 % PRosEcu‘HON CASE [3] aomrdmg m ma pmeaeuuon werelhat me on 29 2.2020 al1.30am a team The prosecution caHsd s witnesses to prove W5 case The «acts of puhoe olfiuers namely FW1, FW4 and 2 others were making thew cnme prevermon rounds at PPRT Kampung Sangkul, ljck In Batu Kurau on their motorcyds when may saw me suspect (mm was later manunee as me Appeflankj behaving suspmmusly by me ruadsids aflsr gettmg out at his car WWI the engine stiH runmng SP1 saw the Appellant huldlng a black backpad( SP1 was the first I0 reach the Appellant He tnnk cut his authority card and menhfied Mmsefl as 8 poliueman tn the AppeHarIl. He did not ly tn run away. A physical many search was conducted an me Appeflant but wt was VIBgatlVB. As soon as the other policemen amved at lhe spot where they were mm standmg, they surrounded me Apoeuem and SP1 mspeclsd the b\ad< FILA backpaw whwch was seized (rum the Appeflant (P4). From mm" me middha part of ma black FILA backpack, SP1 Iound 3 transparent plastic packets ounlammg drugs suspected la be harem and melhamphetamme He iflsofuund the AppeHant's idsntwty card, a d\g|Ia|we1ghIng scale (P6), 5 mourned mass bottle fur drug eanaumpmn (P5) and a lighter m me sams bag (F7). The Appeuam and mgemer wwth ma items seized «mm hum were brougm back to me lbu Feiabat Pohs Daerah Selama, Perak UPD Smama). Throughout the attest and ioumey back to the \PD,SP1 had uustody oflhe drugs and other nerns seixed [91 At me ma, 5?: lodged a police report as per Rsdang Panjang Report 132-we/zo (marked as mm. The Appellant and the items seized were handed ever to (he Investlgahcn Offiuer Vnsp Kamarm Ariffin Bin Kamaruzaman qspa). spa weighed the drugs and recorded me gross weight as 500 grams cl herom and 25 grams of methamvhetamine. aw uuzwryukkztxiqmunsu ‘ ‘Nata Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm ms nrtmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm 15 % Tespeclively. SP1 and SP5 marked the drugs and other items seized with lheir awn maI‘kH’I§S SP1 completed and signed the Borang aengkar and Eorarlg sersh Tenma Barang Kes. The Appellant disputed that he signed lhe Borang Eangkar which was later marked in earn as P1. The Edi-ang serah Teriiria Earang Kes was signed by SP5 and later markm in eaitrt as P2 [in] The SCJ was satisiied mat the chain oi evidence in regard to the exhibits had not been brvken where sl=i held on to the drugs irorri the lime they were seixed until they were handed over to spa, SP5 kept them under lack in his oinae until they were senl lo the chemistry Depanmerll In lpoh. There the Chemist, Faznur»Axllah Elnli Mahmud (SP3) received‘ kepland analysed the drugs and prepared the Laporari Kimla aooerdingly The Resil Klmia and Lapnran Kimia both had the same report number 2U— FR-Av01B9Q and were marked as P15 and P13, respecllvaly Nlhclugh SP3 was challenged Ihal the $<hibitS were not the same which she received irorri sl=5, she was consistent in her answer and identified the drugs positively. The drugs were iound lo eonlain 14.1: grams oi Melamnhelamlrie, 3.4 grams ei Herein and io.2 grams oi Menoaoetylniorhahines. The neh weight oiihe drugs lorrried the basis ier lhe 3 amended charges againsl Ihe Appellant [11] Upon a maximum evaluaiien ol me evidenoe helore ihe CCHAVL the SCJ iound mat the Appellant had aclual physical possession or the drugs in PM and knowledge oi the said drugs The ccurl was satisiied that the prosecution had proved a prirna iaeie case against lhe Appellant on all 3 charges and called lor his deiense. The Appellant was explained the 3 cholcss and he chose to give sworn evidenoa. He was the sale witness idr the deienee case and relied on the evidenoe at his sls|ar. spz SIN D«2lPFyMhKzixlrivmaA3u 5 -we Sunni In-vlhnrwlll be used m mm as nflnlhallly MIME d...i.i. wa aFluNG WM! THE DEFENCE CA§E [12] The delence case can be summarised as 1u||l7ws' r. on me night allne srresl. al l1,:lo pm me Auuellanl went I»: s nls (nerld’s house ln Kampurlg Keriarlg. Hls menu was known as Farnan: at 1 so am l=arnan asked me Appellanl la lake ms car (KEF 91 39) and to go buy some load‘ me Appellanl told Faman ne wanted lo gu norna llrsl lo Oaks so a shower; IV. me Appellanl drove me car In his house and passed by a warurlg ksdal makan by me slde oflne mad: v. ns saw 2 policemen In urnlarrn an lns wan/ng kedal makan: VL ne drove on urml ma luncllon la hls kampurlg and saw 3 15 molorcyolas behlnd mm but did run know who were me momrcycllsls; allar auosoo rnelres, he saw (hey were sllll mowing him arm men ne knewlhey were policemen, he SVDPDSU the car wlthnul being asked and one L/Kpl Hafiz In came to the drivefs side bu! dld nnl ldenlfly himself as pohce, IX ma Appellanl sand ne wlll cooperate with Ihem: x spa came In me from passenger side, openeo me door and sat beslde hlml xi. SP1 arrwefl at the drivsfs side and lmmedralely handwfled 25 the APPfi||an\ without him knawlng the reasnn why he was belflg arvesled, Xli. ne was told (0 come oul of the car an slano beside the drivefs side: SIN D«2lPFyMkKz1xlrlmAaa3u ‘ -we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm .. o‘... M my .. nflnlnnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ .nuns WM! :0 zn % xiiw, L/Kpr Hemz cnnducled a physical check on (he Appellamwmre SP4 searched the passengev side; xw. ehereener LIKp¥ Hera lmmd e mack FILA bag “a: alas lanlai belakzng mas kusyen belakang"; UKp| Hehz gave (he black bag to sun the Appeflanfs sister (SP2) amved at IP15 scene and asked xv xvi why he was being arremsd the AppsHanl replied he dud nnl know wh his watch and a silver bang\e were taken and ms wallet retrieved from the back pocket 0’ his pants‘ SP1 and SP4 mspemed Ihe cunlsnl M H18 Mack FILA bag on me bonnet or lhe car wmhoul showing mm as content: A pohoe car cams and look mm |o me um xvhi. xix [131 It was also the delenoe eeee, Vn cmss—examina|inn onhe Appenenx, mat when he smppsd the cal, there was e house nearby, wmeh he revened to as Na. 24. He saw a woman known as Jone. a swsler er his menu, Mm wee maying with her handphone 1!: «mm a! me huuse The peuee told Jane |o gal min the house, The mierenoe that the aevenee Mshed the court to draw was that he was lramed for the drugs lound H’! me car and the peace did hm wan| any members nf «he public In wnneee what may were doing there The Appellanl also dispuled the photographs tendered by the police which showed me place where they condudsd the mspecuun; me Appeflanl anege-1 ma| none enhe phoxogrepns showed the acme! mace where he was arrested The Appenem sawd his esxer earns ID know about his arvesl from mew brother. He Iold Ihe DDUVK that Faman has since Iefl the vfllage to find wnrk elsewhere and did not know where he was. He sawd Che Dar might belong lo Farhan‘s s\sIe( bu! he d\d not knaw me name 0! Ferhens (ether. 7 sw u«2|PFyMkKz1xM1m4ea3u -wee enn n-nhnrwm be used m vafli n. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa .nuNG wrm In 15 35 % [14] Afler hearing and wevghmg his aytdanaa, tna SCJ cancmded that the delenoe waa a bare denial at me pmsaamaon case and am not rataa any raaaanabxa doubt at an. The Appellant at the uavanca stage had atmdamy given the names at characlers whom were not menttonaa at an dunng the pmseculiun case. Therelore. me set tom that ma names :2! Jcjle and Faman were an aflenhoughl and onty brought up Ellhe defence stage tn pmve mat na am rmt know about the drugs and to dissociate him «mm the drugs lound M me black FILA badqzack mat he was holdmg at me Ume oi the anest. These can be aaan in ma Hne M queatiomng as tanawa: ‘ us on- we on- vs. on: as aw; Selevasinfl Ad!k says henanyz keoada saya 'iabab apa ahxng xana |angk3p’J' Saw mkap saya Izaak lzhu,SayalmuAKuye<n[Znkm1.n flan Kane!-al Hawulmanelah mlmarlksa hug gatas Ienehm at alas benelhahawtnn belakzng kaleta tanpa snyn hhal apasapa yang ada dalam beg maatmt Kamu Mak nnat tanasungt fidak tmat ta-gum can nwaka pun lmnk tumuk non dalnm 1799 Hu $s\apas tan setapas nu Kaparal Havrulmal dananu kevada say: aan memmva kad panganatan snya. Lalu seya mecnnsnuanu kad panganatan aaya nsaa 9363 says Aflxk pemmpuan saya benlzhu yang kad pangsnalan say: aaa peda aa dart adtk pnvampuan saya huka hag dnmpal saya din beflkzn no pangnnatan saya kspada Knper-3| Hailulmm T-Id! ksmu km beg nu Dukan mlhkkzmu Iapt pans kata kad puagenamn kamu her-uda flalam ruann tangan beg um llu saya Husk tahu. Apa yang pash Gan belulnyn tan panglnnhn 1-ya tatan msavankan kepafla Kapa-at ttatmtynat atan amx perempunn aaya sanmn mg bemama my waaman tumi Shamsudln Jlka belul ma pervganalan uya hands dalam beg Iersebuh uaau muilalm kad penganilan hiya dlleliklmn aatant bag Lavsahulunluk mewgumtan lag: msteka ptmya kes aw a« «ma Sam n-nhnrwm be as... m van; ms nrighvnflly sums dun-mm y.. mum pans! .5 an [15] Ilwas «he defence case loo that SP4 had some lssuss wun nlm ln lne pas1 wnlon was alleged In be in mnnecliun wlm lne Appellanfs purporled drugs-relaled a a personal level, SP4 uld rlal nave any problems wiln nirn. He also agreed 5 However, me Appellant agreed cnal an that neimer lne elner 3 palloemen had any reason lo lrame him [16] The defence also tried lo Vales doubt on the proeeeulion ease by laklng me line or quesllunlng that me drugs were leuna IIV ma car and which was why me no oe selzed me car However, lne SCJ lmmd thal SP6 nad explalned me car was selzad a law days aflerlhe arrest and nut imrrledlalely as the drugs were lounu wilh me Aphellanl wna was holding me bag and nut ln lne ear. The wilnees also lolo me coumhal me car was sslzefl under lne Dangerous Drugs (Fcrlellure ol Propenyl An was based on lnlennalmn reeslveu max ll naa been used ln drugs-relaned amlvlnes ln the past; albell nol In connection wlm lne arves1 ol lne Appellant. SP5 lesllfied that the carwas nm selxed by SP1 because lrom nls lnvesllganon, l( had naming to do wiln me me l.S. lne drugs were not lnund In me tar as alleged by me Appellant, SP1 tasli Isd lnal vvlanurul ape yang dlpe/alarf. Ilka kereta /aun den" suspsk darl ksnela man balan disirisjlka lidak ada barallg kes myumpai da/am kerelaf. [17] finally, Ihe SCJ slalea ln lne gorunds 0! Judgment ner opservalion as follows. -[as] Selaln nu, xaya ma rnanuapall psmbalnarl yang dikemukakan nleh Tenuduh pemeamman Ferbezun luga hnleh alllnal damn xelerangan Yemduh bemuhurla lemval penemuarl baa sanaang hemp bslwama Hiram .enarna ‘FlLA' [ekslbll Fl] Tenuduvl msrlgatakarl hag binding blrzip berwarrla mum panama 'FI|A“ [Mulhll Palyang ulleukkan alaalanlamelakang alas xleyen Delakarla sedannkarl peguamhela mengulakarl hag sarldarlg lmakrlyfl alas lanlal Dada banaylarl Iempal duduk vsnurnpanu nsaapan el klrl telvluat duduk Dfimarldu n Du2lPFyMkKzlxlnmAaI3D Nuns Smal In-rlhnrwlll be used M mm ms nflnlnallly ml. dun-vlnrrl wa .nuna Wflxl zn an % [90] Dalzm nal mi, dlpemallkzn psmbalaan yang dlhenkan elen Tammlm adalall hslbaza-bun dan benllnndeen mengikul kemaarl Pemhelsan secegilll membalenkarl Dlhak rllahkamah mambuai lmmen bahawa seherlamya lenudun llanz pemtzelaall ks alas eenudunan darl k2: ying dlkerlakarl kn alas bollau EVALUATION AND FINDINGS or THE COURT [18] The scws gmunds at ludgmsnl was qulle lengthy and Included chunks olcne notes eleyidenee as well as subm ns afths pmsecuhan and defence. From my perusal ollne sc.l's gmlmds unudgmam, ens had lnomugnly analysed me evidence adduced by me pmseeullen and cmss— axamlnallon onhe prnsecullml wllnsses in crderlo delennlne lne line all delenee el me Appellanl belore calllng upon me Appellenl to defend nlmsell agalrlst lne charges [19] Then she analysed the evldence glven by the Appellant‘ whlch was allegedly suppuflsd by the evldence of his sister, SP2. ln summary, (he SCJ dld not believe me defence case as can be seen ln her arlalysls ln pigfi 8410 116 of the grounds D? judgment (RRJ1). The SCJ had also addressed lne lssues raised by (he delenee as I have summarised earller In lnls Graunds euudgmenl. namely: l possssslm end conlml (dune drugs) pnssssslm el me bag (P4) ui selzure nfthe car KEF 9139 me pmseculinn baund by lne leslllneny ol lls own wllrless y. lncunsislencles in me Appellenrs evldanoe. 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Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Civil Procedure: Summary judgment – Tax Recovery by Government of Malaysia – Applicability of the normal rule of triable issue – Whether a proper case for summary determination – Rules of Court 2012, Order 14.Revenue Law: Income Tax – Whether tax due, payable and recoverable – Defences available to a taxpayer seeking to challenge a summary claim – Whether court could hear merits of assessment – Income Tax Act 1967, ss, 90(3), 99, 103(2) and (5), 106(1) and (3), 145 and 152.
YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA (BAHAGIAN SIVIL) GUAMAN SIVIL NO: BA-21NCvC-18-02/2021 ANTARA KERAJAAN MALAYSIA … PLAINTIF DAN KOTA LAKSAMANA 2 SDN. BHD. [201401006828)(1082911-X)] … DEFENDAN JUDGMENT Introduction [1] It has been said that death and taxes are the two certainties in life. The Defendant can attest to the latter. [2] In the matter before this Court, the Defendant has to confront the reality of not just having to resist a claim for recovery of tax by the Government of Malaysia for a sum of RM6,919,230.63 but with a claim for summary judgment to boot. 15/11/2023 09:22:34 BA-21NCvC-18-02/2021 Kand. 34 S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 [3] The Defendant is certainly not the first and will undoubtedly not be the last to face a claim for the recovery of tax by way of summary procedure by the Government of Malaysia. The Primary Issues [4] The dual vital issues for consideration in this case are (a) whether the Government of Malaysia is entitled to summary judgment for the sum that it is seeking to recover from the Defendant; and (b) whether there are defences that the Defendant may rely on to challenge the claim by the Plaintiff. The Case for the Plaintiff [5] The case for the Plaintiff is simply that it is entitled under the law to claim, as in this case, for income tax assessed for the Year of Assessment 2018 including increases under the Income Tax Act, 1967. [6] The position of the Plaintiff is that not only is it entitled to claim for the amount of tax claimed, it is entitled to summary judgment, that is, without a plenary trial of the action. [7] The Plaintiff is relying on the various provisions of the Income Tax Act 1967. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [8] The starting point for the Plaintiff is section 90(3) of the Income Tax Act 1967. It provides as follows: (3) Where a person for a year of assessment has not furnished a return in accordance with section 77 or 77A, the Director General may according to the best of his judgment determine the amount of the chargeable income of that person for that year and make an assessment accordingly: Provided that the making of an assessment in respect of a person under this subsection shall not affect any liability otherwise incurred by that person by reason of his failure to deliver the return. [9] It was contended on behalf of the Plaintiff that an assessment for Year of Assessment 2018 has been made pursuant to section 90(3) of the Income Tax Act 1967. [10] The Plaintiff further averred that the relevant Notice of Assessment has been sent to the Defendant in accordance with the provisions of section 145(1) and (2)(a) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Section 145, which govern the Service of Notices, provides as follows: 145. (1) Subject to any express provision of this Act, for the purposes of this Act notices may be served personally or by ordinary or registered post. (2) A notice relating to tax which is sent by ordinary or registered post shall be deemed to have been served on the person (including a partnership) to whom it is addressed on the day S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 succeeding the day on which the notice would have been received in the ordinary course of post if it is addressed — (a) in the case of a company, partnership or body of persons having a registered office in Malaysia — (i) to that registered office; (ii) to its last known address; or (iii) to any person authorized by it to accept service of process; (b) in the case of a company, partnership or body of persons not having a registered office in Malaysia — (i) to any registered office of the company, partnership or body (wherever that office may be situated); (ii) to the principal place of business or other activity of the company, partnership or body (wherever that place may be situated); or (iii) to any individual authorized (by or under the law of any place where the company, partnership or body is incorporated, registered or established) to accept service of process; and (c) in the case of an individual, to his last known address. [11] Accordingly, following service of the Notice of Assessment, it is the Plaintiff’s assertion that the tax as assessed became due and payable by the Defendant, regardless of any appeal from the Defendant against the S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 assessment. On this point, the Plaintiff relied on the provisions of sections 103(2), 103(5) and 107C(10) of the Income Tax Act 1967. [12] For brevity, the relevant provisions relied on by the Plaintiff read as follows: 103. (1) … (2) Where an assessment is made under section 90(3), 91, 92 or 96A, or where an assessment is increased under section 101(2), the tax payable under the assessment or increased assessment shall, on the service of the notice of assessment or composite assessment or increased assessment, as the case may be, be due and payable on the person assessed at the place specified in that notice whether or not that person appeals against the assessment or increased assessment. … (5) Subject to subsection (7), where any tax due and payable under subsection (2) has not been paid within thirty days after the service of the notice, so much of the tax as is unpaid upon the expiration of that period shall without any further notice being served be increased by a sum equal to ten per cent of the tax so unpaid, and that sum shall be recoverable as if it were tax due and payable under this Act. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Estimate of tax payable and payment by instalments for companies 107C. (1) … … (10) Where the tax payable under an assessment for a year of assessment exceeds the revised estimate under subsection (7) or deemed revised estimate under subsection (8), whichever is later, or if no such revised estimate is furnished or there is no such deemed revised estimate, the estimate of tax payable for that year of assessment, by an amount of more than thirty per cent of the tax payable under the assessment, then, without any further notice being served, the difference between that amount and thirty per cent of the tax payable under the assessment shall be increased by a sum equal to ten per cent of the amount of that difference, and that sum shall be recoverable as if it were tax due and payable under this Act. [13] Crucially, the Plaintiff alluded to section 106(1) of the Income Tax Act 1967, which in no uncertain terms states that “Tax due and payable may be recovered by the Government by civil proceedings as a debt due to the Government.”. [14] Further in section 106(3) of the same Act, it is expressly provided that: S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (3) In any proceedings under this section the court shall not entertain any plea that the amount of tax sought to be recovered is excessive, incorrectly assessed, under appeal or incorrectly increased under subsection 103(3), (5) or (7). [15] The above, according to the Plaintiff, is the position of the law vis-à- vis the rights accorded to the Government of Malaysia. [16] This is not to say that the Defendant is left without any recourse. As conceded by the Plaintiff, the remedy available to the Defendant is under section 99 of the Income Tax Act 1967, where an appeal may be made to the Special Commissioner of Income Tax. Section 99 plainly preserves the right of appeal of “a person aggrieved by an assessment made in respect of him”. The Case for the Defendant [17] In response to the Plaintiff’s submissions, the Defendant argued, inter alia, that the amount taxable for Year of Assessment 2018, based on Borang C that it had submitted was RM0.00. [18] The Defendant further contended that it had filed a Notice of Appeal pursuant to section 152 of the Income Tax Act 1967 (in Borang Q) on 16 October, 2020 and is awaiting response from the Plaintiff. In addition, the Defendant submitted that it is able and willing to furnish evidence if required. [19] Therefore, the Defendant’s position is that the Plaintiff’s assessment (in Borang J) is inaccurate and without basis and the Defendant should S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 be permitted to prove that their assessment is correct (and not be denied that right). The Law and the Legal Principles [20] As the Plaintiff has invoked the summary procedure under Order 14 of the Rules of Court 2012, a question for determination is whether the conventional rule which requires a defendant resisting an application for summary judgment to raise “an issue or question in dispute which ought to be tried or that there ought for some other reason to be a trial” as provided in Order 14 rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 has any application pursuant to a claim made under the Income Tax Act 1967. [21] In Mohd Najib Hj Abd Razak v Government of Malaysia [2023] AMEJ 2078; [2023] 1 LNS 2063; [2023] MLJU 2283; [2024] 1 MLRA 69, the Federal Court had considered the following three questions of law: [18] … (c) Question 3 Whether, by reason of Sections 103 and 106(3) of the Income Tax Act 1967, this Court is wholly prevented from considering whether or not there are triable issues and/or some other reason warranting a trial (within the meaning of Order 14 Rule 1 and Order 14 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 ), before deciding whether or not to give judgment in favour of the Plaintiff, despite the fundamental liberties, rights and powers enshrined in, inter alia, Articles 5, 8 and 121 of the Federal Constitution. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 … (e) Question 5 Whether Order 14 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012, which provides that a Summary Judgment application may be dismissed if a Defendant can show "some other reason" for a trial to be held, applies in civil recovery proceedings in tax matters. (f) Question 6 Whether in instances of manifest and obvious errors in calculation of a tax assessment, a court is entitled by virtue of its inherent and judicial powers to consider a Defendant's defence of merit to dismiss or set aside an application for Summary Judgment by a Plaintiff and order full trial on the matter. [22] As noted by the Federal Court, “Questions 3, 5 and 6 all of which deal with the workings of summary judgment in the context of section 106 ITA” (see para [19]). [23] The workings of summary judgment in the context of section 106 of the Income Tax Act 1967 were adeptly articulated by Nallini Pathmanathan FCJ as follows: [149] The ITA has a specific series of statutory provisions for the collection and recovery of the tax assessed to be due by the DGIR. These provisions are contained, as stated above, under sections 103 - 110 of Part VII of the ITA entitled 'Collection and Recovery of S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 Tax'. It is not in dispute that this jurisdiction, like many others, operates on a 'Pay First, dispute later' design of tax imposition as established by Parliament under the ITA. [150] It is noteworthy that the questions posed by the Appellants relate solely to Part VII on recovery and collection. These questions focus on the rules of civil procedure relating to the recovery of debts in general, rather than the recovery of tax imposed under the specific provisions of the ITA read as a whole. [151] There is a presumption made, both by the Inland Revenue and the Appellants that the only means of enforcement available is under Order 14 of the Rules of Court 2012. However, Order 14 envisages the Court undertaking a final determination as to whether an amount is payable or due. This means that the Court considers and ascertains whether a debt exists. [152] But under the ITA, sections 103 and 106 specify statutorily, for purposes of collection and recovery only, that upon assessment, the sum assessed is due and payable upon the lapse of a specified period of time. It becomes a statutory debt or a debt created by statute. [153] Section 103(1) provides: "Except as provided in sub- section (2) tax payable under an assessment for a year of assessment shall be due and payable on the due date whether or not that person appeals against the assessment." [154] The section provides for two separate matters: S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) That by statute the sum becomes due and payable on the due date; (b) That notwithstanding the taxpayer's right of appeal, the sum becomes due and payable. [155] In other words, while the process of appeal is pending the tax becomes due, putting into effect the 'Pay first, dispute later' system that defers the dispute but requires immediate payment. This is an essential aspect of expeditious and efficient collection of tax which is required to enable the nation to function effectively. Therefore, notwithstanding the taxpayer's right to challenge the tax assessed through the SCIT and subsequently the hierarchy of the courts, payment is not deferred. Any seeming 'inequity' is met by the guaranteed right of repayment under the Act. [156] The deferral of the challenge or dispute as to the tax assessed is further borne out by section 103B which provides: 'The institution of any proceedings under any other written law against the Government or the Director General shall not relieve any person from liability for the payment of any tax, debt or other sum for which he is or may be liable to pay under this Part.' [157] The Hansard in relation to section 103B states that the Government aims to ensure fair treatment between those who pay their taxes on time and those who do not. The latter group while seeking to challenge the tax assessed, are nonetheless required to S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 make payment first while the challenge is deferred, because it would be unfair to those who pay their taxes on time if the latter category of taxpayers were accorded a longer time to meet their tax responsibilities simply by reason of their challenge (see: Penyata Rasmi Parlimen, Dewan Rakyat, (Parliamen Keempat Belas, Penggal Ketiga, Mesyuarat Ketiga, 16 December 2020), Vol. 54, at 26). [158] As stated earlier, the tax assessed is, by way of statute, a debt due from the taxpayer to the Government. The section statutorily deems the sum assessed to amount to a debt recoverable in civil proceedings. The purpose, again is to facilitate recovery of the sum assessed. [159] And to facilitate recovery section 106(3) limits the type of challenge that can be made at this juncture, i.e. temporarily. The right to raise those challenges and have them adjudicated upon is neither ousted or prohibited, as the ITA provides for such challenges to be taken vide the prescribed mode of appeal under Part V. [160] What this all means in relation to recovery is that the ITA does not envisage a full-blown ventilation of all possible challenges to be determined at this stage of the tax process. It serves to ensure timely recovery and collection of tax due, while deferring the challenge to a later date. And this is where the utilisation of Order 14 of the Rules of Court 2012 (ROC 2012) gives rise to confusion. [161] Order 14 provides a summary basis for the collection of a debt in dispute. It provides a comprehensive mode of shortening the full S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 litigation procedure by allowing, in suitable cases, for matters to be adjudicated upon fully, without the necessity for a full trial and witnesses. If the defendant to the summary judgment application however raises a 'triable' issue the matter then proceeds to trial. Whether judgment is granted summarily or judgment is granted after a full trial, the full merits and rights of the parties are litigated and the judgment handed down, is final in nature. [162] If a tax recovery 'debt' as statutorily provided for under section 106 is subjected to the procedure under Order 14 ROC 2012, then the entire purpose and object of the ITA, which provides for a deferral of the full dispute to a later date under the adjudicatory process prescribed under the Act, is not met. [163] Even where there is no 'triable issue' found, it must be remembered that the character and effect of the judgment granted under Order 14 is final. However, under sections 103 and 106 the nature of the relief sought for purposes of recovery is plainly interim in character. [164] The use of the Order 14 procedure gives rise to a situation where, if the recovery process is found to give rise to 'triable issues', it will result in a full-blown trial which examines the veracity of the statutory debt under section 106. Bearing in mind that the section provides for this statutory debt to be due and owing for the purposes of recovery only, and not with finality, the use of a summary process which seeks to allow for a full determination of whether the sum is due and payable, is not ideal given the purpose and object of the ITA. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [165] Once the statutory section 106 debt is subject to a full-blown trial, there cannot be another or second attempt at litigation under section 99(1) ITA as that would give rise to res judicata and/or issue estoppel. Therefore the entire purport and effect of the ITA would be thwarted by a full trial under the Order 14 civil procedure under the Rules of Court 2012. This is in accord with the older case-law which stipulates that such defences are to be remitted to the equivalent of the then SCIT and not considered by the Courts. To that extent there was appreciation of the fact that judgment under section 106 ITA was for purposes of ensuring payment of taxes first while disputes were adjudicated later. [166] This then warrants the question whether Order 14 is indeed the ideal mode to adopt in the course of recovery proceedings under section 106 ITA. It would seem from a perusal and construction of the Act in toto, that the procedure set out in section 106 ITA itself provides sufficient basis for recovery to be initiated in the civil courts by way of originating summons. The Court is then able to ascertain whether: (a) An assessment has in fact been made in the form prescribed under the Act; (b) Whether the tax assessed is due as the relevant time accorded for payment has lapsed; (c) Whether the DGIR has accorded an exemption or provision for payment by instalments or reached some S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 other agreement with the taxpayer which would warrant the Court refusing to grant judgment. [167] This means that section 106 ITA is given its full effect for the purpose of recovery while simultaneously allowing the taxpayer to proceed with his challenge vide section 99(1) of the ITA. [168] The ITA allows for full judicial intervention and adjudication vide Part VI. Additionally, from a constitutional viewpoint, the right of judicial review, as well as an entitlement to a stay premised on the exercise of judicial discretion, remains. [169] To reiterate, the enforcement provisions in section 103 and 106 are themselves premised on the exercise of judicial power, so it cannot be said that judicial power is in any way ousted. There is merely a temporary restriction of the taxpayer's rights of challenge, which are deferred while allowing for payment first. The Courts' powers remain unaffected. So when section 106(3) provides that the Court shall not consider certain defences relating solely to the tax assessed, it is the taxpayer's right to raise these issues at that juncture that is deferred, NOT curtailed. The Court's powers remain untouched as explained above. [170] It is worth reiterating paragraph 38 of Capstone Pty Ltd (supra) where Binns Ward J stated: "Once it is accepted that the filing of a statement in terms of section 91(1)(b) is nothing more than an enforcement mechanism, as distinct from a means of determining liability, S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 there is no basis for distinguishing it from any of the other recovery mechanisms... ...It seems to me that the learned judge went awry in Mokoena by apparently regarding the filing of a statement in terms of s. 91(1)(b) as having the rights-determining character of a judicially delivered judgment. It plainly does not..." [171] In like manner the judgment obtained under section 106 using the summary judgment procedure, does not have a rights- determining or liability-determining character, as it merely allows for recovery first for the purposes of enforcement or execution. It serves to give effect to the 'Pay first, dispute later' scheme in the ITA. [172] Even if a summary judgment procedure is adopted, the curtailing of the defences available as provided for in section 106(3) ITA and arguably, section 103(1) ITA and 103B ITA, means that the issues there remain unavailable for adjudication by the Court. This is because those matters would still comprise the subject matter of any appeal under section 99(1) ITA. Alternatively judicial review in exceptional cases is also available. [24] Based on the above exposition relating to the workings of summary judgment in the context of section 106 of the Income Tax Act 1967, the Federal Court affirmatively held that the “issue or question which ought to be tried or that there ought for some other reason to be a trial” rule as envisaged in Order 14 rule 3 has no application. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 [25] At para [173], Her Ladyship clarified that: … Pursuant to the 'Pay first, dispute later' scheme under the ITA, it follows that the recovery of the sum assessed at this stage is not final and the dispute will be heard by the SCIT and subsequently the Court under the 'Pay first, dispute later' system. [26] Her Ladyship went on to explicate the legal position as follows: [174] As we have reasoned, the claim for judgment by the Inland Revenue is premised on the characterisation of the sum assessed to be due as tax, under section 106(1) as a statutory 'debt'. This is for the purposes of recovery and execution only. The judgment obtained under section 106 is not a rights-determining judgment of finality. The taxpayer's right of challenge is not abrogated, as that right is preserved under as well as judicial review. [175] Therefore the 'some other reason' for a trial to be held under Order 14 does not apply as section 99(1) ITA a basis on which to enforce this statutory debt created by the taxing statute to enable payment to be made first, pending any challenge or dispute as to the sum assessed, which is effectively deferred under the statute. If it is found under the Order 14 procedure that the matter should go to trial it would render the method prescribed under the Act for adjudication, nugatory. The Act should be construed such that the various sections are harmonious and provide a coherent structure for income tax collection. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 [176] Therefore the use of other 'some other reason for trial' should not be invoked. It is not tenable for a section 106 debt to be determined finally at trial, if the taxing statute also prescribes a specific manner of challenging the tax assessed, as is the case under the ITA. We have explained above in the body of the judgment that such a judgment does not enjoy the characteristics of a judgment issued after a full exercise of the Court's dispute resolution powers. It is a judgment handed down for the purposes of collection, i.e. to enable recovery first, while the dispute is deferred. It does not enjoy the rights-determining character of finality which is to be found in a judgment delivered after full adjudication in a court of law. [177] All challenges pertaining to those matters set out in section 106(3) or otherwise may be fully dealt with under the appeals portion of the ITA in Part VI, Section 2 which allows the taxpayer to ventilate all these issues. Further the remedy of judicial review in an appropriate case is also available. All this ensures that the taxpayer is accorded his 'fundamental liberties rights and powers in Article 5 and Article 121 '. [178] In short, a judgment granted under section 106 is treated as a civil judgment lawfully given in favour of the Inland Revenue for the purposes of collection and recovery only. [179] Enforcement may involve a writ of seizure and sale or garnishment of any amount due, and if the sum assessed is found to be erroneous after the merits of a dispute have been dealt with in full under the section 99(1) challenge, the over-assessed portion will be refunded to the taxpayer. With the latest amendments to the ITA, S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 such a refund will carry interest (see: section 111D ITA). To that extent, the filing of civil proceedings in terms of section 106(1) is nothing more than an enforcement mechanism and is distinct from a means of determining liability. [180] To this end, the DGIR and all authorised officers are designated as public officers to undertake proceedings under the section. This section provides support for the position that any proceedings instituted should be under section 106. [181] It should be borne in mind that the statute that allows for recovery of tax is the ITA, and not the Rules of Court 2012, more particularly Order 14. The latter provides a means of recovery of a disputed debt and envisages the determination of liability in full, either summarily or after a full trial if there is a 'triable' issue. Consequentially, it allows for a final judgment after determining liability between the parties. [182] The section 106 ITA recovery mechanism under the ITA does not require such a final judgment, as we have explained at length. [183] Accordingly, it is the remedy prescribed by statute that must prevail, not the procedure to recover a debt under the Rules of Court 2012. Therefore the statute should be accorded effect by allowing for the recovery or enforcement process under section 106 ITA to be followed. S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 [27] It is evident that the law heavily favours the Plaintiff and the reason is due primarily to policy considerations that are beyond the powers of this Court. [28] The contentions raised by the Defendant in paragraphs [17] to [19] above are of no assistance to them in the present application. [29] Nonetheless, this Court would come in aid of the Defendant if it can be shown that, for example, the Plaintiff had failed to serve the Notice of Assessment on the Defendant in accordance with section 145 of the Income Tax Act 1976. [30] In this regard, one question which was of concern to this Court was whether the defendant had been served with a Notice of Assessment? [31] The answer is in the affirmative as this has been admitted by the defendant. [32] As noted, the Defendant is not without recourse. For the Defendant, it should look to the Special Commissioner of Income Tax. [33] On the point raised by the Defendant in paragraph [18] above that it had filed an appeal in Borang Q on 16 October, 2020, the Plaintiff’s records show that the appeal has been withdrawn by the Defendant on 21 May, 2021. [34] As pertinently decided and explained by the Federal Court in Mohd Najib Hj Abd Razak v Government of Malaysia, section 106(3) of the S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 Income Tax Act 1967 is constitutional and does not have the effect of usurping judicial power. [35] The Federal Court made clear that any defences, if raised, are to be the subject matter of full ventilation before the Special Commissioner of Income Tax and after that, the High Court on points of law. [36] The Federal Court further notes that as a judgment such as the one here does not finally dispose of or determine the rights and entitlements of a taxpayer, the taxpayer is not prejudiced. [37] Be that as it may, the taxpayer is required to make the payment, or arrange for payment to be made in instalments or to reach an agreement with the Director General of Inland Revenue on the settlement of the tax due, pending a full adjudication of the matter. [38] The application by the Plaintiff in Enclosure 8 is allowed with costs of RM10,000. Dated: 8 November, 2023 sgd [CHOONG YEOW CHOY] Judicial Commissioner High Court of Malaya Shah Alam S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 Counsel: Rohaizan Jumat with Nurul Aznelia Abu Bakar for the Plaintiff (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) Malaysia) Mohamad Izwan Abd Rahman for the Defendant (Messrs. Faizan & Co.) S/N cjXFPE8LxkS4rfhlxg97Ng **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
1st Issue: Whether there is delay in the filing of the Stay Application and if so, whether this amounts to an abuse of the court’s process - 2nd Issue: Whether there are clear and unequivocal errors in the AD? - 3rd Issue: Whether the Defendant’s financial position is such that it will be unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff in the event the Plaintiff succeeds in the arbitration proceedings
YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman
1 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY OF KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO.: WA-24C-15-02/2023 BETWEEN SAMSUNG C&T CORPORATION UEM CONSTRUCTION JV SDN. BHD. (Company Registration No.: 59575-V) ... PLAINTIFF AND EVERSENDAI CONSTRUCTIONS (M) SDN BHD (Company Registration No.: 201201030507 / 1014994-T) ... DEFENDANT GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] This is an application by the Plaintiff pursuant to para 16(1)(b) of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 [Act 746] (‘CIPAA’) CIPAA, O. 69A, r. 4 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘RC 2012’) and/ or the inherent jurisdiction of the Court under O. 92, r. 4 RC 2012 to stay the Adjudication Decision dated 18.8.2022 (‘AD’) by the learned Adjudicator, Mr. Ivan Loo Yew Fook, and all execution proceedings, winding up proceedings, request for direct payment under s 30 CIPAA 15/11/2023 08:14:43 WA-24C-15-02/2023 Kand. 61 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 or Clause 20.8 of the Particular Conditions of the Main Contract between the Plaintiff and PNB Merdeka Ventures Sdn Bhd dated 28.3.2017 or suspension/ reduction in the rate of progress of the subcontract works pursuant to s 29 CIPAA pending final determination by way of arbitration (‘Stay Application’). [2] After having considered the cause papers and submissions by the parties, I had on 7.9.2023, allowed a conditional stay of the AD pending final determination of the dispute between the parties by way of arbitration. The Adjudicated Sum, which has been held by the Defendant's solicitors since 3.5.2023, shall continue to be so held in their stakeholders account until the disposal of the arbitration proceedings. No order was made as to cost. [3] The Defendant, being aggrieved with the aforesaid decision, has since appealed against the same and applied for an early hearing date at the Court of Appeal. The full grounds for the decision are set out in the succeeding part of this judgment. The Cause Papers [4] The cause papers for the Stay Application are as follows: (a) the Plaintiff’s Originating Summons (‘O.S.’) dated 10.2.2023 (encl. 1); S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 (b) the Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Deputy Project Director, Wan Nor Azman Bin Wan Salleh on 10.2.2023 (encls. 2 - 4); (c) the Plaintiff’s Supplementary Affidavit affirmed by the same deponent on 2.3.2023 (encls. 7 - 18); (d) the Defendant’s Affidavit in Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Director, Nathan a/l Elumalay on 8.3.2023 (encl. 19); (e) the Plaintiff’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 29.3.2023 (encls. 21 - 22); (f) the Defendant’s Notice of Intention to use Affidavit dated 3.5.2023 (encl. 25); (g) the Plaintiff’s Supplemental Affidavit (2) affirmed by the same deponent on 10.5.2023 (encl. 31); (h) the Defendant’s AIR (2) affirmed by the same deponent on 2.6.2023 (encl. 39); (i) the Plaintiff’s Expert Affidavit affirmed by the Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Sdn Bhd (‘PwC’), Lim Chee Teong (‘CT Lim’) on 3.7.2023 (encls. 41 - 43); S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 (j) the Plaintiff’s AIR (2) affirmed by its Project Manager, Sunggyeom Kim on 3.7.2023 (encls. 44 - 46); (k) the Defendant’s AIR (3) affirmed by the same deponent on 14.7.2023 (encl. 47); and (l) the Plaintiff’s AIR (3) affirmed by Wan Nor Azman on 9.8.2023 (encl. 49). Brief Facts [5] The background facts of this case have been outlined in Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd v Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2025, which is the judgment of this Court in O.S. No. WA-24C-156-08/2022 in allowing the Defendant’s application to restrain the Plaintiff from receiving the sum under a Bank Guarantee until final disposal of all disputes between the parties (‘Injunction Application’). [6] The salient background facts will not be repeated here and suffice for present purposes to state that – (a) on 18.8.2022, the Adjudicator determined, among others, that the Plaintiff shall pay the Defendant the sum of RM25,457,990.03 with simple interest at a rate of 6.4% per annum on the said sum from 1.3.2022 until full payment; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 (b) the Defendant filed an application pursuant to s 28 CIPAA on 25.8.2022 (O.S. No. WA-24C-163-08/2022; 'Enforcement Application') and the Plaintiff then filed its application under s 15 CIPAA on 8.9.2022 (O.S. No. WA-24C-174-09/2022; 'Setting Aside Application'); (c) the Defendant issued a Notice of Arbitration on 11.11.2022; (d) the Setting Aside Application and the Enforcement Application were heard together, with the agreement of the parties, on 13.2.2023 and 9.3.2023. The hearing of the Injunction Application took place on 7 and 14 April 2023. The decision for all three applications was pronounced on 20.4.2023 whereby the Setting Aside Application was dismissed, and the Enforcement Application and the Injunction Application were allowed; (e) the Plaintiff did not appeal against the decision of this Court for the Setting Aside Application and the Enforcement Application. The broad grounds of decision in relation to both Applications are set out in Eversendai Constructions (supra at para 35); and (f) the Stay Application was heard on 21.8.2023. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 The Stay Application [7] The Plaintiff’s grounds in support of the Stay Application as stated in the O.S. are as follows: (a) there are clear and manifest errors in the AD; and (b) in the event the adjudication sum is paid to the Defendant and the Plaintiff succeeds in the Stay Application, it will be difficult to recover the adjudication sum from the Defendant given that the Defendant is facing financial difficulties. [8] The Plaintiff argued that at the outset, the Plaintiff has met the threshold requirement for a stay pursuant to para 16(1)(b) of CIPAA, as this matter is pending final determination via arbitration which has commenced. To support this position, counsel for the Plaintiff cited the judgment in View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22 (FC) which held, among others at paras 82 and 84, that – (a) s 16 CIPAA allows some degree of flexibility to stay an adjudication decision where there are clear and unequivocal errors, or to meet the justice of the individual case; and (b) the correct approach under s 16 CIPAA is to evaluate each case on its merits where the financial capacity of the party concerned S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 to repay the adjudicated sum could be a factor in determining the outcome of the application. Analysis and Decision of the Court 1st Issue: Whether there is delay in the filing of the Stay Application and if so, whether this amounts to an abuse of the court’s process [9] The Defendant complained that there is undue delay in the filing of the Stay Application as the Plaintiff had filed the same three months after the issuance of the Notice of Arbitration (reference was made to Rules 5.1 and 7.5 of the Asian International Arbitration Centre Arbitration (‘AIAC’) Rules 2021) and one working day before the hearing of the Setting Aside Application and the Enforcement Application. [10] The Defendant alleged that the Plaintiff’s conduct amounts to an abuse of the court’s process as the Plaintiff wanted to ensure that the Stay Application will not be disposed together with the Enforcement Application and the Setting Aside Application, and to enable the Plaintiff to obtain, upon dismissal of the Setting Aside Application, an interim stay pending the disposal of the Stay Application. [11] The Plaintiff denied the Defendant’s allegation of delay (see para 6, encl. 21) on the grounds that – S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 (a) the Defendant had deliberately excluded the AD from the Notice of Arbitration and hence, the Plaintiff had to include the AD in its Response to the Notice of Arbitration which was submitted on 11.1.2023 (see exhibits “WNA-12” and “WNA-13”, encl. 4); and (b) the Defendant had only submitted the Registration Request to the AIAC to register the arbitration on 3.2.2023 (see exhibit “WNA-14”, encl. 4). [12] Having considered the parties’ averments and submissions on the issue of delay, I was inclined to agree with the Plaintiff that any allegations of mala fide intention on the part of the Plaintiff to delay matters are unfounded. [13] Moreover, on 14.9.2022, Lim Chong Fong J (now JCA) had granted an ad interim stay of the AD in terms of prayer 1 in encl. 4 of the Setting Aside Application until 27.9.2022 or such further order. After having heard the parties on 27.9.2022, His Lordship then granted a conditional stay of the AD in terms of the same prayer by ordering the Plaintiff to pay the principal adjudicated sum amounting to RM25,457,990.03 into an interest-bearing account held by Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners until the disposal of encl. 1 or further order within 14 days from the date of the Order. The Plaintiff’s oral application for a stay against the condition pending appeal was disallowed. The condition was subsequently fulfilled within the stipulated time and the Plaintiff’s appeal, which was filed on 17.10.2022, was withdrawn on 2.6.2023. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [14] In addition, the case authorities relied upon by the Defendant, namely, Haji Wan Habib Syed Mahmud v Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud & Anor [1986] 2 MLJ 198 and Hisham bin Halim v Maya bt Ahmad Fuaad & Ors [2021] MLJU 2293 can be distinguished on the facts as both cases do not concern an application pursuant to s 16 of the CIPAA and – (a) in Haji Wan Habib Syed Mahmud, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the High Court which found that the delay of two months before the appellant sought relief was, in the circumstances of the case, unreasonable and unexplained. The relief sought was an interlocutory injunction, which the Court said, being pre-eminently a discretionary remedy, is exceptional in its nature and shall not be made available to those who sleep on their rights. In the instant case, the Plaintiff has denied any delay on its part in filing the Stay Application and has offered its explanation as to why the Stay Application was filed on 10.2.2023. Furthermore, the passages from the judgment as cited by the Defendant do not discuss abuse of process; and (b) in Hisham bin Halim, the High Court held that there was a blatant abuse of the court’s process as the applicant had come to the civil court to injunct the Syariah Appeal Court from continuing with the proceeding without making any application to the Syariah Court for a stay of proceeding. The passage relied on by the Defendant merely sets out an example of an abuse of process which is trite i.e. “where a suit is duplicated or where a S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 party employs improper and perverse procedure to obtain an advantage undeservedly” whereas in the instant application, there is no duplicity or undeserved advantage emanating from the same. [15] Even assuming there is delay by the Defendant in filing the Stay Application, that alone cannot justify a dismissal of the Stay Application in limine as the CIPAA does not provide a timeline within which an application to stay an adjudication decision must be filed. Pursuant to O. 69A, r. 4 RC 2012, such an application may be made to the High Court by way of an O.S. or a notice of application in the pending action to set aside the adjudication decision, and the applicant must show that an application under s 15 CIPAA has been made or the subject matter of the adjudication decision is pending determination by arbitration or the court. 2nd Issue: Whether there are clear and unequivocal errors in the AD? [16] The Plaintiff alleged that there are 14 errors in the AD as follows: (a) despite the Defendant’s own admission that the design changes had taken place and varied the scope of the subcontract works, the Adjudicator erroneously awarded the Defendant based on the original sum or subcontract Price as if no variation had taken place; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (b) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed the Plaintiff is not entitled to the adjustment or reduction of the subcontract price despite the substitution of heavy steel members with lighter ones which reduced the tonnage and saved costs; (c) the Adjudicator erroneously placed the burden on the Plaintiff to provide evidence of the evaluation of the works; (d) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Plaintiff’s claims for an adjustment to the subcontract price due to variations and/ or design changes have been waived pursuant to Article 2.3 of the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 dated 5.11.2020 (‘SA No. 1’) and therefore, waived by the Plaintiff; (e) the Adjudicator erroneously found that Article 2.3.2 of SA No. 1 was not for the purpose of adjusting the subcontract price caused by design changes despite the fact that the saving provision of Article 2.3.2 proves that the issues of variation and/ or design changes have yet to be waived; (f) the Adjudicator erroneously found that it could not have been the parties’ intention when they entered into SA No. 1 that the entire Subcontract Agreement would be changed to a re-measurement contract when the Plaintiff never took this position in the adjudication; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 (g) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that value engineering does not amount to subcontract variation because the Adjudicator had misconstrued provisions of the Subcontract such as Clause 13.1 of the Particular Conditions of Subcontract; (h) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that there is insufficient evidence to assess and conclude that the requirement for a valid subcontract variation has been complied with despite the fact the Plaintiff had provided evidence of the same; (i) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed the subcontract works to have been substantially completed by the Defendant despite the Defendant’s failure to notify the Plaintiff of the completion of the works in accordance with Clause 10.1 of the General Conditions of the Subcontract; (j) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the subcontract works to have been substantially completed by the Defendant despite the fact that the Defendant’s claim was pursuant to Clause 14.3 of the General Conditions of the Subcontract i.e. for an interim claim; (k) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the subcontract works to have been substantially completed by the Defendant despite the Defendant has not claimed for the first half of the retention monies pursuant to Clause 14.7 of the Particular Conditions of the Subcontract; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (l) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Defendant had completed the Roof Floor and Crown installation works and the Plaintiff was not entitled to withhold the sum of RM1.3 million when in fact the Plaintiff had issued numerous non-conformance reports to the Defendant which shows that the subcontract works had not been completed; (m) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Plaintiff is not entitled to claim or deduct liquidated damages against the Defendant unless the Plaintiff had given notice of decision pursuant to Clause 3.3 of the Subcontract; and (n) the Adjudicator erroneously deemed that the Defendant is entitled to a further extension of time to complete the subcontract works without determining the extent of the extension of time to which the Defendant would be entitled. Further, the Defendant failed to comply with Clauses 8.4 and 20.2 of the Subcontract. [17] The Defendant submitted that the purported errors are essentially a repetition of the grounds raised by the Plaintiff in the Setting Aside Application, and the “errors” in subparas 16(a), (b) and (g) above were even withdrawn by the Plaintiff’s solicitors during the hearing of the Setting Aside Application on 13.2.2023. With regards to the “error” in subpara 16(h) above, the Adjudicator had decided in the Plaintiff’s favour. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [18] I have scrutinised the alleged errors and I agree with the Defendant’s contentions as aforesaid. As submitted by Mr. James Monteiro, the scenario is akin to the earlier cases which were decided by this Court, namely, JEKS Engineering Sdn Bhd v PALI PTP Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] 9 MLJ 541, Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v Jaks Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734 and Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another summon [2020] MLJU 1405 where the Court found that the applicants for a stay of the adjudication decision had put forth the same grounds as in the applications under 15 CIPAA, which had been considered and determined to be unmeritorious. [19] In the circumstances, the 2nd Issue is answered in the negative. 3rd Issue: Whether the Defendant’s financial position is such that it will be unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff in the event the Plaintiff succeeds in the arbitration proceedings [20] The Plaintiff relied mainly on the decision of the Court of Appeal in ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals [2023] 1 CLJ 1 (see in particular paras 53, 54, 59, 61 and 77) to support its arguments, among others, that there is lack of clarity in the Defendant’s true financial ability to pay back the Adjudicated Sum, if required and this amounts to a special circumstance that justifies a stay of the AD pending final determination of the dispute between the parties pursuant to the arbitration process (see too, paras 22, 26 and S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 30 - 33 of the judgment in Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852 which were quoted in the Plaintiff’s Submission In Reply). [21] The Defendant vehemently countered the Plaintiff’s arguments by insisting that it is an ongoing business concern and not one under financial distress for the reasons which were summarised as follows: (a) there is no evidence that the Defendant is unable to repay any debts; (b) the Defendant is not under any winding-up or threatened winding-up; (c) the Defendant has been suffering losses because of breaches by the Plaintiff; (d) the substantial portion of the Defendant’s liabilities are owed to Eversendai Corporation Berhad (‘ECB’; the Defendant’s holding company) and its other subsidiaries, and its directors, who are all supporting the Defendant; (e) despite being owed substantial amounts of money, the Defendant was able to finance the works and had completed the project, except for a few drawings that are being submitted. The Defendant pursued adjudication against the Plaintiff only after substantially completing the works; and S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 (f) the Plaintiff’s expert, CT Lim, is not qualified and he did not deny that the Defendant is a going concern. [22] I have duly considered the affidavit evidence and the submissions of the parties and I find that the Plaintiff has established the Defendant’s inability to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff, if required to do so after the arbitration. My reasons are as follows: (a) CT Lim’s Qualifications The Defendant submitted that, based on CT Lim’s curriculum vitae (‘CV’; see exhibit “LCT-1”, encl. 41), he is an accountant and not a qualified or licensed auditor or liquidator. Thus, CT Lim does not have the requisite expertise and qualifications to comment or opine on auditing matters, liquidity, solvency and capital adequacy. Furthermore, as compared to the Defendant’s experts, Dawin Tang Keng Wai and Marilyn Ngu Siow Ping (see the Expert Accountant Opinion On The Solvency Of Eversendai Corporation Berhad (‘PKF Report’) in exhibit “NT-19”, encl. 39 at pp 283 - 286), CT Lim is not proverbially peritus, with skill or knowledge on the matters of audit and liquidity. Hence, the Defendant urged the Court to take caution when considering the PwC Report and that its experts’ findings and views are to be preferred over that of CT Lim. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 Firstly, the issue as to CT Lim’s qualifications as compared to the Defendant’s experts was not mentioned at all in the Defendant’s AIR (3) (encl. 47). Therefore, there was no opportunity for CT Lim to respond to the statements which were made for the first time in the Defendant’s Reply Submissions. Secondly, CT Lim has affirmed that he is a chartered accountant with more than 17 years of experience in performing statutory audits, management accounting and financial reporting functions, and providing independent valuation advice. Upon perusal of his CV, I am unable to agree with the Defendant’s contention as to CT Lim’s purported lack of expertise and qualifications to carry out the task falling under the scope of instructions, namely, to provide an independent assessment of (i) the financial health and financial soundness of the Defendant; and (ii) the arguments and conclusions raised in the PKF Report. I am satisfied that CT Lim has the requisite peculiar skills and knowledge in analysing the Defendant’s audited financial statements and the PKF Report to arrive at his findings and conclusions. In my opinion, CT Lim qualifies as an expert (see Dato’ Mokhtar Bin Hashim & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 MLJ 232) and there is no justification for me to reject his evidence as being inadmissible or to give lesser weight to his report. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 (b) Ability to Repay the Adjudicated Sum The Defendant relied on para 26 in the judgment by Lim Chong Fong J (now JCA) in Kayangan Kemas Sdn Bhd v TMT Solutions Sdn Bhd [2019] MLJU 1277 where His Lordship had explained regarding project cash flow and corporate cash flow and said, among others, that “… the continuing subsistence and survival of the construction company as an ongoing concern to undertake projects is dependent on corporate cash flow. …” to support the submission that the Defendant remains a going concern and is not a PN17 company with no evidence of inability to repay debts. Based on the report prepared by CT Lim (‘PwC Report’), – (i) the expert had adopted the Capital Adequacy Test to indicate whether the Defendant has sufficient assets to meet all its liabilities, and the Liquidity Test to indicate whether the Defendant is able to pay its debts as and when they fall due. With regards to the Capital Adequacy Test, CT Lim found that the Defendant’s net liability was deteriorating to a deficit of RM66,126,000.00 at the end of financial year 2022 (‘FY22’) and this indicates that the Defendant does not have sufficient assets to meet its liabilities. The alarming decline from 2020 to 2022 where total liabilities exceeded total assets is “… a very strong indicator of the S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 Defendant’s increasingly insufficient capacity to meet its financial obligations.”. As for the Liquidity Test, it “… reveals a significant worsening in the Defendant’s financial position from a net current liability of RM5,495,727 in FY18 to a net current liability of RM56,096,360 in FY21, highlighting an acute inability to fulfil short-term debt repayments.”. CT Lim goes on to say that “Using the same tests applied by PKF in assessing solvency, it is evident that the Defendant would have consistently failed the Capital Adequacy Test and the Liquidity Test in each of the past four (4) financial years leading up to FY21”; (ii) apart from the two Tests as above mentioned, CT Lim had conducted further analysis on the Defendant’s profit and loss statements and cash and bank balances for financial year-end 31.12.2017 to 31.12.2021 and found that: (A) the Defendant has consistently suffered net losses in each of the four financial years up to FY21, with a net loss of RM41,410,672.00 recorded in FY21; (B) there is a pattern of consistent losses in escalating amounts from FY18 to FY21, resulting in the Defendant having to rely on intercompany financial S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 support. The Defendant owes its related companies a net total of RM55,741,194.00 as at 31 December 2021, mainly from trade transactions and payments on behalf which are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. Hence, these intercompany liabilities gives the lenders the right to request repayment of debt at any time without prior notice or a specific repayment schedule; (C) any surplus cash available to the Defendant by way of receipt of the Adjudication Sum may potentially be allocated towards repaying the intercompany liabilities; (D) the Defendant is heavily reliant on financial support from its immediate holding company to meet its obligations and carry on operations. Any failure on the part of the holding company to provide the necessary funds could have serious implications on the Defendant's operations and its ability to fulfil its legal and contractual commitments. (E) from FY17 to FY21, the Defendant had an average year-end cash balance of RM1,434,811.00 over the past five years. By the end of FY21, the cash balance held by the Defendant was RM210,563.00 which is insignificant when compared against the Adjudication Sum of RM25,457,990.03; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 (F) as an operating subsidiary, the Defendant does not hold substantial cash balance at any one point in time. Instead, any surplus cash balances held by the Defendant are either used to pay down external borrowings or intercompany liabilities based on observations on the accounts from FY17 to FY21. The PwC Report summarised that: “6.3.1. Based on Section 6.1 to Section 6.2.10 of this PwC Report, it is evident that the Defendant has been, and still is, facing severe solvency challenges. The Capital Adequacy Test reveals that the Defendant has consistently been in a net liability position over the past five (5) financial years, indicating an inability to meet its financial obligations. Similarly, the Liquidity Test demonstrates a significant deterioration in the Defendant’s net current liability position, further highlighting its insufficient capacity to fulfil short-term repayments. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 6.3.2. These solvency issues are exacerbated by the continued substantial losses incurred by the Defendant and its reliance on intercompany financial support, leading to a substantial amount of intercompany liabilities owed to related parties. The fact that these liabilities are repayable on demand raises concerns about the allocation of any available cash towards repayment, potentially further compromising the Defendant's financial stability. In light of these compelling facts, I believe that the Defendant’s is at high risk of being unable to repay the Adjudication Sum in the event the Plaintiff prevails in the Arbitration.”. In the light of the above excerpts from the PwC Report, there is uncertainty over the Defendant’s ability to carry on as a going concern. In fact, in Kayangan Kemas, the court concluded that “… since there is only possibility but no cogent evidence of actual insolvency balanced with the need for corporate cash flow, I am of the view that the just approach in the circumstances is to order part payment of the adjudicated sum to TMTS with the balance S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 of the other part of the adjudicated sum held in escrow pending the disposal of the Suit.”. In the instant suit, I was inclined to make the order as I did because the Plaintiff has proven, on a balance of probabilities, the precarious financial position of the Defendant and it is not a certainty that the Adjudicated Sum will be re-paid to the Plaintiff should the outcome of the arbitration be in the Plaintiff’s favor such that a conditional stay is appropriate in the circumstances of this case in the interest of justice. (c) The Defendant’s Financial Position Was Never An Issue? Mr. James Monteiro had submitted for the Defendant that the Plaintiff’s arguments on the Defendant’s finances are afterthoughts because of the following reasons: (i) The Defendant’s financial position was never previously a concern as the Plaintiff had executed SA No. 1 in 2020, which increased the subcontract price by RM36.293 million, despite full knowledge of the Defendant’s financial position being largely the same as it is now. However, there is no expert evidence to show that the Defendant’s financial position is the same as at the time of the Subcontract Agreement in 2016. In any event, the PwC Report shows significant worsening of the Defendant’s financial standing from 2018 to 2021. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 (ii) The Plaintiff is already holding ample monies or securities from the Defendant in the form of the Adjudicated Sum, retention sums in the amount of RM17,13,549.92 and monies secured pursuant to a Bank Guarantee in the amount of RM32,849,223.61. I agree with the Plaintiff that this factor has nothing to do with the Defendant’s ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum. The fact is that the Adjudicated Sum is being held by the Defendant’s solicitors and will be released to the Defendant if the Stay Application is dismissed. Meanwhile, the purpose of the retention sum is to ensure that the Defendant attends to any defective works during the Defects Notification Period. As for the Bank Guarantee, there is an injunction as a result of the Injunction Application and the matter is pending appeal (at the time of writing this judgment, the Court of Appeal has affirmed the decision of this Court on 24.10.2023). (iii) The Plaintiff returned the Defendant’s Advance Payment Bond in the sum of RM17,710,997.48 in early 2022 even though there were advance/ on-account payments that had not been recovered by the Plaintiff at the material time. However, it is my considered view that this fact does not prove the Defendant’s ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum. The Advance Payment Bond was issued for the purpose of guaranteeing the return of the sum which was S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 advanced to the Defendant. Once that has been recouped, the Advance Payment Bond must be returned to the Defendant (see para 36, encl. 21). (iv) The Plaintiff had consistently under-certified payments, caused late issuance of payment certificates, made late payments and underpayment and sudden design changes in the name of “value engineering”. However, this contention does not assist the Defendant’s case in establishing its ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum. Moreover, there is no expert evidence to show that the Defendant’s financial position is due to the Plaintiff’s failure in paying the Adjudicated Sum. (v) The Plaintiff or its affiliates had invited the Defendant or its affiliates to tender for steelworks in the project and had awarded the same to the Defendant; to tender for metal works in the project; to tender for projects in Qatar, Taiwan and Singapore; and to purchase steelworks for a Petronas project in Kuala Lumpur, all worth hundreds of Malaysian Ringgit (see paras 35 - 41 of the Defendant’s Written Submissions for the listing). Again, this does not show that the Defendant will be able to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff. In any event, the Plaintiff explained that “… the invitation to the Defendant to participate in the tender exercise was part of the competitive process. … the Defendant was invited to the tender exercise mostly S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 because the Defendant had already been present and mobilised on site-a fact the Plaintiff believed at the time could give the Defendant price advantage over other third party contractors, as there would be little to no preliminary and mobilisation costs. … the invitation to participate in the tenders do not in any way reflect the Plaintiff’s confidence in the Defendant's financial position at any moment.” (see para 34, encl. 21). (d) Alleged Attempt to Infer the Defendant’s Financial Impecuniosity vis-à-vis ECB’s Financial Statements The affirmations in the Defendant’s AIR (2) (encl. 39) are mainly to rebut the Plaintiff’s allegation that there exists significant doubt on the ECB Group’s and ECB’s ability to continue as going concerns. In particular, it was averred, among others, that – (i) the statement in ECB’s Financial Statements is a qualified view formed by ECB’s independent auditor, Messrs. Baker Tilly Monteiro Heng PLT (‘Baker Tilly’) without the benefit of perusing documents on ECB’s support from the financial institutions, ECB’s restructuring plans and borrowings and ECB generating adequate cash flows for its operating activities. The statement is also a common and generic statement by independent auditors and not to be taken to mean that ECB is insolvent or not a going concern; S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 (ii) in the PKF Report, it was concluded that ECB and its individual companies are solvent and going concerns. ECB has sufficient assets to repay its liabilities, along with those of its subsidiaries including the Adjudicated Sum; (iii) ECB is a going concern and not under liquidation or dire distress, which is why it is not classified as PN17 by Bursa Malaysia; and (iv) ECB continues to receive funding and financial instruments from banks. ECB and its individual companies have been awarded large iconic projects worth approximately RM1.1 billion across India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Singapore and United Arab Emirates, which would not be the case if the companies are indeed in distress. At the outset, it must be emphasised that the PKF Report centres on the solvency of the ECB Group i.e. ECB and its 19 subsidiaries, one of which is the Defendant. The PKF Report did not consider the Defendant’s financial status and the key question on the Defendant’s ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff. No rebuttal expert report to the PwC Report was prepared and exhibited although there was ample opportunity for the Defendant to do so. In other words, the PwC Report stands unopposed by the Defendant. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 I am mindful that the court may not reject unopposed expert evidence unless the evidence is obviously lacking in defensibility (see paras 34 and 35 in the judgment of the Court of Appeal Majuikan Sdn Bhd v Barclays Bank Plc [2014] 9 CLJ 337). In this case, the PwC Report is not obviously indefensible. Therefore, the court not being an expert on financial matters in determining the financial health and financial soundness of the Defendant for purposes of the Stay Application, should defer to expert opinion as found in the PwC Report. The Plaintiff asserted that it has raised issues regarding the Defendant’s finances from the start and whatever evidence on ECB (see paras 3.10 - 3.30 and 7.1 - 7.7.1 of the PwC Report on CT Lim’s commentary on the PKF Report) is additional evidence to support the Plaintiff’s contention that the Defendant is not able to repay the Adjudicated Sum. CT Lim had concluded in the PwC Report that: “3.31. From my analysis above, the claims put forth by the Defendant and its expert, PKF, are first and foremost irrelevant as they focus exclusively on the Defendant's parent entity, ECB, instead of on the actual Defendant itself, ECMSB. 3.32. If the same assessments had been done on the Defendant as the relevant party, ECMSB would S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 have clearly failed both the solvency tests put forth by its own expert PKF, and the financial evidence I have presented based on the audited financial statements of the Defendant demonstrate that there is significant risk that it will not be able to repay the Adjudication Sum to the Plaintiff should the Plaintiff prevail in the Arbitration. 3.33. Even if one were to resort to relying on the financial strength of the parent entity of ECMSB, i.e. ECB, as a means to justify the ability of ECMSB to repay the Adjudicated Sum (which in any case is technically incorrect and conceptually unsupportable), there would still be a significant risk of the Adjudicated Sum not being recoverable by SUJV, based on ECB's own financial position.”. In my view, the Plaintiff had rebutted the Defendant’s averments as set out in subparas (i) - (iv) above whereby – • in respect of subpara (i), in the Reports And Financial Statements for the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2022 dated 26.4.2023 (‘2023 Report’), Baker Tilly had stated as follows: S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 “During the financial year ended 31 December 2022, the Group and the Company incurred net losses of RM366,861,000 and RM302,956,000 respectively, and as of that date, the Group's and the Company's current liabilities exceeded their current assets by RM168,333,000 and RM532,206,000 respectively. As disclosed in Note 28, the Group and the Company are in discussion with multiple financial institutions on restructuring plans for the Group's and the Company's borrowings. These conditions indicate material uncertainties exist that may cast significant doubt on the Group's and the Company's ability to continue as going concerns. The ability of the Group and the Company to operate as going concerns is dependent on: (i) The continuous support from the financial institutions and the discussion on restructuring plans for the Group's and the Company's borrowings be successfully concluded; and (ii) The Group and the Company to achieve sustainable and profitable operations or through the disposal of non-core assets to S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 generate adequate cash flows for their operating activities.” The Defendant has not shown that it is able to meet the matters in (i) and (ii) as quoted above. Further, Baker Tilly did not expressly state that they did not have the benefit of perusing documents in relation to the contingencies and the documents exhibited in encl. 39 pre- date the 2023 Report and should have been given or made available to Baker Tilly. As for the allegation that Baker Tilly’s statement is common and generic, the PwC Report makes reference to the International Standard on Auditing 570 which “… requires the auditor to make adequate disclosures, under a separate section with a heading that includes reference to the fact that a material uncertainty related to going concern exists, to alert users to this circumstance as it is a matter deemed important to the users’ understanding of the financial statements. It is important to note that a MUCG is only issued when events or conditions create significant doubt about a company’s ability to continue its operations or meet its financial obligations, and/ or the company may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.”. Hence, the statements S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 by Baker Tilly are not a “blanket” cautionary statement nor are they a common occurrence; • in respect of subparas (ii) and (iii), these were countered by paras 3.31 - 3.33 of the PwC Report as quoted earlier (see too, paras 7.1.1 - 7.7.1 of the PwC Report, especially paras 7.5.4 and 7.5.5). In para 7.7.1 of the PwC Report, it was opined that “Certain representations made by PKF in the PKF Report such as commenting on the success of ECB Group’s debt restructuring exercise and ECB Group’s potential to raise funds from the capital markets based on its status as a publicly listed company, are speculative in nature given no substantial evidence was provided to support the claims.”; and • in respect of subpara (iv), the loans and financing secured by other member companies of the ECB Group do not reflect the financial soundness of the Defendant which is a separate entity from the other members of the Group and ECB, which are located outside Malaysia. The Defendant did not exhibit any financial records of the other member companies of the ECB Group which have secured the facilities or the assets, and the collateral used to secure them. As for ECB being awarded projects across numerous countries, all the documents on the projects as exhibited S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 were issued in 2022 except for one Subcontract Agreement dated 2.3.2023. These project documents should have been made available to Baker Tilly for the purposes of the 2023 Report. In any case, these documents do not prove that ECB and its Group’s finances are healthy and do not mean that the Defendant is able to repay the Adjudicated Sum to the Plaintiff. (e) The Defendant and ECB Are Allegedly Financially Sound The Defendant submitted that the following behaviour of the markets, both domestically and abroad, towards itself and ECB do not support the various allegations made by the Plaintiff and its expert: (i) ECB’s principal bankers have continued to work with, and support, ECB and its individual companies on a day-to-day basis which includes the issuance of performance bonds on behalf of ECB and its individual companies as well as the granting of loan facilities (sees paras 9 and 10 and exhibits “NT-9” and “NT-10”, encl. 39 for the details). However, the performance bonds have nothing to do with the Defendant and the exact circumstances revolving around the issuance of these bonds are unclear. With regards to the loans and financing secured by other S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 member companies of the ECB Group, the Defendant did not exhibit the financial records of these other member companies and the collateral used to secure the loans and financing. Anyway, this fact does not reflect the financial soundness of the Defendant, which is separate entity. (ii) ECB’s clients have seen no issue in providing bank guarantees to ECB’s individual companies (see para 11 and exhibit “NT-11”, encl. 39). I am, however, inclined to agree with the Plaintiff that the Bank Guarantee by BUCG (M) Sdn Bhd to another ECB subsidiary, Eversendai Engineering Sdn Bhd does not advance the Defendant’s case in any way. The Defendant additionally presented that ECB’s Interim Financial Report for the Financial Year Ending 31 December 2023 – First Quarter Ended 31 March 2023 has shown a profit of RM1.432 million with assets exceeding liabilities (see para 16 and exhibit “NT-14”, encl. 39). However, in para 7.3.1 of the PwC Report, the expert opined that “… the translated profit of RM1,432,000 is insignificant when compared to the reclassified amount from the Syndicated Term Loan and Ijarah Facility to current liabilities outstanding (short term obligations) of RM707,06,000.”. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 (f) The Defendant Allegedly Financially Backed According to the Defendant, ECB as its holding company, is at all material times a going concern as confirmed in the PKF Report and will support the Defendant. RM89,525,168.00 out of the total liabilities in the sum of RM131,812,870.00 as stated in the Defendant’s Financial Statements 2021 are sums owed to related companies, an immediate holding company and a director, all of whom will support the Defendant. On this point, suffice to say that the PwC Report (see paras 3.33 and 6.2.4 - 6.2.10) casts doubt on the Defendant’s assertions on “support” as it is unlikely the Defendant will obtain financial assistance from ECB, and the substantial amounts owed to related companies, a holding company and a director is in fact indicative of the Defendant not being in a position to repay the Adjudicated Sum. [23] On a final note, the Defendant’s submissions pertaining to the Plaintiff’s financial health with reference to the Plaintiff’s Financial Statement 2022 which shows losses of RM84 million, and on the issue of balance of convenience, are not relevant considerations for the Stay Application. [24] The importance of upholding the intent of the CIPAA has been repeatedly emphasised in many cases on the CIPAA, two of which as cited by Mr. James Monteiro are Sime Darby Energy Solution Sdn. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 Bhd. (formerly known as Sime Darby Offshore Engineering Sdn Bhd) v RZH Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd. [2022] 1 MLJ 458 and IRDK Venture Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020] MLJU 939. I have also alluded to the intention and objective of the CIPAA in the context of s 16 CIPAA in several judgments to date (see among others, Syarikat TD Sdn Bhd v Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd and another case [2019] MLJU 1754 at para 129 and MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v Pembinaan Mitrajaya Sdn Bhd and another case [2023] MLJU 52 at para 90). [25] Nevertheless, in the final analysis of the present case, I am satisfied that the justice of the case warrants a stay of the AD pending final determination by way of arbitration as there is a real risk that the Adjudicated Sum, if released to the Defendant, would not be able to be re-paid to the Plaintiff in the event the Plaintiff finally succeeds in the arbitration proceedings (see CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1305 at paras 55 and 57; Zeta Letrik (supra) at paras 63 and 64; and RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and other cases [2023] MLJU 247 at para 37 for the discussion on the meaning of “justice of the case”). [26] In the premises, the 3rd Issue is answered in the affirmative. S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 Conclusion [27] In view of largely the findings of the Court in respect of the the 3rd Issue above, the Stay Application in encl. 1 was allowed with no order as to costs. [28] I was of the further view that, in the circumstances of the case, a conditional stay is appropriate and hence, the Adjudicated Sum, which is currently held by the Defendant’s solicitors, shall continue to be so held in the stakeholder's account until the disposal of the arbitration proceedings. Dated: 31 October 2023 (ALIZA SULAIMAN) Judge Construction Court 2 High Court Kuala Lumpur S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 Counsels/ Solicitors: For the Plaintiff: Kuhendran Thanapalasingam (Daniel Lau Hsien Yuong and Agesh Krishendra Jeyaratnam with him) Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners Advocates & Solicitors D3-3-8, Solaris Dutamas No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur For the Defendant: James Monteiro (Vishal V Kumar and Ban Qiao Hui with him) Messrs. James Monteiro Advocates & Solicitors D4-6-1, Solaris Dutamas No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment: Cases: ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals [2023] 1 CLJ 1 Batu Kemas Industri Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Anor [2015] 7 CLJ 849 Bremer Handelsgesellschaft mbH v Vanden Avenne-Izegem PVBA [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 113 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1305 Dato’ Mokhtar Bin Hashim & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 MLJ 232 Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v Public Prosecutor and another appeal [2015] 2 MLJ 293 EA Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1851 Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd v ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd and another summons [2020] MLJU 1146 Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd v Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2025 Haji Wan Habib Syed Mahmud v Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud & Anor [1986] 2 MLJ 198 Henia Investments Inc v Beck Interiors Ltd [2015] EWHC 2433 (TCC) Hisham bin Halim v Maya bt Ahmad Fuaad & Ors [2021] MLJU 2293 IRDK Venture Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020] MLJU 939 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 Ireka Engineering and Construction Sdn. Bhd. v PWC Corp Sdn. Bhd. and another appeal [2019] MLJU 35 JEKS Engineering Sdn Bhd v PALI PTP Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] 9 MLJ 541 Junaidi Bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor [1993] 3 MLJ 217 Kayangan Kemas Sdn Bhd v TMT Solutions Sdn Bhd [2019] MLJU 1277 Majuikan Sdn Bhd v Barclays Bank Plc [2014] 9 CLJ 337 Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another summon [2020] MLJU 1405 MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v Pembinaan Mitrajaya Sdn Bhd and another case [2023] MLJU 52 Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852 RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting And Trading (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] 1 LNS 209; [2023] MLJU 247 Royal Brompton Hospital NHS Trust v Hammond (No. 3) 62 [2002] 1 WLR 1397 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 Sime Darby Energy Solution Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Sime Darby Offshore Engineering Sdn Bhd) v RZH Setia Jaya Sdn. Bhd. [2022] 1 MLJ 458 Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818 Sun Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v Hejongkang Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 2066 Syarikat TD Sdn Bhd v Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd and another case [2019] MLJU 1754 Tecnicas Reunidas Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. v Petrovietnam Engineering Consultancy JSC (PVE) & Anor and other cases [2021] MLJU 2633 Terminal Perintis Sdn Bhd v Tan Ngee Hong Construction Sdn Bhd and another case [2017] MLJU 242 View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22 Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v Jaks Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734 Legislation: Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012, ss 15, 16, 28, 29 & 30 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 Rules of Court 2012, O. 69A r. 4 & O. 92 r. 4 Other sources referred to: Julian Bailey, Construction Law Volume II, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis, 2016 Stephen Furst & The Hon. Sir Vivian Ramsey, Keating on Construction Contracts, 9th edition, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 2015 S/N RdTCg2Xi3kFYq49NqmjRg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Criminal procedure - Appeal against conviction and sentence - Appellant was found guilty on 3 charges of possession of dangerous drugs - Whether Appellant had possession and knowledge of drugs - Whether prosecution evidence believable in light of contradicting evidence by Appellant's sister who was called to give evidence as a prosecution witness - Whether the Appellant's IC was found in the bag containing the drugs - Whether the Appellant's sister was an interested witness Proper findings of fact on a maximum evaluation of prosecution case - Whether defence properly considered by trial court - Appeal against conviction dismissed - Appeal against sentence - First offender - Appellant sentence to 20 strokes of rotan in total - Reduced number of whippings imposed
YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin
15/11/2023 11:03:15 AB-42S-11-09/2022 Kand. 41 S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N D442tPFyMkKZ1zIqwf4aGQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Aa—¢2s—11—u9/2u22 Kand. 41 ,5, 142023 11vz”- 15 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAVA DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI FERAK DARUL RIDZUAN MALAYSIA RAVUAN JENAYAH NO: ABJZS-10-D9/2022 A As-42s-11-us/2022 [KES NO »Aa-szu-1oa—os/2020 5 A5620-121-owzozn SAHROL BIN SHAIIISUDIN mo. KIP.: 380311086465] . PERAVU v m PENDAKWA RAVA ...REsPoNnEN GROUNDS or JUDGMENT 15 m The Appauam was charged in ma Sessions com for 3 offences ul passessmn mi dangevous drugs under 2 case numbers as lollows - fludu glndnn m A3420-1a:H1s/zoza Bahawa uamu,pa.1a 29/2/zazo Jam lebm kuranq 01.30 Pagw, benampal .1. lepi man war Kzmvung Sangkm. uek. Ham Kuvau Da\am Dasrah Lam! Mmang aan sanama, dalam Negen Perak «even ada flalam mlhkan mu. m2 gram :5 bahan kelman aan semuk wama palang yang mengamungl Mannncelylmammnss O\eh yang dsrmklan kamu Iekah mehakukan salu kesavahan a. hawah saksysn 12(2) ma Dadah Eenbahaya 1952 yang bolah dihukum m bawah Saksyen 39A zzum yang sama In Agfizn-521-In/2020 Bahawa kamu, pm 29/2/znza an Vebm kurang 01,31: Pagl, bafl2mna| a. law ,a:an ppm Knmmmg Sangkm, Imk, aam Kumu Dahm Dauah Laml Mavsng den Sebma dzlam Megan Pevak |aIah ana dalam mmxan kamu 34 gm Hemln Olen yang demlkxan kamu lehh mehkukan saw kesalshan m hawan N Duzwrymxxztzlqwuaisu ma Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy MIN; dun-mm VII mum puns! 15 saksyerl l2l2l Akla nadan Esrbahaya 1952 Yam: Doleh fllhukum dl aawan Seksyerl 59A lIlAk\a yar-9 sama Bahama Kamu. pada zwlzuzo ran. lehlh kumng 01 30 Pigl, herlzmpm dl Iepl lalin went Kammmg sanded um, aard Kunln oalarn Daersh Luml Malang dun Sslamn. dalarn Negarl Pemk lzlah ada dalarn mlllkan kamu U13 gram nlernanrnneranrrne. olen yang demlklan kamu relan melakukan salu kesalahan dl dawan sak5yen12(2)AkIa nedan Eemahaya msz yanp bulsfl dlmlknm dl bawah sensyen 3?/1(HA><Iz we iama.‘ [2] sum eases were neard logelner anne sessions Court ln Taiplng as lney involved me sarne wltnesses and same laa1s.l=or cunvenlenue, l will reler lo me 3 charges as me flrst charge, seoond cnarge and Ihlrd charge, raspeellvely. slanlng WM’! me cnarge in case No AE—62D—103—06/2020 Alter a lull lnal. me Appellant was lound gully on all charges by me sessrdns com Judge lsc.ll and on 2 9.2022 he was eonvieled and senleneed la 7 years’ rmpnsdnrnem end 10 elroxee Mme mlan ldrlne rrrel charge and Syears‘ lrnpnesnrnenl and 5 slrakes ellna rolan larlns second and third charges The imprlsanmenl «arms were lo edrnrnenee lronr lne dale elarresl un 29 2 2020 and In he served eansdrrenlly [3] Prior In lns neanng al Ihe appeal, are Appellant sedgnl lne cudrrs leave to Ne lne Fel on of Appeal um pl Ilme e. aboul 2 weeks after me deadline. The Court allowed me appllcallon slnoe me Denuly Public Pmssculor (DPP) dld nal oblect lo lne applicalron. [4] ladm appeals were neard logelher by one cam on 9.5 2023 on 1 9 2923, I amrrned the convicfians hm varled lne senlenees of me rdtan. Thu 5 nrekes dl man oalzh ler lne suumd and mini enarges were reduced lo 3 slrekas loraach charge The Appellant nas new appealed agalnsl lhe wnple declslorl pl Ihls Conn. This Grounds pl Judgment oonlaln my reasons lor dlsmissing poln appeal Nos. 10 and ll. N euzwryunaunmsee Mme a.n.l n-vlhnrwlll re used m mm ms nflnlrrallly sun. dun-mm wa mane wnxl to Zn 1; % are other uugsnl evidence to establish its ease in perticuiar direct evidence soon as in the present case: Mahendren Arivetsn v PF [2020] 1 LNS 1213; man) ut..iu 1286 cam. [21] The SCJ iurther stated that what was out to the prcseertion witnesses without more cannot be accepted by the com as evidence per se: senieiirt Iain Tumln v PP (201115 ML! 353. she oonciuded that the evidence oi the prosecution witnesses in regard to the hnding oi the oriendine drugs were eredioie evidence. which it unrebutted by the deience wananted a conviction on the charges preierrett The main issue tor oonsideretien was whether the prosecution had proved that the Aopetient had possession eiihe black FVLA backpack (P14) which he held with his right haridius1 beiere SP1 arrested him SP1 admitted that the engine oi the car was still running but denied that PM was ever round in the car. The SCJ iound that the Aopeiient had ectuei pussessioit oi P14 which contained the drugs. By virtue oi the iaet that the 3 plastic|s in P14 were transparent and the ponies oouid cieeriy see the contents suspected to be dnrgs, the SCJ iounti that the Appellant had the requisite knawiedgs ot the opntents of the a transparent oiastie packets. The Appeiiant atse admitted that P14 was the bag that the pohce seized that night although he denied the bag and its contents were his. [22] The SCJ aiso addressed the issue oi the or prosecution witnesses in her grounds oiiudgrnerit The defence submitted there were inatenai oontredtottons among the prosecution witnesses and that they were bound by the testimonies of their own witnesses, to the ex1enI that there a ed two distinct interences and thereiore, the more favourable inierenoe should be drawn by the mun ior the deiense. The SCJ found that the discrepancies in the prosecution witnt§sas' evidenoe SIN D442|PFyMkKz1xlnvmed3u “ -use s.n.i In-vihnrwiii re used M mm me sriiiniiy MIME dun-vinirl v.. nFit.ING Wflxi ID zo % were nor marenal conrrauiciions Ihat were fatal to me pvaseculiun case. The discrepancies only weni io showihauhe prosecution witnesses were noi mached Ia give evidence in mun They gave ewdenee based on meir ve::ollac.1ion ai events: Llm euan Enq v PP [1933] 3 MLJ 769; choarr Slang Guai v PP[1l'I69]2 ML! 53. some were able to give more cierails man oihers. Moreover, the preseouhan witnesses r.a ihe policeman Involved VI the arrest did nnl have any molive lo Ila: FF v shaabarr sin Abdul Rarrrrrrm [1 ans] 2 MLJ 313 aesiues, the SCJ funnel manhere was nothing mhereniiy rneredihle about the evidence man were glven by SP1 and SP4 In respect oi the llrldlng oi the drugs in P14: Moham-d Alias v PF[1lll]1 LN: zno. [23] The Appellant submllled that mere were serious oanlradicllons In the prusecutiun ease regarding «mm where his menmy card no) was lound/taken He claimed that ll’\ElE were 3 different versions in the prosecution case ilsell and Ihelefurs, the Appellant must be acquitted and discharged as me charges had nei heen proved, one versiun was it was iourm in «he middle part 0! P14(SP1 and spa), the second version was that SP1 asked ior the ic Mam rhe Appeiiani (SF'1)and me third vsrsiun was [hat spz look it our «mm the Appellanfs wallet and handed it over io SP1 (SP2). In the police report lodged by SPH, he stated it was found in We bag together with ma drugs. [24] The deienoe disputed the firsl version heoause It was illogical lnr someone Io put his II) VI a bag ooniarnrng drugs and walled fur me police to arrest him. The deienee subminau it was more iogical lorlhe Appellanl to rnrow away PM upon seeing me poliee ream as I| was dark where his car had stopped. Bul ihis coun none: in re-exsnunahon, SP1 ciariiied 'Ssmasa langkapsn drbual saya ieiah mam/nla kad pengsnaian darfpada sw D«2iPryMhKzixn-mmansu “ Nuns s.n.i In-vihnrwlll be used m mm ms nflfllhnllly sun. dnunmnl wa mum wnxi 15 % OKT darl dia keluarkan darfpada beg damper die’. TNS showed that me Avbellarlt was not yel hahdcuwed when SP1 asked in! ms IC and the dormer look 1 oul lrom his wallet. [25] 9 12.2021. Hsr evldencs was hol vary lahglhy. she came lo me place where the Appellant was arrested at Na. 24 PPRT, which was all lapl rumah' around 3 as am. By the lime she amved mere, the Appellant was l will naw address lhe evldenee 0! SP2 who (esllfied lh court on already hanooulleo. she saw a lew polloemen there and she knew 2 ul them whom she called “Pak va' ano ‘Marl’ she pleaded wlzh the police no: lo arresl her brolher as she was gone to get marred soon (presumably he was la be her guardian al me ceremony or that she lusl wanted hlm lo be preeenl al her weddlrlg). In heroraasaxamlhallan, SP2 stated that she took out his wallet and gave the Appellant‘: III to the policeman. She also look his ilver bangle out from hls pocket. The Court also mined that she did not knew much about wha| happened that mght as she had been sleeping prlor tn the angst SP2 stated that her bmther came home In take 2 shower She said "Dia masuk ke Iumah iiu km Masa nu says udur, SH)/N (idsk lahu.. [251 ln ma evldenoe ol lhe Appellant, he stated lhel SP1 asked lur his IC The Appellant said he did not have his IC and than SP2 told them It was with her. Therefore‘ SP2 tank am the IC {mm NS wallet and gave It to SP1. Now, this Court ahservsd that SP2 was um an impnrlant wllnsss because she was nol there when me Appellanl was fllst oetalhed by the police she came laser and that too was aner she woke up lrom sleep; aner gemng a phone call lrom her omer brother. The Court noted man in her examlnatlon In chiet she was He! asked about her taking me am u«2lPryMkKzlxh1m4an3u '3 -we Smnl n-vlhnrwm be used m vafli .. nflmnallly MIN: dun-mm VII nFluNG WM! 10 15 25 as % Appsiianrs IC oul horn his waflet II was puzzling why me p e wuuld iec her handle ine Appellanfs Ic/millet it na had alveady been under anesi [271 The SCJ in ner grounds M iudgmerit addressed inis issue by stating as follows. we» naiam kes wenian V sun. ei Mnhmashlrsi min 7 sec 295. Mahkamah Agung indn mnh mamulusknn hnhawa nuhungari sama sda ari|am mei dengan mangsa nlau derigari Tammuh udax akan sena mena menoemarkari niin xeierangan saksi (ersebm isiapi sebaliknya kalararigari snxsi meshlan dneim secara havrialwiali Mankamah Agung India mzmflllllklfl semi yang Darlklll '|H7ieIravu1:me i. Vmmd In be cnnxis1enln»dlme.|1IeVac\ cl being a I=LI|we canml by nsen discredit ineii avlderiae. in einer WGIGS. me ie\a|mrish\p is nm a iaclor In amen ine qediminy era wnnsss and the mun; have in scnmrilss men evidence rneuauiousiy WM a lime cam " [23] Neverlhelessi inis cum lound inai when SP1 was giving evidence, he was not cmssexamined about SP2 taking his walletoul drain the back pocket and handing over me it: io SP1, In «act, SP1 was uniy asked that SP2 was at me piaoe oi arrest and then me DPP re—examined mm as moms (in page :2 ol the Notes 0! Evidence dated 24.11.2021) “TFR' Semasa pemeriksaan dijaiankari kakak om’ ede hedir di siiu dan Koperai setuiu? SP1. Semasa pamanksaan dibuai, ada orang kampung yang telefon keiuarga om. Kakak OKT yang ieian dalang ke ienipai kajadlanf. [291 Marewer. ins aniy cnaiiengs about ms is to SP1 was man i\ was nal «nine in me bag. SP1 denied inie suggsslinri. Upon lunher scnniny or {he cmss—m<amInal\on on this Issue, I bund [Hal counsel did no| 5|-19965! a| all that the IC was surrendered by SP2 to SP1. I lound (hal SF2's evidenoe must be scrulinised Galdully as she, admiltedly, was an A SIN e«2mum« ‘ "Mme e.n.i be used m mm .. nflmnnflly sun. dun-mm VII .nune WM! 1m in 15 an mtalerstad wnness. sne pleaded wun me police not |o arrest her brother as sne was genmg mamas! Tnere men he a good or Imporlanl reason why sne said mat. Tne Cnun tonne met her ewuence about «akmg me Appellanvs \c from N5 wane: was an aitarlhuught and ply unbehevable as SP1 was nevererossexernuned abuullms wnen n was pm to sm mac lhe Appensnrs sister was present at the scene, sun msagreea In «nis suggestion. n was pm to SP4 that me Appeuenvs sister lock um the we and gave n to SP1 and ne darned n. SP4 was adsmam lhal the \c was taken out from F14. [30] The Oourl refers In cne ease of Lima Slow Long v PP[1n1o]1 ML! 40 and PP v Than-aaran A/L Mumgan [21111] 3 ML] 323. FarI\cu\ar1y in Llnw Slaw Lorry‘ was scaled‘ - u .s amen |n nccepl max suggesflon mu w a wnness Vs shown In be e relalmn enne deceased ms evidence Vslahvled Tesumorvy amuse re:-Vauons Vs nn xamlsd .r n Vs nthenwfse rehable n «ne sense ma| «ne wnnessee am oumpe«en( wrmesses we wake at one scene 0! me ueeunenee and eenxe have seen vmal had Happened. But n n n plvwd am "my an um -minly dlslnluul-d wilnlslnl, . lhny ... Iilhur er me complallunl M an In lny wny . . :1 to me nccuud, than men hatlmuny lllllnmd and raqnires conobornflon Inn be semen upnn [Emphasws added] [31] n was very dsarlhal PW2 was nm an snuraly msnxeresxee wnness. Tnerevene, her evidence must be treated wnn cannon and rsqmred corroboration we be aclem upnn. x fuund lhat SP2‘: evmence am not hold much Value The nun-dirsc1\anIhatSF2 was an interested wnneea did not resun in a tenure at the proseculvorv case because she had made the correct findings 01 (act that possession had been proved despne cnnmcflng evreenee gwen by sin, spa and en a certain extent SP2 N n«2|PFyMxKz1xInm4an3u ‘‘ we snn ...n.Mn es used m vafli n. nnmnnuly mums dun-mm wa nnum Wm 11] Zn zs % [:21 SP1 and SP4 gave oonllicling evidence ahuul ins IC whether iiwas lakenlmm ihe bag or eisewhsrs. i found ihai SP4‘sevidenoein\I1is vegard was nnl so crucial such ihai in would iesiiii in ihe aoiispse ihe prusecmiun case. ii appeaieii ie nie imni me neies cl evidence ihsi SP4 gave evidence based an the paiiee report ‘Edged by SP1 lhal was (OH in him by SP1; In which il was stated the III was found In [he bag P14. And so, he would not ‘budge’ (turn his stand [:43] Esseniieuy, we point to note is mac n we evidence of SP1 ihai he asked ierihe IC «mm the Appeuani who men took il ouuicin his wallet‘ aha ihai iheie was no reason wriy SP1 woiiid frame him, the svldenzze slnad ihaiihe is was oiiiaineii bySP1.am1 not by SP2, lmm the Appeueni himseii. Daspiie me discrepancy of we piece of eviaeni-,e between SP1 and SP4. iiiis coiiii lound ihai iiie black FVLA backpack (F14) aanieining iris drugs was seized lrom ihe Appeiiani The coim agieea ihai with me findings of the SCJ that the pmseculiun had pmvsd upon a maximum einiiiieiien oiihe evidence iheiine Appellanl had adual pusssssirm DHIIG bag and iis conienis and ihsi he knew what they mnienis were, i.e. dangerous drugs [34] In [he uflen-cllsd case ul Chan Pun Mon v PF [1956] MLJ 237 whale Thumsnn J. saia iiiai "possessian“ lnr ins purposes of criniiriai iew imaives pnssessiun nsen — which seine aulhamies ierm "custody" or "conimi" — and knewisdge M019 iiaiiiie at ihe mmg possessed. As to possession iiseit he cued the loiiuwing deriiiiiipn in Stephen’; Digesf(9th edn, p 304), in which ihe exclusive eienieri: ineniiuned by Tayiar J appears: ‘A muveablelhmg is said (0 be mine possession eia person when he Is se sMuz|ed wiiri iespeai ia ii inni us has ins powdvlo ueai wiih ii as vwnur sin DM2|PFyMkKl1xlqviMafl3u ‘“ Nuns s.n.i n-vihnrwm as used M vafli he eniiniiiy MIN: dnunmnl n. nF\uNG WM! s in in 15 an 15 in ms exciusxm 0? an umev DGISDHS, and when the simunismness sie such mas he may be pvesumnd is imam In flu sis in mse of need: [35] In the case oi shah lrwan run v. FF as Anochsr case [2013] 1 LNS :71‘ Balls Yuscf Hi Wahl JCA s|atedlhelnl|i1w|ng: -hue Khal ins evidence of spa and 5m, bath at wnem ass pmsesisish wimessea and both are nouns amceri. em me kaamsd JD was very I:2|veM in dealing wim mess Mo wrtnuiiss en lllalrmsllmnnias as is me me M me informal. AI pages 115- 115 OHHE sepesi seem in avnrsciaimw ins svidsnce in mass Iwu pmsaculinn wnnasseai Her Ladysmp has em a caution neon... aaaseune lheir evidence and sisied as mudws: ‘Bums?-A and smweie pence wilnesses and inenevidsnee wss naflnhammly imemeanie Fnllawlnw PP v Menainea Au n 3521 1 1- NS129,[(9€Z] MN 257 and appned in nninauimnan. Orig V an [army 3 cu guy [may] 1 LNS1130;|2n‘iD]7 MLJ 175, ca, such evidence snemd al his: insianss es accspled unless shaken in Doss-examnnamn ur cnnvnditled by ather evidence -nsess wssa conlvidlcdnnn In ms pmaseusisn use sa aiseusssd lbovn um I did um llndlhn sanissdicuona w serious as In shuns nl sach mhss sueh lhil ms psasecuuen was loll win: no "a1 |'burI was no suuulstlml that man had burn my csissiesuas. by snssa whmisasi ws no no! rind anylhmg mass with ms Ippwldl and ms Cuflcluliun ssssnaa by Ihe ieamsd .u:" [Emphasis added] [36] There is one ouher Issue whiuh was raised by the Appeilani mat it did not make sense (or him to just wait «hens in be anesied with a bag 0! dmgs and his ic VI it when he could have easily (hruwn me bag away to avoid anes1. The Court has considered this submissiun by the Appauani as against the weight a! evidence adduced by «he pmsecunun and delenoe In me case of isannpsihy all Rnngsaamy v PP [1993] 2 MLJ 577. the noun heid. -ii needs |o be Vemambarsd «nan hawaviv weak s devense may be, via: mam bulng ludgu ofholhllcl-n-1 Ilw shsssd sssxinamusn aside IM dlhllcu on Ch: esaia lhll me pmaseuuos wmiesses su to bc DI vud Ind nmlhl dflinbhwhen me iaw caeva IM onus nlulvlng n DM2|PFyMkKl1xlqmAafl3u " Nuns s.n.i IIIVVDIVWN be is... m mm s. nflmnsflly minis dun-mm VII snum WM! ID In uxplxnlilun liven .n Iccnued nelson. ana me cxvlanalnon il glvnn. which in consimniwnn innmnu, IM com I: duty mninn ha Dunsldlr vmelher ll inigm reasonably ha um, xlmuuqh nut cmivlnctd of II: mm. on the issue 07 the cuur\‘s duly In mmidm me i1elance.meage4>id dacislon in Man up {may MLJ m i! am: gand iaw as ilwas men. This isvaiimu by the Suplema Court in Mflhamad Radm nin Yaakoh V PF[1991]3 MU iav. [Emphasis added] [37] This Coun Vuund mm the SCJ um nut misdllecl herseii in law and W! (am when she wnsidered me delence afisr applying ine aimvemenuoned cases wmai are still good law. The case of PP v. Mohd Radxl ain Abu Eakar [aims] 5 ML! 393 discussed ins meaning :2! prime rams case and ii aaiencs n. called, ins ciassic case oi Mal v PPI1963] 1 MLJ 25: is |o be apphed in that case. the Federal coun held: “in this oonnm:1inn,caunseHar0ie appeiiani had reienea (0 us me case .71 pp V Snimm & Dr: [1971] 2 MN 16 where5harmaJ naiainaninminiy a! line deience dues mi reiim me pmisculiun «mm waving |he umss|:u(inn‘s case beyond reasonania aaum w. an of in. V m um winnmi . cflmlnal can dlcldud on in. buls oi in. mnh nflhe prasaculh-an‘: can as Hg :1 en. mmy 9! in. dfllnu swam n vlal inane must in iccnvdnncn wllh an. nrinelnln lilu down ln mi vppnmi i mu m an om ilnp iumm boron convicting Ihn lacuna by nu an: mnshierlllun as In why an dnkncv slum though could not he belleved. did not Hill: a nuonabln dnum n in pnmciniun use. Thus. mn llwugh n Judgu dun nm nccem or bi lhn accin-H‘: lxplanniun, in. Icon:-d must not be mnvlnui unui on court in n mm in! Infllclanl a mu um such nxvlanallom am not can rinlnnnbll douhl in in» pros-cuiinn am To x fy was it nnl an much (III woms um by «M |udgI inn mhnnhe mu-i nppiic-non on». last to (M facts min. an that inmm. in this case, we found than (M nlmud man judg- imma pncllcnlly nu mun why in. amnu. nolwllhxundlng ils hlslty anu unconvincing nalun, nun mm lo cal ullanlhll duulm in ma pros-cinlnn can 01?!" Khan in xhll lay my in us «Me. {In duty pllcnd by in. law on Ihn dnhncl m Jul nn icqnlml.” [Emphasis added] n DM2|PFyMkKz1zlqwNaI3u “‘ nan Sum IHIWDIY wn be HSQG m mm n. ninmin MVM5 dun-mm VII AFVLING mm .n IS 1. an [33] Tne Court also relerred to the case oi Ali Ian Bin Ahdullah v PP [zany 2 MLJ an which stated that prooi beyond reasonanie doubt does not mean proof beyond the shadow of doub| (see Mlllu v Minimr cl Pensions M471 2 All ER :72). Evan umugr. me benefit of evsry reascnabie doubt musi be given in me accused and cannot be wimheiu Irom him. me cuurl must nm, on the mher hand, enlenain ii on grounds which are ianciiui or VI me nalure oispecuiahun (see Public Fwsecutol v Salmin a. On [1911] 2 MLJ16). [39] In All mi sin Abdullln (supra), me appeiiaie coun heia: ‘[251 Ind .a. ...... .1... I u. wmmina 3 hue story of immunm. xuch .. ... I111 ollht vrcum us. e.......i ....a....i lo nasnnnblu duubi. the noun‘: acndnrtincn um. nxnlanation nmnu by ... ancunfl pmun must bu baud upon nasal! and conunen sen.-. and cannnl n. lllonlcal .. .....i.....i 11.. .. ....e. oi nuallalslu mm In dupundum up... Ihl mmllty ulttvl .. ...=. and on un . ....i...u.... mi: in. ..i.:...e. in Hair ...a missomble mnnner ...a rim .. lsolnlnn. In the pveserd case. ine learned Jc in hlsludwueni had very meflculausiy otmsiflered me delslwe at me appeiiani The learned J!) was sshsnea Ihal me apgeiiani had «aim in cast any reasonable cum on ma prosecution‘: case and that Ills charglr WIIB waved menu reamnahl: dnubl We are .n mnmiei. agreemelI|wllh ine lumed JG WE are salisfied |hn| lhe ieamed JC had um misiflreclefl ..........n in any way In occasion an ecmr mine. an lhe law av ine iznls In WEFYIM meiime inleflerenrxe We ..e unanlmnus [hat Ihe ieamsd .15 had nut made any wrong inferences on me «am. pen». him. we iuunu nu menis In this apneai We aeoeminniy dismissod ms appsai and avnnnea lhe ounviclions and sanlences an mm Ina =..=.g...- [Emphasis added] [40] The SCJ did no: believe his expianaiion and «ha: in did not raise a doubt in her mind as to his gum. she iouna that the defence was a bare deniai and an anennaugni. The sm had appiiea me cause: pnncipiej i e a maximum evaiuaiiun nflhe pmsscuiion case and delance case. and Donsidered Mn v PF (supra) and found that me defence am I9 N D«2iPFyMnKz1xh1m4an3u .4... Sum ....... M“ be .5... .. mm .. .n.i..u-y MVM5 dun-mm VI] munc pm... in 1D % not raise a reasonable doupt on the prosecution case. Hence, the prosecution has proved its case peyond a reasonable doubt. on the whole‘ this court too did not believe the Appellants explanation and that explanation did not raise a reasonable doubt in my mind as to hra puilt. [41] The evidence were overwhelming agalnsl the Appellant and this court agreed with the llndings and rationale at the sc.l whom had the panent oi observing the derneanour oithe witnesses pelore hen Having said that, the court did not see it lit to disturb the flrldlrlg ol guilt against the Appellant. This court alllrmed the convicuoris recorded against the Appellant as proper and sale in tight at the evidence against hirri. The appeals EgalVI§|COVIVil71lD|'l were aooprdlngly dismissed. Appeal ana sg gin Q [42] on pehall oi the Appellant, it was submitted that the SCJ had used the wrong considerations in applying the pnneiptes at senlenclng The total sentence oi imprisonment was actually 7 years almmlgh there were 3 charges against the Appellant as they were made to run concurrently Thls court noted that he would he whipped a total at 16 stmkss oi the mtan ll the epnulctlons are upheld (reduced pylhta court item 20 stmkes). [43] The DPP replied that the sentences were apt and the SCJ had considered all lactprs and decided that public interest was the clveni ng oonstderaliorl in the prsenl case as against the interest of the Appellant The plea in mitigation was that the Appellant was a hrst ofiender, he was caring tor his elderly mother and that ha had repented while in prison. 10 SN Du2lPFyMkKztxluvmaA3u -use s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be used is mm has nflnlhhllly MIME flnunvllnl wa nFlt.lNG Wflxl 15 m % THE APPEAL [51 II is true lew me: an appenale own would be slow to dls1urb me llrmrngs or me xriel mun unless mere had been errors at law or teen, misdirection or nan-dlrectinn or rnsumerenl ruulplsl epprecrelren agalnsl me welgru ptme evidence adduced. Ths lnel mun weulu have me benelu of seelng and hearing are wilnesses and therefore of essesslng meir credi ty Lai Kim Han a. on v. PP man 1 ML! an (FC); FuhI|c Prosecutor v. wun Rauli Kusslrn [1970] 1 ms 121: (191012 MLJ 79. [6] Hence, an eppellale coun has to scrullnlse me grounds o1 appeal and delermms wneurermey are supporlsd py me evrderrpe ln me rewms rrereur which wlH pe relerrsu to m srren lorm es RRJ1, RRJ2, RRJ3 and RRJA The appeal against eerwrcuorr and seruence uanleureu a numper of grounds es staked in me Pelilinn emppeel ln RRJ1. Haweuer, el me hearing. counsel rer lhe Appellant pursued appruximalsly 5 lssues mac ppuld be summarised es «alums r. passesslon and ocmwl lol me drugs) the Drosecullon was bound by Xhslesnrnorly or us own wurress rrreerrsrslerrclee in the Appellant’: evlnenee pcssesslorl olthe bag (P4) serzure uflha car KBF 9139. [7] R! the Pflma fade Stage for a charge of possesslon cl drugs, the prosecution must prove the fulluwing ingredients .. that lhe Appellam had actual pclssesslon cflhe dings: that me Appellenl had krmwledge onne drugs: and the drugs were at he lypes llsted lrl the Flrsl Schedule 01 me DDA 1952. SW u«2lPryMlrl<z<xh1m4an3u 3 -use smsl n-vlhnrwm es used m my .. mrmr-r mm: dun-mm VIZ muue pm [44] In regard to me ‘one nransecnan rule“ prxncxme because the 3 charges salisfied me cntana 91 pmxArm|y 0! «me, praxnmny ov plans, ccn\ImMy ar ecnun and conllnmly of purpose or das\gn as scared m Bnchik Abdul Rahman v PF [2004] 2 cu 512, hence me SCJ imposed 5 concurrent terms The weamed Conn av Appeal Judge in that case he\d mevouuwmg A The exercise nhhe msmeuanmaenemme me date an x>ommencemsn| cl me sentence 0! Vmvllsonmem Vs aspenaam on the vaas and cwcumsmncas 0! each me. In a- Ifllnu whllhnv flu Iumu M m lmprlionmunl mum In oonuculivl or cumm-nu .1 ....m... an. 42.. Conn mu 5. nu .4 by m. unl Iunsucliun nu. mu m. lmnlily prInc|p|I.PulsunM|a me one uansaclmn rule whevelwaormme eflevmes are oummixled mm mmeeorasingue vansacunn an semencesm respeu oi lhese oneness shown he ooncunem rathevman wnseculwe (see R v .5 Se/eemI195¢lCnm LR 4e2- R v. we/sn [1 gas! Cnm LR 245) Far mm to In an. Iunsacuon tum - -ms mun bu pr-um. mm is m ..y, pmxmny M um-. pr-mmily vi mm, uznlinuily nl lcliun um cnmmuIlY ufvurpnu :1! design 1... Jlylrumln A Dr: VvPPH979l1 ms :1: [ma] 2 mu an; Amllu Ln! mm -1. Empemuz Ca| m 957; cm» Cnoy V. pp 119551 1 ms vr. [1:55] MLI zany. Yhe mve. mum, It not ibsoluh. As Yong Purvq How 54 and m Kanavasunmarim v. PF'[IvE2I1 sm 31 at p on Thu Engllxll com. um Mcogniud mm Ihu: ..e . men. whim connculivl ..m...m m neeunry m -fiscaurafle the 2; W of =.amm.| condnu helnfi Punished: see a v. F-ulknorllifll sa cups R sum V. Wheatle}/[RN15 crlnv R (51 417 and}? v. sumrnm) 5 Cr APII R (5) we. run awhllcablllly ul 2:. -xc-won vs ms in an-ma on m. mm M an nu and m. c umlhncu ullill .m...e.. u 15 xvatad m an broad and glnsvalmmzlnd ahhnugh may be mmmea «vague n \s meuanny \n such Isms m mder mm me senlenoer may muse an nvhmnfiale sentewe Vn each nsmcular case upon each Den\cu\aralfemeral the Dafllcmav Mme lhe case ws heavd -. [Emphasws added] [45] In one onermceu case of Govlndnan cmnden Nan v PP [1993] 2 cu am m respecl ml taking into aooounl punnc mleresl wnsmeyeuen in 21 N n«2|PFyMxKz1zIuwuan3u we Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm JD zu % irie principles oi seniencing and usinnn Bin Juinnsen v PP [201 51 MLIU 1352 me coun oi Appeai sinned: ‘In me exercise er nis discretionary Duwer ine senieneinu mace rniisi apniy nis mind In ine Vaclual malnx oi ine case In oiner wmdsi me sentence Dassed mus! reieie Io me iacns aria ciicurneianmaieecn case -. [45] uisnure e senience Passed by a lower court unies s maniiwiy Wrong in me sense ei being iiiegai or uneuiiabie Io ine proved Vials and eimurnsianees: PP v Moiiamoe Nor 5. Or: [ ma 2 ML! zoo in is nice iaw inai an appeiiaie eeun weniu be slow lu inienere or [47] Having lJ0nS¥dSrBd an iaciors in We niiiigauen en eenieneei iriis ceun viewed that uie son had conducted a balancing exercise on me cumpefing inieiesi bemeen me pimiie and me Appeiianrs PF v Lee Choon Fm [1976] 1 ms 102 Annougn me 3 charges min bring a maximum oi 40 years, she imposed uoncurrsnt senieneee upon me Appenani wriicn coma be consideied as being on me Iowerside given inai he had been ieuna in possession iii 3 types ei dangerous drugs and the case had gone on with iuii men and a ieiai ois piesecuiion wiinesses were called to iesmy in mm [45] ceun rnduud iii. whipping Nevenneiees, given iriai me Appeiiani was a nrsi crflender, the posed uynie SCJ in rlsplcl oniie second and mlrd onargu only. In nilecn irie minimum oi 3 strokes 01 Ch: mun ucii. The punisnrneni at 10 snakes or me man for me iirsi cnaige is niainiained. The coun did nei inierieie wiin me irnpnsonrneni ienne of 7 years, 5 years and Syears to he served coneunenily Trie com nae aise mnsidsred ine principie in Pundxkwl Ray: v. Abdul Hauni lsllak a. saw Lagi [2011] 9 cu 559 where Arie ceun ei Appeal rieie inai 22 sin D442|PFyMkKz1xlnmAaA3U -nee s.ii.i M“ be used e mm we niwiruflly MIN; dun-mm via nFiuNG WM! possessiurl nl a large ainuunl a! any lann of pmmmlea drugs must cammensuvale with me sanlanca in be passed on ma peculiar law; oi each case 5 cancluslun [491 Premlsed on me above, the Com did not lma any %nor of last or law such l|1alWDLl\d]IJS(WydlSlUlDlng|hel>0rNiC\I07l5 Vllhe 2 cases against ma Appellanl. Hawsver, ma Court had iaaucea Ihe number of wmppings by reducing the tale‘ number cf slmkes [ram 20 (0 V6 ID Appeal against cunvirliun dismissed. Appeal agalnal senlancs partly allowed, Dated 15 November 202: “ W / NOOR RUWENA EINYI MD. NURDIN Judicial Commissioner Hlgn com 0! Malaya. nlping Roms ta on 1; I-'arIhoAppcIlant: Ml. Varpnl slngli AIL Meilomier Slngh (VBGK) Varpal Q Assoclatn, Talplng an Fnr the Rnspondcnl: DPP Mend. wally Bin Ismail Pnllnm Tlmbalan Pulldakwa Raya Negeri Ferak. Taiping as 2 SN D442|PF‘/MkKl1xlflwNil3U 3 -ma Sum lhlflhll will .. is... w my ..a DVWVVVIWY MIN; mm. VIA nFlLING W In 1D 15 % PRosEcu‘HON CASE [3] aomrdmg m ma pmeaeuuon werelhat me on 29 2.2020 al1.30am a team The prosecution caHsd s witnesses to prove W5 case The «acts of puhoe olfiuers namely FW1, FW4 and 2 others were making thew cnme prevermon rounds at PPRT Kampung Sangkul, ljck In Batu Kurau on their motorcyds when may saw me suspect (mm was later manunee as me Appeflankj behaving suspmmusly by me ruadsids aflsr gettmg out at his car WWI the engine stiH runmng SP1 saw the Appellant huldlng a black backpad( SP1 was the first I0 reach the Appellant He tnnk cut his authority card and menhfied Mmsefl as 8 poliueman tn the AppeHarIl. He did not ly tn run away. A physical many search was conducted an me Appeflant but wt was VIBgatlVB. As soon as the other policemen amved at lhe spot where they were mm standmg, they surrounded me Apoeuem and SP1 mspeclsd the b\ad< FILA backpaw whwch was seized (rum the Appeflant (P4). From mm" me middha part of ma black FILA backpack, SP1 Iound 3 transparent plastic packets ounlammg drugs suspected la be harem and melhamphetamme He iflsofuund the AppeHant's idsntwty card, a d\g|Ia|we1ghIng scale (P6), 5 mourned mass bottle fur drug eanaumpmn (P5) and a lighter m me sams bag (F7). The Appeuam and mgemer wwth ma items seized «mm hum were brougm back to me lbu Feiabat Pohs Daerah Selama, Perak UPD Smama). Throughout the attest and ioumey back to the \PD,SP1 had uustody oflhe drugs and other nerns seixed [91 At me ma, 5?: lodged a police report as per Rsdang Panjang Report 132-we/zo (marked as mm. The Appellant and the items seized were handed ever to (he Investlgahcn Offiuer Vnsp Kamarm Ariffin Bin Kamaruzaman qspa). spa weighed the drugs and recorded me gross weight as 500 grams cl herom and 25 grams of methamvhetamine. aw uuzwryukkztxiqmunsu ‘ ‘Nata Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm ms nrtmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm 15 % Tespeclively. SP1 and SP5 marked the drugs and other items seized with lheir awn maI‘kH’I§S SP1 completed and signed the Borang aengkar and Eorarlg sersh Tenma Barang Kes. The Appellant disputed that he signed lhe Borang Eangkar which was later marked in earn as P1. The Edi-ang serah Teriiria Earang Kes was signed by SP5 and later markm in eaitrt as P2 [in] The SCJ was satisiied mat the chain oi evidence in regard to the exhibits had not been brvken where sl=i held on to the drugs irorri the lime they were seixed until they were handed over to spa, SP5 kept them under lack in his oinae until they were senl lo the chemistry Depanmerll In lpoh. There the Chemist, Faznur»Axllah Elnli Mahmud (SP3) received‘ kepland analysed the drugs and prepared the Laporari Kimla aooerdingly The Resil Klmia and Lapnran Kimia both had the same report number 2U— FR-Av01B9Q and were marked as P15 and P13, respecllvaly Nlhclugh SP3 was challenged Ihal the $<hibitS were not the same which she received irorri sl=5, she was consistent in her answer and identified the drugs positively. The drugs were iound lo eonlain 14.1: grams oi Melamnhelamlrie, 3.4 grams ei Herein and io.2 grams oi Menoaoetylniorhahines. The neh weight oiihe drugs lorrried the basis ier lhe 3 amended charges againsl Ihe Appellant [11] Upon a maximum evaluaiien ol me evidenoe helore ihe CCHAVL the SCJ iound mat the Appellant had aclual physical possession or the drugs in PM and knowledge oi the said drugs The ccurl was satisiied that the prosecution had proved a prirna iaeie case against lhe Appellant on all 3 charges and called lor his deiense. The Appellant was explained the 3 cholcss and he chose to give sworn evidenoa. He was the sale witness idr the deienee case and relied on the evidenoe at his sls|ar. spz SIN D«2lPFyMhKzixlrivmaA3u 5 -we Sunni In-vlhnrwlll be used m mm as nflnlhallly MIME d...i.i. wa aFluNG WM! THE DEFENCE CA§E [12] The delence case can be summarised as 1u||l7ws' r. on me night allne srresl. al l1,:lo pm me Auuellanl went I»: s nls (nerld’s house ln Kampurlg Keriarlg. Hls menu was known as Farnan: at 1 so am l=arnan asked me Appellanl la lake ms car (KEF 91 39) and to go buy some load‘ me Appellanl told Faman ne wanted lo gu norna llrsl lo Oaks so a shower; IV. me Appellanl drove me car In his house and passed by a warurlg ksdal makan by me slde oflne mad: v. ns saw 2 policemen In urnlarrn an lns wan/ng kedal makan: VL ne drove on urml ma luncllon la hls kampurlg and saw 3 15 molorcyolas behlnd mm but did run know who were me momrcycllsls; allar auosoo rnelres, he saw (hey were sllll mowing him arm men ne knewlhey were policemen, he SVDPDSU the car wlthnul being asked and one L/Kpl Hafiz In came to the drivefs side bu! dld nnl ldenlfly himself as pohce, IX ma Appellanl sand ne wlll cooperate with Ihem: x spa came In me from passenger side, openeo me door and sat beslde hlml xi. SP1 arrwefl at the drivsfs side and lmmedralely handwfled 25 the APPfi||an\ without him knawlng the reasnn why he was belflg arvesled, Xli. ne was told (0 come oul of the car an slano beside the drivefs side: SIN D«2lPFyMkKz1xlrlmAaa3u ‘ -we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm .. o‘... M my .. nflnlnnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ .nuns WM! :0 zn % xiiw, L/Kpr Hemz cnnducled a physical check on (he Appellamwmre SP4 searched the passengev side; xw. ehereener LIKp¥ Hera lmmd e mack FILA bag “a: alas lanlai belakzng mas kusyen belakang"; UKp| Hehz gave (he black bag to sun the Appeflanfs sister (SP2) amved at IP15 scene and asked xv xvi why he was being arremsd the AppsHanl replied he dud nnl know wh his watch and a silver bang\e were taken and ms wallet retrieved from the back pocket 0’ his pants‘ SP1 and SP4 mspemed Ihe cunlsnl M H18 Mack FILA bag on me bonnet or lhe car wmhoul showing mm as content: A pohoe car cams and look mm |o me um xvhi. xix [131 It was also the delenoe eeee, Vn cmss—examina|inn onhe Appenenx, mat when he smppsd the cal, there was e house nearby, wmeh he revened to as Na. 24. He saw a woman known as Jone. a swsler er his menu, Mm wee maying with her handphone 1!: «mm a! me huuse The peuee told Jane |o gal min the house, The mierenoe that the aevenee Mshed the court to draw was that he was lramed for the drugs lound H’! me car and the peace did hm wan| any members nf «he public In wnneee what may were doing there The Appellanl also dispuled the photographs tendered by the police which showed me place where they condudsd the mspecuun; me Appeflanl anege-1 ma| none enhe phoxogrepns showed the acme! mace where he was arrested The Appenem sawd his esxer earns ID know about his arvesl from mew brother. He Iold Ihe DDUVK that Faman has since Iefl the vfllage to find wnrk elsewhere and did not know where he was. He sawd Che Dar might belong lo Farhan‘s s\sIe( bu! he d\d not knaw me name 0! Ferhens (ether. 7 sw u«2|PFyMkKz1xM1m4ea3u -wee enn n-nhnrwm be used m vafli n. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa .nuNG wrm In 15 35 % [14] Afler hearing and wevghmg his aytdanaa, tna SCJ cancmded that the delenoe waa a bare denial at me pmsaamaon case and am not rataa any raaaanabxa doubt at an. The Appellant at the uavanca stage had atmdamy given the names at characlers whom were not menttonaa at an dunng the pmseculiun case. Therelore. me set tom that ma names :2! Jcjle and Faman were an aflenhoughl and onty brought up Ellhe defence stage tn pmve mat na am rmt know about the drugs and to dissociate him «mm the drugs lound M me black FILA badqzack mat he was holdmg at me Ume oi the anest. These can be aaan in ma Hne M queatiomng as tanawa: ‘ us on- we on- vs. on: as aw; Selevasinfl Ad!k says henanyz keoada saya 'iabab apa ahxng xana |angk3p’J' Saw mkap saya Izaak lzhu,SayalmuAKuye<n[Znkm1.n flan Kane!-al Hawulmanelah mlmarlksa hug gatas Ienehm at alas benelhahawtnn belakzng kaleta tanpa snyn hhal apasapa yang ada dalam beg maatmt Kamu Mak nnat tanasungt fidak tmat ta-gum can nwaka pun lmnk tumuk non dalnm 1799 Hu $s\apas tan setapas nu Kaparal Havrulmal dananu kevada say: aan memmva kad panganatan snya. Lalu seya mecnnsnuanu kad panganatan aaya nsaa 9363 says Aflxk pemmpuan saya benlzhu yang kad pangsnalan say: aaa peda aa dart adtk pnvampuan saya huka hag dnmpal saya din beflkzn no pangnnatan saya kspada Knper-3| Hailulmm T-Id! ksmu km beg nu Dukan mlhkkzmu Iapt pans kata kad puagenamn kamu her-uda flalam ruann tangan beg um llu saya Husk tahu. Apa yang pash Gan belulnyn tan panglnnhn 1-ya tatan msavankan kepafla Kapa-at ttatmtynat atan amx perempunn aaya sanmn mg bemama my waaman tumi Shamsudln Jlka belul ma pervganalan uya hands dalam beg Iersebuh uaau muilalm kad penganilan hiya dlleliklmn aatant bag Lavsahulunluk mewgumtan lag: msteka ptmya kes aw a« «ma Sam n-nhnrwm be as... m van; ms nrighvnflly sums dun-mm y.. mum pans! .5 an [15] Ilwas «he defence case loo that SP4 had some lssuss wun nlm ln lne pas1 wnlon was alleged In be in mnnecliun wlm lne Appellanfs purporled drugs-relaled a a personal level, SP4 uld rlal nave any problems wiln nirn. He also agreed 5 However, me Appellant agreed cnal an that neimer lne elner 3 palloemen had any reason lo lrame him [16] The defence also tried lo Vales doubt on the proeeeulion ease by laklng me line or quesllunlng that me drugs were leuna IIV ma car and which was why me no oe selzed me car However, lne SCJ lmmd thal SP6 nad explalned me car was selzad a law days aflerlhe arrest and nut imrrledlalely as the drugs were lounu wilh me Aphellanl wna was holding me bag and nut ln lne ear. The wilnees also lolo me coumhal me car was sslzefl under lne Dangerous Drugs (Fcrlellure ol Propenyl An was based on lnlennalmn reeslveu max ll naa been used ln drugs-relaned amlvlnes ln the past; albell nol In connection wlm lne arves1 ol lne Appellant. SP5 lesllfied that the carwas nm selxed by SP1 because lrom nls lnvesllganon, l( had naming to do wiln me me l.S. lne drugs were not lnund In me tar as alleged by me Appellant, SP1 tasli Isd lnal vvlanurul ape yang dlpe/alarf. Ilka kereta /aun den" suspsk darl ksnela man balan disirisjlka lidak ada barallg kes myumpai da/am kerelaf. [17] finally, Ihe SCJ slalea ln lne gorunds 0! Judgment ner opservalion as follows. -[as] Selaln nu, xaya ma rnanuapall psmbalnarl yang dikemukakan nleh Tenuduh pemeamman Ferbezun luga hnleh alllnal damn xelerangan Yemduh bemuhurla lemval penemuarl baa sanaang hemp bslwama Hiram .enarna ‘FlLA' [ekslbll Fl] Tenuduvl msrlgatakarl hag binding blrzip berwarrla mum panama 'FI|A“ [Mulhll Palyang ulleukkan alaalanlamelakang alas xleyen Delakarla sedannkarl peguamhela mengulakarl hag sarldarlg lmakrlyfl alas lanlal Dada banaylarl Iempal duduk vsnurnpanu nsaapan el klrl telvluat duduk Dfimarldu n Du2lPFyMkKzlxlnmAaI3D Nuns Smal In-rlhnrwlll be used M mm ms nflnlnallly ml. dun-vlnrrl wa .nuna Wflxl zn an % [90] Dalzm nal mi, dlpemallkzn psmbalaan yang dlhenkan elen Tammlm adalall hslbaza-bun dan benllnndeen mengikul kemaarl Pemhelsan secegilll membalenkarl Dlhak rllahkamah mambuai lmmen bahawa seherlamya lenudun llanz pemtzelaall ks alas eenudunan darl k2: ying dlkerlakarl kn alas bollau EVALUATION AND FINDINGS or THE COURT [18] The scws gmunds at ludgmsnl was qulle lengthy and Included chunks olcne notes eleyidenee as well as subm ns afths pmsecuhan and defence. From my perusal ollne sc.l's gmlmds unudgmam, ens had lnomugnly analysed me evidence adduced by me pmseeullen and cmss— axamlnallon onhe prnsecullml wllnsses in crderlo delennlne lne line all delenee el me Appellanl belore calllng upon me Appellenl to defend nlmsell agalrlst lne charges [19] Then she analysed the evldence glven by the Appellant‘ whlch was allegedly suppuflsd by the evldence of his sister, SP2. ln summary, (he SCJ dld not believe me defence case as can be seen ln her arlalysls ln pigfi 8410 116 of the grounds D? judgment (RRJ1). The SCJ had also addressed lne lssues raised by (he delenee as I have summarised earller In lnls Graunds euudgmenl. namely: l possssslm end conlml (dune drugs) pnssssslm el me bag (P4) ui selzure nfthe car KEF 9139 me pmseculinn baund by lne leslllneny ol lls own wllrless y. lncunsislencles in me Appellenrs evldanoe. [20] The sad had addressed lne Issue 0! nunexlslenee el DNA evldenoe on lne black FILA backpack and transparent plastlc packets wnlcn ene slated was nol lelel (0 me prosecullcn case as may are melely cormhoratlvs evldsnoe. The prosecullorl case does nm collapse ll lnere SIN DO42|PFyMkKllxInvMafl3u ‘° -we Smnl n-vlhnrwlll be used m mm ms nflmnnllly suns dnunvlnnl wa .nune wrul
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Application to amend judgment; Order 42 of the Rules of Court, 2012; apply to amend the Judgment, invoking Order 20 rule 11 of the Rules and/or the inherent jurisdiction of the Court under Order 92 rule 4 of the Rules - amendment application allowed.
YA Tuan Azlan bin Sulaiman
IN THE HIGH COURT OF IIIALAVA AT KUALA LUMPUR CIVIL sun NQ WA 21I /2019 BEYWEEN CHEAH vs: CHEN (|radIng under me name and style :1! SUPERBRAIN TRAINING CENTRE) Low ZE BING [lradmg under me name and style oI THE GROWING TREE ENRICHMENT CENTRE) cuous vsom; KON nmmng under me name and styie of El MIND ART 5. CREATIVE ceumep LENG CHEE VIAN (lradmg under me name and style av BRIGHT TRAINING CENTRE) usuna DEVELOPMENY son am: INSEGNANTE SDN BHD AND SAFEWAV SOLUYIONS SDN BHD LIM WEI LEONE N6 Al mxms SAVEWAY MARKETING sou Bl-ID ABDUL BIN ORIN PLAINTIFFS Fig: I nus 6. 1. KEYIIA PENDAFYAR INSTITUTE FENDIDIKAN DAN GURU (KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA) KETUA PENGARM PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA DEFENDANTS ,(yjz§MENT [P\emM‘S Apvhcnhun m mm mgmanu lnlroducfion On 12 May 2023, after a mu trial of this acmm, I gave wdgrnenl for all six Plamtms aga|ns|Ihe1“ and 2'“ Defendants, and on the same day Issued me Grounds amudgmem vcnhac dec-suon. The Plamms man drew up the Judgment‘ which was seaxed under the nrovnsvons M Order 42 of mo Rules olCourt,2IlI21“lhe Rules‘) The Planmfls now apply to amend me Jungmem, Invoking om: 1n ml: 11 of mo Run-s and/or the inherent junsdlcllnn \:1 me com under Order 92 rule 4 of ma Rules m dn sn (“me Amendment Apphcamgn“). The Delandanls ounuse m ms Judgmenl conlams my grounds fix snowing me Amendment Apphcalmn Order 20 nIlo11 -nd/or order 92 rulw 4 arm. Rulls 4 Order 20 rune 11 and Order 92 rule 4 co the Rmes respsclwsly provide ».,. 2 HI )1 an |ha Vosmg see 0! my decisiun In aHuw me Amendmenl Agpncauon 15. I lherelore allowed only prayer 1 onne Amendment Applncalmn (LS Io amend the Judgment), bu! wnn no arfler as to costs Dated me 14“ day al November 2023 Counul: R Rwshl logemer mm Dalpl Smgh AIL Harm Singh (Messls Ds//rt Smgh Partnership] «or 1“, 2"‘, 3"’, 4*‘ 5“ and 5“ P\avmfl Koh Kean Kang together with Yong Stew Lee (Messrs Yong SL & Koh) for 1‘, 2"‘ 314'" and 5'" Defendants Lnglslallun: Order 20 rule H, 42 and 92 rule 4 Rules 51 Cum, 2012 can - Hack Hus Bank Bemad v sanan Em Mund [1951] 1 MLJ 143 Lembah Ssmarak sun am v G\ohal upnne Hotels and Resons Sdn arm and o1heraDDea\s[2D18]MLJU 1309 Sang Lee Cu Sdn arm. 1; Drs V Munusamy all Karuppiah(sa|e prupnelor of MNN CansuI|ancy Servmes. a inn) (201015 MLJ 235 ».,.mm -11. AmundmInIaI.ludgmervlanduII1Irs.[0 29 r m C/unca! mslakes m meme"; or was, Dr mm ansmg lhnem rmm any accnenla! sup ayomrssm may alany (me be correaed by the Court by 5 noun: 0! Limzhcalron wrmou! an appeal . ‘ um-mupowus nltnn Court «a s2 ,4; Fovlne Iumoval afdoubl yr rs hsmby declared Ina! rmlhrng m mess Rules man be deemed to /rnul oraflsm ms mhemnlplrwels ulme Court to make znyordera: maybe nwessary ta pvsverll rruustroe or In nvmm an abuse 0/ the process olme com 5 In Hock Hun sank Bnrllad v. Saharl Bln Murld [19GI)I ML] 143, Chang Mm Tat FJ said ‘new lire Court has no paws! under any applrmmm m m. same mm. in me. vnryov MI and: . mgmn: mum ablamod arm n has been amend ursrv urdnr am! n It drawn up amp: my me sir» mls m o 22 Rule u onhe Supreme Court 195710 20 Rwy 11 mm Ru/es all!-2 Nngn Cour! 19847; so farasls neceslaryra mrveclevmvsm sxpmssmg the Anrenuonoltlre Cam Re smnm Ca 12 on :1 as Kzluy s/Douma 115121210; 452. Hessran mime: 1191412 KB ~ 5. In sung La Co. Sdn. and. L 015 v. Munuumy I/I Kuupplah (sol: proprmor ofl MNN Consultancy Services, a mm) [2010] 5 MLJ 285, Zulkellu FCJ saxd. ‘A relaled »ssw wnmnlsrarsa-1m ml.» appoar is me quesmn alwmuhev m. can .5 llmclus a/ficvo man u purpovls lo manly and amend the SIB/ad om, la rsllurl m: was acmfly llwlvuuncsd Page am 11 w. are or me W. m we /mm av. draw drlf-rune: and msavponcy between me lemls or IM ssam Outer as oompared with ma actual Omev pmnmmeed by M: /zamsd «:1 on 27 s 2006, yr was only fight and none! that me Sealed Over be amended ac:-anflmgly pmsuunf in order 20 me n ml ma Rm: mo And shgluly Valzr m /aw‘ ma cm can always amend In om: whmn am no! mflscl mu wu amauypmnauma m such . svmnlnnn 1». Com! rs Ihsnlbn mu fmvclus ammo [sea the ma af Hock rm am am v Sahan om Mund (1931) Wu us] 7 These two cases make manundamly c\eaHha(,nc|MIl1s(zmd|ng man a ,-mgmam regulafly oblamed has been drawn up‘ xl may sun be amended in curred c|enca\ muscakes, or snors ansmg mam acondenlal snps ur umwssions both by the Mfioers 04 me court and me names, 01 where it does not conecuy slate or revnem what [he mun acmauy decrded and intended Approach and analysis 5. The only Issue lherefiare arvsmg to be considered and named ws whemer the Amendment Appluz-man falls wvlhln the perimelers 01 Order 20 rule 11 and/or Order 92 mle 4 of me Rules That would enwl Vooking at: m Whal was decwdedl 1») What me Judgment recorded, and muaru (IH) What amendments the Plammrs Appncsuon seeks to makato the Judgment In paragraph 125 oflhe Grounds afludgmenl, I set oul the terms av (he Judgment I made in favour mu six Plainhfls agamsl ms 1" and 2"“ Deflandams‘ as follows‘ M M7 M M Thar ma Agmamarvlx arvttmd mlo bsrwevn the Plamlr/is mm In: rm Dsfendarllbededaedvmdsb India‘ me! me ya and am Defendants are )0Vnl7Y and sevemllr Mame to me P/arnlms Var me /omwmg mm undlrs an aim: conuansm was 1:: Plnrrmfl pw s1,5oo7o0 zvv mmm nu vs 75:; no 36 Pfiarrmll mums. no on u pemanr RM 95, 750 00 5" Ptamml RM103, ma on an Plnmhfl aw 95154: no mu ms nu ma 2» Duhndunls nruomllyand uvurxl/y mu :0 such a: mo Pvamms for gemw Hamagvs, to be mum, Thar me 1: and zw Deicndanls anuomllyami wvsla//y Mable In each tn! the Plavnlms rm the sum of Rusoomo on sum as mmptary damages, mat ma 1» and z« o.;.m.m mm:/y and sow:-II/y my. 1:: ma ollhu pmmws lav mlurusl .1 mn rats or 5% par nnrlum from the are an»: wmr/.s 24 m 2a1s;un:./m/rsamsn-cur. Fausofll M; m: m. w .-no 2-« Dvfendanu mmmam on an damage: :- drsmvssed win: was, and mu Thar me ya am am Dsfarrdants arejomily and sevemlly ham: m each or me Plalnulh for east: DI RMJQOOODO sam Phrrmfl, majsa Io manor- 10 The Judgment lhal was drawn up was in the Ionmvmg \eIms. -v nqmjun Lam Pmgnm Pmdndakan Pork-mbangm Mm. IO 41: mm namomwamur (mm mowu; dnrvgurv Dlhndnn Panama mm. Mak all an mm Peqarman Lem wmz Class Super Mammy en mm Plaintif- Ptamm /sscam mdmdul denyan Dafandan Povlarm mean max sch no mo. Dvhndan Panama dun Dulurmirv Kodua dwcrmtannn um» mngemoanm war-vg pemiaflansn Puqnrlpun -Pnrprl/ran Luscn Fmgvam Pendadrknn Pumwmbangan Mmda ya dzn Peqarulin — Perjanjvan Lesen Wand mm Supvr Mummy kspada PIavmf— Plsmltisuzrn borssmgan sspsm Denkm 3 1 wamm Panama gmnyak RMa1,5oo on, 3 2 wammoecm subanyfl‘ Mwsnsa av. 3 3 pmmr Karma rubanyak mma.7oo M, a A Wamlrf Kcsmpat ssoanyak RM95, 7542 on 2 5 r-Iamm Kehma sebanyak Emu mu no, 3 5 PtamMKeenam nebanyak wvsmsa nu. Gnnu mg. um dltnlsavknn, nnsnrn 11 Garm rum ts/adan ssbarvysk Rwoaaaaua mswnikan koaada setrap satu Plsmol‘-Prarnw den mencalzh wmaan svbanyak RM1 500 we no swears kolektffi Tunmtan hula: D¢IIr»dun~Do1¢nd.Irv we/M d/to/ak dangan K95. K01 lmduluan my aflvtlpkirv ubarvylk Rumooa av dtawadluzn mm semen um Pfamlr/»Plu:rmf ylrrg nwruxcnh mmleh manm RM180D0000 secava kmem dmsyav om. Dc/undsn mm 4157! Dshndan Kadua Impede PlarnhLPra4n(rY Iertzlduk kepa-is abkalur, dun ramn pm Rad-r 595 sllallun ntaa lwmah pongnaman slblnynk RM2J55,55l7Dl7 dun 1-mm mm, mm 24 102019 so/-urrgga lankfi nanyi/vsarln s-wum..y;- The Amendmem Apbllcahon seeks la make me fnllawlng amendments lo |ha Judgmem (mm me Intended amendments marked-up): Peuarmarv Leann Program Pundrdlkarv Pcrlrumbangan was re a imam PtamM—FlamllI (secs;-a mm; dengan Delerrdsrv Pertamn mm mu an an mo‘ Pan-«mm. um Wand Clan Supar Memory aw swam Pralntwlunlrfltscaru mama) my-n Dahndnn Panama mm. ndak sah ab rrutlo. Delendsn Psrtamu den Dclimtan Ksdua 1&3” % seem bevsesama clan b...s...g... mvluk glarvnaxu ‘gm/snflmlah mm kmaa Fla/ntlI«Fhmm bomasnrlmn gm A_lJ_<1g Kontruk 19547 a u..u».m :1 22 2: 34 35 as P/am!/I Forums sonsnyak RMAL500 aa. P/am!/I Kodua asburvyak M495 7517 no ma»-mcenga ‘mum mm: ma nu‘ mam Keorwal mbanyak I?M95,750 so. Plamnf mm; sabanyak M4103 700 no‘ Flamm Keenan sehsrvyak RM95,15I7.0I7. Defender: mguma dun Dofsndan Kodua mamum ascara ommm dln l2lllIlE_m_y_;I m. r A. . sum mm mm om mg: m unluk auaxzm-n. lendarv am! dan Dsismian Kedua me u bersecarna flan bemsmgyll unlulg memaag RM aoaauooo Aflunag salu Puma/amaggl ggann mgr reraman fig &W secana bersusana flan hevam rv untuk ; an lwdar s nun x mamnmamanun wnl rain: 24 19 2019 Tunlulzm ba/an Bohodinaolondan ac/ma." firiamu dgrl %/ahdmhk mg." km M mmgn finunu dan Delemtarr Kedua bmamm M secam bersesama am. bevnslgarv gmk mamoag kos Pramnmanm & sebanyak PMJUMDW M umu am Flarnn‘!—?l.a/MY V ri Pigelwfli 12 13 14. 9 ~« -nan _ mu mu» :4 L When set out and wawed 111 this manner. 1 find |halIhe|erms1n me Judgmanl mm was mmauy drawn up um um Mly ur aDcura|a\y rallacl me order: and ram made. and men me Amendmeru Applncauen Intended |o recllfy mac. A::eord1rIg1y. in my view, the Amendment Apphcahon falls squarely wmmn me embm and penmeners alOmsr 20 me 11 arms Rules and me nrohlsm i| imended |e eearess. I also find mm none or me me law relxed an by me Defendants are applicable as they were deemed an enllraly diflarenl prenuses For example, Lumbun Sum: It Sdn Bhd v Global Upllnl Non. nd R am Sdn Bhd Ind mum in): e [2013] MLJU 131:9 mvolvaa a seenana when Ihe wage had de dad In memes me aevm-manna‘ apphcalrcns to sel asldalha ae1eu11 mdgmenl enlerad agannsl mam, my [0 reverse men eeusmn when me msued her grounds of judgmam In paragraphs [17] and[15]a11ha Judgment unne cuun, veon wee Siam. JCA said ‘WI Vuundlmm her wr/Hm Ground: afmcrnm, that wnan m. Uudga nvenud hm umu ova! dvusrun me mu m rec.» dl/wand e xnvrvd decramn an (F1: substantive minus and Issues whrch are almady the sIlb[sL1 erme Masai whrclv had been fiiedby My dsturvdam in me Court mm» 15 16 t7 of/Mzpval, which can only be tleaded by the Caurl a/Appeal and not pytrte same Mg/'l Cour! Juaoe Wins! the wt Jung: has desarbsd as lnadver1ence“m her pan ts rial a clerical rrtntalra which can in Iuzltflsd as envisaged by o 29 r tr 0/ rne Hoc cornauuanrry in. am Jung. ansd Mum hts lordsmp attowad on 2: 147 2017, unoarma 5-Iw rim the ttcivndanlsfippltcnltunsla arrertd Ms 0vt1sIt1a!ed 3 32017 - For eompletenss, I also reyected the Detendants oontentton that the Amendment Application should he dismtssed on the grounds of delay. The oontentton is that the Grounds oi Judgment were auatlaple the same day I pronounoed the deorston and yet the Judgment had been drawn up two months later and the Amendment Appllcalmrl filed about a month atterthet. in my view. the delay here was not tnordtnata More compelling and crucial. tn my view. is that delay tells a distant seeortd lo the more important fackzr that the purpose and tntentton at the Amendment Appltcatton was to amend the Judgment to accord wtth the decision made and the reltet actually ordered‘ which the Judgment dtd not reilect. l aocordtngly allowed the Amendment Applttsatton. However, as the Piatntttts drd not draw up the Judgment awarding the deetston made and the reltei actually ordered desptte rsoettnng and having had ample opportunity to read the Grounds ouudgmentt in my trte would not be iatr to award thent costs when their own ac|iurls rtecessnated the Ptatntttrs Appltcatton Nor should the Delendants get any costs as they had decided to oppose and were me In at u
Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 39A Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 - sama ada tertuduh memiliki dadah berbahaya - sama ada kes prima facie dibuktikan
Puan Farah binti Rosnan
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET (3) DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA NO. KES: BA-82D-1-01/2020 DIBICARAKAN BERSAMA DENGAN KES: DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET (3) DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA NO. KES: BA-82D-2-01/2020 PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN MOHD IRWAN BIN MOHAMAD ILIAS [NO. K/P: 850830-02-5225] ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PERTUDUHAN [1] Tertuduh dalam kes ini telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan-pertuduhan seperti berikut: Bagi Kes No. BA-82D-1-01/2020: “Pertuduhan Pertama: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine” (Berat Bersih: 25.58 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah 14/11/2023 15:35:17 BA-82D-2-01/2020 Kand. 18 S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39A (1) akta yang sama. Hukuman: Boleh dihukum dengan hukuman penjara tidak kurang dua tahun dan tidak lebih lima tahun dan juga akan dikenakan hukuman sebat tidak kurang tiga sebatan dan tidak lebih sembilan sebatan. Pertuduhan Kedua: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “Ketamine” (Berat Bersih: 5.7 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12 (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen Seksyen 12 (3) akta yang sama. Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan boleh di hukum denda tidak lebih daripada satu ratus ribu ringgit atau dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali. Pertuduhan Ketiga: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “Methamphetamine” (Berat Bersih: 1.28 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12 (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen Seksyen 12 (3) akta yang sama. S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan boleh di hukum denda tidak lebih daripada satu ratus ribu ringgit atau dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.”. Bagi Kes No. BA-82D-2-01/2020: “Pertuduhan: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu Racun jenis “Etizolam” dan “Clozapine” (Berat Bersih: 76.75 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 30(5) Akta yang sama. Hukuman Jika disabit kesalahan boleh dihukum denda RM 10,000.00 atau 4 tahun penjara atau kedua-duanya sekali.” [2] Mahkamah ini semasa keputusan di akhir kes pendakwaan pada 31.7.2023 telah melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada kesemua pertuduhan- pertuduhan bagi kes BA-82D-1-01/2020 dan BA-82D-2-01/2020. Pihak pendakwaan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan tersebut dah telah memfailkan rayuan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi melalui Notis Rayuan bertarikh 9.8.2023. KES PENDAKWAAN [3] Bagi tujuan perbicaraan kes ini, pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil 9 orang saksi untuk memberikan keterangan seperti berikut: S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [4] Fakta kes yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan adalah sepertimana yang terkandung di dalam perenggan 3 Hujahan Bertulis pihak pendakwaan bertarikh 9.7.2023 [Kandungan 106]. PRIMA FACIE [5] Adalah menjadi tugas pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan suatu kes prima facie terhadap tertuduh sebagaimana dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah [Akta 593]. Mahkamah ini telah merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Abdullah bin Atan v. PP and another appeal [2020] 9 CLJ 151; [2020] 6 MLJ 727 di mana mahkamah telah menyatakan mengenai prima facie seperti berikut: "As to what constitutes a 'prima facie' case, the judgment of Vincent Ng J (as he was then) in Public Prosecutor v. Ong Cheng Heong [1998] 4 CLJ 209; [1998] 6 MLJ 678 is instructive. Although Ong Cheng Heong was decided prior to the amendment in 2006, we respectfully endorse His Lordship's view at p 691 (MLJ); p 225 (CLJ): What the constitutes a 'prima facie' case? 'Prima facie' means on the face of it or at the first glance, perhaps the most appropriate definition of a 'prima facie case' could be found in S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 the Oxford Companion of Law (p 987), which has it as: A case which is sufficient for an answer. While prima facie evidence is evidence which is sufficient to establish a fact in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, but is not conclusive'. It would follow that there should be credible evidence on each and every ingredient of the offence. Credible evidence is evidence which has been filtered and which was gone through the process of evaluation. Any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon, should be rejected. At pg. 224, His Lordship said: to me, maximum evaluation simply means evaluation, on a phma facie basis, of each and every essential ingredient of the charge as tested in cross examination, in other words, maximum evaluation connotes quantitative rather than qualitative evaluation of the evidence; with focus more on the evidential burden in terms of evidence led, rather that the persuasive burden in terms of qualitative degree of proof.”. [6] Berdasarkan otoriti di atas, Mahkamah hendaklah membuat penilaian maksimum yang menyeluruh terhadap kesemua keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan untuk setiap elemen yang terdapat dalam pertuduhan ke atas tertuduh dalam menentukan sama ada pihak pendakwan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie atau sebaliknya. [7] Dalam kes ini tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan-pertuduhan memiliki dadah dan racun di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan juga di bawah seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952. Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: “No person shall have in his possession, custody or control any dangerous drug to which this Part applies unless he is authorized to be in possession, custody or control of such drug or is deemed to be so authorized under this Act or the regulations made thereunder.”. S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [8] Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: “Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Act, no person shall import, export, manufacture, compound, mix, dispense, sell, supply, administer, possess or use any psychotropic substance otherwise than in accordance with any regulations applicable thereto made under this Act.”. [9] Dalam membuat penilaian maksimum ke atas kesemua keterangan yang dikemukakan, Mahkamah perlu menentukan sama ada elemen-elemen bagi kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan juga seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 telah dipenuhi. Mahkamah ini mendapati elemen-elemen bagi kedua-dua kesalahan memiliki dadah atau racun adalah sama iaitu seperti berikut: (i) sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan jagaan ke atas dadah atau racun tersebut serta pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah tersebut; dan (ii) sama ada dadah atau racun tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya atau racun seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan juga Akta Racun 1952. Isu (i) - sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan jagaan ke atas dadah atau racun tersebut serta pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah tersebut. Elemen Kawalan Dan Pengetahuan [10] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes PP v. Denish A/L Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 yang menjelaskan mengenai prinsip undang-undang berhubung dengan elemen milikan seperti berikut: " 'Possession' for the purposes of criminal law involves possession itself- which some authorities term 'custody' or 'control' - and knowledge of the nature of thing possessed. As to possession itself he cited the following definition in Stephen's Digest (9th Ed. P 304, in which the exclusive element mentioned by Taylor J appears: A moveable thing is said to be in the possession of a person when he is so situated with respect to it that he has the powers to deal with it as owner to the exclusion of all other S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 persons, and when the circumstances are such that he may be presumed to intend to do so in case of need. Once the elements needed to constitute possession are established, including the element of exclusive power to deal, then what is established is possession, not exclusive possession. So much of exclusive possession". [11] Untuk membuktikan elemen milikan, pihak pendakwaan perlu membuktikan elemen kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah dan racun oleh tertuduh. Dalam kes ini, dadah dan racun telah dijumpai oleh P2 di dalam bilik pejabat tertuduh. Pendakwaan di dalam Fakta Kes yang dinyatakan dalam hujahan bertulisnya diperenggan 3.6 mengatakan bahawa bilik tertuduh berkunci dan SP2 telah membuka kunci dengan menggunakan kunci yang diberikan oleh SP2. [12] SP2 ketika ditanya mengenai sama ada bilik pejabat tertuduh berkunci telah mengatakan berikut: “Q: Apabila naik ke atas apa yang ada di tingkat 14, apa yang berlaku? A: Apabila sampai di tingkat 14 saya dipandu oleh OKT menuju ke pejabatnya dan mendapati pejabat tersebut tertutup dan disyaki berkunci. Saya mengarahkan OKT untuk membuka pejabat tersebut. OKT dengan kunci yang ada padanya telah buka pejabat. Saya dengan team saya telah masuk ke pejabat tersebut untuk membuat pemeriksaan.”. [13] Walaubagaimanapun, semasa Pemeriksaan Balas, SP2 telah mengatakan seperti berikut: “Q: Masa inspektor buat pemeriksaan di bawah ada jumpa kunci? A: Tak perasan. Dah kat atas baru saya nampak kunci pada tangan dia. Q: Saya katakan sebenarnya pintu bilik itu tidak berkunci? A: Pintu tertutup. S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Q: Inspektor tak pegang pintu, tak try pun buka pintu, jadi inspektor tak boleh pastikan pintu tu berkunci atau tidak, setuju? A: Setuju.” (penekanan ditambah) [14] Berdasarkan keterangan SP2 sewaktu Pemeriksaan Balas, SP2 tidak pasti sama ada pintu bilik tertuduh berkunci atau pun sebaliknya. Berdasarkan keterangan SP1, SP4 dan SP9 juga tiada sebarang keterangan yang dapat membuktikan bahawa pintu bilik tertuduh berkunci sebelum SP2 dan pasukan masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut untuk tujuan pemeriksaan. Keterangan-keterangan juga menunjukkan tiada sebarang kawalan dibuat di kawasan tangga, lif, lobi, koridor aras 14 dan di kawasan bilik pejabat tertuduh sepanjang masa sehingga SP2 dan pasukannya tiba untuk membuat pemeriksaan. Dalam ketiadaan sebarang keterangan yang membuktikan bahawa bilik tertuduh berkunci dan terdapat kawalan pihak polis ke atas tempat kejadian maka telah wujud keraguan yang munasabah mengenai elemen kawalan oleh tertuduh memandangkan terdapat kemungkinan bilik pejabat tersebut telah dikacau ganggu atau tercemar sebelum SP2 dan pasukan tiba. [15] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan juga tiada sebarang tindakan oleh tertuduh atau sebarang keterangan yang dapat menunjukkan bahawa tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan terhadap dadah dan racun yang dirampas oleh SP2. Rantaian Keterangan Barang Kes [17] Pada hemat mahkamah ini, memandangkan terdapat lompong yang besar terhadap elemen kawalan sepertimana yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 14 di atas, sebenarnya rantaian keterangan barang kes bagi kes ini sebenarnya telah terputus sejak peringkat awal lagi. [17] Selain itu juga, dalam kes ini tiada penandaan spesifik telah dilakukan oleh SP2. Pengiraan juga tidak dilakukan dengan sempurna memandangkan SP2 dalam keterangannya mengatakan beliau telah buat kiraan secara rawak sahaja dan tiada keterangan pengiraan barang kes secara menyeluruh. Keterangan mengenai timbangan juga meragukan memandangkan SP2 sering mengubah keterangannya S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 yang mana tiada keterangan yang meyakinkan sama ada timbangan telah dibuat serta masa dan tempat timbangan dibuat oleh SP2. Tanpa sebarang penandaan yang sempurna oleh pegawai tangkapan dan rampasan iaitu B2 dan dengan keterangan-keterangan yang tidak konsisten dan sering berubah-ubah oleh SP2, telah wujud suatu keraguan mengenai butiran dan identiti barang kes bagi kes ini. [18] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan ini, Mahkamah ini berpendapat rantaian keterangan barang kes ini amat lemah sejak peringkat awal lagi yang mana terdapat keraguan yang munasabah terhadap rantaian keterangan barang kes, butiran dan identiti barang kes dalam kes ini. Keterangan Saksi Pendakwaan [19] Selepas mendengar dan meneliti keseluruhan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, mahkamah ini mendapati saksi-saksi pendakwaan adalah boleh dipercayai dan keterangannya di terima pakai oleh mahkamah kecuali keterangan SP2. [20] Berdasarkan penelitian mahkamah, SP2 telah memberikan banyak keterangan yang tidak konsisten dan bercanggah selain terlalu banyak soalan-soalan yang dijawab dengan jawapan “tidak tahu” atau “tidak ingat”. Bagi kes ini, SP2 selaku pegawai tangkapan dan pegawai rampasan adalah saksi utama untuk pendakwaan membuktikan elemen-elemen pertuduhan. Malangnya, berikutan keterangan- keterangan yang tidak konsisten, tidak meyakinkan dan meragukan dalam pelbagai isu termasuklah isu-isu substantif seperti isu pengendalian barang kes, identiti dan butiran barang kes serta rantaian keterangan barang kes maka adalah sukar untuk mahkamah ini menerima pakai keterangan SP. Oleh itu, keterangan SP2 adalah ditolak. Isu (ii) - sama ada dadah atau racun tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya atau racun seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan juga Akta Racun 1952. [21] Memandangkan elemen pertama telah tidak dipenuhi mahkamah ini tidak berhasrat dan berpendapat tiada keperluan untuk membincangkan mengenai elemen kedua bagi pertuduhan-pertuduhan. S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 KEPUTUSAN [22] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan lisan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan keterangan dalam bentuk dokumentasi yang dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah ini sepanjang perbicaraan berlangsung, terdapat terlalu banyak lompong-lompong yang material yang membuatkan kes ini tidak dapat dipertahankan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini telah melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada semua pertuduhan bagi kedua-dua kes. Wang jaminan dikembalikan. Bertarikh pada 31 Julai 2023. t.t. (NUR FAIZAH BINTI ABDUL SANI) Majistret Mahkamah Majistret 3 Shah Alam KAUNSEL – Bagi pihak pendakwaan: Puan Saidah Fasihah Binti Che Yussof Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Kamar Pendakwaan Negeri Selangor Tingkat 4, Podium Utara Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah 41000 Shah Alam, Selangor Bagi pihak tertuduh: Encik Fithril Hakim Peguambela & Peguamcara D/A Tetuan Amelda Fuad Abi & Aidil No. 33-2, The Core, Jalan Teknologi 3/6B, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor S/N 7qsKxdRMY0GWoIWWI399xw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 39A Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 - sama ada tertuduh memiliki dadah berbahaya - sama ada kes prima facie dibuktikan
Puan Farah binti Rosnan
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET (3) DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA NO. KES: BA-82D-1-01/2020 DIBICARAKAN BERSAMA DENGAN KES: DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET (3) DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA NO. KES: BA-82D-2-01/2020 PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN MOHD IRWAN BIN MOHAMAD ILIAS [NO. K/P: 850830-02-5225] ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PERTUDUHAN [1] Tertuduh dalam kes ini telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan-pertuduhan seperti berikut: Bagi Kes No. BA-82D-1-01/2020: “Pertuduhan Pertama: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine” (Berat Bersih: 25.58 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah 14/11/2023 15:26:44 BA-82D-1-01/2020 Kand. 121 S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39A (1) akta yang sama. Hukuman: Boleh dihukum dengan hukuman penjara tidak kurang dua tahun dan tidak lebih lima tahun dan juga akan dikenakan hukuman sebat tidak kurang tiga sebatan dan tidak lebih sembilan sebatan. Pertuduhan Kedua: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “Ketamine” (Berat Bersih: 5.7 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12 (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen Seksyen 12 (3) akta yang sama. Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan boleh di hukum denda tidak lebih daripada satu ratus ribu ringgit atau dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali. Pertuduhan Ketiga: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “Methamphetamine” (Berat Bersih: 1.28 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12 (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen Seksyen 12 (3) akta yang sama. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan boleh di hukum denda tidak lebih daripada satu ratus ribu ringgit atau dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.”. Bagi Kes No. BA-82D-2-01/2020: “Pertuduhan: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu Racun jenis “Etizolam” dan “Clozapine” (Berat Bersih: 76.75 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 30(5) Akta yang sama. Hukuman Jika disabit kesalahan boleh dihukum denda RM 10,000.00 atau 4 tahun penjara atau kedua-duanya sekali.” [2] Mahkamah ini semasa keputusan di akhir kes pendakwaan pada 31.7.2023 telah melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada kesemua pertuduhan- pertuduhan bagi kes BA-82D-1-01/2020 dan BA-82D-2-01/2020. Pihak pendakwaan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan tersebut dah telah memfailkan rayuan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi melalui Notis Rayuan bertarikh 9.8.2023. KES PENDAKWAAN [3] Bagi tujuan perbicaraan kes ini, pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil 9 orang saksi untuk memberikan keterangan seperti berikut: S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [4] Fakta kes yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan adalah sepertimana yang terkandung di dalam perenggan 3 Hujahan Bertulis pihak pendakwaan bertarikh 9.7.2023 [Kandungan 106]. PRIMA FACIE [5] Adalah menjadi tugas pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan suatu kes prima facie terhadap tertuduh sebagaimana dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah [Akta 593]. Mahkamah ini telah merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Abdullah bin Atan v. PP and another appeal [2020] 9 CLJ 151; [2020] 6 MLJ 727 di mana mahkamah telah menyatakan mengenai prima facie seperti berikut: "As to what constitutes a 'prima facie' case, the judgment of Vincent Ng J (as he was then) in Public Prosecutor v. Ong Cheng Heong [1998] 4 CLJ 209; [1998] 6 MLJ 678 is instructive. Although Ong Cheng Heong was decided prior to the amendment in 2006, we respectfully endorse His Lordship's view at p 691 (MLJ); p 225 (CLJ): What the constitutes a 'prima facie' case? 'Prima facie' means on the face of it or at the first glance, perhaps the most appropriate definition of a 'prima facie case' could be found in S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 the Oxford Companion of Law (p 987), which has it as: A case which is sufficient for an answer. While prima facie evidence is evidence which is sufficient to establish a fact in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, but is not conclusive'. It would follow that there should be credible evidence on each and every ingredient of the offence. Credible evidence is evidence which has been filtered and which was gone through the process of evaluation. Any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon, should be rejected. At pg. 224, His Lordship said: to me, maximum evaluation simply means evaluation, on a phma facie basis, of each and every essential ingredient of the charge as tested in cross examination, in other words, maximum evaluation connotes quantitative rather than qualitative evaluation of the evidence; with focus more on the evidential burden in terms of evidence led, rather that the persuasive burden in terms of qualitative degree of proof.”. [6] Berdasarkan otoriti di atas, Mahkamah hendaklah membuat penilaian maksimum yang menyeluruh terhadap kesemua keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan untuk setiap elemen yang terdapat dalam pertuduhan ke atas tertuduh dalam menentukan sama ada pihak pendakwan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie atau sebaliknya. [7] Dalam kes ini tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan-pertuduhan memiliki dadah dan racun di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan juga di bawah seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952. Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: “No person shall have in his possession, custody or control any dangerous drug to which this Part applies unless he is authorized to be in possession, custody or control of such drug or is deemed to be so authorized under this Act or the regulations made thereunder.”. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [8] Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: “Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Act, no person shall import, export, manufacture, compound, mix, dispense, sell, supply, administer, possess or use any psychotropic substance otherwise than in accordance with any regulations applicable thereto made under this Act.”. [9] Dalam membuat penilaian maksimum ke atas kesemua keterangan yang dikemukakan, Mahkamah perlu menentukan sama ada elemen-elemen bagi kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan juga seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 telah dipenuhi. Mahkamah ini mendapati elemen-elemen bagi kedua-dua kesalahan memiliki dadah atau racun adalah sama iaitu seperti berikut: (i) sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan jagaan ke atas dadah atau racun tersebut serta pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah tersebut; dan (ii) sama ada dadah atau racun tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya atau racun seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan juga Akta Racun 1952. Isu (i) - sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan jagaan ke atas dadah atau racun tersebut serta pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah tersebut. Elemen Kawalan Dan Pengetahuan [10] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes PP v. Denish A/L Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 yang menjelaskan mengenai prinsip undang-undang berhubung dengan elemen milikan seperti berikut: " 'Possession' for the purposes of criminal law involves possession itself- which some authorities term 'custody' or 'control' - and knowledge of the nature of thing possessed. As to possession itself he cited the following definition in Stephen's Digest (9th Ed. P 304, in which the exclusive element mentioned by Taylor J appears: A moveable thing is said to be in the possession of a person when he is so situated with respect to it that he has the powers to deal with it as owner to the exclusion of all other S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 persons, and when the circumstances are such that he may be presumed to intend to do so in case of need. Once the elements needed to constitute possession are established, including the element of exclusive power to deal, then what is established is possession, not exclusive possession. So much of exclusive possession". [11] Untuk membuktikan elemen milikan, pihak pendakwaan perlu membuktikan elemen kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah dan racun oleh tertuduh. Dalam kes ini, dadah dan racun telah dijumpai oleh P2 di dalam bilik pejabat tertuduh. Pendakwaan di dalam Fakta Kes yang dinyatakan dalam hujahan bertulisnya diperenggan 3.6 mengatakan bahawa bilik tertuduh berkunci dan SP2 telah membuka kunci dengan menggunakan kunci yang diberikan oleh SP2. [12] SP2 ketika ditanya mengenai sama ada bilik pejabat tertuduh berkunci telah mengatakan berikut: “Q: Apabila naik ke atas apa yang ada di tingkat 14, apa yang berlaku? A: Apabila sampai di tingkat 14 saya dipandu oleh OKT menuju ke pejabatnya dan mendapati pejabat tersebut tertutup dan disyaki berkunci. Saya mengarahkan OKT untuk membuka pejabat tersebut. OKT dengan kunci yang ada padanya telah buka pejabat. Saya dengan team saya telah masuk ke pejabat tersebut untuk membuat pemeriksaan.”. [13] Walaubagaimanapun, semasa Pemeriksaan Balas, SP2 telah mengatakan seperti berikut: “Q: Masa inspektor buat pemeriksaan di bawah ada jumpa kunci? A: Tak perasan. Dah kat atas baru saya nampak kunci pada tangan dia. Q: Saya katakan sebenarnya pintu bilik itu tidak berkunci? A: Pintu tertutup. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Q: Inspektor tak pegang pintu, tak try pun buka pintu, jadi inspektor tak boleh pastikan pintu tu berkunci atau tidak, setuju? A: Setuju.” (penekanan ditambah) [14] Berdasarkan keterangan SP2 sewaktu Pemeriksaan Balas, SP2 tidak pasti sama ada pintu bilik tertuduh berkunci atau pun sebaliknya. Berdasarkan keterangan SP1, SP4 dan SP9 juga tiada sebarang keterangan yang dapat membuktikan bahawa pintu bilik tertuduh berkunci sebelum SP2 dan pasukan masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut untuk tujuan pemeriksaan. Keterangan-keterangan juga menunjukkan tiada sebarang kawalan dibuat di kawasan tangga, lif, lobi, koridor aras 14 dan di kawasan bilik pejabat tertuduh sepanjang masa sehingga SP2 dan pasukannya tiba untuk membuat pemeriksaan. Dalam ketiadaan sebarang keterangan yang membuktikan bahawa bilik tertuduh berkunci dan terdapat kawalan pihak polis ke atas tempat kejadian maka telah wujud keraguan yang munasabah mengenai elemen kawalan oleh tertuduh memandangkan terdapat kemungkinan bilik pejabat tersebut telah dikacau ganggu atau tercemar sebelum SP2 dan pasukan tiba. [15] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan juga tiada sebarang tindakan oleh tertuduh atau sebarang keterangan yang dapat menunjukkan bahawa tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan terhadap dadah dan racun yang dirampas oleh SP2. Rantaian Keterangan Barang Kes [17] Pada hemat mahkamah ini, memandangkan terdapat lompong yang besar terhadap elemen kawalan sepertimana yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 14 di atas, sebenarnya rantaian keterangan barang kes bagi kes ini sebenarnya telah terputus sejak peringkat awal lagi. [17] Selain itu juga, dalam kes ini tiada penandaan spesifik telah dilakukan oleh SP2. Pengiraan juga tidak dilakukan dengan sempurna memandangkan SP2 dalam keterangannya mengatakan beliau telah buat kiraan secara rawak sahaja dan tiada keterangan pengiraan barang kes secara menyeluruh. Keterangan mengenai timbangan juga meragukan memandangkan SP2 sering mengubah keterangannya S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 yang mana tiada keterangan yang meyakinkan sama ada timbangan telah dibuat serta masa dan tempat timbangan dibuat oleh SP2. Tanpa sebarang penandaan yang sempurna oleh pegawai tangkapan dan rampasan iaitu B2 dan dengan keterangan-keterangan yang tidak konsisten dan sering berubah-ubah oleh SP2, telah wujud suatu keraguan mengenai butiran dan identiti barang kes bagi kes ini. [18] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan ini, Mahkamah ini berpendapat rantaian keterangan barang kes ini amat lemah sejak peringkat awal lagi yang mana terdapat keraguan yang munasabah terhadap rantaian keterangan barang kes, butiran dan identiti barang kes dalam kes ini. Keterangan Saksi Pendakwaan [19] Selepas mendengar dan meneliti keseluruhan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, mahkamah ini mendapati saksi-saksi pendakwaan adalah boleh dipercayai dan keterangannya di terima pakai oleh mahkamah kecuali keterangan SP2. [20] Berdasarkan penelitian mahkamah, SP2 telah memberikan banyak keterangan yang tidak konsisten dan bercanggah selain terlalu banyak soalan-soalan yang dijawab dengan jawapan “tidak tahu” atau “tidak ingat”. Bagi kes ini, SP2 selaku pegawai tangkapan dan pegawai rampasan adalah saksi utama untuk pendakwaan membuktikan elemen-elemen pertuduhan. Malangnya, berikutan keterangan- keterangan yang tidak konsisten, tidak meyakinkan dan meragukan dalam pelbagai isu termasuklah isu-isu substantif seperti isu pengendalian barang kes, identiti dan butiran barang kes serta rantaian keterangan barang kes maka adalah sukar untuk mahkamah ini menerima pakai keterangan SP. Oleh itu, keterangan SP2 adalah ditolak. Isu (ii) - sama ada dadah atau racun tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya atau racun seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan juga Akta Racun 1952. [21] Memandangkan elemen pertama telah tidak dipenuhi mahkamah ini tidak berhasrat dan berpendapat tiada keperluan untuk membincangkan mengenai elemen kedua bagi pertuduhan-pertuduhan. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 KEPUTUSAN [22] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan lisan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan keterangan dalam bentuk dokumentasi yang dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah ini sepanjang perbicaraan berlangsung, terdapat terlalu banyak lompong-lompong yang material yang membuatkan kes ini tidak dapat dipertahankan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini telah melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada semua pertuduhan bagi kedua-dua kes. Wang jaminan dikembalikan. Bertarikh pada 31 Julai 2023. t.t. (NUR FAIZAH BINTI ABDUL SANI) Majistret Mahkamah Majistret 3 Shah Alam KAUNSEL – Bagi pihak pendakwaan: Puan Saidah Fasihah Binti Che Yussof Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Kamar Pendakwaan Negeri Selangor Tingkat 4, Podium Utara Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah 41000 Shah Alam, Selangor Bagi pihak tertuduh: Encik Fithril Hakim Peguambela & Peguamcara D/A Tetuan Amelda Fuad Abi & Aidil No. 33-2, The Core, Jalan Teknologi 3/6B, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2023-12-14T11:06:50+0800
Tika 2.6.0
Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 39A Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 - sama ada tertuduh memiliki dadah berbahaya - sama ada kes prima facie dibuktikan
Puan Farah binti Rosnan
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET (3) DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA NO. KES: BA-82D-1-01/2020 DIBICARAKAN BERSAMA DENGAN KES: DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET (3) DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA NO. KES: BA-82D-2-01/2020 PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN MOHD IRWAN BIN MOHAMAD ILIAS [NO. K/P: 850830-02-5225] ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PERTUDUHAN [1] Tertuduh dalam kes ini telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan-pertuduhan seperti berikut: Bagi Kes No. BA-82D-1-01/2020: “Pertuduhan Pertama: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine” (Berat Bersih: 25.58 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah 14/11/2023 15:26:44 BA-82D-1-01/2020 Kand. 121 S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39A (1) akta yang sama. Hukuman: Boleh dihukum dengan hukuman penjara tidak kurang dua tahun dan tidak lebih lima tahun dan juga akan dikenakan hukuman sebat tidak kurang tiga sebatan dan tidak lebih sembilan sebatan. Pertuduhan Kedua: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “Ketamine” (Berat Bersih: 5.7 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12 (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen Seksyen 12 (3) akta yang sama. Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan boleh di hukum denda tidak lebih daripada satu ratus ribu ringgit atau dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali. Pertuduhan Ketiga: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu dadah berbahaya jenis “Methamphetamine” (Berat Bersih: 1.28 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12 (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen Seksyen 12 (3) akta yang sama. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Hukuman: Jika disabit kesalahan boleh di hukum denda tidak lebih daripada satu ratus ribu ringgit atau dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.”. Bagi Kes No. BA-82D-2-01/2020: “Pertuduhan: Bahawa kamu pada 21/09/2019 jam lebih kurang 4.30 pagi, bertempat di bilik Tingkat 14 Menara Kompleks Kejuruteraan Kampus Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, di dalam Daerah Petaling di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati dalam kawalan kamu Racun jenis “Etizolam” dan “Clozapine” (Berat Bersih: 76.75 gram). Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 30(5) Akta yang sama. Hukuman Jika disabit kesalahan boleh dihukum denda RM 10,000.00 atau 4 tahun penjara atau kedua-duanya sekali.” [2] Mahkamah ini semasa keputusan di akhir kes pendakwaan pada 31.7.2023 telah melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada kesemua pertuduhan- pertuduhan bagi kes BA-82D-1-01/2020 dan BA-82D-2-01/2020. Pihak pendakwaan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan tersebut dah telah memfailkan rayuan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi melalui Notis Rayuan bertarikh 9.8.2023. KES PENDAKWAAN [3] Bagi tujuan perbicaraan kes ini, pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil 9 orang saksi untuk memberikan keterangan seperti berikut: S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [4] Fakta kes yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan adalah sepertimana yang terkandung di dalam perenggan 3 Hujahan Bertulis pihak pendakwaan bertarikh 9.7.2023 [Kandungan 106]. PRIMA FACIE [5] Adalah menjadi tugas pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan suatu kes prima facie terhadap tertuduh sebagaimana dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah [Akta 593]. Mahkamah ini telah merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Abdullah bin Atan v. PP and another appeal [2020] 9 CLJ 151; [2020] 6 MLJ 727 di mana mahkamah telah menyatakan mengenai prima facie seperti berikut: "As to what constitutes a 'prima facie' case, the judgment of Vincent Ng J (as he was then) in Public Prosecutor v. Ong Cheng Heong [1998] 4 CLJ 209; [1998] 6 MLJ 678 is instructive. Although Ong Cheng Heong was decided prior to the amendment in 2006, we respectfully endorse His Lordship's view at p 691 (MLJ); p 225 (CLJ): What the constitutes a 'prima facie' case? 'Prima facie' means on the face of it or at the first glance, perhaps the most appropriate definition of a 'prima facie case' could be found in S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 the Oxford Companion of Law (p 987), which has it as: A case which is sufficient for an answer. While prima facie evidence is evidence which is sufficient to establish a fact in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, but is not conclusive'. It would follow that there should be credible evidence on each and every ingredient of the offence. Credible evidence is evidence which has been filtered and which was gone through the process of evaluation. Any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon, should be rejected. At pg. 224, His Lordship said: to me, maximum evaluation simply means evaluation, on a phma facie basis, of each and every essential ingredient of the charge as tested in cross examination, in other words, maximum evaluation connotes quantitative rather than qualitative evaluation of the evidence; with focus more on the evidential burden in terms of evidence led, rather that the persuasive burden in terms of qualitative degree of proof.”. [6] Berdasarkan otoriti di atas, Mahkamah hendaklah membuat penilaian maksimum yang menyeluruh terhadap kesemua keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan untuk setiap elemen yang terdapat dalam pertuduhan ke atas tertuduh dalam menentukan sama ada pihak pendakwan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie atau sebaliknya. [7] Dalam kes ini tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan-pertuduhan memiliki dadah dan racun di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan juga di bawah seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952. Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: “No person shall have in his possession, custody or control any dangerous drug to which this Part applies unless he is authorized to be in possession, custody or control of such drug or is deemed to be so authorized under this Act or the regulations made thereunder.”. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [8] Seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: “Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Act, no person shall import, export, manufacture, compound, mix, dispense, sell, supply, administer, possess or use any psychotropic substance otherwise than in accordance with any regulations applicable thereto made under this Act.”. [9] Dalam membuat penilaian maksimum ke atas kesemua keterangan yang dikemukakan, Mahkamah perlu menentukan sama ada elemen-elemen bagi kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan juga seksyen 30(3) Akta Racun 1952 telah dipenuhi. Mahkamah ini mendapati elemen-elemen bagi kedua-dua kesalahan memiliki dadah atau racun adalah sama iaitu seperti berikut: (i) sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan jagaan ke atas dadah atau racun tersebut serta pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah tersebut; dan (ii) sama ada dadah atau racun tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya atau racun seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan juga Akta Racun 1952. Isu (i) - sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan, kawalan dan jagaan ke atas dadah atau racun tersebut serta pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah tersebut. Elemen Kawalan Dan Pengetahuan [10] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes PP v. Denish A/L Madhavan [2009] 2 CLJ 209 yang menjelaskan mengenai prinsip undang-undang berhubung dengan elemen milikan seperti berikut: " 'Possession' for the purposes of criminal law involves possession itself- which some authorities term 'custody' or 'control' - and knowledge of the nature of thing possessed. As to possession itself he cited the following definition in Stephen's Digest (9th Ed. P 304, in which the exclusive element mentioned by Taylor J appears: A moveable thing is said to be in the possession of a person when he is so situated with respect to it that he has the powers to deal with it as owner to the exclusion of all other S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 persons, and when the circumstances are such that he may be presumed to intend to do so in case of need. Once the elements needed to constitute possession are established, including the element of exclusive power to deal, then what is established is possession, not exclusive possession. So much of exclusive possession". [11] Untuk membuktikan elemen milikan, pihak pendakwaan perlu membuktikan elemen kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah dan racun oleh tertuduh. Dalam kes ini, dadah dan racun telah dijumpai oleh P2 di dalam bilik pejabat tertuduh. Pendakwaan di dalam Fakta Kes yang dinyatakan dalam hujahan bertulisnya diperenggan 3.6 mengatakan bahawa bilik tertuduh berkunci dan SP2 telah membuka kunci dengan menggunakan kunci yang diberikan oleh SP2. [12] SP2 ketika ditanya mengenai sama ada bilik pejabat tertuduh berkunci telah mengatakan berikut: “Q: Apabila naik ke atas apa yang ada di tingkat 14, apa yang berlaku? A: Apabila sampai di tingkat 14 saya dipandu oleh OKT menuju ke pejabatnya dan mendapati pejabat tersebut tertutup dan disyaki berkunci. Saya mengarahkan OKT untuk membuka pejabat tersebut. OKT dengan kunci yang ada padanya telah buka pejabat. Saya dengan team saya telah masuk ke pejabat tersebut untuk membuat pemeriksaan.”. [13] Walaubagaimanapun, semasa Pemeriksaan Balas, SP2 telah mengatakan seperti berikut: “Q: Masa inspektor buat pemeriksaan di bawah ada jumpa kunci? A: Tak perasan. Dah kat atas baru saya nampak kunci pada tangan dia. Q: Saya katakan sebenarnya pintu bilik itu tidak berkunci? A: Pintu tertutup. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Q: Inspektor tak pegang pintu, tak try pun buka pintu, jadi inspektor tak boleh pastikan pintu tu berkunci atau tidak, setuju? A: Setuju.” (penekanan ditambah) [14] Berdasarkan keterangan SP2 sewaktu Pemeriksaan Balas, SP2 tidak pasti sama ada pintu bilik tertuduh berkunci atau pun sebaliknya. Berdasarkan keterangan SP1, SP4 dan SP9 juga tiada sebarang keterangan yang dapat membuktikan bahawa pintu bilik tertuduh berkunci sebelum SP2 dan pasukan masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut untuk tujuan pemeriksaan. Keterangan-keterangan juga menunjukkan tiada sebarang kawalan dibuat di kawasan tangga, lif, lobi, koridor aras 14 dan di kawasan bilik pejabat tertuduh sepanjang masa sehingga SP2 dan pasukannya tiba untuk membuat pemeriksaan. Dalam ketiadaan sebarang keterangan yang membuktikan bahawa bilik tertuduh berkunci dan terdapat kawalan pihak polis ke atas tempat kejadian maka telah wujud keraguan yang munasabah mengenai elemen kawalan oleh tertuduh memandangkan terdapat kemungkinan bilik pejabat tersebut telah dikacau ganggu atau tercemar sebelum SP2 dan pasukan tiba. [15] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan juga tiada sebarang tindakan oleh tertuduh atau sebarang keterangan yang dapat menunjukkan bahawa tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan terhadap dadah dan racun yang dirampas oleh SP2. Rantaian Keterangan Barang Kes [17] Pada hemat mahkamah ini, memandangkan terdapat lompong yang besar terhadap elemen kawalan sepertimana yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 14 di atas, sebenarnya rantaian keterangan barang kes bagi kes ini sebenarnya telah terputus sejak peringkat awal lagi. [17] Selain itu juga, dalam kes ini tiada penandaan spesifik telah dilakukan oleh SP2. Pengiraan juga tidak dilakukan dengan sempurna memandangkan SP2 dalam keterangannya mengatakan beliau telah buat kiraan secara rawak sahaja dan tiada keterangan pengiraan barang kes secara menyeluruh. Keterangan mengenai timbangan juga meragukan memandangkan SP2 sering mengubah keterangannya S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 yang mana tiada keterangan yang meyakinkan sama ada timbangan telah dibuat serta masa dan tempat timbangan dibuat oleh SP2. Tanpa sebarang penandaan yang sempurna oleh pegawai tangkapan dan rampasan iaitu B2 dan dengan keterangan-keterangan yang tidak konsisten dan sering berubah-ubah oleh SP2, telah wujud suatu keraguan mengenai butiran dan identiti barang kes bagi kes ini. [18] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan ini, Mahkamah ini berpendapat rantaian keterangan barang kes ini amat lemah sejak peringkat awal lagi yang mana terdapat keraguan yang munasabah terhadap rantaian keterangan barang kes, butiran dan identiti barang kes dalam kes ini. Keterangan Saksi Pendakwaan [19] Selepas mendengar dan meneliti keseluruhan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, mahkamah ini mendapati saksi-saksi pendakwaan adalah boleh dipercayai dan keterangannya di terima pakai oleh mahkamah kecuali keterangan SP2. [20] Berdasarkan penelitian mahkamah, SP2 telah memberikan banyak keterangan yang tidak konsisten dan bercanggah selain terlalu banyak soalan-soalan yang dijawab dengan jawapan “tidak tahu” atau “tidak ingat”. Bagi kes ini, SP2 selaku pegawai tangkapan dan pegawai rampasan adalah saksi utama untuk pendakwaan membuktikan elemen-elemen pertuduhan. Malangnya, berikutan keterangan- keterangan yang tidak konsisten, tidak meyakinkan dan meragukan dalam pelbagai isu termasuklah isu-isu substantif seperti isu pengendalian barang kes, identiti dan butiran barang kes serta rantaian keterangan barang kes maka adalah sukar untuk mahkamah ini menerima pakai keterangan SP. Oleh itu, keterangan SP2 adalah ditolak. Isu (ii) - sama ada dadah atau racun tersebut adalah dadah berbahaya atau racun seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan juga Akta Racun 1952. [21] Memandangkan elemen pertama telah tidak dipenuhi mahkamah ini tidak berhasrat dan berpendapat tiada keperluan untuk membincangkan mengenai elemen kedua bagi pertuduhan-pertuduhan. S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 KEPUTUSAN [22] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan lisan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan keterangan dalam bentuk dokumentasi yang dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah ini sepanjang perbicaraan berlangsung, terdapat terlalu banyak lompong-lompong yang material yang membuatkan kes ini tidak dapat dipertahankan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini telah melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada semua pertuduhan bagi kedua-dua kes. Wang jaminan dikembalikan. Bertarikh pada 31 Julai 2023. t.t. (NUR FAIZAH BINTI ABDUL SANI) Majistret Mahkamah Majistret 3 Shah Alam KAUNSEL – Bagi pihak pendakwaan: Puan Saidah Fasihah Binti Che Yussof Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Kamar Pendakwaan Negeri Selangor Tingkat 4, Podium Utara Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah 41000 Shah Alam, Selangor Bagi pihak tertuduh: Encik Fithril Hakim Peguambela & Peguamcara D/A Tetuan Amelda Fuad Abi & Aidil No. 33-2, The Core, Jalan Teknologi 3/6B, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor S/N Z5rel5fzrUiWadUE9NTHg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2023-12-14T11:06:50+0800
Tika 2.6.0
Land law – Fraud - Indefeasibility of Title under Section 340 of National Land Code (‘NLC’) – Determination on subsequent and immediate purchaser – Bona fide purchaser for value without notice under Section 340(3) of NLC – Whether the Land Office/Land Registry is negligence in the discharge of their statutory duties – Whether the Land Office/Land Registry can rely on the defence of good faith under Section 22 of NLC.
YA Dato' Lim Chong FongKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahYA Dato' Lim Chong Fong
Microsoft Word - FINAL AP BITARA ANGKASA v CHEOK LAM CHUAN 1 IN THE COURT OF APPEAL MALAYSIA IN PUTRAJAYA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY OF PUTRAJAYA CIVIL APPEAL NO: N-01(NCVC)(W)-283-05/2021 BETWEEN BITARA ANGKASA SDN BHD … APPELLANT (COMPANY NO.: 1215323-P) AND 1. CHEOK LAM CHUAN (NRIC NO.: 540501-05-5403) 2. CHARLES OH HOCK LIAN (NRIC NO.: 430117-08-5029) 3. PENDAFTAR HAKMILIK NEGERI SEMBILAN 4. PENGARAH TANAH DAN GALIAN NEGERI SEMBILAN … RESPONDENTS In the High Court of Malaya at Seremban Civil Suit No.: NA-21NCVC-9-11/2018 Between Cheok Lam Chuan …Plaintiff (NRIC No.: 540501-05-5403) 14/11/2023 08:37:29 N-01(NCvC)(W)-283-05/2021 Kand. 66 S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 And 1. Charles Oh Hock Lian (NRIC No.: 430117-08-5029) 2. Leong Mei Hing, Richard (NRIC No.: 560611-10-5967/ Practicing Certificate No.: BC/L/217) 3. Bitara Angkasa Sdn Bhd (Company No.: 1215323-P) 4. Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Sembilan 5. Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian Negeri Sembilan …Defendants CORAM: LEE SWEE SENG, JCA. HASHIM BIN HAMZAH, JCA. LIM CHONG FONG, JCA. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT INTRODUCTION [1] This is a land scam case appeal. [2] For convenience and brevity, the parties will hereinafter be referred as follows: I. Appellant: Bitara Angkasa; II. First Respondent: LC Cheok; III. Second Respondent: Charles Oh; and IV. Third & Fourth Respondents collectively: Land Registry BACKGROUND [3] The land concerned is presently held under GRN 159181, Lot 14184, Pekat Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan (formerly S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 HS(D) 21645, PT 2730, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan Lot no. 1493 and Folio no.45 (“Land”). [4] Originally, the Land was part of a larger plot of land held under Geran 17067, Lot 1493 which was then sub-divided into four pieces of land held under separate titles on 31st December 1999. [5] Pursuant to a declaration of trust made on 24th May 1982, the original registered proprietor of the Land was in the name of LC Cheok and Cheok Yit Tuck (who passed away on 2nd June 2009) as joint trustees. The title to the Land was held originally by Cheok Yit Tuck who later handed it to a solicitor, Seah Choon Chye for safekeeping. [6] That notwithstanding, the ownership of the Land was on 15th February 2001 transferred to solely LC Cheok in his personal capacity. [7] By a sale and purchase agreement dated 11th May 2011 (“SPA”), the Land was sold by LC Cheok to Charles Oh. [8] On 18th May 2016, LC Cheok’s authorized representative, Cheok Tuan Joo surrendered the old issue document of title of the Land to the Port Dickson land office in exchange for the new computerised issue document of title of the Land. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [9] Pursuant to the SPA, the Land was on 13th September 2016 transferred from LC Cheok to Charles Oh and registered accordingly. [10] By another sale and purchase agreement dated 13th February 2017 (“2nd SPA”), the land was sold by Charles Oh to Bitara Angkasa. [11] Pursuant to the 2nd SPA, the Land was on 26th September 2017 transferred from Charles Oh to Bitara Angkasa and registered accordingly. [12] Upon the discovery of the sale of the Land to Bitara Angkasa, LC Cheok on 24th May 2018 lodged a private caveat on the Land. [13] Additionally, the Land Registry also on 28th May 2018 lodged a registrar’s caveat on the Land. [14] Subsequently on 14th November 2018, LC Cheok commenced Seremban High Court Suit no. NA-21NCVC-9-11/2018 (“Suit”) to seek recovery of the Land. The reliefs sought in the Suit are as follows in the statement of claim: 46. Oleh demikian, Plaintif menuntut terhadap Defendan-defendan pengisytiharan-pengisytiharan perintah-perintah, arahan-arahan dan relief-relief seperti berikut: S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 (a) Suatu pengisytiharan bahawa Plaintif adalah pemilik berdaftar yang sah terhadap tanah yang dipegang di bawah Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan; (b) Suatu pengisytiharan bahawa pindahmilikan Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan ke atas nama Defendan ke-3 melalui No. Perserahan 23690/2017 pada 26 September 2017 adalah batal dan tidak sah; (c) Suatu perintah bahawa pindahmilikan Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan ke atas nama Defendan ke-3 melalui No. Perserahan: 23690/2017 sebagai pemilik berdaftar dimansuhkan atau dibatalkan dengan serta merta oleh Defendan ke-4 dan/atau Defendan ke-5, iaitu Pendaftar Hakmilik, Negeri Sembilan, dan/atau Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Negeri Sembilan; (d) Bahawa Defendan ke-4 dan/atau Defendan ke-5 hendaklah dengan serta-merta memberi kesan kepada pengisytiharan- pengisytiharan dan perintah-perintah yang dikurniakan oleh Mahkamah yang mulia ini menurut Seksyen 417 Kanun Tanah Negara; (e) Gantirugi untuk frod ditaksirkan di hadapan Timbalan Pendaftar dan/atau Penolong Kanan Pendaftar dan dibayar oleh Defendan Pertama dab/atau Defendan ke-2 dan/atau Defendan ke-3 kepada Plaintif; S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (f) Gantirugi teruk ditaksirkan di hadapan Timbalan Pendaftar dan/atau Penolong Kanan Pendaftar dan dibayar oleh Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan ke-2 dan/atau Defendan ke-3 kepada Plaintif; (g) Secara alternatif, terhadap Defendan Pertama, Defendan ke-2 dan Defendan ke-3;- Gantirugi am untuk konspirasi frod ditaksirkan di hadapan Timbalan Pendaftar dan/atau Penolong Kanan Pendaftar; (h) Secara alternative, bahawa Defendan ke-4 dan/atau Defendan ke-5 menanggungrugi (indemnify) segala kerugian yang dialami oleh Plaintif sehubungan hartanah yang dipegang bawah Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan; (i) Faedah; (j) Kos; dan (k) Relif-relif lanjut atau lain sepertimana yang dianggap wajar dan sesuai oleh Mahkamah yang mulia. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 IN THE HIGH COURT [15] LC Cheok principally contended that the transfer of the Land to Charles Oh by an imposter of LC Cheok was fraudulent and must hence be set aside. Moreover, he contended that the subsequent transfer of the Land to Bitara Angkasa was defeasible because Bitara Angkasa was not a bona fide purchaser. In this regard, the imposter conspired with a lawyer, Richard Leong Mei Hing and Charles Oh to defraud LC Cheok of his title to the Land. Additionally, Charles Oh and Bitara Angkasa also conspired with one another to defraud LC Cheok. Those notwithstanding, the Land Registry was also negligent in permitting the issuance of the title to the Land to the imposter. [16] Charles Oh did not defend the Suit and judgment in default was accordingly entered against him. [17] Bitara Angkasa in defence contended that it was a bona fide subsequent purchaser of the Land for valuable consideration. That notwithstanding, Bitara Angkasa sought contribution and indemnity from Charles Oh and the Land Registry in the event it was found liable to LC Cheok. [18] The Land Registry took the position that it was puzzled as to how the impugned transfers and registrations occurred. Nonetheless, the Land Registry sought immunity pursuant to s. 22 of the National Land Code (“NLC”). Furthermore, the Land Registry contended that it is not liable in S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 any way to Bitara Angkasa because of contributory negligence and/or did not suffer actual loss following the case of Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Selangor v. Caesius Development Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal [2020] 3 CLJ 327 CA. In addition, Bitara Angkasa was a party or privy to the fraud in the impugned transfer and registration; thus, disentitled to immunity in any event following the case of Heveaplast Marketing Sdn Bhd v. See Leong Chye @ Sze Leong Chye & 3 Others and other appeals [2016] MLJU 835. [19] The learned High Court judge firstly found that the solicitor, Richard Leong Mei Hing is innocent because he was not involved whatsoever in the transfer of the Land. The Land was transferred by his imposter who conspired with the imposter of LC Cheak to Charles Oh. [20] Next and following the case of Kamarulzaman Omar v. Yakub Husin [2014] 1 CLJ 987 FC, the learned High Court judge secondly found that Charles Oh committed fraud as claimed by LC Cheok because he failed to defend himself in the Suit. He held as follows: “24. By the same token, the failure by Charles Oh in the present case to defend the plaintiff’s contention of fraud against him meant that the allegation of fraud against him was taken to have been proven.” [21] In consequence, the learned High Court judge thirdly found that Bitara Angkasa is an immediate purchaser that did not enjoy the protection of s.340 (3) of the NLC following He-Con Sdn Bhd v. Bulyah S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 Ishak & Anor and Another Appeal [2020] 7 CLJ 271 FC. He held as follows: “29. Thus the short – but complete- answer was that, because Bitara Angkasa had dealt directly with the rogue Charles Oh, the title that Bitara Angkasa acquired was defeasible pursuant to section 340(2) of the National Land Code. Whether or not it was a bona fide purchaser who had provided valuable consideration did not change the conclusion that its title was defeasible.” [22] That notwithstanding, the learned High Court judge fourthly further found that the Bitara Angkasa was not a bona fide purchaser in that Bitara Angkasa failed to demonstrate that it was not complicit in the fraud. He held as follows: “40. Upon carefully assessing the evidence in this case, I was of the view that Bitara Angkasa had not successfully discharged its evidential burden to establish that it was not complicit in the fraud. The following were the matters that I had taken into account in coming to this finding of fact; (a) Even though DW2 testified thet Mr Looh had invested RM1.1 million into Bitara Angkasa, there was no independent corroboration of this fact. No documentary evidence was adduced to prove this assertion, and Mr Looh was not called to testify; (b) Mr Looh had lodged a private caveat over the land on 13 November 2017. The information set out in the caveat lodgement form did not accord with the position that his interest over the land was by way of security only, but instead stated the fact that he had purchased the land in question and had lodged the caveat in order to protect his interests pending completion of his acquisition; S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (c) Furthermore, under cross-examination DW2 admitted to having received RM77,000 as deposit from Mr Looh pursuant to the terms of the sale and purchase agreement. This was at odds with his own testimony that the sale and purchase agreement was only intended as security for Mr Looh’s investment of RM1.1 million in Bitara Angkasa. Why would there be a need for Mr Looh to pay the RM77,999 if the sale and purchase agreement was only intended to operate as security for his investment?; (d) If the story of Mr Looh purported investment in Bitara Angkasa was untrue, then the fact that it had sought to sell the land so shortly after having acquired it raised questions regarding the complicity of Bitara Angkasa in the scheme to defraud the plaintiff; (e) DW2 testified at trail: “I as the Director of the 3rd Defendant had via the arrangement made by Kelvin Keng visited the said land on or about end of October 2016.” This was patently untrue, because by his own testimony he had only acquired Bitara Angkasa on 16 January 2017; (f) DW2 testified that he had paid RM240,000 as deposit to Charles Oh via his solicitors even before signing the sale and purchase agreement. This was a highly unusual on two counts: first RM240,000 constituted 20% of the total purchase price and would have been out of the norm as far as deposits were concerned. Secondly, it appeared that he was willing to trust Charles Oh with the deposit payment even in the absence of any written agreement when DW2 had himself acknowledge that he had never met Charles Oh; (g) The first recital to the 9 November 2019 sale and purchase agreement (the third SPA) described the property to be sold as a “unit of one and a half (1 ½) storey factory”, which was incorrect, as the property was vacant land. It was difficult to imagine that parties to genuine S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 transaction would have let such a fundamental error slip into the acquisition documentation, bearing in mind that the purchase price was not an insignificant sum. Of course, had the sale been completed, then it may have very well put the property out of reach for legal redress by the plaintiff, unless he could positively establish the complicity of Bitara Angkasa in the fraud. This may very well explain the haste in which Bitara Angkasa sought to sell the land; and (h) There were discrepancies in the manner in which the Form 14A had been executed and attested that was never satisfactorily explained by DW2 or by the solicitors acting for Bitara Angkasa. Firstly, the seal of Bitara Angkasa was purported to have been affixed on the Form 14A on 6 June 2017. There were two signatures accompanying the seal: on of Lee Lun Teong (DW2) and the other a signature of Soong Mei Ling. However, Soong Mei Ling was not even a director of Bitara Angkasa at the material time. At some point after the seal was affixed, a third signature was added. At trial, the solicitor who had attested to signature of Charles Oh, Ms Normila Hussain (DW4), admitted that when she received the Form 14A, it had already been executed by the parties, which meant that she could not have attested to the fact that Charles Oh had executed the document before her.” [23] Fifthly, the learned High Court judge therefore found that since Bitara Angkasa’s claim against LC Cheok and the Land Registry were predicated on satisfying the court that it was not tainted with fraud; hence Bitara Angkasa’s claim for contribution and indemnity against the land Registry failed too. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 [24] As the result, the learned High Court judge on 30th April 2021 decided and ordered (“Decision”) as follows: MAKA ADALAH DENGAN INI DIHAKIMI DAN DIPERINTAHKAN BAHAWA (a) Diisytiharkan bahawa Plantif ialah pemilik berdaftar yang sah terhadap hartanah yang dipegang bawah Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan; (b) Diisytiharkan bahawa pindahmilik hartanah bawah Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan ke atas nama Bitara Angkawa Sdn Bhd iaitu Defendan Ke-3 melalui Nombor Perserahan: 23690/2017 pada 26 September 2017 adalah batal dan tidak sah; (c) Diperintahkan dan diarahkan bahawa pindahmilikan Geran 159181, Lot 14184, Pekan Lukut, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan ke atas Defendan Ke-3 melalui Nombor Perserahan: 23690/2017 sebagai pemilik berdaftar hendaklah dimusnahkan atau dibatalkan dengan serta merta oleh Defendan Ke-4 dan/atau Defendan Ke-5, iaitu Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Sembilan dan/atau Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Negeri Sembilan; (d) Bahawa Defendan Ke-4 dan/atau Ke-5 hendaklah dengan serta merta memberi kesan kepada pengisytiharan-pengisytiharan dan perintah-perintah yang tersebut di atas bawah seksyen 417 Kanun Tanah Negara; (e) Gantirugi untuk frod, gantirugi teruk dan gantirugi am terhadap Defendan Pertama hendaklah ditaksirkan oleh Mahkamah di hadapan hakim; (f) Faedah untuk pre judgment adalah kadar 5% setahun dari 15 Februari 2001 sehingga tarikh penghakiman; (g) Faedah untuk post judgment adalah kadar 5% setahun dari 1 Mei 2001 sehingga penyelesaian penuh; S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 (h) Tuntutan terhadap Defendan Kedua, Keempat dan Kelima adalah ditolak; (i) Plaintif hendaklah membayar kos sebanyak RM50,000 kepada Defendan Kedua dan Defendan Pertama hendaklah menanggungrugi (indemnify) kos tersebut; (j) Defendan Pertama hendaklah membayar sebanyak RM50,000 kepada Plaintif; (k) Defendan Ketiga hendaklah membayar sebanyak RM50,000 kepada Plaintif; (l) Tiada perintah terhadap kos terhadap Defendan Keempat dan Defendan Kelima DAN SETELAH JUGA DIHAKIMI BAHAWA tuntutan Defendan Ketiga terhadap Defendan Pertama, Defendan Keempat dan Defendan Kelima untuk suatu sumbangan dan indemniti adalah ditolak. [25] Bitara Angkasa was dissatisfied with the decision and order of the High Court and lodged its appeal on 17th May 2021. FINDINGS OF THIS COURT [26] This is an after-trial appeal; hence our function is merely review based on the record. We are guided by dicta of Steve Shim (CJ (Sabah & Sarawak)) in Gan Yook Chin & Anor and Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309 FC on appellate intervention: “The Court of Appeal had clearly borne in mind the central feature of appellate intervention ie, to determine whether or not the trial court had arrived at its S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 decision or finding correctly on the basis of the relevant law and/or the established evidence. In so doing, the Court of Appeal was perfectly entitled to examine the process of the evaluation of the evidence by the trial court. Clearly, the phrase "insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence" merely related to such a process.” See also Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng & Ors [2020] 6 MLRA 193. [27] Simply put, we have to be satisfied that the learned High Court judge has been plainly wrong in the making of the Decision; otherwise the Decision stands. [28] All the parties except Charles Oh were before us. Bitara Angkasa has advanced 16 grounds of appeal in its memorandum of appeal of which we have, for convenience, summarized into 3 broad categories and are accordingly dealt seriatim. (1) Is Bitara Angkasa an immediate or a subsequent purchaser? [29] The learned High Court judge found that Bitara Angkasa is an immediate purchaser of the Land by reason that Charles Oh has been involved in the fraud as claimed by LC Cheok because judgment in default has been entered against him; see paragraph [21] above. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [30] According to Bitara Angkasa, it is instead a subsequent purchaser of the Land and thus entitled to rely on s. 340(1) and (3) NLC. In other words, Bitara Angkasa enjoyed deferred indefeasibility of title to the Land. [31] It is therefore apt to reproduce the governing statutory provision codified in s. 340 NLC which reads: (1) The title or interest of any person or body for the time being registered as proprietor of any land, or in whose name any lease, charge or easement is for the time being registered, shall, subject to the following provisions of this section, be indefeasible. (2) The title or interest of any such person or body shall not be indefeasible— (a) in any case of fraud or misrepresentation to which the person or body, or any agent of the person or body, was a party or privy; or (b) where registration was obtained by forgery, or by means of an insufficient or void instrument; or (c) where the title or interest was unlawfully acquired by the person or body in the purported exercise of any power or authority conferred by any written law. (3) Where the title or interest of any person or body is defeasible by reason of any of the circumstances specified in subsection (2)— (a) it shall be liable to be set aside in the hands of any person or body to whom it may subsequently be transferred; and (b) any interest subsequently granted thereout shall be liable to be set aside in the hands of any person or body in whom it is for the time being vested: Provided that nothing in this subsection shall affect any title or interest acquired by any purchaser in good faith and for valuable consideration, or by any person or body claiming through or under such a purchaser. (4) Nothing in this section shall prejudice or prevent— (a) the exercise in respect of any land or interest of any power of forfeiture or sale conferred by this Act or any other written law for the S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 time being in force, or any power of avoidance conferred by any such law; or (b) the determination of any title or interest by operation of law. [32] The interpretation of s. 340 NLC on indefeasibility of title vis a vis an immediate purchaser and subsequent purchaser is a question of law which has been conclusively settled in Tan Yin Hong v. Tan Sian San & Ors [2010] 2 CLJ 269 FC (overruling Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v. Boonsom Boonyanit [2001] 2 CLJ 133 FC) where Arifin Zakaria CJ (Malaya) (later CJ) held as follows with emphasis added by us: “[42] At this juncture it may be appropriate for us to consider what was in fact the decision in Adorna Properties and the underlying reasons for the decision. In that case two questions were posed to the Federal Court arising from the decision of the Court of Appeal in Boonsoom Boonyanit v. Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd [1997] 3 CLJ 17. What concern us is the second question which reads: "Whether the appellant, a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration without notice, acquired an indefeasible title to the land by virtue of s. 340(3) of the NLC." The court answered the question in the positive. [43] The reasons underlying this decision appeared in the judgment of the court rendered by the Eusoff Chin CJ. He said that the court is not to look at what is the Torrens system as practised in other jurisdictions but to interpret s. 340 as it stands, "... and to find the real intention of Parliament when enacting it... and the intention of Parliament must be deduced from the language used." [44] We agree with the court that the issue before the court, and likewise before us, is one of proper interpretation to be accorded to s. 340(1), (2) and (3) of NLC. The court then went on to say that s. 340(1) of the NLC confers an immediate indefeasible title or interest in land upon registration, subject to the exceptions set out in s. 340(2) and (3). Thus far, we think the court was right. The difficulties arose in the interpretation of sub-s.(2) and sub-s. (3). This is what it said at p. 342: Subsection (2) states that the title of any such person, ie any registered proprietor or co-proprietor for the time being is defeasible if one of the three circumstances in sub-s. (2)(a), (b) or (c) occurs. We are concerned here with sub-s. (2)(b) where the registration had been obtained by forgery. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Subsection (3) says that where that title is defeasible under any of the three circumstances enumerated under sub-s. (2), the title of the registered proprietor to whom the land was subsequently transferred under the forged document, is liable to be set aside. Similarly, sub-s. (3)(b) says, any interest under any lease, charge or easement subsequently "granted thereout", ie, out of the forged document may be set aside. At p 343 it said: The proviso to sub-s. (3) of s. 340 of the NLC deals with only one class or category of registered proprietors for the time being. It excludes from the main provision of sub-s. (3) this category of registered proprietors so that these proprietors are not caught by the main provision of this subsection. Who are those proprietors? The proviso says that any purchaser in good faith and for valuable consideration or any person or body claiming through or under him are excluded from the application of the substantive provision of sub-s.(3). For this category of registered proprietors, they obtained immediate indefeasibility notwithstanding that they acquired their titles under a forged document. [45] In that case, it was stated that the court was concerned with sub-s. (2)(b) where the registration had been obtained by forgery. This is correct because the appellant obtained its title through or under a forged instrument of transfer. That was the finding of the Court of Appeal and affirmed by the Federal Court. [46] The Court of Appeal took the view that "s. 340 of the code makes defeasible the title of a registered proprietor tainted by one or more of the vitiating elements set out in its second subsection but creates an exception in favour of a bona fide purchaser who takes his title from such a registered proprietor." By this bifurcation, the Court of Appeal concluded that Parliament had intended to confer deferred and not immediate indefeasibility. The Court of Appeal stated with approval the view of Dr. Visu Sinnadurai in his book entitled "Sale and Purchase of Real Property in Malaysia" which reads: In Malaysia, it is submitted that under s. 340 of the National Land Code, deferred indefeasibility applies. The registered proprietor who had acquired his title by registration of a void or voidable instrument does not acquire an indefeasible title under s. 340(2)(b). The indefeasibility is postponed until the time when a subsequent purchaser acquires the title in good faith and for valuable consideration. In other words, a registered proprietor, the vendor, under a sale and purchase agreement, even though he himself does not possess an indefeasible title, may give an indefeasible title to a bona fide purchaser. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 [47] What the Federal Court differed from the Court of Appeal was on the effect to be given to sub-s.(3). [48] Having said that the appellant in Adorna Properties had acquired its title to the land through or under a forged instrument and it therefore came under the category of title in sub-s. (2)(b), the court then went on to hold that such a title is insulated from impeachment by the proviso to sub-s. (3). [49] The question is, does the proviso following immediately after sub-s. (3), apply to the other provisions of s. 340, in particular to sub-s. 2(b). This can only be deduced from the proviso itself. NS Bindra's, Interpretation of Statutes, 9th edn, at p. 110 states that: "A proviso is something engrafted on a preceding enactment. The proviso follows the enacting part of a section and is in a way independent of it. Normally, it does not enlarge the section, and in most cases, it cuts down or makes an exception from the ambit of the main provision." A proviso to a subsection would not apply to another subsection (M/s Gajo Ram v. State of Bihar AIR [1956] Pat 113). A proviso carves out an exception to the provision immediately preceding the proviso and to no other (Ram Narain Sons Ltd v. Ass Commr of Sales - tax AIR [1955] SC 765). [50] As we see it, sub-s. (3) merely provides that any title or interest of any person or body which is defeasible by reason of any the circumstances specified in sub- s.(2) shall continue to be liable to be set aside in the hands of subsequent holder of such title or interest. This subsection, however, is subject to the proviso which reads: Provided that nothing in this subsection shall affect any title or interest acquired by any purchaser in good faith and for valuable consideration, or by any person or body claiming through or under such a purchaser. [51] We are of the view that the proviso is directed towards the provision of sub- s.(3) alone and not to the earlier subsection. This in our view is supported by the use of the words "in this subsection" in the proviso. Therefore, its application could not be projected into the sphere or ambit of any other provisions of s. 340. [52] Furthermore, eventhough sub-s. (3)(a) and (b) refer to the circumstances specified in sub-s. (2) they are restricted to sub-sequent transfer or to interest in the land subsequently granted thereout. So it could not apply to the immediate transferee of any title or interest in any land. Therefore, a person or body in the position of Adorna Properties could not take advantage of the proviso to the sub-s. (3) to avoid its title or interest from being impeached. It is our view that the proviso which expressly stated to be applicable solely to sub-s.(3) ought not to be extended as was done by the Court in Adorna Properties, to apply to sub-s. (2)(b). By so doing the court had clearly gone against the clear intention of Parliament. This error needs to be S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 remedied forthwith in the interest of all registered proprietors. It is, therefore, highly regrettable that it had taken some time, before this contentious issue is put to rest. [53] For the above reasons, with respect, we hold that the Federal Court in Adorna Properties had misconstrued s. 340(1), (2) and (3) of the NLC and came to the erroneous conclusion that the proviso appearing in sub-s. (3) equally applies to sub-s. (2). By so doing the Federal Court gave recognition to the concept of immediate indefeasibility under the NLC which we think is contrary to the provision of s. 340 of the NLC.” [33] We are however mindful that the learned High Court judge found Bitara Angkasa an immediate purchaser of the Land based on the following dicta of Abang Iskandar FCJ (now PCA) in He-Con Sdn Bhd v. Bulyah Ishak & Anor and Another Appeal (supra) with emphasis added by us: “[102] The immediacy of the purchase relates to the vitiating vendor, not how far removed it is in the tally among the purchasers. To be a subsequent purchaser, it must have purchased the interest in the property that is being used as a security from a purchaser who is one that is bona fide for value. Any direct dealing with a rogue will necessarily vitiate the transaction rendering it defeasible, although it is duly registered. [103] Learned Justice Jeffrey Tan FCJ in the case of CIMB Bank Bhd v. AmBank (M) & Ors [2017] 9 CLJ 145 at 183; [2017] 5 MLJ 142 at 179 ("CIMB Bank case") had occasion to cite the case of Wright v. Lawrence (2007) 278 DLR (4th) 698 as supporting, if not propounding, that legal proposition. We reproduce below, his answer, in his dissenting judgment to the question posed before the apex court, like so: [90] I would answer the leave question as follows: a chargee is a purchaser within the meaning of the proviso. But the interest of a charge is defeasible, if the chargee were not a subsequent purchaser in good faith and for valuable consideration. Whether a purchaser is an immediate or subsequent purchaser is not determined by a tally of the number of transactions. Transactions could be contrived by fraudsters and accomplices (see Deferred and Immediate Indefeasibility: Bijural Ambiguity in Registered Land Title Systems by Pamela S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 O'Connor, Edin LR Vol 13 pp 194-223). A purchaser is a subsequent purchaser only if his title or interest were derived from an immediate purchaser (his vendor) in good faith and for valuable consideration. For the title or interest of the subsequent purchaser to be indefeasible, both immediate and subsequent purchasers must be purchasers in good faith and for valuable consideration (see Wright v. Lawrence (2007) 278 DLR (4th) 698 at para [39] per Gillese JA, delivering the judgment of the court).” [34] It must nonetheless be noted the case of He-Con Sdn Bhd v. Bulyah Ishak & Anor and Another Appeal (supra) was decided relying on the dissenting judgment of Jeffery Tan FCJ in CIMB Bank Bhd v. AmBank (M) & Ors [2017] 9 CLJ 145 FC. In the majority judgment, Md Raus Sharif CJ held as follows with emphasis added by us: “[31] This concept of indefeasibility was further explained by this court in the case of Kamarulzaman Omar & Ors v. Yakub Husin & Ors [2014] 1 CLJ 987; [2014] 2 MLRA 432; [2014] 2 MLJ 768 where Jeffrey Tan FCJ said: [41] Before we adjourn, we would summarise the foregoing and pass on the following, as a guide to the trial courts. Whenever a registered title or interest is sought to be set aside under s. 340, first ascertain whether the title or interest under challenge is registered in the name of an immediate purchaser or a subsequent purchaser. If the title or interest is registered in the name of an immediate purchaser, the bona fide of the immediate purchaser will not offer a shield of indefeasibility. The title or interest of an immediate purchaser is still liable to be set aside if any of the vitiating elements as set out in s. 340(2) had been made out. If the title or interest is registered in the name of a subsequent purchaser, then the vitiating elements in s. 340(2) would not affect the title or interest of a bona fide subsequent purchaser. The title or interest of a subsequent purchaser is only liable to be set aside if the subsequent purchaser is not a bona fide subsequent purchaser. The title or interest acquired by a subsequent purchaser in good faith for a valuable consideration, or by any person or body claiming through or under such a subsequent purchaser, is indefeasible. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 [32] This was exactly what the courts below did in the present case. But they came to different conclusions. The High Court found AmBank as an immediate purchaser while the Court of Appeal found AmBank as the subsequent purchaser. Basically, the Court of Appeal agreed with learned counsel from AmBank that the trial judge in deciding that AmBank was an immediate purchaser had failed to appreciate the following: (a) AmBank had derived interest as chargee of the property from Wong and not CIMB; (b) CIMB's charge was discharged before Wong was registered as the proprietor of the property; and (c) the financing of the property involved a two-stage transaction. [33] Thereafter, the Court of Appeal went on to hold: [26] We found merits in the aforesaid contention and our reasons were these. As pointed out by learned counsel, the sequence of presentation of the dealing on 25 November 2009 was as follows: (a) The lodgment of the Discharge of CIMB's Charge via Form 16N; (b) Then the lodgment of the memorandum of transfer from Chings to Wong; and (c) Finally the lodgment and registration of AmBank's Charge. [27] Though the above dealings were on the same day and were done simultaneously, it cannot be disputed nor can we ignore the fact that the lodgment of the AmBank's Charge could not have been created until the first two steps had been executed. That being the case, the only way AmBank obtained their interest was from Wong and not CIMB. CIMB's interest in the property had been extinguished by the forged discharge resulting in Wong becoming the immediate purchaser. AmBank then derived their interest in the property from the charge executed by Wong. Under such circumstances, there cannot be any relationship between CIMB and AmBank, and hence the learned Judge, with respect, erred when he said "it is clear that the relationship between the Plaintiff (CIMB) and the 1st Defendant (AmBank) was that of an immediate purchaser and not a subsequent purchaser...". When AmBank S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 became the chargee from Wong's memorandum of charge, AmBank became the subsequent purchaser. [28] Further, we said that the fact that Wong's interest being an immediate purchaser was defeasible by CIMB did not, in our view, affect the indefeasibility of AmBank's interest. Our view is supported by the two decisions of the Apex Court, namely Kamarulzaman Omar & Ors v. Yakub Husin & Ors [2014] 1 CLJ 987; [2014] 2 MLRA 432; [2014] 2 MLJ 768 and Tan Ying Hong v. Tan Sian San & Ors [2010] 2 CLJ 269; [2010] 1 MLRA 1; [2010] 2 MLJ 1. [34] We are in total agreement with the reasoning of the Court of Appeal. AmBank must be a subsequent purchaser. As discussed earlier, AmBank, being a chargee was a holder of subsequent interest in the property and thus, was protected by the proviso of s. 340(3) of the NLC.” [35] As always, every case is fact sensitive including on applying the law to them. [36] In Tan Yin Hong v. Tan Sian San & Ors (supra), Zaki Tun Azmi CJ illustrated on how s. 340 NLC would apply to the facts of each case as follows with emphasis added by us: “[4] I would like to look at s. 340 of the NLC in a more simplified manner. [5] Let us refer to the first owner of a piece of land as "A" who then transfers the same piece of land to "B" and which subsequently is transferred to "C". [6] As far as s. 340(1) of the NLC is concerned, A's title to the land is totally indefeasible. In short if A's name appears on the registration, no one can come and claim for that title. The law will not entertain it at all. [7] Now comes the next person, B, whose name appears in the register. If it can be shown that the title or interests obtained by B was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation by him or anyone else to which he was a party S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 or privy then his claim to the title or interest can be defeated. (See s. 340(2)(a) of the NLC ). Otherwise B stands in the same position as A. [8] The situation where it is proved that the registration in B's name was obtained by forgery or by means of an insufficient or void instrument is the same (See s. 340(2)(b) of the NLC ). His title or interest to the land is liable to be set aside by the previous owner who has a good title. In this latter instance, there is no need to show that B was a party or privy to that forgery or to obtaining the title or interest by a void instrument. [9] The third instance where B's title or interest could be defeated is where it was unlawfully acquired through the exercise of any power or authority conferred by any law. Section 340(2)(c) of the NLC deals with one who was for example acting in his capacity as an agent to a power of attorney. Even if C is in the same position as B, sub-section (3) also does not give protection to C unless he can show that he had acquired the title or interest in good faith and for valuable consideration. Any title or interest gained by any person thereafter is also liable to be set aside unless it could be shown that he had acquired it in good faith and for valuable consideration. This is what is called deferred indefeasibility of title. If his title or interest is challenged on similar grounds, the burden of proving there was valuable consideration and good faith lies on him. [10] As far as I am concerned, that is the simplest way of looking at s. 340 of the NLC. I totally agree with the learned Chief Judge of Malaya's view that the error committed by the Federal Court in Adorna Properties Sdn. Bhd. v. Boonsom Boonyanit was to read the proviso to sub-section (3) as being a proviso to sub-section (2) as well. The error is very obvious because the proviso expressly refers to "this sub-section" which must in the context of that sub- section be read as proviso to sub-section (3) only.” [37] Adopting the simplified manner of analysis of Zaki Tun Azmi CJ, we find that both the Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v. Boonsom Boonyanit (supra) case and Tan Ying Hong v. Tan Sian San & Ors (supra) case involved forgery by A. The transferred title of B was not set aside in Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v. Boonsom Boonyanit (supra) case but the registered charge was set aside in the Tan Ying Hong v. Tan Sian San & Ors (supra) case because B was held to be an immediate chargee S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 that could not resort to the proviso in s. 340(3) NLC. In respect of the CIMB Bank Berhad v. Ambank (M) & Ors (supra) case, it also involved forgery by A to discharge the charge and transfer of the title to B. C, the eventual chargee of the charge created by B was held to be a subsequent chargee. As to the He-Con Sdn Bhd v. Bulyah Ishak & Anor and Another Appeal (supra), it is a case of competing interests in the land by reason of double dealings rather than strictly linear dealings between A and B and thereafter B and C that involved vitiating factors such as forgery or fraud. [38] Since the He-Con Sdn Bhd v. Bulyah Ishak & Anor and Another Appeal (supra) case is strictly not a case that directly concerned s. 340 NLC, the dicta of Abang Iskandar FCJ (now PCA) as reproduced in paragraph [33] above must necessarily be obiter dicta only. [39] The relevant fact scenario here involved forgery by A but also with B in fraudulent cahoots (established by reason of the default judgment) and thereafter transferred to C. [40] In this regard, it was held by Azahar Mohamed FCJ (later CJ (Malaya)) in Pushpaleela R Selvarajah & Anor v. Rajamani Meyappa Chettiar & Other Appeals [2019] 3 CLJ 441 FC as follows on similar facts with emphasis added by us: “[128] As a subsequent purchaser, the first defendant had purchased the land in good faith and for valuable consideration. The High Court found that the first defendant had at all material times neither knowledge nor notice of the commission of the fraud by the second defendant in cahoots with the fraudster that resulted in the transfer of the land to the second S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 defendant. In respect of the sale of the land by the second defendant to the first defendant, the first defendant appointed its solicitors T.S. Teoh & Partners. Both the first defendant and its solicitors conducted land searches on the land before the entry of the sale and purchase agreement between the first defendant and the second defendant. The searches done on 13 July 2006 and 21 July 2006 revealed that the title was clean and free from caveats including the private caveat lodged by the plaintiff's son on 1 March 2001. [129] Applying the well established principle to the present case, it is our considered opinion that the first defendant who conducted searches on the register and purchased the land in good faith and for valuable consideration, had, upon registration as the proprietor on the register document of title, acquired an indefeasible title, notwithstanding that the second defendant's title itself is defeasible. Hence, subsequent transfer of the land to the first defendant and the registration thereof in the name of the first defendant was indefeasible by reason that the first defendant was the bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration.” [41] By analogy, we therefore hold that Bitara Angkasa is a subsequent purchaser that acquired deferred indefeasibility to the title of the Land notwithstanding that Charles Oh had committed fraud in cahoots with LC Cheok’s imposter. [42] We are further mindful that the fraud by Charles Oh here is only presumed based on the default judgment obtained by LC Cheok following the case of Kamarulzaman Omar & Ors v. Yakub Husin & Ors (supra) unlike in Pushpaleela R Selvarajah & Anor v. Rajamani Meyappa Chettiar & Other Appeals (supra) where it was affirmatively proved; see Rajamani a/p Meyappa Chettiar v. Eng Beng Development Sdn Bhd & 6 Ors [2015] 2 AMR 767. [43] In the premises, we therefore find that the learned High Court judge has plainly erred in law that justified our appellate intervention. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 (2) Is Bitara Angkasa a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration? [44] As the matter of law, a subsequent purchaser will only have an indefeasible title if that person is a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration pursuant to the proviso in s. 340(3) NLC. [45] In this respect, Richard Malanjum JCA (later CJ) had in State Tailor Sdn Bhd v. Nallapan [2005] 2 MLJ 589 CA defined ‘bona fide’ purchaser as follows with emphasis added by us: "The term 'bona fide’ purchase' had been used in a host of cases. Simply put it means a buyer in good faith. And the basic element of good faith is the absence of fraud, deceit or dishonesty and the knowledge or means of knowledge of such at the time of entry of the transaction. But the overriding consideration is the 'Particular circumstance of each case'..." [46] Moreover in Au Meng Nam v. Ung Yak Chew & 3 Ors [2007] 4 CLJ 526 CA, Raus Shariff JCA (later CJ) held as follows with emphasis added by us: "Had the learned trial judge taken the above facts and circumstances into consideration, he cannot possibly conclude that the 1st defendant was a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration, so as to be protected under s. 340(3) of the Code. To me, the 1st defendant had acted hastily. He concluded the sale without any proper investigation into the title or the persons claiming to be proprietors. No doubt he had every right to take advantage of the low price that was offered to him but he took the risk. When he embarked into such risk, it cannot be at the expense of the plaintiffs. This is because while he had a choice, the plaintiffs had none. In fact, the plaintiffs were helpless. The plaintiffs could not do anything to prevent the fraud. Even locking the title in a safe would not had help the plaintiffs. In such circumstances the court must not favour the S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 1st defendant, over the plaintiffs. To do so, would be doing injustice to the plaintiffs. Further, had the evidence adduced in this case been properly considered and assessed by the learned trial judge, a reasonable inference would be that the 1st defendant knew at the time he bought the said land, the purchase price was below the market value. But he wanted to take advantage of the low price. He did a fast track to complete the purchase. In doing so he disregarded his obligations to investigate the alleged proprietors and the genuineness of the documents. My respectful view is that a purchaser in good faith does not include a purchaser who is careless or who had been negligent. In Oliver v. Hinton [1899] Chancery Division 264 Lindley MR said: To allow a purchaser who acts with such gross carelessness to deprive a prior innocent mortgagee of her priority would be the greatest injustice. So too here. The 1st defendant is under the obligation to investigate properly all matters relating to the sale of the said land and not to just blindly accept what was claimed by the 'vendors' as correct and genuine. When he failed to take the ordinary precautions which ought to be taken in such a matter he is not entitled to the protection of the court.” [47] On the facts before us, we are satisfied that Bitara Angkasa after having seen the Land introduced by a property agent was interested to purchase the same for property development and accordingly in late 2016 instructed its solicitors, Messrs Kelvin Phang & Associates to carry out the necessary searches on the Land. The search results on the title of the Land reveal that the original registered proprietors of the Land LC Cheok and Cheok Yit Tuck as co-trustees transferred it to LC Cheok who then transferred it to Charles Oh. There were Khong Jin Teong and Tan Poo Chuan who lodged private caveats on the Land on 19 September 2016. However, the property agent informed Bitara Angkasa that the private caveators were no longer interested in the Land. Thus, the private caveats were removed in January 2017. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 [48] Subsequently, Bitara Angkasa bought the Land from Charles Oh at the price of RM1,200,000.00 and the transaction was handled by their respective solicitors viz. Messrs Kelvin Phang & Associates and Messrs. Zahir Razak & Co. A proper sale and purchase agreement, to wit the 2nd SPA was drawn up. [49] The purchase price was fully paid, albeit late, but Bitara Angkasa also paid late payment interest amounting to RM46,525.38 to Charles Oh. This was because Bitara Angkasa initially applied for a loan from the financial institutions and secured an indicative offer from Pac Lease but that offer was withdrawn when it was discovered that an additional sum of RM800,000.00 is required for earthworks due to the presence of a pond at the Land. As the result, Bitara Angkasa had to seek Looh Chai Boon to invest in the proposed housing development on the Land. And this was done via an unorthodox complicated sale and purchase/security arrangement. Looh Chai Boon who paid RM1,100,000.00 also lodged a private caveat to protect its interest in the Land. [50] Since the purchase price of the Land has been fully paid by Bitara Angkasa which normally is the dominant consideration as well as there were proper searches done on the Land followed by proper conveyancing documentation by Bitara Angkasa’s solicitors, we are satisfied and find that Bitara Angkasa is a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration of the Land. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 [51] We are aware the learned High Court judge doubted the bona fides of Bitara Angkasa mainly because of the unsatisfactory unorthodox complicated financing arrangement done with Looh Chai Boon as particularized in paragraph [22] above. He also questioned the slipshod manner the conveyancing solicitor dealt with the signatory and attestation on the form 14A transfer of the Land between Charles Oh and Bitara Angkasa. [52] Although the manner the conveyancing transaction and financing arrangements that were done in relation to the purchase of the land by Bitara Angkasa from Charles Oh are arguably non-perfect and which subsequently did not materialise, we are however not convinced that there were mala fides involved. It is material that Bitara Angkasa paid the purchase price of the land but how the financing of the purchase had been procured to enable making that payment is not material, if not also irrelevant in our view. Additionally, we find that Bitara Angkasa had reasonably taken the ordinary land conveyancing precautions carried out by solicitors. It was also not done in extraordinary haste unlike that in Tirai Kristal Sdn Bhd v. Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur [2018] 4 MLJ 361. Hence, we find that learned High Court judge erred in fact and law when he found that Bitara Angkasa is not a bona fide purchaser of the Land in the circumstances and that warrants appellate intervention too. [53] Consequently by reason of our findings in paragraphs [44] and [52] above, Bitara Angkasa’s appeal must be allowed and the title to the Land be re-vested to Bitara Angkasa. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 [54] For completeness and albeit it was neither pleaded in the High Court pleadings nor raised as a cross or separate appeal here, we will briefly deal with LC Cheok’s contention that the transfer of the land by the imposter of LC Cheok was null and void because there was no record in the Land Registry of the transfer of the Land from LC Cheok and Cheok Yit Tuck as joint trustees to Cheok Yit Tuck solely. In this regard, it is again gainful to refer to Pushpaleela R Selvarajah & Anor v. Rajamani Meyappa Chettiar & Other Appeals (supra) where Azahar Mohamed FCJ (later CJ (Malaya)) held as follows: “[111] In our opinion, as correctly stated by the High Court in the present case, the land title would be void ab initio, if and only if, the land registry had, in blatant breach of its duty under the NLC wrongfully registered any land in the register document of title and issued the replacement issue document of title in the name of a third party.” [55] We are however of the view that there is no cogent evidence adduced by LC Cheok to demonstrate that the Land Registry had blatantly in breach wrongly registered and issued a replacement title of the Land to a third party. Although the Land Registry could not produce the material records to exactly explain the occurrence, we noted from the land search results that it was in fact only a title transfer between co-owners as trustees to one of them only rather than the issuance of a replacement title to a third party altogether. This did not therefore fit into the strict limited category that rendered the registered title null and void in law. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 (3) Claim against the Land Registry? [56] By virtue of the finding in paragraph [52] above, it is unnecessary for us to deal with Bitara Angkasa’s claim for contribution or indemnity against the Land Registry by reason that Bitara Angkasa suffered no actual loss. [57] Nonetheless, we are mindful that the actual loss befalls on the original registered proprietor of the Land, LC Cheok as trustee (so conceded before us albeit not pleaded as such). [58] Although LC Cheok has not appealed against the Land Registry (understandably because LC Cheok won in the High Court), we are mindful that in the event Bitara Angkasa succeeds in its appeal, the recourse now available to LC Cheok may be found in s. 69(5) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 (“CJA”) which provides as follows: 69. Hearing of appeals (1) Appeals to the Court of Appeal shall be by way of re-hearing, and in relation to such appeals the Court of Appeal shall have all powers and duties, as to amendment or otherwise, of the High Court, together with full discretionary power to receive further evidence by oral examination in court or through a remote communication technology, by affidavit, or by deposition taken before an examiner or commissioner . S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 (2) The further evidence may be given without leave on interlocutory applications, or in any case as to matters which have occurred after the date of the decision from which the appeal is brought. (3) Upon appeals from a judgment, after trial or hearing of any cause or matter upon the merits, the further evidence, save as to matters subsequent as aforesaid, shall be admitted on special grounds only, and not without leave of the Court of Appeal. (4) The Court of Appeal may draw inferences of fact, and give any judgment, and make any order which ought to have been given or made, and make such further or other orders as the case requires. (5) The powers aforesaid may be exercised notwithstanding that the notice of appeal relates only to part of the decision, and the powers may also be exercised in favour of all or any of the respondents or parties, although the respondents or parties have not appealed from or complained of the decision. [59] In this respect and since LC Cheok has made a claim against the Land Registry in the High Court, we find that s. 69(5) CJA may properly be invoked if LC Cheok has a meritorious cause of action against the Land Registry. [60] There is of course s. 22 NLC available to the Land Registry in defence which provides as follows: 22. Protection of officers No officer appointed under this Part shall be liable to be sued in any civil court for any act or matter done, or ordered to be done or omitted to be done, by him in good faith and in the intended exercise of any power, or performance of any duty, conferred or imposed on him by or under this Act. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 [61] Although, the statutory provision on its literal interpretation applies to officers of the Land Registry only, we are nonetheless of the view that by its purposive interpretation will also apply to the Land Registry. [62] In Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Shafulizam Mohd Saleh & Anor and Another Appeal [2020] 5 CLJ 595 CA, Zaleha Yusof JCA (later FCJ) held as follows with emphasis added by us: “[35] According to the evidence of the 12th and 13th defendants, the issue document of final title could only be given to the plaintiff upon production and surrender of his old issue document of qualified title. It was also the evidence of the 12th defendant that when a landowner comes to the land office to collect his new issue document of title, he must at the very least bring his old issue document of title and identity card. Without proof of his identity and evidence that he has his old issue document of final title, he will not be given his new issue document of title. If a new issue document of title is not collected, according to the 12th defendant and another witness SD12, it should be kept in the Pejabat Tanah Petaling's safe room. As explained by the witnesses for the third to 13th defendants themselves, the procedure for safeguarding an uncollected issue document of title if followed strictly would have made it impossible for anyone but the true owner of the land named in the issue document of title to collect that title. … [37] Next is the issue of the transfer of the title of the said property to the first defendant. The question raised is how did the final title of the said property fall into the hands of the first defendant? Section 90 of the NLC requires the final title to be retained by the land office. But it fell into the hands of the first defendant. And yet the land office did not have any record as to whom the final title in respect of the said property was released to. As alluded to earlier, their own witness admitted that there was a deficiency in the record keeping systems and there were shortcomings on their part. Their witnesses even admitted there was negligence on their part. To further aggravate matters, the land office's file for the said property was missing. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 [38] Such acts and omissions on the part of the land office amount to improper conduct and these improper conduct of the land office reflect bad faith on their part which, in our view, clearly show negligence on their part. Further, the non-compliance of the NLC shows a breach of their statutory duty which is equally a breach of a common law duty of care. The land office has failed in our view to properly keep land title details and land titles secure in the manner required by the NLC. In Pendaftar Hakmilik, Pejabat Pendaftaran Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Anor v. Poh Yang Hong [2016] 9 CLJ 297, the Federal Court had inter alia held that the administrative shortcoming on the part of the Land Administrator or Registry amounts to negligence. This is clearly the case here as admitted by the land office's own witnesses.” [63] Moreover in Overseas Realty Sdn Bhd v. Wong Yau Choy & 5 Ors; Tetuan Tay Ibrahim & Partners (Third Party) [2014] 8 CLJ 107, Harmidar Singh J (now FCJ) held as follows with emphasis added by us: “[52] As the fourth to sixth defendants have failed in their statutory duty to ensure a safe system of land registration, they will have to indemnify the second and third defendants. The measure of loss of the third defendant is more straightforward and it has to be the amount due on the loan. As such, the fourth to sixth defendants are to pay the third defendant the sum of RM479,387.02 with interest at BLR 1.60% per annum from 29 August 2013 till judgment and thereafter at 5% per annum from judgment till settlement. It is expected that with this payment, the third defendant will no longer have any claims against the second defendant on the loan and the charge.” See also Yew Foo Chun v. Wong Nye Keong & Ors [2014] 1 LNS 189. [64] Likewise in the High Court below here, LC Cheok, amongst others, contended that the Land Registry was grossly negligent in issuing a new title of the Land notwithstanding that the original manual title of the Land has still been in the possession of Seah Choon Chye authorised by LC Cheok and Cheok Yit Tuck as joint trustees (see paragraph [5] above) as S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 well as in transferring the Land to Charles Oh without ascertaining the true identity of the transferor (see paragraph [9] above). Towards this end, the Land Registry has never sought from them to surrender the original manual title of the Land. As the result of the issuance of the new title by the Land Registry, the Land was transferred by an imposter of LC Cheok to Charles Oh and thereafter to Bitara Angkasa; thus, LC Cheok was unfairly deprived of the ownership of the Land. Furthermore, the resultant transfer of the Land to Charles Oh and thereafter the transfer to Bitara Angkasa permanently deprived LC Cheok of the ownership of the Land. [65] We are surprised that the Land Registry explained at trial that it did not have any record whatsoever on the issuance of the new title and the resultant transfer that took place in respect of the Land. Furthermore, the Land Registry could not explain the reason for the issuance of the new title and transfer of the Land from LC Cheok and Cheok Yit Tuck as joint trustees to LC Cheok and transferred from LC Cheok to Charles in spite that the Land Registry was then still operating under the manual system having a master register document of title pursuant to s. 158 NLC. Also, the Land Registry could not adequately explain the transfer for the Land to Charles Oh, particularly why there was no ascertainment of the true identity of the purported LC Cheok. We noted that there was no formal comprehensive internal investigation carried out by the Land Registry to ascertain the truth of the matters. In other words, there was no explanation by the Land Registry at all to account for their statutory acts and omissions. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 [66] This non-explanation did not bode well for the Land Registry in defence against LC Cheok’s gross negligence claim against them. following Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Shafulizam Mohd Saleh & Anor and Another Appeal (supra). [67] In the premises, we find and hold that the Land Registry must compensate LC Cheok as trustee for the beneficiaries damages for loss of their Land and litigation expenses incurred as the result thereof. [68] Although the learned High Court judge need not then decide on LC Cheok’s claim against the Land Registry because LC Cheok succeeded against Bitara Angkasa, we now find that the LC Cheok has in the circumstances based on res ipsa loquitor established gross negligence on the part of the Land Registry in the discharge of their statutory duty. That notwithstanding, the non-explanation could not also avail the Land Registry reliance on s. 22 NLC either since the burden of proof is upon the Land Registry to prove that it has acted in good faith. CONCLUSION [69] For the foregoing reasons, we unanimously allow Bitara Angkasa’s appeal against LC Cheok and the Decision of the High Court is set aside with costs of RM80,000.00 subject to allocator. We make no order in respect of Bitara Angkasa’s appeal against Charles Oh. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 [70] We also dismiss Bitara Angkasa’s appeal against the Land Registry with no order as to costs. [71] Additionally, we unanimously enter judgment for LC Cheok against the Land Registry in terms of paragraph 46(h) and (i) of the statement of claim to be assessed by the High Court and costs of RM30,000.00. Dated this 18th September 2023 -Sgd- LIM CHONG FONG JUDGE COURT OF APPEAL S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 LIST OF COUNSELS: Counsels for Bitara Angkasa 1. Brian Ernest Cumming 2. Teo Qing Qing Solicitors for Bitara Angkasa MESSRS. GIDEON TAN RAZALI ZAINI Advocates & Solicitors, No. 812,8th Floor, Blok A, Kelana Square, 17 Jalan SS7/26, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Counsels for LC Cheok 1. Manian A/L Raju 2. Raswanti A/P Nagaindren Solicitors for LC Cheok MESSRS. MANIAN RAJU & ASSOCIATES Advocates & Solicitors, No. 63, Jalan S2 D36, Regency Avenue 2 Seremban 2, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. Counsels for Charles Oh Unrepresented (never attended proceeding in High Court and Court of Appeal) Solicitors for Charles Oh Counsels for Land Registry Senior Federal Counsel, Puan Marsilawati Binti Mohamad Shah Solicitors for Land Registry PEJABAT PENASIHAT UNDANG-UNDANG NEGERI SEMBILAN Pejabat Penasihat Undang-undang Negeri Sembilan, Jalan Campbell, 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 STATUTE/LEGISLATION REFERRED TO: Section 22, 340 of National Land Code; Section 69 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. CASES REFERRED TO: Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Selangor v. Caesius Development Sdn Bhd & Ors and Another Appeal [2020] 3 CLJ 327; Heveaplast Marketing Sdn Bhd v. See Leong Chye @Sze Leong Chye & 3 Others and other appeals [2016] MLJU 835; Kamarulzaman Omar v. Yakub Husin [2014] 1 CLJ 987 FC; He-Con Sdn Bhd v. Bulyah Ishak & Anor and Another Appeal [2020] 7 CLJ 271; Gan Yook Chin & Anor and Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309 FC; Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng & Ors [2020] 6 MLRA 193; Tan Ying Hong v. Tan Sian San & Ors. [2010] 2 CLJ 269; Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v. Boonson Boonyanit [ 2001] 2 CLJ 133; CIMB Bank Berhad v. Ambank (M) & Ors [2017] 9 CLJ 145; Pushpaleela R Selvarajah & Anor v. Rajamani Meyappa Chettiar & Other Appeals [2019] 3 CLJ 441; Rajamani a/p Meyappa Chettiar v. Eng Beng Development Sdn Bhd & 6 Ors [2015] 2 AMR 767; State Tailor Sdn Bhd v. Nallapan [2005] 2 MLJ 589; Au Meng Nam v. Ung Yak Chew & 3 Ors [2007] 4 CLJ 526; Tirai Kristal Sdn Bhd v. Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur [2018] 4 MLJ 361; S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 Pendaftar Hakmilik Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Shafulnizam Mohd Saleh & Anor and Another Appeal [2020] 5 CLJ 595; Overseas Realty Sdn Bhd v. Wong Yau Choy & 5 Ors; Tetuan Tay Ibrahim & Partners (Third Party) [2014] 8 CLJ 107; and Yew Foo Chun v. Wong Nye Keong & Ors [2014] 1 LNS 189. S/N PdIoim5720i6fzmlyqag5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PERAYU Tan Lay Ean RESPONDEN Kenneth Yoong Ken Chinson St James PENCELAH Bar Council Malaysia
Legal Profession — Disciplinary proceedings — Disciplinary Board/Committee — Disciplinary Board (‘DB’) affirmed Disciplinary Committee’s (‘DC’) decision on liability that appellant committed misconduct under s 94(3)(o) of the Legal Profession Act 1976 (“LPA”) — DC imposed a fine of RM30,000 on the appellant – DB affirmed DC’s recommendation on liability but set aside the fine and censured the appellant instead Legal Profession – Disciplinary proceedings – Whether there was a failure on the part of the DB to formulate a clear charge against the appellant – Whether there is a legal obligation for the DB to provide reasons that led to the DB’s Order
YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh
14/11/2023 15:28:26 WA-17D-30-12/2021 Kand. 52 S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N pUcHt78ep06FBb3sHqMhlg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—17D—3D—12/2021 Kand. 52 1:1/11/2023 15:22-25 DALAM MAMKAMAM TINGGI MALAVA DI KUALA LUMPUR (EAHAGIAN RAVUAN DAN KUASA-KUASA KHAS) SAMAN FEMULA N0 - WA.-11D an 12121121 new Delkma Penman Terpmda Lambega raumub Fogunmbuln u... Pagnzmcarl llembsua") nenmn 1911 202: yang mkanaxau mbual ax bawah Seuyen man ma Fuflesmu unaamwmng ms an d\ kepada Pemyu pads 29 n 2921. Dan Daiam Nrkara Aduan Na Dam/9476 berasaskan sum! mm d-Inplda neamnam banznkh an 5 2014 mm In-an ualam pmmmg Lomboga sebagau Adunn K2-1'} Dan mum ulrkara Atl\kaLAmke\ 5 s darn <21 Peflembagsan Persekulunn dnn Seksysn uni AH: Prvfesmu Undnrw-und-W ma Dan Dulum perms Kaadznrkasdah Pmlesaon Uvvdan9»UndirIw (Pm am maxamm (RAyunn! ma Gan Aluvan 55A Gan Aluran 92 mean 4 ma. Ksadah Mnhkimih zmz Dan Datum nalkava maangmsa sad-a ma Mahkamah yang Muha m. ANTARA TAN LAV EAN (No. Kl - 51111-07-5486) ...PERAVU DAN KENNETH voom: KEN cHINsoN 57. JAMES ...RESPONDEN sm vucnmunmiamwummv «-um. sum n-nhnrwm be mad M mm :2. mm-y aw. dun-mm VII mum p-mm MAJLIS PEGUAM DAN ...FENGELAH JUDGMENT The (actual hankgmund [1] [7] [4] [5] Tne respondent and tile wile were involved in a rudioial separation prooeeding. Tlie wife was represented by lna appelian respondent, who was also then a pracllslng advccale and s lodged men ooniplainls in me aar council agllnsl rna appellant, whim are me supleol mailer oi the appeal na The oomplaini ernnnaled train a lenter daled its lzzotz (“me impugned letter‘) trom tne appellant to lhe Judge of the High Court (‘Family Division“), wnion was addressed to nor Ladyships secretary. The impugned letter slates inter alia as iollows W3 ask in. ieamod rudge to lake cognizance at me nespondenrs iuineoonnng laaiiavourmcn Ii neeamina Intolerable The raspondenl look uniprage to tire oonlanl oltne impugned letter || is the respondents complaint lnat tne appellant made libellous statements and delamalcry remarks against riim According to the respondent, tne lmpugnsd letter “is an act laden wiln malice and it has eaueed damages ln my good name and reputation as an Advocate and soiicnor The respondent asserted that tne inipugnad latter oontained lunhsr allegations that tail The appellant desonbed tnul ma respondent lied viled “unnecessary vexatious applications“; and (pl That tno respondenl was ‘behaving like a vexauous litigant‘. IN pucMlmnmFamsHuMnlv “Nair s.n.i mmhnrwlll .. u... M may i... nflnlnnflly Jim. dnuuvlnrll n. nFluNG Wm! [41] The eireslion lnal arises is. is me DE under a duly |o give lna appellanl an opporlurllly to be neard beldre maklng ns aooeplrng pr rajeciing lne nos recummerlda|Iorl7 My opnsldered view is this ll "19 orderlc be made is Ilkelyllo be adverse againsl an advoaale and sblicnpr under s ID3D(2) or s 1D3D(3)o1Ihe LPA, ll snail nbbfy lne advdcale and adllcnpr bl irs lrIY.en|lDn in do so and give him a reasonable nppnrlunily to be beard This is provided tor under s 103014) vflhe LPA 142] in the lnslanl case‘ lne DB's de on in reieenng ma punisnrnenl bl lne nne ol RMSKLDDO and subslllullng ll wiln censure could ndl be said to be adverse agalnsllne appellanl The subslilulldn ole lesser punishment could nm, by any slrelen ol legal nnaglnalrdn, be mnstrued as ‘likely lo be advelse against“ me appellanl lpr ner to be aeoorded a reasonable opppnunny in be heard. [43] The Courl of Aupeal in Data’ Kanagalingarn a/l velrrppmal v Mailis Peguarn Malaysia [3122] 3 ulLJ can CA beld lhar were due: nelaooearld be any reourrernenlol bervlae of iris reasons «er me reyeaen or me DC‘s reoommendallan mere penelly or pnnlsnniern is wncsmed muugh one may pmswlls ml in. lularll would be green ii lna advocate and solrenor oonoerned enoula rebueu Io! lne masons ll was lonner neld mal lne lacl lbals io3D(4l requires the DB lo rnlerrn me advbcale and sdlrdrldrs pl rls rnlenllon lo make an order likely in be adverse agalrlsl him and to give mm a reasonable bppenunrly id be heard would ealeglrard against any prelddrpe arising wl|h respecl lo llne appellanl not being aware bl me reasens lor the grealer or even grealesl punisnrnenl [44] Applying lne said pmpasi|lurl to the irlslarn case‘ since lna punlslwlem rneled om by line DB is lesser lnan me one recommended by me DC, mere is no svalulory requlremenl lor me DB |0§N6 the ounoflurllly ID be heard to me appellanl With respad. lne Hlgh com, in amvlrlg at its conclusion VI Syed Ahmad lrndedz did not have me benefit of me nrdgrnenl pl me Courl v1Appeel in DsIo' Karlaga/lrlgam IN pucMl7Mn|lFab.1sHdMnlrl «we. s.nn mmhbrwm rs. UIQG a my r... ennn.ny Mm: dnuuvlnnl Vfl .nune WVM [45] I therefore hold (hm, firsl. ln |he Ilghl of (he Calm cl Apusafs nnlgmenl ln Dall.7‘Karlaga/ingam, llle DE IS undernn Iegalobllgallon m proffer any reason «or us aeclslon unless requesled by me zppellenl Tharp ls nc evldence helm: the Cmmlhal such a request had been made 5€WHd|Y‘S1D3D(/“GOES ROI lmpose an obiigallorl lor Ihe me lo glye lne opportunity |o be neanl slnee lne Imerlded punlahmenl wnuld rml have adversely aflacled me appellsnl. Fin ingl [46] For lne bald reasons, my llnalngs are as lollows [aj There is no lailuve on one pan ol lne DB lo lannulale a clear anarga agnlnsl (ha appellnnl. The appellam an: rml ralsa any lssue al nol lmderslandlng lne charges ag sl her when she sought an EOT to reply to me respclndenrs cnmplalnt. (ll) Tne members 0! me DC did not descend lnlc lne arena ol cannula and lne appellam was given every opporlunlly to defend nersell The quezrlinrl ralsad by Lane allne members of lne Do on me llaoesshy lurlne appellanl lo employ lne words ln lne lmpugned letler. ll answered by me appellanl, could nave absnlvad nar lmnl lne charges. (5) There ls no legal requlrernenl |o pnwlue lne appellanl wlln a copy ul lne DC‘: repurl l| would evenlnally be xupphsd under r 4 oflhe 1994 Rules in me an/erll ol any appeal In lne l-llgn caurl. (d) on lne aulnonly cf Dam’ Kanagalrngam, mere ls no legal obllgallon lor me DB |o pmvlde reasons lnal led to the DB's Omar unless requeslad bylhe appsllam. There IS no evlaenoe befove lnls Courl lnal lhe requasl was made and lnal ll was relected by me DB. (e) The appellant had empluyed the wrong made in lnvillng Ihe presidlng Judge lo use her power under para 17 al lne Schedule Mme CJA. rn pucMl7!InllFBmsHl:Mmv “Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwm s. .l... M my l... nflnlnnflly Mn. dnuuvlnrll n. nrlurm Wm! [A7] Yhis as is lhareicre dismwssad. [45] No mdel as lo costs. Tarlkh: 14 Novumhu zaza LA (wan AHMAD FARID am wm SALLEH) Hakim Mahknmah mag. Knma Lumpur. wmau-am 539: mm Periw smmuga all A Kmeulmgnm um. Ng. mum Kmveulxngim 5 00 Elm Pmak Ruwundsn Tan m Km Janaman Gama Tainan Ken 51 James Baa: Fmak pemm. Nurnfamma mm M: Rahlm (Mam: Pngulmj Yntuan Arthur wm Luau a. Assoaalzs sm vUcMm:n|mFamsHs:Mmv «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmmuny MM: dnuumnl VI mum Wm! [6] Upon ma cmclusmn of (he naarm ma Dmolplinary commmaa (‘DC') «sand that me appeuam was gunry under me 7” mmp\aIn| The r" aamplam Is anchored on me impugned Ienar. [71 The DC View «has me hhenous statement and defamatory remark agamsl a Vawyer m wrmng lo a mdga who 15 hearing and decrdmg the case ws serious miscundud According to ma DC, |he said mrsaarmum was m breach 0! s 94(3Ku) and (up at ma Legal Prolessmn AcI1976(“LFA as wen as rr18,31 and 32 ollhe of the Legal P70155510!‘ (Praclvoe Ind Elwqueme) Rubs 1978 (“the 1978 RuI5'j. R 1a and R 31 pmwde as inflows: {ml nu aurrdum mu advucaln and snlmilar bednre live Cowl arrd rn rewnon (L7 ulnar emanate: and aanrauan man be charsmensed by candnur. cnurlssy and lalvnui [31] Every ndvucate and Iohcnor man at an (Imus uprraad ms drgmw Ind mun s1andmu ov ms Dmlessnn [E] In its Repufl‘ wh' h males to the 7"‘ wmp\a|n|‘ which is the subiam manar anhis On inalmg Summons cos‘ me DC was at the mew max Ihe appaHan| had conlmllled '5 serious m|soonduc('.Aooa1dmg In the no, me appellim made dsvamaxory remarks agamsl a lawyer m wmmg to a judge who heard and eventually aaaarmmad ma case. The DC lhen wgnl on to consume ms eandud s umccenisblg w. wnsluevad mm ma Reanan\danI:[‘] rmpdnn Ind sunmrssm mu mad man an . ::m\duc1 was unhefimrvg 01 In ad»/oak and souwar Much dsaflyhnngs ma Vega! pmlessmn mm dvsrepme [9] The DC men recommended a ma at RM3D.000 in be umpased on the appeuam [10] The manor was brougm baflore me Dlsclphnary Board (“ma ma“) lar uonsxdelanon under 5 man at ma LPA, [II] The DE vound that me appanann was guIl|y under me 7* camwalnl omy an me ground that the appellanrs oond-«:1 was m breach M s 94(3)(t1joH.he LPA. rw pucnm-nmFamsHuMmv “Nana sm.r nmhnrwm a. d... w my r... mmrm-y aim. dnuumnl vu mum war [121 on 19 11.2021‘ me as made me lallowmg Imended order agalrlsl me appellam lwfllch was relened Io as me 1‘ respanaenvy ln resvscl M was 7- mmnlmlm lgilnll mu 1“ mesponuenl, me Dlsclpllllaly poem alnnnea me nleclpllnun Cmlmlllsel «mm nl Mammy hul -eleplaa (ha plllllshmanl luv fine‘ Irlsmad rr IS nsnsav ORDERED lmn me «=4 Iusporlderll be censured Aggnovee py we order (“the DB‘s Omar‘), lne appellanl med mus appeal under s 1035 ofltle LPA. [13] By way or an apphcallcn m Encl 10, me Ear Councll soughl leave lrorn lne Courl up inlewene ll! thus appeal. The applicallan m Erlc|10 was not objected |o by any at me pamee heleln [16] Slnoe lnere was no amealinn raised, INS courl had allowed me appllcallan by lhe Bar Colmcll In I lervene on 21.3.2022 1‘1he Inlerverwlg Omar‘). Tm orlglnnlng Summons [15] ln lhis 05, me appellant suughl lpr lnlsl al/a lne lollzmlng omers. (a) That pan pl me DB’: Order orderlng mal the appellam be censured wan lespecl la lne 7" complllnl be set aslds. (b) The 7* colnplalnl be dlsmlssed [16] The os IS supplmed by the appellant‘: amdavll In enel 2 ("AIS-Z"). ln essence, Ihe grounds of me appeal are anchored on an alleged breach M lhe principles 07 natural juulce, Ihs panleulars of which are as follows‘ (a) The lallure ol me us up lpmmlala a clear charge agaIns| lne appellant (h) The manner H1 wfllch me DC had ponauclea me pmoeealngs. (cl The fallule Io pmlllde a copy of me l:lc's report lo the appellant. m pucMl73In|lFBp.lsHuMMv “Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwm be HIGH m may he nflmnnllly M. dnuuvlnnl VII arlum Wm! (d) The DB's failure to provide reesensllial led ld lhe DB‘; order [17] Firs learned counsel lor lhe eppellenl ellreered my arlenllen Io lrie DC's repun, which slaled llial me appellanl had made “defamatory remarks ageinsl a lawyer in wrllillg lea judge‘ According lo learned counsel, il musl he remembered lnel lne appellanl was wnling lne impugned remarks ahclul lne respdndenrs ccnducl as a lilrgaril and nor as a sdlieiler [18] In any evenly learned ccurieel submilled lnal lne DC lied lailed lo wnsidellhefirlal paragraph pl lne impugned leller. wriicri urged me learned lriel Judge el llie ludlcial sapamlicrl proceeding lo reelrein lne resppndenl as ne was “behavlrlg like a vexallous li arir. Learned epunsel lunher cdnrended lrial lne DC nad lailed c lake irilc eeccunl lrial lne appellunl end ner senior ecuneel, Chew swee vcke (MID was lrie 2"“ respondenl al llie DC proceedings), were under an obligallon to vlgomusly delend and advance lneir elienl‘s case under r is cl lne lws Rules. [la] in snarl. learned counsel hignllgmed mar Ihe impugned lelier was wrlllarl wiln a view lo urge lhe learned rrral Judge In cdnsider lrie necessary aelien under para 17 pl lrie scriedule cl the cdurls ol Judlcalure Ael 1964 (“owl ll slales as follows, Fewer rd rsslraln any pemn wnp nas habitually and verslsrenrly and wllhoul reasonable cams inslllined vexalmus lsgal proceedings Ill any cuun. wnelner agarnsl ine same al fllflevenl pmcnir, rrcrri inrliiulinp any legal nrooesdlrlfil in any nmlll save by leave ole Jlnqe A may gr any such order rnaii ue puninned in me sazerre [20] The appellanrs peeilion is lliel the impugned lener was craned in good lailri in lrie discharge dl lrie appellanl and criew‘s duties lo lneir elienl. [21] were is andlnerrelaled issue wnien IS raised by Ihe appellanl II is mis The DC riad lcund bolh lne appellanr and cnew gullly of me 7"- ccniplainl. ll lnen recommended Impcslng lne punisnnienl en both me appellenl and Chew. However, lrie DB only censured ms appellanl and acduilled Chew aiicgelner. The appellanl look IN pucMl7SIn|lFBl~..lsHuMnlv «war. s.n.i nurlhnrwlll re UIQG e new i... anrii.ii-y elini. dnuuvlnrll Vfl uFll.lNG wrul urnorege in the use finding on the ground that the DB piollered no mtplanellon in arriving at the said conclusion. [22] seeondly, learned eouneel tor the appellant submrllad that there was a breach oi the principles oi natural iustipe nthe cundua ofthe DC‘s proceedings According to the learned counsel |aj There was a faiiure to ierrnuiete a clear charge against the appsllam (oi The De had preiudged the issue in the course at the proceedings oy suggesting that the words in the impugned letter were delainatpry (c) The DE‘; laiiure to give the appellanl an opportunity to be heard heiore making II: decision whether to accept or reiecl the DC’: reoonirriendation Learned epunsel rated the case at syed Ahmad ltndadz Sud Abna V Ime] Muhibbrlll sun and: Mimi: Pommn Mel-ym, lnrsmnor [2011] 1 cl..l 125. The use names the pmposilian that the DB. in seeking to impose a greener or lesser penalty or punishment than that reoorriniended by the be upon a snlidmry ought to notily the solicitor ot its intention to do so and give him a reasonable opportunity to oe heard, as such an order may have an adverse eflect on the said advocate and solicitor, (d) The DC did not eonsider adequately the delehces raised by the apusllanl. In any event, the no tailed to provide the appellant with a wpy at its report when it was completed The rlspondnnfs response [231 The respdndenttiied his emdavii in reply in anal 4 [“AIRA“) There are turtner exchanges of alfidavlls. including lmm the intervene!‘ which WI“ be relerrad la is and when the need ansss. [24] In his AIR-4. the respondent auened as loilow . (a) The reependern riled an applicalion at the judicial separallorl proceeding in End 107, which was pending hearing. IN pucMl7!In|lFBl~.JsHt:Mhiv “None s.n.i nuvihnrwm be u... m may i... oflmhoiily eiihi. dnuuvlnril VII nFiuNG vtmxi (b) Fm more than 11 indnlns, lhe appcllanrs clienidid nalme any alfidavil in reply to uppose it (a) AI lrie case management on 221i.2u13, me Regishar direcied the appellant‘: client lo file an amdavii in reply. (:1) Aggrieved hylha Regislrars direction, lrie respdndenl filed a name at appeal tome liidge in chambers on 3 12.2013. (3) As a reaciien in me rialiae cl appeal. irie appellani issued irie impugned letter‘ wliieli is new me subject matter oi dispute [25] Fimher. -cparding in me resporidanl, ina appelianl sndiild nol have wrilleri |o line presiding Judge and made dalaniaiory femarks aanpeming a pany la vie mailer. [25] In pam ll cl AIR-4. ilie respomiaai affirvrled lliai, contrary to me appellanfs contention, there IS no requiremanl In 'fumlu|aIe" a 'charge' agalnsl lne appellanl In any event‘ according |n me iespondeni, ilie appellani was given and exercised rier rigmd he heard belure (He DC pieeeadings This also iiieiudu making a wrlllen axplnnallcn M the comnllml Vida her lunar In the DB da|ed 11.12.2014 [27] On me nacasslly luv the DB Rapnrl (0 be made available In |7Ie appellani, me respondenl evened iliai mere is no legal requiienianl |n do so. R 4 er ine Legal Pieiession [Disciplinary Proceedings) lAppeal)Rules1994(“IheI994 Rules“) only inquires the Dlredor of ine complainis Secrelarial (-me uirecmr) to supply lo the appellant me oenifled we copies of me doaiirneiiis ralarrad lo ai me DC proceeding This is in enable live eppellani |o prepare irie appeal record Th. rasponsn train the Bar council [28] The Bar council. as me irilerverier, also filed an amdavli in reply in ErlcI19(‘AlR-19') [291 The amdavil is amrrned by Ariaad Raj all R Balaaupi-ainariiam on 23.4 21:22 Encik Anand Ra; is irie secrelary Io ilie Bar council. m pUcMl7!IDMFEb.liHuMMv “Nair Smnl nuvlhnrwlll be ii... m may i... nflnlnallly JVMI dnumlnnl VII aFluNG Wm! [30] In his para 10 o1AlR—I9. me Anand Ra; affirmsd as lollows‘ (5) on 10.12 2022. the Dssupplrea me cemlxed lme oapies ollhe relevant documenls under r 4 at me 1994 muss. The documents mc1ude|ha DC Report (I!) Vn (he DC Report, It was siatad N’! no uncenaln Ierms that [he appellant had breached s 94(3)(o) and s eama) at the LPA and r 16 olme 1978 Rmes In any event. the appenant recewed the Record at Compminl vnam me Dc, munch rncmdea notes el pmeeearrrgs m respen ov me respcnaenrs commainl an 19.4 2019 and 25 6.2019 Arulysis [:1] Let me negrn by slallng whll me raw rs an vexallaus Irugarus. Thu appellamr in the impugned lener, alleged that me respurrdem was a vexauous hllganl. She urged me presiding Judge to lake aclion agamsl Ihe respendanl In order not In mrrnsn Her Ladysmp mm any nrnnsr unnsnemry wrrrrsrrws awnrcauons we urge Hsr ladysmv to mnsader me necessary xchnn unduvthe Schedulu Mfllllmul Puwsu at me Hugh Count Calms av Jufluznlre A51 \964 Parairanh 11 M the Anmmnal pawrrrs ul ma man Cowl ro nesuam||1Ie Rzspumdurl as in rr behaving like a vsxanous Huuam The nrsr question |ha| comes to my mind rs this Vs wnllng to me presiding Judge me ngm mode to urge Her Ladysmp In exercrse her power under par: 11 of me Schedu|e7 wnrr Issued, u do not think su. Para 17 01 me Schedme oumd not be exercised summamy without pruper appurcauarr me appllcalmn can elthev be made by way of notice avsppnrca Inn in ms same sun or by way our couarerax aflack [32] Under no cvwmslancss an Ipphcalwcn ohms magnimde |haI has a far-reaching Ampacl on me amer party can be made by mereVy wrmrrg (0 me presiding Judge. m pucMxmnmFamsHuMn\v “Nana s.n.\ mmhnrwm r. LAIQ4 w my r... nflmnnflly Jrn. dnuunnnl VII mum WM [33] To my mind, the respondent‘; position as a lihgam and a solicitor IS interiwirned srnoe he was represented by his own finri Reading the impugned letter. there is no clear line ol distinction between the tuspondenrs rene as a ii|igan( and a suiicnor [34] in Amoricnn Express (M) sun and v Matthias Chang wen Chi [2012] 1 ttlt..t an. it was the pneirititrs case that utter it had obtained summary iudgnienn against the detendant, the detendant had engaged in a piethorol at proceedings challenging the veracity ot the summary iudgrnerit an the grounds that it was irregular, II’! that. it was obtained dishonestly for a iudornent sum in exoessof the arneunn aclualiy due In the ptainnitt. ‘the olatnnitt Submilled that the delerndartfs conduct in the train at proceedings it had instituted against the piaintitt in respect ot the summary iudgment was sufftcienl to declare the detendant a vexalious ithganl the plaintiff thus oonrmeneed e civil suit puvsuant no the CJA no hava the detendarin declared a vexatinus litigant in order to par him troni instituting any tuither legal pmceedings against it. [35] it is my considered view that a proper appitcalton must be made under para votthe schedule otnhecJAto enable the party against whem the order is sought |o deterid hlrnsett prvperly py wey M an affidavit In repiy, as the case may be. [35] I theretdre hold that the appellant had adopted a wrong made in writing to the presiding Judge to use Her Ladyshtp's prmer under para 17 oi‘ the Schedule. [37] On the issue at whether there is any necessity tor the D5 to formulate a clear charge against the appellant (a) i take cognisanoe that the letter at complaint by the respondent to the Direuor was very clear and that it mentioned the relevartl provisions at the LPA end the 1976 Rules that the appellant and chew were alleged to have breached. ta) tn tespanse, the Director wrote to the appennenton seeking a wrillern explanation under s IDO(1)(b) oi the LPA within fuurleart days [tom the receipt at Ihe letter (C) The appellant sought an extension at time (“Eon to reply‘ Whtch Die DE acceded to IN pUcMl7SIrlmFEt>JsHt:Mhitl «nu. e.n.i nuvlhnrwiii is. u... re may i... nflflihniily aim. dnuuvlnrrt VII aFit.ING mi (at in her ieiter asking tor the EOT dated 11 M 2014i the appeiiant stated that Iwwuld he maxlnbiruod flyou Wuld Illuw Me an zxtenston nl time to rite my expianamn by 11 Daoembsr zotn as Ihuve hurt very had up with the noun Walk and have that heen ehie ta mnrptere my Axplsriallon within :4 days with respect. there is nothing in the letter that the appellant ceuirt not understand the complaint made against her. one can be iurgrveh in concluding that the argument that there is a need to iorrntrlate a Dmper charge against me appeiiant is only an anenhaught [35] As in the aiiegatian that the DC had descended inin the arena. I have gone through the notes of proceedings nature the DC. M the hean at the appeHan('s aehrpiaint, i believe, is when the DC asked the appellanl whether the words used in the impugned letter were necessary. The DC, In my rninu. was only making an enquiry. It was a question which the appeiiant mute have answered [39] Even ii the D!) was making a smemenl, the appeiiant could have srrnpry responded by saying the wares einptayea in the impugned letter were necessary and gave her reasons lhere|u. Unfortunately, there is rrothrng In the mic: at proceedings where the appellant proflerad herexptanetiens en the ch as ofwurds that she errrpioyed in the inrnugnea letter. [40] The next issue is whether there Is any legal nscessily (or the DE to give the appeiiant an opporlunily to be heard before making its deotsion whether |u acceptor retain the Des recnrnrnenrtatran. In this parliculur case, |7Ie DE tvversed the fine of RMZWJJKXJ imposed by the no and subs1iluled tl wilh a censure, The 05 Order was made under 5 103B ol the LFA. S1D3D(I) pmvtdes l!Ia| Alter oovliidariliwn ul the report M the Dtsciniinary ceninrirtea, the uhwiinarv aoare may mikl an amr amrrriirtq oi rerecting the mining or iemnrnrerumen at me Dticipilnary carrrniittee and fllhn aiacrphraiy Board rswmi the rinarna ur teoammeoaamn at the mreipirrrery coninriuee, rhe Diatziplinnly mare eriaii mum! the reasuri torthe reieamr IN pUcMl7!In|lFBbJsHuMMfl “Nana s.n.i nuvihnrwm rs. UIQG a my i... nflmhniily mm. m.i.h vn aFiuNG wiei
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
The accused was charged with an offence of forgery of a will - under section 467 of the Penal Code - before the Magistrate Court
YA Datuk Noorin binti Badaruddin
12/12/2023 11:37:55 WA-41H-40-10/2022 Kand. 33 S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N LMb62BM/EwN2GGs0PN7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal w.\—uH—au—1n/2022 Kand. 33 12/12/2013 um-ss DALAM MAHKAMAN TINGGI MALAVA nl KIIALA LUMPUR DALAM WILAVAH PERSEKUTUAN, MALAVSIA AVUAN JENAVAN N WA-41N~4 M012 5 M141 :5 0/2012 ANKARA PENDAKWA RAVA ...PERAV|l mu VASANTA A/L AMARASEKERA ...RESPONDEN RAVUAN arms VASANTA A/L AIAARASEKERA ...PERAVU om RESPONDEN PENDAKWA RAVA (Dam Pevkars M-‘mm rm mm. Lumrmr uaram wuayan Persekuluan mus Lumvur K21 Nu wArs$534D-0812018 can Seksyen 307 Kamm Tatacara Jenayah ws can xxxvm Fendakwa Rays Lwu Vuama a/I Ammsexerau Jumsusm [11 vasama a/I Amarasskera, (‘the accused‘) was charged mm an oflenoe 01 forgery of a wfll under section 1367 al the Penal Code belore the MagAs|raIe Conn He was found gmy 01 me change and was canvxcled and sentenced to a one (1) year and six us) months wmvriscmment rrom lhe date or ssmenae. 1 sw LMMZEM/Ewmzssdawvw -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm [21 Belars we. Caun. ma Public Prosecutor appealed agamu (ha senlsnoe xmposed by me Magwslrala coun whilst lbs accused appealed agamsl me convucxion and ssnlenee Tho Chlrqu [3] The change agamsl the accused reads‘ ‘Bahawa kamu pads 13 6 2005, d! anlsra [am 9.00 peg: senrngga 5.00 petang, bera/amal -1: raruan Amam 5. Ca, 03-15, Pangsapun Impian Kara. Jaran Kg Map, Kuala Lumpun dalam uaenm Dang wangz, dr da/am Wr/ayah Psrsekuluan Kuala Lumpur, kamu relah melakukan pemalsuan landalangsn wssral Lssl Wm and resramem mandiang Adsmbsvage Ananda Rex Alwrs, (No KP dBL7327—1l7—5G95) bsrtallkh 13 06 2005 dam Kai-ml ada/ah dengan ml Ielsh mslakukan kesalahan dr bawah seksyen 467 Kanun Ksseksaan ' [4] The pmseclmon dauad Ian um wllnssses to gm ewdenoe whilst lhe accused had rauad 2 uwd) witnesses apan «um mmseu. Io |esUFy a| me delanzze slag: arm Facts [5] The accused was an Advocate a. soucwar [6] sometime m June 2005, he was appmachad by a lamfly iriend o1 ms, ans Adamberage Amanda Rex and known to the amused as Rex (‘Rex')who came to ms amce wanlmg (0 makes wvll The accused than draned me wm 2 am Luuczam/Eum2Gs41PN7w Nuns sum n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm VII nF\uNG pans! when he knew ma| ma wanar am not an any rrrna srgn or maka ou| me wm. [29] ms in mm begs me quesuan of new forgery or me ‘dwshonesl or haudulenl‘ making our ar signing of ma mu may be pmven [an] Under 5 45 nflhe Evidence AL1\95Olhe uplman nfa handwnlmg expen as to the genumeness vfhandwrmng or signatures are expressw aumrssmle on the grounds that «me. Is a relevanl fact [31] Sermon 47 oi ma Evmanca Acl ruse provraas rmar aha vor me aarnrssrbilrry or ma avkience M a wllness nn ma genmneness at handwrilmg wnere that wllness can be sara to be aazuahlsd wun ma person s'a|ed In have wrmen me urspureu handwnlmg ur stgnalure [32] secnon 13 onhe Evidence Act 1950 allows Ihe court or a wuness to oompanr a msnuled srgnamra arnanawnrrng wrnn rm genuma wrmng co the aHsged wrner [33] In Stale (Delhi Adm: seraciorr) v. Pan Rxm AIR [1919] supreme Court :4 Sarkana J mnsrderad the vanous secmns of the Indian Evidence An which oomarns plovvsruns sirnuar to tha| of Malaysia He held as Ionows In remran to me woo! oi the nandwmirrg ola Person: ' Just as m Englrsh Law, ma Inaran Evidence Ac! Isnogrums Mo airacr methods alpmwng ma handwnlmg al a person (1) By an admrsston oflne person wno wrote it (2) By lhe evrdance ofsome witness who saw 1! written. 11 am wmszam/Ewm2Gs41PN7w “Nuns s.n.r nnnhnrwm .. used m mm as nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm rhese are me bus! methods alpmol masa upsrf mm are lnras other mods: olpmal by ownion Thaysls m By ma ewdence ola nanawmmg exam {Section 45 ; on By ma amance of a witness acquamzed with ma nandwrwng bnna person who .s ssrdto mm wmlsn ma wnlmg m quashon (Section 47 ) rm) ommon lormsd by ma Coullon mmpanaon made by Me}! (section 73) Allthesslhrss cognals mods: ovpraormvcm a plocess nl campansnn In mode (0 ma comparison 1: mad: by ma export of ma aiapmaa writing WWI me admvllsd wr/(mg ol ma person who »a SAM In have wvfllsn ma quaslrorved document In nu ma nompanson rakes ma Iorm or a be/rel man the wunasa snlarlafns upon comptmng ma wnnng m qusslton mm an exemplar fanned m ms mmd Irom some prevrous knowledge or rspofmve observance av ma handwnlmg ol ma person concerned rn ma case of[m)‘ ma compansan Is made by the Court with ma sample wmmg or exemplar obtained by M from ma person concmau ' [34] As for the role M a handwnling expen « 15 must be noted (ha| the Indian Conn went on to cannon as to «he admwssxbllrly nflhe handwvmng experl and much was aarsmuy wcumscnbed as lcnoms: ' ms not lhe pmvince Dfthe expert to acids Judge or Jury As rightly poinled ob: m nu. V Janss ILR 56 All 423: AIR 1934 All 273 live real Iunzlinn cl [he export :5 m pm bofon on Cam! all ma manwfals, Iagevthev x2 am Lmmxzam/Eum2Gs41PN7w «ma am n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 a mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am with masons which induce hlm lo come to ma concmuon, so me: me Court. nlthouqh not In upon, mny four! In own Judgmenl by us own ousemuon al thnse muemls, ommenly, :1 is not pruper Iar Ihe Court to ask me expen to give me /inmng upon any 0/me pssues, wnemer anew or /5151‘ because, strvcl/y speekmg such Issues are rm me com 0: Jury to aezemune me rmnawrmng upon’: runcuon rs to aplm after a selemmc campanson 1:! me disputed wmmg wnn an proved or edmmoa mmng wllh rugani to me palm: of slmllnrhy and dlsslmllarlty In me two sets 0! wrlklngs. me Caun should then campnm me handwrlfings mm its own eyes for . proper assessment ol the value or the lam! emrenee . '[Emphas\s added] [35] Remmmg to me mslant meuer, m ham 0! me xmnonant mredueni of mtermon‘ “dwshoneslIy’ or “!raudu|en(Iy' lha| needs to In proven, the accused submns me: the mgredmnl was ormusd mam (he churge and ms, he vs severely premovced as mere is e drflerenca m law beaween “d|shonesl|y" and “lvaudu|sn|ly“ Reference .s made to Rlllnlxl A Dh|r|jl-|'I Liw ol Crlmu 24" Edlllon (Vulumu 2) where me learned aulhm expwemea es lollows ‘There Is an ob»/mus difference between "d:shonssHy” and -rmuaucemry" In oider to do a thmg dishonest/y there must be Ihe mrenlion to cause wmgm /0:5 or wrongful gem or uopeny, am m order to do a my fraudulently I! IS no! necessary Mal Ihsra should be the u sw Lumszam/Eumzssdawvw ‘Nata em.‘ be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm mlelllion to cause wronglui loss or wmrtg/ul gain ol PVOWIY [36] It is trite taw that in trarning charges agains| accused person/s, the charge in question must he precisety tarrnuiated to irictude the speciric accusation auams1 the accused This is in drder tor the accused to know and have notice or the very nature ctthe charges at the tirst oppurllmm/, so that they are being ierewerned with ciarity and certainty the essentiet elements or ingredients that the prosecution has td esteeiish against them in order to ensure that they are torearrned in their dalertce tar the purpose at directing an the evidence eitciiisivety lo the specihc charges (per zaniani A Rntiirn J (as he then west in Ellll Md one V FFR011] i cu nut. [37] This edun is at the considered view that the absence at the word “dishones|\y“ nr -iraudutentv in the charge does not cause any iriiscairiage ol ]us|tce ta the accused. it can be gleaned ircrn the notes at pmceedings that the aemised was very aeie lo undetstand the charge against him and to raise his detenee acedrdingty The drcsecutien tar that iriatter rnust prove the eieinent oV“dtshonesflY‘ or “lraudu|enIiy' on the part otthe accused beyond reasonable doubt and the coun niust make such a tindirig notwithstanding the Ingredient dt “dishonestly or lrauduienlly" is net stated in the charge. [sat However‘ having acknomedged that the issue at idrgery oi lhe witi may tie ascertained by censiaenng whether the amused * ried the wilt this court finds that the tearned Magistrate has tailed to consider this very essentiat ingredient is. dtshonssly on the dart ot the accused. which niust be pmven by the “dtshones|iy“ or -trauuutenti M sin LMMZEMlEwNZGG<flPN7w “Nate a.ii.i nnvthnrwm re used m van; i.e nflgtrinflly Mimi dnnnvtlnl vu .riuiia pom! proseouunn. the basis for I119 learned MagIs|raIa‘s flndlngs mat the amused had lerged me Will can be seen m her grounds as loIlows' ‘[46] From ma awdenca adduced WI lha course onna Ina/. anly accused nas me access ro ma vwllana na ana nas knowledge or me existence ol the WI! Accused knew Rex and um and agreed lo hsln Rex wan WIN wllnaul charging any laa or opsn any fila ll! lna llnn Io: ma wul mam is no plsparsllorl slgnmg lmll ln ma acnused3 alfics as no wllnass prepared PW4 auandance was not planned and Rex and not cormnumcala for such lmponnnl dooumsnl. No rwal wlmess saan Rex Signed mg ml axcapl accusau Accused was ma ona ma: surrender ma wm lo lna lawyer appoinled by ma lamlly of Rex Thus‘ mm lna Chsm ofswdsnces, [here Is In: on. mu/l1 nava accass Io Will and ma vwl was kspl by ma accused. Such svarlts could only aoncluda that aaausad forged ma slgrlalum in ma vwl and ma: would be only lnfemrwe to be drawn in ma case " [39] ms coun finds Ihe above filmmg VS mlsplaoed. Awllnsss lo a will need not know the mn|enlS of the will A sollcllar who had asslsled lrl gwmg a drafl will la a lnend and who naa subsequently asslsled Ia wilness me execullon vflhe wlll need nol charge nur open a me lame same. The fact that PW4's presence In the accused: amce was not planned ls Irrelevant :5 sm LMn«zaMlEum2Gs41PN7w ma. s.n.l n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnllly mm: dun-mm VII mane v-mm [AD] lne unchallenged lacls reveal mail me edcused aonriirned lnar lie had asked PW4 io be a wlmess because FW4 nad known Rax previously PWA came lo invlie lne accused lor lunch all me eccuseds olrice and allnougn lnlllally reludanh lie nad llien agreed when we accused lold nirn lnel il was Rex or Alwie as lie was known wno was an lne omoe. PW4 did ncl deny ol Rexs presence al Ihe adcuseds ollice runner, lrieie is no iequireinenl in law lor FW4 lo know lne conlenis ol lne will or even know lne leslalor or me will [411 The negalive lnlerenoe made by lne learned Megislrale whsrelha accused is said lo be me only one wno knows aboul lne will as a copy was keol wilri him and llieielore lie inusl be lne one who lorged lrie signalure cl Rex‘ is again. clearly niisulaoed. The fact is, lne Idle Rex had a copy ol lne Will loo so. lne accused was nol llie only one who has me ccoy ol me will No orie knows ollne will oecauco ll is no: lor lrie accused lo lell lne wliole world aocur lne will unlil Rsx‘s demise man no had noliced or me lack llial Re>l's larnily was looking loreny will or leslarnenl olfiex ll was me accused wnc had senl a copy cl lne same lo lne solicilois lorlhe laniily This com is olllie considered view being a solicilor lornicre lnan 1 3 years slarldlng al llielinie llie willwas execmed by Rex in 2005, me accused would nor have taken sucli a risk lo rils orolessional career lo lcrge a docunieril lo wnich he gains nolning liorn i\ The accused can be descrlbed lo be a wnolly disinleresled wilness in regards lo the wi [421 In San vook cliiii (F) a. Anor v loo lng Chin @ Lee reek Seng 5. are [2005] 2 ulL.J 1‘ llia Federal coun in assessing lne issue on loigery ie wlielner the coun ol Appeal erred in ereleinng lne diiecl evidence or MU wilnesses ie a solicilor (DW2) and lire legal clerk I6 sin LMMZEMIEwNZGG<flPN7w «wee s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be used w my me nflglrlnllly MIME dnunvlnrll vu eFluNG pom! (owe) wno witnessed me mu over me evident: ol me nanawming experls sIa|ed as iouews. ‘v The Forgery ouesnen 31 This question also relates to me issue oldus execution ofihe wiii anne deceased. on mix, the coun omnneai said as follows‘ we nowtum to consider me issue: as re whelherlhsre was due execulian of me will by the deceased The ieemeo iudiciei commissioner /ound against me delendanis on lms point on two main grounds First ne Iound Ihal ins slgnnlurv on the win was no: ine deceased‘: andlhersfars a forgery. Sflcami in: round that there had ueen cniy one suesiing wilrlsss pvsssm‘ when execution lock piace and lhsl lmznzlovs [here was noncompliance wim me relevant Dmvisions onne Wills An! 32 me courr 0/Appeal men reviewed in some detail me auioence on znis issue oidue execution. This is rel/scted in paras 62 to so alihsiudgmenl nu Court omppoai (wk me view me: the Nlnh com mid I-Ilod to conmm mo alomonl armozin an Inn plrl of non Ming (owz) and Chln Fong Lin mwa) in rupee: ultho nxlculion of Ibo dncus-d’: will,’ that It did not Isk me quosllon Is to why! pass/bu mauve In a two wnneuu would nu c in concocung such a story :1 my took no intnnst umkr an will nor In: ow: p-Id Iny significant lmnlml for tho pnplrlllon er en. said will in sin LMMZEM/Ewmzsssuwvw -nae s.n.i I-vihnrwm be used m mm n. nflmnnflly MIN: dun-mm wa nrium pm 33 Hera, counser ror the apps/rams G“ex!:ansd the soundness of lhe ptoposmon or observauon, conrandrng mar DW2 was aflemplmg to covarher mrslake: as aresrrn alhsrinexpsnoncs, re ydrrng, /oorrsn sndmo huslmg vwm Isspecl‘ we do not accept rnrs arms marry, mo avrdanco snows mar nwz nad been An legal pncllcl In! About nun yur: at tho rnmrm time. she was obviously nor a novice. In any ownr, ovnn accapung her lnaxparlenca. given the llama! zlrcumslnncns In nus case, 1: rs anukary. In am View, um owz would mm mun such an enormous rrsu to her prarasstonar carur. Moroovar, n Is a rnamr orprurosslonar rnoramy and so its standard would nor on rnaasurod by we ungm or ono'4 pncflcn Evaryrhlng consrdmd. we and lo agru wmr ma obmvauons oaprussod by the Court oIAppuI In an Iollowlng him: Once on tvldmcn ol ow: nnd own an c-ruruuy scnmnuod and mud Agnmst mo grnblblllrln or ma us. n is lggmnk am [hex urn wholly dlalntorurod witnesses. TIMI! mdencs may be nfelz mad uggn and agar to have bun acted ugnn by me Ium-d 1-rdmalcornrnrssrorror. ow: amnded on the deceased won his Instructions ground a mu In accardance with those Inszrucuon nd mndod to m uocuflon d Hilts an or that will owz and Dl/W, tssunod ma: me deceased was ermre/y mud and mentally alert born at the me ofgn/mg /nslrucl/ans and at me nrne arsrgnrng Ins wrll wa find no good mason for trust two wnrrossos In M syn Lmmxzam/Ewwzssdawvw more Sum ndnwhnv Mu be used M mm a. nflmnaflly mm; dun-mm VII arwum pm have concocted WE/I srovy as nemm of mm hid Inylhlng to gain mun doing so." [Emphasns added] [431 The -zueenan ye was there any raasnn [or me accused to hug: me wm What motive could me accused mm (0 Verge me Vale Rex‘: swgnalura on \he WHI wnen there ws no suggeshon an an (hat he would sland to gam enytmng lrorn nne wmv Tnere us no avidenoe man the accused naa made any farm ul 1manc|a\ or muneiary gam mam Rex uv any onne xauere vanuly member Whatever uanepneu after me Gram av Fmbale belween Rex‘; wue FW3 and ms bro|her DW3 are wnouy Irvekantanl mlhe Issuewhelherlhe accused was gumy as perms charge [44] Moms vs Indeed rslsvanl harem The Cow‘ umnpeal m Lee mg Chinq @ Ln Tack Song u Gan Vook Chin 12am] 2 MLJ 91 raised me same quesnon as |a me molwz er lwu defendanfs mnesses DW2, me sohcuar and her clerk (owe) whu anenaea lo the preparallun and me anesoauen of me impugned wm Gopal sn Ram JCA (as he men was) slated as vcucwe ‘Frrsr, me evrdelvce er pwz and ow: which we have already summanzed. Here, me learned judge failed to apply Illa can-Ict lusts to determine IIII clbdlhllliy OI lhl two wltnuus. HQ did nar Ask hlmsetllhe crucial question‘ whll mollve did these two witnesses II vs ta concoct me my Ibaut me maklu or the by the deceased? Nollllor look in lnlensl under the wm. And is Mr moms pointed out during ergumem, owz-e Ilrm reeelvea me pnltry sum on me more llnn msau for preplrlng And Imzsting the deceased’: win. As in m em LMMZEM/Eumzssdawvw -we Sum In-nhnv M“ be used m mm ue mwmnmly mm; dun-mm vn mum pm :3 law: In concnlmd, em was merely n elem ln - Ilrm ol sollcllols Ind rlrm appears to bl no motiv- wrrmmyor for nor la I-brlcllo mo mm concumlnq ule execuklun enm wlllby nu docn.Iul.1.' [45] The unellallengea evlderlce ol llre accused eannel be disvegardad and musl be aceeplsd The lacl Isl me only person wne ls an eye wrlness lo lne Signing or me wrll is nene olhsr bul lne accused and we learned Magislrele lor lhal mailer had made lnal rlncllng whale sne slalea ‘No real wllness seen Rex slgned the Mll except the accused‘ [45] the aeelleecls enaenee was nevu challenged by me pmseclfllon. The evldenoe :7! me necusea ls reproduced below ‘O Please elaborate on how me srgrllrlg ollne vwll (Exhlhil P-5} look place er your o/Vice on la 6.20057 A' On l3 5 2005, Rex came lo my arree al Amara & Ho el DJ-15, Pangsapurl lrnpran Kala, Jalan Kg Allap. 50460 Kuala Lumpur during lunen hour l was srmng in my room al that me. My room rs small ll has a (able and chali lor me lo sll ln lronl olme mere are 3 chairs ler clients lo srl on my lell ls a wall ollhe room and on my rlgnlls lne mam daa l mulled Rex to come lnlo my room Rex came VI and sal acmss llre leble ln lronlolme on me clner chair closeslla me well Rex then showed me P5. lnollee mar P5 is all type wrmen wlln all the parilculars been msened ln ll. zo SIN LMMzaMlEwN2Gs4lPN'lw -we Smnl luvlhnrwlll re flied m van; .. nnglnnllly sun. dun-mm VII nFluNG palm [7] The campllmanl. one Nya Aye Aye (PW3) who Is from Myanmlv Wu mamed m Rex smoe1111 was Is] on 1.3 2006. Rex passed on. [91 Aecurdmg to PW3. Rex en: mi weave any wm Ths [army members slatted lo locklcr any WI“ and Iestamem a1me\aIe Rex PW5 was man appomled by PW3 cp mmale proceedmg lov Iener of admlnislralxon. [10] Subssuuemly. me vernuy members av me lale Rex had advertised nouee .n me newspaper seeking vpr any peny me would nave known pvany mm by me late Rex and |o rever me manenp Messrs Faun. Ngah a. Neasa. Advocates .5 scanner: [1 41 The accused havmg made aware wf Rex s uermse had lnrwarded the origina\ copy pnne will to Messrs. Faun. Ngah 5 Neasa. the lawyers ac1m9(orthelam\Iy of me Vans Rex [12] Mssrs. Faun. Ngah 5. Neasa men apphed tome Kuala Lumpur mgr. cpun var gram pv probate and m [ms regards. new the aeeusee and PW4 affimed me amdaws tor the sam purpose span the accused arm PW4 averted Ina! they had wmnessed me Iale Rex srgmng P5. me WIN (the ' ' I. [13] on 19 7.2006. me Grant cl Frobale was Issued by me Kuala Lumnur H\gh com and Rex's mower, ow: Is me execulor M me ' m Lumzawzumzstknwvw «we. s.n.r mmhnrwm be ....a e may r... paw-y em. dnuumnl y. mum WM Rex rsquemu my help to wtlnsss mm 5/gnmg nrs Will I agreed In do so Araboul the same me, my cnuanooct Irrend Subiamamam a/I Sudram (Sabra) (SP4) cams Irllo my allme In VWVIS me lo! Iuncn Whsn sum Ism) came rnIo my ulfce, he walked Inm my room straighl and he saw Rex seated (here IIequesIed Subra Io become a wrmsss Io Rex srgmng ms wm. Imna//y Subrs was reluctant as he Ina not racogmze Rex When I told Subra (hat this was Rex De A/wrs, Subva nodded his new sad that he knew Rex bu! ecu/drI‘l recogmze Rex. Subra men agreed to be a witness. sum men set In me man c/uses! lo Ine dool After Rex $911611 2 comes :2! hrs MI I lhen pm my chop Vasanla A/L Amalasekera and sagnsd as a wflness. ImmedIaIeIy I gave II In Subra. sums Is a Isl! handar. Ha Iaok ma mu (P75) and wrote Ins ruII name ‘Subrannmam s/o Sundram‘ logamsr with hrs idenmy card number “550.'!1&V0~5B1.'!“on II Subra man signed Ins 2 names al me wIII above me name and Iaenn/Icavron cant number as a witness rne execunon 0/ me MI! (P5) took a law mrnuzss. I gave Ru 3 copy ol Ina I/WI Ikspl Ina mm, copy ol Ins WIII as an olnce copy 0' mi Subra know Rex? A: Ves. Subra and I used lo play badmmlon In ms Buddnrsl (ample M Bnckfie/I15 with a law people Incrumng Rex and ms bmmar, Maurice In Ina Iasos 1) sm Lmmszamizumzsssnwvw mm. sum Iunhnrwm .. u... m mm he unmnm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm 0 Do you know wny snma drd not rscogmzs Rex? A: Rex had aged and looked a la! oma: syncs ma Irma we used to play oaamrnton at ma Bmidhlsl temple m Bncklta/ds, in ma 1930; Q In what may was rm wr//s»9nad7 Rex signed Ina ww first. rmen signed as a wrlness and was followed by sm 0. In what aapacny were you signing as In ma page malked as Page A o/Exn/bu P-57 A Istgnsd as a wvlness to ma w///.' >. [471 It 13 vmponanl to note Ihal ma acwsed had leshfied that lhere was no mlannon/nmniva on his Dan in vmga |he Wvll The accused slalsd -0- What do you have m say about ma charges ma: have oaan Ian1 agamsl you’) A I was wmrlgly charged roran aflence wnrcn I an: no! commit man: not forge Rex: win Ida not have any reason or molwe 10 do so / only asststed Rex by preparing a man will for rum and men becammg a Witness 1:: ms wr//. I have nolhmg to gain by conunnung any forgery ol Rexk mu I was only helping a menu by Dscammg a wnnass to the will. / can confirm [hat Rex signed me will in Imnl of me and spa on me dale srara-1 m me mu, that Is 13.6.2005." 12 am Lumxzam/Eum2G<:41PN7w mm. an.‘ n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my n. annmun am. dun-mm wa mum v-mm [as] The Vealned Magrslrale larls Io evaluale lhe above aelenae by me accused ana lne lauure to do ac is lalal bscause dlshmesly on me pan of the accused ls cru::la\ Io prove me charge at lorgery [49] Furlhermoler lne accused's varslon orlacxs nrdelsnee was never challenged by the Dmsecuhon In cross exanrlnanon. Vn Ayoroml Hllon v Publll: Frmolzlnar [2005] l MLJ 699,015 Cuun cl Appeal In flndmg man mar ma Hugh Courl Judge had lauea lo oonslder me lacl lha| the nralenal pan cl lne delenca ol lne accused was nu! sublect la any cross-examlnallon had ham '(2) The accused ouglll lo have been cmss-examined an me aelenseauvanced by me: and me iarlure ulthe prosecution la do sa anrounrs la an accepoance cme material pans afher defense This nrcanr that she has esmblislled that She had no knowledge Ma! W715! was found rn Iver custody were in /acr dangerous drugs mm the results mar mere rs no ewrtence 10 snow thal she was in possession ollhem." [Ernpnasrs added] [50] upon scrulrny ol lne noles a1Drooeedlngs,Ims Coun agrees lnar wllh lne learned counsel lor Ihe amused mal are class examinamll on me accused can be summanzed as loHows' . whether lha accused had openea I melcrpraparrng (ha Wlllr why ma accused mu nu| give a wpy ml the wm ll: PW; ma wlls al the Ia|e Rex: 2: an Lumzam/Eumzstkawvw Nuns smal luvlhnrwm be used m mm has mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm wiiy me accused did nol charge less 104 ihe dmfllng M ihe will: FW4, who was me olhel wiinins lo "1! execulion oi will was nei a close lnend at me laie Rex, and A lawyar inusi open a me even ihcugh ine wdiii was done pmbono [51] Irvelevanl and do not in any way aidved ihai ihe accused had mad the vwll on 13.6.2005. This Ccurl nnds inai all lhe above cruss—sxamlna|Ions are [52] At no (me me issue dl inienlion or motive on me parl oi the aeeused was challenged by lhe pmseclman Theieloie. me accuseds version eannei be ieieeied because when lhe oreseeinion chooses ndi lo Cr0SS—EJlamIne a wilness on a niaieilai lael. the inleienee would be lhe pioseculion acceois iiie evidenoe (see ran Klm Luo v Public Piasecindi [1911] I MLJ 114; The accused had given a deiailed aeooiini on wnai happened beiween nim and Rex ai his office in his wiiness sialeineni and in lhe aasenee of inens rea on me pan oi the aocused whicn ieinained unieauiied, ii must ineieidie be accepted. The learned Magisirale failed lo address ihis issue. This is an enoi in law and in iacl on lhe nan oi lhe learned Magisiraie. [531 lnleresiingly, one would men ask, now eduld lhe aeeused laiged Rex's signaiuie when lhe adcuseds ieeiirisd inai he had no anoi knowledge wnai Rex‘: signaiine lucked like and mai he was nol even lainiliar wiiri Rex‘s Slgnalure This evidence was noi even challenged Tiiere is no evidence lo show ihal lhe accused had seen ei had in possession Rex‘s saniole slgnalure oi ihal he was familiar or have 26 sin LMMZEMIEwNZGG<nPN7w -we s.n.i nnvlhnrwm be used M vaiw he aniiniiiy mi. dun-mm wa muua Wm! knawledga ol lne slgnalure. The lrlvesligallng omeer lor lnal mailer nad eenllnned max mere was ne euldenee lnal lne accused nad pessesslon ol Rex‘s slgnamle, samples 9! speulmens Sn (here ls no evidence in all el how lne accused could nave lorged Rex's slgnelure. [54] The nandwnllng experts‘ PW1 and PW2 lddk me View ma: lnere ls a dlllerenee ln lne slgnalure in lerrns el cenaln charac1erls|ics in me sienelure on me Wlll and lne eenmles whxlsl DW2 lasllfied lhel lne slgnelure III lne wlll and lne samnles are snfliclenlly slmllar ln elner wards‘ lrdrn lne evidence dune handwrlling expens, I| can be deduced lnel lne signatures in me WIII and me samples are nel edrnplelely drllerenl. Tnerelme, ll lndeed lne accused nad ldrged lne lale Rex‘s sigrlalure ne rnusl be lanuller or have knowledge or seen lhe lellers slgrlaulre 10 be able Io large lne slgnelure. No ems-exarnrnalldn en lnls lssue was pm lo lne accused Age-nl me learned Magulmle (Ills lo ervalua|e and conslder (Ills erueel nleee ol evldenca I e lnel lne accused nad no pner xneuledge whal Rex's signature even leaked Ilka and "HS seam, ls anelner error on me pan dune learned Megrelrale [55] In evaluallng me findlngs made by me courl or Appeal lll regards lo lne alleged signalure ol lne deceased sald lo be «urged Illefein and one general gulde lo lhe judlclal appreciauon cl nandwrlllng evidence againsl direcl euldence, me Federal coun In an Yook Chin (P) 5 Anor v In Inn chln (suplal, had agreed with me nndlngs rnade by the Court of Appeal lhal dlrEEl evidence ham a dislntelesled wllness who nas seen me slnnlng of me will rnusl be prelerred egainsl me handwrlllng expen 0p<l1Icl1.The Federal coun scaled Ihe Iallowlrlgs: 25 sru LMMZEM/EwN2Gs41PN7w mu. Smnl In-vlhnrwlll e. u... m may he nflnlrrallly Mlhln dun-vlnrll VII nFluNG Wflxl ‘:4 In. Court n!Aapsul men 4195!! wan mo mgn Cowl‘: nnmng or nxgery es regems the allegsd sfgnalum 11/ me deceased on me mu Hera, caunsal for me apps!/anlx contended that me Court of Appeal comm/(lad a fundamsntsl snot m hmdmg that Hrrsct svrdencs rnewlamy prsvar/s over hamiwrilmg experrs opinmn which should Ihslelole oe dysmunlsd‘ He arguadlhallhalapploach was wrong and me re//ance by me com 0/ Appeal an me Enghsh case oINsw1on v Rmkslts (1951) 11 ER 731 was misplaced becauss m me: pass livers was no clvai/ange to me dune! awdencs wnron was dasmad to have neon accepted (sea paras 5s and 59 awn»; wnuen sulzmtssran) He Iurmer contended that a court had m have rsgard Io all me evidence be/ere cone/udlng on me genumansss L)! a signature‘ dnswmg atlenlforv to Dr Snanmuganallvan V Fsnasamy [1997] 3 MLJ sv, Cmmsel made rslarsnns Ia Dara 109 onne com o(APPea/'5/udgment wmcn slates‘ We consldu It la be a wol/-oslab/Ishod gtrvoral guide to ma judicial nppncmlan of handv/Ililng ovmnca man when men I: A sharp connm bclwun mo dlncr Iestlmnny 1:! n dlslnnmslad wnnnss on me out side no nnn an hlndwrlllng experl en the alive! I: to me aenulneness oflho one-nlan of: document. men ms - safe course for n com to pnfonm dlmtmdence 35 Agsm, me Cour! oIAppaaI cued Newton V Rmkem. /1 rs perhaps psmnen! In nols me: me Com! 0/ Appeal also draw suppall Imm me Indian case of Kamsswala Rae v 25 syn Lnmzowzmemww -new smnw be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm Suryapiakasarao A/R V962 AP we VI parliculav mo following passage oiiho /udgmsni‘ lharsin. rho opinion ofs nonuwniing expel! is, no daubl, admissible undsl s 45 (Evidence Ac!) Whn vn/uo is to be attuned no that opinion in a given cast is iiowom, onmiy a dlihrom inmei. An expert’: opinion with mom Io nlmtwrillnq mus! ohnys on received with grant soniion. There csminiy mny be. andperliaps are cases whm iiio handwriting oxooira oplrilan may in oi nuisance to lhn calm In coming lo o conclusion as to tho gsnulnlnou oi oispuioo honowming. But Ilia on Lil Iormlng opinion by comparlsnn oi hzndwrtllng is -sseritlnlly emplrlnl In cliaracler Ind enur is seldom Insepurahie rmin such aplnlans. Where however, llu.-I: is uiioouno lruslwnrlliy evidence olpersans who Ind mooiiy seen the signing or ma document by me lestllrlx, It is not riccossary In nior to OI niy on the expert opinion. 36 in emphasizing Inn pan iioiisoa noon, tht co-in of Apponi roan Nu vim ihni inc High Court hm moo in unmsonoiaiy rejecting the evidence or two lttestlng witnesses ow; Ind ow: who noo ooiooiiy witnessed the execution of in: wiii by Ilia docoosod. nu co-in obviously regarded iimn u oinci and trustworthy wlrnosses. Moreover, when the shlfemenl oi the court chad zhave is examlni.-d in the canrexl oi the observations made in xamoswaio Rao no iiow can be amibulad to that statement’ [Emphasis added] 17 SN Lmoczam/Ewwzssdawvw -non Sum ...n... M“ be used m mm o. nflmnhflly mm; nan-mm VII mum wim [56] Henoefonn, |ms Court ws taken to |he svmance 0! PW1‘ PW2 and DW2 and N vs -mperanve «a rake gu-dance «mm Ihe aumonhes on evidence 07 handwrmng expert. [57] Firstly, m Dr snanmuganuman v Pnriasamy slo snhambarnm Flllal [1991] 3 MLJ 61‘ the Federal Ooun reminded as fnllawsz ‘It Is um law that an principal object of expert evidence is to Jssisr the manic Iorm Its own opinion An expert should give his reasons. The mun 15 Mo Iinal amner. not the experts or eyewitness Dssprte me wealth or authonlies avai/an/e on this subject, the errors that appear rn judgments mvlle us to elaborate on rrns malls]. The Supreme Court of India‘: deorsron m Murarilal V Slam of MP AIR 1930 sc 531 at p 534 rs 4/usrrauve and some paragraphs of ms /udgmsnl are warm Ieproducmg: 14) We mu firsl consider me argument‘ a stale argument anen heard, parncular/y In mmmal cams, that me oprruon evidence ala IVEIIUWHHIIQ expert shauld not be acted upon without substantial corroboralian We shall presently pom! out how the argunrenr Carma! be [usmied an pmlcrpls or precedent. We begm wnn me abservarron that me exyarhs no accornpncs There rs no nmsmcnon lor condemning Ins opmionevrdenae to the same class of evidence as that of an accompflce and msrs! upon conubaranon True. I! has oocasronally been saw on very high aumanvy ma: u would be hazardous to base a conwaron solely an me aplman of a hanflwntmg expert. But, tin hazard in accepting the u syn LMMZEM/Ewwzssdawvw Nuns snrm n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nnwun mums dun-mm VIZ mum puns! opinion at" any expert, nandwriting export or any other kind at expert, is not because airports, in ganerei, are unreillbie witnesses — tne equaiity oi crediniiiiy or incrediaiiity doing one wnicit an expert snares with aii other witnesses — but benuse aii humun[ut1gmenk is ieiiibie and an expert may go wrong because ai some deiect of nbsuvallon, some nvor oi pninlsus or nonest mlslnko of conciusion. rna more deveidped end ins more perfect a science, me iess ine chance oi an iricoriscl opmiarv and me converse ii me scieiice IS iess dsvelaped and imper/eci. Tne Science oi idenlflicalion ol linger-plmt nas attained near peeveciion and the risk or an incorrect opanron I5 pracncaiiy non-exisleril on tire orhvr nand, tne science oiidentiiicatien ainandwriting is not nearly so pcmct and tire rm Is, lherifon, itigim. Bu! mat is a /ar uy from doubling the Opinion die nandwnting expert as an invariable ruia and insisting upon substantial conoaoranan in every case ndwseeuer tne aplnlon may be aacited by tne saundesteireasons ii is Iiardlylaiito an expert to VIEW ms Dplmafl with an Initial suspicion and to treat min as an inle/ior son ci witness . His opinion has lo be tested by thu accepteaiiity oi tne muons given ay Mm. An expert depases and not decides iiis duty ‘Is In Ilimlsh lhe [edge with the necessary scientific criteria fw teslmy in. accuracy oi III: conclusion, so as to anaaie me iudge to form his own independent iudgnteni by tite appiication or these criled-I to [he iacts proved in evidence’ 22 SN LMMZEM/Ewwzssdawvw wane Sum am... Mu be used m mm a. anamu-y mm; dun-mm VII muuc wim 15) F/om me eeniesi limss, nouns have ieoeiyea iiie opinion of experts As iong ego es 1553 ii was seie in Buckley!/Rice rnonios (1554) 1 P/cwderi 115 iiineiiers arise in oiii law wnicn concern oinei sciences or remiiies. we coi-nnioniy apply ior iiie eiii oi iiiei science or iaoiiizy wnicn ii concerns riiis is e noinineniiebie ining in our iew. For inaiepy ii appears lhal we do no: iiisniiss eii oiiier science: Dill our own, pm we approve oi insni and encoiirege xneni as mings woiiiiy oiconirnendeiion. is; Eiipen fesflmuny is min nkvlnl by s 45 oi ciio Evidence Act and wiieie the min nu to fonn on opinion upon ii palm as in Identity oi iiendwriiing, (ho opinion ol a poison ‘spnclllly skilled’ in questions 1.: lo iiicnmy oriinnciwming' is oiipnssiy inndc - nluvnrit fact . The Evidence Act Ilse/I (5 3) tells us inei '3 ieci is saidlo be proved wnen, aiiei considering me mallarbsfors ii, me noun eniier believe: /1 to exist or considsrs fls existence so probable me: e pmdenlman oiigni, iinaer iiie circiimsienoes nf iiie paiiicuini case, in ac! upon me siippoeiiion me: II 91051:’ /I is necessary to occasionaiiy remind Guise/Ves oi mis inlalplatatinn cisiise in Evidence Aci iesi we aci on anmoiai Slandald alproo/no! wannnied by me provisions oi ine Aci. . ii is also in be nallcad that s 45 oi me Evidence Act makes iocis, noi oiiieiwise ieieyani, ieieyeni ii iiiey eiiopon or are /rmonsislem wnn me opinion of experts, when siicii opinions are reievnni. so, corioooraiion may no! invariahly be insisiea upon peiore acting on the opinion oie nanuwming expert and 30 SN LMMZEMIEwNZGG<flPN7w “Nate s.n.i iuvihnrwm be used m yam .. nniimiiiy MVMS dun-mm n. nF\uNG pans! [:4] PW: challenged ma wm and denied ma! Rex had ever sugnea the vwn. PW3 mac a sun In chaflenge |he wm and me smlwas disrmssed wllhom a mu |naL [15] In the present mailer, the learned Magxshale «mud that the nmsec pmened against the accused under secnon 467 aflhz Penal Oode succeeded m pmvmg beyund ueasenabxs doubt me charge Summary 91‘ Iho mgmmn Flndlngs [15] on the evidence gwen by the handwnlmg experts called by both the proseculwon and the defence They ale PW1‘ PW2 and DW2 However. me learned Maglsvale prelened me ewdenbe D1 PW1, a Science Dlfioer with me Forensic Deparlmem 01 me Chemisky Deparlmem Malaysia and PW2, a Fnvenslc Document Examiner 21 the Forensic Department of lhe Raye! Malaysian Police accordmgly on the ground that mm axpens were able to explam me characlensllc or me signamre The learned Mag\sua|e1uslIfied as TOIIDWSI In assessmg me avmenoe, the learned Maglshale relied neavuy 139] ms sxperls slated ma: ongmal documents would be the best sslscuon la make companson comperad to pholacopred documsnls Haws:/sr, mm are enough spec/men wgnaluws to allow PW2 Ialorrn her opvmon. The com accepled me opmro/1 by FW1 and PW2 when: mm oflhs sxpsris wera able Ia exprain me characteristic suns stgnamra DW2s opmran was mom on Iindmg ol the :ly)e and shape and baby! of [he persan who stgnsd the signature wrmouz ems lo Adsnltly what was the churaclenslrcs 0/ me srgnalure, The Court believed mar . sw Lunczam/Eum2G::41PN7w «ms smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! [hale need be no inilial Suspicion am, an the iacis ale palhcu/al case, a cam may require corraoorairnn 0/ a varying degree There can be no hard and res: rule, DUI nomrng will justify me reiaction oi ms opinion aian expel! supponsii by uncha//arigsd rsasaris an the sole ground moi r: is no! corrubolated The nppmncn an aunt! while daallivy with the opinion oia handwriting upon snouid no to procud cauriousiy, pram (ht muons for ma oplnlon, consider all ocnar ielevanl evident: and decide nnniiy xo accept or reject it. (1 1) We are /rrrniy oi me opinion mar mere is no mie uiiaw. nor any rule a/piuderice which has crysiaiirzea into a mic o/iaw, ma! OPVNOII evidence ola handwriting expert must never be sued upon, uniess subslanlia//y conoboialed am, iuving ciuc roqnrd to ma Impumct nature of mo sclmcn alldnnllflutlon ol hlndwrltlng, inc Approach, .5 in inuicmu earlier. shnuld be arm a! clurlon. Reasons ior in. aplnlon inusl be carelully prubed and examined. All allier relevant evidence must in considmd. in appwnflala cases, corroboration may bu sougm. in casts man an msons no: an opinion If! convincing ma mere 15 no roiinnio Ivldonco lhruwlng . daubt, the uncormbarafed testimony oi. handwriting expel! may be accopind. Thorn cannot be any Infloxlblo lulu on n in-mr which, in tin uiurnare a alysls, Is no more men .1 qumion of tvsflmonlal nrcigin." [EmpI1as\s added] u SIN Lumzammcmonrw 'NnI2 Sum ...nn.. WW he used m mm in nnn.u-y mm; dun-mm n. mum pm [53] The Court oi Appeal in cnua Sung Sam Realty sdn and V Say Chang sdn mm is ors And Other Appeals [2012] 7 cu :31 in racing wilh Mo ooniiiciing experl evidence on irie cause oflhe euiiapse ei trie nrsi piaintiirs wall slated iiie ioiiovnngs -[45] in treating confllctlny expert avldancc, the court, besides examining the eredi ‘lily of the experts, sriouid also examine the scientific grounds and (acts nliad by the experts and wimiier, when taken in lotaliry, the inrurences drawn from moi! findings are sound or otiierwise (see sirigapore Finance Ltd V L/m Kan ivgem (spore) Pte Lid 5 Eugene HL cnari Associates miird Pan;/)[19B4]1 ms 3; /49] in aurjudgmenl iiie learned High Caun‘ judge fell into serious error in iaiiing to give adequate eonsideralinn tn the evidence ortne defendants ' expert witness DW7, wrio riad prepared triree reports an tne cause or tire collapse ii! the firsr piaintirrs retaining wall Two of the reports were based on riis iniiesrigaiian an sire. and me iiiird report was based on drawings suppiied or me nrsi piainiiir. [50] we iisiie carslufly sxaminsd Ihs reports of this witness and we are 0! the View inatriis evidence as to me cilllse al are collapse is more credible as opposed re tne evidence or tne pIaintirrs' Ixpcn witness, FW5." [Emphasis added] J1 sin LMBGZEM/EwNZGG4JPN7w -we s.ii.i ...r..i MU be used M mm Die nvW\ruH|Y MW; m.i.n VII AFVLING WM! [59] In Publlc Pro hauler v Mohnmld Knnln hln mum mm 1 MLJ u, Hasmnn Yeop A Sam J (as he lhzn was) slaled lhe luunwings ‘I! Is uflltdlnw that Ividtncu by - hlndwrning upon‘ can new be conclusive tloelusn it is anly opinion ui¢nnc»_ see /shwarl Prasad V Mahd /55 NR 1953 sc 1729 me assessment 0/ svldence ol hamfwntlng experls was also deal! mm W lndar Dart V Emperor AIR 1931 Lahore 4:25 413 /n Ihatcase In 73 a Velvkala Raw(1913) IL)? 36 Mad 159, 14 IC us, V3 CI LJ 225 was cued and also a quolarion lrom Dr Lawson's work on the Law 0/Expert and oprmon Evidence, which runs as fa//own‘ ‘The evidence cl me Qemllnsness ol (he Sryrlalurs based won me comparison cl nanclwmmg and of ms OPINION of experts IS anlll/ed lo Dvfinsr consldelallon and welqhf. It must in confund howvvor lnnl it is of mo lowest ordor ol tvidtncv or 0! m. mos! unsllishckoty chnnclar. We lnlian am in mi; apinion axpariancnd layman unim wilh ma mnmburs olln. I-gal pmhssion. oull kinds ol wldanu adlnm-ad In a cam lh/s Is in- most unullsfacfovy. It I: so wnk -nd docnpit as scnrctly to llunrw - plncl in our system or Iurisprudonco - ln Srlkanl V King Emperor AIR 1953 so 1723, rwo learned judges olme Allahabad High Cour! observed mm 33 SN LMMZEMIEwNZGG4JPN7w -um Snl1n\l-vihnrwmlxe used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm n. .mm mm '10 ban a conviction upon in. lvtdorlci u! .n "pm in iunawming I1, I: n gonmi mic. my uns.r..' [Emphasis aimed} [so] Returning to iiie instant maner, the iearnea Magistrate iouria tha| PWL PW2 and DW2 have adequate skiiis arid experience in anaiysing nanawniing inciuaing signatures. However, the teamed Magistrate was Mlhe opinion that PW2 was better equipped with better equipment and kncwiedge in tanning her opinion Acmrdlng tn the learned Mlgisfile. DW2's mslhadology was corivenlionai because he used magnifier, oiienay and microscopic wriiisi PW2 used specirai mmparalorto which better View at the signature can be obtained. In iegards Io PW1, the learned Magistrate iouna man even inougn she did not use any equipment In examine, PW1 had cleariy took Into both signaiuves and was zbie In see the ditferenizes and similarities withoul the aid ofany equipment [51] PW1 look mree is; working days to prepare ner reimn Nu equipmeni was used [52] um look almul one (1) to Ma (2) months in examine irie questioned signature on lhe win and the specimen signatures He usea several equipment in conducting ms analysis. i aesisoope BS302DT Pmimcior Overiay Grid Ruler Hand Magninei :4 SN LMMZEM/Ewm2Gs4iPN7w “Nuns s.ii.i in-vihnrwm be used M van; i.. nflginniily Mimi dnunvilrit VII nFiuNG pom! [63] DW2 has Produced ms reporl won se|s out (he anawsus and comparison at the queslmnnd sngnalura an the w-u wulh I0 ulher s4gna|ures of Rex. n can be seen fmm me genera! may 01 a blown up imagewlagmfied 4 «ms orA()0%)oHhe qussnoned slgnalure. venous lemwmlngdes. Vabels at venous strokes and forms were marked snowing the characlensncs o1Rex‘s signature Delailed reasons were given by DW2 tor usmg all the equipment menlvoned \n ma above -n ms (es|Imony DW2 oomparisorvs In numerous onans in ms expen repon reached ms cunduslnn afier making momma [54] In gmng nis opmion Ihal me quesucned swgnalure vs hke\y m be genume, nwz answered as €aIlcws: ADS .Can you exmam your findmg: m para 4 sxs Because o/me presence offine dem//s, a/nnese are Inund In me quesnonea srgmalure and /rkery me queslronsd srgnalurs .s gsnmne ADS ‘The prsssncs olfinsr data:/s represents wnsl? sxs man: Is likely zo be genums sagnatura ADS 'S:mr/alilies in page 1: Hats mu say altogether I found 73 matclwvg signatures, smulanl/es you found? SKS :Page 15, me cunnamm oflop curve can you tell us my brref, what any me ADS wnwng mm/amen! It szens at page 15 wnm you mean by wnrrng movement? sxs :Tne curves are graceful 01 not rne slailgoes szrargnr ocwn and no wavering Arse oonlmu/ly and coherence The coherence means that me pens are moss Iugslhsr :5 en Lmmszam/Ewmzssmwvw mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: mmn wa munc Wm! ADS page 15, maybe you can grva us an sxampoe sxs The more angular mm is Iuund rn x4 them Is a sngnt cum and there IS an angular mm ADS .wna: does lms snow Io you sxs .‘Thu abrupt tum rs axpectad //I o Abrupt mm 15 when (here Is 3 snstgm and smmn curve. ADS sltuw us when is [ms laurrd in Q sxs cum 4 Thslu Is a straight stroke and sudden curve S1 1, stmrgm stroke and /nlemal cans/slency AKS what does Ilus mdlcals? SKS It 75 normal Page 15, pom! no.39 There ts a flaw The wnung movsmsnl IS same but pm vanalton 0/ hand pmssum ADS Show us a and tell us why you say is smmar sxs Same mcwsnlcm humus! dmmu vsnalmn. " [55] where PW2 Is concerned apart iron: using the Vuisu Spectral Comparator woo‘ tter assessment was based on a naked eye evaluatton [561 The tnvasltgaung cmcer PW7 provtded I0 speumens sIgna|ure to PW2 and «we were photocopy spectmens (P-Illa) and P41 (12)) Accurdmg to D—52, a document which lays down the requtretnents rot examlnaunn otaocumentstmm the Chemistry DeparImenlolMalsIysta. me documents sent tar exammatton must be tn the farm at ongmal documerfl and that :5 am Lmmszam/Eum2Gs41PN7w «mt. s.n.t n-vthnrwm .. t... M van; .. mn.u.y mum: dun-mm VII .ntm pans! vonumen eeiinen iomsiai atsu seiinun karbon Iidak eeeuei uriluk psrbandingan den skan menisjasksri psmoriksssn" [67] In olherwords, a Dhnwoovy decurneni is inappropriate to be used ior oampanson and WM afiec| me exeinmenon This was agreed upon by PW2. [68] speoimenl e. PH»1a) The remaining mne specnnens ieumi which only PW2 then ionneu her opinion pverms/ed on the phclooopy e\gh| (a) were origmmsj were abandoned by PW2 In her ana\ys|s [G91 signature aulhured by me same person are bound |o nappen rne ceuns auenuon is bruugm to we Illeralule aulhoved by nu. Wllson R Heuieon enuued ‘Suspect Documanls ‘I'I|alrSI:Ianl|l|I: Examlnallon (J*- Indian Rlprlnl) znna" slates as laflows: u cannm be disputed Ihal vanaliuns .n one or more genuine "As no Mo genuine sianeruiee an identical, It follows nut in eigneium, s with nendwriiing in generei, e certein emouni or nnmnl mieiion in mm cie lvn mus! bl Ixpoctnd end cansoquomly allmvod fur, whancvlr signltuius -re Ming compand lo deiennine wimim or nor may MI Ofcommon eumouivip. Nothing is man ceicuimd la bring me eomperison or Iundwriling imp caniunpr mun the attitude or me wlmass wna decieres - genuine siannure in be - rumuy because .1 deperu in some -iereii of ienei av SIN Lumzam/EumzGs4aPN7w None Sum i-nhnv WW be used m mm u. nvVn\iuH|Y mm; dun-mm VI] erium wim dulgn from ellmr ol me mo genulrre specrrrluls ne has und :5 tho mm or me comparison. This kind at fully nu lupperled wmlln me oxporlerlce 0! th- -uurdr [Emphasls added] 170] In re clear lnal PW|‘s evidence ls laeklng ln dela exarnlnalldn and analysls. ll re 01 me cdnsldered vlew \ha| lne lenlls or metlculous exarn-nallon, analysls and epneldsldn lprnled by DW2 are more credlble than lne evldence ol PW2 whrch are queslldneble and eemprdmlsed as they go agalnsl lhe redwernenl pl lne cnennslry Deparlmem rlsell. [11] Moving on, I! can be observed lnal lne learned MagIstra|e seems lo pe nlple adneerned wlln me eledlmllly dl PW3. lne wlle ol the lale Rex and own, lne lale Rex's brother Thls Omm IS ol lrle odnsldered vlew ma| nolnlng ulrns on [mm men evldenoe lo prove me gull an lne pan :2! me accused One flung VS aenaln, nwa was never at lne accused‘: elrlee al me (lme Rex bruughl me Will lo be dllesled and mere ls no evldenlx: up sndw lhal il was nws dr any dl Rexs lernlly member who had asked me accused up prepare me w M me end at me day, PW3 s challenge on lne vahdlly of me wlll by flllng a clvll sull agalnsl uws was releoled by me Hlgh caurl, Court of Appeal and Federal cam [72] PW4 ls ln lac! an lmpdnanl wllness However. lne evldence at PW4 wnd was pveserll all me rnalenel lune, was only donsldered rn pusslng by me learned Maglslrele Trle learned Meglslrala ldund lllel PW4 cannot be sad in be In eye-wllness In Rex signlng lne WIII because PW4‘s allerldenoe was nel planned The pmseculmn dn ma 13 SW Lundzam/Ewm2Gs4lPN7w -nee s.n.l 1-vlhnrwm be used m van; me nflglrrnuly enn. dun-vlnrrl wa nFluNG wnxl outer hanu harped on the had that the Wm was nm explained In Pvw am msrelore me wm cannot be said we be a \egiIIma|e wm. These are Irmevanl and a non-Issue nerem U3] The crux oI he PW4’s evidence can be seen hem Ihe reuewmg excerpxs ‘On that pamcu/ar day, my Inlsnllofl lo /nee! Mr Sunrr, ms oflrcral name sr Mr vassnza Amarasekara, my Imennon )8 lo invite him for Iunch (hat was my only inlsnlian so, I parked me car down slsrrs end Irush up and lush In. and I shouted 'sunn, let's go In much’ wmnn a second he just looked aI ms‘ Iess man one minme and ask me, ‘can you come and srgn this WI/ . " My auIornan's reaclian was ‘I'm hungry Isls go down and eat fun And he says, "na, no, no‘ please srgn ms WI” and he mennotv a very Iong name. (said, “I can't srgn because I are not know me name olme person" and Ihal when he Imedecled and sard ns ‘A/wrs, Aims” and then I remembeved who Alvis was because I used to work If! Buddhst lomple In Bnckfields and help Iempre I'm very famflrar to this name because he used ro p/ay bedmmton Then, Isafd Iarm/y wil/? He sara yes I sagnsd, so I was weII<Inq our I could see somebody sming Imm my corner oi my eye and I ,us4 walk out because I am very hungry and all this happened in Iess men s mmulee then I lell.‘ syn LMMzaMIEum2Gs41PN7w “ «me Sum nnnhnrwm be used m mm s. nrW\hnU|Y mums dun-mm VII muNG v-mm [74] Ir rs rrreramra alaar lmm ore avrdenoa o1 FW4 In the above, mar mere was no denIa\ on ma pan M FW4 that Rex or Alwls/Nvls as he was known mm was plesanl a| {he accused's omoe U5] Ir is penirram la nme man mere rs an smdavn amrrned by PW4 (D39) on 5 6 zone cunflmunglhal vwa nad rdentmed rrrrrrsewesa vrrand who had known the accused and \he deoaasad (Rex) rn «hrs case |\ cleany shows mar PW4 had descnoed the deceased (Rex) as a “mend that he had known‘ This evvdencs eorwborares the accused's evrdence that he had reminded PW4 cl Rex whom he had known betore [76] Feninenlly, PW8 are invesmgalmg omoer oonfrrmed man when wwa gave his statement under seorrorr 112 or the Cnrmna\ Procedure code, |he Iarrer had conhnned \ha| hewasa witness lo Rex’s WHI PW4 had also corrnrmed that were were two wrrnesses to Rexs win. are accused and rrrmsew PW3 had aarrrrrrrred mar In PW4's alfdavil (may, PM had amrrrred the! he had wrrrressed Rex 5' no me war‘ and Ihls was repealed by PW8 in cross exammalion ms again, aorraoorares ma ar-,orrsed‘s version 0! facts mat PW4 was arromar person who had wllnesssd me s\gmng or me Will by Rex on 13 5.2005 [77] FW4‘s aifidavu (D39) rs a oonlemporaneous duoumarrr and n mus\ be praverrad aga|ns| ore oral ewdence gwen by PW4 which can be seen to be lamy and sketchy In |he aflmawl, it re clearmar PW4 rrad wnlnessed Rex srgnrrrg the wru, PW4 avewed as rouows. -2 Says marryarakarr dr smi hshawa "Wasml" sfmali Adembenage Amanda Fax no Aims berfarikh 13 hanbu/an Jun 2005 dr marra llndltlngln ri dimmrrknr dl ra aw Lmmszam/Ewm2G::41PN7w «ware sanaw In-nhnrwm re used m van; me nnmnnuly MIME dun-mm VII nF\uNG am ovary slgnelure wlll neve slgmilcant chamclarlstlc and not eole lo be coplad by ems! person Alorgea slgnulurscoul-1 reeen-lole me some shape Du! avelylhmg aspeerelly me speual chamcrensllc. nwz explemeu me snepe nflho slgnslurss were slrnller but lallsd lo loenlrly ulna: was the Impunant leelures ol ell me specimen slgnalures. A5 explerned by Pwl and PW2, aven lnera ls one slgnllrcanl mlrerenoe oelween queslloneu slgnsmre and specimen, 1! IS sufflclam‘ I0 canduda me: me slgnalums were not Imm me same person. rne dlllsrsnce n-us: he matellal and slgnlficzanl ena rvotjust a V505!/en. Based on me svaluat/on by com PWV and PW2, mere ls one slgnmcanl lealula lnel absence m the question slgnalule wnlcn me nlams lrne. As DW2s' oolnlon, he concluded ma oombmatlon onne 73 srrrnlarloes as unlaue chsrnclerlsm: However lhe courl uneole lo agree wlln Opinion of DW2 es me unrquenese ls me combmallon :2! me slml/srlliss me: found In all (he spoclmsn slgnelures ln 12 ooeurnenls Thls clearly show me: DW2 lelleo lo idenllly me umquenesa me: appear ln aV9'Y ol the speclmens A/so DW2 slated that me alllerence may appear between quesllcmed slgnelure and speclmen slgnelures ls e Intm of unusual uenellon and should not oe elessmeu ulsllngulsnrng eneraolensllc The noun Illld there rs eonslslency or the specimen signalurss the)! Show val-lellons orslope, curve, shaft and loop. rne consrsleney of hlalus eppeereo III elrnosl every specimen snows lnel me nenll 09' me eulnor. ln lne queslloneu ru LMMZEMIEwNZGGsnPN7w «ma Sum! nmhnrwm be u... m may he ennmuu mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max hadapan sm dc/am waslal nezseom: [Emphasis added] [13] It \s a pnnclme ov law ss|ah|Ished Ihmugh plethora of aumonues men contemporaneous documents musl be omveneo lo ova! ev-aenee (see T|nflok sour some stir: and v Tlnluv ca [1912] 2 um 22:, Foo Sam Illlng v Archl Environ Pmnmmo [2004] 1 IILJ 449 and Elh-ruddln bin Ahmld v Public FrmIcu(ov[20|D] 7 MLJ 577). D39 Is a documem made on 0501 end PWA had cnnfirrned that ne had smcmed 039 on 5 5.2005 abeu\ a year ener me Will was execulad. It Is of lhe nonsndsmd vvew (ha! D39 \s a oonlsmmnansuus document. Had me Ieamed Magvslrals evimiled Dag and gwen proper wewghl in me same‘ carmul be msouueo that PW4 was in YaC| a wnness |o lhs wm Vmpnnanlly, cneue was no emoenoe in feel to suggesx lhal Rex um um sign me wm at me accused's ones in me presence M ball: the eoeoseo and vwa As such‘ «ms CcurIflnds|hi1|he\aarnad Maqlsvala erred In making me lnHaw|ng nnoings 1 That “there rs no eye wnness who seen Rex s/glued me W/H PW4 has nu knowledge ul me conlsnl onne mm. The accused only asked PW4 In Sign lhe mu wrmaul Iurfhsr axplam eonaenz 0! me Mflflor wvfness me person is Rex - Thnl “there rs no dnec: evidence in we case rnere rs no eye w/mess eecepr me accused rn we case PWA on: not nnness Rex srgn me w//I." [79] Where uruc|a\ enoence mghlnghled .n the mregmng mcludmg me accused‘: vefsxun 01 what Iranspved on 1362005 was nut even 1; sn LMMZEM/Ewm2Gs41PN7w we s.nn n-nhnrwm es used m mm ms nrmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII snum v-vrm ::haHenged by me pmsecuhon and mslead meievanl mailers were being put m cross exam\nalion.Ll1s val: ly ov me wm ramam mac: and has rum in any way proves man me accused had [awed ma Will on 1: s 2on5 Conclullan [so] In hghl of ma abuve, «his cum finds mm mare was no or msufficIen| ludicxm appreciancn oi the enura emdenoe adduced behave the Magwslram Court The accused s awn! was allowed. The cmmcnon and sentence under secnon 467 a! the Pena! Code was set aswde and me accussd was dvscharged and aaqumea. Thu sweat againsx sentence by the Pvcsecution was dvsrnissed. Daled 14 November 2023 [Ma um BADA‘R|3DD|N] Judge Higr. pun 01 Ma\ay3 Kuala Lumpuv Dopuly Publh: Pmmum Nlk Mahd Fadh bin Dam’ Nlk Az\an Altnmey Genera\‘s Chambers Counwls tor the Raspondem Alex Nandaseli De Silva lugetharwnh Angehne Tay Lee vm Messrs Bndxpalar Ponnuduraw De Sflva lKua|a Lumpuvl az sw maazawz.mzas4wm.. -ma saw be used m mm s. mm-y mm: dun-mm wa muNG pm srgnaluras snow unueue/ wmcn cunsfstancy of flow end vwfling uwz agreed me: were »e venanons snnw ne pen in: rn me quasfmnad signatura rne appearance of mezus snow them 75 e break end mue me signatures not conlmuntron afpan movement. Tharufouz, Cour! rened me apmrnrl Irom Pwv end PW2.' [11] Rewlng on lhe opinion of PW1 and PW2 me Veamed Magxslmh ¢aund mat me signature on the Wxll did not ongmale lmm the person Mm signed me specmven dawmsnls. [ca] The Ieemed Magwslmte further (ound Ihal smce mere was no eye wnness wne eeund lesmy men .1 was Rex who signed me wm exoepl 10! me amused who have kept me wm and trial n was me accused wno had surrendered me wm lo me lawyer appoinmd by Rex‘: larmly‘ such circumstances oomd nmy need In me eenclusxen Ihal n was me acwsed who had forged Rex‘s sxgnatuve Tne Mag\slra|e slated: '14 6] From lhs ewdenee adduced in me course onne mat, only accused has me access In me wm and no one has knowleflge al me existence 0/ me mu Accused knew Rex endum and agreed lo ne/p Rex mm mm wrthou! charging any fee or open any me m me Inm let me vwu. There Is no preparation signmg VWI In me accused‘: ofcs as no witness prspersd PWA enendenee was not planned and Rex did no! commumcale Ia such important documenz. No real wanes: seen Rex signed me my except amused Accused was me one (Iva! surrender me my to me rewyer appomtod by me lamrly ol Rex. mus, wnn me man cl 5 sm wmszam/Eum2Gs41PN7w «we. sun e. u... m mm .. ennnue mm: dun-mm VII .nuuc we ewdenco, (here ;s no one mum have access lo Wr/I and me wm was kenl by the accused. Such emu: mam only conclude ma: accused forged the signature rn 1719 w.// and me: would be an/y rnlsmnce to be drawn In this Cass " Summary of mu Armand‘: canunuons [191 summanly, me accused mnlendslhal me beamed Magwshale had erred m failing to consider the Iouowmgs: 1. The arwavn amrmea by PW4 (D39) oonfnrmng that he had wvlnessed me signing or me wm by me Vale Rex‘ 2 The evidence of spa an me stakemenl gwen by PWA In him under sermon 112 of me Cnminal Pmcedure Code. 3 The amuseds defence [20] In addmnn, me learned Maglsllme .5 submmed to have erred m lakmg Inln amuunl irr¢\evan| mauers m arm/mg in! her concmsxon Ihai lhe accused was sunny 0! lurgery. Summnryof lhn Pruinclniolfs Conlcnlionl [21] me pmseculmn subrmts mm the learned Magislraie had ngnuy adrmlled and accepted the evldsnne a{PW| and PW2 whnare fllmlmed experts V! the fiemi ol handwriting exammahons Further he evndsnca 07 PVV3 i5 sad to he ralevanl and suppnrlad by PW1 and PW2 where Pwa had Isslmsd ma| the signature m the win Is not the accused‘: swgnahue PW3‘s ewaence Is subvmlled to be ra\avan\ under secllun 47 7 sm Lunczam/Eum2G::41PN7w mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm nnhe Ev|dsnoeAcl195D as she Is me person who was acquainled with \he handwnling enrer husband, irre iaie Rex. [221 In regards In F-we II is submitted that re does rromuamy to he an eye witness to F(sx's signalure since he did not know and was rrei lnld nl [he content of the WM and his pressnl at the acwsed's ONCE was just a co" 'denoe and no expianeirorr was anereee Io him by the accused as ie irre rraiure oi irre vwu, Erreirrauorr Ind Flndlngs [231 Al me nulssl me primary issue (or oerrsrdereuorr in «us appeal is wirenrer me accused had in rear, idrgea by placing me sigrraiure purpomrrg \u be irrai ul Rex er the WW This in mm rrrviies a consideralion of me rrrarrrrer er proof of a charge at iergery where ingredients required in sairsiy a charge under seclmn 457 oflhe Penal code musl be considered [24] Seclion 457 ei me Perrel Code provides as Ieudws:— '..Whoever lorges a document wrvch purports to be a yerrrebie securriy or a win‘ ov err emnomy lo edopi e son, or wrrrerr pulpmfs Ia grvs aufhamy ie erry person to make or rrerreler erry valuable secrrrrry, or re reeerve rrrrr pnrrcrpe/, interest, or diwdends rrrereorr, or to receive ar its/Ivar erry rrrorrey. moi/tibia properry, or Va/uable securiry, er erry deerrrrrerri per-perrrrrg in be err eequrnarrce or receipt, eckrrewiedgrrrg me paymsrll errrrerrey or an aoqulllaricfl or reeerpr Ier me delivery olarry rrreveirie pmpsrfy or valuable securriy. srre/I be rwrrrsned with irrrprreorrrrrerrz rer a term s sm wmszam/EwNzGs41PN7w «me semi nnrihnrwm rs. LAIQ4 m mm r... nflmrrnflly mi. dun-rinrrl y.. nFiuNG vtmxi wnrcn may extend to twenty yeard, and shall also ca name to /tne " [25] The essenuat ingredients of the offence which need to be established by me prosewlion are - tn the accused must have tongeo a document‘ am (in lhedocumenl must be aneafthe clases spectned In me sectton, [see Law otcritnes by Ratanlal at Dhirailal 3rd Ed on Q 2346) [25] ‘Forgery’ tn turn ts oeflneo VI sectton 463 at the Penal Code as lollows - 'Whoewr makos any Ialsl documant or part cvf a documnnl wzm iglln! la cause damp or rrriury lo the public or to any plrsan or to support any c/arm or me or to cause any person to party with property, or to enter mlo any express or rmplted contract, or Will‘! mlsnl to commit fraud or that fraud may be comnttflsd eommtts Iorgerr [Empnasts added] [27] The defimllnn at 'makmg a Ialse document’ is set out In sermon 454 ot the Penat Code The Satd secttcn prcvioes lhal a person ts satd |a have made a tatse document it il tans underane ot the 3 limbs vrntcn aIe— ‘A person Is sate to make a Ia/ss uocument — (a) wno dlshoneslly or rraut-tutentty makes, stgns, seals, or executes a document or part ola document. 5 stn LMMZEM/EwN2Gs41PN7w -rue s.r.t nnvthnrwm be used M yaw .. otwtnnflly mt. dun-mm VI] nfluNG mu or nukes eny mark denoting me sxsculron ol a document, mm the tntentton of causing rt to be behaved that such document was mede, srgnsd, seated at axaculed by me eutnenty or a person by wnom or by whose autnorny he knows met I! was not made, signed, sealed, at executed. or at 5 Nine at wnton he krmws met I! was not made, Stgnad, sea/ed. or sxeculed, win: without tewtut nulltorm/. dtenoneetty or mudutenxty, by oencettetton or omerwtse, ts/tors a document in any tneterret part meteor, after I! has {D} neon rneue or executed enner by hrrnsetr or by any other person, wnetner such person be /Mng or dead at the Itme culsuch etteretton, or tn) who dtsnoneetty or rmudutet-my eeum uuy pusan lo stgn, seat, execute or etter e document, knowing tnet such person by reason ofunsoundnass ofm/m1 or tnroxtcaltan nartnal, or Inn! by reason at danepbon pvacltced upon ntrn he does not, know the cantsnls at the document or the nature :3! me etteretton." [Emphams edttee] [231 From the toregotno definmons in the Penal code, it is ewdenl that the tssue et the tergery at the Will in the instant mallet can be astoerlainad by eenstdenng whether the accused dtd 'dishonesfly ar tmudutehtty make or Sign me Wtll, or evan a can enhe wm with the Inlermcn 07 cau l \o be behaved lha| Ihe VVi|| was made by Rex, to SIN LMMzaMtEwN2GssnPN7w «we. s.n.t n-nhnrwm e. u... m van; .. enhr.u.y MIMI dun-mm vu mum pans!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Pengakuan bersalah di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan. Hukuman Bon Berkelakuan Baik di bawah seksyen 173A (2)(B). Pleading guilt under section 323 Penal Code.
Puan Farah Nabihah Binti Muhamad Dan
1 DI DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET JENAYAH 3 IPOH DALAM NEGERI PERAK NO. KES: AA-85-53-07/2022 ANTARA PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN KUSHALANI A/P KALIAPPAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN LATAR BELAKANG [1] Alasan penghakiman ini disediakan atas notis rayuan yang difailkan oleh TIMBALAN PENDAKWARAYA (TPR) yang tidak berpuas hati dengan hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan selepas OKS mengaku salah. [2] OKS telah dituduh di bawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan di hadapan Mahkamah ini pada 25 Julai 2022. OKS hadir sendiri semasa pertuduhan dibacakan dan OKS diwakili peguam. Setelah pertuduhan 14/11/2023 15:49:41 AA-85-53-07/2022 Kand. 24 S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 dibacakan, OKS tidak mengaku salah dan memohon bicara ke atas pertuduhan tersebut [3] Mahkamah telah menetapkan tarikh untuk sebutan serahan dokumen dan juga lantikan peguam. Pada tarikh yang seterusnya, OKS telah melantik peguam untuk mewakili beliau. Peguambela mengakui penerimaan dokumen dan mohon tarikh lain untuk menghantar representasi. Representasi pihak pembelaan kemudiannya telah ditolak dan satu tarikh perbicaraan telah ditetapkan. [4] Pada tarikh bicara 14 Ogos 2023, pihak pembelaan memaklumkan bahawa OKS ingin mengaku salah dan mohon agar satu tarikh ditetapkan. [5] Tarikh fakta dan hukuman ditetapkan pada 7 September. Pihak pendakwaan memohon untuk meminda pertuduhan dan pertuduhan pindaan telah dibacakan sekali lagi. OKS telah mengaku salah [6] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan Fakta Kes (eksibit P1) dan P1 telah dibacakan kepada OKS. OKS telah mengakui P1. [7] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan eksibit-eksibit seperti berikut: P2 – LAPORAN POLIS P3 – RAJAH KASAR P4 A HINGGA D – GAMBAR KEJADIAN S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 P5 A HINGGA D – GAMBAR KECEDERAAN P6 – LAPORAN PERUBATAN [8] Kesemua eksibit telah dirujukkan kepada OKS dan OKS telah mengakui kesemua eksibit-eksibit. [9] Mahkamah telah menerima pengakuan salah OKS, mendapati OKS bersalah. Setelah mendengar dan mempertimbangkan hujahan-hujahan mitigasi dan hujahan pemberatan oleh Timbalan Pendakwaraya serta keseluruhan fakta kes, Mahkamah ini telah menjatuhkan hukuman perintah bon berkelakuan baik di bawah SEKSYEN 173A (2)(B) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah selama 3 tahun dengan jaminan RM2000 dengan seorang penjamin. [10] Rentetan daripada keputusan tersebut, pihak pendakwaan tidak berpuas hati dan telah memfailkan rayuan terhadap hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah dalam tindakan ini. PERTUDUHAN [11] OKS telah dituduh ke atas pertuduhan pindaan seperti berikut – BAHAWA KAMU PADA 17/01/2021 JAM LEBIH KURANG 12OO HRS, BERTEMPAT DI HADAPAN JELAPANG SQURE NO 2 JALAN JELAPANG 2,JELAPANG IPOH PERAK DI DALAM DAERAH IPOH, DI DALAM NEGERI PERAK,TELAH DENGAN S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 SENGAJA MENYEBABKAN KECEDERAAN KEPADA DEVI A/P MAYALAGU, KPT: 610207085506 DAN YANG DEMIKIAN KAMU TELAH MELAKUKAKN SUATU KESALAHAN YANG BOLEH DIHJUKUM DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 323 KANUN KESEKSAAN. HUKUMAN: HENDAKLAH DIHUKUM DENGAN PEMENJARAAN SELAMA TEMPOH YANG BOLEH SAMPAI SETAHUN, ATAU DENGAN DENDA YANG BOLEH SAMPAI DUA RIBU RINGGIT ATAU KEDUA-DUANYA. [12] Semasa pengakuan salah OKS diambil, OKS diwakili peguam dan mitigasi telah dilakukan oleh peguambela OKS. [13] Rayuan OKS secara ringkasnya adalah OKS merupakan seorang ibu Tunggal yang menjaga anak berusia 5 tahun tanpa bantuan daripada bekas mentua. OKS berkerja sebagai jururawat di NUHS Singapore dengan pendapatan 1500 USD. Pihak pembelaan memohon agar Mahkamah menberikan perintah untuk bon berkelakuan baik ke atas OKS memandangkan jika OKS disabitkan di atas kesalahan, OKS akan mengalami kesukaran untuk kerja beliau memandangkan satu sabitan kesalahan, waima dengan hukuman denda akan timbul apabila majikan OKS membuat semakan tahunan S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Pihak pembelaan telah merujukkan Mahkamah kepada kes PP V MUHAMMAD FIQRY JAFRI DAN MUHAMMAD FAHRY JAFRI [2020] 5 LNS 12 di mana Mahkamah telah memberikan hukuman perintah bon berkelakuan baik. Pembelaan juga merujuk kepada kes PP V Morah Chekwube Chukwudi [2017] mengenai factor-faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan Pertamanya adalah “severity”. Dalam kes ini, ini adalah melibatkan keluarga di mana mangsa merupakan bekas ibu mertua OKS. Kesalahan bukanlah kesalahan serius dan kejadian adalah OKS menampar pipi kiri mangsa Pihak pembelaan juga berhujah bahawa walaupun satu tempoh telah berlalu, pengakuan ini masih menjimatkan masa Mahkamah dan OKS juga memberi Kerjasama penuh [14] Hujahan pemberatan daripada pihak pendakwaan secara ringkasnya pula adalah seperti berikut :- Pihak pendakwaan mohon hukuman lebih berat dan membantah permohonan di atas mitigasi. OKS telah menampar bekas mertua beliau setelah beliau menyerahkan anak dan mangsa alami kecederaan di pipi kiri. OKS sepatutnya berfikir masa depan sebelum melakukan kesalahan. Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa mahkamah tidak terikat untuk mengikuti kes-kes yang dirujukkan oleh pihak pebelaan memandangkan kes-kes yang dirujuk merupakan kes majistret dan S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 juga di dalam kes yang dirujuk, OKS-OKS adalah masih muda. Dalam kes semasa, OKS bukanlah pesalah muda. Pihak pendakwaan memohon hukuman bersifat deterren dan pengajaran. Pihak pendakwaan juga memohon agar hukuman yang lebih berat dikenakan, HUKUMAN YANG DIJATUHKAN OLEH MAHKAMAH [15] Setelah mendengar dan mempertimbangkan hujahan mitigasi oleh peguam OKS, hujahan pemberatan Timbalan Pendakwaraya serta keseluruhan fakta dalam kes ini, Mahkamah ini telah mengeluarkan perintah PERINTAH BON BERKELAKUAN BAIK di bawah seksyen 173A (2)(B) KANUN TATACARA JENAYAH selama 3 tahun dengan jaminan RM2000 dengan seorang penjamin. ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN [16] OKS telah mengaku salah sebelum tarikh perbicaraan dimulaikan, meskipun bukan pada kali pertama pertuduhan dibacakan. [17] Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa secara dasarnya, pengakuan salah akan menjadi satu faktor mitigasi bagi hukuman memandangkan OKS telah menjimatkan masa kesemua pihak yang terlibat termasuklah Mahkamah yang akan mendengar perbicaraan serta S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 pihak pendakwaan yang perlu memanggil saksi-saksi jika perbicaraan dijalankan. [18] Merujuk kepada kes SAU SOO KIM V PP [1975] 2 MLJ 134 Hakim Suffian L.P di dalam penghakimannya telah mengatakan:- Whether a person is a hardened criminal or not I feel that a plea of guilty should be treated as a mitigating factor. It not only saves the country a great expense of a lengthy trial but also saves time and inconvenience of many, particularly the witnesses. [19] Namun begitu, Mahkamah turut mengambil maklum bahawa di dalam menjatuhkan hukuman, di dalam mempertimbangkan mitigasi peringanan hukuman dan juga hujahan pemberatan hukuman, Mahkamah perlulah pertamanya mempertimbangkan mengenai kepentingan awam dan kemudiannya menimbangkan kepentingan awam bersama kepentingan OKS. [20] Kes Fan Yew Teng v Public Prosecutor [1975] 2 MLJ 235 dirujuk: In deciding appropriate sentence the first and foremost consideration is the public interest. [21] Kes Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor v. PP [2001] 4 CLJ 9 juga dirujuk, di mana Y.A Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyatakan: "It cannot be gainsaid that the most onerous function of any court is to decide the appropriate sentence in any criminal case. In deciding the appropriate sentence, a court should always be guided by certain S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 considerations. The first and foremost is the public interest. In that context the interest of justice should no doubt take into account the interest of the offender. But it is often forgotten that the interest of justice must also include the interest of the community. In assessing sentence, the court should balance the interest of the offender with the interest of the victim and strike a balance, not, of course forgetting that the interest of the public should be of the uppermost consideration." [22] Jelas bahawa di dalam memberi pertimbangan untuk menjatuhkan hukuman, kepentingan awam adalah yang paling pertama untuk dipertimbangkan. [23] Ini yang menjadikan tugas Mahkamah menjadi berat di mana Mahkamah perlulah memastikan Mahkamah menimbang secara adil kesemua hujahan mitigasi dan hujahan pemberatan yang dikemukakan di hadapan Mahkamah ini. [24] Merujuk kepada PP V MD RASHID HARUN [2000] 3 CLJ 832: Courts are duty bound to consider all these matters before deciding upon a suitable sentence”… The sentence must be one appropriate to the gravity of the offence... Accordingly, the sentence should reflect the seriousness of the offence... S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 Mitigating factors are not to be disregarded, even if the offence calls for a deterrent sentence… That is not to say though, that “the circumstances of the individual offender are more important than the protection of innocent members of the community from injury to their persons, or from risk even to their lives”… Public interest must not be relegated to the background. “The correct approach is to strike a balance, so far as possible, between the interest of the public and the interest of the accused. [25] Pada pendapat Mahkamah, hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah adalah hukuman yang berpatutan setelah mempertimbangkan kesemua hujahan mitigasi pihak pembelaan dan hujahan pemberatan dari pihak pendakwaan. [26] Mahkamah juga mengambil maklum bahawa ini merupakan kesalahan pertama OKS memandangkan pihak pendakwaan tidak mengemukakan sebarang rekod lampau kepada Mahkamah. Untuk kesalahan kali pertama, kebiasaanya bagi Mahkamah adalah untuk tidak menjatuhkan hukuman pemenjaraan bagi mengelakkan impak yang lebih teruk ke atas OKS. S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 [27] Di dalam kes Zawiyah bt Ahmad Adam v PP [2006] 4 MLJ 226, Mahkamah telah memutuskan seperti berikut- As the accused has no previous conviction and custodial sentence is not mandatory, in meting the proper sentence, the magistrate has to exercise the discretion judicially by reference to the facts and circumstances of each particular case and having due regard to established judicial principles. In the absence of aggravating circumstances resulting in offences which involve serious elements of criminality, first offenders are generally to be kept out of prison, rather than being given a ‘short. Sharp shock’ in the form of a five-day custodial sentence” [28] Sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman, Mahkamah turut mengambil kira keseluruhan faktor-faktor mitigasi yang diberikan oleh pihak pembelaan dan setelah itu, Mahkamah membuat keputusan untuk mengeluarkan perintah Bon Berkelakuan Baik ke atas OKS di bawah seksyen 173A (2)(b) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. [29] Seksyen 173A (2)(b) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah tertera seperti berikut: (2) When any person is charged before the Court with an offence punishable by such Court, and the Court finds that the charge is proved, but is of opinion that, having regard to the character, antecedents, age, health or mental condition of the person charged, or to the trivial nature of the offence, or to the extenuating circumstances under which the offence was S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 committed, it is inexpedient to inflict any punishment or any other than a nominal punishment or that it is expedient to release the offender on probation, the Court may, without proceeding to record a conviction, make an order either (a)…. (b) discharge the offender conditionally on his entering into a bond with or without sureties, to be of good behaviour and to appear for the conviction to be recorded and for sentence when called upon at any time during such period, not exceeding three years, as may be specified in the order. [30] Di dalam hujahan pemberatan, pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa kes yang dirujuk oleh pihak pembelaan tidak mengikat Mahkamah memandangkan ianya adalah kes Mahkamah Majistret dan juga bahawa pesalah di dalam kes tersebut adalah pesalah muda, manakala di dalam kes semasa, OKS sudah berusia melebihi 21 tahun dan bukan lagi seorang pesalah muda. [31] Meskipun Mahkamah tidak terikat dengan kes tersebut, Mahkamah masih mendapati bahawa kes-kes yang dirujuk membantu Mahkamah di dalam membuat keputusan dan faktor-faktor yang perlu ditimbang oleh Mahkamah. [32] Selain daripada itu, walaupun OKS bukanlah seorang pesalah muda, undang-undang jelas bahawa seksyen 173A terpakai untuk pesalah muda dan juga dewasa. S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [33] Bagi perkara ini, Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v YEONG YIN CHOY [1976] 2 MLJ 267: I would think that the essential difference in the application of the provisions of section 294 and section 173A of the Code is that the latter is normally intended to be utilised in cases of minor import and calling for exceptionally mild treatment affecting adult and youthful offenders alike where the nature of the offence, the extenuating circumstances of the case and factors peculiar to the offender in question justify and perhaps even require that no conviction be recorded against him, so that although he is either admonished or cautioned or discharged conditionally as provided therein there remains no blemish or stain against him by reason of a conviction being recorded. It would appear to me that it is substantially a conviction that affects a person's standing and record for all time rather than the imposition of any penalty per se, as we do not as yet have any legislative provisions in our statute book on the lines of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974 recently enacted in the United Kingdom which propounds and implements the doctrine of spent convictions. S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 [34] Di dalam mempertimbangkan perintah ini, Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes RE BADRI BIN ABAS [1971] 1 MLJ 202: The object of punishment as has been so often said, is two-fold, first the prevention of offences and secondly the reformation of the offender. Punishment would become a greater evil if, instead of reforming the offender, it is likely to harden him by repeating the crime and thus causing possibly an irreparable injury not only to himself but also tending to defeat the object of punishment. Section 173A, I think, is primarily aimed at dealing leniently with first offenders who are not guilty of offences which are not so serious by giving such persons a chance of reformation which they would lose if they were sent to prison. A person convicted of an offence cannot, however, as of right claim the benefit of section 173A. The exercise of the power is entirely in the discretion of the court and can only be exercised according to the circumstances of each case. The legislature has very clearly enumerated that the age, character, antecedents of the offender, the circumstances in which the offence was committed, the physical or mental condition of the offender, the trivial nature of the offence if it be so, or other extenuating circumstances under which the offence was committed should be taken into consideration while exercising the discretion under this section. An exercise of discretion under this section requires a considerable sense of responsibility and courts should not allow themselves to be misled into applying this section by any misplaced sense of leniency S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 or sympathy. The public must not be led to suppose that any offender may commit any crime without any fear of punishment. If there are circumstances which indicate that the accused had succumbed to a sudden temptation, or the offence committed by him was committed only as a result of a sudden uncontrollable impulse, or it was the result of sheer thoughtlessness, it may afford some reason to exercise discretion under section 173A. These are quite a few of the considerations which may be taken into account. The list can never be exhaustive. There may be innumerable situations and circumstances depending on the facts of a particular case and it is upon those circumstances that the court should exercise its proper judgment. [35] Selain daripada itu, Mahkamah turut merujuk kembali kepada kes PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v YEONG YIN CHOY [1976] 2 MLJ 267: …perhaps even require that no conviction be recorded against him, so that although he is either admonished or cautioned or discharged conditionally as provided therein there remains no blemish or stain against him by reason of a conviction being recorded [36] Secara ringkasnya, pertimbangan Mahkamah sebelum mengeluarkan perintah untuk satu bon berkelakuan baik di bawah seksyen 173A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah adalah seperti berikut: usia, karakter, rekod lampau, fakta kes ini, keadaan fizikal dan mental OKS, faktor S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 keremehan (trivial) kes, faktor-faktor lain yang menyumbang kepada kesalahan ini. [37] Selain itu, Mahkamah juga pertu mempertimbangkan sama ada OKS telah terjatuh ke atas tarikan tiba-tiba (sudden temptation), kejadian berlaku atas tindakan yang tidak dapat dikawal (sudden uncontrollable impulse) ataupun tidakan yang tidak difikirkan (sheer thoughtlessness). [38] Tambahan pula, pertimbangan juga boleh diberikan untuk fakta bahawa satu sabitan akan memberikan kesan yang buruk kepada OKS (leaving a stain against him) [39] Namun begitu, meskipun dengan setiap faktor ini, ianya adalah di bawah budibicara Mahkamah sepenuhnya untuk membuat keputusan sama ada untuk memberikan perintah ini ataupun tidak. Mahkamah boleh membuat keputusan sama ada untuk memberikan hukuman yang ringan atau untuk memberikan hukuman yang lebih berat. [40] Di dalam kes semasa, Mahkamah membuat keputusan untuk memberikan peluang kedua kepada OKS dan membuat keputusan untuk mengeluarkan perintah ini. [41] Di dalam kes semasa, OKS telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan. Semasa OKS menghantar anak untuk penjagaan bekas suami, OKS telah menampar mangsa yang merupakan bekas ibu mertua beliau. Akibat daripada ini, mangsa mengalami "tender over left cheek bone with minimal swelling" dan diagnosis tertera sebagai "soft tissue injury over left cheek". [42] Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa terdapat sejarah di sebalik OKS dan keluarga bekas mertua OKS. Mahkamah tidak memberikan S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 penekanan yang tinggi ke atas fakta ini, namun begitu, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa ianya turut menyumbangkan kepada faktor mentaliti OKS. [43] Mahkamah juga mengambil kira fakta bahawa kejadian ini bukanlah kejadian yang dirancang dan ianya telah berlaku secara tiba-tiba. Kejadian berlaku semasa OKS sedang menyerahkan anak OKS kepada bekas suami dan bekas suami telah menyerahkan anak tersebut kepada mangsa. Mahkamah mendapati bahawa fakta bahawa bekas suami OKS tidak melihat kejadian meskipun beliau berada di tempat kejadian semasa kejadian ini berlaku menunjukkan bahawa kejadian tersebut bukanlah kejadian yang berlaku secara besaran ataupun menyebabkan kehebohan yang besar. [44] Selain daripada faktor-faktor ini, Mahkamah turut menimbangkan mengenai faktor pekerjaan OKS pada masa ini yang berkerja sebagai jururawat di Singapura. OKS mendapat pekerjaan ini setelah kes dituduhkan di Mahkamah dan bukanlah sesuatu yang berlaku sebelum kejadian ini berlaku. [45] OKS merupakan ibu tunggal kepada seorang anak kecil yang memerlukan pekerjaan bagi menanggung anak beliau. Satu sabitan akan memberikan impak yang terlalu berat ke atas OKS setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor lain. Ini juga merupakan faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan apabila Mahkamah membuat keputusan untuk memberi peluang kepada OKS dan mengelakkan sabitan untuk kes ini. [46] Setelah mengambil kira keseluruhan faktor-faktor ini, Mahkamah membuat keputusan untuk memberikan hukuman yang ringan ke atas S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 OKS agar OKS mengambil peluang yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah ini sebagai pengajaran dan agar OKS tidak lagi mengulangi kejadian yang sama selepas ini. Mahkamah juga mendapati bahawa melalui bon ini, OKS masih perlu menjaga kelakuan beliau agar bon ini tidak dilanggar. [47] Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa semasa pemberatan, pihak pendakwaan membantah permohonan untuk perintah Bon Berkelakuan Baik. Namun begitu, seperti maklum, hukuman adalah sepenuhnya di bawah budi bicara Mahkamah dan setelah mengambil kira setiap fakta kes, mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah mempunyai hak dan tanggungjawab (“right and duty”) untuk memilih sama ada untuk memberi hukuman yang ringan atau berat. [48] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes R v. Kenneth John Ball [1951] 35 Cr App R 164: “... Our law does not therefore fix the sentence for a particular offence but it fixes a maximum sentence and leaves it to the court to decide what is, within that maximum, the appropriate sentence for each criminal in the particular, the court has the right and duty to decide whether to be lenient or severe.” [49] Sebelum mengeluarkan perintah ini, Mahkamah telah mengambil maklum peringatan sebagaimana di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v Loo Choon Fatt [1976] 2 MLJ 256: Needless to say, the court should not simply jump at exercising the powers under section 173A of the Criminal Procedure Code simply S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 because the accused is a youthful offender and he says he regrets what he has done. It would be useful, I think, if I repeat here what was said by the late Sharma J. in Re Badribin Abas (with which I wholeheartedly agree) as a word of caution on the exercise of discretion under section 173A of the Criminal Procedure Code in that an exercise of discretion under this section requires a considerable sense of responsibility and courts should not allow themselves to be misled into applying this section by any misplaced sense of leniency or sympathy. That section is not meant to be applied indiscriminately to all first offenders who say they regret what they have done and ask for leniency. [50] Setelah menimbang peringatan ini, bersama-sama juga dengan fakta kes serta faktor-faktor mitigasi lain, ditambahkan juga faktor bahawa OKS adalah pesalah pertama, merupakan ibu tunggal dan faktor bahawa sabitan akan memberikan impak yang ke atas pekerjaan OKS, Mahkamah masih mendapati perintah ini merupakan satu hukuman yang berpatutan bagi kes ini. [51] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah berharap bahawa hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah dapat memberikan pengajaran kepada OKS agar tidak lagi melakukan kesalahan ini selepas ini dan agar OKS akan lebih sedar akan tanggungjawab beliau sebagai seorang ibu yang mempunyai seorang tanggungan anak kecil untuk dijaga S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 KESIMPULAN [52] Atas alasan-alasan yang diberikan di atas dan kesemua faktor-faktor yang telah dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan ke atas OKS adalah satu hukuman yang wajar, tidak berlebihan, berpatutan dan menurut undang-undang. BERTARIKH 12 November 2023 FARAH NABIHAH BINTI MUHAMAD DAN MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET KHAS TRAFIK IPOH/ MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET JENAYAH 3 IPOH S/N C3/KHi5DukCDIkKz/9zN6Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2023-11-14T15:51:14+0800
Tika 2.6.0
PEMOHON Kool FM Radio Sdn. Bhd. RESPONDEN 1. ) MAHKAMAH PERUSAHAAN MALAYSIA 2. ) Khairu Norliza Binti Khairudin
Judicial Review - Order for Certiorari to quash the Award of the Industrial Court that the dismissal of the 2nd Respondent was without just cause and excuse - Whether the 2nd Respondent was an employee or an Independant Contractor.
YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid
14/11/2023 11:54:51 WA-25-186-06/2020 Kand. 58 S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N yPHlmM3UKkaCI4YzcJCQDA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal w.\—25—1a6—o5/2n2n Kand. 58 mmznza 11 mum umxmm nuns: MALAVA nu KUALA LLIMPUR luuu wuuvm psnssxurum xum LUMPUR 4a»ucm4 KuAsM<uAsA mus) rs mum szu mxmm N w as-nsnoza Da\am pelknra Awe/d mmmsn pammun Na :95 Tahun ma mnmm u 2 ma dilam Kes Mahksmah Puvusahaan Ne 4/A-sums yang dnlenmu men Pemamn Dad: 20.2 mm Dan Damn pemmnan mum psrmuhanan umuk Wnntah nemaran. Dun Damn mm. Sakiyen 2» Ana Pemubungan Pelusahaan 1951: Dan mm pallura mangarm .l3duB\ 1 Ana Mahkamah Kuhaklman 1964 Dan Dllam pertam Alunn 5: K.aad:h—Kasdan Mahkamah 2m 2 Imam «mu m Rmilo sun. and . Pnmemn Dln v... 1 Mil sm yPH\mM:mKncI4vxucuDA «mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! 1. Dlahlumah Pemsahun many... 2 Knlim Nurliu Biml Khalvudln Respoodnn-Rnivundcn Judgmnm lnlroducllon 1 The Apphoant men an appficallon var Jumcual vemew (Enclosure 5) under Ovder 53 of lhe Rules of Cowl 2012 (Rec) 2 Tne Apphcanl was granted leave to apmy «or luducial vewew against lhe Rsspondanls lo seek Ihe lullowmg reliefs. - 2 1 sualu Penman Certiorari unluk berahh ke Mahkamah Yang Mulaw um umuk (u;uar\ membslalkan semruh keputusan Awad Mankaman Perusahaan Nu 396 Tanun 2020 benankh 1422020 |Awad terssbut) olen Mahkamah Pemsanaan Malaysva (Respcnden Peruma) at am (Penman cemoran lerssbully 2 2 bahawa Pemohon dlhenkan lanwlan masa dx bawah Aluran 53 Kasdah 3(7) Kaedah-Kaadah Mahkamah 2012 unluk memuhan Penman Certmrari (ersebm mengammuwa Penman Kawalan Fengerakan (flan kesemua raniutan yang berkennan) yang berkuatkuasa 15.3.2020 m mana Femohon lvflak mempunyai akses kepada dokuman-dnkumen unluk membmehkannya memfaflkan keriasrkertas kausa bagi memonan bag: Penman cenioran lersebul: 2.3 sualu vennoan bahawa semua pmsmmg selamulnya untuk mengualkuasakan alau melaksanskan keputusan Responden Panama dalam Awad lersebul digamungkan semngga nelupusan muklamad Permuhunan ml cleh Mankaman Vang Mu Ia mu, 2 A semua pannnn dan avahan yang bemaman dan berikulan nendaklan dibenkany mum: m yPH\mM:mKnacI4vxucuDA «mm. saw .. LAIQ4 w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm! The as on emu court lndependnnt Cmltractorv snrployu t4 15 16 17 13 19. The lndustnal court had concluded lhat the 2"“ Respondent was a workman under sectron 2 a1lhelRA However. navtng pemsed the facts nresented lzetdre the Industrial court, 1 am or me new tnat tne learned cnetnnan nad larled to take trltn mnsldemtlon that in agreerng In and tnere-lter execuurlg me lndependent contractor Agreement dated 2702017‘ tne 2"’ Respondent was well and tully aware tnat sne was no longer engaged tn a mntraet ol ssrvlce wttn Synchmsound Studio bu| rnslead a contract rar eennees with the Apollcarll. I (ma tnet, rn line wrtn tne Appllcanfs tnrenlmn In only engage me 2"“ Respondent as an independent contractor, me 2“ Respondent was notrned tnatsne would be requtred lo reglster nerown business belore belng able m execute me new contract tor servloe wrtn the Appllcam. The 2"“ Respondent tnen on 2t 9.2ct7 regrstered a buslness under tne name 01 LKD Emplre and VI her capaaty as an rndependent contractor gave ner absolute acceptance to the Independent Contractor Agreement dated 27.12.2017. cteeny based on me Independent Contractor Agreement dated 21.12 2011, both parlles are bound by me terms at tne sald Agreement. Upan pemsal ollhe sald Agreement, I find mat the lollowlng sallent terms are Incorporated m the Sam Agreement: - t. DEFINHIOMS (a) The renn attne Aqmemem“ mu cummullcu inwn fit‘ n-eunur, 2-2t1 untll st" March 2m untue etnerwlse emnntnnd unfllr Clinic 7 Mnlnt ».nm,m rn yPHlntM:«.lKncI4vxucuDA “Nate s.n.t nurlhnrwlll n. tn... w my r... lnnnun em. dnuuvlnnl Vfl .nune war I I a mnsvsuoauvcounucvon fay n n nanny dedarua by and between me Pumas hernia |h=| It u noun. lnllnllon M mum. Company urlhc mum Ammuncnr nor any (elm In Ihls Aqncmnnl mu hr dnmld lo lmply or bu nunnlnud a III»: on lfllcl 01 cveaflnn mm-n lhum : unauonsmp of emnluyen --npuoyu m n In - mull unammoa mu mu plmns will an! as mdlpundtnl cnnlmclms under mm mm Ind wndlllans or-nu. Ann-mun an For me sake L71 damy nnn nan: Annuumtrxhnll not a. cunslmud as an employee 91 me Company wnmn the amnion und-r nu Emprnymnnl Anl am nur my mm slalulns now In lame or Mrullnr cnmd. As such Ihe cmnpnny Ix unfllr no onugmn at ummy m cnnlvihflll ma emnlflYIHs mniun to in: Emvvay-0' Pmviflenl Fund, socsa lndluv In any amer svammry cmtrlbnllons or dcducllnnl 7 rsmmmou I I 73 Nummhslandnnglhe above an Eumpanymaylnmllnak Ihls Aiveunnnl .4 my tllm by giving the mam Announcnr mm. m dnyl pvior n mm... wmwul gmnn iny reason: and wflhoul Mammy lor cumpamatnon and/ardamagas um Inch lanvwulrun 1 I uz Geneva; The Radln Announcuricknmdledne manna; Aqrllmnnl has boon mm: hull and voluntarily mm In: In: sum Annmmur ms man this Aurumnnl and is ihn xlmu with mu lmowlmgn Ind undurllindlmz of nu (arms And ccmilflans llurvin (emphasis added) (see Applicanrs Amdavn In Surmon El "554" an pagn 1:3) rule :2 .r 2: sm ,w»nnmux»..cuv.ucum mm. smnw n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my n. .mmn.u-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm 20. ‘me 2'“ Respondent auegad that she ttad enlered into me Independent Cantmcmr Agreement dated 27.12.2017 at me insistence urine Applicant i. Puan Nik Na! Azure NIK Mahmoud Howevev, I find tnat there was no documentary evidence produced nature tne industnat Courl to negate tna 2"“ Respondenfs unambiguous and clear accepuinca olma terms and condtuons oi the said Independent contractor Agreement 21 Funhert tnna Ihat |he tndustnat coun latled to take into account the invoice dated 13.7.2013 wntan was issued by the 2"“ Respondent nersett tn the Aopitoant tor ner semces as an independent oontvamnr pursuant to the lndepandenl Contractor Agresmenl datad 27 12 2017, wherein it was stated, inler atta as tnttows - LKD EMPIRE son and l12A7Wt.|l! oars JuIyIa.2Di5 u 1 ran Bung omen iv lufllnmlnrmaumcvvuu \ luv the ma-tlh MJMN zma Bruin Kent at nwto son HHD men t Auoum an em; naymmlfiuviuilltml amoumm. luv ‘ _I7temonmuUu\ zeta nmmam Suvtcn pm owmota .awomota Knflm Mnnuwer rumtne Agreement dam tum: zrm . at mmn zots mm um Iiillvnunl n-y-mm mamnu in. IN Noniu xmtmdatnummm Kw tmavmz I (emphasis added) 22. The industnai court atsn rated to lake mlo oonsmemllon tnat both parlies ttad utttm-my agreed tnat as the 2"“ Respondent was not an emoioyee oi tne Applicant and the Applicant snail oe under no ooiigatton to t:omribu|e in me Employee’: Provident Fund, socso Ind/or to any olher slaluwry oontrtouuons or deductions in respect Mme 2" Respondents angagemenl wilh ins Aoottcant. up 1: ma IN ,»ntnmux..ouv.ucom «mu. s.n.t lunhnrwm .. u... u may t... nflmnnflly MVMI dnuavtml VI muna vtmxi (See: paragraph 6(b)o1lho Indopendnnl connramr Aginrmut daud 27.112017: See paragruph 19 abovn, clause 5(b)) 23. More rrrrponanuy, I nnu that me Industrial own nad (awed to aonsmer Ihal me 2"“ Respondent. m u\IimaIe\y agreemg In her engagement as an mdependenl conlrauor of me Apphmnl and mereaner pmvldvng her sennca under the Vndependent Contractor Agreerneru dated 27122517, ma not raise any ameclmns upon hemp rssusd mm the Tarrnrnanen Laue! dated 15 3 mm, wnerany she had reeeivaa and thereafter acknowxedged me same wrxneux any remarks. 24 Thecunducloflhepamesmthepresenlcasemeanyshawslhatme Inaependem Contractor Agrsemenl dated 27.12.2017 was entered unto rreeuy and vomnlanly wrmpun any omechon by me 2" Resnondent 25 The Federa\ Courl n (he case alAN|n Bank and v. Mohd Kulm @ K.|maI lbrzhim [2013] 1 MLRA 159420131 1 MELR as . (20131 2 MR 213; [2013] uILJ(suvP)1ns; [2013] I CLJ 455 he\d that: - ‘In our wew, me mnducl pr mun parbesr pear lhu rnerpar shows mat ; lmh mnlrad an employment has been agraaa upon by «nern In spin at his premr, an nlpondull eamrnarrm ma Imploymlnl mm mm appuurn under the ntw «urns arm aeeemea ma nlhr cl rrun rrnplnyrnem m conllnund In went rm ma rlllnmlm an. r 55, In am. more nhnnm M -Inyiurlmr mqoflallom on or. In: M nllnmcm. We have cnrmdlmd ma runrnrssran lhnl ma riwondsm ma -scented -na appelanfs ufler under Indnccmlm by us farmer evnuhyev MM-AGF H! mm lhal rn AMA AC7‘: Iehav Guard 22 March zoos. he was mlovmod um me appaflant nan oflered mm cnnlmwui ernwey-nenn an no less ¢av\7urab\a Ievms ma lmtev howwer came eke: me rener 2:1 mm «rum me appeuann, aaxea 2a Marcn zoos Thus, when na mourvud me Amnncrs reuer me raspondem was Vuly aware av me new Aenns new afiemd up nrrn, re, a hash arnpmyrnenx mm nswmrms una no: a command emmaymnni) mdudmg - new rurrarnam age at 55 We cannm euncmde lhal mere nas been any mlsmpml-Hlilnun ar undua mlluenoa when (M msponden| acceplaa me new mmm:1 pt empkzymenl under me anprnax uuntracl wan Amn-ACF nna vewonden| may lsmunale ma arnproyrnanx by gwmg snnfisxm mime no me emmcyer In Ims case ne nea wuvnd lh-I nmree Ahhough mum war no cumrensau bmwuan cm Dlmu an In nn. rsmsmervl age me ewdenoe as we vrewaa mam. shamed mm are appauarn mm rrrrn an is one: nnar ma mIAvan|en| age be 55, and me respnndem aoamod up up emmuyed undartha nawlerms so... 11 an x: srn yPH\nuM:mKncI4vxucuDA “Nana a.n.r nmhnrwm be mad m my r... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl .nuna pmar flu pm» in MM bound by man nlw comm of Implo mo rupomitnl nccnpku me new llrml am umrncl. no u d-mm: lo nave um Ilw horwfil M um damn whully; m cm" wards m mum mm In um In Ippmblh mu nplohmt mm the comma! nu ma Iqmd In." (emphasxs added) 26 The court at Appeal m me case of Aalapools (M) Sdn and v. IJM Comtrucllon sun End [2009] 3 MLRA 31 2010] 3 MLJ 7; rm1o]2 CLJ 23 ha\d as louaws V 141 In connmmg - wmlnn mntncl mu promud mm M an court was to fllicnvarlhn mutual inlnlllon mm pl rm union or an pm:-s mum» ascenalned horn ma document nsen. Thus. me pl Itvumiehvss carmm give fluid nwdlnw lo show um mew Imermons were an variance mm me nrovwsmrs or me wmran documem rm (ask arm mm a dud. mpx. nanny‘ Io mnsmm me canlmcmal helm wvmom any dremncevmen ai to vmal me names imenfled When me mm. at Km pamae are expressed m an dnammg.-dds manned me pnncumes of cnntimcllon wmch are at but my a much My lhe seamh lov ma mlarmon ac me panes cannot be rehad upon In nvemde ma dedimfl mlenhon M lhe puma: unuqulvucnfly axpmssed m In canlucl ddeumem [511 When me mmfls do ma names are expressed m -In unammguous mnnnav, (ha pnumpnes nl mnslmchun man are at 0251 only a cum: m |hI search rdr me Imzenimn er (ht pamas cam-d¢ be rened upon In ovemde Ihe deemed wnarmon cl me names uneqmvocafly axpvused m ma :anIr=I:|do1:umnm (K Avpukuhan Panmkamnd lnnmlvv sxmw Ame-wa cnemamn was Kerala 3037. And when me Intention emu lmm (In lngulyl wmcn may Mw nlld m In: pruum can It mud, and cm mm eemuxmd Ind unnmblunawl, Ihne Is no map. for drnwlnn upon nwaflvuis wnudorahons or nuwund imnnnulu M m- p-mu (TM Urbon cl ma V KImonla\ supra and Ems AIR 1959 Suprurw am 13521 Nrzmflmg IO lhu use cl James Mflluv Ind Partners Lxd v wmnwdnn suee« Estates [Mancms|e1) ud [1970] AC 583 um) I AU 5»: 195 mu‘ once 3 mnlrlnl was man cont-dared u must he -mew-and wmdm remenee m pm-u1nIm:lua\ negohahons ov subwquenl flealmg between one pamss The reasnn my mu uppmach xs may dxsmvmlfle n 5 pmvy to preserve me csruimy gww by www- uonlram (emphasxs added) hr us av 11 am yPH\mM:mKncI4vxucuDA «mm. saw .. U... .a my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! 27 Further. VI the case of Mtchul c Sollo v. united Mulaynn 5-nkinq cerp and [1934] I MLRA181;[1965)l MLJ 454193411 CL! 287, the Federal ooun held . "um lntnmmnl unne panlu xru In M gxmond nan. the I gulp: um. Thly In nrnumtd In hm Intutddd whit Ihty . me oomman and universal prmdpie rs Iha| in agreement Hugh! ta reserved thalodnstmclmn wmrlt nu language mu eenn wmch war but emtuare the mermon dune punter. to he wflected trern the more agreemen- (emphasts added! 25 aesed on the authonhes ctted above. (ms ceun rs enhe vtew that the terms and eondmons oi the Vndependent contractor Agreement dated 27.12 2017 are mam and unambtgaus tndudtng the fixed term Agreement (rom1 12 2017 unm313 zots 29 Therelote, havmg accepted the terms and condtnons er the oontract M emptoyment, the 2M Respondent Is bound by rt and W; Court must gtve eflect lo the sand |arms and cundmcns 30 It Is this Court's mew Ihat VI WDu\t1 be unmnsctcnable [er the 2”‘ Resuandant to be aflowed to ranaga nn her nheotute agreement and acceptance of the clear and tmambrguous terms and oondmans of the saw Agreement 31 Based en the clear and tmambtguaus terms dtthe agreement above‘ tl ts near that the tndustnat ceun had ened WV tact and/er taw In errwrng at :15 decistcn that the rerauonshrp between the Applicant and the 2" Respondent was that ol the emp\oyer- employee nelattcnshlp when tl lafled to take tnlo amount that - 1a) The irtlanhan cl pames when entenng min the tndependent contractor Agreement dated 27 12.2017: (D) Wu: 2“ Respondent was at all malsnal umes aware or her engagement as an mflependent contractor and she had unreservedty accepted the same, and (c) the 2'“ Respondent had understood and unreservedly agreed and acoepled all the terms and eondmens Iheretn‘ Indttdmg her engagement at an rndependeht contractor and not an employee at the Apnltcant vandiatu rn yPH\nuM:mKncI4vxucuDA “Nair smut nuvthnrwm be t... m my r... nrW\n|H|Y mm: dnuumnt Vfl .nune Wm! waged ‘Control’ by tho Appttsarit 32 33 34 35. as 31. The tridustriat court trad ptaeed reliance on Clauses 2A and 5 or the independent contractor Agreement dated 27.t2.2t1t7 tn apptyirig the con|roI test to tuslify that the 2"’ Respondent was required to ptovlde tier exclusive services to the Apphcanl Howeveri having perused the sense papers, this court I5 ottne view that the Industrial Court had tailed to take into eecount tnat the atteged ooritret by the Applicant had arisen out or a tegrtirriate axareise at its zxmtraciual iigms spelled out in the tndapariderit contractor Agreement dated 27 t22ut7t terrris o1 wftiuh were unreservedty agreed upon by both partres at all material times This court views that tne degree at earitrot subjected to the 2"“ Respondem (if any) did nnl at any material time exceed We Applicants rights under the independent contractor Agreement dated 2712 2017 As explained by the Appticenrs witness in his testimony: 11 tnere is no mrtlrui vang Ant it tneie will contain oaricatiy is riiiseoiiairo iii ieririset aaaa nl mntlrtl ins zomparty wt“ be ii.ei. Ind Iltlu .. . IIIK oi tom; the DHSWIESE iicerire Mn niriiiirio radio bustrtess under Maui. mis- tsee. Apptteerire Mdltlonll Aflldavll tsxritatt FD2-1) et 3:190 55}. t rind that Ihts tact was riot wnstdeved by the tridustriat court in haridtiria dawn tne tmpugrted Award. Further. tne tndirstnat Courl had also tailed to eorisider that there was in tact a dittererice in the degree at eontrot (it any) by the Apptir-arit [awards the 2"" Respondent under the independent Contractor Agreement dated 27 12 2m 7 as compared to an errietoyee at the Appttcant As elabcraled in the testimony oi the Applicants witness unaer clossvexamlrlallani |he Appltcan| indeed entayed the treedarri at dechning work that sne dirt riot want to partake in, a ireednrn tnat is riot enjoyed by an employee so... 11 a! 11 IN yPH\mM3UK|aEl4VxuCuDA “Nair s.ii.i mrvtherwm be tr... M my i... aiiriuiiry MVMI dnuuvtnrtt Vfl eF\uNfl Wm! as as. Wlmos iur mo Company: ’Sama am now -mm sehzgav mm. yang ken: be uuam mum .a. peflular nelkara Vim kfla akan mengambn kva kemna secagal my-ee meme: me saw Iudul yang ma akan mm pandangan Kenna - bagil snrvlm pmyuau menu. In: Mk -mm m-mburlllhu nml nda mink: ntulu m.. -k «mun melakukm kurpasima dennnn pmguuan flan apt pamlur and our pnrlnlrlhlp cnlllhonman Ind Inch‘ kmau sablgm pcrmins Iyuu have m Yolk»: in me meuuum ,em mugs. uwxee pmvidnr In: In ad: hak nnunun nuns unluk txplnln up: perkarn yang mum Ink Mk mum “ (see. Appl In|'IA.d ticmll Affldnvil (Exh FDZ-1 on plfiO ‘Vang An: um Empin sun and van cnglgud to nrnvifli umcn .. . Idle innnunur but m rnquesled lav on company In men an arlick cor Bevin rum which um Empln am nun Ally but I-hr an enema: nut Io ...e m eeeenmmm parficnlar dncnsinn by um Emplra Sin and," [See Appncanrs Audiuonal Affldavlt (Exhibit FDZ-1 an page 42). runner, |he Apphcanrs wwness has Ieslmed that as a service promaer, x.s., Inaepennenz Oantrscmv, me 2"" Respmdsnl was na| reqmred (a clock m and out ofwork. whrch \s a rveqmrement imposed towards an employee came Apphcanl. (See. Appneanrs Aaaiuonal Affldavlt (amen FD2-1 on pugs 24) More importantly, \ find that me 2"" Respcndenl was e| ma ma|enal nme anI:re\y ras|nc|ed hem pm 9 servwces Ia omev campames aside from me Aapncam, bul as dearly slipulaled m the «arms ollhe mdepenaem Contractor Agveemenl dated 27.12.2017, me same may be done mm me pnnv wnuen eonsem :11 me Appncann, as 1oHaws' my Durhlq mu ‘him of m Anmolmnl, mu Rlfllu Annmmul shall msuu Ilul mrsm mu not. wlmoul nu ma: wnnln conunl av um companymp-mm. broadcast, aupp.unn,anom.e bemfil ed, lny rlulo nod/or Mlllrlllflll Iullan (um um. mo; m) or on any radn and/eneneyem nelwurk nv synmuled mm and/arhuhvmon pmgmm ar on any amen mum (sum as me mlemel Inducing am not men In -pm Hg or pimmpnhwg an any radro slamn on any sheammg p\aIYorm} mmerman one zvmmea Mm (715 Company! or no u... n .1 11 em yPH\mM:IuK|acI4vxucuDA mm. smm .. y... m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl y.. mum Wm! negallzle m enter Ima any agreemenl lemer lnan mm In: cemnanyl regardlng me Rama Armmmaefs periumunusl emadeael. or appearenee an av «mm. oenerll M. any mm enelm Iuluvlslon mlmn er an my ream and/av mlevlslan nelwum or syndlcaled radro and/or lelnluen pmglnm and rm; lncludas appearances an my GFEVLII lumlal. sunk asme lmemel (olnel man one elmraled wlln me company)‘ (amphasls eddedl (See Applicanrs Alfldavll ln support (F1 14:) I ss-3) an page 40. The above lerm clearly dls|InguIshes me normal emplnyen employee relauonsmp whereby emrallens or wnlllcl el ln|eresI are elnelly plohlbiled. nowlg rnel an employee cnnno| serve two (2; employers al lne same llme (see: Dr Rndakrlshna Subramlnlun v. Lourdes Medical Cantu sun and [mu] 2 ms 1703; [N13] 2 MELR 224] 41 Thus. ms Ccurllmnks lnamre lnduslnal Cuun‘s findlng on (ms lssue ls erroneous slnce me alleged oontrul by me Applleanl towards me 2"“ Resnondenl merely ereee uuvsuan| lo lne eenlrecmel lerme belween pames and me same did nm exceed lne lndependent eonlraelor-company relalionshlp between lne lwo parlies 42 Based on me above‘ ll Is clear mal lne 2"‘ Respondenrs conduct ener me executlon el lne lndependenl Ccntractav Agreernenr dared 27 l22cl7 lhel we was aware or end ned an all rnalenal llmes agreed le her engagement as an rndeuendenl eenlraaer for me Appllcanl Whuthar tho Indlpnndclll Convactor Agroomnm dnlcd 27.12.2017 was I continua on D’ mi 2''‘ Rilpondnnfs umploymvm Wllh Synchvowund Studla 43. clause 8 of me Independenl oonlreclor Agreement dated 27 12.2017 clearly srales lnal. ‘Thls Aureemenl supasedas all Dre»/mus agreements, reprerenlallen or pmmlses Mm eel em all me rerms agreed belweun me name: hpflclll m yPHlmM:«.lKncI4vxucuDA «we. e.n.l e. UIQG m my me nflmnnflly em. dnuuvlnnl Vfl erlum Wm! 44 ‘rherelore, I am untre mew manna Indusmar Court wem agarnsr the clear and unarnmguous dause e or ma sam Agreement when rt concluaea mar me 2" Raspanaern was an arnproyae of me Applicant when il held as follows‘ - 1-21 ens um Nur Azurl Nrk Msmnuoa, no Man at rm Rama mu rm (owned by Syncrvusmmfl Sluflio sun aha: rntorrnea me (Navmanl to se« up a new wmvany to onnlmue nu amwaytuem wan Ihe Rad» Kaol rm stahun. The wall! 'oonlmul' mufl nncasslry mun mu ma Cmnunl (o mum without any break Vn servme lrum ms aanIes1<>onl1ac|a1employmtm M January zrm anrma Mm syncmsauna Smdn San am In In ears man ma Clahnanl wu bevmmalsd was the crarmam was pecfarmmu ma urns ruls and auuss asspae me mange mar was nmuanr about by nu Dumpany enlermg mm ms sham dewm to warm. Cmr-rrarwts mus us In amaruyu ' 45. Further, having perused me awdenae presented beiure the Industrial com, I find that there was no evmance maced before u la establish the Apphcanfs bare asaeman matshe was arlegedly grven me legmmale expedalvon Io oornrnue In arnplaymem as an ernproyee 0! me Appucanr. Conclusion 46. Prenused an me aloresard reasons. I am of me view mat me Inausmal Court cnarrnan are not fuHy consxdar an lha relevant (acts oi «be case and had erred m arnvmg at ms decisxon 47. In the circumstances, I (ma mar ma decrsron 0! one Inausmal com Chairman Is lamlad with errors M Law. rrrauonamy and/or unreesonableness wmch warrant me cans! vnlervemmn or mus caun as As such. are mduslnal Com Chawrmarfs decision Is sex-isxde. The Apphcanfs appncauon lor rumcrax review [Enclcsure5)1s allowed Pipe 11.: .m sm yPH\mM:mKncI4vxucuDA “Nana sanaw nmhnrwm r. U... a may r... mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI aF\uNa v-max 2.5 kos permohonan mi: dan 2s rehl selanjulnya flan/alau yang lam asbagaimana yang :4. nggap paml oleh Mahkamah vnng Muha m. 3. In sssence. lhe Apphraru flied lhls jumciai review to quash lhs deuslon of Ike 1“ Respandunl (Industrial COMI1) In its Award No 396 or 2020 dated 14 2 2020 (the impugned Award) which was handed down pursuanl In me dalm [or unvaw dismissal by Khairu Nurliza Blnll Khalruddin (lht Z" Rnpondunl) against lhe Applicant under Section 20 Mme Inuusmai Reramms Ac! 1957 (IRA) wherein lhe Industrial Court held that "IE Auplicanfs dismlssai cl the 2"‘ Responder-xi was wiihoul jusl anus; and excuse and nrdared a total sum at RM133,D00.DU in be paid in me 2"“ Respondent. 4 Aflev me hearing, I allowed me Apphcanls apphcalicun lur yudxcval review (Encmsure 5) The grounds lo! my decision appear beiow. Background Fuel: 5 The background Vacls galharud llom the cause papers and submissions of ma parlles are iargeiy undisputed and can be summarized as loilows - 5.1 The Applicant is a media company locusmg on radio broadcasts, dlgibai media a. ecommerce plallorms which is uwned by Ripple uprmeny Known as Media Pnma Rama Netwoms). 5.2 On 22.12.2013, the 2” Respondent won me firs! prize VI a reality lgievnsion show oenducud by lhe Apphcanl upon wmch the 2” Respondenl was offered empioymenl as a Ramp Announoer wllh radio Hui FM (or a one I1) ymr period from 1 4 2014 until 31.3 2015, wde a fixed (arm ooniract 01 service dated 21.3.2014‘ (See: Fixed Term Contract nfservice dzled 21.3.2014) M. a on: m yvuimmzuxncuvxn-JCQDA “Nana am.‘ nmhnrwiii a. med w my n. anmn.u-y mm: dnuumnl n. mum Wrui with basis an RM5,uDa.oo suhiecl to me auocatar. Dated: I‘+ November 2023 /</x/\/\ Ahmad Kama! hm Ma. Shamd Judge Hwgh com Kuala Lumpur Counull Forms Applicant Dam T mavaungam 1C|k Farah Dim bl zam. with mm; Teluan T Thavahngam 5 Co. Peguambela flan Feguamcam Sums Kr ~11. Anas 3, am K. N » .Jalan Stflaris, Mom Kvam, 5D4w Kuala Lumpur, For me 2"’ Respondent Eu, 5. Muhendavan (Clk Chang Wen Loo wi\h mm) Teman Muhandaran Sri Peguambexa dan Peguamcara The znongsnan suuamg. BAA‘ Jalun Rolan. 01‘! Jalan Kampung Anap‘ 50450 Kua\a Lumpur. (Ru1.Tuan MSIZBS1/OS/ZOZMRICA) m. u .4 21 m yPH\mM:wKncI4vxucuDA «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! 5.3 Flawlng imnn me preeedlng, me 2'1‘ Respondenrs fixed term employment as Raclo Announcer of mu FM wllh Syrlchrosaund smclo vldelhe Fixed Term Contract alsennce dated 21.3 2014 was extended for one 111 year until 3132016. 54 on 153.2015, me 2" Respcndenl execulea anulher fixed 1enn conlracl [or sennee wlm Swchrosmlmd Sludin lor a period o1 lhree 13) years wnlcn was scheduled |a run [mm 1 A 2016 unlll 31 3.2019, under man she was engaged by Synchrusound Sludla as a Rzdlo announcer for KOOL FM, (See: Flxed Tum: Emplwymenl Conlrlct wnn Synchruwund Studio} 5.5 In me year 2017, lne 2"” Respondem was lnlurmed by one Puan Anida Mahd Tahnm ollne Applleanrs lnmrpcralbcn and lnel me Appllcanl mended 1c only engage Ils radla arlnouncels (lnelumng the 2* Respondent) as independent contractors and not as empluyees ln llne mm me Appllcanl‘s inlenlinn 1.: cnly engage the 2"” Responaenl as an Independent conlreclon me 2"‘ Respondenl was notmeli 1nal sne would he requlred lo reglsler ner own buslness Delete bsmg me to execute me new conlracl for semues wlln me Appllcanl; 5 S The 2"‘ Respondent had on 21 9.2017. reglstelad a husmess under the name 01 LKD Empire Sdn. Bhd (Comniny Rsglsllallon Number: 124799142; (LKD Empln) wllh lls nature 0! busmess being “Acuvllles ol lrldivldual Wnlers 1or AH Sutyecrs. Erezllve, Ans ena Enlsnalrlman| Acllvlhes N. E c. omer R9131! sale in Nonspeclallzed slores N E c" and named a Dlrectov (Mohd l< Anuar) and a secrelary (Marlins slnu Mcnalnnlaa) alongeme hersell as a nlreclor ln the Sald company; 5 7 Under me laregolng. me 2~< Responaenl, whilst trading as LKD Empire‘ had execuled 3 contract (or services dated 27122017 (lndepandonl Conlnctor Aanemunl aaml 21.12.2011) whereby Ihe palm had unequwccally agreed |ha| LKD Emplre shall pfovlde the servlces 01 a Radla Announcer lo the Anplicanl lora DBHOG oflhree (3) years from »...-.n u IN ,»nnmm.cuv.ucum “Nair s.n.l mmhnrwlu .. .1... m my 1... nflmnnflly ml. dnuuvlnnl VII .nunc Wm! 112.2017 untrt 3132019. It was turther agreed in the tnoependent OonIn:c|orAgreemenl dated 27.t2.2t1t7 that the sums ot the perttes was at an rnetertet trmee as an rndepenoent cortlracmr and company and that the satd agreement may be tenntnateo {or any reasons whatsoever wtth n seven (7) days‘ nettoe; 5.8 Notwttnstandrng the 2"“ Respondents agreement to render her servtoes to the Apptteant under LKD Ernprret dunrtg the substilenoe at the tnoepenoent oontreotor Agreement dated 27 t22c17, the 21° Respondent had vetted to tumtt the Appttoants requtrernent to go ‘on-atr’ wrth another one ot the Apptteanrs rldto announoer, one Muhammad Ishak orn 1bIahtm.asmey were frequently at odds wrtn each other wntte renoenng thetr semces together; 59 As such, and rn ttne with clause 73 at the tnoependent Oonlracluv Agreement dated 27.122017 when was unequtvocally agreed upon oetween parttes, vtde tetterdeteo t a.2ota Issued by the Appttesnt eno tnereatter renewed and eckrtowtedoed by the 2"‘ Respondent, the Apptieent had lemttrtaled the Independent Contractor Agreement dated 2712 2ot7 etteottve a 5.20151 5.10 Aggrteved by the Appttcants tenntnetton ol the sam Agreement when the 2"“ Respondent otatmed tantamount to an untetr dtsmtssat ot her Bmptoymertlt the 2"“ Respondent med a eomptetnt under sectton 20 ot the Rm 511 The 2"-1 Respondenrs eontptarnt was then reterred by the Honourable Mtntster o1 Human Resources to the lrtduslrtal Conn and registered as case No 4/4-301/I9 tor art adtudtcauonlt 5.12 The tndustnat coun hao attowed the 2*‘ Respondent's otarm egetnst the Appltcanl eno men that the 2” Responoent was dismissed wtthout Just cause and exouse and ordered the Appltcartt to pay the 2"“ Respondent the sum of RMI33,uuD no. and raxesmn IN yPHtmM:mKncI4vxucuDA «we. s.n.t nuvthnrwm .. u... m my r... oflmrrnflly MW: dnumtnrrl Vfl mum Wm! 51: Harm the present iudtcial review appitoetron by the Appitcatten The Applicant‘: ground tor the judicial review 6 The Applicants appitcatton herein can be summartled as ioiiows — 5.1 The inauetnai coun had erred in tact andrar law in amvtrtg at its dedsion that the retetrenshrp belween the Appitoant and the 2'" Respondent was that at an ernpieyeremptoyee when ll 0 aeeount retevant considerations, inter eire, (a) Thai prter |o executing the independent centraaor Agreement dated 27 12.2017, the 2"’ Respondent was at an rnatenat times aware that she would, upon accepting the terms and eondllmns oi the Said -greement, be engaged by the Appttoent es an independent oortoactor on a oontracttor service and not a oontrect oi service. in rent, the 2*’ Respondent had pnor to executing the independent contractor Agreement dated 27 12.2ot7t trtttrneteiy taken an aclive step or rnoorporettng her own oentpany to enapie herself to pmvtda her eenneee as an irtdependenl wniractor to the Anpitcant as a Radio Artrtmmcerr and to) That the Applicant did not at any matenat hme regard and/or treat the 2"” Respondent as “S ernptoyee. Funher, the eiteged ‘cantml' py the Applicanl towards the 2*“ Respcnderti dunng the supststenoe at the lrtdependenl contractor Agreement datee 27.122017 arose irom the oortmiclual retettonshtp pursuant to the said agreement and did not at any matenai tune exceed the Applicants rtghls under the same. 5 2 That the industrial coun had erred in lacl and/or law when it had ernved at a conclusion that no reasenapie stnniariy ctreumstanoed tnpunei wuutd have reamed when rt had conciuded that the 2" Respondents services under the e... r em rn yPHimM:M.iKncI4vxucuDA “Nair semi mmhnrwui .. tr... M my r... pflmhniily Mthin m.h.h Vfl nFiuNG vtmxi lndependenl Corllracmr Agreement daled 27.12 2017 was a Conllrluallan or herservloes wllh Synmmsound Sludlo men more was no ellldanbe produced balms ll ID support l|!s nndlngs; and e 3 Tnamla lnduslnal Court nad ened ln iacl and/oi law ln arnvlng al lls declslon lllal me 2”’ Reapondanl was a worknlan‘ pursuant lo seellon 2 of me IRA when ne was ln lac: an lndapendem wnlraclor engaged under a eanlract dl sennues at me nlnlenal llme and lnereldre new no righ|s lo nle a replesenlallon lor unlalv dlslnlssal under llle s|rlcI pmvlew oi lne lRA The Law 7 Judlclal Revlew IS generally condenled wml me declslnn making process wnele lne impugned declslon ls flawed on lne ground 0! procedural impropriety 5. However. me law llas rlnw develaped (0 allow a declslorl la be challenged on grounds of lllegallty and inallonallly, wmch man permns ule calms Io sCru|inlzeme declsion nol only for me pmoess, am also [or substance 9. Hnweven the Federal calm ln subsequent deolslons neld ulal ndl every case ' amenable lo such appmaen and lnenls can only he scnlllnlzed in me nldsl anpmprlale oi cases. Tnls can in seen as 6cllaws* e a P-lrollnm Nuional Ehd v. Nlk Rum ML! 256; [2003] 4 CLJ 625; [2003] 2 NILRA I14. ‘ml Dull/a cleady, lna vlaws unmanned ny the nlalamy n Rim: Chanorarl am not live produn dlwnal some legal commenlalms descrlb-fl-I wdkullexusslwxm Onllluzonlrl ltluyrllltcl the klnflofconlwllcd iudlclil activism lnamn and In older to molt. ln . lualrvlusry cnnkxl. nu pawn: eonhrred upon lunnory lrlbuna|s an em. budi . Whlth hm: pmllfinlnd. ln nnmn. llmn and aflezlhlll quil- cnncnl bly. alllunllofl .n. I say ‘con\‘mllI¢' bocnuu I take me vi ulal Ram: cnandm. powuu Ihotflfl only be mmu sm yPHlmM:M.lK|aCI4Vxl-JCDDA “Nair Smnl mmhnrwm .. HIGH M my l... nflmnnllly ml. dnuuvlnrll VII nFluNG Wm! invakld m lwmpvlam um, Olhuwiu mm mm u...g.. nl lnculnnllng mm . Iunwfl mm: in lmly dunrllwfl - - ‘nmawny umlopmnx muancm n - (su Dvvwkalwuv rm Vmponanoe auunrunr rzswaw, Inset van non No 4 n so In dmwmn anamncn Ia ma Yum-n uaansnca. ha say: Km: lush Iundl uul u . pllml .x mpln a! nun unfommlll develnnmnnt n. In: nuns, hln nsumud cumvlhncl av v In Imam! Amy M punuc zctlvny: mny hnvn gmn dincllons u to 12.. man. 5:! a mu uwing ncc-u lo a bulldmg (Upmara Bax: V sun: of U112: Pvadesh mass} 4 sec war was a sun. to 9- wlleql xmdlntm (Stale 9 iluuanl av Msdncnl came, sunxa [I935] 3 sec; uvulwd am mnn nu: ma nun put on the Ixpnmfilun on drugs m a mlmzl nupm (Rakmh on.-Va Naram V State at am [ma] Supra 575», I .a awn nuldullml for lmur-country .unmx~.n of nhildnn‘ [L:xrm Kant Panday V Llmun no India AIR 11951150 232). Ir-ncnhud uu flullmcntlonl fur mm: 5:! bun! belrmnlml In av mud by Iducallonal lnsdlnnlinm (MC Meme V unnn at Ind-a [1995] Ix AD LSC) 37;‘ ud In on [131 monsmg m mm‘ ma Imflan pmcnce has been In: suluad m crmcxsm baciute om owns wouki luvs ancmachnd upon me sphere amen In use Veglslaiurs by makmg pupu\is1dedar.amns wl Hghll . nqhu wn-ch panununn m M: wlldcrm chose nol Ia Vegblale upon [u| cu-any mmm, mt lvuy use is anmum In 0.. Rxma cn..m.n lppwarll. I: depend: an III: llclual numx and/or um um: madam»: ohm mu ls urulnly : mm or iudlclal ansamaan an Inn pan of the reviewing judqu Vn Ina mslam case, lhe Van, am. submlxsmn nV me Dr Cyvus Dis‘ I remam unmnvmcod that a case has been made MAI lav revmlmg Rama Chandran m (emu av ms pmposxmns That bemglhecaie me answerla mg quamun p0I1u\ale41fnrour cunsqdaralmn has m be .n ma amrmalwe (emphasis added) I: Rlnjn K..Iuv Ilp s Gopnl Slngh v. Hm: Ex: ulor (M) Sdn Bhd[201D]8 MLJI; 1201015 MLRA as (201013 cu 929; [2011] J AMR 35 1151 me Name Chandran aocmun has been mgamed ur mtsvplebed n: giving Iha mmng own 1 Hume In nman wrmom Iasuam .1. ssonilorsuhslance even wmn the sand aecsxan VS mm on nnmng at Van; However‘ pas! Rama Chandvan cases have appm lam: brakn m Ihe mun‘: Vlbav-IV apnmach .n Rama Page s .: :1 sm yPH\mM:wKAacI4vxucuDA «mm. smm nunhnrwm .. V... M may he nrW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl VII munc Wm! Chindlan The reaemx Cvun m me case ev Kumplflan Pavaflgsnng Smangor am: V lard Nan[1997]1 Mu vsi, men 2 Cu 11 aflsvamrmlnu me Rama Cuandran daemon hmd mm mm my be nus In which for mason at public pollcy. nlllnnll um wubllc uhly nr Imionnl Incurily uu pmlcipll m rum: Chandran m-Iy Inwholly Inapgampflale. (171 The reae-er Cowl m Pelroham Malena! am V Nlk Ramh um Hassan mm] 2 MLJ 2:8, 1200314 cu szs aga hem um um IIVIEWIIII caun mly xcrulzlnln e dcclsion an its main bnl anly In um men eppmpnm at was and not «my us: Is lnunahlu I: In: Rum: Cnuldl-In mum-en Funhar .: wax held Iha| e reviewing judge aVgm ml 1:: meme flndmgs ac xhe lndusllm Cmm unless may ware gmunaea an IH-glhly or em uvanonamy even were me Iewewmg gudge -mgm m| have came m In same wndusxen‘ (emphasis added) c Alam vomun Sdn and a Anor V. Abdul & Or: [2015] 5 cm 1; [ZDIEHMLRA 311; ‘IA-snn«wse1I|ad Iawlhauhe omms may revwwmn acumen ac an mlenor manna! an we gvmmds ul megemy, mummy and pcsumy pmpom0ruW(y R Rnmn Chnndun V nnamuw Conn MMaIIymu& Anov 119971 1 on up 119971 1 ML.) 145 llvus pelmmmg me courts to xcrulumse IN: autumn nul omy Var pmmss mu nlso lur nublunoe m Penouam Nashua! BN1 V Mk Ramu mu Hassan [ma] 4 cu 525 1200412 MLJ zu mu mun nwvavu en-nnea that not cvcrv cm was emmm tzufudlclal rlviflw Dtlrluantwlm Prlnclnlom n Rum ChIndr:n's ease. I: xhnuld nnly bvlnvolne-1 in Ippvoprialn mu. rum may be an m whlcn For nuonn -11‘ Du}: Dnllzy, nlllonul muul. wen: sahly or nmiunal u wiry u may be wholly Apnvoprlltn In! the coma in llrnmpl Iny wbilllullon a! mu xumpmen Perarvgiang Sebnwr BM V Zan Mohd Mon 119971 2 cu u (199711 Mu7a9~ (emphasis added) 10 II vs sewed law mat the High cam wvll nn| mnervere with a decision oi the lndus(na\ coun umess K can be established that the decxsnn ws mlacted wilh errors of law 11 The meamng :71 arm: of law has a\sa baen explained by the Own nl Aupeal m the case M Syarlknl Knndcraan ulelayu Ktlanun Bhd v. Ynnlpafl workers Union mus] 1 MLRA ze mus] 2 v... . 1:! )1 sm yPH\mM:wKAacI4vxucuDA «me sew nunhlrwm .. V... m may he nrW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl VII nF\uNG we CLJ 74:; [1595] 2 AMR 13m: [1295] 2 MLJ an m the lonawmg words. -n it mm" haslhle nor fluinbln lo an-mm an exhauslivn dlfinilion 04 mm Imaunh to In nvvr M In rm ms ulagnnu 01 inch an mdr ave hm closed. am it may be said man In Irrw of llw would be fllscluscd mm diclllolnnalner mks mum» um wrunfl fiuesdon or take Ivnldvam nonli vlhnnl or mum In HR! inlu manna nu-mu mnlldul-ulons (ma may be mwahsahuy termed an Amsmmuz: ahdn or .4 ha mllcunulruu ch. mm. 01 my mum mam. ov ml mnssum a winclple Dflhe gtmnl I: - (emphasws added) 12 Smulariy, in the case oumpnoo Mung-mum s-rvlnu sdn and v. Col (E) Hunmu sinqh chingav slngh [zonal I MLRA 554; [2000] 4 CLJ 11, the com 01 Appeal held that an ermnecus Inlsranoe at (acts Is also an error 1:! law wmch wouki warrant an mdevcloemoran A ~on ma other hand we nccnpl. av course Ihal rt .5 amlvmy campalam lor the Hwgh Cuuflln Demorall dmcaaamgs to msaaree MlhlheIndu:1lIa\CuuvluH ma adnmusmns m mmhcas drawn by ma tamer hum me moved or admmed evwdence an em ground man no masahama «human suuuany a-sun-sxamad would have zmved a| such a odudusm or drawn such in Werenbe An urnnwul Inhnnol hum pmvld oudmnmd mu .. anammw; nut in mm offact." (emphasvs added) 13 sasad on ma imagdmg passages, n 15 my mew that In suceeed m an an (ion for wanna! revwew‘ the Apphcanl mus! shew lhat nha Indusmal coun had, among others. — a. Asked nsan the wrong quasuon b. Consmered walavanu maners; 4: Failed to consider relevam mailers. d Faded lo appry the proper prmclnlefs) of law. and/nr e Reached a dscxsion me! was so perverse ma: no raasahabwe lnbunal under simflar c-rcumsxahcaa wduwd have reached - so... 1:: ufll sm yPH\mM:mKncI4vxucuDA «mm. saw nunhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumhl VII .mm Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PERAYU Mohd Efad bin Khalid RESPONDEN 1. ) SURUHANJAYA PASUKAN POLIS 2. ) Kerajaan Malaysia
Judicial Review - Certiorari to quash the decision of Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib Polis Di Raja Malaysia - Declaration that dismissal was unlawful and/or consequential remedy for reinstatement to previous position with all benefits Appeal allowed.
YA Dato' Gunalan A/L MuniandyKorumYA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyYA Dato' Gunalan A/L MuniandyYA Dato' Mohd Nazlan Bin Mohd Ghazali
14/11/2023 11:35:39 P-01(A)-119-03/2022 Kand. 23 S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 7NJDTwRtg0YskX3zdzVNg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal p—u1(A)~119—u3/2u22 Kand. 23 Tam/mu. ,1 =.~, :2 IN THE COURT or APPEAL or MALAYSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICYION) CIVIL APPEAL N9 P-01( I-02/2022 BETWEEN SAIFUL BIN NORDDIN ...APPELLANT AND I. SURUHANJAVA PASUKAN PoLIs 2. KERAJAAN MALAYSIA ...RESPONDENTS HEARD TOGETHER WITH IN THE couRT or APPEAL OF MALAVSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) CIVIL APPEAL No 2-01 A) 115-0312022 BETWEEN MOHD EFAD BIN KHALID . APPELLANT AND L SURUHANJAVA PAsuKAN PoLIs 2. KERAJAAN MALAYSIA ...REsPoNnENTs sw TmuTw»‘<Iqnvsxx:mzvM§ Nat! Sum INNDIY WI“ be used M mm u. DIIEIMIIIY mm; nnnmunl VII muna PWLII [In me matter ml the Hm Court aVMa1aya an Fening Applucatmn for Judxcwal Review New 57 2_IzD19&F 5-7 2/2019 CORAM S. NANTHA BALAN, JCA GUNALAN MUNIANDV. JCA MOHD NAZLAN BIN MOHD GHAZALI. JCA JUDGMEN1 nrrnonucngn [11 There are 5 related appsans arising mm me same set ouaua where (he Appe|\snls[‘A1‘-‘A 51 have appeavsu aguinsllhe rsspectvve decision 01 ms Learned Judicial Commissioner [as he then was uc] vflhe High Court m Penang who dlsmxssed lhs\rJudvc|u\ Review Applu:aIvons[‘JRAs'] wherein they each sought an arder at oemcran In quasn me impugned decwswon M ms 1“ Respondent [‘R 1‘) to find them guncy of ma charges preflerred and to order Qhelr dismissal and ancillary orders. This wdgmenl would be «or Appeal 101 and 119 At me aulsal I would mace on recurd (hat, I would adopt with approval ma reasoning and gwunds :4 Judgment M my Learned Bmthers‘ Namha aaxan, JCA and Mahd Nman‘ JCA who have ably written at length on the ‘aw and lam Wa must am: state nur deoisxans la! ma respectlve appeals are unanlmuus. w vmuwmanvskxamzvrh -ma Sum IHIWDIY wm as used m mm a. nflmruflly mm; nan-mm VII nF\uNG pm us] Ae new m vueyarau (supra) me Appeuams. in cezrneee, augm ta have been supphed wrrn all me re\evam documents and {spans required by them hearing In mind that the same were [he very documents that the DA had renea upon to make zne imponanl flndmg that e pnrna vacie case ned been made am against mern ro inmate rne dlscvphnary prooeedmg [171 Our new rs In award wnn me Appeuenrs pusmon that based on are Instant faciual soenana r: was crys|al clear me: me Respondens m are ueusron-making pmoess had nreacnera e cardmal nne at nanural jusuoe and had cemrnmea pmcedura\ nnpropneny when eney failed to pvovide rne Appeuenrwnn me: flocumenls, snauemenre reports and cow reeurmnys rneugn only nraHy saught by mm at me proceedings vmnom bemg m possession ol the same‘ eepecreuy the crush! repen renewed by ACF Raxali bin Abu Samah which was specifically referred to in the shuw cause Vener, me appellants were aerlamly waned m a drsaawrnregeoue pnsman rn defendmg urreauegenons levelled against them. we are, hence, oonstvamed \o hold man «he pmceedlngs conducted by me DA m we rnseenoe rs mconslslsm wnn the rules at natural jusuee ee enshnned rn An 13512) Mme FC [131 Weare not rn ' ed ro agree with me Rsspondentsthat as there wee no cunclusive evidence that the AppeHarI(S had made an DMCWSV fsquem our the documents, the hrmer had been absowed onhe duty to supply or disclose the contents 07 the same In the Appeflanle The Respcndenls lockme paenren meune Mohd Zulhul and vueye mstmgmshed and are not applicame la lhe swtuamun WI out Ins1an( case cases ought to be because rn rmermenvsaxamvw -uue sum In-nhnv MU re used m mm ne nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm vn mum wrm (n In both me eases re¢eneu Io aneve, wnnen Mflc\a\ requests we Wetter: were made by me nmeers fur them to be furmshsd /given with oensin documervfin on A5 eveeny deposed m me Respondents‘ Amdsvn m Repw of am present case, at any unecenel mes, me Appeusnn me not request fur any documents or matevms used co cnerge me AppeHanl to be vurmsnea in mm or to be gwen access to, and (in) In our present case, ss cleany deposed In me Responaenxs mam m Remy, en any material me, the AppeHanl never asked for an extension M time In lander MS represematmn against me charges nnpased on him [49] Neither do we agree wnn the Reswndenbs comenuun that as me 1991 Reguleuens do ncl nnpese s duly an R 1 to supply documents used m Ihe exermse clRl‘sdiscre1Ion when dlvectmg the Appeflant to make represemanonlu excmpale mmself R 1 rnaythe absnwedafmat duly Tu our minds, that duly Is juflgmenw .n lhe decxsmn-making process by a body eonducnng s disciplinary wnqulry [M] Llkewlse me Respondents‘ pmpesmon as be\ow me ha! find favour with us: ‘‘In Ihe eusenee of any pnmsvon in me 1993 Regmalmns Impusing such a duty. the 1“ Respondent come not be sax! to have demed me Appeflam av any procedural vsnness my not lumvshing me documents u: me Appeflam mere cannot be any breach or duty where none exlsls In law" [Reference made lo Nnmln H] mm ('llmba||n Km: Pall: Kallnun) & Anor v. Molld Now Abuullan [2004] 2 CLJ 777] [211 We say so because .n the lnslanl appeals me material documents saugne were made refevence ta by the DA use» Wllhuul any dlsclusure In the Appellants 07 men cements wlvcn, ln our Vlew‘ could likely naVe caused subs1an|Ia| prajudiue to ma Appellants H1 elfectlvely delsndlng me charges levelled against them ln our aansmsnsa view, wnen rules M natural lusllce are Invoked, lnere ls nu naosasny lerlne oarsons aggvleved to rely upon any provision o1 the law to challenge the lalrness 0! ma decrsrommaking process undsv the pecullal circumstances Bf Ins case QQNCLUSION m: For lnsloregomg reasons‘ we wnuld. therefore‘ nolo lnal the LJ had fallen lrllo error ln law ano fad in Imvlng at ms decision (0 dismiss me Appellants‘ JR Applncanon much, on the grounds In supper!‘ nao subslanfial mems. particularly an we Issue cl denial El nalural juslloe (0 (he Appellants. I! was abundantly clear lo us lhat the Respondents had breached esmblrshefl rules of natural lusnoe when he Appellants were denied amass tn vnal documentary evmenoe man was oenual in ms defence against lne charges levelled against them. R I themselves founded the charges on a spoon: Repon on which me show cause later: In ene Appellants were predlcaled. Tnls Report‘ Hm having been served on the Appellants was pnma fame preludicval la the right 0! the Appellants tn adequately prepare tnelrdefenoes In ms charges cnnsldemlg that may was an orolnary, low ranklng pom-.a personnel wha had xo fine ma 13 W rmnrmanvnxsmvm -ma Snvlnl ...n..r wn be used m mm a. mlnlrullly mm; dun-mm VII mum mm sdvemmem michmery which had subslarmal remmee to pursue Ks case agamsc them [231 In the circumstances, we wamd conclude mat. both me appeans are well subslan||a|ed on the ments :71 the has and in pmu:\p\e We. accordingly allow mese appeals and set aswde me decision dnne HC with was ac RM1U,UOD co m each epneer (as cuals hem Ind be\aw—w\lhoul endeavor) Daled’ 24 0c1ober2023 GUNA AIL’ NIANDV Judge ndmppeel Pumaya COUNSEL FOR THE APPELLANT: Ha]: Muhd Vsmau mu Mdhamed [Messrs lsmawl Khan 4. Associates] COUNSEL FOR THE RESFONDENY ' src Muhammad bln sum [Penang sme Lega\ Adwsers Office] w vmurmunmxamvm -we Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm we uvwmuly mm; mm. vn mum pm MATER L 5591; m Briefly, me malenal facts are as muaws 1. The 2 App|ruamsrAppeuems were Lance Curpora\s with me Rayal Meneysrarr Pohce until «her aremreeeu from servroe They were charged wrm vinaus azecrpunery amen: pursuanl to Petaluran-peraluran Pegawaw Awam (Ke\akuan dan Talatemb) 1953 (‘the 1993 Regu\a¢mns') with the possimmy of being dismissed or duwngradsd m rank 2 They were tasked for Ops Wawasan at the border L71 Malaysia! Tllafland sometime m 2017 They euegea that on or about 26.3 2019, may received a rener lrom Jabalan Inregrnr dan Pematunan Standard of ms PDRM mbmling them of the d\sa:\p\Inary acficns against them respeeuvery 3 In the said letters‘ VI was stated that upon examining the relevant rnvorruecron, : prima «acre ease exrsrea an me respecwe charyes, The said lallers man rnrmrueu lhal they were required to prewae rnerr wntten represenranron wnmrr 21 days pmwdlng grounds mar lhey wrsh to rely on ta exoulpste themselves 4 Vn respanse, me applrcems duly sent merr wnnen representations Thereafler‘ through a Ienrer dared 25 In 2019, me applreancs were Inlormed that may were found guilty of me respectwe charges that resunea m Iheir dismissal ham serwoe wrm efiea hum 23 10 2019 mg g m_- on Igh Court [3] Briefly me LlC‘sfln mgs on me xssues Khal he eonenry memmeu as the core wssues for neterminanon, canvenienuy expressed under sspavalz headings, are these 1.1 ' illnl Procenurn The JC wewea that me pruwdum adopted by me Dvsmphnary Aumomy um camplled with the 1993 Regulahons The Applicants were VIIEI aha wssued WIH1 the show cause lensv They were Irwnsd co make wnllen representations, which may and II was omy snerme DA found Ihanhewrmen rapresemamns and not axcmpate me Applicants and the DA men name to dlsmwss them 2. Failurn To Furnish Documggg Havmg perused Ihe Applucams‘ wrmen repressmsmnns‘ wt Is clear that no such rsques1 were made. Vn (an, m the JG‘: mew, me Applicants were awe lo gwe a mu explanaoon on a” charges The auagaunns of having mada am raquem for dncumems etc were only maaevunnems: lime m this spphcalmn and nu request were made Elf the matenm (Ame. IV rsafly dacumems were required‘ one womd expen that the same be reques1eu1urmme leller ol represemanon 3. £315 In Conduct Arr Orll Huarlng There was na breach 01 na|ura\ rusnce undsrAmc\e135(2joHhs Federal corrsmmrun Tne Drscralrnary Aulhenly (DA) ma observe the ruls av na|uvnI Nance ana naa given me Applrcants an oppcrlumty to be heard Trrey were inrormea Mme charges agamsl them and grven amp\e appomrrury ta deny or axplarn me alleged nrrsconaua. The Apphcants had thereafler given a datauan wrmsn represencarron lo the na DA had eansulered the Applrcancs‘ represamauon and was sansflad mac me Applraarros ma nor exculpile lhemsrewes rrarn ma charges It rs me DA and not me caun whc ra to aearaa whether the oifioers In «nsrr representations rrava axculpated mzmselves «ram snarges ll 13 the DA and ml the Court who 15 I0 consldev the ments M the AppHcaMs‘\cns and to make a nnurrrg of (act wnernar me Appllcams have srreeessvuny axeunparau lhemsewes fmmlhe charges 4. Vague cturgu ms Issue was raised be\aled\y and was never pan or me grounds scazau In me Statement pursuanl In Order 53 R00 It was sinrnarry nal rarsea rn the Appllcanls amdavul In support‘ it re me law lnal no ground may be relled upon by an Applicam excepl muse grounds sel nut In the Statement Havlng perused ms charges, nu ma .lc's vlew, they were clear and lmamblguous OUR DECISION [G] We would proceed lo pmnolmce our dsclslmls in respecl o1AppaaI Nos 119 and 110 and the graunds lor me same as follows. [7] The mam grlevanc: expressed by me presenl Appellans whlch ls slmllal to me olherAppeHanLs‘ lo cur mlnas, mems serlous cunsldersflarl ls ln regard |u me DA’s alleged lallme to lumlsn mlal ducumanls lo me Appellanx who contended man me am lallure was pveludlcinl lo me exerclse of ms ngma pmpeliy aelena the charys pvelemacl agalrlsl mm. [:1 ll would be useml lo slate bnelly me Respnndents‘ poslllan regardlng the validfly and pmprlely :71 me dlsclpllnary prauess agalrlstlhe Appellant ll was ourllerldad for the Raspormenls that R.1‘s rrleellrlg was wnductad an 2310 2015 ln me exerclse pl powevs delegalad by |he Pulice Fnroe Commisslon through P.U (E) 441/2000 dated 14 12 2000, the Dlsclpllrlary Aulhorlly [‘DA‘] had lully corlslderai that Appellanfs represenvalion meliculously and was Satlsfleti that me Appellant um um exculpale mmsell fram me dlsclpllnary charges preferred agamsz hlm dated 25 03 2019 IN mlmwfllanvsxxzlmzvml 'NnI2 Sum mm. WW he used M mm u. nllmruflly MIN; dun-mm VII .mm mm [9] Tlierelpre, in the exercise at powers delegated by me Felice Fume commission la (he DA es almve, the DA decided that «lie Appellant was guilty uf all me said five (5) charges and imposed tire punisrtmenl cl dismissal tor the 1-‘, 2”‘, and 4'" charges pursuant to Regulation 37(g) ai rne 1993 Regulahuns no] we are net incllned re accede to trie position taken by me Respandenlsi particularly in regard tn the natural iustrce point advanced by lrie Appellant rlulwflhstandlrlg the lac: lnal rrie disciplinary proceeding against lire Appellant nad complied witrr the procedure laid dawn in me Regulallnns in our considered view, it was erroneously demanded that, as tne prescribed procedure lied been adopted, lnere was rip questlon of denial cl natural lusliea or procedural irriprcpriary riaying arisen we are eenylnced trial me lens as a whole paint is me eoritrary ml The tmusr cl tne Appellanrs emnpiaim was met witnaut iris REPORT received by Asi= RAZALI am Aau SAMAH and me cc‘rv iecuvdlng lrorri rrie cmeer wrie recorded irie applicants srateniem, the applicant, huwevsr proceeded with riis reply on me rnrea la) cnarges er the npnwenution, Vol he was given Merit/-one (21) days 10 veply or show cause to, rrie eriargee prelerred against riin. [12] our attention was dmwn re a ludgrrient of the court cl Appeal [‘COA'] in a case squarely in palm‘ Mohd Zulhul hln unlid zullralli V sururrenlsye Pesukan Felts [2015] 2 ML! a1 p as wriere tne relevant part allrre iudgmenl pemnem ta lrie issue at narid slates as follows in vmuiwfltanvakxzlsdzviw wane s.ii.i lldnvlhll will as used M yaw Die nilylnallly MVM5 dun-vlnrrl vn aFlLlNG Wflxl [13] ‘u was erroneous on me pan pr me deponem to have avenee that me SPRM was WIBNS to produce the statement due to the reslnclnuns rmpoaea by sub—s 29|4)a11he Malaysvan Am.-pormprion Comrmssmns A|:1200§ There was no impediment to (he disclosure being made wnh me consant or an -.-mieer enne onmmnssuon onhe rank at oammlssloners and above There was no me! even perrrg made In ublam Alex‘s statement (mm the SPRM This was a Malena! preacn or nafum prance arnpe Alex was Ihe eernplarnanr and the appenam was charged wrm a uraerplvrary awerree pr mcewxng a bribe rmrn Alex (sea para 15) There was a deal breach of natural ruauae commmed py the firs! respondent In (he firs! charge, me appeuam was anegee la have reserved RM5,000 bribery lmm Alex The money waa purportedly given tome appeuanmrrppgn pne Kupera\ Abdm Ranmarr hm Abdul Kadir In omer for Ihe appeuaru to prepare an effeciwe defence aga.na1 ma cnarge, me appellant needed to have aigm oi me aHegaI|un made agimsl rum and «p nave lhe opporlunily lo ream each and every erarernern mar rnrgnn rmpuaace mm m me wanna (see para 16) ' Furlher at para 4 that ‘ mus stage we need to remind nursarvee ultha power anne cowl m pmrcrel revrew involvmg aisuplrnary pmoeearnge as stated in me case or Amen bin Ahdulllh v Kama Polls Megan [1997] 1 MLJ 25:5, [1997] CLJ 257 1cApAbau\ Malak Ahmad JCA [as he then was) stared that. at p 27:‘ para a- it is settled law trial in iudieial review oy way ol I eemararl application, ttie court is only eoncerned wi|h lne declslan making process and not witti the decision it is not an appeal rroni lne declslnrl niade pute review oltne manner in wtiroti I| was made and i| IS not trie cnul1‘s mllctlurl Io curlsidsr wnettier on llie ments olttie lacts ol tne case‘ me said decision was fair and reasonaole [5] witn the aooye principles in mind as guidance, we proceeoed to consider ttie two issues raised by learned counsel lor lrie appellant lor our determination First, ine non-supply ct nialenal document. mat is, me statement made by ttie complainant named Alex @ Lil Fan Hoo (Alexi, by trie nret nesponoent wnicn tied made it diliicuil lcr ltie appellant to deleno ninisell in respect oi the met charge in oreson oi ttie principles cl natural iuaioe in layour mine appellant second. lrie act or oondcnation by the respondents wtien «tie appellant was promoted to assistant police commissioner anei ttie appellam was alleged to be involved in taking bribe tticugli a triiro narly “ The 'non»supply ol documents’ by tile Respondents had oreacneo the Rule cl natural iuetioe: [14] Granted that a disciplinary proceeding cannot be equated to a trial wnere tne strict rules at me law or evidence would apply The DA is also at liberty lo gamer inlurnialidn by any available means and ltorn sources deemed nt However, tne DA is under a duly to always give a lair opporlunrly to ttrose wrio are parties to «lie proceeding; to correct or conlradicl any relevant steiteniem lnat implicates or is preiuoicial to them 9 in vmulwrfllanvskxzmzvmi wane s.ii.i ...ip.i will he used m yaw Die nllnlrullly MIN; dnunvlnril vta .ritnio WM! [see Shamniah bimi Ahmad shun v Public servicos Corrinilulon Mnlaysiu [1990] 3 MLJ 364 (SC) per Jamun sanan, son (as he men was)]. [15] llcannut begairisaid that being Vumished mm imponam documents relevani (U the charges that an offiuer IS lacing is Vital to the exercise 01 his "gm to be heard as was stressed in v' snnmaniaya Parkhldiviahn Awlm, Mnlnytla [2015] 9 cu m s 141. ran an Sapenliaiiiam v The appeiiani had also complained that he was nai given any documam at an by me PSC notwithstanding that specific mquesi was made 70? muse reievirif dacumems inciuding Ihe reparts that were reiied upon by me PS0 in liming man a prima iaaie case had been proved Bgilinsl him. The right to documents related to the disciplinary pmoaeainga is ciosely linked to the right to an orai healing Eolh are imponam eiemema in Mfiilirigthe nghtla be heard Ia be aflorded in me ufficer corioemsd In View cf the serious charges levelied against me appellant‘ which uiiimaiery resuned in him being dismissed «mm ma service, ihe appeiiani oughllu have been suppiiad win an the relevant aocumancs and reports requasiad by ' pinicuiarly since |he discipiiriary authority had reiied on those documents in decide that a prime Lacie case had been proved against me appellim. (0 enable mm In make an efleciive and meamngiui deleriee In me charges “ [See also Aug Sena wan v Surimanilyl PDRM a. Avior [2002] 1 CLJ at p 493.] in
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
-Defendant is allowed to recall SP9 and SP10 for further cross-examination which is confined to the Rectification Cost.
YA Datuk Wong Kian Kheong
1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-43-10/2017 BETWEEN 1. OOI CHENG HUAT @ OOI PENG HUAT (NRIC. No.: 540105-02-5317) (Suing in his own name and as the Executor and Trustee of the Estate of Linda Patricia Lim Sooi Hong, deceased) 2. BRYAN PATRICK OOI SZE-YUEN (NRIC. No.: 890827-10-5765) 3. SHAWN PHILIP OOI SZE-YUWN (NRIC. No.: 911125-10-5613) … PLAINTIFFS AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-44-10/2017 BETWEEN SPIRAL PRISTINE SDN. BHD. (Co. No.: 775532-T) … PLAINTIFF AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-45-10/2017 BETWEEN SHAIFUL HAMIDI BIN BASIRDIN (NRIC. No.: 750513-08-6309) … PLAINTIFF AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT 14/11/2023 14:25:02 BA-22C-44-10/2017 Kand. 142 S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-46-10/2017 BETWEEN ROSLI BIN MUSA (NRIC. No.: 620521-10-5789) … PLAINTIFF AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-47-10/2017 BETWEEN 1. NITT SDN. BHD. (Co. No.: 867883-M) 2. SUSILAWATI BINTI AHMAD (NRIC. No.: 700702-10-5016) … PLAINTIFFS AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-49-11/2018 BETWEEN 1. ALBERT CHAI MIN CHUNG (NRIC. No.: 730120-13-5159) 2. ADELE LEONG BON YIEN (NRIC. No.: 730915-13-5144) … PLAINTIFFS AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 JUDGMENT (Defendant’s application to recall plaintiffs’ expert witnesses after completion of trial) A. Introduction 1. This judgment discusses the court’s discretionary power to - (1) allow a party under s 138(4) of the Evidence Act 1950 (EA) to recall the opposing party’s expert witnesses for further cross-examination after the completion of a trial; and (2) allow the party to reopen the party’s case after trial has been completed solely for the purpose of the recall. B. Background 2. In the above six suits (6 Suits), purchasers (Plaintiffs) of six bungalows built and sold (6 Bungalows) by the defendant company (Defendant), have claimed that the Defendant has breached various provisions of six Sale and Purchase Agreements of the 6 Bungalows entered into by the Plaintiffs and Defendant. 3. By consent of parties, the 6 Suits have been tried together (Trial). 4. At the Trial - (1) the Plaintiffs had called, among others, the following two architects to testify - (a) Encik Mushahar bin Mohamed Suki (SP9); and S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 (b) Encik Adifazli bin Ahmad (SP10); (2) on 21.7.2020, 22.7.2020 and 27.7.2020, SP9 and SP10 had been called by the Plaintiffs’ learned counsel, Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira, to testify regarding the defects in the 6 Bungalows [Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows)]. The Defendant’s learned counsel, Mr. Rohan Arasoo A/L Jeyabalah, then cross-examined SP9 and SP10 on the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows); (3) on 27.7.2020 - (a) after Mr. Pereira’s re-examination of SP9 and SP10, he applied to court for their release as witnesses subject to recall by the Plaintiffs because subsequent to 27.7.2020, he wanted to conduct further examination-in-chief of SP9 and SP10 regarding the type of timber used in the construction of the 6 Bungalows (Timber Issue); and (b) the court then released SP9 and SP10 subject to recall by the Plaintiffs’ learned counsel; (4) on 10.4.2021 - (a) Mr. Pereira recalled SP9 and SP10 for further examination-in- chief regarding the Timber Issue; (b) SP9 and SP10 were further cross-examined by Mr. Rohan on the Timber Issue; and S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 (c) after further re-examination of SP9 and SP10 by Mr. Pereira, the court released SP9 and SP10 as witnesses without any condition [Court’s Unconditional Release (SP9 and SP10)]; and (5) on 17.2.2020, Mr. Rohan informed the court that the Defendant had closed the Defendant’s case [Close (Defence Case)]. Hence, the Trial was concluded on 17.2.2020. C. Defendant’s six applications to recall SP9 and SP10 for further cross-examination 5. On 17.3.2022, the Defendant filed six applications in the 6 Suits (Defendant’s 6 Applications) for, among others, leave of court to recall SP9 and SP10 for further cross-examination regarding the cost for the Plaintiffs to rectify the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) [Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows)]. 6. Mr. Pereira had strenuously resisted the Defendant’s 6 Applications on the following grounds: (1) before SP9 and SP10 gave their expert opinions on 21.7.2020, SP9 and SP10 had affirmed affidavits [Affidavits (SP9 and SP10)] under O 40A of the Rules of Court 2012 (RC). The Affidavits (SP9 and SP10) contained, among others, the expert views of SP9 and SP10 on Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows). The Defendant’s solicitors had been served with the Affidavits (SP9 and SP10) and had prior actual notice of the expert opinions of SP9 and SP10 regarding Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows). Consequently, on 27.7.2020 Mr. S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Rohan should have cross-examined SP9 and SP10 on Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows); (2) SP9 and SP10 had been recalled by Mr. Pereira on 10.4.2021 for further examination-in-chief on the Timber Issue. Hence, on 10.4.2021 Mr. Rohan had a second opportunity to conduct further cross-examination of SP9 and SP10 regarding Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows); (3) if the Defendant’s 6 Applications were allowed by the court, the Plaintiffs would be irreparably prejudiced because the Plaintiffs had already closed their case; (4) the Defendant’s 6 Applications had been filed after the Close (Defence Case), namely after the completion of the Trial. It was therefore too late for the court to allow the Defendant’s 6 Applications at this juncture; and (5) five of the 6 Suits were filed in 2017 while one suit was instituted in 2018. If the court allowed the Defendant’s 6 Applications, there would be a further delay in the disposal of the 6 Suits. Mr. Pereira has cited a host of cases to oppose the Defendant’s 6 Applications. 7. The following evidence had been adduced in support of the Defendant’s 6 Applications: (1) the solicitors for the Plaintiffs and Defendant had previously agreed for Mr. Rohan to reserve further cross-examination of SP9 and S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 SP10 with regard to the Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows) [Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10)]; and (2) the Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10) was evidenced by way of an exchange of “WhatsApp” messages between the Plaintiffs’ then solicitor (Ms. Tan Wee Jiun) and Ms. Pan Yee Teng (who assists Mr. Rohan in these 6 Suits) (WhatsApp Messages). D. Court’s discretion to allow recall of witness and reopening of party’s case 8. The relevant parts of ss 135, 136(1) and 138(4) EA are reproduced below: “s 135 Order of production and examination of witnesses The order in which witnesses are produced and examined shall be regulated by the law and practice for the time being relating to civil and criminal procedure respectively, and in the absence of any such law by the discretion of the court. s 136 Court to decide as to admissibility of evidence (1) When either party proposes to give evidence of any fact, the court may ask the party proposing to give the evidence in what manner the alleged fact, if proved, would be relevant; and the court shall admit the evidence if it thinks that the fact, if proved, would be relevant, and not otherwise. s 138 Order of examinations and direction of re-examination … (4) The court may in all cases permit a witness to be recalled either for further examination-in-chief or for further cross-examination, S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 and if it does so, the parties have the right of further cross- examination and re-examination respectively.” (emphasis added). 9. I am of the following view regarding the court’s discretionary power to allow a party to recall a witness and to re-open the party’s case solely for the purpose of the recall: (1) it is clear from the employment of the directory term “may” in s 138(4) EA that the court has a discretion to allow any party (X) to recall any witness (Y) who has previously testified at a trial for one of the following two purposes - (a) X’s further examination-in-chief of Y; or (b) X’s further cross-examination of Y [Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y)]. It is decided by Mary Lim Thiam Suan JCA (as she then was) in the Court of Appeal case of Theow Say Kow @ Teoh Kiang Seng, Henry v Graceful Frontier Sdn Bhd & Ors and other appeals [2020] MLJU 57, at [107] and [108], as follows - “[107] Section 138 [EA] empowers the Court to permit in all cases, a witness to be recalled either for further examination-in- chief or for further cross-examination. It is a discretionary power. Where the Court exercises discretion in favour of recalling any witness, the parties have the right to further cross- examination and re-examination respectively. S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [108] In Evidence: Practice and Procedure by Augustine Paul [Malayan Law Journal Sdn Bhd, Third edition, 2003, page 1069], it was reminded that such discretion must be exercised judicially. Strong or cogent reasons must be given and there must be every opportunity or sufficient opportunity afforded to affected parties, to respond by way of cross-examination or rebuttal evidence. Arulanandom J in Ong Yoke Eng & Anor v Lim Ah Yew [1982] 1 MLJ 226, 227, cautioned that “although under ordinary circumstances it may not be necessary or permissible to allow a witness once examined and dismissed by a party to be recalled for it is expected that if the advocate will interrogate him on all material points touching his case, unforeseen situations may develop and there may be also inadvertent omissions. In such a case the Court may at its discretion allow a witness to be recalled, but surprise or prejudice to the other party should be guarded against.” We agree with this dicta; that there must be fair play in the determination of a claim and in the pursuit of justice and the Court must guard against surprise or prejudice. The discretion on recall is not limited to particular witnesses, it is in fact, available in “all cases”, regardless whether the witness being recalled was a party to the claim or simply as a witness.” (emphasis added); (2) s 138(4) EA is silent on how the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) should be exercised. I cannot claim to explain all the decided cases which have allowed or dismissed X’s application to recall Y (X’s Application). Nor am I able to reconcile all these cases. It suffices for me to state that from the view point of the stare decisis doctrine, a court’s written judgment on the exercise or non- exercise of the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) is S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 necessarily dependent on the particular facts of the case in question and the judgment cannot therefore constitute a binding legal precedent. A decided case on the application or non-application of the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) can only provide valuable guidance to litigants and learned counsel regarding the court’s approach (not as a rule of law) in a particular factual situation; (3) according to Arulanandom J in the High Court in Ong Yoke Eng & Anor v Lim Ah Yew [1982] 1 MLJ 226, at 227 - “In civil proceedings, it is in the discretion of the court of first instance to recall a witness or call further witnesses after his case is closed. Although under ordinary circumstances it may not be necessary or permissible to allow a witness once examined and dismissed by a party to be recalled for it is expected that the advocate will interrogate him on all material points touching his case, unforeseen situations may develop and there may be also inadvertent omissions. In such a case the court may at its discretion allow a witness to be recalled, but surprise or prejudice to the other party should be guarded against. The objection by the defendant to the application was however not on these anticipated grounds. Nevertheless on allowing the application the court granted liberty to the defendant to cross-examine the recalled witness and further witnesses and call evidence in rebuttal.” (emphasis added). The above judgment has been affirmed by our Court of Appeal in the following two cases - S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 (a) Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) held as follows in Tan Kah Khiam v Liew Chin Chuan & Anor [2007] 2 MLJ 445, at [8], [18] and [19] - “[8] In my judgment, the better view is that expressed in Ong Yoke Eng. A trial judge must be given a wide discretion on matters relating to evidence. After all, the [EA] itself places the matter of relevance and therefore admissibility upon the court for it provides as follows in s 136(1): … … [18] One last point. Counsel for the defendants made a sustained submission on the discretion of a judge to permit a party to recall a witness after the close of his case. He reads to us Shedden v Patrick (1869) LR 1 HL Sc 470 and Pernas Trading Sdn Bhd v Senali Construction Works Sdn Bhd [1991] 2 CLJ 1587 which are authorities for the proposition that the court must be slow to permit the recall of a witness after the cases of both parties have concluded. I accept, of course that the power to permit the recall of a witness is in the discretion of the court as provided by s 138(4) [EA] which reads: … [19] … In any event, the principle as to the recall of witnesses is the same in both civil and criminal cases. And all I really need do is to quote from the judgment of Ali J (as he then was) in Public Prosecutor v Boo Chew Hia [1963] MLJ 33: “The law permits a witness to be recalled whenever it is essential to the just decision of the S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 case. Merely recalling a witness is not in itself an irregularity.” (emphasis added); and (b) Theow Say Kow, at [108]; (4) X bears the burden to persuade the trial court to allow X’s Application because - (a) X’s learned counsel has previously examined-in-chief or cross- examined Y (Y’s Previous Examination-In-Chief/Cross- Examination). X must therefore provide a “strong” or “cogent” reason for X’s recall of Y [X’s Reason (Recall of Y)] - Theow Say Kow, at [108]; and (b) in an adversarial legal system, X should not be allowed to have a “second bite at the cherry”. This consideration should be outweighed by the need for the court to achieve justice - please refer to sub-paragraph (5)(a) below; (5) the following matters should be considered by the trial court in deciding X’s Application - (a) whether it is in the interest of justice for the trial court to allow X’s Application based on X’s Reason (Recall of Y). This should be the primary consideration. In this regard - (i) X’s Reason (Recall of Y) should allude to the proposed evidence to be adduced through Y’s recall [Proposed Evidence (Y)]; and S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (ii) the trial court should then decide whether the Proposed Evidence (Y) is capable of assisting the trial court to decide the dispute in a just manner. Unless it is clear that the Proposed Evidence (Y) cannot assist the trial court to decide justly the controversy in the dispute, it is better for the trial court to err on the side of caution and allow X’s Application. In this manner, there is no ground for X to appeal to the appellate court against the trial court’s refusal of X’s Application and there is therefore no risk of a retrial being ordered by the appellate court (Risk of Retrial) {as had happened in Tan Kah Khiam, at [20]}. At first blush, it seems that if X’s Application is allowed by the trial court [Trial Court’s Favourable Decision (X’s Application)], this may prolong the trial and increase costs for the parties. In other words, the Trial Court’s Favourable Decision (X’s Application) may give the impression that the suit has not been expeditiously and economically disposed of. Upon careful consideration, if the Trial Court’s Favourable Decision (X’s Application) is arrived at after an application of the approach proposed in the above sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) (Proposed Approach), ie., the Proposed Evidence (Y) is capable of assisting the trial court to decide the suit in a just manner, the Proposed Approach has the following advantages - (a)(i) the Risk of Retrial does not arise at all; S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 (a)(ii) limited judicial resources are not wasted if a retrial is ordered by an appellate court and parties need not waste valuable time, effort and costs to conduct a retrial; and (a)(iii) with X’s recall of Y and the trial court’s decision after trial, parties may appeal thereafter against the trial court’s decision. In this sense, there is finality in litigation; (b) if the Proposed Evidence (Y) is capable of assisting the trial court to decide the dispute in a just manner, the court should allow X’s Application even if there was an “inadvertent omission” on the part of X and/or X’s learned counsel in the conduct of Y’s Previous Examination-In-Chief/Cross- Examination. This is clear from the following cases - (i) Ong Yoke Eng, at p. 227; (ii) in the Court of Appeal case of Tenaga Nasional Bhd v Prorak Sdn Bhd [2000] 1 MLJ 479, at 484 (TNB’s Case), Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) has decided as follows - “Whenever possible, where there is no risk of sacrifice of principle in the name of justice or at the altar of convenience, we do our best to ensure that a lay client does not suffer because of the mistake of his legal advisers. We do so in the interests of justice. When we act, we always bear in mind what Lord Denning S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 said in Doyle v Olby (Ironmongers) Ltd [1969] 2 All ER 119, at p 121: We never allow a client to suffer for the mistake of his counsel if we can possibly help it. We will always seek to rectify it as far as we can. We will correct it whenever we are able to do so without injustice to the other side. Sometimes the error has seriously affected the course of the evidence, in which case we can at best order a new trial.” (emphasis added); and (iii) according to Tan Kah Khiam, at [10] - “[10] … It is a long standing principle that the object of courts is to decide the rights of the parties in litigation and not to punish for mistakes made in the conduct of a case unless the circumstances be exceptional. That principle was expressed in the following way by Bowen LJ in Cropper v Smith (1884) 26 Ch D 700 at p 710: “Now, I think it is a well established principle that the object of Courts is to decide the rights of the parties, and not to punish them for mistakes they make in the conduct of their cases by deciding otherwise than in accordance with their rights. Speaking for myself, and in conformity with what I have heard laid down by the other division of the S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 Court of Appeal and by myself as a member of it, I know of no kind of error or mistake which, if not fraudulent or intended to overreach, the Court ought not to correct, if it can be done without injustice to the other party. Courts do not exist for the sake of discipline, but for the sake of deciding matters in controversy, ... ” (emphasis added). The Court of Appeal in Tan Kah Khiam, at [11], has affirmed the above part of the judgment in TNB’s Case as reproduced in the above sub-paragraph (5)(b)(ii); (c) whether there was an unforeseeable matter which X and/or X’s learned counsel could not have raised in Y’s Previous Examination-In-Chief/Cross-Examination - Ong Yoke Eng, at p. 227; (d) whether there was evidence which only came into being after Y’s Previous Examination-In-Chief/Cross-Examination; and (e) whether X and/or X’s learned counsel had now obtained evidence which was not available to X and/or X’s learned counsel at the time of Y’s Previous Examination-In-Chief/Cross- Examination and such evidence could not have been made available to X and/or X’s learned counsel with reasonable diligence on the part of X and/or X’s learned counsel at the time of Y’s Previous Examination-In-Chief/Cross-Examination; S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 (f) whether X’s recall of Y would prejudice the opposing party (Z) - Ong Yoke Eng, at p. 227. Z may not be prejudiced by X’s recall of Y because - (i) s 138(4) EA itself provides that Z has a right of further cross-examination or further re-examination, as the case may be, after X’s recall of Y; (ii) in the interest of justice, the court may allow Z to call a new witness or recall a witness who has previously testified, to rebut Y’s evidence given pursuant to X’s recall of Y (Rebuttal Witness) - Ong Yoke Eng, at p. 227; (iii) Z and Z’s learned counsel should be given sufficient time to prepare for - (f)(i) Y’s recall; and (f)(ii) Z’s calling of the Rebuttal Witness (if any); and (iv) X should pay costs to Z because Z should be compensated for the costs which will be incurred by Z due to X’s recall of Y and Z’s calling of the Rebuttal Witness (if any); and (g) whether there is a delay in making X’s Application (X’s Delay) and if “yes” - (i) is there a reasonable explanation for X’s Delay?; and (ii) whether X’s Delay has caused prejudice to Z and if so, can Z be compensated in costs by X for such a prejudice?; S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 (h) whether X and/or Z has/have closed their case - this will be discussed in detail in sub-paragraph (6) below; and (i) the circumstances discussed in the above sub-paragraphs (a) to (h), needless to say, cannot be exhaustive; (6) with regard to the court’s discretionary power to allow a party to reopen the party’s case [Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case)] - (a) there are three possible bases for the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case) as follows - (i) in Tan Kah Khiam, at [8], the Court of Appeal has relied on s 136(1) EA as the basis of the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case); (ii) I am of the diffident view that s 135 EA provides for the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case). Section 135 EA provides that the “order in which witnesses are produced and examined shall be regulated by the law and practice for the time being relating to civil … procedure respectively, and in the absence of any such law by the discretion of the court”. RC do not provide for the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case). Hence, the court has a discretion under s 135 EA to allow a party to reopen the party’s case; and S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 (iii) when the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) is exercised in favour of allowing X’s Application, the court has an implied power under s 138(4) EA read with s 40(1) of the Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 (IA) to allow X and/or Z to reopen their cases - please refer to sub- paragraph (6)(c) below; (b) as to how the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case) should be exercised, it is decided in Tan Kah Khiam, at [6], [9], [10] and [14], as follows - “[6] … For temporally speaking, whether the trial judge may exercise his discretion to permit the reopening of a party's case will very much depend on the stage at which the application is made. It may be more likely that discretion may be exercised at the stage where the application is made immediately after a party closes his case. But it may be less likely that discretion will be favourably exercised where the application is made after the defendants have closed their case and just before the trial judge is about to pronounce his judgment. In the spectrum of factual possibilities that exist between each of these two extremes the exercise of discretion would, in my judgment, very much depend as to where the justice of the case lies having regard to the peculiar facts and circumstances before the court. … [9] The view I have to make is supported by the decision in TD Canada Trust v McMaster et al [2003] BCD (Civ) 16394, where Garson J said: S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 In Dudas v Munroe [1993] BCJ 2035 (SC) (QL), Braidwood J (as he then was) summarised the law concerning the court's discretion to re-open a trial before judgment is entered as follows: In deciding whether or not to re-open a case, the governing considerations are first, would a miscarriage of justice probably occur without a re-hearing; and second, would a re-hearing probably produce a change of result?. The discretion to re-open a trial before judgment is entered is an unfettered discretion but one that should be used sparingly (Sykes v Sykes (1995) 6 BCLR (3d) 296 (CA)) and has as its purpose the correction of what would otherwise be a miscarriage of justice (Kemp v Wittenberg, 1999 BCJ 810 (SC)). [10] Again in Lubrizol Corp v Imperial Oil Ltd 62 ACWS (3d) 902, the Federal Court of Appeal of Canada (Stone, Linden and McDonald JJA) when dealing with the point under discussion said (in the joint judgment of Stone and Linden JJA): Save in exceptional circumstances, a litigant who has had a full opportunity of adducing evidence at trial will not be permitted to reopen his case so as to allow new evidence to be introduced after the judgment at trial. [Becker Milk Co Ltd et al v Consumers' Gas Co (1974) 2 OR (2d) 554 (CA) ]. It has been well observed that as under our adversary system of justice, 'what witnesses are S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 called and what questions they are asked is a matter left to counsel' and it is counsel who 'makes decisions, both strategic and tactical, as to what approach will be taken… counsel cannot later complain about the absence of evidence at trial.' [International Corona Resources Ltd v LAC Minerals Ltd (1988) 66 OR (2d) 610. … [14] … Here we can look at all the facts and see how a reasonable tribunal would have acted in their face. And there is no question that a reasonable tribunal would have rejected the defendants' illogical suggestion and proceeded to deal with the plaintiff's application to reopen his case at the time before the defendants began their defence. A reasonable tribunal would have had the interests of justice as the overriding consideration in its mind and taken into consideration the principle that as far as is possible a litigant should not be punished for the error of his or her counsel. In that state of affairs, a reasonable tribunal armed with all the relevant material that was before the trial judge would have permitted the plaintiff to reopen his case. Especially so as the defendants would have suffered no prejudice in real terms by the grant of the application. Also time and costs would have been saved. And the trial could have proceeded with smoothly.” (emphasis added). It is clear from Tan Kah Khiam that whether the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case) will be invoked or otherwise, depends on the “interests of justice as the overriding consideration”; and S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 (c) Tan Kah Khiam does not concern an application to recall a witness under s 138(4) EA. According to s 2(1)(b) IA, Part I IA applies to EA because the EA has been revised under the Revision of Laws Act 1968. Section 40(1) IA is in Part I IA and provides as follows - “s 40 Implied powers (1) Where a written law confers a power on any person to do or enforce the doing of any act or thing, all such powers shall be understood to be also given as are reasonably necessary to enable the person to do or enforce the doing of the act or thing.” (emphasis added). If the court decides to exercise its discretion under s 138(4) EA to allow X to recall Y and at the same time if the court also allows Z to recall the Rebuttal Witness [please see the above sub-paragraph (5)(f)(ii)], even if both X and Z have closed their case, by reason of s 40(1) IA, the court may allow - (i) X to reopen X’s case for the sole purpose of recalling Y; and (ii) Z to reopen Z’s case so as to enable Z to call the Rebuttal Witness - which is “reasonably necessary” for X’s recall of Y and for Z to call the Rebuttal Witness. S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 If the Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case) is not implied under s 138(4) EA read with s 40(1) IA - (c)(i) this will render redundant the court’s discretionary power pursuant to s 138(4) EA to allow X’s Recall of Y after the close of X’s case; (c)(ii) such an outcome is contrary to the phrase “all cases” in s 138(4) EA; and (c)(iii) this may cause an injustice to X if X has a good reason to recall Y - please refer to the above sub- paragraphs (5)(a) to (e); (7) if X’s Application is made after the completion of a trial, the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) and Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case) may be exercised in favour of X’s Application if - (a) it is just for the court to do so - please refer to the above sub- paragraphs (5)(a) and (6)(b); and (b) there is no prejudice to Z [please see the above sub-paragraph (5)(f)] and Z may be allowed in the interest of justice to call the Rebuttal Witness [please refer to the above sub-paragraph (5)(f)(ii)]; (8) the fact that Y has been unconditionally released as a witness by the court, does not fetter the exercise of the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) and Court’s Discretionary Power S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 (Reopening of Party’s Case). This is because if Y has been released as a witness by the court subject to recall [Court’s Conditional Release (Y)], X can simply recall Y based on the Court’s Conditional Release (Y) and X need not apply to court under s 138(4) EA for leave to recall Y and to reopen X’s case. Accordingly, I cannot accept Mr. Pereira’s reliance on the Court’s Unconditional Release (SP9 and SP10) as a ground to oppose the Defendant’s 6 Applications; and (9) the Court’s Discretionary Power (X’s Recall of Y) and Court’s Discretionary Power (Reopening of Party’s Case) cease upon the delivery of the court’s decision on the merits of the trial. E. Should court allow Defendant’s 6 Applications? 10. Firstly, the WhatsApp Messages are admissible as evidence in court proceedings - please refer to Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd & Anor v Faiz Rice Sdn Bhd & Anor and another case [2019] 7 MLJ 175, at [23(1)]. 11. Secondly, I attach great weight to the WhatsApp Messages because - (1) the WhatsApp Messages constituted contemporaneous documentary evidence; and (2) the Plaintiffs’ solicitors could not deny the truth of the contents of the WhatsApp Messages. 12. In view of the WhatsApp Messages, the existence of the Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10) has been proven by the Defendant. S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 13. I have no hesitation to decide that the Defendant has discharged the onus to persuade the court to allow the Defendant’s 6 Applications. This decision is premised on the following evidence and reasons: (1) if the Defendant’s 6 Applications is dismissed, the Defendant’s learned counsel would not have the right to challenge the expert testimonies of SP9 and SP10 regarding the Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows). In such an event, as decided by Raja Azlan Shah CJ (Malaya) (as His Majesty then was) in the Federal Court case of Wong Swee Chin v Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 212, at 213, the Defendant would be deemed in law to have accepted the expert views of SP9 and SP10 on the Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows). This will cause an injustice to the Defendant in the 6 Suits; (2) the Plaintiffs are not prejudiced in any manner if the court allows the Defendant’s 6 Applications because - (a) in view of the Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10), the Plaintiffs were not caught by surprise by the Defendant’s 6 Applications; (b) after Mr. Rohan’s further cross-examination of SP9 and SP10 on the Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows), Mr. Pereira has a right of further re-examination SP9 and SP10 pursuant to s 138(4) EA; and (c) as explained in the above sub-paragraph (5)(f)(ii), Mr. Pereira has a right to call a Rebuttal Witness after Mr. Rohan’s further S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 cross-examination of SP9 and SP10 in respect of the Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows); and (3) the doctrine of equitable estoppel has a wide application - please refer to the Federal Court’s judgment delivered by Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) in Boustead Trading (1985) Sdn Bhd v Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Bhd [1995] 4 CLJ 283, at 294. The Plaintiffs are estopped by the Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10) from opposing the Defendant’s 6 Applications. It is clearly unjust for the Plaintiffs to resile from the Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10) (Plaintiffs’ Inequitable Conduct) and resist the Defendant’s 6 Applications. 14. All the cases relied on by Mr. Pereira can be easily distinguished due to the existence of the Parties’ Agreement (Further Cross-Examination of SP9 and SP10) in support of the Defendant’s 6 Applications. F. Costs 15. As explained in the above sub-paragraph 9(5)(f)(iv), if the court allows a defendant’s application to recall a witness and to reopen the defendant’s case after the conclusion of a trial, costs of the application should ordinarily be borne by the defendant. However, in view of the Plaintiffs’ Inequitable Conduct, for the Defendant’s 6 Applications, I award costs of RM5,000,00 as costs in the cause of the 6 Suits (subject to allocatur fee). Such a decision is made pursuant to O 59 r 8(b) RC which reads as follows: S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 “r 8 The Court in exercising its discretion as to costs shall, to such extent, if any, as may be appropriate in the circumstances, take into account - … (b) the conduct of all the parties, including conduct before and during the proceedings; ” (emphasis added). G. Court’s decision 16. Premised on the evidence and reasons explained in the above paragraphs 10 to 13, the Defendant’s 6 Applications are allowed with the following orders: (1) the Defendant is allowed to recall SP9 and SP10 for further cross- examination which is confined to the Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows); (2) the Defendant is granted leave to reopen the Defendant’s case for the sole purpose as stated in the above sub-paragraph (1); and (3) costs of the Defendant’s 6 Applications is provided in the above paragraph 14. WONG KIAN KHEONG Judge Court of Appeal, Malaysia S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 DATE: 7 NOVEMBER 2023 Counsel for Plaintiffs Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira & Mr. Gary Wong Kin Wai (in 6 Suits): (Messrs Goh Wong Pereira) Counsel for Defendant Mr. Rohan Arasoo A/L Jeyabalah (in 6 Suits): Ms. Amy Hiew Kar Yi & Ms. Pan Yan Teng (Messrs Harold & Lam Partnership) S/N JFpm/NHTuEeNzwiRliFetw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
TATACARA SIVIL: Rayuan dari Mahkamah Rendah ke Mahkamah Tinggi – Perbicaraan penuh di Mahkamah Majistret – Isu tuntutan keberhutangan berjumlah RM95,400.00 – Sama ada Mahkamah Majistret melakukan kekhilafan dalam membuat penilaian kehakiman kepada fakta dan peruntukan undang-undang? – Dapatan fakta oleh Mahkamah Majistret bahawa Defendan ada memesan dan meminta perkhidmatan Plaintif; Plaintif tidak menyempurnakan perkhidmatan tersebut dan Defendan telah menerima Perkhidmatan tersebut; Plaintif dan Defendan telah bersetuju mengenai perkara bayaran dan Defendan tidak menerima Invois adalah khilaf – Pada peringkat rayuan, Mahkamah Tinggi perlu mengusik kekhilafan Mahkamah Majistret.
YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA (DALAM BIDANGKUASA RAYUAN) ANTARA HITTI ALUMINIUM SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: 637410-H) − PERAYU DAN METALGLAZ TECHNOLOGY (M) SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: 714055-K) − RESPONDEN (Dalam perkara mengenai Mahkamah Majistret di Shah Alam) Writ No. BA-A72NCVC-1059-07/2020 Antara Hitti Aluminium Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 637410-H) − Plaintif Dan Metalglaz Technology (M) Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 714055-K) − Defendan) [Keputusan oleh Puan Fatina Amyra binti Abdul Jalil, Majistret, Mahkamah Majistret di Shah Alam yang diberikan pada 30 November 2022] ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN 14/11/2023 14:23:55 BA-11BNCvC-44-12/2022 Kand. 25 S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Pengenalan [1] Ini ialah kes mengenai tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan di Mahkamah Majistret, Shah Alam bagi bayaran kerja arkitek berjumlah RM95,400.00 setakat 31-3-2022. [2] Perbicaraan penuh diadakan di hadapan Puan Majistret (selepas ini disebut “Pn Majistret yang bijaksana”). [3] Pn Majistret yang bijaksana menolak keseluruhan tuntutan Plaintif. [4] Tidak berpuas hati dengan keseluruhan keputusan Pn Majistret yang bijaksana, Plaintif merayu ke Mahkamah Tinggi. [5] Pada 26-6-2023, saya telah membenarkan rayuan oleh Plaintif dengan kos. Keputusan Pn Majistret yang bijaksana diketepikan. [6] Defendan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi, kini merayu ke Mahkamah Rayuan. [7] Dalam alasan penghakiman ini, Mahkamah menyebut pihak-pihak sebagaimana mereka di Mahkamah Majisret. Latar belakang fakta [8] Plaintif dan Defendan mempunyai hubungan perniagaan di mana sepanjang 2 tahun iaitu tahun 2015 dan 2016, atas permintaan DefendanPlaintif telah melakukan kerja arkitek iaitu lakaran, cutting list drawing, dan nasihat konsultasi kepada Defendan berkenaan dengan S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 projek Defendan iaitu MRT S8 Bandar Kajang. [9] Dalam perbicaraan, dokumen-dokumen yang dirujuk adalah sebagaimana Part B Ikatan Dokumen Bersama. [10] Cara kerja yang dilakukan antara Plaintif dan Defendan ialah melalui hantaran e-mel dan percakapan telefon. Saksi Plaintif, Lim Yoon Keong, Pengurus Projek Plaintif (SP-1) dalam pemeriksaan balas menyatakan bahawa cara kerja ini dilakukannya dan seorang lagi pekerja Plaintif dan pekerja Defendan. SP-1 mengakui bahawa tiada apa-apa dokumen di hadapan Mahkamah untuk menunjukkan bahawa Defendan telah membuat pesanan atau permintaan secara bertulis kepada Plaintif. Urusan antara mereka ialah melalui komunikasi lisan dan forward emails. [11] Pekerja Defendan bernama En. Mohd Fadzli Bin Mas’ud, Pelukis Pelan (SP-3) berada di pejabat Plaintif semasa kerja shop drawing dan selepas En. Fazli selesai, En. Fazli menyerahkan kepada pekerja Plaintif (En. Fakhruddin) untuk menghasilkan cutting list dan seterusnya dihantar kepada supplier untuk kerja fabrication. [12] Keberadaan pekerja Defendan untuk berkerja di pejabat Plaintif disahkan oleh saksi Defendan sendiri iaitu En. Ng Wai Choong, Pengarah Defendan (SD-1). [13] Keterangan Plaintif menyatakan bahawa hubungan dan komunikasi untuk melaksanakan kerja antara Plaintif dan Defendan termasuk hadir dalam mesyuarat dan penyediaan perkhidmatan bagi projek S8 MRT Bandar Kajang adalah dibuat mengikut spesifikasi dan kualiti yang dikehendaki oleh Defendan. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [14] Saksi Plaintif dalam keterangannya telah menyatakan bahawa kerja yang dilakukan oleh Plaintif dan Defendan dibuat secara perbincangan/mesyuarat sehingga dapat dimuktamadkan dan kemudiannya dihantar kepada supplier in China to make production. [15] Keterangan saksi Defendan (SD-1) dalam pemeriksaan balas juga mengakui bahawa pihak Defendan telah “seconded” En. Mohd Fadzli (SP-3) untuk bekerja di pejabat Plaintif dan di bawah pengawasan pekerja kanan Plaintif. SD-1 mengakui ketiadaan apa-apa perjanjian untuk membuktikan permintaan yang dibuat oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif selain daripada hanya melalui “mouth talking only”. Hubungan kerja begini sudah terjalin antara Plaintif dan Defendan dan wujud kepercayaan antara mereka. [16] Berdasarkan itu, Plaintif memplidkan dalam tuntutannya bahawa pihak Plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan bahawa wujud kontrak antara Plaintif dan Defendan. [17] Peruntukan seksyen 103 Akta Keterangan 1950 dan keputusan Yang Arif Gunalan Muniandy, Mahkamah Tinggi Johor Bahru (Y.A. ketika itu) dalam kes CITC (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v. Agricode Sdn Bhd & Other Case [2015] 1 LNS 142 adalah dirujuk dan dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif sebagai hujahan untuk membuktikan bahawa terdapat perjanjian di antara Plaintif dengan Defendan. [18] Berdasarkan keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah bicara, fakta bahawa Plaintif telah menyempurnakan kerja sebagaimana permintaan Defendan adalah diakui oleh pekerja Defendan yang dipanggil menjadi saksi Plaintif bahawa pekerja Plaintif ialah orang yang melakukan kerja S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 lakaran (cutting list drawing). Versi fakta Defendan [19] Keterangan Defendan melalui pembelaan, keterangan lisan dan keterangan dokumentar menyatakan perkara yang berikut: (a) Defendan tiada pengetahuan mengenai pernyataan Plaintif yang menyediakan lakaran dan melakukan kerja-kerja arkitek untuk Defendan. (b) Defendan menyatakan bahawa kerja-kerja arkitek hanya boleh disediakan/dilakukan oleh orang/syarikat yang berkelayakan (“qualified person”) yang telah didaftarkan di bawah Akta Arkitek 1967 (“registered person”). (c) sepanjang pengetahuan Defendan, Plaintif bukanlah syarikat yang berkelayakan dan/atau Plaintif tidak didaftarkan di bawah Akta Arkitek 1967. (d) Defendan tidak pernah memesan dan/atau meminta Plaintif untuk melakukan sebarang kerja-kerja arkitek sepertimana yang didakwa oleh Plaintif. (e) Defendan menegaskan bahawa tiada apa-apa kerja arkitek yang disediakan oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 (f) Defendan selanjutnya menyatakan bahawa pengataan Plaintif bahawa Defendan akan membayar kepada Plaintif ke atas kerja-kerja yang dilakukan atas harga-harga yang ditetapkan oleh Plaintif adalah langsung tidak masuk akal. (g) adalah mustahil bagi Defendan bersetuju untuk membayar bagi kerja-kerja Arkitek yang didakwa tersebut berdasarkan harga-harga yang ditetapkan oleh Plaintif sendiri tanpa persetujuan terdahulu Defendan. Ia adalah suatu kebiasaan di dalam perniagaan (“business norm”) bahawa harga perkhidmatan haruslah dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua pihak dahulu sebelum transaksi tersebut dilaksanakan. (h) sekiranya dakawan-dakwaan Plaintif mengenai penyediaan kerja-kerja Arkitek yang didakwa tersebut adalah benar (yang mana dinafikan), sudah tentu Plaintif akan memplidkan dengan lebih terperinci mengenai pelantikan Plaintif oleh Defendan. Sebagai contohnya, cara pelantikan (sama ada melalui surat pelantikan atau sebaliknya); tarikh sebenar (“exact date”) Defendan melantik Plaintif; skop kerja; dan fi Plaintif. (i) Defendan tidak pernah menerima invois bertarikh 31-3-2020 tersebut dan hanya mengetahui tentang invois tersebut pada 24-8-2020 apabila sesalinan invois tersebut diserahkan kepada peguam cara Defendan menurut perintah bertarikh 18-8-2020 oleh Mahkamah Majistret. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (j) Plaintif mendakwa bahawa kerja-kerja Arkitek yang didakwa tersebut telah disediakan kepada Defendan sepanjang tahun 2015 sehingga 2016. Manakala, invois yang kononnya telah diisukan/diserahkan kepada Defendan (yang mana dinafikan) adalah bertarikh 31-3-2020 iaitu lebih kurang 4 tahun selepas kerja-kerja Arkitek yang didakwa tersebut diselesaikan. Sekiranya tuntutan Plaintif adalah benar (yang mana dinafikan), sudah tentu invois akan diisukan dalam tempoh masa yang munasabah selepas kerja-kerja Arkitek yang didakwa tersebut diselesaikan, dan bukan selepas 4 tahun. [20] Defendan memplidkan bahawa – • kegagalan Plaintif untuk memplidkan fakta yang dinyatakan di atas menunjukkan bahawa dakwaan-dakwaan Plaintif hanyalah pengataan kosong. • tuntutan Plaintif adalah berniat jahat (“bad faith”), tidak berasas dan merupakan suatu pemikiran semula (“afterthought”) kerana pada hakikatnya, Defendan tidak pernah meminta dan/atau menerima sebarang perkhidmatan daripada Plaintif. • tuntutan Plaintif ini merupakan suatu tindakan balas (“retaliation”) terhadap penghakiman terus yang diperolehi oleh Defendan terhadap Plaintif di dalam Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam Guaman No.: BA-B52C-1-01/2020 (“Penghakiman Terus”); dan adalah suatu penyalahgunaan proses Mahkamah untuk mengenakan tekanan yang tidak S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 wajar (“exerting undue pressure”) terhadap Defendan dan menggunakan tindakan ini sebagai pengaruh (“leverage”) untuk tidak menyelesaikan jumlah penghakiman di bawah Penghakiman Terus tersebut. [21] Justeru itu, Defendan memohon seperti berikut – (a) tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan ditolak; (b) kos; dan (c) apa-apa relief yang Mahkamah ini fikirkan sesuai dan adil. Jawapan kepada pembelaan: [22] Mahkamah ini telah membaca perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh Defendan vide Jawapan kepada pembelaan, di mana Plaintif menjawab seperti yang berikut: (a) perkara Sijil Arkitek: tuntutan ini berkenaan dengan kerja atau perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh Plaintif terutama kepakaran Plaintif dalam bidang kerja aluminium. Ini termasuklah kerja lakaran untuk memasukkan atau memasang sesuatu barang aluminium ke dalam sesuatu bangunan sebagai contoh tingkap atau pintu dsbnya. Kerja- kerja inilah yang diminta oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif. Plaintif tidak memerlukan Sijil Arkitek untuk membuat kerja- kerja sedemikian. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (b) perkara harga yang ditetapkan Plaintif: sebagai pemberi perkhidmatan atau penjual, Plaintif menetapkan harga ke atas perkhidmatan yang diberinya. Perbincangan dengan Defendan diadakan yang akhirnya dipersetujui oleh kedua- duanya. (c) perkara tarikh melakukan kerja oleh Plaintif: pada setiap lakaran dan kerja yang dihantar kepada Defendan ada dicatatkan tarikh kerja dibuat. Dokumen mengenainya akan dirujuk dalam perbicaraan. (d) perkara kelewatan mengeluarkan invois bagi pembayaran: hubungan perniagaan yang lama antara Plaintif dan Defendan dan banyak transaksi berlaku untuk beberapa projek yang berlainan antara kedua-duanya adalah punca Plaintif meletakkan kepercayaan kepada Defendan. Plaintif telah melaksanakan kerja yang diminta Defendan maka Defendan bertanggungan untuk membayar kepada Plaintif. (e) perkara Penghakiman Terus yang memihak kepada Defendan: pelaksanaan Penghakiman Terus adalah tidak berkaitan dengan tuntutan Plaintif ini. Plaintif telah membayar Defendan bagi Penghakiman Terus tersebut. Tuntutan Plaintif di sini ialah mengenai keberhutangan Defendan kepada Plaintif. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 Sama ada terdapat kekhilafan dalam keputusan Pn Majistret yang bijaksana? Isu yang dikenal pasti oleh Mahkamah Majistret: [23] Mahkamah Majistret setelah memperhalusi isu yang dikemukakan oleh pihak-pihak dan mendapati isu untuk diputuskan oleh Mahkamah adalah seperti yang berikut: (a) sama ada Defendan ada memesan dan meminta Plaintif untuk menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut untuk projek Defendan MRT S8 Bandar Kajang. (b) sama ada Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut dan Defendan telah menerima Perkhidmatan tersebut (lakaran, drawing dan nasihat konsultansi) untuk projek S8 dari 2015 hingga 2016. (c) sama ada Plaintif dan Defendan telah bersetuju bahawa setelah Plaintif menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut, Defendan akan membayar untuk Perkhidmatan tersebut. (d) sama ada Defendan telah menerima Invois tersebut. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 Prinsip Undang-Undang yang digunapakai oleh Pn Majistret: [24] Beban pembuktian terletak pada pihak yang mendakwa atau yang mengatakan kewujudan sesuatu fakta. Ini telah diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 101, 102 dan 103 Akta Keterangan 1950 (Evidence Act 1950 /Act 56). [25] Pemakaian prinsip beban pembuktian ini telah dijelaskan dalam kes Tenaga Nasional Bhd v Perwaja Steel Sdn Bhd [1998] 2 CLJ di mana Mahkamah menetapkan seperti berikut: “Under s. 101(1) of the Evidence Act 1950, whoever desires the court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability, dependent on the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts exist. In other words, the Plaintif must prove such facts as the Plaintiffs desires the court to give judgment as to its right to claim against the Defendant or the Defendant’s liability to pay the Plaintiff. The burden of proof is on the Plaintiff: s 101(2). In order to succeed here, the Plaintiff must prove its claim affirmatively.”. Dapatan Mahkamah Majistret (Mahkamah bicara): Isu (a): Sama ada Defendan ada memesan dan meminta Plaintif untuk menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut untuk projek Defendan MRT S8 Bandar Kajang? S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [26] Berdasarkan pernyataan tuntutan, Defendan telah meminta/memesan untuk Plaintif menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut untuk Defendan. Walau bagaimanapun, semasa perbicaraan, tiada sebarang bukti dokumentari seperti Pesanan Lisan daripada Plaintif. Ini turut disokong dengan keterangan daripada SP-1. [27] Mahkamah Majistret bersetuju dengan hujahan Defendan bahawa sekiranya terdapat Pesanan Lisan, sudah pasti Plaintif akan menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah mengenai pelantikan Plaintif oleh Defendan untuk membuktikan kes Plaintif. Contohnya seperti – (a) tarikh sebenar (exact date) Defendan melantik Plaintif untuk melakukan Perkhidmatan tersebut; (b) skop kerja; dan (c) fi Plaintif. [28] Oleh itu, bagi isu (a), memandangkan tiada bukti dikemukakan di Mahkamah, Mahkamah Majistret berpandangan Defendan tidak memesan dan meminta Plaintif untuk menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut untuk projek Defendan MRT S8 Bandar Kajang. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 Isu (b): Sama ada Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut dan Defendan telah menerima Perkhidmatan tersebut (lakaran, drawing dan nasihat konsultansi) untuk projek S8 dari 2015 hingga 2016? [29] Semasa perbicaraan, tiada bukti dikemukakan di Mahkamah untuk menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut kepada Defendan. SP-1 dalam keterangannya di Mahkamah memaklumkan bahawa En. Fakhruddin telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut untuk Defendan tetapi Fakhruddin tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi di Mahkamah. [30] Memandangkan En. Fakhruddin tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi di Mahkamah, tiada bukti dapat ditunjukkan bahawa Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut kepada Defendan dan Encik Fakhruddin juga tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa Defendan telah menerima Perkhidmatan tersebut. [31] Menurut keterangan SP-1, Plaintif secara amnya selepas penyediaan lakaran akan, secara kebiasaannya, mendapat pengesahan daripada pelanggannya mengenai lakaran-lakaran yang disediakan sebelum pengeluaran. Namun, Plaintif tidak meminta apa-apa pengesahan daripada Defendan mengenai Cutting List Drawing tersebut sebelum pengeluaran/production. [32] Tiada bukti dokumentari dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah oleh Plaintif untuk menunjukkan yang Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [33] Mahkamah Majistret merujuk kepada kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar Defendan iaitu kes Quantum Synergy Sdn Bhd v Sin Kean Boon Metal Industries Sdn Bhd [2004] MLJU 340, Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan bahawa: “Whilst in the affidavit in support the Managing Director of the Plaintiff had averred that he was deposing to the truth of the contents of the affidavit based on documents in his possession, it is surprising therefore that having made such an assertion, he had failed to annex such documents or delivery orders or show proof of any acknowledgment of receipt of those goods by the Defendant. Such an absence gives rise to the assumption that there are no such delivery orders in existence. Whatever delivery orders there are in the affidavit, do not however bear the signature nor the chop of the Defendant as having received the goods. The space for the signature and the chop on the delivery order is blank. The basic rule of law is that the person alleging must prove. The burden of proof of the existence of the debt is with the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff has proven that a sum of RM17,549.84 is due, merely through the admission by the Defendant.”. [34] Oleh itu, bagi isu (b), Mahkamah Majistret berpandangan bahawa Plaintif telah gagal menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut dan oleh itu Defendan juga tidak menerima Perkhidmatan tersebut. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Isu (c): Sama ada Plaintif dan Defendan telah bersetuju bahawa setelah Plaintif menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut, Defendan akan membayar untuk Perkhidmatan tersebut? [35] Berdasarkan keterangan SP-1, SP-1 menyatakan bahawa sekiranya invois dikeluarkan oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan untuk sesuatu jumlah pembayaran yang hendak dibayar oleh Defendan dan sekiranya Defendan tidak membantah invois tersebut, Defendan akan membayar jumlah tersebut. [36] Mahkamah Majistret berpandangan bahawa tiada apa-apa bantahan daripada Defendan ini tidak boleh dianggap sebagai penerimaan oleh Defendan. Mahkamah Majistret merujuk kepada kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar Defendan iaitu kes Chan Yuet Chun @ Chan Oi Lin v Martego Sdn Bhd [1996] MLJU 573, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa − “This requirement or condition by the Plaintiff for the acceptance of the terms in P3 is clear and unambiguous. Neither the Defendants nor DW2, on behalf of the Defendants, agreed to those arbitrary terms. Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified and, in the manner, prescribed by the offeror, see Section 7(a), and (b) of the Contracts Act 1950. It is necessary therefore for me to determine whether there was in this case a concluded agreement between the parties as alleged by the Plaintiff. As I had said earlier this case revolves upon the elementary principles of offer and acceptance. An acceptance is only effective if it has been communicated to the offeror. The offeror cannot bind the offeree by stating that if the offeree does S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 nothing he will be bound to the contract. Silence cannot amount to acceptance. See Fraser v Everett (1889) 4 Ky 512 and Felthouse v Bindley (1862) 11 CB (NS) 869 (supra).”. [37] SP-1 sendiri telah mengaku bahawa Defendan tidak pernah bersetuju dengan harga RM95,400.00 yang dikenakan dalam Invois tersebut. Pn Majistret yang bijaksana merujuk kepada nota keterangan − “PD: Encik Lim, just to confirm ya, based on your respond earlier, there is no express confirmation from the Defendant that they are agreeable to the invoice amount, correct? SP-1: Ya.” [38] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah berpandangan bagi isu (c) Defendan tidak pernah bersetuju untuk membayar jumlah RM95,400.00 yang dinyatakan dalam Invois tersebut. Isu (d): Sama ada Defendan telah menerima Invois tersebut? [39] Tiada bukti dokumentari dikemukakan oleh Plaintif untuk menunjukkan bahawa Invois tersebut diserahkan kepada Defendan. [40] Bagi isu (d), Mahkamah Majistret membuat rujukan kepada Invois tersebut dan mendapati memang tiada akuterima oleh Defendan. Tiada tandatangan untuk menunjukkan Invois tersebut diterima oleh Defendan. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 Kesimpulan selepas perbicaraan penuh: [41] Berdasarkan keterangan dan dokumen-dokumen yang dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan, Mahkamah Majistret, atas imbangan kebarangkalian, mendapati bahawa Plaintif telah gagal membuktikan tuntutan mereka dan Mahkamah dengan ini menolak tuntutan Plaintif dengan kos sebanyak RM3,000.00 dibayar oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan. [42] Mahkamah berpandangan Plaintif telah gagal untuk melepaskan beban pembuktian berdasarkan Seksyen 101 dan 103 Akta Keterangan 1950. Tidak terdapat sebarang kontrak antara Plaintif dan Defendan mengenai Perkhidmatan tersebut. Analisa dan Dapatan Mahkamah Tinggi [43] Mahkamah telah meneliti rayuan ini dan mendengar hujahan- hujahan pihak-pihak. [44] Keputusan Pn Majistret diakaskan atas alasan bahawa dalam mencapai dapatan fakta yang dikemukakan, Mahkamah Majistret hanya memfokuskan bahawa ketiadaan kontrak/perjanjian bertulis, ketiadaan dokumen perlantikan Plaintif, isu invois dan isu kelewatan menjadi tumpuan Mahkamah bicara. [45] Mahkamah ini mendapati jumlah keberhutangan Defendan kepada Plaintif sebagaimana tuntutan setakat 31-3-2022 bagi bayaran kerja ialah berjumlah RM95,400.00. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 [46] Hal perkara lakaran dan kerja aluminium yang dibangkitkan dalam kausa tindakan ini ialah bagi projek MRT S8 Bandar Kajang. Tiada isu bahawa kegagalan Plaintif menyiapkan dan menyempurnakan kerja bagi projek tersebut mengakibatkan bahawa terbengkalainya kerja bagi projek tersebut. [47] Pn Majistret juga tidak memberikan apa-apa ulasannya mengenai hubungan perniagaan yang rapat antara Plaintif dan Defendan di mana dalam keterangan Plaintif dan Defendan keberadaan pekerja Defendan yang ditempatkan di pejabat Plaintif adalah suatu perkara yang benar. [48] Ketiadaan apa-apa perjanjian bertulis tidak boleh diputuskan bahawa Plaintif tidak menyempurnakan kerja-kerja yang diminta oleh Defendan. Dalam kes Usahawan Bersama Teknik Sdn Bhd v. Hyperwave Systems Engineering Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 3076 Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan − “[39] It is settled law that the act of acceptance may be either in words or by conduct, or it may be partly by words or partly by conduct ... and Chitty on Contracts, 31st Edition 92012), Vo. 1, paras 2-002, 2-003, and 2-09).”. [49] Pn Majistret tidak merujuk atau mahu menerima keterangan Plaintif bahawa kerja yang dilakukan oleh Plaintif dihantar kepada Defendan melalui hantaran e-mel dan komunikasi antara kedua-dua pihak adalah secara lisan. Mahkamah ini memutuskan dari aspek ini, terdapat kekhilafan oleh Pn Majistret yang bijaksana mengenai keterangan lisan dan dokumentar yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif bahawa perkhidmatan yang diminta oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif adalah wujud dan S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 sebenarnya telah disempurnakan. [50] Kelakuan kedua-dua pihak dalam melaksanakan kerja yang saling berkait bagi projek MRT S8 Bandar Kajang adalah menunjukkan bahawa pihak-pihak telah bekerjasama untuk melaksanakan kerja masing-masing sehingga berhasilnya kerja tersebut. [51] Keterangan pekerja Defendan yang dipanggil menjadi saksi Plaintif iaitu En. Mohd Fadzli (SP-3) yang merupakan orang yang berurusan sebagai wakil Defendan dengan Plaintif sehingga SP-3 meletakkan jawatannya pada 16-1-2017 mensahkan bahawa Plaintif ada menyediakan kerja lakaran, “cutting list drawing:, kerja-kerja architecture dan nasihat konsultasi sepanjang tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2016 bagi projek MRT S8 Bandar Kajang. Penyiapan projek MRT S8 Bandar Kajang yang telah beroperasi jelas menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif telah menyempurnakan tugas/perkhidmatannya untuk Defendan. [52] Ketiadaan apa-apa surat perlantikan Plaintif untuk melaksanakan kerja yang diminta oleh Defendan telah disangkal melalui keterangan bahawa pekerja Defendan sendiri hanya menyediakan shop drawings dan kemudiannya Plaintif menyediakan cutting list drawings dan seterusnya dimajukan kepada “Main Contractor”. Isu surat perlantikan bukan suatu isu material untuk menafikan kerja/perkhidmatan yang telah diberikan oleh Plaintif. Kerja lakaran ini sudah pasti memerlukan 2 pihak iaitu kepakaran Defendan dan kepakaran Plaintif sebelum lakaran lengkap dikemukakan kepada “Main Contractor”. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 [53] Ketiadaan saksi-saksi dari pihak “Main Contractor” yang berurusan secara langsung dengan Defendan juga boleh menjadi suatu alasan kukuh bahawa Defendan gagal membuktikan kesnya. [54] Ketidakterimaan “barang” oleh Defendan hendaklah dibezakan dengan erti “barang” dalam terma biasanya. Perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh Plaintif adalah berkenaan dengan dokumen-dokumen yang dihantar secara e-mel kepada Defendan. Keterangan 2 orang saksi Defendan gagal mematahkan bukti dokumentari dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah oleh Plaintif untuk menunjukkan Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut. [55] Tiada apa-apa keterangan dalam perbicaraan untuk membuktikan bahawa Plaintif gagal menyempurnakan kerjanya dan/atau kerja yang diberikan itu cacat. Penafian Defendan mengenai penerimaan invois dan bantahan kepada harga/caj bagi perkhidmatan yang dikenakan oleh Plaintif tidak boleh menafikan keberhutangan sebanyak RM95,400.00 itu. [56] Peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif memetik keputusan dalam kes MP Factors Sdn Bhd v. Suangyan Projects Sdn Bhd & 3 Ors [2006] 1 LNS 358, di mana Y.A Vincent Ng Kim Khoay, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur (Y.A Hakim ketika itu) memutuskan − “It is undisputed fact that after being served with the notice to repurchase, the Defendants did not at any time raise any protest that the amount demanded is incorrect or that no amount is due and payable to the Plaintiff under the agreement. Thus, by the Defendants’ silence they are estopped from now raising this challenge as the Plaintiff was lulled into the belief that the S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 Defendants did not intend to challenge the exixtence of a demand to repurchase the debt, or the correctness of the amount owed by the Defendants under the Factoring Agreement.”. [57] Berkenaan dengan “perjanjian” yang telah dimasuki oleh Plaintif dan Defendan, saya memetik perenggan darpada Chitty’s on Contract seperti yang berikut: “Agreement is not a mental state, but an act, and as an act, is a matter of inference from conduct. The parties are to be judged not by what in their minds but by what they have said or written or done.”. [58] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa keterangan lisan oleh SP-1 ada kebenarannya iaitu – “Plaintif dan Defendan telah bersetuju bahawa Plaintif setelah membuat dan memenuhi kehendak Defendan, Defendan akan membayar kepada Plaintif ke atas kerja-kerja yang dilakukan atas harga-harga yang ditetapkan oleh Plaintif dan Defendan tahu bahawa kerja-kerja yang dilakukan tersebut bukanlah secara percuma oleh Plaintif. Defendan telah menerima invois HASB/INV/20/0156 berjumlah RM95,400.00 yang bertarikh 31-3-2020 daripada Plaintif, yang dihantar secara normal pos dan Defendan tidak pernah mempertikaikan dan berjanji untuk melunaskan segala bayaran kepada Plaintif.”. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 [59] Mahkamah ini mendapati Defendan telah menggunakan perkhidmatan Plaintif melalui “outsource” bagi projek MRT S8 Bandar Kajang, maka keengganan Defendan untuk membayar hasil kerja/perkhidmatan Plaintif tanpa justifikasi yang kukuh adalah helah Defendan untuk enggan membayar jumlah yang hanya RM95,400.00. [60] Walaupun, tempoh Plaintif mula menuntut hutangnya dengan Defendan selepas 4 tahun, isu ini tidak menjadi suatu sebab untuk menafikan hak Plaintif. Penjelasan SP-1 dalam pemeriksaan balas bahawa Plaintif memerlukan masa untuk mengumpul dokumen bagi tujuan tindakan undang-undang adalah suatu alasan yang munasabah. [61] Pertikaian mengenai harga/caj yang dikenakan oleh Plaintif bagi perkhidmatannya kepada Defendan dibangkitkan sebagai suatu harga yang ditetapkan tanpa pengesahan dan persetujuan Defendan. Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa perkhidmatan yang diberikan tanpa suatu pun dokumen perjanjian, maka kedua-dua pihak telah beralih kepada persetujuan, pengesahan dan perjanjian secara lisan semata- mata. Tiada apa-apa keterangan daripada Defendan untuk menyangkal keterangan bahawa perkhidmatan oleh Plaintif telah diterima oleh Defendan tetapi keterangan Defendan ialah untuk menyatakan “Defendan tidak meminta perkhidmatan Plaintif”. [62] Berkenaan dengan kes Defendan terhadap Plaintif sehingga Mahkamah Sesyen membenarkan penghakiman terus yang memihak kepada Defendan, Mahkamah ini bersetuju bahawa apa-apa tindakan undang-undang antara Defendan v. Plaintif dan Plaintif v. Defendan hendaklah diperhalusi oleh Pn Majistret yang bijaksana dan bukan semata-mata bersetuju dengan pengataan Defendan bahawa “tuntutan S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 Plaintif adalah berniat jahat (“bad faith”), tidak berasas dan merupakan suatu pemikiran semula (“afterthought”) kerana pada hakikatnya, Defendan tidak pernah meminta dan/atau menerima sebarang perkhidmatan daripada Plaintif.”. [63] Dalam alasan penghakiman Pn Majistret yang bijaksana hanya merujuk dan memetik nas undang-undang kes yang dihujahkan oleh peguam cara terpelajar Defendan. Mahkamah ini telah membaca hujahan Plaintif selepas perbicaraan dan mendapati keputusan kes yang berikut adalah dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif untuk menyokong kes mereka, antaranya, iaitu – • MP Factors Sdn Bhd v. Suangyan Projects Sdn Bhd & 3 Ors (supra). • Cold Chain Network (M) Sdn Bhd v. sime Darby Foods and Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd [2014] 1 LNS 137 di mana Y.A Prasad Sandosham Abraham J, Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam (Yang Arif ketika itu) memutuskan “With regards to the plea in paragraph 7.1 of the defence of the Defendant, having perused through the evidence I find there is no evidence to suggest the Defendant sustomers did not receive the goods sent by the Plaintiff.”. [64] Adakah nas undang-undang yang dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif tidak berkaitan atau gagal menyokong kes Plaintif? Jika begitu pendapat Pn Majistret yang bijaksana, dapatan fakta mengenai e- mel yang dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan tidak boleh diabaikan begitu sahaja. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 Prinsip Campur tangan dan Gangguan Mahkamah pada peringkat rayuan [65] Peguam cara terpelajar Defendan memetik nas undang-undang kes Jade Homes Sdn Bhd v Sivananthan a/l Krishnan [2021] 5 MLJ 349 di mana adalah undang-undang nyata bahawa keputusan mahkamah perbicaraan hanya boleh diubah (overturned) oleh mahkamah rayuan (appellate court) sekiranya keputusan mahkamah perbicaraan adalah “nyata salah” (plainly wrong). Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam memutuskan bahawa − “It is trite law that an appellate court should not interfere with the factual findings of a trial judge, save and except where the decision of the trial judge was ‘plainly wrong’ where in arriving at the decision it could not reasonably be explained or justified and was one which no reasonable judge could have reached. If the decision did not fall within any of the aforesaid category, it is irrelevant, even if the appellate court thinks that, with whatever degree of certainty, it considered that it would have reached a different conclusion from the trial judge…”. Dan juga keputusan dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v Wendy Tan Lee Peng (administratrix for the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) & Ors [2020] 12 MLJ 67, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa ujian “nyata salah” bukanlah bertujuan untuk digunakan oleh mahkamah rayuan sebagai cara untuk mengganti keputusannya sendiri terhadap dapatan fakta mahkamah perbicaraan – S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 “[76] What is pertinent is that, the ‘plainly wrong’ test is not intended to be used by an appellate court as a mean to substitute its own decision for that of the trial court on the facts.”. [66] Ciri utama bagi sesuatu “appellate intervention” adalah jelas dan mantap dalam semua peringkat rayuan. Tugas Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan ialah untuk memastikan sama ada Mahkamah yang membicarakan itu mencapai keputusannya berdasarkan keputusan atau dapatan secara betul mengenai keterangan dan berasaskan kepada undang-undang. [67] Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Gan Yook Chin (P) & Anor v. Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors [2005] 2 MLJ 1 memutuskan – “[14] In our view, the Court of Appeal in citing these cases had clearly borne in mind the central feature of appellate intervention, ie to determine whether or not the trial court had arrived at its decision or finding correctly on the basis of the relevant law and/or the established evidence. In so doing, the Court of Appeal was perfectly entitled to examine the process of evaluation of the evidence by the trial court. Clearly, the phrase ‘insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence’ merely related to such process. This is reflected in the Court of Appeal’s restatement that a judge who was required to adjudicate upon a dispute must arrive at his decision on an issue of fact by assessing, weighing and, for good reasons, either accepting or rejecting the whole or any part of the evidence placed before him. The Court of Appeal further reiterated the principle central to appellate intervention, ie that a decision arrived at by a trial court without judicial appreciation of the evidence might be set aside on S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 appeal. This is consistent with the established plainly wrong test.”. [68] Begitu juga dalam kes Kerajaan Malaysia v. Global Upline Sdn Bhd and Another Appeal [2017] 1 MLJ 170 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan bahawa “an appellate court will not intervene unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong in arriving at its conclusion and where there has been insufficient judicial appreciation of the evidence”. [69] Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng (administratrix for the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) & Ors [2020] 10 CLJ 1 memutuskan “the principle on which an appellate court could interfere with findings of fact by the trial court is ‘the plainly wrong test’ principle”. [70] Prinsip undang-undang mengenai appellate intervention only justified that on the available evidence, that the SCj is erred (Kes Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat & Anor v. Plenitude Holdings Sdn Bhd [1993] 2 CLJ 146). [71] Dua ujian yang dikenal pasti perlu dipenuhi bagi tujuan appellate intervention adalah “plainly wrong test” and “insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence test” (the case of Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 MLJ 97 at 98-99). S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 [72] Dalam kes Ong Leong Ciou & Anor v. Keller (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal [2019] 3 MLRA 322 at 329, Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan bahawa – “[125] We are mindful of the limited role of the appellate court in relation to the findings of facts made by the court of first instance. The general principle is that the conclusion of a trial judge is a finding of fact on the oral evidence based on the demeanour and credibility of the witness before him or her. Generally, such finding ought not be disturbed unless the appellate court is convinced that it is plainly wrong. It would not be sufficient to warrant an appellate interference merely because the appellate court entertains doubt whether such finding is right.”. [73] Dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng, Administrator of the Estates of Tan Ewe Kwang, Deceased & Anor [2020] 10 CLJ 1, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa – “... an appellate Court should not interfere with factual findings of a trial judge unless it was satisfied that the decision of the trial Judge was plainly wrong or one that no reasonable Judge could have reached. If it is not, the fact that the appellate Court may have reached a different conclusion on the facts, is irrelevant.”. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [74] Peguam cara terpelajar Defendan menghujahkan bahawa Mahkamah Tinggi ini pada peringkat rayuan tidak boleh mengubah dapatn Pn Majistret yang bijaksana yang mendapati bahawa Plaintif telah gagal mengemukakan sebarang keterangan dokumentari dan/atau konkrit yang boleh membuktikan dakwaan bahawa Defendan telah memesan dan/atau meminta Perkhidmatan yang Didakwa tersebut daripada Plaintif. [75] Selanjutnya, Peguam cara terpelajar Defendan menghujahkan bahawa terdapat percanggahan keterangan SP-1 dan SP-3 mengenai penyedia Cutting List Drawing tersebut tidak boleh diterima oleh Mahkamah ini. Ini kerana adalah sukar untuk dipercayai dan/atau tidak masuk akal bahawa SP-3 hanya menyediakan 1 halaman daripada Cutting List Drawing tersebut manakala halaman-halaman Cutting List Drawing tersebut yang lain adalah disediakan oleh En Fakhruddin. En Fakhruddin tidak dipanggil oleh sebagai saksi. [76] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dapatan fakta yang khilaf oleh Pn Majistret yang bijaksana memerlukan Mahkamah Tinggi mengusik dapatan fakta tersebut. [77] SP-3 itu adalah saksi material yang merupakan mantan pekerja Defendan dalam tempoh bagi tuntutan ini. En Fakhruddin ialah pekerja Plaintif dan bersama-sama dengan SP-1 itu, Plaintif bekerja secara langsung dengan SP-3. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 [78] Peguam cara terpelajar Defendan menghujahkan bahawa seksyen 114 Akta Keterangan 1950 memperuntukkan – Court may presume existence of certain fact The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened, regard being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct, and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case. ILLUSTRATIONS The court may presume: … (g) that evidence which could be and is not produced would if produced be unfavourable to the person who withholds it; [79] Mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa ketiadaan En Fakhruddin sebagai saksi tidak memprejudiskan tuntutan Plaintif. SP-1 ialah saksi material yang dapat menyokong keterangan Plaintif mengenai tuntutannya terhadap Defendan. [77] Dalam hujahan pada peringkat rayuan, peguam cara Defendan menghujahkan seperti yang berikut: “… walaupun SP-1 dalam keterangannya di mahkamah perbicaraan memaklumkan bahawa Fakhruddin telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan yang Didakwa tersebut untuk Defendan, Fakhruddin tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi di mahkamah perbicaraan; S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 … memandangkan bahawa Fakhruddin tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi di mahkamah perbicaraan, tiada bukti dapat ditunjukkan bahawa Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan yang Didakwa tersebut kepada Defendan dan Fakhruddin juga tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa Defendan telah menerima Perkhidmatan yang Didakwa tersebut. Defendan berhujah bahawa menurut Seksyen 114 Akta Keterangan 1950, Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini harus menganggap bahawa Plaintif tidak memanggil Fakhruddin sebagai saksi dalam perbicaraan ini kerana, sebenarnya, Perkhidmatan yang Didakwa tersebut tidak dilakukan oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan.”. [78] Dalam alasan penghakiman Pn Majistret yang bijaksana menolak tuntutan Plaintif bukan kerana ketiadaan Fakhruddin sebagai saksi. Tetapi atas alasan bahawa Plaintif gagal membuktikan perkara yang berkut: (a) Defendan ada memesan dan meminta Plaintif untuk menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut untuk projek Defendan MRT S8 Bandar Kajang. (b) Plaintif telah menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut dan Defendan telah menerima Perkhidmatan tersebut (lakaran, drawing dan nasihat konsultansi) untuk projek S8 dari 2015 hingga 2016. (c) Plaintif dan Defendan telah bersetuju bahawa setelah Plaintif menyempurnakan Perkhidmatan tersebut, Defendan akan membayar untuk Perkhidmatan tersebut. S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 (d) Defendan tidak menerima Invois tersebut. [79] Keempat-empat isu ini telah didengar semula pada peringkat rayuan dan berdasarkan alasan yang Mahkamah jelaskan dalam penghakimannya, iaitu kontrak lisan, hal keadaan hubungan pihak-pihak, sistem bekerja dan komunikasi pihak-pihak mengenai perkhidmatan adalah jelas dalam keterangan lisan dan dokumentar. Plaintif berjaya membuktikan tuntutannya terhadap Defendan. Kesimpulan [80] Berdasarkan alasan yang saya nyatakan di atas, penghakiman saya memutuskan bahawa rayuan Plaintif (Perayu) adalah dibenarkan apabila Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa factual findings of the learned Magistrate was incorrect. [81] Pada peringkat rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, saya telah menjalankan appellate role. Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini perlu mengusik dapatan fakta yang dicapai oleh Pn Majistret yang bijaksana yang secara langsung juga adalah khilaf di sisi undang-undang. Bertarikh: 14 November 2023. RoziBainon ( ROZI BINTI BAINON ) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam NCvC12 S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 Peguam cara: Bagi Pihak Plaintif (Perayu): Siti Zubaidah binti Jemadi Tetuan Gary Wong & Co., Kuala Lumpur. Bagi Pihak Defendan (Responden): Christopher Joseph Wei-Yan Guo Tetuan Kenny Tan & Co., Kuala Lumpur S/N yiQQNmrzdkGxsnAmX6O/nA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
- Seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952- Anggota serbuan masuk kedalam rumah melalui pintu hadapan yang terbuka, dia melihat OKT sedang duduk di atas sofa di ruang tamu- OKT telah mengambil (1) bekas tin dan menyerahkan bekas tin tersebut kepada SP1 berisi ketulan mampat daun kering yang disyaki Ganja - OKT pandu arah ke bilik kedua rumah itu dan SP1 menjumpai (30) paket plastic lutsinar berisi ketulan mampat dedaun kering disyaki dadah jenis Ganja- Samada OKT mempunyai milikan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah yang ditemui- Ketika serbuan dan tangkapan ke atas OKT oleh SP1 dan pasukannya tiada orang lain di rumah itu kecuali OKT sahaja- Turut mendiami rumah tersebut adalah adalah ibu OKT dan adik OKT. Ini disahkan oleh pegawai penyiasat- maklumat yang diterima oleh SP1 hanya merujuk kepada kegiatan mengedar di rumah itu yang dilakukan oleh 1 lelaki India dan ianya mungkin menyamai identiti iaitu adik OKT- Keperluan keterangan sokongan apabila ada orang lain turut mempunyai akses di lokasi kejadian- Samada satu siasatan lengkap dan adil telah dijalankan- Samada pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie
YA Puan Norliza Binti Othman
14/11/2023 08:59:15 BL-45A-18-04/2022 Kand. 44 S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N mEcmXJgCUGM/QM/xAR8oA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal aL—a5A—1a—n¢/2022 Kand. 44 1 u / 1 1 /2 oz 2 2 DAAAM IIIAHKAMAN nuesl DI KLANG DALAM NEGEkI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN PERBICARAAN JENAVAH ND.: BL~45A-IO-M12022 ANTARA PENDAKWA RAVA LAWAM VIMALAN A/L SEGARAN i_E A. LAIAR BELAKANG [11 Tarluduh (shah dlluduh dengan «ma :3) penuduhan di hawah Ssksyan 3§Bt1)(a) Ana Dadah Bamahaya 1952 yang boleh tflhukum .11 bawah Saksysn 393 (2) Am yang sama. _ Eahmaa kamu man 2a Dklabev am pm mam km-nng :2 so mu bovlempsl aw Ma 15 Jnhn Bssav am :3‘ mu. m flahm flaarah Klung dn dawn: Negavt Salanwr um sum rem. amzpau mervgodnr dadsh bemahaya ma. Cannams hem! bum 355 19 gvlm dun dlngan nu ksmuvemh nmalukan salu kssmahun as bawah Seksym 39511) La) Akla Dadah Eemahaya 1952 yang mm. «mum a. mmseuysv \ES{Z)Akt: yang sama sw micmx./yEuGM!DMh-Awaulx -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm Pmuuumn K-d -samwa kamupeda 25 Okmbev 2021 Jam Vebih kuvanw 12 an pug‘ hsnamvnl m No I5Jilsn loser saw 1:, Kflvfit, m aaram dnamh mm m flilim Nag-n saxanw uamx sum man dvdwnh mmnednr um» brhahlyl ma Mmamvnemamma banal beam 1572 glam dun duwan wm kamu lush muman new kesalahan mama Sekxym mm 4.; AH: Dadah Buhuhava wsz yam: mac. mhukum a. bawdl Sukxyun suarz) Ana yang samn Fnrluduhln Kelly -aamwa mu pm as onoberzau Jam ma kumng 12 3a pew aanampan a. No 15 Jalan Eesaraalu :3‘ Kapar, an «aim dnevnh Klnng . nhm Nanan saangw Dan! Emu, ldih dmapem mmosdsr danish bahnhiyl lam: Canrums beta: nuaw. ms gr-um Gan denuan ixu knmu Idah mavnkukan ma kamahan duzwrah ssksyen new (a) Mm: Dudnh Bamnhiyl ms: ylwg wan dmukum a4 bewah Eeksyen :na(2wq,a yang ma [21 cm max msngaku sawan nan pmnk pandakwaun Ie\ah mamanggll swims! snam (5; ovang saw hag: msmbukfikan sam kes pnmz vama |erhadap on. 5. man KES FENDAKWAAN [31 Berlizsarkan maklumaz yang dlpsmahl pad: 25.10 2021 Jam Iabih kurung 12 an paw, SP 1 (lnw Muhammad Zuhain bun Md mun 2 N mEcmx1w:uGMmwaAwauA ma saw n-nhnrwm be used a mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [20] Eeldasarkan kelerangsn-ketenngan mi maka pmak pendakwaan Rvanghujahkan bahawa semua bavang~barang kss ansawam an -mas‘ dun nawang plasflc berada dalam ilgaan alau kawa\an OKY pad: masa yang malarial flan pendakwaan membengmkan znggzpan dw mwan smy-n :s1(¢) ADE yang mempamnlukkan ‘(an In ullnmcesdlnn: umierwslm or Myrugulmlan rnadv mmvuMor— :4: anynason Mrnls fwndlonawludlnllll ouuofl/orundovlnls zmmal Wflnlnq vmntxovl/or cm!-mlng my dangerous drug aha/L mm m:zorIII“'Y'SP'WIlt btdumodtohavnnunlnpossoulon mum m.,,.mmmv, Im4AHhc¢onb'aIyI~spmvsd,bcd«ImdI'nh~vcAv\own In: mum mm am‘ [21] Mahkamah nu dulum membual dapatan beg! lsu mflikan flan pengelahuan oKr barangmerang kes Ianu Cannabis dan Malhamphatzrrflns marmuk kspada kepulusan Mahkamah Persekuluan dldulim Ibr-nlm Mohlmad s Anor v PP mm 4 cm 11:. -115; m. Llw .: wall sawed the! many on/y mmdy or mum over me my mugs 5 »n.smn:»cIvI to esraurm wossssm-. mg mum g afmmudx ar mntml n . socusad had knawfad gamma mis in; Q g mm my a aha wldume oi olmumswmal evidence Mam aflonewfmoulexcfunlvel mama lfcllms an 11 N mzcmxlwuswnwumm um smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. nnmn.u-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm mum in w to convflmlt eulon Isl nlone human (sun (M was uICIv5r| Psan Loan v PPI1D5dI 1 ms w [22] Pmnk nsndakwaan manghujankan kslerawan adalah mancukupl unluk manuruukkan on mav\yunya\ mmkan sebenav (actual posssssiaruatas dadah-dadah yanaanamul amavamnn 'Juues'a:n baleng plaslik. Mehkamah menaapan danpadz keterangan sak_Ii— saksw pandakwaan khususnya sr-1 Mada bahan lam dl dalum hungkusan Masllk selaln Cannabis din Msmamahetarmns sapsm yang wanalisls mar. sr=2 Keuka ssrbuan dan vangkapan ks alas om alsh sm dan pasukannya naua uranq lam an rumah nu klcusfl on sahali. Barang-harsng kss dllumpav oiah 591 d\ mang tamu Iumah saiapas disamhkan men on dan dw mun kedua se\epas dlpandu nmh Dish on on bevsda hamplrdungun barang-baring I23] Pnnak Dembeuaan dldmam msmbawa pemauan Mahksmah kevuda pambelaan on mandakwa ketarangan bagalmana balang kss dwlemul lidak hnlsh dwlenmn sebagal kslemngan 1m ndalah kerana walaupun SP2 sebioal mama: lanakansn man mamhaca ma- xaca amaran kapada on, namun ianyz max muuenum keperluan Seksyen 375 ADE. mu admsh xemna sm Hdak meruelasxan 12 sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm kapada on kandungan amaran xamnuc darn max dibaca nawam harms: yang om fahanu lam; Tamil mi mum. anablla kala—kam amaran I|u dibaca sebanyuk 3 kalv (elspl on «wax member! sebnrang haspon, Selain llu hak on davam menjawab kepzda kala-Kata zmaran rm adalah dllinflungw mmmr. sum" 313(2) me an mam: om mempunyax hak unmk berdiam a '17s Aflrms:-um orsmmms m ovrdsnoe {1’INnlwtms1andwI0arMhm9 lo Inc conbflly oolusmedlnanywfltxen law, - person actuscd cum Mime: In which subsection 10 spam my not 1» bouvvdlo aruwer my qum/ms relalmy m such we aflsruny such calmm .s umsam has bean adm(nLvteted (:3 mm- Mallkamall Rayuan dldamm xes Manama Alkazlq am R-mll Iawan Pandakwa Ray: mqyu-n J-myth rm w-os(sm-.m- 1a/20:1 merusiaskan kspanlingan kalakala amamn amawan Saksyen 315 ADE dengan msrujuk kapada kas ugu cnn Wu! [2015] you 552; ML!!! 1720 yam mun ulsh Paguam Farayu di dalam Mohlmud Amuiq (supra) di mana Mahkamah Rayuan msmumskaw. -m Adnlah om memadnv mluk psvzlwar polvs mmyamn ad: amaran army." mu». mervyubulpvhfurrovlkatuarv sebum yang amass». 13 N mzcmxlwuswnwuwam um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm {HI mm mum arnamn yang mm manmkm kshandak Aha Ialah amanm menllah dllemuknn aumm p=«u:..,.. parkaluan scbenuryflw dtvanam awn my-wm pans, 4w nnmg yrmgn Em him! a... gcmmggm nnumn AM: nu... mm." xgfl gr: 9;», am gm In any 1 . I561 Dldalam m Fvunc/: Antovvywmy v Pam Pmucmor /zoos) 2 cu 451, Manksmah Pusekulmsn monyalskan -u can Movuforv be seen that the satisfaction al the com on ma ndmlnmrallon um» caution you m the vorvmov ofaadnmslbtlln/ofastalermmmulnadbeenmada mm 19 was No m. ' my fisd’ .4 u had mg mwama. [24] Di damm hes wm, 0KTl\daklasm bamahasa Mulaysla can kaLa4(:|a amarin dnhicskan dalsm Eahasa Malaysxa nan max diterangkan kenada on dalam hahasa mum Im terbuku apabfla sm mecnbaaakan a kall ltauvkala umsran flan on mancflamkan am. Pstsoalan yang mmnul aualan samada on manmamkan diri kerana max laham apa yang uimmnun 01271 5»: auaupun on meflflglmakan haklwl dw man Saksyen 37a ADE unmk menmamkan am. su=1 kelxka pemanksaan balas bsrselum dangan 14 N mzcmxlwuswnwuwam um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 1251 cadangan peguam on bahawa um dldalam psnyaw sakslnya alaupun laporun pousnw menyalakan ma afli benanyakan on samada ma faham amavan yang dxbsrikan Jlka Im benaxu, msku perbuatan on yang mkmskan menumukkan an mana hamm- barang Kea bsrada aoalah mempmjudiskannya dan kmarangan im (idak boxer. aneoinu masuk Pihsk Dsmbe\aan Juga di da\am menyangkal isu mmkan on man Ivarhwah mam OKT. tumtmendmm rumah tersebul adalnh idalan In om’ Iallu Nngamah alp Sanmagam dan amx on Ianu Maggamara all Ssgaran. Inn dlsahkan um. spa mm pegawaw penyiasal. lm dmuknkan malulul km pengenalan Naggarwars a/\ Segarsn um) yang menunjukkan a\ama| an dalam kad panqenalan Mu adalah lokasi kqzdian. Fihak pemhsiaan jugs mengemukakan sun kelammn Naggantars (Dan) den sull kalamran om (D29) dan Am mamnukukan mereka aasxan adlk beramk. Naguamara bukan rekaan penmexaan Dwa adalah waiak yang wwud. OKT te\ah msmaklumkan kepada spa bahawa adrknys Wagganlarij Iurul lmggal dlsnu nan lnl dnakui ma?! SP6 mks psmanksazn ba\as. Hhak pemmaan (shah memberi nuns Alcontam kepada plhak polls sezwm slasalan bslkenaan wank Naugamana ini 15 sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [251 K27! lmnmya, sebaxk samua on dnangkap, mu flan adik on Mar: memmlangkan and dan enggan mamheri xenasama spv (Imp. Zun mun AbdulAzlz)'.1ldaIam nemsnxsaan mama uia msmbua| pemsflksaan number Iakalun Nzggznlara sslapas msndapalnyu daripadz Iapman polls on Wzflaupun mun uasacan SP7 msnumuxkan number m amanaman atas nama Numaum, ianya menumukkan cm telah memaklumkan kepuda plhsk mus bezkanan new-ya. selam nu. sm mambuat aamakan kad pangsnalan Nu. n2u7151n1s75 dan dia mengesanken um mlllk Nagganlsm Adam jelil, Nsgganlars wuwd Gan msmpunyai mama: an mmah nu hamama-same on dan munya sabamm dia menghuangkan dvi xsbawk sahajz om’ dimngkap Pmik pemb-Iaan mm menahujankan maklumal yang dnanma o\eh SP1 hanya meruiuk kepadz kegialan mengedar m mmah mu yang dxlakukan ulsh 1 lahakl lnflla can Isnya mungkln menyamai menem Nnggunlam Vaku ad\k on. Maklumalndak ssinra speslfik msmjuk kunada on |mapi hanya 1 Imam India yang menwunk/an keguaun mengsdnr mar: an lokasl keladlan dsn SP1 membuat anggzuan Vanya ada\ah om. Dalam ksadaan lardapalnya kalemngan ma Imam mma Iain Iumt nngga\ dx Iumah larsebul ualm Nagganlara, maka angqapau nu sangat memprejumskan om. siaaanan we sw mzcmxlwuswnwumm -ma saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. anmmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm haruslah dipulankan secars msnyeluruh dan Vanya mast! menuju kepuda uaaa arang lain yang mempunya: parmlikan alas dadah~ dadah yang d umpawI11mmahIeIsebu1kewaHOKTlab4h-Vebihlag‘ dalam keadaan umuan auaxukan berdasalkan maklumal yang dmerima blah sm Mahkamah Pemekuluun asdalam Ihrlhlm Mohanud 1 Anal v PP 1201114 cu 11.‘I{Fl3}Zulke1Ii Makinumn FCJ mamutuskan.- -mrm.mpenmmm...mmu..pmm m:-matllrepoik-/anmnyp-my vawwmm-Imvvvmlmwmmamurmumwmmvmmnuauod m. mum a/mu ..«.m:..,.u..m.. Deseenlnme nacunnnllhomnniuvunn c...n»m.1..a.:.z....m«..v....,«v;-s-masau Cuvmmnwuwaut-and mam. oflmonnuxwunolanmndnrmnnla m ..z ' MI m mm mu. nl Mv-bun rmdln ncatnenadfiwlha nmnxcvudntlm .. MM onIP'DD°'neIvxIl:>lmvsmenoa;twuuIdsrnwAInImIpv¢>u¢mIonnad¢.y».po.uo«n.uaIumnw».g.omuoummwnm Mo nvimmnu wmmmnr wu .mm by the pmnnimmv to exmde the pmmuymz.»nmmwanmmmma/»»<.w:a mm» 17 N mzcmxlwuswnwuwam um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [26] Di dalam kes mi, -11 dalam bmk kedua an mans aaaan duumpm an dalam xsulung maslxk, SP6 msngseahkan kafika pemsnksaan ba\as fiada bavang psnbadi on dltemul as am (ersebul. walaupun dla msngakui aaa baju-baju lerdapat dmalam a\mari (11 wk ilu. Bap» haju in: max dirampas oleh spa dan lidak cflbuatacu pakaw kspads on um penlmg apabua ad: dakwian ada arm |a\n mun image‘ an rwnah Wu Iailu Naugantara Pmak pendakwaan perlu membawa katarzngan unluk menmek kemungklnan daduh-dadan nu mHlk Nangamsra dan lanya hanya ml on saI1a;a Hanya dangan rlIsnIbua| uflan kasan cap ‘an flan DNA sues paxman, (Ilnm di bwk «meom dan jugs pada Km 'Juhss" dapal manulak dikwean adanya penglihshn Naggamara d4 dalam kas im. Walaupun uuzn DNA dan can ‘an bukanlah salu kepafluan mdmam keskes petmllkan dadnh |elap\ in m hawa ks perhshan pmak pulls bihaws ada orang lam luml mampunyix akses .11 Iomx kqadian «empan di mana dadalv dadah nu dnemui, maka pihak palis may puma" Ielzapl peflu msngualkan dengan xeaerangan snkangan sspem w. namun im Ildak benaku uwalam kss mi. Vanya mga s9\aras dengan dapalan m Abdullan zmwl {supra} unmk menanglds dakwaan bahams om mun dmmaya dengan nmeiakkan aaaah di Iokasx kspdian, 19 sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [291 [30] kamudian pmak pohs dlmaldumkan akan dadah Iersabul dan hasunya on ananakap sennn nu, sssuatu yang msnink dl da\am kes mu adalah apabilz spa paugx ks mman Mu selenas kapadian, didapeu lumah in: man mkuncx olsn mu on din msnghllsnqkan um. SP6 kelika pamenksaan balas max nanu nlengapa man on mangund mmah dan menghilangkan am‘ Malah sesuaxu yang pellk apabfla sueotang yam lnlah ungual msinu s5\ama1D cannn, ssbaik sanqa salah saorang anaknya dmangkap, dun lemh manguncr pmlu rumah dzn mengnuangxan am keosokan haflnya Ape yang cuba dlsernbunylksn Meh mu on alau slap: yang dia ingm mung dan |mdung’I Juga fimbul pslsnalan berkenaen akses temadap run-an nu sandlli m’ mama Ierdepal mung waln on boleh mambuka dsn msnauncx mmnh larsebul Dmam keadaan im, unluk mamuluskan on msmpunya’ ’ kzn mas daanndadnn yang duumpil an mman nu adalah sualu anpaaan ynng max selamal xerana banyak parsoalan berkenaan Isu pen! an dzdah mu «max |e|1awab dengan Vain perkatzaan aria kakxmpangan an dawn kas penflakwaan. Pmax pendakwaan berganiung kapzda dadah—dadah nu dtserahkan kepada sm oxen on maka wanya menwkupl unluk menunlukkan 19 syn mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA man an.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm DKT msmvunval mmkan ausa dadah-dadah nu Nanmn sspem’ yang dvpenelaskan dv anas kala—ka|a amamn yang dtbacakan kepida on oleh SP1 Husk mmsnum kepenuan Saksyen 313 maka kececangan flu max bulah "ma F-‘Ihak pendakwaan perm rnsmhukukan bahnwa om msmpunyal kawalan dan jagaan kepada dadah-dadah yang duumpaw dldalam an '.lu1iss" darn an dzham nauang pwnsuk dx bllvk kedua. Kawangan dari saksi-sakm peminkwaan handaldah mengeoualikan aksas pihak keflga ke alas kzkasl maauan wailu mmah tersebul. aengnn Ialn perkalasn uada ksmgunn banawa on mempunyai rmhkan anaa barang-barang Kai uuumpax walaunun rumall lelssbm mm a nu’ men mu dan amknya. Di dalam kes lnl, sepem yang dmyalakan an alas, kewuman Nuggnnlsrs bukan sekadar penqhuni ruman, maklumat yang dmerima oleh SP1 berkaflan ksgia|an mangedar flsdah dl vumah nu merwuk kapada senmng le\akA mam dan sm bmnggapan Vanya on. Naggamara dan Ibunya mangnnangkan am senaxx sahaja on dnangkap dan plnm ruman um berkuncv apabila spa pergl pad:-1 keesnkan nnnnyn semn flu. «amaparnya paknlan yang wax dikalahun rmhk mapa (spa Iidak manganmn pa n flu unmk ujlan acu pakai pads an amupun memhuatapa- apa ujwan DNA ans pakalan dan mam an mhx -nu) umuk menumukkan bahawn nanya om sahqa msmpunyai aksas ka hihk nu Adalah 20 an mzcmxlwuswnwumm -ma saw be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: flan-mm VI] mum pm [4] [5] barsamz cu orsng anggola mdamm ‘Ops Tank‘ «swan menangkap on an dilam ssbuah man bera\ama| a. Na. 16 Jalan Besar an 13 Kapar, ozzan K\ang Sslangor seperflmana Kapar Repon 5014/mp»). Apibfia Nba an Iokasi kejadisn. pasukan serbuan lalah mbahagu an kapada 3 ialtu pasukan 1 belsama SP1 mambual semuan di dalam lumah, pasukan 2 membual kawman din kspungan an mum naaausn Mush dsn pasukan 3 melakukan kawalan dan kapungan .1. pm helakang rumah Hnsll p-mamanan son an pasukan serwan ma: mmah larsebul, an dapafi lemapst rampu Jalan dan an Iuar mmah dhsrangi dangan lamnu. Huang |amu mmah menu: puga dilerangl Vampu Di kawasan mmah lerdepal behempa ekor mums berklllaran can bail msngsiskkan anilna menuhsau kahadvran SP1 dan pesukan samuzn, sm bsrlmdak dangan lama manyerbu kedulam run-an cersenut. Apamla SP1 hsrsama anggota selbuan masuk kedalam mmah melalw pmlu nadupan yang cemuka, ma melihal om sedan; duduk as alas sofa di ruang |amu nan SP1 la\an menzhan on. sun memparkenalkan mu sebagaw peqawal kanan pcfls dengan menunjukkzln kad kuasa Apablla sw berunyakan bullran oKr. dla 3 sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm (:1 [311 [ems kagaaalan sws marmaaac dari mm m manyebabkan salu kelampzngan didalam kes pendakwaan khususnya untuk memouknxnn elemen mlllkan alas OKT. on mnmuunyll ponoluhuln kum dadah yang aivampaa; Eagx isu D-engetahuan on alas uauarmauan yang dimmpas, plhak pendakwaan merujuk kapada xes Fnnnn am» v FF mm) 1CL.I 717 Pmak penaaxwaan manghujahkzn Iakta bahawa om’ kalihatan aamaa dan Iakut seram pemuaxan on yang menujukkan kepzma SP1 mmana barang kes bsrada. Mankaman ndak 1 mumomangxan Vsu penamuan hamnu kss hasll pandu amh on kerana (siah amincangkan dhiwal alasan panghaklman In! Islam mgln mengkhususksn keplda nngxah laku on mg katakan um dan oamas Mahkamah Psrsskuman dldalam lbnnlm Mohamld A Anur[2I711]A 21.1 11: msmmuskan - ‘ml mum. conduct an». mum mum m. man: mp. . mum [mag M uanxlflnvd such: nnnduahnllnvumamtba % .. Yunthocnunavln n! ma ml -ndl lvivtdulrvl w m i us-1 Yhnwnrmnmmtdmln Uluwculvdwvlhewuwlcoaetoslvawmdmgy mu: m. min: .. olknawiodpa 1: mm: mm I my cum Evmbmv Act nan! 1950 vmmpvwmvxaxfwom 21 am micmx./w:uGMrDMh-Awaulx -ma Sum ...m.. M“ be used m mm a. nvwhufllli mm; flan-mm VI] muNG pm 5. mm Winulllnn mdpmvtm: nuubuauom enndad In my run ». Muvnrl mm xhvws Dr zmvsrlntn . rmflva or ummmmymmrummmmrm r2) Wwoonaudallwfldflx wxinrvyus-mIumvyDUry,AaMVwn P'0wu4mvmrufnvucv!amlLmilwI;1I7wsd4IIq,:>rmrv/amvwlaawy rum m. Illwwnrrvlwuvll mum m-dlhvoamvnvfwr/Pwnan uvoflvnasvimllmwmuathcxuhvnal-n,VPVUu~¢4'w.IsMvvamfl Vhmwwmwwrwxvnmmuwwdbrwlmmniuuw mmu-.1, and -mom A M! Piiwuua wlubawuout mum I247] Ea-Mm «mam. em MAhIEvldsncvAc11fi50,LMvOlnMD mm nlmmnmmlmlsmhwnrnynnlyuwandsublmzmmmmua Ewdmm olzamumrslnflvnlvnazlacvundlsmpamnclnnnmanamluvvplltatlm Ammwm mmarimgfl aim; mg .mmmmmwmmmmmam evvrdelmewuvlzumnlmzl.Vnmepmaellcaselmnbengualnulbolhma mummmmmeag:-amnnmemwmemawwxmmmm Twtllbowvnrillyhndmltfvmw-vIo¢¢WIemwnmeywwewIP°Iman tooaaosuznuuflvwmooxruuncan/Iwwhevroadbloekvmvnlhuywivvm npn-lwanmanmuonnnuanam-um-nmnlnpmbaroaablock no-mm... ma:bmhmanmAnddIdmlpr17I¥mWn4mov:usD4-Ichusbonawnw All mnmmnumammmmmmwmmymmknamm: |baulmsA7asw:uo1mn!mmevaIMa' [321 DI dalam kas d1 hadanan Mahkamah‘ apatma mmah mdatangi nlsh beberspa lalakl yam: hdak dlkenafl pans wnktu «sugar: ma|am. makl Derasaan csmis den lakul adalsh sualu Devasaan biasa ‘instinct sen pepam yang mpumskan niah kes IbrInIm(su;ar-} Pfesen/anon‘ can kudaan Inl perm dlvsmmhanaksn dawan kelerangan sekewlng yang ada. Tiada pemelhalnan dilakukan ks ztas lumah (ersebul. sm mdalam kslemngannys, dim den pasuksn sm mzcmxlwuswnwumm mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm [33] Isms menyemu mmah Iersemn kerana blmbing on melankan am dun mengnapuskan Daring kss. Kaflka SP1 den pasukan semuan manyamu mman Ialsabul, plmu ludak belkuncx nan on seam duduk di runng Lsmu, men nu, Mahkamih memuluskan perasaan oemas dan lakul yang didakwa alsh sm mmngukknn nkah on Imak (erjmflah kepadn pengexanuannya alas dadahdadah yang ada di rumah Mu. Apa yang dapal dlmmuskan daripada kalsrangan sakzisaksn pendakwaan adalah on hanya herndn bsmampuan aaaanonaah mg dllemm dvdamm (ulnar! hevsebut lailu maalam In 'Julvss“ dw meng (arm: dan bslang plasflk dl bllik Kedua Namun begun, fakta Im mak msmmkupw unmk mambenkan salu mreuens banavwa OKT mam ya kamna laldapal kelefangin Ida orang Ialn Iurut mem>am\ rumah lersebut Hanya karana on mampunyai aksss kepeda bamng kes uuak memhukllkan dia mernpunyal mlllkan uan kawslan ms nnrang kes lersebul. Olsh karma plhak pendakwaan gsgal mambuknkan muikan dan kawa\an om anas dadah-dadah kzlsehul maka anggapan dmawah Ssksyen may ADE max lelpakal. 23 syn mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA Nuns s.nn be used m mm n. nwnmun mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm (:1) Pan: mun, arm: dun mnvat hrtebm on man mllakukan kmumn mangadar am» uplfli yang dlnynmn dldnlnm nonuaumn. [341 Mwllkan adahah sa|u pra syam kepada e\em2n pengedaran‘ Olen karana plhnk pendskwaan gagal membukfikan mlllkan dan kawalan mas balang kes maka mak bulsh dwkalzkzn plhak pendakwaan telah herjaya msmbukukan eleman pangudaran ssiaras dsngan semen 2 ADE 1952 alau cavan rmangwwudkan anqgzpan dihawah Seksyen and) Ana . u. KESIMFULAN [351 Mallkamall daham membual dapaxan dvakmr Ks: pendakwaan menuuk dan barpundu xepaaa kevmusan didalam kes s mm A 0rsl‘1911I 2 ML] 15, Hakim Shanna mamuruskan: — ‘ It is the dlw M (M P'°“|4‘lIYIOfl in NW! 019 chaff’ Walnut the aocuaed ».,.m.«m.,.,;.»am.mmm....m».4m...:yraxmunu wy ulwnnv txptarvatron a m mmmm. orlmawtnv what the accused have am (:7 ..y mm ms mum :1/rdznca In rule that than is . us: for m. accuxvd m armvel 1.. gum. an ....,,- 1: NM ..:c.....: mm. for m “gm nut ggnn m Dunc: DI mung gm, mum E .5 mm“ m,:g.v.-.4...c.«m. .mm.m- bum mmuo... Numamusmlos haw [mm hm m tuna been suggosrod by m. court: when mung mm m mum oflha M nrrnnacence .2; mu mm. 71!: (nlhwnng pvvnn-plus .,. w; my saundbm wmcogmxsa m pm=4Ice— (TI The anus ofpvwfnv svemhlna sasevnral Ia the umnusnmen: aim: mvavve mm ». nccusad he: on ma plvstcubon. 24 N mzcmxlwuswnwuwam um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 12] m. ma.m mm as such as m mu»: a mum mun/rw my mm.m. um um: wumafllle uccusfl-1‘ 4:; m manmaruuuu u is safer mama mu to condemn A mmmn mm as xuflumld mm mm zaunls £511.11/sdlnslllmpronml/an nary “my D: m- won am until n It «mad that m. pmsucmnm "must be mm m. bunlm Mprnafrumum‘ an M1 pmucmlon mmugnom war. /mm maimed maymrsts was mmsm Wm m. use mm pmsuaman 1 wnllrx duty ua z-aqua Ind dhchvya in Amman mm clan elm: pmmlm case The many time mm. due: not rulvlvl m. pmncutran imm pmvlny m. cm o-yo-m mmnam douhl. The human or pmvmc gum m . mnvwa! ofiamsixslwuyannmaprnnccunanexnapfhlcnflamuuswflkhwiava not coneomsd Mrs - [36] Oluh nu, berdasarkan alasan-a\asan dialas, Mahkamah memuluskan alas penllalan maksxmum Mas keaemngar» katarangan yang d-kemukmn olen pmax peoauxwean, Mshklmah mempan pmlk penaakwaan nagal msnlhuknkan sam kas Dfima vacie ataa on unluk panuduhan 1, 2 den 3 Olsh nu, Mahkamnh mslspas dan mervbebaskan on flan ksflga-(mu pemnunan di bawan seksyan 39B{1j(a)ADE1952. Barang-baring kns kepuda pwhak penaakwaan unluk dlslmnan selamal senlnans mesa. tampon rayuan. 25 sw mzcmxlwuswnwumm mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm Eeflankh 25 okmm 2023 (NORLIZAB ommw) H M MAHKAMAH INGGIMALAYA KLANG mm mm Pzunnxwuw : wax Fun 7. » mm am mm ma P61Iha|Th1h mmm. Rayn swam. Knmnr Pun:-max undarmmd--xg man snamov mum o, Podmm sum Banvurun Smlan mm Azlz smn A0612 my. Mum, Sal-NW uni mun vszmnun mm. swmmu Posuu-mean dun Pawuumxvu sum No 1, mm: P.D(Yzw4vr,1EN Pam!-run BurILSeklyun1fl. mm P-um Java. sq:-mar 2s N mzcmxlwuswnwuwam um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [El mampenenalkan am sebegul Vvnalan all Segarsn darn menurm SP1, on keluhalan oemas dan Iakm. Selemsnvi, SP1 |alah benanyakan kauada on samada ma ada menywmpan apa—apa barung salah «Jan selslah s»=1 membscakln xara-kara amlran dibawah Seksysn avauxm ADE 1952 iamu -44...» ,...,.,.m u-mm" saya Amlukmambelfamamnksoadukamuhahewa mm mm Iivwlflbkan mt/mraksn aesuatu am! menlawub amen. mm l¢tI0'l0i4P3l|‘3YSIv9knmukalAkana.1amarIa ssbnaariawdaan kapa-is salu suntan mm mm, mm awmm social! mmmgan.~, om «swan mengamw (1) bales Km banmisan “Ju(r9s'(PB) dw penjuru sehmah km ruanu Iamu mmah dan manysvahkan bakas Iin lersebul kepada sm. Hasil pemenksaan dldakam nu './Wes‘ nu. SP1 menjnmpal dadah mm (5) pake1 plasfic Iumna: belisi kstulan mampal daun xermg (P12 («-5) den (1) pzkelplashc Vutsinar beffil Vermzn dedaun kanng dedaun kermg yang d\syakIGarIiu1ah zww :39 gram) dan (1) pam plastic mum bans! bahan kristal dwsyakl dadah jsnis Syabu (ah . 1n1.1o gram|[P13(1-2}. Pemanssaan mi auakuxan aleh sm .1: hudnpan on aan sakmeksx pclis. sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [6] [9] sanemsnya, SP1 bedanya kepada on samada ads Vagi slmpan dadah dnampal Ia KT pamu arah ke hlllk kedu: rumlh nu an mans nrmu bllxk dalam kaadazn tarbuka dan dilerangi lampu on masuk dahulu ks nmx Isrsehul dsngan dhkuh olen SP1 dan um- saksl non: yanaIa:n.Du1aIam bilik kedua rm, SP1 memumpai my paket plaslm lmsmarberisi keman mampal dedsun xenng d\syak\ uaaan Iems Gama (ah: 214.90 gram] (PIE (man) amalam 11) lzalang bakes Iunsmar males meja kscn telsebul (P1 u) on was Mela kaoll. on ssndm yang menyeranksn ba\ang masllc Inl kapada sm. Pemenksaan balang plastik * "uga duakukan mar. sm dw hadapan on can saksissksl polls. SP1 kstnutflan marampas narangoayang kes den menyediakan msaunan boning lmngkar yang unammngam mehnya dan on (P21). Pemenksaan Iarwl ma anakukan oxen SP1 dl bilik kedua‘ hllvk ulama. Iandas, daoun many legal map...‘ mang Iamu, bum ssmbahyang :1. mmah Iersenul den Iidak menlumpal spa-ans bamng sa\ah lam den had: orang lain an mmah nu kscuah om. sm dan pasukan kemuman ballk ka IPD Klang Ulara bersama- same deogan baranq kos nan on. Sspaniang masa baring kas an da\am kawa\an SP1 dan tidzk dikacau ganggu oleh sesuapa 5 sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [10] [N] Apama liba an pefabal, SP1 memmbang barang kers umuk mendapmkan anggaran kasar dan mambual penanaaan bavang xes SF1ksmudiannya mamhuatlapuran pohs (P6). sw mg: lelah mambual siuan namdap Wang lunar sabanyak RM1,97S on dan ma sebuah m|osxka\ jams Yamaha v15zR bemnmhur aw 2940 (Pan (1) . (4). sm kemudiannya menyerahkan langkapan Gan nammmmng kes ksoadn pegawaw penyvasal SP6 unsp Muhd Zulkamawn hm Kamnsanj (F22). Fads 3.11 2o2< lam Ieom kurung a mu. spa telah menghantar barang kas ks Jabalan Kwmia Malaysia unluk anahsls. Earang- berang kes |e\ah dilerima nlsh arm kmua Asulu SP2 [Puan Hamsa emu HmdmrHarmIndsf) Pads 20 1.21122 Jam lsbxh kurang10 pagw, SP5 um Azmi hm Ahmad) talah pslgi ke Jahsian Klrma unluk mangzmbll semula bareng-Darang Kes yang lelsh swap t1I:naH:is sens laporan klmla (P25). smsxah mu Ixarang kas diswmpan di s|o1 barang has VPD Klanu Ulava sw mEcmx1w:uGMmw;AwauA -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm c. BEEAN PEMBUKTIAN on AKNIR KES PEMDAKWAAN [121 Undangmndang auaxan mamap dan jelas bahawa Mahkamah perlu rnemuluskan ssmaaa mnak Demiakwaan banaya mambukhkan salu kes pnmala::\etsrhadap0KT dw am: kss psnaaxman sslams dengan Saksyen 15:: 11> Kanun Pmedur Jnnayah di mana pemlaian makswmum ates keleulngan saksirsaksl pendakwaan Peflu annual cleh Mahkamsh. Pnns-p km yenem yann uxaaxam kes PP v Mand Radzi bin Aha Bak:r[7006]1 cu 457 dan kes Balachandran V pp [2005] 2 ML! 5111. n. ANALISA DAN DAPAYAN MAHKAMAH nu AKHIR KES FENDAKWAAN [191 mupau yang nanu drbukukan nleh Dlhak nanaakwaan bsrkahan nerluduhan dikzawah s 395(1) (z)Akla ada|ah' uh Dadah Jams Cannalfls din Mennampnsumine marunakan aaaan bsmzhaya sapammana yang disenamwkan dw bawah Jadual Panama Akla nu: b) on mempunyai pamillkan gm pengeulhuan mu dadahrdadah lusebut‘ sw mzmxJ, -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm (I) [14] Bagv mambukfika c) Pads mass, mum dan lempal lersebul om |elah melakukan kasahahzn mangedur dauah sepem yang flinyalaksn maalam psnuduhan mum lonls Clnnlbll din Muthampllltaminl mlrupikan mum borhalllya nporllmunn yunu dlunlulknn dlbnwan JnflIuIPu1ImI Nth nu , pihak pemiakwaan «em. memanggll ahll kumna mm pm Hullu bum: mmmr Narmlndor (sv-2) dari Bahagxan Nannolik Fuss! Anahsws Szms Fmens\k,Jaba1an Kirma Ma\aysia, PeIaUng Jays aenau Isiah rnangamallsls bamngbarang kss um dan menge\ lsporan Mml: (15)dan mengesahkan bahan-bahan yam: mrampas mu adahah Cannabis dangan beIa| belsm 355.79 grzm,MamamphsLamIne dengan hem! berslh 76.72 gum dan cannams dengan berat nemn 260.5 gram. [15] sm |a\ah mengesahkan bahawa Cannabis dan Melhamphe(em\ns adauah mssnamkan dalam Jadua\ Panama ma Dadah aamanaya. Eerdasarkan kepada kamlusan dan kepakaran SP2 Mahkamah menerima kelerangan nenau sabagal swrang ahh kimla yang berkeuiyaksn urvtuk memaxankan analisa berxauan dengan mdEn|m' dan kuanmi dadah |eIsahm. sw micmx./yEuGM!DMh-Awaulx -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm Mahkamah wm msnanma kelerangan SP2 senara pflma lane sepe ’ yang drpuluskun dx aaram kes Tumult! om v-coon 5 1 In! v PP (2006) 4 cu I72 m man: Mahkamah Rayuan memuluskarr 7251 mum panama ym dltslaykan dslum mm nu ma sway! mum» povblcarnn ........«n.. W. rm. ;..¢......,... um mu. .».:.m... ,3 my... gun! ammy mm. Imda nnmg yum] mm-m warax mm mm. ;..m.....»y. Kanunnyn, sully! kotnungan nu ma.» drpomayav um: kvmin am pun: ..........;..n.... nan hrpudncl .,.. yang .:.m.m-.1.:........»;....: - [16] Mankaman wm manaanau Mada kerzguan msngenaw idamm nadan. dadah Iarsebul yang wan may-ausvs oleh SP2 searang am: klmia wng berpengmaman. (b) on mlmpunyal palnllikan nru pungnlnhunn -km am-I» uuann lovuhut. [171 Pmak pendakwaan pavlu mamhuklikan bahawa on mempunym bukan sekadar pemlllksn Ietepl pengelahuan akan kewujudsn aaaarmauan Iersebul [13] Pmak pembehan menghujahkan bahawa pandakwsan gage! unluk membukflkan Demwkan sane pengenaman om akan dadah tarsehul dan anggapan pengeuahuan |e\an benaya dlsangkm N mzcmx./w:uGMrnMr:ARauA um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm [1 9] Pmak Dendakwaan menahulahkan bahatwa slsmen mi isisn benaya dlbuklikan maiaiui kelerzngan SP1 yang merupakan pegami semuan yam: ieian menansn om di dalam sebuuh mmih ai Na 16‘ Jalan Essar Ba|u13,Kapardan baring kes ‘ rahkan kspada SP1 alsh on selspes amamn dl bawah Seksyen anemia) ADE 1952 dibacakan kepada on dan on dilanya adakah dla ada rrienyimpan nanny semi Kandutgan ui dalam tin ‘Julie! aim baiang ulaaiik nu aipenxsa oleh sm ai hadavan OKT dan saksi- saksl pulls dan didapali ai dalamnya mengandungl (5) mike! piasiik lmsmar banal kelulan mampai dsdauri karing dam in pakel piaslik Iuisinar berisi Ieraian dedaun kering sana (1) paksi p|as1ik Imsmav hsnsi ballan iuisiai disyaki dadah janls syélbu Ssmua harang— aaranu Res lnl dilumpul an aaiam hn “JuIIss'. Selerusflvii has)! pandu arah on ks kadua. on «aiaii manyarahkan kapada SP1, saw balzrig piasuk yang ai dalamriya msngandugi (so) pakel mason imsinnr balls: xoiuian mampai dedaun xenna dlsyaki eania. Semua uarang-barang kss imlalah dilianlarka Jabatan Kimia unmk dianalisis ulah SP2 yang merigesahkan ianya merupakan dadah yang iaiuh an bawah Jadual Panama Akla Dadah Mlrbahaya 1952. 10 sin mzcmxlwiuswnwuwam -um s.n.i n-vihnrwm be flied M mm .. mm-y MIN: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
The plaintiff brought this action in response to the defendants' negligent treatment and care of his late wife ("the deceased").The deceased was brought to the emergency department of the third defendant's hospital after experiencing severe pain and numbness in her left arm. Following that, the deceased was admitted to the care of the third defendant. It has been alleged that the second defendant practised outside the scope of his qualifications and further failed to diagnose the deceased properly because the third defendant's hospital did not possess the proper medical equipment, which led to the deceased being transferred to another hospital. The deceased appeared to have suffered from a 'brain stem stroke'. Almost ten months after the deceased suffered from the stroke, she passed away.There were two issues involved in this case that had to be dealt with: (a) What was the quantum of damages that the second defendant should be held liable for since he conceded liability for the claim? As far as the second defendant was concerned, the only issue involved was the quantum of damages since he had conceded liability to the plaintiff's claim. I would like to point out, however, that when considering the issue of quantum, this would be subject to the fact that the court would also need to consider whether the pre-existing condition of the deceased, who was said to have had atheromatous plaques in the left vertebral artery at the time of the stroke, could have also contributed to the stroke; and (b) Whether the third defendant owed a non-delegable duty to establish a proper system of care at the third defendant’s hospital and ensure that competent medical staff and specialists were employed to care for foreseeable patients such as the deceased?After the conclusion of the trial, the court allowed the plaintiff's claim against the second defendant and simultaneously dismissed the plaintiff's claim against the third defendant. In addition, the third defendant’s claim for indemnity and contributions against the second defendant was also dismissed with no order as to costs.
YA Dato' Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah bin Raja Mohzan
14/11/2023 12:22:32 WA-23NCvC-62-11/2019 Kand. 150 S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tH6/A2KhQkenQrxGHtubAA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal wA—23ucgg,—§,2,—,11/2019 Kand. 150 mmzm 12; - IN THE HIGH cQ_u31 Q: gALAvA AT KUALA LUMFUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY MALAYSIA CIVIL sun N0. WA-23NCvC~61-II/201! BETWEEN AVTAR SINGH AIL BHAGWAM SINGH (NRIC Nu 541229.1n—s1:s) (as Aamnustntor 0! the sum of SALINDER KAUR NP 5 JAGIR SINGH. Deceased) ...FLA|NY|FF AND 1. DR. MON MVAT co [MMC 2. man No: 75cm 2. an. AEDUL MALIK am JAMAL BUHARI (MMC Rngislnlion M0,: 3417:) 3. KELANA JAVA MEDICAL CENTRE sou BHD (complny R-ginmlon No.: 4m142.x) 4. DR. sA1'nAN A/L KOLLANTHAVELU (MMC Rlgislrnlan No.: 43452) ...DEFENDAN1’s GROUNDS ur .Iun§M§_uT Preliminary [1] As a vesun of (ms a-spme. me plamw wssued a s(a\ement ofclalm agimsl me delendsnls far med\ca\ negligence on (he grounds max sw ma/Azxnnmnmxsumbu um smm be used M mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm n... ms: the delendanls nad treated and cared for ms wlle rlagllgently ll was In lnls context that he sought compensation fmm the defendants [2] It ls lntevesnrlg ta none that me plarnlrlf played VII the 1976 and 1930 Dlymw: games and pamcrpaled ln MG World cups, ll’! 1975 and 1951‘ as a member or me Malaysian national learn Tnrs made mm a household name ln the world of naclrey Hls clner rnleresls were coaching hockey at natlonaHevel tournaments and playlng lennrs regularly As a resull ma lraglc Krlcldenl lhal aocurrad to me. we, he was forced to leave all of ms InIeres1s Io devma mrnsell lull—ume la (zklng cave cl her [:1 One madam salrrrder Kaul and s Jagrr Slngh ("the deceased“). who ls me wlle ol the plarnnll was arougnl lo the emergency department cl the lnird delandanrs nasprral aner experlenclrlg severe paln and numbness ln her lefl arm Folluwlng that me deceased was admmed to lhe care of me Ihlrd devendarrr II has been alleged that me seennd delendanl praursad oulslde me scope ol his qusllficatlorls and lurrner falled Io dlagnase me deceased properly because me rnrrd delerrdanrs nosprlal dld nut possess lhe proper medical equlpmenl which led (B the deceased bemg transferred to KPJ narnerrsara Speclalls1 Huspllal The deceased appeared to have suffered Worn a ‘brawl stem slrcka‘ Almost len rnonrns after me deceased sufiered lrorrr me stroke. she passed away [41 Dunng me course at «me dlsnute I was confronted wmr Mo pnmary lssues me of wnrm concerned wrrerner (ha lnird rn mu/Azxnmanurxsumau “Nana s.n.r nuvlharwlll a. med w my r... aflnlnallly mm: dnuuvlnnl VII aFluNG war Fngellutii Vertebral anery ll 18 rare to «mt suen plaques only concentrated ln a slngle anery when all the other arlenes were reponed as nealtny More 50, lne basllar artery gets us olooo supply nonl me lefi and non: Vertebral artery and hem lnese have to be blocked to out on blood supply lo me basllar artery ll ll was an Atnemntalous plaque THIS Basllar anery suoolles tne bralnslam and its olzcluslon causes damage to the braIrls1em and cerebellum However based on the Dresenlallnn VI ls llkely she had an arlevlal blockage ln lna bralrl H1 a slmllar fashton as the arlerlal blockage ln lne llmb sne suflered tne on.-wous day most llkaly arlalrlg from me nean An Arnevornelous plaque ts lne term lot cnolesleml deposlls over nnte rlavrow lna blood vessel and when tnls rlarmwlng reaches a eenaln polnl lnen lne lrvler llnlng ruptures and uedain suoslanees ln lne bland called plaleles clump lheve causlng a lolal blockage This ls pan or aolng but logically has la naeoen rather unlfnrmly ln all me vessels, not lust one or two lsolateo ones I note no plaque reoartea ln lne Basllar arlery but II was occluded and ln aaamon lt eoesnt make sense vol one pan oi me artery lo have 30% stenosls on tne pmxlntal nan and lust a snort dlstance away have 50% slenosls In aemllon, the same repons say lne rlghl venelaral arlery was normal meanlng no plaquas. so lo concluoe lhat the stroke was caused by alhemmalaus dlsease ls lnaocurale Thls pfeserltanon KS more ln keeping wltlt a elol origlnttlnq ftom lhe neat: tnal mlgraled awe blocked tna m lMn/Azxntzlunausnmlau was Smnl nuvlhnrwlll a. ll... M my l... nflnlnellly Mlhln dnuuvlnrll Vfl .nuns ml r... u nV xx aasnar anery and part of me Veil vertebral artery which caused the semen: slvoke mat evemually led In ber urmmely demise The posmauon or! this patient suffering a stroke lrum an ameromalnus {Hanna :5 also unhkew as Mdm saline: was or rela(Ive\y young age wnn lew risk [actors (nypernensron and hypempxdemwaj and even so the nsk facmrs were evidently wen aornronea as her ather mood vesse\s were neanny as per me scan repam and would run snow such an appearance W‘ the contrary were true Vn terms 0! quahfy and appmunateness M eare Mdm sannaers Interest womd have been been served had sne been anendea to by a Cardvologvsl wernng .n tandem mm a Vascwar Surgeon and that too 171 a far rnbre urgent manner As K stands the Ueiflng nhysncxan was lramed W Genera! Medxclne and VI Gaslmentemlogy (dwseases cf Ihe Gaslrmnlesfinal tract) As a General Physxclan he Wok an undue nsk by anempcng to manage an Acute lschemlc Llmb as «ms was omsrae nus realm of specvahzauon ' [27] were was anolher experx wnu ceeunea an nenan al the plammi, and «ms was PW3 wha Is a Consultant vascular I Endovascular and General Surgeon It rs a\so rmbonant lo bornt out the! rn ms expen evrdence he a\so opined «net ‘atheramaleus plaques‘ are not cause the s1roke wvrmn me Ien vertebra! anery Acoardxng in mm‘ were were symmorns cf sudden onset M wemxanu pavn‘ numbness‘ bhusrl/vthmsh dwioomurallon ollhe skin and absence oi rn mu/Azxnmnrrausnmbu “Nana s.n.r mmhnrwm a. med w my r... mn.u-y mm: m.r.n Vfl mum WM r... u n! .1) pulsee In the deceased which snourd nave raised the ararrn icran imrnedime referral to a vascular specralrst Aceardrnp In rum lurmer as a resun at me deceased perng anended ta by a gaslroemercloglst consuhant wnereas sne enpuld nave been attended to by a vascmar speeransc mslead ne asserted that Ihws had led Io me deceased being inadequately created, which resmted In a blood mm vprrrung an the left verlebral anery as a consequence As he ouwned rn nrs expert report. «he loflowmg re the exam uansmptmn 0! nis ammon “The neeeaeed presented wnn the symptoms of sudden onset 0! Well nand pern nurnpness, bluishlwhiush dnscalourallcn olskm and abrsem pmsas These were ryprce: symptoms 0! acme hmb rsenaernra, re sudden decrease In me arlenal blood new inlo xne affected Inmh due re eeure OOCWSWOYI ol the suppiymg artery In INS case‘ the rmevam supwylng anery wcmd be me Vefl irubclavvan artery Awle limb rsenaernra rs a vascular emergency The Deceased was reéerred rnappmpnacely sne was retared (0 a gaslroentemlaglsl rns1ead or a vascular speclahsf The trealment ol acme limb xschaerma Is prompt allllcoigmalicn on presenlahon even befare the diagnosis of limb Ischemla VS fuHy estahlvshed by Wliwflgj T7715 is (L) prevent propaganpn dune occludrng blood dot and malnlim patenrry of any cu||aIeva\ vesse\s The Deceased was not treated wnh proper armocagulahnn rn rnmzrnemeaemw “Nana sarm mmhnrwm re med m my r... pflmnaflly em. dnuumnl Vfl mum war hp 11 1:! 1: Instead. she was only grven Anxtra 2 5mg This dose was madequale‘ being only a prophylactic dose and not me treatment dose The Kfealmem dose of Anxtra Ill «ms case snomu be 5 mg was my Yer those less than 50kg. 7 5 mg once dafly (0! those bemeen 5010 1DOkg and 16 mg once daily 70! these more than I00kg As a result 01 me Inadequate arvtv<:a:gu\ahcn me nccmdmg mood clol propagmea and «ravenea to we ran verlebral anery irom wan me sunclawan arlery ' [as] In ccnttast. the expen lor ma third defendant. nwa a Cansmtant Emergency Physwclan who Is cunanny sarvmg at the Emergency 3. Trauma Deparlmenl av Hospwkal Kuala Lumpur and the Head ome Paedvamcs Emergency Depaflmem It HOSDVIEV Tunku Azxzah Kua\a Lumpun gave 3 diflerenl opwan ale to [his whole matter Based on ms Iesumony me deceased‘: mmal symptoms mu not appear Indwcamve of a snake, Iherefare. me delendaNs' achons were reasoname and would have been m lune wvlh Ihe standard cl care dwtors (mm other hospitals wmfld pmvvde In other words V! was reasonable to expect that due to the deceased‘: symmoms, lurIherIrwes1xgal\on would be required Accordmgly m (ms respact. aw: was comfortable with ma {allowing findmgs mad: m the Radlologxsfs Report rifled 22 B 2E|15 wssued by KPJ Damansara Speuahsl Huspna\ “CT ANGIOGRAPHY CT Angtegraphy olme neck menus m Mn/Azxmmnnausnmhu «mm. saw .. U... .a my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! rm :5 all! Normal common carmld arterres, rra mturoatron, and me Internal carom anerls mlaterally There ls no emence al mucasal Islorl or plaque Left vertebral artery 1 There are Nllng dafecu seen tn the splrlal pamun of the len vertebral artery causrng about 30 =2. lumlnal slenosls 2 Theve are son plaques ln (he subolxrpnal pnrllon ar the rev: vertebral artery causlng alnul so % lumlnal slenosls The right vertenral artery rs normal Trrere re peer apacrllcaucrt onrre basllav artery IMPRESSION Alheromalous plaques ln the lefl venebval arlery causlng I rmrd lurrunal slenasrs cl 30% lrr the splrlal partion of me Iefl vertebral artery 2 severe lumrnel slenaeis all 30 9. ln me suraoocrprlal ponlnn ol the left venebral artery ‘ [291 In lrgrll or the two aorrrlrctmg nplnlons‘ I nee addressed my yuelcrel appteclaliun tawares men reesorrrnge and concllmons glven that lhelr rules were to asslsl me In lomtlng my oplntnn Havlng addrzssed my mlnd la lrrel errect, I was lrlcllrled lo glve more r~ rauummmemm “Nana s.r.r nurlhnrwlll .. UIQG w my r... mrurr-y ml. dnuurlml Vfl arluNa Wm! v... 11 mg weight In me experl Iesflmony pmwueu by me plamm rather man that of the third derendarll [30] The reason I had come In such a canclusxon I3 due In a few laclurs man had taken Into cansmeramn These factors Induded lhe ram that both srwc and PW3 pnmued advanced and aexa-lea veasnns for mew oonduswons man ‘athevomamus waquas‘ did not cause me stroke Far EXEMDVG as regards VWL apart from what had already been discussed \n ma repan dmy exlvacied above PW1 runner loumed on the Issue 07 more than lhree hours 0! dehy be(weerv me unset of me stroke and me uans1e« to KPJ Damansara Spec\alIs1 Hospnal ms was axlremew important because u wauld have been possible lo! me deceased to be treated much eariver mm a procedure knawn as momhorysxa wmcn dvsscrves estabhshed blood clots after snake [311 on me earl of Pws na arse reached me same cunclusran on me Issue 0! me delay of three hours from one moment the deceased was unconscxaus In the moment she was transferred to KFJ Darnansara Specvlhst Haspnal As a resurl at ms addmonal analysxs based on me resuns or mm. me c1 inglagraprly and ma MR arigloqlaphyy K was hand [hm the I91! Verlebrm artery nae fiHing detects H1 which blood clots were deaected resullmg In pour blood flow to (he brain and stroke of the bran stem and cerebellum Angvography IS a menu! Imagrrlg procedure In W1‘|i<:rI I centrist dye Is mjecled Into me blood vessers in urdar lo wauanee men strucluve and determine if «here are any sbnornurmes m Mn/Azxmmnnausnmhu «mm. sens! be H... m any n. nrW\ruH|Y mm: dnuumnl y. mum v-mar r... 1: at as [12] A iunher ubservauon I had was that ow: seemed to rely wmmetely an (he REGVIIVDQISVS Reports at face value whfle PW1 and PW3 enewyeea me RadIo\ogxs1‘s Reports and made «her own cencmsmns wmle pomlmg om me reasons wrry they rnrverea item the Vadl0V0aIs1 [33] In addition. mere wee -nomer procedural matter mat needed a bnel arscuesron Accnrdmg to lhe mrrd deverrdam, since Ihe Maxnliff {alled ta call the radiologist and Dr Azrm to challenge their finurnge lhal atheromaluus waques are cause me stroke, me Nalnlm had therefore «sued to prove his case Aocemrng to my undersfiandmg‘ n was me exrsung defendants who med to rusmy their poslllon that errrerorneroue plaques‘ caused me stroke rn order to rusmy nnerr dalence Tnereaare may snamr: have called me radufloglsl and Dr Axrm ro eupoen «ms posnlun (See sermon 101 and seclmn 103 of me Ewdence Am 1950 and Juahtr Sadrkon v Psmadanan Ksmsjuan Ekanurm Negen Johor [1996] 4 CLJ 1) The pvavnmrs pasmnn rnmugnour me Inal was that ‘emerornerous plaques’ were not me cause av me stroke and Iherelore they could nor be blamed (or me slmke PW1 and PW3 have subsxennerea this davm Claim agarnsr ms mm delsndant [341 In the fnmmng secnon. I rrnu arscuss me plairmffs cuarrn egerrrsr me mrru defendant. r~ KM:/Azxrraurrarxsnmhu “Nana s.nn nmhnrwm r. U... m my r... nrW\rr|U|:I mm: dnuumnl vn mum WM »;s [351 As se1 form -n we statement of claim‘ me rdumng were me complaints nmugm by me plainml against me (mm defendanfs hospnal (3) Fame In ensure mat me second defendant dud not practice beyond ms scope of qualifications fralnmg or experience: (b) Fame (0 adwee we slaw ar persanne\ bclh medwcal and specialist mat N there Is no speclalisf at me duseipnne requved for the care and (veafmenl ol Ihe patients such as the deceased‘ to dnecx such patient to a nospxtal wnn sucn dlsciphne. re) Audwed and/or perrmllad crime! me to pass m prepannq paper works In the process aflransfemng me deceased out of the nospnnl men one deceased was "1 dear need dl irnmemaxe medmal (r=almen|‘ (d) Auewed and/or pemmed cruual «me to pass hy aflowing the deceased to be adnuned to me thud delendanfs hesp1(a\ when vn fact there are rm duamed speuanue In treat me deceased. (B) AHGWBG andlor permuted Crucial tlme to pass by alkzwlnu the deceased 10 be adnuned I0 me (mm da(endan1’s haspxtm when m fact me hospllll lacks the nraper equvpment Io exarmne. Iran and diagnose the deceased. correctly and immedwalsiy. m Mn/Azxmaunauxsnmnu «mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. U... w my n. nnnnnn mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum em p... u or as [36] As a resun ov me abnve «ne pliintfll nmher aHeged that by acuenung the deceased mm me mad aefendanfs Iwsp«a\ mstead ol veiemng the deceased lo another may eqmpped ndepnal «p conduct the necessary less, we second and third devendanxs made a deersrpn pased more on men commevc\a\ interests man (mm a medrcal Interest pevspectwe [371 Based on me above complaints me p\aIn\Ifi argued tha\ me «nrd davendanc owed a noruielegatfle dury 0| care cp establish a proper care system at me-r hospllm and In emplny eornpecanc medical slafl and apeeraliacs var ioreeeeama patients such as that or me deceased [33] Moreover, in order to demensme me validity or! ma argument. me marnnu provided a Ivsl cf deans and rncrdems that ne claimed denronsxrated haw me mum aevendam had «awed to perform as nan-delegable dmy towards the deceased The pla-mm prvvlded me vauowrng derarxs to help me understand what was at me cure of me dispute (a) Based on me evidence or nwz, ma manager 0! pperauons (M the lhvd defendant‘ there was no competent med|ca\ SDEOXBIXSC In the hcspwal Df the (mrd defendant m the form 07 enner a neuroupgrsr or a neurpsurpepn ava-lame to (real Ihe deceased In pamwlal when ma daeeasad had a ssxzurs m the ha5D7l:\ on the iflamoon M 22 B 2015 wmcn was the day (allowing ner adnnaeron m mu/Azxnmnnausnmhu “Nana a.n.r mmhnrwm be p... a my r... anan.u-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum WM vaguuous tn; Aecorarng to me evidence pruwded by nwz. me «mm de4ertdam‘s nosonat did not possess tne necessary eqwplvlervl for the purpose of magnostng cne deceased trrmugn lhe tears of noppter Ultrasound‘ CT Anglogram and ECHO Cavdlowram and «ms was mrther oernonstrateu by Ihe 73:1 that the deceased was ananged In be taken In Hnspflil Ara Damansara for the purpose at uneergmng Chase tests nwt, being he seeono defenflam appeared to confirm mess has as weH (C) tn order to aernonstrate me senousness or the relevant tesr oanrmnnng me emergency smranon «seed by the deoeaaedr the plamllfl‘ argued 0!?! WW‘ appeared (0 confirm that the firs: test that Dr Azrm candudsd UDDVI the admtsstan of the deceased at KPJ narnansars soeetaurar Hespuau was cunducllng an Mm soan on me deceased [39] There has been a wen-esxabltsnea law on me tssue or non- de\egable duty as a result cf a tuctgmeru of Raus snanv C.) m the case 0! Dr Kok Choong serrg 5 Anor v Soo cherry Ln! 4. Another Appea/ [mm s MLRA 367 [40] According to the waters oreaentea tn nus case trre respondent/olaintm (“Ina pallenf‘) underwent an uperallon at the sewnd anpeuartt/second defendanfs husDRa\ ("the hosprlal") lar me rerrrovat of a turno In rus ten lmaarm. In wntcrr the operstrorr was pertorrneo by me firs! appellantlfirst dafenflam (“the doctor‘) Fouowrng trre operillant ms respondenllphilnufl suffered «rarn parrr numbness and weakness In the area of ms ten forearm where ru Mn/Azxnraurrarxsnmhu «war. amt mmhnrwm a. med w my r... uflmruflly em. dnuumnl Vfl .nuua Wm! n... g at as defendant owed a "nan—delegaI7\e duly‘ to the deceased Another rssue that needed ta be addressed was me quantum or damages that the second deiendam should be held Mable for smce he conceded llabmy car «he claim. nowever, some mterverung tenors on me pen of the deeeesed needed to be cmswdered before a dedsion could oe made [51 My cundusxon «snowing me evamatuan or an the testimony end evwdenue pvesenled dunng the tnal was that l had allowed the mavrmffs clam agamst the second de4endem end sxmukaneausw dwsmxssed the p\avrIt\fl‘s dalm agamst the third defendant In addmen the thud defendants clam: [or Indemnity and wntnbullons against me second devendenn was also dxsmxssed win: no order es tn msts [51 Having oeen dlss led win my decision .n dwsmwsslng ms euann against the third dedendant the plavmfl has since med = name! apoeaw against such a demsvan It \s ndw nrne (av me to aromas my qmunds of judgment tar making the decwsions that I made .n the manna! (hat I did An ovorvitw at In: mm of mu cln [7] As me deoeaseds nusoend the walnut! brought «ms emon under senxans 7 and s 01 me CNII Law A51 1956 as me adm Istrator of the deoaaseds estate under me Grant M Ladies of Adnnmsnauon gramed by me Kua\a Lurnpuv Hwgh com on 13 9 2015 m KM:/Azxnuunuuxsumxsu «we. e.nn nmhnrwm e. o... m my me ennnnn mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max Page 2: alas surgery was perlnrnree After a senes of oornplarnls py lne palrenl abmll lrre pain‘ lne ooclor rererrea rnrn lo a hand and rnlerosurgeon speoiallsl al a dlflerenl nosprlal Upon orapnosrs lne pallsm was sam to have last scrn pr 90 percenr or ms lell rnedran nerve as a result cf me surgery lo remove lne lurnp ll was lnerelore necessary «or lne pallenr lo undergo anplner surgery. called mlcmsconlc reconslruorlon, uslng a nerve gran lrom lne pallenfs lefi leg rn oroer lo lreal the slluallorl Tne paflent then sueo me epcror ror medlcal rlegllgerloe and me nospllal ler lailinp lp drscnarge rls non-delegaale duty lowsros lne pallem peoause the huspllal had farleo lo pvovlde a sale and relraple syslern ler me lrealrnenr as well as relernal or me palrenl la a proper speclallsl Generally‘ lne pallenrs clalm or rrreeroal neglrpenoe was allowed and me nosprlal was lpuno to he yroanpusly llable for me donors negllgarloe The epclpr arro lne lrpspnel appealed one at me rssues rnar lne Court a1AppeaI declded was lnal the npspllal owed the plarrmll a nonpelegaple duly or care «or me srrnple reason «nan as a neallh care seryrce provlder lo lne pubhc. ll had a resppnsrprlny lo ensure lne pallerlt was kept sale ll was nweven polnled our by me Court of Appeal man a nnrldslsgabla duly snould be caken lnro aooeunl only to me exrenl me: n would be [am just and reasonable In lne errcurnslanees af eaen lndlvldual case upon lurlner appeal me Federal cpurr was laced wnh lne malor rssues at vmemer lne doclllne pl non-delegable duty ol care, as has been aocepred by me UK supreme Court ln Wood/and v Swlmmlllg Teeorrers Assoclalrpn and olrrers [2014] AC 537. applies In Mslaysla ano lf so. wlrelrrer ll applres to pnyare huspltals as a resull of me lornpus canaucl pl rrledlcal dpuprs HI Irelllrlg r~ nmzxnomoasmw “None Smnl nurlhnrwm a. UIQG M my r... nrwlrrnflly mm: dnuuvlnrrl Vfl .nune war up 1: all: [new paueme when they are primlsvng at me hosmral as Indepemiem contradors [41] Yaklng mm cansmerenun me pnnanle of a nmH1e\egab1e duty 0! care which Is a cause of action mdependenl at vlcanous llabllmy and can we m snuamne wheve there 15 no vlcanuus I-ammy. ws appncame as me Malayswan snuancn, Raus Shari! 01 made the «enema; remafxs at pp 334 and 3:35 M Hus Lomsmps ubservillons and analysis anhe xngremenls oflhls docvlne as M21! as we specific eppncammy “[36] The name or a non—fleIeqal7\e my" 'n essence. a pcsmve duly up enwre men reasnnzme e Is taken wewea m us proper conteld thus nan-de\egah\e aunes are not an anomexy m me law of negligence w-mom a common base hm fmmded on esxablwhed ccuoepls moled \n we genera! pnnapies at me Vaw a! negligence nsell An aesumpnpn ol Iesponsmmly may he mlerved «mm me ueanen at a special um er a specie! amecedent relalionsmp belween mm and me :\z|man| The assumption av vesponmhmly gives nse m a pasmve duly lo prom: me uaimem mm mm, and «om: me rauonale my wmpomng a more melons duly cl cave an Ihe aavenauu nmea, me camp: of mumpuon ofruparmbnlny n bun puma as the urmymq ms |ru| may sew: In explam nmn Lord Summons ms: and ncond camou- 04 case: use J Murphy‘ “Junmcau lounflalmns a! common law nun~de\eg:hle auues‘ m JW Neyars ex an. Emergmg Iuuas -n Tun Law (oxrom Han‘ 2007)) 1371 The defining Ventures. mcludmg me clamanfs vurnerammy or dzpendenoe and me devenuanrs mum at custody we: me sm Mn/Azxmmnnausnmpu «mm. Snr1|\nunhnrw\HI>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum vmm p... as ma dalmanl. are famon we\l—mcogmsed |a require a hlghu standard er care Wheve a pamcular oomunanan of such vamrs (as menmea by Lara sumpnon) exms, the slandard L11 tare is exoepuonauy heightened so that me reqmvemenl L2! reasonahle cane Is not mel s\mp\y hy aelegaung me vuncnon to a competent wnlmdor, mu by Ensuring max due care Is exemsea m me periormanoe M mzl lunchon by whomaver xs appointed to do so Hawevev, Ibflnly lov beach of a mrmewegeene duly dues nan ammml |u smct lmmhly my any .-wry or aemage uuseu m me pmormanee er mat Iunchan we may I: flrschlrged as long as veasnnable care ws mm by me domain (use Roe v Mmmry ul Hoawh 1195412 as 65) [391 Non-aevagme aunm have been enuneausry cmswdered as a ‘kmd o1 vlcalmus Iiammy' and adcmed as pan of me lesl |o determine mcanous nan-Iny m some cases This is a msooncepilan The two uomnes are smuxar m ellecl. n ma! mey nom reeun m Ila xy being Imposed an a party (me rmenaam; for me mpuy caused (L: a mum qme p\amM0 as a ream: ov me negligence al anolner pany um mnleasor) However n bears empnase mal nmmeneganue dunes am wcanous Hahmly are dlslmd m namr: and basis rnevem-er -mpcsee perxonal «army on me uewenaam (av me breach er ms awn my uwams me puamm based an the relallnnsmp belween me defenaam and me plamm, regemnen ul whom the delendam has unguged |o aenann me hsk Yhe Ianor m-pone vlcaliuun nan nerenaam fur me Iurllezsnrs breach at any lawavas me plaxm-n, based on lho mlalvovuhnp M emplwymenl between me defendant and me lnrlfeasor an me sm Mn/Azxmmnnausnmhu «we. sm.‘ nmhnrwm e. med e may he mm-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! zm H [:9] The duclnne ol nun-flalegahle aunes nu an Independent Scope 0! appnoauon apart «om me realm nl vicarious lvahxhw A numbev ov scenanus mwmnace me dlshndlon Non-delegable dunes. or pasmve guns; to ensure mac reesonaue we ws taken may exist In snuauons where there xs no vicarious luabnlny cor Instance where mm s caused as a result ova syscem «aware and no Individual tundeunr can be wdenlzfied‘ or where nann ws caused by 2 «mm party to a p\aIn(IlV under the dsVendIm's umody Com/eue\y. vlunom Iumhly can werale \n «no absenpe at a nomdelagihle duly. \n can: mere me moment: cl a new hazard er a vemuon-my ov vulnevamllly av dependence are ahsanl (og an ampmyee who noglugemly mls . pndeunun whfle drwlng . vemcll m me ccuvsa nl emp\oYmen|) The M: mxmnas are wncepluafly and przchcally manner [40] In lmht ov me above. we see no reason why me dectnne on nnndelegable duly should nu! wnunue (u be appnea .n Mmayswa‘ and we cons-oer me amama Drmcmles refined m woouram as 2 uselw scamng vuml Nevemehess we hasten to stress mm mm— delegame dunes wmpase more nnemus oouganons, n \s worth reneraung me pvovlso m Woodland mu such dunes shomd he wmpom on\y when u vs «aw jusl and vezsnname In an sn based an me pamcular wcnnmznces cl me use and devemped Vnuvmerually Item exenmg c:|egnnes and Lmswslzmly mm underlying prmclmos wun mu rennnaen we answer me am quesnon m me Ifl'IrrnI(Iw' [42] Takmg Into account pom me plalrmfl ano me lhlrd de1end:nls' avgumoms -n beflanee oouplea mm (ha evidence that was presenlad during me man and xeepmg me daemon :2! Dr Kak Choang se»g 4. Anor V Soc cnsng Lm A Another Appeal [2017] 5 sm Mn/Azxmiunausnmnu «mm. smn .. med m may he onmnnuy om. dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! MLRA (57 m the back of my mmd. I came to the candusnon M31 the Ihlfd defendant am not owe the DVEIMM or the deceased a none delegame duty of care. [43] In ralanan to me pnamms argument mat me we de4endam vauea to ensure (hat the second defendant did not pmmoe oulsme the scope 01 ms speclalny and max «ms was mnner compounded by me can that the mud ue4enaanrs huspmal drd not have me relevant rnemeax aqwpmene m Ireal me deceased in me firs! macs‘ I round that (here was no evvderlce belove me wmcn showed that the presence at a neunfloglsl was mandatory ior a medical cemre such as the thud defendant’: huspRa\ In this regard. I found that |he Ihlrd defendant‘ bemg i meduurrvsxzed meducal cernre providing scanuara sameas was not reqmred In have madman offlwrs who saasiaxma m every aspect cf a speclfic dvsclpllne ms was furlhev supported by the testimony Of DW2 VI Is wmporlanl 10 keep m mmd man me concept or speclahsanon encompasses a wvde range av expemse Despite me lacl that a dam: rmgm spaaaxise .n ms! one area to me excrus-on av mnermsapnnas, na or she can still be mnsndered a specialist because the term spemahsl naturally resmns a uomno a smg\e are: olknamedge or xnomeage in a very hrmled number of areas Hzvmg said max, reganfless of me second aerenaanrs posmon and without addressing his conduct dunng Ihal mum: me when laccd win. we emergency that confronted ma aaaaaaaa on ma aflernoan of 22 5 2015. mere was nmnmg mappmpnale or summer an ma pan of me mm: never-dam lo emphay such a gamroememlogvsl who was a\so named as a specwahst m .n«ema< medicine and to place ma m mu/Azxnmnnausnmhu «ma amn a. met! a my me nflmnnflly am. dnuumnl Vfl aF\uNG v-max p... 1£nt33 deceased VI tne cave M such a donor wnrle further tnvesttgatmns were bemg uunducled [441 Aside tram true it shauld also be stated that tne same Imdmgs as narrated above were atse apphcatale eduany to instances mvewrna the Issue of madequate equipment on the part of the third devfendantt tn hght at the swdenee presented, It appeared that Ins deceased was adrnlltad to the (hm: defendant‘; tlospttal VOHDM/tng B pvaper tnilial aeeeaement natnng been conducted an ner by tne met defendant Fallawmg the deceased‘: adrmseiwn to the hospital even flthere was no proper and adequate equtpment on me part of tne tnlrd defendant, the lac! Further demonstrated that the second delendant had hken tne necessary steps to refer the deceased 10 Hospital Ara Dimansari tn order to mvesttgate tne matter runner As a matte! of Vim the outoame wnutd nave been quite different had tttere nut teen a recerrat to ancther hospital ‘Mtn adequate eqmprnenl tar vurtner testmg As a reswl, this tact demonstrated tnet there was indeed a proper system or care being vnvlemanted ter the WM defendants Impattents at tna| particwar tVDsD\t.e\ [451 I was also aware or an additienat tmpottent fact m wmcn Ihe ewdenoe about t was clear tn tnts respect when the deceased was brought to ttte emergency department of true ttnrd detendants ttpspttet by the ptamtttt the met detendant was correct VII admitting ner tn the hespttat based on the prenmtnary dtegnoate at the symptoms mstead ol sending ner Dad( home with some plescrlptlons or relemng net to anmher hpspttat «or treatment on ttte same night Upon obeervtng such a sttuatton. I luund that It ts rn tn:/Azxmtzmrvousnmtau “Nair smn mmhnrwm a. tn... m vufli t... nnmnnflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum mat n... 17 M :3 not uncommon «br other naepms to take the same steps when vaoed wnn such a srtuanon [451 As a faHow-up lo max pom! and based on me facts presented to me 1!! ms case‘ il and not appear mac mere was any awdanoe of oommevma! mlevesls man manvmsd me mad delandanrs nbapmax lo admn me daaaasad as an m-patwenl because al monevary aansms There coma be a delay an me pan of me seovnd defendant m makmg me neeessary re1e<ra\ m we unernobn a! me next vduawing day. but ndnemaless. on me mgm wn quaanbn when me deeeased was admmed‘ me «as: remaunad that nawng made a premmnary magnosus :71 me daeeaaads symptoms me mud defendant could nal be held name '31 me conduct of ma firm detend-nc In adnumng ma deceased n: me name: Addmanalty‘ m showd be noted that me cane agamsl me firm detendanx has been dropped which Inevwtamy unpnes that [here was no neglugence on ms pan by Idmmmg ma deceased Instead no Ielamng her to anmnar no5p\ta\ me: mgm (471 In Hghl av me: has Iusl been menuened, it Is wmpossxble to he up me Imrd dersndam in «ms chum since ms plaintiff has wnndrawn ms claim agamsl ma firs! dawand-nt I (cox ma mew max m order lav ma lhxrd defendant to be neld Mable, me Hm defendant bemg me doctor wna admmed me deceased In the xrmd defendant‘: nbspwax must firs! be held llalfle or at me very waasc, for me lesumorly Ia be naam firs! In order to g\ean a deeper undersnandmg av wnan nsppaned that mghl at me emergency dapamnam bavara ma res! av me uesmmbny bbmd be heard m Mn/Azxmmanausnmbu «mm. saw nmhnrwm .. U... a may he nrW\ruH|Y mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! v... :1 .r;; [43] Moreover, I was vunner suengthsrned nn my concnusmn as I found that me second denendann nad edmmed respansmrnny lur me pnarnws cnanm 11 re evident {mm the resrnended statement or enerrn nrn paragrapns 45 (a) to m) Ihal rne second defendant nad adnrmed re every aspect or me negligence enarnrs that were made against mm In this case‘ there was no way nn which the plaimm cound slnnn pursue nns clanm agarnsz the third dedendant due re me lacl that (he second dekndant. wna enune bole vespornsrbnnnty Var hns nagnngenoe based on hns awn specific concession‘ was the me wne must be nend accuunlabne for all me rneqlngence cammntled [49] Furmer 10 that I had also rened on me (arms at the Resndem Consultant Agveemernl dated 17 mus ee weln as the pdsnrdn of the second devendanx, who was an rndependem mntraclor at me Inme on me Incnflenl and nne lestlmnny eaneernrng ms rel-acrdnsnrp wnlh me thnvd deiendenx As far as lhns aspect of me case was cnrneerrnedn the secnnd defendant admmed man he was an rndependenx eenlracmr and nm are agent, servant or vepresernlalnve anhe mrrd devendarn. mus he wound be personally nenne far any ens er negnrgence or nmlssnon that he cnmmnfted in permrmrng nrs prdvessrdnan dunes at me rrospneel M the «urn: defendant Taknng «ms into account and eembrnnng nt wnlh enn rne above lacks. nt wound appearlhal the mrrd den‘endan| wound not be Ilabne in the manner nndncalsd by me pnannm [50] Besides that my findnrngs nndncaled that the lhlrd defendanfs staff dnd not neglect I0 rnennor xne damaged‘: cnminmn at any perm durlrng her stay it me (hnrd defendanfs haspnlan Accordnng to the eninreen rnregracren notes malrntanned by the lhnrd deferndanfs rn KM:/Azxnaunarxsnmhu “Nun: snnan nuvnhnrwnnn rs. med w my r... uflnnnnnnly mm: dnuuvnnnl Vfl arnum v-man e... um as ndspttal. ll appeared that lha debeased was attended to lmmedlalely wneneyer the pletntnr pressed the ‘call bell‘ lor assrstarroe As pen oltne nurslng care provrded to the deceased. her vttal slfirls were also regularly checked and ner wndlllurl was properly recorded by the nurses In addilllm whenever the deceased drsplayed symptoms, aporoonste ectrons were taken ta address tnent W a tlnlely manner There was also a proper arnbulsnee arrangement tor the deeeased to be transported to KPJ Darnansare Speclallsl rlospttal Evldence turther showed that the third detendanl also made a relerral to Hosoltal Ala namahsara wtthout delay [51] ln rny revlew ol ell subrnlsslons made by the plalntlfl and thtrd delendanl, I came In the cnncluslon that l\ would not be (all. rust or reasonable for the thlrd detendant to be sublected to a non- delegable duty of care lrl lrght at the clrcumslanues surroundrng the rnetdenl whlch have been thdroughly analysed above Addttronallyt thls was lurther supported by the «act that I was not in a poslllon la rrnpose an the mlrd detendant the oblroatibn to seeahd-guess every step taken by [half resrdent doctors who shauld rather be lelt an merr own to treat, care and manage peltehts wlthln the confines and standards of the Malayslan Medlcal ceunctl (“MMC“) As a matter ollact, ll gees wlthcut sayrng that lhts rs not a blanket statement that can be applled across all cases‘ but mlhert tx is sornethtng that needs to be treated on e case»by-case basls because every srluatran IS tndeoehdenlly unrque when sontethtng occurs aflev the hospttel has taken the necessary reasonable care, as I have taund In (hrs ease the lrabtlrty should rest solely wlth the doctor IN ruuuxmumsmw «war. Sahel nmlhnrwlll a. med M my r... bflnlhnllly sun. dnuuvlnhl Vfl .nuue v-mxl meaaam [52] It shamd be noted mac m the present case. mere were no on-paint subrmssrons coneemmg the Issue of vlcanuus habvhly specmcauy raised by me pnammr As rar as ye appeared, 1he plammr was only trying ta hammev home the pawn manne mud uevenaam needed to he wmpased won a nomdelegsbla du(y of care based on the pawn: man me plalrmff had rauseu m paragraph 35 above It Is therefore conduded that as a resml of xhese findmgs, (‘here was a\so no vlcanous lxabwlny on the pafl of the lfwd defendant Concluliuu [53] As a resun of me vmumgs above me plamms danm against me secund deiendam was allawed mm cosls of oo sumeu Io anucamr and me p\a\rmlYs dawn agamsl me mum defendanls was msnussed mm costs of RMao,aoo no subject also «a allocalur The mum aevenaann s clawm (or Indemnny and wnlrmunons agamsc me seeana delendant was a\so msmxsseu wnhcut any ovder on costs as a resume of me flndmgs I had reached regavding me «mm defendant [54] In addlllon due In me fact man 4 had aneaay made a mmg mm regard to me sewnd ue4enaams posmnn me terms upon wmcn I had anowea me plamurrs quantum claim against me second defendant were as follows (a) Speclm damages at RM2a4 52409 far me Iouawmg nems wllh Interest ol 2 5% per annum ca\cu\ated Iron! 22 5 2016 to 15 a 2023 m mu/Azxnmanuuxsurmsu ma. am nmhnrwm be LAIQ4 m may he nrW\nnH|:I mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max »...4..m [e] The firs! defendant, meanwme. was wurkmg as a man. medxcai eraser an me mghvl me deceased was brought to the mud defendants hospllal As me iuthonsed medxcal officer (or the third defendant, me firs! ds4endam had attended, exammed and dvagnosed me deeessed before she was admined la the lhnrd delendsnfs hospxlav It s Vnlpunant in Male, however. mat the DVEHICIW wmmrew his claim against the firs! defendant on 2M12o22 [9] Dunng the course of me hospllalvsallon oi the deceased‘ the secund dalendanl was me mam donor who amended. axammed, magnosed and Iveated me deceased He was a general physwcvan (Gaslroenleru|ug\sI and Hepalologwsl) pracnsmg at me third defendant's nospllil [10] The third defender‘! was i( EH malenal lvmes the cwnev and manage! or a private ndspnau known as Kelana Jay: Memes? cemre sdn Bhd mums‘; Ihat was pnmanly responsmne lor running me mm nemdanrs rmspnav, mdudmg pvaviding nurses. medwca} and surgical servxces‘ and nad also ndused doctors rrem a vanely o1 dscupnnes under lhe Resxdant Consultant Agreements that had been svgned belwsen the [mid defendant and Ihese uaciors [11] In me ease dune cdnnn devendanz, he was a reedenn done: at me «mm deaendanrs ndspnax and on me night m quesmn he was bemg engaged by (he second defendant as a locum tenens (0 amend ed me sesend de«endancs panems we me secdnd defendant was way from me ndspnax The idunn deeendanx was m KM:/Azxnuunuusumxsu «we. s.nn s. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y em. dnuumnl wa mum v-ms! 1:... 3: a as m The sum of RM4371 no bemg meducar lass var KJMC. (H) The sum or RM2oe,41e 55 being mcdwcav fees for KFJ Damansara‘ (ml The sum of RMZ61 an bemg med\ca\ lees lor Cheras Rehahmcauan Hospital‘ cw) me sum 01 RMLo2s 02 bemg the Dust cl puvchaslng e wneewchav and other memcal eqmpmenn (V) The sum u1RM1D,GDG 00 hr beveavemsnl‘ (w) The sum 0! RM2,550 42 lav luneral expenses, and M) The sum av RMm,ooo on being me cost of engagmg me two experts wnness and other mudemal msnursemenns an) Genera! damages av RM1oo,oaa 00 mm mteresl cl 5% per annum calculated «am 0211 2519 to 19.5 2023 (ch Interest on magmem aem at me rate of 5% per annum «rum wa 9 2oz: up lo we date at payment [55] In ovder to justify me above compensauon, I found lhal all of me medical bIl\s had been duly reoexmed as pro»: av payments In addmon ID Wm R was a\so;us1IfIed In that \ dud not fund In Qavour O7 m Mn/Azxmmnnausnmhu «mm. Snr1|\nunhnrw\HI>e U... m my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! p... aa la! :3 the second defendant In relaflan (O the exlslenoe cf 'athemmamus plaques‘ as alleged by me seoono delenoam The olanns lor me 005! 07 Dulchaslng I whealchalr and other medlcal equlpmenl were also Dmvell by the olalmrll Tne second defendant was also klnd enough lo propose lo me me arnounx that they fell would be fair and reasonable lo be avmvded lormneral exoanses, bafeavsment and me oos1 ol engaging me Me exoen wllnesses as a result or such ilerns belrlg allowed [56] l had also allowed some onne medlcal bills whlch ware oalo by me msuranoe, as me ooslndn afi me law IS clear that a payment lrorn an Insurer snould nut lrnoinge on me plalmlffs olalnl In any way lsee Dr Kak Chaollg Sang 5 Ana! V Soo clreag Llrl 5 Anolner Appeal [2017] 5 MLRA 357 and salmon 7(3) m of me Cwll Law Act 1956) [571 As regards lne general damages, l found me arnounl ol RMIOOJJOD on was jusllfied glven that me deceased was hedrldderl for :Kmns1 (en rrlonlns pvlur lo ner passmg away as a rasull ol me blaln elem :1rl;ke There was also a jusnfable basls lor awaldlng me amount o1 RWDQ000 oo ln lne canlexl or me damages awarded VI a slmllar ease or Dam‘ Stanley lsaaes (suing Dy nlrrrsalr and as me admlrllslralar M the estate 4)! Ta‘ Puan suzanrle Tnornas deceased) v The sovarnmonl ol Malaysia 5. DIS [2019] B MLJ 331 ln wluen ma lolal arnounl ol general damages awarded In «no deeealad was Rllmc oou no as a result ol a rnasslve snake lnal cauaeo damage lo me eereaelluln. and ol lms arnounl RM100 mm on was awarded lor pan and sullenng r~ lHn/Azxnrmarrausnmou “Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwm a. UIQG M my me onnlnallly mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna vtmxl rmusms [55] In aaumon, I lwnd mm more was naming outrageous about the Vans that have been plasenled (a me whrch would warrant me rmposmorr of aggtavated damages m ems case ’ [RAJA AHMAD MOHZANUDDIN SHAH] Judlcval Commissioner Hrgru Courl oi Kua\a Lumpur Daled 18'” August 2023 Far me Plarrrm - Messrs Nekoa Raw Nekoo 5. sew. Nacmappan For me 2"‘ Delendanl » Messrs Axum‘ Tunku Fank s Wong Amos srew vm Jmen 3. Tan Pun vr For me 3'“ Defendant - Messrs Chan Ban Eng & co Goh Lee Dmg & Faz\eeza m Azlr For me 4” Daendant Messrs P s Ranjan a. co Manmahan s Drullen & Ahcia Crun r~ mu/Azxnuuruuusumou «mo sorm nmhnrwm o. med m my r... mrmu-y mm: dnuumnl vu murm v-max v... 5 evil respanathle tor attendmg, exarntntngt dtagnostng and treaong the deceased samettme between the time when the deceased was first admttted to the thtrd defendant‘: haspttal unlll the second detendant became My Involved In the deceaseds cave and treatment The ptatntm had arsd wtthdrawn NS ctatnt against the tourtn detendant an 20 t 2023 [(2] Burma the evemng of 2t 3 mm. sarnettme between 7 so am and 500 pm, the deceased was dctng some hnuse ehcres when. suddenty, she expenenced severe pain and numbness In her rett arnt The deceased was then taken to a chmc tn Kelana Jaya by the ptamttrt As seen as the doctor saw the wndntdn or the deceased‘ he recotnrnended to the nlatrtml that the deceased be taken tntrnedtately k: the ctesest ncsmtal tor runher treatment [13] As a result‘ they made their way to the emergency department of the thtrd defendant‘: hosntlal at about 530 pm where alter wrnplatntng about the deceased's symptoms to the first deéendarltt the deceased was adnutted amund 1030 pm atter some tests were earned out [14] On the ntght at the deceased's admtssmn tn the hespttal, the deceased was attended to by the tdunh detendant He dtrected that some tests he canted out the tduewtng rndrntng as weu as that some medteattons be adrntntstered to the deceased [15] It was dnty the next day‘ an the mcnnng or noon of 22 s 2016‘ that the second detendant attended to the deceased It was deemed that tn vtew cf the tact that spectfic lesls could not be earned cut rn mu/Azxhuunuuxsututsu «we. a.n.t nunhnrwm be mad .a my t... sham-y enn. dnuunnnl VII muhc Wm! vueialn it me nnspnal at the mud defendant one second delendsnl men deelded ta refer lhe deceased to Hospnal Ara Darnansava fdr lesls ls be earned out me ldlldwlng mumlngr wrllcn was 23 5 2015 [16] Somellme around 3 pm, me deceased ddmplarned abaul leellng glddlrless ll was ac rnis (lme that lne deeeaseds eyeballs suddenly relllng and sne became unresporlslve ll was lherl arranged lor lna deeeased In be sent unrnediaxely In KPJ Damarlsara Speclallst Hdspnal anne request nuns plainml, ldrlunner emmlnallon by a neurdlddlsr The original plan by me sedond defendant was to send me deceased lo Hospllal Ara Damansara [171 As me dedeased was belnq rrealed al KPJ narnansara spacrallsl Huspllal she was unable to move her arms or legs It was ndled that she could not respond I0 any H the quesllons posed to her Her nnly response was \o make nolsas as lnougn she was trylng la respond IO what was belrlg said [18] From the (line 04 her aumlsslarl DH 22 B 2015‘ the deceased had been ln KPJ Dsmansara Speclallsl Hospllll umll 09 102016 On 15102016. the deceased was re-admmed re KPJ narnansera Speclallst nospnal where sne remalrled unnl 10112016 on 10 11 2016. the deceased was Imnsferrad lo Cheras Rehabllflallfin l-lesprral «er renadllllalien lrealnrsrn sne was dlscharged lrenr Ihe ndspnal on 23122015 rnere was no lmprovemenf In me edndnldn ol lne deceased upon ner d-senarga lro-n cneraa Rehahllnallon Huspvtal rne deeeased remained paralysed urllll her dealn on 19521117 The cause or dealn was ‘Dram srern slroke‘ rn mu/Azxrnzlunanrsnmlsu “Nana s.n.l nuvlhnrwlll a. d... M my r... dflmnallly mm: dnuuvlnnl wa arlum war a... was Issues to ha daumrined by me own [19] In hue wan what wle aaud eamer‘ «here were two rssues mvolved rn «ms case that had in be dean mm more a final deersron wmd be made by me cuurl an them 1:) What was me quantum or damnges lhal me aemnu defendant enema be held name car since he aaneeaed hlblhty far we alarm As tar as me piamlrff waa concerned. we only Issue Involvad was me quamum 01 aemagee ernce ma second delsndanl nan conceded vraarmy re me plarnmre dalm I would like re pom! out, however‘ mar whan eansiuerrng me Issue of quaruum, mre wouhi he sub;e:.1In me last man are own would alee need lo cansraar wrremer me pre~exreung sandman of me aeceasea, who was sara to have had ‘ameromamus p\aquei' m me Inf! varlubral artery at me hm: oflhe smxe, mum have also aarrmaucea to me awake, and 4:») Whether me mrra deflendanl awea a non-deiegnme duly lo establish a prepur system of care It me mun defendanh rrasanax and ensure that aumpenem meareal man and saecrelreu were amployed to care In! loreseeibb aauems such as me deceased’ (2:21 In Irne mm muse Ihove rseuea ro be men, I have proceeded re make my aecreron. wmch re encaplmaled wmhln paragraph 5 Ibovs, an we 5 202: m Mn/Azxmmanarxsnmau “Nana sanaw mmhnrwm a. U... a may r... mrur-r mm. dnuumnl Vfl mum war n...-am courrs analysis and declslon C/arm agarnst ms second aerendant [21] The firsi point 10 Mule 13 that the second defendant had admitted Ilabllfly dunng the trial H1 regard to the dam: made agamst hlm nesprre rne eoneeseran of Irermy, the award of quantum did not anse automahcafly The leason 50! (his was that as both the second and own defendants argued rnere was a preexrsurrg lacior Involving the dewasecfa health condmun m the sense (hill the presence of 'ameromalaus plaques‘ rn me We“ venebral enery contributed la the stroke [22} A man cf mree expen wnrresses tesnfied an (M5 reeue Two expens lestmed on behalf of me pVaimIN while one expen reerrfiea an benawanhemrrd defendant As a menu cf DW3's teecrnrerry In support of the cm deienaanr the lhvrd defendant argued that DW3‘s ceecrmony strongly supponea (he ooneuusron met me deoeaseds stroke was meet hkely caused by her mgr. blood presure and nrgn cho\es1sro1 Therefore. acxxzrdmg Io me (Md deiendarrr, me wainllff had ¢aHsd to discharge ms burden to prove causanan between the «rum aeterrusnre aueged breeen of duty and rne stroke the deceased sufleved [23] Lnkewrse. me sawnd defendant rehed an we argument in cnallengrng quantum [241 As var «hrs perucurar rssue, lhe seoand and lmrd defendams appeared to have reared heavfly on a rnearcex reparr that une ur rn xnn/Azxnaunarxsnmxau “Nana s.n.r nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... nrwhrnflly enn. dnuumnl VII .nune WM [until Azmv Abdul Rasmd More Dr Am“ a consunam nsumlaqnsl who healed the deceased when she was transferred to KPJ Damansara Specxahsl Hospnal was of me npvmun that based on the tests oanducled. the deceased was suffenng from athemmatous maquesz wmcn aHeged|y conlnbuled In her stroke In the firs! place Here Is a reprodu ' of Dr Azrni’s relexmnl revun on ems manev which Is oamamaa In ms med\r:a\ report dated 9 5 2019 “Urgern MRI bram showed she had a masswe Dram sham and pasleuur circulation ischaemic s1roks mvolvmg muluple aveas Ie Bram stem. lad: cereaenum left OocIp\la\ Lobe and lefl Thahmxc Inlarcnon MRA Dram shawed ooclusnon (breakage; 0! me Basuar and Vertebral Manes (mamr vessels «a me Posterior amunauan nf me bram) most likely «mm Alherosclerallc plaque “ 125] In «ms matter‘ I had me appommny m anaxyss aH three repons and (esumames of me expens My focus as \ worked an ms ueusmn confirmed in be on me law regardmg sxpen upmluns and how wt applied in these current suu u .s nouewanhy ma: Manamau ANN Mu vusov JCA had exmamed ns as I carried an wnh my flndmgs Lhe posman regammg axpen opmmns m ms case nlMa1mkan sun Blvd v sarclaya Bank PLC [2017] e MLRA ass as follows “[35] We are in agmemenl wm. lhese principles and m our view. a judge who Is nn| an expen mmsew, snow defer m expert apmmn unlen man smense is obviously msvsnsmne and 15 am m Mn/Azxmzmnausnmhu «ma saw mmhnrwm a. met! a my a. nrW\ruH|Y am. dnuumnl Vfl mum am mar in are: suppnrled by me nasrc hols of one case Where «here are carmrumg expert wnrurrs, me mane rs of course enmied In bung In bear ms own jumclzl apprem n of me marrer, and choose are over me omer, hm wnere mere rs omy one experr oprmorr, he should not as 5 Me meet me: onrmon mrrrrgm wrmour pmlmously cunsroerrrrg wrremer rr rs nbvlausw mdelenslble and urrsupponea by me basrc lacks M me case Such a Dnnmnle rs in acooui mm are pnnclple ma! me mun rs me final amuu, as sraxea m Dr snermrugerr-«run v Penanmy Suhambanm Pillar [1997] 1 MLRA r » me prrncipax omen or experl emence rs xu assrsr me ooun xo «arm rrs own ommon. An exven shuuld give ms reasons we mun rs me fmalz1bi|er‘ nu| me expens or wnnesses we learned wage smula have eensraecea me reasoning gwen lay me expen and mm mar Issvslance arrive sr me wndusion In fzmng la do 54:: me we.-srrrea wage had auaresrea ms lunclmn we learned junge rs enuued re men: me evraerree bul VIM belove eormuermg men amdenca [25] Durrng me course or ms evruence, PW1, a consukam neurosurgeon who was Dvavldlng expen evraerrce lnr me plamlm, sam me: he was 0! me oplnmn that me stmke was not caused by ‘alneromatous p\aques' rn me Veil vertebral errery Regardmg me same, ne came to are following conclusions ‘The vanaus angmgram (anery scans) report grves me rmpressrerr mere were Isolated plaques seen In me lefl sm mu/Azxnmaryarxsnmeu “Nana s.r.r mmhnrwm .. u... w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PEMOHON Putri Juneita Zaina-tul Maknu Binti Johari
This is an ex parte application in respect of a piece of property held under Grant 10102/M3/3/12 Lot No. 16791, Mukim Setapak, Daerah Wilayah Persekutuan, Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan (“Property”).
YA Dato' Ahmad Shahrir B. Mohd Salleh
14/11/2023 14:16:21 WA-24NCvC-1125-03/2023 Kand. 9 S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ay0Qz6LlrE2bXDYr6lHa0Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal w.\—2mcvc—1125—o3/2023 Kand. 9 1:1/11/2023 Jams-2) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY, MALAYSIA DRIGINATXNG SUMMONS NO wA—24Ncvc—1 12503/2023 Vn me mailer overam 10102/M3/3/12 Lot No. 15791, Muklm secapak, Daerah Wllayah Persakuluan. Negeri wuayan Pemekuluan (Property): And m me mane! M sermon 417 and 420 ov me Ni|Iona\ Land Code 2u2n (Vssmng omen; And m the mat1erolOrde( 7 ru\e 2 crime Rmes oi omm zmz‘ And \n (he mane! M Order 92 rule 4 al the Rules 01 Conn 2012. PUTRI JUNEITA ZAINAJUL MAKNU awn JOHARI APPLICANT JUDGMENT (Enclosure 1) Inlroducfion [I] nus an ex pane appliwlian m respect oi a place oi property held under Gram 101U2lM3/3/I2 Lot No 15791. Muklm Selevak, Dnarah Wfllyah Parsekuluan, Nsgen Wslayah Persekuman (“Fmpeny'). Pursuanl to the ex pane applucalmn, the appncam sougm xo have me Registrar ol Land Titles, Kuala Lumpur m ragislav her name as Inc uwnu of |he Properly Mar pemsmg me apphcanon and me affidaml In-suuparl and sansmenng me subrmsslons at me learned counsel‘ 1 dismissed the apphcahon m Iwnzmwvzzbxuvmwana «mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! arm rrremx omen [21 The lens are gathered from the alfidawl Ilvsupport. The Prvpmy rs regrsrerea under me nama clone Tg Nafisah bm|i Tg Menrnooa Menyraaesrr (‘T5 Nafisah“| on 20 as 2008‘ T9 Nafisah executed e Dedaratiun ofTrus1('TrusI“) [3] Pursuant lo the ‘rrusr, Tg Narfisah declared um she nerd me Prapeny as a Iruslee 1artheloHowmg persons 1“Benefio4anss of |he Trust“) IH aqua! snares (a) me eppnoerrw/s sharelr (bl Nuor Nnznen blrm Tuan HusseIn(Vz snare). and (c) Feren Heyene bvnll Yuan Hussein (V. snare). [4] Pursuant m the Trust, Tg Nafisah else declared that sne wrn nensver or rmease rne Properly |u (he aenencienes of rne Trusl at thaw request or mica! mm the Pmpeny es the Beneficiaries at me Trust sneu urea vi wrilmg and execute all documenls In give eflecl lo the lransler or dseung On 03 02 2023. T9 Nafisah passed on before Iznng me Trust, M of nne dale ulme present eppncenon. there was no application made by anyone to be BPDDVIVIBG as the adm ' tmtorof me were of Ty Nafisah. Upon discussions wmh zne Beneficianes oi the nusr. n was agreed — (a) char the sppncenr to he so¥e!y Iespansvble in email! e vesting order \n respect of the Property. (b) that me eppncenuo be regrsrered aslhe sole registered nwner of me Property, (c) that the apphcanl sneu ermeeuour m sen the Property an we market value. and (.1) ma! me eppncanr sneu arsuinure the pmceeds of sale n1 me Property arnungs1 me Beneficlarres :71 the Trust m equal snares afler deduclmg all dams rn relalson Iherelo. ru IWQzsUrE2nxuvrn\HanQ «mu. serm nmhnrwm re med m my r... nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl vn mum WM [e] on me basis cf inase Yaclors, rna applicant pmcaedad to make me present ax pane applimlion Esseniiaiiy, me applicant was seeking car an order to have me Registrar of Land mos, Kuala Lumpur vest and regisier her name is me nrwner or me Property For ease oi reference‘ in prayers are reproduced In ris original language In verbatim as ioiiews: “1. Pendaflar Hakmilik Tanah Kuala Lumpur nendakiarr mendaftarkan nima Pemohon di atzs sebagai pemmk ke alas Hananah. 2 Penaaiiar Hakmilik Tanah Kuala Lumpur heimaklah mengambil nndakan/elek lsmsdap perkara Psrinlah Mahkamah im apanria diserahkan sesairnan Parimah Mahkamah Vang Muiia im, 3 K05 pennonenan dilanggung oien Pernohcn A Lairuain rem yang Mahkamah fikir sesuai, adii dan benrranieai " Analysis and iirrdirrga m It is a weiieai-aiisneo principle mat ‘in ongrneirng process requiring an inlilulsmenl mus! siaie mm sumoreni pamcuiarny, eimer in ris neauing or body. me sraiuie oi mles oi Court unuer which me com is being moved, ernerwise it In embarrassing pleading and may he slmck cm uniess sooner amends ‘ (see: per Gepai Sn Ram JCA in Cheaw Chew Klmun v. Abdul Johlll Abdul Rlhmln [1995] 4 cu 127 CA‘ [1995] 1 MLJ 457: [1995] 1 MLRA 679: [1995] 1 AMR 759). m The apuiroam nurwrled In make me oreaeni ippiicahon in reiranoe oi secnons 417 and 420 at me Nalianal Land Code ('NLC‘) Pureueni Ia seclinn 417 or me NLC, me powers convened on in Own or a Judge is oonsequem upon any iudgment or oroer given or made in any proceedings reiaiing io iano. This is clear «ruin a reading oi me siaiuie. rn IWGzuLirE2bxi:vrciHanQ “None s.r.i mmhnrwm r. U... w my r... mn.u-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nriurm Wm! secmn 417 Mine NLC reads as lollaws ’GInIn| Iullwmy of an com! 417. m nu sum or: Judge maylry muamnsmne Flemslrar ov any Land Admumslrzlarm do an such Ihmg: as my he nccesiry gngggxngg valahng In Van and :1 shan be me duly cl me Regnslvar av Land Admlmllrllor Ia aumply wnn me ordav imumln 42; Whats pur:u.In| In my aids! men by vmue ac znn sedxon the Regmriror any Land Mnumsmor— (5) canma lny wlllmmlm .-mung to Want! 0! any nnanmnax uromer entry an any such mslmmenl, ar (b) mam any omer amendmem cl or eddmnn m any such Anshumenl. na anan nuke (hereon Ins reason (or me cnnaennnan, nmmdmem or acumen and the dam lharual, nna snau iulhanlnznln ma sums by ms swgnalwe anu ueal 13) Wheve me Regwsuirurl.aruu Aannnnnauonam amen my (Ms nacwn Vn nnpam av any land or any anm ul nmzresx lrvllem. nn shall cause rmlce M n; amnn In be served upon any person or body nanng a slam prmlsusd ny cavea|a¢foc1mg nne ‘and. snare a inlensl “ [Emphasis addnd] [0] In ma present appllcahon. «nu applicant was not seeking INS Cour! to direct the Land Administrator to vesi me Properly \n the name of me apphaanl pursuant In any judgmeru or order \n relahon In any pmcaedlngs aflecling any land If in lacllhere was such a yuagmanmmmer. was n01 referred to m cm mmulernenz or the afidavil wrsupporl The aclual prermse oi |he appllcalmn was the Trust \n this regard, \ find that section M7 of the NLC could not be lhe van basis lor «ms caun m grant me apphnanl the payers she sought (D7. [10] Tummg now «.2 sechon 420 av the NLC, I a\so find me powars of (ms Court under tms provision of me law do not assist the applwcam wn securing me prayers she aougnncr Secinn 420 of me NLC rexacns lathe requirement lo register any order ollhe omm veslmg any share or mleresl at any person or body m wand. 4 Sm Iwnzsuuzznxnvmwanq “Nana snnnw nmhnrwm n. U... a my n. nrW\ruU|y -mm: dnuamnl y. nr\uNa v-max ll ls nor an snaollno prnvislon allowmg ma applioam lo secure lrom lnls Calm the rellev she llad sougm 107 on me basls at me Trusr. [11] lam rrllrldlul oflhe lalsr oaolslon nflhe com l11ADDeal In Malayan Bulking Borhad v. cnalrrnon sarowolr Houalng D¢v¢Iopors'Anocl'nriorl [2014] s cu we CA. [mm] 5 MLJ 159; [2014] 4 MLRA 493‘ [mu] 4 AMR 335‘ whereby n was ohserved ural a wrong lnmulemerll ls nor a ground to slnke out an aclion as n is an lrregulanly whlch may be rocmod. Howeverl n we presonl iwllcallorl the appllcanl narssll ooula rlol sansly lhls Cowl max sna nas a Valid causelarwhlch mrs com ooulu granl a rallal. l-lenoa. it ls oarllcularly rnornnoanc on me aopllcanl lo slala wllh clanly ma orovlslons of ms statue under wnron sne proposed lo move lms Cnun In exerclse lls powers, 1' at all VS exacllylhe rrllschlelvmich Hus Lordship lhe late sopal srl Ram JCA (later FCJ) in show chow Khoon (supra l anernproo Io averl as he oosorved. vlz — ‘II a ualonaanl ano ma courl should have ro otmduu a dose an non ol ma supponlng amaw rn oacrl oau ln oroor lo .1 Imllnl ma oarlrcular lunidlcllun or power lnal ls oarno lrlvokad :7, an angnaung summons or nlhev mglmlmg oroosss rnar requlres an lnmularnam, men - Dlnlnllflwill be ar llbanym snlu lrorn ans ruia lo anomar or lnaaao lmm one saazule lo anomar as ll plum nlm wlmouuny wsmlng Maalaoevel Ia ms oooononl or In: court [12] Uwn clanficallon wlrn lna learned counsel, rr was claar man me lale Tg Nansah, ma applicant ano ma Eeneficlanes of ans ‘nus: are Muallma. when prooao mrmor as lo wnalnar mere was a rlecesslty lor ma appllcam lo ablaln a Fara‘id oe ' ca\e before sure can properly make any apolloalion ola slrnllar nalurs m was! mo Properly. we learned oourlssl answsroo in |he neoawe The learned counsel ralrao haavlly or ramar solely on me aulhomy 0! TM Foroza xnan 5 ()7: v. Mean Hussain TM uonarnou MydIn[200E] 1 cu (SVA) 2541 ck [2006] 3 cu ale, [zoos] 5 MLJ 217, [wool 1 MLRA em, and suornicled \ha1 Courl could allow me avullcaliorl for a vesllrlg order as il has pvevlously been allowed ln oasl oases. m lWGz6LlrE2t~.xDvmlHa\‘K2 “Nair Smnl mrvlhnrwlll .. U... M my l... nflnlrullly Mlhln dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNfl ml [I3] wrtn respect. t am rrrratrtetd agree trr TM Fomzu Khan’: (supra) ease the Court er Appear tdrrnd tnat there was a properly donstrtrrted men or gm rnter vivos wnereas tn me present applieatron, there was no evidence proflefed rrr tne alfidavrt tnasulilwrl to demonstrate ttre lacl or any hibah much ness on tne questrdn drwnetner any man trad rrr tact been vahdly and Drovefly made or conshluled The Properly rn qrrestrorr rerrrarrred tn the narne enne tate Tg Nansen but net as e mtstae [u] u ike in TM Fer-an Kn-rr [supra ), in me present applrcatidn at the trrne when Tg Naflsah passed on tne Properly was not regrstered underlhe name MTg Nafisah as a trustee (or me benefit at tne Eenafictanes of the rnrst. As such, it can be easrly understood tnat tne veslmg order rn rm Femx: Kn.» tsrrpra.) was amrrrred neeeuse tne gm inter was (‘Wash’) had been pertected tnen and regrstered witn the land regrstry. (see aha Srllmlll orrrer s Grs v. Ahmad Ro$liAzi1lPemadbfr mm Pesrtkrl Usmul Manlmed, smeu) A Arrer[2dt21 I cu 923. [2012] 3 MLJ 537: [2011] 1 MLRH 901 w rn tne firs! made tnere was a and rrrbarr, ttre concern as to wtretner tnrs Conn mum righfly grant the orders saugnt «or by tne apphcanlwwld rrdt anse [15] The Farend pnncrmes cannol be vahdly dtsregarded In tne drstrrnutron av tne estate at a Mrrslrrn. Nthough dlslnbuhon at estates rs governed under me Probate and Adrnrnrstrauen At:| 1959 rrrespectwe at tne rehgnon 01 me deceased, rt must be partreuleny ernpnasrzed neretnar tne drerrrhrrtrdrr etttre estate or a Mrrslrrn rnrrst be sumect to tne Fara rd pnnctmes under the syan‘a7I Vaw me has been deariy explained rn Lnllhh Amznr v. Rasmlwlll sherlbun 5 Anor[2007] 5 CLJ 25:5 FD: [2001] 5 ML! 101. [2007] I MLRA 847; [2006] 4 AMR 591. In derwering ttre tudgment of the apex coun, Hts Ldrdsmp Abdul Harnrd Monamed FCJ (Inter 0.1) made the touowrng remarks‘ -[say In me use at Vellen at rdrnrnretrenen ragerrr r anr orfly recerrrrrn ta rmndmnfl estates: an apprrcamrr ts mid: to tn. cwtl Htgh carrn lurmegmmala \e1IevoIst1m|nB1raImn when me Letter ovadrnrrrrarratrerr rs nb1amnd,|IIa Admtnmrmnr I5 apmrnted nd rn case or an aslahz ul a Mustrrn, rne adrnrnrstratdr writ ootarrr Sun r.r.rd- lmm ma Iysnlh wun Mu: state: Mu are tne bulvsfiaanss and men respectrve sharui, rn awuvdanoa wrtn rn Iwnzuttrzzbxuvmwano “Nate s.n.r mmhnrwm r. .r... m my r... nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII .rrene p-ms! ieicniie law it irie eeiate CD7II4!|i et iiiiiricwacie property. another appiieaiicii is riiade In trie civi ttigti cairn ler . veslmg order All trial in. ciwi rtieti caiiri em iri aiieii .ri -ppiie-iieii r. ml|i bllrlfl snsned witri all me piucediiiai VSQ|AllEmSlIlSi ire DWI‘ Htgh ceiiit iii.k.. . vullwg older iri utml-dlnoe wiiri irie -silii ser..e- TNK second apvhclllwi Ii riot necessary wtiere trie asses |u be distributed are mavnble aaseta However. (he ldmlrlltllllar sull ieeiiiies e “Sllil Farltd" ieipiirpese oVdn(rlbu\li7n' [ta] Simply put, trie rdlimiirig course of ac1lon rniiet be undertaken byttie applicant iri ttie ease etari estate eta Mus|' (a) ertiei itian small estate cases, an application ter ttie nrerit oi letters at administration must be rriade to lrie civil High oetirt. (b) must obtain a ‘Para :1" certificate tram Ihe syarrati calm. Trie 'Farald" oemlicale specifies wtie ttie tiariefic ries are as well as determines their respective sriares iii abcordance wilti lslarriic law. (ct whete ttte esiale consists el immovable properties, a sepamte application «or a vesling order is made to trie CWII l-tigti cairn ln ttiis apphcalborl. ttie rule at ttie civil High court ia to make a veltllrlg order in aeecrdanca witti ttie “Fara'id“ oentficale it it is satisfied that trie procedural iequiieirierits have been complied witri [111 In the present application, there is a legal neeaaaity ier Ihe applicant ti: flrsi Gbliln ttie “F.!ra‘id' eertiucate «rem the Syarfah ceurt cetore mak g itie application tare vesting order because ttiere was riotti g rtie affldavil ineupport to evidence a valid riiberi iri laireiir M ltie Beneficlanes of the Trus| having beeri rriade. Ttie Fari‘ld certineete will determiria me are the beneticiaries oi trie estate at ttte deceased at well as trier respective atiaiesiri accerdaiiee witri itie lalarriic law. rlie l=a id certificate would trtan be the legal basis tar trie applicant In seek the ieiiets stie tied sdugtit for but riot ttie Trust, it at all. 7 SN lWGz§UrE2hxDVr6iH:DQ «wet. a.ii.i luvlhnrwm be UIQG a may i... nflflinnflly MVMI dnuavlml VI nFit.INfl Wm! [15] There was no evudenoe to show me exwslanee of a value! man or gm inter wvos. Equauy wmponanl would be the status, pasilmn or rdalionshlp between me appncam and me Benefxclanes 0! me Trust and me Vate Tg Nafisah Are they the News oi me me Tg Nafisah |o enuue me appncann in make me pressm appxmuon as u was? ms fact was not swasm m Ihe amdavit vhsuppun [19] The appnmm In seeking in secure a vesnng order hr the dlslnbuuon M the ssxscs m equal shares before securmg a Fara'Id oenmcace lmm me syarrah caurtwas m eflecl anempcmg Io ::m:umven| me Fara‘\d pnncumes. ms to my mum was s shsev abuse Dfpmcess arm-s own as wen as an attemm lo undermine the juris n ohhe Syan‘ah cows. C-:m;luI\on [20] Havmg heard the submissmns 0! the wsamed oounsec, I am not sausnsa that mus court was nu ma posman to grant me apphcanl the Prayers are sought for On ms pvemwse 01 ms alomsm reasons, 1 msmussea me applicaflon Dlled :1 Ocmhev 2u23 AHMAD AHRIR MOHD SALLEH ' JUDGE HIGH COURT or MALAVA KUALA LUMPUR. For the spa//cam: Mags! Shshamddin Merican (Mess-Is. S5//an Aass, Vascol: .4 Sofiah) m lwnzmwvzzbxuvmwana «mm. sm.‘ nmhnrwm .. U... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNG Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH Abdul Haffiz Bin Abdul Mutalib
Rayuan terhadap hukuman. OKT mengaku salah atas pertuduhan pilihan bagi kesalahan memiliki dadah berbahaya di bawah seksyen 12(2) yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39A(2) ADB 1952. .
YA Puan Evawani Farisyta binti Mohammad
DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI ALOR SETAR DALAM NEGERI KEDAH DARUL AMAN PERBICARAAN JENAYAH NO: KA-45A-62-11/2022 PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN ABDUL HAFFIZ BIN ABDUL MUTALIB (NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 770925-02-5439) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PENDAHULUAN [1] Orang Kena Tuduh (“OKT”) telah dihadapkan di Mahkamah ini dengan satu pertuduhan di bawah perenggan 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (“ADB 1952”) yang boleh dihukum di bawah subseksyen 39B(2) Akta yang sama. Pertuduhan terhadap OKT adalah seperti berikut: “Bahawa kamu pada 18 Mei 2022, jam lebih kurang 08.40 malam, di kawasan tempat letak kereta di hadapan bangunan kedai, Jalan Kuala Kedah, Alor Setar, di dalam Negeri Kedah Darul Aman, telah mengedar dadah jenis Methamphetamine seberat 55.52 gram. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B(2) Akta yang sama.”. 14/11/2023 17:19:18 KA-45A-62-11/2022 Kand. 29 S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal [2] Pada 1.10.2023, susulan daripada permohonan representasi yang telah dibuat oleh OKT, pihak Pendakwa Raya telah mengemukakan pertuduhan pilihan di bawah subseksyen 12(2) ADB 1952 yang boleh dihukum di bawah subseksyen 39A(2) Akta yang sama. Pertuduhan pilihan tersebut adalah seperti berikut: “Bahawa kamu pada 18 Mei 2022, jam lebih kurang 08.40 malam, di kawasan tempat letak kereta di hadapan bangunan kedai, Jalan Kuala Kedah, Alor Setar, di dalam Negeri Kedah Darul Aman, telah ada dalam milikan kamu dadah jenis Methamphetamine seberat 55.52 gram. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39A(2) Akta yang sama.”. [3] Ekoran daripada tawaran pertuduhan pilihan tersebut, OKT telah membuat pengakuan salah bagi pertuduhan pilihan tersebut dan setelah proses pengakuan salah OKT selesai, Pendakwa Raya telah menarik balik pertuduhan asal di bawah perenggan 39B(1)(a) ADB 1952 terhadap OKT. [4] Setelah Mahkamah ini berpuashati bahawa pengakuan salah OKT dibuat tanpa bersyarat dan OKT faham kesan dan akibat pengakuan salahnya, serta setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi oleh Peguambela OKT dan hujahan pemberatan hukuman oleh pihak Pendakwa Raya, Mahkamah ini telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 12 tahun bermula daripada tarikh tangkap (18.5.2022) dan 10 sebatan. S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal [5] OKT tidak berpuashati dengan hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah ini dan telah mengemukakan Notis Rayuan yang difailkan pada 11.10.2023 melalui pihak penjara. Rayuan OKT adalah terhadap hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah ini. FAKTA KES [6] Bertindak atas maklumat, pada 18.5.2022, jam lebih kurang 8.40 malam, semasa dalam tugasan Ops Tapis, Pengadu (Insp Mohd Muzamir Ghazali) bersama sepasukan anggota polis dari BSJND Kota Setar telah menahan seorang lelaki Melayu (OKT) yang kelihatan mencurigakan di kawasan tempat letak kereta di hadapan bangunan kedai, Jalan Kuala Kedah, Alor Setar, Kedah. [7] Pengadu telah memperkenalkan diri sebagai Polis dan seterusnya menjalankan pemeriksaan tubuh badan OKT dan mendapati satu beg silang berwarna hitam yang disilangkan di badan OKT. Dengan disaksikan OKT dan saksi polis, Pengadu telah mengambil beg tersebut dan memeriksa beg berwarna hitam jenama Calvin Klein Jeans. Hasil pemeriksaan tersebut, Pengadu telah menemui empat (4) paket plastic lutsinar pelbagai saiz masing-masing berisi bahan disyaki dadah jenis Syabu. [8] Pengadu kemudiannya telah merampas barang-barang kes tersebut dan menangkap OKT untuk tindakan dan siasatan lanjut. Pengadu juga telah membuat laporan polis sepertimana Alor Setar/10543/22. S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal SABITAN DAN HUKUMAN Pengakuan Salah [9] Sebelum Mahkamah ini menerima pengakuan salah OKT, Mahkamah ini perlu memastikan bahawa OKT faham kesan dan akibat pengakuan salahnya berdasarkan kepada kehendak subseksyen 178(2) KTJ. Di samping itu juga, OKT turut diwakili oleh Peguambela pada sepanjang prosiding berjalan di hadapan Mahkamah ini. [10] Mahkamah ini telah menjelaskan bahawa sekiranya OKT mengaku salah, OKT boleh dijatuhi hukuman penjara antara 5 hingga 30 tahun (seumur hidup) dan tidak kurang 10 sebatan, tiada perbicaraan akan dijalankan dan OKT tidak boleh merayu atas hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah ini kecuali terhadap takat dan kesahan (extent and legality) hukuman tersebut. [11] Setelah Mahkamah ini berpuashati bahawa OKT memahami kesan dan akibat pengakuan salahnya terhadap pertuduhan pilihan tersebut, Mahkamah ini telah mensabitkan OKT dan telah menjatuhkan hukuman sebagaimana dinyatakan di dalam perenggan 4 di atas. Hujahan Mitigasi dan Hujahan Pemberatan Hukuman [12] Dalam hujahan mitigasinya Peguambela OKT telah menghujahkan perkara-perkara berikut: S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal a) OKT kini berumur 46 tahun, telah bercerai dengan isteri lebih kurang 5 tahun lalu dan mempunyai 2 orang anak berumur 12 dan 11 tahun. OKT juga merupakan seorang penganggur. Semasa ditangkap, anak-anak OKT tinggal dengan OKT. Setelah ditangkap anak-anak dan ibu OKT yang mengidap sakit tua dan kerap kali ke hospital untuk rawatan, ada di bawah jagaan adik OKT; b) OKT mengakui bahawa dia adalah seorang penagih dadah selama lebih kurang 22 tahun sebelum ditangkap, dan kawan- kawannya yang telah menyumbang wang kepadanya untuk mendapatkan bekalan dadah demi kepentingan menghisap dadah antara mereka. Semasa ditangkap OKT baru sahaja mendapatkan bekalan dadah daripada seorang bernama Mie; c) OKT telah insaf dan berjanji tidak akan melibatkan diri dengan sebarang aktiviti yang berunsur jenayah. [13] Dalam hujahan pemberatan hukuman, pihak Pendakwa Raya secara umumnya telah menghujahkan faktor-faktor kepentingan awam terutamanya dalam kes melibatkan dadah, peningkatan kes-kes dadah dari hari ke hari dan masih berleluasa, tempoh hukuman penjara seumur hidup yang telah dipinda daripada 20 tahun kepada 30 tahun, pertuduhan terhadap OKT adalah kesalahan berat dan serius serta menyumbang kepada berlakunya jenayah sekunder. [14] Pihak Pendakwa Raya seterusnya memohon supaya hukuman berat dan setimpal dikenakan terhadap OKT sebagai faktor deteren. Pihak Pendakwa Raya turut menyenaraikan trend hukuman bagi kesalahan sama sebagaimana dipertuduhkan terhadap OKT dalam hujahan S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal bertulis pemberatan hukuman. Pihak Pendakwa Raya turut mengesahkan bahawa OKT tiada kesalahan lampau. Hukuman [15] Budibicara menentukan hukuman adalah terletak kepada Mahkamah yang membicarakan. Sebagaimana diperuntukkan di dalam seksyen 183 KTJ, apabila seseorang OKT itu disabitkan dengan kesalahan, Mahkamah hendaklah menjatuhkan hukuman menurut undang- undang (sentence according to law). Di dalam kes Jafa bin Daud [1981] 1 MLJ 315 telah diputuskan bahawa: “A "sentence according to law" means that the sentence must not only be within the ambit of the punishable section, but it must also be assessed and passed in accordance with established judicial principles.” [16] Berpandukan kepada kes Jafa bin Daud (supra), budibicara tersebut hendaklah berpandukan kepada prinsip undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan. [17] Dalam mempertimbangkan hukuman yang sesuai dan munasabah terhadap OKT bagi pertuduhan terhadapnya, Mahkamah ini telah turut mempertimbangkan kesemua faktor-faktor peringanan hukuman yang dihujahkan oleh Peguambela OKT. [18] Faktor bahawa OKT telah mengaku salah sebaik sahaja ditawarkan dengan pertuduhan pilihan dan bahawa OKT kesal dan insaf atas perbuatannya telah dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah ini. Pengakuan S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal salah OKT telah menjimatkan kos dan masa Mahkamah serta semua pihak-pihak yang terlibat dengan kes terhadap OKT ini. Sebagaimana yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Sau Soo Kim v. Public Prosecutor [1975] 2 MLJ 134: “Whether a person is a hardened criminal or not, I feel that a plea of guilty should be treated as a mitigating factor. It not only saves the country a great expense of a lengthy trial but also saves time and inconvenience of many, particularly the witnesses.” [19] Namun begitu, di dalam kes Tia Ah Leng v Public Prosecutor [2004] 4 MLJ 249 telah diputuskan seperti berikut: “It is true that the general rule is, when imposing a sentence, the court should take into consideration the fact that an accused person who has pleaded guilty be given certain credit and discount, but we are of the view that there are exceptions to this rule. In our opinion, one of these are the offences under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952… … As can be seen from the above, the Government and the legislature have taken various steps to curb drug activities and we believe that the courts should also help to curb these activities by imposing stringent punishments provided by the law.” [penekanan ditambah] S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal [20] Seterusnya Mahkamah juga telah mempertimbangkan faktor bahawa OKT adalah seorang pesalah kali pertama dalam menentukan hukuman yang wajar dan sesuai terhadap OKT, sebagaimana yang telah diputuskan di dalam kes Tukiran Bin Taib v Public Prosecutor [1955] 1 MLJ 24 dan Abdul Karim v Regina [1954] 1 MLJ 86. [21] Dalam mempertimbangkan hukuman yang sesuai dan munasabah terhadap OKT juga, Mahkamah ini telah mempertimbangkan dan memutuskan bahawa faktor kepentingan awam hendaklah diutamakan dan mengatasi kepentingan-kepentingan peribadi OKT. Ini kerana kesalahan terhadap OKT melibatkan kesalahan dadah yang merupakan kesalahan yang berat dan serius. OKT adalah dianggap bertuah kerana pertuduhan asal pengedaran dadah berbahaya terhadapnya telah dipinda kepada kesalahan pemilikan dadah di bawah subseksyen 12(2) ADB 1952 dan dihukum di bawah subseksyen 39A(2) Akta yang sama. [22] Tambahan pula, di dalam hujahan mitigasi OKT sendiri, OKT mengakui bahawa beliau merupakan seorang penagih dadah sejak lebih kurang 22 tahun yang lalu. Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa OKT adalah antara penagih dadah yang bertuah kerana tidak pernah ditangkap sebelum ini. Di samping itu juga, fakta ini menunjukkan OKT sebenarnya tidak insaf dan telah berterusan mendapatkan bekalan dadah dan menggunakan dadah selama suatu tempoh yang sangat lama. [23] Sebagaimana diputuskan di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v Loo Choon Fatt [1976] 2 MLJ 256: S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal “One of the main considerations in the assessment of sentence is of course the question of public interest. On this point I need only quote apassage from the judgment of Hilbery J. in Rex v Kenneth John Ball 35 CrAppR 164 as follows:– "In deciding the appropriate sentence a court should always be guided by certain considerations. The first and foremost is the public interest. The criminal law is publicly enforced, not only with the object of punishing crime, but also in the hope of preventing it. A proper sentence, passed in public, serves the public interest in two ways. It may deter others who might be tempted to try crime as seeming to offer easy money on the supposition, that if the offender is caught and brought to justice, the punishment will be negligible. Such a sentence may also deter the particular criminal from committing a crime again, or induce him to turn from a criminal to an honest life. The public interest is indeed served, and best served, if the offender is induced to turn from criminal ways to honest living. Our law does not, therefore, fix the sentence for a particular crime, but fixes a maximum sentence and leaves it to the court to decide what is, within that maximum, the appropriate sentence for each criminal in the particular circumstances of each case. Not only in regard to each crime, but in regard to each criminal, the court has the right and the duty to decide whether to be lenient or severe.".” [penekanan ditambah] [24] Juga di dalam kes PP v. Mohd Fazelan Md Khuzeh [2015] 9 CLJ 221, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menegaskan bahawa bagi kesalahan melibatkan dadah berbahaya, kepentingan awam menjadi pertimbangan utama: S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal “We were of the view that offences involving dangerous drugs ought not to be treated lightly so as not to trivialise the gravity of such offences. Public interest is a paramount consideration. The fact that the respondent is a first offender or that he had pleaded guilty ought to be weighed against the facts of the case, the circumstances in the commission of the offence, the type of drugs involved and the weight of the drugs.” [penekanan ditambah] [25] Di samping itu juga, Mahkamah ini juga telah mempertimbangkan faktor bahawa peruntukan undang-undang yang menetapkan hukuman bagi kesalahan terhadap OKT iaitu hukuman di bawah subseksyen 39A(2) ADB 1952 ini menetapkan hukuman penjara untuk suatu tempoh antara 5 hingga 30 tahun (seumur hidup). Dalam menentukan tempoh hukuman penjara yang bersesuaian, Mahkamah ini mengambil maklum bahawa kesalahan berkaitan dadah adalah satu kesalahan yang serius yang boleh dilihat apabila pindaan tempoh hukuman penjara seumur hidup dipinda oleh Parlimen sebagaimana diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 3 Akta Keadilan Jenayah 1953 [Akta 345] daripada tempoh penjara 20 tahun kepada 30 tahun. [26] Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes Tia Ah Leng v. PP supra juga telah memutuskan seperti berikut: “The effort of the legislature to curb and deter drugs related offences is well described by Hashim Yeop A. Sani (as he then was) in Public Prosecutor v Loo Choon Fatt [1976] 1 LNS 102; [1976] 2 MLJ 256 at p. 257: S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal "In respect of offences under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1952, there has been a gradual change in the attitude of the legislature during the last few years. The Ordinance has been amended by Parliament a number of times in 1971 (by Act Al12 of 1972) then in 1973 (by Act A194 of 1973) and then in 1975 (by Act A293 of 1975). At the moment there is yet another amendment which is awaiting the Royal Assent. In the legislative exercise in the1973 penalties attached to the various offences under the law were enhanced. For the offence of possession of any dangerous drugs under section 12(2) of the Ordinance, for example, the penalty was increased from a. maximum of $10,000 fine to a maximum of $20,000 fine and the maximum imprisonment was increased from three years to five years. In the legislative exercise in 1975, among other things, a new provision (new section 39A) was inserted whereby it is provided that whoever is convicted of an offence under the Ordinance and the subject matter of which is heroin or morphine of five grammes or more in weight shall be liable to imprisonment (with no option of a fine) for a term not exceeding fourteen years and not less than three years and he shall also be liable to whipping of not less than six strokes. According to the Bill which is at the moment awaiting the Royal Assent another new provision is inserted creating a new offence of planting or cultivating any plant from which raw opium, coca leaves, poppy-straw or cannabis may be obtained. The punishment for the new offence is life imprisonment and whipping. It is common sense to say that behind these legislative exercises was the government's realization albeit gradual, of S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal the problem of drug abuse in this country, the degenerating effect of the misuse of dangerous drugs and the attendant dangers it has posed to society itself. The amendments passed by Parliament therefore reflect the public policy. It must be presumed that behind the public policy is the consideration of public interest. The change in the attitude of the legislature itself during the last three years reflects the seriousness of the problem. In my view the courts will not be performing their functions honestly if the seriousness of the situation is not reflected in the sentence imposed or if the sentence appears to defeat the object of the statute. This is not saying that the courts in the treatment of drug offences should at all times be severe. Each case has to be determined on its own merits. But in every case the courts must be realistic and rational.”. [penekanan ditambah] [27] Merujuk kepada keputusan di dalam kes Tia Ah Leng (supra) di atas, walaupun pindaan kepada ADB 1952 yang dinyatakan merujuk kepada pindaan terdahulu, namun begitu asas yang dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan ketika itu adalah bahawa dengan berlakunya pindaan kepada ADB 1952 yang mana hukuman bagi beberapa kesalahan telah dinaikkan maka Mahkamah wajar mengambilkira faktor ini dalam menentukan hukuman yang bersesuaian. Prinsip yang sama turut terpakai kepada kes OKT ini, di mana berdasarkan pindaan undang-undang terkini, hukuman bagi kesalahan di bawah subseksyen 12(2) ADB 1952 yang boleh dihukum di bawah subseksyen 39A(2) Akta yang sama iaitu hukuman penjara seumur hidup telah dinaikkan daripada maksima S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 tahun kepada maksima 30 tahun, melalui pindaan kepada seksyen 3 Akta Keadilan Jenayah 1953 [Akta 345]. Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa fakta pindaan undang-undang terkini yang melibatkan kesalahan dadah wajar dipertimbangkan dalam menjatuhkan hukuman yang sesuai terhadap OKT. [28] Dalam menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap OKT ini, Mahkamah ini telah turut mempertimbangkan faktor deteren terhadap OKT dan juga terhadap masyarakat umum supaya dapat memberi mesej bahawa kesalahan memiliki dadah adalah satu kesalahan yang serius dan tidak boleh diambil mudah oleh masyarakat. Sebagaimana yang telah diputuskan di dalam kes Leken @ Delem ak Gerik (M) v Public Prosecutor [2007] 3 MLJ 730 seperti berikut: “(d) Deterrence sentence is aimed not only to deter the accused from committing the offence in future but also to deter other people from committing the offence. The first is referred to as specific deterrence and the latter as general deterrence.”. [29] Merujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes PP v. Saifulzainizam Mat Nasir [2021] 1 LNS 1074 yang telah memutuskan seperti berikut: “[29] The Respondent also sought to rely on several High Court decisions where sentences ranging from 7-8 years' imprisonment were imposed for the same type of offence punishable under S. 39(A) (2) of the DDA for bigger quantities of dangerous drugs. S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal [30] On these purportedly crucial points, suffice for us to say that the comparative sentences were from cases that were decided about 8 - 15 years ago. In our view, those cases do not reflect the current trend of sentencing for the offence of drug possession punishable under S. 39A (2), DDA. We agree with the Learned DPP that considering the maximum sentence prescribed under the provision, any sentence of less than 10 years' imprisonment would not be appropriate and sufficiently reflect the public interest element and the deterrent factor. It would, on the contrary, send a wrong message to would be offenders and the public at large that the Court would, in some instances, deal leniently with drug offenders charged with serious offences such as that punishable under S. 39A (2), DDA. As regards the Respondent's plea pertaining to the difficulties that he would face as a husband and father of 2 children, it is trite principle that a plea of this nature does not carry much weight as an accused person ought to have been aware of his responsibilities and the consequences of his actions before turning to a life of crime.” [penekanan ditambah] [30] Merujuk kepada alasan-alasan dinyatakan di atas, Mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa hukuman penjara 12 tahun (bermula daripada tarikh tangkap) dan 10 sebatan bagi pertuduhan terhadap OKT adalah sesuai dan munasabah. Hukuman-hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan terhadap OKT juga adalah bersandarkan kepada trend keputusan-keputusan terkini bagi kes-kes pemilikan dadah dan tidaklah manifestly excessive. S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal KESIMPULAN [31] Berdasarkan alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan di atas juga, Mahkamah ini percaya bahawa hukuman penjara 12 tahun (bermula daripada tarikh tangkap) dan 10 sebatan yang telah dijatuhkan terhadap OKT adalah sesuai dan munasabah serta tidaklah manifestly excessive, selaras dengan peruntukan undang-undang yang berkenaan iaitu Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 [Akta 234] dan Akta Keadilan Jenayah 1953 [Akta 345] serta berlandaskan kepada prinsip undang-undang berkaitan hukuman yang telah ditetapkan. Evawani (Evawani Farisyta binti Mohammad) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah (2) Alor Setar, Kedah Bertarikh 14 November 2023. Timbalan Pendakwa Raya: Tohirah binti Mohd Fauzi Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Peguambela OKT: Murthy a/l Botharajoo Tetuan B. Murthy & Co. S/N u1syQX3JDk67RDj7qajV9Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PLAINTIF Online Dynamics (M) Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN TM Net Sdn Bhd
In this suit:1. The plaintiff is seeking from the defendant a supposed total loss of business allegedly income arising under an agreement amounting to RM6,416,674.00 and RM550,000.00 for early termination of staff, cost of operation, interest, and costs. 2. The defendant denies the claim grounded on the premise that there is no legal basis or cause of action as the agreements between parties were lawfully terminated. 3. On 24.08.2023, I found no merits in the plaintiff's suit against the defendant and dismissed it with costs of RM30,000.00 to be paid within 30 days.
YA Puan Hayatul Akmal binti Abdul Aziz
WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA IN KUALA LUMPUR 5 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, MALAYSIA CIVIL SUIT NO: WA-22NCVC-163-03/2021 BETWEEN ONLINE DYNAMICS (M) SDN BHD 10 (Company No.: 540286-H) …PLAINTIFF AND TM NET SDN BHD … DEFENDANT (Company No:451011-M) 15 JUDGMENT (Enclosure 1) INTRODUCTION 20 [1] The parties in this suit are duly incorporated Malaysian companies. In this suit: 1.1 The plaintiff is seeking from the defendant a supposed total loss of business allegedly income arising under an agreement amounting to RM6,416,674.00 and RM550,000.00 for early termination of staff, 25 cost of operation, interest, and costs. 1.2 The defendant denies the claim grounded on the premise that there is no legal basis or cause of action as the agreements between parties were lawfully terminated. 30 1.3 On 24.08.2023, I found no merits in the plaintiff's suit against the defendant and dismissed it with costs of RM30,000.00 to be paid within 30 days. 35 1.4 Aggrieved, the plaintiff filed this appeal against my decision, and these are my reasons: 14/11/2023 16:38:48 WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 Kand. 57 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 2 BRIEF FACTS: [2] Parties have filed agreed facts (encl.11), and in narrating the brief facts, I will also refer to documents available before me. In examining the 40 evidence at the trial for the parties, I found as follows: The parties: 2.1 The first principal agreement for the production, supply and broadcasting of “The Capital channel on TM IPTV” subject to agreed terms and conditions, was entered on 10.10.2011 with a contract 45 tenure of three years, expiring on 31.10.2014 (encl.12, BOD B pp 7- 27). 2.2 Grounded in this first principal agreement, the parties entered into a first supplementary agreement (encl.12, BOD B, pp.28-39) to extend the scope of services of the plaintiff subject to agreed terms 50 and conditions. 2.3 The two agreements above ran their course and expired naturally as contracted on 31.10.2014. [3] Upon the expiry of the first two agreements above: 55 3.1 The parties, on 01.11.2014, entered into a second principal agreement (encl. 12, BOD B, pp.40-62) for a contract tenure of three years, expiring on 31.10.2017, to supply a news program under the defendant Hypp TV platform subject to agreed terms and conditions. 3.2 Likewise, on 08.02.2018, the parties entered a second 60 supplementary agreement (encl. 12, BOD B, pp.66-73) with a contract tenure targeted to expire on 31.10.2020. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 3 3.3 The issue with this second supplementary agreement is that the drafter referred to the first principal and supplementary agreement, which had already expired naturally on 31.10.2014, more than three 65 years earlier and was no longer of concern between the parties. I observed that: (a) The plaintiff unsupported postulation that that the term of the previous agreement used therein had supposedly extended the terms of these long-expired agreements. 70 (b) It is my considered judgment to be an erroneous and misconceived attempt to provide a legitimate foundation for its action in the present suit. It is disharmonious to the facts leading to an absurd conclusion (encl12. BOD B pg 64). It cannot be taken that the second supplementary agreement is 75 supplemental to the first principal agreement that had already lapsed several years prior, together with the first supplementary agreement on 31.10.2014. (c) The drafting of preambles A and B certainly leaves much to be desired. Hence, it calls for a finding on a term (previous 80 agreements) used in the second supplemental agreement. Did it concern the second principal agreement (2014) or the first principal agreement (2011) that had already expired more than three years prior? (d) Evidence was given by the plaintiff's director at trial that the 85 second supplementary agreement was premised under the second principal Agreement in 2014 and not the first principal agreement in 2011. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 4 [4] Clause 4 of the second supplementary agreement incorporates the 90 reference to clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement to allow for an early termination of the agreement by the parties mutually or unilaterally: 4.1 It gives either party a right to terminate the agreement by giving the 95 other party a sixty-day notice indicating such an intention to terminate. It is only exercisable after the 1st anniversary of the second supplementary agreement. 4.2 Under those provisions, the defendant issued a formal notice of 100 termination of the second supplementary agreement on 02.11.201 (encl.12, BOD b, pp.74-75): (a) The plaintiff claimed the termination was unlawful based on the defendant’s cost rationalising exercise and strategy to review the company’s activities. 105 (b) This early termination adversely impacted the financial position of the plaintiff, who had invested money, human resources, overheads, and other resources to meet its financial obligations under the second supplementary agreement (encl.12, BOD B, pp.66-73). 110 (c) In meeting its monthly financial obligation during the contract period, the plaintiff had resorted to borrowings from the financial institution (encl.12, BOD B, pp.76-82). (d) In meeting its internal monthly financial commitments, it relies primarily on the execution and running of the agreements with 115 the defendant. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 5 (e) In such circumstances, it would be unconscionable to allow the defendant a right to a premature termination of the agreement after one year of operation. (f) The plaintiff is entitled to a legitimate expectation that the 120 defendant would honour its part of the bargain in the agreement. (g) Consequently, the plaintiff claimed to have suffered prematurely ending its office tenancy, letting go of all its workers, and still having to meet its financial obligations with the bank. 125 4.3 The plaintiff adduced no compelling evidence that it protested this early termination upon service of the termination notice. The plaintiff had accepted the last payment on 31.12.2018 on its final invoice with no protest on the early termination of the Agreement. 130 4.4 The plaintiff only protested two (2) years later after the defendant demanded the refund of the commitment fee paid under the expired first principal agreement under clause 10.1(iii) of the said agreement. It remained unpaid till this day. The defendant's 135 counterclaim on this sum had been withdrawn with liberty because the plaintiff is presently a company in liquidation. 4.5 It then escalated to this suit by the plaintiff claiming an unlawful early termination of the second supplementary agreement, claiming 140 RM6,416,672.00, amongst others, of the balance twenty-two months of the contract tenure left in the second supplementary agreement. The plaintiff also claimed RM550,000.00 for the cost incurred in terminating the workforce it employed and other operational expenses. 145 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 6 [5] On 18.03.2021, the plaintiff filed the present suit against the defendant, claiming as follows: “a. Jumlah kerugian pendapatan perniagaan dibawah perjanjian yang masih berbaki 22 bulan sebanyak RM291,667.00 150 sebulan berjumlah RM6,416,674.00 b. Jumlah kos kerugian akibat penamatan pekerja-pekerja, bakat luar, kontraktor, dan kos-kos operasi lain berkaitan berjumlah RM550,000.00. c. Faedah keatas gantirugi khas pada kadar 5% setahun keatas 155 jumlah diperenggan a dan b diatas dari tarikh penyampaian Writ sehingga tarikh Penghakiman d. Faedah pada kadar 5% setahun keatas jumlah Penghakiman dari tarikh penghakiman sehingga penjelasan sepenuhnya. e. Kos tindakan ini. 160 f. Lain-lain relief yang Mahkamah anggap adil dan sesuai” [6] In its defence and counterclaim (later withdrawn with liberty), the defendant took the position that: (a) The defendant acknowledges: 165 (i) The first principal agreement with the plaintiff (10.10.2011) was for the production, supply, and broadcast of the Capital Channel on TM IPTV. (ii) The first supplementary agreement (01.05.2013) was for the production, supply, and broadcast of the Capital on TM IPTV. 170 (iii) The first principal agreement contract period was from 01.11.2011 to 31.10.2014 (three years). (iv) The monthly license fee of RM270,000.00 under the first principal agreement was due from the defendant to the plaintiff throughout the contract period, save where it is sooner terminated. A refundable 175 commitment fee of one month of the license fee (RM270,000.00) was paid to the plaintiff on 15.12.2011 (1 ½ months after executing the first principal agreement). S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 7 (v) The said commitment fee was to be refunded by a deduction from the last month of the license fee payable to the plaintiff during the 180 contract period. (vi) The first principal agreement and the first supplementary agreement provide for an early termination clause by either party by giving the other a sixty-day written notice intimating an intention to terminate the contract (clause 16.3 in the first principal agreement, encl.12, 185 BOD B, pg.21, and clause 2.13 in the first supplementary agreement, encl.12, BOD B, pg.36). (vii) The two foregoing agreements lasted throughout its contract period and naturally expired on 30.10.2014, releasing the parties from its terms and conditions. 190 (b) Slightly less than a month after the expiry of the first principal and supplementary agreements, the parties entered into a second principal agreement on 24.11.2014 (encl.12, BOD B, pp.40-62) for the production and supply of the news program 195 and the Capital Channel for distribution on Hypp TV. Likewise, the parties entered into a second supplementary agreement (encl.12, BOD B, pp.66-73) for the production and supply of Channel W for distribution on Unifi TV: (i) The second principal agreement with the plaintiff (24.11.2014) lasted 200 three years, from 01.11.2014 to 31.10.2017. It allows for early termination by either party by giving the other a sixty-day written notice intimating an intention to terminate the contract after the 1st anniversary of the agreement (clause 19.3(ii) (encl.12, BOD B, pg.54). In this event, the defendant is only obligated to make 205 payment for the contract value or revenue share up to the termination date on a pro-rated basis (clause 19.5, encl.22, BOD B, pg.55). (ii) The second supplementary agreement was for three years, from 01.11.2017 until 31.10.2020, which was also subject to an early termination provision under clause 4, in making reference to the 210 foregoing clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement. (iii) This second supplementary agreement is in addition to and not in derogation of the parties' obligations. This second additional S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 8 agreement is supplemental to the second principal agreement that expired on 31.10.2017. 215 (iv) The first principal and supplemental agreements are separate and distinct from the second principal and supplementary agreements. (c) The defendant further contends that: (i) The drafting of the preamble in the second supplementary 220 agreement was inaccurately drawn up. It caused unnecessary confusion (see preamble A and B, encl.12, BOD B, pg.64). My observation: I examined the preamble and found that the drafting leaves much to be desired. 225 (ii) The preamble to the second supplementary agreement had erroneously referred to the first principal agreement (10.10.2011) that had lapsed naturally on 30.10.2014 (approximately over three years before the execution of the second supplementary agreement) 230 as the principal agreement of the second supplementary agreement when in fact it was intended to be referred to the second principal agreement (encl.12, BOD B pp.40-62). (iii) The drafter termed the first and second principal agreement as the previous agreement. However, the drafter in the preamble made no 235 mention of the first supplementary agreement that had also lapsed naturally with the first principal agreement on 30.10.2014. (iv) This mix-up is further compounded when the second supplementary agreement continues to refer to the previous agreement and that all terms and conditions of the previous agreement shall remain in full 240 force and effect. (v) It cannot be taken that the second supplementary agreement is supplemental to the first principal agreement that had already lapsed several years prior, together with the first supplementary agreement on 31.10.2014. 245 (vi) The term previous agreement must, in the premise, be taken in its actual and proper context to refer to the second principal agreement leading to the second supplementary agreement to make logical sense. (vii) The early termination of the second supplementary agreement was 250 subject to Clause 4 of the second supplementary agreement S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 9 (encl.12, BOD B, pg.66) in citing Clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement. (viii) There was no alleged extension of the agreements as claimed by the plaintiff. 255 (d) The second supplementary agreement contains a provision allowing monitoring of the channel's viewership to ensure that it produces good-quality programs. Key performance indicators were specified in Appendix 2 (encl.12, BOD B, pg.73) of the second supplementary agreement. It was found that the 260 viewership of the channel was not satisfactory throughout the first anniversary of the second supplementary agreement tenure. (e) The defendant elected to go for an early termination of the 265 second supplementary agreement under clause 4, referring to clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement after its first anniversary by giving a sixty-day written notice on 02.11.2018. It was agreed that parties in the second supplementary agreement could terminate the contract sooner by providing a 270 sixty-day notice to the other. (f) Concerning the impact of the foregoing termination, the defendant asserts that: (i) The defendant is not responsible for the plaintiff's alleged 275 investments and internal operational expenses as they do not concern the defendant in any way. (ii) The defendant has paid all its financial obligations arising under the expired first principal and first supplementary agreements. (iii) Under the first principal agreement, the plaintiff had defaulted on 280 refunding the commitment fee of RM 270,000.00 paid on 15.12.2011. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 10 (iv) As required under clause 19.5(iii) of the second principal agreement, the defendant had made payment up to the date of the termination on a pro-rated basis (RM309,167.02) on 31.12.2018. (v) The plaintiff accepted the payment without objection or protest on 285 the early termination. It has neither disputed, replied, nor denied the notice of termination. (vi) In the premise, the defendant asserts that the plaintiff is not entitled to the relief prayed. 290 [7] The list of witnesses at the trial is as follows: - (a) Plaintiff’s witness: (i) SP1 Noor Azman bin Yusof@ Mohd Jusoh (b) Defendant’s witness: 295 (i) SD1 Abdul Rahman bin Mohammad Ghazali THE PLAINTIFF’s SUBMISSIONS [8] The plaintiff submitted as follows: 300 8.1 The learned counsel for the plaintiff informed the Court that the plaintiff had been wound up via two High Court orders dated 15.02.2022 and 08.03.2022. The Insolvency Department of Malaysia had granted a written sanction dated 01.03.2023 to pursue this action against the defendant. 305 8.2 Upon being informed that the plaintiff is in liquidation, the defendant had withdrawn with liberty its counterclaim on the return of the commitment fee. 310 8.3 The plaintiff argued that the second supplementary agreement was supposed to run for three years from 01.11.2017 to 31.10.2020: (a) The plaintiff was supposed to receive a total revenue of RM10,500,000.00. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 11 (b) The plaintiff had performed its duties and responsibilities as 315 required under the second supplementary agreement. (c) All the previous agreements were extended upon expiry through three separate agreements, excluding the second supplementary agreement. (d) The defendant had wrongly terminated the second 320 supplementary agreement on 02.11.2018 by claiming to exercise its contractual right under clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement. The reason accorded for the termination was: “Upon further internal deliberation by TM Nets management on cost 325 rationalising exercise and strategy to review the company’s activities in consent, we hereby exercise our contractual right under clause 19.3(ii) of the Agreement for the Production and Supply of news program and the Capital Channel for Distribution on HyppTV dated 24.11.2014 (including the Supplementary Agreement dated 8.2.2018 (“Agreement”) by giving 330 you the requisite sixty (60) days’ notice to terminate the Agreement. The notice period shall be calculated from the date of this letter, and the effective termination date shall be 1 January 2019 (Effective date of termination).” 335 (e) The plaintiff was encouraged by the continuance of the same services by entering into allegedly three consecutive separate agreements and believing that the defendant would continue to the end of the contract period. 340 (f) The defendant had breached the second supplementary agreement. The defendant had never issued the plaintiff any notice of default in rendering its services. (g) As a consequence of the defendant’s breach, the plaintiff suffered losses and defaulted on its banking facility. 345 In my observation: S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 12 (i) There is simply no convincing evidence that the defendant had breached the second supplementary agreement in any way from the facts during the trial. (ii) It is misguided to argue that the defendant is liable for the internal 350 expenses, banking issues, and purported investments arising from the plaintiff's operation. It is too remote and improbable to pass the buck to the defendant. 8.4 In supporting the position it has taken, the plaintiff, claimed that: 355 (a) Preamble D of the second supplementary agreement (Enclosure 12, Part B Documents, P’s Bundle, pg.64) clarified that it refers to the previous agreement, meaning the first principal and first supplementary agreement. In my observation: 360 (i) This argument by the plaintiff cannot hold as I had addressed in paragraph 3.3 (a)-(d) hereof. (ii) I have also observed it in paragraph [6] (c) (i)-(viii). (iii) To allow it would make nonsense of the second supplementary agreement. The Court must construe it in the correct context based 365 on the fact and actual perspective of the case lest it led to an absurd or irrational conclusion. That legal position is trite: Berjaya Times Square, FC. (b) The plaintiff also argued that the agreements are not separate 370 and distinct from. It is a continuation. In my observation: (i) There is no compelling evidence from the plaintiff to support this argument other than conjectures. (ii) It is inconsistent with the facts before the Court and is a 375 misconceived unsupported postulation that I am inclined not to believe. (iii) The agreements are all separate and distinct from each other. The issue of extension of agreements cannot be supported or substantiated by the facts at trial. It is a misguided argument by the 380 plaintiff. (c) The plaintiff took the position that the defendant failed to read conjunctively clauses 19.3(i) and (ii) of the second principal agreement in the exercise of its right to terminate. 385 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 13 In my observation: (i) This argument is misconceived. (ii) Clause 19.3(i) requires giving 30 days’ notice to rectify purported breaches in the second supplementary agreement, failing which the said agreement may be terminated. 390 (iii) While Clause 19.3(ii) states that the party may elect to terminate the second supplementary agreement after the first anniversary by giving sixty-day notice. There is no requirement to assign any reason. (iv) The two provisions are poles apart. 395 (v) There is clarity about what the parties had signed on to. (vi) To read it in any other way to angle support for the plaintiff's position would be inconsistent with the parties' agreement. (vii) One cannot read an inconsistent intent to a term in the agreement that was never intended, nor was it there in the first place. 400 (viii) Be it for the Key Performance Index or cost rationalising issue, it cannot detract from the fact that parties had agreed in Clause 19.3(ii) that either party may terminate after the first anniversary of the second supplementary agreement by giving a sixty-day notice. (ix) The Court will always ensure that parties are bound to their bargains 405 and cannot renege from them. (d) The plaintiff submitted extensively to address the first principal agreement (2011) and the first supplementary agreement that expired in 2014. 410 In my observation: (i) There is no tangible or cogent definitive evidence was produced to establish that the two said agreements had been renewed, extended, or resurrected in any way. (ii) The Court is only concerned with the alleged unlawful termination of 415 the second supplementary agreement that is presumed to provide the foundation for this action by the plaintiff. It is my considered judgment that the plaintiff failed to show compelling evidence to establish that position other than conjectures. (iii) I remain unconvinced, and the evidence scale does not tilt in its 420 favour. 8.5 The plaintiff postulated to the Court that the defendant is not entitled to Clause 19.3(ii) to terminate the second supplementary agreement and can only terminate because the plaintiff failed to achieve the 425 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 14 agreed KPI in the contract. Before doing so, the defendant must give the plaintiff thirty days' notice to remedy the poor viewership issue under Clause 19.3(i). Only then can the defendant terminate. In my observation: (i) Grounded on the facts and observations in the foregoing, I can’t quite 430 agree with the plaintiff on this argument. (ii) It goes against the totality of the evidence before the Court. 8.6 To support its position: (a) The plaintiff places reliance on the Federal Court decision in 435 Arkitek Tenggara Sdn Bhd v Mid Valley City Sdn Bhd [2007] 6 CLJ 93, FC that espoused the principle of a right to terminate contained in the agreement. (b) The plaintiff argued that the second supplementary agreement did not expressly provide for early termination. 440 (c) The Federal Court decision in Catajaya Sdn Bhd v Shoppoint Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] 2 MLJ 374, FC was also cited that ruled a termination was not allowed unless expressly provided for under the agreement. (d) It was argued that the defendant was wrong in invoking Clause 445 19.3(ii) of the expired second principal agreement to terminate the second supplementary agreement and for providing an invalid reason that had occasioned the termination. Though the agreement did not stipulate that reason for termination ought to be given, the defendant elected to explain the termination in its 450 notice (02.11.2018) in encl. BOD B, pp.74-75). In my observation: (i) I have observed on this point in paragraph 3.3 (a)-(d) and paragraph [6] (c)(i)-(viii) above and will not repeat it. (ii) With that finding of fact, the arguments above by the plaintiff would 455 not hold in the premise. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 15 (iii) Consequently, Arkitek Tenggara Sdn Bhd v Mid Valley City Sdn Bhd [2007] 6 CLJ 93, FC, would not assist the plaintiff. 8.7 The plaintiff argued that on the totality of the evidence, they had 460 proven the claim on a balance of probability: (a) The notice of termination (2.11.2018) is invalid. (b) Invoking Clause 19.3(ii) if the second principal agreement to terminate the second supplementary agreement is wrong. (c) The defendant is moved to terminate by reference to the 465 provisions of the second principal agreement to avoid compensating the plaintiff by reliance on Clause 19.5(v) (consequences of termination) that provide for payment on a pro-rated basis up to the date of the termination. (d) The defendant had breached the second supplementary 470 agreement and is liable to the plaintiff for damages under s.74 (1) Contracts Act 1950. Arkitek Tenggara Sdn Bhd v Mid Valley City Sdn Bhd [2007] 6 CLJ 93, FC was cited that when a party sustains loss because of a breach of a contract, so far as money can do it, he is to be placed in the same position 475 concerning damages, as if the agreement has been performed. In the circumstances, the P prays for an order in terms of its prayers in the Statement of Claim with costs. 480 THE DEFENDANTS’ SUBMISSIONS (L42, L46) [9] The defendant submitted as follows: 9.1 SD1, amongst others, gave evidence: S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 16 (a) Confirming that the preambles in the second supplementary agreement were inaccurate and that it should refer to the 485 second principal agreement. (b) Terminating the second supplementary agreement was under Clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement by giving a sixty-day notice. (c) As required under clause 19.5(iii) of the second principal 490 agreement, the defendant had made payment up to the date of the termination on a pro-rated basis on 31.12.2018, which the plaintiff accepted with no protest to the early termination of the second supplementary agreement. (d) The plaintiff did not deny or dispute the agreement's termination 495 notice. Only about two years later, when the defendant issued a letter of demand on 07.11.2019 for the return of the commitment fee paid under the first principal agreement did the plaintiff suddenly dispute the notice of termination of the second supplementary agreement, leading to the present action. 500 (e) The contract between the parties was not continuous (distinct and separate from each other), and they were never extended, as argued by the plaintiff. 9.2 The defendant argues: (a) The term “previous agreement” in the second supplementary 505 agreement must necessarily refer to the second principal agreement. (b) I have addressed this issue in the foregoing paragraph 3.3 (a)- (d), and paragraph [6] (c) (i)-(viii) hereof. S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 17 (c) The defendant asserted that during the trial, the plaintiff’s 510 witness, SP1 himself, admitted that the drafting of the preamble was confusing. (d) The Federal Court ruling in Berjaya Times Squares Sdn Bhd v M Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 MLJ 597, FC, was cited, which, in a nutshell, ruled where the terms of an agreement are 515 ambiguous, the background facts giving rise to the agreement ought to be examined to ascertain the intention of the parties concerned and that a commercial contract ought to be construed in a commercially sensible manner. The Court must (1) construe an agreement confined itself to the four corners of 520 the document but look at the factual matrix forming the background to the transaction, (2) include all materials reasonably available to the parties, (3) it must disregard any part of the background that is declaratory of subjective intent only, and (5) the Court should adopt an objective approach 525 when construing the private contract: “The meaning of the agreement is to be discovered from the words which they have used and read in the context of the circumstances in which they made the agreement. The exercise is not one where there are strict rules, but one where the solution is to be found by considering the language 530 used by the parties against the background of the surrounding circumstances.” This position was followed by the Federal Court in SPM Membrane Switch Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor 535 [2016] 1 MLJ 464, FC in holding that the words of each clause should be construed harmoniously with one another to avoid leading to ambiguity or absurdity: [46] This objective approach to interpretation is the ‘ascertainment of the meaning which the document would convey to a reasonable person 540 having all the background knowledge which would reasonably have S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 18 been available to the parties in the situation which they were at the time of the contract’ (K Lewison, The Interpretation of Contracts (5th Ed, 2011), Sweet and Maxwell, at p 1.03).” 545 (e) The High Court in Daya Cmt Sdn Bhd v Yuk Tung Construction Sdn Bhd [2018] MLJU 871, HC, referred to Polygram Records Sdn Bhd v The Search & Anor [1994] 3 MLJ 127, HC in holding that the test to ascertain whether an old contract has been extinguished is this: If a new contract is 550 entered into by the parties, whatever its terms, the old contract is extinguished. (f) In the circumstances, the first principal agreement and the first supplementary agreement had expired on 31.10.2014 and, therefore, been extinguished before the second principal 555 agreement was entered slightly less than a month later, with dissimilar purposes and independent from the expired first principal agreement. It would be absurd to associate the expired agreement in the preambles with defining the term “previous agreement” for the second supplementary 560 agreement. (g) SP1, in his email on 10.11.2017 (encl.16, pg.156), agreed that the second supplementary agreement was constructed as supplemental to the second principal agreement (2014). Considering this fact, cognisance must be taken that preamble 565 B of the second supplementary agreement refers to an agreement dated 24th November 2014 (encl.12, pg. 64). It is an admitted fact by SP1 that the only contract executed in 2014 was the second principal agreement. DW1 corroborated this. The Federal Court decision in Wong Yee Boon v Gainvest 570 Builders (M) Sdn Bhd [2020] 2 CLJ 727, FC was cited that S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 19 had ruled that to ascertain the intention of the parties, the Court must read the terms of the contract as a whole. The basic rule is that effect must be given to the parties' intention. This requires an objective test and not a subjective approach. It is 575 an objective approach that is needed, and a solution that is both reasonable and realistic should be found. 9.3 In light of the foregoing, the defendant argues that: (a) That the defendant validly terminated the second supplementary 580 agreement under Clause 4 of the said agreement in rightfully referencing Clause 19.3(ii) of the second principal agreement, which provides for early termination after the first anniversary of the agreement. It is an agreed term available to both parties in the agreement by giving a sixty-day notice to the other 585 (acknowledged by SP1 in his evidence). (b) The defendant cited the Court of Appeal in Seven Seas Industries Sdn Bhd v Philips Electronic Supplies (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor [2008] 5 MLJ 157, CA that had said it is a well-590 established principle that where the terms of a contract are clear and free from ambiguity, the court will not impose any implied terms. In the present case, clause 19.3(ii) is unambiguous and should not attract any drama in its application. 595 (c) This present action by the plaintiff is an afterthought: (i) Close to two years after the issuance of the notice of termination (from 02.11.2018 to 23.6.2020), the plaintiff did not dispute or protest the notice as being unlawful. (ii) Fourteen days after the defendant issued a letter of demand 600 (07.11.2019) in encl.16, pp.139-142, concerning the return of the commitment fee, did the plaintiff suddenly object to the termination when it is within their knowledge of the impending winding up the S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 20 plaintiff by the two High Court order dated 15.02.2022 and 08.03.2022. 605 (iii) This suit by the plaintiff is wholly an afterthought. (iv) The defendant cited the Court of Appeal in David Wong Hon Leong v Noorazman bin Adnan [1995] 4 CLJ 155, CA, that found in that case that the appellant had failed to respond to the letter of 17th December. If there had never been an agreement as alleged, it is 610 reasonable to expect a prompt and vigorous denial. But, as we have pointed out, there has yet to be a response from the appellant. This decision was cited and followed by the Court of Appeal in Jetra Sdn Bhd v Maju Holdings Sdn Bhd [2007] 3 CLJ 41, CA. (v) Contrary to the plaintiff's arguments in the present case, Clause 615 19.3(ii) makes no contractual obligation to assign any reason for the early termination of the agreement. SP1 admitted in his evidence that after the first anniversary of the second supplementary agreement, either party may terminate the contract without giving any reason. 620 (vi) Also contrary to the argument of the plaintiff in claiming that Clause 19.3(i) and (ii) must be read conjunctively. It is a misplaced argument. Citing the Federal Court in Catajaya Sdn Bhd v Shoppoint Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] 2 MLJ 374, FC that ruled where the terms of a contract are clear, the Court should not alter the 625 meaning of the terms. (vii) The Court of Appeal was cited in Parkwell Department Store Sdn Bhd v ICSD Ventures Sdn Bhd [2020] 9 CLJ 107, CA that held that in the interpretation of contracts, the general principle is for such interpretation to be constructive and to afford business efficacy to 630 such provisions. 9.4 The plaintiff: (a) Cannot claim RM6,416,674.00 being the balance twenty-two months of the contract period for the second supplementary 635 agreement (January 2019 to October 2020), when it had been lawfully terminated after the first anniversary under Clause 19.3(ii) of the contract. (b) The claim for RM550,000 being alleged losses occasioned by the termination of workers, outside talent, contractors, and 640 other operating costs are too remote and clearly without basis: Tahan Steel Corporation Sdn Bhd v Bank Islam Malaysia S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 21 Bhd [2011] 1 CLJ 755, HC. The plaintiff failed to produce any cogent evidence to establish the said amount, and SP1 admitted this in his evidence. The burden lies on the plaintiff to 645 prove its losses before it is allowed. It is axiomatic that a plaintiff seeking substantial damages must establish the facts and the quantum of damages before recovering. If proven neither, the action will fail, or he may be awarded only nominal damages upon proof of infringement of a right: Popular Industries Ltd v 650 The Eastern Garment Manufacturing Co Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 CLJ (rep) 635, HC. 9.5 There is no breach on the defendant's part concerning the terms of the second supplementary agreement and its termination. The 655 plaintiff's reliance on the Federal Court’s decision in Arkitek Tenggara Sdn Bhd v Mid Valley City Sdn Bhd [2007] 6 CLJ 93, FC does not assist the plaintiff’s case. The agreement between the parties in the present case did not prescribe any express right of termination, and thus, no reason would need to be provided by the 660 terminating party: “The lawfulness or otherwise of the termination of the plaintiff's services by the defendant would, in the first place, depend on whether the agreement between them contains a right to terminate. The agreement between the parties does not prescribe any express right of termination. The question of whether such a 665 term can be implied would depend upon the intention of the parties as collected from the words of the agreement and the surrounding circumstances. It must be presumed that the plaintiff had knowledge of the Conditions of Engagement in the Fourth Schedule. He is bound to adopt them. The defendant was under the impression that he was entitled to terminate the agreement at any time. This 670 in substance is the right contained in r 7. A right to terminate the agreement on any ground is, therefore, the obvious but unexpressed intention of the parties, thereby making it into an implied term. The Conditions of Engagement in the fourth Schedule also constitute implied terms in order to give business efficacy to the agreement by virtue of being a custom or practice of the architectural 675 profession. It follows that the agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant may be terminated at any time by either party upon reasonable notice being given (see paras 41–42, 48–49).” S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 22 Consequences are the same for SPM Membrane Switch Sdn Bhd 680 v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor [2016] 1 MLJ 464, FC, and Catajaya Sdn Bhd v Shoppoint Sdn Bhd & Ors [2021] 2 MLJ 374, FC about whether valid reason is needed for termination in the present case is inapplicable. 685 In the circumstances, it is submitted that the plaintiff has failed to discharge their burden, and its action must be dismissed with costs. THE LAW [10] It is trite in law that all cases are decided on the legal burden of proof 690 being discharged. It is the acid test applied in any particular case. 10.1 Lord Brandon in Rhesa Shipping Co.SA v Edmunds [1985] 1 WLR 948 at 955 said: “No judge likes to decide cases on the burden of proof if he can legitimately avoid having to do so. There are cases, however, in which, owing to the 695 unsatisfactory state of the evidence or otherwise, deciding on the burden of proof is the only just course to take.” 10.2 In Britestone Pte Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East, Ltd [2007] 4 SLR(R) 855 it was said that: “The Court’s decision in every case will depend on whether the party concerned 700 has satisfied the particular burden and standard of proof imposed on him. Since the terms ‘proved’, ‘disproved’, and ‘not proved’ are statutory definitions contained in the Evidence Act (Cap 9), 1997 Rev Ed), the term ‘proof’. Wherever it appears in the Evidence Act and unless the context otherwise suggests, means the burden to satisfy the Court of the existence or non-705 existence of some fact, that is, the legal burden of proof”. 10.3 The burden of proof in establishing its case is on the plaintiff. It is not the Ds' duty to disprove it. The evidentiary burden is trite that those who allege a fact are duty-bound to prove it (see s.101, 102, 710 and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950). S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 23 10.4 Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254 (CA) held: "The burden of proof under section 102 of the Evidence Enactment is upon the 715 person who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side and accordingly, the plaintiff must establish his case. If he fails to do so, it will not avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. The defendant can say it is wholly immaterial whether I prove my case or not. You have not proved yours". 720 10.5 Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v. Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, (FC) held: "It was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has discharged the onus on her to prove her case on a balance of probabilities, the burden did 725 not shift to the defendant, and no matter if the defendant's case was completely unbelievable, the claim against him must in these circumstances be dismissed. With respect, we agree with this judicial approach." [11] Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd v M-Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 730 CLJ 269, FC. The distilled principles, among others, are: 11.1 Where an agreement is not regulated by statute, parties are at complete liberty, under the doctrine of freedom of Contract, to agree on any terms they think fit. 735 11.2 The role of the Court is to interpret the Contract sensibly (a commercially sensible construction). See Loh Wai Lian v SEA Housing Corporation Sdn Bhd [1987] 1 LNS 37, PC. 740 11.3 The starting point is for the Court to recognise that in an action for a breach of Contract, it is for the Court to determine who is the innocent party and who is the guilty party. 11.4 A contract breaker must pay damages to the innocent party. 745 However, if he has made any payment under a contract (not being a true deposit for the purchase of movable or immovable property), the contract breaker is entitled to have that payment set off against the damages he has to pay. However, he cannot seek to recover S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 24 any benefit he may have conferred upon the innocent party where 750 he is guilty of breach of Contract. Were it otherwise, a contract breaker could take advantage of his wrong. This is against the principle and the policy of the law. 11.5 The FC cited Attorney General of Belize v. Belize Telecom 755 Limited [2009] UKPC 11, where when delivering the Advice of the Board, Lord Hoffmann said: “The Court has no power to improve upon the instrument which it is called upon to construe, whether it be a contract, a statute or articles of association. It cannot introduce terms to make it fairer or more reasonable. It is concerned 760 only to discover what the instrument means. However, that meaning is not necessarily or always what the authors or parties to the document would have intended. It is the meaning which the instrument would convey to a reasonable person having all the background knowledge which would reasonably be available to the audience to whom the instrument is addressed: see Investors 765 Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 WLR 896, 912-913. It is this objective meaning which is conventionally called the intention of the parties, or the intention of Parliament, or the intention of whatever person or body was or is deemed to have been the author of the instrument.” 770 11.6 A contract is to be interpreted in accordance with the following guidelines: (a) A Court interpreting a private contract is not confined to the four corners of the document. It is entitled to look at the factual 775 matrix forming the background of the transaction. (b) The factual matrix that forms the transaction's background includes all material reasonably available to the parties. (c) The interpreting Court must disregard any part of the background that is declaratory of subjective intent only and 780 (d) The Court should adopt an objective approach when interpreting a private contract. See Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v. West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 All ER 98. As Lord Clyde said in 785 Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA v. Munawar Ali [2001] 2 WLR 735: S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 25 “The knowledge reasonably available to them (that is to say, the parties to the Contract) must include matters of law as well as matters of fact. The 790 problem is not resolved by asking the parties what they thought they intended. It is the imputed intention of the parties that the Court is concerned to ascertain…. The meaning of the agreement is to be discovered from the words which they have used and read in the context of the circumstances in which they made the agreement. The exercise is 795 not one where there are strict rules but one where the solution is to be found by considering the language used by the parties against the background of the surrounding circumstances”. 800 [12] The Federal Court in Michael C. Solle v United Malayan Banking Corporation [1986] 1 MLJ 45, FC observed that the principles of construction to be applied are that the parties' intentions are gathered from the language used. They are presumed to have intended what they say. The common universal principle is that an agreement ought to receive that 805 construction, which its language will admit, that will best effectuate the parties' intention to be collected from the whole agreement. The Courts are to give effect to the terms of the Contract (if any). FINDINGS 810 [13] I have examined all-cause papers, the evidence and/or the lack thereof at the trial, and the parties' respective submissions in canvassing for their position in the present suit. The general principle in litigation has always been that a claim is only as good as its evidence. 815 Considering my observation in the totality of the evidence and in particular in paragraph 3.3 (a)-(d), paragraph [6] (c) (i)-(viii) and my observations in the parties' respective arguments in paragraphs [9] 9.1-9.5, and [8] 8.1- 8.7 hereof, in addition to and in amplification thereof, it is my considered determination that: 820 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 26 13.1 In consonance with the principles espoused by the Federal Court in Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd v M-Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 CLJ 269, F: (a) The starting point is for the Court to recognise that in an action 825 for a breach of Contract, it is for the Court to determine who is the innocent party and who is the guilty party. (b) A breach of Contract is said to occur when a party to a Contract expressly or impliedly fails or refuses to perform or fails to perform satisfactorily one or more of his contractual obligations. 830 (c) By and large, the plaintiff failed to discharge its burden of proof to establish the claim in its SoC as required under ss 101-103 Evidence Act 1950. (d) The plaintiff needed to adduce the required compelling evidence to tilt the scale of evidence in its favour but failed to 835 do so. Besides bare assertions, no convincing evidence was adduced to establish the allegations against the defendant. (e) I have perused the Bundles of Documents of parties (L12, L14, and L16) and considered the respective arguments by the respective learned counsel, but I can't find such probative 840 materials that can persuade me to find for the plaintiff. 13.2 In the circumstances of the facts of the case, a commercially sensible construction on the intention of the parties would point to the term previous agreement as stated in the second 845 supplementary agreement to mean the second principal agreement (2014) and not to the first principal agreement (2011) that had already expired more than three years prior. It would be ludicrous to hold otherwise as it leads to absurdity. 850 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 27 13.3 Consequently, the defendant had every right to exercise its right for an early termination of the second supplementary agreement under Clause 4 in referencing Clause 9.3(ii) of the second principal agreement. In the circumstances, the early termination is legal as it arises from a term binding the parties in the second supplementary 855 agreement. The arguments by the plaintiff on the issue are overstretching and too farfetched in the circumstances. 13.4 With the valid termination of the second supplementary agreement, the issue of damages as claimed by the plaintiff does not arise and has no legal foundation to stand on. 860 13.5 In clearly failing to prove its claim, I would like to borrow what was said by the Court of Appeal in Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254, CA that where the plaintiff fails to prove his case, it will not avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. The defendant can say it is wholly immaterial 865 whether I prove my case or not. You have not proved yours. I would also like to reiterate what was said in Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v. Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, that it was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has discharged the onus to prove his case on a balance of 870 probabilities, the burden did not shift to the defendant, no matter how unbelievable the defence might be. The claim against the defendant must, in these circumstances, be dismissed. 13.6 The legal burden lies on the plaintiff throughout the proceedings to prove its case, in which case the plaintiff herein had failed: Yui Chin 875 Song & Ors v Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ 417. It is not for S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 28 the Ds to establish their defence in such a circumstance: Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253. [14] The parties: 14.1 Are bound to the terms of their sealed bargains and will not be 880 allowed to renege from them. It is my judgment that the defendant is within its rights to exercise its rights to terminate the Contract under Clause 19.3(ii). It is what they have expressly agreed to, as was said by the Federal Court in Michael C. Solle v United Malayan Banking Corporation [1986] 1 MLJ 45, FC, that the 885 Courts are to give effect to the terms of the Contract. 14.2 I agree with Chan Whye & Sons Contractors (Suing as a Firm) v Sarawak Shell Bhd [2003] 5 MLJ 68, HC that where the termination clause is explicit, the Court must not rewrite the Contract or audit the bargain between the parties but instead hold them to it. See also 890 SPM Membrane Switch Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor [2016] 1 MLJ 464, FC. 14.3 To reiterate what was said by the Federal Court in Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd v M-Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 CLJ 269, FC, that the starting point is for the Court to recognise that in an action 895 for a breach of Contract, it is for the Court to determine who is the innocent party and who is the guilty party. In the present case, anchored from my observation of the facts before me, I find no breach on the defendant's part. The allegation by the plaintiff in the premises is wholly misguided. 900 14.4 I am in no doubt and inclined from the greater weight of evidence to hold against the plaintiff concerning the impugned second S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-22NCvC-163-03/2021 29 supplementary agreement leading to its lawful termination grounded on the covenants in the said agreement. 905 CONCLUSION [15] All things considered: 15.1 After appraising the evidence, all the relevant cause- papers and the written submissions by the respective parties, I find that the plaintiff had failed to discharge its burden on a balance of probabilities. 910 15.2 Therefore, the plaintiff’s claim is dismissed against the defendant with costs of RM30,000.00 (global) to be paid within 30 days from the date of this order. 915 Dated 14.11.2023. HAYATUL AKMAL ABDUL AZIZ 920 JUDGE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR 925 Counsels: Mohd Fairuz Bin Abdullah Messrs. Mohd Najid & Partners Counsel for the plaintiff 930 Oazair Huneid Tyeb, together with Choy Moon Moon, Nik Aimi Nabilah Nur Aisyah Ezam (PDK) Messrs. Shahrizat Rashid & Lee Counsels for the defendant 935 S/N dF4cstdEnkyubgt09C53/g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
The accused was charged with an offence of forgery of a will - under section 467 of the Penal Code - before the Magistrate Court
YA Datuk Noorin binti Badaruddin
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Lumrmr uaram wuayan Persekuluan mus Lumvur K21 Nu wArs$534D-0812018 can Seksyen 307 Kamm Tatacara Jenayah ws can xxxvm Fendakwa Rays Lwu Vuama a/I Ammsexerau Jumsusm [11 vasama a/I Amarasskera, (‘the accused‘) was charged mm an oflenoe 01 forgery of a wfll under section 1367 al the Penal Code belore the MagAs|raIe Conn He was found gmy 01 me change and was canvxcled and sentenced to a one (1) year and six us) months wmvriscmment rrom lhe date or ssmenae. 1 sw Recvwvivazafilxxzuyxn -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm [21 Belars we. Caun. ma Public Prosecutor appealed agamu (ha senlsnoe xmposed by me Magwslrala coun whilst lbs accused appealed agamsl me convucxion and ssnlenee Tho Chlrqu [3] The change agamsl the accused reads‘ ‘Bahawa kamu pads 13 6 2005, d! anlsra [am 9.00 peg: senrngga 5.00 petang, bera/amal -1: raruan Amam 5. Ca, 03-15, Pangsapun Impian Kara. Jaran Kg Map, Kuala Lumpun dalam uaenm Dang wangz, dr da/am Wr/ayah Psrsekuluan Kuala Lumpur, kamu relah melakukan pemalsuan landalangsn wssral Lssl Wm and resramem mandiang Adsmbsvage Ananda Rex Alwrs, (No KP dBL7327—1l7—5G95) bsrtallkh 13 06 2005 dam Kai-ml ada/ah dengan ml Ielsh mslakukan kesalahan dr bawah seksyen 467 Kanun Ksseksaan ' [4] The pmseclmon dauad Ian um wllnssses to gm ewdenoe whilst lhe accused had rauad 2 uwd) witnesses apan «um mmseu. Io |esUFy a| me delanzze slag: arm Facts [5] The accused was an Advocate a. soucwar [6] sometime m June 2005, he was appmachad by a lamfly iriend o1 ms, ans Adamberage Amanda Rex and known to the amused as Rex (‘Rex')who came to ms amce wanlmg (0 makes wvll The accused than draned me wm when he knew ma| ma wanar am not an any rrrna srgn or maka ou| me wm. [29] ms in mm begs me quesuan of new forgery or me ‘dwshonesl or haudulenl‘ making our ar signing of ma mu may be pmven [an] Under 5 45 nflhe Evidence AL1\95Olhe uplman nfa handwnlmg expen as to the genumeness vfhandwrmng or signatures are expressw aumrssmle on the grounds that «me. Is a relevanl fact [31] Sermon 47 oi ma Evmanca Acl ruse provraas rmar aha vor me aarnrssrbilrry or ma avkience M a wllness nn ma genmneness at handwrilmg wnere that wllness can be sara to be aazuahlsd wun ma person s'a|ed In have wrmen me urspureu handwnlmg ur stgnalure [32] secnon 13 onhe Evidence Act 1950 allows Ihe court or a wuness to oompanr a msnuled srgnamra arnanawnrrng wrnn rm genuma wrmng co the aHsged wrner [33] In Stale (Delhi Adm: seraciorr) v. Pan Rxm AIR [1919] supreme Court :4 Sarkana J mnsrderad the vanous secmns of the Indian Evidence An which oomarns plovvsruns sirnuar to tha| of Malaysia He held as Ionows In remran to me woo! oi the nandwmirrg ola Person: ' Just as m Englrsh Law, ma Inaran Evidence Ac! Isnogrums Mo airacr methods alpmwng ma handwnlmg al a person (1) By an admrsston oflne person wno wrote it (2) By lhe evrdance ofsome witness who saw 1! written. 11 IN Reflvwwvuilofilkslhyxu )"NnI2 s.n.r nnnhnrwm .. used m mm as nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm rhese are me bus! methods alpmol masa upsrf mm are lnras other mods: olpmal by ownion Thaysls m By ma ewdence ola nanawmmg exam {Section 45 ; on By ma amance of a witness acquamzed with ma nandwrwng bnna person who .s ssrdto mm wmlsn ma wnlmg m quashon (Section 47 ) rm) ommon lormsd by ma Coullon mmpanaon made by Me}! (section 73) Allthesslhrss cognals mods: ovpraormvcm a plocess nl campansnn In mode (0 ma comparison 1: mad: by ma export of ma aiapmaa writing WWI me admvllsd wr/(mg ol ma person who »a SAM In have wvfllsn ma quaslrorved document In nu ma nompanson rakes ma Iorm or a be/rel man the wunasa snlarlafns upon comptmng ma wnnng m qusslton mm an exemplar fanned m ms mmd Irom some prevrous knowledge or rspofmve observance av ma handwnlmg ol ma person concerned rn ma case of[m)‘ ma compansan Is made by the Court with ma sample wmmg or exemplar obtained by M from ma person concmau ' [34] As for the role M a handwnling expen « 15 must be noted (ha| the Indian Conn went on to cannon as to «he admwssxbllrly nflhe handwvmng experl and much was aarsmuy wcumscnbed as lcnoms: ' ms not lhe pmvince Dfthe expert to acids Judge or Jury As rightly poinled ob: m nu. V Janss ILR 56 All 423: AIR 1934 All 273 live real Iunzlinn cl [he export :5 m pm bofon on Cam! all ma manwfals, Iagevthev x2 m wecpwvivuizuaxkxznyxn _«wa.. am n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 a mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am with masons which induce hlm lo come to ma concmuon, so me: me Court. nlthouqh not In upon, mny four! In own Judgmenl by us own ousemuon al thnse muemls, ommenly, :1 is not pruper Iar Ihe Court to ask me expen to give me /inmng upon any 0/me pssues, wnemer anew or /5151‘ because, strvcl/y speekmg such Issues are rm me com 0: Jury to aezemune me rmnawrmng upon’: runcuon rs to aplm after a selemmc campanson 1:! me disputed wmmg wnn an proved or edmmoa mmng wllh rugani to me palm: of slmllnrhy and dlsslmllarlty In me two sets 0! wrlklngs. me Caun should then campnm me handwrlfings mm its own eyes for . proper assessment ol the value or the lam! emrenee . '[Emphas\s added] [35] Remmmg to me mslant meuer, m ham 0! me xmnonant mredueni of mtermon‘ “dwshoneslIy’ or “!raudu|en(Iy' lha| needs to In proven, the accused submns me: the mgredmnl was ormusd mam (he churge and ms, he vs severely premovced as mere is e drflerenca m law beaween “d|shonesl|y" and “lvaudu|sn|ly“ Reference .s made to Rlllnlxl A Dh|r|jl-|'I Liw ol Crlmu 24" Edlllon (Vulumu 2) where me learned aulhm expwemea es lollows ‘There Is an ob»/mus difference between "d:shonssHy” and -rmuaucemry" In oider to do a thmg dishonest/y there must be Ihe mrenlion to cause wmgm /0:5 or wrongful gem or uopeny, am m order to do a my fraudulently I! IS no! necessary Mal Ihsra should be the 1: IN Recvwwivailfilksllwxn ‘Nata em.‘ be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm mlelllion to cause wronglui loss or wmrtg/ul gain ol PVOWIY [36] It is trite taw that in trarning charges agains| accused person/s, the charge in question must he precisety tarrnuiated to irictude the speciric accusation auams1 the accused This is in drder tor the accused to know and have notice or the very nature ctthe charges at the tirst oppurllmm/, so that they are being ierewerned with ciarity and certainty the essentiet elements or ingredients that the prosecution has td esteeiish against them in order to ensure that they are torearrned in their dalertce tar the purpose at directing an the evidence eitciiisivety lo the specihc charges (per zaniani A Rntiirn J (as he then west in Ellll Md one V FFR011] i cu nut. [37] This edun is at the considered view that the absence at the word “dishones|\y“ nr -iraudutentv in the charge does not cause any iriiscairiage ol ]us|tce ta the accused. it can be gleaned ircrn the notes at pmceedings that the aemised was very aeie lo undetstand the charge against him and to raise his detenee acedrdingty The drcsecutien tar that iriatter rnust prove the eieinent oV“dtshonesflY‘ or “lraudu|enIiy' on the part otthe accused beyond reasonable doubt and the coun mus| make such a tindirig notwithstanding the Ingredient dt “dishonestly or lrauduienlly" is net stated in the charge. [sat However‘ having acknomedged that the issue at idrgery oi lhe witi may tie ascertained by censiaenng whether the amused * ried the wilt this court finds that the tearned Magistrate has tailed to consider this very eseentiat ingredient is. dtshonssly on the dart ot the accused. which niust be pmven by the “dtshones|iy“ or -trauuutenti in Recpwwvuilufilkxlnyxn “Nate a.ii.i nnvthnrwm re used m van; i.e nflgtrinflly MIME dnnnvtlnl vu .riuiia pom! proseouunn. the basis for I119 learned MagIs|raIa‘s flndlngs mat the amused had lerged me Will can be seen m her grounds as loIlows' ‘[46] From ma awdenca adduced WI lha course onna Ina/. anly accused nas me access ro ma vwllana na ana nas knowledge or me existence ol the WI! Accused knew Rex and um and agreed lo hsln Rex wan WIN wllnaul charging any laa or opsn any fila ll! lna llnn Io: ma wul mam is no plsparsllorl slgnmg lmll ln ma acnused3 alfics as no wllnass prepared PW4 auandance was not planned and Rex and not cormnumcala for such lmponnnl dooumsnl. No rwal wlmess saan Rex Signed mg ml axcapl accusau Accused was ma ona ma: surrender ma wm lo lna lawyer appoinled by ma lamlly of Rex Thus‘ mm lna Chsm ofswdsnces, [here Is In: on. mu/l1 nava accass Io Will and ma vwl was kspl by ma accused. Such svarlts could only aoncluda that aaausad forged ma slgrlalum in ma vwl and ma: would be only lnfemrwe to be drawn in ma case " [39] ms coun finds Ihe above filmmg VS mlsplaoed. Awllnsss lo a will need not know the mn|enlS of the will A sollcllar who had asslsled lrl gwmg a drafl will la a lnend and who naa subsequently asslsled Ia wilness me execullon vflhe wlll need nol charge nur open a me lame same. The fact that PW4's presence In the accused: amce was not planned ls Irrelevant 15 m fiscvwvlvuilulilkslhyxu ma. s.n.l n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnllly mm: dun-mm VII mane v-mm [AD] lne unchallenged lacls reveal mail me edcused aonriirned lnar lie had asked PW4 io be a wlmess because FW4 nad known Rax previously PWA came lo invlie lne accused lor lunch all me eccuseds olrice and allnougn lnlllally reludanh lie nad llien agreed when we accused lold nirn lnel il was Rex or Alwie as lie was known wno was an lne omoe. PW4 did ncl deny ol Rexe presence al Ihe adcuseds ollice runner, lrieie is no iequireinenl in law lor FW4 lo know lne conlenis ol lne will or even know lne leslalor or me will [411 The negalive lnlerenoe made by lne learned Megislrale whsrelha accused is said lo be me only one wno knows aboul lne will as a copy was keol wilri him and llieielore lie inusl be lne one who lorged lrie signalure cl Rex‘ is again. clearly niisulaoed. The fact is, lne Idle Rex had a copy ol lne Will loo so. lne accused was nol llie only one who has me ccoy ol me will No orie knows ollne will oecauco ll is no: lor lrie accused lo lell lne wliole world aocur lne will unlil Rsx‘s demise man no had noliced or me lack llial Re>l's larnily was looking loreny will or leslarnenl olfiex ll was me accused wnc had senl a copy cl lne same lo lne solicilois lorlhe laniily This com is olllie considered view being a solicilor lornicre lnan 1 3 years slarldlng al llielinie llie willwas execmed by Rex in 2005, me accused would nor have taken sucli a risk lo rils orolessional career lo lcrge a docunieril lo wnich he gains nolning liorn i\ The accused can be descrlbed lo be a wnolly disinleresled wilness in regards lo the wi [421 In San vook cliiii (F) a. Anor v loo lng Chin @ Lee reek Seng 5. are [2005] 2 ulL.J 1‘ llia Federal coun in assessing lne issue on loigery ie wlielner the coun ol Appeal erred in ereleinng lne diiecl evidence or MU wilnesses ie a solicilor (DW2) and lire legal clerk IS in Rscpwwvuilufilkxznyxn «wee s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be used w my me nflglrlnllly MIME dnunvlnrll vu eFluNG pom! (owe) wno witnessed me mu over me evident: ol me nanawming experls sIa|ed as iouews. ‘v The Forgery ouesnen 31 This question also relates to me issue oldus execution ofihe wiii anne deceased. on mix, the coun omnneai said as follows‘ we nowtum to consider me issue: as re whelherlhsre was due execulian of me will by the deceased The ieemeo iudiciei commissioner /ound against me delendanis on lms point on two main grounds First ne Iound Ihal ins slgnnlurv on the win was no: ine deceased‘: andlhersfars a forgery. Sflcami in: round that there had ueen cniy one suesiing wilrlsss pvsssm‘ when execution lock piace and lhsl lmznzlovs [here was noncompliance wim me relevant Dmvisions onne Wills An! 32 me courr 0/Appeal men reviewed in some detail me auioence on znis issue oidue execution. This is rel/scted in paras 62 to so alihsiudgmenl nu Court omppoai (wk me view me: the Nlnh com mid I-Ilod to conmm mo alomonl armozin an Inn plrl of non Ming (owz) and Chln Fong Lin mwa) in rupee: ultho nxlculion of Ibo dncus-d’: will,’ that It did not Isk me quosllon Is to why! pass/bu mauve In a two wnneuu would nu c in concocung such a story :1 my took no intnnst umkr an will nor In: ow: p-Id Iny significant lmnlml for tho pnplrlllon er en. said will 33 Hera, counser ror the apps/rams G“ex!:ansd the soundness of lhe ptoposmon or observauon, conrandrng mar DW2 was aflemplmg to covarher mrslake: as aresrrn alhsrinexpsnoncs, re ydrrng, /oorrsn sndmo huslmg vwm Isspecl‘ we do not accept rnrs arms marry, mo avrdanco snows mar nwz nad been An legal pncllcl In! About nun yur: at tho rnmrm time. she was obviously nor a novice. In any ownr, ovnn accapung her lnaxparlenca. given the llama! zlrcumslnncns In nus case, 1: rs anukary. In am View, um owz would mm mun such an enormous rrsu to her prarasstonar carur. Moroovar, n Is a rnamr orprurosslonar rnoramy and so its standard would nor on rnaasurod by we ungm or ono'4 pncflcn Evaryrhlng consrdmd. we and lo agru wmr ma obmvauons oaprussod by the Court oIAppuI In an Iollowlng him: Once on tvldmcn ol ow: nnd own an c-ruruuy scnmnuod and mud Agnmst mo grnblblllrln or ma us. n is lggmnk am [hex urn wholly dlalntorurod witnesses. TIMI! mdencs may be nfelz mad uggn and agar to have bun acted ugnn by me Ium-d 1-rdmalcornrnrssrorror. ow: amnded on the deceased won his Instructions ground a mu In accardance with those Inszrucuon nd mndod to m uocuflon d Hilts an or that will owz and Dl/W, tssunod ma: me deceased was ermre/y mud and mentally alert born at the me ofgn/mg /nslrucl/ans and at me nrne arsrgnrng Ins wrll wa find no good mason for trust two wnrrossos In IN ReGvWP7vdE:IuB|x;zDyxD more Sum ndnwhnv Mu be used M mm a. nflmnaflly mm; dun-mm VII arwum pm have concocted WE/I srovy as nemm of mm hid Inylhlng to gain mun doing so." [Emphasns added] [431 The -zueenan ye was there any raasnn [or me accused to hug: me wm What motive could me accused mm (0 Verge me Vale Rex‘: swgnalura on \he WHI wnen there ws no suggeshon an an (hat he would sland to gam enytmng lrorn nne wmv Tnere us no avidenoe man the accused naa made any farm ul 1manc|a\ or muneiary gam mam Rex uv any onne xauere vanuly member Whatever uanepneu after me Gram av Fmbale belween Rex‘; wue FW3 and ms bro|her DW3 are wnouy Irvekantanl mlhe Issuewhelherlhe accused was gumy as perms charge [44] Moms vs Indeed rslsvanl harem The Cow‘ umnpeal m Lee mg Chinq @ Ln Tack Song u Gan Vook Chin 12am] 2 MLJ 91 raised me same quesnon as |a me molwz er lwu defendanfs mnesses DW2, me sohcuar and her clerk (owe) whu anenaea lo the preparallun and me anesoauen of me impugned wm Gopal sn Ram JCA (as he men was) slated as vcucwe ‘Frrsr, me evrdelvce er pwz and ow: which we have already summanzed. Here, me learned judge failed to apply Illa can-Ict lusts to determine IIII clbdlhllliy OI lhl two wltnuus. HQ did nar Ask hlmsetllhe crucial question‘ whll mollve did these two witnesses II vs ta concoct me my Ibaut me maklu or the by the deceased? Nollllor look in lnlensl under the wm. And is Mr moms pointed out during ergumem, owz-e Ilrm reeelvea me pnltry sum on me more llnn msau for preplrlng And Imzsting the deceased’: win. As in m IN fiecpwwivazauilxxzuyxn -we Sum In-nhnv M“ be used m mm ue mwmnmly mm; dun-mm vn mum pm :3 law: In concnlmd, em was merely n elem ln - Ilrm ol sollcllols Ind rlrm appears to bl no motiv- wrrmmyor for nor la I-brlcllo mo mm concumlnq ule execuklun enm wlllby nu docn.Iul.1.' [45] The unellallengea evlderlce ol llre accused eannel be disvegardad and musl be aceeplsd The lacl Isl me only person wne ls an eye wrlness lo lne Signing or me wrll is nene olhsr bul lne accused and we learned Magislrele lor lhal mailer had made lnal rlncllng whale sne slalea ‘No real wllness seen Rex slgned the Mll except the accused‘ [45] the aeelleecls enaenee was nevu challenged by me pmseclfllon. The evldenoe :7! me necusea ls reproduced below ‘O Please elaborate on how me srgrllrlg ollne vwll (Exhlhil P-5} look place er your o/Vice on la 6.20057 A' On l3 5 2005, Rex came lo my arree al Amara & Ho el DJ-15, Pangsapurl lrnpran Kala, Jalan Kg Allap. 50460 Kuala Lumpur during lunen hour l was srmng in my room al that me. My room rs small ll has a (able and chali lor me lo sll ln lronl olme mere are 3 chairs ler clients lo srl on my lell ls a wall ollhe room and on my rlgnlls lne mam daa l mulled Rex to come lnlo my room Rex came VI and sal acmss llre leble ln lronlolme on me clner chair closeslla me well Rex then showed me P5. lnollee mar P5 is all type wrmen wlln all the parilculars been msened ln ll. lo we Smnl luvlhnrwlll re flied m van; .. nnglnnllly sun. dun-mm VII nFluNG palm [7] The campllmanl. one Nya Aye Aye (PW3) who Is from Myanmlv Wu mamed m Rex smoe1111 was Is] on 1.3 2006. Rex passed on. [91 Aecurdmg to PW3. Rex en: mi weave any wm Ths [army members slatted lo locklcr any WI“ and Iestamem a1me\aIe Rex PW5 was man appomled by PW3 cp mmale proceedmg lov Iener of admlnislralxon. [10] Subssuuemly. me vernuy members av me lale Rex had advertised nouee .n me newspaper seeking vpr any peny me would nave known pvany mm by me late Rex and |o rever me manenp Messrs Faun. Ngah a. Neasa. Advocates .5 scanner: [1 41 The accused havmg made aware wf Rex s uermse had lnrwarded the origina\ copy pnne will to Messrs. Faun. Ngah 5 Neasa. the lawyers ac1m9(orthelam\Iy of me Vans Rex [12] Mssrs. Faun. Ngah 5. Neasa men apphed tome Kuala Lumpur mgr. cpun var gram pv probate and m [ms regards. new the aeeusee and PW4 affimed me amdaws tor the sam purpose span the accused arm PW4 averted Ina! they had wmnessed me Iale Rex srgmng P5. me WIN (the ' ' I. [13] on 19 7.2006. me Grant cl Frobale was Issued by me Kuala Lumnur H\gh com and Rex's mower, ow: Is me execulor M me ' m ReGvWP7vuiIo!lk:ZDh0 «we. s.n.r mmhnrwm be ....a e may r... paw-y em. dnuumnl y. mum WM Rex rsquemu my help to wtlnsss mm 5/gnmg nrs Will I agreed In do so Araboul the same me, my cnuanooct Irrend Subiamamam a/I Sudram (Sabra) (SP4) cams Irllo my allme In VWVIS me lo! Iuncn Whsn sum Ism) came rnIo my ulfce, he walked Inm my room straighl and he saw Rex seated (here IIequesIed Subra Io become a wrmsss Io Rex srgmng ms wm. Imna//y Subrs was reluctant as he Ina not racogmze Rex When I told Subra (hat this was Rex De A/wrs, Subva nodded his new sad that he knew Rex bu! ecu/drI‘l recogmze Rex. Subra men agreed to be a witness. sum men set In me man c/uses! lo Ine dool After Rex $911611 2 comes :2! hrs MI I lhen pm my chop Vasanla A/L Amalasekera and sagnsd as a wflness. ImmedIaIeIy I gave II In Subra. sums Is a Isl! handar. Ha Iaok ma mu (P75) and wrote Ins ruII name ‘Subrannmam s/o Sundram‘ logamsr with hrs idenmy card number “550.'!1&V0~5B1.'!“on II Subra man signed Ins 2 names al me wIII above me name and Iaenn/Icavron cant number as a witness rne execunon 0/ me MI! (P5) took a law mrnuzss. I gave Ru 3 copy ol Ina I/WI Ikspl Ina mm, copy ol Ins WIII as an olnce copy 0' mi Subra know Rex? A: Ves. Subra and I used lo play badmmlon In ms Buddnrsl (ample M Bnckfie/I15 with a law people Incrumng Rex and ms bmmar, Maurice In Ina Iasos 11 IN Rscvwwlvuilulilkxlhyxu _«wu.. sum Iunhnrwm .. u... m mm he unmnm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm 0 Do you know wny snma drd not rscogmzs Rex? A: Rex had aged and looked a la! oma: syncs ma Irma we used to play oaamrnton at ma Bmidhlsl temple m Bncklta/ds, in ma 1930; Q In what may was rm wr//s»9nad7 Rex signed Ina ww first. rmen signed as a wrlness and was followed by sm 0. In what aapacny were you signing as In ma page malked as Page A o/Exn/bu P-57 A Istgnsd as a wvlness to ma w///.' >. [471 It 13 vmponanl to note Ihal ma acwsed had leshfied that lhere was no mlannon/nmniva on his Dan in vmga |he Wvll The accused slalsd -0- What do you have m say about ma charges ma: have oaan Ian1 agamsl you’) A I was wmrlgly charged roran aflence wnrcn I an: no! commit man: not forge Rex: win Ida not have any reason or molwe 10 do so / only asststed Rex by preparing a man will for rum and men becammg a Witness 1:: ms wr//. I have nolhmg to gain by conunnung any forgery ol Rexk mu I was only helping a menu by Dscammg a wnnass to the will. / can confirm [hat Rex signed me will in Imnl of me and spa on me dale srara-1 m me mu, that Is 13.6.2005." m fiscvwvlvuilulilkslhyxu 3%.. an.‘ n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my n. annmun am. dun-mm wa mum v-mm [as] The Vealned Magrslrale larls Io evaluale lhe above aelenae by me accused ana lne lauure to do ac is lalal bscause dlshmesly on me pan of the accused ls cru::la\ Io prove me charge at lorgery [49] Furlhermoler lne accused's varslon orlacxs nrdelsnee was never challenged by the Dmsecuhon In cross exanrlnanon. Vn Ayoroml Hllon v Publll: Frmolzlnar [2005] l MLJ 699,015 Cuun cl Appeal In flndmg man mar ma Hugh Courl Judge had lauea lo oonslder me lacl lha| the nralenal pan cl lne delenca ol lne accused was nu! sublect la any cross-examlnallon had ham '(2) The accused ouglll lo have been cmss-examined an me aelenseauvanced by me: and me iarlure ulthe prosecution la do sa anrounrs la an accepoance cme material pans afher defense This nrcanr that she has esmblislled that She had no knowledge Ma! W715! was found rn Iver custody were in /acr dangerous drugs mm the results mar mere rs no ewrtence 10 snow thal she was in possession ollhem." [Ernpnasrs added] [50] upon scrulrny ol lne noles a1Drooeedlngs,Ims Coun agrees lnar wllh lne learned counsel lor Ihe amused mal are class examinamll on me accused can be summanzed as loHows' . whether lha accused had openea I melcrpraparrng (ha Wlllr why ma accused mu nu| give a wpy ml the wm ll: PW; ma wlls al the Ia|e Rex: iii wiiy lrie accused did rial cnarge lees V04 ine dmfllng o1 line will: w. FW4, who was me olhel wflnals lo irie execullon oi will was nei a close lnend oi ine laie Rex, and V A lawyar inusi npen a me even inougn me work was done preborie [51] This Ccurl finds that all may above crussasxamlnallons are Irvelevarll and do mi in any way pioved thal ine aeaused nad ldiged ine vwll on 13.6.2005. [52] At no iinie me issue at iriienliori or motive on lrie parl oi me aeeused was enallenged by me pmseclman Tnerelore. me aocuseds veisiori oannei be ieieeied laemiise when we praseeinion chooses noi lo Cr0SS—EJlarlIIne a wilness an a niaieilai lael. ilie inleience would be irie pieseculion accepis iiie evidence (see ran Klm Lue v Public woseciiidi [1911] I MLJ 114; The accused nad given a deiailed aoooiini dn wnai napoened beiween nim and Rex ai ms office in his wiiness sialemeni and in me aosenee of inens rea on me pail oi the aocused whldi remained unieouiied, ii must inereiuie oe accented. Trie learned Magisirale failed lo address inis issue. Tins is an error in law and in iacl on we paid cl lrie learned Magisiraie. [531 lnleresiingly, one would men ask, now eduld ilie accused loiged Rex's signaiuie wnen ine aocuseds ieaiiried inai ne nad no prior knowledge wnai Rex‘: signaiine lucked like and mai ne was nol even lainiliar wiiri Rex‘s signalure This evidence was noi even challenged Tiiere is no evidence lo show irial lne accused had seen or riad in possession Rex‘s sarnple slgnalure oi inal ne was larniiiar or have knawledga ol lne slgnalure. The lrlvesligallng omeer lor lnal mailer nad eenllnned max mere was ne euldenee lnal lne accused nad pessesslon ol Rex‘s slgnamle, samples 9! speulmens Sn (here ls no evidence in all el how lne accused could nave lorged Rex's slgnelure. [54] The nandwnllng experts‘ PW1 and PW2 lddk me View ma: lnere ls a dlllerenee ln lne slgnalure in lerrns el cenaln charac1erls|ics in me sienelure on me Wlll and lne eenmles whxlsl DW2 lasllfied lhel lne slgnelure III lne wlll and lne samnles are snfliclenlly slmllar ln elner wards‘ lrdrn lne evidence dune handwrlling expens, I| can be deduced lnel lne signatures in me WIII and me samples are nel edrnplelely drllerenl. Tnerelme, ll lndeed lne accused nad ldrged lne lale Rex‘s sigrlalure ne rnusl be lanuller or have knowledge or seen lhe lellers slgrlaulre 10 be able Io large lne slgnelure. No ems-exarnrnalldn en lnls lssue was pm lo lne accused Age-nl me learned Magulmle (Ills lo ervalua|e and conslder (Ills erueel nleee ol evldenca I e lnel lne accused nad no pner xneuledge whal Rex's signature even leaked Ilka and "HS seam, ls anelner error on me pan dune learned Megrelrale [55] In evaluallng me findlngs made by me courl or Appeal lll regards lo lne alleged signalure ol lne deceased sald lo be «urged Illefein and one general gulde lo lhe judlclal appreciauon cl nandwrlllng evidence againsl direcl euldence, me Federal coun In an Yook Chin (P) 5 Anor v In Inn chln (suplal, had agreed with me nndlngs rnade by the Court of Appeal lhal dlrEEl evidence ham a dislntelesled wllness who nas seen me slnnlng of me will rnusl be prelerred egainsl me handwrlllng expen 0p<l1Icl1.The Federal coun scaled Ihe Iallowlrlgs: 25 ru fiecvwvlvuilufilkslhyxu mu. Smnl In-vlhnrwlll e. u... m may he nflnlrrallly Mlhln dun-vlnrll VII nFluNG Wflxl ‘:4 In. Court n!Aapsul men 4195!! wan mo mgn Cowl‘: nnmng or nxgery es regems the allegsd sfgnalum 11/ me deceased on me mu Hera, caunsal for me apps!/anlx contended that me Court of Appeal comm/(lad a fundamsntsl snot m hmdmg that Hrrsct svrdencs rnewlamy prsvar/s over hamiwrilmg experrs opinmn which should Ihslelole oe dysmunlsd‘ He arguadlhallhalapploach was wrong and me re//ance by me com 0/ Appeal an me Enghsh case oINsw1on v Rmkslts (1951) 11 ER 731 was misplaced becauss m me: pass livers was no clvai/ange to me dune! awdencs wnron was dasmad to have neon accepted (sea paras 5s and 59 awn»; wnuen sulzmtssran) He Iurmer contended that a court had m have rsgard Io all me evidence be/ere cone/udlng on me genumansss L)! a signature‘ dnswmg atlenlforv to Dr Snanmuganallvan V Fsnasamy [1997] 3 MLJ sv, Cmmsel made rslarsnns Ia Dara 109 onne com o(APPea/'5/udgment wmcn slates‘ We consldu It la be a wol/-oslab/Ishod gtrvoral guide to ma judicial nppncmlan of handv/Ililng ovmnca man when men I: A sharp connm bclwun mo dlncr Iestlmnny 1:! n dlslnnmslad wnnnss on me out side no nnn an hlndwrlllng experl en the alive! I: to me aenulneness oflho one-nlan of: document. men ms - safe course for n com to pnfonm dlmtmdence 35 Agsm, me Cour! oIAppaaI cued Newton V Rmkem. /1 rs perhaps psmnen! In nols me: me Com! 0/ Appeal also draw suppall Imm me Indian case of Kamsswala Rae v Suryapiakasarao A/R V962 AP we VI parliculav mo following passage oiiho /udgmsni‘ lharsin. rho opinion ofs nonuwniing expel! is, no daubl, admissible undsl s 45 (Evidence Ac!) Whn vn/uo is to be attuned no that opinion in a given cast is iiowom, onmiy a dlihrom inmei. An expert’: opinion with mom Io nlmtwrillnq mus! ohnys on received with grant soniion. There csminiy mny be. andperliaps are cases whm iiio handwriting oxooira oplrilan may in oi nuisance to lhn calm In coming lo o conclusion as to tho gsnulnlnou oi oispuioo honowming. But Ilia on Lil Iormlng opinion by comparlsnn oi hzndwrtllng is -sseritlnlly emplrlnl In cliaracler Ind enur is seldom Insepurahie rmin such aplnlans. Where however, llu.-I: is uiioouno lruslwnrlliy evidence olpersans who Ind mooiiy seen the signing or ma document by me lestllrlx, It is not riccossary In nior to OI niy on the expert opinion. 36 in emphasizing Inn pan iioiisoa noon, tht co-in of Apponi roan Nu vim ihni inc High Court hm moo in unmsonoiaiy rejecting the evidence or two lttestlng witnesses ow; Ind ow: who noo ooiooiiy witnessed the execution of in: wiii by Ilia docoosod. nu co-in obviously regarded iimn u oinci and trustworthy wlrnosses. Moreover, when the shlfemenl oi the court chad zhave is examlni.-d in the canrexl oi the observations made in xamoswaio Rao no iiow can be amibulad to that statement’ [Emphasis added] IN Recvwvivazaualxxzuyxn -non Sum ...n... M“ be used m mm o. nflmnhflly mm; nan-mm VII mum wim [56] Henoefarlh, nms com 15 taken to |he swdance 0! PW1‘ PW2 and DW2 and u vs -mperanve (o [aka guidance «mm Ihe aumonhes on evidence 07 handwrmng expert. [57] Firstly, m Dr snanmuganuman v Pnriasamy slo snhambarnm Flllal [1991] 3 MLJ 61‘ the Federal Ooun reminded as fnllawsz ‘It Is um law that an principal object of expert evidence is to Jssisr the manic Iorm Its own opinion An expert should give his reasons. The mun 15 Mo Iinal amner. not the experts or eyewitness Dssprte me wealth or authonlies avai/an/e on this subject, the errors that appear rn judgments mvlle us to elaborate on rrns malls]. The Supreme Court of India‘: deorsron m Murarilal V Slam of MP AIR 1930 sc 531 at p 534 rs 4/usrrauve and some paragraphs of ms /udgmsnl are warm Ieproducmg: 14) We mu firsl consider me argument‘ a stale argument anen heard, parncular/y In mmmal cams, that me oprruon evidence ala IVEIIUWHHIIQ expert shauld not be acted upon without substantial corroboralian We shall presently pom! out how the argunrenr Carma! be [usmied an pmlcrpls or precedent. We begm wnn me abservarron that me exyarhs no accornpncs There rs no nmsmcnon lor condemning Ins opmionevrdenae to the same class of evidence as that of an accompflce and msrs! upon conubaranon True. I! has oocasronally been saw on very high aumanvy ma: u would be hazardous to base a conwaron solely an me aplman of a hanflwntmg expert. But, tin hazard in accepting the u Nuns snrm n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nnwun mums dun-mm VIZ mum puns! opinion at" any expert, nandwriting export or any other kind at expert, is not because airports, in ganerei, are unreillbie witnesses — tne equaiity oi crediniiiiy or incrediaiiity doing one wnicit an expert snares with aii other witnesses — but benuse aii humun[ut1gmenk is ieiiibie and an expert may go wrong because ai some deiect of nbsuvallon, some nvor oi pninlsus or nonest mlslnko of conciusion. rna more deveidped end ins more perfect a science, me iess ine chance oi an iricoriscl opmiarv and me converse ii me scieiice IS iess dsvelaped and imper/eci. Tne Science oi idenlflicalion ol linger-plmt nas attained near peeveciion and the risk or an incorrect opanron I5 pracncaiiy non-exisleril on tire orhvr nand, tne science oiidentiiicatien ainandwriting is not nearly so pcmct and tire rm Is, lherifon, itigim. Bu! mat is a /ar uy from doubling the Opinion die nandwnting expert as an invariable ruia and insisting upon substantial conoaoranan in every case ndwseeuer tne aplnlon may be aacited by tne saundesteireasons ii is Iiardlylaiito an expert to VIEW ms Dplmafl with an Initial suspicion and to treat min as an inle/ior son ci witness . His opinion has lo be tested by thu accepteaiiity oi tne muons given ay Mm. An expert depases and not decides iiis duty ‘Is In Ilimlsh lhe [edge with the necessary scientific criteria fw teslmy in. accuracy oi III: conclusion, so as to anaaie me iudge to form his own independent iudgnteni by tite appiication or these criled-I to [he iacts proved in evidence’ 22 IN ReGvWP7vdEJuB|x:ZDyxD wane Sum am... Mu be used m mm a. anamu-y mm; dun-mm VII muuc wim 15) F/om me eeniesi limss, nouns have ieoeiyea iiie opinion of experts As iong ego es 1553 ii was seie in Buckley!/Rice rnonios (1554) 1 P/cwderi 115 iiineiiers arise in oiii law wnicn concern oinei sciences or remiiies. we coi-nnioniy apply ior iiie eiii oi iiiei science or iaoiiizy wnicn ii concerns riiis is e noinineniiebie ining in our iew. For inaiepy ii appears lhal we do no: iiisniiss eii oiiier science: Dill our own, pm we approve oi insni and encoiirege xneni as mings woiiiiy oiconirnendeiion. is; Eiipen fesflmuny is min nkvlnl by s 45 oi ciio Evidence Act and wiieie the min nu to fonn on opinion upon ii palm as in Identity oi iiendwriiing, (ho opinion ol a poison ‘spnclllly skilled’ in questions 1.: lo iiicnmy oriinnciwming' is oiipnssiy inndc - nluvnrit fact . The Evidence Act Ilse/I (5 3) tells us inei '3 ieci is saidlo be proved wnen, aiiei considering me mallarbsfors ii, me noun eniier believe: /1 to exist or considsrs fls existence so probable me: e pmdenlman oiigni, iinaer iiie circiimsienoes nf iiie paiiicuini case, in ac! upon me siippoeiiion me: II 91051:’ /I is necessary to occasionaiiy remind Guise/Ves oi mis inlalplatatinn cisiise in Evidence Aci iesi we aci on anmoiai Slandald alproo/no! wannnied by me provisions oi ine Aci. . ii is also in be nallcad that s 45 oi me Evidence Act makes iocis, noi oiiieiwise ieieyani, ieieyeni ii iiiey eiiopon or are /rmonsislem wnn me opinion of experts, when siicii opinions are reievnni. so, corioooraiion may no! invariahly be insisiea upon peiore acting on the opinion oie nanuwming expert and JD in Recpwwvuilualkxznyxn )"NnIn s.n.i iuvihnrwm be used m yam .. nniimiiiy MVMS dun-mm n. nF\uNG pans! [:4] PW: challenged ma wm and denied ma! Rex had ever sugnea the vwn. PW3 mac a sun In chaflenge |he wm and me smlwas disrmssed wllhom a mu |naL [15] In the present mailer, the learned Magxshale «mud that the nmsec pmened against the accused under secnon 467 aflhz Penal Oode succeeded m pmvmg beyund ueasenabxs doubt me charge Summary 91‘ Iho mgmmn Flndlngs [15] on the evidence gwen by the handwnlmg experts called by both the proseculwon and the defence They ale PW1‘ PW2 and DW2 However. me learned Maglsvale prelened me ewdenbe D1 PW1, a Science Dlfioer with me Forensic Deparlmem 01 me Chemisky Deparlmem Malaysia and PW2, a Fnvenslc Document Examiner 21 the Forensic Department of lhe Raye! Malaysian Police accordmgly on the ground that mm axpens were able to explam me characlensllc or me signamre The learned Mag\sua|e1uslIfied as TOIIDWSI In assessmg me avmenoe, the learned Maglshale relied neavuy 139] ms sxperls slated ma: ongmal documents would be the best sslscuon la make companson comperad to pholacopred documsnls Haws:/sr, mm are enough spec/men wgnaluws to allow PW2 Ialorrn her opvmon. The com accepled me opmro/1 by FW1 and PW2 when: mm oflhs sxpsris wera able Ia exprain me characteristic suns stgnamra DW2s opmran was mom on Iindmg ol the :ly)e and shape and baby! of [he persan who stgnsd the signature wrmouz ems lo Adsnltly what was the churaclenslrcs 0/ me srgnalure, The Court believed mar IN Rscpwwvuilufilkxznyxn «ms smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! [hale need be no inilial Suspicion am, an the iacis ale palhcu/al case, a cam may require corraoorairnn 0/ a varying degree There can be no hard and res: rule, DUI nomrng will justify me reiaction oi ms opinion aian expel! supponsii by uncha//arigsd rsasaris an the sole ground moi r: is no! corrubolated The nppmncn an aunt! while daallivy with the opinion oia handwriting upon snouid no to procud cauriousiy, pram (ht muons for ma oplnlon, consider all ocnar ielevanl evident: and decide nnniiy xo accept or reject it. (1 1) We are /rrrniy oi me opinion mar mere is no mie uiiaw. nor any rule a/piuderice which has crysiaiirzea into a mic o/iaw, ma! OPVNOII evidence ola handwriting expert must never be sued upon, uniess subslanlia//y conoboialed am, iuving ciuc roqnrd to ma Impumct nature of mo sclmcn alldnnllflutlon ol hlndwrltlng, inc Approach, .5 in inuicmu earlier. shnuld be arm a! clurlon. Reasons ior in. aplnlon inusl be carelully prubed and examined. All allier relevant evidence must in considmd. in appwnflala cases, corroboration may bu sougm. in casts man an msons no: an opinion If! convincing ma mere 15 no roiinnio Ivldonco lhruwlng . daubt, the uncormbarafed testimony oi. handwriting expel! may be accopind. Thorn cannot be any Infloxlblo lulu on n in-mr which, in tin uiurnare a alysls, Is no more men .1 qumion of tvsflmonlal nrcigin." [EmpI1as\s added] u SIN Recvwwivaziifiixxzuyxn 'NnI2 Sum ...nn.. WW he used m mm in nnn.u-y mm; dun-mm n. mum pm [53] The Court oi Appeal in cnua Sung Sam Realty sdn and V Say Chang sdn mm is ors And Other Appeals [2012] 7 cu :31 in racing wilh Mo ooniiiciing experl evidence on irie cause oflhe euiiapse ei trie nrsi piaintiirs wall slated iiie ioiiovnngs -[45] in treating confllctlny expert avldancc, the court, besides examining the eredi ‘lily of the experts, sriouid also examine the scientific grounds and (acts nliad by the experts and wimiier, when taken in lotaliry, the inrurences drawn from moi! findings are sound or otiierwise (see sirigapore Finance Ltd V L/m Kan ivgem (spore) Pte Lid 5 Eugene HL cnari Associates miird Pan;/)[19B4]1 ms 3; /49] in aurjudgmenl iiie learned High Caun‘ judge fell into serious error in iaiiing to give adequate eonsideralinn tn the evidence ortne defendants ' expert witness DW7, wrio riad prepared triree reports an tne cause or tire collapse ii! the firsr piaintirrs retaining wall Two of the reports were based on riis iniiesrigaiian an sire. and me iiiird report was based on drawings suppiied or me nrsi piainiiir. [50] we iisiie carslufly sxaminsd Ihs reports of this witness and we are 0! the View inatriis evidence as to me cilllse al are collapse is more credible as opposed re tne evidence or tne pIaintirrs' Ixpcn witness, FW5." [Emphasis added] Al in ReGvWP'1vdEJflli|k:1DyxD -we s.ii.i ...r..i MU be used M mm Die nvW\ruH|Y MW; m.i.n VII AFVLING WM! [59] In Pubnc Pro aaiiioi V Mohnmld xanin hln vauin mm 1 MLJ u, Hasriini Yeop A sani J (as he lhzn was) slaled lhe Vulluwlngs ‘I1 is ufllodlnw that Ividtricu by - hlndwrning upon‘ can new be concluiiva zioniisii it is anly opinion ll/I'd1n€D— see /shwari Piasaii V Mohd /55 MR 1953 sc 1729 me assessment 0/ svidence ol handwm‘ir7§ exnsrfs was also dean wim in iniiai uair V Einpemi AIR 1931 Lannie 4125 413 /n Iharcase in is a Velikala Raw(1913) in? as Mad 159, 14 IC us, is El LJ 225 was cued and aisi: a qiioiarion iroin Dr Lawson‘: work on the Law o/Expen and Obfmon Evidence, which runs as fa//own‘ ‘The evidence oi the genuineness ol (he siynalurs based upon me comparison ei nanciwming and of me opinion of experts is anlil/ed lo pionei consideration and wswhl. It must in confund howvvor man in is ol the iamsr ordor al eiiiinnco or 0! in. mos! uniillishckory ciimciai. We iniian iii-2 in mi: apinion eiipiiiinnc-4 Iilymarl unikw wilh ma iniiiniinis aim. I-gill pmhssion. ouii kinds 0/ nvlduvco aiiinmiid in a caim IN: is in- most l4Ii8llI.IflOI0¢Y. It I: so wnk Ind docnpit as ac-miy to imam - pin“ in our system or iuiispmaoim - in Slikanl V King Emperor AIR 1953 so 1723, rwo learned judges oime Allahabad Higii coin: ansaived inei '10 ban a conviction upon in. lvtdorlci u! .n "pm in iunawming I1, I: n gonmi mic. my uns.r..' [Emphasis aimed} [so] Returning to iiie instant maner, the iearnea Magistrate iouria tha| PWL PW2 and DW2 have adequate skiiis arid experience in anaiysing nanawniing inciuaing signatures. However, the teamed Magistrate was Mlhe opinion that PW2 was better equipped with better equipment and kncwiedge in tanning her opinion Acmrdlng tn the learned Mlgisfile. DW2's mslhadology was corivenlionai because he used magnifier, oiienay and microscopic wriiisi PW2 used specirai mmparalorto which better View at the signature can be obtained. In iegards Io PW1, the learned Magistrate iouna man even inougn she did not use any equipment In examine, PW1 had cleariy took Into both signaiuves and was zbie In see the ditferenizes and similarities withoul the aid ofany equipment [51] PW1 look mree is; working days to prepare ner reimn Nu equipmeni was used [52] um look almul one (1) to Ma (2) months in examine irie questioned signature on lhe win and the specimen signatures He usea several equipment in conducting ms analysis. i aesisoope BS302DT Pmimcior Overiay Grid Ruler Hand Magninei in necpwmamaimayiin “Nuns s.ii.i in-vihnrwm be used M van; i.. nflginniily Mimi dnunvilrit VII nFiuNG pom! [53] DW2 has produced his reporl won se|s out (he anawsus and camparison or the queslmnod sngnalura an the w-u wulh I0 ulher s<gna|ures of Rex. n can be seen tram me generex may 01 a blown up imagewlagmfied 4 «mes orA()0%)oHhe qussnoned slgnalure. venous lemwmlngtes. Vabels at venous strokes and forms were marked snowing the characlensncs o1Rex‘s signature Delailed reasons were gwen by DW2 [or usmg all the equipment menlvoned \n ma above -n ms (eshmony DW2 reeened Ins cunduslnn ener making mumpie oomparisorvs In numemus onans in ms expen room [54] In gmng nis opmion Ihal me quesucned swgnalure vs hke\y m be genume, nwz answered as €aIlcws: ADS .Can you exmern your findmg: m para 4 sxs Because o/me presence offine dem//s, a/nnese are Iound In me quesnoneu stgnalure and /rkery me queslronsd srgnalure ts gsnmne ADS ‘The prssancs olfinsr dale:/s mprsssnls whsl? sxs men: Is likely zo be genums sagnatura ADS 'S:mr/aliliss in pege 11 Here mu say altogether I found 73 matclwvg egnamres. cen you tell us m brref, wnex ale me srrm/enzres you found? SKS :Pags 15, me curvature oflop curve ADS wnwng mm/amen! It szene at page 15 What you mean by wnrrng movement? sxs :Tne curves are graceful 01 not rne stailgoes szrergnr ocwn and no wavering Arse eanzrnurzy and coherence The coherence means that me pafl: ere moss Iugslhsr rn Rsflvwwvuilufilkslhyxu _«we.. s.n.r n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m my r... nrW\rrnU|Y em. m.n.n VII murm perm ADS page 15, maybe you can grva us an sxampoe sxs The more angular mm is Iuund rn x4 them Is a sngnt cum and there IS an angular mm ADS .wna: does lms snow Io you sxs .‘Thu abrupt tum rs axpectad //I o Abrupt mm 15 when (here Is 3 snstgm and smmn curve. ADS sltuw us when is [ms laurrd in Q sxs cum 4 Thslu Is a straight stroke and sudden curve S1 1, stmrgm stroke and /nlemal cans/slency AKS what does Ilus mdlcals? SKS It 75 normal Page 15, pom! no.39 There ts a flaw The wnung movsmsnl IS same but pm vanalton 0/ hand pmssum ADS Show us a and tell us why you say is smmar sxs Same mcwsnlcm humus! dmmu vsnalmn. " [55] where PW2 Is concerned apart iron: using the Vuisu Spectral Comparator woo‘ tter assessment was based on a naked eye evaluatton [561 The tnvasltgaung cmcer PW7 provtded I0 speumens sIgna|ure to PW2 and «we were photocopy spectmens (P-Illa) and P41 (12)) Accurdmg to D—52, a document which lays down the requtretnents rot examlnaunn otaocumentstmm the Chemistry DeparImenlolMalsIysta. me documents sent tar exammatton must be tn the farm at ongmal documerfl and that :5 m fiscpwvlvuizuatksznyxn _«m.. s.n.t n-vthnrwm .. t... M van; .. mn.u.y mum: dun-mm VII .ntm pans! vonurnen eeiinan iomsiai atsu seiinen karbon Iidak sesuer uriluk perbandingan den skan merusjasksri psmeriksssn" [67] In oinerwords, a Dhnwoovy deeurneni is rnapprepnaxe to be used ior oampanson and WM aiieoi me exainrnanon This was agreed upon by PW2. [ea] PW2 then iorrned her opinion pvermsed on me phclooopy speoimenl e. P1I»|a) The remaining rnne specimens ieumi which only eight (5) were ongma\sj were abandoned by PW2 In ner ana\ys|5 {G9} u cannm be disputed Ihal vanaliuns .n one or more genuine signature aulhured by me same person are bound |o nappen rne cenns auenuon is bmugm to we meranue auxnorod by nu. Wllson R Hlrrllon enuueo ‘Suspect Documanls mairsaienmia Examlnallon (:~ lndlan Rlprlnl) znna" slates as laflows: "As no Mo genuine sianeruiee in identical, It follows Hill in eigneiuree, s with hlndwriling in generei, e certein nmounl or neiurei nritliori in inner cie ign inusi bl Ixpoctnd end consoquomly allmvod rer, whancvlr signnuies are being compand lo deiennine wireiim oi nut may MI ofcommon eumouirip. Nothing is man ceicuieied la bring me comparison or Iundwriliiw into canieinpr mun tho attitude or me wlmass wna decieies - genuine siannure in be e rumuy beceuse ii deperu in some -iereii of ienei rn Recvwwivdilfilksllwxn None sum in-uhnv M“ be used m mm no nunnu mm; dun-mm wa .nuno wiui dulgn from ellmr ol me mo genulrre specrrrluls ne has und :5 tho mm or me comparison. This kind at fully nu lupperled wmlln me oxporlerlce 0! th- -uurdr [Emphasls added] 170] In re clear lnal PW|‘s evidence ls laeklng ln dela exarnlnalldn and analysls. ll re 01 me cdnsldered vlew \ha| lne lenlls or metlculous exarn-nallon, analysls and epneldsldn lprnled by DW2 are more credlble than lne evldence ol PW2 whrch are queslldneble and eemprdmlsed as they go agalnsl lhe redwernenl pl lne cnennslry Deparlmem rlsell. [11] Moving on, I! can be observed lnal lne learned MagIstra|e seems lo pe nlple adneerned wlln me eledlmllly dl PW3. lne wlle ol the lale Rex and own, lne lale Rex's brother Thls Omm IS ol lrle odnsldered vlew ma| nolnlng ulrns on [mm men evldenoe lo prove me gull an lne pan :2! me accused One flung VS aenaln, nwa was never at lne accused‘: elrlee al me (lme Rex bruughl me Will lo be dllesled and mere ls no evldenlx: up sndw lhal il was nws dr any dl Rexs lernlly member who had asked me accused up prepare me w M me end at me day, PW3 s challenge on lne vahdlly of me wlll by flllng a clvll sull agalnsl uws was releoled by me Hlgh caurl, Court of Appeal and Federal cam [72] PW4 ls ln lac! an lmpdnanl wllness However. lne evldence at PW4 wnd was pveserll all me rnalenel lune, was only donsldered rn pusslng by me learned Maglslrele Trle learned Meglslrala ldund lllel PW4 cannot be sad in be In eye-wllness In Rex signlng lne WIII because PW4‘s allerldenoe was nel planned The pmseculmn dn ma outer hanu harped on the had that the Wm was nm explained In Pvw am msrelore me wm cannot be said we be a \egiIIma|e wm. These are Irmevanl and a non-Issue nerem U3] The crux oI he PW4’s evidence can be seen hem Ihe reuewmg excerpxs ‘On that pamcu/ar day, my Inlsnllofl lo /nee! Mr Sunrr, ms oflrcral name sr Mr vassnza Amarasekara, my Imennon )8 lo invite him for Iunch (hat was my only inlsnlian so, I parked me car down slsrrs end Irush up and lush In. and I shouted 'sunn, let's go In much’ wmnn a second he just looked aI ms‘ Iess man one minme and ask me, ‘can you come and srgn this WI/ . " My auIornan's reaclian was ‘I'm hungry Isls go down and eat fun And he says, "na, no, no‘ please srgn ms WI” and he mennotv a very Iong name. (said, “I can't srgn because I are not know me name olme person" and Ihal when he Imedecled and sard ns ‘A/wrs, Aims” and then I remembeved who Alvis was because I used to work If! Buddhst lomple In Bnckfields and help Iempre I'm very famflrar to this name because he used ro p/ay bedmmton Then, Isafd Iarm/y wil/? He sara yes I sagnsd, so I was weII<Inq our I could see somebody sming Imm my corner oi my eye and I ,us4 walk out because I am very hungry and all this happened in Iess men s mmulee then I lell.‘ IN Recpwvlvuizuaxksznyxu “ 3%.; Sum! n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrimnnuly mm; dun-mm VII mum em [74] Ir rs rrreramra alaar lmm ore avrdenoa o1 FW4 In the above, mar mere was no denIa\ on ma pan M FW4 that Rex or Alwls/Nvls as he was known mm was plesanl a| {he accused's omoe U5] Ir is penirram la nme man mere rs an smdavn amrrned by PW4 (D39) on 5 6 zone cunflmunglhal vwa nad rdentmed rrrrrrsewesa vrrand who had known the accused and \he deoaasad (Rex) rn «hrs case |\ cleany shows mar PW4 had descnoed the deceased (Rex) as a “mend that he had known‘ This evvdencs eorwborares the accused's evrdence that he had reminded PW4 cl Rex whom he had known betore [76] Feninenlly, PW8 are invesmgalmg omoer oonfrrmed man when wwa gave his statement under seorrorr 112 or the Cnrmna\ Procedure code, |he Iarrer had conhnned \ha| hewasa witness lo Rex’s WHI PW4 had also corrnrmed that were were two wrrnesses to Rexs win. are accused and rrrmsew PW3 had aarrrrrrrred mar In PW4's alfdavil (may, PM had amrrrred the! he had wrrrressed Rex 5' no me war‘ and Ihls was repealed by PW8 in cross exammalion ms again, aorraoorares ma ar-,orrsed‘s version 0! facts mat PW4 was arromar person who had wllnesssd me s\gmng or me Will by Rex on 13 5.2005 [77] FW4‘s aifidavu (D39) rs a oonlemporaneous duoumarrr and n mus\ be praverrad aga|ns| ore oral ewdence gwen by PW4 which can be seen to be lamy and sketchy In |he aflmawl, it re clearmar PW4 rrad wnlnessed Rex srgnrrrg the wru, PW4 avewed as rouows. -2 Says marryarakarr dr smi hshawa "Wasml" sfmali Adembenage Amanda Fax no Aims berfarikh 13 hanbu/an Jun 2005 dr marra llndltlngln ri dimmrrknr dl ra IN wecpwvlvdizdaxkxzoyxu «ware sanaw In-nhnrwm re used m van; me nnmnnuly MIME dun-mm VII nF\uNG am ovary slgnelure wlll neve slgmilcant chamclarlstlc and not eole lo be coplad by ems! person Alorgea slgnulurscoul-1 reeen-lole me some shape Du! avelylhmg aspeerelly me speual chamcrensllc. nwz explemeu me snepe nflho slgnslurss were slrnller but lallsd lo loenlrly ulna: was the Impunant leelures ol ell me specimen slgnalures. A5 explerned by Pwl and PW2, aven lnera ls one slgnllrcanl mlrerenoe oelween queslloneu slgnsmre and specimen, 1! IS sufflclam‘ I0 canduda me: me slgnalums were not Imm me same person. rne dlllsrsnce n-us: he matellal and slgnlficzanl ena rvotjust a V505!/en. Based on me svaluat/on by com PWV and PW2, mere ls one slgnmcanl lealula lnel absence m the question slgnalule wnlcn me nlams lrne. As DW2s' oolnlon, he concluded ma oombmatlon onne 73 srrrnlarloes as unlaue chsrnclerlsm: However lhe courl uneole lo agree wlln Opinion of DW2 es me unrquenese ls me combmallon :2! me slml/srlliss me: found In all (he spoclmsn slgnelures ln 12 ooeurnenls Thls clearly show me: DW2 lelleo lo idenllly me umquenesa me: appear ln aV9'Y ol the speclmens A/so DW2 slated that me alllerence may appear between quesllcmed slgnelure and speclmen slgnelures ls e Intm of unusual uenellon and should not oe elessmeu ulsllngulsnrng eneraolensllc The noun Illld there rs eonslslency or the specimen signalurss the)! Show val-lellons orslope, curve, shaft and loop. rne consrsleney of hlalus eppeereo III elrnosl every specimen snows lnel me nenll 09' me eulnor. ln lne queslloneu ru Recvwvlvuilufllkslhyxu «ma Sum! nmhnrwm be u... m may he ennmuu mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max hadapan sm dc/am waslal nezseom: [Emphasis added] [13] It \s a pnnclme ov law ss|ah|Ished Ihmugh ouemora of aumonues men contemporaneous documents musl be omveneo lo ova! ev-aenee (see T|nflok sour some stir: and v Tlnluv ca [1912] 2 um 22:, Foo Sam Illlng v Archl Environ Pmnmmo [2004] 1 IILJ 449 and Blhlruddln bin Ahmld v Public FrmIcu(ov[20|D] 7 MLJ 577). D39 Is a documem made on 0501 end PWA had cnnfirrned that ne had smcmed 039 on 5 5.2005 abeu\ a year ener me Will was axeculad. It Is of lhe nonsndsmd vvew (ha! D39 \s a oonlsmmnansuus document. Had me Ieamed Magvslrals evimiled Dag and gwen proper wewghl in me same‘ carmul be msouueo that PW4 was in YaC| a wnness |o lhs wm Vmpnnanlly, cneue was no emoenoe in feel to suggesx lhal Rex um um sign me wm at me accused's once in me presence M ball: the eoeoseo and vwa As such‘ «ms ceunnnos «nu ma Vaarnad Maqlsvala erred In making me lnHaw|ng nnoings 1 That “there rs no eye wnness who seen Rex s/glued me W/H PW4 has nu knowledge ul me conlsnl onne mm. The accused only asked PW4 In Sign lhe mu wrmaul Iurfhsr axplam eonaenz 0! me Mflflor wvfness me person is Rex - ii. Thu! “there rs no drrec! evidence in we case rnere rs no eye w/mess eecepr me accused rn we case PWA on: not nnness Rex srgn me w//I." [79] Where uruc|a\ enoence mghlnghled .n the mregmng mcludmg me accused‘: vefsxun 01 what Iranspmad on 1362005 was nut even ::haHenged by me pmsecuhon and mslead meievanl mailers were being put m cross exam\nalion.Ll1s val: ly ov me wm ramam mac: and has rum in any way proves man me accused had [awed ma Will on 1: s 2on5 Conclullan [so] In hghl of ma abuve, «his cum finds mm mare was no or msufficIen| ludicxm appreciancn oi the enura emdenoe adduced behave the Magwslram Court The accused s awn! was allowed. The cmmcnon and sentence under secnon 467 a! the Pena! Code was set aswde and me accussd was dvscharged and aaqumea. Thu sweat againsx sentence by the Pvcsecution was dvsrnissed. Daled 14 November 2023 [Ma um BADA‘R|3DD|N] Judge Higr. pun 01 Ma\ay3 Kuala Lumpuv Dopuly Publh: Pmmum Nlk Mahd Fadh bin Dam’ Nlk Az\an Altnmey Genera\‘s Chambers Counwls tor the Raspondem Alex Nandaseli De Silva lugetharwnh Angehne Tay Lee vm Messrs Bndxpalar Ponnuduraw De Sflva lKua|a Lumpuvl srgnaluras snow unuaua/ yanauons wmcn shnw cunsfstancy of flow and vwfling uwz agreed ms: mm u no pen ml rn ma quasfmnad signatura me appearance of mezus snow there 75 a break and mus me signatures not connnumn afpan movement. Tnamrcre, Cour! rened me apmrorl Irom PW! and PW2.' [11] Rewlng on lhe opinion of PW1 and PW2 me Veamed Magxslmh ¢aund mat me signature on the Wxll did not ongmale lmm the person Mm signed me specmven dawmsnls. [ca] The Ieamed Magwslmte further (ound Ihal smce there was no eye wllness mm eeund lesmy man .1 was Rex who signed the wm exoepl 10! me amused who have kept me wm and trial u was me accused wno had surrendered me wm lo me lawyer appoinmd by Rex‘: larmlyy such circumstances mmd nmy lead In me cnnclusmn Ihal u was me acwsed who nad forged Rex‘s sxgnatuve The Mag\slra|e slated: '14 6] From lhs awdenca adduced in me course onne mat, only accused has me access In me wm and no one has knowleflge al me existence 0/ me mu Accused knew Rex endum and agreed lo na/p Rex mm mm wrthou! charging any fee or open any me m me Inm let me vwu. There Is no preparation signmg VWI In me accused‘: ofcs as no witness prspersd PWA enendance was not planned and Rex did no! commumcale lot sum Important documanz. No real wnnass seen Rex signed live my except amused Accused was me one mar surrender me my to ma rawyer appomtod by me lamrly ol Rex. mus, wnn me cna/n oi m wscpwwvdizuaxkxznyxn _«wa.. s.nn n-nhnrwm be u... m mm .. nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm y.. muuc am ewdenco, (here ;s no one mum have access lo Wr/I and me wm was kenl by the accused. Such emu: mam only conclude ma: accused forged the signature rn 1719 w.// and me: would be an/y rnlsmnce to be drawn In this Cass " Summary of mu Armand‘: canunuons [191 summanly, me accused mnlendslhal me beamed Magwshale had erred m failing to consider the Iouowmgs: 1. The arwavn amrmea by PW4 (D39) oonfnrmng that he had wvlnessed me signing or me wm by me Vale Rex‘ 2 The evidence of spa an me stakemenl gwen by PWA In him under sermon 112 of me Cnminal Pmcedure Code. 3 The amuseds defence [20] In addmnn, me learned Maglsllme .5 submmed to have erred m lakmg Inln amuunl irr¢\evan| mauers m arm/mg in! her concmsxon Ihai lhe accused was sunny 0! lurgery. Summnryof lhn Pruinclniolfs Conlcnlionl [21] me pmseculmn subrmts mm the learned Magislraie had ngnuy adrmlled and accepted the evldsnne a{PW| and PW2 whnare fllmlmed experts V! the fiemi ol handwriting exammahons Further he evndsnca 07 PVV3 i5 sad to he ralevanl and suppnrlad by PW1 and PW2 where Pwa had Isslmsd ma| the signature m the win Is not the accused‘: swgnahue PW3‘s ewaence Is subvmlled to be ra\avan\ under secllun 47 m Rscvwvlvuilulilkxlhyxu 3%.. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm nnhe Ev|dsnoeAcl195D as she Is me person who was acquainled with \he handwnling enrer husband, irre iaie Rex. [221 In regards In F-we II is submitted that re does rromuamy to he an eye witness to F(sx's signalure since he did not know and was rrei lnld nl [he content of the WM and his pressnl at the acwsed's ONCE was just a co" 'denoe and no expianeirorr was anereee Io him by the accused as ie irre rraiure oi irre vwu, Erreirrauorr Ind Flndlngs [231 Al me nulssl me primary issue (or oerrsrdereuorr in «us appeal is wirenrer me accused had in rear, idrgea by placing me sigrraiure purpomrrg \u be irrai ul Rex er the WW This in mm rrrviies a consideralion of me rrrarrrrer er proof of a charge at iergery where ingredients required in sairsiy a charge under seclmn 457 oflhe Penal code musl be considered [24] Seclion 457 ei me Perrel Code provides as Ieudws:— '..Whoever lorges a document wrvch purports to be a yerrrebie securriy or a win‘ ov err emnomy lo edopi e son, or wrrrerr pulpmfs Ia grvs aufhamy ie erry person to make or rrerreler erry valuable secrrrrry, or re reeerve rrrrr pnrrcrpe/, interest, or diwdends rrrereorr, or to receive ar its/Ivar erry rrrorrey. moi/tibia properry, or Va/uable securiry, er erry deerrrrrerri per-perrrrrg in be err eequrnarrce or receipt, eckrrewiedgrrrg me paymsrll errrrerrey or an aoqulllaricfl or reeerpr Ier me delivery olarry rrreveirie pmpsrfy or valuable securriy. srre/I be rwrrrsned with irrrprreorrrrrerrz rer a term IN fiecvwvlvuilulilkslhyxu «me semi nnrihnrwm rs. LAIQ4 m mm r... nflmrrnflly mi. dun-rinrrl y.. nFiuNG vtmxi wnrcn may extend to twenty yeard, and shall also ca name to /tne " [25] The essenuat ingredients of the offence which need to be established by me prosewlion are - tn the accused must have tongeo a document‘ am (in lhedocumenl must be aneafthe clases spectned In me sectton, [see Law otcritnes by Ratanlal at Dhirailal 3rd Ed on Q 2346) [25] ‘Forgery’ tn turn ts oeflneo VI sectton 463 at the Penal Code as lollows - 'Whoewr makos any Ialsl documant or part cvf a documnnl wzm iglln! la cause damp or rrriury lo the public or to any plrsan or to support any c/arm or me or to cause any person to party with property, or to enter mlo any express or rmplted contract, or Will‘! mlsnl to commit fraud or that fraud may be comnttflsd eommtts Iorgerr [Empnasts added] [27] The defimllnn at 'makmg a Ialse document’ is set out In sermon 454 ot the Penat Code The Satd secttcn prcvioes lhal a person ts satd |a have made a tatse document it il tans underane ot the 3 limbs vrntcn aIe— ‘A person Is sate to make a Ia/ss uocument — (a) wno dlshoneslly or rraut-tutentty makes, stgns, seals, or executes a document or part ola document. or nukes eny mark denoting me sxsculron ol a document, mm the tntentton of causing rt to be behaved that such document was mede, srgnsd, seated at axaculed by me eutnenty or a person by wnom or by whose autnorny he knows met I! was not made, signed, sealed, at executed. or at 5 Nine at wnton he krmws met I! was not made, Stgnad, sea/ed. or sxeculed, win: without tewtut nulltorm/. dtenoneetty or mudutenxty, by oencettetton or omerwtse, ts/tors a document in any tneterret part meteor, after I! has {D} neon rneue or executed enner by hrrnsetr or by any other person, wnetner such person be /Mng or dead at the Itme culsuch etteretton, or tn) who dtsnoneetty or rmudutet-my eeum uuy pusan lo stgn, seat, execute or etter e document, knowing tnet such person by reason ofunsoundnass ofm/m1 or tnroxtcaltan nartnal, or Inn! by reason at danepbon pvacltced upon ntrn he does not, know the cantsnls at the document or the nature :3! me etteretton." [Emphams edttee] [231 From the toregotno definmons in the Penal code, it is ewdenl that the tssue et the tergery at the Will in the instant mallet can be astoerlainad by eenstdenng whether the accused dtd 'dishonesfly ar tmudutehtty make or Sign me Wtll, or evan a can enhe wm with the Inlermcn 07 cau l \o be behaved lha| Ihe VVi|| was made by Rex, to N fiscpwwvuilualkxznyxn «we. s.n.t n-nhnrwm e. u... m van; .. enhr.u.y MIMI dun-mm vu mum pans!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PLAINTIF 1. ) Ooi Cheng Huat @ Ooi Peng Huat (Menyaman Atas Namanya Sendiri Dan Sebagai Wasi Dan Pemegang Amanah Harta Pusaka Linda Patricia Lim Sooi Hong, Si Mati) 2. ) Bryan Patrick Ooi Sze-yuen 3. ) Shawn Philip Ooi Sze- Yew DEFENDAN SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD
Mah:a) Mahkamah tidak membenarkan ganti rugi am untuk kehilangan hak menghuni dan menikmati rumah-rumah yang telah dibeli oleh plaintif-plaintif.b) Mahkamah tidak membenarkan faedah pra penghakiman.c) Mahkamah membenarkan faedah selepas penghakiman sebanyak 5% setahun dari tarikh keputusan lisan pada 22 Disember 2022 sehingga pembayaran penuh.d) Selepas mengambil kira kos atas dasar standard dan pendengaran bersama, Mahkamah membenarkan kos RM90,000 kepada Plaintif-Plaintif dalam kes 43, 44, 45, 47 dan RM100,000 kepada Plaintif-Plaintif dalam kes 46 dan 49.
YA Datuk Wong Kian Kheong
1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-43-10/2017 BETWEEN 1. OOI CHENG HUAT @ OOI PENG HUAT (NRIC. No.: 540105-02-5317) (Suing in his own name and as the Executor and Trustee of the Estate of Linda Patricia Lim Sooi Hong, deceased) 2. BRYAN PATRICK OOI SZE-YUEN (NRIC. No.: 890827-10-5765) 3. SHAWN PHILIP OOI SZE-YUWN (NRIC. No.: 911125-10-5613) … PLAINTIFFS AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-44-10/2017 BETWEEN SPIRAL PRISTINE SDN. BHD. (Co. No.: 775532-T) … PLAINTIFF AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-45-10/2017 BETWEEN SHAIFUL HAMIDI BIN BASIRDIN (NRIC. No.: 750513-08-6309) … PLAINTIFF AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT 15/01/2024 10:06:38 BA-22C-43-10/2017 Kand. 203 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-46-10/2017 BETWEEN ROSLI BIN MUSA (NRIC. No.: 620521-10-5789) … PLAINTIFF AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-47-10/2017 BETWEEN 1. NITT SDN. BHD. (Co. No.: 867883-M) 2. SUSILAWATI BINTI AHMAD (NRIC. No.: 700702-10-5016) … PLAINTIFFS AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT (HEARD TOGETHER WITH) IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN CIVIL SUIT NO: BA-22C-49-11/2018 BETWEEN 1. ALBERT CHAI MIN CHUNG (NRIC. No.: 730120-13-5159) 2. ADELE LEONG BON YIEN (NRIC. No.: 730915-13-5144) … PLAINTIFFS AND SIME DARBY PROPERTY BERHAD (Co. No.: 15631-P) … DEFENDANT S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 AMENDED JUDGMENT (after trial) A. Introduction 1. This judgment arises from a joint trial (Trial) of the above six suits (6 Suits) filed by purchasers (Plaintiffs) of six bungalows built and sold (6 Bungalows) by the defendant company (Defendant), a housing developer. 2. In these 6 Suits, the Plaintiffs claimed that the Defendant had breached six Sale and Purchase Agreements of the 6 Bungalows (6 SPAs) because there were various defects in the 6 Bungalows. B. Background 3. The 6 Suits are as follows: (1) suit no. BA-22C-43-10/2017 (Suit No. 43) had been filed by the plaintiffs [Plaintiffs (Suit No. 43)] against the Defendant with regard to a two-storey bungalow with a basement [Bungalow (Suit No. 43)] which was - (a) built on land held Grant 174772, Lot 70087, Mukim Damansara, Petaling District, Selangor; and (b) sold pursuant to a SPA dated 1.12.2010 [SPA (Suit No. 43)]; (2) suit no. BA-22C-44-10/2017 (Suit No. 44) was filed by the plaintiff company [Plaintiff (Suit No. 44)] against the Defendant in respect S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 of a two-storey bungalow with a basement [Bungalow (Suit No. 44)] which was - (a) built on land held Grant 174763, Lot 70078, Mukim Damansara, Petaling District, Selangor; and (b) sold pursuant to a SPA dated 18.4.2012 [SPA (Suit No. 44)]; (3) suit no. BA-22C-45-10/2017 (Suit No. 45) had been filed by the plaintiff [Plaintiff (Suit No. 45)] against the Defendant in respect of a two-storey bungalow with a basement [Bungalow (Suit No. 45)] which was - (a) built on land held Grant 174760, Lot 70075, Mukim Damansara, Petaling District, Selangor; and (b) sold pursuant to a SPA dated 1.12.2010 [SPA (Suit No. 45)]; (4) suit no. BA-22C-46-10/2017 (Suit No. 46) was filed by the plaintiff [Plaintiff (Suit No. 46)] against the Defendant in respect of a two- storey bungalow with a basement [Bungalow (Suit No. 46)] which was - (a) built on land held Grant 174770, Lot 70085, Mukim Damansara, Petaling District, Selangor; and (b) sold pursuant to a SPA dated 22.4.2013 [SPA (Suit No. 46)]; (5) suit no. BA-22C-47-10/2017 (Suit No. 47) had been filed by the plaintiffs [Plaintiffs (Suit No. 47)] against the Defendant in respect S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 of a two-storey bungalow with a basement [Bungalow (Suit No. 47)] which was - (a) built on land held Grant 174771, Lot 70086, Mukim Damansara, Petaling District, Selangor; and (b) sold pursuant to a SPA dated 16.4.2012 [SPA (Suit No. 47)]; and (6) suit no. BA-22C-49-11/2018 (Suit No. 49) was filed by the plaintiffs [Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49)] against the Defendant in respect of a two- storey bungalow with a basement [Bungalow (Suit No. 49)] which was - (a) built on land held Grant 174750, Lot 70066, Mukim Damansara, Petaling District, Selangor; and (b) sold pursuant to a SPA dated 28.4.2015 [SPA (Suit No. 49)]. 4. With regard to SPA (Suit No. 43), SPA (Suit No. 44), SPA (Suit No. 45) and SPA (Suit No. 47) [collectively referred to in this judgment as “4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)”] - (1) at the time of the execution of 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47), Bungalow (Suit No. 43), Bungalow (Suit No. 44), Bungalow (Suit No. 45) and Bungalow (Suit No. 47) [collectively referred to in this judgment as “4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)”] were still under construction by the Defendant; and (2) the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were based on the “statutory” SPA (Statutory SPA) prescribed in Schedule G S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 (Schedule G) to Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989 (HDR). 5. At the time of the execution of SPA (Suit No. 46) and SPA (Suit No. 49) [collectively referred to in this judgment as “2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49)”], the construction of Bungalow (Suit No. 46) and Bungalow (Suit No. 49) [collectively referred to in this judgment as “2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49)”] had already been completed. 6. Section 6.01 in the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49) [Section 6.01 (Suits No. 46 and 49)] had provided as follows: “Section 6.01 Inspection of the said Property The Purchaser(s) hereby confirm and declare that they have inspected the said Property at the date of this Agreement and is satisfied with the condition state nature and character of the same and has agreed to purchase the said property on an “as is where is” basis and the Vendor hereby covenant with the Purchaser(s) that the said Property shall substantially be in and of the same condition state, nature and character (fair wear and tear expected) as at the date of delivery of vacant possession of the said Property to the Purchaser(s).” (emphasis added). 7. The subject matter of the 6 SPAs concern high-end landed properties. This is evident from the high purchase price of the 6 Bungalows (High Purchase Prices) as follows: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 Suit No. Purchase Price 43 RM4,891,127.00 44 RM4,869,008.00 45 RM5,537,628.00 46 RM4,701,247.00 47 RM4,502,534.55 49 RM5,033,032.00 The High Purchase Prices had been paid in full by the Plaintiffs to the Defendant. 8. The 6 Bungalows were part of the Defendant’s development project in Bukit Jelutong named “Primo Bukit Jelutong” (Project). The consultants appointed by the Defendant for the Project were as follows: (1) BEP Arkitek Sdn. Bhd. was the Project architect (Project Architect); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 (2) the Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Engineering consultant was PE Associates Sdn. Bhd.; (3) Kemasepakat Sdn. Bhd. was appointed as the Structural Engineering consultant for the Project; and (4) the Quantity Surveyor (QS) for the Project was Perunding NFL Sdn. Bhd. 9. The Defendant has appointed Kitacon Sdn. Bhd. as the Main Contractor for the Project (Main Contractor). 10. On 30.1.2012, the Defendant had obtained the “Certificate of Completion and Compliance” (CCC) for the Project. 11. Vacant possession of the 6 Bungalows had been delivered by the Defendant to the Plaintiffs. 12. The Defendant had given to the Plaintiffs for each of the 6 Bungalows a copy of “Home Owners Manual “Primo” Bukit Jelutong” (Home Owners Manual). 13. Clause 25.1 of the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Clause 25.1 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)] had provided for a “Defect liability period” of 24 months (DLP). The 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49) had no provision equivalent to Clause 25.1 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) because the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) had been sold by the Defendant on an “as is where is” basis - please refer to Section 6.01 (Suits No. 46 and 49). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 14. Save for the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49), if there was any defect in the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Alleged Defect (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)] - (1) the Plaintiffs in Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47 [collectively referred to in this judgment as “Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)”] were required to - (a) fill in “Defect Rectification Forms” (DRFs) provided by the Defendant; and (b) give details of the Alleged Defect (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) in DRFs (Completed DRFs); and (2) once the Defendant received the Completed DRFs from the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47), the Defendant would pass the Completed DRFs to the Main Contractor for the Main Contractor to rectify the Alleged Defect (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). 15. According to the Defendant - (1) after the expiry of DLP for the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (2) with regard to the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) - the Plaintiffs would fill in “Feedback Forms” (FFs) and inform the Defendant in the FFs regarding the alleged defects in the 6 Bungalows [Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows)]. Out of goodwill and without any prejudice to the Defendant’s rights under the 6 SPAs, S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 the Defendant averred that the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) (as stated in the FFs) had been rectified. 16. The Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had alleged that their signatures on the following documents had been forged [Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)]: (1) Suit No. 43 - (a) DRF no. 2837 dated 12.6.2012; (b) DRF no. 9106 dated 1.11.2013; (c) DRF no. 9133 dated 12.12.2013; (d) DRF no. 9137 dated 17.12.2013; and (e) DRF no. 3212 dated 27.1.2014; (2) Suit No. 44 - DRF no. 9108 dated 3.6.2013; (3) Suit 45 - DRF no. 9405 dated 19.11.2012; and (4) Suit 47 - (a) DRF no. 3156 dated 10.4.2014; (b) DRF no. 9318 dated 4.7.2014; and (c) FF no. 1913 dated 7.12.2015 [Alleged Forged Documents (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)]. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 C. 6 Suits C(1). Plaintiffs’ claims 17. In summary, the Plaintiffs had alleged against the Defendant as follows: (1) as the signatures of the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) on the Alleged Forged Documents (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had been forged [Averment (Forgery)], the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were not bound by the Alleged Forged Documents (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) with regard to the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); (2) with regard to the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) - (a) in accordance with reg. 11(1A) HDR - (i) the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49) should be in Schedule I to HDR (Schedule I) which provides for, among others, clause 15(1) {Clause 15(1) [Schedule I]}. According to Clause 15(1) [Schedule I], the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) “shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner” by the Defendant; and (ii) the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49) should not have provided for Section 6.01 (Suits No. 46 and 49); and (b) the Plaintiffs in Suits No. 46 and 49 [Plaintiffs (Suits No. 46 and 49)] did not receive the certified true copy of CCC for the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) at the time of the execution of the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49). Consequently, by virtue of S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 reg. 11(1A) HDR, the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49) should be in Schedule I; (3) the Defendant had breached 3 SPAs in Suits No. 45, 47 and 49 [3 SPAs (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49)] when “Red Balau” timber (instead of “Yellow Balau” timber) was used by the Defendant to build the 3 Bungalows in Suits No. 45, 47 and 49 [3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49)]; and (4) with regard to the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows)], the Defendant was liable to the Plaintiffs as follows - (a) cost to rectify the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) [Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows)]; and (b) damages for the Plaintiffs’ loss of use and enjoyment of the 6 Bungalows [Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows)] which include rental of the 6 Bungalows at market rate [Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows)]. 18. Sixteen witnesses testified in support of the 6 Suits: (1) Encik Amir Bin Awang Hamad (SP1) [who gave evidence for the Plaintiff (Suit No. 44)]; (2) Dato’ Kamarulzuhan Bin Ibrahim (SP2) [who testified for the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 47)]; (3) Datin Susilawati Binti Ahmad (SP3), the second plaintiff in Suit No. 47; S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (4) Encik Shaiful Hamidi bin Basirdin (SP4), the Plaintiff (Suit No. 45); (5) Mr. Ooi Cheng Huat (SP5), the first plaintiff in Suit No. 43; (6) Encik Rosli Bin Musa (SP6), the Plaintiff (Suit No. 46); (7) Ms. Adele Leong Boon Yien (SP7), the second plaintiff in Suit No. 49; (8) Encik Mohd Zulhemlee Bin An (SP8), an architect (who gave expert evidence in support of Suit No. 49); (9) Encik Mushahar bin Mohamed Suki (SP9), an architect (who provided expert testimony in Suits No. 43 to 46 and 47); (10) Encik Adifazli bin Ahmad (SP10), an architect (who gave an expert opinion in Suits No. 43 to 46 and 47); (11) Encik Shamsul Anuar Bin Shamsudin (SP11), an expert valuer (whose expert evidence supports the 6 Suits); (12) Mr. Wong Tack Loong (SP12), an expert valuer (who gave expert testimony in Suit No. 49); (13) Mr. Tan Chioo Bin (SP13), a M&E engineering expert (who provided an expert opinion in support of Suit No. 49); (14) Encik Syah Adam Bin Mohamed Khair (SP14), an expert on air- conditioning (who gave expert evidence in Suits No. 43 to 46 and 47); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 (15) Puan Nordahlia bt Abdullah Siam (SP15), a timber expert (who provided expert testimony in the 6 Suits); and (16) Mr. Lim Kok Sang (SP16), a QS (who gave an expert opinion in Suit No. 49). C(2). Defence 19. The Defendant refutes the Plaintiffs’ claims as follows: (1) regarding the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) - (a) the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) did not plead the Averment (Forgery) in their four Statements of Claim [4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)] and consequently, the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) could not raise the Averment (Forgery) in Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47; (b) the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had failed to discharge the evidential burden to prove the Averment (Forgery) on a balance of probabilities; (c) save for the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47), the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had admitted signing the other DRFs and FFs [Genuine DRFs/FFs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)]. The Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) are barred by the Genuine DRFs/FFs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) from alleging any defect in the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 45 and 47) which had been complained in the Genuine DRFs/FFs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); (d) upon receipt of the DRFs and FFs, the Defendant instructed the Main Contractor to repair the defects stated in the DRFs and FFs. Such a conduct by the Defendant disproved forgeries of the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). In any event, there was no reason for the Defendants to forge the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (e) DRFs and FFs were provided by the Defendant in three copies. The first copy of DRFs and FFs was the original copy which was signed by the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Original Copy (DRF/FF)]. The Original Copy (DRF/FF) was then handed over by the Defendant to the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). The second and third copies of DRFs and FFs were carbon copies [Carbon Copies (DRF/FF)] which were kept by the Defendant. The signatures on the Carbon Copies (DRF/FF) had faded over time; (2) with regard to the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) stated in DRFs and FFs where the Plaintiffs had not disputed their signatures on those documents, the Plaintiffs could not now complain in the 6 Suits regarding the defects stated in those documents; (3) the Defendant’s use of Red Balau timber in the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 (a) did not breach clause 13 of the 2 SPAs in Suits No. 45 and 47 [Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47)]; and (b) did not breach the SPA in Suit No. 49 because the Bungalow in Suit No. 49 was sold on an “as is where is” basis - please refer to Section 6.01 of the SPA (Suit No. 49); (4) in respect of the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49), the Defendant is not liable for any defect therein [Alleged Defects (Suits No. 46 and 49)] because the Defendant can rely on Section 6.01 (Suits No. 46 and 49) and the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 46 and 49) have had the opportunity to inspect the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) before signing the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49); (5) with regard to the defects alleged in the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Alleged Defects (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)] - (a) the Defendant did not breach clause 13 of the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Clause 13 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)]; (b) as the DLP provided in clause 25(1) of the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) {Clause 25(1) [Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47]} had expired, the Defendant was not liable to the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); (6) the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) were caused by - (a) renovation works in the 6 Bungalows carried out by the Plaintiffs after the Plaintiffs had taken delivery of vacant S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 possession of the 6 Bungalows (Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works); (b) the Plaintiffs’ lack of maintenance of the 6 Bungalows [Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows)]; and/or (c) ordinary wear and tear [Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows)]; and (7) the Plaintiffs were not entitled to claim from the Defendant for Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows), Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows). 20. The Defendant called the following 13 witnesses to resist the 6 Suits: (1) Mr. Radhakrishnan A/L Rengasamy (SD1), an expert valuer; (2) Mr. Lim Yok Chaw (SD2), a handwriting expert; (3) Mr. Tay Kar Teik (SD3), a M&E engineering consultant; (4) Encik Mohd Norzam bin Ujud (SD4), a timber expert; (5) Mr. Cheah Ming Yew (SD5), an architect; (6) Encik Sharizan bin Sudin (SD6); (7) Encik Irfan Syafiq Omar (SD7); (8) Mr. Chooi Kuen Wah (SD8); (9) Mr. Kwang Eau Quan (SD9); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 (10) Encik Mohamad Zailani bin Tabut (SD10); (11) Encik Syazlina bin Mat Jim (SD11); (12) Puan Azlin Shereen binti Abu (SD12); and (13) Encik Mohd Arphian Ahmad (SD13), a QS. D. Issues 21. The following questions arise in the 6 Suits: (1) with regard to the Averment (Forgery) - (a) whether the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were required by O 18 rr 7(1) and 12(1) read with O 1A and O 2 r 1(2) of the Rules of Court 2012 (RC) to plead the Averment (Forgery) in their 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (b) did the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) discharge the evidential burden to prove the Averment (Forgery) on a balance of probabilities? In this regard - (i) whether the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were required to adduce expert handwriting evidence to - (i)(a) support the Averment (Forgery); and (i)(b) rebut SD2’s expert opinion that the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had not been forged (SD2’s Expert Opinion); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 (ii) can this court accept - (ii)(a) SD2 as a competent handwriting expert; and (ii)(b) SD2’s Expert Opinion - when there are previous cases wherein the court has rejected SD2’s expert testimony?; and (iii) whether the court can accept as credible SD2’s Expert Opinion when SD2 did not compare the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) on original copies of the Alleged Forged Documents (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Original Documents (Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures)] with undisputed signatures of the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Undisputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)] on original copies of documents [Original Documents (Undisputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures)]; (2) in respect of Suits No. 46 and 49, did the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 46 and 49) receive the certified true copies of CCC for the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) at the time of the execution of the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49)? If the answer to this issue is in the negative - (a) the 2 SPA’s (Suits No. 46 and 49) [including Section 6.01 (Suits No. 46 and 49)] cannot be enforced in Suits No. 46 and 49 because of the non-applicability of reg. 11(1B) HDR; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 (b) in view of reg. 11(1A) HDA, Schedule I shall apply to the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49); (3) can the Defendant rely on the Home Owners Manual to resist the 6 Suits?; (4) whether the court can reject as evidence the report of SD4 (Defendant’s timber expert) (SD4’s Report) solely on the ground that SD4’s Report did not comply with O 40A r 3(2)(g) and (h) RC; (5) did the Defendant’s use of Red Balau timber in the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) breach - (a) Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47); and (b) Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] [which applies to Suit No. 49 upon the application of reg. 11(1A) HDR]?; (6) have the Plaintiffs proven on a balance of probabilities the existence of the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows)? If “yes” - (a) whether the “causa causans” of the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) was - (i) the Defendant’s failure to construct - (i)(a) the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) “in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the description set out in the Fourth Schedule” to the SPAs in Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47 as required by Clause 13 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 (i)(b) the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) “in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the description set out in the Fourth Schedule” in Schedule 1 in accordance with Clause 15(1) [Schedule I]. In deciding the above questions, can the court consider the effect of Selangor Uniform Building By-Laws 1986 (SUBBL)?; (ii) the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works. In this regard, the Home Owners Manual provided that the Defendant “shall not be held responsible for any defect whatsoever arising after the renovation” [Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual)]; (iii) the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows); and/or (iv) Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows); (b) can the Defendant rely on the expiry of DLP as provided in - (i) Clause 25(1) (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) for the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (ii) clause 27(1) in Schedule I {Clause 27(1) [Schedule I]} for the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) - as a ground to exclude the Defendant’s liability for the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows)?; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 (c) whether the Plaintiffs are barred from claiming for the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) on any one or more of the following grounds - (i) CCC had been issued for the 6 Bungalows; (ii) the Plaintiffs inspected the 6 Bungalows before taking delivery of vacant possession of the 6 Bungalows and did not complain about any defect in the 6 Bungalows [Plaintiffs’ Inspection of 6 Bungalows (Delivery of Vacant Possession)]; (iii) the Plaintiffs signed the Defendant’s “CRM Checklist” and “Inventory Checklist” for the 6 Bungalows without any complaint of any defect in the 6 Bungalows; (iv) the Plaintiffs had signed DRFs and FFs wherein the Plaintiffs had not denied their signatures (Genuine DRFs/FFs); and (v) some of the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) - (v)(a) had not been notified at all to the Defendant until the filing of the 6 Suits; and/or (v)(b) were only conveyed to the Defendant in the reports of the Plaintiffs’ experts (after the filing of the 6 Suits and before the commencement of Trial); and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 (d) in view of the application of HDA and HDR in the 6 Suits, can the Defendant invoke the equitable doctrine of estoppel against the Plaintiffs?; (7) if the Defendant is liable to the Plaintiffs for the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows), whether the Plaintiffs can recover the following sums pursuant to s 74(1) of the Contracts Act 1950 (CA) - (a) Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows); and (b) Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows), including Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows). I am not able to find a previous Malaysian case which has decided on the issues raised in the above sub-paragraphs (2) and (3). E. Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) E(1). Whether Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were required to plead Averment (Forgery) in 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) 22. Mr. Rohan Arasoo A/L Jeyabalah, the Defendant’s learned counsel, had contended that the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) could not raise the Averment (Forgery) in Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47 because such an issue had not been pleaded in the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). 23. I reproduce below O 1A, O 2 r 1(2), O 18 r 7(1) and 12(1) RC: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 “O 1A Regard shall be to justice In administering [RC], the Court or a Judge shall have regard to the overriding interest of justice and not only to the technical non-compliance with [RC]. O 2 r 1(2) [RC] are a procedural code and subject to the overriding objective of enabling the Court to deal with cases justly. The parties are required to assist the Court to achieve this overriding objective. O 18 r 7 Facts, not evidence, to be pleaded (1) Subject to the provisions of this rule and rules 10, 11 and 12, every pleading shall contain, and contain only, a statement in a summary form of the material facts on which the party pleading relies for his claim or defence, as the case may be, but not the evidence by which those facts are to be proved, and the statement shall be as brief as the nature of the case admits. O 18 r 12 Particulars of pleading (1) Subject to paragraph (2), every pleading shall contain the necessary particulars of any claim, defence or other matter pleaded including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words - (a) particulars of any misrepresentation, fraud, breach of trust, willful default or undue influence on which the party pleading relies; and (b) where a party pleading alleges any condition of the mind of any person, whether any disorder or disability of mind or any malice, fraudulent intention or other condition of mind except knowledge, particulars of the facts on which the party relies.” S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 (emphasis added). 24. I have no hesitation to decide that the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were not required by O 18 rr 7(1) and 12(1) read with O 1A and O 2 r 1(2) RC to plead the Averment (Forgery) in the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). This decision is premised on the following reasons: (1) the sole cause of action for the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) against the Defendant is based on a breach of the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) with regard to the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [Sole Cause of Action (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)]. The Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were only required by O 18 rr 7(1) and 12(1) RC to plead the following particulars in the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) - (a) by virtue of O 18 r 7(1) RC, the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) - (i) “shall contain, and contain only, a statement in a summary form of the material facts” on which the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) rely for the Sole Cause of Action (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); (ii) shall not plead the evidence by which the Sole Cause of Action (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) is to be proved; and (iii) “shall be as brief as the nature of the case admits”. The Averment (Forgery) did not constitute a “material fact” upon which the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) could rely to S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 prove the Sole Cause of Action (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). As such, the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were not required to plead the Averment (Forgery) in the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (b) O 18 r 7(1) is subject to O 18 r 12(1) RC - please refer to Universiti Teknologi MARA v Magna Metier Sdn Bhd [2022] 5 AMR 583, at [20(2)]. According to O 18 r 12(1) RC, the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) “shall contain the necessary particulars” of the Sole Cause of Action (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). The Averment (Forgery) was not a “necessary particular” to support the Sole Cause of Action (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). Hence, the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) were not required by O 18 r 12(1) to plead the Averment (Forgery) in the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (2) according to O 1A and O 2 r 1(2) RC, when RC [including O 18 rr 7(1) and 12(1) RC] are administered by the court, the court “shall have regard to the overriding interest of justice”. I am not able to see how the Plaintiffs’ omission to plead the Averment (Forgery) in the 4 SOCs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had caused any injustice to the Defendant in resisting the 6 Suits, especially when the Defendant had adduced SD2’s Expert Opinion to rebut the Averment (Forgery). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 E(2). Did Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) prove Averment (Forgery) on a balance of probabilities? 25. The Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) bear the evidential burden under s 103 of the Evidence Act 1950 (EA) to prove the Averment (Forgery). Section 103 EA reads as follows: “s 103 Burden of proof as to particular fact The burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that person who wishes the court to believe in its existence, unless it is provided by any law that the proof of that fact shall lie on any particular person.” (emphasis added). 26. The Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) are required to prove the Averment (Forgery) on a balance of probabilities - please refer to the judgment of the Supreme Court delivered by Anuar J (as he then was) in United Asian Bank Bhd v Tai Soon Heng Construction Sdn Bhd [1993] 1 MLJ 182, at 188. E(2A). Whether Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) are required to adduce expert handwriting evidence 27. According to Mr. Rohan, the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) did not adduce any opinion from a handwriting expert to prove the Averment (Forgery), let alone rebut SD2’s Expert Opinion. 28. I am not able to accede to the above submission. My reasons are as follows: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 (1) s 45(1) EA provides as follows - “s 45(1) Opinions of experts When the court has to form an opinion upon a point of foreign law or of science or art, or as to identity or genuineness of handwriting or finger impressions, the opinions upon that point of persons specially skilled in that foreign law, science or art, or in questions as to identity or genuineness of handwriting or finger impressions, are relevant facts.” (emphasis added). Section 45(1) EA does not provide that the court is bound by a handwriting expert’s opinion on the authenticity of a signature or otherwise (Handwriting Expert’s Opinion). This is because a trial judge has the primary duty as a decider of fact to decide on the genuineness of a signature or otherwise [Factual Issue (Genuineness of Signature)] and is not bound by a Handwriting Expert’s Opinion. If otherwise, the court would have abdicated its judicial duty to decide the Factual Issue (Genuineness of Signature) and in turn, a handwriting expert would have usurped the court’s function in this regard; (2) according to ss 47 and 73 EA - “s 47 Opinion as to handwriting when relevant When the court has to form an opinion as to the person by whom any document was written or signed, the opinion of any person acquainted with the handwriting of the person by whom S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 it is supposed to have been written or signed, that it was or was not written or signed by that person, is a relevant fact. Explanation - A person is said to be acquainted with the handwriting of another person when he has seen that person write, or when he has received documents purporting to be written by that person in answer to documents written by himself or under his authority and addressed to that person, or when, in the ordinary course of business, documents purporting to be written by that person have been habitually submitted to him. s 73 Comparison of signature, writing or seal with others admitted or proved (1) In order to ascertain whether a signature, writing or seal is that of the person by whom it purports to have been written or made, any signature, writing or seal, admitted or proved to the satisfaction of the court to have been written or made by that person, may be compared by a witness or by the court with the one which is to be proved, although that signature, writing or seal has not been produced or proved for any other purpose.” (emphasis added) A party (X) who has alleged that X’s signature or handwriting on a document has been forged (X’s Forgery Allegation) is not required to adduce a Handwriting Expert’s Opinion to discharge the evidential burden under s 103 EA to prove X’s Forgery Allegation. Nor can the court draw an adverse inference against X pursuant to s 114(g) EA for X’s failure to tender a Handwriting Expert’s Opinion to substantiate X’s Forgery Allegation. I refer to the following judgment S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 in Hanson Quarry Products Sdn Bhd v Chong Boon Heng & Ors [2023] MLRHU 603, at [32(1)(a)] and [32(1)(b)] - “[32] … (1)(a) ss 47 and 73(1) [EA] state as follows - … By virtue of s 73(1) EA - (i) the court has a discretion to decide as a matter of fact regarding the genuineness of a person’s signature on a document (Signature A) by comparing Signature A with other undisputed signatures of that person (Undisputed Signatures); and (ii) the court does not need, let alone require, an opinion of a handwriting expert to assist the court to decide the authenticity of Signature A. According to s 47 EA, the court may decide on the genuineness of Signature A by way of evidence of persons who are “acquainted” with the signatures of the signatory of Signature A (as understood in the Explanation to s 47 EA); (b) in the Federal Court case of Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L Allagappan (as executor to SL Alameloo Achi Alias Sona Lena Alamelo Acho, Deceased) & Anor v Secure Plantations Sdn Bhd [2017] 4 MLJ 697, at [1] and [92] to [94], Jeffrey Tan FCJ delivered the following judgment - “[1] Leave was granted to the appellants to raise the following ‘questions of law’ before this court: … S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 (3) whether a case of forgery can only be proved by means of the opinion of a handwriting expert? … [92] Inadvertent or not, the courts below plainly held that only the evidence of a forensic expert was sufficient in law to prove the alleged forgery. ‘But opinion as to handwriting is not confined to experts, but may be given by any person who is duly acquainted with it. It is not necessary to examine a handwriting expert in every case of disputed writing. No adverse inference can be drawn against a party from the fact that the opinion of the handwriting expert has not been obtained … ‘The modes of proof envisaged in ss 45 and 47 [EA] are not exclusive for proving the genuineness or authorship of a document’ (Woodroffe and Amir Ali Vol 2 at p 2237). Comparison may be made, by a handwriting expert under s 45 [EA], by anyone familiar with the handwriting of the person concerned as provided by s 47 [EA], or by the court itself. ‘As a matter of extreme caution and judicial sobriety, the court should not normally, take upon itself the responsibility of comparing the disputed signature with that of the admitted signature or handwriting and in the event of the slightest doubt, leave the matter to the wisdom of the experts. But this does not mean that the court does not have any power to compare the disputed signature with the admitted signature. That power is clearly available under s 73 [EA]’ (Woodroffe and Amir Ali Vol 2 at p 2236). But ‘if S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 the feature of writing and signature on the documents are so glaring, that the court can form an opinion by itself either way, further exercise under s 45 may virtually become unnecessary or futile’ (Woodroffe and Amir Ali Vol 2 at p 2248). That was practically said in Siaw Kim Seong v Siew Swee Yin (f) & Anor [2009] 1 MLJ 349, where the supposed signatures of the plaintiff did not match his admitted signatures upon a cursory visual examination, and where it was said by the Court of Appeal per Gopal Sri Ram JCA, as he then was, delivering the judgment of the court, that the trial judge ought to have acted under s 73(1) [EA] and made the comparison himself and that ‘had the judge undertaken such an examination he would have concluded, even without the aid of an expert, that the signatures appearing on the assignment and the transfer were plain and undisguised forgeries’. It should be clear enough that a finding of forgery could be made without the opinion evidence of a handwriting expert, be it in civil (AGS Harta Sdn Bhd v Liew Yok Yin) or in criminal proceedings (Dato Mokhtar bin Hashim & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 MLJ 232 at p 277). [93] There was no opinion evidence from a handwriting expert. Yet the courts below should have considered the totality of the evidence, the evidentiary facts and made the inferences, and not just dismissed them as being of no probative value. … The testimony of a witness, or even the testimonies of witnesses, S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 could not prevail over the inferences drawn from the total body of evidence. In the final analysis, there were two contrary versions, genuine versus forgery. But only the version of forgery was not at odds with the indirect evidence. On the balance of probabilities, forgery was proved. … [94] We have covered the ground to answer the leave questions, but in the following terms: … Leave question 3 - Whether a case of forgery can only be proved by means of the opinion of a handwriting expert? Answer: Negative.” (emphasis added). It is clear from Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan that when the court decides whether Signature A has been forged or otherwise, no adverse inference can be drawn by the court under s 114(g) EA against a party (X) who has alleged forgery of Signature A on the ground that X has failed to procure an opinion of a handwriting expert that Signature A has been forged;” (emphasis added); (3) a Handwriting Expert’s Opinion, by its very nature, is subjective and cannot be conclusive. In the High Court case of Public Prosecutor v Mohamed Kassim bin Yatim [1977] 1 MLJ 64, at 66, Hashim Yeop Sani J (as he then was) has decided as follows - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 “It is settled law that evidence by a handwriting expert can never be conclusive because it is only opinion evidence - see Ishwari Prasad v Mohd Isa AIR 1963 SC 1728. The assessment of evidence of handwriting experts was also dealt with in Indar Datt v Emperor AIR 1931 Lahore 408 413. In that case In re B Venkata Row (1913) ILR 36 Mad 159; 14 IC 418; 13 cr LJ 226 was cited and also a quotation from Dr. Lawson's work on the Law of Expert and Opinion Evidence, which runs as follows: "The evidence of the genuineness of the signature based upon the comparison of handwriting and of the opinion of experts is entitled to proper consideration and weight. It must be confessed however that it is of the lowest order of evidence or of the most unsatisfactory character. We believe that in this opinion experienced laymen unite with the members of the legal profession. Of all kinds of evidence admitted in a court this is the most unsatisfactory. It is so weak and decrepit as scarcely to deserve a place in our system of jurisprudence." ” (emphasis added); (4) if X has given oral evidence to prove X’s Forgery Allegation and if the court finds X to be a credible witness (especially after vigorous cross-examination), X’s testimony, in itself, can discharge the evidential onus to prove X’s Forgery Allegation on a balance of probabilities; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 (5) circumstantial evidence may prove X’s Forgery Allegation on a balance of probabilities. E(2B). Can court accept SD2 as a handwriting expert? 29. The Plaintiffs’ learned counsel, Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira, had invited the court to find as a fact that SD2 was not a competent handwriting expert under s 45(1) EA and on this ground alone, SD2’s Expert Opinion should be rejected. According to Mr. Pereira, the following judgments of the High Court had rejected SD2’s expert testimony on the authenticity of signatures: (1) the decision of Amelia Tee Hong Geok Abdullah J in Genevieve Christeta Bois v Public Prosecutor [2013] 1 LNS 947, at [42] and [43]; (2) in Tan Sri Dato’ Kam Woon Wah v Dato’ Sri Andrew Kam Tai Yeow [2021] 1 LNS 2207, at [74] to [96], Ong Chee Kwan JC (as he then was) preferred the opinion of one expert, Mr. William Pang Chan Kok (Mr. Pang), over SD2’s expert view; and (3) the judgment of Kamaludin Md. Said J (as he then was) in Goh Chin Chai v Goh Seng Chan [2016] 1 LNS 1660, at [44]. 30. In my earlier decision in Lai Kim Wa v Khiew Ju Meng & Ors [2023] 1 AMR 308, at [23] to [25], I have accepted SD2’s expert opinion and rejected the expert evidence of Mr. Pang. 31. Firstly, the factual findings of one or more courts regarding - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 (1) the competence of an expert (Y); and (2) the weight to be attached to Y’s expert testimony, if any [Previous Court’s Factual Findings (Y’s Expert Opinion)]; - does not bind another court. This is due to the following reasons - (a) from the view point of the doctrine of stare decisis, Previous Court’s Factual Findings (Y’s Expert Opinion) have no binding effect. This is because only the ratio decidendi in the written judgment of a superior court binds all lower courts. The ratio decidendi of a court’s written judgment is the legal proposition and reasoning (not the factual decision) which has been applied by the court to decide an issue which arises from the material facts of the case in question - please refer to Syahin Hafiy Danial Bin Soh Ahmad Luptepi Amin v Mansur Bin Yunus & Anor [2021] 8 MLJ 297, at [14]; and (b) Previous Court’s Factual Findings (Y’s Expert Opinion) are based on the particular facts and evidence adduced in those cases. Notwithstanding the fact that Previous Court’s Factual Findings (Y’s Expert Opinion) have no binding effect, if the court has decided as a matter of fact that Y is not a competent expert under s 45(1) EA and/or Y’s Expert Opinion should not be accepted (for any reason adduced in that case), the court may rely on Previous Court’s Factual Findings (Y’s Expert Opinion) to support such a finding of fact. 32. Secondly, notwithstanding the previous cases listed in the above paragraph 29 (which had rejected SD2’s expert evidence), I find as a fact S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 that SD2 is a competent handwriting expert under s 45(1) EA to assist this court regarding the genuineness of the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) or otherwise. This finding of fact is based on SD2’s training and vast experience as a handwriting expert. E(2C). Should court accept SD2’s Expert Opinion? 33. Regrettably, I am not able to attach any weight to SD2’s Expert Opinion. This is because SD2 had not compared the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) on the Original Documents (Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures) with Undisputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) on the Original Documents (Undisputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures). Only with the availability of the Original Documents (Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures) and Original Documents (Undisputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures) could SD2 ascertain the fluency of writing movement and the pressure of the pen(s) used by the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) on the Original Documents (Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures). The importance of the availability of original documents for the purpose of a forensic handwriting analysis has been explained in the following cases and article: (1) Mah Weng Kwai JCA has delivered the following judgment of the Court of Appeal in Bumiputra-Commerce Bank Bhd v Augusto Pompeo Romei & Anor [2014] 3 MLJ 672, at [33] - “[33] The court is mindful that the use of photocopies of original documents in handwriting/signature analysis may result in inaccurate and inconclusive findings as fine hand or pen movements would not be detectable as was held in CS S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 Petroleum (M) Sdn Bhd v Public Bank Berhad & Other Cases [2011] 1 LNS 1349.” (emphasis added); (2) in the High Court case of CS Petroleum (M) Sdn Bhd v Public Bank Bhd & Other Cases [2011] 1 LNS 1349, at [73] and [74], Gunalan Muniandy JC (as he then was) has decided as follows - “[73] ... Very importantly [Plaintiff’s handwriting expert’s] report is entirely based on photocopies of the disputed cheques and documents and he had never sighted the original documents. ... [74] It is a well known fact in the field of document examination that the use of photocopies in handwriting/signature analysis would result in inaccurate and inconclusive findings as fine hand or pen movements would not be detectable. …” (emphasis added); and (3) Mr. Harcharan Singh Tara, a handwriting expert and former Director-General of the Chemistry Department, has expressed the following opinion in his article, “Examination of Handwriting and Signatures” [1995] 3 MLJ i, at iii - “Photostated copies of disputed signatures/writing are not so suitable for examination and all attempts should be made to obtain the originals.” (emphasis added). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 E(2D). Whether Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had proven forgeries of Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) 34. I find as a fact that the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) have succeeded to prove the Averment (Forgery) on a balance of probabilities. This factual finding is premised on the following evidence and reasons: (1) the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had given oral testimonies that the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had been forged; (2) the cross-examination of the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) has not revealed any reason to doubt their veracity; (3) police reports regarding the forgeries of the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had been lodged by the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (4) there is no reason for the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) to - (a) give false evidence that the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had been forged. It is to be noted that s 193 of the Penal Code (PC) provides for a maximum imprisonment sentence of seven years and/or a fine for an offence of giving false evidence; and (b) according to s 182 PC, a person is liable to imprisonment up to six months and/or a fine not exceeding RM2,000.00 for an offence of making a false police report. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 35. As explained in the above paragraph 34, the Disputed Plaintiffs’ Signatures (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) had been forged. Accordingly, the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) are not bound by DRFs and FFs which contained their forged signatures. F. Object of HDA and effect of HDR 36. In the Federal Court case of Ang Ming Lee & Ors v Menteri Kesejahteraan Bandar & Anor and another appeal [2020] 1 CLJ 162, at [40], Tengku Maimun Binti Tuan Mat CJ has decided that “{Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 [HDA]} being a social legislation designed to protect the house buyers, the interests of the purchasers shall be the paramount consideration against the developer” [Object (HDA)]. 37. I reproduce below reg. 11(1), (1A) and (1B) HDR: “Contract of sale. 11(1) Every contract of sale for the sale and purchase of a housing accommodation together with the subdivisional portion of land appurtenant thereto shall be in the form prescribed in Schedule G and where the contract of sale is for the sale and purchase of a housing accommodation in a subdivided building, in the form of a parcel of a building or land intended for subdivision into parcels, as the case may be, it shall be in the form prescribed in Schedule H. (1A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), every contract of sale for build then sell for a housing accommodation together with the subdivisional portion of land appurtenant thereto shall be in the form prescribed in Schedule I and where the contract of sale for build then sell is for the sale and purchase of a housing accommodation in the S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 form of a parcel of a building or land intended for subdivision into parcels, as the case may be, it shall be in the form prescribed in Schedule J; (1B) Subregulations (1) and (1A) shall not apply if at the time of the execution of the contract of sale, the certificate of completion and compliance for the housing accommodation has been issued and a certified true copy of which has been forwarded to the purchaser.” (emphasis added). 38. In SEA Housing Corporation Sdn Bhd v Lee Poh Choo [1982] 2 MLJ 31, the previous Federal Court (the Privy Council was then the apex court) had construed provisions in HDA and Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Rules 1970 (1970 Rules). The Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1982 (1982 Regulations) had replaced 1970 Rules. HDR has subsequently repealed 1982 Regulations. Suffian LP has decided as follows in SEA Housing Corporation, at p. 24: “In Daiman Development Sdn Bhd v Mathew Lui Chin Teck [1978] 2 MLJ 239 we said at page 243 that developers are bound by the [1970 Rules] … … Mr. Chelliah argued that clause 32 is such a detail. With respect we do not agree. In our judgment such details as are inserted into a written agreement must be details consistent, not inconsistent with [HAD] and [1970 Rules]. Clause 32 is inconsistent with paragraph (r) of rule 12(1) [1970 Rules]. When Daiman went to the Privy Council [1981] 1 MLJ 56 their Lordships observed at page 60, second column: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 "… it seems to their Lordships that upon the proper construction of the proforma [used in that case] the solicitors [for the developer there] would not be able to include in the contract of sale any term or condition which was not appropriate to effectuate the sale which had been made, including for that purpose, of course, provisions to comply with the requirements of the [1970 Rules]." Thus it is clear that only terms and conditions designed to comply with the requirements of the [1970 Rules] that may be inserted in a contract of sale of land that is governed by [HDA] and [1970 Rules], and that on the contrary terms and conditions which purport to get round [HDA] and [1970 Rules] so as to remove the protection of home buyers may not be so inserted. With respect, the provisions in question here are similar to those in Johnson v Moreton [1978] 3 All ER 37, a House of Lords decision, where at page 49 Lord Hailsham said: "The policy of the law has been repeatedly used to protect the weaker of two parties who do not contract from bargaining positions of equal strength. The truth is that it can no longer be treated as axiomatic that, in the absence of explicit language, the courts will permit contracting out of the provisions of an Act of Parliament - as was attempted here - where that Act, though silent as to the possibility of contracting out, nevertheless is manifestly passed for the protection of a class of persons who do not negotiate from a position of equal strength, but in whose well-being there is a public as well as a private interest." S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 43 It would appear that only "contracting out" in favour of the weaker party - i.e. the purchaser - might be countenanced by the courts.” (emphasis added). The above decision in SEA Housing Corporation was followed by Lord Oliver in the Privy Council in Loh Wai Lian v SEA Housing Corporation Sdn Bhd [1987] 2 MLJ 1, at 2. 39. I am of the following view regarding reg. 11(1), (1A) and (1B) HDR: (1) regs. 11(1) and (1A) HDR have mandatory effect due to the employment of an imperative term “shall” in those provisions; (2) reg. 11(1) HDR is subject to reg. 11(1A) HDR. This is clear from the words “Notwithstanding paragraph (1)” in reg. 11(1A) HDR; (3) according to reg. 11(1) HDR, if a “housing developer” (defined in s 3 HDA) sells - (a) a “housing accommodation” (defined in s 3 HDA) together with a subdivided portion of land appurtenant to the housing accommodation, the SPA “shall” be in Schedule G; and (b) a housing accommodation in a subdivided building, the SPA “shall” be in Schedule H to HDR (Schedule H); (4) reg. 11(1A) HDR provides that notwithstanding reg. 11(1) HDR, if a housing developer builds and then sell - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 44 (a) a housing accommodation together with a subdivided portion of land attached to the housing accommodation, the SPA “shall” be in Schedule I; and (b) a housing accommodation in a subdivided building, the SPA “shall” be in Schedule J to HDR (Schedule J); (5) according to reg. 11(1B) HDR, reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR do not apply provided that at the time of the execution of the SPA - (a) the CCC for the housing accommodation has been issued; and (b) a certified true copy of the CCC has been forwarded to the purchaser. If reg. 11(1B) HDR applies, the SPA of the housing accommodation is not required to be in the form of a Statutory SPA (Schedule G, H, I or J). The 6 Bungalows concern the application of SUBBL. According to by-law 25(1) SUBBL, the CCC of a construction project (in Form F in the Second Schedule to SUBBL) shall be issued by the project’s “principal submitting person”. By-law 2 SUBBL defines a principal submitting person as a “qualified person” who has submitted “building plans” (defined in by-law 2 SUBBL) (Building Plans) to the local authority for approval in accordance with SUBBL and includes any other qualified person who has taken over the duties and responsibilities of or acts of the first-mentioned qualified person (in accordance with by-law 7 SUBBL); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 45 (6) a housing developer who intends to rely on reg. 11(1B) HDR has the evidential burden under s 103 EA to prove compliance with reg. 11(1B) HDR [as explained in the above sub-paragraph (5)]. Purchasers have no evidential onus to disprove the application of reg. 11(1B) HDR because purchasers are entitled to rely on the mandatory application of reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR; (7) if reg. 11(1B) HDR does not apply, housing developers cannot contract out of reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR due to the following reasons - (a) as explained in the above sub-paragraph (1), reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR have mandatory effect; (b) the only exception to reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR is reg. 11(1B) HDR; and (c) if a housing developer is allowed to contract out of reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR - (i) this will defeat the Object (HDA); and (ii) this will be contrary to the ratio decidendi in SEA Housing Corporation; (8) in accordance with SEA Housing Corporation, purchasers of housing accommodation may contract out of reg. 11(1) and (1A) HDR in the sense that housing developers may agree to terms and conditions in the relevant Statutory SPA which are more favourable to the purchasers than those provided in the Statutory SPA; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 46 (9) in the construction of the Statutory SPA - (a) if there is any ambiguity in any provision in the Statutory SPA, such an ambiguity should be resolved in favour of a purchaser of housing accommodation against a housing developer. Such an interpretation attains the Object (HDA); (b) Malaysian cases on contracts, in particular construction contracts, which do not involve the Statutory SPA (Non- Housing Development Contracts), should be read with caution because - (i) parties to Non-Housing Development Contracts have the freedom to contract and are not bound to follow the Statutory SPA; and (ii) there is no disparity in the bargaining power between the parties to Non-Housing Development Contracts which warrants Parliament to intervene by way of legislation (such as HDA); (c) even if a Non-Housing Development Contract has a provision which is identical or similar to a provision in the Statutory SPA, it has to be borne in mind that the Non-Housing Development Contract does not involve the attainment of the Object (HDA); and (d) cases from the Commonwealth which have decided on the effect of contractual provisions which are identical or similar to S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 47 provisions in the Statutory SPAs, should be read with caution as these foreign cases do not concern the achievement of the Object (HDA). G. Whether Defendant can rely on reg. 11(1B) HDR in Suits No. 46 and 49 40. As explained in the above sub-paragraphs 39(5) and (6), for the Defendant to rely on reg. 11(1B) HDR in Suits No. 46 and 49, the Defendant has the evidential burden pursuant to s 103 EA to satisfy the court that at the time of the execution of the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49): (1) the CCC for the Project dated 30.1.2015 [CCC (Project)] had been issued; and (2) a certified true copy of the CCC (Project) [CTC (Project’s CCC)] had been forwarded to the purchasers of the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49). 41. I have no hesitation to accept Mr. Pereira’s submission that the Defendant cannot rely on reg. 11(1B) HDR in Suits No. 46 and 49 because - (1) the Defendant did not adduce any evidence regarding the CTC (Project’s CCC); (2) no documentary evidence had been adduced in Suits No. 46 and 49 to prove that the CTC (Project’s CCC) had been forwarded to the S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 48 purchasers of the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49) at the time of the signing of the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49); (3) according to SP6 (for Suit No. 46), SP6 only received the CCC (Project) a few years after the conclusion of the SPA (Suit No. 46); and (4) SP7 (for Suit No. 49) testified that she had not received the CCC (Project). 42. I have not overlooked the Defendant’s letter dated 21.9.2015 to, among others, SP7 [Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015)]. Attached to the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) was a copy of the CCC (Project) [Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015)]. This court is not able to accept the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) as compliance with reg. 11(1B) HDR by the Defendant in Suit No. 49. My reasons are as follows: (1) there was no evidence that the Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) had been certified as a true copy of the CCC (Project) by the Project’s principal submitting person [Ar. Kam Pak Cheong (Ar. Kam) from the Project Architect] or any person authorized by Ar. Kam; (2) the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) stated that it had been sent by “Registered Mail” to the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49). In view of SP7’s denial of receipt of the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015), the Defendant should have adduced documentary evidence to prove the posting of the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 49 Letter (21.9.2015) by way of Registered Post {Documentary Evidence [Posting of Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015)]}. Illustration (f) to s 114(f) EA states as follows - “s 114 Court may presume existence of certain fact The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened, regard being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct, and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case. ILLUSTRATIONS The court may presume - … (f) that the common course of business has been followed in particular cases; … (vii) as to illustration (f) - the question is whether a letter was received. It is shown to have been posted, but the usual course of the post was interrupted by disturbances;” (emphasis added). The Defendant can only invoke the rebuttable presumption under s 114(f) EA that the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) had been received by the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49) by way of Registered Post if the Defendant had adduced the Documentary Evidence [Posting of Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015)]. As the Defendant had failed to tender in Suit No. 49 the Documentary S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 50 Evidence [Posting of Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015)], the Defendant cannot rely on s 114(f) EA to contend that - (a) there was a rebuttable presumption that the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49) had received the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015); and (b) the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49) had the evidential burden to rebut the above rebuttable presumption; and (3) even if it is assumed that the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49) had received the Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015) and Attachment to Defendant’s Letter (21.9.2015), reg. 11(1B) HDR required the Defendant to forward the CTC (Project’s CCC) to the Plaintiffs (Suit No. 49) on 28.4.2015, the date of the signing of the SPA (Suit No. 49). 43. In any event, premised on of the evidence and reasons stated in the above paragraphs 40 to 42, I find as a fact that the Defendant has failed to discharge the evidential burden to prove the application of reg. 11(1B) HDR in Suits No. 46 and 49. 44. As explained in the above paragraphs 40 to 43 - (1) the 2 SPA’s (Suits No. 46 and 49) [including Section 6.01 (Suits No. 46 and 49)] cannot be enforced in Suits No. 46 and 49 because of the non-applicability of reg. 11(1B) HDR; and (2) in view of reg. 11(1A) HDA, Schedule I shall apply to the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 51 H. Whether Defendant can rely on Home Owners Manual 45. I am of the view that the Defendant cannot rely on the Home Owners Manual as a defence to the 6 Suits because - (1) any reliance on the Home Owners Manual would allow the Defendant to circumvent - (a) the contents of the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) which have been mandatorily prescribed in Schedule G by virtue of reg. 11(1) HDR; (b) Schedule I which applies in Suits No. 46 and 49 by reason of - (i) the non-applicability of reg. 11(1B) HDR; and (ii) the invocation of reg. 11(1A) HDR; (2) according to ss 91 and 92 EA - “Evidence of terms of contracts, grants and other dispositions of property reduced to form of document s 91. When the terms of a contract or of a grant or of any other disposition of property have been reduced by or by consent of the parties to the form of a document, and in all cases in which any matter is required by law to be reduced to the form of a document, no evidence shall be given in proof of the terms of the contract, grant or other disposition of property or of the matter except the document itself, or secondary evidence of its contents in cases in which secondary evidence is admissible under the provisions hereinbefore contained. … S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 52 Exclusion of evidence of oral agreement s 92. When the terms of any such contract, grant or other disposition of property, or any matter required by law to be reduced to the form of a document, have been proved according to section 91, no evidence of any oral agreement or statement shall be admitted as between the parties to any such instrument or their representatives in interest for the purpose of contradicting, varying, adding to, or subtracting from its terms: Provided that - (a) any fact may be proved which would invalidate any document or which would entitle any person to any decree or order relating thereto, such as fraud, intimidation, illegality, want of due execution, want of capacity in any contracting party, the fact that it is wrongly dated, want or failure of consideration, or mistake in fact or law; (b) the existence of any separate oral agreement, as to any matter on which a document is silent and which is not inconsistent with its terms, may be proved, and in considering whether or not this proviso applies, the court shall have regard to the degree of formality of the document; (c) the existence of any separate oral agreement constituting a condition precedent to the attaching of any obligation under any such contract, grant or disposition of property, may be proved; (d) the existence of any distinct subsequent oral agreement, to rescind or modify any such contract, grant or disposition of property, may be proved except in cases in which the contract, grant or disposition of property is by law required to be in writing, or has been registered according to the law in force for the time being as to the registration of documents; S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 53 (e) any usage or custom by which incidents not expressly mentioned in any contract are usually annexed to contracts of that description may be proved if the annexing of any such incident would not be repugnant to or inconsistent with the express terms of the contract; and (f) any fact may be proved which shows in what manner the language of a document is related to existing facts. …” (emphasis added). It is not disputed that in Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47, the Defendant cannot rely on any of the provisos (a) to (f) to s 92 EA. By virtue of ss 91 and 92 EA, as explained by Chang Min Tat FJ in the Federal Court case of Tindok Besar Estate Sdn Bhd v Tinjar Co [1979] 2 MLJ 229, at 232 to 233, the contents of the Home Owners Manual cannot - (a) contradict; (b) vary; (c) add to; or (d) subtract from - the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47); and (3) the contents of the Home Owners Manual do not have any legal effect. This is clear from the second page of the Home Owners Manual (under the title “Provision”) - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 54 “This [Home Owners Manual] is for Owner’s reference purposes only. It is not legally binding and its contents are not to be taken, read and construed as an integral part of the [SPA] …” (emphasis added). I. Whether court can reject SD4’s report as evidence due to non- compliance with O 40A r 3(2)(g) and (h) RC 46. Mr. Pereira had invited the court to reject SD4’s Report as evidence solely on the ground that SD4’s Report had failed to comply with O 40A r 3(2)(g) and (h) RC. 47. O 40A r 3(2)(g) and (h) RC state as follows: “O 40A r 3 Requirements of expert’s evidence (1) Unless the Court otherwise directs, expert evidence to be given at the trial of any action, is to be given in a written report signed by the expert and exhibited in an affidavit sworn to or affirmed by him testifying that the report exhibited is his and that he accepts full responsibility for the report. (2) An expert’s report shall - … (g) contain a statement of belief of correctness of the expert’s opinion; and (h) contain a statement that the expert understands that in giving his report, his overriding duty is to the Court and that he complies with that duty.” (emphasis added). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 55 48. According to Mr. Pereira, in the following cases, the court has rejected the admissibility of experts’ reports on the sole ground that the experts’ reports have failed to comply with the mandatory provisions of O 40A r 3 RC: (1) the judgment of Vernon Ong Kiat Lam JCA (as he then was) in the Court of Appeal case of Batu Kemas Industri Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Malaysia & Anor [2015] 7 CLJ 849; (2) the High Court’s decision in Goh Chin Chai; and (3) Abdul Wahab Mohamed JC’s (as he then was) judgment in Teoh Ah Cha @ Teoh Sik Sen & Ors v Huatson Sdn Bhd & Ors [2018] 1 LNS 1037. Based on the above cases, Mr. Pereira had attempted to persuade this court to exclude SD4’s Report as evidence solely on the ground that SD4’s Report had failed to comply with the mandatory provisions of O 40A r 3(2)(g) and (h) RC. 49. Firstly, the requirements imposed by O 40A r 3(2)(a) to (h) RC regarding the contents of an expert’s report, are not mandatory. It is decided by Lau Bee Lan J (as she then was) in the High Court case of ADM Ventures (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v Renew Capital Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1466, at [88], as follows: “[88] By virtue of the opening words “unless the Court otherwise directs …” being present in O 40A r 3(1) [RC], I am of the respectful view that is not mandatory for the written report of the expert to be exhibited in an affidavit form sworn or affirmed by S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 56 him. Consequentially premised on the authority of Datuk Captain Hamzah (supra), since the non-compliance is not mandatory in nature, in the interest of justice I invoke O 1A [RC] to overcome the technical non-compliance.” (emphasis added). The above judgment in ADM Ventures has been followed by John Lee Kien How @ Mohd Johan Lee JC (as he then was) in the High Court in Mercu Pusu Development Sdn Bhd v Setara Jaya Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 512, at [52] and [53]. I have no hesitation to accept the ratio decidendi of ADM Ventures and Mercu Pusu Development. 50. Secondly, Batu Kemas Industri has not decided that if an expert’s report does not comply with any of the paragraphs in O 40A r 3(2)(a) to (h) RC, the court should reject the admissibility of the expert’s report on this ground alone. 51. Thirdly, the High Court has decided in Goh Chin Chai and Teoh Ah Cha that if an expert’s report fails to comply with any of the paragraphs in O 40A r 3(2)(a) to (h) RC, the expert’s report cannot be admitted as evidence: (1) according to Goh Chin Chai, at [30] and [31] (in our National Language) - “[30] Berdasarkan kepada kegagalan mengeksibitkan laporan pakar yang disediakan dalam afidavit yang diikrarkan sepertimana kehendak Aturan 40A k 3(1), saya berpendapat laporan pakar P2 telah dikemukakan tanpa mematuhi arahan di bawah Aturan 40A k 3(1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 57 Adalah penting mematuhi peruntukan dalam Kaedah-Kaedah yang telah diadakan kerana tanggungjawab pakar adalah membantu Mahkamah dalam perkara-perkara dalam kemahirannya dan tanggungjawab ini mengatasi sebarang tanggungjawab terhadap mana-mana orang yang mana arahan diterima atau yang membayar saksi pakar itu (A 40A k 2). [31] Berdasarkan kepada ketakpatuhan itu maka laporan bertulis yang disediakan oleh SP1 tidak memenuh isyaratsyarat di bawah Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. Laporan bertulis SP1 dan keterangan yang diberikan wajar ditolak.” (emphasis added); and (2) the above judgment in Goh Chin Chai has been followed in Teoh Ah Cha, at [30] and [31] - “[30] Failure of an expert report to comply with Order 40A [RC] was a serious defect as may be seen in the case of Goh Chin Chai v. Goh Seng Chan [2016] 1 LNS 1660 where it was held as follows:- … [31] Based on the forensic report prepared by PW4, I agree with the Defendants that PW4 had failed to comply with the O 40A r 3(1) [RC] and that his evidence ought to be rejected by this court. It was also my finding that PW4 had failed to state in his report that his duty is to the Court and that he complies with that duty as required under O 40A r 3(2)(e) [RC].” (emphasis added). 52. Fourthly, as explained by Ong Hock Thye FJ (as he then was) in the Federal Court case of Sundralingam v Ramanathan Chettiar [1967] 2 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 58 MLJ 211, at 213, the ratio decidendi of a High Court’s judgment does not bind the other High Courts. With respect, I beg to differ with the ratio decidendi of Goh Chin Chai and Teoh Ah Cha. I am of the view that if an expert’s report does not comply with any of the paragraphs in O 40A r 3(2)(a) to (h) RC {Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC]} - (1) notwithstanding the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC], the expert’s report is still admissible as evidence; and (2) the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC] may only adversely affect the weight to be attached by the court to the expert’s report, affidavit and oral testimony. The above opinion is supported by the following considerations - (a) O 40A r 3(2) RC does not provide, either expressly or by necessary implication, that the expert’s report is inadmissible as evidence solely due to the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC]. It is decided as follows in Kingtime International Ltd & Anor v Petrofac E&C Sdn Bhd [2018] MLJU 1840, at [24(5)] - “[24] I am of the following view regarding an expert’s duties: … (5) if an expert - (a) is not independent or is perceived to be not independent; or (b) has breached the Duty To Disclose S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 59 the Court cannot reject the expert’s evidence. This view is supported by the following reasons - (i) O 40A r 2(1) and (2) RC do not provide for admissibility or exclusion of expert evidence; (ii) s 45(1) EA provides for expert evidence as follows - … Section 45(1) EA does not bar the admissibility of expert evidence on the ground that the expert is not independent (in fact or perceived as such) or has failed to comply with the Duty To Disclose;” (emphasis added); (b) in Mercu Pusu Development - (i) the valuation report (VR) of an expert valuer did not comply with O 40A r 3 RC; and (ii) the defendant had applied to the High Court to exclude as evidence both the VR and the valuer’s oral evidence solely on the ground that O 40A r 3 RC had been breached. It is decided in Mercu Pusu Development, at [42] to [45], as follows - “[42] I shall now proceed with the next issue, in which the parties disputed as to the admissibility of the VR. The Defendant contended that the VR should be disregarded and/or set aside by this Court due to its incompliance to the mandatory requirements set in Order 40A Rule 3 [RC]. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 60 [43] The Defendant further elaborated that it is mandatory for the expert evidence to be given in a written report and exhibited in an affidavit sworn by the maker of the report. The Plaintiff’s expert witness in this case had produced the VR in a common bundle as usual documentary evidence attached with a statutory declaration. [44] I differ with the Defendant on this because Order 40A Rule 3 [RC] does not bar the Court from accepting the witness’s oral testimony if the expert’s opinion was not done in accordance to Order 40A rule 3 [RC]. … [45] While Order 40A rule 3 detects that written expert opinion needs to be tendered in accordance with the format laid down in it, there is nothing to impede the witness from giving their oral testimony stating their opinion as to facts. The court may still consider PW1’s testimony under section 59 [EA], where it states: “Proof of facts by oral evidence 59. All facts, except the documents, may be proved by oral evidence.” ” (emphasis added); (c) by virtue of O 2 r 1(1) RC, the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC] “shall be treated as an irregularity and shall not nullify” the expert’s report and the court may “make such order, if any, dealing with the proceedings generally as it or he thinks fit in order to cure the irregularity”, ie., the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC], pursuant to O 2 r 1(3) RC. I reproduce below O 2 r 1(1) and (3) RC - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 61 “O 2 r 1 Non-compliance with Rules (1) Where, in beginning or purporting to begin any proceedings or at any stage in the course of or in connection with any proceedings, there has, by reason of any thing done or left undone, been non-compliance with the requirement of these Rules, the non-compliance shall be treated as an irregularity and shall not nullify the proceedings, any step taken in the proceedings, or any document, judgment or order therein. … (3) The Court or Judge may, on the ground that there has been such non-compliance as referred to in paragraph (1), and on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it or he thinks just, bearing in mind the overriding objective of these Rules, exercise its or his discretion under these Rules to allow such amendments, if any, to be made and to make such order, if any, dealing with the proceedings generally as it or he thinks fit in order to cure the irregularity.” (emphasis added). In Mercu Pusu Development, at [53] and [54], the High Court had exercised its discretion pursuant to O 2 r 1(1) RC to cure the non- compliance with O 40A r 3 RC; (d) O 1A and O 2 r 1(2) RC require the court to administer O 40A r 3(2)(a) to (h) RC with regard to the overriding interest of justice - please refer to ADM Ventures, at [88]; and (e) no injustice is caused by the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC] because - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 62 (i) the report and affidavit of an expert (S) which do not comply with O 40A r 3(2) RC is disclosed to the opposing party’s expert (T) before the commencement of a trial and T may then assist the court with regard to T’s rebuttal, if any, to the contents of S’s report and affidavit; (ii) T’s learned counsel has a right to cross-examine S in respect of the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC], contents of S’s report, affidavit and S’s oral evidence; and (iii) T’s learned counsel has a right to submit, orally and in writing, on the Non-Compliance [O 40A r 3(2) RC], contents of S’s report, affidavit and S’s oral testimony. 53. As explained in the above paragraph 52, I am not able to accede to Mr. Pereira’s application for this court to exclude SD4’s Report as evidence in Suits No. 45, 47 and 49. J. Did Defendant breach Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] by using Red Balau timber in 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49)? 54. Mr. Pereira had submitted as follows, among others: (1) SP15, a timber expert, had examined parts of timber taken from the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) (Timber Parts). According to SP15’s examination of the Timber Parts, Red Balau (not Yellow Balau) timber was used by the Defendant in the construction of the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 63 (2) SP15 had given the following expert view (SP15’s Expert Opinion) - (a) Red Balau timber is classified as “SG3” under “MS 544, 2001”, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Timber: Part 2, Permissible Stress Design of Solid Timber” from the Department of Standards Malaysia (MS 544); and (b) according to MS 544, Yellow Balau timber is classified as “SG 1” which is “stronger” than Red Balau timber (classified as “SG 3” in MS 544); (3) based on the reasons advanced by Mr. Pereira, the court should prefer SP15’s Expert Opinion to SD4’s expert evidence (SD4’s Expert Opinion); and (4) in view of SP15’s Expert Opinion, the Defendant had breached - (a) Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47); and (b) Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] [which applies to Suit No. 49 upon the application of reg. 11(1A) HDR]. According to Mr. Pereira, due to the High Purchase Prices, the Defendant should have used Yellow Balau (not Red Balau) timber in the construction of the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49). Reliance had been placed on the following two High Court decisions - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 64 (i) the judgment of Lim Chong Fong J (as he then was) in Dua Residency Management Corporation v Edisi Utama Sdn Bhd & Anor [2021] 1 LNS 174; and (ii) See Mee Chun J’s (as she then was) decision in Portland Arena Sdn Bhd v Sime Darby Property Bhd [2014] 1 LNS 1562. J(1). Interpretation of Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] 55. I reproduce below the relevant part of Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I]: “Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) Materials and workmanship to conform to description The said Building shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the description set out in the Fourth Schedule hereto and in accordance with the plans approved by the Appropriate Authority as in the Second Schedule, which descriptions and plans have been accepted and approved by the Purchaser, as the Purchaser hereby acknowledges. ... Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] Materials and workmanship to conform to description 15(1) The said Building shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the description set out in the Fourth Schedule and in accordance with the plans approved by the Appropriate Authority as in the Second Schedule, which descriptions and plans have been accepted and consented by the Purchaser, as the Purchaser hereby acknowledges.” S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 65 (emphasis added). The Second Schedule to the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 45 and 47) and the Second Schedule to the Statutory SPA in Schedule I [collectively referred to in this judgment as the “2nd Schedule (SPAs)”] contain the approved Building Plans for the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49). This judgment shall refer collectively to the Fourth Schedule to the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 45 and 47) and the Fourth Schedule to the Statutory SPA in Schedule I as the “4th Schedule (SPAs)”. The 4th Schedule (SPAs) provides the particulars for the materials to be used in the construction of the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49). 56. Section 74(1) CA provides as follows: “Compensation for loss or damage caused by breach of contract 74(1) CA When a contract has been broken, the party who suffers by the breach is entitled to receive, from the party who has broken the contract, compensation for any loss or damage caused to him thereby, which naturally arose in the usual course of things from the breach, or which the parties knew, when they made the contract, to be likely to result from the breach of it.” (emphasis added). As explained in Jambatan Merah Sdn Bhd (in liquidation) v Public Bank Bhd [2016] 1 CLJ 811, at [46], a party can only claim for loss due to a breach of a contract if the loss falls within the following two limbs of s 74(1) CA {2 Limbs [Section 74(1) CA]}: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 66 (1) the loss “naturally arose in the usual course of things” from the breach of the contract within the meaning of the first limb of s 74(1) CA {1st Limb [Section 74(1) CA]}; and/or (2) both the contracting parties “knew, when they made the contract” that the “loss was likely to result from the breach” of the contract as understood in the second limb of s 74(1) CA {2nd Limb [Section 74(1) CA]}. 57. I construe Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] as follows: (1) Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I] require a housing developer to - (a) construct a housing accommodation in accordance with the approved Building Plans as laid down in the 2nd Schedule (SPAs); (b) use materials in the building of a housing accommodation (Construction Materials) which conforms to the description in the 4th Schedule (SPAs) [Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials)]; and (c) construct a housing accommodation in a “good and workmanlike manner” in accordance with - (i) the 4th Schedule (SPAs); and (ii) the 2nd Schedule (SPAs) S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 67 [Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship)]; (2) the nature and extent of a Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) are dependent on the price of the housing accommodation [Price (Housing Accommodation)]. The relevance of the Price (Housing Accommodation) is clear from the following reasons - (a) the Price (Housing Accommodation) is the valuable consideration furnished by the purchaser to the housing developer for the housing accommodation; (b) in determining the loss which may be claimed by a purchaser of a housing accommodation from a housing developer for breach of a Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) - (i) the court has to consider the Price (Housing Accommodation) in deciding whether the loss “naturally arose in the usual course of things” from the breach of the contract - please refer to the 1st Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; and/or (ii) premised on the Price (Housing Accommodation), both the purchaser and housing developer would have known, when they made the contract, whether the “loss was likely to result from the breach” of the contract - please see the 2nd Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 68 (c) Dua Residency Management Corporation has interpreted a contractual provision which is substantially similar to Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I]. It is decided in Dua Residency Management Corporation, at [91] and [115], as follows - “[91] Furthermore, the Plaintiff relied on three-fold implied terms expounded in the 1966 English Court of Appeal case of Hancock and Others v. B W Brazier (Anerley) Ltd [1966] 2 All ER 901 (CA), in which the plaintiff, the purchaser of a house built by the defendants, sued for damages for breach of contract in failing to erect and complete the house purchased in a proper and workmanlike manner after the purchaser’s house suffered from substantial damage due to the usage of unsuitable materials during its construction. Lord Denning held that apart from the express clauses contained within the contract entered into between the plaintiff and the defendants in the sale and purchase of the house, the defendant builders were also bound by a threefold implication in law: “It is quite clear from Lawrence v. Cassel (1) and Miller v. Cannon Hill Estates, Ltd (2), that when a purchaser buys a house from a builder who contracts to build it, there is a threefold implication: that the builder will do his work in a good and workmanlike manner; that he will supply good and proper materials; and that it will be reasonably fit for human habitation. Sometimes this implication, or some part of it, may be excluded by an express provision, as for instance in Lynch v. Thorne (3). … The question in this case is whether the threefold implication is excluded by cl. 9. I think that it is S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 69 not, for this simple reason: cl. 9 deals only with workmanship. It does not deal with materials. The quality of materials is left to be implied; and the necessary implication is that they should be good and suitable for the work. I am quite clear that it is implied in the contract that the hardcore must be good and proper hardcore, in the same way as the bricks must be good and proper bricks. I know that the builders were not at fault themselves. Nevertheless this is a contract: it was their responsibility to see that good and proper hardcore was put in. As it was not put in, they are in breach of their contract. If it is any consolation to them, they can try and get hold of their suppliers and sue them if they can prove it against them; but they have to take responsibility so far as the purchasers are concerned.” (emphasis added) This three- fold implied terms principle has been accepted in the Malaysian cases of Teh Khem On & Anor v. Yeoh & Wu Development Sdn Bhd & Ors [1995] 2 MLJ 663 as well as Komala Devi M Perumal v. Bandar Eco-Setia Sdn Bhd & Anor [2016] 1 LNS 1053. … [115] First and foremost, I have no qualms that this Condominium is indeed an expensive high end condominium located in a prestigious location in the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur. In the English case of Brown v. Gilbert-Scott [1992] 35 Con LR 120, Mr Recorder Coles QC held as follows: “... if you buy a Mini Minor you cannot expect to have a car with all the attributes of a Rolls-Royce and the same must be true of building works.” Likewise, I hold this must be conversely true if it is for an expensive high end building; see also the English Court of Appeal case of Cotton v. Wallis [1955] 1 WLR 1168. In other S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 70 words, the quality expectation should generally commensurate with the price.” (emphasis added); (3) taking into consideration the Price (Housing Accommodation), a Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) is breached if the housing developer uses Construction Materials which - (a) is contrary to the 4th Schedule (SPAs); (b) causes defects, patent and/or latent, in a housing accommodation which should not have occurred in view of the Price (Housing Accommodation); and/or (c) will render the housing accommodation not fit for human habitation for a purchaser who has paid the Price (Housing Accommodation); (4) based on the Price (Housing Accommodation), a Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) is not fulfilled when a housing developer’s workmanship in a housing accommodation causes - (a) patent and/or latent defects in a housing accommodation which should not have occurred in view of the Price (Housing Accommodation); and/or (b) the housing accommodation to be not fit for human habitation for a purchaser who has paid the Price (Housing Accommodation); and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 71 (5) a breach of SUBBL does not create an independent cause of action in the form of a tort of breach of statutory duty - please refer to the judgment of Lee Swee Seng J (as he then was) in the High Court in KL Eco City Sdn Bhd v Tuck Sin Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd & Anor [2020] 1 LNS 360, at [187] and [188]. Having said that, in deciding the extent of a Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship), the court may consider the effect of SUBBL. This is because the building plans for the housing accommodation as laid down in the 2nd Schedule (SPAs) can only be approved by the local authority if the housing developer complies with SUBBL. J(2). Whether Defendant had breached Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) by using Red Balau timber in 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) 58. The 4th Schedule (SPAs) has not specified the particular type of timber, let alone Yellow Balau timber, to be used in the construction of 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49). Nonetheless, even if this court accepts SP15’s Expert Opinion [the Defendant had used Red Balau to construct the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49)], I decide that the Defendant has not breached Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials). My reasons are as follows: (1) SP15 did not offer any expert testimony that in view of the High Purchase Prices, Red Balau timber is not a strong timber which should not have been used by the Defendant in the building of the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49); and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 72 (2) there is no evidence to show that the Defendant’s use of Red Balau timber in the construction of the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) - (a) had caused any patent and/or latent defect in the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) which should not have occurred in view of the High Purchase Prices; and (b) had rendered the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49) not fit for human habitation for the purchasers who had paid the High Purchase Prices for the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49). K. Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) 59. It is not disputed that the Plaintiffs bear the legal and evidential burden to prove on a balance of probabilities - (1) the existence of the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows); and (2) the causa causans of the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) was - (a) the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) as provided in Clause 13 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I]; (b) not the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works; (c) not the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows); and/or (d) not Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 73 In deciding the causa causans of the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows), I refer to the following judgment in Tropicana Golf & Country Resort Bhd v Loke Wei Kuen & Ors and three other appeals [2023] 2 MLRH 453, at [35], [36], [79] and [80] - “[35] Firstly, a plaintiff can only claim for damages from a defendant for a tort if the causa causans of the plaintiff’s injury, loss and/or damage [Loss/Injury/Damage] is the commission of the tort by the defendant. This is a question regarding “causation in fact” of the Loss/Injury/Damage (Factual Causation Issue). Besides the term causa causans, case law has used various terms, ie., “effective” cause, “real” cause, “proximate” cause, “immediate” cause, “operative” cause, “dominant” cause, “true” cause and “substantial” cause as the factual cause of the Loss/Injury/Damage which is enforceable in law. In this judgment, I will employ the term causa causans as the factual cause of the Loss/Injury/Damage which is enforceable in law. This is because of the following judgment by Steve Shim CJ (Sabah & Sarawak) in the Federal Court case of Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya v Steven Phoa Cheng Loon & Ors [2006] 2 MLJ 389, at [4]: “[4] … The expression 'causa causans' merely means a cause that causes (see Smith, Hogg & Company Ltd v Black Sea & Baltic General Insurance Co Ltd [1940] AC 997 at p 1003). There may be more than one cause that causes a particular injury. From the passage cited above, it would appear that Mr Abraham was of the view that causa causans merely meant an effective cause. It has been held that such an expression should be avoided as the issue of causation does not necessarily turn upon it (see Environment Agency S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 74 (Formerly National Rivers Authority) v Empress Car Co (Abertillery) Ltd [1999] 2 AC 23 at p 29). Causation is a matter to be determined by common sense and what the law regards as fair, just and reasonable in the circumstances of a particular case (see Fairchild (suing on her own behalf) etc v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd & Ors, etc [2002] 3 WLR 89, March v E & MH Stramare Pty Ltd & Anor (1991) 99 ALR 423 at p 429). The relevant question is whether the acts and/or omissions of a particular defendant made a material contribution to the harm suffered by the plaintiff (see Bonnington Castings v Wardlaw [1956] AC 613 at pp 620, 623; Nicholsons & Ors v Atlas Steel Foundary & Engineering Co Ltd [1957] 1 WLR 631 at p 624; Fairchild (suing on her own behalf) etc v Glenhaven Funeral Services; Chappel v Hart (1998) 156 ALR 517 at pp 524–524).” (emphasis added). [36] I am of the following view regarding the Factual Causation Issue: (1) cases have not spoken with one voice regarding the Factual Causation Issue. Each written judgment on the Factual Causation Issue depends on the particular facts of the case in question. Hence, previous decisions concerning the Factual Causation Issue cannot constitute binding legal precedents from the view point of the doctrine of stare decisis; (2) a plaintiff bears the evidential onus to satisfy the court on a balance of probabilities regarding the Factual Causation S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 75 Issue, namely, the commission of a tort by the defendant is the causa causans of the Loss/Injury/Damage; and (3) the following considerations are relevant in the determination of the Factual Causation Issue - (a) the most important consideration is common sense - Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya; (b) what is fair, just and reasonable in the circumstances of the case in question - Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya; (c) policy considerations are relevant according to the following joint judgment of Mason CJ, Deane and Toohey JJ in the High Court of Australia (the highest court in Australia) in Bennett v Minister of Community Welfare (1992) 107 ALR 617, at 619 - “In the realm of negligence, causation is essentially a question of fact, to be resolved as a matter of common sense. In resolving that question, the “but for” test, applied as a negative criterion of causation, has an important role to play but it is not a comprehensive and exclusive test of causation; value judgments and policy considerations necessarily intrude.” (emphasis added); and (d) the court may apply the “but for” test, ie., would the plaintiff have suffered the Loss/Injury/Damage “but for” the commission of a tort by the defendant? - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 76 please refer to Ravi A/L Ratnam v Ghandi Rajan A/L Arjunan & Ors [2020] 7 MLJ 591, at [23] and [24]. … [79] When a contract is breached, the innocent party to the contract has the burden to prove that the causa causans of the innocent party’s loss and/or damage, is the breach of contract. I rely on the following judgment of Glidewell LJ in UK’s Court of Appeal case of Galoo Ltd (in liquidation) v Bright Grahame Murra [1994] 1 WLR 1360, at 1369-1370 - “This argument depends upon the nature of the causation necessary to establish liability for breach of duty, whether in contract or in tort. There is no doubt that this is one of the most difficult areas of the law. Both counsel are agreed that, at least in the context of this case, the principles applicable to liability in either contract or tort are the same. Mr. Hunter, for the defendants, submits that the plaintiff's case depends upon the adoption of the "but for” test of causation which, at least in contract, is not the proper test in English law. This is causation of the kind which has sometimes been referred to as a "causa sine qua non.” In Chitty on Contracts, 26th ed. (1989), vol. 2, pp. 1128– 1129, para. 1785, the editors say: "The important issue in remoteness of damage in the law of contract is whether a particular loss was within the reasonable contemplation of the parties, but causation must also be proved: there must be a causal connection between the defendant's breach S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 77 of contract and the plaintiff's loss. The courts have avoided laying down any formal tests for causation: they have relied on common sense to guide decisions as to whether a breach of contract is a sufficiently substantial cause of the plaintiff's loss. (It need not be the sole cause).” ” (emphasis added). [80] Premised on Galoo Ltd, the test for causation for torts and breaches of contract is the same. I accept this legal position as there is nothing in principle which justifies a test for deciding the causa causans for a plaintiff’s Loss/Injury/Damage due to the commission of a tort which is different from a test used to decide the issue of causation for breaches of agreements. Nor is such a difference supported by any policy consideration. Accordingly, the cases discussed in the above paragraphs 35 and 36 regarding causation for torts, apply in deciding whether the causa causans for a plaintiff’s loss and/or damage arises from a breach of contract.” (emphasis added). K(1). Whether court needs expert evidence regarding defects in housing accommodation 60. It is decided in Era Kemuncak Jaya (M) Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Switchgear Sdn Bhd [2022] 1 MLRH 208, at [37], as follows: “[37] Secondly, I am of the view that the court can decide the following three questions (3 Questions) in this case without the assistance of any expert testimony: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 78 (1) the Issue (Breach of Contract); (2) the Issue (Remoteness of Damage) under s 74(1) CA; and (3) the Issue (Quantum of Damages). I acknowledge that there may be exceptional cases when the 3 Questions involve a highly technical matter which is beyond the competence of the court. In such exceptional matters, an expert’s opinion may assist the court to decide the 3 Questions. In this case, the 3 Questions did not concern any highly technical matter which necessitated the Defendant to adduce any expert view. Regrettably, SD5’s Opinion on the 3 Questions unnecessarily protracted the trial and escalated the costs incurred in this case.” (emphasis added). K(1A). Does court need expert testimony regarding alleged defects in air conditioners installed in 6 Bungalows (Air Conditioners)? 61. The Plaintiffs had claimed the existence of the following defects regarding the Air Conditioners, - (1) for the five bungalows in Suits No. 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47 [5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)] - (a) “cooling load” of a particular area refers to the amount of energy which is required by an air conditioner to cool the area at a particular temperature. The kitchen and entrance areas of the 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47) have a high cooling load but the Defendant had installed “under-capacity” Air Conditioners in those areas. Consequently, there was “sweating” at the “Supply S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 79 Diffuser” of the Air Conditioners in the 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47) {Sweating at Supply Diffuser [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)]}; and (b) the Defendant had used a “foam insulation” to wrap the pipe for the outdoor Air-Conditioners [Pipe (Air Conditioners)]. This foam insulation was too soft to protect the Pipe (Air Conditioners) {Unsuitable Pipe Insulation [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)]}; and (2) in respect of Bungalow (Suit No. 49), there was a condensation problem in respect of the Air Conditioners {Condensation Problem [Air-Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)]}. 62. In respect of - (1) Sweating at Supply Diffuser [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)]; (2) Unsuitable Pipe Insulation [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)]; and (3) Condensation Problem [Air-Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)] [collectively referred to in this judgment as “Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners)”] the court needs expert opinion to decide the following issues - (a) whether the Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners) exist; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 80 (b) whether the causa causans of the Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners) was - (i) the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship); (ii) not the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works; (iii) not the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows); and/or (iv) not Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows). K(1B). Whether court needs expert evidence regarding Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) other than Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners) 63. In this judgment, I shall refer to all the Alleged Defects (6 Bungalows) other than the Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners) as the “Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows)”. 64. As explained in Era Kemuncak Jaya, the court does not need expert testimony to decide on the existence and cause of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows). Having said that, the court may be assisted by expert opinions regarding the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 81 K(1C). Does court need expert opinion on Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows), Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows)? 65. I am of the view that expert testimony is not needed by the court to decide on the following questions: (1) Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows); (2) Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows); and (3) Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows). - please refer to Era Kemuncak Jaya. If parties have adduced expert evidence on the above matters, needless to say, the court may refer to such expert testimony. K(2). Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners) K(2A). Who can provide expert opinion on Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners)? 66. I find as a fact that the following experts are competent under s 45(1) EA to give opinions regarding the Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners): (1) SP13 (for Suit No. 49); (2) SP14 (for Suits No. 43 to 47); and (3) SD3, the Defendant’s expert. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 82 The above factual finding is based on the work experience of SP13, SP14 and SD3 with regard to air conditioners and air-conditioning systems. K(2B). Can Plaintiffs prove Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners)? 67. This court makes the following findings of fact: (1) SP14’s expert testimony regarding - (a) the Sweating at Supply Diffuser [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)]; and (b) the Unsuitable Pipe Insulation [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)] - is accepted; (2) this court accepts the expert view of SP13 in respect of the Condensation Problem [Air-Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)]; and (3) the expert evidence of SD3 with regard to the Alleged Defects (Air Conditioners) is rejected. 68. On a balance of probabilities, the following reasons and evidence support the factual findings made in the above paragraph 67: (1) as opined by SP14 - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 83 (a) the Defendant had supplied under-capacity Air Conditioners in the entrance and kitchen areas of the 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47) because - (i) the entrance and kitchen areas of the 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47) are adjacent to each other. Consequently, the total size of these areas needs a higher cooling load which cannot be met by the Air Conditioners; (ii) cooking in the kitchen areas generates heat; (iii) a substantial part of the kitchen areas has glass windows or panels which expose those areas to sunlight and higher temperatures; and (iv) the air flow in the air ducts of the 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47) is turbulent due to poor design and workmanship of the air ducts; and (b) the Unsuitable Pipe Insulation [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)] is proven because the foam insulation used by the Defendant is too soft to insulate the Pipe (Air Conditioners); and (2) according to SP13, the Condensation Problem [Air-Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)] is proven by the following evidence and reasons - (a) the probable cause for the Condensation Problem [Air- Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)] is the under-capacity S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 84 Air Conditioners installed by the Defendant in Bungalow (Suit No. 49), namely, the Air Conditioners cannot cool and dehumidify Bungalow (Suit No. 49) within a reasonably short period of time; (b) the Condensation Problem [Air-Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)] is aggravated by an unknown reason for the consistently higher indoor "relative humidity" (RH) as compared to the outdoor RH. Hence, the water vapour in Bungalow (Suit No. 49) could not escape outdoor; and (c) there is no sufficient airflow in the Air Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49). 69. The expert evidence of SD3 cannot credibly rebut the expert opinions of SP13 and SP14 as stated in the above paragraph 68. 70. I will now refer in this judgment to the proven defects regarding the Air Conditioners as the “Defects (Air Conditioners)”. K(2C). What was causa causans of Defects (Air Conditioners)? 71. I have no hesitation to make the following factual decisions: (1) the causa causans of the Defects (Air Conditioners) was the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship). I rely on the following reasons - (a) the Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) was breached in the following manner - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 85 (i) the Defendant had installed under-capacity Air Conditioners in the 6 Bungalows; (ii) the under-capacity Air Conditioners had caused the Sweating at Supply Diffuser [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)] and Condensation Problem [Air-Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49)] which should not have occurred in view of the High Purchase Prices paid by the Plaintiffs to the Defendant; and (iii) the Unsuitable Pipe Insulation [Air Conditioners in 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47)] should not have happened in light of the High Purchase Prices; (b) the Defendant had breached the Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) because - (i) the air flow in the air ducts of the 5 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 47) is turbulent due to poor design and workmanship of the air ducts; and (ii) there is no sufficient airflow in the Air Conditioners in Bungalow (Suit No. 49); (c) as a matter of common sense, the causa causans of the Defects (Air Conditioners) was the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship); and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 86 (d) the Defects (Air Conditioners) would not have occurred “but for” the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship); (2) as a matter of common sense, the causa causans of the Defects (Air Conditioners) could not be - (a) the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works; (b) the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows); and (c) Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows); and (3) the application of the “but for” test does not show that the causa causans of the Defects (Air Conditioners) to be - (a) the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works; (b) the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows); and (c) Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows). K(2D). What was Rectification Cost for Defects (Air Conditioners)? 72. To rectify the Defects (Air Conditioners) - (1) SP14 proposed the following sums of money - (a) for Bungalow (Suit No. 43) - RM79,400.00; (b) for Bungalow (Suit No. 44) - RM79,400.00; S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 87 (c) for Bungalow (Suit No. 45) - RM72,600.00; (d) for Bungalow (Suit No. 46) - RM79,400.00; and (e) for Bungalow (Suit No. 47) - RM79,400.00; and (2) according to SP13, a total sum of RM33,000.00 should rectify the Defects (Air Conditioners) for Bungalow (Suit No. 49). I shall refer the above sums collectively as “Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)]”. 73. I have no hesitation to award the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] in favour of the Plaintiffs against the Defendant because - (1) the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] constitutes the loss which “naturally arose in the usual course of things” from the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) within the meaning of the 1st Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; (2) all the contracting parties in the 6 SPAs knew, when they made the 6 SPAs, that the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] is the loss which is “likely to result” from the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) as understood in the 2nd Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 88 (3) the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] is not excessive. On the contrary, the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] is a just and reasonable sum to compensate adequately the Plaintiffs for the rectification of the Defects (Air Conditioners). The Defendant had not adduced any evidence to show that the Plaintiffs would be unjustly enriched by the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)]. In view of the above proof of Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)], the Proposed Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] will now be referred to in this judgment as the “Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)]”. K(3). Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) 74. In Dua Residency Management Corporation, at [116], a defect in a building has been explained as follows: “[116] In the treatise Construction Law by Julian Bailey, it is provided as follows: “WHAT IS A DEFECT? 14.01 There is no precise definition, in law, of what, constitutes a defect. Defects may relate to design, construction or both. The word “defect” may refer to the quality of goods supplied. A defect may be patent, in the sense of being known or detectable upon reasonable observation, or latent, in which case, its existence is unknown or detectable not reasonably discoverable. In everyday parlance, a “defect” is something which is faulty, S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 89 or not built correctly. This is also true insofar as the law is concerned with building defects ... … 14.04 ... The determination of whether works are defective is not always a straightforward matter ... There could be the case where a contract is silent as to the quality of workmanship called for and where it requires the contractor to perform its works in a “good and workmanlike” manner ... What a builder considers to be “good and workmanlike” may be at odds with the owner’s expectations. Published industry’s standards may sometimes assist, in so far as they provide a normative basis for assessing the sufficiency of work performed, but ultimately if matter are taken to court, or brought before a tribunal) the reckoning of the contractual compliance of work - and whether or not it is “defective” - will involve an admixture of objective and subjective matters.” In the English Court of Appeal case of Barclays Bank plc v. Fairclough Building Ltd [1994] 68 BLR 1, Beldam LJ held as follows: “The requirement that the workmanship should be the best of its kind required a standard to be achieved. It would not be satisfied by workmanship of average competence skill or exercise of reasonable care to attain the standard ... In my view “workmanship’ in the context of the specification was intended to cover the whole of the works which the contractor had undertaken to perform.” Furthermore it is also gainful to reproduce the following learned commentary of the case of Davis & Co (Wines) Ltd v. AFA-Minerva (EMI) Ltd 9 BLR 99 at 101: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 90 “On the other hand it may not always be sufficient to say that the design was only as good as the money available (cf Cotton v. Wallis [1955]1 WLR 1158). The work, materials and installation as ultimately to fit for some purpose. A building generally is expected to be watertight. However it does not follow that the building is guaranteed to be watertight for its expected life, since some maintenance is required on nearly every building. Whether there is to be any reduction in the standards which would otherwise obtain will depend in most areas upon the background to the commission and the terms upon which it was made.” ” (emphasis added). 75. Patent and latent defects in a building have been explained by Mary Lim Thiam Suan J (as she then was) in the High Court case of Sigma Elevator (M) Sdn Bhd v Isyoda (M) Sdn Bhd [2015] 1 LNS 1363, at [92], as follows: “[92] ... Broadly, there are two types of defects; patent and latent defects. The writers, S Rajoo and Harbans Singh KS in their book entitled “Construction Law in Malaysia” [Sweet & Maxwell, p 470] have explained: “... Patent defects are defects that can be discovered through reasonable inspection and testing (see Robinson, Lavers, Tan and Chan, Construction Law in Singapore and Malaysia, 2nd Edn., p 160). These are the ones that are more commonly noticed and therefore reported to the contractor prior to completion or during the defect liability period. On the other hand, latent defects cannot be discovered by either reasonable inspection or testing even by a reasonably careful person skilled in the works in question S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 91 (see Victoria University of Manchester v. Hugh Wilson [1984] 2 Con LR 43). These are inherent in the works themselves and become apparent or noticeable or capable of being discovered only when they become patent (see Pirelli General Cable Works Ltd v. Oscar Faber & Partners [1983] 2 AC 1; see also Steven Phoa Cheng Loon & 72 Ors v. Highland Properties Sdn Bhd & 9 Ors [2000] 1 AMR 3567). …” (emphasis added). 76. The Plaintiffs have claimed a list of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) which include both patent and latent defects. K(3A). Whether SP8, SP9, SP10 and SD5 are competent to give expert opinions on Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) 77. The court does not need expert evidence on the existence of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) - please refer to Era Kemuncak Jaya. 78. SP8, SP9, SP10 and SD5 had provided their expert testimonies on the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows). SP8, SP9, SP10 and SD5 are qualified and practising architects. Hence, I have no hesitation to accept SP8, SP9, SP10 and SD5 as expert witnesses who can provide expert opinions regarding the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows). K(3B). Had Plaintiffs proven existence of Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows)? 79. I find as a fact that the Plaintiffs have discharged the legal and evidential burden to prove the existence of the Alleged Other Defects (6 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 92 Bungalows) on a balance of probabilities. This factual decision is premised on the following evidence and reasons: (1) SP1 to SP7 had given oral evidence regarding the existence of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) [Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7)]; (2) the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7) did not consist of bare allegations only but instead, the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7) is supported by written complaints made by the Plaintiffs in their correspondence with the Defendant, including the Genuine DRFs/FFs [Plaintiffs’ Written Complaints (Defects)). The significance of the Plaintiffs’ Written Complaints (Defects) is provided in s 157 EA which reads as follows - “Former statements of witness may be proved to corroborate later testimony as to same fact s 157 In order to corroborate the testimony of a witness, any former statement made by him whether written or verbal, on oath, or in ordinary conversation, relating to the same fact at or about the time when the fact took place, or before any authority legally competent to investigate the fact, may be proved.” (emphasis added); (3) SD5, the Defendant’s own expert, had admitted that there existed certain Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) {SD5’s Admission [Certain Defects (6 Bungalows)]}. In this manner, SD5’s Admission [Certain Defects (6 Bungalows)] corroborated the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7); S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 93 (4) the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7) is supported by the expert opinions of SP8 to SP10 [Expert Opinions (SP8 to SP10)]. There is no reason for SP8 to SP10 to sacrifice their professional reputation by providing inaccurate or false Expert Opinions (SP8 to SP10) in the 6 Suits; (5) as explained in the above sub-paragraph 57(5), the court may consider the effect of SUBBL in deciding whether there is a breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship). In the 6 Suits, the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7) and Expert Opinions (SP8 to SP10) are supported by the Defendant’s three breaches of SUBBL [Defendant’s 3 Breaches (SUBBL)] as follows - (a) according to by-law 107(1) SUBBL - “107 Handrails (1) Except for staircases of less than 4 risers, all staircases shall be provided with at least one handrail.” (emphasis added). For Bungalow (Suit No. 49), the staircase to the swimming pool therein did not have any handrail. As such, the Defendant did not comply with by-law 107(1) SUBBL with regard to the Bungalow (Suit No. 49). It is to be noted that a mandatory term “shall” is employed in by-law 107(1) SUBBL; (b) by-law 115(1) SUBBL provides as follows - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 94 “115 Roof coverings and drainage with a rainwater harvesting and utilisation system (SPAH) (1) All roofs of buildings shall be so constructed as to drain effectually to suitable and sufficient channels, gutters, chutes or troughs which shall be provided in accordance with the requirement of these by-laws for receiving and conveying all water which may fall on and from the roof.” (emphasis added). An imperative term “shall” is used in by-law 115(1) SUBBL. The roofs of all the 6 Bungalows do not have gutters. Hence, the Defendant had breached by-law 115(1) SUBBL in respect of the 6 Bungalows: and (c) by-law 116(1) SUBBL states as follows - “116 Accessible flat roofs, balconies, etc. Every flat roof, balcony or other elevated areas 1.8 metres or more above the adjacent area where normal access is provided shall be protected along the edges with suitable railings, parapets or similar devices not less than 1 metre in height or other suitable means.” (emphasis added). By-law 116 SUBBL has mandatory effect due to the employment of the word “shall” in that provision. The verandah in Bungalow (Suit No. 49) is 3.150 metres above the lower ground floor of that building but the railing around the entrance foyer in the verandah is only 0.720 metre which is less than 1 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 95 metre (required by by-law 116 SUBBL). Accordingly, the Defendant has failed to comply with by-law 116 SUBBL regarding Bungalow (Suit No. 49); and (6) there is no reason to disbelieve the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7) because - (a) SP1 to SP7 had withstood vigorous cross-examination by Mr. Rohan; and (b) it is inconceivable for SP1 to SP7 to give false evidence with regard to the existence of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows). 80. In view of the reasons and evidence elaborated in the above paragraph 79, save for SD5’s Admission [Certain Defects (6 Bungalows)], I am not inclined to accept SD5’s expert testimony as a sufficient ground to deny the existence of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows). 81. This judgment shall now refer to the proven Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows) as the “Other Defects (6 Bungalows)”. K(3C). What was causa causans of Other Defects (6 Bungalows)? 82. This court is satisfied that the causa causans of the Other Defects (6 Bungalows) - (1) was the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 96 {Causa Causans [Other Defects (6 Bungalows)]}; and (2) could not be - (a) the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works. It is to be noted that SD5 had the candour to admit that for certain Other Defects (6 Bungalows), he was unable to verify whether such defects were caused by the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works; (b) the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows). In this regard, certain Other Defects (6 Bungalows) did not concern the Plaintiffs’ maintenance of the 6 Bungalows, let alone a lack of maintenance thereof; and (c) Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows). The Causa Causans [Other Defects (6 Bungalows)] is premised on the following evidence and reasons: (i) the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7); (ii) the Expert Opinions (SP8 to SP10); (iii) SD5’s Admission [Certain Defects (6 Bungalows)]; (iv) considering the High Purchase Prices, common sense supports the Causa Causans [Other Defects (6 Bungalows)]; (v) the Other Defects (6 Bungalows) would not have occurred “but for” the Defendant’s breach of Housing Developer’s Obligation S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 97 (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship); and (vi) as a matter of common sense and applying the “but for” test, the Causa Causans [Other Defects (6 Bungalows)] could not be - (vi)(a) the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works; (vi)(b) the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows); and (vi)(c) Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows). 83. Mr. Rohan had relied on the Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual) which provided as follows: “Guidelines on Renovation … 2. The [Defendant] shall not be held responsible for any defect whatsoever arising after the renovation. Even though the [DLP] is still valid, if there is any defect, please take note that the defect rectification work must be completed before you start your renovation. Failure to do so, the [Defendant] will not be responsible for any defects arise [sic] after your renovation works.” (emphasis added). According to Mr. Rohan, SP1 agreed during cross-examination that if the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works were carried out before the Defendant could complete the rectification works (Defendant’s Rectification Works), the Defendant would not liable for any defects which arose after the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works (SP1’s Admission). SP1’s Admission was made based on the Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 98 I am not able to accede to the above contention by Mr. Rohan because - (1) as explained in the above paragraph 45, the Defendant cannot rely on the Home Owners Manual, including the Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual); (2) the Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual) has no legal effect because such an exclusion clause is described by the Defendant as a mere guideline; and (3) if the Defendant is allowed to rely on the Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual) - (a) this is tantamount to a carte blanche for the Defendant to circumvent the mandatory Schedule G [which applies to the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47)] and Schedule I [which applies to the 2 SPAs (Suits No. 46 and 49)] [Defendant’s Circumvention (Statutory SPAs)]; and (b) as explained in SEA Housing Corporation, the Defendant’s Circumvention (Statutory SPAs) is not allowed - please refer to the above paragraphs 38 and 39(7). As the Exclusion Clause (Home Owners Manual) has no legal effect, the court cannot then attach any weight to SP1’s Admission. 84. I have not overlooked the following submission by Mr. Rohan: (1) SP9 and SP10 agreed during cross-examination that they could not identify certain Other Defects (6 Bungalows) due to the Plaintiffs’ S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 99 Renovation Works or rectification works performed by the Plaintiffs (Plaintiffs’ Rectification Works); (2) SP9 and SP10 had admitted during cross-examination that in their reports regarding a certain bungalow, they had relied on duplicate photographs of defects in another bungalow (Duplicate Photographs); and (3) SP9 and SP10 agreed during cross-examination that some of the Other Defects (6 Bungalows) could be due to the Plaintiffs’ Lack of Maintenance (6 Bungalows) and Ordinary Wear and Tear (6 Bungalows). The court is not able to accept the above contentions due to the following reasons: (a) the Oral Evidence (SP1 to SP7) and Plaintiffs’ Written Complaints (Defects) are sufficient to prove the existence of all the Other Defects (6 Bungalows). As explained in Era Kemuncak Jaya, the court does not need expert evidence to prove or disprove the existence of the Alleged Other Defects (6 Bungalows); and (b) if the Plaintiffs’ Rectification Works were successful in the rectification of the defects in question, there is no reason for SP1 to SP7 to give false evidence regarding the existence of those defects. In view of the above reasons, I accept the following submission by Mr. Pereira - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 100 (i) the Other Defects (6 Bungalows) had not been rectified satisfactorily by the Defendant’s Rectification Works in accordance with the 4 SPAs (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Schedule I (for Suits No. 46 and 49); or (ii) the Other Defects (6 Bungalows) had recurred after the Defendant’s Rectification Works. For good measure, the Duplicate Photographs does not undermine the credibility of SP9 and SP10 because SP9 and SP10 had actually inspected all the bungalows in Suits No. 43 to 47. 85. Mr. Rohan had relied on a judgment of Zaleha Yusof JC (as she then was) in the High Court case of R Kanagasingam R Rajasingam & Anor v Wong Chong Fatt & Ors [2009] MLJU 1851 to persuade the court that the Causa Causans [Other Defects (6 Bungalows)] was the Plaintiffs’ Renovation Works. With respect, in Kanagasingam, at [10(b)], the plaintiffs (co-purchasers of a double-storey link house) sued the housing developer for the latter’s breach of duty of care (tort of negligence) in allowing the plaintiffs’ neighbour to carry out renovation works on the adjoining link house and the neighbour’s renovations works had caused damage to the plaintiffs’ house. It is clear that Kanagasingam did not decide on the issue of defects of a housing accommodation (built by a housing developer) which is the subject matter of a Statutory SPA. 86. Mr. Rohan’s reliance on the following four High Court judgments: (1) two decisions of Lim Chong Fong JC (as he then was) in KC Leong Holdings Sdn Bhd v Datin Moh Bee Ling [2015] 7 MLJ 10 and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 101 Komala Devi a/p Perumal v Bandar Eco-Setia Sdn Bhd & Anor [2016] MLJU 719; (2) Lee Swee Seng J’s (as he then was) judgment in Bumimetro Construction Sdn Bhd v Sun-Jaya M&E Sdn Bhd [2020] MLJU 136; and (3) the decision of Linton Albert J (as he then was) in Kiing Teck Hoon v T-Point Aluminium Sdn Bhd & Ors [2007] MLJU 37 - is misplaced because the above four cases do not concern a Statutory SPA. 87. Mr. Rohan had cited the judgment of Diplock LJ (as he then was) who sat as a High Court judge in United Kingdom’s case of Hancock & Ors v BW Brazier (Anerley) Ltd [1966] 2 All ER 1. As explained in the above sub-paragraph 39(9)(d), construction cases from the Commonwealth should be viewed with caution because such cases do not concern the attainment of the Object (HDA). K(4). Can Defendant rely on expiry of DLP to exclude liability for Defects (Air Conditioners) and Defects (6 Bungalows) [referred collectively in this judgment as “All Defects (6 Bungalows)”]? 88. Mr. Rohan had invited the court to decide that the Defendant was not liable for any defect in the 4 Bungalows (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) because the DLP had expired in accordance with Clause 25(1) (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). Reliance had been placed by Mr. Rohan on the judgment of the Court of Appeal delivered by Mohd. Hishamudin JCA in S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 102 Toh Ang Poo (trading as Poo Wah Enterprise) v Jasin Construction Development (M) Sdn Bhd [2014] 2 MLJ 192. 89. Firstly, Toh Ang Poo does not concern a Statutory SPA. 90. Secondly, as explained in the above paragraphs 40 to 44, Schedule I applies to the 2 Bungalows (Suits No. 46 and 49). 91. I reproduce below Clause 25(1) (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27(1) [Schedule I]: “Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) [DLP] (1) Any defect, shrinkage or other faults in the said Building which shall become apparent within a period of twenty-four (24) calendar months after the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Building and which are due to defective workmanship or materials or; the said Building not having been constructed in accordance with the plans and description as specified in the Second and Fourth schedule as approved or amended by the Appropriate Authority, shall be repaired and made good by the Vendor at its own cost and expenses within thirty (30) days of the Vendor having received written notice thereof from the Purchaser. (2) If the said defect, shrinkage or other faults in the said Building have not been made good by the Vendor within the said period of thirty (30) days under subclause (1), the Purchaser shall be entitled to carry out the works to repair and make good the said defect, shrinkage or other faults himself and to recover from the Vendor the costs of repairing and making good the same and the Purchaser may deduct such costs from any sum which has been held by the Vendor’s solicitors as stakeholder for the Vendor under item 5 of the Third Schedule provided that the Purchaser shall, at any S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 103 time after the expiry of the said period of thirty (30) days, notify the Vendor of the cost of repairing and making good the same defect, shrinkage or other faults before the commencement of the works and shall give the Vendor an opportunity to carry out the works himself within fourteen (14) days from the date the Purchaser has notified the Vendor of his intention to carry out the said works and provided further that the Purchaser shall carry out and commence the said works as soon as practicable after the Vendor’s failure to carry out the said works, within the said period of fourteen (14) days. In such an event, the Vendor’s solicitors shall release such costs to the Purchaser from the stakeholder sum held by the Vendor’s solicitors under Item 5 of the Third Schedule within fourteen (14) days after receipt by the Vendor’s solicitors of the Purchaser’s written demand specifying the amount of such costs. (3) Subject to subclause (2), where the Purchaser has, before the expiry of eight (8) months or twenty-four (24) months after the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Building as set out in item 5(a) and item 5(b) respectively of the Third Schedule, duly served on the Vendor’s solicitors a copy of the written notice from the Purchaser to the Vendor under subclause (1) to rectify the said defect, shrinkage, or other faults in the said Building, the Vendor’s solicitors shall not release to the Vendor the relevant sum held by the Vendor’s solicitors pursuant to item 5(a) and/or item 5(b) of the Third Schedule, as the case may be, until the Vendor’s solicitors shall have received a certificate signed by the Vendor’s architect certifying that the said defect, shrinkage or other faults in the said Building have been repaired and made good by the Vendor. Clause 27 [Schedule I] [DLP] (1) Any defect, shrinkage or other faults in the said Building which becomes apparent within twenty-four (24) months after the S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 104 date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Property and which are due to defective workmanship or materials or; the said Building not having been constructed in accordance with the plans and descriptions as specified in the Second and Fourth Schedules as approved or amended by the Appropriate Authority, shall be repaired and made good by the Developer at its own cost and expense within thirty (30) days of the Developer having received written notice thereof from the Purchaser. (2) If the defect, shrinkage or other faults in the said Building have not been made good by the Developer within thirty (30) days referred to in subclause (1), the Purchaser shall be entitled to carry out the works to repair and make good such defect, shrinkage or other faults himself and to recover from the Developer the costs of repairing and making good the same provided that the Purchaser shall, at any time after the expiry of the period of thirty (30) days, notify the Developer of the costs of repairing and making good such defect, shrinkage or other faults before the commencement of the works and shall give the Developer an opportunity to carry out the works himself within thirty (30) days from the date the Purchaser has notified the Developer of his intention to carry out the works and provided further that the Purchaser shall carry out and commence the works as soon as practicable after the Developer’s failure to carry out the works within the said thirty (30) days. In such event, the Developer shall reimburse such costs to the Purchaser within thirty (30) days after the receipt by the Developer of the Purchaser’s written demand specifying the amount of such costs.” (emphasis added). 92. I opine as follows regarding the effect of Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and then the application of Clause 27 [Schedule I]: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 105 (1) Clause 25(1) (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) shall only apply if the following three conditions are fulfilled cumulatively [3 Conditions (Patent Defects)] - (a) defects in a housing accommodation “shall become apparent” (Patent Defects) within 24 calendar months after the date the purchaser of the housing accommodation (Purchaser) has taken vacant possession of the housing accommodation; (b) the Patent Defects are “due to defective workmanship or materials” on the part of the housing developer; and (c) the Purchaser has given written notice of the Patent Defects to the housing developer [Purchaser’s Written Notice (Patent Defects)]; (2) upon the fulfilment of the 3 Conditions (Patent Defects), the Patent Defects “shall be repaired and made good” by the housing developer at the housing developer’s own cost within 30 days from the date of the housing developer’s receipt of the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Patent Defects) (30 Days Period); (3) if the Patent Defects are not rectified by the housing developer at the housing developer’s own cost within the 30 Days Period, by virtue of Clause 25(2) (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) the Purchaser shall be entitled to carry out works to rectify the Patent Defects (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) if the following two conditions are met [2 Conditions (Purchaser’s Rectification Works)] - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 106 (a) written notice of the Purchaser’s Rectification Works shall be given to the housing developer [Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works)] after the expiry of the 30 Days Period and the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works) shall state the following matters - (i) the cost of the Purchaser’s Rectification Works [Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works)]; and (ii) if the housing developer does not rectify the Patent Defects within 14 days from the date of notification of the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works) (14 Days Period), the Purchaser’s Rectification Works would be carried out and the Purchaser shall thereafter claim the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) from the housing developer; and (b) the housing developer has failed to rectify the Patent Defects within the 14 Days Period; (4) upon the completion of the Purchaser’s Rectification Works, according to Clause 25(2) (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) - (a) the Purchaser may recover the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) from the housing developer; or (b) the Purchaser may demand from the housing developer’s solicitors to pay to the Purchaser the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) from the “stakeholder sum” [provided in item 5 of the Third Schedule to the SPA (Suits No. 43 to 45 and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 107 47)] [Purchaser’s Demand (Housing Developer’s Solicitor)] and the housing developer’s solicitors “shall release” the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) to the Purchaser from the stakeholder sum within 14 days after the receipt of the Purchaser’s Demand (Housing Developer’s Solicitor); (5) with regard to Clause 27 [Schedule I] - (a) if the 3 Conditions (Patent Defects) are satisfied, the housing developer is required by Clause 27(1) [Schedule I] to rectify the Patent Defects at the housing developer’s own cost within the 30 Days Period; (b) if the housing developer does not rectify the Patent Defects at the housing developer’s own cost within the 30 Days Period, according to Clause 27(2) [Schedule I], the Purchaser’s Rectification Works may be carried out if - (i) the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works) is given to the housing developer and the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works) shall state as follows - (i)(a) the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works); and (i)(b) if the housing developer does not rectify the Patent Defects within 30 days from the date of notification of the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works), the Purchaser’s Rectification Works would be carried out and the Purchaser shall thereafter S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 108 claim the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) from the housing developer; and (ii) the housing developer has failed to rectify the Patent Defects within 30 days from the date of notification of the Purchaser’s Written Notice (Rectification Works); and (c) upon the completion of the Purchaser’s Rectification Works, the Purchaser may recover the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) from the housing developer by serving a written demand on the housing developer [Purchaser’s Demand (Housing Developer)] and the housing developer “shall reimburse” the Cost (Purchaser’s Rectification Works) to the Purchaser within 30 days after the receipt of the Purchaser’s Demand (Housing Developer); (6) Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27 [Schedule I] do not apply to defects in a housing accommodation which are not apparent to a Purchaser within 24 calendar months after the date the Purchaser has taken vacant possession of the housing accommodation. The meaning of Patent Defects in Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27 [Schedule I] (defects which “shall become apparent” within 24 calendar months after the date the Purchaser has taken vacant possession of the housing accommodation) seems to be slightly different from the meaning of patent defects as explained in the following two cases - (a) Sigma Elevator (defects that can be discovered through reasonable inspection and testing); and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 109 (b) Dua Residency Management Corporation (defects which are “reasonably discoverable” in the sense of being known or detectable upon reasonable observation); and (7) as explained in the above sub-paragraphs (1) to (5), Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27 [Schedule I] do not afford any ground for a housing developer to avoid liability to a Purchaser for breach of a Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and/or Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship). This interpretation is supported by the following cases - (a) in Raja Lob Sharuddin Raja Ahmad Terzali & Ors v Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd [2008] 2 CLJ 284, the Court of Appeal construed clause 23 in a Statutory SPA which is substantially similar to Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27 [Schedule I]. Azmel Maamor JCA (as he then was) decided as follows in Raja Lob Sharuddin, at [24] to [26] - “[DLP] [24] The defendant strenuously contended that the plaintiffs’ action should fail because the defects were discovered after the expiry of the [DLP]. The learned judge had also accepted this as a strong ground to reject the plaintiffs’ claim. The Defect Liability Clause is contained under cl. 23 of the Sale and Purchase agreement which reads: … The question that we have to determine is whether this cl. 23 should be construed and applied against purchasers of houses. To do that it would be incumbent upon us to trace S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 110 the purpose for which cl. 23 was originally created. It began with the passing of the [HDA] and the regulations made thereunder. In 1982 the [1982 Regulations] came into force. And reg. 12(1) [1982 Regulations] provides that every contract of sale for the sale and purchase of a housing accommodation together with the sub-divisional portion of land appurtenant thereto shall be in the form as prescribed in Schedule E. Regulation 12(1) further provides that no amendment to any such contract of sale shall be made except on the ground of hardship or necessity and with the prior approval of the controller. In other words all the provisions in the sale and purchase agreement are actually statutory requirements which must be strictly complied with. Clause 23, in particular, is meant to be an additional protection for house buyers, without affecting or limiting their rights under the common law. This was the ruling made by the Privy Council in City Investment Sdn. Bhd. v. Korperasi Serbaguna Cuepacs Tanggungan Bhd. [1988] 1 MLJ 69. In that case Lord Templeman said: But the [HDA] and the Rules were designed to improve and supplement common law remedies and do not expressly or by implication deprive a litigant of a contractual remedy which is not dealt with under the Rules. … [25] In the Federal Court case of Teh Khem On & Anor v. Yeoh & Wu Development Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. [1996] 2 CLJ 1105, Peh Swee Chin FCJ said: Again, the vendor/builder and in fact, other defendants, all have joined in a common submission by way of defence that the damage occurred after the [DLP] mentioned in cl. 23 of P1. I share the view espoused by Lord Denning in Hancock & Ors v. Bul Brazier Ltd [1966] 2 All ER 901; [1966] 1 WLR 1317, to the effect that such clause similar to cl. 23 in our S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 111 instant appeal about making good structural defects discovered within six months would not take away the right to sue in respect of such defects which were not discoverable with such six months, and that further in regard those defects discovered within the six months, the provision of an express remedy of making good the same defects will not ipso facto take away the rights of any purchaser which normally follow at common law in the case of a breach of contract. It is pertinent to mention that our cl. 23 provides for 12 months instead of six months. The same principles would apply. Thus the said line of defence also fails. [26] On the basis of the ruling made by the above two cases the reliance of the [DLP] as a defence by the defendant should be totally rejected. …” (emphasis added); and (b) the Court of Appeal in Chrishanthini Angela Regina Sebastiampillai v View Esteem Sdn Bhd [2022] 1 LNS 2212 has construed clause 29 of Schedule H which is in pari materia with Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47). According to See Mee Chun JCA in Chrishanthini, at [28], [30], [31] and [32] - “[28] A careful consideration of clause 29 SPA would show that it is not intended to bar a purchaser from asserting the common law rights to claim for damages under the SPA. The legal framework of clause 29 is such that it is a but a mechanism for the purchaser to ensure that defects which shall become apparent within 24 months S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 112 after VP are rectified. This is provided the 30 days’ notice is received. … [30] There is no provision embedded in clause 29 to bar the purchaser from looking to common law for relief even when the purchaser had initially invoked the operation of the clause. … [31] We are fortified in arriving at this finding with reference to Raja Lob Sharuddin where at pages 102-104, the following was stated: … [32] We have found it necessary to reproduce the above paragraphs in extenso as we adopt in toto the principles stated therein that clause 23 which is similar to our clause 29, is intended to be an additional protection to house buyers without affecting their rights under the common law. Although the Respondent sought to distinguish the case in that the claim there was filed after the defect liability period, it cannot detract from the clear principle established that the clause in question could not be construed and applied against house buyers given that its clear intention was to be an additional protection and could not possibly limit the rights of house buyers under common law. This was construed against the backdrop of [HDA] and its Regulations/Rules being a social legislation.” (emphasis added). 93. Premised on - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 113 (1) the interpretation of Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27 [Schedule I] - please refer to the above paragraph 92; and (2) the Court of Appeal judgments in Raja Lob Sharuddin and Chrishanthini - this court unhesitatingly reject the Defendant’s reliance on the expiry of DLP as a ground to exclude the Defendant’s liability for All Defects (6 Bungalows). K(5). Can Defendant rely on CCC (Project)? 94. Mr. Rohan had made a far-reaching submission. The CCC (Project) stated in our National Language as follows, among others: “… Saya dengan ini mengeluarkan [CCC] untuk [6 Bungalows] setelah berpuas hati bahawa bangunan/bangunan-bangunan itu telah siap menurut pengetahuan dan kepercayaan saya kerja/kerja-kerja itu adalah mengikuti [SUBBL] dan pelan-pelan yang diluluskan. Saya dengan ini memperakui bahawa bangunan/bangunan-bangunan itu adalah selamat dan layak untuk diduduki. … 1. Butir-butir [principal submitting person] Nama: [Ar. Kam]” (emphasis added). According to Mr. Rohan, in view of the above contents of the CCC (Project), the Defendant was not liable to the Plaintiffs for All Defects (6 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 114 Bungalows). Mr. Rohan had relied on the following two High Court judgments: (1) the decision of Prasad Sandosham Abraham J (as he then was) in Allan Kinsey & Anor v Sunway Rahman Putra Sdn Bhd & Anor, Dekon Sdn Bhd (Third Party) [2015] 4 CLJ 624; and (2) Lim Chong Fong J’s (as he then was) judgment in Bergamo Development (M) Sdn Bhd v ECK Development Sdn Bhd & Anor [2018] MLJU 555. 95. I am of the following view regarding the effect of a CCC: (1) SUBBL are made by the Selangor State Authority under s 133 of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (SDBA); and (2) neither SDBA nor SUBBL concern Statutory SPAs. More importantly, SDBA and SUBBL do not provide for any defence in the form of the CCC to any housing developer who faces a suit by Purchasers that Statutory SPAs have been breached by housing developers. If otherwise, this will be contrary to the Object (HDA). 96. In view of the reasons stated in the above paragraph 95, I cannot accept the above contention by Mr. Rohan. Furthermore, SD12 testified that Ar. Kam did not even inspect the 6 Bungalows before he signed the CCC (Project). Worse still, the Defendant did not even call Ar. Kam as a defence witness and the Plaintiffs were thereby deprived of their right to cross-examine him with regard to the contents of the CCC (Project). 97. Bergamo Development is not a decision regarding Statutory SPA. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 115 98. With regard to Allan Kinsey, this case can be easily distinguished from the 6 Suits because there was no evidence to prove any breach of the Statutory SPA by the housing developer in Allan Kinsey. I reproduce below the relevant part of the judgment in Allan Kinsey, at [33] to [35]: “[33] The court is of the view that all the evidence and documents point to the irresistible conclusion that the said property had been constructed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. The first defendant has delivered vacant possession of the said property with inter alia the support of a certificate signed by the first defendant’s architect (see p. 38 bundle B2) certifying that the said property been duly constructed and completed in accordance with all relevant acts, by-laws and regulations and that all conditions imposed by the appropriate authority in respect of the issuance of the certificate of fitness for occupation had been duly complied with. [34] The plaintiffs’ expert reports whilst dealing with the issue of cracks, does not focus on the first defendant’s obligations under cl. 14. Whilst the findings might be relevant in support of a plea for breach of duty, alas since the plaintiffs relies by way of its pleading on a breach of cl. 14 of the principal agreement, the report is of little assistance to the plaintiffs. [35] It is therefore the view of the court that the first defendant had complied with its contractual obligations under cl. 14 of the principal agreement. …” (emphasis added). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 116 K(6). Whether Defendant can rely on Plaintiffs’ Inspection of 6 Bungalows (Delivery of Vacant Possession), CRM Checklist, Inventory Checklist, Genuine DRFs/FFs, no prior notification of defects by Plaintiffs and equitable estoppel doctrine 99. I reproduce below the relevant part of DRFs: “DEFECT RECTIFICATION FORM … UPON COMPLETION OF RECTIFICATION WORKS We hereby agree that all defects have rectified satisfactorily. Signature of customer [Plaintiff]: Representative of [Defendant] Name: Name: Date: Date: ” (emphasis added). Certain DRFs and FFs had a stamp “RESOLVED” on those documents [DRFs/FFs (“Resolved” Stamp)]. 100. Mr. Rohan had contended that the Defendant was not liable to the Plaintiffs for All Defects (6 Bungalows) because - (1) the Plaintiffs did not complain to the Defendant of any defect in the 6 Bungalows - (a) during the Plaintiffs’ Inspection of 6 Bungalows (Delivery of Vacant Possession); and (b) when the Plaintiffs signed CRM Checklist and Inventory Checklist with regard to the 6 Bungalows; S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 117 (2) the DRFs/FFs (“Resolved” Stamp) proved that the Defendant’s Rectification Works had been satisfactorily carried out; (3) prior to the filing of the 6 Suits, the Plaintiffs did not notify the Defendant of certain defects in the 6 Bungalows. The Defendant was only informed of certain defects in the 6 Bungalows in the reports of SP8, SP9 and SP10 (after the filing of the 6 Suits and before the commencement of Trial); and (4) in view of the matters stated in the above sub-paragraphs (1) to (3), the Plaintiffs are estopped from claiming for All Defects (6 Bungalows). 101. I am not able to accept the Defendant’s detailed submission stated in the above paragraph 100. My reasons are as follows: (1) a Purchaser has a right under s 6(1)(a) of the Limitation Act 1953 (LA) to file a suit for a breach of Statutory SPA within six years from the date of the housing developer’s breach of the Statutory SPA [Purchaser’s Right to Sue Housing Developer (6 Years Limitation Period)]. There is nothing in HDA, HDR and Statutory SPAs which has abridged the Purchaser’s Right to Sue Housing Developer (6 Years Limitation Period). In view of the Purchaser’s Right to Sue Housing Developer (6 Years Limitation Period), the Plaintiffs could claim in the 6 Suits for any defect in the 6 Bungalows provided that the 6 Suits were filed within the six-year limitation period stipulated in s 6(1)(a) LA even though - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 118 (a) the Plaintiffs did not complain to the Defendant of any defect in the 6 Bungalows - (i) during the Plaintiffs’ Inspection of 6 Bungalows (Delivery of Vacant Possession); (ii) when the Plaintiffs signed CRM Checklist and Inventory Checklist with regard to the 6 Bungalows; and (iii) before the institution of the 6 Suits; and (b) certain defects in the 6 Bungalows were only brought to the Defendant’s attention in the reports of SP8, SP9 and SP10 (after the commencement of the 6 Suits); (2) the court cannot accept the truth of the contents of the DRFs/FFs (“Resolved” Stamp) because the Plaintiffs had proven on a balance of probabilities the existence of All Defects (6 Bungalows) - please refer to the above paragraph 79; (3) certain Other Defects (6 Bungalows) - (a) were not apparent to the Plaintiffs within 24 calendar months after the Plaintiffs had taken vacant possession of the 6 Bungalows within the meaning of Clause 25 (Suits No. 43 to 45 and 47) and Clause 27 [Schedule I]; (b) could not be discovered by the Plaintiffs through reasonable inspection and testing (as explained in Sigma Elevator); or S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 119 (c) could not be “reasonably discoverable” by the Plaintiffs in the sense of being known or detectable upon reasonable observation (please refer to Dua Residency Management Corporation) [the above defects are collectively referred to in this judgment as “Latent Defects (6 Bungalows)”]. It is only in the interest of justice for the Defendant to be liable to the Plaintiffs for the Latent Defects (6 Bungalows); (4) the doctrine of equitable estoppel cannot be invoked by the Defendant against the Plaintiffs in the 6 Suits because - (a) the doctrine of equitable estoppel cannot apply in view of the application of HDA and HDR in the 6 Suits by way of the Statutory SPAs. I rely on the following judgment of the Supreme Court delivered by Hashim Yeop Sani CJ (Malaya) in Hotel Ambassador (M) Sdn Bhd v Seapower (M) Sdn Bhd [1991] 1 MLJ 404, at 407 - “On the question of issue estoppel we agree with the learned judge that on the facts of this case the appellants cannot invoke the doctrine of issue estoppel. There can be no estoppel as against statutory provisions.” (emphasis added); (b) the doctrine of equitable estoppel cannot shield the Defendant from the effect of the Defendant’s 3 Breaches (SUBBL) [which supports the Defendant’s breach of the Housing Developer’s S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 120 Obligation Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) - please refer to the above sub-paragraph 79(5)]; and (c) the doctrine of equitable estoppel is based on justice and equity. If I have applied this doctrine to bar the Plaintiffs from claiming for any remedy for All Defects (6 Bungalows), this would have caused an injustice and inequity to the Plaintiffs; and (5) if the court accepts any one or more of the contentions advanced by the Defendant in the above paragraph 100, this is tantamount to allowing the Defendant to circumvent the Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) pursuant to Clause 13 (Suits No. 45 and 47) and Clause 15(1) [Schedule I]. Such an outcome clearly defeats the Object (HDA). L. Can Plaintiffs recover Rectification Cost (6 Bungalows) for Other Defects (6 Bungalows) [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]? L(1). Whether SP9, SP10, SP16 and SD13 were competent to provide expert evidence on Rectification Cost (Other Defects) 102. Mr. Rohan has submitted that only a person who has training, qualification or experience in quantity surveying can give an expert’s view on the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]. With respect, I am not able to agree. My reasons are as follows: S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 121 (1) as explained in the above paragraph 65, premised on Era Kemuncak Jaya, the court does not need expert testimony to decide on the quantum of Rectification Cost (Other Defects) {Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]}. The court, of course, may refer to expert opinions when the court ascertains the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]; and (2) if this court has accepted the above contention, this has far-reaching repercussions. This means in all cases concerning rectification of construction defects, claimants have to call QSs to give their expert testimonies to prove rectification cost. As explained in Era Kemuncak Jaya, there is no such requirement in s 45(1) EA or any written law. Worse still, this will increase costs and may impede plaintiffs’ fundamental right of access to justice. 103. Contrary to Mr. Rohan’s submission, I accept SP9 and SP10 as competent experts under s 45(1) EA to assist the court to decide the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] in Suits No. 43 to 47. This is because SP9 and SP10 are qualified and practising architects who have sufficient knowledge and experience in the construction industry to proffer their expert views on the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] in Suits No. 43 to 47 [Expert Opinions of SP9 and SP10 (Rectification Cost)]. 104. SP16, as a qualified and practising QS, is a competent expert pursuant to s 45(1) EA to give an expert opinion on the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] in Suit No. 49 (SP16’s Expert Opinion). Similarly, I accept that SD13, a qualified and practising QS, is competent to give S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 122 an expert view on the Quantum (Rectification Cost) (SD13’s Expert Opinion). L(2). What is Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] to be awarded by court? 105. According to the Expert Opinions of SP9 and SP10 (Rectification Cost), the following sums of money should be awarded as Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] for Suits No. 43 to 47: (1) for Bungalow (Suit No. 43) - RM 680,970.00; (2) for Bungalow (Suit No. 44) - RM 780,960.00; (3) for Bungalow (Suit No. 45) - RM 841,060.00; (4) for Bungalow (Suit No. 46) - RM 731,780.00; and (5) for Bungalow (Suit No. 47) - RM 826,450.00. 106. Based on SP16’s Expert Opinion, a sum of RM 509,280.62 constitutes the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] for Bungalow (Suit No. 49). 107. In comparison to - (1) the Expert Opinions of SP9 and SP10 (Rectification Cost); and (2) SP16’s Expert Opinion - SD13’s Expert Opinion provided a far lower sum of Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 123 108. In view of the High Purchase Prices, I make the following findings of fact: (1) the Rectification Cost opined by SP9, SP10 and SP16 [Rectification Cost (Opinions of SP9, SP10 and SP16)] “naturally arose in the usual course of things” from the Defendant’s breach of the Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) [Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs)] within the meaning of the 1st Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; (2) the Rectification Cost (Opinions of SP9, SP10 and SP16) would have been known to the Plaintiffs and Defendant, when they made the 6 SPAs, that the Rectification Cost (Opinions of SP9, SP10 and SP16) was “likely to result” from the Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs) as understood in the 2nd Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; (3) the Rectification Cost (Opinions of SP9, SP10 and SP16) is just and reasonable to compensate adequately the Plaintiffs for the Other Defects (6 Bungalows). In other words, the Plaintiffs are not unjustly enriched by the Rectification Cost (Opinions of SP9, SP10 and SP16); and (4) SD13’s Expert Opinion regarding the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] is far too low and cannot compensate adequately the Plaintiffs for the Other Defects (6 Bungalows). Furthermore, this court cannot attach any weight to SD13’s Expert Opinion due to the following reasons - S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 124 (a) SD13 did not inspect the 6 Bungalows. It is difficult for the court to believe an expert who had not personally visited the 6 Bungalows and had no first-hand knowledge of the Other Defects (6 Bungalows) when the expert provided an estimate of the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]; (b) SD13’s report was prepared in late 2021 but he admitted during cross-examination that he had used rates which were applicable in 2018 (2018 Rates). The court can take judicial notice that cost of rectification work can only increase (not decrease) by the passage of time because such a fact is - (i) “subject of common and general knowledge and its existence or operation is accepted by the public without qualification or contention”; and (ii) “so sufficiently notorious” for which the court may assume the existence of the matter without proof - please refer to the judgment of the Supreme Court delivered by Syed Agil Barakbah SCJ in Pembangunan Maha Murni Sdn Bhd v Jururus Ladang Sdn Bhd [1986] 2 MLJ 30, at 31 to 32. At the time of the preparation of SD13’s report, the Plaintiffs were waiting for the court’s decision in the 6 Suits and the Plaintiffs’ Rectification Works had yet to commence. An honest, competent and professional expert should have used the rates which were applicable at the time of the preparation of the expert’s report (Current Rates). By deliberately relying on 2018 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 125 Rates and by omitting to consider the Current Rates, SD13 had dishonestly conducted an under-estimation of the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)]. In this regard, I cannot accept Mr. Rohan’s contention that SD13 had properly relied on 2018 Rates because he was appointed by the Defendant to give an expert view in 2018. This is because if there is any delay in the preparation of an expert’s valuation report (deliberate or otherwise) and the Current Rates are higher than 2018 Rates, it is incumbent on an honest, competent and professional expert to use the Current Rates. If otherwise, parties, learned counsel and experts will be “emboldened” to delay the preparation of valuation reports which is dissonant with justice and the duties owed by learned counsel and expert to disclose all material facts to the court; and (c) SD13’s report did not state that he had many discussions with SD5 regarding the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] [Discussions (SD13-SD5)]. During cross-examination, SD13 admitted that certain parts of SD13’s Opinion were based on the Discussions (SD13-SD5). As SD13’s Opinion was premised on, among others, the Discussions (SD13-SD5), SD13’s report should have disclosed such a material fact {SD13’s Concealment [Discussions (SD13-SD5)]}. SD13’s Concealment [Discussions (SD13-SD5)] has - (i) effectively undermined SD13’s credibility as an expert witness; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 126 (ii) caused an injustice to the Plaintiffs because Mr. Pereira had been deprived of his right to cross-examine SD5 on the contents of the Discussions (SD13-SD5). 109. As explained in the above paragraph 108, I find as a fact that the Plaintiffs have discharged the legal and evidential burden to prove the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] as opined by SP9, SP10 and SP16. L(3). Can Plaintiffs claim for Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows), including Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows)? 110. The Plaintiffs had adduced expert evidence from SP11 and SP12 regarding their Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows). 111. In view of the above claim by the Plaintiffs, Mr. Rohan had called SD1 to give an expert opinion regarding the Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) allegedly suffered by the Plaintiffs. 112. I accept Mr. Rohan’s submission that the Plaintiffs (Suits No. 43 to 47) have no basis to claim for Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) because - (1) the Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs) did not render the 6 Bungalows not fit for human habitation. In fact, the Plaintiffs had failed to adduce any evidence that the Plaintiffs could not reside in 6 Bungalows due to the Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs). Consequently, S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 127 the Plaintiffs had failed to discharge the legal and evidential burden to prove Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) on a balance of probabilities; (2) Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) are too remote to be recovered by the Plaintiffs in the 6 Suits due to the following reasons - (a) the Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) did not naturally arise in the usual course of things from the Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs) as required by the 1st Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; and (b) the Plaintiffs and Defendant would have known, when they made the 6 SPAs that the Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) were not likely to result from the Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs) within the meaning of the 2nd Limb [Section 74(1) CA]; and (3) this court has awarded the Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] and Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] [collectively referred to in this judgment as the “Award (Total Damages)”] in favour of the Plaintiffs against the Defendant. If I have awarded Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows) in the 6 Suits, this will be tantamount to an unjust enrichment of the Plaintiffs at the expense of the Defendant. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 128 M. Whether Plaintiffs can claim pre-judgment interest on Award (Total Damages) 113. Section 11 of the Civil Law Act 1956 (CLA) and O 42 r 12 RC are reproduced below: “s 11 CLA Power of Courts to award interest on debts and damages In any proceedings tried in any Court for the recovery of any debt or damages, the Court may, if it thinks fit, order that there shall be included in the sum for which judgment is given interest as such rate as it thinks fit on the whole or any part of the debt or damages for the whole or any part of the period between the date when the cause of action arose and the date of the judgment: Provided that nothing in this section - (a) shall authorize the giving of interest upon interest; (b) shall apply in relation to any debt upon which interest is payable as of right whether by virtue of any agreement or otherwise; or (c) shall affect the damages recoverable for the dishonour of a bill of exchange. O 42 r 12 RC Interest on judgment debts Subject to rule 12A, except when it has been otherwise agreed between the parties, every judgment debt shall carry interest at such rate as the Chief Justice may from time to time determine or at such other rate not exceeding the rate aforesaid as the Court determines, such interest to be calculated from the date of judgment until the judgment is satisfied.” (emphasis added). S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 129 114. It is not disputed that the court has the following discretionary power to award interest on a judgment sum: (1) by reason of s 11 CLA, the court may award pre-judgment interest on any judgment sum “at such rate as it thinks fit on the whole or any part of the … damages for the whole or any part of the period … between the date when the cause of action arose and the date of judgment” - please refer to the judgment of Raja Azlan Shah FJ (as His Majesty then was) in the Federal Court in Lim Kar Bee v Abdul Latif bin Ismail [1978] 1 MLJ 109, at 120; and (2) according to O 42 r 12 RC, the court may order a judgment debtor to pay to the judgment creditor post-judgment interest at the rate of 5% per annum (pa) on a judgment sum from the date of the oral decision of the case until full payment of the judgment sum. 115. I have delivered my oral decision for the 6 Suits on 9.12.2022 [Date (Oral Decision)]. 116. Mr. Pereira has invited the court to grant pre-judgment interest on the Award (Total Damages) from the dates of the accrual of the causes of action vested in the Plaintiffs for the Defendant’s Breach (6 SPAs) [Accrual Dates (Plaintiffs’ Causes of Action)]. According to Mr. Pereira, the Accrual Dates (Plaintiffs’ Causes of Action) were the dates when the Defendant delivered vacant possession of the 6 Bungalows to the Plaintiffs. 117. I am not able to grant pre-judgment interest on the Award (Total Damages). On the contrary, this court exercises its discretion under s 11 S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 130 CLA and O 42 r 12 RC to order the Defendant to pay interest at the rate of 5% pa on the Award (Total Damages) from the Date (Oral Decision) until full satisfaction of the same. The reasons for this exercise of discretion are as follows: (1) the Plaintiffs have yet to incur any expense to rectify All Defects (6 Bungalows). A grant of pre-judgment interest on the Award (Total Damages) will amount to an unjustifiable windfall for the Plaintiffs; and (2) as explained in Linsun Engineering Sdn Bhd v Shin Eversendai Engineering Sdn Bhd [2023] 4 MLRH 466, at [61], this court’s award of interest at the rate of 5% pa on the Award (Total Damages) is higher than the bank interest rates which prevailed at the time of the Accrual Dates (Plaintiffs’ Causes of Action). In other words, the Plaintiffs cannot claim to be prejudiced by the court’s refusal to grant pre-judgment interest on the Award (Total Damages) in the 6 Suits. N. Costs of 6 Suits [Costs (6 Suits)] N(1). Should court certify fees for 2 counsel in favour of Plaintiffs? 118. Mr. Pereira had applied to the court to certify under O 59 r 14(1) RC for fees of two counsel to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff as Costs (6 Suits). According to O 59 r 14(1) RC - “The fees for more than one counsel for one party or set of defendants shall not be allowed unless the Court or Judge at the hearing so certifies.” S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 131 (emphasis added). 119. It is decided in Singham Sulaiman Sdn Bhd v Appraisal Property Management Sdn Bhd & Anor and another case [2018] 10 MLJ 187, at [115], as follows: “[115] Regarding the court’s power to certify fees for 2 counsel under O 59 r 14(1) RC, I am of the following view: (1) the court has a discretion pursuant to O 59 r 14(1) RC to certify fees for more than one counsel. The court’s exercise of discretion is based on the particular facts of the case at hand and does not constitute a binding legal precedent from the view point of stare decisis doctrine; (2) I refer to Barwick CJ’s judgment in the 4-1 majority decision of the High Court of Australia in Stanley v Phillips (1966) 115 CLR 470, at paragraph 16, which decided that the court may allow fees for more than one counsel where the court is satisfied that “the nature and circumstances of the case are such that the services of two counsel are required if the case is to be presented to the court in such a manner that justice can be done between the parties”. It is to be noted that the High Court of Australia is its apex court; and (3) the court should be wary in certifying fees for more than one counsel because as explained by Vincent Ng Kim Khoay J (as he then was) in the High Court in Pen Apparel Sdn Bhd v Leow Chooi Khon & Ors [1995] 4 CLJ 606, at 616-617, “the process of litigation is solely to enable a litigant to have his rights litigated, rather than to permit him to acquire monetary gains”. Costs is not a remedy in itself. Excessive costs amounts to an unjustifiable windfall and impedes a party’s fundamental right of S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 132 access to justice as provided in Article 5(1) Constitution - please see the Federal Court’s judgment in Sivarasa Rasiah v Badan Peguam Malaysia [2010] 3 CLJ 507, at 514-515.” (emphasis added). 120. Notwithstanding the fact that the 6 Suits raise novel legal issues (please refer to the above paragraph 21), premised on Singham Sulaiman, I decline to exercise my discretion under O 59 r 14(1) RC to certify fees for two counsel to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff as Costs (6 Suits). This decision is based on the following reasons: (1) the nature and circumstances of the 6 Suits do not require the services of two counsel to represent the Plaintiffs so as to enable this court to decide the 6 Suits in a just manner; and (2) if I have certified fees of two counsel to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff as Costs (6 Suits), there is an unjust enrichment to the Plaintiffs in respect of the Costs (6 Suits). N(2). Quantum of Costs (6 Suits) [Quantum (Costs)] 121. By virtue of O 59 rr 2(2), 3(2), 16(2), (3), 19(1) and (2) RC, with regard to the Quantum (Costs), I exercise my discretion as follows: (1) as the Plaintiffs have largely been successful in the 6 Suits, “costs to follow the event”, namely, the Defendant shall pay Costs (6 Suits) to the Plaintiffs on a standard basis. Determination of costs on a standard basis pursuant to O 59 r 16(2) and (3) RC does not entitle the Plaintiffs to claim Costs (6 Suits) on a “time cost” basis - please S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 133 refer to Allan Lee Mason & Anor v Jeremy Keith Smeeton & Ors [2016] 1 LNS 1593, at [81] and [82]; (2) in respect of issues which the court has found in favour of the Plaintiffs against the Defendant, the Plaintiff is entitled to claim from the Defendant the fees of the relevant experts as “Out of Pocket Expenses”. Accordingly, the Plaintiffs are entitled to claim from the Defendant the expert fees for SP8, SP9, SP10, SP13, SP14 and SP16; and (3) the Defendant is entitled to deduct the following sums from the Quantum (Costs) - (a) two questions which the court has decided in favour of the Defendant against the Plaintiffs, namely - (i) the Defendant’s use of Red Balau timber in the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49); and (ii) the dismissal of the Plaintiffs’ claim for Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows); and (b) the expert fees paid by the Defendant for - (i) SD1 [to give his expert view regarding the Plaintiffs’ claim for Loss of Use/Enjoyment (6 Bungalows) and Loss of Rental (6 Bungalows)]; and S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 134 (ii) SD4’s Expert Opinion with regard to the timber used by the Defendant to construct the 3 Bungalows (Suits No. 45, 47 and 49). 122. Taking into consideration the reasons stated in the above paragraph 121 as well as the considerations provided in O 59 r 16(1)(a) to (c), (e) and (f) RC, this court exercises its discretion to determine the Quantum (Costs) as follows: (1) the Defendant shall pay RM90,000.00 as the Quantum (Costs) for each of Suits No. 43, 44, 45 and 47; and (2) a sum of RM100,000.00 shall be paid by the Defendant as the Quantum (Costs) for each of Suits No. 46 and 49. 123. In accordance with O 59 r 24 RC, I award interest at the rate of 5% pa on the Quantum (Costs) for the 6 Suits from 30.3.2023, the date of determination of the Quantum (Costs) [Date (Determination of Costs)] until full payment of the same. O. Summary of court’s decision 124. In brief, the 6 Suits are allowed with the following judgment: (1) the Defendant shall pay the following damages to the Plaintiffs - (a) the Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)] - please refer to the above paragraphs 72 and 73; and (b) the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] - please see the above paragraphs 105, 106, 108 and 109; S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 135 (2) interest at the rate of 5% pa on the Award (Total Damages) from the Date (Oral Decision) until full payment of the Award (Total Damages) shall be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiffs - please refer to the above paragraph 117; (3) as explained in the above paragraphs 121 and 122, the Defendant shall pay the Quantum (Costs); and (4) interest at the rate of 5% pa on the Quantum (Costs) shall be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiffs from the Date (Determination of Costs)] until full realization of the same. P. Conclusion 125. The 6 Suits do not concern a “mismatch of expectations” (in the words of Mr. Rohan) but involve the Plaintiffs’ right to claim damages for the Defendant’s breach of its Housing Developer’s Obligation (Materials) and Housing Developer’s Obligation (Good Workmanship) under the Statutory SPAs. 126. The Defendant should have instituted third party proceedings under O 16 r 1(1)(a) RC against the Main Contractor for an indemnity or contribution with regard to - (1) the Quantum [Damages for Defects (Air Conditioners)]; and (2) the Quantum [Rectification Cost (Other Defects)] - for which the Defendant was liable to the Plaintiffs. S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 136 127. I must end this judgment with the court’s gratitude to Mr. Pereira and Mr. Rohan for their able assistance in these 6 Suits (which has lightened considerably my task in the preparation of this written judgment). WONG KIAN KHEONG Judge Court of Appeal, Malaysia DATE: 14 JANUARY 2024 Counsel for Plaintiffs Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira & Mr. Gary Wong Kin Wai (in 6 Suits): (Messrs Goh Wong Pereira) Counsel for Defendant Mr. Rohan Arasoo A/L Jeyabalah (in 6 Suits): Ms. Amy Hiew Kar Yi & Ms. Pan Yan Teng (Messrs Harold & Lam Partnership) S/N kuxvHIBHP0WHExyynT4s5Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil procedure - Originating Summons - Included in the prayers was a mandatory injunction for the Defendant to give effect to a previous High Court Judgment - Judgment affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeal - Leave to appeal to Federal Court was denied - Failure to comply with Judgment and Orders - Whether the Court was wrong to grant the prayers sought - Omnibus prayer - Inherent powers of the Court to prevent injustice - Application allowed
YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN SAMAN PEMULA NO: AB-24NCVC-21-02/2023 Dalam perkara mengenai Penghakiman bertarikh 9.8.2018 bagi Guaman Sivil No. AB22NCVC-14-06/2017 di Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Taiping, Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Hartanah sebuah rumah (Aset Perkahwinan) yang dipegang di bawah hakmilik individu GM 10265, Lot No. 81958, Seksyen 30, Tempat Telok Gadong Besar di Bandar Klang, Daerah Klang, Negeri Selangor Darul Eshan yang mempunyai alamat di No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Senarai Aset-Aset Harta Pusaka Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan (No. Kad Pengenalan: 640223-07- 5399), Si Mati di bawah Geran Probet bertarikh 12.10.2016 yang dikeluarkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Shah Alam bagi Saman Pemula No: BA-32NCvC-536- 09/2016. Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen 53 Akta Relif Spesifik 1950. Dan 11/11/2023 23:13:10 AB-24NCvC-21-02/2023 Kand. 41 S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 Dalam perkara mengenai Aturan 7 dan Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 KaedahKaedah Mahkamah 2012. ANTARA PREMALATHA A/P RAMA GOVINDA (No. K/P: 770409-06-5848) …PLAINTIF DAN PREMAVATHY A/P BALAKRISHNAN (NO. K/P: 570813-08-6302) ...DEFENDAN GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT INTRODUCTION [1] This Court decided on 22.8.2023 to allow the Originating Summons (“the OS”) in this case filed by the Plaintiff with costs. The Defendant filed a Notice of Appeal against the Court’s decision on 19.9.2023. This Grounds of Judgment contains the reasons for allowing the OS. [2] The prayers in the OS sought for the following orders from the Court: “1. Bahawa Defendan dikehendaki untuk mengambil tindakan dan/atau melaksanakan yang berikut, dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari dari tarikh Perintah ini, bagi tujuan melaksanakan dan/atau mematuhi Penghakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Taiping bertarikh 9.8.2018 bagi Guaman Sivil No: AB-22NCVC-14-06/2017:- (a) Memfailkan suatu permohonan untuk meminda Senarai Aset- Aset Harta Pusaka Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan (No. Kad Pengenalan: 640223-07-5399), Si Mati di bawah Geran Probet bertarikh 12.10.2016 seperti yang dicadangkan di Lampiran A yang dilampirkan bersama dengan Saman Pemula ini; S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 (c) Melaksanakan turunmilik dan mendaftarkan Defendan sebagai wakil/wasi kepada Harta Pusaka Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan (No. Kad Pengenalan: 640223-07-5399), Si Mati atas Hartanah sebuah rumah yang dipegang di bawah hakmilik individu GM 10265, Lot No. 81958, Seksyen 30, Tempat Telok Gadong Besar di Bandar Klang, Daerah Klang, Negeri Selangor Darul Eshan yang mempunyai alamat di No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai "Aset Perkahwinan tersebut"), dan seterusnya, melaksanakan pindahmilik setengah (1/2) bahagian Aset Perkahwinan tersebut daripada Defendan selaku Wasi ke atas nama Plaintif selaku Benefisiari kepada setengah (1/2) bahagian Aset Perkahwinan tersebut di bawah suatu amanah; dan (c) Memberikan satu set kunci yang lengkap bagi Aset Perkahwinan tersebut kepada Plaintif supaya Plaintif dapat mengakses Aset Perkahwinan tersebut. 2. Bahawa sekiranya Defendan gagal untuk melaksanakan perkara 1(a) di atas dalam masa yang ditetapkan, Plaintif mempunyai hak untuk memfailkan suatu permohonan bagi meminda Senarai Aset-Aset Harta Pusaka Si Mati di bawah Geran Probet bertarikh 12.10.2016 seperti yang dicadangkan di Lampiran A, 3. Bahawa Defendan dikehendaki membekalkan salinan Suratan Hakmilik (“Title Deed”) bagi Aset Perkahwinan tersebut kepada Plaintif, dalam tempoh empat belas (14) setelah Suratan Hakmilik yang mencerminkan pemindahan setengah (1/2) bahagian Aset Perkahwinan tersebut ke atas nama Plaintif dikeluarkan, bagi tujuan rekod dan simpanan Plaintif; 4. Bahawa Defendan dikehendaki untuk membayar jumlah sebanyak RM31,200.00 kepada Plaintif daripada Estet Si Mati, yang merupakan jumlah kos dan fi alokatur yang telah diperintahkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Taiping (melalui Penghakiman bertarikh 9.8.2018 di Guaman Sivil No: AB-22NCVC-14-06/2017) dan Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia (melalui Perintah bertarikh 11.2.2020 di Permohonan Sivil No: 08(f)-339- 08/2019(A)); 5. Bahawa Notis Pengendorsan sebagaimana dalam Borang 83 Kaedah- Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dimasukkan ke dalam perintah ini; 6. Bahawa segala kos yang terlibat bagi melaksanakan perintah ini dan kos permohonan ini ditanggung oleh Defendan; S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 7. Lain-lain relif yang dianggap patut dan sesuai oleh Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini.”. [3] The brief reasons listed by the Plaintiff in the OS were: “1. Seperti yang dihakimi di bawah Penghakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Taiping bertarikh 9.8.2018 (yang disahkan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan), Plaintif sebagai seorang isteri/balu mempunyai hak dan kepentingan ke atas Aset Perkahwinan tersebut, yang mana Si Mati adalah memegang setengah (1/2) bahagian hartanah Aset Perkahwinan tersebut atas dasar Amanah bagi Plaintif. 2. Defendan selaku Wasi dan pemegang amanah di bawah Wasiat Si Mati bertarikh 14.2.2016 bagi Harta Pusaka dan Estet Si Mati masih enggan dan/atau gagal dan/atau abai untuk mengambil tindakan yang selanjutnya dan yang diperlukan, untuk mengiktiraf hak dan kepentingan Plaintif sebagai seorang pemilik yang memiliki setengah (1/2) bahagian hartanah Aset Perkahwinan tersebut, dan juga membayar kos dan fi alokatur yang diperintahkan kepada Plaintif selaku pihak yang menang dalam litigasi, walaupun Defendan telah berulang kali dituntut oleh Plaintif dan/atau peguamcara Plaintif untuk berbuat demikian. 3. Terdapat prejudis yang dialami oleh Plaintif yang diakibatkan oleh Defendan atas representasi palsu Defendan, di mana Defendan telah memberi harapan kepada Plaintif bahawa Defendan sememangnya mengiktiraf hak dan dan kepentingan Plaintif selaku pemilik yang memiliki setengah (1/2) bahagian hartanah Aset Perkahwinan tersebut dan juga mempunyai niat untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini secara aman damai dengan Plaintif. 4. Walau bagaimanapun, perbincangan bagi perlaksanaan perkara ini yang dijalankan di antara pihak-pihak melalui peguamcara-peguamcara masing-masing tidak membuahkan apa-apa hasil yang positif (“did not yield any positive results”) dan sehingga kini, Defendan juga gagal dan/atau abai dan/atau enggan untuk mengambil tindakan yang selanjutnya dan yang diperlukan, menurut terma-terma Penghakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Taiping bertarikh 9.8.2018 tersebut.” [4] The OS was filed on 8.2.2023 together with the Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Support (Encl. 2) . The Defendant’s Affidavit in Reply (Encl. 12) was only filed on 26.4.2023 after leave was granted by the Court on 11.4.2023 S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 pursuant to the Defendant’s application in Encl. 6 to obtain an extension of time to reply to Encl. 2. [5] The Cause Papers for Encl. 1 were as follows: i. Saman Pemula dated 8.2.2023 (Encl. 1); ii. Afidavit Sokongan Plaintif affirmed by Premalatha A/P Rama Govinda on 8.2.2023 (Encl. 2); iii. Afidavit Jawapan Defendan affirmed by Premavathy A/P Balakrishnan on 26.4.2023 (Encl. 12); iv. Afidavit Balasan Plaintif affirmed by Premalatha A/P Rama Govinda on 10.5.2023 (Encl. 13); and v. Afidavit Jawapan Kedua Defendan affirmed by Premavathy A/P Balakrishnan on 24.5.2023 (Encl. 14). FACTUAL MATRIX [6] The Plaintiff was the lawful wife of Dr. Ganeshwaran A/L K T Balakrishnan (“the Deceased”). The couple had a matrimonial home which was a double storey terrace house at No. No.62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan (“the Property”). The Deceased passed away on 14.3.2016. During his lifetime, the Deceased had drawn up a Will and named his mother as the Executor of his estate. However, if his mother was unwilling or unable to act, then his sister, the Defendant, would be appointed as Executor. In the Will dated 14.2.2026 he had bequeathed his possessions amongst his family members whereas the Property was to be given entirely to the Defendant. He did not leave anything for his wife. A Grant of Probate was obtained by the Defendant at the Shah Alam High Court on 12.10.2016. S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [7] The Plaintiff challenged the Will and claimed the Property and other ancillary orders vide Suit No. AB-22NCVC-14-06/2017 at the Taiping High Court. On 9.8.2018, after four days of trial, the High Court gave judgment in favour of the Plaintiff (“the Judgment”) and made the following orders: “1. “Wasiat bertarikh 14.2.2016 yang dibuat oleh Si Mati, Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan adalah sah dan berkuatkuasa. 2. Hartanah sebuah rumah yang beralamat di No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan yang dipertikaikan bukanlah harta Si Mati, Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan sepenuhnya dan harta itu dipegang sebahagian untuk amanah bagi pihak Plaintif dan bahagian itu tidak boleh dijadikan subjek wasiat Si Mati. 3. Si Mati, Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan memegang Setengah bahagian (1/2) bahagian hartanah yang beralamat di No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan itu sebagai amanah untuk Plaintif. SEDEMIKIAN DAN ADALAH SELANJUTNYA DIHAKIMI BAHAWA:- 4. Plaintif sebagai isteri kepada Si Mati, Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan mempunyai hak dan kepentingan ke atas Aset Perkahwinan yang beralamat di No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 5. Si Mati, Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan dan/atau Estet Si Mati/Defendan dan mana-mana wakil, agen atau ahli keluarga Defendan memegang Setengah bahagian (1/2) Aset Perkahwinan yang beralamat di No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan atas dasar amanah untuk Plaintif sebagai pihak yang mempunyai hak benefisial berdasarkan sumbangan yang dibuat secara peribadi dan melalui sumbangan ibu bapa Plaintif ke atas Aset Perkahwinan tersebut dan/atau sebagai pihak yang mempunyai hak dan kepentingan sebagai seorang isteri yang sah ke atas Aset Perkahwinan tersebut. 6. Kos sebanyak RM15,000.00 tertakluk kepada 4% Alokatur dibayar kepada Plaintif daripada Estet Si Mati.” [See Exhibit “PRG-3” of Encl. 2 at pages 40-42] S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 [8] The Defendant appealed to the Court of Appeal against the Judgment. On 23.7.2019, the Court of Appeal dismissed with costs the appeal of the Defendant. Dissatisfied with the decision of the Court of Appeal, the Defendant applied for leave to appeal to the Federal Court. However, on 11.2.2020 the Federal Court dismissed the leave application and further ordered the cost of RM15,000.00 to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff. HEARING OF THE ORIGINATING SUMMONS [9] Therefore, as Defendant’s leave to appeal to the Federal Court has been dismissed, the Judgment is thus valid, binding, and enforceable. The Plaintiff contended that based on the Judgment and Orders of the High Court, Court of Appeal, and the Federal Court, the Plaintiff was entitled to the following from the Defendant: (a) ½ ownership of the matrimonial property that is located in No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan; (b) Costs (including allocator fees) of RM 15,600.00 which is the cost ordered by the High Court of Taiping; and (c) Costs (including allocator fees) of RM 15,600.00 which is the costs ordered by the Federal Court. [10] Nevertheless, the Defendant took the stand that the entire Judgment very simply held that a half share in the said Property was initially held on trust by Dr.Ganeshwaran (“untuk amanah bagi pihak Plaintif”) and subsequently any representative, agent or family member held the said half share in the said property on trust for the Plaintiff (“atas dasar amanah untuk Plaintif”). Nothing more and nothing less. This was S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 exactly what the Defendant’s counsel summed up at the hearing of the OS, despite including the RM31,200.00 costs owed by the Defendant to the Plaintiff in the parties’ discussions to settle the matter within the time span of 5 years after the Judgment was obtained. Their respective solicitors’ numerous communication letters on a STRICTLY WITHOUT PREJUDICE BASIS were exhibited by the Plaintiff in Exhibit “PRG-6” of Encl. 2. The Defendant also acknowledged that they were in discussions to break the deadlock “created” by the Judgment. The gist of the PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT was that, in order to resolve this matter with some finality, the Defendant would purchase outright, the Plaintiff’s beneficial interest in the said Property for a sum of RM300,000.00 and this sum would be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff together with the outstanding Costs of RM31,200.00. [11] It was the Plaintiff’s contention in her written submissions that- “(a) the Defendant had repeatedly given false hope to Plaintiff by repeatedly assuring Plaintiff that Defendant intended to buy the ½ ownership of the said property from Plaintiff, even giving false assurance such as stating that “the money is already in the bank account of the Defendant” despite the fact that the Defendant fully knew that she never intended to do so; (b) throughout the whole negotiation process, Defendant had repeatedly caused undue delay by failing to comply with the deadlines imposed by Plaintiff by relying on the usual “due to unforeseen circumstances” or “accidental foresight” or “overlooked”, where in reality, the Defendant had no intention whatsoever to comply with the said Judgment or to buy the Plaintiff’s ½ ownership of the said property. An example of this would be where it took approximately two (2) years and four (4) months for the Federal Court Order to be faired and filed as the Defendant had repeatedly failed to do so and in fact, it was the Plaintiff herself who had taken the action to file the said Federal Court Order herself; and (c) throughout the whole attempted settlement stage, Plaintiff was the one who had constantly taken the initiative to attempt to reach an amicable S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 settlement with Defendant despite the fact that Defendant was the one who had to comply with the terms of the said Judgment. [12] Due to the constant stalling, repeated delays, and empty promises of Defendant, Plaintiff finally decided to call off all settlement negotiations with Defendant at the end of the year 2022 as it had been approximately two (2) years and nine (9) months since the settlement talk began between both parties which clearly yielded no positive results whatsoever. This culminated in the filing of the OS to compel Defendant to comply with the terms of the Judgment, which included a mandatory injunction. To date, the Plaintiff still has not obtained what she is lawfully entitled to pursuant to the Judgment dated 9.8.2018. [13] The Defendant contented that the Plaintiff in Enclosure 1 sought reliefs that were never granted under the Judgment and hence, Encl. 1 must be dismissed with Costs. It was further contended that the Plaintiff has mislead the Court by erroneously claiming that the Plaintiff was entitled to half-ownership of the Property. Counsel argued that the Plaintiff was entitled to merely a half-share of the Property which will be held on trust for her by the Defendant. Then he tried to justify the delay by citing the various Covid-19 lockdowns despite the Defendant’s sincere attempts to settle this matter amicably. After all the on-going negotiations between the parties during the period between March 2020 until December 2022, it was the Plaintiff who had unilaterally and unreasonably withdrawn from inking a concluded settlement reached between the parties. [14] It goes without saying that the Plaintiff denied they had ever reached a settlement as otherwise we would not be here. S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 EVALUATION AND FINDINGS OF THE COURT [15] The Plaintiff submitted that based on case laws, a mandatory injunction ought to be granted in this case in the manner as outlined in the OS because if the mandatory injunction is not granted, the Plaintiff would continue to suffer injustice: Sritama Industries (M) Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Insolvensi Malaysia (regarding the estate of a bankrupt, Murugan a/l Singaram) [2019] MLJU 1897. [16] The Plaintiff submitted further that the so-called “defence” relied on by Defendant was clearly not a valid defence at all to the non-compliance of the Defendant and a total disregard and disrespect of the Judgment as well as the Orders of the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court (which did not grant leave to appeal the decisions of the 2 superior courts): ESPL (M) Sdn Bhd v. Harbert International Est Sdn Bhd [2003] MLJU 81. [17] In the case of Golden Star & Ors v. Ling Peek Hoe & Ors [2021] MLJU 75 it was held that: “[62] The Court of Appeal in Thiruchelvasegaram A/L Manickavasegar v. Mahadevi A/P Nadchatiram [1998] 4 CLJ 883, observed that a party could not ignore or refuse to comply with a Court order on the ground of nullity. In another case Hup Soon Omnibus Co Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Lim Chee @ Lam Kum Chee [2018] 1 CLJ 641 the Court of Appeal emphasised the importance of a court order that it must be obeyed as ordered unless set aside or varied and not just a mere technicality that can be ignored. Before us, on the facts and evidence we find that there was a blatant and flagrant disobedience of the order of the Federal Court. [63] Despite having exhausted all the avenues to appeal their case, the Respondents were recalcitrant by insisting on litigating by filing the applications for review as well as for the stay. From the time the Federal Court Order was granted until the 1st Review application was filed one year 2 months had lapsed followed by the filing of the 2nd and 3rd Review applications. It is apparent to us that the Respondents have unabashedly refused to S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 comply with the High Court Order affirmed and reinstated by this Court. The non-compliance of a court order, and in this case an injunction, is a serious matter. Such behaviour to our mind, showcased total disregard and disrespect of the order granted by the Federal Court which tantamount to clear contempt of this Court’s order.” [Emphasis added] [18] It is clear from the evidence adduced in the present case that there was no settlement agreement signed between the parties. In Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609, Azahar Mohamed FCJ held that for any potential agreement to be binding, the execution of the said agreement has to be done and completed. Here, the last event that took place was on 19.12.2022 where the solicitors of the Defendant had once again informed the Plaintiff that they will meet with the Defendant to “discuss on the amendments of the Settlement Agreement”. After the Plaintiff had amended the said settlement agreement on 15.11.2022, the Defendant did not revert to the Plaintiff in time. In the case of Gumusut-Kakap Semi Floating Production System (L) Ltd v. Sabah Shell Petroleum Co Ltd [2017] MLJU 877 the High Court held that without prejudice communications can be admitted in order to illustrate the inordinate delay that one party had caused to the other. [19] This Court agreed with the Plaintiff’s averments that “the only ‘defence’ that the Defendant was able to muster with regards to the non- compliance of the Defendant was that parties have almost reached a “settlement” to this matter and just before the settlement is reached, the Plaintiff had pulled out of all settlements and commenced this suit against the Defendant.”. Nevertheless, based on the communications between the parties’ solicitors, it appeared that the Defendant was the one who S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 had caused an inordinate and inexcusable delay to the attempted settlement between both parties: refer to Sia Sung Ho v. Usaha Cendera Cerah Sdn Bhd [2007] 4 MLJ 452 where the Court discussed the terms “inordinate delay” and “inexcusable delay”. [20] Upon perusal of the Cause Papers, the Court found that the Defendant had admitted to the terms of the Judgment where the Defendant had acknowledged that the Plaintiff was entitled to ½ ownership of the matrimonial property that is located in No. 62, Lebuh Peria, Taman Radzi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. More than three years since the conclusion of the proceedings in the Federal Court, the Defendant has till to date failed to do anything whatsoever to reflect the Plaintiff’s ½ ownership of the said property such as: (a) Giving access to the Plaintiff to the said property such as providing the keys of the said property to the Plaintiff; (b) Amending the title deed of the said property to reflect the ½ ownership of the Plaintiff to the said Property; and (c) Amending the list of assets of the late Dr. Ganeshwaran a/l K.T. Balakrishnan (No. Kad Pengenalan: 640223-07-5399) to reflect the ownership of the Plaintiff towards the said property. [21] Therefore, this Court concluded that: (a) the Defendant has not complied with the terms of the said Judgment; (b) the Defendant has caused delays to the attempted settlement between both parties; (c) the Defendant has not paid the total costs of RM 31,200.00 to the Plaintiff; and S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 (d) the inaction of Defendant has deprived Plaintiff of the fruits of her litigation. [22] Despite the Defendant’s claims of a sincere intention to settle the matter, the Court found that the Defendant's conduct was unreasonable when she claimed that the Plaintiff was not entitled to the reliefs in the OS which was based on the Judgment and Orders of the superior courts. This demonstrated the Defendant’s disrespect of the validity and enforceability of the said Judgment as well as the inherent powers of the High Court in granting the reliefs prayed. [23] This Court was referred to the case of Cheah Theam Kheng v. City Centre Sdn Bhd (in liquidation) and other appeals [2012] 1 MLJ 761, where Abdul Malik Ishak JCA had referred to Wee Choo Keong v. MBf Holdings Bhd & Anor And Another Appeal [1993] 3 MLJ 123 and Hadkinson v. Hadkinson [1952] 2 All ER 567 and held as follows:- “[84] … Obedience to the High Court order dated 26 July 2001 is a requirement of the law. Abdul Hamid Omar LP in Wee Chao Keong v MBf Holdings Bhd & Anor and Another Appeal [1993] 3 MLJ 123; [1993] 3 CLJ 210, SC, at p 212 aptly said: Obedience to court order It is established law that a person against whom an order of court has been issued is duty bound to obey that order until it is set aside. It is not open for him to decide for himself whether the order was wrongly issued and therefore does not require obedience. His duty is one of obedience until such time as the order may be set aside or varied. Any person who fails to obey an order of court runs the risk of being held in contempt with all its attendant consequences. [85] Continuing at p 213, Abdul Hamid Omar LP succinctly said: Orders of court must be treated with respect and require strict obedience.”. [24] This Court agreed with the Plaintiff that the reliefs sought in Encl. 1 reflected the terms of the Judgment, in particular to reflect the fact that ½ S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 ownership of the said property belonged to the Plaintiff. The Court cannot agree with the Defendant’s contention that the Plaintiff was only entitled to the ½ share held on trust by the Defendant, “nothing more and nothing less”. Even though the Property was being held on trust by the Defendant for the Plaintiff, this does not detract from the fact that sooner or later, the Defendant would have to transfer the ½ share of the Deceased (which the Defendant was holding on trust) to the Plaintiff because it did not belong to the Defendant. The Plaintiff was entitled to the physical Property per se. The Plaintiff was also entitled to a total cost of RM 31,200.00 from the Defendant for the litigation fees from the previous court proceedings. [25] Having considered the cause papers, submissions and authorities, the Court decided in favour of the Plaintiff as she has proved on a balance of probabilities that she was entitled to ask for the prayers in Encl. 1 due to the failure of the Defendant to carry out the orders in the judgment dated 9.8.2018. The Defendant submitted that all these actions were going to take some time to carry out. The Court agreed and pointed out that prayer No. 2 onwards were consequential actions, except Nos 4 and 6. The Court then varied the timelines in Encl. 1 by giving in Prayer Nos. 1, 3 and 4, thirty days (30) days to take the actions required to give effect to the orders. On 19.9.2023, the Defendant filed the Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeal against the Court’s decision. [26] During a clarification session on 26.9.2023 (because they could not agree on the wordings in the draft Order), after hearing further submissions from both counsels, the Court stated: “Perintah dipinda seperti berikut: i. Perenggan 1(a) dipinda dengan mengubah 30 hari ke 45 hari dari tarikh perintah (22.8.2023); S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 ii. Perenggan 1(b) dipinda dengan menambah 90 hari selepas tamat tempoh 45 hari di perenggan 1(a); iii. Perenggan 1(c) dipinda dengan menambah 90 hari selepas tamat tempoh 45 hari di perenggan 1(a); iv. Perenggan 2 dipinda dengan mengubah 30 hari ke 45 hari dari tarikh perintah (22.8.2023). [7] The amendments to the Court order dated 22.8.2023 were necessary to allow ample time for the Defendant to comply with the Judgment of 9.8.2018. It was made before the Order was perfected. [28] It is noted that the Defendant in the Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeal stated she was appealing against the decision of the Court “...yang membenarkan keseluruhan tuntutan RESPONDEN (Plaintif) dengan Kos dan di dalam mengarahkan perlaksanaan Penghakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Taiping bertarikh 9-8-2018 di dalam Guaman Sivil No.AB- 22NCVC-14-06/2017 tersebut telah memberikan perintah-perintah selanjutnya yang tidak diperturunkan di dalam Penghakiman Asal Guaman Sivil No.AB-22NCVC-14-06/2017 tersebut…”. She is alleging that this Court does not have the powers to make such orders. [29] This Court made the consequential orders which in effect were NOT to vary the original Judgment but the prayers sought in Encl. 1 were consequential actions necessary to enforce the Judgment. These consequential orders were granted upon the last relief prayed for in Encl. 1 which states “Lain-lain relif yang dianggap patut dan sesuai oleh Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini.”. This Court has referred to and cited extensively the following case to show that this prayer No. 7 cannot be disregarded lightly as it is an “omnibus prayer”. S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 [30] In the case of Teo Ai Hock v. Tew Boon Chin & Ors [2023] MLRHU 1664 Leong Wai Hong JC has explained the term “Any other relief which this Honourable Court deems fit to grant” where His Lordship stated: “Analysis Of The Court [84] A prayer that is normally inserted in a Notice of application or a Statement of Claim is "Any other relief which this Honourable Court deems fit to grant". This is known as an omnibus prayer. [85] In the two applications filed before me by the plaintiff [Enclosure 40] and defendants [Enclosure 52] respectively, parties have prayed for "Any other relief which this Honourable Court deems fit to grant". [86] Can I therefore rely on this omnibus prayer to grant The Order to Convene an AGM which I have set out above? The Scope And Ambit Of The Prayer "Any Other Relief Which This Honourable Court Deems Fit To Grant" [87] I begin by making the observation that both the plaintiff and defendants have expressly and clearly in no uncertain terms asked me to give "Any other relief which this Honourable Court deems fit to grant". [88] Can the appellant now say I cannot make The Order to Convene an AGM? Caselaw would suggest the contention of the plaintiff has no leg to stand on, to use an apt English idiom to describe his contention. [89] Caselaw from the highest courts of the land suggests that the omnibus prayer 'Any other relief which this Honourable Court deems fit to grant' must not be treated as a mere ornament to pleadings devoid of any meaning. Such a prayer allows the court to award such relief as is appropriate in the circumstances of the case so long as the relief is not inconsistent with a relief which is expressly asked for. [See Lim Eng Kay v. Jaafar Mohamed Said [1982] 1 MLRA 71; [1982] 2 MLJ 156; [1982] CLJ (Rep) 190 at p 160 FC, Salleh Abas FJ, Tan Tek Seng v. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan & Anor [1996] 1 MLRA 186; [1996] 1 MLJ 261; [1996] 2 CLJ 771 at 301E CA, Gopal Sri Ram JCA and Ritz Garden Hotel (Cameron Highlands) Sdn Bhd v. Balakrishnan Kaliannan [2013] 5 MLRA 349; [2013] 6 MLJ 149; [2013] 7 CLJ 413; [2013] 5 AMR 758 FC, Hassan Lah FCJ] [90] In Lim Eng Kay v. Jaafar Mohamed Said [1982] 1 MLRA 71; [1982] 2 MLJ 156; [1982] CLJ (Rep) 190, Salleh Abas FJ said at p 160: S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 We cannot see how the respondent should be deprived of his right by a purely technical error on the part of his solicitors, who were not up-todate with this aspect of legal technicalities. In any case prayer (e) in paragraph (7), 'Any other relief which this Honourable Court deem fit to grant' must not be treated as a mere ornament to pleadings devoid of any meaning. We think that this prayer and the prayer for "loss of earning" in para 5(a) should entitle the court to make such an assessment. [91] In Tan Tek Seng v. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan & Anor [1996] 1 MLRA 186; [1996] 1 MLJ 261; [1996] 2 CLJ 771 at 301 E CA, Gopal Sri Ram JCA said: "In his statement of claim, the appellant has also prayed for 'further or other relief as this Honourable court thinks fit.' In Lim Eng Kay v. Jaafar Mohamed Said [1982] 1 MLRA 71; [1982] 2 MLJ 156; [1982] CLJ (Rep) 190 at p 160, a prayer in a statement of claim read 'Any other relief which this Honourable court deems fit to grant'. Salleh Abas FJ (as he then was) said that this prayer 'must not be treated as a mere ornament to pleadings devoid of any meaning'. I am of the view that the same may be said of the like prayer in the present case. This court should, in my judgment, award the appellant such relief as is appropriate in the circumstances of the case. In arriving at this conclusion, I have not overlooked the decision in Mokhtar v. Arumugam [1959] 1 MLRH 514; [1959] 1 MLJ 232 CA, where the following statement of principle from the judgment of Fry J in Cargill v. Bower (1878) 10 Ch D 502 at p 508 was applied: You cannot, under a general prayer for further relief, obtain any relief inconsistent with that relief which is expressly asked for. As it happens, there is, in the present case, no inconsistency between the relief which I propose to award to the appellant and the other relief he has expressly claimed. [Emphasis added] [92] Lim Eng Kay v. Jaafar Mohamed Said and Tan Tek Seng v. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan & Anor CA were both subsequently cited with approval by the Federal Court in Ritz Garden Hotel (Cameron Highlands) Sdn Bhd v. Balakrishnan Kaliannan [2013] 5 MLRA 349; [2013] 6 MLJ 149; [2013] 7 CLJ 413; [2013] 5 AMR 758. S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 [93] This is what the Federal Court in Ritz Garden Hotel (Cameron Highlands) Sdn Bhd v. Balakrishnan Kaliannan said via Hassan Lah FCJ: "[19] Lastly it was submitted (by the plaintiff) that the term 'proceeding' in s 11 of the Civil Law Act 1956 should not be narrowly interpreted. The term must be defined to include the whole gamut from pleadings to judgment. The judgment finally determined what the nature of the proceeding was regardless of what labels or categories the parties put up. The relief or remedy that a judge orders may be different from what the parties asked but that remedy is what defines the proceeding. ... [21] With respect I am unable to agree with the contention by the defendant that the proceeding tried in the High Court was not for the recovery of any debt or damages, as the remedies sought by the plaintiff were for rescission of the agreement, for the deposit of M250,000 to be forfeited, for rectification of the land register and for damages. It is to be noted that in prayer (G) of his statement of claim the plaintiff prayed for 'Lain-lain dan/atau apa-apa relif dan/atau perintah berlainan atau berlanjutan yang Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini fikirkan suai dan manfaat (Any other or further relief or order which this Honourable court deems fit): This omnibus prayer must not be treated as a mere ornament to pleadings devoid of any meaning (see Lim Eng Kay v. Jaafar Mohamed Said [1982] 1 MLRA 71; [1982] 2 MLJ 156; [1982] CLJ (Rep) 190. In Tan Tek Seng v. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan & Anor [1996] 1 MLRA 186; [1996] 1 MLJ 261; [1996] 2 CLJ 771 Gopal Sri Ram JCA at p 301 said: "In his statement of claim, the appellant has also prayed for 'further or other relief as this Honourable court thinks fit.' In Lim Eng Kay v. Jaafar Mohamed Said [1982] 1 MLRA 71; [1982] 2 MLJ 156; [1982] CLJ (Rep) 190 at p 160, a prayer in a statement of claim read 'Any other relief which this Honourable court deems fit to grant'. Salleh Abas FJ (as he then was) said that this prayer 'must not be treated as a mere ornament to pleadings devoid of any meaning'. I am of the view that the same may be said of the like prayer in the present case. This court should, in my judgment, award the appellant such relief as is appropriate in the circumstances of the case. [Emphasis added] ... S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 [97] Similarly, in Yap Kian @ Yap Sin Tian v. Poh Chin Chuan & Ors [2015] MLRHU 1380; [2016] 7 MLJ 805 HC, the defendants there have filed encl 45 seeking various declaratory and injunctive relief against the plaintiff there. [98] The High Court judge Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera J after dismissing encl 45 invoked the court's inherent powers and proceeded to give consequential directions for fresh elections to be held. [99] His lordship said: [10] Having done that, I must however add that the dismissal of encl 45 does not preclude the court from giving consequential directions to give effect to the terms of the Orders dated 20 January 2015 and 20 March 2015. The court may, pursuant to its inherent powers, make consequential orders or directions to give effect to its decisions or orders,... [11] Having looked at the evidence presented in the affidavits it did appear to me that the Plaintiff had not complied with the spirit and letter of the terms of the Consent Order dated 20 January 2015 and the Order dated 20 March 2015. In fairness to the Plaintiff, it may have arisen from a misinformed reading of both the aforesaid Orders and the interpretation as to who constitute the CC. To remedy this, I clarified the Orders and issued further directions to the parties, for reasons that will become apparent shortly, so that there would be proper adherence to the Orders....”. [30] Order 92 r. 4 of the Rules of Court 2012, which is in the intitulment of the OS, provides for the inherent powers of the Court as follows: Inherent powers of the Court (O. 92, r. 4) 4. For the removal of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in these Rules shall be deemed to limit or affect the inherent powers of the Court to make any order as may be necessary to prevent injustice or to prevent an abuse of the process of the Court. [31] The blatant disregard and disrespect of the Defendant of the Judgment and the Orders of the High Court, Court of Appeal and Federal Court in this case is a clear situation where this Court will and has invoked the inherent powers under Order 92 r. 4 in granting the prayers in Encl. 1 to prevent an injustice to the Plaintiff who has been denied the fruits of the S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 litigation and to give effect to the Judgment dated 9.8.2018. Can the Defendant then question the Court’s discretion in invoking its inherent powers and claim that this Court has exceeded the orders of the High Court in that Judgment? Borrowing a phrase from the case of Teo Ai Hock (supra), “the Defendant does not have a leg to stand on”. CONCLUSION [32] Premised on the above considerations, the Court found that the Plaintiff has proved her case on a balance of probabilities against the Defendant. Therefore, the Court allowed the application in the OS, with amendments, and costs. Order accordingly. Dated 11 November 2023 Sgd. NOOR RUWENA BINTI MD. NURDIN Judicial Commissioner High Court of Malaya, Taiping Representations For the Plaintiff: Mr. Chan Wei Yang Messrs. Josephine, L K Chow & Co., Petaling Jaya For the Defendant: Mr. Vengetraman S/O Manickam Jeyaratnam & Co., Ipoh S/N HAPjLv5UYUmGVK2uN8ie7w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
- Aturan 14 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012- Defendan perlu menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya isu fakta atau undang-undang yang memerlukan bicara penuh- Samada barangan yang dijual oleh Plaintif tidak mengikut spesifikasi dan tidak berkualiti dan menyebabkan pelanggan Defendan mengalami kerugian- Defendan tidak pernah menafikan atau membuat sebarang aduan secara bertulis kepada Plaintif bahawa barang-barang itu tidak berkualiti dan tidak mengikut spesifikasi- Defendan ada membuat bayaran atas sebahagian invois-invois tersebut tanpa bantahan
YA Puan Norliza Binti Othman
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI DI KLANG DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN GUAMAN NO.: BL-22NCC-6-05/2023 ANTARA T.E.M COMBUSTION SDN BHD PLAINTIF DAN LATEX FORM SDN BHD DEFENDAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN [LAMPIRAN 11] Ini adalah permohonan Plaintif untuk memasukkan penghakiman terus terhadap Defendan untuk sejumlah RM 2,615,125.43 setakat 12.4.2023 dan perintah untuk faedah pada kadar 1.5% sebulan keatas RM2,615,125.43 dari 13.4.2023 hingga tarikh penghakiman dan faedah 5% setahun dari tarikh penghakiman hingga ke tarikh penyelesaian penuh dan kos. 10/11/2023 16:11:31 BL-22NCC-6-05/2023 Kand. 31 S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 A. ALASAN-ALASAN PERMOHONAN [1] Atas permintaan Defendan, Plaintif telah menjual dan menghantar serah pelbagai barangan kepada Defendan seperti didalam pesanan belian (PO), invois-invois Plaintif, pesanan penghantaran (DO). [Lampiran 12 ekshibit TEM-1]. [2] Adalah menjadi satu terma jualan barangan Plaintif kepada Defendan bahawa Plaintif berhak mengenakan faedah dengan kadar 1.5% sebulan atas mana-mana tunggakan yang tertunggak. Terma ini dapat dilihat melalui invois-invois dan penyata akaun yang telah diserahkan oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan. [3] Adalah juga menjadi terma didalam invois yang dikemukakan bahawa “any discrepancy must be informed within 14 days” dan setakat tuntutan ini difailkan difailkan, Defendan tidak pernah mengemukakan sebarang aduan berkenaan barangan yang telah dihantar serah mempunyai kecacatan (defects) atau tidak mengikut spesifikasi dalam tempoh 14 hari dan tanpa aduan yang dikemukakan dalam tempoh tersebut , barangan adalah diterima dalam keadaan sempurna. S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [4] Sekiranya ada aduan dari pelanggan Defendan melebihi dari tempoh tersebut dan tanpa aduan terdahulu kepada Plaintif, maka ianya adalah pertikaian antara Defendan dan pelanggan Defendan tanpa melibatkan Plaintif. [5] Setakat 12.4.2023, Defendan masih terhutang dengan Plaintif sejumlah RM2,615,125.43 beserta faedah pada kadar 1.5% sebulan dikira dari 13.4.2023 sehingga penyelesaian penuh. Berdasarkan kepada PO,invois-invois, DO dan penyata akaun, menunjukkan terdapat permintaan bagi pelbagai barangan, malahan Defendan ada membuat bayaran bagi sebahagian dari permintaan tersebut. [6] Ekoran dari keengganan Defendan membuat bayaran , Plaintif telah menghantar notis tuntutan bertarikh 13.4.2023 menuntut jumlah yang tertunggak. Sehingga kini, Defendan enggan membuat sebarang bayaran walaupun notis tuntutan telah diserahkan kepada Defendan. B. JAWAPAN DEFENDAN [7] Plaintif berpengetahuan penuh bahawa barangan yang dijual dan dihantar serah kepada Defendan dan/ atau pelanggan Defendan S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 adalah “Blower” dan “Burner” yang akan digunakan dalam pemasangan mesin sarung tangan getah di kilang pelanggan Defendan. Plaintif telah menyerahkan barangannya secara langsung kepada pelanggan Defendan iaitu Mah Sing Healthcare Sdn Bhd, Iconic Medicare Glove dan lain-lain. [8] Defendan telah menerima aduan daripada Mah Sing Healthcare bahawa penggunaanr gas bagi setiap mesin telah mencapai 330MMBtu setiap hari iaitu lebih tinggi daripada tahap standard yang sepatutnya berada pada 240 sehingga 260 MMBtu. Kesan daripada ini adalah penggunaan barangan Plaintif iaitu “Blower” dan “Burner” tidak dapat berfungsi dengan lancar dan mengalami kecacatan. [9] Pada ketika itu, Mah Sing Healthcare Sdn. Bhd. telah meminta Plaintif dan Defendan untuk mengurangkan penggunaan gas. Plaintif dan Defendan telah menanggung kos modifikasi sebanyak RM 500,000.00 bagi menyelesaikan masalah tersebut namun ianya masih gagal diselesaikan. Perkara ini menyebabkan Mah Sing Healthcare Sdn. Bhd. menyalahkan Defendan dan menuntut gantirugi sejumlah RM4,030,000.00 daripada Defendan. Ini adalah kerana barangan yang dihantar oleh Plaintif tidak menurut S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 spesifikasi dan mengalami kecacatan. Pihak Mah Sing Healthcare Sdn Bhd juga mengenakan caj sebanyak RM 4,000,000.00 terhadap defendan bagi kos perlantikan kontraktornya sendiri untuk menyelesaikan masalah ketinggian penggunaan gas tersebut. [10] Satu lagi pelanggan Defendan iaitu Iconic Medicare juga mengalami masalah yang sama seperti Mah Sing Healthcare iaitu penggunaan gas yang tinggi daripada “blower” dan “burner” yang dijual Plaintif tidak mencapai spesifikasi yang sepatutnya dan ini menyebabkan mesin sarung tangan tidak dapat beroperasi pada tahap maksimum. Akibatnya, pihak Iconic Medicare juga telah menuntut gantirugi daripada Defendan walaupun semua ini berlaku kerana kesalahan Plaintif. [11] Defendan menafikan terma faedah lewat bayartan sebanyak 1.5% sebulan tidak pernah dimaklumkan kepada mereka oleh Plaintif. Pada setiap masa, hubungan kontraktual antara Plaintif dan Defendan tidak tertakluk kepada sebarang caj faedah lewat bayaran. S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [12] Pada setiap masa material, Plaintif berpengetahuan penuh bahawa barangan yang dihantar serah kepada Defendan dan/ atau pelanggan Defendan adalah digunakan untuk tujuan pemasangan mesin sarung tangan getah maka kecacatan yang berlaku adalah tidak berkemungkinan timbul dalam tempoh 14 hari tersebut. Terma didalam invois Plaintif bahawa “any discrepancy must be informed within 14 days” adalah terma tidak adil kepada Defendan dan merupakan motif Plaintif untuk mengelakkan liabiliti. Aduan yang timbul adalah akibat daripada kecacatan barangan Plaintif, maka pertikaian adalah melibatkan Plaintif secara langsung. [13] Defendan menegaskan bahawa Plaintif gagal membekalkan barangan yang berkualiti dan cacat apabila dipasang dan/atau digunakan oleh Defendan dan/atau pelanggan Defendan; maka Plaintif tidak berhak untuk menuntut baki yang tertunggak. C. KEPUTUSAN MAHKAMAH [14] Undang-undang berkaitan permohonan dibawah Aturan 14 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012 adalah jelas, setelah Mahkamah mendengar hujahan dan berpandukan affidavit yang difailkan oleh pihak-pihak, didapati tiada sebarang isu-isu untuk dibicarakan yang S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 ditimbulkan oleh pihak lawan maka satu penghakiman wajar diberikan yang memihak kepada Plaintif. [15] Didalam Bank Negara Malaysia v Mohd Ismail [1992] 1CLJ Rep 14; [1992] 1 MLJ 400 di mukasurat 408, Mahkamah Agung memutuskan :- “Under an O. 14 application, the duty of a judge does not end as soon as a fact is asserted by one party, and denied or disputed by the other in an affidavit. Where such assertion, denial or dispute by the other is equivocal, or lacking in precision, or is inconsistent with undisputed contemporary documents or other statements by the same deponent, or is inherently improbable in itself, then the judge has a duty to reject such assertion or denial, thereby rendering the issue not triable”. [16] Mahkamah Rayuan didalam kes Malayan Banking Bhd (formerly known as ‘Mayban Finance Bhd’) v Boo Hock Soon @ Boo Choo Soon [2013] 2 MLJ 843 memutuskan bahawa Defendan perlu menunjukkan bahawa terdapatnya isu fakta atau undang- undang yang memerlukan bicara penuh untuk menentang suatu permohonan penghakiman terus. Kes tersebut memutuskan:- “[17] Now an application for summary judgment housed in O14 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 (“RHC”) is a special procedural device to curtail and curb the need for a full trial. It is the best way to disposed off S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 an action especially where the defendant’s defence is clearly unsustainable in law or on the facts…. [18] In challenging the O14 application, all that a defendant needs to do is to show to the court that there is a triable issue of fact or of law (Malaysian Assurance Alliance Bhd v Yeam Sai Ming & Ors [1996] 5 MLJ 345). It is not sufficient for the defendant to just raise an issue because the issue that is raised must be an arguable issue which requires a trial in order to determine it, once and for all (voo min En & Ors v Leong Chung Fatt [1982] 2 MLJ 241 (FC).” [17] Adalah jelas dari otoriti diatas, setelah Mahkamah mendapati pihak Plaintif telah memenuhi kriteria-kriteria yang ditetapkan dibawah A.14 kaedah 2 KKM 2012, tugas Hakim yang mendengar permohonan tidak berhenti setakat itu sahaja. Penelitian harus dikembangkan merangkumi pembelaan dan afidavit yang difailkan oleh pihak lawan. Defendan tidak perlu menunjukkan keseluruhan pembelaan beliau telah dibuktikan dan dikemukakan, ianya memadai dengan menunjukkan satu isu sahaja sebagai isu untuk dibicarakan atau selayaknya dibawa ke perbicaraan penuh. [18] Didalam permohonan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Defendan hanya membawa satu isu sahaja iaitu barangan yang dijual oleh Plaintif S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 tidak mengikut spesifikasi dan tidak berkualiti dan menyebabkan pelanggan Defendan mengalami kerugian. [19] Plaintif menghujahkan barangan telah dihantar serah kepada Defendan di alamat yang diarahkan oleh Defendan. Pesanan Penghantaran(DO) membuktikan bahawa barang-barang tersebut telah diterima oleh wakil Defendan dan mereka telah memeriksa barangan itu dan ianya dalam keadaan baik dan tanpa sebarang kecacatan. Cop syarikat diturunkan untuk mengesahkan “I/we hereby acknowledged that we have checked/inspected the goods delivered to our premises are in proper working conditions”. Adalah jelas apa yang diperkatakan oleh Defendan bahawa barangan yang dihantar serah oleh Plaintif tidak menepati spesifikasi dan tidak berkualiti adalah satu pemikiran terkemudian. [20] Selain itu, Defendan tidak pernah menafikan atau membuat sebarang aduan secara bertulis kepada Plaintif bahawa barang- barang itu tidak berkualiti dan tidak mengikut spesifikasi. Isu barang tidak mengikut spesifikasi dan tidak berkualiti ditimbulkan apabila Plaintif memfailkan tuntutan ini. Inilah yang diperkatakan didalam Bank Negara Malaysia v Mohd Ismail (supra): S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 “ Where such assertion, denial or dispute by the other is equivocal, or lacking in precision, or is inconsistent with undisputed contemporary documents or other statements by the same deponent , or is inherently improbable in itself , then the judge has a duty to reject such assertion or denial , thereby rendering the issue not triable”. [21] Mahkamah ini mendapati dari mula barangan dihantar serah kepada Defendan, tiada sebarang aduan dikemukakan dan segala kecacatan yang ditimbulkan oleh Defendan mengenai barangan Plaintif hanyalah selepas tindakan ini difailkan. Inilah yang diperkatakan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan didalam kes Paradise Boulevard Sdn Bhd v Badan Pengurusan Bersama Kompleks Pandan Safari Lagoon [2021] MLJU 2889: - “ [37] When viewed in totality, the averments and arguments raised by the first defendant are considerably inflicted by various shortcomings that do little, if at all to advance its resistance to this summary judgment application. The defendant also did not dispute the invoices sent by the Plaintiff and only raised its complaints after the writ in the main action was filed. This also suggests the issue raised by the defendant contesting this summary judgment are an afterthought”. [22] Didalam tindakan ini, Defendan mendakwa terdapat aduan dari pelanggan-pelanggan Defendan berkenaan barangan yang S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 dihantarserah oleh Plaintif yang mengakibatkan pelanggan- pelanggan Defendan mengalami kerugian. Sekali lagi tiada sebarang aduan dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan oleh Plaintif untuk sebarang kecacatan jika ada. Mahkamah bersetuju dengan hujahan Plaintif bahawa tanggungjawab Plaintif hanya menghantar barang yang dipesan oleh Defendan. Plaintif tidak terlibat dan bukan privy kepada sebarang kontrak yang dimasuki oleh Defendan dan pelanggan-pelanggannya. Selain itu, Plaintif mengemukakan bukti bahawa invois-invois telah mula dikeluarkan kepada Defendan sejak tahun 2021 dan Defendan ada membuat bayaran atas sebahagian invois-invois tersebut tanpa bantahan. Defendan ada membuat bayaran sebanyak RM 100,000.00 pada 14.2.2022 dan pada tahun 2021, mereka membuat bayaran sejumlah RM 1,246,432.00 dan ini bukanlah satu jumlah yang kecil sekiranya Defendan mendakwa barangan yang dihantar serah oleh Plaintif tidak mengikut spesifikasi dan tidak berkualiti. Pada pandangan Mahkamah, jika dari awal barangan yang dihantar serah oleh Plaintif tidak berkualiti maka tiada isu bayaran harus dijelaskan oleh Defendan, namun ini sebaliknya yang berlaku. S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [23] Plaintif juga telah menghantar surat tuntutan bertarikh 13.4.2023 kepada Defendan menuntut jumlah yang terhutang. Defendan tidak membalas surat tersebut walaupun mengakui ada menerimanya. Defendan setakat menafikan kandungan surat tuntutan Plaintif didalam affidavit balasan kepada permohonan penghakiman terus ini. Mahkamah merujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan didalam David Wong Hon Leong v Noorazman bin Adnan [1995] 4 CLJ 155 di mukasurat 159 dimana diputuskan:- “During argument, we registered our surprise at the learned Judge’s reluctance to enter judgment for this sum of RM 100,000.00. After all, the appellant had failed to respond to the letter of 17 September, if there had never been an agreement as alleged, it is reasonable to expect a prompt and vigorous denial. But, as we pointed out, there was no response whatsoever from the appellant”. Didalam satu lagi keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi iaitu JEC Designbuild Sdn Bhd v Bunga Kembang Sdn Bhd [2007] 1 AMR 578 di mukasurat 586 -587 diputuskan: - “ a defendant’s failure to reply to the plaintiff’s demand for payment of a debt, would support a summary judgment application against that defendant in respect of the debt”. S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 Oleh itu jika benar, barangan yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi dan tidak berkualiti dihantarserah oleh Plaintif yang didakwa oleh Defendan menyebabkan pelanggan-pelanggannya mengalami kerugian; maka sebelum Plaintif menghantar tuntutan, Defendan sepatutnya terlebih dahulu membuat tuntutan terhadap Plaintif menuntut gantirugi. [24] Defendan mendakwa mereka tidak mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaan jumlah faedah sebanyak 1.5% yang dikenakan oleh Plaintif atas mereka untuk bayaran yang terakru. Terma ini dinyatakan didalam invois-invois yang telah diakui terima oleh Defendan dan ada diantara invois-invois ini telah dibuat bayaran Defendan. Oleh itu, dakwaan Defendan bahawa Plaintif tidak berhak untuk menuntut faedah 1.5% ini adalah tidak berasas. [25] Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan alasan-alasan diatas, Mahkamah ini memutuskan tiada sebarang isu untuk dibicarakan yang ditimbulkan oleh Defendan. Plaintif berhak atas jumlah yang tertunggak dan terakru. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif untuk memasukkan penghakiman terus keatas Defendan [Lampiran 11] selaras dengan Aturan 14 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dengan kos sebanyak RM5000.00 S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 Bertarikh 23 Oktober 2023 t.t. (NORLIZA BINTI OTHMAN) HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA KLANG PEGUAMCARA BAGI PIHAK PLAINTIF : Tetuan Lua & Mansor No. 11-1, Tingkat 1, Jalan PJS 11/28, Sunway Metro, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan PEGUAMCARA BAGI PIHAK DEFENDAN : Tetuan Tee Tai Tzian & Sim No. 52B, Tingkat 2, Pelangi Avenue, Jalan Kelicap 42A/KU1, Off Jalan Meru, 41050 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan S/N ZvfhMSU9jE6UO/fTwekqQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
This appeal discusses the main issue of whether an execution creditor can lawfully seize and sell movable property in the possession of an execution debtor pursuant to a writ of seizure and sale issued by the court (WSS) when the movable property does not belong in equity to the execution debtor (Main Issue).
YA Datuk Wong Kian KheongKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Gunalan A/L MuniandyYA Datuk Wong Kian Kheong
10/11/2023 14:12:56 B-02(A)-1872-10/2021 Kand. 78 S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N H1VwxD2hZEy9SXhhmNc3BA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify 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Tika 2.6.0
Administrative Law — Rules of natural justice — Disciplinary proceedings — Whether rules of natural justice contain any inalienable fundamental right — Whether rules of natural justice variable — Whether rules of natural justice connote adversarial procedures of a court of lawProfessions — Engineers — Disciplinary proceedings against — Whether Engineer's Board free to decide on disciplinary procedure — Whether the Board is bound by the finding of a High Court on a related civil claim and affirmed by the Court of AppealAdministrative Law — Remedies — Certiorari — Breach of natural justice found - Whether court must remit case to the Engineer’s Board when the end-result is already known – Whether the Engineer’s Board Whether it will be a sheer waste of time
YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh
10/11/2023 10:25:37 WA-25-427-07/2022 Kand. 47 S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N oTJB2rO85EKcnxjci/O5aQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—25—d27—07/2022 Kand. 47 1n/11/202] 10:25-37 DALAM MAMKAMAH YINGGI MALAVA DI KUALA LUMPUR (BAMAGIAN RAVLIAN DAN KUASA.-KUASA KNAS) PERMOHONAN SEMAKAN KEHAKIMAN N0 WA 25-42741712022 Dahm pevkam mengenax suzlu permnhanan mm, mm lam. pevmmh eumumn nemenaan inapmusau Lemhzga Jurmere Mam... yzmg mlwmn mun Famnhon pm. as o 24:22 Dan cum panm mu-vgenax Alurin sa. Kaadalrkaadarl Mankamah 2012 Dan Dalam Derkaua menamav Akli Pumaltaran Jumlev: «:57 aan/alau pemmmn-pevaunsn 22A 22: 22c, 22 din/nun 24 Fevamram Peraluran Fendaflnran Juml5ra1990 Dan Saksvfin 25(2) Akla Mahkamah Kehakmun 1954 flan Pelenggan ‘ mum kepada ma Mnhkamah Kahaknman 1954 ANTARA FELT snu arm ...PEMoHoN DAN 1. LEMBAGA JLIRUYERA MALAVSIA 2. SAFF CONSULTANTS ...RESPONDEN-RESFONDEN JUDGMEN1 Yhe factual background [11 The appneam company is a developer 51 qulnen and relaxed vacnmes «or me Ruya\ Malaysxan Ponce (“PDRM'j mmugnum Malaysa [3] [3] I4! [5] [6] [7] [6] in 2tw7, the applicant engaged trie 2'"! respondent to provide protessienal services H1 corlrtechort with trie itesign and supervision or meerianreal works in one or the applicant‘: piuiects, The slroyecl is known as Cadsngsn Pambangunan ser-mile /bu Ptyabnl Pairs Daemri selarna, 1 UN! Kuarters Ke/as C, 4 Unit Keles F, Kemtldarlan-Ksmudarlan Lain dan Ker] Ksna rrtfrasm/klul t1r alas Lo! 5419, Lot 3200 dart Lot 3473. Mt/kim Sslamai Peralr Derur Rrdzuarl (“the Fmjecl”). The documents related to trie Project executed by the parties are the Letteroi Appointment t1a|ed 340.2007 and the Memnrandtmt of Agreemznl oateo I1 12 2007 (collectively “Consultancy Agreement‘) The 2"“ respondent is a sole proprietorsriip and a pmvlder oi mechanical electrical consultancy‘ energy management wrtsullartcy and proieet management consultancy services. Accnrdtng |D the terms and conditions M the appolrtlmenli the 2"‘ respondents duties tndude preparing interim and final payment certificates In respect at the said Pruied Vlde a letter dated 610 2021, the applicant wmle to the 1“ respenoerit and tiigtiligtited an issue ovev lrie eertltieatlon made by lne 2-’ respondent (“the 6.10 zozt letter’). in trie letter. tne applicant requested the 1* respondent to investigate trie 2'“ respondent's professtnnal oondud me 15- respondent, the Board or Engineers Malaysia (“the Board‘), is a 5lalUlDI’Y buoy eslabltsrled under trle Registration of Ertglneers Ac! t967 t“REA'). Its statutory duty is to regulate (ha pmfessiortal uorlduct ano practice at registereo engineers. uimioii include tiie 2"“ respondent, in seteguam trie satety and interest at trie public. The bases or trie applicants grteyarioes as retlected iii trie 5.10.2021 letter, are as lallmvs: (a) The 2"“ respondent rieo breached rts wnlraclual and tertious duty timer tlie Cnnstmanw Agreement by tiaving negligently assessed and recnrnmendsd trie payment for materials and work done by the electrical sub-commuter. wliicn was relied on by trie superinlenaing omoer (“son in tlie issuance at N eUE2rOB5EKutxiu/D526 “Nair s.n.i n-vlhnrwm be u... m may i... nrtmrrnflly MIMI dun-vlnrll r.. nFlt.ING WM! [40] However, the only error made by the Board is in its taiture to give the opportunity tor the applicant to have accss In ttie 2“ respondents reply Ftmher, the Board dtd not assign any reasons in arriving at rts impugned decision The Board could have Said that me matter tiad been iinatty adiudicated by the court 01 Appeat and that it muld riot depart trorri the Itndings or teas and law ot the eppettate court [At] on the authority at the cases cited heretnhelc1e,Ihere was ttieretore e etear hvaach otttie pnnciptee oi naturat justice and the irncugned decisrcn is also tainted with proeedurat impropriety [42] i take cogniserioe at teamed counsel tor the epoticanrs argument that the issue oetore this court is not on the duestmri of merits but the decision-making process [43] I belteve that is the gerieret pmpctstlton of the law. there are however. instances where the court, in a iudiciat review apptioatron, can go imo ttie merits at the impugned decision The law is summed up oy Gopal sri Rani JCA (tater FCJ) in detivenrig the iudgrrient at me rrien supreme court in Kurrrpurerr Peungs-Irtg Salangor and V Zlld bhv HQIIMOIII1 Noh [IifiT] 1 MLJ 739 SC: untri vety reeentiv, it who ganeratly triorrghithui when a decisrdrr 5 enatierrged on grounds at vi/ednerouryunreaedriaoieness, the min is mrtflnod In an eximtrlaltnn at the demiori name-processand rtut the rrienrsoi the decision iuati Yhnt irr .r. arm! pwrpelualnd or adherence to a narrow doclrtnatle approach wtlhuul ntulyutg tater iudrcrat prortorrneerrrenu that had addressed the stthpect rrie teiiaey or Ihe daetririe Ihrlt rudreet revrew is atwayi eonltned In the ductltort rt\aktrtVD7\‘xassar\d never with trie menls was tlxefl untuded by the llrtdtvtatk decision at mi. calm MR Rm charmrr v we /nduslnal courts AnoI[19Y7] i ML! 145 rc [44] in RReme charrdrari Eusctt Chin CJ referred to the celebrated work et MP Jam and SN Jam in Principles oIAdrrirrirsti—atrt»e Law 14"‘ Ed, 1993)‘ IN ena2roa»5EKuixtt:t/used “Nntze Smut nuvthnrwttt r. u... w my the nflmnattly MIMI dnuuvtntit r.. aFtt.tNG Wm! in Hull‘ yearime courts have nor locked HDDII lnelr lask in siicri a iiioensnieei nieiirier and have iended Io iimid MIN ioiiel aeooiulr-d le me engency omie srriiaiiori nioy rim lried lo l.iliir ma roller iii iieceidince wilri ine dlmnndl or [Militia in me cireiiinslaiiees el lne speeiris case, lay down giiioaiirus. go iiiio lne rneills and avail ai iiim to uiliile lne logicei miiseqiieiiees M Ihell‘ mi niiiiig an (M law in a Vew cases lrie supreme odurl, while quasning a disciplinary order an aoceunl ol leilure of nalural iiislice, pronibned e lresh nearing by lne aulnonly and ordered reinslalanienl Fliidliigu [45] [A6] [471 [43] [A9] niis leaves nie with lne urlarwiabla lask ol making my findinge on lriis application tor iiidicial review. Having lound lriei mere was i! omen or via principles :2! na|ura| iosliee and pmuedural irripiopnery in me iiiidugned decision, lrie logical consequence would be lor me In reniil lne ineller in lrie Board «or lrie Board In ronear lrie corrldleinl as prayed liy me applieenl Should I Mm]! lha mailer lo Ihe Board’) Wl|h respecl, as in R Rama cliarrdreii, lo do lnis will oenalnly Involve coriliniied and prolonged llligallon on eiid.resull miieri is already KHONII ll will be a sneer was|e at Iirne, A5 I alluded in earlier‘ [ha Euuld cannot. by my slrelich or legal iniegiiielion depail liorri irie delerriiiiialion M llie High Courl in Sun No 13 as emiiiied by lne Cowl olnopeei. in me circunislances, an order lor llie niauei to he ierniried In lrie laoeid will do greal riarrn and iniusliee lo llie 2"“ respondent, II will be an exercise iii lulilily. I am lailoring lrie reliel in accordance wiln lrie demands el iuslice in lne eircunielerioes oi lrie specific silualioii as in Khls case. IN eUE2rOB5EKmxibi/D526 «nil. s.r.i nuvlhnrwm be ii... m may i... nflmnnflly mi. dnuuvlnril r.. AFVLING Wm! [50] rue aural-cam has eamsd a pyrmic victory am in he light a! my findmgs. that \s not enough for me to rerun the mailer to the Board [511 Thu. application ws dismissed um I am makmg an unusual order dnrectmg me Board to pay cos|s ol mmanoa to the applicant subject In allacalur Thu: SIIEH be no order as In oasis agai I ma 2"“ respondenl T-rum: 1n Ntwomhnr znzz LA (WAN AHMAD FARID BIN WAN SALLEH) Hakxm Mahkamuh Tlnggx Kuma Lumpur. mnawmau aw Fmak Pemmvsm mm: Lo: nan Fen,.1eremyOm Knznan Van Tuluan smx Ln 5 Box am pm Rnnmden u Eng! Pmak Responder: 2 may Em Am1anAl\ N mm, Am: sflmn. TnruunA mm 1. Co m unazrosfizxmxuz-/asza mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! interim Payment eertnfrcetes end Ivlease oi payments tn the sub-oonlraclnr: and (o) The 2"“ respondent, In assessing and recommending the payments In tat, included payment tor matevla|s that were not dellverad. used rates that were higher than the rate in the bill otdusntrttes and included suhste payments lorwdrx that the st.tb—eenIrat:lnr had not completed. [91 Subsequent to the 610.2021 letter. the applicant lodged a torrnat edmptaim agalrts1 the 2-” respondent dated 23102021 to the Beam. me oumplalnl, enllllad Aduan Tar/Iadap Orang Berdaflar, was rnnde under reg 22A of the Raulslralton or Engineers Regulations «esp. [10] Alter a series at exchanges ol tettera and documents, the Board responded to the applicant vide an email dated 1542022. The email enclosed a letter dated 14.4.2022. The letter states inrer a//a astollows. Adaiah dtmaklumkan seretan rnandapat dsnlusan dannada Resdonden nan nnnllalan kg alas sdnsn terseout, psmbenlangzrt hes in. fllhllfl fll fl-Ilnm Muyuarat Ltzmbaqi Jurtnet-3 Malaysia pada I3 Mac zuzz Lembiga Junnvla Malaysia datam rnesynarat lersehul teen lwbmululhlrl lulu: has ramadap Responden Suktnrlya pir-ax mart Malt belvuuhllt dwgan tepnrusan Iunsbtn, Dlhak man Dellu mengamuhkln hukll suupngsn yang bnrtam mean endencaldatarn rnaea 14 nan dzn Iallkh wral llll untuttrndatan sorentsny. [11] In short, the Board, at its meeting held an 13.3.2022. decided that mere was no case against the z- respondent (-the Impugnad decision”! [12] The applicam look umorage tn the manner the Board made the impugned declslcrl In a letter dated 27.4.2022, the applicant wrote tn the Board to put on record that ll was never infvmted or pmvlded with the purported clanncatien made by the 2" respondent. rn ena2ros5EKuixtu/used «war. snn mmhnrwlll r. t... w my r... nflnlrrsllly mime dnuuvtnrrl r.. .nune p-mat According to the applicant in the said letter. it was never given the upponunity to review or respond to the same. [ta] In any event the applicant asserted that no grounds at the impugned dec on oithe Board were provided In them. [14] After another series of exchanges 0! letters, it was quite apparent that the applicant was dissansned with the results irom the Board [15] Aggneved. the applicant wmrrterleod this applicatron lpr iudtcial review. [18] The Board finally replied to the ap lcanl on 15 7 2022. the same day this appllcalmn tor iudicial review was filed. The letter states that we mmpla n|hasb9eninVSAlgalet1lhomnghly lotlpwirig the st. ant Upsrallng Proeedun in receiving mniplaiiit and other new evladence given will be rimaniaied alter the Cmlfl'l dociwn as not to sutzitidipe the aligning piitin proceeding No explanation was made as to what the Board rneant try “me pngoing court proceeding" The Judicial Review [17] The application tor tuoicial review is supported by the amdavit oi Nazlhah trinti Mohd Raehid in Encl 3 |“AlS—3'] Puart Nazihah is the Senior Manager of the applicant company. [18] in the application tor tiid ' lotlowing ralieia ravleuv. the applicant itotight the lay That the applicant I73 granted leave to apply tar an order at Certiorari to quash the impugned decision thy Al|arrtI|lv3Iy, the applrcartl tie granted leave to apply lor a declaration that the lrnptionad deasion is null and void and liable to be set aside. IN pUE2rOB5EKulxll:t/DSJG «wit. s.i.i nurlhnrwlll be ti... m mm i... nflfllhnllly siiii. m.i.n n. nFluNG mi ici Tnai ine up "item be granied leave to apply ior an order 0! Mandamus dirzcling lhe Board to (i) ienear ine appiicanrs oonipiaini dated 2eio.2o2i iorinwiiri: (ii) iurriisn ine appiicantwitri irie olanncaiion provided by me 2'-*1 respondent mai 5 reierred in in ine Boards iener dared 14 4 2022 ("ine said cianfica|ion"): in) provide me appiicani an oppanuriny to respond no me said cianficaliori; and (IV) prevrue a reasoned decision upon me ounclusian onlie appii¢‘an|'S mmpiairil dated 23.10 2021. [19] Leave in commence iudioiai review was granied by iriis coun on 1 1.5 2022 [20] The grounds of ine applrcanfs app|ICa|mri can be summarised as roiiows iai The Board had iaiieo to provide me appiicani wllh any opporlunity In oammenl on me purpaned clarification furnished by Ihe 2"” respondent, Learned eourisei ior the appiicsn| submilled mat me Board nad eiieoiiveiy oreecneu |he pnncipia oi aulfi s/mam panem II is Ihe appiiulnll case that the nun-ubsawarioe 01 ||1iS principle would Inviiidals the mercise of power: Dalfihmflll bin Ibllhlm v Majlis Maayul IKer.!]rnn NogIIIPar1Is in Or! izonsi 4 cu 533 0A In Me Privy Cnuncii case or e Surindur srngn Kind: v Tin sovunnmrronne iredemrorr afMaIaya[1962]1 MLJ m we, ine board was oi ine View inai ine judge or wnoever i'ia$ I0 adrudicale mus| not hear or receive representations from one side behind the back or me uiiier in) Learned oounsei suoniiiied mei a pu in body nus a dury |o give reasons ior its decision, even it no express provision in me s|aIule requires me same. My allerilwn was inen drawn Io ine iudgnieni or via couri ol Appeai in Fnrbudanarl Purgurunn rreuisas 5 ors V Danni Enndar Km]: Lumpur 5 are [2021] 3 ML! 1 GA. Mary Llm JCA (naw FCJJ reiiaraied ine weir-seiiiad preposilian rnai reasoned dacisron 5 rn uUE2rOB5EKuixiu/052G “Nair s.i.i ruvihnrwiii .. u... m may i... nflninaiily siiii. dnunvinril wn aFiuNG Wflxi can be an addiiional consiiiuenl onrie aoneepl Mlalmess‘ and where lrie reasons nave id be given so iriai Ihe rigm ol appeal may be pmpeny arid nieaningiully exercised. (c) ii is me applicanrs case lriai having ailorded lne applicanl inc legilimaie axpecialion oi supnrlliing lresn evidence Vlde as leuer dated 14.4 2022. me aoard wnrloi be allowed (a deleai crie same. Learned counsel found siippon in tire said proposiiian In irie iudgnienl at me Own on Appeal in non: seriml (J5) Sdn and v Perigar-li Tlnlll den celian mgurl Jolior. Malaysia & ors [2011] 5 rlll_l 116 CA The Boaid. according io learned counsel, nad kept irie applicant in irie dark and lailed la provlde lne applicani wiili iis grounds or decision. Learned counsel suhrrlmed inai |l'le lailiire riad rendered in praciically Impossible ler ine applrcani id sumnli lrssn evidence Aaacidinp io laamad caunsel. lnis was in breach oi irie applicanrs legiilmate expeclaiion ‘nu Board’: response [21] The aoaid nas filed an a9‘fidavi| in reply in End 21 (‘A|R~21“)mmugri lr DrMsgalZuhairy bln Megal ‘raiudd lr Dr Megal is me Registrar onric Board [22] in essence, lr Dr Mega! elilnned as (allows (a) his procedures adopled by me Board at irie preliminary assessmeni stage when a oornplaini is reeelved are internal and need nnl aedisclosad id in appllcant. The Board isunder no legal or siaiuoory oolipalidn lo pmvlde any onriaiicn related io me assessnienl and me grounds 0! [IS decision lo ine applioani in) Tris Board has no elaluiory ooligaiion io ordvlde lne appllcani any opperiiiniiyio respond ie any inlerinaliori given try me 2” respondeni in me Board (C) The preliminary assessor presumed Professional Premise oorn Io assisi irie Board in inaiiers perlalrllng io irie proieselanal IN aUE2rOB5EKulxlu/DSJG “Nair s.r.i In-rlhnrwlll i. u... M may i... nflfllrrnllly MVMI dnunvlnnl VII aFluNG Wml conduct and elhics 07 regIs1er9d persons nude! 012 REA The przc confirmed trre nnding ottne prsurrmnery assamr Id) The 30 rd did not make any decision within the meaning oi “dents n under 0 53 r 2(4) of ttre Ruies or court 2012 |“ROC') and me app||can| is not ‘adversely aflecled" by tne dacrsron. (e) Tne appiicanrs ground 0! breach at tegitrrrrata expectation Is baseless. [23] For me aioresard reasons, the Board urged this Courlto dismiss Ihts applicalion ior judtaal review The 2" respond-rrt's ruponu [241 Thagist uitrre 2"’ respondents case is tnet the suprect matteraf |he applicants pornpiairrt agarnat the 2"“ respondent at the Board rs tne sama subject matter wnrch was litigated at the High Court Kuala Lumpur SIM Nu. WA-22C-1102/2019 (‘suit No. 13“) [25] me cause 0! action against the 2"‘ respondent in suit No 13 was that the 2"“ respondent was In breach at contract and negligent in me course at its pmlessional duty In respect of trra Pmiacl. The deim against tne 2"“ respondent was dismissed py tne High court an 3a.6.zu21. Aggneved, the apphcanl appealed to the Cnurl pi Appeai on 17 2 2022, the court at Appaai drsrrrissed me apptrcenrs eppeai wrm costs. (251 it was only on 134.2022 met Ihe Board made tne impugned decision. which was nommunicaleti m the applicant Ihe nex| day. [27] In the rasuit‘ Ieamed oourrset lorlhe 2'“ respondent arep Invited this ooun to dismiss the judicial revrew apptrcatron. IN enazrosfizxurxru/used «ma s.r.i mmhnrwm .. .r... w my r... nflmnnflly MVMI dnuumrrl VII mum v-mat nu arulynls [28] I lhlnk me appllcanrs case agalnsl the Board rs that ll was ndl glverl the nghl ll: be lreard and mat the Board ned lalled to we any gmunds on me unpugned declsron. [29] In snon, awarding lo the applrcenl, me impugned decrsioll ls lalrlled wnn procedural nnpropnely and breach of the pnrlclples dl rlaluval yuslloe [an] ln para an OVA|Sr<3. Puan Nazlnan made a lull and [rank dlsclosure aboul sun No.13 and me deasldn of me coun o1Appeal In amrrrung me findlng al lrre Hlgh coun In dlsrnlsslrrg me appllcsrrrs clarrn. However. Fuan Nazlhah insis|ed lhaISui| No. 13 Is drslrncl lrmr Ihe edrnplsrnl made agamsl me 2'” respdndanl a( me Board. For one aedardlng lo Puan Na1ihah,SulINo. 13 is a ervll denn, whereas me carnplurnr agairls| me 2"‘ respondenl edneerned alleged prolesslnrlal rrnscdnducl under the REA and1he199O Regulauons. [31] Secondly, Puan Nazlhah assened men lnrs ludicial review applicallon concerns lne alleged lailuru dl me lauurd |o observe procedural prupnety and «he rules drnslural luslioe VI arriurnd al me impugned decislon [32] The ques1lon that arlses I51 rs rl «me that the civll clarrn agalrrsl me 2"‘ respondent (who ls me 5'" delendenl m suil No 13) rs drslmcl lrdrn |he complarnl rnade againsl the nrnr al the Beam [33] Let us examlne para :4 cl me slalernenl ul clann agarnsl me 2''’ respondent al sun No. 13, Much I reproduce here for clarily laal Salerumyn dun dmn. np. .uu mdaan. Ple. lnlemnhdkarl bahuvm uelandan «es |elah aiqalabsldan/alau renlnggel untlk menlalankan lufih—|uqu-tngal nmlaslonalrlya Sehagal Jululera Pamndln; knpada Halnm din mun memungkirl aanlalzu melakukan kecualan (‘hm meal allxantmclnnd/0! neanwenr) ru enazrosfizxmxlu/aszn mu. s.n.r nuvlhnrwm .. u... m my r... nflnlrrnfily mm: dnuuvlnnl VII mum Wm! Bull:-hull: Knmunuklrzn Kama mm... K-zuullu up I. mam um mum |emvn( dun/llau nyara (‘Mia/»evlarn1/alexpvass mm bag. Mevmrmdum D5 bahawa neceman x.. s max» menggunaksn kesevnua xemaman, pagan dun kolamtan yang rmmauhuh mam malllulnlknn mamammmm prMtsu>na\ neceman K56 kupadn FIHIHIW. my Namun begun. pemmdmavan yang dlblnkin om Dtflandnn Ke-5 mm. mat. memuaskan 1c; Sears Imususnya. Deflendan Kn«5 man mangauhkln flan/anau menynranknn bayaran yang bertebnhan unluk new mama Defmdzm pmama, Dsleman K24 an mm high kerpakma yang duabnkan danlzlau umuk mm-bman yam] no-x ammnum (up Kllan daflvadanyn. Pmnunam. [mum bawr Ddendan panama, Delmdarl K9 2 dun Rm [341 As alluded to samer, \n the 5.10.2021 Vener to me Beam. me appllcanfs wmplalmwas anchored on meauegea negligsnoe nflhe 2"" raspandenl m (a) Assessmg and reuommendmg lhs mammals and work-done and Iesuhed in ms vssuanee of Imarim Paymem cemficales by me so: and am In asssssmg and rawmmending ma paymenu cw malanals that wem not defivered. [35] Wvlh respect‘ I cannot apprecxale (he of semen against the 2"“ respondent m sun No. 13 and ms oomplainl made in Ihe Board In the 5.10.2021 lens! 5. sm unazrosfizxmxuz-/aszn «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! [35] ln ms graunds ofiudqmant rn dllrmlsslng ma plainlilrs clalm WI sun No. 13‘ my learned brvlher Lml cnorrg Fang .I (now JCA) wok aogrrlaarroa that cause cl acllan agalnsl the 2"-= lespnrlden| and remarked as lolllrws: my ma Flnlnllfl lurlnar Ixmlandad lnal |ha rlmr Ddendam nreamed as mn| as well as Iamous dury by navlrlg carelessly certified ind/or raoommlrlded rne aaymerrl ldr malzvlals and work dam urrdar lhe Eldclmal Sub-Oonlum wma. rasunad lna s 0 lsslmg celllfitales and wmveumn lbs Plalnnn mada vaymem fllrecllyho 1h: Second Dalendzm The learned Judge also took cogrllsanna al lne allegallon mada by me appllcanl mat the rnalerlals oerlmed by me 2"’ raspormerrl were less lrrarr |he rnalerlal dellvered [371 Fmm lna grnunds ol judgrnerll vflhe learned Judge ln Sui| No 13‘ ll ls clear mar he had addressed lhe lwo mam rssues raised by me Ippllcam. wrricrr wars rallaraled as me naaar. ol Ihe oorrrplarnls rnade lo lhe Board The learned Judge concluded as lalluws lsnl ln um pmmlm, Imamiuru lmd mal and nuld lnal IM3 Fmn De4evldarl| VS nl7l nfifillqanl an (M mewsrlllnculnn ul lhe saaand nalandarrrs lnlarlm paymerll oerrmcam by reasm m are rllm uarandanl lraa a Imilad may only m are cenlfwalnn umoess as well as me! me rm: Drflrldarll dlu nal branch mar llmlled duly Issumsd Mum msullsd m rne damaaa smlemd by ma nlanllll [as] In slrcrv, lne learned Judge had wmplelely absolved me 2"“ rasporrdarrllrarn any oorrlraelual breach or Imlicus an whlch was ll: be me basla ol ma mrnplalrll ln lhe 6 10.2021 lealar la ma Board [39] One can be forglven i7 one were Io conclude mat the appllcant arlamplad 10 relillgale ma manar which had already bean detemwled by me caun al Appeal‘ wmcn alarmed ma flrldlngs of {he Hlgh Court In Sull Na. 13. I cannol imaglne the Board could deparl from me findmgs made by the learned Judge and hold lnal lhe 2“ respondent was professlonally negllgenl. lo ru anazrosfizxmxlu/usan “Nana Smal nuvlhnrwlll .. u... w my r... nflnlrrallly mm: dnuuvlnnl vu .nuua war
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Practice and Procedure – Striking Out – Res Judicata and Estoppel – Res Judicata in the wider sense – Rules of Court 2012, Order 18 rule 19(1)(a), (b) and (d).
YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA (BAHAGIAN SIVIL) GUAMAN NO: BA-22NCvC-353-08/2022 ANTARA KASRAN BIN YAHYA (NO. K/P: 650311-11-5193 … PLAINTIF DAN MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (No. Syarikat: 196001000142 (3813-K) … DEFENDAN JUDGMENT Introduction [1] This was an application by the Defendant to strike out the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim pursuant to Order 18 rule 19(1)(a), (b) and/or (d) of the Rules of Court 2012. [2] The Plaintiff, Kasran bin Yahya, has filed this action (“Suit 353”) against the Defendant, Malayan Banking Berhad, in this Court. The Plaintiff’s causes of action are premised on, inter alia, fraud, breach of duty, abuse of process and conspiracy to injure. The Plaintiff is seeking a 10/11/2023 11:33:16 BA-22NCvC-353-08/2022 Kand. 43 S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 number of declarations and damages amounting to about RM200,000,000.00. The Central Issues [3] The dominant issue in this application is whether this is a proper case whereby this Court should invoke its powers under Order 18 rule 19(1) of the Rules of Court 2012 to dismiss Suit 353. [4] In determining the above principal issue, this Court will have to first contend with a number of subsidiary issues, namely, (a) whether Suit 353 indeed discloses no reasonable cause of action; (b) whether Suit 353 is undeniably scandalous, frivolous or vexatious; and/or (c) whether Suit 353 is an abuse of the process of the Court. [5] The position taken by the Defendant is that the answers to the above questions are in the affirmative and expectedly, the Plaintiff has taken the converse stand. The Case for the Plaintiff [6] In resisting the Defendant’s Notice of Application, the Plaintiff raised the point that he had resigned as a director of Seribong Engineering Sdn Bhd (“SESB”), a company that was granted various facilities (loans) by the Defendant, on 1 August, 2006. S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [7] The Plaintiff further pointed out that he had stood as a guarantor for the loans amounting to only RM500,000.00 but additional loans were granted by the Defendant to SESB after he had resigned from SESB. [8] Most importantly, the Plaintiff underscored the fact that this present Suit 353 is predicated on the “discovery of new information/document”. The Case for the Defendant [9] The crux of the Defendant’s submissions in support of its Notice of Application to strike out this Suit 353 is premised on the doctrine of res judicata. It is the Defendant’s contention that this doctrine prohibits the Plaintiff from re-litigating the present claim which had been duly adjudicated upon in the Sessions Court of Shah Alam in Summons no. B52-NCC-35-02/2015 (“Suit 35”). [10] In that said Suit 35, the Defendant has succeeded in obtaining judgment in a claim for the outstanding sum on a loan that the Defendant had given to SESB and the Plaintiff was found liable as guarantor for that loan. [11] The Defendant further drew this Court’s attention to the following pertinent background facts, namely: • that the Defendant had commenced Suit 35 in February 2015 in the Sessions Court against the Plaintiff as guarantor for a loan granted to SESB in which SESB had defaulted in the various facilities granted by the Defendant; S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 • that the Defendant had obtained summary judgment against the Plaintiff in Suit 35 in September 2015; • that the Defendant had obtained Receiving and Adjudication Orders against the Plaintiff in December 2016; • that in 2020, the Plaintiff had filed an application for, inter alia, an extension of time to appeal against the summary judgment and that application was dismissed; • that the Plaintiff then proceeded with an appeal at the Court of Appeal; • that prior to the hearing of the appeal at the Court of Appeal, the Plaintiff had also filed an application to adduce further evidence; • that both the above applications were dismissed by the Court of Appeal; • that the Plaintiff had also filed a collateral action against the defendant bank and several officers of the defendant bank vide High Court of Shah Alam Civil Suit No. BA- 22NCvC-474- 11/2020 (“Suit 474”); • that although a judgment in default was duly obtained in Suit 474, this was subsequently set aside: and S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 • that the Plaintiff did not appeal against that decision and did not pursue the matter further and in fact on 27 May 2021, the Plaintiff filed a notice of discontinuance of Suit 474. [12] Based on the above factual background, it is the Defendant’s contention that the issues raised in this present Suit 353 are similar to those that been or should have been ventilated in the previous proceedings and thus this present Suit 353 is caught by the doctrine of res judicata in the wider sense. [13] The Defendant has also raised the defence of limitation in support of its Notice of Application to strike out the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim. Application of the Law and Principles to the Present Matter [14] The law and principles governing the Striking Out of a Writ and Statement of Claim, as laid down in Order 18 rule 19(1)(a) – (d) of the Rules of Court 2012, are uncontroversial and are well established. [15] This Court takes cognizance of the fact that no evidence shall be admissible on an application under the first of the four available limbs/paragraphs of Order 18 rule 19(1) of the Rules of Court 2012 and that this provision is only to be invoked in clear and obvious cases. Both parties have cited the seminal case of Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd & Ors v United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd [1993] 2 AMR 1969; [1993] 4 CLJ 7; [1993] 3 MLJ 36. S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [16] It is incumbent on this Court to examine the factual matrix of this case to see if any of the grounds relied on by the Defendant in this present application has indeed been made out. [17] Mindful of the pertinent background facts as adumbrated in paragraph [11] and guided by the authorities in cases such as Lin Wen- Chih & Anor v Pacific Forest Industries Sdn Bhd & Anor [2020] ANEH 1868; [2020] 1 LNS 2104; [2021] 4 MLJ 367; [2021] 2 MLRA 376, Kluang Wood Products Sdn Bhd & Anor V Hong Leong Finance Bhd & Anor [1998] 4 AMR 4225; [1999] 1 CLJ 1; [1999] 1 MLJ 193; [1998] 2 MLRA 221 and Akitek Tenggara Sdn Bhd v Mid Valley City Sdn Bhd [2007] 5 AMR 453; [2007] 6 CLJ 93; [2007] 5 MLJ 697; [2007] 2 MLRA 584, this Court is in agreement with the Defendant that this present Suit 353 is caught by the doctrine of res judicata in the wider sense. [18] On this ground alone, this application by the Defendant to strike out the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim should be allowed. [19] Be that as it may, the three matters raised by the Plaintiff in paragraphs [6], [7] and [8] above warrant further due consideration. [20] On the point that the Plaintiff had resigned from SESB and that he had stood as guarantor for the loans amounting to only RM500,000.00 but additional loans had been granted by the Defendant to SESB after he had resigned from SESB, this Court makes reference to Clause 12 and Clause 13 of the Guarantee which provide that “ … the guarantee herein shall be a continuing guarantee” and “This Guarantee shall not be determined or in any way prejudiced by Any change on the constitution of the Customer S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 or any of the undersigned, whether by retirement, expulsion, death … ” respectively. These clauses bind the Plaintiff. [21] A vital point is that the liability of the Plaintiff had never been increased but remained at RM500,000.00. [22] On the submission by the Plaintiff that this present Suit 353 is predicated on the “discovery of new information/document”, this Court is of the considered view that the said new information/document was never concealed from the Plaintiff. [23] Counsel for the Plaintiff urged this Court to take note of the maxim: “Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria”; which according to counsel means: “A person having done wrong cannot take advantage of his own wrong and plead bar of any law to frustrate the lawful trial by a competent court.” [24] Henceforth the question: Has the Defendant “having done wrong”? [25] Having considered the totality of materials available before the court, this Court is of the considered view that the Defendant in the instant Suit 353 had all along acted in accordance with their statutory and contractual rights in all the proceedings preceding this action. [26] In response to the maxim highlighted by counsel for the Plaintiff, the riposte is: Is qui nihil mali fecit, iure petere potest. [27] The Defendant in the present Suit 353 who has done nothing wrong can claim justice. This is a proper case for this Court to exercise its powers S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 to Strike Out the Plaintiff’s Writ and Statement of Claim pursuant to Order 18 rule 19(1)(a), (b) and/or (d) of the Rules of Court 2012. [28] The Notice of Application by the Defendant in Enclosure 10 is allowed with costs of RM10,000, subject to allocator. Dated: 6 November, 2023 sgd [CHOONG YEOW CHOY] Judicial Commissioner High Court of Malaya Shah Alam Counsel: Periasamy Karuppan with Aundre Onn for the Plaintiff (Messrs. Periasamy & Co.) SY Ng with Noor Azanida Alladin for the Defendant (Messrs. Raja, Darryl & Loh) S/N eJ8NYp5WR0iDz3E48RRhyg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Administrative Law — Judicial review — Application — Application for review of decision of the Minister of Finance — Application for refund under the Goods and Services Act 2014 (“GST Act”) and the GST (Exempt Supply) Order 2014 (“Exempt Order”) – Subject property thought be a commercial land and later discovered as residential – Whether GST paid refundableStatutory interpretation – Whether Court can be allowed to be used as an instrument to perpetuate illegality
YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh
10/11/2023 10:10:56 WA-25-429-07/2022 Kand. 28 S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Y5UdUrRxUqZspDHQeMwXw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—25—d29—U7/2022 Kand. 28 12/11/2023 10:12-55 DALAM MAHKAMAH TWGGI DI KUALA LUMFUR (EAHAGIAN KUASA KHAS) PERMOHONAN SEMAKAN KEHA§ MAN NO WA 5-4210112012 Dawn pevkzm Penman 53 Kaeuah 12) Kaudarrkaedah Mahhamnh 2012. Dan Dawn pevkam named: an mm a. bawlh Seksyen 25 narevvggan 1 ma Mar-kaman Kanakxman was». Dan Dam nsnara Item 1 Jadual Akm Mahkamzh Kzhaluman mu, Dan Dalam perkam remedl dan re\I21 m bawah Ssksyen on an 44 Ann Rahal sp-cm 1250‘ u... Dnlam peflura Slksyan mm Akln Cult-x Earanq Gan Pemlmmaxan mm. Dan Dalam Delkava 5eksyan 54 Am Cukaw Baum; flan Parklmmanan 2014. Dan Da\zm Derkara Seksyan 51 Akla Cukaw Bavinn din Psmmmauan 2014 Dan Dam pelkan Pumtih 211) Penman Cuk;-JV aamng dun Pevkhhmalnn (Fambukalan D\kecuaIkan)2ll1I Dan Dahm Pam u m my Juana! Pmamu Pemlah cum Bunny dan Perxrmmatan wamzmauan Dlkscualkanjzflu. 1 sm v5uauvR.xuuZKnDHu-Mwxw mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! Dan Dalam pelkara Arum 97 Pmermagzan Pa/sekmuan. Dan Dalam porkava saksmr 4 ma Memefl Kawxngln AP-mamsaurraru ‘F511 Dan Dahm vemara Seksyen m Ana Pmoedur xmnyan 1957, ANTARA NATHAN ar OLIVER HOLDINGS sun BHD (No. Syarlkalz 122A223«D) ...PEMOHON DAN 1. MENTERI KEWANGAN‘ MALAVSIA 2. KEMENYERIAN KEWANGAN, MALAYSIA ...RESPONDEN- 3. KERAJMN MALAYSIA RESPONDEN JUDGMENT [11 The (acts Veadmg lo «ms appncacrorr «or pudmnal rewew are not very much m dispute. They are as faHaws [21 In 2011. the appncanl cnmpany acquired a 3-smrey hemage properly m Lebnh Armeman,GaMgs1uwn, Fulau Fmang Irom Keng Fall Sdn End (‘the said Properly‘) The apphcanfs pnsnion is that an an malenal «mes. Keng Fan Sdn Ehd (“Ksng Fall’) represented an ma appumnu mm the sand Property is a oDmmercia\ pmpefly 2 sm v5udurR.xLluZKnDHu-Mwxw 3%.. smm nnuhnrwm .. med w my r... mrmu-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG vmm {3} [41 [5] [5] U] Para 3 our»: recnals el lha sale and Purchase Agreement (‘SPA’) dared 5.4.2017 beiweell lha applrmnl and Keng Fan states as lpllaws WHEREAS we Vandal ncrarry acknowledge. ruprunm .na .3... lnnl ms vmor ls a Demon regrslered pnwanr rc lne Goods and Sewlces Yax. me sard Pmpeny ls . uumrnevclll prop!!!) and hence lhe sale and pmchau L71 rna sald Prolxrly n suhpen In Goods and Servlces Tax (hamnanel cam ~esfl slnua lna sam Properly was relenea In as under are calegury ol 'cnmmerc |' in me SPA, lha applrcarrl vald me Goods and sales Tax('G5T'lolRM3oc,o00l'1ne GST Sum”). which was calculated at me rare 6*/. M lrre purchase price nl RM5,noo,ooo.oo. Upon the aoqulsltlorl, me applicant company sought in lease om lne sald Properly as a hlgrrend load and beverage rue“) auuel Aooordrng In lne appllcanl, a prpspeclrve (mam was rnleresled ln renllng lrra sald Property, The pmspecllva lananmld a due dllrgence exerclsrr arm drsmvared |ha| lhe snld Pmpeny was classrlied as “res'lderr|la|" by me Mauls Bandariyl Pulau Pinang ('MBPP“). Upon analner anqulry, MBPP conrlrmea mar me sad Pvuperiy was classified as “l'esldarlllIl". The classlfrcallon was based on me reaems olassessmem kepl by MBPF Tne lecler, daled 24 3.2019, srares lr-rrer alia as lallows Bemzssrkan reknd Mauls sapem yang dmyalaknn aalanr cm. lnknrrln mandnpall perils kegunaarr senasn bingunln ml aaalan sebzlgnl R30 Iallu Rlmralr rerap ems Dildaurkzrl xxx Tapak wm... Dunn: George Town. lorrasl bangurlan lnr |erIeIsk aalnrn Dafllrrklmgirl spsuar Zone (Resrflanlral menayl Aggrieyad by me cannnnamn made by MBPP, lne spelrunl saugnl a relunu at me GST Payrnerrr from llre Royal Cuuoms Department pl Fenang (‘JKDM Pulau Plrlang“) The reason lar seelnng me reluna was lnal GST is nor chargeable for lne wrweyanw of a resldenlial properly. 3 am v5udurR.xL1uZ‘nDHu-Mwxw “Nair s.n.r ...n.ryn .. HIGH m yaw r... nflfllnnllly mrnln dnuurlnrrl VII arlum war [5] However. the JKDM Ptrlau Ptnang directed the annlicanttp seek the retund lmm the Respondents. [9] The 1“ respondent is the Minister at Finanee (‘the Minister‘). The 2"“ respondent is the Ministry ot Finance The 3'" respondent is the Guvcrnlllertl ei Malaysia. [10] Acting on the direction, the applicant. through lls solicitors. applied to the 2'-1 respondent to relund the GST Sum inde its letter dated 15.7 2020. The letter concluded as tpllaws Hence. by vlrlua er the tmrr py the Felting city Council sLI|lng1h5 usagn is residential and placing reliance ripen the edeipe :11 the cimarnr Omoer. he wnte thie lintar In yvu tp humbly request tartne at-prenerrttonet dlseratrrrr, umich ll tor the HM GST Payment to D1 rehrnded by the Royal crrnprns in Perrarrg to am etienr uirernty [I1] untprtrrnately, the 2” respondent reiected the applicants application was Ils letter dated 5.4.2021. [12] Further appeals by the spplicam were lo no avail. [13] In a letter dated 21.4 2022. the 2"“ respondent replied as lpllowa Pemmhalllrl vlltnk |ull! yulg mswnltlll Inak grrani. methane. Oilvnr Htzidlnqs sun and nnmk rrrenuaparvan hayzran ballk cukral bamng den pertthrdriratan rear) penirrntah nmsooma retah when pcnrrntrartaan oteh vs Merttert Kawungarl dun dlmaklvmklri peitaw. pennehpnrn terseptrt tiaark tslrrlrrstun For brevity, lhe two letters dated 54.2021 and 2t 4.2022 will be relerred to as the "MaF Letters‘. [14] Aggneved. the applicant cprrinreneed an application tor judicial review tor a declaration that the deer ens (‘the irnpugned decisions’) made by the Minister through the MDF lellers are null and void. The applicanl seeks an order at mandamus tor the respondents I0 withdraw the impugned decisions In the alternative, the spplrcantaleo seeks an prderploertipran to quash the impugned declsiarts rn Y5udUrR.ttLltzZ‘nDHD-Mwxw “Nair s.ii.i nuvlhnrvtlll be tr... m min i... riirii.iiri MVMI flnulvllnl p.. hFlt.ING vtmxl The gudlclal review [151 [15] [1 7} Tne appllc lion lor iudiclal revlew ls euppaned byllle amdavll oi Ng Dee Land In Encl 3 (‘AIS-3“). Ms Ng ls the director of me appllcanl company Leave lo commence judbcla review was granted by one cpurl an 22.5.2022. The grounds or lhe appllcanrs appllcallon can be sumlrlarlsed as lcllows (al The Sam Pmpen categorised as “resldentlal' slnae ll has the calegory of usage as ‘re5Idenlla|'l the Iransler nnhe same pursuant |o the SPA does Hal aflrad the imposlllorl of (he GST lb) The respondents‘ lnlervrelaflon anal me Goods and Ssrvlnes AC1 2014 (‘GST Act‘) and lne GST (Exenlpl Supply) Omar 2014 l-Exempl OM97“) look lnlp me mlenlion as opposed lo the auual classlndellpn ollhe properly ls unleaslple la) The GST IS a proadaased oansumpllorl lax based on a va|us— added epndepl In one eneunlslences, me concern! is lnal businesses may recover lne GST Incurred on edsls and buslness expenses Irom lne Goverrlmem: Lendmse Dovnlopmlrn Malaysia Sdn Bhd v Kenn Plnganll Kes In! 4 Armr [2022] 1 LNS 1312. ld) In any eyenl. any ellelnpl Io calagpnse lhe said Properly as “cdlnlnerclar would be In Danllaverlllon onne appllcable law In respecl or lawn plannlng Llndev s lam pl me Town and Cmmlry Plannlng Am 1975 (“TCP Aer). no person shall use any land orbullding ulherwise man In mnlormlly wim lne local plan. (e| Paras 1 and 2 pl me aempl Order should be lrllerprelad as lncludlng lands malare pmcially calegorlsed by me govemlng local aulhorily. ln this case. me MEPF. as resldennal and lnerepy IS an slernpl supply. 5 am v5uduvR.xulzZKnDHueMwxw «ma s.n.l nnvlhnrwlll be p... a my l... nflnlnnllly sun. dna-vlnrll wa mulls Wml in Tnsia was a deprlvallon of me applicants lagiiinieie expecialion that GST is exeniplad iipin all Ilansachuns of leslde prapeflbesi Mums Porbuldl n Fulilu Flnilrlg v syaiikai ssku/sums-unis sorpspuna sung-l Gnlupor Dengan Tanpgung-n mm} 3 cu 65 Fe. (g) Tne Minialei nas failed ip give any reasons |o ma applicant in am ing an me impugned decisions. ll is pan pr pmpaduiai raiinass and settled pniicipla at public Law and naiuial iusiioe «nail is public decision-mlklng body mus( give iaaspns in ainying ai iis decision; cliang Tah Sin y Manml Dllilm Nogui & Anal [za22} 9 cm ms, The mpond-nw ralponse [15] [19] [20] The iespondenis‘ pasillon ls lnai «oi me applicant io rely on para 2 oi ine Exampl order, the applicant must be able lo pmve lnai ilie said Fiolaem is lntended for iesidenllal use Yhe laaniad SFC was duiia candid in her submission sria inviiad ltiis coun lo inlarprel paia 2 of ilie Exempt order (I) wneinai ii snpiild be iead subieci la lha classmaaiipn dune building; or in Whether me exainplion is supiscl lo the purpose aluse dnna bulldlng as urged by me raspondams. Para 2 at me Exempt oidsi pmvides lliai the supply 0! goods deiennined as an exempt supply include: Any puildinpoipiennesioina exlam min using used lpi Ieslduntlal purposes‘ desogned pi mnpllsd nu ma pi lmlrldnd in pa use as dwelling elicludirlg hotel. Wm, noaidinp muse oi siiiillai esiaplisnnieni pi slssplng acppninipdailaii The learned SFC submlllsd lhll the purchase 01 hulldlng-Mlalbd pipperiy is only exeinpiad when inianded lei iesldaiiiial use. According to ine learned src, ma phrase any pin/ding oipieniises In the extent of It being used fur residential purpose: was made 5 sin V5udL1vR.iiUuZ‘nDHDuMwxw “Nair s.ii.i In-vlhnrwlll be ii... M yaw i... nflfllnnllly MIMI dun-vlnrll VII nFluNG Wml [2‘l [22] [23] The [24] without any relerence Io Ins seIegory of use W are Issue document or lIl|e mm“) of Ine subyecx propeny In Ine absence eI sucn Ielsranue, Ine learned sI=c urged InIs ceun In g an urdmary rrIeanIrI§ Ia Para 2. My au.erIlIan was men drawn (0 me Judgmenl of Ins Federal Cnurl In Pnlm Gil Rnslalcll and Dtvtloflflllnl‘ BolrdM lys I G Anor v Premium Vegetable oIIs sun and [21104] 2 cm 255 PC The Federal cbun. aner nevung reierred to me Iudgmem 0! me Pnvy ceuncn ||'| Ilangln v Inllnd Ruvdnua carnrn/ss/on-rII97I1 AC 739 PC, nsId Inar me corvecl approach to be adapted by a court In Inlerprenng a Iaxmg sIaIuIe would be four-prong: (aj First, the words are k: be gwen men ordInary meanmg (hi seeondIy, bne has In Ibek nrerery at what Is cIearIy sand. Naming Is to be read In and nuwng Is lo be imphed. (c) TnrrdIy, Ina omen or me eons(rucIIorI or a sIaIuIs Is to aseerlam the wIII of me legislature. It may‘ lhere4oIe, be presumed IneI nelmev InIusIIce nor absurdny was Innended (d) Fbunmy. Ine hlslory eren enaumenl and me masons InaI Ied In Its bemg passed may be used as an am In IIs conslruclmn In the cIIcums1arIces. me Iearned src urged Inis Court to irnerpreI para 2 or me Exemp| order by gIvIng IIs ommary meamng wIInbuI Ine need to ImpIy anylhmg Fur Ine aluresand reasons, me Ieamed SFC urged |hIs coun Ia dIsrn-se Ihe applrcaubn Ier judIeIaI rewsw nalyiil Let me begm by Inalyslng wneI me upphcam dId illev aoquving me sad Property In para 12 eI AIS-3, Mrss Ng asserted mal me eempeny nad secured a prospecllve IenanI, ens JeIIrey srumada Kain a smgeporean, who was InIeresIed In Isasing Ine sald Property as a mgn-end Fara ouIIe1. 7 srn vfiudurmuulwnnuamwxw «wee s.n.I n-nhnrwm s. u... M mm he br1mn.H|y mm: dun-mm wa mum v-mm [25] There is therefore, no doubi lhal me applicanl cumpany intended Ia use llie Said Propeny «or commercial purposes unlonunalely. in did nol malei-ielise due lo lne lam llia said Pmpen zoned lor res emial Duruases [25] Due la vie legal inipedimenl, |he applicant could nol proceed wiln ils irilenlion In lease me properly. ll Ihe applieanl did that ii would pa open lo a possible proseoulmrl under s lam oi llie TCF Am. Having lnal in mind, I carvlm reepacllully aoeede no me learned SFC's irwilallon lo give an ordinary meaning lo pare zollne Exonipl Order sinoe |o do lhal would mean lriis coun will allow ilsellle pa used as an lnelnimenl lo perpeiuaie illepalily. [271 In one oinsurnslances pl lrie case, lrie aoplioanl nad no onoioe ouno use Ihe said properly «or a residenlial purpose and nothing more. sinw the applicanl cannon use lne said Properly lor oommereial purposa, il would be wrong lo inioase me GST on me company sinoe me supply or lne said Properly IS oaupm under lne exemplion envisaged in para 2 enne Exempt Order [291 To inlerprel olherwna wnuld prpduoe an iniuslioe and absurdlly. The applisanl would suller lor navinp paid lna esw pul aould not use me said Prepeny lor ooinmeroal purposes due lo lha legal oonslralnls. Aomrdlng In lne lriird approacn in me Palm Oil Rsssarcll case‘ il lne lileral inlerprelalian would resull in iniuslioe and absurdity, il lies Io be avoided. Findings (29) For me aileresaid reasons, llie impugned decisions are lainled wim Wedrlesbury unleasonableness and A/llsmlnlc error Ia make it amenable in judicial review Tne impugned decisions are. mereiore, null and void. [30] An order M Cefllnrali is therefore issued to quash lhs impugned declyorls. I am making a lurlrierprderlerlrie respondenls lo relund me as sum lo liie appllcam company. [31] Tnere snail be no order as to coals. a sru v5udurR.xuuZKnDHueMwxw “Nair s.n.i nuvlhnrwm be u... re may i... miimiiu siiii. dnumlnrll VII nFluNG Wm! [:2] In View ulmy findings, I will not address me remwnmg wssues tamed by me applicant. Tarik 0 Novamhu 202: L4 (WAN AHMAD FARID BIN wm SALLEH) Haldm Mahkamah Tmggx Kuala Lumpur Pihakpmak: Bagi Plhak Pemohon Azzuan Shah hm Abd Ra1ak& Choo Dee we. Teman Chuo Des Wet Eagi Pmak Responden: Famh Shuhada bum Ramh SFC Jabmn Peyuam Negara, Pulra;aya 9 sm v5uauvR.xuuZKnDHu-Mwxw _«m.. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Application by the Judicial Manager of the Respondent for a declaration that a call on a Bank Guarantee is in contravention of sections 410, 411 and 414 of the Companies Act 2016. Whether the call on the Bank Guarantee amounts to taking a step to enforce a security over the First Respondent’s property.
YA Tuan Ahmad Murad Bin Abdul Aziz
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMMERCIAL DIVISION ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO. WA-28JM-22-12/2021 In the matter of Trans Fame Offshore Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Transfame Sdn Bhd) [Company No: 199501010606 (339807-A)]; And In the matter of Judicial Management pursuant to sections 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411 and the Ninth Schedule of the Companies Act 2016; And In the matter of the Companies (Corporate Rescue Mechanism) Rules 2018. BETWEEN SYED IBRAHIM & CO [Applying as a law firm] … APPLICANT AND 1. TRANS FAME OFFSHORE SDN BHD (DI BAWAH PENGURUSAN KEHAKIMAN) (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Transfame Sdn Bhd [(No. Syarikat: 199501010606 (339807)] … FIRST RESPONDENT 2. MALAYSIA MARINE AND HEAVY ENGINEERING SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: 14558-P] … SECOND RESPONDENT AND 1. BAP RESOURCES SDN BHD [Company No.: 201201003655 (977180-U)] 2. PENGIRAN DATO’ AWANG DAUD BIN AWANG PUTRA [I.C No.: 601019-13-5647] … INTERVENERS 10/11/2023 16:41:37 WA-28JM-22-12/2021 Kand. 139 S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT INTRODUCTION [1] This application in Enclosure 59 is made by the Judicial Manager of the First Respondent for the following orders (quoted verbatim): 1. Bahawa Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 14558-P(“MMHE”) dicantumkan/ditambah sebagai Responden di dalam tindakan ini; 2. Selanjutnya daripada perenggan (1), tajuk (intitulement Saman Pemula No WA-28JM-22-12/2021 hendaklah dipinda untuk menambah MMHE sebagai suatu Responden dalam prosiding ini; 3. Suatu deklarasi bahawa MMHE dalam memanggil Jaminan Bank No. 248PG098813 yang diisu oleh United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd (“UOB”) pada 5.12.2019 dan luput pada 13.9.2021 dalam jumlah RM5,150,000.00 (“Jaminan Bank”) yang diberikan oleh Responden, telah melanggar seksyen 410, 411 dan 414 Akta Syarikat 2016; 4. Selanjutnya daripada perenggan (3), suatu perintah agar MMHE memulangkan jumlah wang RM5,150,000.00 kepada Responden dalam masa 21 hari dari tarikh perintah ini. S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [2] Prayers 1 and 2 were allowed by consent of the parties. However, I dismissed prayers 3 and 4 in Enclosure 59. My grounds for dismissing prayers 3 and 4 are as given below. BACKGROUND FACTS [3] For ease of reference, I shall hereafter refer to the parties as “MMHE” (Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd) and “TFO” (Trans Fame Offshore Sdn Bhd). TFO’s judicial manager will be referred to as “the Applicant”, where appropriate. MMHE had appointed Trans Fame Offshore Sdn Bhd (“TFO”) as a subcontractor to perform the works as contained in a Letter of Award dated 19.07.2019. [4] Pursuant to the said Letter of Award, a performance bond in the form of a bank guarantee dated 05.12.2019 issued by United Overseas Bank Berhad (“UOB”) in the sum of RM5,150,00.00 (“the BG”) was provided by TFO to MMHE. [5] On 30.11.2021, MMHE called on the BG, which resulted in UOB paying RM5,150,000.00 to MMHE. [6] Thereafter, TFO’s solicitors issued a letter of demand dated 02.12.2021 to MMHE seeking for the refund of RM5,150,000.00. MMHE had via its solicitors’s letter replied to the said demand. S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [7] TFO avers that MMHE’s act of calling on the BG is in contravention of s.410, s.411 and s.414 of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA”), and thus the said sum of RM5,150,000.00 was unlawfully obtained by MMHE and ought to be refunded to TFO. The relevant provisions relied on by the Applicant are given below: (a) s.410 “During the period beginning with the making of an application for a judicial management order and ending with the making of such an order or the dismissal of the application: (b) no steps shall be taken to enforce any… security over the company’s property… except with leave of the Court and subject to such terms as the Court may impose…” (b) s.411 “(4) During the period for which a judicial management order is in force: (d) no steps shall be taken to enforce security over the company’s property…except with consent of the judicial manager or leave of the Court and subject to such terms as the Court may impose…” (Emphasis added) (c) s.414 “(1) On the making of a judicial management order, the judicial manager shall take into his custody or under his control all the property to which the company is or appears to be entitled. (3) The judicial manager of a company shall: (a) do all such things as may be necessary for the management of the affairs, business and property of the company; and (b) do all such other things as the Court may order.” S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [8] It is the contention of the Applicant, as the judicial manager of TFO, that MMHE’s call on the BG was tantamounts to enforcing a security over TFO’s property. Thus, the act of calling on the BG is in contravention of sections 410 and 411 of the CA. THE ISSUE TO BE DECIDED [9] The primary issue for this Court’s decision is whether the monies paid by UOB to MMHE under the BG are property of TFO and if the answer is positive, then the next issue is whether MMHE’s act of calling on the BG and receiving the monies from UOB amounts to enforcing a security over the “company’s property”. [10] In order to determine whether TFO has proprietary rights over the monies paid under the BG, I first have to determine whether the monies are the property of UOB or TFO. [11] The Applicant avers that the monies are the property of TFO and not UOB based on the letter dated 01.12.2021 from UOB, which states: “Please be informed the aforesaid sum of RM5,150,000.00 together with RENTAS charges of RM9.00 has been paid from the following amount (1) …account no 2093043678 amounting to RM1,591,100.23 (2) Non checking account no 2093061278 amounting to RM3,558,907.77.” S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [12] The Applicant further contends that had UOB not paid out on the BG, the monies in the above account would be paid back to TFO. FINDINGS BY THE COURT [13] I am of the view that the calling of the BG by MMHE and the receiving of the monies under the BG is not tantamount to taking a step to enforce security over TFO’s property for the following reasons: (a) the monies in TFO’s account held by UOB in the name of TFO are in fact deposits made by TFO with UOB. Furthermore, section 2 of the Financial Services Act 2013 defines a deposit and a depositor as follows: ‘deposit’ means a sum of money accepted or paid on terms under which it will be repaid in full, with or without interest or any other consideration in money or money’s worth, either on demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the person making the payment and the person accepting it… ‘depositor’ means a person entitled to the repayment of a deposit, whether the deposit was made by him or any other person… (b) The relationship between a bank (in this case, UOB) and its customer is defined in the seminal English case of Foley v Hill and others [1843-60] All ER Rep 16, where the House of Lords held: S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 “The relationship between a banker and his customer who pays money into the bank is that of a debtor and creditor, the banker being liable to repay the customer the money which he holds for him when required to do so by the customer. When a customer pays money into his account at a bank it ceases, to be his money: It becomes the banker’s money and he can deal with it as his own. He is not vis-à-vis the customer in the fiduciary position as a trustee or quasi-trustee holding the money for the customer as a cestui qua trust.” (c) The principle enunciated by the House of Lords above was followed by the Indian High Court of Andhra Pradesh in the case of Haryana Telecom Ltd v Aluminium Industries Ltd LNIND 1995 AP 179, where the issue of whether a principal (who procures a bank guarantee) has any proprietary interest in the money paid under a bank guarantee was examined and decided on. The High Court of Andhra Pradesh in hearing the appeal involving the issues, inter alia, whether taking steps to enforce any bank guarantee amounting to proceedings for execution, distress or the like, against any property of the sick industrial company pursuant to the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act 1985, has ruled as follows: “(5) The bank guarantee cannot be said to be the property of the first respondent herein simply because it is indirectly going to be affected by enforcement of the said bank guarantee by the writ appellant. Similarly, proceedings to encash the bank guarantee cannot be said to be covered by the phrase ‘execution, distress or the like’, contemplated under section 22(1) of the Act. A similar question came up for consideration before the learned single judge in Aluminium Industries Ltd v Hindustan Cables Ltd (W.P No 9420 of 1992 dated 11.9.1992), which was rejected by the learned single judge by observing as follows: ‘I will now dispose of the legal contention S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 raised by the learned counsel for the petitioner that by virtue of section 22 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act 1985, the invocation of bank guarantees is barred. Learned counsel submits that the encashment of bank guarantees amounts to proceedings against the properties of the petitioner company and therefore, it is prohibited by section 22. Learned counsel reinforces his argument by stating that the word ‘property’ bears a wide connotation in legal practice and the word ‘property’ occurring in section 22 would encompass within its sweep the bank guarantees as well. It is difficult to accept this contention of learned counsel … In elaborating further, I would add that the invocation of the bank guarantee by the beneficiary under the guarantee does not put in motion any proceedings for execution, distress or the like against the properties of the company. It is difficult to accept the contention of learned counsel that the bank guarantees constitute property of the petitioner. The mere fact that the petitioner had deposited some money with the bank as a prelude to obtaining the bank guarantees or that the petitioner is exposed to a future pecuniary liability as a consequence of encashment of bank guarantee, does not mean that the petitioner has some sort of proprietary right or interest in the bank guarantees as such and that a proceeding analogous to execution or distress is being taken against the properties of the company. It may be that as a result of encashment of bank guarantee by the first respondent, the bank may proceed to recover the amount from the petitioner. But that is only an indirect though inevitable consequences of invoking the bank guarantee. In fact, that stage has not yet reached…. We entirely agree with the reasons and the views expressed by the learned single judge in the above case and, therefore, we do not think it necessary to repeat the same or to give separate reasons.” [14] (i) Furthermore, as observed by our Court of Appeal in the case of Kumpulan Liziz Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) v Pembinaan Azam Jaya Sdn Bhd [2021] MLRAU 228, a bank guarantee is regarded as a separate contract between the bank and the beneficiary, and the principal cannot interfere with such contract: S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 “[16] Even at the time of arguing the appeal, the petitioner’s stand is that it is for the respondent to persuade the Bank to terminate the bonds. In practice and in law, no banks may do that unless the beneficiaries of the bond had agreed with the Bank as the bonds are separate and distinct contracts between the Bank and beneficiaries to pay the sum agreed on demand. The one who procured the bonds cannot interfere with such a contract…” (ii) Counsel for MMHE submits that following the above judicial observation, to satisfy “a security over a property” within s.410 and s.411 of the CA, TFO must show that the BG and/or the monies paid under the BG is(are) in fact the property of TFO, which following the dicta of the cases cited above, it(they) is(are) not. [15] Thus, applying the principles enunciated in the above cases, I find that in the present case, TFO has no proprietary interest or right over the BG and the money paid thereunder. Accordingly, encashment of the BG is not a step to enforce a security over TFO’s property. In other words, TFO’s complaint does not fall within the ambits of s.410 and s.411 of the CA. Therefore, consent of the judicial manager or leave of the court is not required for MMHE’s call on the BG. In short, MMHE did not contravene any of the provisions of the CA as alleged by the Applicant. [16] Lastly, under Enclosure 59, the Applicant also sought an order of this Honourable Court for MMHE to refund the sum of RM5,150,000.00 to TFO. MMHE’s counsel submits and I accept that such a prayer is misconceived in law as it offends the principle of restoration. In law, such an order of refund is consequential upon this Honourable Court declaring that MMHE’s call on the BG was void due to contravention of the provisions of the CA. In such event, S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 with the principle of restoration, MMHE and UOB will be restored to their original positions and thus, the sum of RM5,150,000.00 ought to be refunded to the payer, i.e., UOB instead of TFO, because the said sum was paid by UOB under the BG (as a separate contract) to MMHE. [17] Therefore, for the reasons aforesaid, I dismiss Enclosure 59 with costs of RM5,000.00. Dated 10th November 2023 ……………t.t……………… Ahmad Murad Bin Abdul Aziz Judge High Court of Malaya Kuala Lumpur COUNSEL FOR THE APPLICANT: LAYYIN TEH BINTI HASSAN SOLICITORS FOR THE APPLICANT: TETUAN SYED IBRAHIM & CO COUNSEL FOR THE FIRST RESPONDENT: KENNIE ANG JOO KOON SOLICITORS FOR THE FIRST RESPONDENT: TETUAN ANG ADILA (PUCHONG) AND SIMRENJEET, TAY & CO. S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 COUNSEL FOR THE SECOND RESPONDENT: TEO WEN CHYI SOLICITORS FOR THE SECOND RESPONDENT: TETUAN SHIM & CO. COUNSEL FOR THE INTERVENERS: CHEE WAI YEE, NOOR AKHZA BINTI AHMAD WITH MATTHEW VAN HUIZEN SOLICITORS FOR THE INTERVENERS: TETUAN AQEEB & CO Cases Referred to: ➢ Foley v Hill and others [1843-60] All ER Rep 16 ➢ Haryana Telecom Ltd v Aluminium Industries Ltd LNIND 1995 AP 179 ➢ Kumpulan Liziz Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) v Pembinaan Azam Jaya Sdn Bhd [2021] MLRAU 228 Legislation Referred to: ➢ Companies Act 2016 ➢ Companies (Corporate Rescue Mechanism) Rules 2018 ➢ Financial Services Act 2013 Decision date: 16.02.2023 S/N Oru5uBbOckaLGWaWJjHew **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
i. Pada tarikh dan masa kejadian pada 27.9.2019, yang mengajak SP1 keluar dari rumah mak saudara SP1 di Kodiang kononnya untuk berjalan-jalan di Padang Besar adalah dari ajakan OKT sendiri dan bukannya SP1. SP1 pada waktu kejadian pula adalah seorang kanak-kanak yang berumur 14 tahun 5 bulan. ii. Laporan polis dibuat pada 28.9.2019, jam 2.18 petang, kurang daripada 24 jam selepas kejadian dikatakan berlaku. Mahkamah ini berpandangan adalah sukar untuk seorang kanak-kanak yang masih muda seperti SP1 berpakat dengan beberapa orang lain, mereka-reka laporan polis dan mengenakan OKT, bapa saudara sendiri yang mana SP1 telah tinggal bersama di rumahnya selama 1 bulan.iii. Sebelum kejadian, semasa kejadian dan selepas kejadian sehingga SP4 memberikan keterangan di mahkamah, SP4 tinggal di Durian Tunggal Melaka, jarang balik ke Kedah atau Perlis, lazimnya setahun sekali atau dua kali setahun serta mempunyai hubungan yang biasa sahaja dengan SP1 dan ibunya serta kurang bercakap dengan SP1. Daripada keterangan SP4 itu sendiri, dapat disimpulkan yang SP4 bukanlah rapat dengan SP1. Bagaimana mungkin SP4 boleh berpakat dengan SP1 untuk mengenakan OKT?
Tuan Musyiri Bin Peet
10/11/2023 11:54:11 RA-62JSK-12-04/2021 Kand. 74 S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N FUQa9f/rW0O82k3oibGk1Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal an-susx-12-04/2021 Kand. 74 10/11/2023 11:54-H DI DALAM MAHKAMAN sssvsu DI KANGAR DALAM NEGERI FER|_|§ Mg. KE§ : RAAZJSK-12-(IAIZUZ1 PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN HAFIZZAMI BIN ALI ALASAN PENQHAKIMAN Dw dalam kes mu‘ tenuaun, mm Hamamu Bin Ah Ioxmelah diluduhdengan perluduhan dr hawah seksyen 14 (a) ma Kesalanan Seksual Temadap Kanak-Kanak 2017. Penudunan adalah sepem berikuc FERTUDUHAN -MHAWA KAMU PADA 27/09/21119, JAM LEE/H KURANG soc PETANG, EERTEMFAT DI RUMAH No 56 KAMPUNG SENA. LORONG 7. DALAMDAERAHARAU, DALAMNEGERlPERUS,EAG/ MAKSUD SEKSUAL, TELAH MELAKL/KAN AMA/VG SEKSUAL F/Z/KAL DENGAN MENYENTUH BAHAGIAN PAVU DARA DAN KEMALUAN KANAK-KANAK HANVE L/MAIRA AOILA awn AZM/, NO I KP. o5nAo5»a&aau BERUMUR 14 TAHUN. OLEH YANG DEM/KIAN, KAMU TELAH MELAKUKAN SUATU KESALAHAN YANG EOLEH D/HUKUM DI EAWAH SEKSYEN 1415) AKTA KESALAHAN- KESALAHAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP KANAKKANAK 2017. ' Lam bllakang ku on telah memahon unluk mmcmkan sebaxk sahaja perluduhan lenebul dlbacakan kepadanya OKT t2\ah drwakm elen peguam pihhannya sendin Kesemnmlnnya pmak panaakwaan lelah memanggn aeramal 5 orang saksi sehemm menmup kesnyl 1 Kewangan sakslrsaksi pendakwaan dapalllh dmngkaskan sepem benkul 2 Hanie umaua Aqua EmtrAzm|1SP1jyang merupakan mangsa/pengadu dw dflam kes um menyalakan pada penghumng Dulin Dgos 2019. many: |e\ah dnangkap men plhak pohs kemna Ievhbal dengan kes am». Selelah Ibunya mcangkap, SP1 telah |\nggI\ nemma dsngan OKT. Hurarsn 1—PerDualan menyenmn bolsh me/matkan pemualan msnysnluh dsngsn msnggunakan mana-mana bahagtan badan alau dengan suazu abjek den Do/eh mlakukan malann apa-apa sahais remlssuk apa-apa sana/a yang dlpakar o/an slang wag menyanzun alau karIaH<anak yang drsanmn Human 2—Da/am menenrukan apekah yang men/ad! maksud ssksua/, mahksmah no/an man/moangkan, anlara (am, bahagralv badan yang uiaanmh, snaz darn Iakat perbua!-in msnysntuh avau kormsk fizikal den semua hal keadaan lam yang Derksnaan dsngan perrakuan rm Anma Kelerangan panting SP1 menyatakan bzhawa on ada menyenluh kemaluannya an payudavlnya sens meramasnya semasa kemman lersebul SP1 mengasahkan aemasa nan kqaauan, sm zen.» nampak om membuka semav din seluar flalamnya sendm SP1 Ielah nampak kemaman on dan keadaan kemaman om idaflah nagak paaa masa lsrsehul. Se\epas flu‘ on having an Iepi SP1 .1. am Kalil lemebul. Seterusnya, on cam memmas ksdua-dua piyu darn SP1 dengan menggunakkan tangan kvinya dan menyentuh Kemaluan SP1 dengan menggunakan langan kanannya lebih kurang 5 mvnn Selepas nu, DKT Ielah bangun dan duduk dekal dengan kemaluan SP1 dan menmal n kemaluan SP1 dengan menggunakan hdih Iebvh kurang 5 mlml SeIe\ah mu‘ on duduk di atas SP1 dan cuha memasukkan kemiminnyi ka flalam kemaluan SP1 SP1 (elah bemndak kalak on dan membenlahu on ma nlk pergu ks landis Selepis ke (amiss, SP1 masuk ballk ke da\am hmk unluk mengambfl pakalan lam memakax plkalinnya di ruang (amu. 21 Sekvanya mahkamah mv menerima kelerangan sm sehagaw banal dan helul‘ maka mahkamah Im herpuashaln dan memuluskan plhak pendakwaan (elem raenaya memenum elemen Im Ferhualan on .m pka benar dllakukan orahnya aflalah salu perbuihn yang udak bevmom dan Mada penjemsan yang munasahah unluk bemual demlklin sellm nnluk lujuan seksual 22 Elomtn Kouga: Tmuduh molakukan perbuatan yang maribamn konlak fizikal denq1n k:nxk— Ilu Eag\ ha! ml‘ kecerangan yang mama adalin darlpada mlngsa sendln. ianu sm sewakm memhenkan kelerangan kalt perlama dw mahkamah pada 2222022, SP1 masm rag: seorang kanak-kanak, telapl bukamah tenalu 11 nnma kerana paaa waklu nu sP1 sudah berumur 17 lahun Walaupun demik1an,u11an kebuaksanaan (swap fllbuatlemzdap SP1 flan mahkamah im berpuashzm dzn memmuskan SP1 vanam akan sehab dan aklbal sumpah yang o.aka1 auarazkan 5P1 le\ah dengan pamang Vebav mencemakln a1 mahkamah lemang api yang cmakukan nleh on temadapnya di lempal kejaduan pada |ankh flan masa Iersebm 23 1:1aa1am kes Im yuga, on merupakin urang yang dikenah oleh sP1 on «man Dana saudara SP1 yang mane sP1 lelih meunanggu on sehagzn “Fak Uda“ Sebelnm 1ni, on pemah berkahwln dengan mak saudava SP1 yang mkenall aebagai sm Faimz dan melahurkan 3 orang canaya nma se1epas nu, OKTIelah beroeral dengin sni Fauuz 24 Pm wam ke1au1an pads 2792019, hanya on dan SP1 sahqa beradz m Iempal kqaman Adflah yelas sepemmana kelerangin SP1 d1 rnankaman. on Ielah melakukzn yerbualan yang melnhalkan knnux flz1ka\ usng-n SP1‘ uauu dengan menyenluh dzn menjllal kemaman sP1 sen: meramas huah dada SP1 NUJANAN PIHAK-PINAK 25 Amara mqzhan pmak pembelaan adalah antavz lam kerana mangsa SP1 cuba umuk mengamayax on dengan bevpakal nenama sepupunya Fmiaus (SP2) unluk mengenakan on yang max dllangkap belumi dengan ibu mereka akrbat Kes pangedavan dzdah Se\aIn nu‘ SP1 juga max herpuashah dengan on yang lldak menyemmalkan mu SP1 danpidi penuduhan mengedar man. 26 Semasa sun mm: was oleh pmak pembelain, walaupun 591 mengakul yang Ibuny: dllahan akibal dzlipada kes pengedaran dadah‘ Islam sm menalxkzn hahawa on pain! dwtahan balsam: munya a|as kes pengedaran daflih (arsebm 27 Malah, mahkama bevseluw dengan mqanan pihak pendakwaan bahawa adalah musoahu unmk SP1‘ SP2 mahupun SP4‘ sm Julian: sumi Md Jalam Ikukak mangsa, SP1) unluk msngamayai OKT memandangkan sebelum kegaman nu‘ hubungan meveka dengan om adalah haik den SP1 (elan (mggal Vebm kurung 1 hman m mum on sememava Immya dilahan m penjara kerana kee dadah. Persoalannyz, semznya sw ingln n mengamlyal OKT. mengapa hanya selepas 1 hman mggax berszma on, barn SP1 kcnonnya mevancang dan bevpakal dengan SP2 sena SP4 umuk mengenakan OKT7 Se\am nu, pad: pandangan mankamah im, aaalan muua nluk sm berpikal unluk mengenukan on Ha! ml adalah alas faktor-{aklot sepem beflkm: I Pada Iavikh dzn mesa kqaflxan paaa 27 9.2019. yang mengafik SP1 kaluir den rumzh mak saudara sru an Kmilang kononnyz unluk barman-jalan di Padang Benr idalah dan ajakau on xnndlri can I-mknnnyn sm. an pad. wlklu knjndian pull Idalah uuranu kanakvkanlk yang buumur 14 lahnn 5 bulnn Lapcran pom. mbua| pada 23 9.2019, ;am 2.13 pelang, kurang aanpada 241am sekepas kejaman mkacakan beflaku Mahkamah um berpandangln zdalah Iukar Imluk secvang kanak-Kanak yang masm muda sepem SP1 berpakat dengan beberapa oring mereka-reka lapman palm flan mengenakan OKT. bapa saudara sendm yang mana SP1 (a\ah Imgga\ bersama di rumahnya salami! bulan m Sebelum ke|adian, yemasa kejadian dan selepas kejadian sehmgga SP4 membenkan ketevangan an mahkamah‘ SP4 Imggal an Dunan 15 Tunggal Melaka. jarang bahk we Kedah alau Ferns, Vazlmnya setahun sekau alau dua kah selahun sens rrvempunyaw hubungan yang blasa sahaja dengan sm dan munyz sens kuring bevcakap dengan sm Danpida Keterlngan SP4 nu sendm‘ dzpal mslmpulkan yang sm bukanlah rapal dengan SP1 Elgmmana mungkm sm men berpaki| dengin sm untuk mengenakzn om 25 man yang uemman. berdasarkan alasamalasan tersebul. mahkamah berpuashah bahawa pmik pendakwaan lelah dzpal memenum e\emen- elemen ucamz untuk pertuduhan nersenun. Juslevu ilu‘ plhak pendakwaan ¢e\ah benaya membukukan kes plrma lads terhadap OKT dx alas perluduhan tersebul nan dsngan uemman, mallkamzh um Ielah memanggu OKT membela dvi acas perluduhln lavsebul. KES FEMBELAAN 29 on (elm memmh umuk memberikan keterangan bersnmpah dari kanding saks selam on saksw lam mpanggu oxen pmak pembelazn a-1a\amstenoKT,se|y Syuwim Binfi Mohd Snhn (so-2) nan anak OKT Nur Fansya meme 15113) Amara mhsan kemrangan din on adalah sepem benkul; a. on new berkahwwn dua kali KaH pertima dengan Slli Fairuz aim. Abdul Rahman uan kemudiannya mereka beroeral Selepns im‘ on bevkahwin dengan so-2 sm Falruz aim: Abdul Ranman adalah mu saudava kepzda mangsz SP1 dan paaa mm kejadlan OKT dan sm Falruz maslh \ag1 suamw Is1ente1ap1 |1dak(Inggi\ sekali manakzla snz merupakan lunang kspuda OKT pada ke|ika nu b. OKT menyacakan sebelum kepauana hubungannya dengan sin Kalsnm Bum Abdul Rahman (mu SP1) din zamlawan Bimi Abd Rahman (mu SP2) admah sangax man. Han mi kerana menuvul om, Inak ma SD3 membesav sekall dengan SP1 dan SP2 c Menunn om, pads bulan 9, 2m‘ mu SP1 kena (ingkap pclis sP1 l5\ah da|ang bequmpa dengannw kerana nak on bemlncang dengan polvs umuk menyelesalkan masalah vbunya supaya hdak dmahan -11 mag SP1 bemanu om, 1bunya dwangkap kes dadah Menurm on Iagl, SP1 nmjnmpa dengannya sebab SP1 menganggap 17 munya dinngkap ada kai|an dengan on SP1 menganggap on Im |auke dadah, nagx mafia! pads Ibunya unluk max dadah Apablla OKT lidak bo\eh mennmng spy sm rasa keen nan dan selepas nu‘ ma bank Pad: wzklu dan (ankh kmadxan, menuru! on. dis memang ad: pergx ke rumah levsebul bersamz dengun sm dengan menawkl macosum yang mmnggang men on Tetapx, OKTI\dak masuk ke da\am mmuh. Hanya SP1yang masuk ke dalzm mmah alas alasan unluk mengamun buku-huku dan peraman sskolah sm memandangkan o><'r akin duduk m mmahnya di Pulau Pmung Tuwan dia berada .1. Perils sebenamy: adalah alas umszn me\aw:t anlknya (spa) yang sedzng be\a]ar di sekmah berasrama penun di Pevhs on jugs menaflkan luala yang herwama oven (aksibxt P6) digunakan untuk m2nge\ap hadan SP1 aelepss SP1 mend! Sebzhknya tuna telsebul merupikan Kain buruk yang mgunakan unmk mengelap koluvan dan swsa makanan dx rumahnya Ke|er2ngan nan men oxr. Sew Syazwam Bum Maud Sobn (SD~2) pu\a menyatakan pada waklu lenebut dvi merupakan (unang kepada xx on than lelah mamanankan nleh on umuk memaga rumah («empac kqadnan) lenebul memandangkin OKT Ielah Iinggal an Pulau Plnang. Walau bagaimanzpun, snz «max Inga! sama ma SP1 ada namr ke mmah «emebm pada lankh kemman, 21 9 2019, (elem so: menya|aKan pads waktu nu‘ ma pelgi keua dzn liadz an mmah. sm ma mengesahkan Iuzla vs nu mgunakan sebagai kam buruk Imluk msngalap Iamm g Kelevingan flan anak swung on Nu! Fansya lninie (snap menyalakan pad: 2019 hubungan so: adalah rapa| «emu :e\epas kejaaian, hubungan merzka memadn max raps! flan swt (e\ah block nombor maven sua pads whalsapp so: ma lldak dapal mengesahkan kejzdizn pada 2792u19 ken u pad: waklu mu as sedang bersekolah an sekolah israma an Ferhs SD3 |uru| menyalakan Iua\a P6 xm admah kam buruk umuk ma lap kakl. DAPATAN MAHKAMAH DI AKHIR KES FEMEELAAN ac Secava nngkas, daripada kelsrzngan bersumpah OKT, dapal dlslmpulkan hahawa OKT menafxkan bahawa dia telah mewakuxan pevbualan amang seksua\ |erhadap mangn, SP1 OKT selanjumya 19 menegaskan bahawa mangsa spa yang mereka—reka cema aan membual laporan pnhs Ila: sebab svw max puas hali kevana «max membanlu ibu SP1 um um SP2 yang lelah dllahan uleh pmax pahs alas kes uadah on ma menyalakan Iuiia PS lersebut hukamah Kain man. unluk mandl camp: mgunakan sebagai kam buruk unluk lap kmnran dzn lap kakw Keuamngan on Im fllsokung uleh mennya suz den anak sulungnya 5m. 31 D: aalam ks: ml, se\epas kes pambewaan anump, diflam membua| kepuwsan sama ada on maapan bersalah atau man, mankamah mi lelsh merwuk kepada kes MAT v. PUBLIC PROSECUTOR (19e3)1 MLJ 253 Ielah memutusxan seoeni benkul, The canscl law Ior Mag/shares to apply rs as ronows. /I you accept the sxplsnatmn grven by or on beha/fuftha accused, you mus! olcuurss acquit. Eu! ll-us does not enm/e you zo cam/mt .1 you do rm! believe that axplanauon, fame rs snu enm/ed to an acqumsl my Ialses in your mmdarussonable doubt as to ma gm/1, as the onus oi pmvmg his gum has Ihroughoul on ma pmaecunon. /I upon me wnme awaancs you an M m a realslals aldaubl, the prvsecuhbn has Ianau Io sansry the onus olpmol Much has upon n. 10 3 FIG: misaIe1sebut,a\ama|mmah on adalan as No 55 Kampung Sena‘ Kurung Arm uzeou Arau. Penis Selain i|u, mm: lmggal an sun adalah lunang on bemama Sely Syazwam Binli Mnhd Sobn SP1 lIngga\ av nunan on selama 2 mmggu Sepamang lsmpoh SP1 Ainggal dw rumlh on, SP1 may av b k anak sulung on yang hersebelnhan dengan Muk OKT 4 Sepan1anglempoMeIsebu(, on man mnangnyl akin menghantar sm ke sekmah dan member! dmlbelama kepzdz SP1 sepan]Ing(empahSP1 (ingga\ dw mmah on Sempai 2 mmggu nnggal dengan on, SP1 Isiah nnggax dsngan mu saudavanya yang hemama Zamlawan memandzngkzn on am pulang ke Pnlun Pmang unluk mellhul anaknya an Pwau Fmlng. 5. Paul 21 9 2019 lebih kurang pad: pukm 9.00 pagx, semasa SP1 berada m ruman mu saudaranya dw Kndiang, Ksaan, on Isiah daeang dengan menaun mommkal unmk benumpa dengan SP1 kerana Ingln mambiwi SP1 hevslarsrav di Padang aesar, Peflis Se\epas SP1 hersiap‘ on uelah membawa SP1 kaluar aengan menaikw mammal ;en:s Yamaha 150. 32 Pm psvingkal mi, selzm nan ow sendvi, pmak pemhelaan jugs lelah memanggil isxen om din anak sulungnya so: Selelah mendengal kelerangan saksrsaksi pemnexaan sm den 50:, selmn flan OKT senum, Mahkamah Im memuluskan hahawa pamuexaan OKT adalah pemhelazn kosong (hale dame!) semala-ma(a H21 Iru kerana alas alasan-alnsan seuerll nenkul. I Pada haklkamya‘ OKT|1dak menaflkan pad: tankh Kejadlan, xailu pads 27 9 2019. on berada dx \empaI kefidwan Cersebul, mu dl No 55 Kampung Sena. Kurung Arm, ozaoo Ayau, Perils on cuma menaflkan dia I2\ah me\aKukan perhualan amung seksual hrsebul temadap SP1 Pads ham |ers:bu(‘ OKT memhenkan alasan yang ma pergw ke rumahnya bevsama dengan sm memandangkan sm mgln mengamnn peva\a|an den huku sekolahnya Kerana OKT|2\aI1|IdaklmggaImsilu u Kelerangan OKT udak msukong men saksmya senum, mm suz dan sna memandangkan pada han Keji msehut, Sm din sm nada an rumah Telapw sehahknya‘ kmerangzn swc dlsokong aleh SP2 yang da|ang mengimbfl SP1 di rumah Iersebm se\epas xqaman Ievsehul dxkalakm bevlaku Kelerangln sm jugs mengssahkan yang SP1 ad: meneletonnya seleoas kqaman larsebnl berlaku n m Eerkenaan flengan kam Iua\a, eksmn P6 on. sue dan sm menafikan luala Iersehul mgunakan unluk mzndl dan lap badan Mahkamah vm herseluju dengan huiahzn plhak pendakwaan yang mana kalzngan on an saksx-nkslnya sendiru Ievdapat perbezian mugs: aan penggunaan mam Iersebul OKT menyalakzn |ua\a (erssbm dlgunakun unluk mengexap slsa makanan din Susi mawsxkal Sena slsa nunyax. sm menyllakan unluk mengerap lanlal din sue pula menyalzkan nu lap kakl sD3 sendin mengesahkan pada IuI\a (arssbm sendin hdak aaa kesan atau ma mmyak rmam dan mmoslkal Jnka henanah mala we lersebul dlqunakan unluk lap Kenn mlnwak moloslkal, pasm kesan mmyak paaa cuaxa «menu: kekal semzsa dvbawa ks mankaman. Malan paaa gambar harang kss, xanu gamhar mala dl PSA, 5. E dan F, juga mdak menampakkan apa-apa kesan knlovan pada man. lersebul. Api yang Vebvh permng, semasa luala P6 mu dibawa ke mahkamah selepas 4 (shun keladxan xersemn mkacakan beriaku‘ man: lersebul beradi dalam keadaan biasa. sempuma din ma seoamng land:-«anda lusuh. n biasa yang aaa pada Kain buruk w. Berkenaan dengan hwahan pmax pembeiain bihawa pegawai penyiasa| celan glgll umuk manghanlar kam |ua|a vs umuk manalusa Im 22 menyebahkan nada mum salnliflk unluk mengesanm keterangan mangsa sw hsrkanaan penggunaan max: vevseum Unluk hulahan my mahkamah memumskan wanya adalah max re\ev:n memandangkan penudunan yang dlkamukakan lzmadap om’ adalah amang semen f|z\ka\ menyemuh payudav: dan Kemaman mimgsa dw bawah seksy:n14 1:) Akla Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017. 3: selam nu‘ samsaks. pihak pembelaan merupakan saksl yang berkepemlngan, yakm saksx-saksl yang mempunyaw nublmgan kekemavgazn dengan on (men dan anak kandung om Olen mu, mahkamah im new bevhab-haki dmam menenma keterangun marek: nemua 34 Eerdasarkan alasin-alasan di alas‘ make mahkamah dengan ml berpuashall dan memuluskan pmzk psndakwaan lelah benaya untuk membulmkan keanya mewampaui kevaguan yang munasabah xemaaap OKT. Oleh ilu‘ mahkamall mi mendapall on adalah si\ah dan msabiwan dengan penuduhun 1: HUKUIIIAN 35. Mahkimah mengamb a rayuan daripada peguambell OKT Gan vayuan ha\as aanpm pmak penflakwian. Pihak pendakwaan memohon sam hukuman yang bevat kerana inv merupaksn kssalahan yang seuus can mellhalkan kepenlmgan awam yang mana mangsl adalah anak saudara kepada om‘, yang n-ana uka dIliha| pada kemungan swan, sepalutnya on sebagax bapi sauam panu memben pellindungan yang sewaiamya apabila mangsa nuang lsmpil perganlungan bvla Ibunyalelah dnangkap oxen pofis, namun sebahknya |e\ah benaku 35. Mankaman lurm mengambil klra rayuan darlpada OKT yang merupakan penanggung mnggal uan mempunyai Aznggungan ksmarga yang Mina on mempunyaw 4 nrang anak, haul perkanwinan penama dan keduz Wa\au nagaunanapun mankarnan pedu rnenganmn ma ma bihawa kes mi Ielah muengarsecara perblcaraan psnuh can mellhalkan panggilan saksksaksv Mahkamah jugs mengambll kna kesenusan kesalahan an on admah arang yang mkenali yang mempakan bapa saudara rnangsa pada masa tersebut 37 Pan nakikacnya, on Ielah mengambll kesempalan kepada mangsa yang masm Vagl kanak-kanak uaerumuv 14 Iahun, 5 bulan pads mm ilu) dengan mawakukan pelhualan yang max sewajamya Iemzdap SP1 on lelah mengambfl many dan peluang kenk: lnida uring dx vumah pada waklu xeusnm as Perbuatan on man mendalingkan Ivauma kepada mangu sum hukuman yang sehmpal perlulah duanunkan kepada on agar memaa. pengayaran kepada dmnya dan masyarakal umum 39 Eerdasarkan Vaklor-{iklar pemberalan dan pennganan‘ maka mihkamah dengan ml men‘a|uhkan hukuman penjara 12 |ahun dan |anKh jamh hukum an 3 kah ssbat nu hawah Seksyen 25(1) Akta Kesalahan seksual Terhadap Kanak—kanak,OKT mpenmankan unluk menjalam kaunselmg pemulihan selama lempch pemara flan amawan Seksyen 27m ; Akla yang sarna OKT juga dukenakan pengawisan pofis se\ama 3 tahun selelah «mac menmam hukuman penjara Hukuman Im adalah adil, wajar dan sellmpal 2; Benankh 9 Oklobev 2023 ivéou Hakim Mamunuh Slsyen Kangar L/Hluk psndakwaan . Alia Suzl/a BIHII Chair PI Tfmbalan Pemiakwarxys Nsgan Ferns Urlluk Drang Ksna Tuduh Mona Fadhly Bm Vaacab Teruan Fadh/y Yaacab 5 Co 15 on Ielzh membawa SP1 ke kedax molaalkm an Pauh unmk beh lap: keledav lam pergx makan dw kedan sekuav Arau Selepas i|u, on makmmxan SP1 bahawa an mgm bihk ke rumahnya unmk menghznmrhaw squk SP1telah mengxkut on blhk ke rumihnya dsngan membanoeng molosikal bevsamz on Selepas sampm an mmah on on telah bemndak menguncx pmm pagav rumah dan pintu masuk benump rapa| |anpa mengunm Pada kelxka nu, ruman ceusenuu mask mempunyiu orang lam kecuah on dan 5:71 Pada jam lehlh kurzng pukm 4 no many, OKT(e\ah menynruh SP1 unluk psrgw mindi. Sekepns mandl. on mail mengarahkan SP1 umuk duduk da\am wk on dsngan (uyuan unluk kenngkan badannya Pzda mzsa uu, mangsa ada mernakax baju dalam‘ semardalam sen: lual: belwama oren Se\epas vlu‘ on Ielah masuk ke dalam bmx dan Ierus menyuruh SP1 banng an lenguh-tengah kanl dan Dada mas. yang sama, on menyunm SP1 membuang pakawan da\am yang dlpakax Selepas nu, menurulSF1‘ on duduk an lap: ssbexan mun SP1 dan kemudxannya OKT a membemahu sm aupaya menganggap apa yang benzku «man 'ka,aman matam panama" 9 Kemumaannya, SP1 nampak OKT membuka semzrdan aeluar dallmnya semim SP1 man namplk kamaluan OKT flan keadaan kemzman on adzlah |=gang pada maaa naraebm Selena: nu, on banng m (up! SP1 OKT Ielah meramas keduadua payu aara SP1 dengin menggunakan (angan kmnya din manyennm kemaluan sm dengan menggunakan langan kanannya Vehvh kurang 5 mmn 10. salepaa nu‘ OKT «swan bangun dzn duduk dekat dengln Kemaluan SF1dan msruulltkemaman SP1dengan menggunakan lidah warm. kurang 5 mmil Se|e\ah nu, on mm-Ax :11 am svw aan cuna memasukkan kamaluannya ka dilam kemaluan SP1 11. SP1 lekah hemndlk menelak on dan membevilahu on ma nax pevgl ke (amiss selepaa ke lindas. SP1 masuk balik ke dalam huluk unluk mengambn pakalan Valu memzkal pakalinnya ax mang umu Pad: masa yang sama , om’ benanya kepada SP1 sekzab zpa pakzl bank ba.-4 dzn berxaca “bend: ml Iak slap llgi”. sm Aawnh -saya udak mahu' 12 smepa: SP1 pakm bafik ba1unyz_SP1 |erus ambll «elem bimbnnya dan whalsapp‘ sepupunya Muhammad Fvdaus Em Zaum (SP2) unmk mengambllnya an mmah om Lebm Kurang to mmil selepas um SP2 nmpal dz rumah on dengan menaiku mmnukm umuk mengam P1 on man membandml sebanyak RM 70 kepada SP1 nan mmli dla lump mulul dan mak memaklumkln perkin mi kepada nrang lam 13 SP2 Kemuman telah membam 5P1 Ixaluk ke rumah max saudaranya Da1am penalanan ke mman mak saudaranya SP1 (elah menelem kakaknya memaklumkan psmuaoan on pidanya Kakak SP1 Aehh mengarahkan agav SP1 pelgi ke mum lok nudaranyl av Avau Pada esnk hannya, uauu pads 23 92015, mak saudara 5P1 telah membawa SP1 ke aaIa1 Folis Arau unmk membual repon seperllmana Arau Repon 3572119 (ekubn F4) 14 OKTkemud1annyaleIah dflangkap flan an-mm dengln Denufluhan a1 hawah seksyen 14 (a) Akla Kesalahan-Kesahahan Seksuzl Tevhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 Da -an Mankarmh al AkhlrK P in 15 D1 akhv kes pendakwaan, mahkamah mi (elah mendengar dengan cevmal ssgila Kelsrangan saksl-uksl peflflakwaan dan menexm ekshIbrI- eksmbu yang anaukan Sekayen 113 no (I) Kumln Prusndur J-myah (ehh memhenkzn gans panduan yang hams mpacum m akhiv kes pendakwaan sepem henkul‘ "The fa//owvng pmcedum shallbe abssrvsdby Magmratas m summary mats, (I!) m mm Court finds Inst 9 pnma Iacfe case been made out agamsl lhe accused on me orrence chalgant live Court shall can upon me accusmm snlsron ms defence’ 15 Apakah yang dnmaksudkan dengan lrasa ‘prime facr‘s' «em dilerangkan dengan new xanpn me\aluI subssksyen (In) seksyan 113 Kanun Fmsedur Jenayah yang menevangkan amara Vam sepem benm, ‘Forms purpose Iorsubpa/sgmphs (9 and (ii). a prime lads case rs made out against the accused when? the pmsecutian has adduced bred/bls avrdance pluvmg each mgmmsn: of ms orvsnce wnrcn rr umelmlled or unexpmned would warm: 5 convicnon “ 17 Fran ‘puma «aw cum dsemuh oleh Mahxamah Rayuan di dalam kes Lool Kow cm: 3. Mar v PP [2003] 1 cu. Kes Lem Kow cm: 5. Ana! (supra) Ae\ah amuk olsh kes ax dmam kes Magundrin Molun v up [2011] 1 cu 305 yang menyauakan man Vavn sepem benkul 'The (25! at me and owns prosecution's case is "pnma Iacre case"bassd on a maxrmum evaluation olewdence The evidence has to be scnnfnizsd properly am no! psmmczon/y, cursamy or supaflrcrally lfms eva/ualion oflhe swdsncs rasu/Is m doubts in me pIosecu!mrI’s case, lhsn .3 pnma /acre case has naz been made our The defence ougm not an be ca//ad merely to clear or Na/v‘fy such doubts ' «:3 on le\ah an-mun unluk kesalahan dx bawah ssksyun 14 (a} Am Kullahm-Kpsalnhan Saksual Yurlladnp Kanak-K..In.Ik 2011 Vanya menyalakan sepem nenkm, Amang seksual fizrkal alas kansk-kanak 14 Manamana oreng yang, oagr msksud seksual— 1-) monyanruh man:-min: hlhlgiln bndan unonng knnnk-kanlk; (I7) msmbuarkan sessorang ksnsk-kanak menyemuh mans-mane bahagian badan arang nu alsu bahagran badan mana-mana orang lain. (c) msmhustkan sessorang kanak-kanak menyemuh mans-mans behagtan bsdan kanauanak nu sendm, arm: (:1) ms/akuksn apaapa perbuafan /am yang melibalkan Konlsk flzfkal dengan ssseorang kanamanak zanpa pelsatubuhsn, marakukan suaru kesalahan flan handaklah, apablla msazman, dfhukum dsngan pemenjarsan «lama rernpon mak malsbrm dua pulull lamm aan boleh/uga drhukum dengan mlkuman saber 19. elemen-memen yang hams dmukllkan alen plhzk pendakwlan bag! kesalahan Im aaanan aspen: penxun 1 Mangsa adalah ssarsng kanak-kanak 2 Ssnluhan dfbual nagr maksud ssksua! 3 Tenudun mslakukan psrbualan wng me/fbatkan konlak fizrkal aengan kansk-kanak /Iu. Emnun Pemmn: Mangsa adnllh auonng kanak-kanak sag. elemen penlml mangsa yang |embal meslllah seorang yang kanak- kanak berumur biwih 15 lahun Wm adalzh sepem yang dlperumukkan m dalnm saluyul 2 (1) Ana KnIIIhnn—KasalaIIan Snknul ‘rorhudap Kanak-Kannk 2017 yang bevbuny epem benkun (1; This Act may! apply to a cum wno Is under me age 0! stgntssn years and where nus Acl relates In any amarwnnsn law, In a mu olsuch aga as spscrfisd m such wrmsn /aw. Ada\ah ;e\as mangsi merupakan seovang kanamxanak sevwaklu xeyaman Sallnan sum lam mzngsa (P1) «swan dvkamukakan an mahkamzh mangesahkan sewaklu kejadian yang dlkaukan berlaku. mangsa sm bemmurbawah 1§l|hun Fegawal PenyIasa|. lnsp Mohd Nam Em Hamuh (SP5) juga mengesahkan mangsa berumuv Ieum kuvang 14 tamm 5 man semasa keyaman Wm jelas menunpnkkln bahawa mangsa ada\ah senrang Kanak-kanak semasi kewdxan sepem yang dikehendakl an dalam seksyen 2 Ana Inl E/mun Kudua: Santuhan dinuaz bag: maksud uksunl. 20. Human bevkenaan apa yang dxmakwdkan aengan trisa “maksod seksual' lerkandung an aalam nuranan seksyen 14 Akla KeaaIanan- Kesaxanan Seksual Temzdap Kanak-Kanlk 2017 yang menevannkan anvara lam seperli benkul
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
TATACARA CIVIL: Pelaksanaan – Prosiding Garnisi – Sama ada wang yang dipulangkan oleh syarikat insurans kepunyaan atau milik Penghutang Penghakiman sebagai security/jaminan bagi kemudahan pinjaman dengan Garnisi Kedua – Permohonan oleh Pemiutang Penghakiman untuk menggarnis wang tersebut – Sama ada Perintah Garnisi Mutlak adalah teratur Penghutang Penghakiman – Sama ada keputusan Timbalan Pendaftar adalah betul dari segi fakya dan mengikut lunas undang-undang – Order 49. Garnishee proceedings RoC 2012 – Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Malaysian International Trading Corporation Sdn Bhd v. RHB Bank Bhd mestilah membuktikan dari awal lagi bahawa wang yang dipohon untuk dipegang, dimiliki oleh Penghutang Penghakiman.
YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA (DALAM BIDANGKUASA RAYUAN) PELAKSANAAN NO.: BA-37G-110-12/2021 ANTARA EASTMONT SDN BHD (No. Syarikat: 112491-M) − PERAYU/PEMIUTANG PENGHAKIMAN DAN 1. TAY KEONG KOK (No. K/P:670520-10-5539) 2. CHONG SHEAU LING (No. K/P: 730505-10-5444) 3. CHUA CHOON YANG (No. K/P: 620306-04-5357) − RESPONDEN/PENGHUTANG PENGHAKIMAN DAN 1. CIMB BANK BERHAD 2. CIMB ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD − PIHAK-PIHAK YANG DIGARNIS (DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA (BAHAGIAN PELAKSANAAN) PERMOHONAN UNTUK PERLAKSANAAN NO: BA-37G-110-12/2021 10/11/2023 17:57:11 BA-37G-110-12/2021 Kand. 56 S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 ANTARA EASTMONT SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: 112491-M) − PEMIUTANG PENGHAKIMAN DAN 1. TAY KEONG KOK (NO. K/P:670520-10-5539) 2. CHONG SHEAU LING (NO. K/P: 730505-10-5444) 3. CHUA CHOON YANG (NO. K/P: 620306-04-5357) − PENGHUTANG-PENGHUTANG PENGHAKIMAN DAN 1. CIMB BANK BERHAD 2. CIMB ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD − PIHAK-PIHAK YANG DIGARNIS) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN Pengenalan [1] Pada 7-7-2022, Timbalan Pendaftar, Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam (Bahagian Pelaksanaan) [selepas ini disebut “Pn TP”] dalam prosiding garnisi memutuskan bahawa wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 yang digarnis dari akaun Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama digarnis dan dibayar S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman. Perintah Mutlak Garnisi bertarikh 7-7- 2022. [2] Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama yang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Pn TP merayu ke Mahkamah Tinggi iaitu seminggu selepas keputusan Pn TP. [3] Pada 26-1-2023, Mahkamah Tinggi ini memutuskan untuk membenarkan rayuan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama dan keputusan saya yang dinyatakan dalam prosiding eReview ialah − “Mahkamah ini telah meneliti dan mempertimbangkan afidavit, dokumen yang diekshibitkan dan membaca hujahan bertulis dan mendengar hujahan lisan pihak-pihak. Isu sama ada jumlah wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 dalam akaun Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama yang disimpan dengan bank Pihak Yang Digarnis Kedua adalah isu utama yang perlu diputuskan. Perayu/Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama memohon agar Perintah Garnisi Mutlak yang diputuskan oleh Pn TP diketepikan dan jumlah wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 tersebut tidak boleh dilepaskan kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman. Jumlah wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 tersebut ialah wang milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd (pihak ketiga) yang didepositkan oleh syarikat insurans Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad ke dalam akaun Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama di Pihak Yang Digarnis Kedua. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Mahkamah ini mendapati perbezaan pada jumlah wang tidak boleh menjadi faktor utama kepada keputusan Pn TP. Susur galur mengenai jumlah wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 dan dokumen yang diekshibitkan dengan jelas menunjukkan bahawa Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd (pihak ketiga) ialah pemilik sebenar jumlah wang sebanyak RM56,370.60. Mahkamah ini memutuskan – a) untuk membenarkan rayuan ini dengan kos sebanyak RM4,000.00 (tertakluk kepada fi alokatur) dibayar oleh Pemiutang Penghakiman kepada Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama. b) keputusan Timbalan Pendaftar diketepikan. [4] Setelah mendapatkan kebenaran untuk merayu daripada Mahkamah Rayuan pada 21 September 2023, Pemiutang Penghakiman kini merayu kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi. Versi fakta oleh Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman [5] Pemiutang Penghakiman (Eastmont Sdn Bhd) memulakan prosiding garnisi terhadap 2 bank iaitu CIMB Bank Berhad dan CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad (selepas ini disebut “Pihak-Pihak Yang Digarnis”) untuk menggarnis wang Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [6] Dalam afidavit Pihak-Pihak Yang Digarnis, Pihak Garnisi Kedua mensahkan bahawa dalam akaun CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman mengandungi baki kredit sebanyak RM83,359.77. [7] Dalam afidavit Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman yang diikrarkan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama, menentang permohonan garnisi oleh Pemiutang Penghakiman mengikrarkan bahawa wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 itu bukan wang yang dimiliki oleh Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman maka jumlah tersebut tidak boleh digarnis dan dibayar kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman. Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama menyatakan bahawa wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 itu adalah milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd: [8] Dalam tahun 2021, atas permintaan Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd, Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama bersetuju untuk menjadi seorang penjamin bagi suatu kemudahan pinjaman yang dipohon oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd dengan Pihak Garnisi Pertama (CIMB Bank Berhad). [9] CIMB Bank Berhad menghendaki penjamin (Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama) mendapatkan “insurance coverage” bagi kemudahan pinjaman tersebut. Maka, Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd membuat bayaran bagi premium insurans tersebut. [10] Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd telah membayar premium insurans sebanyak RM57,096.90 secara terus kepada Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad melalui cek Hong Leong Bank no. 236603. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 [11] Permohonan kemudahan pinjaman oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd ditolak oleh CIMB Bank Berhad maka dengan itu pada 24-12-2021, sejumlah RM56,370.60 premium insurans dipulangkan semula oleh Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad melalui direct transfer ke dalam akaun semasa Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman. [12] Perbezaan sebanyak RM726.30 itu ialah disebabkan oleh fi pentadbiran. Pengarah Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd telah menerangkan perkara ini dalam suatu statutory declaration yang mengikrarkan bahawa pemulangan wang tersebut ke akaun Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman adalah milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd dan Penghutang- Penghutang Penghakiman memegang wang tersebut sebagai amanah untuk Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. Hujahan Pemiutang Penghakiman [13] Pemiutang Penghakiman menghujahkan bahawa Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama dan/atau Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd gagal untuk membuktikan bahawa wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 itu milik/kepunyaan Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. Maka keputusan Pn TP adalah tidak khilaf. [14] Alasan yang dikemukakan oleh Pemiutang Penghakiman ialah – (a) dalam pendengaran prosiding di hadapan Pn TP pada 29-4- 2022 itu, 2 orang saksi Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman iaitu Mr Tay Keong Kok/Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama dan Mr Khairroul Norsaidi bin Taib (wakil Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd) telah memberikan keterangan. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (b) Pn TP memutuskan bahawa keterangan saksi Penghutang- Penghutang Penghakiman gagal membuktikan bahawa wang yang digarnis itu milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. [15] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa tiada apa-apa alasan penghakiman atau apa-apa dapatan fakta dan undang-undang yang dinyatakan oleh Pn TP dalam mencapai keputusannya itu. [16] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman yang menegaskan bahawa Pn TP tidak khilaf iaitu − (a) tiada keterangan dokumentar joint venture agreement dan offer letter for the loan yang dikatakan dipohon oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. (b) tiada wakil Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad dipanggil untuk membuktikan bahawa jumlah yang dipulangkan itu ialah bagi premium insurans yang dibayar. (c) Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama mempunyai masa lebih daripada sebulan untuk memperoleh keterangan dokumentar untuk menyokong penegasannya bahawa wang yang digarnis adalah milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. (d) dengan menggunapakai seksyen 101 Evidence Act 1950, seksyen 114 illustration (g) Evidence Act 1950 maka keseluruhan penegasan 2 saksi Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama adalah semata-mata suatu bare allegation dan S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Mahkamah Tinggi pada peringkat rayuan tidak perlu mempertimbangkannya. (e) fakta bahawa amaun yang dipulangkan semula oleh Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad sebanyak RM56,370.60 adalah berbeza dengan jumlah bayaran Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd kepada Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad untuk mendapatkan kemudahan pinjaman tersebut iaitu berjumlah RM57,096.90. (f) tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama untuk membuktikan bahawa bayaran yang dibuat oleh Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad ke akaun bank Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama ialah bagi refund for insurance premium. (g) tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama untuk membuktikan atau menerangkan mengenai perbezaan dalam amaun yang dipulangkan semula itu. (h) keterangan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama adalah bercanggah dengan keterangan dokumentar di mana exhibit D2 yang dikatakan bukti bahawa Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd telah membayar sebanyak RM57,096.90 kepada Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad. Perbezaan jumlah ini merupakan suatu percanggahan ketara. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (i) surat Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad yang ditanda sebagai Exhibit D3 dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa RM56,370.60 ialah initial payment yang dibayar oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama dan bukannya sebagaiman keterangan saksi-saksi Penghutang Penghakiman bahawa jumlah yang dibayar oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd sebanyak RM57,096.90. 25. [17] Peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman menghujahkan bahawa walaupun Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama ada menerangkan mengenai perbezaan itu kerana fi pemprosesan namun menurut peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman− “26. However Yang Arif, we submit that such allegation is merely a bare allegation and without basis and should not be taken into account due to the following reasons: a. it is conflicting with Sun Life’s letter dated 20.12.2021 (“Exhibit D3”) whereby in the letter, the sum of RM56,370.60 was stated and referred as the initial payment made; b. there is no deduction of processing fee is mentioned in the said letter; and c. the purported deduction cannot be proven by any document.”. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 [18] Peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman memetik keputusan dalam kes Tempil Perkakas Sdn Bhd v. Foo Sex Hong (T/A Agrodrive Engineering) [1996] 4 MLRH 716 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan – “…The simple answer to that is that it is clear law that if anything is said or tendered through a witness which is not within the actual knowledge of the witness, anything said or tendered would remain inadmissible notwithstanding the omission to object by the opposing party. The opposing party cannot be taken to have admitted to what had been said and tendered. In this case, the witness for the appellant had no personal knowledge of the facts stated in his evidence and of the contents of the documents that he tendered in support of his evidence. His evidence remains hearsay evidence and therefore, inadmissible. In relation to the various exhibits tendered, in the light of the denial by the respondent it is for the appellant to establish those facts stated in them. In this case, PW1 is not competent to testify upon them as he had no personal knowledge of them except to have seen them when he was appointed in 1994. The persons who were responsible for the preparation of some of the documents and who are in custody of some other documents from the respondent are not available to testify in court. The learned magistrate was therefore right in rejecting PW1’s evidence and all the exhibits tendered (exhs P1-P37).”. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [19] Dengan menggunapakai keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi itu, peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman berhujah – “28. We submit that it is not sufficient for the JD1 to simply allege that such discrepancy is due to the deduction of the processing by Sun Life as it is contradicting to the letter issued by Sun Life since there is no deduction of processing fee was referred or stated in the letter and the sum of RM56,370.60 was referred as the initial payment made which again is contradicting to the amount paid by Heritage i.e RM57,096.90. 29. Section 103 of the Evidence Act 1950 states that: The burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that person who wishes the court to believe in its existence, unless it is provided by any law that the proof of that fact shall lie on any particular person.”. [20] Peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman memetik keputusan dalam kes Mohamad Fauzi Che Rus v. JR Joint Resources Holdings Sdn Bhd [2016] 3 MLRH 441 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan − “It has to be borne in mind that the defendant bore the evidential burden of proving that there were other items of costs that had been incurred but not taken into account in the AMD costing document. Under s 103 of the Evidence Act 1950, the evidential burden of a fact in issue lies with the party seeking to convince the court of the existence of that fact.”. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [21] Peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman menegaskan bahawa Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama hendaklah memanggil pembuat surat iaitu wakil dari Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad untuk menerangkan mengenai percanggahan fakta sebagaimana yang ditegaskan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama. [22] Menurut peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman, kegagalan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama memanggil wakil dari Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad maka surat tersebut tidak terjumlah kepada bukti bahawa pemulangan bayaran oleh Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad adalah sebenarnya bagi pembayaran premium insurans oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd kerana amaunnya dalah sangat berbeza.”. [23] Selanjutnya, peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman menegaskan bahawa terdapat kekeliruan/keraguan dalam keterangan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama mengenai insurans yang dibeli oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama daripada Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad ialah suatu personal insurance for income protection. (Refer: Exhibit D4, page 9). Maka, peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman berhujah – “34. We submit that it is absurd for the JD1 to allege that it is a mandatory condition that a guarantor shall purchase insurance for his own protection so that a third-party company can obtain a loan (ref: exhibit D3). S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 35. We humbly submit that the questions that need to be asked and considered in this matter are: a. If Heritage is not a company controlled byJD1, why is Heritage willing to make a payment for JD1 to buy insurance for his own protection; b. If the insurance premium payment was made by Heritage, why was the refund be credited to JD1’s account instead of Heritage’s account considering that according to D3, JD1 has the option to choose whether the return of the money is to be made via cheque or via direct credit. 36. We submit that there are many doubts in the evidence given by JD1. Therefore, JD1’s testimony that the sum of RM56,370.60 belongs to Heritage cannot be given any weight since at all material time, there is no proof to prove that there is a loan applied by Heritage was tendered to the court, on the other hand, what the JD1 has tendered to the court is the proof to prove that JD1 has made an application to purchase income protection insurance from Sun Life and the JD1 has failed to prove the link between the payment made by Heritage to Sun Life and JD1’s application to purchase income protection insurance.”. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 [24] Peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman menghujahkan bahawa keterangan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama perlu dipertimbangkan dengan berhati-hati kerana – “37. We humbly submit that the JC’s claim against JD1 in the original High Court is under the ground that JD1 and the other Defendants have jointly and/or severally conducted the business of the Mega Planner company with the intention to defraud the JC by winding up Mega Planner company through Dakota to avoid payment of debts due to the JC by violating Section 540 of the Companies Act 2016 and/or through the tort of fraud and/or conspiracy. 38. We would like to highlight that JD1 and the other Defendants are not directors and/or shareholders in the two companies at that time (i.e. Mega Planner and Dakota), However, JC has succeeded in proving that JD1 and the other Defendants are “ultimate controller” for the Dakota and Mega Planner companies at that time. 39. We submit that during the cross examination of the 2nd witness, Mr. Khairol, who is an employee in the operations department, he has testified that although he is employed by Heritage, he is also obliged to work for another company, namely Primont. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 40. Furthermore, Mr. Khairol also testified that JD1 is a director of Primont and when Mr. Khairol was asked whether Heritage company and Primont are related companies (“related companies”), the answer given by Mr. Khairol is “tidak pasti” (in verbatim). 41. With this, we submit that although JD1 is not a director and/or shareholder of Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd on record, this does not mean that JD1 is not the ultimate controller and/or has no connection with Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. 42. Therefore, we submit that the testimony given by JD1 has to be disregarded and/or to be considered by this Honorable Court with caution considering that his testimony that the money in his bank account is money belonging to Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd cannot be supported with any evidence as submitted above.”. Undang-Undang [25] Peruntukan yang dirujuk dalam Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012− Order 49. Garnishee proceedings (1) Where a person (who is referred to as “the judgment creditor” in this Order) has obtained a judgment or order for the payment of money by some other person (who is referred to as “the judgment debtor” in this Order), not being a judgment or order for the payment of money into Court, and any other person within the jurisdiction (who is referred to as “the garnishee” in this Order), is indebted to S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 the judgment debtor, the Court may, subject to the provisions of this Order and of any written law, order the garnishee to pay the judgment creditor the amount of any debt due or accruing due to the judgment debtor from the garnishee, or so much thereof as is sufficient to satisfy that judgment or order and the costs of the garnishee proceedings. (2) An order in Form 97 under this rule shall in the first instance be an order to show cause, specifying the time and place for further consideration of the matter, and in the meantime attaching such debt as mentioned in paragraph (1), or so much thereof as may be specified in the order, to answer the judgment or order mentioned in that paragraph and the costs of the garnishee proceedings. (3) In this Order, “any debt due or accruing due” includes a current or deposit account with a bank or other financial institution, whether or not the deposit has matured and notwithstanding any restriction as to the mode of withdrawal. [26] Mekanisma untuk pemiutang penghakiman memperoleh hasil yang perlu dibayar oleh penghutang penghakiman ialah melalui prosiding garnisi. [27] Apabila Perintah Mutlak Garnisi telah diperoleh oleh pemiutang Penghakiman dan berlaku pula pertikaian mengenai Perintah oleh penghutang penghakiman maka persoalan yang perlu diptentukan dan diputuskan oleh Mahkamah ialah sama ada pemiutang penghakiman boleh menggarnis wang dari akaun penghutang penghakiman di Pihak Yang Digarnis. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 [28] Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Perayu iaitu Penghutang Penghakiman membantah wang dari akaunnya di CIMB Islamic Bank digarnis sebanyak RM56,370.60 dan dibayar kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman. [29] Prinsip undang-undang dalam kes Malaysian International Trading Corporation Sdn Bhd v. RHB Bank Bhd [2016] 2 CLJ 717, Federal Court, Putrajaya (Abdull Hamid Embong FCJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar FCJ, Hasan Lah FCJ, Azahar Mohamed FCJ & Zaharah Ibrahim FCJ), oleh Suriyadi Halim Omar HMP (keputusan majoriti) memutuskan − “(2) Untuk memberikan hak kepada garnishor memasukkan penghakiman terhadap garnishee, garnishor mestilah membuktikan dari awal lagi bahawa wang yang dipohon untuk dipegang, dimiliki oleh JD. Meneliti surat tolak selesai, amat jelas bahawa penyerahakkan akaun FD oleh JD kepada responden dibuat bagi jumlah yang besar sebagai cagaran kemudahan. Responden berhak menyekat akaun FD dan dibenarkan secara kontraktual untuk menjalankan hak tolak selesai sekiranya JD gagal menjaga semua akaunnya dengan teratur. Responden telah mendapat hak berekuiti terlebih dahulu sebelum penyerahakkan perintah garnisan dan dengan itu tidak boleh dinafikan hak undangundang dan kontraktual untuk menolak selesai dan menggunakan wang dalam akaun FD.”. Selanjutnya, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan − [37] In order to obtain a garnishment order nisi or an order absolute, the court must be convinced that the debt of the S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 garnishee to the JD must relate to any debt due or accruing due to the judgment debtor.”. [30] Dalam rayuan atas keputusan Pn TP yang dibentangkan dihadapan Mahkamah ini, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa penegasan dan/atau dakwaan bahawa wang yang digarnis berjumlah RM56,370.60 hendaklah dibayar oleh CIMB Islamic Bank kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman kerana wang tersebut milik Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman. [31] Memandangkan Mahkamah ini tidak mempunyai apa-apa alasan dapatan Pn TP, Mahkamah ini hanya dapat meneliti afidavit dan dokumen serta hujahan bertulis dan hujahan lisan pihak-pihak sahaja. [32] Peguam cara terpelajar Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman telah mengekshibitkan dokumen yang berikut melalui 2 saksi mereka semasa pendengaran prosiding garnisi di hadapan Pn TP: (a) D1 – CIMB Islamic Bank Account Statement (atas nama Tay Keong Kok/Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama). (b) D2 – Hong Leong Bank cheque (yang dikeluarkan oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd). (c) D3 – Surat daripada Sun Life Malaysia kepada Tay Keong Kok/Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama untuk memulangkan semula premium insurans. (d) D4 – Sun Life Malaysia “Customer Fact Find Form”. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 (e) D5 – Hong Leong Bank account Statement (atas nama Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd). (f) D6 – Surat daripada Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd yang melantik Mr. Khairroul Norsaidi bin Taib sebagai wakil. (g) D7 – carian SSM mengenai Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. Kekhilafan Pn TP yang dinyatakan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama [33] Peguam cara terpelajar Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman menyenaraikan kekhilafan keputusan Pn TP seperti yang berikut: (a) Firstly, Mr. Tay Keong Kok (1st Judgment Debtor) had testified on why the amounts in his CIMB Islamic Bank (Exh. D-1) and Hong Leong Bank cheque (Exh. D-2) were different. His evidence is that it was because Sun Life Malaysia , when making the refund, had made a deduction towards administrative charges from the premium sum paid. This evidence of Mr. Tay Keong Kok was not directly challenge by the Judgment Creditor. (b) Secondly, Mr. Tay Keong Kok had also testified that he does not have any insurance policy with Sun Life Malaysia and thus it is clear that there was only one policy and that is the policy in the subject matter of the hearing. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 (c) Lastly, this argument was not specifically made before the learned Registrar, but it neverthe less obvious from the evidence before the Court. We urge this Court to scrutinize the reverse side of Hong Leong Bank cheque in Exh. D-2 (this can be seen from Afidavit Penghutang Penghakiman/Enclosure 10, the insured’s full name was written “Tay Keong Kok” (i.e. the 1st Judgment Debtor) with his NRIC No., for which the payment was made by Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd to sun Life Malaysia. This again strengthen and prove the 1st Judgment Debtor’s stance that Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd has paid for the insurance policy under his name for the guarantee. Thus, the refund made by Sun Life Malaysia into the 1st Judgment Debtor’s account is money belonging to Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. [34] Dalam pendengaran rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah Tinggi ini, peguam cara terpelajar Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman menegaskan bahawa “this appeal is by way of rehearing as if it is being heard for the first tme”. Maka, bukti mengenai muka surat sebelah pada Hong Leong Bank cheque (Exh. D-2) boleh dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi tanpa apa-apa halangan. Peguam cara terpelajar Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman memetik keputusan Y.A. Abdul Kadir Sulaiman, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur dalam kes Kawalan Sempurna Sdn Bhd v. Hi-Tech Electrical Sdn Bhd [1996] MLJU 120. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 Dapatan Mahkamah [35] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti ekshibit D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, dan D-7 dan mendapati bahawa kandungan dalam ekshibit tersebut adalah sebagaimana dokumen. [36] Berdasarkan hujahan bertulis peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman bertarikh 19-8-2022 dan 29-12-2022, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa Pemiutang Penghakiman menegaskan bahawa dapatan Pn TP tidak boleh diganggu dan hendaklah dikekalkan kerana alegasi Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama hanyalah “bare allegations that are not supported by any documentary evidence”; keterangan Mr. Tay Keong Kok bercanggah dengan keterangan dokumentar; isu sama ada hanya ada satu sahaja insurance policy; dan sama ada nama Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama ditulis pada muka surat sebelah cek Hong Leong Bank tidak boleh dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi. Keputusan Pn TP adalah betul. [37] Ekshibit D-2 iaitu cek Hong Leong Bank bertarikh 21-4-2021 untuk dibayar kepada Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad menyatakan jumlah RM57,096.90 dan nama Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd tertera pada cek, Ekshibit D-5 iaitu Current Account Statement milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd bertarikh 8-5-2021 mengandungi penyata bahawa pada 22-4-2021 sejumlah RM57,096.90 sebagai “Inclearing Cheque”, dan Ekshibit D-3 iaitu surat Sun Life Malaysia bertarikh 20-12-2021 kepada “Person Covered: Tay Keong Kok” menyatakan “refund of the initial payment of RM56,370.60”. Perbezaan bagi jumlah itu ialah RM726.30. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 [38] Perbezaan bagi jumlah itu iaitu RM726.30 telah diterangkan oleh saksi Penghutang Penghakiman bahawa ianya adalah processing fee. [39] Semata-mata penegasan Pemiutang Penghakiman bahawa wujud percanggahan dan/atau ketidaksamaan jumlah sebagai kegagalan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama untuk menentang permohonan garnisi adalah suatu yang dangkal. Mahkamah ini berpendapat adalah munasabah bahawa RM726.30 itu sebagai processing fee. [40] Hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang penghakiman bahawa keterangan saksi Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama sebagai bercanggah dengan keterangan dokumentar, adverse inference yang dibangkitkan dan keraguan keterangan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama namun adalah suatu yang pasti tiada apa-apa keterangan daripada Pemiutang Penghakiman untuk memperoleh jumlah yang digarnis sebanyak RM56,370.60. [41] Beban pembuktian terletak di bahu Pemiutang Penghakiman untuk menyatakan bahawa Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama mempunyai polisi insurans lain/lagi satu kerana perbezaaan ketara pada jumlah “refund” tersebut. [42] Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Malaysian International Trading Corporation Sdn Bhd v. RHB Bank Bhd (supra) yang menyatakan prinsip undang-undang bahawa “Untuk memberikan hak kepada garnishor memasukkan penghakiman terhadap garnishee, garnishor mestilah membuktikan dari awal lagi bahawa wang yang S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 dipohon untuk dipegang, dimiliki oleh JD.”, dengan nyata terpakai dalam pertikaian prosiding garnisi di hadapan Pn TP. [43] Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa adalah jelas bahawa isu fakta yang dibangkitkan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama bahawa wang yang dipohon untuk digarnis itu bukan dipegang dan dimiliki oleh Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama tetapi adalah milik Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. [44] Saksi yang mewakili Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd telah memberikan keterangan dan hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Pemiutang Penghakiman bahawa kegagalan untuk memanggil saksi yang mewakili Sun Life Malaysia tidak menjadikan bantahan Penghutang Penghakiman tidak berasas. Sun Life Malaysia sebagai pihak pembayar telah memulangkan semula wang/insurance premium yang dibayar oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd ke akaun Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama yang menjadi penjamin. [45] Saya mendapati bahawa berlaku ketidakadilan kepada Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama kerana Pemiutang Penghakiman mendapat hasil tuaian dari akaun yang digarnis milik Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama yang menyimpan wang/insurance premium yang dibayar untuk Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. Campur tangan dan gangguan Mahkamah pada peringkat rayuan [46] Prinsip undang-undang mengenai appellate intervention only justified that on the available evidence, that the Deputy Registrar is erred (rujuk kes Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat & Anor v. Plenitude Holdings S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 Sdn Bhd [1993] 2 CLJ 146). [47] Dua ujian yang dikenal pasti perlu dipenuhi bagi tujuan appellate intervention adalah plainly wrong test and insufficient judicial appreciation of evidence test (rujuk kes Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 MLJ 97 at 98-99). [48] Dalam kes Ong Leong Ciou & Anor v. Keller (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal [2019] 3 MLRA 322 at 329, Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan bahawa – “[125] We are mindful of the limited role of the appellate court in relation to the findings of facts made by the court of first instance. The general principle is that the conclusion of a trial judge is a finding of fact on the oral evidence based on the demeanour and credibility of the witness before him or her. Generally, such finding ought not be disturbed unless the appellate court is convinced that it is plainly wrong. It would not be sufficient to warrant an appellate interference merely because the appellate court entertains doubt whether such finding is right.”. [49] Dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng, Administrator of the Estates of Tan Ewe Kwang, Deceased & Anor [2020] 10 CLJ 1, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa – “... an appellate Court should not interfere with factual findings of a trial judge unless it was satisfied that the S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 decision of the trial Judge was plainly wrong or one that no reasonable Judge could have reached. If it is not, the fact that the appellate Court may have reached a different conclusion on the facts, is irrelevant.”. [50] Dalam prosiding pendengaran semula ini, prinsip undang-undang ialah Mahkamah ini perlu memastikan sama ada Pn TP telah khilaf dari segi fakta dan undang-undang dalam prosiding garnisi apabila memutuskan bahawa CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad sebagai Pihak Yang Digarnis Kedua hendaklah membayar kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman tersebut jumlah sebanyak RM56,370.60 sebagai hutang yang kena dibayar oleh Pihak Yang Digarnis Kedua terhadap Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama kepada Pemiutang Penghakiman [51] Mahkamah ini merumuskan bahawa alasan “senyap” Pn TP selepas meneliti kertas kausa di hadapannya bahawa Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama gagal mengakaskan keterangan Pemiutang Penghakiman adalah khilaf dan tidak mengikut lunas undang-undang. [52] Fakta yang dibangkitkan oleh Penghutang Penghakiman bahawa kemudahan pinjaman berjumlah jutaan ringgit yang dipohon oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd menghendaki keperluan menyediakan penjamin/guarantor. Mr Tay Keong Kok adalah penjamin dan premium insurans disediakan/dibayar oleh Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. [53] Mahkamah ini juga telah meneliti afidavit jawapan Pihak-Pihak Yang Digarnis iaitu afidavit yang diikrarkan oleh Pn Tan Kok Huey, Naib Presiden di Bahagian Pengawasan Operasi, Pengurusan Cawangan bagi Pihak-Pihak Yang Digarnis dan Mahkamah mendapati bahawa S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 keterangan mengenai pemulangan wang bagi perlindungan Takaful Penghutang Penghakiman ke dalam akaun Penghutang Penghakiman dengan Garnisi Kedua iaitu orang yang diinsuranskan. [54] Keterangan afidavit CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad yang menyebut – • “orang yang diinsuranskan” adalah jelas boleh dirujuk kepada Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama iaitu Mr. Tay Keong Kok. • cek berjumlah sejumlah RM57,096.90 tersebut telah dikeluarkan oleh syarikat yang dikenali sebagai Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd. • sama ada wang tersebut adalah milik syarikat yang dikenali sebagai Heritage Logistics Sdn Bhd atau tidak, Pihak Garnisi Kedua menyatakan bahawa pada hakikatnya, pemulangan wang bagi perlindungan Takaful daripada Sun Life Malaysia tersebut adalah dibayar ke dalam akaun Penghutang Penghakiman melalui akaun Penghutang Penghakiman dengan Garnisi kedua selaku orang yang diinsuranskan bagi perlindungan Takaful tersebut. • pada setiap masa material, wang berjumlah RM56,370.60 tersebut telah dipulangkan oleh Sun Life Malaysia di dalam akaun Penghutang Penghakiman dengan Garnisi Kedua berdasarkan surat bertarikh 20-12-2021 daripada Sun Life Malaysia tersebut. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 • Pihak Garnisi Kedua hanyaklah satu institusi kewangan yang bertindak menurut arahan Sun Life Malaysia untuk pemulangan wang perlindungan Takaful tersebut sahaja. [55] Pengamatan Mahkamah ke atas afidavit Pihak Yang Digarnis Kedua (CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad) mempunyai fakta yang serupa dengan apa yang dinyatakan dalam keterangan lisan, keterangan dokumentar dan hujahan bertulis serta lisan Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama. Ketiadaan persetujuan, ketiadaan pengakuan dan/atau ketiadaan pengetahuan Pihak Yang Digarnis Kedua mengenai kepunyaan dan milikan siapa wang sebanyak RM56,370.60 tersebut yang telah dipulangkan oleh Sun Life Malaysia di dalam akaun Penghutang Penghakiman dengan Garnisi Kedua adalah langsung tidak menjejaskan peluang Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama yang menentang permohonan garnisi oleh Pemiutang Penghakiman. [56] Adakah Pn TP mengambil kira keterangan afidafit Pihak yang Digarnis Kedua dalam mencapai dapatan mengenai fakta dan seterusnya merujuk nas undang-undang kes Mahkamah Persekutuan adalah suatu misteri. Kesimpulan [57] Berdasarkan alasan yang saya nyatakan di atas, penghakiman saya memutuskan bahawa keputusan Pn TP adalah khilaf dan tidak menurut lunas undang-undang. Oleh yang demikian, rayuan Perayu/Penghutang Penghakiman Pertama dibenarkan dengan kos. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [58] Pada peringkat rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, saya telah menjalankan appellate role. Oleh itu Mahkamah ini would slow to interfere with findings of facts. The findings and interpretation of the law by the learned Deputy Regisrar are incorrect. Bertarikh: 10 November 2023. RoziBainon ( ROZI BINTI BAINON ) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam NCvC12 Peguam cara: Bagi pihak Perayu/Pemiutang Penghakiman: Eunice Kwong Sook Wen Tetuan Ricky Tan & Co., Kuala Lumpur. Bagi pihak Responden/Penghutang-Penghutang Penghakiman: Moses @ Moses Pillai A/L R Susayan Tetuan Raja Badrol, Ramli & Azizi, Petaling Jaya. Bagi Pihak-Pihak Yang Digarnis: Tengku Nazihah binti Tengku Nawawi Tetuan Sidek Teoh Wong & Dennis, Kuala Lumpur. S/N olDBuESNNUWBxxzkwyw28g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Tuntutan ini melibatkan satu persengketaan diantara Plaintif dan Defendan yang merupakan adik dan kakak kandung mengenai pemilikan satu hartanah yang dipegang di bawah GM 416 Lot 995 Mukim Serting Ilir Daerah Jempol, Negeri Sembilan (hartanah tersebut) di mana, Plaintif mendakwa bahawa hartanah tersebut dipegang oleh Defendan sebagai pemegang amanah bagi pihaknya.
YA Puan Wan Fadhilah Nor Wan Idris
10/11/2023 10:38:05 NA-22NCvC-24-04/2021 Kand. 37 S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N aHTEenZswEqhbnwWHafxBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal m\—22Ncvc—2¢—o¢/2021 Kand. 37 12/11/2224 ,2»; cs DALAM MANKAMAN IINGGI IIIALAYA DI sznzmam mum nzcsm ssunauum DARUL xuusus EUAMAN N0 : NA-nucvc-2444/2021 ANTARA SELVARAJU AIL SIYHAMPARAM .. yuuunr mu KAMTHIMAYHI A/P smuusnnmn ...n:r:un/«N ALASAM PENGHAKIMAN PEMGENALAN 1. Yumman mu mallbalkan um persengkelaan dnanlara Flamlfl dan Deisndan yang mempakan adak dan kakak kandung mmgenaw vemllvkan sin: hananah yang dlpegang ay bawah GM Ma Lm 995 Mukim Semng nu Daerah Jempoly Negen Sambflan (hananzh Ievsehm) a. mans. vnamm maudakwz hzhawa harunah lavsshut dlnegang den Defandan sanagal nemagang amanah bagx pihaknya man KE5 pumnr 2 Plamm adalah mempakan sank kandung kepzda Delenaan flan uevenaan marupakan kakak kandung kepadz Plamw pm ssknlanihun 1997-1996, Flalnm |el.ah mmaklumkan a\eh Nallxah an Ramisamy «sum yang mga saudaranya ma»; \erdznar salu harlanah yang bemadapzn dengan Ianannya (Nalllah) untuk max dangan hargn RMA5‘l)l)U. Permhk hananah zerseuun nemama Hanna Smgh mquua; Plamhl lam: menymakan minzmya unluk mcmbali hananah lersehul SP2 kamumannya memhawa Flamlfl beriumpz dengan Haium unluk bevbincang mengenzw pemnenan hlnanzh Iarsabu|, 3. Manurul Plamm, pnfla ms: nu, neuau seaang mengalamv pavgxflakan mmah langga dnngan islannya Mas zuasan msebul, Pram: carparsa memiapalksn banluan kakaknya lmlu navanaan unluk mandanarxan hananah (ernbut atas nama Defendsn 4 Tmnsaksw pm bah hananah lsrsehul flllaksanzkan Dada Muazunu Plamhf mamhual pembayaran secara umzl sehanyzk RM45.nun kupada Hanna dalam kehadlran swz. Adalah memadl dzkwaan mam: bahawa sagaxa petbmcengan‘ anlana behzu dzn Hagura mengenm lmnsaksi iual nan hananah Iarsebut mm dmzdm can a.saxs.uan aluh SP2 5 Unwk melllldungl kepermngannya ubagav pembeh sebenal hananah Isrwbul. Plainm dan Ham Smgh man menandztangam salu Sura| Fenanman Perseluwan Psmualsn Hana (sum: Pl) ynng menuniukkan nama P\amhI sebagaw psmbefi nananah Iersebui pads masa nu dan past’ uaveman yang mamaqang hananah (erssbul bual samanlava wakm sahegm nomlm bag: plhak Plamhl s. mamm se|eNsnyu menyalakan nanawa am: yang dlgunakan Immk pembayavan hananan lsrsebm lersebul Adalah hasAI dlnpadz peluualan hananahnya yang bemamzl Na A56, Tamar! sazeme, 72mm, Bahnu as Adilah memadl dakwaan Delenaan Bahama ketsvangan spz adihh bersumberkan kenyaiaan Plamm Dengan an ‘inn nammzn menyanakan bahawa kahrangan spz max boleh dlbanma din hendaklah unouk mas z\asan ranyz adahan kzlerungan yang bempa kz|a dengav (hears!)/1 40, Mervslm keiuarugan spz, mahkamnh msndapali bahawa belnau auavan saudara kapzflz Plamuldan Deaenaan Perkara mi (idak Vangsnmg dlcabar o\eh Delendzn sn=2 jug: pemah mamxlikl hananah yang |sr1e1ak bamadznan dangan hanannn Hniura Apibila msndzpal lahu Hams Angin menmax nananahnya. s»=2 Isiah memaklumkan mamm mengsnaw perkara ml flan Pram: lerus menyulakan mlnzmya unluk membell hananan |ersebu| Severusnyl‘ SP2 menyztakan bahzwa bellau man mqak aleh Plmnm unluk menemamnya beljumpa dengan um; 41 SP2 Ielah menyaukan hal 14 iuga ada hevsama semasa Plamlfl memhayar kapafli Haiura Wang lunai segumlah Rmspuu |ersebuI Eagalnunnpun. SP2 wax canal mempasmkan szma ada wang lavssbm rmlwk Plamlll avaunun Plamlrf hanya membayzr hag: pmk Defends" Eellau hanya menyakslkan Plalnlfl membayzr mm lersahul kepadn Halur-n 42, Dalam kenayangannya, spz jugs menyalakan bahawa lunn hadw bersama dan mehhal Plavmfi den Hawra meninflavangznl Surat Periamlan Persamguan Penjualan Harm (P11. Eeliau dengan (euas telap mempeflahan kenyatann um ssmasa amen was me?! pauuam Delendan 5P2 wga menaflkan hahawn dokumen Pl ada\ah dokumen yang dneka 43 Salem: manenu k-Isringawkelzrangan SP2 a: man Mahkaman mendapan hnhuwa aakwian Dafundan yang kelemngan spz adalah berupa kstemngan ma dengiv dan hemumberkan Kenyalsan Puainm zda\ah max mus, Mahkamah rnandapnll bnhawa nanarangan— Kelsfangan ynng mkenwkukan hsvkenaan dengnn parnnan spa rehagaw p. ak yang mempamanalnan mamm kepada Hawra lidak punan mcana: nlan nlhak Devendan Defandan juga max pemnh pada bila-odz masa memtabarksnynlaan P\am|Wnan s»=2 nanawa swz auaxan szudarz mereka 44 Sebagm wan kepada Ha.ura dan sanders kepada P\amm, dzn sebagai pihik yang rnengesymkan penpualun (anah Iersebut kepada mnm, aaaxan sasualu yang munasabah un|uk P\amu1 mangank spz menemamnya unmk perm bemrusan dengan nayma belkanan Dembellan hananah umanm. 45 Mahkamah iugz rnengamul maklum bzham SP2 Ie\ah membenkan kaiavangannya mbawah sumpan dan keflemngnnnya wga (slah u-up samasa dlpenngkal psmeflknan balzs Mahkameh mendapali bahiwa 572 hdzk qnyuh flan masm mampu member: kelevangan yang konsislan walzupun |e\ah mm: ba\as aangan ksncang aleh peguim Delendan. 45. men an Mahkamah mendapali hzhawa kelamngan yang umenkan aleh SP2 mengonaw pamauapamara aw aus adalah merupakzn nemangun dlpamlelu ulah svz sscara langsung daripada keiaman tersebul din bukan katsrzngan yang duerlma melalui Plainhf. 47 Mahkamah merwuk kepada Sekswn «saw (a) ma Kelerangan 1950 mg oarbunyl -. (1; “Oral evvrlence mu m all cases be ma, that rs m say: mm It refers m a my mm man: be seen, yr must be [He ewaem ofa witness -ma says 719 saw 1:. - 48. Eudasarkan pemnumlukan wansbul, Mahkamah rnemumskan balmwa kmerangan sr=2 Idalah kmmangzn png telan mpemlemnya sscalu langsung dam man dmsnrua sebagal keurangan unmk menyuknng penyillln dan tumulan Flamm 49 Wulau bagaimanapun. Mahkamah mengammn kelerangan swz dengan bsrwaspzdz dzn manerimznya semkul memhukhlun bahavwa mam: adahh pmak yang man bequmpa dengan Hawra un|uk membmcangkan menganav lransalsl pemhslmn hnrlanah msebm aan ma pmak yang |e4ah memhayzr segumlah RM45‘U00 kspada Haiuvi. Kslerarvgan 592 Anya manurqukkan hanawa Fla‘ m dun Huiuri |eIah menandalangl Surat perjanuzn P1 so. Mallkamah manyedzn hzhawa pengulahuan swz msngenal wang RM45,DOD hanyalzh sslakal hehau melIhn| Plainm msmbayar Wang lersehm kanada Hzwm Malah, samasa mm: ba\as olah peguarn Delendan, SP2 mengakul hahawa bellau ndak mempun ' pengetahuan sigma aria wang karsebul aaavan m-nx Plalnm zlaupun Plamtil mambayar Wang lersebul bngx pmak Devennan 51. Selarusnya. Mahkamah memjuk keuada sznu lag: kanerangan yang aibam oleh Plainm umuk menyokong lun|ulannya wailu Penaniian PI is kandungan peqanjlan tetsehm adnlah sebagaimana blnkul .- u N awrznnzswzqntmwwualxan um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm “Bahawa pada arm Jslvuan 2000 pm Ivan‘ rm saya bemama Hq/Ills singn A/L suums swan NO K/P J311a§411—512.7 ADALAH wganegm Malaysia yang beralamal kedrsmarl Nu 955, Jalan Rumpm, moo emu‘ Nvgsn Ssmmlan. Says membual Sum! Perxelu/uen Belsama Psnfus/an Hana mr edalah karma saw rs/an men/Mal naflallah mm: dibawah s M 415 Lot 995 Mukvm Semng III], Dsevah Jsmpo/, Negan Sembnian yang bellumpal lokasrnyz dl RTF Mahsan /I derlgan kelussan 1298 Hektal Saya lelan msnm: larval! lorssbut kepada seorsny Psmbe/I ram: SELVARAJL/A/L S/THAMPARAM N0 620408-05- sm dengan halgfl xsbanyak mw5,aoo.aa {Empal mm mm Ribu SaHa[a) flan Wang ssbanyak nu (elm mbayarkepada say: olelv belteu senrlrn Bahawa malas psrssrvjuarv Prhak Pembell maka Plllsk Fembelt berseluju my somsnraru mkm unmk msrlggunakan nama fimkaknya yang Dsmsma KANTH/MATH! A/P SITHAMBARAM K/P 590121-055474 sebaga: mama Pemhsh mg, pmak bshau mm nann (arsebul Perssru/uan Bersama Psnmalan Nana rm mbualantara kadusdua wan pvhak den drtnndatllvgsm sepsm balvkur Penlusl. Nnmra smgn A/L swans Smgh Pembeh‘ v Sam/aIiiuA/L Snnamnsren 52 mupnu dnnpada penaruwan an 2135 maxan Sswavaw A/L Sllhamharam iebagax pemheh |e\ah membeh hananah lsrsabumaripana N awrznnzswzqntmwwualxan um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm Hamra Smgh AIL Sulnane Singh, pemuav. dengnn mrga RMASDOB Penarmzn ml mgn menyaukan hahzwa pemhell Ianlu Selvaraju bsrsmuw mm semenlara waklu unm mlngqunakan nzma kakaknyn Kanlhlmaltu AIP Sllnambamn yabaga: name pembefi hag: pmxnya umuk Nana Kersebul 53. Temla peljanuan ma; rnanumukkan hahnwa P\amM adalah plhzk yang hlah mambufl pembayaran unluk hananah lalsabm. Defendan my: memegang hznanah sehagzfl pomwk bavdalvar bag! pmak Plamln unluk samenlara waklu sahzun 54 Baguvmanapun, pihak Delendan mempnmkmkan keesahan dokumsn aha: alaszn-alaszn benkm ». i P\amIil gagzl unluk mambaw: Haiura, saorang Wag: psnandalangzn da\am dakumsn lerwbul hagw mengesahkan katarzngan W. n. Memandangkan Delsndan adalah pmzk yang Ierhbal dnlnm p-erjani|anInI.sapalLm1ya nemaan [Inga duadwkan sa|u plhak dan |uN( menunmkan Lanflalanginnya da\arn peuaruwan W Kenzdaan «anuacangan Deiendan dalam peljarmisn m. manunjukkan hahawa pedirman mi hdak wumd den hunya salu rakaan Malah‘ Detendan mgz menafikan mempunyaw pengetahunn mengenai psrianjian v . 55 Semua pamwaraan, Pramm (elah mengenwklkun ulinan asal pensniinn P1 sebagai kelsvangan mnuaman mendaplfi bahawa sahnan dokuman nersetm |eIah mmau selemkan pads on/zom. Mahkamnh manquk kepada Selsyen 52 (1) Sump An ms pm my yang mlmperumukkan: (1; ‘Na msllumsnt chargnble wnn duly snan be Mrmltsd m swdslvce tor any purpose by any person Ivavmg law or consent olpames aumonly m reserve evidence, or shall be mad upon, mqrslarsd, nraulhenltmladhy any mm parsolv may arvypub/rt officer, unless such rnszrumsm Is duly stamped” 55. Sslemsnyn, Mnhkamah msruwk kepada Seksyen 73A (1) ma Kelemngan ma yang bereunyr - ‘Ad!-msstbtltly ofdocumsnlary svmenns In cm! case: Saclmn 734. 11; Nolwnlhslandmg anything contained rn mm cnapxar. m any civil prvcssumgs mm: mm ma! ewdence or 5 lack would :2- admus-role. any slalamenl made by 5 permit! In a documenl and rsnaing la eslab/rsh mar lac! shall, on pmduchon ol ms angina! aocurnsm, be admissible as emem or am Inc! 4 ma m/romny nandilrons Era sans/re.1: in) me maker 0/ (he statement enner_ (I) had personal klmwfeags al the mailer: mu wtlh by the statsment ur D56{specIel)e Im Page 54 Friday, Mamh 31, zoos 5.45 PM Evvdenne 55 (H) where the document rn question rs ov lmms pan ola mwlrl purpamng Io be a canunucus ricold, made (he Statement (so Yams the matters dean mm marshy are not wvlnm hrsparsanal knowledge) In the performance ala duly m record rnfarrnstrnn supposd to him by a person who Had, or mrgm reasonably be supposed to mm had, pelsonalknuwledgs ollhoas manars. and M iv me make! of the slstsmenl rs c-!(/ad as a wvlness m me procusdIng:' Pmvrded man the conmmm ma: ma maker ol the stalemenl shall be called as s wrmsss need not be sahsfisd yr he rs dead, or unfit by lesson af hrs mam/y ar manta! wndman in mm: as a wvlness or nna I8 beyond the seas and n rs not maaonamy plscbcable m sacura his attendance. or rv all reasonable emzns to find mm have been made without mcaas - 57 secamsnya, mahkamah |uga menquk kepada pemnluknn Seksyan 52 Am Kelerungan 1950 yang belbunyw .. ‘Primary aw‘ nca means we document use" produced «or me mspsclmn or me com!‘ sa. Mslmal dan menexm dokumen w yang Isiah ' emukakan ulah Plamm, mahkamah menuauan hahawa dokumen perianitan P1 aaalan marupakan dakuman asal‘ den IVII hermakna Saksyen s2 Akta Kenarangan lelah mpamm Dokumen lersebuuugn man man manman‘ yang mana msngwkul Seksyen 52 m Akla Sewem me, Ianya Iayak dilenmz sehzgaw kalemngan Sslamsnya, dokuman larsahui |uga le\zh dikemukakan mewul waunm yang mempakan penandalangzn dukumen lersebul nan pmak yang mampunyai pengslahuan panbam mangenalnya flan mengwklfl seuyan 73A 11; (a) ma Kelemngan 195a. dukumen W Veyak untuk rmerlms sebagal kalerzngan. 59. sapem yang dinwlakan an alas, Mahkamnh luga Iehh memuluskan manerima kelemngan svz Dlah mu. k.e(e(angan SP2 yang menyzlakan n N awrzanzswzqnrmwwualxan was an.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm bihawa hahau menyakslkan dokumen P! m dmindaiangam lurul menyokong bahawa dnkumen um wmud dun bukan salu rakaan sehagilmana dakwlin caveman. so (Nah nu, Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa kagagahn Flainnf unluk membawa Haiuvz unluk mengesahkan Pea1an]Ian P1 hdak mmmukan kebolsmsnmxzn dukuman (ersebm Apuan lam mengikul kslzurangan Flamm flan SP2‘ Haiura new menmggal dunia 51 Smerusnya‘ Mahkamzh Iurul msnnlili kelsringan spa, Iarlu anak Velakx Flam Menuml spa‘ uamman, yang msrupakan mu saudzlanp man memaklumkan behau bahawa Dtiandan nanya bevsauqu umuk memlndahkan samma hanznuh mam kapada ayah belwau (Plalnm) dengzn syzra| Phmm membual pembayzrzn sebanwk kmzuqauu sehagai balasan menggunnkzm nama Defundan dan suamlnya am Fugzlzenlm all mgan Mumian iubagax nomlrwnomvnl unluk nananarmananm mmk mam s2 Akur dzngan kehendak Defendan‘ ayahnya tzlzn mengarahkan peguamnya menyedlakan saw d5raV peuaniwan Amukasuml 4145 Vkatan Dakumen Eevsama Bahagian B) yang menyalakan pevsehuuan :|....m unmk membayer RM200,DOfl ssbagzl balasan. ea spa manqsmukakan kalerzngan berupa mesa, wnacaapp durwara befiau dan suamIDe1endan(m]uklka!an Dokumtn serum: Bahagwan 5 ms 3349)‘ as mzna spa memmha supaya sulrni navanaan hadir he pejahatpeguamunluk menandalangam per1.|n]Ian yang man msemakan Psmnalan berkenaan adalah sepem bsrikut :— spa -Mama. when ru mmmg an leave? Do you have Enough (we 2:: gal over to Lawyer mew Myss/fknows Its not ngm mull am sskmg u now (ms Digs! m belwaerv u 4 smllvalv Whatever ma canvnrsulmlv olmnsunrlersloodm Dsmserv bum om, lhave rm "am: to talk or wmm as per my mugm HE Ms! sssms vely srresslul mesa /aw days mgammg Mama needs to men! Ina /awyerand sort out svsrymmg lhope mama understood my Intensa omaung Sorry rm mm rude - Jawzpan Pugalzenlm -/ am m Bahau am on 21/10 The Pl0P9‘-Vvs all ymrramsrs /don’! want any am Just gotlo know what 1 have to sign Got In lead the documents firs! and memam 1: He has mmad me an mu years am now /don‘! krmw wnal has happen lam not upset with any dmy nephsws and sspsuelly you - sa Ptgunm omendan bommah oanam mess; Pugskenlm am. we property is all y-7urlamar‘s' m alas max menquk xepaaa hananah yang menjadl pemkamn dalam kes um. sanammya Ianya hnny: momjuk kepada hana—hana Pnamm yang lam yang dlpegang oieh Pugalzsnlhi iabagal nommu es Mahkamah le\zh manexm deral paqman Isrsebm dan mandapall bahawa selawn dzn hunanah yang didallavkan eras nama Pugzlzenml, dam! D8I1arman Cevsehul mm menylnamkan hzrtanzh yang memam Dfimkamn Imam Mndakan as Mamanaangkan uenuk.-nan mess; whalsnpp berstbul adamw hstkahan dengan mac pananpan |ers2bm, maka jawapln Pugalznnlm bahawa 1m properly is all your mners. I aonc want my M n' wen aivanann sebagil merujuk kepada nananah-hananah yang disenaraikan dslam dsral pevjanflan mrsebul. 57 Mlhkumah bsrpandangan hzhzwa ketarangan .n. mg: bolsh dilmima unmk menyoknng lunlulan Plalnhl bahawa bellau msmpakan Dumb an setamsnya pemmu benefisml bag: hananah-Ilarranah yang dlsanaraikan dalam derzl peqarulnn Iersebul, flan Im larmasuk wqz nananan yang dipegang clan uerenaan as Ssmmsnya. Mahkamah mum mansilh ketararvgan Plamm mm). Mengikln ke|emngzn Plamhl, geran sail hananah |arsehm berzda dalam mniukan dan kawalannyn yam flan hananah mnsabul amen sehmgga knm, mu sqzk lehm 2n mhun aanuru (rupuk Ikaran Dokumsn Eerszma Bzhaglzn A — ms 17 47 S6panieIng|sII\pal1 cambun, max pemah walau sekalw, ueveman mammla gerun tersebul daripadanya 59 Perlu dnngalkan bahaw: hanar-ah |ersahul man dlbeli pads (ahun zmwy wawlu 23 (shun Vepas. Seklranya banal nananah tersebul mun mmk Dalandan sebugaimana yang muzkm, Mzhkzmzh berpnndangan banawa Defendan mick akan memblaman gzmn asa\ hznanah Iersebul bereda flalam sm-uanzn manor. Semen pemmk hananah axan mempaslikan dokumendukunien permng nammn dengan pemvhkan aan keluanpunyaan hananah akan berada dalam mllikan dan kawa\annya. Negsn Sembuan sahzgzwmana F'enanm'an Jual sen yang dwkemukakan flan «wanna sshagaw P3. 7 has Iahun zma. zpamua Plainlw menyalakan hasramya umuk menuknr pemllikzn nananzh Iersebul uanpeaa nsvenaan kepadi anak hsllau (SP3),De1am1an enggan memben kariaszma Sebahknya, wbagaw balasan, Deiandan memsma wang sepumlah amznu um) sehagax bayaran urusan pqmllcaran lwzkrmllk hananah museum (darn narlanuh-hananah Hainm‘ yang lam yang dndanmkan atas namz suamrDefendsn.mapim1zk manfldv perkara yang mpemkarxan da\am mnunan ml] 5. mamm akur dengnn panuimaan terssbul din Ielah mangarzhkan pegnamnyz menyedukan saw asravpennnnan umuk aunanaanangzm ova» anak P\zmfi1(SP3)‘ Dslendan darn suarm uevenann umuk marmndahmmk hananah—hananah msobm uan Delendan dan swarm Daiandan kepada anaknya SP3. Bagalmanapun. Delendan Ielah manukar flkwan dan anqgan menandalarvgunv psnan an lersebm 9. P\zmIn1 mga ldnh benaya mendapal kemusan dan Pafahzl Daerah darn Tanah Jempnl malalul sural hanarikh 21 as zms unmk memmdahnullk harianall |<-srsebul dan numa Dsfundan kepada name hallau sanann lelaov wenaan gagal dan enggan unluk memmdahrmllk hananah Cersebut kepada new 10 Face Oklobevmzfl, Flainnnalah memasukkan kavea| pusandman ks ms nananan unmk melindungn haknya 54-mega: pemheh sebenan map. Defendan masm anggsn unmk mamnen kequama. 7o oxen nu, (Indakan nevem... yang hanya msmbwarkan geran asal haninah Iarsahul Demda dalam mllibun Plainlvf unluk Iamvoh Vemh Earl 20 uhun mammjukkan bahawa Defiendan bukalllah palluhk ssbanzr hallanah Ialsehul. 71, Mahkamzh mga mengamhl kin kererangan mamm hahawa iameruak hananzh lersebu| mbeu am Mam telwwgga sekarang, ballau yang (a\ah membayav cukal Ianah hinanah lalsehm. Unluk menyckong kenyztaarmya, Plmnm Ielah meng-mukakan sahzhaglan den Iesn-lesn asa\ ma. nanmn Iersebul dan mam." 2013 — 2021 yang berada dalam slmpanarvnya (mmk lkalnn dokumln nmama — Bzhagvan A— ms 12.207 dan resn asax cum vanah unlvk Vahun znza (Ikzlan dokumsn (ambahan Plalrml . mukasura( 5-5) 72 Mnhkamah bsrpandangan haham kelerangerrkeflerangan mengennl geran aul flan jugs pamhayaran um tanah mrm menyekong kenyalsan Flamfif bahawa bshau adzlah pembeh sebenar Iurlanah levsehm fiada sehab unmk Mama! may-negnng unggungiwab membayar cum unah baqw hananzh pug mmmkl aleh pmak lain unluk umpon mas: yang panjang mdzwnkan belwau sendm yang mmpunya; kepemmgan kc ares Ianah |erseI:u|. 13. asmasaman mum zlasan~a\.asan yang dinyllakan dw alas. Mankamah In: memmuskan bahawa mam: |e\ah bsnaya membawa ke|eranqan~kemrangan yang msnoukupi unluk memhukukan alas Imhangan kabarangkalmn bahiwa beliiu zdalah pmak yang Iemh membell dzn selsrusnya membuax pembayzvzn Keuana Hanna unmk hananah levsebul. O\eh nu, Mahkamah menaapall hahawa Plalrmiadalah pemmk baneftswm kapnda hananah tersebm darn uecenuan hanya mamegunq harlnnah te<sebu| hag: pmak P\a|nM sebugal nomlm 14. Faun penngkal W, bebnn pembuklmn aaaxan berahh kepada Defendzn unluk mangamuxauan Ke(erarvgan-Kusvangan da\am pembmaannya nan 5e|emsnya membukllkan alas lmbanqan kenarangkalian kalarangan-kelerangan |eIsebuI bag: msnlngkii Kelemngan-kelemngan yung wan dlkemukakan oleh Pliinw 75 Manuanmn merwuk kspsda kc: Liaw Song Kaa s Amzrv Saw Chai Kee [2014] MLAU, dlmnna Mahkamah memuluikzn mam benkul - - Eulden and standard Dfpmol «n cwv Pmceedmgs ' :4 rs ma mar me parry wha dssrras ma court 19 grvs/udqmsrrt as la any law! nm at /v'sbv/r\'y bears ma burden or wool (3 101(1) E»/11sm>s Act 195:; Ths burden arpmans on that pm rs two In/d (ft ma human 0] sslablishing a case, and nu ma burden ofrmmducmg amanaa. ma human olpmollrss an IM party lhrouvhoul Ms trial rns standard alpmof required 0/ the P/arrvtiflrs on ma balance 17/ pmbabllnfss. rananua An Cjm Selmduray V Chfnrah, supm udaolmg the uosmon szauad by the Court o/Awam m Abmm V North Eastern Railway Ca mag} 11 can us said‘ rn such a case as the pmssnl ms positron has been cleelty stated In ma [udgmenl or am: MRU1 Abram v Norm Easlam Rm/way Co[1B83] 11 can ua alpage 452 - that rf ma Pfarntlfl has gwsn pnms rams awusnca, winch mes: n be snswsrect mu snm/s mm 1.: have the quesnan aemea m ms favour, the burden olpmol rs snmea on to me Defendants: me deawn ovum question rho)! ' .. ms Defendant may give swdence sung: by conlradtamg ms Pramn/rs evrdence or by proving omer lack. " 1e. Pad: penngkal kesnya. plhak Deiendan hanya mengamukakan searzng saksl umuk member! kemerungan In Dalemian semm Dalam Keterangannya, Delenaan menyalakan hshawi .. . Memandangkan namanya|arwn|5ahagz4|12mIhk dawn geran hananah Celsasbuk, maka mxan pales hzhzwa hellau mun pemmk hemallur hananah lamshul. u Deiendan menavfikan kasahman dakumen peljarman s-1 yang lnlsh auanuaungan. znlarz Plamhl dun name Defsndan u lnada pengemman lonlang manyavskill bahzwa n peqarulan F1. Dflandan memakrumkan bahawz belwau |e\an nvembelw harlanah Izevsebul mewgunakzn mm yang dlamml danpafln ubung s-mpanan bellau dan suzmlnya. xv Delendxn man membua| bayaran secara tuna: tabinylk RMo5.aoo secarz gerinam kspada mama om. mu, ma ssbarang bum pembayavzn yang belwau dapat kemukakan 17 Menelm kelemngan Deiendan‘ mahumah merumuskzn sebagalmana mm mu; menganm name Defends" wavcam sebzgm permhk berdallarmgeran mukum hananah tevsebul adalah Sam ram yang lmak pemah mpemkawkan oI:>I mane-maria plhak 7: In yang manjadl pemkalan adalah sums nan Defendan nanya memegoog nananan ialslbul sabagal sehagm nannm hag plhak Mama’? yang msmwkun adlk lundununya. Vsmah namml bermaksud . ‘A pmun m whase name assets (for uamp/e, anmnrneo sharebcldsrol campany Shams) am held, am who am nor have any beneficial snrfflomnnl lo those assets. A nommee Is a men; agent 0/ ma person wno appomu mam‘ (glossary. flvomsan Reuters, Pramraal Law; 75, Manama defwmsw dv alas, uka lemukli banawa Deftndan nanyalan mamagang paranzn sehagaw nonnm Iemsdap hananah talssbul. maka «ma: undztlgmndang behau max mempunyau nak kc alas nananan larsebm. 79 Mahkzmzh |eIah memumsknn bnhawa Flam malalm ka|9vangzn— kelevzngannya Isiah benaya menuruukkan bahawa befiau auaxan pembell sebenav nananan |ersehu( man mu, Defendan adalah hananggungzn unmk mengemukaknn kelafangln-kalerangan nag: menyanggzh kelerznuan plhzk Plambf unluk menumukkan bahawa nananan Ievsebul (elah dibelw sendm alah Delendan sabagaimana dakwzannya an Bagalmanapun, setelah mahkamah meneml xaxerangan-kenmngan yang telah mkemukakan aleh Defendan dwpenngkat pemsnksaan nauaanya mahkzmah mendapau bahawa Inrdaval Derranggahan yang k2|arz aauam knvsrangan-kebevangan Invxebm bamanding kenyataan yang (emapal dahm uemhaliarmya flan mgz keleranganya mpenngxau pumankslan mama an Adalah mavuadl p-e-mp undanndlndang hahnwn Auwan pemenksaan balms dhdakan mun unmk mengup am. selerusnya manilal kelahanan aan xonsxamm ketavangzn yang dlkemukakan Men mana-mane saw 52 Mahkamah memwk kepada kas Thwmchelvasegaram Manmkavassgarv MnhadsviNadehamam1no 2)|2m)2)1 cu 609, a. ms «nu yang anlam lam menyilakin . ‘The powers era crossaxammel gensml/y are. V ra last a wrrrvuss' accuracy mamy and uemowzy (semen 146(3) ullhe Evrvienca/1:1 1950 ~ 33 Dale"! kas Jonq Chuk v Chung Tung Sang [1999] 5 cm 1. Muhammad Kamll Awang J man menyalakan . 7 ‘Cross sxamfnmrulv is directed to (u creclrbwry arms witness. or) me facts (17 mm ns has depmedln emu, mc/udmg we cross exam4Ivsr's version 0! them: an; the rm: to man the wilrves: has not deposed but to which me Mos; -oximfnir mmks ha rs able to depose. Where me court Is to as iskad to drsbsheve a wnnsss, ms wunm would be cmsxemmrned me Iarlws m cmss-examine a wrtnsss on some mslerialpart olrus ewaence. are! all, may be tmarad as an acnuprance arms mm olmat part arms whole own‘: swam." an Prinswp Imdang-undzng jug: adamh ]elas bahawa ssk nya leldapal percauggahan yang ma|enal serum sakil mambarlkan ketevzngannya. makalanya akan menmaslcan mmmliu saksw berkanaan. 15 N awrznnzswzqmmwwnalxan um smm be H... m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm [nuuk kers Jung cm V Chang Tung Sang [1999] 5 cu 1; lm bermakna hahawa saksl uarsshul bukanmh salsl yang holeh dxparcayan darn dangan i|u. kalaringan tarsebm handaklah mahalkan dan (flak dlerima sebagai kerarangan as Sabagai mmxan, mahkamah akan menunmkan bahaglan dan kelsrangzrfinelavangan Devendan yang ampan bercanggah Pancmesmm PERTAMA es. Mankaman memjuk kepada pelenggan 5 dan 5 Pambelaan oemnuzn yang bemuny\ - i Perenggan 3 Panyalsan mam.» ma/an dfakm xemka! hurtannh m bawah an: 415 Lot 795 mm Semlvg lltr Dseran Jempol, Megan Ssmbr/an (hamanah Iersemnl aflalah mink mm: Smgh an Sultana Smgh (Na. K/F‘ 331199421-5123) den Plarnlilmsmplksn orang pervganlara Dag! pembellan Hartanan lsrssbm pm mesa marmz. 1.m£aLl.§ Dsfsmialv merujuk kepadz persnggan A Psrlyaluan Tunmran dan menafikan kandungan pelenggan zmoouz dan menegaskan Danswa Delendzm ts/ah membervkan Plamlrf walvg bag! membell Mnnnah tsrssbul dun nembelialv hartanan lerssbu! adalnn .1: am name Delsndan ssbagar pemwk dan buksn sebagsr nomrm kspada P/amm. - av Mzhkamah msmlokus kspada kervyataan Pblnm dlperenggan my nembmaannya yang bemunyn . ‘Dafnzndan man membenkan Flamlfl wang bag: marnaan hadanah |elsebu|" us. Jna dlbzca pemnggan 5 dan e pembalazn Dslsndan secam bersama, dapal mlnnnmx waxmwaaalan panqanlam bagl pmak Deflendan sehagal pembell nan Hanna sabagav yamuzl unluk umsan pemneuan nananan lersehut Sebagal penganlzva. Deiendan |eleh membenksn wang kepafla Plalnm umuk mervguvuskan pembellan nananan |ersebul. as Bagalmanlpun, semasa mpanngkac pemenksann bans, nerenaan Iglnh membenkan kelarangan yang yexas bemarvggah dengan apa yang mphdkan dalam panmexaannya Defender: mnn menyamlrsn bahawa beluau aaaan membual bayavan secara lunal Issebanynk RM45,U00 sacara (ems kepafll Hanna Parana" Plainm sebagsw penganma nebagannana yang dnplsdkan dalam pembslaan udak lag: flmmbulkan da\am ketelanginnya so Selerusrvya‘ mzhkamah mgln manarik psmallan kanada pemaflflwhankmualaflu ~ \ oalam panyava salsl uevanann (wssmy dw sualan no. In, Deiendan dwanya Q Selam geran. apakah wag: mu lawn yang menuluukkan canan mum mnnnkv ands? A Sewn Qlran, kzrdapal juga sallnzm-salman bwl cnkan haw vanah |ersebu| mennn yang maayaraxen sendin obh saya. 17 N aKTEAIn1iwEqhI'mwWHaIxBD Nuns an.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. mn.un mm: dun-mm wa .mm mm 91 aagaunanapun, semnsa dlpenngkal psmenksaan naras, Defandan lalah membeli kelerangan yang ]elas bercanggah dervgan kelarangan dw alas 0 : mm on dalem penyala ssksi anaa. ivka anda yam hayar oukan man, rest!-resn mesh dalam svmpanan anda. - Ya belul a » Jam, msmandangkan msnmn berada oengan Plaimfi. ‘ad: saya katakan Hainm my bayar. Va, semju o Yak ads bukfiyamz Iumukkzn zwak hayzreven salu m lahun Wu cukaw (anah. A, vs salulu. > > 92 Mka umemamn ksuadz kalerzngan dl alas, kmamngan uavanaan ' annykat psmsriksaan balasnyz pelas bemzza dan hevcanggah dengan kslevangannya semasz uamenksaan ulama Manuaman manquk kapada mom. Pm Em Chin v PP [1955] 1 ML! 234 yang menynfaknn . -/1 is on/y when a wrmaasxs ewdence an matsnal and om/raus matters In the case rs so msmncrlabla, ammvamu ornegahonal ma: ms whole ewaem rs in be drsrugaruod Fovgsm:/nass or namma m nvcall exactly mflxln events, winch do Ivutsssm to be Important to Ins wmms, do not necsssarfly shake ms crsdmr/fly or render other pans Dims slury unwmmy afbelreI.. ' ea Olmfli dw avas was menyalakan bahawa mans-mans: kelerangan yang bavcanggzh diamava sam szma Vain flan (mak belch amanmmun N aKYEnnz:wEqht~mwwHaIxBD am am n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm handaklah dlabmkan dun udak boxan ditanma sahzam kelemngan, apalah lag! smanya keterangnn-keterangin hersabul ada\ah lemzdnp wswsu yang malarial. 54. Menalm kslerangan-ketsrangan Dalerman .1. M35‘ mahkamah mendapah bahawa pelcanggahan yang (erdapal dalam keiarangan-ketsrangan Iersebm adalah msrluuk kepadz uarkampelkam yang ma|enaI. mm menyermuh lanlang p ak mana yang lelah nuamnuax pemhnyaran wang pumbelian hananah nmsanm nan pmak mannkah yang (emu memhayarcukal lanah bag! nananan larseom. 95 Keierangun-4ka|amng:an mu sakwanya mommkan akan mamaai wk psnullu haw namkauan inn. Olen nu‘ I2vdapa|nya pemunggshan dalam kavarangan-kersvangan Delendan lemadap pen<3ra—per|uIs yang permng mmysbabkan mankaman merasa sangsl unluk menenma kslsrarlyanrvya Mahkarnah mga memmpau Mada sebarang indxloasi nanawa pen‘/anggahan |e|sehu| aannan Imak flrsengiuakan alau diakmenkan ulah kealpaan a|au kesukamn Dalendan unwk manainuau perkara lrkara belkenzan. 95 men yang aamuuan. admah new psmsmslian mahkamzh bahawz dalam mamnan kanenangannya, Dehndan tslall gagal bercakap henar Percanggahan W lelah um... skan mam Dsfendan sebzgzi saksx dzn sekangus memiefmmkun nmwa Dalandan bukanlzh semzng saw yang wen dwpercayal. 97 Manxamah merlquk kapada Mann Sakmah Sulnng v Masyltah Md Hanan [2023] 1 ms 793‘ dwpemnggan 15, ax mana Mahklmah Rayuan manyalakan ~ 19 n awrz-nzswzqnrmwwnatxan Nuns saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. anmnmy mm: m.n.n wa mum pm “A3 ollen being Sam, 5 lrialjudge rs thepeuorv rn mo baxtposlhon in mm: and Iudsw the cmmnmry or a mum, nmng had me opponumfy (:7 gang! nm: to observe the wunm In person. ' ea s-nemsnya Mankaman axan meruwk kepada ke(ermgan- kaherangan Defvndan yang max mpnaxan dalam pembekaannya Aduluh mlniadt pnmip undarlgmndang yang manlap hahnwa plhak-pmak sdalah mnxa dangan 94 guys Mzhkamah memjuk kepadi kes Pen Kelang Aumomy v Kuala Dlmensl sun am [2023] «ms 2090, d! mana Mahkamah Rzyuzn nenan rnengganskan sebaganmana beflkul - Pevenggzn 25- ‘The cardinal rule ol cm Mtgnhan, sspedafly aw am/ersarfa! justice system, rs that me puliles are bound and mus! abide by me pleadings. The psmss m cm‘! Imyanon are mt a/mwsd m mauve [acts and Issues wmch may ms nu! p/mm. On the otHsrham1s,lha courts should dswdean fans amirssussm strict oomplranoe wvllt Ins pleadings med by the pames Should me man: deems an an Issue not rsrsed by Ms partfss m men pleading; ms rlsctsron .s /fab/s m as sa:a.:u1s.' Psranggan 27 ‘Tim Federal Cam! n. ma Bank BM (substituting Kwong Wk Bank Ehd) v Kwan cnsw Na/dmg Sdn sn.1(2mo) mm 195 heldtlmt mi Second, the propnsnfnn ul the cam! arwapssl was not mn Needed by me rsspondanl The usponuenrs cause 07 action seams! the appellant was far Drssch ar mrmacl. Nawnele In the msaonosnrs p/samng, mrpmssly or by an N awrznnzswzqnrmwwualxan um smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 11 Ob?! yang demxkian, Pranmmuan memluilkan lumuian ml Iemadap Devenaan, kakak xanaungnya unmk amara lmnnya, penmah supenl bsnkul - 1. Deldarasl bahaws uevenuan mempauan ptmsgang amznah kcnstvukul dan/sun pemagang amannh berbanykit bag: nzrvanah pegang a. hawan GM us Law 995 Mulum Sellmg III! Dzerah Jempol, Nsgan Semhllan (selepas ml duwuk sebagan 'hanannh msahul’) bag: man1aalP\a\rmfi 2. oemarw banawa Plzlnm mempakan pammk alum: hunanah lavsehm kerina Plalnm yang (elah mambzyav keselumhan jumlah wing iual hell bagl nuunan nmabm yang henumluh Rm5,uoo.oo. 12 Unmk perbiuarzan ml‘ P\avmI man mengemukakan A urang sani mu mu kepad: Flainm den Defendan ¢sv=1)-, saudava Pnninm dan Delendan Nalliah a/V Ramesamy (srzy, Inak le\a|u P\aImlI (swap dan Plnmhlsendm (srm FAKTA KES nssznum <3 nnvanuan adalah pembeh sebenzv nananan wsebux dan ialsrusnya mempakan pemilvk nananzn mrsehnl yang sah 14 P\aIuM hanyalah bemndak sehagaw Wang lengah yang mengumskan pembahan nananan |ersehuI amaru Dslendan den Hayurn <5 Dzlendan (Idak nemah mehhal Ilau mengelanur bahawa manm telah menandavangam Sam Sura| Fananuzn vamenquan Psruuslin Hana A N aKTEAIn1iwEqhbvvwWH:lxBD ma smnw .. used m mm n. mm-y mm: dun-mm Va muNG Wm Imp/rcalvon, can ws detect a alarm fur bleach niamml venture agreement srmng out oi a fiduciary my placed upon me appellant!!! Ina capamy as prvrlcipaf ofan avsnl. u rs a cardinal rule m cm! rmgmn man the pants: mus! abuts by men pleadings Thls Is Me as can be seen mm the flemsrun mm mm! m Menan Smong v Um 500 s Am» 1195:; 1 cm 25 when Ong Hock Thyi w sard r Imnk It IS Ivscesscry in ms case m empnams once agsm me: me nouns mum gxvs Merr aecmon m stm‘) compnam mm the meamngs. 21: mm Radclme said In Essa Pelruluum Co Lm um» v Soulhparl Carpomllan 1195512 wuz av alp 91: /I an apps/Isle cowl rs to (real Iehunce as psclarmy or mere Ibrma/fsm we not see wnat pan lneypan they play In our max systim [34] /7! last, me Court alflapssl men has rcrtarated (Ins m Amanalv Butler (M; sun and v we chsa wan (19971 1 ML./ 75:7.-1199712 cu 79 when Gaps! Sn Ram JCA (as be than was.) said 1: rs mm law that a party u bound by :2; pleacfings ' 99. Mamaman sekalw Wag: meruguk klpada parangnan 5 dan 6 pemhelaan nevenaan yang anlar: lam menyalakan hahawa mamm mempakan Mang penganlavi bag? puluballan hananah Iersebm pad: mesa malsnal flan bahawa Defender: lelzh membankan P\amM vmng my membeh hananih |ersabu| ma ma mbaca perenggan 5 an s pemhelaan nevanuan seam Izerszrna‘ Defsndanlmah menymaun bahawa Plamlfl adalah urang yang 3x N awrznnzswzqmmwwnalxan um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm hamnflak ssbegal pengamara amara Defsndan dan n-<a,una dalam umm uemhahzn nananan lersebul sabaqan panganlam. Ilefandan lelah membenkan wang kepada Plamlil untuk mambual pemhayaran kepada Hanna. 101. Bzqalmanapun, semssa dlpermgkal pememsaan Dams, Dalendln man memhenkan kelerangan bshawa hallzu lelah memhual pembayaran «anan sebanyak Rmsmo sacara |ems kepada Hanna (anpa meliluw Plamm Kenyslaan lnsabm Vangsung udak dlpludknn dalam nembemannya. Dengan kala |a.n, keizrzngan Hsan Deiendan mangana psmara Inl Mask - kung dengan seharang pemyauan dalam pembemannya «:2 Eukan selakal Nu‘ Dalendan my man mengemukakan kelavangzn ham bahawa mm RMo5_ooc |evsebu( auaxan merupakan ummya senmn nan: Iabungan simpanan Dellau dan auannnya Pa-«an nu ma mak dihrnbulkin langsung da\am pembelunnya, alau dipermgkal nemeflksaan ularnanya. Ianya hanya drdmbmkan savapas Defemian dinsak aleh psguam Plzmm dengzm saauan aan manaksh Delandan. yang nanya bakena sehagai guru aan helgau |e(ap kuvang dan Rmwoo isbman pada masa nu, mempercluh wnng lsrsebul. 103. Mzhkzmzh berpandangan banawa nndzkan Delendzn yang nanya menimbulkan \su—\su zambun mpanngkau pemenkszan was menmqukkan hahawa perkara-pamara tsvsahm aaanan rekaan dan sesnam yang hanya dwfikilkan alau divamhan kemudmn (an nllerlhoughl) ma. Sakvanya pevkava-oerkare |ersebul auaran Dena! nan |e\un ada dalam pengexanuan Delendun davi mule‘ Idalah munaaanan umuk duangkakan bahawz pelknra-perkam yang sebegilu peming akan mmasukkan ke aanam pembeiaannya ms Apa yang mas. pe«ara-pemara yang dnimbmkan clan nevangan m 3135 hdak dlplldkan flnlnm pembelunnya Mangamhll prlnslp hzhzwa -1: rs we law Ina! apanyu oounanyizspmangs. “ nan "ShouM1me mun: decide on an Issue not raised bylhapamns m msrrplaudtngs, me declsmn rs name to he set asAds'(ru1uk m For: Kalang Aumorily v Kuala Dwmensw San Ehd [2u23] was me), Mahkamah mamuluskan bahawa semuz kelevangan Dalsman yang ndak gmnakan dalam pemnmaannyn nsnaamn dmbaxkan dan dilulak 105 semen.» kotarangan-keleranqan dw alas mpemmoanguan, Mahklmah msmuluskan banawz Defendan |e\ah gagal mebuknkan pembslaannya |amadap mnlulan waunm dan dengan Nu‘ aakwaan wendan banawa beliau aaauan pmax yang wan nnanmn can wherusrvya membua( vembawvan sewmlah RMl5,UDD umuk pambelvan nananan Oersebul kepada Najura danger: sendmya Ielah unalnk 107. Ava: awasanaxasan msanm .uga, Mahkamah memuluskun bshawa ' kyanqtelah membayawmng heuum\.uhRM45,D00 an kepada Mama aaalan Phmhl, dan dengan nlu memumskan bahawa sungquhnun Deleman aamah ptnullk berdailar nananan lersebul, man hznya memegang nananan Iersebut bagi pmak Plalnm sebagaw normni hag: pihakfinumnl ms Pmoalan senemsnya adalah uma :4: ram amanan kanslmklw mah nemenmk. Sacara definusmya Amanah Konslrukhfadalah .— “a trust was arises by ape!-alien of law Mlsra « would by uncanscronable /ma person (A) wha hold: an asset la deny me beneficial fmenist olanomsrpersam In me asset For oxamp/5, a mnslrumva trust may anss whens. . A no/.1; mm ma: he knnws am been pard to mm by mistake, . A mid: an asset maths has oblarnod by means offraud, . A and another psrsun 45; some 5 common trnsnfion (ha! 5 mum mm a beneficial mlsrsxi m an asset and B has acted 10 ms delnmenl on the D554: or ms mtsrmorv .."IGVassary ul Thompsun Reuters, Fracflca! Law)‘ 109 Sean mudahnya, amanah knnsuvkni (smut: malalul apemsl unuang-undany‘ flan bukannya Iemh fliwuiudkan maraum mat nyals K-pmak yang mmbal Amanah konflrulmf akan umbul npahHn sessoang mamegang mm umuk laedah orang lawn mm mm um peqannan amanah yang pelas anvam mereka. no Mahkamah memguk kepnda Xe: ./w Propemss Sdn Bhd V Parbadanan Kama/uan Psmmran 59/anger s Am! [2915] 1 cu 13. an mans nemkalan yang (imbul adalah sepem benku! -— Psrbadanan Kemaman Penaman Selinqor mws; Isiah mempemleh lanah Jugrz nan |anah Apt-Apl danpada Keraiazn Negen Semngor Pm vahun 1995, vms Ielah memasukl psrjamlan umuk mmuax kedui-duz vanah hrsehu| kepada vxps Aquaoukure Sdn am Ienalduk kevzda |eIma mam 3.3; hahawa mus belkewnupan unluk mandapalkzn kebenaran 34 N awrznnzswzqntmwwualxan um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm darn Fmak Bsrkuasn Nngen haw uammdanan «am-vanan msebux keuzda PKPS Aquamhura dalam lampoh 6 bmzn dun mum perflannin. ma gzga1.penan11an xarsewn skan tarbatal dan fidak ssh ' 111. Pada lahun1997‘ man Jugra dan Aumm |e\an duunl kepafla JW Propemes. Apama JW Pmpames memmlz supaya lanah Apl pi dwpindahmwlnk kepada memka, Ianya lvdak dzpa| dnalsanakan klrani klausa 3(3) perjanflen panama maslh mum mpenum Oieh nu, psmlllk bemaflar Ianah Ap1—Ap. masih lag! PKP5 112 Pads 16 Dvsamtnr 2015, salu nuns mkemzrkan bag! psngambflan balwk ranah Aw-Aui. lsunyz adzlzh plhak manakah yang am mendapa| mm psmpasan JW prouemes mendakwa memandangkan memka |e4zh membeh lanai! menu: uanpzda 1>1<1>s Aquaculture, maka meceka mtmpunym kapenlmgan hanefism lemadap man Iersebul Sahzllknya, Mahkamah finggw rnammuskan bahawa mm yang Iayzk umuk monerima pampaxan adalah pemmk hemaflar lalw PKPS. 113 Pvhak JW Pmvemes um msngumukakan rayuan lemadap kepululsn Mahkamzh Tmggw ke Mahkamah Rayuan Dalam membenarkan rayuan lelsebuk, Mahkamah Hayuan Ie\ah amara lam merwatakan — -Pmnggan [491 ‘m Tskako Sakao (1; (supra) me appellant, a Japanese uuzsn and the firs! respondent damned Ia mm 5 mp Ilousi to spams 2 «mama: Business The appellant corvmbuled RM194.510 towards me purchase price 01015 Shop hoass. Ths pmoslw was :1; be pumnasea and rsgrslwfid m we /om! names as N awrznnzswzqntmwwualxan um 5.11.1 be used 1: mm 1.. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm olllva appeflan! and ma first rsspolvdsm In equal share: Instead we nm Iesponrlentpumhlssd ms prupsrry low and legislated n In her sole name sumquonzry she sold the pmpeny m we second respondent company rm 1 g rmman Perelvggan (49; ms appsHanl's eanlenhon ma: 5 mlsl had arvselv m nsrlavaur was I-epcted by me High Cqurf whrch new that s 4335 ofllve Land Code bnnedmo appellanl [rum anvomng any mm! mm may have ansen In mr favour by nmun oi ne: canrnmmon wants me purchase pncs cum shop house Sermon 4333 olme Land Code mum a Iorsrgnerto ablam ms pm?! appruvalaflha Slatemlmonty to acquire /and. Purwnw-an [50] The cam of Appeal amnnea ms mgn com daclsfurv. Takakn sum men appealed tn me ream: com and succssasa. /r was held. mlsr aha by the Federal Cam! as follows .- m A constructive mm anxes by opelabcn ollew whenevsr Ih: crmumsiances are such that n would be unconsmanams nu me awnsrar ms prvwefiy (usually not nsmssn/y the Regal estate) In men ht: own bonaficrsl mlerssl :n (he property and dany the baneficml rnaanm av anomen mmg with approval Paragon Ffnarws Plcv as Thakeralé Co 1199911 All Er I00 (2) There was a slmnp element at unyusz srmchmen! and /ask nl pnmyon ma Dar! ufthe my resaandsn! 13; u 1; 5efl)sdlnwlhaIIn.m1s an sxcaplmn no the mmman raw mle arpnmy nlconlrscl As such me appeomnz couldsnloms me trust agumat mm m Em and wound appeuan: (l[The nppnl/an! was unfit/sd to (race Ivar nun mm of the pmaerfy men ms hands ofnnyane wm: mm n (5):: was not a me In wmcn me apcasllanl ztslmemlery sought to evade comp/ymg mm 3. 4335 aims Land cm and she was nor gumy ul such rmscandurrt Seclron was ma no appncauon to the construurtvve (rust rmpassd upon me flrsl Nspundsvvf Paranggan /511 In our wsw the Iacfgaflem onns pmssnl 9359 ml; squarely wvtlwv ms paramelsrsola mnswurve Unit, as was the um mm [In apps//Hm m mm sum (0 (supra). 2: would ms!-elore no Imconscronabls for PKFS1o mm fls awn mlslesl avermewzr-Apt land wrung denying the rvgnm Interest of the appellant A constmclrvv mm rn Vavour or me apps/Ian! had srvsen by operation ol the law - 11¢. Kapumsan Mahkaman Rayuan Im telnh sahkan om: Mahkamah Persekmuzn apakxla Manknmnh Pevsekuluan memuhnskan » ‘A cnnsmntm/2 lms! 1; a creature of Baum/. By us very nature‘ wnelnsr or no! 5 constvuclrve trust anses m the absence 0/ the consent ol me Slate ouumonty In lrsnslev me land IS very much dependant on the facts 0/ the case. A constructive mm anus wnmvm ma circumstances are such that u would be unconsuoname rm me awrver al me pmpetfy to asssn‘ ms awn bsmzfima! mtsresl m we prnpalry and my mo bensfinal Weiss! ar :1 N awrznnzswzqnrmwwualxan um sum n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. unmnmy mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm another The Iacxpansm oflhs plsssnt case is//squamy wtlhm lhe paramstsrs are mllsln/chve mm n was lhersluls unconscroname for me anoeuam m amn its awn Interest: over me mm and wmle dsrlymg me ngmrm Interest nuns msporrdenl A cunslrumivs (ms! m /avoar nflhe rssaandenl had amen by opmatfvn arms /aw’ (Pemadlnurv Kamljlum pm»... S4lnn9«:rvJV/Froportioa san and new MLJU am 115 amasaman olminmnnli dw alas, zmanah knnslrukm akan levbenmk secara aperasx unaang-unuang masavm kaaduan benkul I x Apabila seseorang itu mamagang hana unluk raeaan nrang lawn dalam kaadaan luada penanilan amanah rzslm dw Amara memka u Apabfla orang yang rnemsgang hana rersehul menegaskan kepennngan bemzfiswalnyz senmn dalam hana Kersabul flan menafikan kepanhnuzn hansfiswav pmax yang mm Yardapalnya unsuv pengkayzan yang mak adH w Auatula |erdapal unsur kamamman mpmak Delendan us nalam lumulan \. mzhkamah Idem mendapali bannwa Puamnr adalan Dmak yang man membual pemhayaran sebanyak unluk pembehin nananan nersaom, manakala bemoan. sebagm pelmhk berdaflarhzrvyz memegang hananah Isrsebm bog! pmak Plainm sebagaw namnu. m. Adalah was meraxm xeurmgan-xexaungan yang mkamuxaxan oleh Pmnm bahawa pmak yang lalah mambayav umuk pemnenan hananah tennbul adallh Hamw owan nu, seklmnya hananzh Inrsshm msalahkan kepada Dalaman yang Ie\ah gagal unluk membukukan bahawa balvau nalan rnembual pembayamn nnluk hnnanah uerseam maki, Inahkamih barpandapal bahawa zkzn beflaku penkayaan yang wax adfl ma Mahksmah jug: menduoall temapal nnsununsnr kmidakjnquran apabfla Defendan anggan hekensama memmdahkan hI«12nIh|eI$abul semula kepada Plamm sepem yang dljarmkan‘ ssbellknya lelnh membual salu dakwasn hahawn bsllau aflalah pemmk sebenar dan Ielah membual pemhayaran unluk nananan Ievsehul «.9 Mahkamah buplndangan bahawz fzklarizkxa malzs pzlas menggambalkzn bahawa salu amanah konwum (eiah Ierhanluk‘ man: Detanuan adalah pemegang amanah begv pmak Flam“! dan sekallguu rm jug! hemukna bahawa wainm mempunyal hak benemswal ks alas hananah Ievsehul KOMKLUSI 120 Berdasarkzn zlasalralasan yang lelah dwkemukakan (1! am. mahkamah memnluskun banawa nmlman Plamm dlhenavkan dengan kas RERYARIKH : 9 NOVEMBER 2023 sum wm IDRIS FE URUHJAYA KENAKIMAN MAHKAMAH vmssl SEREMBAN NEGERI SEMEILAN DARUL KNUSUS pseum am: nmx PLAINTIF: Tetuzn xnsrm Dalm/nah A lndran Peguambela 5. Pegunmcam Na. 52, Julnn s2 D35 52 cm, Center, Seramban 2 man Serembnn‘ Negev: semwan. vaaum us: PINAK nErENnAN: Teluan Pwalasan &A:Inc4aIvs Pagunmbela dun Peguamcara LK1—DI-03. mocx LKV, Laman Kumavsvalhera, Putra Nmvweoo Nwlai‘ Nanen semman nu swzqhrmwwuatxan mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm dmgan Hqura Ingh yang manynkakan Defendan hanya akan memegang halmulrk unah «meumsenagm nomml 15 Demaan ndak pemah membeclkan pelsenquan kapadz P\amm unluk menggunakan namanyz nmuk dhflallarkan sahagzl pemmk bevdzflar harunah lavsabul hum semenlara waklu 17 uamun, sswspas za (ahun pembellan hamlnah |ersebu|, Delendan Isiah mermima Ialu derai peljanjmn daflpada mum umuk menwvdah hakmwhk hananah |evsebu| kepadn Plamlwf flan wbagav belzsan, Plamm akan membayar RM20D,D00 on kwafla Daiendan Delendan «mu bersztuiu un|uk menanaacangan. aerav i>aI1an]van |ersebu| kerana hananah tarsehul man aman dan «mum nlah Delendan unluk kegunaun penzaam sendlri 18 Tanpa pengeummn Dufendan. P\amM lalah me\akukan pemmhunan kshenaran plndahmvhk hanznzh lersebnl an Pembal Da-ran dan Tanah Jempol am kemudvannyz Iskahpun mlsukkan k:vea( persendman ks alas harmnah |ersebu( 19 Dslendan menegaskan hahzwa Dalian unnlah pemilik nananan mama am leuah membeh hartanzh Inrsahul dnnpadn Haiuri dengan memhual pembayamn sscara Iunzw semmyuk Rmsnoo kspadz Hamrz menggunauan mm simpanan Dalian zo, Deiendan mandakwa bahawn mamm hanya bemndzk sebagm orang ungah uruuk lransalsw pembelian hananzh lersabm anlara bahau darn Hanna Alas mam um‘ Delandan menaflkan Dahawa bollau hanya memegang harlanah Iersebm sebagai nnmlm hagw plhak Plainlfl 5 N awrznnzswzqntmwwualxan um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 21. Pwhak navanuan hanya mengemukakan semang saw Iarlu nevenaan aenamsn1) Isu-asu UNTUK DIEICARAKAN 22 P¥am|fl msnyalakan bahawa pmaknya lslah benayu mengumukakan nuku dan kelsrangin yang mencukupl yang menuniukkan harlzwa hsllau adalah pembeh uan selerusnya peaulnk benefisnal hananan telsebul, manakala Defundan rmnya mamegang hananah l.ersebu| sebagal ncmml dan pemagznq amanan 23. navenaan sebahknya bemmah nahawa PlaIn|W tevah gagal umuk membukllkan kesnya alas mmanqan kebarangkallan apamna gagzl memhawa s/aharang knlerangan yang [mas yang boloh menuniukkan bihawa pemneuan hananlh lsrsebm ada mallhmkan perihal amanan konswm alau mervgnmukakan manz—mana dakumen alau kalsrangzn yang menmuumn bnhawa Davanaan hursedupn umuk memadl nanum kapada paqzanguan ml 24. Memjuk kepsda iakia-lakta an alas, Mu-Isu yang penu dlpumskan nlsh Mahkzlmah flalam kss WM adalah sehngmmana benkm - \ sama ada pihak Plalnm man bariaya melepaskan beban pammmiannya dengan msrvgemukzkan keterangan-kelerangarl yang menoukupl umuk manurqukkan hahawa Halnxw aaaran pembeh dan pemnlik beneil al nananan Isrsenuldan Dekndan sebagst pemmk bamamar hanyz memegang hirlanah lersebnl sehagal normm N awrznnzswiqhrmwwnalxan ma saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. mm-y mm: flan-mm VI] muNG pm u Sama ma salu aminzh konskmknilzlan nememuk nAPA1AN UNDANGMNDANG 25 samz ada ada musk F ' yr Ialah bensya mewepaskan beban pemhuknannya dengan vmngamukakan kenemgan-xemerangan yang msmmkuui unmk membuklwkan keinya Ismadap neoenaan zs. Adalah manual pnnsiu undann—undang yang mamap hahawa hehan pembuklnan unluk kes sivll adalah (aflemk pada plhak Flainlfl unmk membukhkan alas wmangan kanaranguauan Dahawa sasuam lakla yang mbangknkan oleh P\avrm1 adalah wujud (Rujuk sesksysn 101 Am: Kelnrangan win». 27 Plmmukan um1ang—undang yang mangawal salla perlhal beban pembuknnn nagv kas»kcs sMI aflalnh seoagmanz Saksyen ma Am Kelarangun 1550 yang bemunyl . “Emu; war as 10 gammy «m we burden olpruafas In any parficqflsr rm /195 on ma: persvn who wish: me court to behave In As sxfslence. Am/955 n I: plrmdld by any law that ms pmolnllhnl Ian shall he an anypamcu/5rp9r:on'. 2a Yzhzp pambukllan yang pcrlu dwcapaw men Puilnlwfbigw malepaskan behan pemmxman bagx us so/1| pulz adalah pafla (chap alas imbangzn kebarangknllan (‘on ma balance of pmbahvhlms”) Dengan kala lam, unmk mamhukukan lunlmamvyz kamadnp Dslendan, Flalrmf adaleh hensnggunagan unmk memhukukan tumman |ersebu| lemndap Defandan alas imbangan keharangkahan. 7 N awrznnzswzqnrmwwnalxan um smm be used m yaw .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 29 Defimsl ztas Amhangan kabavangkahan (‘an Ihe balance of pmnaznlnaasw lelah dnaknlkan an dllim kas Mullev v Mwmslev of Pensions [1 am zm an 172 sehagaimana bariku — -/2 mus! any a nmanawa Dagrse ofnmnabmry am not as high as Isqwled In Lwmmal cases. n ma lnbuna! can say we tan mm n more probable mun rrul, Ms Durdsn .5 drscnargscl mu .1 ms pmbamlmss an equal. the burdsn .5 no! drscharged V 3n Mahkamah ma mamwk kepada kas Smnmyah 5 Sons Sdn arm v Damm Sena Sdn am [2015] 5 ML.J1‘dvmana Manxaman Parsekutuan «em menyalakan bahzwa (ahzp nembuktmn hag: kes-kes swxl adalah .1. alas mbangan ksbarzngkalian (on the balance nrpmnaxnlmesy :— “Held 41; The posmolv mm haw on [be standard ofpmo/fur fraud in CM! alarms m ms comm-y was far from satisfactory and me Irme had came to realign me posmon wdh me standard appbodm other common law/unsdmlrov-vs The cmsupnnmpos 10 as aaphed was as Explained m In re 5 (Cnndran) (Cam Procssdmgs: Standard 12! Puma mrcnss mtsrvenmg) /2003) UKNL 35 and n was mu" ms: at law (hale wem only two standards of pmar, namsl;/, beyond Iuasonahle doubt low cnnn'na/ cases wlme u was on ma oaranoe orpmzaawmas for crwl cases. As such, even Illrnud wu‘ the mm: m 3 cM( claim. we standani ol war was on ma balance of pmaawmas There was no lmrd standzrd and ‘(Nfierlherllvs ssnouxllsss oflha nnsganan nor me ssmwsness of the consequences should make any cmvemm. la the standard of proaua be applied In dstsrnunmg me facts (pir Bammzss Hale of Rrchmond m /n re 5 (cnumsn; (see paras 4749 4 51) ' 31 cm nu‘ da\am memutuskan sesuulu kes am. Mahkamah perm meilhal um: ida Flainltfldaru berjaya mslepeskan beban pamaukman yang lenuuk dibahunya aengan membukukan mnmannya mas unuangan kebarinqkalvan 32 Dalam lunlulan m hadapan Mahkamah yny, Plannhitzlah menunml banaw. behau zda\ah pemlflk ekuni lmhadap nananan yang mkanah sebagax GM 416 Lcl 995 Mukun Semng nu Damn Janpol, Negen semmlan. mananan |ecsehu() Flamm menegaskan bzhawa sunggunpun Delarvdzn. kakaknya mempakan pannnk berdzflar namanah Iarsebun may pada daszmyn, kaxaknya hanya mempakan nonum ylng |aIah nfik akmnya unluk mumegang hananah |ersehu| nngw pmaxnya. Adalah memadv kes Plaxmil bahawi alas keparmyzumnya kspada Dslendan, bellau yang pads knnka nu mempunyal masalah parihadl dengzn \s|erInya, le\sh meminla supaya harlannh lersehm dxdaflarkan acas nama oeveman mm semsnlara wakm 33. Telapl paaa sefiap masa. beliau zdzlah pamm sabsnir nananan tersebm dan mampakan pmak yang (Blah memhum psmbayiran unluk pembellan hnrunah (arsekzm 34 Fmak Delendan m dmam pengnuyanannya nuanyavaxan nahawa P\sim\f|e\ah gagal unluk memhawa seouranu kemrzngan yang yexas yang menuruukkan Delendan pma ml:-bfla masa le\ah neusenuyu Imluk meniam numml kepadn peqinuan Ini 35. Pmak Dehndan mm lamnya msmjuk luepada kas u Tabvmun San arm a. nncr y cammrax son am (20171 5 MLRA 239. an mama Mahkamah Pevsekuluan man manyatakzn sahaganmana benkul . -(331 me burdsrv ofpmo/placed an the Plamnllx very strict Them Is no room for any guesswork speculation. surmisws or caruecln/I: I 9 acting on a Mars possrbmly 1341 ms PlIr'nlrWs' witnesses tssrrman/as mus? be cormoomted by cmdrb/s swdencs as men self-selvtng leslrmomss calry lime or no wwgm m me abssnw ol some other mrmnomlrve e-/rdem:e' as Persaaran yang hams dlpuluskan a. win? ada\ah same we Plmnm man beviaya menoamukakan kalalangarvkalmangan yang ms un|u|( mznyokong kenyataznrvya bahavwa hehau adalah pembeln Imnnruh tenebut dzn Dsiendan harry; msmuging hznanah Kersehul sehagax nonum kanaaa beliau 37 Dzlam memumskan porkara xm, Mahkzmah akan memjuk kepadu ksh:rangan«ks|emngan yang (elah mkamukakan Men pmx Plamm‘, sima ad: herupa kelerangan llsan alau kalevangan hamenmk dakumsn as. Unmk mamnukmn keuadz Mahkamah bahawa bslwiu adalzh per-Abel: seoenar hananah lersebln flan pwhak yang «em. membual pembayarun seiumlah RM45‘00u kepada Ham: smgn Plzlmfl |elah berganlung kapada kelerzngan spz dun sum Fenanpzn F'u:sam‘uan Psniuzlzn Nana (F1)
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PERAYU AZWAN BIN GHAZALI RESPONDEN 1. ) Mohd Shamsul Bin Mohd Razmi 2. ) Mohd Razmi Bin Abdullah
Civil procedure - Civil appeal against decision of Session Court on Liability and Quantum - Plaintiff held to be 80% liable - Whether the Sessions Court was plainly wrong in arriving at decision - Whether all facts have been judiciously appreciated - Conflicting versions of accident - Whether the Defendants' version inherently probable - Appeal dismissed with costs
YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI PERAK DARUL RIDZWAN RAYUAN SIVIL NO: AB-12BNCVC-2-02/2022 ANTARA AZWAN BIN GHAZALI [NO. K/P: 950909075397] …PERAYU DAN MOHD SHAMSUL BIN MOHD RAZMI [NO. K/P: 880229035067] MOHD RAZMI BIN ABDULLAH [NO. K/P: 640509035325] …RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI PERAK DARUL RIDZWAN GUAMAN SIVIL NO: AB-A53KJ-197-11/2019 AZWAN BIN GHAZALI [NO. K/P: 950909075397] …PLAINTIF DAN MOHD SHAMSUL BIN MOHD RAZMI [NO. K/P: 880229035067] MOHD RAZMI BIN ABDULLAH [NO. K/P: 640509035325] …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN 10/11/2023 16:46:32 AB-12BNCvC-2-02/2022 Kand. 23 S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN LATARBELAKANG [1] Perayu dalam kes ini ialah Azwan Bin Ghazali (Plaintif) yang telah memfailkan rayuan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah ini bertarikh 17.8.2023 apabila Mahkamah ini mengesahkan dapatan liabiliti Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Taiping (HMS) yang dibuat pada 26.1.2022. HMS telah mendapati bahawa Plaintif bertanggungan cuai dengan liabiliti sebanyak 80% dalam suatu kemalangan yang melibatkan motorsikal No. PJE 1520 yang ditunggang oleh Plaintif pada jam 8.45 malam 6.12.2013 di KM 201 Lebuhraya PLUS arah Selatan menghampiri susur keluar ke Kamunting. Pihak-pihak akan dirujuk sepertimana perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen. [2] Responden-Responden dalam kes ini pula ada pertalian darah di mana mereka merupakan anak dan bapa kandung. Mohd Shamsul Bin Mohd Razmi (Defendan Pertama) ialah pemandu kereta No. Pendaftaran CAE 4137 milik Mohd. Razmi Bin Abdullah (Defendan Kedua) yang dikatakan terlibat dengan kemalangan yang menimpa Plaintif pada malam tersebut. [3] Kuantum award adalah seperti dalam Penghakiman di mukasurat 2-3 Rekod Rayuan Tambahan (Lampiran 7) dan Alasan Penghakiman HMS seperti di muka surat 7- 69 Lampiran 7 juga. Jumlah ganti rugi umum yang dibenarkan adalah RM115,000.00 dan ganti rugi khas sebanyak RM2,800.00 serta kos tindakan sebanyak RM11,268.00. Melihat kepada jumlah keseluruhan award dan kos yang dibenarkan dalam kes ini yang berjumlah RM129,068.00, kebenaran untuk merayu sepatutnya diperoleh S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 terlebih dahulu di bawah s.68(1) Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964: Amer Mohideen Dawood v. Sneh Bhar Ter Binder Singh [1996] 2 CLJ 955; [1996] 2 MLJ 329; Datuk Aziz Ishak & Anor v. YB Haji Khalid Abdul Samad [2012] 1 LNS 1341; and Harcharan Singh Sohan Singh v. Ranjit Kaur S Gean Singh [2011] 3 CLJ 593. FAKTA KES [4] Plaintif memanggil 5 orang saksi untuk membuktikan kesnya manakala Defendan Pertama merupakan saksi tunggal bagi pihaknya. Saksi Plaintif ialah seperti berikut: i. SP1, Pegawai Penyiasat ii. SP2, Jurugambar polis iii. SP3, kakak Plaintif iv. SP4, saksi bebas v. SP5, Plaintif. [5] Versi Plaintif ialah bahawa pada malam itu, keadaan tempat kejadian adalah gelap. Plaintif berada di laluan kecemasan di lorong kiri apabila dia ternampak beberapa kon keselamatan yang diletakkan di lorong kecemasan. Pada masa itu Plaintif melihat di cermin sisinya kereta Defendan-Defendan berada anggaran 4 buah kereta di belakangnya. Oleh itu, Plaintif memasang lampu isyarat dan mengerakkan motorsikalnya ke kanan untuk mengelak kon tersebut. Tiba-tiba bahagian hadapan sebelah kanan motorsikalnya dilanggar oleh Defendan Pertama dan Plaintif jatuh ke atas jalan. Plaintif mengatakan keterangannya ini disokong oleh keterangan senyap (silent evidence) seperti di rajah kasar tempat kejadian dan gambar-gambar P6(A-E). S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [6] Versi Defendan-Defendan pula ialah bahawa dia memandu pada kelajuan 70-80 km/jam oleh sebab keadaan persekitaran yang gelap. Tiba-tiba dia ternampak Plaintif telah mengerekot/terbaring di atas jalan lebuhraya tersebut dan dia cuba mengelak daripada melanggar Plaintif. Walaubagaimanapun, keretanya menggilis bahagian hadapan motorsikal tersebut. Ini telah menyebabkan bahagian depan kiri keretanya mengalami kerosakan dan tayar hadapan kiri pecah serta kesan goresan memanjang di bawah undercarriage sebelah kiri. Defendan Pertama menafikan ada melanggar tubuh badan Plaintif. Defendan Pertama turut mengambil gambar kerosakan pada keretanya dengan menggunakan telefon bimbit sebelum menukar tayar kiri hadapan yang pecah. [7] Sementara itu, orang awam yang menaiki 2 buah kenderaan yang berada di belakang kereta Defendan Pertama telah memberhentikan kenderaan mereka dan menolong mengangkat Plaintif ke tepi jalan sementara menunggu ambulans sampai. Salah seorang daripada mereka ialah SP4 yang berada dalam sebuah kereta Kelisa iaitu 2 buah kereta di belakang kereta Defendan Pertama. Menurut keterangan SP4, di hadapan keretanya adalah sebuah kereta Myvi tetapi tidak diketahui nama pemandunya. [8] Keterangan SP1 bahawa hasil siasatan dan gambar-gambar kenderaan, kerosakan motorsikal Plaintif di bahagian:- 1. Bahagian depan motorsikal remuk 2. Fork depan patah 3. Cover depan pecah 4. Lampu spotlight pecah 5. Cermin sisi patah 6. Cover battery pecah S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 7. Penahan kaki pecah 8. Bakul pecah [9] Berdasarkan hasil siasatan dan gambar-gambar, kerosakan pada motorkar Defendan adalah di bahagian:- 1. Lampu signal hadapan sebelah kiri telah pecah 2. Bumper hadapan kemek 3. Bahagian bawah body sebelah kiri rosak. [10] Kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif seperti di laporan-laporan perubatan iaitu: 1. Urethral stricture trauma 2. Intra-abdominal injury Urinary bladder rupture 3. Right retroperitoneal hematoma and pelvic hematoma 4. Intestinal obstruction due to adhesion and urinary tract infection 5. Exploratory laparotomy 6. Closed fracture left bilateral superior and inferior pubic rami 7. Pelvic bone and transverse process fracture of L3, L4, L5 with disabilities 8. Right sacral ala fracture 9. 2cm permanent laceration scar over nose, 2cm permanent laceration over right face, 25 cm permanent midline laparatomy scar over abdomen measuring 25cm 10. Future Treatment. PENDENGARAN RAYUAN [11] Rayuan pihak-pihak telah didengar pada 7 dan 17.7.2023. [12] Adalah undang-undang mantap bahawa Mahkamah rayuan tidak akan mengusik keputusan mahkamah bicara melainkan Mahkamah S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 mendapati terdapat salah arah fakta dan undang-undang yang substantial. Untuk berjaya dalam rayuannya perayu hendaklah membuktikan bahawa keputusan mahkamah bicara tersebut adalah “plainly wrong”. Mahkamah bicara mempunyai kelebihan secara langsung untuk melihat dan menilai saksi yang memberi keterangan di hadapannya serta berpeluang meneliti “demeanour” saksi: Rasidin Bin Partojo v Frederick Kiai [1976] 2 MLJ 214. [13] Mahkamah rayuan pula akan menyemak dan meneliti proses penilaian yang dibuat oleh mahkamah bicara atas keterangan dan penggunaan undang-undang yang relevan dalam sesuatu kes apabila mencapai keputusannya. Oleh itu, walaupun perayu menyenaraikan berapa pun alasan dalam Memorandum Rayuan, tugas mahkamah rayuan adalah memastikan sama ada perayu telah membuktikan kesnya atas imbangan kebarangkalian. [14] Daripada pemerhatian Mahkamah ini, isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Plaintif dalam hujahannya boleh disimpulkan seperti berikut bagi tujuan rayuan ini: i. HMS adalah terkhilaf apabila “biased” dalam meneliti keterangan Plaintif dan SP4 yang merupakan saksi mata kejadian (very suspicious mind with a Jaundiced Eye). Perkara ini dapat dilihat dalam pemilihan perkataan- perkataannya dalam Alasan Penghakiman HMS tersebut; ii. HMS terkhilaf apabila mendapati keterangan Plaintif adalah berbeza-beza dan “ditokok tambah” (perenggan 38, 47 dan 78 dalam Alasan Penghakiman); iii. HMS terkhilaf dalam meletakkan liabiliti 80% atas Plaintif yang tidak disokong oleh keterangan, terutamanya keterangan S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 senyap yang mana adalah lebih berkemungkinan berbanding versi Defendan-Defendan; iv. HMS terkhilaf apabila tidak mendapati Defendan-Defendan 100% cuai sedangkan Defendan Pertama sendiri mengakui dia melihat motorsikal Plaintif pada jarak 50-60 meter dan boleh mengelak kemalangan tersebut daripada berlaku; an v. HMS terkhilaf apabila gagal mengambil kira keterangan saksi bebas dalam memutuskan versi mana yang lebih berkemungkinan dan konsisten antara Plaintif dan Defendan- Defendan. [15] Teras rayuan Plaintif ialah bahawa terdapat kon keselamatan diletakkan di laluan kecemasan yang cuba dielak oleh Plaintif sehingga menyebabkan dia mengubah haluan lalu melanggar kereta yang dipandu oleh Defendan Pertama lalu dia terpelanting ke atas jalan raya. Plaintif berhujah Defendan Pertama dalam keterangannya sendiri mengakui tiada kerosakan dilihat kepada tayar sebelah kiri hadapan. Kerosakan yang jelas kelihatan di bahagian hadapan kiri kereta Defendan Kedua juga membuktikan bahawa Defendan Pertama yang telah melanggar motorsikal Plaintif yang mana adalah konsisten dengan keterangan Plaintif. Tetapi Plaintif tidak bersetuju kereta itu telah naik ke atas “handle” motorsikal dan ditegaskan kereta itu melanggar motorsikal sehingga menyebabkan kemalangan tersebut. Oleh itu, versi Plaintif yang dihujahkan lebih boleh dipercayai berbanding versi Defendan Pertama. Dihujahkan juga bahawa keterangan Defendan Pertama yang tidak konsisten semasa pemeriksaan balas menunjukkan bahawa dia seorang saksi yang tidak boleh dipercayai kerana keterangannya adalah bercanggah dengan keterangan senyap yang dirakam oleh pihak polis. S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 PENILAIAN DAN DAPATAN MAHKAMAH A. LIABILITI i. Isu biasness HMS dan keterangan yang “ditokok tambah” [16] Isu (i) dan (ii) yang dibangkitkan oleh Plaintif menjurus kepada sikap HMS yang dikatakan “biased” dalam meneliti keterangan Plaintif dan SP4 yang merupakan saksi mata kejadian (very suspicious mind with a Jaundiced Eye). Alasan Penghakiman HMS tersebut dirujuk di ms 38 Nota Keterangan, di mana HMS telah menegur cara pengendalian kes ini oleh peguam Plaintif. HMS menyatakan peguam Plaintif kerap membawa keterangan baru dan tidak memberikan notis awal kepada mahkamah. Mahkamah ini mendapati HMS beberapa kali telah menegur peguam Plaintif (apabila Nota Keterangan kes ini diteliti). Oleh itu, Mahkamah berpandangan isu ini telah terjawab dengan sendirinya. ii. Isu liabiliti Plaintif [17] Mahkamah boleh mengulas ketiga-tiga isu dalam (iii), (iv) dan (v) di dalam perenggan-perenggan berikut. Plaintif turut berhujah dalam menilai keterangan saksi, walaupun saksi itu tidak goyah semasa disoal balas tidak bermakna fakta itu sahaja yang digunakan sebagai pertimbangan oleh hakim bicara. Perkara yang lebih penting ialah keterangan pihak mana yang lebih berkemungkinan apabila mahkamah bicara mendapati dua versi yang bercanggah antara satu sama lain: Mohd Yusof Bin Abdul Ghani v Tee Song Kee & Anor [1995] MLJU 344. Berpaksikan pada undang-undang yang mantap inilah maka Mahkamah ini mendapati mahkamah bicara telah mengapplikasikan prinsip yang betul dalam menilai keterangan saksi-saksi kes Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan yang bercanggah dalam kes ini. Pertikaian yang utama ialah isu sama ada terdapat kon-kon yang cuba dielak oleh Plaintif di lorong kecemasan tersebut. Defendan Pertama pula bertegas tidak ada kon keselamatan di S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 laluan kecemasan dan tidak nampak ada sebarang kon diletakkan di situ. Defendan Pertama mengatakan tayar kiri hadapan sememangnya pecah akibat keretanya ternaik ke atas “handle” motorsikal itu dan tayar telah ditukar sebelum pihak polis merakam gambar-gambar kerosakan kedua- dua kenderaan supaya dia boleh memandu pulang. Defendan Pertama juga telah merakam gambar kerosakan keretanya dengan telefon bimbitnya yang menunjukkan ada kesan goresan yang panjang pada bahagian bawah kiri kereta (D23(A-G)). [18] Antara keterangan lain yang biasa dibandingkan ialah laporan polis yang dibuat oleh pihak-pihak dalam sesuatu kes kemalangan jalan raya untuk menentukan versi mana yang lebih berkemungkinan berlaku apabila dibandingkan dengan keterangan senyap yang lain. Mahkamah ini telah meneliti dan mendapati bahawa laporan polis dibuat pada 4 masa yang berbeza dan yang paling hampir dengan masa kejadian ialah laporan yang dibuat oleh kakak Plaintif (SP3). Laporan polis oleh SP3, dibuat pada 7.12.2013 jam 12.39 tengah malam (P3) di ms 378, RRJ3. Laporan ini kandungannya tidak membantu Mahkamah tentang bagaimana kemalangan berlaku. [19] Laporan kedua dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama pada jam 11.05 pagi pada 7.12.2013 ditandakan D2 (ms 376 RRJ3). Defendan Pertama berumur 25 tahun pada masa kejadian dan bekerja sebagai anggota tentera. Defendan Pertama menyatakan dalam D2 dia ternampak seorang lelaki terbaring atas jalan dan keretanya terlanggar motorsikal yang berada di atas jalan. Kerosakan pada kereta ialah lampu signal hadapan kiri pecah, bumper hadapan kemek, bahagian body bawah kiri rosak dan lain-lain kerosakan belum dipastikan lagi. S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 [20] Laporan ketiga (ID4) dibuat oleh Zulkifli Bin Ibrahim (SP4) seorang pekerja swasta berumur 41 tahun pada masa itu (ms 377, RRJ3). Dalam ID4 yang dibuat pada 14.12.2013, SP4 menyatakan apabila sampai di tempat kejadian malam itu dia nampak sebuah kereta nombor tidak diketahui telah melanggar sebuah motorsikal dan pada masa yang sama motorsikal itu telah terjatuh di tengah jalan. Kereta itu kemudiannya menggilis motorsikal itu. Tidak dinyatakan di dalam laporan polisnya di mana penunggang motorsikal itu terjatuh. [21] Semasa pemeriksaan balas SP1 mengaku telah mengambil percakapan SP4 hanya pada 3.11.2020 iaitu 7 tahun selepas kejadian dan ada disebut Plaintif terlambung dan jatuh di atas jalan selepas motorsikalnya dilanggar di bahagian hadapan. Perkara ini dinyatakan dalam pernyataan saksi yang difailkan di mahkamah. SP1 juga bersetuju lorong kecemasan tidak boleh digunakan sebagai laluan oleh kenderaan yang tidak mempunyai kecemasan (seperti motorsikal Plaintif). Pegawai polis ini juga bersetuju apabila ada halangan seperti kon, pengguna jalan raya yang berada di laluan itu perlu memperlahankan kenderaannya untuk memberi laluan kepada kenderaan yang datang barulah dia boleh mengubah haluannya (ms 22, Nota Keterangan). SP4 juga tidak menyatakan dalam laporan ID4 mengenai Plaintif memasang lampu isyaratnya sebelum mengubah haluan. Menurut SP1 pegawai penyiasat asal kes ini tidak bertanya soalan itu kepada saksi bebas, jadi aspek ini tidak disiasat. Walaubaimanapun, jika dilihat gambar P6E yang dikemukakan secara berasingan semasa perbicaraan, kon itu ada dalam gambar. Wujud persoalan, kenapa pegawai penyiasat asal tidak menyiasat dengan saksi-saksi tentang kewujudan kon, jika benar ada pada malam kejadian. S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [22] Laporan oleh Plaintif, seorang pelajar kolej berumur 18 tahun, dibuat seperti P1 pada 17.12.2013 iaitu 2 minggu selepas kejadian (ms 375 RRJ3). Plaintif menyatakan telah pengsan selepas kemalangan dan diwadkan selama 9 hari. Dia menyatakan dalam P1 bahawa dia mengelak kon dan tiba-tiba kereta Defendan Pertama melanggar belakang motorsikalnya. Motorsikalnya rosak teruk di bahagian belakang. Plaintif kemudian menjelaskan kesilapannya dengan mengatakan kerosakan di bahagian belakang dan apa yang hendak ditulis ialah kereta itu datang dari belakang. Plaintif memberitahu SP1 dia terlepas pandang akan percanggahan dalam laporan polis itu. SP1 juga bersetuju Plaintif tidak pernah membuat laporan pembetulan. [23] Dalam keterangan pemeriksaan balas SP1 dia mengatakan dalam siasatannya Plaintif tidak menyatakan ada kon dan cuma “Based on report only”. Di dalam pernyataan saksi SP1 dia menyatakan kemalangan boleh dielakkan jika Defendan mengambil perhatian kewujudan kon di laluan kecemasan tetapi SP1 juga memberitahu mahkamah bahawa Plaintif telah disaman (ms 24 Nota Keterangan). SP1 juga bersetuju pihak yang terhalang laluannya (Plaintif) ada tangungjawab untuk mengurangkan kelajuan kenderaannya dan memberi laluan sebelum menukar haluannya. [24] Beban pembuktian dalam kes ini terletak kepada Plaintif untuk membuktikan kecuaian Defendan Pertama yang dikatakan telah menyebabkan kemalangan dan kecederaan yang dialaminya. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Ong Cheng Wah & Anor v Supramaniam A/L Arjunan [2001] MLJU 291 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi Taiping memutuskan: S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 “It is settled law that the onus is on the plaintiff to prove affirmatively that the accident occurred due to the negligence of the defendant and it is not for the defendant to excuse himself that he was not negligent. In (23) Ng Chui Sia v Maimon Bt. Ali [1983] 1 M.L.J. 110, His Lordship Hashim Yeop A. Sani J. said:- "In an action for negligence the onus of proving the allegation of negligence rests on the person who makes it unless there are disclosed facts which raise a presumption in favour of the plaintiff. The plaintiff must show affirmatively that there has been a breach of a specific or general duty by the defendant and this resulted in the damage to the plaintiff. If he fails to prove this the action must fail." (the emphasis is by this court)”. [25] Dalam kes ini, Pegawai Penyiasat (IO) asal, Insp. Moh Aznal, tidak dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan sedangkan dia masih bekerja dan tidak berada di luar Malaysia. Bukanlah dia tidak boleh dikesan dan dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan bagi menutup kelompangan tentang kenapa IO tersebut tidak menyiasat isu kon keselamatan pada masa kejadian. Sebaliknya IO gantian (SP1) yang mengambil percakapan saksi-saksi 7 tahun selepas kejadian. Di dalam hal ini, peruntukan s. 103 Akta Keterangan 1950 adalah terpakai dan kegagalan memanggil IO asal kes ini sedikit sebanyak mencacatkan kes Plaintif yang memikul beban pembuktian atas tuduhan kecuaian terhadap Defendan-Defendan. Walaubagaimanapun, presumption of adverse inference di bawah s.114(g) tidak perlu digunakan dalam kes ini. [26] Mengenai isu gambar kelima (P6E) yang dikemukakan secara berasingan oleh SP2 dan penerangan saksi ini kenapa gambar ini tidak dicetak dan dikemukakan dengan 4 keping gambar yang lain, Mahkamah ini mendapati keterangan oleh SP2 tersebut tidak begitu meyakinkan pada tahap prima facie iaitu sesuatu credible evidence yang boleh dipercayai oleh Mahkamah. Gambar ini ada keraguan dan jika dilihat, S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 pada cetakan 4 gambar P6(A-D) ada garisan-garisan yang mungkin dihasilkan oleh mesin pencetak tertentu tetapi gambar kelima itu tidak ada garisan yang sama. Oleh kerana kon keselamatan tidak ada ditandakan dalam rajah kasar, ada kemungkinan bahawa ia tidak wujud pada malam itu atau berada di tempat yang lain. Ini adalah dapatan fakta oleh HMS di perenggan 22 Alasan Penghakiman. SP2 pula bersetuju jika ada kon pada malam itu, sudah pasti IO akan melukisnya dalam rajah kasar tersebut. Telah dicadangkan kepada SP2 oleh sebab tiada kerosakan pada kanan motorsikal sebab itu SP2 tidak diarahkan untuk ambil gambar sisi kanan dan saksi ini bersetuju. Memandangkan isu kon keselamatan ini adalah teras kepada tuntutan Plaintif, HMS adalah berhak untuk membuat dapatan tersebut kerana IO asal kes tidak dipanggil untuk memberikan penjelasannya mengenai isu ini. [27] Mahkamah juga telah meneliti keterangan SP4 saksi bebas yang mengakui melihat kereta yang dipandu oleh Defendan Pertama melanggar motorsikal Plaintif. Keterangan oleh SP4 bahawa dia memandu sebuah kereta Kelisa pada masa kejadian dan berada 2 kereta di belakang motorsikal Plaintif. Di hadapannya ialah sebuah kereta Myvi. SP4 memandu kereta Kelisa di belakang kereta Myvi yang ciri fizikalnya adalah lebih tinggi dan di hadapan Myvi ialah kereta Defendan Pertama. SP4 berada di sebelah kanan keretanya (pemandu), sedangkan Plaintif berada di sebelah kiri jalan. Jalan raya atau highway tersebut adalah lurus di KM 201 dan keadaan adalah “sangat gelap” menurut kata SP4 dan tiada lampu di sepanjang jalan. Fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan ialah bahawa semua pemandu berada di lorong kiri lebuhraya. SP4 menyatakan dia telah nampak kejadian tayar hadapan motorsikal Plaintif dilanggar oleh kenderaan Defendan Pertama walaupun dia berada di sebelah kanan keretanya dengan jarak 2 buah kereta di hadapan dalam S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 30-40 kaki. Versi Defendan Pertama pula dia ternampak Plaintif sedang mengerekot di atas jalan (kemudian dia kata terbaring) dan terlanggar motorsikal Plaintif dengan sebelah kiri keretanya bergeseran dengan “handle” motorsikal tersebut. [28] Berdasarkan jarak kenderaan antara satu sama lain dan vantage point semua pemandu tersebut (tiada keterangan oleh pemandu Myvi) dan keadaan pencahayaan yang gelap, Mahkamah mendapati versi Defendan Pertama berbanding versi SP4 adalah lebih berkemungkinan berlaku dalam hal ini. Di perenggan 74 dalam Alasan Penghakiman HMS menyebut kenderaan mana yang menggilis badan Plaintif. Tetapi, Mahkamah ini mendapati tidak ada keterangan bahawa kereta Defendan Pertama atau kenderaan lain yang menggilis badan Plaintif sendiri dan fakta ini juga diakui oleh Plaintif. Kerosakan pada motorsikal adalah di bahagian hadapan dan bukan belakang. Apa yang digilis ialah bahagian hadapan motorsikal. Di sini, Mahkamah ini berpandangan berbeza dengan HMS. Versi asal Plaintif yang dinyatakan dalam laporan polisnya adalah bercanggah dengan silent evidence yang ada. Keterangan SP1 tidak begitu membantu Mahkamah kerana siasatan oleh SP1 telah dibuat 7 tahun selepas kejadian setelah dia mendapati terdapat kekeliruan mengenai isu kon keselamatan tersebut. [29] Keterangan Plaintif juga adalah bahawa dia hanya nampak 1 lampu kereta di belakangnya, implying bahawa ini adalah lampu kereta Defendan Pertama. Mahkamah tidak mendapat jawapan di mana lagi lampu 2 kereta yang berada di belakang motorsikal Plaintif, jika apa yang dikatakan oleh Plaintif dan SP4 adalah benar. Kebarangkalian yang lebih besar ialah bahawa kereta SP4 berada lebih jauh di belakang motorsikal S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 dan kereta Defendan Pertama daripada yang dikatakan oleh SP4 di mahkamah. [30] Jika pun wujud kon keselamatan tersebut, berdasarkan pengakuan Plaintif sendiri bahawa walaupun dia nampak ada kereta di belakangnya dan tinggal jarak 2 kereta lagi namun dia tetap bergerak ke kanan untuk mengelak kon tersebut. Ini menunjukkan sikap terburu-buru Plaintif dalam menangani situasi semasa. Plaintif berkata bahawa dia mula nampak kon keselamatan dari jarak 9 meter atau lebih kurang 30 kaki dan kemudian dalam pemeriksaan balasnya dia menukar keterangannya dan mendakwa dia sudah nampak kon itu lebih awal lagi. [31] Sememangnya undang-undang jalanraya bahawa pemandu yang berada di kanan mempunyai right of way, dan Plaintif yang sepatutnya memberi laluan kepada kereta yang datang sebelum menukar haluan ke kanan. Cadangan ini dipersetujui oleh SP1. Mahkamah mendapati sikap Plaintif dalam hal ini dengan mengambil tindakan masuk ke laluan kereta dalam keadaan terburu-buru dan jika dia tidak masuk ke laluan itu, dan sebaliknya memperlahankan seketika motorsikalnya 2-3 saat untuk melepaskan kereta tersebut, kemalangan ini tidak akan berlaku. Sebenarnya Plaintif tidak boleh menunggang motorsikalnya di laluan kecemasan walaupun dia kata dia kelajuannya tidak laju dan dia tahu itu, tetapi jawapannya “bila ada kereta takkan nak lalu di lorong yang ada kereta”. Ini jawapan pengguna jalan raya yang mungkin kurang matang dan menunjukkan Plaintif tidak mahir dan/atau tidak tahu menggunakan jalan raya dengan betul walaupun dia ada lesen P. Dengan usia 18 tahun, Mahkamah ini mendapati sikap dan kekurangan pengalaman Plaintif di atas jalan raya telah menyumbang kepada kecuaiannya dalam kemalangan ini. Pergerakan secara tiba-tiba menukar lorong S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 kebiasaannya boleh membuat pengguna jalan yang lain terkejut dan mungkin gagal mengawal kenderaan dengan baik. [32] HMS mendapati motorsikal Plaintif yang telah merempuh bahagian kiri kereta sehingga menyebabkan lampu hadapan kiri kereta pecah, apabila dia keluar ke kanan untuk mengelak kon tersebut. Ini bermakna HMS menerima keterangan bahawa kereta Defendan Pertama ada berlanggar dengan motorsikal Plaintif. Mahkamah ini mendapati dalam hal ini Defendan Pertama mengatakan dia tidak berlanggar dengan motorsikal Plaintif sehingga menyebabkan Plaintif terpelanting ke atas jalan raya. Bahagian bawah kiri kereta Defendan Pertama hanya melanggar/bergeseran dengan handle atau hadapan motorsikal. Setelah menimbangkan semula semua keterangan, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan dapatan HMS bahawa versi Defendan Pertama adalah lebih konsisten dengan kerosakan pada bahagian bawah kereta di sebelah kiri dan kerosakan pada hadapan motorsikal itu adalah disebabkan penggeseran kereta yang menggilis bahagian handle motorsikal seperti keterangan Defendan Pertama dan disokong oleh gambar motorsikal di ms. 150 dalam RRJ3. [33] Namun, Mahkamah ini lebih cenderung untuk membuat dapatan bahawa keterangan Defendan Pertama bahawa dia tidak berlanggar langsung dengan Plaintif yang menyebabkan Plaintif terpelanting dan jatuh ke atas jalan raya adalah lebih probable berdasarkan kerosakan pada kedua-dua kenderaan. Dapatan HMS dalam hal ini adalah berbeza dengan dapatan Mahkamah ini mengenai sama ada berlaku pertembungan antara kereta Defendan Pertama dengan motorsikal Plaintif yang menyebabkan Plaintif terlambung/terpelanting di atas jalan raya. Namun, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan HMS bahawa S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 sememangnya cara Plaintif menunggang motorsikalnya dengan cuai telah menyumbang kepada berlakunya kemalangan apabila dia tidak berhati-hati mengubah haluan motorsikalnya. Hasilnya, setelah Mahkamah meneliti rationale HMS dalam mempertanggungkan Plaintif dengan 80% liabiliti, Mahkamah ini tidak akan mengusik keputusan HMS tersebut yang mempunyai kelebihan meneliti saksi-saksi yang memberi keterangan di mahkamah. [34] Mahkamah merujuk semula kepada kes Ong Cheng Wah (supra) di mana HMT telah memutuskan: “This court find that the plaintiff's evidence in court was a complete deviation as to how the accident occurred when compared to his police report exhibit P4 and that his evidence in court is highly suspect and requires satisfactory explanation for this material contradictions before the court could have accepted his evidence in his favour. There is no doubt that his evidence in court was an afterthought attempt and to exculpate himself from being responsible for the accident. On this ground alone the learned Sessions Court Judge should have dismissed the plaintiff's claim instead of attempting to justify to find for the plaintiff by stating that "since his evidence was not impeached," the court ought to believe that the plaintiff's evidence was probable without making any finding whether the material contradictions in the plaintiff's evidence has affected the credibility of the plaintiff. Consequently, the learned Sessions Court Judge should have held that on the balance of probabilities the plaintiff had failed to prove his case against the defendant. The learned Sessions Court Judge did not say that the plaintiff's version is more inherently probable but instead he just said that the court was satisfied that the plaintiff's version was probable when in fact it was against the weight of the evidence and yet he proceeded to find both parties equally responsible for the accident and accordingly, apportioned liability on a 50 : 50 basis without any proper legal basis.”. [35] Berbanding dengan kes ini, HMS meletakkan liabiliti Plaintif adalah 80% setelah mendapati versi Defendan Pertama adalah lebih konsisten dengan cara bagaimana kemalangan telah berlaku dan Plaintif yang cuai berlebihan dengan cara menunggang motorsikal tanpa berhati-hati apabila dia mengubah haluannya untuk mengelak kon keselamatan itu. S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Di dalam kes Uval & Anor v Zainal [1970] 1 MLJ 74, Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan bahawa: “As regards the apportionment of blame, we would follow the principle enunciated by the Court of Appeal in England in Brown v Thompson [1968] 2 All ER 708 711, affirming, among others, du Parcq L.J. in Ingram v United Automobile Service Ltd [1943] 1 KB 612 614, who said:- “It would seem to follow from the decision of the House of Lords in The Macgregor [1943] AC 197 that this court should not interfere with the apportionment of liability made by the judge at the trial unless there is some error of law or of fact in his judgment. I come to that conclusion particularly in view of the observations of Lord Wright in that case. In the present case the matter is perhaps one of academic interest because I should not have been prepared to differ from the judge in the apportionment that he has made, although, if I had tried the case, I should not necessarily have apportioned the damages in exactly the same way. This court has never taken the view that it should alter an apportionment unless there was something seriously wrong with it.”. [36] Seperkara lagi, Plaintif mengaku dia telah pengsan selepas kemalangan dan sedar semasa di hospital. Laporan perubatan yang dicatatkan oleh seorang doktor yang merawat Plaintif dan lebih hampir dengan masa material iaitu suatu contemporaneous document di ms. 387 RRJ3 yang menyatakan di bahagian history yang diberikan pesakit, “Unsure of mechanism of injury. His alertness level or GCS 15/15. Noted by Dr Chan Choon Hua. Last seen by doctor on 1/6/2019 and prognosis was good.”. Mahkamah mendapati daripada catatan tersebut, Plaintif sendiri tidak pasti bagaimana kemalangan itu telah berlaku dan apakah yang menyebabkan kecederaan-kecederaan yang dialaminya. Oleh yang demikian, Plaintif tidak berjaya membuktikan atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa Defendan Pertama yang telah memandu dengan cuai sehingga menyebabkan kemalangan pada malam itu. Melihat kepada extent of injuries yang dialami oleh Plaintif, Mahkamah juga S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 mendapati dia telah menunggang motorsikalnya lebih daripada kelajuan 70-80km/jam seperti yang dikatakan oleh Plaintif. B. KUANTUM [37] Mahkamah ini juga menilai keterangan Plaintif bahawa tidak ada dinyatakan di mana-mana yang dia telah mengambil langkah keselamatan untuk mengelak daripada berlakunya kemalangan tersebut. Keterangan Defendan Pertama pula bahawa dia telah cuba mengelak Plaintif yang berada di atas jalan raya tetapi bahagian bawah kiri keretanya masih terkena juga handle motorsikal itu. Di dalam kes Foong Nan v Sagadevan [1971] 2 MLJ 24, Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan seperti berikut: “…Nowhere was there any evidence by the respondent of his taking any evasive action from the first sighting of the approaching car till the collision. With all respect, I think the judgment in this case took no notice of this vital fact. It is vital in that the respondent's own "share in the responsibility" for the accident should have been taken into account. Contributory negligence means the failure by a person to use reasonable care for the safety of himself, contributing, by his want of care, to his own injury. [Emphasis added] [38] Di dalam kes Laksamana Realty sdn Bhd [2005] 4 CLJ 871, mahkamah telah merujuk kes Tan Kuan Yau v Suhindrimani Angasamy [1985] 1 CLJ 429 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan: "The principle that could guide this court in determining whether it should interfere with the quantum of damages is crystal clear. What is also clear is that much depends on the circumstances of each case, in particular the amount of the award. In a particular case therefore it is for the appeal court to consider whether in the light of the circumstances of that case there is an erroneous estimate of the amount of the damage in that either there was an omission on the part of the Judge to consider some relevant materials or he had admitted for purposes of assessment some irrelevant considerations. If the court is satisfied or convinced that the Judge has acted S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 upon wrong principles of law then it is justified in reversing; indeed it is its duty to reverse the finding of the trial Judge." [Penekanan ditambah] [39] HMS telah membincangkan dengan panjang lebar isu kuantum dan alasan kenapa beliau mencapai keputusan sedemikian (rujuk kepada perenggan 83 – 105 dalam Alasan Penghakiman). Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah ini tidak mendapati HMS telah biased terhadap pihak Plaintif sehingga menyebabkan beliau memberikan award yang rendah kepadanya. Mahkamah ini berpandangan HMS ini adalah “prudent” dan telah mengambil pendekatan bahawa jika pembedahan itu boleh dilakukan di hospital kerajaan maka lebih baik dijalankan di situ untuk menjimatkan kos. [40] Mahkamah ini juga telah mengambil kira prinsip yang diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Chai Yee Chong v. Lew Thai [2004] 2 CLJ 321 mengenai hak untuk mendapatkan rawatan perubatan di hospital pilihan individu tersebut seperti berikut: “To summarise my view on the issue, every person has a right to seek medical treatment at a hospital of his choice be it at a government hospital or at a private hospital. But when it comes to awarding damages for such treatment, if the treatment is sought at a government hospital, the full amount expended and paid by the person should be awarded. But, if he seeks treatment at a private hospital, he has to prove, first that he is justified to seek treatment at a private hospital and, secondly, the amount incurred is reasonable. Regarding the first hurdle that he has to cross: (a) He must prove that that particular treatment is not available at the government hospital either due to the unavailability of the necessary equipment or qualified doctors or other sufficient reasons; or (b) He must prove that though the treatment is available at a general hospital, it is not available within a reasonable period considering S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 the urgency of the treatment. This may be due to the congestion at the government hospital or for other sufficient reasons; or (c) He must prove that that the treatment at the government hospital though available, is grossly inadequate. This may be due to lack of trained doctors in that particular field or for some other good reasons. As pointed out by RK Nathan JC in Chong Chee Kong (supra) with whom I agree, we are concerned with treatment, not accommodation.”. [41] Daripada laporan perubatan Dr. Goh Dar Wen (Perak Community Hospital), pakar Ortopedik tersebut (rujuk ms 211 – 221 di RRJ3) telah memeriksa Plaintif pada 19.11.2020 iaitu 7 tahun selepas kemalangan dan didapati Plaintif telah berkahwin dan mempunyai 2 orang anak. Ini bermakna kecederaan yang dialami dahulu tidaklah sehingga dia tidak mampu untuk mempunyai anak-anak sendiri dan tidak ada kerosakan kepada fungsi anatomi selepas kemalangan. [42] Plaintif mengaku bekerja mengangkat perabut dan mengadu sakit belakang. Pakar ini mengesahkan Plaintif sudah pulih daripada kecederaannya. Pekerjaannya yang termasuk menaikkan dan menurunkan perabut pada pandangan pakar tersebut berkemungkinan boleh menyebabkan sakit belakang Plaintif. Pakar ini juga menyatakan pembedahan di masa hadapan boleh dibuat di hospital kerajaan. Oleh itu, HMS telah memberi pertimbangan yang betul dalam memutuskan isu ini. [43] Sebarang pampasan hendaklah adil, wajar dan munasabah serta tidak berlebihan: Yang Salbiah & Anor v Jamil Bin Harun [1981] 1 MLJ 292; Inas Faiqah Mohd Helmi (a child suing through her father and next friend: Mohd Helmi Abdul Aziz v Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2016] 2 CLJ 885; Wong Li Fatt William (an infant) v Haidawati Binti Boihen & Anor [1994] 2 MLJ 497. HMS telah merujuk kepada 2018 Revised Compendium dan kes-kes yang telah diputuskan sebelum ini untuk S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 menjustifikasikan award beliau. Tiada sebarang kekhilfan di sini dan Mahkamah ini tidak akan mengusik keputusan dan award yang diberikan. KESIMPULAN [44] Setelah menimbangkan semua faktor di atas, Mahkamah ini menolak rayuan Plaintif dan mengekalkan keputusan HMS atas liabiliti dan kuantum yang diberikan pada 26.1.2022. Rayuan ditolak dengan kos. Bertarikh 10 November 2023 Sgd. NOOR RUWENA BINTI MD NURDIN Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya, Taiping Bagi pihak Perayu: Mr. Saravana Kumar A/L Koothaperumal Tetuan Jega Kumar & Partners, Butterworth Bagi pihak Responden-Responden: Pn. Vijaya Anushia Vengadasalam Tetuan V. Anushia & Associate, Taiping. S/N VB/ufH5Q8kyU5kSerbwLBQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
- Seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (ADB)- SP1 membuka sedikit tingkap di sebelah kanan pintu hadapan rumah selepas rumah diketuk dan dipanggil tidak berjawab, dan beliau nampak seseorang telah lari masuk ke dalam bilik ketiga rumah lalu beliau mengarahkan SP6 untuk memecahkan pintu hadapan rumah tersebut- SP1 mendapati bilik itu tertutup tetapi pintunya tidak berkunci dan mendapati OKT bersembunyi di balik pintu dalam keadaan duduk dan ketakutan- OKT sedang memakai satu beg silang warna hitam mengandungi bahan-bahan disyaki dadah jenis syabu- OKT telah mengambil 1 beg kain dari dalam laci almari pakaiannya menyerahkan kepada SP1 yang mengandungi 19 paket plastik lutsinar bahan-bahan disyaki dadah jenis syabu- OKT dibawa ke ruang tamu dan pada ketika itu semua penghuni rumah ada di ruang tamu- Samada OKT mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan seterusnya pemilikan dan pengetahuan ke atas dadah yang dijumpai- OKT tahu akan kehadiran barang kes dan mempunyai kuasa untuk mengeluarkan, menggunakan dan melupuskan jika perlu- Tindakan OKT melarikan diri ke dalam bilik ketiga sebaik sahaja mendengar SP1 memperkenalkan diri dan menyorok di belakang pintu adalah relevan- Samada perbezaan berat dadah adalah material kepada rantaian keterangan- Samada terdapat penafian keterangan yang terjumlah kepada Seskyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan- Samada pembelaan OKT menimbulkan satu keraguan yang munasabah
YA Puan Norliza Binti Othman
10/11/2023 16:22:48 BL-45A-4-03/2022 Kand. 59 S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N R9u0xHIcUCpbADU4xF4XA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal BL—I5A—d—D3/2022 Kand. 59 mm/zm my 424 mum MAHKAMAH TINGGI KLANG DALAM NEGERI ssumeoa DARUL EHSAN PERBICARAAN JENAYAN NO.: BLA5A«u13IZ|)Z1 ANTARA PENDAKWARAVA uwm MUHAMMAD ASHRV am OTHMAN ALISAN PENGNAKIIIAN A. mun asuwms [<1 Muhammad Ashry bin Olhman (0KT)Islah dlluduh dengan saw (1) kasalahan as bawah Seksyen 35B11)(a) ma Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (ADS) dan bcleh dmukum cflhawah Ssksyan :93 |2)ADB Ianu le\ah mengaaar dudah belbahaw Memamphetamine dengan beta! berswh 128 97 gram [21 (M (Idak mengaku sawan alas parluduhan . dan plhak pendakwazn man msmanggd seramal sambflan 19) even saw hag! memhukllkan salu ks: pnma facie lsmadap OKT. Msruka aaaxah - (n SP1 — lnsp AnwNoM1h:m um Ramhsii - Pegawal Serbuan an spz — NurAisyaII bum Olhman — saksx swam llu) SP3-DlKp\ShaIIamdm m Hashim-Jumfmo (iv) sm — Muhamad Ahmad Medan Mn Mohamed Nomin - Saks: Awam M SP5 —Aznu mu Juuam - Saks! Awam 1v.) sps — DIKpI Mnhd Nafizw hm Nazammn -Anggola semuan Mu SP7 - Sjn Mahd Ham Rxzal bin Che Haswm » Panelimz Bavang Kes (mu) swa - Mom Najll bin Ab Rshmah - Ah (Ix) SP9 - msp Muhammad Aznn urn vazm — Pegawm Penylasal FAKTA KES Pads 29 5.2021‘ jam Iemn kursng I100 malim, semasa SP1 hetada an psjshal Bahagian Sxasalan Janayah Navkuttk VPD Kua\a Salangar. haliau lslah mensrima makmmm belkmlan aklwlll asaan di kawasan Kampung Sunni! Gulang-Gmang. Tamung Kamng‘ Se\anq:x. [16] lllrbdnngndtanlln shuuldhlsu .nmc..-mm mun m amamm ygm-rm: mm. ..m.u.M.:...a.»a:~. Bnrang kss mu di da\am lam kedua zlman nmmml ssndm olsh om apablla SP1 benanya adskah bar-aw lalsh yang asszmpan olehnya seravaa SP1 mamenksa badan OKT dan memumpal Ida\am beg silang yang me an badarrmu 3 pakel praauk Vutsinar yang msngandungl serbuk wflh dnsyakl syabu Dada kafika flu. Earang ks: dljumpal . dalam almari wanu didalam beg kain wrak burunu hilmll dw mane mualamnya mengsnflunm 19 pakal plasflk Iuuinar yang mangandung: ballan dwsyakw syzbu pada ketika nu. Wahaupun mmali nu max berkunnl can pmak pembelaan membawa lsu bahuwa seslapa sanan Doleh memasukl blII< nu dan malelakkan harang kas i|u \1is\Iu,(apH1akikalnya hanya OKT sahzpa bsrada an daham bihk nu ketlkn bamng kes duumpax dsn on NI yang menunlukkan dhnana narvya ammpan Selam nu kamangan dari SP 2 dan 4 rnennasahkan kaliga m. hanya mgunakan chat! on sahaja Keauwua mereks Ndak am: mengesshksn aaa uang lam uanang ks mmah larsabul wabelum ssmuan den finugal m katiga ilu. sn adalah kakak kepada on ketika pemeflksaan mama memakmmkan my kepada Mankamah: - -s sun. Na 3 am uuam 11 I Amry s slwapogam mm mm. M: :7 4 Amy Kslika pemeriksaan balms lni kelerangan svz . s Avmkkaqnv J mu: 5. Awnk mm. annmw J. ‘/3 s Kuwun-knwnn Awyu. filling mmalv’ J rm s Kawwmawan Ashly dare-nv nmuh mumns MkAahv17 J Wdik :an... s a.z.kAs¢-vy 1.1.x kunct, smpn-sap! balvhkufunv mu'nk" 4 B:hk:mb|rIIum:n1flnM‘IlI)’Pl0"‘U““”" Kalarzngan dari spa iai|u abang Ipar kepada om maaram pameriksaan mama msmaklumkan Mahkamah sepem mum,- 12 sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA «ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm ~s srma mm Aunt: am): No :7 J am, 5 smmzmmmm; J Vn s xmmam Asnvy no/5/u um, spsm‘Pimay @ um I Ydakmhu s ~.m.:.:ma..«a»»~mry.» ./vndakpaair [19] Adakah ow Inga wen dlkaukan mampurvyai penganahuan anas sesuazu bends dan bebas unluk menslsndalikan benda belksnzan aenqan mangecuanxan orang lain dari meogumskan nenua flu msmandangkan hupuhan pmak psmbtlaan bahawa muk kefina nu wen mmasukx olah xesiapa ma di mmzh m4 dan juga aleh kawan— kawan om yang dalang benandang. Adakeh om dlkalakan mempunysw “exclusive possession’? Umuk W Mahkamah merujuk kapada m Loaw Nah-u Lim v RIqr'n:[1D5B]ML1 21:- -n.. .1.cuan.y dzfinman bmlgc m m- ma M txdualvsnasy )1/A onsn aafd mat ‘mm:/m must be .-m.m- rm. 1; ammguou: Potsussam am: not 13 N fiwmMi:ucpnADuAxFoxA um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm .m.=:..s..m..:».. accused Twoorrrlolipwsont maybe In/otnlpossess/on .1 clurlals. mans. wmn. or conhburvd. m nrclulwo demon! vi 1: 1 . mom uueuon havethe Cunadyfikewrse may be SM: .>«.am..,...1.n.m Ihvssml afilm-ntnllxclumng mu. Yin ....r.. ummcnan mm... “mow Ind pomm... .: mm mm.” nu not mopawrnlfllxpout Tm stamvranr mac 'puswssloII muslbe sxclusrvdfltalfpn .1... tazonluyon .mn..muoz>.pmve.1».~n ma vndmcv by wmcn ». .5 m 5. pmwd n is usvntllr to «up IN: dkslmdlon mu, m mm-1, esm.....y when uppfymv D'BS|WDlrons'1IPVIlklMn can u.m.....n1 [2u1 ‘Exdustve posseworw Jugs dlperjeraskan alsh YA Mona Zawatwi sauan (k-uka YA Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan) mdalam Tm Tack Song 4 Ana! nap/2u1q 1» cu :29 ‘I351 m Ix/stance ulconatructm mum mm: 9.. me gucunar rm: oleaclv ans: Mdmn mfermdwhanms snrflreavmxuvefuumiln m......s»... mum: axcllluivz Esm- [21] Pihak pamnexsan kamka psmunksaan balas sm mendakwa ballawa Mada pakaian on dldalam a\man pakalan dmmk kehga. a. maria Vac! kedua yana menaamungl harang kss map: dlsangkal oxen SP1 yang manga|akan pakawan nfldalam alman im mmk on .4 N ww..mMI:uCpbADuAxFoxA Nuns 5.... n-nhnrwm be used .. mm .. W»...-y mm: dun-mm VI] .n....c pm... [21] [23] Fakva im dnsakong uleh kelerangsn can SP2 flan spa yang mengsnankan bmk keliaa ilu zda\ah bmk on Ksduduksn barang ks: I3 Dakel nvasuk Iu mar) m dzlam beg suang yang ada Dada badan cm flan ,uga di dalam lani kadua man a. bilik xeugaue pakel pmux Iucunan yang disahkan aleh saksx-saksi penflakwaan bmx mu hxlik OKT; menuniukkan an [arm akan kehadlran bamng kes den mampunyal kuasa unmx mengeruarxan. msmunakan dan msluuuskan nka paliu. Tiada um kelarangan lam yanu diksmukakan khususnya aleh plhak pemnexaan banawa ads urany lam mu axan kedudukan barana kss didalam lam kadua Nrnan I-menu! din didalam bag silang wamz mam se\airI on Selam um‘ nndakan OKT yang menunjukken kadudukan barang kes an dmam Incl xeaua alman darn msrvgambilnya sena membankan kepada sm menuniukan adanya pengenaman on adanya dadah dalam kovak Mu Rujukan dmual paaa xapmusan Res PPlwn D-nlsh Madhavnn (20091 zcu 209 mukasurat 212 ‘sobenalflya. Ilka Pun Psflyalsan mpmmn mu druvudamran, rm. ballawu kalunl mwov-den. mam ha! kuadnn umuu relah momb mun x m M Hunnbi: nu mm. mencuhu r.=4.x.. mm! uh clan lam banana bed-u m mm: mm ma... “am; am agm [g 4... am. im "Emu: mm... x. .:.u.u 15 [241 [25] Dvngsn mum p.nye4anuan seoegreu. in mm dnpst mgunmn mans, psmho/aan MM mm mencadanwkan bahuwu adnrvyl knnam: flnlum Dag- bog mwondsn rs/.n hnul yum mm mam plan rlspalvdm, klqn mm-ng yang msmpunyal am: ks mmsh m. dun mid: rmuomisrv Ipanolunnn oleh Mlnklnuh] Dalsm kunlaks ksc ‘ nihak pendakwaan Ielah herjzw ‘exclude pihak Iain dari memesum am on dan kononnya melelzkkan beg kaln mrsk bumng hanlu yang msngandungi 19 nd<9tplas1Ak|uLs|nar yang msngandunm dadah a. damn lam kedua almzui di mm on sr-'1 tldak penu gebdarv almzm lersebul unmk mendapatkan banana kes ksrana Ianya tflambll Man on dan diberikan kapada bahau sr=1 sehagal ksluz pasukan selbuan was mengesshkan penghum lain rumah Iersebm mm. su>2. SPA, dun um: spa mans mm dl Mllk rnaaing-masma um 1 dan 2) keuka salbuan d||1ua|. Hanya om. at uleh sr-'1 neuan ke arah bxlwk kefiga can OKT jugs duumpm melt SP1 betsembunw an seoanx pmlu bilik kanga aalam keadaan duduk dun kmakman Beuiasarkan mammwncu yang dlruluk an anas, Mahksmah mamuwskan on mempunyal pengetahuan ka alas dadahdadah yang dimmpal di daham beg swing yang dlpakalnya can was a 15 dalam beg xam cnrak bmung hanlu yang m ambil oleh on dari Ia ’ kadua a\mari pakawannya [26] Mankaman memlnuskan nihzk pandzkwaan beqm mambukhkan rmtikan dan kavmlan ks mas aaaamaaan yang auumpax an d-Ilam bag sllang yang dxpakai on dan iuga dadah amalam hag kain cmak hurling harm: yang dlambll oxen om uan lac: kedua alman pakaiannya an nmk Keflga yang dldudukn nhahnya make on znggapan dibawah Ssksyen 37(d)ADE1B52IerpakaIkeaLasnw. [271 In! Mia barvanmkan kuvsda kswtusan Mahkamah Rayuan dida\am Hurry Chan Kok Loan vPubli|: PmsIculor[2fl17] 1LNS 1174 VA Datzuk Zabanah mun Mm Vusol qxeuka YA menjadi Hakvm Rayuanl memuluskan: ‘I577 smm end; was mm aaoecrypvwtaea a ‘dosmnd um alsllurra nu, am--u Possesdon ma uwm xnowto-ass; Then n no mm;-r lhe nncarifw M an Pmncuflnn Io pm: hw mm Pnueulnn ol mwl-duo mu delved at. So long u there 1. already . «name of cunodyanv convol, mepmumam I! mama Smcu mmarmmge ma enemy mm -/Imllng oVcm1odysndccntro(a7Fd0 mvdna contents‘ the accused m dumtd 1.: have puts-swan and knowladgs. ‘rm has am Vllummaledby Ghana Slew F315./1SsbaIum1 Ssravosklmlwulvammad mam v PP meal 2 ML1 st pans 27; as/manna ma mdaman: am. Fodsnd com 17 N wwmMu:ucpbADu4xFoxA um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm “We deemed stats arm“ by . and; ma. Diurnal! msasmn unddaamafl xmawaadg-1 r: by upovstvun Mluw um! mom .5 In nuusms Ia am». now me pammiarsinla nlnfinwswxurwpdul mm »»¢ arpnmuylndxnacuxsllyluullallsaIoI7Il4‘§lIflU1llVI’IS)¢,lIICflnd)nga/ mcodynnw-mu mm m n mL.’I7d n the mean Sun‘)! 5 Emma 41; mg My; hm: Mbaw u .s u dmmm mm: m. mmumflx my me [251 ssialn nu, msnurm SP1, anablla mum mmah menuxdxkatuk, ma mslihzt om lati masuk kn nmk kehga dan spams SP1 dim pasukennw befluya masuk ke mrnah nu. merska lelih wax ks blllk usage din menu-man on many msucangkuaa di balakang pmm dalam keadaan ke|akulan. Mahkamah Rawsn an dalam ks: Sim cnu mm lawn: Pcndnwl Ray: 1 Rlyuln Junlylh Na: sa5(m.:54-on/2920 mamumskan 7591 Kannfluga bsflatluu kalakuan pallyu km. kaladusrv luau rulavan lm dflflialsnn mm sm mu usrflyu mm." mm nun wt-sm sob-mm Me-Mn an Imunvmya mar-am. flan bevvelun km. panmm... mum.” x. atuurvyu lm mammlhkksn annuwu povlyu mampunynr ,;. mm is sm wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm knndunwan nawnys yang rrwvpunyax man 4:11: mm Farlan mm v PP pm) 1 cu 717) - Mahkamah Rayuan maanam Mug:/an 5/1 Munlandy I-w-n w-as{u)-«Ms/2019 memelaskan zkan ksauaman Saksyan my Am Kmrunnnu um: Pmdakwa Ray: (myu-n Jvmyn: -1331 Seksysn 9(2) AM: Kalarnngnn 1950 mfiflwemnlukkan superb" homvut-. "ex m Knlnknuv m..m.n.pmn Illu mm" mmmm .;m kupndl mun4nInlD17I4kuAlmN>IJPUP“flm0nILIuP'08vdm9bsrk1naan mg» gunman mu you-ems lu, mu mm.» dvwan man» manafulr1lP9'l>llln dAlD""'.WlflI1Vl"vbIN14HnvId0"930".VI. den kallkuan nlanomlnl mung Wu kvsunmn mmndllwri mama. nmm. -nu-ac-G pnwa-ng. ndmn nnrlraltan Ilka lmakunn nu rvnmvwsllmlu mu atuowmm mm mnmm rm: poflollin Illu I-m wmm, dun mama m kolukuun Nu may .4.“ mm.» dmvartanvn “ DaIsmAesPlr1lnbinDnHIll vPulIlicPmu1:umr]2v0l]1 cu m, mmuman Pauvhuluan man nlanpalnslrln Inaugural w kvlakuan mm menenrukan .;.:mp=nuemu.n drama 25- 1251 The lawns um um! mu slum nmxuummg. a wry ullwvamakilaflnfereuee mammm mmmmmmu mmayu m»m.m vannslvomcnsi mm. :1 wnuldbe 19 sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA «ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm vu/ficmnIIwlnIpm5sm0nrIll:V'Wilav1si:umwnIm)lmII|d P'°W'V¥bOm’avvsdmamwuuupadnadmumcssNykII1MID9I' ow-mam 1aa117~».w~ommq:a.wa.m>.a/mauzuumusp-nu: rnmrv Isnasvrliemvlnsvrowmnlthvaumudtsmflmncldbylnyixzvm hwuwrdemnli-nasrtauwsdayssllnnnkmvmmkibhu Hwowdlhonb Inlvvwucatudfllalliyfflqmfuulusfuvmmunlu bwnowasdbumvmuwn nn,.m..m.m;.m.mmm mu. mmu... mmm. mauvsdmdmcdvwl-arplwhiomn-1m «mm .mm.. alwmtucl wuuld mm M 1». pm... alt!» conduct Canduetlilnsllwfltmla/macanodrs-mmflflsmnld mun-uyu:-nmoa Onmeavwn-nduunduavlflrnlln loam-flocking flunrwm Imv-zus. mm nrfiwmwedts vwym... nmalwolptfwvlrwv avvdnnwudomlodavniumxnnybllrizllhd Oncn m-man». wan car-netrnan launr um: upxamm nx mnzmrduziorduwhfiomnaeaonisownlvwwdloruvvdufl mummy; m cm: AI an on uwud to ttpllin M oanduet swam in 5 a sum -nu-mm must not D7 m In-« om Dam-Nu hm, mu mm . mnmmbtn lullnuu M and and mnvmlllmza xx... R V St-ah-man (19047 as JP 5:4; - rujnm blah mombual dapatan bahawa huakusn Puuyu 4, am k-swat-lanmamDuktIkanParayumemvnnyIlnI:naIaapas2essoon nan pwoustan/unaumn :me.m.;.n mlevan a«.s.w.;. semen 5 m. Kntuungan man an rmmodukm pcnlalanun amm 20 sm RwmMI:ucpbADu4xFaxA mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! [41 [5] Fada 3n.e.2o21 ‘am lsbm kurang 12 lengah malam beflempal an pepbal Bahagwan Suasalan Jensyah Narkolnk IPD Kuala Selangur, SP1 oalan msmbeli takHmal aparasv kepada anggma-anggona selbuan dan lelnh memecankan Inggoli semuan kepada 2 pasuxan. Du da\am takhmal lerssbut, sm man memnankan maklumal tamang mgec aan apaknh aknvmnya. Se\esal vauimst, pad: Jam 1220 lenuah malam, sm barsama anggma sarbuan lalah bsrgarak msmqu ks rumah a. slam: PT 3337:. man Gawai- eawan Kpg Sunqul Gu\ang-Gmarvg, Yaruong Karang dengan manam 2 karma pasukan yang max bednmbang darn pads mm 12.50 lsngah malam, SP1 den pnsukan serbuan lelah nu: an kawzsan rumah muons aan mambual pemamaun selama Va . kuranfi 1a rm'ni| dan ;arak so malsr.SF-'1 udak mamm sesiaps yang ksluar zlau masuk ke mmah tsrsebul, D1 buhiglsn nelaxang dam hadapan rumnh. SP1 (e\ah mevenaxkan anggola serbuan unmk msaaawax. Pads [am Vebm kurang 1.00 pagl‘ SP1 darn pasukan ssrbuan mg new dsvl SP8. Sin Khalriah‘ D/Kpi Nam LIKpl Izzal dan L/Kp\ Tun lelah bevgarak ka ham-pan Nmah mannkala pasum serbusn kedua yang awkemar clan Sln Fimaua, spa dan D/Kpl Baslr diarahkan man sw memhual kawalan an nanagnan belakang Pumyu supsmmlml pomnmhkan ax Dav/uh Sekxycrr 9 Mia Kotsravryzn ma pay um berpondapll kolakusn tsmniuh yum bemeoranvan Imlnwan my menqslak mparta s»=3 dun sm yfinw aummmunyn m-war perm (Karena memakal uniform} um mumom<:5plDm'I<ni(am1ak:mltPBA]ada/ahralovanbahawudus memnmlyslpangemhuanmshawnsdcuaannualnmplnsukniam tsrs~uhuL Ks/Mum Pvmyll my Wlflllmnlspllslnc Mun Iorubuf mam spa .1... mmpnllun -m .a. .-.;..p., Ink plynn penkla“ .1... kurrludfnnnyl Dugdlm dwgln SP3 am sm menyukang upndapal Mm Kum Dlrsnlu/u dnnguv pondflpat NMTbam:wu kalakuon W mnmumm pengvtslman man: In Pevuyu bsluswn ndanyu mm av amm plan/k mum ylng ammm dalam mg. molosviralyang bond! buuma Pemru. [29] Di dalam kas a hadapan Mahkamah mi, lmdakan on melaflknn din ka dalam bil‘ kuhga seoauk sahlia mendenuar SP1 memperksnalkan ain dan msnycmk amlakang mum rnenunfukkan ma (ahu akan kshadivan dadah m mmah (avsehm dan ongkah Vaku on menepall kehendak Seksyen E12) Akla Kelerangin IV. on m-«gm-r dldxh llriohul. [an] Sllsrusnya cimakan oKr manylmpan dadah Ievsehul adalah taqumlah kapada perhuauln pengeflnran ssbagamlzuna yang dlasfimslkan an bawan Ssksysn 2, ADE 1952. men karana Jumlah 21 sw fiwmMi:ucpnADuAxFoxA «-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm [31] aaaan yang auunw ada\ah basar iallu beret mm 123 97 gram, maka adalah unluk lujuzn pengadarzn (miuk OngAIl cnuan -/pp) 1 LNS m; [1901] 1 MM 64). Oleh Mu‘ Dthak panaakwaan |eIan bsrjaya msmnuknxan on |e|ah mmakukan Derbualan msngadal dadah bemahaya sepe1A yang dlluknfxun dlbawah Slksyon 2 Am na-an aamahaya 1:52 ‘am manwnpan KEPUTIJSAN DI AKHIR KES PENDAKWAAN DI akhir kes pendakwun. Mankarnan mempunyax ohligasi unluk me k9t9rangan—k(-rlarzngan yang dikamukakan dengan uemlaian mnksimum dan pigs peneuuan nsrus amen alas kreaumlm aaksl-saw same» manelm dsn manila. semua xscerangan yang mkemukzkan man Dihak panaakwaan pada |ahap penllaian maksima, saya berpuas nan hanawa pmak pendnkwnan «elm msngemukakan kamanaan yana kukuh dan kredibel da\am membuklvkan sehap elaman perluduhan a. bawah Saksyen 395(1) (aj ADE 1252 mm om manggap mempunyal mmkan can psnqelahuan Iemadan man lelsehul mbawan Seksyen may ADE dan om Ialah mengedar dadan levsebm menuml laklilan Seskwn 2 ADE 22 [32] (I) [33] [34] OK!!! ilu‘ saya rnenudusken hahawa plhak pandakwaan xalan bsnaya mamnuman sam kes puma fame lamadap on sapenimana yang diperun| an bawah Ssksysn 130(4) Kanun Talacaru Jsnayah. olen mu on darlgan inn dipanggu unluk memhela din dvhzwah pemmuhan W Isu su um; nunmsuwm man PEMBELAAN Kogag n pmnk pendakw n Inembukflknn allmon mlllknn, kiwalan flan pengeo-nuan DKTans dudan tnlsnbur. Mahkamah (idak akan mamhlncangkan persnelan mu Kenna (elsh mmncangxan ksuka dapman an nklur kss pamxakwaan. Mahkamah manuapau ramps: kumangan yang mksmukakan aleh szkshsaksw pendikwaan unmk menunjukkan on mempuny Ilnkan‘ kawaran dan sekzligus mewmudkan anggapan dlbawah Seksyen 37(fl)ADE ms pengelahuan on bsrkenaan aaaan yang duumpaw Dada hag silang yang dmakai om dan Juga amanam Vac: m bihk ksoga rumah narsenm Rum:-n pomnukum ytng lsrpukus ssrtz Iompang darlpada pinlk pendlkwaan yang mlnimbulkan k-raguan mum:-bah. Pinak pembslian mendakwa ranlawan pemlmklwan Ierpmus kerana xagagaxan SP1 menysrshkan berang kes Kepafll pegawsw 23 peny\asa| Pihak pembalaan juga menghujahkan spa udak dapal membeli kapasuan berkenaan samnga dadah yang girampss olsh pegawal aperasi baralnyz alau kaaaaannyn same sepem yang anenma uleh ahh klmla Mahknmah rnenaapau uaga bukn umuk menunlukxan ramaian kelelangan lslpulus Baring kss sebawk sahaja dirampas dari Vokasw kqadmn sanunsa gmalam mean gan kawalun SP1 samn§1ga\ah dlsevahkan kepada spa qpagawai psnylasalj. Ealang kes di simpan an kzbIne\ besl dx bllvk SP6 SP6 meruelaskan barang kes hdak msnnpan an star karana Dada wakm nu stor mnaram Dmsss uhah suaw samng kas dlhanlarcleh spa ke Jabatan Knnna dun selepes barsng ks: dlbawa ballk gem Jsmnsn Klmla. mm umanvar ke star xzarang kes umuk gtsrmpan smamal seuap barang kss mtanaakan dan anangaxanganz oleh SP1 uan SP6 Selzin ilu tsvdapal bursng semh menyemn dwanlara SP1 Gan spa (PI2). Barang kas yang yang fllnampas dari om nan barang kes yang dikamukakan di Mahkamah adz\ah snnm mun keraguan z|as \dann‘|i barang Kes yang mkemuknkan, O\eh my hulshan purvbeban hahaws ranlalan ksteangan Isrvulus aaaxan Aanpa mam eagx memperku:-ilkan dapacan Mahkarnah wm, maka dxrujuk kepmnsan Mnhkamah Persekuluan yang lebm larkini dalam kes Lu WII Loon Iwn. Poncnkm my: (2014) 2 cu us di mana Rrcnam Malanjum (Hakwm aesa. Sabah flan sarawak kem Mu) 24 Inenzanman Dandsngannya dalam Isu yang sama Da\am kas Iersshm Inrdapa| 3 perbazaan da\am llmbangan kasar awn yang berkanan sapem bI|Iku|: ti) 35kg ulsh 5:1. Kama Bahzgwzn Narkmik an KUA yang melqumpéll dauan lersebuf pm neravvu‘ (it) 3120 gram men spa, pegawai bahagwan fmenswk; mu (m) 3,703 5 gram men spa. arm kvnle Da\am penghakimannya Runam Mslanjum msnwlaksn' {xmmmmary m the pm:-n4 nun, wu woufd say that fltlevupanchs In wduhllfmn nfln nxnluuum .= m an n. my. mu. .. olhnr mmlry infers In cousins! such n Mu lad: and/w umsnlsmstluvmlhe mmaumnrmmanmon asaplaa onmma. On-VIII-nu/ornv-mmcnnsldlrlswholhormurultlnybvukfn ma mam w uumy, which I-nlumounl ta . buck m M: chain at Ivldlncn. n mun Iv-nt nocunld mu. mu should can a doubt In M: Ixhlbllnl rill-BI: ndlmswvnvlnypnci olavlautcv {Soc §.m_a.m. Pm: Pnnocmar mm: 1 ms 1m [1090] v MLJ 75, §gg_s4n_y._mm Prn:ucmov[1D7l « ms ,L’!,[1Wl]2ML/158) [41] run pom who mm to: drug unlbll and my items mm the nPDUInnlmrSP1. Bnton puxlny mum m SP7»: muted me mm mm Ind hr aim welwhed Me draw «mm In exarclsc um um nut 25 N mu.»«.ucmumxmA um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm mm. M! In a x M ablalnod was also Immzhrfll Mus, than was no neceufly for Mm to um». on In: at 1: Dew/nenrlnwcl nrneamlnaamamem tabwlnedb £3 Nrvufnerass, live use of Amcnllbnted weighing mnchlne null! explllned for me welym dis!-Tianncy. mi Them was In: drsume maISPJ,1PIa mam: wna amyaaa the smzad drug used mmrm wmgmng macllmu lo dalennlne ms weight 150! mm M W_M for ma dltcnalncrec m me wish: ol ma am»: cxhlblt as onnmo-1 ny sr-1, srr Md spa ms due to Ihelmnfl I es-imm redraw: tobtalnedb £3 wmz used . eanamoa wemmv mcmna. And annmg may a mrtnotiu bnnnomu us rr mumum wlanauon was Wm or could usny bu lnllnodnom um: Iuflmuulnr unm m zamm case ms nu snnlanal/on was avaviabla, allorsni owowd N mlovnd mm lhe facts and amumuama er/auable /7! law m the Wlscnrcase (ms wmynnam was .aAm eonsldondby ma fumed hilllulfve and na rulod ma: their wu nu blank In the cmln of evidence mu: rvnclvlrrv ma wan: Inue lmmalum In nmfny to ma mvaran I511 We are memlum all)»: wew mm‘ mm rulllnn an Zlliull ma without morn hxlelmbdnouns-llurmi aggumaaa mismnulnd. Azzmdirlyly we and Inn! ma drug axmm Idmmd n Ividanvi in mi: ma was In: sun. I: most nix-dby sm -1 xuA. Induld 5P1 vmo In-Modml mun -ah.-M mm p-mm :1 m SP1 mama and zonllrmsd um I: was In: um dmn «mm ma: M svind amu. ma mnauangaumnnnnauan 26 sw fiwnxMI:uCpbADuAxF4xA Nab! am IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm a. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum wrm by SM slwnld 1:. gm. ma consideration In -1-lumwny nu: ma w-5 rm rnui ufdaumln ma Id-nmy afllvn dmg um». «mm: m our vrew mt: I: mu nlthl rm. and mm um Iomved Me Inundnnon not my my ma Iflmlnlnn m avmm or m drug um» am also :2. rulllhlllly and Imnwarthlmrx 1: - pkce olevhtenco. Mahkamah ‘age menaapam bahawa mmman kalsrangan an a|as penganaauan den ,agaan dadah lavsehu| (idak pemah pmus alau Iarganggu sshmgga wen msnmsskan Kabclemerimaanya dw aalam Mahkamah Im Mangambil mm semua perkara ml, pads hsmal aaya Ianya sangm bersesualan aengan irasa yang amyawkan dx dalam kes Lu war Loan bahawa yamaan kalerangan Vnllah sabagal -rm: and a-mna that 1.7% mg roummmn nut In In av/d-ncv our-o dm axhlbk but also res mlnum and mmwonmnss: as I gun ul max panama-n glull Inongomuka n kmuangan pombori m-lklumat an. ink: slksi ponflrlq dalam Arts In! menyeblbkln Sllrsyon mm) Nd: Kllonng-n 195:1 Ierpaknl [35] Pmak pembaxaan menghujahkzn lnhawa seorang pemben maklumal alau lnfarmer tum! ham: kelika on dllarugkap dan 27 kewuludan Demberi maklumal ' disahkan serldln nleh Saks: pendakwaan sm. Oleh wile demlklan, adalah ammunkan buhuwu pemberl maxlmuauersem adalah saksv mama damuga saksl mala yang psvlu dlkemukakan nreh psndakwsan unluk mamhuklikan den mangesahkan kqaman sebanar sewaklu ooerasv nmebm Pihak penaakwaaruuga msmpunyai ksmampuan penuh unluk memnnggll pamben maldumal tersehul sehaaul saw kerana SP1 mempunyax mak1uma|bsfl<enaan pembsri maklumal sapsm‘ number lmefnn. Bagi msruawah palsoiflan ml, Mahkamah meruluk kenada kewmsan Mahkamah Rayuan dIda\am Muhnmmad Inudln bln mm IvrInPend.IkwlRiy:[Rayu.InJanuynhNo.E-05(M)-1A1- as/2:21»; memuluskan urxennan pengsmukaan saksi smm (Informs!) yabigai asks! pemiakwaan. -[Jo] smy... 4» AH: rnamporumukuv npmf bervkul‘ Pmbcflon «mm 4» m Exccpl as mmu pwvldett no mwm .5 .9 ... Mannundcrlmsklmaflbcadmmednnsv/denmlnanynm/or mm: pvneoodmg wnmwm no mm... mm ;. ...u N ... % ur mu any malrsv wmm mm Mad la ms uzmmy. [71] Psmaka/an flan lalsmsn mam AK7A)<Ia (slain dfbual NM 26 N fiwmMi:ucpnADuAxFoxA um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm Mnhlmnuh Agony rnoliml psvvqllaklman Mona. Ann! mu mam llunusamy Vonyndualam v. 9» mm cu Rep 221. Klml bevpuvdaoat wahupwv wr mm memmngm mu m( dalam pevvonmmamm. mo wax nma man momsiaskun dnoararv HMYd(p9vingk:Ikoapmdakwaan)mrana Ininrmetaluu Samoa! nu buunlah asks! yang mm; kepada m pendukwaan Bemasnriran nus-Iva: mg 194.: mm mm dloumskan a. unturavvyn "Wm umglukmlun Monn1Aum Hm dulam Munuxlmrlllflrlynng mlnynilkln .2. muka ruml 223 pmunwan am .1." M. sum! mmngg... b-c saulnl lmlkln sm wwmMI:ucpbADuAxFoxA ‘Ba/om M: mm mm»... :5 mg ntlnekzd on rm mam ground: mugummonmurnrmugmanmmmrm on me puwtwn M advorsu mu-nu mvdlr ; mtg! Emma An «:50 an m m. unkrlovm mm Itlsassnnnal In .pu.u.« um wept nu ma; Mstimcunmtouhvnalstmflsfimu Advnuv mimmcu mm mm itiuslrauan can ovum drawn flmam .s wnhllaldmg av wppumm oitwdw-cw sndnol mmrym nmauni alimmn m oblmn avldannd Itmayba dmwvllmm wvrllhnldlllq fl0ljIlS(5flydI1CMIIVlN,DM mmnm document by u may 1.. Ms possmon. or M rum pmducflan ol not me any mm-ss pm in Nnpoltlni and rnafwml mtnoss tu me can w. mu um: war: me my around wmcn Cancun: Inc wanna, mm an Inlmdocvd ope Lmn m m. Ippalhnl a day men Ms acwvqfl was 29 mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm annexed. Sermon 4911 mm @515 Art ms ymmm agumst mm rm! M .0 in mm M .4.” :9 W Mgmynr lazing ., to .n .m..... Imdur M M m mm mmmsl and mu ggceamngs mm, :5 cm n... dlauvetian 1.; mm M mam ,, ggflgfl mm 5 4 n L; yum ggmggmgmmmggcemucog an-r Mu : 1.. ugggmmgmuhmuwmummmyw arflivl at gmmmmgm. Com Lvalgmfou that am mm ggm¢m.>.mmme@m.axomu.m:»..a.wmfln: L[1_gmloNmrtnoCoung1gu6ime uImn and and ullu gm mun manna; we Mfnrmtr. ..VnMsfhmHlDdIlen:v,lMiDD9llnnlandMaw9fesM17M Ioprm/Ilnauhemflznnermrtubficuanhudpsmcuzalanmmn mm by pledny Ma Ma usckansa Mcarmalzoa an m. mm M ms mm without my mmeage m. m./ Judy! mama m. rramaw my ansoamy commmsd by me m/mm m we Lian II/0 nowwk m Afvumml before us mu me ;humsI1JIld9' wu wvwvv m mm. ram»; 10 eoncludemanlvslaulmu Iounltmznnfnrmuns a W/moss mum am-ac: me amuse In/zremz against mu pvmcmran under x mm swmm Act an sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA «-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm [5] rumah Anahfla tiba an hadapan mmah, sm mandapah p-mu nadaxaan mman osrwcup Gan nammcx. sr-1 mervaemk mum mmah beberape nan sambil mempemanaxkan dm sabagai pagawaw kanan pans namun mm sebarang mask was am pengnum Nnlah lersebut SP1 kemudiannya membuka maikn lingkap di sebelah kanan pinm hadapan mmah darn belluu nampak seseorang lzelah um masuk ks dalam hlllk xeflga nmah lalu belwau mangarahkan spa un|uk manuacahkzn pinm hadapan mmr. karsabul Selllah Dimu hsdapan mmah berjzya dipscahkan‘ 5:1, spa dan znggnta serbuan Ielah masuk dun menuw ks hvlwk kemga an mans ss=1 memm seseorsng «sun benem masvk ks arshnya. Apabua sampau an hadavan blllk keuga nu, sm mandapafi bilik nu larlulup lelapl plmurvya mdak berkunci. sm Isiah msmnm pinlu mlik kafiga dan mendapah ssorang mam itflcslukan oleh SP1 seoagax om bersembunyl cu bank mum dalam keadaan duduk dan ketakulan flan SP1 kemudian mampemenaxkan am sebagal pegawal kanan pohs denser: menuruuxkan kad kuasa dan msnahan on un1uk pemariksaan Hasll nsmeliksaan ulah sm 1, mdapau on ssdang msmakai salu beg silang warns mum (okshlhll P6) can dldalam neg suanq nu. sm men]unIDa\ 1 was nn bertuhs ‘Memos Cool Chews‘ (okshihil P19) flan dw da\amny.a mengandungi 3 puke! Ommzluly nu pmvlllon of 3. mm; I:-vnnof a. mum In mar :..:m in! m. purpan al avmaomlng 1». namory pm:-mu ,1»... mlniunnorx ay; 4o14;pumauusDm9xA41 Funhclmnust .. "M van no awmaou wu ma. mmnv live my M m. nxuvluolmt cum dhwvllonundors 4l1{5I.VI|dood,flsPmmlon wasnouwn niurodrome com. Be mels:;rmay.lorraasans)maI1y mm we am not persuaded man the Pmvimnn ..,:...: upon can 5. aawuea 1" pm. was Sstslvsnya m Dfimnwun r: um Azrm Hm rnanyulakuvv swam mm. - n. ma nnalunlxzsaelnzptvfcctlan nndav: um) um, scam mm: the endemza mm :n.m«:;.. mlavmev mu m to accanwflw arc Lian an M: u 5...: mym. mm m m. mum. Amzordlrvahr an... :5 M7 mam m Msaryumont mu m. teamed my: cum In Ilavu /mm m. umusn nnuumutron my 3 mm» D2) Dalam rsyuan m rradauarv mamraman mr psmflm mlomun swim Sumbar mm sumbarlam mm akll mlwrnan aw-m/Sumbnr hnnyxlnn Dfimbon mak/umalnlanasnar Farawylnnakan mm memurxa/.41." {m [apt J5/an Mam: 2/2, Tainan mm: mm bcvdzkulan tang tampon}, yang dibefitsllu (ems kzpud-a sw dun ma kalamngun -dc huburrgnn 1.». minus: flu arm aw:-ans nerkmu lam ylng mdvballrurv mfurman swan:/Smvmerbevlaitsn danger! innqkapan Pnmyu Pdguam p...yu,..g. 31 sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA «-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm mmgdkul mm Ivulahan benulmrvya bahsm mlammn swam/Sumbsr levseaul bakanlah AP Dalam ks: rm karm bevnanduant seksyan u: m Akla kedsranqan ma sdalah larpakar mm mlunmsn nwnnl/Sunni! mummy. mu. kn: my otanmnmudak mu nmwmm mm; Akin Kslomwan 155:7 tamanun m-rum’. kunnu um memblwl woman uwarvisumhev xebagal um nbuu rrlanlwulrunllyd kcpadn Femyu Klqngalz-II rnunpcrlhkun mm. m-ngalw mfanvvan awnm/Sumbium «pom mg dlnwlhkan om pewam, P-Eda pondavat mgwaat aauaran Hwdlpadnghal kuperldakmaan. [33IMcI¢lW Pfihvflifilman Zulkaik Mnklnudm NMF'a:Ium KM WIII Vrmlmaml Wan Yllcnb I Anor v. PP [2910] 1 CL! 17 Mahkamah Pusnlmmlndcngsmuysmyamervyarakan./»1<a:euaIan7hanya mm..." WIWIVIF. Darmakwun lldlk Pam: memalvwllrwa -IODHUB4 seam ulna m.m.»m um. pambclun smamw mromr dvmvdmw m" oewan 3 4a m. w... vunun-ml mprl memollc Mumnnmydan mm /..-.. yang WW" Ullllnuxksn NlI"9lfH( Lw lm om Mu alaaan yaw dlbahvk/than oleh “NEW fllllm myuan W ad:/an lloak bslmsnl clan Msk menwfiflvu dapamrv mmm .1, pomvgknt m pendskwaan. [CM] Adalah Mas dari mmn dlauas plhak pendakwaan max penu mengemuknkan sumber yam mambavi makvumax kepada 5:21 Nnasza memhawa kepada Dangkapan on. Mahkamah msndapali |anpa kmsrangan den sumbsf yang memban makmmal. lzerdapal kelarangan Iangsung flan kslanangan keadaan yang msnjurus :2 sm wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm Iv. [35] kepada on mevnpunyal mllikan dun kawa\an a|as dadah yang dliumpax di rumah talssbm. Kmuiuunn wmk ‘' mu ‘Halli’ Pihak pembelmn msn\mbu\knn nama um ssbagal kawan oKr Kefika pemanksaan balzs SP4. SPA mengenali Hafil |e|ap\ ma max pasli samada 'Pm:hay @ Hafi1'InIse\aIu amang dan duduk an hi om ma ‘Fxtchay @ Hall!’ watak yang wum dan mampakan kawan on, make seawal tangkapan bufira lenlang - Pmmy @ Helix" mi handaklah dlmaklumkan kepada SP1 ataupun SP6 khususnya unluk amasac Namun, nana kalaranuan sedamiiuan amen kepada Mahkamah. Kstika spa mamberi kelerangan kewujudan ‘Pwwhay @ Hafiz‘ um um flllanya oleh pembslain kepada SP6. Mshkimlh meruiuk kspada Kes Bavhhnna/I Plnmirivan mm. Pondlkwx my. [Rayuan Juuylll No: J~D5(M)-206-05/1021 an mane Mankamah Rayuan memutuskan sapem bellkul barkailan Isu Inn.- wJ . m to link :9 me mam fig; [Mm »_q mg [mu wos /4 mm m)! be denied ma 4 ran Issuo than um um. 33 cnaracrv mm: Fang rmnn n. was gg.n#a mm M bl; §nlcmsnkru:on1-dnxmngnllco mI iL&v man so n ma mm; mm 9; fig “gum mu mo bun As mm gamer, me wnellam clamped Inhavurvcvn/IdncallfromForugw!oanl/aelorvnsvarrfvodartlna mum: rulauranr, amsdry mt/na me: me mm was an N: W lo [M rwlaurml. m) M Rmvfiwavv mnaamu V PP pm) 1 cu m mnvtctaa cl rrafiick/rug, me caveman! m that one unwed mm ml: Conn unumg mm, mm ma mar nadwu had «mu m auueum mm first, m. -wnmmw cautioned ummm 1...: mm reaumablu duubt on m. F’WvcnlIon‘: on. warm me amen mvolvsmam ofunaflwv fliuon by the name of Psndlan‘ and aecondm m. msnnanng am. ma admmodmat ha dldnotconducv any Nvvtuligallunnnmu mnlantsulmv said canvoned atalemem ml om crou'..m.. 5% me lo mu “Mum m m. Cum mnwm. me llmllldlnfwrm-llon an an mu 1;. any we ;. shehldldndtwlnvu In/nun u She am not dc further luv: an hon mm rm the an 5: mass were mm oi mum lam mummy 34 N wwmMu:ucpbADu4xFoxA um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm name» a usu mm mam Wmmmm n uuuamuclvnnlhahnn an ham u n aumm o(Fonu': but an mlmclrvl .n.(nm;g 4 In an 5 I memlomd ma namrm mugggmgumgaca/mnmanmaramrmmm 1 whom we em had x mm SIX mm mg: was afi PWE wivunrs-sxamilvmt Sm -Wlamed that me am mu Pub wp Suntan as pan nl m. mvssiwubun om zoald not Marwy m. Fanv in «zmoau (even v n. .mp4; rum on Ms umm mlnmmrm mu... smcmwy since she dimxwumd Ina! mm were many who warn known nrnumedfonv .: Pub wp Serums- P5] de um. ».nm..4 m nddllloml uulan M mmm: mm mm. mm M; In: mnnllomd m In tin ecnnxv 9! ma .1 aummummflon bnwonntm .1... mm mnunu mum um mo. VII! in m. ug. mm :9 zwvrlllnt Lug mu mummy mmggua. nl whatwu mm mm gt 1». ggnlllrm an ma no) me aweusm Fave evidence mu F009 mmma mm on ma aousuam handplvane men 1.. mm .1 ma momm usmmm and n ED095135 my me aupevvam wn: sugvvstvng (ma nnur sum! 35 sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm clear/ymlvvslmvrmarvyns awn max 4 mmnm burvFonq mapraua m. rmuugrm1 drugs m m. Tuyafa was /771 M mmevuv found In»: nanilm tack/ng m muamvy ne-pm :lIImIn|1 In hlvl known FM9 fbnbnul I 797115 ttsllfl-dln Dow! bulslx MWIIHF Ar Itatcdlnlfls cumoned mlunmfi. Ind mct him Nvullllvlorabvukroaralfivoflmoslwflk. Mllflflllllntrr-snut able ta nlvo my furmcr mm”: w.......u.,.. mom m. ....... ’FMll7'. Mich as M sdamaa, plan! a! walk. Dr of»-sr minvvmhan mt would am the Wm some fimndnlrunnl Dam: m -mug... DIV ». -xmsnoa )9! mm mmmm cl I/us E/wade! m the plnanw mm mm 13111515 m 1». mm. was I75]Wal)1:-velar: wzmwmeviewmmmnhwnmmd/Andguwulrd wmny m /valdmg my :1 Fang mm .xm.a .5 alumni, pmpnv mvamaums mm have been ably to bc mm nu! run my -upwam mum mmm..:.m to ma nuinm swam status, In rvflanunon mam by m. .pp.u.m was nnianw m.mW¢«aM and muura. Fully could rm! be mad w. mu: /mm rm am m m. toltownng Marys‘: sndfinflmfllflflwulaslned mauudgu ‘I321 my .m.m helm: mm mm dismiss mm an accused mu Fnlwmed ma um: about . person mm Fang, SP9 50:04 that the accused hadmnvmunad m. Iumn Fwy wm hadcorlucfudllva lcwsvd on mg day um. wludanl sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm 19:) TM swdarrc: befnva mu mm! mu ruvsals mu 1». nvuwd an mzl kmzw Fang‘: my name at wimp Fang mm: sPs ma wnductad an InvestAga1h7rv an m. notion named song by com to me Dub when the acmssd Walk Harm/-I, 1». mmngam dldnotrwvsalyrsldanyluauflx 4... in ma luck onnvom-mm paflawng to Fong [:14]! lgjm vgmwmm ».:m..,...m.4 ».........a......m .. 2., vlde more 1.. u... m . ». mm ms nu: nun: gmm .......... M .M., M mm .5,» so. to m out ... :.......;..a... .... 9.. :..a.m.... “MM. mmmg mg/mw;m..mE.«..mm5mm nmgerodlhs/rwegygflggugq mnaxm-rlzuaflunu MI Bx : mm mm.” nobw lmnpnm mm shown by . Us Inamficrsm Mal . vs rmlma u wnfllouisufliocm mnngmn m annma the mm In am am msrmmx [Sea Pmn Mam V mm Pm:ocuAarI201:1]1 ms cm] [Ie]Fmmdo-1 on ma mmzm, and mmng ma plmvuplusirum mas: caves to ma «.4. mm. vase, mm mm finds ; min! m Fsauewarm‘ mam. /mv-ml msnnnfnrnu n M mama and 3 M m. rrlfwrnelrun n ma uldlvuvu been un/suvbla : n 1 :7 sw wwmMI:u::pbADu4xFoxA «-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm based on me mlwmalmn Mn ax me mzeusud mm; mg“ ml, mm um: mu 1. . ll: v I731 Wu lnumvroasrvvndtllatmon wasalsa rm wtdemae lo aubalarmats m:nuMIzcolF¢ngw¢nasIromu4h6wwhowaI)<edInmePvm wr Smosa, L1 any at :n. agpauann Famtty members my mum mmmm; who mm new mm at cormrmvd that Mus mm.’ aasmbad .; Fang was my flcl/flow. m mm m enable mm mmuaamu. ny the peace m wnufd mg mp: tho qu-mu .4 Foul’: mdxtunoc nolwknsundmv rum. In my mm mm rid nu. Iny ruuwvlbll doubt m the use olllnpmsmmdonl, Inztryfmw my main am up... mama In tin druy nmcmng Maya: and nut bun mm vlulomlar. Isa) Dwmmw om. nuts: Mpvocledmqs too am not was any aummm swdencu ornflwmafiml zamxammg Fmrvm wama unable ms pmaocmlon Io nlvushgura ar engtam m ma cm 1» ram»: In /mwgaze at mammal evidence .1 m. :1». am. .:.«.m an 1;. dual wan ms sapeuanrs vsuinn, m the canlerl zvmnclnlod In Alcunluu Amman mmny v 7;-(ma) 1 cu msln mspea ole wad and ma wmm Nolaoe’ Nardad we note: xfzvvdanca mm Ihatml wpvllent mu led mm mm. In manna Ill: my mm is rub»! m. pveaumpklon clvuflcivlrrg an the hllunna dpruh-omms [35] Eemasarkan darl atom diatzss adahah jalas mam mana—m2ma indlvidu yanfl msemn clean on unmk msnuruukksn bahuwa anaan rm bukan rmliknya nu ma um pangelahuan balkanaannya mam as sw fiwmMi:ucpnADuAxFoxA «-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm die mamaya ulah seseurang emu mungkm dadah Mu dllalakkan oxen seseorang ax mux OKT (dan psmahaman Mahkamah mungkm Pllchay @ Naflz atau sesiapa yang dalang ks vumah nu din duduk di mm on) make on mean mamzasn maldumat Vennkap unuimm IndMdu Im kspada pihak palis seperu menyatakan makIuma| langkap meveka an dalam Vaporan polls alaupnn psmakapan benamarsnnya Oelapl w max dflakukan olsh on Di dnlam kes Blvlthnn yr Puamlslvan Inwnn Pmmw. RI - (mun), wulaupun IndMdu bamama Fang disebul dldalzm parakapan bstzmaran on, Mahkamah Rayusn memuluskan human mu max Iangkap unluk pegnwal plnylasal melekukan svssaun lanjul Iemang Fang maks Mahkamah mamuluskan indwldu bemama 'Fong' adalah Iakaan om semala—mma D. dalam kers um buksn saha;a on wax member! maldumal Veogkap (emang Pucnay alau Hal: kepadn SP6 umuk siasanan Iamm, Individu dmmbmkan hanya kettka nflrbicaraan. Cllah nu, Mahknmah mmuluskan bahawa mmvmu bsmama Pmcnay @ Hafz hanya rakaan samala» mm. on man mengsmukakan salu psnIbe\aan dan luduhan yang hsra| kapada pmak pohs bahawa ma (slan auenaang seha\K sahapl sm am pasukun masuk ks ruman layman: namun liada sebaranu Vancran polls dihnzt oven on unluk menyaknng dakwaannya. 39 [37] RUMUSAN um KEPUTIJSAN Se|elah meneml den menimbangkan kahsrangan pihak psmbelaan, Mahkamah msndapafi kelernngsn pmak pembelaan mask memmhulkan ssharinu keraquan munasahzh temadap kas pendakwaan bahawa ssbsnamya on ms-mpunyal mlhkan alas berang kss dadah sepem fllda\am Denuduhan Mahkamah Juga msndanan on uagal msmatahkan znggapan pemlhkan dun psngamhuan ke auas dadah menunn Seksyan may ADE 1952 macs: Imbanuan kebaranakaluan dan gagal menimbulkan sebarang karaguan |eIhadap zmum pengedsran sepam wng anaknvkan an hawan Seksyen 2 ADE 1952 Oleh nu‘ selzelah manila! ssmua kexeranaan av akhir verbtraan, Mahkamzh manuapau on gagal menimbulkan karaguan yang munasubah Iemadap kes pendakwean den pmak pervdakwaan (elah membukuksn kosnya Iamsdap DKT mbawan parluduhan yang dlkenakan tamadapnya msiampui kslaguan munasabah Oleh Ilu, DKT amapau banalah dan diszhrtkan dangzn kasa\ahan dibawah Seksyen 39B(1)(a) ADE sepsm pemlduhsn 40 I8! mashk Iuxsmar (lklhihit PB! (14) mengandurvgi baharvbahan msyaki dzdah panis syabu sanamsnya, SP1 mangavahkan on untuk msngamarkan apaapa barang salah dalam swmpsnannya darn on |.e\ah msngambll 1 bag kam bsrcarak humna hanlu (ukshlhlt P7)dar1 uaxam lacw kedua alman pakawannya . Ivk Ievsebut dun menyershkan kepada SP1 aenaan langan kanannya Hasll Demeriksaan 5:21 dw dalam beg kaln nu uuuapan ada 1 prasnk lnlsmar (ekshlblt van) yang msngandungl 19 pake: piasllk Mslnar (omlhn PIA (1 -19) yang nuns kandungarmya an1a\ah balwambahan disyakw dzdah yams syabu. Kafika F7 umamum kepada sm Lfleh on. beg nu dmam keadaan hemp dam pxasux Imsmnr nu baleh «mm: kandungannya. semua nemanksaan Inl flvsaksikan men om dan sue. Sales:-JV pemenksszin dw blhk kenga nu, on umawa xe many (emu dan Dada keflka nu ssmua pennhuni rumah ada di mam] Iamu. Mereka ada\a?I SP2 dan sm 5P2 auaxan kakak on manual. 59.: adalah emu ipar o><7 Menurvl swz den spa, aux Kenna nu adalah buik on dan hanya dia sanzya yang duduk m bilik rm. Ruman nu msewa ulah 5P4 den SP5 Sehaln am dan sw duduk an rumah wu, Kurui nnaual ms-nu sdalah suami SP2 flan men sw (adlk om sr-1 iuga man membuat pemanksazn .1‘ mix 1 dan 2 [37] [381 RUMUSAN mm KEPUTUSAM Swlmah manemi den manimbzrugkan kelarangan pmak pembelaan‘ Mahkamah mendapau kalsmngan pmak pembexaan lwdak menlmbulkan aebarang kefaguan munasabah nsmadao kes pendakwaan bahzwa sebenamya on msmpunym minxan anas barang ks: aaaan sepum didalam Danuduhan. Mahkamah Jugs manaapeu on gagal msrnalahkun anggapan pzmmksn dan pangs!/ahuan Ks eras dsdan mammu Seksysn 371d) ADE 1952 mamas mmangan kabarangkallan dan gagal manlmhmkan wbirang karaguan Iemadap akI\M|A pengsdaran sepam yang dilakrilkan an nawah Seksyen 2 ADE 1952 Obh nu, selalzh mam . semua kaleraman ar akhlr Darbicaraan, Mahkamah mendapan on gagal manimbmkan kamguan yang munasabuh «amauap kes pendakwaan dan mhak pandikwaan |elah mamnukukan kesnya herhidap om dibawah pemmuhan yang dlkenaknn (emadapnya malampul ksraguan munasabah. clan nu, om dldapan nersawzn dan dlsabllkan dengan kosalahan mbawah Seksyen 39B1I)|a)ADB sepeni parluduhan. [391 OKT |e\ah memhuat mihgasi memnhon hukuman Damara dnberi msnggamwkan hukuman mali on menyesa! dengan perhualannye dan mohon d\ber( paluang Pmak psndakwaan memohun agai Mahkamah mengenakan hukuman gannmg sampal man ksrans pelbualan mengedav aaaan adman sanu keaawanan yang ssrius. [401 sensxan Mahkumah mendenqar mlflgasl on dan hunahan Demberalan o\eh nlhak vsnuaxman, Mahkamah memuluskan -mm marualuhkan hukuman penjars seumur maup dengan sebaxun rulan sebanyak 12 kali. Barang kas dislmpan salamal o\ah pmax pendaxwaan samngga selesai pluses rayuan aanankn as Okbohor 202: (NOR rm omruu) H KVM MAHKAM HTINGGI MALAVA KLANG 41 am: pmx rsuvu - mam. mu. pm». mm mm mm sewvxr mm 9...» Yllmn Hunrnrun :. mm. Sultan ua, um 4‘ um m. 2.114. Psnhnn mu Bum. SAM: Jewmonw‘ sswm us‘ 40150 sm. Alum sa-Wm um Elvnn amunnnm mumwuu - ma Fuln mu Aqu.r.amuum.: ma mum: mam am Sdnflwuv K.umavFumI4M|UndflV1Amarvfl mm Sdiwcr mm a, Fbdlml sewn‘ so-wmn Sultan snurmaxn Abdul Am Sh-sh wsu Shah Nam scum 42 sm wwmMI:u::pbAnu4xFoxA mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm [ul mmah Iarsebul namun Iwdak memumpm apaepa barang selah. Kamudian SP1 membuwa on bank ke pejabal bersama barang kas yang senfizsa dldaram kawalanm ssbewun mserankan kepada pegawal penywassl mum SP9 unluk nnuaxan lanlul. D1 peJaba| Bahagian Slasatzan Jahayah Narkzmk IPD Kuala Sehngor‘ sm memhua| pensndaan barang kes dan mamhual laporan larvgkapan [skshibit P10). sm mm menyedlskan norang galsdzh dsn burang sarah rnenyarah barang kes dengan SP9. Pads 1 7.2022 [am 1:: pagx, SP9 dan spa «Ewan pelgi ks lamps! keiadnan dan mangamm 10 keplng gambar lempal kalaawan (eklhllm P4 (1)- (1fl)danSP9 wrulmsmbual raiah kasarhknhiblt FIB). Barang kas «man dlhamav ks Jaba|an Kimia pada 23 7.2021 dan cmenma oxen ahh kimna (spa) dan didalbsrkan dmgnn nombu nuknm 21-FR-B-K1025. Pads 23.11 2921, SP9 lelah menganihkin sn=7 umuk mangambfl baring kes besena hpnran kimia (Ikxhihil P21). Hasll analisns oven spa dlsahknn wrung ks: yang dlrampu dam on adalah Malhampwlamim dangan bera| barsih12B.97 gram dan maruuakzn dadah jams herbahaya didzflam Jadual Panama Am Dadah Berbahnya 1952 [10] [11] EEEAN PEMBUKTIAN unaanwnaang bevkanan baban pembuklian di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah jaias mu samada pvhak pendskwaan berjaya membukflkan saw kes puma fade lemadap on diakmr kes pendakwaan menulul Seksyen ma (1) Kanun Tzlacars Jenayah, an mane salu Dsmlalan makslmum perm di|7ua| alas ka|erangan saksi- saksn pendakwaan man Mahkamah sebemm membua| kepuhlsan samada saw xes Drlma «ass: Kelah dlbukhkan Iemadav on dan on aswalarnya dinannlahkan unluk msmbsla am aoas parluduhan yang dmadam. DI dalam kes Baluhnndran v Public Pros»eu(ar[2Da5]1CLJ as YA Augustine Pnul NMR memutuskan — 1 mlku in cm. mm an .:.m:.m ul 1:} on m. 721! Eamon mn.crm alilx use is 2.1 mm null grim: Ilderne whllsi Suction 11:14 11 «.mr.:=. mu .: m. cnnclullnn aim: mu on. mm mm consldev .u the evldunu ndduzud Ind mum: vmnmu ma n his gm 1:. 0. may mmm. mm m Standuvd a/Wouioflhe Dlmecutian ,4 me and nhls use mm ms and aims mm. Scclivn 1 use has mu: been sz.mmry wait an! m clnr tum: m. submrsston mm. mm! Mam/we n. ramzcmnlod ugawm z». mmmuna aims moamng cl Ma mass ‘prrma facts’!!! mm 190 Station m_og mm. mu: m mun sn.umo..:.n nrdav aflgmflll u-. gm... rm. 0- . r... nu! um mndl 7 [I2] [13] out mm. .. v rm. nun ho new-d mun n. cllhd tn um: nu flnfmzl. A prlma rm use rs more/um ans Inatruulfic:-nlforllvslccusadlo puma uponloamrww. ms um. mm m m lwm mans ma: mu mam muslnr mn marl! can In uvonhrum nnly by ewdsnco ... rebuttal ' (punokznan alah Mahkaman) ELEMEN-ELEMEN YANG PERLU mauxmuu Plhak par-aakwaan panu mamnukmkan slamendflemsn berikur. (i) Dadan (srsebm adalah aadan bemahaya yam lermasuk dmalam Laknran dadah dibawah Jadual Panama ADE 1952- (ix) Dadah flu mdavam mmkan oxr din kawalan om um on memvunyax pengetahuan berkenaan daduh; dan my on mengedur mun tersebul. ANALISA DAN DAFATAN DI AKNIR KES PENDAKWAAN. naam Ionuhnt aaalan aadan hnrbihaya ylny lemusuk an-m Jndunl Panama ADE. Pendskwnan penu memhukhkan dadah dliumpal mampzkan dadah bemahaya Katelangan spa ‘elas manuruukkan bahavm dudah yang dnanallsa mehnya idalah dadsh bemahaya aapem yang auakmkan dw hawan semen 2 ADE yang disenaraikan dalam [14] [15] Jaduax Panama 5?: |eIah mengasahkan nnnlmsnyn alas barsng Kes yanfl mserahxan oi-n SP9 kenadanya ma\aluI saw mporan kimia yang disarflakan nlehnya (P21). SPE adaflah semang ahli kuma yang barkmayakan unmk memalankan anaHs\s ms man tevsebul bardasaman kemlusan, neuaexaman dun klvakarennya. Mahkamah menemna kapumsan anauins yang dihuzt clan spa berkanen dengan mennn aan kuanflll amn yang dmyalakan. Malah menjadl keputusan Mahkamah darn mu nensiilxan‘ dadah yang dirampas adalah dadah sepelllmana yang disenaralkan an bawah Jadum Panama ADE. Mahkamah jugs menuspen Hdak ad: Dulusnya ramalan kenarangan can wakm baranu kos dliurvlnax man s>1 sshingga mwankan kapada sue flan salemsnya spa msnuhamar kepm spa unluk manahsus ax Jabman Nmla Meliysxa mam nu dldalam millkan dun kawaluu on Earang kes di[umpa\ didaham kovak ‘Memos Cool Chews‘ dan beg sllsng yang ads naaa Didnn om nan «an m kaln beroorak bunmg nanm yang diambul man on dari lat: kedua zlmzri pakabnnya dan kepads Pfindakwaan own nu flid\am\ olsh om walaunun vlhak Dsmhelaan mssrahkan SP1 Melalul kecerangan saksw-uksw cube menurliukkan hahawa bxlnk wm tum! didatangi alsh kawan» H5] [17] kawan om yang benandang kemmah letsebut namun ram Inl lbdak uzwuc assankan oleh SP2 dan SPA sm mga mangssahkan barang K9: uuumpax an bulk yang dldiami on ialm di dalam laci kedua almari yang mana Ianya mamnu ssndiri men cm dun msemnkan kapada SP! darn ma dl dakam beg sllung wama nivam yang dlpakau KT Kanika dhahan odeh SP1 Adakah om dlkaukan msmpunym mmxan nan kawa\an kaalas Danna ks: wammv Mahkamah maru[uk kepzda Divan Pun Lean v Public Frosaculnr[195B] MLJ 2:7 dun dl mumum 239: ‘Fa:.vass(an' team In regnvd: me mmlnsl law I: dnsmbm as inflows m Stephen’: Dues? (9" Erin, .7 194; . -A.,.m.u.m._.g..;.mm..:nm,.m.,m.g;,.,,m.u,,mg an :1 with to m Ixduxiwv m .u on... E. .4 mg m, ggmmm .5 sum mum may D: m% .0 :m...a 2., do .. 1,. E231 .r..mvv numrulmnu W Va nun! um-rwrs-. muggy“; mggggmggggmzmmmmrngaanleumgm uammm Mm m lnliontolmmonu with n u 1. . hovm mathchadlhl won I 10
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Judicial Review - Challenge against decision of Industrial Court - Employee terminated after probation period extended – Whether terminated without just cause and excuse – Principles concerning probation – Finding of facts – Principles on finding of facts – Right to fair trial – Flagrant incompetence of counsel – Whether principle applicable in judicial review proceedings PROCEDURE: Ruling made by Industrial Court - Whether ruling can be revisited - Whether res judicata - Whether ruling made - Non-admission of bundle of documents at the last minute -
YA Dato' Amarjeet Singh a/l Serjit Singh
23/11/2023 09:55:51 WA-25-409-12/2021 Kand. 44 S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the 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originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N tTrRYXYOEEe4xYZu/DduiA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the 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Tika 2.6.0
Kes Sivil - permohonan untuk menamatkan milikan bersama hartanah dengan menjual hartanah di bawah seksyen 145 Kanun Tanah Negara. Pemohon memohon hartanah dijual kerana Responden mengingkari terma-terma perintah persetujuan yang direkodkan di Mahkamah Syariah. Seksyen 145 Kanun Tanah Negara memberi Mahkamah budibicara untuk mengarahkan penjualan hartanah tersebut atau membuat perintah yang difikirkan perlu atau suai manafat berdasarkan fakta dan keadaan sesuatu kes. Berdasarkan fakta dan keadaan kes, permohonan telah ditolak.
YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson
09/11/2023 10:04:39 KB-24NCvC-134-05/2023 Kand. 15 S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N Hv4TTRXpv0yB8tLGwRImrA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal ma-zmcvc-134-05/2023 «and. 15 59/11/2023 1a:u-39 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAVA DI SUNGAI PETANI DALAM MEGERI KEDAH DARUL AMAN, MALAVSIA SAMAN PEMULA N > KB-HNCVC-134415/2023 AMTARA MOHAMMAD AZAHARI am ZAKARIA (Na KIF: 110129-oz-5013) ...PLAlNTlF DAN ROGAYAH EINTI RAMLI (Nu K/P: 740503-oz-5422) ...DEFENDAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN Pengenzlan 1 Me\a\uI saman Pemma benankh 22 5 2023 (Lampvan 1), F'\amM memohan anlara lam temvasuk — (ij perinlah unmk menamalkan kepunyaan bersama harlanah yang dnpegang dl hawah hakmmk GRN 201951 La: 13559 Bandar Sungal Pecan‘, Daerah Kua\a Muda, Negen Kedah dan yang beralamal ax No 23175‘ Lovong Astana 7/7 Bandar Sen Astana, manna Sungaw Peram, Kedah Daml Aman (Hananam IN,aam.m.wA ‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM! (n) perinlah penjualan Harlanah levsebul secara lelongan awam alau perjanuan persendinan unluk hsrga ]ua\an ludak kuvang den RM 300.000 00‘ (w) perimsh agar Deiendan mengambvl segala tlndakan yang perlu unluk memksanakan perinlah Mahkamah m dan (IV) pennfah agav mu jua\an dlbahaglkan same rate d\ antara F\a\n(i( dan Defendan sewepas bayarin bakn nmang kepada pemegang gadawan Lembaga Pembwayasn Perumahan Seklor Awam (LPPSA) den kos-kos bsrkawlan lam dflaksanakan. 2 Setelah menehu suraecara den hujahan pmak-pihak, Mahkamah ml memuluskan unluk membenarkan Lampxran 1 Eenkut alasan unmk kspumsan Iersebm Eamahan awal Plaimil 3. P\a\nM msmhantah Kepada penenmipakai andavu Den-man yang dvkrarkan pada 412023 (Lampiran 5) dalam pendengaran Lampiran 1 4 Plamm berhmah mengxkm A 32 K1312) Kaedahrkaedah Mahkamah 2012 (KM). Defendan hanya mbenarkan memraukan 1 anam balasan Seklranya Defsndan hendak memvailkan spa» apa afidavn lanym‘ Ianya hanya buleh dmuac dengan kebenaran Mahkamah m mnaxvwysa-Lewmm Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm (VI) Mun Hun ‘(as V S Abdul Rahman Pak Shavk Abdw Kader 293; MLJU1822 291; M BHU1635d\mana Wong Km Kheong H (pada keuka mu mengkaji perunlukan nu den memuk kepada beberapa nas unaangamaang yang berkawtan den memuluskan anfara lam, Mahkamah mempunyal budwbwcara dan budlbxcara Iersebm hendaklah dllakssnakan bevdasarkan «am dan kendaan keslevsebul lsu — sama ad: perm alau mnnmt Hlrlanah lersebul 'uaI 29 Berpandukan pemn|ul<an undang-undang dan nas undang- Imdang dx atas, Mshkamah Inn Ielah menehu den memmbang permnhonan Plamm .1. Lamplran 1 30. Tidak dipen an bahawa Denmah Devseluyuan Mahkamah syanah (Eksubix “MAZ-2' Lammran 2) adalah — (a) P\am||f bersemju membayar nafkah 4 many anak secara 1Imbal—bahk\a\tu dengan membayav ansuran rumah bahaalan yang dlmilikmya sebanyak RM5B8.0D sehingga anak keempal bsrusla Z1 lahun‘ dam on Defendan amen hak mendudukw Hananah lersebul sehgl rnana Delendan Ixdak berkahwm lam dan lika Delendan berkahwm lain. Harman lersebul hendaklah duual dan hasul ;ua\an mbanagu menglkul bahagwan masungmasmg m Hv4TrRXpwyBIILGwR\mrA “ W. sum rumba wm be um In mm m. mwgmuly mm 5..."... VI muws PM]! 31 32 33 35. Juga lndak dlpemkalkan bahawa Defendan xerah berkahrwm lagx (Eksibll “MALT Lampuan 2) Mahkamah IN tldak bersetmu klzusa Ingkar i|u lenkal kepadi iS|J» Isu yang dwbangkwlkan men Defendan wknl — ma dalam pmses penceralan perkahwman keduinya dan ma lldak mendudukn Hanannh (ersebul sepiruang perkarvwman keduanya Kmusa Ingkar da\am perlnlah pelsemuan lersebut nampak ;eIas den nyala, yakni Hananah nu akan duual jika Defendan berkahwm Iain Dalam kes ml, Defendan cenan berkahwm lam dan o\eh nu klausa mgkar Ilu herkuatkuasa dan Harlan:-1h lersebul hams dIj|J3\ Wa\au bagaxmanapun sebarang perimah pamualan Hananah fersebut men Mahkamah vnv ikan menyemuh penmah Mahkamah Syanah berhubung bayaran narkah P\a|nlI1 kepada anamnaxnya. mu kerana bayaran naokan nu herpaul dengan bayavan ansuran gadalan Hananah tzrsebul Mahkamah im fidak privy kepada vakca den keadaan yang membawa Kepada pIhak—pII1ak berselmu merekodkan penghaklman atas |erma—Ierma |ersebul dx Mahkamah Syanah Oleh ilu Mahkamah W hams was-was dalam membenkan apa—apa penmarv yang mungkwn benenxangan acau membewakangkan pennlah Mahkamah Syanah darn kesannya m mnaxvwysa-Lewmm Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm as Oleh yang aemman, Mahkamah ml berpendapat herdasarkan {akla dan Keadaan kes ml adalah Iidak perm alau maniaal un|uk Mahkamah Im menggunakan budibicar-anya untuk membenarkan pevmohonan Plamm dan menamalkan pemmkan bersama Hananah flu dengan msmualnya Keputusan 37 Bemasarkan alasan-a\asan dw alas, Mahkarnah um menolak permahonan Plalntw dalam Lamplran 1 dengan kus RM lenakluk kepada fi amkalur aenamm 7 Nnvembev 2023 Narkunavalhy un Pesurumaya Kelwaklman Mahkamah Tinggw Mama dw S\mga1Felam Foquam haul plhak Femohon Puan NurSyafiqah mm Pardee Tetuan ZuVa4dI 5 Associates No. 57, Jana" cempaka, Taman Cempaka Bum‘ 25400 F-am Raja, Batu Pahal‘ Johar m mnaxvwysa-Lewmm Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be uud In mm m. mwgmuly MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm Peguam bag] yihak Respondent Enclk mrarum bin Han Ismawl Teluan Farahaxllnda & Ca No 15A, Larong PFZ 1, Fuse! Permagaan Zamrud, usooo Sungaw Petam, Kedah m Hv4TrRXpwysaILGwmmrA W. sum lhlhhfl MU .. wed In mm m. mwgmuly MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm 5 0\eh yang aemikuan, peunvanan Lamplran 5 menglngkan perunlukan Ierssbut 6 Delendan pula nneruyuk kepada A28 «ac KM yang Iemakai kepada prosimng yang durnmakan secara saman Femma A28 k 30 KM mempemnmkxan » (3) Jika delendan bermat unluk mengemukakan kmerangan dengan sebulan kepada saman pernma yang dlsampaukan kepadanya‘ ma nenaaklah berbual demikxan me\a\uI anaame dan afidavit nu I1endak\ah awanlkan dan salu sallnan afidavn nu nendaxxan msampankan kepada plamm hdak lewat daripada dua pmuh salu hari se\epas msampaxkan dengan sam salinan anuavn aleh p\aml|l m aawan perenggan (1) (4) Melamkan Ma marihkan se\amnya alen Mar-karnan, sualu pmak yang bermal urvtuk menjawab suacu andavu yang dwsampaxkan kepadanya hendaklah memfiillkan anaavnnya dan menyampawkan anaavn mu kepada plhak yang salu lag» da\am empat belas han davi \ankh afidavn yang ma bemvat umuk rnemawab msampaikan kepsdanya “ 7. Dakam kes rm, Lamplran 5 yang dwailkan darn dlserahkan pads 10 7 2023 dnbuat mengwkut penelapan masa olen KM 3 Mankarnan rnernumskan bimahan awa\ Plainmdnolak Lamplran 5 udak mengmgkan perunlukan K 28 K 3c KM m mnaxvwysa-Lawm Wale sum lhlhhfl M“ be um In my m. .ngn.ny wnu 3..."... VI muus bum! Fermohonan Plainlif Kes PIaintif(Lam;1iran 2 dun 4) 9 Secara nngkas, naratif Plairmi ada\ah bahswa » (1) ma dan Deiendan adalah pemlllk bevsama Hananah tersenm (Ekslbn “MAZ~1' Lampnan 2;, on) Hananah lersebuf digadsrkan kepada LPPSA‘ (m) we lslah bsrceral dengan Deiendan pads 20 4 2015; (w) anlara «em-a nenman Derceralan an Mahkamah Syariah Kuala Muda yang dipBV'S€flJj|A\PI|1flK'plIVak adalah bahawa Defendan mbenarkan duduk dw Harlanah (ersebul se\ag| dis udak kahwm ssmula. (V) pkz Delendan berkahwm, Hartanah Mu madman dijua\ dan hasll yua\an hendaklah dwbahagxkan mengm bahagwan masmg-maslng (Eksmn “MAL ' Lampvan 2); my Devendan lelah kahwm ssmula pada 14 1 2021 (Ekslbu ‘MAZ- 3' Lampvran 2), (vu)De1endan enggan mernberi kenasama unluk urusan perwanan Harlanah lersebul. dan (vm)mIa\ pssaran semasa Harlanah Aeusebuc RM zuuuoo no (Eksmu 'MAz—5“ Lamplran 2; m mnaxvwysa-Lewmm Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm Kes Delendan (Lampirarl 3 den 5) 10 Dmendan lidak menankan ma (elah herkahwm semula tetapw menyacakan anakanak mereka bemak menduduki Hananah terselnfl sehmgga anak bongsu mencapar usla 21 (ahun 11 Deiendan membamah kepada Lammran 1 alas alasan permohcnan W akan memqaskan, menghalang den membamkan pemuan Mahkamah Syanah yang masih berkualkuasi. Defendan mempenlkaxkan muangkuasa Mahkamah Im unmk mendengar Lammran1 12 Defender: juga menyalakan Plalrmllxdak membual bayavan nalkah denganleralurdan ada Xunggikan nafkah sebanyak RM 55,860 on (Eksibit “RR-5" Lampuran 3». Hujahan Pmmn (Lampllan .5; 13 Plainlfl bemuiah penuommannya adalah unluk menamalkan pemvlikan bersama Hananah lerssbul dl bawah seksyen 145 Kanun Tanah Negara flan Mahkamah mempunyax kuasa umuk menamalkan pemmkan bevsama Iersebul dengan mengarahkan pen;ua\an Hananah Iersebuf 14 Wawnllfiuga marujuk Kepada Kuasa camnanan Mahkamah m bawah seksyen 25 dan perenggan 3 .|adua\ Akla Mahkamah Kehamman 1964 (Akta 91) den kuasa Mahkamah umuk memennlah walan harla Iak alih dw bawah A 31 KM. m mnaxvwysa-Lewmm Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be uud In mm m. mwgmuly MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm 15 Perunlukanverunlukan Ini Ie\ah dwtelili dmam nas undang-undang benkul — (I) You Vean cmnaom u KY kVan &0rs 2015 ecu 860d B87, (in Lew Chyl Sher: v. Md Zm hm swat 2017 1LNS 271 m gar-a I‘_3]‘ (nu) Hasxah bl Ma\ v. Johananmn bun Dun dan Vam-Vam [gum 7 MLJ 51 dv 19‘ darn (M Ong Chm Hal 5. Anur v Ong Hou see & Ors rgozz 5 ML! 690 696 702 nu/um. Dofendnn (Lnmplnn 5) 16 Delendan pma bemujah auawammx mm. Kidak perm alau suar manlaal umuk Mahkamah W memenmahkan Hananah (ersaebut duual 17 Berdasarkan periman peuset-wan yang drrekodkan di Mahkamah syaxian, P\am\ii benanggungan membayar nalkah unluk 4 many anak mereka dengin membayar ansuran rumah sebanyak RM sea on sebman sehmgga anak Keempal bemswa 15 tahun m Hv4TrRXpwyBa4LGwmmrA Wale sum IHIHDIV wm be um law may m. mwgmuly mm anuumnl m mm wvm 1a Sekwanya Harlanah rlu duual, Plalnlfl akan Ierlepas dan bayiran nalkah unluk anak keempat mereka yang kim bevuswa mamm flan ber1en1angan dengan Perinlah Mahkamah Syanah 19 Dsfendan bemmah Mahkamah hams berpandukan pnnsip keadulan dan memyuk kepada nas undang-undang benkul - (ii KM S Kumarappan Chemsr v s Ramasamy :10 KM s Chockallngam [2000 7 MLJ 532 111 636, dan hi) Awshah Mohd Saman & yang mm v Kalsum H’ Mnhamad Nur 2000 2 CLJ 592 d1 555 (Arshah Mahd Saman) 20 Defendan herpenmnan ml bukan sualu ks yang mewijarkan penggunaan budmlcara Mahkarnah nan menquk Mahkamah kenada kes Eng Mee Vong 3. Ora y Leuzhumanan 1979 MLRA m, 1975 1 MLRA 143 di mama Lard Dlplock memuluskan an 211 11.. makmy such omev on ID: apm-cam. as he ‘may mm 1.151» the mags 1; vested mm a dlicveuon much 1» must e>1evc1ss|umc1aHy. n 5 for mm to determine 1.1»: «.51 Infllnce whtlhsr slalamsnls oumamad m alfida»/11s1rvaI are vehed upon .5 msmg 3 1:aMIn:1 M emdenue upun a rs\avan| oaa have summenlpnma fame mauswbwlfly la meml1mheHnvesI1ga1\e» am 1hei1 mm. - m Hv4TrRXpwyBa1LGwR\mrA «.1. sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. mV§\n|HIy mm dnunvmnl «. muus mum 21 Eemubung Isu perlenlangan as amara penmah Mahkamih Syanah dan Derinlam yang bakal dibual meh Mahkamah Im pka permahonan Plainm umenaman, Dederman menuuk Mahkamalw kepada kes Vlran Nagagan v Deeng § pvgmgmam 8. other aggems 2016 3 CLJ 505 dl 527 22. Deiendan bemujah Plamm lidak aaprqumsxan sekwanya permohanan Inl dmalak Kerana ma maslh bcleh memuhun perinlah ]ua|an selepas anak keempat mereka mencapax umur 21 lahun Dapltlu dun Inuliu Mahkamah lsu unluk pemmnmgan Mahkamah 23 lsu mnggal umuk pemmnangan Mahkamah dalam Lampxran 1 adaxan sama ada Ianya penu dan suax manfaal unluk Mahkamah mi memennlahkan pemualan Hananah telsebut Prinsip undang-undang 24 Seksyen 145 Kanun Tanah Negara 1955 msmperumukkan — my Whnva, m me. 1255 Many hm waned m uwpvopvrelori — my any at the ownvonnehms mu nemhel gum m, rmr mnwm to Ina mam M, an apancaxmn «orpammn under Ins Chapter‘ or {b) hy venom of me epemian M yirngvlph nemm (as apvhed by seamen m) nanmen mm mm belween i\| .71 he copvvpnelovi ‘s mcapame an my aopnwed under Ims Chavler m Hv4TrRXpwyBa4LGwmmrA Wale sum IHIHDIV wm be um law may m. mwgmuly mm anuumnl m mm wvm me Courl,sub1l:1m and m accmdance wnh ma Dvwmuns Many law (av mm mm. being m was Iehluvg to cm pmbedme‘ mly, an m ippficilnn ahny at me cc-pmpviemrs‘ mnke such avder .5 u my am just for (he pmpnqe av enammg me cwvmnneluvsmv In belermmaled. (2) Wwlhoulvlstudwua In nu gm-amy ohm Wwerwmarvid by wbssdwon 11 y, me Calm may on arw -Iupluzulmn mer om suhsedmn order — (5) mac. suD1sc1 In the mam bemeen me wpmnnem or such vayrr-am am-acaun maycons-uaraqunaosenav-nu vagamome aumpaum valu-I M the muwaam pmlmnx msmby wnpowd. my nppmcm var pnmuon made by an: or more 01 me am pmnnemvs m we lems summed m the my man be deemed for me Dmpuses mm: Crvamerm have bsen mm Dythsm an. my «mun: Imflwided shme alany Mme cc-pmyrmors be mnslened an Ihelemu specified m the mm! In the me: mpmmmus. one any M lnem. or my mama land he mm- 25 Seksyen 25(2) Akta 91 berkenaan kuasa Mahkamah Tlnggl mempenmtukkan 4 "ram meruejnskan kemasnn suhsevéyen m. Mahkamnh finagl hevwdaklah memnurwaw kuasa lambahan my dmyalakan dawn .ladua\ Dwgan syir-I| mm. wax. kuisa nu hendakmh mmmn mengm mm:-mum undang—nndang nemms alau Kaederrkaedah mahkamah yang hen-mburlgan denganflya ~ sm Hv4rrRxvv11yBaALGwmmrA "nun: sum M... W be um In «My like .m.u.y mm um... «. IFVLING Wm zs. Pevenggan 3 Jadual Akla 91 berkenaan kuasa Mahkamah pecah mlllk lanah mempemnlukkan — -Kuasa unmk nnengavahkan peniualan sabagaw garm yeah mllwk dalam spar ap. dndakin uuluk pecan mmklanah‘ dun dahm kausn am. penkam yang bemubungan deugan tannin. nu. maapan pellu alau sualmarwaal‘ unluk memennlahkan suvaya «anan nu alau manzmina nanamannya an-nan, aan untuk mambenkan sagala Irihan yam Punu dan bsmamlkn - 27 A 31 KM pma berkenaan kuasa Mahkaman msmenntahkan Jualan nana cak ann uka cemyaca psnu atau suax manlaat nan msnetapkan cave-cans iua\an flu hams dumankan 25 Eudangkuasa Mankaman unmk mensmalkan pemlllkan bersama ax nawan seksyen 145 mu le\ah mpenksa dalam beherapa kepmusan Mankaman termasuk — (i) Vaung vean Chm 3. or: v QuekYak Kang 3. Drs 2016 MLJU 1737 :11 mana AbduIAzI1 hm Abdm Rahlm HMR memutuskan Jmlflk 'Unders145 anne NLc1sa5,1ne mun Vs amwwemd WM .3 dvschahon In omev me pamnun ul any land cwnsd undev a our wunnalcvimp av 10 make any nvder «nu ma cmnl thunk: just fur (ha pulpusl av znlblmg the ca.pmpnexman.p m be Izvmmmed Thus nmvmnn .a mm: In any at me empmnlbetors wnu wanted (0 |ermInate me vrovrlelorshlv cm \s Vacmw a pvomam when any ul ma ou—PvuvHa|ovs wnl nmlnsv [um M Mr oansnm «a ma mlkmg unna appnuuan my yanmun A71 gmnfly Dwliad by am as \n «ne case belave us “ den sm Hv4TrRXvwyBn4LGwR\mrA -W. sum rumhnv Mu ». um law may m. mtgwmuly mm unanvmnl «. muus mm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Plaintif-Plaintif telah memfailkan rayuan terhadap keputusan saya yang diberikan pada 6/10/2023 atas isu liabiliti dan sebahagian isu kuantum (Lamp 40). Manakala Defendan memfailkan rayuan atas isu liabiliti sahaja (Lamp 45).Saya mendapati Plaintif-Plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan kes atas imbangan kebarangkalian terhadap Defendan Pertama sahaja dan gagal membuktikan kes atas imbangan kebarangkalian terhadap Defendan Kedua hingga Keempat.Saya mendapati Defendan Pertama bertanggungan sebanyak 60% manakala 40% ialah kecuaian sumbangan si mati.
Tuan Gan Peng Kun
09/11/2023 16:22:12 AC-A51KJ-1-06/2022 Kand. 49 S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 1h9ejP45EqpNi1cGAGgHA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4:) [Bl AC—A51KJ—1—D6/2022 Kand. 4 9 09/11/2224 15:12-12 mum mmumm szsvsu pl Yguug mun mum «eggs: PERAK DARUL Iunzunu eunmu SIVIL NQ.AC-A51KJ-1-I16/2I122 Imnuu JAWIPAH awn wasumm uomuvm sum mom raw»: .. PLAINYIF-PLAIMTIF mu ssummsuuevu up uummnv psucmxn mum: KERJA nu NEGERI PERAK usursm mu; nu KERAJAAN muvsu DEFENDAN-DEFEMDAM A gym PEMGHAKIMAN pzngsnguu maummamm \e\ah memnmn rayuan terhadap kepumun say: yam: amnm paaa em/2023 alas Eu Iwamlm flan sebahagwan Wsu kuamum (lamp am Marmknli Dsisnflln mamfaflkan vayuan alas xsu Iubmh gm‘: (Lamp cs) LIABILITI Pad: 2411/2021 ‘am Vemh mm ms Kenyan ma\am spa memmggang mnlasxkzl damn paljahnan pmang ke mman den (empal ken: Semasa memm Jalan mun — mus Lumpur bevdekalan mug Canaya Mm am, spa nampak kereva m hmiparmyn mengenau sesunhz a. alas nlan Se\eps.I swa mambemermkarv mawslkalnya bshau nampak snoring pemmgging m4.7(LwkaYyang ksmumarv dwkenahsebagamm:|v|e1hamvg m alas }a\an raya sy mam bargevak an ma mengangkal kepahu pm]: Man \|u N mu-n=45£~1nNm:GM3wHA um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm : spa satalvmya mencapal [eleven pmrar dalam hag hanunnnyl mnmbukz lampu lelehn puma! am melambal ke nah ‘aw! ray: Tujuan 5P3 Delbull demlklan max mu mpasmn 5 Kemudnnn, k-vat: yang mama mall Dalendan mm. Mn: m Iempal kemamn mu Inelznggar s. man yang sedanu Invbnnng an alas man ray: 5 sm Iarm plglwax penywasmkes yang (ma .1. Iemaal xemanxenzn meruumpm soekor pm Man a. flalam Vengknng m up man aam hulnn m. mm den mwcaym dllanggar man u man iebelum s. malatarpaluh Gan Ielblnng a-am ‘am 7 5»: wan memhual mu rayot pans pm 31/112021 mu ssmmggu Idspai uepm... (P9; Eehau menylulun bahama berm: perm ka am Palm mm Tapah Imluk memmm vepol Did] mnlam maman mg: berxami Deienflan Panama new 591 «am mambenlahurwfi hahawa belwau mu menu mmnuan Sehivirlg lapuran polls 5 SF1Ialan menaflkan mam beilau membenlarw sva bahawamaknanu Dual vepal puhs 9 Say: menenma pemehlan sedsmnklan Ream puns Vsval mbum man 5;’: mm. unmk msnuloflg Plamul-?\nm\\V map. msehahkan den kesxlnpin pemahaman spa Tambahan pula um ktwnppan m 5... undangrundang unluk saksw bebas seven: SP3 memhual new um: 10 Detenflan mum. nwnghmahkan hahaw: 5‘ main memnggil duma mm palinggaran dengan mm hulzn bukan mlanggiroleh naveman Perhma 11 say: hdak dapal menenma mqahnn .m kerana spa nampik 5‘ man mislh bergemk an Cuba angkal kepala sebelum dvhlvgqav nleh Dflendan mm. s‘ man bemerm bergemk xelevas dllanggav aleh Defsndan Penzma 1 sm um Pasianwcsuswnn “Nair slam n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum W 12 43 45 1s 17 «a 19 2o Salim nu, dapzlan dnkmr yang melakukzn ma.» s\ua| um. 5P5 mendapall kensdaraan mm m bahagmn kupala menunjukxan mm...g... dsngin kendeviln bemmlnr 5P5 max Dursmuju keosdevaan pamh sedamman ur bahagwan mm: bcfleh dwsebabknn man pemnwam. dengan mm mm Penning unmk d-hen gemauan bahamn srs nupeuuapac keuedelann pnlih yang dmam a‘ Dahaglan knnah m man admah dwehnhian clan ksvmeman yang bevgenak W man: usu amk kalulv dan mm; s\ man Selaxn nu, Dafundarv Fennms ‘uga merwalakan ham. kzveta yang fllpandu mehnya xemh mix «as sesualu emu Dalandan Pemamn um kamukakan pemlzelian hahawn new malanggal mamxxkam man Olen m.‘ sayn mendapall nemaan Panama man menanggam mall seivlngga manyebabkan kzmamln 5. man Semnwlnyn Dzfendan Panama menyaiakan ipabvla beluu Iampaw dekal dangzn Iempal kepndmn, nalwau namnak mm mmoslkal spa nu rem: menyahlbkan bebau nuang (umpuan lemadap pindingln hadapan Amal mahng sekah karlna undakan spa yang menyalakan um.» telelun pwmav flan melambiu aengan Ielelun panamya ma lamuu mmosmamy. man menyebubbun Drfundan Panama mengalmkan tumpuan sakawp kg min 5P1 Keadaan dl lempll mamnn mg: amalgelip flan as Iampu .aran Undangundang man Jaye mengkzhendikw wman Perllma bamatwvalx dlngan mempeflanankan kewlanya apahfla bamadapan dengin mm sldarmklarv Dakam Keleungarmya‘ beluau menyllalcan kebjuannyn pm mass Ierubm nalah 70 km/lam ; sm um Pasianwcsuswnn “Nair slam n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum W 21 22 2: 24 25 2s 27 Wabupun Kehamnn mu masvh a. bawah had mu kehnngsaan umuk mm pw:eku|uan‘ helzpx Delendan Pennma plllu mumplllahinknn Ingl buavvlanya apahun balnau (emumpak Iampu mam: SP3 flan Vampu laleflon mm ylng dwlambav am. spa kerana tumpunn new man mu.» din pindarwan hlflznan‘ dnlnmbah my dengan keadaan mm mg gflap Salammnya‘ menymnkan barlwa Dulendan Kedua mngga Keanpal manpunyal kewaunin mm memnsang my alau Penghadsug dw saepnrqlng nu... m lempal kapdmn higl mengelakkan Mvwnn Mar mm mm hulan davvzda rnshnus man Pnpan mm: amamn human Irar mzmang man fllpasnng mm kulfing 1 ktlnmelerdan temval xeman (uzzm an (07 In: mm. uleh sm‘ spa dan Defendan Panama Menum| snz. pmak Jahman me am nkzn mangzmmu (mdakan pznmgahan sexmya mandapal Vapor-In davrpada pmnk pun: dan kawuan yang .1 woman an dwenamhnamkan sebigawkawasan yang senng benaku kamalarman l'emp3| keladlan mm kaw: n yzng msmmmumkan sehagaw kemalangnn mam mehhnlkzn nawan ha! ma wax mengtmukakan has ying manqgnakan kswajlpan kg 11:: Deiendxn Kndua mum Ksempal unmk mmasana Muir alau penghadang Na: yang dlksmukakan avg» PhannI—P\mnM dalam hujiharl nemms mulu Palvmila Mulhusamy V nmm Lebuh Ray; L/lalz-Selufzm [1997] : cu 54 am. LE5 new Sim Em! A Santa Lam v Nathan Mulhsysh 5 Yang Lmn|2D1D] 2 cu H3 mehbaman syankm muses: Iehun raya flan bo\ah dmezakan mas mm . sm mu m mm HA mm. s£n.x5..‘2‘&.mm .. E... m mm .. mmy mm: dun-mm VII mum W 2a 2»: an 3: 32 33 mm dungnlkzn hnhawa Plmnm-Flannlxl memwkul Dahan umuk membuku Dmnm kars Mond Slubudin Abu um... vrlummnud samn AM Amy mm 1 ms 4£4,Mahka1nah Tmggl memuluskln sedermkmn ‘Wu: sun was amugm Dy my Plamhlf nmilrw burden s on me Plalnlrlf m paw: ms olaam, mm on mu mam»as. Yhe mum av prove mm wan the Plirnnlland mu Pnamhlm Io msmarye 115 mm (0 fimve #3 cause of aotmn lgamst me Dnluvdml as dscnded by lha Fsdanl Com! m In: case or Lolcnumanan Cnemar Alsgappan (As Exsculov la 5/ A/ameluu Acm (Doaensadfl .5 /war V Secure Ptantnbon Son sm1[2a17] 5 cm as, 4201714 ML./ 557 Based on Lolchumanun Chem-r(supIs} cm, sea-1/on 101 arms Ewdenm Ac11950 was rafarrsd rmldvng that me Damian Io sstablun ma case 12:1: Imuuwhmu an M9 pany wna asserts the arrmme aims Issue ' Dawn mas." iedenukmu. says mendspan mm«.m..nur man bauayn mzmhukhkan Xe: alas Ambangan Kebzlangknhan lemsdap Ddendan mama sans‘: um gage! membubmkan kas alas mmangan kgbatangkxlmn mum... Deieman mu: mum Kostunfl Pevangglmn denqan seakov ham huun pada mam Kejamin minuruukknn 5! mill menunggang dengan mu semngga (mk um: mengalak dan mehnggzt ham man (ersebm Sakwznya .. mm Vebm bemaivrhalu new dauel mengmk pelnnggavzn flengnn mm Mun lerwbul Kewumdan man cam. nmnvan havwan lur um kumng I kflometer dun mmpil kepadmn upalulnya lelah membenkan Imaran mm: 5‘ man un|uk Iebm hnmalwuan spa dalam katevangannyn menyilzkzn hehnu vamah marvgelak hirwan Iwar m kswasan yang um: sshemm (ink?! uqaam 5 P4 NHcGM3 HA «5%1.,‘.““s'£n.F..‘2‘&.mm .. E... w my .. m,m.u.y mm: dun-mm VII mum W 34 Seklmnya pshrtggaun flsngan mm mm udak umam Inuam yang menyebabkan mm mlangglr clan oevemm Panama ma mak aknn heflaku as (Nah nu, iaya mandapalr mama." Panama henangnungan ubanyak am» manaknli oov. walah kacuavan sumhanqnn 5. man my um»: 35 Pmsun undang—unun»g bsmubung laksumn gum rugladalah manlip Dulam km ugoomu sum 5. Anal v Aim Ahdurlan new 2 cu Isa, Mahkamnh Peaekuluan memmuxkan isdermkun ‘Germs! damagw my to me damage won me /aw Tmphes m wmngs uVrorvab(e per 3. W and rs mm m guneva/19/ms All the pludmgt mm the neoemyozquannmng ms amnunl may mnlade MM: /05: ul eamrngs .s well as rlnmags: lol [Jam and mm; and /ox: or amenfl/es Yhfiy Islam m mam: of damage mm Decumury mm pecuniary Spsmal danuga: on ma alherhnnd have 10 be specifically pleaded and merry pruvsd Thcy ruler .0 past expznsss and fax: or sammgs The exam has mus! be Wemod wlwn me amrrse nmounl ol Item has become clearballm the ma! Lass of/ulma earning: arposb mat mu diflnrs lrom pmnaz has wmcn comes under spvclal damage: The rsesun mm mm: damapes have In 1.. spsaIcs!ly D/wdcdts m ammo comply w/In rt: am: much rs m mam Ms Issue and la ,...r the delendumson mevrguardandleltlncmwnalmeyhavvlo meslwhen me case came: on ma! (See Domsafla V flarrl1569] wua A30, mm»: V Plump:/18751050 127, my and (my Ah Lung V m s L/ndorwand [19BJ[CLI(F9pI Joe" 37 Ganll mgx am mxwm mm nenkm (a) Kamlanqanlanaflungnn 5 sm um ma; Nncsuswnn mm. slam .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII murm pm.‘ . sm menyslzkzn pendapnun m.xa..amu.a.. ulxh wM22au Rmmo yang dlbenkm oleil n man walah umukmernhelx hmnng penbam we ms» nu‘ say: berpendapsl Rnnaun uhuvan man sam wmhh ylng munasahnh umuk kedua-due nmm V RMB00 x :2 man x 13 lalvun = RMm.eoa Ln) Kedukamlaan — nmauwu as Glnh rug! knas mmuwxan sepem mum 4:; vemewmuan pengehumlin . amazon 7 P\amM—P\amlrV mzmohon wmlah sehanynk main Yevapx ‘umhah um max diam mmman men m.m:ma.nm Mahkamah membenavkan jumlah ma one man persllujuan Derendan Panama (:2; Pamewan,.an dukumen-dukumen — hawah K0: {2} Pemebmain um ks Momma! Ieluk mm — hdak mnuman my Pemalaruazn lapcmn past-munem — um» kos [57 K05 membmkv mmomw —Mak «mam 39 Eerhuhung dengan garm mg: Ieruk Plmnm-Plmnlwltmak memnmm dawn Pamyalaan Tunlumn «emu hanya membangkman wanting ganln mgx mm dalzm huflhan benuhs mask: on Dawn K25 Pmj-k mun my. um. Selamn sun arm v Kim Song Enmwnro (Kw-n) 5:11: am: [2013] s cu ass, Mamman Rayuan memutuikan senem aenkul 7 sm my-n=45E<:nNncsM3wHA mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm ‘Al 1»... ,.1..a...-. .11. rdaal to each and wary munch ma! ms nspondsm has tlnrmsed m we stalsnvenl o/cm... 5.1.1 ml mm mm acconimgly 5.11 bafoml do 51:. Imus: cnegomtnlly stale mar lhaunmu: an Dnwdby Iimvplosdmqs 7». pamos Arsrsqmmd Io s1aIelns1ss0ss aflscl and fame ma quashons DU-aw ... mdcr to ma mime om. case: 1.. D5 :6! up and to plan!!! ertherpalry m In mm. by surpme :1 the 1.1.1 1:... malerul (ms mull no Illsaded nu! ma tom oalusqumces my ....: n. pleaded (Wong See my 1 c Saruwutny Ammar (19541 1 ms 133, 119541 MLJ 141 ca. .1 142, Ken s»a»< Pan 1 Sayang Planlnnon 5.1112002} 1 cu 501, /2124221 1 ML./ 55, ca, ouan Swee Khoon v s..... Darby am [21201] 1 cm a /209012 MLJ we, on, and ma. s.u4»e.s, Lwvlted ma Omar: .1 Eel! .9 Armmsr [1931] 1 xa 557; we: lms anloumx 1.. .3 .1... 171:! me mm-1 m not ....1.1...: 5.1.1 mm not dsmde . 5.... .=.. .....s.1. 11.1.1. .5 ....1 plcaded 1.. mm, the 1.... a1 1... 5.1.. muxl be m..11....1 1.. ms ple.!d1rrg.1(Yaw w... 1...... 1 La! Kak Chya 11991;; 1 CL./1113 /1:91:11 cu {Rap} no 152, so, at 15:; and 1... p1...1.ngs opemre .1. .r1.=1....1y define ....1 .1.1....11 .1... ma...» c/alrly and pncrsnn 1.... real mum .. conlmvarsy balwsen 11.. .....1.-.5 1.. (ms way. we numb: m.11.1;ma.e ma.-. rssoeclrva casas and the mun mu w1lud/udncats o..» amino mm: 1.15.. Hale! sa.. arm 1 1.1.1...1...1..m....=. 11.1; sm. 51.111992); cu ms, /19921 2 cu map. 121, 119921 2 Mm 515, s Maruckam s Ovs .1 1...... Mohamed .1. Or: 11991.7 1 LN: 11:, may 2 MLJ 99, Narayanan Panrmramy 1 »< Par1r1II5flrILVI1993I4 cu ass (1993/3 MLJ 7312, mm... .1m....1 5. Anal .1 Abdul Kareem [1955] 1 ms 1 [1959] 1 ML./ 22, H2 m......ay 5 Anal .1, 1.1.1.»: Abdul Kader ».1.....1 seam .1. on (199912 cm 517, 11921211 cL./ (Rev) 115, 1195912 Mu :1: sc 5. 41:, Wsma Panes Ema: San End 1 Druon-H? O'Ho)nhar1 1195511 ms :s, (193711 MLJ 393 so, Grmstsm Corp 1111. Sun 5...: A Anor 1 5195.1 1......a..c. Co 3011 5111111957] 1 on 12: 119.11; cm pm; 1.12, (195711 MLJ 3.22, 5:, and 1... Ah on... 4 Sons s.1.. am 1 01:1 Bee 1... 5 Ar1ar[1Y9.’!] o cu 4m /1993} :1 MLJ 5.13)‘ 5... 1.... Pl .1 csuswnn «.1... s£1..5..‘.‘.‘%..1... .. .... .1 mm .. .1....11.. M1... 1....... 1.. ......1a Wm! u Oieh Ilu. bemasavkan Has m ms‘ saya mm hmah mempemmbangkan pembanarv ganu rugv lemk kevana mm anmmun sum Femyalnan Tumulan Faedah 2 5% utahun alas gm mg: khas den Iankh kemahsngan :ehInggn mm pengmmn 5-A, selamm alas garm mg. am dam mun penyaramn samin semngga lankh pengnaman I 5%seInmm 2.1.. punflah penghaklman din lankhpenghaklman senmgga ram penyaesawan pemm Kos mengnkut mu 5 u» nmm manmmm szsvsn swn. rewx mun s oxmsék 2:12: Flguamcara Plalntll w Ahdullxh. Mznoharan Yemm on A Pammn Flguamcara Dolnnflan Penm- Kzmallwam Yehun an. Manlckihx L Auocmlu 3.9. plhak Dewndnn K-dun nun“. ommnu s Nanida Ftquim Fnnnkuluan man Penumn Undxng-Undang Ncgm P nu 9 sm my-n=45E<:nNncsM3wHA mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Perbicaraan jenayah terhadap 2 tertuduh- terdapat tiga pertuduhan- S.39B91)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Akta Racun 1952 dibaca bersama S34 Kanun Keseksaan-tempat kejadian di sebuah rumah beralamat di Jalan Sekuntum, Taman Bukit Dahlia,Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru-OKT1 melarikan diri dan berjaya diberkas-dadah di badan dijumpai- pemeriksaan di dalam bonet Kereta Mercedes Benz menjumpai 1 bag kanvas biru IKEA dan bag kertas "Just Do It"-mengandungi 6 ketulan mampt dipercayai ganja- pendakwaan gagal buktikan kes prima facia atas semua pertuduhan-dilepas dan dibebaskan untuk semua pertuduhan.
YA Puan Noor Hayati Binti Haji Mat
09/11/2023 14:03:50 JA-45A-37-12/2020 Kand. 46 S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal .m—¢5A—37—12/2020 Kand. 46 zeumozs uvzs DI MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JONDW amnu DALAM NEGERI JOHDR DARUL uxzmu PEREICARAAN JENAYAH NO: JA-45A-(35-la)-11I2o1I1 FENDAKWA mu uwnu MUHAMAD RAFI am ROSDIN MUHAMMAD HANAFI am MOHD AZNEE ALASAN FENGHAKIMAN Panglnllln [<1 Keduz<1ua|enuduh\s\ah dfluduh dengan mat beuama mengedar dadah an bawah s a9s<1)<a) Akla Dadah Eevbahaya v952 (Anny can 5 9(1)Ak|a Racun I952 mbaca hevsama s 34 Kamm Keseksazn [21 Tevdapfl nga (3) Defluduhan |emadap meveka, sepem henkm F-mmuvun Panama 1JAr45A—a$1Mo2a — Tan-mun Panama dun Temmun Kzmm 4/uudun nm.nmama) IN »«=umu.4zm=asuam -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm 'Eahawa kamu barsamzruma pad: 215 mm, pm Izhm kn-inn n an mllnm m nnflannn mmah No 9:‘ Jilan Sdmmum <4. Yaman auxm mam rm Gudang‘ m dahm dnauh Juhut Blhm m dullm mum John! Dam ‘(aknm Iehah menuedlr dadah wmaya pm: bmm um: gum lulu c......a.. om Mu kamu «aim mnhxukuu sun kesiluhm m mm Seksyen as: may Am Eladah E-erbaluya «:52 flan mm dmnkum m buwan Seksyen ass (2; Anayang xnmndmmhncanasnmadvlzawnh Se«sy:n34 Kanun Keseksaan‘ P-mmun-n mu (JA45A—a7—1z/2020 — nu-mun Paflaml um; ‘Bahawa kamu pada 2152:1211, .m mam kuung 11 4a mum u. hldnpan mmnh No at man Sekumum u, Taman Bum nam Pam smug. a mm mm. Jmur Elihu‘ m mm. Negen Jahor mm Vukzlm man mmxm am.» aemanm beral bemh 24.34 gum mm Imlamphuuminl om. nu klmu mun memunn mu xmnnan dv hawah Seksyarv I212)AkIa Dzdah Bemuhaya I952 dun mm «mm. um um). Seiuyen mm Ann ynrw Plrluduhan Kaila: musaauzaazo . Tmuaulv Panama flan Yam.-tun Kedua duuduh basnma-sums) -Baum Iumu bersamtxama pad: 2: a ma, pm mam kunnn 1: 40 mnlnm a. amp... rumah Na ea. man Sakunwm <4, Tamar: Euiul mam pm Gudang, a. dzlam mm. Jnhar mm m dnrnm Nesyen Jana! Diml Yakzlm lnllnmdnpnndalammnhkankamulawnyang!.ersanava\da\amJ:du:lPnn,:mI din Jamal mg. (Bmxn Pukmvamk) Am mm 125: mu Milruaynlnn s.u..w.x Issamllllll-vain flu-ganlru kamu wan msiakukan um kauhmn u. bawm Stxsyen am An; Raw 1952 my w-n «mum m bawah semen 3242; Kali ‘/ing um: dzn mm. mum. Slksyun 34 Knmm Kzuksurv sm »«=wM.=.4zm.usua.m mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! arang Vain Gan mampunya. pengelahusn (enmng dzman yang evsaalkan [36] Dahm kes vm. mhsk pendakwaan Isiah mengemukakan Iaklz darn mrem benkut unluk membukukan pamillkzn lamadau dadah 1. xeuua-ans «enumm nan Amnm dnlmat sedang bevkumpul an naaapnn mman bardakalan dengan kereva Mercedes yang mnakn dmadapan mman yang mana dadah da\am penuduhan panama duumpax dl da\am bonel newakang keveta dan oecanr kelum dalzrn pammnnan kehga dljumpax hemumplmn mereka berkumpm 2 Dadah anvnm pemmunan keduz duumpai daiam seVua( yang mam: nleh Tammnn Panama 3 Tenuduh Panama dvlangkap 52121571 cubs melankan am dan alan umuax uneven aanawa bellau ada pengelahuan mengenau fladah mg dqumpaw A Panamuan kad nama keduzrdua Ierluduh dw dalam arm rssl keruta memhuknkan meleka msmpunyzw zksus |emadID xerexa flan jarak keve|a yang pamn aawam jarsk deksl an naunpan mman Tenuduh Penams wga memhenkan mlenans uengelahuan 5 Keoemngan Anna: Anaka Nov Aznn, SP6 warm lunang kepada Termduh Kaduz menyatakan calah membenkan Harem Iersebul unluk kegunaan Tenuduh Kedua sepzruang kehadaan spa an John! aanm sejak hmzn Januan, 2u2o. Hanya «maps: 1 kunm unluk kevela Ievsehln dan |elah flvsevahkan kepada Tenuduh Kedua darn spa mangesankan hahawa kerela |eIsebutadz\zh dw bawah jagaan Temmuh Kedua pads nan k€|advan aw HPwMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA "Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; me mn.u.y mm: dun-mm y.. mum am s Kunm keIe(a dljumpaw pada Temmuh Kedua. maka barang kes yang mjwnpa. sdalah dmawah kawalan Tenuduh Keduz sspsnuhnya dan dmam pengelahuannya 7 Mflrugymne yang dwampzs mg: berada an dapan kedua-flu: tenudu ' |u p/am srghlkelrka anenun alen sm [371 Fada penngkal mu, pihak pembexaan mengaiakan sepem berikm 1 Terpulusnya rzmaall keterangan kes aan Keragunn kepada krednbililx SP1 uan spz. Pemaaxaan hwahkan kelerzngan bahawa selepas serbuan di mman Terluduh Panama. barang kes tevus amawa ke lbu Pe;iba| Polls Daemh Sen Alan: W lndak banar kerina pembelaan |elah mervgemukakan Iapmamaporan pulls n24, D25, nzs yang mamkzuklikan sm max xems pulang ke mu sen mam 2 Teldapal pevcsnggahan dalam kemrangan sm flan spa dan hada peruelasan dlhual man mana-mana saw 3 Pada panngkat wm pembenaan menegaskan bahawz uada keterangan danpada sm akan smpakah yang rnempunyai kawalan darn jagaan pzda bzrang kes dan dua beg mu semasa serhuan dilakukan dv fig: xampac yang benaman 4 Pmak Pendakwaan eenan gagm unmk memanggn Amwul Aflan Fahmn hm Hshammuddm sebagzw szksx maaan pmak Pendakvraxan mengaiakzn Annmv max ho\eh member: kaevangan aeas laklur kealhalan man maakang aleh dukumen peruhakan man ad: sebarang mm. manunjnkkan Armml ‘unfit Io give evrdemze” 5 Pmak Pendakwaan wga gagax unmk mengemukakan keputusan anahs: mnna DNA walaupun mkanakan caman man mamb- aw HPLuMcu4E:7ra¢AsHaIuaA «-ma s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m van; ..a nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm VII mum am s Keaunua (emmuh max mempunyal kawakan aksmsxf pad: kenderaan wvn 129 kerana nzda saksx yang nampak swap: yang membawa keraka lersehm ke Iempal kejadwin Jugs ma saks: yang nampak sama ads meleka ada hevumszn dengan bamng kes dan Mada kelsrangan sukongan sepsm DNA mzhupun can ‘an yang menuruukkan having kes pemah dmvuskan a\ah kedua-dua lenuduh 7 Pmak pendakwaan wga gzgal membuklwkan mat hersama dx hzwah 5 34 Kanun Keseksaan (emadap keaemua oxnemaaap peauuum ca. 3155 Pemuexaan menghupahkan hanawa nada kelerangan memmgukkan mu.-mua terluduh mampurvyaw "prs— arrange p/an” Imluk mengedar dadah aan kehadvan mareka hanyalah semahrmata ‘mere plswnce" 5 Tmflnkan Terluduh Panama melankan um Im hanya se\alI dengan dadah yang duumpaw m da\am kuceknys an bawah S1212)/39A ADE Peruuatan Terluduh Kedua dan Arrwul kehl-waLan "emu max menyumbang kepada pemnukuan wujudnyz pengelahuan tenlallg adanya dadah yang dnrampas om. SP1 kerana M3 mar mereka lahu‘ pasll meteka Inga akan melankan am [an] Undang-undang aflalah mmap bahawz dengan hanya mempunyal jagaan aluu kzwalan ke a\as dadah lersebm lwdak mancukuw unmk memhukukan pemmkan (hhal Inrnhlm Mnllnrnad v. PF (101 114 cu 1) [39] Adalah ma berdassvkan nas keskes dmuan banawa dua esemen yang dvpevlukan LIMHK memhukhkan pemilxkan man kawalan fizxkal dan pzngelahuan Umukmemenulmmsurl Lia meslvdmuuukkanbahawa IerIud\m—|enuduh berida barhamplran dengan dadah dan meveka bnleh mengendahkannya seowarmnan Ia zdalah mum mereka Bag! unsurmerflal .3 sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! axan msns rea puua Derlu fllbukhkan bahawa Cerludulrlevluduh Dermal axan hemasral unmk bemrusan dengan dadah Iersebul (mlsndsd In deal mm ma drugs) (vuiuk kes FF v Abdul Ranman Ah!/[2007] 5 ML! 237 (F0), Chan Pun Lana v PF [1955] 22 ML] 217 Inc); nalam em ksia lam‘ kapeduan unsur fifikal dun menus! tersebul perm wuwd nan dlhukbkan sehemm pem kzn dapzl dihukukan. [AD] D. am has pendakwzan saya mendapzu bahawa keduadua Ierluduh mempnnyai kawa\an dan ;agaan aana pengellhuan mengenm dadah yang auumna. maka Ianya aaaxan dalam mmkan meleka semzsa anangkap [.41] vaaa penngkal nn szya menevima keterznqan sm bahawa Tenuduh Kedua Ie\ah dutahan samasa mluar rumah berssma Amnul flan kuncl karma Memfles yang dljumpaw flan semar Tennmm Kedna mamaawa kepada penemuan barzng kes dadah Cannabis darn banal helakang karara Tarluduh Panama pnva lelah bemndak malaflkan dm dan dadah dljumpaw d:\:m selunr yang mpakaw auahm Fada peungkat W, saya berparmangan naaa sebab urnuk merzg elerzngan sm dan spz (mwk PP V. MnPI.lmIdAIi[19£2]18ML.I 257 um Shah Vrwm Ton v. ;=P{2o13) 1 ms 377) [421 Olah yang uennxnan, saya memmuskan aanawa aamaaaman kapada Ke(erarI§an mg dlkemukakan‘ shaman permhkan dadah lelsehul lelah flmukhkan seczva afivmam Keduadua Temlduh man mengedardadah [431 Bagi alaman psngedaran Imlnk pammnhan panama‘ memandangkan elemen pammxan Devan beqaya amnman maka saya membual dapalan bahawa sa|u kes prfma ram pangedzvan umnknkan bawah seks‘/En 130(4) Kn aenaan pemskauan angaspan bawah sakswn 37(da) ADE (mmk kes Abdullah Man) berdasarkan berm dadah Cannabis yang melamm wax rmmma znu gram (5 37(da)(vi)) [44] Cfleh yang aenukuan, kedua-dun lenuduh (emu mpanggu unmk membela din dan mereka memllm uruuk mamben kstsvangan secara hmumpan xaa P-mbolun [451 Kedua-due lenuduh |eIah membenkan ketzerangan secara hersumpah den memanggwl Ilma (5) bring Saks! awam yang melupakan zhh keluarga mereka dan Amlm [46] Pada malam 21 52020, keduadua lerluduh dan Amm-I sedan; herkumpm din lepak dv nadapan rumah Na 94, mm Tenuduh Panama Supasukan anggala polvs man membual serhuan pzda anggaran jam 11 an mz\zm aan semass han keiaman. negzva maivh dalam oempan Parmlah Kawaxan Pergevakan Eevsyaval [47] Semssa samuany Tenuduh Panama man me\ankan am can beqsya mlangkap dan mbawa ke hadapan mmah lersahut. Pemanksaan badan acaa kedua-dun ienuduh flan Armml max msmumpaw barang salsh (slaw kemuduan merwmpaw dadah dahm poxecseluar Tsfluduh Fensma [451 Pemenksann pana kenderzan WYR 125 yang berafla herdekman dengan mereka juga tidzk menemul apa-spa harang sa\ah [491 Pemenksaan a. da\am bmk Tenuduh Penama ax aauam vumahnya ‘ugz hdak manamui ape-apa barring salah sanammya SP1 membawa kedua-dua |enuduh flan Amwul ke rumah Tanuaun Kedua ax Na 32, Jalzn Sekunlum s, Tamzn amt Dahha Pnsv Gudang‘ (myuk Vzpman Pulvr 7025) yang mana serhuan ml mam aleh spa sun Mohd Aznee bin AN Malek (hapa Tenuduh Keauay dan sos, sm Nur Az\e\a mm. Mona Aznee (mm .5 am »« «-ma Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum am Tarluduh Katina) mml berada m da\am rumah Terluduh Kedua pada masa sevhuan kevana mavaka (Inggal :1: sum [50] Femenksaan Dada wk Tenuduh Kedua lelah menemm 1 bag mm beflulrsan KKEA flan 1 beg kenas hertuhsan Nike yang mana an dzlamnya duumpal sejumlnh dadah msyakkl gznya salapas pemenman dawn nmk Termduh Keaua, menglkul sm nan sns‘ sw amnax kaluar dari umu nu memegang 1 bag mm henullsan IKEA man 1 beg kenas herlullszn Nike [51] sns .uga mengalakan bahawa nag hum berluhian IKEA dan beg kenas berlullszn Nwke tersebut gmawa oleh rnkun Temmuh Kedua hernama Hahm yang paga masa nu ads dalang ks lumah unmk naqumpa Tarluduh Kedua Dlsebahkan sos makmmkan yang Tenuduh Kadua naaa m rumah‘ Hallm man memmca um umuk masuk ke hmk Tenuduh Kedua un|uk maletakkan dahum harang kelengkapan pevmaman compu(erc1IbII\kTenuduh Kedua dan zkan kambah samma Dada mamm nanh sns nampak Hahm bawa beg mm benuhs IKEA flan beg kenas bsrlulis Nike masuk xe bmk Tenuduh Kedua sebalum memmla mri unmk pmang lanpa mernegang heg—beg |eIsehut lagi [52] Hanna Ideflah mkan Tsrluduh Kedua yang salam amnau datang ke rumah hersama Amlrm untuk hermamin E-Spoil yang dlarwrkan hampw aamap ma\am sn5 wga mngavaxan banawa Tenumm Kedua se\a!u mangaruurkan pelmaman E-Sporl a|as lahan sevem Dma den PUBG aan sememangnya kamasaannya Halvm akan aaxang ke Nmsh mereka nenemh dahuhl unluk mewezaxkan perkakasan permainan darn makanzn aaaemm memmakan pevmaman [531 Talah jug: dlhlqahknn hahawa mjuan ymak pnlis mambual Iarhuan ke mman Teduduh Kedua adalah kerana barang kes hdak pemeh 15 am »«=wMq.4zma« «-ma am n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am ayumpa. dalam kevela WYR 129 sehagawmana kelerangan saksx pendakwian Analin din Dapalan cfllkhlr kes Pembelaan [54] Eevdavarkan kepada seksyen 182A KTJ, uka pendakwaan hanaya membukhksn kesnya melampaui saharang keraguan yang munasahah, xeauama nenumm nenaaman umapau bslsalah din 1.5mm Namun uka senammya, Mahkamah hendmdah mmepas dzn membehaskan cenumm uzuyuk kes Ealzchandnn y. PP {zoos} 1 cu :5 asn Monnmad Radhl um Yizcob y. PF (1991) 1 cu Rap 311) [551 Mengenal anggapzn pengadarin dnhawah saws), beban akan harpindah kepada kedua-dua lenuduh mm menyangkau anggapan versebul alas Imhengan kehavangkzhan yang mana bebarmya ada¥=h new heval dari memmbulkzn keraguan yang munasabah (Muk ks: pp y. vuym/{ms} 1 ms 116) [as] Mengwkul kes Liam Hung Boon y. up [2012] 1 LIVE 1455, Mahksmah Rayuan memuluskan ‘So me Ippeflanl had in renal m. npevltlve Dresumpfiun .71 Imlficxmw uvdev x mm mm mm on the mm at pwbabtlwex mm Vuvel at rebulm Nice: 3 71-whet emdarmary burden an the anpe\lnn\' [571 Dengan pemzkam anggapan dv bawan 5371637 Im juga, e\emen pengedaran Ievah dlanggap maka keduama lenuduh mkanaxan msngedar fladah (ersebut semnggz umukukan sebahknys (mm: the canfraryls pmyed; Tenuduh-lertuduh flengan W peflu mengemukaksn kelerangan yang mencukupv umuk mengakas anggzpan leysebut alas wubangan keharangkalmn (nquk Ny cm Km y PP (1594; 2 cm 591 darn Manamad Radhi y PF(1992)1 so» 445;. [59] Ds\am Dembalaan mereka. Iertuduh-(enuduh mengemukakan Iakla mbawah szbagzw mm. sangganan (rabumz/evidence) 1 raaa dadah awnpaz semasa serbuzn dlbuat amaaapan rumah Na 94 2 Dadah Cirmabss hanya auumusx ax ds\am mum Tertuduh Keduay dmlmahnya d\ No 32, Jalan Sekunlum a 3. sakn panmaxaan sm dan sns mengeszhkan sm memegang beg lkaa |urun uan mllk Terluduh Kadua. 4 Saks: sos ma mengalaksn meVma| Ham membawa Deg ban-maan Ikea |erse|>u(na1k ks Tenuduh Kenna 5 sns (Am\ru¥) menaalaksn Dada ma\am xaaman, ma man dxhanlar olsh nakmn ke mman renuaun Panama nan mereka hevmain game Manna Legsnddmadapan mrnzhnya Amnrm [ugz mengalakan saarang yang meraka pinggll sebagax -um datang menghamar kereua Memedes yang dlgunakan oleh Temmuh Kedua. pakw berdekatan dengzn mnan, menguncv kerata dan malelakkan kuncw alas Iembok pager n-man Tenuduh Panama flan beflam pelgw menallu kendevaan Vain (Araham puun) Semasa pnhs dztang membua| serhuan‘ Terluduh Penama melankan dm sus nampix Pohs ambvl kuncl dan atas lambvk uan memenksa keuava Mercedes Seae\sh dflahan xeuga-uga meveka caran dnhawa ke mmah Tenudun Kenna dan selelah memenksaan dI|7ua| dw bllxk Tammun Kedua, sue mangarakan mehha| pohs meluumpaw neg hewarna bvu benullsan Vkea flan Sam beg kenas bellulisan Nike yang mana cam. dwlurqukkan men pafis mengandungw gama 6. Usm Demenkssan uxama namau-p Amm mhax Panaakwaan memahun (ankh lam unluk memenksa naxaa dan menyemak beberapa an yang dmmbulkzn Manangnya Amwul hdak Vagi in am HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA «-ma Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm ma nrW\nnU|:I mm: flan-mm VII nF\uNG Wm! dapal mkesan aiei. pihak Pendakwaan pada |ankh henkumya wz\aupun sapma lelih aixeiuai-kan Kegagalan serahan saplna dlkalakan kerana Amiml cam. puiang xe Keiaman dan hdzk iagi flupal mkeaan Maka xaeiangan spa lerhenh saiakac pemenksazn mama lanpa dlwal bales olen pmax Pendskwsan [591 Saya meneml dan mempemmbsngkan keseiunman pembaiaan keduadua Ierluduh dan saks>-saksi pemneiaai. dan oeipemapan, lemiduh-Iertuduh (elah mengemukakan versl yang berbeza dengan kas pendnkwaan iaiapi selan darn dvsokong oxen xeiarangan sm, SD5 aai. 5D6(/lmirul) [ea] Meruiuk kepada xeiemngan sud flan 505‘ darn pengamalan saya dan segi demenaur dim kanslslsnsl kelerangan, saya berpendapal merekatidak mermruukkzn ada herkemungklnan msmhenksn xexaiangan urmik kapenlingan Terluduh Kedua semala-mafia zlau eeigaiang dengan ielas saksi yang berkepenlmgan (mlemsted) alau yang mak man mperzayal iunimsmimyi sagiiu iuga dengan xeieiangan sue [61] Puma pelingkal mi, pemneiaan hanya peiiu menyangkal bllkh pengedaran alas imnangan kebalangkallan dan se|emsnyanya mammbulkan keraguan yang rmmasabah lerhadzp ks: Pendakwaan xeauamia Ierluduh lidak sekadar manafikan ieiapi memhenkan sam versl kejadian yang bane» dilenms nemvama lakls bahawa memang |erdapa| beherapa semuan iam miaxuxan pada nan yang sama bersangkm dengan panangkipan maieka [521 Mahkamah Rayuan daiam supwimanu-nra/Lands nrrdsmveys Kucliing Division v uaiianmi RAmblIK-M12014] 1 LNS m ada mew/abut mengenai lahap pembu n‘ szya pellk sehagai panduan ‘- Thu aavanaa ul nmbabmes may he vwsuaflsed is a scale mm ma pmnm plncmg ms ewdenue on ana ma and ma aaranaam umnaa on ma am ma Cum waluavu ma amanca aa In ma wugm .: clmes ov mun: mnvumbls uvwaenue names no wewqhl nemana mmut evwdenw «a puxmy ma durum hkewwsa can curvy nawa-am ana hence ma ram ‘bale demaf [ea] Saya ‘uga mengamhll pandusn makwd -xenaguaa mImasahah‘dan pehkln dalam kes PP v Smmln 11511 1 LNS 1 15 sepeni amawan. -u \s ml maa possible aaum, uauusa everymmg mmmg m human awaaa ana dlpandmq upvm mum amdsnm .a apen m same possnaa er ma-navy flwbl n V: IMI stale am-a case wmch ans! ma am. mmaanmn Ind mnanmanan at an evmeme was ma mmds av Mars In men conduun In a mom cenamly M the am av me an-ge I: ran aaam am um Hut -maananua mum’ is me mm which mam ywu naasuxa as to m. eomanua M m. cnncllulun mun. yaa much. :4 unanr your aim: Ind upon your cwuclenun am you um Vully lnvucyrlnd ma wldcncv and complnd n m an n. aana, you a In ymnsifl n mm Mlle is gulhy, men 1: V: a maanam. man u h a mum: wman umu u. ynur ...aa.n..n am am: a rlslmy plant mm or a somehmzs smd Imus! b: aaam so iommn am mazannax 2x to pmducem ma mmdx «:1 ma |umrs aama uucanmnly us «a ma vevflln lo he given A reasanalfle daum must be a aouhl ansmg Hum ma ewdervue av want av nmdsnne and c:mu7| be an wmawury duuhl or oanpeclwv unvedabw w ev\denae' -Penakanan mlambah [ea] Selelah menflaw kembalx krsdxbllm sm din SP2 dan maaamngkan dennan ketevangan pambexaan, saya aapan vets: pemaaxaan ada kamungkvnan (probable) benar saya menquk kepzda pvmsxa asas da\am kes Ma: v PP (19531 ms 32 yang mana ma lakla yang dlkemukaknn aleh pembnflaan In: new drpercays: maka keduadua (emmuh perm anepaauan Jtkapun fakm yang amukakan alah mervka mak an an HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA ma. sanaw n-nhnrwm a. med a mm .. nrighvnflly MIMI dun-mm van mum perm [31 D\ am kes pendakwaan, saya memumskan hahawa pmak pendakwaan benzya mamhukukan Xe: pnma Yams alas pemmuhan kezlas mereka nan (anuduh-(enuduh mpanggu unluk memnaxa dun [4] Mereka lelah memmh member: katemngan bersumpah dan1imz(5) saksx awam pembalaan yang Vzinlelah mpanggll D. akmrkas pemhelaany saya menaapan xenuuumemaun bsrjaya mengakas anggavan an bawah s27 (Ga) den salemsnys benaya memmhulkan keraguan yang mlmasahih lamadap kes panflakwaan Maka mpumakan bzhawa pendakwaan Isiah gagal memnukmkan ks: mmampam keraguan mlmasahzh [5] owan yang darmkvany kedua-dua lenuduh |e\ah flflepaskan dzn dibehatkan nan sauap penuduhan ks alas mevska. [6] Pmak Pendakwaan |e\ah merayu ke Mahkamall Rayuan alas kepumsan (ersebul, maka benkut adalah imam says Nlrill kn Plndakwnn [71 Bemndak a«as mzklumal keglatan daflah, pada 21 Jun 2:120‘ yam lebm kurang 11 zu malam. lnsp Mahd Aflzwm Fairuz bin Ramlv (sum hersama bebsrapa anggmanyz lelah bevgsrak ks Vokasn m No. 94‘ man Sekunmm 14‘ Tzmzn sum Dahlm Fun Gudangy Juhov (mmnh Na. :4) [31 Kerela apevasl mpamra. hadapan rumah Na 94 nan sm melmal lerdapal M93 13) nrang max. Memyu seflang bemln den herkumpm dn hadapan vumah (ersehut Persekn:-nan Vukasl kanka nu muarangi cahaya lampu ]alan dzn pagar rumah dalam xeaaaan lerbuka Fads: masa yang sama, sa\ah saarang anggom semuan‘ Sjn Mahd Fawzal bin Ra1aI|(SP2) mehlwafi iebuah Kereva jams Mercedes Eenz parklr aw nauapan rumah (elsebul sw HPwMcu4Ema1AsHaIuaA "Nuns Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; .. gummy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! mpamayai sekalipum saya max bcleh mensahllkan mereka memnkan ada absan bahawa xlnya gagan memmhulkan keraguan yang munasabah am Manama mum Yaacab I/PP (1921) 2 cu 2011) [65] Says telah mermaw dengan |elm kes pembelaan aan man msmbual dnpmnn sa<a:as dengan 5152A KTJ Sayapxga mermux xevaaa Dinduan Radni m da\am kes Mahmud mam Yukon sapem berikut -n m . wafl uuhluhed rmnm|2\e an Mnmysmn amnmax law max me genera! mean ac pram hes Imroughuul ma Ina! on ma Dvusecmmn in mm bsynnd rl snnihle duum me gum ar Ihe mum ran ma Lmervoe mn vmum na .. durged were 1: no swmlzv human mined on me nursed m pnwe ms mnuuarwee Ne up/esumad nnaaam unm woven gumy Yo eam an aoqmflak ma cue, .; nmary in 12.“: relsunlme duuhl m Ihe pvusacumm case \n ma mwse a~ me proeecuonn saw, me pmxecmmn may clown: My on mnama Ihmlmy mmumphuns In Draw: aue armare M In aaaamm Ingredients at In charge wnan «na« occurs «n. pamcmar um... ac pron! as append In ma ganam burden shm m ma fleverwe to ram sum presumpbans an we balance m pnanannmaa Much Imm ma amends Dam! av vnew u haavmltun una burden ulcaslma araaaenaua mm, hunllwicuwnw hyhnec man he bumon anna mammmn m wave beynnd reawrlnlzle mm [66] Keslmpmannya‘ szya bsrpandaual hahawa xexevangnn bukv kes pemhelazn ada kemungklnan Dena: Sehubungan dengan nu, walzupun udak yak: saya jugs berpendapat keselmuhzn kas namnexaan man benaya memmbmkan kavaguan yang munasabah (emadap kes pendakwaan dan salerusnya memslahksn anggapan amawan s 37(fla) a|as wrlbangan keharingkallan Punilaian kumangan Pombalaan [57] Dadah (perluduhan panama) ada ksmungkmzn lelah mjumpa. an rumah Tenuduh Keduz we 1:) many saksx manganaxan xanyi «mam 11 am HPLuMcu4Ema1AsHaIuuA «ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm van mum am mum oxen spa, (mime: uleh sm, sns dan sue) sa|u beg mm benuhsan IKEA dan salu beg kenas hanullsan NIKE sns mangalakan bag nu dxbawa nleh Halvm sebemm Tenuduh Kmua dwangkap Fakla ml yuga mum web sue (Amlvw) [ea] vem buhawn kenumgkman dadah sebenamya hdak duumpzw damn kerela kerana pmak pulvs lelah membua| serbuzn m we (3) Inkasx Iain, txfleh dilevima [as] Padz han kqadian, Tenuduh Kadua pavw Nmah Tertuduh Penama sslalah amanm alsh sD7 Fakla mi disoknng dengan kelevangan so: (ayah Terluduh Perlama) yang nampak Terluduh Kedua datang (Idak menawkl kendaraan Mengvkut sum semasa mum-mula sampm kerela Mercedes (yang dlkalakan ads dadah flldmamnya) mad: :1! lempal parkvr mluu mmah Yermduh Panama Vni menyokung kumungkman kere|a Mercedes Ievsebul sebsnamya mm d\ (empal psklrpafls mas: Tenudun Ksdua mma-mws sampaw m mmah Telluduh Pellama [701 Kewujudan panama Hzhm‘ msem dalam kes pendakwaan Iagw Dlsahkan uleh sps bahawa Tenuduh Kedua man sswakan karma kepada Hahm pada harl kuaman ram ml mengxkat pmak Pendakwaan kerana Ia dmmbulksn flan kelerangan saksl meveka — mink kes 1» v Ha ha Kun (mu) 3 cm 71, on Mzka ada kemungkman walak Hllxm bukan vekaan (finflousj [71] Peguam te\ah hevhmah bahavwa ke|erangin SD4 uan sns nampak SP1 membawa keluar dadah max dlpenksa ba\as aleh plhak Penflakwaan Twdalquga amankan hahawa mhak pohs ads pelgw ks lumah Tenudun Kedua kerana Pandakwlan hdak menamkan xewumaan Iaper.-n Wlvs ms 22 sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! 172] Saya dapzu. whak Pendakwaan ada mencadangkan kepuda Terluduh Panama, sm mm 505 bahawa «am sw «mm: menjumpax barsng kes m mmzh Tenuduh Kedua am vekaan kerana mengikut ms‘ uaaa barang sa\ah man duumpal semasa pemzviksazn mwat din meveka udzk berxelujn Se|elah menyemak nn|a kelemngan‘ waapau nmak Pendakwaan ndak meny:1a\ ba\as tau ml kepsda Tenuduh Kedua Mengenal sue pula‘ pihak Pendikwun mink belpeluang mm menyoal hams mm m. aias kegagalan unmk mengesannya [13] Sungguhpun begnu‘ seya bevpendapal, huuan D25 dxkzmukakan oxen pmak Pemnexaan adakah uniuk menyanggah ke|emngan sw yang menguakan pasukan sevbuan Ie\ah (ems bavgerak balnk he IF-‘D Sen Mam pads malam |alssbu| sedsngkan ada semuan lam dmuan [74] Selerusnya, lakia bahawn sm, sns dan sns secsra kunsislen mengaiakin ads mehha|SP1 membawa am having mg menyerupaw beg yang fllrampas, mamamkau kreammu ss-1 semkimmaxarkama sm Vangsung lvdak menyanmh Iakta benzwa hahau dan pasuksn ad: pergl ke mmah Tertufluh Kedua Naratil mi pammg kerana susulan dan nu, persoalan mg hmbm adzlall mengenal ramalan kelzvangan barana Keys [75] Jwka pmak Fendzkwaan hdak menankan sevbnan lawn ad: dxbust semeslmya penjelasan mengenaw keberadaan baring kes yang helum dllandakan mmaxvumxan kapadz Mahkamah Tanya maK\uma| mengena. kawa\an barang Res sebemm SP1 sampaw ke mu‘ saya (idak none» menulup sebelah maca em memhua\ mlevan Ianya dalam jagaan SF1 [151 ms lalah dmux kepada spa dan bellau wga tebh mengesahkan kewugudannya Fercanggahan kmevangan sm. swz flengnn D25 perm duelasksn Saya menquk kepada s 91 Ana Kelemgan dan keg Ah M: v PP[1.v51)1 Mu 22:1, Namun begun, dalam kes ml. hada penmaian man mbuax o\eh svc rm wamaun sna (Amwrul) gagal maawa a\eh pmik Pendakwaan semasa kes Pendakwaan, namun behau lelah benaya msapma \m|uk kes pembelzan waxauaagamnapun, usal pemanksaan mama, kanamran Amvm lehh gagal an umskan aleh plhzk Pendakwaan dan kmemngannya Malt dapal dlperiksa balas men plhak Psudakwaan Fembelann bemmah flan szya se|u]u bahawa kesdaan W cexan member! kesan kepada m\a| keuennan Kerlersngannya yang mana zkan mamvrajudnskan xenuaun. lertuduh ketana ke|erangzn sna menyokang pembelaan bahawa dadah hdak duumpaw da\am karela mam cu mmah Terluduh Kedua uan bahawa pada nan Kajaduan Halwm ada aacang menyerahkan kerala Mercedes sehemm benam dalam sebuah kere1aAIphavfl puhh [75] Mengenaw an kagagaxan pvhak Pendakwaan memasnkan kehadvran saksl Amllm mu. aaya meruwk kepeda kes ‘n Cnuee Hizng v PP [1955] 2 ML./ 431,dm-zsna Mahkamah Agony ta\ah mamumsxan, amara Vain‘ ‘WM: me vroseaunw ha: a cum;-Lat: aaamn .a in ma maybe at mmssas in n. clued It me man. u msu nas the duty In an an necuury wwnesus essenlm za the ufloldmg or in: natntive a! me pruseumou case to eslahflih pmm¢ lhe necused beyond an mwnanne awn: Aum vury mm, m. pmnecuwr should makn mum . ’ bl: Var cmsscximlnallon by an- amna. n ma pmseculnun lafled In mm m my. ma Iuculed must he newnes- —Penekanan dvlambah [79] Saya mga berpendspal bahawa Armrm aua>ah aaxa yang manna! dan pemmg unluk mekangkapkan nzrahl kes pendakwian uan yugn pamneman aexexan isu kamungkinan man duumpaw when m tempa| kepdlan aanagannana dalam perluflnhan dmmbulkan Mungkin vanya syn HPLuMcu4Ema1AsHaIuuA «-ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mums dun-mm vu mum an.‘ max hegim penlmg semasa ken nendakwaan‘ namun se1e\ah dmmbmkan lakva yang beycangganan, ketevangan Amm meruadl relevan dan kagagaxan mengemukakannya msmmxenkan saya mengguna mm: mcara unmk mengangnap kelerangan mum yang bakaldnkemukakin alsh Amlml Udzk mamihak kepsda pmak Pendakwaan Say: dengan Im mengguna pike! anggapan dmzwan s114(g)Ak(3 xewangan [so] Dalam ks: Amrl Ibrahim A Anni. V‘ PP [1017] 1 cu 511‘ Mahkamah Pesekuluan |e|ah mamutunksn, anxnm lam ‘<2; The pnwer m 12-: own m draw an Idvane Wevunca undar 1 mm ov me Ewdnrvce M: E dnscvsnnniry u dnpendx an me n:\n:ums(Inoes on me can and pamzmarlyln casuwheveme mmedal wnlnossss an, um pruduczd - [51] Adalall lugas an bahu pmak Pendakwaan unluk memnshkan saksi yang dwawalkan Kapafla Pemhalaan dlkemukakan Saya meruwk kapada ks: PP v Rasli bln ymomazv) 7 cu m, dipuluskan aleh Mahksmah Paisekuluan yang telah mermuk kepada hulahan peguam (dalam kes lelssbul) yang mm telah d\perse|u]uIsepeI1I benkur 1221 n suppofl at In: suhlmulun rehunce was mm an m. Enahsh Caun Cnmmzl Anne]! use M R '4 Marine Henry Bryant s Ann\‘nsr{194E)31Cr App x us‘ where the Cum rsaunmsu that me prosewnun ha: . du|y m max. a pawn ma an we mama: mam. xv lble Ia dflencs w may dead: ml m can mm m} Leamad nnunsel msu menu us to the pve»Mnme«i ms: M van Lee Yang V R [195s| 22 MLJ «:14 when: we Cami nan: that an witnesses mm nataemanls have been laken ihntfld be bvaugm In Caurl by me mewuw‘ excem muse whoa: Ivmeme mu may and omwy mm rm hgm an me pass, and any wwmess ml sn brought CD Cmm m\n| be made avaname to ma nucused should he dulrem can such Mines; [211 Yhnappmlinlveflsfl heavfly on lhadacmun uHmsCaumn n owe: many vFF[1E95jJCLJ < Mlereln Ihscuulse own judgment Edglv mean J1 nu 25 sm npwMu.4zm.asna.m mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mn.u.y mm: mmn vu mum pans! also wAh zppvlwil pessnfies rm». me Aumnan cue cl ammm V a mm m cm Ha. wherein: m. nlex::evp|Ieads {:1 page 5; — ~ §IcDl\dVy,Il1IvI\xvuom for same dehale as In what .. mum :7, me npenmg wum: an the sulemenl and n mum mu be mad as {nhwbmng me msaetmn mm was pmsacmnr nus not m an \n the Cmwn can my eymmlness n he wins m.unm.mmu.m.....mvw rwlcnmllfi hIm.=.s,lo1nx:mpLe,vmnr- hr wnmwes man the wings: .s m : creams and trulhnd wxms m (ms mm In: pmseculor wm arvsuva mnne .m.m .. grven ma oppanumly in 2:1! mg wn1nau'[5Ie mm um Ymmg Sun Y mu: Prn1:culnr|19SA]2 sm 2571 [251 lumed amines! mm xubmnled out me cnnstquence at 1»: vvveaounwvx fiawlura m mm mmme mm wntnlax-5 la the defence Vs a mu mime aupeI\IM‘s ngmm . Immil and the ipyeflam had been dlpnvafl an ovpnrlumly in wcseul Ms case m the run mnrmurn puuxble vmlh . mw In aecunng an aaqunlal (See :2. Kwan Wan V PP[2W1| sou 53: Fe)‘ [B2] sememsnya a. muka macaw‘ 69: man 693 -ml Dug m mar Spec! me m amine! mm, mm pmsecumrs are under mam weH-defined dune: mummy my duty vi msdosure (pea ; an at u. cpc), 1u)dmymr.Il\ .ummmeanu rdavvwlwnnusas nm11M)dmylncunour.1 me me «my (See R v Eank:[I91e]2 xa an R V SugIlman(19E5)25 Cr Ape R ms nu Mummm Kaaarm Anulhevv F'P[2D‘M]3S|.R1205) (as; m mmw, :1 Is tamed Viw based an the aulhonlwuzwad In LA! by Veumed mum Vanna lpveflinl \n W: Iuhrmslmu man he umsecunnn has dlvcvehnn whether «a HH any plmcmlr wvlness‘ bu! such dlucvalmn u sumem to ma hmlhbnns m my me dsuvaun musl be exerased mm dun ugam m ccnsmetalwonx ulmmcxs and ma ram and my um wllnuniwho ma been vmahqitnfl Ivy ma puke: um «um wnom me suhemants have men resumed mus! ba mm nu ma neleme sm »«=wM.=.4zm.msua.m «mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! [451 n 15 mle law on. n u nu! ma dmy al ma ippsflanl w plvua ms mnnuenbe av n can . pnmcmar Mines: Io iuppun nn aaoam (see Yun Foe Su V pp [1967] 1 LNS17E,|1§s7]2 ML! 19 am Sandi: Margavel anm Prn577)1 ms 1 n 1197311 MLJ 721 The ‘aw mica: upcm me pvasecunonma bmdernu pm gmll am. :ppeHin| beyand leasuname doublxnd nu| an ma nppeflanl m pm ms mnnbence wauannannnaa .n gxmspludenne Is ma me man the oanwchon mmlwveflinlmuslles|noIanl11ewa:kn:ssuHhe deiemnebmon In: strength at me pvusecmwon ma an.-awe n the burner am av nu! annnnn \:w' [as] Mengenav nna. kelerangan Arnnm yang Kvflak mac a: scan balas clan pmak Pandakwaan, saya msvuwk kepadn kes Kamalan Shtlk Mohd v pp 12:21:14 cu m flan bersannu dengzn pandangan flan kmian yang annwx men Ham mengenai kapantmgan seseamng saksi unluk an soak Dams dengzn panun (compma) oleh pmamnnax dalam sasuan. pmswdmg ,enayan Keadaan .n. menumukkan betapa penungnya lngss Pendakwaan unluk memasukan kehadwan Amvul Oleh kerzna kalerangan Amlvw not tested by wny av cross examfmarron, wanyi lelah mempuanmuskan keduadul (enuduh kerana kelarangan Am\rul konswslen dengan ketevangan sm am 505 [341 Dalam kas ml, says berpandzngan. say: maum bnleh menenmz kelaangan A.-mun, wa\aup<m dnanaxan sehagaw sehahagian 1pamaY) namun aengan aaanya kelerangan yang sama dari saksl lam, kelevangan Annm: Ialap Ielevan den boleh dlmlaw seadanya. [as] Sekzdar unmk mebngkapkan, saya mannux kepada kes Thai/anamln En subramaniam v PP (1997; 3 cu 150 dzn memjuk kepada pnnslp yang mpmnskan oleh Mahkzmah Persekuman sepem dlbawah 17 am HPLuMcu4Ema1AsHaIuaA “Nuns snn be used m van; .. mn.ny mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! -n was :« ma aacuaaa In an. an mnaoem a>(p\an:nnn wmch me Conn cnmmaveu male \|ke\yII1anm7l Dltnwlstme we unab:\anwnIpvnba|u\mu ma mslapphed wn mu pmctedmgi PPV Vuvarap [1959] 2 Mu as Pc' [as] Juga mermuk kepida kes Public Proucutor v Iskandar bin Manamid Yu.:oI(ZWS] mu 559. lalah dlpuluskan behawa V m 21 M ma aamsa M ma dshncl mp ma accused person nu. had Ifleged man the bag wmch comamed ma drug: Wu awed by one Nzstan. a mum wmu mu vnxanaa . nae Hum mm (ml mm TM: yam had manlqed In make me ms uapa Gunny me aanvuuun, luvmg the managed person evenruafly stunned Ind bemg hem Ieqpmmme lot I11: aaanaanaa mcnmmllmg Hem wxm ma Auwwny m the muses pemun gwan under mun. ms awaanoa mu men! saunas aansmananon lI| flan: 3| no sin: m ma Manna win he Impuached The pzmnenl quesflon naawaa «a ma msarved thus was. was In pnssdfle man the mystevwoux Nulanmfl praaaawexm, ann mu maqesnlncflml avananw zlhmad In In mm as a pasxpan In escape in: charge’! AA mu slug: av me aavanaa man. wax na man! demand that M m\mVn:1ulHy wove Nissan um anal NI na naaaaa in an wu In mace», pevsuade ma pvummg wage of max pmhibthly lmexucueeded mm en a aawanca avpnaaammy (hos: dmgl mum we been Hassarfi. ma mexmalflyeycnelaung mn- [371 saya belpendapal. din kesemmahan keuerangan yang dwkemukzkan da\am pamnaxaan, any: man hevsllat panaman den penuxnan «erxemuman le|apI lalu kemungkman mmnabmry) Ksrrmngkman Im juga Ie\ah mmangkan kepada sakan pendakwaan lag: [ea] Puhak Pendakwaan bamwah memhawz kepada pemauan saya mengenaw knaannlm saksn pemhelaan yang mkaxakan aemcnva dan bevkepannngan Says dzpah, fakva bahawa sus max dapnl menqasahkan Halim pevgw karumah Yenudnh Kedua menam kerela apa max meruzdikan sns bukzm szksw yang kradxhelalau seomng saksuyang berkepenflngan ann beta! sabe\ah Pads: pendzpal saya wga‘ soe (Ammnl) lmak membenkan kelelangan yang saracms axau menuruukkan as am HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA “Nana am.‘ n-nhnrwm n. LAIQ4 m mm .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm vu mum am swa: bvas alau mempunyaw aganda lelsendln hanya kerana memhenkan kelersngan yang mammax kepada |enuduh-larluduh m. aflmah kerana ksmungkman vevsx meveka lpembalaan) ad: benamya dan telah memhuat saya hearing as In me correctness 0/ me cone/us»on (umuk sabitan) — ruwk kes Salmln yang dxruiuk dv atas nntuk maksud ‘reamnsbls daubf. Kulmpulnn [39] Say: helpendapal hanawa kewuwdan 025 flan ueaerangan sum sus :13" we memadwkzn ramauan kalemngan baung ks: Ierpums kevana max duelaskan kebsrauaan harang kes dadah yang fluampzs damn lempah masa (arsehm Pevcanggahan qkexemngan sm, sns aan snay dangan xexerangan SP1 dan spz sens tanpz peruelasan oleh msrska‘ memmkan «am: Aersebul sa|u landa tanya flan memadlkan pmomny hzhawa dadah dqumpal dwmah Tenuduh Ksdua senagamana ueeemngan semua saksmksx pembexaan ad: ksmungkman benzrwalaupun hdakmyaklnl kabanarinnyi Says memguk kepada kes Ganapathy Renwasamy V PP mm; 2 cu 1, yang menyehul «n ma. |o n. nmcmband Inn hnwevtr w-Ik . dflumu mly be. um 1-aw Iulng juduu L11 bo1nlazunfl\xw:nou\d mrljusl mm. mann- dllencn an mu hash um um nmsucufleu wimnun m m be bellevvcd um not an m...;.. Where In: law «zit: the aims :24 gmng an axbtananun upon In accused pawn, and me explanihun Ixgwun mm 15 msmn: wan vrvuacgnca‘ m. mun a duly hmmd m wnsldcr wlmhnr n mm VI scmhly :1. cm, allhuunh nvl carmncm of It: Innh. On In: Issue at am calm‘: dulym cansldurmn .1 mu, ms nu old dnlnlnn 1.. MIN PP new 1 ms 52 [\9s3| Mu 2631: sill! good Llw is u wu «mu. mu lufluvmd uy m. supmm Enutl m Momymzd Rnam hm mm V PP [1951] 1€L.IR¢p 211, (199113 cu am, mm: ML1 159' —Penekanan dnambah [so] Saya ulang, dlpenngkal pembexaan, hanya reasonable dnubl penu mkemukakan Maksud rsaxurlab/s doubt (nuuk kes s-mun) udalah Sam um: wmclv makes you hssviate as to me correctness, slteryou mm lu/Iy Investigated ms swdsnce and compared :1 m all its part, you say 1.7 ynurselfl doubt n he .5 gum Konumun (911 Make, se(e\ah memmbang fakta kas Dambalaan dengin parsvekln yang new snflzvas dengan kemrangan kes pendakwnan. saw no not acwn! ar be/rave me accused‘: sxplamanon but nevertheless yr rursas In my mm a reasoname doubts: m rm gull! (Mn v PF'I1953)15 MLJ m) [92] men yang demvklan, unluk perluduhan panama‘ dlbawsh : 35(3), kednauuz tenuduh hanaya mengskss anggapan pengedzran dlbawah s. anua) afas Imhangan kebarzngkallan dan dengan nu banayl mennmbwkan kevaguan yang munasabah Aarhadap kes penflakwaan renummanuuun dengan ml uuepasxsn din dlhshaskan dan permduhzn panama [93] Manganav pammuhnn kedua‘ mwaupun szya hevnuas nan‘ darn panzuacan Terluduh Panama malankan dvn din didah duumpan dwbadannya, pembelaan gagal menaflkan sebahnguan e\emen kesalahzn dwbawah 512(2) namun‘ oxen «um [emu mpumskan dwalas bahawa rinman kaerangan nmng kes |eVah lerpuhts. maka Vanya man mevwlqudkan kalnmpangan da\am Kai pendakwaan Walaupun fakva |evsebu( hanya mhuknkan semasa kes pembelazn (lakla percanggahan D25 dangan kanemngan sm dzn nasn penahhan kelerangan smsmy Maka Tenuduh Panama mg: dllepiskan dan dlbebaskan dari pemmuhan kzdua sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! [9] sm tumn dam kendevaan uperzsi flan marnnerkanaflxan am sebagai anggma was Salah seorang dsrlpsda nga (ay saspek Velakx Melayu mam mslunkan am ke alah mar ruman 51:1 belsama uga 43) lagw inggora bemndak n.ange,ar le\zk| Iersebul dan mamben arahan kepada SP2 dan um Laa An Shm agar herads dx nampac kejadmn unluk manga».-ax dua 42) law saspek lemkl Mehyu yang lawn [cu] SP1 lelah benaya mermngkap saspek Celsehux sanalan nyengqar smauh nrak mo meter ke arah kamsan |aman pannainan kanakakanak sm kenalkan mu kepada saspak aan haw pemenksaan lubuh naaannya menjumpai salu 41) peKe( plasuk hnslrmr aiayam dadah syzbu (F123) dalam poke: hadapan kanan seluav Imam (P143) yang mpeksv saspak yang kemudlannya mcamkan sebagaw Muhamad Ran bin Rasflm mm; Tenuduh Penama [11] 5:21 kamnmannya mzmbawa Terlufluh Panama ke hadapan mmah Na 94 aamula flan due (2) saspek Vain (elah d:kena\ paw ssbagsx Muhammad Nanafi bin Mahd Aznes waxlu Terluduh Kedua flan saspek keugz sehagai Annnn Aflan Fahrm hm msnarnmsmn (Am I) [12] Pemeviksaan badan lemadap ran-mun Kedua dan Amwul max manemuv aaa-apa harang sa\ah Namun, pemankaaan ke am Terluduh Kedua nalan dwjumpaw sa|u kuncl elekhomk berlamhang Memedes(P15A) dw paket naaapan sebalah kanan semar panpang kelabu mac; yang dwpakaw alan man (131 sm xexan mengarahkzn Tenuduh Kedua mengakmkan mm Mevcedez Benz dengzn nombcr panaanaran wvmzs (P15) yang mparkn wemn kuvang 5 kakl darlpafla mman review! 591 kemudlan manmankan pamenksaan ke alas kenderaan terxebul din dw dalam banal menjumpai 1 Deg karwas mm. mm (Pwxy yang an flnlamnya 4 an HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA "Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; me mn.u.y mm; dun-mm vu mum am [941 Vsu vamawan kalemngan baring kes wm wga lelah memban Kesan kepada pambukuan mewampam karaguan munasabah umuk peflumman kelxga yang man; hdak begun amen nemanan men keduadua beflah pnhak flzkam Ilujahan maswngmavlng Sungguhpun beglhl, saya herpem1apa|. Ianya |elap Ierkesan. Mm, keduz—dua tefluduh ]uga mlepasxan aan dwbebaskan aan permduhan kulvga ml Banankh s Novembev 2023 |NOOR HAVAYI a Pesummayz Ks knman Mahkarnah Tmgg Mzkayz Jnhorflshm Ferwakllan » Ezgl plhak Pendakwaan Fuan Sm uamza mm Abdmlah nmbaxsn Fenflzkwz Raya Pejzba| srenasmat Undang—Undang Negev: Jnhar Ares 2, Bzngunan Data‘ Jaalar Muhammad Kola xskanaav, lskandar Pmsn Jahm Bag: pmak Tenuduh Penama Puan Lymanu h|n|| Mansov Lydlana Law Chambers AA‘ Ja\an Lembah 1 Taman Desa Jaya 81100 Jnhor Bahm Jahnr 31 sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! Bag! pmak renumm Kedua Encwk mm Fazaly Ah bm Mam Ghazzly The Law Chambers ol Filmy No 24AJa\an caman Taman Perhng mun Tampal Johov sw »pwMu.4zm.asuam «ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm mengandungw enam (5; kemlan mampzf bemalm pIastiklutsmar|P11B) disyakw ganja Semmsnya pemenksaan IanMSP1 mm: manwmpan salu Wag: beg kenas herwami cuklal henuhs mm on m (mm mengandungw ma kemran mampa| belbalul plasuk \usinaI(P12C) juga msyam ganja m1 Pemenksaan a. daiam karma mun meruumpzw sekapmg mu (FHA) lenulls name Tarluduh Kedua ylng hersrrnpan dw buhagwan ‘am! ms!‘ sebalah Km pernanau Pemenksaan m hadapan mmah pula, bevdekalan kellgz-:—uga meveka (keduz—dua lenuduh den Annnm berkumpm, SP1 meruumpaw due halal plasnk Vulsmal yang mangandungr cecarr d\syak|ukelum(P13A can mam [<51 Pemsnksaan satamsnyn dwbuat m man as Temmun Penamn m damm rumah Na 94‘ yang melupakan mman kemarnan kelnavga Terluduh Panama balsam: mu bans dan vslennyn, hdsk menemu: aDa~ apa baung man 591 an spz kemudlarmya bersama—sama kadua—dua lenudnh darn Annmn bevgerak rnanam Mamsdez Benz memuu ks Wu San Nam uh ulah kandaraan unerasv. [we] on M) 5enA1am‘D€ny9d\ain dokumen nan penanaean barang kes flnbual oleh sw dan dakumewdakumen berkailan mseraman kepada Pegnwai Penyiasay lnsp Mend Hafiz bin Human (spa; paua keasnkan hannya, 225 mu jam mam kmang 7 malam my spa menghantiv baring xss xe Jabalan Kmui din haul anshsa menaesahkan twang kes yang mmmpas adalah dadah berbahzya saw (a) cannams bevy! bersm 3942 15 gram m Mllragymne beral bevsm 1950 ml m Memamphemmme halal bersm 24 34 gram 5 syn npwMu.4zm.asnam mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dnpltnn mu keg Pendakwaan [ta] D1 penngkavl akmv kes pendzkwaan, salu kes prlma facrs sebagznmzna mperunlukkan dmam $13007 Karwn Talacsra Jenayah (KN) perm uwmxan olah pmak pendakwaan flan kemrangan mm: mg bo\eh dxpercaysn dan kredwbel yang mana uka hdzk disangkal akan membalehkan saman dlhual (rwuks 150 («p KTJ flan ks; Abctullnn Ann Iwn pp (mo) 9 cu 151) [191 Ungkapzn “msngemukakan kelerangsn kukuh yang membukltkan setup aazu Yak!orkesaIamin"da\am 5 mm) belmzksud hahawa plhak permakwaan perm menmuknkan senip alemen kesalahan sama ada dengan mengemukakan kelerangan yang mush mpamayau, membuzt mieren Qemsdap ram alau menggunapakaw anggapan \mdang—undang umm kes AbdulI.ahAmn dw muka suraI196) [201 K95 puma Iacfe va\ah kes yang nuancukum un|nkIer1uduh4er(uduh mpanggu unmk mamawab penuduhan kealas mereka dan ketevangan yang wxemuxakan mencukupl melamkan wa d|szngka\ alau dnzkas malalm ketelangan lam (hha| kes salaahandnn v PF [ms] 1 cu :5) Dalsm kes Dug cmng Huang Mn PF mm) 4 cu ms, panflangan Vmcent Mg. J |aIah mnnuk flan msahkan men Mahkamah Persekutuan da\am kas Abdullah Ann mengenaw apa yang |erjum\ah sabagav satu kes pnma fame sap-em benku| < prim: lama wrflence 15 zvmsnce mu .5 §\M<:\em to eslibush a fact In ma Absence at any evvwdetloe m the camrary nm a Hal <:an<:\u:lv: 1 wmld mum mu mere shmnd he cn:¢m\e evwdenw on each and every mgvadvanl av ma ellence Cv5d>b\e wmanca n cw/wdence wmch Ms been filtered and when nas nan: mnmgn the pmcsss av zvaluannn Any ewdenoe which m not uh «n be amsd upnn shank! be n.,aa».a- [211 sew juga senagznnanz mpumskzn rfleh Mahkzmah Rayuan dalam kes Loo! Kow char v. Public Pnmcuror 1200112 MLJ 55. yang mengalakan sepem henkut -u mererove «cum Irm mere ws onw one exams; ma| a was Imng mane Lmdgv 5 wan aims are hush: umterulve alme muse anne umsecmmn use He musl subleu me prosscufinn emdenoe to mzxlvvum wamanon and to ask hlnvl-N Ins quesonn n : mm to can uwn (ha nwusau in enler ms defiance and he e\u:Is ta mnan swarm am n pvepalad In cunmcl nnn an mu mm», at me avmenne umm m we pmsecmlun mew w the answer .5 .n ma nwnlwz than no puma line can has been made man and ma accused mum be enlmad la an nequmm ‘ [221 Maka. daham menenmkan pembukuan kes prima /ame, salu penllalan secava makzlma pm dxbual (erhadap kesahuuhan kaumngan huklv yang mkanwkakan (armasuk menus: uraammu saksw-saksl am manna! Inleren yang huleh dlbual dan keterangan mu kes pendakwaan unmk memhuklwkan selian elemen kesalahan (nuuk kes PF V Mnhd RldxIAbu smrlzaaal 1 CLJ 457) KM Prim Facln 1231 Katavanqan wxn yang perm mkemukskan uncuk kesakahan pengedavan flndah berbahayz dn umn 5 sea (1) (2; ADE zdalah bahawa dadah yang dirampas adalah dadah berbahaya seperlv yang dlsenarawkan aavam Jsdunl Panama ADE, In udalah dmam pemmkan kedua-dun Ienuduh apabfla dmulnikan dadah zdalzh :1. bawah jzgaan, kawalan dz-In pengeflalluan mereka uan setemsnya. meveka mengedar dadzh l:rsuhu| Psngediran bo\eh omuknkan dengan kelerangan langsung berdasarkan (alsvan pengedaran m bawzh seksyen ZADB alau anggapan m nawan seksyen :7 (Ha) syn npwMu.4zm.asnam mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dsdah aaaran yangterssnaralA11./adus/Psnama man sepsmmsna yang dkisfinastkan drbawah ADE [24] Jems dan hava| dadzh lalah msaman dan d\'buk|vkan dan kanarangan SP5 nan Laporan Kmua yam dwsedxskan‘ we sebauawmsna dalam Denudnhnn Ianu Isms cannams aeran berslh 394216 gram, Mllmgynme beral bevsm 1950 ml dan Melhamphetamme beral bevsih 2A.34 gram. [251 Peguam kedua—dua |erIuduh bemulah nanawa vaMa\an xemnaan harang Res lelah (emulus can wujud pevcanggahan xewangan sm dengan Vapalarflzpcrzn polls yang dlkemukakan an Dzwza Paguam mancadangkan bahawa pasnkan serbuan max (ems hergerik xe urn Iatapl raven melakuxm use (3) semuan lam mlempm yang herasmgan [251 Jug: mmuankan hanawa uaaa kelsrangan flan manadnana saksl mengenm keberadzan dadah yang dlrampzs dan duamskan ianya da\am kawaxan din ngaan sxapa pada mass serbuan ax Iakau lam auaxuxan, [27] Oleh karana vsnandaan dan nmaangan masm bemm aubuan semasa semusn amuan :1! ma Vokasl Lam mu, make mmalan kelerangan barang kes man lerpmus Kegzgalan inn mewmudkan kelurnpangan dalzm kas Fandakwaan dan mancalar kredvblw saksv pendskwaan [23] Pzda penngk ' , m hadapall say: adalah kanamgan dan asks: pandakwian yang mana max mauuukan Ida kemungkman mernpunyal max yang Izaak havk alau mom unmk mengenakan mana—mana lenuduh men an, saya menanma xeaevangan meveka sehagal hensr dsn kcnsmen Cadangan Deguam fluengenaw kemungklnan lerpulusnya ranman kelerangan harang kes semalamzla wmudnnya serbuan rain, setakal ml mzsih Ixdak meflmaskan Dembukuan pad: |ah=p nrrma ram sw »«=wM=a.4zm.«asuam «ma am n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm vu .mm v-vrm [221 Make selakat penllalan says hevdasarkan ke|erzngan szksi pendakwaan. says dapzm selelah dadah dwampas aleh svu, (andaan amuse dw pegabzu nalkulwk kemudlan dxserahkan kepada pegawai penymsan, spa yang selarusnya menghamar hsrang kes unluk ' oleh arm kvma. svs, ahia [an] Barang kas yang same: man mswmpan a. star penywmpanan barang us sahlngga dwkemukakan ke mahkamah pad: nan pemcman (nquk kss Gunnlan Ramlchzndrln v PF (2004; 5 cm 551 — - the cham of swdsnce IS mats rmponarvl for Ms penhd /mm ms hme afrecovety mm me camprsoan nflhs analysis by the charms! '; 131} Make dengan nu, saya mandapan bahawa ranlalan kelerangan barang kes max lerpulus dan pmax pendakwaan man heqaya memhukukzn slemen jams dan beral dadzh sebagaimana ds\sm psrluduhan (mmxan ma dmuzt menglkul kes smnnz-mmul Guam y. FP[1u1l] 1 on N din Su Ah Ping 1/. pp [1579] 1 ms ma) Permltkan tsmadap man [321 Eerkail kepsrman memnuknxan rarmmn pemmkan, pmak pendakwaan perlu mengemukakan ketevangan bahawa kedua-dua Aemduh mempunyal kawa\an aiau .agaan sena psngelanuan (emang dadah yang dwjumpav (hhal kss emu Fun Leon v. PP[1955] MLJ 231). Mahkamah dalam kes Chan Pun Loan Augie man memuluskan bahawa “ a person rs smd to be m possessrun :1! a (mug fl hs has the power an den! wnn u as the owner :9 the axe/usmn ofell othel pursans - [33] Maksud "cusmdy", "cnmrol" and “pos:essxon" Kelah mmncangkan flalam kes Leaw Nghu Lrm v Red [1555] 1 mm, yang mane mpenx swam benkul. ‘Custody means ha»/my car: ovguardwansmp‘ goods -n cuswdy an m m. cam at me cusludmn and.|1y neressary <n\D‘Ica\\nu us xa new cars or mm on hehill m wmnom aka Ya: mm um an m gums Imhsss ycm knmr were they Ire and have me mans ovexatmima emu: war mm Cuflhw lhevefom Imvhes knmdadgl um. .m...=. am wmvubmm -mus gmd: and pm-e< nrcunlmr uvermam‘ nMamnun1m9 In Poisasnnn comm muslbeprwedixa Vanaltdwlmuitavwsafirnmlhamhnun mmapaum us me quads. Ineiflocnve er mm may am muluband Fvabilflythe mos! mam demnmon any-uumn up 'Yhe|e1aIzcn at a peach he athmg mmmr. he nuyll N) p\Iuum axamue nut‘)! mm: :5 me am my o! In: my «mus, nu ma axduslon at ulnev verso... “ Ymxdafimnun dues n-1| expvess. Inn Man my mum meaning oflhewotfl Include: sums m knmdudga A mm mun kmzw 9412‘: exwslence no . unmet ma have same men at us vmereuboms were he can exams: my comm! mar m m mum wsxeqsmn mmay. xmphu same knawtedwe hm nmnecessavfly mu orex:¢l><nu»Med9¢' [:41 Mervsena. Dembukhan pengecanuan, Mahkamzh Pusekuluzn dalam kes pm." bin Damn V Public Pruuculur (zoos) 1 cu 717 memuluskan bahawa e\amelI psngecanuan bow: «mm can mm Jan kasimplflan vaxna Pallkan yang dwmjuk mm sapem benkm -vmmmxmueagus very emu a mmmnnream The mmm ham wma» llyl Waranna mkncw/ludge an be dniwn meumm use Incase Hwculfl us suffirierfl for me alusanmon In wave lacks mm mu. m eumd Dmpeny be mm lhzl mu anuned am he mamry krmw\ed9E' [351 Rmgkasnya‘ man "pemwkan' menquk kepada keupayzan pemlhknya unluk bemmsan dengan dadah dsngan mengecuallkan akses m sm »«=wM.=.4zm.usua.m mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Costs of RM45,000 which this Court deems reasonable is to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff. The Defendant could have avoided these legal proceedings if it had engaged with the Plaintiff prior to this suit.
YA Puan Roz Mawar binti Rozain
09/11/2023 16:19:13 WA-21NCvC-116-07/2021 Kand. 66 S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—21NCvC—11S—07/2021 Kand. as as/mznza 15:19-13 nu me man coun mun AI KUALA LIJMFLIR cML use Mo- WA—2INCvC~1I6-fl7I2fl2I BETWEEN R MEYVANATHAN AIL REYNASAMV INRII: M0,: s2n12s-1o.5a951 PLAINTIFF AND DEWAN EANDARAYA KUALA LUMPUR DEFENDANT |mroducllm [11 The maunxm a 71—yezrnLd owner zfllhe land Geran M62, mu Na mm Mulum Pelalmg‘ Damn Kuala Lumpur. vwlaysh Persskuluan Kua\a Lumpur that measured 11547 sq lee| mmaletl lms actmn agzlrst Ihe De1endznHnr|r2spass and encmachmem There Is a monsoon dram on ms Wand man the P\a\nuW had damned me Defendam oonslmcled wulnoul ms psrmlssaon Io enlerand build ms land That had wanted ms wean: ngms Ia enjoy ms land‘ as 4: is now smauer than what ne ma pumhasefl n lav The Plamhfl had repeatedly requaslad Ina oamm.-mu 1 x“ ‘ sm n>1nLnwNYEmcc1wv\a;u5n mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! move me swmauna huwl| on ms wood The Davandanw nae fawwad wo resolve wna Dmbwem The s|mw:mre ma: nad oncmacnod upon his land and oonwwnuous wresnsss onto me Pwawmiwrs land «or wne nwawnwsnanoe and nnpwvemenw works on me monsoon drawn nao resuwwoo wn loss and damages vmwch the Pizwrwml nad suvwereo The Flawrmfl pwaadad maw me Dewwendanw had laken pan ow wno w=wawnwnw-s wand war as purpose and use wwmoul compensawwon wo wne Pwainaww which wanwamdunw wo illsgaw dennvanon onne Plawnmrs wopeny. [21 The Pwawnwwrw prayad for ma Courfs docwawawwon wnaw wna Defendam had wrespasseo onoo rwws land ano wnaw (here naa oaen enooauwmonw unwo nws wand wn Ihelarrnaflhe monsoon drawn The Plawrwwlflscugrww a mandatnry wnwuncnon |o order ma Defendant wo remave ma stmcmre at wna monsoon dam wrorn ms wand wwwnwn louneen days ow me one ow wnws courrs order omanmae wna Pwawnwm snugm luv 01: com |D Dampew ma Dewandanw Io pwncnose me pan ms land wakevw wor who sawo swnwcwure 0! mo monsoon dwawn aw (he prevailing markel one no Pwawnou aka aowwgnw damages «or savavance was: and wnwunaus awwacwwon on ms land. wnwcn lhws Court deems naaaonaowo [:1 The Dawandanw danwau wnaw w| nad Imspassad on wna PIIIn|wNs wand and wnaw wna slruciure ow ma nuxwsoun drawn on ma land u now a wonn ow encroachment on me wvwainmn wand ma Dlflndinl pweadeo rumficalicn as ww zones on us Pwer wo nwawnwawn, wnanaae. buwld and urmrova monsoon drawrws wn me Federaw Tomwory cl Kuala Lumpur. wrwdudmg wno P|awn|m‘s wand am YownlwmNw'EmccwwrwEwD5n “None sanaw ...n.mwww a. U... a may w... nflflwnuwwly mwnwa dnunvwml VI arwuwwa v-mxw canalnly nu| ms Pmnufl consmonno ms lac! (hm mo smuiovy dunes or me Dehndanl mcmde ms mzmlenznca and Imvmvmp nldrams mcludmg mess on me P\amm!‘s wand and bordenng nu‘ n wuuld be unaooemaols ta auow them to convenuenuy ousovm/Moo lhe risnonsnbvlfly over we [20] so‘ \/so on me abave facts. Ims Cowl finds that «no monsoon on-n located In «no P\a|nM's wand us me Deaenoanrs. I: mamsnao nn| whether nnao osnveo from s nalursl susam, me unshaken fact namamoo |ha| ma‘ is now on me Pnammrs xsno Is a concrete manmade swzmure wmon I: ma monsoon drawn under me purview and nmsmsmon o« me bemoan: on a ba\am>e olnmbabmhes, this Coun mnnamnos |ha|mere was encmachmenl on me Flamws Iano - to ms measuremem M24 14 3/9 fuel Aoomonauy. In have oorsumonso ms monsoon dram, Itespass by me Dehndam unto ms wuamma Iano nao uocasmnsd [251 ms com wall no| addmss ms saaosa ooonaary Ihal ansnns Ina wammrs xano due no ms ma Winn buliusl ms pumon man ms monsoon om. lock up av (ha P!aIn|M's Isno. In any evlnl. «ms was nox s weaud newsnos ov ms nsvsnoanu ms Cowl «nos mm m was malevanl to ma P\a\nml's claim against me Dsvsnoann. M maltered not Much mnsv uany nao anecnao the F-Iaunners evuoymsnc av land. This case was to aflludicame whether ms Defendanl had Indeed enomached upon me Pia-nms land and ivso‘ me redress uequnso in restflve mo oroaon oslanu oi Itstlflcatlan [251 As me Vocal aullmnty of Kua\a Lumpur (s2 Local (‘xwemmenl Am I976). «he Dsvsnoam nao Dretmsed all Its aclmns penammg to ms monsoon dram on/nomenng me Puaunmrs Isno wnn memos Io ms :1 sm rn1nLmNNvErncc1wnEm5n «ms. s.nn lunhnrwm s. met! a mm s. snnnnn mum: dnuamnl VI mum om soaxumry powers Imderme S|raeL Drainage and Emtdmg Am 1974 (son) The specific prvwsmns are :53 and :54 that rasDac|rw\y prumde ‘Local amhoriryto nparlandalror andmiydlscamlnue surface mu mu-m water amns, an 53(1) The locaraulhonfy snsllmamzam and keep in 799807 and‘ as It sees m, enlarge. 6/let‘ arch over or ulherwrse rmprwe a// or any 0/ me sunace and slorm male! «trams Duh/ans, gutters and walorcoursss under me canlml 9/ [ha /ncal authority and may drsconlmue‘ was up or deslmysuclv olmsm as yr deems useless or unnecessary: Provided ms: the local aumamy mu mm snlsrmg any myara prop-ny la: ms purpose olcanymg out ny work under this aubsaclran, gn/s raaxonabls malice In mnng m that behalf, -nu sn./I In currymn out sucn work: do I: mus dlmlgl as mly be and mu mekl mu compansanan run any name dang Not to own nulunco (2; The dtscanltnuance, c/osmg up or desmlmon of any of men. snsn be done as nana (79312 a rlursanca (2; I/by reason Ihereolor ofany such Bllevabcn as hevemnefore mentioned any person IS deprived af the /awful use :2! any surface and smm. water drams. culven, guns: or water course. Ihe ma: authomy snau wun due umganca prawds some ulnar as eileciual as the one av wmcn he rs so asp:/ved. :1 sm rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wn\E;u5n «mm. Snr1I\nauhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmnnu-y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa Wm! ctunsrnq ma ompryrng smile: and slwm mm dnins -re 54m The local authority sna/r cause me survace and 510ml water dram, culvirls, quflars and walmmwses under we control 0/ me local aumonry to be so constructed. maintained and kept as not In be a nmsance or tnjunous to health and to be proper/y mama cleansed and emptred and, /or me purpose olfluslung, cleansing andemplymglhe same, nmayeonsrrucz and New, emner above or undsrpmund, such rssenms, slmcex and nine! works as are nscessary. Pmvfdad mar me meal authority shall, balors snterrng any prlvaleprapony for ma purpose ofcarrymg nu! any work under znn smsecnan, gnva reasonable name In wvllmg In that am", and man In cermng out man Wm do 55 um. damage .. may a. ma mu mm mu ccmponsulforv Io: lny «am. don- {2; The local lurhomy may, wvm me suncnan in we sure Aumomy, came all ov any of such swfscs and storm water draws, culverts. gutters and wavswoursas to commumci1s with and be emphsd «nm the sea or olner m p/aw, ar may cause me refuse from me sanna m be canveyed by a proper chanrvsl to me most corvvsrvnnl sne fa: rls aeposn, and may sell at ovnemse dispose or me sammusa for any agricultural Name! gurpnses as are deemed sxpedrent so me: 1: shall no: bemme a nuisance.‘ u sm rn1nLmNNrEnucc1wu\E;D5n «mm. smuw nmhnrwm .. U... w may he nrW\n|H|Y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! [271 we facls vn me me o: Azinh on him: Abidin A. on v uuo aondar Kum Lumpur [1999] 5 MLJ ans whrch me Defendant had referred In, are siarkly m comrasl wnn those here In ma case me defendant had produced notice wnion had inlurmad me plainnfl compnenenswely me Imposed nons mac wete earned om together walh me Vaw. There were also meelmszs wnue me [oh cameo out by me Defendant was exnlamed and embolaled pnor lo the execumn mereoi Nouce (here were reasonably given There were none here [231 We law max me Delendam rehed on — ssa spa requires me uoaenaanno lssue reasonahle nonoe la me P\a|nIM wore me enuy nnln his ‘and lor me pumosos cl any walk The Delendanl suhmmed ma| mo encmonmenn cl me monsoon drain unla me Plainlxlfs land could orfly oe cnnsmamd «reasons; :1 n wls an unnmmauu lnlrusmn The Dsfandam Dramvxed mew army maul band on men statutory my and subvrulwd max (he crann «or nmpm. mun can. [29] Tm: coun agrass won me Plalnmfs subrmsswuns mat sue (or any other lugmahon and rsauialucm lnr man menu) Carmel ovunoo me nghls cl nne Plaumfl guaranteed by our Feaenax 0or$u|u\Ion In |ms Instant the ‘aw omvmos ma: reasonable nmice mus1 be gwen to Vandnwnals balms mu execunon onns Devenoanrs flalutmy amass There was no ewaence many nolme m relation to me Devenaanrs stahflery dunes over monsoon dmm. [so] nwz maimed he had vnsnsd ma monsoon dram on me Flamnm land once a yen mm 2012 In 2017 much was sccardvng Io me suonoara nperalmg pmcedur: (SDP) nllhe Deflenflam Helounfl man and found mm u so «mm. Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e med u may n. nnnnnn -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! all won. mnouomng we“ and in mm Thaw were also no oomplam|s m namions memo. Thareefler. «nun zone on»-mos, mo Dr.v1andanI's sop requneo rnonixonno onne monsoon drains wee yeam [31] As to mavnlenanoe walk, DW2 tesnfied that «mm 2012 tn 2m7 no did nu| oany run any on mo monsoon drain m ma Plannnrs wand The axowananon gwsn was than me Defendant no no! csny om anm-an mamlenanee work but only when Droblsms arose wnen mere were ubslades la lhe walerflow or :1 me swdwmus 0! me orans mflapsed or here were dwsmrbanues uv ob51ruz:nnns to me water flow and «no main monsoon dram. However, DW2 wsufisd that mamlenance work on me mam monsoon dram on the Plsxnmfs Iana nook Diane m zen [:21 Parlanrwm mo en|ry mlo mo P\a|nuIl'5 land to the purposes oi amyamancn‘ mm, mamoring and mimlennnca, nwz sxulamed Ina! no nmme: were addrassad to Ina s-Iammv as the Datonuam nau non entered arm: the Flainlflfs wand lnsiaad. no clannao to have vitflod o: oe-an wnn mu omur nun who monsoon drain max was nu! Iacnlad on me Plalnmfs Iano. DW2 oemoo man the Defendant had mnn ur oonsrnmao the monsoon drain He was unsure wnumor any Dsvmissxon or -squosx was Issued (0 me P\axnMf in relanon (0 any works oonauaeo nmwanom me years [331 It \s we Dsrwexmg mac mo Dezronoanc oonxenoao no mamlenanoe sno suwollanoa was oonouaao on Ihe monsoon dram lhal had enuoacneo mo F-naunwrs land men at aH malenal Imles they look me pus on tha| may were empowered stalutonlylu mamtam mo dram am: all drums in mo Fooorax Tsmlnry cl Kua\a Lumnur Incmdmg the monsoon dram m me Halnlfls land <1 was Imwessed «no: me monsoon drum 1: am ro1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;D5n «wn. s.nn lunhnrwm .. med o my o. MWHIVVIY mum: flnuamnl VI mum vwm Vacated m nno Plimhfll wane and bordmna ils plnmlltn were wuaal‘ smear and neoessnly (or pubhu mlevest Vs|, ma Delsndanl clumed mm n ma rm camed out any summanaa or mamlenanoe on me paninn uflhe rnansoon dram mm was located on ma mainmors and lo amnn us damal man wt had enlaed lhe Plammrs wana. [341 on a balance at nmbabi|mes_ Hus Conn 22 unable tn aouepl the Defsndanfs eumennon. The Defendanfs lefler of 19 2 man that responded (0 me Pwnbfl confirmed Ihal the mm: were married oul an the Vumlwon ullhe morsonn dmm . -Adam. tlrmak/umkan banawa musk Jabalsn rm memang Dons: sadang melamnaxan kofja-K9!/5 penyetsnggoran Lonykafla Yen! Ja/an yang sudta ads .1; Makes: yang mmuksudkan men prhak man a. dnlum sum sapem‘ m an: Kuql-knqa pinyifunggarlan yang dr/lksamakan ks aras Vongkang some aua mcmmn karia Dlmbsikirv yum dun Piflyflenwarlan am umuk memashkun Semen Air Ierubul beflungy ssbelknya aan Iidsk manghfndar ssbaranq ks/arvcaran psrgerakarr air nu;an dari kawasan fadahan di Voksxi barksnain. Tfmiakul mr ad:/an ss/avas aengan (W95! -/sbatan uan prhak Dewan Bandarayn Kua/a Lumpw yang yang drperunlukalv m dalam ma Jalan, PAM darn eangunan 1974 urmlk memsstfkan Salursn Arr .1; eras Rasab Langkang, R9:-ah Kara/sen atau Tsnah Persendinan belungst sebatknya untuk meflaelak senarang bencane Blau Kssuman penduuuk m Kawasan tel/mat " 15 am rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;D5n «mm. san-1 .. U... a may he nflmnlflly mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm! [:51 The Defendant nnus aoknawnoageo ono oonnnnou 1|-5 presence on me Plannws nana For Ina mannnaoa nnnmno nnnoning monsoon dram Iocarea on me FIiIrIM|’s Iano. men oennineny nnosn oa entry upon me Pnannnnrs Iand Lnkewnse, for me Inspewun and sunvannnance and mosn oennannIy mannnonanm and Impmvemenf work on me monsoon dram as In was won Iocansa wimin Ina Pnannnnrrs Iano — n the mmsurEmenII112.411 sq teen Ins Plinmnl had non recsnved any noasonanne nonnoa and nao oumplamed lhal he noa seen the I)e4enaann's canlraclorslagenls on ms nand aflendlng no me monsoon dram In me ansence av reasonaone name no me I=IannIn«. Ims Cmm finds man mo defence on nusnmnaauon could nut be susnannea. Ian] Thns Courl IS bound oy Ina dacnsmn al Ina Federal Cnurl In r-nag. nIa.IonaI lcrhad v sun/I Lon-nn Dwtlapmont Sdn Bhd [zone] I MLRA 255 Inmynauan prapeny rngnns undar Amcle Ia oI our raaaran Con£mIu|IorI ware recognnxed and nnan no Iaw was no he conslmed no annow any party lo enlera Demon's Iana wllhoul wnlanl In Hm can‘ son; was onear and unammguous The requIrumerIl on ronsonnmo nonnoe IS mandatory before army Into nne owners Iano IS made no carry out any snanunary aunnas Olherwisa, In IS Iresvass [371 Respeclfully, Ina exoerp| of me Federal courts deaslon at ozss Is bormwed and svnhad none ‘Put symply. trespass onno land 75 Ina unIawnuI mm: and Immedrata Inlaflelsllce mm me possessnon alland Much Is In the possesslon ofsmmavnsrson, orwmch armllvsrpsrsants ermlledta possessmn A Lann max/m Is rreauennly emnnma lo define the extent ouana )7 sm rnInLmNNI'EmccnwnIEIu5n “Nana s.n.n mnmrwnnn o. UIQG o my me nnnnnn-y -mm: dnuamnl VI .rIuNa v-man cur us st! so/um, sfus ssrusque adcoelum 9! admfaIo.r'— he mo owns the rano, owns 1: nu ma way In nsmn and to new This mnums rs onen rsrenoa to In no abblwrated form as ad coelum yrmctple In modem law, this prmcrple IS sull accepted In umnea him. and nghls are drvidsd mm space ngms and subsuvfacs ngms be/aw.“ [331 Due pnnuples of oarmnumg trespass and enuoacnrnenz are weu {mated .n ma daemon of «no Federal coun m Bzyingan sspm. Sin and v Johann Pong-mn Dun Sllirln mgon Solnngor L on (20221 2 nnwu rmpsss to Lana -s acuoname pet se and connnumg Irespass wnn Vast as lung as me monsoon drain remams In me Fla|nnf1's\anfl and n wn: omy arms ones we rmmsoun own 15 remm/ad [:49] The Izw .n 550(1) sna arm/med mat man may request the Stale Anmomy to aoqwv me Plsmmfs \and is me monsoon dvann ns nooam (heuam u now be me women aflucted or (he on-one Ilnd am for reasons only known |n mam. am not do so moan:/$.! [401 In addresznnglhe P\aIn(iVl‘s prayevfwanarderln remwe urre\aca(a the monsoon dram swdenoe aoonoea at «nan ws consnoareu. Tm caun heard me leslwmomes :2! all me wnnesses and oouno that me monsoon drain became a main monsoon mam Amending «o the ewdence, 1| mncnons as me mam maoe where water/mn mt water We ram pools before bemg cnannsleo Ia rivers. It Is ms mam dram out or a network 21 dramages In ensue! anu cnonnex water no «he nvecs for Knma Lumvur. sm «mm. s.nn .. med n my n. nrW\n|H|Y mum: mmn VI mum Wm! [41] ms Cour! acosols ma amlanalion by me Defendant‘: wllneses lnal me oraunaae in Kuals Lumw awarded to ma prinsinle whale walav flaws hum mgr: ground to low gruurld. From lne loooolapny map D14 H can be sasn lnal walercollecls al nlgner land ln Tarllan Overseas unlon Garden (Duel and llows in ma lowsrlano V7 Tamarl van mmugn a syslyn oldram network The ma!!! monsoon dram on me Plalnnlrs lano IS ms pan olme mam drains ll (uncllons as a oollsctov otwalsrsurlaos and mm M,‘ not nnly as a oclledur «om lne nouslno areas but also wiler lrom other sourcss mat oool inlo me veservnlr to: me dmlnage nelwulk of outs and Taman van The mam monsoon dram onannals ano ralwses lns waler lnlo Klang Rivet lmougn olner msln monsoon oralns, wmlcn all lonn a nalwork ol drains tor cue, Taman van and Kunla Lumpur so‘ me purposes ullhe mam omn am lwc—Iuld, In cnannal and rslaass lna walar lnlo Klang River, and llw In prevent new flood: The lalxer woulo resufl ln soll aroslon [421 As per mo maps or2oo4 1P15)ind 2013174)‘ nwz oonnnnao that me lopugraplly nlltle land ls that me pan that lsoss Jalnn Awin San IS llal wlnlsl lnal al on side o1Taman out; is nionsrlnan me rest onne lano He claimed lnal lna murlsoorl drain lonnso lne maln ulaln mm ma apomxnnala size of 2 metets In wlom ano 1 5 nlecers -n nalonl. The monsoon dram was o1 moole oncnlng‘ slmclure made «mm gramle lo prevern eroslan al lne me unhe dram as a result olsonslanl walev llow DW2 confirmed lha| there was always wa|sv flow lnnmgn ll as n ls ms mam waler flaw in channel the wale« and run on mm mm Tamar: Yarl sno Taman cue. :9 sm Ya-1nlwtWNYEmcC1wvlElD5i «on. Sun! luvlhnrwm s. o... w mm s. oflmnullly mum: dnuavlml VI .nuna Wm! [43] Basso on me Kowfiravhy map. (M poumon Mme main mansoan drain on me Pralnhffs lane 15 were two oaner rna-n dvams meet and converge. Thersfnre‘ n I: very critical Ya remove 0! reocane u would dvswrb and msmpl me eflicvenl flaw afwaler 1n ma ansarros or any other suggesnons or auanshves. [his court ms man it would not be m Ihe puhhc inI2res1 m have n removed or reheated fvam -vs wnenx posmon even mougn n nas encmached upon lhe Plammfs land, Even me Plamhfl In crass-examinsnon had agreed that ma waler flaws Ihmugh that monsoon oram tram me Ngher land no ms lower and and is connemed Io anulhev mansmn main, and Ianer orsmargeo who «he nver. The Flaw!!! had ounfirmed Ihal mare were no uasn news that oowned an ms land since us had mrnsa n. [441 Fvemnsad on ma avmanna aaaosaa at man. to ovder ms Dmendaru (0 remova or relocate ma mam munsuon drain vs unuawnabla. mmnvenIen|, Impmcflul and uruusl uwz confnrmld me necossny or me smd mam munsoan dram an we PVAIMWE lind Hanaa, |ms Oeun wm na| oroar «or lhe monsoon omns «xanad orno ms Plamflfs land and hxmienng n In be removed or relocated. The bass is pun:-c rnxenasx. Acourdingly, nnara mus| be other means M Iesohmon |o lms rnaner Qnmam (451 There were a law nIhe< Issues mlsed dunng argumens No enoence was 19¢ an me issua at Ivnilahun Much was pleaded rn me Defence. In any event. me anomacnmenc rs at permanent nature up In now and me «respass is a cormnmno one. am rn1nLmNNvErncc1wnE;D5n «mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. met! a mm o. mmnuuly mum: m.n.n vn mum WM [41 The Delnndanl dawned man ms monsoon dram 15 pan 0! ma drainage and/nr me nature! slruim max ensxsu on ma land in 2004 or even earher The monsoon dram on me PIam1M's lend .s mam In prcvsde a bsller and/er mgmar flww of water and n formed pan 0! a more sysremauc anu efliuenl mamaga system In mat area and m ganacax ma Federal Ta-rim of Kuaui Lumpur The Deuenaanx comended max ms dram ma| vsnneu the wa|erway cuulu my: be closed or aemoushea ammanuy as u vmuld result in flash floods. sod erosxon ov cracks or deposits in ms: area and us surrounding areas, Much would require anamauves fur Ihe wauevway The nevamam pleaded man ms existence at ma monsuon dram on me Pla\nl.IlV's land was necessary and For me pubuc mares! us avoid nasn floods ana ms ulnar sand ssoasmgnss The monsoon drain: ensured more syslemauc and eficlanlwalsrdrarnage an me land, Rs surmundmg ma anu m ganevax «ne reusrax Temlnryoi Kufla Lumpur. ms Defendant plaadad mac Ils aansns warn gushilsd by uw an that pu c policy onsn u Immunily fvum nu lorlmus I bllmas .n ms amcuhon at us dimes [5] In in ustsnss. ms tzsranaam had weaned (hm ma Plamlm had nac aflfluoud any plan: In develop ma land and mus than was no nooesmly my me usaanaanz ca remcva nu monsoon arm n mum insosad dmum ms dramzga system on the wane, Rs surmunaing me me ms Fadsul Tamlavy av Kuzlz Lumuur Lmmnnmmnm [5] Yhe Flamnfl uwns me land s-nee 5 4.2005 He had Ihe Inlenlinn In build a few bungalaws as me land measures 17 an sq feel Bul mere sm rn1nLmNNvEmccwmE;u5n «mm. snn lunhnrwm s. U... n mm s. nrW\n|U|y mum: dnuamnl VI mum v-max us] There was also lne Issue mm rnoneoan e ' being a prsexlsllng nalrrral slreanr To lnrs Cuun‘5 consraereu mew! reaerulees M wlrelller mal ls [me - me issue 15 lne marlmade slruaure lnal ls localea on me Piainllffs land wmen 13 under me llmsdlcfion and purview pl lne nelenaanl The plan allacnea Io lne nlle ma npl snow any skucluve when lne Plalnllfl pumnasea ii The nleasurenrenl pl land ls deemed aecurala but m 2013 me land survey relleaed lne cnanges and lne lrespess unlo ll CorLserlImus1 beoblalrled «mm are Flalrmfl Mulch was npz—see namx aandar Kuala Lumpur v Nulzlnldl uolrnm [2023] MLRHU was [471 As lo me issue 01 me Delenaanrs elassrllcallon 01 me monsoon dram as ‘nzab panl lnduk' ov lna mam msetvsd dram‘ DWI was qussllanarl on lne nelenaanrs response rn seprernper zoos in ms l>lalnlrll |hIl p-sea on 2 search 0! me masler plan al lne lnlreslnlcrure Deparlmanl lnare in a lrne M dlxchns mal have been pallr fur a lmlg urns lnsl am an mam dllch reserve nwl lerllrlea lnel llrere is a database » ‘Plngkilln Data Ukur Kadzslav asnllgll Ksbangsaalf wnrpn ls mm on by me Lana once to lssul lne ameisl plans altachsd lp qrenls and lnle deeds. The dalapase stores reservsd open spaces wnlen are reserm land only arlhnse land lnal have not been granleu ovmalshlpmles wnan lne plan shows numbers lhal means lne lpls/lands nad been granlea lllle |u lne owners In respeel pl lne Plalnlm lam, DW1 confirmed lnal lnere were no reserved npen spapes (be ll lpr me use olme uelenaenll. ll ls me evlaenoe M DWI \ha|0leln1arrlIaIlorllM0e Delenaanrs sale leller was no| lnre. nwl eonnnnea lnal me monsnon dram plnll was run an easernenxprreservea open spans and admlllsd me srlcmacIlmen|cn me Plarnmls land DW2 was unable to canllnn lne records lrorrl wmh me Delenuanl had laken lne pps lnaune morlsoun dmln was a reserved zx SIN Ya-1nlwtWNYEmcC1wrlElD5i “Nana Sum Iuvlhnrwm a. U... a vsfly r... anrn.ll-r mlmn dnunvlnnl VI mum Wm! mam dram Al me oopounar DW2 nasnmoo man more ware no moo-vs man the monsoon dram on me Pnamnnrs nano was onassinoo as reserved mam dram anmooon no nao mnfirmed me nooossny nfme said mam monsoon dram on nna Pnmnnnrs land [451 um me rannro Saniuv Assnsnant Engnnaerwnlh me uenanoann mo was nrn cnaroe, amonosn onnors, on me drains on nne Pnarnnnnrs nano from 2m2 In 2017 was called no nesmy man mo monsoon ormn loca|ad on me Pnamnnrs and was canegonzeo as nno reserved main orain ms evndence ns nonm tandem wnn monesnrnony olDW1 Annrnan DW2 was nmablellanled In pmuoa any avroanoe no show nnan me monsoon oram nocanea on me Flaimflfs wand was nnoeeo ma rasarvao main dram [49] ms coun concludes man me morscon drain, even when n cannot be pmven man n ns reserved mann mnnsoon dram, 4! 51M ought non no he removed or ronooaneo due |o pubhc nnoresn [sun rna Plaunllfl nao oouonn me nana wnn Mn knovmadge on nns nooauon of me momoon drum on ms land HI lunnfied man no nw nna rnonooon oonn as well as a TNB oynon He nao lhnughl man mo monsoon ormn was Iocaneo ounsroo nns Iona — ooroarao n run was non on on on nn HI dnd non Dnzndud any onner duo uilngenot on whemer Mnat no onnonaseo was nnoeeo the same square ieen as man snanso on ma sane and Durchase agreemerll He nao nnnzunred wrnuher mam were any anournoranoos on one no Munch no lournd more were none The one snowoo manhe land was sm «no. sanun luvnhnrwm rs. met! In my r... omnm mum: flnuavnml VI .nnno vtmxn firs| reglslersd m 1992 - (here is no emenos an wnalne: ma monsoon omn had exlsled slnoe man. What V5 certain is (flat when the Plalnwl purchased me land WI 20175. me monsoon dram was already in place on me land [511 However‘ laklng pan cl ms Plalnms lancl wllnmll me Flzlntiffs pennlsslon ls mt legally aooeplalale ms Conn omens manna uslamlanl acqulle «mm the Plalnlw lne pumcn of land (2,411 sq lee!) VI had encroached al the orevalllng market pnos ll mo Defendant requlres ezssmam and WIN need lo walk on move pcrllon oflhe Plalnlllrs land, (hen ll ls nrdsrud trial I\ aoqulles znsl pan loo. ms would resolve lunnal lssues lnal am eorlcemmq lno munsoan drain (ram nerenrlaner. llwoula also remedy the vlammrs pmdlcamanl as well as pvelsewlng puhllc lnlsml in malnlslnlng ma mansaan dram (here [52] rm. Court also Allows mu Fliln|W|': prayurfor darrugai a( ma {ale 01 RM2u0 psv day The l>ls.nw noa, vldl lts lellu «men 19 3.2001‘ ncllflad lm oelenosnl ol lns clalm at RM2an par osy Var as long as m- lvesuass and enuoaonmanl were nol addressed The nslsnaanl had lslleo |o address llns even a| lnal As such, lnls Coun ls minoeo lo award me Plmnllfldamagas al lns rate of RMZDO per dzylrom 81.2008 unlil me dale of ms loagn-am Var aanlaqss Thal would zmounl lo RM200 muluplied by 5.757 days Much amounts In RM1lI51JUO ms Calm is :11 me considered vlsw |hzI lne Sald rate IS reasonable. Interests ol 5% small be lmoasea onllns ludgmem sum lmm lnday urml lne aals mull and anal selllemenc sm Ya-1nlwtWNTEmcclwllElll5i “Nair Sum luvlhnrwm .. UIQG n my n. nflmnullly mum: flnuavlml VI mum Wm! K53) cuss av RM45,uoo which this count neems reasoname vs to be and by me Delendanltnme Hamufl The De!endantwu\d have avmdedlhase Vega! pmceedwgs xfil had engagad with me Flairmflpnurin ms sun nnsn 12 OCTOBER 2023 amm - ROZ MAWAR ROZAKN JUDICIAL COMMVSSVONER men COURY or MALAVA KUALA LUMFUR For the P/mm Rquhrea up Supp1ah.AmuI Nu! Nadm Azmsr and rm Kuan K5: Ya! T/n Ralashres Fm Dslbrldanl Muhammad Nakhars Ishak, Eman Amar and sm Nut Amanda MrulAzman '!/n J, Lee .9 Assocrsles .g, ‘ sm na1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;u5n «mm. SmI\nanhnrwH\I>euIedIx:vuflyhenflmnlfllyM1MIdnuamnlvnnF\uNfl W was no evrdanse that me inuersnon he had was not me motion — n lac! lhura wars no suomrssions 51 pruposaxs by me Flulnufllc oeveuov Ine vano «or appnmu The plan at me land was nenuereo man cnnfirrned ma localmn onrse munsoon drain which is Iocaled a| «no ooruer or lhe Plammfs wano ano on one suds, imao enoroocneo emu me wsno -me oraaom onus «one monsoon dram had (akeu uplhe Flsmmfs xano As per use wlamms leater of a 1 ma, lhe s|mclure omse mcmsaun dram had taken up a\mns| zoom sq lea L71 ma P\aim.iifs wand (atxxwrdlng to ma survey by PW3 me land surveyor, n was 2m 1 so «eon ms Iener issued in me Defzndanl nao slated max at me mananal unre more were me Deaenaanrs oornraaors on ms \and that were carrying an upgmdmg onne monsoon dram [11 me oevenosnn exnlamed In na lelmr ov 19 2.2003 max me work: undenaken on me mcmoon mm on ma Pmmmfs ‘and were for genera! Ienavs and snamnenansa «o anwra Ihal ma w-alav amnaoa wovked mum and um (her: was no ninaranoe la ma alreammg oframwmnr «sons mo nearby sosamorr The wonoann nso snsoe n clam Ymm me ou|saI |ha| n was carrying out W5 mnouons unosn snsen oramaoa and Euildwnq m 1974 lo emure mu all wsoerwaysrararnaue inoquaina «nose Iacaled on prIva|e Iano wens runcuomng plopeny Io provonc any calasvophes or snoonuemanoa |u an innabnams m mo area AI man mint m me, me Dalsndam mfalmed me masnnmnm mere am not seem to he any urgency or neoesswy to remove or rewcale me sand monsoon am (51 Themaitev on 9 7 mm annao wnn a land suvey oonouaeo on 9.11 me‘ me P mwroxa agasn xo me netenoanc on me enoroacnmem oy the slmctum onna monsoon dram mac resunea In ms land beoommg smaHev rne Plamlm suggested a resohmon wnereoy me Defendant pvocumd nra whole and mum mm anne nvevamng market rale in ma sum sru ro1nLs1wNvEmcc1ws\E;u5n «ma s.nn lunhnrwm a. met! a may r... mmnuuly -mm: dnuamnl VI murm v-max or RMc.2aa,2ao. Tne Der-noanr had no1 ruponaeo (0 ms so rn December 2014 rne Plalnnlf wrme anorrrer leltev In lhe Defendant that s1a1sd rne rssmt of a drsorssian wrlh an aficer or me Defendant on 2212 2u14. The Plarrrrm confirmed mar ne was rnronneo mar lhe monsoon omrn could not be removed or relocated and as sum |he De-rendanr ought tn buy me whole rand The F'\a|nlrfi vequesled fur msoussrons to oommenoe Au resalvelhe nmmern soonesr. [9] The Delendant oro nul respond to me Prarnwrs request The nex\ correspondence was on 11 7 am where rne Plamnfl lovwarded Iu me Defendant (ha plcmres or no munsoon dram which had anooacnea ms land. Yo mo reouesr man the rmnsocn drain be renmso. the Delendam repfled on 752015 um the name: srrearn had worn; endslefl on me Plalnlrfls property so. Ina oropossr la remnve/ra¥nca|e mu walarvmy and drlinane was ro be xlumad and anurma by me Dalendam rner involvod Rs censullnnt englneers and rnlamal oonrrnrrrm ha] Tnen on 15 9 2015 tn. Dvfandam inrurrneo rne P\amlrNIha| e main (0 me Pwarnmrs rano no a survey onne monsoon dmln were undertaken u was fuund that the smAc1Im~: mime monsoon dram was nnl bum by me Dtfendanl, il nao Vonq axmed and rs ‘nzab pen: induk‘ (reserved mam monsoon omrni. [111 Yhe rasr correspondence rrorn mo P\a|n r was on 4.2.2019, when he oomorsrneo to me nerenoanr or Iresness onto ms land and lrller rn connecuon Io me nronsoon drain. There was no response [mm me Delendam and thus, Iellers or demand were Issued by me Plaintiffs sollcflurs pnur In me cmnmencemenlallms action srn rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wr\Eru5n “None s.n.r nanhnrwm .. med o my r... mnn.r-r mm. mmn VI mum v-ms! I121 Al the man‘ Ihs Planmw Iuslifiad and called Ihe Dewly Dvvaclcr General M me Law was and me land survnyor he had appmnceo rne oavanaama Wee witnesses onmpnseo 0! us Iwo engineers and lhe Direckzr o4 oana Geusvalial at ma Canngraphy um-non from mo Head Quarters a1De0arImenlo1Survey am: Mappmg Mahayana (JUFEM) The assessment olthe a dung Encroachment [131 n can be oonchmed with grail oenaxniy mac me locauon of me monsoon dram .s walmn me P\amM‘5 am. The Plalnlm we not comm no (ms The De1endan|haMaHed|u adduce any evidence |u show otherwise A! me opnomo, ms Dalendanl nao Iull knuwtadge ol Inis lad as per man aaxnowraagmam nnhelocauon onno monsoon dram m mo Fl nmrs land was us may cam 52 zoos Them was a\se no chaHanga as |n ma amoumouano mam. monsoon dv naa ervcrouched onbo me Pl-ainmrs mna won lms coon lites as 2.411wlIet HA) The new Offiuarml max on Defendanl had taken up annal was me cnnlermcn manney had not constructed the monsoon dmn and on three wilnessas cause by me Defendant had contended that may had no kmwlsdge nl wno had constructed it Howovon «ms goes againsn me Agreed Facts med «or nus case wmcn amen mac “Terdapal sehuah pan! (‘monsoon drain”) kepunyaan Defendan yang berada an ates ranan lasebul (“slnlklur yang mencemboh’) The Defendant nao agreed and admilted mac me monsoon dram lacaled on lhe Plammfs land bebnged to wt. Al Inal, mnesses for me Deiendanl claimed that me monsoon drain nao been In exislecuce long beaore Ihe F-Iamm nae vurohased me land. There were auompns by mo nmonoanu mmugn ns wllnessss, In 5 am ro1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;u5n «mm. s.nn .. U... a may n. MEVHIHIY -mm: m.n.n n. mum v-max orsasaooraxe nsamronr nna aooounraarmy of hm/mg oonsrmorao ma dmm ano dawmwg nwnership and rssponsi no am in so Ihe aboul—Ium |akan an man was nu( only unfair ro the Plainhfl‘ but showed me unoenainly oi me Defendanl s pusmon [15] Fumrarrnona. ms Dslendanl ooulo not raoun mo Flarnmrs arnoanoa adduced by me P\a\n(M's «run: wnnass (PW3]-the land surveyor. Ha nao undeflakenla survey ins Psarnmrs wand m 2004 ano 201: and aooonw-my produced me plans or both works — P15 and P4 respeclwely Bum mans ano drawings show me rnunsoon dram Vncaked amra perimetevand rnsroa the boundary 01 me Fla4n|:W's land However, m 2013 [here was an afldmorm monsoon dram nmrung on me aounnem land onne penrnerer which was no| Ihere In the 2004 plan more are slapes wmch had aaan bmll at me was nuns mcnloon dram — an ul wmch nao encmaohed m|o rna P\a\nlms Wm Pwa Ieshiled rnu nu had done a ground sun-ay nno conmnnau mat nnara was no aoamanan monsoon drain wnan ha nrsr oonouueo mu survey back In zoo: Pwaa ooncsusrun was a nsaun M a pnysroax axarmnallon on me grouna as opposed in (he (opcgraphy or an wnion was onnduclad by aen’a\ nhmogrzmrnaky where «no photos were taken quira hmh an wnn old reonnoloay Y coun heard men more ooum eas-Iy be differences ova few rnarars. This coun aooaors me wshmuny of we and finds an a ba\anoe oi pwbabllmes me mas| awuaxe plan Is the one auaoneo lo the We men was done by Depamnanl 0! Survey and Mapnura Mnlaysra UUPEM) but it does rm snow ma Iooauon cl me monsoon dam on me Plammfs Ianu — mar me nlan 0! me Lana mm me exacl sq feet mat belonged to me Plamml $0. :1 canno| be determined rrorn ma uovograpny DIA or the plan altached to ma land (me, whelner mare were rnoeeo mcrsoon drains on ma Plaxnmfs wana ano how much at me P\aIn|\H's Vane may nan enoroaohea. 7 an ro1nLmNNvEnrcc1wr\Eru5n “None sum nmhnrwm .. met! a my r... uflmnauly mm. dnuamnl VI muno war [151 on me onher nano, the plans man wwa nao undertaken - bolh in mm [PI5)and 2013 (P4) show me Iocahon cum monsoon drams on me Plainlms land at max pamanav pom! m «me rspecuvexy Annougn me «ooognapny D14 showed than mere was a blue nna mdtnaling ‘sahran' but :4 am not specify max n was - wnemer an eann dram Dr a Varge monsoon drain 01 even a nature! sueam, and most wmponarmy mo no| aowralew pmuL7in| meme: :1 was nocavea m me wamms land Theceiore, his cam is ssnsneo en a balance 0! amaammes mat wvss maps mm 2004 (F15) am 2013 (P4) var oamparison, shawed where we monsoon draws are located on me Plammfs land and how much Ihey had enoroaonsa unto « The maps were dune afler zxvnfluamg physics! gmuna wnspeclbon and used scam rm greater accuracy [vn Tm: ccun ameans nnan lhaafld||\ana\ mansmn dram man menaallar enllcd an we seumm penmaw at me P\am||fl‘s land at snawn In ma 2m map1P4} was not (here v/nun ma wand survey wu: conducled m 2004 Mmeeven me monsoon dram was a mammaoe suuchne - rubble pwclwuu than is mmanenn m name as cesmsd by DW21lha Detendanrs remed semcr Assnswam Engmeery. The wenosm hid m zoos confirmed mzl n was under me oonllm and management of me De{endan|‘s Dapanmenx omramage and Rivet Management FW3 was me to mfarm me com me sue ol the dram which measured 3 5 meters in mm This addmuna\ monsoon dmm had encmached unco me Plsxnhlfs rand apumximalely 2,411 sq feet The new slopes wmcn have been bum :4 me edge enhe mcnsoon dram had alsa enuoamed Imlolhe wuaunmrs Iano [15] rne Pnannun had cause me Ssnlot Deputy Dureclnr «om me Land one (FW2) wnc had mlulmed Ims Courl max records Show manne land sm rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wnEm5n «ma s.nn lunhnrwm a. met! a may he MWHIVVIY mum: dnunmnl VI mum v-max was firs! ennui-ea in 1906 bun avenmally became Saran 6462 that was nsgnsnanea In ngez Tnan meann me nana was arspenny nnaasunea and me nneaaunannsnn an the area was finalized The nana nnnna had no aasennann ragnslarad on in. Nsilhsrdnd ms mla Dunlam any drains an in [19] The onscmn nncarnognapnny and Geospahsl Dana OIJUPEM (awn) lssnfied «on ma Densnaann la explann nne mpagmphy an D14 whnch was done in 1992 man used nnnse annansnsnan phmas taken nnam ma an by Phone grannnnsnry. Tna venflcannun was sompnsnsa in zoaa Ha naa confirmed man he had non vnsnled orsnannaa nnne Flinnws name: and man ns was nu| axksd by me Delsnnarnuo measure or mndud a physncel survey clnhe Pnannnnnra land wmch ns ms sumacl mallar nrn queslnon He was also nol Informed by me nensnaann wnen me said monsoan drlnnl were nannnn. nwn nssnmaa nnan man. was na sumey cmdnmlad or plans nnaas lo nllusmle nhe ssnanuon 0! me Pnannnnnra nanu In man my Based urn nna nspogmpny of DH. own was unasns In sannnnn vmal ms was nnna man nndnsanaa ‘ n’ asnuanny was He Iashfiad nnan ‘saIivan' lealured s nnyarowpmcan enemann man sauna be a dnrd1,drinn,wanlrwayn canal ans ma blue Inns man danmnea ‘sallran acuordnnn loDW1 could be a nanunan slream ur mannnaas monsoon dram. nlwhnch ms lopogvaphy an on cannon sssnsl In oomnng na a findnng n was nna evndenee of DW1 man ma 'salIran‘ renx:Idednn1992, nna nanunan snnsann or wanenwny. sound snso snange due no sninnana and gaasnanges we! a pennd snnnnna Thns Own nnnas man in coma non he Dundudnzd man ma ‘sa n‘ was asnnnanny me monsoon dram nocanea on me nrnannnnm land. Pa many so when mane ns no onnen evnaense no back up me oensnuanns snannn nnan nne nnansaon dram had lung exnsled pnar to me Pnannnnnrs aoqunsmun ul nna land rne evidence man can In nsnnea on by nnns Ccurl ns me 201:: map P4 wnnsn sm rnnnlnrmnvsnnccnwnnanufrni «wan. ssnan luvnhnrwm s. med a may n... anmnannly mmna dnuavnml VI .nuna v-man srwwed manna monsoon drain as nppose |o nuns m 2004 m2Ip|P15) ms fact was amnn-o w DW1 ano DW2 as we“ The Defendant was wet able In nmduceany dcoumwls orreeerds lhalshowsd me monsoon own was mnslmmed prior to 2am (saulh otme P\avmf|‘s wand; [21] Bunny lhe subrmssncns. (he Defendant‘: nouns! cixsd saa Ewdemx: Acl vase requlnng «ms Coon |o presume mat me mopoorapny ma made by JUPEM was accurate, Though n maybe so‘ me nopoonapny (and sue me Defsndanfs wtlnesses) were unable In cunfinu man the blue nne Venvesenl. norwhemer n was Iocanaa wumn ma Plainmfs land [22] ms Conn concludss based on me ewdenoe mat on a balance cl momma: ma Flamlm had Indeed omonasao ma land that maasmao 11.547 sq lael am ma| me maruoon dram an Illustrated in me 20!: may (P4) wu nnl mam whun he am purchased It Be max A: n m. on a bnraneo of Drobabllmes, mn Cuurl nu slhsfied wvln me amanea mat ma monsoon dram .n ma P\ainmTs land had taken up 2.411 on list wwlmut nia Dannlsilnn [231 own‘ nne om: Engineer nu ma Delendsnrs Daoanmam o1 Inm-asouaum Plannmg, oanfirmed Ihal « was lhe Deienaann s responshanlny lo ensure systemafic waterfluw ovme drains and waterways Io Drevenlnoods‘ ovemow and olhercalaslranhss. DW3 stated max .1 was ml aHya na|ural stream «nan became a mam dram wmcn nao wong emsled on ma P\ainl\lTs and am aparl from swung so, mere was nommg else to sansfy «ms Cowl that me dram was not me Defendant‘: m cvoss— exa-mnauon the Mamlm hao aommea man annougn he nao m| seen me De1endan|buHmnglhe dram. ne nao seen them mamlavmng u. There was no svudenoe owmo had bmll mu; rubble onemng structure hu| n was mns| no am rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;D5n «mm. sm-1 lunhnrwm .. met! a mm o. mn.u-y mm. flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
This is an application by the applicant, for judicial review under Order 53 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 (Enclosure 1) challenging the decision of the first respondent to dismiss the applicant from his employment and the decision of the second respondent which affirmed the decision of the first respondent and dismissed the applicant’s appeal - Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008
YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman
1 BA-25-19-03/2022 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA PERMOHONAN SEMAKAN KEHAKIMAN NO.: BA-25-19-03/2022 Dalam perkara mengenai surat bertarikh 14.7.2020 daripada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia kepada Noor Azam bin Salleh berkenaan Tindakan Tatatertib Dengan Tujuan Buang Kerja Atau Turun Pangkat; Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Keputusan Tindakan Tatatertib oleh Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bertarikh 29.6.2021 dan dinyatakan di dalam surat bertarikh 30.6.2021; Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Keputusan Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bertarikh 15.12.2021 dan dinyatakan di dalam surat bertarikh 21.12.2021; Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Peraturan- Peraturan 7(2)(g), 28, 40 dan 45(g) Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008; 09/11/2023 15:28:21 BA-25-19-03/2022 Kand. 44 S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 BA-25-19-03/2022 Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Perintah Am 14(a), 14A, 15 hingga 18, Bab C, Perintah- Perintah Am; Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 53, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012; Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 92 Kaedah 4, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. ANTARA NOOR AZAM BIN SALLEH (No. K/P: 740404-10-5401) …PEMOHON DAN 1. JAWATANKUASA TATATERTIB 1, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA 2. JAWATANKUASA RAYUAN TATATERTIB, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA 3. KETUA PENGARAH HASIL DALAM NEGERI, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI 4. KETUA PERKHIDMATAN JABATAN PENGURUSAN INSAN, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI …RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 BA-25-19-03/2022 JUDGMENT [1] This is an application by the applicant, Noor Azam bin Salleh for judicial review under Order 53 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 (Enclosure 1) challenging the decision of the first respondent dated 29.6.2021 to dismiss the applicant from his employment and the decision of the second respondent dated 15.12.2021 which affirmed the decision of the first respondent and dismissed the applicant’s appeal. Reliefs Sought [2] The reliefs sought by the applicant in the present case are as follows: “(a) satu perintah Certiorari untuk membatalkan keputusan Responden Pertama bertarikh 29.6.2021 yang dinyatakan dalam surat daripada Responden Pertama kepada Pemohon yang bertarikh 30.6.2021 dimana Pemohon didapati bersalah atas pertuduhan ke atasnya dan pekerjaan Pemohon selaku Penolong Eksekutif Hasil di Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat di Menara Hasil, Cyberjaya ditamatkan berkuatkuasa pada 1.7.2021 mengikut Peraturan 45(g), Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008, yang dibuat secara tidak adil, tidak munasabah dan/atau tidak setimpal; (b) satu perintah Certiorari membatalkan keputusan Responden Kedua bertarikh 15.12.2021 yang dinyatakan dalam surat daripada Responden Kedua kepada S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 BA-25-19-03/2022 Pemohon yang bertarikh 21.12.2021, yang dimaklumkan kepada Pemohon pada 28.12.2021, dimana Responden Kedua telah menolak rayuan Pemohon terhadap keputusan Responden Pertama Pemohon dan mengesahkan keputusan Responden Pertama, secara tidak adil dan/atau tidak munasabah; (c) selanjutnya satu perintah Deklarasi dan/atau Mandamus bahawa Pemohon dikembalikan semula ke jawatan terakhirnya sebagai Penolong Eksekutif Hasil tanpa kehilangan pangkat, kenaikan gaji, gaji, emolumen dan lain-lain manfaat; (d) Perintah-perintah sampingan dan berbangkit dari perintah Certiorari/Deklarasi/Mandamus tersebut seperti berikut:- (i) suatu siasatan untuk menentukan tunggakan gaji termasuk tunggakan kenaikan gaji, emolumen, elaunelaun dan faedahfaedah lain yang Pemohon sepatutnya menerima dari tarikh Pemohon dibuang kerja (1.7.2021) sehingga penyelesaian penuh; (ii) faedah pada kadar 5% setahun terhadap jumlah keseluruhan wang tertunggak dari tarikh Pemohon dibuang kerja (1.7.2021) sehingga penyelesaian penuh; (e) Gantirugi pemecatan salah; (f) Selanjutnya dan/atau secara alternatif, gantirugi am dan/atau gantirugi teruk dan/atau gantirugi teladan dan/atau gantirugi punitif kerana pihak Responden- Responden serta ejen/kakitangan Responden Ketiga telah bersikap sambal lewa serta 'mala fide' dalam memulakan prosiding tatatertib dari awal dengan niat semata-mata untuk membuang kerja Pemohon yang mana telah S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 BA-25-19-03/2022 mengakibatkan Pemohon mengalami tekanan emosi dan psikologi yang begitu teruk apabila menghadapi keluarga, rakan-rakan dan masyarakat serta terpaksa mengalami kesedihan dan kedukacitaan (severe shock and mental anguish) setiap hari sehingga kini di atas keputusan pembuangan kerjanya; (g) lain-lain relif dan/atau perintah yang Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini fikirkan adil dan saksama.” Grounds for Judicial Review [3] The applicant set out the following grounds in support of this application for judicial review: (i) whether there are defects in the notes of proceedings of the first respondent/disciplinary committee; (ii) whether there is non-compliance and/or procedural impropriety in dismissing the applicant; (iii) whether the dismissal sentence on the applicant is irrational, unreasonable, disproportionate to the offense committed and has been contrary to the principle of natural justice; (iv) whether there is forgiveness (“condonation”) and if so, the disciplinary action of dismissal has been contrary to the principle of “condonation”; and (v) whether the applicant is eligible for the reliefs sought in this judicial review. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 BA-25-19-03/2022 Factual Background [4] The facts of this case are gleaned from the submissions and affidavits filed by parties. On 25.11.2019, a Laporan Pelanggaran Tatakelakuan-Menerima Gaji Bersih Di Bawah 40% Dan Tidak Hadir Bertugas Tanpa Cuti Atau Tanpa Kebenaran Atau Tanpa Sebab Munasabah was submitted to the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib (Ibu Pejabat), Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia from the Deputy Director of the Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia regarding the code of conduct of the applicant. The applicant was found to have violated the code of conduct as follows: i. failure to submit a written response to the letter dated 21.8.2019 within the stipulated period even though a reminder via email was issued to the applicant on 05.09.2019; ii. absent from work for thirty-three (33) days during specific dates in 2018 and 2019, without proper authorization or a valid reason; iii. a show cause memo concerning the aforementioned absence was delivered to the applicant, and an email reminder requesting a written response was sent as well which was not furnished by a written reply within the specified timeframe; and iv. under Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 can be deemed as behaving irresponsibly and disobeying the order, which is a violation of the code of conduct under Regulation 7(2)(g) and 7(2)(i) of the same Regulations. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 BA-25-19-03/2022 [5] On 30.01.2020, a submission was made, requesting the Chairman of the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib (lbu Pejabat) to assess and decide whether the alleged disciplinary violation warrants either dismissal, demotion, or a milder form of punishment as outlined in Regulation 38 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. [6] On 03.02.2020, the Chairman of the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib lbu Pejabat decided that the breach of discipline by the applicant, is of the type that should be subject to dismissal work or demotion under Regulation 40 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. The actions of the applicant contravene the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 can be considered as exhibiting dishonesty, lack of trustworthiness, and irresponsibility, which infringe upon the code of conduct as stipulated in Regulation 7(2)(f) and (g) of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. [7] On 13.07.2020, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bil. 1 tahun 2020 was convened and the Chairman agreed that there is a prima facie case against the applicant, as he did not show up for duty without leave or without first obtaining permission or without reasonable cause for thirty- three (33) days on certain dates in 2018 and 2019. [8] On 14.07.2020, the first respondent sent a letter of charge sheet with the purpose of dismissal or demotion to the applicant where a report was received by the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 which states that the applicant had violated the code of conduct which allows disciplinary action to be taken against the applicant. The decision S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 BA-25-19-03/2022 was notified to the applicant. The applicant was given the opportunity of being heard and to send a representation under Regulation 37 Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. [9] On 24.07.2020, the applicant sent a representation against the Surat Pertuduhan bagi Tindakan Tatatertib Dengan Tujuan Buang Kerja Atau Turun Pangkat. [10] On 27.10.2020, JPI’s Officer has submitted a “Surat Maklum Balas Berhubung Surat Representasi Pemohon” to the Chairman of Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1. [11] On 29.06.2021, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bil. 1 tahun 2021 was held to decide on the applicant’s case which found the applicant guilty and subject to the disciplinary punishment of dismissal effective 01.07.2021. [12] The applicant, on 14.7.2021 submitted a letter of appeal to the Chairman of the Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia. [13] On 15.12.2021, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bil. 1 tahun 2021 had convened to consider the appeal of the applicant and decided to confirm and uphold the dismissal sentence made by Jawatankuasa Tatatertib. [14] On 21.12.2021, the second respondent sent a decision letter of the Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib LHDNM for the applicant’s appeal. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 BA-25-19-03/2022 [15] The applicant filed the judicial review application under Order 53 of the Rule of Court 2012 on 15.03.2022 seeking for certiorari to quash the first and second respondent’s decisions and order for mandamus because according to the applicant, the first and second respondent's decisions was illegal, void, unlawful and/or in excess of authority, and had been irrational and/ or unreasonable. Principles relating to Judicial Review [16] The principles surrounding the application for judicial review are trite. The court hearing an application for judicial review are allowed to scrutinize not only the decision making process but also for substance, as to whether they are tainted by illegality, irrationality or Wednesbury unreasonableness, procedural impropriety and also proportionality as per the case of R Rama Chandran v The Industrial Court of Malaysia & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 145 as follows: “In this context, it is useful to note how Lord Diplock (at pp 410– 411) defined the three grounds of review, to wit, (i) illegality, (ii) irrationality, and (iii) procedural impropriety. This is how he put it: By 'illegality' as a ground for Judicial Review I mean that the decision maker must understand directly the law that regulates his decision making power and must give effect to it. Whether he has or not is par excellence a justiciable question to be decided, in the event of a dispute, by those persons, the judges, by whom the judicial power of the state is exerciseable. By 'irrationality' I mean what can by now be succinctly referred to as 'Wednesbury unreasonableness' (see Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 BA-25-19-03/2022 Corp [1948] 1 KB 223). It applies to a decision which is so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it. Whether a decision falls within this category is a question that judges by their training and experience should be well equipped to answer, or else there would be something badly wrong with our judicial system. To justify the courts' exercise of this role, resort I think is today no longer needed to Viscount Radcliffe's ingenious explanation in Edwards v Bairstow [1956] AC 14, of irrationality as a ground for a court's reversal of a decision by ascribing it to an inferred though undefinable mistake of law by the decision maker. 'Irrationality' by now can stand on its own feet as an accepted ground on which a decision may be attacked by Judicial Review. I have described the third head as 'procedural impropriety' rather than failure to observe basic rules of natural justice or failing to act with procedural fairness towards the person who will be affected by the decision. This is because susceptibility to Judicial Review under this head covers also failure by an administrative tribunal to observe procedural rules that are expressly laid down in the legislative instrument by which its jurisdiction is conferred, even where such failure does not involve any denial of natural justice. Lord Diplock also mentioned 'proportionality' as a possible fourth ground of review which called for development.” S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 BA-25-19-03/2022 [17] The Federal Court in Ranjit Kaur a/p S Gopal Singh v. Hotel Excelsior (M) Sdn Bhd [2010] 6 MLJ 1 stated the following: “[16] The Rama Chandran decision has been regarded or interpreted as giving the reviewing court a license to review without restrain decisions for substance even when the said decision is based on finding of facts. However, post Rama Chandran cases have applied some brakes to the courts’ liberal approach in Rama Chandran. The Federal Court in the case of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd v. Zaid Noh [1997] 1 MLJ 789; [1997] 2 CLJ 11 after affirming the Rama Chandran decision held that there may be cases in which for reason of public policy, national interest, public safety or national security the principle in Rama Chandran may be wholly inappropriate. [17] The Federal Court, in Petroliam National Bhd v. Nik Ramli Nik Hassan [2004] 2 MLJ 288; [2003] 4 CLJ 625, again held that the reviewing court may scrutinise a decision on its merits but only in the most appropriate of cases and not every case is amenable to the Rama Chandran approach. Further, it was held that a reviewing judge ought not to disturb findings of the Industrial Court unless they were grounded on illegality or plain irrationality, even where the reviewing judge might not have come to the same conclusion.” [18] Founded on these principles, this court will now proceed to analyse the grounds presented by the applicant in this application for judicial review. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 BA-25-19-03/2022 Preliminary Objection [19] The respondents raised preliminary objections. The preliminary objections are that the application for judicial review is out of time. According to the respondent the timeliness of adhering to the specified rules is of paramount importance, as it directly affects the court's jurisdiction to entertain the judicial review application. Given that the application was filed more than 90 days after the date of the first respondent’s decision, the High Court lacks the jurisdiction to consider the application for judicial review against the first respondent. Consequently, the remedy sought by the applicant in this application is legally inadequate and should be rejected by this court. [See: Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Munir & Ors v. Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur & Anor [2008] 6 MLJ 704] [20] The second objection by the respondent is that the decisions of the third and fourth respondents are not the decisions disputed in this application. The reliefs requested by the applicant in enclosure 1, there is no relief requested that disputes or cancels the decision made by fourth respondent. Further, the respondents argue that no decision has been made by the third respondent in this case. Therefore, it was argued by the respondent that all accusations against the third and fourth respondents are not material for this judicial review application. [21] The respondent however, did not deny that the application for judicial review was filed within three (3) months from the date of the decision of the second respondent. Moreover, the respondent cited the case of Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri v. Alcatel Lucent Malaysia Sdn Bhd & Anor [2017] 1 MLJ 563 which involves an S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 BA-25-19-03/2022 appeal on the assessment of tax. This case can be distinguished from Alcatel (supra) as this case involves disciplinary proceedings. [22] Pertaining to the objection that the third and fourth respondent are not the decisions disputed in this application, this court finds the third respondent is the employer of the applicant and the fourth respondent is the applicant’s head of department. As the head of department, the fourth respondent would have knowledge and reported the applicant’s absenteeism. The third respondent, as the employer of the applicant, would have to know about the proceedings against the applicant. [23] For the reasons stated, this court considered the preliminary objections raised and dismissed the said objections. Analysis and Findings (i) Whether there is a defect in the charges and proceedings of the first respondent/disciplinary committee 1 [24] According to the applicant, the charge of “tidak hadir tanpa cuti atau terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah” against the applicant is not true and there is a defect in the charge. This is because, according to the applicant, his absence is not under the category which allow for a proceeding for dismissal or demotion. It was further submitted that the Laporan Pelanggaran Tatakelakuan dated 25.11.2019 is untrue and misrepresented. The applicant argued that a prima facie case was decided by the first respondent based on the report of the fourth S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 BA-25-19-03/2022 respondent which is not true and without material facts of the case and without the applicant’s complete documents. [25] In this regard, this court perused Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008, which reads: “Disciplinary action for absence without leave 28. An employee’s absence from duty without leave or without prior permission or without reasonable cause shall render him liable to disciplinary action.” [26] Whereas, regulation 45 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 provides: “Types of disciplinary punishments 45. If an employee is found guilty of a disciplinary offence, any one or any combination of two or more of the following punishments, depending upon the seriousness of the offence, may be imposed on the employee: (a) warning; (b) fine; (c) forfeiture of emoluments; (d) deferment of salary movement; (e) reduction of salary; (f) reduction in rank; or (g) dismissal.” S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 BA-25-19-03/2022 [27] Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 explicitly states that an employee’s unauthorized absence from work makes them subject to disciplinary measures. If an employee is subsequently found to have committed a disciplinary offence, they may face disciplinary sanctions under Regulation 45 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008, which could include the penalty of dismissal. [28] In the view of this court, the provisions of regulation 28 and 45 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 is clear. The punishment for dismissal is not limited to cases of “absent without leave and cannot be traced”. This is clearly not stated in the said regulations and therefore this court is of the view this argument by the applicant is without merit. [29] Moreover, authorities have decided that the ordinary meaning of the words in a statute should be given. The Federal Court in Fairise Odyssey (M) Sdn Bhd v. Tenaga Nasional Bhd [2019] 6 MLJ 281, the court held: “[58] It is trite that the duty of the court is limited to interpreting the words used by the Legislature and it has no power to fill the gaps disclosed. To do so would be to usurp the function of the Legislature…” [30] In Tebin bin Mustapa (as administrator of the estate of Hj Mostapa bin Asan, deceased) v. Hulba-Danyal bin Balia & Anor (as joint administrator of the estate of Balia bin Munir, deceased) [2020] 4 MLJ 721, the Federal Court held: S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 BA-25-19-03/2022 “[30] … Therefore in construing any statute, the court will look at the words in the statute and apply the plain and ordinary meaning of the words in the statute.” [31] For this reason, this court is satisfied that the there is no defect in the charges and proceedings of the first respondent. This court is satisfied this ground is without merit. (ii) Whether there is non-compliance and/or procedural impropriety in dismissing the applicant [32] The applicant submitted there was procedural non-compliance and/or impropriety in dismissing the applicant. The applicant argued that there was a Defective Show Cause Letter, the first respondent and second respondent failed to consider the material facts in the applicant’s Letter of Representation, the admission that there are only 4 days without notification of leave, that the applicant’s reason for refusing to sign the Performance Progress Plan and that the reason that the applicant failed to apply for leave in the system was never raised to the applicant in the Charge Sheet. [33] The applicant’s complaint was that the applicant was deprived of a reasonable right to be heard on account of the show cause letter/charges making up the disciplinary offences being vague or unclear. [34] In order to consider this issue, this court perused the show cause letter/charges against the applicant. For the sake of completeness, the show cause memo dated 20.08.2019 is reproduced below: S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 BA-25-19-03/2022 “2. Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Jun dan Julai 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti dan tanpa sebab yang munasabah selama sepuluh (10) hari bagi tarikh-tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [35] The show cause memo dated 25.09.2019 stated as follows: “2. Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Ogas 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti selama tiga (3) hari bagi tarikh-tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 BA-25-19-03/2022 [36] The show cause memo dated 11.10.2019 states: “2, Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti pada tahun 2018, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa cuti atau tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [Emphasis added] [37] The show cause memo dated 31.10.2019 is reproduced below: “2, Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Oktober 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti selama empat (4) hari bagi tarikh-tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [Emphasis added] [38] The show cause memo dated 12.11.2019 states as follows: S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 BA-25-19-03/2022 “2, Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Mei 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti selama satu (1) hari bagi tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [Emphasis added] [39] The Charge Sheet dated 14.07.2020 reads as follows: “Pertuduhan Bahawa tuan, Encik Noor Azam Bin Salleh, No. KIP: 740404-1 0- 5401, Penolong Eksekutif Hasil, semasa bertugas di Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia, telah didapati tidak hadir bertugas tanpa cuti atau tanpa kebenaran terlebih dahulu atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah sebanyak 33 hari pada tarikh-tarikh tertentu pada tahun 2018 dan 2019 seperti berikut… Perbuatan tuan telah melanggar Peraturan 28, Peraturan- Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008 dan boleh diertikan sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab iaitu melanggar tatakelakuan di bawah Peraturan 7(2)(g), Peraturan- Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008 yang seperti berikut: "7(2) Seseorang pekerja tidak boleh – S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 BA-25-19-03/2022 (g) tidak bertanggungjawab; 3. Jika tuan didapati bersalah atas pertuduhan tersebut, tuan boleh dihukum mengikut Peraturan 45, Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008. 4. Mengikut Peraturan 40, Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008, tuan adalah diminta untuk membuat satu representasi secara bertulis yang mengandungi alasan-alasan yang hendak digunakan untuk membebaskan diri tuan. Representasi tersebut hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 melalui Pengarah Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia dalam tempoh 21 hari dari tarikh tuan menerima surat ini. Sekiranya tuan tidak membuat apa-apa representasi dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan, tuan dianggap sebagai tidak hendak membela diri dan perkara ini akan terus diputuskan oleh Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan yang sedia ada sahaja.” [Emphasis added] [40] At no point did the applicant raise concerns with the disciplinary board regarding the alleged vagueness or lack of clarity in the disciplinary charges brought against them. The way these charges were articulated leaves no room for doubt that the applicant understood the case they were facing, and there is no other plausible interpretation of their nature. In fact, the applicant’s written responses aimed at clearing their name demonstrated a clear and thorough understanding of the specific disciplinary offenses as they were presented. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 BA-25-19-03/2022 [41] In this particular case, the chairman of the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib received a report detailing the disciplinary violations committed by the applicant. In accordance with their responsibilities under Regulation 38 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008, they assessed that the nature of the disciplinary offense warranted either dismissal or a reduction in rank, as specified in Regulation 45 of the same regulations. Subsequently, the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib took over the disciplinary process, reviewing the report and determining whether a prima facie case could be established based on the documents contained in the report. [42] If a prima facie case is established, one or more charges are formulated, outlining the factual details of the alleged disciplinary offense committed by the officer, along with the reasons for the proposed dismissal or rank reduction. These charges are then transmitted to the officer in the form of a document called “Surat Pertuduhan”. Within a specified timeframe, typically 21 days from the receipt of the Surat Pertuduhan, the officer is notified that they must submit a written representation outlining the grounds on which they seek to clear their name. This process is in accordance with Regulation 40 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 which, in the view of this court, accords the applicant an opportunity to be heard. [See: Ghazi Mohd Sawi v. Mohd Haniff Omar, Ketua Polis Negara, Malaysia & Anor [1994] 2 CLJ 333; Lembaga Tatatertib Perkhidmatan Awam Hospital Besar Pulau Pinang & Anor v. Utra Badi K Perumal [2001] 2 CLJ 525; Muhammad Farid bin Muntalib v. Tan Sri Dato' Sri Khalid bin Abu S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 BA-25-19-03/2022 Bakar, Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib Polis Diraja Malaysia Bukit Aman & Ors [2019] 1 MLJ 604] [43] Regulation 40 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 explicitly outlines the disciplinary procedure concerning dismissal and rank reduction, and this procedure is already detailed in the Charge Sheet. [44] In the view of this court, the show cause memos are clear and unambiguous. The written documentation precisely lays out the reasons and details comprising the disciplinary offense, ensuring that the applicant is fully aware of the nature of the case against them and is provided with a fair opportunity to present their defense. [45] Exhibit A 14 in Enclosure 23 is the Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Bil 1/2021. From this Exhibit A 14 of Enclosure 23, it can been seen that the first respondent has taken consideration of all the material facts in the Applicant's Letter of Representation. [46] This court is also of the view the second respondent had considered all the material facts in the Applicant’s Appeal Letter. This can be clearly seen in Enclosure 24, Exhibit A-17, page 297- 298, Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Bil 1/2021. [47] Pertaining to the applicant’s absence from work, the respondents did not contest the applicant's absence from work for four days without providing prior notice of leave, nor did they question the validity of the applicant’s medical records and sick leave certificates. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 BA-25-19-03/2022 [48] It is observed that the applicant’s absence from duty for 33 days was not supported by any leave entitlement or a valid reason. According to the applicant, he had given the fourth respondent notification of leave. However, this does not mean the applicant is automatically granted the right to take such leave. The facts before this court is that the applicant had no leave entitlement during that period. [49] Therefore, the applicant’s absence is, in actual fact, unauthorized. Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 states that this is subject to disciplinary action. This court therefore is satisfied this ground is baseless. (iii) Whether the dismissal sentence on the applicant is irrational, unreasonable, disproportionate to the offense committed and has been contrary to the principle of natural justice [50] With regard to the sentence imposed on the applicant, the applicant contends that the punishment of dismissal imposed against him was excessive. The Federal Court in Ng Hock Cheng v. Pengarah Am Penjara & Ors [1 998] 1 CLJ 405 stated: “It cannot be denied further that the disciplining of a public officer by his department head is part of the function of the executive branch of the government and any usurpation by a court will be viewed with something very much more than disfavour even though the Judiciary is the judicial branch of the government as well as an institution which belongs to the people. To repeat; a court intervenes only on the nature and manner of accusation against a public officer as distinct from a consequential punishment as explained above. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 BA-25-19-03/2022 Just like a professional body being the best tribunal to judge the seriousness of misconduct of its members, in a similar vein, an employer, including a government, is the best person to judge similarly the seriousness of misconduct of an employee.” [51] It is this court’s view that the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib is regarded as the most suitable tribunal for evaluating the gravity of its members' misconduct. However, it is not within the purview of this court to determine whether the appropriate sanction should be a dismissal or a milder penalty such as a reduction in rank. Given the circumstances, the argument raised by the applicant lacks merit and contradicts established legal precedent. (iv) Whether there is forgiveness (“condonation”) and if so, the disciplinary action of dismissal has been contrary to the principle of “condonation” [52] The applicant in his submission raised the issue of condonation. However, this issue was raised by the applicant only in his submission. This issue was not pleaded by the applicant in the statement. [53] In this regard, it is trite that the parties are bound by their pleadings. The court is not entitled to decide a matter that is not pleaded. [54] See: RHB Bank Bhd (substituting Kwong Yik Bank Bhd) v. Kwan Chew Holdings Sdn Bhd [2010] 2 MLJ 188; Aseambankers Malaysia Bhd & Ors v. Shencourt Sdn Bhd & Anor [2014] 4 MLJ 619] S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 BA-25-19-03/2022 [55] Was there delay in the disciplinary proceedings which would amount to condonation? The whole event starting from the point of the disciplinary offence committed by the applicant to the disciplinary and disciplinary appeal proceeding, concluded in 2 years and 4 months. At that time or during that period, the Covid-19 pandemic hit globally and the Malaysian Movement Control Order in 2020 and 2021. [56] In Public Services Commission Malaysia & Anor v. Vickneswary a/p RM Santhivelu (substituting M Senthivelu a/l R Marimuthu, deceased) [2008] 6 MLJ 1, the court stated: “[40] Also again condonation was not pleaded. However, although there was a delay between the time the police completed their investigation and the time when the show cause letter was issued, there was nothing to indicate that the disciplinary authority intended to condone the wrongs committed by the deceased. In any case, the delay was because the police was investigating the case and the disciplinary authority cannot be said to have condoned the acts of the deceased.” [57] Having considered the facts of this case particularly as the country was engulfed in Covid-19 and restriction in movement, this court is of the considered view there is no delay on the part of the respondents. It follows therefore, there is no condonation as alleged by the applicant. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 BA-25-19-03/2022 (v) Whether the applicant is eligible for the reliefs sought in this judicial review [58] The applicant further contended that all the applicant’s statements in this judicial review to challenge the decision made by the first respondent and the second respondent are not denied by the two respondents because there is no affidavit in reply from the two respondents. [59] The respondents submit that all the applicant’s statements in this judicial review to challenge the decision made by the first respondent and the second respondent are actively challenged and rebutted by the respondents’ deponents, Zahari Ali (the fourth respondent himself) and Siti Zulaikha Badrul Hisam. [60] Zahari Ali, the fourth respondent, is the duly appointed individual authorized to validate the affidavit on behalf of all the respondents. He holds the position of Director within the Department of Human Resource Management, which is responsible for overseeing and managing the employment and service records of all employees at the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (“IRBM”). The facts presented in the respondent's affidavit in reply are firmly within the fourth respondent's awareness and are either derived from the applicant's documents or are part of the records held by IRBM, which the fourth respondent has complete access to. [61] The fourth respondent also, being the secretary of the first respondent, Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, has the full knowledge of the disciplinary proceeding taken against the applicant. The fourth respondent also is the Head of Department of officers from the Jabatan Pengurusan Insan, in which his officers being part of the S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 BA-25-19-03/2022 committee in the Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Bil 1/2021, has full access to the minute of the disciplinary appeal proceedings. [62] Siti Zulaikha binti Badrul Hisam, being the Admin Care Officer (ACO), is the direct supervisor of the applicant. This court is satisfied that Siti Zulaikha and Zahari Ali had access to the information and are persons who is best to aver the affidavits. Conclusion [63] For the abovementioned reasons, this court is satisfied there I no illegality, irrationality or Wednesbury unreasonableness or procedural impropriety which would warrant this court to allow this application for judicial review. This court therefore dismisses this application for judicial review with no order as to costs. Date: 09 November 2023 (SHAHNAZ BINTI SULAIMAN) Judge High Court of Malaya, Shah Alam S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 BA-25-19-03/2022 Counsel: For The Applicant: Kartini Yusoff Tetuan Jimmy M.P. Ng & Associates Advocates & Solicitors No. 30-2, Jalan Temenggung 17/9, 43200 Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor. +6 03 9080 4973 For the Respondent: Ahmad Isyak Mohd Hassan Ibu Pejabat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia, Jabatan Rayuan Khas, Menara Hasil, Aras 16, Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. +6 03 8886 8575 S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Summary Judgment – Construction of document – Whether suitable for determination without the full trial of the action – Rules of Court 2012, Order 14A and Order 33 rule 2.Sale and purchase agreement – Vacant possession – Water reticulation system – Contracts Act 1950, ss.47 and 56(1) and (2).
YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN GUAMAN SIVIL NO: BA-22NCvC-175-04/2022 ANTARA EKAR LEGA SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: 201001010165 (894795-X)] … PLAINTIF DAN CENTRAL SPECTRUM (M) SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: 198901005831 (183136-D)] … DEFENDAN JUDGMENT Introduction [1] The case for the Plaintiff is that the Defendant has failed to deliver vacant possession as agreed under the terms of a sale and purchase agreement entered into between the Plaintiff and the Defendant and is thus entitled to damages. The Defendant, unsurprisingly, contends otherwise. [2] What is significant is the contention by the Plaintiff that it is entitled to the reliefs sought without a plenary trial of the action. Predictably, the Defendant takes the opposing view and argues that the matters or issues raised in this action can only be resolved after a full trial. 09/11/2023 08:12:42 BA-22NCvC-175-04/2022 Kand. 27 S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 [3] The Plaintiff has couched its Notice of Application pursuant to Order 14A and/or Order 33 rule 2 of the Rules of Court 2012. The Plaintiff seeks a determination of the following issues and/or questions, namely: (a) In view of the Plaintiff Purchaser’s email dated 28 August, 2021 and the Defendant Vendor’s response emails dated 4 September, 2021 and 18 February, 2022, as well as the Defence affirming that the Defendant is still in the process to deliver the water Reticulation System, has the Defendant failed to deliver vacant possession of the said Lot 5, phase 3A in accordance to clauses 10.1 and 13.1 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 19 September, 2013; and (b) If the above question is answered in the affirmative, whether the Plaintiff is entitled for the liquidated damages pursuant to clause 13.2 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 19 September, 2013, or in the alternative, directions be given by this Honourable Court for damages to be assessed, as prayed in the Statement of Claim. The Prevailing Issues [4] The principal issues in this case are thus: (a) whether the Plaintiff is correct in invoking Order 33 rule 2 of the Rules of Court 2012 at this stage of proceedings; and (b) whether the Plaintiff is entitled to summary judgment pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules Court 2012. S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 The Invocation of Order 33 rule 2 [5] Order 33 rule 2 provides as follows: Time of trial of questions or issues (O. 33, r. 2) 2. The Court may order any question or issue arising in a cause or matter, whether of fact or law or partly of fact and partly of law, and whether raised by the pleadings or otherwise, to be tried before, at or after the trial of the cause or matter, and may give directions as to the manner in which the question or issue shall be stated. [6] It is evident that a court is permitted to order any question or issue arising in a cause or matter to be tried before, at or after the trial of the cause of matter. [7] In the matter before this Court, what the Plaintiff is seeking from the Court is for it to order that the questions raised be tried before the trial. The plaintiff is amply entitled to seek such an order. In this regard, the answer to the first issue is in the affirmative. The Application of Order 14A [8] The issue relating to the application of Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 requires more in-depth scrutiny. [9] The relevant provisions in Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 read as follows: S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Determination of questions of law or construction (O. 14A, r. 1) 1. (1) The Court may, upon the application of a party or of its own motion, determine any question of law or construction of any document arising in any cause or matter at any stage of the proceedings where it appears to the Court that — (a) such question is suitable for determination without the full trial of the action; and (b) such determination will finally determine the entire cause or matter or any claim or issue therein. (2) On such determination the Court may dismiss the cause or matter or make such order or judgment as it thinks just. (3) The Court shall not determine any question under this Order unless the parties have had an opportunity of being heard on the question. [10] As for the mandate in Order 14A rule 1(3) of the Rules of Court 2012, I have afforded the parties the right to be heard. [11] It is clear from the provision in Order 14A rule 1(1) of the Rules of Court 2012 that a Court may construe the provisions or terms in any document arising in any cause of matter. In the present application, this would include the sale and purchase agreement and the correspondences between the parties. S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [12] However, it is imperative that the exercise of the above discretionary power is subject to the following superseding riders, that is, (a) the construction of the documents concerned “is suitable for determination without the full trial of the action” and “such determination will finally determine the entire cause or matter or any claim or issue therein”. Both these provisos are to be read conjunctively. [13] The consequential and crucial issue for determination in this matter before this Court is whether this Court is able to construe the terms and provisions of the documents before it and arrive at a decision without the need to call for witnesses to testify at the trial. The Salient Facts and the Decision of This Court [14] The undisputed facts were that the Plaintiff in this action had entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Defendant as vendor and the Plaintiff as purchaser of a lot of land, whereby, according to the Plaintiff, it was agreed that under Clause 10, on Basic Infrastructure, the parties have agreed at Sub-Clause 10.1 that: “The Vendor shall at its own cost and expenses, construct or cause to be constructed the Basic Infrastructure more particularly specified in the Fourth Schedule hereto in accordance with the requirements and standards of the relevant authorities.”. The scopes of works are as set out in the Fourth Schedule. [15] Pursuant to Clause 13 on Delivery of Vacant Possession, it has been provided in Sub-Clauses 13.1 and 13.2 that: S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 “The Vendor shall deliver vacant possession of the Lot to the Purchaser upon completion of the Basic Infrastructure provided in The Fourth Schedule herein. The vacant possession of the Lot shall be delivered to the Purchaser within thirty-six (36) months from the date of this Agreement.”; and “If the Vendor fails to deliver vacant possession of the Lot with the time stipulated in Clause 13.1 hereof, the Vendor shall be liable to pay to the-Purchaser liquidated damages calculated from the day to day at the rate of ten per centum (10%) per annum of the purchase price from the expiry of the time of vacant possession as in Clause 13.1 until the date the Purchaser is deem to have taken vacant possession of the Lot.” [16] The Fourth Schedule which set out the Basic Infrastructure to be Provided for the Lot includes “Water reticulation mains to the vicinity of the Lot.”. [17] According to the Plaintiff, pursuant to Clauses 10.1, 13.1 and 13.2 of the said Sale & Purchase Agreement, the delivery of vacant possession to the Plaintiff was upon completion of the basic infrastructure as provided in the Fourth Schedule under the said Sale & Purchase Agreement. The Plaintiff further underscored the point that the manner of delivery of vacant possession amongst others included in the basic infrastructure and the completion of water reticulation mains forms part of this basic infrastructure. S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 [18] Henceforth, according to the Plaintiff, upon a reading of Clause 13.1, the date for delivery of vacant possession should be on or before 19 September, 2016. [19] The Defendant, via its Notice of Delivery of Vacant Possession dated 28 April 2017, had informed the Plaintiff that the basic infrastructure provided in the Fourth Schedule of the said Sale & Purchase Agreement had been completed, and the vacant possession of the said Lot were ready to be delivered to the Plaintiff. [20] It is also pertinent to point out that on or around 21 May, 2017, the Plaintiff had fully paid the Purchase Price to the Defendant. [21] Following the Plaintiff’s email dated 28 August, 2021 to the Defendant questioning the permanent water supply for Phase 3A that was not ready, the Defendant had by email dated 04 September, 2021 had amongst others, informed that the modification and rectification works as approved by AIR Selangor had tentatively been targeted to be completed by the end of October 2021. [22] Upon additional enquiries by the Plaintiff on the incomplete work and readiness of the permanent water supply to Phase 3A, the Defendant had again confirmed by email dated 18 February, 2022 on the continuous delay, in which the Defendant’s contractor was still in the final stage of the rectification works. [23] Based on the above, it was submitted by the Plaintiff that this was a straightforward case whereby this is a proper case for this Court to invoke S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Order 14A of the RC 2012 and that judgment may be entered in favour of the Plaintiff under Order 14A of the RC 2012. [24] This Court notes that the Plaintiff also cited section 47 of the Contracts Act 1950. This provision deals with the issue of time and place for performance. It provides as follows: 47 Time for performance of promise where no application is to be made and no time is specified. Where, by the contract, a promisor is to perform his promise, and no time for performance is specified, the engagement must be performed within a reasonable time. Explanation - The question "what is a reasonable time" is in each particular case a question of fact". [25] Reference was also made to section 56(1) and (2) of the Contracts Act 1950. [26] Last but not least, the Plaintiff highlighted the fact that at the time of the filing of these actions, there is still no permanent water supply available to the said Lot. [27] However, the Defendant urged this Court to not overlook Clauses 10.2 and 10.3 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement. [28] These relevant clauses provide as follows: S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 10.2 The parties hereto hereby agree that the Basic Infrastructure shall be deemed to be completed upon the practical completion of the same as certified by the Vendor’s consultants. 10.3 On completion of the construction of the Basic Infrastructure hereinbefore mentioned, the Vendor shall do everything possible within its powers to have the Basic Infrastructure taken over and maintained by the relevant Appropriate Authorities. [29] In addition to the above two clauses, the Defendant also drew this Court’s attention to Clause 13.3, which the Plaintiff has also omitted to mention. Clause 13.3 reads as follows: 13.3 It is hereby agreed that upon expiry of fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice from the Vendor requesting the Purchaser to take possession of the Lot, whether or not the Purchaser has actually entered into possession or occupation of the Lot, the Purchaser shall be deemed to have taken delivery of vacant possession of the Lot. [30] Based on the above three clauses, it was thus the Defendant’s contention that the water reticulation system had indeed been completed pursuant to Clause 10.2, as certified by their consultant, and that S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 “completion” does not include handing over of the system to the Authorities. [31] It is trite that Order 14A is suitable despite the Court having to examine and construe documents or agreements involved in the matter. However, as noted earlier, this is subject to the overriding rider that the Court must be able to reach a decision without having to call witnesses to determine the true meaning or intention of the clauses. [32] A reading of the clauses cited by the Plaintiff suggests that this may be a proper case where Order 14A ought to be invoked. However, when these clause are construed together with the other clauses relied on by the Defendant, these clauses as a whole put a different complexion on the matter. [33] This Court is of the considered view that while the clauses cited and relied on by the Defendant do not determinatively resolve the dispute one way or another, they have nevertheless, raised questions which can only be answered at a trial. [34] This Court agrees that witnesses will have to be called and extrinsic evidence will have to be adduced to establish the veracity of the “defences” raised by the Defendant. [35] The application in Enclosure 9 is dismissed with costs. The Plaintiff to pay the defendant costs of RM5,000, subject to allocator. S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 Postscript [36] The scope of the summary judgment procedure has widened considerably. In addition to the general summary judgment procedure laid down in Order 14 and the disposal of a case on questions of law or construction under Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012, summary judgment for specific claims such as accounts and inquiries, actions for specific performance etc and summary proceedings for possession of land are provided for in Order 43, Order 81 and Order 89 respectively. Hence, the proposition that “trial, as a rule, must precede judgment” (Symons & Co v Palmer’s Stores (1903) Ltd [1912] 1 KB 259, 266) is no longer the “rule”. Be that as it may, summary judgment is not granted as a matter of cause when these Orders are invoked. [37] With the amendment of section 68 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, section 68(1)(d) now provides that “where a High Court dismissed any application for a summary judgment”, no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. When one examines this provision and those in section 68(1)(e) and (f), the rationale becomes obvious. A dismissal of an application for summary judgment does not mean that the applicant has failed in the action. The matter proceeds to trial. Likewise, when an application to strike out any writ or pleading is dismissed or an application to set aside a judgment in default is allowed, the matter proceeds to trial. In each of the above situations, section 68(1)(d), (e) and (f) now state that no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. [38] This Court has been made to understand that the Plaintiff in the instant case is appealing against this Court’s decision in dismissing the Plaintiff’s application for summary judgment. As explicated in the S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 preceding paragraph, and in line with the provisions in section 68(1)(d) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. [39] This Court has also been made to understand that the Plaintiff intends to argue that section 68(1)(d) only applies to dismissal of summary judgment applications made under Order 14. As this application is made pursuant to Order 14A, the Plaintiff will accordingly argue that the provision in section 68(1)(d) does not apply. [40] If the reasoning that section 68(1)(d) is only meant to apply to applications made under Order 14, then dismissal of applications for summary judgment under Order 14A, Order 43, Order 81 and Order 89 are all subject to appeal. [41] This Court is of the view that if indeed the intention of the Rules Committee is to limit the application of section 68(1)(d) to dismissals of any application for a summary judgment under Order 14, this would or should have been made clear in the said sub-section 68(1)(d). In view of the absence of the phrase “under Order 14” in the said sub-section 68(1)(d), summary judgment ought to be understood as to include all summary judgment applications under the various procedural rules of the Rules of Court 2012. [42] It is nevertheless granted that in certain circumstances, a determination of questions of law or construction of provisions in a statute or clauses in a contract or document pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 may bring a matter to an end. In such a case the losing party ought not be prohibited from bringing an appeal to the Court of S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 Appeal. The adoption of such an approach will correspond with the rationale behind the introduction of sub-section 68(1)(d), (e) and (f) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. [43] As for the present case, the dismissal of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Application for summary judgment under Order 14A does not result in the dismissal of the Plaintiff’s action. The dismissal of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Application for summary judgment under Order 14A does not result in judgment entered in favour of the Defendant. This Court is therefore of the view that the present case falls squarely within objective envisaged or intended by the introduction of the new paragraph (d) in sub-section 68(1) of the of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. Henceforth, no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. However, that is a decision to be made by the Court of Appeal. Dated: 1 November, 2023 sgd [CHOONG YEOW CHOY] Judicial Commissioner High Court of Malaya Shah Alam S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 Counsel: Fong Lip Jeen for the Plaintiff (Messrs. Wong & Ting) Deborah Lau for the Defendant (Messrs. Khairuddin Ngiam & Tan) S/N 1VxXUWSe106Yy0gsm1FvYA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Kes jenayah - pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya - OKT dilepaskan dan dibebaskan di akhir kes pendakwaan tanpa dipanggil membela diri - pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen pemilikan dadah berbahaya tersebut.
YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson
09/11/2023 10:07:46 KB-45A-12-03/2021 Kand. 84 S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N N35jw68FIESHaZHPqXIoEg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal ma-45A—12-03/2021 Kand. 84 :9/11/2023 10:57:45 DI DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SUNGAI PETANI DI DALAM NEGERI KEDAH DARUL AMAN PERE ARAAN 4EuAvAH NO K 45A 242312021 FENDAKWA RAVA LAWAN SURESH AIL RANJAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN (an mm ku pendakwazn) Pengenalan 1. Tenuduh Smash all Ranian (mm [swan dmadapkan an Mahkamah alas penuduhan — “Bahawa kamu‘ pada 16 4 202U]am1ebm kurang 7 SD ma\am‘ L11 sebuah bengkel membaikx kenderaan bera\amat dw La! 14194, Pengkawan Lebai Man, Kampung Rap, ammo Sungal Felam, u. dalam daerah Kuala Muda, m dalam Negen Kedah Dam! Aman, lelah maapau mengedardadah bevbahaya vallu melhamphalemme seberal 2375 1 gram Oleh yang demwkwan‘ Kamu Ie\ah maflakukan Sam kesabhan d1 bawah seksyen 39E(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boreh mhukum d1 bawah seksyen 39E(2) Akta yang sama ' [Ekswbxt E] IN N351v-6aF|£sHazHP~1x1nEv 'NnL¢ sum umber MU .. wed I» may I... mm.“-y MW; mm. VI muus NM! Kn: penaakwun Publcal n 2 Benkul ketevangan yang dikemukakan men saksivsaksi pendakwaan Pada 1642020, Inspeklar <3/20555 Mohammad Famz hm Nawl, pengadu (SP8) menenma mabdumal aklwm pengedaran dadah meh lelakr mma dw sebuah bengkel memnam kenderaan (BBVIQKBD hemamal di Lol 14154‘ Pengkalan Lebal Man, Kampung Raga, oaaoo Sungax Pelam 3 Eellau |e\ah mengalur nperasl dengan pasukan serbuannya yang terdin darlpada 5 anggela pohs dan bevgerak ke Eengke\ tersebul Dw EengKe\ «ersebm, SP8 dan pasukannya mengambvl (empat masmgmasmg dan membual pemamanan selama Iebm kurang 5 rmmt Twada sebaring pergarakan keluar masuk Bengkel nu 4 Bengke\ nu berpagar Konkrit Imggv dam hanya mempunyal salu plmu akses m bahagwan hadapan Pmm Mu jams pinlu zmk dan pada masa kqadlan. pmlu Nu mxunm dengan rantai besl dan mangga 5 spa lelah mengarahkan anggolinya memctung ranlax unluk masuk perkarangan Eengke\ terssbul dan Aerus mengnaxa ke sebuah kunlena dx fepl sebelah Kanan (Kumeni) Apabua SP8 membuka pinlu Komena tersebm‘ beliau manna: senrang lelakx India, yang kemumannya dlcam sebigal on, duduk di sebuah kemsl berhampuran sehuah meji. OKT Kehhalan t2rke1uL m N351»6aF|£sHazHFqx1nEv Wane sum lhlhhfl Mu ». um In new m. mV§\nIH|Y Wm nnumanl VI muus wvm Frlnslp kn prlma lacie 23. 24 Tugas Mahkamah 111 akmr kes pendakwaan ualah untuk me1akukan pemIa1an maxsma Ke atas kesemrlman kelerangan pendakwaan nan memuluskan sama ada pendakwaan Ie1ah benaya membuktlkan suazu kes puma lacie lerhadap Tenuduh seperlr dipelumukkan di bawah seksysn 19011) Kanun Acara Jenayah Da1am kes PP v Muhd Radz1 bin Abu Bakav 2006 1 cu 457 m 467 2005 s Mu 393 111400 2004 2 MLRA 547 2on5 1 AMR L1, Mahkamah Persekuluan msnyarankan Iangkamangxah yang perm maml-211 oleh hakml blcara 111 akhlr kes pendakvmn (MohamadRadI11h1nYaakugv.PF 1991 3ML.I169di171 1991 3 cu 2137:, PP v Dale‘ Sen Anwar bm Ibramm (No 3 1999 2 MLJ 1 a163, Lou: Kow Chai a. Annrv. PP [2009 1 cu 734 at 752 2003 2 AMR 59 290: 1 cu 734, Balachandran v Pubhc Prosecutor 2005 2 MLJ 901 aI315 2095 1 AMR 321 2005 1 cm 95 .9 Magendvan Muhan v PP 2011 1CLJ B05 di 524 2011 6 MLJ 1) Elemen-elomon pertuduhan 25 m N351»6aF|£s>1azHPqx1nEv «.1. sum lhlhhfl M“ be um In new m. mV§\nIH|Y mm 1..."... VI muus wvm Elemen-elemen Permduhan Iemadap on adalah — (1) Jenls dan berat dadah yang memadn ha‘ perkara Penuduhan aaa1an dadah merbahaya seperll dnakrii di bawah ADB dan dlnyalakan dalam Perluduhan xersebut, 11 my OKT memihm dadah berbahaya flan mempunyal pengelahuan mengenaw mmken nu, nan (m) OKT mengedar dadah berbahaya nu Penilaim dam dlpnlln Mnhkamah Elemen [en]: dman din bent dadah 26 Keleringin SP7 bahawa barang kss dadah adarah dadah berbahaya ‘ems methamphetamine seberat seberat 2373 1 gvam tmak lercabar 27 Bevpandukan penghaklman Augusflne Paul HMR (kehka mu) dakam kss Ealachandran v PP (supra) @. Mahkamah ini mensnma Keterangan SP7 pada Max zahlmya sebagai kelerangan yang baleh dlpercayal Munusamy vengaaasaxamv PP 1537 1 MLJ 492, PP v Lam Sin 1991 3 MLJ 426 .1. Khoo H1 Chlang v PP 1994 ZCLJ 151) 23 Mahkamah telah menexm kelerangan saksl-saksx pendakwaan berkenaan penemuan dun pergemkan barang kes dadah dan mendanam kelerangan psndakwaan herkenaan penemuan dan pergerakan barang K95 dadah dengan jelas Ianpa sebarang penmggaxan m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm 29. 30 31 Mahkamah Im berpuis hali bahawa rangkaian kexemgan berkenaan barang kes dadah max (srpums flan barang Kes yang mkemukakan dw Mahkamah aaaxan harang kes yang dlrampas men SP5 da\am Kunlena Iersebm dan barany kes dadah yang dlanahsa oren SP7 Memampneaamme msenaraukan sebagan dadah berbahaya \1a\am Jadual Panama ADE Dengan W elsmen Janis den bsral fladah terbukll E/emen penyedmn dadah 32. 33 34 D1 bawah seksyen 3‘/1da)(xvI) ADB, ssseorang nu dlanggap mengedar dadah seklranya dudapatl dw dalam mmknya ada so gram a|au lebm dadah jams methamphetamine Kelerangan pendakwasn berkenaan beral dadah melhamphetamme yang mrampas adalah 23731 gram dan ml memmbulkan langgapan scanumn pengedaran m hawah seksyen 37(da) ADE Dengan ml‘ e\emsn pengedaran dadah tsrbuktx. 43 m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm Elemen mirikan uan pengelahuan dldnh :5. Unluk elemen mu, Mankaman um berpandukan amaean Thomson .| dawn kes hen Pean L n v P 19 MLJ 237 di 239, Penghakvman tersebut telah dinuuk dan dlendos men Mahkaman Persekuluan dalam kes-kes PP v Abdm Runman bin AM 20m 5 Q, Swew Yoke Keong v PF [2013 3 ML.) 630, Gnaasm Hozoun Hassan v PP 2019] s MLJ 2§1 5 Chgrl we: Loon v PP and anal a al 021 MLJ 660 as Dalaun kea PPV Denlsh Madhavan zone 2 MLJ <94, Abdul Azlz hm Muhamad HMP member! pencerahan berkenaan elemen Demillkan sepeni benkul m 201 » “xx x: Inapbropnate (0 weak Mvbssesswonoi an amnle In alumna! naw as axcmsrve posmuon Dna u mm m Punessvon or nail wn vosussvon. nflhauqh on: bank! be in paxsessmn pumywnn anvlhevurmhals Ta saythnt lhe pmaeuman al a mug case fans because Ihem ms been no omov ov sxcmswe possasmn Vs am to convey me wrunsl Imllressxm mac n is only m cases whave puinwon as anma'Y wnn one uavwn. —|hal Vs - xdntwe‘ — mm a norm mu Vs oomme When We bamad nnax ,uuge sand ‘Th: mum soughl (n negnlive me omu: cl excluxwe paxsessmn -, we an n am no mean! no mom man mac me vesaonaenn swgm «o show mac he was nm m Poisesimn m the mug: beanie he had no knowledge M mew existence Ind nm We dmgs with! have been phusd u. no bags by some mharptrwn nrvevmns The ma alexduswny Veamres m the meamna cl bussessran‘ m mmvnm Vnw as one at the enomenas necessary Io consmme Dossesslon As ram: 4 aao .n L.eowNghes Lrm I/F‘sg[I95€] mu 2:; u a oneu mm mm 'po:s2ssmn mun be exchlsme‘ nu. a ammguuua Pcssesswon need no: be excluswe nu ma accused Two ur am N351w6aF|2sHazHFqxIuEv “ -nu. sum rumhnv Mu o. um a may he anuauu cum unanvmnl o. nrwuns Wu :7 sm Nasmcarlasuaznwqxiozg "none sum rumhnv Mu o. om o «My me nugvuuly mm; dnaumnl o. mums ow move persons may be m ‘amt ouseemon ov mum, meme. innuum or Dummband The exchlslve elemenl Mvosuxsmnmeans (MI me passage! or poqsessms have me vowev lo exchme Mhev persons lmm enmymenl oi lhe properly cusmay mcewnse may be sole av mm and n has an same meme.“ n1 excmamg omen me mam dlsimmmn belwsen custady em oomeeaome man a custodian has not me Wweraldwsnbsal The xuremem than ‘possesswan must be exclusive‘ ws often due to summon or Ihe lac! no he moved wllh me evidence ny mm m we to be plvved n I: essermal to keep (N5 dnslmwon dtafly m mm eeoecouy when applymg pmompme Thamwn J m cm Pecan Lean v worm Prusscularlisfifll MLJ 237, sum mm ‘palsessmrf for me numnses M cumwnal law mvowespossemommen — wmch some omnonues mm tuskudy or ‘conlwf — and knuwbdg: ovme nalure M me lfung paisuwd As to wuessmn use» he urea me iallwwmg dafinmon on Stephen‘: mgemsm say, at p 304), In wmch the excmslve alemunl menlmned by Tayml J appears A mmeahle mm \s sem tu he m we poiwsslon oi: pavwn when he :s so smAa1ed wflh verve-:1 «o n man he haitha pvwarta aemmn imoww to ma sxduuun 07 en olhev persons‘ and when we ommmances are such am he my be presumed to mend to do so no use ov nos: onceme euememe neeoeamonsumm ooesemm iYQ5i1Sb|\S'IBd‘lHC‘UdllV§ lhe enemencovexcuuswe power!-:dul.(Mn vmatliaslzbhshadiu oomeeaon, um axduiwa possessiun so much co. emhlslve pussexsinn " Kelerangan SP8 adalah yang harang Kes dadah duumpai alas lama: Kanlena tersebm dalam jarak kurang flan 3 kakw dan Iempat duduk OKT Pida masa kejaman‘ OKT bevada seurang dln dalam Knnlenatersebm Twada orang lam dalam Bengkellersebut. Kunu pinm depan Bengkel (ersebm ls\ah mrampae dan poke( sebelah kanan semar on 15 as Pada mesa yang sama Kelerangan pendakwaan menunjukkan — 0) ramax arang mempunym akses kepada Komena levsebul lni lermasuk SP5 yang memmkl Kontena tersebul, semua pekeqanya, spa nan panama Sugumaran‘ (in) kunci Konlena Wu amuarkan alas sebuah meja dawn Bengke\ I|u den adakalanya Kontena Vlu (Idak dlkunu‘ dan Hana van-pasan kuncl Kunlena dalam penyiasalan SP9 39 5:25 «max membenkan gamharan yang Iengkap berksnaan susunamr dan keadaan dalam Kunlena felsebul spa memben kelerangan bahawa bavang kes dadah duumpax m Iempal yang dnandakan “Y" dalam Eksxbxf Pu sedangkan OKTduduk dx Iempat yang dllandaksn “x' d\ Eksxbll FIK Dan kedua gambar ml, Mahkamah mu max dapal mengesahkan keterangan sva berkenaan kedudukan narang kes dan tempal duduk on 40 SP8 yuga memben keterangan bahawa kolak kanas berwama cukelat [Eksuhn PE]t1an bungkusan beg plasllk mam [Ekslbil P22] dalam keadaanlelhuka dan om Ixfleh melmal kandungannya dan Iemnéll duduknya da\am Kcnlena tersebul. 41 Penelman gambar Ekslbwl PSJ yang auanda 'v' unluk menunjukkan penempatan barang Kss menumukkan barang kes (evselmdung an nawakang speaks! fiada seharang gambar yang menunjukkan kedudukan speaker dengan meya dw mana OKT sedang duduk aamaaa serbuan m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqxInEv '5 W. sum rumba! wm ». um a my m. MVQVMHIY Wm anumanl VI muws wvm A2 43 45 46. Fenelman gambar—gamhar keadaan di damn Konzena (erssbut [Emma PBH — L] menumukkin ada pelbagal barang dmam Komena mu can kesemuanya dalam Keadaan len.e\eraK Da\am keadaan seaemman, Mahkamah ndak boleh menenma kelerangan swa bahawa barang kes dadah yang dalam keadaan lerbuka Li! temps! dnandakan “Y' dalam Ekslbfl P3.) buleh dwllhat olah cm‘ can lsmpat duduknya yang dwlandakan *x* a. Exsma P3K Mahkamah mendanau gambar-gambar [Eksmut P3A— N] dan rajah kasar nampae ke;aman [Ekswbri P26] nuak membanlu memberikan gamharan yang lengkap dan menyelumh berkenaan «empac m mana harang kes dadah duumpaw an :11 mana on bsrada semasa (angkapan Mahkamah mendapau kelsvangan pendakwaan berkenaan akses den ketladaan apa—apa kecerangan lam unluk mengman OKT dengan barang kes dadah kecuau kehadlrannya dalam Konlsna hevsebutdan iaraknya dengan zempax a: mans barang kes duumpax memmbulkan keraguan munasabah sama ada e\emen pemlllkan cemukn (erhadap on Ketevangan pendakwaan unluk elemen inl lidak memadal unluk menuniukkan OKT “was so snualed lhal he can deal mm the (mug as I! u belonged ta hrm“ man ‘that he had the mention oldeahng with wt as If wt bemngsd to turn should he see any occasxcn to da 3:‘ (Chan Pean Leon (514113)) 17 m N351»6aF|£sHazHFqx1aEv Wane sum runny Mu ». um In new m. mV§\nIH|Y Wm nnumanl VI arwuus wvm 47 Alas aflasan W, Mahkamah W menaapau elemen permhkan Iwdak terbukll terhadap OKT Pnrumlp 4a Mahkamah lelah membuat penflawan maksma ke atas kelerangan pendakwaan nan krembum saksxrsaksx pendakwaan dan mendapan Dendakwaan gagal membwmkan elemen pemmkan Penuduhan lersebut. 49 Dengan mu Mahkamah mendapau pendakwaan Ie\ah gage] membuknkan sualu kes puma vane ke alas OKT sebagawmana dupsnmmkkan di bawah seksyen 150(1) Kanun Talacava Jenayah Kenutusan so on dflepiskan dan umebaskan dan Penuduhan Iersebui tanpa mpanggn membela din Bertankh 7 November Narkunavalhy Sund esun Fesurumaya Kehakxman Mahkamah Tmggw Malaya an Sungaw Petam Bag: plhak Pondakwnn Puan Nahlla Huda mm. Muhammad Naxlm Pe1aba| Penasman L|ndang—Undang Negen Kedah m N35msaF|£sHazHP~1x1nEv 19 Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be uud In mm m. mwgmuly MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm Eagl plhlk Fombolnn En Rarmlsmgh Sandhu Texuan Ranm Smgh Sandhu 5 Cu e7, Ja|an1slani,T:|man Islam‘ aoaoo Inch Perak. m N35m6aF|£sHazHFqx1nEv Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um In mm m. .m.u-y mm; unaumnl «. muns Wm 19 5 Nada apa-apa bavang salah duumpaw semasa pemenksaan fiZIka\ ke alas on. Walau baganmanapun‘ spa meruumpax sehamng anak kunci [Eksxbxt PI 15] da\am pokel ssbelah kanan seluar on 7 SP6 (Blah membuat pernenksaan Ke alas Komena lersebut da\am kehadlvan oxr dan meruumpax barang-bivang benkut alas Vania! Konleni (eraebul — up salu kolak berwima oakelal [Ekslhn P8] yang mengandungx 3 bungkusan plaslik bemms “Guanymwang“ [Eks\b\trEks|bn P19 - P21] yang masmgmasmg mengandungl salu bungkusin plasllkMsmar[Eksibxl-Eks\b\(P19A — P21A] berisl serbuk dan ke|u\an ‘emit! msyaki dadah syabu [Ekslbm-Ekswbn P190 — F210], (u) satu bungkusan beg masnk hnam [Eksuhil P22] yang mengandungi 4 bungkusan p\asl|k Iusmar [Eksxbil P22A » P22D] new serbuk dam kelman ,emm dwsyaki dadah syabu [EksI n P22F]. (m) satu a\a| pembungkus pmsnk [Eksmu P121‘ cw) salu bungkusan pkasuk mengandungi pakal-paket p\as|Ik Iutsmar kosang [Ekmbil P13]. clan (V) satu a\a| pemmbang mgnal [Ekslbn P14] m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm a swa member! kelerangan hahawa — 0) keduadua kotak berwama eokevac dan beg plasnk Mam da\am keadaan Ierbuka: (in) kesemua harang kes dalam keadasn Ierdedah dan mudah mums: dam tempal duduk OKT‘ man an) jarak barang kes kurang nan 3 kaki dari lempat duduk on 9 spa membuat tangkapan dan merampas kesemua barang kes Eeliau Ievus mengeluarkan berang lmngkar [Eksmu P23] kepada OKT Kemudlan, on man kesemua barang kes yang dlvampas dibawa ke um Fqahat Fulis Daerah um; Kuala Muda Du IPD Kuala Muda, SP8 |eVah membual Landaan pada kesemua barang kes, kecuan ranlai besl yang dipumng, flan menimbang barang Kes dadah dalam kehadvan ow to Fade hen yang sama. jam 11 50 malam, ssa te\ah menyerahkan om, Kesemua barang kes dan dokumen berkmfan kepada lnspeklor G/24569 Surila bum Annual. peqawax penylasat (SP9) Bmang sewh barang kes [Ekswblt P25] Ie\ah dllandalangam aleh kedua pegawax berkenaan 11 SP9 member! ketersngan bahawa — (it bellau Isiah msmhuat \andairv‘ menanaacangam dan mmetakkan Iankh pada seliap barang Kes kecuah raman yang dvpumng‘ m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm (H) pads 17.4 2020 ‘am 11 on pay! beliau telah mengarahkan D/Kpl 149151 Yusn n Vusof jurugambar qspn msngambll gamhar barang kes sebelum dan sslspas dusnng, mu) Eksibn-Eksmn P19 - P22‘ P19/1 — P21A, P22 dan P22A - P22D (elah mmasukkan dawn suafu kolak bertanda ES [Exsmn P15] yang mseal dengan meleral PDRM 579 dan duslmpan selaman (xv) pada jam 5 no peeang han yang sami. behau Ielah psrgw ke Bengkel cersan-A bersama SP1 dan SP8 unmk human slasalan dan rakaman gambartempat ke]ad\an, dan 1v) pada we 4 2020 yam 11 13 pagx‘ bellau (elah serahkan Eksmu P15 kepada Encwk Vatindra an Manmumu (SP7) :1: Janacan Knma Malaysxa Cawangan Kedah yang celah mengemarkan resil vasmi dengan nombor makmal 2D—FR—K-01793 [Eksibn P17]. 12 Hasll analnsa SP7 ke atas Exsvmz-Eksmix P19A - P21A nan P22A — P22D dmyalakan dalam Iaporan kmua bellau benankh 23 7 2020 [Eksibit P131 aan menuruukkan Ianya mengandungx — m N351»6aFI£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum lhlhhfl Mu be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm Exsmm Bsral belsm Hasll anslisa kandungan P19A 959 5 gram 742 1 gram memampnenanune PZOA 992 5 gram 745 3 gram memamfiexamina P2TA 997 7 gran.T vne‘ P22A—D 939 1 gram 145 5 gram msmamphecamme 13 Low Char Eak (SP3) member? kmerangan bellau telah menyewa tapak Eengkel Vlu kepida Supramanlam all Krflarldai (SP4) SP4 memberi kaemngan bshau berkongsl tapak Eengke\ nu dengan Loganaman all Kumaraguru (suns) spa, yang meruaxankan ksna— kena konlrak, menggunakan lapak Bengkm nu umuk menym-pan ;emera rouerdan Vormya sedangkan sps menjalankan pemiagaan baiki Ion dan karela dx tapak yang sama 14 SP4 msngesahkan — (1) Kancena (ersebu([Eks\bItF3G]at1alah nmoe SP5. (up t1Ia,SF§ dan mungkm OKTmasmg-mismg msmegang kuncw kepada mangga pmlu masuk bengkel‘ (M) SP5 msmpunyal 3 - 4 orang pekeqa‘ (M on membual kena-Keri: repau mesin dx lapak Bengkel. (v) Farlmban an Nadsreuan (SP5) .uga menggunakan Iapik Bengke\ nu Imluk mpaxr Inn. m N351w6aF|£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum rumhnv wm ». um law may m. .m.u-y mm unaumnl «. muus mm 15 15 17 m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqx1nEv Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm qw) dalam perkarangan Bengke\ nu berdekazan dengan Konlens tevsehul ada sualu kuxl yang dmruskan u\eh spa Gan panama Sugumaran: dan (vu) SP5 «swan pasang CCTV av Eengkel Ietsebm Pada malam xelaman, spa berada an Tamung Maltm Kerana membam lnri roaak SP5 member: kelerangan bahawa kunci Kontena Ru bnasanya dflehkkan d1 alas me]: dihlm Bengkel Iersebul dan semua orang \ermasuk spa, pekerja-peksrjs sps, Sugumavan darn OKT ada akses kspada kuncx Kantena lersebul Ada ka\a Kanlsna Ilu Udak mkunc: Iangslmg SP5 mengesahkan on wax menympan spa-spa peralatarmya dalam Kunzena Iersebul dan ccw yang dlpasangnya an Bengkel Iersebul lelah Lama rosak Dla leVah dflangkap pnlus untuk Iuwan penyxasatan spa memben kelerangan dva rakan kongsl SP5 (slap: lldak memegang kunu Eengke\ tersebul Pads malsm xqaman, ma telah mensnma panggnan telefon dan SP5 untuk pevgw ke Eengkel karsebul Karena plnlu Eengkel tevbuka Semasa sps pergl ke Bengkel, ma dapalr ada pmak polis dan msnaka mak membenarkannvi masuk perkarsngan Eengkel mu Eeberapz nan kemudlan, ma jugs lelah dllangkap pains untuk luwan penylasalan Hujahan di akhir ke: ptndakwlan Huiahan pnndakwnn 1a Pendakwaan mangnuyankan meveka Ie\ah beniya membukhkan suam kes Dnma tame. Pendakwaan memyuk Mahkamah kepada ketevangan SP7 yang le\ah menganalpasn bahawa EksAbI\-Eksibxl PISA - F21A dan PZZA — PZZD mengandungi dadah bemahsya yams melhamphetamme seven: 2, 373.1 gram 19. Pendakwaan berhuyah — (.) ramawan keterangan bemubung barang kes dadah nan menuuk Mahkamah kepada keierangan spa, spa dan SP7, til) pida setxap masa yang malenak harang kes dadah Iersebul da\am kawaxan, pemerhauan dan/alau slmpanan selamat sakswsaksl mm: ""1 (m) keugamga saka: ml (elah mengenalpash barang kes dadah bemasarkan Iarmaan maamgmuasung, dan my uaan kemguan bahawa barang kes yang dxkemukakan ay Mahkamah untuk msmbukllkan perluduhan Ierhadap oxr adalah barang kes yang sama yang dirampas men spa dan Kontena dalam bengke\ Iersebul uan yang dwanallsa meh sw m N351v»6aFI£sHazHFqxInEv way. sum tummy wm ». um In my m. augmuly Wm a.a.n... VI muws rmm 20 Unluk s\amen psmmkan dan kawalan Sena pengelahuan, psndakwaan berganlurlg kepada kelerangan SP5 dan SP5 mu — m cm dllangkap dakam Kanlena .1. maria barang kes dadah dljumpal dan llada crang lam dalam Konlena mahupun EengKe\ (ersebul, tn) jarak di nmara DKT (lands “V“ pada Ekslbll F3K| dan barang kes dadah (canua “x" pads Evsxbnt P3J) kulang dan 3 kakv: ( p kalak kenas berwama cokelil [Ekswbn a1, 3 bungkusan plas1|k berlulis 'Guanyinwang' [Eksrb\|—Eks:bI| P19 — P21] din bungkusan beg plasmx mam [Eismw P22] dmam keadaan esmuka dan bmeh kandungannya ‘alas kehhalan, dan (w) kunci mangga pmlu depan Bengkel tersebul uwmpa. dalam puke! sebe\ah kanan seluar on 21 Pendakwaan nemujan mnggapan stalukari pengedaran dw bawah seksyen 37(da) Ana Dadah Berbahaya (ADE) lelpakal dalam kes W Nujxhln on 22 on bemujah pendakwaan lelah gags! memhuktxkan sualu kes pmna facle kerana — (.) fangkapan SP5 dan svs menuruukkan marska berkan dengan barang kes dadah yang duumpav Gan kelerangan IN N351»6aFI£sHazHFqx1nEv 9 Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm mereka hams anew secara lerpennci kevana ketersngan msreka bemanggah dan mak msaxong oleh bukn Vain‘ (n) Ierdapal Dercanggahan dalam kelerangan pendakwaan sama ada rantax beau an plnlu depan |e\ah dwpcloflg‘ (nu) cemapammau mang yang mempunyai aksss kepada Kantena di mane narang kes dqumpax dan juga kuncv Knnlena tersebul amnggarxan dx alas mega Bengkel lersebut (IV) mama seharang vampasan unmk kunu Kanlsna; (v) ads kesan umpllan paua pm kaca Konlena yang mencadangkan spa telah menggunakan kekerasan nntuk memasukkan Kamena tersebut dan W bercanggah dengan keterangan bellau bahawi pinlu Kersebul (Idak mkuncl pada mass semuam (w) kehamran SP6 dl cempan kejaman selepas serbuan pom. mencadangkan kemungkman barang kes dadah mmx SP5 alau SP6 dan perkira inl lidak mslasat nleh spa, dan M) percakapan an antara sws dan Vuayan a/I Riman‘ adlk on [ELGXDK VDDQEE] hdak dwsxasal o\eh SP9 m N351»6aF|£sHazHPqx1aEv 1“ Wale sum runny Mu a. um In new m. augmuly mm a.m... VI muus wvm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Costs of RM45,000 which this Court deems reasonable is to be paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff. The Defendant could have avoided these legal proceedings if it had engaged with the Plaintiff prior to this suit.
YA Puan Roz Mawar binti Rozain
09/11/2023 16:19:13 WA-21NCvC-116-07/2021 Kand. 66 S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N ToJpLoWNTEmCC1wrIBjQ5g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA—21NCvC—11S—07/2021 Kand. as as/mznza 15:19-13 nu me man coun mun AI KUALA LIJMFLIR cML use Mo- WA—2INCvC~1I6-fl7I2fl2I BETWEEN R MEYVANATHAN AIL REYNASAMV INRII: M0,: s2n12s-1o.5a951 PLAINTIFF AND DEWAN EANDARAYA KUALA LUMPUR DEFENDANT |mroducllm [11 The maunxm a 71—yezrnLd owner zfllhe land Geran M62, mu Na mm Mulum Pelalmg‘ Damn Kuala Lumpur. vwlaysh Persskuluan Kua\a Lumpur that measured 11547 sq lee| mmaletl lms actmn agzlrst Ihe De1endznHnr|r2spass and encmachmem There Is a monsoon dram on ms Wand man the P\a\nuW had damned me Defendam oonslmcled wulnoul ms psrmlssaon Io enlerand build ms land That had wanted ms wean: ngms Ia enjoy ms land‘ as 4: is now smauer than what ne ma pumhasefl n lav The Plamhfl had repeatedly requaslad Ina oamm.-mu 1 x“ ‘ sm n>1nLnwNYEmcc1wv\a;u5n mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! move me swmauna huwl| on ms wood The Davandanw nae fawwad wo resolve wna Dmbwem The s|mw:mre ma: nad oncmacnod upon his land and oonwwnuous wresnsss onto me Pwawmiwrs land «or wne nwawnwsnanoe and nnpwvemenw works on me monsoon drawn nao resuwwoo wn loss and damages vmwch the Pizwrwml nad suvwereo The Flawrmfl pwaadad maw me Dewwendanw had laken pan ow wno w=wawnwnw-s wand war as purpose and use wwmoul compensawwon wo wne Pwainaww which wanwamdunw wo illsgaw dennvanon onne Plawnmrs wopeny. [21 The Pwawnwwrw prayad for ma Courfs docwawawwon wnaw wna Defendam had wrespasseo onoo rwws land ano wnaw (here naa oaen enooauwmonw unwo nws wand wn Ihelarrnaflhe monsoon drawn The Plawrwwlflscugrww a mandatnry wnwuncnon |o order ma Defendant wo remave ma stmcmre at wna monsoon dam wrorn ms wand wwwnwn louneen days ow me one ow wnws courrs order omanmae wna Pwawnwm snugm luv 01: com |D Dampew ma Dewandanw Io pwncnose me pan ms land wakevw wor who sawo swnwcwure 0! mo monsoon dwawn aw (he prevailing markel one no Pwawnou aka aowwgnw damages «or savavance was: and wnwunaus awwacwwon on ms land. wnwcn lhws Court deems naaaonaowo [:1 The Dawandanw danwau wnaw w| nad Imspassad on wna PIIIn|wNs wand and wnaw wna slruciure ow ma nuxwsoun drawn on ma land u now a wonn ow encroachment on me wvwainmn wand ma Dlflndinl pweadeo rumficalicn as ww zones on us Pwer wo nwawnwawn, wnanaae. buwld and urmrova monsoon drawrws wn me Federaw Tomwory cl Kuala Lumpur. wrwdudmg wno P|awn|m‘s wand am YownlwmNw'EmccwwrwEwD5n “None sanaw ...n.mwww a. U... a may w... nflflwnuwwly mwnwa dnunvwml VI arwuwwa v-mxw canalnly nu| ms Pmnufl consmonno ms lac! (hm mo smuiovy dunes or me Dehndanl mcmde ms mzmlenznca and Imvmvmp nldrams mcludmg mess on me P\amm!‘s wand and bordenng nu‘ n wuuld be unaooemaols ta auow them to convenuenuy ousovm/Moo lhe risnonsnbvlfly over we [20] so‘ \/so on me abave facts. Ims Cowl finds that «no monsoon on-n located In «no P\a|nM's wand us me Deaenoanrs. I: mamsnao nn| whether nnao osnveo from s nalursl susam, me unshaken fact namamoo |ha| ma‘ is now on me Pnammrs xsno Is a concrete manmade swzmure wmon I: ma monsoon drawn under me purview and nmsmsmon o« me bemoan: on a ba\am>e olnmbabmhes, this Coun mnnamnos |ha|mere was encmachmenl on me Flamws Iano - to ms measuremem M24 14 3/9 fuel Aoomonauy. In have oorsumonso ms monsoon dram, Itespass by me Dehndam unto ms wuamma Iano nao uocasmnsd [251 ms com wall no| addmss ms saaosa ooonaary Ihal ansnns Ina wammrs xano due no ms ma Winn buliusl ms pumon man ms monsoon om. lock up av (ha P!aIn|M's Isno. In any evlnl. «ms was nox s weaud newsnos ov ms nsvsnoanu ms Cowl «nos mm m was malevanl to ma P\a\nml's claim against me Dsvsnoann. M maltered not Much mnsv uany nao anecnao the F-Iaunners evuoymsnc av land. This case was to aflludicame whether ms Defendanl had Indeed enomached upon me Pia-nms land and ivso‘ me redress uequnso in restflve mo oroaon oslanu oi Itstlflcatlan [251 As me Vocal aullmnty of Kua\a Lumpur (s2 Local (‘xwemmenl Am I976). «he Dsvsnoam nao Dretmsed all Its aclmns penammg to ms monsoon dram on/nomenng me Puaunmrs Isno wnn memos Io ms :1 sm rn1nLmNNvErncc1wnEm5n «ms. s.nn lunhnrwm s. met! a mm s. snnnnn mum: dnuamnl VI mum om soaxumry powers Imderme S|raeL Drainage and Emtdmg Am 1974 (son) The specific prvwsmns are :53 and :54 that rasDac|rw\y prumde ‘Local amhoriryto nparlandalror andmiydlscamlnue surface mu mu-m water amns, an 53(1) The locaraulhonfy snsllmamzam and keep in 799807 and‘ as It sees m, enlarge. 6/let‘ arch over or ulherwrse rmprwe a// or any 0/ me sunace and slorm male! «trams Duh/ans, gutters and walorcoursss under me canlml 9/ [ha /ncal authority and may drsconlmue‘ was up or deslmysuclv olmsm as yr deems useless or unnecessary: Provided ms: the local aumamy mu mm snlsrmg any myara prop-ny la: ms purpose olcanymg out ny work under this aubsaclran, gn/s raaxonabls malice In mnng m that behalf, -nu sn./I In currymn out sucn work: do I: mus dlmlgl as mly be and mu mekl mu compansanan run any name dang Not to own nulunco (2; The dtscanltnuance, c/osmg up or desmlmon of any of men. snsn be done as nana (79312 a rlursanca (2; I/by reason Ihereolor ofany such Bllevabcn as hevemnefore mentioned any person IS deprived af the /awful use :2! any surface and smm. water drams. culven, guns: or water course. Ihe ma: authomy snau wun due umganca prawds some ulnar as eileciual as the one av wmcn he rs so asp:/ved. :1 sm rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wn\E;u5n «mm. Snr1I\nauhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmnnu-y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa Wm! ctunsrnq ma ompryrng smile: and slwm mm dnins -re 54m The local authority sna/r cause me survace and 510ml water dram, culvirls, quflars and walmmwses under we control 0/ me local aumonry to be so constructed. maintained and kept as not In be a nmsance or tnjunous to health and to be proper/y mama cleansed and emptred and, /or me purpose olfluslung, cleansing andemplymglhe same, nmayeonsrrucz and New, emner above or undsrpmund, such rssenms, slmcex and nine! works as are nscessary. Pmvfdad mar me meal authority shall, balors snterrng any prlvaleprapony for ma purpose ofcarrymg nu! any work under znn smsecnan, gnva reasonable name In wvllmg In that am", and man In cermng out man Wm do 55 um. damage .. may a. ma mu mm mu ccmponsulforv Io: lny «am. don- {2; The local lurhomy may, wvm me suncnan in we sure Aumomy, came all ov any of such swfscs and storm water draws, culverts. gutters and wavswoursas to commumci1s with and be emphsd «nm the sea or olner m p/aw, ar may cause me refuse from me sanna m be canveyed by a proper chanrvsl to me most corvvsrvnnl sne fa: rls aeposn, and may sell at ovnemse dispose or me sammusa for any agricultural Name! gurpnses as are deemed sxpedrent so me: 1: shall no: bemme a nuisance.‘ u sm rn1nLmNNrEnucc1wu\E;D5n «mm. smuw nmhnrwm .. U... w may he nrW\n|H|Y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm! [271 we facls vn me me o: Azinh on him: Abidin A. on v uuo aondar Kum Lumpur [1999] 5 MLJ ans whrch me Defendant had referred In, are siarkly m comrasl wnn those here In ma case me defendant had produced notice wnion had inlurmad me plainnfl compnenenswely me Imposed nons mac wete earned om together walh me Vaw. There were also meelmszs wnue me [oh cameo out by me Defendant was exnlamed and embolaled pnor lo the execumn mereoi Nouce (here were reasonably given There were none here [231 We law max me Delendam rehed on — ssa spa requires me uoaenaanno lssue reasonahle nonoe la me P\a|nIM wore me enuy nnln his ‘and lor me pumosos cl any walk The Delendanl suhmmed ma| mo encmonmenn cl me monsoon drain unla me Plainlxlfs land could orfly oe cnnsmamd «reasons; :1 n wls an unnmmauu lnlrusmn The Dsfandam Dramvxed mew army maul band on men statutory my and subvrulwd max (he crann «or nmpm. mun can. [29] Tm: coun agrass won me Plalnmfs subrmsswuns mat sue (or any other lugmahon and rsauialucm lnr man menu) Carmel ovunoo me nghls cl nne Plaumfl guaranteed by our Feaenax 0or$u|u\Ion In |ms Instant the ‘aw omvmos ma: reasonable nmice mus1 be gwen to Vandnwnals balms mu execunon onns Devenoanrs flalutmy amass There was no ewaence many nolme m relation to me Devenaanrs stahflery dunes over monsoon dmm. [so] nwz maimed he had vnsnsd ma monsoon dram on me Flamnm land once a yen mm 2012 In 2017 much was sccardvng Io me suonoara nperalmg pmcedur: (SDP) nllhe Deflenflam Helounfl man and found mm u so «mm. Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e med u may n. nnnnnn -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! all won. mnouomng we“ and in mm Thaw were also no oomplam|s m namions memo. Thareefler. «nun zone on»-mos, mo Dr.v1andanI's sop requneo rnonixonno onne monsoon drains wee yeam [31] As to mavnlenanoe walk, DW2 tesnfied that «mm 2012 tn 2m7 no did nu| oany run any on mo monsoon drain m ma Plannnrs wand The axowananon gwsn was than me Defendant no no! csny om anm-an mamlenanee work but only when Droblsms arose wnen mere were ubslades la lhe walerflow or :1 me swdwmus 0! me orans mflapsed or here were dwsmrbanues uv ob51ruz:nnns to me water flow and «no main monsoon dram. However, DW2 wsufisd that mamlenance work on me mam monsoon dram on the Plsxnmfs Iana nook Diane m zen [:21 Parlanrwm mo en|ry mlo mo P\a|nuIl'5 land to the purposes oi amyamancn‘ mm, mamoring and mimlennnca, nwz sxulamed Ina! no nmme: were addrassad to Ina s-Iammv as the Datonuam nau non entered arm: the Flainlflfs wand lnsiaad. no clannao to have vitflod o: oe-an wnn mu omur nun who monsoon drain max was nu! Iacnlad on me Plalnmfs Iano. DW2 oemoo man the Defendant had mnn ur oonsrnmao the monsoon drain He was unsure wnumor any Dsvmissxon or -squosx was Issued (0 me P\axnMf in relanon (0 any works oonauaeo nmwanom me years [331 It \s we Dsrwexmg mac mo Dezronoanc oonxenoao no mamlenanoe sno suwollanoa was oonouaao on Ihe monsoon dram lhal had enuoacneo mo F-naunwrs land men at aH malenal Imles they look me pus on tha| may were empowered stalutonlylu mamtam mo dram am: all drums in mo Fooorax Tsmlnry cl Kua\a Lumnur Incmdmg the monsoon dram m me Halnlfls land <1 was Imwessed «no: me monsoon drum 1: am ro1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;D5n «wn. s.nn lunhnrwm .. med o my o. MWHIVVIY mum: flnuamnl VI mum vwm Vacated m nno Plimhfll wane and bordmna ils plnmlltn were wuaal‘ smear and neoessnly (or pubhu mlevest Vs|, ma Delsndanl clumed mm n ma rm camed out any summanaa or mamlenanoe on me paninn uflhe rnansoon dram mm was located on ma mainmors and lo amnn us damal man wt had enlaed lhe Plammrs wana. [341 on a balance at nmbabi|mes_ Hus Conn 22 unable tn aouepl the Defsndanfs eumennon. The Defendanfs lefler of 19 2 man that responded (0 me Pwnbfl confirmed Ihal the mm: were married oul an the Vumlwon ullhe morsonn dmm . -Adam. tlrmak/umkan banawa musk Jabalsn rm memang Dons: sadang melamnaxan kofja-K9!/5 penyetsnggoran Lonykafla Yen! Ja/an yang sudta ads .1; Makes: yang mmuksudkan men prhak man a. dnlum sum sapem‘ m an: Kuql-knqa pinyifunggarlan yang dr/lksamakan ks aras Vongkang some aua mcmmn karia Dlmbsikirv yum dun Piflyflenwarlan am umuk memashkun Semen Air Ierubul beflungy ssbelknya aan Iidsk manghfndar ssbaranq ks/arvcaran psrgerakarr air nu;an dari kawasan fadahan di Voksxi barksnain. Tfmiakul mr ad:/an ss/avas aengan (W95! -/sbatan uan prhak Dewan Bandarayn Kua/a Lumpw yang yang drperunlukalv m dalam ma Jalan, PAM darn eangunan 1974 urmlk memsstfkan Salursn Arr .1; eras Rasab Langkang, R9:-ah Kara/sen atau Tsnah Persendinan belungst sebatknya untuk meflaelak senarang bencane Blau Kssuman penduuuk m Kawasan tel/mat " 15 am rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;D5n «mm. san-1 .. U... a may he nflmnlflly mum: flnunmnl VI mum Wm! [:51 The Defendant nnus aoknawnoageo ono oonnnnou 1|-5 presence on me Plannws nana For Ina mannnaoa nnnmno nnnoning monsoon dram Iocarea on me FIiIrIM|’s Iano. men oennineny nnosn oa entry upon me Pnannnnrs Iand Lnkewnse, for me Inspewun and sunvannnance and mosn oennannIy mannnonanm and Impmvemenf work on me monsoon dram as In was won Iocansa wimin Ina Pnannnnrrs Iano — n the mmsurEmenII112.411 sq teen Ins Plinmnl had non recsnved any noasonanne nonnoa and nao oumplamed lhal he noa seen the I)e4enaann's canlraclorslagenls on ms nand aflendlng no me monsoon dram In me ansence av reasonaone name no me I=IannIn«. Ims Cmm finds man mo defence on nusnmnaauon could nut be susnannea. Ian] Thns Courl IS bound oy Ina dacnsmn al Ina Federal Cnurl In r-nag. nIa.IonaI lcrhad v sun/I Lon-nn Dwtlapmont Sdn Bhd [zone] I MLRA 255 Inmynauan prapeny rngnns undar Amcle Ia oI our raaaran Con£mIu|IorI ware recognnxed and nnan no Iaw was no he conslmed no annow any party lo enlera Demon's Iana wllhoul wnlanl In Hm can‘ son; was onear and unammguous The requIrumerIl on ronsonnmo nonnoe IS mandatory before army Into nne owners Iano IS made no carry out any snanunary aunnas Olherwisa, In IS Iresvass [371 Respeclfully, Ina exoerp| of me Federal courts deaslon at ozss Is bormwed and svnhad none ‘Put symply. trespass onno land 75 Ina unIawnuI mm: and Immedrata Inlaflelsllce mm me possessnon alland Much Is In the possesslon ofsmmavnsrson, orwmch armllvsrpsrsants ermlledta possessmn A Lann max/m Is rreauennly emnnma lo define the extent ouana )7 sm rnInLmNNI'EmccnwnIEIu5n “Nana s.n.n mnmrwnnn o. UIQG o my me nnnnnn-y -mm: dnuamnl VI .rIuNa v-man cur us st! so/um, sfus ssrusque adcoelum 9! admfaIo.r'— he mo owns the rano, owns 1: nu ma way In nsmn and to new This mnums rs onen rsrenoa to In no abblwrated form as ad coelum yrmctple In modem law, this prmcrple IS sull accepted In umnea him. and nghls are drvidsd mm space ngms and subsuvfacs ngms be/aw.“ [331 Due pnnuples of oarmnumg trespass and enuoacnrnenz are weu {mated .n ma daemon of «no Federal coun m Bzyingan sspm. Sin and v Johann Pong-mn Dun Sllirln mgon Solnngor L on (20221 2 nnwu rmpsss to Lana -s acuoname pet se and connnumg Irespass wnn Vast as lung as me monsoon drain remams In me Fla|nnf1's\anfl and n wn: omy arms ones we rmmsoun own 15 remm/ad [:49] The Izw .n 550(1) sna arm/med mat man may request the Stale Anmomy to aoqwv me Plsmmfs \and is me monsoon dvann ns nooam (heuam u now be me women aflucted or (he on-one Ilnd am for reasons only known |n mam. am not do so moan:/$.! [401 In addresznnglhe P\aIn(iVl‘s prayevfwanarderln remwe urre\aca(a the monsoon dram swdenoe aoonoea at «nan ws consnoareu. Tm caun heard me leslwmomes :2! all me wnnesses and oouno that me monsoon drain became a main monsoon mam Amending «o the ewdence, 1| mncnons as me mam maoe where water/mn mt water We ram pools before bemg cnannsleo Ia rivers. It Is ms mam dram out or a network 21 dramages In ensue! anu cnonnex water no «he nvecs for Knma Lumvur. sm «mm. s.nn .. med n my n. nrW\n|H|Y mum: mmn VI mum Wm! [41] ms Cour! acosols ma amlanalion by me Defendant‘: wllneses lnal me oraunaae in Kuals Lumw awarded to ma prinsinle whale walav flaws hum mgr: ground to low gruurld. From lne loooolapny map D14 H can be sasn lnal walercollecls al nlgner land ln Tarllan Overseas unlon Garden (Duel and llows in ma lowsrlano V7 Tamarl van mmugn a syslyn oldram network The ma!!! monsoon dram on me Plalnnlrs lano IS ms pan olme mam drains ll (uncllons as a oollsctov otwalsrsurlaos and mm M,‘ not nnly as a oclledur «om lne nouslno areas but also wiler lrom other sourcss mat oool inlo me veservnlr to: me dmlnage nelwulk of outs and Taman van The mam monsoon dram onannals ano ralwses lns waler lnlo Klang Rivet lmougn olner msln monsoon oralns, wmlcn all lonn a nalwork ol drains tor cue, Taman van and Kunla Lumpur so‘ me purposes ullhe mam omn am lwc—Iuld, In cnannal and rslaass lna walar lnlo Klang River, and llw In prevent new flood: The lalxer woulo resufl ln soll aroslon [421 As per mo maps or2oo4 1P15)ind 2013174)‘ nwz oonnnnao that me lopugraplly nlltle land ls that me pan that lsoss Jalnn Awin San IS llal wlnlsl lnal al on side o1Taman out; is nionsrlnan me rest onne lano He claimed lnal lna murlsoorl drain lonnso lne maln ulaln mm ma apomxnnala size of 2 metets In wlom ano 1 5 nlecers -n nalonl. The monsoon dram was o1 moole oncnlng‘ slmclure made «mm gramle lo prevern eroslan al lne me unhe dram as a result olsonslanl walev llow DW2 confirmed lha| there was always wa|sv flow lnnmgn ll as n ls ms mam waler flaw in channel the wale« and run on mm mm Tamar: Yarl sno Taman cue. :9 sm Ya-1nlwtWNYEmcC1wvlElD5i «on. Sun! luvlhnrwm s. o... w mm s. oflmnullly mum: dnuavlml VI .nuna Wm! [43] Basso on me Kowfiravhy map. (M poumon Mme main mansoan drain on me Pralnhffs lane 15 were two oaner rna-n dvams meet and converge. Thersfnre‘ n I: very critical Ya remove 0! reocane u would dvswrb and msmpl me eflicvenl flaw afwaler 1n ma ansarros or any other suggesnons or auanshves. [his court ms man it would not be m Ihe puhhc inI2res1 m have n removed or reheated fvam -vs wnenx posmon even mougn n nas encmached upon lhe Plammfs land, Even me Plamhfl In crass-examinsnon had agreed that ma waler flaws Ihmugh that monsoon oram tram me Ngher land no ms lower and and is connemed Io anulhev mansmn main, and Ianer orsmargeo who «he nver. The Flaw!!! had ounfirmed Ihal mare were no uasn news that oowned an ms land since us had mrnsa n. [441 Fvemnsad on ma avmanna aaaosaa at man. to ovder ms Dmendaru (0 remova or relocate ma mam munsuon drain vs unuawnabla. mmnvenIen|, Impmcflul and uruusl uwz confnrmld me necossny or me smd mam munsoan dram an we PVAIMWE lind Hanaa, |ms Oeun wm na| oroar «or lhe monsoon omns «xanad orno ms Plamflfs land and hxmienng n In be removed or relocated. The bass is pun:-c rnxenasx. Acourdingly, nnara mus| be other means M Iesohmon |o lms rnaner Qnmam (451 There were a law nIhe< Issues mlsed dunng argumens No enoence was 19¢ an me issua at Ivnilahun Much was pleaded rn me Defence. In any event. me anomacnmenc rs at permanent nature up In now and me «respass is a cormnmno one. am rn1nLmNNvErncc1wnE;D5n «mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. met! a mm o. mmnuuly mum: m.n.n vn mum WM [41 The Delnndanl dawned man ms monsoon dram 15 pan 0! ma drainage and/nr me nature! slruim max ensxsu on ma land in 2004 or even earher The monsoon dram on me PIam1M's lend .s mam In prcvsde a bsller and/er mgmar flww of water and n formed pan 0! a more sysremauc anu efliuenl mamaga system In mat area and m ganacax ma Federal Ta-rim of Kuaui Lumpur The Deuenaanx comended max ms dram ma| vsnneu the wa|erway cuulu my: be closed or aemoushea ammanuy as u vmuld result in flash floods. sod erosxon ov cracks or deposits in ms: area and us surrounding areas, Much would require anamauves fur Ihe wauevway The nevamam pleaded man ms existence at ma monsuon dram on me Pla\nl.IlV's land was necessary and For me pubuc mares! us avoid nasn floods ana ms ulnar sand ssoasmgnss The monsoon drain: ensured more syslemauc and eficlanlwalsrdrarnage an me land, Rs surmundmg ma anu m ganevax «ne reusrax Temlnryoi Kufla Lumpur. ms Defendant plaadad mac Ils aansns warn gushilsd by uw an that pu c policy onsn u Immunily fvum nu lorlmus I bllmas .n ms amcuhon at us dimes [5] In in ustsnss. ms tzsranaam had weaned (hm ma Plamlm had nac aflfluoud any plan: In develop ma land and mus than was no nooesmly my me usaanaanz ca remcva nu monsoon arm n mum insosad dmum ms dramzga system on the wane, Rs surmunaing me me ms Fadsul Tamlavy av Kuzlz Lumuur Lmmnnmmnm [5] Yhe Flamnfl uwns me land s-nee 5 4.2005 He had Ihe Inlenlinn In build a few bungalaws as me land measures 17 an sq feel Bul mere sm rn1nLmNNvEmccwmE;u5n «mm. snn lunhnrwm s. U... n mm s. nrW\n|U|y mum: dnuamnl VI mum v-max us] There was also lne Issue mm rnoneoan e ' being a prsexlsllng nalrrral slreanr To lnrs Cuun‘5 consraereu mew! reaerulees M wlrelller mal ls [me - me issue 15 lne marlmade slruaure lnal ls localea on me Piainllffs land wmen 13 under me llmsdlcfion and purview pl lne nelenaanl The plan allacnea Io lne nlle ma npl snow any skucluve when lne Plalnllfl pumnasea ii The nleasurenrenl pl land ls deemed aecurala but m 2013 me land survey relleaed lne cnanges and lne lrespess unlo ll CorLserlImus1 beoblalrled «mm are Flalrmfl Mulch was npz—see namx aandar Kuala Lumpur v Nulzlnldl uolrnm [2023] MLRHU was [471 As lo me issue 01 me Delenaanrs elassrllcallon 01 me monsoon dram as ‘nzab panl lnduk' ov lna mam msetvsd dram‘ DWI was qussllanarl on lne nelenaanrs response rn seprernper zoos in ms l>lalnlrll |hIl p-sea on 2 search 0! me masler plan al lne lnlreslnlcrure Deparlmanl lnare in a lrne M dlxchns mal have been pallr fur a lmlg urns lnsl am an mam dllch reserve nwl lerllrlea lnel llrere is a database » ‘Plngkilln Data Ukur Kadzslav asnllgll Ksbangsaalf wnrpn ls mm on by me Lana once to lssul lne ameisl plans altachsd lp qrenls and lnle deeds. The dalapase stores reservsd open spaces wnlen are reserm land only arlhnse land lnal have not been granleu ovmalshlpmles wnan lne plan shows numbers lhal means lne lpls/lands nad been granlea lllle |u lne owners In respeel pl lne Plalnlm lam, DW1 confirmed lnal lnere were no reserved npen spapes (be ll lpr me use olme uelenaenll. ll ls me evlaenoe M DWI \ha|0leln1arrlIaIlorllM0e Delenaanrs sale leller was no| lnre. nwl eonnnnea lnal me monsnon dram plnll was run an easernenxprreservea open spans and admlllsd me srlcmacIlmen|cn me Plarnmls land DW2 was unable to canllnn lne records lrorrl wmh me Delenuanl had laken lne pps lnaune morlsoun dmln was a reserved zx SIN Ya-1nlwtWNYEmcC1wrlElD5i “Nana Sum Iuvlhnrwm a. U... a vsfly r... anrn.ll-r mlmn dnunvlnnl VI mum Wm! mam dram Al me oopounar DW2 nasnmoo man more ware no moo-vs man the monsoon dram on me Pnamnnrs nano was onassinoo as reserved mam dram anmooon no nao mnfirmed me nooossny nfme said mam monsoon dram on nna Pnmnnnrs land [451 um me rannro Saniuv Assnsnant Engnnaerwnlh me uenanoann mo was nrn cnaroe, amonosn onnors, on me drains on nne Pnarnnnnrs nano from 2m2 In 2017 was called no nesmy man mo monsoon ormn loca|ad on me Pnamnnrs and was canegonzeo as nno reserved main orain ms evndence ns nonm tandem wnn monesnrnony olDW1 Annrnan DW2 was nmablellanled In pmuoa any avroanoe no show nnan me monsoon oram nocanea on me Flaimflfs wand was nnoeeo ma rasarvao main dram [49] ms coun concludes man me morscon drain, even when n cannot be pmven man n ns reserved mann mnnsoon dram, 4! 51M ought non no he removed or ronooaneo due |o pubhc nnoresn [sun rna Plaunllfl nao oouonn me nana wnn Mn knovmadge on nns nooauon of me momoon drum on ms land HI lunnfied man no nw nna rnonooon oonn as well as a TNB oynon He nao lhnughl man mo monsoon ormn was Iocaneo ounsroo nns Iona — ooroarao n run was non on on on nn HI dnd non Dnzndud any onner duo uilngenot on whemer Mnat no onnonaseo was nnoeeo the same square ieen as man snanso on ma sane and Durchase agreemerll He nao nnnzunred wrnuher mam were any anournoranoos on one no Munch no lournd more were none The one snowoo manhe land was sm «no. sanun luvnhnrwm rs. met! In my r... omnm mum: flnuavnml VI .nnno vtmxn firs| reglslersd m 1992 - (here is no emenos an wnalne: ma monsoon omn had exlsled slnoe man. What V5 certain is (flat when the Plalnwl purchased me land WI 20175. me monsoon dram was already in place on me land [511 However‘ laklng pan cl ms Plalnms lancl wllnmll me Flzlntiffs pennlsslon ls mt legally aooeplalale ms Conn omens manna uslamlanl acqulle «mm the Plalnlw lne pumcn of land (2,411 sq lee!) VI had encroached al the orevalllng market pnos ll mo Defendant requlres ezssmam and WIN need lo walk on move pcrllon oflhe Plalnlllrs land, (hen ll ls nrdsrud trial I\ aoqulles znsl pan loo. ms would resolve lunnal lssues lnal am eorlcemmq lno munsoan drain (ram nerenrlaner. llwoula also remedy the vlammrs pmdlcamanl as well as pvelsewlng puhllc lnlsml in malnlslnlng ma mansaan dram (here [52] rm. Court also Allows mu Fliln|W|': prayurfor darrugai a( ma {ale 01 RM2u0 psv day The l>ls.nw noa, vldl lts lellu «men 19 3.2001‘ ncllflad lm oelenosnl ol lns clalm at RM2an par osy Var as long as m- lvesuass and enuoaonmanl were nol addressed The nslsnaanl had lslleo |o address llns even a| lnal As such, lnls Coun ls minoeo lo award me Plmnllfldamagas al lns rate of RMZDO per dzylrom 81.2008 unlil me dale of ms loagn-am Var aanlaqss Thal would zmounl lo RM200 muluplied by 5.757 days Much amounts In RM1lI51JUO ms Calm is :11 me considered vlsw |hzI lne Sald rate IS reasonable. Interests ol 5% small be lmoasea onllns ludgmem sum lmm lnday urml lne aals mull and anal selllemenc sm Ya-1nlwtWNTEmcclwllElll5i “Nair Sum luvlhnrwm .. UIQG n my n. nflmnullly mum: flnuavlml VI mum Wm! K53) cuss av RM45,uoo which this count neems reasoname vs to be and by me Delendanltnme Hamufl The De!endantwu\d have avmdedlhase Vega! pmceedwgs xfil had engagad with me Flairmflpnurin ms sun nnsn 12 OCTOBER 2023 amm - ROZ MAWAR ROZAKN JUDICIAL COMMVSSVONER men COURY or MALAVA KUALA LUMFUR For the P/mm Rquhrea up Supp1ah.AmuI Nu! Nadm Azmsr and rm Kuan K5: Ya! T/n Ralashres Fm Dslbrldanl Muhammad Nakhars Ishak, Eman Amar and sm Nut Amanda MrulAzman '!/n J, Lee .9 Assocrsles .g, ‘ sm na1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;u5n «mm. SmI\nanhnrwH\I>euIedIx:vuflyhenflmnlfllyM1MIdnuamnlvnnF\uNfl W was no evrdanse that me inuersnon he had was not me motion — n lac! lhura wars no suomrssions 51 pruposaxs by me Flulnufllc oeveuov Ine vano «or appnmu The plan at me land was nenuereo man cnnfirrned ma localmn onrse munsoon drain which is Iocaled a| «no ooruer or lhe Plammfs wano ano on one suds, imao enoroocneo emu me wsno -me oraaom onus «one monsoon dram had (akeu uplhe Flsmmfs xano As per use wlamms leater of a 1 ma, lhe s|mclure omse mcmsaun dram had taken up a\mns| zoom sq lea L71 ma P\aim.iifs wand (atxxwrdlng to ma survey by PW3 me land surveyor, n was 2m 1 so «eon ms Iener issued in me Defzndanl nao slated max at me mananal unre more were me Deaenaanrs oornraaors on ms \and that were carrying an upgmdmg onne monsoon dram [11 me oevenosnn exnlamed In na lelmr ov 19 2.2003 max me work: undenaken on me mcmoon mm on ma Pmmmfs ‘and were for genera! Ienavs and snamnenansa «o anwra Ihal ma w-alav amnaoa wovked mum and um (her: was no ninaranoe la ma alreammg oframwmnr «sons mo nearby sosamorr The wonoann nso snsoe n clam Ymm me ou|saI |ha| n was carrying out W5 mnouons unosn snsen oramaoa and Euildwnq m 1974 lo emure mu all wsoerwaysrararnaue inoquaina «nose Iacaled on prIva|e Iano wens runcuomng plopeny Io provonc any calasvophes or snoonuemanoa |u an innabnams m mo area AI man mint m me, me Dalsndam mfalmed me masnnmnm mere am not seem to he any urgency or neoesswy to remove or rewcale me sand monsoon am (51 Themaitev on 9 7 mm annao wnn a land suvey oonouaeo on 9.11 me‘ me P mwroxa agasn xo me netenoanc on me enoroacnmem oy the slmctum onna monsoon dram mac resunea In ms land beoommg smaHev rne Plamlm suggested a resohmon wnereoy me Defendant pvocumd nra whole and mum mm anne nvevamng market rale in ma sum sru ro1nLs1wNvEmcc1ws\E;u5n «ma s.nn lunhnrwm a. met! a may r... mmnuuly -mm: dnuamnl VI murm v-max or RMc.2aa,2ao. Tne Der-noanr had no1 ruponaeo (0 ms so rn December 2014 rne Plalnnlf wrme anorrrer leltev In lhe Defendant that s1a1sd rne rssmt of a drsorssian wrlh an aficer or me Defendant on 2212 2u14. The Plarrrrm confirmed mar ne was rnronneo mar lhe monsoon omrn could not be removed or relocated and as sum |he De-rendanr ought tn buy me whole rand The F'\a|nlrfi vequesled fur msoussrons to oommenoe Au resalvelhe nmmern soonesr. [9] The Delendant oro nul respond to me Prarnwrs request The nex\ correspondence was on 11 7 am where rne Plamnfl lovwarded Iu me Defendant (ha plcmres or no munsoon dram which had anooacnea ms land. Yo mo reouesr man the rmnsocn drain be renmso. the Delendam repfled on 752015 um the name: srrearn had worn; endslefl on me Plalnlrfls property so. Ina oropossr la remnve/ra¥nca|e mu walarvmy and drlinane was ro be xlumad and anurma by me Dalendam rner involvod Rs censullnnt englneers and rnlamal oonrrnrrrm ha] Tnen on 15 9 2015 tn. Dvfandam inrurrneo rne P\amlrNIha| e main (0 me Pwarnmrs rano no a survey onne monsoon dmln were undertaken u was fuund that the smAc1Im~: mime monsoon dram was nnl bum by me Dtfendanl, il nao Vonq axmed and rs ‘nzab pen: induk‘ (reserved mam monsoon omrni. [111 Yhe rasr correspondence rrorn mo P\a|n r was on 4.2.2019, when he oomorsrneo to me nerenoanr or Iresness onto ms land and lrller rn connecuon Io me nronsoon drain. There was no response [mm me Delendam and thus, Iellers or demand were Issued by me Plaintiffs sollcflurs pnur In me cmnmencemenlallms action srn rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wr\Eru5n “None s.n.r nanhnrwm .. med o my r... mnn.r-r mm. mmn VI mum v-ms! I121 Al the man‘ Ihs Planmw Iuslifiad and called Ihe Dewly Dvvaclcr General M me Law was and me land survnyor he had appmnceo rne oavanaama Wee witnesses onmpnseo 0! us Iwo engineers and lhe Direckzr o4 oana Geusvalial at ma Canngraphy um-non from mo Head Quarters a1De0arImenlo1Survey am: Mappmg Mahayana (JUFEM) The assessment olthe a dung Encroachment [131 n can be oonchmed with grail oenaxniy mac me locauon of me monsoon dram .s walmn me P\amM‘5 am. The Plalnlm we not comm no (ms The De1endan|haMaHed|u adduce any evidence |u show otherwise A! me opnomo, ms Dalendanl nao Iull knuwtadge ol Inis lad as per man aaxnowraagmam nnhelocauon onno monsoon dram m mo Fl nmrs land was us may cam 52 zoos Them was a\se no chaHanga as |n ma amoumouano mam. monsoon dv naa ervcrouched onbo me Pl-ainmrs mna won lms coon lites as 2.411wlIet HA) The new Offiuarml max on Defendanl had taken up annal was me cnnlermcn manney had not constructed the monsoon dmn and on three wilnessas cause by me Defendant had contended that may had no kmwlsdge nl wno had constructed it Howovon «ms goes againsn me Agreed Facts med «or nus case wmcn amen mac “Terdapal sehuah pan! (‘monsoon drain”) kepunyaan Defendan yang berada an ates ranan lasebul (“slnlklur yang mencemboh’) The Defendant nao agreed and admilted mac me monsoon dram lacaled on lhe Plammfs land bebnged to wt. Al Inal, mnesses for me Deiendanl claimed that me monsoon drain nao been In exislecuce long beaore Ihe F-Iamm nae vurohased me land. There were auompns by mo nmonoanu mmugn ns wllnessss, In 5 am ro1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;u5n «mm. s.nn .. U... a may n. MEVHIHIY -mm: m.n.n n. mum v-max orsasaooraxe nsamronr nna aooounraarmy of hm/mg oonsrmorao ma dmm ano dawmwg nwnership and rssponsi no am in so Ihe aboul—Ium |akan an man was nu( only unfair ro the Plainhfl‘ but showed me unoenainly oi me Defendanl s pusmon [15] Fumrarrnona. ms Dslendanl ooulo not raoun mo Flarnmrs arnoanoa adduced by me P\a\n(M's «run: wnnass (PW3]-the land surveyor. Ha nao undeflakenla survey ins Psarnmrs wand m 2004 ano 201: and aooonw-my produced me plans or both works — P15 and P4 respeclwely Bum mans ano drawings show me rnunsoon dram Vncaked amra perimetevand rnsroa the boundary 01 me Fla4n|:W's land However, m 2013 [here was an afldmorm monsoon dram nmrung on me aounnem land onne penrnerer which was no| Ihere In the 2004 plan more are slapes wmch had aaan bmll at me was nuns mcnloon dram — an ul wmch nao encmaohed m|o rna P\a\nlms Wm Pwa Ieshiled rnu nu had done a ground sun-ay nno conmnnau mat nnara was no aoamanan monsoon drain wnan ha nrsr oonouueo mu survey back In zoo: Pwaa ooncsusrun was a nsaun M a pnysroax axarmnallon on me grouna as opposed in (he (opcgraphy or an wnion was onnduclad by aen’a\ nhmogrzmrnaky where «no photos were taken quira hmh an wnn old reonnoloay Y coun heard men more ooum eas-Iy be differences ova few rnarars. This coun aooaors me wshmuny of we and finds an a ba\anoe oi pwbabllmes me mas| awuaxe plan Is the one auaoneo lo the We men was done by Depamnanl 0! Survey and Mapnura Mnlaysra UUPEM) but it does rm snow ma Iooauon cl me monsoon dam on me Plammfs Ianu — mar me nlan 0! me Lana mm me exacl sq feet mat belonged to me Plamml $0. :1 canno| be determined rrorn ma uovograpny DIA or the plan altached to ma land (me, whelner mare were rnoeeo mcrsoon drains on ma Plaxnmfs wana ano how much at me P\aIn|\H's Vane may nan enoroaohea. 7 an ro1nLmNNvEnrcc1wr\Eru5n “None sum nmhnrwm .. met! a my r... uflmnauly mm. dnuamnl VI muno war [151 on me onher nano, the plans man wwa nao undertaken - bolh in mm [PI5)and 2013 (P4) show me Iocahon cum monsoon drams on me Plainlms land at max pamanav pom! m «me rspecuvexy Annougn me «ooognapny D14 showed than mere was a blue nna mdtnaling ‘sahran' but :4 am not specify max n was - wnemer an eann dram Dr a Varge monsoon drain 01 even a nature! sueam, and most wmponarmy mo no| aowralew pmuL7in| meme: :1 was nocavea m me wamms land Theceiore, his cam is ssnsneo en a balance 0! amaammes mat wvss maps mm 2004 (F15) am 2013 (P4) var oamparison, shawed where we monsoon draws are located on me Plammfs land and how much Ihey had enoroaonsa unto « The maps were dune afler zxvnfluamg physics! gmuna wnspeclbon and used scam rm greater accuracy [vn Tm: ccun ameans nnan lhaafld||\ana\ mansmn dram man menaallar enllcd an we seumm penmaw at me P\am||fl‘s land at snawn In ma 2m map1P4} was not (here v/nun ma wand survey wu: conducled m 2004 Mmeeven me monsoon dram was a mammaoe suuchne - rubble pwclwuu than is mmanenn m name as cesmsd by DW21lha Detendanrs remed semcr Assnswam Engmeery. The wenosm hid m zoos confirmed mzl n was under me oonllm and management of me De{endan|‘s Dapanmenx omramage and Rivet Management FW3 was me to mfarm me com me sue ol the dram which measured 3 5 meters in mm This addmuna\ monsoon dmm had encmached unco me Plsxnhlfs rand apumximalely 2,411 sq feet The new slopes wmcn have been bum :4 me edge enhe mcnsoon dram had alsa enuoamed Imlolhe wuaunmrs Iano [15] rne Pnannun had cause me Ssnlot Deputy Dureclnr «om me Land one (FW2) wnc had mlulmed Ims Courl max records Show manne land sm rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wnEm5n «ma s.nn lunhnrwm a. met! a may he MWHIVVIY mum: dnunmnl VI mum v-max was firs! ennui-ea in 1906 bun avenmally became Saran 6462 that was nsgnsnanea In ngez Tnan meann me nana was arspenny nnaasunea and me nneaaunannsnn an the area was finalized The nana nnnna had no aasennann ragnslarad on in. Nsilhsrdnd ms mla Dunlam any drains an in [19] The onscmn nncarnognapnny and Geospahsl Dana OIJUPEM (awn) lssnfied «on ma Densnaann la explann nne mpagmphy an D14 whnch was done in 1992 man used nnnse annansnsnan phmas taken nnam ma an by Phone grannnnsnry. Tna venflcannun was sompnsnsa in zoaa Ha naa confirmed man he had non vnsnled orsnannaa nnne Flinnws name: and man ns was nu| axksd by me Delsnnarnuo measure or mndud a physncel survey clnhe Pnannnnnra land wmch ns ms sumacl mallar nrn queslnon He was also nol Informed by me nensnaann wnen me said monsoan drlnnl were nannnn. nwn nssnmaa nnan man. was na sumey cmdnmlad or plans nnaas lo nllusmle nhe ssnanuon 0! me Pnannnnnra nanu In man my Based urn nna nspogmpny of DH. own was unasns In sannnnn vmal ms was nnna man nndnsanaa ‘ n’ asnuanny was He Iashfiad nnan ‘saIivan' lealured s nnyarowpmcan enemann man sauna be a dnrd1,drinn,wanlrwayn canal ans ma blue Inns man danmnea ‘sallran acuordnnn loDW1 could be a nanunan slream ur mannnaas monsoon dram. nlwhnch ms lopogvaphy an on cannon sssnsl In oomnng na a findnng n was nna evndenee of DW1 man ma 'salIran‘ renx:Idednn1992, nna nanunan snnsann or wanenwny. sound snso snange due no sninnana and gaasnanges we! a pennd snnnnna Thns Own nnnas man in coma non he Dundudnzd man ma ‘sa n‘ was asnnnanny me monsoon dram nocanea on me nrnannnnm land. Pa many so when mane ns no onnen evnaense no back up me oensnuanns snannn nnan nne nnansaon dram had lung exnsled pnar to me Pnannnnnrs aoqunsmun ul nna land rne evidence man can In nsnnea on by nnns Ccurl ns me 201:: map P4 wnnsn sm rnnnlnrmnvsnnccnwnnanufrni «wan. ssnan luvnhnrwm s. med a may n... anmnannly mmna dnuavnml VI .nuna v-man srwwed manna monsoon drain as nppose |o nuns m 2004 m2Ip|P15) ms fact was amnn-o w DW1 ano DW2 as we“ The Defendant was wet able In nmduceany dcoumwls orreeerds lhalshowsd me monsoon own was mnslmmed prior to 2am (saulh otme P\avmf|‘s wand; [21] Bunny lhe subrmssncns. (he Defendant‘: nouns! cixsd saa Ewdemx: Acl vase requlnng «ms Coon |o presume mat me mopoorapny ma made by JUPEM was accurate, Though n maybe so‘ me nopoonapny (and sue me Defsndanfs wtlnesses) were unable In cunfinu man the blue nne Venvesenl. norwhemer n was Iocanaa wumn ma Plainmfs land [22] ms Conn concludss based on me ewdenoe mat on a balance cl momma: ma Flamlm had Indeed omonasao ma land that maasmao 11.547 sq lael am ma| me maruoon dram an Illustrated in me 20!: may (P4) wu nnl mam whun he am purchased It Be max A: n m. on a bnraneo of Drobabllmes, mn Cuurl nu slhsfied wvln me amanea mat ma monsoon dram .n ma P\ainmTs land had taken up 2.411 on list wwlmut nia Dannlsilnn [231 own‘ nne om: Engineer nu ma Delendsnrs Daoanmam o1 Inm-asouaum Plannmg, oanfirmed Ihal « was lhe Deienaann s responshanlny lo ensure systemafic waterfluw ovme drains and waterways Io Drevenlnoods‘ ovemow and olhercalaslranhss. DW3 stated max .1 was ml aHya na|ural stream «nan became a mam dram wmcn nao wong emsled on ma P\ainl\lTs and am aparl from swung so, mere was nommg else to sansfy «ms Cowl that me dram was not me Defendant‘: m cvoss— exa-mnauon the Mamlm hao aommea man annougn he nao m| seen me De1endan|buHmnglhe dram. ne nao seen them mamlavmng u. There was no svudenoe owmo had bmll mu; rubble onemng structure hu| n was mns| no am rn1nLmNNvEmcc1wnE;D5n «mm. sm-1 lunhnrwm .. met! a mm o. mn.u-y mm. flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
This is an application by the applicant, for judicial review under Order 53 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 (Enclosure 1) challenging the decision of the first respondent to dismiss the applicant from his employment and the decision of the second respondent which affirmed the decision of the first respondent and dismissed the applicant’s appeal - Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008
YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman
1 BA-25-19-03/2022 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA PERMOHONAN SEMAKAN KEHAKIMAN NO.: BA-25-19-03/2022 Dalam perkara mengenai surat bertarikh 14.7.2020 daripada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia kepada Noor Azam bin Salleh berkenaan Tindakan Tatatertib Dengan Tujuan Buang Kerja Atau Turun Pangkat; Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Keputusan Tindakan Tatatertib oleh Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bertarikh 29.6.2021 dan dinyatakan di dalam surat bertarikh 30.6.2021; Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Keputusan Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bertarikh 15.12.2021 dan dinyatakan di dalam surat bertarikh 21.12.2021; Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Peraturan- Peraturan 7(2)(g), 28, 40 dan 45(g) Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008; 09/11/2023 15:28:21 BA-25-19-03/2022 Kand. 44 S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 BA-25-19-03/2022 Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Perintah Am 14(a), 14A, 15 hingga 18, Bab C, Perintah- Perintah Am; Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 53, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012; Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 92 Kaedah 4, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. ANTARA NOOR AZAM BIN SALLEH (No. K/P: 740404-10-5401) …PEMOHON DAN 1. JAWATANKUASA TATATERTIB 1, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA 2. JAWATANKUASA RAYUAN TATATERTIB, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA 3. KETUA PENGARAH HASIL DALAM NEGERI, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI 4. KETUA PERKHIDMATAN JABATAN PENGURUSAN INSAN, LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI …RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 BA-25-19-03/2022 JUDGMENT [1] This is an application by the applicant, Noor Azam bin Salleh for judicial review under Order 53 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 (Enclosure 1) challenging the decision of the first respondent dated 29.6.2021 to dismiss the applicant from his employment and the decision of the second respondent dated 15.12.2021 which affirmed the decision of the first respondent and dismissed the applicant’s appeal. Reliefs Sought [2] The reliefs sought by the applicant in the present case are as follows: “(a) satu perintah Certiorari untuk membatalkan keputusan Responden Pertama bertarikh 29.6.2021 yang dinyatakan dalam surat daripada Responden Pertama kepada Pemohon yang bertarikh 30.6.2021 dimana Pemohon didapati bersalah atas pertuduhan ke atasnya dan pekerjaan Pemohon selaku Penolong Eksekutif Hasil di Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat di Menara Hasil, Cyberjaya ditamatkan berkuatkuasa pada 1.7.2021 mengikut Peraturan 45(g), Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008, yang dibuat secara tidak adil, tidak munasabah dan/atau tidak setimpal; (b) satu perintah Certiorari membatalkan keputusan Responden Kedua bertarikh 15.12.2021 yang dinyatakan dalam surat daripada Responden Kedua kepada S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 BA-25-19-03/2022 Pemohon yang bertarikh 21.12.2021, yang dimaklumkan kepada Pemohon pada 28.12.2021, dimana Responden Kedua telah menolak rayuan Pemohon terhadap keputusan Responden Pertama Pemohon dan mengesahkan keputusan Responden Pertama, secara tidak adil dan/atau tidak munasabah; (c) selanjutnya satu perintah Deklarasi dan/atau Mandamus bahawa Pemohon dikembalikan semula ke jawatan terakhirnya sebagai Penolong Eksekutif Hasil tanpa kehilangan pangkat, kenaikan gaji, gaji, emolumen dan lain-lain manfaat; (d) Perintah-perintah sampingan dan berbangkit dari perintah Certiorari/Deklarasi/Mandamus tersebut seperti berikut:- (i) suatu siasatan untuk menentukan tunggakan gaji termasuk tunggakan kenaikan gaji, emolumen, elaunelaun dan faedahfaedah lain yang Pemohon sepatutnya menerima dari tarikh Pemohon dibuang kerja (1.7.2021) sehingga penyelesaian penuh; (ii) faedah pada kadar 5% setahun terhadap jumlah keseluruhan wang tertunggak dari tarikh Pemohon dibuang kerja (1.7.2021) sehingga penyelesaian penuh; (e) Gantirugi pemecatan salah; (f) Selanjutnya dan/atau secara alternatif, gantirugi am dan/atau gantirugi teruk dan/atau gantirugi teladan dan/atau gantirugi punitif kerana pihak Responden- Responden serta ejen/kakitangan Responden Ketiga telah bersikap sambal lewa serta 'mala fide' dalam memulakan prosiding tatatertib dari awal dengan niat semata-mata untuk membuang kerja Pemohon yang mana telah S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 BA-25-19-03/2022 mengakibatkan Pemohon mengalami tekanan emosi dan psikologi yang begitu teruk apabila menghadapi keluarga, rakan-rakan dan masyarakat serta terpaksa mengalami kesedihan dan kedukacitaan (severe shock and mental anguish) setiap hari sehingga kini di atas keputusan pembuangan kerjanya; (g) lain-lain relif dan/atau perintah yang Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini fikirkan adil dan saksama.” Grounds for Judicial Review [3] The applicant set out the following grounds in support of this application for judicial review: (i) whether there are defects in the notes of proceedings of the first respondent/disciplinary committee; (ii) whether there is non-compliance and/or procedural impropriety in dismissing the applicant; (iii) whether the dismissal sentence on the applicant is irrational, unreasonable, disproportionate to the offense committed and has been contrary to the principle of natural justice; (iv) whether there is forgiveness (“condonation”) and if so, the disciplinary action of dismissal has been contrary to the principle of “condonation”; and (v) whether the applicant is eligible for the reliefs sought in this judicial review. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 BA-25-19-03/2022 Factual Background [4] The facts of this case are gleaned from the submissions and affidavits filed by parties. On 25.11.2019, a Laporan Pelanggaran Tatakelakuan-Menerima Gaji Bersih Di Bawah 40% Dan Tidak Hadir Bertugas Tanpa Cuti Atau Tanpa Kebenaran Atau Tanpa Sebab Munasabah was submitted to the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib (Ibu Pejabat), Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia from the Deputy Director of the Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia regarding the code of conduct of the applicant. The applicant was found to have violated the code of conduct as follows: i. failure to submit a written response to the letter dated 21.8.2019 within the stipulated period even though a reminder via email was issued to the applicant on 05.09.2019; ii. absent from work for thirty-three (33) days during specific dates in 2018 and 2019, without proper authorization or a valid reason; iii. a show cause memo concerning the aforementioned absence was delivered to the applicant, and an email reminder requesting a written response was sent as well which was not furnished by a written reply within the specified timeframe; and iv. under Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 can be deemed as behaving irresponsibly and disobeying the order, which is a violation of the code of conduct under Regulation 7(2)(g) and 7(2)(i) of the same Regulations. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 BA-25-19-03/2022 [5] On 30.01.2020, a submission was made, requesting the Chairman of the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib (lbu Pejabat) to assess and decide whether the alleged disciplinary violation warrants either dismissal, demotion, or a milder form of punishment as outlined in Regulation 38 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. [6] On 03.02.2020, the Chairman of the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib lbu Pejabat decided that the breach of discipline by the applicant, is of the type that should be subject to dismissal work or demotion under Regulation 40 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. The actions of the applicant contravene the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 can be considered as exhibiting dishonesty, lack of trustworthiness, and irresponsibility, which infringe upon the code of conduct as stipulated in Regulation 7(2)(f) and (g) of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. [7] On 13.07.2020, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bil. 1 tahun 2020 was convened and the Chairman agreed that there is a prima facie case against the applicant, as he did not show up for duty without leave or without first obtaining permission or without reasonable cause for thirty- three (33) days on certain dates in 2018 and 2019. [8] On 14.07.2020, the first respondent sent a letter of charge sheet with the purpose of dismissal or demotion to the applicant where a report was received by the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 which states that the applicant had violated the code of conduct which allows disciplinary action to be taken against the applicant. The decision S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 BA-25-19-03/2022 was notified to the applicant. The applicant was given the opportunity of being heard and to send a representation under Regulation 37 Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008. [9] On 24.07.2020, the applicant sent a representation against the Surat Pertuduhan bagi Tindakan Tatatertib Dengan Tujuan Buang Kerja Atau Turun Pangkat. [10] On 27.10.2020, JPI’s Officer has submitted a “Surat Maklum Balas Berhubung Surat Representasi Pemohon” to the Chairman of Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1. [11] On 29.06.2021, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bil. 1 tahun 2021 was held to decide on the applicant’s case which found the applicant guilty and subject to the disciplinary punishment of dismissal effective 01.07.2021. [12] The applicant, on 14.7.2021 submitted a letter of appeal to the Chairman of the Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia. [13] On 15.12.2021, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia bil. 1 tahun 2021 had convened to consider the appeal of the applicant and decided to confirm and uphold the dismissal sentence made by Jawatankuasa Tatatertib. [14] On 21.12.2021, the second respondent sent a decision letter of the Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib LHDNM for the applicant’s appeal. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 BA-25-19-03/2022 [15] The applicant filed the judicial review application under Order 53 of the Rule of Court 2012 on 15.03.2022 seeking for certiorari to quash the first and second respondent’s decisions and order for mandamus because according to the applicant, the first and second respondent's decisions was illegal, void, unlawful and/or in excess of authority, and had been irrational and/ or unreasonable. Principles relating to Judicial Review [16] The principles surrounding the application for judicial review are trite. The court hearing an application for judicial review are allowed to scrutinize not only the decision making process but also for substance, as to whether they are tainted by illegality, irrationality or Wednesbury unreasonableness, procedural impropriety and also proportionality as per the case of R Rama Chandran v The Industrial Court of Malaysia & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 145 as follows: “In this context, it is useful to note how Lord Diplock (at pp 410– 411) defined the three grounds of review, to wit, (i) illegality, (ii) irrationality, and (iii) procedural impropriety. This is how he put it: By 'illegality' as a ground for Judicial Review I mean that the decision maker must understand directly the law that regulates his decision making power and must give effect to it. Whether he has or not is par excellence a justiciable question to be decided, in the event of a dispute, by those persons, the judges, by whom the judicial power of the state is exerciseable. By 'irrationality' I mean what can by now be succinctly referred to as 'Wednesbury unreasonableness' (see Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 BA-25-19-03/2022 Corp [1948] 1 KB 223). It applies to a decision which is so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it. Whether a decision falls within this category is a question that judges by their training and experience should be well equipped to answer, or else there would be something badly wrong with our judicial system. To justify the courts' exercise of this role, resort I think is today no longer needed to Viscount Radcliffe's ingenious explanation in Edwards v Bairstow [1956] AC 14, of irrationality as a ground for a court's reversal of a decision by ascribing it to an inferred though undefinable mistake of law by the decision maker. 'Irrationality' by now can stand on its own feet as an accepted ground on which a decision may be attacked by Judicial Review. I have described the third head as 'procedural impropriety' rather than failure to observe basic rules of natural justice or failing to act with procedural fairness towards the person who will be affected by the decision. This is because susceptibility to Judicial Review under this head covers also failure by an administrative tribunal to observe procedural rules that are expressly laid down in the legislative instrument by which its jurisdiction is conferred, even where such failure does not involve any denial of natural justice. Lord Diplock also mentioned 'proportionality' as a possible fourth ground of review which called for development.” S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 BA-25-19-03/2022 [17] The Federal Court in Ranjit Kaur a/p S Gopal Singh v. Hotel Excelsior (M) Sdn Bhd [2010] 6 MLJ 1 stated the following: “[16] The Rama Chandran decision has been regarded or interpreted as giving the reviewing court a license to review without restrain decisions for substance even when the said decision is based on finding of facts. However, post Rama Chandran cases have applied some brakes to the courts’ liberal approach in Rama Chandran. The Federal Court in the case of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd v. Zaid Noh [1997] 1 MLJ 789; [1997] 2 CLJ 11 after affirming the Rama Chandran decision held that there may be cases in which for reason of public policy, national interest, public safety or national security the principle in Rama Chandran may be wholly inappropriate. [17] The Federal Court, in Petroliam National Bhd v. Nik Ramli Nik Hassan [2004] 2 MLJ 288; [2003] 4 CLJ 625, again held that the reviewing court may scrutinise a decision on its merits but only in the most appropriate of cases and not every case is amenable to the Rama Chandran approach. Further, it was held that a reviewing judge ought not to disturb findings of the Industrial Court unless they were grounded on illegality or plain irrationality, even where the reviewing judge might not have come to the same conclusion.” [18] Founded on these principles, this court will now proceed to analyse the grounds presented by the applicant in this application for judicial review. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 BA-25-19-03/2022 Preliminary Objection [19] The respondents raised preliminary objections. The preliminary objections are that the application for judicial review is out of time. According to the respondent the timeliness of adhering to the specified rules is of paramount importance, as it directly affects the court's jurisdiction to entertain the judicial review application. Given that the application was filed more than 90 days after the date of the first respondent’s decision, the High Court lacks the jurisdiction to consider the application for judicial review against the first respondent. Consequently, the remedy sought by the applicant in this application is legally inadequate and should be rejected by this court. [See: Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Munir & Ors v. Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur & Anor [2008] 6 MLJ 704] [20] The second objection by the respondent is that the decisions of the third and fourth respondents are not the decisions disputed in this application. The reliefs requested by the applicant in enclosure 1, there is no relief requested that disputes or cancels the decision made by fourth respondent. Further, the respondents argue that no decision has been made by the third respondent in this case. Therefore, it was argued by the respondent that all accusations against the third and fourth respondents are not material for this judicial review application. [21] The respondent however, did not deny that the application for judicial review was filed within three (3) months from the date of the decision of the second respondent. Moreover, the respondent cited the case of Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri v. Alcatel Lucent Malaysia Sdn Bhd & Anor [2017] 1 MLJ 563 which involves an S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 BA-25-19-03/2022 appeal on the assessment of tax. This case can be distinguished from Alcatel (supra) as this case involves disciplinary proceedings. [22] Pertaining to the objection that the third and fourth respondent are not the decisions disputed in this application, this court finds the third respondent is the employer of the applicant and the fourth respondent is the applicant’s head of department. As the head of department, the fourth respondent would have knowledge and reported the applicant’s absenteeism. The third respondent, as the employer of the applicant, would have to know about the proceedings against the applicant. [23] For the reasons stated, this court considered the preliminary objections raised and dismissed the said objections. Analysis and Findings (i) Whether there is a defect in the charges and proceedings of the first respondent/disciplinary committee 1 [24] According to the applicant, the charge of “tidak hadir tanpa cuti atau terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah” against the applicant is not true and there is a defect in the charge. This is because, according to the applicant, his absence is not under the category which allow for a proceeding for dismissal or demotion. It was further submitted that the Laporan Pelanggaran Tatakelakuan dated 25.11.2019 is untrue and misrepresented. The applicant argued that a prima facie case was decided by the first respondent based on the report of the fourth S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 BA-25-19-03/2022 respondent which is not true and without material facts of the case and without the applicant’s complete documents. [25] In this regard, this court perused Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008, which reads: “Disciplinary action for absence without leave 28. An employee’s absence from duty without leave or without prior permission or without reasonable cause shall render him liable to disciplinary action.” [26] Whereas, regulation 45 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 provides: “Types of disciplinary punishments 45. If an employee is found guilty of a disciplinary offence, any one or any combination of two or more of the following punishments, depending upon the seriousness of the offence, may be imposed on the employee: (a) warning; (b) fine; (c) forfeiture of emoluments; (d) deferment of salary movement; (e) reduction of salary; (f) reduction in rank; or (g) dismissal.” S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 BA-25-19-03/2022 [27] Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 explicitly states that an employee’s unauthorized absence from work makes them subject to disciplinary measures. If an employee is subsequently found to have committed a disciplinary offence, they may face disciplinary sanctions under Regulation 45 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008, which could include the penalty of dismissal. [28] In the view of this court, the provisions of regulation 28 and 45 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 is clear. The punishment for dismissal is not limited to cases of “absent without leave and cannot be traced”. This is clearly not stated in the said regulations and therefore this court is of the view this argument by the applicant is without merit. [29] Moreover, authorities have decided that the ordinary meaning of the words in a statute should be given. The Federal Court in Fairise Odyssey (M) Sdn Bhd v. Tenaga Nasional Bhd [2019] 6 MLJ 281, the court held: “[58] It is trite that the duty of the court is limited to interpreting the words used by the Legislature and it has no power to fill the gaps disclosed. To do so would be to usurp the function of the Legislature…” [30] In Tebin bin Mustapa (as administrator of the estate of Hj Mostapa bin Asan, deceased) v. Hulba-Danyal bin Balia & Anor (as joint administrator of the estate of Balia bin Munir, deceased) [2020] 4 MLJ 721, the Federal Court held: S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 BA-25-19-03/2022 “[30] … Therefore in construing any statute, the court will look at the words in the statute and apply the plain and ordinary meaning of the words in the statute.” [31] For this reason, this court is satisfied that the there is no defect in the charges and proceedings of the first respondent. This court is satisfied this ground is without merit. (ii) Whether there is non-compliance and/or procedural impropriety in dismissing the applicant [32] The applicant submitted there was procedural non-compliance and/or impropriety in dismissing the applicant. The applicant argued that there was a Defective Show Cause Letter, the first respondent and second respondent failed to consider the material facts in the applicant’s Letter of Representation, the admission that there are only 4 days without notification of leave, that the applicant’s reason for refusing to sign the Performance Progress Plan and that the reason that the applicant failed to apply for leave in the system was never raised to the applicant in the Charge Sheet. [33] The applicant’s complaint was that the applicant was deprived of a reasonable right to be heard on account of the show cause letter/charges making up the disciplinary offences being vague or unclear. [34] In order to consider this issue, this court perused the show cause letter/charges against the applicant. For the sake of completeness, the show cause memo dated 20.08.2019 is reproduced below: S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 BA-25-19-03/2022 “2. Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Jun dan Julai 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti dan tanpa sebab yang munasabah selama sepuluh (10) hari bagi tarikh-tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [35] The show cause memo dated 25.09.2019 stated as follows: “2. Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Ogas 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti selama tiga (3) hari bagi tarikh-tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 BA-25-19-03/2022 [36] The show cause memo dated 11.10.2019 states: “2, Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti pada tahun 2018, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa cuti atau tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [Emphasis added] [37] The show cause memo dated 31.10.2019 is reproduced below: “2, Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Oktober 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti selama empat (4) hari bagi tarikh-tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [Emphasis added] [38] The show cause memo dated 12.11.2019 states as follows: S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 BA-25-19-03/2022 “2, Dimaklumkan bahawa, semakan oleh Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan ke atas rekod kehadiran dan penyata cuti bagi Bulan Mei 2019, mendapati tuan tidak hadir bertugas tanpa kelayakan cuti selama satu (1) hari bagi tarikh seperti berikut… 3. Sehubungan itu, tuan adalah dikehendaki untuk memberikan penjelasan atas ketidakhadiran tuan seperti diperenggan 2 dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh memo ini diserahkan. Kegagalan untuk mengemukakan maklum balas ini akan menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib boleh diambil ke atas tuan.” [Emphasis added] [39] The Charge Sheet dated 14.07.2020 reads as follows: “Pertuduhan Bahawa tuan, Encik Noor Azam Bin Salleh, No. KIP: 740404-1 0- 5401, Penolong Eksekutif Hasil, semasa bertugas di Jabatan Pengurusan lnsan, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia, telah didapati tidak hadir bertugas tanpa cuti atau tanpa kebenaran terlebih dahulu atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah sebanyak 33 hari pada tarikh-tarikh tertentu pada tahun 2018 dan 2019 seperti berikut… Perbuatan tuan telah melanggar Peraturan 28, Peraturan- Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008 dan boleh diertikan sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab iaitu melanggar tatakelakuan di bawah Peraturan 7(2)(g), Peraturan- Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008 yang seperti berikut: "7(2) Seseorang pekerja tidak boleh – S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 BA-25-19-03/2022 (g) tidak bertanggungjawab; 3. Jika tuan didapati bersalah atas pertuduhan tersebut, tuan boleh dihukum mengikut Peraturan 45, Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008. 4. Mengikut Peraturan 40, Peraturan-Peraturan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia 2008, tuan adalah diminta untuk membuat satu representasi secara bertulis yang mengandungi alasan-alasan yang hendak digunakan untuk membebaskan diri tuan. Representasi tersebut hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 melalui Pengarah Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia dalam tempoh 21 hari dari tarikh tuan menerima surat ini. Sekiranya tuan tidak membuat apa-apa representasi dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan, tuan dianggap sebagai tidak hendak membela diri dan perkara ini akan terus diputuskan oleh Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan yang sedia ada sahaja.” [Emphasis added] [40] At no point did the applicant raise concerns with the disciplinary board regarding the alleged vagueness or lack of clarity in the disciplinary charges brought against them. The way these charges were articulated leaves no room for doubt that the applicant understood the case they were facing, and there is no other plausible interpretation of their nature. In fact, the applicant’s written responses aimed at clearing their name demonstrated a clear and thorough understanding of the specific disciplinary offenses as they were presented. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 BA-25-19-03/2022 [41] In this particular case, the chairman of the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib received a report detailing the disciplinary violations committed by the applicant. In accordance with their responsibilities under Regulation 38 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008, they assessed that the nature of the disciplinary offense warranted either dismissal or a reduction in rank, as specified in Regulation 45 of the same regulations. Subsequently, the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib took over the disciplinary process, reviewing the report and determining whether a prima facie case could be established based on the documents contained in the report. [42] If a prima facie case is established, one or more charges are formulated, outlining the factual details of the alleged disciplinary offense committed by the officer, along with the reasons for the proposed dismissal or rank reduction. These charges are then transmitted to the officer in the form of a document called “Surat Pertuduhan”. Within a specified timeframe, typically 21 days from the receipt of the Surat Pertuduhan, the officer is notified that they must submit a written representation outlining the grounds on which they seek to clear their name. This process is in accordance with Regulation 40 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 which, in the view of this court, accords the applicant an opportunity to be heard. [See: Ghazi Mohd Sawi v. Mohd Haniff Omar, Ketua Polis Negara, Malaysia & Anor [1994] 2 CLJ 333; Lembaga Tatatertib Perkhidmatan Awam Hospital Besar Pulau Pinang & Anor v. Utra Badi K Perumal [2001] 2 CLJ 525; Muhammad Farid bin Muntalib v. Tan Sri Dato' Sri Khalid bin Abu S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 BA-25-19-03/2022 Bakar, Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib Polis Diraja Malaysia Bukit Aman & Ors [2019] 1 MLJ 604] [43] Regulation 40 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 explicitly outlines the disciplinary procedure concerning dismissal and rank reduction, and this procedure is already detailed in the Charge Sheet. [44] In the view of this court, the show cause memos are clear and unambiguous. The written documentation precisely lays out the reasons and details comprising the disciplinary offense, ensuring that the applicant is fully aware of the nature of the case against them and is provided with a fair opportunity to present their defense. [45] Exhibit A 14 in Enclosure 23 is the Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1 Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Bil 1/2021. From this Exhibit A 14 of Enclosure 23, it can been seen that the first respondent has taken consideration of all the material facts in the Applicant's Letter of Representation. [46] This court is also of the view the second respondent had considered all the material facts in the Applicant’s Appeal Letter. This can be clearly seen in Enclosure 24, Exhibit A-17, page 297- 298, Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Bil 1/2021. [47] Pertaining to the applicant’s absence from work, the respondents did not contest the applicant's absence from work for four days without providing prior notice of leave, nor did they question the validity of the applicant’s medical records and sick leave certificates. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 BA-25-19-03/2022 [48] It is observed that the applicant’s absence from duty for 33 days was not supported by any leave entitlement or a valid reason. According to the applicant, he had given the fourth respondent notification of leave. However, this does not mean the applicant is automatically granted the right to take such leave. The facts before this court is that the applicant had no leave entitlement during that period. [49] Therefore, the applicant’s absence is, in actual fact, unauthorized. Regulation 28 of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Disciplinary Regulations 2008 states that this is subject to disciplinary action. This court therefore is satisfied this ground is baseless. (iii) Whether the dismissal sentence on the applicant is irrational, unreasonable, disproportionate to the offense committed and has been contrary to the principle of natural justice [50] With regard to the sentence imposed on the applicant, the applicant contends that the punishment of dismissal imposed against him was excessive. The Federal Court in Ng Hock Cheng v. Pengarah Am Penjara & Ors [1 998] 1 CLJ 405 stated: “It cannot be denied further that the disciplining of a public officer by his department head is part of the function of the executive branch of the government and any usurpation by a court will be viewed with something very much more than disfavour even though the Judiciary is the judicial branch of the government as well as an institution which belongs to the people. To repeat; a court intervenes only on the nature and manner of accusation against a public officer as distinct from a consequential punishment as explained above. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 BA-25-19-03/2022 Just like a professional body being the best tribunal to judge the seriousness of misconduct of its members, in a similar vein, an employer, including a government, is the best person to judge similarly the seriousness of misconduct of an employee.” [51] It is this court’s view that the Jawatankuasa Tatatertib is regarded as the most suitable tribunal for evaluating the gravity of its members' misconduct. However, it is not within the purview of this court to determine whether the appropriate sanction should be a dismissal or a milder penalty such as a reduction in rank. Given the circumstances, the argument raised by the applicant lacks merit and contradicts established legal precedent. (iv) Whether there is forgiveness (“condonation”) and if so, the disciplinary action of dismissal has been contrary to the principle of “condonation” [52] The applicant in his submission raised the issue of condonation. However, this issue was raised by the applicant only in his submission. This issue was not pleaded by the applicant in the statement. [53] In this regard, it is trite that the parties are bound by their pleadings. The court is not entitled to decide a matter that is not pleaded. [54] See: RHB Bank Bhd (substituting Kwong Yik Bank Bhd) v. Kwan Chew Holdings Sdn Bhd [2010] 2 MLJ 188; Aseambankers Malaysia Bhd & Ors v. Shencourt Sdn Bhd & Anor [2014] 4 MLJ 619] S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 BA-25-19-03/2022 [55] Was there delay in the disciplinary proceedings which would amount to condonation? The whole event starting from the point of the disciplinary offence committed by the applicant to the disciplinary and disciplinary appeal proceeding, concluded in 2 years and 4 months. At that time or during that period, the Covid-19 pandemic hit globally and the Malaysian Movement Control Order in 2020 and 2021. [56] In Public Services Commission Malaysia & Anor v. Vickneswary a/p RM Santhivelu (substituting M Senthivelu a/l R Marimuthu, deceased) [2008] 6 MLJ 1, the court stated: “[40] Also again condonation was not pleaded. However, although there was a delay between the time the police completed their investigation and the time when the show cause letter was issued, there was nothing to indicate that the disciplinary authority intended to condone the wrongs committed by the deceased. In any case, the delay was because the police was investigating the case and the disciplinary authority cannot be said to have condoned the acts of the deceased.” [57] Having considered the facts of this case particularly as the country was engulfed in Covid-19 and restriction in movement, this court is of the considered view there is no delay on the part of the respondents. It follows therefore, there is no condonation as alleged by the applicant. S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 BA-25-19-03/2022 (v) Whether the applicant is eligible for the reliefs sought in this judicial review [58] The applicant further contended that all the applicant’s statements in this judicial review to challenge the decision made by the first respondent and the second respondent are not denied by the two respondents because there is no affidavit in reply from the two respondents. [59] The respondents submit that all the applicant’s statements in this judicial review to challenge the decision made by the first respondent and the second respondent are actively challenged and rebutted by the respondents’ deponents, Zahari Ali (the fourth respondent himself) and Siti Zulaikha Badrul Hisam. [60] Zahari Ali, the fourth respondent, is the duly appointed individual authorized to validate the affidavit on behalf of all the respondents. He holds the position of Director within the Department of Human Resource Management, which is responsible for overseeing and managing the employment and service records of all employees at the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (“IRBM”). The facts presented in the respondent's affidavit in reply are firmly within the fourth respondent's awareness and are either derived from the applicant's documents or are part of the records held by IRBM, which the fourth respondent has complete access to. [61] The fourth respondent also, being the secretary of the first respondent, Jawatankuasa Tatatertib 1, has the full knowledge of the disciplinary proceeding taken against the applicant. The fourth respondent also is the Head of Department of officers from the Jabatan Pengurusan Insan, in which his officers being part of the S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 BA-25-19-03/2022 committee in the Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Rayuan Tatatertib Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Bil 1/2021, has full access to the minute of the disciplinary appeal proceedings. [62] Siti Zulaikha binti Badrul Hisam, being the Admin Care Officer (ACO), is the direct supervisor of the applicant. This court is satisfied that Siti Zulaikha and Zahari Ali had access to the information and are persons who is best to aver the affidavits. Conclusion [63] For the abovementioned reasons, this court is satisfied there I no illegality, irrationality or Wednesbury unreasonableness or procedural impropriety which would warrant this court to allow this application for judicial review. This court therefore dismisses this application for judicial review with no order as to costs. Date: 09 November 2023 (SHAHNAZ BINTI SULAIMAN) Judge High Court of Malaya, Shah Alam S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 BA-25-19-03/2022 Counsel: For The Applicant: Kartini Yusoff Tetuan Jimmy M.P. Ng & Associates Advocates & Solicitors No. 30-2, Jalan Temenggung 17/9, 43200 Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor. +6 03 9080 4973 For the Respondent: Ahmad Isyak Mohd Hassan Ibu Pejabat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia, Jabatan Rayuan Khas, Menara Hasil, Aras 16, Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. +6 03 8886 8575 S/N HGKRSMY6wEGdKeIZthsKeQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Perbicaraan jenayah terhadap 2 tertuduh- terdapat tiga pertuduhan- S.39B91)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Akta Racun 1952 dibaca bersama S34 Kanun Keseksaan-tempat kejadian di sebuah rumah beralamat di Jalan Sekuntum, Taman Bukit Dahlia,Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru-OKT1 melarikan diri dan berjaya diberkas-dadah di badan dijumpai- pemeriksaan di dalam bonet Kereta Mercedes Benz menjumpai 1 bag kanvas biru IKEA dan bag kertas "Just Do It"-mengandungi 6 ketulan mampt dipercayai ganja- pendakwaan gagal buktikan kes prima facia atas semua pertuduhan-dilepas dan dibebaskan untuk semua pertuduhan.
YA Puan Noor Hayati Binti Haji Mat
09/11/2023 14:04:58 JA-45A-38-12/2020 Kand. 16 S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N p6rxewGAAEutD6jA8xsTQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal .m—¢5A—3a—12/2020 Kand. as zeumnzs Hvzu 33 DI MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JONDW amnu DALAM NEGERI JOHDR DARUL uxzmu PEREICARAAN JENAYAH NO: JA-45A-(35-la)-11I2o1I1 FENDAKWA mu uwnu MUHAMAD RAFI am ROSDIN MUHAMMAD HANAFI am MOHD AZNEE ALASAN FENGHAKIMAN Panglnllln [<1 Keduz<1ua|enuduh\s\ah dfluduh dengan mat beuama mengedar dadah an bawah s a9s<1)<a) Akla Dadah Eevbahaya v952 (Anny can 5 9(1)Ak|a Racun I952 mbaca hevsama s 34 Kamm Keseksazn [21 Tevdapfl nga (3) Defluduhan |emadap meveka, sepem henkm F-mmuvun Panama 1JAr45A—a$1Mo2a — Tan-mun Panama dun Temmun Kzmm 4/uudun nm.nmama) IN pl!rxnwGAAEmD£:Aa.uYD -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm 'Eahawa kamu barsamzruma pad: 215 mm, pm Izhm kn-inn n an mllnm m nnflannn mmah No 9:‘ Jilan Sdmmum <4. Yaman auxm mam rm Gudang‘ m dahm dnauh Juhut Blhm m dullm mum John! Dam ‘(aknm Iehah menuedlr dadah wmaya pm: bmm um: gum lulu c......a.. om Mu kamu «aim mnhxukuu sun kesiluhm m mm Seksyen as: may Am Eladah E-erbaluya «:52 flan mm dmnkum m buwan Seksyen ass (2; Anayang xnmndmmhncanasnmadvlzawnh Se«sy:n34 Kanun Keseksaan‘ P-mmun-n mu (JA45A—a7—1z/2020 — nu-mun Paflaml um; ‘Bahawa kamu pada 2152:1211, .m mam kuung 11 4a mum u. hldnpan mmnh No at man Sekumum u, Taman Bum nam Pam smug. a mm mm. Jmur Elihu‘ m mm. Negen Jahor mm Vukzlm man mmxm am.» aemanm beral bemh 24.34 gum mm Imlamphuuminl om. nu klmu mun memunn mu xmnnan dv hawah Seksyarv I212)AkIa Dzdah Bemuhaya I952 dun mm «mm. um um). Seiuyen mm Ann ynrw Plrluduhan Kaila: musaauzaazo . Tmuaulv Panama flan Yam.-tun Kedua duuduh basnma-sums) -Baum Iumu bersamtxama pad: 2: a ma, pm mam kunnn 1: 40 mnlnm a. amp... rumah Na ea. man Sakunwm <4, Tamar: Euiul mam pm Gudang, a. dzlam mm. Jnhar mm m dnrnm Nesyen Jana! Diml Yakzlm lnllnmdnpnndalammnhkankamulawnyang!.ersanava\da\amJ:du:lPnn,:mI din Jamal mg. (Bmxn Pukmvamk) Am mm 125: mu Milruaynlnn s.u..w.x Issamllllll-vain flu-ganlru kamu wan msiakukan um kauhmn u. bawm Stxsyen am An; Raw 1952 my w-n «mum m bawah semen 3242; Kali ‘/ing um: dzn mm. mum. Slksyun 34 Knmm Kzuksurv sm p£ruwGAAEmDfl1ABxsYD mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! arang Vain Gan mampunya. pengelahusn (enmng dzman yang evsaalkan [36] Dahm kes vm. mhsk pendakwaan Isiah mengemukakan Iaklz darn mrem benkut unluk membukukan pamillkzn lamadau dadah 1. xeuua-ans Ierludun nan Amnm dnlmat sedang bevkumpul an naaapnn mman bardakalan dengan kereva Mercedes yang mnakn dmadapan mman yang mana dadah da\am penuduhan panama duumpax dl da\am bonel newakang keveta dan oecanr kelum dalzrn pemmnnan kehga dljumpax hemumplmn mereka berkumpm Dadah anvnm pemmunan keduz duumpai daiam seVua( yang mam: nleh Tammnn Panama Tenuduh Panama dvlangkap seiemh cubs melankan am dan alan umuax uneven aanawa bellau ada pengelahuan mengenau fladah mg dqumpaw Panamuan kad nama keduzrdua lerluduh dw dalam arm mt keruta memhuknkan meleka msmpunyzw zksus |emadID xerexa flan jarak keve|a yang pamn aawam jarsk deksl an naunpan mman Tenuduh Penams wga memhenkan uengelahuan Keoemngan Anna: Anaka Nov Aznn, SP6 warm lunang kepada Termduh Kaduz menyatakan calah membenkan Harem Iersebul unluk kegunaan Tenuduh Kedua sepzruang kehadaan spa an John! aanm sejak hmzn Januan, 2u2o. Hanya «maps: 1 kunm unluk kevela Ievsehln dan |elah flvsevahkan kepada Tenuduh Kedua darn spa mangesankan hahawa kerela |eIsebutadz\zh dw bawah jagaan Temmuh Kedua pads nan k€|advan mlenans syn p«mwGAAEmD£‘Aautn "Nuns am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m van; me angwnauuy mm: dun-mm y.. mum am [37] s Kunm keIe(a dljumpaw pada Temmuh Kedua. maka barang kes yang mjwnpa. sdalah dmawah kawalan Tenuduh Keduz sspsnuhnya dan dmam pengelahuannya 7 Mflrugymne yang dwampzs mg: berada an dapan kedua-flu: tenudu ' |u p/am srghlkelrka anenun alen sm Fada penngkal my pihak pembexaan mengaiakan sepem berikm 1 Terpulusnya rzmaall keterangan kes aan Keragunn kepada krednbililx SP1 uan spz. Pemaaxaan hwahkan kelerzngan bahawa selepas serbuan di mman Terluduh Panama. barang kes tevus amawa ke lbu Pe;iba| Polls Daemh Sen Alan: W lndak banar kerina pembelaan |elah mervgemukakan Iapmamaporan pulls n24, D25, nzs yang mamkzuklikan sm max xems pulang ke mu sen mam 2 Teldapal pevcsnggahan dalam kemrangan sm flan spa dan hada peruelasan dlhual man mana-mana saw 3 Pada panngkat wm pembenaan menegaskan bahawz uada keterangan danpada sm akan smpakah yang rnempunyai kawalan darn jagaan pzda bzrang kes dan dua beg mu semasa serhuan dilakukan dv fig: xampac yang benaman 4 Pmak Pendakwaan eenan gagm unmk memanggn Amwul Aflan hm Hshammuddm szksw maaan pmak Pendakvraxan mengaiakzn Annmv max ho\eh member: kaevangan aeas laklur kealhalan man maakang aleh dukumen Fahmn sebagzw peruhakan man ad: sebarang mm. manunjnkkan Armml ‘unfit Io give evraemre“ 5 Pmak Pandakwaan wga gagax unmk mengemukakan keputusan anahs: mnna DNA walaupun mkanakan caman man mamb- aw aau...c~mna.aamn «-ma s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m van; ..a nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm VII mum am pzngzlal-man Umukmemenulmmsurl IerIuduh—|enuduh berida bsrhamplran dengan dadah dan meveka been 5 Keaunua (emmuh max mempunyal kawakan aksmsxf pad: kenderaan wvn 129 kerana nzda saksx yang nampak swap: yang membawa keraka lersehm ke Iempal kejadwin Jugs ma saks: yang nampak sama ads meleka ada hevumszn dengan bamng kes dan Mada kelsrangan sukongan sepsm DNA mzhupun can ‘an yang menuruukkan having kes pemah dmvuskan a\ah kedua-dua lenuduh 7 Pmak pendakwaan wga gzgal membuklwkan mat hersama dx hzwah 5 34 Kanun Keseksaan (emadap keaemua oxnemaaap peauuum ca. 3155 Pemuexaan menghupahkan hanawa nada kelerangan memmgukkan mu.-mua terluduh mampurvyaw "prs— arrange p/an” Imluk mengedar dadah aan kehadvan mareka hanyalah semahrmata ‘mere plswnce" 5 Tmflnkan Terluduh Panama melankan um Im hanya se\alI dengan dadah yang duumpaw m da\am kuceknys an bawah S1212)/39A ADE Peruuatan Terluduh Kedua dan Arrwul kehl-waLan "emu max menyumbang kepada pemnukuan wujudnyz pengelahuan tenlallg adanya dadah yang dnrampas om. SP1 kerana M3 mar mereka lahu‘ pasll meteka Inga akan melankan am [an] Undang-undang aflalah mmap bahawz dengan hanya mempunyal jagaan aluu kzwalan ke a\as dadah lersebm lwdak mancukuw unmk memhukukan pemmkan (hhal Inrnhlm Mnllnrnad v. PF (101 114 cu 1) [39] Adalah ma berdassvkan nas keskes dmuan banawa dua esemen yang dvpevlukan LIMHK memhukhkan pemilxkan man kawalan fizxkal dan Lia mes\u1mm;ukxan bahawa mengendahkannya seowarmnan Ia zdalah mum mereka Bag! unsurmerflal .3 sw pm...c~mm.Aamn «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! axan msns rea puua Derlu fllbukhkan bahawa Cerludulrlevluduh Dermal axan hemasral unmk bemrusan dengan dadah Iersebul (mlsndsd In deal mm ma drugs) (vuiuk kes FF v Abdul Ranman Ah!/[2007] 5 ML! 237 (F0), Chan Pun Lana v PF [1955] 22 ML] 217 Inc); nalam em ksia lam‘ kapeduan unsur fifikal dun menus! tersebul perm wuwd nan dlhukbkan sehemm pem kzn dapzl dihukukan. [AD] D. am has pendakwzan saya mendapzu bahawa keduadua Ierluduh mempnnyai kawa\an dan ;agaan aana pengellhuan mengenm dadah yang auumna. maka Ianya aaaxan dalam mmkan meleka semzsa anangkap [.41] vaaa penngkal nn szya menevima keterznqan sm bahawa Tenuduh Kedua Ie\ah dutahan samasa mluar rumah berssma Amnul flan kuncl karma Memfles yang dljumpaw flan semar Tennmm Kedna mamaawa kepada penemuan barzng kes dadah Cannabis darn banal helakang karara Tarluduh Panama pnva lelah bemndak malaflkan dm dan dadah dljumpaw d:\:m selunr yang mpakaw auahm Fada peungkat W, saya berparmangan naaa sebab urnuk merzg elerzngan sm dan spz (mwk PP V. MnPI.lmIdAIi[19£2]18ML.I 257 um Shah Vrwm Ton v. ;=P{2o13) 1 ms 377) [421 Olah yang uennxnan, saya memmuskan aanawa aamaaaman kapada Ke(erarI§an mg dlkemukakan‘ shaman permhkan dadah lelsehul lelah flmukhkan seczva afivmam Keduadua Temlduh man mengedardadah [431 Bagi alaman psngedaran Imlnk pammnhan panama‘ memandangkan elemen pammxan Devan beqaya amnman maka saya membual dapalan bahawa sa|u kes prfma ram pangedzvan umnknkan bawah seks‘/En 130(4) Kn aenaan pemskauan angaspan bawah u N D|!ruwGAAEmD£:ABuYD Nuns s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm In: nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm a. .num Wm sakswn 37(da) ADE (mmk kes Abdullah Man) berdasarkan berm dadah Cannabis yang melamm wax rmmma znu gram (5 37(da)(vi)) [44] Cfleh yang aenukuan, kedua-dun lenuduh (emu mpanggu unmk membela din dan mereka memllm uruuk mamben kstsvangan secara hmumpan xaa P-mbolun [451 Kedua-due lenuduh |eIah membankan hersumpah den memanggwl Ilma (5) bring Saks! awam yang melupakan zhh keluarga mereka dan Amlm kenerangan secara [46] Pada malam 21 52020, keduadua lerluduh dan Amm-I sedan; herkumpm din lepak dv nadapan rumah Na 94, mm Tenuduh Panama Supasukan anggala polvs man membual serhuan pzda anggaran jam 11 an mz\zm aan semass han keiaman. negzva maivh dalam oempan Parmlah Kawaxan Pergevakan Eevsyaval [47] Semssa samuany Tenuduh Panama man me\ankan am can beqsya mlangkap dan mbawa ke hadapan mmah lersahut. Pemanksaan badan acaa kedua-dun ienuduh flan Armml max msmumpaw barang salsh (slaw kemuduan merwmpaw dadah dahm poxecseluar Tsfluduh Fensma [451 Pemenksann pana kenderzan WYR 125 yang berafla herdekman dengan mereka juga tidzk menemul apa-spa harang sa\ah [491 Pemenksaan a. da\am bmk Tenuduh Penama ax aauam vumahnya ‘ugz hdak manamui ape-apa barring salah sanammya SP1 membawa kedua-dua |enuduh flan Amwul ke rumah Tanuaun Kedua ax Na 32, Jalzn Sekunlum s, Tamzn amt Dahha Pnsv Gudang‘ (myuk Vzpman Pulvr 7025) yang mana serhuan ml mam aleh spa sun Mohd Aznee bin AN Malek (hapa Tenuduh Keauay dan sos, sm Nur Az\e\a mm. Mona Aznee (mm .5 am aau...c~mna.aama «-ma Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum am Tarluduh Katina) mml berada m da\am rumah Terluduh Kedua pada masa sevhuan kevana mavaka (Inggal :1: sum [50] Femenksaan Dada wk Tenuduh Kedua lelah menemm 1 bag mm beflulrsan KKEA flan 1 beg kenas hertuhsan Nike yang mana an dzlamnya duumpal sejumlnh dadah msyakkl gznya salapas pemenman dawn nmk Termduh Keaua, menglkul sm nan sns‘ sw amnax kaluar dari umu nu memegang 1 bag mm henullsan IKEA man 1 beg kenas herlullszn Nike [51] sns .uga mengalakan bahawa nag hum berluhian IKEA dan beg kenas berlullszn Nwke tersebut gmawa oleh rnkun Temmuh Kedua hernama Hahm yang paga masa nu ads dalang ks lumah unmk naqumpa Tarluduh Kedua Dlsebahkan sos makmmkan yang Tenuduh Kadua naaa m rumah‘ Hallm man memmca um umuk masuk ke hmk Tenuduh Kedua un|uk maletakkan dahum harang kelengkapan pevmaman compu(erc1IbII\kTenuduh Kedua dan zkan kambah samma Dada mamm nanh sns nampak Hahm bawa beg mm benuhs IKEA flan beg kenas bsrlulis Nike masuk xe bmk Tenuduh Kedua sebalum memmla mri unmk pmang lanpa mernegang heg—beg |eIsehut lagi [52] Hanna Ideflah mkan Tsrluduh Kedua yang salam amnau datang ke rumah hersama Amlrm untuk hermamin E-Spoil yang dlarwrkan hampw aamap ma\am sn5 wga mngavaxan banawa Tenumm Kedua se\a!u mangaruurkan pelmaman E-Sporl a|as lahan sevem Dma den PUBG aan sememangnya kamasaannya Halvm akan aaxang ke Nmsh mereka nenemh dahuhl unluk mewezaxkan perkakasan permainan darn makanzn aaaemm memmakan pevmaman [531 Talah jug: dlhlqahknn hahawa mjuan ymak pnlis mambual Iarhuan ke mman Teduduh Kedua adalah kerana barang kes hdak pemeh 15 am «-ma am n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am ayumpa. dalam kevela wvn <29 sehagawmana kelerangan saksx pendakwaan Analin dan Dapalan cfllkhlr kes Pembelaan [54] Eevdavarkan kepada seksyen 182A KTJ, uka pendakwaan banaya membukhksn kesnya melampaui saharang keraguan yang munasahah, kedIIa—dua |enuduh nenaaman umapau bslsalah din msabnkan Namun uka sananknya, Mahkamah hendmdah mmepas dzn membehaskan cenumm uzuyuk kes Balzchandnn y. PP {zoos} 1 cu :5 aan Monnmad Radhl um Yizcob y. PF (1991) 1 cu Rap 311) [551 Mengenal anggapzn pengadarin dnhawah sama), beban akan harpindah kepada kedua-dua lenuduh mm menyangkau anggapan I/arsebul axas Imhangan kehavangkzhan yang mana bebarmya ada¥=h new heva| dari memmbulkzn keraguan yang munasabah (Muk kes pp y. vuyara/{ms} 1 ms 116) [as] Mengwkul kes Liam Hung Boon y. up [2012] 1 LIVE 1455, Mahksmah Rayuan memuluxskan ‘So me Ippeflanl had in renal m. npevlllve Dresumvfiun .71 Immcxmw uvdev a many Mme am nu ma mam av pwbabtlwex mm xaya ui rebulm maaaa a mghev emdarmary burden an ma anpe\lnn|' [571 Dengan pemzkawzn anggapan dv bawan 5371637 Im jugs, e\emen pengedaran Ievah dlanggap maka kaduama lanuduh mkanaxan msngedar fladah (ersebm semnggz umukukan sebahknys (mm: the canfraryls flmved) Tenuaun-canuauh flengan W peflu mengemukaksn kelerangan yang mencukupv umuk mengakas anggzpan laysebut acaa wubangan keharangkalmn (nquk Ny cnar Km y PP (1594; 2 cm 591 darn Manamad Radhi y PF(1992)1 so» 445;. n N Dl!ruwGAAEmD£|ABuYD ma saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrimnnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! [59] Ds\am Dembalaan mereka. Iertuduh-(enuduh mengemukakan Iakla mbawah szbagzw mm. sangganan (rabumz/evidence) 1 raaa dadah awnpaz semasa serbuzn dlbuat amaaapan rumah Na 94 2 Dadah Cirmabss hanya auumusx ax ds\am mum Tertuduh Keduay dmlmahnya d\ No 32, Jalan Sekunlum a 3. sakn panmaxaan sm dan sns mengeszhkan sm memegang beg lkaa |urun uan mllk Terluduh Kadua. 4 Saks: sos ma mengalaksn meVma| Ham membawa Deg ban-maan Ikea |erse|>u(na1k ks Tenuduh Kenna 5 sns (Am\ru¥) menaalaksn Dada ma\am xaaman, ma man dxhanlar olsh nakmn ke mman renuaun Panama nan mereka hevmain game Manna Legsnddmadapan mrnzhnya Amnrm [ugz mengalakan saarang yang meraka pinggll sebagax -um datang menghamar kereua Memedes yang dlgunakan oleh Temmuh Kedua. pakw berdekatan dengzn mnan, menguncv kerata dan malelakkan kuncw alas Iembok pager n-man Tenuduh Panama flan beflam pelgw menallu kendevaan Vain (Araham puun) Semasa pnhs dztang membua| serhuan‘ Terluduh Penama melankan dm sus nampix Pohs ambvl kuncl dan atas lambvk uan memenksa keuava Mercedes Seae\sh dflahan xeuga-uga meveka caran dnhawa ke mmah Tenudun Kenna dan selelah memenksaan dI|7ua| dw bllxk Tammun Kedua, sue mangarakan mehha| pohs meluumpaw neg hewarna bvu benullsan Vkea flan Sam beg kenas bellulisan Nike yang mana cam. dwlurqukkan men pafis mengandungw gama 6. Usm Demenkssan uxama namau-p Amm mhax Panaakwaan memahun (ankh lam unluk memenksa naxaa dan menyemak beberapa an yang dmmbulkzn Manangnya Amwul hdak Vagi in am NmwGAAEmD£:Aaum «-ma Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm ma nrW\nnU|:I mm: flan-mm VII nF\uNG Wm! am: mkesan Meh pihak Pendakwaan pada |ankh henkumya wz\aupun sapma telih mkemarkan Kegagalan serahan sapma dlkalakan kerana Amm cam. pmang xe Keflamzn dan hdzk lagw flnpal Maka kemevangan spa lerhenh salakat pemenksazn mama tinpa dlwal bales olen pmax Pendskwsan mkaaan [591 Saya meneml dan mempemmbsngkan kesemmhan pamuaxaan keduadua Ierluduh dan saks>-salts: pemaexaan dan bevpemiapal, larmduh-lermduh (elah mengemukakan versl yang berbeza uangan kas pendnkwaan levapl selan darn dvsokong o\eh Kewrangan sm, sns dan 5D6(Am\rul) [ea] Memuk kepada xeaemngan sud flan 505‘ darn pengamalan saya dan sag! demanaur aan konsxslsnsl marangan, saya barpendapal mereka max mermruukkzn ada herkemungknnan msmhenkan xexarangan Immk kapenhngan Terludun Kedua aamanamaca zlau telgalung dengan nelas saksw yang berkepenhngan (nnamazaa; alau yang max man mpevnayal (urltmstwmilvyj seam. jug! dengan xexerangan sue [61] Paaa pelingkal Inn, pemnexaan hanya peflu menyangkal mum pengedaran alas xmhangan kebznangkalmn dan selemsnyanya mammbulkan keraguan yang rmmasabah Ierhadzp ks: Pendakwaan Kedusmua Ierluduh lidak sekadar manafikan (slap: memhenkan sam versl kajaman yang bmeh dllenms nemvama lakls bahawa memang |erdapa| beherapa semuan wam auaxukan pada nan yang sama bersangkul dengan panangkipan maveka [521 Manxamar. Rayuan daham supwvmnu-nra/L-nus -rrdsmvays Kuchinq Division v Muhamnd Rambll KIWI [zau] 1 ms m ada mew/abut mengenaw lahap pembu n‘ szya petlk sehagaw panduan 15 am aau...c~mna.aamn «-ma saw be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am [53] ‘- Thu aavaaaa ul nmmbmes may he vwsuaflsed is a scale mm ma pmnm plncmg ms zwdenue on nu: ma and ma aeterudam wamaa on ma am ma cm waluavu ma wmanu aa In ma wugm .: clmes ov mun: mnvumbls uvwaenbe names no wewhl nemana mmut ewdenw «a puxmy ma damn! uxamaa can curvy nuwelwm am hence ma ram ‘bale aemar Saya ‘uga mengamhll pandusn makwd -xenaguaa mIm:sahah‘dan pehkln dalam kes PP v sauntn (1911 1 LNS 1 15 sepeni amawan. [54] -u \s ml maa possible «am, because everymmg mmmg tn human awaaa aaa dlpandmq upvm mum aamam .a even to same posmbi: er vuauIna'Y flwbl n V: IMI stale am-a case wmch ans! ma am. aamaamaa Ind aaaaamaaaa at an mama was ma mmds av Mars In men conduun In a men! cenamly M the am av me change in ya. aaam am aam Hut -amaaaaua mum’ is me mm which mam ywu n-silall as to ma comma. M m. cnncllulnn mun. yaa much. :4 unanr your aim: Ind upon your cnvuclenuu mar you um Vully lnvueynnd ma wldcncv and complnd n m an n. aana, you a aa ymnsifl n mm Mlle is gulhy, men 1: V: a maaaam. man u h a mum: wman umu u. ynur judgmum am am: a rlslmy pnaaa mm or a somehmzs smd Imus! b: aaam so mama am aaaazannax 2x to pmducem ma mmdx «:1 ma |umrs aama uucanmnly us to ma man lo he given A reasanalfle daum must be a aouhl ansmg Hum ma ewderme uv want av nmdsrmq and c:mu7| be in wmawury duuhl or oanpeclwv unvedabw w ev\denue' -Penakanan mlambah sexelah menflaw kembalx krsdxbllm SP1 din SP2 dan amammgkaa dennan ketevangan pambexaan, saya aapan vets: pemaaxaan ada kamungkvnan (probable) benar saya menquk kepzda pnnsm asaa da\am kes Ma: v PP (1su)1 ms 32 yang mana pka lakla yang dlkemukakan uleh pamxaaxaan In: men drpercays: maka keduadua (emmuh perm anepaauan Jtkapun (am: yang amukakan alall marvka mak an am a«u...caazam.aauvu ma. am n-nhnrwm a. a... a van; .. nrighvnflly MIMI dun-mm VII nF\uNG perm [31 D\ am kes pendakwaan, saya memumskan hahawa pmak pendakwaan benzya mamhukukan Xe: pnma Yams alas pemmuhan kezlas mereka nan (anuduh-(enuduh mpanggu unluk memnaxa dun [4] saksx awam pembalaan yang Vzinlelah mpanggll D. akmrkas pemhelaany saya menaapan xenuuumemaun bsrjaya mengakas anggavan an bawah s 37 (Ga) den salemsnys benaya memmhulkan keraguan yang Mereka lelah memmh member: katemngan bersumpah dan1imz(5) mlmasabih tamadap kes penflakwaan Maka mpumakan bzhawa pendakwaan Isiah gagal memnukmkan ks: mmampam keraguan mlmasahzh [5] owan yang darmkvany kedua-dua lenuduh |e\ah flflepaskan dzn dibehatkan nan sauap penuduhan ks alas mevska. [6] Pmak Pendakwaan |e\ah merayu ke Mahkamall Rayuan alas kepumsan (ersebul, maka benkut adalah imam says Nlrill kn Plndakwnn [71 Bemndak a«as mzklumal keglatan daflah, pada 21 Jun 2:120‘ yam lebm kurang 11 zu malam. lnsp Mahd Aflzwm Fairuz bin Ramlv (sum hersama bebsrapa anggmanyz lelah bevgsrak ks Vokasn m No. 94‘ man Sekunmm 14‘ Tzmzn sum Dahlm Fun Gudangy Juhov (mmnh Na. :4) [31 Kerela apevasl mpamra. hadapan rumah Na 94 nan sm melmal lerdapal M93 13) nrang max. Memyu seflang bemln den herkumpm dn hadapan vumah (ersehut Persekn:-nan Vukasl kanka nu muarangi cahaya lampu ]alan dzn pagar rumah dalam xeaaaan lerbuka Fads: masa yang sama, sa\ah saarang anggom semuan‘ Sjn Mahd Fawzal bin Ra1aI|(SP2) mehlwafi iebuah Kereva jams Mercedes Eenz parklr aw nauapan rumah (elsebul sw am...c~.z..1m.Aamn "Nuns Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; .. gummy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! mpamayai sekalipum saya max bcleh mensahllkan mereka memnkan ada absan bahawa xlnya gagan memmhulkan keraguan yang munasabah am Manama mum Yaacab I/PP (1921) 2 cu 2011) [65] Says telah mermaw dengan |elm kes pembelaan aan man msmbual dnpmnn sa<a:as dengan 5152A KTJ Sayapxga mermux xevaaa Dinduan Radni m da\am kes Mahmud mam Yukon sapem berikut -n m . wafl uuhluhed rmnm|2\e an Mnmysmn amnmax law max me genera! mean ac pram hes Imroughuul ma Ina! on ma Dvusecmmn in mm bsynnd rl snnihle duum me gum ar Ihe mum ran ma Lmervoe mn vmum na .. durged were 1: no swmlzv human mined on me nursed m pnwe ms mnuuarwee Ne up/esumad nnaaam unm woven gumy Yo eam an aoqmflak ma cue, .; nmary in 12.“: relsunlme duuhl m Ihe pvusacumm case \n ma mwse a~ me proeecuonn saw, me pmxecmmn may clown: My on mnama Ihmlmy mmumphuns In Draw: aue armare M In aaaamm Ingredients at In charge wnan «na« occurs «n. pamcmar um... ac pron! as append In ma ganam burden shm m ma fleverwe to ram sum presumpbans an we balance m pnanannmaa Much Imm ma amends Dam! av vnew u haavmltun una burden ulcaslma araaaenaua mm, hunllwicuwnw hyhnec man he bumon anna mammmn m wave beynnd reawrlnlzle mm [66] Keslmpmannya‘ szya bsrpandaual hahawa xexevangnn bukv kes pemhelazn ada kemungklnan Dena: Sehubungan dengan nu, walzupun udak yak: saya jugs berpendapat keselmuhzn kas namnexaan man benaya memmbmkan kavaguan yang munasabah (emadap kes pendakwaan dan salerusnya memslahksn anggapan amawan s 37(fla) a|as wrlbangan keharingkallan Punilaian kumangan Pombalaan [57] Dadah (perluduhan panama) ada ksmungkmzn lelah mjumpa. an rumah Tenuduh Keduz we 1:) many saksx manganaxan xanyi «mam 11 am pl!ruwGAAEmD£:Aautn «ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm van mum am mum oxen spa, (mime: uleh sm, sns dan sue) sa|u beg mm benuhsan IKEA dan salu beg kenas hanullsan NIKE sns mangalakan bag nu dxbawa nleh Halvm sebemm Tenuduh Kmua dwangkap Fakla ml yuga mum web sue (Amlvw) [ea] vem buhawn kenumgkman dadah sebenamya hdak duumpzw damn kerela kerana pmak pulvs lelah membua| serbuzn m we (3) Inkasx Iain, txfleh dilevima [as] Padz han kqadian, Tenuduh Kadua pavw Nmah Tertuduh Penama sslalah amanm alsh sD7 Fakla mi disoknng dengan kelevangan so: (ayah Terluduh Perlama) yang nampak Terluduh Kedua datang (Idak menawkl kendaraan Mengvkut sum semasa mum-mula sampm kerela Mercedes (yang dlkalakan ads dadah flldmamnya) mad: :1! lempal parkvr mluu mmah Yermduh Panama Vni menyokung kumungkman kere|a Mercedes Ievsebul sebsnamya mm d\ (empal psklrpafls mas: Tenudun Ksdua mma-mws sampaw m mmah Telluduh Pellama [701 Kewujudan panama Hzhm‘ msem dalam kes pendakwaan Iagw Dlsahkan uleh sps bahawa Tenuduh Kedua man sswakan karma kepada Hahm pada harl kuaman ram ml mengxkat pmak Pendakwaan kerana Ia dmmbulksn flan kelerangan saksl meveka — mink kes 1» v Ha ha Kun (mu) 3 cm 71, on Mzka ada kemungkman walak Hllxm bukan vekaan (finflousj [71] Peguam te\ah hevhmah bahavwa ke|erangin SD4 uan sns nampak SP1 membawa keluar dadah max dlpenksa ba\as aleh plhak Penflakwaan Twdalquga amankan hahawa mhak pohs ads pelgw ks lumah Tenudun Kedua kerana Pandakwlan hdak menamkan xewumaan Iaper.-n Wlvs ms 22 sw pm...c~mm.Aamn «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! 1721 Saw dapali pmak Pendakwaan ada mencadangkan kepuda Terluduh Panama, sm can 505 bahawa «am sw dmhal menjumpan harsng kes an mnan Tenuduh Kenna tam vekaan kanana mengikut ms‘ naaa barang salah man duumpal semasa pemzviksazn mwat can meveka udzk berxemjn Selelah menyemak nn|a kemangan‘ waapau nmak Pendakwaan ndak meny:1a\ |7a\as tau ml kepsda Tenuduh Kedua Mengenal sue pula‘ pihak Pendikwun ndak helpeluang untuk menyoal was saksw .n. acaa kegagalan unmk mengesannya [13] Sungguhpun began‘ suya nanaanaapau, huuan D25 dxkamukakan oxen pmak Pemnexaan adakah uniuk menyanggah xenemngan sw yang mengueaxan pasukan sevbuan Ie\ah (ems bavgevak balnk he IF-‘D sen Mam pads malam |arssbu| sedsngkan ada semuan lam amuan [74] Selerusnya, ram bahawn sm, sns dan sue secsra knnsislen mengaiakin aaa mehha|SP1 mambawa aam navang mg menyerupaw beg yang fllrampas, memadxkan kreammu ss-1 semkil aaraawankanna sm Vangsung lvdak menyanmh laK(a benzwa bahau dan pasuksn aaa pergl ke mmah Tertufluh Kedua Navatil mi penlmg kerana susulan dan nu, persoalan flflg hmbm adzlall mengenal ramalan kelzvangan baranq Keys [75] ma pmak Pendzkwaan hdak manankan sevbnan lawn ada must‘ semeslmya penjelasan mengenaw keberadaan baring xea yang helum dnandakan unnaxvurnxan kapadz Mahkamah Tanya mak\uma| mengena. kawa\an barang Res sebemm SP1 sampaw ke nan‘ saya (idak man menulup sebelah maca axau memhual mlevan Ianya dalam .agaan SF1 [151 ms man dmux kepada spa dan beliau wga tebh mengesahkan kawu,-mannya Percanggahan kmevangan sac. swz flengnn D25 perm duelasksn Saya menquk kepada s 91 Ana Kelemgan dan ken Ah M. v syn am...a~.z..1m.namn "Nuns saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mums dun-mm VII mum pans! PP[1.v51)1 Mu 22:1, Namun begun, dalam kes ml. hada penmaian man mbuax o\eh svc rm wamaun sna (Amwrul) gagal maawa a\eh pmik Pendakwaan semasa kes Pendakwaan, namun behau lelah benaya msapma \m|uk kes pembelzan waxauaagamnapun, usal pemanksaan mama, kanamran Amvm lehh gagal an umskan aleh plhzk Pendakwaan dan kmemngannya Malt dapal dlperiksa balas men plhak Psudakwaan Fembelann bemmah flan szya se|u]u bahawa kesdaan W cexan member! kesan kepada m\a| keuennan Kerlersngannya yang mana zkan mamvrajudnskan xenuaun. lertuduh ketana ke|erangzn sna menyokang pembelaan bahawa dadah hdak duumpaw da\am karela mam cu mmah Terluduh Kedua uan bahawa pada nan Kajaduan Halwm ada aacang menyerahkan kerala Mercedes sehemm benam dalam sebuah kere1aAIphavfl puhh [75] Mengenaw an kagagaxan pvhak Pendakwaan memasnkan kehadvran saksl Amllm mu. aaya meruwk kepeda kes ‘n Cnuee Hizng v PP [1955] 2 ML./ 431,dm-zsna Mahkamah Agony ta\ah mamumsxan, amara Vain‘ ‘WM: me vroseaunw ha: a cum;-Lat: aaamn .a in ma maybe at mmssas in n. clued It me man. u msu nas the duty In an an necuury wwnesus essenlm za the ufloldmg or in: natntive a! me pruseumou case to eslahflih pmm¢ lhe necused beyond an mwnanne awn: Aum vury mm, m. pmnecuwr should makn mum . ’ bl: Var cmsscximlnallon by an- amna. n ma pmseculnun lafled In mm m my. ma Iuculed must he newnes- —Penekanan dvlambah [79] Saya mga berpendspal bahawa Armrm aua>ah aaxa yang manna! dan pemmg unluk mekangkapkan nzrahl kes pendakwian uan yugn pamneman aexexan isu kamungkinan man duumpaw when m tempa| kepdlan aanagannana dalam perluflnhan dmmbulkan Mungkin vanya syn asn...c~.z..1m.namn «-ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mums dun-mm vu mum an.‘ max hegim penlmg semasa ken nendakwaan‘ namun se1e\ah dmmbmkan lakva yang beycangganan, ketevangan Amm meruadl relevan dan kagagaxan mengemukakannya msmmxenkan saya mengguna mm: mcara unmk mengangnap kelerangan mum yang bakaldnkemukakin alsh Amlml Udzk mamihak kepsda pmak Pendakwaan Say: dengan Im mengguna pike! anggapan dmzwan s114(g)Ak(3 xewangan [so] Dalam ks: Amrl Ibrahim A Anni. V‘ PP [1017] 1 cu 511‘ Mahkamah Pesekuluan |e|ah mamutunksn, anxnm lam ‘<2; The pnwer m 12-: own m draw an Idvane Wevunca undar 1 mm ov me Ewdnrvce M: E dnscvsnnniry u dnpendx an me n:\n:ums(Inoes on me can and pamzmarlyln casuwheveme mmedal wnlnossss an, um pruduczd - [51] Adalall lugas an bahu pmak Pendakwaan unluk memnshkan saksi yang dwawalkan Kapafla Pemhalaan dlkemukakan Saya meruwk kapada ks: PP v Rasli bln ymomazv) 7 cu m, dipuluskan aleh Mahksmah Paisekuluan yang telah mermuk kepada hulahan peguam (dalam kes lelssbul) yang mm telah d\perse|u]uIsepeI1I benkur 1221 n suppofl at In: suhlmulun rehunce was mm an m. Enahsh Caun Cnmmzl Anne]! use M R '4 Marine Henry Bryant s Ann\‘nsr{194E)31Cr App x us‘ where the Cum rsaunmsu that me prosewnun ha: . du|y m max. a pawn ma an we mama: mam. xv lble Ia dflencs w may dead: ml m can mm m} Leamad nnunsel msu menu us to the pve»Mnme«i ms: M van Lee Yang V R [195s| 22 MLJ «:14 when: we Cami nan: that an witnesses mm nataemanls have been laken ihntfld be bvaugm In Caurl by me mewuw‘ excem muse whoa: Ivmeme mu may and omwy mm rm hgm an me pass, and any wwmess ml sn brought CD Cmm m\n| be made avaname to ma nucused should he dulrem can such Mines; [211 Yhnappmlinlveflsfl heavfly on lhadacmun uHmsCaumn n owe: many vFF[1E95jJCLJ < Mlereln Ihscuulse own judgment Edglv mean J1 nu 25 sm pl!rnwGAAEn1D£|ABuYD mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mn.u.y mm: mmn vu mum pans! also wAh zppvlwil pessnfies rm». me Aumnan cue cl ammm V a mm m cm Ha. wherein: m. nlex::evp|Ieads {:1 page 5; — ~ §IcDl\dVy,Il1IvI\xvuom for same dehale as In what .. mum :7, me npenmg wum: an the sulemenl and n mum mu be mad as {nhwbmng me msaetmn mm was pmsacmnr nus not m an \n the Cmwn can my eymmlness n he wins m.unm.mmu.m.....mvw rwlcnmllfi hIm.=.s,lo1nx:mpLe,vmnr- hr wnmwes man the wings: .s m : creams and trulhnd wxms m (ms mm In: pmseculor wm arvsuva mnne .m.m .. grven ma oppanumly in 2:1! mg wn1nau'[5Ie mm um Ymmg Sun Y mu: Prn1:culnr|19SA]2 sm 2571 [251 lumed amines! mm xubmnled out me cnnstquence at 1»: vvveaounwvx fiawlura m mm mmme mm wntnlax-5 la the defence Vs a mu mime aupeI\IM‘s ngmm . Immil and the ipyeflam had been dlpnvafl an ovpnrlumly in wcseul Ms case m the run mnrmurn puuxble vmlh . mw In aecunng an aaqunlal (See :2. Kwan Wan V PP[2W1| sou 53: Fe)‘ [B2] sememsnya a. muka macaw‘ 69: man 693 -ml Dug m mar Spec! me m amine! mm, mm pmsecumrs are under mam weH-defined dune: mummy my duty vi msdosure (pea ; an at u. cpc), 1u)dmymr.Il\ .ummmeanu rdavvwlwnnusas nm11M)dmylncunour.1 me me «my (See R v Eank:[I91e]2 xa an R V SugIlman(19E5)25 Cr Ape R ms nu Mummm Kaaarm Anulhevv F'P[2D‘M]3S|.R1205) (as; m mmw, :1 Is tamed Viw based an the aulhonlwuzwad In LA! by Veumed mum Vanna lpveflinl \n W: Iuhrmslmu man he umsecunnn has dlvcvehnn whether «a HH any plmcmlr wvlness‘ bu! such dlucvalmn u sumem to ma hmlhbnns m my me dsuvaun musl be exerased mm dun ugam m ccnsmetalwonx ulmmcxs and ma ram and my um wllnuniwho ma been vmahqitnfl Ivy ma puke: um «um wnom me suhemants have men resumed mus! ba mm nu ma neleme sm pfirx-wEAAEn1D£1AaxsYO «mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! [451 n 15 mle law on. n u nu! ma dmy al ma ippsflanl w plvua ms mnnuenbe av n can . pnmcmar Mines: Io iuppun nn aaoam (see Yun Foe Su V pp [1967] 1 LNS17E,|1§s7]2 ML! 19 am Sandi: Margavel anm Prn577)1 ms 1 n 1197311 MLJ 721 The ‘aw mica: upcm me pvasecunonma bmdernu pm gmll am. :ppeHin| beyand leasuname doublxnd nu| an ma nppeflanl m pm ms mnnbence wauannannnaa .n gxmspludenne Is ma me man the oanwchon mmlwveflinlmuslles|noIanl11ewa:kn:ssuHhe deiemnebmon In: strength at me pvusecmwon ma an.-awe n the burner am av nu! annnnn \:w' [as] Mengenav nna. kelerangan Arnnm yang Kvflak mac a: scan balas clan pmak Pandakwaan, saya msvuwk kepadn kes Kamalan Shtlk Mohd v pp 12:21:14 cu m flan bersannu dengzn pandangan flan kmian yang annwx men Ham mengenai kapantmgan seseamng saksi unluk an soak Dams dengzn panun (compma) oleh pmamnnax dalam sasuan. pmswdmg ,enayan Keadaan .n. menumukkan betapa penungnya lngss Pendakwaan unluk memasukan kehadwan Amvul Oleh kerzna kalerangan Amlvw not tested by wny av cross examfmarron, wanyi lelah mempuanmuskan keduadul (enuduh kerana kelarangan Am\rul konswslen dengan ketevangan sm am 505 [341 Dalam kas ml, says berpandzngan. say: maum bnleh menenmz kelaangan A.-mun, wa\aup<m dnanaxan sehagaw sehahagian 1pamaY) namun aengan aaanya kelerangan yang sama dari saksl lam, kelevangan Annm: Ialap Ielevan den boleh dlmlaw seadanya. [as] Sekzdar unmk mebngkapkan, saya mannux kepada kes Thai/anamln En subramaniam v PP (1997; 3 cu 150 dzn memjuk kepada pnnslp yang mpmnskan oleh Mahkzmah Persekuman sepem dlbawah 17 am p«mwGAAEmDn.Aaurn “Nuns snn be used m van; .. mn.ny mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! -n was :« ma aacuaaa In an. an mnaoem a>(p\an:nnn wmch me Conn cnmmaveu male \|ke\yII1anm7l Dltnwlstme we unab:\anwnIpvnba|u\mu ma mslapphed wn mu pmctedmgi PPV Vuvarap [1959] 2 Mu as Pc' [as] Juga mermuk kepida kes Public Proucutor v Iskandar bin Manamid Yu.:oI(ZWS] mu 559. lalah dlpuluskan behawa V m 21 M ma aamsa M ma dshncl mp ma accused person nu. had Ifleged man the bag wmch comamed ma drug: Wu awed by one Nzstan. a mum wmu mu vnxanaa . nae Hum mm (ml mm TM: yam had manlqed In make me ms uapa Gunny me aanvuuun, luvmg the managed person evenruafly stunned Ind bemg hem Ieqpmmme lot I11: aaanaanaa mcnmmllmg Hem wxm ma Auwwny m the muses pemun gwan under mun. ms awaanoa mu men! saunas aansmananon lI| flan: 3| no sin: m ma Manna win he Impuached The pzmnenl quesflon naawaa «a ma msarved thus was. was In pnssdfle man the mystevwoux Nulanmfl praaaawexm, ann mu maqesnlncflml avananw zlhmad In In mm as a pasxpan In escape in: charge’! AA mu slug: av me aavanaa man. wax na man! demand that M m\mVn:1ulHy wove Nissan um anal NI na naaaaa in an wu In mace», pevsuade ma pvummg wage of max pmhibthly lmexucueeded mm en a aawanca avpnaaammy (hos: dmgl mum we been Hassarfi. ma mexmalflyeycnelaung mn- [371 saya belpendapal. din kesemmahan yang dwkemukzkan da\am pamnaxaan, any: man hevsllat panaman den penuxnan «erxemuman le|apI aanu mmnabwry) Ksrrmngkman Im juga Ie\ah mmangkan kepada sakan pendakwaan lag: keterangan kemungkman [ea] Puhak Pendakwaan bamwah memhawz kepada pemauan saya mengenaw knaannlm saksn pemhelaan yang mkaxakan aemcnva dan bevkepannngan Says dzpah, fakva bahawa sus max dapnl menqasahkan Halim pevgw karumah Yenudnh Kedua menam kerela apa max meruzdikan sns bukzm szksw yang kradxhelalau seomng saksuyang berkepenflngan ann beta! sabe\ah Pads: pendzpal saya wga‘ soe (Ammnl) lmak membenkan kelelangan yang saracms axau menuruukkan as am pl!ruwGAAEmD£1ABuYD “Nana am.‘ n-nhnrwm n. LAIQ4 m mm .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm vu mum am swa: bvas alau mempunyaw aganda lelsendln hanya kerana memhenkan kelersngan yang mammax kepada |enuduh-larluduh m. aflmah kerana ksmungkman vevsx meveka lpembalaan) ad: benamya dan telah memhuat saya hearing as In me correctness 0/ me cone/us»on (umuk sabitan) — ruwk kes Salmln yang dxruiuk dv atas nntuk maksud ‘reamnsbls daubf. Kulmpulnn [39] Say: helpendapal hanawa kewuwdan 025 flan ueaerangan sum sus :13" we memadwkzn ramauan kalemngan baung ks: Ierpums kevana max duelaskan kebsrauaan harang kes dadah yang fluampzs damn lempah masa (arsehm Pevcanggahan qkexemngan sm, sns aan snay dangan xexerangan SP1 dan spz sens tanpz peruelasan oleh msrska‘ memmkan «am: Aersebul sa|u landa tanya flan memadlkan pmomny hzhawa dadah dqumpal dwmah Tenuduh Ksdua senagamana ueeemngan semua saksmksx pembexaan ad: ksmungkman benzrwalaupun hdakmyaklnl kabanarinnyi Says memguk kepada kes Ganapathy Renwasamy V PP mm; 2 cu 1, yang menyehul «n ma. |o n. nmcmband Inn hnwevtr w-Ik . dflumu mly be. um 1-aw Iulng juduu L11 bo1nlazunfl\xw:nou\d mrljusl mm. mann- dllencn an mu hash um um nmsucufleu wimnun m m be bellevvcd um not an m...;.. Where In: law «zit: the aims :24 gmng an axbtananun upon In accused pawn, and me explanihun Ixgwun mm 15 msmn: wan vrvuacgnca‘ m. mun a duly hmmd m wnsldcr wlmhnr n mm VI scmhly :1. cm, allhuunh nvl carmncm of It: Innh. On In: Issue at am calm‘: dulym cansldurmn .1 mu, ms nu old dnlnlnn 1.. MIN PP new 1 ms 52 [\9s3| Mu 2631: sill! good Llw is u wu «mu. mu lufluvmd uy m. supmm Enutl m Momymzd Rnam hm mm V PP [1951] 1€L.IR¢p 211, (199113 cu am, mm: ML1 159' 1-: N D|!ruwGAAEu1D£|ABuYD um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! —Penekanan dnambah [so] Saya ulang, dlpenngkal pembexaan, hanya reasonable dnubl penu mkemukakan Maksud rsaxurlab/s doubt (nuuk kes s-mun) udalah Sam um: wmclv makes you hssviate as to me correctness, slteryou mm lu/Iy Investigated ms swdsnce and compared :1 m all its part, you say 1.7 ynurselfl doubt n he .5 gum Konumun (911 Make, se(e\ah memmbang fakta kas Dambalaan dengin parsvekln yang new snflzvas dengan kemrangan kes pendakwnan. saw no not acwn! ar be/rave me accused‘: sxplamanon but nevertheless yr rursas In my mm a reasoname doubts: m rm gull! (Mn v PF'I1953)15 MLJ m) [92] men yang demvklan, unluk perluduhan panama‘ dlbawsh : 35(3), kednauuz tenuduh hanaya mengskss anggapan pengedzran dlbawah s. anua) afas Imhangan banayl mennmbwkan kevaguan yang munasabah Aarhadap kes penflakwaan renummanuuun dengan ml uuepasxsn din dlhshaskan dan permduhzn panama kebarzngkallan dan dengan nu [93] Manganav pammuhnn kedua‘ mwaupun szya hevnuas nan‘ darn panzuacan Terluduh Panama malankan dvn din didah duumpan dwbadannya, pembelaan gagal menaflkan sebahnguan e\emen kesalahzn dwbawah 512(2) namun‘ oxen «um [emu mpumskan dwalas bahawa rinman kaerangan nmng kes |eVah lerpuhts. maka Vanya man mevwlqudkan kalnmpangan da\am Kai pendakwaan Walaupun fakva |evsebu( hanya mhuknkan semasa kes pembelazn (lakla percanggahan D25 dangan kanemngan sm dzn nasn penahhan kelerangan smsmy Maka Tenuduh Panama mg: dllepiskan dan dlbebaskan dari pemmuhan kzdua sw pm...c~mm.Aamn «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! [9] sm tumn dam kendevaan uperzsi flan marnnerkanaflxan am sebagai anggma was Salah seorang dsrlpsda nga (ay saspek Velakx Melayu mam mslunkan am ke alah mar ruman 51:1 belsama uga 43) lagw inggora bemndak n.ange,ar le\zk| Iersebul dan mamben arahan kepada SP2 dan um Laa An Shm agar herads dx nampac kejadmn unluk manga».-ax dua 42) law saspek lemkl Mehyu yang lawn [cu] SP1 lelah benaya mermngkap saspek Celsehux sanalan nyengqar smauh nrak mo meter ke arah kamsan |aman pannainan kanakakanak sm kenalkan mu kepada saspak aan haw pemenksaan lubuh naaannya menjumpai salu 41) peKe( plasuk hnslrmr aiayam dadah syzbu (F123) dalam poke: hadapan kanan seluav Imam (P143) yang mpeksv saspak yang kemudlannya mcamkan sebagaw Muhamad Ran bin Rasflm mm; Tenuduh Penama [11] 5:21 kamnmannya mzmbawa Terlufluh Panama ke hadapan mmah Na 94 aamula flan due (2) saspek Vain (elah d:kena\ paw ssbagsx Muhammad Nanafi bin Mahd Aznes waxlu Terluduh Kedua flan saspek keugz sehagai Annnn Aflan Fahrm hm msnarnmsmn (Am I) [12] Pemeviksaan badan lemadap ran-mun Kedua dan Amwul max manemuv aaa-apa harang sa\ah Namun, pemankaaan ke am Terluduh Kedua nalan dwjumpaw sa|u kuncl elekhomk berlamhang Memedes(P15A) dw paket naaapan sebalah kanan semar panpang kelabu mac; yang dwpakaw alan man (131 sm xexan mengarahkzn Tenuduh Kedua mengakmkan mm Mevcedez Benz dengzn nombcr panaanaran wvmzs (P15) yang mparkn wemn kuvang 5 kakl darlpafla mman review! 591 kemudlan manmankan pamenksaan ke alas kenderaan terxebul din dw dalam banal menjumpai 1 Deg karwas mm. mm (Pwxy yang an flnlamnya 4 an p«mwGAAEmDa.Aautn "Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; me mn.u.y mm; dun-mm vu mum am [941 Vsu vamawan kalemngan baring kes wm wga lelah memban Kesan kepada pambukuan mewampam karaguan munasabah umuk peflumman kelxga yang man; hdak begun amen nemanan men keduadua beflah pnhak flzkam Ilujahan maswngmavlng Sungguhpun beglhl, saya herpem1apa|. Ianya |elap Ierkesan. Mm, keduz—dua tefluduh ]uga mlepasxan aan dwbebaskan aan permduhan kulvga ml Banankh s Novembev 2023 |NOOR HAVAYI a Pesummayz Ks knman Mahkarnah Tmgg Mzkayz Jnhorflshm Ferwakllan » Ezgl plhak Pendakwaan Fuan Sm uamza mm Abdmlah nmbaxsn Fenflzkwz Raya Pejzba| srenasmat Undang—Undang Negev: Jnhar Ares 2, Bzngunan Data‘ Jaalar Muhammad Kola xskanaav, lskandar Pmsn Jahm Bag: pmak Tenuduh Penama Puan Lymanu h|n|| Mansov Lydlana Law Chambers AA‘ Ja\an Lembah 1 Taman Desa Jaya 81100 Jnhor Bahm Jahnr 31 sw pm...c~mm.Aamn «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! Bag! pmak renumm Kedua Encwk mm Fazaly Ah bm Mam Ghazzly The Law Chambers cl Fazmy No 24AJa\an Camav1 Taman Perhng mun Tampal Johov sm pflruwGAAEu1D£|ABuYD mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm mengandungw enam (5; kemlan mampzf bemalm pIastiklutsmar|P11B) disyakw ganja Semmsnya pemenksaan IanMSP1 mm: manwmpan salu Wag: beg kenas herwami cuklal henuhs mm on m (mm mengandungw ma kemran mampa| belbalul plasuk \usinaI(P12C) juga msyam ganja m1 Pemenksaan a. daiam karma mun meruumpzw sekapmg mu (FHA) lenulls name Tarluduh Kedua ylng hersrrnpan dw buhagwan ‘am! ms!‘ sebalah Km pernanau Pemenksaan m hadapan mmah pula, bevdekalan kellgz-:—uga meveka (keduz—dua lenuduh den Annnm berkumpm, SP1 meruumpaw due halal plasnk Vulsmal yang mangandungr cecarr d\syak|ukelum(P13A can mam [<51 Pemsnksaan satamsnyn dwbuat m man as Temmun Penamn m damm rumah Na 94‘ yang melupakan mman kemarnan kelnavga Terluduh Panama balsam: mu bans dan vslennyn, hdsk menemu: aDa~ apa baung man 591 an spz kemudlarmya bersama—sama kadua—dua lenudnh darn Annmn bevgerak rnanam Mamsdez Benz memuu ks Wu San Nam uh ulah kandaraan unerasv. [we] on M) 5enA1am‘D€ny9d\ain dokumen nan penanaean barang kes flnbual oleh sw dan dakumewdakumen berkailan mseraman kepada Pegnwai Penyiasay lnsp Mend Hafiz bin Human (spa; paua keasnkan hannya, 225 mu jam mam kmang 7 malam my spa menghantiv baring xss xe Jabalan Kmui din haul anshsa menaesahkan twang kes yang mmmpas adalah dadah berbahzya saw (a) cannams bevy! bersm 3942 15 gram m Mllragymne beral bevsm 1950 ml m Memamphemmme halal bersm 24 34 gram 5 SN NmwGAAEmD£:Aautn mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dnpltnn mu keg Pendakwaan [ta] D1 penngkavl akmv kes pendzkwaan, salu kes prlma facrs sebagznmzna mperunlukkan dmam $13007 Karwn Talacsra Jenayah (KN) perm uwmxan olah pmak pendakwaan flan kemrangan mm: mg bo\eh dxpercaysn dan kredwbel yang mana uka hdzk disangkal akan membalehkan saman dlhual (rwuks 150 («p KTJ flan ks; Abctullnn Ann Iwn pp (mo) 9 cu 151) [191 Ungkapzn “msngemukakan kelerangsn kukuh yang membukltkan setup aazu Yak!orkesaIamin"da\am 5 mm) belmzksud hahawa plhak permakwaan perm menmuknkan senip alemen kesalahan sama ada dengan mengemukakan kelerangan yang mush mpamayau, membuzt mieren Qemsdap ram alau menggunapakaw anggapan \mdang—undang umm kes AbdulI.ahAmn dw muka suraI196) [201 K95 puma Iacfe va\ah kes yang nuancukum un|nkIer1uduh4er(uduh mpanggu unmk mamawab penuduhan kealas mereka dan ketevangan yang wxemuxakan mencukupl melamkan wa d|szngka\ alau dnzkas malalm ketelangan lam (hha| kes salaahandnn v PF [ms] 1 cu :5) Dalsm kes Dug cmng Huang Mn PF mm) 4 cu ms, panflangan Vmcent Mg. J |aIah mnnuk flan msahkan men Mahkamah Persekutuan da\am kas Abdullah Ann mengenaw apa yang |erjum\ah sabagav satu kes pnma fame sap-em benku| < prim: lama wrflence 15 zvmsnce mu .5 §\M<:\em to eslibush a fact In ma Absence at any evvwdetloe m the camrary nm a Hal <:an<:\u:lv: 1 wmld mum mu mere shmnd he cn:¢m\e evwdenw on each and every mgvadvanl av ma ellence Cv5d>b\e wmanca n cw/wdence wmch Ms been filtered and when nas nan: mnmgn the pmcsss av zvaluannn Any ewdenoe which m not uh «n be amsd upnn shank! be n.,aa».a- n D|!ruwGAAEmD£:ABuYD Nuns s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m van; n. nnnnny mums dun-mm y.. mum puns! [211 sew juga senagznnanz mpumskzn rfleh Mahkzmah Rayuan dalam kes Loo! Kow char v. Public Pnmcuror 1200112 MLJ 55. yang mengalakan sepem henkut -u mererove «cum Irm mere ws onw one exams; ma| a was Imng mane Lmdgv 5 wan aims are hush: umterulve alme muse anne umsecmmn use He musl subleu me prosscufinn emdenoe to mzxlvvum wamanon and to ask hlnvl-N Ins quesonn n : mm to can uwn (ha nwusau in enler ms defiance and he e\u:Is ta mnan swarm am n pvepalad In cunmcl nnn an mu mm», at me avmenne umm m we pmsecmlun mew w the answer .5 .n ma nwnlwz than no puma line can has been made man and ma accused mum be enlmad la an nequmm ‘ [221 Maka. daham menenmkan pembukuan kes prima /ame, salu penllalan secava makzlma pm dxbual (erhadap kesahuuhan kaumngan huklv yang mkanwkakan (armasuk menus: uraammu saksw-saksl am manna! Inleren yang huleh dlbual dan keterangan mu kes pendakwaan unmk memhuklwkan selian elemen kesalahan (nuuk kes PF V Mnhd RldxIAbu smrlzaaal 1 CLJ 457) KM Prim Facln 1231 Katavanqan wxn yang perm mkemukskan uncuk kesakahan pengedavan flndah berbahayz dn umn 5 sea ( 1 (2; ADE zdalah bahawa dadah yang dirampas adalah dadah berbahaya seperlv yang dlsenarawkan aavam Jsdunl Panama ADE, In udalah dmam pemmkan kedua-dun Ienuduh apabfla dmulnikan dadah zdalzh :1. bawah jzgaan, kawalan dz-In pengeflalluan mereka uan setemsnya. meveka mengedar dadzh l:rsuhu| Psngediran bo\eh omuknkan dengan kelerangan langsung berdasarkan (alsvan pengedaran m bawzh seksyen ZADB alau anggapan m nawan seksyen :7 (Ha) SIN NmwGAAEmD£:Aautn mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dsdah aaaran yangterssnaralA11./adus/Psnama man sepsmmsna yang dkisfinastkan drbawah ADE [24] Jems dan hava| dadzh lalah msaman dan d\'buk|vkan dan kanarangan SP5 nan Laporan Kmua yam dwsedxskan‘ we sebauawmsna dalam Denudnhnn Ianu Isms cannams aeran berslh 394216 gram, Mllmgynme beral bevsm 1950 ml dan Melhamphetamme beral bevsih 2A.34 gram. [251 Peguam kedua—dua |erIuduh bemulah nanawa vaMa\an xemnaan harang Res lelah (emulus can wujud pevcanggahan xewangan sm dengan Vapalarflzpcrzn polls yang dlkemukakan an Dzwza Paguam mancadangkan bahawa pasnkan serbuan max (ems hergerik xe urn Iatapl raven melakuxm use (3) semuan lam mlempm yang herasmgan [251 Jug: mmuankan hanawa uaaa kelsrangan flan manadnana saksl mengenm keberadzan dadah yang dlrampzs dan duamskan ianya da\am kawaxan din ngaan sxapa pada mass serbuan ax Iakau lam auaxuxan, [27] Oleh karana vsnandaan dan nmaangan masm bemm aubuan semasa semusn amuan :1! ma Vokasl Lam mu, make mmalan kelerangan barang kes man lerpmus Kegzgalan inn mewmudkan kelurnpangan dalzm kas Fandakwaan dan mancalar kredvblw saksv pendskwaan [23] Pzda penngk ' , m hadapall say: adalah kanamgan dan asks: pandakwian yang mana max mauuukan Ida kemungkman mernpunyal max yang Izaak havk alau mom unmk mengenakan mana—mana lenuduh men an, saya menanma xeaevangan meveka sehagal hensr dsn kcnsmen Cadangan Deguam fluengenaw kemungklnan lerpulusnya ranman kelerangan harang kes semalamzla wmudnnya serbuan rain, setakal ml mzsih Ixdak meflmaskan Dembukuan pad: |ah=p nrrma ram sw NmwGAAEmD£:Aautn «ma am n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm vu .mm v-vrm [221 Make selakat penllalan says hevdasarkan ke|erzngan szksi pendakwaan. says dapzm selelah dadah dwampas aleh svu, (andaan amuse dw pegabzu nalkulwk kemudlan dxserahkan kepada pegawai penymsan, spa yang selarusnya menghamar hsrang kes unluk ' oleh arm kvma. svs, ahia [an] Barang kas yang same: man mswmpan a. star penywmpanan barang us sahlngga dwkemukakan ke mahkamah pad: nan pemcman (nquk kss Gunnlan Ramlchzndrln v PF (2004; 5 cm 551 — - the cham of swdsnce IS mats rmponarvl for Ms penhd /mm ms hme afrecovety mm me camprsoan nflhs analysis by the charms! '; 131} Make dengan nu, saya mandapan bahawa ranlalan kelerangan barang kes max lerpulus dan pmax pendakwaan man heqaya memhukukzn slemen jams dan beral dadzh sebagaimana ds\sm psrluduhan (mmxan ma dmuzt menglkul kes smnnz-mmul Guam y. FP[1u1l] 1 on N din Su Ah Ping 1/. pp [1579] 1 ms ma) Permltkan tsmadap man [321 Eerkail kepsrman memnuknxan rarmmn pemmkan, pmak pendakwaan perlu mengemukakan ketevangan bahawa kedua-dua Aemduh mempunyal kawa\an aiau .agaan sena psngelanuan (emang dadah yang dwjumpav (hhal kss emu Fun Leon v. PP[1955] MLJ 231). Mahkamah dalam kes Chan Pun Loan Augie man memuluskan bahawa “ a person rs smd to be m possessrun :1! a (mug fl hs has the power an den! wnn u as the owner :9 the axe/usmn ofell othel pursans - [33] Maksud "cusmdy", "cnmrol" and “pos:essxon" Kelah mmncangkan flalam kes Leaw Nghu Lrm v Red [1555] 1 mm, yang mane mpenx swam benkul. N D|!ruwGAAEm1D£|ABuYD um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! ‘Custody means ha»/my car: ovguardwansmp‘ goods -n cuswdy an m m. cam at me cusludmn and.|1y neressary <n\D‘Ica\\nu us xa new cars or mm on hehill m wmnom aka Ya: mm um an m gums Imhsss ycm knmr were they Ire and have me mans ovexatmima emu: war mm Cuflhw lhevefom Imvhes knmdadgl um. .m...=. am wmvubmm -mus gmd: and pm-e< nrcunlmr uvermam‘ nMamnun1m9 In Poisasnnn comm muslbeprwedixa Vanaltdwlmuitavwsafirnmlhamhnun mmapaum us me quads. Ineiflocnve er mm may am muluband Fvabilflythe mos! mam demnmon any-uumn up 'Yhe|e1aIzcn at a peach he athmg mmmr. he nuyll N) p\Iuum axamue nut‘)! mm: :5 me am my o! In: my «mus, nu ma axduslon at ulnev verso... “ Ymxdafimnun dues n-1| expvess. Inn Man my mum meaning oflhewotfl Include: sums m knmdudga A mm mun kmzw 9412‘: exwslence no . unmet ma have same men at us vmereuboms were he can exams: my comm! mar m m mum wsxeqsmn mmay. xmphu same knawtedwe hm nmnecessavfly mu orex:¢l><nu»Med9¢' [:41 Mervsena. Dembukhan pengecanuan, Mahkamzh Pusekuluzn dalam kes pm." bin Damn V Public Pruuculur (zoos) 1 cu 717 memuluskan bahawa e\amelI psngecanuan bow: «mm can mm Jan kasimplflan vaxna Pallkan yang dwmjuk mm sapem benkm -vmmmxmueagus very emu a mmmnnream The mmm ham wma» llyl Waranna mkncw/ludge an be dniwn meumm use Incase Hwculfl us suffirierfl for me alusanmon In wave lacks mm mu. m eumd Dmpeny be mm lhzl mu anuned am he mamry krmw\ed9E' [351 Rmgkasnya‘ man "pemwkan' menquk kepada keupayzan pemlhknya unluk bemmsan dengan dadah dsngan mengecuallkan akses m sm p£ruwGAAEmDfl1ABxsYD mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
self-administration, dangerous drugs act, urine, botol urine, crdibility of investigation officer, credibility of prosecution witness
Puan Ashvinii a/p Thinakaran
KEPUTUSAN DI AKHIR KES PENDAKWAAN AC-83D-734-07/2021 PENDAKWARAYA V MOHAMAD SAIFUL NIZAM BIN SAKHALID (NO.KP: 840624-08-5703) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PERTUDUHAN PINDAAN BAHAWA KAMU PADA 14/07/2021, LEBIH KURANG JAM 11.50 MALAM DI TEPI JALAN TAMAN JUTA INTAN 2, 36000 TELUK INTAN, DI DALAM DAERAH HILIR PERAK, DALAM NEGERI PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN, TELAH ADA DALAM MILIKAN KAMU DADAH BERBAHAYA IAITU METHAMPHETAMINE SEBERAT 9.10 GRAM. OLEH YANG DEMIKIAN KAMU TELAH MELAKUKAN SATU KESALAHAN DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 12(2) AKTA DADAH BERBAHAYA 1952 DAN BOLEH DIHUKUM DI BAWAH SEKYEN 39A(1) AKTA YANG SAMA. HUKUMAN DIKENAKAN HUKUMAN PENJARA SELAMA TEMPOH TIDAK KURANG DARI DUA TAHUN TIDAK LEBIH DARIPADA LIMA TAHUN ATAU DIHUKUM SEBATAN TIDAK KURANG DARI TIGA SEBATAN DAN TIDAK LEBIH SEMBILAN SEBATAN. PRIMA FACIE: [1] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah meneliti keperluan untuk melakukan penilaian secara maksimum ke atas keseluruhan keterangan dan bukti- bukti sokongan di dalam kes ini. Seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan kes-kes yang berkaitan telah dirujuk. Section 180 of the Criminal Procedure Code sets out the procedure to be followed by the court at the close of prosecution case as follows; (1) When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court shall consider whether the prosecution has made out a prima facie case against the accused. (2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not made out a prima facie case against the accused, the Court shall record an order of acquittal. 09/11/2023 15:17:36 AC-82D-7-12/2021 Kand. 58 S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal (3) If the Court finds that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused on the offence charged the Court shall call upon the accused to enter on his defence. (4) For the purpose of this section, a prima facie case is made out against the accused where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction. [2] Kes Public Prosecutor v Poh Ah Kwang [2003] 3 AMR 670 dirujuk berkenaan maksud prima facie ini: “Since the standard of proof at this stage is prima facie proof, which means a maximum evaluation of the evidence on the basis of proof beyond reasonable doubt, the evidence of SP2 is therefore for all intends and purposes uncorroborated in so far as the answers given by the accused were concerned..”. [3] Kes Public Prosecutor v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ turut dirujuk; “After the amendments to ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC, the statutory test has been altered. What is required of a Subordinate Court and the High Court under the amended section is to call for the defence when it is satisfied that a prima facie case has been made out at the close of the prosecution case. This requires the court to undertake a maximum evaluation of the prosecution evidence when deciding whether to call on the accused to enter his or her defence. LATAR BELAKANG KES Bagi kes ini, keterangan SP1, SP2 dan SP3 telah didengar oleh Puan Majistret terdahulu. Puan Majistret terdahulu kemudiannya telah berpindah ke Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh, dan kes ini selanjutnya telah saya ambil alih dan disambung dengan keterangan SP4 sehingga ke akhir bicara. Saya telah meneruskan bicara kes ini dengan bergantung kepada nota keterangan yang telah disediakan oleh Puan Majistret terdahulu dan juga rujukan kepada Sistem Rakaman Audio Video Mahkamah (RVT). Saya telah menyemak rakaman tersebut dan dapat melihat suasana perbicaraan serta demeanor saksi-saksi yang telah memberikan keterangan. Pihak-pihak juga tiada bantahan dalam saya mengambil alih bicara bagi kes ini. Saya S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal juga memilih untuk meneruskan bicara tanpa memanggil semula saksi-saksi pendakwaan yang telah memberi keterangan sebelum ini kerana nota keterangan yang telah disediakan oleh Puan Majistret terdahulu dan rakaman RVT mahkamah adalah jelas dan boleh difahami. SEKSYEN KESALAHAN: [4] Dikemukakan seksyen-seksyen berkaitan pertuduhan dan kesalahan untuk rujukan mudah seperti berikut; Restriction on import and export of certain dangerous drugs 12. (1) No person shall except under the authorization of the Minister— (a) import into Malaysia any dangerous drug specified in Parts III, IV and V of the First Schedule; or (b) export from Malaysia any dangerous drug specified in Parts III and IV of the First Schedule. (2) No person shall have in his possession, custody or control any dangerous drug to which this Part applies unless he is authorized to be in possession, custody or control of such drug or is deemed to be so authorized under this Act or the regulations made thereunder. (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (2) of this section shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both. Increased penalty where the subject matter is the prescribed amount of certain dangerous drugs 39A. (1) Every person found guilty of an offence against this Act where the subject matter of the offence is— (r) 5 grammes or more but less than 30 grammes in weight of Methamphetamine; ELEMEN PERTUDUHAN: [5] Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah telah meneliti keperluan elemen-elemen pertuduhan di bawah pertuduhan ini iaitu; a) Dadah berbahaya tersebut berada di dalam milikan OKT; S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal b) OKT mempunyai pengetahuan ke atas dadah tersebut; dan c) Dadah berbahaya tersebut merupakan dadah methamphetamine, dadah berbahaya yang tersenarai di bawah Jadual Pertama, Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952. [6] Prinsip berkenaan kes milikan dan pengetahuan ke atasnya boleh dilihat di dalam kes PP v Abdul Rahman bin Akif [2007] 5 MLJ 1. Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah Persekutuan bersetuju dengan Lord Morris di dalam kes Warner v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (supra) yang menyatakan: “If there is assent to the control of a thing, either after having the means of knowledge of what the thing is or contains or being unmindful whether there are means of knowledge or not, then ordinarily there will be possession. If there is some momentary custody of a thing without any knowledge or means of knowledge of what the thing is or contains then, ordinarily, I would suppose that there would not be possession. If, however, someone deliberately assumes control of some package or container, then I would think that he is in possession of it. If he deliberately so assumes control knowing that it has contents, he would also be in possession of the contents. I cannot think that it would be rational to hold that someone who is in possession of a box which he knows to have things in it is in possession of the box but not in possession of the things in it. If he had been misinformed or misled as to the nature of the contents, or if he had made a wrong surmise as to them, it seems to me that he would nevertheless be in possession of them”. FAKTA KES [7] Mahkamah mendapati pertuduhan ke atas OKT adalah pada 14/07/2021 jam lebih kurang 11:50 malam bertempat di tepi Jalan Taman Juta Intan 2, 36000, Teluk Intan, Perak telah ada dalam milikan OKT dadah berbahaya iaitu Methamphetamine 9.10 gram (berat bersih). SP1 sebagai pegawai tangkapan hadir dan memberi keterangan bahawa beliau telah menahan OKT yang berada di dalam kereta Nissan. [8] OKT pada waktu tersebut sedang duduk dibahagian belakang kereta Nissan bersama seorang lagi dalam keadaan yang mencurigakan. Hasil pemeriksaan badan dijumpai terdapat dadah berbahaya di poket hadapan seluar yang dipakai oleh OKT. [9] Hasil pemeriksaan pada tubuh badan OKT, SP1 menjumpai 1 paket plastik S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal lutsinar (P8) berisi dadah disyaki jenis methamphetamine (anggaran berat: 24.36 gram) dalam poket seluar depan seluar jeans panjang berwarna biru (P5) yang dipakai oleh OKT. ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN [10] Di dalam penelitian Mahkamah, di dalam pembuktian elemen-elemen pertuduhan, barang kes tersebut hendaklah dibuktikan berada di dalam milikan tertuduh, tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan ke atas barang salah tersebut dan dadah berbahaya tersebut merupakan dadah methamphetamine, dadah berbahaya yang tersenarai di bawah Jadual Pertama, Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952. [11] Di dalam menilai elemen-elemen pertuduhan ini, Mahkamah seharusnya berpuashati bahawa OKT yang sedang berada di bahagian belakang kenderaan yang mana dia ditangkap bersama, mempunyai milikan ke atas dadah yang dijumpai dibadannya dan mempunyai pengetahuan ke atas barang salah tersebut. [12] Mahkamah melihat di dalam kes ini, hanya SP1 dan SP3 yang memberi keterangan bahawa barang kes dijumpai di badan OKT di dalam 1 paket plastik lutsinar berisi dadah disyaki jenis methamphetamine (anggaran berat: 24.36 gram) di dalam poket seluar depan seluar jeans panjang berwarna biru (P5) yang dipakai oleh OKT. [13] Sewaktu pemeriksaan balas, Peguambela telah menimbulkan beberapa isu berkenaan eksibit yang mana Pendakwaan gagal menjawab kepada isu tersebut. Antaranya adalah isu kereta dimana OKT dan seorang lagi dijumpai bersama barang kes adalah Nissan Sentra atau Toyota? SP1 di dalam Laporan Tangkapan telah menyatakan OKT berada di dalam kereta Nissan Sentra, namun dalam keterangan di Mahkamah sewaktu Pemeriksaan Utama telah nyatakan kereta Toyota. [14] Jadinya wujud keraguan sememangnya barang kes dijumpai di mana? Sama ada di dalam kereta Nissan Sentra sepertimana yang dilaporkan dalam Laporan Tangkapan atau dalam kereta Toyota seperti dalam keterangan SP1? Pihak Pendakwaan gagal mengemukakan gambar kereta mahupun kereta tersebut. [15] Pihak Pendakwaan dalam hujahan menyatakan tiada isu berbangkit berkenaan kereta yang terbabit kerana SP1 sewaktu keterangan dalam Pemeriksaan Semula S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal telah memperbetulkan keterangan beliau dengan menyatakan kereta yang betul adalah Nissan Sentra dan bukan kereta Toyota. SP3 juga telah sahkan keterangan SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT berada di dalam kereta Nissan Sentra. [16] Akan tetapi, adakah keterangan sahaja mencukupi dalam membuktikan kereta mana terbabit? [17] Selain itu, Peguambela juga menimbulkan isu seluar yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah oleh Pendakwaan adalah bukan seluar yang dipakai oleh OKT dimana barang kes dijumpai di dalam poket hadapan seluar tersebut. Kedua-dua SP1 dan SP3 mengakui seluar yang dipakai oleh OKT pada hari kejadian adalah seluar jeans berwarna biru yang tidak berjenama. Keterangan mereka konsisten dengan Borang Bongkar di P11, Borang Serah Terima di P12 dan Laporan Tangkapan di P13. Namun begitu, seluar jeans yang dikemukakan oleh Pendakwaan sebagai P5 merupakan seluar jeans berwarna biru yang mempunyai jenama. [18] Sewaktu Pemeriksaan Semula, SP1 apabila disoal oleh TPR, menyatakan: A: Saya terlepas pandang. Masa check tu bahagian luar saja, tak tengok bahagian dalam. [19] Keterangan SP1 tidak boleh diterima oleh Mahkamah atas dasar logik. Jenama yang dijumpai di seluar tersebut adalah ditempat yang sangat jelas kelihatan. Tempat tersebut juga adalah merupakan tempat kebiasaan jenama dan saiz seluar dijahit. Jenama ‘Diriku’ tersebut adalah sungguh jelas dan SP1 sendiri boleh membaca di Mahkamah terbuka. Ia tidak masuk akal untuk Pegawai Tangkapan, Ahli Serbuan, Pegawai Siasatan kesemuanya untuk tidak lihat jenama yang begitu jelas kelihatan dan tiada Laporan Pembetulan yang dibuat oleh mana-mana pegawai. Mahkamah mendapati keterangan SP1 adalah menimbulkan rasa curiga sama ada kenyataan SP1 adalah betul atau tidak ataupun sekadar ‘after-thought’. [20] Selain itu, seluar yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah juga terlalu panjang dan besar apabila dipakai oleh OKT di Mahkamah Terbuka. Walaupun dalam Pemeriksaan Semula SP1 menjelaskan OKT memakai tali pinggang dan kasut bertutup, akan tetapi tali pinggang dan kasut tersebut tidak dikemukakan di Mahkamah. Mahkamah mengambil kira apa yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Terbuka, dan pada waktu seluar tersebut dipakai oleh OKT, seluar tersebut besar dan juga terlalu panjang sehingga sukar untuk OKT berjalan. [21] Mahkamah turut merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya lwn Baskaran A/L Vallasamy Rayuan Jenayah Perak No. 41-37-97 yang dikemukakan oleh Peguam Pembela dalam Hujahan bertulis beliau dengan dimana diputuskan: “... Isu pengemukakan seluar tersebut adalah menjadi amat mustahak dan penting bagi pendakwaan menghapuskan apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah terhadap pertikaian fakta ini. Oleh itu, kewujudan atau tidak seluar jeans yang dikatakan oleh pihak pendakwaan di pakai oleh perayu dan justeru dari mana dadah tersebut telah di perolehi, menjadi persoalan pokok dan seluar itu perlulah di kemukakan sebagai eksibit untuk mengatasi apa-apa keraguan yang berbangkit daripada keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan eksibit ini, pada pendapat saya adalah fatal kepada kesnya. Persoalan ini telah tidak diberi penilaian yang sewajarnya oleh Majistret Yang Bijaksana apabila beliau memanggil perayu untuk membela diri. Dalam kata lain, saya berpendapat bahawa Majistret bijaksana telah tersilap apabila beliau memutuskan bahawa tiada keraguan munasabah yang timbul daripada pertikaian atas isu ini, dan kesilapan ini pula telah menimbulkan keadaan salah laksana keadilan terhadap perayu.” [22] Walau bagaimanapun, bagi membuktikan kesemua elemen telah dipenuhi, adalah juga menjadi tanggungjawab pihak pendakwaan untuk mengemukakan keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa rantaian keterangan mengenai pengendalian barang kes tersebut adalah utuh dan tidak pada bila-bila masa terjejas sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Agung dalam kes Mohd Osman Pawan v. PP [1989] 2 CLJ 388; [1989] 1 CLJ (Rep) 108 SC; [1989] 2 MLJ 110; [1989] 1 MLRA 67. [23] Selanjutnya dalam kes Sia Pang Liong v. PP [2012] 9 CLJ 848, berkenaan dengan rantaian keterangan barang kes dadah, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut: [11] Thus, the identity of the drug exhibits was being challenged by the appellant. Once there is such a challenge, the prosecution bears the burden of proving beyond reasonable doubt that there are no gaps in the chain of evidence. It is the burden of the prosecution to adduce evidence that the drug S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal exhibits that were recovered from the appellant and that were sent to the chemist for analysis were the same drug exhibits that the appellant was charged with. ... [14] It appears that PW7 after collecting back the drug exhibits from ASP Izanizam, packed the drug exhibits and sent them to the chemist, But nowhere in his evidence that he had indicated that the drug exhibits that he received from ASP Izanizam on 28 October 2003 were the same drug exhibits that he sent to ASP Izanizam on 29 September 2003. PW7 did not identify the drug exhibits to be the same exhibits. [15] ASP izanizam could have saved the situation, but he was not called as a witness for the prosecution. Through PW7, it was revealed that the findings of ASP Izanizam on the presence of finger print on the drug exhibits were negative. It was for that reason (as argued by the DPP) ASP Izanizam was not called as a witness for the prosecution, but only offered as a witness to the defence. [16] But, we are of the view that the absence of positive identification by PW7 on the drug exhibits that he collected from ASP Izanizam were the same drug exhibits that he sent to ASP Izanizam earlier had put into doubt whether the drug exhibits that were analysed by the chemist were the same drug exhibits recovered from the appellant. [17] In the circumstances of this case, ASP Izanizam should have been called by the prosecution as its witness. This is bearing in mind that the drug exhibits were in ASP Izanizam's custody for almost a month. If he was called as a witness, he could have explained what he did with the drug exhibits in particular as to how the drug exhibits were kept during the said period. Most importantly, he could have also identified the drug exhibits. But, it did not happen in this case. This has raised a doubt as to the identity of the drug exhibits. Therefore, we are giving the benefit of the doubt to the appellant. [24] Adalah pada pendapat Mahkamah, kegagalan Pendakwaan membuktikan seluar yang dirampas adalah seluar yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah berkenaan dengan isu milikan sekali arus adakah dadah yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah adalah dadah yang dirampas didalam poket seluar S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal OKT? Kegagalan saksi Pendakwaan dalam menjalankan siasatan yang ‘holistic’ telah membawa kepada kelompongan kes yang begitu besar dimana keutuhan dadah yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah adalah dadah yang dirampas daripada OKT. Maka, Pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan kesemua element dibawah pertuduhan seksyen 39A(1) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952. [25] Dalam kes PP v. Mohd Fikri Ramli [2022] 1 LNS 232, mahkamah telah menerangkan bahawa terdapat dua senario yang boleh menyebabkan terputusnya rantaian keterangan. Pertama, apabila pihak pendakwaan gagal untuk memanggil saksi material berhubung dengan pengendalian ekshibit dan kedua apabila ekshibit yang menjadi persoalan telah dikendalikan dengan secara tidak jelas. [26] Mahkamah juga meruiuk kes PP v. Lee Yau Ket [2008] 1 LNS 172; [2008] 4 MLJ 223 berhubung dengan persoalan mengenai lompang/gap dalam pengendalian barang kes di mana mahkamah telah memutuskan seperti yang berikut: [57] The gap brings into question too many possibilities as to what happened to the exhibits during that lacuna in the chain of custody, such that it cannot be definitively concluded, without any doubt, that the remaining exhibits were left untampered or unaltered. [27] Bagi meneliti isu sama ada terdapat apa-apa lompang (gap) dalam keterangan mengenai rantaian pengendalian barang kes yang boleh mewujudkan keraguan atas identiti barang kes atau tidak, mahkamah telah meneliti keseluruhan keterangan yang telah dikemukakan oleh kedua-dua belah pihak. Dalam kes ini pihak pembelaan telah beberapa kali mencabar keterangan SP1 dan SP3 bahawa barang kes dadah yang dirampas daripada tertuduh bukanlah barang-barang yang ada yang dikemukakan kepada mahkamah. [28] Dalam hal ini, apabila terdapat cabaran terhadap keterangan mana-mana saksi pendakwaan berkenaan identiti barang kes dadah, pihak pendakwaan perlulah mengemukakan keterangan yang melampaui keraguan yang munasabah bahawa tidak terdapat lompang atau gap dalam rantaian keterangan mengenai seluar yang dirampas daripada OKT dan dadah yang ditemui dan dirampas daripada tertuduh pada hari kejadian. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk memberikan penjelasan yang memuaskan berkenaan isu-isu yang telah berbangkit sepanjang kes pendakwaan. S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal [29] Setelah meneliti keseluruhan kes pendakwaan, berhubung dengan isu sama ada terdapat apa-apa lompang (gap) dalam rantaian keterangan mengenai barang kes yang boleh mewujudkan keraguan atas identiti barang kes atau tidak, mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk membuktikan bahawa tidak terdapat lompang dalam keterangan mengenai rantaian pengendalian barang kes. Mahkamah juga mendapati kelompangan tersebut tidak dijelaskan/diisi dengan penjelasan untuk menutup kelompangan tersebut sehingga telah mewujudkan suatu jurang yang besar yang telah menimbulkan keraguan mengenai identiti barang kes dadah dalam kes ini. Oleh yang demikian, mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa inti pati pertama iaitu dadah yang merupakan hal perkara pertuduhan adalah dadah sebagaimana yang ditetapkan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 telah gagal untuk dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan. [30] Mahkamah juga merujuk kes Abdullah Yaacob v. PP [1991] 1 LNS 68, Hashim Yeop A Sani CJ (Malaya) telah menimbangkan isu ini dan telah memutuskan bahawa: It is certainly true that, as was said in Su Ah Ping v. PP [1980] 1 MLJ 75, the Federal Court had held there that it is not required of the prosecution to call all the officers or the persons concerned who had seen or identified an exhibit. This is not the real intention of the law. Su Ah Ping [1980] 1 MLJ 75 only decided the general principles. But the facts of one case differ from those of another and the duty of the prosecution in each case is to prove the case beyond any reasonable doubt to the court. The case must be clearly proved without [reasonable] doubt or question that can be raised about the exhibits. See also Teo Hoe Chye v. PP [1987] 1 MLJ 220 at p 229. There should be no break in the chain of evidence giving rise to doubt relating to the exhibits. [31] Dalam kes Melinda Stevenson v. PP [2020] 6 CLJ 34; [2020] MLJU 436, Mahkamah Rayuan telah membenarkan rayuan perayu dan mengetepikan sabitan dan hukuman apabila PW5 yang telah menjalankan proses pembongkaran tidak mengecam ekshibit dalam mahkamah terbuka (open court) tetapi telah mengecam kesemua ekshibit semasa prosiding berehat sebentar (during short break). Mahkamah Rayuan dalam mengetepikan sabitan dan hukuman terhadap perayu telah merujuk kes Lew Wai Loon v. PP [2014] 2 CLJ 649 yang telah memutuskan seperti yang berikut: S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal [26] In other words, an exhibit, in a criminal or a civil trial, is physical or documentary evidence brought before the court. Its admission and reliance upon as a piece of evidence requires factual analysis of the facts and/or events that are relevant not only for its admission as a piece of evidence but that such facts and/or events may also be relied upon to test its reliability and trustworthiness as a piece of evidence. In short it is a fact sensitive exercise. [32] Pihak pembelaan ada menghujahkan tentang pemakaian Seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan ke atas isu ini. Mahkamah merujuk kepada Seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan dan dikemukakan untuk rujukan mudah; 114. Court may presume existence of certain fact The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened, regard being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct, and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case. ILLUSTRATIONS The court may presume-- (g) that evidence which could be and is not produced would if produced be unfavourable to the person who withholds it; [33] Mahkamah ini mengambil berat bahawa pemakaian seksyen ini adalah mengikut kepada keadaan setiap kes dan kepentingan saksi/bukti yang dinyatakan tersebut. Kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492,494 (SC) telah menggariskan panduan bahawa: “It is essential to appreciate the scope of Section 114 (g) lest it be carried too far outside its limit. Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but material document by a party in his possession, or for non- production of not just any witness but an important and material witness to the case”. [34] Mahkamah turut merujuk kes Suayri Ayyapan lwn. Pendakwa Raya [2019] MLRHU 423 pg 7 yang telah menjelaskan seperti berikut; S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal “Sekiranya Mahkamah mendapati terdapat satu jurang atau kelompangan yang besar dalam kes pihak pendakwaan dan berpuas hati saksi yang tidak ditawarkan itu adalah saksi penting dan pihak pendakwaan memendapkannya keterangan yang ada padanya yang sentiasa boleh di perolehi serta apa yang dilakukan oleh pihak pendakwaan itu bagi tujuan utama mengecewakan pihak pembelaan untuk pembelaan maka kegagalan memanggil saksi atau menawarkan saksi itu memberi inferen yang tidak berpihak yang kuat kepada pihak pendakwaan di bawah s 114(g) Akta Keterangan. [35] Pada nilaian Mahkamah, dua perkara tersebut: a) seluar jeans OKT yang tidak berjenama b) kereta yang terbabit adalah bukti yang penting yang perlu dikemukakan untuk penilaian oleh Mahkamah berkenaan kedudukan barang kes yang tidak dapat dinilai melalui Laporan Polis dan gambar sahaja. Justeru, seksyen tersebut adalah terpakai di dalam ini. [36] Isu tangakapan OKT adalah amat penting dalam memastikan kedudukan barang kes sewaktu tangkapan dibuat. Jika sekiranya barang kes dijumpai di seluar jeans tidak berjenama yang dipakai oleh OKT sepertimana yang dihujahkan oleh Pendakwaan, maka seluar jeans tersebut harus dikemukakan di Mahkamah, namun telah gagal dibuktikan oleh Pendakwaan. Jelas terdapat keraguan yang munasabah sama ada seluar jean yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah adalah seluar jeans yang sama dipakai oleh OKT sewaktu tangkapan dibuat. Jenama yang ada pada seluar jeans yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah iaitu P5 berada ditempat yang jelas dilihat dan bukan di tempat yang tertutup. Maka, alasan pendakwaan tersilap/terkhilaf tulis di Borang Bongkar adalah tidak masuk akal dan seolah-olah ‘after-thought’. Kesilapan yang sungguh ketara yang penting itu tidak diperbetulkan oleh Pegawai Tangkapan mahupun Pegawai Penyiasat. [37] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Chan Pean Leon v Public Prosecutor [1956] 1 MLJ 237 bagi maksud milikan tersebut; “To establish "possession" for the purposes of criminal law, two separate questions are involved. The first is whether the accused party was in possession of the article in question and the second, by reason of the application of the maxim actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, is whether he had knowledge of the nature of the thing possessed. S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal "Possession" itself as regards the criminal law is described as follows in Stephen's Digest (9th Edition, page 304):— "A moveable thing is said to be in the possession of a person when he is so situated with respect to it that he has the power to deal with it as owner to the exclusion of all other persons, and when the circumstances are such that he may be presumed to intend to do so in case of need." To put it otherwise, there is a physical element and a mental element which must both be present before possession is made out. The accused must not only be so situated that he can deal with the thing as if it belonged to him, for example have it in his pocket or have it lying in front of him on a table. It must also be shown that he had the intention of dealing with it as if it belonged to him should he see any occasion to do so, in other words, that he had some animus possidendi. Intention is a matter of fact which in the nature of things cannot be proved by direct evidence. It can only be proved by inference from the surrounding circumstances. Whether these surrounding circumstances make out such intention is a question of fact in each individual case. [38] Kes PP v Sulaiman bin Mohamad Noor [1996] 1 MLJ 197 juga dirujuk oleh Mahkamah dan ianya telah dijelaskan seperti berikut; ‘It is golden rule of law throughout the burden upon the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the subject matter of the charge, being the cannabis, was the very thing that was recovered from the house and eventually brought before this court”. Keputusan di akhir kes pendakwaan [39] Setelah mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, ekshibit-ekshibit yang dikemukakan di sepanjang kes pendakwaan dan hujahan kedua-dua pihak, Mahkamah di atas penilaian maksimum berpuashati untuk membuat Keputusan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan prima facie kes terhadap OKT, maka dengan ini OKT dilepaskan dan dibebaskan daripada Pertuduhan ini tanpa dipanggil untuk membela diri. S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Barang kes TPR lupus dan tertakluk kepada rayuan. Wang jaminan dikembalikan. Ashvinii Thinakaran 30.10.2023 S/N Bfcs79ZTiE6dBnupIFt9wA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Seksyen 354 - OKT telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah terhadap mangsa-mangsa dengan tujuan untuk mencabut kehormatan mereka. Pembelaan OKT adalah pembelaan tidak waras menurut S84 Kanun Keseksaan. Di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, OKT telah gagal membuktikan pembelaan tidak waras. Bagi pertuduhan pertama, pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan Pertuduhan Pertama melangkaui keraguan munabasah. Justeru itu, OKT telah dilepaskan dan dibebaskan bagi pertuduhan pertama di akhir kes Pembelaan. Manakala bagi Pertuduhan Kedua, OKT telah didapati bersalah bagi Pertuduhan kedua dan disabitkan dengan pertuduhan dan dihukum penjara 8 bulan dari tarikh sabitan dan didenda RM5000 jika gagal bayar penjara 4 bulan.
Puan Nurfarah Syahidah Binti Mohd Noh
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET DI TAIPING DALAM NEGERI PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN KES TANGKAP NO: AB-83JS-12-12/2019 PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN MOHAMMAD ALIF SHAFIQ BIN KU ABDUL AZIZ ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN 1. Ini adalah Alasan Penghakiman yang telah disediakan bagi rayuan oleh pihak Tertuduh melalui peguamcaranya bagi sabitan dan hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan ke atasnya setelah bicara penuh dijalankan. 2. Tertuduh di dalam kes ini telah dituduh dan dibicarakan atas DUA pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah terhadap mangsa-mangsa dengan tujuan untuk mencabul kehormatannya. 3. Dilampirkan pertuduhan-pertuduhan ke atas tertuduh: PERTUDUHAN PERTAMA: Bahawa kamu pada 05.12.2019 jam lebih kurang 11.50 pagi, bertempat di Klinik Komuniti Kurau Damai, Batu Kurau 34500 di dalam daerah Taiping, di dalam Negeri Perak, telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah terhadap Aznida Binti Mohamed Nor@Zahari, KPT: 860505-229-5204 dengan tujuan untuk mencabut kehormatannya dengan cara menyentuh punggung. Oleh yang demikian itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan. PERTUDUHAN KEDUA: Bahawa kamu pada 05.12.2019 jam lebih kurang 11.45 pagi, bertempat di Klinik Komuniti Kurau Damai, Batu Kurau 34500 di dalam daerah Taiping, di 09/11/2023 09:12:25 AB-83JS-12-12/2019 Kand. 105 S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 dalam Negeri Perak, telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah terhadap Siti Fatimah Binti Ahmad Zawawi, KPT: 850630-03-5656 dengan tujuan untuk mencabul kehormatannya dengan cara menyentuh payudara. Oleh yang demikian itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan. Hukuman di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan: Barang siapa menyerang atau menggunakan kekerasan jenayah kepada mana-mana orang dengan maksud hendak mencabul atau dengan mengetahui mungkin bahawa dia akan dengan jalan demikian itu mencabul kehormatan orang itu hendaklah dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama tempoh yang boleh sampai sepuluh tahun atau dengan denda atau dengan sebat atau dengan mana-mana dua daripada hukuman hukuman itu. 4. Mahkamah ini setelah mempertimbangkan pembelaan tertuduh serta hujahan- hujahan kedua-dua pihak, bagi Pertuduhan Pertama, Mahkamah ini setelah mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan pembelaan, setelah membaca hujahan-hujahan yang telah difailkan mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan munasabah dan OKT dilepaskan dan dibebaskan bagi pertuduhan Pertama. 5. Manakala bagi pertuduhan kedua, Mahkamah ini setelah mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan pembelaan, setelah membaca hujahan-hujahan yang telah difailkan mendapati mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan munasabah. Oleh itu, OKT disabitkan bersalah bagi pertuduhan kedua di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan dan dihukum dibawah seksyen yang sama. Mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa pihak pembelaan telah gagal menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah ini bahawa OKT telah tidak waras atau tidak sempurna akal ketika menyentuh payudara SP1. OKT juga telah gagal untuk menujukkan kepada Mahkamah ini bahawa dia tidak berupaya mengetahui perbuatannya menyentuh payudara SP1 sama ada salah atau berlawanan S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 dengan undang-undang. Mahkamah ini mendapati the defence of legal insanity telah gagal dibuktikan oleh pihak pembelaan. 6. Bagi pertuduhan kedua, Mahkamah ini telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 8 bulan dari tarikh sabitan iaitu 27.6.2023 dan dihukum denda RM5,000 jika gagal bayar penjara 4 bulan. 7. Tertuduh setelah selesai proses jatuh hukum telah memohon perintah penangguhan pelaksanaan dan Mahkamah ini telah membenarkan penangguhan bagi hukuman pemenjaraan sahaja dan wang jaminan sedia ada sebanyak RM9,000.00 adalah dikekalkan, tiada jaminan tambahan diperintahkan. 8. Tertuduh yang tidak berpuas hati atas sabitan dan hukuman yang telah Mahkamah ini jatuhkan, telah memfailkan Notis Rayuan bagi merayu atas sabitan dan hukuman. Alasan Penghakiman ini telah disediakan bagi tujuan rayuan tersebut. 9. Kes pendakwaan melalui SP1 telah didengar oleh Tuan Majistret terdahulu sehingga Tuan Majistret terdahulu kemudiannya telah diarahkan bertukar dan diambil alih oleh saya di peringkat kes pendakwaan yang mana saya telah mendengar keterangan SP2 sehingga SP7 dan sehingga kes pembelaan selesai didengar. Tiada sebarang permohonan bicara semula atau ‘trial de novo’ dibuat oleh pihak-pihak. 10. Saya meneruskan pendengaran kes dengan bergantung kepada nota prosiding yang telah disediakan oleh Tuan Majistret terdahulu dan juga rujukan kepada rakaman audio video mahkamah (CRT). Saya telah menyemak rakaman tersebut dan dapat melihat suasana perbicaraan seolah-olah saya sendiri yang mendengar keterangan dan melihat secara langsung ‘demeanor’ saksi-saksi tersebut semasa mereka memberikan keterangan. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 11. Prinsip di dalam kes Mahendran Batu Malai Lwn. PP [2017] 1 LNS 115, telah digunapakai sepenuhnya di mana Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes ini yang menyatakan seperti berikut: - Kami sepenuhnya bersetuju dengan dapatan hakim bicara mengenai isu ini. Hakim bicara telah membuat dapatan yang betul berdasarkan kepada keterangan yang berada di hadapannya. Kami ingin menambah bahawa sekiranya hakim bicara berpendapat adalah perlu untuk meneliti dan melihat kepada demeanour bagi menentukan kredibiliti saksi-saksi utama pihak pendakwaan, hakim bicara mempunyai pilihan yang mudah untuk merujuk perkara itu kepada rakaman CRT dan transkrip yang berada dalam simpanan Mahkamah. 12. Pendakwaan telah mengemukakan seramai 7 orang saksi pendakwaan iaitu: SP1: Siti Fatimah Binti Ahmad Zawawi SP2: Aznida Binti Mohamed Nor @ Zahari SP3: Sjn Mohd Akhir Bin Mohd Isa (RF115824) SP4: Sjn Zuhairi Bin Abdul Rahim (RF156914) SP5: En Aminuddin bin Alias SP6: Insp Alyshita Bider (G24782) SP7: Ku Shafiera Azeedah Binti Ku Abdul Aziz 13. Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie ke atas tertuduh dan tertuduh telah dipanggil untuk membela diri atas pertuduhan yang dikemukan ke atasnya. Pilihan-pilihan telah diterangkan ke atas tertuduh dan tertuduh memilih untuk memberi keterangan bersumpah daripada kandang saksi. 14. Semasa kes pembelaan, tertuduh telah mengemukakan seramai 2 orang saksi pembelaan termasuk tertuduh sendiri iaitu Mohammad Alif Shafiq Bin Ku Abdul Aziz selaku SD1 pakar psikaitrik iaitu Dr Ian Llyod Anthony selaku SD2. 15. Alasan penghakiman ini dikemukakan bagi rayuan yang telah difailkan oleh Peguambela OKT ke atas keputusan Mahkamah tersebut. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 Fakta Kes Pendakwaan 16. Bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan, saya nyatakan di sini bahawa terdapat dua pertuduhan ke atas OKT ini. Kedua-duanya adalah pertuduhan di bawah S354 Kanun Keseksaan. Bagi pertuduhan pertama adalah bagi dakwaan kesalahan terhadap mangsa pertama tetapi dipanggil selaku SP2 manakala bagi dakwaan pertuduhan pertama bagi kesalahan terhadap mangsa kedua selaku SP1. Selepas ini, masing-masing dipanggil sebagai SP1 dan SP2. 17. Versi kes pendakwaan adalah pada 5.12.2019 di Bilik Rawatan Nombor 2 di Klinik Komuniti Batu Kurau, Taiping, Perak, pada jam lebih kurang 11.45 pagi, sewaktu SP2 sedang mencuci luka pada bahagian lutut sebelah kiri OKT, kaki OKT telah bergerak dan menyentuh peha sebelah kanan SP2. SP2 dalam keadaan terkejut telah meninggalkan tugasannya dan memaklumkan kepada SP1 hal ini. Kemudiannya SP1 telah masuk ke dalam bilik rawatan nombor 2 tersebut dan telah menyambung tugasan SP2. 18. Sewaktu SP2 ingin mencuci luka pada bahagian lutut sebelah kiri OKT, SP2 telah memanjat satu mata anak tangga, dan semasa sedang melayur air ke atas luka OKT, OKT telah mengatakan sakit dan telah memegang payu dara sebelah kanan SP2. Merasa terkejut dengan sentuhan tersebut, SP2 telah mencampakkan kapas yang telah digunakan kepada OKT. 19. Kejadian ini disaksikan oleh waris OKT iaitu adik OKT sendiri yang telah dipanggil sebagai SP7. Setelah itu, SP7 telah membawa OKT keluar dan kemudiannya SP7 juga telah memohon maaf kepada SP2 di atas tindakan OKT tersebut. 20. Sewaktu di dalam perjalanan keluar daripada klinik tersebut, SP2 turut menyatakan bahawa OKT telah menyentuh punggungnya daripada arah belakang. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Versi Pembelaan 21. Pembelaan daripada sedari awal kes ini dimulakan telah mengetengahkan pembelaan tidak siuman menurut Seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan bagi OKT ini. Keputusan di Akhir Pendakwaan 22. Menurut sek.173(f)(i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (KTJ), apabila kes bagi pihak pendakwaan ditutup, Mahkamah hendaklah menimbangkan sama ada pendakwaan telah membuktikan suatu kes prima facie terhadap tertuduh. Dalam menjelaskan maksud kes prima facie, Mahkamah telah memutuskan dalam kes PP v Khee Thuan Giap [2017] 1 LNS 1838 seperti berikut: - “… A prima facie case is made out against the accused where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction. Based on the established principle of law, before the Court can rule that a prima facie case has been made out, a maximum evaluation of the credibility of the witnesses must be done at the close of the case for the prosecution … [15] Maximum evaluation means the assessment process for the essential purpose of analysing the credibility and reliability as well as trustworthiness of the evidence of the prosecution. Credible evidence is evidence which had been filtered and which had gone through the process of evaluation and any evidence which is not safe to be acted upon should be rejected (see PP v. Ong Cheng Heong [1998] 4 CLJ 209). Thus, what is required by a trial Court is to test the evidence of a witness from all angles as well as its reliability and credibility by considering the entire evidence placed before the Court. The evidence must not be accepted at face value but must be tested and evaluated before reliance can be placed on each piece of evidence adduced. Further, the trial Court has the duty to consider the evidence which favours the defence. This requires a consideration of the existence of any reasonable doubt in the case S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 for the prosecution and if there is any such doubt, there can be no prima facie case (Balachandran v. PP (supra)). [16] The above principle of law on maximum evaluation should be read together with the principle relating to judicial appreciation of evidence which is set out in the following words of Gopal Sri Ram JCA in Lee Ing Chin & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 CLJ 19;; [2003] 2 MLJ 97. A trier of fact who makes findings based purely upon the demeanour of a witness without undertaking a critical analysis of that witness’s evidence, runs the risk of having his findings corrected on appeal. It does not matter whether the issue for decision is one that arises in a civil or criminal case, the approach to judicial appreciation of evidence is the same.” 23. Mahkamah dalam memutuskan sama ada pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap tertuduh, Mahkamah bertanggungjawab mempertimbangkan keterangan kes pendakwaan dengan memberikannya satu penilaian yang maksima. Seterusnya, Mahkamah perlu mengutarakan persoalan muktamad berikut: Jika Mahkamah membuat keputusan untuk memerintahkan tertuduh membela diri dan tertuduh memilih untuk berdiam diri, adakah Mahkamah bersedia untuk mensabitkan tertuduh dengan kesalahan berdasarkann keseluruhan keterangan yang telah dikemukakan oleh pendakwaan. Jika jawapan bagi persoalan ini adalah "Ya", maka tertuduh mestilah diperintahkan untuk membela diri. Jika jawapan bagi persoalan ini adalah "Tidak", maka kes prima facie adalah tidak berjaya dibuktikan dan tertuduh hendaklah dilepas dan dibebaskan tanpa dipanggil untuk membela diri. (Rujuk kes- kes: Mat v. Public Prosecutor [1963] 1 LNS 82; [1963] MLJ 263, Balachandran v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 85; [2005] 2 MLJ 301; [2004] 2 MLRA 547; [2005] 1 AMR 321 FC). 24. Justeru, dalam membuat penilaian maksimum ke atas semua keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan, Mahkamah perlu menentukan sama ada elemen-elemen bagi kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 telahpun dipenuhi. Rujuk kes Arulpragasan A/L Sandaraju V Public Prosecutor [1997] 1 MLJ 1. 25. Dilampirkan peruntukan undang-undang bagi Seksyen 3534 Kanun Keseksaan; “354 Assault or use of criminal force to a person with intent to outrage modesty Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any person, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage the modesty of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years or with fine or with whipping or with any two of such punishments” 26. Manakala Seksyen 349 Kanun Keseksaan menyatakan definisi "force" seperti berikut: “A person is said to use force to another if he causes motion, change of motion, or cessation of motion to that other, or if he causes to any substance such motion, or change of motion, or cessation of motion as brings that substance into contact with any part of that other's body, or with anything which that other is wearing or carrying, or with anything so situated that such contact affects that other's sense of feeling. ” 27. Seksyen 350 Kanun Keseksaan pula menyatakan definisi “criminal force" sebagai; “Whoever intentionally uses force to any person, without that person's consent, in order to cause the committing of any offence, or intending by the use of such force illegally to cause, or knowing it to be likely that by the use of such force he will illegally cause injury, fear, or annoyance to the person to whom the force is “used, is said to use criminal force to that other.” 28. Seksyen 351 Kanun Keseksaan pula mendefinisikan "assault' sebagai: S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 “Whoever makes any gesture or any preparation, intending or knowing it to be likely that such gesture or preparation will cause any person present to apprehend that he who makes that gesture or preparation is about to use criminal force to that person, is said to commit an assault." 29. Saya merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya lwn. Mohd Yusri Kassim [2023] 5 LNS 39 yang menggariskan elemen yang perlu dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan bagi pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan ini. [12] Justeru, adalah menjadi kewajipan dan bebanan undang-undang kepada pihak pendakwaan untuk membuktikan bahawa:- i) Tertuduh telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah terhadap mangsa/pengadu iaitu Saksi Pendakwaan Ke-2 (SP2); dan ii) Perbuatan kekerasan jenayah itu dilakukan dengan niat untuk mencabul kehormatan SP2. 30. Kes ini turut merujuk kepada kes PP v. Kamarul Azamin Mohamad & Another Appeal [2021] 2 CLJ 386 yang telah menggariskan elemen pertuduhan bagi Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan seperti berikut; [15] The ingredients of the offence are: (i) there must have been assault or use of criminal force on a person; (ii) such assault or use of criminal force must have been made: (a) with intention to outrage modesty; or (b) with knowledge that the person's modesty was likely to be outraged. [16] Therefore it must be proven that: (i) the accused assaulted or used criminal force on the victim; and (ii) that he intended thereby to outrage the victim's modesty; or that he knew it to be likely that he would thereby outrage victim's modesty. 31. Maka, adalah jelas di sini untuk Mahkamah menilai di akhir kes pendakwaan samada OKT telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah ke atas SP1 dan SP2 di S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 dalam kes ini serta samada kekerasan jenayah tersebut dilakukan dengan niat untuk mencabul kehormatan mangsa SP1 dan SP2. Elemen Pertama: Samaada tertuduh telah menggunakan kekerasan jenayah ke atas mangsa iaitu SP1 dan SP2. 32. SP1 dan SP2 jelas menyatakan bahawa sentuhan telah dilakukan ke atas mereka dengan menggunakan tangan OKT ke atas payudara SP1 manakala sentuhan dengan menggeselekan kaki atau peha ke atas peha SP2. 33. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes PP v Preevan Chanderan [2022] 2 SMC 429 yang mana sentuhan ke atas belakang badan mangsa telah dilakukan oleh tertuduh di dalam kes ini dan Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa kekerasan jenayah telah dilakukakan ke atas mangsa. [16] PW2, in her evidence, stated unequivocally that the accused person did touch her back in the presence of PW1, who witnessed the incident. The accused person’s act of touching PW2’s body is “force”, as it “causes motion to that other (ie. PW2)” and patently a criminal force, “knowing it to be likely that by the use of such force he will illegally cause injury, fear, or annoyance to the person to whom the force is used”. 34. Berbalik kepada kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, adalah jelas di sini telah terdapat sentuhan yang menyebabkan motion to the other person dan jelas bahawa uses of such force will illegally cause injury, fear or annoyance to the person whom the force is used, di dalam kes ini SP1 dan SP2. 35. Masakan tiada annoyance ditimbulkan oleh OKT di dalam kes ini apabila sudah ada laporan polis dilaporkan di atas sentuhan OKT ke atas SP1 dan SP2 serta SP1 dan SP2 jelas di dalam keterangan mereka menyatakan mereka merasakan marah dan terkejut serta takut di atas kejadian yang menimpa mereka ini. Apatah lagi SP1 dan SP2 hanyalah menaburbakti di dalam S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 menjalankan tugasan mereka selaku petugas kesihatan malahan telah disentuh oleh OKT. Keterangan sokongan / Corroborative Evidence 36. Mahkamah ini di dalam mendengar kes ini telah memberikan amaran kepada diri sendiri bahawa di dalam kes-kes yang melibatkan jenayah seksual; ianya memerlukan keterangan sokongan atau corroborative evidence. 37. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes PP lwn. Yong Choo Kiong [2022] 10 CLJ 103 yang mana Yang Arif Datuk Abdul Wahab Mohamed, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan bahawa : [37] Walaupun begitu, ini tidak bermakna keperluan terhadap keterangan sokongan dalam kes seksual adalah menjadi suatu kemestian dan sabitan tidak boleh dikenakan ke atas tertuduh tanpa keterangan mangsa rogol disokong. Sabitan bagi kesalahan kes-kes seksual boleh dibuat tanpa keterangan sokongan dengan syarat mahkamah telah memberi amaran kepada dirinya mengenai bahaya untuk bergantung hanya kepada keterangan tersebut dan berpuas hati bahawa adalah selamat untuk mengetepikan keterangan sokongan. Saksi Berkepentingan 38. Keterangan SP7 selaku saksi mata adalah sangat penting walau sekalipun SP7 adalah saksi berkepentingan kerana SP7 adalah adik kepada tertuduh. 39. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya lwn Muhammad Roszuhaizat bin Hassan dan rayuan-rayuan lain [2015] 7 MLJ 366 yang mana dinyatakan seperti berikut berkenaan dengan keterangan saksi berkepentingan; [39] Tidak terdapat anggapan undang-undang bahawa saksi berkepentingan tidak patut dipercayai. Saksi berkepentingan adalah berhak diterima keterangan mereka sama seperti saksi-saksi S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 lain sehingga dapat dibuktikan dari keadaan sekeliling, saksi tersebut adalah sebaliknya. 40. Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya lwn Muhammad Adli Shah bin Mohd Yusry [2021] MLJU 2904 yang mana Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan bahawa saksi-saksi yang menpunyai hubungan kekeluargaan adalah saksi-saksi berkepentingan; [286] Walaupun keterangan alibi T1 disokong oleh keterangan SD2- SD6 namun kesemua saksi-saksi pembelaan merupakan saksi berkepentingan. Hal ini adalah kerana SD2 mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan T1 yang mana SD2 merupakan ibu kandungnya. Manakala SD3 adalah adik SP70 bersama T1 pada masa T1 dilihat melompat pagar dan SD4, SD5, dan SD6 merupakan rakan-rakan kepada T1. [287] Saya merujuk sekali lagi kepada kes Hemankumar Subramaniam v. PP [supra] yang mana Mahkamah Rayuan menyatakan akan ibu tertuduh adalah saksi berkepentingan perlu berhati-hati. Manakala di dalam kes Suzimi Shaari v PP [2011] 5 CLJ 259 yang menyatakan isteri adalah juga saksi berkepentingan, seperti berikut: “With regard to the accused’s defence on the second charge, the learned trial judge rejected the accused’s defence that the cannabis found in the bedroom of his house was for his own consumption. The learned trial judge rejected the evidence DW2, the accused’s wife, on the ground that DW2 was an interested witness and DW2 did not know that the cannabis was kept in the bedroom”. 41. Maka, adalah jelas dapat dilihat bahawa keterangan saksi berkepentingan perlulah dipertimbangkan dengan berhati-hati dengan mengambil kira segala keadaan sekeliling. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 42. Justeru itu, Mahkamah ini di dalam mendengar dan mengambil keterangan SP7 berkenaan dengan kejadian telah memperingatkan diri sendiri bahawa SP7 adalah saksi berkepentingan. SP7 adalah merupakan saksi penting di dalam kes ini memadangkan beliau adalah saksi mata yang berada di dalam bilik rawatan nombor 2 tersebut Bersama dengan tertuduh ketika kejadian tersebut berlaku. 43. Keterangan SP7 sewaktu pemeriksaan utama adalah dirujuk: SP7: Abang saya menerima rawatan di bilik C. Abang saya berbaring di atas katil dan saya di bahagian kepala, saya berdiri di sebelah kepalanya. Saya ada Nampak abang terima rawatan cuci luka daripada nurse. Sewaktu di dalam bilik itu, ketika abang sedang cuci luka, abang kata sakit dan dia tersentap lalu tersentuh misi itu. Lepas itu, abang saya nak turun dan misi itu baling abang saya dengan kapas cuci luka itu. Saya boleh camkan misi itu. Nurse itu Nampak macam marah pada ketika itu. Selepas abang di baling dengan kapas, saya ajak abang saya keluar, dan saya mintak maaf kepada misi itu. Saya kemudian berjumpa semula dengan misi itu dan minta maaf saya katakan abang saya tak waras selepas accident itu. Tiada nurse lain datang merawat abang saya selepas itu, hanya seorang nurse itu sahaja. 44. SP7 di dalam keterangannya menyatakan bahawa hanya ada satu mangsa sahaja iaitu misi yang membaling kapas ke arahnya abangnya. Mahkamah merujuk kepada keterangan oleh SP1 yang menyokong keterangan oleh SP7; KETERANGAN SP1: Pemeriksaan Utama Semasa itu pesakit dia dalam keadaan baring, saya ambil kapas guna air untuk cuci, saya perah kapas ke atas lukanya untuk melembutkan luka. Saya cuci luka dan dia cakap dia sakit, dan ada one time dia tepis tangan saya, lepas itu masa saya cuci, dia bangun, dia cakap dia sakit dan dia pegang breast sebelah kanan saya. Lepas tu adik dia peluk, pegang dia dan cakap kenapa hang kenapa buat macam tu dan terus bawa dia keluar. Saya sempat baling kapas yang saya telah gunakan dekat dia. Ianya adalah tindakan spontan saya. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 45. Jelas di sini bahawa keterangan SP7 adalah menyokong keterangan SP1 berkenaan dengan sentuhan yang telah dilakukan oleh OKT ke atas SP1. 46. Namun demikian, keterangan SP7 juga ada kelompangannya apabila SP7 menyatakan ada seorang sahaja nurse yang merawat abangnya. Mahkamah merasakan mustahil ini boleh berlaku. Hal ini kerana, SP1 adalah seorang pembantu perubatan iaitu MA manakala SP2 adalah seorang jururawat. Pada kebiasannya perbezaan mereka boleh dilihat dengan jelas pada pakaian yang mereka pakai ketika di Klinik iaitu jururawat pada kebiasannya akan memakai baju uniform berwarna putih manakala MA akan memakai baju berwarna. 47. TPR terpelajar telah memohon kepada Mahkamah pada hari perbicaraan untuk refresh the memory of the witness iaitu SP7 dalam hal ini. SP7 telah dirujuk dengan rakaman percakapan di bawah S112 KTJ beliau dan beliau menjelaskan bahawa: KETERANGAN SP7: Pemeriksaan Utama TPR: Saya rujuk dengan kenyataan puan yang ada jururawat yang lain masuk ke dalam dan menyambung cuci luka. Boleh puan jelaskan kenyataan puan ini? SP7: Bukan misi yang lain, misi yang sama. 48. Mahkamah juga tidak pasti apa yang menimbulkan kekeliruan pada SP7 di dalam mengenalpasti samada terdapat mangsa yang berbeza atau tidak pada waktu kejadian ini berlaku. Seperti yang telah Mahkamah ini jelaskan, perbezaan ketara sudah pastinya adalah pada pakaian yang mereka pakaikan. 49. Namun, Mahkamah ini pada peringkat kes pendakwaan menerima keterangan SP2 berkenaan sentuhan ke atas peha SP2 mengambilkira keterangan SP2 telah disokong dengan keterangan SP1 yang menjelaskan keadaan SP2 selepas disentuh oleh OKT. Tambahan lagi, keterangan SP1 dan SP2 juga konsisten bahawa sentuhan yang dilakukan oleh OKT kepada SP2 adalah pada bahagian peha. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 Pemeriksaan Utama (SP1) …Dia cakap macam ketakutan dan dia cakap dia tidak selesa dengan patient tersebut, sebab kaki tangan pesakit ini sentuh paha kanan dia… Pemeriksaan Utama (SP2) …Semasa waktu kaki pengadu kena pada peha, saya macam geram, tapi saya dah penat, jadi saya rasa ok dan panggil kawan. Saya tidak marah, sebab kalau marah, nanti lain pula… 50. Jelas dapat dilihat di sini bahawa sentuhan ke atas SP2 juga telah dilakukan oleh OKT. Maka, pada hemat mahkamah ini, elemen ini telah berjaya dipenuhi oleh pihak Pendakwaan. Elemen Kedua: Perbuatan kekerasan jenayah itu dilakukan dengan niat untuk mencabul kehormatan SP1 dan SP2. 51. Pertama sekali adalah wajar untuk melihat apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan mencabul kehormatan. Ianya tidak diberikan suatu maksud di dalam Kanun Keseksaan, namun nas undang-undang ada menjelaskannya. 52. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mohd Fairuz bin Ahmad v Public Prosecutor [2021] MLJU 2453; [38] Modesty is not defined under the Penal Code (Act 574). In Mrs. Rupan Deol Bajaj & Anr v. Kanwar Pal Singh Gill & Anr [1996] AIR 309; 1995 SCC (6) 194, the Supreme Court of India was called upon to construe the provision of section 509 of the Indian Penal Code on insulting the modesty of a woman (similar provision of section 509 of Indian Penal Code refers to “woman” whereas our section 509 of the Penal Code (Act 574) refers to “person” which is gender-neutral). [39] After considering the dictionary meaning of “modesty” and interpretation given to it in State of Punjab v Major Singh [1967] AIR 63, 1966 SCR (2) 286, the Supreme Court of India held that “the ultimate S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 test for ascertaining whether modesty has been outraged is, is the action of the offender such as could be perceived as one which is capable of shocking the sense of decency of a woman”. 53. Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada kes Mohd Ikhsan bin Ramli v Pendakwa Raya [2018] MLJU 2071 yang mana perayu ini telah mencium mangsa dan telah Berjaya membuka pakaian mangsa serta telah menghisap payudara mangsa dan Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam mendengar rayuan bersetuju perbuatan ini telah mencabul kehormatan mangsa ini; [37] Any action calculated to forcefully touch or hold any part of a woman’s body without consent either for sexual fulfillment or perversity must certainly outrage the modesty of a woman. There was clear intent on the part of the Appellant to do so in this case. 54. Jelas di dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini bahawa SP1 dan SP2 masing- masing telah disentuh oleh OKT tanpa kerelaan mereka apatah lagi pada bahagian badan yang sensitive iaitu payudara serta peha. 55. Maka, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati bahawa elemen kedua juga telah Berjaya dipenuhi oleh pihak Pendakwaan. Pembelaan OKT 56. OKT sepanjang kes pendakwaan dijalankan telah mengetengahkan pembelaan tidak waras di bawah Seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan. 84. Act of a person of unsound mind: Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who, at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law. 57. Mahkamah ini di dalam membuat keputusan di akhir pendakwaan telah turut merujuk kepada kes PP v Misbah Saat (1998) 1 CLJ 759 di muka 779 yang mana dinyatakan bahawa; S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 “The mere fact that the court has cognizance of a medical report to indicate that at the time of the commission of the offence the accused was of unsound mind, is irrelevant at the stage when the accused is certified fit to stand trial and he chooses to plead guilty. In any case, for purposes of establishing insanity as a defence, the medical report by itself is insufficient.” 58. Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya lwn Ja’afar bin Halid [2021] MLJU 235 yang mana dinyatakan bahawa; [66] Sehubungan dengan itu, memandangkan OKT telah membangkitkan pembelaan di bawah pengecualian umumiaitu “insanity” yang merujuk kepada “act of a person of unsound mind” atau perbuatan orang yang tidak sempurna akalnya di bawah Seksyen 84 KK, maka adalah terletak beban ke atas OKT untuk membuktikannya berdasarkanbeban di atas imbangan keberangkalian (on the balance of probabilities). Rujuk kes yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu Goh Yoke v. PP [1969] 1 LNS 48; Juraimi Husin v. PP [1998] 2 CLJ 383 dan Rajagopal v. PP [1976] 1 LNS 122. Oleh yang demikian, sewajarnya OKT dipanggil untuk membela diri bagi mengemukakan pembelaan tersebut. 59. Justeru itu, adalah jelas bahawa Laporan Perubatan sahaja tidak memadai untuk Mahkamah mendengar pembelaan OKT ini. Keputusan Mahkamah di akhir Pendakwaan 60. Mahkamah turut merujuk kepada kes PP v. Datuk Haji Harun bin Idris [1977] 1 MLJ 15 telah membuat pemerhatian mengenai isu keterangan saksi-saksi yang mana dinyatakan seperti berikut: “…in my opinion, discrepancies there will always be, because in the circumstances in which the event happened, every witness does not remember the same thing and he does not remember accurately every single thing that happened…the question is whether the existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy their credibility. There is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness must either be S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 believed in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good and cogent reasons, to accept one part of the testimony of a witness and to reject the other.” 61. Mahkamah ini mendapati keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan adalah credible dan tiada percanggahan yang material yang menjurus kepada asas kes ini. (Rujuk kepada perenggan 36-50 berkenaan dengan credibility of SP7 selaku saksi berkepentingan di dalam kes ini.) Bantahan oleh Peguamcara OKT berkenaan Pakar Psikiatrik tidak dipanggil sebagai Saksi Pendakwaan 62. Walaupun di dalam kes ini, pihak Pembelaan ketika kes Pendakwaan ditutup telah membuat bantahan dengan menyatakan bahawa pihak Pendakwaan seharusnya memanggil Pakar Psikiartik yang telah menyediakan Laporan Perubatan Psikiatrik (sewaktu kes Pendakwaan telah ditandakan sebagai ID4) iaitu Dr Ian Llyod Anthony. 63. Pada ketika itu, peguam telah menarik perhatian Mahkamah kepada kes Ti Chuee Hiang V Public Prosecutor [1995] 2 MLJ 433 pada bahagian ini; Obiter In any event, in this case it would not have sufficed for the prosecution to have merely made the informer available to be called as defence witness, as this would have put the defence at the disadvantage of not having been able to cross-examine him on any point which might support the prosecution case. 64. Namun, Puan TPR terpelajar pada ketika itu, kekal dengan keputusan mereka bahawa mereka tidak akan memanggil Dr Psikiatrik tersebut dan telah menawarkan beliau selaku saksi Pembelaan dan pihak Pembelaan menerimanya. 65. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Misbah Saat (supra) yang mana menyatakan seperti berikut; S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 “[5a] It is a well-established principle that only the accused has the right to raise the defence of insanity if he so wishes. Neither the prosecution nor the the judge can raise the issue of insanity during a trial, if the accused has not himself raised this defence.” 66. Maka, adalah jelas bahawa tiada keperluan untuk pihak Pendakwaan mengemukakan Dr Ian Llyod Anthony sebagai saksi mereka. Apatah lagi keterangan Dr tersebut tidak mungkin akan menyokong kes Pendakwaan seperti yang dijelaskan di dalam kes Tii Chuee Hiang (supra). Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada Nota Keterangan bertarikh pada 10.1.2020 yang mana dinyatakan bahawa: Peguam maklum OKT mungkin ada unsur masalah mental, mohon OKT dimasukkan ke hospital bahagia untuk pemerhatian. 67. Mahkamah merujuk kepada NK yang menunjukkan bahawa pihak Pembelaan yang telah memohon OKT dihantar ke Hospital Bahagia untuk pemerhatian di bawah Seksyen 342 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Mahkamah ini sekali lagi mengulangi bahawa tidaklah salah pada pihak Pendakwaan tidak mengemukakan Dr Ian Llyod Anthony sebagai saksi mereka dan mereka turut telah menawarkan Dr tersebut selaku saksi pembelaan. Rujuk Nota Keterangan bertarikh pada 13.9.2023. TPR: kami tutup kes pendakwaan dan kami tawarkan saksi kami iaitu Doctor Psychiatrist Dr Ian Lloyd Anthony (HBUK). 68. Seperti yang telah Mahkamah ini nyatakan sebentar tadi, tiada sebarang alasan untuk Mahkamah ini menganggu kebolehpercayaaan saksi-saksi yang telah pihak Pendakwaan kemukakan di hadapan Mahkamah ini. 69. Justeru itu, Mahkamah ini di akhir kes pendakwaan mendapati selain daripada kesemua elemen yang telah digariskan dipenuhi bagi membuktikan kes pendakwaan juga telah menilai keterangan saksi-saksi yang telah pihak pendakwaan kemukakan serta menilai bukti-bukti yang telah dikemukakan, berpuas hati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie ke atas OKT bagi kedua-dua pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 Keseksaan dan telah memanggil tertuduh untuk membela diri seperti yang digariskan di bawah Seksyen 173(ha) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (KTJ). 70. Mahkamah di peringkat ini telah mengarahkan untuk OKT membela diri terhadap pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 298 Kanun Keseksaan dan telah memberi pilihan kepada tertuduh mengikut peruntukan Seksyen 173(ha) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah sama ada: i. Memberi keterangan bersumpah di dalam kandang saksi; ii. Memberi keterangan di dalam kandang TERTUDUH; atau iii. Berdiam diri. 71. OKT kemudiannya telah memilih untuk memberikan keterangan bersumpah di dalam kandang saksi. Kes Pihak Pembelaan 72. Di peringkat pembelaan, tertuduh telah memilih untuk memberi keterangan bersumpah di dalam kandang saksi. Bagi kes pembelaan, selain daripada tertuduh yang memberikan keterangan, tertuduh turut mengemukakan saksi pembelaan (SD2) iaitu Dr Ian Llyod Anthony. 73. Sekali lagi Mahkamah ingin membawa kepada perhatian Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan bahawa OKT ini mengemukakan pembelaan tidak waras di bawah Seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan. 74. Pembelaan OKT ini adalah berikutan kemalangan yang telah dialami oleh OKT sebelum ini iaitu pada 26.11.2019 yang mana OKT telah melanggar khinzir. Akibat daripada kemalangan itu, OKT telah mengalami kecederaan luka-luka pada kepala, lutut serta yang paling utama di sini adalah cerebral concussion yang mana menurut OKT serta SD2 ianya telah menyebabkan OKT hilang kewarasan. 75. Namun demikian, sepanjang perbicaraan berlangsung, pihak Pembelaan tidak menidakkan sentuhan telah dilakukan ke atas SP1 dan SP2. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 Keterangan SD1 76. Berdasarkan keterangan SD1 jelas dapat dilihat bahawa SD1 mengatakan dia tidak menyentuh mangsa SP1 dan SP2, serta dia tiada niat untuk mencabul kehormatan mangsa-mangsa serta dia juga tidak mengingati kejadian tersebut 77. Versi ini sangat konsisten dengan pembelaan SD1 yang mana dia mengalami masalah mental ketika itu, maka dia tidak dapat mengingati apa yang telah berlaku. Keterangan SD2 78. SD2 ialah Dr Ian Llyod Anthony selaku Pakar Perunding Forensik Psikiatrik di Unit Forensik Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta yang telah menyediakan Laporan Psikiatrik bagi SD1 di dalam kes ini yang telah ditandakan sebagai Eksibit D9. 79. Secara konlusi daripada keterangan oleh SD2 menyatakan bahawa pada masa kejadian yang didakwa, disebabkan oleh kecederaan yang serius dan keadaan mental dlm keadaan acute confusional state, OKT tidak mampu utk mengetahui sifat dan akibat daripada perbuatannya serta juga tidak mampu utk mengetahui perbuatan tersebut adalah salah. Ini adalah direct result daripada acute confusional state. Maka SD2 berpendapat bahawa SD2 tidak waras semasa kejadian tersebut berlaku. 80. Namun demikian, SD2 telah menyatakan melalui D9 di para 9(b) dan (c) bahawa walaupun pada masa kejadian OKT adalah dalam keadaan mental yang tidak waras serta tidak sedar akan sifat dan akibat perbuatannya serta tidak mampu untuk mengetahui bahawa perbuatannya adalah salah dan bertentangan dengan undang-undang, pada hari laporan ditulis, keadaan mental OKT adalah stabil serta OKT layak dihadapkan di Mahkamah untuk dibicarakan serta mampu untuk membela diri. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 Samada pembelaan tidak waras telah berjaya dikemukakan oleh pihak Pembelaan. 81. Dilampirkan peruntukan undang-undang di bawah Seksyen 84 Kanun keseksaan untuk rujukan; “84. Act of a person of unsound mind: Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who, at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law.” 82. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Abdul Azhim Mohammad v. PP [2023] 1 LNS 985 yang menyatakan seperti berikut; [40] St is trite law that the appellant must establish unsoundness of mind as prescribed under section 84 of the Penal Code to exonerate the appellant from the offence charged against him. Hence the burden is shouldered by the defence to prove this defence on the balance of probabilities as decided by the Federal Court in Goh Yoke v. PP [1969] 1 LNS 48; [1970] 1 MLJ 65, Rajagopal v. PP [1976] 1 LNS 122; [1977] 1 MLJ 6 and Juraimi Hussin v. PP [1998] 2 CLJ 383. This is consistent with section 105 of the Evidence Act 1950 which states: "105. Burden of proving that cases of accused come within exceptions 105. When a person is accused of any offence, the burden of proving the existence of circumstances bringing the case within any of the general exceptions in the Penal Code, or within any special exception or proviso contained in any other part of the same code, or in any law defining the offence, is upon him, and the court shall presume the absence of those circumstances. ILLUSTRATIONS S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 (a) Accused of murder alleges that by reason of unsoundness of mind he did not know the nature of the act. The burden of proof is on A" 83. Di dalam kes Misbah Saat (supra), dinyatakan seperti berikut; [3] It is an established principle of law that if an accused person can establish that he was of unsound mind at the time of the commission of the act of wrongdoing, he is entitled to raise the defence of insanity under s. 84 of the Code. The test for insanity under s. 84 of the Code is not the medical test of insanity but the legal test, that is, the wrongdoer was incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or knowing that what he was doing was wrong or contrary to law. The burden is on the accused to prove his insanity as required by s. 84 of the Code. 84. Maka, jelas dilihat di sini bahawa beban pembuktian bagi pembelaan ketidakwarasan ini adalah pada OKT sendiri dan OKT perlu membuktikan pembelaan ini pada imbangan kebarangkalian. Ujian atau Test yang digunakan oleh Mahkamah di dalam mendengar atau menerima pembelaan ini adalah legal insanity dan bukannya medical insanity. 85. Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada kes PP lwn. Ja'afar Halid [2021] 1 LNS 149 yang melampirkan seperti berikut; [84] Dalam kes PP v. Shalima Bi [2016] 2 CLJ 231, perbezaan di antara "legal and medical insanity" telah diputuskan seperti berikut:- "Legal and Medical Insanity [51] The law is trite that the court is only concerned with legal insanity and not with medical insanity. Section 84 of the Code is concerned with legal insanity and not with medical insanity. The distinction between legal and medical insanity has been explained by the learned authors of Ratanlal and Dhirajlal's Law of Crimes 26th edn in the following terms at p. 307: S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 7. 'Medical insanity' and 'legal insanity'. - There is a good deal of difference between 'medical insanity' and 'legal insanity' and courts are concerned only with the legal and not the medical aspect of the matter. It is not every kind of frantic humour or something unaccountable in a men's action, that points him out to be a mad man, to be excepted from punishment. It is not mere eccentricity or singularity of manner that would suffice the plea of insanity. Abnormality of mind is not by itself sufficient to show that the accused must have acted while of unsound mind. Such exemption can be claimed only when the insane person is incapable of knowing the nature of the act or he is doing either wrong or contrary to law. [52] Thus, where medical insanity has been established, the defence of insanity under s. 84 of the Code is only available where, at the time the accused committed the act, he: (a) did not know the nature of his act; or (b) did not know that what he was doing was wrong; or (c) did not know that what he was doing was contrary to law. [53] What a trial judge has to do as the first step in determining whether the defence of insanity has been established is to see whether the accused was medically insane at the time he committed the act. Expert medical evidence is necessary as the question of whether he was medically insane at any particular point in time is in the realm of forensic science. It is not something that the court can determine without the benefit of expert opinion. [54] Once that threshold is crossed, the next step is for the trial judge to consider whether, by reason of medical insanity, the accused was incapable of knowing the nature of his act or that what he was doing was either wrong or contrary the law. Expert medical opinion is irrelevant as the question of whether the accused was incapable of knowing the nature of his act or that he was doing what was S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 either wrong or contrary to law is a matter to be inferred from the proved facts and circumstances and not from expert medical opinion. It is purely a question of fact for the trial judge to determine." …. [90] Dalam menentukan sama ada pihak pembelaan telah melepaskan beban bagi membuktikan OKT tidak waras semasa melakukan kesalahan tersebut, Mahkamah juga perlu meneliti keseluruhan keterangan yang ada. Segala fakta yang telah dibuktikan di peringkat pendakwaan berkaitan kejadian hendaklah juga diteliti dan dipertimbangkan. Kelakuan dan tindakan OKT sebelum, semasa dan selepas kejadian adalah fakta yang sangat relevan. Bagi tujuan tersebut, keterangan yang telah diberikan oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan keterangan pembelaan hendaklah dirujuk secara keseluruhannya. 86. Jelas di sini bahawa threshold pertama iaitu medical insanity telah berjaya dipenuhi oleh pihak OKT dengan pengemukaan Eskibit D9. Namun, Mahkamah ini sekali lagi menekankan bahawa medical insanity bukanlah suatu hak automatik yang memadai bagi pembelaan tidak waras diterima di Mahkamah ini. 87. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Jaafar Hadid (supra) yang jelas menyatakan bahawa kelakuan dan tindakan OKT sebelum, semasa dan selepas kejadian adalah fakta yang sangat relevan. 88. Menurut SP7 selaku adik kepada OKT, OKT ini sering berbogel dirumah, serta turut melancap ketika berada di klinik. Benar, tindakan ini tidak akan dilakukan oleh mana-mana orang waras, namun Mahkamah percaya OKT ini faham akan sifat perbuatannya (nature of his act) yang salah di sisi undang- undang. Ini kerana jelas bahawa sekiranya OKT tidak mengetahui atau memahami akan tindakannya, mana mungkin OKT tahu bahawa perbuatannya di dalam menyentuh wanita lain atau melancap akan S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 memberikan suatu kepuasan seksual kepadanya? Jelas sentuhan OKT kepada mangsa-mangsa adalah sentuhan pada kawasan-kawasan yang membangkitkan perasaan berahi dan berniat untuk memuaskan dirinya. Maka, pada pandangan Mahkamah ini, OKT telah gagal membangkitkan pembelaan tidak waras di bawah Seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan. 89. Kegelisahan OKT sewaktu berada berhampiran dengan mangsa-mangsa juga menunjukkan mangsa berasa resah gelisah. Tambahan pula keterangan SP7 yang menyatakan mangsa telah bermain dengan kemaluannya di klinik jelas menunjukkan bahawa OKT sedang bernafsu dan sentuhan ke atas mangsa- mangsa adalah suatu tindakan yang berniat untuk mencabul kehormatan mangsa demi kepuasan seksual OKT. Bahkan OKT turut melakukan sentuhan kepada SP2 ketika keluar daripada klinik itu setelah kejadian tersebut. Justeru itu, pada hemat Mahkamah ini OKT sedar akan perbuatannya dan faham akan perbuatannya itu. 90. Berdasarkan dapatan ini, Mahkamah ini menolak pembelaan OKT ini dan mendapati OKT ini telah gagal membuktikan pembelaan tidak waras pada imbangan kebarangkalian. Keputusan Mahkamah di Akhir Pembelaan 91. Seksyen 182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah adalah dirujuk. Turut merujuk kepada kes PP v. Jaya Ganesh Jayabalan & Ors [2023] 1 LNS 1166 (1) At the conclusion of the trial, the Court shall consider all the evidence adduced before it and shall decide whether the prosecution has proved its case beyond reasonable doubt. (2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has proved its case beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall find the accused guilty and he may be convicted on it. (3) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not proved its case beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall record an order of acquittal S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 92. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada prinsip yang digunakan di dalam kes Mohamed Radhi bin Yaakob v PP [1991] 3 CLJ 169 yang menerima pakai prinsip di dalam kes Mat v PP [1963] 29 MLJ 263 tentang kesahihan cerita pembelaan yang mana Hakim Tun Suffian (pada ketika itu) memutuskan....... "If the Court accepts the explanation given by or on behalf of the accused, it must acquit. But this does not entitle the Court to convict if it does not believe that explanation, for he is still entitled to an acquittal, if the explanation raises a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, as the onus of proving his guilt lies throughout on the prosecution. If upon the whole evidence the court is left in a real state of doubt, the prosecution has failed to satisfy the onus of proof which lies upon it." 93. Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada kes Ali Tan bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor [2013] 2 MLJ 676 yang membicangkan mengenai beban pembuktian di akhir kes pembelaan; [24] In our judgment, on the facts of the present case, the learned JC was entitled and correct in holding that the unsworn statement of the appellant was incapable of raising a reasonable doubt on the prosecution's case. It is true that an accused person has no burden to prove his innocence. The cardinal principle in our administration of criminal justice system is that the prosecution must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. This refers to the standard of proof which must be satisfied by the prosecution before a court finds the accused guilty. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is proof that leaves the court firmly convinced of the accused's guilt. However, it is not proof with absolute certainty (see Pang Chee Meng v Public Prosecutor [1992] 1 MLJ 137). Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean proof beyond the shadow of doubt (see Miller v Minister of Pensions [1947] 2 All ER 372) …. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 94. Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada kes Arulpragasan Sandaraju v PP [1997] 1 MLJ 1 yang menggariskan seperti berikut; “…At the end of the defence case, it is the duty of court to consider the defence evidence in the light of the prosecution evidence. The court considers the case as a whole...” 95. Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v Atik Hussin bin Abu Bakar and other cases [2016] MLJU 968 telah menyatakan bahawa: “The onus of proving the guilt of an accused person beyond reasoanable doubt, which never shifts, lies throughout on the prosecution. It is not upon the accused to prove his innocence.” 96. Di akhir kes pembelaan, Mahkamah ini setelah menilai keseluruhan keterangan daripada saksi pendakwaan dan saksi pembelaan yang telah dikemukakan serta hujahan kedua-dua pihak dalam memastikan sama ada pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes ke atas OKT melangkaui keraguan yang munasabah. 97. Berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi terutama saksi Pendakwaan ketujuh (SP7), Mahkamah ini telah mendapati bahawa pihak pembelaan telah berjaya menimbulkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes Pendakwaan bagi Pertuduhan yang pertama iaitu: i. Keterangan oleh SP7 tidak menyokong atau corroborate keterangan mangsa iaitu SP2. 98. SP7 di dalam keterangannya menyatakan bahawa: Pemeriksaan Utama Lepas itu, abang saya nak turun dan misi itu baling abang saya dengan kapas cuci luka itu. Saya boleh camkan misi itu. Nurse itu Nampak macam marah pada ketika itu. 99. Keterangan oleh SP1 turut dirujuk oleh Mahkamah ini: S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 Pemeriksaan Utama SP1 …Saya sempat baling kapas yang saya telah gunakan dekat dia. Ianya adalah tindakan spontan saya.. 100. Ini jelas menunjukkan proses kejadian tersebut yang berlaku ke atas SP1 adalah disokong oleh SP7. Penceritaan di antara SP1 dan SP7 jelas disokong antara satu sama lain. 101. Namun, SP7 jelas menyatakan hanya seorang jururawat yang telah merawat abangnya. Pada hemat Mahkamah ini, memadangkan SP7 selaku saksi mata juga tidak dapat memastikan jika ada mangsa lain di dalam kes ini, tidak sewajarnya dakwaan SP2 diterima di Mahkamah ini. Mahkamah ini sekali lagi merujuk kepada keperluan corroboration evidence di dalam kes jenayah seksual. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini menolak keterangan SP2 di atas alasan di atas. ii. Tindakan SP2 selepas kejadian mencabul kehormatannya tidak mencerminkan kemarahan atau perasaan terkejut mangsa. 102. Mahkamah merujuk kepada Nota Keterangan bagi keterangan SP2 sewaktu pemeriksaan utama Pemeriksaan Utama (SP2) Semasa saya minta Fatimah sambung, saya ada ada maklum kepada Fatimah dan Fatimah setuju untuk pergi buat dia kata takpe akak buat. Selepas saya pergi beli air…. 103. SP2 semasa di dalam memberikan keterangan adalah seorang yang agak tegas dan bersikap emotional. Mahkamah ini berkali-kali memberikan peringatan kepada SP2 agar menjawab soalan yang diajukan oleh peguam kepadanya dengan baik. Namun, tindakan SP2 selepas SP2 menyatakan beliau telah dicabul adalah dengan keluar daripada Klinik Komuniti tersebut dan kemudiannya telah pergi membeli air adalah sangat tidak masuk akal mengambil kira SP2 di dalam keterangannya sangat agresif dan menyatakan S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 beliau berasa marah. SP2 dilihat terlalu tenang pada hari kejadian dan tidak seperti yang telah dia gambarkan sebagai marah. 104. Selain itu, SP2 mengambil jalan mudah dengan meninggalkan kawannya iaitu SP1 dengan OKT walaupun SP2 menyatakan dia telah dicabul kehormatannya oleh OKT. Pemeriksaan Utama (SP2) Saya minta Fatimah untuk gantikan tempat saya, saya nak ke kedai beli air, di sebelah saja. Sebab hari tersebut hari yang sibuk untuk saya. Dan Fatimah setuju untuk ganti. Kesan kejadian adalah saya merasa takut, trauma, dan tak selamat. Sebab pesakit luka akan datang lagi. Tujuan buat report adalah untuk lindungi saya dan kawan-kawan. 105. Pada pandangan Mahkamah ini perbuatan SP2 yang meninggalkan SP1 bersama dengan OKT yang telah mencabulnya adalah sangat tidak masuk akal mengambil kira niat suci beliau ingin melindungi rakan-rakanya. Jika benar, SP2 merasakan sentuhan OKT ke atas beliau adalah suatu sentuhan yang berniat untuk mencabul kehormatannya, sudah pastilah SP2 selaku seorang yang emotional apatah lagi pada hari yang sangat panjang dan memenatkan akan bertindak lebih bijak dengan menemani rakan sekerjanya itu. 106. Mahkamah ini menolak keterangan SP2 yang beliau merasakan sentuhan OKT adalah sentuhan yang bersifat untuk mencabul kehormatannya kerana tindakan SP2 sejurus selepas itu sangat tidak menujukkan bahawa beliau merasakan kehormatannya dicabul. Sekali lagi, Mahkamah ini menekankan bahawa SP2 seorang yang agak emotional ketika memberikan keterangannya namun tindakan beliau pada hari kejadian terlalu bersahaja. Jika niat SP2 adalah untuk melindungi rakan sekerjanya, sudah pastilah tindakan yang sewajarnya diambil oleh SP2 pada hari kejadian adalah sekurang-kurangnya untuk menemani SP1 ketika proses cuci luka tersebut dijalankan. 107. Mahkamah ini turut merujuk kepada Seksyen 8 Akta Keterangan 1950 yang menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 8. Motive, preparation and previous or subsequent conduct (1) Any fact is relevant which shows or constitutes a motive or preparation for any fact in issue or relevant fact. (2) The conduct of any party, or of any agent to any party, to any suit or proceeding in reference to that suit or proceeding, or in reference to any fact in issue therein or relevant thereto, and the conduct of any person an offence against whom is the subject of any proceeding, is relevant if the conduct influences or is influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact, and whether it was previous or subsequent thereto. 108. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Parlan Dadeh v PP [2009] 1 CLJ 717 yang telah merujuk kepada Sarkar Sarkar on Evidence 15th Edition Says, yang mana dinyatakan adalah: [30] In commenting on the admissibility of evidence of conduct under s. 8 Sarkar on Evidence 15th edn says at p. 175: The conduct of party to a proceeding or his agent in reference to such proceeding at the time when the facts occurred out of which the proceeding arises, or in reference to any fact in issue or relevant fact, or the conduct of the complainant, is relevant; but the condition precedent to its admissibility as 'conduct' is that it must directly influence or be influenced by a fact in issue or relevant fact and such conduct does not include action resulting from other causes or circumstances. It must be the essential complement of the act done or refused to be done. Conduct includes antecedent or subsequent conduct involving both actions and statements. And at p 194: What is meant by the words, if such conduct influences or is influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact, is that there must be a direct or immediate relation between the conduct and the fact in issue. Conduct which is brought about by some other agency though connected with the facts in issue is not relevant conduct. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 109. Jelas di sini, bahawa tindakan pengadu iaitu SP2 di dalam kes ini selepas dia dicabul kehormatannya adalah sangat tidak relevan. SP2 menyatakan dia pergi membeli air dan membiar rakannya berada dalam keadaan begitu, jelas menunjukkan bahawa SP2 pada awalnya tidak merasakan sentuhan yang dikenakan oleh OKT ke atasnya adalah tidak bersifat mencabul kehormatannya. 110. Maka, pada atas alasan ini, Mahkamah ini mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan Pertuduhan Pertama melangkaui keraguan munabasah. Justeru itu, OKT telah dilepaskan dan dibebaskan bagi pertuduhan pertama di akhir kes Pembelaan. 111. Bagi pertuduhan kedua, Mahkamah ini setelah mendengar keterangan saksi- saksi pendakwaan dan pembelaan, setelah membaca hujahan-hujahan yang telah difailkan mendapati mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan munasabah. Oleh itu, OKT disabitkan bersalah bagi pertuduhan kedua di bawah Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan dan dihukum dibawah seksyen yang sama. Rayuan Mitigasi 112. Di dalam rayuan mengurangkan hukuman, tertuduh melalui peguambelanya telah memohon suatu hukuman yang ringan dengan memberikan Mahkamah ini latar belakang tertuduh. Tertuduh berusia 29 tahun, seorang yang bujang. Bekerja kampung dengan gaji sebanyak RM1,500.00 sebulan. Tertuduh menanggung ibunya yang berumur 51 tahun serta dua adik beradik lain yang berumur 13 dan 6 tahun. Ini juga merupakan kesalahan kali pertama oleh tertuduh. Selain itu, peguam turut berhujah bahawa hanya disebabkan oleh OKT memilih untuk dibicarakan bukanlah suatu yang melayakkan OKT ini diberikan hukuman yang berat dan Peguambela telah memohon hukuman yang minimum. Hujahan pemberatan 113. Puan TPR terpelajar telah memohon hukuman berat ke atas OKT ini ambil kira telah mencabul kehormatan mangsa sehingga menyebabkan mangsa berasa S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 trauma. Selain itu, kes juga telah dibicarakan sejak 2020. Puan TPR terpelajar telah memohon hukuman berat dikenakan ke atas OKT ini. Trend Hukuman Kes Hukuman PP v Zolkapli Long @ Mohamad [2023] 1 LNS 1851 Mahkamah Tinggi telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 18 bulan ke atas Tertuduh. Pendakwa Raya lwn Jasni Azwan bin Abdullah [2020] MLJU 2598 8 bulan penjara. - Kes Bicara Penuh PP lwn. Md Azizul Hoque [2022] 5 LNS 148 hukuman penjara selama 15 bulan berjalan dari tarikh tangkap - Kes OKT Mengaku salah PP lwn. Mohd Syamim Rosli [2020] 2 SMC 25 8 bulan penjara. - Kes bicara penuh Faktor Pemberatan 114. Mahkamah ini sekali lagi merujuk kepada kes Zolkapli Long (supra) yang mana Mahkamah Tinggi telah melampirkan seperti berikut: Kesalahan di bawah seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan memperuntukkan hukuman penjara sehingga 10 tahun dan berdasarkan tafsiran di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan, kesalahan di bawah seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan tergolong sebagai suatu kesalahan serius (rujuk kes Pendakwa Raya lwn. Thevesh a/l Sashikumar dan satu lagi [2020] 9 CLJ 817; [2020] 12 MLJ 603) … 115. Memadangkan kesalahan yang OKT disabitkan ini adalah suatu kesalahan yang serius, mahkamah ini turut juga menimbangkan keperluan awam. Di dalam kes ini, mangsa adalah merupakan seorang pembantu perubatan yang tugasnya adalah memberikan rawatan kepada orang awam. Tugasan mangsa adalah suatu tugasan yang mulia. Namun demikian, apa yang OKT telah lakukan kepada mangsa adalah sesuatu yang tidak wajar dilakukan, bahkan S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 suatu yang terutamanya apabila niat mangsa adalah telus untuk membantu OKT di dalam mencuci lukanya yang telah kering dan berkuping. 116. Didalam kes Pendakwaraya lwn. Mohamed Danny Mohd Jedi [2018] 1 LNS 50, Mohamed Zawawi Salleh HMR (pada ketika itu) membuat penyataan berikut: - “It is trite law that a sentence must be proportionate to both the seriousness of the offence and the degree of responsibility of the offender. The concept of proportionality was explained in the Canadian Supreme Court Case of R v. Ipeelee [2012] SCC12. [2012] 1 SLR 433 in paragraph 37 as follows: “Proportionality in the sine qua non of a just sanction. First, the principle ensures that a sentence reflects the gravity of the offence. This is closely tied to the objective of denunciation. It promotes justice for victims and ensure public confidence in the justice system…Second, the principle of proportionality ensures that a sentence does not exceed what is appropriate, given the moral blameworthiness of the offender. In this sense, the principles serves a limiting or restraining functioning and ensures justice for the offender.” 117. Selain itu, kesan trauma yang dialami oleh mangsa turut besar melibatkan mangsa berasa kurang selesa dalam keadaan jika berhadapan dengan pesakit-pesakit lelaki. Ini adalah kesan trauma yang pada hemat Mahkamah ini adalah sangat relevant dan kuat kesannya kepada mangsa. 118. Berdasarkan hal ini. Setelah Mahkamah ini mendengar factor mitigasi pihak pembelaan dan factor pemberat oleh pihak pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 8 bulan bermula dari arikh sabitan 27.6.2023 dan dihukum denda RM5000 jika gagal bayar penjara 4 bulan ke atas tertuduh. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 119. Mahkamah berharap dengan hukuman yang dikenakan ke atas OKT ini, OKT akan mengambil iktibar dengan perbuatan yang telah OKT lakukan serta bertindak sebagai pengajaran kepada orang awam di dalam kes-kes begini terutama kes yang melibatkan sentuhan kepada kakitangan perubatan khususnya. 120. Walaubagaimanapun saya dengan rendah diri memohon pertimbangan Mahkamah Tinggi Yang Mulia terhadap keputusan ini. Bertarikh pada 8 November 2023. S/N I/7oPdg2hEKPZCD8D6wnw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2023-11-13T11:04:19+0800
Tika 2.6.0
Perbicaraan jenayah terhadap 2 tertuduh- terdapat tiga pertuduhan- S.39B91)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Akta Racun 1952 dibaca bersama S34 Kanun Keseksaan-tempat kejadian di sebuah rumah beralamat di Jalan Sekuntum, Taman Bukit Dahlia,Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru-OKT1 melarikan diri dan berjaya diberkas-dadah di badan dijumpai- pemeriksaan di dalam bonet Kereta Mercedes Benz menjumpai 1 bag kanvas biru IKEA dan bag kertas "Just Do It"-mengandungi 6 ketulan mampt dipercayai ganja- pendakwaan gagal buktikan kes prima facia atas semua pertuduhan-dilepas dan dibebaskan untuk semua pertuduhan.
YA Puan Noor Hayati Binti Haji Mat
09/11/2023 14:03:50 JA-45A-37-12/2020 Kand. 46 S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HPUJMcxr4EGTat8GHBludA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal .m—¢5A—37—12/2020 Kand. 46 zeumozs uvzs DI MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JONDW amnu DALAM NEGERI JOHDR DARUL uxzmu PEREICARAAN JENAYAH NO: JA-45A-(35-la)-11I2o1I1 FENDAKWA mu uwnu MUHAMAD RAFI am ROSDIN MUHAMMAD HANAFI am MOHD AZNEE ALASAN FENGHAKIMAN Panglnllln [<1 Keduz<1ua|enuduh\s\ah dfluduh dengan mat beuama mengedar dadah an bawah s a9s<1)<a) Akla Dadah Eevbahaya v952 (Anny can 5 9(1)Ak|a Racun I952 mbaca hevsama s 34 Kamm Keseksazn [21 Tevdapfl nga (3) Defluduhan |emadap meveka, sepem henkm F-mmuvun Panama 1JAr45A—a$1Mo2a — Tan-mun Panama dun Temmun Kzmm 4/uudun nm.nmama) IN »«=umu.4zm=asuam -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm 'Eahawa kamu barsamzruma pad: 215 mm, pm Izhm kn-inn n an mllnm m nnflannn mmah No 9:‘ Jilan Sdmmum <4. Yaman auxm mam rm Gudang‘ m dahm dnauh Juhut Blhm m dullm mum John! Dam ‘(aknm Iehah menuedlr dadah wmaya pm: bmm um: gum lulu c......a.. om Mu kamu «aim mnhxukuu sun kesiluhm m mm Seksyen as: may Am Eladah E-erbaluya «:52 flan mm dmnkum m buwan Seksyen ass (2; Anayang xnmndmmhncanasnmadvlzawnh Se«sy:n34 Kanun Keseksaan‘ P-mmun-n mu (JA45A—a7—1z/2020 — nu-mun Paflaml um; ‘Bahawa kamu pada 2152:1211, .m mam kuung 11 4a mum u. hldnpan mmnh No at man Sekumum u, Taman Bum nam Pam smug. a mm mm. Jmur Elihu‘ m mm. Negen Jahor mm Vukzlm man mmxm am.» aemanm beral bemh 24.34 gum mm Imlamphuuminl om. nu klmu mun memunn mu xmnnan dv hawah Seksyarv I212)AkIa Dzdah Bemuhaya I952 dun mm «mm. um um). Seiuyen mm Ann ynrw Plrluduhan Kaila: musaauzaazo . Tmuaulv Panama flan Yam.-tun Kedua duuduh basnma-sums) -Baum Iumu bersamtxama pad: 2: a ma, pm mam kunnn 1: 40 mnlnm a. amp... rumah Na ea. man Sakunwm <4, Tamar: Euiul mam pm Gudang, a. dzlam mm. Jnhar mm m dnrnm Nesyen Jana! Diml Yakzlm lnllnmdnpnndalammnhkankamulawnyang!.ersanava\da\amJ:du:lPnn,:mI din Jamal mg. (Bmxn Pukmvamk) Am mm 125: mu Milruaynlnn s.u..w.x Issamllllll-vain flu-ganlru kamu wan msiakukan um kauhmn u. bawm Stxsyen am An; Raw 1952 my w-n «mum m bawah semen 3242; Kali ‘/ing um: dzn mm. mum. Slksyun 34 Knmm Kzuksurv sm »«=wM.=.4zm.usua.m mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! arang Vain Gan mampunya. pengelahusn (enmng dzman yang evsaalkan [36] Dahm kes vm. mhsk pendakwaan Isiah mengemukakan Iaklz darn mrem benkut unluk membukukan pamillkzn lamadau dadah 1. xeuua-ans «enumm nan Amnm dnlmat sedang bevkumpul an naaapnn mman bardakalan dengan kereva Mercedes yang mnakn dmadapan mman yang mana dadah da\am penuduhan panama duumpax dl da\am bonel newakang keveta dan oecanr kelum dalzrn pammnnan kehga dljumpax hemumplmn mereka berkumpm 2 Dadah anvnm pemmunan keduz duumpai daiam seVua( yang mam: nleh Tammnn Panama 3 Tenuduh Panama dvlangkap 52121571 cubs melankan am dan alan umuax uneven aanawa bellau ada pengelahuan mengenau fladah mg dqumpaw A Panamuan kad nama keduzrdua Ierluduh dw dalam arm rssl keruta memhuknkan meleka msmpunyzw zksus |emadID xerexa flan jarak keve|a yang pamn aawam jarsk deksl an naunpan mman Tenuduh Penams wga memhenkan mlenans uengelahuan 5 Keoemngan Anna: Anaka Nov Aznn, SP6 warm lunang kepada Termduh Kaduz menyatakan calah membenkan Harem Iersebul unluk kegunaan Tenuduh Kedua sepzruang kehadaan spa an John! aanm sejak hmzn Januan, 2u2o. Hanya «maps: 1 kunm unluk kevela Ievsehln dan |elah flvsevahkan kepada Tenuduh Kedua darn spa mangesankan hahawa kerela |eIsebutadz\zh dw bawah jagaan Temmuh Kedua pads nan k€|advan aw HPwMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA "Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; me mn.u.y mm: dun-mm y.. mum am s Kunm keIe(a dljumpaw pada Temmuh Kedua. maka barang kes yang mjwnpa. sdalah dmawah kawalan Tenuduh Keduz sspsnuhnya dan dmam pengelahuannya 7 Mflrugymne yang dwampzs mg: berada an dapan kedua-flu: tenudu ' |u p/am srghlkelrka anenun alen sm [371 Fada penngkal mu, pihak pembexaan mengaiakan sepem berikm 1 Terpulusnya rzmaall keterangan kes aan Keragunn kepada krednbililx SP1 uan spz. Pemaaxaan hwahkan kelerzngan bahawa selepas serbuan di mman Terluduh Panama. barang kes tevus amawa ke lbu Pe;iba| Polls Daemh Sen Alan: W lndak banar kerina pembelaan |elah mervgemukakan Iapmamaporan pulls n24, D25, nzs yang mamkzuklikan sm max xems pulang ke mu sen mam 2 Teldapal pevcsnggahan dalam kemrangan sm flan spa dan hada peruelasan dlhual man mana-mana saw 3 Pada panngkat wm pembenaan menegaskan bahawz uada keterangan danpada sm akan smpakah yang rnempunyai kawalan darn jagaan pzda bzrang kes dan dua beg mu semasa serhuan dilakukan dv fig: xampac yang benaman 4 Pmak Pendakwaan eenan gagm unmk memanggn Amwul Aflan Fahmn hm Hshammuddm sebagzw szksx maaan pmak Pendakvraxan mengaiakzn Annmv max ho\eh member: kaevangan aeas laklur kealhalan man maakang aleh dukumen peruhakan man ad: sebarang mm. manunjnkkan Armml ‘unfit Io give evrdemze” 5 Pmak Pendakwaan wga gagax unmk mengemukakan keputusan anahs: mnna DNA walaupun mkanakan caman man mamb- aw HPLuMcu4E:7ra¢AsHaIuaA «-ma s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m van; ..a nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm VII mum am s Keaunua (emmuh max mempunyal kawakan aksmsxf pad: kenderaan wvn 129 kerana nzda saksx yang nampak swap: yang membawa keraka lersehm ke Iempal kejadwin Jugs ma saks: yang nampak sama ads meleka ada hevumszn dengan bamng kes dan Mada kelsrangan sukongan sepsm DNA mzhupun can ‘an yang menuruukkan having kes pemah dmvuskan a\ah kedua-dua lenuduh 7 Pmak pendakwaan wga gzgal membuklwkan mat hersama dx hzwah 5 34 Kanun Keseksaan (emadap keaemua oxnemaaap peauuum ca. 3155 Pemuexaan menghupahkan hanawa nada kelerangan memmgukkan mu.-mua terluduh mampurvyaw "prs— arrange p/an” Imluk mengedar dadah aan kehadvan mareka hanyalah semahrmata ‘mere plswnce" 5 Tmflnkan Terluduh Panama melankan um Im hanya se\alI dengan dadah yang duumpaw m da\am kuceknys an bawah S1212)/39A ADE Peruuatan Terluduh Kedua dan Arrwul kehl-waLan "emu max menyumbang kepada pemnukuan wujudnyz pengelahuan tenlallg adanya dadah yang dnrampas om. SP1 kerana M3 mar mereka lahu‘ pasll meteka Inga akan melankan am [an] Undang-undang aflalah mmap bahawz dengan hanya mempunyal jagaan aluu kzwalan ke a\as dadah lersebm lwdak mancukuw unmk memhukukan pemmkan (hhal Inrnhlm Mnllnrnad v. PF (101 114 cu 1) [39] Adalah ma berdassvkan nas keskes dmuan banawa dua esemen yang dvpevlukan LIMHK memhukhkan pemilxkan man kawalan fizxkal dan pzngelahuan Umukmemenulmmsurl Lia meslvdmuuukkanbahawa IerIud\m—|enuduh berida barhamplran dengan dadah dan meveka bnleh mengendahkannya seowarmnan Ia zdalah mum mereka Bag! unsurmerflal .3 sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! axan msns rea puua Derlu fllbukhkan bahawa Cerludulrlevluduh Dermal axan hemasral unmk bemrusan dengan dadah Iersebul (mlsndsd In deal mm ma drugs) (vuiuk kes FF v Abdul Ranman Ah!/[2007] 5 ML! 237 (F0), Chan Pun Lana v PF [1955] 22 ML] 217 Inc); nalam em ksia lam‘ kapeduan unsur fifikal dun menus! tersebul perm wuwd nan dlhukbkan sehemm pem kzn dapzl dihukukan. [AD] D. am has pendakwzan saya mendapzu bahawa keduadua Ierluduh mempnnyai kawa\an dan ;agaan aana pengellhuan mengenm dadah yang auumna. maka Ianya aaaxan dalam mmkan meleka semzsa anangkap [.41] vaaa penngkal nn szya menevima keterznqan sm bahawa Tenuduh Kedua Ie\ah dutahan samasa mluar rumah berssma Amnul flan kuncl karma Memfles yang dljumpaw flan semar Tennmm Kedna mamaawa kepada penemuan barzng kes dadah Cannabis darn banal helakang karara Tarluduh Panama pnva lelah bemndak malaflkan dm dan dadah dljumpaw d:\:m selunr yang mpakaw auahm Fada peungkat W, saya berparmangan naaa sebab urnuk merzg elerzngan sm dan spz (mwk PP V. MnPI.lmIdAIi[19£2]18ML.I 257 um Shah Vrwm Ton v. ;=P{2o13) 1 ms 377) [421 Olah yang uennxnan, saya memmuskan aanawa aamaaaman kapada Ke(erarI§an mg dlkemukakan‘ shaman permhkan dadah lelsehul lelah flmukhkan seczva afivmam Keduadua Temlduh man mengedardadah [431 Bagi alaman psngedaran Imlnk pammnhan panama‘ memandangkan elemen pammxan Devan beqaya amnman maka saya membual dapalan bahawa sa|u kes prfma ram pangedzvan umnknkan bawah seks‘/En 130(4) Kn aenaan pemskauan angaspan bawah sakswn 37(da) ADE (mmk kes Abdullah Man) berdasarkan berm dadah Cannabis yang melamm wax rmmma znu gram (5 37(da)(vi)) [44] Cfleh yang aenukuan, kedua-dun lenuduh (emu mpanggu unmk membela din dan mereka memllm uruuk mamben kstsvangan secara hmumpan xaa P-mbolun [451 Kedua-due lenuduh |eIah membenkan ketzerangan secara hersumpah den memanggwl Ilma (5) bring Saks! awam yang melupakan zhh keluarga mereka dan Amlm [46] Pada malam 21 52020, keduadua lerluduh dan Amm-I sedan; herkumpm din lepak dv nadapan rumah Na 94, mm Tenuduh Panama Supasukan anggala polvs man membual serhuan pzda anggaran jam 11 an mz\zm aan semass han keiaman. negzva maivh dalam oempan Parmlah Kawaxan Pergevakan Eevsyaval [47] Semssa samuany Tenuduh Panama man me\ankan am can beqsya mlangkap dan mbawa ke hadapan mmah lersahut. Pemanksaan badan acaa kedua-dun ienuduh flan Armml max msmumpaw barang salsh (slaw kemuduan merwmpaw dadah dahm poxecseluar Tsfluduh Fensma [451 Pemenksann pana kenderzan WYR 125 yang berafla herdekman dengan mereka juga tidzk menemul apa-spa harang sa\ah [491 Pemenksaan a. da\am bmk Tenuduh Penama ax aauam vumahnya ‘ugz hdak manamui ape-apa barring salah sanammya SP1 membawa kedua-dua |enuduh flan Amwul ke rumah Tanuaun Kedua ax Na 32, Jalzn Sekunlum s, Tamzn amt Dahha Pnsv Gudang‘ (myuk Vzpman Pulvr 7025) yang mana serhuan ml mam aleh spa sun Mohd Aznee bin AN Malek (hapa Tenuduh Keauay dan sos, sm Nur Az\e\a mm. Mona Aznee (mm .5 am »« «-ma Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum am Tarluduh Katina) mml berada m da\am rumah Terluduh Kedua pada masa sevhuan kevana mavaka (Inggal :1: sum [50] Femenksaan Dada wk Tenuduh Kedua lelah menemm 1 bag mm beflulrsan KKEA flan 1 beg kenas hertuhsan Nike yang mana an dzlamnya duumpal sejumlnh dadah msyakkl gznya salapas pemenman dawn nmk Termduh Keaua, menglkul sm nan sns‘ sw amnax kaluar dari umu nu memegang 1 bag mm henullsan IKEA man 1 beg kenas herlullszn Nike [51] sns .uga mengalakan bahawa nag hum berluhian IKEA dan beg kenas berlullszn Nwke tersebut gmawa oleh rnkun Temmuh Kedua hernama Hahm yang paga masa nu ads dalang ks lumah unmk naqumpa Tarluduh Kedua Dlsebahkan sos makmmkan yang Tenuduh Kadua naaa m rumah‘ Hallm man memmca um umuk masuk ke hmk Tenuduh Kedua un|uk maletakkan dahum harang kelengkapan pevmaman compu(erc1IbII\kTenuduh Kedua dan zkan kambah samma Dada mamm nanh sns nampak Hahm bawa beg mm benuhs IKEA flan beg kenas bsrlulis Nike masuk xe bmk Tenuduh Kedua sebalum memmla mri unmk pmang lanpa mernegang heg—beg |eIsehut lagi [52] Hanna Ideflah mkan Tsrluduh Kedua yang salam amnau datang ke rumah hersama Amlrm untuk hermamin E-Spoil yang dlarwrkan hampw aamap ma\am sn5 wga mngavaxan banawa Tenumm Kedua se\a!u mangaruurkan pelmaman E-Sporl a|as lahan sevem Dma den PUBG aan sememangnya kamasaannya Halvm akan aaxang ke Nmsh mereka nenemh dahuhl unluk mewezaxkan perkakasan permainan darn makanzn aaaemm memmakan pevmaman [531 Talah jug: dlhlqahknn hahawa mjuan ymak pnlis mambual Iarhuan ke mman Teduduh Kedua adalah kerana barang kes hdak pemeh 15 am »«=wMq.4zma« «-ma am n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am ayumpa. dalam kevela WYR 129 sehagawmana kelerangan saksx pendakwian Analin din Dapalan cfllkhlr kes Pembelaan [54] Eevdavarkan kepada seksyen 182A KTJ, uka pendakwaan hanaya membukhksn kesnya melampaui saharang keraguan yang munasahah, xeauama nenumm nenaaman umapau bslsalah din 1.5mm Namun uka senammya, Mahkamah hendmdah mmepas dzn membehaskan cenumm uzuyuk kes Ealzchandnn y. PP {zoos} 1 cu :5 asn Monnmad Radhl um Yizcob y. PF (1991) 1 cu Rap 311) [551 Mengenal anggapzn pengadarin dnhawah saws), beban akan harpindah kepada kedua-dua lenuduh mm menyangkau anggapan versebul alas Imhengan kehavangkzhan yang mana bebarmya ada¥=h new heval dari memmbulkzn keraguan yang munasabah (Muk ks: pp y. vuym/{ms} 1 ms 116) [as] Mengwkul kes Liam Hung Boon y. up [2012] 1 LIVE 1455, Mahksmah Rayuan memuluskan ‘So me Ippeflanl had in renal m. npevltlve Dresumpfiun .71 Imlficxmw uvdev x mm mm mm on the mm at pwbabtlwex mm Vuvel at rebulm Nice: 3 71-whet emdarmary burden an the anpe\lnn\' [571 Dengan pemzkam anggapan dv bawan 5371637 Im juga, e\emen pengedaran Ievah dlanggap maka keduama lenuduh mkanaxan msngedar fladah (ersebut semnggz umukukan sebahknys (mm: the canfraryls pmyed; Tenuduh-lertuduh flengan W peflu mengemukaksn kelerangan yang mencukupv umuk mengakas anggzpan leysebut alas wubangan keharangkalmn (nquk Ny cm Km y PP (1594; 2 cm 591 darn Manamad Radhi y PF(1992)1 so» 445;. [59] Ds\am Dembalaan mereka. Iertuduh-(enuduh mengemukakan Iakla mbawah szbagzw mm. sangganan (rabumz/evidence) 1 raaa dadah awnpaz semasa serbuzn dlbuat amaaapan rumah Na 94 2 Dadah Cirmabss hanya auumusx ax ds\am mum Tertuduh Keduay dmlmahnya d\ No 32, Jalan Sekunlum a 3. sakn panmaxaan sm dan sns mengeszhkan sm memegang beg lkaa |urun uan mllk Terluduh Kadua. 4 Saks: sos ma mengalaksn meVma| Ham membawa Deg ban-maan Ikea |erse|>u(na1k ks Tenuduh Kenna 5 sns (Am\ru¥) menaalaksn Dada ma\am xaaman, ma man dxhanlar olsh nakmn ke mman renuaun Panama nan mereka hevmain game Manna Legsnddmadapan mrnzhnya Amnrm [ugz mengalakan saarang yang meraka pinggll sebagax -um datang menghamar kereua Memedes yang dlgunakan oleh Temmuh Kedua. pakw berdekatan dengzn mnan, menguncv kerata dan malelakkan kuncw alas Iembok pager n-man Tenuduh Panama flan beflam pelgw menallu kendevaan Vain (Araham puun) Semasa pnhs dztang membua| serhuan‘ Terluduh Penama melankan dm sus nampix Pohs ambvl kuncl dan atas lambvk uan memenksa keuava Mercedes Seae\sh dflahan xeuga-uga meveka caran dnhawa ke mmah Tenudun Kenna dan selelah memenksaan dI|7ua| dw bllxk Tammun Kedua, sue mangarakan mehha| pohs meluumpaw neg hewarna bvu benullsan Vkea flan Sam beg kenas bellulisan Nike yang mana cam. dwlurqukkan men pafis mengandungw gama 6. Usm Demenkssan uxama namau-p Amm mhax Panaakwaan memahun (ankh lam unluk memenksa naxaa dan menyemak beberapa an yang dmmbulkzn Manangnya Amwul hdak Vagi in am HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA «-ma Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm ma nrW\nnU|:I mm: flan-mm VII nF\uNG Wm! dapal mkesan aiei. pihak Pendakwaan pada |ankh henkumya wz\aupun sapma lelih aixeiuai-kan Kegagalan serahan saplna dlkalakan kerana Amiml cam. puiang xe Keiaman dan hdzk iagi flupal mkeaan Maka xaeiangan spa lerhenh saiakac pemenksazn mama lanpa dlwal bales olen pmax Pendskwsan [591 Saya meneml dan mempemmbsngkan keseiunman pembaiaan keduadua Ierluduh dan saks>-saksi pemneiaai. dan oeipemapan, lemiduh-Iertuduh (elah mengemukakan versl yang berbeza dengan kas pendnkwaan iaiapi selan darn dvsokong oxen xeiarangan sm, SD5 aai. 5D6(/lmirul) [ea] Meruiuk kepada xeiemngan sud flan 505‘ darn pengamalan saya dan segi demenaur dim kanslslsnsl kelerangan, saya berpendapal merekatidak mermruukkzn ada herkemungklnan msmhenksn xexaiangan urmik kapenlingan Terluduh Kedua semala-mafia zlau eeigaiang dengan ielas saksi yang berkepenlmgan (mlemsted) alau yang mak man mperzayal iunimsmimyi sagiiu iuga dengan xeieiangan sue [61] Puma pelingkal mi, pemneiaan hanya peiiu menyangkal bllkh pengedaran alas imnangan kebalangkallan dan se|emsnyanya mammbulkan keraguan yang rmmasabah lerhadzp ks: Pendakwaan xeauamia Ierluduh lidak sekadar manafikan ieiapi memhenkan sam versl kejadian yang bane» dilenms nemvama lakls bahawa memang |erdapa| beherapa semuan iam miaxuxan pada nan yang sama bersangkm dengan panangkipan maieka [521 Mahkamah Rayuan daiam supwimanu-nra/Lands nrrdsmveys Kucliing Division v uaiianmi RAmblIK-M12014] 1 LNS m ada mew/abut mengenai lahap pembu n‘ szya pellk sehagai panduan ‘- Thu aavanaa ul nmbabmes may he vwsuaflsed is a scale mm ma pmnm plncmg ms ewdenue on ana ma and ma aaranaam umnaa on ma am ma Cum waluavu ma amanca aa In ma wugm .: clmes ov mun: mnvumbls uvwaenue names no wewqhl nemana mmut evwdenw «a puxmy ma durum hkewwsa can curvy nawa-am ana hence ma ram ‘bale demaf [ea] Saya ‘uga mengamhll pandusn makwd -xenaguaa mImasahah‘dan pehkln dalam kes PP v Smmln 11511 1 LNS 1 15 sepeni amawan. -u \s ml maa possible aaum, uauusa everymmg mmmg m human awaaa ana dlpandmq upvm mum amdsnm .a apen m same possnaa er ma-navy flwbl n V: IMI stale am-a case wmch ans! ma am. mmaanmn Ind mnanmanan at an evmeme was ma mmds av Mars In men conduun In a mom cenamly M the am av me an-ge I: ran aaam am um Hut -maananua mum’ is me mm which mam ywu naasuxa as to m. eomanua M m. cnncllulun mun. yaa much. :4 unanr your aim: Ind upon your cwuclenun am you um Vully lnvucyrlnd ma wldcncv and complnd n m an n. aana, you a In ymnsifl n mm Mlle is gulhy, men 1: V: a maanam. man u h a mum: wman umu u. ynur ...aa.n..n am am: a rlslmy plant mm or a somehmzs smd Imus! b: aaam so iommn am mazannax 2x to pmducem ma mmdx «:1 ma |umrs aama uucanmnly us «a ma vevflln lo he given A reasanalfle daum must be a aouhl ansmg Hum ma ewdervue av want av nmdsnne and c:mu7| be an wmawury duuhl or oanpeclwv unvedabw w ev\denae' -Penakanan mlambah [ea] Selelah menflaw kembalx krsdxbllm sm din SP2 dan maaamngkan dennan ketevangan pambexaan, saya aapan vets: pemaaxaan ada kamungkvnan (probable) benar saya menquk kepzda pvmsxa asas da\am kes Ma: v PP (19531 ms 32 yang mana ma lakla yang dlkemukaknn aleh pembnflaan In: new drpercays: maka keduadua (emmuh perm anepaauan Jtkapun fakm yang amukakan alah mervka mak an an HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA ma. sanaw n-nhnrwm a. med a mm .. nrighvnflly MIMI dun-mm van mum perm [31 D\ am kes pendakwaan, saya memumskan hahawa pmak pendakwaan benzya mamhukukan Xe: pnma Yams alas pemmuhan kezlas mereka nan (anuduh-(enuduh mpanggu unluk memnaxa dun [4] Mereka lelah memmh member: katemngan bersumpah dan1imz(5) saksx awam pembalaan yang Vzinlelah mpanggll D. akmrkas pemhelaany saya menaapan xenuuumemaun bsrjaya mengakas anggavan an bawah s27 (Ga) den salemsnys benaya memmhulkan keraguan yang mlmasahih lamadap kes panflakwaan Maka mpumakan bzhawa pendakwaan Isiah gagal memnukmkan ks: mmampam keraguan mlmasahzh [5] owan yang darmkvany kedua-dua lenuduh |e\ah flflepaskan dzn dibehatkan nan sauap penuduhan ks alas mevska. [6] Pmak Pendakwaan |e\ah merayu ke Mahkamall Rayuan alas kepumsan (ersebul, maka benkut adalah imam says Nlrill kn Plndakwnn [71 Bemndak a«as mzklumal keglatan daflah, pada 21 Jun 2:120‘ yam lebm kurang 11 zu malam. lnsp Mahd Aflzwm Fairuz bin Ramlv (sum hersama bebsrapa anggmanyz lelah bevgsrak ks Vokasn m No. 94‘ man Sekunmm 14‘ Tzmzn sum Dahlm Fun Gudangy Juhov (mmnh Na. :4) [31 Kerela apevasl mpamra. hadapan rumah Na 94 nan sm melmal lerdapal M93 13) nrang max. Memyu seflang bemln den herkumpm dn hadapan vumah (ersehut Persekn:-nan Vukasl kanka nu muarangi cahaya lampu ]alan dzn pagar rumah dalam xeaaaan lerbuka Fads: masa yang sama, sa\ah saarang anggom semuan‘ Sjn Mahd Fawzal bin Ra1aI|(SP2) mehlwafi iebuah Kereva jams Mercedes Eenz parklr aw nauapan rumah (elsebul sw HPwMcu4Ema1AsHaIuaA "Nuns Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m van; .. gummy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! mpamayai sekalipum saya max bcleh mensahllkan mereka memnkan ada absan bahawa xlnya gagan memmhulkan keraguan yang munasabah am Manama mum Yaacab I/PP (1921) 2 cu 2011) [65] Says telah mermaw dengan |elm kes pembelaan aan man msmbual dnpmnn sa<a:as dengan 5152A KTJ Sayapxga mermux xevaaa Dinduan Radni m da\am kes Mahmud mam Yukon sapem berikut -n m . wafl uuhluhed rmnm|2\e an Mnmysmn amnmax law max me genera! mean ac pram hes Imroughuul ma Ina! on ma Dvusecmmn in mm bsynnd rl snnihle duum me gum ar Ihe mum ran ma Lmervoe mn vmum na .. durged were 1: no swmlzv human mined on me nursed m pnwe ms mnuuarwee Ne up/esumad nnaaam unm woven gumy Yo eam an aoqmflak ma cue, .; nmary in 12.“: relsunlme duuhl m Ihe pvusacumm case \n ma mwse a~ me proeecuonn saw, me pmxecmmn may clown: My on mnama Ihmlmy mmumphuns In Draw: aue armare M In aaaamm Ingredients at In charge wnan «na« occurs «n. pamcmar um... ac pron! as append In ma ganam burden shm m ma fleverwe to ram sum presumpbans an we balance m pnanannmaa Much Imm ma amends Dam! av vnew u haavmltun una burden ulcaslma araaaenaua mm, hunllwicuwnw hyhnec man he bumon anna mammmn m wave beynnd reawrlnlzle mm [66] Keslmpmannya‘ szya bsrpandaual hahawa xexevangnn bukv kes pemhelazn ada kemungklnan Dena: Sehubungan dengan nu, walzupun udak yak: saya jugs berpendapat keselmuhzn kas namnexaan man benaya memmbmkan kavaguan yang munasabah (emadap kes pendakwaan dan salerusnya memslahksn anggapan amawan s 37(fla) a|as wrlbangan keharingkallan Punilaian kumangan Pombalaan [57] Dadah (perluduhan panama) ada ksmungkmzn lelah mjumpa. an rumah Tenuduh Keduz we 1:) many saksx manganaxan xanyi «mam 11 am HPLuMcu4Ema1AsHaIuuA «ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm van mum am mum oxen spa, (mime: uleh sm, sns dan sue) sa|u beg mm benuhsan IKEA dan salu beg kenas hanullsan NIKE sns mangalakan bag nu dxbawa nleh Halvm sebemm Tenuduh Kmua dwangkap Fakla ml yuga mum web sue (Amlvw) [ea] vem buhawn kenumgkman dadah sebenamya hdak duumpzw damn kerela kerana pmak pulvs lelah membua| serbuzn m we (3) Inkasx Iain, txfleh dilevima [as] Padz han kqadian, Tenuduh Kadua pavw Nmah Tertuduh Penama sslalah amanm alsh sD7 Fakla mi disoknng dengan kelevangan so: (ayah Terluduh Perlama) yang nampak Terluduh Kedua datang (Idak menawkl kendaraan Mengvkut sum semasa mum-mula sampm kerela Mercedes (yang dlkalakan ads dadah flldmamnya) mad: :1! lempal parkvr mluu mmah Yermduh Panama Vni menyokung kumungkman kere|a Mercedes Ievsebul sebsnamya mm d\ (empal psklrpafls mas: Tenudun Ksdua mma-mws sampaw m mmah Telluduh Pellama [701 Kewujudan panama Hzhm‘ msem dalam kes pendakwaan Iagw Dlsahkan uleh sps bahawa Tenuduh Kedua man sswakan karma kepada Hahm pada harl kuaman ram ml mengxkat pmak Pendakwaan kerana Ia dmmbulksn flan kelerangan saksl meveka — mink kes 1» v Ha ha Kun (mu) 3 cm 71, on Mzka ada kemungkman walak Hllxm bukan vekaan (finflousj [71] Peguam te\ah hevhmah bahavwa ke|erangin SD4 uan sns nampak SP1 membawa keluar dadah max dlpenksa ba\as aleh plhak Penflakwaan Twdalquga amankan hahawa mhak pohs ads pelgw ks lumah Tenudun Kedua kerana Pandakwlan hdak menamkan xewumaan Iaper.-n Wlvs ms 22 sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! 172] Saya dapzu. whak Pendakwaan ada mencadangkan kepuda Terluduh Panama, sm mm 505 bahawa «am sw «mm: menjumpax barsng kes m mmzh Tenuduh Kedua am vekaan kerana mengikut ms‘ uaaa barang sa\ah man duumpal semasa pemzviksazn mwat din meveka udzk berxelujn Se|elah menyemak nn|a kelemngan‘ waapau nmak Pendakwaan ndak meny:1a\ ba\as tau ml kepsda Tenuduh Kedua Mengenal sue pula‘ pihak Pendikwun mink belpeluang mm menyoal hams mm m. aias kegagalan unmk mengesannya [13] Sungguhpun begnu‘ seya bevpendapal, huuan D25 dxkzmukakan oxen pmak Pemnexaan adakah uniuk menyanggah ke|emngan sw yang menguakan pasukan sevbuan Ie\ah (ems bavgerak balnk he IF-‘D Sen Mam pads malam |alssbu| sedsngkan ada semuan lam dmuan [74] Selerusnya, lakia bahawn sm, sns dan sns secsra kunsislen mengaiakin ads mehha|SP1 membawa am having mg menyerupaw beg yang fllrampas, mamamkau kreammu ss-1 semkimmaxarkama sm Vangsung lvdak menyanmh Iakta benzwa hahau dan pasuksn ad: pergl ke mmah Tertufluh Kedua Naratil mi pammg kerana susulan dan nu, persoalan mg hmbm adzlall mengenal ramalan kelzvangan barana Keys [75] Jwka pmak Fendzkwaan hdak menankan sevbnan lawn ad: dxbust semeslmya penjelasan mengenaw keberadaan baring kes yang helum dllandakan mmaxvumxan kapadz Mahkamah Tanya maK\uma| mengena. kawa\an barang Res sebemm SP1 sampaw ke mu‘ saya (idak none» menulup sebelah maca em memhua\ mlevan Ianya dalam jagaan SF1 [151 ms lalah dmux kepada spa dan bellau wga tebh mengesahkan kewugudannya Fercanggahan kmevangan sm. swz flengnn D25 perm duelasksn Saya menquk kepada s 91 Ana Kelemgan dan keg Ah M: v PP[1.v51)1 Mu 22:1, Namun begun, dalam kes ml. hada penmaian man mbuax o\eh svc rm wamaun sna (Amwrul) gagal maawa a\eh pmik Pendakwaan semasa kes Pendakwaan, namun behau lelah benaya msapma \m|uk kes pembelzan waxauaagamnapun, usal pemanksaan mama, kanamran Amvm lehh gagal an umskan aleh plhzk Pendakwaan dan kmemngannya Malt dapal dlperiksa balas men plhak Psudakwaan Fembelann bemmah flan szya se|u]u bahawa kesdaan W cexan member! kesan kepada m\a| keuennan Kerlersngannya yang mana zkan mamvrajudnskan xenuaun. lertuduh ketana ke|erangzn sna menyokang pembelaan bahawa dadah hdak duumpaw da\am karela mam cu mmah Terluduh Kedua uan bahawa pada nan Kajaduan Halwm ada aacang menyerahkan kerala Mercedes sehemm benam dalam sebuah kere1aAIphavfl puhh [75] Mengenaw an kagagaxan pvhak Pendakwaan memasnkan kehadvran saksl Amllm mu. aaya meruwk kepeda kes ‘n Cnuee Hizng v PP [1955] 2 ML./ 431,dm-zsna Mahkamah Agony ta\ah mamumsxan, amara Vain‘ ‘WM: me vroseaunw ha: a cum;-Lat: aaamn .a in ma maybe at mmssas in n. clued It me man. u msu nas the duty In an an necuury wwnesus essenlm za the ufloldmg or in: natntive a! me pruseumou case to eslahflih pmm¢ lhe necused beyond an mwnanne awn: Aum vury mm, m. pmnecuwr should makn mum . ’ bl: Var cmsscximlnallon by an- amna. n ma pmseculnun lafled In mm m my. ma Iuculed must he newnes- —Penekanan dvlambah [79] Saya mga berpendspal bahawa Armrm aua>ah aaxa yang manna! dan pemmg unluk mekangkapkan nzrahl kes pendakwian uan yugn pamneman aexexan isu kamungkinan man duumpaw when m tempa| kepdlan aanagannana dalam perluflnhan dmmbulkan Mungkin vanya syn HPLuMcu4Ema1AsHaIuuA «-ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mums dun-mm vu mum an.‘ max hegim penlmg semasa ken nendakwaan‘ namun se1e\ah dmmbmkan lakva yang beycangganan, ketevangan Amm meruadl relevan dan kagagaxan mengemukakannya msmmxenkan saya mengguna mm: mcara unmk mengangnap kelerangan mum yang bakaldnkemukakin alsh Amlml Udzk mamihak kepsda pmak Pendakwaan Say: dengan Im mengguna pike! anggapan dmzwan s114(g)Ak(3 xewangan [so] Dalam ks: Amrl Ibrahim A Anni. V‘ PP [1017] 1 cu 511‘ Mahkamah Pesekuluan |e|ah mamutunksn, anxnm lam ‘<2; The pnwer m 12-: own m draw an Idvane Wevunca undar 1 mm ov me Ewdnrvce M: E dnscvsnnniry u dnpendx an me n:\n:ums(Inoes on me can and pamzmarlyln casuwheveme mmedal wnlnossss an, um pruduczd - [51] Adalall lugas an bahu pmak Pendakwaan unluk memnshkan saksi yang dwawalkan Kapafla Pemhalaan dlkemukakan Saya meruwk kapada ks: PP v Rasli bln ymomazv) 7 cu m, dipuluskan aleh Mahksmah Paisekuluan yang telah mermuk kepada hulahan peguam (dalam kes lelssbul) yang mm telah d\perse|u]uIsepeI1I benkur 1221 n suppofl at In: suhlmulun rehunce was mm an m. Enahsh Caun Cnmmzl Anne]! use M R '4 Marine Henry Bryant s Ann\‘nsr{194E)31Cr App x us‘ where the Cum rsaunmsu that me prosewnun ha: . du|y m max. a pawn ma an we mama: mam. xv lble Ia dflencs w may dead: ml m can mm m} Leamad nnunsel msu menu us to the pve»Mnme«i ms: M van Lee Yang V R [195s| 22 MLJ «:14 when: we Cami nan: that an witnesses mm nataemanls have been laken ihntfld be bvaugm In Caurl by me mewuw‘ excem muse whoa: Ivmeme mu may and omwy mm rm hgm an me pass, and any wwmess ml sn brought CD Cmm m\n| be made avaname to ma nucused should he dulrem can such Mines; [211 Yhnappmlinlveflsfl heavfly on lhadacmun uHmsCaumn n owe: many vFF[1E95jJCLJ < Mlereln Ihscuulse own judgment Edglv mean J1 nu 25 sm npwMu.4zm.asna.m mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mn.u.y mm: mmn vu mum pans! also wAh zppvlwil pessnfies rm». me Aumnan cue cl ammm V a mm m cm Ha. wherein: m. nlex::evp|Ieads {:1 page 5; — ~ §IcDl\dVy,Il1IvI\xvuom for same dehale as In what .. mum :7, me npenmg wum: an the sulemenl and n mum mu be mad as {nhwbmng me msaetmn mm was pmsacmnr nus not m an \n the Cmwn can my eymmlness n he wins m.unm.mmu.m.....mvw rwlcnmllfi hIm.=.s,lo1nx:mpLe,vmnr- hr wnmwes man the wings: .s m : creams and trulhnd wxms m (ms mm In: pmseculor wm arvsuva mnne .m.m .. grven ma oppanumly in 2:1! mg wn1nau'[5Ie mm um Ymmg Sun Y mu: Prn1:culnr|19SA]2 sm 2571 [251 lumed amines! mm xubmnled out me cnnstquence at 1»: vvveaounwvx fiawlura m mm mmme mm wntnlax-5 la the defence Vs a mu mime aupeI\IM‘s ngmm . Immil and the ipyeflam had been dlpnvafl an ovpnrlumly in wcseul Ms case m the run mnrmurn puuxble vmlh . mw In aecunng an aaqunlal (See :2. Kwan Wan V PP[2W1| sou 53: Fe)‘ [B2] sememsnya a. muka macaw‘ 69: man 693 -ml Dug m mar Spec! me m amine! mm, mm pmsecumrs are under mam weH-defined dune: mummy my duty vi msdosure (pea ; an at u. cpc), 1u)dmymr.Il\ .ummmeanu rdavvwlwnnusas nm11M)dmylncunour.1 me me «my (See R v Eank:[I91e]2 xa an R V SugIlman(19E5)25 Cr Ape R ms nu Mummm Kaaarm Anulhevv F'P[2D‘M]3S|.R1205) (as; m mmw, :1 Is tamed Viw based an the aulhonlwuzwad In LA! by Veumed mum Vanna lpveflinl \n W: Iuhrmslmu man he umsecunnn has dlvcvehnn whether «a HH any plmcmlr wvlness‘ bu! such dlucvalmn u sumem to ma hmlhbnns m my me dsuvaun musl be exerased mm dun ugam m ccnsmetalwonx ulmmcxs and ma ram and my um wllnuniwho ma been vmahqitnfl Ivy ma puke: um «um wnom me suhemants have men resumed mus! ba mm nu ma neleme sm »«=wM.=.4zm.msua.m «mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! [451 n 15 mle law on. n u nu! ma dmy al ma ippsflanl w plvua ms mnnuenbe av n can . pnmcmar Mines: Io iuppun nn aaoam (see Yun Foe Su V pp [1967] 1 LNS17E,|1§s7]2 ML! 19 am Sandi: Margavel anm Prn577)1 ms 1 n 1197311 MLJ 721 The ‘aw mica: upcm me pvasecunonma bmdernu pm gmll am. :ppeHin| beyand leasuname doublxnd nu| an ma nppeflanl m pm ms mnnbence wauannannnaa .n gxmspludenne Is ma me man the oanwchon mmlwveflinlmuslles|noIanl11ewa:kn:ssuHhe deiemnebmon In: strength at me pvusecmwon ma an.-awe n the burner am av nu! annnnn \:w' [as] Mengenav nna. kelerangan Arnnm yang Kvflak mac a: scan balas clan pmak Pandakwaan, saya msvuwk kepadn kes Kamalan Shtlk Mohd v pp 12:21:14 cu m flan bersannu dengzn pandangan flan kmian yang annwx men Ham mengenai kapantmgan seseamng saksi unluk an soak Dams dengzn panun (compma) oleh pmamnnax dalam sasuan. pmswdmg ,enayan Keadaan .n. menumukkan betapa penungnya lngss Pendakwaan unluk memasukan kehadwan Amvul Oleh kerzna kalerangan Amlvw not tested by wny av cross examfmarron, wanyi lelah mempuanmuskan keduadul (enuduh kerana kelarangan Am\rul konswslen dengan ketevangan sm am 505 [341 Dalam kas ml, says berpandzngan. say: maum bnleh menenmz kelaangan A.-mun, wa\aup<m dnanaxan sehagaw sehahagian 1pamaY) namun aengan aaanya kelerangan yang sama dari saksl lam, kelevangan Annm: Ialap Ielevan den boleh dlmlaw seadanya. [as] Sekzdar unmk mebngkapkan, saya mannux kepada kes Thai/anamln En subramaniam v PP (1997; 3 cu 150 dzn memjuk kepada pnnslp yang mpmnskan oleh Mahkzmah Persekuman sepem dlbawah 17 am HPLuMcu4Ema1AsHaIuaA “Nuns snn be used m van; .. mn.ny mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! -n was :« ma aacuaaa In an. an mnaoem a>(p\an:nnn wmch me Conn cnmmaveu male \|ke\yII1anm7l Dltnwlstme we unab:\anwnIpvnba|u\mu ma mslapphed wn mu pmctedmgi PPV Vuvarap [1959] 2 Mu as Pc' [as] Juga mermuk kepida kes Public Proucutor v Iskandar bin Manamid Yu.:oI(ZWS] mu 559. lalah dlpuluskan behawa V m 21 M ma aamsa M ma dshncl mp ma accused person nu. had Ifleged man the bag wmch comamed ma drug: Wu awed by one Nzstan. a mum wmu mu vnxanaa . nae Hum mm (ml mm TM: yam had manlqed In make me ms uapa Gunny me aanvuuun, luvmg the managed person evenruafly stunned Ind bemg hem Ieqpmmme lot I11: aaanaanaa mcnmmllmg Hem wxm ma Auwwny m the muses pemun gwan under mun. ms awaanoa mu men! saunas aansmananon lI| flan: 3| no sin: m ma Manna win he Impuached The pzmnenl quesflon naawaa «a ma msarved thus was. was In pnssdfle man the mystevwoux Nulanmfl praaaawexm, ann mu maqesnlncflml avananw zlhmad In In mm as a pasxpan In escape in: charge’! AA mu slug: av me aavanaa man. wax na man! demand that M m\mVn:1ulHy wove Nissan um anal NI na naaaaa in an wu In mace», pevsuade ma pvummg wage of max pmhibthly lmexucueeded mm en a aawanca avpnaaammy (hos: dmgl mum we been Hassarfi. ma mexmalflyeycnelaung mn- [371 saya belpendapal. din kesemmahan keuerangan yang dwkemukzkan da\am pamnaxaan, any: man hevsllat panaman den penuxnan «erxemuman le|apI lalu kemungkman mmnabmry) Ksrrmngkman Im juga Ie\ah mmangkan kepada sakan pendakwaan lag: [ea] Puhak Pendakwaan bamwah memhawz kepada pemauan saya mengenaw knaannlm saksn pemhelaan yang mkaxakan aemcnva dan bevkepannngan Says dzpah, fakva bahawa sus max dapnl menqasahkan Halim pevgw karumah Yenudnh Kedua menam kerela apa max meruzdikan sns bukzm szksw yang kradxhelalau seomng saksuyang berkepenflngan ann beta! sabe\ah Pads: pendzpal saya wga‘ soe (Ammnl) lmak membenkan kelelangan yang saracms axau menuruukkan as am HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA “Nana am.‘ n-nhnrwm n. LAIQ4 m mm .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm vu mum am swa: bvas alau mempunyaw aganda lelsendln hanya kerana memhenkan kelersngan yang mammax kepada |enuduh-larluduh m. aflmah kerana ksmungkman vevsx meveka lpembalaan) ad: benamya dan telah memhuat saya hearing as In me correctness 0/ me cone/us»on (umuk sabitan) — ruwk kes Salmln yang dxruiuk dv atas nntuk maksud ‘reamnsbls daubf. Kulmpulnn [39] Say: helpendapal hanawa kewuwdan 025 flan ueaerangan sum sus :13" we memadwkzn ramauan kalemngan baung ks: Ierpums kevana max duelaskan kebsrauaan harang kes dadah yang fluampzs damn lempah masa (arsehm Pevcanggahan qkexemngan sm, sns aan snay dangan xexerangan SP1 dan spz sens tanpz peruelasan oleh msrska‘ memmkan «am: Aersebul sa|u landa tanya flan memadlkan pmomny hzhawa dadah dqumpal dwmah Tenuduh Ksdua senagamana ueeemngan semua saksmksx pembexaan ad: ksmungkman benzrwalaupun hdakmyaklnl kabanarinnyi Says memguk kepada kes Ganapathy Renwasamy V PP mm; 2 cu 1, yang menyehul «n ma. |o n. nmcmband Inn hnwevtr w-Ik . dflumu mly be. um 1-aw Iulng juduu L11 bo1nlazunfl\xw:nou\d mrljusl mm. mann- dllencn an mu hash um um nmsucufleu wimnun m m be bellevvcd um not an m...;.. Where In: law «zit: the aims :24 gmng an axbtananun upon In accused pawn, and me explanihun Ixgwun mm 15 msmn: wan vrvuacgnca‘ m. mun a duly hmmd m wnsldcr wlmhnr n mm VI scmhly :1. cm, allhuunh nvl carmncm of It: Innh. On In: Issue at am calm‘: dulym cansldurmn .1 mu, ms nu old dnlnlnn 1.. MIN PP new 1 ms 52 [\9s3| Mu 2631: sill! good Llw is u wu «mu. mu lufluvmd uy m. supmm Enutl m Momymzd Rnam hm mm V PP [1951] 1€L.IR¢p 211, (199113 cu am, mm: ML1 159' —Penekanan dnambah [so] Saya ulang, dlpenngkal pembexaan, hanya reasonable dnubl penu mkemukakan Maksud rsaxurlab/s doubt (nuuk kes s-mun) udalah Sam um: wmclv makes you hssviate as to me correctness, slteryou mm lu/Iy Investigated ms swdsnce and compared :1 m all its part, you say 1.7 ynurselfl doubt n he .5 gum Konumun (911 Make, se(e\ah memmbang fakta kas Dambalaan dengin parsvekln yang new snflzvas dengan kemrangan kes pendakwnan. saw no not acwn! ar be/rave me accused‘: sxplamanon but nevertheless yr rursas In my mm a reasoname doubts: m rm gull! (Mn v PF'I1953)15 MLJ m) [92] men yang demvklan, unluk perluduhan panama‘ dlbawsh : 35(3), kednauuz tenuduh hanaya mengskss anggapan pengedzran dlbawah s. anua) afas Imhangan kebarzngkallan dan dengan nu banayl mennmbwkan kevaguan yang munasabah Aarhadap kes penflakwaan renummanuuun dengan ml uuepasxsn din dlhshaskan dan permduhzn panama [93] Manganav pammuhnn kedua‘ mwaupun szya hevnuas nan‘ darn panzuacan Terluduh Panama malankan dvn din didah duumpan dwbadannya, pembelaan gagal menaflkan sebahnguan e\emen kesalahzn dwbawah 512(2) namun‘ oxen «um [emu mpumskan dwalas bahawa rinman kaerangan nmng kes |eVah lerpuhts. maka Vanya man mevwlqudkan kalnmpangan da\am Kai pendakwaan Walaupun fakva |evsebu( hanya mhuknkan semasa kes pembelazn (lakla percanggahan D25 dangan kanemngan sm dzn nasn penahhan kelerangan smsmy Maka Tenuduh Panama mg: dllepiskan dan dlbebaskan dari pemmuhan kzdua sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! [9] sm tumn dam kendevaan uperzsi flan marnnerkanaflxan am sebagai anggma was Salah seorang dsrlpsda nga (ay saspek Velakx Melayu mam mslunkan am ke alah mar ruman 51:1 belsama uga 43) lagw inggora bemndak n.ange,ar le\zk| Iersebul dan mamben arahan kepada SP2 dan um Laa An Shm agar herads dx nampac kejadmn unluk manga».-ax dua 42) law saspek lemkl Mehyu yang lawn [cu] SP1 lelah benaya mermngkap saspek Celsehux sanalan nyengqar smauh nrak mo meter ke arah kamsan |aman pannainan kanakakanak sm kenalkan mu kepada saspak aan haw pemenksaan lubuh naaannya menjumpai salu 41) peKe( plasuk hnslrmr aiayam dadah syzbu (F123) dalam poke: hadapan kanan seluav Imam (P143) yang mpeksv saspak yang kemudlannya mcamkan sebagaw Muhamad Ran bin Rasflm mm; Tenuduh Penama [11] 5:21 kamnmannya mzmbawa Terlufluh Panama ke hadapan mmah Na 94 aamula flan due (2) saspek Vain (elah d:kena\ paw ssbagsx Muhammad Nanafi bin Mahd Aznes waxlu Terluduh Kedua flan saspek keugz sehagai Annnn Aflan Fahrm hm msnarnmsmn (Am I) [12] Pemeviksaan badan lemadap ran-mun Kedua dan Amwul max manemuv aaa-apa harang sa\ah Namun, pemankaaan ke am Terluduh Kedua nalan dwjumpaw sa|u kuncl elekhomk berlamhang Memedes(P15A) dw paket naaapan sebalah kanan semar panpang kelabu mac; yang dwpakaw alan man (131 sm xexan mengarahkzn Tenuduh Kedua mengakmkan mm Mevcedez Benz dengzn nombcr panaanaran wvmzs (P15) yang mparkn wemn kuvang 5 kakl darlpafla mman review! 591 kemudlan manmankan pamenksaan ke alas kenderaan terxebul din dw dalam banal menjumpai 1 Deg karwas mm. mm (Pwxy yang an flnlamnya 4 an HPLuMcu4Ema¢AsHaIuuA "Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; me mn.u.y mm; dun-mm vu mum am [941 Vsu vamawan kalemngan baring kes wm wga lelah memban Kesan kepada pambukuan mewampam karaguan munasabah umuk peflumman kelxga yang man; hdak begun amen nemanan men keduadua beflah pnhak flzkam Ilujahan maswngmavlng Sungguhpun beglhl, saya herpem1apa|. Ianya |elap Ierkesan. Mm, keduz—dua tefluduh ]uga mlepasxan aan dwbebaskan aan permduhan kulvga ml Banankh s Novembev 2023 |NOOR HAVAYI a Pesummayz Ks knman Mahkarnah Tmgg Mzkayz Jnhorflshm Ferwakllan » Ezgl plhak Pendakwaan Fuan Sm uamza mm Abdmlah nmbaxsn Fenflzkwz Raya Pejzba| srenasmat Undang—Undang Negev: Jnhar Ares 2, Bzngunan Data‘ Jaalar Muhammad Kola xskanaav, lskandar Pmsn Jahm Bag: pmak Tenuduh Penama Puan Lymanu h|n|| Mansov Lydlana Law Chambers AA‘ Ja\an Lembah 1 Taman Desa Jaya 81100 Jnhor Bahm Jahnr 31 sw »«=wMq.4zm.asuam «-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! Bag! pmak renumm Kedua Encwk mm Fazaly Ah bm Mam Ghazzly The Law Chambers ol Filmy No 24AJa\an caman Taman Perhng mun Tampal Johov sw »pwMu.4zm.asuam «ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm mengandungw enam (5; kemlan mampzf bemalm pIastiklutsmar|P11B) disyakw ganja Semmsnya pemenksaan IanMSP1 mm: manwmpan salu Wag: beg kenas herwami cuklal henuhs mm on m (mm mengandungw ma kemran mampa| belbalul plasuk \usinaI(P12C) juga msyam ganja m1 Pemenksaan a. daiam karma mun meruumpzw sekapmg mu (FHA) lenulls name Tarluduh Kedua ylng hersrrnpan dw buhagwan ‘am! ms!‘ sebalah Km pernanau Pemenksaan m hadapan mmah pula, bevdekalan kellgz-:—uga meveka (keduz—dua lenuduh den Annnm berkumpm, SP1 meruumpaw due halal plasnk Vulsmal yang mangandungr cecarr d\syak|ukelum(P13A can mam [<51 Pemsnksaan satamsnyn dwbuat m man as Temmun Penamn m damm rumah Na 94‘ yang melupakan mman kemarnan kelnavga Terluduh Panama balsam: mu bans dan vslennyn, hdsk menemu: aDa~ apa baung man 591 an spz kemudlarmya bersama—sama kadua—dua lenudnh darn Annmn bevgerak rnanam Mamsdez Benz memuu ks Wu San Nam uh ulah kandaraan unerasv. [we] on M) 5enA1am‘D€ny9d\ain dokumen nan penanaean barang kes flnbual oleh sw dan dakumewdakumen berkailan mseraman kepada Pegnwai Penyiasay lnsp Mend Hafiz bin Human (spa; paua keasnkan hannya, 225 mu jam mam kmang 7 malam my spa menghantiv baring xss xe Jabalan Kmui din haul anshsa menaesahkan twang kes yang mmmpas adalah dadah berbahzya saw (a) cannams bevy! bersm 3942 15 gram m Mllragymne beral bevsm 1950 ml m Memamphemmme halal bersm 24 34 gram 5 syn npwMu.4zm.asnam mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dnpltnn mu keg Pendakwaan [ta] D1 penngkavl akmv kes pendzkwaan, salu kes prlma facrs sebagznmzna mperunlukkan dmam $13007 Karwn Talacsra Jenayah (KN) perm uwmxan olah pmak pendakwaan flan kemrangan mm: mg bo\eh dxpercaysn dan kredwbel yang mana uka hdzk disangkal akan membalehkan saman dlhual (rwuks 150 («p KTJ flan ks; Abctullnn Ann Iwn pp (mo) 9 cu 151) [191 Ungkapzn “msngemukakan kelerangsn kukuh yang membukltkan setup aazu Yak!orkesaIamin"da\am 5 mm) belmzksud hahawa plhak permakwaan perm menmuknkan senip alemen kesalahan sama ada dengan mengemukakan kelerangan yang mush mpamayau, membuzt mieren Qemsdap ram alau menggunapakaw anggapan \mdang—undang umm kes AbdulI.ahAmn dw muka suraI196) [201 K95 puma Iacfe va\ah kes yang nuancukum un|nkIer1uduh4er(uduh mpanggu unmk mamawab penuduhan kealas mereka dan ketevangan yang wxemuxakan mencukupl melamkan wa d|szngka\ alau dnzkas malalm ketelangan lam (hha| kes salaahandnn v PF [ms] 1 cu :5) Dalsm kes Dug cmng Huang Mn PF mm) 4 cu ms, panflangan Vmcent Mg. J |aIah mnnuk flan msahkan men Mahkamah Persekutuan da\am kas Abdullah Ann mengenaw apa yang |erjum\ah sabagav satu kes pnma fame sap-em benku| < prim: lama wrflence 15 zvmsnce mu .5 §\M<:\em to eslibush a fact In ma Absence at any evvwdetloe m the camrary nm a Hal <:an<:\u:lv: 1 wmld mum mu mere shmnd he cn:¢m\e evwdenw on each and every mgvadvanl av ma ellence Cv5d>b\e wmanca n cw/wdence wmch Ms been filtered and when nas nan: mnmgn the pmcsss av zvaluannn Any ewdenoe which m not uh «n be amsd upnn shank! be n.,aa».a- [211 sew juga senagznnanz mpumskzn rfleh Mahkzmah Rayuan dalam kes Loo! Kow char v. Public Pnmcuror 1200112 MLJ 55. yang mengalakan sepem henkut -u mererove «cum Irm mere ws onw one exams; ma| a was Imng mane Lmdgv 5 wan aims are hush: umterulve alme muse anne umsecmmn use He musl subleu me prosscufinn emdenoe to mzxlvvum wamanon and to ask hlnvl-N Ins quesonn n : mm to can uwn (ha nwusau in enler ms defiance and he e\u:Is ta mnan swarm am n pvepalad In cunmcl nnn an mu mm», at me avmenne umm m we pmsecmlun mew w the answer .5 .n ma nwnlwz than no puma line can has been made man and ma accused mum be enlmad la an nequmm ‘ [221 Maka. daham menenmkan pembukuan kes prima /ame, salu penllalan secava makzlma pm dxbual (erhadap kesahuuhan kaumngan huklv yang mkanwkakan (armasuk menus: uraammu saksw-saksl am manna! Inleren yang huleh dlbual dan keterangan mu kes pendakwaan unmk memhuklwkan selian elemen kesalahan (nuuk kes PF V Mnhd RldxIAbu smrlzaaal 1 CLJ 457) KM Prim Facln 1231 Katavanqan wxn yang perm mkemukskan uncuk kesakahan pengedavan flndah berbahayz dn umn 5 sea (1) (2; ADE zdalah bahawa dadah yang dirampas adalah dadah berbahaya seperlv yang dlsenarawkan aavam Jsdunl Panama ADE, In udalah dmam pemmkan kedua-dun Ienuduh apabfla dmulnikan dadah zdalzh :1. bawah jzgaan, kawalan dz-In pengeflalluan mereka uan setemsnya. meveka mengedar dadzh l:rsuhu| Psngediran bo\eh omuknkan dengan kelerangan langsung berdasarkan (alsvan pengedaran m bawzh seksyen ZADB alau anggapan m nawan seksyen :7 (Ha) syn npwMu.4zm.asnam mm smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dsdah aaaran yangterssnaralA11./adus/Psnama man sepsmmsna yang dkisfinastkan drbawah ADE [24] Jems dan hava| dadzh lalah msaman dan d\'buk|vkan dan kanarangan SP5 nan Laporan Kmua yam dwsedxskan‘ we sebauawmsna dalam Denudnhnn Ianu Isms cannams aeran berslh 394216 gram, Mllmgynme beral bevsm 1950 ml dan Melhamphetamme beral bevsih 2A.34 gram. [251 Peguam kedua—dua |erIuduh bemulah nanawa vaMa\an xemnaan harang Res lelah (emulus can wujud pevcanggahan xewangan sm dengan Vapalarflzpcrzn polls yang dlkemukakan an Dzwza Paguam mancadangkan bahawa pasnkan serbuan max (ems hergerik xe urn Iatapl raven melakuxm use (3) semuan lam mlempm yang herasmgan [251 Jug: mmuankan hanawa uaaa kelsrangan flan manadnana saksl mengenm keberadzan dadah yang dlrampzs dan duamskan ianya da\am kawaxan din ngaan sxapa pada mass serbuan ax Iakau lam auaxuxan, [27] Oleh karana vsnandaan dan nmaangan masm bemm aubuan semasa semusn amuan :1! ma Vokasl Lam mu, make mmalan kelerangan barang kes man lerpmus Kegzgalan inn mewmudkan kelurnpangan dalzm kas Fandakwaan dan mancalar kredvblw saksv pendskwaan [23] Pzda penngk ' , m hadapall say: adalah kanamgan dan asks: pandakwian yang mana max mauuukan Ida kemungkman mernpunyal max yang Izaak havk alau mom unmk mengenakan mana—mana lenuduh men an, saya menanma xeaevangan meveka sehagal hensr dsn kcnsmen Cadangan Deguam fluengenaw kemungklnan lerpulusnya ranman kelerangan harang kes semalamzla wmudnnya serbuan rain, setakal ml mzsih Ixdak meflmaskan Dembukuan pad: |ah=p nrrma ram sw »«=wM=a.4zm.«asuam «ma am n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm vu .mm v-vrm [221 Make selakat penllalan says hevdasarkan ke|erzngan szksi pendakwaan. says dapzm selelah dadah dwampas aleh svu, (andaan amuse dw pegabzu nalkulwk kemudlan dxserahkan kepada pegawai penymsan, spa yang selarusnya menghamar hsrang kes unluk ' oleh arm kvma. svs, ahia [an] Barang kas yang same: man mswmpan a. star penywmpanan barang us sahlngga dwkemukakan ke mahkamah pad: nan pemcman (nquk kss Gunnlan Ramlchzndrln v PF (2004; 5 cm 551 — - the cham of swdsnce IS mats rmponarvl for Ms penhd /mm ms hme afrecovety mm me camprsoan nflhs analysis by the charms! '; 131} Make dengan nu, saya mandapan bahawa ranlalan kelerangan barang kes max lerpulus dan pmax pendakwaan man heqaya memhukukzn slemen jams dan beral dadzh sebagaimana ds\sm psrluduhan (mmxan ma dmuzt menglkul kes smnnz-mmul Guam y. FP[1u1l] 1 on N din Su Ah Ping 1/. pp [1579] 1 ms ma) Permltkan tsmadap man [321 Eerkail kepsrman memnuknxan rarmmn pemmkan, pmak pendakwaan perlu mengemukakan ketevangan bahawa kedua-dua Aemduh mempunyal kawa\an aiau .agaan sena psngelanuan (emang dadah yang dwjumpav (hhal kss emu Fun Leon v. PP[1955] MLJ 231). Mahkamah dalam kes Chan Pun Loan Augie man memuluskan bahawa “ a person rs smd to be m possessrun :1! a (mug fl hs has the power an den! wnn u as the owner :9 the axe/usmn ofell othel pursans - [33] Maksud "cusmdy", "cnmrol" and “pos:essxon" Kelah mmncangkan flalam kes Leaw Nghu Lrm v Red [1555] 1 mm, yang mane mpenx swam benkul. ‘Custody means ha»/my car: ovguardwansmp‘ goods -n cuswdy an m m. cam at me cusludmn and.|1y neressary <n\D‘Ica\\nu us xa new cars or mm on hehill m wmnom aka Ya: mm um an m gums Imhsss ycm knmr were they Ire and have me mans ovexatmima emu: war mm Cuflhw lhevefom Imvhes knmdadgl um. .m...=. am wmvubmm -mus gmd: and pm-e< nrcunlmr uvermam‘ nMamnun1m9 In Poisasnnn comm muslbeprwedixa Vanaltdwlmuitavwsafirnmlhamhnun mmapaum us me quads. Ineiflocnve er mm may am muluband Fvabilflythe mos! mam demnmon any-uumn up 'Yhe|e1aIzcn at a peach he athmg mmmr. he nuyll N) p\Iuum axamue nut‘)! mm: :5 me am my o! In: my «mus, nu ma axduslon at ulnev verso... “ Ymxdafimnun dues n-1| expvess. Inn Man my mum meaning oflhewotfl Include: sums m knmdudga A mm mun kmzw 9412‘: exwslence no . unmet ma have same men at us vmereuboms were he can exams: my comm! mar m m mum wsxeqsmn mmay. xmphu same knawtedwe hm nmnecessavfly mu orex:¢l><nu»Med9¢' [:41 Mervsena. Dembukhan pengecanuan, Mahkamzh Pusekuluzn dalam kes pm." bin Damn V Public Pruuculur (zoos) 1 cu 717 memuluskan bahawa e\amelI psngecanuan bow: «mm can mm Jan kasimplflan vaxna Pallkan yang dwmjuk mm sapem benkm -vmmmxmueagus very emu a mmmnnream The mmm ham wma» llyl Waranna mkncw/ludge an be dniwn meumm use Incase Hwculfl us suffirierfl for me alusanmon In wave lacks mm mu. m eumd Dmpeny be mm lhzl mu anuned am he mamry krmw\ed9E' [351 Rmgkasnya‘ man "pemwkan' menquk kepada keupayzan pemlhknya unluk bemmsan dengan dadah dsngan mengecuallkan akses m sm »«=wM.=.4zm.usua.m mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Perbicaraan jenayah terhadap 2 tertuduh- terdapat tiga pertuduhan- S.39B91)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, Akta Racun 1952 dibaca bersama S34 Kanun Keseksaan-tempat kejadian di sebuah rumah beralamat di Jalan Sekuntum, Taman Bukit Dahlia,Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru-OKT1 melarikan diri dan berjaya diberkas-dadah di badan dijumpai- pemeriksaan di dalam bonet Kereta Mercedes Benz menjumpai 1 bag kanvas biru IKEA dan bag kertas "Just Do It"-mengandungi 6 ketulan mampt dipercayai ganja- pendakwaan gagal buktikan kes prima facia atas semua pertuduhan-dilepas dan dibebaskan untuk semua pertuduhan.
YA Puan Noor Hayati Binti Haji Mat
09/11/2023 13:56:03 JA-45A-36-12/2020 Kand. 106 S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N iBC484UUxUiIWWulOV8kQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal .m—¢5A—3s—12/2020 Kand. ms zeumnzs ]J'Eb:D] DI MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI JONDW amnu DALAM NEGERI JOHDR DARUL uxzmu PEREICARAAN JENAYAH NO: JA-45A-(35-la)-11I2o1I1 FENDAKWA mu uwnu MUHAMAD RAFI am ROSDIN MUHAMMAD HANAFI am MOHD AZNEE ALASAN FENGHAKIMAN Panglnllln [<1 Keduz<1ua|enuduh\s\ah dfluduh dengan mat beuama mengedar dadah an bawah s a9s<1)<a) Akla Dadah Eevbahaya v952 (Anny can 5 9(1)Ak|a Racun I952 mbaca hevsama s 34 Kamm Keseksazn [21 Tevdapfl nga (3) Defluduhan |emadap meveka, sepem henkm F-mmuvun Panama 1JAr45A—a$1Mo2a — Tan-mun Panama dun Temmun Kzmm 4/uudun nm.nmama) IN xacaaouuxuuwwuwavam -ms Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm 'Eahawa kamu barsamzruma pad: 215 mm, pm Izhm kn-inn n an mllnm m nnflannn mmah No 9:‘ Jilan Sdmmum <4. Yaman auxm mam rm Gudang‘ m dahm dnauh Juhut Blhm m dullm mum John! Dam ‘(aknm Iehah menuedlr dadah wmaya pm: bmm um: gum lulu c......a.. om Mu kamu «aim mnhxukuu sun kesiluhm m mm Seksyen as: may Am Eladah E-erbaluya «:52 flan mm dmnkum m buwan Seksyen ass (2; Anayang xnmndmmhncanasnmadvlzawnh Se«sy:n34 Kanun Keseksaan‘ P-mmun-n mu (JA45A—a7—1z/2020 — nu-mun Paflaml um; ‘Bahawa kamu pada 2152:1211, .m mam kuung 11 4a mum u. hldnpan mmnh No at man Sekumum u, Taman Bum nam Pam smug. a mm mm. Jmur Elihu‘ m mm. Negen Jahor mm Vukzlm man mmxm am.» aemanm beral bemh 24.34 gum mm Imlamphuuminl om. nu klmu mun memunn mu xmnnan dv hawah Seksyarv I212)AkIa Dzdah Bemuhaya I952 dun mm «mm. um um). Seiuyen mm Ann ynrw Plrluduhan Kaila: musaauzaazo . Tmuaulv Panama flan Yam.-tun Kedua duuduh basnma-sums) -Baum Iumu bersamtxama pad: 2: a ma, pm mam kunnn 1: 40 mnlnm a. amp... rumah Na ea. man Sakunwm <4, Tamar: Euiul mam pm Gudang, a. dzlam mm. Jnhar mm m dnrnm Nesyen Jana! Diml Yakzlm lnllnmdnpnndalammnhkankamulawnyang!.ersanava\da\amJ:du:lPnn,:mI din Jamal mg. (Bmxn Pukmvamk) Am mm 125: mu Milruaynlnn s.u..w.x Issamllllll-vain flu-ganlru kamu wan msiakukan um kauhmn u. bawm Stxsyen am An; Raw 1952 my w-n «mum m bawah semen 3242; Kali ‘/ing um: dzn mm. mum. Slksyun 34 Knmm Kzuksurv sm muaouuxuuwwwuwuvakn mm. smm Illfl IVWW .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! arang Vain Gan mampunya. pengelahusn (enmng dzman yang evsaalkan [36] Dahm kes vm. mhsk pendakwaan Isiah mengemukakan Iaklz darn mrem benkut unluk membukukan pamillkzn lamadau dadah 1. xeuua-ans Ierludun nan Amnm dnlmat sedang bevkumpul an naaapnn mman bardakalan dengan kereva Mercedes yang mnakn dmadapan mman yang mana dadah da\am penuduhan panama duumpax dl da\am bonel newakang keveta dan oecanr kelum dalzrn pemmnnan kehga dljumpax hemumplmn mereka berkumpm Dadah anvnm pemmunan keduz duumpai daiam seVua( yang mam: nleh Tammnn Panama Tenuduh Panama dvlangkap seiemh cubs melankan am dan alan umuax uneven aanawa bellau ada pengelahuan mengenau fladah mg dqumpaw Panamuan kad nama keduzrdua lerluduh dw dalam arm mt keruta memhuknkan meleka msmpunyzw zksus |emadID xerexa flan jarak keve|a yang pamn aawam jarsk deksl an naunpan mman Tenuduh Penams wga memhenkan uengelahuan Keoemngan Anna: Anaka Nov Aznn, SP6 warm lunang kepada Termduh Kaduz menyatakan calah membenkan Harem Iersebul unluk kegunaan Tenuduh Kedua sepzruang kehadaan spa an John! aanm sejak hmzn Januan, 2u2o. Hanya «maps: 1 kunm unluk kevela Ievsehln dan |elah flvsevahkan kepada Tenuduh Kedua darn spa mangesankan hahawa kerela |eIsebutadz\zh dw bawah jagaan Temmuh Kedua pads nan k€|advan mlenans syn xacaaouux wwm/am "Nuns am.‘ nun nrwm be used m van; me angwnauuy mm: dun-mm y.. mum am [37] s Kunm keIe(a dljumpaw pada Temmuh Kedua. maka barang kes yang mjwnpa. sdalah dmawah kawalan Tenuduh Keduz sspsnuhnya dan dmam pengelahuannya 7 Mflrugymne yang dwampzs mg: berada an dapan kedua-flu: tenudu ' |u p/am srghlkelrka anenun alen sm Fada penngkal my pihak pembexaan mengaiakan sepem berikm 1 Terpulusnya rzmaall keterangan kes aan Keragunn kepada krednbililx SP1 uan spz. Pemaaxaan hwahkan kelerzngan bahawa selepas serbuan di mman Terluduh Panama. barang kes tevus amawa ke lbu Pe;iba| Polls Daemh Sen Alan: W lndak banar kerina pembelaan |elah mervgemukakan Iapmamaporan pulls n24, D25, nzs yang mamkzuklikan sm max xems pulang ke mu sen mam 2 Teldapal pevcsnggahan dalam kemrangan sm flan spa dan hada peruelasan dlhual man mana-mana saw 3 Pada panngkat wm pembenaan menegaskan bahawz uada keterangan danpada sm akan smpakah yang rnempunyai kawalan darn jagaan pzda bzrang kes dan dua beg mu semasa serhuan dilakukan dv fig: xampac yang benaman 4 Pmak Pendakwaan eenan gagm unmk memanggn Amwul Aflan hm Hshammuddm szksw maaan pmak Pendakvraxan mengaiakzn Annmv max ho\eh member: kaevangan aeas laklur kealhalan man maakang aleh dukumen Fahmn sebagzw peruhakan man ad: sebarang mm. manunjnkkan Armml ‘unfit Io give evraemre“ 5 Pmak Pandakwaan wga gagax unmk mengemukakan keputusan anahs: mnna DNA walaupun mkanakan caman man mamb- syn xacaaouux wwnm/am «-ma s.nn nun nrwm be used m van; ..a nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm VII mum am pzngzlal-man Umukmemenulmmsurl IerIuduh—|enuduh berida bsrhamplran dengan dadah dan meveka been 5 Keaunua (emmuh max mempunyal kawakan aksmsxf pad: kenderaan wvn 129 kerana nzda saksx yang nampak swap: yang membawa keraka lersehm ke Iempal kejadwin Jugs ma saks: yang nampak sama ads meleka ada hevumszn dengan bamng kes dan Mada kelsrangan sukongan sepsm DNA mzhupun can ‘an yang menuruukkan having kes pemah dmvuskan a\ah kedua-dua lenuduh 7 Pmak pendakwaan wga gzgal membuklwkan mat hersama dx hzwah 5 34 Kanun Keseksaan (emadap keaemua oxnemaaap peauuum ca. 3155 Pemuexaan menghupahkan hanawa nada kelerangan memmgukkan mu.-mua terluduh mampurvyaw "prs— arrange p/an” Imluk mengedar dadah aan kehadvan mareka hanyalah semahrmata ‘mere plswnce" 5 Tmflnkan Terluduh Panama melankan um Im hanya se\alI dengan dadah yang duumpaw m da\am kuceknys an bawah S1212)/39A ADE Peruuatan Terluduh Kedua dan Arrwul kehl-waLan "emu max menyumbang kepada pemnukuan wujudnyz pengelahuan tenlallg adanya dadah yang dnrampas om. SP1 kerana M3 mar mereka lahu‘ pasll meteka Inga akan melankan am [an] Undang-undang aflalah mmap bahawz dengan hanya mempunyal jagaan aluu kzwalan ke a\as dadah lersebm lwdak mancukuw unmk memhukukan pemmkan (hhal Inrnhlm Mnllnrnad v. PF (101 114 cu 1) [39] Adalah ma berdassvkan nas keskes dmuan banawa dua esemen yang dvpevlukan LIMHK memhukhkan pemilxkan man kawalan fizxkal dan Lia mes\u1mm;ukxan bahawa mengendahkannya seowarmnan Ia zdalah mum mereka Bag! unsurmerflal .3 syn xacaaouux wwm/am «-um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! axan msns rea puua Derlu fllbukhkan bahawa Cerludulrlevluduh Dermal axan hemasral unmk bemrusan dengan dadah Iersebul (mlsndsd In deal mm ma drugs) (vuiuk kes FF v Abdul Ranman Ah!/[2007] 5 ML! 237 (F0), Chan Pun Lana v PF [1955] 22 ML] 217 Inc); nalam em ksia lam‘ kapeduan unsur fifikal dun menus! tersebul perm wuwd nan dlhukbkan sehemm pem kzn dapzl dihukukan. [AD] D. am has pendakwzan saya mendapzu bahawa keduadua Ierluduh mempnnyai kawa\an dan ;agaan aana pengellhuan mengenm dadah yang auumna. maka Ianya aaaxan dalam mmkan meleka semzsa anangkap [.41] vaaa penngkal nn szya menevima keterznqan sm bahawa Tenuduh Kedua Ie\ah dutahan samasa mluar rumah berssma Amnul flan kuncl karma Memfles yang dljumpaw flan semar Tennmm Kedna mamaawa kepada penemuan barzng kes dadah Cannabis darn banal helakang karara Tarluduh Panama pnva lelah bemndak malaflkan dm dan dadah dljumpaw d:\:m selunr yang mpakaw auahm Fada peungkat W, saya berparmangan naaa sebab urnuk merzg elerzngan sm dan spz (mwk PP V. MnPI.lmIdAIi[19£2]18ML.I 257 um Shah Vrwm Ton v. ;=P{2o13) 1 ms 377) [421 Olah yang uennxnan, saya memmuskan aanawa aamaaaman kapada Ke(erarI§an mg dlkemukakan‘ shaman permhkan dadah lelsehul lelah flmukhkan seczva afivmam Keduadua Temlduh man mengedardadah [431 Bagi alaman psngedaran Imlnk pammnhan panama‘ memandangkan elemen pammxan Devan beqaya amnman maka saya membual dapalan bahawa sa|u kes prfma ram pangedzvan umnknkan bawah seks‘/En 130(4) Kn aenaan pemskauan angaspan bawah u N xacaaouux wwmavakn Nuns s.nn nun nrwm be used m mm In: nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm a. .num Wm sakswn 37(da) ADE (mmk kes Abdullah Man) berdasarkan berm dadah Cannabis yang melamm wax rmmma znu gram (5 37(da)(vi)) [44] Cfleh yang aenukuan, kedua-dun lenuduh (emu mpanggu unmk membela din dan mereka memllm uruuk mamben kstsvangan secara hmumpan xaa P-mbolun [451 Kedua-due lenuduh |eIah membankan hersumpah den memanggwl Ilma (5) bring Saks! awam yang melupakan zhh keluarga mereka dan Amlm kenerangan secara [46] Pada malam 21 52020, keduadua lerluduh dan Amm-I sedan; herkumpm din lepak dv nadapan rumah Na 94, mm Tenuduh Panama Supasukan anggala polvs man membual serhuan pzda anggaran jam 11 an mz\zm aan semass han keiaman. negzva maivh dalam oempan Parmlah Kawaxan Pergevakan Eevsyaval [47] Semssa samuany Tenuduh Panama man me\ankan am can beqsya mlangkap dan mbawa ke hadapan mmah lersahut. Pemanksaan badan acaa kedua-dun ienuduh flan Armml max msmumpaw barang salsh (slaw kemuduan merwmpaw dadah dahm poxecseluar Tsfluduh Fensma [451 Pemenksann pana kenderzan WYR 125 yang berafla herdekman dengan mereka juga tidzk menemul apa-spa harang sa\ah [491 Pemenksaan a. da\am bmk Tenuduh Penama ax aauam vumahnya ‘ugz hdak manamui ape-apa barring salah sanammya SP1 membawa kedua-dua |enuduh flan Amwul ke rumah Tanuaun Kedua ax Na 32, Jalzn Sekunlum s, Tamzn amt Dahha Pnsv Gudang‘ (myuk Vzpman Pulvr 7025) yang mana serhuan ml mam aleh spa sun Mohd Aznee bin AN Malek (hapa Tenuduh Keauay dan sos, sm Nur Az\e\a mm. Mona Aznee (mm .5 syn xacaaouux wwm/am «-ma saw Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum am Tarluduh Katina) mml berada m da\am rumah Terluduh Kedua pada masa sevhuan kevana mavaka (Inggal :1: sum [50] Femenksaan Dada wk Tenuduh Kedua lelah menemm 1 bag mm beflulrsan KKEA flan 1 beg kenas hertuhsan Nike yang mana an dzlamnya duumpal sejumlnh dadah msyakkl gznya salapas pemenman dawn nmk Termduh Keaua, menglkul sm nan sns‘ sw amnax kaluar dari umu nu memegang 1 bag mm henullsan IKEA man 1 beg kenas herlullszn Nike [51] sns .uga mengalakan bahawa nag hum berluhian IKEA dan beg kenas berlullszn Nwke tersebut gmawa oleh rnkun Temmuh Kedua hernama Hahm yang paga masa nu ads dalang ks lumah unmk naqumpa Tarluduh Kedua Dlsebahkan sos makmmkan yang Tenuduh Kadua naaa m rumah‘ Hallm man memmca um umuk masuk ke hmk Tenuduh Kedua un|uk maletakkan dahum harang kelengkapan pevmaman compu(erc1IbII\kTenuduh Kedua dan zkan kambah samma Dada mamm nanh sns nampak Hahm bawa beg mm benuhs IKEA flan beg kenas bsrlulis Nike masuk xe bmk Tenuduh Kedua sebalum memmla mri unmk pmang lanpa mernegang heg—beg |eIsehut lagi [52] Hanna Ideflah mkan Tsrluduh Kedua yang salam amnau datang ke rumah hersama Amlrm untuk hermamin E-Spoil yang dlarwrkan hampw aamap ma\am sn5 wga mngavaxan banawa Tenumm Kedua se\a!u mangaruurkan pelmaman E-Sporl a|as lahan sevem Dma den PUBG aan sememangnya kamasaannya Halvm akan aaxang ke Nmsh mereka nenemh dahuhl unluk mewezaxkan perkakasan permainan darn makanzn aaaemm memmakan pevmaman [531 Talah jug: dlhlqahknn hahawa mjuan ymak pnlis mambual Iarhuan ke mman Teduduh Kedua adalah kerana barang kes hdak pemeh 15 am xacaaouux wwuwavakq «-ma am Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum am ayumpa. dalam kevela wvn <29 sehagawmana kelerangan saksx pendakwaan Analin dan Dapalan cfllkhlr kes Pembelaan [54] Eevdavarkan kepada seksyen 182A KTJ, uka pendakwaan banaya membukhksn kesnya melampaui saharang keraguan yang munasahah, kedIIa—dua |enuduh nenaaman umapau bslsalah din msabnkan Namun uka sananknya, Mahkamah hendmdah mmepas dzn membehaskan cenumm uzuyuk kes Balzchandnn y. PP {zoos} 1 cu :5 aan Monnmad Radhl um Yizcob y. PF (1991) 1 cu Rap 311) [551 Mengenal anggapzn pengadarin dnhawah sama), beban akan harpindah kepada kedua-dua lenuduh mm menyangkau anggapan I/arsebul axas Imhangan kehavangkzhan yang mana bebarmya ada¥=h new heva| dari memmbulkzn keraguan yang munasabah (Muk kes pp y. vuyara/{ms} 1 ms 116) [as] Mengwkul kes Liam Hung Boon y. up [2012] 1 LIVE 1455, Mahksmah Rayuan memuluxskan ‘So me Ippeflanl had in renal m. npevlllve Dresumvfiun .71 Immcxmw uvdev a many Mme am nu ma mam av pwbabtlwex mm xaya ui rebulm maaaa a mghev emdarmary burden an ma anpe\lnn|' [571 Dengan pemzkawzn anggapan dv bawan 5371637 Im jugs, e\emen pengedaran Ievah dlanggap maka kaduama lanuduh mkanaxan msngedar fladah (ersebm semnggz umukukan sebahknys (mm: the canfraryls flmved) Tenuaun-canuauh flengan W peflu mengemukaksn kelerangan yang mencukupv umuk mengakas anggzpan laysebut acaa wubangan keharangkalmn (nquk Ny cnar Km y PP (1594; 2 cm 591 darn Manamad Radhi y PF(1992)1 so» 445;. n N xacaaouux wwm/am ma saw Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. nrimnnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! [59] Ds\am Dembalaan mereka. Iertuduh-(enuduh mengemukakan Iakla mbawah szbagzw mm. sangganan (rabumz/evidence) 1 raaa dadah awnpaz semasa serbuzn dlbuat amaaapan rumah Na 94 2 Dadah Cirmabss hanya auumusx ax ds\am mum Tertuduh Keduay dmlmahnya d\ No 32, Jalan Sekunlum a 3. sakn panmaxaan sm dan sns mengeszhkan sm memegang beg lkaa |urun uan mllk Terluduh Kadua. 4 Saks: sos ma mengalaksn meVma| Ham membawa Deg ban-maan Ikea |erse|>u(na1k ks Tenuduh Kenna 5 sns (Am\ru¥) menaalaksn Dada ma\am xaaman, ma man dxhanlar olsh nakmn ke mman renuaun Panama nan mereka hevmain game Manna Legsnddmadapan mrnzhnya Amnrm [ugz mengalakan saarang yang meraka pinggll sebagax -um datang menghamar kereua Memedes yang dlgunakan oleh Temmuh Kedua. pakw berdekatan dengzn mnan, menguncv kerata dan malelakkan kuncw alas Iembok pager n-man Tenuduh Panama flan beflam pelgw menallu kendevaan Vain (Araham puun) Semasa pnhs dztang membua| serhuan‘ Terluduh Penama melankan dm sus nampix Pohs ambvl kuncl dan atas lambvk uan memenksa keuava Mercedes Seae\sh dflahan xeuga-uga meveka caran dnhawa ke mmah Tenudun Kenna dan selelah memenksaan dI|7ua| dw bllxk Tammun Kedua, sue mangarakan mehha| pohs meluumpaw neg hewarna bvu benullsan Vkea flan Sam beg kenas bellulisan Nike yang mana cam. dwlurqukkan men pafis mengandungw gama 6. Usm Demenkssan uxama namau-p Amm mhax Panaakwaan memahun (ankh lam unluk memenksa naxaa dan menyemak beberapa an yang dmmbulkzn Manangnya Amwul hdak Vagi in am xacaaouux wwm/am «-ma a.nn nun nrwm be used m mm ma nrW\nnU|:I mm: flan-mm VII nF\uNG Wm! dapal mkesan aiei. pihak Pendakwaan pada |ankh henkumya wz\aupun sapma lelih aixeiuai-kan Kegagalan serahan saplna dlkalakan kerana Amiml cam. puiang xe Keiaman dan hdzk iagi flupal mkeaan Maka xaeiangan spa lerhenh saiakac pemenksazn mama lanpa dlwal bales olen pmax Pendskwsan [591 Saya meneml dan mempemmbsngkan keseiunman pembaiaan keduadua Ierluduh dan saks>-saksi pemneiaai. dan oeipemapan, lemiduh-Iertuduh (elah mengemukakan versl yang berbeza dengan kas pendnkwaan iaiapi selan darn dvsokong oxen xeiarangan sm, SD5 aai. 5D6(/lmirul) [ea] Meruiuk kepada xeiemngan sud flan 505‘ darn pengamalan saya dan segi demenaur dim kanslslsnsl kelerangan, saya berpendapal merekatidak mermruukkzn ada herkemungklnan msmhenksn xexaiangan urmik kapenlingan Terluduh Kedua semala-mafia zlau eeigaiang dengan ielas saksi yang berkepenlmgan (mlemsted) alau yang mak man mperzayal iunimsmimyi sagiiu iuga dengan xeieiangan sue [61] Puma pelingkal mi, pemneiaan hanya peiiu menyangkal bllkh pengedaran alas imnangan kebalangkallan dan se|emsnyanya mammbulkan keraguan yang rmmasabah lerhadzp ks: Pendakwaan xeauamia Ierluduh lidak sekadar manafikan ieiapi memhenkan sam versl kejadian yang bane» dilenms nemvama lakls bahawa memang |erdapa| beherapa semuan iam miaxuxan pada nan yang sama bersangkm dengan panangkipan maieka [521 Mahkamah Rayuan daiam supwimanu-nra/Lands nrrdsmveys Kucliing Division v uaiianmi RAmblIK-M12014] 1 LNS m ada mew/abut mengenai lahap pembu n‘ szya pellk sehagai panduan 15 N iEE4EOUUx wwaiavam ma Sum! Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly MIN: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! [53] ‘- Thu aavaaaa ul nmmbmes may he vwsuaflsed is a scale mm ma pmnm plncmg ms zwdenue on nu: ma and ma aeterudam wamaa on ma am ma cm waluavu ma wmanu aa In ma wugm .: clmes ov mun: mnvumbls uvwaenbe names no wewhl nemana mmut ewdenw «a puxmy ma damn! uxamaa can curvy nuwelwm am hence ma ram ‘bale aemar Saya ‘uga mengamhll pandusn makwd -xenaguaa mIm:sahah‘dan pehkln dalam kes PP v sauntn (1911 1 LNS 1 15 sepeni amawan. [54] -u \s ml maa possible «am, because everymmg mmmg tn human awaaa aaa dlpandmq upvm mum aamam .a even to same posmbi: er vuauIna'Y flwbl n V: IMI stale am-a case wmch ans! ma am. aamaamaa Ind aaaaamaaaa at an mama was ma mmds av Mars In men conduun In a men! cenamly M the am av me change in ya. aaam am aam Hut -amaaaaua mum’ is me mm which mam ywu n-silall as to ma comma. M m. cnncllulnn mun. yaa much. :4 unanr your aim: Ind upon your cnvuclenuu mar you um Vully lnvueynnd ma wldcncv and complnd n m an n. aana, you a aa ymnsifl n mm Mlle is gulhy, men 1: V: a maaaam. man u h a mum: wman umu u. ynur judgmum am am: a rlslmy pnaaa mm or a somehmzs smd Imus! b: aaam so mama am aaaazannax 2x to pmducem ma mmdx «:1 ma |umrs aama uucanmnly us to ma man lo he given A reasanalfle daum must be a aouhl ansmg Hum ma ewderme uv want av nmdsrmq and c:mu7| be in wmawury duuhl or oanpeclwv unvedabw w ev\denue' -Penakanan mlambah sexelah menflaw kembalx krsdxbllm SP1 din SP2 dan amammgkaa dennan ketevangan pambexaan, saya aapan vets: pemaaxaan ada kamungkvnan (probable) benar saya menquk kepzda pnnsm asaa da\am kes Ma: v PP (1su)1 ms 32 yang mana pka lakla yang dlkemukakan uleh pamxaaxaan In: men drpercays: maka keduadua (emmuh perm anepaauan Jtkapun (am: yang amukakan alall marvka mak an am xacaaouux wwm/am ma. am nun nrwm a. a... a van; .. nrighvnflly MIMI dun-mm VII nF\uNG perm [31 D\ am kes pendakwaan, saya memumskan hahawa pmak pendakwaan benzya mamhukukan Xe: pnma Yams alas pemmuhan kezlas mereka nan (anuduh-(enuduh mpanggu unluk memnaxa dun [4] saksx awam pembalaan yang Vzinlelah mpanggll D. akmrkas pemhelaany saya menaapan xenuuumemaun bsrjaya mengakas anggavan an bawah s 37 (Ga) den salemsnys benaya memmhulkan keraguan yang Mereka lelah memmh member: katemngan bersumpah dan1imz(5) mlmasabih tamadap kes penflakwaan Maka mpumakan bzhawa pendakwaan Isiah gagal memnukmkan ks: mmampam keraguan mlmasahzh [5] owan yang darmkvany kedua-dua lenuduh |e\ah flflepaskan dzn dibehatkan nan sauap penuduhan ks alas mevska. [6] Pmak Pendakwaan |e\ah merayu ke Mahkamall Rayuan alas kepumsan (ersebul, maka benkut adalah imam says Nlrill kn Plndakwnn [71 Bemndak a«as mzklumal keglatan daflah, pada 21 Jun 2:120‘ yam lebm kurang 11 zu malam. lnsp Mahd Aflzwm Fairuz bin Ramlv (sum hersama bebsrapa anggmanyz lelah bevgsrak ks Vokasn m No. 94‘ man Sekunmm 14‘ Tzmzn sum Dahlm Fun Gudangy Juhov (mmnh Na. :4) [31 Kerela apevasl mpamra. hadapan rumah Na 94 nan sm melmal lerdapal M93 13) nrang max. Memyu seflang bemln den herkumpm dn hadapan vumah (ersehut Persekn:-nan Vukasl kanka nu muarangi cahaya lampu ]alan dzn pagar rumah dalam xeaaaan lerbuka Fads: masa yang sama, sa\ah saarang anggom semuan‘ Sjn Mahd Fawzal bin Ra1aI|(SP2) mehlwafi iebuah Kereva jams Mercedes Eenz parklr aw nauapan rumah (elsebul syn xacaaouux wwm/am "Nuns saw Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. gummy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! mpamayai sekalipum saya max bcleh mensahllkan mereka memnkan ada absan bahawa xlnya gagan memmhulkan keraguan yang munasabah am Manama mum Yaacab I/PP (1921) 2 cu 2011) [65] Says telah mermaw dengan |elm kes pembelaan aan man msmbual dnpmnn sa<a:as dengan 5152A KTJ Sayapxga mermux xevaaa Dinduan Radni m da\am kes Mahmud mam Yukon sapem berikut -n m . wafl uuhluhed rmnm|2\e an Mnmysmn amnmax law max me genera! mean ac pram hes Imroughuul ma Ina! on ma Dvusecmmn in mm bsynnd rl snnihle duum me gum ar Ihe mum ran ma Lmervoe mn vmum na .. durged were 1: no swmlzv human mined on me nursed m pnwe ms mnuuarwee Ne up/esumad nnaaam unm woven gumy Yo eam an aoqmflak ma cue, .; nmary in 12.“: relsunlme duuhl m Ihe pvusacumm case \n ma mwse a~ me proeecuonn saw, me pmxecmmn may clown: My on mnama Ihmlmy mmumphuns In Draw: aue armare M In aaaamm Ingredients at In charge wnan «na« occurs «n. pamcmar um... ac pron! as append In ma ganam burden shm m ma fleverwe to ram sum presumpbans an we balance m pnanannmaa Much Imm ma amends Dam! av vnew u haavmltun una burden ulcaslma araaaenaua mm, hunllwicuwnw hyhnec man he bumon anna mammmn m wave beynnd reawrlnlzle mm [66] Keslmpmannya‘ szya bsrpandaual hahawa xexevangnn bukv kes pemhelazn ada kemungklnan Dena: Sehubungan dengan nu, walzupun udak yak: saya jugs berpendapat keselmuhzn kas namnexaan man benaya memmbmkan kavaguan yang munasabah (emadap kes pendakwaan dan salerusnya memslahksn anggapan amawan s 37(fla) a|as wrlbangan keharingkallan Punilaian kumangan Pombalaan [57] Dadah (perluduhan panama) ada ksmungkmzn lelah mjumpa. an rumah Tenuduh Keduz we 1:) many saksx manganaxan xanyi «mam 11 am xacaaouux wwm/am «ma am.‘ ...n nrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. nr1g\nnHIy mm: dun-mm van mum am mum oxen spa, (mime: uleh sm, sns dan sue) sa|u beg mm benuhsan IKEA dan salu beg kenas hanullsan NIKE sns mangalakan bag nu dxbawa nleh Halvm sebemm Tenuduh Kmua dwangkap Fakla ml yuga mum web sue (Amlvw) [ea] vem buhawn kenumgkman dadah sebenamya hdak duumpzw damn kerela kerana pmak pulvs lelah membua| serbuzn m we (3) Inkasx Iain, txfleh dilevima [as] Padz han kqadian, Tenuduh Kadua pavw Nmah Tertuduh Penama sslalah amanm alsh sD7 Fakla mi disoknng dengan kelevangan so: (ayah Terluduh Perlama) yang nampak Terluduh Kedua datang (Idak menawkl kendaraan Mengvkut sum semasa mum-mula sampm kerela Mercedes (yang dlkalakan ads dadah flldmamnya) mad: :1! lempal parkvr mluu mmah Yermduh Panama Vni menyokung kumungkman kere|a Mercedes Ievsebul sebsnamya mm d\ (empal psklrpafls mas: Tenudun Ksdua mma-mws sampaw m mmah Telluduh Pellama [701 Kewujudan panama Hzhm‘ msem dalam kes pendakwaan Iagw Dlsahkan uleh sps bahawa Tenuduh Kedua man sswakan karma kepada Hahm pada harl kuaman ram ml mengxkat pmak Pendakwaan kerana Ia dmmbulksn flan kelerangan saksl meveka — mink kes 1» v Ha ha Kun (mu) 3 cm 71, on Mzka ada kemungkman walak Hllxm bukan vekaan (finflousj [71] Peguam te\ah hevhmah bahavwa ke|erangin SD4 uan sns nampak SP1 membawa keluar dadah max dlpenksa ba\as aleh plhak Penflakwaan Twdalquga amankan hahawa mhak pohs ads pelgw ks lumah Tenudun Kedua kerana Pandakwlan hdak menamkan xewumaan Iaper.-n Wlvs ms 22 syn xacaaouux wwm/am «-um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! 172] Saya dapzu. whak Pendakwaan ada mencadangkan kepuda Terluduh Panama, sm mm 505 bahawa «am sw «mm: menjumpax barsng kes m mmzh Tenuduh Kedua am vekaan kerana mengikut ms‘ uaaa barang sa\ah man duumpal semasa pemzviksazn mwat din meveka udzk berxelujn Se|elah menyemak nn|a kelemngan‘ waapau nmak Pendakwaan ndak meny:1a\ ba\as tau ml kepsda Tenuduh Kedua Mengenal sue pula‘ pihak Pendikwun mink belpeluang mm menyoal hams mm m. aias kegagalan unmk mengesannya [13] Sungguhpun begnu‘ seya bevpendapal, huuan D25 dxkzmukakan oxen pmak Pemnexaan adakah uniuk menyanggah ke|emngan sw yang menguakan pasukan sevbuan Ie\ah (ems bavgerak balnk he IF-‘D Sen Mam pads malam |alssbu| sedsngkan ada semuan lam dmuan [74] Selerusnya, lakia bahawn sm, sns dan sns secsra kunsislen mengaiakin ads mehha|SP1 membawa am having mg menyerupaw beg yang fllrampas, mamamkau kreammu ss-1 semkimmaxarkama sm Vangsung lvdak menyanmh Iakta benzwa hahau dan pasuksn ad: pergl ke mmah Tertufluh Kedua Naratil mi pammg kerana susulan dan nu, persoalan mg hmbm adzlall mengenal ramalan kelzvangan barana Keys [75] Jwka pmak Fendzkwaan hdak menankan sevbnan lawn ad: dxbust semeslmya penjelasan mengenaw keberadaan baring kes yang helum dllandakan mmaxvumxan kapadz Mahkamah Tanya maK\uma| mengena. kawa\an barang Res sebemm SP1 sampaw ke mu‘ saya (idak none» menulup sebelah maca em memhua\ mlevan Ianya dalam jagaan SF1 [151 ms lalah dmux kepada spa dan bellau wga tebh mengesahkan kewugudannya Fercanggahan kmevangan sm. swz flengnn D25 perm duelasksn Saya menquk kepada s 91 Ana Kelemgan dan keg Ah M: v N xacaaouux wwm/am um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! PP[1.v51)1 Mu 22:1, Namun begun, dalam kes ml. hada penmaian man mbuax o\eh svc rm wamaun sna (Amwrul) gagal maawa a\eh pmik Pendakwaan semasa kes Pendakwaan, namun behau lelah benaya msapma \m|uk kes pembelzan waxauaagamnapun, usal pemanksaan mama, kanamran Amvm lehh gagal an umskan aleh plhzk Pendakwaan dan kmemngannya Malt dapal dlperiksa balas men plhak Psudakwaan Fembelann bemmah flan szya se|u]u bahawa kesdaan W cexan member! kesan kepada m\a| keuennan Kerlersngannya yang mana zkan mamvrajudnskan xenuaun. lertuduh ketana ke|erangzn sna menyokang pembelaan bahawa dadah hdak duumpaw da\am karela mam cu mmah Terluduh Kedua uan bahawa pada nan Kajaduan Halwm ada aacang menyerahkan kerala Mercedes sehemm benam dalam sebuah kere1aAIphavfl puhh [75] Mengenaw an kagagaxan pvhak Pendakwaan memasnkan kehadvran saksl Amllm mu. aaya meruwk kepeda kes ‘n Cnuee Hizng v PP [1955] 2 ML./ 431,dm-zsna Mahkamah Agony ta\ah mamumsxan, amara Vain‘ ‘WM: me vroseaunw ha: a cum;-Lat: aaamn .a in ma maybe at mmssas in n. clued It me man. u msu nas the duty In an an necuury wwnesus essenlm za the ufloldmg or in: natntive a! me pruseumou case to eslahflih pmm¢ lhe necused beyond an mwnanne awn: Aum vury mm, m. pmnecuwr should makn mum . ’ bl: Var cmsscximlnallon by an- amna. n ma pmseculnun lafled In mm m my. ma Iuculed must he newnes- —Penekanan dvlambah [79] Saya mga berpendspal bahawa Armrm aua>ah aaxa yang manna! dan pemmg unluk mekangkapkan nzrahl kes pendakwian uan yugn pamneman aexexan isu kamungkinan man duumpaw when m tempa| kepdlan aanagannana dalam perluflnhan dmmbulkan Mungkin vanya syn xacaaouux wwm/am «-ma am.‘ nun nrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mums dun-mm vu mum an.‘ max hegim penlmg semasa ken nendakwaan‘ namun se1e\ah dmmbmkan lakva yang beycangganan, ketevangan Amm meruadl relevan dan kagagaxan mengemukakannya msmmxenkan saya mengguna mm: mcara unmk mengangnap kelerangan mum yang bakaldnkemukakin alsh Amlml Udzk mamihak kepsda pmak Pendakwaan Say: dengan Im mengguna pike! anggapan dmzwan s114(g)Ak(3 xewangan [so] Dalam ks: Amrl Ibrahim A Anni. V‘ PP [1017] 1 cu 511‘ Mahkamah Pesekuluan |e|ah mamutunksn, anxnm lam ‘<2; The pnwer m 12-: own m draw an Idvane Wevunca undar 1 mm ov me Ewdnrvce M: E dnscvsnnniry u dnpendx an me n:\n:ums(Inoes on me can and pamzmarlyln casuwheveme mmedal wnlnossss an, um pruduczd - [51] Adalall lugas an bahu pmak Pendakwaan unluk memnshkan saksi yang dwawalkan Kapafla Pemhalaan dlkemukakan Saya meruwk kapada ks: PP v Rasli bln ymomazv) 7 cu m, dipuluskan aleh Mahksmah Paisekuluan yang telah mermuk kepada hulahan peguam (dalam kes lelssbul) yang mm telah d\perse|u]uIsepeI1I benkur 1221 n suppofl at In: suhlmulun rehunce was mm an m. Enahsh Caun Cnmmzl Anne]! use M R '4 Marine Henry Bryant s Ann\‘nsr{194E)31Cr App x us‘ where the Cum rsaunmsu that me prosewnun ha: . du|y m max. a pawn ma an we mama: mam. xv lble Ia dflencs w may dead: ml m can mm m} Leamad nnunsel msu menu us to the pve»Mnme«i ms: M van Lee Yang V R [195s| 22 MLJ «:14 when: we Cami nan: that an witnesses mm nataemanls have been laken ihntfld be bvaugm In Caurl by me mewuw‘ excem muse whoa: Ivmeme mu may and omwy mm rm hgm an me pass, and any wwmess ml sn brought CD Cmm m\n| be made avaname to ma nucused should he dulrem can such Mines; [211 Yhnappmlinlveflsfl heavfly on lhadacmun uHmsCaumn n owe: many vFF[1E95jJCLJ < Mlereln Ihscuulse own judgment Edglv mean J1 nu 25 sm maoum wwm/am mm. smm nun nrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mn.u.y mm: mmn vu mum pans! also wAh zppvlwil pessnfies rm». me Aumnan cue cl ammm V a mm m cm Ha. wherein: m. nlex::evp|Ieads {:1 page 5; — ~ §IcDl\dVy,Il1IvI\xvuom for same dehale as In what .. mum :7, me npenmg wum: an the sulemenl and n mum mu be mad as {nhwbmng me msaetmn mm was pmsacmnr nus not m an \n the Cmwn can my eymmlness n he wins m.unm.mmu.m.....mvw rwlcnmllfi hIm.=.s,lo1nx:mpLe,vmnr- hr wnmwes man the wings: .s m : creams and trulhnd wxms m (ms mm In: pmseculor wm arvsuva mnne .m.m .. grven ma oppanumly in 2:1! mg wn1nau'[5Ie mm um Ymmg Sun Y mu: Prn1:culnr|19SA]2 sm 2571 [251 lumed amines! mm xubmnled out me cnnstquence at 1»: vvveaounwvx fiawlura m mm mmme mm wntnlax-5 la the defence Vs a mu mime aupeI\IM‘s ngmm . Immil and the ipyeflam had been dlpnvafl an ovpnrlumly in wcseul Ms case m the run mnrmurn puuxble vmlh . mw In aecunng an aaqunlal (See :2. Kwan Wan V PP[2W1| sou 53: Fe)‘ [B2] sememsnya a. muka macaw‘ 69: man 693 -ml Dug m mar Spec! me m amine! mm, mm pmsecumrs are under mam weH-defined dune: mummy my duty vi msdosure (pea ; an at u. cpc), 1u)dmymr.Il\ .ummmeanu rdavvwlwnnusas nm11M)dmylncunour.1 me me «my (See R v Eank:[I91e]2 xa an R V SugIlman(19E5)25 Cr Ape R ms nu Mummm Kaaarm Anulhevv F'P[2D‘M]3S|.R1205) (as; m mmw, :1 Is tamed Viw based an the aulhonlwuzwad In LA! by Veumed mum Vanna lpveflinl \n W: Iuhrmslmu man he umsecunnn has dlvcvehnn whether «a HH any plmcmlr wvlness‘ bu! such dlucvalmn u sumem to ma hmlhbnns m my me dsuvaun musl be exerased mm dun ugam m ccnsmetalwonx ulmmcxs and ma ram and my um wllnuniwho ma been vmahqitnfl Ivy ma puke: um «um wnom me suhemants have men resumed mus! ba mm nu ma neleme sm mzrnuuuxunwwmuvakn «mm. smm Illfl IVWW .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom! [451 n 15 mle law on. n u nu! ma dmy al ma ippsflanl w plvua ms mnnuenbe av n can . pnmcmar Mines: Io iuppun nn aaoam (see Yun Foe Su V pp [1967] 1 LNS17E,|1§s7]2 ML! 19 am Sandi: Margavel anm Prn577)1 ms 1 n 1197311 MLJ 721 The ‘aw mica: upcm me pvasecunonma bmdernu pm gmll am. :ppeHin| beyand leasuname doublxnd nu| an ma nppeflanl m pm ms mnnbence wauannannnaa .n gxmspludenne Is ma me man the oanwchon mmlwveflinlmuslles|noIanl11ewa:kn:ssuHhe deiemnebmon In: strength at me pvusecmwon ma an.-awe n the burner am av nu! annnnn \:w' [as] Mengenav nna. kelerangan Arnnm yang Kvflak mac a: scan balas clan pmak Pandakwaan, saya msvuwk kepadn kes Kamalan Shtlk Mohd v pp 12:21:14 cu m flan bersannu dengzn pandangan flan kmian yang annwx men Ham mengenai kapantmgan seseamng saksi unluk an soak Dams dengzn panun (compma) oleh pmamnnax dalam sasuan. pmswdmg ,enayan Keadaan .n. menumukkan betapa penungnya lngss Pendakwaan unluk memasukan kehadwan Amvul Oleh kerzna kalerangan Amlvw not tested by wny av cross examfmarron, wanyi lelah mempuanmuskan keduadul (enuduh kerana kelarangan Am\rul konswslen dengan ketevangan sm am 505 [341 Dalam kas ml, says berpandzngan. say: maum bnleh menenmz kelaangan A.-mun, wa\aup<m dnanaxan sehagaw sehahagian 1pamaY) namun aengan aaanya kelerangan yang sama dari saksl lam, kelevangan Annm: Ialap Ielevan den boleh dlmlaw seadanya. [as] Sekzdar unmk mebngkapkan, saya mannux kepada kes Thai/anamln En subramaniam v PP (1997; 3 cu 150 dzn memjuk kepada pnnslp yang mpmnskan oleh Mahkzmah Persekuman sepem dlbawah 17 an nacaaouux wwm/am “Nuns snn nun IVWW be used m van; .. mn.ny mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! -n was :« ma aacuaaa In an. an mnaoem a>(p\an:nnn wmch me Conn cnmmaveu male \|ke\yII1anm7l Dltnwlstme we unab:\anwnIpvnba|u\mu ma mslapphed wn mu pmctedmgi PPV Vuvarap [1959] 2 Mu as Pc' [as] Juga mermuk kepida kes Public Proucutor v Iskandar bin Manamid Yu.:oI(ZWS] mu 559. lalah dlpuluskan behawa V m 21 M ma aamsa M ma dshncl mp ma accused person nu. had Ifleged man the bag wmch comamed ma drug: Wu awed by one Nzstan. a mum wmu mu vnxanaa . nae Hum mm (ml mm TM: yam had manlqed In make me ms uapa Gunny me aanvuuun, luvmg the managed person evenruafly stunned Ind bemg hem Ieqpmmme lot I11: aaanaanaa mcnmmllmg Hem wxm ma Auwwny m the muses pemun gwan under mun. ms awaanoa mu men! saunas aansmananon lI| flan: 3| no sin: m ma Manna win he Impuached The pzmnenl quesflon naawaa «a ma msarved thus was. was In pnssdfle man the mystevwoux Nulanmfl praaaawexm, ann mu maqesnlncflml avananw zlhmad In In mm as a pasxpan In escape in: charge’! AA mu slug: av me aavanaa man. wax na man! demand that M m\mVn:1ulHy wove Nissan um anal NI na naaaaa in an wu In mace», pevsuade ma pvummg wage of max pmhibthly lmexucueeded mm en a aawanca avpnaaammy (hos: dmgl mum we been Hassarfi. ma mexmalflyeycnelaung mn- [371 saya belpendapal. din kesemmahan yang dwkemukzkan da\am pamnaxaan, any: man hevsllat panaman den penuxnan «erxemuman le|apI aanu mmnabwry) Ksrrmngkman Im juga Ie\ah mmangkan kepada sakan pendakwaan lag: keterangan kemungkman [ea] Puhak Pendakwaan bamwah memhawz kepada pemauan saya mengenaw knaannlm saksn pemhelaan yang mkaxakan aemcnva dan bevkepannngan Says dzpah, fakva bahawa sus max dapnl menqasahkan Halim pevgw karumah Yenudnh Kedua menam kerela apa max meruzdikan sns bukzm szksw yang kradxhelalau seomng saksuyang berkepenflngan ann beta! sabe\ah Pads: pendzpal saya wga‘ soe (Ammnl) lmak membenkan kelelangan yang saracms axau menuruukkan as am xacaaouux wwm/am “Nana an.‘ ...n nrwm n. LAIQ4 m mm .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm vu mum am swa: bvas alau mempunyaw aganda lelsendln hanya kerana memhenkan kelersngan yang mammax kepada |enuduh-larluduh m. aflmah kerana ksmungkman vevsx meveka lpembalaan) ad: benamya dan telah memhuat saya hearing as In me correctness 0/ me cone/us»on (umuk sabitan) — ruwk kes Salmln yang dxruiuk dv atas nntuk maksud ‘reamnsbls daubf. Kulmpulnn [39] Say: helpendapal hanawa kewuwdan 025 flan ueaerangan sum sus :13" we memadwkzn ramauan kalemngan baung ks: Ierpums kevana max duelaskan kebsrauaan harang kes dadah yang fluampzs damn lempah masa (arsehm Pevcanggahan qkexemngan sm, sns aan snay dangan xexerangan SP1 dan spz sens tanpz peruelasan oleh msrska‘ memmkan «am: Aersebul sa|u landa tanya flan memadlkan pmomny hzhawa dadah dqumpal dwmah Tenuduh Ksdua senagamana ueeemngan semua saksmksx pembexaan ad: ksmungkman benzrwalaupun hdakmyaklnl kabanarinnyi Says memguk kepada kes Ganapathy Renwasamy V PP mm; 2 cu 1, yang menyehul «n ma. |o n. nmcmband Inn hnwevtr w-Ik . dflumu mly be. um 1-aw Iulng juduu L11 bo1nlazunfl\xw:nou\d mrljusl mm. mann- dllencn an mu hash um um nmsucufleu wimnun m m be bellevvcd um not an m...;.. Where In: law «zit: the aims :24 gmng an axbtananun upon In accused pawn, and me explanihun Ixgwun mm 15 msmn: wan vrvuacgnca‘ m. mun a duly hmmd m wnsldcr wlmhnr n mm VI scmhly :1. cm, allhuunh nvl carmncm of It: Innh. On In: Issue at am calm‘: dulym cansldurmn .1 mu, ms nu old dnlnlnn 1.. MIN PP new 1 ms 52 [\9s3| Mu 2631: sill! good Llw is u wu «mu. mu lufluvmd uy m. supmm Enutl m Momymzd Rnam hm mm V PP [1951] 1€L.IR¢p 211, (199113 cu am, mm: ML1 159' 1-: N xacaaouux wwm/am um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! —Penekanan dnambah [so] Saya ulang, dlpenngkal pembexaan, hanya reasonable dnubl penu mkemukakan Maksud rsaxurlab/s doubt (nuuk kes s-mun) udalah Sam um: wmclv makes you hssviate as to me correctness, slteryou mm lu/Iy Investigated ms swdsnce and compared :1 m all its part, you say 1.7 ynurselfl doubt n he .5 gum Konumun (911 Make, se(e\ah memmbang fakta kas Dambalaan dengin parsvekln yang new snflzvas dengan kemrangan kes pendakwnan. saw no not acwn! ar be/rave me accused‘: sxplamanon but nevertheless yr rursas In my mm a reasoname doubts: m rm gull! (Mn v PF'I1953)15 MLJ m) [92] men yang demvklan, unluk perluduhan panama‘ dlbawsh : 35(3), kednauuz tenuduh hanaya mengskss anggapan pengedzran dlbawah s. anua) afas Imhangan banayl mennmbwkan kevaguan yang munasabah Aarhadap kes penflakwaan renummanuuun dengan ml uuepasxsn din dlhshaskan dan permduhzn panama kebarzngkallan dan dengan nu [93] Manganav pammuhnn kedua‘ mwaupun szya hevnuas nan‘ darn panzuacan Terluduh Panama malankan dvn din didah duumpan dwbadannya, pembelaan gagal menaflkan sebahnguan e\emen kesalahzn dwbawah 512(2) namun‘ oxen «um [emu mpumskan dwalas bahawa rinman kaerangan nmng kes |eVah lerpuhts. maka Vanya man mevwlqudkan kalnmpangan da\am Kai pendakwaan Walaupun fakva |evsebu( hanya mhuknkan semasa kes pembelazn (lakla percanggahan D25 dangan kanemngan sm dzn nasn penahhan kelerangan smsmy Maka Tenuduh Panama mg: dllepiskan dan dlbebaskan dari pemmuhan kzdua syn xacaaouux wwm/am «-um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! [9] sm tumn dam kendevaan uperzsi flan marnnerkanaflxan am sebagai anggma was Salah seorang dsrlpsda nga (ay saspek Velakx Melayu mam mslunkan am ke alah mar ruman 51:1 belsama uga 43) lagw inggora bemndak n.ange,ar le\zk| Iersebul dan mamben arahan kepada SP2 dan um Laa An Shm agar herads dx nampac kejadmn unluk manga».-ax dua 42) law saspek lemkl Mehyu yang lawn [cu] SP1 lelah benaya mermngkap saspek Celsehux sanalan nyengqar smauh nrak mo meter ke arah kamsan |aman pannainan kanakakanak sm kenalkan mu kepada saspak aan haw pemenksaan lubuh naaannya menjumpai salu 41) peKe( plasuk hnslrmr aiayam dadah syzbu (F123) dalam poke: hadapan kanan seluav Imam (P143) yang mpeksv saspak yang kemudlannya mcamkan sebagaw Muhamad Ran bin Rasflm mm; Tenuduh Penama [11] 5:21 kamnmannya mzmbawa Terlufluh Panama ke hadapan mmah Na 94 aamula flan due (2) saspek Vain (elah d:kena\ paw ssbagsx Muhammad Nanafi bin Mahd Aznes waxlu Terluduh Kedua flan saspek keugz sehagai Annnn Aflan Fahrm hm msnarnmsmn (Am I) [12] Pemeviksaan badan lemadap ran-mun Kedua dan Amwul max manemuv aaa-apa harang sa\ah Namun, pemankaaan ke am Terluduh Kedua nalan dwjumpaw sa|u kuncl elekhomk berlamhang Memedes(P15A) dw paket naaapan sebalah kanan semar panpang kelabu mac; yang dwpakaw alan man (131 sm xexan mengarahkzn Tenuduh Kedua mengakmkan mm Mevcedez Benz dengzn nombcr panaanaran wvmzs (P15) yang mparkn wemn kuvang 5 kakl darlpafla mman review! 591 kemudlan manmankan pamenksaan ke alas kenderaan terxebul din dw dalam banal menjumpai 1 Deg karwas mm. mm (Pwxy yang an flnlamnya 4 an xacaaouux wwuwavakq "Nuns a.nn nun nrwm be used m van; me mn.u.y mm; dun-mm vu mum am [941 Vsu vamawan kalemngan baring kes wm wga lelah memban Kesan kepada pambukuan mewampam karaguan munasabah umuk peflumman kelxga yang man; hdak begun amen nemanan men keduadua beflah pnhak flzkam Ilujahan maswngmavlng Sungguhpun beglhl, saya herpem1apa|. Ianya |elap Ierkesan. Mm, keduz—dua tefluduh ]uga mlepasxan aan dwbebaskan aan permduhan kulvga ml Banankh s Novembev 2023 |NOOR HAVAYI a Pesummayz Ks knman Mahkarnah Tmgg Mzkayz Jnhorflshm Ferwakllan » Ezgl plhak Pendakwaan Fuan Sm uamza mm Abdmlah nmbaxsn Fenflzkwz Raya Pejzba| srenasmat Undang—Undang Negev: Jnhar Ares 2, Bzngunan Data‘ Jaalar Muhammad Kola xskanaav, lskandar Pmsn Jahm Bag: pmak Tenuduh Penama Puan Lymanu h|n|| Mansov Lydlana Law Chambers AA‘ Ja\an Lembah 1 Taman Desa Jaya 81100 Jnhor Bahm Jahnr 31 syn xacaaouux wwm/am «-um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans! Bag! pmak renumm Kedua Encwk mm Fazaly Ah bm Mam Ghazzly The Law Chambers ol Filmy No 24AJa\an caman Taman Perhng mun Tampal Johov syn xacaaouux wwm/am «ms smm Illfl nrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm mengandungw enam (5; kemlan mampzf bemalm pIastiklutsmar|P11B) disyakw ganja Semmsnya pemenksaan IanMSP1 mm: manwmpan salu Wag: beg kenas herwami cuklal henuhs mm on m (mm mengandungw ma kemran mampa| belbalul plasuk \usinaI(P12C) juga msyam ganja m1 Pemenksaan a. daiam karma mun meruumpzw sekapmg mu (FHA) lenulls name Tarluduh Kedua ylng hersrrnpan dw buhagwan ‘am! ms!‘ sebalah Km pernanau Pemenksaan m hadapan mmah pula, bevdekalan kellgz-:—uga meveka (keduz—dua lenuduh den Annnm berkumpm, SP1 meruumpaw due halal plasnk Vulsmal yang mangandungr cecarr d\syak|ukelum(P13A can mam [<51 Pemsnksaan satamsnyn dwbuat m man as Temmun Penamn m damm rumah Na 94‘ yang melupakan mman kemarnan kelnavga Terluduh Panama balsam: mu bans dan vslennyn, hdsk menemu: aDa~ apa baung man 591 an spz kemudlarmya bersama—sama kadua—dua lenudnh darn Annmn bevgerak rnanam Mamsdez Benz memuu ks Wu San Nam uh ulah kandaraan unerasv. [we] on M) 5enA1am‘D€ny9d\ain dokumen nan penanaean barang kes flnbual oleh sw dan dakumewdakumen berkailan mseraman kepada Pegnwai Penyiasay lnsp Mend Hafiz bin Human (spa; paua keasnkan hannya, 225 mu jam mam kmang 7 malam my spa menghantiv baring xss xe Jabalan Kmui din haul anshsa menaesahkan twang kes yang mmmpas adalah dadah berbahzya saw (a) cannams bevy! bersm 3942 15 gram m Mllragymne beral bevsm 1950 ml m Memamphemmme halal bersm 24 34 gram 5 syn xacaaouux wwm/am mm smm nun IVWW be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dnpltnn mu keg Pendakwaan [ta] D1 penngkavl akmv kes pendzkwaan, salu kes prlma facrs sebagznmzna mperunlukkan dmam $13007 Karwn Talacsra Jenayah (KN) perm uwmxan olah pmak pendakwaan flan kemrangan mm: mg bo\eh dxpercaysn dan kredwbel yang mana uka hdzk disangkal akan membalehkan saman dlhual (rwuks 150 («p KTJ flan ks; Abctullnn Ann Iwn pp (mo) 9 cu 151) [191 Ungkapzn “msngemukakan kelerangsn kukuh yang membukltkan setup aazu Yak!orkesaIamin"da\am 5 mm) belmzksud hahawa plhak permakwaan perm menmuknkan senip alemen kesalahan sama ada dengan mengemukakan kelerangan yang mush mpamayau, membuzt mieren Qemsdap ram alau menggunapakaw anggapan \mdang—undang umm kes AbdulI.ahAmn dw muka suraI196) [201 K95 puma Iacfe va\ah kes yang nuancukum un|nkIer1uduh4er(uduh mpanggu unmk mamawab penuduhan kealas mereka dan ketevangan yang wxemuxakan mencukupl melamkan wa d|szngka\ alau dnzkas malalm ketelangan lam (hha| kes salaahandnn v PF [ms] 1 cu :5) Dalsm kes Dug cmng Huang Mn PF mm) 4 cu ms, panflangan Vmcent Mg. J |aIah mnnuk flan msahkan men Mahkamah Persekutuan da\am kas Abdullah Ann mengenaw apa yang |erjum\ah sabagav satu kes pnma fame sap-em benku| < prim: lama wrflence 15 zvmsnce mu .5 §\M<:\em to eslibush a fact In ma Absence at any evvwdetloe m the camrary nm a Hal <:an<:\u:lv: 1 wmld mum mu mere shmnd he cn:¢m\e evwdenw on each and every mgvadvanl av ma ellence Cv5d>b\e wmanca n cw/wdence wmch Ms been filtered and when nas nan: mnmgn the pmcsss av zvaluannn Any ewdenoe which m not uh «n be amsd upnn shank! be n.,aa».a- n xacaaouux wwm/am Nuns s.nn ...n nrwm be used m van; n. nnnnny mums dun-mm y.. mum puns! [211 sew juga senagznnanz mpumskzn rfleh Mahkzmah Rayuan dalam kes Loo! Kow char v. Public Pnmcuror 1200112 MLJ 55. yang mengalakan sepem henkut -u mererove «cum Irm mere ws onw one exams; ma| a was Imng mane Lmdgv 5 wan aims are hush: umterulve alme muse anne umsecmmn use He musl subleu me prosscufinn emdenoe to mzxlvvum wamanon and to ask hlnvl-N Ins quesonn n : mm to can uwn (ha nwusau in enler ms defiance and he e\u:Is ta mnan swarm am n pvepalad In cunmcl nnn an mu mm», at me avmenne umm m we pmsecmlun mew w the answer .5 .n ma nwnlwz than no puma line can has been made man and ma accused mum be enlmad la an nequmm ‘ [221 Maka. daham menenmkan pembukuan kes prima /ame, salu penllalan secava makzlma pm dxbual (erhadap kesahuuhan kaumngan huklv yang mkanwkakan (armasuk menus: uraammu saksw-saksl am manna! Inleren yang huleh dlbual dan keterangan mu kes pendakwaan unmk memhuklwkan selian elemen kesalahan (nuuk kes PF V Mnhd RldxIAbu smrlzaaal 1 CLJ 457) KM Prim Facln 1231 Katavanqan wxn yang perm mkemukskan uncuk kesakahan pengedavan flndah berbahayz dn umn 5 sea ( 1 (2; ADE zdalah bahawa dadah yang dirampas adalah dadah berbahaya seperlv yang dlsenarawkan aavam Jsdunl Panama ADE, In udalah dmam pemmkan kedua-dun Ienuduh apabfla dmulnikan dadah zdalzh :1. bawah jzgaan, kawalan dz-In pengeflalluan mereka uan setemsnya. meveka mengedar dadzh l:rsuhu| Psngediran bo\eh omuknkan dengan kelerangan langsung berdasarkan (alsvan pengedaran m bawzh seksyen ZADB alau anggapan m nawan seksyen :7 (Ha) syn xacaaouux wwm/am mm smm ...n nrwm be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII munc pm Dsdah aaaran yangterssnaralA11./adus/Psnama man sepsmmsna yang dkisfinastkan drbawah ADE [24] Jems dan hava| dadzh lalah msaman dan d\'buk|vkan dan kanarangan SP5 nan Laporan Kmua yam dwsedxskan‘ we sebauawmsna dalam Denudnhnn Ianu Isms cannams aeran berslh 394216 gram, Mllmgynme beral bevsm 1950 ml dan Melhamphetamme beral bevsih 2A.34 gram. [251 Peguam kedua—dua |erIuduh bemulah nanawa vaMa\an xemnaan harang Res lelah (emulus can wujud pevcanggahan xewangan sm dengan Vapalarflzpcrzn polls yang dlkemukakan an Dzwza Paguam mancadangkan bahawa pasnkan serbuan max (ems hergerik xe urn Iatapl raven melakuxm use (3) semuan lam mlempm yang herasmgan [251 Jug: mmuankan hanawa uaaa kelsrangan flan manadnana saksl mengenm keberadzan dadah yang dlrampzs dan duamskan ianya da\am kawaxan din ngaan sxapa pada mass serbuan ax Iakau lam auaxuxan, [27] Oleh karana vsnandaan dan nmaangan masm bemm aubuan semasa semusn amuan :1! ma Vokasl Lam mu, make mmalan kelerangan barang kes man lerpmus Kegzgalan inn mewmudkan kelurnpangan dalzm kas Fandakwaan dan mancalar kredvblw saksv pendskwaan [23] Pzda penngk ' , m hadapall say: adalah kanamgan dan asks: pandakwian yang mana max mauuukan Ida kemungkman mernpunyal max yang Izaak havk alau mom unmk mengenakan mana—mana lenuduh men an, saya menanma xeaevangan meveka sehagal hensr dsn kcnsmen Cadangan Deguam fluengenaw kemungklnan lerpulusnya ranman kelerangan harang kes semalamzla wmudnnya serbuan rain, setakal ml mzsih Ixdak meflmaskan Dembukuan pad: |ah=p nrrma ram syn xacaaouux wwm/am «ma am nun nrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm vu .mm v-vrm [221 Make selakat penllalan says hevdasarkan ke|erzngan szksi pendakwaan. says dapzm selelah dadah dwampas aleh svu, (andaan amuse dw pegabzu nalkulwk kemudlan dxserahkan kepada pegawai penymsan, spa yang selarusnya menghamar hsrang kes unluk ' oleh arm kvma. svs, ahia [an] Barang kas yang same: man mswmpan a. star penywmpanan barang us sahlngga dwkemukakan ke mahkamah pad: nan pemcman (nquk kss Gunnlan Ramlchzndrln v PF (2004; 5 cm 551 — - the cham of swdsnce IS mats rmponarvl for Ms penhd /mm ms hme afrecovety mm me camprsoan nflhs analysis by the charms! '; 131} Make dengan nu, saya mandapan bahawa ranlalan kelerangan barang kes max lerpulus dan pmax pendakwaan man heqaya memhukukzn slemen jams dan beral dadzh sebagaimana ds\sm psrluduhan (mmxan ma dmuzt menglkul kes smnnz-mmul Guam y. FP[1u1l] 1 on N din Su Ah Ping 1/. pp [1579] 1 ms ma) Permltkan tsmadap man [321 Eerkail kepsrman memnuknxan rarmmn pemmkan, pmak pendakwaan perlu mengemukakan ketevangan bahawa kedua-dua Aemduh mempunyal kawa\an aiau .agaan sena psngelanuan (emang dadah yang dwjumpav (hhal kss emu Fun Leon v. PP[1955] MLJ 231). Mahkamah dalam kes Chan Pun Loan Augie man memuluskan bahawa “ a person rs smd to be m possessrun :1! a (mug fl hs has the power an den! wnn u as the owner :9 the axe/usmn ofell othel pursans - [33] Maksud "cusmdy", "cnmrol" and “pos:essxon" Kelah mmncangkan flalam kes Leaw Nghu Lrm v Red [1555] 1 mm, yang mane mpenx swam benkul. N xacaaouux wwm/am um smm Illfl nrwm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! ‘Custody means ha»/my car: ovguardwansmp‘ goods -n cuswdy an m m. cam at me cusludmn and.|1y neressary <n\D‘Ica\\nu us xa new cars or mm on hehill m wmnom aka Ya: mm um an m gums Imhsss ycm knmr were they Ire and have me mans ovexatmima emu: war mm Cuflhw lhevefom Imvhes knmdadgl um. .m...=. am wmvubmm -mus gmd: and pm-e< nrcunlmr uvermam‘ nMamnun1m9 In Poisasnnn comm muslbeprwedixa Vanaltdwlmuitavwsafirnmlhamhnun mmapaum us me quads. Ineiflocnve er mm may am muluband Fvabilflythe mos! mam demnmon any-uumn up 'Yhe|e1aIzcn at a peach he athmg mmmr. he nuyll N) p\Iuum axamue nut‘)! mm: :5 me am my o! In: my «mus, nu ma axduslon at ulnev verso... “ Ymxdafimnun dues n-1| expvess. Inn Man my mum meaning oflhewotfl Include: sums m knmdudga A mm mun kmzw 9412‘: exwslence no . unmet ma have same men at us vmereuboms were he can exams: my comm! mar m m mum wsxeqsmn mmay. xmphu same knawtedwe hm nmnecessavfly mu orex:¢l><nu»Med9¢' [:41 Mervsena. Dembukhan pengecanuan, Mahkamzh Pusekuluzn dalam kes pm." bin Damn V Public Pruuculur (zoos) 1 cu 717 memuluskan bahawa e\amelI psngecanuan bow: «mm can mm Jan kasimplflan vaxna Pallkan yang dwmjuk mm sapem benkm -vmmmxmueagus very emu a mmmnnream The mmm ham wma» llyl Waranna mkncw/ludge an be dniwn meumm use Incase Hwculfl us suffirierfl for me alusanmon In wave lacks mm mu. m eumd Dmpeny be mm lhzl mu anuned am he mamry krmw\ed9E' [351 Rmgkasnya‘ mm pemlhknya unluk bemmsan dengan dadah dsngan mengecuallkan akses "pemwkan' menquk kepada keupayaan m sm muaouuxuuwwwuwuvakn mm. smm Illfl IVWW .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PERAYU ROSNIZA BINTI MOHAMAD RESPONDEN HALIJAH BINTI ABD MANSOR (Ibu yang sah mendakwa sebagai seorang tanggungan dan benefisiari harta pusaka Mohammad Hafizan Bin Abd Rahim (simati) dan mewakili semua orang tanggungan Hafizan Bin Abd Rahim (simati) iaitu Halijah Binti Abd Mansor)
Civil Appeal — Road accident — Liability and quantum — Sessions Court Judge held found parties equally liable for the accident and apportioned liability at 50% each. Awarded damages — general damages, pre and post trial nursing care and lost of income with 2.5% interest. Dismissed claim for loss of prospect of marriage. Whether trial judge was ‘plainly wrong’ in decision on liability and quantum
YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson
09/11/2023 10:06:33 KB-12B-1-01/2021 Kand. 77 S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal xa—12a-1-01/2021 Kand. 77 :9/11/2023 mum: muul MANKAMAN mam mun an suNaAI vsmu mum usszm Kenna mam. mm, MALAYSIA nvum am. no xa ma 1-m/2021 mum Rusmu awn MONAMAD ..PERAvu um NALIJAH amn Aan muses: am: my uh m...m.w. mu,;.. uoraug unwunuan din nmnmn hm: pnsiki Mohimmld um... hm And mm. mmam um mewnklln mm. arlnfi unggungxn Hallnn bln Al-n1 fiahlm mm-m mm naman nnm Ann Mania!) .. xasvounsu um mum MAMKAMAH mean uuuu or suucm vs-um unwa ususm KEDAH DARUL mm, muvsu mvum sum NO. Ks-as-2.n1r2n21 mum mum awn Aan Mmsok mm yum uh mumlxkwn nhagxl uorinq langgungan .1.» nan: pusaka Menammnd mun" bln Alzd Rzhlm ¢..m.m am mevukin mm. mung Alnggungln Hanan an AM Rahml (simuhl um. Halljah mml Ab! Manson ...wsmwu mu Rosulu awn MOHAMAD ..RE5PONDEN §)3oUNns or JUDGEMENT lnlmduclion 1 rev cenvenlence, pames WIII be referved I0 is may were In the Kullm Sessions Cour! Muhammad l-lallxan bln Abd Ramm (Plalnm) wmmarlced a chill sul| agalrlst Rusnlza bmu Mohamad (Defendant) in me Kullm Sesslarls coun was Sun Nd ASSKJ-93-05/2017 On 18122020‘ aller careful consldereuan dl ma evlderlce adduced m we lull trial, lne learned Sessions Conn Judge (SCJ) found me Plalnlflf and Delendanl equally llable for ma accldenl and appunlanad llabllfly al sm/, each The reamed SCJ awarded damages lun 100% Iiablllfy) lncludmg ~ (i) general damages — (a) skull lrac1ure~lefl lempmal bone RM§0,l)Ofl no, 0)) brim Injury lsevere lraumalld hraln lnjurylstludural lnlunesl RM12D,GDO on. 14:; eremeclamy, cranloplasly as lvacneuslomy RMSQODU on (d) malor neurccognnme dlsmdel wlm behavinural dlslurbance Rmauoco on less 10% «or uverlapplng Total M :leo.ouo.n0l The Defendant’: sunmluionx 33 The callnsels submlssmrls can be sllmlnanzed as lallmvs The counsel look lsslle wilrl ma apporllonmanl or hablmy an me gmunds man the Defendant‘: VEISIDVI ol the acclllenl was inherenw more probable lnal me Plalnmfs 34 Fllmlerane challenged lne learned SCJ's declslan on me awavd val lass ol eamlngs as he lallea In splll lna award an actual pre— lnal less and lulllre loss |n|er=s| al 2 5-/. Shuuld only anacn lo plelnal loss and nol lulllla less and lelenecl ma calm la Mlllladza hm Mghgmgg Hassarl v Chang Sweep Plan 1950 1 Mu N64 Hnaenl Zcserl Rohln Dockyald me Ltd v Lee Pul Keng 5 Anal 1933 2 MLJ 413 and Jaafar sllaan ll. slll Jame Haamln v. Tan LIQ Pang 8. Anor 1997 4 CL ggg as The callnsel clled several aulhnlllies lo suppan nev conlenllan mall the award lor general damages was exoeaslue In 7lgh| 01 me lam lnal me Plalnlm passed away to years and 2 months alter ma aclzldenl, llle Delendam asks lor me genelal damages |o be reduced by 80% Privlcinlu govomlng Ippuls :5 ll ls lnle man we Court, as an zppeHa|e calm, uughl nut to llllewene wi|h me llial calm‘: cnncluslorl on pmnary lads unless ll I3 sihsfiefl [he lllal judge was plalnly wrung Based on lnls ‘plainly wvorlg Ies|‘. an appellale court IS anlllled la examlne 37 me Droness at evaluanan 01 emenoe by me mar noun and may se( asme any demsmn an we ma: caun mm no or msummem Judlmal apprecuamon ol the ewdenoe m Gan Yuck chm P 3 Ana: v Lee mg Chm @ Lee Teak sang & Ors 2005 2 MLJ 1. Steve Shim CJSS held aI1fl— ‘V71 nurvzw‘ on Cam auppea: m cmng mm cases has demy bum: m mind um um: «um-aovappexnane mlewenuon. lam delemwv: whrlhuv av mu 0:: mil wun nan amved at uls deusmn nr lmdlng cnnv:1\y an 015 pm ov me re‘:-vanl Law and/at me .:1.nm.a wwdeiwe m so uomq. lhe cmm aupmmas pmcny svlllllad In mrammeme pmessevemuauon M m. amdsnw Iry (nu ma wun Cleany, me Muse ‘insumdenl ,u.max awvaclallmi ac evwdenee‘ merely velmed m such 1 Drama This m Mfecled m the Dunn of Aanenrs lesmemenl mac . mag. who was requhe-1 Ia um-mama noun . amt. must amve al ms «mm on n» mus ul ml by usssulng, wwghlng and‘ IN gm veawns. enher accaplmg urlupwlw ms move or any pen name evrdence pllued mm. mm TheConnorfiapealmrlherlellzmled(henrmuu\:uenInI1oappel\a(e mlarvsnllun‘ we man a aemsm amved n by . mar cmm mm: mama! apnvecnalmn at m. Evidence mlnm n. m me. on appeal. ms Vs nmmsleniwim m. uhbllxhad plawmy menu new (559 UEM Group ahg v Qgnisfi Imgransu Englneevs F'|e Ltd 4. Mar 2010 MLJU 2225‘ Ng Hgu 5 ug Anov v Wendy Tan L§§ Eeng admmislmrrx [or me estate of Tan Ewe Kwang Plamtm A on 2020 12 MLJ s7 a| at mg Hao Kim, 2 ZuWendibmAnuarv Mohd Shalvllbln Abdurkanman 2022 4 ML! 592 at 900,731; Se an sun Bhd v. Penoaumr Tanah 33 39 AD Daerah Hulu Langat 5. Andr And AnalherA2gea| m2: 3 M 795 at 502 2023 ecu 269) This coun must be mindM mac me mal .udge would have had me denem and advantage olseeing and neanng me wnnesses and had me uvhonumly to assess men demezrmur espemally during class examina|ion The max Judge is enlrusled with me (ask av svimatmg and appvawslng meneuidenoe as a whwe Tm: caun \s only caHed upon to examme one meal courrs prncess a! evaluanon ol evidence and appneenun dc waw m arriving al me decision The ma n ssues my this court‘: flelermmalmn m these appeals are — (9 on me issue of Mammy, wnemev me scu mad sumcwenl iudmlal appvecxandn oi the evudenoe adduced behxrz her when she concluded lha| the P\aInW and Defendanl were equauy name lor the aocudenc, and my on me Issue at quannum, whemev the so: was guided by was guuded by me rewssd compendium lar personal irwry awards and me trend in awarding damages Analysls ma findings uabillly 41. In llls gmllnds or judgment, the learned sc.l evalualed me evidence MSPI, llle Plalnml allalrle nelellaam abuutlhslramc llgllls He also examlned |he sketch plan and the pulse leporls lndaed by both names. 42 ll was NS nmllllg lllal mere were 2 cnnfllcfing mslarls 0! how |he accldenttock Place ln llls gwullas aljuagmam, ms lealllea SCJ nela lllal llle vlalllml and the Delelldalll were equally liable lol me accluelll holdmg lllal — 'MlhkArI\-lh IVVI leml mane“! his urlfllflg-Llflfllriy btvkznin al ma-la lnmapfl all. vim yig bameza call rrlihkamih mal lnellelllllxan irapikarl my lawn cual dalam m Mg Alk Klin 5 Anal V sla Lnh 513 ml 2 cu sllgg 213 dl mm Abdul Millk lshak J (and: mus: lull u. dalam membual keplmlsln mellymlml seperll bIVIkuI— nl. vanld VIVSIDIVI um. icclderll flwen by lhe Dimes HENHI have waived Inch doum me: "Hi oourl ls Unable la aelemlllle ml: Nspefllve muse M DIIIVIEWDVIMVIEII ol. me hula‘ Ind fill lll. bnlanne Mnvahnbllmes. l I! lllsl lllllmumle m Ippurllbll ms nlanle Th: bellvu the use, (he Chufl can only now lnal both ale equally |o hlzma Oleh yam flemlklill llu Mahknmah llll lreleluslwl lmllllllmll am lmlmlgml xemmgllallall bihlwi mllnl kamlllflglll ml aloanamka-l ml. ml. al lnlim l>l.lmalu.ll uala..llal.- sm wz~wlzxl.luwallcwcu.l»; -ml. s.ll.l ...m.l MU ». um law may m. mlfllnlflly MW; a...l..l «. AFVLING NM! 43 ms Cmm was mwndful ov Ihal m Ng Hoo Km (supm)w11ere\n me Federal cuun exwalned M117 ‘me’ ly wmna‘ «an n upousea m dssmeni M We mun shauld be mmn-d as . Nnxlbk gmuaaav appeuaue cams Aslmu 31 me ml |udge‘x conduslnn can be supponed an 1 VI n.u bum: m mew M «n. Malina! ewdenue. the vm lhal me ivnelhla wullilslx Mk: n rmyhl have semen dflaranfly n. mI\wIn| ‘H 90:51 words, a lmdmg Miacl Ihal would ncl be mpuulunt m summon ssnn mm not In be mslurhed we mu! Judy: should be awovded a margin 0! awvecmmn when hr: Ilaallmsm m we evidence Vs eummed by lhe ivneflirg cam‘: - ms Cowl finds that the learned su adapted the nghl appmacn In aexarnumng Mammy Fvom the ewuenoe presemed by mm parlies, n ‘S clear |haI me SCJ had caremuy cnnsmrsa their lsslrmony and mac nflhe sllenlevidenoe adduced m own He drew me proper conclusions and was correct to non: that me pames were equaHyl1able (or me acumen: mun mm of damigt A6 For an appea\ on quantum‘ il Is Ins|mclNe to reiev m the fouowing cases — (u Lmmana Really sun and QUOS 1 MLJ 675013 Cowl (by refernng ca me case aiTan Kuan Vau v Suhmdnmam 1985 1cLJ42a), I1e|d— 'rn- prmmpln ma: cumd gmde «ms mun Vn delevmmma whe1hevv| smmm Intaeneve wnn me uuanmn. eldammes is crysul clear Whal ls sm wzrvwnxnvuwaucvvtuxva -we sum ruvmnv Mu e. um he may he .ngn.n-y mm; annnmnl «. muus bum \s also clear Vs Iml much depend: nu ma uvcumsfizncls av 5:57: an, m pllllculll lhu amounl av (ht mm m a pimculav use ltvevsiovs n Vs my the awsm mm cu EnlE1fleYWhe1HeVInlh91I9NM me cvvwmslinues annax case Iheve Vs an evranews eslimme elm: amnunl at me damage in mm am. menu was In urmssmn on my nan M ma Judge In mnam sun: rewvzm malnvms av he had admlllld Var purpucu u! mm-nam some melevanl <>ens\deraHons w Ina oaun Vs simfrad or convinced lhal lhe mine has med upcn wrenv nnmmes Mlaw than u 3 jusimed wn lzverxmg, maaaa n u ma may Io vmvse me «name at In Iml Judge -, and Pang Ah Ghee v Chong Kwee Sang was 1 MLJ m wherein Naslum Venn Sam FJ (Ia|erCJ (Malayan held -n vs howevev um been sellied um wherz . max mdgu rm Had m me “d\ne.(\an av hem! ma generous‘ mu wnuld nm by Ilsaflmnslllma n rnnngv m be -navel! hum (Pllung um Smng mm Co a Anor v Cnumvu Swan Kim &Anor) m wnwma a. sawmm ua v Lack um Lot Gm FJ (as he man was» exmamea me pnndme aleany when he saw me fienem nnmnie a Im an Ippwate cnun can only wmedele win In ...a......m .1 u 15 mnsmamd muvdlnalely law a. movdmilely man as |o make the court e><cIa\m_ ‘emu swam we man the sum wma. has been awar\1ed—IIu|sum must be auaraaz or n a In much am :11 Vmuwnh m.a..a.n..a»., trendav paaam mam. ‘.. reunnably campanma causihal :1 must he reglldnd .. . man, :m:nawsetlImale' m ind! uslssmenl lmmn ienernfly an-we mum luv mamauan chmce |o anwe a| a nu am masanablg «we am! (he eppeuane com .5 arms s\ow m revels: me ma! wages decmon on such asseeemem unless there In sum gvmmds lor uuenereuea The Fedalal Cmm mKak Kee Lenu v Yams: am Nguk Chm a. Amv lnuamng Lord Wnghfs Judgmenl m Powell numyu Ame-euea cameuee ma at page: $1b~E17:g:wulrvssedll1aln not encuah max lhevelnn bamnce uvuuuuen mwalavence -rneseaxe muslaodawn helvflylgllrlsl me «we enema me anpeflne euun u lnmlarhm meme. on ma gmuna av excess or Vnsulhcwency “ (a) Nvad miuriu 47 For me memmre head uuuries (skim fracture‘ brain uuury, cvamedamy and cmuoplisly uacneesmmy mam neurocngnmve disorder), me learned so; conemerea me vaviuus medical venom me quantum Mdamages awarded m me aumunnes cued by me pemee am me Rewsed compenmum of Personal Injury Awards 2015 He alee considered me e\emen( ui uvenappung as He uemiseu the quamum ov damages vm each head av mjury and sumraaeu ma/um euenapping. The award Mdamageslur me Plavnmrs head Imury was RM aammo no 49 m me pvesem appeax, the "wry susuamea Dy me Plamm emanated «mm me Iruury lo the head. The trial judge was cunect no make an auowanee var cverlappmg. em wzrvwnxmuwaucvvtnxva -mu. sum rumhnv Mu e. um law may he ungmuly MW; dnunvmnl «. muue mm 50 (pl 52. 53 This court is not persuaded by Ihe Defendanfs argument man me award was excessive or that VI snouid be reduced by 80% because me Plaintifl‘ died wixnin 7 rnanms or me dale o1 iuagrnerri The evldanee cieariy shows that Piainim iwea with the lriuma and ailer euecrs at me accident ior over 10 years and mar rris everyday me was impacted tn a iarge exrerri There is no valid reason to reduee xrris amnunt and raid that me sum awarded iergenerai damzg be maintained wiinaui deducnen iordeam of me Pierniifl. Prospecu onnarrrage The Piainmr was amund 21 years old around me nme or me accident Born me Piainmrs parents Ieslmed that me Plainflfl had a girirnend named syannaz nui that she no iongerinsiied rum siier me aocldenl No ewdence was led «rum rne Piarnmi an dns issue The learned scu disaiiawed me eiaim rar loss 0! prospeci of marriage because me ciairn was unsubstantiated by any pmol er the Piarniirrs grrirnend named syarrnaz 55 It I3 leasonahle lei an awaid under (hls head dl damages IO be made The accident impacled the Plainiilrs social me and his pmspeds dlnhdiiig a parlner This cduii awards RM 15,000 on lor lliis Van Mung Kuah Kay v. Rnhalxad oihiiiaii 5. Aiioi Malls Perbandafan midi aahiu Terlgah a Anni Thiiu gay 3 Aiioi case 2011 MLJU1S4fl lh resped oi the claim ldr less or eamlrlgs, lhe leamed SCJ awarded the ehiiie salary dl RM seo no per month willioui and ueduclioiis oi ihe Plainziirs own upkeep and personal expenses He did hm ieduee ihe amduiii to lake mid cahsiaeialioh ihe possinilily oi marriage and «he subsequent ieduaiaii iii Suppml lai ihe paieiiis/depeiidaiiis He also amxed llie iiiuniplier al 16 years. The counsel‘; arguiiieril lhai lhis awam should be iiiaiiilairiea ioime period oi is years is irialiohal and would carlsIlIu|e uhlusl enrichment This awaid should be varied id lake ihio account his aealh and remain lei me Plaihlivrs lilelima posl-acciaehl which IS 122 mdnihs (c) Pu-m-1 nursing em. 57 For pls-ma! nursmg care‘ the learned SCJ awarded RM sou no Der mon(hior|15 months 5: The Plemnm was physically ebleco care Oor mmaerr alben ne was smrwer He was under ms parenl’5 care urml nis umimely dermse The amount Is rsasonal-Me and «ms Cami Vs not Darsuaded Ina: me reamed SCJ erred In this award r 59. As agreed by pamasr nms award Is mm nursmg care and wmpuxed var a lurmer 7 monms (-1) /nltruts so me learned SCJ affixed InI.eres1 on (he award 0! damages var nuvsmg cave and loss or luluve eavmngs at 25% on me relsomng man — 'M:hkimlh .m tzernendnnn mu (izdah . .a.:.n m bawlh hudlbmlla Manxaman umuk menentukan baramkadavlaedah yana Delludnetapkan am. mam: any: ndak me\eb<m 5-/. saw meruluk Kenafla Avahan Amman Kenn Hmm Negam an r Ynhun2012 Amman Peueumnn Kidir Bung: a. hlwlh Knednrv~K.ned:n Mahkzmih 2:712 a. mm: pad: 1 panflapat fly: zmhan lzrxabm rm... marmapkzn mum ram kanuar «man semeiurlyi nada kadav 5% telapx ra mamben saw panduan 1Eu\de\me) bahawa sekwinya Mahkamah mm menelankln sesunu 1 kadar «man. mawma kadar yam hams dnbeflkan admah mink Vebm dznpada 5%‘ lm .a.:.r. kemnl aeaamm xdany: mm Max." Kain: 2:: sm wzrvwfixmuwaucvvtuxw "Mane sum rumhnv Mu e. um a may he nflmnnuly mm dnauvmnl «. muus mm 4. my pve—Iria\ nuusmg care at RM son on per monm (or 115 manlhs m the sum at RM 57.500 00 win mxerest 212 5% [mm da|e nl acmdenx xo date anuagmenn nu) pasnnal musing care sl RM 2500 on pev mum» far 515 months m Ihe sum 01 RM 1 29 mflllcn wllhuut Interest (xv) Vcss ulmcnme a( RM 9eu.vJu pev mnnlh lav ts years wuh mares: at 2 5% «mm da|e cl awaent to date onudgmem The clam hr lass nl prospect a! mimage was dwsmxssed The Flamml appeaxed against the whale M the demslon vlde Appeal No KB—12B—2—D1/2021 (F/Appeal) whereas the Detenaam cvossed-appealed on me Issue :7! nammy [D/Crass Appeau The Delendanl also appealed against me same decision on quantum me Appeal No K5425!-1-01/2021 [D/Appeal) The Plamlifl passed away on 7 1 2m lrom dvssemwnated pulmonary I-mercmasus and me cause papers m me Pmppeal weve amended on 25.4.2023 to reuen man ms mnlher stepped mm ms shoes m carry on me appeax. Ham Negava Iersebm, kadar mm mm. Max semis din kebanyikannya melsunm 5-/. (nan: uamnya wa dnelzpkan paamaams mam. many. Amun Amman mumxu Sun: xemwnmya, sly: berpendapll Mihkamah mamplmyzv hudlblcala unluk m-nlmukan kzdav «mar. Iehgl man: warvyi wax me\ebIm 5% dan -fleh nu kadav z 5-» my lelan dwelapkan m dalam kes ms .u.x.>. wlmdnn munnhah “ 61 The Practice Dwremo ' quesnon is as vollaws — AIANADA uuuuq uswmmu usmu -nu mun mm mm» psuacrum um»: auum :2: man ousnuuusnm ummuw am and mm». ..,....u..-. my «mum mm: -y- m h-an Mm-1 M In-dun am An... 42‘ us.» 12. mm. «a mm «mm 424‘ 4.. mm «. mm. x.a.m<..m. mm 2n12‘IIy--suvvinlninmbirmlmtun-vlmmu uw.nm..m...«.n.4.. 2. Aaunmuvutmbibumummamnilonn-2012, mu. .. 52 The wardmg 91 me Practise mrecmon ls dear - wnn ewea «am 1 5 2012‘ vmevesi is amxea at 5% pev annum The sea was wrong In mm max me Practice Dwecnon gave mm me dlscvelmn Io amx me mleresl me on damages as Vang as in am nun exeeea 5% sm wzmwfixwwawycvvtuxw -W. sum IHIHDIV wm be um law may m. mwgmuly mm anuumnl m mm wvm Docixion 53 The touawmg IS thus Courfs daemon — (U (mi (N) VI PlAppea|(KB-12Br2rU1l2021), the Ptamtnrs appear and the D/Crass Appeat on liahtltly are msmtssea and me leavned SCJ's decistun dated 18122021 an ' htlfly is z"‘""m1 in P/Appeat (KBa12B—2—U1/2021)‘ the Ptatnmrs appeat on quantum ta iHuwed H1 Dan and the teamed SCJ's deciston on quantum daled 13 12 2020 rs varied as tattuws — (I) toss ai praspeus cl msmage— RM ts,aoo,oa; tn) interest on mtrsmg care and loss 0! Mute earmngs ts affixsd at 5% per annum tram aate at accment to date ciludmrtenlt m P/Aweal (KE—I2B—2—D1/2021), the Ptamms appeat on quantum for pretnat numng care at RM son on It atsmtaeeu but the penod at compumian 0! this award IS vaned lo 122 mantns by cnnsenl al parties‘ in D/Aapeal(KE—12E1fi1l2fl21),(he Defendant‘: appeat on quanlum for general damages ts dlslmssed and me learned SCJ‘s dectston dated 13 12 2020 ts a'filVVIBdt 22 lvl m nlAppeal (l<a—12a—1—oll2a2l7, me De(endan|‘s appeal an qllanlum for posnnal nurslng care ls alluwed by consenl and me whole swam ls sea iildfil (w) In D/Appeal (K3423-1101/2021)‘ ma Defendanfs appeal on one qllamum (hr loss ol lulure eammgs pl RM 950 no per month for 16 years IS allawaa VI pan and me learned SCJ‘s declllon ls varled so lhal me camplnanon lot less nHu|uIe ea 5 IS limlled In 122 months‘ and (vu) «ms Caun makes nu order as lo costs Dated 7 November 2023 Narkunavalh u zlesun Juulalal cammisslonev Hlgh calm Malaya at Sungal Felanl For me Appellant Kamalawam alp Ravychindrm Messrs P R Manescbsha & Assocledes Legal 3, Tamallns House‘ No Axe‘ Weld Quay, lnauo Geovge Town, Panann 23 For the Respondenl Nur Fadmlah mnu Aztlan ‘ Messrs Jega Kumar 4; Farmers Na 15 s. 20, Ja\an Se\al, Taman SeIa(. 12000 Buuerwonn Pmau Pinany 2» Dunng lne course ol Ina hearing cl all ma appeals‘ panles agreed lnal lne award lar posl-lnal nuralng care al RM 2.500 00 per nmnln lor 516 munms in ma sum al lwl 1 29 mlllldn wllhoul lnlerasl be $91 aalde In place, pallles agveed lhal ma post judgment perlud ol 1 months altar whlch ma Plalnlm passed away he lakmg ln|a apcdum VI lna award tar prs«lna| rlurslllg care Afler carelul donalderallon anne cause papels and me wnllen and ural submlssions al counsel‘ [ms Court declded Ia — (il in resped pl P/Appeal — dlsmlss Plamlilfs appeal and Delandanrs cmssappeal on llablllly, and allow ln pan Plalnlllra appaal an quanhml and dlsmlss lne alher grnunds‘ and (ii) in respect at D/Appeal — allow pan dl ma appeal on quanlum by consent and dlsmlss lne others grounds on appeal on quantum (a) allow Appeals la and 11 an lizblhry The lellowlng are me gmunds in! the declslon The appeal: 10 in H In lne amended memorandum clappeal, lne Plalnllfl laok issue with me SCJ‘s declslan an the grounds lnal he erred in «am and law in — (i) apponlonlng equal Ilabllily for me accident; (HI lailing la award damages ior loss 01 prdspeal oi mamagc, (nu) allowing a law quanlunr or damages «or pre—lrial nursing cater and (iv) only allawlng an 2 5% mlenssl on prelrlal nursing care and loss of Mule mccme The lzelendanrs cnallengelc inc sews decision on Ilabllily was lnal ne erred in lacl and law In appcmnnlng liability He lalled to curlsuier lne enurety di lne evidence adduced and conclude lnal zne Plainilii lalled lo prove his claim on a balance oi oronanliluea The Deiendam also took issue mm lne computancn ol damages lol loss oi lncdme and conlended lnal me 50.1‘: award lor damages was manllestly excesslve and nor in line with ma dlscelnlble lrend :2! awards In reasonably comparable cases Proceedings in me sessions Conn Lrnmmy 12 13 14 15 The Plarrmvrs Meaded case was (hat me acmdenl wmoh luck mace on 175.2011 at eon am ar me Tamar: Merak cross gunman wmcn had nremc ngms The Plamlm was nding momrcyde beanng vegvstvauon nu PJP e457 (Mmorcyde) and meDefendanIwasdnvmg carbeanng regrsnrauon nu FJH e795 (Car) They came from apposite mrecnons when |he Plawnwcamelu(helra1l1cl|gMs,me|rghIs were gveen and ed he turned nghl The uevendam who came from me oppusne arrecmdn and not pay heed |D me traffic Irgms and knocked mm As a Iesuh e1 me a<:c1dsnl,|he Plamlm srmered sennus Inyunss and wodees The Prarnm was only awe to cesury me: me (ram: ngms were green when he (urned ngh( and met me Defendanl was dommg vrem me dppasne dlrezmnn He could not rememner much else The Defendant‘: pleaded demos and draw ewdende was man me Iraffic lights were green in her lavcuv She could nut avmd me Plamlm we came from me oppasrre drreenan and suddemy mmed ngm we 17. 15 SP1 was nne invesllgaflng nmcer. He confirmed that me tram: ligms were workmg and than when are rrgms were green (av one d1rec||L7n, the hghts were red «or me remammg Ihree due Inns That meant when me hgms were green nremc Ham that uireczrorr could go srmgnc or turn lefi or right aceorerngry He a\so connrnrea me: the hgms cuuld not be green cor xramc «mm 2 dmerem dwec Ions bur he was unabve to aesrsnne cam as Io In whose lavuur me tram: lights were green at me ume oi me acudenr There were nu other mdependenl wrtnesses ro me accmenl. OI:-Imum orderneges 19. 2o The Prarrrwr. case consis|ed or 17 erherwnnessee on «he reeue cl damages The Prarrmrre parents‘ nelghbmns and menus teslmed enem me P\airmff's cenarrion and eermy In work post the awdanl To suhslanllate me dawn (or damages. evraence wee wee tram 5 medntal provessionele had examined rne Wainnfl and prepared med|ca\ repmls on his condmon The Defendant oounrerea wrrn evmenee «ram 4 nreaiear prmeeerenere who rrxewrse had erernmed me F\a|nml and prepared vepmls 22 There was a dnverenee .n npiman regarding me sevenly of me P¥a|nIWf's neurucogniuve dxsordsr. II was cnnlended |hzI u was rnapr «hue requiring me P\aimIW k: be maced In a payemamc many. 23 The madman wnneaeea lor the P|am|iflIes1medlhifhe aunered lmm pasuvaumauc amnesxa aa a resuu of being unconscious for 10 days muawung me acmdenl ms caused cagnmve and memory umnawnem and reduced ms auermun and cnnoentvalmn He was a\so slum In reasonmg and verbal fluency skulls 24. The oevendanrs wllnesses lestrfied that me P\aIntM's cognmve unpanrnems mvalved mgner cogmuve «unenan abumy bu! he could am: carry um daily ng scnvinea rney pointed in ms abmly to carry and umme dnmeslu: aewuea and co nde a mommyde ms huwever. dud not mvmve mm returning «u we iormer empmymem as a Valmmer In a chicken pracesslng famnry 25 Each Dames a\so led evidence about me cast 01 en-pwoymg a lureign caregwer and me costs mvuwefl m renammauon from pnvals and gavemmenn teams and PERKESO. am wzrvwnxmuwaucvvtnxva -mu. sum rumhnv wm ». um e may he nun.“-y wnwa flnumnnl m muws Mn Proceeding: In the High court rne Plaintiff’: submissions 23 27 25 The z:nunse|'s snbmissmns can be summanzefl as kmaws The Plamm took Issue wun me zppumnnmenl nl liahnlny an me gmunds |hal me leamed sou {sued to consider that - 0) ma Walntxfl cenusxenuy mamlalned that me name lights were green in ms favour, (ii) the discvelaanci in me nevenaanrs evmenoe; om ner demeinour wmsl gwlng evidence‘ and my me execcn wan and me damages cu me Defendant‘; ca! On me Issue of quantum nu loss :2! pmspea ol mamage, the counsel relelred lo sevem nutnonnas wherem the quanlum undev this head was beiween RM 10,000 on — RM 30000 00 on me wssue of quanhlm lo! me-«nan nursmg care‘ the caunsel argued |ha| u was low and .e1ened cu aulhnri|ies wherewn lhe quantum undev this head was neuween RM <‘ » RM moo on pev manm 29 30. 32 The counsel also argued max me awald lur loss of lulura eammgs should be relalrlefl desplle lne Plalnms death ‘ma counsel relerred lo me clueuusllde cl Ma|aysia‘5 Praalee Dlreclien Mel el 2012 uetermlnanen dl lnlenasl Rale under Order 42 Rule 12 al lne Rules el Cmlrl zmz (Circular No. 1s5r2m2) max avllxed me lmarasl rale «or damages at 5% per annum wulr eifed lmm 1 32012. He argued mal lna learned 50¢ larled to comply wllh lne sald dlIel:|iL7n wilh he awarded lnleresl lnr lne pre—lnal rlulslrlg care and loss arlulure earnmgs at 2.5% The daunsel argued lnal me Delendanvs appeal lo raduca ma general damages by 50% was nel ralsed m me memorandum el appeal and lnerelore should be releclad by me Court He clled me lollowlng eases [<7 euppan NE argumenl — U) Malaysla Land Progemes sdn Bhd v waldnms wmdosor JcirltManagemenl Body mm 5 Cu 621 alaas, and (ill Jon sang Tradlrlg Co v Cnmmeraal lmguners and Dismbulars Sdn BM 2007 7:2 CLJZS alzs. The counsel also clled cases In sudpon ms argumenl llral |he general damage: should mu be reduoed anly because me Plamml nassed away wllmn 7 monlns dl lne rudgrnenl
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PERAYU ROSNIZA BINTI MOHAMAD RESPONDEN HALIJAH BINTI ABD MANSOR (Ibu yang sah mendakwa sebagai seorang tanggungan dan benefisiari harta pusaka Mohammad Hafizan Bin Abd Rahim (simati) dan mewakili semua orang tanggungan Hafizan Bin Abd Rahim (simati) iaitu Halijah Binti Abd Mansor)
Civil Appeal — Road accident — Liability and quantum — Sessions Court Judge held found parties equally liable for the accident and apportioned liability at 50% each. Awarded damages — general damages, pre and post trial nursing care and lost of income with 2.5% interest. Dismissed claim for loss of prospect of marriage. Whether trial judge was ‘plainly wrong’ in decision on liability and quantum
YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson
09/11/2023 10:06:33 KB-12B-1-01/2021 Kand. 77 S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N W3njwRXkfUWbIjCvpCDzLg **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal xa—12a-1-01/2021 Kand. 77 :9/11/2023 mum: muul MANKAMAN mam mun an suNaAI vsmu mum usszm Kenna mam. mm, MALAYSIA nvum am. no xa ma 1-m/2021 mum Rusmu awn MONAMAD ..PERAvu um NALIJAH amn Aan muses: am: my uh m...m.w. mu,;.. uoraug unwunuan din nmnmn hm: pnsiki Mohimmld um... hm And mm. mmam um mewnklln mm. arlnfi unggungxn Hallnn bln Al-n1 fiahlm mm-m mm naman nnm Ann Mania!) .. xasvounsu um mum MAMKAMAH mean uuuu or suucm vs-um unwa ususm KEDAH DARUL mm, muvsu mvum sum NO. Ks-as-2.n1r2n21 mum mum awn Aan Mmsok mm yum uh mumlxkwn nhagxl uorinq langgungan .1.» nan: pusaka Menammnd mun" bln Alzd Rzhlm ¢..m.m am mevukin mm. mung Alnggungln Hanan an AM Rahml (simuhl um. Halljah mml Ab! Manson ...wsmwu mu Rosulu awn MOHAMAD ..RE5PONDEN §)3oUNns or JUDGEMENT lnlmduclion 1 rev cenvenlence, pames WIII be referved I0 is may were In the Kullm Sessions Cour! Muhammad l-lallxan bln Abd Ramm (Plalnm) wmmarlced a chill sul| agalrlst Rusnlza bmu Mohamad (Defendant) in me Kullm Sesslarls coun was Sun Nd ASSKJ-93-05/2017 On 18122020‘ aller careful consldereuan dl ma evlderlce adduced m we lull trial, lne learned Sessions Conn Judge (SCJ) found me Plalnlflf and Delendanl equally llable for ma accldenl and appunlanad llabllfly al sm/, each The reamed SCJ awarded damages lun 100% Iiablllfy) lncludmg ~ (i) general damages — (a) skull lrac1ure~lefl lempmal bone RM§0,l)Ofl no, 0)) brim Injury lsevere lraumalld hraln lnjurylstludural lnlunesl RM12D,GDO on. 14:; eremeclamy, cranloplasly as lvacneuslomy RMSQODU on (d) malor neurccognnme dlsmdel wlm behavinural dlslurbance Rmauoco on less 10% «or uverlapplng Total M :leo.ouo.n0l The Defendant’: sunmluionx 33 The callnsels submlssmrls can be sllmlnanzed as lallmvs The counsel look lsslle wilrl ma apporllonmanl or hablmy an me gmunds man the Defendant‘: VEISIDVI ol the acclllenl was inherenw more probable lnal me Plalnmfs 34 Fllmlerane challenged lne learned SCJ's declslan on me awavd val lass ol eamlngs as he lallea In splll lna award an actual pre— lnal less and lulllre loss |n|er=s| al 2 5-/. Shuuld only anacn lo plelnal loss and nol lulllla less and lelenecl ma calm la Mlllladza hm Mghgmgg Hassarl v Chang Sweep Plan 1950 1 Mu N64 Hnaenl Zcserl Rohln Dockyald me Ltd v Lee Pul Keng 5 Anal 1933 2 MLJ 413 and Jaafar sllaan ll. slll Jame Haamln v. Tan LIQ Pang 8. Anor 1997 4 CL ggg as The callnsel clled several aulhnlllies lo suppan nev conlenllan mall the award lor general damages was exoeaslue In 7lgh| 01 me lam lnal me Plalnlm passed away to years and 2 months alter ma aclzldenl, llle Delendam asks lor me genelal damages |o be reduced by 80% Privlcinlu govomlng Ippuls :5 ll ls lnle man we Court, as an zppeHa|e calm, uughl nut to llllewene wi|h me llial calm‘: cnncluslorl on pmnary lads unless ll I3 sihsfiefl [he lllal judge was plalnly wrung Based on lnls ‘plainly wvorlg Ies|‘. an appellale court IS anlllled la examlne 37 me Droness at evaluanan 01 emenoe by me mar noun and may se( asme any demsmn an we ma: caun mm no or msummem Judlmal apprecuamon ol the ewdenoe m Gan Yuck chm P 3 Ana: v Lee mg Chm @ Lee Teak sang & Ors 2005 2 MLJ 1. Steve Shim CJSS held aI1fl— ‘V71 nurvzw‘ on Cam auppea: m cmng mm cases has demy bum: m mind um um: «um-aovappexnane mlewenuon. lam delemwv: whrlhuv av mu 0:: mil wun nan amved at uls deusmn nr lmdlng cnnv:1\y an 015 pm ov me re‘:-vanl Law and/at me .:1.nm.a wwdeiwe m so uomq. lhe cmm aupmmas pmcny svlllllad In mrammeme pmessevemuauon M m. amdsnw Iry (nu ma wun Cleany, me Muse ‘insumdenl ,u.max awvaclallmi ac evwdenee‘ merely velmed m such 1 Drama This m Mfecled m the Dunn of Aanenrs lesmemenl mac . mag. who was requhe-1 Ia um-mama noun . amt. must amve al ms «mm on n» mus ul ml by usssulng, wwghlng and‘ IN gm veawns. enher accaplmg urlupwlw ms move or any pen name evrdence pllued mm. mm TheConnorfiapealmrlherlellzmled(henrmuu\:uenInI1oappel\a(e mlarvsnllun‘ we man a aemsm amved n by . mar cmm mm: mama! apnvecnalmn at m. Evidence mlnm n. m me. on appeal. ms Vs nmmsleniwim m. uhbllxhad plawmy menu new (559 UEM Group ahg v Qgnisfi Imgransu Englneevs F'|e Ltd 4. Mar 2010 MLJU 2225‘ Ng Hgu 5 ug Anov v Wendy Tan L§§ Eeng admmislmrrx [or me estate of Tan Ewe Kwang Plamtm A on 2020 12 MLJ s7 a| at mg Hao Kim, 2 ZuWendibmAnuarv Mohd Shalvllbln Abdurkanman 2022 4 ML! 592 at 900,731; Se an sun Bhd v. Penoaumr Tanah 33 39 AD Daerah Hulu Langat 5. Andr And AnalherA2gea| m2: 3 M 795 at 502 2023 ecu 269) This coun must be mindM mac me mal .udge would have had me denem and advantage olseeing and neanng me wnnesses and had me uvhonumly to assess men demezrmur espemally during class examina|ion The max Judge is enlrusled with me (ask av svimatmg and appvawslng meneuidenoe as a whwe Tm: caun \s only caHed upon to examme one meal courrs prncess a! evaluanon ol evidence and appneenun dc waw m arriving al me decision The ma n ssues my this court‘: flelermmalmn m these appeals are — (9 on me issue of Mammy, wnemev me scu mad sumcwenl iudmlal appvecxandn oi the evudenoe adduced behxrz her when she concluded lha| the P\aInW and Defendanl were equauy name lor the aocudenc, and my on me Issue at quannum, whemev the so: was guided by was guuded by me rewssd compendium lar personal irwry awards and me trend in awarding damages Analysls ma findings uabillly 41. In llls gmllnds or judgment, the learned sc.l evalualed me evidence MSPI, llle Plalnml allalrle nelellaam abuutlhslramc llgllls He also examlned |he sketch plan and the pulse leporls lndaed by both names. 42 ll was NS nmllllg lllal mere were 2 cnnfllcfing mslarls 0! how |he accldenttock Place ln llls gwullas aljuagmam, ms lealllea SCJ nela lllal llle vlalllml and the Delelldalll were equally liable lol me accluelll holdmg lllal — 'MlhkArI\-lh IVVI leml mane“! his urlfllflg-Llflfllriy btvkznin al ma-la lnmapfl all. vim yig bameza call rrlihkamih mal lnellelllllxan irapikarl my lawn cual dalam m Mg Alk Klin 5 Anal V sla Lnh 513 ml 2 cu sllgg 213 dl mm Abdul Millk lshak J (and: mus: lull u. dalam membual keplmlsln mellymlml seperll bIVIkuI— nl. vanld VIVSIDIVI um. icclderll flwen by lhe Dimes HENHI have waived Inch doum me: "Hi oourl ls Unable la aelemlllle ml: Nspefllve muse M DIIIVIEWDVIMVIEII ol. me hula‘ Ind fill lll. bnlanne Mnvahnbllmes. l I! lllsl lllllmumle m Ippurllbll ms nlanle Th: bellvu the use, (he Chufl can only now lnal both ale equally |o hlzma Oleh yam flemlklill llu Mahknmah llll lreleluslwl lmllllllmll am lmlmlgml xemmgllallall bihlwi mllnl kamlllflglll ml aloanamka-l ml. ml. al lnlim l>l.lmalu.ll uala..llal.- sm wz~wlzxl.luwallcwcu.l»; -ml. s.ll.l ...m.l MU ». um law may m. mlfllnlflly MW; a...l..l «. AFVLING NM! 43 ms Cmm was mwndful ov Ihal m Ng Hoo Km (supm)w11ere\n me Federal cuun exwalned M117 ‘me’ ly wmna‘ «an n upousea m dssmeni M We mun shauld be mmn-d as . Nnxlbk gmuaaav appeuaue cams Aslmu 31 me ml |udge‘x conduslnn can be supponed an 1 VI n.u bum: m mew M «n. Malina! ewdenue. the vm lhal me ivnelhla wullilslx Mk: n rmyhl have semen dflaranfly n. mI\wIn| ‘H 90:51 words, a lmdmg Miacl Ihal would ncl be mpuulunt m summon ssnn mm not In be mslurhed we mu! Judy: should be awovded a margin 0! awvecmmn when hr: Ilaallmsm m we evidence Vs eummed by lhe ivneflirg cam‘: - ms Cowl finds that the learned su adapted the nghl appmacn In aexarnumng Mammy Fvom the ewuenoe presemed by mm parlies, n ‘S clear |haI me SCJ had caremuy cnnsmrsa their lsslrmony and mac nflhe sllenlevidenoe adduced m own He drew me proper conclusions and was correct to non: that me pames were equaHyl1able (or me acumen: mun mm of damigt A6 For an appea\ on quantum‘ il Is Ins|mclNe to reiev m the fouowing cases — (u Lmmana Really sun and QUOS 1 MLJ 675013 Cowl (by refernng ca me case aiTan Kuan Vau v Suhmdnmam 1985 1cLJ42a), I1e|d— 'rn- prmmpln ma: cumd gmde «ms mun Vn delevmmma whe1hevv| smmm Intaeneve wnn me uuanmn. eldammes is crysul clear Whal ls sm wzrvwnxnvuwaucvvtuxva -we sum ruvmnv Mu e. um he may he .ngn.n-y mm; annnmnl «. muus bum \s also clear Vs Iml much depend: nu ma uvcumsfizncls av 5:57: an, m pllllculll lhu amounl av (ht mm m a pimculav use ltvevsiovs n Vs my the awsm mm cu EnlE1fleYWhe1HeVInlh91I9NM me cvvwmslinues annax case Iheve Vs an evranews eslimme elm: amnunl at me damage in mm am. menu was In urmssmn on my nan M ma Judge In mnam sun: rewvzm malnvms av he had admlllld Var purpucu u! mm-nam some melevanl <>ens\deraHons w Ina oaun Vs simfrad or convinced lhal lhe mine has med upcn wrenv nnmmes Mlaw than u 3 jusimed wn lzverxmg, maaaa n u ma may Io vmvse me «name at In Iml Judge -, and Pang Ah Ghee v Chong Kwee Sang was 1 MLJ m wherein Naslum Venn Sam FJ (Ia|erCJ (Malayan held -n vs howevev um been sellied um wherz . max mdgu rm Had m me “d\ne.(\an av hem! ma generous‘ mu wnuld nm by Ilsaflmnslllma n rnnngv m be -navel! hum (Pllung um Smng mm Co a Anor v Cnumvu Swan Kim &Anor) m wnwma a. sawmm ua v Lack um Lot Gm FJ (as he man was» exmamea me pnndme aleany when he saw me fienem nnmnie a Im an Ippwate cnun can only wmedele win In ...a......m .1 u 15 mnsmamd muvdlnalely law a. movdmilely man as |o make the court e><cIa\m_ ‘emu swam we man the sum wma. has been awar\1ed—IIu|sum must be auaraaz or n a In much am :11 Vmuwnh m.a..a.n..a»., trendav paaam mam. ‘.. reunnably campanma causihal :1 must he reglldnd .. . man, :m:nawsetlImale' m ind! uslssmenl lmmn ienernfly an-we mum luv mamauan chmce |o anwe a| a nu am masanablg «we am! (he eppeuane com .5 arms s\ow m revels: me ma! wages decmon on such asseeemem unless there In sum gvmmds lor uuenereuea The Fedalal Cmm mKak Kee Lenu v Yams: am Nguk Chm a. Amv lnuamng Lord Wnghfs Judgmenl m Powell numyu Ame-euea cameuee ma at page: $1b~E17:g:wulrvssedll1aln not encuah max lhevelnn bamnce uvuuuuen mwalavence -rneseaxe muslaodawn helvflylgllrlsl me «we enema me anpeflne euun u lnmlarhm meme. on ma gmuna av excess or Vnsulhcwency “ (a) Nvad miuriu 47 For me memmre head uuuries (skim fracture‘ brain uuury, cvamedamy and cmuoplisly uacneesmmy mam neurocngnmve disorder), me learned so; conemerea me vaviuus medical venom me quantum Mdamages awarded m me aumunnes cued by me pemee am me Rewsed compenmum of Personal Injury Awards 2015 He alee considered me e\emen( ui uvenappung as He uemiseu the quamum ov damages vm each head av mjury and sumraaeu ma/um euenapping. The award Mdamageslur me Plavnmrs head Imury was RM aammo no 49 m me pvesem appeax, the "wry susuamea Dy me Plamm emanated «mm me Iruury lo the head. The trial judge was cunect no make an auowanee var cverlappmg. em wzrvwnxmuwaucvvtnxva -mu. sum rumhnv Mu e. um law may he ungmuly MW; dnunvmnl «. muue mm 50 (pl 52. 53 This court is not persuaded by Ihe Defendanfs argument man me award was excessive or that VI snouid be reduced by 80% because me Plaintifl‘ died wixnin 7 rnanms or me dale o1 iuagrnerri The evldanee cieariy shows that Piainim iwea with the lriuma and ailer euecrs at me accident ior over 10 years and mar rris everyday me was impacted tn a iarge exrerri There is no valid reason to reduee xrris amnunt and raid that me sum awarded iergenerai damzg be maintained wiinaui deducnen iordeam of me Pierniifl. Prospecu onnarrrage The Piainmr was amund 21 years old around me nme or me accident Born me Piainmrs parents Ieslmed that me Plainflfl had a girirnend named syannaz nui that she no iongerinsiied rum siier me aocldenl No ewdence was led «rum rne Piarnmi an dns issue The learned scu disaiiawed me eiaim rar loss 0! prospeci of marriage because me ciairn was unsubstantiated by any pmol er the Piarniirrs grrirnend named syarrnaz 55 It I3 leasonahle lei an awaid under (hls head dl damages IO be made The accident impacled the Plainiilrs social me and his pmspeds dlnhdiiig a parlner This cduii awards RM 15,000 on lor lliis Van Mung Kuah Kay v. Rnhalxad oihiiiaii 5. Aiioi Malls Perbandafan midi aahiu Terlgah a Anni Thiiu gay 3 Aiioi case 2011 MLJU1S4fl lh resped oi the claim ldr less or eamlrlgs, lhe leamed SCJ awarded the ehiiie salary dl RM seo no per month willioui and ueduclioiis oi ihe Plainziirs own upkeep and personal expenses He did hm ieduee ihe amduiii to lake mid cahsiaeialioh ihe possinilily oi marriage and «he subsequent ieduaiaii iii Suppml lai ihe paieiiis/depeiidaiiis He also amxed llie iiiuniplier al 16 years. The counsel‘; arguiiieril lhai lhis awam should be iiiaiiilairiea ioime period oi is years is irialiohal and would carlsIlIu|e uhlusl enrichment This awaid should be varied id lake ihio account his aealh and remain lei me Plaihlivrs lilelima posl-acciaehl which IS 122 mdnihs (c) Pu-m-1 nursing em. 57 For pls-ma! nursmg care‘ the learned SCJ awarded RM sou no Der mon(hior|15 months 5: The Plemnm was physically ebleco care Oor mmaerr alben ne was smrwer He was under ms parenl’5 care urml nis umimely dermse The amount Is rsasonal-Me and «ms Cami Vs not Darsuaded Ina: me reamed SCJ erred In this award r 59. As agreed by pamasr nms award Is mm nursmg care and wmpuxed var a lurmer 7 monms (-1) /nltruts so me learned SCJ affixed InI.eres1 on (he award 0! damages var nuvsmg cave and loss or luluve eavmngs at 25% on me relsomng man — 'M:hkimlh .m tzernendnnn mu (izdah . .a.:.n m bawlh hudlbmlla Manxaman umuk menentukan baramkadavlaedah yana Delludnetapkan am. mam: any: ndak me\eb<m 5-/. saw meruluk Kenafla Avahan Amman Kenn Hmm Negam an r Ynhun2012 Amman Peueumnn Kidir Bung: a. hlwlh Knednrv~K.ned:n Mahkzmih 2:712 a. mm: pad: 1 panflapat fly: zmhan lzrxabm rm... marmapkzn mum ram kanuar «man semeiurlyi nada kadav 5% telapx ra mamben saw panduan 1Eu\de\me) bahawa sekwinya Mahkamah mm menelankln sesunu 1 kadar «man. mawma kadar yam hams dnbeflkan admah mink Vebm dznpada 5%‘ lm .a.:.r. kemnl aeaamm xdany: mm Max." Kain: 2:: sm wzrvwfixmuwaucvvtuxw "Mane sum rumhnv Mu e. um a may he nflmnnuly mm dnauvmnl «. muus mm 4. my pve—Iria\ nuusmg care at RM son on per monm (or 115 manlhs m the sum at RM 57.500 00 win mxerest 212 5% [mm da|e nl acmdenx xo date anuagmenn nu) pasnnal musing care sl RM 2500 on pev mum» far 515 months m Ihe sum 01 RM 1 29 mflllcn wllhuut Interest (xv) Vcss ulmcnme a( RM 9eu.vJu pev mnnlh lav ts years wuh mares: at 2 5% «mm da|e cl awaent to date onudgmem The clam hr lass nl prospect a! mimage was dwsmxssed The Flamml appeaxed against the whale M the demslon vlde Appeal No KB—12B—2—D1/2021 (F/Appeal) whereas the Detenaam cvossed-appealed on me Issue :7! nammy [D/Crass Appeau The Delendanl also appealed against me same decision on quantum me Appeal No K5425!-1-01/2021 [D/Appeal) The Plamlifl passed away on 7 1 2m lrom dvssemwnated pulmonary I-mercmasus and me cause papers m me Pmppeal weve amended on 25.4.2023 to reuen man ms mnlher stepped mm ms shoes m carry on me appeax. Ham Negava Iersebm, kadar mm mm. Max semis din kebanyikannya melsunm 5-/. (nan: uamnya wa dnelzpkan paamaams mam. many. Amun Amman mumxu Sun: xemwnmya, sly: berpendapll Mihkamah mamplmyzv hudlblcala unluk m-nlmukan kzdav «mar. Iehgl man: warvyi wax me\ebIm 5% dan -fleh nu kadav z 5-» my lelan dwelapkan m dalam kes ms .u.x.>. wlmdnn munnhah “ 61 The Practice Dwremo ' quesnon is as vollaws — AIANADA uuuuq uswmmu usmu -nu mun mm mm» psuacrum um»: auum :2: man ousnuuusnm ummuw am and mm». ..,....u..-. my «mum mm: -y- m h-an Mm-1 M In-dun am An... 42‘ us.» 12. mm. «a mm «mm 424‘ 4.. mm «. mm. x.a.m<..m. mm 2n12‘IIy--suvvinlninmbirmlmtun-vlmmu uw.nm..m...«.n.4.. 2. Aaunmuvutmbibumummamnilonn-2012, mu. .. 52 The wardmg 91 me Practise mrecmon ls dear - wnn ewea «am 1 5 2012‘ vmevesi is amxea at 5% pev annum The sea was wrong In mm max me Practice Dwecnon gave mm me dlscvelmn Io amx me mleresl me on damages as Vang as in am nun exeeea 5% sm wzmwfixwwawycvvtuxw -W. sum IHIHDIV wm be um law may m. mwgmuly mm anuumnl m mm wvm Docixion 53 The touawmg IS thus Courfs daemon — (U (mi (N) VI PlAppea|(KB-12Br2rU1l2021), the Ptamtnrs appear and the D/Crass Appeat on liahtltly are msmtssea and me leavned SCJ's decistun dated 18122021 an ' htlfly is z"‘""m1 in P/Appeat (KBa12B—2—U1/2021)‘ the Ptatnmrs appeat on quantum ta iHuwed H1 Dan and the teamed SCJ's deciston on quantum daled 13 12 2020 rs varied as tattuws — (I) toss ai praspeus cl msmage— RM ts,aoo,oa; tn) interest on mtrsmg care and loss 0! Mute earmngs ts affixsd at 5% per annum tram aate at accment to date ciludmrtenlt m P/Aweal (KE—I2B—2—D1/2021), the Ptamms appeat on quantum for pretnat numng care at RM son on It atsmtaeeu but the penod at compumian 0! this award IS vaned lo 122 mantns by cnnsenl al parties‘ in D/Aapeal(KE—12E1fi1l2fl21),(he Defendant‘: appeat on quanlum for general damages ts dlslmssed and me learned SCJ‘s dectston dated 13 12 2020 ts a'filVVIBdt 22 lvl m nlAppeal (l<a—12a—1—oll2a2l7, me De(endan|‘s appeal an qllanlum for posnnal nurslng care ls alluwed by consenl and me whole swam ls sea iildfil (w) In D/Appeal (K3423-1101/2021)‘ ma Defendanfs appeal on one qllamum (hr loss ol lulure eammgs pl RM 950 no per month for 16 years IS allawaa VI pan and me learned SCJ‘s declllon ls varled so lhal me camplnanon lot less nHu|uIe ea 5 IS limlled In 122 months‘ and (vu) «ms Caun makes nu order as lo costs Dated 7 November 2023 Narkunavalh u zlesun Juulalal cammisslonev Hlgh calm Malaya at Sungal Felanl For me Appellant Kamalawam alp Ravychindrm Messrs P R Manescbsha & Assocledes Legal 3, Tamallns House‘ No Axe‘ Weld Quay, lnauo Geovge Town, Panann 23 For the Respondenl Nur Fadmlah mnu Aztlan ‘ Messrs Jega Kumar 4; Farmers Na 15 s. 20, Ja\an Se\al, Taman SeIa(. 12000 Buuerwonn Pmau Pinany 2» Dunng lne course ol Ina hearing cl all ma appeals‘ panles agreed lnal lne award lar posl-lnal nuralng care al RM 2.500 00 per nmnln lor 516 munms in ma sum al lwl 1 29 mlllldn wllhoul lnlerasl be $91 aalde In place, pallles agveed lhal ma post judgment perlud ol 1 months altar whlch ma Plalnlm passed away he lakmg ln|a apcdum VI lna award tar prs«lna| rlurslllg care Afler carelul donalderallon anne cause papels and me wnllen and ural submlssions al counsel‘ [ms Court declded Ia — (il in resped pl P/Appeal — dlsmlss Plamlilfs appeal and Delandanrs cmssappeal on llablllly, and allow ln pan Plalnlllra appaal an quanhml and dlsmlss lne alher grnunds‘ and (ii) in respect at D/Appeal — allow pan dl ma appeal on quanlum by consent and dlsmlss lne others grounds on appeal on quantum (a) allow Appeals la and 11 an lizblhry The lellowlng are me gmunds in! the declslon The appeal: 10 in H In lne amended memorandum clappeal, lne Plalnllfl laok issue with me SCJ‘s declslan an the grounds lnal he erred in «am and law in — (i) apponlonlng equal Ilabllily for me accident; (HI lailing la award damages ior loss 01 prdspeal oi mamagc, (nu) allowing a law quanlunr or damages «or pre—lrial nursing cater and (iv) only allawlng an 2 5% mlenssl on prelrlal nursing care and loss of Mule mccme The lzelendanrs cnallengelc inc sews decision on Ilabllily was lnal ne erred in lacl and law In appcmnnlng liability He lalled to curlsuier lne enurety di lne evidence adduced and conclude lnal zne Plainilii lalled lo prove his claim on a balance oi oronanliluea The Deiendam also took issue mm lne computancn ol damages lol loss oi lncdme and conlended lnal me 50.1‘: award lor damages was manllestly excesslve and nor in line with ma dlscelnlble lrend :2! awards In reasonably comparable cases Proceedings in me sessions Conn Lrnmmy 12 13 14 15 The Plarrmvrs Meaded case was (hat me acmdenl wmoh luck mace on 175.2011 at eon am ar me Tamar: Merak cross gunman wmcn had nremc ngms The Plamlm was nding momrcyde beanng vegvstvauon nu PJP e457 (Mmorcyde) and meDefendanIwasdnvmg carbeanng regrsnrauon nu FJH e795 (Car) They came from apposite mrecnons when |he Plawnwcamelu(helra1l1cl|gMs,me|rghIs were gveen and ed he turned nghl The uevendam who came from me oppusne arrecmdn and not pay heed |D me traffic Irgms and knocked mm As a Iesuh e1 me a<:c1dsnl,|he Plamlm srmered sennus Inyunss and wodees The Prarnm was only awe to cesury me: me (ram: ngms were green when he (urned ngh( and met me Defendanl was dommg vrem me dppasne dlrezmnn He could not rememner much else The Defendant‘: pleaded demos and draw ewdende was man me Iraffic lights were green in her lavcuv She could nut avmd me Plamlm we came from me oppasrre drreenan and suddemy mmed ngm we 17. 15 SP1 was nne invesllgaflng nmcer. He confirmed that me tram: ligms were workmg and than when are rrgms were green (av one d1rec||L7n, the hghts were red «or me remammg Ihree due Inns That meant when me hgms were green nremc Ham that uireczrorr could go srmgnc or turn lefi or right aceorerngry He a\so connrnrea me: the hgms cuuld not be green cor xramc «mm 2 dmerem dwec Ions bur he was unabve to aesrsnne cam as Io In whose lavuur me tram: lights were green at me ume oi me acudenr There were nu other mdependenl wrtnesses ro me accmenl. OI:-Imum orderneges 19. 2o The Prarrrwr. case consis|ed or 17 erherwnnessee on «he reeue cl damages The Prarrmrre parents‘ nelghbmns and menus teslmed enem me P\airmff's cenarrion and eermy In work post the awdanl To suhslanllate me dawn (or damages. evraence wee wee tram 5 medntal provessionele had examined rne Wainnfl and prepared med|ca\ repmls on his condmon The Defendant oounrerea wrrn evmenee «ram 4 nreaiear prmeeerenere who rrxewrse had erernmed me F\a|nml and prepared vepmls 22 There was a dnverenee .n npiman regarding me sevenly of me P¥a|nIWf's neurucogniuve dxsordsr. II was cnnlended |hzI u was rnapr «hue requiring me P\aimIW k: be maced In a payemamc many. 23 The madman wnneaeea lor the P|am|iflIes1medlhifhe aunered lmm pasuvaumauc amnesxa aa a resuu of being unconscious for 10 days muawung me acmdenl ms caused cagnmve and memory umnawnem and reduced ms auermun and cnnoentvalmn He was a\so slum In reasonmg and verbal fluency skulls 24. The oevendanrs wllnesses lestrfied that me P\aIntM's cognmve unpanrnems mvalved mgner cogmuve «unenan abumy bu! he could am: carry um daily ng scnvinea rney pointed in ms abmly to carry and umme dnmeslu: aewuea and co nde a mommyde ms huwever. dud not mvmve mm returning «u we iormer empmymem as a Valmmer In a chicken pracesslng famnry 25 Each Dames a\so led evidence about me cast 01 en-pwoymg a lureign caregwer and me costs mvuwefl m renammauon from pnvals and gavemmenn teams and PERKESO. am wzrvwnxmuwaucvvtnxva -mu. sum rumhnv wm ». um e may he nun.“-y wnwa flnumnnl m muws Mn Proceeding: In the High court rne Plaintiff’: submissions 23 27 25 The z:nunse|'s snbmissmns can be summanzefl as kmaws The Plamm took Issue wun me zppumnnmenl nl liahnlny an me gmunds |hal me leamed sou {sued to consider that - 0) ma Walntxfl cenusxenuy mamlalned that me name lights were green in ms favour, (ii) the discvelaanci in me nevenaanrs evmenoe; om ner demeinour wmsl gwlng evidence‘ and my me execcn wan and me damages cu me Defendant‘; ca! On me Issue of quantum nu loss :2! pmspea ol mamage, the counsel relelred lo sevem nutnonnas wherem the quanlum undev this head was beiween RM 10,000 on — RM 30000 00 on me wssue of quanhlm lo! me-«nan nursmg care‘ the caunsel argued |ha| u was low and .e1ened cu aulhnri|ies wherewn lhe quantum undev this head was neuween RM <‘ » RM moo on pev manm 29 30. 32 The counsel also argued max me awald lur loss of lulura eammgs should be relalrlefl desplle lne Plalnms death ‘ma counsel relerred lo me clueuusllde cl Ma|aysia‘5 Praalee Dlreclien Mel el 2012 uetermlnanen dl lnlenasl Rale under Order 42 Rule 12 al lne Rules el Cmlrl zmz (Circular No. 1s5r2m2) max avllxed me lmarasl rale «or damages at 5% per annum wulr eifed lmm 1 32012. He argued mal lna learned 50¢ larled to comply wllh lne sald dlIel:|iL7n wilh he awarded lnleresl lnr lne pre—lnal rlulslrlg care and loss arlulure earnmgs at 2.5% The daunsel argued lnal me Delendanvs appeal lo raduca ma general damages by 50% was nel ralsed m me memorandum el appeal and lnerelore should be releclad by me Court He clled me lollowlng eases [<7 euppan NE argumenl — U) Malaysla Land Progemes sdn Bhd v waldnms wmdosor JcirltManagemenl Body mm 5 Cu 621 alaas, and (ill Jon sang Tradlrlg Co v Cnmmeraal lmguners and Dismbulars Sdn BM 2007 7:2 CLJZS alzs. The counsel also clled cases In sudpon ms argumenl llral |he general damage: should mu be reduoed anly because me Plamml nassed away wllmn 7 monlns dl lne rudgrnenl
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
(i) The plaintiff is seeking a declaration over an alleged concluded SPA, that has not been executed by the parties over the sale of a parcel of land belonging to the Federal Government of Malaysia, registered under the Federal Land Commissioner (D1) name. (ii) No SPA was executed(iii) The defendants pleaded that there is no legal basis or cause of action. (iv) On 29.08.2023, after trial, I find no merits in the plaintiff's case and dismissed it with costs of RM40,000.00 to be paid within 30 days and the earnest deposit is forfeited.
YA Puan Hayatul Akmal binti Abdul Aziz
WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA IN KUALA LUMPUR 5 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, MALAYSIA CIVIL SUIT NO: WA-21NCVC-49-04/2017 BETWEEN 10 BUSINESS LEAP (M) SDN BHD (Company No.: 358283 -K) …PLAINTIF AND 1 FEDERAL LAND COMMISSIONER 15 2 MINISTER OF FINANCE MALAYSIA 3 GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA … DEFENDANTS JUDGMENT 20 (Enclosure 1) INTRODUCTION [1] The parties in this suit are as follows: (i) The Plaintiff (P) is a duly incorporated Malaysian company. 25 (ii) The First Defendant is the Federal Land Commissioner (D1), a statutory body incorporated under the Federal Land Commissioner Act 1957 that has been trusted with managing lands belonging to the Government of Malaysia. (iii) The Second Defendant (D2) is the Minister of Finance (MOF). 30 (iv) The Third Defendant (D3) is the Government of Malaysia (Government). The defendants will be collectively referred to as the defendants (the Ds). 35 08/11/2023 16:15:20 WA-21NCVC-49-04/2017 Kand. 132 S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 2 [2] This action was taken: 2.1 By the plaintiff seeking a declaration over an alleged concluded Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) that has not been executed by the parties over the sale and purchase of a parcel of land belonging to 40 the Federal Government of Malaysia held under Grant 28935, 28935, Lot 523, Section 9, Kuala Lumpur, which was registered under the D1’s name. 2.2 Without a contract (formal or otherwise) between the parties, the 45 defendants deny the claim grounded on the premise that there is no legal basis or cause of action as a foundation for the action. 2.3 On 29.08.2023, after considering the facts, the totality of the evidence adduced at the trial, and the parties' respective arguments, 50 I find no merits in the plaintiff's suit against the defendants and the issue of damages do not arise from these facts. I dismissed it with a cost of RM40,000.00 to be paid within 30 days. The Ds lawfully forfeited the earnest deposit by the P. 55 2.4 Aggrieved, the P filed this appeal against my decision, and these are my reasons: BRIEF FACTS: [3] Parties have filed agreed facts, and in narrating the brief facts, I will 60 also refer to a series of correspondences and documents available before me. In examining the evidence at the trial for the P and the Ds, I found as follows: S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 3 3.1 An allegation of a concluded SPA between the parties over a parcel 65 of leasehold land (Geran 28935, Lot 523, Section 9, Kuala Lumpur, 1.1 acres, with a restriction in interest: Tanah boleh dipajak atau digadai setelah mendapat kebenaran Pihak Berkuasa Negeri) owned by the D3. 3.2 On 29.12.2011, the First Offer Letter (L.35, bundle B1, pg.1) for the 70 parcel of land by the Ds was formerly issued to the P subject to agreed terms and conditions for a monetary consideration of RM32,032m. It was decided that: (a) A 2% earnest deposit of RM640,640.00 was required. (b) 8% balance (RM2,562,560.00) to be paid upon executing the 75 Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA). (c) 90% of the purchase price (RM28,828,800.00) is to be paid before Form 14A NLC is executed by D1. 3.3 On 26.03.2012 (L.38, bundle B2, pp.3-4): 80 (a) P paid the 2% deposit (RM640,640.00) with the balance purchase price to be paid by 15.12.2013, which was acknowledged as an earnest deposit in a letter by D2 on 27.12.2012 and instructed that a SPA be drawn up for execution. 85 (b) An extension of time (EOT) to pay the balance purchase price was granted to 30.06.2014 at the P's insistence. 3.4 On 12.07.2013 (L.39, bundle B3, pp.26-27), D2, by letter, did not object to the P’s conducting a soil investigation, survey plan and 90 permission to apply for a development order concerning the said land at no cost to the Ds. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 4 3.5 Thereafter, the P discovered that the said land had been encroached on by trespassers. In a meeting on 13.09.2013, the Ds 95 confirmed that necessary action would be taken to resolve it while the agreed terms and conditions for the proposed SPA were being ironed out. 3.6 The P agreed to terms imposed in the first letter of offer but wanted 100 the finalisation of the transaction to be completed only upon the removal of the encroached concrete structure on the land. A banker’s cheque for RM2,562,560 (8% of the balance deposit sum) was drawn up and brought to a meeting on 5.5.2015 but was declined by the Ds (Bundle B1, pg.296, para 2.1.4). 105 3.7 On 21.04.2012, the Ds asked the P to execute the SPA and were reminded on 10.7.2014. The P was informed on 30.7.2015 that in the event of failure by the P to conclude the transaction by 15.9.2015, the offer to purchase would be withdrawn automatically. 110 At the P’s request, a further EOT was granted to 15.12.2015. 3.8 On 20.04.2015 and 16.06.2015, P was informed that the sale of the parcel of land was conditioned on an as-is-where-is basis. 115 3.9 On 22.4.2016, the Ds retracted the first offer letter and issued a Second Offer Letter (L.35, bundle B1, pg.308) with the following revised terms and conditions of sale for the said land: (a) The purchase price is revised to RM50,336,000.00 based on the current market valuation by Jabatan Penilaian dan 120 Perkhidmatan (JPPH). S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 5 (b) The P is given a six-month EOT beginning 15.12.2015 and expiring on 14.06.2016 to conclude the transaction. (c) The P is to make an additional payment of RM366,080.00 to top up the 2% earnest deposit. 125 (d) The balance of the deposit (8%) amounting to RM4,026,880.00 upon the execution of the SPA. (e) The balance purchase price of RM45,302,400.00 (90%) will be made on or before 14.06.2016. 130 3.10 The P accepted the Second Offer Letter and paid the additional 2% earnest deposit on 11.05.2016. An EOT for paying the balance purchase price of 90% was granted to 14.12.2016 (BL.35, bundle B1, pg.311). 135 3.11 Throughout the period, the P kept asking for a further EOT to conclude the transaction and also pleaded for the restoration of the first offer price of RM32.032M, as reflected in the First Offer Letter of 29.12.2011, which the Ds rejected. 140 3.12 The Ds continued to press the P to execute the SPA on (06.10.2016, 11.10.2016, 08.12.2016, 13.12.2016), but the plaintiff failed. 3.13 According to the P, the delay in concluding the SPA was occasioned by the issue of the encroachment upon the said land. On 24.2.2014, 145 D2 confirmed the encroachment and agreed to assist the P to resolve the issue (L.35, bundle B1, pg.222). On 10.07.2014, D2 confirmed that the encroachment had been removed (L.35, bundle B1, pg.224). 150 S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 6 3.14 On 14.07.2014 (L.35, bundle B1, pg.227), P informed D2 that steel and fences had been removed, but the concrete structure remained and requested a joint inspection of the said land: (a) On 23.07.2014 (L.35, bundle B1, pg.229), D2 requested the P to appoint a licensed surveyor to confirm the position of the 155 alleged concrete structure. (b) On 06.02.2015, P wrote to D1 informing them that the SPA cannot be finalised due to the encroachment issue and, at the same time, requested D1 to execute the planning permission. (c) On 20.04.2015 (L.35, bundle B1, pg.189), Ds informed the land 160 is sold on an as-is-where-is basis. 3.15 On 15.12.2016, the Ds unilaterally terminated the offer for the sale of the said land on the basis that the P failed to execute the SPA relating to the second offer letter and the failure to pay the 90% 165 balance purchase price (RM49,329,280.00) on or before 14.12.2016. The Ds forfeited the earnest deposit of RM1,006,720.00. 3.16 On 28.04.2017, the plaintiff filed the present suit against the Ds for 170 a declaration that SPA between the parties was concluded and other related prayers. In brief: (a) A declaration that an agreement has been concluded between the P and the Ds in which the Ds agreed to alienate and/or sell a piece of land held under Grant 28935, Lot 523, Section 19, 175 Kuala Lumpur, to the P and the P had agreed to purchase the said Land. (b) A declaration that the letter dated 15.12.2016 issued by D2 informing that the Ds have withdrawn the offer is void and shall not be applicable. 180 (c) A declaration that the first letter of offer issued by D2 is still valid and in force. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 7 (d) A declaration that the offer by the Ds to the P for the sale of the said Land does not contain any encroachment and/or any foreign structures erected thereon. 185 (e) In the alternative, an order to demolish and/or remove any encroachments remaining on the said Lan. (f) The Ds is liable to pay the P a sum of RM7,627,255.42, being the cost of expenses, damages and/or losses within 30 days from the date of judgment. 190 (g) That the Ds do jointly and severally pay the P general damages to be assessed by the Court. (h) That the Ds shall bear the costs of this action. (i) Interest at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of filing of this action until full settlement, and 195 (j) Any further or other relief this Honourable Court deems fit and proper. 3.17 The list of witnesses at the trial is as follows: - (a) Plaintiff’s witnesses: 200 (i) PW1 Pang Yeow Choy (Solicitor for UOB Bank Berhad) (ii) PW2 Choy Wai Cheong (P’s director) (b) Defendants’ witnesses: (i) SD1 Dato’ Romli bin Dai (Setiausaha Bahagian Pengurusan Aset 205 Awan Kerajaan) (ii) SD2 Dato’ Sri Dr. Mohd Isa Hussain (Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharan) (iii) SD3 Dato’ Zainal Abidin bin Mat Nor (Timbalan Setiausaha Bahagian Pengurusan Aset) 210 (iv) SD4 Sharifah Hamidah binti Syed Harun (Ketua Penolong Setiausaha, Bahagian Pengurusan Aset Awam) THE PLAINTIFF’s SUBMISSIONS [4] I observed the P’s arguments in canvassing and ventilating their 215 position as follows: 4.1 The P argued that: (a) There is already a concluded contract between the parties. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 8 (b) The SPA could not be finalised due to the unreasonable conduct of the Ds. 220 (c) The P is seeking an order for specific performance of the alleged concluded SPA and for damages. 4.2 The P argued that there is already a concluded contract based on the first letter of offer where a 2% earnest deposit had been paid. 225 D2 had acknowledged receipt of the said earnest deposit on 27.12.2012 and agreed to sell the said land at the 1st purchase price of RM32,032m. The P also argued that the P had also accepted the second offer letter, where the additional earnest deposit was paid on 11.05.2016. 230 4.3 The P cited Sarah Sayeed Majangah (t/a a sole proprietor under the name and style of Sayfol International School) & Anor v Lembaga Getah Malaysia & Anor [2016] 3 MLJ, CA that the Court will not permit a party who had subscribed to the terms to evade to 235 conclude the agreement for circuitous reasons. The P further argued that it is a concluded contract or an open contract because of the following circumstances: (a) The SPA had been identified. (b) The subject matter land had been identified. 240 (c) The 2% earnest deposit had been paid and received. (d) The transaction is not subject to the execution of a formal SPA and is enforceable by the P. The P cited the Federal Court in Charles Grenier Sdn Bhd v Lau 245 Wing Hong [1996] 3 MLJ 327, FC, that the Court is in favour of upholding bargains and not striking them down willy-nilly. The Court of Appeal’s ruling in Emas Kiara Sdn Bhd v Michael Joseph S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 9 Monteiro & Ors [2018] 5 MLJ 54, CA that where the subject matter and the terms had been identified, with the payment of the deposit, 250 it evinced an intention to create a legal intention by the parties. 4.4 The conduct of the D2 in allowing the P to submit for planning approval, carry out the soil investigation and carry out a land survey, as well as the P having already procured a conditional development 255 order for DBKL and having applied for financing from UOB Bank Berhad for the purchase of the said land are testament to a concluded bargain between the parties. The P cited Boustead Trading (1985) Sdn Bhd v Arab Malaysian Merchant Bank Berhad [1995] 3 MLJ 331, FC law on promissory estoppel is 260 applicable in the circumstances. 4.5 The P denies any alleged breach on its part, and the unilateral termination by the Ds was unlawful: (a) There is no evidence from the Ds that the P had agreed to pay 265 the increased purchase price stated in the second offer letter. (b) The Ds unilaterally impose the revised purchase price in the second offer letter. (c) The second offer letter makes no provisions for the purported termination of the said offer and cited Akitek Tenggara Sdn 270 Bhd v Mid Valley City Sdn Bhd [2007] 5 MLJ 687, FC that found that the agreement between the parties did not provide any express right to terminate. Therefore, it can only be terminated on the grounds of breach or for just cause. (d) Time was no longer the essence of the agreement, and there 275 are no provisions to make time the essence by the parties and S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 10 cited Damansara Realty Bhd v Bangsar Hill Holdings Sdn Bhd & Anor [2011] 6 MLJ 464. (e) Section 56(2) Contracts Act is clear that when time is no longer essential, the contract does not become voidable by failure to 280 do things on or before the appointed time. The P cited Berjaya Times Squares Sdn Bhd v M Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 MLJ 597, FC that found that the respondent’s conduct certainly points to the conclusion that even if time was of the essence when the contract was made, it ceased to be the essence. 285 (f) The Ds knew that the P requires financing to fund the purchase of the said land. For that purpose, it requires consent from the Jawatankuasa Kerja Tanah Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur for the said land to be charged to the financing bank. D2 had never indicated its objection to charging the said land 290 to secure the financing for the purchase. D2 intends this for the P to fail to conclude the SPA. (g) The Ds have no lawful basis to issue the termination letter. 4.6 In the circumstances, it was asserted that: 295 (a) P is entitled to an order for specific performance under section 11 Specific Relief Act, 1950, and cited Zaibun Sa Binti Syed Ahmad v Loh Koon Moy & Anor [1982] 2 MLJ 92 in support where the Privy Council in addressing section 11 of the Specific Relief Act, commented that it is plain in the instant case is one 300 which required the exercise of the discretionary powers of the Court to order specific performance of the purchaser’s suit: not only was there the requirement of a contract of sale of immovable property leading to a presumption by the Court, S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 11 “unless and until the contrary is proved, that section 11(a)(c) 305 was applicable”. (b) If the Court denies the order for specific performance, then it should order the return of the 2% earnest deposit (RM1,006,720.00) and damages (RM7,627,255.42). 310 In the circumstances, the P prays for an order in terms of its prayers in the Statement of Claim with costs. THE DEFENDANTS’ SUBMISSIONS 315 [5] I observed the Ds in canvassing and ventilating for their defence as follows: 5.1 That, via the First Letter of Offer (29.12.2011), had indeed offered the P to purchase the said land subject to the terms as dictated therein (L.35, bundle B1, pp.8-9): 320 (a) Paragraph 5 of the said first letter of offer also stipulates that D2 will not be held responsible for any expenses and costs incurred by P for the transaction. (b) There is no ambiguity that the first letter of offer provides that the balance deposit of 8% (RM2,563,560.00) was to be paid 325 upon executing the SPA. At the same time, the balance of 90% of the purchase price (RM28,828,800.00) was to be honoured before the execution of the Memorandum of Transfer (Form 14A NLC). (c) The Ds tabulated the essential facts on the chronology of 330 events concerning the transaction in paragraph 5, pp.3-8, enclosure 119. Though the P claims that the tabulation missed out on certain alleged critical documents, as raised in enclosure S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 12 126, but upon examination, I find the missing items were inconsequential to the outcome of the completion of the SPA. It 335 relates to the role of the P in intending to and taking the preliminary steps to develop the said land. The Ds’ position is evident in that, as the vendor, they were only interested in completing the SPA and receiving the total purchase consideration, which the P had failed to do after several EOTs 340 lasting five years after the first offer letter was issued. The draft SPA remains unsigned by the parties. 5.2 The Statement of Issues to be Tried can be found in enclosure 64: (a) Whether there exists a valid and enforceable SPA between the parties: 345 (i) The Ds argued that there had been no executed SPA between the parties since the first offer letter was issued in 2011, all the way to the revocation of the offer in the second offer letter in 2016. (ii) The offer letter is specific for the need for an executed and 350 concluded SPA between the parties. Without it, there can be no concluded contract, as argued by the P. The Ds cited the Court of Appeal in Proton Edar Sdn Bhd v Multioto Assist Sdn Bhd [2015] 7 CLJ 745, CA, which found that it was a condition precedent of the heads of agreement for 355 the need for a concluded contract. In such circumstances, the Court is not at liberty to rewrite the agreement between the parties (Luggage Distributors (M) Sdn Bhd v Tan Hor Teng & Anor [1995] 3 CLJ 520, CA was cited, and a plethora of other authorities to support that legal position 360 taken by the Ds). (iii) PW2 confirmed at trial that no SPA was executed for the first offer letter or the second offer letter, as required by the offer. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 13 (iv) After seven drafts of SPA between the parties, it could not 365 be finalised and remained a draft SPA for that five-year wait (with several EOTs granted). (v) In the premise, there could never be any concluded agreement as argued by the P. 370 (b) Whether the Plaintiff is the legally beneficial owner of the Land. (i) Throughout that period of five years, there is no existence of a concluded SPA and/or the creation of a trust in favour of the P over the said land. 375 (ii) Undoubtedly, there is no legal basis to give the P any beneficial interest in the said government land. (iii) PW2, during the trial, confirmed that when the P appointed all the consultants, they were not yet the landowner. They had to apply for permission from the Ds to commence 380 preliminary work for the intended development of that land. (iv) The Ds cited Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Negeri Kedah & Anor v Emico Development Sdn Bhd [2000] 1 MLJ 257, CA, which found that the only thing that existed was the sale and purchase agreement with the deposit paid. 385 On that date, the respondent was not the registered proprietor of the said land nor was he the occupier; IB Capital Sdn Bhd v Ivory Indah Sdn Bhd [2022] 1 MLJ 860, CA which ruled that without the payment of the total purchase price, the plaintiff did not acquire any beneficial 390 interest in the land. (c) Whether the termination notice issued by the Defendants is valid and enforceable. (i) The offer letter provides for pre-conditions that must be 395 satisfied by the P, (1) payment of the 2% earnest deposit, (2) payment of the balance 8% of the deposit sum upon the signing of the SPA, (3) payment of the 90% balance purchase price to effect the execution of Form 14A. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 14 (ii) The offer letter stipulates that the SPA must be finalised and 400 executed within three months from the issuance of the offer letter. (iii) Default/failure by the P to execute the SPA and fulfil all the preconditions after five years (EOTs), it is just for the Ds to withdraw and revoke the offer. 405 (iv) The Ds had cautioned the P several times in writing to satisfy the preconditions, or the offer would be revoked. (v) See letter dated 30.07.2015 (pg.309 (PDF), enclosure 35); letter dated 18.08.2015 (pg.313 (PDF), enclosure 35), letter dated 14.06.2016, pg.315 (PDF), enclosure 35), 410 letter dated 14.12.2016 (pg.242 (PDF), enclosure 35). (vi) Having agreed to the new purchase price and paying the additional earnest money for the amount of RM 366, 080.00, the P insisted on resuscitating the first purchase price as contained in the first offer letter. But it was denied 415 by MOF in letters dated 4.10.2016, 30.10.2016 and 31.10.2016 (see pg.3-4 (PDF), enclosure 38; see also pp.342, 339, 346 (PDF), enclosure 35). (vii) To negate the P’s insistence that the SPA cannot be finalised due to the outstanding issue of encroachment 420 (structures) on the land: (1) The Ds informed the P that the sale was on an as-is-where-is basis (letter dated 20.04.2015, pg.237 (PDF), enclosure 35). (2) This position was accepted by PW2 in his evidence at the trial 425 (see NOP, pp.39-40, enclosure 114). (3) The Ds issued a letter on 16.06.2015 to clarify that the P will purchase the land as it is and can remove whatever structure there is after the land is transferred to them by the Ds. (4) In a letter dated 02.09.2016 (pg.257 (PDF), enclosure 35), the 430 Ds requested to agree to the execution of the SPA and to name the authorised signatory for the P. The P did not respond to this letter. (5) By a letter dated 30.09.2016, the Ds again requested to execute the SPA on 27.10.2016. The P did not commit to the 435 date. (6) The Ds invited the P for a meeting by email on (pp.253-255 (PDF), enclosure 35) to discuss concluding the SPA on 13.12.2016. The P did not reciprocate. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 15 (7) In the circumstances, the Ds concluded that the P was no 440 longer interested in purchasing the said land. Consequently, a formal termination notice was issued on 15.12.2016 (pg.351(PDF), enclosure 35). (8) The argument by P that the reason they could not attend the proposed meeting was that it was a public holiday in Selangor 445 on the proposed date is untenable since the meeting was scheduled in Putrajaya, which was on a working day. See the evidence of PW2 in the NOP, pg.120, 20 (PDF), enclosures 115 and 114, respectively. 450 (d) Whether the termination of the agreement by the Ds was made mala fide. (i) Since it is the P that is in default, it is lawful for the Ds to revoke the letter of offer. (ii) In the foregoing circumstances, the issue of bad faith in the 455 termination/revocation of the offer by the Ds does not arise. 5.3 There is no compelling evidence produced by the P to support their claim for damages (RM7,627,255.42). At the trial, only one invoice (RM5,500.00) was produced. It is the Ds’ submission that this 460 evidence concerns a claim in special damages that had not been specifically pleaded. 5.4 The Ds cited Ong Ah Long v Dr S Underwood [1983] CLJ (Rep) 300, which held that it is a well-established principle that special 465 damages, in contrast to general damages, must be specifically pleaded and strictly proved. They are recoverable only when they can be included in the proper measure of damages and are not too remote. 470 5.5 The Court of Appeal ruled in Bekalan Sains P&C Sdn Bhd v Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad [2011] 5 MLJ 1, CA, that the duty to prove the damages rests on the plaintiff. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 16 5.6 Also cited was Popular Industries Ltd v The Eastern Garment Manufacturing Co Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 CLJ Rep 635, which said that 475 it is given that the plaintiff seeking substantial damage has the burden of proving both the fact and the amount of damages before he can recover. If he proves neither, the action will fail, or he may only be awarded nominal damages upon proof of the infringement of the right. 480 5.7 Whatever expenses the P incurred do not concern the Ds. It is about their proposed development (SOHO/OFFICE) of the said land undertaken by them when the SPA has not yet been concluded and the land transferred to them. It has nothing to do with the Ds or the 485 SPA. 5.8 The Ds argued that there is no concluded contract between the parties. Premised on the default of the P to satisfy the conditions of the offer letter, revoking it is lawful without any bad faith. The P fails 490 to establish its alleged losses and is not entitled to any damages. In the circumstances, the P failed to discharge its burden, and their action must be dismissed with costs. 495 THE LAW [6] It is trite in law that all cases are decided on the legal burden of proof being discharged. It is the acid test applied in any particular case. 6.1 Lord Brandon in Rhesa Shipping Co.SA v Edmunds [1985] 1 WLR 948 at 955 said: 500 “No judge likes to decide cases on the burden of proof if he can legitimately avoid having to do so. There are cases, however, in which, owing to the unsatisfactory state of the evidence or otherwise, deciding on the burden of proof is the only just course to take.” S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 17 6.2 In Britestone Pte Ltd v Smith & Associates Far East, Ltd [2007] 505 4 SLR(R) 855 it was said that: “The Court’s decision in every case will depend on whether the party concerned has satisfied the particular burden and standard of proof imposed on him. Since the terms ‘proved’, ‘disproved’, and ‘not proved’ are statutory definitions contained in the Evidence Act (Cap 9), 1997 Rev Ed), the term ‘proof’. 510 Wherever it appears in the Evidence Act and unless the context otherwise suggests, means the burden to satisfy the Court of the existence or non- existence of some fact, that is, the legal burden of proof”. 6.3 The burden of proof in establishing its case is on the plaintiff. It is 515 not the Ds' duty to disprove it. The evidentiary burden is trite that those who allege a fact are duty-bound to prove it (see s.101, 102, and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950). 6.4 Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254 (CA) held: 520 "The burden of proof under section 102 of the Evidence Enactment is upon the person who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side, and accordingly, the plaintiff must establish his case. If he fails to do so, it will not avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. The defendant can say it is wholly immaterial whether I prove my case or not. You 525 have not proved yours". 6.5 Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v. Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, (FC) held: "It was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has discharged 530 the onus on her to prove her case on a balance of probabilities, the burden did not shift to the defendant, and no matter if the defendant's case was completely unbelievable, the claim against him must in these circumstances be dismissed. With respect, we agree with this judicial approach." 535 [7] Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd v M-Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 CLJ 269, FC. The distilled principles, among others, are: 7.1 Where an agreement is not regulated by statute, parties are at complete liberty, under the doctrine of freedom of Contract, to agree 540 on any terms they think fit. S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 18 7.2 The role of the Court is to interpret the Contract sensibly (a commercially sensible construction). See Loh Wai Lian v SEA Housing Corporation Sdn Bhd [1987] 1 LNS 37, PC. 545 7.3 The starting point is for the Court to recognise that in an action for a breach of Contract, it is for the Court to determine who is the innocent party and who is the guilty party. 550 7.4 A contract breaker must pay damages to the innocent party. However, if he has made any payment under a contract (not being a true deposit for the purchase of movable or immovable property), the contract breaker is entitled to have that payment set off against the damages he has to pay. However, he cannot seek to recover 555 any benefit he may have conferred upon the innocent party where he is guilty of breach of Contract. Were it otherwise, a contract breaker would be in a position to take advantage of his own wrong. This is against the principle and the policy of the law. 560 7.5 The FC cited Attorney General of Belize v. Belize Telecom Limited [2009] UKPC 11, where when delivering the Advice of the Board, Lord Hoffmann said: “The Court has no power to improve upon the instrument which it is called upon to construe, whether it be a contract, a statute or articles of association. It 565 cannot introduce terms to make it fairer or more reasonable. It is concerned only to discover what the instrument means. However, that meaning is not necessarily or always what the authors or parties to the document would have intended. It is the meaning which the instrument would convey to a reasonable person having all the background knowledge which would reasonably be 570 available to the audience to whom the instrument is addressed: see Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 WLR 896, 912-913. It is this objective meaning which is conventionally called the intention of the parties, or the intention of Parliament, or the intention of whatever person or body was or is deemed to have been the author of the 575 instrument.” S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 19 7.6 A contract is to be interpreted in accordance with the following guidelines: (a) A Court interpreting a private contract is not confined to the four 580 corners of the document. It is entitled to look at the factual matrix forming the background of the transaction. (b) The factual matrix that forms the background to the transaction includes all material that was reasonably available to the parties. 585 (c) The interpreting Court must disregard any part of the background that is declaratory of subjective intent only and (d) The Court should adopt an objective approach when interpreting a private contract. See Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v. West Bromwich 590 Building Society [1998] 1 All ER 98. As Lord Clyde said in Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA v. Munawar Ali [2001] 2 WLR 735: “The knowledge reasonably available to them (that is to say, the parties 595 to the Contract) must include matters of law as well as matters of fact. The problem is not resolved by asking the parties what they thought they intended. It is the imputed intention of the parties that the Court is concerned to ascertain…. The meaning of the agreement is to be discovered from the words which they have used and read in the context 600 of the circumstances in which they made the agreement. The exercise is not one where there are strict rules but one where the solution is to be found by considering the language used by the parties against the background of the surrounding circumstances”. 605 [8] The Federal Court in Michael C. Solle v United Malayan Banking Corporation [1986] 1 MLJ 45, FC observed that the principles of construction to be applied are that the parties' intentions are gathered from the language used. They are presumed to have intended what they say. The common universal principle is that an agreement ought to receive that 610 construction which its language will admit, which will best effectuate the parties' intention to be collected from the whole agreement. The Courts are to give effect to the terms of the Contract (if any). S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 20 FINDINGS 615 [9] In the circumstances of the facts of the case, I have examined all evidence adduced at trial by the parties and, all-cause papers and a bundle of documents. The respective submissions of the parties (paragraphs [4] and [5] hereof)] have been duly examined. I hold for the 620 Ds. It is my findings that: 9.1 There is no concluded SPA between the parties. 9.2 The evidence before me does not support the P’s claim. 9.3 There is clear evidence that an executed SPA between the parties 625 is a fundamental requirement of the transaction, which the P had failed to do: Michael C. Solle v United Malayan Banking Corporation [1986] 1 MLJ 45, FC (supra). 9.4 It is irrefutable that the P had clearly failed to fully comply with the terms and conditions of the second offer letter that had superseded 630 the first offer letter over the same parcel of land. 9.5 The second offer letter had been accepted and acted upon by the P by making payment of the additional earnest deposit. Even the P's witness agreed they had accepted the second offer letter. The terms in the second offer letter are unambiguous, which requires 635 compliance by the P. 9.6 There is no evidence produced that P had protested or objected to the issuance of the second offer letter. 9.7 The issue of resuscitating the first offer letter (reinstating the initial purchase price) by the P cannot arise. The Ds appropriately denied 640 it. 9.8 A draft SPA is immaterial if it fails to be duly executed as required by the subsisting offer. There is ample evidence that the seven S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 21 drafts of SPA were never finalised for execution. The offer by the Ds requires that the SPA be executed. 645 9.9 Consequently, it is irrefutable that legal and beneficial ownership does not arise in favour of the P. The allegation of a concluded contract between the parties by the P is untenable. 9.10 Consequently, therefore, in light of the apparent breach by the P in failing to honour the terms of the second offer letter, the revocation 650 of the second offer letter that follows is in place for failure by the P to perform accordingly. It is the lawful exercise of discretion to revoke the offer by the Ds. 9.11 On the facts argued at the trial, there is no tenable or sustainable evidence by the P to establish its allegation of malice on the part of 655 the Ds in the said termination. 9.12 Without evidential materials, it remains merely a speculative argument lacking merit. The Court will not consider it. Bare assertions have no evidential value to be considered. 9.13 The 2% earnest deposit is allowed to be forfeited due to the wilful 660 breach by the P. It is a reasonable amount considering the facts of the case in totality. I am guided by the Federal Court in Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd v M-Concept Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 CLJ 269, FC that it is trite in law that a 665 breach of Contract is said to occur when a party to a Contract expressly or impliedly fails or refuses to perform or fails to perform satisfactorily one or more of his contractual obligations. As was said by the FC in Berjaya Times Square (supra), the starting point is for the Court to recognise that in an action for a breach of Contract, it is for the Court to determine who 670 is the innocent party and who is the guilty party. I am in no doubt and inclined from the evidence to hold against the P for its wilful failure to S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 22 execute in a five-year period (several EOTs) right from the first offer letter all the way to the second offer letter. 675 [10] By and large, it is my considered judgment the plaintiff has failed to discharge its burden of proof to establish the claim set out in its SoC under ss 101-103 Evidence Act 1950. As I had observed, other than unsupported arguments, the plaintiff had failed to adduce the required compelling evidence to tilt the scale of evidence in its favour. In clearly 680 failing to prove its claim, I refer to the following cases: 10.1 The Court of Appeal in Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254, CA that where the plaintiff fails to prove his case, it will not avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. The defendant can say it is wholly immaterial whether I prove 685 my case or not. You have not proved yours. 10.2 In Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, that it was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has discharged the onus to prove his case on a balance of probabilities, the burden did not shift to the 690 defendant, no matter how unbelievable the defence might be. The claim against the defendant must, in these circumstances, be dismissed. 10.3 The legal burden lies on the plaintiff throughout the proceedings to prove its case, in which case the plaintiff herein had failed: Yui Chin 695 Song & Ors v Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ 417. It is not for the Ds to establish their defence in such a circumstance: Selvaduray v Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253. 700 S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal WA-21NCvC-49-04/2017 23 CONCLUSION [11] All things considered: 11.1 After appraising the evidence, all the relevant cause- papers and the written submissions by the respective parties, I find that the plaintiff 705 had failed to discharge its burden on a balance of probabilities. 11.2 By a greater weight of evidence, I find for the Ds’ and find this suit by the P against the Ds is without a reasonable basis and untenable; consequently, there is no legitimate cause of action to support it. 710 11.3 Therefore, the P’s claim is dismissed against the Ds with costs of RM40,000.00 (global) to be paid within 30 days from the date of this order. The 2% earnest deposit is forfeited. 715 Dated 08.11.2023. HAYATUL AKMAL ABDUL AZIZ JUDGE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA 720 KUALA LUMPUR Counsels: Mr Rajesh Kumar Sharma, together with Ms Chew Jia Ying 725 Messrs. Rajesh, Chew & Ho Counsels for the plaintiff Ms. Nurhafizza Binti Azizan (SFC), together with Ms Ng Wee Li (FC) Attorney-General’s Chambers 730 For the defendants Mr Mohd Razif Federal Counsel Ministry of Finance 735 S/N UJRF20MXykivQEnygXR7hw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
striking out application - method of execution of the death penalty in Singapore was unlawful and brutal (‘the 16th Article”) - Correction Direction - section 11 of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (‘POFMA’) - statutory powers - Article10(1)(a) of the Federal Constitution - extra-territorial jurisdiction - a declaration that the appellant could not be subjected to any process within Malaysia in furtherance of the Singapore – injunction- leave to intervene in OS 51- immunity to a foreign state from being sued in another state in respect of its sovereign or governmental acts. The second principle limits the applicability of a country’s laws to its own territory and its citizen within that territory - immunity to a foreign state - restricted’ sovereign immunity - Absolute immunity - acta jure imperil - acta jure gestionis - Summons and Warrants (Special Provisions) Act 1971.
YA Datuk Yaacob Bin Haji Md SamKorumYA Datuk Yaacob Bin Haji Md SamYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Mohd Nazlan Bin Mohd Ghazali
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA DI PUTRAJAYA (BIDANG KUASA SIVIL) RAYUAN SIVIL NO. W-01(IM)-390-07/2021 ANTARA LFL SDN BHD … PERAYU DAN JABATAN PEGUAM NEGARA … RESPONDEN DIDENGAR BERSAMA DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA DI PUTRAJAYA (BIDANG KUASA SIVIL) RAYUAN SIVIL NO. W-01(IM)-393-07/2021 ANTARA LFL SDN BHD … PERAYU DAN KERAJAAN MALAYSIA … RESPONDEN 08/11/2023 12:04:20 W-01(IM)-393-07/2021 Kand. 31 S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur (Bahagian Kuasa-Kuasa Khas) Saman Pemula No. WA-24-51-10/2021 Dalam perkara Arahan Pembetulan bertarikh 22.1.2020 yang dikeluarkan di bawah seksyen 11 “Singapore Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019” Dan Dalam perkara Perkara 5, 8 dan 10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 15 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 Dan Dalam perkara seksyen-seksyen 50 dan 51 Akta Relief Spesifik Antara LFL Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat 923866 – A) … Plaintif S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Dan K. Shanmugam, Menteri Dalam Negeri Singapura … Defendan Dan Peguam Negara Malaysia … Pencelah] DAN [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur (Bahagian Kuasa-Kuasa Khas) Saman Pemula No. WA-24-46-09/2020 Dalam perkara Arahan Pembetulan bertarikh 22.1.2020 yang dikeluarkan di bawah seksyen 11 “Singapore Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019” Dan Dalam perkara Perkara 5, 8 dan 10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 15 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Dan Dalam perkara seksyen-seksyen 50 dan 51 Akta Relief Spesifik Antara LFL Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat 923866 – A) … Plaintif Dan Kerajaan Malaysia … Defendan] CORUM YAACOB HAJI MD SAM, JCA VAZEER ALAM BIN MYDIN MEERA, JCA MOHD NAZLAN BIN MOHD GHAZALI, JCA GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There are two (2) related appeals before us which are as follows : S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 i. Civil Appeal No. W-01(IM) - 390 - 07/2021 (“Appeal 390”); and ii. Civil Appeal No. W-01(IM) - 393 - 07/2021 (“Appeal 393” ) Appeal 390 is the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the High Court in Kuala Lumpur allowing the Attorney General Malaysia’s striking out application of the appellant’s Originating Summons No. WA-24-51- 10/2020 dated 2.10.2020 (‘OS 51’) against K. Shanmugam, Minister of Home Affairs, Singapore. The appellant’s appeal in 393 is against the decision of the High Court in Kuala Lumpur allowing the Respondent’s striking out application of the appellant’s Originating Summons No. WA-24-46-09/2020 dated 18.9.2020 (‘OS 46’) against the Government of Malaysia (‘GOM’). Both the striking out applications were heard together (collectively herein as “the Appeals”). [2] This is our unanimous decision. After considering counsels’ full submission, both oral and written, we allowed both the appeals. [3] We provide our reasons herein below. Background facts [4] On 16.1.2020, the appellant published a press statement on their website in which they S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 alleged that the method of execution of the death penalty in Singapore was unlawful and brutal (‘the 16th Article”). [5] The Government of Singapore directed the issuance of a Correction Direction dated 22.1.2020 (“the Correction Direction”) to the appellant under section 11 of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (‘POFMA’), and notified the appellant that: (i) the 16th Article contained false statements of fact; (ii) Singapore’s Minister of Home Affairs (‘defendant’), in exercise of his statutory powers under POFMA, directed the plaintiff/appellant to insert a correction notice (‘correction notice’) not later than 23.1.2020 and failure to comply with the correction direction, without reasonable excuse, would amount to an offence under s. 15 of the POFMA; (iii) the plaintiff could apply to the defendant to vary or cancel the correction direction; and (iv) in the event the application for variation or cancellation was refused, the plaintiff could appeal to the High Court of Singapore to set aside the correction direction. [6] However, the plaintiff did not comply with the correction direction and, instead proceeded to file the two applications in the High Court, by way of Originating Summonses (OS), namely OS 46 and OS 51. [7] In OS 46 against GOM, the plaintiff sought the following reliefs - S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (i) a declaration that the appellant has the rights to express their opinion in Malaysia with regard to any matters, pursuant to Article10(1)(a) of the Federal Constitution; (ii) a declaration that the appellant’s rights could not be impaired by a law in Singapore, namely the POFMA, which purports to extend beyond Singapore, that is assuming extra-territorial jurisdiction; and (iii) a declaration that the appellant could not be subjected to any process within Malaysia in furtherance of the Singapore law. [8] In OS 51, against the Singapore Home Affairs Minister, the appellant sought the following reliefs- (a) a declaration that the direction issued by the defendant could not be enforced against the appellant in Malaysia; (b) a declaration that the defendant, or anyone acting under his authority, could not take any action to enforce any provision of the POFMA against the appellant within Malaysia; and (c) an injunction to restrain the defendant, his servant or agents or anyone acting under his direction from enforcing Singapore’s laws, in particular the POFMA, or taking any action related thereto, within Malaysia against the appellant. S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 [9] Vide order dated 23.12.2020, the Attorney General of Malaysia was granted leave to intervene in OS 51. The Government of Malaysia, as the defendant in OS 46, and the Attorney General of Malaysia, as the intervener in OS 51, applied to strike out the plaintiff’s OS on the grounds that they were scandalous, vexatious and frivolous and otherwise an abuse of the process of court. [10] In brief, the GOM and AG’s applications to strike out the appellant’s OS 46 and OS 51 are premised on the following grounds- (a) the High Court in Malaysia has no jurisdiction to determine the validity of foreign legislation; (b) Malaysia recognises Singapore as a foreign sovereign and therefore Singapore enjoys immunity; (c) the appellant is seeking to use the process of the court in Malaysia to evade and escape from the enforcement of Singapore laws in Singapore. High Court’s decision and reasons [11] Both the applications were heard together. The learned High Court Judge has allowed the Government of Malaysia’s application (encl. 7) and the Attorney General of Malaysia’s application (encl. 29) to strike out both the appellant’s OS 46 and OS 51 with no order as to costs. S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [12] According to the Grounds of Judgment (GOJ) of the learned High Court Judge, inter alia - (a) Section 60 of the POFMA provides that, when an offence is committed by a person outside Singapore, that person may be dealt with in respect of that offence as if it had been committed within Singapore. Section 233 of the Communication and Multimedia Act 1988 (‘CMA’) makes it an offence, inter alia, for a person to use a network facility or network services to initiate the transmission of any false communication with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person. Section 4(1) of the CMA stipulates that the CMA applies to both within and outside Malaysia. (b) Both OS 46 and OS 51 called for the court to determine the validity of the defendant’s action against the plaintiff under the provision of the POFMA. However, the court was not seized with the jurisdiction to adjudicate on the validity of the POFMA. The law as to jurisdiction had to be strictly observed by the court, as set out in s. 23 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964 which explicitly set out the general civil jurisdiction of the High Court. Both OS 46 and OS 51 were frivolous and vexatious and abuse of the process of the court, with no prospect to succeed. (c) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong recognized Singapore as a foreign sovereign. A certificate to this effect was issued by the Secretary General of the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With the issuance of the certificate, (i) Singapore is clothed with sovereign immunity from the jurisdiction of this court; and (ii) this court was S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 barred from exercising its jurisdiction to further inquire into the plaintiff’s complaints in the OS. (d) Furthermore, the defendant, in issuing the correction direction pursuant to the provisions of the POFMA, was an act undertaken by the authority of sovereign State of Singapore. This was clearly a government act and therefore protected by sovereign immunity. (e) The present case comes within the category of plain and obvious case as envisaged in the case of Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd for the reason that both the OS are frivolous and vexatious and abuse of the process of the court. [13] Aggrieved by the learned High Court’s decision, the Appellant filed appeal 390 against the AG and Appeal 393 against GOM. Appellant’s submission [14] Learned counsel for the appellant contended that there are serious questions that need to be tried as the OS involved a consideration and resolution of applicability of two principles grounded in the international law of comity of nations, in the context of this case. The first principle grants immunity to a foreign state from being sued in another state in respect of its sovereign or governmental acts. The second principle limits the applicability of a country’s laws to its own territory and its citizen within that territory. S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [15] The issue that arises in the OS filed in respect of Appeal 390 is: whether and to what extent the court in one sovereign state has the jurisdiction to consider whether or not relief can be given to a person who complains that he could be affected adversely by a law of another sovereign state acting possibly in violation of the second principle. In other words, is the immunity granted under the first principle absolute such as to oust entirely the applicability of the second principle. And as such that the citizen will be denied access to justice in this country. Thus, this requires a full and mature consideration of the applicability and scope of an extra-territorial law in the context of the principle of comity between nations. It was further contended that based on this principle, a foreign state cannot rely on the principle of absolute immunity to oust the jurisdiction of the local court. It was also submitted that there is no reason why local courts are deprived of the jurisdiction to also consider this issue as to whether or not a law has extra-territorial effect; and the concomitant issue of its possible consideration as in this case to balance against or oust the immunity of sovereign nations. To allow extra-territorial effect of laws outright would result in an impairment of the appellant’s guarantee of fundamental rights to freedom of speech under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution. It was also contended that any person who genuinely perceives a threat to his freedom or adverse consequence is entitled to seek a declaration from our court to protect himself from the threatened action. The case of Datuk Syed Kecik v Government of Malaysia & Anor [1979] 2 MLJ 101 was cited in support of the proposition. It was submitted that the High Court Judge in allowing the striking out applications had failed altogether to address on point of law – of applicability of this principle of comity of nations as regards extra-territorial effect of a national law. S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [16] Learned counsel further contended that the immunity to a foreign state may be denied if it violates two important principles, namely, fundamental rights, and access to justice. The case of Benkharbouceh v Embassy of the Republic of Sudan [2019] AC 777 was cited in support of the argument. The principle in Benkharbouceh was applied by the Federal Court in Subramaniam a/l Letchumanan v The United State of America and another appeal and The United States of America v Menteri Sumber Manusia Malaysia and Ors [2022] 1 LNS 1253. It was further submitted that the appellant is not questioning the validity of the Singapore law. Just that any such law should not be extended to citizens in Malaysia exercising their right to free speech. That is the thrust of the remedy that the appellant seeks from the court. [17] It was also contended by the appellant that the Attorney General of Malaysia as intervener has no locus standi to object the OS at this stage of the proceedings when OS 51 in Appeal 390 has yet to be served on the defendant (Minister of Home Affairs Singapore). Thus, the AG has no right to strike out this action when the defendant has not been served and not taken any such course of action. Several cases were cited to support the argument : Commonwealth of Australia v Midford (M) Sdn Bhd [1990] 1 MLJCJ (Rep) 77 [SC]; Hii Yii Ann v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia & Ors [2018] 7 MLJ 393; Subramaniam a/l Letchumanan v The United States of America and another appeal [2021] 5 MLJ 612. Respondents’ submission [18] Learned Senior Federal Counsel (SFC) for the respondents submitted that in both cases jurisdiction is a fundamental and threshold S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 issue. Making reference to section 23 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964, the SFC contended that the general civil jurisdiction of the High Court provides that its limited within the local jurisdiction of the court. Jurisdiction therefore is a limiting factor to the power of the High Court to deal with a subject matter. SFC further contended that there is a significant difference between “jurisdiction” and “power”. Jurisdiction relates to the type of such matter which the court may deal with, whereas its powers may be exercised only in relation to that jurisdiction. The case of Tan Keat Seng Kitson v Kerajaan Malaysia [1996] 1 MLJ 454; Hap Seng Plantations (River Estates) Sdn Bhd v Excess Interpoint Sdn Bhd & Anor [2016] 3 MLJ 553; Abdul Ghafar bin Md. Amin v Ibrahim b. Yusoff and Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 771 were cited to support the argument. [19] On point of sovereign immunity, SFC submitted that in Malaysia the courts have adopted the theory of ‘restricted’ sovereign immunity rather than absolute immunity. Absolute immunity would mean that any proceedings against a foreign state are inadmissible unless that state expressly agrees to waive such immunity, whereas restrictive immunity would mean that the immunity is only available in respect of sovereign activities or governmental acts (acta jure imperil) and not acts of a commercial nature (acta jure gestionis). The case of Commonwealth of Australia Commissioner of Taxation v Mildford (M) Sdn Bhd [1990] 1 CLJ (Rep) 77 and Hii Yii Ann v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia & Ors [2018] 7 MLJ 393 were cited to support the argument. It was further submitted that the certificate issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong vide the Secretary General of Malaysia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra) had recognized Singapore as a foreign sovereign. As such, Singapore is clothed with sovereign immunity from the jurisdiction of courts in Malaysia exercising jurisdiction to inquire S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 into the appellant’s complaints in the two OS. SFC further submitted that the act of Singapore Home Affairs Minister in issuing the correction direction pursuant to the provisions of POFMA was an act undertaken by the authority of sovereign state of Singapore that is governmental act (acta jure imperil) and therefore protected by foreign immunity. Our decision [20] These appeals are against the decision of the High Court allowing the striking out application made by the respondents pursuant to O. 18 r. 19 of the Rules of Court 2012. [21] Since we are concerned here with the question of striking out pleadings under O. 18 r.19, we do not propose to go into the facts and documents in any more detail than is necessary. [22] With regard to the principles for striking out pleadings, there are well explained and expounded by the Federal Court in Seruan Gemilang Makmur Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur & Anor [2016] 3 MLJ 1 where Ramly Ali FCJ stated that: “[25] The principles for striking out pleadings pursuant to O. 18 r 19 of the ROC are well settled. It is only in a plain and obvious case that recourse should be had to the summary process under this rule; and this summary process can only be adopted when it can clearly be seen that a claim on the face of it is obviously unsustainable (see Bandar Builder, Hubbuck & Sons v Wilkinson, Heywood and Clark [1999] 1 QB 86; AG of Duchy of Lancaster v London and North Western Rly Co [1892] 3 Ch 274). S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 [26] The tests for striking out application under O. 18 r 19 of the ROC, as adopted by the Supreme Court in Bandar Builder are, inter alia, as follows: (a) it is only in plain and obvious case that recourse should be had to the summary process under the rule; (b) this summary procedure can only be adopted when it can be clearly seen that a claim or answer is on the face of it ‘obviously unsustainable’ (Emphasis added); (c) it cannot b exercised by a minute examination of the document and facts in order to see whether the party has a cause of action or defence; and (d) if there is a point of law which requires serious discussion, an objection should be taken on the pleadings and the point set down for argument under O 33 r 33 of the ROC; and (e) the court must be satisfied that there is no reasonable cause of action or that the claims are frivolous or vexatious or that the defence raised are not arguable. [27] The Court of Appeal, in Sivarasa Rasiah & Ors v Che Hamzah Che Ismail & Ors [2012] 1 MLJ 473, had adopted the well settled principle of striking out in the following passage: A striking out should not be made summarily by the court if there is issue of law that requires lengthy argument and S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 mature consideration. It should also not be made if there is issue of facts that is capable of resolution only after taking viva voce evidence during trial, (see Lai Yoke Ngan & Anor v Chin Teck Kwee & Anor [1997] 2 MLJ 565 (Federal Court)… [28] The basic test for striking out as laid down by the Supreme Court in Bandar Builder is that the claim on the face of it must be ‘obviously unsustainable’. The stress is not only on the word ‘unsustainable’ but also on the word ‘obviously’ ie the degree of unsustainability must appear on the face of the claim without having to go into lengthy and mature consideration in detail. If one has to go into lengthy and mature consideration in detail of the issue of law and/or fact, then the matter is not appropriate to be struck out summarily. It must be determined at trial. [29] The established rule on this point is that the court should not examine the evidence in this summary proceedings in such a such a way as to amount to conducting a trial on the conflicting affidavit evidence. As rightly said by Lord Diplock in the House of Lords in American Cynamid Co v Ethicon Ltd [1975] AC 396 at p 407: … The court no doubt must be satisfied that the claim is not frivolous or vexatious; in other words, that there is a serious question to be tried. It is no part of the court’s function at this stage of the litigation to try to resolve conflicts of evidence on affidavit as to facts on which the claims of either party may ultimately depend not to decide difficult question of law which call for detailed argument S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 and mature consideration. These are matters to be dealt with at the trial… This passage was cited with approval by Privy Council in a Malaysian case of Eng Mee Yong & Ors v Letchumanan [1979] 2 MLJ 212.” [23] Coming back to the instant appeals. From the OS 46 and OS 51, it is clear to us that the appellant’s application for various reliefs and declarations concern the issue of extra-territorial enforcement of certain Singapore laws in Malaysia i.e. POFMA. On that account, it means that the issue of extra-territorial enforcement of a foreign law in Malaysia and the jurisdiction of Malaysian courts vis a vis that foreign law would have to be dealt with following mature discussion and consideration by the court. Learned counsel for the appellant argued that the Federal Constitution protects the appellant’s rights to freedom of expression and it is unfair to penalise the appellant in favour of a foreign law, the application of which is unsettled in Malaysia. It is our view that the issue raised by the appellant merits full and mature consideration. We agree that there are serious questions to be tried in both Originating Summons. In particular the two principles of comity of nations raised by the appellant was not considered at all by the learned High Court Judge. The first principle grants immunity of a sovereign state from being sued in another state in respect of its sovereign or government acts; and the second principle limits applicability of a country’s law to its own territory. In this regard, it is useful to refer to Bennion on Statutory Interpretation, 7th edn, p. 118: S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 “In general, the principle of comity between nations requires that each sovereign state should be exclusively allowed to govern its own territory. So an Act does not usually apply to acts or omissions taking place outside its territory, whether they involve foreigners or Britons.” [24] We agree with the submission of learned counsel for the appellant that there are serious issues raised in both the OS that requires further serious argument. The primary issue raised by the appellant in both appeals is whether and to what extent the courts in Malaysia have jurisdiction to consider whether or not relief can be given to a person who complains that he could be affected adversely by a law of another sovereign state acting possibly in violation of the second principle, i.e. the extra-territorial application of Singapore’s law in Malaysia in the context of the principle of comity between nations. [25] The learned High Court Judge decided that the appellant was seeking the court’s pronouncement on the validity of a Singapore law, i.e. POFMA, and in this regard the learned judge stated as follows: “[16] Based on the above, I am of the considered opinion that this court does not have the jurisdiction to adjudicate on the validity of the POFMA.” [26] However, with respect, this is not the crux of the appellant’s case. The appellant is not seeking the assistance of the High Court to adjudicate on the validity of a foreign law, i.e. the POFMA. The appellant’s challenge was instead on the extent of application of Singapore law to a citizen or entity of this country, lawfully exercising within Malaysia his rights to S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 freedom of speech as enshrined and guaranteed by the Federal Constitution. In other words, the question is to what extent, if any, may the laws of one sovereign state have extra-territorial effect in another sovereign states in the context of comity among nations. We believe that this is the first time such a question has been brought to our courts and it is an important enough issue to be given in-depth consideration by the court. This is even more so when considering the potential legal consequences to the appellant arising from non-compliance to the Correction Direction. Under section 15(1) of the POFMA a person can be imprisoned or fined (or both) for non-compliance of a Correction Direction. Hence, it is clear that the appellant faces potential criminal sanction and penalty for any alleged breach of POFMA, and the Singapore authorities may have recourse to the Summons and Warrants (Special Provisions) Act 1971 to enforce the appearance of the appellant in Singapore in respect of the alleged offence. Pursuant to section 3 of the Act, a Magistrate in Malaysia is empowered to issue a summons for a person to appear in a Singapore Court if satisfied that it is a valid summons issued by a Singapore Court requiring the appearance of that person. [27] The situation is very unique. The appellant is a Malaysian entity. The offending publication by the appellant, i.e. the 16th Article, was published by the appellant in its website in Malaysia. The Correction Direction was served on the appellant in Malaysia, directing the appellant to insert a correction notice before the stipulated date. The appellant failed and/or refused to do as directed. This is an offence under POFMA in Singapore. The appellant can be summoned to appear in a Singapore Court through the assistance of the Malaysian courts pursuant to the Summons and Warrants (Special Provisions) Act 1971. In such a situation, where Malaysia has some treaty obligations to render assistance to the S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 Singapore authorities, it becomes even more imperative for the issue raised the appellant in both OS be given the consideration that they deserve, instead of being summarily struck out. In coming to the decision to strike out both the OS, the High Court Judge had failed altogether to address this very crucial and important point of law – i.e. of the applicability of the principle of comity of nations as regards extra-territorial effect of a national law. [28] Thus, upon the facts and allegations pleaded in the pleadings, which we have highlighted above, can it be said that the OS applications disclose no reasonable cause of action, for the High Court to exercise its power to strike out the pleadings under O. 18 r.19(1)? Secondly based on the conflicting affidavits in support of the applications, can the High Court court exercise its power under the said Order or under its inherent jurisdiction to strike out the same pleadings on the ground that they are frivolous or vexatious or may prejudice embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action or these pleadings are otherwise an abuse of the process of the court under r.19(1)(b), (c) or (d) of O.18? [see Bandar Builder (supra)]. [29] Bearing in mind the established principles stated above, we say that this is not a plain and obvious case for striking out the pleading as disclosing no reasonable cause of action. Nor can we say that they are frivolous, vexatious or may prejudice embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action or that these pleadings are otherwise an abuse of process of the court. To that extent we find that the learned High Court had erred. [30] It has been said that so long as the pleadings disclose some cause of action or raise some questions fit to be decided by the judge, the mere fact that the case is weak and not likely to succeed at the trial is no ground S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 for the pleadings to be struck out. The court should only strike out a suit sparingly and only when it is bound to fail at trial. We are of the considered view that there are serious questions to be tried in the OS of both Appeal 390 and Appeal 393 as the cases involved a consideration and resolution of applicability of two principles grounded in the international law of comity of nations and extra-territorial jurisdiction. The authorities further show that if there is a point of law which requires serious discussion, an objection should be taken on the pleadings and the point set down for argument under O. 33 r. 3 of the Rules of Court 2012. Conclusion [31] In view of the reasons as discussed above, we hold that both the decisions of the High Court allowing the striking out applications of the respondents is plainly wrong, which therefore warrants appellate intervention. [32] As such, both appeals are allowed and we set aside the orders of the High Court. Both matters are remitted to the High Court. We made no order as to costs. t.t. (YAACOB HAJI MD SAM) Judge Court of Appeal Malaysia Dated 11 October 2023 S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 Solicitors : Counsels for the Appellant: Dato’ Dr Gurdial Singh Nijar Latheefa Koya Kamarudin Abraham Au Tian Hui Messrs Daim & Gamany Solicitors & Advocates Unit A-1-1, Block A, 8 Avenue, Jalan Sungai Jernih 8/1 46050 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan. Counsels for the Respondents: Suzana binti Atan (Senior Federal Counsel) Atiqah binti Zainal Abidin (Federal Counsel) Attorney General’s Chambers (Civil Division), No.45, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 4, 62100 Putrajaya. S/N Y5aOK62bykaoJOOKJc9y8Q **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PLAINTIF 1. ) muhammad hafiy hilman bin sharul nazri 2. ) sharul nazri bin harun 3. ) noormarznita binti mohd tajudin 4. ) harun bin taib 5. ) helimah binti ngah DEFENDAN 1. ) gan kong eng 2. ) engku amilla binti engku jaafar
Kanak-kanak dihantar oleh ibubapa kepada datuk dan nenek untuk dijaga. Adakah datuk dan nenek boleh dikatakan menyumbang cuai apabila kanak-kanak terlibat dalam kemalangan di luar kawasan rumah.
Tuan Mohd Azhar Bin Othman
08/11/2023 11:56:20 TA-A53KJ-10-01/2019 Kand. 165 S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify 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the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N HZxNShy3Yk2VzL1WEwDL2g **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Summary Judgment – Construction of document – Whether suitable for determination without the full trial of the action – Rules of Court 2012, Order 14A and Order 33 rule 2.Sale and purchase agreement – Vacant possession – Water reticulation system – Contracts Act 1950, ss.47 and 56(1) and (2).
YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN GUAMAN SIVIL NO: BA-22NCvC-177-04/2022 ANTARA IDEAL PRINCIPLES SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: 201301017662 (1047495-W)] … PLAINTIF DAN CENTRAL SPECTRUM (M) SDN BHD [No. Syarikat: 198901005831 (183136-D)] … DEFENDAN JUDGMENT Introduction [1] The case for the Plaintiff is that the Defendant has failed to deliver vacant possession as agreed under the terms of a sale and purchase agreement entered into between the Plaintiff and the Defendant and is thus entitled to damages. The Defendant, unsurprisingly, contends otherwise. [2] What is significant is the contention by the Plaintiff that it is entitled to the reliefs sought without a plenary trial of the action. Predictably, the Defendant takes the opposing view and argues that the matters or issues raised in this action can only be resolved after a full trial. 08/11/2023 15:02:25 BA-22NCvC-177-04/2022 Kand. 27 S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 [3] The Plaintiff has couched its Notice of Application pursuant to Order 14A and/or Order 33 rule 2 of the Rules of Court 2012. The Plaintiff seeks a determination of the following issues and/or questions, namely: (a) In view of the Plaintiff Purchaser’s email dated 27 August, 2021 and the Defendant Vendor’s response emails dated 4 September, 2021 and 18 February, 2022, as well as the Defence affirming that the Defendant is still in the process to deliver the water Reticulation System, has the Defendant failed to deliver vacant possession of the said Lot 19, phase 3A in accordance to clauses 10.1 and 13.1 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 26 September, 2013; and (b) If the above question is answered in the affirmative, whether the Plaintiff is entitled for the liquidated damages pursuant to clause 13.2 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 26 September, 2013, or in the alternative, directions be given by this Honourable Court for damages to be assessed, as prayed in the Statement of Claim. The Prevailing Issues [4] The principal issues in this case are thus: (a) whether the Plaintiff is correct in invoking Order 33 rule 2 of the Rules of Court 2012 at this stage of proceedings; and (b) whether the Plaintiff is entitled to summary judgment pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules Court 2012. S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 The Invocation of Order 33 rule 2 [5] Order 33 rule 2 provides as follows: Time of trial of questions or issues (O. 33, r. 2) 2. The Court may order any question or issue arising in a cause or matter, whether of fact or law or partly of fact and partly of law, and whether raised by the pleadings or otherwise, to be tried before, at or after the trial of the cause or matter, and may give directions as to the manner in which the question or issue shall be stated. [6] It is evident that a court is permitted to order any question or issue arising in a cause or matter to be tried before, at or after the trial of the cause of matter. [7] In the matter before this Court, what the Plaintiff is seeking from the Court is for it to order that the questions raised be tried before the trial. The plaintiff is amply entitled to seek such an order. In this regard, the answer to the first issue is in the affirmative. The Application of Order 14A [8] The issue relating to the application of Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 requires more in-depth scrutiny. [9] The relevant provisions in Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 read as follows: S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Determination of questions of law or construction (O. 14A, r. 1) 1. (1) The Court may, upon the application of a party or of its own motion, determine any question of law or construction of any document arising in any cause or matter at any stage of the proceedings where it appears to the Court that — (a) such question is suitable for determination without the full trial of the action; and (b) such determination will finally determine the entire cause or matter or any claim or issue therein. (2) On such determination the Court may dismiss the cause or matter or make such order or judgment as it thinks just. (3) The Court shall not determine any question under this Order unless the parties have had an opportunity of being heard on the question. [10] As for the mandate in Order 14A rule 1(3) of the Rules of Court 2012, I have afforded the parties the right to be heard. [11] It is clear from the provision in Order 14A rule 1(1) of the Rules of Court 2012 that a Court may construe the provisions or terms in any document arising in any cause of matter. In the present application, this would include the sale and purchase agreement and the correspondences between the parties. S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [12] However, it is imperative that the exercise of the above discretionary power is subject to the following superseding riders, that is, (a) the construction of the documents concerned “is suitable for determination without the full trial of the action” and “such determination will finally determine the entire cause or matter or any claim or issue therein”. Both these provisos are to be read conjunctively. [13] The consequential and crucial issue for determination in this matter before this Court is whether this Court is able to construe the terms and provisions of the documents before it and arrive at a decision without the need to call for witnesses to testify at the trial. The Salient Facts and the Decision of This Court [14] The undisputed facts were that the Plaintiff in this action had entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Defendant as vendor and the Plaintiff as purchaser of a lot of land, whereby, according to the Plaintiff, it was agreed that under Clause 10, on Basic Infrastructure, the parties have agreed at Sub-Clause 10.1 that: “The Vendor shall at its own cost and expenses, construct or cause to be constructed the Basic Infrastructure more particularly specified in the Fourth Schedule hereto in accordance with the requirements and standards of the relevant authorities.”. The scopes of works are as set out in the Fourth Schedule. [15] Pursuant to Clause 13 on Delivery of Vacant Possession, it has been provided in Sub-Clauses 13.1 and 13.2 that: S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 “The Vendor shall deliver vacant possession of the Lot to the Purchaser upon completion of the Basic Infrastructure provided in The Fourth Schedule herein. The vacant possession of the Lot shall be delivered to the Purchaser within thirty-six (36) months from the date of this Agreement.”; and “If the Vendor fails to deliver vacant possession of the Lot with the time stipulated in Clause 13.1 hereof, the Vendor shall be liable to pay to the-Purchaser liquidated damages calculated from the day to day at the rate of ten per centum (10%) per annum of the purchase price from the expiry of the time of vacant possession as in Clause 13.1 until the date the Purchaser is deem to have taken vacant possession of the Lot.” [16] The Fourth Schedule which set out the Basic Infrastructure to be Provided for the Lot includes “Water reticulation mains to the vicinity of the Lot.”. [17] According to the Plaintiff, pursuant to Clauses 10.1, 13.1 and 13.2 of the said Sale & Purchase Agreement, the delivery of vacant possession to the Plaintiff was upon completion of the basic infrastructure as provided in the Fourth Schedule under the said Sale & Purchase Agreement. The Plaintiff further underscored the point that the manner of delivery of vacant possession amongst others included in the basic infrastructure and the completion of water reticulation mains forms part of this basic infrastructure. S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 [18] Henceforth, according to the Plaintiff, upon a reading of Clause 13.1, the date for delivery of vacant possession should be on or before 26 September, 2016. [19] The Defendant, via its Notice of Delivery of Vacant Possession dated 28 April 2017, had informed the Plaintiff that the basic infrastructure provided in the Fourth Schedule of the said Sale & Purchase Agreement had been completed, and the vacant possession of the said Lot were ready to be delivered to the Plaintiff. [20] It is also pertinent to point out that on or around 12 May, 2017, the Plaintiff had fully paid the Purchase Price to the Defendant. [21] Following the Plaintiff’s email dated 27 August, 2021 to the Defendant questioning the permanent water supply for Phase 3A that was not ready, the Defendant had by email dated 4 September, 2021 had amongst others, informed that the modification and rectification works as approved by AIR Selangor had tentatively been targeted to be completed by the end of October 2021. [22] Upon additional enquiries by the Plaintiff on the incomplete work and readiness of the permanent water supply to Phase 3A, the Defendant had again confirmed by email dated 18 February, 2022 on the continuous delay, in which the Defendant’s contractor was still in the final stage of the rectification works. [23] Based on the above, it was submitted by the Plaintiff that this was a straightforward case whereby this is a proper case for this Court to invoke S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 Order 14A of the RC 2012 and that judgment may be entered in favour of the Plaintiff under Order 14A of the RC 2012. [24] This Court notes that the Plaintiff also cited section 47 of the Contracts Act 1950. This provision deals with the issue of time and place for performance. It provides as follows: 47 Time for performance of promise where no application is to be made and no time is specified. Where, by the contract, a promisor is to perform his promise, and no time for performance is specified, the engagement must be performed within a reasonable time. Explanation - The question "what is a reasonable time" is in each particular case a question of fact". [25] Reference was also made to section 56(1) and (2) of the Contracts Act 1950. [26] Last but not least, the Plaintiff highlighted the fact that at the time of the filing of these actions, there is still no permanent water supply available to the said Lot. [27] However, the Defendant urged this Court to not overlook Clauses 10.2 and 10.3 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement. [28] These relevant clauses provide as follows: S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 10.2 The parties hereto hereby agree that the Basic Infrastructure shall be deemed to be completed upon the practical completion of the same as certified by the Vendor’s consultants. 10.3 On completion of the construction of the Basic Infrastructure hereinbefore mentioned, the Vendor shall do everything possible within its powers to have the Basic Infrastructure taken over and maintained by the relevant Appropriate Authorities. [29] In addition to the above two clauses, the Defendant also drew this Court’s attention to Clause 13.3, which the Plaintiff has also omitted to mention. Clause 13.3 reads as follows: 13.3 It is hereby agreed that upon expiry of fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice from the Vendor requesting the Purchaser to take possession of the Lot, whether or not the Purchaser has actually entered into possession or occupation of the Lot, the Purchaser shall be deemed to have taken delivery of vacant possession of the Lot. [30] Based on the above three clauses, it was thus the Defendant’s contention that the water reticulation system had indeed been completed pursuant to Clause 10.2, as certified by their consultant, and that S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 “completion” does not include handing over of the system to the Authorities. [31] It is trite that Order 14A is suitable despite the Court having to examine and construe documents or agreements involved in the matter. However, as noted earlier, this is subject to the overriding rider that the Court must be able to reach a decision without having to call witnesses to determine the true meaning or intention of the clauses. [32] A reading of the clauses cited by the Plaintiff suggests that this may be a proper case where Order 14A ought to be invoked. However, when these clause are construed together with the other clauses relied on by the Defendant, these clauses as a whole put a different complexion on the matter. [33] This Court is of the considered view that while the clauses cited and relied on by the Defendant do not determinatively resolve the dispute one way or another, they have nevertheless, raised questions which can only be answered at a trial. [34] This Court agrees that witnesses will have to be called and extrinsic evidence will have to be adduced to establish the veracity of the “defences” raised by the Defendant. [35] The application in Enclosure 9 is dismissed with costs. The Plaintiff to pay the defendant costs of RM5,000, subject to allocator. S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 Postscript [36] The scope of the summary judgment procedure has widened considerably. In addition to the general summary judgment procedure laid down in Order 14 and the disposal of a case on questions of law or construction under Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012, summary judgment for specific claims such as accounts and inquiries, actions for specific performance etc and summary proceedings for possession of land are provided for in Order 43, Order 81 and Order 89 respectively. Hence, the proposition that “trial, as a rule, must precede judgment” (Symons & Co v Palmer’s Stores (1903) Ltd [1912] 1 KB 259, 266) is no longer the “rule”. Be that as it may, summary judgment is not granted as a matter of cause when these Orders are invoked. [37] With the amendment of section 68 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, section 68(1)(d) now provides that “where a High Court dismissed any application for a summary judgment”, no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. When one examines this provision and those in section 68(1)(e) and (f), the rationale becomes obvious. A dismissal of an application for summary judgment does not mean that the applicant has failed in the action. The matter proceeds to trial. Likewise, when an application to strike out any writ or pleading is dismissed or an application to set aside a judgment in default is allowed, the matter proceeds to trial. In each of the above situations, section 68(1)(d), (e) and (f) now state that no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. [38] This Court has been made to understand that the Plaintiff in the instant case is appealing against this Court’s decision in dismissing the Plaintiff’s application for summary judgment. As explicated in the S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 preceding paragraph, and in line with the provisions in section 68(1)(d) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. [39] This Court has also been made to understand that the Plaintiff intends to argue that section 68(1)(d) only applies to dismissal of summary judgment applications made under Order 14. As this application is made pursuant to Order 14A, the Plaintiff will accordingly argue that the provision in section 68(1)(d) does not apply. [40] If the reasoning that section 68(1)(d) is only meant to apply to applications made under Order 14, then dismissal of applications for summary judgment under Order 14A, Order 43, Order 81 and Order 89 are all subject to appeal. [41] This Court is of the view that if indeed the intention of the Rules Committee is to limit the application of section 68(1)(d) to dismissals of any application for a summary judgment under Order 14, this would or should have been made clear in the said sub-section 68(1)(d). In view of the absence of the phrase “under Order 14” in the said sub-section 68(1)(d), summary judgment ought to be understood as to include all summary judgment applications under the various procedural rules of the Rules of Court 2012. [42] It is nevertheless granted that in certain circumstances, a determination of questions of law or construction of provisions in a statute or clauses in a contract or document pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 may bring a matter to an end. In such a case the losing party ought not be prohibited from bringing an appeal to the Court of S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 Appeal. The adoption of such an approach will correspond with the rationale behind the introduction of sub-section 68(1)(d), (e) and (f) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. [43] As for the present case, the dismissal of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Application for summary judgment under Order 14A does not result in the dismissal of the Plaintiff’s action. The dismissal of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Application for summary judgment under Order 14A does not result in judgment entered in favour of the Defendant. This Court is therefore of the view that the present case falls squarely within objective envisaged or intended by the introduction of the new paragraph (d) in sub-section 68(1) of the of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. Henceforth, no appeal shall be brought to the Court of Appeal. However, that is the decision to be made by the Court of Appeal. Dated: 3 November, 2023 sgd [CHOONG YEOW CHOY] Judicial Commissioner High Court of Malaya Shah Alam S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 Counsel: Fong Lip Jeen for the Plaintiff (Messrs. Wong & Ting) Deborah Lau for the Defendant (Messrs. Khairuddin Ngiam & Tan) S/N j9zz8LstESfouCocncIMA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
striking out application - method of execution of the death penalty in Singapore was unlawful and brutal (‘the 16th Article”) - Correction Direction - section 11 of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (‘POFMA’) - statutory powers - Article10(1)(a) of the Federal Constitution - extra-territorial jurisdiction - a declaration that the appellant could not be subjected to any process within Malaysia in furtherance of the Singapore – injunction- leave to intervene in OS 51- immunity to a foreign state from being sued in another state in respect of its sovereign or governmental acts. The second principle limits the applicability of a country’s laws to its own territory and its citizen within that territory - immunity to a foreign state - restricted’ sovereign immunity - Absolute immunity - acta jure imperil - acta jure gestionis - Summons and Warrants (Special Provisions) Act 1971.
YA Datuk Yaacob Bin Haji Md SamKorumYA Datuk Yaacob Bin Haji Md SamYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Mohd Nazlan Bin Mohd Ghazali
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA DI PUTRAJAYA (BIDANG KUASA SIVIL) RAYUAN SIVIL NO. W-01(IM)-390-07/2021 ANTARA LFL SDN BHD … PERAYU DAN JABATAN PEGUAM NEGARA … RESPONDEN DIDENGAR BERSAMA DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA DI PUTRAJAYA (BIDANG KUASA SIVIL) RAYUAN SIVIL NO. W-01(IM)-393-07/2021 ANTARA LFL SDN BHD … PERAYU DAN KERAJAAN MALAYSIA … RESPONDEN 08/11/2023 11:55:40 W-01(IM)-390-07/2021 Kand. 31 S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur (Bahagian Kuasa-Kuasa Khas) Saman Pemula No. WA-24-51-10/2021 Dalam perkara Arahan Pembetulan bertarikh 22.1.2020 yang dikeluarkan di bawah seksyen 11 “Singapore Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019” Dan Dalam perkara Perkara 5, 8 dan 10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 15 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 Dan Dalam perkara seksyen-seksyen 50 dan 51 Akta Relief Spesifik Antara LFL Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat 923866 – A) … Plaintif S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 Dan K. Shanmugam, Menteri Dalam Negeri Singapura … Defendan Dan Peguam Negara Malaysia … Pencelah] DAN [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur (Bahagian Kuasa-Kuasa Khas) Saman Pemula No. WA-24-46-09/2020 Dalam perkara Arahan Pembetulan bertarikh 22.1.2020 yang dikeluarkan di bawah seksyen 11 “Singapore Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019” Dan Dalam perkara Perkara 5, 8 dan 10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan Dan Dalam perkara Aturan 15 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Dan Dalam perkara seksyen-seksyen 50 dan 51 Akta Relief Spesifik Antara LFL Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat 923866 – A) … Plaintif Dan Kerajaan Malaysia … Defendan] CORUM YAACOB HAJI MD SAM, JCA VAZEER ALAM BIN MYDIN MEERA, JCA MOHD NAZLAN BIN MOHD GHAZALI, JCA GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Introduction [1] There are two (2) related appeals before us which are as follows : S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 i. Civil Appeal No. W-01(IM) - 390 - 07/2021 (“Appeal 390”); and ii. Civil Appeal No. W-01(IM) - 393 - 07/2021 (“Appeal 393” ) Appeal 390 is the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the High Court in Kuala Lumpur allowing the Attorney General Malaysia’s striking out application of the appellant’s Originating Summons No. WA-24-51- 10/2020 dated 2.10.2020 (‘OS 51’) against K. Shanmugam, Minister of Home Affairs, Singapore. The appellant’s appeal in 393 is against the decision of the High Court in Kuala Lumpur allowing the Respondent’s striking out application of the appellant’s Originating Summons No. WA-24-46-09/2020 dated 18.9.2020 (‘OS 46’) against the Government of Malaysia (‘GOM’). Both the striking out applications were heard together (collectively herein as “the Appeals”). [2] This is our unanimous decision. After considering counsels’ full submission, both oral and written, we allowed both the appeals. [3] We provide our reasons herein below. Background facts [4] On 16.1.2020, the appellant published a press statement on their website in which they S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 alleged that the method of execution of the death penalty in Singapore was unlawful and brutal (‘the 16th Article”). [5] The Government of Singapore directed the issuance of a Correction Direction dated 22.1.2020 (“the Correction Direction”) to the appellant under section 11 of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (‘POFMA’), and notified the appellant that: (i) the 16th Article contained false statements of fact; (ii) Singapore’s Minister of Home Affairs (‘defendant’), in exercise of his statutory powers under POFMA, directed the plaintiff/appellant to insert a correction notice (‘correction notice’) not later than 23.1.2020 and failure to comply with the correction direction, without reasonable excuse, would amount to an offence under s. 15 of the POFMA; (iii) the plaintiff could apply to the defendant to vary or cancel the correction direction; and (iv) in the event the application for variation or cancellation was refused, the plaintiff could appeal to the High Court of Singapore to set aside the correction direction. [6] However, the plaintiff did not comply with the correction direction and, instead proceeded to file the two applications in the High Court, by way of Originating Summonses (OS), namely OS 46 and OS 51. [7] In OS 46 against GOM, the plaintiff sought the following reliefs - S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (i) a declaration that the appellant has the rights to express their opinion in Malaysia with regard to any matters, pursuant to Article10(1)(a) of the Federal Constitution; (ii) a declaration that the appellant’s rights could not be impaired by a law in Singapore, namely the POFMA, which purports to extend beyond Singapore, that is assuming extra-territorial jurisdiction; and (iii) a declaration that the appellant could not be subjected to any process within Malaysia in furtherance of the Singapore law. [8] In OS 51, against the Singapore Home Affairs Minister, the appellant sought the following reliefs- (a) a declaration that the direction issued by the defendant could not be enforced against the appellant in Malaysia; (b) a declaration that the defendant, or anyone acting under his authority, could not take any action to enforce any provision of the POFMA against the appellant within Malaysia; and (c) an injunction to restrain the defendant, his servant or agents or anyone acting under his direction from enforcing Singapore’s laws, in particular the POFMA, or taking any action related thereto, within Malaysia against the appellant. S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 [9] Vide order dated 23.12.2020, the Attorney General of Malaysia was granted leave to intervene in OS 51. The Government of Malaysia, as the defendant in OS 46, and the Attorney General of Malaysia, as the intervener in OS 51, applied to strike out the plaintiff’s OS on the grounds that they were scandalous, vexatious and frivolous and otherwise an abuse of the process of court. [10] In brief, the GOM and AG’s applications to strike out the appellant’s OS 46 and OS 51 are premised on the following grounds- (a) the High Court in Malaysia has no jurisdiction to determine the validity of foreign legislation; (b) Malaysia recognises Singapore as a foreign sovereign and therefore Singapore enjoys immunity; (c) the appellant is seeking to use the process of the court in Malaysia to evade and escape from the enforcement of Singapore laws in Singapore. High Court’s decision and reasons [11] Both the applications were heard together. The learned High Court Judge has allowed the Government of Malaysia’s application (encl. 7) and the Attorney General of Malaysia’s application (encl. 29) to strike out both the appellant’s OS 46 and OS 51 with no order as to costs. S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [12] According to the Grounds of Judgment (GOJ) of the learned High Court Judge, inter alia - (a) Section 60 of the POFMA provides that, when an offence is committed by a person outside Singapore, that person may be dealt with in respect of that offence as if it had been committed within Singapore. Section 233 of the Communication and Multimedia Act 1988 (‘CMA’) makes it an offence, inter alia, for a person to use a network facility or network services to initiate the transmission of any false communication with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person. Section 4(1) of the CMA stipulates that the CMA applies to both within and outside Malaysia. (b) Both OS 46 and OS 51 called for the court to determine the validity of the defendant’s action against the plaintiff under the provision of the POFMA. However, the court was not seized with the jurisdiction to adjudicate on the validity of the POFMA. The law as to jurisdiction had to be strictly observed by the court, as set out in s. 23 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964 which explicitly set out the general civil jurisdiction of the High Court. Both OS 46 and OS 51 were frivolous and vexatious and abuse of the process of the court, with no prospect to succeed. (c) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong recognized Singapore as a foreign sovereign. A certificate to this effect was issued by the Secretary General of the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With the issuance of the certificate, (i) Singapore is clothed with sovereign immunity from the jurisdiction of this court; and (ii) this court was S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 barred from exercising its jurisdiction to further inquire into the plaintiff’s complaints in the OS. (d) Furthermore, the defendant, in issuing the correction direction pursuant to the provisions of the POFMA, was an act undertaken by the authority of sovereign State of Singapore. This was clearly a government act and therefore protected by sovereign immunity. (e) The present case comes within the category of plain and obvious case as envisaged in the case of Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd for the reason that both the OS are frivolous and vexatious and abuse of the process of the court. [13] Aggrieved by the learned High Court’s decision, the Appellant filed appeal 390 against the AG and Appeal 393 against GOM. Appellant’s submission [14] Learned counsel for the appellant contended that there are serious questions that need to be tried as the OS involved a consideration and resolution of applicability of two principles grounded in the international law of comity of nations, in the context of this case. The first principle grants immunity to a foreign state from being sued in another state in respect of its sovereign or governmental acts. The second principle limits the applicability of a country’s laws to its own territory and its citizen within that territory. S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [15] The issue that arises in the OS filed in respect of Appeal 390 is: whether and to what extent the court in one sovereign state has the jurisdiction to consider whether or not relief can be given to a person who complains that he could be affected adversely by a law of another sovereign state acting possibly in violation of the second principle. In other words, is the immunity granted under the first principle absolute such as to oust entirely the applicability of the second principle. And as such that the citizen will be denied access to justice in this country. Thus, this requires a full and mature consideration of the applicability and scope of an extra-territorial law in the context of the principle of comity between nations. It was further contended that based on this principle, a foreign state cannot rely on the principle of absolute immunity to oust the jurisdiction of the local court. It was also submitted that there is no reason why local courts are deprived of the jurisdiction to also consider this issue as to whether or not a law has extra-territorial effect; and the concomitant issue of its possible consideration as in this case to balance against or oust the immunity of sovereign nations. To allow extra-territorial effect of laws outright would result in an impairment of the appellant’s guarantee of fundamental rights to freedom of speech under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution. It was also contended that any person who genuinely perceives a threat to his freedom or adverse consequence is entitled to seek a declaration from our court to protect himself from the threatened action. The case of Datuk Syed Kecik v Government of Malaysia & Anor [1979] 2 MLJ 101 was cited in support of the proposition. It was submitted that the High Court Judge in allowing the striking out applications had failed altogether to address on point of law – of applicability of this principle of comity of nations as regards extra-territorial effect of a national law. S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 [16] Learned counsel further contended that the immunity to a foreign state may be denied if it violates two important principles, namely, fundamental rights, and access to justice. The case of Benkharbouceh v Embassy of the Republic of Sudan [2019] AC 777 was cited in support of the argument. The principle in Benkharbouceh was applied by the Federal Court in Subramaniam a/l Letchumanan v The United State of America and another appeal and The United States of America v Menteri Sumber Manusia Malaysia and Ors [2022] 1 LNS 1253. It was further submitted that the appellant is not questioning the validity of the Singapore law. Just that any such law should not be extended to citizens in Malaysia exercising their right to free speech. That is the thrust of the remedy that the appellant seeks from the court. [17] It was also contended by the appellant that the Attorney General of Malaysia as intervener has no locus standi to object the OS at this stage of the proceedings when OS 51 in Appeal 390 has yet to be served on the defendant (Minister of Home Affairs Singapore). Thus, the AG has no right to strike out this action when the defendant has not been served and not taken any such course of action. Several cases were cited to support the argument : Commonwealth of Australia v Midford (M) Sdn Bhd [1990] 1 MLJCJ (Rep) 77 [SC]; Hii Yii Ann v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia & Ors [2018] 7 MLJ 393; Subramaniam a/l Letchumanan v The United States of America and another appeal [2021] 5 MLJ 612. Respondents’ submission [18] Learned Senior Federal Counsel (SFC) for the respondents submitted that in both cases jurisdiction is a fundamental and threshold S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 issue. Making reference to section 23 of the Court of Judicature Act 1964, the SFC contended that the general civil jurisdiction of the High Court provides that its limited within the local jurisdiction of the court. Jurisdiction therefore is a limiting factor to the power of the High Court to deal with a subject matter. SFC further contended that there is a significant difference between “jurisdiction” and “power”. Jurisdiction relates to the type of such matter which the court may deal with, whereas its powers may be exercised only in relation to that jurisdiction. The case of Tan Keat Seng Kitson v Kerajaan Malaysia [1996] 1 MLJ 454; Hap Seng Plantations (River Estates) Sdn Bhd v Excess Interpoint Sdn Bhd & Anor [2016] 3 MLJ 553; Abdul Ghafar bin Md. Amin v Ibrahim b. Yusoff and Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 771 were cited to support the argument. [19] On point of sovereign immunity, SFC submitted that in Malaysia the courts have adopted the theory of ‘restricted’ sovereign immunity rather than absolute immunity. Absolute immunity would mean that any proceedings against a foreign state are inadmissible unless that state expressly agrees to waive such immunity, whereas restrictive immunity would mean that the immunity is only available in respect of sovereign activities or governmental acts (acta jure imperil) and not acts of a commercial nature (acta jure gestionis). The case of Commonwealth of Australia Commissioner of Taxation v Mildford (M) Sdn Bhd [1990] 1 CLJ (Rep) 77 and Hii Yii Ann v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia & Ors [2018] 7 MLJ 393 were cited to support the argument. It was further submitted that the certificate issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong vide the Secretary General of Malaysia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra) had recognized Singapore as a foreign sovereign. As such, Singapore is clothed with sovereign immunity from the jurisdiction of courts in Malaysia exercising jurisdiction to inquire S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 into the appellant’s complaints in the two OS. SFC further submitted that the act of Singapore Home Affairs Minister in issuing the correction direction pursuant to the provisions of POFMA was an act undertaken by the authority of sovereign state of Singapore that is governmental act (acta jure imperil) and therefore protected by foreign immunity. Our decision [20] These appeals are against the decision of the High Court allowing the striking out application made by the respondents pursuant to O. 18 r. 19 of the Rules of Court 2012. [21] Since we are concerned here with the question of striking out pleadings under O. 18 r.19, we do not propose to go into the facts and documents in any more detail than is necessary. [22] With regard to the principles for striking out pleadings, there are well explained and expounded by the Federal Court in Seruan Gemilang Makmur Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur & Anor [2016] 3 MLJ 1 where Ramly Ali FCJ stated that: “[25] The principles for striking out pleadings pursuant to O. 18 r 19 of the ROC are well settled. It is only in a plain and obvious case that recourse should be had to the summary process under this rule; and this summary process can only be adopted when it can clearly be seen that a claim on the face of it is obviously unsustainable (see Bandar Builder, Hubbuck & Sons v Wilkinson, Heywood and Clark [1999] 1 QB 86; AG of Duchy of Lancaster v London and North Western Rly Co [1892] 3 Ch 274). S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 [26] The tests for striking out application under O. 18 r 19 of the ROC, as adopted by the Supreme Court in Bandar Builder are, inter alia, as follows: (a) it is only in plain and obvious case that recourse should be had to the summary process under the rule; (b) this summary procedure can only be adopted when it can be clearly seen that a claim or answer is on the face of it ‘obviously unsustainable’ (Emphasis added); (c) it cannot b exercised by a minute examination of the document and facts in order to see whether the party has a cause of action or defence; and (d) if there is a point of law which requires serious discussion, an objection should be taken on the pleadings and the point set down for argument under O 33 r 33 of the ROC; and (e) the court must be satisfied that there is no reasonable cause of action or that the claims are frivolous or vexatious or that the defence raised are not arguable. [27] The Court of Appeal, in Sivarasa Rasiah & Ors v Che Hamzah Che Ismail & Ors [2012] 1 MLJ 473, had adopted the well settled principle of striking out in the following passage: A striking out should not be made summarily by the court if there is issue of law that requires lengthy argument and S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 mature consideration. It should also not be made if there is issue of facts that is capable of resolution only after taking viva voce evidence during trial, (see Lai Yoke Ngan & Anor v Chin Teck Kwee & Anor [1997] 2 MLJ 565 (Federal Court)… [28] The basic test for striking out as laid down by the Supreme Court in Bandar Builder is that the claim on the face of it must be ‘obviously unsustainable’. The stress is not only on the word ‘unsustainable’ but also on the word ‘obviously’ ie the degree of unsustainability must appear on the face of the claim without having to go into lengthy and mature consideration in detail. If one has to go into lengthy and mature consideration in detail of the issue of law and/or fact, then the matter is not appropriate to be struck out summarily. It must be determined at trial. [29] The established rule on this point is that the court should not examine the evidence in this summary proceedings in such a such a way as to amount to conducting a trial on the conflicting affidavit evidence. As rightly said by Lord Diplock in the House of Lords in American Cynamid Co v Ethicon Ltd [1975] AC 396 at p 407: … The court no doubt must be satisfied that the claim is not frivolous or vexatious; in other words, that there is a serious question to be tried. It is no part of the court’s function at this stage of the litigation to try to resolve conflicts of evidence on affidavit as to facts on which the claims of either party may ultimately depend not to decide difficult question of law which call for detailed argument S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 and mature consideration. These are matters to be dealt with at the trial… This passage was cited with approval by Privy Council in a Malaysian case of Eng Mee Yong & Ors v Letchumanan [1979] 2 MLJ 212.” [23] Coming back to the instant appeals. From the OS 46 and OS 51, it is clear to us that the appellant’s application for various reliefs and declarations concern the issue of extra-territorial enforcement of certain Singapore laws in Malaysia i.e. POFMA. On that account, it means that the issue of extra-territorial enforcement of a foreign law in Malaysia and the jurisdiction of Malaysian courts vis a vis that foreign law would have to be dealt with following mature discussion and consideration by the court. Learned counsel for the appellant argued that the Federal Constitution protects the appellant’s rights to freedom of expression and it is unfair to penalise the appellant in favour of a foreign law, the application of which is unsettled in Malaysia. It is our view that the issue raised by the appellant merits full and mature consideration. We agree that there are serious questions to be tried in both Originating Summons. In particular the two principles of comity of nations raised by the appellant was not considered at all by the learned High Court Judge. The first principle grants immunity of a sovereign state from being sued in another state in respect of its sovereign or government acts; and the second principle limits applicability of a country’s law to its own territory. In this regard, it is useful to refer to Bennion on Statutory Interpretation, 7th edn, p. 118: S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 “In general, the principle of comity between nations requires that each sovereign state should be exclusively allowed to govern its own territory. So an Act does not usually apply to acts or omissions taking place outside its territory, whether they involve foreigners or Britons.” [24] We agree with the submission of learned counsel for the appellant that there are serious issues raised in both the OS that requires further serious argument. The primary issue raised by the appellant in both appeals is whether and to what extent the courts in Malaysia have jurisdiction to consider whether or not relief can be given to a person who complains that he could be affected adversely by a law of another sovereign state acting possibly in violation of the second principle, i.e. the extra-territorial application of Singapore’s law in Malaysia in the context of the principle of comity between nations. [25] The learned High Court Judge decided that the appellant was seeking the court’s pronouncement on the validity of a Singapore law, i.e. POFMA, and in this regard the learned judge stated as follows: “[16] Based on the above, I am of the considered opinion that this court does not have the jurisdiction to adjudicate on the validity of the POFMA.” [26] However, with respect, this is not the crux of the appellant’s case. The appellant is not seeking the assistance of the High Court to adjudicate on the validity of a foreign law, i.e. the POFMA. The appellant’s challenge was instead on the extent of application of Singapore law to a citizen or entity of this country, lawfully exercising within Malaysia his rights to S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 freedom of speech as enshrined and guaranteed by the Federal Constitution. In other words, the question is to what extent, if any, may the laws of one sovereign state have extra-territorial effect in another sovereign states in the context of comity among nations. We believe that this is the first time such a question has been brought to our courts and it is an important enough issue to be given in-depth consideration by the court. This is even more so when considering the potential legal consequences to the appellant arising from non-compliance to the Correction Direction. Under section 15(1) of the POFMA a person can be imprisoned or fined (or both) for non-compliance of a Correction Direction. Hence, it is clear that the appellant faces potential criminal sanction and penalty for any alleged breach of POFMA, and the Singapore authorities may have recourse to the Summons and Warrants (Special Provisions) Act 1971 to enforce the appearance of the appellant in Singapore in respect of the alleged offence. Pursuant to section 3 of the Act, a Magistrate in Malaysia is empowered to issue a summons for a person to appear in a Singapore Court if satisfied that it is a valid summons issued by a Singapore Court requiring the appearance of that person. [27] The situation is very unique. The appellant is a Malaysian entity. The offending publication by the appellant, i.e. the 16th Article, was published by the appellant in its website in Malaysia. The Correction Direction was served on the appellant in Malaysia, directing the appellant to insert a correction notice before the stipulated date. The appellant failed and/or refused to do as directed. This is an offence under POFMA in Singapore. The appellant can be summoned to appear in a Singapore Court through the assistance of the Malaysian courts pursuant to the Summons and Warrants (Special Provisions) Act 1971. In such a situation, where Malaysia has some treaty obligations to render assistance to the S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 Singapore authorities, it becomes even more imperative for the issue raised the appellant in both OS be given the consideration that they deserve, instead of being summarily struck out. In coming to the decision to strike out both the OS, the High Court Judge had failed altogether to address this very crucial and important point of law – i.e. of the applicability of the principle of comity of nations as regards extra-territorial effect of a national law. [28] Thus, upon the facts and allegations pleaded in the pleadings, which we have highlighted above, can it be said that the OS applications disclose no reasonable cause of action, for the High Court to exercise its power to strike out the pleadings under O. 18 r.19(1)? Secondly based on the conflicting affidavits in support of the applications, can the High Court court exercise its power under the said Order or under its inherent jurisdiction to strike out the same pleadings on the ground that they are frivolous or vexatious or may prejudice embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action or these pleadings are otherwise an abuse of the process of the court under r.19(1)(b), (c) or (d) of O.18? [see Bandar Builder (supra)]. [29] Bearing in mind the established principles stated above, we say that this is not a plain and obvious case for striking out the pleading as disclosing no reasonable cause of action. Nor can we say that they are frivolous, vexatious or may prejudice embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action or that these pleadings are otherwise an abuse of process of the court. To that extent we find that the learned High Court had erred. [30] It has been said that so long as the pleadings disclose some cause of action or raise some questions fit to be decided by the judge, the mere fact that the case is weak and not likely to succeed at the trial is no ground S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 for the pleadings to be struck out. The court should only strike out a suit sparingly and only when it is bound to fail at trial. We are of the considered view that there are serious questions to be tried in the OS of both Appeal 390 and Appeal 393 as the cases involved a consideration and resolution of applicability of two principles grounded in the international law of comity of nations and extra-territorial jurisdiction. The authorities further show that if there is a point of law which requires serious discussion, an objection should be taken on the pleadings and the point set down for argument under O. 33 r. 3 of the Rules of Court 2012. Conclusion [31] In view of the reasons as discussed above, we hold that both the decisions of the High Court allowing the striking out applications of the respondents is plainly wrong, which therefore warrants appellate intervention. [32] As such, both appeals are allowed and we set aside the orders of the High Court. Both matters are remitted to the High Court. We made no order as to costs. t.t. (YAACOB HAJI MD SAM) Judge Court of Appeal Malaysia Dated 11 October 2023 S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 Solicitors : Counsels for the Appellant: Dato’ Dr Gurdial Singh Nijar Latheefa Koya Kamarudin Abraham Au Tian Hui Messrs Daim & Gamany Solicitors & Advocates Unit A-1-1, Block A, 8 Avenue, Jalan Sungai Jernih 8/1 46050 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan. Counsels for the Respondents: Suzana binti Atan (Senior Federal Counsel) Atiqah binti Zainal Abidin (Federal Counsel) Attorney General’s Chambers (Civil Division), No.45, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 4, 62100 Putrajaya. S/N D1IOhs7kuEPtSV09j1/A **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
meter tampering-sama ada TNB berjaya membuktikan meter tampering dan berhak menuntut kerugian daripada pengguna berdaftar
Dato' Ishak Bin Bakri
08/11/2023 08:33:21 BA-A52NCvC-482-09/2020 Kand. 60 S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N T/Fd8x7rWEC0VU5JNj3zkw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal BA—A52NCvC—IE2—D9/2020 Kand. as/u/mu DALAM MAHKAMAH SESVEN DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERV SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA GUAMAN No BA-A52Ncvc4a2479/2020 ANTARA TENAGA NASIONAL EERHAD .. PLAINTNF [Nu. syarikar 199uo1oo9294 (200856-Wn DAN SHAHIZAM BIN IBRAHIM . DEFENDAN (No K/P. a11214—1o—5-173) DAN MAsTR\x SDN BHD . .P\HAK KETIGA (No. syanku: 1272904-X) PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan 1. Plaurml ada\ah sebuah syarikal berhad yang membexaxkan lenaga elsklnk dan mpemaaamn ua bawah undang-undang Mamysxa yang mempunyan mama: berdafvar dx Pejaba! Seuausaha Syarikal, Tlngkal 2, mu Pembal Tenaga Nas|ona\ Eemad, Na. 129, Ja\an Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. 2. Defendan pula admah indwidu perseorangan yang mempunyai aVama\ lerakhir yang mkexanm mm d\ Nu. 3.1‘ Jalan Hlflpark 11/3, Pusat Perdagangan Hiflpark, mun Puncak Alam‘ Selangor Dam! Ehsan sw HFnax7rwEcwu5.ANy:z.xw mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm an 3-2; uan/atau No. 23. Jalan 13, Pandamaran Jaye, 42000 Pakabuhan Klang, Selangnr Damn Ehsan 3, Delendan mempaksn pengguna hevdaflar dengan plamxii melahu Akaun Na. 5141 210070350600 (ham) berkenaan bekahln Eflaklrik yang amskaxkan ke pvemis delendan bsrelamaldx Na.:4—1,.1a\an HH|park11/3, Pusat Perdagangan Hinpark, 42300 Puncak AIsm,se1angur Damn Ehsan l“premis Iersebuf). 4. Pada alau sekmar 231.2019‘ pwamm me\a\ui agen/pekenanya lalah melakukan pemenlsaan ke avas pepasangan mater/meter di prams Iersebu|. 5. Eardasarkan hasil pemeriksaan lsrsebul‘ plamm mendakwa bahawa pekerja pwamm lelah menemuw penguswkan alau ksjanggaxan pada pepasangan meter/mam dx prams lsrsebut, amara Iainnya, dwdapalx Ierdaval Dandawaisn [ems hag‘ Keuga—Uga lasa dan neulral ks DB psngguna lanpa me\alui meter. 0 Wawnul kernudiannya menyalakan bahawa pekaqa mainlfi telah ruerekodkan kesemua kqanggalan nan/aoau pengusikan dan/atau gangguan yang mlemul pada pepasangan me|erlme\er sewaklu pemenksaan an prerms tersebul. 7. PIEVMW kemudwannya menyafakan bahawa pskeqa plain!!! lelah mekakukan pembalkan ke alas pepasangan meter/meler lersebul darn |e\ah mengambfl bahznrbahan bum yang menunwkkan keuanggarsn dan/atau penguswkan uanramu glngguan yang wum pada pepasangan meler/meter di pre lersebm. IN HFOax7rwEcwu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm be 0;... 0 mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 45 O\eh im, adaflah ]e\as bahawa pernyeeaen bertuns \evsehut lelah memenum llma (5) syaral yang aihuurkan nleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalem kes Tanaga Nulonel Enrhad v Dunla Raya Enzarprisa sdn Bhd [2015] 5 cu 751 For me eppeuem ca rely an e wvman smlnmunl, lhn fomrwinu mun have Izkan wax (u we eppenam mull have twisted the loss cl revenue and reduce n we a documum and wnllsn stammsm. my an employee and/av auly mm-ma pump at me BDDe\Ian|mus|have pemsedme am:uman|n:wn\l eme wnllln smamem up penny me wmlen stammerfl, um mecermea mm... siavsmunlmum epmamme pampmars slated VA 5 saw on ESA 1990 (my «er a vane oemncale. |he neme av the emplnyae or eemerme panel: uf me appeuam mun appear m me statement and duly sagnea, m rva proper oenmea sxalemenl is Vswed, n needs up be .I-wad an we cni1omerand\Hha cusmmavdues nm pay. men mm men can he Iskzn mu, :1 a porrmuorr pre(>eden|lor\nn|s(\annln\\IlInnIlon1n rempepu as «er Tenaqato Vssue a oenmsd wnllen slalemenlacccrmng up law, belove cml acuan wn be ppmmencea.. 47 OVEI1 VIII, Derllyalaan bsrtulis berlarikh 29 7 2020 walar dilemma OVEN Mahkamah sehagai xenerenger. puma fanie msngenax jurmen yang temmang oxen delendan kepeae Mamtif bagi kehflangan permepeoen. 43. Du pmek delsndsn puna, dedsndan telah gegex mengeruuuaken sebarang kmsrsngan hag! menyangkal kelerangan puma /ECIE psrnyataan nenuns plamlif. N nrnaxvrwzcvvusmvluw we sanaw n-nhnrwm be used e mm e. nrW\nnU|Y MW: dun-mm wa .num wrm Ponglraan uagl lumlall mmuun 49. Semasa katersngan saksl plamdfSP1, beliau telah mengemukakan Penglraan Amaun Kemg\an Hasu dan Perbehanjaan Sena Ca; Barman Akmax Uukan Pepasangan Meter yang msaaiskan nleh behau flan dflumskan oleh SP4 bagi menyekcng lunxutan p\amM unluk kahilangan pendapalan menurut Seksyen asm Akla Eekalan Elekmk 1990. so sm Ieleh memelasxan sscara lerperinci berkenaan cara beuau membual pengiraan bag: jum\ah tunlulan, spc jugs membenkan kensrangan hahawa sehanang kepulusan mengsnal kaedah psngwaan yang digunapakai darn Cara menenluksn lankh permulaan pengiraan kebewakang dnbual berdassrkan perbmcangan behau usngan pegawai avasan belisu Ianu sun 51. Twads wbab unluk Mahkamah msnulak keterangan SP1 dan SP4 mengenaw pan an jumkm luntulan plmmmemaaap defendan. 52 Da\am kes Sumbang Projaks Sdn Ehd v Tenann Nusional aamad [2014] 4 CL] 323 Mahkamah Rayuan memuluskan. [521 n was nut view man m cm absence Many Ischnmal penunne\ lmm Iha P\am|\lTIoIg:|mzs|\on, such as an engmeen being called as veriryme ewdanm an SP3 Mm win pm a slam, n V: not sans mvlhu com m my on sPa's evndsme mane as having pmvln lhs Flammfi quanwm no as 1055 ov revenue Although spa dawned ma: 3 olher semor Mlwcen ma cunnnm and appmved he! caloulalmn av ma hacK~b4IHng m (hair lhlenua nus -mwntod to a mu asssman nmy. In my words. them was no mrmbaralmn an ms iewrzcy M sve - u\wla|\on N nrnaxvrwzcwusmyzuw ms Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m mm ms nflmnnflly MW: dun-mm wa muNG Wm! 53. Dalam kes i , SP1 yang manyemaxan panglvaan adalah seorang pembantu oaam yang berpengalaman dan telah berkhidmal dengan plainlif sewama weum kurang we nanun dengan plamlii 54. Penglraan yang dwbusl eleh sm selanjmnya Ae\ah msemak dan diluluskan men swa, saorang Eksekunl Sackbifling carauxaucn yang berkhndmat dsngan plainuf Pengwamany la\ar bewakang den xewayakan SP1 den SP4 Iehah dikemukakan kepaua Mahkamah semasa mereka memnerv kelerangan. 55. Mahkamah menaapau banawa SP1 dan SP4 adalah orang yang harkawayakan un|uk menjalankan lugas—|ugas mereka berdasarkan pengalaman, \ea'han—|a\ihan dun kawayakan mereka. 0\eh nu, (lads sabab unluk Mahkamah msragm pengiraan kehflangan pendapatan yang arbuan oleh SPldan(e1ah msemax dan auumskan men spa. Sam: Ida dolnndzn Idalah ptngquna Inrdufiar dengan puimin 55 bevdauav dengan Mawntwiadalah delendun. Berkenaan undakan wendan yang mernlaukan presiding terhadsp Pmak Keuga, plainm lidak mempunyal ssbamng hubungan konlrakmal dsngan Plhak Ketiga bsrkenaan erskmk yang aihexaman ke warms lersehm. a kevaguan bahawa pads mxsa yang macenax, penggun: yang 57. Dawn kes Thomas Thomas V rorug. Nulorul Bovhad [2017] 4 cu 340 Mahkamah Rayuan menyalaksn [20] Thelvfomy Isiavas wnsumwonmelecmolly m lhe Dlermsei :5 concerned, n was me uppeHan|‘s wla viwunsnbxlfi‘/y am we ‘oonsumef under Ihe salesmen! a pay allumavnndmg mural: dun IN nFnax7rwEcwvu5.ANy:x.xw -ma saw be used m yaw ms mm-y mm: dun-mm wa muNG pm up ma On me ewdanoe as mm by me Isnmed saxsms cam judge and as ufflrmod by me llamsd Nlgh Conn judge on appeal, e\ec1m:\o/ mu a. «eu um mnsumad dunng me penud «mm 22 sepnemper ZOOLZ1 Deosmber 2007 n Vs inenmm mp emuany eonpumeo me enemcrry [211 As ma‘: ragumea cpnsumev, n war we zppeuenrs reepanemxmy we ensure Inst Ina meter nl me pmrmux wu ml darnlslad av tampered mu ms vssmnsimlny Iamnim wilh ma appaflznl (hmughour mp dummn M the agmsmenl unllss by his Ienanny agreement pm me IIrun|, u. had amqnsd such rwwmvmbfllly to me Innam Even than such ngreemem mum m:| pm 1'Ns,m11 pump a parlym msmnzncy agreement my me, where we mete: was damaged orlamporsd mm by me «emu av me uccumav wan nr warm: the epneuenre nevmussxon or by anyone as: during lhn Igrsemvnl pence, me wpellenl musl Day for me resumng ‘ass of revenue meme by ms‘ M71 necme he nan anytr-mp to do wnh the Lumnedng er damage uupea up we melsv but Baum: up was bound py Agreement m pey Var me Meclvinny merges the Van ul vvvanuu under such circumstances mnnol can on was ueea mmiu be gmlsly meme ms 55 Beldasarkan kepada kes yang dirujuk a. alas. admah jelas bahawa sslakal mans Isnys adalah herxenaan penggunaan Nektrik d1 plemis weepm, ianya adalah Oanggungjawab defendan seVaku pengguna di bawah parjarman bekalan umuk membayar kesernua ca]-ca; yang perlu dibayar an bawsh akann |ersebul kepada ms. 59. Dalam Imdskan .n., delemian lelah memfaflkzn prosmding Pihak Keuga ialu Iarhadap Megmx Sdn and. Mahkamah nereequxu dengan mqahan pram bahawa plainlfl lidak bo\eh mengempn ape-ans Imdakan sw «-we smpw n-nhnrwm be used m mm me nflmnnflly MW: dun-mm VII muNG v-mm (emadsp k Ke|iga memandangkan keliadaan konlrak anfara plalrml dan Puhak Kenga. Pevaturan 3(2) Perelman-Feraluran Beka\an Pemagang Lesen 1990 mempemnlukkan bahawa defendan, selaku pengguna berdaflar dengan plalmrf ada\ah benanggungan untuk membayar kapad: plairml segala ca, berkenaan dengan psmbekéflan elaklrik pads prams Mu yang lerakru. so Feralumn 3(2) Feraluran-Peraluran semen Fsmegang Lesen 1990 msnyallkan sepem bank 3. Rzmveny olelsclvidly charges 41; A hmnsaa may mower from a wnwmerany charges mm m mm m respect oi um snowy or axecmmy, or in vupecl at In: supply and fixing :71 any elemncfly melsv. sunmy Hm av a\m:lm:4l eq mam (2; N 3 aansumer was my wsmlssrs at ma. shclncny nas bwsn mum by a lboensse mm: alvmg mliae (band m m. nmam. w (Ital .1 u renewed by me menses ac lean wee mama day; baton he quit: lhu pmmu, n. man be him: m pay Ina Hcensee an mamas m reaped cl me suvmy ul e\eL1nuty m m. prurmssi accluma up to wmchavsr ov me mum-vg rm oscuvs, ninety- 12:) Du um walking day nllsv he has given such man: In Ine mnsee: my me next day an wmcn me regular av any mslsv has |u be awenilned‘ at (C) Ihu day mm which any nubsmzuem uncunret cl mg premises reqmre: me lmensae lo sumfly aucmuxy 10 ms pramli-as 51. Berdasirkan Peramran 3(2) Peraluran—Ferawran Eekakin Pemsgang Lasen 1990, defsndan tidak bo\eh mengelnk danpada |anggung1awabnya umuk mernbayar jumlsh Iunlulan Kepada plannvf. sw nrnaxvrwzcvvusmyzuw «-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm 62. Feraturan 3(2) Peraluran-psraluran Eeka¥an Pemegang Lssen 1990 membenarkan mans-mans penghunl selerusnya msmohnn kspsda plainm unluk mambeflkan bakalan eleklrik ks premis (sraebut. 5:. lm bermaksud Pihak Keuga sebngaw penglmni baham prerms tersebut omen mamohun unluk menukar nama pengguna berdaflar dsngan plum. Tebapi uevendan hdak mengambil (indaksn Lmtuk menukar nama psngguna berdaflar kepada nama Pwhsk Keuga smepas menyewskan premls (arsebm kepada Pmak Keligs. ea. oxen yang uammn, defendan Kekal sebag pmak yang barlanggungjawab ke alas penggunaan bekalan e\ek|rik ax prsmls (ersebul. 5-ma ma plalnlif porlu memberikan notls nwal knpada dulnndall ubolnm minlalanlcan pomariksann kc nun promls defendarfl ss Delendan nemuzan bahawa pemenksaan ke alas pepasangan meter/meter yang anakukan aleh pnamm adalah benenlangan dsngan Akita Eekalan flan/alau Peraluramperuluran Femegang Lesen memandsngkan mamlwf udak membenkan ssbarang nous awal keoada defendan sebelum plamm menjalankan pemanksaan lpada 23.1.2019. as Walau bagaxmanapun, penelnian Mahkamah kepaus Peratumn 1 Feramrsn Beka\an ‘alas memnen kuasa kepada wakxl nan/aoau pekar]:-1 pramm unluk memasuki pvemis Iersebul hag: lujuan menmankan pemenksaan ke atas pepasangan meter/meter (anpa perlu membenksn IN HFnax7rwEcwu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm nmis awal mengenav pemenksaan yang akan auawankan kepada delendan. 67 Da\am kes Te-mg: Nusionnl Ben-ad v AWP Enmprlu {M} Sdn and [2015] 3 MLJ 268 Mahkamah Rayuan memuluskan sepem bankm [161 The um com um nmarr m nppmng summon mm to we max muse befioru an Irsoacfian mm «m Vnsnsdmn ... m no luhlity Furlhin one: (amparmg rs nmmnmoa, the party Mm am an m, um 2. blllnus cl pmbabfllllas, the wnsumur who pays um maclnnfly am. who an would gum by dmng so» The argument: as m whu ndumly used Ins ehxfindly‘ and me ghnnw ol mum helm: an \’nspocnun,aI1argumen1IIMllI no mum. and pmbamyonlylolssd me am ulmy lmm lonumng an me vesevanx inuu ea Dalarn kes Tatum: Nuloml Eurhad v arigm Rims Manutmurlng sun and [2011] a MLJ A55 Mahkamah Tmggi memuluskan sepeni berikul. [41] Dalam pnnyataan Pefnhalaznnya‘ delendan Ielsh menaflkan dakwun plamhl |mdspI| u-ngumn paoa Psmasznwan me|er m premls deiendan Dnlam perenggan am delsndsn telsh manuauu mink pemah dlben nalis alau dlmaklum Izmang pemenksasn ylng akan dUB\ankan man peqawm mamm. my Dnlam keadam a: man: vannunan .:axmx |eIah emu. nenaku. mama musm sekalx mm mamsflukan nmls dlban sebeium vamankszan mm. ddalankan. Pemerlksaan hnnya bsrkesan smranya d\la\ankan xecara manweiul lanpa memben sebnrang palunng Kepada pmak ynng duxmksa umuk membual vevseam avsu umuk membemlkan kendzun Mahkamah N um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm mandapalv aduan delendan dalam kxmlaks W Max bnasas Vanusun Dunw dun pnmx -innmk 59 Oleh nu. pemeriksaan plammemadap pspasangan maceml premls dsfendan pada 23.1.2019 adalah sah tanpa perlu mamberi nous awal kepada defendan. 7o Ds\am kes pemenksaan kepada penguslkan alau kejanggalan Kepada pepasangan meter, Mahkamah berpendapal, sacara lojlk axsl, pemenksaan serava mengewl kepada mana—mana premis Ianpa memberikan sebarang nous adalah munasabah 71. sexwanya nous awal mberikan, letdapal kebarangkafian yang Imggi bahawa pengguns berdaftar bo\eh mengambfl undakan untuk msmpsrbelulkan pengusikan kepada pepasangan mam Pannnluan mm. parmulaan bagi plnglrzan jumlah cumman 72. Kelerangan SP1 aan SP4 berkenaan pengvaan jum\ah mmman man dncabar meh defendan Delendan mendakwa (ankh psrmulaan penguraan Jumlah xunman pada 2a.s.zma adalah (idak lepat enas a\asan sepem bsrikul. (a) daiendan hanya manerima millkan kosang daripada pemaju pada acau saxuar 5.7 2018: dim (b) premis tersehul hanya dwsewakan kepada Puhak Keuga hermma 1 3 2015 IN nFnax7NvEcvvu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 13 SP1 dan sm Ielah meruelaskan bshawa kehlasaannya suddsn drop digunakan unluk menenmkan lankh permmaan pengxraan gurrflah kehflangan pendapalsn yang jugs manggap sehagan mun pengusikan bermula. 74 Walau nagaunanapun. memandangkan nada sudden drop dalam penggunaan erexxrik di premis delsndan, SP1 dan SP4 |e\ah menganggarkan hahawa penguslkan bermula seawa\ dalendan rnula maanaukan sebagan psngguna berdaflar hagw premis Ietsebul mu pads 28.6.2018. 75. Pendekavan yang mambo oxen spa dan sw ada\ah selaras dengan perenggan 5.3.20) Saris Panduan Prossdur Tumuxan Kemgian Haswl Olen Pemegsng Lesen bagr Kes—kas Fsnggunaan E\ek\nk Dengan Curang yang mksmarkan o\eh Sumhanjaya Tenaga (‘Gans Panduan ST‘) sapem bsrikut. 5.3.2 aagx kes yam (lads sudden amp 1 m man: kasahhan dwsyakx law: n1HaI<ukan dun mm. bekxlan m.n..:m.., klvaan IEIVWDN kumlangan unn hsrmula nan um bekalan «mm... sehmus my melebmi hm: <5) mm... man u an dakam «mes Vam. mm tampon mum." um| mm danplda \ankh kasahhan dflramm Xe oeiakanw flank melasihi Iimamuhun 7a. Barkenaan dakwaan delendan hahawa meler an premvs aevenaan menunjukkan penggunaan “anmr semzsa milikan kosong dibenkan kepada defendan pads 5 7.2013. sm memewasxan bahewa beflau mah manenlukan Lankh mula Dsngiraan ;um\a7I tuntutan berdasarkan mu IN nFnax7rwEcvvu5.ANy:x.m -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm panama banankh 28 7.2015 yang dwekodkan bagi lempoh anvara 29.6.2018 hmgga 25 7.2013 lailu 514.00kWh. 17. P am berhujah walaupun bil-bx! eleklrik bagl bman April zms, Mex 2013 den Jun 2013 msrskndkan panggunasn nkwh, Cerdapal ca[ mmima yang dwkenakan Ierhadap delsndan bag: hulanrbulan lersebul Tambahan pula. penggunaan ukwn max boieh msamakan dengan kefiadaan eleklnk. mi kerana jenis pengusikan flan/atau kwanggaian yang duemm ada\ah penggunaan kabe\ lambahan asmg yang mgunakan unluk menmekaxkan eleklnk ke premis lersebul secara Isms (anpa me\a\ui meter danpada due (2) sumber yang beriaman 75 mam wga bemujah bahawa dukumerrdckumen berkenaan serahan milikan kosong premis tersebul kepada delsndan oleh pemaju dan penaniian sewaan amara aevenaan dan Plhak Kaflga |idak pemah dlkemukakan o\eh delsndan kepada pnamm patia bllarbula mesa sevepas derendan menenma nous-nuns tuntman bagi membmehkan Mainm mengamhnl hndakan unluk mene|i|i semwe uenglraan jlmllah Iunlman sebelum nndakan Inl Waflkan di Mahkamah. 79 Dokumsn-dakumsn lersebut hanya mxamukakan o\eh defendan dx Mahkamah bag: |u]uan perhicaraan pen-m lmdakan mi O\eh itu, «empoh pengxraan julmah tumuvan yang d\bua| cleh plamui ada\ah munasaban den telah dmuat berdasarkan Gans Panduan ST. 30. Da\am kars Yellaqa Nasiunnl Earhad v AWP Enlurprln (M) sdn BM [2015] :9 MLJ 268 Mahkamah Rayuan memmuskan bahawa penemuan bagv kehflangan pendapalan handaldah bardasarkan anggapan kerans adakah mus(amI unluk pxaumw msmmar semma mesa IN HFnax7rwEcwu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm B Eerdasarkan ujlan yang dljalankan ke alas papasangan metar/mater di premls lalsebul, plalnlll mendakws bahawa meter dl premls lersebul lelan gagal urlluk merekcdkan penggunaall eleklrlll sebenar Iallu dsngan ralal sebanyak 429.12% akinal daripada Kejanggalan dan/alau penguslkan dan/alau gangguan lersebul. 9. Berikulan danpada pemsrlksaarl nleh plalntfl dan kqanggalan darl/alau psrlguslkan darllaiau gangguan yang dllemul kepada pepasangan meter/meter G1 premis IelSebuL plalnnl lalan membum laporan pulls bemcmbor Saujarla uuma/ooosezle Danarikh 23.1.2019 benuiuarl senagal mjukan darl raked plalnlll bahawa psmerlksaarl pepasarlgan rneler/male: telah alyalanxan al pramls lersebul. 16, Akibal penguslkzlrl lelsebul, plainlll mendakwa meter di prenns tzrsebut iidak dapal berflmgsi dengan baik darl sempuma sana gagal merekodkarl bacaarl yang lepst aalaras dengarl uekalan aleklrlk yang alnakalxan pada sellap masa yang ma|sriaI 11‘ Eeldasarkan kepada nasll penlerlksaan lersebul, plalnln lelan menlbual penglraan flan merldapali banawa lerdapauumlah penggunaan Ierlaga aleklnx yang Ndak dlrekodkan ssbanyak RM174,74I-3.10 unmk lenlpon uarl 28.6.2018 hlngga 23 1.2019 Isrmasuk kns opera berkailan. an cukai 12 Plalnlll kemualannya Ielah mengeluarkan nulls mnlulan beriarlkh 29 7 2020 kspada aalanaan menunml dafendan membayar lumlall yang dilunlul Selerusnyay melalui sural peguamcara plainlll benarikh 23.2020. plalnlll merlurllul daferldarl rvlsmhual Dembayararl berjumlah RMI74,749.10 larmaauk laedan dan kos. IN nFnax7rwEcvvu5.ANl:lz.m "Nuns s.n.l In-vlhnrwm be as... m mm a. nrwlruflly MIN: dun-mm vla .nunc wnxl bagi merukodkan penggunaln sebenar da\am kss—kes yang melibalkan pengusman ke alas pepasangsn melarlmeten [51 ms case eunclmod ex-many wppry We hear In mi -ueancny vs wmxe me! one nupphad m fixed qnammui Iuwrdlng In mdlr, Inch that am qulnmy mum and suppuea Vs nleafly determined by defively orders and Wnvulcna, (:7 ulhermznms names and svmnhaeirby men n -mppm, n \s wnvwibla‘ (:2) me mum me Ivwims man a wniumev pay: in nonumn manage, Inrlhe quinn'Iyo1e|3cMcm/ wnwmed: (up manquanmy vs determined hy a me1m,lnI(a\|e¢ meesamy m we prarmul M ma uonsumac my me melzrisumpamd warms rawmmu would not mllanlhe mus: qnenuly cl e\ec1r1uIy mmumed, and min w me meta Is waned In a mum mm is kupl kicked. sameann may nu access II N Inlsmevl the eweemmy tabla: nevme reaching and muecy bypassing me mmer. [1 71 For ma suesmsmy xuyphsr‘ n Is wmposslhla in Ium buck |M duck nnd m-mmurthu wnlummwn The aecemmeuen Vs neeessenly by an esumale. [Mme gsvmznl oormdeqnon‘ In our view. is Ihal me dncumenx flemnnslrxlas haw an uwnate n armsd an m u\oulaI\ng hackohames to be Imposed An as me, camparsd m anus! ememe wm appear as sketchy‘ hazy ems wniusmg. Sl=I1wca\ mmemaucs mu anew: Vs nun: sumeemwn me avenue :71 lawyers and judgss N we ewmala results In lmuusing an admlxznm charge at 21»/. In man had been mm and pan1.l1Is ram 50 necessamy beyond the bounds av rasuunalulhly man n ma bi Vfijutled. Vn am mew, n u Is ealahlhhsd men n meluv mu been umpusa mm and as readings dues m|ra4lea1 me sm Ylrnaxvrwzcvvusmyauw mm. sew n-nhnrwm be LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm ac|ua\ cunsumpllon at eleclflcuy, zmd ma auamonax mam or backduvge lmpawd uponms cansumens nmdemomlriladlo be mnm1as|\y umuuwnable‘ axoessrve or wmnu. ms amaunl due is Druved upon 3 balance Mpmbamlxtwal [251 In the rum analymz 1a) 3 mnsumsrmust paymrihs alodncrly he nunsumus‘ (I2) 719 should not he aflmmfl Ia hsnefit mm tzmpsvwg av rnslsvs in pay \ass, as n msulls \n ma aanmx n-Mn: aw; nun lorllsstr s4ec11icny‘ and my shine the c\m:k umnm :1. turned on In reausasuve Ins wnsmnnnm mfly esflmalzs can he mnde. um um unmet: .3 rw| mwn In be munwsauy unreasonable, exrzasslve orwmnq. it may he mzpxaa as may upon a oa\am>e an pmbabflilles al was amoum estimated and dmmosi 51 Undang-undang msmap adalah hahawa Mahkamah bemak darn diberi kuasa unluk mengawadkan aps we rem yang mm waiar dan suai manlaat kepsda p\a1nM dalam Iindakan W menurut pemlaran Mahkamah ssbagaunana yang (Blah diplldkan dan dwpohon dalsm pemnggan 79(9) pemyalaan mm-nan heflankh 21,9 2020 52 Dalam kes Llm Eng Kny v Jular Mohamnd Sald [1952] 2 MLJ 156 Mahkamah Persekuluan memuluskan sepeni benkul: In any case prayer (an In Darznrznh 41). ‘Any um: vefievf which «Ms Nnrvnurnbb Court deem m to qmnt'mua1 m| be healed as . mere arnamem ta pwemmgs devmd uvany mnanlng lms pmyer shnmd ermtls Ihe Court to make such an messmem Sama ads plninlll mum momnukkan xumuun jumlah kanllnngan hull bani prnmls 5-1 ax dalam lumlah tumulalfl N um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 83 Defendan mendakwa bahawa plamIxHe\a7I memhuauumuvan surah temadap devendan dsngsn memssukkan Iunmtan kehilangan hasu hagi Premxs 5-1 d1da\am;umIaMunlu(an plainm an Wa\au bagaimanapun, SP2 dalam kelarangannya Ielah manjalaskan bahawa prerms Iersebul msnggunakan e\ek(nk danpada due (2) summer yang herhezs ‘am; satu (1 ) dari incoming prerms Iarsebul sendm dan salu (1) wag] dam‘ mmming Premis 5-1 dengan manggunakan xabex lamhahan asing yang msammmg secara cams ke drsbvmmon board an dalam premis lersebut. as Tmdakan SP1 dan SP4 yang membual pengwraan wmlah luntulan berdasarkan ,-mien ams eleklrik yang dlujx olah pasukan pemeriksaan danpada ksdua-duz sumhsr adalah sah darn max manyalam um:ang— undang. es. Semasa pemanksaan ba\as, spa |elah menyelaskan bahawa aevenaan adalsh puhak yang sehamsnya menanggung rugi plainw aknbal daripada nengusvkan danlalau kqanggalan yang dllsmuw m premws defendan. 37. Walau bagaimanapun, Gans Fanduan 57 dengan ‘alas membenarkan plsmw membual pengvaan jumlah lumulan dengan menggunakan "beban yang diglmakan di premls ssmsss psmeriksaan c/an psngujran metal d" /ankan” seaenimana perenggan 52 3 yang memperunlukkan sepani berikul. Sekimnya beknlan diambtl dalvqan mammal aamhlmgan secsrn «ems mp. ms4a\ui ma nlau psngunan kamunn max flaps! IN nFnax7rwEcvvu5.ANy:x.m -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm awwamnaun, penglraan xsnuangan unu mm. mmuu mg... menagunakan Eeban Kshundak Makwna yang hsndaklah mum ssmasa pelmohnrmn bekslzm ekaltmk mm: ulsh pangguna denuun msnggunakan hshan Ismasam amu hebnn yang dngunakan a. mm Iemua pemenksain den ysngnulan .nersm...x.nm ea Ada\ah jelas bahawa pengwraan ;um\ah mmuzan plamul aflalah taralur dan munasabah. nerendan lelah gage! unmk msmmmkkan seharang manifest erwr dzflam pengirasn yumuan lun(u|an naua sabab unluk Mahkamah menmak cara pangvaan yang dfbual dan uleh sm dun sm. 89. Gans Fanduan ST yang mgunapakav oleh pkainuf aaram msmbuat pengxeaan yumwan mnmnn nanyaran bersflat sabagai garls panduan dan ianyz udak mempunyax sebarang kesan untiangmndang so. Adalah muslam unmx p\amuf mengkm gens panduan Iersebul secara kaseluruhannya Ianpa mengam aspek prakI\ka\ semasa an Lspak pemenksaan. Gans Panduan ST rm adalah gans pantiuan dalaman yang dikaluarkan o\eh Suruhanjaya Tsnaga sebagau panduan berkenaan cavacara pengenaalian kes-kas pengusxxan pepasangan me|e(lme|er. 91. Damn: kes Jm. Kansult Sdn and vTom - Nulonal BM [2022] muu 1507 Mahkamah Tinggx ada memuluskan hsrkallan isu yang sama yang dibangkflkan oreh poguamcara delandan an mana da\am kes Jltu Konsult Sdu Bhd Mahkamah Tmggi man memutuskan sepeni berikul: [171 I also hold mm mm .5 snsomry no neuasuly for (he wilnemex In Euler vmu lha prermsu m asoeaam man the lmnkmg cable gncemn We Ihe Dismbuhon Box\na\da1he Plamltrrs prenflses. IN nFnax7rwEcvvu5.ANy:x.m Nuns smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnH|Y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm n it snMcIen| Ina| me Flalnml has suncessluw pmvan man we Irunkmg mnying nu cable bypisslng ma mslervas um and mm hln mg Delendanfl plamiyas snnnnny, theta us nu nsoessrty vonna witnesses to Dream: phomqraphs naming we came anscuy wnnauled to (M nmnmmon Bax Them 15 amme ans! lasflmcmy man an a mlnants In ptvve me Plenum uawn Thaw ewdanoe was mnsmenwnnmne aocmnanmye»-mane. anu Halltnws any mm by them (0 mvsruprssent cn. rm; As I nm and umsn um sc.I acosviad mew emanoe and lound them credible wilnssses Pungvunaan Amp Tang yang digunaknn aloh puukan pomarlknan 92. Defenuan jugs bemmah bahiwa pengiraan jumlah Iunlman adalah sa\ah kerana am penguuan yang mgunakan sswaklu psmenksaan lidak dmemuukur senagarmana yang dxperunlukkan oleh perenggan 5 2.2 Gan: Panduan ST. 93. Walau nagairnanapun, pmnm berhujah bahawa perenggan 5.2.2 Gans Panduan ST hanya lerpakax dalam ksadaan an mana kaedah pengiraan mmlah kenuangan nasal pvaanw mam menggunmn kaedah ralal N Nuns smm be used m mm n. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm u u K:-am run Run: n». \ smm than Mm aw‘ saw." om:-um m min mm mm-I ..».u...,. ..m mug: awpmhm wmul nmuulhn mm aw:-mm mm." mm mmlm... mm. mm m..-mm menu p-m-um numx noun n 3.; ........«»..n MM... ....4.. mu w rwvm um Minn->-n mun ma-......n Dimuunvg ..... »....1.m. "yum .m Mvllwan v-w aamm u.» «mm. mm nu-mun-44uu|ler-hvmwyumuhlmnm Iu mm mwumm max mum ylng qua‘ ....... VVVIWI mum 5-nu nnnmx me... am mmumm y-as mum-n<an‘unuubarIy:kwos$ nu-nu Mm. nu u-comm-r man .u um. um...» Wm. mun ham: mun mum mama -mum gnaw w a..." y..m.m.. mum: hug nmm e... ..a.»,.x Hg: mu. m ".1. an-rum and-um mm: cu-1. ¥m1g| 1», human wnmx. many: rum mmvwm MM: fllvll Gtzvuwu n-mm." m wvullvv mum mnlvun um. nunnd mo.“ dumnm manna! um vwmrun ......u .. uzrvnlz-n 1: «nan: p-wx...‘ ..w. n-Mud mm», mm .1.» man we nmvvwurlmuwua 94. Dalam kes nu, pengiraan wmlah Iumman dmuat berdasarkan kaedah beban kehendak maksxma den bukannya kasdah Palal 95. Demaan ;uga hemujah hahawa alat pengupan yang digunakan olsh SP2 sewaklu pemeriksaan lidak mempunyai sqil psnemuukuran (cenrcaos ol Calibration) yang sah alas alasan bahawa sljil penenluukuran yanu dwkemukakan m Mahkamah max marujuk kspada slat Denguii wing digunakan aleh SP2. 96. Sehagaimana yang lelah menialarlkan ujlan perbanumnan arus menggunakan am penguji yang dikenah sebagai Amp Tong unluk merneriksa mlsx arus sabenar yang msngalir masuk ke meter danpada punca bekalan plamm flan yang dvekadkan oleh meter temebul uelaskan oleh SP2 sewaklu perbicaraan, SP2 sm Ylrnaxvrwzcwusmyzuw mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm 97 SP2 juga lelah mengemukakan Cerrtlrcata cl ca/mutton Nu. TNEM/v5.m—os/492 berlankh 17 5.2013 (Cemficsls of Cs/lbrsl/on) sehagai dnkumen soknngan yang menurqukkan bahawa Amp Tang lersebul bevada da\am keadaan hawk dw mana kah |emkfw a1a\ levsebut umenmukur adalah nada 45 we (‘aim lebvh kurang 4 bulan sebelum pemeriksaan dijalankan Dada 23 1 2019). 95, s»=2 wga cexan memewaskan bahawa isman Amp Tang yang dlgunaksn (fish SP2 hanyaksh -sman dalaman yang dwgunakan o\eh para pekena p\a\nM manakma isman Digital C/ampmslsl merupakan Vslflah nasnn yang mgunakan dakam dokumen-dokumsn rssrm senagannana yang hnleh mum da\am Csmflcala ofcahbratrnn dan juga Arahan Ksrja Tentukuran Dan Tantusahkan Peralatan Kerja No ENGR—75(lr77—W\—U3 benankh 1210 2017 Knlmpulan 99 aemaserxan kepada alasan-alasan yang mperyelasxan dalam penghakiman .n., Mahkamah mendapau bahawa plamtii nerah bsriaya ruembukllkan, nmangsn kebarangkalwan, kes plainmlemadap delenuan mu. oven nu, Mahkamah memuluskan membenaikan mnlman p\amM lerhadap deflendan sapemmana benkm: (a) deiendan diperinlahkan membayar kepsda plamtii jumlah sebanyak RM174,749.10 bagl Jumlah kehilangan pendapatan lermasuk kns operas! dan cukal ; den IN nFnax7NvEcuvu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm (:7) !aedah 5% selahun mas Jumlah psnghakxman bermura dari vankh saman awaukan semngga Iankh penyewesaian pemm Gan kns. 101. K05 perblcaraan ini mmetapkan alas 1urn\ah RMZDJJOG no dibayar olen defandan kepada p\a\nli1. 102 Bemenaan \un\u!an defendan Iemadap Pmak Kemga, deiendan Ie\ah memasukkan penghakwman ingkar kehadwran bsrlavikh 20.4.2021 lerhadap Pmak Keuga Bsnankh pada19 Seplzmber zaza \)’\ \ 1lSH K EAKRI) Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Fmak~Pihak. Maxzurs Mohamed Amm ( Teluan Mehanadass Partnersmp) D/p plairmi Goh Kee Sang (Teman Kelvin Wong, Fhang 5. Assocwaies) hlp delsndan IN -um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! 13. Walau hagawmanapun, se ' gga k‘ Idefendan masih enggan, gagal dan/atau cum unluk membual bayamn bag: lumlah tumuban Iersehut‘ 14. Defsndan pura me\a\ui psmhslaan defendan telah menafikan mnlman p|ain|i1 den Ialah mamhangkitkan pdbagaw isu sebagal membanoan hmtulan nlamrii‘ 15. Dsfemian [I193 Iumt msm!ai\kan prosmmg Pihak Keflga umuk msmhnkukan bahawa delendan lidak nenanggungan temadap tuntulan nlamm 15. Semasa psrhncaraan, puamm telsh memanggu 5 erang saksx-Saks: pram Saksw-saksi mamm ia\ah Sm Nam Rahmah bmti Nash’ (SP1), Muhammad Rwduan bm Ruslan (SPZI. Che Muhd Rasydan hm Che Rosfi (SP3) den Muhammad Ham! bin Hashim (SP4). 17 Defendan pma mamanggn 1 nrang saksn defandan Lmtuk memheri kelavangan Saksi delandan iavah Shahizam hm mramm (SD1) Kc: Dlllnlll 1a. P\amM menya|aKan bahawa |smapat huktl penguslkan xe alas meter/pepasangan ms|er di prams defendan 19. Plainxil sexemsnya menyalakan |erdapa! kabe\ (ambahan asing dlgunakan unmk membekalkan elekmk sscara Isms ke premis lersebul daripada due (2; summer bekalan pnamar Ianpa melalul meter Aaltu dari mcommg premws tersebul dan mcnmmg prams 5.1 IN nFnax7NvEcvvu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm zc. Plainlwl setevusnya menyatakan bahawa defendan dan/avau wakil defendan den/afau penghum pvemis farsebm IBIS?! menenma mamas! darlpada elsklrik yang Ierkurang ca] aklbat daripada pengusxxan |erssb|.n mngga menyabahkan keruglsn kapada plainlif. Kn dcfvndan 21 Deiendan menyavakan bahawa plalrml gage‘ membuklnkan s\emen pengusxkan di premls rmllk aeisnaan 22 Devendan selerusnya msnyacakan bahawa (Jada buku pasukan pemenksaan nlairml memasum prams delendan 23 De(endan watarusnya mernbangkilkan isu penggunaan sslah bsrkakan Amp Tang yang dlgunaksn eleh pasukan pemenksean p\ain|W. 24, nevenaan selerusnya menyalakan bahawa luntulan puainm adalah sa\ah apabila pwntillelah memasukkan lunlman ]um\ah kenflangan nasu bag: prams 5-1 da\am 1um\ah lunmlan malntit 25 ueveman sslemsnya menyalskan bahavm penemuan Iarikh permulaan bagi pengrraan wmlah tunlulan plamnf adalah salah. 26 Delendan selsrusnya menyamkan bahawa sflai gage‘ memben nous awal Kapada aevsnaan sebemm msmmankan perneriksaan ke atas pepasangan meter/melsr m prarms delendan. KEPUTUSAN MAHKAMAH IN -um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! Sum: ad: lordnpal buktl pengunkan pad: pepnangan memnmm dl pmnls aelenaan 21 Saksi p\a)n(iV, Muhammad Riduan bin Roskan (sP2), Che Mnhd Rasydan bin Che Rash (spa) dim Muhammad Hem am Haamm (spa) dalam ksterangan mereka «swan menyatakan nanawa msreka |s\ah memalankan psmenksaan ke alas pepasangan meter/meter di plemis defendan Semasa pemenksaan lersebul, mereka menyauskan bahawa meleka le\ah menemui nengusikan can/am kejinggeflan pads pepasangan meterl.ersebu|. za. Da\am kecerangannya SP2 (elah mamberi peruelasan yang menyemruh berkenaan penemuan pengusikan dan/alau ke)angga\an yang guemui pads papasangan mslardl premws cersebul. 29. SP2 menyalakan behau Isiah msmeriksa keadaan pendawaian bag) meter lsrsebul flan mandapu lerdapal kabel oambanen asmg berwama mam yang msamhung secaya Kerus ke prems lersebul eanpa melahu meter hag) ke(iga—l(ga vase 30. SP2 juga mendapau kabal (smbahan aszng lsrsebul lelah dusambung gan dua (2) sumber Incoming plainllf (emu saw u) «an mmmmg prerms tersebul flan salu (1) (agi dan inoommg premis yang bera\ama(d1 Ne. 51, Jalan Hurpark (1/3, Pusal Fsrdagangan Hfllpavk, 42300 Funcak Awam, se(angar Dam) Ehsan (‘Fremws 5-1') ks dua (2) bush mannaucion board yang taflelak dakam premxs Iersebul. IN HFnax7rwEcwvu5.AN(:z.m -we Snr1n\n:nhnrwH\I>e used m mm .. amxmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] muNG Wu) :1. SP2 ueran mengemukakan gambar-gambar yang menuruukkan sambungan dam mcommg premis (ersebul dan gambar-gambar bagi sambungan can mcormng Pram]: 5.1 32‘ SP2 dmam kelerangann‘/a iuga menyalakan bahawa behau lelah memaxankan ufian perbandmgan urns menggunakan Amp Tong unluk memenksa N751 arus sebenar yang mengam masuk ke meter daripada punoa bekalsn pnainmaan yang drrekodkan man melar (srsahm dx mans ams yang dirukndkan ada\ah sepem benkul. unh r . Kuninq Sumber Pammfi (mcam\n57 I25 WA 131 7A Pmmusmrsebmfl Sumbat Karin! (mcommg 1 131 GA 115 2A 124 DA FM. 5.1) ; am... amiynnn 2 539A saw ‘ a mu dwzkndkanmeh melerdi 1 Flam: tsrsebul ‘ j 33 SP2 jugs manyalakan bahawa hellau mam merekodkan penemuan- penemuan lermasuk penemuan katzsl sambungan «ems dari Fremvs 54 ke premws tevsebut da\am Eorang Pemenksaan s Penguflan Pepasangan Meier — Arus Fenuh 3 Fast: benankh 23.1.2a19. 34. st»: jugs lurul mengamukakan kepada Mahkamah Pemukmman Semakan Mela! EIEHHK o\eh TNB, Surat Fembenfahuan Psmsriksaan dan Penguiian Pepasangan Meier ma dan Sura\ Pemberilahuan Pengambilan Bahan-bahan am benankh 23.1.2019 dsn laporan pohs mangenal penernuan-penemuan tersebul. IN nFnax7rwEcvvu5.ANy:x.m -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 55. SP2 ;uga mangemukakan hukh fizikal kabel oamban-an yang diambil sewaklu pemenksaan pada 23.1.2019 dan mengemukaxan Ulasan Tekrukal bsflaflkh 24.1 2019 as. Kesemua lakia-lakla yang dwkemukakan aleh SP2 Imsokong cleh gammgamzaar yang mamnn aleh sn=3 37. new keianggalan yang dilemui pada pepasangan melerdw pmlms tersehul Ialah uuawaskan ulah SP2 dx mana simbungan kabe\ asmg yang dijumpaw den busbar alau inconung ‘ms Am berfungsl umuk mamberikan bekalan e\ekLrik seem Cams alsupun direct supp\y dari plmca bekakan TNB ke warms dan juga premls 51 lanpa melarw meter. aa. SP2 memelaskan da\am kaadean normax, sepalulnya ams elakmk unluk kagunaan prams akin menganrdan punca bekalan ma Ke prsmis me\alui male! (1! mans meter skan merekedkan mmxan arus e¥skIrik yang mengahr seberum bekakan mekulk d\sa\urkan ke premls «eusebm. :9 Dalam kes um, sambungan [ems yang dibuat dari busbar axau mocmmg ma man digunakan unluk membexauuan arus elskmk sscarn lerus be warm: Iersebutdan juga prsmis 5-1 :11 mans arus sleklnk meuaxm kabsl asing (ersebu! Iidak menganr masuk ke meter Iangsung. 40. Ds\am kas Evamunw Funllur Mannfuclurlng (M) Sdn Bhd v Yonaga Mzslonal Eemud [zoom 5 MLJ 715 Mahkamah Tmggu memuluskan bahawa apabfla kelerangan saksw-saksw ada\ah Iegas dan konswsien dengsn penemuarrpsnemuan panguslkan. Mahkamah hendaklan menenma kebenaran kelerangan yang diberikan. IN HFnax7rwEcwu5.ANy:z.xw -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 41. Da\am kes Tunnga Mulonnl Bovhad v Am Knlghl am (pm ' usly known as Fnhulco Corp am!) [2017] 5 MLJ sa1 Mahkamah Rayuan msmuluskan sepem henkul‘ [111 4.. our oanstdamd opxmn, ma centre! Vssua Var deienmnatien Mala: m ma qussflen at meme: (ha phmnfl had suacseded m pm‘/mu Ihanhe motsrln:u|\n1vmIwusInmpevvd On a psrusa\L71l7>9 appeal racoru, we are sansned lhalmere Vs unmmmvened awdanne toshomhltlhs mvbennslaflahon had hasnlampuvsd The msmvaty mm. rmaxgn mpperobpaci wmm was msenad m use ma|er Vs pm at me «an M mmper1I\g.We aqua wm. lha submlwwon M Vuvnsd counsel (or me mammflhel me evidenue pmaucea hy me p\amhl1': mmm wan oons\s|an| and crsdlblu. n was avw oonnbornled by (he Druriucflan mm Dhmugmphl, lhe ‘mm mum: plvjilvgkaan we MV/HV‘ ‘aural nunakluman semukzn mew, ‘smut pambunuhtun pengammlan barann my and polxze mm On the Icmlny of me evwdervce we am at me Mew ma| on a nzrme oi pmhannlueslhe plewfllhadsucceeded m pmvinglhanha mstarwil Iamnarad 42 Mahkamah mendapall bahawa kecmngan sn=2 dan spa adalah (ages dan konsxslsn lermasuk semasa pemenksaan balas Eerdasarkan kepada kelerangan SP2 dsn spa dan ketarangan dckumsn, adalah jelas bahawa pepasangan meter an menus lersehul |e\ah diusik di mane lamapat kabel (ambahan asmg yang digurmkan untuk memberikan beka\an dektrik secara Ierus ke premis tetsebm danpada dua (2) summer bekaden mamm (anpa melalui meter waitu dan mcommg premis Iersebm dan mccmmg Premls 5-1. 43 Kesimpulan kepada penguswkan avau kejanggalan meter adaflah Izahawa devendan dun/alau wakil defendan flan/alau pengmmn pramls N um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm Cersebul leLah msnerima manfaal danpada elekmk yang uerkursng cm akmal darlpada pengusman Iersebul yang menyebabkan kerugxan kepada puamv. 44. Plainui Ie\ah mengemukakan nous mnman benankh 29.72020 yang marupakan pemyalaan beriulis msnurul Seksysn saw Akta Bekalan Eleklrik man hagn menyokung Iumulan (emadap delendan urnuk kehvlangan pendapalan plamm 45 Penelman pemyataan benuhs menurul Seksyen 381A] Akta Eeka\an Eleklnk 1990 mampunyal buhr-bum henkul, (a) nanya menyavakan secara spesmk uawenaan sebagal pengguna berdamr: lb) perenggan 3, 4 dan 5 pemyataan henulns menyalakan jmmah yang (erhmang ssbagal RMw4.749 10 Perenggan to secara Khusunya menya|akan bahawa Iumulan adalah bagi jumlah kerugwan hasfl dan pemelanjaan, ya sawanjmnya menyalakan hahawa Iuntuvan mbuac berdasarkan kepada Ssksyen 35(3), my den (5) Am Eekalsn: (c) lampiran A menuruukkan pecahan jurmah yang perm mbayar dan gambar pengusukan yang diwmpax paaa pepasarlgan meter: my defendan dibemcan empal belas (14) nan unluk membayar jumlah yang uinyaxaksn daham pemyslaan berlulxs tersebul, (eh pernyaxaan bemms ls\ah dwandalangani oven spa yang mampakan senrang paksria plamm. dan (r) pamyanaan bermlis lersebm telah diterima o\ah deiendan. IN nFnax7rwEcvvu5.ANy:um -ma saw n-nhnrwm be used m yaw .. mn.u-y mm: dun-mm wa mum pm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Pihak yang berniat untuk mengenepikan atau mengubah Perintah Mahkamah boleh berbuat demikian dalam tempoh 30 hari selepas menerima Perintah tersebut merujuk kepada Aturan 42 Kaedah 13 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012
YA Puan Zaharah Binti Hussain
08/11/2023 11:52:43 BA-28PW-119-09/2021 Kand. 92 S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N SUWB/RfoQESzjJ5pZ0xLaQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal E an-zant-119-09/2021 Kand. 92 cm:/292: 11 32:43 (DALAM PERKARA KES PASCA-PENGGULUMGAN SVARIKAT N0.BA-2IPW»Il9»4'l9/2021 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAVA DI sum ALAM PETISYEN PENGGULIJNGAN SYARIKAT No zaucr: 1;; Ma ANTARA AFFIN BANK EERHAD (Nu. Syariknlz 25046-T) ...PEMPETlSVEN DAN NORADZ TRAVEL 3. SERVICES son em: (Nm syankn: 664530-W) ...REsPouDEN DAN J.J. BROTHERS sou BHD (No. Syarikal: susos-A) ..,PEuIoHoN/PIHAK FENCELAH DAN BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA ...PlHAK PENCELAH KEDUA/PIHAK TERKILAN DAN TETUAN SASILA EASRI I co MPENCELAI-I KETIGA/PIHAK TERKILAN um; DICADANGKAN mm A\..‘ .9 VJ 141,1 aw SUWB!R7oOESzu5pZflxLM] «mm. sm.‘ runbirwm E. med w my 1.. urwmuhly mm; fluunvwnl W2 IHLING WM! DAN UMI KALSUM HARUN a. co (Firm: Gulmnn yanq beninfluk bngi ...P|HAK PENCELAHIPIHAK Pununrm Punk Kalivaj TERKILAN YANG DICADANGKAN DAN TETUAN s.I. RAJAH a. co FIHAK FENCELAH IPIHAK TERKILAN um: DICADANGKAN ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN P-ngonalln ['1 sepem benkul 3) Pada 16 Dgns 2023, Mahkamah im Ielah memhenkan kepulusan Nuns Parmchnnan (Kindungan 57) Teluan s I Raw: 3. cc, bag: menne\ah darn dwamrxah sebagal Pvhak Peneelah/Pmak Terkrlan yang mcadangkan dan pevmuhonan unmk menulak Nous Permuhonan(LampIran12)BarIk Nsgara Malaysia yang mevupakan Plhak Pencelah Kedua/Pmak Yerkuan bagx mengelusrkan dan membalalkan pevenggan 13 dannada Penman Kindungan 11 berlznkh 13 sepnemner 2022 dan setemsnya permohonan penangguhan arahanarahan da\am Z\|1ll.‘flV»VJA‘,4 k. 2, am suwarRraoE5zuspzm<Lm «mm. sm.‘ runbirwm n. mad w my ». mmm mm; fluunnlnl w. -HUNG Wm! Qwiik P-nu-mun Pmyu: Telu-n s I Ra]ah & Co Alas 5‘ \Msm: MAEA‘ No 5 Jilin Hang Jahal 50150 Kuila Lumpur No. Tel. as-20222019 Emmi‘ sue ahcgflyahgg mm Puguamcnra Poncalall Kodua/Pmak Tulkilln: Um! Pengua|ku:Isain Pemaabnn dan Lnigisl Jabahn unaang-unuang, Bank Negava Ma\aysia fingkat 135, Jalan Dale‘ Orm suaao Kuzla Lumpur No. Tel. 0326958044 Emaxl cwfl \i|Ig_gj\on@bnm guv my um mvw H9 ;>u mu 5/N suwarkrooiszgtsozaxml “Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; m.m. n. IVMNG Wm! penmah berlankh 13 Seplember 2022 adalah dxlohk‘ dan b) Ttada penman lerhadap kos Lmrbmk-ng K n [2] Pada 13 September 2022, Yang AM Hakvm Aznu hm Anflln wan memberikan Pennlah anlara lalnnya 9da\ah' (1; Membenarkan plhak penoeran J J Bromers Sdn Ehd unluk mencelah dan menjadvkan pmak da\am prasnflngn (2) Augusflne all T K James menggannxan Pegawal Penenma Jabacan lnsolvensv selangnr sebagai Pelikmdasi 413) that Bank Negava Malaysia andlor any other am party he restrained lrom dlapasmg nfand/nr dlSUlb|AI\lV§ (he assets of me Respondent Company save by way 0! the Ilqwdalmn process: [:1 Pmak Bank Negara Marayw lelah memlallkan permuhunan an Lamplran 12 unluk menoelah da\am Prosldmg my din memahnn supaya Felenggin 13 dwkemarkan din dlhalalkun danpada Psnrnah berlankh 1309,2022 dl bawah bwdang kuasa sedva ada ('mherenl Aunsdwcflon“) Mahkamah am. Jsvw _AB 115,1 5/N sxiwarkrooiszxlsolaxml “Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; m.m. n. IVMNG Wm! [4] Eevdasarkan perenggan 13 |eIsebu!, Vang Am Hakim Aznu bin Anmn lelah memennlahkln supaya Bank Negav: Malaysia dan mans» mana pmak keflga msexat danpada melupuskan danlatau mengagmkan asst-asea sylnkal Rewondsn melainkan me\alu| pruses II uldasw [51 Pmak Bank Negara Malaysia Iidak pemah menenma kertas kausa bagi permohcnan passe kas penngulungin syankat Nu aA-2ePw-n9- as/2021 la) Fania Kahun zoos‘ semasa proses swasalan dualankan ke seas Responder: ianu Noridz Travel 3. Semcas sun and dan pmmpmak wam yang «embat, penmarwenman penynaan lemadap asel-asel Responden lelah dmeluaman nleh nmnaran Pendakwa Ray: 4: bawah Seksyan sum /ma Penoegahan Penggubahan Wang Havam dan Peneegahan Pembvayaan Keganasan 2001 1A><ta 613) Susulan ilu‘ Rasponden bevsama dengan Fengirahnya Ielah dlluduh dan dlsahllkan aleh Mahkaman Sesyen Kua\a Lumpur dw Dawah seksyen 25 Akxa Bank dan lnsmushmsmusi Kewangan 1969 sampmg mu. Pengalahnya lurm xelan mslbllkan dengan kesalahan an bawah Seksyen 411) Am 613 Sablmnubxmn temadap Responden flan Pengarahnya te\ah drkekalkan aleh Mahkaman Rayuan pads 29 3 2016 an zww 1:9 .2 mm 5/N suwarkrooiszgtsozaxml “Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; m.m. n. IVMNG Wm! (bl Susulan danpada nu, sebelum Mahkamah Sesyen Kua\a Lumpur membual sebarang penmah peluculhakan hana Ke mas asshasel Responden m bawzah Selsyen 55 Akla SB, Mahkumah teiah menymkan sualu Nous da\am wana Ianu P u (B) 53 berlankh 14 2 2012 unluk memanggvl mama-mans puhak kenga yang menunun mempunyaw apa-ape kapenhngan menganau aset—aset Responden supaya hadxr an hadapan Mahkamah dan menuruukkan sehab mengapa hana mu (iflak bnleh dnucuxhakka ‘ (c) Pads 26 82016, selelah mcara pmswdlng m bawah Seksyen s1 Akl: e13 lelah yexesm, Mahknmah Sesyen Jenayah Kuala Lumpuv |elah memumskan‘ amara lam supaya asez-aset yang dwsenarawkan dalam Warla Keraman Pevsekutuan melalui P U (B) 53 berlinkh 14 2 2012 larmasuk Wang dnlam akaun hank Responden unluk mpuuangxan kepada pe\ahuv-pekahur secara Dro—rata (d) Pads 20 12 2017, Mahkamah Tmggl Jenayah Kuala Lumpul telan mengekalkan kepulusan MSJKL unluk memulangkan asst-asst yang dusna kepnda pexabur secara pm-ma 51M Arm .3 .2 mm 5/N suwarkrooiszgtsozaxml “Nun: sm.‘ .. mad w my .. mmm -mm; m.m. n. IVMNG Wm! (9) telah Pada 27 as 2021, Mahkamah Rayuan Jenayah mengekalkan Kepulusan Mahkamah Sesyen Jenayah dan Mahkamih finggl Jenayah unluk memulangkan else!-esel yang d1sila kepada pelabuv secava pro-rala [5] melibalkan pengaglhan aseraset yang kesemmnannya bemnal lebm Perineah Mahkamah Rayuan benankh 27052021 Iarsebul kurang RM71 ma 1se1akat Apnl 2021 1 dl mama zmman levsebul lermasuk Iebm kurang RM|3 Ma tseiakm Apm 2021) dalam akuun bank nullk Resp»:-den yang perlu magmkan kepadi 1ebm danpada 15,000 olang pelabur [7] Pmak Bank Negara Malaysm mendapau bahawa perenggin 13 pennlah bertankh 13092022 lerselxn bercanggah kepada Penman Mahkamah Rayuan berlankh 27 05 2021 [51 Teluan s 1 Rajah & Co. Peguamcam yang mewaki|isena1'ai9,243 urang Pemmlang din telah mamfallkan bukli hulang aengan Kelua Fengavah Insolvensi Malaysna. cawangan Shah Alam le\ah memiallkan pennonensn a1 Lampuan 51 sepeni berikur 1) Eahawa Teluan 5 I Rapan 3 Cu dmenurkan memvaxlxan Nous am mvw 11! 03 mm 5/N suwawooi Isuzoxna “Nut: s.n.1...“.2",‘;111.,.m....:M1....m.m.m1.,..“.m..meW Permuhnnan In: umuk mancelah can dnambah sahagul Pmak Penoe|ahIPihak Terknan yang dmadangkan u) Bahaws Mons Permahonin (Lampum 12) Bunk Nagira Ma\avs1a yang merupakan Fmak Penoexan Kedua/Fmak Tevkilan bag: mengeluarkan dan memhalalkan perenguan 13 daripada Penman Kandungan 1 berlankh 13 Seplembev zuza dan selerusnya permahonan psnangguhan arahan-arahan dalam pennlah benarikh 13 September 2022 adalah dnorax m) Kus penmnonan ml dllanggung aleh Fernohon /Pxhak Pencelah yang dxcadangkan IV) Apa—apa rem dam pennlah lam yang dvflkvrkan sualmanlaat uleh Mahlcamah [5] Alasan permohonan Im adalah - 0; Moms Permohonsn (Lampnan 12) nleh Bank Negara Mmaysia sebagax Plhak Penoe\ah Kedua adaran uuax wajar kerana pemmhonan unluk memmda perinoah bertankh 13 semember 2022 adalah benemangan dengan Damn Functus Omcra nu AHVW IAD nu um 5/N sxlwarkrooiszytsozaxml “Nun: SIM‘ .. mad w my .. mm-y -mm; m.m. n. IVMNG Wm! karan: Mahkamzh ml mm mempunyax kuasa unluk mammda pennlah alau pengnakuman yang mahpun muktamad on Nous Pelmohonan Limpvran 12 im adulah lidak ssh din lamalal kerana pmdaan hanya baleh dmhal mekalul permcmonan di Mahkamah Ffayuan (nu Pnhak Bank Negam Ma\ays1a perm memraukan pennononan unluk penggulungan pewaksanaan Anal Mahkamah i) Pormoholllll oleh Bank Nlfi-In Mlllylll ldlllh 'F|lncIIlI Ofliclu'. [10] rsu m. |e\ahpun dipumskan oleh Yang Am Hakim Azrm mu Anmn pada 722u23 semasa menolak banlahan awa\ nleh Pemohon u Blather: mengenzv ‘Vunclus oflicld Inl Oleh flu wsu ml Hdak boleh dlbangkwtkan lagw oleh Yeluan s I Rajah a. co Ilu Lumplrnn 11 mm unluk mumnmlx-n pornnggln 1: dalim Porinuh In] perlu unailkan di Mahknmnh Rayuan. [11] Mahkamah merujuk kepada Amran 42 Kaedah 13 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkzmah 2012 xallu s|3A 25»w A7 an Inn 5/N sArNmRraoE5zu5uz0xLm «mm. sm.‘ , .. uxafl w my ». mmm -mm; fluumlnl n. IVMNG Wm! Menmmupikzn nnu mongublh pvnulllklmln dun Purinuh -1: Kecuar: sob.-zyarmana yang drpsrunlukkurv sslamnya da/am Kaedalvkasdah rm, jvka pemnmkkan drbuaz dalam Kaedalrkaedeh my urmlk mengenaprkan arau mengubah spa-spa permlan alau pervghakrmsn, suatu prhak yang Dermal Lmluk msrvyensprksn Elan mengubah psrmluh slsu pengnaktmsn rm hsndaklah membuar permolvonalv kepada Mahkaman din menyamparkannya kenada pmak yang zeran Uapsl permlah alau penghakllnan mu aaram N75 puluh nan ss/enas perlnlah mu panqhaldman rtu armnmnys ' [12] Eerdasavkan Aluran 42 levsehut‘ Mahkamah nu sememangnya mempunyax kuasa sema ada ( Inherent ;nrisdv::unn"j unluk mendengav Lzmpwran 12 oleh Bank Negara Malays iii) lsu bahawa Bank Negara Malaysia perlu memiaiuuu pongglnlungln p. ukun m. [13] Mankamah bevpendapal bshawa um adalah «max Kepat Pengganlungan peflaksanaan mponun sehranya lerdapa| rayuan kepada Mlhkamah yang rebm Imggl Damn kes um‘ nuak oda saebarang pmsudmg vayuan dibuat 9|3A zewv ‘La umon 5/N suwawooi Isuzoxna «mm. s.n.y...“.2",‘;m.,,..“.m..meW Pemmlp [14] Eerdasarkan «ma-cam dan undang—undang yang umyalakan, Mahkamah menolak permarmnan Teluan s I Rajah unluk mencelah dan awambah sebagil Puhak Pencelah‘ mg: selemsnyl manulak permuhnnannya unluk pmak Bank Negava Ma\aysAa membaxaxxan perenggan 13 danpada benankh 13 September 2022 Benankh zs Oklnber 2023 ®?:*w (ZAHARAH BINTI NUSSAIN) Pasuvumaya Kanamman Mahkamah Tmggl Ncvc 2 Shah Alam 1n|aA ,’K“W Mu nu um 5/N suwmRrooE5zu5uzoxLm «mm. sm.‘ , .. uxafl w my ». mmm -mm; fluumlnl n. IVMNG Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Judicial Review – Application for an order of certiorari to quash Industrial Court Award - Whether the termination/dismissal of the 2nd Respondent from the Company was with just cause or excuse- What were the reasons operating in the mind of the employer at the time or immediately prior to terminating the 2nd Respondent.- The reasons operating in the mind of the employer which preceded the decision to terminate, and resulted in the decision to terminate, comprise the matters to be considered and adjudicated upon by the Industrial Court under section 20(3) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967.- Was there an error of law committed by the Learned Chairman in the finding that the basis of termination on the ground of statutory retirement age as per the letter of termination was not made out;- The Court finds that there was no error committed by the Learned Chairman in the finding that the basis of termination on the ground of statutory retirement age was not made out- However, the findings of unjust dismissal and dismissal without just cause at paragraphs 74 and 75 of the said Award are set aside as erroneously made based only on the ground stated in the letter of termination. The amount awarded to the 2nd Respondent as compensation is set aside;- Applying the Federal Court case of Maritime Intelligence, the proper enquiry ought to be the reason operating in the mind of the employer at the time of dismissal. In this case, the facts clearly reveal that the mismanagement of funds issue was certainly operating on the employer’s mind at the time of the dismissal to the extent that even the Claimant had pleaded that she was dismissed on that ground. - As such, the Court directs that the matter be remitted to the same Learned Chairman of the Industrial Court who heard the evidence on the issue of mismanagement of funds and for him to decide on the issues as pleaded and to make all necessary orders consequential to any such finding;
YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai
08/11/2023 11:15:38 PA-25-40-06/2023 Kand. 22 S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N WCBVOEnMYEaHcDhJrsQ9aA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 1>A—25—ac—o6/2023 Kand. 22 as/mzm 11:15-314 DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI FULAII FIMANG nALm NEGERI PIILAU PINAMG FERMONONAN SEIIAKAN KEHAKIMAN Mo. FA-25-40-06/2023 DaVam umsan pemmhanan ATM Msna9emen| Team Sdn EM unluk mendapatkan kehenaran danpada mahkimah Dan bagi memfaflkan permohonan Samakan Kehakiman: Dalam urusan Awad Mahkamah Perusahaan Nu sew Term 2023 berlankh 21 3.21123 yang ulsampavkan dalam Kes Mahkamah Pumsannan Pullu Pmang Shevtzal/20 ynng man dllanma aleh S)/Ir\ka( Dana 29 3 2023: Dan Dalam perkara Seksyen 20 Ana Pemuhungan Perusahaan 1957. Dan Dalam perkara mengenai Jadual 1, Akva Mahkamah Kehaklrnln I964 dan Alum: 53 Kasdafrkaadah Mahkamah 2012 Amara aw wcavuznmvzancmursnwan -ma Sum ...m.. WW .. used a mm ua nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm Va muNG pm uanum :1 ATM Manaqemen1Team Sdn am: [Syankal Nu 2013DIOI2277(1D-$21 I5~H)] Famuhon Dan 1. Mahkamlah Pamsahnan Mamysiu 2 Law Boey Faun (No K/P571114-Dz-SGED) . Resaanden-Resnonden GROUNDS OF JUDGMENT Inhodudlon [1] Thus is an awlicalmn loran onierof oemoran In quash Induslrial com Award No. 667 M2023 asked 21- Mamh 2023 grven m Industrial court case No 6/4/281/2D Uuemnaller recsarea io as me “sam Award”). [21 Pames mu be referred m as they were m me Cuun bekm mm me Apphcant bemg me company and me 2“ Respondent smpbyee as the Ckaimam. p] The sanem cams |hal can be gleaned (mm ma pleaded cases and me said Award as wan as me amdavns before me can be summanzed as rnmm; sw wcavL:EnMv£:Hcnn.Arsnu:A vane 2 um um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm rm Fmm me above aeerarorr. rr rs Iherelore clear rrrer the reasons advanced rn “V! Induslnal Oaurl Inqurry Sholfld be the reasons cperatwg in the mmd of the empluyer at Of rmmedralsry prior |O the d‘ ’ al As hrgrrrignred earner, me Learned crrarrrrrarr had earraruaea ar paragraph «.5 afthe said Award ms: the only reason rrrar operated al rrre rrme M the rrrsrrrresar was me fact mar the crarrrrarrr had reacrrad the sramrory velrremenl age er so. Premrsed on me decisron In mrrairru Inulliuunu (supra), Mhat was rrrrreea rrre orrry reason mar oaerarea me mmd zfllhe emproyerarrrrerrrrre omrsrrrrssar. Khan, the Learned Charrman are run err in rusr considering lhal orre rssua. [18] Hawever, wrm respect la the Learned charmrarr, rrr my oonsmered mew, hrs earrcrusran al paragraph 45 01 me sara Award mar me omy reason Ihatoperated on me rum of rrre errrprayer a| me rrrrre orme drsmrssal was that the Crarmanl had reached the relmamenl age was VI error and rnaricrnal based not only on the ervrdenoe adduced but also on lhe pleadrngs [191 In we regard, as rrrgmrgrrrea earner, no| only mu me clarmam pread and iaslrfy m rserarr In rerarrarr to me rsaues al rrrrsrrrarragerrrenr rmurrus mar rrau been rarsed pnor |c lermmaiiom she pleads lhal srre was Isked |o resrgrr on aceoum or rm same. srre goes as far as plaadmg in me srarerrrenr 0! case tharnhe aeruar reason «or theleimmallon was me mismanageman| or Funds aflagahans As such‘ rr was aerrarnry a srruauorr mar when we crarrrranr rrraua rrar reprasenlaliun under section 2a of cm rnarram-I neutron: Au «:1, me arcumsiances rrr wcavuEnMvE:HcDn.rrsnw:A me 11 ul :1 we saw n-vrhnrwm be used m mm In: nrwrrraflly mums dun-mm vra anurm wnxr of dlsmxssm she was wmulainmg about was ner dislmssal on me aHeged grounds o1m\sman:gemen\oifunds. [20] Funhermore, :1 appears that Varge pnmon of me Inal we was suenl on Ihe Issue of mrsmanagemenn of mm}: etc. There was no objsclnon mrsed alany point during me Inal that n was of nu relevance u rs clear that me parlnes prooeedad an the basis me: n was a mewmnl mailer lo be eansmerea. [71] In my wew. considering eu menere. mere can be no unubl mu Ibo Inn: at mismanagamant :11 funds was eperetrwe on me emmcyef: mind at me pain! or mrminanan [221 In me uusnm, m my amnion, me Learned Chairman erred wnen ne refused to consider Illa Issue ehmsmanagemenl 07 funds as ilwas HUI onry expressly pleaded by both names but clesny e mane!/Issue that had ocwrred and operated on me mm 0! me empaeyer prior to and at the tune cf the dAsmIssa\. It was deafly not a matter that was dlsmvered past the Cla|manl‘s msmlssal. [23] II Vs «me Vaw that an enor 0! law Is occasioned where me dsdsion maker «ans we consider a relevant mailer or rnuseppna the law The noun of Appeal in me case of syuriken Kunduun M-Inyu K-Iunun Ehd v. Trunlporl Worhn Unlovl [ms] 1 MLRA 26l;[1W5]2 cm 743; [1995] 1 Mann: [1995] 2 ML! :17 held as venom. "/n my judgment, lhs rme pnhcrpls may be stated as !'o(/ows. An inferior Mbunal er orrrer dscrlxion making aumorrty, wnerner exercising a quastyudicial Iuncfion or Fun:/y en adminlsnatlvs rn wcavmEnMvE:Hcmursnu:A base n 5111 we s.n.r n-nhnrwm be used m mm s. nrwhrnflly mm: dun-mm wa .nune Wm runenen has no jurisdiction 1.; cammr? an snot ol/aw Heneerenn. 1! /3 no longer o/concern whefhev me em oflaw rs iunsdrcvonal or not. (I an inferior Inbunal or olhu public dsc/sion taker does make such an error, men he exceeds hrs [ulisdiclron So too is jurrsdrcfinn sxcsedsd where 795091 75 hfld 10 an unfatr pmcedunz (see Re,e Abdul Malek u Senausaha summ/eye Pasukan Polls (19951 1 MLJ 309;, or where me dectsran reached is umeasuneme, m the sense that no reasonable tribunal simr/ariy mumsueneeu wou/I1 have amvad at the impugned deasion It is neither Ieesme nor desirable to attempt an exhaustive ae/mmon ofwllaramoums to an error ol/aw for me calegalres or such an em)! we not closed. Bu! it may be salely said me: an error anew would be arse/need 4 me decfsianmaker asks himse/Hive mm gussuon or lakes rm ECCOLIHI irreievanx considerations DI omits to laks into acvaunr relelmnt consfdelatrorrs We: may be convsmsnllz [en-wed an Anrslnfnfc error or n he miscontrues me terms ol any rem/an: statute or rmsagg/[es OI mrs-slates a mangle oflhe general law. Slnoe an Inlsflormbunm has nojunsdicfion (0 make an arm! ol/aw, us ueclsnne w/II nu! be immunized from /ud/':iaIIe1/raw 1: y an oasis! clausa however wldsly malted." [24] Having eunsmered all meners and mm Issued to the Leamee Chammln, 1 am conslrumed |o conclude met an arm of raw wn eommmea when M misupphed me new no laflad to take ima eecnum a reievanl eoneaeremun i.e., men In consmr lha issue ul mismanagement ov funds as a ground for termination. IN wcavuznmviancmursnuan vase u um ‘Nata sew n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm vu mum we Whit Nam? [25] Having opined and concluded above iriai me Leamsd Chairman‘: nnoing on a proper issue more in ie., ground or siaiuiory ra|inamerIl ago was carradly daoidad, me Cuurl is iiai minded lo quash man ririding. Howovar. ii is clear ma! ma hasis lavsuhsaqusnfly oonciudiiig iriai me ciainianrs xemiinaimi was uninii on mo sole oasis afslamlory rahramanl isoe was mereiore named and canseoueniiy. Ihe said Award of 24 moriiris buck wages shouki oa quashsd. [251 Pames nave suomiiiea n Vcnfllh beionu me bued on me svldenue adduoed more iris iridusmai coun max I should now decide whether or mi me ciaimam is guiicy olme alleged niismaiisgeirieiii vflunds aiioior io decide an ma apomoiiaie comoensaiion, ii eriy. In my view, 1713! uiai issue ougm to have been oonsiaered riaviiig mncluded as and decided by me Leamad criaimiaii, iiis m| nw my oiaoe lo decide mis sssue as If at first iiisiaiioa iii my opinion, me issue oi mismanagemem Ufflmds and any possmie wmpensaoori ougm lo be the domain oi me Indusmal ooun ax firs1 iiisiaiioo who heard me exierisive iesiimoiiy oi |he wimesses on me issue niat would also avoid me deprivauon oiane ieyei oiaopeai by eflher pany aga s1 any such decision on me issue. Conclusion [21] As such, rieviiig ooiisioerea an maueis, mis ooun maka melollmving DVdef$‘ IN wcavmE:iMvE:HcDri.irsnw:A Page In 0417 None s.ii.i n-nhnrwm be used M mm i.. nrwinaflly MIN: dnunvinnl wn aF\uNG WM! a There was nu srmr av law darnnnrled rn [ha findlng mal me basis or Ierrrllrlalmn on me ground of slalmory rellrsmanl age was not made out: b. The findings ol urrlusl drsrrrissal and dismlssal wlmou1jus1 cause at paragraphs 14 and 75 01 me sald Award are sel aside as erroneously made based only on me grmmd stated ln are leller M lerrrrlrralion: 1:. Oonsequenlly, ma anraunl cl RM335, awalded as oompensatlan ls also sal aslde; d The ruamer ls remlued Io ma sama Leamsd Chairman of ma lndusmal cdun who heard the emdanda url me issue nl rmsmanagemerrl ol lands and ldr rum lo declde on lh ues as pleaded and lo make all rrecassary orders corIS6quen|laI |n any sucn «ndrng; e I dIleC| the maltertu be llxed before lhe Regl51rar of the lndusmal Cour! WMWI 14 days or (oday wllh a Vlew mar me many be ramlllod back do the same Learned Chalrlrlan IO enable mm to hand dwn another Award allar adnsrdarang lna relevant pleadlngs, evldence and submlssions and In pamaular, la dam. on me issue or wnemer me Company has eslalzlisnad |helv plaadad case M negllgenoe/mlsmarlagement M runds being a mauer lhal werated an the emD\O‘IC1'S mlnd at the Dam! of Ierrrlinanon. rn wcavmznmvianclmlrsnwan val: rs 1:011 -ma Smnl n-vlhnrwlll be used m mm are nflnlnallly mm: dun-mm wa .num wnxl [28] In fight ems observations and concluswons man I have reached, I am omue view lhallhere should be no order as to costs formis applucation. Da|o' 8"‘ November 2023 ANAND PONNUDURAI Judge mgr. Conn Georgetown Pu\auFmang. Counsel 5 Mr Khamlan Malhavan from Messrs WK Um 5. Partners (Pamng Jaye) [Or the Apphcanl Mr. Ang Boon Pm and Mr. Khoo vu Jialrom Messrs. av Aug & Tan [fiukit Menajsm) «:4 me 2"“ Respondent. c gs) rtfurcd Io: Goon Kwes Phoy v J -i P coals (M) EM [1931] 2 MLJ129 Mznlime lnlelllgencs Sdn Ehd v ran N: (Sex [2021] 10 CLJ 553 Muan Auw Sdn and v Wong Seh Yen [1995] 3 MLJ 537 sw wcavL:EnMv£:Hcnn.Arsnu:A -as. u .11 11 was smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm Syarikalkenderaan Melayu Ke]aman Bhd v Transparl Workers Union [1995]] MLRA 26811995] 2 CLJ 740, [1995] 2 AMR16(]1:[1W5]2 Mm 317 Telekom Malaysia Kawasan Luau v. Knshan Kutty Sanguni Nair 5 Anor[2oo2] 1 MELR 4; [2002] 1 MLRA 188: [2002] 3 MLJ 129: [2002] 3 AMR 2898, [2002] 3 CLJ 314 uglslaunn s] nllrud lo: Induslrial Re]afions An 1967, Sechon 20 Mlmmum Renrernem Age Act 2012 Ru]es or Conn 2012, Order 53 sw wcavuznmvzamcmursnuu me 17 M17 um smm n-uhnrwm be used 0 van; .. nrimrrnflly mm]: dun-mm VIZ mum wnx] [41 The ciainiani oeniinenoed einpioymerii with the company on 1“ February 200 at the age oi 53 years one and 2 months Her pxsition was that at Geriaiai Manager wiin ioias speoziicaiiy ieieiing in finanw arid aeoounis. An issue inai arms: was wneiner there was a een|i-act wfemplwymenl issued with the claimant saying mare was norie bui ine company oontending that ihere was one but which has airipe gone missing. The Learned criaiinian of me indusuiai couri dean wiih this issue ai paiagiapns 477 52 otthe said Award and «hen oerieiuded trial the c arirs version of not being given an empioyrneni oormam me more dredipie. I see no ieasori to disiuip this wnoiusien The test iiiat she was an employee of the Cornpariy is hdwever nu! disputed as eoriiriisutioris were being made inwards EFF. socso etc. [5] 2 years iriio empioyineni and aiier hauing ooiaiined an irrcremeniiri her saieiy, aiiegatioris oi mismanagement or Company tunds aidse wrieiein the ciahneni and a eoiieague weie oonironied on the issue. it is oonterided oy ihe company thei the niaior epinpiaini was man ii sum oi appiuxiiriaieiy RM 2 2 iniiiiori was overpaid to the company's so ors ior conveyancing mailers. [6] The company had then engaged an eiiteiriai iorenaie audit which apparemiy/aiiegediy found no misiriuriagement ofiurids. [71 No show cause ieder was issued nor diaoipiinaiy action iaken, but rather, on 29“ August 2|}19 the company apprdaoned the ciaiinarii and gave her the option in resign iaiiirrg which she wouid oe terminated. The ciaiinarit refused to resign arid this red in a ieimination ieitei dated am August 2019 oeing issued. The fact a! termination is not in dispute. IN WCEVDEnMVE:HcDhJr:Dfi:A me: am we s.ii.i n-vihnrwm be used a mm ms nflmrreflly MIME dnunvinnl wa nFiuNG WM! [3] However, what is of utmost signmcanae in this se is the contents of me letter ofdisrrltssal which reads as toilews --[:2] Altn: Mdm Law. NOTICE OF TERMINANON As you have long exceeded the statutory retirerrient age, we hereby issue directly In you lhs Italics onemiination at your employment with inintetttate ettaet. nits notice is served together with payment aronam monlll salary (MEE cheque no’ 752212) in lieu otnotice perintt. Thank You AYM Management Team Sdn Ehd soon Michael Executive Director“ [9] Having oensiitetett aiteti temiiriaiian In be without iust cause at excuse, tlie claimant then made tier iepieseriitaaon ler relnstatemant Dursuanl to section 20 of me Industrial Relations Aiet 19:1 which was subsequemty reverted to the lndusfllai Ccurl. [10] At the lnrtitstiial Oourl, the claimant and ttie cempany filed their statement ul case and statement or new being their respective pleadings. ol stgmficance to me, in her statement at case, the claimant sets eitt tlie evenls that tianspirett in relation |o me allagsd mismanagement el liimts prior to her dismissal and at paragraphs 27 and so tiieaits that the reasons eiage reiiett en tarttie tenriinatton was sin WCEVDEnMVE:HcDhJr:Dfi:A vaau at I‘! we In-vihnrwm be its... m min ms titiiniiii Mimi dnunvllnl VII .riiiite Wml a sham and that the anus! reason fur termrnatran was the IHegalIons er mismanagement oflunds when were nmlme and wrthout hams [11] we Ils statement m Rapty. the cernpany peace the background at the crarnranrs anrpteynrant am. and raraes the Issues euhe clairnarrrr. neg\tgenoe/ mismanagement of funds and does not deny tannrnaung her servrces. Hwever, as seen earher, atthaugh the lenmna|ron terrar enty makes reterenee to the age teeter as the reason, the Cumpany new cnnlends that Vl was atsa due to the Issues with her performance. In tact, tnts was amply dear lrom paragraphs 15 and 17 pl the srarernent in Reply which reads as loHams' -15. hr response ta Paragraphs 21 and 22 onhe saici statement of case, the Respondent‘ states that rt had no alternative but to terrnrnata the ctahnant and the Finance Manager at the same trnre to prevent rurther financial losses that mayhavs suffered by the Respondent due to the ctermants failure to discharge her dunes and restxzhsrb mes to perform and sheer neg/rgehae and gross repeated mistakes in he! capecrty as the General Manager. The Rsspondenlwtll provide documenmlyplvolarthe Heerrrrg 17 rhe Resporroentuenres each aneevery attegatran rnaaa by the ctarrnant rn Paragraph 23,2425, 2s,27,2a,29,3o, 31,32 and 33 or the satd statement etcase am contends that her ersnrtsaat was wllh ‘]us! cause" In that the 0/airnant had attarnee the rettrenrerrt age and that she latter: to dtschalge her duties to the aatzsiactrorr crmre Respondent as ertpectea other desprre repeater-1 warnrrrga ghreh. the Respondent wtll pmdtlcs swdsnce troth oral and rn wcavuEnMvE:HcDh.trsnw:A mu at n we s.n.r tunherwm as used a mm has aflmhaflly mm: dnnnmhl wa afluNG Wm documentary at me Heanng ol rrris matter to subslarvfisls ma avermenfs herein ' Yh Ind al coun you dings and the Award [12] A 1ria\ was conducted overseverav days wnara me Company produced one witness and me clarrnanr mp wrtnassas Upon perusrng the respective wnnen submrssvnns, me Learned Chairman nandad dawn Ina said Award. 1 nave paruaad me sad Award and me iuudwrng thought process and oonelusrons made In me Award can be surnrnansed as loflaus‘ a Tne Learned Chamnan at paragraphs H36 dune sard Award sets out accuratary me brreflaccs as well as the rapecuua msesl oanlenlrans v1 bah varies. a. M paragrapns 37-41 a! me sad Award, he men (cdrraeuy In my view) sela oul the applicable law and racogmxas «nan ma burden cl pron! Is on ma Company no prove an a bmance o! prdpaprnuas mar ma mason advanmd for me drsrnrssal nae been made mi! [See «na cases of radon Kw» Pnoy ». ; 1. P cam (ll) Bhd[1Il1] 2 Mu I29; llllln Auto sdn and v wong Sch van mas] 3 MLJ 5:1 and 1 rm-ya Kawnun um. v. Kr-mun xuny Sangunl Nllr A And: R001] 1 MELR A1K3W2] 1 IIILRA ma; [21:02] 3 MLJ 129; max] : AMR am: [1002] 3 CLJ an]. kom 1: me Learned cnarnnan then proceeds to wnsrder and drscuss the reason far ma d1smissa\ rrprn paragraph 42 ormerds Uflhe savd Award. Havmg aseenannsd mar me only reasdn soared in the leller or sru wcavuEnMv£:HcDn.Arsnw:A rm 6 m n ma s.n.r In-nharwm be used m mm has anmruuly awn: dun-mm wa mans wrm cerrnrnarion was me sramrary rerrrernanr ags rssaa, na then makes reference rd the Federa\ Cmm daarsran m uarir rna Irmulgonu sdn End '4 Tan Ah Gak [2021] in cm 553 and ounnludes at paragraph 45 aurra sard Award that rrra only reason mar operated an the rrrrnd or the Company an rrra urns ardrarnissax was the srarurory retirement age issue As sucrr, he wrvdudes ar paragraph 46 of me said Award char the statutory reliremenl age rssue rs are only rssue to be oensrdared and ma caun cannot ponsrderorrrer graunds nor ammnoed allhe time 01 drsrrrrseal. In (ad, rre goes as far as srarrng at paragraph 56 d1 the sard Award man the Issue aflhe crarrnanr rnrsrnanagrngrrre Company's fund is of no relevance at all d, He man prpceeds up evaluale wha| he oonsidared ma acre issue \.a., whether me company was rrrsrinad m lermmallng rrre crarrrrarrr-s ssrvrm on me ground of having arralrred ma rnrrwrrurn n:wemen| age 0160. In mu regard, rravrng cansrdsred axransrvely Ihe prevarring aasa Iw as well as me pamcullr (an: or rrrrs case as wan as Dru evidence adduced in pamcular mar or me corrrpanys whnsss rnar srau are rararnad weH past are age 0160, ha condudaa mar II was claarrrrar rrra crarrnanr nad a Iegrrrrrrara upacmlvnn as work beyond an and man: was no evidence whavsoaver In suggasr mar sne was subpctad re a rmrrarnenr age 1: rs men concluded ar paragraarra 74 and 75 :21 the said Award mar ma crarrnarrrs disrnnsar was wrcrraur rusr came or excuse as the Comvlrry rrad applied nra uinlrnurn Rdlirnmtm Ag- Act 2(11ZIn bad «arm. 9. He nnany aears war. are remedy rronr paragraphs 7610 32 onna said Award and orders me Company ra pay me crairnarrr 24 rnorrms back wages as oarnpensarrnn. rn wcavmErrMvE:Hcmr.ArsnwaA use 7 ar 11 Naps s.r.r n-nhnrwm re used m mm a. ar1mrraHIy mm: dun-mm vra anurm pwnxr ni cam rounds for Lt: ic on [13] me Applicanl nave in lneir order 53 Rulu no caun 2M: sieoenieni raised several grounds in cnallengs ind impugned Award. Huwavar, lrdni me Aapliaanrs wriuan submissions, II II ciearinaune crux dnnair cdnidlainl is mac me Learned criainnan nad erred wnan he only dansidersd ins issue dl ins siaiuidry raureinanl age and flD1“19\5SLIB d1 nagliganaelrnisrnanadenienl ouunds as pleaded [14] In lnis regard ii is hcyorld paradventuru that me Learned cnairrnan only considered ins issue dl iris slalurery relirarnanl age on me aasis lhal «rial was me only reason grvdn in ins ldicar d1 lermirlallan Al |hl5 iunerurei I mva noted «rial ins Applicant does ndi appear In Iaka urnarage dn ins mislusidn raaehed (hEI| «nerd was rid basis ra levmirlale an we grounds dl slaiiuldry rslirenisnl age. Having perused me said Award, l have no reason is inlsrlsra wim soon a finding and I am dune view that dn lrre lame and evidence prsrsenled before in, than was Ihe danecl mndiusidn id be reached by lna Learned criainnan [I5] Howevev, iriai is no: me and dune matte! The Apgllcanlnow ddnisnds uial ins Learned cnainnan dugni id have dansidered me pleadad issue dl negligende and mlsmarlagemenl al lunds and that me Learned cnairnian had erred in ruling ll lrrelevan| and declining la inquire inio il. in mis regard. iris Applicant ddniends marine Learned cnainnan niisadnalrued the Federal cdun dedsidn in the ease dl larirlilrna lnulllganae (Swan). [16] Tris use dlulamirne limlllganca discussed irie lssue dl an employer relying on a ground wnrm was discovered sudseduenlly and was not relied upon al lne poinl al lerrninallon ln lhal use, me ernaldyee was in wcavuEnMvEaHcl3n.lrsnwaA nu r at n we s.n.i In-vlhnrvim as used M van; i.e nflglnnllly Mimi dun-mm wa aFluNG mi lsrmmalefl on Severn! grounds of lmsmnduct pursuant k) E Domeslvc nnquny. Al ms Vnduslrim coun, ma Cnmpany also sought ta rely on other grounds in le|a|iarI la hev quahficahnn whldl were dlseavared posuaynnnauon. The vssue posed lo me Federa¥ Cour! was whether the |rIdus11ia\ Cnun has a nghl lo enquire IMO reasons subsequemly PM up byme empklyev Via Rs pleadmgs even N such reasons weve not given at ms wne of dismissal The Federa\ Court In answering the above quesmn m ma negalws held as loII:Ms' -(3) By virtue allhs clqarslatulory camsnrals 20(3), ms Ilmnmcm ol I/lfi Indusmil COM rs lied inextricably lo the Veprssarllallons 0:‘ ma womnan ofa drsIm:sa/ wvthouuusl cause or excusa Thase representations are made by the workman Bf the film! of his drsrmssat for reasons whrch he res/s are wimour any reasoned basis or for reasons that are Insuflicfem I0 wamsm a dismissal. The focus aflhe anqmry afths lnduslhsl Court under s 20(3) or the Ad, 5 Ihereinre prsmrssd on matters and events as may occurred at the me oflhe nirsmlsss/. The muons gmung in tho mind 0! ma onngoyg, wing’ In games: an docision m mntnm and IISIIIIOI1 in nu aec;g'on to Iermlruta canmse me nuflars m be considlrud and awuarcaged umn 1: the I a! com undeIs.1 3 . By wayofelaboratian oi rrns pomt, specrfic Iamzvs. evenls orreasons would have opemred on the employers mind, pnor to me employs! deciding In lemlfnale me workmarfs services. 1: is moss reasons, racras or events wmcn comprise one Dasrs Inr Ins drsrmsssl The workman makes Ins reptesentalian cl comp(aml oi dismissal mmout ;ust cause 57 excuse based on (hose reasons, rams or events only an wcavL:EnMv£:HcDn.1rsnw:A Vases M17 Nuns saw n-nhnrwm as used m van; me nrighuflly mm; dun-mm wa mum puns! undsr s mm. H Phsrelals follows (hat we raprasenlalions based on those Vrmilad reasons factors oravanrs only, can comprise the basis /or assessmenl and adjudrcahun Lay the Inaumel cenn under: 2013}. The (arm ‘renrvsenfafroni lhsrelnrs has the /unsdrcnon of me /nrmrnel am down to rrre reasons, vacrure or svenls operanng m we mrnd :21 me employer at me time er Lfismfssa/resumngin Ihe Iepresenlalion (paras A548) (I) There /s no provrsacn Ior the Indusmal Court 2.: consider Inaflsrs omsrae ol the rsplssenlal/on by me workman, under s 20(3) Meners outside onne represenrenon would rneruda rnaners wh/on wars not apsreuve rn me smploysfs mind when we daemon to dismiss was taken, bu! wrncn me smpmysrchooses in put! forward pnsldtsmrsszal er a uubsaquam slugs rn lhe Industrial Court, to jusniy me decision to dismrss me workman, ex post facla. The very specific wordmg als 2n dons not pmeenbe or allow en avernrching eunrey by the Inuusnnw Court cl any and en rnnners bolh pro and P05!-dtsmuul. in an plied to ascertain wrrezner me workman‘: representnhons -re made out In is the srahnonly pmscribed Iunctbn of lhe Industrial Com to axlmins, rnvesriaane ths rapresenlatrons of the workman and men hand down an award under s 20(3) I: is not me runcnan oune Indusma! Court to decode othsrw/sq than prescribed by the Act. The Act rrnplicmy plescnbas an mvssfrgalian into facts and events and masons nr me pornr and/or unre afdismissa/e There rs no provision in me Act fat the mdusrfial tribunal to embark on a Ia!-mnging survey on asnsrlam wnemer gnrerr rnaners wnrcn mo employer has discovered smrsequenuy and rmlpm to me rronnnen, n rsrusrmea in drsmrssing me wwkman (paras so a 51)- rn wcavmEnMvE:HcDn.Ar:nu:A >31: mm “Nuns s.n.r n-nhnrwm be used m mm e. ennmun MW: dun-mm vu mum vmm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PERAYU W MOHD SYAFIE BIN W MUSTAFFA RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara]
Seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan – Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 – Keterangan saksi kanak-kanak dihadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah diuji di bawah seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 – Kanak-kanak seorang saksi yang kredibel dan kompeten bagi maksud Seksyen 118 Akta Keterangan 1950 untuk memberikan keterangannya secara tidak bersumpah – Kebolehterimaan masuk keterangan seorang kanak-kanak – Keseluruhan keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan terutamanya keterangan saksi kanak-kanak, tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa ianya adalah kukuh dan boleh dipercayai walaupun terdapat sedikit percanggahan yang remeh – Pembelaan yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu dan SD2 hanyalah suatu penafian kosong, pemikiran terkemudian dan rekaan semata-mata yang tidak menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan – Hukuman memberikan keutamaan kepada kepentingan awam – Pesalah berulang (repeat offender) untuk kesalahan yang sama.
YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Collin Lawrence SequerahYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA (BIDANG KUASA RAYUAN) RAYUAN JENAYAH NO: T-09-79-03/2020 ANTARA W MOHD SYAFIE BIN W MUSTAFFA - PERAYU DAN PENDAKWA RAYA - RESPONDEN [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Di Kuala Terengganu Kes Perbicaraan Jenayah No: TA-42JSKS-1-05/2019 Antara W Mohd Syafie Bin W Mustaffa - Perayu Dan Pendakwa Raya - Responden] 15/11/2023 08:28:48 T-09-79-03/2020 Kand. 54 S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 KORUM: HADHARIAH BINTI SYED ISMAIL, HMR COLLIN LAWRENCE SEQUERAH, HMR AZMI BIN ARIFFIN, HMR PENGHAKIMAN PERTUDUHAN [1] Pendakwaan terhadap Perayu bermula di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Darul Iman di atas pertuduhan berikut: "Bahawa kamu pada 2/6/2016 jam ebih kurang 2.00 petang sehingga 4.00 petang, bertempat di Maahad Tahfiz Al­ lkhwan, No. 1334, Jalan Kenanga, Batu Buruk, di dalam Daerah Kuala Terengganu, di dalam Negeri Terengganu, didapati telah merangsang penama xxxxxx, KPT xxxxxx yang berumur 7 tahun untuk melakukan suatu perbuatan kelucahan melampau. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang mana boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan.” FAKTA KES PENDAKWAAN [2] Mangsa (SP3) berusia 7 tahun semasa kejadian. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [3] SP3 adalah seorang pelajar di Maahad Tahfiz Al-lkhwan, Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu di mana pelajar-pelajar menuntut ilmu Al Quran. SP3 menghadiri kelas mengaji tersebut sejak dari tahun 2015 iaitu ketika SP3 berumur 6 tahun lagi. Sesi pengajian Al Quran ini bermula pada sebelah petang iaitu dari jam 2.00 petang sehingga 4.00 petang setiap hari Ahad hingga Khamis. Pada sebelah pagi pula, SP3 belajar di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Budiman Dua, Kuala Terengganu. [4] Pada 2/6/2016 (hari Khamis) jam lebih kurang 4.00 petang, SP3 telah menceritakan kepada ibunya iaitu Siti Aisyah binti Ali (SP5) dan bapanya iaitu Mohd Ramlan bin Ramli (SP2) bahawa semasa SP3 berada di Maahad tersebut, salah seorang ustaz yang mengajar di Maahad tersebut iaitu Perayu telah memanggil SP3 masuk ke dalam bilik penginapannya di Maahad tersebut dan Perayu memberikan telefon bimbitnya kepada SP3 untuk bermain permainan yang ada dalam telefon bimbit tersebut. Perayu kemudiannya menyuruh SP3 meniarap di atas lantai bilik tersebut lalu Perayu duduk di atas SP3. Perayu telah membuka kain yang dipakainya dan membuka pula seluar yang dipakai oleh SP3. Semasa SP3 sedang meniarap, SP3 telah menoleh ke belakang dan di masa itu SP3 nampak kemaluan Perayu. Kemudian, Perayu telah meletakkan, memasukkan dan menggeselkan kemaluannya ke dalam punggung SP3. SP3 dapat merasakan kemaluan Perayu diletakkan di bahagian dubur SP3. Mengikut SP3 lagi, sebelum kejadian terbaru ini, kejadian yang sama juga telah berlaku terhadap dirinya sebanyak tiga (3) kali. [5] Pengetua Maahad tersebut iaitu Badrul Salleh Burhandin Fadzlullah bin Abdul Rahman (SP6) mengesahkan bahawa Perayu merupakan salah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 seorang tenaga pengajar di situ. SP6 juga mengesahkan telah membenarkan Perayu bersama keluarganya tinggal di dalam sebuah bilik belakang di Maahad tersebut (tempat kejadian). Manakala seoarang lagi tenaga pengajar iaitu Ustaz Azmi tidak tinggal di premis maahad tahfiz tersebut. [6] Pada 3/6/2016, SP2 telah membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Kuala Terengganu terhadap kejadian yang berlaku terhadap SP3. Laporan Polis Kuala Terengganu/005002/16 ditandakan sebagai Ekshibit P3. [7] Pada 4/6/2016, jam lebih kurang 3.30 petang, bertempat di Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kuala Terengganu, Pegawai Penyiasat kes iaitu Inspektor Siti Aniza binti Askulali (SP9) telah menjalankan satu sesi kawad cam bagi SP3. SP9 mengesahkan bahawa SP3 dapat mengecam Perayu sebagai orang yang melakukan perbuatan tersebut terhadapnya. Laporan kawad cam tersebut telah dikemukakan dan ditandakan sebagai Ekshibit P10. SP3 juga dapat mengecam Perayu di dalam Mahkamah semasa SP3 memberi keterangannya. [8] Pada 5/6/2016, SP3 telah dirujuk kepada SP4 (Doktor Azhar bin Osman) di Jabatan Pembedahan, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu untuk pemeriksaan perubatan ke atas SP3 kerana dikatakan menjadi mangsa liwat. SP4 mengesahkan tiada sebarang kesan luka pada bahagian dubur SP3. Dubur SP3 berada dalam keadaan yang normal. SP4 berkata sekiranya seseorang pesakit diliwat, tidak semestinya akan terdapat kecederaan pada bahagian duburnya. Terdapat juga situasi di mana pesakit yang diliwat tidak mengalami apa - apa kecederaan. Mengikut SP4 lagi, SP3 S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 ada menceritakan sedikit kepada beliau tentang kejadian yang berlaku pada dirinya. SP4 yakin cerita tersebut adalah benar. RINGKASAN KETERANGAN PEMBELAAN [9] Perayu (SD1) telah memilih untuk memberi keterangan bersumpah. [10] Perayu tidak menafikan bahawa bilik dalam gambar ekshibit P2H adalah bilik tempat tinggal beliau. [11] Perayu menafikan beliau ada melakukan perbuatan kelucahan melampau terhadap SP3 dalam bilik tersebut. [12] Perayu menyatakan bahawa SP3 tidak pernah memasuki bilik Perayu. [13] Perayu menyatakan bahawa pelajar di Maahad Tahfiz tersebut tidak dibenarkan untuk memasuki bilik Perayu. [14] Perayu menyatakan bahawa pada hari kejadian iaitu 2/6/2016 jam lebih kurang 2.00 petang sehingga 4.00 petang, beliau berada dalam bilik penginapannya di Maahad tersebut bersama isterinya iaitu Noraini binti Mohammad (SD2) untuk menjaga anak kecil mereka berusia lapan (8) bulan yang demam pada masa itu. [15] Perayu menyatakan SD2 yang bekerja sebagai guru KAFA di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Budiman Dua, Kuala Kuala Terengganu tidak bertugas pada tarikh kejadian tersebut (Khamis) kerana jadual tugasan SD2 hanyalah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 pada hari Ahad, lsnin dan Rabu jam 2.00 petang sehingga 5.00 petang sahaja. [16] Perayu menafikan bahawa beliau telah menggunakan tandas sepertimana yang diceritakan oleh SP3. Tandas yang ditunjukkan itu hanya digunakan oleh pelajar Maahad Tahfiz dan guru tidak pernah menggunakan tandas tersebut. [17] Perayu menafikan ada memberikan telefonnya kepada SP3 untuk bermain "game" pada hari kejadian. Menurut Perayu, telefon bimbit yang dipakainya bukan jenis smartphone sebaliknya hanya telefon lama jenis 3310. Oleh itu, tiada "game" dalam telefon yang digunakannya itu. [18] Perayu juga menyatakan selain beliau, terdapat seorang lagi ustaz lelaki bernama Ustaz Azmi yang juga mengajar di Maahad Tahfiz berkenaan. [19] Menurut Perayu, Ustaz Azmi tidak pernah ditahan oleh pihak polis berkaitan kes ini dan tidak pernah diletakkan di dalam barisan kawad cam bagi memberi peluang kepada SP3 untuk mengesahkan sama ada Perayu ataupun Ustaz Azmi yang merupakan orang yang melakukan perbuatan seksual terhadap SP3. [20] SD2 pula di dalam keterangannya hanya sekadar mengesahkan keterangan Perayu bahawa beliau ada bersama-sama Perayu pada tarikh dan masa kejadian tersebut. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 [21] SP2 menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak bertugas pada hari kejadian itu. SP2 dan Perayu bersama-sama menjaga anak kecil mereka yang demam pada hari itu. KEPUTUSAN DI AKHIR KES PEMBELAAN [22] Di akhir kes pembelaan, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen memutuskan bahawa pembelaan yang dibangkitkan oleh hanyalah suatu pemikiran semula, penafian semata-mata serta tidak menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan. Pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kesnya melampaui keraguan munasabah. Perayu didapati bersalah dan disabitkan di atas pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan. [23] Perayu telah dijatuhi hukuman pemenjaraan selama 10 tahun dan 3 sebatan rotan. Hukuman pemenjaraan ini berjalan secara berturutan dengan hukuman bagi kes TA-42S-13-09/2017. PERAYU MENFAILKAN RAYUAN KEPADA MAHKAMAH TINGGI [24] Terkilan dengan keputusan tersebut, Perayu telah menfailkan rayuan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen. Notis Rayuan yang difailkan oleh Perayu adalah terhadap sabitan dan hukuman. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 DAPATAN HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI [25] Pada 10/3/2020, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi mengekalkan sabitan terhadap Perayu. Mahkamah Tinggi juga mendapati hukuman pemenjaraan selama 10 tahun penjara dan 3 kali sebatan tidaklah terlalu berlebihan. Justeru itu, Mahkamah Tinggi tidak berhasrat untuk menganggu hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen. Hukuman Rayuan Perayu terhadap sabitan dan hukuman ditolak. Perintah Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dikekalkan. PERAYU MENFAILKAN RAYUAN KEPADA MAHKAMAH RAYUAN [26] Terkilan dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi tersebut, pada 10/3/2020, Perayu telah menfailkan Notis Rayuan kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu terhadap Perayu. PERUNTUKAN UNDANG - UNDANG (i) Seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan memperuntukan seperti berikut: Inciting a child to an act of gross indecency 377E. Any person who incites a child under the age of fourteen years to any act of gross indecency with him or another person shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not more than fifteen years, and shall also be punished with whipping. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: "133A. Where, in any proceedings against any person for any offence, any child of tender years called as a witness does not in the opinion of the court understand the nature of an oath, his evidence may be received, though not given upon oath, if, in the opinion of the court, he is possessed of sufficient intelligence to justify the reception of the evidence, and understands the duty of speaking the truth; and his evidence, though not given on oath, but otherwise taken and reduced into writing in accordance with section 269 of the Criminal Procedure Code [Act 593] shall be deemed to be a deposition within the meaning of that section; Provided that, where evidence admitted by virtue of this section is given on behalf of the prosecution, the accused shall not be liable to be convicted of the offence unless that evidence is corroborted by some other material evidence in support thereof implicating him." PRINSIP UNDANG - UNDANG DI PERINGKAT RAYUAN [27] Mahkamah dalam mendengar rayuan ini berpandukan kepada prinsip undang-undang yang mantap di mana mahkamah di peringkat rayuan seharusnya mengambil pendirian untuk tidak menganggu keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh mahkamah perbicaraan melainkan ternyata keputusan tersebut terdapat salah arah, tidak menurut undang-undang dan terdapat keterangan kukuh yang menunjukkan bahawa hakim perbicaraan telah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 terkhilaf di dalam menilai keterangan yang telah dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan. [28] Di dalam kes Amri Ibrahim & Anor v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ 617, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan yang berikut: “[51] It is trite law that the view of the trial judge as to the credibility of a witness must be given proper weight and consideration. An appellate court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact arrived at by the trial judge, who had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witness, unless there were substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing.” [29] Di dalam kes PP v. Mohd Radzi bin Abu Bakar [2005] 2 MLRA 590, Mahkamah Persekutuan menegaskan seperti berikut: “Now, it settled law that it is no part of the function of an appellate Court in a criminal case ­ or indeed any case ­ to make its awn findings of fact. That is a function exclusively reserved by the law to the trial Court. The reason is obvious. An appellate Court is necessarily fettered because it lacks the audio­visual advantage enjoyed by the trial Court." [30] Menyentuh mengenai prinsip yang sama, di dalam kes LCY v. TWY [2019) 7 CLJ 158, Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat HMR (kini KHN) menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 “[26] The principle of law on appellate intervention is settled. In Dream Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 CLJ 453, the Federal Court reiterated the principle as follows at p. 476; [60] It is now established that the principle on which an appellate court interfere with findings of fact by the trial court is "the plainly wrong test" principle; see the Federal Court in Gan Yook Chin & Anor (P) v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Anor [2004] 4 CLJ 309; [2005] 1 MLJ 1 (at p. 10) per Steve Shim CJ SS. More recently, this principle of appellate intervention was affirmed by the Federal Court in UEM Group Berhad v Genisys lntergrated Engineers Pte Ltd /2010] 9 CLJ 785 where it was held at p. 800; and It is well settled law that an appellate court will not generally speaking intervene with the decision of a trial court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong in arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial appreciation of the evidence (See Chew Yee Wah & Anor v Choo Ah Pat [1978]1 LNS 32; Watt v Thomas [1947] AC 484; and Chin v Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309”. KEPUTUSAN KAMI (a) KETERANGAN SAKSI KANAK - KANAK [31] SP3 yang berusia 8 tahun sebelum memberikan keterangannya secara terperinci di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah diuji di bawah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 dan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpuashati bahawa SP3 merupakan seorang saksi yang kompeten bagi maksud seksyen 118 Akta Keterangan 1950 untuk memberikan keterangannya secara tidak bersumpah. Rujukan dibuat kepada Nota Keterangan di Kandungan 11 RR Jilid 3 m/s 82-83 di mana Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen menyimpulkan seperti berikut: “Mahkamah: Berdasarkan jawapan yang diberikan oleh saksi ini, saya berpuashati beliau mempunyai kecerdikan yang mencukupi dan tahu tanggungjawabnya untuk bercakap benar. Walau bagaimanapun, saya seterusnya mendapati yang beliau tidak memahami maksud dan tanggungjawab untuk memberi keterangan secara bersumpah. Oleh yang demikian, saya membenarkan beliau memberi keterangan tidak bersumpah di bawah peruntukan seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan.” [32] Mengenai isu kebolehterimaan masuk keterangan seorang kanak - kanak, rujukan dibuat kepada kes Muhammad Adib Sufyan Bin Azman v. PP [ 2019] 8 CLJ 261, di mana Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut: “Admitting Child Evidence In Court [23] The crux of the case rests on the reception of SP7's evidence who at the time of the incident was 13 years old. At the time of trial, he was over 16 years of age. The definition of a child can be found in several legislation. Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) defines children as all human being under the age of 18. The Child Act 2001 defines a child as someone below the age of S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 18. The Evidence of Child Witness Act 2007 defines a child to be someone under the age of 16. [24] It is essential that in every trial involving a child witness, the competency of a child testifying must be ascertained. An inquiry must be done by the trial judge to determine if the child witness is competent to either testify under oath and be allowed to give sworn testimony, or be allowed to give unsworn evidence in court (see the Federal Court case of Muharam Anson v. PP [1980] 1 LNS 137; [1981] 1 MLJ 222 at 223). [25] Section 118 of the Evidence Act ("EA'') provides the start point where the competency of witnesses are concerned. It provides that all persons are competent to testify unless they are, in the opinion of the court, unable to understand the questions put to them or unable to give rational answers to those questions owing to tender years, extreme old age, disease of mind or body, or any other such cause. [26] The intellectual capacity of a child to understand questions and to give rational answers is the sole test of his testimonial competency and not any particular age (see Santosh Roy v. State of W.B . [1992] Cr LJ 2493 (Cal). It depends upon the exercise of the trial judge's discretion upon exercising his judgment on the competency of the child (see State of M.P. v. Oeoki Nandan {1987] Cr LJ 1016). [28] The introduction of s. 133A of the Evidence Act 1950 ("s. 133A") in 1971 saw the development of the said provision being discussed in S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 many cases. The focus of the provision is on assessing the competency of a child witness, in particular children of tender years. In PP v. Chan Wai Heng [2008] 5 CLJ 805 it was held that: [15] Section 133A refers to a situation where a child of tender years is called as a witness and does not understand the nature of an oath. In such a situation his evidence may still be received though not given upon oath if in the opinion of the court he possesses sufficient understanding to justify the reception of the evidence, and the child understands the duty of speaking the truth. [16] The first part of s. 133A therefore governs the admissibility of the evidence of the child though not given under oath. The proviso deals with the way in which the evidence once admitted is to be treated, that is, where the evidence admitted as such is given on behalf of the prosecution, the proviso requires that the evidence is to be corroborated by some other material evidence in support thereof in order to implicate the accused. Heliliah JCA went on to explain as follows: “...Once a witness is found to be a competent witness, even if he is not competent to take an oath or if there is an omission to take an oath that will not invalidate the proceedings or render inadmissible the evidence. The rule generally is in favour of admission of evidence though the weight to be attached to it will naturally be a matter for consideration by the Court. There is always competency unless the Court considers S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 otherwise. If a witness is not competent he will not be examined in Court. In the case of a child, it depends on the capacity of the child, his appreciation of the difference between truth and falsehood as well as his duty to tell the former. The decision of this question rests with the trial Judge, who sees the proposed witness, notices his manner, his apparent possession, or lack of intelligence. The trial Judge may resort to any examination which will tend to disclose the capacity and intelligence and in the case of an oath, his understanding of the obligation of an oath. See Rameswar Kafyan Singh v. State of Rajasthan AIR [1952] SC 54: (1952 Cri LJ 547), George L. Wheeler v. United States, 159 US 523, Krishna Kahar v. Emperor AIR [1940] Cal 182, Ram Hazoor Pandey v. State AIR [1959] A/1409: (1959 Cri LJ 796), Basu v. State of Kera/a [1960] LR Ker 256, and Ponnumani v. State of Kera/a [1987] (2) Ker LT 1042. Oath or affirmation shall be made by all witnesses, the only exception being the case of a child under 12 years of age where the Court is of the opinion that though he understands the duty of speaking the truth he does not understand oath or affirmation. If the Court is so satisfied, oath will not be administered to the witness. The evidence will nevertheless be admissible (emphasis added). [33] Menyentuh mengenai isu yang sama juga, Mahkamah Rayuan dalam menerima keterangan tidak bersumpah saksi kanak-kanak menyatakan di dalam kes Mohammad Zulkarnain Jemat v. PP [2016] 1 LNS 54, seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 “[123] It is also to be noted that PW5's testimony was given under oath. But PW6's testimony was not under oath because prior to giving evidence the learned Session Court Judge had conducted enquiry pursuant to s. 133A of the Evidence Act 1950 to determine whether PW6 was capable of understanding what 'oath' is and whether PW6 was able to understand the meaning of telling the truth under oath. How ever there is no law that prohibits the Court from accepting the evidence given in a witness box but not on oath if the Court believes the evidence to be true. More over such evidence, as in this case, had been tested through cross examination by the defence.” [34] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah menjalankan inkuiri dan tapisan yang teliti bagi menentukan kompetensi SP3 seiring dengan kehendak peruntukkan seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 sebelum beliau membenarkan dan menerima keterangan tidak bersumpah SP3. Melalui sesi soal - jawab yang yang dibuat ini, kami mendapati tidak terzahir apa - apa kekhilafan yang dilakukan oleh beliau di dalam menerima masuk keterangan SP 3 ini. Kredibiliti SP3 sekali lagi diuji melalui sesi pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Perayu dan nyata SP3 berjaya melepasi ujian tersebut dengan jayanya. Ini menambahkan lagi keyakinan mahkamah sesyen bahawa SP3 adalah merupakan seorang saksi kanak - kanak yang boleh dipercayai. [35] Berdasarkan pemerhatian yang dibuat, kami berpendapat bahawa SP3 adalah seorang saksi yang kredibel dan kompeten dalam memberikan keterangannya. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 (b) PERCANGGAHAN KETERANGAN SAKSI - SAKSI PENDAKWAAN [36] Peguambela Perayu membangkitkan isu berkaitan kewujudan percanggahan keterangan yang diberikan oleh SP3 apabila dibandingkan dengan keterangan SP2 dan SP5. Percanggahan ini dikatakan sesuatu yang material sehingga mampu mengugat dan meruntuhkan kredibiliti SP3. [37] Mengupas mengenai isu percanggahan ini, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Alasan Penghakimannya di dalam kandungan 9 RR Jilid 1 m/s 23- 29 telah mengambil perhatian dan pertimbangan tentang isu pencanggahan ini dengan menyatakan seperti berikut: “[29] Seterusnya, peguambela Perayu dalam menghujahkan isu ini turut membangkitkan beberapa percanggahan yang dikatakan wujud dalam keterangan SP3 apabila dibandingkan dengan keterangan saksi­saksi lain iaitu SP2 dan SP5. Oleh sebab itu, SP3 dikatakan saksi yang tidak kredibel. Antaranya SP3 mengatakan nampak kemaluan Perayu manakala SP2, SP5 dan SP13 mengatakan SP3 telah memberitahu mereka bahawa dia tidak nampak kemaluan Perayu. Seterusnya SP3 mengatakan Perayu masukkan "angry bird"nya ke dalam punggung manakala menurut SP2 dan SP5 pula, SP3 memberitahu mereka bahawa Perayu hanya menggesel "angry bird" pada punggung. Selain itu, SP3 dikatakan memberitahu kepada SP2 dan SP5 bahawa kejadian tersebut hanya berlaku kali pertama kepadanya. Namun semasa di Mahkamah, SP3 memberitahu kejadian itu berlaku sebanyak tiga kali. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 [30] Dalam memberi pertimbangan terhadap percanggahan­ percanggahan yang dibangkitkan ini, saya telah meneliti keseluruhan keterangan SP3, SP2, SP5 dan SP13. Apa yang boleh diperhatikan dan dibuat kesimpulan oleh saya ialah tiada percanggahan yang ketara dalam keterangan mereka. Malah, ada penjelasan berkenaan perbezaan­perbezaan yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu itu. Jika diteliti keterangan SP5 iaitu ibu SP3 yang banyak mendengar aduan daripada SP3 berbanding SP5 dan saksi­saksi lain, beliau menjelaskan bahawa pada mulanya memang SP3 tidak nampak kemaluan Perayu dan hanya merasakan sahaja kemaluan Perayu digeselkan pada punggungnya. Namun, kemudiannya SP3 memberitahu SP5 bahawa dia telah berpaling dan bertanya kepada Perayu mengapa membuat perlakuan seperti itu. Pada ketika itulah SP3 dikatakan nampak kemaluan Perayu. Keterangan SP5 di muka surat 21 Rekod Rayuan Jilid 2(a) adalah seperti berikut: “Semasa dia main game, ustaz itu duduk di belakang anak saya. Anak saya kata dia rasa “angry bird” ustaz itu dekat punggung dia. Saya tanya dia jika dia ada rasa atau ada nampak. Dia kata dia tidak nampak tapi dia rasa. Kemudian dia paling dan tanya ustaz kenapa ustaz buat macam itu. Dia kata ustaz itu cakap "ustaz sayang Alif Iman". Anak saya kata dia ada nampak “angry bird” ustaz itu." [31] Selain itu, saya mendapati perbezaan penggunaan kosa kata perkataan masuk "angry bird" dalam punggung, cucuk konet pada punggung, letak "angry bird" pada punggung dan gesel "angry bird" pada punggung yang dinyatakan oleh saksi­saksi iaitu SP2, SP3, SP5 S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 dan SP13 hanya melibatkan percanggahan yang kecil. Kesemua keterangan saksi­saksi adalah konsisten menunjukkan bahawa aduan SP3 menyatakan Perayu ada menyentuh kemaluannya kepada punggung SP3 semasa kejadian. SP3 juga secara konsisten dapat menjelaskan kedudukan Perayu yang duduk di belakangnya semasa melakukan perbuatan tersebut. Perbuatan Perayu yang diceritakan itu memenuhi kehendak elemen dalam pertuduhan. Oleh yang demikian, saya tidak dapat mencari alasan untuk tidak mempercayai keterangan SP3 dengan ketiadaan ketidakmungkinan yang wujud (inherent improbabilities) atau ketiadaan percanggahan yang material dalam keterangannya itu (rujuk kes PP v. Mohamed Ali [1962] 1 LNS 129). Apatah lagi percanggahan kecil sedemikian tidak seharusnya diberi pertimbangan berat oleh Mahkamah (rujuk kes Muthusamy v. PP [1947] 1 LNS 71).” [38] Kami juga tidak menafikan kewujudan beberapa percanggahan antara keterangan saksi - saksi pendakwaan sebagaimana yang telah dinyatakan di atas. Namun percanggahan sebegini bukanlah sesuatu yang serius/material sehingga boleh memusnahkan keseluruhan kes pendakwaan. Percanggahan sebegini adalah sesuatu yang biasa terjadi di dalam mana - mana kes pendakwaan kerana kekuataan kuasa ingatan (power of memory) seseorang adalah berbeza. Tidak ada seorang saksi pun yang sempurna yang dapat mengingati sesuatu insiden yang berlaku beberapa tahun lalu dengan terperinci dan tepat. Namun di dalam kes di hadapan kami ini, jika diteliti keseluruhan keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi - saksi pendakwaan terutamanya keterangan SP3, tidak dapat S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 disangkal lagi bahawa ianya adalah kukuh dan boleh dipercayai walaupun terdapat sedikit percanggahan yang remeh. [39] Nas undang - undang mantap berkaitan isu percanggahan keterangan saksi - saksi yang tidak boleh terlepas pandang sama sekali adalah di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris (No. 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 16 di m/s 19, di mana Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut: “In this case different witnesses have testified to different parts of what had happened or what had been said and also there are, in the evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution, some discrepancies, as would be expected of witnesses giving their recollections of a series of events that took place in 1971­1973. In my opinion discrepancies there will always be, because in the circumstances in which the events happened, every witness does not remember the same thing and he does not remember accurately every single thing that happened. It may be open to criticism, or it might be better if they took down a notebook and wrote down every single thing that happened and every single thing that was said. But they did not know that they are going to be witnesses at this trial. I shall be almost inclined to think that if there are no discrepancies, it might be suggested that they have concocted their accounts of what had happened or what had been said because their versions are too consistent. The question is whether the existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy their credibility. There is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness must either be believed in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good and cogent reasons, to accept one part of the testimony of a witness and S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 to reject the other. It is, therefore, necessary to scrutinize each evidence very carefully as this involves the question of weight to be given to certain evidence in particular circumstances." [40] Keputusan di atas adalah selari dengan dapatan Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Ong Teng For v. PP [2013] 1 CLJ 39 di mana Raus Sharif PCA (beliau pada ketika itu) di dalam menyampaikan penghakimannya menyatakan seperti berikut: “[33] It is settled law that the credibility of a particular witness and the weight to be given to his other evidence is manifestly within the province of a trial judge. In Andy Bagindah v. PP [2000] 3 CLJ 289, Shaik Daud JCA said that: There is no dearth of authorities to say that in every case, there are bound to be contradictions and discrepancies. The question to be decided by the trial judge is whether those contradictions and/or discrepancies are material ones so as to strike at the very root of the charge. It is for the trial judge to consider this since he was the one who saw and heard the evidence. In the present case the learned judge concluded that there were discrepancies but those discrepancies were not material ones. Since this involved the credibility of witnesses, we held that the learned judge was a better person to decide and an appellate court ought not to interfere with such findings.” S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 [41] Rujukan juga dibuat kepada kes Pie Bin Chin v. Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 MLJ 234, di mana Wan Yahya J (beliau pada ketika itu) menyatakan seperti berikut: ‘“Discrepancies are no doubt present in this case, as they do ostensibly appear in most cases in evidence of witnesses for the prosecution as well as the defence. The transcripts of most evidence, when thoroughly toothcombed by any able lawyer, never failed to yield some form of inconsistencies, discrepancies or contradictions but these do not necessarily render the witness' entire evidence incredible. It is only when a witness's evidence on material and obvious matters in the case is so irreconcilable, ambivalent or negational that his whole evidence is to be disregarded. Forgetfulness and failure to recall exactly certain events, which did not seem to be important to the witness, do not necessarily shake his credibility or render other parts of his story unworthy of belief. Various persons are endowed with varying powers of cognition, attentiveness and perception, so that it is not uncommon for two witnesses to a common event to describe it in slightly differing versions.” (c) KETERANGAN SOKONGAN SP3 [42] Menyentuh isu keterangan sokongan SP3 pula, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Alasan Penghakimannya di dalam kandungan 9 RR Jilid 1 m/s 23-29 menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 “[33] Perayu menegaskan bahawa keterangan SP3 tidak disokong oleh mana­mana saksi bebas. Dalam hal ini, saya mengambil maklum bahawa SP3 merupakan seorang saksi kanak­kanak yang masih mentah yang telah memberi keterangan secara tidak bersumpah. Oleh yang demikian, keterangan SP3 memerlukan keterangan sokongan sebagaimana kehendak Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 (rujuk kes Sidek Bin Ludan v. PP [1995] 1 LNS 219). [34] Dalam hal ini, saya berpendapat keterangan SP2 dan SP5 yang mendengar SP3 mengadu kepadanya tentang perbuatan Perayu sebaik sahaja selepas kejadian itu berlaku boleh menyokong keterangan SP3 untuk mengesahkan kejadian perbuatan Perayu ke atas SP3 itu benar­benar berlaku. [35] SP8 setelah menemuduga SP3 di Pusat Temuduga Kanak­Kanak menyatakan bahawa SP3 dapat menceritakan kejadian yang melibatkan Perayu dan dirinya sendiri dengan jelas dan terperinci. SP3 dapat memahami soalan yang diajukan dan dapat memberikan jawapan yang betul dan logik. Keadaan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa SP3 konsisten menceritakan kisah yang sama, sehingga menunjukkan indikasi bahawa aduannya itu benar. Secara tidak langsung, keterangan SP8 juga menyokong keterangan SP3. Oleh itu, saya tidak ada alasan untuk tidak mempercayai SP3. [36] Berdasarkan ulasan bagi keterangan serta kes­kes di atas, maka jelas pada Mahkamah ini bahawa keterangan SP3 telah disokong oleh S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 saksi­saksi tersebut. Justeru itu, isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu ini juga adalah tidak bermerit.” [43] Sewajarnya ditekankan juga bahawa SP3 juga ada menceritakan kejadian ini kepada SP2, SP4 dan SP5 dan ini disahkan sendiri oleh mereka di dalam keterangan mereka masing - masing. [44] Di dalam kes PP v. Mardai [1949] 1 LNS 65: [1950] MLJ 33, Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut: “It would be sufficient, in my view, if that corroboration consisted only of a subsequent complaint by the complainant herself provided that the statement implicated the accused and was made at the first reasonable opportunity after the commission of the offence.” [45] Tiada sebab yang dikemukakan oleh Perayu mengapa SP2, SP3 dan SP5 harus berbohong atau mereka - reka cerita di dalam keterangan mereka untuk mengaitkan kelucahan melampau Perayu terhadap SP3. [46] Pembohongan yang dilakukan oleh Perayu ini telah menguatkan lagi keterangan kes pendakwaan. Mahkamah di dalam kes Kurchang Singh v. PP [1989] 2 CLJ 442, memutuskan seperti berikut: “corroboration may come from the other prosecution witnesses or from the accused. Deliberate lies or incriminating conduct in a material particular can constitute corroboration." S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 (d) KETERANGAN PEMBELAAN TIDAK BERMERIT [47] Keterangan Perayu dan SD2 bahawa mereka bersama-sama berada dalam bilik tempat kejadian untuk menjaga anak kecil mereka yang demam telah ditimbulkan buat kali pertama semasa kes pembelaan. lanya tidak pernah dicadangkan kepada SP3, mahupun kepada pegawai penyiasat kes ini iaitu lnspektor Salwa Asyikin Binti Senin (SP13) semasa di peringkat kes pendakwaan. [48] Di dalam kes Ng Tiam Kok & Yang Lain lwn PP [2013] 1 CLJ 632, Mahkamah Rayuan melalui penghakiman yang disampaikan oleh Ahmad Maarop HMR (beliau pada ketika itu) menyatakan seperti berikut: “Bagi kami, jika pembelaan mereka itu benar tidak ada sebab kenapa mereka telah terlepas pandang untuk mengajukannya kepada saksi­ saksi pihak pendakwaan. Keperluan untuk mengajukan (put) kes mereka kepada saksi­saksi pihak pendakwaan bukan sekadar kaedah teknikal undang­undang, tetapi adalah kaedah penting keadilan.” [49] Kami berpandangan bahawa pembelaan yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu dan SD2 hanyalah suatu penafian kosong, pemikiran terkemudian dan rekaan semata - mata yang tidak menimbulkan apa - apa keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. [50] Di dalam kes PP v. Ling Tee Huah [1980] 1 LNS 212; [1982] 2 MLJ 324, mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 “The accused’s defence was one of denial. A mere denial without other proof to reasonably dislodged the prosecution’s evidence is not sufficient”. [51] Di dalam kes Megat Halim Megat Omar v. PP [2009} 1 CLJ 154, Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan seperti berikut: “Although in our criminal jurisprudence, there is no burden on an accused person to prove his innocence but merely for him to raise a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, it is trite that his defence should be put to the prosecution at an early stage during the prosecution case. Failure to do so may move the trial court to dismiss a particular line of defence as an afterthought, or a recent invention as happened in this case." KESIMPULAN [52] Setelah meneliti keseluruhan rekod rayuan dan penghujahan yang dikemukakan oleh kedua - dua pihak, kami sebulat suara mendapati tiada terdapat sebarang kekhilafan di dalam keputusan yang di buat oleh hakim perbicaraan mahupun Mahkamah Tinggi. Kami mendapati tiada merit dalam rayuan ini. Sabitan terhadap Perayu di bawah seksyen 377(E) Kanun Keseksaan adalah selamat untuk dikekalkan. [53] Mengenai hukuman pula, adalah penting untuk ditekankan bahawa selain daripada kepentingan individu, kami juga harus menimbangkan dan memberikan keutamaan kepada kepentingan awam. Mahkamah di dalam S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 kes PP v. Teh Ah Cheng [1976] 1 LNS 116; [1976] 2 MLJ 186, menyatakan seperti berikut: “In sentencing generally the public interest must necessarily be one of the prime consideration ... public interest should never be relegated to the background and must of necessity assume the foremost importance”. [54] Di dalam kes PP v. Chung Kwong Huah [1981] 1 LNS 67; [1981] 1 MLJ 316, Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut: “the time has come for the courts to show their disapproval by acknowledging that offences of this kind are grave and serious crimes, and that those who indulge in them must expect a severe sentence.” [55] Perayu juga merupakan seorang pesalah berulang (repeat offender) untuk kesalahan yang sama di dalam kes yang lain. Maka dengan itu, kami sebulat suara mendapati hukuman pemenjaraan selama 10 tahun yang berjalan secara berturutan dengan kes TA-42S-13-09/2017 dan 3 kali sebatan rotan serta sesi kaunseling pemulihan di bawah seksyen 295A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah sepanjang Perayu menjalani hukuman pemenjaraan serta 2 tahun pengawasan polis sepertimana yang diperintahkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dan disahkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi sewajarnya dikekalkan. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [56] Rayuan Perayu atas sabitan dan hukuman ditolak. Tarikh: 6 November 2023 - Sgd - Azmi bin Ariffin Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia Bagi Perayu : Firdaus Mohd Yusoff [Firdaus Mohd Yusoff & Co. (Kajang)] Bagi Responden : Aida Khairuleen Binti Azli Timbalan Pendakwa Raya [Jabatan Peguam Negara (AGC)] S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
meter tampering-sama ada TNB berjaya membuktikan meter tampering dan berhak menuntut kerugian daripada pengguna berdaftar
Dato' Ishak Bin Bakri
08/11/2023 08:34:51 BA-B52NCvC-262-10/2020 Kand. 39 S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal aA—zs52m:vc—262—1c/2020 Kand. as/u/mu 2 DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN D1 SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERW SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN‘ MALAVSIA GUAMAN No. BA-B52Ncv<>2e2-10/2020 ANTARA TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD ..PLAINT\F [No Syankal 199oa1oos29A(2noassw)] DAN 0-|N»ONE SHOP SDN EHD . DEFENDAN [Nu Syarikalz 1995om215Au135oB43-M)] PENGMAKIMAN Pnngonnlan 1. Plamuf adalah set-uah syarikat berhad yang membekalkan Ianaga eleklnk den mperbaaanxan an bawah undang-undang Malaysxa dan memnunyaw mama: berdailar an Pejabal Seuausaha Syankal, Tmgkal 2, Ibu Pqabal Tanaga Nsswonal Bemsd, No 129, Ja\an Bangsar‘ 59200 Kua\a Lumpur 2, Defendan adalah pengguna berdafiar me\alm No. Akaun Pengguna 5142 220133222504 (barn) bag: sebush prerms yang mempunyaw alamal :2. No. M, Tmgksl 2, Jalan sp ‘/1, Bandar Saujana Putra, 42510 Jeruamm, Selangor Darul Ehsan (‘prams |erssbu|”| 3. Pada am semar 4.10 2015, p|a\'nl\fte\ah mehakukan pemenksaan ks avas pepasangan meter/meter dw premis narsenm flan phalnlll mendakwa hshawa malnluflelah menemm ke;angga\arI pada pepasangan SIN wvvwfinzvvwmmwcwwn um sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm 39 -5; meter d! PIEFNS tersebul‘ amara lamnya. hardapal pendawaian {ems ks na pengguna |anpa memm meter nagx semua fasa den neu|ra\ a. busbar. A. Plairml seterusnya msmiakwa bahawa akmat pengusikan dan/ahau kqanggahn tersehul, ma|er an pram tersshm lldak dsnal bermngu dengan pawk dan semuuma ssrva gags! merekndkan baman yang taps! sewanas dengan bekman e\ekInk yang dwbekalkan pada semap masa yang malsnal 5. Vni bermakna lsrdapal psrbezaan jurmah pads nu-nu serahan safiap bulan yang dikeluarkan men p\a\nM flan h||-bu sebenar yang sspammya dlkeluarkan me?! mamur. a. mamm kemudwannya xerah msmbuac pengvsan den mendapall terdapal mmxan penggunasn (snags s\ak1nk yang max airekomn sebanyak RM335,D40 35 urvluk Iempoh dan 14 5.2015 mngga 4 10.2010 tennasuk Kos uperasi dan cukai nenkanan. 7 Me\a\u\ nous-nuns (unmlan benankh 1192020 dan 25.9 2020, pm 0 manunlut dalendan membayar jurmah Iunlulan Iersebu| kepada p w. Walau hagalmanapun, defsndan lelah gagaw, enggan darn/avau wai umuk membua| pembayaran bagi ]um\an (un(u|an |erxebuL 3 Deflendan menaflkan mnuuv/an nlavmdan msmbangknkan pelbagai isu ssbagaibanlahanlerhadap1umlah|umuIan p\amlIf. 9. semasa pemucavaan. mavllif msmanggfl 5 arang saksx mm Anzal bun Ashan ISPU. Wan Shareia bin Wan Salleh (SP2), Mona Aswan. mu sw wvvwyfiuzvvw-muwcvNwA -.0» smm be 0;... m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm uleh SP3. (Nah flu Nada sebab untuk Mahkamah manmak Kemrangan spa dan sws bevkenaan jumlah kerugnn yang Ie\ah uixanggung alsn Mawnlw akibat dari pengusikan pepasangan meter dw premis defendan. 39. Mahkamah mandapau bahawa parunmkkan mm: puma [acre berkahan psnyata penginaan backbxlling yang msmiakan oish SP4 dan dwsemak sena dwluluskan olah SP6 Ielah memenuhl syaral perskuan berdasarkan Seksyen 35(4) Ana Bekalan E\eku'ik1990 seperli bsrikm: Suam psmyalsaan banulws u\sh sexenmng pekaqa pemogzng Vasen yang dvpelukm dengnn sempumanya clan psmsaang Iwan atau mana- mm omnu yam mbeukuasz oxen pamagang man hendakbh memam kelalangan pnma «nae mengenm pambayarsn yang kena mom man penggunn an nawan suhseksyen 43). ac. Dawn kes nn, SP4 yang menyedxakan pengvaan adalah semang eksekum (bazkbtlling calculatmn) yang (e\ah berkmdmal aengan plainlxl ss\ama Vebwh kurang a lawn 41, spa nememmaan uazah Sanana Muda Kejuruteraan Elsklnk aan Elekmznik dan Universm Tsnsga Nasional (UNITEN). salain Ru, beliau wga velan memaxzni lalman-lahhan dan kursus-kulsus yang manjurkan o\eh plainm separuang berkludmal dsngan p\a\nM 44 man nu, Mahkamah mendapah bahawa keterangan 394 den spa wmar anamna memandangkan rnereka rnempakan orang yang berkelayakan untuk membual pengmian backbr//fng sebegai memenuhi syaral perakuan bedasarkan Saksyen 35(4) ma Bekalan Eleknik 1990. an guvrDgyRDEVv\uwuwcvNwA -naa saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; me nnmruuly mums dun-mm wa mum Wm! sun. ad: dohndnn mm: pcnggunn herdlftnr dengun pIairIIif7 42 Mahkamah bersstum dengan p\aInM bahawa pengguna yang berdaflar dengan Mamllf herkenaan dsngan exskuik yang dlbakalkan ke prerms lersebut adalan delendan‘ Fakla ml hdak dwpemkawkan oxen dafendsn 43 Plalmil berhujah bahawa plsmlll hdsk mempunyax sebarang hubungan kunlrak anoara p\ainIN flan penyewa pramls detendan berkenaan eleklnk yang dmekaxkan xe premls Ielsebut. Hubungan kormak yang wugud berkenaan bekalan elsklrik Iersebut ada\ah :1. amara plalnmdan pengguna bordaflar raitu defendan. 44 Vsu ini mun umkan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Thomas mamas v Tnnaga Nnloml Bnrmd [2017] 4 cu 340 an mana Mahkamah Rayuzn berseluju dengan kepumsan Mahkamah Tvnggl aavam T-nag: Naslonal acrhad v Empayar canggih Sdn and (dahuluny: dlkunnll sohaqai onvn Manuhclurur Sdn End) [2014] 8 MLJ 2&0 sepem berikul: my Yhnvafon, as car 5; mnsumplian M elenmcixy V/I Ihe vmmses Vs cnneemed‘ u was me appe\Ianl's sale msponsmny. being the consumer under Ihe agreement to pay an umiiandlnq chimes due tn ma. on me waence as «am by on. Vuamod sewons wull nudge and at amma um. learned mgn Calm judge on avvem, emcmclly ma In fan um mnsumad Gunny: the period [mm 22 September 200441 uemmnarznov u \s Irvslevzm who ar.1ua\Iy consumed ma alednmty. my A: we‘: regulated cunsumam 1| was me app-slum‘: respmsflmlly m emure tnauha meleral me pmrmses was not damaged ov lampersd mm rm: uespunsmmy re-news mu ms anveflam \7vv\IuhL7u| me syn wummummwcvnwn -um Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; .. mmny mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! attreunn at me agreemanl umass by his tenancy eereernent wrtn tne tenant rte had assigned such vesponsvblhly to me Imam Evan men such agreement meta um {and ma, mm {mm a puny In tn. (Manny oamsmsm [22] Thus‘ when tne melarwas aer-aged Orhmvsvod M0! by me tenant nv tne uewwurwvlh orwrmmn tne eppetmmz penmeeaan or hy Anyone etee flullng tne agreement mun‘ tne apneuant mus| pay Vor tne rerwhlnu loss ot revenue suflarsd by ms, ml because tre had anW‘|"fi m flu wttn tne Iampenng nrdamigs uuwld In me mnlnr bul bbululrfi ne was bound by agreemenl to My farms etecmty chan:es.T1weIn5s at revenue under such amumslarrcss mnrrut ran on ms 5 rteea. Tna| wtu be aroeaty urnatr m ms 45. men mu. adalah jeles bahawa setakan rnena ianya adalah berkenaan psnggunaan eleklnk at premis defendan, tanya adalah langgungjawsb dalendan selaku penggune bardafiar di bawah psnanjian eexeten unluk membayar kesemua ca]-ca] yang perm dibayar at bawah akaun Iersebut kspada p\aH1lI1. Pletntti Itdak tmteh mengembtl apa-apa hndakan (emadep penyewe aeterman dlsshabkan ksltadaan konxrak di aniam plairmfdan penyewa defendan. 4e. Fakla bahawa delendan merupakan pengguna berdafiar bagi premts tereetaut puga ndak atpentxaiken dan sm mengakui bahawa penyewa—penyewa premI$ aetenaan hukamah pengguna Vang mdarurkan dengan me 47. Perelman 3(2) Ferammn-permursn Beketen Pemegang Lesen mm) memperumukkan bahawa dslendan eetaku pengguna berdevtar dengan plamtzv ada\ah hertanggungan Immk membayar kepada p\aInM segale ca] berkenaan dengan pembekalan eleklnk pada premte defendan N wumrnummrmvnwe we e.n.t n-nhnrwm be used m van; ...e nrighrnflly mums dun-mm vu mune puns! yang Iemkru seninggaxan mana—mana sam kqadxan yang dmyslakan an snu benaku dahulu nu (1) harl ma kellga seleliis defender: |s\ah memben nous kepadia plainm bahawa delendan \e|ah meninggalkan prem\s(arsebuta(au(2|l1an berikulnya yang danar mane-mana meter hendak dnenkukan acau (3) nan danpada penghunl premxs yang benkulnya mengkehendaki plainllf membekalkan elekmk pads prenus mu C-1.RemvsrY av e\sc1flc?9/ mamas (1) A Vlcsmoe may recover hum 2. mnwmlv any chnrga: an. m m m mm: aims supply alelacmulyy or in msnen Mme supmy and owns 01 any enacmcrty meter‘ supmy um nr anecmcax equupmam. n a mnsunux nuns any Dvlmus al mum u\oc1nc\(*/ nu um wpphud by . huensee wmmm gmng nouns Iharenfl in ma Hnansoe m mm m is renawad by me Hcensea al lens! was mm-»a flay5 balms he owns ms prsvmm ha mu be nausea vaytha hoensoe an warns: m vuipea m In: supply 01 s nncrty no me prsmlsss lcuulng up In wmcneyar M was laI\wMng W3! mama, name\y— ta) ms mum wnmrv; day ailav rue has amen such nmlca In em hcenseey ma rlaxt day an mum me mg»:-gr nr any melav has m be aseenmned‘ m the aay horn wmch any subsequent owuvler cl ma pranum requires me hcemee \o smmy ebcxncwy m me pmmues (2) M 10} 43 Selam ilu, penelman kepada Paraluvan 312) Psra|umn-peralm-an aekaxan Pemsgang Lem man jugs msnunjukkan bahawa mana-mans penghuni selerusnya boleh meminla mama! unluk membenkan bekalan eleklnk ke premis larsebul. sw wvvvyRDEvv\mmwcvNwA «-um smm be used m yaw .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm 49 olen nu, seknanya benar defendan nae menyewaken premis (ersebul kepada penghuni baharu premls, defendan bcleh memnhon unn sspamxnya memohan untuk menukar nama pengguna berdaflsr kepada nzma penghum baharu prams dsfsndan. 50. Dawn kes im. adawl ielas bahawa liada sebarang keadaan dahsm Paraturan 3(2) Pera|urin-peraluran Eekalan Pemegang Lesen 1990 barlaku yang membalehkan dsfendan unluk hsrganlung kepads yang sama bag! mengelak danpada Lsnggungawabnya unluk membsyar wmlah tuntuvan panama kepada plamm 51. Namun. dalendnn lelah gags‘ dan/mu cum dan/alau enggan unluk mamasukan dan/slau menukar nama pangauna bardaflar kanada nama panyewa se\epas menyewakan premis Ievsehul kspada penyewa. oxen nu, defendan kekal sebagau plhak yang benanggunmewab ke alas penggunaan bekman meklrik as pnanns tieflsndan 52. Plainlxl berhuiah bahawa hak unluk beka\an eleklrik bukanlah amomaux semrang mmvvdu alau sesebuah syarikal hendakmu memohon unmk dUadn<an sabagai pengguna berdahar berdasarkan perunmkan di bawah seksyen 2A Akla Bekalan E\!kmk sepem herikul: 24 mama suvmy on r-qum my sumun lo the Vaflmllng pnws-ions or am Pm and any mgmaunn mane thereunden . Hcensee shafl upon mung /eqmved m do so Dy mg miner nv occuulerafalvy Dlem\ses— ta) Ewe a supmym mnclfluwlo mow nmnu and (bi K: lar is may bu nouaulw fm ma| hummus‘ Drums wt-W ‘MS av any e\ec1nc3\ planlarequlvmem m Where any Derson reuulms 3 suvmy nl a\e::lrh:Ky undsv subsection SIN wvvvyRDEvv\mnm:vNwA (1)715 ihafl await: the lbwnsse I now! 5DI:NY‘W' tame Dmmses m msasa mwmcm the sum ws rsquuea. an the day an mm. on supphy mqmmd m mmmlnuu, 1:) nu maximum mwwurwmch may be required nuny um, and Mme mwmum pemu forvmmh ms swbly Vs ruuulmd m be awe 53. unluk menunjukkan bahawa aevenaan |e\ah memma avau beriaya Selaruumya, liada kslerangan yang dvkemukakan uleh delendan memima penyewa unluk memcrmn meter atsu akaun Dam dengan plamur SD1 sendm mengakm bahawa aemaan fidak memakmmkan kepada 9 ‘nm mengenai penukzran penghuni premws tersehul ataupun bahawa premis Iarsebul «elan disewakan kspada penyewa Sam: ad: mmapan bukll lubol b-mmmmg kt tlnglul :7 54. Dalam kelerangannya, SP2 mendakwa (emapat kabel mam barsambung ke Imgkal 2 premis defendan semzsa pemenksaan dualankan a\eh wakwl pmwnlii Delendan pula bemwah bahawa SP2 nanya msmbuai (uduhan kasong dan liada buku dmam benluk gambar dikamukakan kepada Mahkamah 55. Sernasa F757!!!-!n)$aan halas. tiedendan mencadangkan bahawa /eeder pr//ar TNB yang dmji men spz sebenamya Iidak membenkan sebarang indikasw bahawa arus eleklrik yang dxgunakan adalah unmk lingkal 2 semala-mats Imam un|uk kenga-uga ungkan bangunan lersebul. 55. Plainlif berhlnah bahawa plamm max dapat mengamhil gambar di llngkal 2 prerms levsebut kerana Ianya bevkunu.O\eh\tu‘ada1ah musoaml unmk plamm mengamml gambar Kabel Aingkat 2 Ianpa memecahkun kuncl umuk memasukl premis tersebm. m yang disambungkan ke sw wwmuzvmm...mN..m -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 57. Walaupun ma gambar diambil unluk menunjukkan lsrdapa| kabe\ hi'am drsambungkan ke lmgkal 2, ndak dapa| mnafiksn bahawa |erdapa1 mm: penggunaan eleklnk yang manumukkin sambungan lerus melalm busbarTNE dan penggunaan arus nanpa mananm matsr. (‘Nah nu, lardapal penggunaan e\eklnk secala Iidak sah a4 prerms Iersehm 55. spz dalam kelerangannya menyaukan bahawa nasu ujwan perhandingan arus yang mlakukan o\eh behsu menumukkan bacaan arus sebenar bag! fasa merah adalah 1018,0353 kunmg ada\ah 97 5 din lasa Dim ada\ah mu 3. Bacaan ams sebenar yang ' ak terpapar paaa meter jelas menuruukkan arus eleklvik masih manganr ma\a\ui meter yang mdanarkan dengan pengguna. 59 beriainan semasa ujwan parbandmgan tflbual. Delandan pma Imak menafikan nasu wan perbandingan arus yang ea Da\am kes Jllu Kunsult Sdn and v Yenugu Nasionll Bhd [2022] MLJU 3507 Mahksmah Tinggl Ialah mengesahkan keputusan Mahkamah Sasyen adalah belul da\am mamuluskin bahawa «ads kepefluan unluk pamm mengemukakan hukll bahawa kabel versabm naxk ke Ungkal 2 memnndangkan Kama! bersambung (ems dari meter TNE may ms Cowl comumad 2 delafled uwaw om» naamnanm given by Ina P\aInmVa witness“ wm wem M) an. premises In candutl Ihe Inwntlrun. From ma evidence manned them was p-nor mm wave was «any n aired hypass made below me sxamsa an we unmna floor The Mlnesses men teamed m |m3Va:1(ha\|7ma walltunkmg av ma bypass cams snakmu up Intolhu plarmses mined by an. Delendam u do no| aD:sp| an. canlsnllun rslwad upan hy aeranaa munsew mac me mnesses marmy nssumed that In bynass cable want In ma wanaanrn D\slr1bIlmrv Bax I find mat mm was wnilsluncy In an lvldsnca at line syn gumDgyRDEvv\wmwcvNwA -naa saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; me nngwnnuuy mm: dun-mm wa mum puns! wflnesses an (N: loan may had Ilflmsd man mam was a cibla afixed balm: ma ms|ar beam mm. bypassed u The came hypnmma me mmav lands m my me wugmax wnnlualon wnmn Vs (Ml mere wza umpedm co dlven ma a\a:lrIcm/ nmwy «mm pa-vim lmvwh ltm me\er board «a a»-on Iowmmsl of scmal anmncny uamumpmen m we Dvamllu [171 I am: mm «naz man: 5 amunary no nacaunylunna wimmaa In sum! mu: KM pvemluss ta lsuanmn mu mawnmm we ante/ad ma mu Dmribmmn Box mime the P\alnM!'s mamas. u Is smrmanc Ihanhe ma. mv has sumasamuy woven mac me trunking anyunq «na cable D'Inais\nw ma mmsv was mad am flowed wmo ma Daremnra Dfamliss Slrmllfly, mm x: nu nscqssny for ma vnmasse: Ia vmduoe phmngranhs shawma we came dlrsmy wnnecind to me Dwslnbubon am. Them Vs Emma ura\ vaaumony fmm an 3 mamas In vmva ma P\aInlNh dlim nw emanea wan cnnsnslenl mm Ihe demmemnry evidence an-1H.niHn see my mmive hymen m m\smnmsenlIhalar.1a As n have said eamar, ma sc.z acoembd lnlwavtdurwa and vuuna lhsm mama wnnanas 51. D\eh kahe\ dlssmbungkan ks Ilngkat 2 ada\aI1 pengalaan kosung aamaoa-mava. P\aln|iI Ielah membukfikan bahawa sambungan kabe4 tersebul ilu. dakwaan de1endan bahawa naua bukh menumukkan vanya hsrsamhung dari mater pangguna. 62. spz \elaI1 meruelaskan ssmasa pemsnksaan yemula hahawa bervasarkan gambsr yang dwkzmukakan Mahkamah menunjukkan Ieedev pillar nombm 2 yang mempunyai sambungan Ierus pada mater admah mswakil! pramis we-1-2 mmx delendan. kepada 63. SP2 iuga dalam keterangannya menyalakan me\a\m pemenksaan 'ngka| 1 dan |ingka| yang behau mankan, beliau Ielah mengena\pas' aw wmvvyRDEvv\mmwcvNwA «ma sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m mm was nrW\nnH|:I mm: flan-mm VII mum pm aawan prerms uahanaan max bemperasidan nanya prennsnngkau 2 yang menggunakzn beban carsebue. 64. Mahkamah berseluju dengan p\am\W bahawa SP2 adalan semang jumteknuk benauhsh dan berkernahimn aalam bidang eleklnk dan meter elakxrik. Berdasarkan kemshiran dan Ialman yang dlperolem alen SP2, I; u layak dan herupaya mangessn kqanggalan alau pengusikan pada pepasangen me|er dw prumis defendan. Kerja—kena pemsnksaan yang dijalankan uleh SP2 dmam kes im merupakan sebahaglan daripada Iugas hsnan behau. 55. Ma\ahan,t1efendan senmn mengakul semasa pemeriksaan mama uanawa delendan merupakan pemmk herdaflar dan pemegang akaun eleklnk unluk kesemmhan hangunan (srsebul. (Nah mu, delendan merupakan pmak yang berlanggungjawab Ierhadap penggunaan s\eklr\k secara curang m mana-manalingkal bangunan Iersebutwalaupun keuga— hga lmgkal bangunan lersebul mempunyal akaun berasmgan. Sam: ads plaimiflelah melakukan n--nlrm mm? 66. Deiendan mendakwa bahawa dalam |empnh anlzra 1 4.2017 mngga 31.3 2019 semasa premis uelendan disewakan kepada penyewa yang mxenali sebagax Denlapro Encerpnse, premws lersebul kosong pads bman Okluber 2017. O\eh nu. seharusnya Dada panggunaan mekmk deflam bulan Dkwber 2017 e7. Defendan juga man mencadangkan kepada saksi plairml SP4 berdasarkan kepada ml-mu e\ekmk yang dilenma o\eh dedandan, bil-bx! Iersebm menulwkkan Ifada penggunaan elekmk d1 prams tersebm. SIN wvvwyfinzvvmwuwcwwn -ans saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm ea, Plavnm Dme berhujah bahawa meskipun nada penggunaan eleklrik dlrekodkan damn bil-bxl elekvrik‘ mi bukan bermaksud liada eleklrik dlgunakan n\eh pengguna. Tetapl berdasarkan kqanggalan yang dibuklxkan o\eh p\a\nm, terdapal penguslkan pada meter m prsmis dslsndan dan plairml man mengalamx kemgian bagx e\ekIrik yang ludak direkudkan 69. tidak Iepal ksrana uads penggunaan e\ekmk da\am salu lempoh kslnka prams tsrsehumdak msswakan. Walau bagaumanapun‘ dslendan semin Dslenden ma mencadsngkan bahawa pengvaan puamm aaaxan mengzkm “Eda bum unluk menyokong dakwaan delendan dan defendan Auga mengakul bahawa aevenaan bukan pakardaiam pengwraan kerugwan hasxl yang dialamw oleh pxainm. 70. Da\am Kes Tan: 3 Nnlonal Ehd v Brlgm Rlml Manummrmg Sdn Ehd [2011] 3 MLJ Mahkamah Tmggu menyalakan hahawa rsha bagi menolak mmuvan p n ada\ah pemhuknan spesmk dan \epa| sualu keselahan jelas/man/"fest error pada pengiraan p\aImilo\eh devenaan. 71. manifest snot herkenaan pengiraan p\amM O\eh im, Pengiraan Amaun Kerugian Hasd dan Perhemnjaan dan mnnman plainllf wqardwtevlma o\eh Mahkamah Dalam kas Inn aevenusn gagal unluk menuruukkan sebarang 72. Da\am kes Tnnlga Nnlonnl Ehd Mn Synrikll Muar quury san End [2023] MLJU 1557 Mahkamah msnya|akan sspem b sw wvvwfinzvvwuw-mcvNwA -um Sum ...m.. WW be .75.. m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm Daud (SP3), Muhammad Mustaqim bin Zulkufly (SPA) sm Nor Fadzvllah bum Kadim dan Muhammad Hamw bin Hashim (sue). «a Defendan iailu um Cheee Swong (SDl)had1r memben kecemngan sanagax defendan yang msaman da\am lindakan in: sm merupakan saksw mnggan dan (iada Saks] Vain bag: pmak defendan K-a nlalnm 11. F'\a\nM menyalakan bahawa terdapsl bum pengusikan pads meter/pepasangan meter an prams dslendan I2. dslsndan darn/avau penghum premis tersebul man menenma manfaal Pkwltif selerusnya menyatakan bahawa daiendan flan/atau wakn aanpaaa eleklnk yang (erkurang ca] aklbal daripada penguswkan Iersebul hingga menysbabkan keruglan kepada plzflnlw. 13. benanggungmwab unluk membayar mmvan yang dmmlul mar. pxamm P\ain|i1 menyalakan hahawa defendan sebagai pengguna herdallar Kn um-man M. pengusikan as Vmmws milxk deiendan. Defender: menyatakan hahawa pwamnr gagal mambuklxkan elemen <5. nemaan saemsnya menyalakan bahawa uaua buklx pasukan pemenksaan plaunlxl mamaaum prams menuan. aw wmvwyfinzvvmwuwcwwn -ma saw be used m mm In: nrW\ruH|:I mm: dun-mm Va muNG pm [say Deiendan mm mm gens! memhuknkan hnhawa pengnan muabm mun sahh alau axoesslva Delendzn wslaupun (shah maflyllakan bihawi Dfimugasn agak mu dun purvannaan etskmk m menus mum mm, mun max membulmkznnya upon! dongsn memhzwz mm mau dukumen pam:.g.a.n W msmhuklikan Dsmlanaln mun m-ruwl 1:91 Mankamah ml memluk kepadn kes Lei Kam Senna (wprn) yang mafia Dfluman ax mm ken Im «em. heriaya msmbukflkan ma mas mangan ksbarungkzlmn bahawa Dav-uusrbnan ke atas vevasanaan matarlmah beflnku mulzl Navember 2017 berdiurkan bum-um yang (shah Delendan kemukakan m Mflapan um [40] 0‘ mm kas nu, Dafandan (flak mmgtmukakan sebarang mu man dakumsn ynnq mu menqubah kwlan knlufilan ham) yang mm. mm a\zm| a. dalam kas um Delsndan hnnya belgarflum mm. klrian wemavvsnya dwbual mar-sumxan mas» ram! can nummyz pumll din mm yang (Blah Mahlumih nyllzksn ml, mm. nur-ara adalsh Ismh (spat unluk dwgunakan .1... Hraan im mm m mi rmmasabah, wak bevtehlhan Ivan salah. mm-k kas Tsrvaaa Nzukznal and V AWP Erflenpnle |M}5dn aw [zu15|: MLJ 2. 70. sebagm keslmpulan kensda Dersoikan sama ads terdapal manifest ermr aieh pekeria mam , Mahkamah mendapau bahawa liada manifem arm: benaya aumkukan o\eh deiendan |srehat1ap pla Kulmpulan 7:. Eerdasarkan keterangan yang dlkemukakan olsh saksx-saksr, Mahkamah mendapan hahawa p\amM lelah aaqaya memnukukan, alas imbangan kebavangkafian, kes wawnlihemadap de1endan sw wvvvykuzvvwuw-mcvNwA «ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm 74 Oleh Mu, Mahkamah memumskan nmmcan plalnlrf lemadap defendan dwbenarkan a|as jurlflah yang dmumm ssbanyak RM35§,04l7 35, iaadah 5% selahun alas iumlah penghakxman bermula dan larikh saman auankan sehingga Iarikh penyexesaian penuh den kos 75. Kns perbicarasn Im dvlstapkan avas ]um\ah sebanyak RM2c,ouo.oo dibayar weh usvaman kapada plaunlll. Berlankn pada 25 September 2023‘ ¢;§ (IS AK BAKRI) Hakmv Mahkamah sesyen Pihak—Pmak' Maizura Muhamed Amin ( Tetuan Mohanadass Parlnersmpj b/p p\am(i1 Cfinlon Nicnowas Gomez (Tainan Raiindar singn Veriah & Co.) blp ddendan sw wwmuzvmm...mN..m -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 13. Delendan sslemsnya membangkilkan isu penggunaan sa1ah bsrkalvan Amp Tong yang digunskan oleh pasukan pemeriksaan plavmf. 17. Dafendan sexemsnya menya|akan hahawa penenman (ankh pemmlaan bagv psngmaan jumlah (uvnman mamlil adalah salah. 13‘ Defendan memberlkan nous awal seterusnya menyatakan bahawa plairml gagal kepada delendan sebelum menjalanken pemeriksaan pada pepasangan meter/meter m premis de(endan KEPUTUSAN MAHKAMAH sum: Ida lerdapak bukll pongusnkan plda poplunnan mum dl premls dohndan 19. Hasil pemenksaan pads pepasangan meter my premls dslandan, p w mendekwa bahawa pepasangan melev lelah dmswk kemna Kerdapal pandawaian yang msambung secara terns ke DB pengguna tersebul tanpa me\a\m me|er bag: keuga-uga case. di busbar. 20 Fkamlil secerusm menyatakan bahawa pendawsxsn yang disambung sews «ems ke DB pengguna ada\ah menggunakan kam- kahel mam disamhung darn busbar TNB darn memasukt |a\uan lvurvkfng berwama men |anpa melalm meler. ’ni bukan mempakan sebahagian danpada papasangan meter yang s1am1ard yang mpasang oleh ma dn mana-mana premis pengguna. 21 Salsx plainm Encxk wan Sharsza bin Wan Safleh (SP2) ialah Kama Pemenksaan bagi has im. SP2 semasa memberi kelerangan av sw wumayaumawwaywm -ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm y.. mum puns! Mahkamah |elah menyavakan secara terpennd berkensan penemuan dan Kejanggalan yang msemuv pada pepasangan meter .1. prsmis defendan. 22. SP2 dalarn kelerangan menyacakan behau lelah memawukan Lyian perbandmgan arus menggunakan Amp Tong unluk memeriksa rmai arus sehenar yang mengalir masuk ks me|er danpada punca hakakan p\airml dan yang mrekoaxan aleh meter sepeni benkut: ' En}FmaIF Ami Kunlng was 5 91 5 m1 .3 Bocaan Am: PapTm’u§35 A 431 n ma Mmer J 23. SP2 dalam xexerangannya Jugs mengesahkan Ierdapal penguslkan pada pepasangan meter :1» premls larsebul kemnzi bacaan arus pada paparan meler den bacaan ams ssbenar an busbar adalah belheza berbanding aangan kebrasaannya waitu ssnarusnya adalah Iebm kurang same. 24. Eerkenaan kqanggaian aan/auu psngusikan kepada pepasangan meter. svz Ielah membsrikan kelelangan sapem benkur ta) 1??) maapau su cermmal melamada, maapau mm bauan ams di paparan meter ada\ah Vshvh rendah berhandmg mlai bacian sebenar di semua lasa. flan (c) Ierdapal pendawaian (ems ke DB pengguna lanpa mslalui mexer bag: semua fasa dan neutral :1: busbar. sw ,um,,auzvmw...mN..m -um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! 25. Kelerangan SP2 Ienlang pengusikan meter dlsckung me1a1ui hukhr bukln benkul: 16) lb) (0) (db (6) (1) (9! ganmangambar pemenksaan yang manmu oleh saksl plainm uamu SP3. Iaporan yang dwsedvakan ulen SP2 berkenaan penemuan kabel sambungan Ierus ke DB pengguna da1am Eorang Pemsnksaan 5. Pengufian Pepasangan Meaer — Arus Penuh 3 Fasa bertankh 4.10.2015. laporan puns yang mbuat oleh SP2 nombor rumkan Sg. Jawm/003524118 penemuan pengusnkan pepaaangan melerdx prsmis aevenuan Vapamn berkenaan Pernnxmman Semakan Meter Elektnk oleh ma yang maaduakan olan SP2 benarikh 4 102015, Vapnran bsrkenaan Surat Pembemahuan Psmanksaan dan bsrkenaan Pengujlan Pepasangan Meier ma yang msemakan o1eh SP2 berlankh 410 2018 Vauoran mg uisemakan o1eh spa berkenaan Surat Pembenlahuan Pengambflan Bahan-bahan sum 1apoPan yang msemakan aleh ss=5 mm Ulasan Teknikal barlankh 25.11 2018. 26 Damn kes Evorhomo Funicure Manufacturing (M) sun and v kunsisten dangan mug. Nulonnl some [2009] e MLJ 715 Mahkamah Tmggu nlemuluskan bahawa apahlla kelerangan saksi-saksx sdalah Iegas dan penemuanrpenemuan pengusnkan. Mahkamah hendakxan menerima kabenaran kelerangan yang amenxan SIN wuownumnmwavnwn Nuns Snv1n1nnnhnvw111I>e used m mm na nv1fl1ru11|Y mm; dun-mm wa mnnc wrm 27 Berkanaan dengan xsaeranm saksi-saksw nlavrmi Ienlang bukli penamuan pengusiksn pad: pspasagan meter. Mahkamah msndapah kelersngan saks\-Saks: p\aInM aaaxan tags: dsn kansnstsn. mas akaian unluk Mahkamah menolak aoau meragui Ketarangan mereka. 23 Dawn kes Tonlul N-slonal Borhad v Ail: Knlnhl Bhd (pnvlausly known as Pnhlnno corp Bhd) [mm 5 MLJ sew Mahkamah Rayuan mamuluskan sspem baflkul [111Inuuru:-mdersdopwon,maummwmmovamnu-nauon mam no me queuimn mum: ma pmmm rm xuunasdad in mm um um mm Anslmlsflan was eampersa on a Damsal ml me avnsul record, we ave sansnedmamvara VS unwntruvsnad awdancstcshnwlhalmu msur mslsflahun had new (armored five mxmvevy av me mag" ccppar nbien mm. was ‘Mensa 1.. ms msrar Vs mom Iha ram nnmanna We sales mm lhe suhm-mun ua Named oounsm (av Ina Dlamlm that me mm. pmduned by me p\z|mlIVf: wluvssu: wuva mn:u|an| Ind ma.» u was am mrvnbnrsled hy me nmflucmn Mme vholagraphs‘ ms ‘Duran: Mzsslan penanman we Mv/av, ‘sum! Demakluman iemakan metal‘, ‘rum pembsnlnhuar‘ p-ngammnan bavang key and palm: pm On um tmnhly ol um evidence we are ol the new mm an . balance of Dmbahuixles me mam-m had succeeded xn pmvmg Ihsx me mslevwza lzmvswd, 29. Beldasarkan kepada kelerarlflan saksrsaksi plainmdan buk|i»buk|v dokumen, admah jelas bahawa pepasangan malerlmeler - premxs delendan talsh dmslk danlatau dlganggu mamandangkan Ierdapsl kabsl lzmhahan asmg yang mgunakan umux membenkan heKa\an e\ek(r(K secara Ierus ks prams defendan danpada sumber bekalan pwamur lanpa melalui meler iaitu dari mcoming prsmis tersebul N um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 70 man mu, maua keraguan bahawa menaan dan/alau waxu defendan darn/alau penghum premis terssbul (e\ah manamna manlaal daripadn eleklnk yang lerkurang ca} akwbat daripada panguaxkan lersebm yang menysbabkan kemgian kepada p\a\n\iY Jumlall (unlul-n yang uimmm 30. Pliinm berhuyah bahawa akibal penguS\kan pepasangan meter, melerlerssbul gagal merekodkan bauazn penggunaan e\ak(nk yang belul dan Hdak selsras dengsn bekilan exmrik yang dibekaikan pada senap masa yang matene\ kepada delendan D\eh ilu, delendan celan dicay dan dwsarahkan dengan jumvah bxl yang yam. barkurangan aanaaaa bekmn e\ek(rik yang msamrkan ke prams dedendan. 31 Benkulan ilu, wsinlxflelah mengeluarkan nolis Iunhnan banankh I1 9 zuzo yang merupakan pernyataan bemflis msnurul saxsyan 35(4) Akla Eekalan Elekmk 1990 (“Akla aekaIan') lemadap devendan sebagai menyckung tunmlan pwamm Lmluk Kehflangan pendapaun plaunuv 32. Esrdasarkan kepada penelilian pernyalaan benuna lerasnun, wa mangandungl buhr-bum benkul: (a) a menyaxakan secara spesmk deiendan ssbagaw penguuna beldaflar, 1») perenggan 3, A can 5 pernyavaan berluhs tersebul menyatakan ;um\ah yang cemuung sebagai RM385,04D 31 dan secara khusus menyalakan bahawa mmman admah bag: wmlah kerug\an hasn flan perbelanjsan darn Iumutan dibual an wVrDyyRDEW\uwuwcYNwA -naa sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m van; me nrighuflly mums dun-mm wa mum puns! berdasarkan kepada perunlukan Seksyen am), (4; dan (5) ma Bekalan Elsklrik 1990‘ 1:1) lampuran A menumukkan pecahan Jnmlah mg perlu dibayar dan gamhar—gamhar penguslkan yang dllemui pad: Dehasansian meter. (e) deiendan dxberikan empal be\as (14; hari unluk msmhayar jumlah yang dmyatakan dalam pernyawan beriuhs levsehul, m pemyalaan nenuns lekah dnandslangam man pekeria p\ain1I1 SP5‘ dan lersebut «swab cnakm den duenma o\eh 33. menenma nous lunlulan banankh 11. Saks: ddsndan senam Iailu SD1 rnengakux bahawa de1endanIe\ah 2020 34. Beldasarkan kepada pemyalaan berlulus lemabuc, Mamlii lelah memanuhi hma (5) syaral yang ' ulnrkan nleh Mahkamah Rayuan da\am kss Torugl N Ional Borhnd v Dunln Ray: Enuarprlsn sun Ehd [2015] e cm 751 sapem bankul Farms aw-eH-m m ve\y on nwrillen mumem, me mnmng mus| have um mace (G we nnpeflanl must have ca\cn\alad ms loss of VBVEVNI and reduce Il no a document and wnltnn Iialsmunl. (M) an EIIVDIWUI and/or dmy anlhnnsed perwn o! In: enpelmm mus| have perused the dncumem as wen as me wmlen sta|amsnl m wwy m. mm sxalemenh (nu ma oumfiaa wmm. statemunt mun mm." mo aamculms slaled in 5 38(4) Of ESA 1390‘ my my . mm mmc.:._ me name More employee at zumnnsud vsrwn alms avvalmm must appear m the slatumenl and duly um sw -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm (V) n 2: menu «armed slmemuu >5 lssusd‘ n needs In be served an mu mstnmer and n ma cuslumar does now gay, man an ncltnn an be laksn mu, n \s a uorvdllson nmaaann Iur wnnmmn cl cw man Vn Ivhanoe ov a as Var Tenaqa In Issue a beamed wrmen stalzmem nmmding kn xaw, balms mu action can be commenced 35. Oleh nu, Mshkamah memuuuskan bahawa pemyalaan berluhs p\am(i1 ditenma sebagal kelerangan puma racie mengenal jurmah mg «ernuxang uleh dsfsndan Kepada plamui bag! kemlangan pendapalan Yiada keterangan dwkemukakan o\eh defsndan yang msmpemkaikan pemyalaan banulis pnnnur Pengirun hag! iumlnh lunlutnn portamn 35. Saks! pnainnvsw dalam ketarangannya menyavakan bahswa beliau (elah menyediakan Pengvaan Amaun Ksrugnan Hasll dan Perhelamaan sens C51 Berkawan Akibal Uslkan Papasangan Meier flan dwlumskan a\eh pegawal acasan behau iailu srs sehagai manyokong mmman p\a\nM unluk kehllangan pendapalan berdasarkan peluntukan Seksyen 33(3) Akia Eekalan Emklrik 1§€D(‘Ak(a Eeka\an'). 37. sm |e\ah menielaskan secara menysmruh mengenil cara behau membuat pengiraan bagx namwan lunmtan pxanmf. SP4 jugs (um! msmbenkan kelerangan bahawa senmng kepulusan mengenal kaedah penglraan yang tiugunapskal dan can: menenlukan mnkh pevmwaan penglraan kehelakang ('bar:kb:IImg') amuax berdssarkan perbmcangan befiau dsngan pegawax axasan belnau lam: spa as. spa msrupskan plhak yang men)/ed‘ ken penyala pengiraan backbtlling (ekslbil P2) dam penyam pengvaan -n: disemak dan mnuvuskan syn gmugyRDEvv\wmwcvNwA Nuns s.nn be used m van; .. nrimruflly mums m.n.n wa mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Hukuman penjara selama 20 bulan dari tarikh tangkap 16.2.2022 dan 3 tahun pengawasan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) - Rayuan tersebut adalah terhadap hukuman - Kepentingan awam harus diutamakan berbanding kepentingan tertuduh - Seksyen 282(d) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah - Tertuduh telah menghabiskan tempoh masa yang agak lama dalam tahanan sementara menunggu perbicaraan selesai - Tertuduh tidak pernah mempunyai sebarang kesalahan lampau dan kesalahan ini adalah merupakan kesalahan pertama tertuduh - Bicara penuh.
Puan Noor Mazrinie Binti Mahmood
Microsoft Word - KHAIRUL ANUAR (3) 1 DI DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET DI KUALA TERENGGANU DALAM NEGERI TERENGGANU NO. KES: TA-83D-627-05/2022 ANTARA PENDAKWA RAYA LAWAN KHAIRUL HISHAM BIN HALIM (NO. K/P: 820207115571) ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN PENDAHULUAN 1. Pada 21.9.2023, pihak pendakwaan telah memfailkan Notis Rayuan ke Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu kerana tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Mahkamah Majistret dalam menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 20 bulan dari tarikh tangkap 16.2.2022 dan 3 tahun pengawasan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) terhadap tertuduh di dalam kes ini. Rayuan tersebut adalah terhadap hukuman sahaja. 2. Tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan sebagaimana berikut : BAHAWA KAMU PADA 16/02/2022 JAM LEBIH KURANG 11.10 MALAM, BERTEMPAT DI PEJABAT JABATAN SIASATAN JENAYAH NARKOTIK IPK TERENGGANU, DI DALAM DAERAH KUALA TERENGGANU, DI DALAM NEGERI 08/11/2023 16:03:31 TA-83D-627-05/2022 Kand. 52 S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 TERENGGANU, TELAH MENYALAHGUNA DENGAN MEMASUKKAN DADAH JENIS “METHAMPHETAMINE DAN AMPHETAMINE” KE DALAM BADAN KAMU SENDIRI. OLEH YANG DEMIKIAN, KAMU TELAH MELAKUKAN SATU KESALAHAN DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 15(1)(a) AKTA DADAH BERBAHAYA 1952 (PINDAAN 2002) DAN BOLEH DIHUKUM DIBAWAH SEKSYEN 15 AKTA YANG SAMA. HUKUMAN: DENDA TIDAK LEBIH DARIPADA RM 5,000.00 ATAU PENJARA TIDAK LEBIH DARIPADA 2 TAHUN DAN DIIKUTI PERINTAH PENGAWASAN TIDAK KURANG 2 TAHUN DAN TIDAK MELEBIHI 3 TAHUN. 3. Di dalam kes ini, tertuduh telah tidak mengaku bersalah dan telah mohon untuk dibicarakan. Di peringkat kes pendakwaan, tertuduh adalah diwakili peguam, namun peguam telah menarik diri dari mewakili tertuduh setelah mahkamah memanggil tertuduh untuk membela diri. Di peringkat kes pembelaan, tertuduh telah membela dirinya sendiri. 4. Di akhir kes pembelaan, mahkamah telah memutuskan bahawa tertuduh didapati bersalah dan disabitkan bersalah terhadap pertuduhan yang dikenakan terhadapnya. Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi tertuduh dan hujahan pemberatan oleh pihak pendakwaan, mahkamah telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 20 bulan dari tarikh tangkap 16.2.2022 dan 3 tahun pengawasan AADK. S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 FAKTOR-FAKTOR DIPERTIMBANGKAN DALAM MENJATUHKAN HUKUMAN 5. Dalam mencapai hukuman tersebut, mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor penting yang menjadi prinsip penghukuman. Berikut merupakan faktor-faktor tersebut : KEPENTINGAN AWAM 6. Mahkamah mengambil pendekatan bahawa kepentingan awam harus diutamakan berbanding kepentingan tertuduh. Kes R vs Ball (1951) 35 CR APP 164 dan PP vs Low Choon Fatt (1976) 2 MLJ 256 adalah dirujuk. Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Iwan Bujang Dara & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [2017] 1 LNS 285; [2017] 3 MLJ 630 yang telah menyatakan bahawa “But the court is not only concerned with the plea in mitigation in passing sentence. No matter how strong the plea in mitigation is in favour of a lenient sentence, the court's overriding consideration has always been and will always be the public interest.” 7. Maka, kepentingan awam harus diutamakan dan didahulukan menandingi kepentingan tertuduh. Hukuman yang dikenakan ini bukan sahaja berfungsi untuk menghukum tertuduh tetapi juga berperanan memberi keyakinan kepada pihak awam bahawa kepentingan mereka akan terpelihara dan dilindungi oleh undang- undang dan sistem kehakiman negara. Hukuman yang berat juga menunjukkan kepada masyarakat bahawa mahkamah tidak memandang remeh kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh tertuduh. S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 TEMPOH TERTUDUH DITAHAN 8. Mahkamah ini telah memerintahkan supaya hukuman pemenjaraan dikenakan terhadap tertuduh adalah berjalan dari tarikh tertuduh ditangkap iaitu 16.2.2022. Tertuduh telah berada di dalam tahanan sejak dari tarikh tersebut dan tertuduh tidak pernah dijamin. Dalam hal ini, mahkamah merujuk kepada Seksyen 282(d) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah yang menyatakan : "(d) tiap-tiap hukuman penjara hendaklah berkuatkuasa pada tarikh yang ditetapkan dalam hukuman itu kecuali jika mendapat perintah lain daripada Mahkamah yang menjatuhkan hukuman itu." 9. Dalam mentafsirkan peruntukan ini, Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Tuan Mat Tuan Lonik v. PP [2009] 4 CLJ 638 memutuskan seperti berikut : “Under s. 282(d) of the Criminal Procedure Code it is provided that 'every sentence of imprisonment shall take effect from the date on which the same was passed unless the court passing such sentence otherwise directs'. The Criminal Procedure Code thus empowers the judge with the necessary discretion when a sentence should begin..." 10. Walaupun Seksyen 282(d) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah tersebut menyatakan bahawa hukuman penjara berkuatkuasa dari tarikh ia ditetapkan oleh mahkamah, mahkamah boleh memerintahkan sebaliknya iaitu berkuatkuasa dari tarikh tangkapan dan penggunaan kuasa tersebut adalah mengikut budi bicara mutlak mahkamah. S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 11. Tambahan pula, di dalam kes Muharam Bin Anson V Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 MLJ 222 telah dinyatakan bahawa “In our view this period of detention, brief though it may appear, ought to have been taken into account by the learned trial judge for the purpose of passing sentence”. Maka, hukuman pemenjaraan yang mahkamah berikan bermula dari tarikh tertuduh ditangkap adalah berdasarkan prinsip tersebut memandangkan di dalam kes ini juga tertuduh telah menghabiskan tempoh masa yang agak lama dalam tahanan sementara menunggu perbicaraan selesai. 12. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes-kes yang telah diputuskan melalui bicara penuh sebelum ini sebagaimana berikut : KES HUKUMAN PP lwn. Mohd Ruzaini Samingan & Satu Lagi [2023] 1 LNS 44 Mahkamah Tinggi mengekalkan hukuman terhadap tertuduh pertama yang telah dikenakan denda RM5,000.00 gagal bayar 5 bulan penjara dan pengawasan AADK selama 3 tahun. Mustadzimaludin Musimin v. PP [2022] 1 LNS 2289 Tertuduh dikenakan penjara selama 1 tahun dan pengawasan di bawah Pegawai AADK selama 2 tahun. Azhar Ibrahim lwn. PP [2022] 1 LNS 2607 Mahkamah Tinggi menggantikan hukuman 2 tahun penjara dari tarikh sabitan dan perintah pengawasan selama 2 tahun kepada hukuman denda RM4,000.00 gagal bayar 6 bulan penjara dan pengawasan selama 2 tahun. S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Rashid Mohamad v. PP [2022] 1 LNS 1633 Mahkamah Tinggi mengekalkan keputusan Majistret iaitu penjara selama 1 tahun dan pengawasan selama 2 tahun. Zul Fadzli Abdul Rahman v. PP [2020] 1 LNS 444 Mahkamah Tinggi mengekalkan keputusan Majistret iaitu penjara selama 10 bulan dan pengawasan selama 3 tahun. 13. Berdasarkan trend penghukuman yang dirujuk tersebut, mahkamah ini sedar bahawa hukuman dikenakan terhadap tertuduh di dalam kes ini adalah lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kes-kes rujukan tersebut. Ini adalah kerana, mahkamah ini mengambilkira bahawa tertuduh telah berada di dalam tahanan reman sejak dari tarikh tangkap iaitu 16.2.2022. 14. Sehingga 13.9.2023, iaitu tarikh tertuduh disabitkan bersalah dan dijatuhkan hukuman, tertuduh telah berada di dalam tahanan reman lebih daripada 18 bulan. Tempoh tersebut juga telahpun dipertimbangkan sewajarnya sebagai hukuman terhadap tertuduh. Dengan mengenakan pemenjaraan selama 20 bulan bermula daripada tarikh tangkap, mahkamah yakin bahawa tertuduh semestinya telah dihukum dengan kesalahan yang dilakukannya. 15. Jika mahkamah ini memerintahkan supaya pemenjaraan tertuduh bermula dari S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 tarikh sabitan iaitu 13.9.2023, sudah pastilah tempoh tertuduh berada di dalam penjara adalah lebih lama daripada peruntukan maksima pemenjaraan bagi kesalahan Seksyen 15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 itu sendiri iaitu selama 2 tahun. TIADA REKOD LAMPAU 16. Di dalam kes ini juga tertuduh tidak pernah mempunyai sebarang kesalahan lampau dan kesalahan ini adalah merupakan kesalahan pertama tertuduh. Pihak pendakwaan juga tidak mengemukakan sebarang rekod lampau tertuduh. Sebagaimana dinyatakan di dalam kes PP v. Jafa Bin Daud [1981] 1 LNS 28; [1981] 1 MLJ 315 : “…In assessing sentence, one of the main factors to be considered is whether the convicted person is a first offender.” BICARA PENUH 17. Kes ini bukanlah pengakuan bersalah di awal kes tetapi telah melibatkan satu perbicaraan yang panjang, melibatkan saksi-saksi pendakwaan yang ramai dan telah memakan masa dan kos pihak-pihak. Maka, tertuduh adalah tidak layak terhadap satu diskaun terhadap hukuman. S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 PENUTUP 18. Mahkamah percaya bahawa hukuman dikenakan terhadap tertuduh adalah satu hukuman yang adil dan saksama serta memenuhi prinsip penghukuman. Bertarikh pada 8 November 2023 NOOR MAZRINIE BINTI MAHMOOD MAJISTRET MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET KUALA TERENGGANU Pihak-pihak : Timbalan Pendakwaraya bagi pihak pendakwaan : Puan Nur Aisyah binti Mohamad Tertuduh mewakili diri sendiri S/N v7Vit3xW0WJjbK84FNTWQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PEMOHON PHILOMINA A/P F F SILVARI RESPONDEN 1. ) Daito Asia Development (M) Sdn. Bhd. 2. ) Industrial Court Malaysia
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Filing of cause papers whether must be in the National Language - Filing cause papers in the English Language. O.92 r.1 of the Rules of Court 2012.CIVIL PROCEDURE: Non -compliance with the Rules of Court 2012- Abuse of the process of court - Striking out - Article 52 of the Federal Constitution - Section 8 of the National Language Acts 963/1967.
YA Dato' Amarjeet Singh a/l Serjit Singh
08/11/2023 17:07:59 WA-25-35-01/2022 Kand. 69 S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N 40GwtChJWUyDBMyvg38SKw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal t-IL-25-z5»o1/2022 Kand. 59 DE/11/2023 17:07:59 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IBAHAGIAN RAVUAN DAN KUASA»KUASA KHAS) APPLICATION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW WA—25—35—D1/2022 In the mafler ol Award No 1554 Vear 2n2I dalad Monday, 25 Oclobev 202: by VA Tuan Paramallngam all J Domusamy In the lnduslnaI oaun Kuala Lumpur Case No 22/5-I324/21 and hand dehversd an Monday 1 November 2021 And Seclmn 20(3) ov me lndusIriaI Relalmns Act 1957 And Order 53 (Kaedah 2) 0! We Rules of me HI9h Own zmz Anlara Philomina sin F F smri (NRIC No 59071A«1D~55?32) . Apphcant And l Pengums. Dane Asia Development (M) sun and . Responaenll 2 lmusmal calm Malaysla . Reaponaenl 2 JUDGMENT lmruducflon [1] Al all rnalenal limes me appncem, Philomina alp F F Sllvan. represented herself whamar balnre me 0! al are lnduslrlal coun whose awards she is cruauengmg m mis ludiual review proceedmgs She was sleautasl in represenllng rrersell and had filed all me cause papers m Ihe English Lmguage. [2] On 31.32022, me appllcanl oblamed leave lo commence llmiclal ravlew on In ex-pane bails fer the lolkming prlncnpal reliefs’ lay an order al cerflorarl In quash Award No. 158412021 aalea 25 10.2021 rendered m Inauslrlal Tne national languagn shall he «no Malay Inngungn and snall be In such scnpl as Parllimenl may by law pruvid Pmvlded lnal — all no person sneu be prahlhltad er prevented lrern uslng lmnenmse lharl lor omclal purposes). or from |eac|'llng or learnlng‘ any olner language; and (D) nolhlng In [his Clause shall preludloe lhe rignl ol lne Faderal Gxwemment or 01 any State Govemmen| le preserve and suslaln the use ana sludy of me language ol any other community in me Federallon. Mule Anlele 152(4) ofme Federal cnnsliumon pnwlaes mat. Nolwlunslarmlng me pmvlsluns e1 Clause (1). cm a genes of ten years aller Merdeka Day, and lnereaner until Pnlllamenl ulhurvtilo woman, an rn u1GwlCMwUyflEMpg3ssKw 11 ‘Nana Smnl luvlhnrwm be HIQG e my r... nflmnlllly mum: flnuavlml VI .nnna Wm! proceemngs In the Fedeva\ Court me com ol Appeal or a Hvgh Coun anau be m Ihe English Vanguage: Framed than N Iha Conn and counsel an both shies agree, evwdence taken in the language spoken by me wmness need not be xranslaxea ink) or veoorded m Engfish [15] Pamamem has specifically enacxaa m the can of section 8 ol the Nacinnar Language Acxs I963/1967 una fuflowvng: AH pmceedmgs (other than me gwlng ol evidence by a witness) In me Feds:-a1 Conn, Court at Appeal, the High Conn or any Subordmale coun shalt be In me nations! language. Provided that me Oourl may euner of an own muliun or on me applimlion at any pany In any proceedings and aflel oansidenng me vmeresls onusmoa in those pmeee gs, ordar max me pmceedlngs (ulher man me gdvmg at m ummcmwuynamyvalssxw ,2 mm. snn-w .. HIQG n may he nrW\n|H|Y mum: flnunmnl VI .HuNa Wm! evldenbe by a w-lnsss) shall be panly .n we namnal languags and panly ll'I ms Engllsh language. and secllon 9 01 me Nanonal Language Acts 1963/1967 the Scrlpl D1 lhe natlonal language whlcll ls the Malay language as (allows The script 0! me nallonal language shall be m we Ruml scrIp| proviued lhal lnls shall not pmhlbll lhe usa ol ms Malay scnpl, more commsnly known as Ihe Jawr scum. cl me nallorlal language. [16] The Federal caun has In Dunn‘ snrl Anwu lbrahlm v. Tun Dr M-hnhlr bin Moh-mad [mu] 1 cu 1 aoosplea me meamng 0! me wum 'procee¢lngs“ ln secnon B ol the Nallorlal Language Ads 1963I1967 and set uul P Ramanama Alyars Advanced Law Lexicon at p 3745 which said- 'Fmoeedlngs' is a wom mum used In express me buslness done ln Courls A proceeding m own 15 an and by ms aulhurlly nr dlwclmn M me count‘ m ulamcmwuynamyvgassxw 1: ‘Nat: smul .. U... a way u. nnnu-y mum: flnunvlml VI nFluNa Wm! express or implied I1 VS more comprehensive than the word 'aclAon', but It may Include in \|s general sense all the slaps taken ur measures adorned in me prusecumn or defence av an action. induding the pleadings and judgment As apphed to ECDOHS, the (arm ‘DVODeed\ng' may Irlchlde - (1 ) the msluulvon a! me aclmn, (2) Lhe appearance 0' the dmendanh 13) an ancillary ar pmv1smna\ steps, such as arrest. attachment of pmpeny. gamishmerlk. imunclion‘ wnl 07 ns exam‘ (4) me plaadmgs; (5) lbs lakmg 07 leslmvany belnre Ina‘, IS) all mohons made In the action, (7) me man, (5; me wdgmem: (9; me PJSCWDH, (10) prooeedmgs supplemenlary m exeounan, vn code praciice; (11) me Iakmg 01 the appeal urwrit of error; (12) me remitlev, ar sending back or me record «a me my Conn lmm me appeflala or reviewing Court; (13) me enforcement vf Ihe judgment‘ or a new lnal, as may be reared by Iha Cnurl anas| reset‘. [:7] Thus. the law .5 plam and clear The Mavay mnguage is the Vanguago of me owns in Ihe High Cuurl at Malaya wh m ummcmwuynamyvgassxw )4 ‘Nan: sm-1 .. U... w my .. mmuny mum: flnunmnl m mum Wm! ln \he lorm ol lne Rurnl seam. The prooeeamgs in me oourl lncludc lh lnsmullon of an salon and mctlorls nv appllcallons must be made in me Malay language using me Ruml acnpl. By virlue of o 92 r. 1 or me Rules ml com 2012 aacumenls lor me use ul ocun musl be filed in me Malay language and may be accompanied by a (ranslaliun HI ma Engllsh language ln case: ul urgency, mere 51 aooumenl ls Ned ln me Engllsn language, such aacumenl must be filed in me nallonal language within (wo weeks ovwllnln such exlended neriod as me calm may allaw. [la] The Court ol Avpeal case or new sul Anwlr |hv-hlm v. Tun Dv Mahulhlr Manama [mm] 1 cm 444 rejscled ma nllng cl me mamaramlunl a1 appeal ln Ihe English language nolalng as lullaws [501 We caugoncally say lnal me mandalmy pnwlsions of an. 152 ol me Federal Consmmlon read lbsether s s of me Nallunal Language Ads 1963/1967 (Am :2) and a 3 or ma lnlerprelanona Am 1943 and 1967 (Am 353) must be adhered Io ll reqwes lne apnellanl In file the mlmaundum av appeal Ill lhe Nallonel Language m ummcmwuynamyvglssxw )5 ma. a.n.l luvlhnrwlll .. l... a my a. nflmnullly mum: flnunvlml VI mane wrul No olner language wlll be enlenalrled And me lellure pl lne eppellenl la du so anneunls la a alalanl breach wnlsn would cpnlpsl us to mnliude that no memorandum of appeal nas been med at all The purponed memorandum M appeal In lne Enghsh language nlusl accordingly be rejected eulnghl wlmoul lunrler ado Wha| IS mandatory, muel be smelly adhered I0. omerwlse dire eansequences would lpllew. ml The coun pl Appeal ln me case pl mlma Mlullumy v Dnus Expen wlme sun Em! 5 Anal [2021] 7 cm :53 where (he alleged delamatory words pleaded ln me Engllsn language were not lranslaled lnlp me Malay language ln me slalemenl ol claim was held lo he lalal (er neneempllanee wllh Arlicle 152 of me Federal Corlsuluucrl read togelher with secllorl a el lne Nauonal Language Aela I963/1967, Seclloll :5 cl lne lnlerplelallpns An 1945 and 1957 and o. 92 r. 1 M the Rules of oourl 2012. [20] ln view ontle above, «me cam must enlarge the need to me epun dpaumanls in me Malay language as nrdalned by me IN ummcmwuynamyvgassxw I6 ‘Nana Smnl luvlhnrwm be UIQG a may he ennn.l-l mm. flnunvlnrll VI nFl|.ING Wm! law In lms oaurltry The lallune pl ma applicant la do sn even arler arnpla opponunlly was given lo her |o do so is her own laull. As a resu||, l hold Ihz| me cause papers filed by me appllcanl cannol quallfy as a pmueedmg lor ludlclal revlew and that lnera is no oumpelenl applicalian lm lualmal review before lms ooun Thus, me leave granled aanlar ls sax aslda as prayed by me 1” raspenaanl ln ma arcumslances, lnele IS nu need lnr me la decade wnelner lne judicial revlew agalnsl lhe Dismlssal Award is out a! lane. [21] For lhe sams reasons alluasa Ia abuve, l nala lnal enclosure ls, nalng ln ma Engllsh language, sufleved me same lala as enclosula 6 I! was nel cpmpelenl as an appllcallon. Nauanneless, I treated and dalennlnea endasule 13 as an appllcamn amen filed In «no Engllan languige as nol |o depnya me apnllnanlolbalng neam. m] In her grounds. can in all, ma applloanl was slallng amongst others, Ina! she needs lunhel and beflal paniculars ol 0 92 r 1 of the Rules of Own 2012, man awurdlng la Arlide 152 al the Federal wnslillmarl ms nallpnal language snall be me Malay language lor offlclnl use but the Mllay language as m ulamcmwuynamy-ag3ssKw n ma. a.n.l luvlhnrwlll .. u... a my s. nflvlnullly mm. flnunvlnnl vi mung wnal no lungs! in ufficial use ln Malaysia“ Her submlsslon was equally pmllx and lnooharerll l louna that ulumalaly what ms appllcanl was trying lo gel across was that she was anmlea ID nle Ihe cause papers m me English language whlch is her ngm under ma Fedaral Cunshlullon which offiolal lsxl ya. me English In! l velecled (ms proposmonl as I had alluded In above, me law accardlng to me vanaus pmvlslons on nlmg duwmenls In the wurl ls clear I| must be in me Malay language The appllcanl was glvan ample opponunlty to do so hull was aaamanl .n he! slana I accommgly slmcx out enolasure la as being an abuse ulme process at the court. I «r / Arvlarjeeksmg Sen slngn Judge High Calm Kuala Lumpur Dated. 27'“ Mac 2023 Agjmg ln Person: Fllllamlna a/p FF Silvari counsgrlg; hg Flrsl Resgondanl‘ Benedlcl Ngoh muan Sheam Delamore 5. 00 m ulamcmwuynamwazlasxw '4 “Nam Sam nlvlhnrwm .. u... a mu s. nflvlnnllly mum: flnunvlml m muua Wm! Cases relerred to. 1 Data’ Sui Anwar lhuhlrn v. Tun D7 Manamlr bin Muhanud [201 1] 1 CLJ 1 2. Data’ sari Anwav Ibramm v. Tun Dr Mnmmr unounua [2010] 1 cu 444 3 Rukha Mumnmy v onus Exp-n whit: Sdn Bhd A Anor [2021] 7 CLJ 353 sm wsmcuwuyflamwgnssxw :- nine s.n.1...m.m111... .4... w my .. m1n.1-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum M1 court case Na 22/54324/21 where an eppvmuon (or a reference to me Hugh caun under eeeuun 33A -2! the IRA wee dlsmxssad (the sactmn 33A Awem); and m an urdev ol oemovari w quash Award No 455/2021 dated 1532021 In lm1us|na\ Cour! Case No 22161/4—557/20 wnerein me daxm «or dismissal wunoux just cauee and excuse was dusrmsssd (me D-srmssav Award) [3] on me same day a nnuce or hsanng was Issued with a dlreouon to serve aH me cause papers and amdauns on me 1*- respondent (endosule sy Pames altended me firs! case management on 14.4.2022 before me Deputy Regwstrar for one purpose ol the sealing aramaavus and to fix a heavlng dale ior me subsunlwe hearing that is sunapve to both pamee. [41 Al the heunng or the case-management me appuaum was Informed that me cause papers and amdavns were filed in me English Language and the sppncem was given an opparlumly m file me same in me Nahonal Language heme me m ummcmwuynamyvglssxw 3 mu. Snr1I\lIlv1hnrwH\I>e u... u may u. uuxnuu mum: flnunmnl VI mum v-ms! next case management heallng The 1" vesponderlfs solicllors were also asked |o Me a nu Ice 0! appalrlImen| 07 sollclwrs and serve me same on me eppl-can: allhwgh rlavlng filed a notice pl appearance [5] Al lne seoond case managemenl heanng on za 4 2u22 me 1-‘ respomenl had pprnplred wllh Ihe dlredlve pl Ihe Deputy Regisrrar pul me epplreanl nad nol. lnslead, me applrnl had on 21.4.2122 med an appllrzuon lpr dlscovery pl documenls and «er a wrmen manda|e lrorn me 1-! rsspondenrs solrellars lnal lney are acllng lur me 1* respondenl (enclosure 17) Tue 1= respondenrs epllerlore. Messrs snearn nelamore a. co had on 4.4 2022 enlered appearance lorlne 1-I respondent and on 14 4 2u22 mes rn court a rrdlles pl appolmmerll olspliclrprs and served me same on me applicant Therefore. me only rellel or lls ll'| enclosure 17 were me relrel lor alsrxwery [6] ln respect pl mlng me cause papers In the Nanonal Language lor lne purposes or enclosure 6. bus applreanl seld oral sne nad filed a penmsale ol urgency on 2542022 (enclosure 18) and supporlsd by an aflidavil afimled on 29 4 2022 (enclosure 20;. II was ner vlew lnal and was enllllea rn ulsmcmwuynamyvglssxw . nu. Smnl nnvlhnrwlll .. u... a my .. nflmnnllly mm. flnunvlml VI mung war In law to We the cause papers and amdavlls m the Enghsh Language The Deputy Regranrar, navermaxass gave me appllcanl anolhu upporlunily to me me cause papers in me Nauonal Language on or helorefl 5 2022 [1] On 1e.e2n22, a\ me we case rnanagernem dale. sohcwors pr nna 1* reaponaem unvprrnaa ma| ma 1" respondent had on 14.6.2022 filed an appucauan to set asme me leave granted on 31 3.2022 The grpurma slated .n the application to let esma ware (a) max ma aapncarn had not filed me cause papers and amdavns In the Nauorm Language as requved py o, 92 r 1 pi me Rules 0! Cam 2u12 even alter bemg given ample npponumiy to do so. and on ma: mis Conn nas no Junsmciuon to hear me pnauenge agamsl me Dlsmrssal Award as n was not ananangop wmnn ma sllpmalsd no days fmm me date at (ha award 5 r. flnulmnl VI mum wrm [:1 The appucanc‘ on me olher hana. complained that ner eenmcaue [or urgency (enclosure 15) was nul fixed cor naanng The Depuly Rsgmlrarwas onne view Ihal enclnsuve 1a was not a proper applicanon and maunere Is no appncauon belore «ms cam m which me cenmcaxe av urgency was relaled m. on [his pom! me anpllcanl asked an ||me m look ink: the rnauzr [91 The malier was man axed before me Judge var me neanng afendosure 21 and case management lnr emfiasures s and :7 pm had ca bu adgoumed «mm lime lo me. The mauer man came before me on 25 2 2oz: my me neanng cl enclosure 21 and case management for enclosures 5 and 17 Al the rmdst or neanng enclosure 21‘ in pamculav the vssue o1 National Language. I was manned av endcsure 13 by me applicant. To cut me narrauvs anon, I dtslmssed me omecnon by counsel ov me 1-! respondent on me apsenee 01 an appllmlion and non— compliance of me rules of courl and vealed anclnsule 18, which wns a canmeama ol urgency, as an eppliuaxien since was supported by an affldavil In enclosure 20. [10] I was of tha View mat the applicant ought to he heard on uncbsure us and (D dxsmgard ma nun-wmphanne at me rules w ummcmwuynamyvglssxw : ‘Nam a.nn llmhnrwm .. H... a way u. nrW\n|U|y mum: flnunmnl VI .HuNa wrm al eoun As a resu||. I dlrected Dames no me lhelr wnllen submlsslans on enclnsura 13 and adlwrned lna matter In 16 3.2023 lor lne hearing ol enuosure 1a lnllcmea mm enclosure 21. Enclosures 6 and 17 were fixed for case lrlanagemerll as belh lnase enclosures were dependent on lna oulcome nl anclnsures 1e and 21. [11] on 16 3 2023. afler oonslflerlng enclosures 15 and 21. ms wnllan submlsslons and oral clanflcallnn Irom counsel and me appllzanl I slruck oul enclosure 18 mm nu order as In costs and allawed enclosure 21 Wllh casls of sublec| lo allocalur. slnoe enclosure 21 was allowed enclosure 5 collapsed and was slvuck am In me clrcumslannesl no order needed la be made on enclosure 17 [I21 The reasons lor my declslun are as lollows. Analysls and doclnlon [13] The slarling polnl VS 0. 92 r. 1 of lne Rules at Court whloh nrmnda lor the larlgllagl cl dncumanlls used In com The rule pmvlaea as «allows- m u'lGwlcMwIlyDEMyvg35SKw 7 war. s.n.1 ...rr.rum .. u... u my r. nflvlnnllly mum: VI mung pm (1) sumac: to paragraph (2). any uucunnnl roqulrnd [or uu ln punulncl at (In Rulu ullall be ln ma natlonal language and may be nccompanied by a Irnnslaflcn thereof in ma Engllah Ianguagcl excepl lhal me lranslallan lpr ma purpose cl oruar 11, rule 5(4) and rule 7(1) shall be prepared m accordance mun rule 5(5) pl Ihal order: Pvovlded that any dowmem W ma English language may be used as an exhlbll, ml?! or wllhuul a lrarlslallon Ihereof in the nallonal language (2) For sauarr and samwak, any dm>umen| requlred lor use m pursuance pl mese Rules shall be VII ma English language and may be aooomparllad by a lranslallon lhereol in the nauonal language axwpl that Ihe Irarlslallcn hr the purpose o1order11, rule 6(4) and rule 7|1)shnI| be pmpared .n awordarlcs wllh rule 5(5) oflhal Omar. - mu. Sam luvlhnrwm .. u... a mu r... nflmnullly mum: flmanvlanl VI arlurla Wm! 13) 44; In cases cl urgency, pmoeedmgs may be oammsnosd or conducted panly m me Enghsh Language or whcHy m we Enghsh language pmwdsd that — (5) (0) a eemncace uf urgency explaimng lhe urgency 0! me maner ‘s filed by me sohmlor. and copios M all men docurnnnll in m. nlllunal langungo man In mm wllhln mo wuks or wlthln such exlnndod p-vied u Iha Court may allow: Provndedmal (a) any document m mo nanonaw language may 2:: used as an exnmu, war: or without a lvanslalion them! in me Enghsh Ianguags: and (.5) any dacumenl m we Englvsh Vanguage may be used as in exmbu, mm ar wmuam a lrans\almn thereof In one nauonal language. [14] Th: Me makes u absolutely dear that any ducumenl reqmrea our use I“ we Hrgh com of Malaya which consist of me Ma\ay sxanaa mus! be In ma nauonal Ianguaga and may be accompanied by a nransxauon maranv m ma Engusn language What .s me nations! language is pmmaa by sacllon 3 11! me Inlevpmlalluns Aas 1943 and 1957 as (cums ‘Namna\ language‘ means me national language provided (or by Amde 152 nf the Federal Ccnsmuuon. and Arlicle 15211) at me Federax Consmunen deaares what the nauanal Vanguaga Is "1 me foHowing words
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Permohonan Jenayah untuk melucuthak wang tunai RM90,000.00 dijumpai di bilik OKT & kereta - S.56 AMLATFPUAA 2001 - Samada harta yang disita adalah hasil aktiviti haram dibawah S4 - Samada Pihak Ketiga membuktikan beliau adalah Bona Fide - Samada permohonan ini dibuat luar masa iaitu tarikh barang dirampas atau tarikh barang diperintahkan disita - Permohonan ditolak
YA Dato' Ahmad Bin Bache
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA DI PUTRAJAYA (BIDANG KUASA RAYUAN) RAYUAN JENAYAH NO.: _______________ ANTARA KAVINDRA A/L SUPPIAH (NO. K/P: 960104-14-5449) … PERAYU DAN PENDAKWA RAYA ... RESPONDEN [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Jenayah No.: WA-44-128-08/2022 Antara Pendakwa Raya ... Pemohon Dan Kavindra A/L Suppiah … Responden] 08/11/2023 17:48:07 WA-44-128-08/2022 Kand. 37 S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN A. PENDAHULUAN [1] Pendakwa Raya/Pemohon telah membuat satu (1) permohonan terhadap Responden untuk menuntut harta di bawah Seksyen 56, Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram, Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan dan Hasil daripada Aktiviti Haram 2001 (“AMLATFPUAA 2001”). [2] Responden ialah Kavindra A/L Suppiah (No. K/P: 960104-14-5449) yang mana telah mulanya ditangkap kerana disyakki mengedar dadah di bawah Seksyen 39B dan kemudiannya dituduh di bawah Seksyen 6 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan Seksyen 39A (2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, kerana memiliki dadah dan telah mengaku bersalah. [3] Di dalam permohonan ini dua (2) harta telah dirampas iaitu kereta Honda CRZ Hybrid yang dipandunya dengan nombor pendaftaran PKC 2244 yang didaftar di atas nama Responden dan wang tunai berjumlah RM90,000.00 di dalam milikan Responden yang dijumpai di dalam bilik tidurnya. [4] Ekoran daripada Notis Pihak Ketiga bertarikh 10.4.2023, pihak Ketiga iaitu bapa saudara Responden telah menuntut wang tunai berjumlah RM90,000.00 tersebut dan telah memfailkan Affidavit Jawapan pada S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 2.6.2023. Responden dan pihak Ketiga telah menentang permohonan Pemohon ini. [5] Setelah mendengar hujahan kedua-dua pihak, Mahkamah telah membenarkan permohonan Pemohon/Pendakwa Raya. [6] Tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan tersebut, Responden telah memfailkan rayuan ke Mahkamah Rayuan. [7] Ini merupakan alasan-alasan terhadapnya. B. FAKTA KES [8] Pada 5.2.2021, Pengadu, Penguasa Kastam Tan Sing Chai dari Ibu Pejabat Kastam Cawangan Narkotik yang juga Pegawai Serbuan, berdasarkan maklumat yang diterima, telah mengetuai pasukannya untuk satu operasi serbuan berkaitan dengan aktiviti pengedaran dadah berbahaya. Di dalam operasi tersebut, satu bungkusan dadah telah dijumpai di dalam sebuah kereta jenis Honda CRZ berwarna putih bernombor pendaftaran PKC 2244 yang dipandu dan dimiliki oleh seorang lelaki India yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Kavindra a/I Suppiah (No. K/P: 960104-14-5449) iaitu Responden kerana disyaki membawa bungkusan yang dipercayai dadah berbahaya dan telah berlakunya kesalahan jenayah di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram, Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan dan Hasil daripada S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Aktiviti Haram 2001 (AMLATFPUAA). Seterusnya Responden telah ditangkap dan kereta dan dadah tersebut dirampas. [9] Tangkapan dan rampasan berkaitan aktiviti pengedaran dadah berbahaya tersebut berlaku di Stesen Minyak Petron beralamat di No. 66, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur. [10] Susulan daripada tangkapan tersebut dengan dipandu arah oleh Responden sendiri, telah membawa pasukan serbuan tersebut ke tempat tinggal Responden iaitu premis rumah milik ibu bapa Responden di 12A, Crescent Court, Lengkok Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur. Pasukan serbuan telah menjumpai wang tunai berjumlah RM90,000.00 di bahagian almari baju di bilik tidur Responden dan seterusnya wang tersebut dirampas. Pengadu seterusnya telah membuat dua (2) laporan Polis mengenai rampasan-rampasan tersebut. C. UNDANG-UNDANG BERKAITAN [11] Permohonan pelucuthakan harta ini di buat di bawah Seksyen 56 (1), Akta AMLATFPUAA (Akta 613) yang berbunyi seperti berikut: “56. Pelucuthakan harta jika tiada pendakwaan (1) Tertakluk kepada seksyen 61, jika berkenaan dengan apa-apa harta yang disita di bawah Akta ini tiada pendakwaan atau sabitan bagi suatu kesalahan membiayai keganasan, Pendakwa Raya boleh, S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 sebelum tamat tempoh dua belas bulan dari tarikh penyitaan itu, atau jika terdapat suatu perintah pembekuan, dua belas bulan dari tarikh pembekuan itu, memohon kepada seorang hakim Mahkamah Tinggi untuk mendapatkan suatu perintah pelucuthakan harta itu jika dia berpuas hati bahawa harta itu ialah- (a) hal perkara atau keterangan yang berhubungan dengan pelakuan kesalahan itu; (b) harta pengganas; (c) hasil daripada aktiviti haram; atau (d) peralatan kesalahan.” [12] Menurut Seksyen 56 (2) pula, sebelum membenarkan permohonan pelucuthak, Mahkamah perlu berpuas hati bahawa kehendak- kehendak di bawah Subseksyen ini telah diikuti. [13] Subseksyen (2) kepada Seksyen 56 berbunyi: “(2) The judge to whom an application is made under subsection (1) shall make an order for the forfeiture of the property if he is satisfied- (a) that the property is- S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 (i) the subject-matter or evidence relating to the commission of an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence; (ii) terrorist property; (iii) the proceeds of an unlawful activity; or (iv) the instrumentalities of an offence; and (b) that there is no purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration in respect of the property. (3) Any property that has been seized and in respect of which no application is made under subsection (1) shall, at the expiration of twelve months from the date of its seizure, be released to the person from whom it was seized. (4) In determining whether or not the property has been obtained as a result of or in connection with an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence or is terrorist property, the court shall apply the standard of proof required in civil proceedings.” [14] Pengubahan wang haram (yang mana Responden tidak dipertuduhkan) didefinasikan seperti berikut di bawah Seksyen 4 (1) AMLATFPUAA (Akta tersebut) seperti berikut: S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 “4. (1) mana-mana orang yang – (a) melibatkan diri, atau cuba untuk melibatkan diri dalam; atau (b) bersubahat dengan pelakuan, pengubahan wang haram melakukan suatu kesalahan dan boleh, apabila disabitkan, didenda tidak melebihi lima juta ringgit atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi lima tahun atau kedua-duanya.” C. PENGANALISAAN DAN DAPATAN MAHKAMAH [15] Ini merupakan satu permohonan perlucutan hak ke atas harta yang telah dirampas dan kemudiannya disita oleh pihak KASTAM terhadap Responden ekoran daripada penglibatan aktiviti haram Responden iaitu mengedar dadah. Secara keseluruhan, ini merupakan kes yang tidak rumit (“straight forward”) yang tidak melibatkan isu undang-undang yang kompleks. (i) Sama ada harta yang disita merupakan hasil daripada aktiviti haram berkaitan dengan perlakuan suatu kesalahan di bawah Subseksyen 4 (1) AMLATFPUAA (Akta 613) [16] Berdasarkan keterangan melalui Affidavit-Affidavit, khususnya daripada Penolong Penguasa Kastam Rosmawia binti Azahri (Pegawai Penyiasat AMLA) dan Penolong Pengarah Kastam S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 (Predikat) Muhamad Ardy bin Ismail adalah jelas bahawa satu tangkapan telah dibuat terhadap Responden iaitu tangkapan di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 kerana terlibat dengan aktiviti pengedaran dadah dan semasa tangkapan pasukan serbuan/rampasan telah membuat rampasan ke atas kereta Honda CRZ bernombor pendaftaran PKC 2244 (kenderaan milik dan dipandu Responden tersebut). Turut dirampas adalah wang tunai sepertimana disenaraikan di dalam Notis Usul, selain daripada rampasan dadah berkenaan. Keterangan melalui Affidavit Penolong Pengarah Kastam di Kandungan (3) menunjukkan bahawa Responden telah ditangkap di mana dadah dirampas adalah di dalam bentuk parcel di dalam kereta yang dipandu dan dimiliki Responden tersebut. [17] Perlu ditekan di sini bahawa kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya adalah suatu “kesalahan serius” yang tersenarai di dalam Jadual Kedua Akta 613 (AMLATFPUAA). [18] Kesalahan serius di bawah Seksyen 3, bermaksud: “5.3 “serious offence” means- (a) any of the offences specified in the Second Schedule; (b) an attempt to commit any of those offences; or (c) the abetment of any of those offences;” S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (Di bawah Jadual Kedua (Akta 613) AMLATFPUAA aktiviti pengedaran dadah berbahaya di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya adalah disenaraikan sebagai kesalahan serius/berat.) [19] Kejadian pertama iaitu aktiviti pengedaran dadah mempunyai kaitan dan nexus terhadap kejadian kedua di mana dengan dipandu arah oleh Responden sendiri pasukan rampasan/serbuan telah dibawa ke rumahnya dan telah menjumpai sejumlah wang tunai berjumlah RM90,000.00 di dalam bilik tidur milik Responden. Mengenai kereta dan wang RM90,000.00 [20] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti segala keterangan-keterangan yang telah dikemukakan pihak Pemohon dan Responden melalui Affidavit- Affidavit masing-masing. Mahkamah tidak mengambil kira pengakuan Responden seperti di dalam Percakapan Beramarannya (Cautioned Statement) yang telah dirakamkan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan AMLATFPUAA kerana ia akan memprejudiskan Responden kerana isu kerelaan membuat pernyataan pengakuan tersebut tidak dibuktikan. [21] Namun, daripada keterangan Affidavit-Affidavit khususnya daripada Pegawai-Pegawai Penyiasat AMLA dan Predikat, Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa kenderaan tersebut iaitu Honda CRZ Hybrid telah digunakan sebagai peralatan kesalahan dalam melakukan kesalahan serius/berat iaitu pengedaran dadah. Ini adalah kerana S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 parcel (bungkusan) yang mengandungi dadah tersebut telah dijumpai di dalam kenderaan tersebut semasa tangkapan. Responden tidak membuat hujahan tentangan yang serius mengenai harta ini. [22] Mengenai wang rampasan RM90,000.00 tersebut, di dalam menentang permohonan ini, Responden menekankan bahawa wang RM90,000.00 ini adalah hasil yang sah. Responden di dalam memberi keterangan melalui Affidavitnya telah mengikrarkan bahawa itu adalah wang yang dihadiahkan oleh bapa saudaranya iaitu RM30,000.00 pada bulan Januari 2020 sempena hari jadinya dan RM60,000.00 di dalam tiga (3) transaksi (bulan April, Julai, Oktober 2020) untuk Responden menyambung pelajarannya. [23] Mahkamah telah menimbang keterangan melalui Eksibit Responden dan Mahkamah telah memutuskan bahawa tiada keterangan dokumentari yang dikemukakan oleh Responden mengenai wang RM90,000.00 itu adalah dari pemberian bapa saudaranya. Contohnya adalah Akaun Banknya yang gagal dikemukakan. [24] Dengan kegagalan ini, inferensnya ialah wang RM90,000.00 itu adalah hasil dari aktiviti haram iaitu aktiviti pengedaran dadah. [25] Selain daripada itu, keterangan menunjukkan Responden merupakan seorang penganggur semasa ditangkap/tarikh kejadian dan pernah bekerja sebagai pemandu Grab. Dengan latar belakang bahawa Responden telah ditangkap dengan sejumlah besar dadah S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 berbahaya, maka inferens yang boleh dibuat sekali lagi adalah Responden memang terlibat dengan aktiviti pengedaran dan penjualan dadah dan wang RM90,000.00 tersebut adalah hasil daripada aktiviti pengedaran dan penjualan dadah tersebut. [26] Ini adalah kerana dari segi hukum akal, mana mungkin seorang penganggur dan pemandu Grab mempunyai simpanan wang yang amat banyak berjumlah RM90,000.00 jika itu bukan wang hasil aktiviti haram iaitu penjualan dan pengedaran dadah. [27] Setelah meneliti segala keterangan Affidavit dan dokumen berkaitan, Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa satu kesalahan berat/serius telah dilakukan oleh Responden iaitu di mana Responden telah melakukan kesalahan berkaitan dengan aktiviti pengedaran dadah yang menyebabkan Responden dituduh di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya walaupun akhirnya beliau dituduh semula di bawah milikan sahaja di bawah Seksyen 6/29A Akta Dadah Berbahaya. (ii) Setelah berpuas hati bahawa harta tersebut merupakan hasil dari aktiviti haram bolehkah permohonan di bawah Seksyen 56 (2) dibenarkan? [28] Setelah meneliti segala keterangan Affidavit-Affidavit khususnya daripada Pegawai Penyiasat Predikat dan AMLATFPUAA, di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah memutuskan Pemohon/Pendakwa Raya telah berjaya membuktikan kesemua S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 harta yang dinyatakan dalam Notis Usul iaitu wang RM90,000.00 dan Kereta Honda CRZ adalah hasil harta yang diperolehi daripada aktiviti haram (kegiatan dadah) di bawah Seksyen 39B (1) (a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 yang mana merupakan satu kesalahan serius/berat di bawah Jadual Kedua Akta 613. [29] Responden telah gagal mengemukakan apa-apa keterangan dokumentari untuk menafikan harta-harta tersebut adalah hasil daripada aktiviti haram. Kegagalan ini menunjukkan tiada versi atau inferens lain yang telah dikemukakan untuk menunjukkan keadaan sebaliknya. [30] Sehubungan dengan itu, Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa semua kehendak-kehendak di bawah Seksyen 56 Akta 613 (AMLATFPUAA) telah berjaya di buktikan memandangkan harta-harta yang disita tersebut adalah harta yang telah disita di bawah Akta 613 ini dan tiada pendakwaan atau sabitan direkodkan di bawah Seksyen 4 (1) Akta 613 ini. (Lihat PP v. Billion Nova Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] 2 CLJ 763). Perintah sitaan telah dikeluarkan pada 5.8.2021 di bawah Seksyen 45 (2) AMLATFPUAA 2021 terhadap kedua-dua harta tersebut seperti Eksibit RA-3 dan RA-4 di dalam Affidavit Penolong Penguasa Kanan Rosmawia binti Azahri (Affidavit AMLA) di Kandungan (4). [31] Justeru itu, Mahkamah membenarkan permohonan pelucuthakan harta-harta ini. S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 PERMOHONAN PIHAK KETIGA [32] Pihak Ketiga turut memfailkan tuntutannya terhadap harta wang tunai RM90,000.00 tersebut, sebagai Penuntut Pihak Ketiga yang suci hati. Bagi maksud ini pihak Ketiga perlu membuktikan kelayakan beliau sebagai pihak Ketiga yang suci hati dengan membuktikan kehendak-kehendak yang dinyatakan di dalam Seksyen 61 (4) (a) hingga (e) Akta 613 tersebut. Adakah pihak Ketiga berjaya membuktikan bahawa dia adalah pihak Ketiga yang suci hati? [33] Pihak Ketiga/Penuntut iaitu bapa saudara Responden yang bernama Dato’ Sri Pulainthiran a/l Vendasamy telah memberikan keterangan melalui Affidavitnya yang menyatakan bahawa beliaulah yang telah memberikan wang RM90,000.00 kepada Responden di mana RM30,000.00 telah dihadiahkan kepada Responden sempena hari jadinya pada Januari 2020 dan selebihnya sebanyak RM60,000.00 sebagai sokongan/motivasi kepada Responden untuk menyambung pelajarannya. [34] Pihak Ketiga hanya mengemukakan keterangan tentang pangkat dan juga dirinya sebagai seorang Businessman yang berjaya tanpa mengemukakan apa-apa keterangan yang berbentuk dokumentari seperti Penyata Bank atau sebarang bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa wang tersebut merupakan harta sah miliknya yang telah dihadiahkan kepada Responden dan bukannya harta daripada aktiviti S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 haram pengedaran dadah. Pihak Ketiga telah gagal mewujudkan inferens bertentangan dengan versi Pemohon bersandarkan hasil siasatan Pegawai Predikat AMLA dan Predikat. [34] Berdasarkan keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa pihak Ketiga/Penuntut bukanlah seorang yang suci hati dan gagal membuktikan kelayakan beliau bagi menuntut harta-harta yang telah disita atas imbangan kebarangkalian seperti diperuntukkan di bawah Subseksyen 61 (4) (a) hingga (e) Akta tersebut, secara spesifiknya, Subseksyen 61 (4) (c) Akta tersebut. [35] Di akhir perbicaraan permohonan ini, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa kesemua harta yang disita milik Responden hendaklah dilucuthak kepada Kerajaan Malaysia di bawah Subseksyen 56 (2) Akta 613 seperti di dalam prayer Pertama dalam Notis Usul yang difailkan Pemohon/Pendakwa Raya. D. LAIN-LAIN [36] Peguambela Responden telah membangkitkan dua (2) isu teknikal sebagai Bantahan Awal. Pertama ialah permohonan perlucutan harta di bawah Seksyen 56 (1) AMLATFPUAA ini kononnya adalah di luar masa kerana perkataan “sebelum tamat tempoh dua belas bulan dari tarikh penyitaan itu.” S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 [37] Bantahan awal kedua ialah bahawa Seksyen 6 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (di mana Defendan telah didapati bersalah) bukanlah aktiviti haram di bawah AMLATFPUAA 2001. [38] Mahkamah akan meneliti bantahan pertama dahulu iaitu isu kononnya permohonan ini di buat di luar masa. Perlu ditekankan di sini bahawa perbezaan perlu dibuat di antara tarikh rampasan dan tarikh sitaan untuk menentukan bila tempoh 12 bulan tersebut berkuatkuasa dan bila ianya tamat. [39] Adalah tidak dinafikan bahawa kedua-dua harta tersebut telah dirampas oleh pihak Kastam pada 5.2.2021 iaitu hari kejadian dan permohonan ini di buat oleh Pemohon/Pendakwa Raya pada 3.8.2022. Ini mengikut Responden telah melebihi 6 bulan dari had tempoh masa iaitu sepatutnya tamat pada 5.2.2021. [40] Setelah meneliti keterangan Affidavit khususnya Affidavit Rosmawia binti Azhari di Kandungan (4), seorang Penolong Penguasa Kastam yang telah mengepilkan Eksibit RA-3 dan RA-4 iaitu perintah- perintah sitaan yang dikeluarkan di bawah “Akta ini” iaitu AMLATFPUAA 2021, kedua-dua perintah tersebut telah dikeluarkan pada tarikh 5.8.2021. [41] Sehubungan dengan itu, diambil kira perintah sitaan dikeluarkan pada 5.8.2021 dan permohonan ini di buat pada 3.8.2022, maka permohonan ini adalah masih di dalam tempoh had masanya. Ini perlu dibezakan dengan tarikh rampasan yang telah dibuat (di bawah S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 Akta Dadah Berbahaya) pada 5.2.2021. Justeru itu, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa bantahan awal ini tidak bermerit dan perlu ditolak. [42] Mengenai bantahan awal kedua, memandangkan harta tersebut adalah “proceeds of an unlawful activity”, Mahkamah merujuk kepada Seksyen 3 (Akta 613) yang bermakna “any proceeds derived or obtained directly or in directly by any person as a result of any unlawful activity.” “Unlawful activity” telah ditafsirkan sebagai – “any activity which is related directly or indirectly to any serious offence.” “Serious offence” telah didefinasikan sebagai “Any of the offences specified in the Second Schedule.” [43] Oleh kerana penekanan adalah “unlawful activity”, maka Mahkamah memutuskan kehendak 56 (1) telah dipenuhi kerana Responden terlibat dengan aktiviti pengedaran dadah sehingga dituduh di bawah Seksyen 39B, Akta Dadah Berbahaya iaitu satu aktiviti haram. [44] Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa walaupun kemudiannya Responden dituduh di bawah Seksyen 6/9A Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan bukannya di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya, hakikatnya, Responden telah terlibat dengan aktiviti pengedaran dadah itu, iaitu satu aktiviti haram. [45] Selain dari itu, dilihat dari segi “spirit” Akta 613 itu sendiri secara keseluruhan, Akta ini adalah mengenai pengubahan wang haram, pelucuthakan harta sitaan yang hasilnya diperolehi dari “aktiviti S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 haram”. Ini adalah jelas kerana “preamble” Akta 613 ini berbunyi “An Act to provide for the offence of money laundering, the measures to be taken for the prevention of money laudering ... and to provide for the forfeiture of property ... derived from proceeds of an unlawful activity.” Tidak dinyatakan Responden perlu didapati bersalah di bawah Seksyen 39B (pengedaran dadah) satu “serius offence”. Namun apa yang nyata dari keterangan melalui Affidavit-Affidavit pihak Pemohon, Responden memang terlibat dengan aktiviti haram iaitu pengedaran dadah. Keterangan ini adalah memadai. Justeru bantahan Responden mengenai perkara ini adalah ditolak. E. KESIMPULAN [46] Permohonan Pemohon/Pendakwa Raya dengan ini dibenarkan di bawah Seksyen 56 (1) dan (2), Akta AMLATFPUAA (Akta 613) kerana telah berjaya memenuhi kehendak-kehendak seksyen tersebut di atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Tarikh: 30 Oktober 2023 (DATO’ AHMAD BIN BACHE) Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah 1 Kuala Lumpur. S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Pihak-Pihak Pendakwa Raya/Pemohon: Puan Rohaiza binti Zainal TIMBALAN PENDAKWA RAYA Jabatan Peguam Negara Aras 5, No. 45, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4 62100 PUTRAJAYA Responden/Perayu: Encik Kitson Foong (Cik Chew Jee San bersamanya) TETUAN KIT & ASSOCIATES 195-1, Sri Wangsaria Jalan Ara, Bangsar Baru 59100 KUALA LUMPUR (Ruj. Kami: KITA/CR/KS/3/22) S/N zR1TLIe2jUGnRjiYWAzTKA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
PERAYU W MOHD SYAFIE BIN W MUSTAFFA RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara]
Seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan – Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 – Keterangan saksi kanak-kanak dihadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah diuji di bawah seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 – Kanak-kanak seorang saksi yang kredibel dan kompeten bagi maksud Seksyen 118 Akta Keterangan 1950 untuk memberikan keterangannya secara tidak bersumpah – Kebolehterimaan masuk keterangan seorang kanak-kanak – Keseluruhan keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan terutamanya keterangan saksi kanak-kanak, tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa ianya adalah kukuh dan boleh dipercayai walaupun terdapat sedikit percanggahan yang remeh – Pembelaan yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu dan SD2 hanyalah suatu penafian kosong, pemikiran terkemudian dan rekaan semata-mata yang tidak menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan – Hukuman memberikan keutamaan kepada kepentingan awam – Pesalah berulang (repeat offender) untuk kesalahan yang sama.
YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Collin Lawrence SequerahYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin
1 DALAM MAHKAMAH RAYUAN MALAYSIA (BIDANG KUASA RAYUAN) RAYUAN JENAYAH NO: T-09-79-03/2020 ANTARA W MOHD SYAFIE BIN W MUSTAFFA - PERAYU DAN PENDAKWA RAYA - RESPONDEN [Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Di Kuala Terengganu Kes Perbicaraan Jenayah No: TA-42JSKS-1-05/2019 Antara W Mohd Syafie Bin W Mustaffa - Perayu Dan Pendakwa Raya - Responden] 15/11/2023 08:28:48 T-09-79-03/2020 Kand. 54 S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 KORUM: HADHARIAH BINTI SYED ISMAIL, HMR COLLIN LAWRENCE SEQUERAH, HMR AZMI BIN ARIFFIN, HMR PENGHAKIMAN PERTUDUHAN [1] Pendakwaan terhadap Perayu bermula di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Darul Iman di atas pertuduhan berikut: "Bahawa kamu pada 2/6/2016 jam ebih kurang 2.00 petang sehingga 4.00 petang, bertempat di Maahad Tahfiz Al­ lkhwan, No. 1334, Jalan Kenanga, Batu Buruk, di dalam Daerah Kuala Terengganu, di dalam Negeri Terengganu, didapati telah merangsang penama xxxxxx, KPT xxxxxx yang berumur 7 tahun untuk melakukan suatu perbuatan kelucahan melampau. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang mana boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan.” FAKTA KES PENDAKWAAN [2] Mangsa (SP3) berusia 7 tahun semasa kejadian. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [3] SP3 adalah seorang pelajar di Maahad Tahfiz Al-lkhwan, Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu di mana pelajar-pelajar menuntut ilmu Al Quran. SP3 menghadiri kelas mengaji tersebut sejak dari tahun 2015 iaitu ketika SP3 berumur 6 tahun lagi. Sesi pengajian Al Quran ini bermula pada sebelah petang iaitu dari jam 2.00 petang sehingga 4.00 petang setiap hari Ahad hingga Khamis. Pada sebelah pagi pula, SP3 belajar di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Budiman Dua, Kuala Terengganu. [4] Pada 2/6/2016 (hari Khamis) jam lebih kurang 4.00 petang, SP3 telah menceritakan kepada ibunya iaitu Siti Aisyah binti Ali (SP5) dan bapanya iaitu Mohd Ramlan bin Ramli (SP2) bahawa semasa SP3 berada di Maahad tersebut, salah seorang ustaz yang mengajar di Maahad tersebut iaitu Perayu telah memanggil SP3 masuk ke dalam bilik penginapannya di Maahad tersebut dan Perayu memberikan telefon bimbitnya kepada SP3 untuk bermain permainan yang ada dalam telefon bimbit tersebut. Perayu kemudiannya menyuruh SP3 meniarap di atas lantai bilik tersebut lalu Perayu duduk di atas SP3. Perayu telah membuka kain yang dipakainya dan membuka pula seluar yang dipakai oleh SP3. Semasa SP3 sedang meniarap, SP3 telah menoleh ke belakang dan di masa itu SP3 nampak kemaluan Perayu. Kemudian, Perayu telah meletakkan, memasukkan dan menggeselkan kemaluannya ke dalam punggung SP3. SP3 dapat merasakan kemaluan Perayu diletakkan di bahagian dubur SP3. Mengikut SP3 lagi, sebelum kejadian terbaru ini, kejadian yang sama juga telah berlaku terhadap dirinya sebanyak tiga (3) kali. [5] Pengetua Maahad tersebut iaitu Badrul Salleh Burhandin Fadzlullah bin Abdul Rahman (SP6) mengesahkan bahawa Perayu merupakan salah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 seorang tenaga pengajar di situ. SP6 juga mengesahkan telah membenarkan Perayu bersama keluarganya tinggal di dalam sebuah bilik belakang di Maahad tersebut (tempat kejadian). Manakala seoarang lagi tenaga pengajar iaitu Ustaz Azmi tidak tinggal di premis maahad tahfiz tersebut. [6] Pada 3/6/2016, SP2 telah membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Kuala Terengganu terhadap kejadian yang berlaku terhadap SP3. Laporan Polis Kuala Terengganu/005002/16 ditandakan sebagai Ekshibit P3. [7] Pada 4/6/2016, jam lebih kurang 3.30 petang, bertempat di Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kuala Terengganu, Pegawai Penyiasat kes iaitu Inspektor Siti Aniza binti Askulali (SP9) telah menjalankan satu sesi kawad cam bagi SP3. SP9 mengesahkan bahawa SP3 dapat mengecam Perayu sebagai orang yang melakukan perbuatan tersebut terhadapnya. Laporan kawad cam tersebut telah dikemukakan dan ditandakan sebagai Ekshibit P10. SP3 juga dapat mengecam Perayu di dalam Mahkamah semasa SP3 memberi keterangannya. [8] Pada 5/6/2016, SP3 telah dirujuk kepada SP4 (Doktor Azhar bin Osman) di Jabatan Pembedahan, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu untuk pemeriksaan perubatan ke atas SP3 kerana dikatakan menjadi mangsa liwat. SP4 mengesahkan tiada sebarang kesan luka pada bahagian dubur SP3. Dubur SP3 berada dalam keadaan yang normal. SP4 berkata sekiranya seseorang pesakit diliwat, tidak semestinya akan terdapat kecederaan pada bahagian duburnya. Terdapat juga situasi di mana pesakit yang diliwat tidak mengalami apa - apa kecederaan. Mengikut SP4 lagi, SP3 S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 ada menceritakan sedikit kepada beliau tentang kejadian yang berlaku pada dirinya. SP4 yakin cerita tersebut adalah benar. RINGKASAN KETERANGAN PEMBELAAN [9] Perayu (SD1) telah memilih untuk memberi keterangan bersumpah. [10] Perayu tidak menafikan bahawa bilik dalam gambar ekshibit P2H adalah bilik tempat tinggal beliau. [11] Perayu menafikan beliau ada melakukan perbuatan kelucahan melampau terhadap SP3 dalam bilik tersebut. [12] Perayu menyatakan bahawa SP3 tidak pernah memasuki bilik Perayu. [13] Perayu menyatakan bahawa pelajar di Maahad Tahfiz tersebut tidak dibenarkan untuk memasuki bilik Perayu. [14] Perayu menyatakan bahawa pada hari kejadian iaitu 2/6/2016 jam lebih kurang 2.00 petang sehingga 4.00 petang, beliau berada dalam bilik penginapannya di Maahad tersebut bersama isterinya iaitu Noraini binti Mohammad (SD2) untuk menjaga anak kecil mereka berusia lapan (8) bulan yang demam pada masa itu. [15] Perayu menyatakan SD2 yang bekerja sebagai guru KAFA di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Budiman Dua, Kuala Kuala Terengganu tidak bertugas pada tarikh kejadian tersebut (Khamis) kerana jadual tugasan SD2 hanyalah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 pada hari Ahad, lsnin dan Rabu jam 2.00 petang sehingga 5.00 petang sahaja. [16] Perayu menafikan bahawa beliau telah menggunakan tandas sepertimana yang diceritakan oleh SP3. Tandas yang ditunjukkan itu hanya digunakan oleh pelajar Maahad Tahfiz dan guru tidak pernah menggunakan tandas tersebut. [17] Perayu menafikan ada memberikan telefonnya kepada SP3 untuk bermain "game" pada hari kejadian. Menurut Perayu, telefon bimbit yang dipakainya bukan jenis smartphone sebaliknya hanya telefon lama jenis 3310. Oleh itu, tiada "game" dalam telefon yang digunakannya itu. [18] Perayu juga menyatakan selain beliau, terdapat seorang lagi ustaz lelaki bernama Ustaz Azmi yang juga mengajar di Maahad Tahfiz berkenaan. [19] Menurut Perayu, Ustaz Azmi tidak pernah ditahan oleh pihak polis berkaitan kes ini dan tidak pernah diletakkan di dalam barisan kawad cam bagi memberi peluang kepada SP3 untuk mengesahkan sama ada Perayu ataupun Ustaz Azmi yang merupakan orang yang melakukan perbuatan seksual terhadap SP3. [20] SD2 pula di dalam keterangannya hanya sekadar mengesahkan keterangan Perayu bahawa beliau ada bersama-sama Perayu pada tarikh dan masa kejadian tersebut. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 [21] SP2 menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak bertugas pada hari kejadian itu. SP2 dan Perayu bersama-sama menjaga anak kecil mereka yang demam pada hari itu. KEPUTUSAN DI AKHIR KES PEMBELAAN [22] Di akhir kes pembelaan, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen memutuskan bahawa pembelaan yang dibangkitkan oleh hanyalah suatu pemikiran semula, penafian semata-mata serta tidak menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan. Pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kesnya melampaui keraguan munasabah. Perayu didapati bersalah dan disabitkan di atas pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan. [23] Perayu telah dijatuhi hukuman pemenjaraan selama 10 tahun dan 3 sebatan rotan. Hukuman pemenjaraan ini berjalan secara berturutan dengan hukuman bagi kes TA-42S-13-09/2017. PERAYU MENFAILKAN RAYUAN KEPADA MAHKAMAH TINGGI [24] Terkilan dengan keputusan tersebut, Perayu telah menfailkan rayuan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen. Notis Rayuan yang difailkan oleh Perayu adalah terhadap sabitan dan hukuman. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 DAPATAN HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI [25] Pada 10/3/2020, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi mengekalkan sabitan terhadap Perayu. Mahkamah Tinggi juga mendapati hukuman pemenjaraan selama 10 tahun penjara dan 3 kali sebatan tidaklah terlalu berlebihan. Justeru itu, Mahkamah Tinggi tidak berhasrat untuk menganggu hukuman yang telah dijatuhkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen. Hukuman Rayuan Perayu terhadap sabitan dan hukuman ditolak. Perintah Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dikekalkan. PERAYU MENFAILKAN RAYUAN KEPADA MAHKAMAH RAYUAN [26] Terkilan dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi tersebut, pada 10/3/2020, Perayu telah menfailkan Notis Rayuan kepada Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu terhadap Perayu. PERUNTUKAN UNDANG - UNDANG (i) Seksyen 377E Kanun Keseksaan memperuntukan seperti berikut: Inciting a child to an act of gross indecency 377E. Any person who incites a child under the age of fourteen years to any act of gross indecency with him or another person shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than three years and not more than fifteen years, and shall also be punished with whipping. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 (ii) Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 memperuntukkan seperti berikut: "133A. Where, in any proceedings against any person for any offence, any child of tender years called as a witness does not in the opinion of the court understand the nature of an oath, his evidence may be received, though not given upon oath, if, in the opinion of the court, he is possessed of sufficient intelligence to justify the reception of the evidence, and understands the duty of speaking the truth; and his evidence, though not given on oath, but otherwise taken and reduced into writing in accordance with section 269 of the Criminal Procedure Code [Act 593] shall be deemed to be a deposition within the meaning of that section; Provided that, where evidence admitted by virtue of this section is given on behalf of the prosecution, the accused shall not be liable to be convicted of the offence unless that evidence is corroborted by some other material evidence in support thereof implicating him." PRINSIP UNDANG - UNDANG DI PERINGKAT RAYUAN [27] Mahkamah dalam mendengar rayuan ini berpandukan kepada prinsip undang-undang yang mantap di mana mahkamah di peringkat rayuan seharusnya mengambil pendirian untuk tidak menganggu keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh mahkamah perbicaraan melainkan ternyata keputusan tersebut terdapat salah arah, tidak menurut undang-undang dan terdapat keterangan kukuh yang menunjukkan bahawa hakim perbicaraan telah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 terkhilaf di dalam menilai keterangan yang telah dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan. [28] Di dalam kes Amri Ibrahim & Anor v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ 617, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan yang berikut: “[51] It is trite law that the view of the trial judge as to the credibility of a witness must be given proper weight and consideration. An appellate court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact arrived at by the trial judge, who had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witness, unless there were substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing.” [29] Di dalam kes PP v. Mohd Radzi bin Abu Bakar [2005] 2 MLRA 590, Mahkamah Persekutuan menegaskan seperti berikut: “Now, it settled law that it is no part of the function of an appellate Court in a criminal case ­ or indeed any case ­ to make its awn findings of fact. That is a function exclusively reserved by the law to the trial Court. The reason is obvious. An appellate Court is necessarily fettered because it lacks the audio­visual advantage enjoyed by the trial Court." [30] Menyentuh mengenai prinsip yang sama, di dalam kes LCY v. TWY [2019) 7 CLJ 158, Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat HMR (kini KHN) menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 “[26] The principle of law on appellate intervention is settled. In Dream Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 CLJ 453, the Federal Court reiterated the principle as follows at p. 476; [60] It is now established that the principle on which an appellate court interfere with findings of fact by the trial court is "the plainly wrong test" principle; see the Federal Court in Gan Yook Chin & Anor (P) v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Anor [2004] 4 CLJ 309; [2005] 1 MLJ 1 (at p. 10) per Steve Shim CJ SS. More recently, this principle of appellate intervention was affirmed by the Federal Court in UEM Group Berhad v Genisys lntergrated Engineers Pte Ltd /2010] 9 CLJ 785 where it was held at p. 800; and It is well settled law that an appellate court will not generally speaking intervene with the decision of a trial court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong in arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial appreciation of the evidence (See Chew Yee Wah & Anor v Choo Ah Pat [1978]1 LNS 32; Watt v Thomas [1947] AC 484; and Chin v Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309”. KEPUTUSAN KAMI (a) KETERANGAN SAKSI KANAK - KANAK [31] SP3 yang berusia 8 tahun sebelum memberikan keterangannya secara terperinci di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah diuji di bawah S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 dan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpuashati bahawa SP3 merupakan seorang saksi yang kompeten bagi maksud seksyen 118 Akta Keterangan 1950 untuk memberikan keterangannya secara tidak bersumpah. Rujukan dibuat kepada Nota Keterangan di Kandungan 11 RR Jilid 3 m/s 82-83 di mana Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen menyimpulkan seperti berikut: “Mahkamah: Berdasarkan jawapan yang diberikan oleh saksi ini, saya berpuashati beliau mempunyai kecerdikan yang mencukupi dan tahu tanggungjawabnya untuk bercakap benar. Walau bagaimanapun, saya seterusnya mendapati yang beliau tidak memahami maksud dan tanggungjawab untuk memberi keterangan secara bersumpah. Oleh yang demikian, saya membenarkan beliau memberi keterangan tidak bersumpah di bawah peruntukan seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan.” [32] Mengenai isu kebolehterimaan masuk keterangan seorang kanak - kanak, rujukan dibuat kepada kes Muhammad Adib Sufyan Bin Azman v. PP [ 2019] 8 CLJ 261, di mana Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut: “Admitting Child Evidence In Court [23] The crux of the case rests on the reception of SP7's evidence who at the time of the incident was 13 years old. At the time of trial, he was over 16 years of age. The definition of a child can be found in several legislation. Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) defines children as all human being under the age of 18. The Child Act 2001 defines a child as someone below the age of S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 18. The Evidence of Child Witness Act 2007 defines a child to be someone under the age of 16. [24] It is essential that in every trial involving a child witness, the competency of a child testifying must be ascertained. An inquiry must be done by the trial judge to determine if the child witness is competent to either testify under oath and be allowed to give sworn testimony, or be allowed to give unsworn evidence in court (see the Federal Court case of Muharam Anson v. PP [1980] 1 LNS 137; [1981] 1 MLJ 222 at 223). [25] Section 118 of the Evidence Act ("EA'') provides the start point where the competency of witnesses are concerned. It provides that all persons are competent to testify unless they are, in the opinion of the court, unable to understand the questions put to them or unable to give rational answers to those questions owing to tender years, extreme old age, disease of mind or body, or any other such cause. [26] The intellectual capacity of a child to understand questions and to give rational answers is the sole test of his testimonial competency and not any particular age (see Santosh Roy v. State of W.B . [1992] Cr LJ 2493 (Cal). It depends upon the exercise of the trial judge's discretion upon exercising his judgment on the competency of the child (see State of M.P. v. Oeoki Nandan {1987] Cr LJ 1016). [28] The introduction of s. 133A of the Evidence Act 1950 ("s. 133A") in 1971 saw the development of the said provision being discussed in S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 many cases. The focus of the provision is on assessing the competency of a child witness, in particular children of tender years. In PP v. Chan Wai Heng [2008] 5 CLJ 805 it was held that: [15] Section 133A refers to a situation where a child of tender years is called as a witness and does not understand the nature of an oath. In such a situation his evidence may still be received though not given upon oath if in the opinion of the court he possesses sufficient understanding to justify the reception of the evidence, and the child understands the duty of speaking the truth. [16] The first part of s. 133A therefore governs the admissibility of the evidence of the child though not given under oath. The proviso deals with the way in which the evidence once admitted is to be treated, that is, where the evidence admitted as such is given on behalf of the prosecution, the proviso requires that the evidence is to be corroborated by some other material evidence in support thereof in order to implicate the accused. Heliliah JCA went on to explain as follows: “...Once a witness is found to be a competent witness, even if he is not competent to take an oath or if there is an omission to take an oath that will not invalidate the proceedings or render inadmissible the evidence. The rule generally is in favour of admission of evidence though the weight to be attached to it will naturally be a matter for consideration by the Court. There is always competency unless the Court considers S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 otherwise. If a witness is not competent he will not be examined in Court. In the case of a child, it depends on the capacity of the child, his appreciation of the difference between truth and falsehood as well as his duty to tell the former. The decision of this question rests with the trial Judge, who sees the proposed witness, notices his manner, his apparent possession, or lack of intelligence. The trial Judge may resort to any examination which will tend to disclose the capacity and intelligence and in the case of an oath, his understanding of the obligation of an oath. See Rameswar Kafyan Singh v. State of Rajasthan AIR [1952] SC 54: (1952 Cri LJ 547), George L. Wheeler v. United States, 159 US 523, Krishna Kahar v. Emperor AIR [1940] Cal 182, Ram Hazoor Pandey v. State AIR [1959] A/1409: (1959 Cri LJ 796), Basu v. State of Kera/a [1960] LR Ker 256, and Ponnumani v. State of Kera/a [1987] (2) Ker LT 1042. Oath or affirmation shall be made by all witnesses, the only exception being the case of a child under 12 years of age where the Court is of the opinion that though he understands the duty of speaking the truth he does not understand oath or affirmation. If the Court is so satisfied, oath will not be administered to the witness. The evidence will nevertheless be admissible (emphasis added). [33] Menyentuh mengenai isu yang sama juga, Mahkamah Rayuan dalam menerima keterangan tidak bersumpah saksi kanak-kanak menyatakan di dalam kes Mohammad Zulkarnain Jemat v. PP [2016] 1 LNS 54, seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 “[123] It is also to be noted that PW5's testimony was given under oath. But PW6's testimony was not under oath because prior to giving evidence the learned Session Court Judge had conducted enquiry pursuant to s. 133A of the Evidence Act 1950 to determine whether PW6 was capable of understanding what 'oath' is and whether PW6 was able to understand the meaning of telling the truth under oath. How ever there is no law that prohibits the Court from accepting the evidence given in a witness box but not on oath if the Court believes the evidence to be true. More over such evidence, as in this case, had been tested through cross examination by the defence.” [34] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah menjalankan inkuiri dan tapisan yang teliti bagi menentukan kompetensi SP3 seiring dengan kehendak peruntukkan seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 sebelum beliau membenarkan dan menerima keterangan tidak bersumpah SP3. Melalui sesi soal - jawab yang yang dibuat ini, kami mendapati tidak terzahir apa - apa kekhilafan yang dilakukan oleh beliau di dalam menerima masuk keterangan SP 3 ini. Kredibiliti SP3 sekali lagi diuji melalui sesi pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Perayu dan nyata SP3 berjaya melepasi ujian tersebut dengan jayanya. Ini menambahkan lagi keyakinan mahkamah sesyen bahawa SP3 adalah merupakan seorang saksi kanak - kanak yang boleh dipercayai. [35] Berdasarkan pemerhatian yang dibuat, kami berpendapat bahawa SP3 adalah seorang saksi yang kredibel dan kompeten dalam memberikan keterangannya. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 (b) PERCANGGAHAN KETERANGAN SAKSI - SAKSI PENDAKWAAN [36] Peguambela Perayu membangkitkan isu berkaitan kewujudan percanggahan keterangan yang diberikan oleh SP3 apabila dibandingkan dengan keterangan SP2 dan SP5. Percanggahan ini dikatakan sesuatu yang material sehingga mampu mengugat dan meruntuhkan kredibiliti SP3. [37] Mengupas mengenai isu percanggahan ini, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Alasan Penghakimannya di dalam kandungan 9 RR Jilid 1 m/s 23- 29 telah mengambil perhatian dan pertimbangan tentang isu pencanggahan ini dengan menyatakan seperti berikut: “[29] Seterusnya, peguambela Perayu dalam menghujahkan isu ini turut membangkitkan beberapa percanggahan yang dikatakan wujud dalam keterangan SP3 apabila dibandingkan dengan keterangan saksi­saksi lain iaitu SP2 dan SP5. Oleh sebab itu, SP3 dikatakan saksi yang tidak kredibel. Antaranya SP3 mengatakan nampak kemaluan Perayu manakala SP2, SP5 dan SP13 mengatakan SP3 telah memberitahu mereka bahawa dia tidak nampak kemaluan Perayu. Seterusnya SP3 mengatakan Perayu masukkan "angry bird"nya ke dalam punggung manakala menurut SP2 dan SP5 pula, SP3 memberitahu mereka bahawa Perayu hanya menggesel "angry bird" pada punggung. Selain itu, SP3 dikatakan memberitahu kepada SP2 dan SP5 bahawa kejadian tersebut hanya berlaku kali pertama kepadanya. Namun semasa di Mahkamah, SP3 memberitahu kejadian itu berlaku sebanyak tiga kali. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 [30] Dalam memberi pertimbangan terhadap percanggahan­ percanggahan yang dibangkitkan ini, saya telah meneliti keseluruhan keterangan SP3, SP2, SP5 dan SP13. Apa yang boleh diperhatikan dan dibuat kesimpulan oleh saya ialah tiada percanggahan yang ketara dalam keterangan mereka. Malah, ada penjelasan berkenaan perbezaan­perbezaan yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu itu. Jika diteliti keterangan SP5 iaitu ibu SP3 yang banyak mendengar aduan daripada SP3 berbanding SP5 dan saksi­saksi lain, beliau menjelaskan bahawa pada mulanya memang SP3 tidak nampak kemaluan Perayu dan hanya merasakan sahaja kemaluan Perayu digeselkan pada punggungnya. Namun, kemudiannya SP3 memberitahu SP5 bahawa dia telah berpaling dan bertanya kepada Perayu mengapa membuat perlakuan seperti itu. Pada ketika itulah SP3 dikatakan nampak kemaluan Perayu. Keterangan SP5 di muka surat 21 Rekod Rayuan Jilid 2(a) adalah seperti berikut: “Semasa dia main game, ustaz itu duduk di belakang anak saya. Anak saya kata dia rasa “angry bird” ustaz itu dekat punggung dia. Saya tanya dia jika dia ada rasa atau ada nampak. Dia kata dia tidak nampak tapi dia rasa. Kemudian dia paling dan tanya ustaz kenapa ustaz buat macam itu. Dia kata ustaz itu cakap "ustaz sayang Alif Iman". Anak saya kata dia ada nampak “angry bird” ustaz itu." [31] Selain itu, saya mendapati perbezaan penggunaan kosa kata perkataan masuk "angry bird" dalam punggung, cucuk konet pada punggung, letak "angry bird" pada punggung dan gesel "angry bird" pada punggung yang dinyatakan oleh saksi­saksi iaitu SP2, SP3, SP5 S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 dan SP13 hanya melibatkan percanggahan yang kecil. Kesemua keterangan saksi­saksi adalah konsisten menunjukkan bahawa aduan SP3 menyatakan Perayu ada menyentuh kemaluannya kepada punggung SP3 semasa kejadian. SP3 juga secara konsisten dapat menjelaskan kedudukan Perayu yang duduk di belakangnya semasa melakukan perbuatan tersebut. Perbuatan Perayu yang diceritakan itu memenuhi kehendak elemen dalam pertuduhan. Oleh yang demikian, saya tidak dapat mencari alasan untuk tidak mempercayai keterangan SP3 dengan ketiadaan ketidakmungkinan yang wujud (inherent improbabilities) atau ketiadaan percanggahan yang material dalam keterangannya itu (rujuk kes PP v. Mohamed Ali [1962] 1 LNS 129). Apatah lagi percanggahan kecil sedemikian tidak seharusnya diberi pertimbangan berat oleh Mahkamah (rujuk kes Muthusamy v. PP [1947] 1 LNS 71).” [38] Kami juga tidak menafikan kewujudan beberapa percanggahan antara keterangan saksi - saksi pendakwaan sebagaimana yang telah dinyatakan di atas. Namun percanggahan sebegini bukanlah sesuatu yang serius/material sehingga boleh memusnahkan keseluruhan kes pendakwaan. Percanggahan sebegini adalah sesuatu yang biasa terjadi di dalam mana - mana kes pendakwaan kerana kekuataan kuasa ingatan (power of memory) seseorang adalah berbeza. Tidak ada seorang saksi pun yang sempurna yang dapat mengingati sesuatu insiden yang berlaku beberapa tahun lalu dengan terperinci dan tepat. Namun di dalam kes di hadapan kami ini, jika diteliti keseluruhan keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi - saksi pendakwaan terutamanya keterangan SP3, tidak dapat S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 disangkal lagi bahawa ianya adalah kukuh dan boleh dipercayai walaupun terdapat sedikit percanggahan yang remeh. [39] Nas undang - undang mantap berkaitan isu percanggahan keterangan saksi - saksi yang tidak boleh terlepas pandang sama sekali adalah di dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris (No. 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 16 di m/s 19, di mana Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut: “In this case different witnesses have testified to different parts of what had happened or what had been said and also there are, in the evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution, some discrepancies, as would be expected of witnesses giving their recollections of a series of events that took place in 1971­1973. In my opinion discrepancies there will always be, because in the circumstances in which the events happened, every witness does not remember the same thing and he does not remember accurately every single thing that happened. It may be open to criticism, or it might be better if they took down a notebook and wrote down every single thing that happened and every single thing that was said. But they did not know that they are going to be witnesses at this trial. I shall be almost inclined to think that if there are no discrepancies, it might be suggested that they have concocted their accounts of what had happened or what had been said because their versions are too consistent. The question is whether the existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy their credibility. There is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness must either be believed in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good and cogent reasons, to accept one part of the testimony of a witness and S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 to reject the other. It is, therefore, necessary to scrutinize each evidence very carefully as this involves the question of weight to be given to certain evidence in particular circumstances." [40] Keputusan di atas adalah selari dengan dapatan Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Ong Teng For v. PP [2013] 1 CLJ 39 di mana Raus Sharif PCA (beliau pada ketika itu) di dalam menyampaikan penghakimannya menyatakan seperti berikut: “[33] It is settled law that the credibility of a particular witness and the weight to be given to his other evidence is manifestly within the province of a trial judge. In Andy Bagindah v. PP [2000] 3 CLJ 289, Shaik Daud JCA said that: There is no dearth of authorities to say that in every case, there are bound to be contradictions and discrepancies. The question to be decided by the trial judge is whether those contradictions and/or discrepancies are material ones so as to strike at the very root of the charge. It is for the trial judge to consider this since he was the one who saw and heard the evidence. In the present case the learned judge concluded that there were discrepancies but those discrepancies were not material ones. Since this involved the credibility of witnesses, we held that the learned judge was a better person to decide and an appellate court ought not to interfere with such findings.” S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 [41] Rujukan juga dibuat kepada kes Pie Bin Chin v. Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 MLJ 234, di mana Wan Yahya J (beliau pada ketika itu) menyatakan seperti berikut: ‘“Discrepancies are no doubt present in this case, as they do ostensibly appear in most cases in evidence of witnesses for the prosecution as well as the defence. The transcripts of most evidence, when thoroughly toothcombed by any able lawyer, never failed to yield some form of inconsistencies, discrepancies or contradictions but these do not necessarily render the witness' entire evidence incredible. It is only when a witness's evidence on material and obvious matters in the case is so irreconcilable, ambivalent or negational that his whole evidence is to be disregarded. Forgetfulness and failure to recall exactly certain events, which did not seem to be important to the witness, do not necessarily shake his credibility or render other parts of his story unworthy of belief. Various persons are endowed with varying powers of cognition, attentiveness and perception, so that it is not uncommon for two witnesses to a common event to describe it in slightly differing versions.” (c) KETERANGAN SOKONGAN SP3 [42] Menyentuh isu keterangan sokongan SP3 pula, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Alasan Penghakimannya di dalam kandungan 9 RR Jilid 1 m/s 23-29 menyatakan seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 “[33] Perayu menegaskan bahawa keterangan SP3 tidak disokong oleh mana­mana saksi bebas. Dalam hal ini, saya mengambil maklum bahawa SP3 merupakan seorang saksi kanak­kanak yang masih mentah yang telah memberi keterangan secara tidak bersumpah. Oleh yang demikian, keterangan SP3 memerlukan keterangan sokongan sebagaimana kehendak Seksyen 133A Akta Keterangan 1950 (rujuk kes Sidek Bin Ludan v. PP [1995] 1 LNS 219). [34] Dalam hal ini, saya berpendapat keterangan SP2 dan SP5 yang mendengar SP3 mengadu kepadanya tentang perbuatan Perayu sebaik sahaja selepas kejadian itu berlaku boleh menyokong keterangan SP3 untuk mengesahkan kejadian perbuatan Perayu ke atas SP3 itu benar­benar berlaku. [35] SP8 setelah menemuduga SP3 di Pusat Temuduga Kanak­Kanak menyatakan bahawa SP3 dapat menceritakan kejadian yang melibatkan Perayu dan dirinya sendiri dengan jelas dan terperinci. SP3 dapat memahami soalan yang diajukan dan dapat memberikan jawapan yang betul dan logik. Keadaan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa SP3 konsisten menceritakan kisah yang sama, sehingga menunjukkan indikasi bahawa aduannya itu benar. Secara tidak langsung, keterangan SP8 juga menyokong keterangan SP3. Oleh itu, saya tidak ada alasan untuk tidak mempercayai SP3. [36] Berdasarkan ulasan bagi keterangan serta kes­kes di atas, maka jelas pada Mahkamah ini bahawa keterangan SP3 telah disokong oleh S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 saksi­saksi tersebut. Justeru itu, isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu ini juga adalah tidak bermerit.” [43] Sewajarnya ditekankan juga bahawa SP3 juga ada menceritakan kejadian ini kepada SP2, SP4 dan SP5 dan ini disahkan sendiri oleh mereka di dalam keterangan mereka masing - masing. [44] Di dalam kes PP v. Mardai [1949] 1 LNS 65: [1950] MLJ 33, Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut: “It would be sufficient, in my view, if that corroboration consisted only of a subsequent complaint by the complainant herself provided that the statement implicated the accused and was made at the first reasonable opportunity after the commission of the offence.” [45] Tiada sebab yang dikemukakan oleh Perayu mengapa SP2, SP3 dan SP5 harus berbohong atau mereka - reka cerita di dalam keterangan mereka untuk mengaitkan kelucahan melampau Perayu terhadap SP3. [46] Pembohongan yang dilakukan oleh Perayu ini telah menguatkan lagi keterangan kes pendakwaan. Mahkamah di dalam kes Kurchang Singh v. PP [1989] 2 CLJ 442, memutuskan seperti berikut: “corroboration may come from the other prosecution witnesses or from the accused. Deliberate lies or incriminating conduct in a material particular can constitute corroboration." S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 (d) KETERANGAN PEMBELAAN TIDAK BERMERIT [47] Keterangan Perayu dan SD2 bahawa mereka bersama-sama berada dalam bilik tempat kejadian untuk menjaga anak kecil mereka yang demam telah ditimbulkan buat kali pertama semasa kes pembelaan. lanya tidak pernah dicadangkan kepada SP3, mahupun kepada pegawai penyiasat kes ini iaitu lnspektor Salwa Asyikin Binti Senin (SP13) semasa di peringkat kes pendakwaan. [48] Di dalam kes Ng Tiam Kok & Yang Lain lwn PP [2013] 1 CLJ 632, Mahkamah Rayuan melalui penghakiman yang disampaikan oleh Ahmad Maarop HMR (beliau pada ketika itu) menyatakan seperti berikut: “Bagi kami, jika pembelaan mereka itu benar tidak ada sebab kenapa mereka telah terlepas pandang untuk mengajukannya kepada saksi­ saksi pihak pendakwaan. Keperluan untuk mengajukan (put) kes mereka kepada saksi­saksi pihak pendakwaan bukan sekadar kaedah teknikal undang­undang, tetapi adalah kaedah penting keadilan.” [49] Kami berpandangan bahawa pembelaan yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu dan SD2 hanyalah suatu penafian kosong, pemikiran terkemudian dan rekaan semata - mata yang tidak menimbulkan apa - apa keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. [50] Di dalam kes PP v. Ling Tee Huah [1980] 1 LNS 212; [1982] 2 MLJ 324, mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut: S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 “The accused’s defence was one of denial. A mere denial without other proof to reasonably dislodged the prosecution’s evidence is not sufficient”. [51] Di dalam kes Megat Halim Megat Omar v. PP [2009} 1 CLJ 154, Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan seperti berikut: “Although in our criminal jurisprudence, there is no burden on an accused person to prove his innocence but merely for him to raise a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, it is trite that his defence should be put to the prosecution at an early stage during the prosecution case. Failure to do so may move the trial court to dismiss a particular line of defence as an afterthought, or a recent invention as happened in this case." KESIMPULAN [52] Setelah meneliti keseluruhan rekod rayuan dan penghujahan yang dikemukakan oleh kedua - dua pihak, kami sebulat suara mendapati tiada terdapat sebarang kekhilafan di dalam keputusan yang di buat oleh hakim perbicaraan mahupun Mahkamah Tinggi. Kami mendapati tiada merit dalam rayuan ini. Sabitan terhadap Perayu di bawah seksyen 377(E) Kanun Keseksaan adalah selamat untuk dikekalkan. [53] Mengenai hukuman pula, adalah penting untuk ditekankan bahawa selain daripada kepentingan individu, kami juga harus menimbangkan dan memberikan keutamaan kepada kepentingan awam. Mahkamah di dalam S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 kes PP v. Teh Ah Cheng [1976] 1 LNS 116; [1976] 2 MLJ 186, menyatakan seperti berikut: “In sentencing generally the public interest must necessarily be one of the prime consideration ... public interest should never be relegated to the background and must of necessity assume the foremost importance”. [54] Di dalam kes PP v. Chung Kwong Huah [1981] 1 LNS 67; [1981] 1 MLJ 316, Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut: “the time has come for the courts to show their disapproval by acknowledging that offences of this kind are grave and serious crimes, and that those who indulge in them must expect a severe sentence.” [55] Perayu juga merupakan seorang pesalah berulang (repeat offender) untuk kesalahan yang sama di dalam kes yang lain. Maka dengan itu, kami sebulat suara mendapati hukuman pemenjaraan selama 10 tahun yang berjalan secara berturutan dengan kes TA-42S-13-09/2017 dan 3 kali sebatan rotan serta sesi kaunseling pemulihan di bawah seksyen 295A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah sepanjang Perayu menjalani hukuman pemenjaraan serta 2 tahun pengawasan polis sepertimana yang diperintahkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dan disahkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi sewajarnya dikekalkan. S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 [56] Rayuan Perayu atas sabitan dan hukuman ditolak. Tarikh: 6 November 2023 - Sgd - Azmi bin Ariffin Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia Bagi Perayu : Firdaus Mohd Yusoff [Firdaus Mohd Yusoff & Co. (Kajang)] Bagi Responden : Aida Khairuleen Binti Azli Timbalan Pendakwa Raya [Jabatan Peguam Negara (AGC)] S/N mPiL1Oeh6UutogPrm/6IaA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
meter tampering-sama ada TNB berjaya membuktikan meter tampering dan berhak menuntut kerugian daripada pengguna berdaftar
Dato' Ishak Bin Bakri
08/11/2023 08:34:51 BA-B52NCvC-262-10/2020 Kand. 39 S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N gu9rDgyRDEWluwuwcYNuvA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal aA—zs52m:vc—262—1c/2020 Kand. as/u/mu 2 DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN D1 SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERW SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN‘ MALAVSIA GUAMAN No. BA-B52Ncv<>2e2-10/2020 ANTARA TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD ..PLAINT\F [No Syankal 199oa1oos29A(2noassw)] DAN 0-|N»ONE SHOP SDN EHD . DEFENDAN [Nu Syarikalz 1995om215Au135oB43-M)] PENGMAKIMAN Pnngonnlan 1. Plamuf adalah set-uah syarikat berhad yang membekalkan Ianaga eleklnk den mperbaaanxan an bawah undang-undang Malaysxa dan memnunyaw mama: berdailar an Pejabal Seuausaha Syankal, Tmgkal 2, Ibu Pqabal Tanaga Nsswonal Bemsd, No 129, Ja\an Bangsar‘ 59200 Kua\a Lumpur 2, Defendan adalah pengguna berdafiar me\alm No. Akaun Pengguna 5142 220133222504 (barn) bag: sebush prerms yang mempunyaw alamal :2. No. M, Tmgksl 2, Jalan sp ‘/1, Bandar Saujana Putra, 42510 Jeruamm, Selangor Darul Ehsan (‘prams |erssbu|”| 3. Pada am semar 4.10 2015, p|a\'nl\fte\ah mehakukan pemenksaan ks avas pepasangan meter/meter dw premis narsenm flan phalnlll mendakwa hshawa malnluflelah menemm ke;angga\arI pada pepasangan SIN wvvwfinzvvwmmwcwwn um sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm 39 -5; meter d! PIEFNS tersebul‘ amara lamnya. hardapal pendawaian {ems ks na pengguna |anpa memm meter nagx semua fasa den neu|ra\ a. busbar. A. Plairml seterusnya msmiakwa bahawa akmat pengusikan dan/ahau kqanggahn tersehul, ma|er an pram tersshm lldak dsnal bermngu dengan pawk dan semuuma ssrva gags! merekndkan baman yang taps! sewanas dengan bekman e\ekInk yang dwbekalkan pada semap masa yang malsnal 5. Vni bermakna lsrdapal psrbezaan jurmah pads nu-nu serahan safiap bulan yang dikeluarkan men p\a\nM flan h||-bu sebenar yang sspammya dlkeluarkan me?! mamur. a. mamm kemudwannya xerah msmbuac pengvsan den mendapall terdapal mmxan penggunasn (snags s\ak1nk yang max airekomn sebanyak RM335,D40 35 urvluk Iempoh dan 14 5.2015 mngga 4 10.2010 tennasuk Kos uperasi dan cukai nenkanan. 7 Me\a\u\ nous-nuns (unmlan benankh 1192020 dan 25.9 2020, pm 0 manunlut dalendan membayar jurmah Iunlulan Iersebu| kepada p w. Walau hagalmanapun, defsndan lelah gagaw, enggan darn/avau wai umuk membua| pembayaran bagi ]um\an (un(u|an |erxebuL 3 Deflendan menaflkan mnuuv/an nlavmdan msmbangknkan pelbagai isu ssbagaibanlahanlerhadap1umlah|umuIan p\amlIf. 9. semasa pemucavaan. mavllif msmanggfl 5 arang saksx mm Anzal bun Ashan ISPU. Wan Shareia bin Wan Salleh (SP2), Mona Aswan. mu sw wvvwyfiuzvvw-muwcvNwA -.0» smm be 0;... m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm uleh SP3. (Nah flu Nada sebab untuk Mahkamah manmak Kemrangan spa dan sws bevkenaan jumlah kerugnn yang Ie\ah uixanggung alsn Mawnlw akibat dari pengusikan pepasangan meter dw premis defendan. 39. Mahkamah mandapau bahawa parunmkkan mm: puma [acre berkahan psnyata penginaan backbxlling yang msmiakan oish SP4 dan dwsemak sena dwluluskan olah SP6 Ielah memenuhl syaral perskuan berdasarkan Seksyen 35(4) Ana Bekalan E\eku'ik1990 seperli bsrikm: Suam psmyalsaan banulws u\sh sexenmng pekaqa pemogzng Vasen yang dvpelukm dengnn sempumanya clan psmsaang Iwan atau mana- mm omnu yam mbeukuasz oxen pamagang man hendakbh memam kelalangan pnma «nae mengenm pambayarsn yang kena mom man penggunn an nawan suhseksyen 43). ac. Dawn kes nn, SP4 yang menyedxakan pengvaan adalah semang eksekum (bazkbtlling calculatmn) yang (e\ah berkmdmal aengan plainlxl ss\ama Vebwh kurang a lawn 41, spa nememmaan uazah Sanana Muda Kejuruteraan Elsklnk aan Elekmznik dan Universm Tsnsga Nasional (UNITEN). salain Ru, beliau wga velan memaxzni lalman-lahhan dan kursus-kulsus yang manjurkan o\eh plainm separuang berkludmal dsngan p\a\nM 44 man nu, Mahkamah mendapah bahawa keterangan 394 den spa wmar anamna memandangkan rnereka rnempakan orang yang berkelayakan untuk membual pengmian backbr//fng sebegai memenuhi syaral perakuan bedasarkan Saksyen 35(4) ma Bekalan Eleknik 1990. an guvrDgyRDEVv\uwuwcvNwA -naa saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; me nnmruuly mums dun-mm wa mum Wm! sun. ad: dohndnn mm: pcnggunn herdlftnr dengun pIairIIif7 42 Mahkamah bersstum dengan p\aInM bahawa pengguna yang berdaflar dengan Mamllf herkenaan dsngan exskuik yang dlbakalkan ke prerms lersebut adalan delendan‘ Fakla ml hdak dwpemkawkan oxen dafendsn 43 Plalmil berhujah bahawa plsmlll hdsk mempunyax sebarang hubungan kunlrak anoara p\ainIN flan penyewa pramls detendan berkenaan eleklnk yang dmekaxkan xe premls Ielsebut. Hubungan kormak yang wugud berkenaan bekalan elsklrik Iersebut ada\ah :1. amara plalnmdan pengguna bordaflar raitu defendan. 44 Vsu ini mun umkan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Thomas mamas v Tnnaga Nnloml Bnrmd [2017] 4 cu 340 an mana Mahkamah Rayuzn berseluju dengan kepumsan Mahkamah Tvnggl aavam T-nag: Naslonal acrhad v Empayar canggih Sdn and (dahuluny: dlkunnll sohaqai onvn Manuhclurur Sdn End) [2014] 8 MLJ 2&0 sepem berikul: my Yhnvafon, as car 5; mnsumplian M elenmcixy V/I Ihe vmmses Vs cnneemed‘ u was me appe\Ianl's sale msponsmny. being the consumer under Ihe agreement to pay an umiiandlnq chimes due tn ma. on me waence as «am by on. Vuamod sewons wull nudge and at amma um. learned mgn Calm judge on avvem, emcmclly ma In fan um mnsumad Gunny: the period [mm 22 September 200441 uemmnarznov u \s Irvslevzm who ar.1ua\Iy consumed ma alednmty. my A: we‘: regulated cunsumam 1| was me app-slum‘: respmsflmlly m emure tnauha meleral me pmrmses was not damaged ov lampersd mm rm: uespunsmmy re-news mu ms anveflam \7vv\IuhL7u| me syn wummummwcvnwn -um Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m van; .. mmny mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! attreunn at me agreemanl umass by his tenancy eereernent wrtn tne tenant rte had assigned such vesponsvblhly to me Imam Evan men such agreement meta um {and ma, mm {mm a puny In tn. (Manny oamsmsm [22] Thus‘ when tne melarwas aer-aged Orhmvsvod M0! by me tenant nv tne uewwurwvlh orwrmmn tne eppetmmz penmeeaan or hy Anyone etee flullng tne agreement mun‘ tne apneuant mus| pay Vor tne rerwhlnu loss ot revenue suflarsd by ms, ml because tre had anW‘|"fi m flu wttn tne Iampenng nrdamigs uuwld In me mnlnr bul bbululrfi ne was bound by agreemenl to My farms etecmty chan:es.T1weIn5s at revenue under such amumslarrcss mnrrut ran on ms 5 rteea. Tna| wtu be aroeaty urnatr m ms 45. men mu. adalah jeles bahawa setakan rnena ianya adalah berkenaan psnggunaan eleklnk at premis defendan, tanya adalah langgungjawsb dalendan selaku penggune bardafiar di bawah psnanjian eexeten unluk membayar kesemua ca]-ca] yang perm dibayar at bawah akaun Iersebut kspada p\aH1lI1. Pletntti Itdak tmteh mengembtl apa-apa hndakan (emadep penyewe aeterman dlsshabkan ksltadaan konxrak di aniam plairmfdan penyewa defendan. 4e. Fakla bahawa delendan merupakan pengguna berdafiar bagi premts tereetaut puga ndak atpentxaiken dan sm mengakui bahawa penyewa—penyewa premI$ aetenaan hukamah pengguna Vang mdarurkan dengan me 47. Perelman 3(2) Ferammn-permursn Beketen Pemegang Lesen mm) memperumukkan bahawa dslendan eetaku pengguna berdevtar dengan plamtzv ada\ah hertanggungan Immk membayar kepada p\aInM segale ca] berkenaan dengan pembekalan eleklnk pada premte defendan N wumrnummrmvnwe we e.n.t n-nhnrwm be used m van; ...e nrighrnflly mums dun-mm vu mune puns! yang Iemkru seninggaxan mana—mana sam kqadxan yang dmyslakan an snu benaku dahulu nu (1) harl ma kellga seleliis defender: |s\ah memben nous kepadia plainm bahawa delendan \e|ah meninggalkan prem\s(arsebuta(au(2|l1an berikulnya yang danar mane-mana meter hendak dnenkukan acau (3) nan danpada penghunl premxs yang benkulnya mengkehendaki plainllf membekalkan elekmk pads prenus mu C-1.RemvsrY av e\sc1flc?9/ mamas (1) A Vlcsmoe may recover hum 2. mnwmlv any chnrga: an. m m m mm: aims supply alelacmulyy or in msnen Mme supmy and owns 01 any enacmcrty meter‘ supmy um nr anecmcax equupmam. n a mnsunux nuns any Dvlmus al mum u\oc1nc\(*/ nu um wpphud by . huensee wmmm gmng nouns Iharenfl in ma Hnansoe m mm m is renawad by me Hcensea al lens! was mm-»a flay5 balms he owns ms prsvmm ha mu be nausea vaytha hoensoe an warns: m vuipea m In: supply 01 s nncrty no me prsmlsss lcuulng up In wmcneyar M was laI\wMng W3! mama, name\y— ta) ms mum wnmrv; day ailav rue has amen such nmlca In em hcenseey ma rlaxt day an mum me mg»:-gr nr any melav has m be aseenmned‘ m the aay horn wmch any subsequent owuvler cl ma pranum requires me hcemee \o smmy ebcxncwy m me pmmues (2) M 10} 43 Selam ilu, penelman kepada Paraluvan 312) Psra|umn-peralm-an aekaxan Pemsgang Lem man jugs msnunjukkan bahawa mana-mans penghuni selerusnya boleh meminla mama! unluk membenkan bekalan eleklnk ke premis larsebul. sw wvvvyRDEvv\mmwcvNwA «-um smm be used m yaw .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm 49 olen nu, seknanya benar defendan nae menyewaken premis (ersebul kepada penghuni baharu premls, defendan bcleh memnhon unn sspamxnya memohan untuk menukar nama pengguna berdaflsr kepada nzma penghum baharu prams dsfsndan. 50. Dawn kes im. adawl ielas bahawa liada sebarang keadaan dahsm Paraturan 3(2) Pera|urin-peraluran Eekalan Pemegang Lesen 1990 barlaku yang membalehkan dsfendan unluk hsrganlung kepads yang sama bag! mengelak danpada Lsnggungawabnya unluk membsyar wmlah tuntuvan panama kepada plamm 51. Namun. dalendnn lelah gags‘ dan/mu cum dan/alau enggan unluk mamasukan dan/slau menukar nama pangauna bardaflar kanada nama panyewa se\epas menyewakan premis Ievsehul kspada penyewa. oxen nu, defendan kekal sebagau plhak yang benanggunmewab ke alas penggunaan bekman meklrik as pnanns tieflsndan 52. Plainlxl berhuiah bahawa hak unluk beka\an eleklrik bukanlah amomaux semrang mmvvdu alau sesebuah syarikal hendakmu memohon unmk dUadn<an sabagai pengguna berdahar berdasarkan perunmkan di bawah seksyen 2A Akla Bekalan E\!kmk sepem herikul: 24 mama suvmy on r-qum my sumun lo the Vaflmllng pnws-ions or am Pm and any mgmaunn mane thereunden . Hcensee shafl upon mung /eqmved m do so Dy mg miner nv occuulerafalvy Dlem\ses— ta) Ewe a supmym mnclfluwlo mow nmnu and (bi K: lar is may bu nouaulw fm ma| hummus‘ Drums wt-W ‘MS av any e\ec1nc3\ planlarequlvmem m Where any Derson reuulms 3 suvmy nl a\e::lrh:Ky undsv subsection SIN wvvvyRDEvv\mnm:vNwA (1)715 ihafl await: the lbwnsse I now! 5DI:NY‘W' tame Dmmses m msasa mwmcm the sum ws rsquuea. an the day an mm. on supphy mqmmd m mmmlnuu, 1:) nu maximum mwwurwmch may be required nuny um, and Mme mwmum pemu forvmmh ms swbly Vs ruuulmd m be awe 53. unluk menunjukkan bahawa aevenaan |e\ah memma avau beriaya Selaruumya, liada kslerangan yang dvkemukakan uleh delendan memima penyewa unluk memcrmn meter atsu akaun Dam dengan plamur SD1 sendm mengakm bahawa aemaan fidak memakmmkan kepada 9 ‘nm mengenai penukzran penghuni premws tersehul ataupun bahawa premis Iarsebul «elan disewakan kspada penyewa Sam: ad: mmapan bukll lubol b-mmmmg kt tlnglul :7 54. Dalam kelerangannya, SP2 mendakwa (emapat kabel mam barsambung ke Imgkal 2 premis defendan semzsa pemenksaan dualankan a\eh wakwl pmwnlii Delendan pula bemwah bahawa SP2 nanya msmbuai (uduhan kasong dan liada buku dmam benluk gambar dikamukakan kepada Mahkamah 55. Sernasa F757!!!-!n)$aan halas. tiedendan mencadangkan bahawa /eeder pr//ar TNB yang dmji men spz sebenamya Iidak membenkan sebarang indikasw bahawa arus eleklrik yang dxgunakan adalah unmk lingkal 2 semala-mats Imam un|uk kenga-uga ungkan bangunan lersebul. 55. Plainlif berhlnah bahawa plamm max dapat mengamhil gambar di llngkal 2 prerms levsebut kerana Ianya bevkunu.O\eh\tu‘ada1ah musoaml unmk plamm mengamml gambar Kabel Aingkat 2 Ianpa memecahkun kuncl umuk memasukl premis tersebm. m yang disambungkan ke sw wwmuzvmm...mN..m -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 57. Walaupun ma gambar diambil unluk menunjukkan lsrdapa| kabe\ hi'am drsambungkan ke lmgkal 2, ndak dapa| mnafiksn bahawa |erdapa1 mm: penggunaan eleklnk yang manumukkin sambungan lerus melalm busbarTNE dan penggunaan arus nanpa mananm matsr. (‘Nah nu, lardapal penggunaan e\eklnk secala Iidak sah a4 prerms Iersehm 55. spz dalam kelerangannya menyaukan bahawa nasu ujwan perhandingan arus yang mlakukan o\eh behsu menumukkan bacaan arus sebenar bag! fasa merah adalah 1018,0353 kunmg ada\ah 97 5 din lasa Dim ada\ah mu 3. Bacaan ams sebenar yang ' ak terpapar paaa meter jelas menuruukkan arus eleklvik masih manganr ma\a\ui meter yang mdanarkan dengan pengguna. 59 beriainan semasa ujwan parbandmgan tflbual. Delandan pma Imak menafikan nasu wan perbandingan arus yang ea Da\am kes Jllu Kunsult Sdn and v Yenugu Nasionll Bhd [2022] MLJU 3507 Mahksmah Tinggl Ialah mengesahkan keputusan Mahkamah Sasyen adalah belul da\am mamuluskin bahawa «ads kepefluan unluk pamm mengemukakan hukll bahawa kabel versabm naxk ke Ungkal 2 memnndangkan Kama! bersambung (ems dari meter TNE may ms Cowl comumad 2 delafled uwaw om» naamnanm given by Ina P\aInmVa witness“ wm wem M) an. premises In candutl Ihe Inwntlrun. From ma evidence manned them was p-nor mm wave was «any n aired hypass made below me sxamsa an we unmna floor The Mlnesses men teamed m |m3Va:1(ha\|7ma walltunkmg av ma bypass cams snakmu up Intolhu plarmses mined by an. Delendam u do no| aD:sp| an. canlsnllun rslwad upan hy aeranaa munsew mac me mnesses marmy nssumed that In bynass cable want In ma wanaanrn D\slr1bIlmrv Bax I find mat mm was wnilsluncy In an lvldsnca at line syn gumDgyRDEvv\wmwcvNwA -naa saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; me nngwnnuuy mm: dun-mm wa mum puns! wflnesses an (N: loan may had Ilflmsd man mam was a cibla afixed balm: ma ms|ar beam mm. bypassed u The came hypnmma me mmav lands m my me wugmax wnnlualon wnmn Vs (Ml mere wza umpedm co dlven ma a\a:lrIcm/ nmwy «mm pa-vim lmvwh ltm me\er board «a a»-on Iowmmsl of scmal anmncny uamumpmen m we Dvamllu [171 I am: mm «naz man: 5 amunary no nacaunylunna wimmaa In sum! mu: KM pvemluss ta lsuanmn mu mawnmm we ante/ad ma mu Dmribmmn Box mime the P\alnM!'s mamas. u Is smrmanc Ihanhe ma. mv has sumasamuy woven mac me trunking anyunq «na cable D'Inais\nw ma mmsv was mad am flowed wmo ma Daremnra Dfamliss Slrmllfly, mm x: nu nscqssny for ma vnmasse: Ia vmduoe phmngranhs shawma we came dlrsmy wnnecind to me Dwslnbubon am. Them Vs Emma ura\ vaaumony fmm an 3 mamas In vmva ma P\aInlNh dlim nw emanea wan cnnsnslenl mm Ihe demmemnry evidence an-1H.niHn see my mmive hymen m m\smnmsenlIhalar.1a As n have said eamar, ma sc.z acoembd lnlwavtdurwa and vuuna lhsm mama wnnanas 51. D\eh kahe\ dlssmbungkan ks Ilngkat 2 ada\aI1 pengalaan kosung aamaoa-mava. P\aln|iI Ielah membukfikan bahawa sambungan kabe4 tersebul ilu. dakwaan de1endan bahawa naua bukh menumukkan vanya hsrsamhung dari mater pangguna. 62. spz \elaI1 meruelaskan ssmasa pemsnksaan yemula hahawa bervasarkan gambsr yang dwkzmukakan Mahkamah menunjukkan Ieedev pillar nombm 2 yang mempunyai sambungan Ierus pada mater admah mswakil! pramis we-1-2 mmx delendan. kepada 63. SP2 iuga dalam keterangannya menyalakan me\a\m pemenksaan 'ngka| 1 dan |ingka| yang behau mankan, beliau Ielah mengena\pas' aw wmvvyRDEvv\mmwcvNwA «ma sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m mm was nrW\nnH|:I mm: flan-mm VII mum pm aawan prerms uahanaan max bemperasidan nanya prennsnngkau 2 yang menggunakzn beban carsebue. 64. Mahkamah berseluju dengan p\am\W bahawa SP2 adalan semang jumteknuk benauhsh dan berkernahimn aalam bidang eleklnk dan meter elakxrik. Berdasarkan kemshiran dan Ialman yang dlperolem alen SP2, I; u layak dan herupaya mangessn kqanggalan alau pengusikan pada pepasangen me|er dw prumis defendan. Kerja—kena pemsnksaan yang dijalankan uleh SP2 dmam kes im merupakan sebahaglan daripada Iugas hsnan behau. 55. Ma\ahan,t1efendan senmn mengakul semasa pemeriksaan mama uanawa delendan merupakan pemmk herdaflar dan pemegang akaun eleklnk unluk kesemmhan hangunan (srsebul. (Nah mu, delendan merupakan pmak yang berlanggungjawab Ierhadap penggunaan s\eklr\k secara curang m mana-manalingkal bangunan Iersebutwalaupun keuga— hga lmgkal bangunan lersebul mempunyal akaun berasmgan. Sam: ads plaimiflelah melakukan n--nlrm mm? 66. Deiendan mendakwa bahawa dalam |empnh anlzra 1 4.2017 mngga 31.3 2019 semasa premis uelendan disewakan kepada penyewa yang mxenali sebagax Denlapro Encerpnse, premws lersebul kosong pads bman Okluber 2017. O\eh nu. seharusnya Dada panggunaan mekmk deflam bulan Dkwber 2017 e7. Defendan juga man mencadangkan kepada saksi plairml SP4 berdasarkan kepada ml-mu e\ekmk yang dilenma o\eh dedandan, bil-bx! Iersebm menulwkkan Ifada penggunaan elekmk d1 prams tersebm. SIN wvvwyfinzvvmwuwcwwn -ans saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm ea, Plavnm Dme berhujah bahawa meskipun nada penggunaan eleklrik dlrekodkan damn bil-bxl elekvrik‘ mi bukan bermaksud liada eleklrik dlgunakan n\eh pengguna. Tetapl berdasarkan kqanggalan yang dibuklxkan o\eh p\a\nm, terdapal penguslkan pada meter m prsmis dslsndan dan plairml man mengalamx kemgian bagx e\ekIrik yang ludak direkudkan 69. tidak Iepal ksrana uads penggunaan e\ekmk da\am salu lempoh kslnka prams tsrsehumdak msswakan. Walau bagaumanapun‘ dslendan semin Dslenden ma mencadsngkan bahawa pengvaan puamm aaaxan mengzkm “Eda bum unluk menyokong dakwaan delendan dan defendan Auga mengakul bahawa aevenaan bukan pakardaiam pengwraan kerugwan hasxl yang dialamw oleh pxainm. 70. Da\am Kes Tan: 3 Nnlonal Ehd v Brlgm Rlml Manummrmg Sdn Ehd [2011] 3 MLJ Mahkamah Tmggu menyalakan hahawa rsha bagi menolak mmuvan p n ada\ah pemhuknan spesmk dan \epa| sualu keselahan jelas/man/"fest error pada pengiraan p\aImilo\eh devenaan. 71. manifest snot herkenaan pengiraan p\amM O\eh im, Pengiraan Amaun Kerugian Hasd dan Perhemnjaan dan mnnman plainllf wqardwtevlma o\eh Mahkamah Dalam kas Inn aevenusn gagal unluk menuruukkan sebarang 72. Da\am kes Tnnlga Nnlonnl Ehd Mn Synrikll Muar quury san End [2023] MLJU 1557 Mahkamah msnya|akan sspem b sw wvvwfinzvvwuw-mcvNwA -um Sum ...m.. WW be .75.. m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm Daud (SP3), Muhammad Mustaqim bin Zulkufly (SPA) sm Nor Fadzvllah bum Kadim dan Muhammad Hamw bin Hashim (sue). «a Defendan iailu um Cheee Swong (SDl)had1r memben kecemngan sanagax defendan yang msaman da\am lindakan in: sm merupakan saksw mnggan dan (iada Saks] Vain bag: pmak defendan K-a nlalnm 11. F'\a\nM menyalakan bahawa terdapsl bum pengusikan pads meter/pepasangan meter an prams dslendan I2. dslsndan darn/avau penghum premis tersebul man menenma manfaal Pkwltif selerusnya menyatakan bahawa daiendan flan/atau wakn aanpaaa eleklnk yang (erkurang ca] aklbal daripada penguswkan Iersebul hingga menysbabkan keruglan kepada plzflnlw. 13. benanggungmwab unluk membayar mmvan yang dmmlul mar. pxamm P\ain|i1 menyalakan hahawa defendan sebagai pengguna herdallar Kn um-man M. pengusikan as Vmmws milxk deiendan. Defender: menyatakan hahawa pwamnr gagal mambuklxkan elemen <5. nemaan saemsnya menyalakan bahawa uaua buklx pasukan pemenksaan plaunlxl mamaaum prams menuan. aw wmvwyfinzvvmwuwcwwn -ma saw be used m mm In: nrW\ruH|:I mm: dun-mm Va muNG pm [say Deiendan mm mm gens! memhuknkan hnhawa pengnan muabm mun sahh alau axoesslva Delendzn wslaupun (shah maflyllakan bihawi Dfimugasn agak mu dun purvannaan etskmk m menus mum mm, mun max membulmkznnya upon! dongsn memhzwz mm mau dukumen pam:.g.a.n W msmhuklikan Dsmlanaln mun m-ruwl 1:91 Mankamah ml memluk kepadn kes Lei Kam Senna (wprn) yang mafia Dfluman ax mm ken Im «em. heriaya msmbukflkan ma mas mangan ksbarungkzlmn bahawa Dav-uusrbnan ke atas vevasanaan matarlmah beflnku mulzl Navember 2017 berdiurkan bum-um yang (shah Delendan kemukakan m Mflapan um [40] 0‘ mm kas nu, Dafandan (flak mmgtmukakan sebarang mu man dakumsn ynnq mu menqubah kwlan knlufilan ham) yang mm. mm a\zm| a. dalam kas um Delsndan hnnya belgarflum mm. klrian wemavvsnya dwbual mar-sumxan mas» ram! can nummyz pumll din mm yang (Blah Mahlumih nyllzksn ml, mm. nur-ara adalsh Ismh (spat unluk dwgunakan .1... Hraan im mm m mi rmmasabah, wak bevtehlhan Ivan salah. mm-k kas Tsrvaaa Nzukznal and V AWP Erflenpnle |M}5dn aw [zu15|: MLJ 2. 70. sebagm keslmpulan kensda Dersoikan sama ads terdapal manifest ermr aieh pekeria mam , Mahkamah mendapau bahawa liada manifem arm: benaya aumkukan o\eh deiendan |srehat1ap pla Kulmpulan 7:. Eerdasarkan keterangan yang dlkemukakan olsh saksx-saksr, Mahkamah mendapan hahawa p\amM lelah aaqaya memnukukan, alas imbangan kebavangkafian, kes wawnlihemadap de1endan sw wvvvykuzvvwuw-mcvNwA «ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm 74 Oleh Mu, Mahkamah memumskan nmmcan plalnlrf lemadap defendan dwbenarkan a|as jurlflah yang dmumm ssbanyak RM35§,04l7 35, iaadah 5% selahun alas iumlah penghakxman bermula dan larikh saman auankan sehingga Iarikh penyexesaian penuh den kos 75. Kns perbicarasn Im dvlstapkan avas ]um\ah sebanyak RM2c,ouo.oo dibayar weh usvaman kapada plaunlll. Berlankn pada 25 September 2023‘ ¢;§ (IS AK BAKRI) Hakmv Mahkamah sesyen Pihak—Pmak' Maizura Muhamed Amin ( Tetuan Mohanadass Parlnersmpj b/p p\am(i1 Cfinlon Nicnowas Gomez (Tainan Raiindar singn Veriah & Co.) blp ddendan sw wwmuzvmm...mN..m -um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 13. Delendan sslemsnya membangkilkan isu penggunaan sa1ah bsrkalvan Amp Tong yang digunskan oleh pasukan pemeriksaan plavmf. 17. Dafendan sexemsnya menya|akan hahawa penenman (ankh pemmlaan bagv psngmaan jumlah (uvnman mamlil adalah salah. 13‘ Defendan memberlkan nous awal seterusnya menyatakan bahawa plairml gagal kepada delendan sebelum menjalanken pemeriksaan pada pepasangan meter/meter m premis de(endan KEPUTUSAN MAHKAMAH sum: Ida lerdapak bukll pongusnkan plda poplunnan mum dl premls dohndan 19. Hasil pemenksaan pads pepasangan meter my premls dslandan, p w mendekwa bahawa pepasangan melev lelah dmswk kemna Kerdapal pandawaian yang msambung secara terns ke DB pengguna tersebul tanpa me\a\m me|er bag: keuga-uga case. di busbar. 20 Fkamlil secerusm menyatakan bahawa pendawsxsn yang disambung sews «ems ke DB pengguna ada\ah menggunakan kam- kahel mam disamhung darn busbar TNB darn memasukt |a\uan lvurvkfng berwama men |anpa melalm meler. ’ni bukan mempakan sebahagian danpada papasangan meter yang s1am1ard yang mpasang oleh ma dn mana-mana premis pengguna. 21 Salsx plainm Encxk wan Sharsza bin Wan Safleh (SP2) ialah Kama Pemenksaan bagi has im. SP2 semasa memberi kelerangan av sw wumayaumawwaywm -ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm y.. mum puns! Mahkamah |elah menyavakan secara terpennd berkensan penemuan dan Kejanggalan yang msemuv pada pepasangan meter .1. prsmis defendan. 22. SP2 dalarn kelerangan menyacakan behau lelah memawukan Lyian perbandmgan arus menggunakan Amp Tong unluk memeriksa rmai arus sehenar yang mengalir masuk ks me|er danpada punca hakakan p\airml dan yang mrekoaxan aleh meter sepeni benkut: ' En}FmaIF Ami Kunlng was 5 91 5 m1 .3 Bocaan Am: PapTm’u§35 A 431 n ma Mmer J 23. SP2 dalam xexerangannya Jugs mengesahkan Ierdapal penguslkan pada pepasangan meter :1» premls larsebul kemnzi bacaan arus pada paparan meler den bacaan ams ssbenar an busbar adalah belheza berbanding aangan kebrasaannya waitu ssnarusnya adalah Iebm kurang same. 24. Eerkenaan kqanggaian aan/auu psngusikan kepada pepasangan meter. svz Ielah membsrikan kelelangan sapem benkur ta) 1??) maapau su cermmal melamada, maapau mm bauan ams di paparan meter ada\ah Vshvh rendah berhandmg mlai bacian sebenar di semua lasa. flan (c) Ierdapal pendawaian (ems ke DB pengguna lanpa mslalui mexer bag: semua fasa dan neutral :1: busbar. sw ,um,,auzvmw...mN..m -um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns! 25. Kelerangan SP2 Ienlang pengusikan meter dlsckung me1a1ui hukhr bukln benkul: 16) lb) (0) (db (6) (1) (9! ganmangambar pemenksaan yang manmu oleh saksl plainm uamu SP3. Iaporan yang dwsedvakan ulen SP2 berkenaan penemuan kabel sambungan Ierus ke DB pengguna da1am Eorang Pemsnksaan 5. Pengufian Pepasangan Meaer — Arus Penuh 3 Fasa bertankh 4.10.2015. laporan puns yang mbuat oleh SP2 nombor rumkan Sg. Jawm/003524118 penemuan pengusnkan pepaaangan melerdx prsmis aevenuan Vapamn berkenaan Pernnxmman Semakan Meter Elektnk oleh ma yang maaduakan olan SP2 benarikh 4 102015, Vapnran bsrkenaan Surat Pembemahuan Psmanksaan dan bsrkenaan Pengujlan Pepasangan Meier ma yang msemakan o1eh SP2 berlankh 410 2018 Vauoran mg uisemakan o1eh spa berkenaan Surat Pembenlahuan Pengambflan Bahan-bahan sum 1apoPan yang msemakan aleh ss=5 mm Ulasan Teknikal barlankh 25.11 2018. 26 Damn kes Evorhomo Funicure Manufacturing (M) sun and v kunsisten dangan mug. Nulonnl some [2009] e MLJ 715 Mahkamah Tmggu nlemuluskan bahawa apahlla kelerangan saksi-saksx sdalah Iegas dan penemuanrpenemuan pengusnkan. Mahkamah hendakxan menerima kabenaran kelerangan yang amenxan SIN wuownumnmwavnwn Nuns Snv1n1nnnhnvw111I>e used m mm na nv1fl1ru11|Y mm; dun-mm wa mnnc wrm 27 Berkanaan dengan xsaeranm saksi-saksw nlavrmi Ienlang bukli penamuan pengusiksn pad: pspasagan meter. Mahkamah msndapah kelersngan saks\-Saks: p\aInM aaaxan tags: dsn kansnstsn. mas akaian unluk Mahkamah menolak aoau meragui Ketarangan mereka. 23 Dawn kes Tonlul N-slonal Borhad v Ail: Knlnhl Bhd (pnvlausly known as Pnhlnno corp Bhd) [mm 5 MLJ sew Mahkamah Rayuan mamuluskan sspem baflkul [111Inuuru:-mdersdopwon,maummwmmovamnu-nauon mam no me queuimn mum: ma pmmm rm xuunasdad in mm um um mm Anslmlsflan was eampersa on a Damsal ml me avnsul record, we ave sansnedmamvara VS unwntruvsnad awdancstcshnwlhalmu msur mslsflahun had new (armored five mxmvevy av me mag" ccppar nbien mm. was ‘Mensa 1.. ms msrar Vs mom Iha ram nnmanna We sales mm lhe suhm-mun ua Named oounsm (av Ina Dlamlm that me mm. pmduned by me p\z|mlIVf: wluvssu: wuva mn:u|an| Ind ma.» u was am mrvnbnrsled hy me nmflucmn Mme vholagraphs‘ ms ‘Duran: Mzsslan penanman we Mv/av, ‘sum! Demakluman iemakan metal‘, ‘rum pembsnlnhuar‘ p-ngammnan bavang key and palm: pm On um tmnhly ol um evidence we are ol the new mm an . balance of Dmbahuixles me mam-m had succeeded xn pmvmg Ihsx me mslevwza lzmvswd, 29. Beldasarkan kepada kelerarlflan saksrsaksi plainmdan buk|i»buk|v dokumen, admah jelas bahawa pepasangan malerlmeler - premxs delendan talsh dmslk danlatau dlganggu mamandangkan Ierdapsl kabsl lzmhahan asmg yang mgunakan umux membenkan heKa\an e\ek(r(K secara Ierus ks prams defendan danpada sumber bekalan pwamur lanpa melalui meler iaitu dari mcoming prsmis tersebul N um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm 70 man mu, maua keraguan bahawa menaan dan/alau waxu defendan darn/alau penghum premis terssbul (e\ah manamna manlaal daripadn eleklnk yang lerkurang ca} akwbat daripada panguaxkan lersebm yang menysbabkan kemgian kepada p\a\n\iY Jumlall (unlul-n yang uimmm 30. Pliinm berhuyah bahawa akibal penguS\kan pepasangan meter, melerlerssbul gagal merekodkan bauazn penggunaan e\ak(nk yang belul dan Hdak selsras dengsn bekilan exmrik yang dibekaikan pada senap masa yang matene\ kepada delendan D\eh ilu, delendan celan dicay dan dwsarahkan dengan jumvah bxl yang yam. barkurangan aanaaaa bekmn e\ek(rik yang msamrkan ke prams dedendan. 31 Benkulan ilu, wsinlxflelah mengeluarkan nolis Iunhnan banankh I1 9 zuzo yang merupakan pernyataan bemflis msnurul saxsyan 35(4) Akla Eekalan Elekmk 1990 (“Akla aekaIan') lemadap devendan sebagai menyckung tunmlan pwamm Lmluk Kehflangan pendapaun plaunuv 32. Esrdasarkan kepada penelilian pernyalaan benuna lerasnun, wa mangandungl buhr-bum benkul: (a) a menyaxakan secara spesmk deiendan ssbagaw penguuna beldaflar, 1») perenggan 3, A can 5 pernyavaan berluhs tersebul menyatakan ;um\ah yang cemuung sebagai RM385,04D 31 dan secara khusus menyalakan bahawa mmman admah bag: wmlah kerug\an hasn flan perbelanjsan darn Iumutan dibual an wVrDyyRDEW\uwuwcYNwA -naa sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m van; me nrighuflly mums dun-mm wa mum puns! berdasarkan kepada perunlukan Seksyen am), (4; dan (5) ma Bekalan Elsklrik 1990‘ 1:1) lampuran A menumukkan pecahan Jnmlah mg perlu dibayar dan gamhar—gamhar penguslkan yang dllemui pad: Dehasansian meter. (e) deiendan dxberikan empal be\as (14; hari unluk msmhayar jumlah yang dmyatakan dalam pernyawan beriuhs levsehul, m pemyalaan nenuns lekah dnandslangam man pekeria p\ain1I1 SP5‘ dan lersebut «swab cnakm den duenma o\eh 33. menenma nous lunlulan banankh 11. Saks: ddsndan senam Iailu SD1 rnengakux bahawa de1endanIe\ah 2020 34. Beldasarkan kepada pemyalaan berlulus lemabuc, Mamlii lelah memanuhi hma (5) syaral yang ' ulnrkan nleh Mahkamah Rayuan da\am kss Torugl N Ional Borhnd v Dunln Ray: Enuarprlsn sun Ehd [2015] e cm 751 sapem bankul Farms aw-eH-m m ve\y on nwrillen mumem, me mnmng mus| have um mace (G we nnpeflanl must have ca\cn\alad ms loss of VBVEVNI and reduce Il no a document and wnltnn Iialsmunl. (M) an EIIVDIWUI and/or dmy anlhnnsed perwn o! In: enpelmm mus| have perused the dncumem as wen as me wmlen sta|amsnl m wwy m. mm sxalemenh (nu ma oumfiaa wmm. statemunt mun mm." mo aamculms slaled in 5 38(4) Of ESA 1390‘ my my . mm mmc.:._ me name More employee at zumnnsud vsrwn alms avvalmm must appear m the slatumenl and duly um sw -um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm (V) n 2: menu «armed slmemuu >5 lssusd‘ n needs In be served an mu mstnmer and n ma cuslumar does now gay, man an ncltnn an be laksn mu, n \s a uorvdllson nmaaann Iur wnnmmn cl cw man Vn Ivhanoe ov a as Var Tenaqa In Issue a beamed wrmen stalzmem nmmding kn xaw, balms mu action can be commenced 35. Oleh nu, Mshkamah memuuuskan bahawa pemyalaan berluhs p\am(i1 ditenma sebagal kelerangan puma racie mengenal jurmah mg «ernuxang uleh dsfsndan Kepada plamui bag! kemlangan pendapalan Yiada keterangan dwkemukakan o\eh defsndan yang msmpemkaikan pemyalaan banulis pnnnur Pengirun hag! iumlnh lunlutnn portamn 35. Saks! pnainnvsw dalam ketarangannya menyavakan bahswa beliau (elah menyediakan Pengvaan Amaun Ksrugnan Hasll dan Perhelamaan sens C51 Berkawan Akibal Uslkan Papasangan Meier flan dwlumskan a\eh pegawal acasan behau iailu srs sehagai manyokong mmman p\a\nM unluk kehllangan pendapalan berdasarkan peluntukan Seksyen 33(3) Akia Eekalan Emklrik 1§€D(‘Ak(a Eeka\an'). 37. sm |e\ah menielaskan secara menysmruh mengenil cara behau membuat pengiraan bagx namwan lunmtan pxanmf. SP4 jugs (um! msmbenkan kelerangan bahawa senmng kepulusan mengenal kaedah penglraan yang tiugunapskal dan can: menenlukan mnkh pevmwaan penglraan kehelakang ('bar:kb:IImg') amuax berdssarkan perbmcangan befiau dsngan pegawax axasan belnau lam: spa as. spa msrupskan plhak yang men)/ed‘ ken penyala pengiraan backbtlling (ekslbil P2) dam penyam pengvaan -n: disemak dan mnuvuskan syn gmugyRDEvv\wmwcvNwA Nuns s.nn be used m van; .. nrimruflly mums m.n.n wa mum Wm!
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
PEMOHON Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Rozali Bin Ismail RESPONDEN 1. ) Ketua Pengarah / Ketua Hakim Syarie, Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia 2. ) Ketua Hakim Syarie Mahkamah Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Judicial review - Application for - Application to quash Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia's decision in refusing to direct judge to take conduct of continued trial of nusyuz summons - Whether decision made on question of Islamic law - Whether application went against Art. 121(1A) of Federal Constitution - Whether decision administrative decision based on s. 128 of Syariah Court Civil Procedure (Federal Territories) Act 1998 - Whether there was element of public law - Whether there was infringement of applicant's constitutional right to fair trial ISLAMIC ADMINISTRATION LAW – Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993 – Section 44 – Whether this Court can direct the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to appoint a Judge of the Syariah Subordinate Court and issue the tauliah
YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh
08/11/2023 12:09:47 WA-25-248-07/2021 Kand. 133 S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N YCgIQVKnxU6niSxQ2jkT1w **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal sm Vcuwuvxruunnusxnivknw WA—25—24E—fl7/2021 Kand. 133 an/mznza 12:09-a7 DALAM MAHKAMAH TIMGGI MALAVA DI KUALA LUMPUR DALAM WILAVAH FERSEKUYUAN. MALAVSIA (anrmnmu KUASA.-KuAsA KHA5) PERMOHON5u §EMA§AN KEHAKIMAN 59 yygzgzas-07/2021 Dalnm parlor: wllu parmahunnn unluk kebedmran hag! mamohun semaluan kanaklman elah nu Sn um Dr man am Vsman Dan u. m v-mu Mahkamlh Rsndnh Symuh Ku aLumvurSamanNo 1wn9—u5a-nw2- zun (sebemm IN Nu uuuaruseroasw zomm amara Tan Sn Data‘ Dr Rozalx Em Vsnun dun Jnslynn Cassandra Emu Momma!) Fwdaus Dan Dnlnm pnvk a lush; permennnan clan r... Sn um Dv muzan Em ‘small man. swat- surzl bensnkh 1232021 can 542021 mun mtmbalehkm Tuin mm Sanhmih Em Hannah terns mendengardan mengamlv Muhkimlh Randih Syn n Kuala lumvur Ssman Na M003-053—04D2—ZOI71sebelun ml No. «oowsamswam Dan cam pemam kepmusan uleh Kama Fanqarah / Kama Hmm Sylvia‘ Jabavan Kahaklman Syanah Malayiu manm muse: Dan Dalam Derkara Amw 5, 3 dan 121 Psmmbawuan Persekmu-n n... Dzlam Delkara ssksyen 25(2) Akm Mahkamnh Kahuklmsn ws4 0... x mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm! Dalim perkara Perenogen 1 mam Jsuuax kepada ma Mnhlramah xanamman 1964 Dan Dzdam wxaa Aluran sa Kaedah-Kasdah Mamummh 2m 2 ANTARA ‘IAN SRI nA1'o' DR. ROZALI am ISMAIL (NO. KIP: 571109-10-5997) DAN 1. KETUA PEMGARAH /KETUA HAKIM SVARIE. JABATAN KEHAKIMAN SVARIAH MALAYSIA 2. KETUA HAKIM sum: MAHKAMAH SVARIAH WILAVAH PERSEKUTUAN ‘..RESPONDEN- RESPOIIDEN JUDGMENT m The zpplncanrs use can be summarised as vonaws. [2] The 1*‘ respnndent atwvenamed us me D1rec|crGeneral and Chis! Judge, Deparlmem cl Syanah Judknary Malaysia The 2"’ rssponaem ws me me! Syanah Judge cf me Federal Temxones 131 On 4 52017. the applicant wok oul :4 summons (er msnbemenoe, known m we Vslamxc Tami y Vaw as nu:yuz('(he nusyuz summons'). agamsl ms second we, Juslynn Cassandra mu Mahamad Fvdaus (‘Juslymfj at Ihe Kuala Lumpur Syanah Subordinate Cuurl (“MRS Kuala Lumpur). The sub1ec1 matter a| the MRS Kuala Lumpur was Ihe afleged moments 0! ammiem behaviour by Juslynn from 5 3 2014 unm 25.4 2m 7. 1 sw VDn\uvKruL1nmSxGZvkY1w mm smm be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VII mum pm [45] [471 lnllrely In agreement wilh lhls line of subrmsslavl. Whal i7 a ma} judge nalnas? What If a lnal ludge ls incapacnaled or passes away» What Ihs lrial ludge ls lranslelved. as In (ms case. In a dlflerem nonju lclal capaclif’ 1 5| on me same lnal ludge la oonlinu: hearlrlg a case at all cosls desplla ll belrlg legally lmpvactcal Is akin lo (mum snoppmg. Tnls ooun ls not prepared to do so. Eu: the camplalnl made by me appilcanl Is also on the basis lhal Tuan Rusdi was lne presmlng judge on lna divorce prooeedings ln aled by Jus|ylln. Glven such a soenano, Tuan Rosdl IS the same lnal judge who would praslaa In both (he dlvcwe umcsaamga and ma wrltlrlusd neanng ofthe rlusyuz proceedlngs. Swen ma nalure 0' [he dlspule bslween (hes: Iwo proceedlngsl whlch lnvolvsd Islamlc iamlly law, I am of the cnnsldered vlaw ll would bu derslrahle lay me nusyuz pmoeedlngs to be heard by another luuga other than Tuan Rasdl Flnulnga [43] In the realm, I am lssulrlg ma lullaunng orders la) The impugned declslon V5 amenable to lndlcial revlew lo lna extent than the dlrecllon to velaln man Rosdl Is IaIrl|ed wlln Wadnasbury lmraasanablerless. lo; nus coun ls nn| prepared lo lssue an alder larTuan Sallullah la oonlirlue presidlng an ma nusyuz pmaaauings, Slrlce Tuarl sanullan ls no longer In (he judlclal service. lne only posslble mule lor hum lo wnnnue hearing the nusyuz summons IS lor hlm lo be reappointed by lna Vang di-Parluarl Agorlg. on me reoommandatlon oflhe Chief Swnah Judge under a 44 allna AIL Aal. Hallowed. an order M lnls nature would mean lnal lhal «ms coun uarl «men the Vang Perluarl Agnng ll) appulnl Tuan sallullan as a Judge nuns Syarlah Subordinate com. 4 do nal mink nus Court has me power to do su. (C) However, as I Indlcaled eanlar, lne dlclate of a falr lnal raqulna ma nusyuz case to be heard by another judge al campalanl luflsdlchcrl ulnar (hm Tuarl Reid: and I so under 11 am V5fi\QvKnxUln|SxGZlkY1w “Nana Smnl nuvlhnrwm be u... w may he nflfllnnllly snn. dnuuvlnnl VII munc wax (.1) All other reliels sought by me apphcanl are aasmssea To lhal mam‘ Ihls Judiclfl review appli [491 There snaH be no order as no costs Ynrlkll: 3 Mnvlmbu 2023 LA (WAN mum mam am wm SALLEH) Hakum Mahkamah Tlnggl Kuzla Lumpur Pumwplak Eauv Hhak Pemohon um an n Kmm raaznan hvnlv Mona hm zrmm mun Md snmnme Ma um Dun Van max mm cum Kay ow. m u.,.nm.x Hung bun Damal Lang T:|u.nnCK Llm uw Dvamhus Eng» Fmuk Ruxwnd-n Ahmad Harm hm NBNIDIW a Mm sn: mmmmaa Smhluuddnn bm Maw 75 Janaun Flwlm my mum. :2 sm Vcuwuvxruunnusxnivknw «mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! lion ws uarny avowed. [4] [5] [5] [7] [5] [91 H0] [11] aeiore me final disposal of tne nusyuz summons, Justynn had nieo en application tor eontirniatien oi diuoroe tpengesahan carat) (‘canflmtaliun uldlvotce summons“jon is 5 mi 7 al |he MRS Kuala Lumpur. The riusyuz summons was assigned to Judge lzzal Syazll bin Mursnid t-men lzzal“) II was fixed tor tne firsi mention belave Tuan Iual on 25.5.2017 on 11.9 2017, Tuan Izzat ordered mat .lustynn's oonfirlvla|t0rl el dtvama Summons be disposed ct lintt. The attendant consequence of that direction is that the nusyuz summons is stayed. Aggrtevad by the stay order, tne applicant tiled en applicahon at itio Kuala Lumpur syariah High CourI1“MTS Kuala Lumpur)to review tne said decision. The review application was allowed by the Mrs Kuala Lumpur consequently, the rmsyuz summons was ordered to oe tieard oeture another iudge at the MRS Kuela Lumpur. The nusyuz summons was then assigned to oe heard oelore Judge soilultah Bin Hamzati (‘Tuan sailullow). After the pleadings and other cause papers, including the bundles of documents, had oeen exhausted. the rlusyuz summons pmceeded to trial petore Tuan sailulleli. The trial commenced on ta.t2.2o17 lor numerous days intermittently tor more than 30 days until 22.10.2019 in the meantime. Juslynn‘s oanfirmallon at divorce summons was dismissed by MRS Kuala Lumpur on 4.5 zulla During the trial dltne nusyuz summons before Tuan settulluh, the applicant and three other witnesses completed their evidence. voluminous documents were produced dunno ttie trial The applicant finally closed his use on 310 2019. on 4.10 2019, Justynn nled tier wnness statement and bundle ol documents In the course pl tne eontrnued Irlal, Jttslymt applied lor the notes oi evldencai which appllcaflnn was sallowsd by ‘man saitullah. on tu.1o 2019, Justynn filed an appication at the MTS Kuale Lumpur to review men sailullatrs decision to dismiss hel appllcaltnn lor ttie notes a1evldenoe(“JusIynl't‘s review appli lion") 1 srw VD1]lQvKnxUln|SxGZlkT1w «war. s.n.i nunhnrwlll be u... M may i... aniimiiu MIMI dnuunnnt n. nFluNG mi [12] [13] [H] [15] [16] Unlormnatew, man sanuuan was unamo to proceed wnn the oonlmued lnal cl the nusyul summons after 4 VI) 2019 as he was Iranslenad tn tha prosacuhon dnvman 07 the Attorney GefleI1|‘! Chambers mcsc") When man sawuuans transfer came to me aoouoanrs knowiedge, ma aoonoan: insuuoned nis syanan oounse: In apply In the AGC to release Tuan Salfullah so that he may continue with the trial and adjudicafion 01 the rmsyuz summons. By a letter damd 201! 2019. the AGC stated Iha| it had no amectinns |u man sawuuan ralummg to the MRS Kuam Lumourco oandude the hearing o« the nusyuz summons sumaox to the cnndlhun that Ms “tau/ish“ as the wdge at me MRS Kuala Lumpur was extended The nusyuz summons was ass\gnad lDJudge Huzwan Bin Mohamed Nnr (“Tuan zwan“) The continued tnal 07 the nusyux summons mu mt resume betcre Tuan Huzwan, u was adpumed (or about a yeav pending the outcome nfJus1ynn‘s review apouaauon behave mo MTS Kua\a Lumpur on the osue or the notes of Dmeeedmgs. man Hlzwan was men (ransfervsd and rephaoed by Judge Room bm Hanapx (“Tuan Roam on 17.3 2020 The rmsyuz wmmons was caued up (of menuon before Tuan Rosdi tor the firsl ume on 3 112020, more man one year altar ruan sa-ruuan was (tanstevrad to the Ace. Dunng the me on olthe me. me aoolicanrs Syariah unwise! made an app ‘canon to have Tuan sanuuan to continue hoanng and adgudncaling the nusyux summons. Tuan Rusm ouannsseo the appl «on on me ground that man sawuuan needed me requisite ‘1auliah'to continue hearing the nusyuz summons. He man auoccou var the ms! to oonnnuo to be heard belcre mnn. me mal at the nusyuz summons proceeded uonxe Tuan Rosa. on 3 1| 2020 and 6.12021 wwth the axammalmn VI me! and cross— examination of Juslyrvl, On 12.1 2021. the continued cross- exammauon of Juslynn was ad)oumsd as me aooucanc nad Instmcmd hi Syariah counsel In file an Ipplicalinn tor the vecusal of man Rosdi on «no grounds at aven|s Dual transpired m ano|her sepamte Wuoeedlng taken out hyJustynn at me MR5 Kuala Lumpur (-me dworce proceadmgs") pursuant to s 47 oi ls\anuc Family Law (Fsdera\Tamtories)Ac|198-1 was heard by Tuan RUSH! o am VDu\uvK:uunnusxGZvkT1w “None sum nmhnrwm o. u... w my n. annn.uu mm: dnuumnl wa mum v-ms! [17] [181 [19] 12°] [21] Foiiowing ma application fix rewsal oi Tuan Rosdi in ma nusyuz summons, ine apphcanl, Ihvough ms soiuoimrs. apphed to me 1*‘ nssponflem. vide ianer new 12,: 2021. to nava Tuan Saflullah iesumas hearing and adjudlcaling ine rmsyuz summons l‘lha racau application") The naiumi oansequsnce oi allowing ine reaau |pp||ca|inn wuuld require me iaspamanis and/M lhe syanan coun io pmcure me lauhah lar Tuan saiiuueh |o haar me nusyuz summons. There was no response imm me 1“ respondent By a leller daled 54.2021. ma apphcant renewed ms aluesaid application According Ia ma applicant. the men sppnaeuan was the M0 Wailers dated 12.3.2021 and 5 4 202\ above was plemlsed on me following grounds (3) The nusyuz summons had reached an idvlncsd scaga before Tuan saimuan with lhe campisiion onna piainmrs case in) Tuan saiiunah had me advanlage oi seeing and neanng ma piainmrs wiinesses and ma demeanour oi |he witnesses He is better positioned to appreciate me lacls before mm and to complete hearing ol ine nusyuz summuns. As ammea in eai1ier.Ihe AGC had no obpeclions is releasing Tuan saiiuuan lor nasnng me Kuala Lumpur Nusyuz Summons sumem |o ihe requuemeni oi a vaiid "IauIi‘aIi“. By a iener aaieu 14.4.2021, me 1-’ iesponueni. lhruugh his cum registrar. reiecled me applicanfs recau anfllicalicn (‘the -mpugned Decision‘). The Said leaner inter alia states as ioumvs: Suhubungan denaan nu. Jlbavzn m kekal dengnn pendinan sepem yang Izrdalvuiu s.n.».. minim bicam sebegaiman: ying iann dipelselujkl one» peguarwpequam kedua-dun belah pm barmwn kn: .n. .un isms anmai Gan dlpmuskzm fli hadavan beiiau [man may Hui-rail. Aggneved. me appiicant commenced this name: review ilpplicannn inter nlia my me ieiiwing orders (a) A deuarauon man he appiicenis iundameniai ngmsio have a is" man and to a law procedure under Ans 5(1|and 8|1)olme 5 sm VD1]\QvKnxUlnGxGZikY1w “Nair s.n.i .. LAIQ4 w may he min.u-y mini: m.n.n VII mum Wm! Federal oonsululron have been violened by lne impugned Decision. 0.) A dlrecllan in one nature 0! cerlloran la qoasn lne impugned decision (:2) A drreonion in ma non cf a write! mandamus no conroen nne n- respondenn to appruve and allaw me recall applicsllorl. Id) A lurlherdlrecllan in nnelorrn Ma wnn oi mandamus |a mmpel lne respondenns no lake all necessary steps, including but non nlrnrled lo inc prowremenl of a valid leulian no enable Tuan sanullan no lesunre lneanng and adjudicane ins nusyuz summons. (el A dnreonron in nne lcnn cl e wrl| oi oernnaran no quasn Ihe dnvorce proceedings an me MRS Kuala Lumpur. [22] Leave no commence judicial review was granled by inns coun on 17.1.2022. Thu Judicial Review [231 This acclicauon ivr judicial review is succarned bylheamdanvii olnne app‘ ann in End 3 (‘AIS-3"). rnere were vanous exchanges oi nne affidavils bslweern the parties, which will be referred IO as and when me need arises. [24] Learned counsel lov the applicant submitted that the appllcenfs challenge to the impugned decision Is not a challenge on the uuesllon at Islamic law. Ralher, lhe avpllcanlqueslloned the lemsal 07 \he 1‘ respondent 10 cause Tuan Saflullah (0 resume hearing of lne nusyuz summons. Ancooming no learned oounsel, me relusal vlola|es lne aoollcenrs guaranleed rlgh| under Ans 5 and a on nne Federal Conslllmian [25] The line 07 submission V1 learned counsel lav me appllcarn Is that mis Coun has supervisory nurisorctnon Learned counsel relied on me majority yudgment at me Federal courn In Iki Pull: bin Muburak VKII-jun Nuqorl Sollrlgar 5 Anal [2021] 1 MLJ :2: Fc. Tonoku Malmun CJ‘ In delnvenng Her Ladyshnos ludgmenl, neld s snn VDuluvKnxunnisxGZlkTlw “None s.n.n nuvlhnrwm .. u... w may i... nflnlnnflly mini: dnuuvlnnl vu .nuus v-mxl lhal In llghl of lhe ludgmerlis 01 Federal Court In Slmonyih Jayn Sdn Bhd v Fenlildbir ranalr naeraii Hulu Lnngal and another can [2017] J MLJ 551 FC and Irldlrl Glndhl I/p Mmha V Perlgarih Jatman Aglnll man. Pnrak is Drs and othur lppuls [2a1a] 1 ML: 545 rc, in all cases, me civil superior couns retain supervisory ]unsdtc|larl ' h ts lnhelenl in their lunctlon under Ans 4(1) and 12I(1)aflhe Federal constitution. [26] Secondly, laamed counsel invitao this Calm to draw a oisunoliori between the law ilssll and the enlorcerrient or such law. The extension ol the argument is that the validity M the law does not aulornalioally render the enlorcanieni action valiu, ll Funllullona Sdn Bhd 5 Anor Mn ./abalan Ag-rm mun Salangor A Dr: [2013] 5 IIIIJ lm CA. [27] Thiroly, the applicant ounlanded that the responderns are eonsroereo public authorities wripse uecisions are arrienatzle to iuoiaial reuiew within the purview ol 0 53 more Rules pt Calm 2ol2 (“R06”). [251 The line at argumenl ol learned counsel is that the \“ respundenl has a duly to protect the applinanfs tunoaniantal riglila guaranteed under the Federal Conshlullcn Art 5(1) ul the Federal Curlsmuflon [29] Art 511 ) at the Federal constitution prouioes lnat no perscln sliall be deprlved at his live or personal Itberly save in acooroanoe with law Learrieo oounsel tor the applicant suhmllled that the provision in Art 511) is wlde enuugh so as to pover the protection at a ps1san‘s lile in the wioest sense or his persona rty in the wldesl sense. These rights may not be deprived save in accordance with the ac1mn or a public aulnonty that is iair both in point olproosdure and substance: see Ln Kwln won v PP [zone] 5 MLJ 3411 re. [an] Aoocrdlrlg In learned counsel, the applicant's constitutional right to «air trial was violated sin la) The trial had gone on (or more than 30 days am the appltcanl had closed his case Yuan saitullah had the auoiouisual r srn VCn\QVKnxLllnlSxGZVkY1w «nu. a.n.i In-vlhnrwm be ii... a may i... aiiiii.ii-v MVMI dnnnvlnrll VII .riunc wrul advanlage ol accessing the demeanour ol lne aoplioanrs witnesses, (o) I115. lnerelore. in me rnleresl onne applicant and Juslyrln lo nave Tuen sallullan oonnnue oresrdlng over me pan-heard one o! ine nusyuz summnrls slnoe ll nas reeened an advanoed siege. (E) in any evenl, lne AGC nad perrnrned Tuan sallullen lo oonllnue hearing me nusyla summons [SI] Given ine advanced siege dl ine ddnllnued lrlal ol ins nusyuz summons and me permission granled by lne AGC, learned oounsel suhmlfled lhal no reasoneoleaulnoniy seized wlin lnese iacls would nave made me irnougned decrelon me: me 1" respondenr dld 132] Learned oounsel inen qussllonefl lne assenlon made by ine 1" respondenl III ine l4.4.2u2l leiier (1ne lmpugned lellerl lnel lne syariah counsel (or me applicant nad purponedly agreed in Tuan Rusdl presiding lne nusyuz summons, ll lndeed mere was sum an agreement, lne appllcanl would not nave argued lor ms recueel due to me volenllal odnliiei ol irneresl [33] in any eveni, according lu learned counsel, lire eoollcani nad a legrirrnale expec1a|iun1ha|Tuan senullan would conllnue hearing me nusyuz summons urnll ils conclusion. The nspondentf response [34] In objecllng Io lnls ludimal review alalzluztlon, me learned senior Federal counsel (“SFC“) suhmifled met me conduct 0! lne nusyuz prooeedrngs before ine MRS Kuala Lumpur IS wilnln lne iurlsdloliun and power o1 Tuan Rosdi. II ls me eonlenlron ol the learned SFC lnel lhls coun has no junsdlcllon lo intervene slnoe lne uonducl ol the nusyux pmcesdmgs is not amenable |u ludlclal ruvlew srn VDuluvKnxL1nrlsxGZlkTlw “None Smnl mnlhnrwlll r. o... m min r... oflnlnnllly sun. dnuuvlnrll wn .nuno vlmxl [35] My atlenlion was lnan drawn to An 12I|1A) cl ins Fedmal constitiilion llpiovides: The edirns Manse in in Clause iii snail have nu junsdlalnn in iespeu nlnny nnilerwilninins iunsd-aionoiina Symiah Dfillfl! rlia learned src submitted trial I mead lne applicam is aggrieved wilri Tuan Rosdis decision In ponlinue presvaing wiln lna trial. he applicanl should have mallenged the said decision pursuant |o s 51(1) oi lna A in slraticn pl Islamic Law (Federal Tainloilas) Act 1993 (“AIL Ac1)or an appeal under s as M liia same [35] According lo the learned SFC, the mere lactlnatall syanari Judges in Kuala Lumpur are public senranls does not render their actions amenable to judicial review by are civil courts [37] In so iei as me righl of are applicarll to a lair lnsl IS poncamad, lne learned SFC submllled ltial lne ngnl lo a lair tnsl does not include a ilgrit to have me case lieard pelone tne sanie iudga tram me heglnnlng unlil |he end, reg-idlue clwliat tiappena. By exlensloni me last ttial ltie nusyuz summons was not continued to be presided by ‘man sailullan does not ainoiinl lo a uiclaiion nllne nglit |(: a lair trial. Thu Annlyull [as] nie cerilral issue more me I believe, is wnatner ina impugned leIIe( is amenable le iudicial renew. The approach in deleniiining lne issue is, in my mind, llrsl up idenuiy wnetnei lne decision is an Idmlnishaliva one or a judicial ene. Para 3 of the BE mpugnad letter states as (allows: Walnu pun bnunu suavu tmdakzrl miai man dhual se ra Denladhlmn mgi nlrlgenal vast: kn lsieaaiii dan me pnli ban-wu Did: as Nuvemhal zuza, kes in. dlsehm bagl sambung ind... di iiaaapan riaxini uiaaia ham iaiiir man Rdsdi Hanlpl caiaian mahkarllah pada ulikh leieeirut nieniiriiiisiinn tuiiawa alas paiseiuiuan ptfiunm-pawulm ledul-dua mini piniili uaiselulu ties Ielsebm dlsambulg uicaia di ludlplrl naiilni aiaara ssuapninim klhlndak 9 SN VDuluvKrlxUln|SxGZlkY1w “Nair s.ii.i nuvlhnrwm be in... M vufly i... nflnlnnllly siiii. dnumlnril Vfl nFluNG Wm! uksvnrl \28 ma Talacam Mal lMnhk-nah Syanan Wflaynh-Wlhyah wareemuanl ms. [39] to begin wrln, me 1' respondent conceded |haI he was exercising his admlrllslrallva f|JVIC1lnnl This can be sun when he employed lne words “sualu lindarran wajer relan dmual secara perlladblrarl“ wnlon danores lhal wnalever decision he made was in lne adm Ira|ive capaclly. In short, the 1" respondent was nO| exercising a judrclal lunonon [AD] In lne errcunrelaneael me issue 04 a revision oy or an appeal In me ms Kuala Lumpurdoes nol ansa. llrevlslon or appeal 15 me proper avenue‘ me 1*’ respondenl would have said so in me lmnugned laller [41] slnoe the impugned deo on was made in lne admlnlslrauve capacity, I! is amenable lo ,u reral review under 0 53 onne ROG [42] But even ll we assume «or one momenl met me impugned decision was made In me iudlcral caoaellyl is n elrll arneneole no in oal review The learned SFC was ollne View lhal ll I! not He relied on An l21(1A) at me Federal Consll|u|l0rl. [43] on me olner nand, relying on /id Pulre, learned oounsel for me appllcanI,su|1ml!1ed|haI|hls coun nae lnalurlsdiolron The learned cruel Jusxioe, in Her Ladyshlp's ludgmeru VI Ikl Pulra, reierred la lndna Gandhi ln Indira sarrdrn, me Federal courl held that olauses (I) and (1A) oi Arl lzl oi lne FC rllualrale lnal bum lne evil and Syariah coune ed-exlel rn lhelr respaeliva spheres, even ll lney are rsslrrnlar in lne extent of lneir powers and lurisdlwon. Thus, me arnendmenl needing a (1A] in N1 121. aooardrng no me Federal coun. did nor ousl |ha iunsdlollon ollne uvll couna, nor did l| eonler judicial power on me syarlan courls. [441 Now, having and man whal is me gisl oi the complaint oi lire apolicanl? The applicant‘: oornplarrn 15 mal he would not be accorded a [all lrral In me rlusyuz proceedrngs and mac lrns had lnlrlnged his eonsmurional ngnl under An 5. [45] However. as l alluded to earlier, me learned SFC conlended met a lair «rial does nel include a nghl id have lne case heard berore me sarne ludge lronr |he beginning unlil lrre end will: respeell I am ID am VDuluvKnxL1nnlsxGZlkT1w «nu. a.n.l nuvlhnrwlll .. u... m min r... nrwlrrallly MVMI dnuuvlnrrl v.. .nuue WVM
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Kontrak perkhidmatan, sama ada defendan gagal menyiapkan kerja-kerja, sama ada berhak menuntut kesemua jumlah yang dibayar oleh plaintif kepada defendan
Dato' Ishak Bin Bakri
DALAM MAHKAMAH SESYEN DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN GUAMAN NO: BA-A53F-13-11/2020 ANTARA ROZITA BINTI MOHD FAJAR ALI (NO. K/P: 630910-08-5012) …PLAINTIF DAN 1. HABIBULLAH @ REMY BIN BAKTIAR (NO. K/P: 780916-10-5807) 2. ROMLI BIN ISHAK (NO. K/P: 670329-02-5717) …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN DAN 1. ZAWIAH BINTI ABDUL SHUKOR (NO. K/P: 570623-08-5886) 2. DATO’ DR. ABDUL RAZAK BIN KECHIK (NO. K/P: 480128-02-5625) 3. PENDAFTAR PERTUBUHAN MALAYSIA…PIHAK-PIHAK KETIGA PENGHAKIMAN Pendahuluan 08/11/2023 08:43:07 BA-A53F-13-11/2020 Kand. 80 S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 1. Plaintif adalah seorang individu dan mempunyai alamat penyampaian di Blok E-P-1, Villa Duta Condominium, Jalan Bukit Mulia 2/1, Taman Bukit Antarabangsa, 68000 Ampang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 2. Defendan pertama adalah seorang individu dan mempunyai alamat penyampaian di No. 15, Jalan 1/8B, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. 3. Defendan kedua adalah seorang individu dan alamat penyampaian di Lot 5229-10, Batu 26 ½, Kampung Jenderam Hilir, 43800 Dengkil, Selangor. 4. Pihak Ketiga Pertama juga adalah seorang individu dan mempunyai alamat penyampaian di Ibu Pejabat Briged-Briged Malaysia (“BBM”) di No. 92, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. PKP juga adalah mantan Setiausaha Agung BBM Kebangsaan. 5. Pihak Ketiga Kedua juga adalah seorang individu dan mempunyai alamat penyampaian di No. 74, Kg Melayu, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor dan merupakan Presiden Briged Bakti Malaysia. Pihak Ketiga Kedua tidak memasukkan sebarang kehadiran terhadap Notis Pihak Ketiga yang difailkan oleh defendan-defendan. 6. Pihak Ketiga Ketiga ialah Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia yang bertugas di Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia dan mempunyai alamat penyampaian di Aras 8 & 9, Blok D7, Kompleks D, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7. Defendan-defendan walau bagaimanapun telah memfailkan Notis Pemberhentian bertarikh 9.3.2021 terhadap Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia yang dinamakan sebagai Pihak Ketiga Ketiga. 8. Melalui saman dan pernyataan tuntutan plaintif bertarikh 23.11.2020, plaintif mendakwa bahawa pada 31.8.2020 defendan pertama dan defendan kedua (“defendan-defendan”) telah bersama-sama mengarang dan menerbitkan fitnah yang merujuk kepada plaintif melalui surat rasmi Briged Bakti Malaysia Cawangan Selangor (“BBMS”) yang dihantar kepada Presiden Briged Bakti Malaysia (“BBM”), Dato Dr. Abdul Razak b. Kechik dan disalinkan kepada seluruh cawangan utama BBM termasuk Yayasan Al-Khalifah yang merupakan majikan plaintif. 9. Defendan-defendan pula dalam pembelaan mereka menafikan tuntutan plaintif dan memfailkan Notis Pihak Ketiga terhadap Pihak Ketiga Pertama dan Pihak Ketiga Kedua dan Pihak Ketiga Ketiga. 10. Semasa perbicaraan, plaintif dan Pihak Ketiga Pertama (“PKP”) telah memanggil empat (4) orang saksi memberi keterangan iaitu Noor Syahida Binti Shaharuddin (SP1), Nur Nadhirah Binti Abdul Majid (SP2), Zawiah Binti Abdul Shukor (SP3) dan Rozita Binti Mohd Fajar Ali (SP4) 11. Defendan-defendan pula memanggil dua (2) orang saksi iaitu Habibullah Bin Bakhtiar (SD1) dan Romli Bin Ishak (SD2). Prinsip undang-undang S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12. Berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang, plaintif perlu membuktikan elemen-elemen tort fitnah yang didakwa dilakukan oleh tdefendan-defendan. Dalam kes Ayob Saud v Ts Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 CLJ 152 Mahkamah telah menyatakan elemen-elemen tersebut seperti berikut: In our law on libel, which is governed by the Defamation Act 1957, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff to show (1) the words are defamatory; (2) the words refer to the plaintiff; and (3) the words were published. 13. Dalam kes Raub Australian Gold Mining v Hue Shieh Lee [2019] 3 CLJ 729 Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa elemen-elemen di atas perlulah dipenuhi dan dibuktikan oleh plaintif terlebih dahulu sebelum beban bukti untuk membangkitkan pembelaan beralih kepada defendan. KEPUTUSAN MAHKAMAH Sama ada kandungan surat tersebut merujuk kepada plaintif dan telah diterbitkan? 14. Sama ada kandungan surat tersebut merujuk kepada plaintif dan telah diterbitkan, kandungan surat tersebut mengandungi butir-butir seperti berikut: MEMORANDUM GESAAN: MENUBUHKAN SUATU JAWATANKUASA SIASATAN PENYALAHGUNAAN KUASA DAN PELANGGARAN ATURAN PERLEMBAGAAN BRIGED BAKTI MALAYSIA (BBM) OLEH: 1. ROZITA BINTI MOHD FAJAR No. KP 630910-08-5012 S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2. ZAWIAH BINTI ABDUL SHUKOR No. KP 570623-08-5886 2. Gesaaan ini dibuat kerana BBM Selangor telah mendapati bahawa kedua dua individu yang berkenaan telah terlibat dan bersubahat terhadap perkara perkara berikut: a. Salahguna Kuasa Dan Peraturan Kerja Pertubuhan BBM: i. Kedua-dua pemegang jawatan BBM Pusat iaitu Cik Rozita Binti Mohd Fajar Ali dan Puan Zawiah Binti Abdul Shukor telah dengan sengaja tanpa kebenaran; 1. Memproses borang keahlian BBM Selangor; 2. Meluluskan permohonan keahlian BBM; dan 3. Memuatnaik data keahlian BBM Selangor. Kedua-dua individu ini telah melakukan kesalahan demikian walaupun mereka menyedari dan memahami bahawa kerja-kerja tersebut bukannya didalam skop tugas hakiki mereka yang dibenarkan oleh Perlembagaan BBM kepada mereka berdua dan juga, mereka berdua tidak pernah diberikan kebenaran melakukan kerja-kerja tersebut oleh BBM Selangor... b. Memunggut wang yuran Pemohon Keahilan BBM Selangor: i. Kedua-dua pemegang jawatan BBM Pusat iaitu Cik Rozita Binti Mohd Fajar Ali dan Puan Zawiah Binti Abdul Shukor telah dengan sengaja memungut wang yuran Pemohon Keahlian BBM Selangor (daripada kira-kira 79 orang pemohon) secara tidak sah, dan menyembunyikan maklumat wang yuran tersebut daripada Bendahari BBM Cawangan Selangor...Wang tersebut dimaklumkan telah dimasukkan akaun BBM Pusat, bukannya BBM Selangor. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Sayugia diingatkan bahawa Tindakan Mengambil Milik dan Menahan Yuran Keahlian BBM yang dipungut atas nama BBM Cawangan Negeri Selangor adalah suatu pelanggaran terhadap AKTA PERTUBUHAN 1966 FASAL 9 (f) dan merupakan kesalahan yang boleh didakwa dimahkamah dan diseksa". c. Memalsukan Maklumat Rasmi Keahlian BBM Selangor i. Kedua-dua pemegang jawatan BBM Pusat berkenaan iaitu Cik Rozita Binti Mohd Fajar Ali dan Puan Zawiah Binti Abdul Shukor telah dengan sedar dan sengaja memalsukan rekod Keahlian BBM Negeri Selangor di mana mereka berdua telah memuatnaik (upload) atau mengarahkan kerja memuatnaik rekod Keahlian Pemohon BBM Selangor yang belum diluluskan, didalam sistem rekod Keahlian BBM". 7. Hasil makluman yang kami terima serta siasatan yang dibuat, adalah dipercayai bahawa kerja-kerja pemalsuan keahlian BBM Selangor melalui tindakan MEMPROSES, MELULUS dan MEMUATNAIK (upload) NAMA AHLI KE DALAM SISTEM REKOD KEAHLIAN BBM ini dilakukan bersama secara sedar oleh: a. Cik Rozita bt Mohd Fajar Ali; No. KP: 630910-08-5012 yang mengaku dirinya sebagai CEO BBM dan telah mengarahkan kakitangan perkeranian BBM yang berkaitan memuatnaik nama- nama tersebut kedalam sistem rekod keahlian BBM. 8. Urutan dari kerja kerja pemalsuan keahlian BBM ini, pihak Urusetia BBM Selangor telah mengesan melalui aduan awam dan mendapati penyamaran diri yang sangat membahayakan BBM Selangor oleh dua orang “ahli tidak sah” iaitu yang bernama: S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal a. PRABAKARAN A/L KESAVAN, No. KP 680810-08-6603- yang menyamar diri sebagai Pengarah Bantuan dan Sumbangan Korporat BBM Selangor dengan memakai Pangkat Lt Kol (BBM). Serta b. MUZIZAT BIN ABD MANAN, No. KP: 760406145071- yang menyamar diri sebagai Timbalan Pengarah BANTUAN dan SUMBANGAN KORPORAT BBM Selangor dan memakai pangkat MAJ (BBM). 10. Urutan dari pemalsuan keahlian (ketika aduan dibuat kepada Urusetia BBM Selangor) dan penyamaran ini juga, Pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia telah menghubungi Urusetia BBM Negeri Selangor dan memaklumkan mengenai beberapa rekod jenayah orang yang berkenaan yang juga sedang diburu oleh pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia. 16. Sehingga menanti keputusan JK Siasatan, BBM Selangor menuntut supaya kedua dua ahli BBM tersebut iaitu Cik Rozita binti Mohd Fajar Ali dan Puan Zawiyah binti Abdul Shukor digantung tugas di dalam BBM, serta merta dan jika didapati bersalah, Mesyuarat AJK Pusat BBM hendaklah memecat keahlian kedua-dua mereka dari BBM” (Secara kolektif dirujuk sebagai “pengataan-pengataan tersebut”). 15. Ternyata defendan-defendan telah merujuk kepada plaintif dan PKP dengan menamakan plaintif dan PKP secara peribadi. Oleh itu, adalah jelas dan tiada keraguan bahawa plaintif dan PKP adalah individu-individu yang dirujuk dalam Memorandum tersebut. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16. Defendan-defendan sendiri turut mengakui semasa pemeriksaan balas bahawa Memorandum tersebut berserta kandungan dan pengataan- pengataan di dalamnya adalah merujuk secara khusus kepada plaintif dan PKP. Sama ada pengataan-pengataan tersebut disebarkan kepada Pihak Ketiga? 17. Memorandum tersebut dihantar kepada Presiden BBM Kebangsaan dan disalinkan kepada Yayasan Khalifah yang merupakan majikan plaintif dan Tetuan Saiful Kasri & Associates. 18. Defendan kedua dalam pembelaannya menafikan bahawa beliau terlibat dalam membuat hantaran ke dalam kumpulan Whatsapp BBM Kebangsaan tersebut tetapi sebaliknya defendan pertama yang bertanggungjawab membuat hantaran tersebut kepada Pihak Ketiga. 19. Mahkamah mendapati bahawa tiada keraguan bahawa Memorandum tersebut telah disebarkan kepada ahli dan jawatan kuasa BBM dan Yayasan Khalifah 20. Defendan-defendan juga bertindak membuat hantaran Memorandum tersebut dalam kumpulan Whatsapp BBM Kebangsaan pada 18.9.2020 yang mempunyai 145 ahli termasuk plaintif dan PKP di dalamnya. Ini diakui sendiri oleh defendan pertama semasa pemeriksaan balas. 21. Tiada keraguan bahawa defendan pertama dan kedua adalah pengarang bersama Memorandum tersebut yang telah disebarkan. Ini S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal dibuktikan melalui tandatangan kedua-dua defendan pertama dan kedua pada Memorandum tersebut. 22. Defendan pertama dan kedua mengakui bahawa mereka sememangnya mengarang dan menandatangani Memorandum tersebut. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati defendan pertama dan defendan kedua telah menyebarkan pengataan-pengataan di dalam Memorandum tersebut kepada Pihak Ketiga. Sama ada pengataan-pengataan tersebut mengandungi fitnah? 23. Sama ada pengataan-pengataan tersebut mengandungi fitnah, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa Presiden BBM Dato Dr Abdul Razak telah memaklumkan kepada mesyuarat bahawa beliau telah memberikan jawapan bertarikh 14.9.2020 kepada defendan pertama dan defendan kedua dan menyangkal dakwaan tersebut dan menyatakan bahawa tomahan- tomahan yang dibuat terhadap plaintif dan PKP adalah tidak berasas dan tidak benar. 24. Seperti yang direkodkan dalam mesyuarat bertarikh 3.10.2020, walaupun jawapan sudah diberikan oleh Presiden BBM, Memorandum yang membuat dakwaan tersebut masih ditularkan di WAG BBM Kebangsaan pada 18.9.2020 jam 15:05pm. 25. Minit mesyuarat tersebut bertarikh 3.10.2020 telah merekodkan seperti berikut: 5.0 Hal-hal Lain S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5.1 YDP Terengganu membawa perhatian mesyuarat bahawa AJKP perlu bertindak atas ‘Memorandum Gesaan’ yang membuat tuduhan yang serius dan berat terhadap AJKP, iaitu Rozita binti Mohd Fajar Ali dan SUA Zawiah binti Abdul Shukor, yang sudah ditularkan dalam grup WA Kebangsaan, grup YDP negeri-negeri dan juga Yayasan Al-Khalifah (Perdana utama BBM dan majikan bagi Cik Rozita, selaku CEO Yayasan Al-Khalifah.) TDP Pahang juga memberitahu mesyuarat bahawa beliau pun telah menerima memorandum tersebut. Pengerusi mesyuarat, Presiden BBM Dato Dr Abdul Razak memaklumkan kepada mesyuarat sebagai Presiden BBM, bahawa beliau telah memberikan jawapan bertarikh 14 September kepada Tn Habibullah bin Bakhtiar dan Datuk Romli bin Ishak, kedua penuduh yang menulis dan menyebar Memorandum tersebut untuk menyangkal dakwaan tersebut, bahawa tomahan-tomahan yang dibuat tidak berasas dan tidak benar. Walaupun jawapan sudah diberikan, Memorandum yang membuat dakwaan yang berat itu masih ditularkan di WAG BBM Kebangsaan pada 18 September (Jam 15:05). Cik Rozita, sebagai ahli AJK BBM Pusat, dan CEO Yayasan Al-Khalifah, mengambil berat tentang tuduhan-tuduhan yang berunsur fitnah (termasuk pemalsuaan/fraud, mengutip duit yuran dll) yang sangat ketara mencemar reputasinya dan reputasi SUA Zawiyah Abdul Shukor. Dia juga tidak ada bantahan jika AJKP menubuhkan jawatankuasa sisatan atas tuduhan- tuduhan berat ini, dan memaklumkan kepada mesyuarat akan segala tuduhan ini adalah tidak benar sama sekali dan menganggap memorandum ini adalah fitnah yang besar terhadap dia dan terhadap SUA Pn Zawiah Abdul Shukor. Memandangkan jawapan Presiden yang bertarikh 14 September 2020 tidak diambil endah oleh penuduh-penuduh, malah tuduhan itu ditularkan juga, S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal maka mesyuarat mengambil maklum bahawa Cik Rozita akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas kedua-dua penuduh ini: Tn Habibullah bin Bakhtiar dan Datuk Romli bin Ishak. Menurut beliau, kalau jawapan Presiden BBM tidak mencukupi, penuduh-penuduh akan dituntut untuk membuktikan tuduhan-tuduhan yang dibuat sewenang2nya itu di hadapan hakim mahkamah. Tetapi adalah lebih wajar penuduh-penuduh lebih takut berhadapan dengan Allah SWT atas fitnah yang disebarkan. Tindakan: SUA akan memberikan cabutan minit ini kepada penuduh dan postkan kepada grup WA AJKP Keputusan: Presiden memaklumkan bahawa lantikan TDP BBM Selangor yang dibuat pada 15 Februari 2020 tidak sah. Oleh itu, Dato’ Seri Paduka Ramle bin Mat Dali dilantik sebagai Pemangku BBM Selangor sehingga Mesyuarat Agung akan datang. Perkara ini menepati Perlembagaan BBM. 26. Berdasarkan kepada pengesahan individu tertinggi iaitu Presiden BBM dan direkodkan dalam minit mesyurat, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa plaintif-plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan, atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa pengataan-pengataan yang terkandung dalam Memorandum tersebut adalah tidak benar dan bermaksud secara biasa dan adalah fitnah terhadap plaintif-plaintif. Pembelaan defendan-defendan 27. Berdasarkan kepada kes Raub Australian Gold Mining (supra) apabila elemen-elemen fitnah libel telah dipenuhi dan dibuktikan oleh plaintif, maka beban bukti untuk membangkitkan pembelaan beralih kepada defendan. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28. Berkenaan tuntutan plaintif, defendan-defendan telah bergantung kepada pembelaan-pembelaan justifikasi (plea of justification), komen berpatutan (fair comment) dan kepentingan awam. 29. Dalam pembelaan dan tuntutan balas defendan-defendan, mereka mendakwa bahawa mereka telah menjalankan siasatan dan mendapati bahawa plaintif dan PKP terlibat dalam salah laku dan jenayah yang melibatkan BBM. Defendan-defendan secara bersama-sama telah mengarang Memorandum tersebut dengan niat supaya Presiden BBM menyiasat perkara tersebut. 30. Merujuk kepada kes Noor Asiah Bte Mahmood v Randhir Singh [2000] 5 CLJ 407) Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa prinsip undang-undang bagi fitnah “libel” adalah jelas bahawa suatu pengataan fitnah (libel) tidak bergantung kepada niat pengarang/pemfitnah pengataan tersebut. 31. Oleh itu, niat dan tujuan defendan-defendan bukan satu isu yang perlu diberi pertimbangan oleh Mahkamah. Isu yang penting ialah sama ada pengataan-pengataan dalam Memorandum tersebut secara sifat semulajadinya boleh terjumlah kepada fitnah terhadap plaintif dan PKP. 32. Meneliti kepada penggunaan bahasa pengataan-pengataan dalam Memorandum tersebut, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa sekiranya dibaca, adalah difahami bahawa pengataan-pengataan dalam Memorandum tersebut membawa kepada tuduhan-tuduhan berat terhadap plaintif dan PKP. Pengataan-pengataan tersebut bukanlah suatu aduan sepertimana yang dibangkitkan oleh defendan-defendan dalam pembelaan mereka. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33. Sekiranya benar terdapat siasatan dijalankan seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Memorandum tersebut, Mahkamah mendapati tiada bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa defendan-defendan pernah, sebelum penerbitan fitnah tersebut pada 31.8.2020, mendapatkan atau cuba untuk mendapatkan klarifikasi dan penjelasan daripada plaintif dan PKP sendiri berhubung dengan tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut. Sebaliknya defendan-defendan terus menerbitkan Memorandum tersebut. 34. Oleh yang demikian, pembelaan defendan-defendan untuk justifikasi penerbitan dan penerbitan semula pengataan-pengataan fitnah tersebut yang didakwa berdasarkan siasatan mereka yang diterbitkan dan disebarkan kepada PIhak Ketiga gagal dibuktikan oleh defendan-defendan. 35. Plaintif dan PKP berhujah bahawa defendan-defendan langsung tiada berniat untuk mengesahkan kebenaran pengataan-pengataan mereka sendiri dan hanya berniat untuk bersama-sama mengarang dan menerbitkan serta menyebarkan pengataan-pengataan fitnah tersebut berhubung plaintif dan PKP. 36. Walaupun plaintif dan PKP menafikan penglibatan mereka seperti pengataan-pengataan dalam Memorandum tersebut, defendan-defendan tidak pernah dalam mana-mana pliding mereka mahupun semasa perbicaraan mengemukakan bukti-bukti atau keterangan berhubung dengan penglibatan plaintif dan PKP dalam salah laku dan jenayah yang didakwa oleh mereka. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37. Defendan-defendan sebenarnya tidak mempunyai apa-apa pembelaan terhadap tuntutan plaintif dan oleh itu memfailkan Notis Pihak Ketiga yang sebenarnya tidak ada kena mengena dengan tuduhan defendan-defendan. Pihak Ketiga Kedua langsung tidak terlibat dalam mengarang, menerbitkan dan menyebarkan Memorandum tersebut malah Memorandum tersebut ditujukan kepada Pihak Ketiga Kedua. 38. Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pembelaan justifikasi dan komen berpatutan gagal dibuktikan memandangkan tidak ada kebenaran dalam pengataan-pengataan defendan-defendan dalam Memorandum tersebut. Plaintif dan PKP sebenarnya tidak terlibat dalam memproses dan memuatnaik senarai keahlian, memalsukan keahlian serta memungut yuran keahlian secara tidak sah seperti yang didakwa oleh defendan-defendan. 39. Dalam kes City Team Media Sdn Bhd v Saravanan Murugan [2020] 1 LNS 1906, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa pembelaan komen berpatutan tidak boleh digunakan terhadap defendan yang gagal mematuhi keperluan di bawah Aturan 78 Kaedah 3 (2) KKM. 40. Pengataan-pengataan yang diterbitkan oleh defendan-defendan tersebut bukanlah komen tetapi penegasan fakta yang jelas tanpa bukti bahawa plaintif dan PKP telah mengutip yuran keahlian secara menyalahi undang-undang, memalsukan senarai keahlian atau mengarahkan kakitangannya untuk memuat naik ahli yang tidak diluluskan atau membenarkan ahli baru yang mempunyai rekod jenayah menyusup masuk ke dalam BBM. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41. Berkenaan pembelaan defendan-defendan berdasarkan kepentingan awam, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa hal ehwal dalaman BBM yang dirujuk dalam pengataan-pengataan dalam Memorandum tersebut bukan kepentingan awam. Sekiranya defendan-defendan mempercayai pengataan- pengataan merekat, mereka sepatutnya membuat laporan polis memandangkan dakwaan defendan-defendan merupakan kesalahan di bawah Kanun Keseksaan dan Akta Pertubuhan yang boleh dihukum dengan hukuman penjara. 42. Oleh itu, pembelaan defendan-defendan bahawa Memorandum tersebut adalah berdasarkan kepada kepentingan awam gagal dibuktikan oleh defendan-defendan. Lain-lain isu. 43. Berhubung keahlian defendan pertama dan defendan kedua dalam Briged Bakti Malaysia Negeri Selangor (“BBMS”) yang menggambarkan mereka adalah Setiausaha dan Pengerusi BBMS, mereka bukanlah ahli BBMS berdasarkan surat Presiden bertarikh 14.9.2020 yang jelas menyatakan bahawa Briged Bakti Malaysia (“BBM”) tidak mengiktiraf pelantikan mereka sebagai AJK Kanan BBMS. 44. Kandungan surat President diperturunkan di sini. Saya dengan hormatnya merujuk kepada perkara di atas dan ingin memaklumkan bahawa saya tidak perlu melayan surat Dato’/tuan kerana BBM tidak mengiktiraf pelantikan tuan sebagai AJK Kanan BBMN Selangor. Tuan menyatakan tuan menjunjung perlembagaan BBM, tetapi hakikatnya S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal tidak. Mengikut perlembagaan BBM, Yang Dipertua, Setiausaha dan Bendahari Negeri dilantik oleh Presiden tetapi pihak tuan telah membelakangkan presiden dalam perlantikan penyandang-penyandang ini. 45. Perenggan 3 surat Presiden menegaskan bahawa kuasa jawatankuasa BBMS telah luput tarikh dan pelantikan jawatankuasa baru termasuk defendan-defendan sebagai Setiausaha dan Pengerusi BBMS tidak sah: 3. Isu pihak pusat memproseskan borang keahlian BBM Selangor. Tuan sedia maklum tempoh kuasa JK BBMN Selangor yang lalu adalah untuk sesi 2017-2019. Pada tahun 2019 BBMN Selangor tidak mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunannya (MAT) untuk melantik JK baru. Ini telah disahkan oleh ROS Negeri Selangor dan seorang mantan ahli EXCO Kanan BBM Selangor sesi tersebut. Mengikut ROS dan penasihat undang-undang kami, JK untuk sesi tersebut tidak lagi berfungsi dan kuasa yang ada hanya diberi kepada mantan Setiausaha untuk memanggil MAT sahaja. Saya telah mengarahkan mantan Setiausaha Agung untuk menghubungi mantan Setiausaha BBM Selangor bagi mengatur MAT untuk tahun 2020 mengikut perlembagaan BBM. Walau bagaimanapun, arahan saya tidak dilaksanakan dan pihak BBMN Selangor telah mengadakan MAT tanpa pengetahuan saya. Saya patut hadir dalam MAT ini kerana pertama, saya adalah ahli BBMN Selangor tetapi tidak dijemput (ramai lagi ahli yang tidak dijemput) dan kedua saya selaku Presiden yang mempunyai hak untuk melantik 3 orang pegawai EXCO Kanan BBM Selangor memandangkan MAT kali ini ada lantikan JK. 46. Defendan-defendan sendiri mengaku semasa pemerisaan balas bahawa nama mereka tidak wujud dalam senarai keahlian BBMS pada tahun tahun 2017 sehingga tahun 2020. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 47. Berkenaan isu dua (2) individu yang mengutip dana menggunakan nama BBMS, Presiden menyatakan melalui suratnya bertarikh 14.9.2020 bahawa perkara ini telah selesai di mana BBM telah dihubungi oleh pihak polis dan kedua-dua individu tersebut telahpun meletakkan jawatan dan keahlian BBM mereka. 48. Berkenaan isu keahlian baru BBMS, Presiden juga dalam surat yang sama bertarikh 14.9.2020 menyatakan bahawa BBM Pusat telah menguruskan kemasukan ahli baru BBMS memandangkan BBMS tidak lagi berfungsi ketika iselaras dengan Perlembagaan BBM. 49. Dalam keterangannya, defendan pertama menyatakan bahawa beliau telah menemubual staf BBM Pusat tetapi beliau tidak mengemukakan sebarang bukti. Ternyata defendan pertama hanyalah mengeluarkan kenyataan kosong semata-mata tanpa bukti sokongan. 50. Defendan-defendan sendiri yang mana adalah jelas telah menandatangani Memorandum tersebut. Plaintif dan PKP juga menghujahkan bahawa perbuatan defendan-defendan menggunakan kepala surat (letterhead) BBMS adalah dengan niat jahat (malice) untuk memberikan kesan dan impak maksimum berhubung pengataan-pengataan fitnah didalamnya terhadap plaintif dan PKP. 51. SP2 dalam keterangannya menjelaskan bahawa ketika defendan pertama menghubunginya berkenaan muatnaik keahlian BBMS, SP2 menjawab perkara ini adalah atas arahan Ahli Jawatankuasa BBM Pusat termasuk Presiden. SP2 menjelaskan bahawa beliau menyebut nama S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal plaintif dan PKP hanya kerana didesak oleh defendan pertama dan sekadar ingin menamatkanperbualan kerana didesak oleh defendan pertama dan bukan mengesahkan plaintif yang memuatnaik keahlian BBMS tersebut. 52. Sekiranya benar defendan-defendan berniat baik, mereka tidak perlu menyebut dan merujuk nama plaintif dan PKP jika mereka sendiri tidak pasti dan memohon siasatan dijalankan ke atas plaintif dan PKP. 53. Malahan defendan-defendan mempertikaikan surat Presiden bertarikh 14.9.2020 atas alasan ianya pra-matang dan tidak memadai diputuskan oleh Presiden tetapi harus diputuskan melalui penubuhan jawatankuasa siasatan seperti yang digesa. Walau bagaimanapun, defendan-defendan kini bergantung kepada surat Presiden bertarikh 14.9.2020 untuk membenarkan dakwaan-dakwaan mereka terhadap plaintif dan PKP. 54. Plaintif dan PKP berhujah bahawa defendan-defendan tidak boleh blowing hot and cold dan approbate and reprobate terhadap surat balasan Presiden bertarikh 14.9.2020 apabila mempertikaikan surat tersebut dan kemudiannya bergantung kepada yang sama untuk mempertahankan tuntutan mereka (lihat Boustead Trading Sdn Bhd V Arab Malaysia Merchant Bank Berhad [1995] 4 CLJ 283) 55. Semasa pemeriksaan balas, PKP menyatakan surat tersebut telah dihantar kepada defendan-defendan pada 14.9.2020. Oleh itu, dakwaan defendan-defendan bahawa surat tersebut tidak dihantar kepada mereka adalah dakwaan kosong semata-mata. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 56. Semasa pemeriksaan balas, defendan pertama bersetuju bahawa plaintif tidak terlibat dalam memproses keahlian seperti yang didakwa dalam Memorandum tersebut. Notis Pihak Ketiga 57. Berdasarkan kepada keterangan di Mahkamah, Mahkamah mendapati defendan-defendan gagal membuktikan bahawa mereka berhak kepada indemniti atau sumbangan daripada Pihak Ketiga seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah Aturan 16 Kaedah 1 (a) KKM 2012. 58. PKP ialah Setiausaha Agung BBM manakala Pihak Ketiga Kedua ialah Presiden BBM dan Pihak Ketiga Ketiga ialah Pendaftar Pertubuhan. Mereka langsung tiada kaitan dengan fitnah libel yang dikarang bersama dan diterbitkan oleh defendan-defendan berkenaan plaintif dan PKP. 59. Tiada perkaitan atau nexus dalam undang-undang untuk sebarang kemungkinan indemniti atau sumbangan oleh Pihak Ketiga untuk fitnah libel yang dilakukan oleh defendan-defendan terhadap plaintif dan PKP Ganti rugi 60. Mahkamah telah memutuskan bahawa plaintif telah memenuhi tiga (3) elemen utama yang dinyatakan dalam kes Ayob Saud (supra). 61. Mahkamah bersetuju bahawa pengataan-pengataan fitnah tersebut telah merosakkan reputasi plaintif dan PKP berdasarkan respon dan maklumbalas dalam kalangan ahli kumpulan Whatsapp BBM Kebangsaan S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal yang berlarutan selama beberapa hari. Malah, isu ini juga telah dibangkitkan oleh YDP Terengganu dalam mesyuarat bertarikh 3.10.2020. 62. Berdasarkan bukti dokumen dan keterangan saksi bahawa reputasi plaintif dan PKP sememangnya terjejas dan tercemar. Pengataan- pengataan dalam Memorandum tersebut adalah pengataan yang membawa maksud perbuatan jenayah oleh plaintif dan PKP. 63. Semasa pemeriksaan balas, plaintif menyatakan bahawa kumpulan Whatsapp BBM Kebangsaan bukan kumpulan tertutup atau confidential tetapi sebaliknya adalah untuk semua ahli BBM termasuk penderma. Oleh itu, penerbitan oleh defendan-defendan adalah penerbitan kepada orang awam atau pihak ketiga lain yang bukan sebahagian daripada BBM Pusat seperti yang didakwa oleh defendan-defendan. 64. Adalah jelas dan self-evident bahwa Memorandum tersebut tidak dipadam dan masih kekal disitu berdasarkan tangkap layar kumpulan Whatsapp BBM Kebangsaan. 65. Dalam kes Dato’ Kamaruzaman Muhammad Arif v Rasidah Abdul Rahman [2023] 7 CLJ 19 Mahkamah Tinggi telah membenarkan tuntutan plaintif dan menetapkan ganti rugi sebanyak RM200,000.00 dibayar oleh defendan kepoada plaintif di mana plaintif merupakan seorang peguambela dan peguamcara dan merupakan senior partner firma guaman Kamaruzaman Arif Amran & Chong. 66. Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan pengataan-pengataan melalui surat rayuan defendan bertarikh 23.02.2016 yang ditulis kepada Menteri Besar S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal Selangor pada masa itu iaitu Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin bin Ali merupakan pengataan-pengataan fitnah dan defendan gagal membangkitkan apa-apa pembelaan bermerit. 67. Plaintif dan PKP berhujah bahawa tingkah laku defendan-defendan terhadap plaintif dan PKP sepanjang perbicaraan tidak menunjukkan penyesalan dan adalah wajar mereka diberikan gantirugi yang setimpal untuk membersihkan nama dan reputasi mereka. 68. Mahkamah bersetuju bahawa nama dan reputasi plaintf dan PKP telah tercemar dan pengataan-pengataan fitnah telah tersebar kepada pihak ketiga dalam jumlah yang besar. 69. Mahkamah juga bersetuju bahawa defendan-defendan tidak menunjukkan sebarang penyesalan dan pengataan-pengataan fitnah yang disebarkan tidak dipadamkan oleh defendan-defendan. 70. Walaupun jawapan sudah diberikan, Memorandum yang membuat dakwaan yang berat itu masih ditularkan di WAG BBM Kebangsaan pada 18 September (Jam 15:05). 71. Dalam minit mesyuarat bertarikh 3.10.2020, telah direkodkan bahawa plaintif mengambil berat tentang tuduhan-tuduhan yang berunsur fitnah (termasuk pemalsuaan/fraud, mengutip duit yuran dll) yang sangat ketara mencemar reputasinya dan reputasi SUA Zawiyah Abdul Shukor. Malahan plaintif juga tiada bantahan jika AJKP menubuhkan jawatankuasa sisatan atas tuduhan-tuduhan berat terhadap beliau dan memaklumkan kepada mesyuarat akan segala tuduhan ini adalah tidak benar sama sekali dan S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal menganggap memorandum ini adalah fitnah yang besar terhadap dia dan terhadap SUA Pn Zawiah Abdul Shukor. 72. Minit mesyuarat tersebut juga merekodkan bahawa memandangkan jawapan Presiden yang bertarikh 14.10.2020 tidak diambil endah oleh defendan-defendan malah tuduhan itu ditularkan juga, maka mesyuarat mengambil maklum bahawa plaintif akan mengambil tindakan undang- undang ke atas defendan-defendan. Sekiranya jawapan Presiden BBM tidak mencukupi, defendan-defendan akan dituntut untuk membuktikan tuduhan- tuduhan yang dibuat di hadapan hakim mahkamah. Tetapi adalah lebih wajar defendan-defendan lebih takut berhadapan dengan Allah SWT atas fitnah yang disebarkan. 73. Mnit mesyuarat tersebut juga merekodkan tindakan SUA akan memberikan cabutan minit ini kepada penuduh dan postkan kepada grup WA AJKP. 74. Adalah jelas bahawa defendan-defendan tidak menunjukkan sebarang kekesalan atau keinsafan di atas penyataan-penyataan fitnah terhadap plaintif. Malahan, defendan-defendan membela diri terhadap tuntutan plaintif dan seterusnya memfailkan prosiding Pihak Ketiga terhadap PKP dan PKK tanpa sebarang asas. 75. Oleh itu, berdasarkan kepada tingkah laku defendan-defendan dan kegagalan defendan-defendan untuk membuktikan pembelaan defendan- defendan, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa ganti rugi yang setimpal akibat kerosakan reputasi plaintif wajar dibayar oleh defendan-defendan kepada plaintif. S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 76. Dalam masa yang sama, Mahkamah mengambilkira bahawa Memorandum tersebut dihantar kepada kumpulan Whatsapp BBM Kebangsaan pada 18.9.2020 yang hanya mempunyai 145 ahli termasuk plaintif dan PKP di dalamnya. Oleh itu, penyebarannya hanyalah dalam kalangan ahli BBM sahaja. Kesimpulan 77. Berdasarkan kepada alasan-alasan yang diperjelaskan di atas, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan, di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, kes plaintif terhadap defendan-defendan. 78. Oleh itu, Mahkamah memutuskan tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan- defendan dibenarkan dan defendan-defendan diperintah secara bersesama membayar ganti rugi am kepada plaintif berjumlah RM120,000.00, faedah 5% setahun atas jumlah penghakiman bermula dari tarikh saman difailkan sehingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh. 79. Berkenaan tuntutan defendan-defendan terhadap PKP dan PKK, Mahkamah mendapati defendan-defendan telah gagal membuktikan, di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, kes defendan-defendan terhadap PKP dan PKK 80. Oleh itu, Mahkamah memutuskan tuntutan defendan-defendan terhadap PKP dan PKK ditolak dengan kos. 81. Berkenaan kos perbicaraan, defendan-defendan bertanggungan secara bersesama membayar kos perbicaraan yang ditetapkan berjumlah S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal RM25,000.00 kepada plaintif, RM15,000 kepada Pihak Ketiga Pertama dan tiada kos terhadap Pihak Ketiga Kedua memandangkan tiada kehadiran difailkan oleh Pihak Ketiga Kedua. Bertarikh pada 5 Oktober 2023, ………s.g.d…….. (ISHAK BIN BAKRI) Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Pihak-Pihak: Rosnida Che Ibrahim bersama Siti Nor Azwani (Tetuan Shahabudin & Rozima) b/p plaintif dan Pihak Ketiga Ku Amirul Faiz Kuseman bersama Wan Shaifudin Ab Wahid (Tetuan Kama & Wan) bb/p defendan-defendan S/N Pkbjcrgs7U6U1qosUaMdtw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
Civil Appeal - The appellant (plaintiff) brought an action for defamation against the respondent (defendant) in relation to words written and published by the respondent in an online news portal known as 'Malaysiakini High Court dismissed the appellant's claim with costs on four grounds as follows:(i) The contents of the impugned words were not capable of bearing the defamatory meaning pleaded by the appellant and hence not defamatory of the appellant.(ii) The contents of the impugned words were capable of bearing the lesser meaning pleaded by the respondent(iii) The respondent have successfully proven his defence of justification in that the lesser meaning were substantially true and justified.(iv) The respondent have successfully proven his defence of qualified privilege in that he had a duty to make the impugned article to the public at large and the public had a right to receive the information given the 1MDB scandal is a case of public interest.Court of Appeal dismissed the appellant's appeal and found there was no error of law or fact warranting appellate intervention - Court of Appeal held the impugned words was proved to be substantially true and justified - It must necessarily follow that if the plaintiff's reputation is injured, it was due to his own conduct - In the event the Court of Appeal are wrong on the issue of liability, the plaintiff would be entitled to nominal damages in the sum of RM10,000.00.
YA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Gunalan A/L MuniandyYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin
1 IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF MALAYSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) CIVIL APPEAL NO.W-02 (W)-949-05/2022 BETWEEN MOHAMED APANDI BIN ALI - APPELLANT AND LIM KIT SIANG - RESPONDENT [In the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur Civil Suit No.WA-23CY-37-07/2019 Between Mohamed Apandi bin Ali - Plaintiff And Lim Kit Siang - Defendant] CORAM: HADHARIAH BINTI SYED ISMAIL, JCA M.GUNALAN, JCA AZMI BIN ARIFFIN, JCA 07/11/2023 08:09:10 W-02(W)-949-05/2022 Kand. 42 S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 JUDGMENT OF THE COURT Introduction [1] The appellant (plaintiff) brought an action for defamation against the respondent (defendant) in relation to words written and published by the respondent in an online news portal known as ‘Malaysiakini.” [2] To succeed in his claim for defamation, the appellant had to prove three elements as follows: (i) The words are defamatory; (ii) It referred to him; and (iii) It was published, that is, communicated, to a third party. See: Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd & Ors v Raub Autralian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd [2021] 5 ML J 79; Ayob Saud v TS Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 CL J Rep 321; Kian Lup Construction v Hongkong Bank Malaysia Bhd [2002] 7 CL J 32. [3] The respondent conceded that the words complained of refer to the appellant and that they were published to a third party. Thus, the second and third elements have been proven by the appellant. This leaves the court to decide on the first element, i.e, whether the impugned words was defamatory. The learned Judge held the words are defamatory. In this appeal, both parties have conceded that there is no challenge on this particular decision of the learned Judge and whether the words were defamatory is a non issue in this appeal. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 [4] The test whether the words complained of were defamatory of the appellant is whether the words published in their natural and ordinary meaning impute to the appellant any dishonourable or discreditable conduct or lack of integrity on his part? If the question invites an affirmative answer, then the words complained of are defamatory; see Chok Foo Choo @ Chok Kee Lian v The China Press Bhd [1990] 1 ML J 371 CA. [5] After a full trial, the High Court dismissed the appellant’s claim with costs on four grounds as follows: (i) The contents of the impugned words were not capable of bearing the defamatory meaning pleaded by the appellant and hence not defamatory of the appellant. (ii) The contents of the impugned words were capable of bearing the lesser meaning pleaded by the respondent. (iii) The respondent have successfully proven his defence of justification in that the lesser meaning were substantially true and justified. (iv) The respondent have successfully proven his defence of qualified privilege in that he had a duty to make the impugned article to the public at large and the public had a right to receive the information given the 1 MDB scandal is a case of public interest. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 [6] Aggrieved by the decision of the High Court, the appellant appealed to this court. [7] In this judgment, we shall refer to the appellant as the plaintiff and the respondent as the defendant. Background Facts [8] The plaintiff is an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya with over 45 years’ experience in the legal field. In the said period, the plaintiff had been a Magistrate; the Director of Legal Aid Bereau Kota Bahru, Kelantan; Deputy Public Prosecutor; Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Judicial Commissioner of the High Court; High Court Judge; Judge of Court of Appeal of Malaysia; Judge of the Federal Court of Malaysia and later appointed as the Attorney General of Malaysia. He held the position as Attorney General from 27.7.2015 until 4.6.2018. [9] The defendant is a Member of Parliament for the Iskandar Puteri, Johor constituency. The defendant is a well known politician who holds the position of advisor to the Democratic Action Party (DAP), a major political party in Malaysia. [10] The defendant agreed that on 6.5.2019, he had written and published an article entitled “Dangerous fallacy to think Malaysia’s on the road to integrity” in his blog and the said article was republished in an online news portal known as “Malaysiakini”. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [11] The full article (the publication) is about three pages long. The words complained of by the plaintiff relate to the last paragraph of the publication which is highlighted in bold and it reads as follows: “….I must thank Pandikar for finally identifying his role in the 1MDB scandal in his continuing attempt to whitewash the 1MDB scandal, belonging to the group referred to by the prime minister in Ipoh, who felt the Pakatan Harapan government should not continue but that the country should go back to the corrupt government of the past which made Malaysia a kleptocracy. Pandikar has turned the Sandakan by-election into a touchstone about Malaysia’s commitment to get to the bottom of the heinous 1MDB scandal and to transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation in integrity or to go back to the old corrupt ways. Former Attorney General Mohamed Apandi Ali said yesterday that concerns that ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court would affect the Federal Constitution and Malay Rulers led the Attorney General Chambers during his time to reject the treaty. This was during the BN administration. Apandi, who was appointed Attorney General in July 2015 when Abdul Gani Patail was summarily sacked from his office when word went around that Gani was preparing to charge Najib with corruption, should explain why he aided and abetted in the 1MDB scandal.” (the impugned words) [12] 1 MDB scandal is a financial scandal wherein there were allegations that the sum of RM2.6 billion deposited into the personal bank account of S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 the former prime minister, Najib Razak were monies siphoned from the sovereign wealth funds of 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a public investment fund. [13] The plaintiff, in his evidence agreed that the 1MDB scandal involves public funds. That it is a case of public interest and was widely publicized both locally and internationally. [14] The plaintiff pleads at paragraph 6 and 7 of his statement of claim that the impugned words in their natural and ordinary meaning and by innuendo are libelous against him and were understood to mean that he was: (a) A person involved in, assisted and was complicit in the 1MDB scandal; (b) A person involved in criminal activity especially in the 1MDB scandal; (c) A person devoid of any integrity and who is immoral; (d) A person devoid of the ethical nature of professional responsibility and other ethics which are important when holding the position as Attorney General of Malaysia at the material time; (e) A person who has committed abuse of power and/or omissions and/or dereliction of duty and responsibility in carrying out his duties and all responsibilities as the Attorney General of Malaysia at the material time; S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 7 (f) A person practicing double standards in carrying out and/or execution of his duties and responsibilities especially in the plaintiff’s position as Attorney General at the material time and generally as an individual; (g) A person who is incompetent, devoid of the knowledge and expertise required when holding the position as the Attorney General of Malaysia at the material time. [15] The plaintiff contended that the impugned words are not true, malicious and were written and published with an intention to tarnish his good name. He also contended that the defamatory article had undermined his dignity and credibility as the former Attorney General of Malaysia. [16] The defendant denied the impugned words were defamatory of the plaintiff. He contended that the impugned words are incapable of bearing the meaning ascribed by the plaintiff in paragraph 6 and 7 of the statement of claim. [17] The defendant pleads that the impugned words understood in the context of the publication as a whole, with or without reference to notorious events at the time of the publication of the same, would reasonably have been understood to mean (the lesser meaning): “That the plaintiff had assisted the perpetrators of the 1MDB scandal by lending himself to the cover up of wrongdoings, and had thereby abused his role as the Attorney General.” S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 8 [18] The defendant also raised the defence of justification, fair comment and qualified privilege. The Appeal [19] The plaintiff raised four (4) grounds of appeal as follows: (i) The learned High Court Judge erred in law and or fact in accepting and allowing the defendant’s lesser meaning. (ii) The learned High Court Judge erred in allowing the defendant’s defence of justification. (iii) The learned High Court Judge erred in allowing the defendant’s defence of qualified privilege. (iv) The learned High Court Judge erred in failing to award the plaintiff general damages, aggravated damages and costs. Meaning Of The Impugned Words [20] In determining whether the impugned words are capable of bearing a defamatory meaning, the primary role of the court is to focus on how the ordinary reasonable reader would construe the words. Meaning was to be determined according to how it would be understood by the ordinary reasonable reader. It was not fixed by technical, linguistically precise dictionary definitions, divorced from the context in which the statement was made; see Stocker v Stocker [2019] UKSC 17. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 9 [21] On the very same issue, the learned High Court Judge relied on the case of Chong Chieng Jen v Government of State of Sarawak & Anor [2019] 3 ML J 300 wherein the Federal Court said: “The steps of the inquiry before the court in an action for defamation was succinctly explained by Gopal Sri Ram JCA (later FCJ) in Chok Foo Choo @ Chok Kee Lian v The China Press Bhd [1999] 1 ML J (CA) ,at pp 374-375: It cannot, I think, be doubted that the first task of a court in an action for defamation is to determine whether the words complained of are capable of bearing a defamatory meaning. The ordinary and natural meaning of words may be either the literal meaning or it may be an implied or inferred or an indirect meaning: any meaning that does not require the support of extrinsic facts passing beyond general knowledge but is a meaning which is capable of being detected in the language used can be a part of the ordinary and natural meaning of words (see Lewis v Daily Telegraph Ltd [1963] 2 ALL ER 151). The ordinary and natural meaning may therefore include any implication or inference which a reasonable reader, guided not by any special but only by general knowledge and not fettered by any strict legal rules of construction..” [22] The plaintiff took offence with the words ‘aided and abetted’ in the article. In his evidence, the plaintiff said aided and abetted in the said article would surely mean that he had facilitated and assisted in the commission of a criminal offence which is untrue. He did no such thing. He also said he certainly did not assist anyone in the 1MDB matter nor did he cover up any wrongdoings. He further said he did not abuse his position as the Attorney General of Malaysia. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 10 [23] Before us, learned counsel for the plaintiff submitted that the words complained of essentially are: “Apandi… should explain why he aided and abetted in the 1MDB scandal.” It is submitted that this is a positive assertion. The words aid and abet are clear in what they mean. The normal dictionary meaning of aid and abet is used in conjunction with the commission of an offence even from the point of view of the ordinary reasonable man. They literally mean the plaintiff participated, encouraged or assisted the offenders in the wrongdoings or offences pertaining to the 1MDB scandal. But, there was not a single piece of evidence which showed that the plaintiff participated, encouraged or assisted in the 1MDB scandal. Therefore, the impugned statement is not true and had defamed the plaintiff. [24] With regard to the lesser meaning, in view of the clear meaning of the words ‘aided and abetted’, learned counsel for the plaintiff submitted: (i) there is no room for the lesser meaning; (ii) the lesser meaning is not reasonable; and (iii) the impugned words are incapable of bearing the lesser meaning. [25] Having said all that, learned counsel for the plaintiff submitted that the learned High Court Judge had erred when she failed to find that the words complained of should be ascribed their clear natural and ordinary meaning instead of applying their lesser meaning ascribed by the defendant. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 11 [26] On the other hand, learned counsel for the defendant submitted that in determining the meaning of the impugned words, the court must took into consideration of the following: (i) The impugned words must be read in whole. (ii) It is not open for the plaintiff to select words of the sentence. (iii) The impugned words must be read in the context of the entire publication. (iv) The relentless publications in the media criticising the plaintiff’s role in the investigation of the 1MDB scandal. [27] Our task is to determine whether the impugned words are capable of bearing the defamatory meaning ascribed by the plaintiff or the lesser meaning as understood by the defendant. [28] We agree with the defendant’s submission. In this case, the impugned words consist of 44 words in one sentence i.e “Apandi, who was appointed the attorney general in July 2015 when Abdul Gani Patail was summarily sacked from his office when word went around that Gani was preparing to charge Najib with corruption, should explain why he aided and abetted in the 1MDB scandal”. It is trite law that in giving meaning to the words, the impugned words have to be considered as a whole in the context of the entire publication. The plaintiff cannot pick and choose certain phrases from the impugned words which are favourable to him (see Keluarga Communication Sdn Bhd v Normala Samsudin & Another Appeal [2006] 2 CL J 46). [29] In this case, the plaintiff had picked and chosen the sentence ‘Apandi … should explain why he aided and abetted in the 1MDB scandal’ (12 words), which standing alone would fit the dictionary S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 12 meaning and was defamatory of the plaintiff. In our view this approach is wrong because the court must not look at the actual words used but the context the said words is used in relation to the publication. This is especially so when the plaintiff himself agreed that with the exception of the words ‘aided and abetted’, the publication is not defamatory of him. [30] Having read the publication as a whole, we find it reveals as follows:- (i) First, the denial by an exalted personality, the former Dewan Rakyat Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia that there was or that anybody knows or cares about the 1 MDB scandal when he campaigned for PBS in the Sandakan by-election. (ii) Pandikar had been singly responsible for the subversion of the 13th Parliament in preventing it from performing its patriotic duty to save Malaysia from being condemned by the world as a global kleptocracy. (iii) There was neither a trace of regret nor a tinge of contrition from Pandikar for what he did as the speaker of the 13th Parliament in suppressing parliamentary debate or probe into the 1 MDB scandal. (iv) Instead, he is furtively trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the Malaysian people by denying that there is such a thing as a 1 MDB scandal. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 13 [31] To our minds, an ordinary reasonable reader who reads the publication casually would understand that the information the defendant wanted to convey is there was lacked of transparency in the manner in which people in prominent positions performed their duties and responsibilities. Their integrity was criticized. In the case of the plaintiff, his spectacular failure to perform his duties as the Attorney General in handling the enormous financial scandal. [32] We cannot see how the impugned words, when read in the context of the publication as a whole were capable of giving the impression that the plaintiff had assisted the offender in the commission of a criminal offence or 1MDB scandal. In our view, it is unrealistic to think that an ordinary reasonable reader would pause and reflect on the precise dictionary meaning of the words aided and abetted. [33] This publication was written on 6.5.2019. From 2015 to 2019, three (3) major events happened that would have been within the general knowledge of Malaysians. The first event was about the plaintiff’s predecessor, Gani Patail being sacked when he was preparing to charge Najib for corruption. The second event was during the tenure of the plaintiff as the Attorney General, he publicly announced that Najib did not commit any criminal offence on the basis that the monies deposited into Najib’s personal bank account were a donation. He then decided to close the investigation of the 1MDB scandal (SRC also included) and cleared Najib’s name. The third event was, his decision to close the investigation which had caused, not only relentless publications in the media asking the plaintiff not to close the investigation but also a court action was commenced to challenge his decision to close the S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 14 investigation. The court action was dismissed. The plea to conduct further investigation fell on deaf ears. So much so, that during the plaintiff’s tenure as the Attorney General, no one was charged in relation to the 1 MDB scandal. [34] These three major events revealed that it was the plaintiff himself, using his name and his position as the then Attorney General of Malaysia to clear Najib’s name. Isn’t that not lending his name? When the plaintiff hastily decided to close the investigation when he himself agreed investigation was not complete, isn’t that an abuse of his position. When he decided to abruptly close the investigation, didn’t it cement the public perception that he was covering up the 1MDB scandal. In short, in our view, the only reasonable meaning to be inferred from the impugned words is the plaintiff had abused his position as the Attorney General. [35] For the aforesaid reasons, it is our decision that the impugned words are capable of bearing the lesser meaning. The lesser meaning is also a reasonable meaning and was rightly accepted by the learned High Court Judge. Thus, we find there was no error of law or fact warranting appellate intervention. Justification [36] In Lucas Box v News Group Ltd [1986] 1 WLR 147, the English Court of Appeal held that a defendant must set out in his/her statement of case the defamatory meaning he/she seeks to prove to be essentially or substantially true. This is known as Lucas Box S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 15 meaning. The defendant must give proper particulars of the facts on which he relies to justify that meaning. [37] At paragraph 5 of his defence, the defendant pleaded the Lucas Box meaning of justification. Paragraph 5 reads as follows: “5.The defendant avers that, on the basis of the lesser meaning, the impugned words were true in substance and in fact.” [38] The defendant gave nine (9) particulars to justify the lesser meaning. They are: 5.1 The plaintiff took office as the Attorney General after the summary removal of his predecessor, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. 5.2 At the time of his removal, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail was, in his capacity as Public Prosecutor, preparing to prefer charges against the former Prime Minister, Datuk Sri Najib Razak in relation to SRC International Sdn Bhd, a company connected to 1MDB. As Prime Minister, Datuk Sri Najib Razak had been instrumental in the removal of Tan Sri Gani Patail as Attorney General, and thus Public Prosecutor, and the appointment of plaintiff as such. 5.3 In his capacity as Attorney General, the plaintiff took no active steps to meaningfully pursue any line of enquiry into the 1 MDB scandal. Conversely, the plaintiff sought to exonerate Datuk Sri Najib Razak and to downplay the controversy surrounding the 1MDB scandal, which by then had come to be recognized as an international affair. Amongst other things, the plaintiff had in or about January S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 16 2016 closed Malaysian investigations into the transfer of hundreds of millions of Ringgit Malaysia into Datuk Sri Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts. The plaintiff publicly insisted that the said monies were a donation from the royal family of Saudi Arabia. 5.4 The plaintiff thereafter refused to meaningfully cooperate with foreign investigative agencies who were enquiring into related wrongdoings within their respective jurisdiction. In or about April 2016, the Swiss Attorney General commenced investigations and had not received cooperation from the plaintiff despite requests. The plaintiff stated in the media that he had been merely following the law strictly and had not wanted to jeopardise the Malaysian investigations. 5.5 The Department of Justice of the United States of America (the ‘US DOJ’) have made a request for mutual legal assistance in or about September 2017 to no avail. He had also refused requests by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission to seek foreign assistance to further their investigations. 5.6 In or about June 2017, the US DOJ commenced civil recovery proceedings in connection with monies said to have been siphoned off from 1 MDB. The US DOJ investigation revealed a high level fraud involving a number of Malaysians connected to 1 MDB. Datuk Sri Najib Razak was identified as a person of interest. The plaintiff was dismissive of the US DOJ claim. 5.7 The plaintiff was placed on garden leave in or about 14.5.2018 pending an enquiry into his role in the affair. A new federal government under Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had been established on 10.5.2018. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 17 5.8 Mr Tommy Thomas was appointed the Attorney General on 4.6.2018. Since then, charges have been preferred against a number of individuals in connection with 1MDB in Malaysia. Additionally, other persons have been made the subject of criminal proceedings in other jurisdictions due to their involvement in the 1MDB scandal, some of whom have pleaded guilty. A table setting out the details of some of these criminal proceedings is set out in Schedule 2 to this defence. 5.9 The conduct of the plaintiff described above could not reasonably be considered to have been the conduct of a responsible Attorney General. [39] It is settled law that justification is a complete defence. The burden lies with the defendant to prove the truth of the particulars to justify the lesser meaning. If the defendant succeeds in proving the truth of the particulars pleaded, then the impugned words are not defamatory of the plaintiff because what is true cannot be defamatory. The exposure of truth must be paramount when compared to that of reputation. Para 5.2 - Tan Sri Gani Patail Was Preparing To Charge Najib [40] Plaintiff submits that the particulars in para 5.2 are not true because the defendant did not produce in court the said charge sheet or a statutory declaration by Tan Sri Gani Patail stating that the charges were being drafted. The plaintiff also relied on the police report lodged by PW2 stating there were no charges against Najib. [41] In his evidence, the defendant said he had relied on a news report i.e. exhibit D10.In D10, it was reported by the Edge Markets that the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir had said that ‘Gani S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 18 Patail was preparing to charge Najib before he was removed’. Exhibit D10 was never denied by Gani Patail. Therefore, the defendant has qualified his statement by including the words,’ when words went around’, to show that he was relying on what had been reported. The defendant never said that he personally knew there was a charge sheet. [42] With regard to the existence of the charges, the defendant also relied on the oral testimony of Pengarah Bahagian Operasi Khas SPRM, Dato’ Bahri Mohamad Zain (DW2). In his evidence, DW2 said that MACC was satisfied that there was a strong case to charge Najib with two offences. But when he went to see the plaintiff to brief him on the MACC investigation, the plaintiff showed little interest in the investigation. Instead, the plaintiff focused on how the draft charges against Najib had been disclosed to the media to the extent of demanding the names of the officers involved in the drafting. [43] In cross-examination,DW2 was asked if the charge sheet had been produced in court. His answer was: “Hari ini tak adalah, tak payah tanyalah soalan itu. Semua orang tahu tidak ada dan tidak boleh semana-mana orang pegang benda itu kerana dia rahsia rasmi kerajaan.” [44] In re-examination, DW2 said: “Draf charge itu ada dalam IP berkenaanlah dan menjadi satu kesalahan besar sekiranya draf charge itu dibawa terutama sekali oleh bukan SPRM. Saya sekarang bukan SPRM lagi.” S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 19 [45] DW2’s evidence was not challenged. His evidence was credible. There is no reason for him to make up a story. Based on exhibit D10 and the oral testimony of DW2, in our view, in all probability, the charges against Najib did exist despite their non production in court. If the charge sheet had been classified as ‘rahsia rasmi kerajaan’, it is impossible for anyone to produce it in court. We therefore, find the averment in para 5.2 substantially true. Para 5.3 - The Plaintiff Insisted The Monies Transferred Into Najib Razak’s Personal Bank Accounts Were A Donation, Exonerate Najib’s Name And Closed The Malaysian Investigations. [46] On 26.1.2016, the plaintiff publicly issued a press release stating, amongst others, that he was satisfied: (i) that the RM2.6 billion which entered into Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts was a donation; (ii) that Najib Razak had not committed a criminal offence. He then decided to close the investigations on the 1 MDB with abbreviation NFA/KUS. NFA reads as No Further Action. KUS means Kertas Untuk Simpanan. All these facts are not denied by the plaintiff. [47] With regard to the allegation of donation, the evidence elicited in cross-examination of the plaintiff, revealed the following facts:- (a) On 3.8.2015, MACC issued a media statement stating the result of their investigation is the RM2.6 billion entered into Najib’s personal bank accounts was a donation. The plaintiff relied on this media statement to conclude it was a donation. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 20 (b) The MACC team, headed by Datuk Seri Azam Baki, went to Riyadh from 27th November 2015 to 29th November 2015 to record statements of the donor on the plaintiff’s instructions as at that time investigations into the issue of donation was not complete yet. (c) The delegation was unable to meet the Prince and instead met with someone who represented the Prince and speaks on behalf of the Prince. (d) There was no documentary evidence such as bank statement or remittance documents obtained to substantiate the assertion that the monies deposited was a donation. (e) No statement was taken from the purported donor. (f) He cannot remember the name of the donor. (g) In his press release dated 26.1.2016, the plaintiff said ‘pihak SPRM telah sendiri di dalam siasatan telah menemui dan merakamkan percakapan saksi-saksi termasuk pemberi sumbangan dana tersebut yang mengesahkan sumbangan tersebut diberikan kepada YAB PM secara peribadi.’ [48] His oral testimony in court when tested with his statement at the press release led us to ponder how could the plaintiff be satisfied it was a donation when there was not an iota of evidence to support his allegation. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 21 [49] The plaintiff had further relied on 2 flow charts in his press release on 26.1.2016 to clear the former PM. It would appear that the flow charts clearly showed that his press release was not credible. [50] Based on all the evidence adduced, we find the plaintiff’s statement at the press release that the monies were a donation from Saudi Royal family was not true. Not only the evidence of donation was seriously lacking, but his statement also is in contradiction with the flow charts in his hand. The donation’s version was to make way to clear Najib’s name. [51] We now move on to the investigation issue. In his oral testimony, the plaintiff admitted he had caused for the investigation file pertaining to 1MDB scandal (SRC included) to be marked as NFA/KUS. He agreed that in the press release dated 26.1.2016, he did not mention that the MACC can investigate further should there be any new evidence. Therefore, he gave the impression that the file is closed for good. [52] However, now, we are told that he never prevented the MACC from investigating further if new evidence surfaced. We find his evidence could not be believed and must be rejected for the following reasons: (a) PW3 who was formerly a Deputy Public Prosecutor was one of the members of a task force formed by the plaintiff to conduct investigations and report to him. In his evidence, PW3 said towards the early part of January 2016, the task force had recommended further investigations. But, he does not know whether the recommendations were carried out or not. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22 (b) Pengarah Bahagian Operasi Khas in MACC, Dato’ Bahri (DW2) told the court that he was involved in both the 1MDB and SRC investigations initially but then focused solely on the SRC investigations. It is his evidence that the MACC had a meeting with the Attorney General and the MACC had recommended two charges against the former PM as they were satisfied there is a prima facie case on the recommended charges. He, together with the investigating officer and Ketua Siasatan Bahagian Operasi Khas went to see the plaintiff to give a briefing. The briefing took about 20 minutes and the plaintiff seemed to be more interested to know how the draft charges were leaked to the public. The plaintiff told them to leave the file and asked them to go back. The plaintiff returned the file with instruction to close the matter. Dissappointed upon the case being closed, DW2 tendered his resignation. (c) The Star Online article dated 16.5.2018, titled ‘MACC wanted to probe 1MDB Najib link but the AG said ‘No’. In the said article, Dato’ Lim Chee Wee (DW6) who was a panel member of the MACC review panel was quoted as saying “The MACC found evidence in late 2015 that RM42 million was transferred from a former subsidiary of 1 MDB into an account of former Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Razak. However, the MACC’s recommendation for further investigation was rejected by the Attorney General”. In his oral testimony, DW6 confirmed that he did make those statements as published in the Star Online. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 23 (d) The Malaysian Bar had filed a Notice of Motion at the Kuala Lumpur High Court, challenging the decision by the plaintiff to close the investigation papers, seeking a declaration that it was unlawful for the Attorney General (plaintiff) to impede the investigations by the MACC and an order of mandamus directing the Attorney General to reconsider the requests by the MACC for mutual legal assistance. The Motion was dismissed by the High Court on 8.11.2016 on a point of law that the Attorney General’s discretion could not be challenged in court. The High Court’s decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal and Federal Court. [53] The evidence thus far presented to the court appears to suggest that despite having the evidence in his own hand to charge Najib, the plaintiff chose to close his eyes. Despite the requests and recommendations by the MACC which were directly under the Attorney General to charge Najib and conduct further investigations, the requests fell on deaf ears. The plaintiff did not take any meaningful steps to investigate. He was content to summarily close the investigations. [54] Therefore, we find the particulars in para 5.3 are true. Para 5.4 - Plaintiff Refused To Cooperate With Foreign Jurisdiction. [55] In an article published by Free Malaysia Today dated 17.4.2019 entitled “Our offer to help in 1 MDB probe turned down, says Swiss envoy “(exhibit D6). The Swiss envoy, Michael Winzep said his government had asked for Malaysia’s cooperation in its own investigations into the scandal. But Winzep said the Malaysian S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 24 government had then claimed that cooperating with Swiss authorities over the 1 MDB investigations could have a negative effect on local investigations. [56] When the article (D6) was referred to him, the plaintiff said the article did not specifically mention his name or the Attorney General and that the defendant had not adduced any evidence to prove that the Swiss Government had indeed offered assistance. [57] In cross-examination, the plaintiff was asked to confirm whether the Swiss government had in fact offered assistance. His answer was ‘they did not offer assistance’. He was then asked with the following question: Q : So, you indeed refused cooperation? A : I refused cooperation and I gave my reason and I corrected the perception by the Swiss AG that I did not cooperate, that’s all. [58] Whatever may be his reasons to refuse cooperation with the Swiss Government, his answer proved that he refused to cooperate with a foreign jurisdiction. Thus, the defendant’s averment in para 5.4 is true. Para 5.5 - Plaintiff Refused To Make A Request For Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) From Foreign Jurisdiction. [59] In an article published by The Edge dated 24.5.2018 entitled “FBI, DOJ to give full cooperation to 1MDB special task force “ (exhibit D8), the said article revealed: S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 25 (i) On 13.11.2016, the FBI had sent an application letter to the then chief commissioner of the MACC, Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad, but the application has yet to receive a reply until now. (ii) On 22.9.2017, the DOJ had made a request through a MLA to the Attorney General, Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali. This request was not fulfilled and delayed, the reason given was that it would affect ongoing investigations by Malaysian enforcement authorities. [60] In his evidence, the plaintiff said he was aware that the money from 1MDB had been taken outside the country. He agreed that confining investigations to the 4 corners of Malaysia would be insufficient. He knew that seeking or providing legal assistance to foreign investigating agencies was imperative to bolster local investigation by the police or the MACC. He also agreed that neither the MACC nor the PDRM have the power to seek mutual legal assistance from other foreign jurisdictions. He further agreed that only he, in his capacity as the Attorney General, had the power to seek mutual legal assistance from foreign jurisdictions. [61] In this case, there was evidence of requests being made by the MACC to the plaintiff to get mutual legal assistance from foreign countries. The MACC, had in fact asked a panel member of the MACC Review Panel, Dato’ Lim Chee Wee (DW6) to write a letter to the plaintiff, requesting the plaintiff to get mutual legal assistance from foreign countries. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 26 [62] Despite there being compelling reasons for him to seek or provide mutual legal assistance (MLA), the plaintiff agreed he refused to do both. The only explanation he gave for refusing MLA is a mutual legal assistance from a foreign government or agency would prejudice the local investigation. He relied on Section 20 (1) (i) of the Mutual Assistance In Criminal Matters Act 2002 which provides as follow: “Refusal Of Assistance 20.(1) A request by a prescribed foreign State for assistance under this Part shall be refused if, in the opinion of the Attorney General- (a) … (l) the provision of the assistance could prejudice a criminal matter in Malaysia;” [63] The plaintiff was also quick to say:” if anybody is not happy with his decision, they can always challenge it in court”. But, we all now know that his decision (in exercising his discretionary power) is not justiciable nor reviewable. But, that does not mean his decision cannot be criticized. [64] In our view, his oral testimony is to be tested with his press statement on 26.1.2016 where he said: “I am satisfied that as no criminal offence has been committed, there is no necessity for Malaysia to make a mutual legal assistance in criminal matters request to any foreign States for the purpose of completing the criminal investigation conducted by the MACC in relation to the said RM2.08 billion donation.” S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 27 [65] So, on 26.1.2016, the reason he gave for refusing MLA is because there was no criminal offence committed. Not because it would prejudice the local investigations. What prejudice is caused if at the same time investigations were also closed. Noticing the plaintiff’s tendency to give contradictory answers, the learned High Court Judge made the following remark at para 114-115 of the judgment: “So the plaintiff himself cannot make sense of his own mind whether the mutual legal assistance is imperative or is it a hindrance. This tenacious insistence to adopt confusing and contradictory stances further blemishes the plaintiff’s credibility as witness. The plaintiff was evasive until he could no longer evade the inevitable conclusion that he could not explain his reluctance to offer or accept mutual legal assistance. In fact, the plaintiff’s purported concern of prejudicing local investigation is contradictory to his own eager insistence to close local investigation.” [66] We agree with the conclusion reached by the learned High Court Judge on the credibility of the plaintiff. His contradictory answers only go to show that the real reason behind his refusal to offer or to get mutual legal assistance from foreign countries was simply because he had made up his mind that there was no criminal offence committed by the former Prime Minister. He was satisfied that investigation is not required and hence, he closed the investigation. Closed investigation means no more investigation. This being the case, his answer that MLA would prejudice local investigation could not be true. [67] For the aforesaid reasons, we find the defendant’s averment in para 5.5 is true. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 28 Para 5.6 - The US DOJ Investigation Revealed A High Level Fraud Involving A Number Of Malaysians Connected To 1 MDB. The Plaintiff Was Dismissive Of The US DOJ Claim. [68] It is an undisputed fact that during his tenure as AG, the Department of Justice in United States had also initiated civil recovery proceedings relating to monies and assets siphoned from 1 MDB. The plaintiff agreed he was aware of this fact. [69] The US DOJ civil proceedings revealed the involvement of Malaysian personalities in the 1MDB scandal. The plaintiff said he was aware of this fact. Despite the obvious, the plaintiff admitted he did not communicate with the DOJ. His reason for not communicating with the DOJ was because local investigations were going on at that material time. [70] For the same reasons we have stated earlier, we find the plaintiff’s conduct in refusing to communicate with the US DOJ solely because local investigation was going on at the material time is unreasonable. Instead, his refusal had impeded the MACC’s investigation. [71] So, again, we find the defendant’s averment in para 5.6 was substantially true. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 29 Para 5.9 - The conduct of the plaintiff could not reasonably be considered to have been the conduct of a responsible Attorney General. [72] In his oral testimony, the defendant said the plaintiff had practically not taken any meaningful steps to get to the bottom of the 1MDB scandal. It was also his evidence that the plaintiff practically had done nothing at all. [73] We fully agree with the defendant. The plaintiff’s actions or inactions in handling the 1MDB scandal gives the impression to the Malaysian public that he had covered up the 1MDB scandal for reasons best known to himself. His conduct showed he had failed to discharge his duties and responsibilities as the Attorney General as reasonably expected by the Malaysians i.e, honestly and without fear or favour. For these reasons, we find the particulars in para 5.9 is also true. [74] The defendant had successfully proven all the 9 particulars of justification. It means the lesser meaning was substantially true i.e the plaintiff had abused his position and cover up the 1MDB scandal. Now, the defendant had asked the plaintiff to explain why did he cover up the 1MDB scandal. Asking for explanation for matters that truly happened, in our considered view is not defamatory even though it injures the plaintiff’s reputation. The right of the Malaysians to know the truth must prevail over the plaintiff’s right to protect his reputation. [75] Accordingly, we find the learned trial judge did not err in upholding the defence of justification. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 30 Qualified Privilege [76] The defendant’s plea of qualified privilege is pleaded in paragraph 7 of his statement of defence as follows:- “7. Further and/or in the alternative, if and insofar as the impugned words bear the meanings in paragraph 6 and 7,which is denied, or the lesser meaning, the defendant avers that the impugned words were published on an occasion of qualified privilege. Particulars 7.1… 7.2. The defendant was under a moral and social duty to communicate his views on the subject to Malaysians. The defendant has been a Member of Parliament for the present term since 10.5.2018 and for the previous term since 6.5.2013. He was ,at the time of the publication of the impugned words, the Member of Parliament for Iskandar Puteri, Johor. As a Member of Parliament, the defendant had sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Federal Constitution. 7.3 The Publication contained views that Malaysians had an interest in given that it pertained to matters of national importance.” [77] An often-quoted definition of qualified privilege is to be found in the speech of Lord Atkinson in Adam v Ward [1917] AC 309: “A privileged occasion is, in reference to qualified privilege, an occasion where the person who makes the communication has S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 31 an interest or a duty, legal, social or moral, to make it to the person to whom it is made, and the person to whom it is so made has a corresponding interest or duty to receive it. This reciprocity is essential.” [78] Qualified privilege operates only to protect statements which are made without malice i.e spitefully, or with ill will or recklessness as to whether it was true or false. Therefore, the defence of qualified privilege can be defeated by the presence of malice on the part of the defendant. The burden of proving malice is on the plaintiff (see S. Pakianathan v Jenni Ibrahim [1988] 2 ML J 173; Pang Fee Yoon v Piong Kien Siong & Ors [1999] 3 ML J 189. [79] In Dato’ Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh bin Ismail & Anor v Nurul Izzah bt Anwar & Anor [2018] 3 ML J 726, a case involving a politician, the Court of Appeal held: “[55] A defence of qualified privilege is founded on the need or duty on the part of the alleged defamer to impart information to the public at large and that there is a duty on the part of the public to receive that information. In a defence of qualified privilege, unlike justification, truth is not a pre-requisite but it can only succeed if there is no malice in such publication. If untrue defamatory allegations are published on an occasion of privilege, they will be protected from a claim for defamation. Although the law of defamation exists to protect reputations, it is recognized that in situations it is to the benefit of society generally for people to be able to communicate without the fear of being sued for defamation .This is so despite the risk that a person’s reputation will be damaged and they will not be able to restore it by bringing a claim for defamation. Its resides in the wider S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 32 consideration that a general public good in such exercise overrides the need to protect individual reputation.” [80] In dealing with the defence of qualified privilege, what the learned trial Judge did was first to determine whether the defendant had acted reasonably in publishing the impugned statement to the media. She then found as a fact that complaints for further investigations into the 1MDB scandal through the proper channels have for years fallen on deaf ears until the Barisan Nasional Government fell in the 14th General Election. She was satisfied that all reasonable and forseeable channels have been exhausted and thus the defendant is well within his rights to voice out his thought to the public at large. [81] For the aforesaid reasons, the learned trial judge held that the defendant had a duty, legal , social or moral to publish the impugned statement in his blog. [82] Before us, learned counsel for the defendant submitted that this additional hurdle placed over the defendant was not required within the principles of the traditional qualified privilege. We agree with the defendant’s submission. The concept of ‘reasonableness of conduct’ has no relevance or application to the traditional defence of qualified privilege. All the defendant needs to prove in his defence of qualified privilege is he has a duty to convey the information to the public; the public had a duty to receive the information conveyed and there was no malice on the part of the defendant. In this case, the learned trial judge had erred when she put an unnecessary extra burden on the defendant to prove his reasonable conduct in publishing the article. However, this error did not prejudice the defendant S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 33 because subsequently the trial judge was satisfied that the defendant had a right to communicate his thoughts to the public. [83] The plaintiff complains that the learned trial judge had conflated the Reynold’s privilege and the traditional qualified privilege. According to the plaintiff, the law did not recognize an interest in the public strong enough to give rise generally to a duty to communicate in the press and such a duty can only arise on ‘special facts’. Further, it is submitted that the defendant had failed on this score because he had not pleaded such ‘special facts’ and therefore it is argued that the defence of qualified privilege must fail. The plaintiff further submitted that, what ought to have been pleaded is Reynolds Privilege. As this was not done, that defence also fails. [84] We are not inclined to agree with the plaintiff’s line of argument. The case of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd v Tony Pua Kiam Wee [2015] 8 CL J 477, relied upon the plaintiff is a case where the defendant pleaded Reynolds privilege. In the case before us, the defendant did not plead Reynolds privilege. Therefore, the case of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor is not applicable to the case before us. The defendant in this case only pleaded traditional qualified privilege which he is entitled to do so. At this juncture, it is instructive for us to refer to the case of Dr Syed Azman bin Syed Ahmad Nawawi & Ors v Dato’ Seri Haji Ahmad bin Said [2015] 5 ML J 141. In that case, the Court of Appeal explained that the Reynolds privilege is a separate and distinct defence from the traditional defence of qualified privilege as follows: S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 34 “[51] The controversy has however lingered on whether the Reynolds privilege was a new substantive defence or merely a specie of defence under the conventional defence of qualified privilege. In Grant v Torstar [2009] 3 SCR 640,the Supreme Court of Canada termed it a new defence of ‘responsible communication’ (Reynolds’s factors for analysis) and went on to observe that it produced an uneasy fit with the traditional qualified privilege defence. Lord Phillips MR (as he then was) in Loutchansky v Times Newspapers Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 1805; [2002]1 ALL ER 652 commented that Reynolds privilege was ‘a different jurisprudential creature’; it is not the occasion which is protected but the material itself. Lord Hoffman and Baroness Hale in Jameel took the position that ‘responsible journalism’ could not be assimilated to traditional qualified privilege. [52] The argument has been that ‘responsible’ or ‘reasonable’ journalism, whether as a new defence or otherwise, obviates any further enquiry into the issue whether the impugned statements were tainted with actual or express ‘malice’ when made. It is pertinent to note here that in the United Kingdom, by s 4 of the recently introduced Defamation Act 2013, the so called Reynolds’ common law defence has been abolished and replaced by a new ‘public interest’ defence (the explanatory notes to the bill states that it was nevertheless to reflect the principles established in the Reynolds’s case and subsequent case law). This statutory defence requires the publisher to show that he or she ‘reasonably believed that publishing the statements complained of was in the public interest’ (a shift, as it would appear ,from tests of responsible journalism to reasonableness of belief). [53] The above discussion was to place in perspective the Reynolds privilege. The developments surrounding that area of law show that the ‘Reynolds privilege’ as a defence was S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 35 always treated and recognized as a separate and distinct defence in contrast to the conventional common law defence of qualified privilege. [54] In the instant case before us however, the Reynolds privilege was not raised as a separate or even as a specie of the defence of qualified privilege; what was pleaded was the defence of qualified privilege per se. Both parties conducted the trial on that basis. Save that in their submissions, the plaintiffs had made reference to the decision in Reynolds’s case to show that the writer of Harakah itself had a duty to verify the material published, both parties accepted that the principal defence of the defendants was the traditional common law defence of qualified privilege and the plaintiff had the obligation to establish express ‘malice’ to defeat that defence if found in favour of the plaintiffs. This was the position all along even in this appeal; see the supplementary submissions of both parties.” [85] In this case, the plaintiff agreed that the public has a right to know how this financial scandal was being managed and investigated by the authorities. He also agreed that as a Member of Parliament, the defendant had a duty to inquire into what was going on with regards to the investigation in relation to this 1MDB scandal. He further agreed that there were many other writers who have been writing and criticizing the manner he handled the investigation process in the 1MDB scandal. But, he had no complaints with the other articles because they never mentioned that he aided and abetted. In short, the plaintiff had no issue with criticism from the public. But he took offence with the words ‘aided and abetted’. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 36 [86] At the risk of repeating ourselves, the 1MDB scandal is a phenomenal financial scandal involving public funds where the former Prime Minister himself was involved. It is considered as the biggest financial scandal that the country has faced. As a Member of Parliament who was concerned with integrity, transparency and accountability, the defendant had a moral duty to convey his thoughts that the plaintiff, being the Attorney General entrusted with power to direct investigations to get to the bottom of the case and charge the perpetrators without fear or favour, but instead he tried to impede and obstructed the investigations of the 1MDB scandal. His actions and inactions were indeed unreasonable and fell short of public expectation. [87] We agree with the defendant that as a member of parliament, the occasion of privilege had arisen by virtue of the defendant’s role and duty as a representative of the people. Nothing more special than that needs to exist. [88] As a member of parliament also, the defendant had a duty to raise matters of public interest to his electorate. Especially a case of theft of public monies involving a prime minister of such a magnitude. [89] Likewise, the readers of his blog, who included the people of Malaysia had an inherent right to be informed of the developments of the investigations into the scandal. They were also entitled to be informed of any attempt to derail such developments. [90] For the aforesaid reasons, we find the learned trial judge was correct in holding the impugned words were made on an occasion of qualified privilege. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 37 Malice [91] In answer to Q & A No.32 in his witness statement, the plaintiff says “To maliciously say that I had aided and abetted Datuk Seri Najib Razak merely because I had exercised my discretion under Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution based on the available evidence then, is totally mischievous and a malicious attack not only on me, but the Federal Constitution. The defendant, to date has yet to show an iota of evidence that I had aided and abetted Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the 1MDB scandal”. This answer received strong objection from learned counsel for the defendant on the ground ‘malice’ was not specifically pleaded. [92] During the trial, learned counsel for the defendant did make a request to the learned trial judge to expunge the plaintiff’s answer on the ground the plaintiff had failed to comply with the requirements of Order 78 rule 3 (3) of the Rules of Court 2012 in that particulars of malice were not pleaded. The learned trial judge did not expunge the answer but directed the parties to submit at the end of the case. Unfortunately, the trial judge did not deal with this issue at all in her judgment. [93] Order 78 rule 3 (3) of the Rules of Court 2012 sets out the following mandatory provisions relating to pleading particulars of malice: (3) Where in an action for libel or slander the plaintiff alleges that the defendant maliciously published the words or matters complained of, he need not in his statement of claim give particulars of the facts on which he relies in support of the S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 38 allegation of malice, but if the defendant pleads that any of those words or matters are fair comment on a matter of public interest or were published upon a privileged occasion and the plaintiff intends to allege that the defendant was actuated by express malice, he must serve a reply giving particulars of the facts and matters from which the malice is to be inferred. [94] The word ‘must’ in Order 78 r3 (3) ROC meant strict compliance is required. There is no room for discretion as far as the compliance with the prerequisites is concerned (see Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismail Ibni Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj Tunku Mahkota Johor v Datuk Captain Hamzah bin Mohd Noor and another appeal [2009] 4 ML J 329 FC.) [95] The rationale behind O78 r 3 (3) ROC 2012 is to provide an opportunity to the defendant to verify the truth and accuracy to those particulars as well as to rebut the allegations if required (see Subramaniam a/l Paramasivam v Courts Mammoth Bhd & Anor [2011] 10 CL J 739; Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Bhd v SSN Medical Products Sdn Bhd [2017] 6 CL J 129 (CA) ). [96] Failure to comply with O78 r 3 (3) of the ROC 2012 would result in the plaintiff not being permitted to adduce evidence of actual malice which is necessary in order to rebut the defence of qualified privilege and cannot succeed in establishing malice as an answer to the defence of qualified privilege (see Dato Wan Hashim Wan Daud v Mazlan Ibrahim [1997] 5 CL J 140; Gurbachan Singh & Ors v Vellasamy Pennusamy & Other Appeals [2015] 1 CL J 719. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 39 [97] At paragraph 6 of his reply to the defendant’s defence, the plaintiff pleaded as follows: “6. Regarding paragraphs 7 and 7.1 of the said defence, the plaintiff pleads that the defence of qualified privilege is not applicable in relation to the defendant’s impugned words against the plaintiff. The defendant is put to strict proof to prove all of his allegations. Further, the plaintiff states as follows:- (a) With regards to paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3 of the said defence, the plaintiff states that whatever position held by the defendant does not grant him any excuse and/or reason to defame the plaintiff in any way. All of the defendant’s allegations therein amount to bare assertions and the defendant is put to strict proof to prove the said allegations. Further and in the alternative, the plaintiff pleads that whatever views by the general public in relation to any public interest issue also does not give the defendant any justification to defame and damage the good name of the plaintiff in any way. [98] Nowhere in paragraph 6 of his reply, did the plaintiff plead malice and particulars of malice. Therefore, the plaintiff had failed to comply with Order 78 r3 (3) of the Rules of Court 2012. The net effect of the non- compliance with the specific provisions of the rules is the plaintiff is estopped from adducing evidence of malice to defeat the defence of qualified privilege. Consequently, we find merit in the defendant’s objection and expunged the plaintiff’s answer in his Q & A No.32 in his witness statement. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 40 [99] In the absence of malice, the defence of qualified privilege is not rebutted. On the facts and circumstances of this case, we see no good reason to disagree with the decision of the trial judge that the defendant had successfully proven his defence of qualified privilege. Damages [100] Damages are awarded to compensate a person for harm to his or her reputation. The learned trial judge had not considered this issue and did not make an award of damages. In assessing the general damages, the most common factors taken into account by the court are: the gravity of the allegation; the size and influence of the circulation; the effect of the publication; the extent and nature of the claimant’s reputation; the behavior of the defendant and the behavior of the claimant (see Chin Choon v Chua Jui Meng [2005] 2 CL J 569 CA). [101] Before us, learned counsel for the plaintiff submitted the allegations made against the plaintiff is extremely serious. It is submitted that the online publication is accessible through the internet and would have reached a large spectrum of audience. It is further submitted that the plaintiff has held numerous important and high position in society. Taking into account all these factors, learned counsel for the plaintiff submitted a sum of RM600,000.00 for general damages. Reliance was placed on the case of Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh v Datuk Yong Teck Lee & Anor [2018] 1 CL J 145, wherein the Federal Court awarded the plaintiff, a former Chief Minister of Sabah a general and aggravated damages in a global sum of RM600,000.00. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 41 [102] With regard to aggravated damages, learned counsel for the plaintiff submitted that the court should take into account the following two factors. Firstly, the defendant had failed to apologise. Secondly, the defendant had written and published in his blog on 20.8.2019 an article entitled ‘A MACC report had been lodged by a former anti- corruption agency officer in January 2016 against Apandi as the then Attorney-General for clearing the then Prime Minister Najib for corruption charges but to date, no action has been taken.’ It is submitted that in the said article, the defendant had labelled the plaintiff as a criminal when he used the words: “Among other criminal acts both Najib and Apandi had committed was the offence under Section 16 MACC Act as Najib offering the post of AG to Apandi, and Apandi accepting the post of AG, as an inducement to clear Najib of corruption charges and stop further investigations against him.” It is submitted that the use of the highly vitriolic words shows the defendant was intent and persisted with his attacks on the plaintiff’s reputation with impunity. Taking these two factors into account, it is submitted that a sum of RM200,000.00 be awarded as aggravated damages, making the total sum of damages proposed as RM800,000.00. [103] Learned counsel for the defendant submits that the proposed sum of RM800,000.00 is excessive given the facts and circumstances of this case. [104] First and foremost, the defendant objected to the plaintiff’s attempt to prove malice by making reference to a further article written by the defendant when this is not the plaintiff’s pleaded case. In addition to this, the plaintiff also failed to plead malice. Therefore, it is S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 42 submitted that the plaintiff is not entitled to rely on the new article to prove malice. [105] In her submission, learned counsel for the defendant urged the court to take into account the defendant’s evidence that the purpose of his publication was only for the good of the country and not to harm anyone. The defendant said “I have no malice, no spite, nothing to attack the AG but I want an open accountability on the principle of good governance.” [106] It is further submitted that the plaintiff’s tenure as Attorney General of Malaysia was a less than illustrious one. Not only did the defendant take issue with the plaintiff’s failures as AG, in the face of the 1MDB scandal, but numerous others did too. [107] With regard to quantum, learned counsel for the defendant had referred us to the case of Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie bin Hj Apdal v Datuk Mohd Ainal Hj Abdul Fattah [2019] 12 ML J 532, where the High Court sets out the trend of award in cases involving politicians is between RM50,000.00 to RM200,000.00. However, given the facts and circumstances of this case, learned counsel for the defendant submitted that if the court is not with the defendant on the issue of liability, the plaintiff is entitled to an award of nominal damages only. [108] In this case, the impugned words was proved to be substantially true and justified. It must necessarily follow that if the plaintiff’s reputation is injured, it was due to his own conduct. He is the author of his own misfortune. In the event we are wrong on the issue of liability, our S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 43 considered view is the plaintiff would be entitled to nominal damages in the sum of RM10,000.00. Our Decision [109] For the aforesaid reasons, we find no merit in the appeal. The appeal is dismissed with costs. The decision of the High Court is affirmed. The appellant is ordered to pay costs of RM100,000.00 to the respondent subject to allocator. Dated: 2nd November 2023 - Sgd - Hadhariah binti Syed Ismail Judge Court of Appeal For the Appellant : Rueben Mathiavaranam; M.Visvanathan; R. Karnan; V.Sanjay Nathan & Kathleen Samantha George. Messrs Saibullah MV Nathan & Co. For the Respondent : Sangeet Kaur Deo; Harshaan Zamani; Simranjit Kaur Daljit Singh; Pravin Mahentharan & Roshunraj Rajendran. Messrs Karpal Singh & Co. S/N II/0w4iUcUOPB8UDMokmA **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Tika 2.6.0
The costs of this appeal in the sum of RM5,000 is awarded to the Appellants and another RM5,000 to the First Respondent.
YA Puan Roz Mawar binti Rozain
07/11/2023 12:14:37 WA-12BNCvC-117-08/2022 Kand. 64 S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal S/N bEAl/2X8yEGPPD1MTZYNFw **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal wA—12sm:vc—117—ua/2022 Kand. 54 ummnz: 12:1»:-37 IN me man coun IN MALAVA IN KUALA LUMPUR IN TNE FEDERAL TERRIYORV, MALAYSIA cmugg Nu wmzaucvc 17 max: EETWEEN 1. MUHAMMAD NAIRI am MAT wmcoa (NRIC N Anna-0:-5341) 2. VISIONS TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE APPELLANYS (com? No ouivsaaeudl AND 1. AJAIB LAL 2. WAKIL FERIBADI KEPADA DNASARAYHAN AIL YAKAMPARAM (NRIC NO. nznaom n-9911) :i. SRI simi VINAVAR ENYERFRISE . RESPONDENYS Ground: cf tn! [1] The Appsiiams wave the mm and me Fourlh Detendams resnsciivaly at the inai below me Session cmm On 23212922 ms sin iaaiizxayzewwnwirzvurw “Nab! s.n.i be flied M mm .. nflninniily mi. dun-mm VII .mm mm Session noun nae auowed me dawn ollhe Flrsl Respormem (me P\a|nnfl anhe Session Conn) and anoomed habllnly also-/. an (he Appeuanxs and me other 50% on me Second and mm Rzspandens who weca me First and secunu Defendants respecnvely allhe Session caun nissansned, me Appellants lodged men appeal In W5 com. 1 us on sun "on cam (21 The Furs! Respondent nnxhalea a mu agalnsl nn. Appauanns and ma Second and ‘mm Respondents as s reeun av - momr vehide accident lhaloocurrad on m 7 2am The Flvs1Ra:pondeM was In an-naenx in ma worry me: me (ha mgenanon max. numbar wwcczav driven by me decanted drwor whom he Sscnnd Rlsunndanl reprcsanls wmlsl Ihe mm Respnndunl .s IM rwnslerad ownlr wwc1ze7 driven by me deceated dnvei had calmed mln me real anna lorry wnh Iha Iegwsvalmn was number awrme me: me FimADns\l:n1was driving The Second AppsHarIt e the mustered awnu o1ENF379G [3] The Fvsl Rasponuem, me altendim wna Ms me passenger m iorry wwc12s7 sax m nan: beanie me deceased driver He dawned that mey were In memxame Ianamne mghway KMA zsnmnn and we navemng lmm IKEA Damansara to Mom Nara when Icny ENF3798 nun. ma Vefl Vane changed lanes mm me middle lane wnere Iney were travelling an, wunaux any aignax or Indicalmn BNF37§B men braked suddeniy .n lnxu oVWWC1267,Iha(naused WWC12fl7Ia winds In|u ma reavu1ENF3798 The dnver MWWC1267 am In ms onllmon [41 Thu Aaneilznis‘ account was man they, .n auravea were dlwmg m ma nwdle lam wmn a ponoernan Inshuclefl |‘nraH vehmus In smu wmch an nuuzxayzavvuwlrzvurw «mm. s.nn .. U... a may he nflmnnflly -mm: m.n.n Vfl mum Wm! [24] ms com placed great asslstance on me mdepenaenzevuaence no me pnmugrapls and ms repans ol ma damage |a conclude whlch versiun onne parties was more pmnablelo eslabllsh llamllly. Pnanusaa on all me emencel lnls Coun ls safisfied an a balanos ol plobahlllhes mat me zcaderll nappensa ln me nmaule lane when WWC1267 aasna: nyll lnlc lne war or auravss rne aeclaenl dld ml nappen when BNF3798 chnngnd lanes as mrlluldsd bylhe Flrsl Responaenl BNF3798 was well already WI lhs lens when I| was lrlslrucied lo slop by In: lramc pence It Md done so and on a balance of pmnaellmss M was rlatlhat ul a sudden brake as conlulnd by me Ralporlderlls as BNF37§E me name In a Dompllle slap wllh wmu a-slance ol lwen|y rrle|arI Imrrl Ina Imlfic polloe Mm was no: harmed [251 meralans, ll ran on me deceased drlvar or WWCI267 m exercise aue caufion aslhe vehicle man was behlnd BNF379B when we latter was csavelllng ln fmnt am Furlhenuova, the Flrsl Respenaenl had leslmea he had alsu caugnl slghl M me name pallee up ahead nns Cnun ls of me corlsldered vlew that Ifle deceased dnve( wan: to have employed due care as expected 0! road users as ne was, me dlivsml WWC1267 [251 The damage 10 mm ms vehlclesl me llie-changing lnjury mal lbs Flrsl Respondent wlll have no snmer [or lne rest at his life and me demise 0! ma deueassd drwer ul WWCI267 were enasnl at me mgr. speed that WWC1267 was uayslllng In ms oeun concluded lnal ll ma speeo ll lravalled WI was Wllhln ma daceasefl dnvers canlmt ll would have had sumclant lune to lake ms necessary acllan Io slop slowly wlln a sale gap nenwaen II and aNF319a sm l~.EAl11xayEEPPl:lwlrzvMPw “Nana s.n.l a. met! a my me nflmnnllly mums flnuavlml VI .n.wa Wm! [271 As such, llabnmy anso-/e ougm none be awarded nu me Appeuanns anravse had anamed me name po|nee'snnstrnx.1mnno snap no give way to me mya\ motomade. n was me duly o1WWC1267,me vehicle bemnd. no drvve pvopefiy ann carefinlly no aonmrdmgly slap severy as requnred My/ens nnnervennan [23] Guided by me Conn ul Appenn‘: aecnnen In smungun I/I Pomsamy v Purl my J Anal [1995] 3 MLJ 395 nl ns nnn. Calms duty In nnllrvena as nne «nan count had Iundzmenlally mnxaneuea nnsenn where no reuoruble cnurl nnzn nmocfly dirvctpd «ml and ma asked me conaen qusshans would have eume In men dlciuon Sue a\sn Alk mng (M) sun Bhd A Ors v cnang cning chum I on And Anomar Anni-IU995] 2 MM 770 [291 The Session Ccun nau eneu when n had docnded Iha| me acemenn had oecurrid wnen wwcnzsv crashed nn|n awrma fnom behind sun as nl wuld nan aseeflarn manner ENF379E had swnlched Values. n had accorded liabnhly equally, even lhough nnaepenaenn avndervoe of the ohemn5| nepons snewea man one damage to ENF379B‘s rear was nn nne mnddle [301 n has nouna man BNF3‘/95 shumd have slowed down and same no a slap wnhoul nnreanemng nne eatery ems omen mad usens—nms was non based on any evndenoe In nea anse veuna nnan wwcnzsv vanlgated (followed me closely) suravaa bun ys| I| Med man one aecndan| was due us me man speed wwcnzsv had manned an mass on ' basns of rulmg nnamnny on saws on Khn pan on Ina Appallanls and me olher so-/. Mable on no pin :71 lha Second and mm Rlwandanls sm ewzxeyzemnmzww “Nana sanan luvnhnrwm .. med a may n... nrW\ruH|y em. dnuamnl VI aF\uNa v-man [311 ms Cour! sets was |he Sessron Court‘: aausmn on Iuabmty and concludes max ms Second and mm Respmuems are fully name ma-/. |u the Fvsl Responuenz Damms [:2] A: In me quamum oi 9ene<aI damages and specmc damages‘ mm was no ermr on the pan av lhe Session com The quamum nrdersd was rm nunwesuy unnsswe The general damages were appmpnane gwen mu main and mvenng cum Fbrsx Respenaanmam In Inns Falqlh Mam mm: (A: Child suing Through my Fmm um um Fmnd; Mand H-1mIAnduIAzIz) v Kmuun Mlllylll a. On [2015] 2 cu ass. [2016] 2 MLJ 1. TM specific dlmagu mm prover! on 3 oalancaotpmbahumea The order cum smmn Cour! Is hemby affirmad They nra In he paid by the Second and mm Rasponaenns [331 The cast: av Ims appeal in the sum of RM5.000 Vs awavdsd |a me AupeHam.i and anomer RM5,ouu to me fins! Rssponaem DATED 20 OCTOBER 2023 rywi)/L. R02 MAWAR ROZAKN JUDVCIAL COMMVSSIONER HKSH COURT w MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR sm nzmzxayzavwuwmrzvurw «mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm! Ratnavamy Navamnam, sm Nmamah Anisah Shaikh Anua and Amnana De-/r rm Vlknes Rama & Co. Tan Sn Darsnan S/ngh and Amar/rt Smgh em Tan Sn Darsnan T/n Dsrshan, Syed, Amaqvl A Farmers Kajendm Ba/an togamsv mm Omar emu Y/n VP Mama .4 Farmers For the Appellants For ths 1" Rssponnsms Forthe 2- 4 3- Respondents.‘ sm nzmzxayzavvuwmrzvurw «mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm! my am It was lo enable a royal rnotornads me nghl olwey wwc12s7 men crashed in|o BNF3798 |hal me Appellarlls were m, lrum me leaf The Station Court‘: muons for Is a ls] n slalea VI para 24 at Its luagmem, on a balance ol pmbabllllles. me Sesslorl Courliound |Ila|lx1ltl me drlversaf wwc12e7 and anrms were equally mqlluenl men had resulted ln me falaful oolllsmn ll was lama man me rlm Ralnondenl whn was me passenger was mulled lo rsoelve aemeges lmm all ma p-mes — sob/7 cl me sum In be gels by me Second and mm: Respondents whlls| Ina nlher sass wls la be pale by me Avvelhnm The fltrlaml damnges nmmmlad la lwzozmm and spec I «mum l71RM542.l07 an [E] The semen Cnurl observed aw. valslons on me ace-aenl ma nelea lhallhe Second and Thlrd Raswndanldld m:| give evidence Ihuuqh lhelr submlsslans supponsa me Flrsl Rupondanfs vemcn Evan mun‘ me Sesslon Cflufl nmed Ihal me Second and mm Respondents sunmllleu mal me mt Responaenl haalellea |o prove nsallgerloe on me pan 0! the deceased drlver and me mm Respondenl as evrderwe showed lhal reasonable acllonswere taken mm lhe lmmedlale brake and loohna me IWYS mm. [11 On me issue at Ilablllly, me Sesslan Ooufl premised ll: firldlng on me emence ol three wlmassas » me mve allng omcer (PW1), me Flalnllll called as FW8 and me F|r$|ADDBIlanl1DW1]. Togelmr mm me documanlary evidence, me Sesslan COIN‘ could no! chews on men version was mare pvabahla ll lnund manna wllnssses lesumonlss cauld nn| be wanted Mly. em nullzxayzfivvuwlrzvurw «mm. Smnl navlhnrwlll be H... e may he mm-y -mm: mm. VI nFluNa Wm! [51 [9] have been male carelul and caleiully come lo a slop lo olve way In me loyal moloreade, mm all me Iralfiz: personnel nrl me made, me Fllsl Awellanl odgm lo have drwan wnn greater care on me only nand, lne sesuon coun lound mat me deoeeeed drlver should have on me pan amen wlm caullorl and not lallgnle BNFJTQB so closely rne seeelon cedn pmnounced lnal (ha daoeased driver And me Yrlird Rupondenls, (oqemlv wnn |ha Aupellanls were equally llnble ll was mdemd lhzl lney The seeslon oaun lound lne fullnwlng lacls |z)ENF379B was asked lo sldo by lraffic polu:e Corporal Fem wno was comng lne Pemangku Suluan Kedan for me relum lrom lne conlerenoe ol Rulets Corporal Fauzl was sull iepumng ldr duly aune name wlsldn in Kuala lump-ln lbmle accldem zxxmrrsd when WWCI2fi1 was benlnd BNFZ-1795‘ not vlman aNl=a7as was swllchlng lanes; (cm could no: be aslxrlamed whelhev ENF3798 swltcrled lanee or hm all me lune bash on me same muddle lune m lmnl ol WWC12B7: (fl)The cnamlsl report wvndned me lacl |h:( lne accident oocurvud men lne crash by WWC12E7 came [mm oenlnd M Burma. The endlne ol WWC12fl7 was mlallsd whllst me mlddle back bumper ol Burma was squarely and badly damaged. Therefure, em n BNF3798 had changed lanes, me aocldenl occuned In me muddle line when il was ngnl n Mml o1 WWCl2B7 so, me Sesslcrl coun concluded lha| me rim Anvellanl enould sm oEAl11xHyEEPPl:lwlrzvMPw “Nair Smnl .. UIQG n may he nflfllnnllly em. m.n.n vn .nuna wrul an Day m equal pamans to me damages and oompensahon warned to me Fnsx Respondent Thu allanls umems [10] In seeking ans Court to Imervsne, ma Appellants subrnmed Ina! were were ermrs m we findings ov ma Sassnons com In nnmng me Appeuanos and me seaana and Third Respondents aquauy name wnan (a)The tram: vohoe corpora! Faun was nec tailed as a wnness‘ nu (ma was wnuudnd max wwc12a7 unganed anrma bu! slalcd |ha| based an Ina namge n coma be oonemna «mu wwc12s7 was dnven a men speed vmaram ma Impact caused (he saith on me driver [:11 The First Aapeflint had aeuuem ns police reporl mat slated ansma was asked to stop whun moments La(erWWC1267 crashad Inlu n from me rear. www |esIme11IhatCorpava|Fau1Ihad given a snacernenx um lhe latter one no| lesmy al max PW1 immmed me lnal cowl that Curpnra\ Fauzl had given sec/amen: that swam mac it had cnangaa Ia naa » ‘ yang bsrgsrak flan nuong kehga dan km Ielan Detgerak Ke raman kanan sedtkfl den bemarm secara mange/ut' n 2] me Appellanls pmsennea a melhorl olcasss on hearsay name “us Cnun In suppoll thew argument that u was lnaanussnhle evwencs and an sucn me snsmn cam ougm nm |o firm ma Aapeuanxs equafly Hams am nzmzxayzavwuwmrzvurw «ma s.nn lunhnrwm a. met! a may a. nrW\n|U|y am. dnuamnl VI mum v-max [13] The Appellants submllled mac lne cnsmlsl repons showed mal me damage In BNFSVBE was ngnl m ore middle rear mus me Irabllny could nal be appomoned equally. The Anpellanl lurmar relled an me pmlographs and Iepnrl lrom SPRINT lnal had slalea me pmnamlloy of wwcl267 had (allga|sd too closely [14] The aim! emar 0! me sascion Cmlfl mal ma Anpellams submmed on was ma lallure la cnnslder max ma Flax Appellant‘: raparr was lodgad five noun. allar ma acoldan|wl1lEH.he rlrsl aasponaenl was van menms allar rne Appellanl had mghlbghled mal ma lasllmomes av ma Flu! Rasamaarrrs mlnassas had cal-robcra|ad lrra Aaaallanla valslan at me uocldanl ma FlrslAppeHanlhadIe1M'led lh:| rla ma rlcl s|an aumaa all ula sudden He draws an a slow spud olsokm/ll and had grzduzlly sloopea. Tlrara wail a dlslarraa nl manly malars betweln anravua and Corporal Faun The Appellanl submnled thalWWCl267 travelled al mgr. speed (ha| had czussd II In crash lnlo anrme and man swerved lme lne bamel mlul had kllleu ma dsceased drlver nro socom: Inn T ' Rssgrrusrr nsgfig [151 The Second and Third Respondents malnlalned mar ansam Ilzd swrlcnea lanes wilnoul any lnulcamrr arla s|cppeu abruptly In mum of WWCI267 as dlrec1ed by me pollce and had caused WWCI257 lowlme am ll lrarr. me rear It was lhell submraslons mar llra al:clden| was fully altribulad In ma negligence 0| swam mal mu changed larras and uoppsd suddenly laaalaa a dangerms snuauarl wvuch was lmposunle lor me dacund am: olWWC1267 la am: am nzmzxayzavwulmrzvurw “Nana Smnl luvlhnrwlll rs. UIQG a may r... nflnlnnllly ml. dnuavlml VI nFluNfl ml [15] Yhere were submsssnons on the errors omre Session Cnun mmrey had not Vodgsd arr appeal agamst me deceron Iha| mean! my had accepted nand had no ccnrclarrns. Th|Oou sassessmenlof wm co The accrdonl m1 ms Court flrsl smdled me rndependenn evrdence nr ms Avpsal Records 7 me Dhmngraphs and me reccrte, cnenrrsnr and SFRVNT! — end Doncmded mal the aa:man| rrad accurred wnerr bum vamdes more rrr me same line‘ aursvea was In rrorn M wwcrzsv me damage ausrarned by both venrclea canfinnad an a balance or prdazmmres mat Ih:| was me posmnn 01 me venrexes there was no ewdanec mat me accident had happened whilst ma vemdss were In any mrrer pcsmon Thus. an a balance of pmbahw 1! can be ccnexuded that auram was already squarery In one same lane as wwcczsv swluated In norm 0! me waner, Ausl cneno me accvdsnl [1 51 We oowrrerroe lnllawmg me mursian a1WWCI267 Emu me rear 0! BNF3796. wwc1267 men look a swerve to me Ien and washed mu) ma divider bamev It was url1umJnale mat me resml 0! are Iocmenl caused me lalahly of me deceased drwar and very serrcus vuunes w the F|rs| Responderrc that changed me me Lxabl/lg [1 91 Nlhaugh n wcmd have Inflaefl assisted me mun w me name pence rnrneew was called so resrity as ma ernderrce would have been max 9! an era nzmzxayzavwuwmzvurw «ma a.n.r nmhnrwm be met! a van! r... ar1mrruHIy -mm: dnuamnl VI mum war independent observer. lhls use was only squlppea wlm lne oral lesllmonles or me FilS| Annellanl and me Secnnd Responnenl on the amount ol the acclaenl. Yhls Coun consldeved lne evldence In me Appeal Recolvs The lacs lrom ma leslnnony alme FlvstAppe||an|, me dlwerol aurawe are as (allows . ENF3798 was In lne mldflle lane wwen me name pollce [rum me lell went ahead and aneclau name to s|ap la enable me royal motorcade to pass The llaffir: nollce calna lmm ma lanss on Ina loll, lhsn he want lo me muddle lane up arms rmm where ENFHBS was lravalllng ana eloppea Ilslfic. There were no mher velllclus ln irum at ENFJ79El . Tu slap wens‘ lhelmlfic palms swl|I:hed on ms snan and rilsad ms hand won: he came to rns poslliun ahead VI lne mlddls lane. . Tne Fnsl Appellanlslwvsd dawn BNF37B8 and braked Priortu mantle Flrs(Appe||am drwe an wxmm He Ieshfied max mere were lime and opaorlunlny lo brake la some in a complete slanusllll: . me lralllc polloe men werl| arm) the lane on me rlghtmost lane to slap the lrelllc male, . A snarl wnlle aha awravss s1oppsd,WWCl2l7 uesneu inla lls lean Yhe Flnl Aupallant observed lnal WWCI257 Inst sm hEAl11xHyEEPPl:lwlrzvMPw “Nair Smnl .. UIQG n my me nflmnnllly mum: m.n.n VI nFluNa wrul [2I] Donlml‘ and: n nad cmsned mto BNF3793. swawed to me Ian and crashed unto me d an . The xmpam ofme crash from behmd by wwc12e7 had inched aNF379e «award that caused me Fm Respondent’: mad to rapidly banged la Ihs back, . A poms raporl was lodged a law nuurs rater The Fm Resnflndenl m wwc12a7 had lamfied ma cduowmg [ans . swans md mwened lmm ma MI lane flhnul an leert away. when n ma suddenly xwncnad Vanss. wnnom any indxcilwun/signal ugms vrdm ma Ian War» In me midme lane m fmn(O1WWC1267 about so loI| m terms mdmande; . He won xponsd me name new nu aheau an the sanu lino‘ s|andmg on ma dolled painted hue on the road He was ilandmg In me rigm sue arms mdaorcyde. . anrma then suddenly brakes and slapped causing WWC1267 to crash mlo snmgm mm ‘rs rear. . He recalled nsanng ma mm appudd by me deceased dnver seated dn ns ngm m wwc12e7 nu: ma oduismn had awraady happened He men passed am and cduxd ndx lsslify lo (aux memnec sm nzmzxayzavwuwmrzvurw «mm. Sml\lI1v\hnrwH\I>e d... It: may he mm-y -mm: dnunmnl VI mum Wm! . He opmedihal nauravsa nan not swuahea Ianas, me aocvdent would not have happened. . He uomd have my magea me name recon many mums aner ma amuann due |o ms rmspnausaoan for me gmve Iruunes mat he had smlsmd wdudlng luswg a hmh. amungs1 ulhers [221 rm mm was also me |es(Imony 5! me masngaung omoe: me was cause as wmnoss co: ma Fnsl Raapmaann as Pwi He named Ina! he ma recorded me uaxemam 0! me name pohca who had no| lodged any palms mam an m. accrdeni ma com agrees mm the lubmtssmns av ma Appauanu mal the lashmany u Pwt an In Must Inc trim: palnce had and unou-nan in hearsay. See c.pmv Inturlncu ans v Cncang Nung Loony can-:smnnsn<1.; Sdrv Bhd[2Ull5] s MLJ 593, Runs] 4 cu «.|zuo51sAMRm, Mlllyiia Nafinnallnsunrvcl Sdn sndvmmysu. Rubbnr aavuopm-m Corp [was] 2 MLJ 124. Laanv Hang Kn Public Pmse:uIur[1986] 2 MU 2115 and Wong nun we v Mohnmd An [1971] 2 MLJ17§ v [23] Upnn a ckxset scmnny of ms les1\many‘(hLs Court observed that ma mvsshganon revealed that ma Fllsl Appellanmad malmamed ms account 0! me acuaem m max ENFIYEB had all me whxle been Iraveflmg m me mmme lane pnor |u Ihe msnucuon by ma Irafic pohce Io hall. H9 mu also agreed mm me cankenlmn max wwc12s1 was Iravsllmg at high speed wmoh resulted m I|s Inahmly m s|op m Mme and studded and crushing unto me divider Illa! havmg callmsd with anrme am nzmzxayzavwuwmrzvurw «mm. saw .. U... a may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-max
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10
Application for leave to execute judgment after 6 years - Reasons for delay in executions not disclosed in affidavit - Mandatory for Court to be satisfied with reasonable delay - No materials for Court to exercise its discretion
YA Tuan Ong Chee Kwan
1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY, MALAYSIA (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) SUIT NO.: 22NCC-444-11/2014 BETWEEN SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT BANK MALAYSIA BERHAD (Dahulunya dikenali sebagai Bank Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana Malaysia Berhad) (49572-H) … PLAINTIFF AND 1. PD MARINE SERVICES SDN BHD (Company No.: 197927-A) 2. HAJI YAACOB BIN HAJI HUSSIN (NRIC: 451001-05-5349 / Old NRIC: 0906134) 3. MOHD SALIHODDIN BIN HAJI HUSSIN (NRIC: 591226-05-5379 / Old NRIC: 5804897) 4. MOHD HELMY AZRAI BIN YAACOB (NRIC: 770531-05-5491 / Old NRIC: A3671111) 5. MOHD SHAHRANI BIN MOHAMAD TAIB (NRIC: 700129-08-5859 / Old NRIC: A1597987) 6. NORDIANA WAHIDA BINTI YAACOB (NRIC: 801001-05-5346) …DEFENDANTS 07/11/2023 15:23:24 22NCC-444-11/2014 Kand. 22 S/N 351shL/fMEmUdOM7e17iLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 2 JUDGMENT (Enclosure 16) Introduction [1] This is an application under Enclosure 16 by the Plaintiff pursuant to Order 46 Rule 2(1)(a) and Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012 for leave to enforce the summary judgment of this Court that was granted on 13.4.2015 given that more than 6 years have lapsed since the date of the said judgment. [2] The application was dismissed on the ground that no reasons, let alone satisfactory reasons were given in the affidavit filed in support of the leave to explain the Plaintiff’s delay in the enforcement of the judgment within the 6 years for this Court to exercise its discretion. Brief Background [3] Based on the affidavit filed in support (Enclosure 17), the Plaintiff averred that the summary judgment was obtained on 13.4.2015 (“the Judgment”) arising from the breach of a Term Loan and Fixed Loan Facility granted to the 1st Defendant wherein the 2nd to 6th Defendants had stood as guarantors. The Judgment was: a) against the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Defendants jointly and severally for the sum of RM 596,559.56 as at 31.7.2014 with interest at the rate of 1.5% above the prime rate at 6.85% p.a. from 1.8.2014 to full realisation; S/N 351shL/fMEmUdOM7e17iLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 3 b) against the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Defendants jointly and severally for the sum of RM 3,532,335.77 as at 31.7.2014 with interest at the rate of 4.0 % p.a. from 1.8.2014 until full realisation; c) against the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th Defendants jointly and severally for the sum of RM 4,766,882.78 as at 31.7.2014 with interest at the rate of 4% p.a. from 1.8.2014 until full realisation. [4] As security for the Term Loan and Fixed Loan Facility, the 1st Defendant had charged the property held under No. Hakmilik 65881, Lot 1485, Mukim Si Rusa, Daerah Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan (“the Property”) to the Plaintiff. [5] On 14.8.2019, the Plaintiff had obtained an order for the sale of the Property. The Court thereafter, on 28.4.2021, ordered for the Property to be sold by public auction on 7.7.2021. The Property was successfully sold by auction at RM 510,000.00 on 20.9.2021 and the Plaintiff received the full proceeds of sale on 21.12.2021. [6] Quite clearly, the proceeds of sale from the Property were wholly insufficient to meet and satisfy the entire sums ordered to be paid under the Judgment. [7] As at 18.8.2023, the outstanding sums under the Judgment was RM 6,434,697.57. [8] As more than 6 years have lapsed since the Judgment on 13.4.2015, the Plaintiff sought for leave to enforce on the Judgment. S/N 351shL/fMEmUdOM7e17iLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 4 Court’s Deliberations [9] Apart from stating that the proceeds of sale from the Property were insufficient to meet the Judgment sums and the fact that the Plaintiff has the avenue to enforce the Judgment by filing a winding up petition against the 1st Defendant and commencing bankruptcy proceedings against the other Defendants, no satisfactory reasons have been proffered by the Plaintiff explaining the reasons for the delay in enforcing the Judgment as required under Order 46 Rule 3(2)(b) of the Rules of Court 2012. [10] The Plaintiff could have proceeded to enforce the Judgment against all and or any of the Defendants concurrently with the action taken to enforce on the charge over the Property during the entire period from 13.4.2015 to 13.4.2021 but did not do so. No reasons were given. [11] Even after the proceeds of sale were received sometime on 21.2.2021 and the Plaintiff realised the insufficiency of the amount, the Plaintiff did not take any steps to enforce on the Judgment before 13.4.2021, prior to the expiration of the 6 years. Again, no reasons were given. [12] The burden is on the Plaintiff to provide sufficient reasons and the cause for the delay [See: Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad v. East Curve Development Sdn Bhd [2019] AMEJ 1260]. The requirement to provide reasons for the delay is mandatory [See: CIMB Bank Bhd v. Teratai Sanjung (M) Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 MLJ 249]. S/N 351shL/fMEmUdOM7e17iLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 5 [13] Regrettably, the Plaintiff has failed to discharge its burden and to provide the reasons for the delay. Thus, there are no materials of which this Court can rely upon to exercise its discretion to grant the leave as sought. Conclusion [14] For the reasons stated above, the Plaintiff’s application under Enclosure 16 is dismissed. Dated the 7th day of November 2023 ONG CHEE KWAN Judge of the High Court of Malaya High Court of Kuala Lumpur, NCC2 Counsel: 1. Mr. Hapizi bin Hashim for Plaintiff Messrs. Sidek teoh Wong & Dennis (Kuala Lumpur) S/N 351shL/fMEmUdOM7e17iLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 6 Case Reference: 1. Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad v. East Curve Development Sdn Bhd [2019] AMEJ 1260] 2. CIMB Bank Bhd v. Teratai Sanjung (M) Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 MLJ 249 Legislation Reference: 1. Order 46 Rule 2(1)(a) and Rule 3; Order 46 Rule 3(2)(b) of the Rules of Court 2012 S/N 351shL/fMEmUdOM7e17iLQ **Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal 22Ncc—u4—11/2014 Kano. 22 ; ,1, :m' A7 2~ A4 IN YHE HIGH COUHY or MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUH IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY, MALAVSIA (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) sun No - 22NCC-M4-11/201! aErwEEN SMALL MEDIuM EN1EnI>aIsE DEvELoI=MEN1 BANK MALAVSIA BERHAD (Dahulunya dlkenall sehagal Bank Pemsahaan Kecil a. Sedarhana Malaysla Eemad] (49572-H) FLAINYIFF AND I. PD MARINE sEnvIcEs SDN EHD (Company Nn.:197927»A) 2. HA..II VAACOB BIN HAJI HUSSIN (NRlC:45IDD1-05-5149/Old Nfll :a9nsI:I4) :I. MOHD SALIHODDIN EIN HAJI HUSSIN (NRIC: 591226-05-517M om Nfll . anaasv) 4. MOHD HELMV AZHAI EIN VAACOB (NRIC: 7705:1415-5491 / om Nfll :AJ571I I I) 5. MOHD SHAHHANI BIN MOHAMAD TAIB (NRIC: 7|‘K'H29-('lE-5859/ om Nfll 1597957) 6. NOHDIANA WAHIDA BINTI VAACOB (NRIC: BDIDD1-05-51:16] ...DEFENDANYS sw J51 shLNMEmUDCIM7aI7ILfl -mm Sum -m...mI nausea Inve'WK-enIIvIruIIl’1u‘1msDMAIEMKVAEFILING varuI JUDGMENT 1Enc/asurs 16') In1roum:1|on [1] ‘H115 15 an apphcaunn under Encmsure 15 by me Pla|n|1ll pursuanl (0 Omar 46 we 211)1a) ana Rule 3 a1 me Rules a1 Court 2012 for 1eave In enlavce me summary mgmem al nms Caurl ma1 was granted an 13.4 mm given ma1 move man 5 yeavs have 1apssa smce \he dam a1 me sa1d ]udgmen| [2] The apphcamn was a1sm1ssec1 on me ground that no reasons, le\ a1ane saus1aanmy veasans weve g1ven1n|he all1dav|H11ed1n supporl a1 \he 1eave |a sxp1a1n ms P1a1nhH's ae1aym1he enlavcemem 0! ms wdgmenl within me 6 years 1a: \h1s Coun |a exermse us dnscreuan. arm Background [:1 Based on me an1aav.n11ea 1n suppon (Encmsure 171, me P1a1m111 averred max |he summary ]udgmen| was obta1ned an 13.4 2015 (‘the Judgmem')ar1s1ng1rom me breach a1aTerm Loan am F1xed Laan Fac1h|y granled m we 1:‘ Delendanl wherem |he 2M m 5"’ Delendams had sum as guavamms. The Judgment was a) aga1ns| ms 1“, 2"“ and 3'4 Delendams ]o1n|1y and severaHy rm ms sum al HM 596559.55 as at 31 7.2014 wnh mterest a| me me a1 1 5% above me pnme rate at 5 85% pa. lmm I.B.2DIA to mu real1saucm1 N :51 sr1u1MEmuno>.17e171Lo Nab! 5.11.1 mmhnv WW be used M now me mw1n.11-1 31111; nnmmnnl vn nF1uNG wru1 ¥ [4] [5] [7] 5) aga1ns|theI"12"“.4"' and 5*" oe1ehuah1sre1r1uy and severauy lar the sum al RM 35321335 77 as a| 31 7.2514 mm mterest at \he va|e a1A.D =/a p.a lmm 1 5 2514 un(1HuHreal1sa(1an, c) aga1ns|theI"12"“.4"' and st" oe1ehuah1sre1r1uy and severauy lar the sum al RM 17661552 75 as a| 31 7.2014 w1|h |n|eres| at \he va|e e1 Av. p.a 1rem 1 5 201A unm 1uu reahsaheh As seeumy lav me Term Loan and F1xed Laan Famlnyy me 15‘ Delendant had charged me prepeny he1u uhuer Ne. Hakmmk 55551, Lo| 1455, Mukun 51 Russ, Daerah Pen DVCIGOE Negen Semb|1an(“lhe Property") |o me P1am|n1 On IA.5 2019,1112 P|a|n|1ll had amameu an order lar |he sale al me Prepeny The ceun chereaner, on 25.4.2021. ordered 1er 1he Prepeny m be se1u by pubhc auchen en 7 7.2521. The Properly was suecess1uuy se1u by auchen at RM 515.005 no on 25.9.2521 and the F1a1n\m receweu the MI proceeds ol sa1e en 21 .12.2u21. Qmte mearly‘ 1he preeeeus on sale lmm lhe Properly were whauy 1hsu11.e1eh| to meet aha sahs1y me ehhre sums ordered to he paid under me Judgmem As a| 15.5.2023. me nulslandmg sums under me Judgmem was HM s.43A,s97.57. As mere than 6 years have 1apsea smce |he Judgment on 1a.A.2u1511he F\aIn|1!l seugm her leave |a emeree an the .|udgmen|. sw 151sr1u1»1Emuna>.17e171Lo ‘N512 Sum mmhnv WW be used M mm me urw1rr.11-r Jun; nnmmnnl vn .;1u>1a wru1 Conn‘: uelnbemlons [9] Apart vronr slahng ma| me proceeds al sa\e vronr \he Propeny were rnsumerenr 1e meet me Judgment sums and me «am rnar |he Plamml nas |he avenue to enlarce me Judgmem by mrng a wmdmg up pemmn aga|ns| me 1-‘ Delendant ano cornrnenerng bankruplcy proceedmgs agamsl |he drner Derendanrs, nd sauslactory reasons have been prouered by me F\amtM exprarnrng |he reasons «er me de\ay In envorerng me Judgmem as reourred under order 46 Rule 3(2)10) o1 \he Rmes e1 Caurl 2012. [10] The F\am(M1:eu|d have proceeded 1o enharce |he Judgment aga|ns| aH ano av any 131 me Deiendams concurrently wllh me achan |aken to enverce on me charge over me Propeny dunng me en1rre perrod lmm 13.4.20151d 13.4 2021 hm drd no| do so No reasons were grven [11] Even auer me proceeds al sa\e were reserved sameume on 212.2021 and me Waxnm reahsed me rnsmrrerency o1 me amaunL me P\amMl ord ndr \ake any steps 1o enlavce on \he Judgmem nature 13 A2021‘ pnar 1e \he explrahan o1 me 6 years. Agam. no reasons were grven [12] The burden rs on me Plalnhll 1e prowde srmrerenr reasons and me cause 1or me de\ay [see Bank Keqasama Flakyat Ma/aysra Bemad V. Easr Curve Develnpmenr Sdn end [2019] AMEJ 1260] me veqmremenl to provide reasons «er me de\ay rs mandatory [see CIMB Bank Bhd V T2rata1San/ung(/VI) sdn Bhd[2D20] 1 MLJ 249] n 151snuwErr.uoa>.17e17rLo Nah! s.n.r numhnv WW be used m now me orwrrr.u-r Arms ooamrrr vn mun: wrm [13] Regreuably, the Wamm has tailed m mschsygs us burden and m prowde me reasons «or the de\ay. Thus, there are no ma|ena\s av wmch «ms com can vely upon \a exermse ms duscreuan m gvant me Weave as saugh|. Concluslnn [14] For me reasons s|ate\1 above, me msmmrs sppncsuon under Enclasuve 16 \s dusmwssed. Dated me 7'" day al November 2023 om: cuss KWAN Judge al \he Hugh Court ac Ma\aya Hwgh Cnun av Kuala Lumpm, NCC2 Counsel: 1. Mr. Hspm hm Hashxm lar Plannhll Messrs. Sldek tenh Wang A Denms (Kua/a Lumpul) N 151 snuvMEmuaowe1'nLo Nab! Sum mmhnv WW be used M now he mwvuulv aim nnmmnnl vn mun: Wm Case Reference: 1. Bank Keaasama Rakyat Ma/aysra Berhad V East Curve Development Sdn Bhd [2019] AMEJ 1260] 2. CIMB Bank Bhd V Teratar San1ung(M) Sdn BhL1[2D2D] 1 MLJ 249 Legislation Reference: 1. omens Hme 2(1){a) am mes, Order 46 Rule 3(2)1b)olme Rules ac Cnur12D12 w 151 snuvMEmunoM7e17xLo -mm Sum mmhnv WW be used M mm me mwmu-v fiws nnmmnnl vn mun: Wm
Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10